I ?gr/*2 : 7~~2s> Appropriate Technology Information selected abstracts from the NTIS Data File Second Edition — November 1979 For Developing Countries: PB80-1 17666 International Technical Information Network, a project of the U.S. Agency for International Development. ABOUT NTIS The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is an agency within the United States Department of Commerce dedicated to the international exchange of scientific and technical information. It is the largest clearinghouse and dissemination network for U.S. Government-sponsored research and development, and draws upon other public and private information sources throughout the world. The NTIS collection exceeds one million titles, with over 150,000 documents from sources outside the United States. NTIS operates as a self-supporting public service to store and channel technical information in the public domain. Bibliographic data is maintained on-line and compre- hensive listings are printed of all documents in the NTIS collection. The public may quickly locate summaries of interest using on-line search or by consulting various published searches prepared by information specialists at NTIS. The desired documents (in full text) can then be ordered in papercopy or microfiche. NTIS mails about 2,300 information products daily as one of the world's largest processors of specialty information. As a part of a new initiative to aid economic development, NTIS, under the sponsorship of the U.S. Agency for International Development, has become actively involved in the acquisition and dissemination of appropriate technology information for developing countries. This joint NTIS/AID international program already consists of a worldwide information network. Some 30 cooperating agencies in developing countries around the world collect technical information, put the documents into the NTIS system, and use NTIS services to meet their own development needs. The NTIS network is a major clearinghouse for the two-way flow of appropriate technology information; a worldwide sharing of technical information which will continue to grow in the future. For further information about this NTIS/AID program contact: Terrance L. Lindemann Foreign Affairs Administrator NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W. Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20004 Appropriate Technology Information selected abstracts from the NTIS Data File Second Edition — November 1979 For Developing Countries: *i.* T0F cfev X spates o* ' ifns UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Prepared by the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service in collaboration with the Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Inc. 50272-101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. REPORT NO. 4. Title and Subtitle SELECTED APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: (Abstracts from the NTIS Data File) 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date November 1979 7. Author(s) EDITOR: Paul L Bundick 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Volunteers In Technical Assistance 3706 Rhode Island Avenue Mount Rainier, Maryland 20822 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address National Technical Information Service 425- 13th Street, NW Suite 620 Washington D.C. 20004 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. (C) (G) 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 14. 15. Supplementary Notes Report prepared as part of the USAID sponsored International Technical Information Network program, (PASA # C2/LAR-0572-1-77) 16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words) This bibliography is an edited search of "appropriate technology" citations from the NTIS Bibliographic Data File. Over 2000 citations with abstracts are included. Appropriate Technology has been defined, in the context of this publication, as information which can be adapted and applied to improve the quality of life of low-income groups. This does not refer to "trickle-down" benefits but to direct benefits which foster self-reliance and a sense of dignity among the poor. The information, therefore, is broad in scope covering many fields but pertaining to one or more of the following categories: Smaller-scale technologies, Labor-intensive technologies, Low-cost technologies, Revived technologies, Improved Traditonal technologies , Alternative techniques, Useful Social and Management technologies and Selected Modern technologies adapted to the local needs amd enviroament . This Second Edition supercedes Issue Number One (PB-294 160) published in February, 1979 entitled, S elected Appropriat e Techn ologies For D eveloping Countries . 17. Document Analysis a. Descriptors b. Identifiers/OpenEnded Terms Appropriate Technology; Intermediate Technology ; small-scale industry; natural resources; agriculture, food production; village-level technology; development economics, development policy, AID, developing country application c. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This Report) 20. Security Class (This Page) 21. No. of Pages 425 22. Price E code (See ANSI-Z39.18) See Instructions on Reverse OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77) (Formerly NTIS-35) Department of Commerce 11 UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCY AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON DC 20523 January 4, 1980 Dear Colleague: The Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Agency for International Development is proud to introduce this new edition of Appropriate Technology Information for Developing Countries produced by the National Technical Information Service CNTIS) of the Department of Commerce. This publication grows out of a regional project, "Science and Technology Information Transfer," and represents a cooperative effort by AID and NTIS with the collaboration of Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA). This edition supersedes the first appropriate technology bibliography entitled, "Selected Appropriate Technologies for Developing Countries" and contains more than a thousand newly-acquired appropriate technology citations recently entered into the NTIS computerized data file. We trust this new information will be relevant to the needs and available resources of the poor in developing countries. Most of the information listed is available directly from NTIS and will receive wide dissemination through the AID/NTIS international information network. We hope that you will find the bibliography a useful reference guide and that this information will contribute to the solving of development problems in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sincerely, C^-y^p^jlM fy r Marshall D. Brown Associate Assistant Administrator for Development Resources Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean CONTENTS Report Documentation Page ii Letter of Transmittal iii Introduction vii USERS ' Guide xi Industry Profiles xii Industry Profile Subject Index xiii Appropriate Technology Abstracts 1 Subj ect Index 231 Corporate Author Index 307 Personal Author Index 341 Books in Spanish/Libros en Espanol 374 Books in French/Livres in Francais 3 78 How to Order Information from NTIS 383 Instructions for Completing Order Forms 384 Local Agencies in USAID Technical Information Network Back Cover v Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/appropriatetechnOOunit INTRODUCTION This publication, Appropriate Technology Information for Developing Countries was produced to inform the international development community about selected scientific and technical information available from NTIS which can be transferred, adapted, and applied to solve local development problems around the world. The selection was made from the vast NTIS data file, with over one million citations, using a broad definition of "appropriate technology." The entire question of the appropriateness of a given technology is a much debated and complex issue. Often it is narrowly defined as a small-scale, labor-intensive, low-cost technology which makes maximum use of local skills and resources. The concept of appropriate technology, however, is more sophisticated than the above definition implies. It is more a way of thinking about development problems than an actual set of specific technologies. It requires that development planners not value technology as a positive "good-in-itself " but assess its value in relation to other aspects of life. It requires that the technological problem be considered not solely as an economic problem but must be seen from a larger, more holistic perspective taking into account the multi-leveled needs of human beings. Implicit in the concept is the idea of responsibility to select, modify, and create technical solutions that will improve the actual quality of life with minimal negative impact. Appropriate technology has become increasingly important in development planning during the 1970' s and is now often associated with technologies best suited to meet the basic needs of low-income communities. This linkage grew out of the reali- zation that some of the techniques and solutions being transferred to developing countries were causing serious social and environ- mental problems, especially among the poor. This has caused VII USAID to focus much of its assistance toward helping the lowest income communities in developing countries. From this perspective appropriate technology has been viewed as a technology which is adapted or created to improve directly the quality of life of the low-income groups. This does not refer to "trickle down" benefits but to direct benefits which foster self-reliance and human dignity among the poor. Taking into account USAID ' s priority of aiding low income groups, the selections for this publication were made using the following general criteria: 1) Smaller-Scale Technologies This is exemplified by construction and farm equipment, manufacturing processes and scaled-down industrial plants. Other examples might be a report on a village- level cement plant or information about hand tractors for small farmers. 2) Labor-intensive Technologies Reports were chosen about devices and processes which generate employment and rely upon available labor and materials instead of scarce capital for start-up and operation. 3) L ow-Cost Technologies This includes inexpensive and village- level technologies most appropriate for economically marginal groups in both urban and rural areas. Examples include hand pumps, rabbit raising, simple methods of candle manu- facturing, etc. 4) Revived Technologies This refers to products and processes once used in the industrialized countries which may still be economically VIII beneficial in developing countries. For example, reports have been included on wind mills, certain machine tools, a variety of plant requirements and industry profiles. 5) I mproved Traditional Technologies One example might be ox carts built to traditional dimensions given better tires, wheel bearings, and a suspension system to improve load capacity and dura- bility. Another might be a fishing cooperative based on indigenous management models. 6) Alternatives and Know-How This includes a broad spectrum of information, from proven age-old practices to modern alternative approaches to problem- solving. An example of this would be the Chinese Barefoot Doctor's Manual, a hand- book featuring acupuncture and traditional herbal remedies, as well as modern medical practices. 7) Useful Social and Management Technologies This involves relevant information on health systems, education, cooperatives, small business administration, etc. 8) Selected Modern Technologies An appropriate solution to a problem often requires the most sophisticated technology. An example would be the latest agricultural research used to develop a special disease-resistant strain of rice, solar energy used to power a remote radio station, or program planning methods which can be adapted to a developing country context to meet priority needs. In working with the above outline, we have compiled a broad scope of information which can be appropriate when applied or adapted to specific situations. As previously stated, appro- priate technology is not so much a certain kind of technology as a process of choosing and implementing the right solutions IX for specific problems. In the last analysis, the appropriateness of the technical information in this publication will ultimately be determined by how well it is adapted and applied to the local context. The responsibility for its creative use must ultimately rest on the wisdom and values of the user. We hope you find these reports helpful and would appreciate hearing any suggestions about how the bibliography might be improved. Please let us know if you find certain documents especially appropriate and useful in your development efforts. Paul 1 . Bundick Editor USERS' GUIDE The abstracts selected for this publication have been arranged by their NTIS accession number in alpha-numerical order. This is an example of a typical abstract entry: Order/accession number. This number must be used to order NTIS products Corporate author Keywords — used for indexing and searching Abstract Entry PB-282 460/5 PC A03/MF A01 World Water Resources, Inc., Bethesda, Md. Rural Potable Water Chlorination -« William E. Hanford, Jr, and Alfred Long. 1970, 41p Rept no. WWRI/B-78/1 Sponsored in part by Agency for Inter- national Development, Washington, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Descriptors: * Rural areas, * Water treat- ment, 'Developing countries, Chlorina- tion, Purification, Maintenance, Gravity drainage, Chlorinators, Performance, Specifications. Identifiers: Appropriate technology. The paper addresses two questions: (1) ' What is the most desirable form of sani- tizing chemical for use in rural water supplies; and (2) What is the best over- all means of getting this sanitizing agent into rural water supplies. Several chem- icals and hypochlorinators are described and evaluated. In conclusion, a low-cost, dependable feeding device suitable for use in disinfecting marginal waters in the rural areas of developing countries is presented. The operation and main- tenance of this device is easy for the unskilled labor in these areas; no so- phisticated power source is needed to provide continuous, automatic opera- tion; the device uses a readily available, commercial chlorine chemical that can be economically shipped, stored, and used at these points of need. An ap- pendix is also included giving technical specifications and performance data. Price codes: PC means paper copy; MF, microfiche. Consult current code-price table for actual prices L— Title of document — Abstract of document To help the user locate the desired information, there are several indexes at the back of the book. The Subject Index classifies the documents by their key words. Only the starred descriptors and identifiers, however, will appear in the index. The above citation can be found under * Rural Areas, * Water Treatment, and 'Developing Countries in the Subject Index. This, unfortunately, limits the usefulness of the index, but space does not permit the cross referencing of the complete set of key words. We suggest looking through all the abstracts to be certain that you locate all the citations in your area of interest. In addition to the Subject Index, the Corporate Author, and Author indexes reference the organi- zation and person who wrote the report. The above example can be found under World Water Resources, Inc. in the Corporate Author Index and under William E. Hanford and Alfred Long in the Author Index. Most of the documents in this publication can be ordered in both papercopy and microfiche from NTIS. To order a document, look up the price code listed in the upper right hand corner of each cita- tion (see example above) and follow carefully the ordering instructions on page 383 . All documents must be ordered by accession number and not by title. If a document is not available from NTIS, you must contact the source directly to acquire the information. If not available from NTIS, please do not send NTIS the order. Of special interest to the entrepreneur is the section entitled Industry Profiles. These profiles are a series of professional analyses intended to promote the development of small-scale industry in developing countries. This section has its own subject index and the profiles do not appear in any of the three indexes previously mentioned. Please turn to page xii for further information. XI SPECIAL SECTION ON INDUSTRY PROFILES In 1966 and 1967, the Industry Profiles Program of the United States Agency for International Development published a series of professional analyses intended to promote the growth of industry in developing countries. Each profile gives basic information on a small- or medium-sized plant in a specific industry. It discusses the features of the industry and its marketing problems, shows the approximate amount of capital needed to establish a plant of specified capacity, and gives an estimate of the annual costs, by categories, of running the plant at full capacity. It also provides a workflow dia- gram and plant layout as well as supplementary reference information on technical journals, articles, books, patents, and professional services. Potential entrepreneurs can, by examining the profiles for the industries in which they are inter- ested, take the initial step in deciding whether to embark on particular projects. In some cases the next steps may be simple, in others they may be complicated, requiring full-scale feasibility studies by experts. But whatever the situation, it should be remembered that the profiles are not a substitute for the specific studies, whether simple or elabo- rate, that should precede the actual establishment of new plants. Before an investment is made in a plant, a feasibility study should be conducted. This may require skilled economic and engineering experi- ence. Here are some questions that must be answered. What is the present demand for the product, and how is it now being satisfied? Will the market absorb the production of the new plant? Will the estimated sales price and quality of the product make it competitive? What is the marketing and distribution plan and to whom will the product be sold? How will the plant be financed? Has a realistic time schedule been developed for construction delivery of equipment, obtaining materials and supplies, training person- nel and start-up time for the plant? Have arrange- ments been made to obtain needed materials and supplies? Are trained personnel available? Do adequate transportation, storage, power, com- munications, fuel, water, and other facilities exist? Has a sound plant for equipment, design, con- struction, and operations been developed? Have proper management controls for design, produc- tion, quality-control, and other factors been developed? Will the industry fit into the develop- ment plans for the area? What will be the social and biological impact? Will the industry be envi- ronmentally sound? Most important of all, will the industry contribute to the local quality of life? Although each profile provides a systematic guide for making cost estimates, profile data has been calculated on the basis of operating experi- ences and costs in the United States during the late 1960s. Since prices and conditions vary greatly in different countries, these figures must be adapted to local production experience and costs. ORDERING INFORMATION FOR INDUSTRY PROFILES NTIS has 400 Industry Profiles available for purchase. They are listed by subject in alpha- betical order beginning on the following page. The price for each individual Industry Profile is $3.50 if you live in North America (Mexico, Canada, USA) or have a USAID mission assisting your country. The price is $7.00 for non-AID countries outside North America. Complete sets of the 250 Industry Profiles pub- lished in 1966, AID-IP-66001 through AID-IP-66250 consecutively, may be purchased for $190 per set by North Americans and AID countries, or $380 by non-AID countries. Complete sets of the 150 Industry Profiles pub- lished in 1967, AID-IP-67251 through AID-IP-67400 consecutively may be purchased for $115 per set by North Americans or AID countries, and $230 per set for non-AID countries. After selecting the profiles in the subject areas of interest, find the order number directly to the right of the subject listing (example AID-IP- 66202). Enter this number in the appropriate order form at the back of the book and follow the instructions given on page 383 . To order the complete set of 250 published in 1966, use the order number AID-IP-66-ALL. To order the complete set of 150 published in 1967, use the order number AID-IP-67-ALL. XII INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Order Number Number of Pages Title Number Order of Number Pages A Abrasive Wheels AID-IP-66128 Acetylene and Oxygen Bottled AID-IP-67287 Acid, Salicylic AID-IP-66119 Acid, Sulfuric AIP-IP-66234 Adhesive Tape AID-IP-66151 Agricultural Implements .. AID-IP-66127 Air Conditioners and Refrigerators AID-IP-66201 Aluminum Architectural Specialties AID-IP-66128 Aluminum Cooking Utensils AID-IP-66129 Aluminum Die Castings . . AID-IP-66176 Aluminum Foundry AID-IP-67308 Aluminum Storm Windows and Doors AID-IP-66202 Animal Feed Pellets AID-IP-66015 Apparel, Nurses' Washable Service AID-IP-67398 Apple Sauce, Canned AID-IP-67356 Apples, Sliced, Canned . . AID-IP-67334 Apricots, Canned AID-IP-67336 Artists' Oil Paints AID-IP-67227 Asbestos-Cement Pipe . . . AID-IP-66177 Asbestos-Cement Siding.. AID-IP-66130 Asparagus, Canned AID-IP-67327 Asparagus Soup, Cream of, Canned AID-IP-67344 Asphalt Floor Tile AID-IP-66067 Asphalt Paving Material . . AID-IP-66203 Automobile Batteries AID-IP-66152 Automobile Mufflers AID-IP-66228 Automobile Tires AID-IP-66229 Automobile Tires and Tubes AID-IP-66230 Automobile and Truck Leaf Springs AID-IP-66131 Automobile and Truck Shock Absorbers AID-IP-67255 B Bagasse, Pulp From, For Wallboard AID-IP-66092 Bags, Cloth, for Agri- culture Products AID-IP-66155 Bags, Laundry AID-IP-67306 Bags, Paper AID-IP-66004 Bakery AID-IP-66028 Barrels AID-IP-66065 7 7 7 7 7 4 5 4 4 4 8 7 7 4 4 6 6 8 8 6 5 8 6 4 5 Bars and Shapes, Steel (15,000 Tons Annually). AID-IP-66243 7 Bars and Shapes, Steel (30,000 Tons Annually) . AID-IP-66244 7 Baskets, Crates and Hampers AID-IP-66084 5 Bassinets, Baby Beds and Pens AID-IP-66010 5 Bathrobes AID-IP-67265 5 Batteries, Automobile AID-IP-66152 8 Batteries, Flashlight and Radio AID-IP-67320 8 Bean Soup, Canned AID-IP-67393 4 Beans, Dry, Canned AID-IP-67338 4 Beans, Green, Canned . . . AID-IP-67354 4 Beans, Lima, Canned AID-IP-67384 4 Beans, Wax, Canned AID-IP-67340 4 Bed Stands, Coffee Tables and End Tables AID-IP-67266 6 Bedroom and Dining Room Furniture AID-IP-66043 5 Beds, Baby, Pens and Bassinets AID-IP-66010 5 Beef, Canned AID-IP-66231 4 Beets, Canned AID-IP-67328 4 Beverage Boxes AID-IP-66076 5 Beverages, Carbonated . . AID-IP-66001 5 Bicycle Tires and Innertubes AID-IP-67350 6 Bicycles AID-IP-66153 8 Billets, Steel AID-IP-66245 7 Bindery, Book AID-IP-66006 6 Bins, Storage AID-IP-66148 7 Biscuits and Crackers ... AID-IP-66011 4 Blackeyed Peas, Canned . AID-IP-67341 4 Blackstrap Molasses, Dehydrated AID-IP-67253 4 Blinds, Venetian AID-IP-67361 6 Block, Concrete AID-IP-66156 7 Blowers, Centrifugal AID-IP-66216 8 Blueberries, Canned AID-IP-67335 4 Board, Fiber AID-IP-66049 6 Board, Particle AID-IP-66041 5 Book Bindery AID-IP-66006 6 Bookcases, Corner Cabinets and Secretaries AID-IP-67258 5 Books, Printing Shop .... AID-IP-66005 6 Box Springs and Innerspring Mattresses . AID-IP-67254 6 Boxes and Shooks AID-IP-66078 5 Boxes, Beverage AID-IP-66076 5 XIII INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Order Number Number of Pages Title Number Order of Number Pages Boxes, Cardboard and Paper Products AID-IP-66056 Boxes, Fiber, Corrugated. AID-IP-66048 Brake Lining Sets AID-IP-66204 Brass Foundry AID-IP-66101 Brewers Flakes AID-IP-67293 Brick and Cement, High Alumina Refractory .... AID-IP-67314 Bricks, Building AID-IP-66132 Bricks, Refractory AID-IP-66194 Brief Cases, Leather AID-IP-67275 Broccoli, Canned AID-IP-67391 Broiler Production — Poultry Farm AID-IP-67374 Brooms AID-IP-66154 Brushes, Paint and Varnish AID-IP-66166 Buckets, Pails and Pans . . AID-IP-66103 Building Hardware AID-IP-66102 Burlap Cloth from Jute . . . AID-IP-67358 Buttons, Shell AID-IP-66170 C Cabinets, Kitchen AID-IP-66086 Cabinets, Metal Filing AID-IP-66046 Cafeteria and Restaurant Furniture AID-IP-67360 Camelback AID-IP-66178 Candy and Confectionery . AID-lP-67368 Canning Apple Sauce AID-IP-67356 Sliced Apples AID-IP-67334 Apricots AID-IP-67336 Asparagus AID-IP-67327 Asparagus Soup AID-IP-67344 Bean Soup AID-IP-67393 Dry Beans AID-IP-67338 Green Beans AID-IP-67354 Lima Beans AID-IP-67384 Wax Beans AID-IP-67340 Beef AID-IP-66231 Beets AID-IP-67328 Blackeyed Peas AID-IP-67341 Blueberries AID-IP-67335 Broccoli AID-IP-67391 Vegetables (Cooperative) AID-IP-66224 Vegetables (Commercial) AID-IP-66223 Carrots AID-IP-67389 Cauliflower AID-IP-67351 Celery Soup AID-IP-67343 Cherries AID-IP-67326 Citrus Fruit AID-IP-66061 Creamed Corn AID-IP-67337 Whole Kernel Corn AID-IP-67353 Corn Soup AID-IP-67394 Cranberries AID-IP-67381 Fish AID-IP-67304 Food Processing AID-IP-67388 Green Peas AID-IP-67382 Hominy AID-IP-67330 Kale Greens AID-IP-67390 Meat AID-IP-67292 Mushroom Soup AID-IP-67395 Okra AID-IP-67331 Onions AID-IP-67355 Dehydrated Onions AID-IP-67312 Pea Soup AID-IP-67366 Pork and Beans AID-IP-67367 Pumpkin AID-IP-67352 Red Raspberries AID-IP-67364 Tomato Soup AID-IP-67365 Spinach AID-IP-67339 Squash AID-IP-67386 Strawberries AID-IP-67333 Sweet Potatoes AID-IP-67332 Tomato Juice AID-IP-67392 Tomatoes AID-IP-67342 Tuna Fish AID-IP-66232 Orange Juice AID-IP-66090 Peaches AID-IP-67329 Pears AID-IP-67357 Pineapples AID-IP-67383 Plums AID-IP-67387 Sardines AID-IP-67396 Canning, Vegetables (Commercial) AID-IP-66223 Canning, Vegetables (Cooperative) AID-IP-66224 Carbide AID-IP-66233 Carrots, Canned AID-IP-67389 Cartons, Paper, Corrugated AID-IP-66081 Carts, Grocery AID-IP-67371 Cassava Starch, Glucose from AID-IP-67313 Cast Iron Pipe, Centrifugal AID-IP-66179 Cast Iron Soil Pipe AID-IP-67260 Castings, Die, Aluminum. . AID-IP-66176 Castings, Die, Zinc AID-IP-67372 Castor Oil and Meal AID-IP-67269 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 7 XIV INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Number Order of Number Pages Title Number Order of Number Pages Castor Oil Hydrogenated. AID-IP-66104 Cattle Feed from Manioc Pulp AID-IP-67305 Cauliflower, Canned AID-IP-67351 Caustic Soda AID-IP-66050 Celery Soup, Cream of, Canned AID-IP-67343 Cement AID-IP-66133 Cement and Brick, High Alumina Refractory AID-IP-67314 Cement, Rubber AID-IP-66118 Centrifugal Blowers AID-IP-66216 Ceramic Dinnerware AID-IP-66134 Ceramic Ware, Poreclain Enamel AID-IP-66192 Ceramics, Small Shop ... AID-IP-66145 Chain-Link Fencing AID-IP-66206 Chairs and Tables, Wood. AID-IP-66099 Chairs, Bentwood AID-IP-67264 Chairs, Folding AID-IP-66047 Chairs, Office AID-IP-66089 Chairs, Occasional, Upholstered AID-IP-66044 Chalk Whiting AID-IP-66207 Cherries, Canned AID-IP-67326 Chocolate Dipped Products AID-IP-67376 Church Furniture AID-IP-67272 Cinder Block, Concrete . . AID-IP-66180 Citrus Fruit — Whole Sections, Canned AID-IP-66061 Clay, Tile Roofing AID-IP-67303 Cloth Bags for Agricultural Products AID-IP-66155 Cloth, Burlap, from Jute . . AID-IP-67358 Clothing, Men's and Boy's Underwear AID-IP-66025 Gloves AID-IP-67273 Gloves AID-IP-67345 Gloves AID-IP-66024 Wash and Wear Pants. . AID-IP-67268 Work Pants AID-IP-66052 Cotton Pajamas AID-IP-67279 Stretch Socks AID-IP-67251 Suits AID-IP-67348 Socks AID-IP-66017 Wash and Wear Shirts . . AID-IP-67347 Dress Shirts AID-IP-66023 Work Shoes AID-IP-66111 Dress Shoes AID-IP-66073 Work Shirts AID-IP-66062 6 Sports Shirts AID-IP-67362 5 Rubber-Soled Fabric 4 Shoes AID-IP-66068 6 4 Sport Stockings AID-IP-67257 5 6 Bathrobes AID-IP-67265 5 Clothing, Women's and 4 Misses' 7 Cotton Gingham Dresses AID-IP-67397 5 7 Cotton Broadcloth 6 Dresses AID-IP-67267 5 8 Cotton Dresses AID-IP-66037 5 7 Handbags and Leather Specialties AID-IP-66074 6 7 Cotton Pajamas AID-IP-67279 5 7 Stretch Socks AID-IP-67251 5 7 Shoes AID-IP-66250 6 5 Dress Shoes AID-IP-66109 6 6 Slips AID-IP-67378 5 6 Suits AID-IP-67369 5 6 Nurses' Washable Service Apparel AID-IP-67398 5 6 Rubber-Soled Fabric 7 Shoes AID-IP-66068 6 4 Bathrobes AID-IP-67265 5 Nylon Hosiery AID-IP-66088 5 5 Cloves, Oil of AID-IP-66113 6 6 Cocoa Butter AID-IP-67288 5 7 Coffee Tables, End Tables and Bed Stands AID-IP-67266 6 4 Cold Storage for Meat 7 and Poultry AID-IP-66208 8 Compressors, Va, Horse- 5 power Sealed Unit . . AID-IP-66235 8 5 Concrete Blocks AID-IP-66156 7 Concrete Cinder Blocks . . AID-IP-66180 7 5 Concrete, Dry-Mixed, 5 In Bags AID-IP-66211 7 5 Concrete Pipe AID-IP-66157 7 5 Concrete Posts AID-IP-67285 7 5 Concrete, Ready-Mixed, 5 In Bags AID-IP-67286 7 5 Concrete, Reinforced, 5 Construction Products . AID-IP-67271 7 5 Concrete Slabs AID-IP-66158 7 5 Conduit, Steel, Flexible . . AID-IP-66184 7 5 Confectionery and Candy. AID-IP-67368 5 5 Construction Products, 6 Reinforced Concrete . . AID-IP-67271 7 5 Containers, Glass AID-IP-66075 7 5 xv INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Order Number Number of Pages Title Order Number Number of Pages Conveyors and Portable Elevators AID-IP-66209 8 Cooking and Heating Stoves AID-IP-66210 8 Cooking Stoves, Portable . AID-IP-66220 8 Cooking Utensils, Aluminum AID-IP-66129 7 Cooking Utensils, Iron .. . AID-IP-66187 7 Coolers, Refrigerated Walk-In AID-IP-66168 8 Copper Tubing AID-IP-66105 7 Copper Wire AID-IP-66106 7 Cork Products AID-IP-66021 5 Corn, Cream Style, Canned AID-IP-67337 4 Corn Soup, Cream of, Canned AID-IP-67394 4 Corn, Whole Kernel, Canned AID-IP-67353 4 Corner Cabinets, Book- cases and Secretaries . AID-IP-67258 5 Corrugated Boxes, Fiber . AID-IP-66048 7 Corrugated Cartons, Paper AID-IP-66081 7 Costumes, Lamps and Picture Frames AID-IP-66082 5 Cotton Broadcloth Dresses, Ladies AID-IP-67267 5 Cotton Crochet and Knitting Yarn AID-IP-66033 5 Cotton Dresses AID-IP-66037 5 Cotton Gingham Dresses, Women and Misses .... AID-IP-67397 5 Cotton Pajamas AID-IP-67279 5 Cotton Roll-Edged Mattresses AID-IP-66083 6 Cotton Shirting AID-IP-66031 5 Cotton, Surgical AID-IP-66016 8 Cotton, Terry Cloth AID-IP-66032 5 Cotton Yarn AID-IP-66236 5 Cotton Yarn (Small Plant). AID-IP-66238 5 Crackers and Biscuits AID-IP-66011 4 Cranberries, Canned AID-IP-67381 4 Crates, Baskets and Hampers AID-IP-66084 5 Creosoted Wood Products AID-IP-67321 5 Crocheting and Knitting, Cotton Yarn AID-IP-66033 5 Crystal, Fine Cast and Hand Blown Glass AID-IP-66186 7 Cultivators, Rice Paddy . . AID-IP-66143 8 Cut Glass AID-IP-66181 7 D Date and Fig Processing. . AID-IP-67261 4 Detergent, Synthetic AID-IP-66002 6 Diammonium and Superphosphate AID-IP-66123 6 Die Castings, Aluminum . . AID-IP-66176 7 Die Castings, Zinc AID-IP-67372 7 Dining Room and Bed- room Furniture AID-IP-66043 5 Dinnerware, Ceramic .... AID-IP-66134 7 Door and Sash Plant AID-IP-66022 5 Doors and Storm Win- dows, Aluminum AID-IP-66202 7 Doors, Flush AID-IP-66039 5 Dress Shirts, Men AID-IP-66023 5 Dress Shoes, Ladies AID-IP-66109 6 Dress Shoes, Men AID-IP-66073 6 Dresses, Cotton AID-IP-66037 5 Dresses, Cotton Broad- cloth, Ladies AID-IP-67267 5 Dresses, Women and Misses Cotton Gingham AID-IP-67397 5 Dry Beans, Canned AID-IP-67338 4 Dry Cleaning AID-IP-66159 8 Dry Cleaning, Self- Service, Coin Operated AID-IP-67283 8 Dry Ice AID-IP-66107 6 Dryers, Laundry, Household AID-IP-67263 8 Dry-Mixed Concrete In Bags AID-IP-66211 7 E Earthenware, Kitchen AID-IP-66136 7 Earthenware, Pottery .AID-IP-67379 7 Egg Production — Poultry Farm AID-IP-67259 4 Electric Fans, 12-Inch Oscillating AID-IP-66182 8 Electric Motors, 1/6 to 10 Horsepower AID-IP-66160 8 Electric Outlets, Switches and Fuse Boxes AID-IP-67290 8 Electric Space Heaters .. AID-IP-66183 8 Electric System, Small Community AID-IP-66171 8 Electrodes for Neon Lights AID-IP-66212 8 Electroplating AID-IP-66246 7 Elevators, Portable, and Conveyors AID-IP-66209 8 XVI INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Number Order of Number Pages Title Number Order of Number Pages Enamel, Porcelain Ceramic Ware AID-IP-66192 7 Enameled Plates, Teapots and Kettles AID-IP-66213 7 End Tables, Coffee Tables and Bed Stands. AID-IP-67266 6 Envelopes AID-IP-66055 6 Extension and Step Ladders AID-IP-66020 5 Eyeglass Frames, Plastic. . AID-IP-66242 8 F Fans, Electric, 12-Inch Oscillating AID-IP-66182 8 Feed, Cattle, From Manioc Pulp AID-IP-67305 4 Feed Pellets, Animal .... AID-IP-66015 4 Feed, Starch and Oil from Sorghum Grain .. AID-IP-67317 4 Fencing, Chain-Link AID-IP-66206 7 Fertilizer Mixing AID-IP-66066 6 Fiberboard AID-IP-66049 6 Fiber Boxes, Corrugated. . AID-IP-66048 6 Fig and Date Processing. . AID-IP-67261 4 Filing Cabinets, Metal . . . AID-IP-66046 6 Filters, Water, Domestic. . AID-IP-66200 8 Fish Canned AID-IP-67304 4 Dried and Salted AID-IP-66008 4 Quick-Frozen AID-IP-66014 4 Prawn AID-IP-67276 4 Sardines AID-IP-67396 4 Seafood AID-IP-67311 4 Tu na AID-IP-66232 4 Fish, Canned AID-IP-67304 4 Fish, Dried and Salted . . . AID-IP-66008 4 Fish Meal and Fish Oil Plant — Evaporation Process (20 Tons) AID-IP-67318 5 Fish Meal and Fish Oil Plant — Evaporation Process (40 Tons) AID-IP-67377 5 Fish Oil and Fish Meal Plant — Evaporation Process (20 Tons) AID-IP-67318 5 Fish Oil and Fish Meal Plant — Evaporation Process (40 Tons) AID-IP-67377 5 Fish Oil and Meal AID-IP-66007 5 Fish, Quick-Frozen AID-IP-66014 4 Fixtures and Jigs AID-IP-67310 Flakes, Brewers AID-IP-67293 Flakes, Potatoes AID-IP-66167 Flashlight and Radio Batteries AID-IP-67320 Floor Tiles, Asphalt AID-IP-66067 Floor Tiles, Rubber AID-IP-66069 Floor Tiles, Vinyl AID-IP-66071 Flooring, Hardwood Parquet AID-IP-66038 Flour, Wheat AID-IP-66026 Foam Rubber and Polyurethane Foam . . . AID-IP-66045 Food Processing, General. AID-IP-67388 Foundry, Aluminum AID-IP-67308 Foundry, Brass AID-IP-66101 Foundry, Gray Iron Jobbing AID-IP-66237 Foundry, Non-Ferrous Metals AID-IP-67346 Foundry, Pattern Making. . AID-IP-67309 Fruit and Fruit Peel, Glazed AID-IP-67380 Fruits „„„ Apple Sauce AID-IP-67356 Sliced Apples AID-IP-67334 Apricots AID-IP-67336 Blueberries AID-IP-67335 Cherries AID-IP-67326 Citrus Fruit AID-IP-66061 Cranberries AID-IP-67381 Date and Fig AID-IP-67261 Glazed Fruit and Fruit Peel . . . AID-IP-67380 Grape Juice AID-IP-66009 Raisins AID-IP-67294 Orange Juice AID-IP-66090 Orange Juice AID-IP-66012 Orange Juice AID-IP-66091 Peaches AID-IP-67329 Pears AID-IP-67357 Pineapple AID-IP-67383 Plums AID-IP-67387 Red Raspberries AID-IP-67364 Strawberries AID-IP-67333 Furniture Coffee Tables AID-IP-67266 End Tables AID-IP-67266 Bed Stands AID-IP-67266 Bentwood Chairs AID-IP-67264 Kitchen Cabinets AID-IP-66086 Office Chairs AID-IP-66089 8 5 4 8 6 6 6 5 4 6 4 7 7 7 7 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 5 6 XVII INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Order Number Number of Pages Folding Chairs AID-IP-66047 Occasional Chairs AID-IP-66044 Costumers AID-IP-66082 Lamps AID-IP-66082 Picture Frames AID-IP-66082 Overstuffed AID-IP-66054 Lawn AID-IP-67270 School AID-IP-67282 Church AID-IP-67272 Reed and Rattan AID-IP-66094 Bedroom AID-IP-66043 Dining Room AID-IP-66043 Restaurants and Cafeteria AID-IP-67360 Brass Table Lamps .... AID-IP-67302 Wooden Wardrobes . . . AID-IP-67262 Slip Covers AID-IP-67301 Tables and Chairs AID-IP-66099 Upholstered Rockers . . AID-IP-67400 Bookcases AID-IP-67258 Corner Cabinets AID-IP-67258 Secretaries AID-IP-67258 Baby Beds AID-IP-66010 Baby Pens AID-IP-66010 Bassinets AID-IP-66010 Fuse Boxes, Switches, and Electric Outlets . . . AID-IP-67290 G Galvanized Steel Pipe .... AID-IP-66185 Gas, Petroleum, Liquefied (Distribution) AID-IP-67323 Gas, Petroleum, Liquefied (Manufactured) AID-IP-67324 Gas Plates, Two Burner . . AID-IP-66150 Glass Containers AID-IP-66075 Glass, Cut AID-IP-66181 Glass, Hand Blown and Fine Cast Crystal AID-IP-66186 Glass, Optical or Precision AID-IP-67280 Glass, Pharmaceutical (Complete) AID-IP-66115 Glass, Pharmaceutical, from Purchased Tubing. AID-IP-66140 Glass, Sheet AID-IP-66121 Glass, Soda-Lime Win- dow, 5,500 Tons Annually AID-IP-66239 Glass, Soda-Lime Win- dow, 7,500 Tons 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 8 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 7 8 4 7 7 7 7 7 Annually AID-IP-66240 7 Glass, Soda-Lime Win- dow, 10,500 Tons Annually AID-IP-66241 7 Gloves — Plastic Fronts, Canvas Backs AID-IP-67345 5 Gloves, Vinyl Treated Fabric AID-IP-67273 5 Gloves, Work AID-IP-66024 5 Glucose from Cassava Starch AID-IP-67313 4 Grape Juice, Unfermented AID-IP-66009 4 Grapes, Dehydrated, Raisins AID-IP-67294 4 Green Beans, Canned .... AID-IP-67354 4 Green Peas, Canned AID-IP-67382 4 H Hampers, Crates and Baskets AID-IP-66084 5 Hand Pumps, Shallow Well AID-IP-66169 8 Hand Tools AID-IP-66214 7 Hand Tools, Farm AID-IP-66108 7 Handbags and Leather Specialties, Ladies AID-IP-66074 6 Handles, Wooden AID-IP-67289 5 Hardware, Building AID-IP-66102 7 Hardware, Primary AID-IP-66117 7 Hardwood, Dimension . . . AID-IP-67325 5 Hardwood Parquet Flooring AID-IP-66038 5 Heating and Cooking Stoves AID-IP-66210 8 Heaters, Kerosene Asbestos Type AID-IP-66215 7 Heaters, Space, Electric. . AID-IP-66183 8 Heels and Soles, Rubber. AID-IP-66196 6 High Alumina Refractory Brick and Cement AID-IP-67314 7 Hominy, Canned AID-IP-67330 4 Hosiery, Nylon AID-IP-66088 5 I Ice, Block AID-IP-66077 5 Ice Cream Spoons and Sticks, Wooden AID-IP-66042 5 Ice, Crushed and Ice Cubes, Packaged AID-IP-66030 5 Ice, Dry AID-IP-66107 6 XVIII INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Order Number Number of Pages Title Order Number Number of Pages Implements, Agriculture . . AID-IP-66127 8 Innertubes and Tires, Bicycle AID-IP-67350 6 Insecticides AID-IP-66057 6 Instruments, Surgical AID-IP-66172 8 Iron Cooking Utensils AID-IP-66187 7 Iron, Gray, Jobbing Foundry AID-IP-66237 7 Ironwork, Ornamental AID-IP-66139 7 J Jewelry, Gold AID-IP-66161 8 Jewelry, Small, and Souvenirs AID-IP-67281 8 Jigs and Fixtures AID-IP-67310 8 Jute, Burlap Cloth from . . AID-IP-67358 5 Jute Yam AID-IP-66036 5 K Kale Greens, Canned AID-IP-67390 4 Kerosene Asbestos Type Heater AID-IP-66215 7 Kerosene Lanterns AID-IP-67349 8 Kettles, Teapots and Plates, Enameled AID-IP-66213 7 Keys, Split Gib-Head, and Taper Pins AID-IP-66146 7 Kitchen Cabinets AID-IP-66086 5 Kitchen Earthenware AID-IP-66136 7 Kitchen Equipment AID-IP-66217 7 Knitting and Crocheting, Cotton Yarn AID-IP-66033 5 L Ladders, Step and Extension AID-IP-66020 5 Lamps, Brass, Table AID-IP-67302 8 Lamps, Costumer and Picture Frames AID-IP-66082 5 Lanterns, Kerosene AID-IP-67349 8 Lasts, Shoe, Wooden AID-IP-66053 5 Laundry AID-IP-66163 8 Laundry and Milled Toilet Soap AID-IP-66110 6 Laundry Bags AID-IP-67306 8 Laundry, Dryers, Household AID-IP-67263 8 Laundry, Self-Service AID-IP-67297 8 Lawn Furniture AID-IP-67270 6 Lawn Mower, Power AID-IP-67300 Leaf Springs, Automobile and Truck AID-IP-66131 Leather, Brief Cases AID-IP-67275 Leather Specialties and Handbags, Ladies AID-IP-66074 Leather Tannery, Small .. AID-IP-66122 Leather Tanning AID-IP-66072 Leather, Tanning Extracts. AID-IP-66124 Lemon Oil AID-IP-66218 Light Bulb Assembly Plant AID-IP-67399 Lima Beans, Canned AID-IP-67384 Lockers, Metal AID-IP-67298 Logs, Rough Sawing of . . AID-IP-66064 Lubricating Oil Reclamation AID-IP-66188 M Machine Shop, Job AID-IP-66162 Manganese AID-IP-66189 Marble Cutting and Polishing AID-IP-66190 Matches, Book AID-IP-66219 Mattresses, Cotton Roll- Edged AID-IP-66083 Mattresses, Innerspring, and Box-Springs AID-IP-67254 Mayonnaise AID-IP-66087 Meal and Oil, Castor AID-IP-67269 Meal and Oil, Fish AID-IP-66007 Meal and Oil, Soybean . . . AID-IP-67278 Meal, Bran, and Rice Bran Oil AID-IP-67363 Meat Canning Plant AID-IP-67292 Meat, Cold Storage for . . . AID-IP-66208 Meat Packaging and Slaughtering AID-IP-66059 Meat Processing AID-IP-66058 Meat, Smoked AID-IP-66060 Meats Canned Beef AID-IP-66231 Broiler Production AID-IP-67374 Canning AID-IP-67292 Packaging and Slaughtering AID-IP-66059 Processing AID-IP-66058 Smoked AID-IP-66060 Pork and Beans AID-IP-67367 Metal Spinning AID-IP-66137 Milk, Bottled AID-IP-67319 Mill, Planing AID-IP-66063 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 4 6 5 6 4 5 5 5 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 4 5 XIX INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Number Order of Number Pages Mineral Wool AID-IP-66138 Mirror Manufacturing and Resilvering AID-IP-66112 Molasses, Blackstrap, Dehydrated AID-IP-67253 Moldings, Plastic AID-IP-66070 Motor Starters AID-IP-65165 Motors, Electric, 1/6 to 10 Horsepower AID-IP-66160 Mufflers, Automobile AID-IP-66228 Mufflers, Truck AID-IP-66174 Mushroom Soup, Cream of, Canned AID-IP-67395 N Nails, Wire AID-IP-66175 Neon Lights, Electrodes for AID-IP-66212 Neon Signs AID-IP-67291 Non-Ferrous Metals Foundry AID-IP-67346 Nurses' Washable Service Apparel AID-IP-67398 Nuts, Assorted, Processed and Packaged AID-IP-67385 O Oil, Lemon AID-IP-66218 Oil, Lubricating, Reclamation AID-IP-66188 Oil, Olive, Crude AID-IP-66085 Oil, Rice Bran and Bran Meal AID-IP-67363 Oil, Starch and Feed from Sorghum Grain AID-IP-67317 Oil and Meal, Castor AID-IP-67269 Oil and Meal, Fish AID-IP-66007 Oil and Meal, Soybean . . . AID-IP-67278 Oil of Cloves AID-IP-66113 Oil Paints, Artists' AID-IP-66227 Okra, Canned AID-IP-67331 Olive Oil, Crude AID-IP-66085 Onions, Canned AID-IP-67355 Onions, Dehydrated, Canned AID-IP-67312 Optical or Precision Glass AID-IP-67280 Orange Juice, Canned . . . AID-IP-66090 Orange Juice, Chilled, In Waxed Containers .... AID-IP-66012 Orange Juice Concentrate AID-IP-66091 7 7 4 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 5 5 4 5 5 4 6 8 4 5 4 4 7 4 4 4 Title Overstuffed Furniture . Oxygen and Acetylene, Bottled Number Order of Number Pages AID-IP-66054 AID-IP-67287 P Pails and Wash Tubs .... AID-IP-67296 Pails, Buckets and Pans. . AID-IP-66103 Paint AID-IP-66114 Paint and Varnish Brushes AID-IP-66166 Paints, Oil, Artists' AID-IP-66227 Pajamas, Cotton AID-IP-67279 Pans, Buckets and Pails . . AID-IP-66103 Pants, Men's Wash and Wear AID-IP-67268 Pants, Men's Work AID-IP-66052 Paper Bags AID-IP-66004 Paper Carton, Corrugated. AID-IP-66081 Paper Products and Cardboard Boxes AID-IP-66056 Paper, Coarse Wrapping, Wood Pulp for AID-IP-66097 Paper, Wrapping, Coarse (6,000 Tons Annually) . . AID-IP-66079 Paper, Wrapping, Coarse (12,500 Tons Annually). AID-IP-66080 Particle Board AID-IP-66041 Pattern Making Foundry . . AID-IP-67309 Paving Material, Asphalt.. AID-IP-66203 Pea Soup, Canned AID-IP-67366 Peaches, Canned AID-IP-67329 Peanuts, Salted AID-IP-66013 Pearl Starch AID-IP-67375 Pears, Canned AID-IP-67357 Peas, Blackeyed, Canned AID-IP-67341 Peas, Green, Canned AID-IP-67382 Pencils, Lead AID-IP-66164 Pens, Baby Beds and Bassinets AID-IP-66010 Petroleum Gas, Liquefied (Distribution) AID-IP-67323 Petroleum Gas, Liquefied (Manufactured) AID-IP-67324 Pharmaceutical Tablets and Pills AID-IP-66116 Picture Frames, Costum- ers and Lamps AID-IP-66082 Pills and Tablets, Pharmaceutical AID-IP-66116 Pineapple, Sliced, Canned AID-IP-67383 Pins, Straight AID-IP-66249 7 7 6 8 8 5 7 5 5 6 6 8 4 6 5 6 4 8 xx INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Order Number Number of Pages Title Number Order of Number Pages Pins, Taper, and Split Gib-Head Keys AID-IP-66146 Pipe, Asbestos-Cement .. AID-IP-66177 Pipe, Cast Iron, Centrifugal AID-IP-66179 Pipe, Concrete AID-IP-66157 Pipe, Soil, Cast Iron AID-IP-67260 Pipe, Steel, Galvanized .. AID-IP-66185 Pipe, Welded AID-IP-66225 Planing Mill AD-IP-66063 Plaster of Paris, Pottery Plaster and Plasterboard AID-IP-66191 Plasterboard, Plaster of Paris and Pottery Plaster AID-IP-66191 Plastic Moldings AID-IP-66070 Plates, Teapots and Kettles, Enameled AID-IP-66213 Plating AID-IP-66141 Plating of Automobile Parts ■ • AID-IP-67284 Plows .'.'. AID-IP-66142 Plums, Canned AID-IP-67387 Plywood AID-IP-66040 Polyurethane Foam and Foam Rubber AID-IP-66045 Porcelain Enamel Ceramic Ware AID-IP-66192 Pork and Beans, Canned. AID-IP-67367 Posts, Concrete AID-IP-67285 Potato Chips AID-IP-67315 Potato Flakes AID-IP-66167 Pottery, Earthenware .... AID-IP-67379 Pottery Plaster, Plaster- board and Plaster of p aris AID-IP-66191 Poultry, Cold Storage for. AID-IP-66208 Poultry Farm (Broiler Production) AID-IP-67374 Poultry Farm (Egg Production) AID-IP-67259 Prawn Processing Plant . . AID-IP-67276 Printing, Job AID-IP-66003 Printing Shop, Small, Books AID-IP-66005 Publishing, Textbook .... AID-IP-66248 Pulp from Bagasse for Wallboard AID-IP-66092 Pulp from Scrap Wood for Wallboard AID-IP-66093 Pumpkin, Canned AID-IP-67352 Pumps and Valves, Centrifugal AID-IP-66205 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 7 6 7 7 7 8 4 5 7 4 7 4 4 7 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 Pumps, Hand, Shallow Weil AID-IP-66169 8 Pumps, Small Hand and Power Driven AID-IP-66221 8 R Radio and Flashlight Batteries AID-IP-67320 8 Radio Receiving Sets .... AID-IP-67274 8 Raisins, Dehydrated Grapes AID-IP-67294 4 Ramie Decortication .... AID-IP-66051 4 Raspberries, Red, Canned AID-IP-67364 4 Ready Mixed Concrete in Bags AID-IP-67286 7 Recapping, Tire AID-IP-66173 8 Reed and Rattan Furniture AID-IP-66094 6 Reflectors, Specular AID-IP-66247 8 Refractory Bricks AID-IP-66194 7 Refrigerated Walk-In Coolers AID-IP-66168 8 Refrigerators and Air Conditioners AID-IP-66201 8 Reinforced Concrete Construction Products. AID-IP-67271 7 Resilvering and Manu- facturing, Mirror AID-IP-66112 7 Restaurant and Cafeteria Furniture AID-IP-67360 6 Rice AID-IP-66027 4 Rice Bran Oil and Bran Meal AID-IP-67363 4 Rice Bran Meal and Rice Bran Oil AID-IP-67363 4 Rockers, Wood, Upholstered AID-IP-67400 6 Roofing, Tile, Clay AID-IP-67303 7 Rubber Cement AID-IP-66118 6 Rubber Floor Tiles AID-IP-66069 6 Rubber, Foam, and Polyurethane Foam . . . AID-IP-66045 6 Rubber Sheets, Reclaimed AID-IP-66193 6 Rubber Soled Fabric Shoes AID-IP-66068 6 Rubber Soles and Heels. . AID-IP-66196 6 Rubberized Sheeting .... AID-IP-66195 6 Rugs, Hooked AID-IP-66019 5 S Saccharin AID-IP-66222 6 Salicylic Acid AID-IP-66119 6 XXI INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Order Number Number of Pages Title Order Number Number of Pages Salt, Sea AID-IP-66120 Sandpaper AID-IP-66197 Sanitary Ware AID-IP-66144 Sardines, Canned AID-IP-67396 Sash and Door Plant AID-IP-66022 Sawmill, Portable AID-IP-67307 School Furniture AIO-IP-67282 Scrap Wood, Pulp from for Wallboard AID-IP-66093 Sea Salt AID-IP-66120 Seafood, Processed AID-IP-67311 Seats and Lid, Toilet AID-IP-67252 Secretaries, Bookcases and Corner Cabinets . . AID-IP-67258 Shapes and Bars, Steel (15,000 Tons Annually). AID-IP-66243 Shapes and Bars, Steel (30,000 Tons Annually). AID-IP-66244 Sheet Steel, Hot Rolled . . AID-IP-67316 Sheeting, Rubberized AID-IP-66195 Sheets, Rubber, Reclaimed AID-IP-66193 Shirting, Cotton AID-IP-66031 Shirts, Men's Dress AID-IP-66023 Shirts, Men's Sport AID-IP-67362 Shirts, Men's Wash and Wear AID-IP-67347 Shirts, Men's Work AID-IP-66062 Shock Absorbers, Auto- mobile and Truck AID-IP-67255 Shoe Lasts, Wooden AID-IP-66053 Shoe Repair Shop AID-IP-67370 Shoes, Fabric, Rubber- Soled AID-IP-66068 Shoes, Ladies' Dress AID-IP-66109 Shoes, Men's Dress AID-IP-66073 Shoes, Women AID-IP-66250 Shoes, Work, Men AID-IP-66111 Shooks and Boxes AID-IP-66078 Siding, Asbestos-Cement. AID-IP-66130 Signs, Neon AID-IP-67291 Silk Screen Printing on Textiles AID-IP-66018 Skids and Hand Trucks, Industrial AID-IP-67256 Slabs, Concrete AID-IP-66158 Slaughtering and Meat Packing AID-IP-66059 Slip Covers for Furniture . . AID-IP-67301 Slips, Women's, Misses', Children's AID-IP-67378 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 8 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 8 8 7 4 5 Soap, Laundry and Milled Toilet AID-IP-66110 Socks, Men AID-IP-66017 Socks, Stretch, Men and Children AID-IP-67251 Soda, Caustic AID-IP-66050 Soil Pipe, Cast Iron AID-IP-67260 Soles and Heels, Rubber. . AID-IP-66196 Sorghum Grain, Starch, Oil and Feed From .... AID-IP-67317 Soups Asparagus, Cream of, Canned AID-IP-67344 Bean, Canned AID-IP-67393 Cefery, Cream of, Canned AID-IP-67343 Corn, Cream of, Canned AID-IP-67394 Mushroom, Cream of, Canned AID-IP-67395 Pea, Canned AID-IP-67366 Tomato, Canned AID-IP-67365 Souvenirs and Small Jewelry AID-IP-67281 Souvenirs, Wood Fiber . . . AID-IP-66096 Soybean Oil and Meal AID-IP-67278 Space Heater, Electric . . AID-IP-66183 Specular Reflectors AID-IP-66247 Spinach, Canned AID-IP-67339 Sport Shirts, Men AID-IP-67362 Sports Stockings, Standard AID-IP-67257 Springs, Coil AID-IP-66135 Springs, Leaf, Auto- mobile and Truck AID-IP-66131 Springs, Mechanical AID-IP-67277 Squash, Canned AID-IP-67386 Stainless Steel Utensils . . AID-IP-66147 Starch, Oil and Feed from Sorghum Grain . . AID-IP-67317 Starch, Pearl AID-IP-67375 Starters, Motor AID-IP-66165 Steel Bars and Shapes, (15,000 Tons Annually). AID-IP-66243 Steel Bars and Shapes, (30,000 Tons Annually). AID-IP-66244 Steel Billets AID-IP-66245 Steel Conduit, Flexible .. AID-IP-66184 Steel Mechanical Tubes . . AID-IP-66198 Steel Pipe, Galvanized ... AID-IP-66185 Steel, Sheet, Hot Rolled . . AID-IP-67316 Step and Extension Ladders AID-IP-66020 6 5 5 6 7 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 5 5 8 8 4 5 5 7 7 7 4 7 4 4 8 XXII INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Number Order of Number Pages Title Number Order of Number Pages Stockings, Sports, Standard AID-IP-67257 Storage Bins AID-IP-66148 Storm Windows and Doors, Aluminum AID-IP-66202 Stoves, Cooking and Heating AID-IP-66210 Stoves, Cooking, Portable AID-IP-66220 Stoves, Gas Plates, Two- Burner AID-IP-66150 Strawberries, Canned AID-IP-67333 Stretch Socks for Men and Children AID-IP-67251 Sugar, Raw AID-IP-66029 Suits, Men and Youth . . . AID-IP-67348 Suits, Women and Misses. AID-IP-67369 Sulfuric Acid AID-IP-66234 Superphosphate and Diammonium AID-IP-66123 Superphosphates AID-IP-66149 Surgical Cotton AID-IP-66016 Surgical Instruments AID-IP-66172 Sweet Potatoes, Canned . . AID-IP-67332 Switches, Electric Outlets and Fuse Boxes AD-IP-67290 T Table Lamps, Brass AID-IP-67302 Tables and Chairs, Wood. AID-IP-66099 Tablets and Pills, Pharmaceutical AID-IP-66116 Tannery, Leather, Small . . AID-IP-66122 Tanning Extracts AID-IP-66124 Tanning, Leather AID-IP-66072 Tape, Adhesive AID-IP-66151 Teapots, Plates and Kettles, Enameled .... AID-IP-66213 Teeth, Artificial AID-IP-66226 Terry Cloth AID-IP-66032 Textbook Publishing AID-IP-66248 Textiles, Silk Screen Printing On AID-IP-66018 Tile Roofing, Clay AID-IP-67303 Tiles, Asphalt, Floor AID-IP-66067 Tiles, Rubber, Floor AID-IP-66069 Tiles, Vinyl, Floor AID-IP-66071 Tire Recapping AID-IP-66173 Tires and Innertubes, Bicycle AID-IP-67350 Tires and Tubes, Automobile AID-IP-66230 Tires, Automobile AID-IP-66229 8 8 7 4 5 4 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 4 8 5 6 6 6 6 8 7 8 5 6 5 7 6 6 6 8 Toilet Seats and Lids .... AID-IP-67252 5 Tomato Juice, Canned . . AID-IP-67392 4 Tomato Soup, Canned . . . AID-IP-67365 4 Tomatoes, Canned AID-IP-67342 4 Tools, Hand AID-IP-66214 7 Tools, Hand, Farm AID-IP-66108 7 Tractors, 10-Horsepower Utility Riding AID-IP-67299 8 Truck and Automobile Leaf Springs AID-IP-66131 7 Truck and Automobile Shock Absorbers AID-IP-67255 8 Truck Bodies, Wood Stake AID-IP-67373 8 Truck Mufflers AID-IP-66174 8 Truck and Skids, Industrial Hand AID-IP-67256 8 Tubes and Tires, Automobile AID-IP-66230 6 Tubes, Steel, Mechanical. AID-IP-66198 7 Tubing, Copper AID-IP-66105 7 Tubs, Wash, and Pails .... AID-IP-67296 7 Tuna Fish, Canned AID-IP-66232 4 U Underwear, Men's AID-IP-66025 5 Upholstered Occasional Chairs AID-IP-66044 6 Utensils, Cooking, Aluminum AID-IP-66129 7 Utensils, Iron, Cooking .. . AID-IP-66187 7 Utensils, Stainless Steel . AID-IP-66147 7 V Valves and Pumps, Centrifugal AID-IP-66205 8 Vanilla Extract AID-IP-66095 5 Varnish and Paint Brushes AID-IP-66166 8 Vegetables Canning (Commercial) AID-IP-66223 4 Vegetables Canning (Cooperative) AID-IP-66224 4 Vegetables Asparagus AID-IP-67327 4 Asparagus Soup AID-IP-67344 4 Bean Soup AID-IP-67393 4 Dry Beans AID-IP-67338 4 Green Beans AID-IP-67354 4 Lima Beans AID-IP-67384 4 Wax Beans AID-IP-67340 4 Beets AID-IP-67328 4 Blackeyed Peas AID-IP-67341 4 XXIII INDUSTRY PROFILE SUBJECT INDEX Title Order Number Number of Pages Title Number Order of Number Pages Broccoli AID-IP-67391 4 Vegetables (Cooperative) AID-IP-66224 4 Vegetables (Commercial) AID-IP-66223 4 Carrots AID-IP-67389 4 Cauliflower AID-IP-67351 4 Celery Soup AID-IP-67343 4 Creamed Corn AID-IP-67337 4 Whole Kernel Corn .... AID-IP-67353 4 Corn Soup AID-IP-67394 4 Green Peas AID-IP-67382 4 Hominy AID-IP-67330 4 Kale Greens AID-IP-67390 4 Mushroom Soup AID-IP-67395 4 Okra AID-IP-67331 4 Onions AID-IP-67335 4 Dehydrated Onions AID-IP-67312 4 Pea Soup AID-IP-67366 4 Pork and Beans AID-IP-67367 4 Potato Chips AID-IP-67315 5 Potato Flakes AID-IP-66167 4 Pumpkin AID-IP-67352 4 Rice AID-IP-66027 4 Tomato Soup AID-IP-67365 4 Spinach AID-IP-67339 4 Squash AID-IP-67386 4 Sweet Potatoes AID-IP-67332 4 Tomato Juice AID-IP-67392 4 Tomatoes AID-IP-67342 4 Veneer, Walnut AID-IP-67295 5 Vinyl Floor Tiles AID-IP-66071 6 W Wallboard from Bagasse. . AID-IP-66125 6 Wallboard from Gypsum and Fiber AID-IP-67359 7 Wallboard, Pulp from Bagasse AID-IP-66092 6 Wallboard, Pulp from Scrap Wood for AID-IP-66093 6 Wallboard, Wood Pulp for. AID-IP-66098 6 Wardrobes, Wooden AID-IP-67262 6 Wash and Wear Pants, Men AID-IP-67268 5 Wash and Wear Shirts, Men AID-IP-67347 5 Wash Tubs and Pails .... AID-IP-67296 7 Washing Machines, Household AID-IP-67322 8 Watch Crystals, Unbreakable AID-IP-66199 6 Water Filters, Domestic . . AID-IP-66200 8 Wax Beans, Canned AID-IP-67340 4 Wheat Flour AID-IP-66026 4 Wire, Copper AID-IP-66106 7 Wire, Nails AID-IP-66175 7 Wood Fiber Souvenirs . . AID-IP-66096 5 Wood Products, Creosoted AID-IP-67321 5 Wood Pulp for Coarse Wrapping Paper AID-IP-66097 6 Wood Pulp for Wallboard AID-IP-66098 6 Wool Scouring AID-IP-66100 5 Woolen Yarn AID-IP-66034 5 Work Gloves AID-IP-66024 5 Work Pants, Men AID-IP-66052 5 Work Shirts, Men AID-IP-66062 5 Work Shoes, Men AID-IP-66111 6 Worsted Yarn AID-IP-66035 5 Wrapping Paper, Coarse (6,000 Tons Annually) . AID-IP-66079 6 Wrapping Paper, Coarse (12,500 Tons Annually) . AID-IP-66080 6 Y Yarn, Cotton AID-IP-66236 5 Yarn, Cotton (Small Plant) AID-IP-66238 5 Yarn, Cotton, Crocheting and Knitting AID-IP-66033 5 Yarn, Jute AID-IP-66036 5 Yarn, Woolen AID-IP-66034 5 Yarn, Worsted AID-IP-66035 5 Z Zinc Die Castings AID-IP-67372 7 XXIV APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS AD-A002 212/9 PC A02/MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Fuel from Organic Matter: Possibilities for the State of California Doris J. Dugas. Oct 73, 20p Rept no. P-5107 Descriptors: 'Energy conversion, "California, * Fuels, Methane, Organic materials, Forests, Farm crops, Wastes(lndustrial), Solid wastes, Urban areas, Quantities, Cost estimates, Industries, Food processing, Lumber, Sewage. Identifiers: Agricultural wastes, Waste disposal, 'Solid waste disposal, Refuse. This study investigates the amounts of organic ma- terial that might be made available for energy pur- poses in the State of California, its potential fuel value, and the estimated cost. Sources of organic material that are considered are: (1) crops grown specifically for energy, (2) natural forests, and (3) wastes from the urban, agricultural, and industrial sectors. AD-A003 909/9 PC E02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Corrosion of Metals in Tropical Environments: Part 10 - Final Report of Sixteen-Year Expo- sures Final rept. C. R. Southwell, and J. D. Bultman. 2 Jan 75, 41 Rept no. NRL-7834 See also Part 9, AD-687 705. Descriptors: 'Corrosion, 'Tropical tests, Sea water, Fresh water, Tables(Data). A comprehensive long-term investigation of corro- sion of 52 metals immersed in seawater and in fresh water, suspended at mean-tide level, and ex- posed to marine and inland tropical atmospheres has been completed for exposure periods of up to 16 years. A series of reports on specific metal groups has already been published. This is a final report on the project; it presents tabulated results for all metal-environment combinations included in the study, both for simple plates and bimetallic couples. Many of these are previously unreported data. Time-corrosion curves for all single-metal ex- posures not previously reported on to completion are included; these are for 16 wrought and cast ferrous metals in two atmospheres and 7 nonfer- rous metals in all five environments. Because of their basic value for comparing corrosiveness of environments and for evaluating effectiveness of alloys, curves for all the commercially pure metals are presented for all five environments. The final steady-state corrosion rate is a most useful value for estimating expected metal life; this value (R sub c) has been established for most metals in each environment and is included with all curves and tabulated data. AD-A004 254/9 PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Factors Effecting the Fatigue Strength of Ferro-Cement Master's thesis David P. Sargent, Jr. Dec 74, 89p Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, 'Fatigue(Mechanics), Wire, Orientation(Direction), Impregnation, Cements, Fatigue tests(Mechanics), Stresses, Theses. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement. Ferro-cement is a composite material consisting of multiple layers of wire mesh impregnated with a cement mortar. Steel rods may be sandwiched in the center to give added strength, and to shape the mesh before application of the mortar. Selec- tion of materials can vary considerably. Investiga- tion of the influence of wire orientation on the fa- tigue strength of ferro-cement was undertaken in this study. Tests were also conducted to determine the effect on fatigue life of voids in the specimens caused by poor penetration of the mortar. AD-A007 918/6 PC A02/MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Recovery and Reuse of Wastepaper from Shredded Household Trash Forest Service research paper James F. Laundrie. 1975, 14p Rept no. FSRP- FPL-252 Descriptors: 'Waste disposal, 'Reclamation, 'Paper, Separation, Thermoplastic resins, Films. Identifiers: Waste recycling, Waste papers, 'Refuse disposal, Recycled paper, Shredding, Classifiers, Sorting. The report describes the research and develop- ment of the dry process originated at the Forest Products Laboratory for separating wastepaper from shredded household trash. The process, based on air classification, provides for removal of thermoplastic films. It also permits separation of the wastepaper by grade. Indications are that the recovered paper can be used successfully in a va- riety of products. AD-A008 453/3 PC A04/MF A01 Asian Inst of Tech Bangkok (Thailand) The Reclamation of Drinking Water from Sewage Annual rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 72 M. G. McGarry. 4 Feb 75, 74p ARDG(FE)-472-2 Grant DA-RDRF-S92-544-72-G181 Descriptors: 'Water treatment, 'Drinking water, 'Water reclamation, Waste water, Arid land, Nitro- gen, Algae, Photosynthesis, Activated carbon, Fil- tration, Thailand. Identifiers: 'Waste water reuse, Potable water, Chemical removal(Water treatment), Harvesting of algae, Aeration ponds, Lagoons(Ponds), Activated carbon treatment, Water pollution control. Indirect reuse of wastewaters in drinking water supplies is common practice in industrialized states today. The investigations reported upon have been directed towards improvements upon existing techniques more applicable to the tropical and savanna developing country. High costs and technical difficulties have been encountered in the removal of nitrogen and low level organics. In this study, investigations have been conducted into ni- trogen stripping by photosynthetic algal growth, using the nitrogen as a nutrient with subsequent algae harvest from ponds, and low level organics reduction by (a) powdered activated carbon treat- ment and (b) semi-rapid filtration. Several process- es including high rate treatment oxidation ponds, dissolved air flotation, roughing filtration, photo- synthetic nitrogen stripping ponds, powdered acti- vated carbon adsorption, dual-media filtration and chlorination were developed and specifically ap- plied to domestic wastewater reclamation for drinking water. These were incorporated into two process streams, one using activated carbon for low level organics removal and the other semi- rapid filtration. AD-A009 306/2 PC A07/MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Analyzing the Use of Technology to Upgrade Education in a Developing Country Research memo. Margaret B. Carpenter, L. G. Chesler, H. S. Dordick, and Sue A. Haggart. Mar 70, 147p Rept no. RM-6179-RC Descriptors: 'Teaching methods, 'Instructional materials, Technology, Schools, Education, Televi- sion systems, Cost analysis, Instructors, Colombia. Identifiers: Developing countries. The memorandum describes an application of the techniques of system analysis to educational plan- ning. Particular emphasis is placed on evaluating the usefulness of technology in education, espe- cially television. In contrast to most analyses of educational technology, the present study (1) con- siders the technology as it interrelates with the entire educational system in which it is to function, and (2) proposes alternative means to attain simi- lar improvements in that system. By comparing the cost of alternative ways to attain similar improve- ments, the study shows that the cost of technologi- cal improvements is approximately the same as that of improvements achieved through more con- ventional means. AD-A010 976/9 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif PC A03/MF A01 A Housing Services Policy for Low-Income Urban Families in Underdeveloped Countries Georges Vernez. Dec 74, 26p Rept no. P-5328 Descriptors: 'Housing(Dwellings), 'Underdevel- oped areas, 'Nations, Marketing, Policies, Con- struction, Urban areas, Finance, Management planning and control, Classification. Identifiers: 'Developing countries, 'Squatter com- munities, Services, Low income families. Housing policies for urban low-income families in underdeveloped countries have typically stressed the public supply of fully serviced standard housing units, but these policies are mostly unsuccessful. In practice, a large proportion of the demand for shelter has been overflowing into so-called squat- ter settlements that are developing at the periph- ery of most large sized cities of the emerging na- tions. The paper discusses a housing services policy which promisee \t oe effective for these families. The financial component of the policy is studied. AD-A012 733/2 PC A07/MF A01 Urban Innovations Group Los Angeles Calif A Review of Architectural Methods and Their Effectiveness for Communicating Human Re- quirements Final rept. Michael E. Durkin. Jun 75, 148p CERL-TR-D-54 Contract DACA88-74-C-0032 Descriptors: 'Requirements, 'Human factors engi- neering, 'Architecture, Buildings, Construction, Standards, Specifications, Symbols, Graphics. Identifiers: Notation systems. Available methods for organizing and communicat- ing human requirement information during the building delivery process are reviewed. Included are methods for collecting human information, communicating human information through the use of written documents, and the generation of human requirement information through the direct involvement of users in the architectural design process. Each method is briefly described. Its ap- plicability to particular phases of the building deliv- ery process is noted. Its ability to include require- ment information is discussed. Advantages and disadvantages are listed. Current usage informa- tion is provided, when available. An in-depth analy- sis of examples of communication of human stand- ards via written documents is also provided. (Author) AD-A013 482/5 PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Effects of Precycling on the Strength of Ferrocement Master's thesis Earle Stanley Babcock. Jun 75, 90p Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, 'Fatigue(Mechanics), Fatigue tests(Mechanics). Wire, Stresses, Cyclic tests, Tensile properties, Bending stress, Theses. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement. Ferrocement is a composite material made up of cement mortar reinforced with a mesh of steel wire. Its non-homogeneity results in material char- acteristics which are peculiarly its own. In this study, the ferrocement specimens tested varied in the type of wire reinforcement used, as well as in the water content of the mortar. Stress versus cycles to failure curves were developed, and com- parisons were made between the curves of differ- ent types of specimens. Bending and tensile strength tests were conducted after cyclic loading in order to gain insights on the effects of precy- cling. Finally, some comparisons were made which related the data from this thesis to that of several preceding studies. AD-A0 1 5 226/ 4 PC A02 / M F A0 1 Naval Medical Research Inst Bethesda Md Schistosomiasis and 'Schistosoma Mansoni' Medical research progress rept. Margaret A. Stirewalt, and C. H. Dorsey. 1973, 16p Availability: Pub. in U.S. Navy Medicine Jnl. v61 p5- 19 Apr 73. 1 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: *Schistosoma mansoni, 'Cercariae, Schistosomiasis, Hosts(Biology), Skin(Anatomy), Penetration, Life cycles, Vertebrates, Humans, Epidemiology, Reprints. This paper is concerned largely with the back- ground information necessary to the development of a study on the skin penetration mechanisms used by cercariae in their infection of vertebrate hosts, including man. The author touched briefly upon the disease -- its importance, distribution, course in man, epidemiology, and control; the life history of the parasite; and pertinent aspects of the structure of skin and the schistosome cercaria. In a subsequent report, the cercarcial penetration mechanisms will be presented. AD-A015 426/0 PC A08/MF A01 Army Tropic Test Center Apo New York 09827 Materiel Testing in the Tropics 4th ed. Jun 75, 167p Rept no. USATTC-7503001 Descriptors: 'Environmental tests, 'Tropical re- gions, 'Materiel, Handbooks, Degradation, Cli- mate, Computerized simulation, Geology, Vegeta- tion, Biodeterioration, Herbicides, Elastomers, Plastics, Textiles, Electronic equipment, Optical equipment, Leather, Acoustics, Human factors en- gineering, Seismology, Radio transmission, Ground vehicles, Panama. Identifiers: Canal zone. The US Army Tropic Test Center (USATTC) pre- sents the 1975 update of Tropic Environmental Ef- fects, retitled Materiel Testing in the Tropics. The handbook is a compendium of the US Army's ex- perience in testing equipment in the humid tropics. Sources of information are tropic materiel tests, test methodology investigations, personal experi- ences, open literature, Department of Defense re- ports, and voluntary contributions from many sci- entists and engineers outside of USATTC. The document is the US Army's unofficial corporate memory of tropic materiel testing. Topics covered include the Panama Canal Zone environment, his- tory of tropic tests, degrading environmental fac- tors, materiel degradation, tropic reliability and maintainability, vehicular mobility testing, sound, visibility, and radio propagation, human factors en- gineering, working in the jungle, man-pack protabi- lity and computerized test site selection methods. AD-A0 1 6 1 47/ 1 PC E02/ M F A0 1 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Protection of Slopes Against Rainfall Erosion Final rept. Jul 74-Jun 75 Edward B. Perry. Sep 75, 41 Descriptors: 'Soil erosion, 'Rainfall, 'Slopes, Con- struction, Soil mechanics, Simulators, Soil stabili- zation, Runoff, Test methods, Protection, Effec- tiveness, Sprays. Identifiers: Slope stability. Commercially available spray-on stabilizers are represented as being capable of controlling soil erosion between the time of slope construction and establishment of a vegetative cover. This study presents a review of previous research on rainfall erosion process, mechanics of rainfall ero- sion, characteristics of natural rainfall, rainfall sim- ulators, studies of rainfall erosion of soils and stud- ies of rainfall erosion of laboratory rainfall simula- tor. AD-A019 542/0 PC A07/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ Madison Dept of Veterinary Sci- ence Association of Vertebrate Pathogens with Eco- logical Perturbation of Tropical Forests. Part I Final rept. Robert P. Hanson, and Thomas M. Yuill. Oct 74, 144p AFOSR-TR-75-1644 Grant AF-AFOSR-2337-72 See also Part 2, AD-A01 9 543. Descriptors: 'Pathogenic microorganisms, 'Virus diseases, 'Veterinary medicine, 'Tropical dis- eases, 'Ecology, Infectious diseases, Ecology, Disease vectors, Arthropod borne diseases, In- sects, Forests, Viruses, Domestic animals, Verte- brates, Viruses, Wildlife, Serology, Isolation, Labo- ratory tests, Colombia, South America. Identifiers: Ecosystems. The study associates arthropod-borne viral dis- eases with ecologically diverse areas of Colombia, South America. The objective was to determine if domesticated animals, and to a limited lesser extent man, resident in the coastal plain, mountain valleys and highlands had been infected with cer- tain insect-borne viruses. A record intensive study was carried out in an area of ecological transition to determine if the changes in bird, mammal biting insect populations and their associated viruses could be detected in primary and secondary for- ests and nearby croplands and pastures over a two-year period. Microbiological data are present- ed and discussed. AD-A019 543/8 PC A10/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ Madison Dept of Veterinary Sci- ence Entomological Studies. Part II Final rept. Robert P. Hanson, and Thomas M. Yuill. Oct 74, 21 3p AFOSR-TR-75-1645 Grant AF-AFOSR-2337-72 See also Part 3, AD-A01 9 544. Descriptors: 'Entomology, 'Insects, 'Ecology, 'Diptera, 'Tropical regions, Disease vectors, Ar- thropod borne diseases, Domestic animals, Humans, Forests, Colombia, South America, Culi- coides, Culicidae. Identifiers: Hematophagous insects, Ecosystems, Phlebotomidae, Tabanidae, Simuliidae. The entomological studies reported in this volume represent an effort to document environmental changes, such as habitat availability, host availabil- ity and climate, as they relate to the abundance and distribution of hematophagous Diptera. Some studies were conducted in primary and secondary forests and associated clearings which are areas of early ecological disturbance. Other studies were performed in an area of great ecological disturb- ance. The data show that the ecological changes have altered populations of biting insects and influ- ence the potential and actual risk of transmission of arthropod-borne pathogens of man and domes- ticated animals. AD-A019 544/6 PCA11/MFA01 Wisconsin Univ Madison Dept of Veterinary Sci- ence Mammalogical, Ornithological and Plant Ecol- ogy Studies. Part III Final rept. Robert P. Hanson, and Thomas M. Yuill. Oct 74, 236p AFOSR-TR-75-1646 Grant AF-AFOSR-2337-72 See also Part 2, AD-A01 9 543. Descriptors: 'Ecology, 'Disease vectors, 'Wildlife, 'Tropical regions, Forests, Mammals, Birds, Plants(Botany), Vertebrates, Invertebrates, Patho- genic microorganisms, Colombia, South America. Identifiers: Ecosystems. Disease causing agents are as real a part of tropi- cal ecosystems as are the more conspicuous ver- tebrate, invertebrate and plant members. Tropical ecosystems are complex and man-induced modifi- cation may lead to increased disease prevalence. Prediction of disease problems related to ecologi- cal perturbation rests on understanding the com- position and function of the ecosystem. Changes in populations of wild vertebrate reservoirs and insect vectors are the key to changes in disease incidence. The studies presented in this section represent an effort to describe the bird and mammal communities found in primary and sec- ondary forests and associated agricultural clear- ings. Important information about the occurrence of certain pathogenic agents was also obtained. AD-A021 862/8 PC A05/MF A01 Civil Engineering Lab (Navy) Port Hueneme Calif Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water Final rept. Jul 74-Dec 75 E. J. Beck, Jr, and R. L Field. Jan 76, 89p Rept no. CEL-TR-835 Descriptors: 'Solar heating, 'Solar collectors, Water, Space heaters, Hot water, Buildings, Solar radiation, Solar energy, Energy storage, Energy conservation, Cost analysis, Naval research. Identifiers: Insolation. The purpose of this document is to provide guid- ance in the design and cost analysis of solar heat- ing systems for buildings and domestic hot water (DHW). The nature of solar radiation, several types of solar systems, storage devices, and architectur- al considerations are among topics included. Cal- culation methods are included for determining col- lector size, storage size, simplified buidling and DHW loads, value of fuel saved, and saving-invest- ment ratios. The calculation procedure is based on parametric curves for 'fraction of heating load sup- plied by solar energy 'and several' rules of thumb' for design. A series of 1 1 worksheets is used to enable the engineer with no prior experience with solar systems to accomplish a complete design and cost analysis. With this information he can pre- pare bidding and specification documents for the job. Tables of solar insolation at various Navy sta- tions, typical building heat loads, collector prices by type, and storage tank prices are included. Two example problems are worked for tube-in-sheet collectors: one for space and DHW heating for a single dwelling, and the other DHW supply for a dispensary. Neither was found to be cost effective when competing against present day prices for natural gas. A directory of manufacturers and bib- liography is also included. (Author) AD-A025 397/1 PC A07/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio The Role of Communication Satellites in Edu- cation for Less-Developed Countries Msstsr's thesis David Earl Hughes. Oct 75, 133p Rept no. AFIT- CI-76-29 Descriptors: 'Communication satellites, 'Educa- tion, 'Developing nations, Television systems, Na- tions, Mass media, Television receivers, Satellite communications, India, Theses. Identifiers: Intelsat satellites. The purpose of the study is to place the potentials and problems associated with communication sat- ellites and educational television into perspective with the social, political, and economic resistance which often hinder the utilization of technological advancements. The study examines the need for an educational broadcasting satellite system in detail. AD-A026 041/4 PC A02/MF A01 Construction Engineering Research Lab (Army) Champaign III Method for Estimating Solar Heating and Cool- ing System Performance Douglas C. Hittle, George N. Walton, and Donald F. Holshouser. 1976, 14p Descriptors: 'Solar heating, 'Solar energy, *Air conditioning equipment, Buildings, Geographical distribution, Solar radiation, Computerized simula- tion, Climate. During FY75 the Construction Engineering Re- search Laboratory, under funding from the Office of the Chief of Engineers, engaged in a research effort to develop a method for the preliminary de- termination of the feasibility of heating and cooling buildings with solar energy. The principle objective of the work effort was to provide a simple means for estimating the expected performance of a given solar heating and cooling system when ap- plied to typical buildings in various regions of the Country. AD-A026 264/2 PC A08/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Solid Waste Management - Tomorrow's Alter- natives in the Urban-Rural Environment Msstcr's th©sis Ronald J. Weeden. 1975, 161p Rept no. AFIT-CI- 76-44 Descriptors: 'Waste disposal, 'Management plan- ning and control, Regulations, Legislation, Materi- als recovery, Economic analysis, Collecting meth- APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ods, Shredding, Incinerators, Fuels, Packaging, Theses. Identifiers: * Solid waste disposal, * Waste recy- cling, Waste transfer stations, Sanitary landfills, Composts. Solid wastes collection and disposal problems are enormous and inadequacies are not only polluting our land, air, and water, but are precipitating social, economic, and political problems as well. It is as- sumed that any design for solid waste manage- ment must include resource recovery as an inte- gral part of the system, but only within the limits of cost/benefit advantages and, equally important, within the limits of developing markets for recov- ered materials. Viable alternatives are document- ed for solving the immediate problem and integrat- ing the capability for conserving precious re- sources by enhancing the following objectives: (1) Improve efficiencies; (2) Enhance satisfaction; (3) Increase local knowledge and information; and, (4) Economically recover and process materials. AD-A029 258/1 PC A06/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Proceedings of a Workshop on the Biodeter- ioration of Tropical Woods: Chemical Basis for Natural Resistance Held at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. on October 17- 18, 1974 John D. Bultman. Jul 76, 102p Descriptors: *Wood, *Biodeterioration, 'Tropical regions, 'Meetings, Resistance(Biology), Chemi- cal reactions, Biocides, Marine borers, Fungicides, Inhibition, Oxidation, Melanin, Response(Biology), Termites, Mollusca, Phenols, Polycyclic com- pounds, Cooling towers, Quinones. Contents: Research at the Naval Research Laboratory on Bioresistant tropical woods: An Overview; Biocides from Marine borer resistant timbers; Dalbergia polyphenols and shell formation in mollusks: Preliminary results; Search for a 'Weak Link'; The performance of Dalbergia wood and Delbergia Extractives impregnated into pine and exposed in a water cooling tower; Inhibition of fungal growth and reproduction by obtusaquinone and some cinnamylphenols; Resistance of tropical woods to subterranean termites; Responses of the Formosan Subterranean Termite to tropical wood extracts; Field evaluation of natural wood extractives and some related compounds as antiborer agents; Comments on Melanin and polyphenoloxidase inhibitors. AD-A029 823/2 PC A02/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Research and Development of Fiber-Rein- forced Concrete in North America Final rept. George C. Hoff. Feb 74, 19p Rept no. WES-MP- C-74-3 Presented at Symposium on Concrete Research and Development (1970-1973) Sep 73, Sydney, Australia. Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, 'Concrete, 'Fiber reinforcement, Reinforcing materials, Steel, Glass, Plastics, Fibers, Spallation, Impact strength, Flexural properties, Metal fibers, Glass fibers, Glass textiles. Identifiers: Mortars(Material), Ferrocement. Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) in North America is emerging from the laboratory and is finding many potential applications. Steel, glass, and plas- tic fibers are being used in mortars and concretes to improve the characteristics of these materials, particularly the flexural and impact strengths. Steel-FRC is being used mostly for pavement overlays. Glass-fiber-reinforced cements are being used in architectural products. Plastic-fiber-rein- forced products are being used for improved spall and impact resistance. The applications of FRC are limited only by the ingenuity of the user. (Author) AD-A029 842/2 PC A02/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Miscellaneous paper Helmuth G. Geymayer, and Frank B. Cox. Jan 70, 19p Rept no. WES-MP-C-70-2 See also Rept. no. AEWES-TR-C-69-C-1 dated Feb 69, AD-685 824. Descriptors: 'Concrete, 'Reinforced concrete, 'Reinforcing materials, 'Fiber reinforcement, Bonding, Deformation, Shrinkage, Flexural strength, Cracking(Fracturing), Deflection, Strength(Mechanics). Identifiers: 'Bamboo. Military construction activities in Southeast Asia have caused renewed interest in bamboo rein- forcement and an investigation of the use of bamboo as expedient reinforcement for concrete was begun at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. The more important results and conclusions are summarized here. AD-A032 835/1 PC A06/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 3. Additional Tests of Bamboo Frank B. Cox, and James F. McDonald. Dec 70, 101 p Rept no. WES-TR-C-69-3-3 See also Report 2, AD-706 846. Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, 'Reinforcing materials, Plants(Botany), Preparation, Loads(Forces). Identifiers: 'Bamboo, 'Bamboo reinforcement. This report summarizes the to-date (October 1969) results of a current WES study on the feasibility of using bamboo as an expedient reinforcement for temporary reinforced concrete structures. The report contains the results of an investigation of the most important engineering properties of an Asian species of bamboo (Phyllostachys bambu- soides or Madake), some additional properties (since the publication of Report 1) obtained for the local Mississippi cane (Arundinaria tecta), descrip- tion of short-time static tests conducted on 14 beams, description of tests of two beams subject- ed to sustained loading, conclusions, and tenta- tive, to-date recommendations for the design of bamboo-reinforced members. AD-A032 970/6 PC A03/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Water Hyacinth Research in Puerto Rico Final rept. William N. Rushing. Sep 73, 33p Rept no. WES- MP-M-73-13 Descriptors: 'Water hyacinth, 'Weed control, 'Puerto Rico, Biological control, Productivity, Aquatic weeds, Snails, Food consumption, Electric power plants, Pumping, Lakes, Reservoirs. Identifiers: 'Pomacea australis, 'Eichhornia cras- sipes. Water hyacinths are by far the most troublesome aquatic weeds in Puerto Rico. In 1972 the Tropical Terrain Research Detachment of the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station conduct- ed a limited study on the productivity of water hya- cinths in field situations and on the biological con- trol of some native aquatics with the Brazilian snail, Pomacea australis. This paper presents some quantitative data on water hyacinth productivity in three different natural locations on the island. Data are also given on amounts and rates of consump- tion of aquatics by the snail, whose use as an agent for biological control of aquatic weeds ap- pears promising. AD-A036 072/7 PC A08/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program. 22-24 October 1975, Charleston, S. C Final rept. Dec 76, 160 Rept no. WES-MP-A-76-1 Descriptors: 'Weed control, 'Aquatic weeds, 'Herbicides, 'Biological control, Aquatic plants, Conferences, State law, Pathogenic materials, Fishes, Streams, Inland waterways, Lakes, Aquatic organisms, Microorganisms, Water hyacinth, Rubber, Biodeterioration, Release mechanisms, Subtropical regions, United States, South America, Mexico. Identifiers: White amur fishes, 2-4-D herbicides, Silvex, 'Biological weed control. Partial Contents: Status of Classification of Aquatic Herbicides; Aquatic Herbicide Tolerance; State Certification of Aquatic Herbicide/Pesticide Oper- ations in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas; Aquatic Plant Problems in Puerto Rico; Reconnaissance Survey of Aquatic Weed Infesta- tions in Lakes and Navigable Streams in Oklaho- ma; South American Field Studies of Prospective Biocontrol Agents of Weeds; Aquatic Weed Prob- lems in Mexico and Texas and Some Measures for Control; Possible Effects of the Introduction of the White Amur into Lake Conway, Fla.; Aquatic Weed Versus Plant Pathogen ~ A study of a biological control in action; Controlled Release Herbicides- Rubber formulations; 2,4-D in Slow-Moving Water; Extensive Degradation of Silvex by Synergistic Action of Aquatic Microoganisms; Integrated Con- trol of Waterhyacinths with Four Biological Agents; Waterhyacinths-Nuisance of Benefit; and Large- Scale Field Test with the Monosex White Amur in Florida. AD-A038 482/6 PC A07/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Dept of Geography Urban Food Supply and Distribution: Charac- teristics and Utilization of Fresh Food Markets in Bangkok and Thonburi Technical rept. Margaret E. Crawford. 22 Feb 74, 127p Rept no. TR-5 Contract Nonr- 1224(56) Descriptors: 'Fresh foods, 'Marketing, 'Thailand, 'Urban areas, Food, Commerce, Commodities, Supplies, Sources, Rural areas. Identifiers: Bangkok(Thailand), Thonburi(Thailand). This report deals with one aspect of the problem of food supply and distribution to urban areas. It de- scribes major internal characteristics of nearly two hundred fresh-food markets or talat in Bangkok Thonburi, Thailand. These characteristics are then summarized in a measure of market utilization. In- dicators of change within the market system are identified along with market responsiveness in meeting the changing needs of a rapidly growing urban population. (Author) AD-A041 526/5 PC A04/MF A01 Decisions and Designs Inc Mclean Va The Art of Cost-Benefit Analysis Technical rept. Baruch Fischhoff. Feb 77, 59p Contract N00014-76-C-0074, ARPA Order-3052 Prepared in cooperation with Decision Research Corp., Eugene Ore., Rept. no. DR-76-10 and Per- ceptronics, Inc., Woodland Hills, Calif., Rept. no. PTR-1 042-77-2. Descriptors: 'Cost benefits, 'Cost analysis, Deci- sion making, Acceptability, Value engineering, Trees, Judgement(Psychology), Probability, Toxic hazards, Nuclear energy, Earthquakes. Identifiers: 'Benefit cost analysis. Proposals for large-scale government and private projects are increasingly coming under the scrutiny of the cost-benefit analysis, decision analysis, risk assessment and related approaches. This paper presents a critical overview of such analyses. It discusses (1) their rationale; (2) their acceptability as guides to decision making; (3) the problems such analyses encounter; (4) how they may be misused; and (5) what steps are needed to in- crease their contribution to society. The dicussion is illustrated with a variety of examples drawn, in APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS particular, from the evaluation of new technol- ogies. AD-A044 343/2 PC A07/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Potential Nonstructural or Low Cost Water- ways System Improvements Final rept. Frederick M. Anklam. Jun 71, 146p Rept no. WES-MP-O-71-1 Descriptors: * Water traffic, 'Inland waterways, Operational effectiveness, Utilization, Optimiz- ation, Low costs, Cost benefits, Regulations, Locks(Waterways), Commodities, Barges, Towing, Modification, Management planning and control, Questionnaires. The inland waterways system of the United States as it exists today has a number of problems associ- ated with near-capacity traffic conditions. In many places on the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri Rivers and their navigable tributaries, there are se- rious impediments to the free flow of waterborne commerce. This study was conducted to deter- mine the potential for more efficient utilization of existing inland waterways resources and facilities as a possible alternative to heavy investment in major construction. The study was based on distri- bution of a questionnaire, meetings and discus- sions with the Civil Works Task Group for Inland Waterways Systems Analysis, and visits to Corps of Engineers Civil Works offices and river sites by the author. The inland waterways system is an inti- mate interweaving of three significant subsystems: the physical waterway, the towing industry, and commodities. These subsystems and their interre- lations are discussed in detail herein. It was deter- mined that there are a number of areas of potential for improvement in the inland waterways system. These areas involve such items as changes in op- erating procedures of the locks, revisions of the operating rules for towboats approaching and using locks, staffing considerations, additional as- sistance at heavily trafficked locks, and other such factors. AD-A044 765/6 PC A02/MF A01 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab Han- over N H Effect of Geography on the Extensive Agricul- tural Use of Sewage (Wplyw Czynnika Geogra- ficznego na Rozpowszechnienie Rolniczego Wykorzystania wod Sciekowych) Jan Wierzbicki. Sep 77, 10p Rept no. CRREL-TL- 642 Trans, of Gaz Woda Technika Santarna (Poland) v24 n 1 1 p407-4 1 1 950, by Sam Blalock. Descriptors: 'Sewage disposal, Waste recycling, Irrigation systems, Fertilizers, Rural areas, Agron- omy, Agriculture, Urban planning, Climate, Terrain, Soils, Geographic areas, Land use, Waste man- agement, Translations, Poland. Identifiers: 'Sewage irrigation. This article considers the causes of the elimination of many irrigated fields in England when the devel- opment of this kind of arrangement was appearing in other countries. Unfavorable local and soil cli- matic conditions necessitated the replacement of irrigated fields by purification plants of another type. The liquidation of irrigated fields in England and in the Eastern United States should not be an example for countries in which other geographic conditions predominate. The considerable simulta- neous increase in arrangements of this type in other countries proves the incorrectness of uncriti- cal copying of England's example and negative re- action to the agricultural use of sewage water in localities with conditions which favor its use. (Author) AD-A044 767/2 PC A02/MF A01 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab Han- over N H Disadvau.jges and Advantages of Sewage Disposal in Connection with Agricultural Utili- zation (Wady i Zalety Oczyszczania wod Sciekowych w Polaczeniv Zoich Rolnicyzm Wykorzystaniem) Jan Wierzbicki. Sep 77, 10p Rept no. CRREL-TL- 645 Trans, of Gaz Woda Technika Sanitarna (Poland) v23 n6 p1 98-201 1 949, by Sam Blalock. Descriptors: 'Sewage disposal, Purification, Sewage treatment, Land use, Irrigation systems, Fertilizers, Agriculture, Waste treatment, Waste re- cycling, Productivity, Utilization, Urban planning, Rural areas, Translations, Poland. Identifiers: 'Sewage irrigation. Although the purification of sewage in connection with agricultural use has certain disadvantages as mentioned in this report, the possibility of obtaining very significant economic advantages dictates the widest possible application of land treatment of sewage purification. (Author) AD-A044 982/7 PC A02/MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Systems Optimization Lab Micro-Level Approaches for Improving Water Resource Knowledge Transfer in Rural Areas Technical rept. Nathan Buras. Jun 77, 18p Rept no. SOL-77-12 Contract N00014-75-C-0865 Descriptors: 'Water resources, 'Rural areas, Technology transfer, Irrigation systems, Water supplies, Water wells, Water quality, India, West Africa, Guatemala, Peru, Mexico, Israel, Confer- ences. Identifiers: 'Meetings, 'Developing countries, In- formation transfer. One of the topics discussed at the Second Interna- tional Conference on Transfer of Water Resources Knowledge (Colorado State University, Fort Col- lins, Colorado, June 29 - July 1, 1977) dealt with utilization of water resources knowledge in the context of regional development. Six papers were presented to the conference under this heading covering a broad range of issues: from a diagnostic description of a difficult situation in rural India, to a theoretical approach to the policy decisions rele- vant to rural modernization efforts. This general report summarizes the six papers, comments brief- ly on them, then focuses on two key points which were by-passed by the papers: (a) the resistance to change of farming communities at lower levels of technological sophistication; (b) attempts to overcome this resistance. AD-A047 981/6 PC A09/MF A01 Maryland Univ College Park Inst for Fluid Dynam- ics and Applied Mathematics Environmental Conditions in a Tropical Forest Region in Thailand Contract rept. Helmut E. Landsberg, Owen E. Thompson, Robert E. Kaylor, and Rachel T. Pinker. Nov 74, 186p BN-799, PUB-109, ETL-0129 Contract DAAK02-72-C-0287 Descriptors: 'Climate, 'Tropical regions, 'Mete- orological data, Monsoons, Rainfall, diurnal vari- ations, Seasonal variations, Rainfall intensity, Temperature, Forests, Weather stations, Weather forecasting, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Humidity. Major results of a two year project to study the cli- matological and micrometeorological conditions in a tropical evergreen forest region are summarized in this report. The study has been under the spon- sorship of the U. S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratory. The forest area under study is in the interior of Thailand and is influenced by a cool, dry northeast monsoonal flow from November to March and a warm, moist southwest monsoonal flow from May to September. Measured informa- tion were collected during a three year field pro- gram sponsored by the U. S. Army Natick Labora- tories and included ground station temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, evaporation, hours of sunshine, and tower measurements of tempera- ture, dew point temperature, and wind speed, in- coming and reflected solar radiation, incoming and outgoing infra-red radiation and sub-surface tem- perature profiles in the forest and in a cleared area within the forest region. AD-A054 601/0 PC A05/MF A01 Civil Engineering Lab (Navy) Port Hueneme Calif Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water Final rept. Jul 74-Dec 75 E. J. Beck, Jr, and R. L Field. Nov 77, 88p Rept no. CEL-TR-835 Descriptors: 'Solar heating, 'Housing(Dwellings), 'Hot water, Solar energy, Solar collectors, Water tanks, Heat transfer, Design to cost, Architecture, Sizes(Dimensions), Fuel consumption, Savings, In- vestments, Bibliographies. Identifiers: Solar space heating, Hot water heating, Solar water heating, Houses, Insulation, Cost anal- ysis. The purpose of this document is to provide guid- ance in the design and cost analysis of solar heat- ing systems for buildings and domestic hot water (DHW). The nature of solar radiation, several types of solar systems, storage devices and architectural considerations are among topics included. Calcu- lation methods are included for determining collec- tor size, storage size, simplified building and DHW loads, value of fuel saved, and saving-investment ratios. The calculation procedure is based on para- metric curves for 'fraction of heating load supplied by solar energy' and several 'rules of thumb' for design. A series of 1 1 worksheets is used to enable the engineer with no prior experience with solar systems to accomplish a complete design and cost analysis. With this information he can pre- pare bidding and specification documents for the job. Tables of solar insolation at various Navy sta- tions, typical building heat loads, collector prices by type, and storage tank prices are included. Two example problems are worked for tube-in-sheet collectors: one for space and DHW heating for a single dwelling, and the other DHW supply for a dispensary. Neither was found to be cost effective when competing against present day prices for natural gas. A directory of manufacturers and bib- liography is also included. (Author) AD-A057 032/5 PC A02/MF A01 Office of the Chief of Engineers (Army) Washing- ton DC Fish Production in China. Transportation of Fish Eggs, Fry and Young Yuh-Farn Chang. Jul 78, 21 p Descriptors: 'Fishes, 'Eggs, 'Transportation, Fisheries, Containers, Barrels, Production, Densi- ty, China, Handling. Identifiers: Fishing industry, Aquaculture, Dis- solved gases, Oxygen, Carp, Mullets, Bigheads, Cargo transportation. The proper transportation and handling of fish eggs and fry is a vital part of any fish production system. Careful planning is important. The first thing to decide is the type of container to be used to hold the fish. There are buckets and barrels of many sizes and designs, each with different char- acteristics. A second consideration is the density to which the fry should be packed in the container. This must be as dense as possible to save space and money, but not so dense as to kill the fish. The two most important factors in determining the maximum allowable density are water temperature and dissolved oxygen levels. Fish fry and eggs are shipped by three major means: by land, by water, and by air. This involves either trucks, trains, boats, airplanes, or human labor. Each method has ad- vantages for different situations. During any form of transportation, water maintenance is necessary. If some sort of method for replenishing dissolved oxygen is used, replacement of water can be put off, but still not avoided. The source of fresh water must be inspected carefully before it is used. Clean pond water appears to be best. Any temperature difference between old and new water should be minimized. In more recent years, cultivation of mullet species has become prominent, moving in with the more traditional species, the carps and the bigheads. Most of the techniques used for the transportation of all species, including mullet, apply to their eggs. (Author) APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS AD-A057 090/3 PC A02/MF A01 Letterman Army Inst of Research San Francisco Calif Rural Nutrition of Monsoon Asia Final rept. Robert Orr Whyte. 1977, 3p Rept no. LAIR-77-53 Availability: Pub. in American Jnl. of Clinical Nutri- tion, v30 n7 p1 1 98-1 1 99 1 977. Descriptors: "Nutrition, Monsoons, Asia, Reprints. Identifiers: Rural areas. No abstract available. AD-A057 315/4 PC A03/MF A01 Office of the Chief of Engineers (Army) Washing- ton DC Fish Production in China. The Rearing of Fish Fry and Fingerlings Yuh-Farn Chang. Jul 78, 43p Descriptors: *Fishes, "Fisheries, "China, Breed- ing, Production, Cleaning, Ponds. Identifiers: Reproduction(Biology), "Aquaculture, Dredging, Pest control, Calcium oxides, Bleaching agents, Effectiveness, Animal nutrition, Feeding stuffs, Fertilizers, Sewage, Manure, Leguminous plants, Byproducts. The supply of fish fry and fingerlings is of primary concern to the fish culturing industry. In order to increase the supply, it is necessary to improve rearing techniques. The first of many parts to this program is to improve pond condition. It is recom- mended that rearing ponds be drained and cleaned once a year. The cleaning process in- volves treatment with various chemical sub- stances, and simple mud removal (dredging). This reduces the incidence of disease, eliminates pest species and other harmful organisms, and facili- tates repair of the pond's structure. Many different chemicals can be used, although lime and bleach- ing powder seem to be the most effective. The second area to be considered is that of fry nutri- tion. Different species of fry have different food preferences. For this reason, they can be found in different areas of the pond. For each species of fish, slightly different pond and fertilizer conditions are considered optimal. The basic fertilizers used are grass, cow manure, soybean milk, and peanut cakes. Recent experiments using human sewage have proven very successful, with exciting pros- pects for the future. A third consideration is the se- lection of a suitable rearing pond. Characteristics of a good pond are: an ample water source, appro- priate size and depth, circular shape, level bottom, non-leaking, and plenty of sunlight. AD-A057 539/9 PC A02/MF A01 Walter Reed Army Inst of Research Washington D C A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Operation -- Fort Chaffee Indochina Ref- ugee Camp (April - July 1975) Joel C. Gaydos, Lee E. Ashmore, Thomas J. McNeil, Thomas A. Mino, and Marvin L. Bertsch. 1978, 5p Availability: Pub. in Military Medicine, v143 n5 p31 8-321 May 78. Descriptors: "Preventive medicine, "Public health, "Refugees, Hazards, Safety, Military medicine, Surveys, Evacuation, Environmental protection, South Vietnam, Reprints. Identifiers: "Indochina, Foreign countries. No abstract available. AD-A057 551/4 PC A02/MF A01 Naval Medical Research Unit No 2 Apo San Fran- cisco 96263 Parasites of Man in Remote Areas of Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia Technical rept. W. P. Carney, P. F. D. Van Peenen, R. See, E. Hagelstein, and B. Lima. 1977, 14p Availability: Pub. in Southeast Asian Jnl. of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, v8 n3 p380-389 Sep 77. Descriptors: "Parasites, Indonesia, Villages, Intes- tinal parasites, Schistosomiasis, Malaria, Filariasis, Tropical medicine, Surveys, Reprints. Identifiers: Sulawesi(lndonesia), Humans, Foreign countries. No abstract available. AD-A058 861/6 PC A02/MF A01 Association of Scientists and Engineers of the Naval Air and Sea Systems Command Washington Dc Why Not Sails Kenneth C. Morisseau. Mar 78, 23p Proceedings of the Annual Technical Symposium (15th), Association of Scientists and Engineers of the Naval Air and Sea Systems Command, Wash- ington, DC 1978. Descriptors: "Marine propulsion, "Wind, Naval ar- chitecture, Energy conservation, Technology fore- casting, Prototypes, Trade off analyses, Ship hulls. Identifiers: "Sailboats. With the shortage of fossil fuels becoming a seri- ous problem and the high cost and environmental hazards of nuclear propulsion, it appears to be a good time to go back and take a hard look at the use of sails as the device and wind as the energy source for ship propulsion. (In the interest of adding credence to what may be considered a questionable endeavor, it should be noted that se- rious studies are being made both in Britain and West Germany concerning the practicality of sail propulsion for commercial vessels.) The paper re- views the history of sails as a means of propulsion, the capabilities and limitations of modern sailing ship designs with both conventional displacement hulls and unconventional hull forms such as semi- submersible and hydrofoil supported considered. A variety of designs to suit naval and commercial applications are provided for further consideration. (Author) AD-A060 212/8 PC A06/MF A01 Miami Univ FL Dept of Dermatology Fungous and Bacterial Skin Infections in the Tropics Final rept. 1 Jun 71-31 May 76 David Taplin. Aug 78, 114p Contract DADA1 7-71 -C-1 084 Descriptors: "Bacterial diseases, "Fungus dis- eases, "Infectious diseases, "Tropical diseases, "Skin diseases, Tropical regions, Epidemiology, Therapy, Chemotherapy, Preventive medicine, Panama, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Viet- nam, Soaps. Identifiers: Tinea corporis, Tinea cruris, Tinea pedis, Columbia, Infections. Bacterial skin infections in the tropics are the pre- dominant cause of dermatological disease in civil- ians and are directly related to temperature, hu- midity, exposure, and living conditions. Substan- dard housing and poor hygiene, biting and vector insects contribute to high rates of infection. Tropi- cal skin infections are usually streptococcal. In military populations, personnel on field operations are at highest risk. Support troops, even in the tropics, have a much lower incidence of strepto- coccal pyoderma. Currently available deodorant soaps do not prevent skin infections, but chlorhexi- dine gluconate looks promising. Epidemic furuncu- losis is related to close social contact, and may be more common than most physicians realize. Early treatment with antibiotics plays a significant role in prevention of new furuncles among contacts. Anti- biotic resistant strains of bacteria pose new prob- lems in cutaneous microbiology. Severe fungal in- fections of the skin may attack up to 70% of mili- tary personnel in hot humid environments. Occlu- sion is the most significant factor, and appears to be related to accumulation of C02 under damp clothing. Combined therapy of tinea corporis/ cruris with topical miconazole/hydrocortisone is highly effective. Hydrocortisone alone makes these infections worse in the tropics. Topical clotri- mazole is effective in the treatment of dermatophy- tosis, but tinea pedis is difficult to treat and usually recurs. AD-A060 779/6 PC A12/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg MS Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on 3-6 October 1977 Final rept. Aug 78, 270p Rept no. WES-MP-A-78-1 Descriptors: "Aquatic plants, "Plant growth, "Envi- ronmental management, Conferencing(Communications), Louisiana, Army Corps of engineers, Environmental engineering, Marine biology, Water hyacinth, Experimental data, Waterways, Control, Harbors. Identifiers: "Eurasian watermilfoil, "Aquatic Plant Control, Pest control. The 12th Annual Meeting on the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Aquatic Plant Control Research Pro- gram was held in New Orleans, La., on 3-7 October 1977 to review current operations activities and to afford an opportunity for presentation of current re- search projects. (Author) AD-A061 469/3 PC A03/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Ml Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures Final rept. James E. McDonald, and Tony C. Liu. Sep 78, 31 p WES-MP-C-78-15, CTIAC-34 Descriptors: "Underground structures, "Concrete, "Waterproofing, Permeability, Moisture, Porosity, Fiber reinforced composites, Strength(Mechanics), Habitability, Construction materials. Identifiers: "Earth covered structures. Low permeability to water is a primary considera- tion in the design and construction of earth-cov- ered concrete structures. Factors affecting the permeability of concrete are generally classified into three groups: (1) constituent materials; (2) methods of concrete preparation; and (3) subse- quent treatment of the concrete. Each group of factors is examined in this paper and recommen- dations are made on how to obtain concrete that is virtually impermeable. Also, some specialized con- cretes with potential applications in earth-covered structures are discussed briefly. These include polymer-impregnated, polymer, and fiber-rein- forced concretes and ferro-cement. (Author) AD-A062 903/0 PC A06/MF A01 Middlebrooks and Associates Logan UT Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings Special rept. E. Joe Middlebrooks, Catherine D. Perman, and Irving S. Dunn. Nov 78, 118p CRREL-SR-78-28 Contract DACA89-77-C-1895 Descriptors: "Waste water, "Ponds, "Sealing com- pounds, "Linings, Soil stabilization, Waste treat- ment, Environmental protection, Asphalt, Con- crete, Plastics, Costs, Protective coatings, Moistur- eproofing. Identifiers: "Wastewater stabilization lagoons, Bentonite, Water pollution control, Hydrology. A review of the literature on wastewater stabiliza- tion lagoon linings covering the work during the past 20 years is presented. Design, operating and maintenance experiences are presented for soil sealants, natural sealants, bentonite clays, chemi- cal treatments, gunite, concrete, asphaltic com- pounds, plastics and elastomers. The characteris- tics of various materials, applicability to different wastes, construction techniques and details of in- stallation techniques are presented. Installation costs for various materials and comparative costs are summarized. A summary of reported seepage rates for various types of lining materials is pre- sented. A survey of the 50 states was conducted to determine the requirements for liners and allow- able seepage rates. Requirements are varied and depend upon the local soil conditions and the ex- periences of the regulatory agencies with various materials. The trend is toward more stringent re- quirements. Accepted design and installation pro- cedures are summarized, and detailed drawings of installation techniques are presented. Recommen- dations of the manufacturers and installers of liners are also presented. (Author) APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS AD-210 105/3 PC A07/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences - National Re- search Council Washington D C Indigenous Tropical Agriculture in Central America:Land Use, Systems, and Problems C.L DOZER. 3 Oct 58, 134p Rept no. ffrp r 3p594ffrp r 3p594 Contract nonr230009 Distribution limitation now removed. NOTE: Only 35mm microfilm is available. No microfiche. Descriptors: 'Agriculture. Identifiers: 'Central America. No abstract available. AD-417 467/8 PC A07/MF A01 California Univ Livermore Lawrence Radiation Lab Patterns of Settlement and Subsistence in Southwestern Angola Alvin W. Urquhart. 1963, 149p Rept nos. NRC-R- 18, Pub-1096 Contract Nonr230009 Also available from Printing and Publishing Office, NRC, Washington, D. C. for $4.00 per copy. Distribution limitation now removed. NOTE: Only 35mm microfilm is available. No microfiche. Descriptors: *Survival(Personnel), Economics, Ag- riculture, Housing(Dwellings), Social sciences, Food, Storage, Population, Terrain, Processing. Identifiers: 'Angola, Rural areas, Developing coun- tries, Africa. This study presents the findings of a year of field work in Portugal and Angola. The author attempts to describe and expain the patterns of settlement and subsistence of the farmer-herders and neigh- boring African peoples who live on the Huila Pla- teau of southwestern Angola. A historical back- ground of the occupation and colonization of this area by Europeans supplements this study. (Author) AD-464 900 PC A02 Special Operations Research Office, Washington, D. C. Counterinsurgency Iformation Analysis Center. Irrigation as a Factor in the Economic Develop- ment of Thailand. James R. Price. Jun 64, 10p Rept no. SORO/ CINFAC/1-64 Contract DA-49-092-ARO-7 Descriptors: 'Irrigation systems, Thailand, 'Cere- als, Irrigation systems, History, Economics, Floods, Counterinsurgency, Agriculture, Rural areas. The question of irrigation and flood control in Thai- land has been historically bound together not only with the immediate problems of production of Thai- land's main export crop of paddy rice, but with the pattern of Thailand's foreign economic and politi- cal relations. Developmental irrigation and flood control projects only now nearing completion are virtually identical to those recommended more than half a century ago by a Dutch irrigation advis- er, and which could have been completed within twelve years at a fraction of the cumulative costs, both in capitalization and crop losses, to date. (Author) AD-600 859 PC A02 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Woodworking Machines. May 64, 2p FPL-048 Descriptors: 'MACHINES, WOOD, 'SAWS, WOOD, MILLING MACHINES, INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL SEPARATION. Identifiers: WOODWORKING MACHINES. Woodworking machines are made to do a wide va- riety of jobs. For any one job there are usually a number of makes, sizes, and styles of machines from which to choose. They are not standardized. Only a brief classification and outline of specifica- tions for fairly typical machines of the more impor- tant types is attempted. Small light machines of the home workshop size are not included. Woodwork- ing machines may be divided into three broad classes based on function: sawmill, planing mill, and industrial plant machinery. The function of sawmill machinery is to cut the log into rough, green lumber. The planing mill takes the rough lumber (usually dry), and prepares it for general construction uses, such as flooring, siding, shiplap, or framing. The industrial plant cuts up lumber and makes it into doors, furniture, boxes, or other fabri- cated products. (Author) AD-615 459 PC A02 Special Operations Research Office American Univ Washington D C A Selected Inventory of Latin American Agri- cultural Colonies with Annotated Bibliography. Curtin WinsorJr, and Joseph Macrum. 1964, 2p Rept no. soro/cinfac/ 18-65 Descriptors: 'RURAL AREAS, SOUTH AMERICA, 'SOUTH AMERICA, RURAL AREAS, 'CENTRAL AMERICA, RURAL AREAS, AGRICULTURE, BIB- LIOGRAPHIES, BRAZIL, CHILE, COLOMBIA, EC- UADOR, GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, PERU, VENEZUELA. Identifiers: COLONY PROJECT, LATIN AMERICA, BOLIVIA, PARAGUAY, URUGUAY, COLONIZA- TION. With a few noted exceptions, this paper is limited in its scope to agricultural colonies and settlements that were founded after 1 945 and had sufficient lit- erature to justify a profile-outline. As such, the paper identifies only a small part of the literature on the process of land settlement in present-day Latin America. (Author) AD-636 809 PC A02 MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif A Short Survey of Colombian Agricultural De- velopment in Recent Years. Dalbert A. Fitchett. 25 May 66, 2p Rept no. P- 3370 Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Colombia, Reviews, Rural areas, Economics, Population, Production, Commerce, Food, Geography. No abstract available. AD-638 118 Mcgill Univ Montreal (Quebec) Dept of Geography Savanna-Tropical Forest Boundaries Sympo- sium: Venezuela. Technical rept. on Savanna Research Project. Theo L Hills. 1 Jul 66, 2p Rept no. Occasional Paper-1 Contract Nonr-3855(00) Availability: Published in Nature and Resources v1 n4p1-5Dec1965. Descriptors: 'Geography, 'Venezuela, Ecology, Jungles. Identifiers: Savanna ecosystem. No abstract available. AD-651 116 PC A04 MF A01 American Univ Washington D C Center for Re- search in Social Systems Resettlement in Latin America: An Analysis of 35 Cases. Milton Jacobs, Alexander R. Askenasy, and Norita P. Scott. Apr 67, 55p Contract DA-49-092-ARO-7 Descriptors: 'Management planning, Latin Amer- ica, 'Government(Foreign), Economics, United States government, Agriculture, Military training, Population, Political science, Social sciences, Rural areas, Education, Medicine, Housing, Feder- al budgets. A study of agricultural settlements (or colonies) in Latin America: the history of settlement, current governmental efforts in colonization, and an analy- sis of the colonies in terms of success or failure are included. Detailed description of five of the settle- ments is appended. AD-653 856 PC A03 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Natural Resistance of Woods to Biological De- terioration in Tropical Environments. Part I. Screening Tests of a Large Number of Wood Species. Interim rept. C. R. Southwell, C. W. Hummer, Jr, B. W. Forgeson, T. R. Price, and T. R. Sweeney. 7 Feb 62, 49p Rept no. NRL-5673-PM Descriptors: 'Wood, Biological contamination, 'Tropical deterioration, Wood, Identification, Sam- pling, Exposure, Test methods, Marine borers, Resistance(Biological), Isoptera, Degradation, Tropical tests, Sea water, Soils, Fungus deteriora- tion. In four different tropical environments, heavily in- fested with wood-destroying organisms, 114 spe- cies of scientifically identified woods have been undergoing a screening test for periods up to an 1 8-month exposure. Many of the woods were se- lected because of their reputed resistance to bio- logical attack. Results of marine borer resistance studies have revealed 21 woods to be highly resis- tant to borers in Pacific Ocean water for the first 14 months of exposure. In tropical brackish water only 3 woods studied were highly resistant and very heavy damage was observed on 69 during the 14- month period. Stake tests in tropical jungle soil on both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of Panama showed 26 woods to be very durable to both sub- terranean termites and fungal decay for the first 1 8 months of exposure. A number of these resistant woods had not been studied previously. From the results of these studies, each wood included has been assigned resistance ratings of high, moder- ate, or low in respect to marine borer attack in sea water, teredo attack in brackish water, subterra- nean termites in tropical soil, and fungal decay in contact with jungle soil. Detailed descriptions of wood species which are considered to be of spe- cial interest are included. (Author) AD-657 007 PC A02 MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Review of 'Changing Patterns of Administra- tion in Rural East Pakistan'. Wayne Wilcox. Aug 67, 5p Rept no. P-3647 Descriptors: 'Government(Foreign), Pakistan, Rural areas, Political science, Suburban areas, Leadership, Management engineering, Econom- ics, Social sciences, Reports, South Asia. A very brief review of the book Changing Patterns of Administration in Rural East Pakistan which was prepared at the Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University. AD-657 858 PC A10 MF A01 California Univ Berkeley Dept of Geography A Historical Geography of the Santa Marta Area, Colombia. James R. Krogzemis. 1967, 224p Contract Nonr-3656(03) Descriptors: 'Geography, Colombia, History, Cli- matology, Archaeology, Terrain, Agriculture, Popu- lation, Rural areas, Economics, Aquatic animals, Forestry, Recreation, Industries, Mountains, Beaches, Environment, Rivers, Tables, Maps. Contents: Prehistory and Spanish conquest; The lowlands and coast surrounding the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; The Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta; The highlands of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; The indians of the Sierra Nevada. AD-664 641 Arizona Univ Tucson Inst of Arid Lands Research Inventory of Research on Weather and Climate of Desert Environments. Clayton H. Reitan, and Christine R. Green. 1967, 78p Contract DA-49-092-ARO-71 Chapter 2 of Inventory of Geographical Research on Desert Environments. See also Chapter 5, AD- 664 013. Availability: Published in Copyright Journal. Descriptors: 'Climatology, Deserts, Wind, Storms, Atmospheric temperature, Atmospheric motion, Tropical regions, Water, Measurement, Instrumen- APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS tation, Evapotranspiration, Artificial precipitation, Fog, Classification, Solar radiation, Indexes, Bib- liographies. Contents: Discussion of state of knowledge; (Cli- matic data, climatic data for each desert, synoptic climatology, weather systems, desert storms, upper-air circulations, aridity, climatic typing and in- dexes of aridity, weather modification, microcli- mate, radiation, bibliographies, depositories). AD-668 852 PC A09 MF A01 Arizona Univ Tucson Inst of Arid Lands Research Inventory of Research on Vegetation of Desert Environments. William G. McGinnies. 1967, 190p Contract DA-49-092-ARO-71 Chapter 6 of Inventory of Geographical Research on Desert Environments. See also Chapter no. 5, AD-664 013. Availability: Published in Copyrighted journal. Descriptors: *Plants(Botany), Deserts, Reviews, Scientific research, Trees, Grasses, Periodic vari- ations, Colors, Soil mechanics, Physical proper- ties, Sand, Fires, Herbicides, Food, Fibers(Natural), Insects, Fuels, Tables, Bibliogra- phies. The objective of the study chapter is to review and evaluate existing information and research on the vegetation of the deserts of the world, to ascertain notable deficiencies, and to propose possible future research and improvements to the general body of knowledge of desert vegetation. (Author) AD-668 853 Arizona Univ Tucson Inst of Arid Lands Research A General Summary of the State of Research on Ground-Water Hydrology. Eugene S. Simpson. 1967, 24p Contract DA-49-092-ARO-71 Chapter 8 of Inventory of Geographical Research on Desert Environments. See also Chapter 6, AD- 668 852. Availability: Published in Copyrighted journal. Descriptors: 'Hydrology, Deserts, Water, Terrain, Natural resources, Reliability, History, Well log- ging, Surface properties, Dams, Underground, Drainage, Storage, Physical properties, Manage- ment planning, Sources, Israel. This report is one of a series under a program started in November, 1964, entitled 'An Inventory of Geographical Research on Desert Environ- ments.' Geographic areas covered by the inven- tory were generally those classified as arid or ex- tremely arid. Some variation in coverage occurs from chapter to chapter, without change in the ob- jective of compiling and presenting the greatest possible amount of useful information in the allot- ted time. The purpose of the inventory is to deter- mine in detail what topics have been or are being investigated for the world's deserts, to appraise the reported work, and to disclose areas of study where further work is needed. The series of chap- ters does not attempt to recapitulate all informa- tion known about the deserts of the world, but rather comprises a compendium-guidebook to past and present research. It is based upon a criti- cal review of the published literature augmented by consultations with specialists. (Author) AD-670 260 PC A03 MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Political Consequences of Rural Development Programs in Indonesia. Guy J. Pauker. May 68, 30p Rept no. P-3864 Presented at the Political Development Seminar of the Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group, Dec 1967, Los Angeles, Calif. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, Indonesia, 'Political sci- ence, Indonesia, Economics, Population, Rural areas, Social sciences, Leadership, Attitudes, Government(Foreign), Decision making, Public re- lations, Statistical data, Management planning, History. A discussion is presented of the agrarian situation in Indonesia and of the political consequences of the failure of all rural development programs since the achievement of independence in 1 949. Some conclusions are drawn concerning the order of magnitude of the agrarian problem facing Indone- sia. The most salient fact is that, according to cur- rent estimates by the International Bank for Re- construction and Development, in the 1960-1966 period rice production increased at a rate of 1.6 percent per year whereas the population growth rate was 2.4 percent. (Author) AD-671 856 PC A08 MF A01 Mcgill Univ Montreal (Quebec) Dept of Geography The Ecology of the Forest/Savanna Boundary (Proceedings of the Igu Humid Tropics Com- mission Symposium, Venezuela, 1964). Technical rept. on Savanna Research Project Theo L Hills, and Roland E. Randall. May 68, 153p Rept nos. TR-14, Savanna Research Series-13 Contract Nonr-3855(00) Descriptors: *Plants(Botany), 'kcology, Trees, Grasses, Rainfall, Distribution, Climatology, Soils, History, Paleontology, Floods, Deserts, Fires, Ani- mals, Humidity, Symposia, Tropical regions, Ven- ezuela, Canada. Identifiers: Savannas. The report is the outcome of a symposium on the ecology of the forest/savanna boundary. The papers presented at the meeting have been cut and edited so that a theme is presented rather than a series of papers. In the introduction, the problems involved in savanna classification and the ambiguity of terminology are discussed, types of savanna found in different parts of the world de- scribed, and methods of examination analysed. The section is concluded by a description of the field trip made by the Symposium members, during which many of the differences in attitude were seen in a fresh light. A second chapter is con- cerned with savanna/forest boundaries held stable by factors of the physical environment; here the roles of flooding and desiccation, climate, soils and geomorphology are examined. In the third chapter the authors discuss stable boundaries re- sulting from human action. Fire and the role of do- mesticated grazing animals are seen as the major factors. The subject of the fourth section is the boundary when not in equilibrium. Many factors are examined in different parts of the world including soil, wild animals, fire, palaeoclimatology and man. An evaluation is made of the use of palynological and historical data. (Author) AD-675 354 PC A02 MF A01 National Research Council of Canada Ottawa (On- tario) Div of Building Research Opening Unserviced LOTS to Building by Use of Septic Tank. Housing Note W. B. Watson. Jul 66, 6p Rept no. HN-27 Reprinted from Canadian Builder, v16 n5 p42-45 May 66. Descriptors: 'Sewage, Rural areas, 'Tanks(Containers), Sewage, Hazards, Soils, Ter- rain, Population, Design, Economics, Operation, Maintenance, Substitutes, Specifications, Public health, Canada. Identifiers: Septic tanks. The value, construction, maintenance, and oper- ation of septic tanks in isolated areas are dis- cussed, along with problems and hazards. AD-676 124 PC A05 MF A01 Applied Scientific Research Corp of Thailand Bangkok Tropical Environmental Data (Trend): Coopera- tive Research Programme No. 27. Semiannual rept. no. 2, 1 Jul-31 Dec 67. 1968, 96p Contract DAJB29-67-C-0122 Descriptors: 'Forestry, Tropical regions, 'Rainfall, Thailand, Hydrology, Micrometeorology, Soils, Ma- terials, Deterioration, Bacteria, Fungi, Periodic vari- ations, Rivers, Terrain, Mapping, Evapotranspira- tion, Sensors, Atmospheric temperature, Plants(Botany). Identifiers: Dry-evergreen forest. The programme is an interdisciplinary study of a dry-evergreen forest environment in the 1,500 mm annual rainfall zone about 300 km north-east of Bangkok and 60 km south of Nakhon Ratchasima (Khorat). The programme is providing a reference framework of data on environmental factors, par- ticularly those which relate to tropical deterioration of materials and to personnel operating in tropical forest environments, and is examining the interac- tion of meteorological, hydrological, soils, vegeta- tion and other biological factors in such environ- ments. (Author) AD-677 010 PC A14 MF A01 Smithsonian Institution Washington DC Ecological Study in Korea. Part I. A Coopera- tive Program for Ecosystem Research in Korea. Final rept. Oct 66-Sep 68 Helmut K. Buechner, Edwin L. Tyson, and Ke Chung Kim. Sep 68, 31 1p AFOSR-68-2148 Contract F44620-67-C-0013 See also Part 2, AD-676 660. Descriptors: 'Ecology, Southeast Asia, Education, Biology, Research program administration, Natural resources, Plants(Botany), Personnel, Reports, Animals, Soils, Climatology. Identifiers: Demilitarized zones, 'Korea, Develop- ing countries. The program of 'Ecological Study in Korea' that was sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research was ini- tiated with the following objectives: (1) to provide a general description of the vegetation, animal life, soils, physiography, and climate of the study area; (2) to prepare appropriate vegetation and physio- graphic maps to accompany the descriptions; (3) to carry out a series of research projects of a pre- liminary nature on the physical characteristics, flora, and fauna of the study area by Korean scien- tists; and (4) to prepare a sound proposal for a long-range program to be submitted to granting agencies. (Author) AD-678 292 PC A02 MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass East Asian Re- search Center Agriculture as the Foundation. Ezra F. Vogel. Oct 68, 23p AFOSR-68-2543 Contract AF49(638)-1 399 Availability: Pub. in World Politics, v28 n4 p761- 779 Jul 68. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, China, 'Production con- trol, Effectiveness, Communism, Decision making, Economics, Rural areas, Problem solving, Man- agement engineering. Identifiers: Collective farming, Villages. China's decision to collectivize agriculture was sudden and required a series of adjustments. Fol- lowing collectivization, it was necessary first to de- velop and later expand private plots, but this cre- ated such serious problems for the collective fields that they were again eliminated in 1958. Despite collectivization and inputs into villages, agriculture which was the foundation of industrial develop- ment was not producing enough to make possible more rapid economic development from the period of mid-1 950's until the mid-1 960's. It was for this reason that greater efforts were placed in the early 1 960's on agriculture. (Author) AD-678 728 PC A04 MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Relative Wages, Skill Shortages, and Changes in Income Distribution in Colombia. Robert L. Slighton. Nov 68, 75p Rept no. RM- 5651-RC-AID Contract F44620-67-C-0050 Descriptors: 'Labor, Colombia, Manpower studies, Wages, Inequalities, Growth, Statistical distribu- tions, Rural areas, Urban areas, Employment, Classification, Tables, Agriculture, Industries, Transformations, Economics, Training. Identifiers: Income distribution, Skill shortages. An analysis is made of the income distribution rela- tive to the economic growth in Colombia. Distribu- tion of income in Colombia has been, and is, very APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS unequal: 10 percent of the population of the large cities receives about half of the total personal income. This study examines the hypothesis that this inequality will widen if growth of the modern sector of the economy is retarded after the transi- tion from agrarianism to the dual economy is begun. (Author) AD-679 182 PC A04 MF A01 Negev Inst for Arid Zone Research Beersheba (Israel) Dept of Geobotany Use of Vegetation as an Indicator for Soil Prop- erties under Desert Conditions. Annual rept. no. 2, 1 Oct 65-1 Dec 66 Gideon Orshan, Uri Gavish, and Man Borovic. Mar 68, 67p Contract DA-91-591-EUC-3806 Descriptors: *Soils, Deserts, *Plants(Botany), De- serts, Classification, Thickness, Sand, Distribution, Clay, Physical properties, Climatology, Plant tissue, Water, Measurement, Israel. Identifiers: Summer, Negev Desert. The report discusses the root systems in sandy de- serts as related to soil properties. 13 leading spe- cies were excavated and described. These are classified in three types. Soil moisture was meas- ured at two locations in the Negev desert during the summer of 1966 and its use by plants dis- cussed. The effect of sand cover and irrigation on the competition between leading desert psa- mophtes was examined. (Author) AD-679 459 PC A10 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program The Effects of African Agricultural Practices on Soil Productivity and Nutrient Levels in Kenya. Final rept. Paul L. Lehrer. Sep 61 , 209p Contract N00014-67-A-0244 Descriptors: 'Rural areas, Agriculture, 'Agricul- ture, 'Kenya, Soils, Soil mechanics, Production, Nutrition, Deterioration, Fertilizers, Economics, So- ciology, Structural geology, Climatology, Rainfall, Maps. Identifiers: Nutrients. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of African agricultural practices in Kenya on soil productivity. Emphasis is placed on discovering what effects cultivation would have on the nutrient levels of virgin soils in that country. It was found that fragmentation, female labor, and the attitude toward fertilization was actually more important than the more tangible physical considerations in understanding the basic characteristics of African agriculture. The deterioration of the physical condi- tion of the soil through continuous cultivation per- haps is more responsible for a decreased produc- tivity than is nutrient depletion. Only through sus- tained use of fertilizers can the productivity of Kenya soils be substantially increased. The eco- nomic future of the African farmer will depend upon his ability to obtain a higher income through the sale of cash crops. (Author) AD-679 473 PC A08 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program Drained-Field Agriculture in Southwestern Tlaxcala, Mexico. Final rept. Gene C. Wilken. Sep 68, 155p Contract N00014-67-A-0244 Descriptors: 'Rural areas, Agriculture, 'Agricul- ture, 'Mexico, Climatology, Rainfall, Population, Soils, Drainage, Floods, Erosion, Irrigation sys- tems, Deposition, Production, Reclamation, Ecol- ogy, Sociology. Identifiers: Tlaxcala(Mexico). This study examines the land and water manage- ment problems of Tlaxcala, concentrating on the southwestern portion of the state which lies at the northern end of the Basin of Puebla on the Mesa Central of Mexico. To cope with poorly drained, sand-filled streamways which threaten flood and deposition on basin floor soils, the Tlaxcala farm- ers practice sophisticated land conservation and reclamation techniques, using a minimum of equip- ment. In the process, they have created a produc- tive and distinctive agricultural region. A descrip- tion of the methods they employ to maintain and expand the agricultural base in this difficult envi- ronment forms part I of this study. In part II, the ecology of farm life is discussed and the geograph- ical relationship between complexes of agricultural practices, social systems, and populations is dis- cussed. (Author) AD-679 474 PC A11 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program A Biogeographical Investigation of the Sierra de Tuxtla in Veracruz, Mexico. Final rept. Robert F. Andrle. 1963, 248p Contract N00014-67-A-0244 Descriptors: 'Natural resources, Rural areas, 'Rural areas, 'Mexico, Mountains, Volcanoes, Structural geology, Soils, Climatology, Drainage, Birds, Animals, Forestry, Archaeology. Identifiers: Biogeography, Veracruz(Mexico), Sierra de Tuxtla. The Sierra de Tuxtla, a small, isolated volcanic mountain area near the Gulf coast of southern Ver- acruz, Mexico, affords excellent conditions for bio- geographical investigations. The present study de- scribes the manner in which physical and human factors have influenced native vegetation, non- transient avifauna and larger forest mammals in this tropical region. Physical factors considered are geology, land configuration, climate, drainage and soils; human factors examined include popula- tion, settlement and forms of land use. The Sierra has no major industrial raw materials, so agricul- ture continues to be the principal occupation, with commercial plantations providing export products. Although attempts are being made to improve agri- culture and conserve forests, immediate and effec- tive measures are required to control land use and enforce game laws. Varied natural habitats and a rich fauna provide excellent bases for a national park or wildlife refuge. Such an area would con- serve forests, soils, water and wildlife, and afford a place for scientific study and recreation. A working man-land relationship must be established if the Sierra's natural resources are to be used wisely, its agricultural productivity increased and natural fea- tures preserved. (Author) AD-679 475 PC A12 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program A Philippine Sugar Cane District: Spatial Phe- nomena Affecting Sugar Cane Production on the Haciendas. Final rept. Norman W. Schul. Aug 62, 256p Contract N00014-67-A-0244 Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Philippines, Statistical analysis, Climatology, Terrain, Management plan- ning, Labor, Commerce, Rural areas, Machines, Regression analysis, Transportation, Industries, Soils, Production, Site selection, Maps. Identifiers: Sugar cane. The study primarily involves the analysis of physi- cal and cultural factors affecting sugar cane yield although it will also further an understanding of the spatial organization of sugar cane production. The study is based on the Victorias Milling District, which covers approximately 37,000 hectares in northern Negros Occidental Province in the central Philippines. A simple model was used to describe the area's spatial organization of sugar cane pro- duction in the sphere of plantation agriculture. The model stipulates (1) an extensive land area, (2) mono-cropping, (3) centralized managerial control, (4) an abundant labor supply and (5) production for the export market. It has these further qualities which are believed to be comparable for most sugar cane districts in the Philippines: the charac- teristic hacienda-central settlements, the problems of mechanization, and the quota system for sugar cane. The yield factors studied were hacienda size, hauling distance from the hacienda to the mill, the slope, soil quality, the necessity for truck- ing, tenure, and the type of power used in land preparation. (Author) AD-679 477 PC A11 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program Approaches to Spatial Structure: Field Studies in India. Final rept. Robert C. Mayfield. 1958, 247p Contract N00014-67-A-0244 Descriptors: 'Rural areas, Housing, 'Housing, 'India, Population, Density, History, Sampling, So- ciology, Costs, Commerce, Agriculture, Analysis of variance, Physiology. Identifiers: Nomads, Land use. This is a collection of studies representing ap- proaches to spatial structure in India. The first study deals with the Baazighars and Gadolias, tra- ditionally nomadic groups in the Indian Punjab, as to the impacts of canal irrigation and political parti- tion. The topic of the second study is physiological densities in which three villages of Bihar are stud- ied. Agriculturally unproductive land is subtracted from overall village area in order to obtain a ratio suggesting meaningful rural population pressures. The third study uses the small portion of the valley of upper Beas River for comparing the relative effi- ciency of systematic, stratified random, and hap- hazard methods of line sampling of land use. The fourth and major study examines the spatial struc- ture of two districts of Central Punjab, India. (Author) AD-679 833 PC A02 MF A01 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Arlington Va Directorate of Information Sciences Information Services for Small-Scale Industry. Rowena W. Swanson. 1968, 4p AFOSR-68-2663 Presented at the Puerto Rico Conference on Infor- mation Technology and Resources, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 20-21 Jun 68. Availability: Pub. in American Documentation, v19 n4p412-413 0ct68. Descriptors: 'Information retrieval, 'Industries, Scientific research, Technical information centers. Identifiers: 'Information services, Transfer of tech- nology. The report presents highlights of several papers which reviewed experiences of large-scale and specialized information systems and services from the viewpoint of their value to small-scale, science- based industries, particularly those in developing regions. A climate conductive to technological change appears to be a cornerstone to the building and financing of effective, interactive, information- transfer networks. (Author) AD-683 052 PC A02 MF A01 Army Biological Labs Frederick Md Portable Laboratory Kit for Water Testing under Field Conditions. S. M. Drachev, and S. D. Zamyslova. 13 Mar 52, 5p Rept no. Trans-654 Trans, of Gigiena i Sanitariya (USSR) v15 n7 p45- 481950. Descriptors: 'Water supplies, Test equipment, Sanitary engineering, Laboratory equipment, Port- able, Chemical analysis, Rural areas, USSR. Identifiers: Translations. No abstract available. AD-684 411 PCA02MFA01 Naval Civil Engineering Lab Port Hueneme Calif Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Construction. Technical note Francis E. Brink, and Paul J. Rush. Feb 66, 21 p Rept no. NCEL-TN-808 Descriptors: 'Naval research, Reinforced con- crete, Reinforcing materials, Fibers(Natural), Mix- tures, Cements, Cracks, Moistureproofing, Me- chanical properties. 8 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: * Bamboo reinforced concrete. This report has been prepared to assist field per- sonnel in the design and construction of bamboo reinforced concrete. Comments on the selection and preparation of bamboo for reinforcing are given. Construction principles for bamboo rein- forced concrete are discussed. Design procedures and charts for bamboo reinforced concrete are given and conversion methods from steel rein- forced concrete design are shown. (Author) AD-685 455 PC A02 MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Natural Decay Resistance of Fifteen Exotic Woods Imported for Exterior Use. Forest Service research paper Joe W. Clark. Mar 69, 7p* Rept no. FSRP-FPL- 103 Descriptors: *Wood, Degradation, Exposure, Clas- sification, Sampling, Soils, Tropical deterioration, Structures, Atmospheric temperature, Fungus de- terioration, Least squares method, Insects, Mois- ture. Identifiers: Heartwood. An evaluation based on laboratory and field testing of the decay resistance of 15 species of wood, mostly tropical. (Author) AD-685 824 PC A07 MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 1. Preliminary Tests of Bamboo. Technical rept. Frank B. Cox, and Helmuth G. Geymayer. Feb 69, 139p Rept no. AEWES-TR-C-69-3-1 Descriptors: * Reinforced concrete, Reinforcing materials, Reviews, Organic materials, Feasibility studies, Tensile properties, Bonding, Degradation, Aging(Materials), Beams(Structural), Loading(Mechanics), Life expectancy. Identifiers: * Bamboo, Arundinaria tecta. The report summarizes the preliminary results of a study of the feasibility of using bamboo as an expe- dient reinforcement for temporary, reinforced con- crete structures. The report contains an extensive review of the literature, a description of the test procedures, results of an investigation of the most important engineering properties of bamboo, de- scriptions of tests of 26 bamboo-reinforced struc- tural elements (20 simply supported beams with 6- ft (1 .83-m) spans, and 6 simply supported two-way slabs of varying length, width, and depth), and con- clusions and tentative recommendations for the design of bamboo-reinforced structures. (Author) AD-686 717 HC A02 MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Preservative Treatments for Protecting Wood Boxes. Forest Service research paper A. F. Verrall, and T. C. Scheffer. Apr 69, 10p* Rept no. FSRP-FPL-106 Descriptors: *Wood, Protective treatments, Con- tainers, Preservation, Weatherproof ing, Effective- ness, Storage, Exposure, Fungusproofing, Insects, Deterioration, Tropical regions, Life expectancy. Identifiers: Dip treatments, Boxes(Containers). An evaluation of the effectiveness of three-minute dip treatments in various wood preservatives for wood boxes stored off the ground for more than 1 years in both a southern and a northern climate. (Author) AD-686 836 HC A04 MF A01 Arizona Univ Tucson Inst of Arid Lands Research Inventory of Research on Desert Regional Types. John R. Healy. 1968, 69p* Contract DA-49-092-ARO-71 Chapter 9 of Inventory of Geographic Research on Desert Environments. See also Chapter 8, AD-668 853. Descriptors: * Deserts, Reviews, Scientific re- search, Classification, State-of-the-art reviews, Research program administration, Background, Geography, Environment, Terrain. Identifiers: Desert regional types, Annotated bib- liographies. The purpose of the inventory is to determine in detail what topics have been or are being investi- gated for the world's deserts, to appraise the re- ported work, and to disclose areas of study where further work is needed. The series of chapters does not attempt to recapitulate all information known about the deserts of the world, but rather comprises a compendium-guidebook to past and present research. It is based upon a critical review of the published literature augmented by consulta- tions with specialists. (Author) AD-687 028 HC A02 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program Space, Change and Feng-Shui in Tsuen Wan'S Urbanization. Baruch Boxer. 1968, 16p Rept no. 31 A Contract Nonr-2300(09) Prepared in cooperation with Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Availability: Pub. in Jnl. of Asian and African Stud- ies, v3 n3-4 p226-240 Jul/Oct 68. Descriptors: "Urban planning, "Hong Kong, Urban areas, Population, Housing, Rural areas, Public opinion, Construction. To write of 'change' in the context of Tsuen Wan's urbanization, is not simply a matter of describing the tangible evidence of urban growth or delimiting its parameters. Changes in population and area, mounting levels of capital investment and industri- al production, fluctuations in land values, and other measurable indices of urbanization are descriptive of an essentially pragmatic response to the devel- opment plan which has defined the broad limits of urbanization. More significantly, the successful ap- plication of traditional Chinese conceptions of 'change' to the immediate demands of urbaniza- tion has facilitated a smooth transition to a modern urban-industrial society. (Author) AD-687 318 HC A03 MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif The Organizational Approach Versus the Soci- etal Approach to Development in Emerging Na- tions. Paul T. McClure. May 69, 33p Rept no. P-4058 Descriptors: "Political science, "Management planning, Theory, Organizations, Sociometrics, Correlation techniques, Systems engineering, Problem solving, Decision making, Effectiveness. Identifiers: "Developing countries, Public adminis- tration, Comparison. Comparisons of public administrative systems on a national or regional level require much simplifica- tion, so that the descriptions and prescriptions which result may be too broad to be operational. The mission of the paper is to compare societal units with organizational units to determine which give a more appropriate focus point for analysis in order to achieve national development. (Author) AD-701 167 HC A08 MF A01 Human Resources Research Organization Alexan- dria, Va Planned Change in Agrarian Countries. Technical rept. Arthur H. Niehoff. Dec 69, 157p Rept no. HUMRRO-TR-69-21 Contract DAHC19-70-C-0012 Descriptors: "Management planning, "Rural areas, Culture, Social communication, Economics, Agri- culture, Sociology. Identifiers: Agrarian countries, Social change, Ethnic groups, "Civic programs. The report is an effort to provide operationally rele- vant concepts and guidelines for persons respon- sible for planning and implementing development projects in agrarian countries. A framework for de- scribing or evaluating the conduct of development projects is proposed, and applied to the results of an analysis of 203 case studies of past projects. Influences, conditions, and techniques which appear to affect project outcome are: (1) local cul- tural characteristics, such as leader patterns, social structure, and economic patterns; (2) moti- vation for change, including felt needs and per- ceived practical benefits; and (3) project strate- gies, such as the innovator's image characteris- tics, communication, and participation. The case study analysis suggests that factors of special im- portance to success in development projects are cooperation of local leaders, degree and immedi- acy of practical benefits which recipients antici- pate, innovator skill in communication processes, participation of recipients in implementing the change, and establishing arrangements for main- tenance of the innovation by the local people. (Author) AD-701 189 HC A03 MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Rein- forcement. Technical rept. May 64, 28p Rept no. AEWES-TR-6-646 Descriptors: "Reinforced concrete, Experimental design, "Reinforcing materials, "Grasses, Tensile properties, Beams(Structural), Army research, Feasibility studies, Plants(Botany), Loading(Mechanics), Stresses, Test methods, Cracks. Identifiers: Precast concrete, Bamboo. The document covers investigation and tests of bamboo for use as reinforcing material in light emergency concrete constructions where steel is not available or economically justified, but bamboo and labor are available in quantity. AD-703 222 HCA13MFA01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program Recent Historical Plant Geography of Marti- nique, i. Final rept. Clarissa Therese Kimber. Dec 69, 277p Contract N00014-67-A-0244-0001 Continuation of Contract Nonr-2300(09). See also AD-703 223. Descriptors: "Geography, Plants(Botany), "Map- ping, Plants(Botany), "Lesser antilles, "Plants(Botany), Trees, Shrubs, Ecology, Selec- tion, History, Classification, Identification, Terrain, Rock(Geology), Volcanoes, Mountains, Hydrology, Soils, Deserts, Grasses, Economics, Sociology, Maps, Tropical regions. Identifiers: Martinique Islands, Rain forests, Forest plantations, Vegetation, Ornamental plants. The report contains historical developments in the plant geography of the tropical French island of Martinique. Changing geographic patterns of vege- tation and changing roles of those processes are discussed. AD-703 223 HC A11 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program Recent Historical Plant Geography of Marti- nique, ii. Final rept. Clarissa Therese Kimber. Dec 69, 244p Contract N00014-67-A-0244-0001 Continuation of Contract Nonr-2300(09). See also AD-703 222 and AD-703 224. Descriptors: "Geography, Plants(Botany), "Map- ping, Plants(Botany), "Lesser antilles, "Plants(Botany), Trees, Agriculture, Swamps, Grasses, History, Regeneration, Rainfall, Shrubs, Fruits, Vegetables, Terrain, Seacoast, Maps, Tropical regions, Islands. Identifiers: Martinique Island, Forest plantations, Rain forests, Ornamental plants, Vegetation. In 1963 geographic patterns of vegetation for the island of Martinique West Indies were mapped at 9 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS different scales. The report contains maps and his- torical sketches showing modifications in the agri- cultural system and technological changes. AD-703 224 HC A13 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program Recent Historical Plant Geography of Marti- nique, iii. Final rept. Clarissa Therese Kimber. Dec 69, 298p Contract N00014-67-A-0244-0001 Continuation of Contract Nonr-2300(09). See also AD-702 223. Descriptors: 'Geography, Plants(Botany), *Map- ping, Plants(Botany), 'Lesser antilles, 'Plants(Botany), Trees, Mountains, Shrubs, Ter- rain, Rainfall, Agriculture, Soils, Classification, Seacoast, Grasses, Vegetables, Fruits, Islands, History, Maps, Aerial photographs, Tropical re- gions. Identifiers: 'Martinique Island, Rain forests. Forest plantations, Ornamental plants, Vegetation. In 1963 the actual geographic patterns of vegeta- tion for the island of Martinique, West Indies, were mapped at different scales. The vegetation of the lower elevations was mapped completely and the mountain vegetation was sampled. Some 59 plant cover units were distinguished in the field for map- ping which were classified into vegetation types and used in discussions of vegetation patterns. AD-703 232 HCA19MFA01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program Modernization in a Regional Context: Preth- eory and Practice in Western Nigeria. Final rept. Thomas Harden Eighmy. Oct 69, 447p Contract N00014-67-A-0244-0001 Prepared in cooperation with Wisconsin Univ., Madison, Dept. of Geography. Continuation of Contract Nonr-2300(09). Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Nigeria, Reviews, Man- agement planning, Environment, Agriculture, Com- merce, Urban areas, Rural areas, Government(Foreign), Population, Roads, Com- munication systems, Factor analysis, Attitudes, Mathematical prediction. Identifiers: Modernization. Modernization, viewed in a regional setting, is a process resulting jointly in areal integration and dif- ferentiation. A conceptual spatial model of mod- ernization is proposed. The arguments developed are applied to Western Nigeria in relation to the location of agricultural production, the develop- ment of a system of periodic food markets, and the unequal modernization of the large preindustrial Yoruba towns. Measurement of the spatial aspects of modernization is achieved through the use of principal components analysis with components scores, regression analysis with residuals, and trend surface fitting. (Author) AD-703 235 HC A1 7 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Washington D C Foreign Field Research Program The Milk Supply of Major Indian Cities. Final rept. Richard A. Ellefsen. 1964, 386p Contract N00014-67-A-0244-0001 Continuation of Contract Nonr-2300(09). Descriptors: 'Milk Production, 'Urban planning, 'India, Food, Problem solving, Economics, Rural areas, Production control, Bovines, Terrain, Orga- nizations, Predictions, Management planning, Dis- tribution. Identifiers: Demand(Economics), Delhi(lndia), Bombay(lndia), Madras(lndia), Calcutta(lndia). The paper examines the milk industry in India in detail in order to point up its problems. The recent efforts towards improvement are assessed; an overview of the entire country is presented along with an intensive examination of the present and potential milk-supplying hinterlands for Delhi, Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta. Emphasis throughout the work is on the areal and locational aspects of the milk supply. (Author) AD-703 278 HC A03 MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif The Philippine Family Planning Program: Some Suggestions for Dealing with Uncertainties. John E. Koehler. Feb 70, 35p Rept no. RM-6149- AID Contract F44620-67-C-0050 Descriptors: 'Philippines, Population, 'Population, Control, 'Reproduction(Physiology), Control, Fe- males, Public health, Education, Sociology, Statis- tical data, Attitudes. Identifiers: Demography, AID(Agency for Interna- tional Development), Agency for International De- velopment, 'Birth control. Some tentative conclusions about family planning in the Philippines are presented. Using data from National Demographic Survey (NDS), the study in- vestigated knowledge and use of birth control pro- cedures among Philippine women by language, income, age, rate of use, information source, and use or nonuse. The study offers the following sug- gestions to designers of the AID family planning program in the Philippines: (1) to avoid explicit ref- erence to some population growth rate as a formal program goal; (2) to examine the complex relation- ship between knowledge and use of contraceptive techniques; (3) to gather information from across the country rather than in depth from any single area or ethnic group; and (4) to use its leverage over the various agencies concerned to record ex- periences of individual women and to standardize recordkeeping. (Author) AD-703 884 HC A18 MF A01 Arizona Univ Tucson Inst of Arid Lands Research Desert Research: Selected References 1965- 1968. Technical rept. Patricia Paylore, and W. G. McGinnies. Dec 69, 41 9p* ES-52 Contract DAAG17-67-C-0199 Descriptors: 'Deserts, 'Bibliographies, Plants(Botany), Mammals, Climatology, Hydrology, Seacoast, Economics, Geography, Social sci- ences, Agriculture, Geology, Ecology, Tropical re- gions, Abstracts. Identifiers: Landforms, Geomorphology, Ground water. The report consists of a selection of 1 ,094 refer- ences (many of which are annotated) to worldwide desert literature for the period 1 965-1 968, together with an appendix of 385 references published before 1965, with the emphasis on vegetation, fauna, geomorphology and surface hydrology, weather and climate, surface materials, geohydro- logy, regional geography, and desert coastal areas, as well as a limited number dealing with var- ious aspects of the human, cultural, economic, and political geography of deserts. Titles have been permuted to provide an index of significant keywords. (Author) AD-704 160 HC A03 MF A01 Mcgill Univ Montreal (Quebec) Dept of Geography The Savanna Landscapes of the Amazon Basin. Technical rept. on Savanna Research Project Theo L Hills. Jul 69, 50p Rept nos. TR-15, Savanna Research Series-14 Contract Nonr-3855(00) Descriptors: 'Plants(Botany), Distribution, 'Clima- tology, 'British Guiana, Classification, Trees, Rain- fall, Ecology, Soils, Moisture, Grasses, Shrubs, Swamps, Tropical regions, Forest fires, Rivers, Canada. Identifiers: 'Savanna landscapes, Amazon River, Vegetation. The following hypothesis is presented and de- fended. Climate is a predisposing factor, not a de- termining factor. Climate, characterised as it is in many parts of the Amazon Basin by a distinctive dry season of up to seven months in length, as in the Rupununi-Rio Branco region, often makes the presence of tropical rain forest problematical and predisposes the environment towards the develop- ment of savanna vegetation. Low soil fertility and laterite are frequently considered as prime deter- minants of savanna vegetation but here they are considered as features associated with savanna landscapes, especially on senile, pediplaned sur- faces. Ocassionally they may be resultant factors, as when the nutrient cycle is broken after the dis- appearance of forest cover. Fire, which is also fre- quently considered a prime determinant, is gener- ally a maintaining factor, but in limited areas may be causal, in the sense that it is immediate in ohronological terms. The stage of geomorphic evolution and the dominant geomorphic processes in the landscape are those factors which most di- rectly influence the position and behaviour of the water table, the soil moisture regime, the soil nutri- ent cycle, the ecoclimates of the region and thus, the distribution of forest and savanna. (Author) AD-704 261 HC A04 MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Properties of Imported Tropical Woods. Forest Service research paper B. Francis Kukachka. Mar 70, 69p* Rept no. FSRP-FPL-125 Presented at the Conference on Tropical Hard- woods, State University College of Forestry, Syra- cuse Univ., 18-21 Aug 69. Descriptors: 'Wood, Physical properties, 'Tropical regions, Wood, Classification, Machinabiliry, Shrinkage, Flexural strength, Statistical data, Me- chanical properties. Identifiers: Heartwoods, Sapwoods. Descriptions are of more than 1 00 tropical genera and generic groups of wood are provided, with em- phasis on properties that affect their utilization. Bo- tanical names, common names, and principal growth areas are included. (Author) AD-707 560 HC A03 MF A01 Hebrew Univ Jerusalem (Israel) Dept of Sociology Innovation, Social Exchange, and Institutionalization. Final scientific rept. S. N. Eisenstadt. 15 Feb 70, 42p AFOSR-70- 1634TR Grant AF-EOAR-23-67 Descriptors: 'Culture, Group dynamics, 'Social psychology, Pattern recognition, Organizations, At- titudes, Interactions, Urban areas, Rural areas, India, Western Europe, Latin America, Commu- nism. Identifiers: Developing countries, Status segrega- tion, Intelligentsia. A summary report is made on a comparative study of the conditions under which innovation and change are accepted in developing nations. It is shown that major determinants of status segrega- tion as over against status association does not lie in socio-demographic factors but in the relation be- tween status group and control center (govern- ment). Different types of status segregation are closely correlated with their access to and 'dis- tance' from the central control; while increase in class association is correlated with the degree of participation in 'center' formation. These patterns are illustrated by comparative analyses of Asian and Latin American countries. (Author) AD-709 715 HC A09 MF A01 Army Research Office Durham N C Optimum Subsurface and Underground Shell Structures for Better Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part I: A Case for Subsurface and Un- derground Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part II: Optimization of Subsurface and Underground Shells. Interim technical rept. no. 1 Sudhir Kumar, and Jason Cheng-Chuan Shih. Apr 70, 179p* Research in Some Aspects of Fluid and Solid Me- chanics. Descriptors: 'Underground structures, Structural shells, 'Housing, Underground structures, Re- 10 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS views, Construction materials, Numerical analysis, Tropical regions. Identifiers: 'Subsurface housing, "Underground housing. This report consists of two distinct parts. A case was made for subsurface and underground hous- ing in hot-arid lands in Part I. This includes discus- sions of environmental conditions, past develop- ments of subsurface housing, new conceptual de- signs for dwellings, apartments, complexes of large and multiple buildings and transportation tun- nels, etc. Part II of the report presents analytical optimization of subsurface cylindrical shells and completely underground shells, with a view to keep at a minimum the quantity of material used in the shells. The subsurface cylindrical shells are opti- mized by limit analysis, whereas the optimum shape and thickness distribution of the under- ground shells is determined by elastic analysis. Shapes of several shells have been determined as examples and design charts for general use have been prepared for all these shells. (Author) AD-709 718 HC A02 MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Natural Decay Resistance of 30 Peruvian Woods. Forest Service research paper T. L. Highley, and T. C. Scheffer. Jul 70, 6p* Rept no. FSRP-FPL-143 Descriptors: *Wood, * Fungus deterioration, 'Peru, Wood, Tropical deterioration, Exposure, Damage, Wear resistance, Weight, Classification, Resistance(Biological), Statistical data, Test meth- ods. Identifiers: Hardwoods, Decay resistant wood. Thirty Peruvian species of possible commercial significance were evaluated by soil-block testing for resistance to decay fungi. The tests indicated that 25 percent of the species would be resistant or highly resistant for use in contact with the ground and that 50 percent of the species would be resistant or highly resistant for use above ground. Decay resistance was found to be sub- stantially correlated with the specific gravity of the various species. (Author) AD-713 201 HC A03 MF A01 Picatinny Arsenal Dover N J Field Fabrication of Continuous Lightweight Reinforced Plastic Pipe. Phase I. Literature Search. Technical rept. Arnold E. Molzon. Jun 70, 29p* Rept no. PA-TR- 4085 Descriptors: 'Reinforced plastics, "Pipes, 'Bib- liographies, Reinforced plastics, Curing agents, Polymerization, Ultraviolet radiation, Manufactur- ing methods, Abstracts. Identifiers: 'Plastic pipes, Linings. A literature search has been made for references on field fabrication of reinforced thermoset plastic pipe for transporting military fuel. Sources searched include: Department of Defense, PLAS- TEC holdings, and the open literature. One hun- dred and eighteen abstracted references are listed, with an author index and subject index in- cluded. No references were found on actual pro- duction of reinforced plastic pipe in the field. Thir- teen references are listed on continuous manufac- ture of reinforced pipe, fifteen on curing resins by ultraviolet, and eighteen on pipe linears. (Author) AD-714 914 PC A09 MF A01 Army Foreign Science and Technology Center Washington D C Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materi- als. P. A. Simigin, M. N. Zusman, and F. I. Raikhlin. 16 Jun 70, 186p Rept no. FSTC-HT-23-613-70 Trans, of mono. Zashchitnye Propitki Tekstilnykh Materialov, Moscow, 1957. Descriptors: 'Cellulose, 'Fungus deterioration, 'Fungus proofing, Cellulose, 'Textiles, Fungus proofing, 'Fungicides, Cellulose, 'Moistureproof- ing, Textiles, 'Fire resistant textiles, Manufacturing methods, Cotton textiles, Photochemistry, Micro- organisms, Copper compounds, Chromium com- pounds, Test methods, Chromates, USSR. Identifiers: 'Tanning materials, 'Biodeterioration, Translations. The book describes methods of treatment giving cellulose materials resistance to the effects of micro-organisms (to rotting), and giving fabric made of cellulose fibers water repellant and fire re- sistant properties, and also preventing the devel- opment of moths on silk materials. The book also presents modern methods of testing these treated materials. (Author) AD-715 802 PC A08 MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park The Impact of Modernization in the Philippines II. Technical rept. no. 2 George M. Guthrie. Aug 67, 174p Contract Nonr-656(37), ARPA Order-855 Prepared in cooperation with Ateneo de Manila (Republic of the Philippines). See also Technical rept. no. 1, AD-656 122, and Technical rept. no. 3, AD-689 868. Descriptors: 'Philippines, Economics, 'Anthropol- ogy, Philippines, Industries, Fishes, Food, Culture, Children, Personality, Linguistics. Identifiers: 'Modernization, 'Economic develop- ment. Contents: The fishing industry of Estancia, lloilo; Cultural differences in the use of guilt and shame in child rearing: a review of the research on the Phil- ippines and other non-western societies; The ante- cedents and correlates of aiding responses: a review of the literature; and Cognitive mapping in the Tagalog area. AD-715 871 PC A07 MF A01 Duke Univ Durham N C Weight and Energy Values of Selected Litter- Fall Components from Two Forest Stands in the Canal Zone Republic of Panama. Final rept. 5 May 67-4 Nov 70, 10 Frank W. / Woods 1970, 127p AROD-7382:2-EN Grant DA-ARO(D)-31-124-G938 Descriptors: 'Forestry, 'Panama, 'Plant tissue, Sampling, Weight, Trees, Deposits, Shrubs, Degra- dation, Energy, Moisture, Ecology, Site selection, Tropical regions. Identifiers: 'Forest litter, Vegetational decay. Weights of selected plant parts and species com- posing litter fall were measured for more than one year in two forest stands in the Canal Zone. One stand was on the Caribbean side, the other on the Pacific. Seasonal values for kilograms and kiloca- lories per hectare were computed. (Author) AD-716 235 Chicago Univ III Dept of Geography Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa. A Study of the Functions and Development of Exchange Institutions in Ankole, Uganda. Research paper Charles M. Good. 1970, 272p RP-128, NAS- NRC-FFRP-39 Contract Nonr-2300(09) Prepared in cooperation with San Fernando Valley State Coll. Availability: Paper copy available from The Univer- sity of Chicago, Dept. of Geography, 1101 E. 58th St., Chicago, III. 60637. $4.50. No copies furnished byDDCorNTIS. Descriptors: 'Economics, Subsaharan Africa, 'Commerce, 'Subsaharan Africa, Organizations, Rural areas, Reviews, Distribution(Economics), Classification, Statistical data, Behavior, Factor analysis. Identifiers: Ankole(Uganda), 'Uganda, Developing countries, 'East Africa, Exchanging. The study is organized into two parts, the first of which is concerned with the nature of the Ankole market system in 1968. It begins with an overview of the survey area, including a discussion of field procedures and methods, by a typology of mar- kets, a comparative analytical profile of African traders based on some 900 interviews, and an analysis of the spatial behavior of market consum- ers. Part 2 endeavors to place the contemporary marketing system in historical perspective. (Author) AD-716 400 PC A02 MF A01 Yale Univ New Haven Conn School of Forestry Properties of Tropical Woods. Final rept. Frederick F. Wan^aard. 31 Dec 69, 10p Contract Nonr-609(13) Descriptors: 'Wood, Physical properties, Military requirements, Boats, Aircraft, Piers, Adhesives, Density, Strength, Degradation, Laminates, Wood pulp, Naval research, Bibliographies. Identifiers: Tropical woods. The research have been the basis for a series of Technical Reports - 45 in number - dealing with such diverse subjects as gluing characteristics, weathering characteristics, fiber-saturation point of wood, water-vapor sorption characteristics, me- chanical behavior under sustained and repeated loading, decay resistance, wood properties affect- ing adhesion and glue-line behavior, the cutting of veneer, stabilizing effects of plastic overlays, prop- erties of wood-core laminates, curvature-stress factor in laminated wood, fiber characteristics influ- encing pulp-sheet properties, factors influencing chemical resistance of wood, wettability of wood, and stress relaxation. (Author) AD-716 403 PC A02 MF A01 Yale Univ New Haven Conn School of Forestry Moisture Absorption in Certain Tropical Ameri- can Woods (Revised). Technical rept. M. R. Samborski, G. T. Tsoumis, and Frederick F. Wangaard. 1 Jun 49, 20p Rept no. TR-8 Contract N6ori-44 Descriptors: 'Wood, Moisture, Salts, Water, Distri- bution, Test methods, Statistical data, Absorption. Identifiers: 'Tropical woods. The report supplements and summarizes an earlier one of the same title and covers a study undertak- en as part of a continuing investigation of the prop- erties of tropical woods. The purpose of this partic- ular phase of the research program was to deter- mine the amount of absorbed moisture and its dis- tribution pattern when wood is submerged in salt water. Data on 25 tropical American species were presented in the original report and are now sup- plemented by similar data on 18 additional spe- cies. Burma Teak, White Oak, and Douglas Fir were included for comparison, and summary rat- ings for all 46 species, based on side-grain and over-all moisture absorption, are included. (Author) AD-716 740 PC A03 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Biological Deterioration of Wood in Tropical Environments. Part 2. Marine Borer Resistance of Natural Woods over Long Periods of Immer- sion. Final rept. C. R. Southwell, J. D. Bultman, B. W. Forgeson, and C. W. Hummer. 7 Dec 70, 47p Rept no. NRL-7123 See also Part 1 , AD-653 856. Descriptors: 'Wood, Degradation, 'Tropical dete- rioration, Wood, 'Marine borers, Wood, Resistance(Biological), Sea water, Identification, Tropical regions, Crustacea, Mollusca, Panama, Trees. Identifiers: Teredo, Pholad, Limnoria, Panama Canal Zone, Biological deterioration. One hundred and fifteen wood species have been exposed to marine borers in three different tropical waters for periods up to 90 months. Underwater sites were in the Panama Canal Zone and included two oceans and a brackish-water lake. Over 30 species of marine-boring organisms were identi- fied from these waters; their extreme activity in the warm tropical environments provided a very thor- ough screening test for the woods. Samples have been evaluated separately for resistance to the three principal borer classes-teredo, pholad, and 11 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS limnoria. Several of the woods were resistant to one or more of the borer types. Some of these re- sistant species are relatively unknown as marine construction timbers, and in some instances they proved to be more durable than Greenheart, Teak, and other commercial marine woods. The species most resistant to all borers was Dalbergia retusa (Cocobolo), whose oily extract may provide leads to a satisfactory wood preservative. The woods most resistant to each of the different classes of borers are tabulated, with their respective silica content and density included. Silica was shown to be significant only in relation to teredine borers, while wood density was important only with pho- lads. Woods considered to be of special interest because of findings in the study are discussed indi- vidually. (Author) AD-717 965 PC A07 MF A01 Bermuda Biological Station St George'S West Primary and Secondary Production in the Tropical Atlantic Final rept. Aug 67-Sep 69 David M. Steven, Albert L. Brooks, and Euna A. Moore. Dec 70, 132p Contract N00014-67-A-0432-0001 Prepared in cooperation with Bellairs Research Inst., St. James (Barbados), McGill Univ., Montreal (Quebec). Marine Sciences Centre, and University of the West Indies (Barbados). Dept. of Biology. SeealsoAD-614 791. Descriptors: 'Ecology, "Atlantic Ocean, Plankton, Salinity, Fertility, Nutrition, Sea water, Chemical properties, Chlorophylls, Aquatic animals, Periodic variations. Identifiers: 'Primary biological productivity, 'Bio- logical productivity. Forty-eight collections were made for a study of primary and secondary production at a station in 460 m of water, between 29 August 1967 and 1 September 1969, and 22 additional collections at 1 7 deep water stations within a radius of 100 miles from Barbados. Primary production by carbon fix- ation lacked seasonal variation and annual pro- duction was estimated at 1 1 7 g C /sq m/year. Pre- dictable seasonal variations were also lacking in concentrations of nutrients and in the composition and quantity of phytoplankton and zooplankton. However evidence was obtained of oscillations with a two to four months' periodicity in the con- centration of chlorophyll and the numbers of Tri- chodesmium, which is the most important phyto- plankton of the surface waters. This is tentatively ascribed to a short term growth and decay cycle which may be determined by grazing by zooplank- ton. Additional information was obtained on an in- verse correlation between salinity and silicate con- centration in the surface water previously reported. The low salinity/high silicate water found off Bar- bados at various times from January to August ap- pears to originate with the Amazon River outflow and is identified with the fresh water lenses some 500 miles to the east of the island. (Author) AD-719 308 PC A02 MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Proposed Low-Cost Window Unit Forest Service research note B. G. Heebink. Jan 70, 7p Rept no. FSRN-FPL- 0211 Descriptors: 'Transparent panels, Design, 'Pre- fabricated buildings, Transparent panels, Walls, Glass, Plywood, Manufacturing methods, Assem- bling, Construction materials. Identifiers: 'Windows, Prefabrication. The report presents a new concept of a window unit, designed primarily for low-cost houses. The proposed window has permanently mounted glass as the main unit, with a transom ventilating unit above. (Author) AD-720 097 PC A02 MF A01 Naval Oceanographic Office Washington D C Biology and Distribution of the Yellowfin Tuna in the Tropical Part of Atlantic Ocean (Biolo- giya i Raspredelenie Zheltoperogo Tuntsa (Neothunnus albacora Lowe) v Tropicheskoi Chasti Atlanticheskogo Okeana) V. L Zharov, and Yu. A. Torin. 1971, 14p Rept no. NOO-Trans-468 Trans, of Atlanticheskii Nauchno-lssledovatelskii Institut Rybnogo Khozyaistva i Okeanografii. Trudy (USSR) v1 1 p27-35 1 964, by M. Slessers. Descriptors: 'Fishes, Distribution, 'Marine biology, 'Atlantic Ocean, Abundance, Exploration, Volume, Sea water, Surface temperatures, Salinity, Phos- phates, Seacoast, Tropical regions, South Amer- ica, Africa, USSR. Identifiers: Translations, 'Tunas, Salt water fishes, 'Animal migrations, Neothunous albacora. The paper discusses the Soviet observations of tuna fishes which were carried out in the coastal belt of S America, W Africa and the tropical zone of the Atlantic Ocean during 1959-1962. Since the species consists of two distinct groups, larger and smaller tunas, the distribution, migration and con- centrations of these groups are charted separate- ly, pointing out the hydrological conditions that favor the concentrations of these fishes, i.e., the upwelling, convergence and divergence belts, vari- ations of water temperature, salinity and phospho- rus content. (Author) AD-722 000 PC A02 MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park The Impact of Modernization in The Philippines Final technical rept. George M. Guthrie. Jan 70, 12p Contract Nonr-656(37), ARPA Order-855 Prepared in cooperation with Ateneo de Manila Univ., Philippines. Descriptors: 'Philippines, Economics, Reviews, Agriculture, Rural areas, Radio equipment, Jet planes, Television communication systems, Roads, Industries, Education, Police. Identifiers: 'Developing countries, Surveys, 'Eco- nomic development, Modernization. The report gives a brief summary of the findings of some 34 individual papers which had come from this project as of the end of the contract period. It includes also a brief summary of the collaborative effort between Penn State and Ateneo de Manila University in carrying out and publishing these var- ious papers. Major findings include pervasive social patterns of leveling which tend to diminish the benefit to individuals of innovative efforts but, at the same time, spread the risk of losses. The traditional way of life is maintained because it offers more security than ways which might be considered more modern. These general patterns emerged strongly in studies of farmers, fishermen and market vendors. Other studies were con- cerned with nutritional status in rural areas and with factors which maintained a level of nutrition in which growth and resistance to infection were ad- versely affected. Still other studies were con- cerned with the persistence of traditional patterns in social organization of government structures, particularly the police. (Author) AD-723 062 PC A09 MF A01 Arizona Univ Tucson Inst of Arid Lands Research Desert Research, II: Selected References 1966- 1970 Technical rept. Patricia Paylore. Sep 70, 177p* ES-60 Contract DAAG17-67-C-0199 See also report dated Dec 69, AD-703 884. Descriptors: 'Deserts, 'Bibliographies, Strati- graphy, Erosion, Wind, Climatology, Plants(Botany), Animals, Structural geology, Hy- drology, Tropical regions, Micrometeorology, Ge- ography, Soils, Irrigation systems, Agriculture, Water supplies, Desert tests, Abstracts. Identifiers: Landforms, Geomorphology, Hydro- geology. The report consists of 594 references to worldwide desert literature appearing between 1966 and 1 970, as located during the period January 1 969 to August 1970 in standard abstracting and indexing tools, by continuing searches in sources not so in- dexed, and by a worldwide network of direct con- tacts. It is arranged alphabetically by authors, with a brief index of subject geographic terms. Brief ab- stracts are included, with emphasis on arid lands aspects of such topics as geomorphology, weather and climate, vegetation, fauna, surface materials, hydrology, and geography. (Author) AD-724 272 PC A02 MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Rapid Production of Pallet Deckboards from Low-Grade Logs R. A. Hann, R. W. Jokerst, R. S. Kurtenacker, C. C. Peters, and J. L. Tschernitz. 1971, 18p* Rept no. FSRP-FPL-154 Descriptors: 'Wood, Processing, 'Pallets, Produc- tion, Economics, Cutting, Standards, Quality con- trol, Thickness, Drying, Laminates, Adhesives, Aging(Materials), Impact tests, Bending, Accept- ability. Identifiers: Pallet deckboards, Hardwoods. Low-grade red oak logs were made into satisfac- tory pallet deckboards in approximately 1 5 minutes by a process of rotary knife cutting, press drying, and gluing into the final product. Advantages, in addition to speed of processing, were the high yield from low-grade material, and an apparently acceptable end product. (Author) AD-724 571 REPRINT Naval Medical Research Unit No 3 Fpo New York 09527 Dietary Allowances: An International Point of View Technical rept. Vinayak N. Patwardhan. 1970, 7p Rept no. NAMRU-3-TR-6-71 Presented at the International Congress of Dietet- ics (5th), held in Washington, D. O, on 9 Sep 69. Availability: Pub. in Jnl. of the American Dieting As- sociation, v56 n3 p1 91 -1 94 Mar 70. Descriptors: 'Nutrition, Standards, 'Diet, Nutrition, Calorimetry, Food, Ingestion(Physiology), Public health, Minerals, Vitamins, Calcium, Vitamin A, Children, Adults. Identifiers: World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization. The article reviews the national and international efforts at preparing tables of recommended dietary allowances. The aim of these efforts has been to recommend the levels of consumption of calories and essential nutritents which will ensure good health of most of the people. Recommendations made jointly by Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization for various nutri- ents have been compared with similar recommen- dations by other national nutrition bodies in U.S.A., Canada and United Kingdom. Certain differences between the national and international recommen- dations have been pointed out and the underlying causes discussed. The trend of recommendations for dietary allowances over the last 20 years made by national bodies and international organizations indicates that the differences between the two are gradually diminishing as more knowledge has become available and agreement has largely been reached on the bases on which these recommen- dations are made. (Author) AD-725 600 PC A04 MF A01 Defense Documentation Center Alexandria Va Water: Desalination Report bibliography Jul 52-Jan 70. Jun 71, 60p* Rept no. DDC-TAS-71-28 Descriptors: 'Desalination, 'Bibliographies, 'Dis- tillation, Desalination, 'Osmosis, Desalination, Sea water, Water supplies, Distilling plants, Evapora- tors, Membranes, Salinity, Cellulose acetates, Sea ice. Identifiers: 'Reverse osmosis desalination, 'Mul- tistage flash distillation, Potable water. The bibliography consists of 42 annotated refer- ences to reports that were processed in the De- fense Documentation Center's data bank covering the period from January 1953 through December 1 970. The reports include information on providing fresh water from sea water by means of solar 12 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS energy, evaporators, distilling plants and vacuum apparatus. The indexes are corporate author-mon- itoring agency, and subject. AD-726 948 PC A02 MF A01 Alabama Agricultrual Experiment Station Auburn Aquatic Weed Control in Fish Ponds with Chemical Methods J. M. Lawrence. May 67, 13p Sponsored in part by the Office of the Chief of En- gineers (Army), Washington, D. C. Presented at the World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture held in Rome (Italy) 15-16 May 66. Descriptors: *Plants(Botany), Control, 'Lakes, Plants(Botany), Herbicides, Fishes, Toxicity, Algae. Identifiers: *Weed control, Fisheries, 'Aquatic weeds. Results of aquatic weed control research in fish ponds are reported. A listing of important algae genera and aquatic weed species, information on pond construction features of significance in aquatic weed control, and chemical control tech- niques are given. Data on fish toxicity and effective rates of application for use under pond conditions are presented for 2,4-D and silvex. (Author) AD-727 713 PC A02 MF A01 Air Univ Maxwell AFB Ala Arctic Desert Tropic In- formation Center Plant Sources of Water in Southeast Asia Aug 69, 11p Rept no. ADTIC-lnformation Bull-7-A Descriptors: *Plants(Botany), 'Southeast Asia, *Water, Sources, Instruction manuals, Survival, Identification, Site selection, Tropical regions. Topics include: How to tap a tree; Cutting water vines; Descriptive data on thirst quenchers. AD-730 939 PC A03 MF A01 Harvard Univ Cambridge Mass East Asian Re- search Center Production Brigade and Team Management John C. Pelzel. 5 Oct 71, 35p AFOSR-TR-71- 2624 Contract AF 49(638)- 1399 Descriptors: 'Management engineering, Produc- tion, 'China, Management engineering, Rural areas, Agriculture, Labor. The report is based on case studies of manage- ment practices of twenty rural production teams belonging to one production brigade in southern Kwangtung and Fukien provinces. It describes the way in which Production Brigade and Teams were organized and managed, and the produce distrib- uted. (Author) AD-730 952 PC A02 MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Improvements in Solar Dry Kiln Design Forest Service research note Eugene M. Wengert. 1971, 10p Rept no. FSRN- FPL-0212 Prepared in cooperation with Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Wood, Driers(Apparatus), Solar radi- ation, Heat transfer, Design, Theses. The objective of this study was to identify the major energy losses in the solar dryer at Colorado State University, and then to suggest various design changes, based on theoretical considerations, to reduce these losses to leave more energy for the primary task of drying wood. (Author) AD-731 719 PC A04 MF A01 California Univ Berkeley Structural Engineering Lab Solving the Galvanic Cell Problem in Ferro- Cement Interim technical rept. Kenneth A. Christensen, and Robert Brady Williamson. Jul 71, 67p Rept nos. UCSESM-71- 14, TR-2 Contract N0001 4-69- A-0200- 1007 Report on Structures and Materials Research. Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, 'Corrosion, 'Electrolytic cells, Reinforced concrete, Cements, Steel, Reinforcing materials, Inhibition, Barrier coatings, Additives, Chromium compounds, Oxides, Construction materials. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement, Galvanic corrosion, Chromium oxides. The nature and constitution of ferro-cement is re- viewed with special reference to the structure of cement paste. The microstructure of low water to- cement ratio pastes is presented in schematic il- lustrations to show that a thin paste layer can be used to protect steel reinforcing material from a marine environment. A galvanic cell between the plain steel reinforcing bar and the galvanized steel mesh ordinarily used in ferro-cement is identified. This galvanic cell gives off hydrogen gas at the plain steel reinforcing bar which leads to poor bonding. Possible solutions to this problem are presented and one, the use of chromium trioxide (Cr03) in the mix water, is shown to solve the prob- lem most effectively. This leads to improved me- chanical properties as well as a sounder barrier to corrosion of the reinforcement. (Author) AD-736 182 PC A03 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Biological Deterioration of Woods in Tropical Environments. Part 3. Chemical Wood Treat- ments for Long-Term Marine-Borer Protection Final rept. C. R. Southwell, and J. D. Bultman. 9 Dec 70, 32p Rept no. NRL-7345 See also Part 2, AD-71 6 740. Descriptors: 'Wood, 'Marine borers, Environmen- tal tests, Oceans, Tropical regions, Crustacea, Molluscacides, Creosote, Arsenic compounds, Copper compounds. Identifiers: Teredo, Pholad, Limnoria, 'Biodeterior- ation, 'Wood perservatives, Copper arsenates, Pine wood, Fir wood. Six chemical wood preservatives were selected for evaluation over long periods of exposure in ex- tremely borer-active marine environments. South- ern Yellow Pine and Douglas Fir were full-cell pres- sure-treated with these chemicals and exposed in tropical seas and tropical brackish water for peri- ods up to 90 months. Subsequently, 16 of the natu- ral tropical woods considered best for use with pressure preservatives were combined with whole creosote and exposed in the most borer active of the seawater sites for periods exceeding 4 years. All samples have been removed, sectioned, and rated separately for the three major groups of marine borers: teredo, pholad, and limnoria. The long-term results show that heavy treatments of whole creosote and chromated copper arsenate (CCA, type A) are very effective preservatives for Southern Pine exposed in seawater, while the CCA was the singularly most effective treatment against the brackish-water Psiloteredo. Some of the most promising results were obtained with combinations of a few relatively limnoria-resistant tropical woods with a teredo-effective creosote pressure treat- ment. (Author) AD-736 268 PC A03 MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Wood Pallet Manufacturing Forest Service research note. 1971, 38p* Rept no. FSRN-FPL-0213 Descriptors: 'Wood, Pallets, 'Pallets, Manufactur- ing methods, Design, Standards, Classification, Construction, Quality control, Military require- ments, Moisture, Weight, Flexural strength, Com- pressive properties, Defects(Materials), Mechani- cal fasteners, Plywood, Adhesives, Economics, Production. Identifiers: 'Wood pallets, Wood pallet plants. The report provides fundamental knowledge about wood, its characteristics, and fastenings as related to pallet design and production. Also discusses plant layouts and economics. (Author) AD-740 285 PC A03/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforce- ment Eugene F. Smith, and Kenneth L. Saucier. Feb 65, 35p Rept no. AEWES-Misc-Paper-6-705 Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, Design, 'Wood, Reinforced concrete, 'Structures, Rein- forced concrete, Grasses, Tropical regions, Loading(Mechanics), Deflection, Flexural strength, Feasibility studies, Military requirements, Beams(Structural), Aging(Materials), Tests. Identifiers: 'Bamboo reinforced concrete, 'Pre- cast concrete. The purpose of the research program was to study the feasibility of using bamboo as the reinforcing material in precast concrete elements in tropical and semi-tropical countries. The objectives were to: (1) modify current ultimate strength design and area-moment procedures, as necessary, so that ultimate moments and deflections of bamboo-rein- forced concrete elements can be reasonably esti- mated, and (2) to determine the load-carrying ca- pabilities and deflection limitations of precast con- crete flexural elements with bamboo reinforce- ment under both short-term and sustained loads. AD-740 374 PC A05/MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Comparison of Wood Preservatives in Stake Tests Forest Service research note L. Gjovik, and H. L. Davidson. 1972, 92p* Rept no. FSRN-FPL-02/72 Descriptors: 'Wood, 'Protective treatments, Envi- ronmental tests, Deterioration, Fungusproofing, Isoptera. Identifiers: 'Wood preservatives, Pine wood, Cop- totermes formosanus, Formosan termites, Biode- terioration. Reported are results on test stakes of southern pine sapwood 2 by 4 by 18 inches in size, treated by pressure and nonpressure processes, in decay and termite exposure in various climates. Also in- cluded in some of the tests are smaller pine stakes and those of treated and untreated plywood, modi- fied woods, laminated paper plastic, and pine in- fected with Trichoderma mold. Preservatives such as coal-tar creosote and petroleum oils containing copper naphthenate, zinc naphthenate, phenyl mercury oleate, and pentachlorophenol have added a few months to 4 years to the life of the untreated stakes. Some waterborne preservatives have provided less protection to the stakes than the standard preservative oils. (Author) AD-741 829 PC A04/MF A01 Human Resources Research Organization Alexan- dria Va Handbook of Small-Group Methods of Instruc- tion Research product Joseph A. Olmstead. May 72, 71 p Rept no. HumRRO-RP-D4-71-27 Contract DAHC19-70-C-0012 Descriptors: 'Teaching methods, 'Handbooks, Management engineering, Problem solving, In- structors, Transfer of training. The handbook is designed to assist trainers and training managers to identify methods of instruct- ing small groups (20 students or fewer) to accom- plish desired instructional objectives. The empha- sis is on methods and procedures rather than on rationale and theory. The material is presented in an outline form, for the trainer to adapt to his needs. Various methods, case discussions, and problem-solving and role-playing exercises are de- scribed. (Author) AD-742 271 PC A04/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Stronger Concrete Bryant Mather. Oct 66, 60p Rept no. AEWES- Misc-Paper-6-851 13 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: * Concrete, Compressive properties, Construction materials, State-of-the-art reviews, Mixtures, Water, Aging(Materials), Loading(Mechanics), Cements, Costs. Identifiers: *High strength concrete, Aggregates. The report reviews production methods for produc- ing high compressive strength concrete, and at- tempts to optimize the ratio of ingredients (with emphasis on minimum water content). AD-743 436 PC A02/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforce- ment Kenneth L. Saucier, and Eugene F. Smith. Sep 67, 20p Rept no. AEWES-Misc-Paper-6-926 Descriptors: 'Structural parts, 'Reinforced con- crete, 'Reinforced concrete, Wood, Loading(Mechanics), Design, Feasibility studies, Structural properties, Military engineering. Identifiers: 'Bamboo, Precast concrete. The purpose was to study the feasibility of using bamboo as the reinforcing material in precast con- crete elements. The objectives were to: (1) deter- mine the load-carrying capabilities and deflection limitations of precast concrete flexural elements with bamboo reinforcement under both short-term and sustained loads; and (2) modify current ulti- mate strength design and area-moment proce- dures, as necessary, so that ultimate moments and deflections of bamboo-reinforced concrete ele- ments can be reasonably estimated. (Author) AD-744 691 PC A03/MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis FPL (Forest Products Laboratory) Designs Meet Family Housing Needs Forest Service research paper G. E. Sherwood. 1972, 30p* Rept no. FSRP-FPL- 173 Descriptors: 'Housing, Design, Construction, Con- struction materials, Wood, Foundations(Structures), Costs, Rural areas, Questionnaires. Identifiers: 'Low cost housing, 'Rural housing. The Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) has devel- oped five house plans for low-cost rural houses to demonstrate cost-saving principles of construc- tion. The plans feature simplicity of design, but pro- vide structurally sound houses that fulfill the needs of many families. A questionnaire was mailed to 1 ,620 individuals who requested and were sent the FPL plans during 1 969. A total of 1 , 1 29 responded. The replies indicated that 225 houses had been built and that 318 houses were planned for future construction. Ninety-three percent of the reported costs were less than $1 2,000; 92 percent indicated incomes of less than $7,000. In general, the survey results show that structurally sound houses can be built to meet the needs of low-income families at prices they can affort to pay. (Author) AD-746 489 PC A02/MF A01 Northwestern Univ Evanston III Dept of Biological Sciences Control of Flies and Cockroaches by Insect Hormones Annual rept. no. 1, 1 Aug 71-31 Jul 72 Lawrence I. Gilbert. 10 Aug 72, 13p Contract N00014-67-A-0356-0024 Descriptors: 'Insect control, 'Hormones, 'Blatti- dae, Insect control, Blood proteins, Chemical bonds, Labeled substances, Muscidae, Chromato- graphic analysis, Metabolism, Biochemistry. Identifiers: 'Cockroaches, Juvenile hormones, Do- pamine, Cuticle, Tanning materials. The research described deals with two subjects; hormone receptors in insects and the tanning of the insect cuticle. If either process can be inter- fered with, one would have an effective means of insect control. Receptor studies using sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation demonstrated the existence of two protein receptors in the crus- tacean hepatopancaeas that bind label from 3H- ecdysone (molting hormone). Microchemical anal- ysis demonsttated that the label was now due to a previously undescribed ecdysone metabolite. Ex- periments with the lipoidal juvenile hormone showed that a specific hemolymph (blood) lipopro- tein binds 14C-juvenile hormone. Using column chromatography, electrophoresis, and immunolo- gical procedures, the author has shown that 14C- dopamine (a central compound in tanning of the cuticle) is metabolized by two different routes in the tobacco hornworm. The immunochemical and radiotracer studies demonstrate for the first time that these hemolymph carrier proteins do indeed traverse the epidermal cell to make their way unal- tered into the cuticle undergoing tanning. (Author) AD-748 582 PC A03/MF A01 Naval Civil Engineering Lab Port Hueneme Calif Flexural Strength of Ferro-Cement Panels Technical rept. J. E. Tancreto, and H. H. Haynes. Aug 72, 38p* Rept no. NCEL-TR-772 Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, Flexural strength, Panels(Structural), Steel, Wire, Reinforc- ing materials, Fracture(Mechanics), Composite materials. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement. The report studies ferro-cement panels reinforced with plain steel woven wire mesh and subjected to flexural loads to determine the first cracking, visi- ble cracking, and ultimate strength properties. The reinforcement variables were mesh size (which ranged from 2 x 2 to 14 x 14 wires/in.), wire diame- ter (which ranged from 0.011 to 0.041 inch), and percentage of steel (which ranged from 1 to 3% by area in the direction of principal stress). Control panels of unreinforced mortar and panels rein- forced with chicken wire or steel rods were also tested. (Author) AD-750 351 PC A02/MF A01 Army Natick Labs Mass Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by En- zymatic Hydrolysis Mary Mandels, Lloyd Hontz, and Dixon Brandt. 1972, 16p* Descriptors: 'Cellulose, 'Decomposition, 'En- zymes, Cellulose, Disposal, Wastes(lndustrial), Wastes(Sanitary engineering), Glucose, Hydroly- sis, Production, Fungi, Cotton, Paper, Wood. Identifiers: 'Biodeterioration, 'Waste disposal, 'Solid waste disposal, Celluloses, Bagasse, Rice hulls, Agricultural wastes, Trichoderma viride. The paper summarizes studies on pollution abate- ment by enzymatic conversion of waste cellulose to useful products. Cellulose is the major compo- nent of card board boxes, kraft paper, paper bags, correspondence paper, and newspring, or any other product of wood pulp or cotton. One ap- proach has been the direct conversion of cellulose to animal protein by ruminant feeding, or to single cell protein by growing bacteria or fungi on cellu- lose. The authors' approach has been a different one. Cellulose was converted to glucose by acid or enzymatic hydrolysis. AD-755 424 PC A03/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Comparison Study of Aluminum, Ferro- Cement, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic for Small Craft in Korea Benjamin Whang. Dec 72, 37p Rept no. NSRDC- 3979 Descriptors: 'Hulls(Marine), Materials, 'Aluminum alloys, Hulls(Marine), 'Reinforced concrete, Hulls(Marine), 'Reinforced plastics, Hulls(Marine), Boats, Glass textiles, Polyester plastics, Physical properties, Costs, Abundance, Manufacturing methods, South Korea, Maintenance. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement, 'Fiber composites. The work compares aluminum, ferro-cement, and fiber-reinforced plastic in terms of small boat con- struction costs, strength-stiffness/weight charac- teristics, maintenance, fatigue, impact resistance, fire resistance, etc. within the framework of pres- ent day Korean technology and economics. (Author) AD-758 524 Not available NTIS Pennsylvania State Univ University Park A Right to Survive: Subsistence Marketing in a Lowland Philippine Town Maria Cristina Blanc Szanton. Dec 72, 178p Contract Nonr-656(37), ARPA Order-855 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 72-157769. International Standard Book no. 0-271-00555-6. Availability: Paper copy available from Pennsylva- nia State University Press, University Park, Pa. $8.00. Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Philippines, 'Com- merce, Analysis, Food, Logistics, Sociometrics, Rural areas, Behavior, Management planning. Identifiers: Developing countries, Estancia(Philippines), 'Subsistence marketing, Economic development, SD. A comprehensive analysis is made of the move- ment of food and supplies from their sources, through middlemen, to consumers in the public market-place of Estancia, lloilo, a town of 15,000 people located on the northeastern corner of Panay Island in the Philippines. An insight into the social and economic operations of this marketing process-extrapolated to underdeveloped coun- tries throughout the world-suggests action pro- grams for coping effectively with the impediments to progress which lie in many present production and marketing patterns. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-759 845 PC A05/MF A01 Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and De- velopment Paris (France) Government Assistance for Technical Informa- tion in Industry and Simple Mechanization for Small Information Centres Conference proceedings. 1972, 99p* Rept no. AGARD-CP-117 Presented at Meeting of the AGARD Technical In- formation Panel, (25th) Ankara, Turkey, 23-24 Oct 72. NATO furnished. Descriptors: 'Technical information centers, 'In- dustries, Management engineering, Operation, Symposia, Dissemination, Automation, Government(Foreign), Data processing systems, Abstracts, Personnel, Training, Turkey. Identifiers: Information transfer, SD. Contents: The present state of information activities in Turkey and future trends; Establishing small information centres in industry; Library and information services at the Royal Aircraft Establishment - some problems and their present solutions; Training of personnel to man the various parts of an information centre and to operate various kinds of service; Microforms - present economics and future use; Problems of data recording and data interchange; Systemes d'entrees et de recherches pour des centres documentaires de faible ou moyenne importance; Presenting a development plan for approval; Tailored abstracts and technical digests - a service for industry; Information extension services for industry; The development and use of a modern data bank. AD-760 500 PC A02/MF A01 Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks Pa Physician's Assistants Role in Health Aid to Developing Nations Student essay Alexander M. Boysen. 20 Dec 72, 22p Descriptors: 'Army, Foreign aid, 'Foreign aid, 'Public health, Medical personnel, Army training, Reviews. Identifiers: 'Medical technicians, 'Developing countries, A. The contention of the essay is to develop the dictum that the United States Medical Department 14 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS recognize the challenge and opportunity to con- tribute to the health delivery systems of developing nations. The training of clinical physician assis- tants by the Army provides a practical, flexible, and essential means to aid health programs in devel- oping nations when the opportunity exists. Maxi- mum utilization of men, money, and materials must be accomplished if the medical department is to meet the challenge of delivering the product of medical knowledte, technology, and expertise to the benefit of the masses of people in developing nations who desire these benefits. (Author) AD-762 552 PC A03/MF A01 Army Construction Engineering Research Lab Champaign III Lime-Cement Combination Stabilization Technical manuscript Lovick P. Suddath. May 73, 40p Rept no. CERL- TM-M-47 Descriptors: *Clay, Stabilization, 'Construction, Clay, Density, Cements, Compressive properties, Wear resistance, Army research. Identifiers: Soil stabilization, Workability, A. Soil stabilization is used extensively in road and airfield construction. In particular, soil-cement ap- pears to be a favorite among the engineers. As the plasticity of a soil increases, the ability to ade- quately mix the cement with the soil becomes a critical factor. Also the quantity of cement required to stabilize the soil becomes excessive. The objec- tive of the study was to determine the effect of re- duced compacted density on the durability of cement stabilized clays, pretreated with lime. The reduction in density did not impair the durability of cement stabilized clay soils, which were pretreated with lime. Most of the test results indicated an im- proved resistance to freeze-thaw. An evaluation of the unconfined compressive strength results ob- tained during freeze-thaw shows that lime pretreat- ment improved the strengths. (Modified author ab- stract) AD-764 294 PC A08/MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Veneer Species of the World 1973, 155p* Descriptors: 'Wood, Reviews, Tables, Plywood, Trees, Sources. Identifiers: "Veneers, Inventories, FPL. The report is a compilation of veneer properties from several hundred wood species. Most of the data presented comes from research conducted in government laboratories in a half dozen nations. Additional information was obtained from contacts with the veneer and plywood industry. Presented are tables with the species by botanical name, common names, the name of the country supply- ing the data, and some of the properties of the wood. AD-765 437/9 PC A08/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control Final rept. Edward O. Gangstad, Julian J. Raynes, Ralph M. Burress, John Stanley, and Kermit Sneed. Jun 73, 154p* See also AD-759 500. Descriptors: *Plants(Botany), Control, 'Fishes, *Pest control, 'Inland waterways, Plants(Botany), Ecology, Food, Removal, Efficiency, Digestive system, Nutrition, Test methods, Florida. Identifiers: Ctenopharyngodon idella, 'Herbivo- rous fishes, 'Aquatic weeds, 'Weed control, 'Bio- logical pest control, A. During the last decade, research to discover means of controlling obnoxious aquatic plant growth has included evaluation of various species of herbivorous fishes. Two of the species studied, Israeli carp and the white amur fish, have shown sufficient efficacy to offer promise for utilization in controlling aquatic weeds in habitats occupied by established game fish populations. The Israeli carp was only effective in controlling filamentous algae and is useless for control of rooted aquatic plants. The white amur fish, on the other hand, has shown great promise in controlling submersed and emersed types of plants. The purpose of this re- search report was to determine the efficiency of the white amur fish (Ctenopharyngodon idella) as a biological control agent for aquatic weed popula- tions in natural habitats, with evaluation of the ef- fects of space and plant nutrients resulting from the destruction of weeds in the aquatic ecosystem. This research information provides the basis to es- tablish a system of knowledge for control and operational procedures for use of white amur fish for aquatic plant control. (Author) AD-765 616/8 PC A03/MF A01 Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks Pa Administrative Aspects of Urbanization in De- veloping Countries Monograph Eugene R. Brady. 20 Mar 72, 31 p Descriptors: 'Management planning, 'Urban areas, 'Government(Foreign), Problem solving, Management engineering, Organizations, Dynam- ics, Urban planning, Reviews, Analysis, Natural re- sources. Identifiers: 'Urbanization, 'Developing countries, Policies, Participative management, A. The report deals primarily with administrative prob- lems associated with urbanization in developing countries. Approaches to these problems are dis- cussed in the following areas: organizational struc- tures and relationships, management of re- sources, participation and representation, urban plans and policies, and institutional aids. (Author) AD-765 702/6 PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Leadership through an Understanding of Human Motivation with Special Application to a Partially Industrialized Country Master's thesis Ali Saraf-Yazdy. Jun 73, 87p Descriptors: 'Leadership, Analysis, 'Motivation, Management control systems, Group dynamics, Classification, Psychometrics, Theory, Reviews, Theses. Identifiers: Developing countries, Participative management, Human needs, N. Management includes the functions of planning, organizing, directing, controlling and staffing. The function of directing includes the skill of leader- ship. A manager is charged with carrying out all of the functions of management. Some authorities have said that managers should be leaders but leaders need not be managers. There has been confusion concerning these terms because of their wide interchangeable use, and they are used inter- changeably in this paper but for clarity when the terms manager or management are used they refer to that part of management which involves getting things done through people. AD-767 566/3 PC A04/MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Principles for Protecting Wood Buildings from Decay Forest Service research paper T. C. Scheffer, and A. F. Verrall. 1973, 59p* Rept no. FSRP-FPL-190 Descriptors: 'Buildings, Wood, 'Wood, Protection, 'Preservation, Buildings, 'Degradation, Wood, Construction materials, Fungus deterioration, Moisture, Foundations(Structures), Walls, Floors, Roofs, Impregnation. Identifiers: FPL. Problems caused by decay in buildings in the United States and the means to avoid or control them are dealt with in this work. The principal mois- ture situations and construction features most re- sponsible for the occurrence of decay in various building parts are described, and directions are given for approximately modifying or eliminating undesirable conditions. Emphasis throughout is on the two primary means of protecting against decay: (1) The use of dry wood and of construction methods to keep wood dry, and (2) methods to treat wood with a suitable preservative in areas where dry conditions cannot be maintained. AD-769 470/6 PC A19/MF A01 Army Foreign Science and Technology Center Charlottesville Va Glass Technology L. M. Butt, and V. V. Pollyak. 28 Aug 73, 450p* Rept no. FSTC-HT-23-0660-73 Trans, of mono. Tekhnologiya Stekla, Moscow, 1971 367p. Descriptors: 'Glass, Technology, Manufacturing, Melting, Production, USSR, Translations. Identifiers: A. The essentials of making glass and glass articles are examined. Properties of glasses and glass melts are discussed. Raw materials, their prepara- tion, batch preparation, and the glassmaking proc- ess in various kinds of furnaces is described. Em- phasis is placed on the production of sheet, pol- ished, and architectural-structural glass, and slag pyroceramics. (Author) Portions of this document are not fully legible. AD-771 700/2 PC A12/MF A01 Defense Documentation Center Alexandria Va Fungusproofing Report bibliography Dec 43-Aug 72. Dec 73, 265p* Rept no. DDC-TAS-73-72 Supersedes AD-720 202. Descriptors: 'Fungicides, 'Bibliographies, Fungus- proofing, Moistureproofing, Weatherproofing, Plas- tics, Textiles, Microorganisms, Coatings, Fungus deterioration, Paper, Composition board, Wood, Humidity. Identifiers: SD. The bibliography is a collection of references relat- ing to fungusproofing as it pertains to industrial processing. The process of weatherproofing, coat- ing, moistureproofing, fungus deterioration, and fungicides are discussed. Corporate Author-Moni- toring Agency, Subject, Title, and Personal Author indexes are included. (Author) AD-772 930/4 PC A02/MF A01 Army Natick Labs Mass The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Sup- plementary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries Technical rept. W. I. Ill Rodier, W. C. Wetsel, H. L. Jacobs, R. C. Graeber, and H. R. Moskowitz. Dec 73, 21 p* Rept no. USA-NLABS-TR-74-20-PR Descriptors: 'Milk, 'Food, 'Children, Acceptability, Beverages, Army research. Identifiers: Developing countries, A. Testing of a whey-soy beverage powder was car- ried out in Chile, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Sierra Leone and the Dominican Republic to determine its probable acceptability for use as a supplemen- tary food for pre-school children. Test results indi- cated that the beverage powder should be accept- able in all test countries except possible Sierra Leone. Moreover, since the tests were carried out in a variety of geographical areas and cultures and in several types of distribution systems, it may be concluded that there is a high probability that the beverage powder will be acceptable in pre-school child feeding programs in most parts of the devel- oping world. AD-774 720/7 PC E01/MF A01 California Univ San Francisco George Williams Hooper Foundation The Biological Control of Schistosomiasis: A Program to Develop Use of Trematode Interac- tions in the Snail Host in Conjunction with the Molluscicide Endod as a New Approach to the Control of Human Schistosomiasis in Egypt and Ethiopia Final rept. Aug 72-Oct 73 Donald Heyneman, and Harry G. Lee. 31 Dec 73, 33 Contract N00014-69-A-0200-2005 15 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Schistosomiasis, *Trematodes, 'Gastropoda, Schistosoma, Parasitic diseases, Parasites, Molluscacides, Egypt, Ethiopia. Identifiers: 'Biological pest control, Echinosto- mata, Host parasite relations, N. A series of 25 field stations were established from which 4000 snails were collected. These snail hosts serve as hosts of both of the endemic schis- tosome species (Schistosoma haematobium from Bulinus truncatus, Bu. abyssinicus, Bu. sericinus, and Bu. forskalii; and S. mansoni from Biompha- laria pfeifferi) and a number of possible trematode antagonists among the echinostome species found parasitizing these snails. About 75 collec- tions of cercariae were made and analyzed. A spe- cies of 43-spined Echinoparyphium proved to be a widespread parasite in the various forms of Bulinus collected both in Ethiopia and Egypt. Efforts to de- velop this species as a biological control of S. hae- matobium are underway. Factors required for suc- cessful biological control are described and dis- cussed. AD-775 408/8 PC A08/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect Enemies Final rept. Edward O. Gangstad, Julian J. Raynes, Charles F. Zeiger, Jean M. Ingersoll, and Robert D. Gordon. Jan 74, 156p* See also report dated Oct 73, AD-769 583. Descriptors: 'Aquatic plants, 'Beetles, Control. Ecology, Coleoptera, Insects. Identifiers: Neochetina eichhorniae, 'Biological weed control, 'Weed control, A. Present water hyacinth control programs provide at best only short-term control, and thus are of short-term benefit as far as productivity of the envi- ronment is concerned, whereas successful biologi- cal control will provide long-term benefits to pro- ductivity, with a concomitant reduction in the use of chemical or mechanical disturbances of the envi- ronment. Once a biological control agent is estab- lished, it becomes an integral part of the environ- ment and as such may properly be considered a self-renewable resource, and a beneficial addition to our environment. It is a hope that Neochetina eichhorniae will prove to be just that, and that it will, alone or in conjunction with other native or in- troduced natural enemies, bring about the allevi- ation of the problems caused by water hyacinth in the southeastern United States. (Author) AD-777 404/5 PC A02/MF A01 Naval Medical Research Unit No 2 Taipei (Taiwan) Abstracts of Papers Presented by Staff of NAMRU-2 at the International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria (9th), Held in Athens (Greece) on 14-21 October 1973 Jan 74, 5p Rept no. NAMRU-2-IR-32 Descriptors: 'Meetings, 'Parasitic diseases, 'Tropical diseases, Greece, Abstracts, Trema- todes, Helminthic diseases, Schistosomiasis, Filar- iasis, Nematoda, Indonesia, Disease vectors, Hosts(Biology), Parasites. Identifiers: Fasciolopsis buski, Capillaria philippin- ensis, Echinostomiasis lindoensis, N. Contents: Results of skin testing for trematode infections on Taiwan; The in vitro cultivation of Fasciolopsis buski (Lankester); Antigen analysis of Fasciolopsis buski (Lankester); Schistosomiasis in Indonesia, ecological and zoonotic aspects; Filariasis in transmigration settlements of Indonesia; Zoonotec aspects of Capillaria philippinensis; Mammals and their parasites in Gumbasa Valley, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia; Schistosomiasis in Indonesia, human aspects; Echinostomiasis lindoensis: a disease that disappeared. AD-778 846/6 PC A2 1 / M F A0 1 Informatics Inc Rockville Md Solar Energy Vlastimir A. Stevovich. 1 Mar 74, 478p* AFOSR- TR-74-0600 Contract F44620-72-C-0053, ARPA Order-1 622-4 Descriptors: 'Solar energy, Energy conversion, Power, Energy, Energy storage, Collection, Solar heating, Utilization, USSR, Power supplies, Re- views. The report is a comprehensive review of present major developments and future planning in various fields of applied solar engineering. The study covers theoretical and experimental data on the background and state-of-the-art of applied solar research in general, with emphasis on foreign work, particularly in the Soviet Union. (Author) AD-780 061/8 PC A06/MF A01 Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and De- velopment Paris (France) How to Obtain Information in Different Fields of Science and Technology: A User's Guide Lecture series. 1974, 124p* Rept no. AGARD-LS-69 NATO furnished. Descriptors: 'Information centers, Information processing, Information, Flow, Global, Distribution. Identifiers: Information dissemination, Lectures. The purpose of the series is to outline for the user of information systems the principles upon which such systems are based, and thus enable him to understand and more readily exploit their potentia- lities. The series includes presentations of general information on this subject and more detailed ex- amples of specific scientific, medical and govern- mental systems. AD-781 403/1 PC E05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Fatigue of Ferro-Cement Master's thesis Michael G. Simpson. Jun 74, 119p Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, 'Fatigue(Mechanics), Ship hulls, Stresses, Test methods, Fracture(Mechanics), Electron micros- copy, Theses. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement, 'Wire cloth, Scanning electron microscopy. Ferro-cement is a cement mortar with a high rela- tive volume of well dispersed steel wire reinforce- ment. The material properties of ferrocement are neither those of the mortar alone nor of the rein- forcement and vary as the mortar and reinforce- ment configuiations are changed. In this study, several variations of ferro-cement were fabricated and subjected to constant amplitude cyclic loads up to ten million cycles. Stress versus cycles-to- failure plots were developed and comparisons be- tween the data for various ferro-cement modifica- tions were made. Monotonic tests were conducted on the ferro-cement to allow comparisons with work conducted by other experimenters. An inves- tigation of the fracture surface was conducted using a scanning electron microscope. (Author) AD-782 199/4 PC A04/MF A01 Asian Inst of Tech Bangkok (Thailand) Investigation of Rational Effluent and Stream Standards for Tropical Countries Annual rept. 1 Nov 71-30 Apr 73 Mainwaring B. Pescod. 28 May 74, 61 p ARDG/ FE-476-2 Grant DA-RDRF-S92-544-72-G179 Descriptors: 'Water pollution, 'Water supplies, 'Streams, 'Southeast Asia, Standards, Quality, Ir- rigation systems, Sewage treatment, Drinking water, Oxygen, Fishes, Oxidation, Waste water, Costs, Thailand. Identifiers: 'Water quality standards, Oxidation la- goons, Developing countries. Water quality standards were reviewed and tenta- tive stream standards proposed for use in develop- ing countries of Southeast Asia on the basis of le- gitimate water uses and adaptation of available data to local conditions. A survey of stream stand- ards and water uses applied in the Southeast Asian region indicated that few countries had adopted standards and practically no attempt had been made to adjust to suit local conditions. Ex- perimental studies suggested that oxidation pond effluent would have a beneficial effect on the oxygen balance of a stream under tropical condi- tions provided that the algal concentration was not more than 10,000 cells/ml after dilution in the stream. Oxidation ponds were assessed as being more attractive than either trickling filter or activat- ed sludge treatment plants for populations less than 175,000 and land rental costs of U.S. $0.10 per square meter per year or less. (Author) AD-784 092/9 PC A03/MF A01 Army Construction Engineering Research Lab Champaign III The Use of Coral as an Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Structures Final rept. P. A. Howdyshell. Jun 74, 43p* Rept no. CERL- TR-M-88 Descriptors: 'Construction materials, 'Coral, Con- crete, Construction, Structures, Deterioration, Mili- tary engineering, Pacific Ocean Islands. Identifiers: 'Aggregates(Materials), Evaluation. The investigation documents the experience gained by the Corps of Engineers and the Navy since World War II in the use of coral as an aggre- gate for portland cement concrete. The approach was to evaluate relevant literature and construc- tion and inspection records, visit construction and material preparation sites, evaluate existing coral concrete structures, and analyze coral aggregate and coral concrete samples in the laboratory. The results of the investigation indicate that coral has successfully been used as an aggregate for con- crete in vertical construction. The only significant type of deterioration observed in coral concrete structures was the cracking and spalling of con- crete associated with corroding reinforcing steel. The severity of the corrosion-spalling problem was sufficient in some cases to affect structural integri- ty, while in other cases little or no deterioration was observed. For the most part specifications and construction techniques currently being used for production of coral aggregate and coral concrete are similar to specifications and techniques for conventional aggregate and concrete. (Author) AD-784 557/1 PC A03/MF A01 Forest Products Lab Madison Wis Properties of Particleboards at Various Humid- ity Conditions Forest Service research paper J. Dobbin McNatt. 1974, 26p* Rept no. FSRP- FPL-225 Descriptors: 'Fiberboard, 'Wood, 'Humidity, Stresses, Moisture, Flexural strength, Elastic prop- erties, Compressive properties, Bending, Loads(Forces), Exposure(General), Degradation, Stiffness, Drying, Tables(Data). Identifiers: 'Particleboards, Design. The changes in properties of particleboard that result from changes in moisture content should be determined to avoid possible problems related to linear expansion and thickness swelling and to loss in load-carrying capacity and stiffness. In this report the physical and mechanical properties are determined for five commercial particleboards manufactured primarily from planer shavings and for a board made at the Forest Products Labora- tory from random-width Douglas-fir flaxes, 1 inch long and 0.015 inch thick. All were conditioned at humidity exposures between ovendry and 90 % relative humidity. (Modified author abstract) AD-785 748/5 PC A03/MF A01 Trinity Coll Dublin (Ireland) School of Engineering Investigation of Stress Concentration in Rein- forced Concrete Components Final technical rept. 1 Jun 73-31 May 74 T. E. Glynn, and M. Z. Al-Salihi. Jun 74, 26p Grant DA-ERO-591-73-G-0041 16 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, 'Stresses, Static tests, Dynamic tests, Crack propagation, Formulations, Ireland. Identifiers: *Ferrocement. This report is a continuation of the former efforts to elucidate the behavior of ferrocement concrete in static and dynamic stress fields. The influence of various reinforcements on pre and post cracking of thin sections forms the main topic of this report. The objects of the testing program were to com- pare the effectiveness of various steel mesh con- figurations in arresting crack propagation in stressed members; to provide experimental data for checking theoretical predictions of strength based on material parameters; to identify areas of future research potential. The work to date has been devoted to flexural and direct tensile tests on thin slabs. The slabs were reinforced uniformly with steel meshes of various patterns. The matrix consisted of microconcretes, and some variations in the mix design were incorporated. AD-785 928/3 PC A03/MF A01 Romualdi (James P) Pittsburgh Pa Ferrocement Developments in New Zealand James P. Romualdi. May 74, 36p Contract N00167-74-C-0171 Descriptors: 'Ship hulls, 'Boats, 'Cements, Pro- duction, New Zealand. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement. During the period August 1973 to January 1974, the author was associated with a local firm which is engaged in marine and terrestrial ferrocement ac- tivities. These activities provided an opportunity to assess the potential of ferrocement as well as the undertaking of tests of new hull construction tech- niques that combine ferrocement with steel fiber reinforced mortar. This report summarizes current development, assesses current potential of the material, presents the results of the test series, and ends with recommendations for future devel- opment. This report does not attempt to review the general state-of-the-art of ferrocement hull con- struction. AD-787 465/4 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Department of the Army Washington D C Africa: A Bibliographic Survey of Literature 1973, 623p* Rept no. DA-PAM-550-17 Availability: Paper copy available from GPO. Descriptors: 'Africa, 'Bibliographies, Handbooks, Political science, Sociology, Economics, Military forces(Foreign), Military organizations, Transporta- tion, Communication and radio systems, Literature surveys. Identifiers: Developing countries. Like the previous volume on the subject (DA PAM 550-5) which was issued in April 1 967, the new edi- tion endeavors to assess the problems and pros- pects in the vast continent. The difficulties and ac- complishments are looked at from both-a broad, regional point of view, as well as from a specific, national point of view. The work includes data on the strategic importance of Africa as a continent, and also provides facts and figures on the political, sociological, economic, and military aspects that contribute to the viability of individual African states. More than four thousand books, periodical articles, and monographs, were searched in the preparation of this work. The body of material is supported by 91 appendixes and 53 maps, of which 18 are in color. AD-837 454/8 PC A02/MF A01 Army Biological Labs Frederick MD Rice Cultivation in North Vietnam 27 Jul 65, 16p Rept no. Trans-1498 Trans, of mono. Futsuryo Indo Shina Nogyo Keizai (Agricultural Economy in Indochina) Tokyo, 1942 p1-14. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Cereals, Vietnam, Rural areas, Rivers, Soils, Plants(Botany), Seeds, Production, Statistical analysis, Irrigation systems, Agriculture. Identifiers: North Vietnam, Rice, Translations. The report discusses rice culture in North Vietnam. Varieties of rice, soils and regional characteristics of rice culture are examined. AD-837 489/4 PC A02/MF A01 Army Biological Labs Frederick MD Notes on the Duration of Evolution of Varieties of Rice Cultivated in Indochina Yves Coyaud. Jul 68, 14p Rept no. Trans-1443 Trans, from Agronomie Tropicale (France) v3 n5-6 1948. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Cereals, Vietnam, Rural areas, Plants(Botany), Climate, Transplantation, Soils, Acclimatization, Economics, Terrain, Irrigation sys- tems, Agriculture. Identifiers: Rice, Translations. The report discusses the varieties of rice grown in present day Vietnam. Influence of soils, climate and plant strains upon rice production are exam- ined. AD-837 490/2 PC A02/MF A01 Army Biological Labs Frederick MD Conditions of the Culture of Rice in the High- Donnai (Vietnam) P. Bertrand. 1952, 18p Rept no. Trans-1444 Trans, of Agronomie Tropicale (France) v7 n3 P266-275 1952. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Cereals, Vietnam, Commerce, Rural areas, Forestry, Seeds, Plants(Botany), Soils, Manpower, Climate, Irrigation systems. Identifiers: Rice, Translations. The report discusses the more primitive agricultur- al practices of the mountain peoples of Vietnam. The methods of rice culture, forest clearing and soil preparation are examined. AD-837 491/0 PC A02/MF A01 Army Biological Labs Frederick MD Work That the Indochinese Rice Office Has Ac- complished Paul Carton. 1955, 10p Rept no. Trans-1445 Trans, of Riz et Riziculture et Cultures Vivrieres Tropicales (France) v1 n1 p26-29 1955. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Cereals, Vietnam, Rural areas, Southeast asia, Research management, Plants(Botany), Agriculture. Identifiers: Rice, Translations. No abstract available. AD-837 492/8 PC A02/MF A01 Army Biological Labs Frederick MD Production and Distribution of the Rice Seeds in Vietnam 1956, 5p Rept no. Trans-1446 Trans, of Riz et Riziculture et Cultures Vivrieres Tropicales (France) v2 n4 p309-310 1956. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Cereals, Vietnam, Rural areas, Seeds, Production, Plants(Botany), Research management, Agriculture. Identifiers: Rice, South Vietnam, Translations. No abstract available. AD-837 495/1 PC A02/MF A01 Army Biological Labs Frederick MD Some Aspects on the Production of Rice Prob- lem in Vietnam 1960, 12p Rept no. Trans- 1448 Trans, of Causeries Development Resources Nat. Vietnam Soc. Etat. Agr. (sic) n12 p9-22, 5 Oct 60. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Cereals, Vietnam, Commerce, Rural areas, Fertilizers, Seeds, Economics, Irrigation systems. Identifiers: Rice, South Vietnam, Translations. The report discusses rice growing in South Viet- nam. Commercial, export and technical problems are discussed as well as means for increasing crop yields. AD-837 496/9 PC A03/MF A01 Army Biological Labs Frederick MD The Problem of Fertilizers in Rice-Growing in South Vietnam Doan Khac Vuong. 1952, 40p Rept no. Trans- 1450 Trans, from Indochinese Rice Office. Archives (sic) n36 1952. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Cereals, Vietnam, Rural areas, Pro- duction, Climate, Seeds, Soils, Chemical analysis, Fertilizers, Plants(Botany), Research manage- ment, Agriculture. Identifiers: Rice, South Vietnam, Translations. The report presents a study of the practices con- cerning use of fertilizers in the rice growing zones of South Vietnam. The present and recommended uses of fertilizers are discussed. AD-837 497/7 PC A02/MF A01 Army Biological Labs Frederick MD Campaign for Improvement in Cooperative Management -- Second Stage Ha Dang. 23 Jun 65, 4p Rept no. Trans-1500 Trans, of Khoa Hoc Ky Thuat Nong Hghiep (sic) (North Vietnam) p22-23, 1 5 Nov 63. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Management planning and control, Agriculture, 'Agriculture, Vietnam, Food, Cereals, Swine, Rural areas, Propaganda, Communism, Po- litical science, Fertilizers, Seeds, Irrigation sys- tems. Identifiers: North Vietnam, Rice, Translations. The report discusses ways of improving food pro- duction in a small North Vietnamese cooperative farm. AD-863 643 PC A03/MF A01 Fort Detrick, Frederick, Md. Peanut Rust: A Review of Literature Kenneth R. Bromfield. Dec 69, 26p Rept no. SMUFD-Misc Pub-36 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Puccinia(Rusts), Reviews, 'Plants(Botany), Diseases, Pathology, Fungi, Life cycle, Epidemiology, Control, Central America, Ca- ribbean sea, South America, United States. Identifiers: 'Peanut plants, Puccinia arachildis, Arachis hypogaea. On plants subjected to early and intensive rust attack, leaves fail to attain normal size and fall to the ground prematurely, growth of the shoot is slowed, the life cycle of the plant may be short- ened by more than 1 5 to 20 days, and the seeds that are produced may be smaller and lower in oil content. (Author) AD-878 676/6 PC A03/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Lab An- napolis MD State-of-the-Art Survey of Ferrocement Research and development rept. Frank E. Brauer. Jan 71, 38p Rept no. NSRDL/ A-8-529 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Cements, 'Reinforced concrete, 'Composite materials, Cements, 'Construction materials, Ships, Wire, Reinforcing materials, Ten- sile properties, Flexural strength, Modulus of elas- ticity, Fatigue(Mechanics), Compressive proper- ties, Shear stresses, Corrosion resistance, Impact shock, Mechanical properties, Shock resistance, State-of-the-art reviews, Cracks, Ductility, Steel, Bonding, Corrosion inhibition. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement, Portland cement. From this literature study it was found that ferroce- ment is a composite material of superior mechani- cal properties when compared to reinforced con- crete. This superiority is reflected in greater flex- ural crack strength, tensile strength, ductility, and impact strength. Much more research into the ma- 17 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS terial properties of ferrocement must be done to fully understand the nature of the strengthening mechanism in ferrocement and to provide design- ers with comprehensive, reliable information nec- essary for the maximum utilization of ferrocement. (Author) BMFT-FB-T-77-06 PC A04/MF A01 Dornier-System G.m.b.H., Friedrichshafen (West Germany). Glue Stock from Leather Production. Final Report K. Purps. Jul 77, 55p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Industrial wastes, 'Leather, Eco- nomics, Environmental effects, Processing, Recy- cling, Waste processing. Identifiers: ERDA/320305, West Germany, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Tanneries, Waste recycling, Hides. The low-collagen, limed inner hide layer obtained in tanneries is not recommended for reuse in the hide gluing industry both from the economic and the environmental standpoint. Therefore, it is pro- posed to have the flesh removed from the unlimed raw hide in the slaughterhouses. The tanneries are thus relieved of their burden of waste discharge, and the animal carcass-rendering companies can benefit from an additional valuable raw material. (ERA citation 03:031 271) BMI-19S7(V.3) PC A09/MF A01 Battelle Columbus Labs., Ohio. Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report E. S. Lipinsky, R. A. Nathan, W. J. Sheppard, and J. L. Otis. 31 Dec 76, 183p Contract W-7405-ENG-92 Descriptors: 'Ammonia, 'Chemical feedstocks, 'Ethanol, 'Furfural, 'Sugar cane, Acetic acid, Acid hydrolysis, Anaerobic digestion, Bagasse, Biosyn- thesis, Comparative evaluations, Cost, Economics, Fermentation, High btu gas, Industrial plants, Liq- uids, Residues, Thermochemical processes. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140504, ERDA/090222, ERDA/ 090122, ERDA/090320, 'Refuse derived fuels. Information developed in field interviews and litera- ture research which form the basis of extensive calculations that pertain to numerous alternative means of converting the sugar crops into fuels and chemical feedstocks is reported. Investigation of numerous candidate fuels and chemical feed- stocks that might be made from sugar crops indi- cates that ethanol and ammonia are the most promising. The projected cost of ethanol by use of well-established fermentation technology on juice extracted from sugarcane or on molasses is ex- pected to be quite close to that projected for eth- anol from natural gas liquids or petroleum by 1980. The ammonia market is substantial (17 million tons), but this key fertilizer and chemical product is expected to cost close to $200 per ton when made from sugar crop residues, well above what ammo- nia made from natural gas at $3 per million Btu costs. However, sugarcane-based ammonia might compete well with coal-based ammonia. Sugar- cane appears to be the most promising sugar crop for conversion to fuels and chemicals in the short and intermediate term. The costs of sugarcane juice and bagasse are lower than for the corre- sponding sugar beet products. Of the sugar crops, sweet sorghum has the greatest long-range appeal for the United States because the crop can grow over a much wider geographical range than can sugarcane. The development of processes to manufacture ammonia, methanol, acetic acid, and thermochemical substitute natural gas (SNG) from sugar crop residues depends on technology to generate synthesis gas. Sugarcane bagasse ap- pears to be the most economic source of furfural. Anaerobic digestion of sugarcane or sugan-con- taining juices to SNG is ruled out on economic grounds. The principal findings of the conversion aspects of the research are summarized quantita- tively. Alternative routes for conversion of sugar crops to fuels and chemicals are presented. (ERA citation 03:006207) BNL-20510 PC A02/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Energy Institute for Developing Countries: A Working Paper. P. F. Palmedo, and R. Nathans. May 74, 12p Descriptors: 'Developing countries, Energy sources, 'Energy sources, Planning, 'Energy policy, Charges, Distribution, Economic develop- ment, Energy supplies, Forecasting, Production, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/293000, ERDA/292500, ERDA/ 293800. The volatility of energy prices, as well as the pre- cariousness of international energy supply, is forc- ing many developing countries to consider new ways to satisfy their energy needs over the next several decades. As a result it is likely that major changes in energy production - distribution sys- tems will occur in large numbers of these coun- tries. A necessary component of the important de- cisions these countries must make, e.g., with re- spect to changes in plans for their economic devel- opment or the introduction of new technologies, is the need to assess the alternatives and plan for their country's current and future energy needs. This working paper discusses the establishment of an Energy Institute for Developing Countries, whose major function would be to assist and work with interested countries in the performance of energy planning and assessment analyses. Other areas to be covered by the Institute include: (1) preparation of methodologies for evaluation and assessment of new technologies for individual countries; (2) generation of data bases of technical coefficients; (3) provision of user manuals, training of technical personnel and extensive consultations with appropriate government officials in develop- ing countries; and (4) support to agencies and or- ganizations in the U.S. concerned with energy problems in developing countries. The paper dis- cusses the need for and characteristics of a com- prehensive energy planning and assessment framework, and a scheme for micro and macro as- sessments of alternative energy technologies. It also lists a series of specific mechanisms for de- veloping appropriate models and data bases, and transferring the results to interested developing countries. BNL-21491 PC A02/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Single Technology Pitfall J. G. Cottingharr 076, 9p Rept no. CONF- 760657-1 Contract E(30-1)-16 New England solar energy conference, Amherst, Massachusetts, United States of America (USA), 24Jun1976. Descriptors: 'Solar energy, 'Tower focus collec- tors, Cost, Economic development, Solar collec- tors. Identifiers: ERDA/140300. As a first step toward cost reduction six principles are suggested to enhance the solar energy cost picture: use solar energy as a supplement; find a year round application for your collector system; reduce the material content per unit area of collec- tor; generate higher temperatures - make better use of second law of thermodynamics; develop commercial size air conditioning units first for economy; and adapt solar energy to current energy handling technology. The "baby power tower" collector at Brookhaven is sketched and used to illustrate these principles. (ERA citation 02:033915) BNL-21874 PC A02/MF A01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Brief Description of the Developing Country Energy Project 1 Oct 76, 7p Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Energy demand, 'Energy supplies, Economics, Energy storage systems, Socio-economic factors, Sys- tems analysis, Technology assessment. Identifiers: ERDA/292000, ERDA/293000, India, Kenya, Ghana, South Korea, Chile, Brazil, Greece, Energy models. The objective of the project is to assess the role of new or adapted technologies in addressing the energy problems of developing countries. This ob- jective is pursued through activities ranging from historical economic analyses of the role of energy in development to assessments of individual tech- nologies carried out in support of research and de- velopment planning. The project, started in 1975, carries a particular emphasis on the energy prob- lems and technologies appropriate to rural devel- opment. A firm tenet of the activity is, however, that the role of individual energy technologies can be understood only through an integrated view of the entire energy system and the way in which that system meshes with the economic and cultural structure of a society. The entire group of LDCs are being examined to develop a better under- standing of the role of energy in development and to project the energy requirements of those coun- tries under alternative growth patterns. Some rep- resentative countries were used as the basis for generic energy technology assessment. Seven countries were chosen as an initial set for analysis based on their representing a range of levels of development, climate, resource base, etc. These countries were India and Kenya (in the low, less than $200 per capita, income group) Ghana and South Korea (in the intermediate income group), and Chile, Brazil and Greece (in the upper, greater than $550 per capita, income group). In construct- ing energy supply-demand models for these coun- tries, emphasis was placed on incorporating data on noncommercial energy use wherever such in- formation was available. (ERA citation 02:013794) BNL-22311 PCA02/MFA01 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in De- veloping Countries P. F. Palmedo. 1 Jan 77, 1 1 p Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Energy source development, 'Technology utilization, Effi- ciency, Energy consumption, Energy sources, Fi- nancing, Global aspects. Planning, Recommenda- tions, Research programs. Identifiers: ERDA/299000. Some of the implications of the choice between re- newable, decentralized technologies and non- renewable, centralized technologies as applied to developing countries are presented. The focus on developing countries does not imply that the choice is not a pertinent one for developed coun- tries, but only that it is a particularly pressing one for the lesser-developed countries. In order to clar- ify the significance of the distinction between re- newable and depletable resources, two qualifica- tions are made. The resource and its feasible system to use that resource is of primary interest. Sunlight is free but the devices to use that re- source may require a rare metal, which then makes the use of solar energy not renewable. The second qualification is that some resources that are finite such as deuterium as used in fusion reactors have such large abundance that they can be considered renewable. Some specific steps that can be taken to give renewable energy resources an opportunity to compete on a more equal footing with conven- tional fossil and nuclear technologies in the LDCs are: stimulate and support energy planning in de- veloping countries; include appropriate technology in developed country R and D programs; and de- velop and demonstrate technologies in the LDCs. These activities would represent no financial burden to the developed world. A realistic apprais- al of potential renewable resources to meet the future enegy needs of developing countries is im- portant. (ERA citation 02:039519) BNL-23340 PC A03/MF A01 State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook. Energy Planning and Management in Develop- ing Countries: Thoughts Concerning a Concep- tual Framework R. Nathans, and P. F. Palmedo. 11 Oct 77, 39 Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Energy man- agement, 'Energy models, Data acquisition, Gov- ernment policies, International cooperation, Plan- ning, Social impact, Sociology, Urban areas. 18 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: ERDA/290000, ERDA/290100, ERDA/ 290200. The unique characteristics of the energy situation in developing countries imposes a unique set of re- quirements on analytical techniques used for energy planning. The urgency of the situation re- quires the rapid development and use of simplified models which make maximum use of available data but which can reflect the international energy context. Those techniques must also be able to deal with central energy/development issues such as energy equity or the energy implication of social equity policies, centralized vs. decentralized devel- opment, and urbanization. (ERA citation 03:024139) BN L-50633 PC A07/ M F A0 1 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Ex- ploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utilization T. O. Carroll, R. Nathans, P. F. Palmedo, and R. Stern. Jun 77, 129 Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Descriptors: *Energy analysisy conservation, * Energy supplies, *Land use, 'Rural areas, 'Urban areas, Communities, Charges, Correla- tions, Demand factors, Energy consumption, Energy policy, Government policies, Manuals, Planning, Regional analysis, Social impact. Identifiers: ERDA/290000, ERDA/290300, ERDA/ 290100, ERDA/510500, ERDA/320100, 'Region- al planning. It has been clear that the magnitude and character of a region's energy requirements are intimately re- lated to the spatial configuration and mix of land use activities. To the degree to which they can shape the future configurations of residential, com- mercial, industrial, and transportation activities, local governments and their planners must give serious consideration to the energy implications of those configurations in the light of future social goals and requirements. This Planner's Energy Workbook describes a set of procedures that can be used to carry out community and regional energy analyses. The choice of land use activity parameters and their relation to energy use char- acteristics are associated with the normal planning concepts of land use density, type of residential development, commercial floorspace, industrial sales and employment, and shopping and work trip lengths. At the same time these energy related in- tensity coefficients are expressed in a form that permits the analysis of short-term conservation strategies such as the retrofit of insulation and the introduction of new technologies such as solar energy. An integrating framework is provided to construct total community or area energy con- sumption profiles and future needs; to examine compatibility between area requirements and the energy supply-distribution system serving the area; and to evaluate the implications for energy use of the physical configuration of urban, suburban and rural areas. Two cases illustrate the application of this Workbook. The Long Island area is repre- sentative of major suburban regions throughout the U.S. which have undergone major growth and development. A community redevelopment design in Tuscon, Arizona is typical of rapid and major land use development within the environs of an ex- isting city. (ERA citation 03:01 0551 ) COM-71-00049 PC A11 MF A01 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Ann Arbor, Mich. A Program of Research for the Catfish Farming Industry. Sep 70, 233p* EDACOMM-70-015 Descriptors: 'Fisheries, Economic development, 'Catfishes, *Aquaculture, Surveys, Methodology, Feeding stuffs, Harvesting, Processing, Marketing, Food services, Ponds, Lakes, Equipment, Statisti- cal data, Profits. Identifiers: *Fish farms. The study reports on the history and current state of the industry, improvement of harvesting meth- ods and equipment, and present and future mar- kets including pay-lakes and restaurants. Re- search results are reported as regards catfish processing and feedstuffs and diets for catfish. (EDA ABSTRACT) COM-71-001 1 1 PC A20 MF A01 Checchi and Co., Washington, D.C. The Role of Cooperatives in the Production and Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables in Puerto Rico. Final rept. Aug 70, 474p EDA-70-020 Grant EDA-02-6-09134 Descriptors: 'Marketing, Cooperation, *Farm proc- essing, Economic development, * Economic devel- opment, "Puerto Rico, 'Agricultural products, Mar- keting, Fruits, Vegetables, Financial management, Management engineering, Local government, Poli- cies, Market research, Economic factors. Identifiers: Technical assistance projects, 'Agricul- tural cooperatives, 'Cooperatives, Cooperative production and marketing systems. The report concludes that a new fruit and vegeta- ble growing and marketing cooperative should be established as the basic element in an approach to self-sufficiency in fruit and vegetable production for Puerto Rico. The study says adequate financ- ing and management and enthusiastic support from the Commonwealth government can produce an agricultural cooperative that will contribute sig- nificantly to community economy. Types of pro- duce have been examined in terms of production and marketing. Organization of cooperatives is also discussed. (EDA abstract) COM-71-00202 Reprint National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Wash. Biological Lab. Growth in Experimental Populations of Tilapia mossambica Ralph P. Silliman. 24 Jun 70, 3p NOAA- 71011206 Pub. in BioScience, v20 n20 p1 109-1 110, 15 Oct 70. Descriptors: 'Fishes, Growth, 'Fresh water fishes, Growth, Fresh water biology, Growth curves, Gom- pertz curves, Aquatic biology, Food consumption, Population(Statistics). Identifiers: 'Tilapia mossambica. Two populations of Tilapia mossambica were raised in tanks and their growth (weight and length) recorded for a period of 36 months. The relationship between number and weight is graphed, but was drastically disturbed by acciden- tal mortalities at month 21.1. It never regained reg- ularity after the accident; prior to that it had been regular. (Author) COM-71-00655 PC A02 MF A01 National Marine Fisheries Service, Miami, Fla. Tropical Atlantic Biological Lab. Commercial Fishery and Biology of the Fresh- Water Shrimp, 'Macrobrachium', in the Lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53 Special scientific rept. George C. Miller. Feb 71, 17p Fisheries-626, Contrib-141, NOAA-71032318 Descriptors: 'Shrimps, Fisheries, 'Fisheries, 'Li- beria, Freshwater biology, Estuaries, Seasonal variations, Marine biology, Shellfish, Fecundity. Identifiers: Macrobrachium. A small fishery was conducted for the large com- mercial fresh-water shrimp, Macrobrachium vollen- hovenii, using traps. A second smaller species, M. macrobrachion, was culled from the trap catch for the fishermen's use. The estuarine fishery was seasonal (May to January), during the period of low salinity. Cost of raw tail meats to the consumer was over $1.00 (U.S.) per pound. The fishermen derived more than $7,500 from the fishery. Com- mercial shrimp, M. vollenhovenii, spawned in the estuary from May to January. Fecundity was esti- mated at 12,000 to 45,000 eggs per female. As the embryo developed the color of the egg changed from red to brown. Embryonic and larval develop- ment to time of setting of M. vollenhovenii was be- lieved similar to that of M. rosenbergii 50 to 65 days. An intensive push-net fishery was conducted on the zero age group soon after the juveniles had set. Juvenile shrimp were not caught by traps. COM-71-00716 PC A17 MF A01 Black and Veatch, Kansas City, Mo. Preliminary Study of the Development of Water Resources of the Humacao Sub-Region Puerto Rico May 71, 388p EDA-71-060 Prepared in cooperation with Domenech (R. A.) and Associates, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. Descriptors: 'Water supply, Surveys, 'Economic development, Puerto Rico, 'Puerto Rico, 'Water resources, Requirements, Recommendations, Surface water runoff, Groundwater, Demography, Econometrics, Water storage, Classifications, Soil erosion, Waste water, Flood control, Government policies. Identifiers: *Humacao(Puerto Rico). The report appraises present and future water needs and analyzes potential yield from sources of water supply. Surface water and ground water con- trol problems are identified. Alternative recommen- dations are made on how to provide water for the area's change over from an agricultural to an in- dustrial economy. These include use of ground water as an economical water source and surface water through reservoirs, wastewater reclamation, and long distance imports. Sea water as a source is reported as uneconomical. Other recommenda- tions: floodways and levees rather than storage reservoirs for flood control. Wastewater disposal in the ocean with disposal in streams to be phased out. Data to be coordinated for guidance in design of water development projects, and strict regula- tion to be provided to avoid waste resulting from increasing competition for water supplies. Detailed maps and figures are included. COM-71-00717 PC A04 MF A01 Indian Development District of Arizona, Inc., Phoe- nix. Arizona Indian Business Development Pro- gram Final rept. Robert J. Slinkard. 1971, 67p EDA-71-057 Contract EDA-9-35142 Descriptors: 'Ethnic groups, American Indian lan- guages, 'Economic development, Projects, 'Com- merce, 'Arizona, Rural areas, Economic surveys, Regional planning, Community development, In- dustrial training, Counseling, Manuals. Identifiers: 'Minority owned enterprises, 'Ameri- can Indians, Indian reservations, Technical assist- ance. The report reviews 133 projects processed in ef- forts to further the growth of business on Indian reservations by Indian entrepreneurs. An untried approach, the promotion of Indians in business in relatively remote areas where business facilities have never been before and where a business at- mosphere did not exist. An improvised training manual to suit such areas is reproduced in the report as are various forms used in carrying out the project. In addition to counseling, the project pro- vided technical assistance services refinancing, promotion of community support for new business- es, management, production, and training, and legal needs. (EDA abstract) COM-71-01017 PC A05 MF A01 National Marine Fisheries Service, Gloucester, Mass. Fishery Products Technology Lab. A Study to Develop New Products from Whit- ing or Other Underutilized Species Feasibility study Nov 68-Oct 70 M. L. Anderson, and J. M. Mendelsohn. Aug 71, 79p EDA-71-090 Descriptors: 'Fishes, 'Food processing, Econom- ic development, Abundance, Unemployment, Freeze drying, Market research, Cost estimates, Feasibility. Identifiers: Whiting, Salt curing, Fishcakes. The study describes development of a rapid salt- curing process for whiting and similar species that are underutilized when they are most seasonally abundant. The process requires fish fillets to be 19 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ground in saturated brine with salt added to keep the brine saturated during salting. It can be com- pleted in less than a day. Reports indicate the product is a good ingredient for fishcakes and can be used to make convenience-type heat-and- serve foods. Limited marketing studies indicate good commercial potential for these products when a meat-bone separator is further developed. The report says whiting and related products must be produced on a semi-commercial scale before costs can be assessed, but that estimates indicate they can be competitive wth other products now on the market. (Author) COM-71-50005-62 PC-SOD/MF A01-NTIS Bureau of International Commerce, Washington, D.C. Establishing a Business in Turkey Overseas Business Reports Peter B. Hale. Nov 70, 20p Rept no. OBR-70-62 Supersedes OBR-67-77, COM-70-00854. Paper copy available from SOD $16.00/year, $0.15/copy as C1. 50:70-62. Descriptors: "Economic development, "Turkey, "Investments, Handbooks, Capital, Government policies, Treaties, Legislation, Organizations, Pat- ents, Copyrights, Employment, Taxes, Fees, Public utilities, Labor relations. Identifiers: Overseas business reports, Business organizations, Capital repatriation, Trademarks. Basic, authoritative information is presented for ex- porters, importers, investors, manufacturers, re- searchers, and those concerned with international trade and economic conditions. (BIC abstract) COM-71-50005-92 PC-SOD/MF A01-NTIS Bureau of International Commerce, Washington, D.C. Establishing a Business in the Dominican Re- public. 13p Overseas Business Reports Robert H. Bateman. Dec 70, 13p Rept no. OBR- 70-92 Paper copy available from SOD $16.00/year, $0.1 5/copy as CI. 50:70-92. Descriptors: "Economic development, "Dominican Republic, "Investments, Handbooks, Capital, Gov- ernment policies, Industries, Sugar crops, Legisla- tion, Land titles, Mining, Organizations, Patents, Employment, Taxes, Copyrights. Identifiers: Overseas business reports, Business organizations, Sugar industry, Capital repatriation. Basic, authoritative information is presented for ex- porters, importers, investors, manufacturers, re- searchers, and those concerned with international trade and economic conditions. (BIC abstract) COM-71-50584 PC A02/MF A01 Rhode Island Univ., Kingston, International Center for Marine Resource Development. The Potential for Fishery Development in the Caribbean and Adjacent Seas Clarence P. Idyll. 1971, 17p Marine Bull-1, NOAA-7 11 02004 Presented at Rhode Island Univ. on Mar 16, 1971, at a seminar on issues of International Economic Development. Descriptors: "Fisheries, Economic development, "Caribbean Sea, Fisheries, Developing countries, Food supply, Economic factors, Fishing, Seafood, Financing, Marketing, Manpower, Government policies. The Caribbean Region is examined for its potential to produce greater supplies of food from the sea. The Caribbean people are relatively large consum- ers of fish and spend an important part of their scare foreign exchange to buy fish from other na- tions. In considering the potential of fish and sea- food from these enormous water areas it would appear that importing large supplies of seafood would be unnecessary. Factors to consider in fish- ery development in this area include the political, social and economic aspects, since these deter- mine whether whatever fish is available can be transported, marketed and purchased by the people of this area. (Author) COM-72-10048 PC A02/MF A01 Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhat- tan. Producing Channel Catfish Otto W. Tiemeier, and Charles W. Deyoe. May 67, 24p Bull-508, NOAA-7201 1312 Grant NMFS-4-1-R Also pub. as Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. Dept. of Zoology Contrib-396 and Dept. of Grain Science and Industry Contrib-598. Descriptors: "Aquaculture, "Catfishes, Ponds, Animal nutrition, Feeding stuffs, Animal diseases, Reproduction(Animal), Soils, Fertilizing. Information on the production of channel catfish in ponds includes pond characteristics, dissolved oxygen, stocking, feeding, and suggested treat- ments for fish diseases. (Author) COM-72-10054 PC A03/MF A01 Colorado Cooperative Fishery Univ, Fort Collins. Pond Culture of Bait Fishes Stephen A. Flickinger. 1 Apr 71, 43p NOAA- 7201 1322 Grant NMFS-6-2-D Also pub. as Colorado Univ., Fort Collins. Coopera- tive Extension Service Bull-478A. Descriptors: "Aquaculture, "Minnows, "Economic surveys, Aquaculture, Marketing, Ponds, Construc- tion, Fresh water biology, Fishing, Feeding(Supplying), Diseases, Reproduction(Biology), Parasites. Identifiers: Bait fishes, "Pond culture. Major considerations in the culture of the golden shiner and fathead minnow as bait fish are pre- sented. Emphasis is upon economic consider- ations, pond construction, propagation techniques, feeding and harvesting. (Author) COM-72-10055 PC A02/MF A01 State Coll. of Arkansas, Conway. Culturing Trout in Cages Completion rept. 2 Nov 70-30 Jun 71 Richard A. Collins. Sep 71, 14p NOAA-72011321 Grant NMFS-2-133-R Prepared in cooperation with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Little Rock, Ark. Descriptors: "Aquaculture, "Trout, Freshwater fishes, Diets, Growth curves, Water, Temperature, Fisheries. Identifiers: "Cage culture. The major objectives of the study were to deter- mine the feasibility of culturing rainbow trout in cages from fingerlings to edible size during the cooler months of the year in warmwater lakes, the proper stocking density in the cages, and the eco- nomic feasibility of culturing trout in cages. (Author) COM-72- 1 0056 PC A02/ M F A0 1 State Coll. of Arkansas, Conway. Development of the Cage Culture Method of Fish Production for Commercial Use in Large Reservoir Lakes Completion rept. 1 Mar 70-28 Feb 71 Richard A. Collins. Aug 71, 14p NOAA-7201 1320 Grant NMFS-4-67-D Prepared in cooperation with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Little Rock, Ark. Descriptors: "Aquaculture, "Catfishes, Freshwater fishes, Growth curves, Diets, Reservoirs, Fisher- ies. Identifiers: Fish cages, "Cage culture. Four different cage designs ranging in volume from three to 12 cubic yards were each stocked with 300 fingerling catfish per cubic yard to determine the effects of the different cage sizes on growth and conversion of the fish. Fingerlings were graded to a uniform size before being stocked in an attempt to eliminate the differential growth. Re- sults indicate that in large reservoir lakes the cage size can be unlimited in surface area and as deep as the water containing adequate dissolved oxygen. The depth of the cages had no important bearing on the growth rate and in the cages with the greater surface area the catfish grew more rap- idly and converted food better. It was concluded that differential growth of catfish in cages is a result of initial variance of the fingerling fish and not to hierarchy. Large numbers of wild fish around the cages caused problems of loss of food and possibly introduction of diseases. The wild fish can, however, be effectively trapped in the area of the cages. The economic evaluation indicates the following situations: a small scale operation incor- porated into an existing business such as a marina and a very large scale operation (200,000 or more fish). (Author) COM-72-10588 PC A06/MF A01 Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Stuttgart, Ark. Warmwater Fish Cultural Labs. Factors Affecting the Growth and Production of Channel Catfish in Raceways Jun 72, 108p EDA-72-036 Descriptors: "Fishes, "Aquaculture, Economic de- velopment, Nutrition, Growth, Waste treatment, Organic wastes. Identifiers: "Catfish, Ictalurus catus. The study shows that fish can be reared success- fully in tanks, but that production costs under the present system would eliminate all profit. Data are presented to indicate that further studies would be useful. It is stated that recycling of effluent waters can reduce levels of metabolic wastes sufficiently to support fish growth. The report includes evalua- tions of filters and of an oxidation pool to remove wastes, stocking density and diet studies, and re- ports on examinations of plasma proteins, tissue composition, and the liver of channel catfish. COM-72- 10654 Reprint National Marine Fisheries Service, Auke Bay, Alaska. Auke Bay Fisheries Lab. An Easy to Make Large-Capacity Flowmeter Frederick H. Salter. 1972, 3p NOAA-72051631 Pub. in The Progressive Fish-Culturist, v34 n2 p1 16-1 17, Apr 72. Descriptors: "Flowmeters, Design, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Manuals, Fabrication, Polymethyl methacrylate, Tubes. Detailed instructions for building a nontoxic, nine gallon per minute device are presented. COM-72-1 1 160 PC A05/MF A01 Georgia Game and Fish Commission, Atlanta. A Study of the Nutritional, Physiological and Economical Requirements for the Production of Channel Catfish in an Intensive Running Water Culture Completion rept. 1 Apr 69-31 Apr 72 James W. Andrews. 20 Jun 72, 82p NOAA- 72091969 Grant NMFS-2-84-R Descriptors: "Catfishes, Aquaculture, Animal nutri- tion, Feeding stuffs, Growth, Metabolism, Amino acids, Calcium, Phosphorus, Temperature, Dis- solved oxygen, Photoperiodicity. Identifiers: Ictalurus punctatus. Fourteen studies were conducted on the nutrition- al and physiological requirements for the high den- sity culture of channel catfish. Results from the ini- tial experiments on stocking rate-water exchange requirements indicated that the possibility of com- mercial culture of catfish at high densities (up to 8 pounds per cu. ft. of water) in tanks or raceways has great potential. Additional environment re- quirement studies were conducted on the effects of temperature, photoperiod, dissolved oxygen levels and frequency of feeding on growth, food conversion and body composition. (Author) COM-72-1 1191 Reprint Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Pali- sades, N.Y. Fish Protein: Its Past, Present and Future Oswald A. Roels. 1972, 3p LDGO-1503, NOAA- 72062721 20 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Grant NSF-GH-16 Pub. in Nautilus, v1 1 p1 0-1 1 1 972. Descriptors: *Fish protein concentrates, * Nutri- tion, Human nutrition, Food habits, Diets, Food processing, Fisheries, Nutritional deficiency dis- eases, Vitamin deficiency diseases, Proteins, Kwa- shiorkor. Protein is in short supply in the world, as the inci- dence of kwashiorkor in many areas shows. The vast quantity of protein available in fish is, howev- er, often wasted as far as human nutrition is con- cerned because it is not fed directly to humans. (Author) COM-72- 11408-18 (Order as COM-72-1 1408) Foods Multinational, Inc., Groton, Mass. The Design of an Aquaculture Enterprise Harold H. Webber. Nov 71, 10p NOAA- 72092601-18 Included in Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Inst. Annual Session (24th), Miami, Fla., Nov 71. Pro- ceedings May 72, p1 1 7-1 25, COM-72-1 1 408. Descriptors: *Aquaculture, Economic analysis, Fishes, Fisheries, Management methods. Existing methods of growing fish in high density cultures are described, and a check list of site se- lection criteria is given. (Author) COM-72-11539 PC A04/MF A01 Gibbs and Hill, Inc., New York. Feasibility Study of Waste Water Recovery in Shrimp Processing Plants Nov 72, 63p EDA-72-058 Descriptors: 'Shrimps, Food processing, 'Waste water, Recovery, Economic development, Employ- ment, Regional planning, Feasibility, Water recla- mation, Massachusetts, Fishing, Food industry, Cost analysis. Identifiers: Gloucester(Massachusetts). The shrimp industry is capable of revitalizing the economy in Gloucester, Massachusetts, where fishing and fish processing employment has been waning. The study examines the need to provide waste water recovery facilities and peeling ma- chinery modifications, so that the shrimp industry can develop new processing plants at Gloucester. Cost and technical processing data is included in the study, together with a schematic diagram indi- cating suggested facilities and modifications. (Author) COM-72-50175-017 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS/copy Bureau of International Commerce, Washington, Establishing a Business in the Phillippines John D. Phipps. May 72, 20p Rept no. OBR-72- 017 Paper copy available from GPO $16.00/year as C1 .50:70, $0.1 5/copy. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Philip- pines, 'Investments, Handbooks, Legislation. Identifiers: Business organizations. The reports present basic authoritative information for exporters, importers, investors, manufacturers, researchers, and those concerned with interna- tional trade and economic conditions. For individu- al reports, see below: COM-72-50175-018 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Bureau of International Commerce, Washington, Establishing a Business in Hong Kong Arthur R. Dornheim. Jun 72, 28p Rept no. OBR- 72-018 Paper copy available from GPO $16.00/year as C1. 50:72, $0.1 5/copy. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Hong Kong, 'Investments, Handbooks, Economic condi- tions. Identifiers: Overseas Business Reports, 'Business organizations. The reports present basic -authoritative information for exporters, importers, investors, manufacturers, researchers, and those concerned with interna- tional trade and economic conditions. For individu- al reports, see below: COM-72-50175-027 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Bureau of International Commerce, Washington, D.C. Establishing a Business in Mexico Paul S. Flores. Jul 72, 28p Rept no. OBR-72-027 Paper copy available from GPO $16.00/year as C1 .50:72, $0.1 5/copy. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Mexico, 'Investments, Handbooks, Economic conditions. Identifiers: Overseas Business Reports, 'Business organizations. The reports present basic authoritative information for exporters, importers, investors, manufacturers, researchers, and those concerned with interna- tional trade and economic conditions. For individu- al reports, see below: COM-72-50 175-033 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Bureau of International Commerce, Washington, D.C. Establishing a Business in Kuwait Kathleen M. Keim. Jul 72, 16p Rept no. OBR-72- 033 Paper copy available from GPO $16.00/year as C1 .50:72, $0.1 5/copy. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Kuwait, 'Investments, Handbooks. Identifiers: Overseas Business Reports, Business organizations. The reports present basic authoritative information for exporters, importers, investors, manufacturers, researchers, and those concerned with interna- tional trade and economic conditions. For individu- al reports, see below: COM-72-50 175-038 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Bureau of International Commerce, Washington, D.C. Establishing a Business in Thailand John N. Randolph, Jr. Aug 72, 24 Rept no. OBR- 72-038 Paper copy available from GPO $16.00/year as C1. 50:72, $0.1 5/copy. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Thailand, 'Investments, Handbooks. Identifiers: Overseas Business Reports, Business organizations. The reports present basic authoritative information for exporters, importers, investors, manufacturers, researchers, and those concerned with interna- tional trade and economic conditions. For individu- al reports, see below: COM-72-50251-03-12 (Order as COM-72-50251-03) National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Wash. Northwest Fisheries Center. Effect of Crowding on Relation Between Ex- ploitation and Yield in 'Tilapia macrocephala' Ralph P. Silliman. Nov 71, 8p NOAA-72101809- 12 Included in Fishery Bull., v70 n3 p693-698 Jul 72. Descriptors: 'Fishes, Population(Statistics), 'Aquaculture, Population(Statistics), Growth, Envi- ronments, Marine fishes, Marine biology, Periodi- cals. Identifiers: Tilapia macrocephala. An experiment was performed to assess the effect of crowding on yield in Tilapia macrocephala. Pop- ulations of nearly equal number and weight were started in control (155.2 liter) and test (77.6 liter) tanks. Food amounts and environmental attributes other than space were the same for both tanks. Each of the two populations was exploited - first at a bimonthly rate of 10% for 14 months, then at a bimonthly rate of 25% for 10 months. Equilibrium yields at each rate for each tank (four points) were fitted with a Fox exponential surplus-yield model. Deviations from this general population curve showed that yields were greater for the larger tank at the 25% rate and greater for the smaller tank at the 10% rate. This is believed to result from the fact that the entire yield came from growth at the lower rate whereas part of the yield came from re- cruitment at the higher rate. A low rate of conver- sion of food to fish (18%) is believed to be due to the large proportion of liver in the diet. (Author) COM-72-50659 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Economic Development Administration, Washing- ton, D.C. Urban Business Profile: Supermarkets Apr 72, 34p Rept no. EDA-72-59597 Prepared in cooperation with Office of Minority Business Enterprise, Washington, D.C. Paper copy available from GPO $0.30 as C46.27:SU7. Descriptors: 'Marketing, Urban areas, 'Com- merce, Manuals, Risk, Feasibility, Organizing, Management, Leasing, Financing, Inventories, Competition. Identifiers: Urban business profiles, 'Minority en- terprises, Technical assistance, Cooperatives, 'Supermarkets. The report is designed to provide a potential busi- nessman with a better understanding of the oppor- tunities, requirements, and problems associated with operating a supermarket, to provide guide- lines on types of information required for location- specific feasibility studies; and to assist urban de- velopment groups in their business creation activi- ties. COM-73-101 15-04 (OrderasCOM-73-10115) Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Some Remarks on Aquaculture John Bardach. 1971, 7p NOAA-72102701-4 Included in Proceedings: National Sea Grant Con- ference (4th), Oct 71 , p83-88, COM-73-1 01 1 5. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, Economic develop- ment, Fishes, Economic factors, Feeding stuffs, Animal nutrition, Human nutrition. Identifiers: Sea Grant program. An appraisal of the influences on and constraints to the development of aquaculture should be ap- proached through systems models where initial, crude modeling leads to the definition of specific research needs. As such research is undertaken, its results are fed back into more refined models, hopefully soon to answer the overall question: what is the true potential of aquaculture and how can it be attained. (Author) COM-73-10152 PC A04/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Sea Grant Project Office. A Preliminary Feasibility Study of Irish Moss Harvesting Systems James M. Patell. 30 Jun 72, 74p MITSG-72-14, NOAA-72121102 Contract NOAA-2-35150 Sponsored in part by Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation, Inc., Darien, Conn. Descriptors: 'Aquatic plants, Harvesting, Algae, Rhodophyta, Evaluation, Feasibility, Machinery, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Economic devel- opment, Maine, Coasts. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Chondrus crispus, Gigartina stellata. The feasibility of developing mechanized harvest- ing systems is discussed. Biological, economic, environmental, and legal constraints on the system design are delineated. The operation of two systems which have been constructed and tested is described. It is concluded that while the technology to construct the system exists, such a system would be economically unfeasible due to the low unit price of harvested Irish Moss. An im- proved manual harvester is also described. (Author) 21 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS COM-73- 1 0275 PC A02/ M F A0 1 Rhode Island Univ., Kingston. Marine Advisory Service. Fisheries Cooperatives: Their Formation and Operation James J. Napoli. Oct 72, 21 p Marine M-30, NOAA-730 12403 Descriptors: 'Fisheries, Production, "Marketing, Cooperation, Organizations, Law(Jurisprudence), Harvesting, Credit, Management, Banking busi- ness. Identifiers: 'Cooperatives. The organization, development, function, and problems of producer cooperatives for fishermen are discussed. An appendix covers the Farm Credit System: its organization, authority, and eligi- bility requirements to borrow. (Author) COM-73-10333 PC A03/MF A01 California State Univ., Humboldt, Areata. Marine Advisory Extension Service. A Pilot Fish-Pond System for Utilization of Sewage Effluents, Humboldt Bay, Northern California George Allen, Guy Conversano, and Bryan Colwell. Sep 72, 31 p CSUH-SG-3, NOAA- 73020201 Errata sheet inserted. Descriptors: *Aquaculture, 'Sewage disposal, *Lagoons(Ponds), Aquacuiture, Utilization, Cost estimates, Site surveys, Construction costs, Con- struction materials. Identifiers: Aeration ponds, Arcata(California). The paper documents all out-of-pocket and other real costs in the construction of a pilot fish pond system for the utilization of sewage effluents, Humboldt Bay, Northern California. Discussions deal with the engineering and construction prob- lems encountered. A description of the project site and reasons for site selection are explained. COM-73-10343 PC A03/MF A01 Lake States Forestry Cooperative, Inc., Duluth, Minn. Forestry Cooperative Demonstration Program Interim rept. Feb 70-Nov 72. Mar 73, 47p EDA-73-020 Descriptors: 'Economic development, Forestry, 'Forestry, Great Lakes Region, Management plan- ning, Land use, Marketing, Rural areas, Forest land, Employment, Organizations. Identifiers: Technical assistance, Cooperatives. The report describes a forestry cooperative dem- onstration project funded by EDA and the Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission to evaluate po- tential for forestry cooperatives in the Great Lake States. A 6-months feasibility study shows need for an organization to work with private woodland owners on management practices. Also described is a business development program, which assist- ed existing businesses, helped create new busi- ness, and provided management and marketing assistance. The potential for a statewide landown- ers' association is explored. A section of the report is devoted to implications for rural development activities, with emphasis on cooperatives. (Author) COM-73-10355 PC A02/MF A01 Utah State Board for Vocational Education, Salt Lake City. Piute Vocational Education Project-Piute County School District Final rept. Oct 72, 20p FCRC-TA-41 1-1 12-035 Descriptors: 'Education, 'Farms, 'Vocational guidance, 'New Mexico, Economic development, Projects, Specialized training, Community develop- ment, Surveys, Livestock, Water supply, Dairies, Poultry, Swine, Land development, Mining. Identifiers: 'Piute County(New Mexico), Tourism. A report is made on planning and implementation of farm program curricula and demonstration pro- jects. COM-73-10527 PC A03/MF A01 New Mexico Univ., Albuquerque. Center of Envi- ronmental Research and Development. A Study of the Feasibility of Mechanized Adobe Production Aug 70, 49p FCRC-TA-301 -500-01 3 Descriptors: 'Bricks, Mass production, 'Houses, 'Brick construction, Brick structures, Structural clay products, Brick industry, Materials handling, Production methods, Feasibility, Cost analysis, Building codes. Identifiers: 'Adobe, Adobe construction, FCRC. The general purpose of this study is to determine the economic feasibility of the Centro de Adobes concept, considered an Economic Opportunity De- velopment for the poor. The project designers see the creation of from 1 5 to 30 new jobs per manu- facturing center. It is also necessary to predict the subsidary job creation as well as to estimate what this may mean in terms of dollar turnover in the total economy of a typical village (and in general terms, of the state). (Author) COM-73-10771 PC A05/MF A01 Miami Univ., Fla. Sea Grant Institutional Program. The Commercial Feasibility of Rearing Pompa- no, 'Trachinotus carolinus' (Linnaeus), in Cages Theodore Isaac Jogues Smith. Jan 73, 80p Sea Grant Technical Bull-26, NOAA-73050817 Contract NOAA-2-35147 Descriptors: 'Fishes, 'Aquacuiture, Growth, Mor- tality, Diseases, Economics, Florida. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, 'Trachinotus caro- linus, NOAA. The University of Miami has been actively involved in developing pompano farming as a viable indus- try, both through its research programs and its consultations with companies involved with pom- pano-rearing. Objectives of this project were to assess the suitability of cages for raising pompano and to measure growth and mortality at stocking densities that would be likely in a commercial oper- ation. This paper presents the results of the above investigation and, on the basis of data collected and observations made, discusses the problems and future of pompano farming as a potential in- dustry. COM-73-10790 PC A02/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program. Organizing and Operating a Fishery Coopera- tive. Part One Frederick J. Smith. 1973, 5p OSU-SG-19, NOAA- 73050201 See also Part 2, COM-73-10791 . Descriptors: 'Fisheries, Management, Organizing, Industries, Law(Jurisprudence), Operations. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, 'Fishery coopera- tives, NOAA. The publication provides information about coop- erative organization, management, and legal in- struments used in organizing and operating a co- operative. It is available in two parts. This portion, part one, provides an overview of cooperative or- ganization and operation. Part two provides great- er detail about the legal instruments and require- ments of a fishery cooperative. COM-73-10791 PC E01/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program. Organizing and Operating a Fishery Coopera- tive. Part II Frederick J. Smith. 1973, 45 OSU-SG-19a, NOAA-73050202 See also Part 1 , COM-73-1 0790. Descriptors: 'Fisheries, Organizations, Law(Jurisprudence), Management, Industries, Marketing, Regulations. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, NOAA. The publication provides information about coop- erative organization, management, and legal in- struments used in organizing and operating a co- operative. It is available in two parts. The first part provides an overview of cooperative organization and operation. This portion, part two, provides greater detail about the legal instruments and re- quirements of a fishery cooperative. COM-73-10795 PC A05/MF A01 Puerto Rico Dept. of Agriculture, Mayaguez. Lab. of Commercial Fisheries. A Study of the Feasibility of Establishing a Dis- tant-Water Fishing Industry in Puerto Rico Feasibility study. May 73, 79p EDA-73-032 Contract C-0-35464 Descriptors: 'Fisheries, Feasibility, 'Economic de- velopment, 'Puerto Rico, Aquacuiture, Employ- ment, Unemployment, Financing, Bibliographies, Regional planning. Identifiers: Technical assistance, EDA. The report reviews possibilities for a distant-water fishing industry in Puerto Rico and concludes that fishing, processing, and shore support can all be developed for profit but not without risk. It is sug- gested that a Puerto Rican fleet could harvest a substantial amount of fish in the Caribbean and the tropical Atlantic. Alternatives of how best to do this are presented. The report also reviews potential for developing Puerto Rican-based processing facilities and shore support services. A bibliogra- phy is appended. COM-73-10810 PC A02/MF A01 Illinois State Natural History Survey, Urbana. Aquatic Biology Section. Combined Culture of Channel Catfish and Golden Shiners in Wading Pools D. Homer Buck, Richard J. Baur, Charles F. Ill Thoits, and C. Russell Rose. Apr 72, 13p Biological Notes-79, NOAA-73050404 Grant NMFS-4-36-R Descriptors: 'Fishes, 'Aquacuiture, Catfishes, Carp, Minnows, Shiners, Mixing, Growth, Ecology. Identifiers: Ictalurus punctatus, Notemigonus cry- soleucas, Tilapia mossambica, Cyprinus carpio, Ti- lapia aurea, Animal behavior, NOAA. The study was undertaken to obtain information on the behavior, comparative efficiences, and de- grees of compatibility of channel catfish and golden shiners when in different combinations and under different spatial limitations. It was found that growth increments of carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tilapia (Tilapia aurea) in mixed culture sometimes exceeded those exhibited by either in monocul- ture. The authors found that the channel catfish, golden shiner and tilapia (T. mossambica) were ex- tremely compatible. When combined, each stimu- lated the other to a faster and stronger feeding re- sponse, which resulted in a more efficient conver- sion of food. COM-73-50276 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Wash. A Review of the Literature on the Development of Skipjack Tuna Fisheries in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean Technical rept. Frank J. Hester, and Tamio Otsu. Jan 73, 20p NOAA-TR-NMFS-SSRF-661 , NOAA-703051 8 Paper copy available from GPO $0.25 as C55.13.NMFS-SSRF-661. Descriptors: 'Tunas, Fisheries, 'Fisheries, 'Pacif- ic Ocean, Reviews, Management, Abundance, Economic development, Assessments. Identifiers: Katsuwonus pelamis, Bait fish, 'Skip- jack tuna, Central Pacific Ocean, Western Pacific Ocean, NOAA. There has been a rapid acceleration in efforts to develop skipjack tuna fisheries in the central and western Pacific. This is because the resources of the larger tunas (yellowfin, bigeye, bluefin, and al- bacore) are already being fished at or near the maximum sustainable level. The greatest potential for increased harvest appears to be the skipjack resource. To assist the skipjack development effort, pertinent information on the subject is sum- marized and a bibliography of selected references is included. (Author) 22 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS COM-73-50645-11-2 (Order as COM-73-50645-1 1) National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Wash. Pacific Fishery Products Technology Center. The Technological Basis for Development of Aquaculture to Produce Low-Cost Food Fish J. A. Dassow, and M. A. Steinberg. 1973, 9p MFR-Paper-1015, NOAA-731 12804-2 Included in Marine Fisheries Review, v35 n11 p6- 1 3 Nov 73, COM-73-50645-1 1 . Descriptors: * Fishes, * Aquaculture, Food process- ing, Quality, Cost factors, Frozen foods, Proteins, Inland waterways, Food additives. Identifiers: NOAA. The technological basis for development of large- scale production of inland water fish, such as carp, buffalo fish, tilapia, and white amur, is reviewed. It is proposed that modern methods of mass produc- tion and fish culture be evaluated and combined to make the production of low-cost food fish feasible and economically attractive. The fish would be processed for maximum recovery of edible flesh by mechanical methods of flesh separation. The minced flesh would be modified and stabilized as required to prepare high-quality frozen fish blocks. These blocks would be suitable for a wide variety of frozen fishery products and convenience foods and could be used as protein additives in orther foods such as processed meats. (Modified author abstract) COM-74-10007/4 PC A03/MF A01 Miami Univ., Fla. Sea Grant Institutional Program. Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Ani- mals of Florida, the Guif of Mexico and the Ca- ribbean Region Lee Opresko, Dennis Opresko, Ronald Thomas, Gilbert Voss, and Frederick M. Bayer. Aug 73, 49p Sea Grant Field Guide Ser-1, NOAA- 731 12311 Grant NOAA-043-1 58-27 Descriptors: 'Lobsters, 'Shellfish, 'Fisheries, Identifying, Manuals, Florida, Mexico Gulf, Carib- bean Sea, Distribution(Property). Identifiers: Sea Grant program, NOAA. The manual is intended to provide the non-special- ist with the means of identifying in the field, both the shallow-water and deep-water lobsters which either are already fished commercially or might be fished if sufficient stocks could be discovered through exploratory trawling. To accomplish this end, a key is given together with explanatory illus- trations of the important features used for identifi- cation. Preference has been given to conspicuous external characters such as shape, coloring, and sculptural features. The known geographical distri- bution of the various species is included in the de- scriptions, along with known depth ranges. Insofar as known, growth rates, spawning times, tempera- ture and bottom conditions, and other pertinent data are given. COM-74-10059/5 Reprint National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Wash. Northwest Fisheries Center. Examples of National Contributions to the De- velopment and Management of the Oceans' Living Resources Dayton L. Alverson. 1973, 20p NOAA-731 21 206 Pub. in Proceedings of Annual Conference Marine Technology Society (9th), p1 91 -208 1 973. Descriptors: 'Fisheries, 'Pacific Ocean, Re- sources, Seafood, Management, Economic devel- opment, Marine fishes, Lipids. Identifiers: Anadromous fishes, NOAA. During this post-war era, the science of fisheries population dynamics grew to maturity through the establishment of workable quantitative theory. The era was also extremely productive in terms of sci- entific planning documents related to national ocean policy. A focal study of national investiga- tions conducted in the northeastern Pacific sug- gests that such investigations have been instru- mental in stimulating growth of the ocean food fish industry and provided information upon which major national and international management de- cisions have been made. In addition, such studies have yielded information of value in maintenance of a productive aquatic environment. COM-74-10173/4 PC A04/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Preparation of Fish Protein Hydrolysates Completion rept. Jul 70-Jun 73 David L Crawford. Jul 73, 55p NOAA-731 221 04 Grant NMFS-1-69-R Descriptors: 'Fish protein concentrates, 'Digestion(Decomposition), Hydrolases, Fishes, Preparation, Hydrolysis, Food processing, Food storage, Solvent extraction. Identifiers: Hake, Merluccius productus, NOAA. An innovative procedure for developing and build- ing a laboratory digestion unit capable of handling and producing approximately 10 liters of fish pro- tein hydrolysate (FPH) is described. The unit con- sists of a pump, heat exchanger, and holding vat. Comminuted fish is pumped from the holding vat through the heat exchange system and recycled back into the holding vat until the comminuted fish reaches 140F. It is held at this temperature for one half hour at which point the comminuted fish, if ca- pable of autolysis, will have shown a marked de- crease in viscosity. The digestion process frees the fish bones from its fleshy matrix and may be easily separated at this point by sieving or centrifu- gation. The development of the laboratory digester provided a tool with which to determine the autoly- tic capabilities of other fish and fish scrap species. A detailed mineral analyses of bones prepared from seven species of autolyzed fish was conduct- ed as well as preliminary examination on the gen- eral chemical and biological parameters of this au- tolyzed FPH. COM-74- 10364/9 PC A03/MF A01 Georgia Marine Science Center, Savannah. A Manual of Flatfish Rearing Technical rept. David B. White, and Robert R. Stickney. Sep 73, 42p* TR-73-7, NOAA-74011408 Contract NOAA- 1-36009 Descriptors: 'Flatfishes, 'Aquaculture, Animal nu- trition, Diets, Larvae, Animal diseases, Documen- tation, Manuals. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Paralichthys, Para- lichthys lethostigma, Ancylopsetta quadrocllata, NOAA. Basic culture techniques for rearing flatfishes are presented with consideration of supplies of eggs for culture, larval food and disease control, collec- tion and care of postlarvae and juveniles, nutrition of postlarvae and juveniles, and environmental conditions for Paralichthys culture. Recommenda- tion on site selection and construction of a physi- cal plant are included. Three species of flatfish - Paralichthys dentatus, P. lethostigma, and Ancy- lopsetta quadrocellata are involved. This paper is intended as an introductory presentation to the layman who desires to work with one or more phases of the life cycle of the flatfish, and should serve as an introduction to the literature and cul- ture techniques for interested scientists. Thirty- seven references are cited. COM-74- 10394/6 PC E02/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Office of Engineering and Information Processing Standards. National Program of Metrology for Ecuador Final rept. Thomas M. Stabler. Apr 73, 33p Rept no. NBSIR-73-157 Descriptors: 'Metrology, 'Ecuador, 'Project plan- ning, Foreign aid, Developing countries, Standardi- zation, Education, Units of measurement, Recom- mendations, Classifications. Identifiers: NBS. At the request of the Ecuadorian Institute of Stand- ardization (INEN) the U.S. AID made arrange- ments for a weights and measures advisor to assist in the development of a program for scientif- ic and legal metrology, including the design of a metrology laboratory, inspection system, a training program, and other essential features. A four week survey by an NBS representative has resulted in recommendations for a metrology laboratory, physical standards, an Ecuadorian weights and measures law, regulations, and a control program. COM-74- 10498/5 Reprint Alabama Dept. of Conservation and Natural Re- sources, Montgomery. Marine Resources Div. Brackish Water Cage Culture of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), in South Alabama Walter M. Tatum. 1973, 5p NOAA-74020106 Grant NMFS-2-86-R Pub. in Transactions of the American Fisheries So- ciety, v1 02 n4 p826-828 Oct 73. Descriptors: 'Trout, 'Brackish water, 'Aquacul- ture, Alabama, Commercial fishing, Acclimatiza- tion, Feasibility, Fish economics, Fish stocking. Identifiers: 'Salmo gairdneri, NOAA. Experiments in the brackish water culture of rain- bow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were conducted from 25 November 1971 to 24 March 1972 to determine the feasibility of providing a supplemental cash crop in the coastal water of Alabama during the winter. During this period trout were raised from an initial weight of 93.8 g to 354.8 g when stocked at 196 fish/cu m and 322.3 g when stocked at 392 fish/cu m. Rainbow trout acclimated easily to brackish water and their potential to southern mari- culture appears promising. (Author) COM-74- 10543/8 PC E02/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Center of Applied Soci- ology. Problems and Challenges Faced by Rural Com- munities with Industrial Development John T. Scott, Jr, and Gene F. Summers. 1972, 25pEDA/OER-74-182 Grant EDA-OER-417-G-72-7 Prepared in cooperation with Illinois Univ., Urbana. Presented at North Central Regional Conference on Problems and Potentials of Rural Industrializa- tion at Purdue, Univ., Lafayette, Ind., 11-13 Jul 72. Descriptors: 'Rural areas, 'Industrialization, 'Problem solving, 'Economic development, Com- munity relations, Economic impact, Illinois, Manu- facturing, Industrial plants, Industrial development, Social effect, Labor force, Economic changes, Land use, Cost of living. Identifiers: Challenges, EDA. The paper reviews a few typical problem areas which may arise in a rural community during and following industrialization. Data from a longitudinal (1966-1971) study of the construction of a large manufacturing facility in north central Illinois is used. Included in the discussion are such factors as the social and economic effects of the labor force employed by the industry, changes in the use of land and local facilities, and potential increases in the cost of living. COM-74- 10547/9 PC A02/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Center of Applied Soci- ology. Profile Change When Industry Moves Into a Rural Area Working paper John T. Scott, Jr, Gene F. Summers, and John P. Clark. Feb 73, 15p* EDA/OER-74-103 Grant EDA-OER-417-G-72-7 Prepared in cooperation with Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Sociology. Descriptors: 'Rural areas, 'Industrialization, 'Eco- nomic impact, 'Economic development, Economic analysis, Economic characteristics, Resources, Social effect, Industrial plants, Illinois, Community relations, Manufacturing industries, Land use, Services, Manpower utilization, Retail sales, Hous- ing characteristics. Identifiers: EDA. The paper examines what happens to the eco- nomic and social profile of a rural community when industry is introduced. The profile delineates the type, amount, and ratio of existing resources and products of the community. Data from a logitu- dianal (1966-1971) study of the construction of a large manufacturing facility in north central Illinois is employed. The evidence suggests that the most 23 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS profound impact is on the land use and support systems. Additional changes are realized in the size and composition of the labor force, retail sales and services, housing development, and the demand for schools and other publicly provided services. COM-74-1 0722/8 PC E09/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Research Study on the Socio-Economic As- pects of Low-Cost Housing in the Philippines Final rept. May 72, 250p Rept no. NBS-GCR-73-21 Prepared in Sycip, Goores, Velayo and Co., Manila, Philippines. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Housing studies, 'Philippines, Ty- phoons, Damage, Demographic surveys, Econom- ic surveys, Low cost housing, Community facilities, Housing starts, Climate influence, Household com- position, Construction practices, Building codes, Socioeconomic conditions. Identifiers: NBS. The report presents a survey of the historical oc- currence of damages by typhoons, selected com- parative indices for climate and housing construc- tion, and an economic profile of the Philippines, as well as a regional demographic profile. A discus- sion is also presented on size and density of household dwelling units, trends in housing space expansion, community and municipal facilities; household income and household expenditures; fi- nancing sources for housing construction; avail- ability and prices of construction materials and of labor; the capabilities of the housing industries; public reaction to new designs and materials; methods of housing construction; and building codes. COM-74-1 09 10/9 PC A02/MF A01 Tennessee Game and Fish Commission, Nash- ville. Production of Channel Catfish in Cages Completion rept. Mar 71 -Feb 73 Harold Hurst. Sep 73, 20p NOAA-74022630 Grant NMFS-2-144-R Descriptors: 'Catfishes, 'Feeding habits, Aquacul- ture, Cost comparison, Feeding stuffs, Tennessee. Identifiers: NOAA. During 1971 and 1972, channel catfish fingerlings were stocked in cages at Maples Creek Lake, a 90-acre public fishing lake located in Carroll County, TN, to study some techniques involved in the production of channel catfish in cages. The fish were fed from July 30, 1971 until May 29, 1972 at which time they were harvested. The maximum production achieved in any cage was 575 Ib/cu M. There was no significant difference in net gain or feed conversion due to the different stocking rates, which indicated crowding was not a factor in any of the cages. An analysis of production data indicat- ed there was no significant difference in net gain or feed conversion due to feeding method. (Modified author abstract) COM-74-1 1005/7 PC A05/MF A01 Marine Technology Society, Washington, D.C. Committee on Economic Potential of the Ocean. Assessing Technology for Marine Resource Development. Proceedings of a Conference- Workshop Held by the Marine Technology So- ciety at Arlington, Virginia on May 15-17, 1972 Milton G. Johnson. Mar 74, 97p* NOAA- 74032701 Descriptors: 'Marine engineering, 'Ocean envi- ronments, 'Meetings, Forecasting, Economic de- velopment, Oceanography, Investments, Govern- ment policies, Management planning. Identifiers: 'Technology assessment. Contents: Technology assessment: Its purpose, method, and scope; The past, present and future of technology assessment; Technology forecasting: How good it is; Technology assessment of marine resources development; Assessment of technologies for the protection and enhancement of the marine environment; Requirements of the Congress for Technology Assessment; Planning a balanced university program of oceanographic education and research; Criteria for corporate investment in ocean research and development; Our changing ocean priorities; The role of Congress in marine research and resource development; The role of the Office of Science and Technology; Oceanography - a budgetary controllable whose time may not come; Technology: Reassessment and reassurance. COM-74-1 1 194/9 PC E10/MF E10 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Va. Technology Transfer a Bibliography with Ab- Rept. for 1972-Jun 74 Edward J. Lehmann. Jul 74, 158p* Rept no. NTIS-WIN-74-057 Descriptors: 'Technology transfer, 'Bibliogra- phies, Abstracts, Government policies, Developing countries, Feasibility, Aerospace engineering, Medicine, Urban planning, Pollution abatement, Manufacturing. Identifiers: Technology assessment, Technology utilization. The bibliography contains 144 selected abstracts of research reports retrieved using the NTIS on- line search system-NTISearch. The cited reports cover research for the period 1972 to June 1974. Included are topics on Government policies, aid to developing countries, feasibility studies, and NASA aerospace technology transfer to areas such as medicine, urban planning, pollution abatement, and manufacturing. COM-74-1 1487/7 PC E03/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Center for the Study of Man. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Executive Summary Research rept. Sam Stanley. Jul 74, 57p EDA/OER-74-324 Grant EDA-OEP 400-G-71-18 See also COM-74-1 1488. Paper copy also available in set of 8 reports as COM-74-1 1486-SET, $69.00. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'American Indians, 'Communities, Policies, Organizations, Leadership, Employment, Income, Natural re- sources, Commercial practices, Minerals, Fisher- ies, Woodworking, Handicrafts, Sociology. Identifiers: Cherokee Indians, Sioux Indians, Lummi Indians, Morongo Indians, Passamaguoddy Indians, Papago Indians. The summary of an eight-volume study presents the point of view of the concept of 'economic de- velopment' and of efforts to improve conditions in Indian reservations and communities, as well as to pinpoint factors detracting from the success of such efforts. A number of Indians have participat- ed in the seven studies of individual tribes which form the basis for a comparative analysis. The tribes selected for the study are Lummi, Morongo, Navajo, Papago, Eastern Oklahoma Cherokee, Passamaquoddy, Pine Ridge Oglala Sioux. COM-74-1 1489/3 PC E07/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Center for the Study of Man. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Making Do with the Dark Meat: A Report on the Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma Research rept. Albert L Wahrhaftig. Jul 74, 179p EDA/OER-74- 324-2 Grant EDA-OER-400-G-71-18 See also COM-74-1 1490. Paper copy also available in set of 8 reports as COM-74-1 1486-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'American Indians, 'Communities, Policies, Organizations, Leadership, Employment, Income, Natural re- sources, Commercial practices, Minerals, Fisher- ies, Woodworking, Handicrafts, Sociology. Contents: How the Cherokee got that way; How Cherokee settlements survive; The Cherokee es- tablishment. COM-74-1 1490/1 PCE06/MFA01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Center for the Study of Man. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. The Lummi Indian Community: The Fishermen of the Pacific Northwest Research rept. Vine Deloria, Jr. Jul 74, 127p EDA/OER-74-324- 3 Grant EDA-OER-400-G-71-18 See also COM-74-1 1491. Paper copy also available in set of 8 reports as COM-74-1 1 486-SET, $69.00. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'American Indians, 'Communities, Policies, Organizations, Leadership, Employment, Income, Natural re- sources, Commercial practices, Minerals, Fisher- ies, Woodworking, Handicrafts, Sociology. Contents: The period of white settlement; Early reservation days (1855-1890); The years of pover- ty (1890-1964); Political development; The Lummi aquaculture project; The Lummi concept; The Lummi experience and other Indian tribes; and Values and goals of the reservation. COM-74-1 1491/9 PC E06/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Center for the Study of Man. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Morongo Indian Res- ervation: A Century of Adaptive Strategies Research rept. Lowell John Bean. Jul 74, 141p EDA/OER-74- 324-4 Grant EDA-OER-400-G-71-18 See also COM-74-1 1492. Paper copy also available in set of 8 reports as COM-74-1 1486-SET, $69.00. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'American Indians, 'Communities, Policies, Organizations, Leadership, Employment, Income, Natural re- sources, Commercial practices, Minerals, Fisher- ies, Woodworking, Handicrafts, Sociology. Contents: Tribal background; Leadership develops new strategies; Seven viable expressive-instru- mental associations; Morongo and the Mission Indian subculture; Ethnic identity at Morongo; Eco- nomic development and political affairs. COM-74-1 1492/7 PC E05/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Center for the Study of Man. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Dressing for the Window: Papago Indians and Economic Devel- opment Research rept. Henry F. Manuel, Juliann Ramon, and Bernard L. Fontana. Jul 74, 109p EDA/OER-74-324-5 Grant EDA-OER-400-G-71-18 See also COM-74-1 1493. Paper copy also available in set of 8 reports as COM-74-1 1486-SET, $69.00. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'American Indians, 'Communities, Policies, Organizations, Leadership, Employment, Income, Natural re- sources, Commercial practices, Minerals, Fisher- ies, Woodworking, Handicrafts, Sociology. Contents: The Papago reservation; Subsistence in Pimeria Alta; The new economy; Ruling elite; Case studies. COM-74-1 1493/5 PC E06/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Center for the Study of Man. 24 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Pine Ridge Economy: Cultural and Historical Perspectives Research rept. Raymond J. DeMallie. Jul 74, 130p EDA/OER- 74-324-6 Grant EDA-OER-400-G-71-18 See also COM-74-1 1494. Paper copy also available in set of 8 reports as COM-74-1 1486-SET, $69.00. Descriptors: 'Economic development, * American Indians, 'Communities, Policies, Organizations, Leadership, Employment, Income, Natural re- sources, Commercial practices, Minerals, Fisher- ies, Woodworking, Handicrafts, Sociology. Contents: Cultural background; Historical back- ground; Pine Ridge reservation today; Planned economic development. COM-74-1 1494/3 PC E07/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Center for the Study of Man. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Passamaquoddy Eco- nomic Development in Cultural and Historical Perspective Research rept. Susan MacCulloch Stevens. Jul 74, 173p EDA/ OER-74-324-7 Grant EDA-OER-400-G-71-18 See also COM-74-1 1486. Paper copy also available in set of 8 reports as COM-74-1 1486-SET, $69.00. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'American Indians, 'Communities, Policies, Organizations, Leadership, Employment, Income, Natural re- sources, Commercial practices, Minerals, Fisher- ies, Woodworking, Handicrafts, Sociology. Contents: Cultural and historical setting; Social in- stitutions; Overall organization of the community; Relationships to the outside world; History of the Passamoquody; Factors affecting economic devel- opment; Products, services and markets; Psycho- social factors affecting work patterns and econom- ic development; Implementation of federal social programs. COM-74-1 1645/0 PC A03/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. FY 1973 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Methodology for Construction of Low- Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes Final rept. N. J. Raufaste, and R. D. Marshall. 2 Jul 73, 32p Rept no. NBSIR-74-582 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-04-73 Descriptors: 'Houses, 'Wind(Meteorology), 'Design criteria, Construction, Construction mate- rials, Typhoons, Hurricanes, Wind tunnel models, Developing countries. This report highlights the major accomplishments of the initial phase of a three fiscal year project to provide engineering technical assistance to the Agency for International Development (AID) for the development of design criteria for low-cost/ low- rise buildings to better withstand the effects of ex- treme winds. This phase represents approximately a 3 month level of effort. During this period CBT project staff members commenced six introductory tasks. These tasks will set the pace for the second fiscal year level of effort. The tasks included: initi- ate dialogue with local organizations and institutes in developing countries, establish a local Philippine advisory committee; conduct on-site visits to de- veloping countries to identify local professional candidates for short term consultating; conduct on-site visits to developed countries to collect in- formation from research centers; purchase initial wind tunnel and full-scale field test instrumenta- tion; and commence library search of related sub- ject documents. COM-74-1 1781/3 PC A02 Rhode Island Univ., Kingston. Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology. A Fisherman's Co-operative: Open System Theory Applied Carl Gersuny, and John J. Poggie, Jr. 1974, 1 1 p Marine Reprint-25, NOAA-741 02402 Grant NOAA-04-3- 158-3 Pub. in Marit. Stud. Mgmt., v1 p21 5-222 1974. Descriptors: 'Fish marketing, 'Commercial fishing, 'Cooperative enterprises, Prices, Costs, Fishing equipment, New England. Identifiers: Reprints, Sea Grant program. There are about eighty co-operative associations in the commercial fisheries of the United States. Of these, the Point Judith Fishermen's Co-operative Association is one of the most successful. Fisher- men are motivated to band together in such orga- nizations by the payment of low prices by fish deal- ers, by high individual costs in getting fish to the market, by the inordinate expense of money and time in obtaining equipment on a retail, individual basis, and by an unsatisfactory supply of producer services beneficial to fishing. As a case study to illustrate and analyse the functioning of co-opera- tive within the framework of Thompson's open system theory the Point Judith Fishermen's Co-op- erative Association is described. COM-74-50 182/6 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Some References on Metric Information with Charts on All You Need to Know About Metric; Metric Conversion Fractors Special pub. W. Small. Dec 73, 13p Rept no. NBS-SP-389 Paper copy available from GPO $0.25 as C13.10:389. Descriptors: 'Metric system, Conversion, Tables(Data). Identifiers: NBS. As metric use increases in this country, interest in metric information is also increasing. This booklet was developed to provide a listing of sources for pertinent metric information. Included is a list of publications produced by the National Bureau of Standards and available from the Superintendent of Documents. Also included is a list assembled by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics of organizations that market metric materials for educators, and a list of additional sources of metric information. COM-74-50 184/2 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Housing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earthquakes and Windstorms Final rept. William F. Reps, and Emil Simiu. Jan 74, 153p Rept no. NBS-BSS-48 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Paper copy available from GPO $4.85 as C13.29/ 2:48. Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Environmental engineer- ing, 'Storms, 'Earthquakes, Turkey, Peru, Philip- pine Islands, Developing countries, Earthquake re- sistant structures, Avalanches, Site surveys, Struc- tural engineering, Disasters. Identifiers: 'Low cost housing, 'Windstorms, NBS. The report provides technical information regard- ing characteristics of materials and building sys- tems, and discusses the structural performance of buildings subjected to the action of earthquakes and wind forces with specific reference to struc- tures typical of developing countries. Potential ways are described in which structures can be made more resistant to such action. Siting consid- erations are discussed from a geological, seismic and climatological viewpoint, and recommenda- tions relating to siting problems are made. Tech- niques of housing construction, both traditional and industrialized, are described and improve- ments resulting in better earthquake or windstorm resistance are suggested. Building codes, their im- provement and their enforcement are also dis- cussed. COM-74-50189-01-05 (Order as COM-74-501 89-01) United Nations Development Program, Manila (Philippines). A Review of the Indonesian Shrimp Fishery and Its Present Developments Foreign fisheries leaflet M. Unar. 1974, 11p NMFS-FFL-73-16, MFR- Paper-1030 Included in Marine Fisheries Review, v36 n1 p21- 30 Jan 74, COM-74-501 89-01 . Descriptors: 'Shrimp fisheries, 'Indonesia, Food supply, Food storage, Economic development, Fishing grounds, Fishing industry, Reviews. Identifiers: NOAA. In 1968 joint ventures involving foreign capital were established in shrimp fisheries in several parts of Indonesia, particularly in the Sumatra, Kali- manta, and West Irian regions. This has given rise to the establishment of new small shrimp centers such as those in Kotabaru, on the island of Pulau Laut in southeast Kalimantan, Ambon and Sorong. COM-74-50522/3 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Economic Development Administration, Washing- ton, D.C. The Potential of Handcrafts as a Viable Eco- nomic Force - An Overview May 74, 56p Paper copy available from GPO $0.65. Descriptors: 'Crafts, 'Marketing, Craftsmen, Skills, Financing, Designers, Economic factors, Operating costs, Blighted areas. Identifiers: 'Handicrafts, Design crafts. Handcrafts are considered to be an emerging and viable economic force, but their impact must be viewed relative to their setting. They often may generate jobs and income in areas that offer only meager alternatives. Handcrafts preserve our na- tional folk heritage, contribute to our cultural tradi- tions, and provide both recreational and therapeu- tic benefits to handicapped persons, the elderly, and others. Crafts can be produced, individually, by sophisticated urban-oriented artisans and by isolated mountaineers; by urban or rural coopera- tives; by such ethnic groups as Indians, Mexican- Americans, and Alaskan Natives; and by craft cen- ters, where volume production is combined with hand skills. There is growing market for quality crafts that can be supplied in quantity and depen- dably. COM-74-51230/2 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. FY 74 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Methodology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes Interim rept. 1 Jul 73-30 Jun 74 (Final) Noel J. Raufaste, Jr, and Richard D. Marshall. Jul 74, 277p Rept no. NBSIR-74-567 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-04-73 Paper copy available from GPO. Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, 'Environmen- tal engineering, 'Wind pressure, Typhoons, Hurri- canes, Developing countries, Technical assist- ance, Design criteria, Technology transfer, Wind tunnel models, Meetings, Test facilities, Work- shops, Loads(Forces), Gust loads. Identifiers: Low rise buildings, Wind resistant build- ings. This report gives the major accomplishments of the second phase of a three year project to devel- op improved design criteria for low-rise buioldings that better resist extreme winds. During FY 74, the Center for Building Technology commenced sev- eral tasks which will serve as major inputs to the development of improved design criteria. These tasks include: (1) selecting two more field test sites in the Philippines, (2) instrumenting four full scale houses, (3) instrumenting the University of Philip- pines wind tunnel facility, (4) participating in a 1973 International workshop at Manila, and (5) helping develop in Bangladesh and Jamaica a methodolo- gy for the transfer of technology. 25 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS COM-75-10241/8 PC A02 State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook. Marine Sci- ences Research Center. Inexpensive Modular Habitats for Juvenile Lobsters ('Homarus americanus') Matoira H. Chanley, and Orville W. Terry. 14 Mar 74, 5p NOAA-74123102 Grant NOAA-2-35281 Pub. in Aquaculture, v4 p89-92 1974. Prepared in cooperation with Suffolk County Community Coll., Seldon, N.Y. Descriptors: *Lobsters, *Aquaculture, Shellfish, Larvae, Design, Diagrams. Identifiers: Reprints, Homarus americanus, Habi- tats. The paper presents details of a device which is suitable for use as a rearing habitat for juvenile lob- sters (genus Homarus) from the fourth stage to a size with a carapace length of about 2.7 cm. The device is thought to be original and an improve- ment over others previously reported. COM-75-10263/2 PC A02 Puerto Rico Univ., Mayaguez. Dept. of Marine Sci- ences. Opercular Algal Growth on the Cichlid Fish 'Ti- lapia aurea', Cultured in Sea Water James W. Miller, and David L Ballantine. 1974, 5pNOAA-75021303 Pub. in Aquaculture, v4 p93-95 1974. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, *Animal diseases, * Fishes, Vibrio, Bacterial diseases, Infectious dis- eases, Algae, Sea water, Chlorophyta, Aero- monas, Phaeophyta. Identifiers: Reprints, Tilapia aurea. Enteromorpha lingulata (Chlorophyta) and Giffor- dia mitchellae (Phaeophyta) were found growing on opercula of Tilapia aurea cultured in sea water. Fish observed had mild Vibrio and Aeromonas bacterial infections, manifested by abscesses on their opercula and other areas of the body. Algal growth was observed only on the operculum, which appears to be a more suitable attachment site due to its bony nature. Abscessed areas on opercula were devoid of scales. Mechanical abra- sion resulting in scale loss appears to provide a suitable attachment site for algae. Plants exam- ined were small, up to six mm in length. Tufts of algae covered opercular abscesses. Fish did not appear to be attracted to tufts of algae growing on other fish; all fish appeared normal in behavior, ex- hibiting a positive response to feeding and satis- factory growth. COM-75-10394/5 PC A08/MF A01 Puerto Rico Univ., Mayaguez. Dept. of Marine Sci- ences. The Development of Cultures of the Channel Catfish 'Ictalurus punctatus' and 'Tilapia' Spe- cies in Puerto Rico Final rept. 1 Jul 71-30 Jun 74 Francisco A. Pagan-Font. 30 Jun 74, 1 74p NOAA-75022110 Descriptors: *Catfishes, 'Aquaculture, Fishes, Fisheries, Puerto Rico, Cultures(Biology), Recom- mendations, Salinity, Temperature, Feeding stuffs. Identifiers: Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, Ti- lapia aurea. Polyculture of channel catfish with Tilapia spp. was demonstrated. Recommended harvest size for catfish is 350 g obtainable in one year. T. aurea can produce three crops per year at a weight of over 68.1 g per fish. Sugar mill waste, rum and beer distillery wastes, tuna stickwater, pharmaceu- tical yeasts, and chicken manure were found to be of possible use as local fish feeds. Raceway cul- tures were found to be expensive and are not rec- ommended at this time. In polyculture trials it was found that 9000 kg per hectare per year may be attained. The Lajas Valley appears to be most suit- able for fish culture where some 700 acres, which is too saline for agricultural purposes, could be used. COM-75-1 1378/7 PC A04/MF A01 National Marine Fisheries Service, Gloucester, Mass. Atlantic Fishery Products Technology Center. A Study: Expanded Processing Techniques, Production Costs and Market Survey of Under- utilized Fish Species Technical assistance rept. J. M. Mendelsohn. May 74, 60p* EDA-75-05 Grant EDA-01-6-09131-2 Descriptors: *Fishes, 'Economic development, 'Market research, Abundance, Food processing, Food consumption, Food preparation, Food stor- age, Drying, Feasibility, Acceptability. Identifiers: 'Merluccius bilinearis, 'Market surveys, Fish products, Technical assistance, 'Fish cakes. The program was carried out by the Atlantic Fish- ery Products Technology Center (AFPTC), Nation- al Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) under a one- year contract with the Economic Development Ad- ministration (EDA), U.S. Department of Com- merce. The contract called for implementing the results of a previous study (A Study to Develop New Products from Whiting or Other Underutilized Species,) in which new products having commer- cial potential were prepared on a laboratory scale from seasonally abundant and underutilized whit- ing (Merluccius bilinearis) and similar species. COM-75-50001/7 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low-Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Hall, National Sci- ence Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 Building science series rept. Noel J. Raufaste, Jr, and Richard D. Marshall. Oct 74, 169p* Rept no. NBS-BSS-56 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-04-73 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 74-600158. Paper copy available from GPO as C1 3.29/2:56. Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Wind pressure, 'Storms, 'Developing countries, Meetings, Design criteria, Dynamic structural analysis, Hurricanes, Damage control, Management information systems, Rec- ommendations. Identifiers: 'Wind resistant buildings, 'Low rise buildings. A 1973 international workshop held in Manila, Phil- ippines, addressed the state-of-the-art in mitigat- ing building damages from winds. The workshop was jointly sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a Philip- pine advisory committee, and the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (NBS). This report presents the proceedings derived from the workshop. The proceedings present recommendations, the work- shop program, five reports, and nine technical arti- cles. The technical articles addressed four primary topics which were used to guide subsequent work- shop discussions. The topics addressed were; wind and aerodynamics, structural related technol- ogy, socio-economic and architectural consider- ations, and codes and standards. The results of the workshop suggest improved building practices for developing countries and the development of improved design criteria for low-rise buildings to better resist the effects of extreme winds. COM-75-50 185-03-05 (Order as COM-75-501 85-03) Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Dept. of Marketing. An Analysis of Prices Paid to Fishermen Before and After the Establishment of a Fishery Coop- erative Charles W. Lamb, Jr. Mar 75, 4p MFR-Paper- 1130 Grant NOAA-2-35364 Included in Marine Fisheries Review, v37 n3 p36- 38 Mar 75. Descriptors: 'Fish industry, 'Cooperatives, Objec- tives, Fish harvesting, Prices, Fish economics, Food storage, Food processing, Exports, Market- ing. Identifiers: Sea Grant program. 'A fishery cooperative consists of a group of indi- vidual fishermen acting together for mutual benefit and is designed to accomplish group objectives.' These group objectives are primarily economic in nature and often directly related to the prices paid to the fishermen for their catch. Common motiva- tions to create fishery cooperatives include exces- sive price fluctuations, weakness of prices at the primary producer level, and/or insufficient storage and processing facilities. The paper reports the findings of a case study which compared the prices received by fishermen prior to and after the establishment of a unique fishery cooperative or- ganization. COM-75-50 192-03-04 (Order as COM-75-501 92-03) National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Wash. Northwest Fisheries Center. Selective and Unselective Exploitation of Ex- perimental Populations of 'Tilapia mossam- bica' Ralph P. Silliman. Dec 74, 14p NOAA-75090808- 4 Included in Fishery Bull., v73 n3 p495-507 Jul 75. Descriptors: 'Fishes, 'Aquaculture, Growth, Mor- tality, Food habits, Breeding, Weight(Mass), Com- parison, Selection, Economic factors, Mathemat- ical models, Genetics. Identifiers: 'Tilapia mossambica, Fish stocks. Two populations of Tilapia Mossambica were grown under controlled conditions. After a period of growth and stabilization at about 10 kg and 200 fish, exploitation was started; about 50 fish of out- side stock were added to each population to in- crease genetic variability. Recruitment was esti- mated from data of stock, mortality, and catch. Pa- rabolas fitted to the stock-recruitment relation sug- gested greater recruitment in the selectively fished stock than in the unselectively fished one. The ex- ploitation-yield relation was assessed by fitting Fox surplus-yield models to both populations. CONF-730560-1 PC A02/MF A01 Sydney Univ. (Australia). Alternative Energy Sources: A Research Chal- lenge D. W. George. 1973, 21 p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Energy sources, 'Australia, 'Tidal power, 'Research programs, 'Wind, Research programs, 'Geothermal energy, Research pro- grams, Economics, Energy consumption, Energy conversion, Energy source conservation, Environ- ment, Fossil fuels, Fuel cells, Hydroelectric power, Magnetohydrodynamics, Natural gas, Solar energy. Identifiers: AEC. For abstract, see NSA 28 1 1 , number 29382. CONF-750712-12 PC A02/MF A01 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne (Australia). Solar Energy for the Australian Food Process- ing Industry D. Proctor, and R. N. Morse. 1975, 13p Annual meeting of the International Solar Energy Society, Los Angeles, California, USA, 28 Jul 1975. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Solar dryers, 'Solar drying, Agricul- ture, Economics, Feasibility studies, Process heat, Temperature dependence. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140905, ERDA/299001, Austra- lia, 'Food industry, Industries, Cost effectiveness. Since the cost effectiveness of solar heat-generat- ing systems decreases as the temperature in- creases, the potential for large-scale use of solar energy for industrial processes is very dependent on the operating temperature of the process. Ex- amination of a sample of the Australian food-proc- essing industry has shown that 70 percent of the heat is used at temperatures below 100 exp C and there is no significant usage above 1 50 exp C. A feasibility study of a typical plant in Melbourne shows that it is technically practicable to phase 26 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS solar energy heating systems into existing proc- esses, and that, using known techniques, over 50 percent of the annual heat requirements could be provided by solar collectors. The roof area is ade- quate for the mounting of collectors but space must be found for insulated hot-water tanks to pro- vide thermal storage. Since the gross return on in- vestment in the solar installation is the value of the fuel saved, this is directly related to fuel prices. In a situation where energy prices are changing rapidly, recommendations on cost effectiveness have no lasting significance. The paper describes simple methods of making accurate predictions for specif- ic situations so that plant owners and operators can make their own judgements on cost effective- ness. (ERA citation 01 :01 8935) CONF-750761-1 PC A02/MF A01 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, East Melbourne (Australia). Application of Solar Energy in the Food Proc- essing Industry D. Proctor, and R. F. White. 1975, 9p Meeting on applications of solar energy research and development in Australia, Melbourne, Austra- lia^ Jul 1975. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: *Solar collectors, *Solar drying, "Process heat, Agriculture, Food, Economics, In- dustry. Identifiers: ERDA/140905, ERDA/299001, Austra- lia, *Food industry, Industries. In the food processing industries investigated in this study, the major portion of the heat require- ments were in processes operated with tempera- tures in the 60 to 80 exp C range. Most of the process energy was required at constant tempera- ture. An example of a factor is given to illustrate how solar energy can be integrated with conven- tional fuel so that the solar input is about 58 per- cent of the annual energy usage. It shows that cur- rently available commercial collectors can operate with a positive return on investment within the life of the plant for process temperatures below 50 exp C, but it also highlights the need for an improved commercial collector capable of producing high- temperature water. (ERA citation 01:018936) CONF-760536-1 PC A02/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Potential for Energy Conservation Technology Transfer E. C. Hise. 1976, 11p Southern interstate nuclear board meeting, Win- ston-Salem, North Carolina, United States of America (USA), 24 May 1 976. Descriptors: "Commercial buildings, "Energy con- servation, "Energy consumption, "Houses, Tech- nology transfer, Air conditioning, Capital, Econom- ics, Efficiency, Engineering, Environmental effects, Furnaces, Government policies, Heat pumps, Modifications, Sociology, Space heating, Stand- ards, Thermal insulation, Water heaters. Identifiers: ERDA/291000, ERDA/320100, "Resi- dential buildings, Hot water heating. The segment of energy consumption related to space conditioning and water heating in residen- tial, commercial, and institutional buildings is dis- cussed specifically. Within this constraint building energy consumption is discussed, considering three choices: drastic alteration of life style; even greater energy operating costs; or relatively large capital expenditures to reduce building energy consumption. It is concluded that the average ex- isting residence can, through insulation, reduce its energy consumption to 60 percent of present for an expenditure of $500 to $1 000 and a pay back of 5 to 1 years. The average existing commercial or institutional building can save even more, although their construction may require less commonplace insulation methods than residences. New con- struction can show greater energy savings at little or no additional construction cost. From data con- tained in reports in the bibliography (10 items), the author again concludes that the average existing residential heating/cooling system (equipment) can be modified or replaced to reduce its energy consumption to 60 percent or even 40 percent of the present at a cost of a few hundred to $3000 as a function of the problem. The possible savings in commercial and institutional buildings are equally great. (ERA citation 01:01 9507) CONF-770140- PC A13/MF A01 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Solar Grain Drying Conference Proceedings G. C. Shove. Oct 77, 286p National solar grain drying conference, Cham- paign, IL, USA, 11 Jan 1977. Descriptors: "Cereals, "Solar drying, "Meetings, Agriculture, Leading abstract, Seeds. Identifiers: ERDA/140905, ERDA/553000, Crop driers, "Grain crops, Proceedings. Thirty papers are included. A separate abstract was prepared for each paper. (ERA citation 03:042498) CONF-770367- PC A15/MF A01 Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster. Proceedings of a Conference on Solar Energy for Heating Greenhouses and Greenhouse- Residential Combinations T. E. Bond, L. C. Godbey, and H. F. Zornig. Nov 77, 350p Conference on solar energy for greenhouses and greenhouse-residential combinations, Cleveland, OH, USA, 20 Mar 1977. Descriptors: "Greenhouses, "Solar heating sys- tems, "Meetings, Agriculture, Food industry, Lead- ing abstract. Identifiers: ERDA/140901, ERDA/299001, ERDA/ 553000. Seventeen papers are included. A separate ab- stract was prepared for each for Energy Research Abstracts (ERA); eight are included in Energy Ab- stracts for Policy Analysis (EAPA). (ERA citation 03:030595) COO-2390-15 PC A02/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering. Needs and Opportunities for Ceramic Science and Technology W. D. Kingery. 1976, 12p Rept no. CONF- 7605158-1 Contract EY-76-S-02-2390 International meeting on modern ceramic technol- ogy, Rimini, Italy, 26 May 1976. Descriptors: "Ceramics, "Industrial plants, Capital, Demand factors, Energy consumption, Energy demand, Environmental effects, Manufacturing, Materials, Resources, Technology assessment. Identifiers: ERDA/320302, ERDA/320302, Invest- ments, Manpower, Energy requirements, Fabrica- tion, Ceramics industry, Industries. There clearly seems to be a consensus developing that technological requirements, including ceram- ics, will be sought in the next few decades with regard to (1) substituting common and readily available materials for rarer and therefore dimin- ishing resources, (2) making strong efforts to either conserve energy or develop new sources of energy, (3) protecting the environment, and (4) providing opportunities for more worker satisfac- tion. An attempt is made to relate these objectives to needs and opportunities for ceramics. The fol- lowing considerations are discussed in reference to the ceramic industry: labor-capital requirements, materials resource requirements, energy require- ments, environmental requirements, fabrication re- quirements, and new product requirements. (ERA citation 02:057032) COO/2829-1 PC A06/MF A01 InterTechnology Corp., Warrenton, Va. Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I 7 Feb 77, 120p Contract EY-76-C-02-2829 Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Industrial plants, "Proc- ess heat, "Solar collectors, "Solar cookers, "olar drying, "Solar furnaces, "Solar kilns, "Solar stills, "Solar water heaters, Automobile industry, Boilers, Building materials, Chemical industry, Coal indus- try, Concentrating collectors, Cost, Economics, Environmental effects, Fertilizers, Financial incen- tives, Flat plate collectors, Food industry, Glass in- dustry, Industry, Legal aspects, Life-cycle cost, Mathematical models, Meat industry, Metal indus- try, Mineral industry, Ore processing, Paper indus- try, Petroleum industry, Site selection, Solar cook- ing, Solar distillation, Solar dryers, Synthetic fuels industry, Technology assessment. Identifiers: ERDA/140905, ERDA/141000, ERDA/ 299001, ERDA/140300, ERDA/140909, Textile industry, Industries, Solar water heating. The process heat data base assembled as the result of this survey includes specific process ap- plications from 78 four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) groups. These applications ac- count for the consumption of 9.81 quadrillion Btu in 1974, about 59 percent of the 16.6 quadrillion Btu estimated to have been used for all process heat in 1974. About 7 exp 1 / sub 2 percent of industrial process heat is used below 212 exp F (100 exp C), and 28 percent below 550 exp F (288 exp C). In this study, the quantitative assessment of the potential of solar thermal energy systems to pro- vide industrial process heat indicates that solar energy has a maximum potential to provide 0.6 quadrillion Btu per year in 1985, and 7.3 quadrillion Btu per year in 2000, in economic competition with the projected costs of conventional fossil fuels for applications having a maximum required tempera- ture of 550 exp (288 exp C). A wide variety of collector types were compared for performance and cost characteristics. Performance calculations were carried out for a baseline solar system provid- ing hot water in representative cities in six geo- graphical regions within the U.S. Specific indus- tries that should have significant potential for solar process heat for a variety of reasons include food, textiles, chemicals, and primary metals. Lumber and wood products, and paper and allied products also appear to have significant potential. However, good potential applications for solar process heat can be found across the board throughout indus- try. Finally, an assessment of nontechnical issues that may influence the use of solar process heat in industry showed that the most important issues are the establishment of solar rights, standardization and certification for solar components and sys- tems, and resolution of certain labor-related issues. (Volume 1 of 3 volumes.). (ERA citation 02:058733) COO/2829-2 PC A99/MF A01 InterTechnology Corp., Warrenton, Va. Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II 7 Feb 77, 1234p Contract EY-76-C-02-2829 Descriptors: "Industrial plants, "Process heat, "Solar air heaters, "Solar collectors, "Solar cook- ers, "Solar dryers, "Solar furnaces, "Solar kilns, "Solar stills, "Solar water heaters, Agriculture, Automobile industry, Boilers, Building materials, Chemical industry, Coal industry, Concentrating collectors, Cost, Economics, Environmental ef- fects, Fertilizers, Financial incentives, Flat plate collectors, Food industry, Glass industry, Industry, Legal aspects, Life-cycle cost, Mathematical models, Meat industry, Metal industry, Mineral in- dustry, Ore processing, Paper industry, Petroleum industry, Site selection, Solar cooking, Solar distil- lation, Solar drying, Synthetic fuels industry. Identifiers: ERDA/140905, ERDA/141000, ERDA/ 140300, ERDA/140909, ERDA/299001. This report is Volume 2 of three volumes. For ab- stract see Volume I, report COO/2829--1 . (ERA ci- tation 02:058734) COO/2829-3 PC A99/MF A01 InterTechnology Corp., Warrenton, Va. Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III 7 Feb 77, 81 9p Contract EY-76-C-02-2829 Descriptors: "Industrial plants, "Process heat, "Solar air heaters, "Solar collectors, "Solar cook- ers, "Solar dryers, "Solar furnaces, "Solar kilns, 27 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS 'Solar stills, 'Solar water heaters, Agriculture, Automobile industry, Boilers, Building materials, Chemical industry, Coal industry, Concentrating collectors, Cost, Economics, Environmental ef- fects, Fertilizers, Financial incentives, Flat plate collectors, Food industry, Glass industry, Industry, Legal aspects, Life-cycle cost, Mathematical models, Meat industry. Metal industry, Mineral in- dustry, Ore processing, Paper industry, Petroleum industry, Site selection, Solar cooking, Solar distil- lation, Solar drying, Synthetic fuels industry. Identifiers: ERDA/140905, ERDA/141000, ERDA/ 140300, ERDA/ 140909, ERDA/299001. This report is Volume 3 of three volumes. For ab- stract, see Volume I, report COO/2829-1. (ERA citation 02:058735) COO-2917-10 PC A03/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Ceramic Engineering. Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quarterly Progress Report, January 21 --April 30, 1978 J. T. Pfeffer. May 78, 27p Contract EY-76-S-02-2917 Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, 'Methane, An- aerobic digestion, Animal feeds, Biosynthesis, Centrifugation, Filtration, Maize, Research pro- grams, Slurries, Water removal. Identifiers: ERDA/090122, ERDA/ 140504, Syn- thetic fuels, Manufactured gas, Solid waste dispos- al. The results of a series of tests to evaluate the methane yield from the anaerobic digestion of corn stover are reported. The corn stover, consisting of cob, stalks, and leaves, was milled to pass through a 3.2 mm screen. Particle size distributions were determined. Data are tabulated on the gas produc- tion. Centrifugation and vacuum filtration were in- vestigated for slurry dewatering. Gas production was low and corn stover does not appear to offer any potential as a methane source. In addition the protein content of the slurry solids was not suffi- cient for a satisfactory protein animal feed. (ERA citation 04:00541 5) COO/2917-3(V.1) PC A10/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana Champaign. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973--November 30, 1976 J. W. Brown, J. T. Pfeffer, and J. C. Liebman. Nov 76, 201 p Contract EY-76-S-02-2917 Descriptors: 'Methane, 'Municipal wastes, Addi- tives, Anaerobic digestion, Biosynthesis, By-prod- ucts, Calorific value, Cellulose, Centrifugation, Chemical reaction kinetics, Diagrams, Fermenta- tion, Filtration, Flowsheets, Iron sulfates, Lignin, Liquid wastes, Nutrients, Performance testing, Re- cycling, Research programs, Residues, Sewage, Sludges, Slurries, Sodium hydroxides, Tables, Vis- cosity. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, Syn- thetic fuels, Manufactured gas, Solid wastes, Refuse derived fuels. In order to predict accurately the cost of producing methane from urban refuse, studies were initiated on the dewatering of the fermentor residue and the disposal of the residue from the system. Results of the research are reported under the following sub- ject headings: fermentation system; Theological properties of reactor slurry; filterability of reactor effluent; residue dewatering-vacuum filtration; settleability of solids in the reactor effluent; settlea- bility of sludges from centrate treatment; centrifu- gation of reactor effluent; leachate potential of dewatered reactor residue; calorific value of the re- actor residue; residue incineration; the production of panelboards; caustic treatment of digester feed; and, treatment of filtrate-centrate. Appendixes A, B, D, and E are included; Appendix C, which in- cludes computer programs and documentation, is bound separately as Volume II of this report. (ERA citation 03:01 1893) COO/2917-3(V.2) PC A06/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana Champaign. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973-November 30, 1976 G. E. Quindry, J. C. Liebman, and J. T. Pfeffer. Nov 76, 109p Contract EY-76-S-02-2917 Descriptors: 'Bioconversion, 'Methane, 'Munici- pal wastes, Additives, Anaerobic digestion, Biosyn- thesis, Capital, Computer codes, Economics, Equipment, Fermentation, Mathematical models, Research programs, Sewage, Simulation, Sodium hydroxides. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, Syn- thetic fuels, Manufactured gas, Solid wastes. In order to predict accurately the cost of producing methane from urban refuse, studies were initiated on the dewatering of the fermentor residue and the disposal of the residue from the system. Experi- mental procedures and data are reported in Volume I of this series; related computer programs and documentation are reported in Appendix C, bound separately as Volume II. This appendix con- tains detailed information on the simulation model. It is divided into five major sections; logic flow and notes, simulation results, definition of major pro- gram variables, program listing, and sample output. The section on simulation results includes an analysis of the system under various operating conditions. The program was implemented on the University of Illinois DEC-10 system. (ERA citation 03:009932) COO/2917-4 PC A03/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Ceramic Engineering. Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quarterly Progress Report, December 1, 1976-- March 31, 1977 J. T. Pfeffer. Apr 77, 26p Contract EY-76-S-02-2917 Descriptors: 'Manures, 'Methane, Biosynthesis, Cattle, Containers, Fermentation, Laboratory equipment, Mixing, Research programs. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, 'Syn- thetic fuels, Manufactured gas, Agriculture wastes. Progress is reported in research on the develop- ment of optimum conditions for the production of methane from organic materials by fermentation. Beef lot and dairy herd manures were used in tests of three types of reactors constructed for the study. They are complete mixed, two-stage, and plug flow reactors. Although there are variations in the data collected, preliminary results indicate that the complete mix reactor exhibits better methane production than either of the other two reactor de- signs. (ERA citation 03:006209) COO/2917-5 PC A05/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Ceramic Engineering. Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Annual Progress Report, June 1, 1976--May 31, 1977 J. T. Pfeffer. Jun 77, 78p Contract EY-76-S-02-2917 Descriptors: 'Manures, 'Methane, Anaerobic di- gestion, Bench-scale experiments, Biosynthesis, Cattle, Comparative evaluations, Configuration, Diagrams, Fermentation, Gas yields, Laboratory equipment, Tables. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, Manu- factured gas, Solid wastes, Synthetic fuels. A large scale laboratory system was constructed to evaluate the methane yields from various organ- ic materials. The initial substrate for these studies was beef feed lot manure. Methane yields ranged from 0.11 to 0.259 m exp 3 per kg volatile solids fed with a fermentation temperature of 58 exp C. The gas yield for a given manure was a function of retention time. However, fresh manure produced substantially more gas than manure that had been on the lots for several months. Retention times of 3.7 days and loadings of 8.76 kg per m exp 3 per day resulted in stable operation. The results of a separate study of the effect of reactor type on methane production showed that if a balanced population of organisms can be maintained in the initial stage, a multi-stage fermentation is more ef- ficient than a complete-mix system. However, when the system is stressed, failure of the multi- stage system is more rapid. If the objective is to maximize the conversion of solids to methane, a staged system will produce more methane per unit volume of reactor. If the objective is to maximize methane production per unit volume of reactor, a single stage complete-mix reactor operating at near the critical retention time is required. (ERA ci- tation 03:023375) COO/2917-7 PC A02/MF A01 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quarterly Progress Report J. T. Pfeffer. Jan 78, 6p Contract EY-76-S-02-2917 Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, 'Biomass, 'Chemical reactors, 'Manures, 'Methane, Anaer- obic digestion. Biochemical reaction kinetics, Bio- synthesis, Design, Fermentation, Maize, Time de- pendence. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, Syn- thetic fuels, Manufactured gas, Solid waste dispos- al. Progress in comparative studies of complete-mix and multi-stage reactors for use in the anaerobic fermentation of organic solids for methane produc- tion is reported. Results indicate that if a balanced population of organisms can be maintained in the initial stage, multi-stage fermentation is more effi- cient than a complete-mix system. However, if the system is stressed, failure of the multi-staged system is more rapid. When the first stage is not inhibited due to a short retention time, the waste stabilization in the additional stages is minimal. Further studies on the effect of retention time on reaction rates indicate that the type of reactor design desired will depend upon the objective of the system. If it is desired to maximize the conver- sion of solids to methane, a staged system will pro- duce more methane per unit volume of reactor for a given quantity of substrate. If the objective is to maximize methane production per unit volume of reactor, a single-stage reactor operating at near the minimum retention is required. Results of stud- ies on the fermentation of manures and corn stover are discussed briefly. (ERA citation 03:030551) COO/2917-76/2 PC A02/MF A01 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quarterly Progress Report, September 1, 1976-November 30, 1976 J. T. Pfeffer. Dec 76, 14p Contract EY-76-S-02-2917 Descriptors: 'Manures, 'Methane, Anaerobic di- gestion, Biomass, Biosynthesis, Research pro- grams. Identifiers: ERDA/090122, ERDA/140504, Fer- mentation, 'Solid waste disposal. During the past quarter all experimental systems have become operational. The earlier problems with equipment acquisition have delayed the prog- ress somewhat. However, most of these problems have been overcome such that the experimental programs have been initiated. This report will con- centrate on the manure fermentation portion of this project. The study relating to the effect of reac- tor design is underway, but the results are too pre- liminary to evaluate. Therefore, no data from this activity will be reported. (ERA citation 02:035903) COO-2929-6 PC A05/MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Energy Re- sources Center. Low-Cost Solar Air Heater. Semi-Annual Prog- ress Report, June 29, 1976--December 22, 1976 D. R. Rask, and L J. Mueller. 22 Dec 77, 89p Contract EY-76-C-02-2929 Descriptors: 'Solar air heaters, Computer calcula- tions, Cost, Design, Efficiency, Fabrication, Jets, Performance, Performance testing, Simulation, Spectrally selective surfaces. 28 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: ERDA/141000, 'Solar collectors, Heat transfer. The results to date on the development of a low- cost solar air heater are described. A unique jet- impingement concept is used as the absorber plate-to-air stream heat-transfer mechanism. The program objective is to design, fabricate, test and evaluate the jet-impingement concept collector. For comparison purposes, a baseline parallel-plate collector was analyzed, fabricated and tested. Values for the average jet-heat transfer coefficient are predicted and presented. A computer simula- tion using a nodal network collector model is used to predict collector performance. The predicted ef- ficiency improvement of the jet-plate collector over that of the parallel-plate collector, at a fixed-flow rate of 1.47 kg/min-m2(4SCFM/ft exp 2 ), is ap- proximately 1 1 percent for a one-cover design and 9 percent for a two-cover design. If the existing se- lective absorber coating and etched cover glass technology of Honeywell is applied to the jet-plate collector, the resulting performance gain over the baseline parallel-plate collector is 21 percent at the intercept and 35 percent for a typical space heating application. The collector mechanical design effort involved a study of cost effective methods for assembly and material selection. A preliminary recommended design is presented. In summary, it has been recommended that alumi- nized steel sheet, pre-painted with an acrylic paint, be used for the box material. A semi-rigid fiber glass, 2.54-cm (1-inch) thick, with an aluminum facing is recommended for the insulation. A steel absorber plate and a pre-assembled nozzle plate or perforated plate is used for the jet plate. Two sheets of 0.31 8-cm (0.125 inch) tempered, low- iron glass are recommended for the glazings. The baseline parallel plate test results are presented. Since jet-plate collector testing had just com- menced at the time of this writing, we have no test results. (ERA citation 03:008225) COO-2948-2 PC A15/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA. Cultivation of Macroscopic Marine Algae and Freshwater Aquatic Weeds. Progress Report, May 1~December 31, 1976 J. H. Ryther. Jan 77, 346p Contract EY-76-S-02-2948 Descriptors: *Algae, *Weeds, Ammonia, Anaero- bic digestion, Aquatic organisms, Cultivation tech- niques, Fermentation, Fresh water, Nutrients, Plant growth, Research programs, Seaweeds, Thermophilic conditions, Yields. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, Biomass, "Synthetic fuels. Research was divided between basic physiological studies of the growth and nutrient-uptake kinetics of macroscopic marine algae and the more applied problems involved in the selection of species and the development of inexpensive, non-energy inten- sive culture methods for growing seaweeds and freshwater plants as a biomass source for conver- sion to energy. Best growth of the seaweeds occurs at low (0.1 to 1.0 mu molar) concentration of major nutrients, with ammonia as a nitrogen source, with rapid exchange of the culture medium (residence time of 0.05 days or less). Of 43 spe- cies of seaweeds evaluated, representatives of the large red alga genus Gracilaria appear most prom- ising with potential yields, in a highly intensive cul- ture system under optimal conditions, of some 1 29 metric dry tons per hectare per year (about half of which is organic). Non-intensive culture methods have yielded one-third to one-half that figure. Un- explained periodicity of growth and overgrowth by epiphytes remain the most critical constraint to large-scale seaweed culture. Freshwater weed species in culture include water hyacinth (Eichhor- nia crassipes), duckweed (Lemna minor), and Hy- drilla vertecillata, with yields to date averaging 1 5, 4, and 8 g dry wt/m exp 2 /day, respectively. How- ever, these plants have not yet been grown through the winter, so average annual yields are expected to be lower. In contrast to the seaweeds, the freshwater plants grow well at high nutrient concentrations and slow culture volume exchange rates (residence time ca. 20 days or more). Experi- ments were initiated on the recycling of digester residues from the fermentation of the freshwater and marine plants as a possible nutrient source for growth of the same species. (ERA citation 04:005496) COO-2952-15 PC A05/MF A01 United Technologies Corp., Windsor Locks, CT. Hamilton Standard Div. Dirt Feedlot Residue Experiments. Quarterly Progress Report, July 1--September 30, 1977 M. Turk. Oct 77, 77p Contract EY-76-C-02-2952 Descriptors: "Manures, "Methane, Anaerobic di- gestion, Biosynthesis, Cattle, Chemical reactors, Diagrams, Medium temperature, Organic acids, Performance, Research programs, Yields. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, Biomass, Synthetic fuels, Solid waste disposal. Progress is reported in the continued evaluation of baseline performance of the mobile fermentation system utilizing fresh beef steer residue at 0.25 lb. volatile solids/ft exp 3 /day with a ten day resi- dence time and an operating temperature of 57 exp C. Evaluation of the comparative yield from typical aged feedlot pen residue at the same para- metric conditions previously used for the baseline study was initiated. Total daily gas production, as well as specific methane yield, indicated a sudden decrease. This decrease, however, stabilized rela- tively quickly indicating that the material, while having a lower gaseous yield, was not grossly toxic. The 10 day running average of specific meth- ane yield, which acts as a smoothing function for the somewhat more erratic daily yields, indicates a yield of 2.5 ft exp 3 CH sub 4 /pound volatile solids. This represents 60% of that obtained from the fresh residue and is most encouraging. During this period of time the concentration of Total Vola- tile Acid was allowed to rise. That is, no attempts at control (e.g., iron chloride) were made in order to learn what equilibrium value would result. By the end of the reporting period, the TVA concentration was approximately 4000 to 5000 mg/l. (ERA cita- tion 04:005497) COO-2952-17 PC A03/MF A01 United Technologies Corp., Windsor Locks, CT. Hamilton Standard Div. Monfort Dirt Lot Experiments. Status Report 31 Mar 78, 33p Contract EY-76-C-02-2952 Descriptors: "Manures, "Methane, Anaerobic di- gestion, Biosynthesis, Cattle, Chemical reaction ki- netics, Chemical reactors, Diagrams, Drugs, Fer- mentation, Food, Gas yields, Images, Liquids, Nu- trients, Proteins, Stability. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, Fuel gas, Biomass, Synthetic fuels, Solid waste dispos- al. A mobile processing unit is being used to investi- gate the feasibility of producing fuel gas and an energy-intensive refeed product from dirt feedlot residues by anaerobic fermentation. Results to date have shown that: a stable fermentation can be achieved utilizing aged feedlot pen residue if a sufficient adaptation period is provided. Methane yields of 2.75 ft exp 3 /pound volatile solids fed can be attained at a loading rate of 0.25 pounds volatile solids/ft exp 3,10 day retention time and thermophilic temperature of 57 exp C. The fer- mentor liquid effluent is acceptable to cattle as a feed ingredient and was used to provide one-half the daily supplemental protein for twenty steers. Residual pharmaceuticals and low levels of heavy metals as well as various anions and cations may possibly impose some additional stress upon the system but do not present a significant detriment to successful operation. Feedlot residue is highly variable in both dry matter and inert content with typical particle size in the micron range. (ERA cita- tion 04:005498) COO-2981-7 PC A03/MF A01 New York State Coll. of Argriculture and Life Sci- ences, Ithaca. Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Resi- dues: Potential for Improvement and Imple- mentation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 W. J. Jewell, R. W. Guest, R. C. Loehr, D. R. Price, and W. W. Gunkel. 1978, 34p Contract EY-76-S-02-2981 Descriptors: "Manures, "Methane, "Anaerobic di- gestion, Biosynthesis, Chemical reactors, Con- struction, Research programs, Temperature ef- fects. Identifiers: ERDA/090122, ERDA/140504, Manu- factured gas, Synthetic fuels, Solid waste disposal, Fermentation, "Agricultural wastes. This is the seventh progress report of an on-going three year research effort to contribute to the de- velopment of a new and/or improved technology that will result in wide spread use of an anaerobic fermentation in agriculture to generate a renew- able clean energy source. Activities are now con- centrating on full-scale and pilot-scale demonstra- tion of simplified fermentors for manures. Activities for the seventh quarter year, extending from De- cember 16, 1977 to March 15, 1978, have included the following: completion of construction of the full scale conventional control fermenter; completion of construction, testing and startup of the random mix fermenter; installation of feed and effluent lines, electrical wiring, boilers, gas lines and con- trols; successful testing of the ram pump; conclu- sion of the 35 exp C studies with the pilot scale plug flow fermenter and the initiation of the low temperature (25 exp C) studies; and preparation of a detailed outline to the design manual. As of March 15, 1978, the overall progress achieved with the major components of the project was esti- mated to be about 2.5 months behind the work plan schedule. As detailed in the last progress report, much of this delay has been due to the winter weather (i.e., cold temperatures, snow, frozen ground, etc.) which has interfered with ex- cavation and other outdoor construction activities. (ERA citation 04:005416) COO/2991-10 PC A10/MF A01 Dynatech R/D Co., Cambridge, Mass. Fuel Gas Production from Animal Residue. Dynatech Report No. 1551 E. Ashare, D. L. Wise, and R. L. Wentworth. 14 Jan 77, 21 Op Contract EY-76-C-02-2991 Descriptors: "Anaerobic digestion, "Fuel gas, "Ma- nures, Biosynthesis, Cattle, Chemical reaction ki- netics, Computer codes, Computers, Design, Dia- grams, Economics, Energy balance, Equipment, Material balance, Materials handling, Mathemat- ical models, Methane, Net energy, Optimization, Production, Sewage, Tables. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, Syn- thetic fuels, Manufactured gas, Solid wastes. A comprehensive mathematical model description of anaerobic digestion of animal residues was de- veloped, taking into account material and energy balances, kinetics, and economics of the process. The model has the flexibility to be applicable to residues from any size or type of animal husbandry operation. A computer program was written for this model and includes a routine for optimization to minimum unit gas cost, with the optimization varia- bles being digester temperature, retention time, and influent volatile solids concentration. The computer program was used to determine the opti- mum base-line process conditions and economics for fuel gas production via anaerobic digestion of residues from a 10,000 head environmental beef feedlot. This feedlot at the conditions for minimum unit gas cost will produce 300 MCF/day of meth- ane at a cost of S5.17/MCF (CH sub 4 ), with a total capital requirement of $1,165,000, a total capital investment of $694,000, and an annual average net operating cost of $370,000. The major contributions to this unit gas cost are due to labor (37 percent), raw manure (1 1 percent), power for gas compression (10 percent), and digester cost (13 percent). A conceptual design of an anaerobic digestion process for the baseline conditions is presented. A sensitivity analysis of the unit gas cost to changes in the major contributions to unit gas cost was performed, and the results of this analysis indicate areas in the anaerobic digestion system design where reasonable improvements could be expected so as to produce gas at an eco- nomically feasible cost. This sensitivity analysis in- cludes the effects on unit gas cost of feedlot size and type, digester type, digester operating condi- tions, and economic input data. (ERA citation 03:011895) 29 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS COO/2991-1 1 PC A03/MF A01 Dynatech R/D Co., Cambridge, Mass. Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Report of Quarterly Review Meeting, Palo Alto, California, December 13-14, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1573 E. Ashare, R. L. Wentworth, and D. L. Wise. 1 Feb 77, 50p Contract EY-76-C-02-2991 Descriptors: "Agricultural wastes, 'Biomass, *Ma- nures, * Methane, Anaerobic digestion, Biosynthe- sis, Diagrams, Fermentation, Planning, Research programs, Bioconversion, Solid wastes, Synthesis, Waste management, Waste processing. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, Manu- factured gas, Synthetic fuels. A quarterly review coordination meeting was held with all the contractors on the ERDA fuel gas from animal waste program. Included in this reort are a meeting schedule and reports from the various contractors giving a description of their work during the reporting period. Progress in the follow- ing studies is reported: Monfort waste conversion demonstration; engineering report on fuel gas pro- duction from animal residue; biological conversion of biomass to methane; anaerobic fermentation of animal and crop residues; heat treatment of organ- ics for increasing anaerobic biodegradability; and anaerobic fermentation of agricultural wastes-po- tential for improvement and implementation. (ERA citation 03:017179) COO/2991-19 PC A07/MF A01 Dynatech R/D Co., Cambridge, Mass. Anaerobic Digestion Technology. Quarterly Progress Meeting, Ithaca, New York, June 20-- 22, 1977 Nov 77, 136p Contract EY-76-C-02-2991 Descriptors: 'Anaerobic digestion, Leading ab- stract, Research programs. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122. Summaries of the current status of research on an- aerobic digestion technology are presented. The fourteen projects reported on range in subject matter from the fundamentals and mechanisms of anaerobic digestion to the construction and oper- ation of demonstration plants. Separate abstracts were prepared for each summary of research prog- ress. (ERA citation 03:026005) COO-2991-28 PC A08/MF A01 Dynatech R/D Co., Cambridge, MA. Fuel Gas Production from Animal and Agricul- tural Residues and Biomass. Seventh Quarterly Coordination Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 9-10, 1978 D. L. Wise, and R. L. Wentworth. 27 Jan 78, 156p Contract EY-76-C-02-2991 Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, "Manures, 'Methane, Anaerobic digestion, Biosynthesis, Re- search programs. Identifiers: ERDA/090122, ERDA/140504, Bio- mass, Synthetic fuels, Manufactured gas, 'Meet- ings, 'Solid waste disposal. A regular coordination meeting, the seventh in a quarterly series, was held of the "methane produc- tion" group of the Fuels from Biomass Systems Branch, U.S. Department of Energy. The meeting was held in Seattle, Washington in order to site visit the Monroe, Washington anaerobic digester facility operated by Ecotope Group, Inc. In addi- tion, progress reports were presented from all con- tractors. A list of attendees, the working schedule, and the progress reports and special topical re- ports presented are included in the following. Sep- arate abstracts were prepared for the progress and special topical reports. (ERA citation 04:005417) COO/2991-76/4 PC A02/MF A01 Dynatech R/D Co., Cambridge, Mass. Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976-September 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 E. Ashare, R. L. Wentworth, D. L. Wise, D. C. Augenstein, and L. C. Anderson. 17 Sep 76, 13p Contract EY-76-C-02-2991 Descriptors: 'Manures, 'Methane, Anaerobic di- gestion, Biosynthesis, Chemical reaction kinetics, Equations, Fermentation, Fuel gas, Material bal- ance, Planning, Research programs. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, 'Syn- thetic fuels, 'Manufactured gas. Meetings held with all contractors on the ERDA fuel gas from animal waste program are listed. These meetings were held for project planning, project review, and contractor site visits. Engineer- ing analysis of the anaerobic digestion process for the demonstration plant is being carried out. Ex- pressions for material balances have been devel- oped. Several proposals were received from ERDA and reviewed. (ERA citation 03:0081 91 ) COO/2991-8 PC A02/MF A01 Dynatech R/D Co., Cambridge, Mass. Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste: Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (2nd), September 1, 1976-December 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1556 E. Ashare, R. L. Wentworth, D. L. Wise, and D. C. Augenstein. 8 Dec 76, 10p Contract EY-76-C-02-2991 Descriptors: 'Fuel gas, 'Manures, Anaerobic di- gestion, Biosynthesis, Research programs. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, Syn- thetic fuels, Manufactured gas, Solid wastes. During this second quarter, meetings were held with contractors on the ERDA Fuel Gas from Animal Waste Program to discuss project planning and review. Site visits were made to groups in- volved in anaerobic digestion. An engineering and economic analysis of a process for the anaerobic digestion of animal residue was completed; the re- sults can be used for the design of a pilot plant unit. A comprehensive engineering report of this analysis was completed, and a first draft was sub- mitted to ERDA. Several proposals were received from ERDA and reviewed. (ERA citation 03:011894) COO-4094-1 PC A05/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Lexington. Lincoln Lab. Photovoltaic Power in Less Developed Coun- tries D. V. Smith. 24 Mar 77, 92p Contract EY-76-C-02-4094 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Irrigation, 'Photovoltaic power plants, 'Solar cell arrays, 'Solar water pumps, Communities, Demonstration programs, Diesel engines, Drinking water, Eco- nomics, Electric power, Feasibility studies, Lighting systems, Photovoltaic conversion, Pumps, Rural populations, Solar cells, Television. Identifiers: ERDA/140501, ERDA/140600, ERDA/ 140300, ERDA/299001. The potential of solar photovoltaic power in the third world (less developed countries) is analyzed. Application of irrigation systems powered by pho- tovoltaics in Bangladesh, Chad, India, and Paki- stan, plus an economic analysis of a photovoltaic- powered village in northern India indicate solar energy is competitive with the least-cost fossil-fuel alternatives. The most cost-effective method for specific geographical locations can be determined by field testing based on the case history data re- ported. (ERA citation 02:045245) COO-4147-3 PC A03/MF A01 General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY. Research and Development Center. Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Third Quarterly and Bimonthly Report, July 1- September30, 1977 R. E. Brooks, W. D. Bellamy, and T. M. Su. Oct 77, 36p Contract EG-77-C-02-4147 Descriptors: 'Cellulose, 'Ethanol, 'Wood, Biocon- version, Biosynthesis, Calcium carbonates, Delig- nification, Enzymatic hydrolysis, Fungi, Ph value, Research programs, Thermophilic conditions. Identifiers: ERDA/090222, ERDA/140504, Bio- mass, Solid wastes. The studies of biological delignification have fo- cused on the adaptation of the lignocellulosic ther- mophilic mold Chrysosporium pruinosum to growth on maple wood fibers. The addition of trace ele- ments and thiamine hydrochloride to the C. pruino- sum growth medium has been found to stimulate culture growth by a factor of about two. The nutri- tional salt tolerances of C. pruinosum have been determined. Nutrient concentrations below of about 2.5 times that required to support C. pruino- sum growth have no significant deleterious inhibi- tory effects. Work on the design and construction of a bench-top high solids biological delignification bioreactor has been initiated. The mixed culture microbiological studies have focused mainly on nu- tritional growth requirements and rates of cellulose digestion and ethanol production. In small test tube mixed culture (sporocytophaga (US) + ther- mophilic bacillus (NW)) fermentations, the rate of cellulose degradation was found to proceed at a very high volumetric efficiency, 2.4 g/l-hr. The yield of ethanol from the mixed culture fermentation of cellulose varied between 24 and 50% of theoreti- cal. The higher yields were obtained in the pres- ence of insoluble calcium carbonate added to retard the rate of pH decline and to increase the CO sub 2 tension. Bench-top fermentations at the 1 liter scale have been performed to verify, under controlled pH, agitation, and dissolved oxygen conditions, the results achieved in small scale test tube experiments. The specific growth rate of ther- mophilic bacillus NW on glucose was calculated to be 0.59 hr exp -1 . In mixed culture fermentations of amorphous and microcrystalline cellulose the specific rate of substrate depletion was calculated to be 0.087 hr exp -1 and 0.0346 hr exp -1 , respec- tively. Ethanol production in these fermentor runs was slower than the rates of acetic acid produc- tion. In the fermentation of microcrystalline cellu- lose, 2,3 butanediol was also produced. (ERA cita- tion 03:054807) COO-4147-4 PC A07/MF A01 General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY. Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Annual Report and Revised Research Plan, January 1977-January 1978 R. E. Brooks, W. D. Bellamy, and T. M. Su. 23 Mar 78, 147p Contract EG-77-C-02-4147 Descriptors: 'Ethanol, 'Wood, 'Xylose, Biodegra- dation, Biosynthesis, Cellulose, Clostridium, Delig- nification, Enzymatic hydrolysis, Fermentation, Fungi, Hemicellulose, Processing, Steam, Thermo- philic conditions. Identifiers: ERDA/090222, ERDA/140504, Bio- mass, Synthetic fuels, Manufactured gas. The objective of this research is to demonstrate on a laboratory scale the technical feasibility of the direct microbial conversion of pretreated wood to ethanol. During the first year of this contract, we investigated the feasibility of biologically delignify- ing wood with C. pruinosum and directly fermenting the pretreated wood to ethanol with a mixed cul- ture. Bench-top fermentations of a thermophilic bacillus growing on glucose and of a mixed culture of thermophilic sporocytophaga (US) and a ther- mophilic bacillus growing on microcrystalline and amorphous cellulose were evaluated for growth and ethanol production. In the mixed culture fer- mentation of amorphous and microcrystalline cel- lulose, the specific rate of substrate depletion was calculated to be 0.087 hr exp -1 and 0.0346 hr exp -1 , respectively. However, defining the growth re- quirements of C. pruinosum and sporocytophaga (US) proved more difficult than originally anticipat- ed. In order to achieve the program objectives within the contract period, a revised research plan was developed based upon chemical pretreatment and the direct fermentation of pretreated hard- wood to ethanol. In place of the biological delignifi- cation pretreatment step, we have substituted a chemically supplemented steam pretreatment step to partially delignify wood and to enhance its accessibility to microbial utilization. Clostridium thermocellum, which ferments cellulose directly to 30 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ethanol and acetic acid, has replaced the mixed culture fermentation stage for ethanol production. Research on the production of ethanol from xylose by the thermophilic bacillus ZB-B2 is retained as one means of utilizing the hemicellulose fraction of hardwood. Work on the genetic improvement of the ethanol yields of both cultures by suppressing acetic acid production is also retained. The ration- ale, experimental approach, and economic consid- erations of this revised research plan are also pre- sented. (ERA citation 04:002695) COO-4151-2 PC A06/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA. Fuels from Solar Energy: Photosynthetic Sys- tems-State of the Art and Potential for Energy Production J. C. Goldman. Jul 78, 124p Contract EG-77-S-02-4151 Descriptors: 'Unicellular algae, Aquaculture, Culti- vation techniques, Photosynthesis, Ponds, Pro- ductivity, Reviews, Single cell protein, Solar energy conversion. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, State of the art, Bio- mass, Biological industrial waste treatment, Life support systems, Chemical feedstocks, Synthetic fuels, Forecasting. Research on the mass culturing of microalgae has been carried out over the past 30 years in many parts of the world. Today there are numerous po- tential applications for algal mass cultures includ- ing protein production, wastewater treatment, water renovation, closed life-support systems, pro- duction of commercial chemicals, aquaculture, and bioconversion of energy. Photosynthetic yields over 30 gr dry wt m exp -2 day exp -1 have been attained on occasion in many locations for short periods and yields between 15 to 25 gr dry wt m exp -2 day exp -1 for longer periods are now common. This apparent upper limit in productivity is not coincidental. Under outdoor conditions peak yields are possible only under conditions of light limitation. Photosynthetic algae absorb light energy and convert it to stored chemical energy under rigid adherence to the laws of thermody- namics. By examining the basic physics of photo- synthesis, it is possible to clearly demonstrate that under conditions of full sunlight in the most ideal locations maximum yields of 30 to 40 gr m exp -2 day exp -1 can be expected. For long-term oper- ation of large-scale outdoor cultures, many bioen- gineering factors are involved and realistic yields considerably less than the maximum potential can be anticipated. Manipulation of the two independ- ent variables, flow rate and depth, is the key to maximizing yields for varying outdoor sunlight in- tensities. Future applications for algal mass cul- tures will probably be restricted to small well-man- aged systems for solving specific environmental problems in individual communities and not on the grand scale envisaged in the past. (ERA citation 04:025921) COO-4225-1 PC A10/MF A01 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Office of Energy Research. Fuels from Biomass Symposium J. T. Pfeffer, and J. J. Stukel. 1977, 220p Rept no. CONF-770481- Contract EG-77-C-02-4225 Fuels from biomass symposium, Champaign, IL, USA, 18 Apr 1977. Descriptors: * Bioconversion, * Biomass, "Meet- ings, Combustion, Growth, Thermochemical proc- esses. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, ERDA/ 090222, * Fuels, Synthetic fuels, Manufactured gas. The thirteen papers presented are compiled. Each was individually prepared for inclusion into the EDB data base. (ERA citation 04:007684) DIB-76-02-503 PC E06/MF A01 P. A. Management Consultants (Pte) Ltd., Singa- pore. Survey of the Market for Sawmilling and Wood- working Equipment in Singapore Foreign market survey rept. 18 Jul 75, 112p Sponsored in part by Domestic and International Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Market surveys, 'Woodworking ma- chinery, 'Sawmills, 'Singapore, Molding ma- chines, Planers, Drilling machines(Tools), Materi- als handling equipment, Exports, International trade, Market research, United States. Identifiers: SIC 3423, SIC 3537, SIC 3567, SIC 3811, SIC 3546, SIC 3425, SIC 3535, SIC 9770. There are important markets in Singapore for sev- eral of the product categories under reference e.g., woodworking items. However, the total sawmilling and woodworking industry is not buoyant and in fact, certain sectors (e.g. sawmilling) are quite stagnant. Growth trends for the forseeable future would therefore not be significant. Currently, awareness of the U.S. range of products is poor. Most respondents had no prior experience with U.S. equipment. Several misconceptions were evi- dent; for example, it was felt that: U.S. equipment is highly priced or even over-priced; U.S. equip- ment, because of its high level of sophistication, is often not relevant to local operating requirements. Sales potential for the immediate future is general- ly poor. Of the total range of items under review, respondents indicated that the items more likely to be purchased within the next two years would probably include portable sawmills, molders, plan- ing machines, drilling machines, and materials handling equipment. DIB-77-10-514 PC E06/MF A01 Chinca Credit Information Service Ltd., Taipei (Taiwan). Marketing Research Dept. Plywood Processing and Woodworkig Equip- ment Study in Taiwan R. O. C Foreign market survey rept. Jun 77, 70p Rept no. Job-770355 Descriptors: 'Market surveys, 'Woodworking ma- chinery, 'Plywood, 'Taiwan, Exports, Market re- search, United States. Identifiers: SIC 3553, SIC 9770, 'Foreign trade. The market research was undertaken to study the present and potential US share of the market in Taiwan for plywood processing and woodworking equipment; to examine growth trends in the Taiwan end-user industries over the next few years; to identify specific product categories that offer the most promising export potential for US companies; and to provide basic data which will assist US suppliers in determining current and po- tential sales and marketing opportunities. The trade promotional and marketing techniques were also reviewed. DOE/AD-0006/1 PC A09/MF A01 Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. DOE Facilities Solar Design Handbook Jan 78, 177p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Commercial buildings, 'Solar cooling systems, 'Solar heating systems, 'Manuals, Climates, Control systems, Data, Design, Economics, Heat storage, Heat transfer, Insolation, Regional analysis, Size, Solar air condi- tioners, Solar air conditioning, Solar collectors, Solar space heating, Solar-assisted heat pumps, Thermal insulation, US DOE, Weather. Identifiers: ERDA/1 40901, ERDA/1 40907, ERDA/ 299001, Handbooks. This handbook covers design of solar heating sys- tems for commercial and laboratory buildings at Department of Energy Facilities. It includes discus- sions of solar energy fundamentals, solar heating and cooling technology, systems, and compo- nents, as well as a discussion of solar system eco- nomics. Quantitative analysis, with generalized design and sizing curves, is presented for solar heating so that collector and other system param- eters can be cost-economically sized without a computer simulation. Solar system design consid- erations and guidelines, as well as guidelines for developing subsystem specifications, are present- ed. Thus this handbook is both a primer for the solar novice and a reference manual for the solar system designer. (ERA citation 03:030607) DOE/CS-0038 PC A06/MF A01 Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Div. of Solar Applications Developments. National Solar Heating and Cooling Commer- cial Demonstration Program: Key Personnel Di- rectory Jun 78, 121p Descriptors: 'Commercial buildings, 'Demonstra- tion programs, 'Residential buildings, 'Solar air conditioning, 'Solar space heating, 'Directories, Personnel. Identifiers: ERDA/140901, ERDA/299001. Firms and individuals who are principal participants in the DOE solar heating and cooling demonstra- tion projects for Federal and non-Federal commer- cial buildings and Federal residential buildings are identified. The directory is intended to facilitate communication with, and among, active partici- pants in demonstrations of solar heating and cool- ing technology currently sponsored by DOE. When available, identifying information has been pro- vided for owners, architects, solar designers, me- chanical engineers, builders, and other key per- sonnel directly involved in each project. (ERA cita- tion 04:005562) DOE/CS-0038-2 PC A14/MF A01 Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Div. of Solar Applications Developments. Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Proj- ect Summaries Jan 79, 31 9p Descriptors: 'Solar air conditioning, 'Solar space heating, Commercial buildings, Demonstration pro- grams, Economics, Federal buildings, Maps, Per- formance, Residential buildings, Reviews, US DOE. Identifiers: ERDA/140901, ERDA/299001. The demonstration program includes commercial and residential-type buildings sponsored by DOE alone, or jointly with other Federal agencies, city and state governments, and private agencies. The commercial projects include a wide variety of build- ing types, such as: office buildings, schools, fire stations, civic centers, factories, and libraries. Residential projects include both single and multi- family dwellings of various configurations. Approxi- mately 200 projects will be instrumented to meas- ure the performance of the solar systems. Analysis of the collected data will provide definitive guides for design criteria and permit realistic economic as- sessment of various solar systems. The demon- strations are discussed in three sections: section l-Commercial Demonstration Program-Non-Fed- eral Buildings; section ll--Commercial Demonstra- tion Program-Federal Buildings; and section Ill- Residential Demonstration Program-Federal Buildings. Maps showing the locations (by state) of the buildings are provided at the beginning of each section along with an index that identifies each project and page number for the corresponding descriptive information. A map depicting the distri- bution of all demonstration projects is included in this introduction. The comparable map from last year's publication is also shown to depict the in- crease in the number of projects. The contents of this document are based on information available as of November 1, 1978. (ERA citation 04:032966) DOE/ET-0036 PC A04/MF A01 Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. Div. of Solar Technology. Guide to Solar Energy Programs Mar 78, 72p Descriptors: 'Solar energy, US DOE, Environmen- tal impacts, Government policies, Information, In- formation centers, Procurement, Research pro- grams, Technology transfer. Identifiers: ERDA/140000, ERDA/299001. The mission and objectives of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are outlined. An overview of DOE's solar energy programs is given, including (1) the solar thermal power systems program, (2) the photovoltaic systems program, (3) the fuels* from biomass program, (4) the ocean thermai sys- tems program, and (5) the wind energy systems program. Also, the environmental and resource as- sessment program and the satellite power system 31 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS program are described. Solar energy programs now functioning under the Division of Conservation and Solar Applications are described, including the solar technology transfer program and the thermal applications program. Methods of procurement and guides for proposal preparation and sources of solar energy information and activities support- ing the solar energy program are discussed. (ERA citation 03:032878) DOE/ET-0036/1 PC A04/MF A01 Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Div. of Solar Technology. Guide to Solar Energy Programs Jun 78, 75p Descriptors: *US DOE, "Research programs, Bio- conversion, Demonstration programs, Energy source development, Environmental impacts, Ocean thermal energy conversion, Organizational models, Photovoltaic power plants, Solar energy, Solar thermal power plants, Wind power plants. Identifiers: ERDA/140000, "Solar energy, Re- search projects. The following are included: Department of Energy mission and objectives, overview of the Depart- ment of Energy's solar energy programs, program activities and structure, solar energy programs now functioning under the Division of Conservation and Solar Applications, methods of procurement and guides for proposal preparation, and sources of solar energy information and activities support- ing the solar energy program. Included in appendi- ces ?re: Energy Research Abstracts collections, documents available from National Solar Heating and Cooling Information Center, documents avail- able from DOE Technical Information Center and U.S. Government Printing Office, a ready guide to solar information sources, and a glossary of solar energy terms. The program structure is divided into Solar Thermal Power Systems Program, Photovol- taic Systems Program, Fuels from Biomass Pro- gram, Ocean Thermal Systems Program, Wind Energy Systems Program, the Environmental and Resource Assessment Program, Satellite Power System Program, and major projects. (ERA citation 04:021952) DOE/NASA/1022-78/29 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, Ohio. Lewis Research Center. Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: As- sessment of the Near-Term Market L Rosenblum, W. J. Bifano, L R. Scudder, W. A. Poley, and J. P. Cusick. Mar 78, 25p Rept no. NASA-TM-78847 Contract EX-76-A-29-1022 Descriptors: "Photovoltaic power plants, "Solar water pumps, "Solar cell arrays, Commercializa- tion, Developing countries, Evaluation, Market. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140600, ERDA/299001, ERDA/ 140501, Marketing. A preliminary assessment of the near-term market for photovoltaic water pumping applications is pre- sented. One of the objectives of the Department of Energy's (DOE) National Photovoltaic Program is to stimulate the demand for photovoltaic power systems so that appropriate markets will be devel- oped in the near-term to support the increasing photovoltaic production capacity also being devel- oped by DOE. Water pumping applications repre- sent such a potential market for photovoltaics. The price of energy for photovoltaic systems is com- pared to that of utility line extensions and diesel generators. The potential "domestic" demand is defined in the government, commercial/institution- al and public sectors. The foreign demand and sources of funding for water pumping systems in the developing countries are also discussed brief- ly. It is concluded that a near-term domestic market of at least 240 megawatts (peak) and a for- eign market of about 6 gigawatts (peak) exists and that significant market penetrations should be pos- sible beginning in the 1981-82 period. (ERA cita- tion 03:032896) DOE/NASA/1022-78/39 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, OH. Lewis Research Center. Design and Fabrication of a Photovoltaic Power System for the Papago Indian Village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona W. J. Bifano, A. F. Ratajczak, and W. J. Ice. 1978, 10p Rept nos. CONF-780619-12, NASA- TM-78948 Contract EY-76-A-29-1022 IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference, Wash- ington, DC, USA, 5 Jun 1 978. Descriptors: "Communities, "Photovoltaic power plants, Appliances, Arizona, Clothes washers, Design, Direct current, Electric batteries, Lighting systems, Overhead power transmission, Power range 1-10 kw, Pumps, Refrigerators, Remote areas, Size, Solar cell arrays. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140600, ERDA/ 140501, "Solar cells, Solar energy conversion, Photovoltaic con- version, Schuchuli(Arizona). In its role of supporting the DOE National Photo- voltaic Program, the NASA-LeRC is designing and fabricating a stand-alone photovoltaic power system for installation in the Papago Indian village of Schuchuli, located approximately 120 miles west of Tucson, AZ. This village presently has no electrical power. The photovoltaic system is being designed to provide electricity for village water pumping and basic domestic needs as part of a cost-shared experiment involving LeRC, the U.S. Public Health Service and the Papago Tribe of Ari- zona. The system will consist of a 3.5 kW (peak) photovoltaic array; controls, instrumentation, and storage batteries located in an electrical equip- ment building; and a 1 20 volt DC village distribution network. The photovoltaic system will power a 2 HP DC electric motor (replacing an existing diesel engine) for water pumping; 15 refrigeration units, a washing machine and a sewing machine in a do- mestic services building; and fluorescent lights in the feast house, church and each of the 1 5 homes in the village. (ERA citation 03:052253) DOE/NASA/1022-78/41 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, OH. Lewis Research Center. Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Coun- tries: Identifying Some Potential Markets G. F. Hein, and T. A. Siddiqui. 1978, 13p Rept no. NASA-TM-78964 Contract EX-76-A-29-1022 Descriptors: "Developing countries, "Photovoltaic power plants, "Solar cell arrays, Cost, Data, Eco- nomic analysis, Energy consumption, Insolation, Market, Technology assessment. Identifiers: ERDA/1 40600, ERDA/ 140501, ERDA/ 299001 , ERDA/290200, Solar power plants. The potential use of solar electricity generated from photovoltaic cells is examined for nineteen developing nations. Energy and economic profiles are summarized for each country. A comparison is made between the use of autogeneration and pho- tovoltaics in a rural area of Haiti. (ERA citation 04:002836) DOE/NASA/1028-77/13 PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, Ohio. Lewis Research Center. Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential T. L Sullivan, T. P. Cahill, D. G. Griffee, Jr, and H. W. Gewehr. Dec 77, 40p Rept nos. CONF- 780502-1, NASA-TM-73835 Contract EX-76-A-29-1028 23. national SAMPE symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA, 2 May 1978. Descriptors: "Turbine blades, "Wind turbines, Cost, Fabrication, Feasibility studies, Performance, StrsssGS Identifiers: ERDA/1 70602, "Rotor blades(Turbo machinery). Four processes for producing blades are exam- ined. Two use filament winding techniques and two involve filling a mold or form to produce all or part of a blade. The processes are described and a comparison is made of costs, material properties, designs and free vibration characteristics. Conclu- sions are made regarding the feasibility of each process to produce low cost, structurally adequate blades. (ERA citation 03:0281 1 2) ED-060 874 Not available NTIS World Health Organization, Djakarta (Indonesia). Regional Office for South-East Asia. Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Institution in Indonesia Takeo Urata. 1971, 34p Rept no. Indonesia- 0115/E Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Bethesda, Md. 20014 PCS3.29, MF$0.65. Descriptors: "Medical libraries, "Foreign countries, "Library survey, "Information networks, "Library networks, Information needs, "National programs, Developing nations, "Library collections, Library services, "Librarians, Library technicians. Identifiers: "Indonesia. The medical library needs of Indonesia were sur- veyed and recommendations for improving the ex- isting situation are made based on the results of the survey. The survey indicates that: (1 ) the library collections are out of date and inadequate, (2) there is a need for more and better trained medical librarians and library assistants; (3) there is no modern circulation system for charging out books, (4) generally there is no good coordinated library service between the medical schools and the teaching hospitals and (5) many of the institutions surveyed have no library facilities at all. It is recom- mended that a Library Development Committee be appointed under the Ministry of Health and that this committee start working out a Master Plan at once. It is further recommended that two library administrators be sent abroad to see: (1) how the modern medical library is organized and managed, (2) how the modern medical library is used for edu- cation, research and clinics and (3) how library technology is developing to meet the daily needs. It is highly recommended that the publication and library routine work be mechanized. (Author/NH) ED-061 963 Not available NTIS Institute of Teachers' Training and Educational Sciences, Bandung (Indonesia). Bureau of Library. The Education and Training of Indonesian Li- brarians: Problems and Prospects Soejono Trimo. Jul 70, 18p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Bethesda, Md. 20014 PC$3.29, MF$0.65. Descriptors: "Librarians, "Training, "Library educa- tion, Conference reports, "Public libraries, "For- eign countries, "Library schools, Developing na- tions, "Library technicians, Training, "Libraries, Foreign countries. Identifiers: "Indonesia. The education and training of Indonesian librarians is presented in the context of the Indonesian soci- ety; specifically, the relation with the educational aspects and programs of the nation. Only after these aspects are understood can well-balanced educational programs for the training of librarians be set up. It is shown that while there are demands for trained library personnel and professional li- brarians to support and enhance the national edu- cational programs, the librarians' training centers are inadequate to meet those demands. Steps which could be taken to help solve these problems are suggested. (Author/NH) ED-070 505 Not available NTIS Tanganyika Library Service (Tanzania). A National Plan for the Development of Library Services Ezekiel E. Kaungamno. Sep 72, 25p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Bethesda, Md. 20014, PC$3.29, MF$0.65. Descriptors: "Library services, "Developing Na- tions, "African culture, Foreign countries, "Library planning, Library services, "Books, Publishing in- dustry, "Public libraries, Branch libraries, "Special libraries, School libraries, "Library cooperation, Li- brary planning, "Librarians, Training, "Library tech- nicians, Training. Identifiers: Tanganyika, ERICL. The five essential features of any good library plan are objectives, inputs, process, outputs, and evalu- ation. In developing countries, the following factors affect, and should be considered in the formulation of library plans: illiteracy, lack of educational facili- ties, no common language, insufficient funds, and 32 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS geographical features and the population distribu- tion. The library services of Tanganyika are dis- cussed, with these features and factors in mind, under the following headings: urban, rural and postal library service; box (collections of books) exchange; school libraries; special library develop- ment; Library Services Board Committees (includ- ing staff and training, and committees for public, school, special and branch libraries); the Develop- ment Programme; cooperation and coordination; manpower planning; recruitment and training of li- brarians and library assistants; and, the problems of book production. (Other documents on libraries in Tanganyika are available as: ED-053 749, ED- 054 829 and ED-054 831 .) (SJ) ED-073 814 Not available NTIS West Asian Special Libraries and Information Centers John F. Harvey. 26 Mar 71, 27p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Bethesda, Md. 20014, PC$3.29, MF$0.65. Descriptors: 'Library science, Foreign countries, 'Special libraries, 'Information center, 'Library services, Information services, 'Developing na- tions, Foreign countries. Identifiers: Iran, 'West Asia, ERICL. Special libraries are defined in this paper as those libraries serving such institutions as government offices, private corporations, associations, and uni- versity departments. Information centers are simi- lar to special libraries but provide personalized, high quality reference service, usually in science and technology, and often using mechanical or electronic methods for document code storage and retrieval. West Asia is that essentially moslem area bound by the United Arab Republic and Turkey on the West and West Pakistan on the East, reaching the border of the USSR on the North and the Arabian Sea on the South. It con- tains about twenty countries, depending on how the Gulf and Trucial States are counted, and two hundred million people, in an area of 3,500 by 2,000 miles. The USSR, India, Sudan, Libya, and Morocco are omitted from this area as being rela- tively separate from it in culture, orientation, or ge- ography. While only a guess, it may be estimated that the area as a whole contains between 15,000 and 20,000 libraries of all kinds, of which perhaps 1,500 are special libraries or technical information centers. The majority of the grand total are very small school libraries with public libraries counting the second highest number. On the other hand, most of the better ones are either academic or special libraries. This survey is presented on a country by country basis. Fifteen of the countries were visited personally. (LI 004244 through 004261 and LI 004263 through 004267 are relat- ed.) (Author/NH) ED-073 815 Not available NTIS Locating West and South Asian Research Ma- terial John F. Harvey. 5 Dec 70, 16p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Bethesda, Md. 20014, PC$3.29, MF$0.65. Descriptors: 'Library science, Foreign countries, 'Librarians, 'Developing nations, 'Research needs, Library materials, 'Libraries, Use studies. Identifiers: Iran, West Asia, South Asia, ERICL. Although numerous outstanding research collec- tions as well as able professional librarians exist in South and West Asia, many people find Asian li- braries difficult to use. Often researchers need specialized data which is hard for them to locate in the limited time available. This paper's purpose is to provide practical suggestions for scholars about overcoming the difficulties of using Asian libraries. It is intended to assist researchers in all fields, in- cluding those working on dissertations, and is writ- ten to help them change a frustrating and disap- pointing year into one more rewarding. These re- marks are applicable for those parts of Asia which the author has visited: India, Pakistan, eleven more moslem, one Hebrew and one Christian country extending West to the U.A.R. and North to Turkey- and for those researchers whose material location problems are similar to the Asian reference prob- lems with which the author has already dealt. (LI 004244 through 004262 and LI 004264 through 004267 are related.) (Author/NH) ED-142 232 Not available NTIS Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. East-West Center. Annotated Bibliography on Housing and Settle- ments for Low Income People 1976, 47p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, Va. 22210, PC$2.06, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Annotated bibliographies, 'Housing, 'Low income, Building materials, Climatic factors, Community development, Construction manage- ment, Demography, Economic factors, Energy, Health conditions, Sanitary facilities, Transporta- tion. Between May 19 and June 12, 1976, the partici- pants of the Triad Operations Workshop: Training of Documentation Specialists for Low-Cost Hous- ing Technology Programs' attended the Habitat Forum at Vancouver, Canada. During that period they had collected a number of documents from the various organizations and institutes that took part in the Forum. This annotated bibliography has been made as an attempt to disseminate the infor- mation acquired, and to complement a recently published 'Provisional Annotated Bibliography on Low Cost Housing and Related Topics' prepared by the East-West Technology and Development Institute. Both bibliographies are designed to become the stepping stone for a continuous un- dertaking of updating all information relevant to the subject matter. Countries represented at the work- shop were: Indonesia; India; Korea; Pakistan; Phil- ippines; Thailand; Australia; and the United States. ED-143 355 Not available NTIS Community Education Multi-Media Bibliogra- phy Greg Mackey. Jul 77, 235p Best copy available. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, Va. 22210, PC$12.71, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Annotated bibliographies, 'Commu- nity education, 'lndexes(Locators), 'Instructional media, Institutions. Identifiers: 'Community education centers. The purpose of this annotated bibliography in chart form is to acquaint community educators with what media materials are available where, on the topic of community education, based on a 1976 survey of community education centers and state depart- ment offices. The bibliography is divided into three color-coded sections of materials dated from 1965-1976: (1) materials listed by institution where they are available; (2) listings by types of materials, including cassettes, films, filmstrips, multimedia kits, overhead transparencies, printed handouts, reel tapes, simulations, slides, slide/filmstrip/ tapes, and video tapes; and (3) entries by subject classification, arranged alphabetically by author within each subject. Information on category, topic/title, author, target audience, rating scale of effect on audience, date developed, length, color/ black and white, availability, and local develop- ment is given to enable prior judgment as to suit- ability, target audience, and appeal. ED-150 967 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Inc., Washington, DC. Information Center on Instruc- tional Technology. Film in Development Apr 76, 12p Rept no. ICIT-14 Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, Va. 22210, PCS1.67, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Pub. in Information Center on In- structional Technology Report; n14 Apr 1976. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Evaluation, 'Instructional films, 'Rural development, Cost ef- fectiveness, Cultural differences, Culture contact, Films, Foreign culture, Rural education, Visual liter- acy. The positive and negative aspects of using film as a medium for inducing change in developing na- tions are explored in this issue. Critics of the use of film for development cite (1) the culture specific nature of film content of foreign produced films; (2) the technical, economic, and logistical problems of in-country production; and (3) lack of visual literacy among rural audiences. Proponents of film for de- velopment respond that film has greater impact than simpler media, that visual literacy is rapidly being developed, and that new technology already offers possibilities for lower cost and decentralized film and videotape production. Current uses of film in developing nations are described. ED-152 240 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Information Center on Instructional Tech- nology. Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of El Salvador Henry T. Ingle. Jan 74, 10p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PCS1.67, MFS0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Educational development, Case studies(Education), Cost ef- fectiveness, Educational improvement, Education- al technology, Educational television, Evaluation, Instructional technology, Junior high schools. Identifiers: El Salvador. The educational reform effort begun in 1968 in El Salvador is described in both English and Spanish. The first stage was aimed at alleviating the bottle- neck in the school system at the junior high school level. Although the technology of instructional tele- vision was the most visible and highly publicized element of El Salvador's educational reform, it rep- resented only one part of a fundamental and com- prehensive change in the El Salvador school system. The reform's major components were new curricula, retrained teachers, student workbooks, teacher guides, and instructional television. Evalu- ation results showed increases in student learning and favorable student attitudes, but problems with teacher morale. Also discussed are cost issues and the future of the graduates of the reformed education system. ED-152 241 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Information Center on Instructional Tech- nology. Video Taping: A Medium for Social Change Mar 74, 6p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PC$1.67, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Communications, 'Community de- velopment, Delivery systems, Developing nations, Educational technology, Instructional technology, Pilot projects, Rural development, Systems ap- proach, Video tape recordings. The use of video taping as a technique to bring villagers into meaningful communication with each other and with government leaders is discussed. Three pilot projects are described: (1) a United Na- tions funded project in Rajasthan, India; (2) a Tan- zanian project involving several villages; and (3) the Skyriver, Alaska project. As demonstrated by these three projects, video taping technology shows potential for opening direct lines of commu- nication between rural people and government agencies, gives villagers an opportunity to see themselves as part of a community, and raises community activism through participation in the formulation of community problems and solutions. However, the video technology must be part of a systematic process suited to local conditions before it can fulfill its potential. ED-152 244 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Information Center on Instructional Tech- nology. Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part I) Stephen H. Grant. Oct 74, 10p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PC$1.67, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. 33 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Developing nations, * Educational development, Adult education, Curriculum devel- opment, Educational planning, Educational tech- nology, Educational television, Elementary educa- tion, Inservice teacher education, Instructional technology, National programs, Rural develop- ment, Television curriculum. Identifiers: Ivory Coast. This article traces the historical development of Ivory Coast's educational television system. In- cluded are: (1) background information and initial planning, (2) structural organization including eval- uation and maintenance, (3) provisions for inser- vice teacher training and adult education, (4) writ- ten materials production, and (5) program evolu- tion. In addition to the television hardware, a com- pletely revamped curricular program conceived in Ivory Coast for Ivorians was developed. The Ivor- ian educational television project is seen as a major tool for development, intended to benefit the overall youth of the country as well as the adult rural population. ED-152 245 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Information Center on Instructional Tech- nology. Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part II) Stephen H. Grant. Feb 75, 12p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PC$1.67, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Educational television, Educational assessment, Educational development, Educational technology, Elementary education, Evaluation methods, Instructional tech- nology, National programs. Identifiers: Ivory Coast. This article examines the evaluative aspects of Ivory Coast's educational television system. It is less an analysis of evaluation results than a de- scription of the types of evaluation data being gen- erated. It discusses the development of the evalu- ation component of the project in terms of: (1) types of evaluation to be undertaken, (2) identity of funding agents, (3) organization of evaluation ac- tivities, (4) purpose and use of evaluation results, and (5) role of Ivorian nationals. Field teacher opin- ions and attitudes, statistical information relating to television teachers, and cost factors are also con- sidered. A summary in Spanish of Parts I and II of the Ivory Coast educational television article is in- cluded. ED-152 246 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Information Center on Instructional Tech- nology. Folk Media in Development Sep 75, 18p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PC$1.67, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Educational development, 'Folk cul- ture, Developing nations, Educational technology, Family planning, Folk drama, Higher education, In- formation dissemination, Instructional technology, Mass media, Nonformal education, Rural develop- ment. This issue is dedicated to folk media. Using Indo- nesia for his case study, Dr. Nat Colletta analyzes traditional culture as a medium for development. Juan Diaz Bordenave expresses doubts about adapting folk media to development objectives; Susan Hostetler and Arthur Gillette report on uses of the theater to promote development objectives; and Henry T. Ingle reviews three articles on the role of higher education in the development proc- ess in Latin America. Conference reports are in- cluded from: (1) the 1974 new Delhi Seminar and Workshop on Folk Media, (2) the 1972 IPPF/ UNESCO expert group meeting to discuss the inte- grated use of folk media and mass media in family planning communication programs, and (3) the 1975 East West Communication Institute Seminar on Traditional Media. ED-152 247 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Information Center on Instructional Tech- nology. What Is Educational Technology Henry T. Ingle. Jun 75, 10p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PC$1.67, MFS0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Educational technology, 'Television, Commercial television, Educational development, Educational innovation. Educational television, Instructional technology. Featured in this issue are the English translations of two speeches delivered to graduate students in educational technology at Pontificia Universidade, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Henry Ingle defines educa- tional technology in the traditional as well as modern sense, describes its essential elements, and discusses situations in which the use of tech- nology is most appropriate and efficient. He also provides a formula for failure in educational tech- nology developed from practical experience. Ther- eza Penna Firme discusses the role of television as a technology in the lives of childen, comments on the importance of tne human element in tech- nology, and emphasizes that all educational mes- sages should be simple enough to be understood, relevant, and stimulating. Also in this issue is a de- scription of an experimental audiovisual system called the electronic or tele-blackboard, which transmits scribosonic (combination of speech and writing) signals. ED-152 249 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Information Center on Instructional Tech- nology. Health Education by Open Broadcast Jul 76, 12p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PC$1.67, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Health educa- tion, 'Mass media, Adult education, Comedy, De- livery systems, Educational development, Educa- tional radio, Educational technology, Folk culture, Information dissemination, Instructional technol- ogy, Marketing, National programs, Nonformal education, Radio. This issue focuses on uses and techniques of radio for educational purposes in developing na- tions. Two health education projects are described which are utilizing open broadcasting to attract a mass audience of listeners not committed to a structured radio education program. Kenya's Swa- hili language radio serial, 'Giving Birth and Caring for your Children,' utilizes three popular radio co- medians in an improvised dialogue integrating health information with humor. In Nicaragua, six one-minute radio messages on health topics will be broadcast ten to fifteen times per station per day for an entire year; this approach is based on commercial advertising strategy and philosophy. Also included in this issue are a report from the International Conference on Adult Education and Development held in Tanzania, and two reports on the use of folk culture in media development. ED-152 250 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Clearinghouse on Development Commu- nication. Telemedicine: Health Care for Isolated Areas Jan 77, 8p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PC$1.67, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Health serv- ices, Communication satellites, Development, Educational development, Health education, Health facilities, Medical case histories, Medical services, Nutrition instruction, Rural clinics, Rural development, Rural education, Rural population, Telecommunication. The lead article discusses the results of a series of experiments in rural Alaska in which telemedicine was used to improve the delivery of health care to isolated populations. The author, Dennis Foote, also discusses the implications of these experi- ments for planning telemedicine systems in other areas. Satellite communication and a centralized computer based problem oriented medical record system played a major role in the project. A second article describes three educational endeavors in Tanzania: (1) Adult Education Year (1970); (2) Man is Health, a campaign designed to create an awareness of specific health problems among the rural population; and (3) Food is Life, a program to raise the level of functional literacy about the nutri- tional values of different foods. Also included are excerpts from a letter describing problems faced by a rural development communicator in India. ED-152 252 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Clearinghouse on Development Commu- nication. The Nutrition Message and the Mass Media Sep 77, 12p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PCS1.67, MFS0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Nutrition in- struction, Case studies(Education), Change agents, Change strategies, Educational develop- ment, Evaluation methods, Health education, In- formation dissemination, Mass media, Needs as- sessment. Three articles are bound by two assumptions: (1) mass media can play a key role in nutrition educa- tion in developing nations, and (2) the full potential of mass media nutrition education programs will not be realized until project evaluation becomes more rigorous. Mark Rasmuson traces the evolu- tion of mass media in nutrition education and de- scribes three widely used media approaches. Joanne leslie links the elements of a successful nutrition education project to the elements of a well conducted evaluation. In a second article, she reviews five nutrition projects and their evalua- tions. Also included in this bulletin is an account of a development project for educational radio which failed. ED-154 838 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Inc., Washington, DC. The Use of Communications Media to Improve the Quality of Life in Technologically Develop- ing Nations: A Strategic Overview Dwight W. Allen, and Philip R. Christensen. 1977, 105p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Bureau for Technical Assistance. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PCS6.01, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Instructional technology, 'Mass media, Basic skills, Change strategies, Decision making, Family planning, Health education, Improvement, Living standards, Use studies. Strategies are examined for utilizing the mass communications media to improve standards of living within developing nations. This report, ad- dressed to decision-makers in developing nations and the Agency for International Development (AID), is designed to assist them in planning their improvement communications programs. A gener- al introduction is followed by three chapters provid- ing a critical examination of available communica- tion techniques, an analytic overview of specific educational goals, and an explanation of relevant change and decision-making strategies. The con- clusion lists ten basic steps for creating a commu- nication/education program for a technologically developing nation. ED-157 521 Not available NTIS National Library of Australia, Canberra. Directory of Technical Information Sources for Industry. Networks Study No. 7 1978, 166p 34 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, MF$0.83 Only, Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Directories, 'Industry, "Information sources, Information needs, Information networks, Information services, Libraries, Special libraries, Trade and industrial education. Identifiers: 'Australia. This publication seeks to bring together sufficient details of information sources relating to the tech- nical and scientific needs of industry so that work- ers can identify the most appropriate source for a given problem. Produced under the guidance of the Australian Industry Information Network Liai- son Committee convened by the National Library of Australia, it contains 775 entries arranged by state or territory. Each entry provides the name and address of the institution, the name of the person to be contacted, a description of the sub- ject fields covered, the library holdings (if any), and the consultancy services available. A subject index, data base and publications index, and an or- ganization index are included. ED-158 704 Not available NTIS Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Clearinghouse on Development Commu- nication. To and From the Field: Communications and Agriculture Apr 78, 18p Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Arlington, VA. 22210, PCS1.67, MF$0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Agricultural education, 'Developing nations, 'Information dissemination, 'Rural areas, Communication(Thought transfer), Demography, Educational innovation, Educational radio, Educa- tional research, Information needs, Models, News media, Programming(Broadcast), Surveys. Information on current research and projects, as well as general suggestions and conceptual mate- rial, is presented in 1 1 articles related to communi- cation in rural areas of developing nations. These articles deal with (1) how information flows to small Nepalese farms; (2) an overview of communication in agricultural development projects, with descrip- tions of project models; (3) instruction of Bangla- desh villagers via radio; (4) participatory communi- cation in international agricultural research cen- ters; (5) a Guatemalan radio education project in agricultural development; (6) an interview regard- ing agricultural education extension services; (7) a general analysis of the current status of rural edu- cation and agricultural development; (8) a rural de- velopment handbook for New Guinea village lead- ers; (9) regional universities; (10) highlights of the Fifth Pan-African Literacy Seminar; and (11) sug- gestions for agricultural information consulting. EIS-AA-72-5805-D PC E05 Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Serv- ice, Washington, D.C. Rural Environmental Assistance Program Draft environmental impact statement. 5 Dec 72, 116p USDA-ASCS-ES(Adm)-73-1, ELR-5805 Descriptors: 'Environmental surveys, 'Conserva- tion, 'United States, Environmental surveys, 'Puerto Rico, Environmental surveys, 'Virgin Is- lands, Environmental surveys, Soil conservation, Water conservation, Forest land, Wildlife, Pollu- tion, Abatement, Rural areas, Construction, Vege- tation, Soil erosion. Identifiers: 'Environmental impact statements. The report describes the Rural Environmental As- sistance Program, the Federal Government shares with farmers and ranchers and the cost of carrying out approved soil, water, woodland, and wildlife conservation and pollution-abatement practices on their land. The program places emphasis on the carrying out of long-term, enduring conservation and pollution-abatement measures on farm and ranch lands in all States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The program will speed up and/or make possible the carrying out of needed conser- vation and environmental protection and enhanc- ing measures in rural America. The impact on the environment will be beneficial and largely cumula- tive. The stimulus of this program sets in motion total direct investments in a wide variety of conser- vation and pollution-abatement practices, by close to a million farmers and ranchers a year, amount- ing to double the public contribution. Adverse envi- ronmental effects of major consequence would not be anticipated, if good management is carried out by program participants. Some minor adverse en- vironmental impacts may occur during the con- struction of water storage facilities, terraces, diver- sions, pollution-abatement, and other such meas- ures, and during the establishment of vegetative cover and tree plantings because of soil being open for a short period of time to potential erosion and noise from construction and tillage equipment. (Author) EIS-AA-73-1451-F PC A02/MF A01 Water Resources Council, Washington, D.C. Principles and Standards for Planning Water and Related Land Resources Final environmental impact statement. 4 Sep 73, 14p ELR-73-1451 Supersedes report dated Jul 72, PB-205 224-D-S. Descriptors: 'Environmental impact statements, 'Natural resources, 'United States, Environmental impact statements, Water resources, Land devel- opment, Conservation, Regional planning, Stand- ards, Criteria, Participative management, Econom- ic development, Environmental engineering, Es- thetics, Reviews. Identifiers: EIS. Principles and standards are established for plan- ning the use of the water and land resources of the United States to achieve objectives, determined cooperatively, through the coordinated actions of the Federal, State, and local governments; private enterprise and organizations; and individuals. ERDA-tr-288 PC A02/MF A01 Universidod de los Andes, Orinoco (Colombia). Center for the Integral Development of "Las Gaviotas" 21p Translation: source information not available. Descriptors: 'Dams, 'Hydroelectric power plants, Colombia, Construction, Design, Hydraulics, Hy- droelectric power, Pipelines, Pumps, Research programs, Rural areas, Solar energy, Solar water heaters, Technology utilization, Transport, Water, Wind turbines. Identifiers: ERDA/ 130000, ERDA/ 140907, ERDA/ 170600, Translations. The following research projects in Colombia, are described briefly: development and use of 0.5 to 1.0 kW hydraulic turbines for rural hydroelectric power generation; water pipeline construction; construction of small dams; water pump design; wind mill design; development of solar water heat- ers; testing of hydraulic rams; an earth-cement solar reflector; and design of a cassava shredder. (ERA citation 03:023340) ERDA-tr-298 PC A03/MF A01 Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C. Contribution to the Analysis of the Develop- ment of Unconventional Energy Sources in Latin America I. Escobar, and M. E. Ibacache. Apr 77, 32p Translation of Spanish report. Descriptors: 'Biomass, 'Geothermal energy, *MHD generators, 'Photovoltaic cells, 'Solar energy, 'Wind power, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Ja- maica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and obago, Uraguay, Venezuela, Education, Energy policy, Energy source develop- ment, Energy sources, Fossil fuels, Nuclear energy, Personnel. Identifiers: ERDA/299000, ERDA/292000, ERDA/ 210000, ERDA/140100, ERDA/150100, Transla- tions, Spain, 'Latin America, Foreign countries. The energy demand for Latin America will be satis- fied by the end of the present century mainly through utilization of its conventional hydraulic and fossil resources. Nuclear energy will experience a great development in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico in the coming 20 years. The electronuclear alternative in other Latin American countries will be considerable depending on the degree of indus- trialization, geographical location and the possibili- ties for interconnecting networks for transmission and distribution of electrical energy in the country considered and depending on reduction in design scale and savings made in nuclear reactors pres- ently in use (dropping down to capacities of about 150 MW per plant). The development of wind energy, thermal gradient of the ocean, solar energy, photovoltaic cells, processes of photosyn- thesis, MHD energy, geothermal energy, and tidal power as energy sources is discussed. (ERA cita- tion 03:00861 3) ERDA-77-47/2 PC A04/MF A01 Energy Research and Development Administra- tion, Washington, D.C. Div. of Solar Energy. Solar Program Assessment: Environmental Factors. Solar Agricultural and Industrial Proc- ess Heat Mar 77, 56p Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Industrial plants, 'Proc- ess heat, 'Environmental impacts, Air quality, Animal shelters, Construction, Environmental ef- fects, Greenhouses, Land use, Noise, Safety, Solar air heaters, Solar collectors, Solar drying, Solar energy, Solid wastes, Steam generators, Thermal pollution, Water quality. Identifiers: ERDA/140905, ERDA/140907, ERDA/ 140400, 'Solar heating. The major environmental issues associated with the further development of solar energy as a source of process heat in the industrial and agricul- tural sectors are presented and prioritized. Agricul- tural and industrial heating represents the specific application of a variety of Federally-funded solar technologies. To provide a background for this en- vironmental analysis, the basic concepts and tech- nologies of solar process heating are reviewed. The potential effects of these applications of solar energy on the full range cf environmental con- cerns (e.g., air and water quality, biosystems, safety, social/institutional structures) are then dis- cussed in terms of both their relative significance and possible solutions. Although the development of solar energy as a source of process heat will contribute to some environmental problems common to construction projects and energy-pro- ducing technologies (e.g., construction noise, ther- mal discharge to the air and water), only those im- pacts unique to the solar portion of the technology are discussed in depth. Finally, an environmental work plan is presented, listing research and devel- opment proposals and a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document work plan which might help clarify and/or alleviate specific environ- mental and safety problems. (ERA citation 02:048094) ERDA-77-79 PC A05/MF A01 Energy Research and Development Administra- tion, Washington, D.C. Office of Planning, Analy- sis, and Evaluation. Managing the Socio-Economic Impacts of Energy Development: A Guide for the Small Community Sep 77, 82p Contract EA-77-C- 10-0037 Descriptors: 'Communities, 'Energy source devel- opment, 'Socio-economic factors, Boom towns, Decision making, Economic growth, Economic impact, Economics, Employment, Environmental impacts, Evaluation, Government policies, Income, Information, Local government, Management, Planning, Public health, Recreational areas, Resi- dential sector, Safety, Social impact, Solid wastes, State government, USA, Waste disposal, Water re- sources, Water treatment. Identifiers: ERDA/290200, ERDA/290300, ERDA/ 510500, ERDA/530100, ERDA/530200, Guide- lines, Handbooks. A decision concerning large-scale energy develop- ment is usually a complex one requiring coopera- tion of all levels of government as well as the gen- eral public and the private sector. The purpose of 35 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS this handbook is to provide local officials with guid- ance regarding how they may assess, plan, and manage the socio-economic impacts of such de- velopment. Key areas of discussion in this report include: employment; personal income; housing; education; transportation; water supply; solid waste collection and disposal; waste water treat- ment; health care; recreation; and safety. It is unre- alistic to expect the typical small community to de- velop capabilities to independently evaluate a highly technical development which to them is a one-time occurrence. Thus, local officials must be aware of resources which they may tap for infor- mation and assistance at other levels of govern- ment. This handbook advises local officials on how they should organize to most effectively participate in assessing, planning, and managing energy de- velopment and how to insure that information is collected and analyzed to reflect local priorities and future planning needs. (ERA citation 03:031111) E76-10338 PC A02/MF A01 Sheffield Univ. (England). Dept. of Geography. A Methodology for Small Scale Rural Land Use Mapping in Semi-Arid Developing Countries Using Orbital Imagery. I. Introduction J. L. vanGenderen, and B. F. Lock. Jan 76, 8p NASA-CR-1 47221 Descriptors: 'Rural land use, Arid lands, Method- ology, EREP, Skylab program, Mapping, Multi- spectral band scanners. The author has identified the following significant results. This research program has developed a viable methodology for producing small scale rural land use maps in semi-arid developing countries using imagery obtained from orbital multispectral scanners. E77-10024 PC A02/MF A01 Instituto Geofisco del Peru, Lima. Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for the Study and Evaluation of Natural Resources in Peru Progress rept. Jose C. Pomalaya. 1975, 3p NASA-CR-1 491 27 Descriptors: Peru, Tropical regions, Pipelines, Rivers, Agriculture, Earth resources program, Phosphates, Mines(Excavations), Multispectral photography. No abstract available. HCP/M3879-0003 PC A03/MF A01 Resource Planning Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation: Devel- oping and Applying a Coordinated Approach to Energy-Related Community Development. Ex- ecutive Summary Dec 77, 36p Contract EX-76-C-1 0-3879 Descriptors: 'Communities, 'Energy source devel- opment, 'North Dakota, Economic impact, Effi- ciency, Energy conservation, Energy consumption, Energy management, Environmental impacts, Europe, Financing, France, Human populations, Land use, National energy plan, Planning, Recov- ery, Rural areas, Social impact, Socio-economic factors Wssts hsst Identifiers: ERDA/290200, ERDA/510500, ERDA/ 298000, ERDA/5301 00. This executive summary highlights and condenses the report HCP/M-3879/1, Vol. 1, which analyzes the community-development process and formu- lates an organizational approach to resolving the institutional and financial issues arising from energy-related community development. (ERA ci- tation 03:021682) HCP/M3879-1(V.1) PC A07/MF A01 Resource Planning Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation: Devel- oping and Applying a Coordinated Approach to Energy-Related Community Development. Volume I 14 Oct 77, 140p Contract EX-76-C-1 0-3879 Descriptors: 'Communities, 'Energy source devel- opment, North Dakota, Economic impact, Energy conservation, Energy management, Environmen- tal impacts, Europe, Financing, France, Human populations, Land use, National Energy Plan, Plan- ning, Recovery, Rural areas, Social impact, Socio- economic factors, Waste heat. Identifiers: ERDA/290200, ERDA/510500, ERDA/ 298000, ERDA/5301 00, Mercer County(North Dakota). To achieve the objectives of ERDA's Community Systems Program, physical and institutional char- acteristics that determine a community's levels and patterns of energy use must be defined and methods of coordinating its energy systems estab- lished. In Chapter 1, Managing Rapid Growth to Achieve the Goals of Energy-Related Community Development, the goals are identified and the de- velopment activities and management functions constituting an effective approach to achieving them are defined. The characteristic problems of rapid growth are described and their causes traced. In Chapter 2, Identifying Elements of a Community-Development Approach Applicable to the Rapid-Growth Context, a number of domestic and European community-development ap- proaches that might be applicable to managing rapid growth in the boomtown context are sur- veyed. Applicable elements of a number of U.S. mechanisms and of two French community-devel- opment approaches that can serve as the basis for formulating an organizational approach are identi- fied. In Chapter 3, Formulating a General Commu- nity-Development Approach, the effectiveness of the approach, its adaptability to the boomtown context, and its capability for achieving the goals of energy-related development are demonstrated. In Chapter 4, Adapting the General Approach to Mercer County, North Dakota, the complex rapid- growth situation in Mercer County, North Dakota, is described. Chapter 5 is entitled, Defining the Limi- tations of the Mercer County Approach and the General Approach. The content of Volume I is sup- plemented and supported by a series of appen- dixes, assembled in Volume II. (ERA citation 03:021681) HCP/T4101-03 PC A05/MF A01 MITRE Corp., McLean, VA. METREK Div. Biomass-Based Alcohol Fuels: The Near-Term Potential for Use with Gasoline W. Park, G. Price, and D. Salo. Aug 78, 84p Contract EG-77-C-01-4101 Descriptors: 'Automotive fuels, 'Ethanol, 'Metha- nol, Alcohols, Bioconversion, Biomass, Econom- ics, Feasibility studies, Forecasting, Synthesis, Technology assessment, Thermochemical proc- esses. ' Identifiers: ERDA/090210, ERDA/330800, ERDA/ 299003, Blends, 'Synthetic fuels. This report serves as an introduction to the re- quirements and prospects for a nationwide alco- hol-gasoline fuel system based on alcohols de- rived from biomass resources. Technological and economic factors of the production and use of bio- mass-based methanol and ethanol fuels are evalu- ated relative to achieving 5 or 10 percent alcohol- gasoline blends by 1990. It is concluded the maxi- mum attainable is a nationwide 5 percent methanol or ethanol-gasoline system replacing gasoline by 1990. Relative to existing gasoline systems, costs of alcohol-gasoline systems will be substantial. (ERA citation 04:005430) HIT-693(V.2)(App.) PC A17/MF A01 Hittman Associates, Inc., Columbia, Md. Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation. First Interim Report. Volume II. Appendices Apr 77, 391 p Contract EC-77-C- 10-0023 Descriptors: 'Communities, 'Energy analysis, 'Energy conservation, 'Energy management, Bib- liographies, Engineering, Environmental impacts, Information retrieval, Land use, Planning, Reviews, Rural areas, Sociology, Systems analysis, Urban areas. Identifiers: ERDA/291000, ERDA/290100, ERDA/ 320100, ERDA/510500, ERDA/530100, State of the art. This research effort performs a thorough survey of the state-of-the-art in each of the fields related to the community planning project for energy man- agement and conservation. Appendix A describes the results of that survey. In attempting a major, interdisciplinary research and development project such as this one, it is necessary to integrate theory and practice from several fields. These include land use planning, political science, public admin- istration, urban development, mechanical engi- neering, systems analysis, and the atmospheric sciences. The survey of current knowledge that was performed resulted in three major outputs. The first is an extensive bibliography of printed ma- terials which are related to this project. The bibliog- raphy is presented as Appendix B at the conclu- sion of this document. The second major product of this task is an extensive set of abstracts of those relevant materials reviewed; this set of abstracts forms Appendix C. The third output of the survey is a set of reports of personal contacts with individ- uals or organizations that were either already working in the field of community energy analysis or were working in related fields. All contacts made were documented and contact reports are includ- ed in Appendix D. Appendix E is a description of community decision-making processes. (ERA cita- tion 03:018384) HRP-0006853/6 PC A02/MF A01 Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp., Oakland, Calif. Health Policies and International Corporations James P. Hughes. Nov 75, 15p This paper was presented at the 1975 Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Associ- ation. Descriptors: 'Environmental health, Water pollu- tion, Sanitation, Safety hazards, Residential build- ings, Public health, Occupational safety and health, Housing, Health care, Foreign countries, Disease vectors, Demography, Communities. The human health impact of development projects conducted in emerging countries by international corporations is discussed. It is felt that the impact of such a project should be considered from the point of view of people residing in an area, the pro- ject's future neighbors, and those newly attracted to the project site. The direct health impact of a development project is examined in relation to communicable disease control, housing and sani- tary facilities, dietary change, and the increased risk of road accidents. Direct health impacts of a development project on workers are concerned with work accidents, exposure to chemical and physical hazards, exposure to local diseases, and new disease vectors. The introduction of a major new project into a developing area is likely to create significant demands for a variety of social services, including medical care for project person- nel and their dependents and for people ordinarily attracted to a development site. In addition, public health measures such as monitoring the safety of water and food supplies, the enforcement of sani- tary regulations, and the control of disease vectors must be considered. Planning for health care in a development project must encompass therapeu- tic, preventive, and environmental services. A list of references is provided. HRP-0007411/2 Not available NTIS Rhode Island Univ., Kingston. Dept. of Industrial Engineering. Maintenance System for a Small Hospital Charles F. James, Joseph Stanislao, and Sharad Wavde. 1970, 3p Pub. in Hospitals, Jnl. of the American Hospital As- sociation v44 n24 p70-71, 74 16 Dec 70. Descriptors: State regions, Specifications, Rhode Island, Personnel management, Performance standards, Methodology, Medical equipment, 36 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Health resources, Health planning agencies, Health care technology, Health care facilities, Data processing, Data processing systems, Data collec- tion, Data acquisition. A system is described that includes both preven- tive and corrective maintenance for a small hospi- tal, based on experience at the 142-bed Westerly Hospital in Rhode Island. Equally applicable to any small health care organization such as a nursing home, the system is based on a program of weekly inspection and maintenance. The following system elements are included: work order form and proce- dures for its utilization, full set of equipment data records, and weekly schedule for comprehensive preventive maintenance. Maintenance service needs are communicated by hospital staff to the maintenance department via the work order. Equipment data records contain the item and its description, name of manufacturer, initial installa- tion cost, date when put in service, and equipment specifications. It is noted that the weekly schedule should remain flexible to enable the maintenance supervisor to use the skills of his employees to best advantage. A weekly maintenance schedule form which is coded to denote three categories of maintenance (overhaul, clean, and functional check) can be of assistance to the supervisor in determining the number of man-hours needed for the week, in general and for specific pieces of equipment. The system can be further refined for the purpose of charge - back accounting by key- punching certain data from work orders, and this information can be computerized to provide total man-hours, total maintenance costs, and accumu- lated totals of man-hours for individual classifica- tion. HRP-0007732/1 Not available NTIS International Development Research Centre, Ottawa (Ontario). Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Man- power Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Coun- tries. Volume 1 Shahid Akhtar. 1975, 165p Rept no. IDRC-042e Available from the International Development Re- search Centre, Box 8500, Ottawa, Canada K1G 3H9, $5.00. Descriptors: *Rural health services , "Health man- power education, 'Bibliographies, * Health care delivery systems, 'Developing countries, Sources, Rural areas, Research, Methodology, Information systems, Health resources, Health occupations, Health manpower, Health education, Health care, Health care services, Health care delivery, Foreign countries, Documents, Availability, Reviews. An annotated bibliography is presented of litera- ture pertaining to nontraditional health care deliv- ery systems in remote regions of the world, par- ticularly in developing countries. The literature cited focuses primarily on new models of health care delivery and on the training and utilization of auxiliary workers. The material is intended to be of use to persons involved in planning, operating, and evaluating systems to provide rural health serv- ices; persons concerned with the training of auxil- iary health workers to staff such systems; and or- ganizations supporting research into the problems of organizing and staffing health care delivery sys- tems. An introductory discussion of issues and al- ternatives in rural health care precedes the listings, each of which includes complete bibliographical in- formation and an abstract. The entries are catego- rized as follows: reference works; organization and planning, including health manpower, organization and administration, planning, geographic distribu- tion of health services, financial aspects, cultural aspects, and epidemiological, family planning, nu- tritional, and maternal child health studies; primary health care implementation, including rural inpa- tient care, rural outpatient care, mobile units and services, and community health education; primary health manpower training and utilization, including primary medical care, primary nursing care, prima- ry family planning and midwifery, primary dental care, primary laboratory care, primary environmen- tal health, and teaching aids; and formal evaluative studies in each of the subcategories listed under organization and planning. Author, geographical, and subject indexes are provided. Seven hundred entries are included. HRP-0008008/5 Not available NTIS World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland). Div. of Strengthening of Health Services. Health by the People Kenneth W. Newell. 1975, 225p Available from the Q Corporation, 49 Sheridan Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12210, $14.40. Descriptors: 'Health care services, Rural health services, Rural areas, Projects, International rela- tions, Health resources, Health related organiza- tions, Health care facilities, Health care delivery, Foreign countries, Financing. A series of articles on health care in developing countries is presented by the World Health Organi- zation with emphasis on the condition of rural dwellers and solutions to their particular health problems. The following health care systems are noted for various countries: health care delivery system of the People's Republic of China, national health system in Cuba, Chimaltenango develop- ment project in Guatemala, Ayurvedic system of medicine in India, comprehensive rural health proj- ect in Jamkhed (India), community development approach to raising health standards in Central Java (Indonesia), health services development project in Iran, village health teams in Niger (Maradi Department), meeting basic health needs in Tanzania, and simplified medicine in Venezu- elan health services. The examples of health care presented in the articles are considered to fall into three overlapping types of systems: (1) national exchange (China, Cuba, Tanzania); (2) extensions of existing systems (Iran, Niger, Venezuela); and (3) local community development (Guatemala, India, Indonesia). Four interconnected solutions are identified for health care financing: reallocate health resources more equitably between all seg- ments of a population, introduce a program of self- reliance and self-sufficiency to all segments of a population, reserve a larger proportion of national health funds for the development and capital costs of primary health care services, and redesign exist- ing government - supported and other health serv- ices to provide a more clearly defined supporting role. HRP-0009927/5 PC A06/MF A01 Bureau of Community Health Service, Rockville, Md. Office for Family Planning. Practical Suggestions for Family Planning Edu- cation 1975, 101p Rept no. DHEW/PUBL/HSA-75/ 16007 Contract PHS-HSM-1 10-73-477 Descriptors: 'Health education, 'Health care deliv- ery, 'Family planning, Strategy, Sources, Plans, Methodology, Information systems, Health plan- ning, Health care, Documents, Consumers, Biome- dical information systems, Availability, Objectives. Educational activities within a family planning pro- gram are discussed in a report prepared under contract to DHEW's Bureau of Community Health Services. It is assumed that in-clinic education is important in family planning programs, and, based on this assumption, techniques for developing a family planning education program are suggested. Such techniques include problem identification and analysis, resource identification and use, and educational plan development. The goals and ob- jectives of an educational plan are noted, and a checklist is provided for evaluating a family plan- ning education program. The selection, develop- ment, and use of family planning educational mate- rials are addressed, with emphasis on the advan- tages of educational materials, educational materi- al guidelines, selecting from among family plan- ning educational materials (printed, visual, and audiovisual materials), development of family plan- ning educational materials, and appropriate use of materials. A model is described for the develop- ment of contraceptive educational materials which covers birth control pills, intrauterine devices, dia- phragms, contraceptive creams and jellies, contra- ceptive foams, voluntary sterilization, and rhythm. A bibliography of family planning materials is pro- vided. HRP-0010205/3 Not available NTIS World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland). Meeting Basic Health Needs in Developing Countries: Alternative Approaches 1975, 20p Pub. in WHO Chronicle v29 n5 p1 68-1 87 1 975. Descriptors: 'Health care services, 'Health care delivery, Rural health services, Rural areas, Re- search, Health manpower, Foreign countries. Case studies are presented of primary health care projects undertaken in underdeveloped countries to identify the key factors in the success of such systems and to observe the effect of these factors in political, economic, and administrative frame- works. It appears that in underdeveloped coun- tries, malnutrition and parasistic and infectious dis- ease (including vector-borne, gastroenteric, and respiratory disease) are the main factors affecting health. Promising health programs were studied by World Health Organization and UNICEF teams in Bangladesh, Cuba, India, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Venezuela. In addition, visits were made to China and Yugoslavia. In some countries, there are complete countrywide health systems with a network of health workers from village to factory. In other countries, few resources are available and villagers are trained in the rudiments of primary care, disease prevention, and health education. They function as care-providers at the village level under the supervision (sometimes by two-way radio) of regional health care providers. Some- times traditional medicine (acupuncture and Ayur- vedic physicians in China and India) is incorporat- ed with modern medical practice. The innovations reviewed in this article are sufficiently promising to warrant a major change in policy and direction per- mitting programs of the type described in the case studies to be fostered, extended, adapted, and used as examples for a large scale global program. HRP-001 1537/8 Not available NTIS Loyola Univ., Chicago, III. School of Nursing. RN in the Baccalaureate Program Susan Dudas. 1968, 3p Pub. in Nursing Outlook p51 -53 Jul 68. Descriptors: 'Nurses, 'Health manpower educa- tion, Sociology, Research, Health occupations, Health education, Health care. The effects of combining prenursing students and experienced registered nurses in the same bacca- laureate program are examined in the context of the experience of medical-surgical nursing courses attended by both types of students. Out of 36 stu- dents enrolled for the 8-week course, ten were registered nurses with varied experiential back- grounds, including a director of nursing services, a nurse with one year's experience in a coronary care unit, several nurses with psychiatric experi- ence, and some who had limited medical-surgical experience. The beginning nursing students in the same course had had two years of general educa- tion courses, including three science courses, a foundation course in nursing, and a 6-week summer session in clinical nursing. At the begin- ning of the course, the instructor discussed with both groups the reasons for their joint participation in the course. The greatest confusion and appre- hension about the course was expressed by the prenursing students. Initially, the beginning stu- dents seemed concerned about the registered nurses' greater ability to participate in class discus- sions. However, as the course progressed, their confidence and participation increased. In their evaluations of the course, both gioups described the advantages and disadvantages of joint partici- pation. Registered nurses particularly felt that di- viding the class into separate groups for clinical sessions was valuable, as this provided an oppor- tunity for each group to proceed at its own rate. In a subsequent 8-week course, only two registered nurses were involved. The exchange of ideas be- tween the basic students and the two registered nurses in this course is described as gratifying. The importance of looking at each registered nurse stu- dent as an individual when considering combining experienced nurses and new students in baccalau- reate programs is emphasized. It is suggested that registered nurse students be provided opportuni- ties to prove their expertise not only by paper tests but in clinical situations, so that the courses they are required to take will be the courses they need. 37 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS HRP-0013242/3 PC A05/MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Columbia, Md. Popu- lation Center. Guidebook for Family Planning Education Sigrid G. Deeds. Dec 73, 95p Descriptors: 'Health education, * Family planning, Strategy, Social services, Project planning, Pre- ventive medicine, Patients, Methodology, Health planning, Health care services, Education, Con- sumers. Guidelines for designing and improving education- al components of family planning programs are presented in a manual directed to the educational specialist or person responsible for the education- al services of a family planning program. Methods and techniques for assisting couples in developing positive attitudes and behavior in regard to family planning are discussed. The manual, which is in- tended as a general framework for planning, pro- vides direction in charting an educational plan and in taking the first steps toward implementing the plan. The opening section touches on aspects of educational relationships and distinctions, includ- ing education versus information; communication in educational planning; attitude and behavior change; public relations versus education; coun- seling, interviewing, and consulting; training; defini- tion of the educational component in family plan- ning programs; the role of the educational staff; and qualifications for a family planning educational coordinator. Steps in the planning process are de- scribed in detail, followed by suggestions concern- ing the selection of educational methods and ma- terials. The closing section presents an overview of the use of a variety of educational methods and materials in family planning programs. Lists of ref- erences are provided throughout the manual, and selected sources for family planning information (films, slides, tapes, catalogs, materials lists, perio- dicals) are also listed. HRP-0013245/6 PC A09 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. School of Public Health. Some Health Sector Analysis Methods for De- veloping Nations Lawrence H. Stiff man. May 74, 185p Descriptors; 'Health planning, System analysis, Strategy, Quality assurance, Methodology, Mea- surement, Health care, Health care utilization, Health care facilities, Health care costs, Forecast- ing, Data processing, Data processing systems, Data analysis, Cost effectiveness, Benefit cost analysis. Quantitative methods and techniques for health planning and management are described in a manual directed to developing nations. The cata- log of health sector analysis methods has two pur- poses: (1) to present a selection of past analyses of components of the health sector; and (2) to evaluate these analyses in terms of their ability to identify choices in allocating scarce resources among competing objectives, activities, or strate- gies; to evaluate the consequences of alternative decisions in terms of health, economic improve- ment, and cost; and to identify the preferred alter- native given available information, skills, and re- sources. Application of health sector analysis techniques is described at the national, regional, single facility, and single program level. The manual opens with a discussion of the constraints in using quantitative methods and techniques. Pro- gram budgeting applications are then described in both developed and developing countries, and ex- amples of cost-effectiveness analysis are offered for cholera and malaria. Forecasting and oper- ations research techniques are described at the health program management level. Examples are presented of methods for identifying data, organiz- ing data into information, and analyzing and man- aging information in decisionmaking. Methods in- cluded are time series analysis, regression analy- sis, simple population and utilization projections, queuing and inventory theory, and network analy- sis. Analytic or optimizing models, including linear and dynamic mathematical programming and Mar- kovian analysis, are described. Allocation models are described for decisionmaking in regard to tu- berculosis, allocating, personnel moving patients, and environmental health. Supporting data, graphs, flow diagrams, and a bibliography are in- cluded. HRP-0013419/7 Not Available NTIS California Univ., Los Angeles. School of Public Health. Health Care Systems in World Perspective Milton I. Roemer. 1976, 289p Available from Health Administration Press, M2240, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109. Descriptors: 'Health care delivery, 'Foreign coun- tries, Research, Organization theory, Health re- sources, Health related organizations, Health oc- cupations, Health manpower, Health care serv- ices, Health care facilities. An international perspective on the delivery of health services is presented. A collection of 30 papers on health care systems throughout the world is organized according to five major sec- tions. The first background section provides an overview of health care systems on an internation- al basis in terms of time and space dimensions. The second section deals with developing coun- tries and analyzes problems and practices in se- lected countries of Latin America, Asia, and Africa. The third section pertains to industrialized coun- tries in Western Europe and North America, Aus- tralia, and the Soviet Union. The fourth section ex- amines a number of specific health problems and problems related to manpower, facilities, and proc- esses. General interpretive papers are included in the fifth section on special and often controversial issues in the health care field. A selected bibliogra- phy is provided. HRP-001 3600/2 Not Available NTIS Queen Elizabeth Coll., London (England). Rural Health Problems in Developing Coun- tries: The Need for a Comprehensive Commu- nity Approach Marie Therese Feuerstein. 1976, 16p Pub. in Community Development Jni. v11 n1 p38- 52 1976. Descriptors: 'Rural health services, Theories, So- ciology, Socioeconomic status, Socioeconomic factors, Rural planning, Rural areas, Methodology, Health planning, Health occupations, Health care, Health care services, Foreign countries, Demogra- phy, Communities. A comprehensive community approach to rural health care is described as economical in that it emphasizes the use of existing community re- sources, auxiliary personnel, and appropriate tech- nology. Activities relating to the development of the community approach in rural areas of develop- ing countries are noted. The context in which rural health problems occur is explored. Poverty, isola- tion, and a lack of adequate basic health facilities contribute to rural health problems. Other factors which continue to characterize rural life in tropical and subtropical developing areas and which have a special bearing on health include reliance on ag- riculture and the employment of manpower rather than machines, the extended family system, large family size and crowded living conditions, the low status of women, early marriage and frequent childbearing, high illiteracy rates, conservative leadership, a high incidence of alcoholism, and the existence of an intricate socioreligious system which affects the interpretation and treatment of disease. The comprehensive community approach to health problems in rural developing areas is viewed as one which helps individuals and commu- nities to perceive their health needs and assist them in using their internal and external resources to meet those needs. Eleven characteristics of the comprehensive community approach are delineat- ed. HRP-0016123/2 PC A04/MF A01 Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C. Guide for the Organization of Health Services in Rural Areas and the Utilization of Auxiliary Personnel 1975, 72p Paper is the recommendations of two PAHO/WHO Working Groups convened in Washington, D.C., in April 1974. Descriptors: 'Rural health services, 'Health plan- ning, Sanitation, Rural areas, Policies, Pediatrics, Objectives, Methodology, Health resources, Health manpower, Health care services, Guide- lines, Foreign countries, Environmental health, Children, Child health services. The overall objective of the two multidisciplinary working groups of the Pan American Health Orga- nization was to develop a methodology for plan- ning, organizing, and controlling programs in order to extend the coverage of health programs in rural areas. An organizational methodology is proposed for the extension of health service coverage to rural areas. The methodology is programmatic and involves an analysis of the situation, the definition of objectives and target populations, the determi- nation of requirements, and execution. The pro- posed rural health program has three subpro- grams: (1) health care (maternal and child health and other direct health activities); (2) basic sanita- tion (water and excreta); and (3) statistics (statis- tics for health services and vital statistics). The role of rural communities in the utilization of health services and the implementation of the proposed rural health program is discussed. Functions and training requirements for auxiliary personnel work- ing in rural areas are identified. Data are tabulated on the assignment of tasks in a rural health pro- gram. The infrastructure of the proposed rural health program is detailed, with emphasis on plan- ning, organization, execution, control, and supervi- sion. Forms and guidelines are included for the conduct of a rural health program. A list of refer- ences is provided. HRP-0016272/7 Not Available NTIS Victoria Univ. of Manchester (England). Comprehensive Community Approach to Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries Marie-Therese Feuerstein. 1976, 9 Pub. in International Nursing Review v23 n6 p174- 182Nov-Dec76. Descriptors: 'Rural health services, 'Health plan- ning, Theories, Rural planning, Participative man- agement, Methodology, Management methods, Local government, Health related organizations, Health planning agencies, Consumers, Community relations. The elements of the community development ap- proach as it is applied to solving health problems in the rural areas of developing countries are de- scribed. It is first explained that the term 'communi- ty development' refers to a well-defined approach that relies on the active participation and initiative of the community itself. In applying the compre- hensive community approach to solving health problems, it is necessary to view health activities within the context of planned national develop- ment. Long-term objectives include the evolution of members of rural communities into healthy citi- zens capable of sharing in health care responsibil- ities. In applying the comprehensive community approach, each country develops a specific pat- tern consistent with its own traditions, circum- stances, and goals. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of integrated development, appropriate technology, and the employment of new catego- ries of health personnel. Appreciation of the socio- cultural context within which health-related activi- ties occur is essential as individual rural communi- ties are helped to identify and prioritize their health needs in accordance with balanced local and na- tional development. Self-help on the part of the communities is facilitated in part through special training for community leaders. While all members of the community are involved in the development effort, emphasis is placed on the involvement of women due to their influence on family health. Changes in attitudes are viewed as being as impor- tant as material changes. HRP-0016801/3 Not Available NTIS International Development Research Centre, Ottawa (Ontario). 38 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Man- power Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Coun- tries. Volume 2 Frances M. Delaney. 1976, 182p See also Volume 1, HRP-0007732. Available from UNIPUB, Box 433, Murray Hill Sta- tion, New York, NY 10016. Descriptors: * Rural health services, * Health plan- ning, 'Health manpower education, Theories, Sources, Rural planning, Rural areas, Research, Methodology, Health occupations, Health man- power, Health care, Health care services, Health care delivery, Foreign countries, Availability. The second volume in a series of annotated bib- liographies on low-cost rural health care and man- power training brings together information on non- traditional health care delivery systems in remote regions of the world, particularly in developing countries. The literature abstracted focuses pri- marily on new models of health care delivery and on the training and use of auxiliary health workers. The bibliography is directed to persons involved in planning, operating, and evaluating rural health services, in training auxiliary health workers to de- liver such services, and in supporting research into the problems of organizing and staffing rural health care delivery systems. The entries are grouped under five major subject headings: reference works; organization and planning (health manpow- er, organization and administration, planning, geo- graphic distribution of services, financial and cul- tural aspects, studies of epidemiology, family plan- ning, maternal and child health, and nutrition); pri- mary health care implementation (rural inpatient and outpatient care, mobile services, community health education); primary health manpower train- ing and utilization (primary medical care, nursing care, family planning, midwifery care, dental care, laboratory care, environmental health); and formal evaluative studies. Approximately 700 books, jour- nal articles, reports, studies, surveys, and unpub- lished documents are abstracted. Author, subject, and geographic indexes are provided, as are order coupons for obtaining materials through the Inter- national Development Research Centre in Ottawa. HRP-0019765/7 Not Available NTIS Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Health Economics in Developing Countries Alan L. Sorkin. 1976, 200p Available from D. C. Heath and Co., 125 Spring St., Lexington, MA 021 73. Descriptors: "Health economics, Vital statistics, Strategy, Statistical distributions, Reviews, Pro- jects, Programs, Population growth, Policies, Over- population, Objectives, Nutrition, Methodology, Medical personnel, Health resources, Health plan- ning, Health occupations, Health manpower, Health care, Health care delivery, Health care costs, Guidelines, Foreign countries, Evaluation, Environmental health, Economics, Economic theory, Disease vectors, Demography, Communi- ties. In 1972 England spent $100 per person to operate health services, the U.S. spent $180, but the Ethio- pian government spent less than 70 cents for the health care of each of its 22 million people. In de- veloping countries at least one-half of all deaths occur among children under 5 years of age as a result of infectious diseases and malnutrition. Basic health problems and the implications of pop- ulation growth and poor nutrition are discussed. Programs for nutrition and the eradication of dis- ease bearing insects need priority status in many developing nations. Stages of health planning are suggested: developing effective planning organi- zations, planning policies and goals with the politi- cal group responsible for implementation, obtain- ing demographic and other data determining prior- ities, basing alternatives on cost-benefit consider- ations, constructing a plan, implementation, and evaluation. Major considerations and methods for assessing and projecting manpower requirements are: biologic demand, physician - population ratio, economic - demographic needs, and service tar- gets ~ the advantages, disadvantages, and appro- priate situations required for each method are de- lineated. Ways of financing health care services are discussed. The problems and benefits of health centers and hospitals are explored. Mobile units are important alternatives to permanent facili- ties in remote, sparsely settled regions. The distri- bution of professional personnel is discussed. In some areas, indigenous medical practitioners are being trained as health auxiliaries; in China, one million 'barefoot doctors' deliver basic health serv- ices to rural areas. Illustrative charts are provided. HRP-0019781/4 Not Available NTIS Salem State Coll., Mass. Testing the RN Student's Skills Suzanne Rogers. 1976, 4p Pub. in Nursing Outlook v24 n7 p446-449 Jul 76. "Health manpower education, Descriptors: * Nurses, "Herrormance tests, Advanced pro- grams, Continuing education, Curricula, Health ' ealth manpower. Health occupations. Mea- is, Continuing education, Curricula, Health care, Health manpower, Health occupations, Mea- surement, Medical personnel, Methodology, Nurs- ing, Quality assurance, Registered nurses. Registered nurses who enroll in the basic bacca- laureate program at Salem State College, Massa- chusetts, are permitted to validate their skills in specified areas through testing in order to be exempted from sophomore and junior year nursing courses. To be exempt from the junior year nursing courses (24 credit hours), they must pass the Na- tional League for Nursing achievement tests in medical-surgical and maternal and child health nursing at the 50th percentile or higher. They must also receive a satisfactory clinical evaluation based on two performance tests. To measure the nurse's ability to respond in a variety of commonly encountered interactions in which patients or fami- lies exhibit anxiety, grief, hostility, or denial, a series of videotape sequences was developed during which the nurse writes her verbal and non- verbal responses and a rationale for the responses as if she were the nurse in that situation. These responses are then evaluated as most therapeutic, appropriate, or least appropriate. In order to meas- ure the nurse's ability to use all of the steps of the nursing process in a specific care situation, the evaluator visits the nurse in her own work setting. The nurse is required to present an oral and a writ- ten presentation of a patient with whom she car- ried out each step of the nursing process, using the American Nurses' Association's Standards of Nursing Practice as a guide. The nurse and the evaluator then visit the patient together, and the evaluator interviews him. Following this, the evalu- ator meets the nurse in private to review the oral and written presentations. Of the 34 students eval- uated, 15 have completed senior year nursing courses, and preliminary data on students' per- formance show that those evaluated at the junior year level are high performers in their senior year as compared to students not evaluated. HRP-0019813/5 Not Available NTIS Pasadena City Coll., Calif. From LVN (Licensed Vocational Nurse) To RN (Registered Nurse) in One Year Marie A. Fasano. 1976, 3p Pub. in Nursing Outlook v24 n4 p251-253 Apr 76. Descriptors: "Health manpower education, "Nurses, California, Continuing education, Curricu- la, Health occupations, Methodology, Nursing, Personnel development, Registered nurses, Re- tention, Students. Legislation in California allows licensed vocational nurses to qualify for the State board examinations for registered nurses by taking an additional 30 credits in a community college nursing program. As a result, Pasadena City College has developed an associate degree program which involves 1 year's study after completion of certain general education requirements. Course work in this year covers pediatric, psychiatric, and advanced medi- cal-surgical nursing; intensive care of patients fol- lowing catastrophic illness; and disaster nursing. An initial assessment of the nursing competency of the vocational nurses is made prior to their en- trance into the program, since the background of the students is extremely varied. While many have several years experience, others are recent gradu- ates with only 1 year of experience or may not have practiced for many years. The vocational nurse students are permitted to reduce their clini- cal hours so that they can have instruction as a group. In the second semester, however, the nurse-students spend all their time with the regular associate degree program students. All of the vo- cational nurses in the program were highly motivat- ed, although many encountered personal prob- lems related to their roles as students. The pro- gram also provides guidance and counseling on the role changes associated with the transition from licensed vocational nurse to registered nurse. HRP-0025657/8 Not Available NTIS Stockton State Coll., Pomona, NJ. From RN to BSN - Faculty Perceptions AlmaS. Woolley. 1978, 6p Pub. in Nursing Outlook v26 n2 p1 03-1 08 Feb 78. Descriptors: "Health manpower education, "Nurses, "Personnel development, Curricula, Health care services, Health care, Health occupa- tions, Nursing services, Nursing, Personal health services, Psychology. Problems encountered in an accelerated program allowing technical nurses to earn baccalaureate degrees are analyzed. The program was initiated in 1975 at a State college in a rural area. To encour- age modification of traditional behavior, the cur- riculum promotes self-direction and focuses on social, psychological, and cultural aspects rather than on acute care. Typical problems are minimal class participation, complaints about excessive work, failure to discuss problems with teachers, and criticism of faculty. The tension is attributed to the need to adopt new thinking, lack of free time, and ostracism by friends at old jobs. The educa- tional change process is interpreted as socializa- tion involving compliance, identification, and inter- nalization. During the compliance phase students see new behavior as a means to an end without believing in change. Identification, in which stu- dents select desired behaviors from a role model, is characterized by conflict. In the integration phase belief in new concepts becomes genuine as students integrate them into their own value sys- tems. Students are encouraged to take new jobs where they can apply their altered systems of belief. Planned change in professional education is brought about by unfreezing, changing, and re- freezing: the teacher can further unfreezing by fail- ing to confirm students' existing beliefs, by induc- ing guilt anxiety through comparisons of real and ideal, and by creating a safety zone through re- moval of change barriers. The need to analyze stu- dents' force fields before instituting change is em- phasized. The students' anger during change is viewed as part of the grieving process associated with losing hold of familiar assumptions. The change process is only regarded as acceptable when it increases students' options. HRP-0026654/4 Not Available NTIS State Univ. of New York Coll. at Utica-Rome. American Indian Medicine and Contemporary Health Problems. Part II. Powerful Medicinal Plants in Traditional Iroquois Culture James William Herrick. 1978, 9p Pub. in New York State Jnl. of Medicine, v78, n6, P979-987, May 78. Descriptors: "Ethnic groups, "Health care, Classifi- cations, Communities, Demography, Sociology. An understanding of American Indian concepts of healing and medicine is necessary for effective health care planning for, and delivery to, Indian populations. This report examines the taxonomy of plants in Iroquois Indian culture as it relates to the establishment of criteria for determining the power possessed by medicinal plants. The Iroquois assign names to plants based on: structural fea- tures, functional features, resemblances to other plants, assumed kinship relations, utility, meta- phoric statements, habitat, onomatopoeic devices, and noun roots. Plants are further classified ac- cording to gender and relationship, i.e., some plants have a localized relationship thought of as marriage which must be observed in their collec- tion. The power of individual plants is attributed to either their general or communal power, e.g., nutri- tion, or their special power, e.g., divination or witchcraft. From the Iroquoian world view of a nat- ural balance of complementary opposites, the hier- archy of medicinal plants is described as interac- tional and contextual rather than rigid. The Iroquois believe that disease is caused by offensive behav- 39 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ior, unfulfilled desires, contact with evil, and witch- craft, and the medicine of plants is used to coun- teract these influences. Symptomatic correlates have been developed to assist in determining the cause of a disease and thereby its treatment. For example, longstanding or chronic illnesses are at- tributed to unfulfilled desires and are believed to be alleviated by plants (e.g., ferns) used in divina- tion by medicine societies or communal guessing. The skill and creativity of the herbalist are neces- sary to the correct and efficacious use of these medicine plants. HRP-0027818/4 PC A05/MF A01 CPI Associates, Inc., Dallas, TX. Health or Wealth -- Reassessment of an Old Di- lemma 17 Jul 78, 94p Descriptors: 'Health economics, Economic stud- ies, Economics, Foreign countries, Health care, Health status, Measurement, Methodology. Three essays focusing on the relationship be- tween health needs and the need for economic de- velopment in less developed countries are pre- sented. It is suggested that less developed coun- tries try to equalize the distribution of health-relat- ed expenditures for different groups in the popula- tion. The inequity of health expenditures is more important than the actual amount spent. It is sug- gested that public sector spending for health serv- ices be increased. A long-term commitment to economic development should be undertaken as a strategy for improving health. Examples of the health versus development dilemma are provided. The many issues associated with the definition and measurement of the health of a nation's popula- tion are summarized. The uses and limitations of various methods of measurement are discussed, as are some of the key issues in the health and development problem. It is recommended that a systems analysis approach to health problems in developing countries be utilized. HRP-0029290/4 Not Available NTIS Villa Rosa Hospital, San Antonio, TX. Hispanic Culture and Health Care - Fact, Fic- tion, Folklore Ricardo Arguijo Martinez. 1978, 264 Available from C. V. Mosby Co., 11830 Westline Industrial Drive, St. Louis, MO 631 41 . Descriptors: 'Health care, Classifications, Com- munities, Demography, Ethnic groups, Health plan- ning, Methodology, Socioeconomic status, Soci- ology, Strategies. Selected readings related to Hispanic health care beliefs and practices are presented in a text in- tended for nurse practitioners and other allied health personnel. The objective is to provide infor- mation about Hispanic cultural foundations in order to decrease bias and encourage a more effective, holistic approach to health care planning and deliv- ery. Among the subjects discussed are the signifi- cance of societal influence on the health attitudes and beliefs of Hispanics, with attention given to such cultural components as religion, language, and family structure and to the origins and formula- tion of folk medicine and its possible incompatibil- ity with scientific health measures, as well as folk medicine and disease as social phenomena. An effort is made to examine the Mexican-American folk medical system and to compare it to scientific medicine. In addition, implications of the mutually satisfactory coexistence of the systems are con- sidered. Finally, barriers that Mexican Americans face in acquiring and using institutional and com- munity-based health services are considered and significant adaptive mechanisms and lifestyles that may contribute to Hispanic health care beliefs are addressed. An appendix deals with herbs and oils and their therapeutic uses. JPRS-43442 PC A02 MF A01 Joint Publications Research Service, Washington, D.C. North Vietnam: Translations No. 288. 24 Nov 67, 22p Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Vietnam, Water sup- plies, Tropical regions, Cereals, Production, Plants(Botany), Irrigation Distribution(Economics). systems, Contents: Water conservancy to help make the winter-spring crop succeed; Ministry of Agriculture discusses measures to direct winter-spring crop; Rational irrigation for the fifth-month rice crop; Drought problems; Encouraging the large-scale production of organic fertilizer; Improving com- modity distribution for peasants in Thai Binh Prov- ince; The need for increased production and supply of goods for feminine use; The need for families to plant medicinal plants. JPRS-52169 PC A02 MF A01 Joint Publications Research Service, Washington, D.C. Use of Krill for Food Protein. N. I. Kryuchkova. 14 Jan 71, 7p Trans, of Obtaining Food Protein from Krill, pub. in Rybnoe Khozyaistvo (USSR) v46 n11 p53-56 1970. Descriptors: 'Zooplankton, 'Food, Proteins, Chi- tins, Food processing, Meat, USSR, Translations. Identifiers: 'Krill. Krill protein can be viewed as a highly valuable food product. The Okean protein paste obtained from krill in a frozen form can be used for preparing various dishes as well as in producing processed cheeses and other food products. The experi- ments conducted on sterilizing the protein paste and the freshly removed juice indicated that the sterilization temperature should not exceed 105C. At a temperature above 105C, the product turns dark and acquires an unpleasant aroma and taste. For food purposes it is possible to use fresh- caught krill kept on the deck for not more than 4 hours. The krill which has been on the deck for more than 4 hours since catching should be used for producing feed meal. The coagulation of pro- tein from the krill juice is possible following two variations. The first provides for protein coagula- tion in a heat exchanger and then the removal of the produced protein from the broth by filtering or centrifuging. In following the second variation, the coagulation of the protein from the krill juice occurs directly in the cans in sterilization. Here the broth is not removed, and in this regard the output of fin- ished products increases. (Author) JPRS-57636 PC A03/MF A01 Joint Publications Research Service, Arlington, Va. Analysis of Virgin-Land Grain Raising F. T. Morgun. 30 Nov 72, 41 p Trans of mono, from Dumy O Tseline, Moscow, 1969p110-151. Descriptors: 'Grain crops, Land use, 'Agronomy, USSR, Plant growth, Weeds, Wheat plants, Corn plants, Arid land, Translations. Identifiers: Virgin land. The report discusses the problems encountered in developing the virgin lands in the period 1958- 1965. (Author) JPRS-64646 PC A04/MF A01 Joint Publications Research Service, Arlington, Va. Survey of Rice Growing P. S. Erygina. 29 Apr 75, 64p Trans, of mono. RIS, Moscow, 1970 p0063-0122, 0201-0215. Descriptors: 'Rice plants, 'Cultivation, Climate, Soils, Fertilizers, Precipitation(Meteorology), Agronomy, Translations, USSR. The report contains a description of the agroclima- tic conditions of rice-growing areas and of agricul- tural technology. JPRS-72242 PC A14/MF A01 Joint Publications Research Service, Arlington, VA. Handbook on Agricultural Techniques for State Farms 15 Nov 78, 323p Descriptors: 'China, 'Agriculture, Farm crops, Seeds, Hybridization, Agricultural machinery, Planting, Cultivation, Harvesting, Plant genetics, Farms, Handbooks, Translations. This report contains information on Chinese agri- cultural techniques including seed propagation, crop rotation and cultivation and agricultural ma- chinery. LA-DC-13156 PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex. Waste Management in a Small, Widely Dis- persed Mountain Community L. A. Emelity, R. Garde, and C. W. Christenson. 1971, 25p Rept no. CONF-720618-1 From 6. International Conference On Water Pollu- tion Research- Jerusalem, Israel (18 Jun 1 972). Descriptors: 'Los alamos area N. For abstract, see NSA 26 20, number 48486. LA-UR-78-1571 PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., NM. Simple Technique of Estimating the Perform- ance of Passive Solar Heating Systems J. D. Balcomb, and R. D McFarland. 1978, 6p Rept no. CONF-780808-15 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Meeting of the American Section of the Interna- tional Solar Energy Society, Denver, CO, USA, 28 Aug 1978. Descriptors: 'Passive solar heating systems, Cal- culation methods, Performance, Sensible heat storage, Simulation, Thermal insulation, Trombe walls, Walls, Water. Identifiers: ERDA/ 1 40901 , Solar heating. A method is presented for estimating the annual solar performance of a building using a passive thermal storage wall of the Trombe wall or water wall type with or without night insulation. Tables of performance parameters are given for 84 cities. The method is accurate to +-3% as compared with hour-by-hour computer simulations. (ERA ci- tation 04:000454) LA-UR-78-2589 PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., NM. Solar Heating Results for the Nambe Communi- ty Center H. S. Murray, J. C. Hedstrom, and J. D. Balcomb. 1978, 6p Rept no. CONF-781 102-2 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Solar heating and cooling systems operational re- sults conference, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, 29 Nov 1978. Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Passive solar heating systems, 'Rock beds, 'Solar heating systems, Cold storage, Control systems, Cooling, Design, Performance, Sensible heat storage, Solar air heaters, Solar collectors, Solar reflectors, Solar space heating, Thermal insulation, Thermal mass. Identifiers: ERDA/140901 , Public buildings. The Nambe Community Center is a solar heated adobe community building for the Nambe Indian Pueblo, located twenty miles north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The 3000 ft exp 2 building makes use of several passive solar heating features. The active solar heating system is an air system using a 17 ton rock storage bed. The solar collector system consists of a 440 ft exp 2 vertical collector with a 1056 ft exp 2 reflector. The system also allows night evaporative cooling of the rock bed for summer cooling operation. The system became operational during the 1977-78 heating season, and solar heating data are presented for operation of the system in the spring of 1 978. A discussion of using the rock bed for summer cold storage is also given. (ERA citation 04:022201) LA-UR-78-774 PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., NM. State of the Art in Passive Solar Heating and Cooling J. D. Balcomb. 1978, 9p Rept no. CONF-780337- 5 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 National passive solar conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 15 Mar 1978. 40 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Passive solar cooling systems, 'Pas- sive solar heating systems, Buildings, Design, Re- search programs, Reviews, Technology assess- ment. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140901. Progress since the Albuquerque Passive Confer- ence is discussed in terms of the major design ap- proaches in buildings actually being constructed. Advantages and problem areas of each are de- scribed. Major areas where further work is needed are presented in detail. (ERA citation 03:052275) LA-6489 PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic Development C. D. Kolstad, D. P. Grimmer, P. Reno, and J. M. Tutt. Oct 76, 1 3p Contract W-7405-eng-36 Descriptors: 'Communities, 'Economics, 'Rural populations, 'USA, Capital, Comparative evalua- tions, Economic development, Feasibility studies, Implementation, Materials, Minerals, Production, Socio-economic factors, Technology assessment. Identifiers: ERDA/290200, American Indians, Navajo Indians. The history and economic status of the Navajo Indian Tribe are reviewed briefly. As measured by several yardsticks of economic well-being, the Navajo fall significantly below the rest of the United States. The Navajo have adopted an eco- nomic development plan "to bring the Navajo up to an equal footing with the rest of the nation." In view of these factors and the traditional rural set- tlement patterns of the Navajo, it is proposed that economic development within the Navajo Nation be aimed at encouraging increased productivity at a local level, in harmony with traditional values and lifestyles. Technology should be developed and adapted that can complement current Navajo life patterns. Technology appropriate for the Navajo would be of low capital cost, reliable, labor-inten- sive, personally satisfying to use, and decentral- ized. It is argued that appropriate technology can provide an increased material standard of living while permitting continuation of dispersed settle- ment patterns and traditional values. It is suggest- ed that a Center be established as part of the Navajo Community College to develop appropriate technological aids for the Navajo and to implement this technology within the vast Navajo Nation. A possible structure for such a Center is offered, and it is suggested that a detailed study be undertaken to determine the feasibility of establishing the Center. (ERA citation 02:013726) LA-6637-C PC A16 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Passive Solar Heating and Cooling M. H. Keller. 1976, 364p Rept no. CONF- 760570- Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Conference on passive solar heating and cooling, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States of Amer- ica (USA), 1 8 May 1 976. Descriptors: 'Passive solar heating systems, 'Solar cooling systems, 'Meetings, Leading ab- strsct Identifiers: ERDA/ 140901. Separate abstracts were prepared for each of the 45 included papers. (ERA citation 02:04801 1 ) LA-6700-MS PC A04/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops V. P. Gutschick. May 77, 73p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Ammonia, 'Crops, 'Plant growth regulators, 'Plants, 'Chemical preparation, Nitro- gen, Agriculture, Biosphere, Energy demand, Fer- tilizers, Food, Fossil fuels, Human populations, Ni- trogen cycle, Nutrients, Synthesis. Identifiers: ERDA/553000, ERDA/560303, Farm crops, 'Haber process. Raising food for present population requires nitrog- enous fertilizers in addition to indirect manage- ment of the biosphere's nitrogen cycle. The Haber process for making the ammonia base of fertilizers is increasingly pressed by shortages of energy, while only minor improvements are still possible. I discuss the Haber process and 1 5 alternatives for increasing the nitrogen available to crops using less fossil energy. These alternatives span tech- nology of fertilizer synthesis, farm management and technology, crop genetics, and market man- agement. They were selected by criteria of energy- efficiency and of meeting the numerous biological/ physical constraints posed by soils and plants. The alternatives vary in scope and efficacy due to sci- entific, economic, and political constraints which need to be appreciated by policy-makers and re- searchers alike. I conclude that the Haber process will be the mainstay for nitrogen-nutrition of crops for 50 years, and a few alternative strategies will slowly achieve a partial replacement of the Haber process. Full replacement in the longer run re- quires commitment within a few decades to devel- oping the strongest alternatives. (ERA citation 02:049987) LBL-5927 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Ecological Considerations of the Solar Alterna- tive M. Davidson, D. Grether, and K. Wilcox. Feb 77, 48p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Solar energy conversion, 'Wind power, 'Environmental impacts, Agriculture, Bio- mass, Ecosystems, Environmental effects, Ocean thermal power plants, Process heat, Solar air con- ditioners, Solar cells, Solar heating systems. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140400, ERDA/1 70500, Bio- logical energy conversion, Photovoltaic cells, Solar cells. The main solar technologies are considered in- cluding solar thermal power, photovoltaic cells, ocean thermal power, wind energy, solar heating and cooling, bioconversion, and agricultural and process heat. The direct and indirect ecological and environmental impacts of these technologies are discussed. (ERA citation 02:040426) LBL-6182 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Feed and Food from Desert Environments J. A. Bassham. Sep 77, 53p Rept no. CONF- 770960-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 International workshop on bio-saline research, Kiawah Island, SC, USA, 1 7 Sep 1 977. Descriptors: 'Arid lands, 'Farm crops, 'Hydrocar- bons, 'Lubricating oils, 'Proteins, Agriculture, Car- bohydrates, Biological adaptation, Biosynthesis, Climates, Deserts, Irrigation, Nutrients, Plant breeding, Research programs, Socio-economic factors, Terrestrial ecosystems, Water supply, Bio- mass, Ecosystems, Energy sources, Lubricants, Organic compounds, Petroleum products, Renew- able energy sources. Identifiers: ERDA/510100, ERDA/553000, Jojoba oils, Euphorbic, Jojoba, Prosopis juliflora. Research programs on controlled environmental agricultural technology to allow a broad range of conventional and unconventional crops to be grown with very limited supplies of fresh or brack- ish water are reviewed. The use of water derived from the sea, from saline lakes, or from waste water treatment for crops in arid lands is dis- cussed. Plant breeding programs to improve the nutritional value of food crops and irrigation sys- tems to improve plant productivity are discussed. The production of liquid hydrocarbons and lubricat- ing oils from plant species such as Euphorbic and Jojoba, and the use of leguminous plants such as mesquite (Prosopis juliflora), and other native plants, which thrive in arid regions, as important sources of proteins and carbohydrates are cited as examples of the productive potential of arid lands. 41 references. (ERA citation 03:01 5879) LBL-7214 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Potential of Arid Zone Vegetation as a Source of Substrates J. A. Bassham. Nov 77, 44p Rept no. CONF- 771158-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Seminar on microbial conversion systems for food and fodder production and water management, Kuwait City, Kuwait, 1 2 Nov 1 977. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Arid lands, 'Plants, Bio- chemical reaction kinetics, Carbon dioxide, Con- trolled atmospheres, Cultivation techniques, De- serts, Efficiency, Energy sources, Food, Forecast- ing, Photosynthesis, Plant growth, Productivity, Reviews, Solar energy conversion. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140504, Biological energy con- version. Three aspects of the potential of vegetation in arid zones as a source of substrates are discussed. The first includes the limitations on efficiency of conversion of solar energy to the stored chemical energy of biomass in green plants, and the subse- quent biochemical pathways of carbon dioxide fix- ation and biosynthesis. Second is the potential of plants endogenous to arid zones. Finally, the use of covered agriculture or controlled environmental agriculture (CEA) is considered both in its present form and in terms of possible extenion to the large scale production of stable crops. (ERA citation 03:030556) LBL-7584 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Green Factories for Liquid Fuel G. J. Calvin, and M. Calvin. Apr 78, 19p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Alcohols, 'Biomass plantations, 'Synthetic petroleum, Agriculture, Bagasse, Distil- lation, Energy substitution equivalent, Extraction, Feasibility studies, Fermentation, Financial incen- tives, Hydrocarbons, Maize, Plant growth, Produc- tion, Sugar cane. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, ERDA/ 090222, Euphorbias, Synthetic fuels, Manufac- tured gas, Solid wastes, Refuse derived fuels. The energy demand and shortage of fossil fuels are reviewed. The plants which can be grown for fermentation and those such as Euphorbias which produce hydrocarbons are discussed. It is sug- gested that the growth of these plants should be subsidized rather than paying the farmer to leave his land idle. (ERA citation 04:018338) LBL-7586 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Green Factories for Liquid Fuel G. J. Calvin, and M. Calvin. Apr 78, 20p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Biomass, 'Synthetic fuels, Agricul- ture, Economics, Production, Rubber trees, Sugar C3r*IG Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, ERDA/ 090222, ERDA/290000, Plants(Botany), Hevea brasiliensis, Euphorbia tirucalli, Euphorbia lathyris, Trees(Plants). Various plants that could be and are being used for the production of synthetic fuels are discussed. Among these are Hevea brasiliensis, Euphorbia tir- ucalli, and Euphorbia lathyris. Advantages of fuel production from renewable plant resources are presented; cost estimates are included. (ERA cita- tion 03:047098) LBL-8236 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Petroleum Plantations M. Calvin. Apr 78, 41 p Rept no. CONF-7804110- 1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Conference on the Agricultural Chemical Society, Nagoya, Japan, 1 Apr 1978. Descriptors: 'Biomass plantations, 'Synthetic pe- troleum, Alcohols, Arid lands, Carbon dioxide, Coal, Economic analysis, Energy substitution equivalent, Feasibility studies, Fermentation, Hy- drocarbons, Photosynthesis, Plants, Resource po- tential, Sugar cane, Trees, Yields. 41 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, Chemi- cal feedstock, Euphorbia bthyris, Plants(Botany), Solid wastes, Manufactured gas, Synthetic fuels. Photosynthesis is examined as an annually renew- able resource for material and energy. The produc- tion of fermentation alcohol from sugar cane as a major source of materials for chemical feed-stocks is examined as well as the direct photosynthetic production of hydrocarbon from known plant sources. Experiments are underway to analyze the hydrocarbons from Euphorbias and other hydro- carbon containing plants with a view toward deter- mining their various chemical components. In addi- tion, experimental plantings of several species of Euphorbias have begun to obtain data on which species would be most successful. Using Euphor- bia lathyris, there are indications that we may expect a yield of approximately ten barrels of hy- drocarbon material per acre in a seven-month growing period on semiarid land. (ERA citation 04:018339) MIT-EL-78-006 PC A02/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Energy Lab. Micro Irrigation with Photovoltaics D. V. Smith, and S. V. Allison. Apr 78, 22p Contract EX-76-A-01 -2295-037 Descriptors: * Developing countries, * Irrigation, *Solar water pumps, Capital, Economic analysis, Feasibility studies, Financing, Investment, Solar cell arrays. Identifiers: ERDA/140501. One application of photovoltaics to irrigation water pumping is identified and analyzed: the case of the small farmer with 1-2 hectares of irrigable land and water available for pumping lift of under 5 meters. This application depends on resolution of the diffi- culty of financing capital investments for farmers currently operating at or below subsistence levels. (ERA citation 04:01 2809) NP-21727 PC A09/MF A01 Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Methanol: Its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Eco- nomics, and Hazards D. L Hagen. Dec 76, 186p Thesis. Descriptors: *Alcohol fuel cells, 'Automotive fuels, *Boiler fuel, 'Diesel engines, 'Methanol, "Otto cycle, 'Turbines, Bibliographies, Biological effects, Biomass, Biosynthesis, Boilers, Carbon dioxide, Carbonates, Chemical preparation, Combustion products, Economics, Environmental effects, Fer- mentation, Food, Fossil fuels, Fuels, Hazards, Per- formance testing, Production, Reviews, Safety, Synthesis, Technology assessment, Uses. Identifiers: ERDA/090200, ERDA/299003, ERDA/ 294000, ERDA/300501, ERDA/330800. The synthesis of methanol using existing and pro- posed means of production and sources of feed- stocks is reviewed. Conventional methods of pro- ducing methanol are surveyed. Proposed methods of fermentation, electro-, and radiation-synthesis are discussed. Conventional production technol- ogy from synthesis gas is examined in detail. The range of possible sources of feedstocks from fossil fuels to biomass, atmospheric carbon dioxide, and carbonates are portrayed along with renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. A survey of recent studies and research on methanol is given within the historical context. Fuel related proper- ties are reviewed and compared with isooctane. Combustion emissions and their variation with temperature and fuel preparation are similarly compared. Uses of methanol as a combustion fuel and recent tests in boilers, turbines, conventional and stratified charge Otto engines, and diesel en- gines are discussed emphasizing comparative effi- ciencies. Current developments on the uses of methanol directly and indirectly in fuel cells and as a feedstock for single cell protein are examined. Historical prices of methanol are presented along with major causes for the fluctuations. The costs of synthesizing methanol are presented including overall production costs from organic feedstocks. Proposed costs of producing methanol from elec- trolytic hydrogen and carbon dioxide are also given. Fiscal and physical causes for inflation are discussed along with the costs of storage, trans- portation and conversion. The numerous biologi- cal, physical, and chemical hazards of using methanol as a fuel are discussed together with safety precautions and treatment. 609 references. (ERA citation 02:040420) NP-22388 PC A04/MF A01 Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby. Zero-Energy-House V. Korsgaard. 1976, 60p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Houses, 'Solar heating systems, Design, Energy conservation, Heat recovery, Solar space heating, Solar water heaters, Thermal insu- lation. Identifiers: ERDA/140901, ERDA/320101, ERDA/ 299001, ERDA/291 000, Denmark. The zero-energy house is designed in such a way that it can be heated and supplied with hot water without using the traditional energy sources except for the normal electricity consumption of the household. This is primarily attained through effec- tive thermal insulation and tightening of the house and by means of heat recovery from the used air and the waste water. In this way it should be possi- ble to reduce the heat requirement to such a degree that it can for the most part be met by the inhabitants body heat and the waste heat from the domestic electricity consumption along with the solar radiation through the windows. The deficit is covered by means of an accumulating solar heat- ing plant. The design, construction, performance tests, heat balance, solar energy system, heating and ventilation system, and energy economy are covered. (ERA citation 03:0 1 7233) NP-23208 PC A03/MF A01 Lincoln Coll., Canterbury (New Zealand). Ethanol from Agricultural Crops. Report No. 28. A Literature Survey N. Kardos, and A. P. Mulcock. Nov 77, 26p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Ethanol, New Zealand, Automotive fuels, Biomass, Cost, Crops, Feasibility studies, Fuel substitution, Potatoes, Production, Sugar beets Identifiers: ERDA/299003, ERDA/090200, ERDA/ 295000, Ethanols, Ethyl alcohol. One way in which the diminishing supplies of pe- troleum products may be extended is by the use of substitute fuels-for example, natural gas or eth- anol. But supplies of natural gas are themselves limited, and require processing to fuels such as methanol or liquified petroleum gas to be suitable for internal combustion engines. Ethanol is a fuel that may be produced from renewable resources by a simple process with inexpensive equipment. It has been, and still is, used in many countries in proportions as high as 25% without affecting engine performance. Ethanol can also be used as the starting point for many chemical syntheses and could replace petroleum products in the manufac- ture of some organic chemicals. In this paper the possibility of setting up an ethanol industry in New Zealand is discussed, and the practicability of pro- ducing ethanol at a reasonable price in sufficient quantity to make a significant impact on the total energy requirements of the country is examined. (ERA citation 04:003754) NSF/RA-760184 PC A08/MF A01 Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, III. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use. Final Report, May-De- cember 1975 R. R. Tison, N. P. Biederman, T. Donakowski, R. H. Elkins, and J. B. Pangborn. Apr 76, 168p Descriptors: 'Wind turbines, 'Hydrogen produc- tion, Farms, Economics, Electric power, Energy consumption, Energy storage, Feasibility studies, Power generation, Power supplies, Rural areas. Identifiers: ERDA/1 70601, 'Wind power genera- tion. The objective of this study has been to determine the current technology of a wind-energy conver- sion system (WECS) of minimal cost for rural appli- cations. Specifically, IGT has evaluated available methods for converting shaft horse-power from a wind turbine to electricity and hydrogen. A work- able mix of these two energy forms with storage that can support the energy needs of selected farming operations and the rural home was sought. Energy load patterns of several farming operations were examined for interfacing with the energy stor- age and delivery systems that are supped by wind turbines dependent on the prevalent winds. Sever- al preliminary designs have been completed so that a follow-up program for developing detailed designs and deeonstration units can be imple- mented if desired. (ERA citation 03:030701 ) NTIS/PS-75/655/1 PC N01/MF N01 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Va. Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agricultural Wastes (A Bibliography with Ab- stracts) Rept. for 1 964-Aug 75 Edward J. Lehmann. Aug 75, 41 p* Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Bibliogra- phies, 'Energy sources, 'Synthetic fuels, 'Recla- mation, Refuse, Organic wastes, Agricultural wastes, Sewage, Waste papers, Wood wastes, Methane, Oils, Ammonia, Carbon monoxide, Methyl alcohol. The bibliography covers research efforts aimed at aspects of producing synthetic fuels-gases and liquids-from solid wastes. These wastes include manure, sewage, paper and wood. In most cita- tions, methane is the primary fuel produced; how- ever the production oils, ammonia, carbon monox- ide, and methyl alcohol is also discussed. (Con- tains 36 abstracts) NTIS/PS-77/0112/1 PCN01/MFN01 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Va. Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agricultural Wastes (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) Rept. for 1 964-Feb 77 Audrey S. Hundemann, and Edward J. Lehmann. Mar 77, 88p* Supersedes NTIS/PS-76/0795, and NTIS/PS-75/ 655. See also NTIS/PS-77/01 1 3. Descriptors: 'Bibliographies, 'Synthetic fuels, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Energy sources, 'Recla- mation, Refuse, Organic wastes, Agricultural wastes, Sewage, Waste papers, Wood wastes, Methane, Oils, Ammonia, Carbon monoxide, Methyl alcohol. Research efforts directed toward production of gaseous and liquid synthetic fuels from solid wastes are discussed. Waste products used in the syntheses include manure, sewage, paper, and wood. In most citations, methane is the primary fuel produced; however, the production of oils, am- monia, carbon monoxide, and methyl alcohol is also discussed. (This updated bibliography con- tains 83 abstracts, 1 2 of which are new entries to the previous edition.) NTIS/PS-77/01 13/9 PC N01/MF N01 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Va. Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial and Agricultural Wastes (Citations from the Ameri- can Petroleum Institute Data Base) Rept. for 1975-Nov76. Mar 77, 237p* See also NTIS/PS-77/01 12. Descriptors: 'Bibliographies, 'Synthetic fuels, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Energy sources, 'Recla- mation, Refuse, Organic wastes, Agricultural wastes, Sewage, Waste papers, Wood wastes, Methane, Oils, Ammonia, Carbon monoxide, Methyl alcohol, Sludge, Garbage, Chips, Auto- mobile tires. The bibliography cites worldwide literature on the production of fuels from waste materials such as animal manure, wood chips, sewage sludge, urban garbage, agricultural wastes, and old automobile tires. (Contains 226 abstracts) 42 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS NTIS/PS-78/0006/3 PC N01/MF N01 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Va. Greenhouse Design, Construction, and Oper- ation (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) Rept. for 1 970-Dec 77 Audrey S. Hundemann. Jan 78, 130p* Descriptors: 'Bibliographies, 'Greenhouses, Space heating, Solar space heating, Waste heat utilization, Structural plastics, Sheet glass, Heat loss, Heat transfer, Wind pressure, Thermal effi- ciency, Design, Construction, Performance. Thermal environment, construction materials, and structural integrity of greenhouses are discussed in abstracts from worldwide literature. Topic areas cover the use of plastics and glass in greenhouse construction, with emphasis on the use of plastics; heating with solar energy and waste heat; methods of reducing heat loss; and wind load and wind in- duced heat transfer studies. Abstracts on air sup- ported greenhouses and combination greenhouse- solar distillation units are included. (Contains 123 abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0417/2 PC N01/MF N01 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Va. Wind Power (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) Rept. for 1 970-Apr 78 Audrey S. Hundemann. May 78, 238p* Descriptors: "Bibliographies, 'Wind power genera- tion, 'Windmills, Electric power generation, Wind turbines, Windpowered generators, Design, Struc- tural engineering, Feasibility, Efficiency, Cost ef- fectiveness, Abstracts. Windmill and wind power feasibility, use, and engi- neering are discussed in these citations of world- wide research. Abstracts primarily cover the use of wind power for electric power generation and wind turbine design and performance. General studies dealing with the use of wind power in developing countries and comparative analyses of wind power and alternative energy sources are included, as are studies on energy storage systems. (This up- dated bibliography contains 231 abstracts, 81 of which are new entries to the previous edition.) NTIS/PS-78/0419/8 PC N01/MF N01 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Va. Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 1. 1968- 1976 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) Rept. for 1968-76 Robena J. Brown. May 78, 278p* Descriptors: 'Bibliographies, 'Shellfish, 'Aquacul- ture, Clams, Crustacea, Lobsters, Mollusca, Oys- ters, Shrimps, Renovating, Mussels, Ocean bottom, Animal nutrition, Seafood, Food process- ing, Reproduction(Biology), Animal diseases, Tox- icity. Citations include data on clams, crayfish, Crusta- cea, lobsters, mollusca, oysters, and shrimps. Res- toration of shellfish beds, hybridization, selection, nutritional requirements, and related studies are covered. Requirements for the reproduction, growth, feeding, and habitat are cited. (This updat- ed bibliography contains 273 abstracts, none of which are new entries to the previous edition.) NTIS/PS-78/0420/6 PC N01/MF N01 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Va. Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 2. 1977- April, 1978 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) Rept. for 1977-Apr78 Robena J. Brown. May 78, 80p* Descriptors: 'Shellfish, 'Bibliographies, 'Aquacul- ture, Clams, Crustacea, Lobsters, Mollusca, Oys- ters, Shrimps, Renovating, Ocean bottom, Mus- sels, Animal nutrition, Seafood, Food processing, Reproduction(Biology), Animal diseases, Toxicity. Citations include data on clams, crayfish, Crusta- cea, lobsters, mollusca, oysters, and shrimps. Res- toration of shellfish beds, hybridization, selection, nutritional requirements, and related studies are covered. Requirements for the reproduction, growth, feeding, and habitat are cited. (This updat- ed bibliography contains 75 abstracts, all of which are new entries to the previous edition.) NTIS/PS-78/0673/0 PC N01/MF N01 National Technical Information Srvice, Spring- field, Va. Alcohol Fuels (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) Rept. for 1964-Jun 78 Diane M. Cavagnaro. Jul 78, 193p Descriptors: 'Bibliographies, 'Alcohols, 'Fuels, Synthesis(Chemistry), Chemical analysis, Perform- ance evaluation, Process charting, Industrial plants, Economics, Methyl alcohols, Ethanols, Cost analysis, Pollution, Feasibility, Air pollution, Water pollution, Sources. Identifiers: 'Synthetic fuels. The bibliography covers Federally-funded re- search on alcohol based fuels that might have to be used in the future as a fuel source. The citations cover synthesis, chemical analysis, performance testing, processing, pollution, economics, environ- mental effects, and feasibility. (This updated bib- liography contains 187 abstracts, 59 of which are new entries to the previous edition.) N68-20393 PC A06 MF A01 Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi (Mexico). Escuela de Ingenieria. Stabilization of sub-Base and Base Materials for Pavement. Estabilization de Materiales Para Sub-base Y Base de Pavimentacion J. F. Sandoval. 1967, 121p Lang- in Spanish Descriptors: 'Asphalt, 'Calcium oxides, 'Ce- ments, 'Pavements, 'Stabilization, Foundations, Hydrates, Roads, Substrates. For abstract, see STAR 0610 N72-28508 PC A02/MF A01 Scientific Translation Service, Santa Barbara, Calif. Problems in the Construction of Woodworking Machines W. Schmutzler. Jul 72, 24p Rept no. NASA-TT-F- 14398 Contract NASW-2035 Tran- Transl. Into English From Holz Roh. Werk- stoff (Berlin), V. 26, No. 7, Jul. 1 968 P 237-243 Descriptors: 'Machine tools, 'Roller bearings, 'Shafts (machine elements), 'Wood, Loads (forces), Lubrication, Noise reduction, Spindles. For the construction of modern wood working ma- chines, problems such as the most favorable tool spindle and shaft bearings play an important part. The construction and functional details of these machines are considered. The interrelationships are discussed of speed, bearing load, fit and lubri- cation, as well as bearing devices and their instal- lation. The particulars of motor shaft bearings are considered along with questions concerning oscil- lating shafts. Another, equally important construc- tion detail is the chip suction system. Defects that might occur in the construction of suction hoods or at the machines themselves are described. Finally, questions of noise abatement, its cause and elimi- nation are discussed. (Author) N73-33460/9 PC E 1 1 / M F A0 1 New Mexico Univ., Albuquerque. Technology Ap- plication Center. Proceedings of Symposium on Utilization of Waste Glass in Secondary Products 25 Jan 73, 365p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 35792 Subm-Sponsored by NASA. Conf-Conf. Held at Al- buquerque, N. Mex., 24-25 Jan. 1973; Sponsored by N. Mex. Univ., Glass Container Manufacturers Inst., Inc., and Albuquerque Dept. Of Environ. Health. Descriptors: 'Conferences, 'Glass, 'Waste utiliza- tion, Asphalt, Cements, Composite materials, Con- cretes, Glass fibers, Pavements. Identifiers: NASA. Papers are reported which were presented at the conference on waste glass recovery and re-use in secondary products. The uses considered include: road surfacing, asphaltic concretes, road construc- tion, terrazzo, cement concrete, pozzolan, glass wool, glass-polymer composites, and tiles. Prob- lems of recycling glass in remote areas, and the economics and markets for secondary glass prod- ucts are discussed. N74-15752/0 PC A02/MF A01 Kanner (Leo) Associates, Redwood City, Calif. Utilization of Wind Power in Agriculture in the USSR D. Stein. Feb 74, 13p Rept no. NASA-TT-F- 15345 Contract NASW-2481 Tran-Transl. Into English from Elektrizitaetswirtschaft (West Germany), V. 40, No. 4, 5 Feb. 1941 p 54-56. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Windpower utilization, U. Identifiers: NASA. Wind motors are being used in Russian agriculture for milling and pumping water. Plans call for rapid expansion of the utilization of such power plants. The extent of present utilization, problems, and forecasts are outlined. (Author) N74-16801/4 PC A02/MF A01 Linguistic Systems, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Using the Energy of the Wind for Electrification V. R. Sektorov. Feb 74, 18p Rept no. NASA-TT- F-15307 Contract NASW-2482 Tran-Transl. Into English from Elektrichestvo, (Ussr), No. 3 March 1 953 p 1 1 -1 6. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Electric power supplies, 'Windpowered generators, Electric power plants, Flywheels, Rural areas, Windpower utilization. Identifiers: NASA. The utilization of wind energy for generating elec- tric power is discussed. Existing power generators utilizing wind energy are described and their use in agriculture is indicated. (Author) N75-16128/1 PC E99/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Space Technology Labs., Bay Saint Louis, Miss. Water Hyacinths for Removal of Phenols from Polluted Waters. B. C. Wolverton. 5 Feb 75, 18 Rept no. NASA- TM-X-72722 Descriptors: 'Phenols, 'Plants (Botany), 'Water pollution, Bayous, Ecology, Environmental moni- toring, Evapotranspiration, Gas chromatography, Hydroponics, Plant roots. Removal of phenol by water hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) in static water was inves- tigated. 2.75 g dry weight of this aquatic plant dem- onstrated the ability to absorb 100 mg of phenol per plant per 72 hours from distilled water, river water, and bayou water. One hectare of water hya- cinth plants is shown to be potentially capable of removing 160 kg of phenol per 72 hours from waters polluted with this chemical. (Author) N75-16129/9 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Space Technology Labs., Bay Saint Louis, Miss. Water Hyacinths for Removal of Cadmium and Nickel from Polluted Waters. B. C. Wolverton. 5 Feb 75, 11p Rept no. NASA- TM-X-72721 Descriptors: 'Cadmium, 'Nickel, 'Plant roots, 'Water pollution, Aqueous solutions, Material ab- sorption, Pollution control, Trace contaminants. 43 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Removal of cadmium and nickel from static water systems utilizing water hyacinths (Eichhomia cras- sipes (Mart.) Solms) was investigated. This aquatic plant demonstrated the ability to rapidly remove heavy metals from aqueous systems by root ab- sorption and concentration. Water hyacinths dem- onstrated the ability to absorb and concentrate up to 0.67 mg of cadmium and 0.50 mg of nickel per gram of dry plant material when exposed for a 24- hour period to waters polluted with from 0.578 to 2.00 ppm of these toxic metals. It is found that one hectare of water hyacinths has the potential of re- moving 300 g of cadmium or nickel from 240,000 liters of water polluted with these metals during a 24-hour period. (Author) N75-16206/5 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Space Technology Labs., Bay Saint Louis, Miss. Aquatic Plants for Removal of Mevinphos from the Aquatic Environment. B. C. Wolverton. Feb 75, 8p Rept no. NASA-TM- X-72720 Descriptors: * Pesticides, 'Plants (Botany), * Water pollution, Bioassay, Biological effects, Ecology, Environmental monitoring, Fishes, Grasses, Plant roots. Fragrant waterlily (Nymphaea odorata, Ait.), joint- grass (Paspalum distichum L.), and rush (Juncus repens, Michx.) were used to evaluate the effec- tiveness of vascular aquatic plants in removing the insecticide mevinphos (dimethyl-1-carbomethoxy- 1 propen-2-yl phosphate) from waters contaminat- ed with this chemical. The emersed aquatic plants fragrant waterlily and joint-grass removed 87 and 93 ppm of mevinphos from water test systems in less than 2 weeks without apparent damage to the plants; whereas rush, a submersed plant, removed less insecticide than the water-soil controls. Water-soil control still contained toxic levels of this insecticide, as demonstrated by fish bioassay stud- ies, after 35 days. (Author) N75-17045/6 PC A06/MF A01 World Meteorological Organization, Geneva (Swit- zerland). A Survey of Meteorological and Hydrological Data Available in Six Sahelian Countries of West Africa. A Survey of Studies in Meteorol- ogy and Hydrology in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. E. G. Davy. 1974, 125p Rept no. WMO'-379 Partly in English and Partly in French. Descriptors: "Africa, "Agriculture, 'Drought, 'Eco- nomic development, 'Meteorological services, 'Precipitation (Meteorology), Chad, Hydrometeor- ology, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Rain, Senegal, Upper volta, Weather stations. A meteorological and hydrological survey was made in six West African countries, namely, Upper Sahel, Upper Volta, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Sen- egal, and Chad. The survey was carried out in con- junction with an economic development program particularly oriented to the severe drought problem of the Sahelan regions. Urgent investigation is needed in four areas: weather/crop correlations, weather/run-off correlations and maps of agricul- tural and water resources potential, periodic recur- rence and persistence of rainfall, and droughts in relation to general atmospheric circulation. A list of stations and their services is included. N75-17786/5 PC A03/MF A01 Kanner (Leo) Associates, Redwood City, Calif. Wind Power Machines. U. Hutter. Feb 75, 26p Rept no. NASA-TT-F- 16195 Contract NASW-2481 Tran-Transl. Into English from the Book "Huette, des Ingenieurs Taschenbuch" Berlin, Wilhelm Ernst and Son, 1954 p 1030-1044. Descriptors: 'Wheels, 'Windmills (Windpowered machines), Aerodynamic characteristics, Wind- power utilization. Basic aerodynamic features of wind power and wind wheels are discussed. The adaptation of wind power to running machinery is described. Develop- ments in wind power are illustrated, followed by a brief outline of operating properties. (Author) N75-22937/7 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Space Technology Labs., Bay Saint Louis, Miss. Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Re- moval of Lead and Mercury from Polluted Waters. B. C. Wolverton, and R. C. Mcdonald. 1 1 Apr 75, 14p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-72723 Descriptors: 'Lead (Metal), 'Mercury (Metal), 'Pollution control, 'Vegetation growth, 'Water pol- lution, Absorptivity, Machining, Tables (Data), Tox- icity. Removal of lead and mercury by water hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes) (Mart.) Solms and alligator weeds (Alternanthera philoxeroides) (Mart.) Griesb. was investigated. Water hyacinths demon- strated the ability to remove 0.176 mg of lead and 0.150 mg of mercury per gram of dry plant material from distilled water and river water in a 24-hour period. One acre of water hyacinths is potentially capable of removing 105.6 grams of lead and 90.0 grams of mercury per day. Alligator weeds re- moved 0.101 mg of lead per gram of dry plant ma- terial in a 24-hour period. This same plant also demonstrated the ability to remove a minimum of 0.1 53 mg of mercury per gram of dry plant material in a six hour period. (Author) N75-24163/8 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Space Technology Labs., Bay Saint Louis, Miss. Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Re- moval of Silver, Cobalt, and Strontium from Polluted Waters. B. C. Wolverton, and R. C. Mcdonald. May 75, 14p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-72727 Descriptors: 'Cobalt, 'Silver, 'Strontium, 'Water pollution, Carcinogens, Heart diseases, Plant roots, Radioactive wastes, Trace contaminants, Water treatment. Water hyacinths and alligator weeds demonstrated the ability to rapidly remove heavy metals from an aqueous system by root absorption and concen- tration. Water hyacinths demonstrated the ability to remove 0.439 mg of silver, 0.568 mg of cobalt, and 0.544 mg of strontium in an ionized form per gram of dry plant material in a 24-hour period. Alli- gator weeds removed a maximum of 0.439 mg of silver, 0.130 mg of cobalt, and 0.161 mg of stron- tium per gram of dry plant material per day. (Author) N75-27564/4 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Space Technology Labs., Bay Saint Louis, Miss. Bio-Conversion of Water Hyacinths into Meth- ane Gas, Part 1. B. C. Wolverton, R. C. Mcdonald, and J. Gordon. Jul 74, 13p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-72725 Descriptors: 'Plants (Botany), 'Synthane, Cadmi- um, Fermentation, Nickel, Pollution control. Bio-gas and methane production from the micro- bial anaerobic decomposition of water hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes) (Mart) Solms was investi- gated. These experiments demonstrated the ability of water hyacinths to produce an average of 1 3.9 ml of methane gas per gram of wet plant weight. This study revealed that sample preparation had no significant effect on bio-gas and/or methane production. Pollution of water hyacinths by two toxic heavy materials, nickel and cadmium, in- creased the rate of methane production from 51 .8 ml/day for non-contaminated plants incubated at 36 C to 81 .0 ml/day for Ni-Cd contaminated plants incubated at the same temperature. The methane content of bio-gas evolved from the anaerobic de- composition of Ni-Cd contaminated plants was 91.1 percent as compared to 69.2 percent meth- ane content of bio-gas collected from the fermen- tation of non-contaminated plants. (Author) N75-27567/7 PC A03/MF A01 Hampton Inst., Va. Dept. of Agriculture. Space and Energy Conservation Housing Pro- totype Unit Development. Final Report, Apr. - Aug. 1975. D. R. Sunshine. Aug 75, 50p Rept no. NASA-CR- 143201 Grant NSG-1162 Descriptors: 'Architecture, 'Energy conservation, 'Prototypes, Buildings, Construction, Construction materials, Energy policy, Solar energy, Urban de- velopment. Construction plans are discussed for a house which will demonstrate the application of ad- vanced technology to minimize energy require- ments and to help direct further development in home construction by defining the interaction of in- tegrated energy and water systems with building configuration and construction materials. Housing unit designs are provided and procedures for the analysis of a variety of housing strategies are de- veloped. (Author) N75-32591/0 PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Flat-Plate Solar-Collector Performance Evalua- tion with a Solar Simulator as a Basis for Col- lector Selection and Performance Prediction. F. F. Simon. 1975, 52p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X- 71793, E-8470 Conf-Presented at 1975 Intern. Solar Energy Soc. Meeting, Los Angeles, 28 Jul. - 8 Aug. 1 975. Descriptors: 'Flat plates, 'Performance prediction, 'Solar collectors, 'Solar simulators, Air condition- ing, Cost effectiveness, Performance tests, Solar energy conversion, Sunlight, Tables (Data). The use of a solar simulator for performance deter- mination permits collector testing under standard conditions of wind, ambient temperature, flow rate and sun. The performance results determined with the simulator have been found to be in good agree- ment with outdoor performance results. The meas- ured thermal efficiency and evaluation of 23 col- lectors are reported which differ according to ab- sorber material (copper, aluminum, steel), absorb- er coating (nonselective black paint, selective copper oxide, selective black nickel, selective black chrome), type of glazing material (glass, Tedlar, Lexan, antireflection glass), the use of hon- eycomb material and the use of vacuum to pervent thermal convection losses. The collectors were given performance rankings based on noon-hour solar conditions and all-day solar conditions. The determination with the simulator of an all-day col- lector performance was made possible by tests at different incident angles. The solar performance rankings were made based on whether the collec- tor is to be used for pool heating, hot water, ab- sorption air conditioning, heating, or for a solar Rankine machine. (Author) N76-10569/1 PC A07/MF A01 Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster. Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Resource. Final Report. W. L. Roller, H. M. Keener, R. D. Kline, H. J. Mederski, and R. B. Curry. Oct 75, 134p Rept no. NASA-CR-2608 Contract NGL-36-007-001 Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Crop growth, 'Earth re- sources, 'Fuels, 'Organic materials, Cellulose, Cost analysis, Fibers, Food, Photosynthesis, Pro- duction management, Solar energy. An extensive search was made on biomass pro- duction from the standpoint of climatic zones, water, nutrients, costs and energy requirements for many species. No exotic species were uncov- ered that gave hope for a bonanza of biomass pro- duction under culture, location, and management markedly different from those of existing agricultur- al concepts. A simulation analysis of biomass pro- duction was carried out for six species using con- ventional production methods, including their pro- duction costs and energy requirements. These es- timates were compared with data on food, fiber, 44 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS and feed production. The alternative possibility of using residues from food, feed, or lumber was evaluated. It was concluded that great doubt must be cast on the feasibility of producing grown or- ganic matter for fuel, in competition with food, feed, or fiber. The feasibility of collecting residues may be nearer, but the competition for the residues for return to the soil or cellulosic production is for- midable. (Author) N76-10697/0 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Space Technology Labs., Bay Saint Louis, Miss. Water Hyacinths for Upgrading Sewage La- goons to Meet Advanced Wastewater Treat- ment Standards, Part 1. B. C. Wolverton, and R. C. Mcdonald. Oct 75, 9p Rept no. NASA-TM-X-72729 Descriptors: 'Filtration, 'Plants (Botany), 'Sewage, 'Water treatment, Biochemistry, Chemi- cal analysis, Pollution control. Water hyacinths, Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms, have demonstrated the ability to function as an efficient and inexpensive final filtration system in a secondary domestic sewage lagoon during a three month test period. These plants re- duced the suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demanding substances, and other chemical pa- rameters to levels below the standards set by the state pollution control agency. The water hyacinth- covered secondary lagoon utilized in this experi- ment had a surface area of 0.28 hectare (0.70 acre) with a total capacity of 6.8 million liters (1.5 million gallons), receiving an inflow of 522,100 liters (1 1 5,000 gallons) per day from a 1 . 1 hectare (3.8 acre) aerated primary sewage lagoon. These conditions allowed a retention time of 14 to 21 days depending on the water hyacinth evapotran- spiration rates. The desired purity of final sewage effluent can be controlled by the water hyacinth surface area, harvest rate, and the retention time. (Author) N76-27671/6 PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Va. An inexpensive Economical Solar Heating System for Homes. J. W. Allred, J. M. Shinn, Jr, C. E. Kirby, and S. R. Barringer. Jul 76, 59p Rept nos. NASA-TM-X- 3294, L-10451 Descriptors: 'Solar heating, Residential areas, Construction materials, Heat exchangers, Install- ing, Low cost, Pipes (Tubes), Solar collectors, Storage tanks. Identifiers: 'Solar space heating, Residential build- ings, Instructions. A low-cost solar home heating system to supple- ment existing warm-air heating systems is de- scribed. The report is written in three parts: (1) a brief background on solar heating, (2) experience with a demonstration system, and (3) information for the homeowner who wishes to construct such a system. Instructions are given for a solar heating installation in which the homeowner supplies all labor necessary to install off-the-shelf components estimated to cost $2,000. These components, which include solar collector, heat exchanger, water pump, storage tank, piping, and controls to make the system completely automatic, are availa- ble at local lumber yards, hardware stores, and plumbing supply stores, and are relatively simple to install. Manufacturers and prices of each com- ponent used and a rough cost analysis based on these prices are included. This report also gives performance data obtained from a demonstration system which was built and tested at the Langley Research Center. (Author) N76-7 1 498/9 PC A05/ M F A0 1 Comptroller General of the United States, Wash- ington, D.C. Resources and Economic Develop- ment Div. Using Solid Waste to Conserve Resources and to Create Energy. Environmental Protection Agency. Report to the Congress 27 Feb 75, 79p Rept nos. RED-76-326, B- 166506 Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Materials re- covery, 'Fuels, 'Management planning, Govern- ment policies, Reclamation, Regulations, Refuse disposal, Separation, Waste processing, Econom- ic analysis, Metal scrap, Incinerators, Research management. Identifiers: 'Waste recycling, Oil wastes, Pyrolysis incineration. Contents: Resource recovery: What it is and why it is important; Progress in implementing provisions of the resource recovery act has been slow; Major issues confronting resource recovery, recycling, and reuse; Energy recovery from solid waste; The Federal roll in assisting States and Localities in es- tablishing resource recovery programs; Scope of review. Portions of this document are not fully leg- ible. N77-13537/4 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Status of the Erda/NASA Photovoltaic Tests and Applications Project. J. N. Deyo, H. W. Brandhorst, Jr, and A. F. Forestieri. 18 Nov 76, 10p Rept no. NASA-TM-X- 73567 Conf-Presented to the 12TH Photovoltaic Special- ists Conf., 15-18 Nov. 1 976; Sponsored by the Inst. Of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Descriptors: 'Photovoltaic conversion, 'Silicon, 'Solar arrays, 'Solar energy conversion, Acceler- ated life tests, Low cost, Marketing, Performance, Solar cells, Technology utilization. The Tests and Applications Project of the ERDA Photovoltaic Program is concerned with the testing of photovoltaic systems and the growth of their use in real terrestrial applications. This activity is an important complement to the development of low cost solar arrays by providing requirements based on application needs and stimulating mar- kets to create demand to absorb increasing pro- duction capacity. A photovoltaic system test facility is now operational, market stimulation has been initiated through applications, and standards for terrestrial cell measurements established. N77-18954/6 PC A15/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. They Watch and Wonder. Public Attitudes Toward Advanced Technology. Final Report. T. Laporte, and D. Metlay. Dec 75, 344p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 49673 Contract NGR-05-003-0471 Descriptors: 'Data acquisition, 'Public relations, 'Research and development, 'Social factors, 'Technology transfer, Air transportation, Human tolerances, Land use, Rural areas, Tables (Data). Identifiers: Communities, Surveys. The relationship of technological development to individual and community response was investigat- ed to provide a general conceptual, as well as em- pirical basis, for an understanding of the impact of advanced technologies on social life. Results of the surveys are presented in tables and graphs. N77-19729/1 PC A02/MF A01 Alcorn State Univ., Lorman, Miss. Dept. of Biologi- cal Sciences. Bio-Gas Production from Alligator Weeds. Semiannual Report. A. Latif. 1 Jun 76, 11p Rept no. NASA-CR- 149809 Grant NSG-8036 Descriptors: 'Biodegradation, 'Fermentation, 'Methane, Plants (Botany), Anaerobes, Bacteria, Luminous intensity, Metabolic wastes, pH, Tem- perature effects. Identifiers: Reducing agents, Aquatic weeds, 'Alli- gator weed, 'Alternanthera philoxeroides. Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the effect of temperature, sample preparation, re- ducing agents, light intensity and pH of the media, on bio-gas and methane production from the mi- crobial anaerobic decomposition of alligator weeds (Alternanthera philoxeroides. Efforts were also made for the isolation and characterization of the methanogenic bacteria. N77-32589/2 PC A03 Laboratoires d'Electronique et de Physique Appli- quee, Paris Limeil-Brevannes (France). Installation in Dakar of a Pump Powered by Solar Cell Panels. Mise en Place a Dakar d'Une Pompe Alimentee Par des Panneux de Cellules Solaires. Final Report. C. J. Naaijer. Jun 76, 44p Contract DGRST-75-7-1302 Language in French. Descriptors: 'Hydraulic equipment, 'Pumps, Energy conversion efficiency, Solar cells, Automa- tion, Constraints, Optimization, Photovoltaic cells. Identifiers: 'Solar water pumps. The installation of a solar-powered water pumping system in Dakar (Franch Sahara) is described. The interrelation of the various constraints is detailed together with the reasons for choosing photovol- taic cells. The solar collector pump, engine, buffer battery, and control unit are discussed. The func- tional characteristics for the automation of the system is elaborated upon. N77-33683/2 PC A04/MF A01 Battelle Columbus Labs., Ohio. Review of Current Interest and Research in Water Hyacinth-Based Wastewater Treatment. Final Report. R. K. Markarian, J. E. Balon, and A. C. Robinson. Feb 77, 59p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 551 50, BCL- OA-TFR-77-1 Contract NASW-2800 Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, 'Water pollution, Aquaculture, Industrial wastes, Solid wastes. Identifiers: Aquatic weeds, Interviews, 'Water hya- cinth. The status of activity in the user community for water hyacinth-based wastewater treatment was evaluated. The principal technique used was that of interviewing people who either (1) were known to be engaged in hyacinth research or develop- ment or (2) had made inquiry to NASA about hya- cinth systems. About 40 non-research organiza- tions and a similar number of research organiza- tions were contacted. As a result of the interviews and a review of the relevant literature, it was con- cluded that hyacinth systems have the potential for providing a lower cost way for small cities to meet increasingly stringent effluent requirements. A lim- ited amount of full-scale demonstration of hyacinth systems has been carried out during the past two years, but the yield of design data has been small. Several organizations are currently planning con- struction of experimental full-scale hyacinth-based wastewater treatment systems during 1977-1978. N78-10603/6 PC A02/MF A01 International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Aus- tria). Energy in Developing Countries: Prospects and Problems. V. Baum. 1977, 17p Rept nos. IAEA-CN-36/581, CONF-770505-235 Conf-Presented at Nucl. Power and Its Fuel Cycles, Salzburg, Austria, 2 May 1977. Descriptors: 'Energy policy, Developing nations, Energy consumption, Economics, Management planning, Social factors. Identifiers: 'Developing countries, Energy require- ments, 'Energy demand. Requirements for primary energy and electric power in the developing countries are analyzed in the light of projections of population and economic growth, the availability of indigenous energy re- sources, and input requirements (capital, technol- ogy, trained personnel) for accelerated energy de- velopment. Possible supplies for such inputs from domestic sources, transnational corporations, mul- tilateral institutions, and through co-operation among the developing countries themselves and between the developing and the developed coun- tries are reviewed. 45 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS N78-1 1653/0 PCA07/MFA01 World Meteorological Organization, Geneva (Swit- zerland). Guidelines for Disaster Prevention and Prepar- edness in Tropical Cyclone Areas. 1977, 135p Subm-Prepared Jointly with Econ. And Social Comm. For Asia and the Pacific and League of Red Cross Soc. Descriptors: "Cyclones, *Weather forecasting, Preparation, Prevention, Disasters, Floods, Land use, Storm damage, Tropical storms, Warning sys- tems. Identifiers: Switzerland. Following a general introduction and background information, forecasts and warnings of tropical cy- clones, river floods, and storm surges are re- viewed. The role of disaster prevention in national planning is discussed together with legislation for disaster prevention, risk evaluation, land use, and zoning and building codes. Planning and legisla- tion for disaster preparedness are summarized along with aspects such as tropical cyclone warn- ing systems, flood fighting, evacuation of danger areas, public education and information, and test exercises and emergency operations. Finally, dis- aster rehabilitation and resettlement and assess- ment of damage are discussed. N78-17466/1 PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. T. L Sullivan, T. P. Cahill, D. G. Griffee, Jr, and H. W. Gewehr. Dec 77, 38p Rept nos. NASA-TM- 73835, DOE/NASA-1028-77/13 Contract E(49-26)-1 028 Conf-to Be Presented at the 23RD Natl. Sampe Symp., Anaheim, Calif., 2-4 May 1978. Descriptors: "Rotor blades (Turbomachinery), 'Turbine blades, Low cost, Product development, Turbogenerators, Windpowered generators. Identifiers: "Wind turbines. Four processed for producing blades are exam- ined. Two use filament winding techniques and two involve filling a mold or form to produce all or part of a blade. The processes are described and a comparison is made of cost, material properties, design and free vibration characteristics. Conclu- sions are made regarding the feasibility of each process to produce low cost, structurally adequate blades. N78-19616/9 PC A13/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Wind Turbine Structural Dynamics. D. R. Miller. 1978, 280p Rept nos. NASA-CP- 2034, DOE-CONF-771148 Conf-Workshop Held at Cleveland. 15-17 Nov. 1 977; Sponsored by Doe. Descriptors: 'Mechanical drives, 'Turbines, 'Windpowered generators, Dynamic loads, Dy- namic structural analysis, Energy conversion, Low cost, Stability derivatives, Vibrational stress, Wind- power utilization. Identifiers: 'Wind turbines. For abstract, see STAR 1610 N78-24698/0 PC A04/MF A01 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France). Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Education in Asia. International Environmental Education Programme - UNESCO-UNEP. Final Report. 10 Feb 77, 73p Rept no. UNESCO-ED-77/WS/ 22 Conf-Conf . Held at Bangkok, 1 5-20 Nov. 1 976. Descriptors: 'Asia, 'Earth environment, 'Educa- tion, Ecology, Economic factors, Environment management, Environment protection, Qualifica- tions, Social factors, United Nations, Universities. Following a description of the environmental situa- tion in Asia, the need and basis for environmental education is discussed. Problems and activities in environmental education in Asia are reviewed and features for improving it are presented. N78-24699/8 PC A04/MF A01 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France). Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Education in Latin America and the Caribbean. International Environmental Education Programme - UNESCO-UNEP Final Report. 1 Mar 77, 57p Subm-Sponsored by Konrad Adenauer Found. Conf-Conf. Held at Bogota, 24-30 Nov. 1976. Descriptors: 'Earth environment, 'Education, 'South America, Caribbean Sea, Ecology, Eco- nomic factors, Environment management, Envi- ronment protection, Qualifications, Social factors, United Nations, Universities. Identifiers: Caribbean Sea Islands, 'Meetings. The background and objectives of the meeting are outlined followed by discussions on environmental education in the context of ecodevelopment and life-long education in Latin America. The present state of environmental education and the educa- tional systems in Latin America are reviewed and strategies to introduce and develop environmental education at regional and national levels in Latin America are presented. N78-25012/3 PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D. C. Waste Heat Utilization in Industrial Processes. M. Weichsel, and W. Heitmann. Apr 78, 35p Rept no. NASA-TM-75210 Contract NASW-2791 Descriptors: 'Cooling systems, 'Heat exchangers, 'Heat pumps, Economic development, Industrial plants, Waste energy utilization. Identifiers: Translations, 'Waste heat utilization, West Germany. A survey is given of new developments in heat ex- changers and heat pumps. With respect to practi- cal applications, internal criteria for plant operation are discussed. Possibilities of government support are pointed out. Waste heat steam generators and waste heat aggregates for hot water generation or in some cases for steam superheating are used. The possibilities of utilization can be classified ac- cording to the economic improvements and ac- cording to their process applications, for example, gas cooling. Examples are presented for a large variety of applications. N78-25998/3 PC A02/MF A01 National Inst, for Water Research, Pretoria (South Africa). Comparative Reclamation of Potable Water from Biofilter and Activated Sludge Effluents at the Stander Water Reclamation Plant. S. H. V. Vanblerk, J. Prinsloo, and J. Vanleeuwen. 1977, 9p Conf-Presented at the Intern. Conf. On Advan. Treat. And Reclamation of Wastewater. Descriptors: 'Activated sludge, 'Water treatment, Water reclamation, Calcium oxides, Fluid filters, In- dustrial plants. Identifiers: 'Sewage treatment, Physical chemical treatment, Activated sludge treatment, South Africa. The reclamation of water from biofilter humus tank effluent and activated sludge effluent by a physi- cal-chemical process was studied at a 4,500 cu m d/1 water reclamation plant. Lime clarification fol- lowed by quality equalization, ammonia stripping, recarbonation, sand filtration, chlorination, active carbon adsorption, and chemical stabilization pro- duced a high quality potable water from humus tank effluent. Water was reclaimed from activated sludge effluent utilizing the same process without quality equalization and ammonia stripping. The simplified process was easier to control and ren- dered a product water of comparable quality. In processing activated sludge effluent, consumption of chemicals was less and reclamation costs were reduced by 20 to 30%, depending on the size of the plant. N78-27522/9 PC A09/MF A01 Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Seminar. 30 Mar 78, 184p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 57255, JPL-PUB-78-45 Contract NAS7-100 Subm-Sponsored in Part by Doe. Conf-Seminar Held at Pasadena, Calif., 30 Mar. 1978; Sponsored by Doe. Descriptors: 'Clean energy, 'Communicating, 'Energy conversion, 'Solar energy, 'Technology transfer, 'Thermal energy, Earth resources, Energy conservation, Solar cooling, Solar heating, Systems engineering, Windpower utilization. Identifiers: 'Meetings, Proceedings. For abstract, see STAR 1618 N78-29578/9 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Coun- tries: Identifying Some Potential Markets. G. F. Hein, and T. A. Siddiqi. Feb 78, 13p Rept nos. NASA-TM-78964, DOE/NASA/1 022-78/41 Contract E(49-28)-1022 Conf-Presented at the Ann. Meeting of the AM. Assoc. For the Advan. Of Sci., Washington, D.C., 12-17 Feb. 1978. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Energy tech- nology, 'Marketing, Solar energy, Economic fac- tors, Electricity, Haiti, Photovoltaic cells, Solar gen- erators, Technology utilization. Identifiers: Developing countries, 'Photovoltaic conversion. The potential use of solar electricity generated from photovoltaic cells is examined for nineteen developing nations. Energy and economic profiles are summarized for each country. A comparison is made between the use of autogeneration and pho- tovoltaics in a rural area of Haiti. N78-31532/2 PC A05/MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and Development. Quarterly Report, 1 Apr. 1977 - 30 Jun. 1977. Jul 77, 88p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 50770, QR-4 Contract NAS8-32093 Subm-Prepared by Doe. Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Solar cooling, 'Solar heating, Systems engineering, Energy sources, Product development, Prototypes, Solar energy conversion, Technology assessment. Identifiers: Solar heating systems, Solar cooling systems, Residential buildings, Commerical build- ings. The development of twelve prototype solar heat- ing/cooling systems, six heating and six heating and cooling systems, two each for single family, multi-family, and commercial applications, is re- ported. Schedules and technical discussions, along with illustrations on the progress made from April 1, 1977 through June 30, 1977 are detailed. N78-31538/9 PC A02/MF A01 Solar Engineering and Mfg. Co., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Design Data Brochure: Solar Hot Water System. Jul 78, 21 p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 50699 Contract NAS8-32247 Subm-Prepared for Doe. Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Solar heating, Systems engineering, Water, Energy sources, Energy tech- nology, Solar collectors, Solar energy conversion, Tables (Data). Identifiers: 'Solar water heaters, Hot water heat- ing, Solar water heating. A design calculation is detailed for a single-family residence housing a family of four in a nonspecific 46 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS geographical area. The solar water heater system is designed to provide 80 gallons of 140 F hot water per day. N78-32546/1 PC A02/MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Energy Re- sourCE Center. Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and Development. Jul 78, 22p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 50786 Contract NAS8-32093 Subm-Prepared for Doe. Descriptors: *Cooling systems, *Solar heating, Re- search and development, Solar energy, Energy sources, Prototypes, Solar energy conversion. Identifiers: Solar heating systems, Solar cooling systems, Prototypes. The development and delivery of prototype solar heating and cooling systems for installation and operational test are detailed. N79-15411/8 PCA02/MFA01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH. Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of Developing Countries. L. Rosenblum, W. J. Bifano, G. F. Hein, and A. F. Ratajczak. 1979, 19p Rept nos. NASA-TM- 79097, E-9921 Conf-Presented at the Intern. Seminar on Solar Energy, Tokyo, 5-10 Feb. 1979; Sponsored by the United Nations and Govt. Of Japan. Descriptors: 'Developing nations, 'Photovoltaic conversion, * Rural areas, Technology utilization, Utilities, Arizona, Cost effectiveness, Educational television, Industries, Solar cells, Upper Volta. Identifiers: Developing countries, 'Electric power generation. Systems technology, reliability, and present and projected costs of photovoltaic systems are dis- cussed using data derived from NASA, Lewis Re- search Center experience with photovoltaic sys- tems deployed with a variety of users. Operating systems in two villages, one in Upper Volta and the other in southwestern Arizona are described. Energy cost comparisons are presented for photo- voltaic systems versus alternative energy sources. Based on present system technology, reliability, and costs, photovoltaics provides a realistic energy option for developing nations. N79- 1 6377/0 PC A 1 0/ M F A0 1 Burns and McDonnell, Kansas City, MO. Assessment of the Potential of Solar Thermal Small Power Systems in Small Utilities. Final Report. P. Steitz, L. G. Mayo, and S. P. Perkins, Jr. Nov 78, 222p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 58093, JPL-1060- 14 Contract JPL-954971 Subm-Prepared for JPL and Doe. Descriptors: 'Economic factors, 'Solar gener- ators, Utilities, Concentrators, Parabolic antennas, Rankine cycle, Solar energy conversion. Identifiers: Electric power plants, Solar thermal power plants, Tower focus power plants, Assess- ments, Economic analysis. The potential economic benefit of small solar ther- mal electric power systems to small municipal and rural electric utilities is assessed. Five different solar thermal small power system configurations were considered in three different solar thermal technologies. The configurations included: (1) 1 MW, 2 MW, and 10 MW parabolic dish concentra- tors with a 1 5 kW heat engine mounted at the focal point of each dish, these systems utilized ad- vanced battery energy storage; (2) a 10 MW system with variable slat concentrators and central steam Rankine energy conversion, this system uti- lized sensible thermal energy storage; and (3) a 50 MW central receiver system consisting of a field of heliostats concentrating energy on a tower-mount- ed receiver and a central steam Rankine conver- sion system, this system also utilized sensible ther- mal storage. The results are summarized in terms of break-even capital costs. The break-even capi- tal cost was defined as the solar thermal plant cap- ital cost which would have to be achieved in order for the solar thermal plants to penetrate 1 percent of the reference small utility generation mix by the year 2000. The calculated break-even capital costs are presented. N79-18460/2 PC A03/MF A01 Bundesministerium fuer Wissenschaft und Fors- chung, Vienna (Austria). Austrian 10KWE Solar Power Plant. A Project of the Federal Ministry for Science and Re- search. 1977, 28p Descriptors: 'Electric power plants, 'Solar energy conversion, Austria, Energy technology, Structural engineering, Technology assessment, Electric generators, Electric networks, Energy storage, Solar collectors, Systems engineering, Working fluids. Identifiers: 'Solar power plants, Developing coun- tries, Heat storage. Concepts under development in other nations were surveyed to clarify available options in the design and construction of a small solar energy plant suitable for use in developing countries. The possibility of marketing an Austrian-made power plant capable of operating without human service was assessed as well as the possibility of supply- ing single components to users. Aspects of the design under consideration discussed include col- lector circuits, freon circuits, prime movers, gener- ator and electric networks, plant performance, and thermal storage. ORNL-tr-4587 PC A02/MF A01 Development of Bivalves Belonging to the Genus Corbicula I. Miyazaki. 1936, 9p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Translated by H. Kubota from Nippon Suisan Gak- kaishi5n4p249-254 1936. Descriptors: 'Japan, 'Molluscs, 'Aquaculture, Aquatic ecosystems, Food, Reproduction. Identifiers: ERDA/520100, Translations, Japan. Small bivalves of the genus Corbicula are widely used for human food in Japan thus they have some commercial importance, and in some cases they are the object of cultivation being transplant- ed to the place where they are not found. Their habitat is either fresh or brackish water. The chief purpose of the present study is to elucidate their reproduction which shows different types accord- ing to ecological conditions. (ERA citation 03:031852) ORNL-5024 PC A07/MF A01 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Al- ternative Energy Sources. S. E. Beall, I. Spiewak, H. G. Arnold, H. W. McLain, and E. S. Bettis. Sep 74, 134p Contract W-7405-eng-26 Descriptors: 'Geothermal energy, 'Environmental effects, 'Solar energy, Environmental effects, 'Thermonuclear reactors, Environmental effects, 'Energy sources, Environmental effects, Environ- ment. Identifiers: ERDA/295500, ERDA/293500, ERDA/ 140400, ERDA/ 150600, ERDA/700200. Several energy sources, including solar, geother- mal, and fusion processes, have been presented in the press as being low-cost and nonpolluting and proclaimed as solutions to the energy crisis. This report provides information related to techni- cal feasibility, economic practicality, and commer- cial availability of these sources, and attempts to assess their environmental effects. Specifically, three concepts of geothermal energy extraction, artificial and natural means of collecting solar energy, and a typical thermonuclear energy gener- ator are discussed. The authors point out that this report was prepared during the Summer and Fall of 1973, but was not completed because funding for the project was canceled early in 1974. Although the work was completed by one of the authors (Beall) on a part-time basis early in 1975, there was no time to update the material to reflect the changes in technology during the interim; thus, much of the referenced technological material and cost data are somewhat out of date. In spite of this shortcoming, Dr. Beall feels that the treatment of environmental effects and the suggested method- ology for comparing the impacts of the alternative energy systems remain pertinent and provide a basis for additional generic and site-specific stud- ies. (146 references). ORO-5422-1 PC A02/MF A01 Center for Energy and Environment Research, Ma- yaguez, Puerto Rico. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. First Quarterly Report, June 1-August 31, 1977 A. G. Alexander. 1977, 24p Contract EG-77-G-05-5422 Descriptors: 'Sugar cane, Grass, Chemical analy- sis, Evaluation, Phosphorus, Plant breeding, Plant growth, Plant tissues, Potassium, Preferred spe- cies, Production, Puerto Rico, Silicon, Sodium, Sulfur, Tropical regions, Vegetative propagation. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/553000, 'Forage crops, 'Forage grasses. Research was initiated on the intensive production of sugarcane and other tropical grasses as solar- dried forages. Greenhouse experiments designed to screen candidate clones and to evaluate growth curves were the first to get underway. Chemical growth control tests were also initiated. Plant ma- terials at this stage consist of commercial sugar- cane hybrids, progeny from the AES-UPR cane breeding program, Saccharum clones from the species officinarum, spontaneum, sinense, and ro- bustum, Erianthus clones, a commercial tropical forage grass, napier grass, and forms of S. spon- taneum plus Arundo donax growing wild in Puerto Rico. Initial stages of cane breeding and progeny selection for the high tonnage attribute were begun during August. Foliar tissue analyses for N, P, K, S, and Si were started together-with assays for acid invertase and other components of ex- panding stem tissue. The first field experiment was initiated during July at the semi-arid Lajas Substa- tion. Four clones (three sugarcane hybrids plus napier grass var. Merker) are being evaluated inci- dent to row spacing and harvest frequency in field- plots. (ERA citation 04:005503) ORO-5422-3 PC A04/MF A01 Center for Energy and Environment Research, Rio Piedras, PR. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. Third Quarter- ly Report, December 1, 1977--February 28, 1978 1978, 55 Contract EG-77-G-05-5422 Descriptors: 'Grass, 'Sugarcane, Cultivation tech- niques, Diagrams, Evaluation, Forage, Plant breeding, Plant growth, Production, Productivity, Tables, Tropical regions, Yields. Identifiers: ERDA/140504, Puerto Rico, Biomass, Refuse derived fuels, Manufactured gas, Synthetic fuels, Solid wasts. Tropical grasses from Saccharum and related genera are being evaluated as candidates for in- tensive production of solar-dried biomass. Catego- ries of candidate grasses include short, intermedi- ate, and long-rotation crops for co-production with conventional food commodities. The hybrid forage grass Sordan 70A (Northrup King Seeds) is the outstanding short-rotation plant tested to date. Napier grass (var. Common Merker) is a promising intermediate-rotation crop which possibly may be exceeded by several napier grass hybrids. Candi- date clones from the Saccharum species sinense and spontaneum are being investigated for use in both long-rotation and minimum-tillage production regimes. Direct comparisons of sugarcane hybrids with napier grass indicate that sugarcane is an in- ferior candidate for tropical forage production. Sugarcane responded well to narrow row centers at 2 months but the response diminished at 4 and 6 months. For both crops, greater biomass yields were obtained from a single harvest at 6 months than from three 2-month harvests combined. The ability to convert early succulent growth to dry matter is a decisive feature for candidates to be 47 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS handled as frequently-recut forages. Progress has been made in chemical growth regulation studies. A series of inlergeneric hybrid clones are being im- ported for evaluation as biomass sources. Limited progress was made in biomass candidate breed- ing. A revised work plan for year 2 is discussed. (ERA citation 04:01 8340) PAT-APPL-566 493 PC A02/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Pasadena Office, Calif. Solar Powered Pump. Patent Application. C. C. Kirsten. Filed 9 Apr 75, 19p N75-22746/2, NASA-CASE-NPO-1 3567-1 Contract NAS7-100 Government-owned invention available for licens- ing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: *Arid lands, *Farm crops, 'Irrigation, *Pumps, *Water flow, 'Patent applications, Low cost, Solar energy. A low cost water pump suitable for use in agricul- tural irrigation in underdeveloped regions is dis- closed. The pump is adopted to use unconcentrat- ed sunlight as a source of energy and atmospheric air as a working fluid for intermittently delivering a stream of water from a given source. PAT-APPL-598 969 PC A04/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Pasadena Office, Calif. Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. Patent Application. C. G. Miller, and J. B. Stephens. Filed 24 Jul 75, 57p N75-28519/7, NASA-CASE-NPO-1 3579-1 Contract NAS7-100 Government-owned invention available for licens- ing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: "Cost reduction, *Solar energy ab- sorbers, * Solar reflectors, 'Patent applications, Equipment specifications, Pipes (Tubes), Product development. A fixed, linear, ground-based primary reflector is described which has an extended curved-saw- tooth contoured surface covered with a metallized polymeric reflecting material; It reflects solar energy to a movably supported collector that is kept at the concentrated line focus of the reflector primary. The primary flector was constructed by a process utilizing freeway paving machinery. The solar energy absorber is preferably a fluid-trans- porting pipe. Efficient utilization leading to high temperatures from the reflected solar energy was obtained by cylindrical shaped secondary reflec- tors that direct off-angle energy to the absorber pipe. Refocusing secondary reflectors which cause a series of discrete spots of highly concen- trated solar energy to fall on the fluid-transporting pipe were used to obtain higher temperature levels. A seriatim arrangement of cylindrical sec- ondary reflector stages and spot-forming reflector stages produces a high temperature solar energy collection system of greater efficiency. PAT-APPL-617 202 PC A03/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Pasadena Office, Calif. Lightweight Reflector Assembly and Method. Patent Application. M. J. Argoud, J. Jolley, and W. L. Walker. Filed 24 Sep 75, 29p N75-32894/8, NASA-CASE- NPO-1 3707-1 Contract NAS7-100 Government-owned invention available for licens- ing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: 'Fabrication, 'Low cost, 'Solar re- flectors, 'Patent applications, Glass, Parabolic re- flectors, Substrates. An invention for a lightweight solar reflector as- sembly having a glass cellular substrate and a method of formimg the reflector assembly was de- scribed. The novelty of the invention appears to reside in the method of forming a large low cost reflective surface for use in a solar concentrator or antenna. The invention also includes the reflective component combination of a lamina glass reflec- tive surface and a lightweight cellular glass sub- strate having the same coefficient of thermal ex- pansion to provide a high quality optical reflective surface. (Author) PAT-APPL-789 375 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Nutritionally Balanced Protein Snack Food Pre- pared from Legume Seeds Patent Application Louis B. Rockland, and Thomas M. Radke. Filed 20 Apr 77, 15p PB-267 049/5 This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: 'Patent applications, 'Food process- ing, 'Leguminous plants, 'Seeds, Nutrition, Pro- teins. Identifiers: Procedures. Novel food products are prepared from legume seeds by (a) treating the seeds to render them quick-cooking, (b) cooking the seeds and mashing them, (c) combining the cooked and mashed seeds with methionine-containing ingredients such as cereal grain flours, oil seeds, oil seed flours, and the like, (d) adding water to the mixture to form a dough, (e) extruding the dough into sheets, (f) cut- ting the sheets into pieces, and (g) frying the pieces in edible oil. PAT-APPL-932 080 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. Precooked Baking Potatoes Patent Application Keng C. Ng, Merle L. Weaver, Masahide Nonaka, and Robert N. Sayre. Filed 8 Aug 78, 22p PB- 287 463/4 This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: 'Patent applications, 'Food processing, Vegetables. 'Potatoes, The patent application discloses a process where- in raw potatoes are cooked under controlled condi- tions. The potatoes are cooked to their centers without damage to their surface tissue. An impor- tant feature of the cooking is that the temperature thereof for a part of the time, be above the tem- perature at which sloughing of the potato surface would occur if the potatoes were cooked to their centers at that temperature. Following the cooking procedure the potatoes are heated in air and then frozen or chilled to preserve them. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PAT-APPL-934 290 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. High-Performance, Lightweight Structural Par- ticleboard Patent Application M. O. Hunt, W. F. Lehmann, and D. A. Fergus. Filed 17 Aug 78, 17p PB-287 465/9 This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: 'Wood particle boards, 'Patent appli- cations, Particulate composites, Panels, Construc- tion materials, Hardwoods, Composite fabrication, Sandwich panels, Particles, Alignment, Hot press- ing. Alined wood particles and an adhesive binder comprise the faces of a sandwiched, laminate-like structure formed in a one-step pressing and heat- ing operation, the interior of which is made of ran- domly oriented wood particles and an adhesive binder, exhibiting lighter weight and greater bend- ing strength than known particleboards construct- ed from heavy hardwoods such as red oak. PATENT-3 331 356 Not available NTIS Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Sterilization of Fish in their Aquatic Environ- ment to Produce Maximum Size and Weight per Unit of Water Surface Patent Benjamin Eckstein. Filed 22 Nov 65, patented 18 Jul 67, 2p PB-228 200/2, PAT-APPL-519 820 Government-owned invention available for licens- ing. Copy of patent available Commissioner of Pat- ents, Washington, D.C. 20231 $0.50. Descriptors: 'Fishes, 'Sterilization, 'Patents, 'Sterility, Weight(Mass), Size determination, Growth, Brackish water, Aquaculture, Estogrens, Mortality. Identifiers: PAT-CL-119-3, Tilapia, Fish steriliza- tion, GPINT. The invention relates to a method for sterilizing fish, especially Tilapia. In particular, the method comprises the gonadal destruction of Tilapia fry at an age of about four to eight weeks by introducing into water containing the fry an estrogenic compo- sition in small concentrations. PATENT-3 984 266 Not available NTIS Department of the Navy Washington D C Process for Bonding a Ferro-Cement Structure with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Patent Kenneth A. Christensen, and Robert B. Williamson. Filed 22 Apr 74, patented 5 Oct 76, 5p AD-D003 818/2, PAT-APPL-462 827 Supersedes PAT-APPL-462 827-74, AD-D001 591. Availability: This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for for- eign licensing. Copy of patent available Commis- sioner of Patents, Washington, D. C. 20231. $0.50. Descriptors: 'Patents, 'Adhesive bonding, 'Ce- ments, 'Glass reinforced plastics, Bonding, Adhe- sives, Fiberglass, Construction materials, Hulls(Marine). Identifiers: PAT-CL-156-3, Ferrocement. A process is described for bonding a glass fiber reinforced plastic to a ferro-cement structure to im- prove impact strength of the ferro-cement struc- ture, comprising the steps curing the ferro-cement mortar; acid etching the mortar on the side of the ferro-cement mortar to which the glass fiber rein- forced plastic is to be bonded, rinsing the mortar, drying the mortar, applying a coat of adhesive to the mortar and attaching the glass fiber reinforced plastic to the bonded mortar surface. The adhesive may be partially cured if desired. (Author) PATENT-4 035 065 Not available NTIS National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Pasadena Office, Calif. Lightweight Reflector Assembly. Patent M. J. Argoud, J. Jolley, and W. L. Walker. Filed 24 Sep 75, patented 12 Jul 77, 9p N77-28933/8 Supersedes PAT-APPL-617 202-75, N75-32894. Subm-Sponsored by NASA. This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of patent available Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 $0.50. Descriptors: 'Fabrication, 'Solar reflectors, 'Para- boloid mirrors, 'Patents, Optical reflection, Struc- tural design, Composite structures, Glass, Coat- ings, Low cost. Identifiers: PAT-CL-350-310. An inexpensive, lightweight reflective assembly member having good optical quality is described. It is adaptable to accommodating temperature vari- ations without providing destructive thermal stresses and reflective slope errors. The reflective assembly consists of a thin sheet of glass with ap- propriate reflective coating and a cellular glass block substrate bonded together. The method of fabrication includes abrading the cellular substrate with an abrasive master die to form an appropriate concave surface. An adhesive is applied to the ab- raded surface and a lamina reflective surface is placed under a uniform pressure to conform the reflective surface onto the desired abraded sur- face of the substrate. PATENT-4 065 053 Not available NTIS National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Pasadena, Calif. Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. Patent 48 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS C. G. Miller, and J. B. Stephans. Filed 24 Jul 75, patented 27 Dec 77, 26p N78- 17460/4, PAT- APPL-598 969 This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of patent available Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 $0.50. Descriptors: 'Solar collectors, *Solar energy ab- sorbers, "Patents, Cost analysis, Equipment speci- fications, Pipes (Tubes), Product development. Identifiers: PAT-CL-237-1, Solar reflectors. A fixed, linear, ground-based primary reflector having an extended, curved sawtooth contoured surface covered with a metallized polymeric re- flecting material, reflected solar energy to a mov- ably supported collector that was kept at the con- centrated line focus of the reflector primary. Effi- cient utilization leading to high temperatures from the reflected solar energy was obtained by cylindri- cal shaped secondary reflectors that directed off- angle energy to the absorber pipe. PATENT-4 103 547 Not available NTIS Department of Transportation, Washington, DC. Locomotive Track Curvature Indicator Patent Joseph D. Vrabel. Filed 7 Feb 77, patented 1 Aug 78, 6p PB-287 466/7, PAT-APPL-765 876 This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of patent available Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 $0.50. Descriptors: 'Railroad tracks, 'Curvature, 'Indi- cating instruments, 'Patents, Display systems, De- tectors, Safety, Potentiometers(lnstruments). Identifiers: PAT-CL-73-146. The patent describes a system for dynamically measuring and displaying track curvature informa- tion to a locomotive engineer on a real-time basis. A car mounted sensor produces a variable output responsive to changes in the car's orientation caused by variation in track curvature, a control cir- cuit converts the sensor output into an electrical signal representative of the changes in orientation, and an indicator receives the signal and provides a dynamic display of the derived track curvature in- formation. In a preferred embodiment, the sensor comprises an extendable line having one end at- tached to a bracket that is connected to the center of a supporting truck cross-frame, while the other end is wound on a retractable supply reel mounted on the car's frame. In response to relative move- ment between the car's frame and the supporting truck, caused by movement of the car over curved track, the length of the line withdrawn from the reel varies and is monitored by an electrical potentiom- eter that produces an output signal indicative of track curvature. PB-169 304 PC A02 MF A01 Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. Condensation in Farm Buildings. Research note. Jan 66, 9p Rept no. FPL-0114 Contract Revision of Report no. 1 1 86. Descriptors: 'Buildings, Condensation, 'Conden- sation, Control, 'Water vapor, Buildings, Rural areas, Moisture, Humidity, Ventilation, Moisture- proofing, Permeability. The method of controlling or preventing the con- densation in farm buildings and other structures in- volves a particular set of conditions, each of which must be considered separately. A review of the principles of water vapor and condensation is pro- vided for the purpose of establishing a basis for analyzing the problem. The control of factors con- tributing to condensation by means of ventilation, vapor-permeable constructions, and vapor barriers is discussed. PB-169 744 PC A05 MF A01 Maine Dept. of Economic Development, Augusta. Technical and Economic Feasibility of Estab- lishing a Lightweight Aggregate Plant Using Marine Clays in York County, Maine. Final rept. Jul 64, 78p Rept no. Contract Cc-6021 Descriptors: 'Economics, Maine, 'Clay, Maine, 'Composite materials, Clay, 'Industrial production, Composite materials, 'Industrial plants, Maine, Mixtures, Pellets, Concrete, Manufacturing meth- ods, Clay minerals, Feldspar, Quartz, Mica, Potas- sium compounds, Cements, Commerce, Natural resources, Transportation, Extrusion, Sintering, Feasibility studies, Mining engineering, Industries, Driers(Apparatus), Crushers, Storage, Costs, Structural properties. Identifiers: Area redevelopment, Aggregates(Materials). Contents: Raw material resource investigation; Analysis and pilot plant tests; Estimates of con- struction and production costs, Economic feasibil- ity of lightweight aggregate operation. PB-170 306 PC A10 MF A01 American Scientific Corp., Alexandria, Va. Creating a Ceramics Industry on the Blackfeet Reservation. Emmett F. Deady, Saul S. Gefter, Natalie Marra, and Robert F. Custard. Sep 65, 203p Contract EDA-1 4-20-0650-1 379 Descriptors: 'Economics, Montana, 'Montana, In- dustries, 'Industries, Ceramic materials, Feasibility studies, Labor, Commerce, Employment, Manage- ment engineering. Identifiers: Ceramics industry, Indian reservations, Area redevelopment. The study reports that there exists at the Blackfeet Reservation a sufficient labor pool endowed with ceramic production capabilities and that all other factors controlling the success of such an industry are in evidence, provided the enterprise can be fi- nanced. It resolves that the plant should be direct- ed to the production of art pottery, particularly fine figurines and pottery designed to reflect the Ameri- can Indian tradition. It determined that the opti- mum method of production is slip casting but rec- ommends flexible molding as soon as practical and suggests lines of experiments so directed. The study examines the market for Indian art pottery and recommends specific items at specific prices, and undertakes to predict sales quotas of such items. It shows that there is an annual sales of $21 ,000,000 in the U. S. alone of art ceramic items and that there is no commercially produced Indian pottery of any significance at this time. It proposes that a $100,000 penetration of this market is less than one-half of one percent, and concludes that this is feasible. The study recommends a program of facilities and equipment starting with a 4,940 square foot plant employing 20 people to be ex- panded to a 10,000 square foot plant employing 129 people, with a corallary ceramics industry to employ another 125 over a ten year program. It proposes a plan of implementation including man- agement, capital, labor, and facility requirements over a ten year period to be financed with an in- vestment of $250,000 and shows that a break- even point is possible by the end of the first full year of operation. (Author) PB-170 327 PC A03 MF A01 Hawaii State Dept. of Planning and Economic De- velopment, Honolulu. Feasibility of Processing Tropical Fruit Con- centrates in Puna, Hawaii. Jun 65, 48p Rept no. Contract Prepared in cooperation with Economic Develop- ment Administration, Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Economics, Hawaii, 'Hawaii, Eco- nomics, 'Fruits, Beverages, Feasibility studies, Processing, Dehydrated foods, Pectins, Costs, Concentration(Chemistry), Food, Industries. Identifiers: Area redevelopment. A pilot plant operation to determine the feasibility of processing tropical fruits with acerola plant equipment was a definite success. The technicians who carried out the pilot plant operation have con- cluded it is technically possible to produce high quality concentrates from passion fruit, guava and papaya on a commercial scale. No serious techni- cal problems were encountered in the operation. In making these concentrates, the technologists at- tempted to get the highest brix reading possible instead of stopping at a lower and possibly more practical level of concentration. Subsequent prod- uct development work by the technologists proved satisfactory products could be made utilizing these concentrates. These products were jams, jellies, nectar bases, 2nd flavorings. An economic analy- sis of a projected full-scale commercial operation resulted in a very optimistic profit picture. These results apply only to the Puna District of Hawaii which offers unique advantages to the proposed operation. (Author) PB-173 709 PC A03 MF A01 Coordination Center for Southeast Asian Studies Bangok (Thailand). Metalworking Equipment in Thailand. Jul 63, 27p Prepared in cooperation with Business and De- fense Services Administration, Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Metal-forming presses, Commerce, 'Industries, Metal-forming presses, Thailand, Ma- chine tools, Presses(Machinery), Small tools. It is recommended that certain items of metal working equipment be exhibited in Thailand but only if they are produced in America in sizes which are appropriate for small industries, and at prices which can be paid by individuals. Further, it is rec- ommended that any type of display must take ac- count of the lack of knowledge, on the part of the small Chinese industry owner who will buy them, of what machines can do. He must be offered ade- quate information, explanation and demonstration. PB-173 710 PC A03 MF A01 Far East Research Organization Ltd., Singapore. Metal Cutting Machines in Malaya. May 65, 36p Prepared in cooperation with Business and De- fense Services Administration, Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Cutting tools, Commerce, 'Com- merce, Industries, Small tools, Economics, Metal- forming presses, Malaya, Machine tools. In general the items likely to be in greatest demand in Malaysia are general purpose metal cutting ma- chines likely to be used in small general purpose workshops. The machines should be robust and any sub assembles which are difficult to repair should be easily removeable for exchange. The market for large or highly specialized machines is not likely to be large for several years. PB-174 333 PC A03 MF A01 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne (Australia). Div. of Forest Products. Contributions from Division of Forest Prod- ucts, Csiro, to Uncsat Conference 1963. 27 Jun 66, 39p Rept no. Technical paper-46 Descriptors: 'Wood, Scientific research, Forestry, Structural properties, Trees, Paper, Climatology, Adhesives, Strength, Preservation, Tropical dete- rioration, Buildings, Humidity, Protective treat- ments, Reports, Australia. Contents: Developing the structural use of native timbers: important technological factors; The be- haviour of paper products under extreme climatic conditions', Tannin-formaldehyde adhesives; Pres- ervation of hardwood building timbers with special reference to tropical countries; Timber utilization with special reference to sawing techniques and utilization of waste; Timber seasoning practices for conditions of high humidity in tropical areas. PB-174 346 PC A04 MF A01 Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. Houses Can Resist Hurricanes. Research paper L. O. Anderson, and Walton R. Smith. Aug 65, 52p Rept no. FPL-33 Prepared in cooperation with Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. Descriptors: 'Construction materials, Tropical cy- clones, 'Housing, Tropical cyclones, Structures, Damage control, Foundations(Structures), Storms. 49 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS The report is based on a study of hurricane damage to man-made structures over a period of years. Not all damage can be eliminated, but a very high percentage of damage observed in the past could have been avoided with simple, inexpensive commonsense principles applied to building con- struction. Some of these principles are demon- strated here-especially in respect to the value of good foundations and the importance of ties be- tween parts of the structure. (Author) PB-174 673 PC A13 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Small Canning Facilities. Jun 56, 276p Descriptors: 'Canning, 'Industrial plants, Oper- ation, Industrial equipment, Economics, Site selec- tion, Maintenance, Food, Containers, Personnel, Industrial training, Preparation, Processing, Indus- trial research. The manual describes the equipment and materi- als required to establish small canning facilities. In- formation on plant layouts is provided, and oper- ation procedures and processing data are present- ed. Three types of plants or centers are discussed; a small facility utilizing elementary utensils, an in- termediate size plant utilizing commercial equip- ment and a larger plant with centeralized steam- generating equipment. (Author) PB-175 521 PC A09 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Metal-Working Industry Training Manual. 1957, 184p Rept no. Technical Bull-62 Descriptors: 'Instruction manuals, 'Machine shop practice, 'Industrial training, Material forming, Metals, Dies, Material removal, Heat treatment, In- dustrial equipment, Operation, Supervisory per- sonnel, Management engineering. The manual contains material about the manufac- turing practices and operational methods in the metal-working industry, relating principally to the use of machine tools and related equipment for manufacturing component parts of final products. It explains the efficient utilization of metal-working equipment, and allied problems of tooling, plant lay-out, methods, and the development of a pro- gram to assist the industry on production problems through a training program. This training program has been developed for senior management per- sonnel, work managers, and foremen for the proper selection of machinery; utilization of ma- chine tools; layout of production line; design, use, and making of jigs and fixtures; problems involving setup, machine loading, machine speeds, testing and quality control, selection of cutting tools, tool designs, tool-making and tool maintenance; and safety devices and programs in the shop. (Author) PB-175 522 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Planing Mill Dressed or Finished Lumber. Dec 56, 47p Prepared in cooperation with Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, III. Descriptors: 'Wood, 'Industries, Aging(Materials), Drying, Air, Heat, Machine tools, Costs, Industrial equipment, Personnel, Saws, Operation, Com- merce, Structural parts. Contents: Function of the planing mill; Lumber; Lumber seasoning; Air drying; Kiln drying; Grading lumber; Machinery and equipment; Buildings; Per- sonnel; Research; Accounting instructions; Invest- ment and working capital requirements. PB-175 523 PC A04 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate Small Bread Bakeries. Mar 60, 63p Prepared in cooperation with Holman (John F.) and Co., Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Bread, Manufacturing methods, In- dustrial plants, Specifications, Industrial produc- tion, Costs, Labor, Economics, Power, Industrial equipment, Fuels, Transportation, Water. Contents: General assumptions; Manufacturing operations; Plant site; Building requirements; Plant layout; Power; Water; Fuel; Transportation; Ma- chinery and equipment; Production equipment; Direct labor requirements; Direct materials; Furni- ture and fixtures; Supplies; Cost breakdown per pound for white bread; Indirect labor cost; Depreci- ation; Manufacturing overhead; Manufacturing cost (annual); Fixed assets; Working capital; Capi- tal requirements; Sales revenue; Recapitulation of costs, sales, and profits; Training; Sanitation; Safety; Conservation and accounting for losses in baking operations. PB-175 524 PC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Brass Foundry. Revised ed. May 59, 85p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, Material forming, 'Brass, 'Material forming, Management engineer- ing, Copper alloys, Aluminum alloys, Magnesium alloys, Casting, Molding, Costs, Industrial equip- ment, Manufacturing methods. The manual deals with subjects concerning brass foundry operations and techniques. However, mat- ters pertaining to the casting of other metals in the nonferrous category have been included, since it is quite generally the practice in America to utilize identical facilities to cast brass, bronze, zinc, alu- minum, magnesium and other nonferrous metals. The manual includes current costs of labor, ma- chinery, equipment and supplies, as well as addi- tional information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic fac- tors. PB-175 525 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Mineral Wool. Revised ed. Mar 62, 40p Prepared in cooperation with Vitro Engineering Co., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Industrial production, 'Thermal insu- lation, Manufacturing methods, Costs, Manage- ment engineering, Industrial equipment. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation relative to the establishment of a mineral wool plant in a foreign country. Mineral wool may be manufactured from rock, slag, or glass, any one of which may be processed from a molten state into a fluffy, light-weight mass of fine intermingled mineral fibers composed of complex silicates. This report pertains to the fabrication of loose and gran- ulated mineral wool from slag. These materials are used mainly for thermal insulation by the building trades. When mineral wool is to be supplied to manufacturers of specialized acoustical and filter products, chemical analysis and control of the fiber and completed wool will be necessary to assure conformance to the customer's specifications. This plant will require a substantial capital invest- ment and a reasonable number of skilled work- men. Raw materials should be available locally, particularly slag and coke. Generally, the less de- veloped countries do not offer particularly favora- ble conditions for the production of mineral wool, nor a large enough domestic market to lead to a profitable venture. However, such a plant would be feasible in an industrially developing country where a large volume of new construction and industries would create a sufficient demand. A favorable factor would be association of the mineral plant with a factory processing high and low temperature mineral wool felts, industrial batts, blankets, blocks, boards, and molded pipe insulations. (Author) PB-175 526 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Candy and Confectionery. Sep 57, 48p Prepared in cooperation with Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, III. Descriptors: 'Food, Manufacturing methods, In- dustrial plants, Industrial production. Specifica- tions, Industries, Industrial equipment, Costs, Man- agement planning. Identifiers: Confectioneries. Contents: Candy origin and usage; The candy in- dustry; Requisites of successful confectionery manufacturing; Principal raw materials and their characteristics; Manufacturing processes of basic types of candy; Plant requirements - physical; Plant requirements - quality and costs; Cost ratios in the candy industry; Operating ratios in 1955 - typical for U. S. manufacturer-retailers; Financial forecast; Average cost per pound of selected in- gredients used by the United States confection in- dustry. PB-175 527 PC A06 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Processing of Dairy Products. May 62, 102p Prepared in cooperation with Fehmerling Asso- ciates, Bridgeton, N. J. Descriptors: 'Food, Processing, 'Milk, Processing, Industrial plants, Industrial production, Industrial equipment, Dehydrated foods, Power, Water, Fuels, Labor, Costs, Budgets, Economics, Instruc- tion manuals, Specifications. Identifiers: Dairy products. The manual provides information on the process- ing of milk and other dairy products for human con- sumption. It is primarily intended to give the reader a basic understanding of production and marketing methods. PB-175 531 PC A06 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. A Small Sawmill Enterprise. Revised ed. Apr 59, 101p Descriptors: 'Wood, 'Industries. Machine tools, Portable, Saws, Operation, Costs, Labor, Money, Commerce, Law, Safety, Industrial equipment, Storage, Insects, Maintenance, Efficiency, Indus- trial procurement. The publication contains machinery and processes for conversion of logs into lumber as an industrial enterprise, including both the mechanical and business aspects. It does not include the process- es of extracting logs from forests or the seasoning of products of sawmills. It is intended to be useful to those considering the establishment of a small sawmill business in foreign countries, and may be helpful to some of those already conducting such a business. The selection, erection, and operation of small circular sawmills of standard and traditional types are described. (Author) PB-175 532 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Small Brass Foundry. Oct 60, 35p Rept no. TR-26072-PR Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, Material forming, 'Brass, 'Casting, Castings, Industrial equipment, Management engineering, Costs. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a brass foundry in a foreign country to produce brass castings. While the infor- mation shown in this report is based on brass prod- ucts, other materials such as copper, aluminum and nonferrous alloys may be cast. (Author) 50 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-175 535 PC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Executive's Role in an Organization. 1957, 82p Rept no. Training Manual-110 Prepared in cooperation with Industrial Develop- ment Center, Manila. Management Training Forum Services. Descriptors: * Management engineering, 'Supervi- sory personnel, Organizations, Management plan- ning, Management control systems, Leadership, Job analysis, Instruction manuals. Contents: Responsibilities of the executive; Com- pany organization; Departmental organization; Planning; Directing; Coordinating; Controlling. PB-175 537 PC A08 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Lumber Seasoning. Edward C. Peck, and John M. McMillen. Jul 61, 165p Prepared in cooperation with Forest Products Lab. Descriptors: *Wood, Aging(Materials), Deteriora- tion, Shrinkage, Moisture, Drying, Manpower, Han- dling, Degradation, Heat, Insects, Air, Costs, Stor- age, Foundations(Structures), Structures, Tables, Safety. The report deals with the seasoning of lumber, es- pecially by comparatively simple means applicable throughout the entire world. Seasoning is impor- tant because the removal of moisture from green wood is generally necessary before the material can be safely stored or used to best advantage. For particular uses, drying to a low moisture con- tent is required. While the main part of this report refers to methods and techniques of air drying and kiln drying lumber, such other phases are covered as basic properties of wood, principles of moisture removal, protection of green wood from attack by fungi and insects, and dry lumber storage. PB-175 538 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Nylon Hosiery. Oct 61, 33p Prepared in cooperation with Textile Associates, Inc., Boston, Mass. Descriptors: "Industrial production, "Socks, Man- agement engineering, Manufacturing methods, In- dustrial plants, Site selection, Buildings, Power supplies, Fuels, Industrial equipment, Labor, Per- sonnel, Costs, Money, Budgets, Safety, Training, Commerce, Law, Machines, Management plan- ning, Nylon, Management control systems. Identifiers: Nylon hosiery. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a plant in a foreign country to produce women's full fashioned nylon hose from purchased nylon yarn. (Author) PB-175 539 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Cotton Dresses. Revised ed. Apr 59, 40p Prepared in cooperation with Methods Engineering Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. Descriptors: "Industrial production, "Clothing, Cotton textiles, Management engineering, Man- agement control systems, Management planning, Manufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Site se- lection, Buildings, Power supplies, Industrial equip- ment, Fuels, Labor, Personnel, Costs, Money, Budgets, Safety, Training, Law, Machines, Com- merce. The cotton dress industry is described as one of the most competitive manufacturing businesses in the United States. For this reason, a great amount of effort has been applied to making the processes as efficient as possible. Despite rising costs of ma- terials and labor, high productivity makes it possi- ble to produce stylish, simple dresses that retail in the United States for three to four dollars. Most of these are produced in small and medium-sized factories such as the one described in this manual. (Author) PB-175 540 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Souve- nirs and Samll Jewelry. Nov 56, 37p Prepared in cooperation with H. D. Nottingham and Associates, Arlington, Va. Descriptors: "Castings, "Industrial production, Manufacturing methods, Industrial equipment, In- dustrial plants, Casting, Costs, Molding, Wood. Identifiers: Jewelry. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. Three types of products have been considered. They are: conventional jewelry, ceramic souvenirs and jewelry and wooden souvenir products. Initial plant establishment may be any one of or combi- nation of the three. PB-175 541 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Job Machine Shop. May 61, 49p Prepared in cooperation with Methods Engineering Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. Descriptors: "Industrial plants, "Machining, Indus- trial equipment, Industrial production, Manage- ment engineering, Maintenance, Costs, Machine shop practice. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing and operating a job ma- chine shop in a foreign country. The report in- cludes current costs of labor, machinery, equip- ment and supplies, as well as additional informa- tion relative to engineering, training, safety, mar- kets, sales, financial, and economic factors. PB-175 542 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Fruit and Vegetable Juices. Sep 62, 49p Prepared in cooperation with Fehmerling Asso- ciates, Bridgeton, N. J. Descriptors: "Fruits, Beverages, "Vegetables, Beverages, "Beverages, Processing, Industrial plants, Manufacturing methods, Quality control, Specifications, Industrial production, Preservation, Industrial equipment, Site selection, Power, Water, Fuels, Labor, Costs, Budgets, Economics, Industri- al procurement. Contents: General assumptions; Product specifi- cations; Production capacity; Manufacturing unit; Definition and classification of juices; Fruits and vegetables from which juices can be produced; Production procedures; Nectars; Use of preserva- tives; Quality control; Direct materials; Supplies; Plant layout; Plant site; Buildings; Power; Water; Fuel; Production equipment; Other tools and equipment; Furniture and fixtures; Direct labor; In- direct labor; Depreciation; Manufacturing over- head; Manufacturing costs; Fixed assets; Working capital; Capital requirements; Sales revenue; Re- capitulation of costs, sales and profits; Budget control; Budget control accounts; Purchase requi- sition; Economics; Plant and operational require- ments; Manufacturers of food processing equip- ment and supplies. PB-175 543 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Wool Scouring Plant. Mar 62, 48p Prepared in cooperation with Thompson and Wil- liams, Washington, D. C. Descriptors: "Fibers, Cleaning, "Industrial plants, "Cleaning, Processing, Management engineering, Costs. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation relative to the establishment of a wool scouring (washing) plant in a foreign country. This plant will scour raw grease wool and bale the scoured wool on a commission basis. Charges for this service are applied on the grease wool weight and the owner accepts 50 to 60 per cent of the original weight in scoured wool free of most impuri- ties. (Author) PB-175 544 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of High Alumina Refractory Brick and Cement. Jul 62, 42p Prepared in cooperation with Hendryx (Dwight B.) and Associates, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. Descriptors: "Brick, Manufacturing methods, "In- dustrial plants, Brick, Machine tools, Cements, Budgets, Maintenance, Grinding, Milling machines, Storage, Industrial production, Specifications, Costs, Buildings, Power, Refractory materials, Alu- mina, Safety, Industrial procurement. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a manufacturing plant in a foreign country to produce high alumina refractory brick and cement. The aluminum oxide (AI203) content of high alumina refractory brick may range from 50 percent to about 99 percent, depending on the refractory requirements. An analysis is made of the machinery and equipment used to produce these high alumina refractory bricks. (Author) PB-175 546 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Paint and Varnish Brushes. May 69, 47p Prepared in cooperation with Wolf Management Engineering Company, Chicago, III. Descriptors: "Paint applicators, "Industrial produc- tion, Manufacturing methods, Industrial equipment, Industrial plants, Costs. The manual is designed to provide a general pic- ture of the factors which must be considered in es- tablishing and operating a small-scale factory of this type. PB-175 547 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Plant for Plating of Automobile Parts. Oct 61, 72p Prepared in cooperation with Vitro Engineering Co., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: "Plating, "Industrial production, Metal coatings, Anodic coatings, Vehicle chassis compo- nents, Aluminum alloys, Steel, Brass, Zinc alloys, Electroplating, Industrial equipment, Industrial plants, Costs. The publication describes processing and plant re- quirements for applying: (1) Decorative chromium coatings to automobile hardware made of steel, brass, aluminum and zinc die-casting alloys; and (2) Anodic coatings, both clear and colored, to parts made of aluminum alloys. (Author) PB-175 548 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Rough Sawing of Logs. Oct 56, 65p Prepared in cooperation with Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, III. Descriptors: "Wood, "Industries, Trees, Saws, Costs, Machine tools, Labor, Efficiency, Com- 51 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS merce, Industrial equipment, Management plan- ning, Personnel, Structures, Power, Specifications, Maintenance, Terrain, Wastes(lndustrial). The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing and operating a logging and sawmilling operation in any country where log- ging operations are considered feasible. The infor- mation includes general logging and sawmill meth- ods, mill layout, machinery requirements, and the costs of materials, equipment, labor, and overhead expenses. (Author) PB-175 549 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Hand-Made Blown Glass and Fine Cast Crystal. Technical inquiry service. Jan 60, 36p Prepared in cooperation with Aries Associates, Inc., Stamford, Conn. Descriptors: 'Glass, Material forming, Manufactur- ing methods, Castings, Furnaces, Industrial pro- duction, Industrial plants, Management engineer- ing, Costs. The manufacture of glass products of artistic merit requires highly skilled and experienced artisans, not only for the design and execution of the fin- ished articles, but for the formulation and manufac- ture of batches of fine glass and crystal of desired working properties and attractive color and lustre. This report emphasizes the process of making the glass batch itself, the plant and equipment re- quired, and general procedures of furnace work and annealing, rather than the skilled techniques of blowing, pressing, cutting or engraving required to produce and decorate the finished article. The operation of the proposed plant consists essential- ly in the manufacture of batches of various types of glass, largely for inventory, and the working up of glass into finished articles in a sequence of oper- ations, many of which proceed more or less inde- pendently of the glass manufacturing operation. (Author) PB-175 550 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Wood Wastes. Technical inquiry service. Apr 58, 35p Prepared in cooperation with Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, III. Descriptors: 'Wood, *Wastes(lndustrial), Particles, Costs, Specifications, Industrial production, Ma- chine tools, Industrial equipment, Disposal, Manu- facturing methods, Cleaning, Absorption, Curing agents, Abrasives, Packing materials, Storage, Management engineering. Contents: Economic consideration; Uses of saw- dust; Wood flour; (definition and description, histo- ry, uses, industry production, wood species used, raw material requirements, manufacturing meth- ods, manufacturing systems, general comments on production equipment, protection of equipment, related business opportunities, selling prices, typi- cal specifications, plant investment, production costs, operating statement and cost per ton). PB-175 551 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Human Relations in Management. Management primer. 1962, 68p Rept no. Training manual-93 Report on Principles and Practices of Productivity. Descriptors: 'Management engineering, 'Instruc- tion manuals, Training devices, Production control, Wages, Personnel management, Labor, Supervi- sion, Money, Public relations, Psychology, Employ- ee relations. Contents: Human relations and organization; Im- proving human relations; Dealing with representa- tives of employee groups; Principles of supervi- sion; Human relations and productivity. (Author) PB-176 7 PCA04MFA01 National Swedish Inst, for Building Research, Stockholm (Sweden). Building and Planning in Developing Countries: A Partially Annotated Bibliography. 1967, 71p Rept no. 28:1967 Descriptors: 'Construction, Bibliographies, 'Hous- ing, 'Urban planning, Sweden, Reports, Climatolo- gy, Construction materials, Urban areas, Econom- ics, Sociology, Africa, Asia, Central America, South America. In recent years interest in the problems of the de- veloping countries has been gathering momentum amongst Swedish technologists. The present bib- liography is step aimed especially at helping archi- tects interested in this field. It consists of 450 refer- ences to books, reports and articles, out of which 80 were commented upon. The references have been grouped under the following nine sub-head- ings: (1) Climate and its influences, (2) Building materials and construction techniques, (3) Building design, (4) Town-planning, (5) Urbanization, (6) Economics, (7) Sociology, (8) Housing, and (9) General. PB-177 544 PC A11 MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Water, Mineral, and Forest Resources in Re- gional Economic Development. Robert K. Arnold, Ernest C. Harvey, Genie E. Willeke, and Joseph E. R. Carrier. Sep 66, 235p Contract C-300-66 Descriptors: 'Natural resources, United States, Economics, Minerals, Forestry, Water, Organiza- tions, Fiberboard, Atmospheric precipitation, Evap- oration, Industries, Metals. Identifiers: Area planning and development, Re- gional economic development. Extensive literature and numerous programs exist concerning the development of forest, mineral, and particularly, water resources in specific areas of the United States. Comparatively little of this work is directed specifically to the relation between development of resources and regional growth, much less to the specific programs and policies of a regional organization whose objectives are to maximize regional economic development. It is the purpose of the report to provide some guide by in- dicating the relevant sections of the literature. This is essentially a task of interpretation. The growth of income and employment in regions of the United States may be explained in terms of the location and growth of basic industries and their cumulative effect on other industries. Analysis of the future growth potential of any region may be viewed as the study of the future growth of individual indus- tries, the factors that influence their location, and the interrelations among various industries. (Author) PB-177 908 PC A08 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. The Role of Small-Scale Manufacturing in Eco- nomic Development. The Experience of Indus- trially Advanced Nations as a Guide for Newly Developing Areas. Nov 57, 172p Prepared in cooperation with Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Descriptors: 'Industries, 'Economics, Production, Growth, Training, Factories, Agriculture, Fishes, Commerce, Mobilization, Switzerland, Transporta- tion, Textiles, Australia, USSR, United States, Japan, Sweden, Management engineering. Identifiers: Small businesses, Industrial manage- ment. The manual is concerned with the appropriate structure of manufacturing in underindustrialized but developing countries. It is not concerned with the over-all process of economic growth. It as- sumes that some degree of industrialization will occur in underindustrialized societies and inquires only as to the proper balance between large-scale and small-scale manufacturing units. More specifi- cally, it examines the proposition that economic growth may be retarded by overemphasis upon large-scale industrial operations. (Author) PB-177 909 PC A09 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Development of Private Industry Through Public Aid (With Reference to Underdeveloped Countries). J. K.Allen. Sep 58, 177p Prepared in cooperation with Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Industries, Government(Foreign), Commerce, Manpower, Training, Standardization, Money, Banking, Indus- trial production. Identifiers: Underdeveloped countries. The report is a statement of principles treating gov- ernment actions designed to assist the growth of privately operated manufacturing establishments. It is designed to be used as a guide by ICA staff and officials of underdeveloped countries con- cerned with the task of industrial development. It provides both background and examination of the many steps which government can take to pro- mote and accelerate the growth of the private sector of the economy in ways that can be benefi- cial to the growth of a nation as a whole. (Author) PB-177 912 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Improved Productivity in the Factory. A Job- bing Machine Shop. Feb 58, 31 p Prepared in cooperation with Methods Engineering Council, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Creative Arts Studio, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Management planning, 'Manufactur- ing methods, Human engineering, Design, Produc- tion, Maintenance, Machine tools, Machine shop practice, Safety, Quality control, Inventory control, Production control. This brochure outlines some of the important fac- tory conditions which lead to low efficiency. Its pur- pose is to show how step-by-step remedial action may be taken to correct these conditions, and im- prove productivity with no major expenditure for new machinery or equipment. PB-177 914 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Automobile Body Corrosion Prevention. Main- tenance and Repair Procedure. Jul 60, 29p Descriptors: 'Passenger vehicles, Corrosion inhi- bition, 'Cargo vehicles, Corrosion inhibition, Main- tenance, Finishes + finishing, Epoxy plastics, Polyester plastics, Filling, Lead alloys, Specifica- tions. Contents: Introduction; Automobile body coatings; Failures of coatings and corrosion; Primary mainte- nance recommendations; Maintenance proce- dures; Suppliers; Tools and equipment used for re- pairs to metal automobile bodies; Bibliography of government specifications; Conclusion. PB-177 915 PC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Men'S Work Shirts. Capital Requirements, Techniques and Operations. 1961, 76p Prepared in cooperation with Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, III. A Reference for use in Planning New Industrial Facilities. Descriptors: 'Clothing, 'Industrial production, Costs, Industrial plants, Quality control, Manage- ment engineering, Standards, Manpower, Manu- facturing methods, Employment, Production con- trol, Industrial equipment. The report is concerned with the inexpensive work shirt. Being a staple item of clothing and sold in great volume under highly competitive conditions, it must necessarily be produced efficiently, using the best methods and equipment, if the enterprise is to be successful. Fortunately, the processes are 52 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS well defined and comparatively simple, and the machinery required is readily available at reason- able cost. The basic information and factual data required for consideration before engaging in the business are presented. (Author) PB-177 916 PC A13 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D C. Papermaking and Manufacture of Paper Prod- ucts as a Small-Scale, Semi-Mechanized and Cottage Industry. Materials-Processes-Equip- ment Organization-Economics-marketing. J. Ben Lieberman. Jun 58, 291 p Prepared in cooperation with Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Descriptors: 'Paper industry, 'Economics, Paper, Manufacturing methods, Feasibility studies, Site selection, Industrial training, Natural resources, Or- ganic materials, Materials, Agriculture, Test meth- ods, Analysis, Sociology, China, Japan. This Manual is designed to provide a general pic- ture of the factors which must be considered in es- tablishing and operating a small-scale papermak- ing industry. It should prove useful in creating inter- est in the subject, and serve to give enough under- standing of the related considerations to help gov- ernment officials, other leaders and entrepreneurs determine whether the potential deserves more- detailed attention. Also, special segments of the Manual may serve as separate manuals or refer- ences for specific phases of the subject. PB-177 918 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Buck- ets, Pails and Pans. Revised ed. May 59, 38p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Containers, Industrial production, Kitchen equipment + supplies, Manufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Costs, Zinc coatings, Corrosion inhibition, Tin coatings, Costs, Labor, In- dustrial equipment, Personnel, Training. Galvanizing is a process by which iron or steel is coated with zinc to render it rust-resistant. There are three general methods for accomplishing this. They are, (1) the hot - dip method; (2) the electro- galvanizing method; and (3) the 'Sherardizing' method. This manual describes the hot-dip method because it is the most widely used and because of its economic advantages over the other methods. The tinplating process is accomplished by the same basic method. The galvanizing process is used in the manufacture of buckets, pails, wash tubs, water tanks and many industrial products. It cannot be used in any product which comes in contact with food, however, because the zinc will contaminate the food. Tinplated products, on the other hand, are used extensively for food contain- ers. There is very little tinplating done by the hot- dip method in the United States due to the high cost of tin. In fact, many manufacturers are using aluminum, stainless steel, and copper for cooking utensils instead of tinplate. In other parts of the world, however, tin would probably be cheaper than other applicable materials. (Author) PB-177 919 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Ceram- ic Dinnerware. Revised ed. May 59, 41 p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Kitchen equipment + supplies, In- dustrial production, Ceramic materials, Industrial plants, industrial equipment, Manufacturing meth- ods, Costs, Labor, Commerce, Standards, Person- nel, Training, Safety. Identifiers: Dinnerware. Dinnerware production in the United States ranges from very high production from highly mechanized factories to very small potteries which produce in small quantities. The smaller potteries generally depend on the unusual in design in marketing their ware, while the larger potteries rely heavily on competitive pricing. The products of the plant dis- cussed in this report are those comprising a line of relatively heavy, serviceable, semi-vitreous dinner- ware. A representative assortment of products consists of cups, saucers, 6-inch and 10-inch plates, salad bowls, and large serving bowls. (Author) PB-177 920 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communication Resources Div. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Gray Iron Jobbing Foundry. Revised ed. Apr 59, 40p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Casting, 'Iron industry, Iron, Mold- ing, Melting, Cleaning, Costs, Industrial plants, In- dustrial equipment, Labor, Safety. The manual is predicated on establishing a small gray iron foundry doing a general or jobbing busi- ness, and turning out a production of about 8 tons a day of finished castings. This production level was selected because it represents a small, yet economical unit, employing 30 to 35 men. (Author) PB-177 921 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Men'S Socks. Revised ed. May 59, 33p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Socks, 'Industrial production, Indus- trial plants, Costs, Labor, Industrial equipment, Dyes, Budgets, Manufacturing methods, Training, Personnel. The purpose of this manual is to present basic in- formation for establishing and operating a small plant for the manufacture of men's socks. Except for a small percentage all socks are made by the knitting process. There are about 4,000 knitting in- dustries in the United States. A few of the products made in these industries include outerwear, under- wear and hosiery. However, this manual will be de- voted exclusively to men's socks. The term sock used in this manual denotes a short stocking as distinguished from a hose that is longer. (Author) PB-177 922 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Plastic Molding Plant. Revised ed. Apr 59, 49p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Plastics, 'Industrial production, Plas- tics industry, Industrial plants, Industrial equip- ment, Manufacturing methods, Molding, Dies, Labor, Costs. It is assumed, for this prospectus, that the market for the products of any plastic molding plant which might be established will be primarily non-industri- al. It is also assumed that a hypothetical plan, if sound from the point of view of both economics and technical considerations, would be helpful. Ac- cordingly, such a plan with the capital require- ments limited to approximately $240,000 is pre- sented. (Author) PB-177 923 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sani- tary Ware. Revised ed. May 59, 39p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Toilet facilities, 'Industrial produc- tion, Ceramic coatings, Industrial equipment, In- dustrial plants, Manufacturing methods, Iron, Cast- ings, Costs, Labor, Standards. The process of enameling cast iron sanitary ware imparts a hard, glossy surface to the object. This coating permits easy cleaning and presents a pleasing appearance. It is stain resistant, highly acid resistant, and, if properly applied and given reasonable care in usage, will last almost indefi- nitely. The type of plant described in this report is one which could be set up in almost any part of the world. The basic raw materials - pig iron, scrap iron, and sand - are ordinarily obtainable in all parts of the world. Where special skills would be required for the production of the ware, modern machinery has been substituted wherever feasible. In this way, the operation can be started more readily and quality standards can be reached sooner. (Author) PB-177 924 PC E99 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Terry Cloth. Revised ed. May 59, 37 Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Textiles, 'Industrial production, Labor, Costs, Industrial equipment, Industrial plants, Manufacturing methods, Cotton. Identifiers: 'Terry cloth. Terry cloth is cotton fabric covered with loops on one or both sides. It requires two sets of warps and one set of filling; one set of warp threads is held taut while weaving, the other set is released to form the loops. When woven in linen (rare) or bleached cotton in narrow widths, terry cloth is called 'Turkish toweling.' This usually has two loops (called double-loop terry). It can also be made in checks, stripes, or plaid, or bleached and dyed. Uses include towels, wash cloths, robes, bath mats, bathing suits or sunsuits, linings for suits and coats, draperies, spreads, bedrolls, and potholders. Terry cloth readily absorbs and retains moisture, making it suitable for use as wash cloths and toweling. It is used in some applications be- cause of its efficiency as an insulating medium and because it is readily washed when soiled. Due to the fact that the applications of single-loop terry cloth are numerous and in good volume, the dis- cussion is concerned with the production of cloth of that type in a mill of minimum economic size. (Author) PB-177 925 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wood Tables and Chairs. Revised ed. May 59, 46p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Kitchen equipment + supplies, 'In- dustrial production, Wood, Manufacturing meth- ods, Industrial plants, Industrial equipment, Costs, Labor. Identifiers: Tables and chairs. The purpose of this manual is to provide informa- tion for the establishment and operation of a small plant to manufacture low cost wooden tables and chairs. The table and chairs shown in this manual are designed for low cost production and are not intended for the luxury market. Local customs might require some change in the designs. Howev- er, design changes that will add substantially to the cost of the product should be avoided. (Author) PB-177 926 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. 53 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Meat Processing Plant. Revised ed. May 59, 54p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews {George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: *Meat, Processing, Industrial plants, Industrial equipment, Personnel, Production con- trol, Labor, Costs. The purpose of this manual is to provide informa- tion about the establishment and operation of a small meat processing plant. The manual provides a description of the slaughtering and of the proc- essing of meat products as these activities might be carried out in a small plant in United tates. It includes a description of the plant layout, equip- ment and personnel and estimates of investment, operating costs and revenues. Local situations might make some changes desirable but the plant described is satisfactory for a considerable vari- ation in materials and methods of processing and product without serious modification of the design and operation. (Author) PB-177 927 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wor- sted Yarns. Sep 61, 35p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Fibers, Industrial production, Manu- facturing methods, Industrial plants, Industrial equipment, Costs, Labor, Training. No abstract available. PB-177 928 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Dry Cleaning Plant. Sep 57, 47p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: "Industrial plants, 'Cleaning, Textiles, Cleaning compounds, Solvents, Industrial equip- ment, ' Costs, Driers(Apparatus), Presses(Machinery), Packaging, Safety. Identifiers: Dry cleaning. The small dry cleaning plant described in this bro- chure is intended to clean and finish all types of clothing, bedding, draperies and many other kinds of household textile articles. Dry cleaning textile ar- ticles generally is done by washing them in petro- leum solvent, such as benzine, or in synthetic sol- vent, such as perchlorethylene. The equipment for one of these processes cannot be used for the other process. The dry cleaning process carried out in a synthetic-solvent plant using perchlorethy- lene is described in this brochure. (Author) PB-177 929 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flush Doors. Sep 67, 34p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Doors, 'Industrial production, Wood, Manufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Industri- al equipment, Specifications, Labor, Costs. The equipment and operating procedures de- scribed in this brochure are intended for the pro- duction of flush doors as an addition to, or the ex- pansion of, an existing woodworking plant, where there is sufficient demand for these products and where such a local operation would be practicable. The equipment and methods shown in this bro- chure are modern and capable of making all grades of flush doors, both interior and exterior, up to 3 feet wide and 7 feet long. (Author) PB-177 930 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Ply- wood. Sep 57, 45p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Plywood, 'Industrial production, Manufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Industri- al equipment, Storage, Handling, Wood, Process- ing, Labor, Costs. The small plywood plant described in this brochure is intended to manufacture plywood panels in a for- eign country, where there is sufficient demand for these products and where such a local operation would be practicable. The machinery, equipment and methods shown in this brochure are modern and capable of making all grades of veneer and plywood, including marine plywood. The plant will operate equally well with either hard or soft wood. (Author) PB-177 931 PC A02 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Porce- lain Enamelware. Apr 56, 20p Prepared in cooperation with Penniman and Browne, Baltimore, Md. Descriptors: 'Kitchen equipment + supplies, 'In- dustrial production, Cooking devices, Manufactur- ing methods, Processing, Industrial equipment, In- dustrial plants, Costs. Contents: Manufacturing operations; Plant require- ments; Suggested sources of supply for raw mate- rials and processing equipment; Illustration; Sup- plementary data; Sources of information. PB-177 932 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Asbes- tos - Cement Pipe. Jun 60, 33p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Pipes, 'Industrial production, Asbes- tos, Cements, Manufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Industrial equipment, Costs, Labor. As indicated by the name, asbestos-cement pipe is made of asbestos fibre and Portland cement, usu- ally in combination with some other material like silica. A curing agent may also be added but this is not always necessary. In the United States the market for asbestos-cement pipe is large and growing steadily. This favorable situation has grown from the fact that these products meet many of the needs for pipe with the physical char- acteristics of asbestos-cement products. They are inexpensive and with unusual resistance to various corrosive fluids found in many pipe systems. As- bestos does not burn and is a very poor conductor of electricity. (Author) PB-177 933 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Soy- bean Oil and Meal. Sep 61, 62p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Vegetable oils, Processing, Industrial plants, Industrial equipment, Phospholipids, Food, Glycerols, Acids, Yeasts, Colloids, Paints, Insecti- cides, Purification, Labor, Costs. Identifiers: Soybeans. Soya beans, which are native to eastern Asia, are now grown extensively in all parts of the world. They thrive best in the temperate zone. The uses for the end product are many, at latest count num- bering some 150 separate applications. The princi- pal uses of the expelled crude soya oil include seven basic categories: (1) Technical refined oils; (2) Edible refined oils; (3) Edible lecithin; (4) Tech- nical lecithin; (5) Medicinal lecithin; (6) Glycerine; (7) Acids. (Author) PB-177 934 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Chalk Whiting. Sep 61, 36p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Mineral products, 'Industrial produc- tion, Limestone, Material separation, Particle size, Manufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Industri- al equipment, Labor, Costs. Identifiers: Chalk whiting. The report is primarily concerned with the absolute minimum operation for manufacture of true chalk whiting and, therefore, discusses the simplest manufacturing processes utilizing the crushing, grinding, and screening of high purity chalk. How- ever, sources of raw material for the manufacture of true whiting are limited. This, and many other factors have led to the development of whiting substitutes with their alternate methods of manu- facture and production. The CaC03 chemical in- dustry that has grown up in the United States in recent years is an outstanding example of such a development. Before presenting the detailed de- scription of the manufacture of true chalk whiting, sufficient information on whiting substitutes is in- cluded to present a basic concept of methods for their production and to offer to present a basic concept of methods for their production and to offer sources of information for further study of op- erations that may be adaptable to any locale and its available raw materials. (Author) PB-177 935 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stretch Socks for Men and Children. Sep 61, 34p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Socks, 'Industrial production, Manu- facturing methods, Textile industry, Industrial plants, Industrial equipment, Dyes, Labor, Costs. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a manufacturing plant in a foreign country to produce stretch socks for men and children. Such a manufacturing plant is gener- ally known as a knitting mill. (Author) PB-177 936 PC A04 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Cement. Dec 61, 58p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Cements, 'Industrial production, Manufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Industri- al equipment, Processing, Construction materials, Production control, Labor, Costs. No abstract available. PB-177 937 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Ready- Mixed Concrete. Mar 62, 31 p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Concrete, 'Industrial production, Manufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Industri- al equipment, Labor, Costs. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a manufacturing plant in a 54 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS foreign country to produce dry ready-mixed con- crete in paper bags. Dry ready-mixed concrete is made of various mixtures of cement and aggre- gates and these mixtures are called by various names such as 'dry mix cement,' 'Ready mixed concrete' and 'ready mixed cement.' Some of the names used are trade names, such as 'homecrete' and 'sackcrete.' Some of these may include addi- tives or admixtures that are intended to produce certain desirable qualities in the final product. For the purposes of this report the product is called ready-mixed concrete. This product is made up of cement, sand and gravel, without any special addi- tives. This ready-mixed concrete is intended for use by homeowners and others who need only a small amount of concrete at any one time and who cannot, therefore, buy the cement, the sand and the gravel separately, to their advantage. The ready-mixed concrete is kept on hand in retail hardware stores, paint stores, lumber yards, and building supply places. Thus it always will be con- venient for any homeowner or other possible user who may wish to purchase small quantities for im- mediate use. (Author) PB-177 938 PC A02 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brooms. May 57, 14p Prepared in cooperation with Thompson and Wil- liams, Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Industrial production, Maintenance equipment, Costs, Buildings, Wages, Materials, Manpower, Quality control, Manufacturing meth- ods, Industrial equipment, Industrial plants. Identifiers: 'Brooms. The manufacture of brooms offers a profitable business opportunity adaptable to broad variation in initial investment required, locale, raw materials, labor requirements, climate, and market condi- tions. Existing buildings may in many cases be adapted to house a modern broom factory with little or no alteration. The principal requirements are adequate floor space, a source of power, and ventilation. Fireproof buildings are desirable espe- cially for warehousing space since fire insurance rates in many locations are high for any operation involving combustible materials. (Author) PB-177 939 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Me- chanical Springs. Revised ed. Jul 62, 48p Prepared in cooperation with Vitron Engineering Co., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Springs, 'Industrial production, Man- ufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Industrial equipment, Production control, Specifications, Ma- chining, Labor, Costs. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation relative to the establishment of a plant to manufacture mechanical springs in a foreign coun- try. Springs may be produced in a wide variety of shape, such as coiled, spiral, flat, leaf, ring, and numerous special shapes. They may be of various types, depending upon their intended use, such as tension, compression, torsion, extension, cantile- ver, etc. The ends may be formed to most any shape desired, such as tightly coiled, looped, squared, hooked, open, etc. A plant may manufac- ture only stock type springs for general purpose use, or it may manufacture a wide variety of shapes, types, and sizes to a customer's individual specifications. The plant described herein has been planned and equipped to produce initially the six general groups of spring products listed under 'Product Specifications.' This production can be varied to suit local conditions. A plant of this type will require a substantial capital investment and a relatively skilled labor force. Obviously, an eco- nomically underdeveloped country could not profit- ably support a plant of this type, as a market for spring products will not exist until general industrial development is quite advanced. However, in a suit- able environment, a plant such as this can realize substantial profits with efficient management, pro- duction controls, and sales effort. (Author) PB-177 940 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wall- board from Gypsum and Fiber. Dec 62, 33p Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Fiberboard, 'Industrial production, Panels(Structural), Gypsum, Fibers(Natural), Man- ufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Industrial equipment, Labor, Costs. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a manufacturing plant, in a foreign country, to produce wallboard from gypsum and coconut husk fibers. (Author) PB-177 943 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. mayonnaise. Technical inquiry service. 1 May 59, 29p Prepared in cooperation with Snell (Foster D.) Inc., New York. Descriptors: 'Food, Processing, Colloids, Costs, Production, Industrial equipment, Industrial plants, Packaging, Sanitary engineering. Identifiers: Mayonnaise. The report covers the procedures, plant equip- ment, and economics involved in the manufacture of 250,000 pounds of mayonnaise per year. Two manufacturing procedures are covered: (1) Batch mixing or beating; (2) Continuous emulsification or homogenization. Economics of operation for each process are shown for investment comparisons, and include lists of equipment required, labor, util- ity, and material balances. Formulas for several types of commercial mayonnaise are given. (Author) PB-177 944 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. A Small Particle Board Plant. Technical inquiry service. Jun 59, 35p Prepared in cooperation with Andrew (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Panels(Structural), 'Industrial pro- duction, Manufacturing methods, Industrial plants, Industrial equipment, Production control, Labor, Costs. Identifiers: Particle board. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing and operating a small parti- cle board plant in a foreign country. The plant is designed to produce about 120 boards per hour. Based on current practice in the United States, this is a small plant. The recommended equipment and production methods are modern and have proven profitable when operating under conditions com- parable to those assumed. (Author) PB-177 945 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Aluminum Door and Window Sash. Technical inquiry service. Nov 59, 46p Prepared in cooperation with Lederer (A. M.) and Co., Inc., New York. Descriptors: 'Structural parts, Aluminum, Costs, Manpower, Extrusion, Assembling, Site selection, Manufacturing methods, Industrial equipment, Doors, Industrial production, Buildings, Industrial plants, Inventory control, Training, Safety. Identifiers: Sashes(Structural), Windows. Aluminum is used in place of or along with wood and other forms of building materials in the manu- facture of window and door sash in residential, commercial, and manufacturing structures. Alumi- num sash doors and windows are generally made of extruded aluminum sections, glass, aluminum mesh screens, neoprene vinyl, and stainless steel. A wide variety of designs and sizes is manufac- tured depending upon the use to which the units are to be put. (Author) PB-177 946 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Silk Screen Printing on Textiles. Technical inquiry service. Jul 60, 41 p Prepared in cooperation with Mayer (Frank) Engi- neering Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Descriptors: 'Textiles, 'Printing, Fibers(Natural), Fibers(Synthetic), Dyes, Costs, Labor, Industrial equipment, Colors, Industrial plants. Silk screen printing varies in complexity from a simple operation to a highly scientific art. If con- fined to the use of pigmented dyes, a satisfactory product can be produced for cottage industry with a minimum of equipment and without the need of highly trained and skilled color chemists and spe- cial equipment for dye setting and aging. It is basi- cally a service industry since no product is pro- duced; instead printing is done to supply the needs of other manufacturers for decoration of their prod- ucts. One thousand to twelve hundred yards of material can be printed on five tables by six people oin one eight-hour shift. (Author) PB-177 948 PC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Lubrication Fundamentals and Practices. Ses- sions I, II, and III. Apr 57, 91 p Rept no. Technical Bull-43 Prepared in cooperation with Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa. See also Session 4, 5, 6 and 7, PB- 177 949. Descriptors: 'Lubrication, Instruction manuals, Greases, Oils, Protection, Bearings, Viscosity, Friction, Specifications, Gears, Industrial equip- ment, Handling, Storage. Contents: Principles of lubrication; Characteristics of lubricants; Methods of applying lubricants; Gears and their lubrication; General bearings, electric motors and their lubrication; Lubrication of plant equipment; and Lubrication department oper- ation. PB-177 949 PC A07 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Lubrication Fundamentals and Practices. Ses- sions IV, V, VI and VII. Apr 57, 137p Rept no. Technical Bull-44 See also Sessions 1, 2, and 3, PB-177 948. Pre- pared in cooperation with Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa. Descriptors: 'Lubrication, Instruction manuals, Gears, Bearings, Electric motors, Friction, Industri- al equipment, Lubricants, Handling, Storage. Contents: Gears and their lubrication; Lubrication of general bearings and electric motors; Lubrica- tion of plants equipment; Lubrication department operation. PB-177 955 PC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Department Store Merchandising. 1961, 79p Rept no. Technical Bull-63 Descriptors: 'Management engineering, Instruc- tion manuals, Money, Costs, Organizations, Oper- ation, Commerce, Personnel management, Man- agement planning. Identifiers: Merchandising. The manual provides eight sessions on the subject of Retail Merchandising or Store Management. The training course in 'Retail Merchandising' is di- rected to the specific purpose of training people in 55 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS the best methods and procedures in the conduct of a small retail or department store. The material for the conduct of this course is, more or less, in outline form. PB-177 956 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Retail Selling. George H. Andrews. 1961, 73p Rept no. Technical Bull-65 Prepared in cooperation with Engineering Asso- ciates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Management engineering, Instruc- tion manuals, Costs, Money, Training, Personnel management, Commerce, Management planning. The manual provides nine sessions on the subject of 'Retail Selling.' The training course in 'Retail Selling' is directed to the specific purpose of train- ing people in the best methods and procedures in the conduct of a small retail store. PB-177 962 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Productivity. Personnel Administration. 1962, 73p Rept no. Training manual-94 Descriptors: 'Management engineering, Instruc- tion manuals, 'Personnel management, Instruc- tion manuals, Employment, Job analysis, Wages, Employee relations, Motivation, Organizations, Personnel, Training, Records. Contents: Selection and Hiring of Employees; Compensation of Employees and Job Rating; Em- ployee Training; Training of Supervisors; Employ- ee Relations; Personnel Records. PB-177 963 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Productivity. Controls and Supervision. 1962, 62p Rept no. Training manual-95 Descriptors: 'Management engineering, Instruc- tion manuals, 'Supervision, 'Management control systems, Personnel management, Quality control, Records, Money, Supervisory personnel, Training, Production control, Inventory control, Costs. Contents: Planning for control; Setting up control procedure; Controls as money savers; The super- visor and supervision; The supervisor as an organ of control; Visual controls in supervision. PB-177 964 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Productivity. Procurement and Inventory. 1962, 59p Rept no. Training manual-98 Descriptors: 'Management engineering, Instruc- tion manuals, 'Inventory control, Management planning, Management control systems, Procure- ment, Costs, Organizations, Inventory, Contracts, Stock level control, Storage, Quality control, Bud- gets. Contents: Five principles of good procurement; The practice of procurement; Sound procurement policy; Centralized procurement; Organization for procurement; The procurement contract; The question: Make or buy; Procurement and inven- tory; The role of inventory in an enterprise; The problems of inventory management; The aims of inventory management; The administration of in- ventory; Budgeting for inventory; The role of re- ceiving in inventory management; The manage- ment of storage. PB-177 965 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Productivity. Distribution and Sales. 1962, 70p Rept no. Training manual-100 Descriptors: 'Management engineering, Instruc- tion manuals, Commerce, Consumption, Distribution(Economics), Costs, Management planning, Production. Contents: The place of sales in business manage- ment; The consumer and competition; Market re- search and sales forecasting; Merchandising; Pric- ing policy; Service; Advertising; and Sales man- agement. PB-177 966 PC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Productivity. Research and Public Relations. 1962, 95p Rept no. Training manual-101 Descriptors: 'Management engineering, Instruc- tion manuals, Commerce, Public relations, Produc- tion, Problem solving, Industrial psychology. No abstract available. PB-177 967 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Sales Promotion Methods. George H. Andrews. 1962, 66p Rept no. Training Manual-103 Prepared in cooperation with Andrews Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Management engineering, 'Com- merce, Catalogs, Display systems, Public rela- tions, Management planning, Professional person- nel, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: Sales promotion, Salesmen. Contents: What is sales promotion; The scope of sales promotion; A salesman's tools; Window and interior displays; Direct mail advertising; Catalogs and price lists; Advertising specialties, premiums, and contents; and Coordination - key to successful sales promotion. PB-177 971 PC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Marketing Research. 1962, 85p Rept no. Training manual-117 Prepared in cooperation with Andrews (G. H.) En- gineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C. Descriptors: 'Commerce, Training, Analysis, Sci- entific research, Economics, Research program administration, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: 'Marketing research. Contents: Basis of marketing research; Types of marketing research; Basic procedures and meth- ods of marketing research; Situation analysis and informal investigation; Planning and preparing for the final research; Collection, tabulation, and anal- ysis of data; Interpretation and presentation of data follow-up; General review - case studies. PB-177 972 PC A06 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Leather Chemistry for Foremen. First Year Course. 1962, 121p Rept no. Training Manual-119 Prepared in cooperation with Lawrence (A. C.) Leather Co., Peabody, Mass, and Lowell Techno- logical Institute, Mass. Descriptors: 'Leather, Chemical engineering, Atoms, Molecules, Symbols, Chemical reactions, Metals, Solutions, Ionization, Atomic structure, Hy- drocarbons, Methane, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ke- tones, Acids, Esters, Fatty acids, Waxes, Amines, Carbohydrates, Aromatic compounds, Halogen compounds, Dyes, Processing, Molecular struc- ture. Contents: Atoms and molecules; Symbols and for- mulas; Some non-metallic elements; Chemical re- actions; Chemical arithmetic; Metals; Solutions; Ionization; Atomic structure; Introduction - structur- al theory; Hydrocarbons and methane series; Alco- hols; Aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters; Fats, oils and waxes; Amines; Carbohydrates; Aromatic amines; Halogen compounds; and Dyes and dyeing. PB-177 973 PC A06 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Leather Chemistry for Foremen. Second Year Course. Albert E. Chouinard. 1962, 121p Rept no. Training Manual-120 Prepared in cooperation with Lowell Technological Institute, Mass., and Lawrence (A. C.) Leather Co., Peabody, Mass. Descriptors: 'Leather, Chemical engineering, Hair, Skin, Proteins, Enzymes, Bacteria, Pickling, Quan- titative analysis, Hydrolysis, PH, Qxidation-reduc- tion reactions, Chromium, Tanning, Dyes, Coat- ings, Neutralization, Colloids. Contents: Skin structure; Protein chemistry and soaking; Liming; Unhairing; Conditioning effects in liming; Enzymes, bacteria and bating; Bating; Pick- ling; Quantitative analysis; Hydrolysis equilibria; PH and oxidation reduction; Decreasing; Chromium - The werner co-ordination theory; Chrome com- plexes and olation; Chrome liquors; Two-bath process and neutralization; Chrome tanning the- ories - emulsions; Fatliquoring - stuffing and emul- sions; Emulsion theories; Surface chemistry; Dyeing and coloring; Protective and decorative coatings. PB-177 974 PC A04 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Leather Chemistry for Foremen. Third Year Course. Albert E. Chouinard. 1962, 53p Rept no. Training Manual-121 Prepared in cooperation with Lawrence (A. C.) Leather Co., Peabody, Mass., and Lowell Techno- logical Inst., Mass. Descriptors: 'Leather, Chemical engineering, In- struction manuals, Solutions, Standards, Volumet- ric analysis, Chemical indicators, Chromates, Tan- ning, Histology, Histological techniques, Dyes, Colors, Finishes + finishing, Processing. Contents: Weighing- Measuring - standard solu- tions; Standard solutions; pH measurements and indicators; Volumetric analysis; Water analysis; Determination of hide substance; Determination of chromic oxide in leather; Analysis of leather; Anal- ysis of vegetable tanning materials; Histology - the study of tissues, the microscope, the technique of slide making, special tests in leather microscopy; Beam house operations; Tanning; Retanning; Dyeing and fatliquoring; Formulation of three brown colors; Finishing. PB-177 981 PC A05 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Communications Resources Div. Leather Technology. 1962, 86p Rept no. Training Manual-140 Descriptors: 'Leather, Processing, Instruction manuals, Tanning, Dyes, Lubrication, Skin, Curing agents, Colors, Costs. Contents: Introduction; Hides and skins; Soaking and unhairing; Liming, beaming and splitting; Acids and alkalies and the pH system of measuring their strength; Tanning; Vegetable tanning; Leather lu- brication; Drying and pasting; Dyes and coloring; Economics in the leather industry; Workshop on upper leather; Leather machinery terms. PB-178 062 PC A03 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Phar- maceutical Products. Sep 61, 50p Descriptors: 'Management planning, 'Pharmacol- ogy, 'Manufacturing methods, 'Instruction man- uals, Budgets, Safety, Costs, Money, Personnel, Training, Law, Site selection, Production, Manpow- er, Economics, Machines. 56 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a plant in a foreign country to produce pharmaceutical products. The term pharmaceutical products includes tablets; pills, coated and uncoated; and capsules. (Author) PB-178 063 PC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Office of Industrial Resources. Training Course in Marketing. Mar 60, 97p Rept no. Technical Bull-61 Descriptors: 'Management planning, 'Instruction manuals, 'Commerce, Training, Time, Distribution, Storage, Handling, Training, Money. Identifiers: Advertising. Contents: Introduction - important parts of market- ing; Marketing research; Pricing policies; Advertis- ing; Channels of distribution; Selling; Storage and warehousing; and Payment. PB-178 064 PC A04 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Technical Aids Branch. Management Primer: Principles and Practices of Productivity - Records and Reports. May 62, 53p Rept no. Training manual-96 Descriptors: 'Management planning, Reports, 'In- struction manuals, Reports, Public opinion, Accu- racy, Standardization, Classification, Manpower, Law, Records, Handling, Production, Costs, Money. Identifiers: Accounting. Written records are the memory of management. They preserve facts and figures by setting them down in writing for future use. Without records and the experience they preserve there would be no scientific management today. Recorded experi- ence helps management in the planning and scheduling of its operations. By comparing record- ed performance with planned performance super- visors can control the progress of enterprise activi- ties. And, by using records to obtain detailed infor- mation on all enterprise developments, business- men can base their decisions on experience and thus reduce the risks of misjudging enterprise strength. Records also protect management against legal difficulties, because they create and preserve evidence on internal and external trans- actions that may be questioned by the public, by government, by the courts, or by other enterprises. (Author) PB-178 341T PC A02 MF A01 National Tillage Machinery Lab., Auburn, Ala. Investigation of Active Working Tools of Sub- soil Irrigation Machines. V. P. Chalyi, and V. S. Burd. 28 Apr 68, 4p Trans, of Traktory i Selkhozmashiny (USSR) n9 p30-1 1966, by William R.Gill. Descriptors: 'Earth-handling equipment, Agricul- ture, 'Irrigation systems, 'Agriculture, Rural areas, USSR, Water, Soil mechanics, Tractors. Identifiers: Graphs(Charts), Translations. Subsoil irrigation differs from the conventional method of irrigation in that water, together with fer- tilizers and chemicals., is introduced directly in the subsoil horizon with the help of a special tool. The working tool forms a fluctuating shaped mole cavity at a depth of 20-35 cm. Great depth of cov- ering water by the accepted line of machines (4-6 rows) and the loosening of the compact subsoil horizon creates difficulty in matching subsoil irriga- tion machines with the manufactured lines of culti- vator tractors because of inadequate tractive power. Therefore decreasing the tractive resis- tance of the working tool is a real problem. Pro- ceeding from this it is expedient to use active work- ing tools in subsoil irrigation machines. (Author) PB-178 347T PC A03 MF A01 National Tillage Machinery Lab., Auburn, Ala. The Problem of Basic Parameters of Tillage Tools for Primary Soil Tillage, Chapter II. A. T. Vaginym. 10 Mar 68, 45p Trans, of mono. Voprosy Selskhozyaistvennoi Mekhaniki, Minsk, 1967 p57-98, by William R. Gill. Descriptors: 'Earth handling equipment, 'Agricul- ture, Rural areas, Tractors, USSR, Mathematical analysis, Shear stresses, Soil mechanics, Tables. Identifiers: Plowshares, Graphs(Charts), Transla- tion. There are six basic systems interactions of the op- erating tools of plowshare type plows with the soil: The action of one body alone without supplemen- tary working tools; The operation of the basic body in conjunction with a skim coulter; The operation of the basic body with a stationary jointer stripping the upper field corner of the slice; The operation of the basic body with supplementary working tools decreasing the bottom furrow angle; Two-level plowing; and Three-level plowing. (Author) PB-178 373T PC A02 MF A01 National Tillage Machinery Lab., Auburn, Ala. Determination of the Optimum Parameters of Rotary Tiller Cultivation Equipment. V. S. Surilov. 3 May 68, 13p Trans, of Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-lssledovatelskii Institut Mekhanizatsii Selskogo Khozyaistva, Moscow. Sibirskii Filial. Nauchnye Trudy (USSR) n3 p1 85-94 1 966, by William R. Gill. Descriptors: 'Earth-handling equipment, 'Agricul- ture, Rural areas, Costs, Cost effectiveness, Eco- nomics, Tractors, Mathematical analysis, USSR, Soil mechanics. Identifiers: Graphs(Charts), Rotary tillers, Transla- tions. The effectiveness of agricultural machines and tools depends on the extent their parameters suit- ably characterize the technological process of the worked media and the conditions of employment of a given machine. The basic parameters of rotary tiller row crop cultivators are: the width of cut B, forward speed V, and feed to the knife S. To sup- plement the parameters of the equipment we also take the mechanical efficiency and the coefficient of resistance to movement. The important qualities of the machine depend on the basic parameters of the equipment: the specific productivity, the specif- ic cost, agrotechnical level of the treatment. (Author) PB-179 304 PC A05 MF A01 Hawaii Architects and Engineers, Inc., Honolulu. Pre-Final Submission for Ebeye and Carlson, Marshall Islands: Trust Territory Physical Plan- ning Program. Summary plan. 12 Jan 68, 90p* See also PB-179 303. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Kwajalein Atoll, Urban areas, Rural areas, Transportation, Popula- tion, Social sciences, Budgets, Power, History. Identifiers: Ebeye, Carlson, Land use. Contents: Concept of the plan and its elements - Ebeye and Carlson (Transportation, Land use, Community facilities, Community appearance, Util- ities, Budget cost proposals, Implementation); Ex- isting conditions, trends, and opportunities; Histori- cal and environmental influences. PB-179 305 PC A06 MF A01 Hawaii Architects and Engineers, Inc., Honolulu. Pre-Final Submission for Saipan, Mariana Is- lands: Trust Territory Physical Planning Pro- gram. Summary plan. 12 Jan 68, 113p* See also PB-179 304. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Micronesia, Urban areas, Rural areas, Transportation, Social sci- ences, Budgets, History, Power. Identifiers: Saipan, Mariana Islands, Land use. Contents: Concept of the plan and its elements (Transportation, Land use, Community facilities, Community appearance, Utilities, Budget cost pro- posal, Implementation); Existing conditions, trends, and opportunities; Historical and environ- mental influences. PB-179 327 PC A08 MF A01 Texas Transportation Inst., College Station. Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. Lyle A. Wolfskill, Wayne A. Dunlap, and Bob M. Gallaway. 1968, 160p* Rept no. Bull-21 Prepared in cooperation with Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Housing, Soils, 'Soils, Construction, Handbooks, Stabilization, Earth-handling equip- ment, Foundations(Structures), Walls, Compact- ing, Compressive properties, Tensile properties, Floors. Identifiers: Adobe, Roof. Contents: Introduction-types of earth houses; Soils and what can be done with them; Soil stabilizers; Site preparation; Foundations; Lightweight roofs; Getting the soil prepared; Making adobe blocks; Making pressed earth blocks; Making walls of pressed blocks; Making walls of rammed earth; Roofs for earth houses; Floors for earth houses; and Surface coatings. PB-179 329 PC A04 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Village Housing in the Tropics. Jane B. Drew. Jun 67, 71 p Prepared in cooperation with Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Housing, Africa, Public health, Hy- giene, Protection, Water supplies, Insects, Con- tamination, Soils, Erosion, Rivers, Animals, Eco- nomics, Agriculture, Wind, Construction materials, Design, Ventilation, Tropical regions. Identifiers: West Africa. Agriculture is the foundation of wealth in West Africa. The concomitant of agriculture is villages. The creation of efficient villages where a high standard of life is possible is a prime town planning responsibility of the coast. The stabilization of an agriculture based on the rotation of crops rather than shifting cultivation will help the permanent lo- cation of villages as well as combat two great evils: soil erosion caused by heedless destruction of the forests, and soil impoverishment. Mining and fish- ing villages have not been dealt with separately since their location is fixed, but in general they follow the same principles outlined for other vil- lages. In siting a village the obvious factors con- trolling its position are farming land, water, and ac- cessibility to main roads, or sometimes to sea or streams. (Author) PB-179 359 PC A04 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D. C. Urban Planning in Developing Countries. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 61 Lloyd Rodwin. 1968, 68p Descriptors: 'Urban planning, Venezuela, 'Man- agement planning, Urban areas, Housing, Popula- tion, Transportation, Industries, Site selection, Ter- rain, Control, Natural resources, Petroleum, Roads, Buildings, Economics. Identifiers: AID(Agency for International Develop- ment), Ciudad Guyana(Venezuela). The study describes the job of the city planner in developing countries. It does this by examining a single case, the planning of Ciudad Guayana, a city being built in Venezuela, and it looks at this city planning endeavor from two points of view. It ex- amines this still on-going enterprise from the standpoint of urban planning technique - how does the urban planner in such a setting do his work. - and in addition, it tries to suggest something of the functions which such an urban planning enterprise may have in a developing country. For while cer- tain features of the case described are characteris- tic only of Venezuela, or of the problems of new cities, many of the problems confronted and tech- niques used are relevant to urban, regional and na- tional programs throughout the world. (Author) PB-179 361 PC A03 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Build- ing Bricks. Jun 67, 34p 57 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Brick, "Manufacturing methods, In- dustrial plants, Costs, Labor, Specifications, Ma- chine tools, Site selection, Buildings, Money, Bud- gets, Industrial production, Clay, Shale, Mud, Driers(Apparatus), Inventory, Economics, Tropical regions. Identifiers: Area planning aid development. The purpose of this report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing and operating a building brick plant in a country with a tropical or semi-tropi- cal climate. The information includes general man- ufacturing methods, plant layout, and costs of ma- terials, equipment, and labor. The plant described is considered to be the economic minimum in size which utilize suitable equipment and methods. Products are to be simple and varieties limited in order that costs may be kept to a minimum. (Author) PB-179 363 PC A02 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Housing in Liberia. Jun 67, 20p* Country Report Series. Descriptors: 'Economics, Africa, 'Housing, Africa, Geography, Climatology, History, Political science, Population, Agriculture, Mining engineering, Trans- portation, Communication systems, Commerce, Construction materials, Labor, Professional per- sonnel, Urban planning, Rural areas, Law, Bank- ing, Costs, Foreign aid, Statistical data. Identifiers: Liberia, Area planning and develop- ment. The report on housing in Liberia is one of a series of reports on housing and related subjects in de- veloping countries. The series is issued by the Office of International Housing (OIH) of the Hous- ing and Home Finance Agency (HHFA) as a serv- ice to the Agency for International Development (A.I.D.). The individual country reports are de- signed to assist in the orientation of A.I.D. techni- cians either in the United States or abroad. They are also intended to provide basic information to consultants scheduled to undertake overseas as- signments as well as to American businessmen in- terested in foreign investment. (Author) PB-179 365 PC A04 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Housing in the Ivory Coast. Thomas R. Callaway. Apr 66, 62p* Country Report Series. Descriptors: 'Economics, Ivory Coast, 'Housing, Ivory Coast, Geography, Climatology, History, Po- litical science, Population, Employment, Transpor- tation, Banking, Construction materials, Prefabri- cated buildings, Costs, Sanitary engineering, Labor, Wages, Rural areas, Urban planning, For- eign aid, Statistical data. Identifiers: Area planning and development. No abstract available. PB-179 366 PC A02 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Housing in Nigeria. Jun 67, 18p* Country Report Series. Descriptors: 'Economics, Nigeria, 'Housing, Nige- ria, Geography, Climatology, History, Political sci- ence, Population, Construction materials, Profes- sional personnel, Urban planning, Rural areas, Law, Foreign aid, Banking, Costs, Statistical data. Identifiers: Area planning and development. No abstract available. PB-179 367 PC A04 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Office of International Housing. Housing in Ethiopia. Country Report Series. Jan 66, 71 p* Descriptors: 'Economics, Ethiopia, 'Housing, Ethi- opia, Geography, Climatology, History, Political sci- ence, Education, Population, Agriculture, Mining engineering, Industries, Transportation, Communi- cation systems, Commerce, Banking, Construction materials, Urban planning, Rural areas, Costs, Manpower, Wages, Statistical data. Identifiers: Area planning and development. No abstract available. PB-179 370 PC A06 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Proposed Minimum Standards for Permanent Low-Cost Housing and for the Improvement of Existing Substandard Areas. Harold Robinson. May 66, 107p* Descriptors: 'Housing, Standards, Latin America, Buildings, Law, Performance(Engineering), Heat- ing, Construction, Sanitary engineering, Electrical equipment, Fire safety, Public health, Management planning, Design. Identifiers: Underdeveloped countries, Area plan- ning and development, Plumbing. At the request of the Latin America Bureau, Agency for International Development, these pro- posed minimum standards were developed by the Division of International Affairs, Department of Housing and Urban Development, for use in Latin America. They are based principally on codes, or- dinances and standards obtained from countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean Area, and on discussions with officials and techni- cians of selected countries in these regions. In so far as possible, they are performance standards, rather than specification standards and thus are generally applicable to the entire region. These standards are not to be construed as 'desirable standards', but rather are intended to meet only the minimum basic needs of families of low income. Their purpose is, however, to provide these families with a dwelling which is structurally safe, reasonably durable and which will not require excessive maintenance or repair during the life of the mortgage. They are also intended to provide a decent environment and to serve as a guide to im- proving, at least on a temporary basis, substan- dard areas which lack even the minimum of ameni- ties, or a semblance of order. PB-179 376 PC A03 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Squatter Settlements. The Problem and the Op- portunity. Ideas and Methods Exchange no. 63, 302 Urban Planning Charles Abrams. Apr 66, 49p Descriptors: 'Urban areas, Housing, Social sci- ences, Law, Economics, Population, Public opin- ion, Sewage, Urban planning, Advanced planning, Costs, Safety, Site selection, Employment, Public health, Structures, State-of-the-art reviews. Identifiers: Area planning and development, 'Squatters. The report discusses the world-wide problem of 'squatters' in urban slums. The legal and economic problems associated with squatter villagers are ex- amined. PB-179 383 PC A03 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Sewage Lagoons for Developing Countries. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 62, 302/12/1 Sewage Lagoons. Thomas Callaway, and Bernard Wagner. Jan 66, 41p Prepared in cooperation with Department of State, Washington, DC. Agency for International Devel- opment. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, *Wastes(Sanitary engineering), Sewage, Wastes(lndustrial), Rural areas, Housing, Humans, Drainage, Irrigation sys- tems, Water, Site selection, Soil mechanics, Eva- potranspiration, Advanced planning, Public health. Identifiers: BOD(Biochemical oxygen demand), Area planning and development, Sewage lagoons. Many cities in developing countries lack accept- able community sewage disposal systems. The failure to provide safe, effective means of dispos- ing of human and other wastes present problems, the seriousness of which cannot be overestimated. The cost of constructing adequate treatment plants often discourages their installation in cities with limited budgets. However, treatment is possi- ble by means of sewage lagoons which are usually less expensive than more conventional methods. (Author) PB-179 385 PC A06 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Manual on Design for Low-Cost and Aided Self- Help Housing. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 37 Wolcott C. Waggaman, and Robert Dodge. Jun 67, 1 11 p Descriptors: 'Housing, Construction, 'Construc- tion, Handbooks, Management planning, Design, Costs, Central America, West Indies, Puerto Rico, Cambodia, Iran, Surinam, Industrial training, Chile, China, Greece, Specifications, Construction mate- rials, Organizations. Identifiers: Area planning and development, Self- help housing, Low-cost housing, Community action programs. Since World War II, the desires-and real needs- for better homes have intensified. For economic, social, and political reasons great interest has de- veloped in improving shelter for the ill-housed ma- jority of the people of the world. In many countries, families, except those in the higher income group, build the houses they occupy. Self-help is the ac- cepted way to build a house using local, readily available materials and the labor of each family. The basic principles of good design for aided self- help are really no different than those of good design anywhere. Effective arrangement; simple construction techniques; and efficient use of labor and materials, all considered in proper relation to local conditions, customs, desires, and taboos, can go far toward providing durable, livable houses within available money resources. (Author) PB-179 408 PC A03 MF A01 National Council on the Aging, Inc., New York. Operation III: Loaves and Fishes. A Model Community Action Program to Provide Nutri- tious Low-Cost Meals to the Elderly. Final rept. Geneva Mathiasen, and Jack Ossofsky. 23 Jul 56, 34p Contract OEO-79 Descriptors: 'Food, 'Adults, Costs, Sociology, Aging(Physiology), Employment, Training, Educa- tion, Nutrition, Costs. Identifiers: Loaves and fishes operation. The major purpose of this project is to provide nu- tritious meals and footdtuffs at low cost to older persons living on marginal or poverty level in- comes. Meals will be prepared so that they may be eaten where purchased, or packaged so they may be carried home or delivered to the homebound when necessary. In addition to providing meals, the project will seek to stretch the limited incomes of the elderly through implementation of surplus food programs, food stamp plans, and the devel- opment of marketing, home economics and relat- ed consumer education. Social action in connec- tion with matters of consumer concern and protec- tion will be encouraged. The project will provide employment opportunities for residents of the community being served, including the elderly, as well as opportunities for volunteer services by those who can afford to give of their time. Intensive community relations and case finding will be un- dertaken to insure maximum utilization of the pro- gram by the elderly. (Author). PB-179 475 PC A08 MF A01 Memphis and Shelby County Planning Commis- sion, Memphis, Tenn. 58 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Community Facilities Study. Volume III. Sani- tary Sewers. Comprehensive planning rept. Feb 68, 164p* See also Volume 2, PB-1 79 474. Prepared in coop- eration with Allen and Hoshall-Clark, Dietz and Assoc, Memphis, Tenn. PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE ILLEGIBLE. SEE INTRODUC- TION SECTION OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT JOURNAL FOR CFSTI ORDERING INSTRUC- TIONS. Availability: Original document in color until exhausted. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, Tennessee, 'Sani- tary engineering, Tennessee, Sewage, Predic- tions, Construction, Costs, Population, Rivers, Maps, Urban areas, Rural areas, Water pollution, Wastes(lndustrial). Identifiers: Area planning and development, Land use, Memphis(Tennessee), Evaluation, 'Intercep- tor sewers, Shelby County(Tennessee). Described in this report are the lengths, sizes and approximate locations of sanitary sewers needed to provide service to Shelby County through the year 1990. The results of an extensive investiga- tion of the existing interceptor sewers in the County is also included. The construction of the needed sewers is divided into five-year increments beginning in 1970. Sewer capacity was determined by studying population forecasts and land use pre- dictions for the County. Estimated construction costs for each phase are presented with unit costs being forecast for the future based on previous construction data. A detailed study of the sewage treatment needs for the County is currently being prepared for the City of Memphis, however, pre- liminary costs of these facilities are included in the report. (Author) PB-180 245 PC A03 MF A01 Cooperative League of the USA, Chicago, III. Potential Cooperative Projects. Final feasibility rept. Stanley Dreyer. 28 Dec 65, 28p Contract OEO-598 Descriptors: 'Organizations, Feasibility studies, Standards, Management planning, Urban areas, Rural areas, Budgets, Training. Identifiers: Cooperative projects, Community action programs, Chicago(lllinois), St. No abstract available. PB-180 476 PC A03 MF A01 Clapp and Mayne, Inc., San Juan, Puerto Rico. Feasibility Study for Establishing a Bicycle Manufacturing Plant in Puerto Rico. Final rept. Dec 68, 44p Contract DC-8-35352 Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Vehicles, 'Puerto Rico, Industrial plants, Feasibility studies, Econom- ics, Commerce, Assembling, Production, Costs. Identifiers: Bicycles. A study was made to establish the economic feasi- bility of manufacturing bicycles to satisfy the small but growing internal Puerto Rican market. Howev- er, during the course of the investigation, the Con- sultants became aware of a series of develop- ments in the United States bicycle market that, upon further investigation, led them to broaden the original scope of the study to include an evaluation of the feasibility of producing bicycles in Puerto Rico for sale in this market and for shipment to the United States. Nonetheless, the original concept of a local market-oriented factory has been kept intact, so the study provides an evaluation of that possibility independently of an export market. (Author) PB-180 509 PC A06 MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Dept. of Sani- tary Engineering and Water Resources. An Evaluation of the Problems of Sanitary Sewer System Design. Final rept. John C. Geyer, and John J. Lentz. Sep 64, 114p* FHA-564 Technical studies publication. Descriptors: 'Sanitary engineering, Sewage, *Wastes(Sanitary engineering), Pipes, Water sup- plies, Housing, Maintenance, Costs, Urban areas, Rural areas, California, Maryland, Florida, Missou- ri. Identifiers: Evaluation, 'Sewer systems. General problems facing sewer designers have been studied using field data collected in four U. S. communities. Analysis of these data indicates that basic causes of maintenance difficulties are tree roots, accumulations of debris in the absence of roots, other causes, and in areas having cohesion- less sub-soil, sewer cave-ins. Proportionately fewer blockages occur when grades are moderate, and proportionately more occur at the upper termi- nals of the sewers. In eight-inch pipe, manhole spacing has little effect on the labor costs of stop- page relief. Emphasis is placed on statistical tech- niques for estimating domestic sewage flow. Flow of rainwater and groundwater was at times found to be excessive in all systems studied. Limited data on costs of operating and maintaining sewage pumping stations are reported and evaluated. (Author) PB-182 735 PC A02 MF A01 Department of Forestry and Rural Development, Vancouver (British Columbia). Forest Products Lab. Wood Species and Glues Influence Plywood Bond Durability. Information rept. P. L. Northcott. Aug 68, 24p* Rept no. VP-X-42 Descriptors: 'Plywood, 'Bonding, Wear resis- tance, Adhesives, Specifications, Thickness, Roughness, Classification, Exposure, Regression analysis, Degradation, Loading(Mechanics), Effec- tiveness. Identifiers: Graphs(Charts). The research demonstrates that durability of 3/8 in., 3-ply plywood manufactured with a single glue is strongly dependent on the species of wood. Fur- thermore, the influence of species on durability tends to be different for each type of glue. Twelve 4'-square panels of plywood were manufactured from each of the combinations of six species of wood and ten glues. Plywood shear specimens were subjected to each of six bond-degrading sys- tems for times up to 160 days. (Author) PB-182 764 PC A02 MF A01 Department of Forestry and Rural Development, Vancouver (British Columbia). Forest Products Lab. Balsam Woolly Aphid-Infested Abies Wood as a Source of Pulp Fibre. Information rept. K. Hunt. May 68, 25p* Rept no. VP-X-39 Descriptors: 'Hemiptera, Wood, 'Wood pulp, Sources, Trees, Pest control, Chemicals, Life cycle, Damage, Eggs, Wind, Airborne, Climatology, Physical properties, Cell wall, Economics, Canada. Identifiers: Adelges piceae, Fir trees. The life cycle of the balsam woolly aphid (Adelges piceae Ratzeburg) and its effect on trees and wood of various Abies species is briefly described. Several methods, natural and chemical, for con- trolling the pests are cited. The effect of advanced infestation on the quality of pulp produced from Abies wood by the different industrial processes is shown to include a reduction in yield of 10% and a decrease in strength of 20 to 30%. Recommenda- tions regarding further pulping research are made in the light of various economic considerations. It is recommended that a detailed polysaccharide anal- ysis be carried out on the aphid-infested wood of Abies balsamea. (Author) PB-184 123 HC A09 MF A01 Kaiser Engineers, Oakland, Calif. in-Cities Experimental Housing Research and Development Project, Phase I. Composite Report. Volume III. technology. Mar 69, 181p* Rept no. KE-69-8-R-4 Contract HUD-H-1011 Compiled from Phase I reports prepared by Build- ing Systems Development, Inc., Contract HUD-H- 971; Westinghouse Electric Corp., Contract HUD- H-970; and Abt Associates, Inc., Contract HUD-H- 969. See also Volume 2, PB-184 122 and Volume 4, PB-184 124. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, Housing projects, Construction, Urban areas, Design, Configuration, Materials, Structural parts, Manufacturing meth- ods, Assembling, Cooling, Heating, Electrical equipment, Industries, Indexes. Identifiers: 'Modular construction, 'Low cost housing. The objective of this report is to present for public information the useful data on technological inno- vation in low-cost housing collected by the three Phase I Contractors. During Phase I, a large file of data on innovative systems and components was accumulated. Some of these systems and compo- nents had been tested and others were in the design stage only. Some had been used in foreign countries but not in the United States. This file of data has been assembled in this volume for use as a general guide to those concerned with the plan- ning and construction of low-cost housing. (Author) PB-184 240 HC A02 MF A01 Tropical Products Inst., London (England). The Market for Kenaf in the United Kingdom. J. L Allen. Apr 69, 23p* Rept no. G40 Descriptors: 'Fibers(Natural), Commerce, Eco- nomics, Production, Standardization. Identifiers: Kenaf, Jute. The report evaluates the market potential for kenaf in the United Kingdom. Kenef is the trade name for the fiber obtained from the stems of two species of Hibiscus. The uses, production, trade, grading, and future prospects for kenaf are discussed along with its competitor, jute. PB-184 450 HC A07 MF A01 Mater Engineering Corvallis, Oreg. A Feasibility Study for a Small LOG Sawmill on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Central Arizona. Apr 69, 137p* Contract C-8-3529 Descriptors: 'Wood, Cutting, 'Industrial plants, 'Arizona, Rural areas, Feasibility studies, Industrial production, Forestry, Sources, Costs, Configura- tion, Operation, Predictions, Economics, Sociome- trics. Identifiers: Indian reservations, 'Sawmills, Fort Apache(Arizona). The study investigated the feasibility of construct- ing an additional sawmill facility on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation to saw small logs which the existing mill cannot handle profitable. The study included a survey of the wood supplies and the selection of the optimum log conversion configuration to profitable convert the available small logs into saleable lumber and chips. Eight configurations were studied for converting the small logs to lumber. An in-depth analysis resulted in projected operating statements which indicate that this small log mill should be economically ad- vantageous to the Tribe. (Author) PB-184 876 HC A09 MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Applied Technology. The Performance Concept: A Study of Its Ap- plication to Housing. Volume Two. John P. Eberhard. 3 Jun 69, 194p* Revision of Rept. no. NBS-9850 dated 3 Jun 68. See also Volume 1, PB-184 458, and Volume 3, PB-184 459. Sponsored in part by Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Housing, Standards, Design, Specifi- cations, Costs, Structural properties, Rural areas, Management planning, Decision making, Econom- ics, Money, Law, Public health, Life expectancy, Sociology, Alaska. Identifiers: Low cost housing, Poverty, Ethnic groups, Indian reservations, Problem solving, Building codes. 59 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS This report, in three volumes, is the result of a study conducted by the Institute for Applied Tech- nology of the National Bureau of Standards for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This study investigated the following hypothesis: 'It is hypothesized that, if adequate performance standards for low-cost housing could be devel- oped, and if they were broadly used, an important and fundamental way would have been opened to accommodate the introduction of cost-reducing in- novations into the design of low-cost housing.' The report finds this hypothesis to be generally correct, but emphasizes the need for the development of the necessary knowledge to implement the per- formance concept. This volume contains appendi- ces titled as follows: Needs of the rural poor in low cost housing; Housing of Indians on reservations and of Alaskan natives; Conceptual structure of low cost/low income housing; Nature of the prob- lem; Implementation of the performance concept in regulatory and acceptance systems such as the minimum property standards. PB-185 168 HC A05 MF A01 Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D.C. Envi- ronmental Development Div. Literature References to Highways and Their Environmental Considerations. 1 Jul 69, 90p* Descriptors: "Roads, 'Environment, "Manage- ment planning, Roads, Urban planning, Rural areas, Sociology, Economics, Physical properties, Air pollution, Transportation, Bibliographies, Ab- stracts. Identifiers: Land use, Noise pollution. The report is in four sections: a bibliography, keyed and cross-referenced to six broad areas of inter- est; the staff selections; the abstracts; and a sub- ject index. (Author) PB-186 188 HC A08 MF A01 National Swedish Inst, for Building Research, Stockholm (Sweden). Social Aspects of Housing and Urban Develop- ment. 1969, 166p* Rept no. Byggforskningen-3:1969 Paper copy also available from The National Swedish Institute for Building Research, Box 27 163, S-102 52, Stockholm 27, Sweden. Sw. Kr. 20. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, Housing, 'Housing, Bibliographies, Economics, Sociology, Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, South America, Europe, North America, Abstracts. Identifiers: Low cost housing, Developing coun- tries. The bibliography is part of a continuing project of the Housing Section of the United Nations Centre for Housing, Building and Planning. The aim of the bibliography was to provide a broad view of the published literature dealing with the experience of countries which have made substantial progress in solving the social problems of housing and urban development, paying particular attention to such aspects as: an appropriate programme of econom- ic development in urban and rural areas leading to an accelerated raising of the standard of living, the provision of appropriate dwellings for all, the initi- ation and construction of housing for low-income families, the keeping of rents within a reasonable share of family incomes, the improvement of exist- ing housing and the clearance of slums. (Author) PB-186 514 HC A04 MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Milled R. Poliakoff. Sep 61, 61 p Revision of Report prepared by Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, III. Descriptors: 'Cereals, Processing, 'Industrial plants, Specifications, Milling machines, Materials, Labor, Buildings, Power supplies, Water supplies, Costs, Personnel, Training, Safety, Economics, Law, Warehouses, Machines, Management engi- neering. Identifiers: Rice, Rice polisher machines. The purpose of the report is to provide basic infor- mation for establishing a plant in a foreign country to process rice. (Author) PB-187 565 HC A09 MF A01 Stefflre Associates, Inc., Laguna Beach, Calif. The Small New Business. Final rept. Volney Stefflre. Aug 69, 181 p* Contract OEO-4786 Descriptors: 'Commerce, 'Management planning, Starting, Organizations, Industries, Economics, Motivation, Money, Sociology, Production control, Predictions, Site selection, Growth, Computer pro- grams, Costs. Identifiers: 'Small businesses, 'Economic devel- opment, Marketing, Product development, Ac- counting, Profits, Cash flow, Computer analysis. Contents: The general problem; Finance; Market- ing; Production; Organization; Starting a new small business; Growth and/or decline; The nature of a small business development company. PB-188 841 HC A02 MF A01 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Water Resources Center. Impact of Community Water Systems in Small Towns. Final rept. 1 Sep 67-30 Jun 68 Walter J. Wills, and Donald D. Osburn. Jun 69, 20p WRC-RR-20, OWRR-A-027-ILL(1) Contract DI-14-01-0001-1081 Descriptors: 'Water supplies, 'Urban areas, Man- agement planning, Fire safety, Sanitary engineer- ing, Installation, Rural areas, Illinois. Identifiers: Water consumption. The primary purpose of this study was to describe the impact the addition of a community water system to a small town would have upon that town and the surrounding communities. The benefits of the system were recognized by the residents and some of the first round impacts were measured. Benefits observed were increases in the number of water using appliances, increases in property values, improved fire protection and sanitary con- ditions. (Author) PB-188 851 HC A07 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. A Proposed Urban Development Program for Tegucigalpa, Honduras. James A. Moore. 25 Aug 67, 134p Rept no. PASA-LA(KA)-53-67 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Honduras, 'Hous- ing, Urban planning, Costs, Management planning, Training, Government(Foreign), Economics. Identifiers: 'Tegucigalpa(Honduras), Developing nations. The report describes an urban development pro- gram prepared for Tegucigalpa, including urban planning, public finance, public administration, and training. The program seeks to institutionalize the planning function in Tegucigalpa to enable the government to prepare, finance, and administer such plans, and to encourage local citizen partici- pation. (Author) PB-188 852 HC A03 MF A01 FCH International, Inc., Washington, D.C. Housing the Campesino. A Case Study of Co- operative Housing in Rural Panama. 1966, 28p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Rural areas, Housing, 'Housing pro- jects, 'Panama, Wages, Economics, Costs, Re- search program administration, Management plan- ning. Identifiers: Los Pocitos(Panama), Developing na- tions, Low income families. The report describes a case study of cooperative housing in Los Pocitos, Panama. It describes the organization and administration of the housing pro- gram, the design and financing of typical houses in the project, and its applicability in other locations. (Author) PB-188 918 HC A05 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Earth for Homes: Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 22. May 69, 79p* Revision of report dated Sep 56. Descriptors: 'Housing, Construction materials, 'Construction materials, 'Soils, Buildings, Con- struction, Soil mechanics, Walls, Floors, Roofs, Compacting, Cements, Weatherproofing, Structur- al properties, Finishes + finishing, Test methods, Brick, Mud, Earthquake-resistant structures, State- of-the-art reviews. Identifiers: 'Earth construction, Soil compacting, Soil aggregates, Admixtures, Pozzolans, Soil prop- erties, Soil cement, Cob construction, Adobe brick, Wattle and daub. Contents: Early uses of earth; Soils; Methods of earth wall construction; Stabilization of earth by admixtures; Earth floors; Earth roofs; Wall finishes; The design of earth walls. PB-188 919 HC A08 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. Lyle A. Wolfskill, Wayne A. Dunlop, and Bob M. Callaway. 1970, 161p* Prepared in cooperation with Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Descriptors: 'Housing, Construction, 'Construc- tion materials, 'Soils, Design, Soil mechanics, Site selection, Preparation, Foundations(Structures), Roofs, Walls, Floors, Manufacturing methods, Compacting, Presses(Machinery), Finishes + fin- ishing, Weatherproofing, Handbooks. Identifiers: 'Earth construction, Soil tests, Soil compacting, Soil stabilization, Pressed earth blocks, Adobe blocks. Contents: Introduction-types of earth houses; Soils and what can be done with them; Soil stabiliz- ers; Site preparation; Foundations; Lightweight roofs; Getting the soil prepared; Making adobe blocks; Making pressed earth blocks; Making walls of pressed blocks; Making walls of rammed earth; Roofs for earth houses; Floors for earth houses; Surface coatings. PB-188 921 HC A04 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Bamboo as a Building Material. F. A. McClure. Jun 67, 58p Revision of reports dated May 53 and Jun 67. Descriptors: 'Housing, Construction materials, 'Construction materials, Plants(Botany), Buildings, Foundations(Structures), Supports, Floors, Walls, Doors, Roofs, Pipes, Reinforcing materials, Rein- forced concrete, Abundance, Structural properties, Preservation, Construction, Small tools. Identifiers: 'Bamboo, Frames, Ceilings(Architecture), Windows, Troughs, Biogeo- graphy. Contents: Parts of a house for which bamboos are suitable; Bamboo reinforcement of concrete; Geo- graphical distribution of bamboos; Differences among species; Some bamboos used in housing; Shortcomings of bamboo and how to overcome them; Preservation; Skill requirements; Tool re- quirements; Differentiation and evaluation of spe- cies; Collecting specimens for identification. PB-188 923 HC A06 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Proposed Minimum Standards for Permanent Low-Cost Housing and for the Improvement of Existing Substandard Area. Ideas and methods exchange. May 66, 107p Rept no. IME-64 60 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Housing, Standards, 'Management planning, Urban areas, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Design, Costs, Terrain, Classification, Latin Amer- ica. Identifiers: 'Area planning and development, Low cost housing, Low income families. The document is concerned with proposed stand- ards which are based on codes, ordinances, and standards in use in Latin America; however, it is felt the standards to a large degree are applicable worldwide. PB-188 925 HC A05 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Hous- ing. Douglas H. K. Lee. Jun 69, 83p* Prepared in cooperation with Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Revision of report dated May 63. Descriptors: 'Housing, 'Tropical regions, 'Heat tolerance, Housing, Physiology, Climatology, Hu- midity, Temperature, Buildings, Configuration, Re- flection, Cooling, Solar radiation, Heat transfer. The report presents an introduction to hot weather housing design. Hot dry and hot humid environ- ments are included. (Author) PB-188 926 HC A04 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Village Housing in the Tropics, with Special Reference to West Africa. Keith H. Hinchcliff. Jun 69, 72p Prepared in cooperation with Illinois Univ., Urbana. Revision of report dated May 63. Descriptors: 'Housing, Tropical regions, 'Urban planning, 'Subsaharan Africa, Site selection, Cli- matology, Terrain, Problem solving, Water sup- plies, Public health, Buildings, Construction materi- als, Culture, Nigeria, Ghana. Identifiers: Villages, Community facilities, Sierra Leone, Gambia. The document discusses the optimum location of villages, types of village layouts, housing design, and community facilities, with special reference to West Africa. PB-188 927 HC A03 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Bibliography on Housing Building and Plan- ning. May 69, 47p* Descriptors: 'Housing, 'Bibliographies, Construc- tion, Law, Standards, Urban planning, Rural areas, Terrain, Problem solving, Abstracts. Identifiers: Self help housing, Architecture, Build- ing codes. The document contains an annotated listing of recent books and periodicals on aided self-help housing, architecture, building codes and stand- ards, city and regional planning, housing, land problems, taxation, transportation, urbanization and zoning. PB-188 931 HC A04 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement. Ideas and methods exchange. Aug 69, 64p* Rept no. IME-18 Revision of report dated Jan 67. Descriptors: 'Housing, Construction, 'Sociome- trics, 'Rural areas, Management planning, Costs, Labor, Standards, Construction materials, Terrain, Burma, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Greece, Taiwan, Sweden. Identifiers: Self help housing, Community develop- ment, Technical assistance. The document discusses fundamental principles and role of aided self-help housing and how to or- ganize self-help projects and secure technical and financial assistance. It describes programs in Burma, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Greece, Taiwan and Sweden. PB-189 171 HC A05 MF A01 Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Water Resources Re- search Center. Identification of Return Irrigation Water in the Subsurface: Water Quality. Project completion rept. 1 Jul 68-30 Jun 69 Pedro A. Tenorio, Reginald H. F. Young, and H. Collins Whitehead. Oct 69, 92p TR-33, OWRR-B- 012-HI(1) Contract DI-1 4-01 -001 -1495 Report on Identification of Irrigation Return Water in the Subsurface - Phase II. Descriptors. 'Water supplies, 'Hawaii, 'Irrigation systems, Water supplies, Quality control, Agricul- ture, Water wells, Sampling, Nitrates, Phosphates, Bromides, Carbonates, Fluorides, Calcium com- pounds, Magnesium compounds, Silicates, Sul- fates, Rainfall, Chemical analysis, Solids, Tropical regions. Identifiers: Pearl Harbor(Hawaii), Irrigation return water, 'Oahu Island. A joint research effort was undertaken by the Water Resources Research Center and the Hono- lulu Board of Water Supply to investigate the physi- cal and chemical characteristics of irrigation return water in Pearl Harbor-Waipahu, Oahu, an area used for tropical agriculture. The project was start- ed in 1967 and was expanded in 1968 to include Kahuku, Oahu and Central and West Maui. Well samples and profile samples were obtained with a thief sampler in the Pearl Harbor-Waipahu area and composite samples were obtained mainly from pumping wells in other areas. In addition, both spring and stream waters in the Pearl Harbor-Wai- pahu area were analyzed for a number of inorganic constituents. Stream waters in the main study area were observed to contain appreciable quantities of nitrate, phosphate, bromide, bicarbonate, and flu- oride. Similar trends were observed with the spring samples including increases of calcium, magne- sium, silica, sulfate, and nitrate. Well waters from the main study area were evaluated according to Visher and Mink's index constituents, silica, sul- fate, and nitrate, and other significant ionic compo- sitions. General analysis of major constituents evi- denced a cyclical trend in concentration, either re- lated to seasonal rainfall and irrigation practices, or both. (WRSIC abstract) PB-189 254 HC A02 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less Industrialized Countries. Ideas and methods exchange Ray J. Burroughs. 1967, 16p Rept no. IME-38 Descriptors: 'Banking, Organizations, 'Housing, Management planning, Government(Foreign), Standards, United States, Law, Personnel, Site se- lection, Reliability. Identifiers: 'Savings and loan associations, Devel- oping countries, Expenses, Income. U.S. savings and loan associations are used as an example for other countries desiring to establish financing institutions for funding new houses. En- abling legislation, interest, institution sponsorship, staffing, location and liquidity are all briefly dis- cussed. (Author) PB-189 255 HC A06 MF A01 Bureau of Water Hygiene, Rockville, Md. Guidelines and Criteria for Community Water Supplies in the Developing Countries. 1969, 108p Descriptors: 'Water supplies, Management plan- ning, 'Management planning, Government(Foreign), Instruction manuals, Public health, Industries, Agriculture, Costs, Construction, Standards, Training, Maintenance, Quality control, Asia, Latin America. Identifiers: Water resources, Developing countries, AID(Agency for International Development). The report is a synthesis of ideas on guidelines and criteria developed from team surveys of com- munity water supply programs in twelve develop- ing countries, four of them in Asia and eigth in Latin America. The purpose was to examine AID oper- ations in this field and identify those factors con- tributing to the development of successful projects as well as those hindering such development. Chapters are devoted to policies, laws and institu- tions, program planning, capital financing, man- power and training, technical standards, project development, contracts and construction, oper- ation and maintenance, water utility management and developing public support. (Author) PB-189 258 HC A05 MF A01 Federal Housing Administration, Washington, D.C. Minimum Design Standards for Community Water Supply Systems. Jul 65, 76p Rept no. FHA-751 Descriptors: 'Housing, Water supplies, 'Water supplies, Standards, Storage, Distribution, Chemi- cal analysis, Purification, Iron, Manganese, Corro- sion inhibition. Identifiers: Water resources, 'Water treatment, 'Water softening. The purpose of the study was to set forth minimum design standards acceptable to FHA for water supply production, treatment, pumping, storage, and distribution facilities to serve properties of- fered as security for mortgage insurance. These minimum design standards apply to central water systems serving residential neighborhood devel- opments and multifamily projects. (Author) PB-189 260 HC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Kingston (Jamaica). Operations Mission. Report of Housing Team of the International Cooperation Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. Charles Abrams, James G. Banks, J. Robert Dodge, Marvin S. Gilman, and Kalervo Oberg. Apr 61, 87p Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Jamaica, Popula- tion, Economics, Sociometrics, Problem solving, Housing, Budgets, Organizations. Identifiers: Squatter communities, * Kingston(Jamaica). The report includes a description of population, economic and social conditions, tax structure, housing programs, and institutions concerned with construction financing. Urban development in the Kingston area is discussed. Recommendations for improving housing, industrial settlement, and strengthening financing methods are made. (Author) PB-189 625 HC A03 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Housing in Ghana. Country report series. 1964, 28p Sponsored by the Agency for International Devel- opment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Housing, 'Ghana, Urban planning, Construction, Wages, Population, Economics, Labor, Statistical data, Rural areas, Foreign aid. Identifiers: Developing countries. The report on housing in Ghana is one of a series of reports on housing and related subjects in de- veloping countries. They are also intended to pro- vide basic information to consultants scheduled to undertake overseas assignments as well as to American businessmen interested in foreign in- vestment. (AID abstract) PB-189 626 HC A02 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Housing in India. Country report series. 1964, 25p Sponsored by the Agency for International Devel- opment, Washington, D.C. 61 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Housing, "India, Urban planning, Law, Population, Economics, Construction, Labor, Rural areas, Government(Foreign), Statistical data, Research program administration, Foreign aid. Identifiers: Developing countries, Slum clearance. The report on housing in India is one of a series of reports on housing and related subjects in devel- oping countries. They are also intended to provide basic information to consultants schedules to un- dertake overseas assignments as well as to Ameri- can businessmen interested in foreign investment. (AID abstract) PB-189 627 HC A02 MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Housing in Jordan. Country report series. 1965, 21 p Sponsored in part by the Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Housing, "Jordan, Urban planning, Statistical data, Population, Wages, Construction, Sanitary engineering, Labor, Industrial plants. Identifiers: Developing countries, Construction loans. The report on housing in Jordan is one of a series of reports on housing and related subjects in de- veloping countries. They are also intended to pro- vide basic information to consultants scheduled to undertake overseas assignments as well as to American businessmen interested in foreign in- vestment. (AID abstract) PB-189 628 HC A05 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Housing and Urban Development Programs: Latin American Bureau. Harold Robinson. 1 Oct 67, 91 p Descriptors: "Housing, "Latin America, Urban planning, Rural areas, Economics, Banking, For- eign aid, Construction, Statistical data, Law, Orga- nizations, Wages. Identifiers: Low income housing, Investments, Construction loans. Urbanization. A summary at the beginning of the report includes sections titled: Background, accomplishments and tasks ahead. Other sections provide information on U.S. Congressional action, A.I.D. policy and suggested policy, and descriptions of regional and country programs including objectives, funding and progress. (AID abstract) PB-189 813 HC A05 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. Agricultural Cooperatives and Quasi-Coopera- tives in Ghana, 1951-1965. Marvin P. Miracle, and Ann Seidman. Jul 68, 79p Rept no. LTC-51 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Ghana, "Economics, Agriculture, History, Organizations, Costs, Money, Labor, Commerce. Identifiers: "Agriculture economics, Farm coopera- tives, Land titles. The report traces the history of cooperatives in Ghana from 1928 to 1965, bases on government records. From the beginning the movement has suffered from government domination, inept man- agement and instability. Single or multi-purpose cooperatives have engaged in a wide range of economic activities: buying, selling, credit, subsi- dies, savings, research, extension and farming. Major successes appear to be in the marketing of export crops. Farmers seem eager enough to join cooperatives but sustained benefits from member- ship are not recorded. (AID abstract) PB-189 816 HC A03 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. An Experimental Cooperative Farming Plan in Chile. William C. Thiesenhusen. Oct 65, 43p Rept no. LTC-8 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Chile, Management planning, Production, Organizations, Wages, Law. Identifiers: "Cooperative farming, Land reform. The report describes the organization and first- year operations of a small cooperative farm cre- ated by the Catholic Church. The 16 farm families are under administrative guidance of a hired ad- ministrator. Credit and technical assistance are fur- nished by INPROA, the church's agency to admin- ister land reform on church properties. Data on farm income and expenses indicate that families earned more during the first year of the coopera- tive than in previous years. They did not earn enough to make payments on land purchased. If management of the cooperative can be improved, the cooperative probably can become free of debt. However, trained or experienced managers are scarce. (Author) PB-189 818 HC A02 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. Farm Ownership, Political Participation, and Other Social Participation in Central Brazil. J. C. Van Es, and Robert L. Whittenbarger. Jul 68, 22p Rept no. LTC-50 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Brazil, "Economics, Ag- riculture, Political science, Sociology, Organiza- tions, Rural areas. Identifiers: Land titles, Social reforms, "Agriculture economics. A test was made of the sociological thesis that land ownership is the basis of social class distinc- tions, and, more importantly, wide differences in economic and political power. From 255 to 289 farmers were studied. The findings indicate that the present structure of the rural sector does not provide the non-owners with an opportunity to ef- fectively manage their own interests in the larger society. The virtual exclusion, purposive or not, of non-owners from social and political participation creates an environment in which they depend on more privileged community members to serve as brokers in their relations with the rests of the system.' (AID abstract) PB-189 819 HC A03 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. The Influence of Land Tenure Institutions on the Economic Development of Agriculture in Less Developed Countries. Peter Dorner. Oct 68, 35p Rept no. LTC-55 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Latin America, "Eco- nomics, Agriculture, Wages, Population, Control systems, Management planning, Money, Public re- lations. Identifiers: "Land tenure, Developing countries, Rural to urban migration, Investments. The document discusses the influence of land tenure systems upon income distribution and demand consequences, economic and political power distribution, investments in agriculture and supply consequences, investments in other sec- tors of the economy, and premature farm to city migrations. The existing relationships resulting from semi-feudal tenure systems are discussed. (AID abstract) PB-189 820 HC A02 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. Frei Unveils New Agrarian Reform Bill. Marion R. Brown. Dec 65, 19p Rept no. LTC-11 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Chile, "Law, Agricul- ture, Management planning, Public relations, Pop- ulation, Control systems, Rural areas, Economics. Identifiers: "Land reform, Frei Eduardo. The document describes features of the agrarian reform bill proposed to the Chilean Senate. Land- owners can retain 80 hectares of land, and up to 320 hectares under certain conditions. Expropriat- ed lands are paid for at tax assessed value. Also, compensation for improvements will be made. Each annual payment will be readjusted to 70 per- cent of the rise of the cost of living and will include interest at 3 percent. The purchaser must live on the farm, keep up his payments, and join a cooper- ative. He cannot sell, divide, or give away his land without permission from CORA. The state can hold title to the land no longer than three years. Water rights are to be defined and administered under the proposed Bill. (AID abstract) PB-189 831 HC A02 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. Fitting Agricultural Extension to the Develop- ment Needs of Colombia. Herman Felstehausen. Nov 68, 21 p Rept no. LTC-57 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Colombia, "Government(Foreign), Management planning, Organizations, Production control, Models(Simulations), Reviews, Inequalities, Eco- nomics. Identifiers: Agricultural extension services, Devel- oping countries. The document analyzes the agricultural extension services in Colombia. The three largest organiza- tions in this field employ 1400 full-time workers. These workers do not reach small farmers with less than 5 hectares. PB-189 917 HC A03 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: The Views of Four Consultants. Peter Dorner, C. W. Loomer, Raymond Perm, and Joseph Thome. Dec 67, 48p Rept no. LTC- 42 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Economics, "Dominican Republic, Population, Government(Foreign), Distribution(Economics), Rural areas, Agriculture, Law, Reviews. Identifiers: Land repossession, Land reform, Credit, State owned lands. The document contains three papers on what should be done about distribution of state-owned and repossessed (from Trujillo) lands. Since 60 to 70 percent of the population were in agriculture and from 25 to 30 percent of the people were un- employed, the distribution of lands and titles free to 20,000 farm families seemed reasonable. One percent of all existing farms contained 54 percent of all land in farms, while 50 percent of all farms were smaller than 2.5 acres each. The government could distribute nearly one million acres to as many as 48,000 families. (AID abstract) PB-189 919T HC A02 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Lan Tenure Center. Integrating the Rural Market into the National Economy of Mexico. Delbert T. Myren. Jun 68, 13p Rept no. LTC-46 Trans, of Comercio Exterior (Mexico) v17 n9 p706ff Sep 67. Presented at the Primer Congreso Nacional de Mercadotecnia, 21-23 Jul 1966, Cuer- navaca, Morelos, Mexico. Descriptors: "Economics, "Mexico, "Rural areas, Commerce, Population, Sociometrics, Agriculture, Fertilizers, Money, Management planning, Re- views. Identifiers: Translations. The document has classified Mexico's agriculture into three sectors: A modern, commercial farming sector which consists of 20 percent of the farm families, a growing transitional sector which in- cludes a rough 45 percent of the farm families, and the traditional or subsistence sector - 35 percent of 62 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS the farm families. No mass market for consumer goods will come into being, the author says, until 80 percent of the farmers sharply increase their purchasing power. PB-189 920T HC A02 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. Agrarian Reform, Land Purchase and Industri- alization in Peru. John Strasma. 1969, 22p Rept no. LTC-1 Trans, of Trimestre Economico (Mexico) v32(3) n1 27 p484-500 Jul/Sep 65. Descriptors: 'Economics, *Peru, 'Terrain, Man- agement planning, Law, Government(Foreign), In- dustries, Money, Rural areas, Sociometrics, Re- views. Identifiers: *Land reform, Translations, Land ex- propriation, Financing, Land owners. The paper discusses a proposal for financing agrarian reform and stimulating industrialization in Peru. It is pointed out that the landowners would receive generous compensation for their lands in the form of marketable inflation-proof securities, with support or guarantees by international organi- zations or foreign governments. PB-189 925 HC A09 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D.C. Latin American Usoms Seminar on Agrarian Reform, Santiago, Chile, Feb. 21 - 24, 1961. 1961, 193p PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT FULLY LEGIBLE. Descriptors: "Agriculture, *Latin America, 'Ter- rain, Management planning, Symposia, Econom- ics, Organizations, Problem solving, Standards, Employment, Sociometrics, Law. Identifiers: 'Land reform, Land ownership, Eco- nomic development, Farm size, Squatter farmers. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss land reform policies and programs and their place in the economic development of Latin Anerican coun- tries; to make an appraisal of existing physical, human and institutional resources for carrying out such programs; and to determine the nature and amount of external assistance required from var- ious agencies. (AID abstract) PB-189 966 HC E99 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. Problems and Conflicts over Land Ownership in Boliva. Ronald James Clark. Aug 68, 25 Rept no. LTC- 49 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'South America, 'Ter- rain, Distribution, Money, Law, Rural areas. Identifiers: Agricultural development, 'Land tenure, Land use, 'Bolivia. The report describes two general types of conflict that have resulted from the delay in giving legal land titles to peasants for holdings as specified by the 1952 land reform program. The first kind of conflict arises between displaced landlords and the new owners. The second type results from land grabbing by peasants, competing claims for land owned by deceased peasants, disputes in- volving common lands, and claims based on sup- posedly legal titles. Landlords still exploit peasants by loaning them money at high interest rates, and by persuading them to sell the land back to the landlord at low prices. (AID abstract) PB-189 969 HC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Manila (Philippines). Land Reform in the Philippines 1950-1958. Rept. for Dec 55-Apr 58 Frate Bull. 1 958, 94p PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT FULLY LEGIBLE. Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Philippines, 'Terrain, Management planning, Agriculture, Law, Popula- tion, Federal budgets, Organizations, Money. Identifiers: 'Land reform, Land tenure, Landlord tenant relationships, Land ownership. The publication covers two projects on land tenure. It deals with tenancy after World War 2 and with actions to improve the farm tenancy situation, sets up objectives, and describes accomplish- ments and unsolved land reform problems in 1958. PB-189 972 HC A07 MF A01 Iowa Universities Mission to Peru. Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in the Central Sierra of Peru. Economic study Enrique Vigues-Roig. Jun 67, 150p Rept no. Iowa Peru ES-1 Prepared in cooperation with Agency for Interna- tional Development, Lima, Peru. Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Peru, 'Terrain, Man- agement planning, Problem solving, Agriculture, Mathematical models, Factor analysis, Organiza- tions, Statistical data, Population, Sociometrics. Identifiers: 'Land reform, Economic development, Gross national product, Central Sierra region(Peru). The report analyzes the conditions under which agrarian reform in Peru can be used to promote economic development. It describes problems en- countered in the land reform program with respect to land valuation and land expropriation. PB-189 973 HC A02 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. The Role of the Ejido in Mexican Land Reform. Discussion paper Nathan L. Whetten. May 63, 8p Rept no. DP-3 Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Mexico, 'Terrain, Man- agement planning, Law, Population, Transforma- tions, Control systems, Sociometrics, Rural areas, Agriculture. Identifiers: Ejido system, 'Land reform, Collective farms, Socioeconomic status. The document is concerned with the ejido system in Mexico, one in which the property rights in land are vested in the community. A farmer may be given use of the land for his lifetime, and he might pass it on to an heir but he may not sell it, nor can he rent it. If he does not work it for two years in succession, it will be taken away and assigned to some one else. The author points out the ejido system has served a very valuable purpose but it now needs revision to meet changing social condi- tions in Mexico. PB-189 976 HC A03 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. Freedom and Development. Rural Decision- Making and Agricultural Development. Richard W. Patch. Jul 66, 37p Rept no. LTC-22 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, Economics, 'Econom- ics, 'South America, 'Management planning, Agri- culture, 'Peru, Agriculture, Rural areas, Decision making, Production, Attitudes, Population. Identifiers: Agricultural development, 'Bolivia. The subsistence farmer has little freedom of choice in his decisions, as he must produce to sur- vive. Freedom to decide, to experiment and to risk is infinitely greater among commercial farmers. Patch contrasts peasants in Cochabamba, Bolivia where land reform transpired with highland peas- ants of Peru where no reforms had occurred. The Bolivian peasant functions in an environment con- ducive to development, with considerable freedom of choice. The Peruvian peasant is a near-serf with almost no freedom. The Bolivian peasant has im- proved his economic, social and pplitical statuses since land reform in 1953. He seels more products and he buys more goods produced in the city. The highlander is no longer an Indian; he is a person, and with increasing independence. The Peruvian neighbor has experienced no comparable changes. (Author) PB-189 984 HC A04 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Teguci- galpa (Honduras). Honduran Agrarian Reform Law. Report Number 2. Recommendations for Implementa- tion. John C. O'Byrne. 1966, 63p Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Honduras, 'Law, Ter- rain, Law, Agriculture, Effectiveness, Reviews, Money. Identifiers: Squatter land, 'Land reform, Economic development, Credit, Taxes. The report is a review of the 1 963 Honduran agrar- ian reform law. The purpose of the study is to de- termine whether the existing law is workable and meets the needs of the various intended parties or whether the law and amendments are totally usable. The report makes an analysis of the prob- lems and sets forth recommendations which in- clude suggestions to amend the present law to up- grade the agrarian reform agency; assure the com- panies that the government is deeply concerned with their welfare; and encourage and protect in- vestment in agriculture as a means of promoting social and economic improvement. (AID abstract) PB-189 987 HC A03 MF A01 Iowa Universities Mission to Peru. Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in Peru. Part I. Nature of and Relation- ships Between Agrarian Reform and Economic Development. Part II. Analytical Structural Change Model for Analyzing Agrarian Reform Structures and Remedial Alternatives in the Sierra. John F. Timmons, and John C. O'Byrne. 1964, 35p Contract ICAC-2226 Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Peru, 'Terrain, Man- agement planning, Agriculture, Problem solving, Population, Sociometrics, Money, Statistical data, Attitudes, Mathematical models, Training. Identifiers: 'Land reform, Central Sierra region(Peru), Economic development. The report sets forth a method for analyzing de- fects in the agrarian land system and proposes re- medial action with special reference to the Sierra. A model is formulated projecting agrarian reform as part of an integrated approach to economic and social development of the national economy. In- cluded are goals and targets for agrarian reform. PB-189 988 HCA10MFA01 International Cooperation Administration, Manila (Philippines). The Rural Philippines. Generoso F. Rivera, and Robert T. McMillan. Oct 52, 21 6p Descriptors: 'Philippines, Economics, Geography, Rural areas, Social sciences, Population, Agricul- ture. Identifiers: Land tenure. The first part of the book is a pictorial story of rural life in the Philippines. It describes group life, cul- ture, and natural resources of the Philippines. The section on population deals with numbers, distribu- tion, age, sex, race, occupation, fertility, mortality and income. Agriculture in the Philippines is the chief source of livelihood for a large majority of the rural population. The intricate problems associated with Philippine agriculture are largely man-made, namely the smallness of the farms, insecure farm tenancy, shortage of farm credit, a lag in new farm- ing methods, decreasing soil fertility and many others. Major institutions are directly related to the family, to ways of getting and using wealth and to religion, government, education, health, welfare and recreation. (AID abstract) PB-189 989 HC A03 MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Land Tenure Center. Rural to Urban Migration: A Colombian Case. Research paper William L Flinn. Jul 66, 45p Rept no. RP-19 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. 63 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Agriculture, Economics, "Econom- ics, 'Colombia, Population, Urban areas, Rural areas, Labor, Employment, Sociology, Housing. Identifiers: * Urban migration. The report presents the reasons for movement of farmers to urban areas. It discusses how rural to urban migration creates socio-economic develop- ment problems in both rural and urban sectors. The slum dwellers in shanty towns around cities believe that their housing, sanitation facilities, income, medical services, and education for chil- dren were better in the urban slums than in vil- lages. Very few expressed a desire to return to rural areas. (AID abstract) PB-189 991 HC A06 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Manila (Philippines). A Special Study of Landed Estates in the Philip- pines: Analysis and Findings. Arturo P. Sorongon. 22 Aug 55, 124p Descriptors: "Economics, 'Philippines, 'Terrain, Distribution, Money, Law, Agriculture, Urban areas, Rural areas, Industries, Questionnaires, Analysis, Statistical data. Identifiers: Landed estates, Land assessment, Land use. The purpose of the report is to develop for the De- partment of Finance: (1) an analysis of the extent of distribution of large landholdings in the Philip- pines and (2) necessary statistical information on landed estates. (Author) PB-189 992 HC A05 MF A01 International Development Services, Inc., Wash- ington, D.C. Analysis and Recommendations on the Agrar- ian Reform Program in Ecuador. Keith Himebaugh, Frank V. Beck, and Lisa Lekis. 1 5 Nov 66, 93p Rept no. P-6628 Contract AID-51 8-1 62 Descriptors: 'Agriculture, Economics, 'Econom- ics, Ecuador, Money, Sociology, Population, Rural areas, Production. Identifiers: Agriculture economics, Agrarian reform. The study gives a report on the financial problems of the Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria y Co- lonizacion (IERAC) which is the Ecuadoran agency for agrarian reform. Only $2 1 ,3 1 9, 1 53 equivalent in agrarian reform bonds have been issued since the enactment of the law. As a result of the shortage of bonds, important phases of the program are coming to a halt. Ecuador is reaching the practical limit of its ability to use foreign loans. It discusses other financial problems of IERAC and presents nine recommendations for present and future op- eration of this organization. (AID abstract) PB-189 994 HC A05 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Saigon (Republic of South Vietnam). Studies of Land Tenure in Viet Nam (Terminal Report). J. Price Gittinger. Dec 59, 89p Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Vietnam, 'Terrain, Management planning, Reviews, Leadership, Government(Foreign), Population, Communism, Money, Attitudes, Transformations, Law. Identifiers: Land tenure, Collective farms. The pamphlet is an account of land tenure in Viet Nam over a four-year period ending in 1959. It ex- plains the major agrarian reform policies of the then President of Viet Nam, Ngo Dinh Diem and gives a general description of progress in agrarian reform. Also considered are communal land con- cepts in recent Vietnamese policy, Communist land policy in North Viet Nam, rent reduction and tenure security in free Viet Nam, the Vietnamese land transfer program, and basic Vietnamese land tenure legislation. (AID abstract) PB-189 996 HC A11 MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Land Reform in Vietnam. Summary rept. Dec 68, 240p Contract AID/VN -8 See also Volume 1 , Part 1 , PB-1 89 997. Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Vietnam, 'Terrain, Management planning, Law, Attitudes, Population, Government(Foreign), Agriculture, Communism, Economics, Rural areas, Urban areas, Sociome- trics. Identifiers: Land reform, Land ownership, Viet Cong, Socioeconomic status. The summary volume is a distillation of the infor- mation contained in the other volumes of the report. It is designed to provide the essential factu- al base on which rational land tenure policies in Viet Nam could be formulated. PB-190 000 HC A08 MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume III. The Viet Cong. Donn E. Seeley, R. Michael Pearce, and Pual S. Taylor. Nov 68, 1 54p Contract AID/VN-8 See also Volume 4 Part 1, PB-190 001, Volume 2, PB-189 999, and PB-189 996. Limited number of copies containing color other than black and white are available until stock is exhausted. Reproduc- tions will be made in black and white only. POR- TIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT FULLY LEGIBLE. Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Vietnam, 'Terrain, Management planning, 'Communism, Impact, Population, Attitudes, Insurgency, Rural areas, Social psychology, Fear, Commerce, Agriculture, Reviews. Identifiers: Land reform, Viet Cong, Landlord tenant relationships. The volume describes the impact of Viet Cong ac- tivities on GVN land reform policies and on the rights of the landowners and tenants guaranteed them under the laws of the Republic of Vietnam. Detailed descriptions of Viet Cong land reform poli- cies and practices are presented to provide a basis for assessing the feasibility of land reform meas- ures in an environment of insecurity. PB-190 001 HC A09 MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume IV, Part 1. Surveys and Analyses Relat- ed to Land Tenure Issues. Nov 68, 186p Contract AID/VN-8 See also Volume 3, PB-190 000, Volume 4 Part 2, PB-1 90 002, and PB-1 89 996. Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Vietnam, 'Terrain, Management planning, Reviews, Population, Rural areas, Transformations, Sociometrics, Agriculture, Distribution(Economics), Attitudes, Statistical data. Identifiers: Land reform, Land tenure, Land expro- priation, Landlord tenant relationships, Socioeco- nomic status. The document presents the major findings and analysis regarding attitudes and opinions of rural people of all status groups derived from a resident survey and an absentee landlord survey. Factual data on the size, distribution of land, ownership and land use, when combined with the attitudes and opinions recorded, become the basis for a ten- tative analysis of what direction land distribution policy might have to take to make suitable impacts on the rural population. PB-190 131 HC A09 MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Manila (Philippines). An Economic and Social Survey of Rural Households in Central Luzon. Generoso F. Rivera, and Robert T. McMillan. Jun 54, 197p Descriptors: 'Philippines, 'Economics, 'Social sci- ences, Philippines, Agriculture, Employment, Wages, Population. Identifiers: Land tenure, Luzon Island. The report describes the size of farms; landlord- tenant relationships; income; expenses; capital; credit; employment; wages; and levels of living among 2,500 rural households of nine villages in high tenancy areas of central Luzon. Rapid popula- tion growth, an inequitable land tenure system, and lagging farm technology serverely hinder agricul- tural and rural development. (AID abstract) PB-190 672 HC A08 MF A01 Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Div. of Environmen- tal Health. Small Wells Manual: A Manual of Location, Design, Construction, Use and Maintenance. Ulric P. Gibson, and Rexford D. Singer. Sep 69, 163p* Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Office of War on Hunger. Descriptors: 'Water wells, Construction, Design, Maintenance, Permeability, Rehabilitation, Sani- tary engineering, Protection, Site selection, Explo- ration, Purification, Well logging, Drilling machines, Cutting fluids, Centrifugal pumps, Rotary pumps, Jet pumps, Tables, Diagrams. Identifiers: Ground water, 'Water well construc- tion. The manual covers: (1) origin, occurrence and movement of ground water, (2) ground water ex- ploration, (3) water well design, (4) well construc- tion, disinfection, maintenance and rehabilitation, (5) pumping equipment, and (6) sanitary protection of ground water supplies. PB-190 674 HC A05 MF A01 Public Health Service, Washington, D.C. Office of International Health. Community Water Supply in Developing Coun- tries. A Quarter-Century of United States As- sistance. Frederick E. McJunkin. 1969, 95p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Foreign aid, Water supplies, 'Water supplies, Government(Foreign), Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Africa, Latin America. Identifiers: Developing nations, South Vietnam. The report discusses the role of water supply in developing countries; the highlights of AID efforts to improve community water supplies on a world- wide basis with brief reports on typical activities country-by-country, but grouped on a regional basis, i.e. Near East and South Asia, East Asia and Viet-Nam, Africa, and Latin America. (Author) PB-190 675 HC A99 MF A01 Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Center for Com- parative Political Analysis. Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational Development). Volume I. Periodi- cal Literature. Richard Blue, Robert T. Holt, John E. Turner, Richard Erikson, and David Garnham. 1 Jan 67, 693p* See also Volume 2, PB- 1 90 676. Descriptors: 'Sociometrics, Transformations, 'Foreign aid, 'Bibliographies, Abstracts, Rural areas, Economics, Agriculture, Education, Political science, Management planning, Attitudes, Africa, Asia, South America, Central America, West Indies, Pacific Ocean Islands, Europe, North Amer- ica. Identifiers: 'Planned social change, Annotated bibliographies, 'Foreign rural development, Devel- oping countries. The bibliography was prepared primarily to support the major research endeavors of the CIC-AID rural development research project. It is presented in preliminary form primarily for project use. Since a theoretical treatment of economic development in historical context and a specific analysis of a con- temporary developing country are both relevant, the bibliography covers a wide range of materials. (Author) PB-190 676 HCA10MFA01 Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Center for Com- parative Political Analysis. 64 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational Development). Volume II. Books and Book Length Monographs. Richard Blue, Robert T. Holt, John E. Turner, Richard Erikson, and David Garnham. 1 Jan 67, 214p* See also Volume 1 , PB-1 90 675 and Volume 3, PB- 190 677. Descriptors: *Sociometrics, Transformations, * Foreign aid, 'Bibliographies, Political science, Education, Agriculture, Economics, Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, New Guinea, New Zealand, Management planning. Identifiers: Annotated bibliographies, 'Planned social change, Books, 'Foreign rural development, Developing countries. The document, the second volume in a 3 part report on planned social change in developing countries, contains an annotated bibliography on foreign rural development. PB-190 677 HC A09 MF A01 Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Center for Com- parative Political Analysis. Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational Development). Volume III. Govern- ment Reports, U.N. Reports and Proceedings of Special Conferences. Richard Blue, Robert T. Holt, John E. Turner, Richard Erikson, and David Garnham. 1 Jan 67, 196p* See also Volume 1 , PB-1 90 675. Descriptors: 'Sociometrics, Transformations, 'Foreign aid, 'Bibliographies, Economics, Agricul- ture, Education, Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Pacific Ocean Islands, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, North America. Identifiers: Annotated bibliographies, 'Planned social change, Foreign rural development, Devel- oping countries. The document, the third volume of a three part bib- liography on planned social change in developing countries, contains government reports, UN re- ports, and proceedings of conferences on foreign rural development. PB-191 034 HC A02 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Urban Development, Including Housing. Bibliography' series. 1 Apr 70, 25p* Rept no. Development Administration-7 Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Bibliographies, 'Housing, Foreign aid, Northern hemisphere, Southern hemisphere, Government(Foreign), Fed- eral budgets, Reports, Reviews. Identifiers: 'Annotated bibliographies, Developing countries. An annotated bibliography is given, mainly of publi- cations of the U.S. Agency for International Devel- opment in the field of urban development, includ- ing housing. Many of the publications were devel- oped under contract to AID by the Office of Inter- national Affairs, U.S. Development of Housing and Urban Development. PB-191 100 HC A05 MF A01 Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Special Bib- liographies Section. Fish Protein Concentrate. A Comprehensive Bibliography. Bruce R. Stillings. 9 Apr 70, 83p Descriptors: 'Seafood, Proteins, 'Bibliographies, Seafood, Nutrition, Food, Chemical analysis, Proc- essing, Diet, Fishes. This bibliography has been prepared to provide a comprehensive source of information on efforts di- rected toward fish protein concentrates mainly for human use. Contents include: General aspects; Processing methods; Chemical composition; Nutri- tional studies; Acceptability and use in foods. PB-191 721 HC A02 MF A01 Central Piedmont Regional Council of Local Gov- ernments, N.C. Citizen Participation. Mar 70, 15p* Sponsored in part by Department of Housing and Urban Development. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'North Carolina, 'Public opinion, Decision making, Management planning, Public relations, Organizations, Leader- ship, Questionnaires, Rural areas. Identifiers: Minority groups, 'Citizen planning par- ticipation, Central Piedmont region, Low income groups, 'Regional planning, Counties. The initial citizen participation element provides the means for determining the extent of present citizen participation in local public planning and de- cision-making throughout the region and for finding ways and means to strengthen and support mean- ingful citizen involvement from a regional planning point of view. (Author) PB-192 726 HC A04 MF A01 Missouri Univ., Columbia. Dept. of Atmospheric Science. Estimates of Potential Productivity from the Climatology of Solar Energy. Final rept. 1 May 70, 67p Grant Cwb-WBG-37 Descriptors: 'Corn, Production, 'Solar radiation, Agriculture, Photosynthesis, Sunspots, Attenu- ation, Scattering, Absorption, Heat flux, Atmos- phere models, Water vapor, Cloud cover, Statisti- cal data. Identifiers: Solar flux. The report deals with climatological evaluation and concerns an experimental study of the energy use by a corn canopy. (Author) PB-192 750 HC A04 MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. Inst, for Research on Land and Water Resources. Simplification of Integrated Stormwater Plan- ning for Modern Multiple Land Use in Urban and Suburban Developments. Project technical completion rept. Brian M. Reich. 31 Mar 70, 62p* OWRR-B-010- PA(1) Contract DI-1 4-01 -0001 -1046 Descriptors: 'Hydrology, Management planning, 'Storms, Drainage, 'Urban areas, Drainage, Urban areas, Rural areas, Terrain, Floods, Control, Math- ematical models, Programming(Computers), Stor- age, Dams, Deterrence, Design. Identifiers: 'Synthetic hydrographs, 'Flood rout- ing, Surface water runoff, Watersheds. Four synthetic hydrograph methods were applied on five watersheds in hopes of simplifying planning decisions for reserved space in valley bottoms of suburbia headwaters. Both hydrograph and routing procedures were programmed for digital computer evaluation for the more than 300 cases consid- ered. General conclusions include the following. (1) No simple rules can be given on width of flood- ways to planners. Each case must be individually investigated. (2) Computer methods greatly facili- tate routing and synthetic hydrograph computa- tions. (3) Generalizations are impossible because interactions occur between the method used, the return period, and the percentage of the watershed above the reservoir among others. (4) A great need exists for data-based methods for predicting suburban design hydrographs in ungaged situa- tions. (5) A new course on urban hydrology was developed from the studies results. The course is designed to teach hydrologists the modern tech- niques which are being developed to solve this set of urban problems. (WRSIC abstract) PB-192 794 HC A03 MF A01 Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). Representative Rural Catchments in Kenya and Uganda. D. Fiddes, and J. A. Forsgate. 1970, 35p Rept no. RRL-LR318 Descriptors: 'Drainage, Subsaharan Africa, Rain- fall, Networks, Containers, Terrain, Soils, Swamps, Fluid flow, Permeability, Hydraulic models, Floods, Storage, Rural areas, Kenya, Great Britain. Identifiers: 'Catchments, Surface water runoff, Culverts, Uganda. The report describes networks of small rural catch- ments throughout Kenya and Uganda. The pur- pose of these is to provide data for the develop- ment of a design method for the estimation of wa- terway sizes for small bridges and culverts. The six catchments in each country are described. They have been sited to provide information on the effect on the runoff hydrograph of the following catchment parameters: (a) area, (b) spatial and temporal rainfall variability, (c) topography and soil type, (d) swamp. For each catchment a rainfall runoff correlation will be prepared, and unit hydro- graphs isolated. (Author) PB-193 242 HCA11 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Center for International Studies. The Role of Popular Participation in Develop- ment. Max F. Millikan, Lucian W. Pye, and David Hapgood. Nov 68, 239p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Report of a Confer- ence on the Implementation of Title IX of the For- eign Assistance Act, held at the Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Endicott House, Dedham, Mass., 24 Jun to 2 Aug 68. Descriptors: 'Sociometrics, Foreign policy, 'For- eign aid, Symposia, Organizations, Decision making, Attitudes, Social psychology, Personnel management, Training, Research program admin- istration, Management planning, Department of Defense, Money. Identifiers: 'Economic development, 'Developing countries, Management information systems, In- ternational relations. The report summarizes the discussions, findings and recommendations of a six-week conference on foreign assistance. Half the participants were academic specialists and half were from AID staffs in Washington or in overseas missions. Chapters are devoted to the meaning of foreign assistance, foreign policy implications, AID and non AID instru- ments for implementing foreign assistance, as- sessment of programs, and suggested changes in organization, research, recruitment and training. (AID abstract) PB-193 553 MF A01 Economic Development Administration, Washing- ton, D.C. Formula for Growth: How to Make an Industrial Site Survey. Oct 69, 30p Paper copy available from Superintendent of Doc- uments, GPO, Washington, D.C. 20402. $0.30 as C48.8:IN2. Descriptors: 'Industries, 'Site selection, 'Urban areas, Industries, Terrain, Factor analysis, Urban planning, Rural areas, Mapping, Aerial photo- graphs, Roads, Water supplies, Sanitary engineer- ing, Hydrology, Law, Handbooks. Identifiers: 'Industrial sites, Economic develop- ment, Area planning and development, Zoning, Tax rates. A firm seeking a location for a new plant needs a site ideal for both present use and future expan- sion. To back its efforts to attract new industry, a local economic development organization must be fully prepared to supply information on individual plant sites in the area and to point out the unique advantages of each site. The guide explains how to identify sites ideal for industry and how to as- semble this information for use in attracting new and expanding companies. PB-194 204 HC A05 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. 65 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Increasing Participation in Development. Primer on Title IX of the United States Foreign Assistance Act. 27 Sep 70, 78p Descriptors: 'Foreign aid, 'Developing countries, National government, Economics. Identifiers: 'Foreign Assistance Act(Title 9). Part I of this basic manual reproduces Title IX of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1966. There are ex- cerpts from earlier related legislation on communi- ty development and cooperatives, from congres- sional reports and studies, and comments of con- gressmen on Title IX. Also included are excerpts from a 1968 statement by the Administrator of AID on progress toward Title IX objectives and from the AID report to the House Committee on Foreign Af- fairs on Title IX dated May 10, 1967. There is an inventory of AID Title IX activities, and a list of addi- tional statutory authority in AID legislation which supports Title IX objectives. (AID abstract) PB-194 368 HC A09 MF A01 Kansas Dept. of Economic Development. A Design Study on the Economic Use of Agri- cultural Wastes in Kansas. Kansas planning for development. Jan 69, 183p* Rept no. 25 Prepared in cooperation with Theracon, Inc., Topeka, Kans. and Kansas Economic Develop- ment Commission. Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, Utilization, 'Waste disposal, Effectiveness, 'Economic devel- opment, 'Kansas, Management planning, Benefit cost analysis, Research projects, Environmental engineering, Water pollution, Control. The report represents a study of agricultural wastes in Kansas and the technology available for economic utilization. The principal wastes that may provide raw materials for profitable utilization are identified and data on location and quantity of each waste are presented. The most important ag- ricultural waste in Kansas comes from large cattle feedlots. Since disposal is costly to the cattle feed- ing industry utilization technology is sought to pro- vide raw material for economic development. (Author) PB-194 391 HC A03 MF A01 Ernst and Ernst, Washington, D.C. Study of Raw Material Costs for a Proposed Straw-Based Pulping Mill in the Vicinity of Mo- bridge, South Dakota. Aug 70, 36p EDACOMM-70-001 Contract C-9-35084 Descriptors: 'Pulp mills, 'Cost estimates, 'Eco- nomic development, 'South Carolina, Corrugating, Straw, Waste papers, Employment, Pulping, Feasi- bility. Identifiers: Straw based pulping, 'Technical assist- ance, Mobridge(South Dakota). The concept of establishing a mill to manufacture corrugating medium on land owned by the Stand- ing Rock Sioux Indian Tribe in the vicinity of Mo- bridge, South Dakota has been to take advantage of one of the area's abundant and relatively little- used resources, wheat straw, as a principal ingre- dient. The specific purpose of this study was to: (1 ) determine the availability of sufficient straw to sup- port the proposed mill; (2) to determine various cost elements attendant to the collection and stor- age of straw and the availability and procurement costs of the other principal ingredient of the mill's output - waste paper. (Author) PB-194 757 HC A06 MF A01 California State Dept. of Housing and Community Development, Sacramento. Demonstration in Low-Cost Housing Tech- niques. Final rept. Charles R. LeMenager, Ed Bowe, and Dean C. Hill. Jun 70, 110p* Contract HUD-H-650 Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, 'California, 'Rural areas, Residential buildings, Construction management, Cost analysis, Construction materi- als, Drawings, Evaluation, Factor analysis, Statisti- cal data, Time. Identifiers: Low cost housing, Demonstration pro- jects. The low income housing demonstration project is part of the search for means of developing housing to be utilized for low income domestic and often migratory farm workers in the western states. The objective was to study methods of construction, building materials and supplies, and building plans in three California areas which would produce inex- pensive housing. A total of 28 units were built using a variety of construction techniques. Studies of the ■ 'nits and their occupants have been made and the results are recorded. The report reflects building costs and building construction features, as well as the amenities or undesirable features of these structures as seen through the eyes of profession- al building evaluators, housing authority officials, and the residents themselves. (Author) PB-195 052 HC A08 MF A01 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Ann Arbor, Mich. Evaluation of an Experimental Fish Reduction Process Applicable to Small Fisheries. Jul 70, 165p* EDACOMM-70-012 Descriptors: 'Economic development, Fisheries, 'Fresh water fishes, Processing, Aquatic animals, Pesticides, Removal, Cost analysis, Feeding stuffs, Animal nutrition, Production capacity, Market research. Identifiers: 'Mink industry, Fishcare, Pressfish, Technical assistance projects. The study is concerned with use of freshwater fish for mink food. Feeding trails with presscake are described. Recommendations indicate that press- cake offers considerable promise in the mink in- dustry. Additional research is recommended. An implementation program makes technical assist- ance available to anyone showing interest in pro- duction or use of presscake. (BCF abstract). PB-195 226 HCA10MFA01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. Sep 70, 202p* MSC-71-69 Descriptors: 'Fish protein concentrates, 'Eco- nomic analysis, 'Developing countries, Fish pro- tein concentrates, Cost estimates, Nutritive value, Food habits, !r._, national trade, Chile, Capital, Infant nutrition, Fishing. The report examines the economic feasibility of fish protein concentrate (FPC) in two contexts: (1) As a nutritional supplement in the diet of a devel- oping country; and (2) as a competitive food addi- tive in the United States. These subjects are exam- ined with special reference to the role that the United States Government should play in the de- velopment of FPC. The Report recommends that: Efforts to tie the FPC program to the domestic fish- eries should be resisted; a reasoned, broadbased program of research into the basic technology of FPC is one of the better investments that the U.S. could presently make, and that such a program should be supported and strengthened; and the Aberdeen, Washington pilot scale FPC processing plant should be developed into a flexible, pilot scale testing center for a variety of processes and combinations of processes. A bibliography of 113 references is included. (Author) PB-195 275 HC A04 MF A01 Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. Div. of Gen- eral Research. Water Measurement Procedures Irrigation Op- erator's Workshop. J. C. Schuster. Sep 70, 59p Rept no. REC-OCE- 70-38 Descriptors: 'Irrigation, Hydraulics, 'Water flow, Measurement, Manuals, Meetings, Instructions, Water meters, Discharge, Orifice meters, Venturi, Weirs, Flow meters, Ultrasonic radiation, Radiation measuring instruments. Water Measurement Procedures were written pri- marily as a teaching aid in presenting the funda- mentals of water measurement to field personnel engaged in irrigation work. Technical material has been simplified to provide a clear understanding of water measurement devices and procedures. Basic hydraulics presented include the discharge equation, velocity head concept, orifice and weir relationships, and the effect of submergence. Fac- tors affecting the accuracy of measurement such as work equipment, infrequent head measure- ment, and use of wrong measuring devices are analyzed. Commonly used devices and methods are discussed, including orifices, weirs, Venturi meters, Parshall and Venturi flumes, meter gates, constant head turnouts, and propeller meters; spe- cial devices and methods include vane deflection meters, acoustic and magnetic meters, and the di- lution and radioisotope methods of measurement. Hints for troubleshooting poorly operating devices, suggestions to operators on how to do a good job, and a selected reading list for operators are given. (Author) PB-195 291 HCA18MFA01 Charles River Associates, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Choice of Transport Technology under Vary- ing Factor Endowments in Less Developed Countries. Final rept. 30 Jan 69-30 Jun 70 Paul Roberts. Jun 70, 409p* Rept no. CRA-3- 138-30 Contract DOT-OS-A9-003 See also PB-1 95 292 and PB-1 95 293. Descriptors: 'Transportation, 'Developing coun- tries, 'Economic development, Transportation, 'Project planning, Transportation, Economic anal- ysis, Management methods, Highway transporta- tion, Rail transportation, Factor analysis, Substi- tutes, Benefit cost analysis, Traffic engineering, Transportation models, Air transportation. Identifiers: Technology. The study was undertaken to assist developing countries in making economically rational choices in transport technologies-and thus to assist in their economic development and eventually to reduce the need for external capital assistance. The study uses cost simulation models for road, rail and air transport modes to develop guidelines for planners, taking account of the varying condi- tions of factor endowments (i.e., availabilities of labor, capital, and other resources) in the develop- ing countries. Investment decisions involving choice of technology and mode may be expected to be sensitive to differences in prices of inputs. The sample problems of the report concern: A comparison of investment in a new rail facility and in a new road to serve a route between two traffic centers (nodes); and an evaluation of the various trade-offs involving vehicle technology and airport investment. (DOT abstract) PB-195 315 HCA12MFA01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. Country papers, 2nd ed. Gene Wunderlich, Walter C. Neale, F. Tomasson Jannuzi, and Ronald G. Ridker. Jun 70, 268p* Rept nos. SR/LR/C-20, SR/LR/C-21 Also includes Rept. no. SR/LR/C-22, SR/LR/B-4. See also Volume 2, PB-1 95 316. Descriptors: 'Land, 'Government policies, 'Eco- nomic development, 'India, Legislation, Land titles, Economic surveys, Demography, Sociome- trics, Agriculture, Foreign aid, Revisions, Urbaniza- tion. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document on India is one of a series which covers most nations that have experienced or are considering land reform. The design for each paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. (AID abstract) PB-195 316 HCA12MFA01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. 66 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia. Country papers, 2nd ed. Kenneth B. Piatt, H. Charles Treakle, Charles M. Elkington, Edwin J. Cohn, and E. Utrecht. Jun 70, 273p* Rept nos. SR/LR/C-18, SR/LR/C-19 Also includes Rept. no. SR/LR/C-30. See also Volume 3, PB-1 95 31 7. Descriptors: *Land, * Middle East, * Economic de- velopment, Asia, *lran, 'Economic development, 'Iraq, Economic development, 'Indonesia, Eco- nomic development, "Pakistan, Economic devel- opment, 'Turkey, Economic development, Eco- nomic surveys, Demography, Sociometrics, Revi- sions, Legislation, Land titles, Agriculture, Devel- oping countries, Urbanization. Identifiers: Land laws, "Land reform. The document on Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia is one of a series covering most nations that have experienced or are considering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform pro- gram, and the effects of the program. (AID ab- stract) PB-195 317 HCA14MFA01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. Country papers, 2nd ed. Harold E. Voelkner, Robert B. Morrow, Kenneth H. Sherper, and Anthony Y. C. Koo. Jun 70, 31 5p* Rept nos. SR/LR/C-23, SR/LR/C-24 Also includes Rept. no. SR/LR/C-25. See also Volume 4, PB-1 95 31 8. Descriptors: *Land, 'Government policies, 'Eco- nomic development, Far East, 'Japan, Economic development, 'South Korea, Economic develop- ment, 'Taiwan, Economic development, Legisla- tion, Land titles, Economic surveys, Demography, Sociometrics, Agriculture, Revisions, Foreign aid, Urbanization. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document on Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan is one of a series which covers most nations that have experienced or are considering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. (AID abstract) PB-195 318 HCA14MFA01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Viet- nam, South Vietnam. Country papers, 2nd ed. Harold D. Koone, Lewis E. Gleeck, Christine Pelzer White, and MacDonald Salter. Jun 70, 304p* Rept nos. SR/LR/C-26, SR/LR/C-27 Also includes Rept. no. SR/LR/C-28. See also Volume 5, PB-1 95 319. Descriptors: 'Land, 'Government policies, 'Eco- nomic development, Southeast Asia, 'Philippines, Economic development, 'North Vietnam, Eco- nomic development, 'South Vietnam, Economic development, Legislation, Land titles, Economic surveys, Agriculture, Demography, Sociometrics, Revisions, Foreign aid, Urbanization. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document on the Philippines, North Vietnam, and South Vietnam is one of a series covering most nations that have experienced or are consid- ering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. (AID abstract) PB-195 319 HC A11 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. Country papers, 2nd ed. William C. Thiesenhusen, Herman Felstehausen, and Harry E. Wing, Jr. Jun 70, 232p* Rept nos. SR/LR/C-8, SR/LR/C-31 Also includes Rept. no. SR/LR/C-4, SR/LR/C-3. See also Volume 6, PB-1 95 320. Descriptors: 'Land, 'Government policies, 'Eco- nomic development, South America, 'Chile, Eco- nomic development, 'Colombia, Economic devel- opment, 'Venezuela, Economic development, Legislation, Land titles, Economic surveys, Agricul- ture, Demography, Sociometrics, Revisions, For- eign aid, Urbanization. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document on Chile, Colombia and Venezuela is one of a series which covers most nations that have experienced or are considering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. (AID abstract) PB-195 320 HCA13MFA01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. Country papers, 2nd ed. Ronald James Clark, and Thomas F. Carroll. Jun 70, 280p* Rept nos. SR/LR/C-7, SR/LR/C-5 Also includes Rept. no. SR/LR/C-6. See also Volume 7, PB-1 95 321. Descriptors: 'Land, 'Government policies, 'Eco- nomic development, South America, 'Bolivia, Eco- nomic development, 'Ecuador, Economic devel- opment, 'Peru, Economic development, Legisla- tion, Land titles, Economic surveys, Agriculture, Demography, Sociometrics, Revisions, Foreign aid, Urbanization. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document on Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru is one of a series which covers most nations that have experienced or are considering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. (AID abstract) PB-195 321 HCA13MFA01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. Country papers, 2nd ed. Antonio Gayoso, and Folke Dovring. Jun 70, 296p* Rept nos. SR/LR/C-9, SR/LR/C-29 Also includes Rept. nos. SR/LR/C-2, SR/LR/C-1. See also Volume 8, PB-1 95 322. Descriptors: 'Land, 'Government policies, 'Eco- nomic development, Latin America, 'Brazil, Eco- nomic development, 'Cuba, Economic develop- ment, 'Guatemala, Economic development, 'Mexico, Economic development, Economic sur- veys, Agriculture, Demography, Sociometrics, Leg- islation, Foreign aid, Land titles, Urbanization. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document on Northeast Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, and Guatemala is one of a series which covers most nations that have experienced or are consid- ering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. (AID abstract) PB-195 322 HCA13MFA01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIM. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Republic. Country papers, 2nd ed. Phillips W. Foster, John L. Simmons, and Kenneth B. Piatt. Jun 70, 278p* Rept nos. SR/ LR/C-13, SR/LR/C-14 Also includes Rept. no. SR/LR/C-1 7. See also Volume 9, PB-1 95 323. Descriptors: 'Land, Government policies, 'Eco- nomic development, North Africa, 'Algeria, Eco- nomic development, 'Tunisia, Economic develop- ment, 'United Arab Republic, Economic develop- ment, Legislation, Land titles, Economic surveys, Agriculture, Urbanization, Demography, Sociome- trics, Revisions, Foreign aid. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document on Algeria, Tunisia, and the UAR is one of a series which covers most nations that have experienced or are considering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. (AID abstract) PB-195 323 HC A07 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. Country papers, 2nd ed. Barbara K. Herz, and Kenneth H. Parsons. Jun 70, 135p* Rept nos. SR/LR/C-1 6, SR/LR/C-1 5 See also Volume 1 0, PB-1 95 324. Descriptors: 'Land, Government policies, 'Eco- nomic development, Subsaharan Africa, 'Kenya, Economic development, 'Nigeria, Economic de- velopment, Legislation, Land titles, Economic sur- veys, Agriculture, Urbanization, Sociometrics, Re- visions, Foreign aid. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document on Kenya and Nigeria is one of a series which covers most nations that have experi- enced or are considering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. (AID abstract) PB-195 324 HCA12MFA01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Surveys. Country papers, 2nd ed. Folke Dovring, Davis McEntire, and Edward B. Rice. Jun 70, 256p* Rept nos. SR/LR/C-1 0, SR/ LR/C-12 Also includes Rept. nos. SR/LR/C-1 1, SR/LR/C- 32. See also Volume 1 1 , PB-1 95 325. Descriptors: 'Land, Government policies, 'Eco- nomic development, Europe, 'Hungary, Economic development, 'Italy, Economic development, 'Yu- goslavia, Economic development, Revisions, De- veloping countries, Legislation, Land titles, Urban- ization, Sociometrics, Foreign aid. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document on Hungary, Italy and Yugoslavia, regional surveys is one of a series covering most nations that have experienced or are considering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. (AID ab- stract) PB-195 325 HC A1 6 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume xi. Analytical Papers. Country papers, 2nd ed. Jun 70, 372p* Rept no. SR/LR/A-1 Also includes Rept. nos. SR/LR/A- 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. See also Volume 12, PB- 195 326. Descriptors: 'Land, Government policies, 'Foreign government, Management planning, 'Surveys, De- veloping countries, Agricultural economics, Politi- cal science, Land surveys, Financing, Credit, Resi- dential buildings, Demography, Farm manage- ment, Urbanization, Europe. Identifiers: Land laws, 'Land reform. The document is one of a series which covers most nations that have experienced or are consid- ering land reform in Hungary, Italy and Yugoslavia. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and 67 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS the effects of the program. The country papers are the basic source of information for the Analytical Papers. (AID abstract) PB-195 326 HCA10MFA01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume XII. Background Papers. Country papers, 2nd ed. Jun 70, 220p* Rept no. SR/LR/B-1 Also includes Rept. nos. SR/LR/B-2,3,4, 5,6,7. See also Volume 1 , PB-1 95 31 5. Descriptors: "Land, Developing countries, *For- eign government, Management planning, 'Eco- nomic development, Technical reports, Foreign aid, Opinions, Economic surveys, Rural areas, Ag- riculture, Theories, Mathematical models, Latin America, India, Asia, Europe, Africa. Identifiers: Poverty, Land laws, *Land reform. The document is one of a series which covers most nations in Latin America, Asia, Europe, and Africa that have experienced or are considering land reform. The design for each country paper is the same: the situation before reform, the reform program, and the effects of the program. The volume contains background studies. (AID ab- stract) PB-195 597 PC A10 MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Inst, of Transportation and Traffic Engineering. Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume I. Mar 70, 220p Contract DOT-OS-A9-004 See also Volume 2, PB-1 95 598. Descriptors: transportation, "Developing coun- tries, * Highways, Cost engineering, Design stand- ards, Economic analysis, Construction, Mathemat- ical models, Savings, Highway bridges, Culverts, Ferryboats, Foreign aid. Identifiers: Fords(Water crossings). The study explores the problem of the selection of low-cost technologies for provision of transporta- tion in developing countries. It surveys the range of technologies that might be used, investigates ana- lytical approaches, and suggests based for select- ing among resource and cost alternatives. Volume I discusses at length various problems relating to technologic choice in the field of road transport. Among the problems treated are the development of cost functions, design standards, pavement type, water crossings, one-lane bridging, and vehi- cle types. Statistical tables graphics, and lists of references appear at the end of the chapter when appropriate. (Author) PB-195 598 PC A10 MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Inst, of Transportation and Traffic Engineering. Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume 2. Mar 70, 221 p* Contract DOT-OS-A9-004 See also Volume 1 , PB-1 95 597. Descriptors: 'Transportation, 'Developing coun- tries, "Cost engineering, Transportation, Cost con- trol, Foreign aid, Air transportation, Waterway transportation, Ground vehicles, Investments, Economic models. Identifiers: 'Transport technology, Investment models. The study explores the problem of the selection of low-cost technologies for provision of transporta- tion in developing countries. It surveys the range of technologies that might be used, investigates ana- lytical approaches, and suggests bases for select- ing among resource and cost alternatives. The chapters comprising the second of two volumes discuss potential cost savings in the design and use of ground vehicles; reduction of cost in aircraft, airports and airways; savings in the selection of waterway and harbor techniques; and economic models for the choice of levels of transport invest- ment. (Author) PB-195 757 PC A04 MF A01 Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, Lan- sing, Mich. Comprehensive Development Plan, Bath Charter Township. Apr 70, 64p Descriptors: *Urban planning, 'Michigan, Land use, Education, Recreational facilities, Public buildings, Public utilities, Roads. Identifiers: 'Bath Charter Township(Michigan), Shopping centers. The report contains an analysis of Bath Charter Township in terms of historical growth trends, ex- isting situation, and projected needs. Specifically the report contains six major sections. The first of these is the Planning Perspective which denotes goals and policies as well as the Township's exist- ing situation. Assumptions and projections are in- cluded in the second section termed Dimensions of Future Change. The third section portrays the Land Use Plan while the fourth and fifth sections assess the future needs for community facilities, utilities and streets, and provides necessary poli- cies to guide their development. Implementation procedures such as zoning and capital improve- ment programs are discussed in the sixth section of the report. Projections and policies are made for the year 1 990. (Author) PB-195 900 PC A02 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Report of Fishcultural investigations in the Federation of Malaysia. Increasing Fish Pro- duction by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. H. S. Swingle, and D. D. Moss. 15 Aug 69, 18p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Revision of report dated 26 Feb 68. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Malaysia, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Fresh water fishes, Research, Personnel, Laboratories. Identifiers: Tropical fish culture. The report surveys the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture which operates three marine stations and seven freshwater fish hatcher- ies. It covers the physical plant, water supply, facili- ties, staff and major research projects of the Tropi- cal Fish Culture Research Station at Malacca, which is not part of the Fisheries Department. It discusses the problems involved in the future oper- ation of the research station. (Author) PB-195 901 PC A02 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Report of Fishcultural Investigations in East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Im- proved Fishcultures. H. S. Swingle, and D. D. Moss. 15 Aug 69, 17p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Revision of report dated 30 Jan 68. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Pakistan, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Fresh water fishes, Production, Educa- tion, Universities, Research. The report discusses the need for increased fish production as a means of increasing the supply of protein. It surveys the freshwater fisheries station at Chandpur and the features contributing to its un- suitability as a main research station. Covers the School of Fisheries at the East Pakistan Agricultur- al University at Mymensingh and the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a freshwater fisheries research station at the university. Infor- mation is included on the possible establishment of a brackishwater station and a Fisheries Devel- opment Corporation. Preliminary recommenda- tions are given for a fishculture project in East Pakistan. (AID abstract) PB-195 902 PC A02 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Japan, Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures, Phase I. H. S. Swingle, and D. D. Moss. 15 Aug 69, 25p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Revision of report dated 1 5 Apr 68. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Japan, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Carp, Freshwater fishes, Research, Lab- oratories, History. The report surveys several fisheries stations and farms primarily involved in carp culture in ponds and ricefields. Summary sheets are attached on carp culture in paddy fields in Nagano Perfecutre. Also given are an outline and short history of the Freshwater Fisheries Research Laboratory and in- cludes the organizational structure, facilities and principal research projects. (AID abstract) PB-195 903 PC A02 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Report of Fishcultural Investigations in South Vietnam. Increasing Fish Production by Im- proved Fishcultures. H. S. Swingle, and D. D. Moss. 15 Aug 69, 20p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Revision of report dated 1 5 Feb 68. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'South Vietnam, 'Fish- eries, Surveys, Fresh water fishes, Proteins, Pro- duction, Lakes, Ponds, Education, Research. The report contains general information on the present fish catch and suggests a means of in- creasing the availability of high quality protein in inland areas by increasing fish production in exist- ing ponds and lakes. It includes data on the South Vietnam Directorate of Fisheries and the 14 inland and three brackishwater stations and describes the Revolutionary Development Training Center and its fisheries training ponds. Recommendations are made for a research and training program. (Author) PB-195 904 PC A03 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Taiwan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures. H. S. Swingle, and D. D. Moss. 15 Aug 69, 27p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Revision of report dated 1 7 Jun 69. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Taiwan, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Fishing grounds, Education, Universities, Mushrooms, Production. The report discusses the importance of fisheries to Taiwan and the production from fish cultures. It gives data on fish farms, research stations, culture stations, and includes information on research ex- periments, training and facilities. It also covers the Taiwan chlorella Factory, mushroom culture, and fishery training at Taiwan National University. (AID abstract) PB-195 905 PC A03 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Thai- land. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. H. S. Swingle, and D. D. Moss. 15 Aug 69, 38p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Revision of report dated 1 5 Jan 68. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Thailand, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Fresh water fishes, Production, Inland waterways, Soils, Rainfall, Evapotranspiration, Re- search, Universities. The report presents areas from which freshwater fish are available and on changes to future inland fish production because of the rapid increase in reservoir construction. It discusses the Northeast area giving data on soils, rainfall, evapotranspira- tion and fisheries stations, and analyzes the work of the Department of Fisheries and lists their fresh- water and brackishwater fisheries stations. Data are included on the main station at Bangkhen, the College of Fisheries at Kasetsart University and the Khon Kaen Agricultural Research Center. Rec- ommendations are made for a fishculture project in Thailand. (AID abstract) PB-195 906 PC A03 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. 68 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Report of Fishcultural Investigations in India. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures, Phase I. H. S. Swingle, and D. D. Moss. 15 Aug 69, 27p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Revision of report dated 16 Feb 68. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, *lndia, 'Fisheries, Sur- veys, Education, Research, Universities, Fishes, Production. The report gives background information on fisher- ies in India. It surveys the Central Fisheries Station, a research substation and a brackishwater station. Data are included on fisheries education and state fisheries. It recommends a new location for a large freshwater fishcultural research station, establish- ment of several fishcultural substations, a survey to determine the desirability of a large brackish- seawater fishcultural research station, and one or more universities setting up a formal fisheries train- ing program. (Author) PB-195 907 PC A04 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Fishculture Survey Report for Ecuador. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcul- tures. H. S. Swingle, and F. A. Pagan. 20 Dec 69, 51 p Contract AID/csd-2270 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, *Equador, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Education, Nutrition, Geography, Man- agement planning, Inland waterways, Coasts, Sea- food, Food processing. The report surveys the fisheries in the provinces of Pichincha, Manabi, De Los Rios and Del Guayas. It includes data on nutritional requirements, geogra- phy, status of fisheries, fisheries management, training and seafood processing plants. Reviews the inland fisheries and coastal aquaculture. Nu- merous recommendations are made for the im- provement of the fishculture in the country. Dis- cuss the FAO fisheries project to begin in January 1970. (AID abstract) PB 195 908 PC A04 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Fishculture Survey Report of Colombia, in- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcul- tures. H. S. Swingle, and F. A. Pagan. 1 Sep 70, 69p Contract AID/csd-2270 Revision of report dated 1 Jan 70. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Colombia, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Fishing grounds, Management planning, Nutrition, Production, Fresh water fishes, Educa- tion, Statistical analysis. The report contains material on the status of nutri- tion, fisheries statistics, fisheries management agencies, the FAO fisheries program, universities involved in fisheries research and training, fresh- water fisheries and marine fisheries. Recommends several programs to improve production, exploita- tion and management of fishculture in Colombia. (Author) PB-195 909 PC A04 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Aurburn. Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Philippines. Increasing Fish Production by Im- proved Fishcultures. H. S. Swingle, and D. D. Moss. 15 Aug 69, 62p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Revision of report dated 1 Oct 67. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Phillippines, 'Fisher- ies, Surveys, Fishing grounds, Education, Statisti- cal analysis, Fresh water fishes, Production, Cost analysis. Describes the overall fisheries situation in the country. Reviews a proposed cooperative fishery project to establish both an adquate brackishwater and a freshwater fishcultural research station. Dis- cusses best location and site for each station, and the agencies and institutions who will cooperate in the use of the stations. Descriptive data is given on the proposed freshwater pondculture station at Mindanoa State University including capital and operating costs. Similar materials are given for the proposed brackishwater pondculture stations at Leganes on Panay Island. (Author) PB-195 910 PC A03 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Fishculture Survey Report for Paraguay. R. O. Smitherman, and D. D. Moss. 20 Sep 70, 44p Contract AID/csd-2270 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Paraguay, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Geography, Economic conditions, Water resources, Education, Recreation, Lakes, Rivers, Ponds, Reservoirs. The report reviews the geography, and the nu- trional and economic aspects of the country. Dis- cusses the water resources and the status of fish- eries. It includes data on fisheries training and the agencies responsible for fisheries, and examines sport fishery and its potential for increasing tour- ism. It makes recommendations for advisory and training assistance. (AID abstract) PB-195 912 PC A04 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Fishculture Survey Report for Panama. R. O. Smitherman, and D. D. Moss. 1 Sep 70, 71p Contract AID/csd-2270 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Panama, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Nutrition, Education, Rivers, Lakes, Res- ervoirs, Ponds, Fresh water fishes, Shrimps, Cat- fishes, Honduras. The report surveys the potential of fish culture as a source of low-cost protein and as the basis of a new industry. It includes data on nutrition, areas for pond construction, status of fisheries, government agencies responsible for fisheries, and fisheries training, and covers inland fisheries in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and ponds, as well as possible sites for inland research stations. It also describes culture of shrimp and catfish in Honduras. (AID abstract) PB-195 913 PC A07 MF A01 General Oceanology, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concen- trate in Developing Countries. Volume I. The Protein Situation in Korea and the Potential Role for Fish Protein Concentrate. Final rept. Oct 69, 145p Rept no. GO-8 Contract AID/csd-21 58 Prepared in cooperation with the American Techni- cal Assistance Corp., and Sidney M. Cantor Asso- ciates, Inc. Descriptors: 'Fish protein concentrates, 'South Korea, 'Proteins, South Korea, 'Developing coun- tries, 'Food, Feasibility, Nutritive value, Nutritional deficiences, Food deprivation, Cost effectiveness, Food processing. The report establishes that protein malnutrition exists in certain groups in Korea, and that fish pro- tein concentrate (FPC) might contribute to amelior- ating this shortage. Present economics and raw material shortages, however, mitigate against a self-priming commercial FPC operation in Korea today. However, some alternative paths for protein relief through FPC are possible. The report reviews protein nutrition, and the Korean protein system, and calculates the 'protein gap' for the groups and determines the cost/effectiveness of protein forti- fication. It examines the feasibility of producing FPC locally, the implications of a protein supple- ment program on national nutrition policies and the cost of closing the protein gap. (Author) PB-195 914 PC A08 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcul- tures. H. S. Swingle, G. B. Pardue, R. O. Smitherman, D. D. Moss, and H. R. Schmittou. 1 Jan 70, 165p Contract AID/csd-2270 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Thailand, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Research, Production, Universities, Edu- cation. The report presents materials on fishery research programs, hatchery production and fish distribu- tion. It also covers the status of fisheries extension and production programs, inland fisheries stations and units of the Department of Fisheries, the Col- lege of Fisheries of Kasetsart University, and the Northeast Agricultural Center. It recommends an expanded program of fisheries development with technical assistance and advanced training. (AID abstract) PB-195 915 PC A07 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Fishculture Project Report for East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures, Phase I. Final rept. H. S. Swingle, H. R. Schmittou, D. D. Moss, and W. A. Rogers. 1 Feb 69, 142p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Pakistan, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Meetings, Education, Fishing grounds, Nutrition, Proteins. The report summarizes the results of three trips to East Pakistan. The first trip, November 23-29, 1967, concerned the present and future needs for high quality protein, the role of fisheries, organiza- tions in fisheries education, research and manage- ment, and available research facilities. The second trip, June 19-21, was for conferences at the Uni- versity of Mymensingh and the Directorate of Fish- eries at Dacca. The final trip, October 26 to No- vember 22, 1968, was to investigate fish seed farms, research stations and sites for fisheries re- search stations. Recommends the expansion of research facilities, plan of a pond fishery research station, periodic visits by Auburn research special- ists and experiments on the reduction of seepage in ponds. (AID abstract) PB-195 916 PC A06 MF A01 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Fishculture Survey Report for West Central Africa, Increasing Fish Production by Im- proved Fish Production by Improved Fishcul- tures. D. D. Moss, G. B. Pardue, and M. J. Danner. 30 Jun 69, 125p Contract AID/csd-1 581 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Subsabaran Africa, 'Fisheries, Surveys, Fishes, Marketing, Nutrition, Economic analysis, Processing. The report is a survey carried out from March 30 to May 27, 1 969 with visits of about one week to each of the following countries in West Central Africa: Senegal, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Ni- geria, Togo, Ghana and Ivory Coast. Summarizes for each country the present general economic status, status of present fisheries, fish marketing and processing methods, and nutritional status and fish consumption. Recommends the establish- ment of a cooperative program of fishculture de- velopment for Ghana. (Author) PB-196 296 PC A20 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Marketing Stable Food Crops in Sierra Leone. Rept. for Mar 66-Jun 67. 1967, 474p Descriptors: 'Farm crops, 'Sierra Leone, 'Food, Marketing, Economic development, Vegetable oils, Nuts(Fruits), Root crops, Rice, Production, Consumption, Processing, Labor relations, Statisti- cal data, Prices, Cost engineering. Identifiers: Palm oil, Ground nuts, Cassava, Retail trade, Wholesale trade. The document covers the general economic envi- ronment in which the marketing system of Sierra Leone operates, how the market system is orga- nized and how it functions, price changes over time and between areas, marketing costs, and ways of improving the marketing system so that it 69 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS will contribute more effectively to the economic de- velopment of the country. Special attention is given to the marketing of rice, palm oil, groundnuts and cassava. (AID abstract) PB-196 306 PC A03 MF A01 Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock. Dept. of Agricultural Engineering. Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Man- agement. Marvin J. Dvoracek, and Sam H. Peterson. 1970, 29pOWRR-B-041-TEX(4) Descriptors: "Ground water recharge, Water supply, "Water supply, Arid land, *Water re- sources, Management planning, Water conserva- tion, Recharge wells, Semiarid land, Irrigation, Ag- riculture, Ground water, Sediments, Economic fac- tors, Texas. Identifiers: Ogallala formation, "Artificial recharge. Water resources for arid and semiarid regions of the United States are only marginal at the present time and new sources of water are no longer avail- able. Artificial recharge techniques are presented as one method of partially alleviating the problem. Artificial recharge is presented in the context of the water depletion of the Ogallala formation on the High Plains of Texas. There, as in the United States as a whole, irrigated agriculture is the major water user. Several recharge mechanisms are dis- cussed, such as recharge wells, shafts, holes, pits, trenches, rubble cones, and water spreading. All of the methods share the problem of sediment con- tent in water used for recharge, but the problem is not insurmountable. In some cases economic value of artificially recharged water has already outweighted the limitations. (WRSIC-abstract) PB-196 340 PC A03 MF A01 Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus, Ohio. Colum- bus Labs. The Continued Development and Field Evalua- tion of the Aid Hand-Operated Water Pump. Final rept. R. D. Fannon, Jr, and D. W. Frink. 28 Aug 70, 42p Contract AID/csd-21 74 Descriptors: "Piston pumps, Design, "Well pumps, Water distribution, "Developing countries, Well pumps, Plungers, Valves, Bushings, Materials, Cost estimates. Identifiers: Hand operated piston pumps. The document based on research carried out over a period of several years on the development of a simple, efficient, hand-operated piston pump for use in developing countries. It covers plunger- valve design, selection of optimum cup material, and the evaluation of cylinder coatings, foot valves, and handle pins and bushings. (AID ab- stract) PB-196 341 PC A05 MF A01 Joint Development Group, Saigon (Republic of Vietnam). Present Situation and Possibilities of Postwar Development of Inland-Fisheries in the Mekong delta. Nov 68, 96p Rept no. Working Paper-42 Contract AID/fe-291 Descriptors: "Aquaculture, "Vietnam, "Economic development, Fisheries, Fishing grounds, Hydro- graphic surveys, Ichthyosis, Rivers, Food process- ing, Agriculture, Fisheries. Identifiers: Mekong River, Mekong Delta, Fish mar- keting, South Vietnam. The report describes the hydrographical and ich- thyological features of the Mekong. Discusses the different methods of exploitation of natural water bodies and ponds, the processing and stocking of fishery products, the transportation and marketing aspects. Recommends the increase of fishing pro- duction to keep pace with population growth, rais- ing the income of rural people, and strengthening the agricultural economy. Analyzes the interaction and integration of fisheries activities in the post- war development program. Appendices include a list of fish species in river and flooded areas of SVN and a check list of fish-culture species culti- vated in SVN. A one-page bibliography is included. (Author) PB-196 352 PC A04 MF A01 Joint Development Group, Saigon (Republic of Vietnam). A Description of Ocean Fish Marketing in Saigon. Report for May-Jun 68 Nguyen Van Thuan, Nguyen Cao Dan, and Larry L. Pressler. Jun 68, 62p Rept no. Working Paper- 24 Contract AID/fe-291 Descriptors: "Marine fishes, Marketing, "Economic surveys, "South Vietnam, Commerce, Seafood, Cost engineering, Transportation, Cooperation, In- terviews, Personnel, Economic development. Identifiers: Saigon(South Vietnam), Wholesale trade, Retail trade, Cooperatives. The report outlines the marketing aspects of ocean fish in the Saigon-Cholon urban complex based on four weeks of research visiting whole- sale and retail markets, and interviews with deal- ers, boatowners, truckowners, police and consum- ers. It includes data on pricing, operations of wholesalers, transportation costs and retailers. Appendices contain information on the fishing coo- peratives at Rach Gia and Ham Tan. (AID abstract) PB-196 355 PC A03 MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- cultures. Fishculture Survey Report for Peru. R. O. Smitherman, and D. D. Moss. 30 Sep 70, 50p Contract AID/csd-2270 Descriptors: "Aquaculture, "Peru, "Fisheries, Peru, Surveys, Nutrition, Trout, Geography, Economic factors, Education, Bibliographies. Identifiers: Lake Titicaca. The report surveys two regions to assess the status of trout fishery of Lake Titicaca and to pro- vide technical advice on the development of warm- water aquacultures in the Amazonas Region. It in- cludes data on geography, aspects of nutrition and economics, status of fisheries, government agen- cies responsible for fisheries, fisheries training and inland fisheries. Appendixes include list of orna- mental fishes exported from Amazonas and a list of fishes in the Iquitos area. (AID abstract) PB-197 104 HC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. June 2-4, 1970. Findings and Implications for a.l.D. Elizabeth Carter. Dec 70, 33p Rept no. AID-SR/ LR-70-13 See also Volume 1 2, PB-1 95 326. Descriptors: "Land, Management, "Developing countries, Policies, "Counseling, Effectiveness, Meetings, Reviews, Distribution theory, Political objectives, South Asia, North Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Cost analysis, Japan. Identifiers: "Land reform, Alternatives. The paper contains findings and implications deriv- ing from A.I.D.'s Spring Review of Land Reform, 1970. The findings are: there is a clear economic case for land reform; both the political will and po- litical capacity for land reform are critical; land reform is likely to be politically stabilizing over the long run; urbanization is not an adequate alterna- tive to land reform; colonization has not been a viable alternative to land reform; complementary measures are important for a reform's success. The implications are: land tenure is a significant di- mension in overall development; support of land reform need not be withheld for fear of adverse economic results; where a dominant political will is lacking A.I.D. should take careful cognizance of what probable effects its assistance program may have on either prolonging or ameliorating existing inequities in land tenure; A.I.D. should not support a land reform which is basically just window dress- ing; external assistance may be constructively ap- plied on many aspects of the reform; the question of how and when a land reform should be carried out must be determined by each individual country; these findings and implications point clearly to A.I.D. staffing needs. (Author) PB-197 157 PC A10 MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Sea Grant Project Office. The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. J. W. Ill Devanney, and G. Mahnken. 20 Nov 70, 202p* Rept no. MITSG-71-3 Descriptors: "Fish protein concentrates, Econom- ics, "Nutrition, "Developing countries, Feasibility, Econometrics, Benefit cost analysis, Cost effec- tiveness, Chile, Standards, Requirements, Analy- sis of variance. Identifiers: Sea Grant program. The report examines the economic feasibility of fish protein concentrate in two contexts: as a nutri- tional supplement in the diet of a developing coun- try, and as a competitive food additive in the United States. The report examines the subject with spe- cial reference to the role that the United States Government should play in the development of FPC. Fish protein concentrate designates any stable powder resulting from the removal of oil and water from fish which is aimed at human consump- tion. When we are referring to a particular variety of FPC, we will attempt to make this specialization clear either explicitly or by the context. PB-197 758 PC A09 MF A01 Greenleigh Associates, Inc., New York. An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Cooperative Programs. Volume I: Summary of Findings Final rept. 1 Jun 69-31 Sep 70. Feb 71, 185p* OEO-LN-862 Contract OEO-B99-4873 See also Volume 2, PB-1 97 759. Descriptors: "Purchasing, Coordinated procure- ment, "Consumers, Economic factors, Coopera- tion, Financing, Project planning, Economic devel- opment, Marketing, Credit, Evaluation. Identifiers: Low income consumers, Credit unions, Cooperatives, "Consumer's cooperatives, Market- ing cooperatives, Buying clubs, Small merchants cooperatives, Cooperative enterprises, Service cooperatives. The report presents a study to determine the effec- tiveness of OEO's Consumer Action and Urban Cooperative Program. The goals of this program were to aid low-income consumers through the es- tablishment of cooperatives and credit unions and to encourage the involvement of outside capital in economic enterprises. (OEO abstract) PB-197 759 PC A12 MF A01 Greenleigh Associates, Inc., New York. An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Cooperative Programs. Volume II: Individual Project Reports Final rept. 1 Jun 69-31 Sep 70. Feb 71, 269p* OEO-LN-863 Contract OEO-B99-4873 See also Volume 1 , PB-1 97 758. Descriptors: "Purchasing, Coordinated procure- ment, "Consumers, Economic factors, Coopera- tion, Financing, Project planning, Economic devel- opment, Marketing, Credit, Evaluation. Identifiers: Cooperatives, Credit unions, Low income consumers, "Consumer's cooperatives, Marketing cooperatives, Service cooperatives, Co- operative enterprises, Buying clubs. Evaluations are given of the following individual projects: Consumer action program for Bedford- Stuyvesant, Inc. (CABS); Lower east side econom- ic development association for cooperatives (LE- SEDAC); New York institute for consumer educa- tion and development (NYI); Tulsa economic op- portunity task force; Metropolitan cooperative services, inc.; Newark personal loan program (NPLP); Bay area neighborhood development foundation; Rural action for better consumer de- velopment; Watts labor community action commit- tee; Pilsen neighbors community council; Action for Boston community development; Martin Luther King/Arthur Capper Store; Kleberg county con- 70 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS sumers', inc.; Grocery bag store; Detroit consum- ers federal credit union. PB-197 992 PC A03 MF A01 Puerto Rico Univ., Mayaguez. Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Water Requirements of Sugarcane Under Irri- gation in Lajas Valley, Puerto Rico Roberto Vazquez. Jul 70, 42p Bull-224, UPRICO- WRRI-FR-71-5 Also available as Rept. no. OWRR-A-005-PR(1). Descriptors: 'Sugarcane, Water supply, 'Irrigation, 'Puerto Rico, Soil water, Efficiency, Methodology, Fertilizers, Nitrogen inorganic compounds, Produc- tion. Identifiers: Lajas Valley. Field experiments were conducted in Puerto Rico at the Lajas Substation to determine optimum soil moisture conditions necessary to produce maxi- mum sugarcane and sugar yields. Twenty irrigation regimes were tested. Some of the plots were irri- gated frequently and others were irrigated less fre- quently in the active root zone throughout the growing period. Nitrogen fertilizer treatments were tested at the rate of 200 and 300 pounds per acre per crop. Data were taken for a 13-month plant cane and two 12-month ratoons of sugarcane. The plant cane used more water than the ratoon crop. The mean consumptive use per day was 0.160 inch for plant can and 0.154 inch for ratoon in the frequently irrigated plots throughout the growing period. The average of the combined yields of a plant cane and two ratoons were 73.67 tons of sugarcane and 7.80 tons of sugar per acre in the frequently irrigated plots and 59.37 tons of sugar- cane and 6.40 tons of sugarcane per acre in the less frequently irrigated plots. (WRSIC abstract) PB-198 035 PC A05 MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Inst, of Transportation and Traffic Engineering. Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Annex to Volumes 1 and 2 Special rept. Dec 70, 98p Contract DOT-OS-A9-004 See also Volume 1, PB-195 597, and Volume 2, PB-195 598. Descriptors: *Roads, Cost engineering, 'Construc- tion, Roads, 'Transportation, 'Developing coun- tries, Design standards, Mathematical models, Maintenance, Operating costs, Pavements, Ve- hicular traffic, Cost control. Identifiers: Low cost road construction, Technical assistance, Tradeoffs. The annex is a supplement to a study that exam- ines designs of transport facilities in the develop- ing countries with a view toward reducing initial and/or operating costs, or to reducing costs devot- ed to imported elements. For the annex, research is focused on economic and engineering aspects of low-cost road construction. A production-func- tion based model is developed for road mainte- nance cost estimation. Surface maintenance is considered in detail. Principal variables included are time, climate, and traffic volume. Another sec- tion of the annex contains a discussion of tradeoffs between construction costs and maintenance costs. (Author) PB-198 125 PC A06 MF A01 Robert S. Kerr Water Research Center, Ada, Okla. Treatment and Control Research Program. Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Regions Water pollution control research series James P. Law, Jr, and Jack L. Witherow. Oct 70, 109p* FWQA-13030-DYY-06/69 Descriptors: 'Arid land, 'Water pollution, 'Ni- trates, Water pollution, 'Sewage treatment, 'Water reclamation, 'Agricultural wastes, Water pollution, 'Irrigation, Water pollution, Denitration, Algae, Salinity, Desalting, Water quality, Industrial wastes, Ground water, Chemical removal(Water treatment). An international conference entitled 'Arid Lands in a Changing World' sponsored by the American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science Com- mittee on Arid Lands and the University of Arizona, was held at Tucson in June, 1 969. The report pre- sents a selected group of the papers presented at those sessions which should benefit those con- cerned with water quality management problems in arid regions. The title of the papers included in this report are as follows: Nitrate removal from ag- ricultural wastewater; the effects of salinity stand- ards on irrigated agriculture in the Colorado River basin; Problems of pollution of irrigation waters in arid regions; Water quality requirements and re- use of wastewater effluents; Salinity control in return flow from irrigated areas-a demonstration project; Water quality control problems in inland sinks; Natural pollution in arid land waters; Distilla- tion of wastewaters: A water resource for arid re- gions; and Animal waste runoff-a major water quality challenge. (WRSIC abstract) PB-199 709 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Federal Water Quality Administration, Washington, D.C. National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes Proceedings (1st), held at Portland, Oregon on 6-8 April 1970 Water pollution control research series. Apr 70, 400p FWQA-1 2060-04/70 Paper copy available from GPO $3.00 as 167.13/ 4:12060-04/70. Descriptors: 'Water pollution, 'Industrial wastes, 'Food processing, Water pollution, 'Industrial waste treatment, Food processing, Meetings, Water quality, Potatoes, Fruits, Tomatoes, Sugar- beets, Seafood, Vegetables, Activated sludge treatment, Fungi, Sewage treatment, Agricultural wastes, Economic analysis, Canneries, Rice, Utili- zation, Waste disposal, Feeding stuffs, Trickling fil- tration, Airation. Identifiers: 'Water pollution control, 'Water pollu- tion control equipment, Potatoe processing, Beet processing. Some of the topics reported and discussed include the following: Aerobic secondary treatment of potato processing wastes; Use of fungi imperfecti in waste control; Combined treatment of domestic and industrial wastes by activated sludge; Aerobic treatment of liquid fruit processing waste; Cannery waste treatment by two-stage aeration process; Lime treatment and in-plant reuse of an activated sludge plant effluent in the citrus processing indus- try; Seafoods processing; Cannery waste treat- ment by a high solids activated sludge process; Concentration of sugarbeet wastes for economic treatment with biological systems; Reconditioning and reuse of olive processing brines; Trickling filter treatment of food canning waste water; Wurdd's task force on agricultural pollution; In-field proc- essing of tomatoes; 'Dry' caustic peeling of vege- tables and fruits; Pilot plant experience of USDA- Magnuson dry caustic peeling process; Possible uses of uni-flow filter; Animal feeds from vegetable wastes; Rice hull utilization. PB-199 799-T PC A04 MF A01 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Washington, D.C. Office of Foreign Fisheries (Translations). Manual on the Biotechnology of the Propaga- tion and Rearing of Phytophagous Fishes May 71, 52p Trans, of Rukovodstvo po Biotekhnike Pazveden- iya i Vyrashchivaniya Rastitelnoyaknykh Ryb, Moscow, 1970 72p, by Robert M. Howland. Descriptors: 'Fishes, Aquaculture, 'Aquaculture, Manuals, Feeding habits, Nutrients, Algae, Phyto- plankton, Breeding, Embryology, Physiology, Translations, Zooplankton. Identifiers: 'Phytophagous fishes, Cyprinidae. The fareastern phytophagous fishes - the white and variegated silver-carps, and the white amur - are new objects of fish culture. Despite the brief period of their propagation here and the fact that experimentation concerning their commercial adoption is far from complete, these fishes com- prise an ever greater share of the fish production generated at fish farms. In such areas as the Kras- nodar region and the Uzbek SSR, they now com- prise about one-half of the market fish reared. Pond culture currently is undergoing a fundamen- tal reorganization, transforming from the monocul- ture of carp to the more highly productive and eco- nomically profitable polyculture. This manual con- siders the cumulative experience and deals with the latest questions on the propagation and rear- ing of phytophagous fishes. (Author) PB-200 967 PC A03 MF A01 Oregon Univ., Eugene. Bureau of Governmental Research and Service. Self-Help Housing in Oregon Innovative study series no. 5. 1970, 50p See also Rept. no. 4, PB-200 964. Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, Projects, 'Re- gional planning, 'Oregon, Construction, Method- ology, Rural areas, Cost analysis, Feasibility, Eco- nomic surveys, Statistical data, Sociometrics, Public administration, Demography. Identifiers: 'Self help housing, 'Low income hous- ing. Self-help housing, the use of one's own nonprofes- sional labor in construction of a dwelling, use to be a popular way to build a house, but with the advent of labor specialization, complicated construction materials and techniques, financing mechanisms, building codes, and limited access to free materi- als, it has become less important in the United States. The report describes the housing program in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. PB-201 729 PC A04 MF A01 Mississippi State Univ., State College. Water Re- sources Research Inst. Community Organization and Rural Water System Development John H. Peterson, Jr. 1971, 60p OWRR-B-005- MISS(1) Descriptors: 'Water supply, Rural areas, 'Commu- nities, Water supply, Community development, Urban planning. Identifiers: Rural water system development, Com- munity organization. Rural communities in a representative county were studied to determine the range of community expe- riences in water system development and to es- tablish the relationship between community orga- nization and water system development. (WRSIC abstract) PB-202 778-Set PC-GPO Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. A Technology Assessment Methodology Jun 71, 1570p* in 7 vols Rept no. MTR-6009 Contract OST-26 Consists of Volumes 1-6 and Project Summary. In- dividual volumes are available in paper copy only at various prices. See PB-202 778-1 thru PB-202 778-7. Descriptors: 'Research, Assessments, Forecast- ing, Social change, Cost effectiveness, Benefit cost analysis, Decision making, Social sciences, Sewage treatment, Aquaculture, Enzymes, Air pol- lution, Computers, Methodology. Identifiers: 'Technology assessment. The research described is concerned with the de- velopment of an analytical framework and a struc- tured procedure that can be used for anticipating the social impacts of major technologies. Five ex- amples are presented dealing with the following: Automotive emissions; Computers-communica- tions; Enzymes (Industrial); Mariculture (Sea farm- ing); and Water pollution from domestic wastes. PB-202 778-1 PC A14 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume I. Some Basic Propositions Final rept. Martin V. Jones. Jun 71, 307p* Rept no. MIR- 6009-1 Contract OST-26 Also included in PB-202 778-Set, PCS31.50, MFS9.00. See also PB-202 778-2. 71 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Research, Assessments, 'Research management, Assessments, Forecasting, Social change, Cost effectiveness, Benefit cost analysis, Decision making, Social sciences, Project man- agement, Methodology. Identifiers: 'Technology assessment. This is one of six reports on the subject of technol- ogy assessment prepared by MITRE for the Office of Science and Technology, Executive Office of the President. The purpose of this project was to develop a standard, structured method for making studies directed toward anticipating and influenc- ing the societal impacts of new technology appli- cations. This volume describes the standard meth- odology that was developed. The other volumes are 'pilot' assessment studies covering particular fields of technologies that were conducted to help test, develop, and illustrate the standard assess- ment methodology. (Author) PB-202 778-2 PC A10 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume II. Automotive Emissions Final rept. Willis E. Jacobsen. Jun 71, 205p* Rept no. MTR- 6009-2 Contract OST-26 Also included in PB-202 778-Set, PC$31.50, MF$9.00. See also PB-202 778-1 and PB-202 778- 3. Descriptors: 'Air pollution, Assessments, 'Ex- haust gases, 'Automobile engines, Forecasting, Social change, Benefit cost analysis, Cost effec- tiveness, Decision making, Methodology, Public health, Internal combustion engines, External combustion engines, Environmental surveys, Gov- ernment policies, Economic analysis, Highway transportation, Abatement, Mass transportation, Monitors. Identifiers: 'Technology assessment, 'Automobile exhaust, Hybrid vehicular propulsion. The pilot study on automotive emission control is one in a series of five, each addressing different technologies. A framework for appraising societal influences of control strategies (technological and nontechnological) for reducing noxious automotive emissions is developed and illustrative examples, based on a proposed cost/benefit model, are pre- sented. (Author) PB-202 778-3 PC A12 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume III. Computers-Communications Net- works Final rept. Hugh V. O'Neill. Jun 71, 261 p* Rept no. MTR- 6009-3 Also included in PB-202 778-Set PCS31.50, MF$9.00. See also PB-202 778-1 and PB-202 778- 4. Descriptors: 'Computers, Assessments, 'Comput- er systems harware, Man machine systems, Tele- communication, Information systems, Data proc- essing, Time dsharing, Real time operations, Data, Forecasting, Social change, Cost effectiveness, Benefit cost analysis, Decision making, Social sci- ences, Methodology. Identifiers: 'Technology assessment, 'Computer privacy. The paper describes a pilot computer technology assessment study. The study has as its goal the development and illustration of technological as- sessment methodology and in addition, as a sec- ondary objective, the investigation of certain sa- lient segments of the general computer situation. The report includes: a summary; task definition; technology descriptions; state of society/ universe assumptions, attributes, and conditions; relevant impact areas; initial impact analysis; action options and recommendation for future research and de- velopment program; forecasts/projections, uncer- tainty and analysis of future impacts; and, conclu- sions and recommendations. (Author) PB-202 778-4 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. PC A11 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume IV. Enzymes (Industrial) Final rept. David H. Rubin. Jun 71, 226p* Rept no. MTR- 6009-4 Contract OST-26 Also included in PB-202 778-Set PC$31.50, MFS9.00. See also PB-202 778-3 and PB-202 778- 5. Descriptors: 'Enzymes, Assessments, 'Industrial engineering, Enzymes, 'Chemical engineering, Enzymes, 'Food industry, Enzymes, Forecasting, Social change, Benefit cost analysis, Cost effec- tiveness, Decision making, Methodology, Environ- mental surveys, Economic analysis, Pollution, Medicine, Public health, Detergents, Law(Jurisprudence), Models, Methodology. Identifiers: 'Technology assessment. A general technology assessment methodology is used to assess the impacts of developments in enzyme science and technology with particular emphasis on industrial applications. Forecasts are presented of likely technological developments and application areas are described in which the impacts have significant societal interactions. Case studies include detergents, biodegradable containers, conversion of dextrose to starch, pos- sible substitute for cane sugar, cellulases, and en- zymes used against oil spills. Forecasts are made of the societal impact areas which will be most af- fected by enzyme technology. First-order impacts and higher order interactions are presented. Action options are described which could influence the developments of enzyme technology in desir- able directions. (Author) PB-202 778-5 PC A10 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume V. Mariculture (Sea Farming) Final rept. Robert C. Landis. Jun 71, 205p* Rept no. MTR- 6009-5 Contract OST-26 Also included in PB-202 778-Set PC$31.50, MF$9.00. See also PB-202 778-4 and PB-202 778- 6. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, Assessments, 'Devel- oping countries, Aquaculture, Benefit cost analy- sis, Forecasting, Environmental surveys, Econom- ic analysis, Decision making, Methodology, Human nutrition, Cost effectiveness, International trade, Proteins, Water pollution, Infant nutrition, Social change, Models, Government policies, Fisheries. Identifiers: 'Technology assessment. A general technology assessment methodology is used to determine the impacts of mariculture on the developing countries. The technology is con- fined to application in coastal and brackish waters. A quantitative impact analysis of economic and social factors is shown for the years 1975-1989. Various action options are offered and a revised impact forecast is given for increased impact on the malnutrition problem. The problems and con- straints to accelerated mariculture application are analyzed, and a forecast of 20 million tons of mari- culture production in 1985 is made. Also, a subjec- tive probability of which countries will apply mari- culture is given. (Author) PB-202 778-6 PC A15 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume VI. Water Pollution: Domestic Wastes Final rept. Victor D. Wenk. Jun 71, 331 p* Rept no. MTR- 6009-6 Contract OST-26 Also included in PB-202 778-Set PC%31.50 and MFS9.00. See also PB-101 778-5 and PB-202 778- 7. Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, Assessments, 'Water pollution, 'Sewage, Benefit cost analysis, Septic tanks, History, Forecasting, Social change, Environmental surveys, Decision making, Method- ology, Economic analysis, Government policies, Cost estimates, Soil chemistry, Abatement, Nutri- ents, Cost effectiveness, Chemical removal(Sewage treatment), Models, Land use, Ground water. Identifiers: 'Technology assessment. A general technology assessment methodology is used to determine the impacts of widespread use of individual home sewage treatment technology during the 1970-1989 time period. The effects of varying rates of diffusion of this technology are analyzed in terms of selected measures of eco- nomic and environmental impact. Social and insti- tutional impacts are discussed. Various action op- tions available to identified interest groups are analyzed in terms of their effect upon technology diffusion rates and specific impact areas. The nor- mative nature of this technology assessment called for the use of a dynamic interactive model of the technology diffusion process. (Author) PB-202 778-7 PC A03 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Proj- ect Summary Final rept. Martin V. Jones. Jun 71, 35p* Rept no. MTR- 6009-7 Contract OST-26 Also included in PB-202 778-Set PC$31.50 and MFS9.00. See also PB-202 778-6. Descriptors: 'Research, Assessments, Forecast- ing, Social change, Cost effectiveness, Benefit cost analysis, Decision making, Social sciences, Sewage treatment, Aquaculture, Enzymes, Air pol- lution, Methodology. Identifiers: 'Technology assessment. The paper summarizes the findings of an explora- tory technology assessment project jointly spon- sored by the Office of Science and Technology, Executive Office of the President, and The MITRE Corporation. The objective of the project was to develop an analytical framework and a structured procedure that could be used for anticipating the societal impacts of major technologies. Detailed findings are reported in six volumes. (Author) PB-202 936 PC A14 MF A01 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Response and Energy-Dissipation of Rein- forced Concrete Frames Subjected to Strong Base Motions Civil engineering studies Polat Gulkan, and Mete A. Sozen. May 71, 304p Rept nos. Structural Research Ser-377, UILU- ENG-71-2013 Grant NSF-GK-1 118 Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, Dynamic re- sponse, 'Concrete structures, 'Earthquakes, Computerized simulation, Earth pressure, Static loads, Framed structures, Environment simulators, Damping capacity, Frequency response, Earth- quake resistant structures. The report contains tests and analyses of rein- forced concrete frames subjected to simulated earthquake motions. (Author) PB-203 326 PC A03 MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Environmental Considerations for Construc- tion Projects Jul 71, 29p Rept no. TA/OST-71-1 Descriptors: 'Construction, 'Environmental sur- veys, Project planning, Highways, Harbor facilities, Airports, Irrigation systems, Dams, Electric power plants, Petroleum industry, Mining, Smelting, Paper industry, Industrial plants, Fertilizers, Sewage treatment, Air pollution, Water pollution, Noise reduction. Identifiers: Solid waste disposal. Environmental considerations for twelve catego- ries of construction projects are presented, in the form of key questions, designed to serve as gener- al points of departure for analyzing the potential environmental consequences of proposed pro- jects. Projects discussed are: road construction; port and harbor development; airports; irrigation systems; dam construction; power plants; petro- 72 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS leum-petrochemical industry; mining; smelting; pulp and paper industry; fertilizer plants; and sewage treatment. PB-203 327 PC A11 MF A01 American Univ., Washington, D.C. Computer Technology in Developing Coun- tries. Proceedings of Symposium Held at American University, Washington, D.C. on 22- 23 March 1971 Final rept. Mar 71, 231 p* TA/OST-AU-71-1 Contract AID-csd-2905 Descriptors: 'Data processing, Utilization, 'Devel- oping countries, 'Computer programming, Com- puter systems hardware, Specialized training, Management planning, Instructions, Cost analysis, Foreign aid, Meetings. The report includes papers presented at a two-day symposium on seven areas of the use of computer technology in developing countries and transcripts of the discussions of each topic. A summary of the symposium was prepared by Professor Lowell H. Hattery of the American University. (Author) PB-203 328 PC A04 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. East Pakistan Land and Water Development as Related to Agriculture Final rept., Aug-Oct 70. Jan 71, 74p TA/OST-NAS-71-29 Contract AID-csd-2584 A report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Board on Sci- ence and Technology for International Develop- ment of the National Academy of Sciences. Na- tional Research Council. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Pakistan, 'Land devel- opment, Agriculture, 'Water supply, Agriculture, Economic development, Management planning, Education, Food, Meetings, Employment, Re- search, Control. The report has been prepared by an ad hoc Panel under the auspices of the Office of the Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, Nation- al Research Council, for the Office of Technical Support, Bureau for Near East and South Asia of the Agency for International Development. The Panel consulted with various scientists and re- viewed the proposals of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for an action program. The Panel met three times. Agendas for the meetings are included, as well as a list of staff, discussants and observers. (Author) PB-203 329 PC A05 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Research Priorities and Problems in the Execu- tion of Research in Ghana. Part I. Summary. Proceedings of the Workshop on Scientific Re- search Held at Accra on 18-22 January 1971 Jan 71, 77p TA/OST-NAS-71-30 Contract AID-csd-1 122 See also Part 2, PB-203 330. Prepared in coopera- tion with Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- search, Universities of Ghana, Accra, Ghana. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, Research, 'Ghana, Agri- culture, Meetings, Reviews, Biology, Agricultural economics, Human factors, Resources, Universi- ties. Summary of the Proceedings of the Workshop on Scientific Research held in Accra from 18th to 22nd January 1 971 , attempts to present the salient points in the papers read and the gist of the discus- sions which took place. Listed are the names of the participants, and the speakers. Keynote ad- dresses are summarized. Papers presented at the Workshop are summarized, and discussion follow- ing presentation of papers is summarized. Also in- cluded are summaries of reports on: Outstanding Matters Arising from Previous Discussions; A Report of the Sub-Committee on Extension; and Report of the Committee on the Assignment of Re- search Priorities. (Author) PB-203 330 PC A15 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Scientific Research in Ghana. Part II. Full Report. Proceedings of the Workshop on Re- search Priorities and Problems in the Execu- tion of Research in Ghana Held in Accra 18-22 January 1971 Final rept. 1971, 330p TA/OST-NAS-71-31 Contract AID-csd-1 122 See also Part 1, PB-203 329. Prepared in coopera- tion with Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- search, Universities of Ghana, Accra, Ghana. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, Research, 'Ghana, Agri- culture, Meetings, Industries, Agricultural econom- ics, Human factors engineering, Resources, Soil surveys, Biology, Maps. Identifiers: Accra(Ghana). A Foreword to this Volume has been written by Mr. Modjaben Dowuona, Chairman, National Council for Higher Education/Council for Scientific and In- dustrial Research. Keynote speakers and partici- pants are listed. Texts of keynote addresses are given, as well as copies of papers presented. Tran- scripts of the discussions of each paper presented are given. Appendix I: Soil Research in Ghana - Achievements and Problems. Appendix II - Work- shop Programme. (Author) PB-203 331 PC A04 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. The International Development Institute Jul 71, 67p TA/OST-NAS-71-32 Contract AID-csd-2584 A report of an Ad Hoc Committee of the Board on Science and Technology for International Devel- opment. Descriptors: 'International relations, Organiza- tions, 'Foreign aid, Economic development, Re- search management, Manpower. This is a report prepared by a committee convened by the National Academy of Sciences in October 1 970 at the request of the Agency for International Development, to consider the character, purposes, and functions of a United States International De- velopment Institute. Listed are the members of the ad hoc Committee on the International Develop- ment Institute and members of the Board on Sci- ence and Technology for International Develop- ment, Office of the Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Sciences. The report endorses the concept of such an Institute, and outlines propos- als for its organizational structure and program ob- jectives. PB-203 379 PC A03 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. International Aspects of Man's Effect Upon En- vironment Summary rept. Roger Revelle. Jan 70, 29p TA/OST-NAS-70-27 Contract AID/csd-1 122 Descriptors: 'Foreign aid, 'Environmental surveys, 'Pollution, Foreign aid, 'Developing countries, En- vironmental surveys, International assistance, Legislation, Pesticides, Dams, Reservoirs, Water quality, Ecology, Government policies. The summary on Environmental Aspects of For- eign Assistance Programs by the Agency for Inter- national Development (AID) presents conclusions on the following topics: Which aspects of AID inter- national assistance have the possibility of creating problems of environmental degradation; Which of the problem areas should receive priority attention; How may AID strengthen the capabilities of the United States and the developing countries in dealing with environmental problems. A list of four- teen major areas in which man is having seriously deleterious effects upon his environment is at- tached. PB-203 491 PC A02 MF A01 New Mexico State Univ., Clovis. Plains Branch Ag- ricultural Experiment Station. Utilization of Water In a Semi-Arid Region Completion rept. H. Dale Fuehring. Jun 71, 5p OWRR-A-027- NMEX(1) Descriptors: 'Water supply, Utilization, 'Arid land, Moisture, Watersheds, Rainfall, Volume, Herbi- cides, Agriculture, Drought. Identifiers: Atrazines, Propazines. In order to assess the value for dryland cropping in a semi-arid region of concentrating rainfall by means of micro-watersheds, a study was estab- lished with width of micro-watershed, width of growing bed, plant population, and applied level of nitrogen fertilizer as variables. Due to very low rain- fall, little water was available for concentration and yields of winter wheat and winter barley were very low and were decreased with increasing amount of watershed area (proportionately less of area plant- ed). A study on use of herbicides indicates propa- zine and atrazine applied on the watershed areas may control weeds without injury to crops. It was concluded that the first year results of the study were atypical because of extreme drought and that several years data will be necessary in order to sample various amounts and patterns of annual rainfall and to determine the cumulative effects. (Author) PB-203 608-D PC A02 Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C. Boll Weevil Control Program (Cooperative Dia- pause Control Program), Texas and Mexico Draft environmental impact statement. 22 Oct 71, 18p Descriptors: 'Environmental surveys, Pest control, 'Texas, Environmental surveys, 'Mexico, Environ- mental surveys, 'Insect control, Environmental surveys, Cotton plants, Animal migrations, Insecti- cides, Toxicology, Birds, Bees, Rodents, Vegeta- tion. Identifiers: 'Environmental impact statements, 'In- ternational cooperation, Malathion, 'Boll weevils, Aldicarb. The project is concerned with a pesticide program on the Texas-Mexico border, for the primary pur- pose of boll weevil control. Adverse impact effects anticipated include the effects of damage to non- target insects and other organisms. PB-203 844 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Relationships Between Sodium Ion Activi- ties and Soil Physical Properties Research and development progress rept. S. A. El-Swaify, L. D. Swindale, and G. Uehara. Mar 69, 55p OSW-PR-419 Contract DI-1 4-01 -0001 -673 Paper copy available from GPO $0.55 as 11.88:419. Descriptors: 'Soil properties, 'Tropical regions, 'Irrigation, Soils, 'Soils, Salinity, Deterioration, De- mineralizing, Salt water, Sodium inorganic com- pounds, Calcium inorganic compounds, Magne- sium inorganic compounds, Soil water, Physical properties, Ions, Acidity, Colloiding, Percolation, Hawaii. Identifiers: Tropical soils. Two tropical soils from Hawaii were tested for sa- linity tolerances, the ability of the soils to resist physical deterioration by saline waters. Hydraulic conductivity measurements showed that presently permissible limits of salinity and sodium in irrigation water can be safely raised because significant haz- ardous physical conditions are not likely to occur. Both soils possess high resistance to detrimental peptization even when exposed to extreme sodic conditions. The original acidities of soils are highly resistant to change under leaching. Neither soil had a tendency to accumulate soluble salts by ex- traction from percolating saline waters. The direct determination of ionic activities for sodium, cal- cium and magnesium ions as a new and more fun- damental tool in soil salinity work is discussed. (Author) PB-204 407 PC A06/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D.C. 73 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Philippines-U.S. Workshop on Cooperation in Science and Technology (2nd). Asiiomar Con- ference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California 6-10 November 1966 1966, 112p TA/OST NAS-66-5.1 Contract AID/csd-1 122 See also report no. 1 , PB-203 293-U. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Interna- tional relations, 'Phillippines, Economic develop- ment, Industrial management, Food, Nutrition, De- mography, Agriculture, Natural resources, United States, Oceanography, Fisheries, Meetings, Cali- fornia. The report is a record of the U.S.-Philippines Work- shop on Cooperation in Science, Technology and Development held in Pacific Grove, California, No- vember 6-10, 1966 and Washington, D.C., Novem- ber 13-18, 1966. Participants are listed. The report includes a summary, recommendations for future, collaboration, session reports and contributed papers. (Author) PB-204 408 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Water Quality Standards and International De- velopment Oct 71, 34p Rept no. TA/OST-71-4 Descriptors: 'Water quality, Standards, 'United States, Water quality, 'Developing countries, Water quality, Potable water, Surface waters, Water supply, Chemical analysis, Bacteria, Radio- active contaminants, Water pollution, Control, Planning. The report summarizes progress to date in estab- lishing water quality standards in the United States and in developing countries. Its purpose is to assist those concerned broadly with environmental poli- cies in developing countries to better understand past efforts and future needs in this field. (Author) PB-204 519 PC A06/MF A01 Illinois Inst, for Environmental Quality, Chicago. Septic Tanks and the Environment Final rept. J. W. Patterson, R. A. Minear, and T. K. Nedved. Jun 71, 105p* Rept no. IIEQ-71-2 Descriptors: 'Septic tanks, 'Reviews, 'Public health, Septic tanks, 'Water pollution, Septic tanks, Performance evaluation, Legislation, Illinois, Standards, History, Environmental surveys, Sludge disposal, Nitrates, Soil properties, Percolation, Ni- trogen inorganic compounds, Phosphorus inorgan- ic compounds. The report reviews and evaluates the available lit- erature on septic tanks, and influence of septic tanks on public health and environmental quality. The consistently poor performance of septic tanks indicates that other waste disposal methods are necessary in densely populated areas and that more rigorous regulation of design criteria, installa- tion, and operation are required in sparsely inhabit- ed areas suitable for septic tank installations. The report is intended to form the basis for appropriate administrative or legislative action in Illinois. Its bib- liography contains 127 items. (Author) PB-205 287 PC A15/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Progress Through Modern Processes and Tools George D. Thomas. Mar 70, 332p* TA/OST AN- 70-3-1 Descriptors: 'Production methods, Manuals, 'Ma- chine tools, Design, Production control, Quality control, Cost engineering, Drafting(Drawing), Tool- ing, Steel, Materials specifications, Jigs, Fixtures, Clamps, Bushings, Carbide tools, Dies, Die cast- ing, Molding machines, Foundry engineering. Basic materials are presented which are intended to help acquaint production planners and key pro- duction workers with the proper use of modern production techniques and the proper design and manufacture of standard production tools. Experi- ence has shown that these standard techniques and tools will aid in the improvement of production efficiency, reduction of costs, improvement of quality, and making of component parts inter- changeable. The specific topics covered include: Organizing for the specific control of quality and production; Cost reduction; Drafting room practice and tool engineering data; Steel specifications- heat-treatment and uses; Jigs and fixtures; Stand- ard clamps; Standard bushings; Carbide cutting tools; Steel stamping dies; Die casting instructions; Compression and transfer molding equipment (plastic dies); Foundary equipment and processes. PB-205 761 PC A07/MF A01 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Saipan, Mari- ana Islands. Economic Development Div. Copra Processing in the Trust Territory. A Report to the Congress of Micronesia William H. Stewart. 1971, 138p Descriptors: 'Mariana Islands, 'Copra processing, Economic development, Vegetable oils, Industrial plants, Market research, International trade, Reve- nue, Food consumption. Identifiers: Coconut meal. The report analyzes the factors involved in proc- essing copra in the Trust Territory into crude coco- nut oil and copra cake. The report is more than a feasibility analysis in that it discusses the econom- ics of manufacturing or processing in the Trust Ter- ritory. (Author) PB-205 823 PC A02/MF A01 Kansas Water Resources Research Inst., Manhat- tan. A New Type of Disinfectant for Water Supplies Completion rept. Mar 69-Jun 71 Jack L. Lambert, and Louis R. Fina. Jun 71, 20p Contrib-78, OWRR-A-028-KAN(2) Contract DI-1 4-01 -001 -1635 Descriptors: 'Disinfectants, 'Water supplies, 'Io- dides, Disinfectants, Water treatment, Water pollu- tion, Contaminants, Viruses, Bacteria, Bacillus, Anion exchanging. Triiodide combined with strong base anion ex- change resins forms stable, nearly insoluble, com- plexes that have remarkable disinfecting capabili- ties. Complete kills are effected with water suspen- sions of virus (both DNA and RNA) Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria (whether capsulated or not), and viability of sporulating Bacilli species is reduced up to 99.9%. Water to be treated is simply passed through a column of the resin-complex. The bacteria or virus, shown by 14C or 3H tracers, pass through the column and are not filtered out. Kill is immediate and irreversible. No 12, I3(-), IO(-), IO(3(-), and I04(-) are detected when the cadmium iodide-linear starch reagent method was used. Iodide, the halide form, was found in amounts ranging from 0.2-0.5 PPM. This is well below the taste threshold and indeed may be considered beneficial in iodine deficient areas. PB-206 514 PC A05/ M F A0 1 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Office of International Affairs. Cooperative Housing, Ideas and Methods Ex- change No. 52 J. Robert Dodge. Jul 71, 76p Descriptors: 'Urban planning, Residential build- ings, Economic development, Classifying, Con- struction, Finance, Management planning, Income, Education, Organizations, Management. Identifiers: 'Cooperative housing. Because the cooperative movement as an eco- nomic and social phenomena has grown and pro- liferated to such an extent that it has assumed world-wide importance and because of the interest in cooperative housing in developing countries, the subject has been explored in greater depth and from a different point of view than in an earlier pub- lication. Ideas gleaned from experiences in both in- dustrialized and developing countries have been included as a guide to those interested in under- taking cooperative housing programs. (Author) PB-206 539 PC A20/MF A01 Central Treaty Organization, Ankara, (Turkey). CENTO Symposium on Hydrology and Water Resources Development. Held in Ankara, Turkey, 7-12 February 1966 Dec 66, 464p TA/OST-AN-66-2-1 Descriptors: 'Hydrology, 'Water resources, Eco- nomic development, Economic factors, Ground water, Surface waters, Developing countries, Meetings, Turkey. Identifiers: 'Water resources development, CENTO. The document presents the papers delivered at a symposium on hydrology and water resources de- velopment held in Ankara, Turkey, 2-12 February 1966. It is felt that the meeting marked a step for- ward in considering the extent and need to devel- op knowledge of a region's water resources as a vital foundation for economic development pro- grams. The general topics covered include water resources development, surface hydrology, groundwater hydrology, and agricultural and indus- trial problems. (Author) PB-206 540 PCA11/MFA01 State Univ. of New York, Albany. School of Library Science. Manual on Book and Library Activities in Devel- oping Countries Stanley A. Barnett, and Roland R. Piggford. Jun 69, 243p TA/OST-AN-69-6-1 Contract AID/csd-21 56 Descriptors: 'Books, 'Developing countries, 'Li- braries, Developing countries, 'Economic devel- opment, Developing countries, Publishing, Print- ing, Manuals. This guideline manual is intended to provide assist- ance to those interested in conceiving and framing sound and useful book activities for the enhance- ment of economic development. It is a compendi- um of ideas, techniques, and procedures regarding book and library activities that have been formulat- ed and/or tested in developing countries during recent years. Specific areas of coverage include: The role of books in the national growth process; summaries of the major book needs in specific de- veloping areas; summary of international book ac- tivities by government and private organizations; book subsidy programs and projects; library devel- opment activity and training; book and periodical procurement services; stimulating local book in- dustries; regional book development or translation centers; textbook programs; building and strength- ening book-related institutions; and financing book industry development. PB-206 541 PC A17/MF A01 Central Treaty Organization, Ankara (Turkey). CENTO Conference on Engineering Education Held in Isfahan, Iran on November 7-13, 1966 Nov 67, 389p TA/OST-AN-66-11-1 Descriptors: 'Engineering education, Meetings, 'Developing countries, Engineering education, Economic development, Engineering schools, Turkey, Iran. The document is comprised of papers presented at a conference on engineering education. The purpose of the conference was to take cognizance of the fact that an adequate reservoir of well quali- fied engineers and technicians is basic to devel- oped and developing industrial economies. Specif- ic areas covered include: the need for engineers and technicians; present systems of engineering education; training of engineering technicians; un- dergraduate engineering curricula; teaching meth- ods and aids; relations of engineering education with industries and government; professional pro- grams related to a region's needs; graduate engi- neering education; role of research in engineering education; duties, qualifications and preparation of teachers. PB-206 549 PC A14/MF A01 Kaiser Engineers, Oakland, Calif. A Manual on Water Desalination. Volume I. Technology Apr 67, 322p TA/OST-AN-67-4-1 74 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Contract AID/csd-1 440 See also Volume 2, PB-206 550. Descriptors: 'Desalting, 'Reviews, Manuals, Distil- lation, Freezing, Electrodialysis, Osmosis, Evapo- ration, Electric power plants, Nuclear power plants, Materials recovery, Brines, Industrial plants, Indus- trial engineering, Chemical engineering, Water supply, Feasibility, Design criteria, Developing countries. Identifiers: Electrodialysis desalination, Reverse osmosis desalination, Verticle tube evaporation, Multistage flash distillation, Vapor compression distillation, Solar distillation, Vacuum freeze vapor compression desalination. The manual has been prepared as a guide in eval- uating the feasibility of desalination in water-short areas where desalination may be competitive with other water sources. The manual is divided into two volumes, which may be used independently of each other. Volume I includes a discussion of the state of the art of the major desalination process- es. Specific topics include: Saline water phenom- ena and definitions; state of the art of distilllation, freezing and crystallization, electrodialysis, and re- verse osmosis processes; description of typical plants; dual-purpose electric power generation- water desalination plants; recovery of chemicals as by-products; summary of major conceptual design studies. PB-206 550 PC A09/MF A01 Kaiser Engineers, Oakland, Calif. A Manual on Water Desalination. Volume II. Economics Apr 67, 179p TA/OST-AN-67-4-2 Contract AID/csd-1 440 See also Volume 1 , PB-206 549. Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Desalting, 'Develop- ing countries, Desalting, Water resources, Eco- nomic development, Feasibility, Questionnaires, Cost estimates, Sea water, Brackish water, Solu- bility, Capital costs, Operating costs, Site surveys. The report provides guidelines for the initiation of a program for defining and solving the water short- age problems of a particular nation or region using desalination. Its scope includes the formulation of a logical and feasible water development plan; the accomplishment of preliminary feasibility studies on the possible solutions, and the determination of the most promising course of action based upon the results of these studies; and the accomplish- ment of a detailed engineering feasibility and eco- nomic study of the possible alternatives. A series of estimating aids and nomographs for determing capital costs of desalination plant facilities is in- cluded. (Author) PB-206 698 PC A03/MF A01 General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. General Engineering Lab. Refrigeration-Cooling Systems for Rural Com- munities in Developing Countries Dec 62, 45p TA/OST-AN-62-12-1 Contract AID-REPAS-1 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, Food storage, 'Food storage, 'Refrigerating, Evaluation, Ice re- frigeration, Controlled atmospheres, Steam jet re- frigeration, Thermoelectric refrigeration, Transport refrigeration, Rural areas. A review and evaluation is provided of alternative refrigeration-cooling systems for application in the rural areas of newly developing countries. The available equipment suited to the needs of these countries is identified, and development opportuni- ties for improved equipment systems are delineat- ed. The scope of the document is restricted to community or village sized facilities for fresh food preservation. A list of equipment manufacturers is included. (Author) PB-206 700 PC A08/MF A01 Central Treaty Organization, Ankara (Turkey). CENTO Conference on Industrial Vocational Education Held in Ramsar, Iran on June 23-30, 1968 Apr 69, 171p TA/OST-AN-69-4-1 Descriptors: 'Industrial training, 'Developing countries, Planning, Instructors, Counseling, Meet- ings, Turkey. Identifiers: 'Vocational education. The report provides the texts of most of the papers presented at a conference on the problems of vo- cational industrial education. Some of the topics covered are: manpower planning and vocational education; elements of a coordinated national pro- gram; education and training patterns for develop- ing manpower; developing effective programs for vocational education and training; structure and use of advisory committees on vocational educa- tion; programs for preparing teachers; occupation- al testing, guidance, counselling, and follow-up. PB-206 701 PC A22/MF A01 Central Treaty Organization, Ankara (Turkey). Seminar on Evaluation of Water Resources With Scarce Data, Held in Tehran, Iran on March 4-8, 1969 Final rept. Jan 70, 51 5p TA/OST-AN-70-1-2 Descriptors: 'Water resources, Evaluation, 'Hy- drology, Developing countries, Meetings, Stream flow, Watersheds, Droughts, Water quality, Sur- face water runoff, Agriculture, Water supply, Water storage, Reservoirs, Iran. The report is comprised of papers, orginally pre- sented at a seminar held 4-8 March 1969 in Tehran, Iran, which deal with the evaluation of water resources within the limitations imposed by this scarcity of data. Some of the topics covered are: Minimal data gathering procedures; Maximum utilization of scarce data in hydrological design; Preparation of long term flow sequence from short term records; Drought frequency analysis by means of synthetic flow sequences; Estimation of factors controlling streamflow in areas of limited data; Land treatment in agricultural watershed hy- drology research. (Author) PB-206 728 PC A20/MF A01 International Road Federation, Washington, D. C. 1971 World Survey of Current Research and Development on Roads and Road Transport. A Report Covering an Inventory of 63 Countries Dec 71, 458p* Contract FH-1 1-7656 See also report dated Dec 70, PB-1 97 492. Descriptors: 'Highway transportation, 'Foreign countries, 'Roads, Research, Bibliographies, Con- struction materials, Environmental engineering, Pavements, Soil properties, Safety, Tests, Traffic engineering, Skid resistance, Projects, Systems management, Structural design. Identifiers: Roadway edge markings. Research and development studies in progress during CY 1971 or recently completed on roads and road transport are listed by country showing research agency, study title, and objective. The report includes a survey of research in 63 coun- tries covering a total of 2,960 R and D projects. In addition to the survey, the document includes 3 papers printed in full-one on environmental as- pects of highway location and design, one on rapid test methods, and one on lane edge delineation. PB-206 775 PC A12/MF A01 Continental-Allied Co., Inc., Washington, D.C. Five Industries for the Central African Republic Erwin J. Sholton, and Edward A. Tenenbaum. Nov 65, 267p TA/OST-AN-65-11-1 Contract AID/afr-288 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, Industries, 'Economic development, Developing countries, Surveys, Profits, Investments, Demand(Economics), Capital, Marketing. Identifiers: 'Central Africa Republic. Isolated by geography, lacking low-cost means of transportation, the Central Africa Republic earns comparatively little from her exports, and pays heavily for her imports. It is considered imperative that the C.A.R. reorient her economy towards man- ufacture of goods for her own market. A survey was made of private investment opportunities in in- dustry and commerce in the C.A.R. Five possible new industries - storage batteries, asbestos cement, starch, reconstituted mild and ice cream, and tomato puree - were selected on the basis of this survey and studied in detail. In each case, it was found that the industry can operate to serve C.A.R. 's internal market, to reduce present prices, and to earn a profit of at least 25% per annum. (Author) PB-206 776 PC A08/MF A01 Central Treaty Organization, Ankara(Turkey). CENTO Traveling Seminar on Farm Tools and Implements Sep 68, 154p TA/OST-AN-68-9-1 Descriptors: 'Agricultural machinery, Surveys, 'Developing countries, Agricultural machinery, Handbooks, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey. A survey was carried out in Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey to help determine what could be done to provide farmers of these countries with better farm tools and more power to help them increase farm production. Major emphasis was laid on the collec- tion of information on tools and implements in cur- rent use. In addition, consideration was given to a number of tools and attachments which it was felt should be of wider use than at present. This report was prepared as a result of the survey. It is in the form of a handbook for use by agricultural techni- cians, extension workers, farmers, students, and producers of farm machinery as an aid in their work to promote practical, useable ideas which apply to their areas. (Author) PB-206 798 PC A10/MF A01 General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. General Engineering Lab. Preliminary Report of Field Survey Teams on the Generation and Utilization of Power in Rural Areas of Developing Countries Sep 62, 21 1p TA/OST-AN-62-9-1 Contract AID-REPAS-1 See also PB-206 800 and PB-206 801 . Descriptors: 'Electrification, 'Rural areas, 'Devel- oping countries, Electrification, India, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Surveys, Electric power generation, Utilization, Economic analysis. The report presents the principal impressions and tentative conclusions of fieldinvestigations on the generation and utilization of electric power in rural areas which were conducted in India, Chile, Co- lombia, and Peru. The first part of the report pro- vides a general review of existing rural electrifica- tion programs in India and Colombia. The remain- ing portions contain the observations of the field survey teams on the significance of small scale power units from the standpoint of village develop- ment programs. PB-206 799 PC A06/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Architectural Research Lab. A Preliminary Investigation of the Potential use of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdevel- oped Areas Rept. dated Jul 62-Feb 63 Stephen C. A. Paraskevopoulos, Harold J. Borkin, Robert M. Darvas, and C. Theodore Larson. Feb 63, 102p TA/OST AN-63-2-1 Descriptors: 'Houses, 'Cellular plastics, 'Devel- oping countries, Houses, Structural plastics, Struc- tural engineering, Structural design, Mechanical properties, Production methods, Construction, Laminated plastics. The report describes a study of the feasibility of using plastics, particularly foam plastics, for low- cost housing in developing countries. The advan- tages of foam plastics are reviewed, as are the im- portant physical properties, present structural ap- plications, and potential uses in housing of the ma- terials. The mechanical properties of foam plastics are discussed from the point of view of structural engineering, production methods, and erection techniques. A number of promising structures are illustrated. (Author) 75 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-206 800 PC A06/MF A01 General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. Advanced Technology Labs. Small-Scale Power Supplies for Rural Commu- nities in Developing Countries Mar 63, 120p TA/OST-AN-63-3-1 Contract AID-REPAS-1 See also PB-206 798 and PB-206 801 . Descriptors: 'Electric power generation, 'Rural areas, 'Developing countries, Electric power gen- eration, Electric power plants, Electric generators, Economic analysis, Utilization. The report describes and evaluates alternative small-scale technologies for supplying electric energy to rural communities in developing coun- tries. It appraises the technical suitability of cur- rently available small-scale power supplies, and delineates near-term and far-term development opportunities for improved equipment systems. The technologies considered include: Internal combustion engine generators; small scale hydro- electric plants; thermal vapor engine generators; gas turbine generators; wind generators, photovol- taic solar cells; thermoelectric generators; and fuel cells. PB-206 801 PC A03/MF A01 General Electric Co. Schenectady, N.Y. Advanced Technology Labs. Generation and Utilization of Power for Rural Communities in Developing Countries Summary rept. May 63, 39p TA/OST-AN-63-5-1 Contract AID-REPAS-1 See also PB-206 798 and PB-206 800. Descriptors: 'Electrification, 'Rural areas, 'Devel- oping countries, Electrification, 'Electric power generation, Developing countries, Electric gener- ators, Electric power plants, Utilization, Economic analysis. The principal objective of the project was to assess the need for and significance of electric power for the development of rural communities, with particular attention to the utility and feasibility of small scale power supplies as a means of pro- viding power to village communities. The specific areas of concern included: Small-and intermedi- ate-scale generating plants and grid connections for rural communities; utilization of electric power in rural communities for irrigation, rural industry, and illumination; technical appraisal of potential small-scale power sources, refrigeration-cooling systems, and water treatment processes; and technical support for rural development. (Author) PB-206 802 PC A04/ M F A0 1 Forest Service, Washington, D.C. Report on Survey Team Projected AID Re- search Program on Improved Forest Products Utilization in Latin America Alan D. Freas, B. Francis Kukachka, and Eugene F. Landt. Aug 65, 62p TA/OSTAN-65-8-1 Descriptors: 'Wood products, Utilization, 'South America, Wood products, Economic development, Research projects, Wood pulp, Surveys, Inven- tories, Quality, Tests, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Ven- ezuela, Ecuador. South America has the largest single forested area in the world, most of it inaccessible and remote from population centers and, hence, unused to a great extent. Most of the forest consists of hetero- geneous stands with many species that so far have not found their way into the world market or into local utilization. This report presents recom- mendations for a group of research projects to im- prove the economic use made of Amazonian and other forest areas of Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Ven- ezuela, and Ecuador. The general nature of the projects are as follows: Research on little known timber species of Latin American in relation to their utilization locally and abroad; studies on the prepa- ration of high yield pulps; and forest products utili- zation and marketing in Venezuela. (Author) PB-206 803 PC A10/MF A01 Robinson (C. W.) and Co., Inc., New York. Cooperative Effort in Industrial Development Final rept. 1962-1966. Dec 66, 203p TA/OST-AN-66-12-1 Contract AID/nesa-28 Descriptors: 'Nepal, 'Industries, 'Economic de- velopment, 'Developing countries, Reviews, Proj- ect planning, Investments, Banking business, Fi- nancial management. The Nepal Industrial Development Corporation (NIDC) has the responsibility of coordinating the Nepalese Government's program to mobilize pri- vate capital in sound and profitable industrial en- terprises. This report summarizes selected activi- ties and achievements that have been of particular significance in the success of the NIDC during the period from July 1962 to December 1966. Among the topics discussed are: Management of NIDC; banking activities; meeting special problems of bank clients; investment promotion; development of human resources; pre-investment studies; in- dustrial districts. (Author) PB-206 804 PC A13/MF A01 Central Treaty Organization, Ankara, (Turkey). CENTO Conference on Agricultural Extension, Held in Ankara-Denizli-lzmir, Turkey, 12-22 April 1967 Oct 67, 286p TA/OST-AN-67-10-1 Descriptors: 'Education, Developing countries, 'Agriculture, Economic development, Meetings, Agricultural machinery, Marketing, Livestock, Fer- tilizers, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey. Identifiers: 'Agricultural extension work. Agricultural extension is an educational processes. It brings to agricultural communities the knowledge and skills developed by research institutions, and by making these known it seeks to improve the level of agricultural production. This report is com- prised of papers presented at a symposium, held in Ankara, Denizli, and Izmir, Turkey, 12-22 April 1967, which was called to provide an opportunity for extension service officials to review practical approaches to successful extension work at the farmer level. (Author) PB-206 805 PC A13/MF A01 Mississippi State Univ., State College. Seed Tech- nology Lab. Seed Processing and Handling Charles E. Vaughan, Bill R. Gregg, and James C. DE Louche. Jan 68, 296p Handbook-1, TA/OST- AN-68-1-1 Contract AID/W-607 Descriptors: 'Seeds, 'Processing, Handling equip- ment, Developing countries, Handbooks. Identifiers: 'Seed processing. Seeds are processed to remove contaminants, to size-grade for plantability, to remove damaged or deteriorated seed, and to apply seed treatment materials. This handbook was prepared as an in- troduction to seed processing and handling. Var- ious types of equipment are considered. The main features and component parts, principles of sepa- ration, uses, and operational procedures are dis- cussed for each machine. Emphasis is placed on the concept of the 'processing line', that is, the combination, proper sequence and arrangement of machines, conveyors, and procedures required for handling and processing seeds. (Author) PB-206 806 PC A04/MF A01 International Rice Research Inst., Los Banos, Laguna, (Philippines). Performance and Economics of Use of Small Equipment in Tropical Monsoon Countries: The Case of the Philippines Stanley S. Johnson. Apr 68, 52p TA/OST-AN-68- 4-1 Descriptors: 'Agricultural machinery, 'Philippines, Economic development, Developing countries, Monsoons, Performance. Mechanized agriculture is being introduced in the countries of Southeast Asia with varying degrees of success and acceptance. This paper discusses the status of mechanization in one of those coun- tries, the Philippines. It provides the background in which this mechanization is proceeding, and then discusses the types of equipment that are being introduced. The performance data of these ma- chines under Philippine conditions, and the eco- nomics of their use, are also presented. (Author) PB-206 851 PC A05/MF A01 Organization for Social and Technical Innovation, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Industrialized Housing. The Opportunity and the Problems in Developing Areas, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 66 Ian Donald Terner, and John F. C. Turner. Jan 72, 80p* Sponsored in part by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, 'Mass produc- tion, 'Developing countries, Residential buildings, Reviews, Building, Industries, Automation, Con- struction, Prefabrication, Feasibility, Errors, Stand- ards, Mass production, Manufacturing, Expenses, Asia, Africa, South America. Identifiers: 'Industrialized housing. The problem of providing suitable shelter in the world's less developed nations is one of critical ur- gency. While this problem grows more and more acute, the industrialized nations of North America and Europe are struggling to meet their own hous- ing needs through an increasingly advanced tech- nology. It is a natural consequence of this process for housing manufacturers, technicians and public officials to seek possible applications of this ad- vanced technology in less developed countries. In recent years, HUD's Office of International Affairs has increasingly been called upon to advise do- mestic housing producers and, through AID, for- eign governments and developers on the appropri- ateness of industrialized techniques abroad. It has attempted to correct widely held misconceptions, while witnessing the costly failures of many at- tempts to develop criteria to assess the value of existing industrialized systems abroad, and at the same time to assist in the design of new systems created specifically for that market. (Author) PB-206 902 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Industrializing at the Grass Roots Level in the Philippines Rept. for 1959-1963 Kenneth P. Sheldon. 1963, 63p TA/OST-AN-63- 13-1 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, Industries, 'Economic development, Developing countries, 'Philippines, Economic development, Surveys, Natural resources, Agriculture. Identifiers: Tarlac(Philippines). The establishment of a first industry in an underde- veloped region stimulates others into being; a small beginning is enough to set up a chain reac- tion. This principle has been demonstrated time and again in the Philippines and in other develop- ing countries. The document shows how this start was made in the highly agricultural provinces in the Philippines and the proper way for it to develop. In addition to a general discussion of principles and procedures, the document contains, for the pur- pose of providing a concrete example, a detailed report of a survey made of a single Philippine prov- ince (Tarlac) to obtain practical information con- cerning its resources, natural advantages, and the desires of its people regarding industrialization. (Author) PB-206 904 PCA11/MFA01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. An Industrial Park Development Program for Central America Keith E. Duke, Phillip L Adams, and Robert W. Davenport. Nov 64, 234p TA/OST-AN-64-11-2 Descriptors: 'Central America, 'Industries, 'Eco- nomic development, 'Developing countries, Feasi- bility, Project planning, Industrial plants, Parks, Roads, Site surveys, Plant location, Financial man- agement. 76 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: Industrial parks, Industrial develop- ment. The development of a number of industrial parks in Central America could be an important means of stimulating industrial growth and promoting indus- trial development in this region. This document provides the results of a study undertaken to deter- mine the desirability and feasibility of establishing such industrial parks, and to define the nature, scope, and costs of an industrial parks program. The topics covered include the purposes and char- acteristics of industrial parks in Central America, the physical infrastructure and its general influence on industrial growth and location of industrial parks in the region, specific proposed locations for indus- trial park sites, and financial and organizational re- sources for an industrial parks program. (Author) PB-206 905 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Economic Damage Caused by Aquatic Weeds. (Preliminary Survey) Dec 71, 18p Rept no. TA/OST-71-5 Descriptors: 'Economic analysis, * Aquatic weeds, Developing countries, Rivers, Streams, Navigable canals, Reservoirs, Lakes, Harbors, Classifying, Distribution(Property), Damage. The report attempts to estimate in a very prelimi- nary way the economic significance of the aquatic weed problem in developing countries. It is limited to the problems of weed infestation in rivers, streams, canals, reservoirs, ponds, lakes, harbors, and similar bodies of water. Topics covered are: types and distribution of aquatic weeds; types of damage; economic impact; and country specific situations. A bibliography is included. (Author) PB-206 913 PC A04/MF A01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Project Colorado. Feasibility Studies. Prelimi- nary Designs Harry F. Troxell, and Carlos E. De Sa. 1964, 61 p TA/OST-AN-64-13-1 Prepared in cooperation with Bahia Univ., Salvador (Brazil). Descriptors: 'Economic development, "Develop- ing countries, 'Industries, 'Brazil, Industrial mobili- zation, Feasibility, Food industry, Ceramics. Identifiers: Colorado project, Ceramics industry. Project Colorado is a program of cooperation for industrial development in the State of Bahia, Brazil. The objectives, to develop new small, rural indus- tries and to train business and engineering lead- ers, are accomplished by utilizing faculty and stu- dents from the University of Bahia and Colorado State University. The industrial development activi- ties are based on a thorough analysis of the ad- vantages and opportunities the region has to offer. Feasibility studies, followed by preliminary designs, were made for the following industries: Poultry and egg; ceramic products; peanut oil extraction; slaughterhouse for cattle and hogs; mandioca processing; and fruit processing. The document contains detailed reports of each of these industri- al prospects by the personnel who contributed to the general evaluation, the marketing data, and the production requirements. PB-206 967 PC A03/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Report on Small Industry Programs in Turkey Ross D. Davis. 15 Feb 65, 41 p TA/OST-AN-65- 2-2 Descriptors: 'Turkey, 'Industries, 'Economic de- velopment, 'Developing countries, Planning, Inter- national trade, Evaluation. Identifiers: Small industry. The report sets out observations based on a visit to Turkey made in January 1 965 by the Executive Administrator of the U. S. Small Business Adminis- tration. The purpose of the visit was to evaluate certain plans of the Government of Turkey de- signed to modernize small-scale industry, to pro- mote its integration into a balanced pattern of in- dustrial development, and to create in small indus- try a significant capacity for import substitution and export activities. The topics covered in the report include: Role of small industry in Turkey; planning for small industry; current activities to support small industry; some useful principles to guide the development and operation of small industry pro- grams; comments on the small industry programs in Turkey; an agency for small industry programs. (Author) PB-206 968 PC A03/MF A01 Checchi and Co., Washington, D.C. Central African Industrial Coordination Survey Robert Manly. Jul 65, 45p TA/OST-AN-65-7-2 Contract AID/afr-292 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Industries, 'Economic development, Developing countries, Developing countries, Metals, Electric equipment, Tools, Machinery, Vehicles, Africa. Identifiers: 'Cameroun, 'Central African Republic, 'Chad, 'Congo, 'Zaire, 'Gabon. The report presents the findings and conclusions of an Industrial Coordination Survey of the Central African sub-region of Cameroun, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), and Gabon. The principle objec- tive of the study, which was done in association with the Economic Commission for Africa, was to investigate the possibilities for sub-regional harmo- nization of industrial development. A list of indus- tries that appear to have a market potential in the sub-region was developed, and certain specific in- dustries were considered in detail with respect to coordination. The report also contains a section dealing with entrepreneurship and the encourage- ment of industrial growth in the sub-region. (Author) PB-206 969 PC A13/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Architectural Research Lab. Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdevel- oped Areas Research rept. 1962-1965 Stephen C. A. Paraskevopoulos, Harold J. Borkin, J. Sterling Crandall, James L. Haecker, and Willard A. Oberdick. Nov 65, 295p TA/OST AN-65-11-2 Descriptors: 'Houses, 'Cellular plastics, 'Devel- oping countries, Houses, Structural plastics, Struc- tural engineering, Marketing, Plastics industry, Structural forms, Structural analysis, Construction, Laminated plastics. A feasibility study, reported in PB-206 799, estab- lished the desirability of investigating the use of foam plastics as structural materials, in the belief that such a development could contribute towards a resolution of housing problems throughout the world. This report describes a research program aimed at exploring the structural potential of these materials for housing in underdeveloped areas. A review is provided of plastics from the standpoint of physical properties, raw materials resources, production, and marketing. A detailed description is given of a structural investigation of foam plas- tics, and a number of demonstration structures are analytically described. (Author) PC A04/MF A01 Columbus, Ohio. Colum- PB-206 970 Battelle Memorial Inst., bus Labs. Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Leather and Shoe Industry in West Africa to 1980 Research rept. Konrad Biedermann. 29 Jul 66, 57p TA/OST-AN- 66-7-1 Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Industries, 'Africa, Leather, Shoes, Industrial mobilizing. Identifiers: 'Leather industry, 'Shoe industry. Cooperative economic-development planning on a basis that includes the entire West African sub- region promises to result in an industrial develop- ment pattern that might contribute to a more effec- tive and economic utilization of African resources and to improvement in living standards. This re- quires, however, obtaining an overview of what a feasible industrialization pattern for specific indus- tries within the sub-region might be over a period of 1 to 1 5 years. An attempt is made, in the report, to answer some of the basic questions along these lines for the leather and shoe industry in West Africa. Consideration is given to West African mar- kets for leather and shoes, current production ca- pabilities, feasible expansion of leather and shoe production to 1980, and the potential importance to economic development of West Africa. PB-206 971 PC A03/MF A01 Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus, Ohio. Colum- bus Labs. Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Paint Products Industry in West Africa to 1980 Research rept. Harry W. Barr, Jr. 29 Jul 66, 41 p TA/OST-AN-66- 7-2 Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Industries, 'Africa, Paints, Industrial mobilizing. Identifiers: 'Paint industry. A study was undertaken to gain an approximation of what a feasible industrialization pattern for the paint products industry in the West African sub- region would appear to be in the period up to 1 980. The report provides the results of the study. Con- sideration is given to current markets for paint products, projected markets to 1980, Local pro- duction of raw materials and paint products, and potential importance to the economic develop- ment of West Africa. PB-206 972 PCE01/MFA01 Miner (Thomas H.) and Associates, Inc., Chicago, III. Pre-lnvestment Study. Meat Packing Industry for Entente Guaranty Fund Nov 67, 177 TA/OST-AN-67-11-1 Contract AID/afr-496 Descriptors: 'Food industry, 'Meats, 'Africa, Food industry, 'Livestock, Food industry, Economic analysis, Economic development, Market re- search, Developing countries, Investments, United States. Identifiers: 'Meat packing industry. Livestock are among the principal resources of the West African Savanna zone, and surplus livestock have, for centuries, supplied some of the con- sumption needs of the populous Coastal cities many hundreds of miles to the south. It is believed that this traditional livestock trade can be rationa- lized principally by more slaughterhouses in the producing zone, and subsequent shipment of meat to the consuming areas. This procedure would tend to add more value to the products of the stock raising countries, while providing better and cheaper meat to consumers. Accordingly, an eco- nomic and technical analysis was undertaken aimed at inducing U. S. private investment in the livestock industry in Niger and Upper Volta to serve markets in Ivory Coast, Togo, Dahomey, Ghana, Nigeria, and other appropriate markets. Consideration was given to availability of livestock in Niger and Upper Volta, and type of existing po- tential consumer markets. PB-206 976 PCE01/MFA01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Architectural Research Lab. Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World Stephen C. A. Paraskevopoulos, Harold J. Borkin, J. Sterling Crandall, C. Theodore Larson, and Willard A. Oberdick. Jun 66, 65 TA/OST AN- 66-6-1 Descriptors: 'Houses, 'Cellular plastics, 'Devel- oping countries, Houses, Laminated plastics, Structural plastics, Structural engineering, Struc- tural design, Construction, Roofs, Sheathing, Buildings. The technical and economic feasibility of using foam plastics in housing in underdeveloped areas of the world has been established, as described in 77 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS previous reports in this series. This document rep- resents a follow-up intended to advise AID specifi- cally on the introduction of foam plastics for hous- ing use abroad and to report on progress of an on- going testing program. Paper-laminated foam board gives every indication that it is a building ma- terial suitable for many different applications, and possible uses of this material in inexpensive roof- ing systems are described and illustrated. (Author) PB-206 977 PC A06/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- cultures. Fishculture Survey Report For West Central Africa. Increasing Fish Production by Im- proved Fishcultures D. D. Moss, G. B. Pardue, and M. J. Danner. 30 Jun 69, 125p TA/OST-AN-69-6-3 Descriptors: *Aquaculture, Surveys, 'Economic development, "Africa, Fisheries, Developing coun- tries, Marketing, Research projects, Food process- ing, Drying, Shrimps, Shellfish, Fresh water fishes, Marine fishes. Identifiers: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo. Intensive fishculture is an effective means of pro- ducing protein of high quality. In view of this, a survey was made of the status and needs of fish- culture activities in the following West Central Afri- can nations: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo. Attention was given to existing programs being carried out in inland fisheries, with emphasis on fishculture projects, and to the marketing and eco- nomics of the fisheries in each country. (Author) PB-207 132 PC A03/MF A01 Maynard (H. B.) and Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. Feasibility of Ipecac Extraction Plant Final rept. Eugene H. Payne. Apr 66, 45p TA/OST-AN-66-4- 1 Contract AID/csd-239, PIO/T-51 1-049-3-20346 Descriptors: *edicinal plants, Drug industry, *Drug industry, Industrial plants, 'Developing countries, Drug industry, Drugs, Plants(Botany), Alkaloids, Extraction, Economic development. Identifiers: Cephaelis ipecacuanha, 'Ipecac, 'Bo- livia. 'Brazilian' ipecac is the rhizome and root portions of the low growing vine Cephaelis (Uragoga) ipeca- cuanha. It is the source of emetine and several other alkaloids. The report presents the results of a study undertaken to determine the feasibility of establishing facilities to distill ipecac in Bolivia. It was found that such a facility would be economi- cally sound only under one or both of two condi- tions: (1) that the cultivation of ths source plant be encouraged; and (2) that it be operated in conjunc- tion with the extraction of other products, such as cocillana, achiote, and cinchona. PB-207 192 PC A04/MF A01 Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Techniques for Assessing Water Resources Potentials in the Developing Countries, with Emphasis on Streamflow, Erosion and Sedi- ment Transport, Water Movement in Unsaturat- ed Soils, Ground Water, and Remote Sensing in H ydrologic Applications Preliminary rept. George C. Taylor, Jr. Dec 71, 73p Grant PASA-TA(IC)-9-72 Descriptors: 'Water resources, Developing coun- tries, 'Hydrology, Research, Stream flow, Soil ero- sion, Sediment transport, Ground water, Remote sensing, Probes, Soil water. The preliminary report describes techniques for assessing water-resource potentials in the devel- oping countries, most of which lie in the tropics. Techniques or methodology for measuring or eval- uating hydrologic parameters are described in the categories of streamflow, erosion and sedimenta- tion, water movement in unsaturated soils, ground water and remote sensing in hydrologic applica- tions. Selected bibliographies of each of these cat- egories are included. (Author) PB-207 385 PC A07/MF A01 Inter-American Geodetic Survey, Fort Clayton. Canal Zone. Natural Resources Div. Natural Resources-Cadastral Inventory. Nica- raguan Pilot Project Report for 1965-1966. Mar 66, 126p TA/OST-AN-66-3-I Descriptors: 'Land surveys, 'Nicaragua, 'Devel- oping Countries, Natural resources, Geology, Geo- morphology, Climatology, Hydrology, Soils, Land use, Land titles, Developing countries. Identifiers: Cadastral surveys. In preparation for a comprehensive cadastral and natural resources survey of Nicaragua, a pilot survey was undertaken in an agricultural area in the vicinity of Leon. The primary purpose was to provide orientation for those Nicaraguan special- ists expected to occupy leading roles in the plan- ning and execution of the comprehensive survey. This report presents a description of the geology, geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, soils, land use, and cadastral aspects of the region as deter- mined by the survey. (Author) PB-207 393 PC A05/MF A01 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, Washington, D.C. The Institutional Development Agreement. A New Operational Framework for A.I.D. and the Universities Jan 70, 96p TA/OST-AN-70-1-3 Descriptors: 'Grants, 'Universities, 'Economic de- velopment, 'Developing countries, Projects, Agreements. Identifiers: Technical assistance, Agency for Inter- national Development. This is the report of a joint committee of the Na- tional Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGD) and the Agency for In- ternational Development (A.I.D). The committee was asked to consider and recommend measures to improve operating arrangements between A.I.D. and the universities, including possible arrange- ments for experimental types of A.I.D. grants to universities for overseas technical assistance pro- jects. The committee paid special attention to a type of development activity for which American colleges and universities are especially well suited - the multi-year technical assistance project de- signed to aid in the establishment or improvement of educational and research institutions in less de- veloped countries. PB-207 399 PC A17/MF A01 Soil and Pavement Consultants of Southeast Asia, Oakland, Calif. Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Connection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Airfields. Phase I. South- east Asia (Thailand) Final rept. B. A. Vallerga, J. A. Shuster, A. L. Love, and C. J. Van Til. Jun 69, 382p TA/OST-AN-69-6-4 Contract AID/csd-1 810 Descriptors: 'Soil properties, 'Southeast Asia, 'Roads, Construction, Landing fields, Classifica- tions, Soil stabilization, Flexible pavements, Per- formance, Geomorphology, Structural design, Specifications, Durability, Foundations, Thailand. Identifiers: 'Lateritic soils. There are a number of soils, principally those re- ferred to as laterites and lateritic soils, which are found in southeast Asia and other tropical environ- ments, but are essentially unknown in countries of the temperate zones. This document provides the results of field studies carried out in Thailand on lateritic soils. Included are reports on background studies of the literature and of geology, the devel- opment of a classification system for the soils pavement evaluation studies, and special studies on durability, stabilization, and dynamic properties. (Author) PB-207 400 PC A04/MF A01 National Science Foundation, New Delhi (India). Science Liaison Staff. Science Education Improvement Project 1970, 71 p TA/OST-AN-70-13-1 Descriptors: 'Education, 'India, 'Developing countries, Education, Programmed instruction, De- veloping countries, Research, Schools, Project planning, Improvement, Classifications. Identifiers: Science education, 'Curriculum devel- opment. The report covers the activities of the Indian Sci- ence Improvement Project during the calendar year 1970. The major emphasis is on curriculum development activities. Topics covered include elementary and secondary school science pro- grams, travelling science workshop, college sci- ence improvement program, special college/uni- versity programs, technical education, binational conferences, teaching aids, and participant train- ing. PB-207 491 PC A17/MF A01 Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Inc., Schenectady, N.Y. Village Technology Handbook May 70, 382p TA/OST-AN-70-5-1 Descriptors: 'Community development, Rural areas, 'Developing countries, Handbooks, Eco- nomic development, Crafts, Water resources, Sanitary engineering, Irrigation, Roads, Construc- tion materials, Food, Snails, Washing, Heating. Identifiers: Village technology. Village development takes on special importance in the light of the fact that 80% of those who live in less developed countries live in villages. This handbook is aimed at helping villagers to master the resources available to them. The general topics covered include water transport; storage, and purification, latrines, bilharziasis control, irriga- tion and road-building, poultry raising, silage, stor- ing food at home, storing vegetables and fruit for winter use, how to salt fish, concrete construction, bamboo construction, glues, solar water heater, washing machines, cookers and stoves, home soap making, and bedding. PB-207 495 PC A17/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Science, Technology, and Development. Volume I. Natural Resources. Energy, Water, River Basin Development 1962, 381 p TA/OST-AN-62-13-1 See also Volume 3, PB-207 496. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Natural resources, Developing countries, Electric power, Cooperation, Rural areas, Coal mining, Fuels, Crude oil, Refineries, Water supply, River basin development, Energy, Reviews, Meetings. The document is volume one of a twelve volume series containing papers of U.S. origin which were submitted at a conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of Less Developed Areas, held in Geneva in 1963. It in- cludes the following papers: Electrical distribution grid design and construction for rural areas, The REA program and the role of rural electric cooper- ative, TVA's experience with a power utilization program for rural areas, Some problems in initiat- ing power supply in less developed areas, Rural electrification and rural development, Typical prob- lems in the development of modern power supply in less developed areas, Practical application of coal mining technology, Metallurgical, domestic, and industrial utilization of low-rank coals; Auxiliary injected blast furnace fuels, Financing oil expan- sion, Economics and design of smaller petroleum refineries. PB-207 496 PC A12/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Science, Technology, and Development. Volume III. Agriculture 1962, 273p TA-OST-62-13-3 See also Volume 4, PB-207 497. 78 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Economic development, Developing countries, 'Agriculture, Developing countries, Re- views, Labor relations, Farms, Management plan- ning, Food habits, Nutrition, Meetings, Dietetics, Fisheries, Irrigation, Soil science, Plant genetics, Plant diseases, Pest control. The document on agriculture is Volume 3 of a twelve volume series on science and technology in developing countries. It includes the following papers: Organizing for Agricultural Development; Tenure of farms; Motivation, productivity, and effi- cient use of labor, land and capital; Agricultural - Industrial Development, Effective Communication, Improving management in agricultural develop- ment, Meeting human needs through agricultural and food practices, Changing dietary and health practices, International cooperation in nutrition, re- search and planning; The evolution of soil science, Irrigation as a modern science, Plant genetics in increasing food production, Understanding and Control of Plant Diseases, and Protection from Insect and Vertebrate Pests. PB-207 497 PC A09/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Science, Technology, and Development. Volume IV. Industrial Development 1962, 199p TA/OST-AN-62-13-4 See also Volume 5, PB-207 498. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Industries, Developing Countries, Reviews, Policies, Financing, Marketing, Re- search, Iron and steel industry, Food processing, Wood products, Computer programming, Socio- metrics, River basin development. Identifiers: Technology. Volume 4 of a twelve volume series on science and technology in developing countries includes the following papers: Policy considerations in ex- panding industrial development, Creating a practi- cal industrial development program, Adequate capital for industrialization; Planning Management in Industrializing Countries, Small and medium in- dustry in development, Markets as a basis for in- dustrial development; Integrated river-basin devel- opment and industrialization; The research insti- tute as a key industrial development instrument, the Computer and High-Speed Information Proc- essing industrial development; The iron and steel industry in a developing economy, Food process- ing and the developing society, and the forest products industry in economic development. PB-207 500 PC A05/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Science, Technology, AND Development. Volume VII. Social Problems of Development and Urbanization 1962, 99p TA/OST-AN-62-13-7 See also Volume 8, PB-207 501 . Descriptors: 'Urbanization, Developing Countries, 'Economic development, Developing Countries, 'Developing countries, 'Social change, Culture(Social sciences), Social change, Sociome- trics, Social change, Rural areas, Municipalities, Regional planning, Political systems, Community development, Residential buildings, Facilities, Re- views. Identifiers: Technology. Volume 7 of a twelve volume series on science and technology in developing countries includes the following papers: Patterns of worldwide cultur- al change in the 1960's, Social stratification and social mobility in the development process, A theory of community development, The role of the family in industrialization, Adjusting rural people to an urban environment, Implications of urbanization for villages and rural sectors, Planning and devel- opment in metropolitan areas, Housing and com- munity facilities in human development, Capital re- quirements for urban social overhead, and The po- litical implications of urbanization and the develop- ment process. PB-207 507 PC A17/MF A01 Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bismarck, N. Dak. Rural Housing Manual William A. Schott. Mar 71, 378p* Sponsored in part by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, 'Rural areas, 'Regional planning, 'Manuals, Community devel- opment, Surveys, Project planning, Financing, Co- operation, Legislation, Land use, Classifications, Management planning. Identifiers: Housing cooperatives. The key to success in a housing program lies in the ability and desire of the local rural leadership to attain good low-cost housing. To accomplish this goal, personnel must be adequately informed and trained. It is intended that this training manual, along with technical assistance will provide rural electric cooperatives with the information they need. PB-207 520 PC A18/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Inst, of Transportation and Traffic Engineering. Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions 1970, 403p TA/OST AN-70-12-2 Contract DOT-OS-A9-004 Descriptors: 'Transportation, 'Developing coun- tries, 'Cost engineering, Transportation, Roads, Design standards, Cost analysis, Construction, Savings, Air transportation, Waterway transporta- tion, Ground vehicles, Economic models. The document provides the results of an examina- tion of traditional designs of transport facilities in the developing countries with a view to reducing total initial and/or operating costs, or to reducing costs devoted to the imported elements. The topics include: road cost analysis and design standards; road construction cost model; a road maintenance cost model; opportunities for cost savings in highway engineering design; economics of one-way bridging; potential cost savings in the design of water crossings; potential cost savings in the design and use of ground vehicles; opportuni- ties for cost reductions in aircraft, airways, and air- ports; potential cost-savings in the selection of wa- terway and harbor techniques; harbors and associ- ated facilities; economic models for choice of transport techniques in developing countires; tra- deoffs between construction costs and mainte- nance costs. PB-207 534 PC A04/MF A01 Council for International Progress in Management (USA), Inc., New York. Report of Management Training Specialists Team, Brazil Rept. for 31 Aug-12 Dec 64 Robert C. Dietrick, Louis C. McAnly, and James W. Quigg. Dec 64, 57p TA/OST-AN-64-12-2 Contract PIO/T-51 2-40297 Descriptors: 'Industrial management, 'Manage- ment training, 'Brazil, Economic development, De- veloping countries, Brazil, Project planning, Orga- nization theory. The document summarizes the activities of a man- agement training team which was assigned the re- sponsibility of working with trainers of managers in 1 5 Productivity Centers in Brazil, of demonstrating improved techniques at the local plant level, of giving consultation and advice to productivity insti- tutions on organization and activities programs, and of giving assistance to other management de- velopment institutions in Brazil. The program at each Center consisted of round-table discussions, plant visits, case study solutions, and the use of all other modern techniques to develop a local nucle- us of management experts for the expansion and multiplication of Brazilian instituional self-help ef- forts. PB-207 813 PC A06/MF A01 Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C. Report on Potential Growth of Aquatic Plants of the Lower Mekong River Basin, Laos-Thai- land Mark L. Nelson, Edward O. Gangstad, and Donald E. Seaman. Feb 70, 125p TA/OST-AN- 70-2-1 Descriptors: 'Aquatic weeds, River basins, 'River basin development, Developing countries, Multiple purpose reservoirs, Weed control, Irrigation canals, Plant growth, Laos, Thailand. Identifiers: *Pa Mong project, Mekong River. The Pa Mong project is a hydroelectric power and irrigation system on the Mekong River, in Laos and Thailand. Concern has been expressed as to what extent aquatic vegetation, such as water hyacinth, will interfere with the operation and maintenance of the project. This document is the report of a team that was assembled to assess problems, evaluate present methods of dealing with these problems, and make design and research recom- mendations relevant to multi-purpose water re- source projects in the Lower Mekong Basin. In- cluded in the report are a section on growth poten- tials describing a number of local factors bearing on the aquatic weed problem. (Author) PB-207 618 PC A04/MF A01 Lyon Associates, Inc., Baltimore, Md. Usage Manual for Sampling and Testing Later- ite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of Africa 1971, 72p TA/OST AN-71-6-2 Contract AID/csd-21 64 Prepared in cooperation with Building and Re- search Institute, Kumasi, Ghana. Descriptors: 'Soil tests, Africa, 'Roads, 'Develop- ing countries, Identifying, Sampling, Laterites, Manuals. Identifiers: 'Lateritic soils. Soil testing is an important and integral part of highway design and construction. This manual has as its purpose the provision of basic details on: identifying the various soils; the laboratory equip- ment required to perform the tests; exploration and sampling techniques for soils; and laboratory test procedures. The format is straightforward and simple with many illustrations provided. It is ex- pected that even inexperienced engineers and technicians will find the manual relatively easy to use in the field. (Author) PB-207 619 PC A04/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Office of International Affairs. Planning Sites and Services Programs. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 68 Alfred P. Van Huyck. Jul 71, 75p TA/OST-AN-71- 7-1 Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, Site surveys, 'Project planning, 'Developing countries, Urban- ization, Policies, Neighborhoods, Foreign coun- tries, Socioeconomic status. Identifiers: Low income families, Lessons learned, Dwelling services projects. Housing sites and services projects are not a new idea, but the adoption of the concept on a massive scale is only just now gaining credibility as the most feasible method for dealing with the vast numbers of low-income people seeking land and shelter in the developing world. This document analyzes reasons that sites and services projects should be a major part of the urbanization program of the developing countries. It also discusses the lessons to be learned from previous worldwide ex- perience with the sites and services concept. A method is proposed for planning the sites and services project, and suggestions are given as to how the individual project should be viewed in the context of a national program. PB-207 625 PCE01/MFA01 Educational Development Center, Newton, Mass. A Comparison Study for Evaluating Primary School Science in Africa Eleanor R. Duckworth. Oct 71, 60 TA/OST-AN- 71-10-1 Contract AID/csd-772 79 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Education, "Developing countries, 'Africa, Education, Performance evaluation, Schools. Identifiers: 'Science education, Primary schools. The African Primary Science Program has been developed in eight different African countries and is currently in the initial stages of implementation in these countries. The program differs from conven- tional science teaching in that it attempts to pro- vide an opportunity for children to know the world on their own terms. Its goals are to equip children with the basis for having their own ideas of inter- esting ways to use materials that are available to them, of having interesting questions to ask about things, and of ways to go about answering their questions. The report provides an evaluation of the program. In the process, it describes an evaluation methodology which involves the observation of various aspects of children's activity, alone and in groups, in a manner which is conducive to an un- derstanding of what is actually happening. PB-207 626 PC A07/MF A01 Utah State Univ., Logan. Office of International Programs. Rural Industrial Technical Assistance (RITA) Lawrence C. Taylor, Dalton Andrade, Robert Collier, and George Seely. Jul 71, 129p TA/OST AN-71-7-2 Contract AID/la-291 Prepared in cooperation with the Federal Universi- ty of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). Desciptors: 'Industries, Developing countries, 'Developing countries, 'Economic development, Training, Selection, Project planning, Cost analy- sis, Brazil. Identifiers: RITA project. Project RITA (Rural Industrial Technical Assist- ance), Rio Grande Do Norte, was a program de- signed to provide assistance in industrial develop- ment to selected areas in the interior of the State of Rio Grande Do Norte. The project team consist- ed of professors and graduate students from the Federal University of Rio Grande Do Norte and from Utah State University. Their efforts involving the study, selection, planning, organization, and establishment of small and medium sized busi- nesses in the project area are reported in this doc- ument. (Author) PB-207 628 PC A06/MF A01 Education Development Center, Newton, Mass. Beginning Science Curriculum for English Speaking Tropical Africa (African Primary Sci- ence Program) Final rept., 1960-71. 1 Dec 71, 125p TA/OST-AN-71-12-1 Contract AID/csd-772 Descriptors: 'Education, 'Developing countries, 'Africa, Education, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda. Identifiers: 'Science education, Curricula. The African Primary Science Program, which was established in 1960 as part of the African Educa- tion Program, has operated widely in English- speaking African countries. Science centers have been established with program assistance in seven of these: Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda. Its goals have been centered on changes in Pedagogy, but it has also sought to influence the role of education in developing countries. The report records and doc- uments the Program's development, its changing structure, and its efforts to respond to the needs of the countries involved and developing African ini- tiative. PB-207 636 PC A14/MF A01 Lyon Associates, Inc., Baltimore, Md. Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problems Soils of Africa. Development of Engineering Standards and Criteria for the Usage of Later- ite, Lateritic Soils, and Other Problems Soils in Connection with the Constructio n of Roads, Highways and Airfields Jun 71, 308p TA/OST AN-71-6-1 Contract AID/csd-21 64 Descriptors: 'Soil properties, 'Africa, 'Roads, 'Developing countries, Laterites, Clay soils, Soil stabilization, Tropical regions, Ghana. Identifiers: 'Lateritic soils. Roadway design practices in the tropics have evolved, by and large, from American and Europe- an experience. The adequacy of these proce- dures, which were devised through experience with temperate zone soils, have never really been evaluated for the climatic conditions, the soils, and the traffic patterns of tropical Africa. It was there- fore decided that lateritic materials, so plentiful in tropical areas, should be studied in a thorough re- search program. This document represents the re- sults of such a study carried out in tropical Africa, with emphasis on Ghana. A review of the pertinent literature is provided for both lateritic soils and tropical black clays, and the engineering properties of both types are described. (Author) PB-207 647 PC A10/MF A01 International Rice Research Inst., Los Banos, Laguna (Philippines). Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation Semiannual progress repts. nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 1 Jan 70-31 Dec 71 Amir U. Khan, Fred E. Nichols, and J. Bart Duff. 31 Dec 71, 207p TA/OST-AN-71-12-2 Contract AID/csd-2541 Descriptors: 'Agricultural machinery, Developing countries, Rice, Cultivation, Tropical regions. Identifiers: Rice cultivation. The document deals with efforts toward the design, development, and extension to commer- cial manufacturers of power-driven equipment suit- able for use in the production and processing of rice under tropical conditions. Emphasis has been placed on the development of equipment for use by farmers in the 2 - to 1 - hectare size category, and which can be fabricated within the countries of the region employing locally available resources and manpower to the maximum extent possible. (Author) PB-207 812 PC A03/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacks- burg. Wood in the Construction of Mass-Produced Houses Geza Ifju, and E. George Stern. Aug 71, 28p Descriptors: 'Structural members, 'Structural timber, 'Residential buildings, Mass production, Mechanical properties, Strength weight ratio, Life(Durability), Cost engineering, Foundations, Structural design. Identifiers: Low cost housing. The properties and characteristics of wood, that are important in its engineered use in building and construction and, especially, in the mass-produc- tion of low-cost houses, are presented in an up-to- date approach by means of specific examples in a two-part presentation: Part I deals with the proper- ties or wood which make it especially suitable for construction. The principal topics covered are strength-weight relationships and durability. Part II covers recent developments in the use of wood in the prefabrication and mass production of low-cost houses with particular reference to their founda- tions. PB-207 862 PC-GPO/MF A01 Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. Preparation and Appraisal of Transport Pro- jects Rept. for 1 964-65 Jun 68, 107p TA-OST-AN-68-6-1 Paper copy available from GPR $1 .25 as Stock No. TD1.2:T68/6. Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Transporta- tion management, Project planning, Evaluation, Handbooks, Concepts, Methodology, Economic analysis, Engineering standards, Traffic, Systems analysis, Benefit cost analysis, Decision making. The report is drawn largely from existingeconomic and engineering knowledge to provide a guide for making transport investment decisions in the less developed countries. Specific topics include speci- fying transport problems and identifying alternative courses of action, design of a transport study, analysis of present and potential traffic, capacity of an existing transport system, estimating benefits from transport investments, appraisal of costs and determination of alternative technical solutions, and decision criteria for choosing among alterna- tive investment possibilities. PB-207 980 PC A02/MF A01 Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). A Review of Rural Traffic-Counting Methods in Developing Countries J. D. G. F. Howe. 1972, 25p Rept no. RRL- LR427 Descriptors: 'Traffic surveys, Developing coun- tries, 'Vehicular traffic, Rural areas, Counting, Data acquisition, Reviews, Questionnaires, Meth- odology, Automation, Recommendations. Identifiers: Traffic counting methods. The report reviews methods of rural traffic count- ing currently used in developing countries and ex- amines the accuracy of the resulting flow esti- mates. The results of a questionnaire surveys among a sample of developing countries suggest that decisions on the duration, frequency, and timing of counts are at present arbitrary. It is sug- gested that for increase in the accuracy of rural traffic estimates automatic traffic counters be used on a wider scale than at present. PB-208 432 PC A16/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Science, Technology, and Development. Volume II. Natural Resources. Minerals and Mining, Mapping and Geodetic Control 1962, 362p TA/OST-AN-62-13-2 See also Volume 1 , PB-207 495 and Volume 3, PB- 207 496. Descriptors: 'Natural resources, 'Developing countries, 'Mineral deposits, 'Economic develop- ment, Geological surveys, Government policies, Organizations, Project planning, Mining engineer- ing, Regional planning, Pakistan, Chile, Mexico, Processing, Mapping. The volume includes the following papers: Govern- ment as a dynamic agent in mineral resource de- velopment, The role of national geological surveys in mineral resources development, The impor- tance of a central mines bureau in fostering devel- opment of mineral resources, Legislative choices in the development of mineral resources, Develop- ment organization and operation of the Institute in Chile, Opportunities for regional organization in mineral resources development, A cooperative program in Pakistan, In-service and university training of geologists and mineral engineers, Non- metallic mineral resources for fertilizers, Regional heavy-mineral reconnaissance for ore deposits in deeply weathered areas with semi-humid to humid and temperate to tropic climate. PB-208 527 PC A10/MF A01 Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Office of Library Services. Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Freshwater Bibliographic series Patricia A. Skaptason. Mar 72, 21 9p Rept no. INT-BIB-72-28 Descriptors: 'Aquatic weeds, Control, 'Fresh water, Aquatic weeds, 'Bibliographies, 'Weed control, Herbicides, Aquatic plants. Bibliography of 851 English language publications dealing with the control of aquatic vegetation in freshwater. Chemical, biological, mechanical, and ecological methods of control are included. Strictly toxicological works were excluded. Covers litera- ture published from 1966 through early 1971. A special feature is provided by the Aquatic Plants Index and the Herbicide Index at the back of the volume. (Author) 80 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-208 550 PC A04/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Per- spectives and Prospects Mar 72, 60p* TA/OST-NAS-72-34 Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: * Solar energy, 'Developing countries, Solar power generation, Utilization, Evaporation, Heating, Drying, Distillation, Air conditioning, Re- frigerating, Direct energy conversion. This is a report of an ad hoc Advisory Panel, made up of specialists from the United States and abroad, to: (1) Assess the state of the art in utiliz- ing solar energy for developing countries and review current practical applications; (2) identify promising areas for research and development; and (3) examine the desirability of establishing an international solar energy institute in North Africa, to carry out solar energy research and develop- ment. PB-209 172 PC A02/MF A01 Water Resources Council, Washington, D.C. Summary: Federal Agency Technical Com- ments on the Special Task Force Report Enti- tled 'Procedures for Evaluation of Water and Related Land Resource Projects' Final rept. Jul 70, 17p Rept no. US-WRC-0088 Descriptors: *Water resources, Management plan- ning, Project planning, Economic development, Regional planning, Social welfare, Cost analysis, Accounting, Research management, Reviews. The report contains a condensation of and blend- ing without evaluation of the technical comments by the various agencies. (Author) PB-209 175 PC A03/MF A01 Water Resources Council, Washington, D.C. Principles for Planning Water and Land Re- sources Final rept. Jul 70, 31 p Rept no. US-WRC-0091 Descriptors: 'Water resources, Management plan- ning, 'Natural resources, Management planning, Economic development, Regional planning, Social welfare, Benefit cost analysis, Standards, Cost es- timates. The report discusses principles to provide a broad policy framework for planning activities and includ- ing the conceptual or theoretical basis for plan- ning. (Author) PB-209 176 PC A13/MF A01 Water Resources Council, Washington, D.C. Standards for Planning Water and Land Re- sources Final rept. Jul 70, 296p Rept no. US-WRC-0092 Descriptors: 'Water resources, Management plan- ning, Standards, Benefit cost analysis, Cost com- parison, Economic development, Water supply, Flood control, Social welfare. The document is a report on Standards to provide uniformity and consistence by comparing, measur- ing and judging benefits, costs, and alternatives. (Author) PB-209 177 PC A10/MF A01 Water Resources Council, Washington, D.C. A Summary Analysis of Nineteen Tests of Pro- posed Evaluation Procedures on Selected Water and Land Resource Projects Final rept. Jul 70, 21 2p Rept no. US-WRC-0093 Descriptors: 'Water resources, Management plan- ning, Abstracts, Tests, Regional planning, Stand- ards, Project planning, Economic development, Cost analysis. The tests pointed up many areas in the report of June 1 969, where ambiguities existed and further clarification was required. Test results substantiat- ed that the June report was concerned primarily with concepts and included only a few standards and procedures to implement them. Tests have in- dicated that the multiobjective approach to plan- ning is practical. (Author) PB-209 942 PC A07/MF A01 National Water Commission, Arlington, Va. Desalting Final rept. 1969-1971 Victor A. Koelzer. May 72, 133p* Rept no. NWC- EES-72-045 Descriptors: 'Desalting, 'Reviews, 'Water supply, Desalting, History, Distillation, Freezing, Osmosis, Ion exchanging, Electrodialysis, Economic analy- sis, Cost estimates, Capital costs, Operating costs, Electric power demand, Waste disposal, Brines, Marketing. Identifiers: Water costs. Based on a comprehensive review of desalting lit- erature and interviews with experts in the field, the report evaluates the state of the art of desalting technology. It summarizes program on desalting technology, and describes applicability of distilla- tion, crystallization, membrane and chemical proc- esses. In an attempt to evaluate the markets for desalted water, the report looks at water costs, economies of scale and other marketing factors. Applications of desalting technology are consid- ered for incremental supply, to improve quality of supply, for intermittent operations, in dual-purpose plants, to renovate water for reuse, and for agricul- ture. The report concludes that desalting is pres- ently a technically feasible source of new water for situations of specialized need, and makes re- search recommendations. (Author) PB-210 104 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Science and Technology for International De- velopment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States Mar 72, 56p* Rept no. TA/OST-72-7 Descriptors: 'Information centers, Economic de- velopment, 'Developing countries, Bibliographies, Libraries. The report presents a list of libraries and other or- ganizations which have relatively complete and comprehensive holdings of publications pertaining to science and technology in developing countries. For each of these organizations, information is pro- vided concerning the nature and strength of the collection, publications issue, information services provided, and the individual to contact for further assistance. A listing of reports produced by, for, or with the assistance of AID and which are available from NTIS is given. Also included is a list of reports on science and technology for international devel- opment issued by various other international and regional organizations. (Author) PB-210 105 PC A08/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D. C. Office of Science and Technology. The Role of the Agency for International Devel- opment in the Field of Natural Resources Plan- ning and Management Apr 72, 153p Rept no. TA/OST-72-8 Descriptors: 'Natural resources, Management, 'Developing countries, Economic development, Meetings. Identifiers: 'Natural resource management. The report is one of the results of a Workshop on Natural Resource Planning and Management which was held on 21 January 1972 at Washing- ton, D. C. It describes the key issues, significant observations, and major findings and conclusions which emerged from that session, as well as from documentation presented by U. S. technical agen- cies and multilateral institutions both in advance of and subsequent to the workshop. Some of the subjects covered include: Significance of natural resources to economic growth; constraints on nat- ural resources development; current role of gov- ernments, development assistance agencies, and private industry; special capabilities of the United States for international assistance; activities and perspectives of U. S. technical agencies and inter- national development institutions. (Author) PB-210 107 PC A05/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Scientific and Technical Information for Devel- oping Countries Apr 72, 92p* TA/OST-AN-72-4-1 Contract AID-csd-2584 A report of an Ad Hoc Advisory Panel of the Board on Science and Technology for International De- velopment of the National Academy of Sciences. Descriptors: 'Information, 'Developing countries, Research, Information retrieval, Information sys- tems. Identifiers: 'Transfer of technology, Information re- sources, Technical assistance. Scientific and technical information is an essential element in the economic development process. A rationale is needed to guide the formulation of as- sistance programs addressed to the problem of in- formation resources in less developed countries. This report is intended as a first step toward meet- ing this need. The first portion elaborates the need for more effective use of scientific and technical information in development efforts, and then out- lines a rationale for increased technical assistance in this area. A review is provided of the functions of the information transfer process and the neces- sary components of the information infrastructure. Consideration is given to specific information re- quirements of the developing countries in the areas of industrial technology, natural resources, and the scientific and technical disciplines. Finally, a series of recommendations are presented en- compassing policy, priorities, programming, admin- istration, and suggested action programs for tech- nical assistance in scientific and technical informa- tion. (Author) PB-210 128 PCA21/MFA01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca. Center for Housing and Envi- ronmental Studies. Research Methods for Housing and Urbaniza- tion Studies in Developing Countries Margaret E. Woods, and Earl W. Morris. 30 Jun 69, 479p TA/OST-AN-69-6-5 Contract AID/csd-81 7 Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, 'Puerto Rico, 'Urban development, Latin America, 'Demo- graphic surveys, Developing countries, Research, Sociometrics, Economic factors, Political systems, Family relations, Socioeconomic status, Improve- ment, Project planning. Identifiers: San Juan(Puerto Rico). A pilot study of urban housing was undertaken in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to design and test method- ological tools for the conduct of housing research in the urban areas of Latin America. Social, eco- nomic, demographic, and political aspects of urban housing were studied, and the document is based on the findings of that study. The first portion pro- vides a broad survey of methods of survey re- search and their applicability to the conduct of sample surveys in the urban areas of developing nations. Next, methodology and techniques are presented for measuring housing characteristics and quality, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of families, attitudes, aspirations, and value orientations with respect to housing, and two means by which a housing situation may be improved. PB-210 129 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D. C. Div. of International Affairs. Prolonging Life of Wood in Houses Ideas and methods exchange J. Robert Dodge. Jun 67, 43p IME-47, TA/OST- AN-67-6-1 Revision of reports dated Jul 63 and Dec 57. Descriptors: 'Wooden structures, 'Wood preser- vatives, 'Wood preservatives, Residential build- ings, Tropical regions, Protection, Curing, Damage, Termites, Coal tar, Creosote, Phenol, Naphthen- ates, Copper organic compounds, Chlorine aroma- tic compounds, Drying, Poisons. 81 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: 'Wood preservation, Phenol/Pentach- loro, Copper naphthenates. Dwellings constructed entirely or in part of wood frequently deterioriate rapidly due to readily avoid- able errors in the design of the structures and in the curing, use, or protection of the wood. This is especially true in the humid tropical areas with a high incidence of insect infestation. This document contains the most widely accepted information on the protection of wood. It is intended to serve as a reference and check list for housing technicians. The topics include: Sources of damage; protection against damage; wood preservatives; methods of treatment; soil poisons; air drying lumber; boiler- less dry kilns; drying by solar radiation. (Author) PB-210 130 PC AQ3/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery. A Handbook for Farm Operations in Tropical Ag- riculture Areas Norwin Braun. Jun 68, 49p TA/OST-AN-68-6-2 Prepared in cooperation with Nigeria Univ., Nsukka. Descriptors: "Agricultural machinery, "Handbooks, 'Developing countries, Agricultural machinery, Maintenance, Farms, Safety, Preventive mainte- nance, Tropical regions. A functional farm workshop is a most valuable asset to any university farm. It is even more impor- tant in developing countries that are remote from ready access to machinery replacements, space parts, and company field men. In order to keep ma- chinery in the best working condition, a thorough preventive maintenance program must be devel- oped and closely adhered to. This handbook is in- tended as a guide for such a program. The first portion concerns itself with farm machinery safety; this is followed by a discussion of the structure and role of the mechanic section of a farm operations department. (Author) PB-210 138 PC A04/MF A01 Jordan (Roy E.), Jr. The Ceramics Industry in Thailand 1970 Oct 70, 72p TA/OST-AN-70-10-1 Contract AID/ea-1 18 Descriptors: "Industries, "Ceramic materials, "Thailand, Ceramic materials, Economic develop- ment, Developing countries, Manufacturing, Inter- national trade. The ceramic industry of Thailand is just beginning to emerge as an economic force in the kingdom. The rapid growth of the ceramic market in Thailand has let to marked expansion in domestic produc- tion and has attracted large joint venture invest- ments in manufacturing facilities for ceramic prod- ucts formerly imported. This report reviews availa- ble data and information on Thailand's ceramic in- dustry and trade. Included is information on exist- ing ceramic enterprises as well as approved or planned industrial projects. Sources, relative prices, and the volume of imports are discussed, as well as other aspects of the growth potential in the ceramic sector. Data are also included on raw materials and their locations in the kingdom. A pre- liminary identification is made of investment oppor- tunities. (Author) PB-210 332 PC A12/MF A01 National Inst, of Community Development, Hyder- abad (India). Development and Change in a Bengal Village Research rept. Ajit Kumar Danda, and Dipali Ghosh Danda. May 68, 266p RR-20, TA/OST-AN-68-5-2 Report on the Diffusion of Innovations in Rural So- cieties. Prepared in cooperation with Michigan State Univ., E. Lansing. Dept. of Communication. Descriptors: "Social change, "India, "Social com- munication, "Developing countries, Attitudes, Agri- culture, Community relations. Identifiers: West Bengal(lndia), Technological change. The report presents a study of the process of planned change in a village of West Bengal, India. It describes in general terms the positive and neg- ative reactions of farmers toward specific agricul- tural programs. The special emphasis is on the de- termination of the causes of rejection of an im- proved agricultural practice. The communication process of conveying modern ideas and practices to the villagers was also examined. The report de- scribes the physical setting of the village, commu- nity structure, development and change, and adoption of innovations. (Author) PB-210 345 PC A05/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Science and Brazilian Development. Report of the Fourth Workshop on Contributions of Sci- ence and Technology to Development Nov 71, 92p TA/OST-NAS-71-37 Contract AID/csd-1 122 Prepared in cooperation with National Research Council of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. See also PB-203 391 -U. Descriptors: "Research management, Brazil, "Economic development, "Brazil, Meetings, Re- search, Agriculture, Mineralogy, Geophysics, Chemistry. Identifiers: Technology, Innovation(Technology). The Fourth Brazil-U.S. Workshop on Science and Technology in Development had three primary ob- jectives; (1) to review Joint Study Group Activities in agricultural research, agricultural economics, computer science, geosciences, and industrial re- search; (2) to review the operations of the chemis- try program and discuss program strategy for 1972-74; and (3) to review the NAS-CNPq bilateral relationship and discuss future directs for joint ac- tivities. Recommendations of the workshop are summarized. Additional background information on which the recommendations depend is given in annexes to the report. (Author) PB-210 507 PCE01/MFA01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Div. of International Affairs. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wall- board Jun 67, 63 TA/OST-AN-67-6-2 Descriptors: "Wallboard, Manufacturing, "Industri- al engineering, Wallboard, Industrial plants, Devel- oping countries, Operating costs, Requirements, Economic analysis. The term 'wallboard' is applied to those construc- tion materials which may be made from one of sev- eral types of fibrous residues, including bagasse, cereal straws, and cornstalks. These sheets are used in many ways in building construction, and the raw materials of which they can be made are to be found all over the world. This document pro- vides a guide for the establishment and operation of a wallboard manufacturing plant. The topics covered include: Principles of wallboard manufac- turing; the manufacturing process; building require- ments; materials requirements; equipment require- ments; labor requirements; overhead rate; unit cost of manufacturing; capital requirements; sales revenue; and projected profit and loss. Detailed operation sheets are given for each major step in the manufacturing process. (Author) PB-210 508 PC A04/MF A01 National Inst, of Community Development, Hyder- abad (India). Communication in India. Experiments in Intro- ducing Change Joseph E. Kivlin, Prodipto Roy, Frederick C. Fliegel, and Lalit K. Sen. May 68, 64p TA/OST- AN-68-5-1 Descriptors: "Social communication, "India, "Social change, "Developing countries, Literacy, Education, Radio communication. Identifiers: Technological change. An often encountered difficulty experienced by de- velopment programs involves gaining acceptance of beneficial changes by the populace. This docu- ment reports the results of a communication ex- periment which attempted to induce adoption of modern agricultural, health, and family planning practices by the inhabitants of a number of villages near Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The study sought to evaluate the continuing effects of two communication treatments: radio farm forums, and literacy training classes. The results indicate that while knowledge of the practices spreads rather quickly, adoption is slow and at low levels. Some progress was made, however, and clear cut differ- ences in the effectiveness of the communication treatments were exhibited. (Author) PB-210 512 PC A08/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office for Private Overseas Programs. The VITA international Inquiry Sen/ice. An Evaluative Review Richard Morse. Mar 72, 156p* Rept no. TA/ OST-AN-72-3-1 Descriptors: "Information centers, Evaluation, "Developing countries, "Information retrieval. Identifiers: VITA(Volunteers for International Tech- nical Assistance), Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Transfer of technology. Volunteers for International Technical Assistance (VITA), operates a correspondence service which seeks to provide answers to technical inquiries from individuals in developing countries. Such in- quiries are usually assigned to one of 5,500 volun- teer experts in the U.S. and other nations for answer. This document is a result of a study under- taken to gain a better insight into present and po- tential achievements and problems of this volun- tary approach to responding to technical informa- tion needs. It is intended for those interested in the task of adapting and transfering technical knowl- edge effectively; and for those specifically interest- ed in VITA as a privately managed program through which individuals can contribute to over- seas development. PB-210 582 PCA21/MFA01 Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus, Ohio. Colum- bus Labs. Transportation Technology for Development. Volume I E. S. Cheaney, R. D. Leis, and D. M. Landreman. Feb 68, 488p TA/OST-AN-68-2-1 Contract AID/csd-762 See also Volume 2, PB-210 593. Descriptors: "Developing countries, "Transporta- tion, Management, Construction, Manpower, Ca- pacity, Vehicles, Maintenance, Economic develop- ment, Pipeline transportation, Highway transporta- tion, Rail transportation, Air transportation, Water transportation, Passenger transportation, Cargo transportation. Identifiers: "Technology, Modal choices, Intermo- dal cargo transportation. This report provides background information on the technology of various transportation modes and their capabilities. It is intended primarily for use by economists, program officers, general engi- neers, and others in the economic development field. Information is included on the broad capaci- ties of particular modes to handle freight and pas- senger traffic; major features and the advantages and limitations of each mode in terms of technical capabilities; levels of technological sophistication that can be adopted within each mode; and the 'inputs' of right-of-way preparation and construc- tion, materials, vehicles, equipment, maintenance, and manpower required at each level to produce an 'output' of transport service. Volume One con- tains sections on: Intermodal factors of choice in transportation; highway transportation; railway transportation; conventional air transportation; V/ STOL aircraft; inland waterway transportation; oceanway transportation; pipeline transportation; and intermodal freight exchange. PB-210 593 PC A12/MF A01 Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus, Ohio. Colum- bus Labs. Transportation Technology for Development. Volume II E. S. Cheaney, R. D. Leis, and D. M. Landreman. Feb 68, 265p TA/OST-AN-68-2-2 Contract AID/csd-762 See also Volume 1 , PB-21 592. 82 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Development countries, 'Transpor- tation, Monorail railways, Belt conveyors, Ground effect machines, Hydrofoil craft, Power supplies, Factor analysis, Cargo vehicles, Passenger vehi- cles. Identifiers: Aerial tramways, Off road vehicles, Technological factors, Special purpose vehicles. The second volume of the transportation technol- ogy for development study contains sections on: Aerial tramway transportation systems; beltway (endless moving belt) transportation systems; monorail transportation systems; air cushion (or ground effect, surface effect) vehicle transporta- tion systems; hydrofoil transportation systems; special purpose vehicles (i.e., those capable of moving over terrain away from established route networks); new power sources and their effect on transportation technology; external technological factors (food production, water supply, mining and mineral processing, petroleum production, power generation) and their influence on transportation needs. PB-210 594 PC A10/MF A01 Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Surface-Water Resources of the Yobe River System, Northern Nigeria, 1963-68 B. E. Colson. Jan 69, 206p TA/OST-AN-69-1-1 Prepared in cooperation with the Government of Nigeria. Descriptors: 'Water resources, 'Developing coun- tries, 'Nigeria, 'Watersheds, Hydrographic sur- veys, Surface waters. Identifiers: Yobe River. The Yobe River system, which is tributary to Lake Chad, drains an area of about 33,000 square miles in a semi-arid region of northern Nigeria. This report describes the general hydrologic features of the Yobe drainage basin and presents hydrologic data on gage heights, daily discharge, and analysis of chemical quality and sediment content of water samples for 1 8 stations in the system. (Author) PB-210 595 PC A03/MF A01 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Economic Comparison of Overseas Manufac- ture and Importation of Anhydrous Ammonia Mar 69, 29p TA/OST-AN-69-3-1 Descriptors: 'Ammonia, 'International trade, 'De- veloping countries, Ammonia, 'Fertilizers, Devel- oping countries, Economic analysis, India, South Vietnam, Uruguay, Cost estimates, Production, Chemical engineering. Identifiers: Imports. Ammonia is the principal form in which fixed nitro- gen is used in the manufacture of fertilizer materi- als. The production of ammonia by reacting hydro- gen with atmospheric nitrogen is the basis of the modern nitrogen fertilizer industry. The report com- pares the economics in developing countries of im- porting ammonia from suppliers having large plants and low-cost feedstocks with those of pro- ducing the material under local conditions. Three countries, India, South Vietnam, and Uruguay, are used as a basis of the comparison. As these coun- tries have widely divergent needs for fertilizer ma- terials, the costs applicable to them should be rep- resentative of many other developing countries with similar needs and resources. (Author) PB-210 596 PC A05/MF A01 Foreign Agricultural Service, Washington, D.C. Techniiogical Change in Agriculture. Effects and Implications for the Developing Nations Dana G. Dalrymple. Apr 69, 88p TA/OST-AN-69- 4-2 Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, 'Developing countries, Mass production, Grain crops, Agricul- tural machinery, Policies, Economic development, Project planning. Identifiers: Technological change. The effects of technological changes in agriculture in the less developed countries are a matter of in- creasing concern. As efforts to expand agricultural production begin to pay off, the many and complex ramifications of technological change become more and more evident. This document provides an introduction to some of the major effects of technological change in agriculture. Included among the topics considered are: The nature of technological change; adoption process for agri- cultural technology; impact of changes in agricul- tural technology; high-yielding varieties of grain; mechanization of agriculture; and policy implica- tions of technological change. (Author) PB-210 597 PC A08/MF A01 Foreign Economic Development Service, Wash- ington, D.C. An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of Increasing Edible Oil Production in West Paki- stan Frederic A. Coffey, D. M. Yermanos, J. R. Wilcox, B. M. Waddle, and P. F. Knowles. Sep 71, 170p FEDS-Field-11, TA/OST-AN-71-9-2 Descriptors: 'Vegetable oils, 'Developing coun- tries, Production, Cottonseed, Soybeans, Peanuts, Safflower oil, Sesame oil, Oilseeds, West Pakistan. Identifiers: 'Sunflower seeds. The report represents one phase of a study on the potential for increasing oilseed production in West Pakistan. It provides a review of research, produc- tion potential, and problems of oilseed production and processing in Pakistan and in the United States and other countries where relevant. It in- cludes a general economic analysis as well as de- tailed discussions on the production of safflower, sesame, peanuts, soybeans, sunflowers, and cot- tonseed. (Author) PB-211 367 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Desert Encroachment on Arable Lands: Signifi- cance, Causes, and Control Aug 72, 61 p Rept no. TA/OST-72-10 Descriptors: 'Deserts, Stabilization, 'Arable land, Protection, Dunes, Soil stabilization, Water table, Cultivation, Soil erosion, Soil conservation, Arid land. Identifiers: 'Desert encroachment, Dune progres- sion, Water management. Desert encroachment is a problem of significant economic consequence in a number of developing countries. The problem becomes more acute as population increases. The report gives an overview of the causes and significance of the problem and the state-of-the-art of control methods. It highlights causes and significance, gaps in knowledge and technology, and the nature and potential of recent efforts to control desert encroachment. (Author) PB-211 428 PC A03/MF A01 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Engineering Evaluation of Selected Fertilizer Production Facilities in Colombia I. W. McCamy, and D. R. Waggoner. Aug 70, 43p Bull-Y-10, TA/OST-AN-70-8-1 Descriptors: 'Fertilizers, Developing countries, 'Industrial plants, Evaluation, Production methods, Flow charts, Operating costs, Investments, Blend- ing, Handling equipment, Colombia. The report is the result of a study by a team of experts of two segments of the Colombian fertilizer industry: (1) the facilities of Fertilizantes Colom- bianos, S.A. (FERTICOL), and (2) a sampling of small bulk-blending plants. The first part of the report provides general information about the fertil- izer situation in Colombia. The results of the analy- sis of the FERTICOL plant are then presented. This includes flow diagrams of alternative produc- tion schemes, and projections of investment and operating costs. Similarly, operating problems are identified and alterations in equipment, raw materi- als, and procedures to improve operations are sug- gested for the bulk-blending plants. (Author) PB-211 444 PC A05/MF A01 Iowa State Univ., Ames. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development. Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Re- strictions on Future Water and Land Use Final rept. Howard C. Madsen, Earl O. Heady, Stanley H. Hargrove, and Kenneth J. Nicol. Jun 72, 93p* NWC-F-72-054 Contract NWC-72-012 Descriptors: 'Land use, 'Agriculture, 'Water re- sources, Agriculture, 'Food supply, Substitutes, 'Fertilizers, Utilization, Soybeans, Meat, Proteins, Nitrogens, Irrigated land, Water consumption, Mathematical models, Forecasting, Linear pro- gramming. Identifiers: Soy protein concentrate. The study evaluates the impact on land and water needs and farm prices if either soy protein meat analogs and extenders were substituted for part of the beef consumption in the year 2000 or nitrogen fertilizer application in the year 2000 were restrict- ed to 100 pounds per acre and 50 pounds per acre. The study is based on a large-scale linear programming model of U.S. agriculture. Results of the soy protein meats policy models indicate that with soy protein meats accepted by consumers, productive capacity of U.S. agriculture would sur- pass any level previously experienced in this nation. Results of the two fertilizer limitation policy models indicate that a mild restriction on the use of nitrogen fertilizer would not strain the productive capacity of U.S. agriculture. A severe restriction, however, would reduce the supply capacity of U.S. agriculture considerably. (Author) PB-2 1 1 473 PC A04/ M F A0 1 North Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill. Dept. of Environ- mental Sciences and Engineering. Engineering Measures for Control of Schisto- somiasis Frederick E. McJunkin. Sep 70, 71 p TA/OST-AN- 70-9-2 Contract AID/csd-2487 Descriptors: 'Schistosomiasis, Control, 'Environ- mental engineering, Schistosomiasis, 'Irrigation canals, Schistosomiasis, Water quality, Parasitic diseases, Infectious diseases, Tropical regions, Developing countries, Bibliographies. The water-related disease schistosomiasis (or bil- harziasis) infects more people today than ever before in history, perhaps as many as 200 million people. Its increasing incidence and widespread prevalence are due in large measure to tropical irri- gation and hydroelectric projects, implemented by engineers. This report provides background infor- mation on schistosomiasis and its control to enable engineers to work effectively with other professionals in design and operation of schistoso- miasis control programs. It also seeks to improve understanding on the part of epidemiologists, ma- lacologists, physicians, and others of the role of engineers in control of schistosomiasis. The pres- ent status of engineering measures for schistoso- miasis control is summarized, and some possible approaches and opportunities for more effective control of schistosomiasis by engineers are out- lined. A bibliography of relevant publications is in- cluded. PB-211 487 PC A03/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Office of the Foreign Secretary. The Central American Workshop on the Envi- ronment and Development. Antigua, Guatema- la, July 25-30, 1971 Jul 71, 37p TA/OST-AN-71-7-3 Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Central America, 'Ecology, Developing countries, Meet- ings, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hondu- ras, Nicaragua, Agriculture, Industries, Services, Regional planning, Education. The primary goals of the Workshop were: to stimu- late awareness of environmental factors in eco- nomic development among leaders in Central America; and to lay the groundwork for concerted actions within the established framework of the 83 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Common Market countries (Costa Rica, El Salva- dor, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua). This document records the issues discussed and the conclusions reached. The focus of the workshop was upon the industrial, agricultural, and service industry factors. Consideration was also given to the human environment (principally population pressures), to planning at the regional level, and to educational consequences of environmental prob- lems. (Author) PB-211 628 PCA11/MFA01 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Training Manual for Fertilizer Plant Operators Oct 70, 247p* Circular-Z-17, TA/OST-AN-70-10- 4 Descriptors: 'Fertilizers, 'Chemical plants, 'Man- uals, Chemical plants, 'Chemical engineering, Fer- tilizers, Operators(Personnel), Developing coun- tries, Conveyors, Dust collectors, Weight measure- ment, Fork trucks, Sampling, Packagings, Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Fluid filters, Chemical reac- tors, Centrifugal classifiers, Comminution, Refrig- erating machinery, Maintenance, Safety. The purpose of the manual is to assist in the train- ing of fertilizer plant operators in the developing countries. It is an effort to share with the chemical industries in these countries experience that has been obtained over many years of operation at the National Fertilizer Development Center. Simple instructions, accompanied by abundant diagrams, are provided for all types of equipment to be found in most fertilizer plants. The topics covered in- clude: Conveyors, elevators, crushers, screens, bins, tanks, dust collectors, weighing equipment, forklifts, front-end loaders, sampling, packaging, pumps, compressors, valves, pipeline flows, filter- ing equipment, absorption and spray tower, agita- tion, overhead cranes, common instrumentation, burners, centrifuges, heating and cooling equip- ment, granulating equipment, neutralization and reaction equipment, concentration equipment, re- frigeration equipment, preventive maintenance, lu- brication, and safety. (Author) PB-2 1 1 629 PC A04/ M F A0 1 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Technical and Economic Evaluation of Fertiliz- er Intermediates for Use by Developing Coun- tries G. C. Hicks, R. D. Young, J. J. Stumpe, M. M. Norton, and M. J. Richards. Mar 70, 56p Bull-Y-3, TA/OST AN-70-3-1 Descriptors: 'Fertilizers, Developing countries, In- terational trade, Economic analysis, Liquid ammo- nia, Nitrogen inorganic compounds, Liquids, Phos- phoric acids, Phosphorus, India, Vietnam, Uru- guay. Identifiers: South Vietnam. In the past comparatively little emphasis has been placed on the position of fertilizer intermediates in supplying the fertilizer needs of the developing countries. This document provides an economic analysis of the prospects for fertilizer interme- diates in the developing countries. An effort is made to rationalize the economic and practical ex- amples by hypothetical planning exercises for the case of a few typical countries (India, South Viet- nam, Uruguay) with large and small needs for fertil- izers. The intermediates of primary concern are anhydrous liquid ammonia, low or nonpressure ni- trogen solutions, phosphoric acid, and elemental phosphorous. (Author) PB-211 639 PC A04/MF A01 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Fertilizer Distribution in Indonesia - 1969 John R. Douglas, Jr, Paul J. Stangle, and James E. Hawes. Feb 70, 61 p Bull-Y-1, TA/OST AN-70- 2-3 Descriptors: 'Fertilizers, Developing countries, Distributing, Marketing Inventories, Indonesia. During recent years chemical fertilizers have been used with ever-increasing frequency in Indonesia. This report provides the results of a study of fertil- izer marketing and distribution with special refer- ence to the operation of P. N. Pertani, a govern- ment organization which is a major distributor of fertilizers. Among the topics covered are: Organi- zation of P. N. Pertani headquarters unit and typi- cal field units; fertilizer stocks and accounting pro- cedures; procedures for determining fertilizer demand; credit availability; inventory management procedures; and relationship of P. N. Pertani to pri- vate enterprise. (Author) PB-211 640 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. Low-Cost Wood Homes for Rural America - Construction Manual L O. Anderson. May 69, 114p A/OST AN-69-5-1 Paper copy available from GPO $1.00 as A1. 76:364. Descriptors: 'Houses, 'Wood, 'Construction, Manuals, Rural areas, Wooden structures, Cost factors. Improved housing for rural families means, in many cases, a home that is low in first cost, easily main- tained and equipped for good family living. This manual provides details on the construction of such housing, with special reference to methods and materials which will hold down costs, but will insure quality. It gives step-by-step information on every phase of house construction, from the con- struction of the foundation or supporting units to the final painting and finishing. The manual may be particularly useful to those who plan rural housing efforts; the contractors and skilled and unskilled la- borors who will be concerned with the actual con- struction. (Author) PB-211 641 PC A04/MF A01 Foreign Economic Development Service, Wash- ington, D.C. Food Marketing in Developing Countries Bibliography series Robert W. Taylor. Dec 71, 56p TA/OST AN-71- 12-3 Also available as A.I.D. Bibliography Series-6. Descriptors: 'Food, Developing countries, Market- ing, Bibliographies, Abstracts, Indexes(Documentation). The document brings together a summary of stud- ies on the domestic marketing of food in the less developed countries which have been done by or for the Agency for International Development. It is essentially a bibliography with an abstract provided for each bibliographic entry. The entries ar ar- ranged by general subject, by geographic region, and by commodity. A personal/corporate author index is included. (Author) PB-2 1 1 642 PC A03/ M F A0 1 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- culture. Proposed Cooperative Fishery Program for Ec- uador H.S. Swingle. 25 May 71, 44p TA/OST AN-71-5- 1 Descriptors: 'Fisheries, 'Ecuador, Projects, Aqua- culture, Fishes, Shrimps, Reviews, Developing countries. The report is a result of a survey which was under- taken to determine how the U. N. Food and Agri- culture Organization and the U.S. Agency for Inter- national Development could best coordinate their fisheries programs to provide joint assistance of most benefit to Ecuador. Some of the topics dis- cussed are: Reorganization of the Departamen- tode Pisciculture; soils, water, and fish in the Oriente; the coastal area near Esmeraldas; and in- troduced species of fishes in Ecuador. In addition, an outline is provided for a proposed coordinated fisheries program. (Author) PB-211 643 PC A03/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- culture. Fishculture Survey Report for Costa Rica R. T. Lovell, and D. D. Moss. 1 May 70, 42p TA/ OST AN-70-5-2 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Costa Rica, Develop- ing countries, Surveys, Fisheries, Education, Capi- tal, Research. The report presents observations and recommen- dations which are made as a result of a survey of the inland fisheries of Costa Rica. The survey was undertaken for the purpose of providing technical advice on freshwater fisheries research programs in the country and on developing programs for the production of fish for food by farmers or commer- cial investors. The topics covered in the report in- clude: General conditions in Costa Rica which may affect fishculture considerations; government divi- sions responsible for fisheries development; fish- culture research and training; and available sources of capital, land and feedstuff s. (Author) PB-211 658 PC A06/MF A01 Foreign Economic Development Service, Wash- ington, D.C. The Marketing Challenge. Distributing In- creased Production in Developing Nations Martin Kriesberg. Dec 70, 104p FEDS-7, TA/ OST-AN-70-12-4 Descriptors: 'Marketing. 'Developing countries, 'Food, Marketing, Meetings, Proceedings, Poli- cies, Socioeconomic status, Project planning, Nu- trition, Systems analysis, Problem solving, Sur- veys. Identifiers: Technical assistance. Inadequate transportation and storage, poor market information, lack of capital, and other chronic marketing problems in developing coun- tries have been dramatized by recent production increases. The document is based on a sympo- sium which was organized to focus attention and resources on food marketing in developing na- tions. Topics covered include: Key considerations in marketing policies; marketing enterprises and the flow of resources into marketing functions; nu- trition and marketing food for the needy; efficiency in the marketing system; regional experiences in marketing problems and priorities; and approaches to technical assistance. PB-211 663 PC A06/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- cultures. Inland Fisheries Progress in Thailand, 1971 H. S. Swingle, and E. W. Shell. 15 Jan 72, 117p TA/OST-AN-72-1-2 Descriptors: 'Fisheries, 'Thailand, 'Developing countries, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Research, Proj- ect planning, Shrimps, Fresh water fishes, Para- sites, Productivity, Statistical data. The document provides a review and evaluation of the status of and the progress made by the Thai- land inland fisheries program during 1971. Some of the topics covered are: Highlights of 1971 re- search results (village reservoir management, effi- ciency of various fish species, combined rice and fish culture, cage and pen culture of fish, fresh- water shrimp culture); parasites affecting fish and man; problems arising in culture and marketing of Trichogaster pectoralis and Clarias Batrachus; Hatchery production and fish distribution; Depart- ment of Fisheries organization; titles of current and recently completed fisheries research projects; synopsis of physical and biological data for the fisheries units and the fisheries research stations; fisheries statistics. (Author) PB-211 669 PC A13/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Marketing of Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa: Overall Analysis and Report Final rept. William O. Jones. Jun 69, 280p TA/OST AN-69- 6-6 Contract AID/csd-801 Descriptors: 'Food, Developing countries, Market- ing, Supply(Economics), Urban areas, Commerce, Diets, Efficiency, Subsaharan Africa, Kenya, Nige- ria. Identifiers: 'Sierre Leone. 84 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS The report is an end product of a study undertaken to identify practical methods for increasing the effi- ciency with which staple foodstuffs are marketed in tropical Africa. It describes the structure of se- lected food marketing systems in tropical Africa in terms of product flow, exchange levels, personnel, and marketing; it appraises the performance of the system; and it identified measures that might be adopted to improve its efficiency. The specific sub- jects of the report are the trade in staple foodstuffs in the supply hinterlands of four major cities: Nair- obi, Kenya; Enugu, Nigeria; Ibadan, Nigeria; and Freetown, Sierra Leone. (Author) PB-211 671 PC A04/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- culture. Aquacultural Developments in Peru D. C. Moss. 30 Apr 72, 57p TA/OST-AN-72-4-2 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, *Peru, Developing countries, Fisheries, Personnel development, Re- search, Peru. As part of an overall effort to reduce the outlay of foreign exchange for the importation of beef, the Government of Peru is striving to develop to the fullest extent the country's fisheries resources. An important part of this effort involves aquaculture. This report reviews the present status of aquacul- ture in Peru and provides a series of recommenda- tions for future development. Some of the topics covered include the potential for coldwater and warmwater fishculture; a proposed project for cul- turing fish in pens; a proposed warmwater aquacul- tural research station; organizational structure of the Ministry of Fisheries; existing fisheries stations and equipment; and fisheries personnel and their training. (Author) PB-211 672 PC A03/MF A01 Rutgers - The State Univ., New Brunswick, N.J. Dept. of Food Science. Corn Fortification: A Field Demonstration Model Leonardo J. Mata, Ricardo Bressani, Paul A. Lachance, and Miguel A. Guzman. 12 Jun 71, 45pTA/OST-AN-71-6-3 Descriptors: 'Nutrition, Developing countries, Corn, Additives, Nutritional deficiencies, Proteins, Experimental design, Guatemala, Central America. Identifiers: Food fortification. Protein deficiency is a major problem in Central America, as it is in most sociefe» : throughout the world that occupy similar ecosystems. An apparent measure to correct this deficiency in utilizable pro- tein would be to increase the production and con- sumption of animal protein, but the approach has very serious economic and socio-cultural limita- tions. A nutrition improvement approach that ap- pears to be feasible is the fortification of a food that is normally part of the regular diet to a level sufficient to correct the protein deficiency. In the Central American countries corn, which is con- sumed primarily in the form of tortilla, would seem to lend itself well to this technique. This document outlines a proposed field methodology to deter- mine the feasibility of the corn fortification ap- proach at the community level. (Author) PB-211 761 PC A06/MF A01 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. A Fertilizer Program for Bolivia D. A. Russel, R. J. Ballew, J. I. Bucy, and D. A. Waitzman. Jun 70, 11 4p Bull-Y-9, TA/OST-AN- 70-6-7 Descriptors: 'Fertilizers, Developing countries, In- ternational trade, Wheat, Productivity, Marketing, Potatoes, Rice, Fruit crops, Coffee trees, Oilseed crops, Sugarcane, Benefit cost analysis, Tables(Data), Bolivia. Bolivia annually imports over $23 million of agricul- tural products, including wheat, edible oils, fibers, and dairy products. Wheat is by far the most costly of these imports, and it also seems the most ame- nable to increased domestic production through the use of new varieties and fertilizers. With lower costs, fertilizer could also be profitably used on such crops as corn, quinoa, rice, cotton, and sug- arcane. This document provides a review of the fertilizer program in Bolivia, evaluates its need for fertilizer plants, and analyzes the possibilities for fertilizer marketing. (Author) PB-211 762 PC A05/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Karachi(Pakistan). The Feasibility of Harvesting, Processing and Marketing Tuna in Pakistan Alvin M. Morgan, S. A. Jalil, Masood A. Burney, Douglas M. Jones, and James G. Unti. 1970, 96p TA/OST AN-70-13-3 Prepared in cooperation with Government of Paki- stan, Dept. of Fisheries. Descriptors: 'Fisheries, Developing countries, 'Pakistan, Fisheries, Tunas, Food processing, Fishing grounds, Coasts, Marketing, Economic de- velopment, Canning, Freezing. The geographical locale of Karachi, with access to known productive tuna fishing areas along with a coastal population of traditional fishermen, are fa- vorable considerations in the development of a deep sea tuna fishing industry for Pakistan. There is an increasing world demand for both frozen and canned tuna, especially in the highly industrialized nations of the world. This market offers the oppor- tunity for Pakistan to earn foreign exchange for such other goods that are required for industrial expansion and economic development. This report is primarily concerned with two aspects of tuna fishery development: a fishery fleet, and a fish can- nery. (Author) PB-211 774 PC A03/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- culture. Fisheries of Turkey H. S. Swingle. 20 Jan 72, 28p TA/OST-AN-72-1- 3 Descriptors: 'Fisheries, Developing countries, 'Turkey, Aquaculture, Food, Population(Statistics), Chemical laboratories, Laboratory equipment, Water chemistry, Limnology. The document briefly reviews the status of the Turkish fisheries program, and provides some rec- ommendations for possible development. The topics covered include: Food and population; water areas and fisheries; government divisions and universities dealing with fisheries; possibility of fisheries in the poppy-growing areas. Also included are a list of equipment and chemicals needed for a basic water chemistry laboratory; a list of equip- ment needed for a basic limnological research lab- oratory; and a brief list of references of possible use in identifying fishes of Turkey. (Author) PB-211 775 PC A04/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- culture. Status of Trout Culture in Peru E. W. Shell. 15 Aug 71, 54p TA/OST-AN-71-8-1 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, Developing countries, 'Peru, 'Trout, Fisheries, Evaluation. The document reports the results, and provides recommendations based on those results, of a survey of trout hatcheries and trout farms in Peru. The purpose is to evaluate the potential for trout farming in Peru and to evaluate certain aspects of the Ministry of Fisheries' proposed program for the development of the trout farming industry. (Author) PB-211 843 PC A03/ M F A0 1 Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. Food and Feed Grain Inst. Recommendations for FECOAGROH Grain Storage and Handling Facilities in Honduras Rept. no. 24 Elwyn S. Holmes. Jul 71, 44p TA/OST-AN-71-7-4 Contract AID/csd-1 588 Report on Food Grain Drying, Storage, Handling and Transportation. Descriptors: 'Grains(Food), Food storage, 'Food storage, 'Honduras, Food processing, Ware- 85 houses, Structural design, Materials handling equipment, Drying, Developing countries. The report provides details concerning the devel- opment, design, and evaluation of grain receiving, storage, and handling facilities for the National Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives (FECOA- GROH) in Honduras. Detailed descriptions and plan views are given of recommended facilities. An appendix lists U. S. manufacturers and suppliers of equipment referred to in the report. The document may be of interest to those planning grain storage and handling facilities elsewhere. PB-211 882 PC A04/MF A01 Foreign Economic Development Service, Wash- ington, D.C. A Review of Certain Aspects of the Forestry Program and Organization in Indonesia Burnett H. Payne, and David S. Nordwall. 23 Apr 71, 62p FEDS-Field-10, TA/OST AN-71-4-1 Descriptors: 'Forestry, Indonesia, Developing countries, Forest land, Organizations, Classifica- tions, Protection, Reforestation, Statistical data, Marketing, Productivity. Indonesia's forest resources represent one of her most valued assets. These resources are not inex- haustable, however, and it is essential to protect them from destructive exploitation. This report pro- vides a review of timber operations in Indonesia, identifies problem areas, and offers a series of rec- ommended solutions. Emphasis is placed on the organization of the Directorate General of Forest- ry; the use of forest lands, particularly with respect to the granting of timber concessions; the forestry research program; and environmental consider- ations. (Author) PC A05/MF A01 Manhattan. Food and Feed PB-211 883 Kansas State Univ., Grain Inst. Observations and Recommendations for Im- proving Grain Storage and Marketing in Bolivia Rept. no. 22 Floyd F. Niernberger, and Harry B. Pfost. May 71, 96p TA/OST-AN-71-5-2 Contract AID/csd-1 588 Report on Food Grain Drying, Storage, Handling and Transportation. Descriptors: 'Grains(Food), Food storage, 'Food storage, 'Bolivia, Marketing, Transportation, Wheat, Rice, Corn, Soybeans, Warehouses, Evalu- ation, Food sanitation, Developing countries. The report provides an evaluation of storage and related marketing requirements for the develop- ment of the wheat, rice, corn, and soybean indus- tries in Bolivia. Both observations on present con- ditions and recommendations for future develop- ment are given. A 27-page appendix presents de- tailed guidelines for determining the capacity of various components of a grain storage facility, which should prove generally useful to those inter- ested in this field. PB-211 909 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. Functional Products and Systems. A Literature Search and Critical Analysis of Biological Trickling Filter Studies - Volume I Water pollution control research series. Dec 71, 330p EPA-17050-DDY-1 2/71-1 Contract FWPCA-1 4-1 2-474 See also Volume 2, PB-21 1 91 0. Paper copy available from GPO $2.50 as EP2.10:17050DDY12/71. Descriptors: 'Trickling filtration, 'Reviews, 'Sewage treatment, Trickling filtration, 'Industrial waste treatment, Trickling filtration, History, Design, Maintenance, Performance evaluation, Research, Patents, Cost estimates, Ecology, Aero- bic processes, Trickling filters, Chemical industry, Food processing, Laundries, Water pollution, Agri- cultural wastes, Metal industry, Drug industry, Fer- mentation, Paper industry, Radioactive waste processing, Textile industry. Identifiers: Biological industrial waste treatment, Brewing industry, Military facilities, Poultry proc- essing, Tanneries, 'Water pollution control. APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS A two volume compilation, review and critique of the literature on biological trickling filter studies and related pollution abatement processes have been made. In the report, the literature review and critical analysis, is divided into: Introduction, defini- tions, history and background theory of the trick- ling filter process; Plant design, materials of con- struction, operation, maintenance and perform- ance; Trickling filter research and development ap- proaches, ecology, and patents, and Applications of trickling filter to specific industrial wastes. Based on the review, several general conclusions were drawn. There is no well-defined theory of design and operation. Much published work was redun- dant, and European efforts were not readily ac- cepted in the United States, and vice versa. The literature reflects cycles of interest in trickling fil- ters. The process is not applicable to all pollution problems, but its shock survival capabilities and rapid flow-through time are definite advantages which cannot be overlooked in any design of a waste treatment facility. PB-212 001 PC A05/MF A01 General Oceanology, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concen- trate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part I. Chile, Investment Aspects and General Sum- mary Final rept. Gerald D. Bernstein. 26 Jun 70, 78p GO-12-Vol- 2-PM, TA/OST-AN-70-6-5 Contract AID/csd-21 58 Prepared in cooperation with American Technical Assistance Corp., and Sidney M. Cantor Asso- ciates, Inc. See also Volume 1, PB-195 913 and Volume 2, Part 2, PB-21 2 002. Descriptors: *Fish protein concentrates, "Chile, "Developing countries, "Food industry, Feasibility, Systems engineering, Marketing, Organizations, Competition, Financing, Proteins, Cost analysis, In- vestments, Food processing. The report analyzes the feasibility of commercial production of fish protein concentrate (FPC) in Chile. This first Part consists essentially of sum- maries and condensations of the significant por- tions of the study, with enough detail to enable it to stand as an independent document. The topics covered include: The Chilean food system and the potential market for FPC; the isopropyl alcohol process and possible competitors; cost of FPC production; company organization and financing structure for an FPC enterprise in Chile; and alter- native protein sources. PB-212 002 PC A13/MF A01 General Oceanology, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concen- trate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part II. Chile, Background Information and Support- ing Data Final rept. Gerald D. Bernstein. 21 Jul 70, 290p GO-12-Vol- 2-Pt-2, TA/OST-AN-70-6-6 Contract AID/csd-21 58 Prepared in cooperation with American Technical Assistance Corp., and Sidney M. Cantor Asso- ciates, Inc. See also Volume 2, Part 1 , PB-21 2 001 . Descriptors: "Fish protein concentrates, "Chile, "Developing countries, "Food industry, Feasibility, Marketing, Food processing, Fishes, Cost analy- sis, Proteins, Nutrition, Investments, Industrial plants. Identifiers: Curico Province(Chile), Fortified foods. The report analyzes the feasibility of commercial production of fish protein concentrate (FPC) in Chile. This second Part of the report provides de- tailed information from which the discussions and conclusions of Part 1 were drawn. The subjects covered include: The Chilean food situation and market for FPC; proposed specifications and qual- ity characteristics for FPC; selection of process and plant capacity; plant design and construction; process description; raw fish supply; cost of pro- duction and investment for a fish protein concen- trate plant; modified FAO provisional pattern for protein; relationships among income, food distribu- tion, and per capita calorie and protein intakes in Chile; survey of nutrition and health patterns in Chile; acceptability of fortified foods in the prov- ince of Curico. PB-212 034 PC A08/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Introduction to Record Keeping in a Small En- terprise R. F. Bruckart. May 68, 154p TA/OST-AN-68-5-3 Prepared in cooperation with the Industrial Devel- opment Center, Zaria (Nigeria). Descriptors: "Records management, "Manuals, "Industrial plants, "Nigeria, Management engi- neering, Commerce, Developing countries, Super- visors, Statistical data. Identifiers: Small businesses. Much experience is available on the fundamental methods employed by managers of small busi- nesses in industrially developing countries who have developed profitable operations. Effective record-keeping, it has been found, is one of the methods. The document introduces basic record- keeping methods similar to those that managers of small industries throughout the world have found useful. The topics covered include: Recording daily transactions; planning and controlling pro- duction; records of material or supplies; quality control records; employee records; and how the manager uses records. The document was pre- pared for use by small-enterprisers in Northern Ni- geria, but it should be generally applicable else- where. PB-212 035 PC A06/MF A01 Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Hydrology and Water Resources Development in Nepal Open file rept. W. W. Evett. Jun 69, 112p TA/OST-AN-69-6-7 Descriptors: "Nepal, "Water resources, Hydrology, Ground water, Economic development, Rivers, River basin development, Developing countries, South Asia. Water has long been recognized as one of Nepal's most promising resources. Yet, prior to 1 960 little had been done to investigate and appraise the re- source. By 1969, a nationwide network of hydrolo- gical stations had been established, and a ground- water exploration effort had begun. Furthermore, the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology had been established, staffed, and equipped to con- duct investigations. The report discusses the histo- ry of hydrological investigations in Nepal, and the relation of these investigations to the social and economic problems of water-resources develop- ment and management. The general hydrology of the more important river systems of the country is described in detail. (Author) PB-212 101 PC A04/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Plant Protection Problems in Southeast Asia Edward H. Glass, Roy J. Smith, Jr, Ivan J. Thomason, and H. David Thurston. 1971, 74p TA/OST AN-71-13-1 Contract AID/csd-3296 Prepared in cooperation with East Asian Pest Man- agement Study Team, and California Univ. Spon- sored in part by Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Plants(Botany), Pest control, "Pest control, "Southeast Asia, Insect control, Crop weeds, Plant diseases, Pesticides, Developing countries. Improved crop protection can do little to reduce the population explosion in East Asia, but it can make important contributions toward assuring an adequate food supply until populations become stabilized through family planning and birth control. This document is the report of a study team which has as its objective the appraisal of the nature and the scope of pest problems affecting food produc- tion in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan. An effort was also made to determine whether the local environ- ment and public health are endangered by improp- er use and lack of management of pesticides on food and other major crops. Specifically, consider- ation is given to the status and needs of crop pro- tection in Tropical East Asia; economic and envi- ronmental implications of crop protection; possible approaches to solutions of crop protection prob- lems; some international and foreign agencies in plant protection activities in tropical East Asia; and pesticides in public health activities. PB-212 238 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Fisheries Bibliography Series. 1 Jun 71, 62p Rept no. Agriculture-5 Descriptors: "Fisheries, Bibliographies, "Develop- ing countries, Fisheries, Fish protein concentrates, Marketing, Food processing, Surveys, Research, Economic development, Africa, Asia, Latin Amer- ica. The Bibliography is designed to provide informa- tion on fisheries programs, projects and research in newly developing countries. It includes a general section on such topics as fish processing, protein concentrates, marketing, research and training as well as regional sections which cover a variety of surveys and reports of many aspects of fisheries activities in individual countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Annotations are descriptive of con- tent and include author, title, source of publication and identifying number. PB-212 288 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Appropriate Technologies for International De- velopment. Preliminary Survey of Research Activities Sep 72, 65p Rept no. TA/OST-72-1 1 Descriptors: "Economic development, "Develop- ing countries, "Research, Developing countries, Utilization, Corporations, Capital, Design, Systems engineering, Industries. Identifiers: "Technology, Transfer of technology. Three papers make up the report. The first paper, The Role of the Research Institute in Industrial Growth', is based on observations of industrial re- search institutes in developing countries. The second paper describes 'Research Interests of Foreign Assistance Agencies Concerning Appro- priate Technology'. The third, 'Multinational Corpo- rations and Adaptive Research for Developing Countries', attempts to describe selected types of activities of multinational corporations as illustra- tive of their involvement and interest in technologi- cal development of developing countries. (Author) PB-212 359 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Clemson Univ., S.C. Dept. of Textiles. State of the Art of Textile Waste Treatment Water pollution control research series rept. Feb 71, 356p EPA-WQO-12090-ECS-02/71 Paper copy available from GPO $2.50 as EP2.10:12090-ECS-02/71. Descriptors: "Textile industry, "Industrial waste treatment, "Water pollution, "Industrial wastes, Reviews, Bibliographies, Inventories, Synthetic fibers, Natural fibers, Lagoons(Ponds), Activated sludge process, Trickling filtration, Detergents, Dyes, Sludge disposal, Industrial engineering, Cost estimates, Legislation, State government, Govern- ment policies, Textile finishing, Sizing materials, Cotton fabrics, Woolen textiles, Rayon, Acetate fibers, Polyester fibers, Acrylic fibers, Public law. Identifiers: "Water pollution control, Biological in- dustrial waste treatment, Tertiary sewage treat- ment, Water pollution abatement. A study has been made of waste treatment meth- ods and practices used in the textile industry. Infor- mation was obtained from people working in the textile processing industry, designing waste treat- ment plants, and enforcing state and federal regu- lations on waters discharged to streams and natu- ral reservoirs. To supplement this information the literature was reviewed and an annotated bibliog- raphy prepared. The report contains sections on the following: characteristics of textile waste, 86 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS waste treatment techniques, treatment methods in use, effects of textile wastes on receiving waters, the cost of waste treatment operations, and state and federal regulations governing discharge waters. Areas of needed research are recom- mended. The annotated bibliography contains ref- erences on synthetic fiber manufacturing wastes, detergent waste treatment, instrumentation, plant design, water treatment for plant use as well as articles pertaining specifically to textile waste treatment. PB-212 371 PC A06/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Manila (Philippines). Housing and Urban Development in the Philip- pines Bernard Wagner. Jan 68, 101p TA/OST-AN-68- 1-2 Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, "Project plan- ning, 'Urban development, 'Philippines, Develop- ing countries, Reviews, Problem solving, Require- ments, Organizations, Management. Identifiers: Low income groups, Middle income groups. The document contains a series of papers on housing and urban development problems in the Philippines. Topics included are housing needs and a proposed action program, urban develop- ment in Mindanao, reorganization of the home fi- nancing commission, modification of the adminis- tration of housing and urban programs, the squat- ter problem, urban planning in the lligan area, housing of middle and lower income groups, hous- ing investment by insurance companies, and com- ments on the Draft Administrative Code. PB-212 372 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Leader Training for Aided Self-Help Housing Jun 69, 40p Rept no. TA/OST-AN-69-6-8 Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, Developing countries, 'Construction, Manuals, 'Leadership, Specialized training, Project planning, Evaluation, Production engineering, Socioeconomic status, Problem solving, Methodology, Recommenda- tions, Reviews. Identifiers: Self help housing, 'Aided self help housing, Low cost housing, 'Leader training. Aided self-help housing is described as a natural way to better homes in the less industrialized areas of the world, can often be reached most effectively through trained local leaders. It is the purpose of this manual to present material useful for conduct- ing a course for such local leaders. The following topics are included: Advantages and disadvan- tages of this technique for producing homes; ex- amples and case studies demonstrating how aided projects have been carried out by others; various planning principles affecting aided self-help hous- ing; development of skills in construction tech- niques; material, labor, and financial resources; problems of communicating ideas for low cost housing; and proposals for initiating an aided self- help housing program. PB-212 398 PC A08/MF A01 Humboldt County Dept. of Public Works, Eureka, Calif. Rural Storage and Collection Container Sys- tems Interim rept. 1 Jun 70-31 Oct 71. 1972, 155p EPA-SW-41 D.I-72 Grant G06-EC-00271 Prepared in cooperation with Garretson-Elmen- dorf-Zinov-Reibin, Consultants. Descriptors: 'Refuse disposal, 'Containers, Stor- age, Project planning, Rural areas, Collecting methods, Earth fills, Cost analysis, California. Identifiers: 'Solids waste disposal, Humbolt County(California). The objective of the project was to demonstrate and evaluate two alternative refuse storage and collection container systems for small isolated rural areas, with special emphasis on costs, work- ability, and community acceptance. The test area for the project is to be the southern one-third of Humboldt County, California, with a population of approximately 10,000 people. In the first system, waste will be deposited in a 40-cu-yd, roll-off con- tainer that can be picked up and hauled to the cen- tral sanitary landfill. In the second system, waste will be deposited in 8-cu-yd containers. These con- tainers will be emptied at the site into a 42-cu-yd collection vehicle that will then proceed to the next container site or, if full, to the landfill. The interim report details the selection of collection equipment (both containers and vehicles) components, and the development of test procedures for evaluating the storage and collection systems. PB-212 632 PC A17/MF A01 Miner (Thomas H.) and Associates, Inc., Chicago, III. industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Viet- nam. Book I Apr 70, 382p TA/OST-AN-70-4-1 Contract AID/VN-54 See also Book 2, PB-21 2 633. Descriptors: 'Pulp mills, South Vietnam, 'Paper in- dustry, 'South Vietnam, Feasibility, Developing countries, Market research, Expenses. Vietnam has a variety of fiber resources which in total constitute an adequate raw material for a pulp and paper industry. The present paper industry was built with only the domestic market in mind, and currently it is entirely dependent on import of pulp. Under these circumstances of small size and imported raw material, the paper industry in Viet- nam suffers from high costs. This study examines the feasibility of developing a viable pulp and paper industry in Vietnam in the early post-war period. The scope of the study includes: A review of the existing industry, including facilities, capaci- ties, capabilities, and cost factors; a survey of present and possible future markets, both domes- tic and in neighboring Southeast Asian countries; a survey of indigenous fibrous raw materials, includ- ing types, amounts available, location, and cost; a proposal of location, number, type, and capacity of new facilities; and a calculation of grade costs, net realization, and financial soundness of the pro- posed facilities. PB-212 633 PC A14/MF A01 Miner (Thomas H.) and Associates, Inc., Chicago, III. Industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Viet- nam. Book II Apr 70, 31 Op TA/OST-AN-70-4-2 Contract AID/VN-54 See also Book 1 , PB-21 2 632. Descriptors: 'Pulp mills, South Vietnam, 'Paper in- dustry, 'South Vietnam, Feasibility, Developing countries, Market research, Expenses. The volume is comprised of appendices intended to accompany Book I of this study. The topics cov- ered include: Marketing prospects for export; raw materials for a proposed kraft mill near Dalat; methods, equipment, and estimated costs for bamboo extraction at Phuoc Binh; summary of U. S. Forest Products Laboratory tests; materials, supplies, and unit costs; summary of corporate tax- ation and examptions; core making plant; bamboo harvesting report; bagasse report; 250 ton inte- grated kraft mill. PB-212 726 PC A05/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Forestry in Developing Countries. Potentials, Constraints, and Opportunities Gordon D. Fox. Oct 72, 76p Rept no. TA/OST- 72-12 Descriptors: 'Forestry, 'Developing countries, Forest trees, Economic development, Wood prod- ucts, Structural timber, Reforestation, Utilization, Transportation, Research, Management. With about one-half of the world's forest area lo- cated in the developing countries, adequate forest programs to manage and exploit this renewable natural resource are an important aspect in eco- nomic development. This preliminary analysis fo- cuses on the following issues: principal factors in- hibiting better management of forest resources; technical aspects of these inhibiting factors; practi- cal steps that might overcome these problems; and likely impact on timber resources and utiliza- tion if such steps were taken. PB-212 748 PC A03/MF A01 Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. Economic Growth Center. The Role of the Industrial Sector in Korea's Transition to Economic Maturity Gustav Ranis. Oct 71, 37p EGC-DP-125, TA/ OSTAN-71-10-4 Contract AID/csd-2492 Descriptors: 'South Korea, 'Economic develop- ment, 'Industries, South Korea, Developing coun- tries, Economic analysis, Unskilled workers, Japan, Taiwan. Korea belongs to the category of developing coun- try which have small, therefore open, labor surplus dualistic economies, characterized by a relative lack of natural resources and an abundance of un- skilled labor at the outset. This paper begins with a definition of the 'ideal' growth pattern for this type of economy. A review is then provided of the actual Korean experience relative to this ideal. Korean performance in this respect is contrasted to two other countries belonging to the same family; i.e. Japan, historically, and Taiwan in the post-war period. Consideration is given to the initial condi- tions and to the similarities and differences of the transition processes in the countries. Finally, the implications of this analysis with respect to further research and policy are discussed. PB-212 749 PC A04/MF A01 Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Center for Inter- national Affairs. Equitable Distribution of Benefits in integration Schemes Among the Less Developed Coun- tries: The Andean Group David Morawetz. Apr 72, 67p Economic Development-216, TA/OST AN-72-4-3 Contract AID/cds- 1543 Descriptors: 'Economic development, Treaties, 'Developing countries, 'Distribution systems, Commerce, Inequalities, Agreements, Economic analysis, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Identifiers: 'Economic integration, Andean Group customs union. All economic integration schemes among less de- veloped countries which have been established to date have foundered on the problem of how to equitably distribute the benefits arising from hte existence of the scheme. The Cartagena Agree- ment of the Andean Group customs union (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru) includes sev- eral measures bearing on this problem. The paper provides a theoretical analysis of the benefit distri- bution problem, and an evaluation of the benefit distribution provisions of the Cartagena Agree- ment. Consideration is given to the definition of an 'Equitable' benefit distritution, some problems in measuring net benefits, and the presumptions as to whether benefits are likely to be equally or un- equally distributed in integration schemes. A number of schemes which have been proposed and/or adopted to achieve equitable benefit distri- bution are then examined from a theoretical view- point. The measures contained in the Cartagena Agreement are analyzed in the light of this exami- nation, and of the experience of other integration schemes with the benefit distribution problem. PB-212 779/3 PC A06/MF A01 Nathan (Robert R.), Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. An Evaluation of Recent Private Industrial De- velopment in Nicaragua Jan 71, 109p TA/OST-AN-71-1-1 Contract AID/La-650 Descriptors: 'Industrial development, Nicaragua, 'Economic development, 'Nicaragua, 'Foreign aid, 'Financing, Developing countries, Industries, Investments, Capital. 87 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: Small businesses. In the mid-1 960's, the Agency for International De- velopment decided that the Nicaraguan industrial sector needed access to investment capital to fi- nance a backlog of projects. AID met this need by making $17 million available to create and strengthen intermediate credit institutions to mobi- lize capital, both foreign and domestic. This report provides an assessment of the efficacy of the AID programs to the private industrial sector of Nicara- gua and suggests changes that might improve them. Specifically, consideration is given to the fol- lowing: Past rate of growth; prospects for industry in Micaragua; strategic factors in industrial expan- sion; shortage for working capital and the debt/ equity problems; cost of AID capital; investment climate in the industrial sector; aid contribution to meeting long-term capital needs; strengthening the capacity of the National Development Institute (INFONAC); creation of a new private investment bank; AID loan program as a stimulant to domestic savings; loans to small businesses and artisans; providing technical assistance; performance and impact of the industrial sector in recent years. PB-212 784/3 PC A16/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Program and Policy Coordina- tion. A Firsthand Study of Industrial Management and Economic Development in India Dec 69, 368p TA/OST-AN-69-12-1 Descriptors: "Industrial management, * India, 'Economic development, India, Developing coun- tries, Management, Environments, Benefit cost analysis. Identifiers: Transfer of technology. The document represents an effort to develop guidelines that can serve as a basis for effective action by managements of individual Indian enter- prises in their attemps to adapt to and reduce the impact of negative environmental conditions on their performance. It also seeks to determine the extent to which managerial practices, techniques, concepts, policies, principles, and general know- how which tend to be effective on a relatively wide- spread scale in U. S. industry can be transferred and/or applied successfully to a developing coun- try such as India. Consideration is given to the costs and benefits involved in the transference process, and to the degree that the Indian environ- ment seriously constrains or prevents such trans- ference. In addition, attention is given to the devel- opment of guidelines and meaningful priorities that indicate what action might best be taken by public authorities in dealing with environmental con- straints which seriously hinder managerial per- formance and productive efficiency at industrial enterprises. PB-212 916/1 PC A20/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study Om Prakash Mathur, Richard Morse, and M. C. K. Swamy. Oct 68, 453p TA/OST-AN-68-10-2 Contract AID/csd-802 Prepared in cooperation with School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India, and Small In- dustry Extension Training Institute, Hyderabad, India. Descriptors: *Urban development, *lndia, 'Indus- tries, 'Economic development, Benefit cost analy- sis, Developing countries, Municipalities, Magni- tude, Populations. Identifiers: 'Industrial development, Urban infra- structure. The document provides the details of a study which was designed to measure the direct costs of equipping cities of different size for industrial de- velopment, including the costs of social infrastruc- ture for new urban industrial employees and their families. It is orientated primarily to the situation in developing economics and is centered on the in- dustrial growth requirements of selected cities in the states of Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh, in northern India. An examination is made of the widely held belief that unit costs of incremental in- frastructure for new industry tend to be relatively high in smaller cities, to decrease over some inter- mediate range of city sizes, and to rise significantly beyond some large city size. Consideration is given to both the effect of city size on costs, and to the combined effect of costs when composition of industry varies with city size. PB-212 941/9 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Genetic Vulnerability of Major Crops 1972, 315p International Standard book no. 0-309-02030-1. Li- brary of Congress catalog card no. 72-77533. Sponsored in part by Research Corp. of New York and the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Paper copy available from National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington, D. C. 20418, $7.50. Descriptors: 'Plant genetics, 'Plant diseases, 'Farm crops, Plant genetics, Fungus diseases, Plant pathology, Epidemiology, Corn plants, Wheat plants, Rice plants, Leguminous plants, Soybean plants, Cotton plants, Vegetable crops, Economic analysis. Identifiers: Corn blight. The report provides the scientific community and the general public with a description of the circum- stances surrounding the 1970 corn blight epidem- ic, and assessment of the genetic bases of other food and fiber crops, and an evaluation of their po- tential susceptibility to severe epidemics. This in- formative study presents the views of plant breed- ers and pathologists, geneticists, entomologists, plant physiologists, economists, and investigators knowledgeable in the production of major crops. These experts suggest ways to deal with the chal- lenges that genetic uniformity in crops pose to the scientific community and the nation. PB-212 974/0 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Soils of the Humid Tropics Jun 72, 229p Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 78-189475. International Standard Book No. 0-309-01948-6. Paper copy available from the National Academy of Sciences, Printing and Publishing Office, 2101 Constitution Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20418. PC$7.95. Descriptors: 'Soils, Tropical regions, Arable land, Soil surveys, Mapping, Soil structure, Soil classifi- cation, Fertilizers, Porosity, Soil chemistry, PH, Cation exchanging, Soil fertility, Aluminum, Potas- sium inorganic compounds, Phosphorus inorganic acids, Sulfur oxides, Silicon dioxide, Manganese, Latin America. Throughout the world there are approximately 1 .6 billion hectares of potentially arable land that is not now under cultivation. Half of this uncultivated land lies in the tropics where climatic and soil conditions offer a high potential for crop production. If only 2 percent of this land could be cultivated under modern technological principles, enough food would be produced to feed the current population of Latin America. A committee of soil scientists under the auspices of the Agricultural Board of the National Research Council has prepared Soils of the Humid Tropics, a report that identifies research priorities and offers recommendations for better use of this agricultural resource. (Author) PB-212 975/8 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. International Marine Science Affairs Feb 72, 103p Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 74-183584. International Standard Book no. 0-309-01937-0. Paper copy available from the National Academy of Sciences, Printing and Publishing Office, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. PC$4.75. Descriptors: 'Oceans, 'International relations, Recommendations, Research management, Orga- nizations, Government policies, Developing coun- tries, United States, Oceanography, Fisheries, In- formation systems, Metrology, Meteorology, Inter- national law, Foreign policy. Identifiers: United Nations. The report deals with the heightened stress and policital conflict that arise as governmental institu- tions adapt to new requirements for maintaining order among the variety of ocean uses and users. The purpose of the report is to examine these na- tional and international political institutions in terms of their appropriateness to the goals of wise, effective, and equitable ocean use. Recommenda- tions are also offered to suggest various means to achieve these goals. (Author) PB-213 023/5 PC A03/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ., Silver Spring, Md. Applied Physics Lab. A Universal Solar Kitchen C. J. Swet. Jul 72, 27p* Rept no. APL/JHU-CP- 018 Descriptors: 'Kitchen equipment and supplies, 'Solar energy, Solar radiation, Cooking devices, Water heaters, Cost, Performance(Engineering), Tracking(Position), Heat transfer, Convection. Identifiers: 'Solar kitchens. The widespread domestic use of solar energy would significantly reduce air pollution and con- serve vital resources, especially in populous devel- oping regions where many families burn foraged firewood, vegetable waste, or dung. However, cur- rently available solar cookers, ovens, and water heaters have failed to gain general acceptance where they are needed most, mainly because of their limited utility and poor compatibility with tradi- tional iife styles. Recent studies indicate that these shortcomings can be largely removed by innova- tive applications of existing technology. It now ap- pears possible to produce at reasonable cost a universal solar kitchen that can satisfy most of the usual domestic requirements for thermal energy. The basic design is adaptable to a wide variety of ethnic and regional domestic practices, is readily transportable, and requires no special skills for in- stallation or use. A conceptual approach to the design of universal solar kitchens is presented, with nonrigorous indications of feasibility, perform- ance, producibility, and cost. Two possible em- bodiments are described, with primary emphasis on the collection of the solar energy and its deliv- ery to a convenient point of use or storage. (Author) PB-213 181/1 PC A05/MF A01 Puerto Rico Univ., Mayaguez. Water Resources Research Inst. Determination of the Rate of Biodegradation in Some Polluted Tropical Waters and in Some Types of Liquid Wastes Common in Puerto Rico Completion rept. Luis A. del Valle. Sep 72, 85p OWRR-A-023- PR(1) Descriptors: 'Puerto Rico, Water pollution, 'Bio- chemical oxygen demand, Tropical regions, 'Water pollution, Biochemical oxygen demand, Sewage, Biodeterioration, Industrial wastes, Reac- tion kinetics, Temperature, Computer programs. Identifiers: Sewage treatment effluent. The first part of the study evaluates methods for the determination of deoxygenation (biodegrada- tion) rates of polluted waters in Puerto Rico. The experimental part of the study was divided into three phases. The first phase consisted in working with the waste as it came from the particular source to determine its value of K (biodegradation constant) in its original state. The second and third phases of the study consisted in diluting the waste with natural river and sea water to simulate the condition of the waste when discharged into a nat- ural body of water. The degree of dilution does not seem to have any significant effect. On the other hand, when the dilution water is sea water the value of K tends to be higher than when the waste is diluted in fresh water. (Author) PB-213 372/6 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Environmental Protection Agency, Rockville, Md. Solid Waste Management Office. 88 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Financing Solid Waste Management in Small Communities 1972, 16p Rept no. EPA-SW-57ts Paper copy also available from GPO $0.25 as stock no. 5502-0022. Descriptors: 'Waste disposal, 'Financing, Urban planning, Communities, Management planning, Local government, Leasing. Identifiers: 'Bond issues, 'Solid waste disposal. The paper discusses the three major financing techniques (pay-as-you-go, leasing, and long-term borrowing) as they apply to solid waste disposal in small communities. More indirect methods, such as private contracting or grants utilization, are not considered. PB-213 442/7 PC A05/MF A01 Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex. Impregnation of Concrete Pipe Jun 71, 78p EPA-11024-EQE-06/71 Contract EPA-1 4-1 2-835 Paper copy available from GPO $0.75, as stock no. 5501-0601 . EP2. 1 0: 1 1 024-EQE-06/71 . Descriptors: 'Concrete pipes, Impregnating, 'Cor- rosion prevention, Concrete pipes, Sewers, Per- meability, Polymers, Coal tar, Linseed oil, Sulfur, Urea, Formaldehyde, Exposure. The program was undertaken to investigate meth- ods to increase the corrosion resistance, increase the strength, and reduce the permeability of con- crete used in sewer line applications by impregnat- ing the concrete pipe with relatively low cost resins such as asphalt, coal tars, linseed oil, sulfur, urea- formaldehyde, and others. Methods to accomplish this end were achieved and the materials, tech- niques of application, test results and economics are presented in this report. (Author) PB-213 492/2 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Environmental Protection Agency, Rockville, Md. Solid Waste Management Office. An Accounting System for Solid Waste Man- agement in Small Communities Eric R. Zausner. 1971, 21 p Rept no. EPA-SW- 28ts Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 78-61 1 564. Paper copy available from GPO $0.30 as stock no. 5502-0021, EP3.2:AC2. Descriptors: 'Waste disposal, 'Accounting, Cost analysis, Management planning, Benefit cost anal- ysis, Collecting methods, Data acquisition, Infor- mation systems, Urban planning, Communities, Forms(Paper). Identifiers: 'Solid waste disposal, Management in- formation systems. The increasing costs and complexities of solid waste collection and disposal require new, more sophisticated management techniques. Although cost accounting represents only one part of the total information system, its design, installation, and utilization can represent a significant step in the development of effective solid waste manage- ment. The proposed system provides a guide to the type and quantity of information to be collect- ed, its classification, and the method of collection. The system described is designed primarily for small communities (< 25,000) that collect and dis- pose of the solid wastes generated in their jurisdic- tion. The system was specifically designed to be effective for packer-truck collection and landfill dis- posal operations. PB-213 537/5 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, III. Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Resulting from the Use of Digested Sewage Sludge on Field Crops Interim rept. T. D. Hinesly, O. C. Braids, and J. E. Molina. 1971, 73p Grant G06-EC-00080 Prepared in cooperation with Illinois Univ., Urbana. Paper copy available from GPO $0.65 as EP3.2:AG8. Descriptors: 'Sludge disposal, 'Irrigation, 'Fertiliz- ing, Sludge disposal, Plant growth, Performance evaluation, Lysimeters, Farm crops, Trace ele- ments, Soil chemistry, Nutrients. Identifiers: 'Sewage irrigation, Liquid waste dis- posal. The project studied involved the possible agricul- tural benefits and environmental changes that would result from applying digested sewage sludge liquid to field crops. In addition, criteria are developed that can be used in selecting sites for this method of sludge disposal. The report dis- cusses the progress made after three year's work. Since agronomic field studies require a minimum of three years to integrate seasonal effects with measured parameters, the longer the duration of a field study, the greater the confidence level of the results. Therefore, only one year of data-detailed climatic measurements, runoff and drain water analyses, and sludge applications-were collected from a lysimeter facility. PB-213 594/6 PC A05/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Development of a Scientific Basis for the Man- ufacture of Low-Cost Protein Foods and Bev- erages from Fresh Coconuts Final rept. Karl F. Mattil. 1 Sep 70, 77p* TA/OST-AN-70-9-3 Contract PIO/T 931-11-190-864, PIO/T-73- 3192010 Descriptors: 'Nuts(Fruits), 'Proteins, 'Food proc- essing, Nuts(Fruits), Fruits, Nutritive value, Devel- oping countries. Identifiers: 'Coconuts. Coconuts represent a potential new indigenous protein source in the coconut producing countries of the world. This report provides the results of an effort to generate fundamental scientific and tech- nological information basic to the practical exploi- tation of this protein source, and to evaluate the state of the art of processing fresh coconuts for food use. The evaluation is based on both a survey of the literature and personal contacts with those involved with research and development efforts. Results of basic investigations in the following areas are reported: The ultrastructure of coconut meats; physical processing methods for maximum extraction of fat and protein; the amount of heat treatment coconut meat and meal can tolerate without adverse effects on product quality; identifi- cation of major classes of protein in coconut meats; characteristics of each class of protein. PB-213 612/5 PC A17/MF A01 Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C. A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutrition. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area Woot-Tsuen Wu Leung, and Ritva Rauanheimo Butrum. Dec 70, 391 p* TA/OST-AN-70-12-5 Prepared in cooperation with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy). Descriptors: 'Food, 'Africa, 'Developing coun- tries, 'Nutrition, 'Bibliographies, Food, Human nu- trition, Plants(Botany), Diets, Food composition, Food habits, Food industry, Education. Identifiers: 'African foods. The bibliography is comprised of references to the world's literature, published in the 1940-1969 time period, dealing with the subject of food and nutri- tion in Africa. The entries are arranged by country and, within each country, according to general sub- ject (general studies, food resources, food compo- sition, food supplements, food technology, food habits, nutrition and dietary surveys, nutritional status, and nutrition education). A selected bibli- graphy on African botanical nomenclature is ap- pended. PB-213 756/5 PC A10/MF A01 Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. Food and Feed Grain Inst. Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods Annual progress rept. no. 3, Jan-Dec 70. Jun 71, 21 7p TA/OST-AN-71-6-5 Contract AID/csd-1 586 Descriptors: 'Cereal products, 'Nutritive value, 'Food processing, Cereal products, 'Developing countries, Food processing, Proteins, Soybeans, Peas, Beans, Flours(Food), Bread, Evaluation, Nu- trition, Pakistan, Africa. Identifiers: Food fortification, Organoleptic evalua- tion. The document describes the activities and accom- plishments of an ongoing project which has as its overall objective the improvement of the nutritional value of cereal-based food in North Africa and Pakistan by supplementation and process modifi- cation without decreasing the food acceptability to the general consuming public in those areas. Re- search effort focused on the use of three protein sources: soy flour, chick-pea flour, and horse bean flour. These were used for food fortification. Em- phasis was given to the nutritional and organolep- tic evaluations of chapatis, couscous, and Moroc- can bread fortified with the high protein flours. (Author) PB-213 758/3 PC A06/MF A01 New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva. Development of Soy-Based Foods of High Nu- tritive Value for Use in the Philippines W. B. Robinson, M. C. Bourne, and K. H. Steinkraus. Jan 71, 106p TA/OST-AN-71-1-2 Contract AID/csd-1 81 5 Descriptors: 'Soybeans, 'Food processing, 'Food, Philippines, Nutritive value, Proteins, Flavor, Economic analysis, Developing countries. Results are given of a research program which was undertaken to develop processes for manu- facturing soy-based foods on a scale and of a sim- plicity appropriate to the socio-economic require- ments of relatively small population centers in countries such as the Philippines. Flavor, accept- ability, economy, and nutritional value were of pri- mary concern. The report describes research con- ducted in the following areas: Development of a simple procedure for manufacture of a bland soy beverage and other products that could be easily produced without the use of elaborate and expen- sive equipment; introduction of the soy beverage to selected groups of Philippine school children; engineering studies on unit operations in soy prod- uct manufacturing; nutritional evaluation of the products and the nutritional effects of the unit processes involved; basic laboratory research on physical and chemical qualities of soy products and components to lay a scientific basis for im- provement of the products and unit processes in- volved in their manufacture. PB-213 764/5 PC A06/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Nutrition. Improving the Nutrient Quality for Cereals. Report of Workshop on Breeding and Fortifica- tion. Held at Annapolis, Maryland, 7-9 Decem- ber 1970 Jun 71, 107p TA/OST-AN-71-6-6 Descriptors: 'Grains(Foods), Developing coun- tries, 'Cereal products, Food processing, Meet- ings, Plant genetics, Quality, Human nutrition. Identifiers: Food fortification. There is a great potential for effecting improve- ment in diet through the breeding of higher protein content and quality in staples and through fortifica- tion of such staples during the milling process. The report presents papers from a Seminar on Breed- ing and Fortification held at Annapolis, Maryland from December 7-9, 1970. The papers concern progress, problems and potential for the improve- ment of various crops, including wheat, rice, corn, sorghum and millet. Recommendations are given for future operations and research. PB-2 1 3 766/3 PC A02/ M F A0 1 League for International Food Education, Wash- ington, D.C. The Food Industry in Asia, Its Potential for Pro- viding Low Cost Nutritious Foods. Proceed- ings of Singapore Workshop, 1-5 November 1971 Summary rept. 89 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Nov 71, 24p TA/OST-AN-71-11-2 Descriptors: *Food industry, 'Asia, 'Developing countries, Food industry, Economic development, Human nutrition, Cost factors, Food processing, Meetings. The Singapore Workshop was convened to pro- vide a forum where Asian private food industry businessmen could discuss the potential of the food industry for providing low cost nutritious foods. This report summarizes the discussions of these businessmen during the week-long meeting. Special emphasis is given to the constraints which were identified as being the ones which hinder the progress of low-cost nutritious foods. Equivalent emphasis is also given to the recommendations for action which the participants felt could help over- come these constraints. PC A03/MF A01 Manhattan. Food and Feed PB-213 769/0 Kansas State Univ Grain Inst. Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods Annual progress rept. no. 4, Jan-Dec 71. 1 Jun 72, 37p TA/OST-AN-72-6-1 Contract AID-csd-1586 Descriptors: 'Cereal products, 'Nutritive value, 'Food processing, Cereal products, 'Developing counties, Food processing, Proteins, Soybeans, Peas, Flours(Food), Bread, Evaluation, Nutrition, Pakistan, Africa. Identifiers: Food fortification, Organoleptic evalua- tion, Protein fortified foods. A review is presented of research to improve the nutritional value of cereal based foods in North Africa and Pakistan by supplementation and proc- ess modification without decreasing the food ac- ceptability to the consumers in those areas. The foods considered were protein fortified wheat based bread, chapatis, and couscous using soy flour, chickpea flour, and broadbean flour. The for- tified foods met the nutritive guidelines established by the project and prove acceptable to small con- sumer panels. Many other protein resource materi- als were evaluated. A system of developing and evaluating protein fortified foods was evolved. (Author) PB-213 787/8 PC A04/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Nutrition and Food Science. Extending Protein Concentrates for Child Feeding by Addition of Inexpensive Simple Ni- trogen Sources Final rept. Nevin S. Scrimshaw. Oct 71, 63p TA/OST-AN- 71-10-5 Contract AID/csd-1 441 Descriptors: 'Food additives, Milk, 'Nitrogen, Food additives, 'Milk, 'Proteins, Amino acids, Nu- trition, Children. A series of studies has been undertaken to deter- mine the extent to which the concentration of es- sential amino acids in dried milk can be extended by the addition of non-specific nitrogen without in- fluencing the nutritional value of the protein. The results of the studies, which were conducted in children and young men, are summarized in this report. The non-specific nitrogen source used was a mixture of glycine and diammonium citrate. The results support the conclusion that at any time that it is necessary to extend the 'protein' content of milk supplies for the supplementary feeding of population groups, inexpensive non-specific nitro- gen sources may be used to an extent of at least 10% without impairing the ability of the milk to meet any normal protein needs. PB-213 794/9 PC A14/MF A01 Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok (Thailand). Inst, of Food Research and Product Development. Report on Protein Food Development Project, 1969-1971 Amara Bhumiratana, and Amorn Nondasuta. 1971, 302p TA/OST-AN-71-13-2 Prepared in cooperation with the Health Dept., Bangkok (Thailand). Nutrition Div. Text in English and Thai. Descriptors: 'Proteins, 'Food processing, Nutri- tion, Children, Diets, Developing countries, Thai- land. The document reports the activities and accom- plishments of a project which was instituted to im- prove the nutritional conditions in Thailand. The principal objectives were: To promote develop- ment in food technology and related fields; to de- velop high-protein food supplements for infants and preschool children; to test new products for suitability and acceptability by consumers; and to promote new products on a commercial scale in an effort to increase consumption among the people. The information provided includes: The results of field trials of protein food prototypes; chemical and biological assays; flowcharts for the production of various protein foods; protein food promotion ef- forts; protein-enriched menus for school children, including recipes for their preparation. PB-214 120/8 PC A02/MF A01 Delaware Univ., Newark. Water Resources Center. Water Use Efficiency of Vegetable Crops Given over Asphalt Moisture Barriers Technical research project completion rept. Ernest N. Scarborough, and William C. Liebhardt. Dec 72, 15p W73-03907 Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -3008, DI-1 4-31 -0001- 3208 Sponsored in part by Research contract DI-1 4-31- 0001-3508. Descriptors: 'Soil moisture, 'Barrier materials, 'Water consumption, 'Vegetable crops, Asphalts, Efficiency, Nitrogen inorganic compounds, Sands, Leaching, Yield, Productivity, Rainfall, Delaware. Identifiers: Asphalt moisture barriers, Water use. The effectiveness of a subsurface asphalt mois- ture barrier in increasing yields of vegetable crops grown on loamy sand soils was investigated. Six vegetable crops were grown under conditions of irrigation and no irrigation with and without a bar- rier. Average yield increases of all crops over the barrier without irrigation were 46%, 58% and 55% for 1967, 1968 and 1969 respectively. With irriga- tion, yield increases were 35%, 16% and 30% for 1967, 1968 and 1969. Yield increases were due to a combination of increased water retention and a reduction in nitrate leaching due to excessive rain- fall. The barrier increased the water holding capac- ity of the soil in top 2 feet by approximately 1 .25 inches or an additional 70% in available water. In laboratory leaching studies with simulated barriers using high rates of nitrogen, 2 1/2 times as much nitrate remained in the top 2 feet of the soil com- pared to no barrier with a 5 inch application of water. A summary of yields by crop and graphs of the movement of nitrate, ammonium and potas- sium are included. The asphalt moisture barrier has proven to be an effective production practice with sandy soils where irrigation is not feasible. (Author) PB-214 172/9 PC A14/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Inst, of Arid Lands Re- search. Salinity Problems in Arid Lands Irrigation: A Literature Review and Selected Bibliography Information paper no. 1 Hugh E. Casey. 1972, 31 1p* WRSIC-73-300 Grant DI-1 4-01 -0001 -161 6 Descriptors: 'Bibliographies, Irrigation, 'Arid lands, Irrigation, 'Irrigation, Salinity, Water quality, Land reclamation, Drainage, Watersheds, Leach- ing, Water rights, Soil moisture, Droughts, Salt water, Greenhouses, Reviews, Irrigated land. Identifiers: Colorado River Basin. A bibliography of 986 references with accompany- ing text that reviews broadly such topics as water quality and the total drainage basin, salinity pre- vention and soil reclamation, salinity and drought effects on plants, soil and water salts, basic water balance problems in relation to irrigation, plus a perspective on historic salinity problems and an overview. Socioeconomic aspects are considered, with reference to the Colorado River basin as an example in microcosm. There is discussion of cur- rently used and potential ameliorative techniques that would render current methods more efficient, raise productivity enough to constitute a break- through, and high-humidity low water-use green- house structures that would radically alter current arid lands irrigation methods. (Author) PB-214 173/7 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Council on Environmental Quality, Washington, D.C. Integrated Pest Management Nov 72, 51 p Paper copy available from GPO $0.55 as stock no. 411-0010. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Pest control, Pesti- cides, Ecology, Genetics, Plants(Botany), Breed- ing, Microbiology, Parasitology. Identifiers: Biological pest control. A detailed description of the integrated pest man- agement approach, its stage of development, and the federal effort being initiated to promote its fur- ther development and use. It is the result of a CEQ study to define positive approaches in alleviating the problems now being encountered with some agricultural pest control practices. PB-214 175/2 PC A05/MF A01 Self-Help Enterprises, Inc., Visalia, Calif. The Bravo Story Final rept. Robert Marshall. 1 Mar 72, 88p* Grant HUD-H-1451 Descriptors: 'Regional planning, 'California, 'Residential buildings, Social welfare, Construc- tion, Concepts, Legislation, Urban planning, Meth- odology, Services, Manpower utilization, Special- ized training, Financing. Identifiers: 'Bravo Industries, San Joaquin Valley, Low cost housing, 'Self help housing, 'Disadvan- taged groups, 'Migrant workers, 'Seasonal farm workers. Bravo Industries is the story of a concept and of the effort made by Self-Help. Enterprises, Inc. (SHE) to fulfill its basic mandate of assisting mi- grant and seasonal farmworkers and their families to improve their living conditions and develop the necessary skills to maintain a productive and self- sufficient life. Bravo is also the story of an organi- zational structure designed to develop new tech- niques and methods for meeting the immediate and pressing needs of predominantly farmworkers families for improved housing and sanitation in the face of changing demands in agricultural employ- ment. PB-214 271/9 PC A02/MF A01 Bureau of Mines, Washington, D.C. Waste Glass as a Flux for Brick Clays Research rept. 1971-72 M. E. Tyrrell, and Alan H. Goode. Dec 72, 14p* Rept no. BuMines-RI-7701 Prepared in cooperation with Tuscaloosa Metallur- gy Research Lab., University, Ala. Descriptors: 'Bricks, 'Glass, Clays, Fluxes, Wastes, Manufacturing, Firing, Production engi- neering, Structural clay products, Sizing materials, Utilization, Waste disposal. Identifiers: 'Solid waste disposal. The investigation was undertaken to demonstrate how waste glass might be used to lower the re- quired firing temperature and firing time of structur- al clay products. Mixtures of waste glass and common clays were formed by stiff-mud extrusion and fired to the temperature required to produce a body having 6-7 percent absorption. Substitution of glass for one-half the clay in a red body reduced the firing temperature 500F, making a 30 percent increase in production possible; in a tan body the firing temperature was reduced 400F making a 23.3 percent increase in production possible. (Author) PB-214 489/7 PC A05/MF A01 International Society for Rehabilitation of the Dis- abled, New York. 90 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Closing the Communications Gap. The Role and Functions of Information Media in Reha- bilitation Services Final rept. 1 967-69 Charles Kalisky. 1971, 99p SRS-RD-2297 Grant SRS-RD-2297 Descriptors: 'Rehabilitation, "Information sys- tems, 'Periodicals, Effectiveness, Communica- tions management, Handicapped workers, Project planning, Organizations, Improvement, Interna- tional relations, Reviews, Manpower utilization, Services, Developing countries, Methodology, Bib- liographies. Identifiers: Disabled persons. The final report of the International Rehabilitation Program Development Project determines ways and means of improving information services for those working with the handicapped all over the world. Specifically, the project has demonstrated the value of a periodical published in the major lan- guages to disseminate news and significant devel- opments in the field. A number of novel services were initiated, including a series of papers and re- ports on advanced techniques and methods de- signed to assist workers in developing countries; a bibliography of available material on rehabilitation in several languages; an international library of films and slides to aid in training personnel; a multi- lingual glossary of rehaviliation terms; and a Re- search Referral Service to act as a clearinghouse for current information. (Author) PB-214 508/4 PC A03/MF A01 Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana. Nonpoint Rural Sources of Water Pollution Shundar Lin. 1972, 40p* Rept no. ISWS-73- CIR1111 Prepared in cooperation with Illinois State Dept. of Registration and Education. Descriptors: 'Surface water runoff, Water pollu- tion, 'Water pollution, 'Rural areas, 'Nutrients, Water pollution, 'Agricultural wastes, Water pollu- tion, Reviews, Fertilizers, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Il- linois, Soil erosion, Sources, Livestock, Industrial waste treatment, Pesticides, Subsurface drainage. Identifiers: Feedlot wastes, Manure, Water pollu- tion control. A literature survey was made to gather information for defining the quantity and characteristics of non- point water pollution sources from rural areas. Major constituents of such pollution include fertiliz- ers, pesticides, erosion and sediment, and animal wastes. Studies showed that nitrogen and phos- phorus from surface runoff and subsurface drain- age are often greater in concentration than that from sewage effluents. Pesticides are only slightly soluble in water, and about 5 percent of that ap- plied may enter waterways through surface runoff and erosion. With the exception of sediment trans- port, farm animal wastes can be the most serious sources of pollution from farm lands. Control tech- niques are discussed. PB-214 534/0 PC A03/MF A01 Joint Study Group on Agricultural Engineering in Brazil. Study for Agricultural Engineering Develop- ment in Brazil Rept. for 24 Jul-12 Aug 72. 12 Aug 72, 43p TA/OST-NAS-72-39 Contract AID/csd-1 122 Report of the Joint Study Group on Agricultural En- gineering in Brazil US-Brazil Science Cooperation Program. Descriptors: 'Agricultural engineering, 'Education, 'Brazil, Agricultural engineering, Research, Poli- cies, Recommendations, Food industry, Profes- sional personnel, Awareness, Developing coun- tries. The joint study group was established to identify the most urgent research and training needs in ag- ricultural engineering in Brazil, and to recommend how best to meet those needs. Specific recom- mendations are given for a long-term program to establish quality programs in education and re- search in agricultural engineering in Brazil and means to gain recognition for agricultural engi- neering as a profession under Brazilian law. (Author) PB-214 862/5 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. RANN (Research Applied to National Needs) Program: Potential Benefits to Developing Countries Jan 73, 48p Rept no. TA/OST-73-16 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Transfer of technology, Impact, Project planning, Benefit cost analysis, Resources, Information systems, Disast- ers, Energy, Urban planning, Environmental engi- neering, Water pollution, Sociometrics, Community development, Services. Identifiers: 'Spinoffs, Technological development, RANN program. RANN stands for Research Applied to National Needs - an expanding program of the National Science Foundation designed to stimulate the har- nessing of science in the service of man. This report identified 48 individual RANN projects that could have special relevance to the needs of de- veloping countries. It clarifies their technical signifi- cance to these countries and illustrates possible types of spin-off benefits. No attempt is made to identify how a specific research project might benefit a particular developing country. Rather, the attempt here is to indicate in a general way the nature of the potential benefit to developing economies within the context of technology trans- fer. PB-214 870 PC A09/MF A01 California Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. 100 Problems in Environmental Health. W. L Faith, Jack E. McKee, H. Heukelekian, Thomas F. Mancuso, and Emil M. Mrak. 1961, 198p Grant PHS-RG-7263 Descriptors: 'Public health, 'Pollution, Air pollu- tion, Water pollution, Industrial medicine, Food in- dustry, Water supply, Waste disposal. Identifiers: Solid waste disposal, EPAL. Contents: Air pollution; Food science and technology; Occupational health; Water supply and water pollution; Solid waste disposal and miscellaneous. PB-214 984 PC A03/MF A01 Public Health Service, Washington, D.C. Refuse Collection and Disposal for the Small Community. William A. Xanten, and Ralph J. Van Derwerker. Nov 53, 46p Prepared in cooperation with the American Public Works Association, Chicago, III. Descriptors: 'Communities, Waste disposal, 'Waste disposal, Planning. Identifiers: 'Solid waste disposal, EPAL. Surveys have shown that many small communities do not follow sanitary refuse practices. There are many reasons why these communities have not taken steps to protect the health and welfare of their citizens. Predominant among the basic causes, however, is the belief that adequate serv- ice is too expensive, and a lack of information on how to establish and operate a satisfactory system. It has been clearly demonstrated many times, that urban fly control and rodent control must be based upon adequate storage, collection, and disposal of community wastes. A practical refuse control program is within the means of any community. This publication proposes to describe certain factors which needs to be considered in es- tablishing sanitary refuse practices, and to present representative operational and cost data in such manner that they may be interpreted to meet local conditions. PB-215 103 PC A02/MF A01 Field Information Agency, Technical. Materials, Techniques, and Testing Methods for the Sanitation (Bacterial Decontamination) of Small-Scale Water Supplies in the Field Used in Germany During and after the War. Final rept. Alexander Goetz. 8 Dec 47, 10p Rept no. FIAT- 1313 Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, 'Military oper- ations. Identifiers: EPAL. The report presents results obtained from investi- gations of the nature and methods for water purifi- cation used in Germany during and following the second world war. PB-215 149/6 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Techniques for Assessing Hydrological Poten- tials in Developing Countries (State of the Art and Research Priorities) Jan 73, 74p TA/OST-73-17 See also PB-207 192. Descriptors: 'Water resources, Developing coun- tries, 'Hydrology, Research, Stream flow, Soil ero- sion, Ground water, Sediment transport, Remote sensing, Probes, Soil water. The report describes current capabilities and future needs for assessing hydrological potentials under the following topical headings: stream flow, erosion and sediment transport, water movement in unsaturated soils, ground water, precipitation, evaporation, and hydrologic applications of remote sensing. Established techniques and methodolo- gies are described under 'State of the Art', while the most interesting emerging areas for attention by developing countries and foreign assistance agencies are presented under sub-topics entitled 'Current Research' and 'Research Opportunities for Application in Developing Countries.' The report is based in part on a preliminary analysis prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey, 'Tech- niques for Assessing Water Resource Potentials in the Developing Countries,' Open File Report, De- cember 1 971 . (Author) PB-215 282/5 PC A02/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio. Solid Waste Management Office. Residential Solid Waste Generated in Low- Income Areas Samuel Hale, Jr. 1972, 17p Rept no. EPA-SW- 83TS Descriptors: 'Waste disposal, 'Socioeconomic status, 'Urban areas, Waste disposal, Distribution(Property), Characteristics, Trends, Residential buildings. Identifiers: 'Economically depressed areas, Disad- vantaged groups, Low income groups, 'Poverty areas, 'Solid waste disposal. Variations inherent in the generation of solid wastes make it extremely difficult to predict quanti- ties that can be expected from a dwelling within a residential neighborhood. Some possibly influenc- ing factors are climate, season, socioeconomic level, and dweller density. The objective of the study was to examine the quantities and critical factors involved in the generation of solid wastes in low-income residential neighborhoods. The re- sults are presented in order that a better under- standing of waste quantities and characteristics may be obtained. (Author) PB-216 240 PC A06/MF A01 National Center for Urban and Industrial Health, Cincinnati, Ohio. Manual of Septic-Tank Practice. 1967, 101p Rept no. PHS-Pub-526 Prepared in cooperation with the Joint Committee on Rural Sanitation. Revision of report dated 1957 and reprinted 1963. Descriptors: 'Septic tanks, Reviews, Design, Handbooks. Identifiers: EPAL. Contents: 91 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Septic tank - soil absorption systems for private residences; Septic tank - soil absorption systems for institutions, recreational areas, and other establishments. PB-2 1 6 556 PC A03/ M F A0 1 New Mexico State Univ., University Park. Engi- neering Experiment Station. Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. Summary of research progress rept. 1 Sep 62 - 1 Sep 64 R. E. Speece, and R. S. Engelbrecht. 1964, 46p Grant FWPCA-WP-00394 Descriptors: "Anaerobic processes, Process varia- bles, 'Sewage treatment, Anaerobic processes, 'Fermentation, 'Metabolism, Nutrients, Digestion(Decomposition). Identifiers: 'Methane bacteria, EPAL. A number of approaches have been taken in at- tempting to evaluate the important factors which control the rate of methane fermentation in anaer- obic digestion. The ultimate goal of the research has been to determine the chemical, physical, and biochemical requirements which will enable the methane fermentation to proceed at rates on the order of one magnitude greater that commonly ob- served in conventional anaerobic digestion. A con- siderably detailed study was conducted to assay the methane fermentation stimulation potential of six compounds which had shown promise in a pre- vious study conducted by the principal investiga- tor. Next, a series of studies was designed to evaluate the influence of many physical and chemical factors involved in digestion. Following this, the methane fermentation requirements for trace organics, such as vitamins and amino acids was studied. Combinations of individual amino acids and vitamins as well as mixtures, e.g. case in hydrolyzate (enzymatic), yeast extract, and forti- fied vitamin B complex, were assayed for their stimulation potential. The surface charge on the microorganisms was altered by inorganic and or- ganic coagulating agents while observing the ace- tate utilization rate. PB-217 117/1 PC A06/MF A01 National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C. Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Envi- ronment, and National Development. Volume I. Summary of Proceedings. Singapore, March 13-17, 1972 Mar 72, 120p Contract AID/csd-2584 Prepared in cooperation with the Science Council of Singapore. Descriptors: 'Water pollution, Southeast Asia, 'Developing countries, Water resources, 'South- east Asia, Water resources, Meetings, Water qual- ity, Sewage treatment, Industrial wastes, Water supply, Population growth, Singapore, Pesticides, Regional planning. Identifiers: Oil pollution, Eutrophication, Solid waste disposal, 'Water pollution abatement, AID. The report contains the summary of proceedings of a workshop organised under the joint sponsor- ship of the Science Council of Singapore and the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. Its main purpose was to focus attention on current problems of water resources and the environment faced by countries of the Southeast Asian region, and stimulate regional cooperation in seeking solu- tions. PB-217 118/9 PC A03/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Workshop on Industrial and Technological Re- search, Djakarta, Indonesia. Volume 1 Jan 71, 38p Contract AID/csd-2584 Prepared in cooperation with Indonesian Institute of Science (Lembaga llmu Pengetahuan Indone- sia), Kjakarta. See afso PB-218 724. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Indonesia, Developing countries, Industries, Education, Meet- ings, Problem solving, Shortages, Policies, Plan- ning, Financing, Reviews. Identifiers: Workshops, Technological develop- ment, AID. Overall findings and recommendations of the Workshop are presented. The concern of the Workshop was the strategy for using research, de- velopment, and engineering to assist in achieving the desired industrial growth in Indonesia. Problem areas discussed include shortages in trained man- power, laboratory facilities, equipment and sup- porting services, national science policy, funding level, and need for science planning and coordina- tion at the national level. PB-217 119/7 PC A12/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Conservacion del Medio Ambiente Fisico y el Desarrollo (Environment and Development) Jul 71, 254p Contract AID/csd-2584 Text in Spanish. Summary in English. Primer Se- minario Centroamericano Sobre el Medio Am- biente Fisico y el Desarrollo, Antigua, Guatemala, 25-30 Jul 71 . See also report dated Jul 71 , PB-21 1 487. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Central America, 'Environment, 'Developing countries, Meetings, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Agriculture, Industries, For- estry, Services, Regional planning, Education, Pesticides, Water resources. Identifiers: AID. In developing regions like Central America there are appearing signs, sometimes alarming, of envi- ronmental contamination and degradation of natu- ral resources. The first Central American Work- shop on Development and the Environment exam- ines in depth the regional environmental problems, and provides the planning directors and govern- mental officials with the necessary criteria for in- corporating environmental aspects into their de- velopment programmes. The focus of the Work- shop was on the industrial, agricultural, and serv- ice industry sectors. Included in the report are background papers and the recommendations of the Workshop. PB-217 142 PC A04/MF A01 Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Engineering Studies of Coffee Mill Wastes in El Salvador, C. A., October 18-November 9, 1960. Hayse H.. Black. Apr 61, 57p Report to International Cooperation Administra- tion, United States of America Operations Mission to El Salvador. Descriptors: *EI Salvador, 'Water pollution, 'Food processing, 'Industrial waste treatment. Identifiers: 'Coffee processing, 'Water pollution control, EPAL. The report pertains to control and treatment of both solid and liquid wastes from processing coffee in El Salvador. Included are: Notes on con- ferences and observations pertaining to wastes from processing coffee in El Salvador during the period October 1 8 to November 9, 1 960; Review of technical literature dealing with control and treat- ment of liquid wastes resulting from the processing of coffee; and Future research on coffee wastes. PB-2 1 7 276 PC A02/ M F A0 1 Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Septic Tank Design Economic Factors In- volved. James B. Coulter. 1955, 20p Presented at the Home Sewage Disposal Training Conference at Michigan State College, East Lan- sing, Mich., 11 Jan 55. Descriptors: 'Septic tanks, Design. Identifiers: EPAL. In light of present knowledge, the idea should be discarded that there is a single best design for a septic tank. Acceptable performance can be ob- tained with a wide range of freedom in design. The report reviews the current design status. PB-217 293/0 PC A05/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. A Report on the LIPI-NAS Workship on Natural Resources. Volume I. Overall Findings and Recommendations-Working Group Reports 1972, 81 p Contract AID/csd-2584 Prepared for Workshop on Natural Resources, held in Jakarta (Indonesia) 11-16 Sep 72. Prepared in cooperation with Indonesian Institute of Science (Lembaga llmu Pengetahuan Indonesia), Djakarta. Descriptors: 'Economic development, Natural re- sources, 'Natural resources, 'Indonesia, Develop- ing countries, Land, Soils, Forestry, Water re- sources, Oceans, Mineral deposits, Policies, Rec- ommendations, Meetings. Identifiers: AID. The purpose of the Workshop was to formulate recommendations on how to utilize the natural re- sources of Indonesia in a manner consistent with the needs and rising expectations of a growing population. Specific objectives were: (1) to suggest policies and procedures for strengthening the inte- grated planning and utilization of natural re- sources; (2) to suggest scientific and technological inputs; and (3) to provide a form for a coordinated and constructive exchange of views by key scien- tists, policy-makers, and administrators. Part I of the Report considers problems and major recom- mendations. Sectoral recommendations are given in Part II. (Author) PB-217 667 PC A09/ M F A0 1 Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Div. of Engineer- ing and Applied Physics. Operations Research in Water Quality Manage- ment. Final rept. Harold A. Thomas, Jr, and Robert P. Burden. 15 Feb 63, 179p Contract PH-86-62-140 Descriptors: 'River basin development, 'Math- ematical models, 'Water resources, 'Operations research, Stream flow, Sewage treatment, Eco- nomic development. Identifiers: EPAL. New methods are reported for evaluating the com- posite effects of combinations of streamflow regu- lation, waste water treatment, and waste water regulation for application in comprehensive pro- grams to improve and maintain the quality for water in major water resources systems. The ob- jective is to show how these methods may be used to strengthen the rational base for river basin plan- ning by use of mathematical systems analysis. PB-217 790 PC A02/MF A01 Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center. Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Treatment of Wastes from Coffee Processing in Costa Rica. Herbert R. Pahren, and Rudolfo F. Saenz. 1960, 19p Rept no. SEC-TR-W60-2 Descriptors: 'Food processing, 'Industrial waste treatment, Costa Rica. Identifiers: 'Water pollution control, 'Coffee proc- essing, EPAL. To determine the feasibility of the treatment of these wastes in stabilization ponds in the country of Costa Rica, a preliminary study was made to learn more about the characteristics of the coffee wastes. Tentative calculations were then made concerning the size of stabilization ponds neces- sary for these wastes. A brief outline of the infor- mation collected is summarized. PB-218 226 PC A05/MF A01 Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. Div. of Sanitary Engineering Services. Manual of Septic-Tank Practice. Developed in Cooperation with the Joint Committee on Rural Sanitation. 1 Aug 59, 96p Rept no. PHS-Pub-526 Addendum to part I inserted. Descriptors: 'Septic tanks, 'Manuals. Identifiers: EPAL. The Manual on septic tank practices has been pre- pared for use as a guide by health agencies, build- 92 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ing officials, installers, and others, to meet the need for an authoritative treatise on the subject. PB-218 232/7 PC A06/MF A01 Foreign Economic Development Service, Wash- ington, D.C. Planning Korea's Agricultural Development. Analyses and Recommendations for the Third Five Year Plan William R. Gasser, James P. Cavin, Richard S. Magleby, Edward S. Micka, and Troy Mullins. Aug 70, 11 Op FEDS-Field-5, TA/OST-AN-70-8-2 Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, *South Korea, Economic development, Livestock, Grains(Food), Marketing, Income, Planning, Demand(Economics), South Korea. Identifiers: AID. The population of the Republic of Korea is expect- ed to exceed 35 million by 1976, a gain of about 13% over the 1969 figure. In the same period, the Gross National Product in real terms is projected to increase more than 80%, with income per capita showing a gain of about 78%. This population and income growth will generate a rapid rise in the demand for food, requiring an expansion of 25% to 30% in the total supply of farm products. This report contains a series of recommendations con- cerning steps that may be taken to effect this ex- pansion in the areas of agricultural production and marketing. Consideration is given to the general improvement of long-range projections, livestock improvement plans, problems relating to grains, evaluation of marketing needs, and proposed reor- ganization for economic research. (Author) PB-218 338/2 PC A03/MF A01 Transport and Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). A Deflection Survey Technique for Pavement Evaluation in Developing Countries H. R. Smith. 1973, 40p Rept no. TRRL-LR-525 Descriptors: 'Flexible pavements, Deflection, 'Highways, Developing countries, Tropical re- gions, Design, Surveys, Evaluation, Covering, Test methods, Malaysia, Zambia, Great Britain. Identifiers: GBRRL. The role of deflection beam surveys in the evalua- tion of flexible pavements is discussed. Deflection studies in Malaysia and Zambia are described from which a suitable survey method for use on tropical roads, for the purpose of designing strengthening overlays or pavement reconstruction, has been de- veloped. Testing at 100m intervals in both wheel- tracks is recommended with provision for a higher density of testing if the road deflection is variable, if the road surface has areas of visible distress, or if there are occasional very high deflection values. Deflection values of roads tend to exhibit skewed distributions but it is concluded that this is not nec- essarily a significant factor from the point of view of survey analysis for practical overlay design. (Author) PB-218 681/5 PC A04/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Water Re- sources Inst. An Investigation of Hydrological Aspects of Water Harvesting Research project completion rept. 1 Jul 69-31 Aug 72 Otto Wilke, Jack Runkles, and Charles Wendt. Sep 72, 65p TR-46, OWRR-B-071-TEX(2) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -31 32 Descriptors: *Catch basins, Surface water runoff, 'Water supply, Arid land, Playas, Lakes, Erosion control, Crude oil, Precipitation(Meteorology), Slopes, Cost estimates, Economic analysis, Simu- lation, Mathematical models, Texas. Identifiers: Lubbock(Texas), Amarillo(Texas), Texas High Plains, OWRR. Water harvesting is a potential source of water for arid and semi-arid lands. The objectives were to determine combinations of land surface treat- ments and land forming which result in efficient but inexpensive water harvesting catchments and to determine the optimum shape of catchments. In laboratory studies with inexpensive materials, crude oils exhibited the best sealing properties. However, by six months after application, 750 gal per ac of crude oil has no apparent effect on runoff from field plots. Water harvesting catchments con- structed by grading the soil to form V-shaped val- leys and then compacting the surface yielded runoff equal to 31 to 43 percent of all precipitation. After rains, sand blown from such catchments may damage tender downwind vegetation. Some water erosion occurred, but, after two years, the basic shape and the performance of the catchments had not been damaged by erosion. Chemical weed control is recommended. (Author Modified Ab- stract) PB-218 990/0 PC A04/MF A01 Denver Regional Council of Governments, Colo. Recycling Activity Description: Transfer, Inter- mediate Storage, Processing, Recycling Final rept. May 72, 56p* Rept no. DRCOG-72-013 Contract HUD-H-1 392 Prepared in cooperation with Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Denver, Colo. Descriptors: 'Waste disposal, Colorado, 'Region- al planning, Waste disposal, Materials recovery, Storage, Trends, Forecasting, Management plan- ning. Identifiers: Waste transfer stations, Waste recy- cling, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Denver(Colorado), Reuse project, UPCD. The report includes a description of the four func- tions relating most directly to solid waste recycling, reuse, or resource recovery, including transfer, in- termediate storage, processing, and recycling. The Denver, Colorado area was used for the study. The present situation is also summarized, and long- range trends for each function are forecast. Recent and current citizens group and industry ac- tivity in recycling programs is described. As a basis for improving the existing situation as described, a number of technical and management concepts are presented in relation to their current and future feasibility, possible date of availability, or the form of management action required to implement them. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 683 PC A10/MF A01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Dept. of Eco- nomics. A Generalized Crop-Fertilizer Production Func- tion. (631. 88-R988). Doctoral thesis James Garrett Ryan. 1972, 21 1p AID-631.88- R988 Contract AID/csd-2806 Descriptors: 'Farm crops, 'Soil fertility, 'Fertiliz- ers, Agricultural economics, 'Agricultural econom- ics, 'Peru, Potatoes, Production capacity, Recom- mendations, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Theses. Identifiers: Production functions, AIDH. The problem examined in this study is the deriva- tion of a generalized crop-fertilizer production function describing the response relation between measured soil characteristics, applied nutrients, weather and crop yield. It is hypothesized the func- tion can be used to generate specific fertilizer rec- ommendations to farmers based on soil analysis. The data come from potato-fertilizer experiments conducted on 65 farm locations over a seven year period in the Sierra Region of Peru. A quadratic model was chosen as the most appropriate form to describe the response relationships in these data. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 684 PC A02/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farm- ers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71- A211a). Occasional paper Dale W. Adams, Harlan Davis, and Lee Bettis. Jan 72, 16p Occasional Paper-58, AID-BR- 332.71 -A21 1a Contract AID/csd-2501 Report on 'Studies in Agricultural Capital and Technology.' Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, 'Developing countries, 'Credit, 'Economic analysis, Brazil, Banking business, Policies, Problem solving, Rec- ommendations. Identifiers: 'Small farmers, AIDH. The authors discuss major credit distribution prob- lems on the supply side of credit in Brazil as they affect the problem of extending credit to small farmers. They suggest that adjustments in current policies might substantially increase the flow of credit to small farmers through regular banking channels. Information from Brazil is used to illus- trate the contention. The following topics are con- sidered: background on agricultural credit in Brazil; interest rate policy; institutional agricultural credit; results from credit and interest rate policies; rea- sons for loan concentrations; conclusions; and policy recommendations. (Author Modified Ab- stract) PB-219 685 PC A03/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. An Analysis of Shifting Relative Prices and Marketing Facility Investments in the Context of Technological Change in the Developing Countries. (338.13-J65). Occasional paper S. S. Johl. Oct 71, 27p Occasional Paper-37, Aid-338.13-J65 Contract AID/csd-2501 Report on 'Studies in Agricultural Capital and Technology'. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Developing countries, 'Marketing, 'Economic analysis, India, Prices, Production rate, Growth, Grains(Food), Regula- tions, Incentives, International trade. Identifiers: Imports, AIDH. The author states that agricultural production growth of most of the developing countries in the last 3-4 years has very considerably decreased their dependence on imports, especially food grains. This shift from heavy dependence on im- ports to fast-increasing internal surpluses has cre- ated the need for new government regulations governing the control and operation of markets so that the domestic market becomes fully respon- sive to the production changes and at the same time keeps up the incentives for higher and better production. (Author) PC A02/MF A01 Ithaca, N.Y. Dept. of Agricultural PB-219 688 Cornell Univ., Economics. Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yield- ing Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In- 633.18-S346). Rept. for Dec 70-Oct 72 Michael G. G. Schulter, and Richard W. Longhurst. Oct 72, 23p Occasional Paper-57, AID-IN-633.18-S346 Contract AID/csd-2805 Descriptors: 'Rice plants, Farms, 'Farm manage- ment, 'India, Yield, Prices, Plant genetics, Cost comparison, Manpower. Identifiers: 'Small farms, 'Thanjavur District(lndia), 'Mehsana District(lndia), 'Rice ADT-27, Agricultural development, AIDH. In order to evaluate farmers' response to the new rice and bajra varieties, the Indian Institute of Man- agement at Ahmedabad undertook an intensive study of two districts-Mehsana District in Gujarat for a study of hybrid bajra, and Thanjavur District in Tamil Nadu, for a study of ADT-27, a new high yielding rice variety. In each district, use of inputs, yields and prices were collected from approxi- mately 60 farmers who had adopted the new varie- ties of seed on some part of their acreage, and approximately 40 who had grown only the tradi- tional varieties. A regression framework is used to examine factors affecting the extent of adoption of ADT-27 in Thanjavur. This is supplemented by comparative production function analysis of ADT- 27 and traditional rice varieties. Hybrid and local bajra are compared, again with production function analysis. Finally, an assessment is made of ADT- 27 and hybrid bajra as to their suitability for the small farmer. (Author Modified Abstract) 93 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-219 690 PC A03/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Dept. of Agronomy. Organic Phosphorus in Soils with Special Inter- est in Soils of the Tropics. 631.4-R645. Rept. for Jun 69-Jan 73 K. J. Roberts, and R. M. Weaver. Jan 73, 34p Agronomy Mimeo-73-1, AID-631.4-R645 Contract AID/csd-2490 Descriptors: 'Soil chemistry, Phosphorus organic compounds, *Soil fertility, "Tropical regions, Culti- vation, Plant growth, Nucleic acids, Lipids, Nitro- gen organic compounds, Clay minerals, Weather- ing, Cation exchanging, Leaching, Extraction, Igni- tion. Identifiers: AIDH. It is the purpose of this study to review and sum- marize the existing knowledge and literature on or- ganic phosphorus in highly weathered soils of the tropics. This review includes many references which are concerned primarily with organic phos- phorus as present in soils of temperate regions. This is included to serve as a starting point for in- vestigations in tropical areas. The three major topics covered are: identification and determina- tion of specific forms of organic phosphorus; min- eralization of organic phosphorus; and determina- tion of total organic phosphorus. Less attention is given to microbiological aspects of the problem. Specifically, the author discusses and reviews the following topics: inositol phosphates; phospholi- pids; nucleic acids; correlation with organic nitro- gen and carbon; effects of cultivation and pres- ence of plants; effects of soil organic phosphorus- clay mineral interactions; extraction methods; igni- tion methods and comparative studies of extrac- tion versus ignition methods. (Author) PB-219 695 PC A03/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Dept. of Agronomy. Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics. (631.8-F793). Rept. for Jun 69-Nov 72 Richard H. Fox. Nov 72, 27p Agronomy Mimeo- 72-17, AID-631.8-F793 Contract AID/csd-2490 Presented at the Tropical Soil Research Seminar, Ibadan, Nigeria, May 1972. Descriptors: "Fertilizers, Nitrogen inorganic com- pounds, "Soil fertility, Tropical regions, Field tests, Corn plants, Grain crops, Puerto Rico. Identifiers: AIDH. In the humid tropics, as in temperate areas, sus- tained high production of nonleguminous crops can be accomplished only by the addition of N to the soil. Two years ago, field experiments were started in Puerto Rico to determine the most effi- cient means of supplying N fertilizer to non-legu- minous crops. The author discusses the following topics in this research study: the need for and use of N fertilizers; sources of fertilizer N; placement and time of application of fertilizer N; fertilizer N recovery; N-losses; N03 retention; soil test meth- ods; fertility maintenance; nitrogen fertilization ex- periments in Puerto Rico; and conclusions. The most salient findings of the N fertilization experi- ments with corn and sorghum are given. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 696 PC A02/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. Changes in Small Farmer Credit Use in South- em Brazil, 1965-69. (Br-332.71-A21 1). Occasional paper, Jun 69-Feb 72 Dale W. Adams, and Joseph L. Tommy. 1 1 Feb 72, 10p Occasional Paper-61, AID-BR-332.71- A211 Contract AID/csd-2501 Descriptors: "Agricultural economics, "Brazil, "Credit, Surveys, Banking business, Policies, Sta- tistical data, Economic analysis, Classifications. Identifiers: "Small farmers, Nonbank credit, AIDH. The paper summarizes the results of a study in southern Brazil which was focused at determining the characteristics of farmers who received addi- tional bank credit during the period 1 965 to 1 969. Information is also presented on changes in use of non-bank credit among farmers over the same period. Data were drawn from two sample surveys covering farm operation in 1 965 and 1 969 for 289 farms in southern Brazil. All of the units had 124 acres or less. Principle economic activities on the farms included various mixed enterprises of corn, beans, rice, wheat, hogs and dairy. Inducing banks to loan in a more socially efficient manner appears to be a major challenge. (Author Modified Ab- stract) PB-219 702 PC A02/MF A01 International Rice Research Inst., Los Banos, Laguna (Philippines). Agricultural Engineering Dept. Development of Agricultural Mechanization Technologies at the International Rice Re- search Institute. (Fea-631.3-K45). Rept. for Jul 65-Jan 73 Amir U. Khan, and Bart Duff. Jan 73, 25p Paper- 72-02, AID-FEA-631.3-K45 Contract AG/csd-2541 Presented at Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton Univ., 20-23 Sep 72, and At Council for Asian Man- power Studies at Penang, Malaysia, 3-5 Jan 73. Descriptors: "Agricultural machinery, Design, "Rice plants, Agricultural machinery, Cultivation, Efficiency, Production capacity, Southeast Asia, Philippines. Identifiers: AIDH. The Instiute recognizes the urgent need for suit- able farm machines for tropical agriculture and the catalytic role that machinery design and develop- ment activities can play in the establishment of an indigenous farm equipment manufacturing industry in the South and South-East Asian region. The IRRI program of machinery development is there- fore sharply focused towards providing designs of agricultural machines for the production and proc- essing of rice with two major objectives in mind. One, the machines must meet the requirements of the 2-to 1 0-hectare farmers who can neither afford to use imported mechanization technology nor work efficiently with traditional methods. Two, the machinery designs must use to a maximum extent, locally available manufacturing methods, materi- als, labor and other resources of the region. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 703 PC A02/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Dept. of Pedi- atrics. Report on Wheat-or Oat-Soy Mixtures. (612- 398-G739b). Progress rept. Jul 66-Dec 71 George G. Graham. Dec 71, 16p AID-61 2-398- G739b Contract AID/csd-1433, AID/csd-2946 Descriptors: "Wheat, Proteins, "Cereals, Nutrition, Flours(Food), Soybeans, Oats, Diets, Nutrition, Lysine. Identifiers: AIDH. Much of the effort directed at improving the diets of needy people is centered on the improvement of the protein content and quality of cereals by the addition of protein-rich foods, protein concen- trates, or essential amino acids. The combination of wheat and soy flours makes much sense as the second should correct the lysine deficiency of the first. Such a mixture is now being made available by our government in its international programs as WSB, or wheat-soy-blend. The study reports its evaluation in the diet of convalescent malnour- ished and normal infants and children. Included are results obtained with another wheat-soy blend and with an oat-soy blend. (Author Modified Ab- stract) PB-219 708 PC A03/MF A01 Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. Food and Feed Grain Inst. Tour of Some U. S. Grain Storage Facilities for Entente Fund Officials. (Afr-631.23-C559). Trip rept. no. 30, 11 May- 16 May 72 Do Sup Chung. May 72, 27p AID-AFR-631.23- C559 Contract AID/csd-1 588 Report on Food Frain Drying Storage. Handling and Transportation. Descriptors: "Grains(Food), "Storage, "Buildings, Evaluation, Surveys, Facilities, Kansas, Develop- ing countries, West Africa, Problem solving, Silos. Identifiers: AIDH. A four day tour of grain storage facilities for En- tente Fund officials was conducted by Kansas State University. Fundamental principles concern- ing condensation and problems related to conden- sation in metal storage buildings were discussed. The following aspects were considered to be im- portant in reducing the possibility of condensation in metal storage facilities for bagged grains: (1) adequate ventilation (2) white paint used to paint the exterior, (3) do not stack grain bags against the walls, and (4) cover the grain pile with a plastic sheet, or put insulation on the roof inside of the storage building, thus creating at least a twenty- degree F. temperature differential between the in- terior and exterior air. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 710 PC A02/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Dept. of Agricultural Economics. Preliminary Observations on the Production of New High Yielding Rice Varieties and Tradition- al Rice Varieties in Suphan Buri, Thailand. (Th- 633.18-B974). Rept. for Dec 70-Feb 72 William R. Burton, and Tongruay Chungtes. Feb 72, 16p Occasional Paper-52, AID-TH-633.18- B974 Contract AID/csd-2805 Presented at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thai- land. Feb 1-4, 1972. Descriptors: "Rice plants, Farms, "Farm manage- ment, Thailand, Production capacity, Selection, Cost factors, Rural areas. Identifiers: AIDH. The research paper discusses field research in Thailand on certain economic aspects of new rice technology, particularly the new high yielding rice varieties and associated inputs. The actual loca- tion of the study area was in Suphan Buri Province, some 1 00 kilometers northwest of Bangkok, Thai- land. A total of 153 rural households in six villages cooperated in the study. Forty of the rice farms were located in a deep water, broadcasted area where floating rice varieties are grown. The re- maining 93 rice-farms were in a transplanted rice area where many farmers were growing the new high yielding rice varieties. The authors provide summary tables on the following topics: table of farms; planted area and varieties grown; farmers growing new varieties; area and variety planted for the 1970 and 1971 seasons. They include sum- mary discussions of high yielding varieties other new rice technology, research and costs of pro- duction. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 711 PC A02/MF A01 Utah State Univ., Logan. Dept. of Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering. Economic Aspects of Irrigation from Ground Water. (Br-631.7-H279a). George H. Hargreaves. 1972, 23p AID-BR-631.7- H279a Contract AID/csd-2167 Presented at National Ground Water Symposium, Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 27 Nov-1 Dec 72. Descriptors: "Irrigation, "Agricultural economics, "Ground water, Irrigation, "Brazil, Irrigation, Design, Cost estimates, Drainage, Arid land, Farm crops, Soybean plants, Wheat plants, Forage crops, Cotton plants. Identifiers: AIDH. Typical examples of economic analysis of ground water development in Brazil are discussed, citing specific data for Bolivian conditions with conver- sion to Cruzeiro values, but without a detailed knowledge of commodity prices and costs in Brazil. Use of ground water can produce both irri- gation and drainage benefits - pumping from un- derground reservoirs has alleviated many drainage problems. Typical irrigation systems were select- ed, designs developed, and costs estimated. From theoretical considerations, and from available crop, moisture - yield relationships developed in other areas, the supply of adequate moisture prop- erly distributed throughout the growing season 94 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS should at least double production for cotton, sugar cane, soy beans, wheat, forage crops, and others with similar water requirements. Irrigation costs are analyzed. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 712 PC A15/MF A01 Georgia Univ., Athens. A Literature Review and Research Recommen- dations on Cassava 'Manihot Esculenta Crantz'. (016.66423-H495). Research rept. Jul 69-Mar 72 C. H. Hendershott. Mar 72, 341 p AID-01 6.66423- H495 Contract AID/csd-2497 Descriptors: "Farm crops, Agronomy, *Food, De- veloping countries, Food supply, Production, Ecol- ogy, Botany, Genetics, Soils, Cultivation, Plant dis- eases, Nutritive value, Biochemistry, Economics, Market research. Identifiers: "Cassava, AIDH. In the fall of 1969, a team of scientists from the University of Georgia was commissioned by the Technical Assistance Bureau of the Agency for In- ternational Development to (1) compile on a sys- tematic basis the available information about cas- sava and related research now in progress; (2) synthesize, appraise, and analyze the information gathered and to determine as near as possible the broad limitations and potential of cassava as a food and feed crop; and (3) to prepare a list of re- search needs in their order of importance, for the orientation of future research on cassava. This team, consisting of ten men, represented the areas of Agronomy, Animal Nutrition, Botany, Eco- nomics, Food Science, Genetics, Horticulture, Human Nutrition and Plant Pathology. Each of their reports appear as a separate chapter in this manu- script and in each case represents their own view on cassava in their particular area of speciality. (Author) PB-219 713 PC A03/MF A01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Dept. of Soil Science. Agronomic Practices for Optimizing the Yield Potential of Short-Statured Rice Varieties in Latin America. (Lat-633.18-S211). Research paper Jun 70-Nov 71 Pedro A. Sanches. Oct 71, 47p AID-LAT-633.18- S211 Contract AID/csd-2806 Presented at Seminar on Rice Policies for Latin American Centro Intemacional de Agricultura Tropical, Cali, Colombia, 1 1 Oct 71 . Descriptors: *Rice plants, Cultivation, *Latin Amer- ica, Rice plants, Seasonal variations, Climate, Soil fertility, Weed control, Irrigation, Plant growth, Pro- duction capacity, Fertilizers. Identifiers: AIDH. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the vari- etal response to specific cultural practices as ex- amples of the kind of information needed for opti- mizing yields in each rice growing area in Latin American countries. Time of planting in relation to weather patterns is discussed for upland rice and irrigated rice. Planting systems, seed density and spacing are explained for upland rice systems, direct seeded-irrigated systems, and transplanted systems. Nitrogen response and response to other nutrients are described under rice fertilization. Weed control and harvest timing are included as important cultural practices. Examples of cultural practices interactions, total production costs and revenues and the effects of nitrogen levels are provided under economic considerations. The author concludes that the possibility of increasing rice yields throughout the different cropping sys- tems in Latin America seem excellent if proper agronomic practices are adopted. (Author) PB-219 721 PC A02/MF A01 Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. Food and Feed Grain Inst. Development of a Simple Storage Unit and Storage Method Applicable for Humid Areas in Developing Countries. (631.23-C559). Progress rept. no. 31 Do Sup Chung. 30 Jun 72, 24p AID-631.23-C559 Contract AID/csd-1 588 Report on Food Grain Drying, Storage, Handling and Transportation. Descriptors: "Grains(Food), "Storage, "Environ- mental tests, "Humidity, Developing countries, En- vironment simulation, Corn, Containers, Dessi- cants, Silica gel, Test chambers, Observation, Fungus deterioration, Time, Effectiveness, Adsor- bents. Identifiers: "Humid regions, AIDH. The development of a simple, inexpensive grain storage unit and storage method which can be used at farm and local levels in humid areas in order to preserve the quality of grain is discussed. Losses result from inadequate facilities and im- proper handling of food grains. Efforts are devoted to the development of storage that would not re- quire electricity, and that could be easily main- tained and operated by unskilled labor. Materials, methods, time and partial results are discussed. The grain used in this preliminary report was com. A silica-gel adsorbant appears feasible, but cheaper drying agents are needed. (Author modi- fied abstract) PB-219 723 PC A04/MF A01 International Rice Research Inst., Los Banos, Laguna (Phillippines). Agricultural Engineering Dept. Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation. (Rp-63 1.3-16 1b). Semiannual progress rept. 1 Jul-31 Dec 72, No 15 Amir U. Khan, Fred E. Nichols, and Bart Duff. Dec 72, 59p AID-RP-631. 3-161 b Contract AID/csd-2541 Descriptors: "Agricultural machinery, Design, "Rice plants, Agricultural machinery, Cultivation, Production, Field tests, Test methods, Philippines. Identifiers: AIDH. The major objectives of the contract continue to be the design, development, testing and extension of agricultural machinery for use by small-and medium-scale rice producers and processors in the tropics. Response from manufacturers now producing and those contemplating production of the 4-6 hp power tiller has been encouraging. Two manufacturers are now building a total of 200 power tillers a month in the Philippines. Evaluation of various machine concepts for the application of non-selective herbicides in rice and upland crops was initiated. The design of the axial-flow thresher neared completion. High output, multicrop use, simplicity in design, and ease of local manufacture should make it widely acceptable in most Asian countries. The second prototype of the PTO thresher is approaching completion. Following final testing and evaluation, it will be released to manufacturers for production. Simple lifting-finger mechanisms for harvesting lodged crops were in- stalled on the stripper harvester. Field trials with the stripper harvester indicate that grain losses with the field machine have been reduced to 6 per- cent. Additional modifications should further reduce these losses. (Author) PB-219 725 PC A03/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. Methodology and General Data Description: Farm Level Capital Formation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Br-338.1-W5 15). Occasional paper, Jun 69-Dec 71 Kelso L. Wessel, and William C. Nelson. Dec 71, 44p Occasional Paper-47, AID-BR-338.1-W515 Contract AID/csd-2501 Descriptors: "Agricultural economics, "Capital, "Farm management, "Brazil, Surveys, Economic analysis, Production, Productivity, Statistical data, Prices, Classifications, Income, Consumption, Savings, Investments, Financing. Identifiers: San Paulo(Brazil), Government credit programs, Land tenure, Technical assistance, AIDH. The focus of the research paper is on the capital formation process on Brazilian farms, with special emphasis on the role of credit and technology in bringing about rapid changes in agricultural pro- duction and/or productivity. An agricultural survey was made of 383 farms in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1970 in order to obtain the necessary farm level data. Several homogenous groups were identified which reflected farm characteristics of size, type, technology, tenure, market orientation, management level and mechanization. Analyses were made of farm organization, income, con- sumption, savings, investment and other distin- guishing characteristics to show the production- income-growth process for each group. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 726 PC A06/MF A01 Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga. Central America Malaria Research Station. (Lat-614.4323-D419a). Final rept. Mar 67-Jul 72 Geoffrey M. Jeffrey. 30 Jun 72, 120p AID-LAT- 614.4323-D419a Grant PASA-RA(HM)-2-67 Report on Malaria Program. Descriptors: "Malaria, "Disease vectors, "Culici- dae, Malaria, Ecology, Insect control, Antimalar- ials, Insecticides, Public health, Epidemiology, Parasitic diseases, Central America. Identifiers: AIDH. Central America was selected as the site for a re- search station because the malaria programs of the region had been facing numerous problems. Among the first work initiated by CAMRS were in- tensive studies on the ecology of the malaria vec- tors. The information from these continuing studies on activity patterns, breeding cycles and habitats, and vector associations with man has guided the selection and timing of antimosquito activities in- cluding dry-season larviciding of river habitats, water-management practices in coastal estuaries, exterior spraying of nouses, ULV spraying, and re- lease of sterile male mosquitoes. The results of a pyrimethamine-primaquine mass distribution field trial enabled CAMRS to recommend against an ex- pensive change-over of drugs and, in addition, yielded information on the reasons for the low ac- ceptance in mass drug distribution programs. PB-219 730 PC A03/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Agri- cultural Economics. Micro-Level Farm Management and Production Economics Research among Traditional Afri- can Farmers: Lessons from Sierra Leone. (Sl- 631.09664-S745). Dunstan S. C. Spencer. Sep 72, 35p AREP-3, AID-SL-631.09664-S745 Grant AID/csd-3625 See also report dated Jan 73, PB-219 757, and report dated Sep 72, PB-21 9 729. Descriptors: "Farm management, "Africa, "Rice, "Sierra Leone, Agricultural economics, Production, Manpower, Capital, Management methods, Land use, Output, Mathematical models, Estimating, Cost analysis. Identifiers: Model farms, AIDH. The paper describes experiences in collecting data in West Africa for planning as well as other purposes. Suggestions are made as to how some methodological problems can be handled. Les- sons are drawn mainly form a study of rice produc- tion in Sierra Leone. A stratified area sampling technique involving 240 farmers was used to secure input-output data for a linear programming study of the rice industry. General recommenda- tions are made on methods of farm management and production. (Author modified abstract) PB-219 734 PC A04/MF A01 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Tailoring of Fertilizers for Rice. (633.18-T297b). Final rept. 1968-1972 O. P. Engelstad, J. G. Getsinger, and P. J. Stangel. 1972, 57p AID-633.18-T297b Contract PASA-RA(QA)5-69 Descriptors: "Rice plants, Fertilizers, "Fertilizers, Evaluation, Inorganic nitrates, Phosphorus inor- ganic acids, Zinc inorganic compounds, Tropical tests, Field tests. Identifiers: AIDH. 95 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS The agronomic activities under this project includ- ed basic research and preliminary evaluation of new fertilizers for rice at TVA in Alabama and by field studies in India, Thailand, Ceylon, the Philip- pines, Peru, Brazil and Columbia. The materials tested included various forms of nitrogen, phos- phate and zinc. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 735 PC A02/MF A01 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Potential Fertilizers for Developing Countries. (631.8-T297a). Summary rept. Jul 68-Jul 72. Aug 72, 20p AID-631.8-T297a Contract PASA-TA(QA)-6-69 Descriptors: 'Fertilizers, Developing countries, Evaluation, Ureas, Phosphate inorganic acids, Phosphate deposits, Sulfates, Tropical regions. Identifiers: AIDH. The report presents a brief summary of tests re- cently made or in progress for production of sever- al potential fertilizer materials that may have appli- cation in developing countries. Such materials in- clude urea-phosphate rock, urea-single super- phosphate based materials, urea-ammonium sul- fate, granulated rock phosphate and improved urea. Emphasis is placed on the use of urea since it is now and will continue to be the most important nitrogen source in developing countries. Tests thus far are promising for development of a coating material which will improve the physical character- istics of urea used under tropical conditions. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-2 1 9 739 PC A04/ M F A0 1 Auburn Univ., Ala. Dept. of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures. Aquacultural Survey in Japan. (Ja-639.3-S355). H. R. Schmittou. 1 Feb 72, 73p AID-JA-639.3- S355 Contract AID/csd-2780 Descriptors: *Aqualture, 'Japan, Fisheries, Oys- ters, Shrimps, Shellfish, Water pollution, Cost fac- tors, Evaluation. Identifiers: AIDH. The purpose of this survey was to assess the value of Japan's aquacultural methods in terms of direct or indirect application in other countries, and to evaluate present and future status of aquacultures in Japan. The aquacultures discussed are: Ayu, Japanese eel, Yellowtail, Japanese oyster, and the Japanese Kuruma shrimp. Japan is faced with seri- ous problems in most of its aquacultures. Only few of the methods of culture developed can be ap- plied in other countries. If present methods are continued, many cultures will suffer limited growth and some may decline. The most serious problem and the ultimate limiting factor is the cost of pro- duction. Feed and labor are the two primary cost items of all cultures. Pollution is another problem. Another problem is having to depend on natural populations for young animals for stocking. A po- tential disease problem results from the feeding of uncooked trash fish also, and this particular prob- lem has manifested itself in the yellowtail culture. Various stocking programs and ways to artificially reproduce fish stocks are discussed. (Author Modi- fied Abstract) PB-2 1 9 740 PC A03/ M F A0 1 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Ammonia-Urea Solution for Ammoniation- Granulation in Brazil. (Br-668.62-A179). Frank P. Achorn, and Owen W. Livingston. Jun 72, 35p AID-BR-668.62.A179 Contract PASA-TA(QA)-6-69 Descriptors: 'Fertilizers, 'Manufacturing, 'Granu- lation, Fertilizers, Solutions, Ammonia, Urea, Grinders, Handbooks, Inorganic phosphates. Identifiers: AIDH. Many countries are considering alternative meth- ods for increasing the output of fertilizers and fertil- izer intermediates. Numerous studies have been made for various countries surveying alternative production schemes which could be utilized. The report gives details of granulation process based on the ammoniation of superphosphates with am- monia-urea solution in a rotary-type drum granula- tor. Granulation is a process whereby rounded or spherical particles are produced through a fusion, solution, crystallization, or cementing process be- tween various materials. To obtain spherical parti- cles, it is necessary to impart a rolling-type action to nuclei; these nuclei serve as a base for building larger particles which grow to product size. Infor- mation for this report is based on actual experi- ence during startup and operation of a plant in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The ammoniation-granulation plant there consists of a volumetric-type solid feed system, ammonia-urea solution feed system, TVA drum ammoniator-granulator, dual pan granula- tors, dryer, cooler, and screening system. Data are given to illustrate the possibility of grades that can be made for a plant of this type. (Author modified abstract) PB-219 741 PC A05/MF A01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Dept. of Soil Science. Soil Nitrogen: Supply Processes and Crop Re- quirements. (631.42-B287). W. V. Bartholomew. Oct 72, 87p Technical Bull- 6, AID-631.42-B287 Contract AID/la-464 Report on International Soil Fertility Evaluation and Improvement Program. Descriptors: 'Soil fertility, Nitrogen, 'Grains(Food), Soil fertility, Fertilizers, Plant growth, Rainfall, Pro- duction capacity, Soil properties, Availability, Ni- trites. Identifiers: AIDH. Nitrogen use in modern agriculture has increased greatly with the growth of population and in turn the need for increased food production. Of all the soil elements essential for plant growth, nitrogen is the most likely to limit crop growth. Attention is fo- cussed on some of the principles affecting nitro- gen availability and use which provide for maxi- mum efficiency in the production of cereal crops. In forecasting fertilizer nitrogen needs, several use factors are collectively evaluated. Crop require- ments are determined first. The kind of crop, ex- pected yield, amount of nitrogen absorbed and used by the plants at the projected yield level. Ex- pected yield levels depend mostly on soil proper- ties and climatic factors. The amount of nitrogen expected from the soil and natural resources are assessed through mineralization, biological fix- ation, and additions from rainfall. An evaluation of all these processes are obtained by measuring the yield of a crop when no nitrogen fertilizer has been applied. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 744 PC A07/MF A01 Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. Economic Growth Center. The Relevance and Prospects of Small Scale Industry in Colombia. (Co-338.64-B534). Discussion paper Albert Berry. 25 Apr 72, 139p EGC-DP-142, AID- CO-338.64-B534 Contract AID/csd-2492 Descriptors: 'Industrial relations, 'Colombia, 'Pro- ductivity, 'Scale(Ratio), Plants(lndustries), Magni- tude, Economic surveys, Statistical analysis, De- velopment, Efficiency, Labor relations, Policies, Predictions. Identifiers: 'Small businesses, Technological de- velopment, AIDH. There is a shortage of documented information on Colombia's small scale industry. An approach uti- lized here focuses on, (1) the historical develop- ment (with emphasis on the last 20 years) of small scale production, (2) management performance in terms of the actual and potential efficiency with which converts resources into output, (3) the growth tendencies of plants and firms over a period of time according to their sizes, (4) the rela- tive factor productivity compared to larger industry, and (5) possible strategies for the success of this form of production. The data indicate that small and medium plants are on somewhat higher output/capital ratios than larger ones. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 747 PC E99/MF A01 National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Ala. More Wheat from Failow Farming. (Tu-633.11- H529). Research rept. Homer M. Hepworth. Jan 73, 55 AID-TU-633.11- H529 Descriptors: 'Wheat, Production capacity, 'Soil water, Wheat, Water storage, Conservation, Soil erosion, Weed control, Fertilizers, Climate, Cultiva- tion, Statistical data, Agronomy, Turkey. Identifiers: Fallowing, AIDH. Statistics show that wheat production varies widely even in areas of the same climatic conditions. Re- search conducted by National Wheat Improve- ment Center provides necessary information and production sources for optimum wheat production in the shortest possible time. It is observed that moisture conservation in soil (fallow system) with other improved agronomic practices can produce the optimum yield capacity. An effective fallow system involves storing water when it comes as rain or snow and minimizing losses prior to planting the crop. Research and training programs are de- signed to adapt improved technology to local con- ditions. Also presented is an analysis of the ap- proach taken to facilitate the transfer of technol- ogy to local conditions in Turkey. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-2 1 9 757 PC A04/ M F A0 1 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Agri- cultural Economics. Economic Analysis of Agricultural Production and Labour Utilization among the Hausa in the North of Nigeria. (Afr-338.1-N842). African rural employment study Apr 66-Mar 67 D. W. Norman. Jan 73, 53p AREP-4, AID-AFR- 338.1 -N842 Grant AID/csd-3625 See also report dated Sep 72, PB-21 9 730. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Nigeria, 'Farm man- agement, Surveys, Communities, Rural areas, Data acquisition, Classifications, Land use, Man- power, Seasonal variations, Financing, Income, Statistical data, Linear programming, Farm crops. Identifiers: Zaria(Nigeria), AlDH. A case study examines the farming practices and production of Moslem farmers in the Zaria area of Northern Nigeria. Three Moslem villages were se- lected; Hanwa, which borders on Zaria itself, Doka, and Dan Mahawayi. The results of the study were derived from 42 farming families in Dan Mahawayi and 62 families in the other 2 villages. Data were secured on land and labor; seasonality of farming and off-farm occupations; farm capital goods and cash expenses; acres, yields and location of food and cash crops; composition of farm and family income; and comparative statistics for iarge and small farms in the three villages. (Author modified abstract) PB-219 758 PC A12/MF A01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Dept. of Soil Science. A Review of Soils Research in Tropical Latin America. (Lat-631.4072-N864). Review rept. Jul 70-Jul 72 P. A. Sanchez, W. V. Bartholomew, S. W. Buol, F. R. Cox, and E. J. Kamprath. 1972, 272p AID- LAT-631.4072-N864 Contract AIDcsd-2806 Descriptors: 'Soil surveys, Latin America, 'Tropi- cal regions, Soils, Reviews, Soil properties, Investi- gations, Soil classification, Morphology, Food, Farm crops, Soil fertility, Cultivation, Acidity, Soil texture, Fertilizers, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potas- sium. Identifiers: AIDH. The publication is a comprehensive review of the available literature on soils research in the Ameri- can tropics. This area comprises all countries of Latin America and the Caribbean excluding Argen- tina, Chile and Uruguay. A search was made of bio- logical abstracts for work in the region. Approxi- mately 1 ,000 abstracts were obtained on research published since 1960. Additional materials were 96 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS obtained from Tropical Abstracts, the Latin Ameri- can Bibliography of Agriculture and the authors' personal files. Emphasis is placed on the main food and feed crops of tropical America grown by small and medium sized farmers. The review covers the following topics of soil research: soil genesis, morphology and classification; soil physi- cal properties; soil management under shifting cul- tivation; soil nitrogen in the tropics; nitrogen fertil- ization; soil acidity and liming; potassium; phos- phorus; sulfur; and micronutrients. (Author) PB-219 759 PC A02/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Dept. of Agronomy. Relationships among Physical and Chemical Properties of Representative Soils of the Trop- ics from Puerto Rico. (Rq-631.42-P555). Agronomy paper for Jun 69-Mar 73 Warren R. Philipson, and Matthew Drosdoff. Mar 72, 6p Agronomy Paper-893, AID-RQ-631.42- P555 Contract AID/csd-2490 Pub. in Soil Science Society of America Proceed- ings, v36 n5 p81 5-819, Sep-Oct 1 972. Descriptors: *Soil properties, Tropical regions, 'Puerto Rico, Soil properties, Soil surveys, Soil ho- rizons, Regression analysis, Soil chemistry, Soil profiles, Soil water, Cation exchanging, Tables(Data). Identifiers: AIDH. In an investigation of the extent to which predictive soil property relationships can be relied upon in characterizing soils of the tropics classified at the reconnaissance level, 9 to 15 soil properties, of 370 horizons, from 84 Puerto Rican profiles, were studied by correlation and multiple linear regres- sion. The soils represented six orders of the new U.S. Soil Taxonomy (7th Approximation): Vertisols, Mollisols, Alfisols, Inseptisols, Ultisols, and Oxi- sols. Multiple regression equations were formed from the data of each order, with 15-bar moisture content, CEC, organic carbon, extractable iron, and base saturation as dependent variables. The results indicate that, although it is possible to elimi- nate certain properties from tropical soil data ac- quisition and still adequately characterize the soil, the specific properties that can be successfully eliminated depend on the soil order. (Author) PB-219 760 PC A02/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Dept. of Agricultural Economics. New Seed Varieties and the Small Farm. (In- 631.521-S346). Rept. for Dec 70-Mar 72 M. Schulter, and John W. Mellor. Jun 72, 22p AID-IN-631.521-S346 Contract AID/csd-2805 Also pub. as Cornell International Agricultural De- velopment Reprint 52. Descriptors: *Seeds, Selection, *Farm manage- ment, 'India, Farms, Production, Irrigation. Identifiers: AIDH. The study explores the relationship that exists be- tween adoption of the new seed varieties and size of farm for the small farmer in India. In this analysis a farmer is defined to have 'adopted' if he has put any part of his acreage under the new varieties. Tables are provided summarizing the results of the linear regression between proportion of farmers adopting the farm size for 70 cases. This analysis has been largely oriented to the adoption problems of the small farmer. Particular in the rice areas, among adopting farmers, the larger farmers seem to adopt on a smaller proportion of their acreage than the smaller farmers. The authors also discuss tenancy, irrigation, credit and uncertainty as fac- tors affecting adoption. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 768 PC A03/ M F A0 1 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. Technological Change and the Traditional Small Farmer of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. (Br- 631-R225). Occasional paper Norman Rask. Jun 72, 37p Occasional Paper-85, AID-BR-631.R225 Contract AID/csd-2501 Report on 'Studies in Agricuiiural Capital and Technology.' Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, 'Brazil, 'Economic development, Statistical data, Man- agement methods, Land use, Farm crops, Live- stock, Manpower, Deomographic surveys, Educa- tion, Income, Communities. Identifiers: 'Technological change, 'Small farm- ers, Rio Grande do Sul(Brazil), Lajeado(Brazil), AIDH. The paper concerns research on the determina- tion and evaluation of capital formation and the re- lationship of this process to technological change and economic development for the small farmer of Rio Grande Do Sul in Brazil. The author provides a general background of the geographic region and settlement patterns and a general description of small farm agriculture as it is practiced in this Bra- zilian state. The study reports on rates of techno- logical change on farms as related to farm size, technology available, and institutional settings. Findings are related to those for large farms. A case study of more than 6500 small farms located in the municipio of Lajeado is presented. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 772 PC A03/MF A01 Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. Economic Growth Center. Rural-Urban Migration, Urban Unemployment and Underemployment, and Job Research Ac- tivity in Ldcs. (331.127-F461). Discussion paper Gary S. Fields. Dec 72, 29p EGC-DP-168, AID- 331.127-F461 Contract AID/csd-2492 Descriptors: 'Unemployment, 'Developing coun- tries, Urban areas, Mathematical models, Popula- tion migrations, Rural areas. Identifiers: Underemployment, AIDH. A formal theoretical model is presented, with which the equilibrium allocation of the labor force be- tween labor markets is analyzed. Following the model of Harris and Todaro, the focus is on the voluntary movement of workers between labor markets as the equilibrating force, instead of the more conventional mechanism of wage adjust- ment. Four additional factors are considered: a more generalized account of the process of search for urban jobs; favoring of educated workers over uneducated workers by employers in hiring; the possibility of unemployment in the so-called 'murky sector'; and recognition of labor turnover in a multi- period framework. Results are compared with pre- dictions by Harris and Todaro. Urban unemploy- ment rates were found to be considerably lower than predicted by the Harris-Todaro model. The theory of quantity adjustment being the equilibrat- ing mechanism in labor markets is considered. Re- sults presented demonstrate that the resulting framework gives predictions that are closer to actual experience than the Harris-Todaro model. PB-219 774 PC A07/MF A01 North Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill. Dept. of Environ- mental Sciences and Engineering. Planning Small Water Supplies in Developing Countries. (628.72-L384). Final rept. Jul 69-Jul 72 Donald T. Lauria. 1972, 141p AID-628.72-L384 Contract AID/csd-2494 Descriptors: 'Water supply, Developing countries, Water resources, Community development, Man- agement, Economic models, Benefit cost analysis, Demand(Economics), Supply(Economics), Con- struction, Central America. Identifiers: AID. The research included two principal objectives: (1) develop a theoretical planning model for deciding water supply timing and scale in small communi- ties of developing countries; (2) initiate field stud- ies to obtain data on the parameters of the model to make it operational. The work of model develop- ment had to focus on several communities instead of only one. Additionally, time in the model had to be made discrete because budgets are imposed at fixed points in time. Finally, the model had to in- clude the considerations of Manne's model perti- nent to developing countries: economies of scale, water supply benefits, increasing demand, the dis- count rate, etc. While the first research objective is theoretical, the second is pri marily applied. It was proposed to obtain at least preliminary information on water demand patterns in small commun ities, costs of water system construction, the economies of scale of water systems abroad, an by imputing, the benefits of publicly supplied water. All of the field data were obtained from Central America. (Author) PB-219 777 PC A03/MF A01 Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Center for Inter- national Affairs. A Subjective Equilibrium Theory of Share Ten- ancy. (333.53-W286). Economic rept., 31 May 67-Oct 72 Peter Warr. Oct 72, 31 p Economic Development- 222, AID-333.53-W286 Contract AID/csd-1543 Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, 'Developing countries, 'Land use, 'Economic analysis, Re- views, Economic development, Production, Uncer- tainty principle, Allocations, Policies, Labor rela- tions. Identifiers: Sharecropping, Tenancy, Resource al- location, Land reform, AIDH. An economic development report reviews the ana- lytics of share tenancy for land reform and other aspects of agricultural policy in the developing na- tions. Section 1 discusses the comparative statics of resource allocation under share-cropping, fixed rent tenancy, and capitalist production using wage labor. The implications of production uncertainty are treated in section 2 and are related to the con- clusions of the previous section. Production uncer- tainty is shown to modify the comparative static conclusions on resource allocation and to provide an explanation for the existence of share-cropping despite its alleged inefficiency. (Author) PB-219 778 PC A06/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C. Agricultural Development and Farm Employ- ment in India. (ln-630.954-S798). William J. Staub. Jan 73, 122p AID-IN-630.954- S798 Pub. as Foreign Economic Rept. no. 84. Descriptors: 'Farm management, Employment, 'India, Farm management, Agricultural machinery, Expenses, Fertilizers, Seeds, Rice plants. Identifiers: Agricultural development, AIDH. The 'green-revolution' has come to Asia, but Indian workers have nothing to fear from technol- ogy. This study finds increased use of modern pur- chased imputs generates an increase in the amount of labor employed per farm. The various inputs investigated are: (1) farm size, (2) irrigation expenses, (3) investment in farm machinery, (4) bullock labor, (5) expenses for seed and fertilizer, (6) percentage of high-yield varieties used, (7) price of the dependent variable, and (8) the amount of human labor employed other than that included in the dependent variables. These factors were applied to Ferozepur and Thanjavur in the States of Punjab and Tamil Nadu, respectively, be- cause of their similarity to other regions in India. (Author modified abstract) PB-219 950/3 PC A02/MF A01 Washington State Univ., Pullman. Waste Treatment for Small Flows J. F. Kreissl. 1971, 25p Presented at the Annual Meeting American Soci- ety of Agricultural Engineers, Washington State Univ., Pullman, Wash., 27-30 June 1 971 . Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, 'Rural areas, Cost estimates, Water pollution, Septic tanks, Aer- obic processes, Sanitary sewers, Force mains, Sewage disposal. Identifiers: EPASW. The report surveys the problems of waste treat- ment in rural areas. It describes various treatment alternatives and gives cost estimates. 97 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-2 1 9 980/0 PC A03/ M F A0 1 Alaska Univ., College. Inst, of Water Resources. Sludge Production and Disposal for Small, Cold Climate Bio-Treatment Plants Completion rept. Timothy Tilsworth. Dec 72, 50p IWR-32, OWRR- A-033-ALAS(2) Contract DI-14-31-0001-3202, DI-14-31-0001- 3502 Descriptors: 'Sludge drying, 'Freezing, 'Sewage treatment, Sludge disposal, 'Dewatering, 'Sludge disposal, Design criteria, Sand filtration, Aeration, Activated sludge process, Cost estimates, Water pollution. Identifiers: 'Sludge treatment, OWRR. A sludge disposal process consisting of modified sand drying beds in combination with the freeze- thaw technique utilizing natural refrigeration was evaluated. The purpose of freeze-thawing of sewage sludge is principally to condition the sludge such that it is readily dewaterable and, sub- sequently, results in a reduced volume of solids to be further processed. The study consisted of three separate evaluations using three model drying beds for each respective run. Two of the beds were studied at sludge depths of six inches, and the third bed was evaluated at an eighteen-inch sludge depth. Settled activated sludge for place- ment on the model beds was obtained from the sedimentation tank of a local activated sludge plant. PB-220 300/8 PC A02/MF A01 Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana. Removal of Algae from Waste Stabilization Pond Effluents - A State of the Art V. Kothandaraman, and Ralph L Evans. 1972, 13p* Rept no. ISWS-72-CIR-108 Descriptors: 'Algae, 'Waste treatment, 'Harvest- ing, Algae, Lagoons(Ponds), Precipitation(Chemistry), Filtration, Clarification, Flotation, Centrifuging, Dewatering, Fertilizing, Feeding stuffs, Manufactured gas, Methane, Drying, Concentrating, Sewage treatment, Industri- al waste treatment. Identifiers: Microstraining, Anaerobic lagoons, Aer- ation ponds, Water pollution control, ISWSD. Treatment of municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastes employing stabilization ponds or lagoons has found increasing application within the past 20 or 30 years. Regardless of whether the lagoon is an oxidation pond, an anaerobic cell followed by an aerobic polishing pond, or a facultative lagoon, the effluent from each facility is likely to contain a significant concentration of algae. With the adop- tion of wastewater effluent standards by water pol- lution abatement agencies, particularly with re- spect to suspended solids and biochemical oxygen demand, it becomes imperative either to design the oxidation pond facilities on a total wastewater retention basis or to provide means for separating the algae from pond effluents and dis- posing of the harvested residue. This report sum- marizes the investigations of other research work- ers concerning methods of harvesting algae and disposing of that harvest, and should be helpful to consulting engineers and stream pollution abate- ment agencies. Since several of the separation techniques employed in these investigations are physiochemical processes, a brief introduction to the algal cell wall characteristics is presented before discussing the algal removal methods. (Modified author abstract) PB-220 349/5 PC A18/MF A01 Office of Water Resources Research, Washington, D.C. Water Resources Scientific Information Center. Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography Apr 73, 423p WRSIC-73-214, W73-09115 Descriptors: 'Irrigation, Bibliographies, 'Sprinkler irrigation, Efficiency, Abstracts, Policies, Manage- ment, Water supply, Design, Arid land, Farm crops, Evapotranspiration, Salinity, Soil water, Water con- servation, Utilization, Water consumption, Indexed(Documentation). Identifiers: OWRR. The report, containing 272 abstracts, is another in a series of planned bibliographies in water re- sources to be produced from the information base comprising SELECTED WATER RESOURCES ABSTRACTS (SWRA). At the time of search for this bibliography, the data base had 53,230 ab- stracts covering SWRA through February 15, 1973 (Volume 6, Number 4). Author and subject indexes are included. (Author) PB-220 525/0 PC A03/MF A01 Abt Associates, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Summary Volume Final rept. 1 Jul 71-28 Feb 73 William L. Hamilton. Feb 73, 37p OEO-LN-1368 Contract OEO-BIC-5296 Paper copy also available from NTIS $4.75/set of 2 reports as PB-220 524-SET. Descriptors: 'Rural areas, Marketing, 'Economic development, Rural areas, Commerce, Reviews, Benefit cost analysis, Classifications, Socioeco- nomic status, Requirements, Objectives, Recom- mendations, Policies. Identifiers: 'Rural cooperatives, OEO. An analysis is presented of rural cooperatives as a program to provide economic and non-economic benefits to low-income members and the rural community. (Author) PB-220 526/8 PC A13/MF A01 Abt Associates, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Analysis Final rept. 1 Jul 71-28 Feb 73 William L. Hamilton. Feb 73, 279p OEO-LN-1369 Contract OEO-B1C-5296 Paper copy also available from NTIS $4.75/set of 2 reports as PB-220 524-SET. Descriptors: 'Rural areas, 'Marketing, 'Economic development, Rural areas, Commerce, Benefit cost analysis, Socioeconomic status, Community development, Policies, Data acquisition, Manage- ment. Identifiers: 'Rural cooperatives, OEO. The study is designed to answer questions dealing with developing and structuring programs of sup- port to cooperatives. These questions involve the goals coops set, and how they are articulated, the different strategies a low-income coop may follow, and those which work best in various situations, the effectiveness of the low-income coops in ac- complishing the goals they select, the internal and external factors related to success in delivering benefits, and the type and level of support low- income cooperatives need. PB-220 764/5 PC A05/MF A01 Arkansas State Highway Dept. Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting Aug 72, 100p Prepared in cooperation with Roy Jorgenson and Associates, Inc., Gaithersburg, Md. Descriptors: 'Highways, 'Maintenance, 'Schedul- ing, 'Manuals, Management methods, Supervi- sors, Reporting, Operations, Vocational guidance, Management training, Adaptive systems. Identifiers: 'Superintendents, 'Foremen, FHAPR. The report describes most of the field procedures of the Arkansas Highway Department's mainte- nance management system. The material is spe- cifically designed for area foremen and job super- intendents. Included are work scheduling, man- agement tools, procedures, and reporting. The format is suitable for use as a self-instructional text. PB-220 825/4 PC A06/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Ferrocement: Applications in Developing Countries Panel study. Feb 73, 105p Contract AID/csd-2584 Summaries in French and Spanish. Library of Con- gress Catalog Card No. 73-4027. Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, 'Developing countries, 'Wire cloth, Reinforced concrete, Boats, Food industry, Equipment, Roofing, Evalua- tion, China, Silos, Construction materials, Thai- land, Ethiopia, New Zealand. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement, NASNAE. An ad hoc panel was convened to concentrate on three specific tasks: (1) evaluating the current state of the art of ferrocement as an engineering material; (2) evaluating the principal areas of appli- cation on both land and water; and (3) developing specific recommendations for promoting the use of ferrocement in a logical, effective manner. Specific areas covered in the report include: ferrocement for boatbuilding; for food-storage facilities; for food-processing equipment; for low-cost roofing; and materials technology. Appendicies discuss Ferrocement boatbuilding in a Chinese commune; Ferrocement food storage in Thailand; Ferroce- ment-lined underground grain silos in Ethiopia; and New Zealand ferrocement tanks and utility build- ings. PB-221 096/1 PC A06/MF A01 Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. Dept. of Chemical Engineering. Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes Final rept. C. D. Callihan, and C. E. Dunlap. 1973, 105p* EPA-6702-73-02 Grant PHS-EC-00328 Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, Cellulose, 'Cellulose, 'Fermentation, 'Agricultural wastes, 'Food processing, 'Bagasse, Solid waste dispos- al, Proteins, Biodeterioration, Drying, Process var- iables, Cost estimates, Pilot plants, Utilization, Sugarcane. Identifiers: 'Food supplements, 'High protein sup- plements, Hyperfiltration, NERC. The need for protein feed and the need to dispose of waste cellulose are problems being studied to develop a feasible method for the direct conver- sion of cellulosic wastes to microbial protein-a single cell protein to be used as an animal feed supplement. This report presents data on the proc- ess and summarizes research in large-scale pro- duction. The economics and techniques of the conversion process are compared with work done by petroleum companies on the fermentation of hydrocarbons. Controlling variables used in the process are defined and significant goals neces- sary to achieve success in the field are described. The research deals mainly with the alkali treatment and fermentation parts of the process. Different micro-organisms from which single cell protein can be produced are given. Research in the areas of cell flocculation, flotation, or hyperfiltration are rec- ommended to improve the most costly single step of the process-drying the cells. Methods of de- creasing the degree of crystallinity are also includ- ed. The practicality of complete acid hydrolysis of cellulose to a soluble substrate for conversion to yeast protein and partial acid hydrolysis of the cel- lulose followed by microbial consumption is dis- cussed. An economic analysis is given of the po- tential markets and the competitive cost with other proteins. (Modified author abstract) PB-221 142/3 PC A07/MF A01 Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Special Topics. Human Powered Transit; Remote Medical System; Water Treatment Final rept. John C. Purcupile. May 73, 130p* Contract HUD-H-1558 SeealsoPB-215 071. Descriptors: 'Bicycles, Research, 'Medical serv- ices, Trailers, 'Potable water, Water treatment, 'Urban planning, Research, Design, Roads, Cen- tral city, Medical equipment, Osmosis, Urban areas, Rural areas. Identifiers: OUTR. The report includes final results of project present- ed in the December 17, 1971 publication, The New City, which addresses the useful application of technology to solving urban problems. Topics in- clude: (1) Human Powered Transit - examines ele- ments of a human powered system: human power 98 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS output, vehicle design, roadway design, and poten- tial areas for the system such as a CBD, campus, and planned community; (2) Remote Medical System - develops a conceptual design of a system using mobile vans, paramedics and tele- communication to provide health services in geo- graphically remote or in inner city areas and in- cludes a bibliography; (3) Water Treatment System - designs and builds an inexpensive water treat- ment system using the principle of reverse osmo- sis to provide safe drinking water in rural areas. This system will be introduced by Peace Corps and Vista workers in appropriate areas. PB-221 171/2 PC A05/MF A01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, Dept. of Avian Sciences. Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nu- trients Byron F. Miller. Jun 73, 82p* EPA-670/2-73-09 Grant EP-00262 Descriptors: "Agricultural wastes, "Solid waste dis- posal, "Materials recovery, Agricultural wastes, "Poultry, Feeding stuffs, "Muscidae, "Feeding stuffs, Biodeterioration, Temperature, Humidity, Chickens, Chemical analysis, Air pollution, Water pollution, Amino acids, Larvae, Utilization, Metabo- lism. Identifiers: Waste recycling, "Manure, Catabolism, Musca domestica, ORM. As part of studies to determine how living organ- isms may be used to catabolize poultry manure, larvae of house flies (Musca domestica) were used to process poultry manure, with the pupae being used as a feed supplement. Temperature and rela- tive humidity conditions were determined to pro- duce an optimum yield of dry pupae. Three feeding trials were conducted to evaluate fly pupae and ca- tabolized poultry manure residue as protein sources for growing chickens. White Leghorn chicks, White Plymouth Rock chicks, and New Hampshire and Indian River broiler chicks were fed the various diets and differences in body weight and feed conversion were recorded. The results in- dicated that fly pupae have potential as a protein supplement in chick starter and broiler diets; the protein quality was found to be similar to that of meat and bone meal or fish meal, and superior to soybean oil meal. PB-221 282/7 PC A02/MF A01 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne (Australia). Div. of Ap- plied Chemistry. Pulping of Tropical Hardwoods: Individual and Mixed Species, Wood and Paper Properties, Resource Assessment H. G. Higgins, F. H. Phillips, A. F. Logan, and V. Balodis. 1973, 25p Rept no. Technological paper-70 International Standard Book no. 0-643-00071-2. Descriptors: "Wood pulp, "Hardwoods, Re- sources, Tropical regions, Evaluation, Sampling, Test methods, Simulation, Density(Mass/volume), Kraft paper, Containers, Papers, Australia. Identifiers: Papua(New Guinea), Rain forests, CSIRO. Mixed tropical hardwoods from Papua New Guinea provide unbleached pulps suitable for use in liner- boards, bag and sack papers, wrapping paper, and corrugating medium, and bleached kraft pulps from some resources may be suitable also for high-grade printing and writing papers. In forest sampling the resource should be stratified on the basis of a forest inventory. Three approaches to evaluation have been adopted: (1) pulping tests on a representative wood sample, (2) tests on a simu- lated sample from the major species, and (3) con- struction of a 'theoretical' sample from measure- ments of basic density and pulping results on indi- vidual species. (Modified author abstract) PB-221 494/8 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS Caldwell Lace Leather Co., Auburn, Ky. Secondary Waste Treatment for a Small Diver- sified Tannery Environmental protection technology series E. L Thackston. Apr 73, 82 EPA-R2-72-209 Grant FWPCA-WPRD-25-01 Paper copy available GPO $1.25 as EP1. 23/2:73- 209. Descriptors: "Industrial waste treatment, "Tanning materials, "Water pollution, Tanning materials, Ac- tivated sludge treatment, Leather, Design, Per- formance evaluation. Identifiers: "Tanneries, "Water pollution control, Biological industrial waste treatment, ORM. The Caldwell Lace Leather Co. of Auburn, Ken- tucky, a small tannery using primarily alum tanning but some chrome and vegetable tanning, received a demonstration grant to investigate and demon- strate methods of treating tannery wastes for dis- charge to a small stream. A research contract with Vanderbilt University produced findings which have previously been reported and are reviewed herein. A modified completely-mixed activated sludge plant was constructed, along with facilities to handle specific problem wastes. After it had been operating for a year, an EPA survey team conducted a study which showed that the plant was performing as predicted by the research phase, except for solids carryover from the sec- ondary clarifier due to mechanical problems. After the problems were corrected, the plant began pro- ducing an effluent which more than met expecta- tions, removing 97% of the suspended solids and 95% of the BOD. The report reviews the charac- teristics of the wastes and discusses the treatment process. PB-221 876/6 PC A09/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Dept. of Forest Products. Utilization of Bark Waste Final rept. R. A. Currier, and M. L. Laver. Jul 73, 184p EPA- 670/2-73-005 Grant EPA-R-EP-00276-4 Descriptors: "Wood wastes, Utilization, "Bark, "Solid waste disposal, Materials recovery, Industri- al wastes, Chemical composition, Pelleting, Fertil- izers, Physical properties, Plastics, Solvent extrac- tion, Wood products. Identifiers: NERC. The problem of bark waste that is generated by the forest products industry in the United States has become increasingly important. The major overall goal of the work covered in this report was to use physical and chemical sciences in coordinated studies to promote economic uses of bark in order to relieve pollution created by present methods of disposal. Physical utilization research included: in- vestigating the preparation of bark pellets from bark; determining the components responsible for 'self-bonding' of bark; and investigating potential products from or applications of bark wastes ob- tained from production sources. Chemical utiliza- tion research included: preparing, for chemical studies, natural bark, bark that had been ammon- iated to contain 4 percent nitrogen, and bark that had been molded into pellets and then broken down into small particles; and investigating the chemical composition of each type of bark pre- pared. PB-222 331/1 PC A02/MF A01 Hawaii State Dept. of Planning and Economic De- velopment, Honolulu. State Center for Science Policy and Technology Assessment. A Solid Waste Primer. Facts and Statistics on Solid Waste Handling Disposal Ginger Plasch. 28 Jan 72, 11p Grant NSF-GT-25 Presented at Solid Waste Recycling Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 27-28 Jan 72. Descriptors: "Solid waste disposal, "Hawaii, Mate- rials handling Cost estimates, Legislation, Waste disposal. Identifiers: NSF. This short primer provides (a) a description of methods of handling and disposing of solid waste materials, (b) solid waste information and statistics concerning Oahu, (c) capsule information on Hawaii State legislation, and (d) some definitions of types of solid waste and methods of disposal. (Author) PB-222 422/8 PC A04/MF A01 Florida Univ., Gainesville. Composted Municipal Refuse as a Soil Amend- ment Final rept. C. C. Hortenstine, and D. F. Rothwell. Aug 73, 67p* EPA-670/2-73-063 Contract EP-00250 Descriptors: "Solid waste disposal, Composts, "Fertilizers, Composts, Refuse disposal, Plant growth, Germination, Nitrification, Grain sorghum plants, Tomatoes. Identifiers: Cranberry beans, Pearl millet, Turnips, NERC. Processed residential refuse from four municipal composting plants was evaluated as a source of plant nutrients and as a soil amendment. Indicator plants were turnip, pearl millet, cranberry beans, tomato, and sorghum. Three of the composts used were high in carbon and low in nitrogen, which re- sulted in delayed nitrification accompanied by poor plant growth. Total soluble salts in those composts were relatively high and could affect seed germina- tion. Extracts of compost (160 g/500ml H20) greatly reduced germination in radish and turnip seed, and extracts from 320 g compost/500ml H20 reduced germination to in turnip and radish seed and to about 40 percent in oat and millet seed. After a period of time in the soil, compost applications above 32 metric tons/ha increased plant yields and improved soil cation exchange ca- pacity and water-holding capacity. In laboratory studies with compost incorporated at various levels in Arredondo sand, almost no nitrification occurred. When mixed with cow manure in equal parts, compost effectively curtailed nitrification in the cow-manure almost 100 percent. (Modified author abstract) PB-222 441/8 PC A03/MF A01 National Research Council, Bangkok (Thailand). Workshop on Science Planning and Policy in Thailand, 3-6 July 1972 Final rept. Jul 72, 48p Contract AlD/csd-2584 Sponsored in part by National Academy of Sci- ences, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Research management, "Thailand, Planning, Policies, Industries, Engineering, Natural resources, Utilization, Agriculture, Medicine, Public health, Meetings, Environmental engineering, De- veloping countries. Identifiers: AID. The objective of the workshop was to consider the role of science and technology in relation to the development of Thailand, with particular emphasis on mechanisms for planning and implementing sci- ence policy in Thailand. Five working groups held discussions, and made recommendations, in the following areas: Industry and Engineering; Natural Resources and Utilization; Agricultural Production; Medicine, Public Health and Environmental Qual- ity; and Academic Science. PB-222 454/1 PC A05/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Sanitary Engineering Research Lab. Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes Ecological research series Clarence G. Golueke, William J. Oswald, Gordonj L. Dugan, Charles E. Rixford, and Stanley Scher. Aug 73, 94p* EPA-R3-73-031 Grant EP-00272 Descriptors: "Solid waste disposal, Agricultural wastes, "Industrial waste treatment, "Agricultural wastes, "Water pollution, Agricultural wastes, "Farms, "Sewage treatment, Liquid waste dispos- al, Algae, Lagoons(Ponds), Sludge disposal, Feed- ing stuffs, Drying, Water reclamation, Materials re- covery, Anaerobic processes, Fermentation, Pilot plants, Digestion(Decomposition), Performance evaluation, Houses. Identifiers: "Water pollution control, Manure, Aer- ation ponds, NERC. The overall objective of this study was to develop a system with which a large fraction of the wastes 99 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS produced by agricultural industries could be con- verted into a useful material without imposing an unacceptable burden on the environment. Specifi- cially, the project involved a detailed study of the basic characteristics of an integrated anaerobic fermentation and algae growth system for agricul- tural solid and liquid wastes on a laboratory and small pilot plant scale, with special attention being devoted to the reaction kinetics of the system. A substantial degree of nutrient recovery and recycle was also attained in the system. PB-222 457/4 PC A06/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Workshop on Industrial and Technological Re- search. Volume III. Djakarta, Indonesia Jane Wilkie, and Everett Lee. Jan 71, 120p OWRR-A-024-MASS(1) Contract AID/csd-2584 Prepared in cooperation with Indonesian Inst, of Science (Lembaga llmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) Djakarta. See also Volume 1, PB-217 118, and Volume 2, PB-218 724. Descriptors: 'Economic development, "Indonesia, "Meetings, "Industrial relations, Project planning, Research, Development, Standardization, Quality control, Information systems, Management plan- ning, Education, Specilized training, Growth, De- veloping countries. Identifiers: Research utilization, Workshops, Tech- nological development, AID. The concern of the workshop was the strategy for using research, development, and engineering to assist in achieving the desired industrial growth in Indonesia. Volume (1) presented the overall find- ings and recommendations, and Volume (2) gave the plenary sessions and working groups reports. PB-222 511/8 PC-GPO/MF A01-NTIS National Area Development Inst, of Spindletop Re- search, Inc., Lexington, Ky. Improving Water Quality Management Planning in Nonmetropolitan Areas Final 25 Apr-25 Aug 72 E. Evan Brunson, John D. Leslie, and Edwin W. Webber. Jan 73, 69p* EPA-68-01-0194 Contract EPA-68-01-0194 Paper copy available from GPO $0.95 as EP1.2:W29/7. Descriptors: "Regional planning, "Water quality, "Rural areas, Water quality, "Water pollution, Re- gional planning, Assessments, Local government, Management planning, State government, Com- munities, National government, Financing. Identifiers: Intergovernmental, OAP. The report presents the results of a study which examined water quality management planning in nonmetropolitan areas. It presents recommended improvements reflecting both national policy and the diverse problems of these areas. The objective of the study was to assist EPA in adapting its re- quirements more closely to nonmetropolitan prob- lems and to prescribe appropriate roles for other Federal and state agencies and substate planning and development organizations in the process. Three States - Oregon, Wisconsin and South Caro- lina - were selected, each containing several non- metropolitan substate districts, and representing different intergovernmental approaches to water quality management planning and a significant amount of program activity by the four Federal agencies involved. They also presented sufficient commonality to provide valid general conclusions. PB-222 533/2 PC A02/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. National Program of Metrology for Ethiopia Thomas M. Stabler. 1972, 24p Rept no. NBS- 10927 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-5-71 Descriptors: "Metrology, "Ethiopia, Government policies, Project planning, Substitutes, Units of measurement, Standards, Personnel, Economic development. Identifiers: AID. A national program of metrology for Ethiopia is dis- cussed under the following headings: program and alternatives; weights and measures proclamation and regulation; program plan; and personnel. PB-222 787/4 PC A05/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. U.S. International Firms and R, D/E (Research, Development, and Engineering) in Developing Countries 1973, 89p Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: "Developing countries, Economic de- velopment, Research, Reviews, Organizations, Project planning, Factor analysis, Classifications. Identifiers: Multinational corporations, Less devel- oped countries, Research development and engi- neering, AID. A special panel convened in 1971 to examine the past and potential role of U.S. firms in strengthen- ing the research, development, and engineering capabilities in developing countries, and identified the principal factors tending to promote or inhibit such a contribution. The report covers conflicts and possibilities for cooperation, problems in strengthening R, D and E in LDCs, the role of U.S. firms, views from five industries on their roles, and conclusions and recommendations of the panel. PB-222 920/1 PC A07/MF A01 Highway Research Board, Washington, D.C. Soil Stabilization K. P. George. 1973, 132p Rept no. HRB-Record- 442 International Standard Book no. 0-309-02173-1 , Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 73-1 1608. Paper copy also available from Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Con- stitution Ave., N. Y. Washington, D.C. 20418 $4.00. Descriptors: "Soil stabilization, Research, "Pave- ment bases, Soil stabilization, Sands, Tensile strength, Bitumens, Soil cement, Calcium oxides, Creep properties, Alkali aggregate reactions, Shear strength, Emulsions, Soil associations, Tropical regions, Foundations, Meetings. Identifiers: NASHRB. Many aspects of stabilization of sand with cationic shrinkage cracking in soil-cement bases to stabili- zation of sand with cationic bitumen emulsion are discussed in papers presented at a conference on cracking of soil-cement held at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board. Also pre- sented are methods of improving the tensile strength of soil-cement, factors that affect the creep behavior of cement-stabilized soils, a method for predicting the freeze-thaw durability of stabilized materials, proposal of realistic cutoff dates for construction with lime-fly ash and lime- cement-fly ash mixtures, development of different indexes of lime reactivity for different soil groups, especially in tropical and subtropical areas, and ef- fects of factors such as temperature and specimen age on the shear strength of sands stabilized with cationic bitumen emulsion. PB-223 266/8 PC A15/MF A01 Academy for Educational Development, Inc., New York. Technical-Economic Considerations in Public Service Broadcast Communications for Devel- oping Countries R. Butman, G. Rathjens, and C. Warren. 1973, 332p Rept no. 73-9 Contract AID/csd-2829 Prepared in cooperation with the Massachusetts Inst, of Technology. Descriptors: "Education, "Developing countries, "Television systems, Schools, "Communication satellites, Education, Brazil, India, Ethiopia, Tele- communication, Economic factors, Policies, Cost analysis, Radio broadcasting, Services, Engineer- ing. Identifiers: Satellite television systems, Technolog- ical development, AID. The report represents the culmination of an inquiry into the distribution of educational material in de- veloping countries, with particular attention to the problems and opportunities in Brazil and India. Em- phasis on the use of television and satellites to dis- tribute T.V. programming is a reflection of the inter- est in the use of satellite-T.V. systems in two coun- tries. The report includes techno-economic fac- tors, cost and policy considerations, comments on expanding radio and television broadcasting serv- ices in Ethiopia, and technical aspects of educa- tional communication technologies. PB-223 310/4 PC A04/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Workshop on the Role of the Council for Scien- tific and Industrial Research in Determining Science Policy and Research Priorities May 73, 65p Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: "Economic development, "Ghana, "Research, Developing countries, Scientific soci- eties, Industrial engineering, Scheduling, Policies, Meetings, Recommendations, Universities. Identifiers: Workshops, Priorities, Research utiliza- tion, AID. A workshop was convened, following the recom- mendations of a 1971 workshop in Ghana on re- search priorities, to consider how best the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), can discharge the functions assigned to it. The working group recommended that a science and technol- ogy planning and analysis group be established within the C.S.I.R.; and some principles which should influence the development of science and technology in Ghana. Recommendations for spe- cial studies in relation to development objectives and needs are given. PB-223 373/2 PC A07/MF A01 Mississippi State Univ., State College. Water Re- sources Research Inst. A Study of Managerial Practices in Rural Water Svstems Charles P. Cartee, and D. C. Williams, Jr. Jul 73, 133p* OWRR-B-008-MISS(1) Descriptors: "Water supply, "Management meth- ods, "Rural areas, "Water services, Systems engi- neering, Standards, Growth, Requirements, Sur- veys, Inequalities, Operations, Maintenance, Operators(Personnel), Management analysis, Mis- sissippi. Identifiers: OWRR. The rural community water system program in Mis- sissippi has grown until the systems total is now over 580, the second largest of all the states. Due to the rapid growth and changing demands and standards, a study of managerial practices was deemed appropriate. The emphasis is directed toward deficiencies in management. Also of con- cern were the relations of operating and mainte- nance costs per user to system size. PB-223 510/9 PC A06/MF A01 North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minn. Black Walnut as a Crop. Black Walnut Sympo- sium, Carbondale, Illinois, August 14-15, 1973 Forest service general technical rept. (Final) Jul 73, 120p* Rept no. FSGTR-NC-4 Descriptors: "Nut trees, Research, "Walnuts, Culti- vation, Walnut wood, Plant genetics, Plant growth, Economic development, Marketing, Wood prod- ucts, Plant reproduction, Protection, Meetings. Identifiers: "Juglans migra, Silviculture, FS. The report contains 30 papers on black walnut pre- sented at a symposium in Carbondale, Illinois, in August 1973. Subjects covered include black walnut resources, utilization, and marketing; silvi- culture; tree improvement; nut culture and produc- tion; protection; and economics. PB-223 999 PC A02/MF A01 Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. Improving Protein Quality of Millet, Sorghum, and Maize Diets by Supplementation S. Pushpamma, D. B. Parrish, and C. W. Deyoe. 1972, 9p AID-664.06-P261 Contract AID/csd-1 586 Pub. in Nutrition Reports International, v5 n2 p93- 100 Feb 72. Also pub. as Kansas State Univ., Man- 100 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS hattan. Dept. of Biochemistry Contrib-134, and Dept. of Grain Science and Industry Contrib-776. Identifiers: AIDH. Nutritive value of the protein of millets (Bajra and Regi), sorghum, and maize was studied by amino acid analyses, by growth of rats and calculations of PER using diets containing the grains, unsupple- mented or supplemented with lysine, tryptophan, or four protein concentrates. Ragi protein was highest in essential amino acids (EAA) except leu- cine, and compared to the FAO reference pattern, no amino acid in Ragi was limiting except lysine was marginal. Bajra protein was deficient in lysine; sorghum and maize were deficient in three or more amino acids. On several protein-quality scores, Ragi ranked first and Bajra second; both ranked considerably higher than sorghum or maize. Among unsupplemented diets, Bajra caused great- est weight gain in rats and had the highest PER. Supplementing Bajra and Ragi diets with lysine in- creased both gains and PER. Lysine improved sor- ghum and tryptophan improved maize diets; to- gether lysine and tryptophan markedly improved both diets. Fish protein concentrate was the most effective supplement with sorghum and Ragi, dried milk with maize, and isolated soybean protein with Bajra. PB-224 025 PC A15/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Small Farmer Credit. Volume I. Small Farmer Credit in Mexico and Central America Country papers. Feb 73, 341 p Rept nos. AID-332.71-A265, SR- 101 See also Volume 2, PB-224 026. Identifiers: AIDH. The volume consists of five separate reports de- scribing the program characteristics, evaluation and role of technical assistance regarding farm credit as it is institutionalized and practiced in four countries of Central Amerba. The titles and au- thors of these reports are as follows: 'Guarantee and Development Fund for Agriculture, Livestock and Poultry' by Jorge Uriza Salgado; 'Credit Among Small Farmers-The Case of the Puebla Project of Mexico' by Heliodoro Diaz Cisneros; 'The Supervised Credit Program in El Salvadore- 1961 to the Present' by Richardo A. Vasquez, Gus- tavo Solis and David E. Weisenborn; 'The National Bank of Honduras' by Reinaldo W. Santos; 'The Rural Credit Program of the National Bank of Nica- ragua-Report on Credit to the Small Farmer in Nicaragua' by Carlos Rene Ramirez. PB-224 044 PC A06/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Small Farmer Credit. Volume XX. Small Farmer Credit-Summary Papers Jun 73, 108p Rept nos. AID-332.71-A265S, SR- 120 See also Volume 1 9, PB-224 043. Identifiers: AIDH. For the Review, AID was able during the period June 1972 thru January 1973 to assemble a large number of comparable case studies drawn from different parts of the world, to analyze them, and to report on the lessons of experience. The research focused on three principal themes: The role of in- stitutional credit in small farmer development; the major institutional alternatives for delivering small farmer credit; and certain policy issues, such as in- terest rates, that appear to be critical to the suc- cess of these programs. The tentative conclusions drawn from the research were refined during a series of ten field workshops in the spring of 1973 and are presented in summary form in this volume. The entire evaluation is limited by the fact that credit is only one of the factors in a small farmer development strategy, and, though the study found a handle on the broader subject, it cannot, in itself, recommend an overall solution to the small farmer problems. PB-224 212/1 PC A17/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio. Chemical Analyses for Water Quality. Training Manual Audrey E. Donahue. Feb 73, 394p* Rept no. EPA-430/ 1-73-003 Descriptors: 'Water analysis, Manuals, *Water pollution, Water analysis, Criteria, Acidity, Alkalin- ity, Dissolved gases, Oxygen, Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Carbon, Calcium, Magnesium, Electrical resistivity, Phosphorus, Cyanides, Iron, Manganese, Phenols, Chlorine aromatic com- pounds, Detergents, Surfactants, Pesticides, Spectroscopic analysis, Flame photometry, Atomic spectroscopy, Organic compounds, Gas chromatography, Chromatography, Infrared spec- troscopy, Automation, Aerial reconnaissance, Legal processes, Metals. Identifiers: *Water pollution detection, FWQA. This training manual contains outlined information used by lecturers when presenting topics in EPA- NTC Course 100, 'Chemical Analyses for Water Quality.' The contents concern individual constitu- ents found in water (e.g. dissolved oxygen), instru- mental methodology (e.g., atomic absorption) and information useful to analysts (e.g., statistics). A section of laboratory procedures used by class groups is also included. PB-224 222 PC A05/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Dept. of Agricultural Economics. Capital Formation of the Ecuadorian Frontier: A Study of Human Investment and Moderniza- tion in the Riobambenos Cooperative Peter M. Gladhart. Apr 72, 78p A.E.Res-72-5, AID-EC-3338.1-G542 Contract AID/csd-2823 Identifiers: AIDH. The agricultural production activities of spontane- ous settlers is described in detail, with special focus upon the determinants of family income and investment and rate of capital formation. The co- operative Riobambenos del Rio Chilimpe was se- lected for extensive study. Production processes and family income structure was analyzed for 22 farmers for calendar year 1 967. The most impor- tant sources of income for the majority of farmers were, in order: crop sales, livestock sales, and timber sales. 59% of family receipts for the aver- age farmer were provided by crop sales. The most important crop was plantain. Important develop- mental benefits of land settlement in Santo Domin- go de Los Colorados include: economic integra- tion, redistribution of income, and creation of a modern agricultural sector. PB-224 225 PC A02/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- culture. Progress Report on Fisheries Development in Northeastern Brazil. I. Aquaculture N. B. Jeffrey. Aug 72, 11p AID-BR-639.20981- J46 Contract AID/csd-2270 Identifiers: AIDH. The United States Agency for International Devel- opment has been providing assistance to the Gov- ernment of Brazil in freshwater fisheries since 1966. The project goal established for this assist- ance is to create a freshwater fisheries group ca- pable of planning and conducting practical re- search programs in the fields of food technology, fish culture, and fisheries biology. The purpose is to increase fish production in Northeast Brazil through proper management of the freshwater fisheries, improvement of fish processing meth- ods, and the introduction of intensive fishculture techniques. Once these purposes are achieved, general well-being of the people can be improved by increasing the amount of protein available for human consumption and by creating opportunities for capital investment. This report summarizes and evaluates USAID assistance in fisheries biology, and provides a brief description of the Drought Polygon of Northeastern Brazil, the reservoir fish- eries, the marketing systems and sections on past and present strategy, project status, and recom- mendations for future action. PB-224 227 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Oil Seed Production in the Tropics and Sub- Tropics Technical series paper no. 6. Feb 72, 70p Rept no. AID-633.85-A265 Identifiers: AIDH. The study is intended to survey the importance of annual (vegetable) oilseed crops in developing countries and to provide certain basic information as to the characteristics and utility of the more im- portant types. The species considered included groundnuts, sesame, sunflower, safflower, cotton- seed, soybeans, and castorbeans. This study deals with each of the seven annual oil seed crops, as to their respective plant characteristics; ecologi- cal adaptation; uses; cultural practices for higher levels of productivity; world production centers; and world trade in the oil seeds, their extracted oils, and the cake or meal derived from extraction of the oil. PB-224 266/7 PC A06/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio. Office of Water Program Operations. Selection and Operation of Small Wastewater Treatment Facilities - Training Manual Charles E. Sponagle. Apr 73, 117p* Rept no. EPA-430/1 -73-005 Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, 'Manuals, Edu- cation, Packaged sewage treatment, Septic tanks, Industrial plants, Water pollution, Maintenance. Identifiers: 'Sewage treatment plants, Physical chemical treatment, EPAWP. The training manual consists of a series of outlines used as a base of instruction. Subjects covered in- clude characteristics of the water environment; pollution from municipal and industrial sources; methods of wastewater treatment; consideration of specific types of small treatment plants, includ- ing septic tanks, package plants, and lagoons; and control tests, sampling, and inspections associat- ed with maintaining effective treatment plant oper- ation. PB-224 292 PC A03/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Dept. of Agricultural Economics. Rural Works and Employment: Description and Preliminary Analysis of a Land Army Project in Mysore State, India W. Graeme Donovan. Apr 73, 28p AID-IN- 331.763-D687 Contract AID/csd-2805 Identifiers: AIDH. Under the Crash Scheme for Rural Employment, the most recent Central Government program of rural works in India, numerous projects have been set up throughout the country. This paper contains a desciiption and analysis of one such project in Mysore State. PB-224 365 PC A02/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. International Center for Aqua- culture. Relationship of the Thai Fish Culture Program to Production of Fish in the Lower Mekong Area H. S. Swingle. Feb 72, 17p AID-TH-639.3-S978 Contract AID/csd-2270 Presented at the Seadag Mekong Development Panel Seminar, held at Santa Barbara, Calif., on 3- 5 Feb 72. Identifiers: AIDH. Research by the Thailand Department of Fisheries Stations and Research Units has developed cul- tures for use in hatcheries, rice fields, ponds, cages, pens and irrigation ditches that can be uti- lized in rapid expansion of fish production as irriga- tion water is made widely available from Mekong impoundments. They have also determined the feeding habits of many indigenous species to facili- tate selection of species capable of utilizing the various types of natural fish-food organisms in var- ious habitants. 101 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-224 400/2 MF A01 National Rsearch Council, Washington, D.C. Com- mittee on Animal Health. Control of Rabies May 73, 33p International Standard Book No. 0-309-02124-3 Prepared by National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Paper copy available from National Academy of Sciences, Printing and Publishing Office. 2101 Constiution Ave., Wash. D.C. $2.00. Descriptors: "Rabies, Prophylaxis, * Vaccines, Rabies, *Wildlife, Rabies, Infectious diseases, Ner- vous system disorders, Viral diseases, Convulsive disorders, Pathology, Immunity, Public health, Vet- erinary medicine, Mammals, Animal diseases, Epi- demiology, Arboviruses, Rabies virus. Identifiers: Rhabdovirus, Neurotropic viruses, NAS. The report deals with the pathogenesis of rabies; virus-wildlife interactions; vaccines and regulatory aspects; and control programs for the four classes of hosts involved in rabies-domestic pets, wild ani- mals, domestic livestock, and man. This valuable guide provides practical, current, and concise in- formation on all aspects of rabies control. A com- pendium of animal rabies vaccines is presented at the conclusion of the report that includes informa- tion on live and inactive vaccines licensed in the United States. Specific information provided in- cludes the name of each vaccine, companies li censed to sell these vaccines, suggested regimen recommended, and duration of immunity. PB-224 401/0 Not Available NTIS National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Communication for Change with the Rural Dis- advantaged. A Workshop Feb 72, 121p International Standard Book No. 0-309-01942-7. Library of Congress Card No. 72-1 86371 . Paper copy available from National Academy of Sciences, Printing and Publishing Office 2101 Con- stitution Ave., Washington, D.C. 20418 $3.75. Descriptors: *Social change, *Rural areas, "Com- municating, 'Reference groups, Socioeconomic status, Objectives, Problem solving, Methodology, Organizations, Sociopsychological surveys, Con- straints, Social communication. Identifiers: Disadvantaged groups, Workshops, NAS. At a time when many programs designed to meet the needs of the rural disadvantaged are falling short of the mark, the report examines obstacles to effective communication between the rural disad- vantaged, those who are working with them, and the public at large. It presents scholarly aspects of analysis and research on one hand, and impact of the responses of the disadvantaged on the other. PB-224 411/9 PCA02/MFA01 Puerto Rico Planning Board, Santurce. Experimental Industrialized Housing Program. Model H-620 - Single Family Dwelling Final rept. on phase 2. 30 Sep 72, 19p Rept no. PRPB-71-02 Prepared by Puerto Rico Urban Renewal and Housing Administration. Descriptors: "Residential buildings, Reinforced concrete, *Prefabrication, Houses, "Construction, "Puerto Rico, Socioeconomic status, Cost analy- sis, Asbestos cement products, Roofs, Wooden structures, Floors, Walls, Project planning. Identifiers: "Low cost housing, Detached dwell- ings, Low income housing, UPCD. The report contains a description and plans for a reinforced concrete house with asbestos cement roof, to be prefabricated by industrialized methods. A detailed cost analysis is included. PB-224 427/5 MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Alternative Sources of Protein for Animal Pro- duction 31 Jul 72, 184p* Internal Standard Book No. 0-309-02114-6 Pro- ceedings of a Symposium. Virginia Polytechnic In- stitute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. Paper copy available from National Academy of Science Printing and Publishing, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington, D.C. $5.75. Descriptors: "Feeding stuffs, Proteins, "Livestock, Feeding stuffs, Meetings, Grains(Food), Forage corps, Food processing, Meat, Blood, Oilseeds, Fish protein concentrates, Agricultural wastes, In- dustrial wastes, Quality, Utilization, Evaluation, Animal nutrition. Identifiers: Animal wastes, NAS. For the benefit of livestock and poultry producers, feed manufacturers and scientists and research- ers in animal husbandry, this report reviews poten- tial sources of protein and considers ways to in- crease the quantity and improve the biological value of protein for animal production. Some of the symposium papers presented in the report explore measures for enhancing protein supplies from known proteinaceous feeds, while others identify and evaluate some new or underutilized sources. In discussions of known sources of protein, the report considers ways to improve the quantity and quality of protein in cereal grain, separate protein from fiber in forage crops, improve the processing and utilization of animal by-product proteins, in- crease production of oilseed protein, change utili- zation patterns. New sources of protein discussed include such less-utilized oilseeds as sunflower and sesame, the grain legumes, whole fish protein, single- cell protein from industrial wastes, and re- cycled animal wastes. PB-224 506 PC E03/MF A01 Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Denver, Colo. Denver Wildlife Research Center. Chemical Control of Vampire Bats G. Clay Mitchell, and Richard J. Burns. May 73, 82p AID-599.4-M681 Grant PASA-RA(ID)-1-67 Prepared in cooperation with Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Pecuarias, Secretaria de Agricul- ture y Ganaderia, Gobierno de Mexico. Identifiers: AIDH. Two different chemical methods for reducing pop- ulations of vampire bat populations are described. Both methods are based on an anitcoagulant, di- phenadione. The chemical is either injected into the rumen of cattle or applied directly to the back of vampire bats captured near livestock. The blood of treated cattle is poisonous to vampire bats for about three nights following treatment. Vampire bats with the anticoagulant applied to their backs return to their roost where the chemical is passed from one to several others by contact and mutual grooming. One treated vampire bat can carry suffi- cient chemical to poison 20 other vampire bats. (Available in English and Spanish) PB-224 749/2 PC A05/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Mosquito Control. Some Perspectives for De- veloping Countries Mar 73, 76p* Contract AID/csd-2584 A report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Advisory Com- mittee on Technological Innovation, Office of the Foreign Secretary. Summaries in Spanish and French. Descriptors: "Culicidae, "Pest control, "Develop- ing countries, "Insect control, Nematoda, Fungi, Larvae, Parasitology, Plants(Botany), Growth regu- lators, Fishes, Protozoa, Insect vectors, Inverte- brates. Identifiers: "Mosquito control, "Biological insect control, AID. The panel of Perspectives in Mosquito-Control Methods Suitable for Developing Countries met in Washington, D.C. four times during 1972 and 1 973. The panel identified almost fifty topics in bio- logical, chemical, or environmental control of mos- quitoes that are not receiving the research atten- tion they warrant. The panel chose nine topics that were promising for use in developing countries. These topics are: larvivorous fish, invertebrate predators, genetic control, parasitic nematodes, parasitic protozoans, parasitic fungi, pathogenic bacteria, juvenile hormone mimics, and larvicidal plants. Each topic covered in the report includes a list of selected readings, and source of research. Panel members are listed. PB-225 034/8 PC A05/MF A01 Washington Environmental Research Center, D.C. Environmental Studies Div. Quality of Life Indicators. A Review of State-of- the-Art and Guidelines Derived to Assist in De- veloping Environmental Indicators Martin W. Brossman. Dec 72, 88p* Rept no. 62062 Descriptors: "Environments, Characteristics, Eco- nomic conditions, Social organization, Develop- ment, Analyzing, Classifications. Identifiers: Qualtiy of life, Economic indicators, Social indicators, Environmental indicators, EPAORM. The report provides a review and assessment of the state-of-the-art of quality of life indicators. Eco- nomic indicators, social indicators, environmental indicators, and an all encompassing quality of life indicator are discussed. The report traces the his- tory of each category of indicator development, discusses the difficulties found and suggests guidelines for future indicator development. PB-225 129/6 PC A03/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Research Management and Technical Entre- preneurship: A. U.S. Role in Improving Skills in Developing Countries An Hoc Advisory Panel. 1973, 50p Contract AID/csd-2584 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 73-12294. Descriptors: "Industrial engineering, "Developing countries, "Transfer of technology, "Management planning, Research management, Research, Re- views, Quality control, Production control, Im- provement, Economic forecasting, Management training, Industrial relations, Problem solving, Proj- ect planning, United States. Identifiers: Less developed countries, Research and development, AID. The Ad Hoc Advisory Panel on Research Manage- ment and Technical Entrepreneurship in LDCs re- viewed the gamut of technical functions involved in improving industrial operations in LDCs. It exam- ined research management as a part of technical management-from quality and production control, through product and process improvement, to the development of indigenous technology or assimila- tion of advanced technology from abroad, and fi- nally to project or process evaluation. The report argues for an experimental approach to try out and perfect avenues of training, in concert with other countries similarly engaged, and to the fullest extent possible within the developing countries themselves. PB-225 652 PC A02/MF A01 Minnesota Univ., St. Paul. Dept. of Agricultural and Applied Economics. The Economics of Olive and Oilseeds in the Mediterranean Region. (NEA-633.85-A478) Staff paper Osama A. Al-Zand. Jan 73, 22p P73-5, AID-NEA- 633.85-A478 Contract AID/csd-281 5 Identifiers: AIDH. After a brief review of the region's major economic indicators and the nature of the commodities under consideration, the paper is focused on the discus- sion of the economic characteristics of edible oils and oilseeds in comparison with olive oil, the demand for edible oils in the Mediterranean region, and the future outlook for oils and oilseeds in this region. The activities and policies of both importing and exporting countries of oils and oilseeds to foresee and accomodate future market develop- ments should be rather decisive in shaping the size of trade and trade patterns in these products within the region. PB-225 700/4 PC E04/MF A01 West Virginia Univ., Morgantown. Engineering Ex- periment Station. 102 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Re- duction of Costs in Hand-Operated Glass Plants (3rd), May 17-19 1972 held at the West Virginia University, Clarksburg Richard P. Smith. Nov 73, 99p* Rept no. Bull- 107 Pub. as West Virginia Univ. Bull. Ser-74, no. 1-5. Descriptors: *Glass industry, *Cost engineering, Symposia, Alkali glass, Glassware, Manufacturing, Metal coatings, Molding techniques, Personnel de- velopment. Identifiers: WVUEES. Contents: Lithia boosting of soda-lime glasses; Plasmacoating - a new approach to metallic application in glass decorating; A new look at an old art - mixing; Mold polishing revolution to the glass industry; Heat/energy recovery for the glass industry; Current information on education relative to hand operated glass plants in Scandinavia, Europe and some Communist countries; and The use of cast refractories in small glass works. PB-225 787 PC A02/$1 .45 International Rice Research Inst., Los Banos, Leguna (Philippines). Agricultural Engineering Dept. Drying and Processing Research at IRRI. (633.18-M266) Seminar paper A. S. Manalo, J. R. Arboleda, and Amir U. Khan. 12 Aug 72, 25p AID-633.18-M266 Contract AID/csd-2541 Identifiers: AIDH. The development of a low-cost farm drying and processing equipment that would be suitable for use and manufacture in the developing countries is of urgent neccessity. Such equipment could be used by the medium-size farm holdings of 2 to 10 hectares which contribute a large portion of the land under paddy cultivation in Southeast Asia. Very few attempts have been made by private manufacturers on the development of small drying and processing equipment. Research and devel- opment on low-cost drying and processing equip- ment for small-scale operation is one of the impor- tant areas of activities at the Agricultural Engineer- ing department of the Institute. PB-225 789 PC A03/MF A01 International Rice Research Inst., Los Banos, Leguna (Philippines). Agricultural Engineering Dept. Economic Aspects of Hand Tractor Ownership and Operation. (RP-631.3-064) Seminar paper Bert Orcino. Dec 72, 33p AID-RP-631. 3-064 Contract AID/csd-2541 Seminar on Farm Mechanization in Southeast Asia, Penang and Alor Star, Malaysia, 27 Nov-2 Dec 72. Identifiers: AIDH. The report discusses the economics of hand trac- tor ownership and operation. The objectives are to analyze input-output data on various types of hand tractors and to define the relationship between tractor use and costs via average cost curves. The first section contains a technical description of hand tractors used on Philippine rice farms. Infor- mation on why the tractors were bought and what criteria were used in choosing them are given in the second section. The third section is devoted to a comparative economic evaluation of power tillers and the fourth is an attempt to establish the condi- tions under which hand tractor repayments can be made. The last section examines the impact of de- valuation on hand tractor use. PB-225 798 PC A03/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Agri- cultural Economics. Improving Internal Marketing Systems as Part of National Development Programs. (380.141- R573) Conference paper Harold M. Riley. May 72, 30p Staff Paper Ser-72- 10, AID380.141-R573 Contract AID/csd-2826 Identifiers: AIDH. The information base and the views expressed in this paper have been derived from a marketing re- search and development project (LAMP - Latin American Marketing Planning Center) through which a Michigan State University group has car- ried out studies in Puerto Rico, Northeast Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia in collaboration with local governments and their related agencies. The ma- terial being presented in this paper represents an accumulation of experience over a period of ap- proximately seven years by the Michigan State University group. The primary purpose of this effort has been to conduct diagnostic studies of internal marketing systems linking large urban centers with their rural supply area and to formulate recommen- dations for marketing improvements. This activity has centered upon agricultural marketing broadly defined to include not only agricultural product marketing but also the distribution of farm inputs and consumer goods. PB-225 800 PC A03/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Agri- cultural Economics. Designing Agricultural Marketing Systems in Developing Countries. (380.1 41-S825) James D. Shaffer. Feb 72, 32p Staff Paper Ser- 72-3, AID-380.141-S825 Contract AID/csd-2826 Presented at the Agricultural Marketing Confer- ence held in Kathmandu (Nepal), on 21-24 Feb 72. Identifiers: AIDH. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the design of improved agricultural marketing systems as a means of stimulating economic development. This implies two propositions: (1) that the marketing system can be an active element in the develop- ment process and (2) that high performance mar- keting systems do not develop automatically in re- sponse to the needs of a particular situation. Mar- keting is often neglected in development planning because one or the other or both of these proposi- tions are implicitly rejected. The theme of this paper has been that improved organization and coordination of food production-distribution sys- tems is critical in the effective transformation from a traditional agricultural economy with low produc- tivity to a scientific industrial one with high produc- tivity. PB-225 801 PC A03/MF A01 North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh. Nitrogen Fertilization and Management in Tropical Rice. (633.18-S211) Technical bulletin Pedro A. Sanchez. Nov 72, 33p TB-213, AID- 633.1 8-S211 Contract AID/csd-2806 Identifiers: AIDH. Rice is the main food crop in the tropics. It is the only important crop capable of growing in flooded soils because of its ability to oxide its rhizosphere. Rice responds almost universally to nitrogen fertil- ization. Nitrogen reactions are markedly affected by oxidation-reduction status of the soil, which largely depends on water management and soil physical conditions. Temporary flooding in most tropical areas causes loss of native or applied ni- trogen. The responses of rice to nitrogen are mini- mal when tall varieties are used. In contrast, the responses are large and economical when higher rates are applied to short-statured varieties. Nitro- gen recommendations for flooded rice are based on soil properties, plant type, solar energy, tem- perature, water management, and spacing. PB-225 803 PC A07/MF A01 International Rice Research Inst., Los Banos, Leguna (Philippines). Agricultural Engineering Dept. Establishing Design Criteria for Improved Rice Milling Technologies. (RP-633.18-D855) Seminar rept. Bart Duff, and Ida Estioko. Aug 72, 130p AID-RP- 633.18-D855 Contract AID/csd-2541 Identifiers: AIDH. The paper addresses itself specifically to the prob- lems of modernizing and upgrading the rice milling industry. More precisely, it is an attempt to critically assess the efficiency and economics of existing rice milling technologies. The objectives are to de- termine the potential for technical improvements in existing systems and, where feasible, the efficacy of initiating activities to design and develop new technologies which will increase efficiency and reduce losses. The analysis is confined principally to milling equipment and does not include an eval- uation of issues relating to storage or drying. PB-225 933 PC A03/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Agri- cultural Economics. Three Rural Development Models for Small Farm Agricultural Areas in Low Income Na- tions-Some Results from Comilla, Bangladesh. (BG-301.34095492-S845 Staff paper Robert D. Stevens. Jun 72, 29p AID-BG- 301.34095492-S845 Contract AID/csd-2826 Identifiers: AIDH. The paper provides an outline and analysis of three effective models of programs for small farm agricultural areas based upon ten years experi- ence in Bangladesh. The models are for (1) effec- tive agricultural cooperatives, (2) the improvement of rural government, and (3) for a social science institution which conducts pilot operations, train- ing, and research in rural development. In a broad- er social science framework, development pro- grams require analysis in the framework of cultural and economic change. The role of models such as the three analyzed here is to provide ways to ac- celerate change at a productive rate toward de- sired goals. PB-225 935/6 PC A18/MF A01 Rivkin/Carson, Inc., Washington, D.C. Economic Development and Water Resource Investiment Aug 73, 41 6p* Contract DI-14-06-D-7336 Descriptors: 'Economic analysis, 'Regional plan- ning, 'Water resources, Growth, Measurement, In- vestments, Factor analysis, Benefit cost analysis, Interactions, Regions, Requirements, Community relations, Concepts, Demography. Identifiers: BR. Innovative approaches are explored for measuring and identifying benefits to area economic develop- ment through water resource improvements. A new approach was developed and tested, and some significant methodological conclusions were reached. General conclusions of the analysis relat- ing water resource projects and other public ex- penditures to economic development are: (1) water-related investments affect both the level of economic activity and its growth; (2) water re- source developments viewed as factors of produc- tion can be examined for their substitution relation- ships with non-water production factors; and (3) the effect of water on economic growth depends on (a) the state of the regional economy in which the investment is made, and (b) other non-water investments. PB-225 946 PC A05/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Agri- cultural Economics. Rural Development Programs for Adaptation from Comilla, Bangladesh, (BG-30 1.34095492- S845a) Robert D. Stevens. Jun 72, 80p AID-BG- 301 .34095492-S845a Contract AID/csd-2826 Identifiers: AIDH. Introductory material and background on the Academy for Rural Development in Comilla and the methods used in developing rural programs are presented first. The paper then briefly describes essential elements of six rural development pro- grams organized at Comilla. Detailed analysis fol- lows of two of these programs: Improvements in rural government, and development of new agri- cultural cooperatives. Conclusions, about the po- 103 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS tential of these programs for adaptation in other nations are presented in the final section. PB-225 956 PC A03/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Agri- cultural Economics. The Effectiveness and Financial Stability of the Comilla Agricultural Cooperative Credit System for Small Farmers, (BG-332.71-S845) Robert D. Stevens, and Anwarul Hoque. Apr 71, 29p Staff Paper Ser-72-8, AID BG-332.71-S845 Contract AID/csd-2826 Presented at a Workshop on 'Agricultural Credit for Small Farmers in Less Developed Countries', held in Arlington, Va., on 6-7 Apr 71 . Identifiers: AIDH. After some introductory remarks providing a framework within which this analysis is made, the paper focuses in Part II on the effectiveness of the Comilla Cooperative System in providing credit to small farmers. The third part of the paper exam- ines the operating procedures and economic sta- bility of the Comilla Agricultural Cooperatives Fed- eration. In the fourth part, some conclusions and discussion of special issues are offered. PB-226 015 PC E08/MF A01 American Institutes for Research, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ability Testing in Developing Countries. A Handbook of Principles and Techniques. (371.264-S411a) Handbook 1960-1968 Paul A. Schwarz, and Robert E. Krug. 1972, 257pAID-371.264-S411a Contract AID/csd-798 Identifiers: AIDH. An eight-year program of research and develop- ment with the objective of devising techniques of aptitude testing that could be applied in cultures in which standard ability tests are not fully effective and to assist in the application of these techniques to human resource development program was conducted under an AID-supported program. The final phase of the project developed and present- ed the results in the form of this handbook. PB-226 478/6 PC A06/MF A01 Colorado Univ., Boulder. Dept. of Civil and Envi- ronmental Engineering. Individual Home Aerobic Wastewater Treat- ment Systems Master's thesis Robert Norman McBride. 1972, 121 p* OWRR-A- 021-COLO(2) Descriptors: 'Houses, 'Sewage treatment, "Aero- bic processes, Statistical data, Design, Biochemi- cal oxygen demand, Septic tanks. Evaluation, Tests, Theses, Residential buildings. Identifiers: OWRR. A system that has an economic advantage over septic tanks under certain soil conditions is the aerobic system. The use of serobic systems is de- scribed including unit functions, types of units available, and problems and recommendations for improvement. Aerobic units under experimental conditions were observed to produce a better ef- fluent than a septic tank. However, the perform- ance as claimed by the manufacturers, could be misleading to homeowners. The results of tests run on the units located in the field show that the units are meeting the manufacturers standards about 20% of the time. These units only average about a 44% reduction in BOD. This is assuming an incoming BOD of 250 mg/liter. In some cases the tests showed an influent BOD greater than this. PB-226 621/1 PC E06/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Program on Policies for Science and Technology in Developing Nations. The Natural Resource Potential for Regional Development of Limon Province: A Preliminary Survey Oct 73, 162p Contract AID/csd-3391 Descriptors: "Natural resources, *Costa Rica, "Economic development, Economic surveys, Re- gional planning, Industrial relations, Agriculture, Transportation, Livestock, Wildlife, Developing countries. Identifiers: "Limon Province(Costa Rica), Tourism, AID. The study is part of a larger study to understand the appropriate role of science and technology in the development of a small country like Costa Rica. The Limon survey may be described as a broad brush survey of the natural resources exist- ing in the region. This effort comprised gathering data relevant to the survey, evaluating the data, and suggesting studies for formulating policies for regional development. The study was made by a team from Cornell University in cooperation with Costa Rican consultants. PB-227 053/6 PC A02/MF A01 Environmental Protsction Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Pesticide Programs. Diagnosis and Treatment of Poisoning by Pes- ticides 1974, 16p Report on Project Safeguard: Safe Pesticide Prac- tices. Descriptors: "Toxic diseases, "Pesticides, Diagno- sis, Therapy, Drug therapy, Antidotes. Identifiers: EPAO. With the DDT ban, effective January 1, 1973, the use of a variety of other chemicals must be in- creased to substitute for DDT in the control of in- sects. Replacement chemicals will probably in- clude among others: organophosphates; carba- mates; chlorinated hydrocarbons; and botanicals. Chemicals replacing DDT will be less persistent in the environment than DDT. Some replacement chemicals will be more acutely toxic to man and, therefore, will present greater potential hazards. An intensive short-term educational program, Proj- ect Safeguard, is underway to train the farmer in the safe use of these replacement chemicals, and this program should minimize the hazards from im- proper use. The potential still exists, however, for an increased incidence of toxic exposure and re- sulting clinical illness, in which accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment could mean the difference between life and death. PB-227 472/8 PC E05/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. Water Resources Research Inst. Social Accounting Approaches to Water Re- source Use in Economic Development Research rept. Donald R. Street. Aug 72, 114p OWRR-B-029- ALA(3) Prepared in cooperation with Auburn Univ., Ala. School of Business Research Series 3. Descriptors: "Water resources, "Economic devel- opment, Economic analysis, Economic models, Water pollution, Fisheries, Regional planning, Hy- droelectric power generation, Alabama, Mercury(Metal), Plant location. Identifiers: Thermal pollution, Input output analy- sis, OWRR. This collection of articles emphasizes the value of determining the costs associated with water-borne externalities. Pecuniary, technical, marginal and in- framarginal externalities are defined and their ef- fects on societies' production possibilities are ex- amined. A survey was made to determine the loss of commercial fishing income arising from a fishing ban on an Alabama lake caused by mercury pollu- tion. Total income loss to fishermen was mitigated by shifting their resources to other uses; as a result, it appears that only 15 commerical fisher- men suffered income losses. The effect of produc- tion, consumption and disposal decisions on level and form of residuals was also examined. The modeling effort illustrates the flow of residuals and costs arising from power generation from either coal or nuclear fuel. The effect of water quality on regional growth was examined using an input- output model. A decrease in usable water was traced to show its composite effect on income, consumption, and governmental expenditures and revenues. PB-227 591/5 PC A04/MF A01 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D.C. Woodworking. Circular-Saw Accidents Final rept. 1951-52. Jan 56, 74p Rept no. BLS-Bull-1190 Also available in set of 56 reports as PB-243 125- SET, PC E99, MF E99. Descriptors: "Sawmills, "Industrial accidents, Per- sonnel, Sawing, Woodworking, Injuries, Safety en- gineering, Industrial hygiene, Statistical data, Sta- tistical analysis. Identifiers: "Occupational safety and health. The report contains the results of a study of over 1 ,200 accidents which involved circular saws. Port- able circular saws and large circular saws used in sawmills were excluded. State safety inspectors investigated any accident within the scope of the study which they found in the course of perform- ance of their regular duties. Only accidents which occurred during 1951 or 1952 were included. Infor- mation about the number of injuries by nature of injury, part of body injured, agency (source) of injury, type of accident, hazardous condition, unsafe act, and activity of injured (feeding, off bearing, etc.) is presented. Descriptions of 22 typi- cal accidents with recommendations for prevent- ing them are included. PC A11/MF A01 Carbondale. Dept. of PB-227 616/0 Southern Illinois Univ Design. Simplified Housing Construction Systems for Rural Poor Families Final rept. J. Michael DeRienzo. Jan 73, 241 p* Rept no. JMDCONS-73-1 Descriptors: "Residential buildings, "Construction, "Manuals, "Economic factors, "Rural areas, So- cioeconomic status, Construction materials, Sys- tems engineering, Structural design, Components, Methodology, Construction costs, Illinois. Identifiers: Low cost housing, OUTR. The volume is designed to familiarize the groups of underprivileged rural inhabitants with simple con- struction techniques, new materials available, and the exploitation of common but often unrecog- nized building materials. Use of the latest technol- ogy, along with low cost or no cost materials and methods will permit an owner-builder to assemble a rationalized living unit. Emphasis is on construc- tion techniques which require little skill and time to accomplish. PB-228 100/4 PC A09/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Office of Arid Lands Stud- ies. World Desertification: Cause and Effect. A Lit- erature Review and Annotated Bibliography Wade C. Sherbrooke, and Patricia Paylore. 1973, 176p* Arid Lands Resource-IP-3, OWRR-W- 141(3729)(3) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -3729 Descriptors: "Deserts, "Land use, "Bibliographies, Arid land, Climatology, Droughts, Precipitation(Meteorology), Land reclamation, Soil erosion, Reforestation, Agriculture, Grazing land, Reviews. Identifiers: OWRR. An annotated bibliography is presented of 252 ref- erences, computer-produced from the University of Arizona's Arid Lands Information System (ALIS), with accompanying text that reviews briefly both cause and effect of world desertification. Causes fall into two categories: long-term (in the geologic sense) climatic change as supported by meteoro- logical, archaeological, gemorphological, vegeta- tional, palynological, and dendrochronological evi- dence in the literature; and those activities of man's historic occupance of arid and semiarid re- gions that have contributed to degeneration of marginal lands: agricultural and irrigation practices, grazing, tire, nomadism, and sand stablization and reforestation. Beyond these two categories, there is a third: climatic fluctuation - - short-term weather patterns induced by uncertain rainfall and followed by cyclic droughts from which marginal areas may not recover is subjected to continued attempts at intensive use that cannot be sustained by a dry 104 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS year or a succession of dry years. Portions of this document are not fully legible. PB-228 148/3 PC A15/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio. Office of Water Program Operations. Biological Treatment Technology (162) Final rept. F. J. Ludazack. Dec 73, 326p* Rept no. EPA- 430/1-73-017 Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, 'Manuals, Acti- vated sludge process, Nutrients, Biochemical oxygen demand, Trickling filtration, Chlorination, Sludge disposal. Identifiers: EPAO. This manual includes a collection of instructional materials to assist the student to upgrade perform- ance of biological treatment facilities. Information gathering techniques related to wastewater char- acteristics, concentrations, and loading are de- scribed. The influence of these data upon common treatment operations and correction of treatability difficulties are considered. Operational control to maximize the performance of existing facilities are discussed along with selection of add-on oper- ations or design of new facilities to upgrade the treatment system to a performance compliance status. PB-228 348/9 PC A07/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Meeting the Challenge of Industrialization: A Feasibility Study for an International Industrial- ization Institute Aug 73, 145p* Contract AID/csd-2584 Report of a Special International Panel of the Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development Office of the Foreign Secretary. Li- brary of Congress Catalog Card no. 73-11740. Summary in Spanish and French. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Industrial relations, 'International relations, 'Organizations, 'Industrialization, Feasibility, Policies, Transfer of technology, Research, Project planning, Objec- tives, Developing countries. Identifiers: 'Institutes, AID. The report advances the concept of an independ- ent, interdisciplinary research institute to illuminate new policy options confronting all nations. The study was made by an ad hoc advisory panel of the National Academy of Sciences, in consultation with leaders concerned with economic develop- ment from developed and developing countries. Appendices: (A) Illustrative research projects, (B) Terms of reference, (C) List of conferees. PB-228 660/7 PC E03/MF A01 National Science Research Council of Guyana, Georgetown. Some Prospects for Aquatic Weed Manage- ment in Guyana 17 Mar 73, 53p Contract AID/csd-2584 Proceedings of Workshop on Aquatic Weed Man- agement and Utilization Held in Georgetown (Guyana) 15-17 Mar 73. Prepared in cooperation with National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Aquatic weeds, 'Guyana, Manage- ment, Utilization, Meetings, Aquatic biology, Weed control, Vegetation, Herbicides, Chemical proper- ties, Feeding stuffs, Additives, Soils, Bibliogra- phies. Identifiers: NAS. The report is aof a three-day workshop on the management and utilization of aquatic plants, to formulate recommendations for implementation by local authorities to (1) deal with the aquatic weed problem, particularly by utilizing the vegetation as a resource for products, such as animal feeds and soil additives and (2) develop outlines of integrated systems of aquatic weed management in Guyana using biological, physical, and chemical methods. A bibliography is included. PB-229 181/3 PC E07/MF E07 New Mexico Univ., Albuquerque. Technology Ap- plication Center. Waste Glass Utilization. Cumulative Volume 30 Jun 73, 222p* Rept no. TAC/WGS-74-301 Available to non-U. S. addresses PC$15.00, MF$15.00. Descriptors: 'Glass, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Rec- lamation, Aggregates, Paving, Foam, Grinding(Comminution), Crushing, Economics, Cement additives, Regulations, Abstracts, Sympo- sia, Construction materials. Identifiers: 'Waste recycling, Glass recycling, STAC. Glass, as a by-product of the total recycling proc- ess, may soon be available in quantities sufficient not only for the manufacture of more glass, but for use in a wide variety of secondary products. These products may range from resurfacing materials which can be used under a greater variety of envi- ronmental conditions than asphalt, to glass wool and construction panels. To explore these new products, a 'Symposium on the Utilization of Waste Glass in Secondary Products' was held in Albu- querque, January 24-25, 1973. This document is an updated version of a state-of-the-art survey on the use of glass in secondary products, first pre- pared for the Symposium. PC E06/MF A01 Inc., Washington, PB-229 209/2 Housing Assistance Council, D.C. An Analysis of Alternative Low-Income Rural Housing Systems Final rept. Gordon Cavanaugh. 29 Jun 73, 137p HUD-PDR- 406 Descriptors: 'Low income housing, 'Rural areas, Public housing projects, Surveys, Problem solving, Recommendations, Economic development dis- tricts, Housing agencies, Cost analysis, Defects, Systems analysis, Georgia, Colorado, South Caro- lina, Mississippi, Tennessee, Vermont. Identifiers: Alternatives, 'Housing and urban de- velopment research, OUTR. The study examines several areas' housing au- thorities with regard to their public housing alterna- tives, and outlines the problems of small housing authorities. The report includes a design of a model agency and makes administrative and legis- lative recommendations. PB-229 813/1 PC E03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Technological Opportunities for Tropical For- estry Development Gordon D. Fox. Nov 73, 37p TA/OST-73-21 , AID-ARC-634.0-F791 Descriptors: 'Tropical woods, 'Technology trans- fer, 'Forest industry, 'Developing countries, Eco- nomic development, Forestry management, United States, Project planning, Utilization charac- teristics, Socioeconomic conditions, Political ob- jectives, Institutional implications, Improvement, Criteria. Identifiers: AID. The paper is intended to identify the highest pay- off opportunities for the application of U.S. tech- nology to the needs of developing countries for sound management and utilization of forest re- sources. Specifically the paper includes: (1) devel- opment of criteria for determining whether the po- litical-socio-economic and institutional framework in an LDC is sufficiently favorable so that techno- logical inputs will meaningfully improve forest utili- zation and management; (2) identification of ap- propriate countries; and (3) examination of a limit- ed number of countries to illustrate how specific technological inputs can be matched with priority needs, and assessment of likely pay-offs. PB-229 822/2 PC E02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Utilization of Tropical Forests. (A Review of the Forestry Literature in the Agency for Interna- tional Development Reference Center) Edward P. Cliff. Nov 73, 31 p TA/OST-73-20, AID-ARC-634.98072-C637 Descriptors: 'Forestry, 'Developing countries, 'Reviews, Forest industry, Utilization characteris- tics, Land use, Trees, Problem solving, Recom- mendations, Reforestation, Project planning, Im- provement, Economic development, Tropical woods, Africa, Latin America, Asia. Identifiers: AID. A review is made of forestry reports, publications, and other documents in the A.I.D. Reference Center to determine information available on utili- zation problems of secondary tree species in the developing countries. The time span covered is 27 years beginning in 1946. The report identifies for- estry and land use problems, and examines rec- ommended measures to upgrade forestry pro- grams and improve utilization of unused and little used species. PB-230 543/1 PC E04/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. International Development Programs of the Office of the Foreign Secretary Harrison Brown, and Theresa Tellez. Oct 73, 75p Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Scientific research, 'Program imple- mentation, 'International relations, 'Developing countries, Technology development, Technology transfer, Institutional framework, Reviews, Per- formance evaluation, Organizations, Project plan- ning, Attitudes, Specialized training, Recommen- dations. Identifiers: International development programs, AID. The report is a history of events and analysis of results of joint programs between the National Academy of Sciences and counterpart groups in developing countries during 1 959-1 971 . PB-230 738/7 PC E02/MF A01 Forest Service, Washington, D.C. Factors Influencing the Utilization of Tropical Wood Species Final rept. Alan D. Freas, Martin Chudnoff, Robert C. Koeppen, and S. Blair Hutchison. Nov 73, 34p AID-ARC-634.9-F849 Grant PASA-TA(AJ)-2-73 Descriptors: 'Tropical woods, Utilization, Con- straints, Reviews, Factor analysis, Economic de- velopment, Developing countries. Identifiers: AID. A.I.D. has been concerned, for an extended period of time, over the deleterious practice, in many tropical countries, of concentrating on a relatively limited number of species of tropical woods for ex- ploitation. This investigative report, through review of available literature and on-the-ground consulta- tion in selected countries, attempts to determine whether lack of knowledge of secondary species characteristics is the primary deterrent to their in- creased use, or whether there are other equally and perhaps more important factors to be consid- ered. PB-231 006/8 PC A05/MF A01 Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. Development of the Tropical Wood Resource Martin Chudnoff. Nov 73, 76p* TA/OST-73-23 Grant PASA-TA(AJ)-2-73 Descriptors: 'Tropical woods, 'Forestry manage- ment, Reviews, Forest industry, Forest trees, In- ventories, Utilization, Identifying, Statistical data. Identifiers: Silviculture, AID. The report is one of a series on the subject of tropi- cal forest utilization and management. The report covers the period 1 950-1 970 and focuses on a few selected countries with emphasis on definition of forests. It is based mostly on a library study and is divided into seven parts: Literature review; forest flora; commercial species; forest enumerations; 105 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS silvicultural systems; characterization of primary species; and ten-year summary of roundwood re- movals, production, and trade. PB-231 144/7 PC A04/MF A01 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. Dissemination and Utilization of Solar Energy Research Results. Report to the Office of Sys- tems Integration and Analysis Directorate of Applied Research, National Science Founda- tion Final rept. Richard S. Greeley. Dec 73, 69p MTR-6544, NSD-RA/N-73-111D Contract NSF-C831 See also PB-231 145. Descriptors: *Solar energy, "Research projects, 'Project management, Distributing, Utilization. Identifiers: Technology transfer, NSFRA. Thirty recommendations have been made for es- tablishing groups within or reporting to the NSF Solar Energy Program Office and initiating activi- ties for the dissemination and utilization of solar energy research results. The primary recommen- dations include establishing an Advisory Commis- sion and an information office reporting to the Pro- gram Director and constructing visitor centers on the sites of each Proof of Cencept Experiment. Training courses and public education would be conducted at each center following successful op- eration of the POCE system. (Modified author ab- stract) PB-231 149/6 PC A07/MF A01 Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. Proceedings of the Bioconversion Energy Re- search Conference Held at Massachusetts Univ., Amherst on 25-26 June 1973 26 Jun 73, 129p* NSF-RA/N-73-007 Grant NSF-GI-39215 Descriptors: *Solid waste disposal, "Materials re- covery, 'Methane, 'Meetings, Digestion(Decomposition), Anaerobic processes, Refuse disposal, Garbage disposal, Sewage dis- posal, Manufactured gas. Identifiers: 'Methane digestion, NSFRA. The two-day conference addressed itself to the question of biological conversion of waste and feedlot materials to methane. The specific objec- tives of the conference were: to exchange recent research information between engineers and sci- entists on research accomplishments and prob- lems related to bioconversion studies; to contrib- ute to the long-range planning of the funding agen- cies and research workers in the field; to provide improved communications between the research community and the users' groups; to identify the processes and technology important to the pro- duction of methane from waste and feed lot mate- rials; to identify the important economic factors as- sociated with bioconversion processes. These proceedings consist of the summary statements provided by each principal speaker at the confer- ence, together with a transcript of essentially all of the tape-recorded question-and-answer period that followed each presentation. PB-231 207/2 PC A04/MF A01 Florida Univ., Gainesville. Water Resources Re- search Center. Processing, Chemical Composition and Nutri- tive Value of Aquatic Weeds L O. Bagnall, R. L. Shirley, and J. F. Hentges. 16 Nov 73, 59p WRRC-Pub-25, W74-06502 Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -3209, DI-1 4-31 -0001- 3509 Descriptors: 'Aquatic weeds, 'Feeding stuffs, 'Water pollution control, Animal physiology, Ac- ceptability, Chemical composition, Digestion(Biology), Composts, Cost estimates, Dewatering, Animal nutrition. Identifiers: Eichhormia crassipes, Hydrilla verticil- lata, Silage, OWRR. As an alternative to chemical control, water hya- cinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) can be converted to agricultural useful products. Whole or chopped plants can be readily composted to create an organic material for pot- ting plants. The 90 to 95% moisture content plants can be pressed to remove 75% of the water with a modest energy input. The pressed plants can be ensiled with suitable additives or dried to make animal feed. Animal acceptability of properly made hyacinth silage was very good. Animal utilization of protein was poor and that of other nutrients was fair for both dried and ensiled water hyacinth. PB-231 269/2 PC E03/MF A01 Oregon Univ., Eugene. Bureau of Governmental Research and Service. Rural Transfer and Modified Landfill. A Com- parison of Cost Indicators for Low Volume Rural Solid Waste Disposal Methods Dec 73, 45p Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Rural areas, 'Management planning, Costs, Transportation, Oregon. Identifiers: Sanitary landfills, Lane County(Oregon), Waste transfer stations, EPASW. One of the key considerations in selecting a system of solid waste management is the relative costs of the available alternative systems. This report was prepared in order to provide public offi- cials and solid waste management planners with information upon which they can base estimated costs of operating a rural transfer system as well as a modified landfill system. The suggested esti- mating techniques are compatible and permit com- parison of the estimated costs of these two alter- native management systems. The experience of the Lane County, Oregon Solid Waste Division pro- vided the basis for development of the cost esti- mating techniques outlined in this report. PB-231 341/9 PC A12/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, Ohio. Lewis Research Center. Wind Energy Converstion Systems. Workshop Proceedings Held at Washington, D.C. on 11-13 June 1973 Joseph M. Savino. Dec 73, 267p* N74-16757 Grant NSF-AG-465 Descriptors: 'Wind power generation, 'Meetings, Windmills, Wind, Electric power plants, Sites, Site surveys, Planning, Electric generators, Rotors, Electric converters, Energy storage, Towers. Identifiers: Energy conversion, NSFRA. Contents: Important past developments; Wind characteristics and siting problems; Rotor characteristics; Energy conversion systems; Energy storage; Small wind power systems for remote and individual applications; Wind power systems for large-scale applications; Tower structures; Committee reports. PB-231 391/4 PC E04/MF A01 Transport and Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). The Compaction of Soils and Stabilized Bases on Road in East Africa M. P. O'Reilly. 1974, 75p Rept no. TRRL-LR-600 Descriptors: 'Pavement bases, 'Soil compacting, Roads, Soil stabilization, Soil water, Tropical re- gions, Construction, Test methods, Sands, Clay soils, Gravel, Porosity, Africa, Great Britain, Subsa- haran Africa. Identifiers: GBRRL. As part of a study of aspects of normal road-build- ing practice in tropical countries, the states of com- paction achieved in road bases and earthworks were investigated at ten road construction schemes in East Africa. In addition, where possi- ble, controlled compaction trials were carried out. The most significant conclusion from the investiga- tion is that the states of compaction achieved in the field correspond quite closely with those ob- tained in full-scale compaction tests carried out at the Transport and Road Research Laboratory. The study showed that the states of compaction com- monly specified for tropical roads can be attained under normal working condition. (Modified author abstract) PB-231 485/4 PC E03/MF A01 Texas Water Development Board, Austin. Systems Engineering Div. Techniques for Identifying and Evaluating Market and Non-Market Benefits and Costs of Water Resource Systems Completion rept. Milton L Holloway. Jun 73, 24* OWRR-C- 3352(3738)(1) Contract DI-14-31-0001-3738 Descriptors: 'Water resources, 'Systems analysis, 'Water economy, Water management, Benefit cost analysis, Allocations, Socioeconomic condi- tions, Economic development, Policies, Mathemat- ical models, Demand(Economics), Simulation, Re- gional planning, Environments, Whitney Lake, Lewisville Lake, Belton Lake, Texas. Identifiers: Aquatic environments, Water demand, OWRR. The research project was designed to provide a set of analytical tools for water resource planners and decision-makers to assist them in measuring and evaluating the market and non-market bene- fits and costs of water resource systems. The techniques are designed to be sufficiently flexible to analyze all types of water development and management policies. The report describes: (1) the techniques developed to measure the eco- nomic, environmental, and social impacts of water policy alternatives, and (2) the application of these techniques to a test case of three existing reser- voirs to determine the method's efficacy. The anal- yses are conducted in three major areas: econom- ic, environmental, and social. (Modified author ab- stract) PB-231 894/7 PC A05/MF A01 Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. Physical, Mechanical, and Other Properties of Selected Secondary Species in Surinam, Peru, Columbia, Nigeria, Gabon, Phillippines, and Ma- laysia Martin Chudnoff. Nov 73, 83p* TA/OST-73-24 Contract PASA-TA(AJ)-2-73 Descriptors: 'Wood, 'Tropical regions, Hard- woods, Drying, Mechanical properties, Bending, Modulus of elasticity, Flexural strength, Durability, Density(Mass/volume), Surinam, Seru, Colombia, Nigeria, Gabon, Phillippines, Malaysia. Identifiers: AID. The report presents previously published informa- tion on the tree and wood characteristics of select- ed secondary species growing in seven tropical countries. PB-232 259/2 PC A13/MF A01 Office of Water Resources Research, Washington, D.C. Water Resources Scientific Information Center. Phreatophytes. A Bibliography, Revised Patricia Paylore. Apr 74, 282p* WRSIC-74-201, W74-07829 Descriptors: 'Plants(Botany), "Bibliographies, Arid land, Range grasses, Soil water, Evapotranspora- tion, Vegetation, Water table, Land reclamation, Shrubs, Soil erosion, Water loss, Irrigation. Identifiers: 'Phreatophytes, Water demand, "Water yield improvements. The report, containing 183 abstracts, is another in a series of planned bibliographies in water re- sources to be produced from the information base comprising Selected Water Resources Abstracts (SWRA). At the time of search for this bibliography, the data base had 68,063 abstracts covering SWRA through February 1974 (Volume 7, Number 4). Author and subject indexes are included. PB-232 292/3 PC E07/MF A01 Housing Assistance Council, Inc., Washington, D.C. An Analysis of Alternative Methods of Rural Home Repair Final rept. 106 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Gordon Cavanaugh. 29 Jun 73, 175p HUD-PDR- 431 Descriptors: *Rural occupied housing units, 'Resi- dential alterations and repairs, Methodology, De- mography, Feasibility, Financing, Rehabilitation, Federal programs, Legislation, Income level, Sub- sidies, Models, Recommendations. Identifiers: "Alternatives. An analysis is made of home repair alternatives which are understandable only within a context of the housing conditions and the prevailing re- sources in rural America. Various recommenda- tions were made with respect to new institutions, changes, and reforms for the report. PB-232 307/9 PC E03/MF A01 NAHB Research Foundation, Inc., Rockville, Md. Small Sewage Treatment Systems. Experience and Cost Data in 61 Subdivisions in 12 States 1959, 48p Descriptors: * Sewage treatment. Contents: Policy; Costs; legislation; aesthetic con- siderations; what is sewage treatment; degree of treatment needed; stage construction for flexibility; operation and maintenance; successful sewerage installations; and incorporating sewage collection and treatment in the subdivision plan. PB-232 525/6 PC E04/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Nutritional Properties of Rice D. F. Houston, and G. O. Kohler. 1970, 69p Descriptors: *Rice, *Human nutrition, Food com- position, Carbohydrates, Food processing, Nutri- tive value, Diets, Proteins, Amino acids, Vitamins, Food preparation, Classifications, Tables(Data), Bibliographies. Contents: Background and present situation; Composition of rice and its milling products; Relative nutritional adequacy and nutrient availability of rice and its milling products; Enrichment and supplementation; Types of processed products and effects of processing on nutritional values; Effect of cooking processes on nutritional values; Special dietary values and problems; Areas for further research; Bibliography. PB-233 692/3 PC E05/MF A01 International Biological Program. U.S. National Committee. Insect-Plant Interactions. Report of a Work Conference 1969, 100p Contract NSF-C310 Descriptors: 'Meetings, *Plants(Botany), 'Insects, Neurology, Behavior, Hormones, Responses, Physiology, Chemical reactions. The report contains summaries of reports by some 36 participants on a wide variety of aspects of rela- tionships between plants and insects including ju- venile hormones and analogues, ecdysones, plant chemicals affecting insect behavior, and neuro- physiological studies of responses to plant chemi- cals. PB-233 956/2 PC A08/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Effective Utilization of Solar Engegy to Pro- duce Clean Fuel Final rept. John A. Alich, Jr, and Robert E. Inman. Jun 74, 164p* NSF-RANN/SE/GI-38723/FR-74-2 Grant NSF-GI-38723 Descriptors: 'Fuels, 'Electric power generation, 'Vegetation, 'Biomass, 'Plant growth, Mass pro- duction, Production capacity, Farm crops, Farm management, Agricultural economics, Aquatic plants, Algae, Solar radiation. The suitability of plant material as an energy feed- stock was evaluated. Items covered include: types of vegetation best suited for a solar conversion fa- cility, type and availability of land, logistics and economics of growing the desired crop, energy budget for plant material production and harvest- ing, and a technoeconomic comparison of firing the crops directly for electric power generation with converting them to clean fuel gas (methane or low-Btu gas) either at the farm site or at selected markets. Research needs in key technical and economic areas are pointed out. PB-234 444/8 PC A05/MF A01 RAI Research Corp., Hauppauge, N.Y. Improvement of Treatment of Food Industry Waste Environmental protection technology series Sidney B. Tuwiner. May 74, 76p EPA-660/2-74- 035 Paper copy available from GPO PC$1 .25. Descriptors: 'Dairies, 'Industrial waste treatment, 'Food processing, 'Activated carbon treatment, Byproducts, Flotation, Oxidation, Carbohydrates, Material recovery, Proteins, Electrolysis. Identifiers: 'Whey, 'Water pollution control, Chemical oxygen demand, Froth flotation, Cheese whey. Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the feasibility of reducing the COD demand of cheese whey waste generated from dairy process- ing plants. Three primary processing variables were studied: Agitation, temperature, and current density. Results indicate electrolytic oxidation effi- ciency was best at 70C, agitation at 9.6 feet per second and a current density of 9.5 amperes per square foot (equivalent to 6 amperes in the test cell investigated). Concentration of 60 percent of the whey protein was also possible by collection of the froth produced during electrolysis. This mecha- nism of COD reduction could afford recoverable protein from the whey. Carbon adsorption of the electrolyzed whey was also shown to be extremely effective in reducing the COD. The carbohydrates after oxidation to carboxylic acids are very readily adsorbed, the carbon loading being in excess of that expected for secondary effluents. The feasibil- ity of combining the electrolytic oxidation with froth collection and carbon adsorption is proposed as a possible attractive procedure for recovery of values from the whey. PB-234 503/1 PC E04/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Building Research Advisory Board. Roofing in Developing Countries. Research for New Technologies 1974, 85p Contract AID/csd-2584 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 73-1 0037 Descriptors: 'Roofing, 'Developing countries, Roofs, Housing shortages, Binders(Materials), Plastics, Cellular plastic, Sulfur, Plant fibers, Wood wastes, Reinforced concrete, Clays, Fibers, Ther- moplastic resins, Reinforcing materials, Composite materials, Cements, Asphalts, Iron, Agricultural wastes, Cost analysis. Identifiers: Ferrocement. More than 80 developing countries suffer from an acute housing shortage, principally because of the ever-increasing need for new housing created by expanding populations and the periodic large- scale loss of housing from natural disasters. The report presents the committee's conclusions and recommendations concerning areas of research and kinds of materials indicating significant poten- tial for the development of new roofing technol- ogies that could provide early solution to the partic- ular problems of developing countries. Ten appen- dices address various technical aspects of poten- tial new roofing technologies. PB-235 270/6 PC E13/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Envi- ronment and National Development held at Sin- gapore on 13-17 March 1972. Volume II: Select- ed Papers Mar 72, 447p Contract AID/csd-2584 See also PB-217 117. Descriptors: 'Water resources, 'Environmental impacts, 'Southeast Asia, 'Meetings, Environ- mental health, Regional planning, Groundwater, Sewage treatment, Flood control, Water supply, Toxicity, Industrial waste treatment, Water man- agement, Rice plants, Irrigation, Waste water reuse, Water pollution control. Volume II contains selected papers presented at the Workshop on Water Resources, Environment, and National Development. The main purpose of the Workshop was to focus attention on current problems of water resources and the environment faced by countries of the Southeast Asian region, and stimulate regional cooperation in seeking solu- tions. PB-235 410/8 PC A05/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Food Science in Developing Countries: A Se- lection of Unsolved Problems 1974, 92p* Contract AID/csd-2584 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 74-1 602. Descriptors: 'Human nutrition, 'Food, 'Develop- ing countries, New technology, Resources, Pre- serving, Processing, Storage, Food composition, Food deterioration, Problem solving. The report presents a collection of selected prob- lems in the fields of food science and nutrition which are of immediate concern to developing countries. Each problem is organized under the fol- lowing headings: Problem description; background information; possible approaches to a solution; special requirements; bibliography; and key contact(s). PB-235 458/7 PC E03/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Report of the Joint Continuing Committee for Scientific Cooperation: Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea and National Academy of Sciences Staff summary rept. 1974, 54p Contract AID/csd-2584 Staff Summary Report of Meeting and Workshop (1st) Held at Seoul, Korea on 13-16 November 1 973. Sponsored in part by Ministry of Science and Technology, Seoul (Korea), and National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for International Development. Descriptors: 'Scientific research, 'Technology de- velopment, 'Meetings, Cooperation, South Korea, United States, Research and development, Project planning, Economic factors, Education, Reviews. Identifiers: Priorities. The report is a staff-prepared summary of the first meeting and workshop of the Korea - U.S. Joint Continuing Committee for Scientific Cooperation, held in 1973 in Seoul, Korea. Appendices include a list of briefing papers, Korean participants, and a selected press coverage of the meeting and work- shop. PB-235 504/8 PC A05/MF A01 Milbrew, Inc., Juneau, Wis. Amber Labs. Div. Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fer- mentation Environmental protection technology series Sheldon Bernstein, and Thomas C. Everson. May 74, 89p EPA-660/2-74-025 Grant EPA-S-800747 Prepared in cooperation with National Environ- mental Research Center, Corvallis, Oreg. Paper copy available from GPO $1.25 as EPA- 600/2-74-025. Descriptors: 'Fermentation, 'Dairy products, 'Feeding stuffs, 'Industrial waste treatment, Pilot plants, Proteins, Cheeses, Byproducts, Livestock, Cost estimates, Amino acids, Investments, Food processing. Identifiers: 'Cheese whey, 'Water pollution con- trol. 107 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS From the operation of a demonstration pilot plant over extended periods of time, it has been shown that yeast may be grown on an acid whey or sweet whey medium in a continuous, deep tank aerated fermentor. Variations in fermentation conditions, strain selection, and medium composition pro- duced cell concentrations of several billion cells per milliliter. By a process of evaporation and spray drying the whole fermented whey mass and the uti- lization of the evaporator condensate to dilute in- coming condensed whey, a high grade, non-toxic, protein feed material may be produced without any effluent streams. Amino acid analyses and protein efficiency ratios are presented for this feed materi- al. This whey fermentation is one means of con- verting large quantities of a potential environmen- tal pollutant into a useful and needed product. PB-235 575/8 PC A07/MF A01 Oklahoma Cooperative Fishery Unit, Stillwater. Paunch Manure as a Feed Supplement in Chan- nel Catfish Farming Environmental protection technology series Robert C. Summerfelt, and S. C. Yin. May 74, 129p EPA-600/2-74-046 Grant EPA-R-800746 Paper copy available from GPO $1.60 as EP- 1.23:660/2-74-046. Descriptors: *Catfishes, 'Aquaculture, 'Water pol- lution, Feeding stuffs, Agricultural wastes, Beef cattle, Water quality, Animal nutrition, Diets, Food processing, Ponds. Identifiers: Water pollution effects(Animals), Paunch manure, Slaughtering house wastes. Part A of the report examines the feasibility of using dried paunch at 10, 20, and 30% levels in feed for pond-rearing yearling channel catfish to market-size, and at a 10% level for cage-culture of yearling catfish. Part B describes the effects of fish culture, using standard feeds and paunch-contain- ing feeds, on water quality of fish ponds. In all, one physical, one bacteriological, and fifteen chemical parameters were measured. Regardless of feed type, pond-reared fish grew faster than the cage- reared fish. There was no significant difference in final weights attained by fish given standard, and 10 and 20% paunch feeds but fish given 30% paunch were significantly smaller. Neither the pond culture nor the cage culture caused deterio- ration in water quality in any of the ponds to any appreciable degree in one growing season of 24 weeks. (Modified author abstract) PB-235 801/8 PC E02/MF A01 Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, Calif. Some Woods of Hawaii. ..Properties and Uses of 16 Commercial Species Forest Service general technical rept. (Final) Roger G. Skolmen. 1974, 34p Rept no. FSGTR- PSW-8 Descriptors: *Wood, 'Wood products, 'Hawaii, Eucalyptus wood, Ash wood, Redwood, Mechani- cal properties, Woodworking, Shrinkage, Durabil- ity. Information is given for 16 Hawaii-grown species, both native and introduced, of present or potential commerical importance. Descriptive notes include tree characteristics, history, size, and growth rates; the timber volume available in Hawaii; and accessi- bility for logging. Wood properties, including ap- pearance, weight, shrinkage, strength, workability, seasoning, durability, and finishing, are explained with reference to well-known woods, and present and potential uses are described. An appendix in- cludes technical data. Each species is illustrated in color. PB-235 922/2 PC A04/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. The Peace Corps: Perspectives for the Future Final rept. Aug 74, 74p Rept no. PC/BOSTID-74-01 Contract ACTION-74-043-0023 Descriptors: 'Foreign assistance, 'Developing countries, 'Organizational effectiveness, Reviews, Policies, Performance evaluation, Recommenda- tions, Economic development, Technical assist- ance. Identifiers: 'Peace Corps, Volunteer service. The report reviews the character, direction, and activities of the Peace Corps in relation to prospec- tive developing country needs, as input to current agency reassessment of long-range policy and op- erations plan. It recommends that the Peace Corps maintain its distinctive character as a volunteer program supplying middle-level manpower with the two-fold purpose of helping other countries and promoting international understanding. It recom- mends that the Corps adopt measures to enhance effective use of generalist volunteers, provide sec- toral areas such as agriculture, health and nutri- tion, more technical support and planning, assure self-monitoring and performance data collection, and continue operation on a bilateral basis with binational management of local units. PB-236 143/4 PC A04/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Center for Environmen- tal Quality Management. Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man, and Environ- ment Final rept. on Phase 1 David Pimentel, Walter R. Lynn, William K. MacReynolds, Marie T. Hewes, and Sharon Rush. Aug 74, 58p* Grant NSF-GB-43996 Descriptors: 'Food supply, Food consumption, Farm crops, Nutrition, Production, Corn, Rice, Wheat, Potatoes, Fertilizers, Farm management. Identifiers: 'Energy conversion efficiency, Energy requirements. With overpopulation, energy shortages, and envi- ronmental degradation the world's population is fast losing its capacity to feed itself. To produce more food to feed the rapidly growing world popu- lation will require intensifying crop production on limited arable land. This will, in turn, place a greater demand upon the already scarce energy re- sources. Hence, a need clearly exists to make more effective use of the world's known energy and land resources. Discussed are research needs concerning energy inputs in crop production, alter- natives in food production for effective use of energy and environmental resources, and esti- mates of energy needs to increase world food pro- duction. PB-236 285/3 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Office of International Affairs. Special Report on Techniques of Aided Self- Help Housing. Some Examples of U.S. and Overseas Experience Ervan Bueneman. Nov 73, 29p Descriptors: 'Self help housing, 'Developing countries, Houses, Construction, Projects, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Tanzania, Trinidad. In some developing countries, helping families build their own homes became the basis of nation- al housing policy long after the departure of the experts who first introduced and developed the concept. Organized aided self-help housing pro- grams are considered a way by which many fami- lies could obtain decent housing through their own efforts at a relatively small capital expenditure. The report describes selected experiences in Puerto Rico, Trinidad/Tobago, Guatemala, Tanzania, and selected U.S. areas. PB-236 391/9 PC A05/MF A01 PADCO, Inc., Washington, D.C. Guidelines for Establishing and Administering Land Development Agencies in the Developing Countries Ideas and methods exchange Alfred P. Van Huyck, and Milton Kaplan. Aug 73, 76p IME-69 Contract HUD-H-1899 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Land development, 'Developing countries, 'Services, Urban areas, Urban planning, Public administration, Reviews, Recommenda- tions, Management guidelines. Identifiers: 'Government agencies. The report examines the crisis in urban land from the perspective of one instrument available to the public sector - the Land Development Agency - through which the public interest can be represent- ed in the urban land market. It is not intended to be an exhaustive study of world experience, but rather a basic review of the key issues of concern and the preparation of recommendations and guidelines for the establishment and administration of Land Development Agencies. Its purpose is to stimulate interested persons to undertake further studies leading to the improvement of land development agencies in the developing countries. PB-236 978/3 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Office of International Affairs. HUD International Country Reports. Panama 1971, 15p Rept no. HUD-168-SF See also PB-236 979. Descriptors: 'Housing studies, 'Urban develop- ment, 'Panama, Developing countries, Urban con- struction, Economic conditions, Construction in- dustry, Construction materials, International trade, Foreign market surveys, Foreign investments. Identifiers: 'International country reports. The report presents information on various as- pects of housing and urban development in Panama. The information was developed from the analysis of foreign documents, team visits, docu- ment exchanges under bilateral agreements and from informal contacts. Each study describes ge- ography, climate, population, the government system, some economic data, and housing and urban development activity, including financial in- stitutions. PB-236 980/9 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Office of International Affairs. HUD International Country Reports. Peru 1971, 18p Rept no. HUD-275-IA See also PB-236 981. Descriptors: 'Housing studies, 'Urban develop- ment, 'Peru, Developing countries, Urban con- struction, Economic conditions, Construction in- dustry, Construction materials, International trade, Foreign market surveys, Foreign investments. Identifiers: 'International country reports. The report presents information on various as- pects of housing and urban development in Peru. The information was developed from the analysis of foreign documents, team visits, and document exchanges under bilateral agreements and from informal contacts. Each study describes geogra- phy, climate, population, the government system, some economic data, and housing and urban de- velopment activity, including financial institutions. PB-237 042/7 PCA11/MFA01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Solar Energy Applications Lab. Design and Construction of a Residential Solar Heating and Cooling System Semi-annual progress rept. 1 Jan-31 Jul 74 George O. G. Lof. Aug 74, 233p* NSF/RANN/ SE/GI-40457/PR/74/2, NSF/RA/N-74-104 Grant NSF-GI-40457 Descriptors: 'Solar heating, 'Residential buildings, Design criteria, Construction, Specifications, Draw- ings, Engineering drawings, Heat exchangers, Heat pumps, Lithium bromide, Water heaters, Per- formance evaluation, Computerized simulation, Cost estimates, Antireflection coatings. Identifiers: 'Solar air conditioning, Solar collectors, Solar water heaters. The first integrated system providing heating and cooling to a building by use of solar energy has been designed and installed in a residential-type building at Colorado State University. Solar heated liquid supplies heat to air circulating in the building 108 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS and to a lithium bromide absorption air conditioner. Service hot water is also provided. Approximately two-thirds of the heating and cooling loads are ex- pected to be met by solar energy, the balance by natural gas. The report contains details of design and principles of operation. A breakdown of costs of equipment and its installation is provided. PB-237 299/3 PC A17/MF A01 American Association on Mental Deficiency, Washington, D.C. International Research Seminar on Vocational Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded Final rept. George Soloyanis, John E. Loth, and Melvin Cohen. 1972, 394p* Grant SRS-22-55092 Descriptors: *Rehabilitation, 'Mental deficiency, 'Meetings, Vocational guidance, Social welfare, Schools, Government policies, International com- parison, Specialized training, Planning. Identifiers: 'Mentally retarded persons. The overall purpose of the conference was to pro- vide a forum for the exchange of information ema- nating from the United States and overseas re- search concerning the vocational rehabilitation of mentally retarded individuals. More specifically, the research explored were those investigations pertaining to programs, operations and services of rehabilitation facilities. PB-238 103/6 PC A08/MF A01 National Center for Energy Management and Power, Philadelphia, Pa. Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas Annual rept. 31 Jan 74, 153p NSF/RANN/SE/GI34991/ PR73/4, NSF/RA/N-74-153 Grant NSF-GI-29729, NSF-GI-34991 Descriptors: 'Methane, 'Manufactured gas, 'Gas production, 'Plants(Biology), 'Digestion(Decomposition), Fermentation, News- print, Absorbent papers, Grasses, Garbage, Chlor- ella, Algae, Fertilizers, Wastes, Feeding stuffs, Mud, Agricultural wastes, Effluents, Anaerobic processes, Digesters, Fresh water, Brackish water, Sea water, Production rate, Alkalinity, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, Carbon, Solar energy, Chemical analysis, Photosynthesis, Biodeteriora- tion. Identifiers: 'Solar energy conversion. The formation of methane by biological conversion of a number of organic materials has been exam- ined. The materials exposed to the anaerobic fer- mentation process included paper, grass, house- hold garbage, fresh water algae, water hyacinth, seaweed, cattle manure, dry manure, dry dog food. These materials have been examined separately and in various combinations. During operation of the digester, the amount and composition (meth- ane and carbon dioxide) of the gases produced by the fermentation were determined and extensive chemical analyses of the composition of the liquid contents of the digesters were carried out. Similar chemical analyses of the various materials fed to the digester were carried out as well as analyses of the sea water used in several of the studies. PB-238 29 1 /9 PC A06/ M F A0 1 Bacardi Corp., San Diego, Puerto Rico. Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process Environmental protection technology series T. G. Shea, E. Ramos, J. Rodriguez, and G. H. Dorion. Jul 74, 109p EPA-660/2-74-074 Grant EPA-R-800935 Paper copy available from GPO. Descriptors: 'Anaerobic processes, 'Industrial waste treatment, 'Distilleries, 'Digestion(Decomposition), Cost estimates, Proc- ess charting, Settling, Suspended sediments, Design, Performance evaluation, Reaction kinet- ics, Digestion(Decomposition), Waste water, Cost effectiveness, Methane, Byproducts, Pilot plants. Identifiers: Rum distilleries, 'Water pollution con- trol, Chemical oxygen demand, Biological industri- al waste treatment. The general objectives of the present study were to develop an anaerobic digestion process for the treatment of the rum distillery slops stream at the pilot scale, and to establish design criteria for the full-scale application of the process. Both bench and pilot-scale experimental studies were con- ducted with the anaerobic contact process flow sheet (incorporating biomass recycle) to permit de- termination of the Monod kinetic constants and the kinetic relationships describing the anaerobic treatment of the slops. The process kinetics were used to examine the operating and performance characteristics of a plant-scale application. A proc- ess flow sheet was established and design criteria developed as the basis for estimating the cost of a plant-scale installation. The process kinetic rela- tionships and the economic analysis were used to structure a cost-performance relationship to exam- ine tradeoffs between cost, performance, and se- lected design variables. PB-238 59 1 /2 PC A02/ M F A0 1 Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. Cooperative Ex- tension Service. Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water Research rept. William L. Powers, Russell L. Herpich, Larry S. Murphy, David A. Whitney, and Harold L. Manges. 1974, 9p OWRT-A-046-KAN(2) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -351 6 Descriptors: 'Industrial waste treatment, 'Agricul- tural wastes, Irrigation, Waste water, Lagoons(Ponds), Nutrients, Salts, Water quality, Inorganic nitrates, Inorganic phosphates, Kansas, Farms. Identifiers: 'Feedlot wastes, Water quality data. Guidelines are provided for feedlot operators who dispose of lagoon, water on agricultural lands. The design of lagoon, pumps, and irrigation systems are not discussed. Because lagoon water contains such plant nutrients as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, its application on agricultural land, in correct amounts, can increase crop yields. Howev- er, because it also contains salts of sodium, cal- cium, and magnesium, too much lagoon water can pollute the soil. The salt accumulation from lagoon water is most likely to occur in dry areas where pre- cipitation is not adequate to leach the salts down- ward below the root zone. Guidelines on how to dispose of such lagoon water to minimize the chance of reducing the land's productivity are given. The guidelines are based on present irriga- tion-water-quality standards and on data collected from various feedlots in Kansas. PB-238 849/4 PC A 1 1 / M F A0 1 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. African Agricultural Research Capabilities 1974, 240p* Rept no. ISBN-0-309-0224-X Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Research projects, 'Developing countries, 'Africa, Research needs, Education, Soils, Agronomy, Land use, Farm crops, Agricultural economics, Manpower, Water management, Grains(Food), Vegetables, Live- stock. The study focuses on the question of how agricul- tural science and specifically agricultural research can contribute most effectively to the progress of the African nations and peoples. It covers the fol- lowing topics: (1) Agricultural and educational pri- orities; (2) role of non-African agencies in coordi- nation of agricultural research and education; (3) appropriate channels of communication and coop- eration among nations and institutions within and outside of Africa; (4) means by which research and education can be applied most effectively to Afri- can agricultural development; and (5) a broad as- sessment of the scientific manpower needs of the research systems and institutions recommended by the NAS Committee. PB-238 909/6 PC A06/MF A01 Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton. Dept. of Bio- logical Sciences. Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation Thomas T. Sturrock. Aug 73, 107p EPA/660/3- 74-007 Grant EPA-R-801036 Descriptors: 'Aquatic weeds, 'Weed control, 'Florida, Plant growth, Fungi, Plant pathology, Cul- ture media, Morphology, Microorganisms, Pest control. Identifiers: 'Aquatic weed control, Hydrilla verticil- lata, Eichhornia crassipes, Water hyacinth, Deuteromycetes(lmperfect fungi), Alternaria, 'Bio- logical weed control, Biological pest control. Laboratory studies were conducted to determine optimal growth conditions of Hydrilla verticillata and Eichhornia crassipes on both entire plants and detached leaf cultures. Techniques were then de- veloped for surface sterilization of both the entire and plant parts for both species. Numerous weed infested habitats in Florida were examined for signs of aquatic plant diseases. These studies indi- cated various environmental factors as well as possible microbial pathogens as a source of plant tissue debilitation. No significant microbial patho- gen was observed for H. verticillata, however, a pathogenic species of a Deutromycete was isolat- ed from a leaf spot on E. crassipes. Characteriza- tion of this fungus revealed it to be an Alternaria species of the order Moniales. Infection was pro- duced via agar block techniques and aerosol spore suspensions. Experiments are described concern- ing the virulence and host range for thise fungal pathogen. PB-238 917/9 PC A21/MF A01 International Road Federation, Washington, D.C. 1974 World Survey of Current Research and Development on Roads and Road Transport Dec 74, 497p* Contract DOT-FH-1 1-7656, CPR-1 1-2665 Sponsored in part by contract DOT-FH-1 1 -6744. Descriptors: 'Highways, 'Highway transportation, 'Highway planning, Research, Reviews, Bibliogra- phies, Bridges(Structures), Foreign countries, Ob- jectives, Organizations, Recommendations, Con- struction materials, Roads, Project planning, De- veloping countries, Civil engineering, Tunnels. The tenth in a series of annual reports on research and development projects conducted by govern- mental, academic and commercial research agen- cies in 72 countries is reported by surveyors of the International Road Federation and the Internation- al Road Research Documentation program of the OECD. The report includes listings of 4,668 pro- jects, classified in accordance with the subject area classification of the Transportation Research Board, which includes these listings in their retriev- al system. PB-239 465/8 PC A 1 6/ M F A0 1 Little (Arthur D.), Inc., Cambridge, Mass. An Overview of Alternative Energy Sources for LDCs 7 Aug 74, 372p* Rept no. ADL-C-77105 Contract AID/ta/C-1 089 Descriptors: 'Electric power generation, 'Energy supplies, 'Developing countries, Energy sources, Tidal power generation, Geothermal power plants, Geothermal prospecting, Wastes, Methyl alcohol, Coal gasification, Wind power generation, Solar energy conversion, Solar heating, Solar power generation, Nuclear electric power generation, Steam electric power generation, Bangladesh, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ghana, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Pakistan, Brazil, Korea, Niger, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Underde- veloped nations, International trade, Energy con- sumption, Fuel consumption, Electric power demand, Forecasting, Predictions, Economic de- velopment. Identifiers: Energy resources. The report presents an overview of alternative energy sources of types which could be of signifi- cant value to lesser-developed countries in adjust- ing to the impact of sharply higher world market prices of petroleum. It presents a highly con- densed review of non-conventional energy tech- nologies, together with some limited commentary on the relevance of the more conventional tech- nologies in new lesser-developed country (LDC) economic settings. It also provides a summary on a country-by-country basis of the current economic 109 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS posture and energy resources array in fifteen LDC's selected as being broadly representative- geographically and in terms of petroleum-price im- pacts-of the quite wide range of situations that need to be considered. PB-239 472/4 PC A08/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation. More Water for Arid Lands, Promising Technol- ogies and Research Opportunities 1974, 161p Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Water conservation, 'Arid land, Agriculture, Irrigation, Waste water reuse, Surface water runoff, Water wells, Remote sensing, Water loss, Soil water, Evapotranspira- tion, Salt water, Percolation, Controlled atmos- pheres. Little known but promising technologies for the use and conservation of scarce water supplies in arid areas are the subject of this report. Not a technical handbook, it aims to draw the attention of agricul- tural and community officials and researchers to opportunities for development projects with prob- able high social value. Each technology is present- ed in a separate chapter and arranged under the following topics: methods, advantages, limitations, stage of development, needed research and de- velopment, selected readings (a short list of re- views and general articles) and contacts (a list of individuals or organizations the panelists know to be involved in relevant research). PB-239 478/1 PC A05/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Workshop on Education and Training Needs for Philippine Environmental Programs Held in Manila, Philippines, May 27-31, 1974 May 74, 84p Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Meetings, 'Environmental issues, 'Philippines, Workshops, Scientists, United States, Training needs, Engineers, Education, Ad- ministrators, Resources, Developing countries, Problem solving, Planning. The workshop was designed to bring together Phil- ippine and American scientists, engineers, educa- tors, and administrators for collaborative identifica- tion of problems and issues relevant to environ- mental education and training needs, development of possible alternative solutions to the problems, and consideration of ways to strengthen the host country's capacity to plan and manage environ- mental education programs. PB-239 492/2 PC A05/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Scientific and Technical Information Needs and Resources in the Republic of China (Taiwan) 1974, 86p Report on a Sino-U.S. Workshop, held in Washing- ton, D.C. on 24-26 April, 1 973. Descriptors: 'Information systems, 'Information retrieval, Information centers, Manpower, Taiwan, Documentation, Libraries, Meetings, Data proc- essing. The National Academy of Sciences - National Re- search Council and the Academie Sinica of the Re- public of China jointly sponsored a workshop on the Scientific and Technical Information Needs and Resources of the Republic of China (Taiwan) from 16 April to 14 May, 1973. The workshop con- sisted of a three-day conference in Washington, D.C. and technical visits to 33 U.S. information or- ganizations before and after the conference. Pur- poses of workshop were: (1) To identify the needs for S and T information in Taiwan and the re- sources required to meet them; (2) to examine and make recommendations that Taiwan might take to strengthen its national scientific and technical in- formation infrastructure, and to establish linkages with information systems, centers, and services in other countries; and (3) to identify areas for future cooperative efforts between counterpart U.S. and Chinese institutions. PB-239 493/0 PC A12/MF A01 Monsanto Research Corp., Dayton, Ohio. Dayton Lab. Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indig- enous Materials in Developing Nations Annual rept. no. 1, May 73-May 74 G. L. Ill Ball, Robert A. Cass, J. P. R. Falconer, D. C. Royse, and Ival O. Salyer. 30 Jul 74, 274p Rept no. MRC-DA-440 Contract AID/CM/ta-C-73-12 Prepared in cooperation with Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. Descriptors: 'Roofing, 'Developing countries, 'Construction materials, Feasibility, Research, Natural fibers, Fillers, Substitutes, Low cost hous- ing, Project planning, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Reviews. Identifiers: 'Indigenous materials. The report covers the first year of a 1973-1976 re- search effort to use indigenous fibers and fillers with low-cost binders to produce improved roofing for developing countries. The ultimate goal of the development program is to make available in at least three countries, one each in Africa, Asia and Latin America, a roofing system which is an eco- nomically and technically acceptable alternative to the extensively used corrugated galvanized iron, a material which has undesirably high foreign ex- change costs, insufficient use of indigenous mate- rials and manpower, and poor thermal insulation and durability. Phase 1 goals are summarized, and a work plan for Phase 2 is given. PB-239 557-T PC A99/MF A01 Fogarty International Center, Bethesda, Md. A Barefoot Doctor's Manual 1974, 972p* Rept no. DHEW/NIH-75-695 Trans, of unidentified Chinese language mono., n.p., n.d. 960p. Pub. by Institute of Traditional Chi- nese Medicine of Human Province (Chinese Peo- ple's Republic). Descriptors: 'China, 'Medical personnel, 'Clinical medicine, Anatomy, Hygiene, Diagnosis(Medicine), Therapy, Education, Drugs, Pharmacology, Diseases, Medical services, Public health, Manuals, Physicians. Identifiers: 'Health care delivery systems, Para- professional personnel, Herbs, Medicinal plants, Acupuncture. The book was prepared by the Institute of Tradi- tional Chinese Medicine of Hunan Province, China and contains instructions on health care for the use by paraprofessional personnel. It contains sections on anatomy, hygiene, diagnostic tech- niques, therapeutic techniques, birth control, diag- nosis and treatment of common diseases and Chi- nese herbal medicine. PB-239 799/0 PC A08/MF A01 Federal Working Group on Pest Management, Rockville, Md. Proceedings of the National Conference on Protective Clothing and Safety Equipment for Pesticide Workers Held in Atlanta, Georgia, May 1-2, 1972 Final rept. Jun 72, 170p Rept no. FWGPM-72-3 Descriptors: 'Pesticides, 'Industrial hygiene, Per- sonnel, Protective clothing, Protective masks, In- dustrial atmospheres, Safety devices, Dust con- trol, Ventilation, Materials handling, Accidents, Safety engineering, Meetings, Warehouses, Stor- age, Transportation. The report presents papers concerning safety and hygiene in the pesticide industry. Topics include: Effects of different kinds of pesticide exposures on man as determined through laboratory testing; pro- tection of individuals who mix or apply pesticides in the field; protective clothing, goggles, gloves and foot coverings-their value during handling and use of pesticides; effectiveness of respirators and simi- lar gear for protection against inhaling pesticides; ventilation and dust control systems to protect workers in enclosed areas; innovations in pesticide application equipment that protect workers from exposure to pesticides; and where protective clothing and safety equipment must be available; occupational health and safety standards that apply to pesticide exposure situations, regulations governing hazardous chemicals in loading and transportation operations, rules for workers in warehouses, attitudes and practices of pesticide applicators; pesticide worker accidents; accept- ance of safety programs; and concern of the Fed- eral Government. Eight recommendations for Fed- eral interdepartmental action were made by the Safety Panel. PB-239 875/8 PC A06/MF A01 Maryland Univ., College Park. Bureau of Business and Economic Research. Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Resources (An Interindustry Approach to Mod- eling Economic-Environmental Systems) Technical rept. John H. Cumberland, and Bruce N. Stram. 1974, 1 1 1 p TR-1 8, OWRT-B-007-MD(1 ) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -3089 Descriptors: 'Water pollution, 'Management plan- ning, 'Water resources, 'Air pollution, 'Economic development, Economic models, Mathematical models Statistical methods, Classifications, Sources, Residues, Waste disposal, Economic analysis. Identifiers: 'Water pollution abatement, Environ- mental models, 'Environmental management, For- mats. A theoretical model is presented of interrelation- ships between economic and environmental models useful for water management, together with basic data on 130 types of pollutants from 70 different industries. The purpose is to get good data and analytic methods needed to improve en- vironmental management. The first step has been to devise a materials balance accounting structure to provide a format for emissions. The collected and internally developed data have been used to create a simple two-stage model of the emissions process. High priority in environmental research appears appropriate for the evaluation of damage functions associated with various reported emis- sions levels. Integration of this additional informa- tion with the data on hand should lead to the im- provement desired in environmental management. PB-239 883/2 PC A03/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Center for International Studies. Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunications in Nepal George Rathjens, Robert Butman, and Ramesh Vaidya. Jan 75, 27p Rept no. C/75-3 Descriptors: 'Radio broadcasting, 'Telecommuni- cation, 'Education, Nepal. The report presents observations on Nepali radio broadcast services in general taking into account program content and language, geographical cov- erage, and questions relating to taxation and duties on radios and their manufacture. It also dis- cusses radio for education in the schools and two- way communications. PB-240 113/1 PC A04/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Water Resources Research Inst. Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Thermal Discharge L. Boersma, E. W. R. Barlow, J. R. Miner, and H. K. Phinney. Sep 74, 58p OWRT-B-039-ORE(1) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -41 21 Also available as Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Agricultural Experiment Station. Special rept. no. 416. Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, 'Manufactured gas, 'Heat recovery, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Feeding stuffs, Algae, Cooling water, Electric power ' plants, Methane, Byproducts, Digestion(Decomposition), Digestors, Anaerobic processes. Identifiers: 'Waste heat utilization, 'High protein supplements, 'Manure. Society faces many problems related to its growth in numbers and standard of living. Of major con- cern is environmental degradation resulting from pollution and the consumptive use of non-renew- 110 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS able natural resources. An animal waste manage- ment scheme was developed on the premise that one solution to these problems is the development of integrated production systems with recycled sources. The waste product of one industry must become the raw material for another. The feasibil- ity of using waste heat from steam electric plants to sustain a food-producing complex which recy- cles nutrients is analyzed. Specifically, it is pro- posed to use microorganisms to convert animal waste into a high protein animal feed and a meth- ane-rich fuel gas. Waste heat from steam electric plants is used as a low cost source of energy for maintaining stable, elevated temperatures in an- aerobic digestion and single cell protein production units. Benefits to society include: improved effi- ciency of energy use and food production, recy- cling of raw materials, and conservation of non-re- newable resources. PB-240 244/4 PC A03/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. An International Centre for Manatee Research: Report of a Workshop held 7-13 February 1974 in Georgetown, Guyana, South America 1974, 39p* Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Weed control, 'Aquatic animals, 'Meetings, Mammals, Ecology, Research, Biology, Guyana, Developing countries, Tropical regions. Identifiers: 'Aquatic weed control, 'Biological weed control, 'Manatee, Trichechus. A workshop was held in Georgetown, Guyana Feb- ruary 7-13, 1974 to discuss the potential usage of the manatee as a natural means of aquatic weed control as well as of the great advantages, apart from its utilitarian potential, that may be derived through basic biological research endeavors. The report outlines the various fields of research which need to be undertaken if the manatee is to be brought into effective use and the establishment of an International Centre for Research on Manatees has been recommended. PB-240 365/7 PC A07/MF A01 Humboldt County Dept. of Public Works, Eureka, Calif. Rural Storage and Collection Container Sys- tems Final rept. Bartle Wells. 1975, 126p EPA/530/SW-81d Grant PHS-EC-00271 Prepared in cooperation with Bartle Wells Asso- ciates, San Francisco, Calif., and Garretson, El- mendorf, Zinor, and Reibin, San Francisco, Calif. Report on Humboldt County Solid Waste Demon- stration Project. See also PB-212 398. Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Refuse dis- posal, 'Containers, 'Collection, 'Rural areas, Storage, Management planning, Cost analysis, Trucks, Earth fills, Hauling, Compacting, Financ- ing, California. Identifiers: Waste transfer stations, Sanitary land- fills, 'Humboldt County(California). This report describes the development and financ- ing of a county solid waste collection system for rural areas. The objective of the system was to substitute an environmentally sound method of solid waste disposal for the unsound practice of using small, random, burning dumps. The report shows that this can be accomplished. It presents a detail description of the storage and collection containers used, the construction of the container sites, and an economic analysis of the advan- tages/disadvantages of the use of small and large containers. The report also presents a comprehen- sive analysis of the development of the County fi- nancial plan. PB-241 055/3 PC E03/MF A01 National Center for Energy Management and Power, Philadelphia, Pa. Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas Quarterly rept. no. 3. 31 Oct 73, 145 NSF/RANN/SE/GI34991/PR/ 73/3, NSF/RA/N-73-113 Grant NSF-GI-29729, NSF/GI-34991 See also PB-238 545. Descriptors: 'Methane, 'Organic wastes, 'Manu- factured gas, 'Digestion(Decomposition), Digest- ers, Equipment, Design, Drawings, Performance evaluation, Plants(Botany), Agricultural wastes. Development of methods for the economic pro- duction of methane gas by the anaerobic digestion of organic matter is discussed. The organic matter is derived from the conversion of solar energy to plant material via photosynthesis. An initial source of feed material is available in the form of organic solid wastes, the by-products of food, feed and wood production. The conversion of waste materi- als to fuel gas via anaerobic digestion represents a potential solution not only to the energy problem, but simultaneously to the solid wastes problem. PB-241 120/5 PC A17/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacks- burg. Center for Urban and Regional Studies. Urban Systems Research: Report of the Bina- tional (U.S./Australian) Urban Systems Sympo- sium (1st) Final rept. John W. Dickey, and Roy W. R. Muncey. Apr 75, 398p* NSF/DS-74/01 Prepared in cooperation with Commonwealth Sci- entific and Industrial Research Organization, Victo- ria (Australia). Div. of Building Research, and De- partment of Science, Canberra (Australia). Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Urban develop- ment, 'Meetings, Land use, Urban growth, Devel- oping countries, Community development, Citizen participation, United States, Australia. In June, 1974 the First Binational (U.S./Australian) Symposium on Urban Systems Research was held in Washington, D.C. There was 29 presentations made by experts from the two countries. These covered such areas as (1) land use models (Lowry- type, NBER, PLUM, EMPIRIC, the Direct Trip Allo- cation Model, System Dynamics), (2) growth allo- cation techniques, (3) growth management, (4) the experience of practitioners with models, (5) urban problems and practices in developing countries, (6) the United Nations' Habitat '76 Program, (7) or- ganizing government, (8) community involvement, (9) gaming, (10) land use law, and (11) national growth policies. It was concluded from the sympo- sium that much more work needs to be done in urban modeling, especially because of rapid changes in uncontrollable, external factors. PB-241 579/2 MF A01-NTIS National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. In Search of Population Policy. Views from the Developing World Aug 74, 120p* Rept no. ISBN-0-309-02242-8 Contract AID/csd-3600 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 74-10125. Paper copy available from National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 20418 $4.25. Descriptors: 'Population problems, 'Developing counties, 'Meetings, Policies, Population migra- tions, Population distribution, Mortality, Morbidity, Health statistics, Urbanization, Employment, Edu- cation, Foreign aid, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia. The volume derives from five regional seminars held in South Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, Reporting the results of the meetings, it provides information on policy aspects of population issues viewed at the nation- al, community, family, and individual levels. Among the issues discussed are effects of migration and population distribution, reductions of mortality and morbidity, improvement of health care, effects of urbanization, employment, the role of education, and effects of foreign assistance. Participants in- clude doctors, religious and civic leaders, demog- raphers, journalists, educators. PB-241 715/2 PC A04/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Water Resources Center. Aquatic Plant Harvesting: Development of High-Speed Harvesters and Processing and Utilization of Harvested Vegetation Technical rept. Donald F. Livermore, Richard G. Koegel, Hjalmer D. Bruhn, Se H. Sy, and Harold F. Link. Mar 75, 52p WIS-WRC-75-02, OWRT-B-078-WIS(2) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -3947, Grant NSF-GI- 39193 Descriptors: 'Aquatic weeds, 'Harvesting, Cost analysis, Agricultural machinery, Design, Produc- tion, Test methods, Efficiency, Vegetation, Dewa- tering, Separation, Distillation, Utilization, Feeding stuffs, Nutrients, Mulches. Research was conducted to reduce the cost of aquatic plant harvesting by increasing harvester productivity through high-speed harvesting, by re- ducing the handling costs of the harvested vegeta- tion, and/or by improving the potential for econom- ic utilization of the vegetation. Also described are the design, construction, and testing of a craft for concentrating and collecting pre-cut, floating aquatic vegetation at speeds several times those of conventional harvesters. Recommendations are made for increasing the mechanical efficiency of this machine. A moisture prediction function was developed for aquatic vegetation subjected to pressure. Presented are data on the chemical con- stituents of the vegetation which were compared to conventional forage materials. Possible uses of the cut vegetation are enumerated. PB-242 403/4 PC A08/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strat- egies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 2. Housing, Transportation and Water Resources J. P. Ruina. Apr 74, 164p Contract AID/ta-1 067 Report on Technology Adaptation Program. See also Volume 1 , PB-242 403 and Volume 3, PB-242 404. Descriptors: 'Technology utilization, 'Economic development, 'Meetings, Housing planning, De- veloping countries, Self help housing, Highway planning, Transportation planning, Urban transpor- tation, Water resources, Water management, Eco- nomic models, Construction. Identifiers: Incremental construction. The report contains materials on the part of a tech- nology utilization symposium devoted to housing, transportation, and water resources, principally in the developing nations. PB-242 405/9 PC A03/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strat- egies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 4. Food Technology J. P. Ruina. Apr 74, 31 p Contract AID/ta-1 067 Report on Technology Adaptation Program. See also Volume 3, PB-242 404. Descriptors: 'Technology utilization, 'Food indus- try, 'Meetings, Developing countries, Nutrition, Technology transfer, Fermentation, Feeding stuffs, Econometrics, Proteins, Nutritional deficien- cy diseases. Identifiers: Single cell proteins, Malnutrition. The subject matter involves the processing, pres- ervation and manufacture of foods. In the context of technology transfer from industrialized countries to low-income countries one might formulate two basic objectives: The first is to increase food supply, or more accurately, the supply of certain nutrients to populations. A second objective is the combatting of malnutrition. PB-242 973/6 PC A02/MF A01 North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minn. How Craftsmen and Home Hobbyists Can Make and Use Wood Plastic Composite Materi- als Forest service general technical rept. (Final) Howard N. Rosen. Jan 74, 13p* Rept no. FSGTR-NC-10 111 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: *Wood based composites, 'Plastics, "Handicrafts, Gluing, Woodworking, Impregnating, Wood processing industry, Curing, Equipment, Wood finishing, Safety, Machining, Workshops, Ef- ficiency. Identifiers: Hobbyists. A technique for producing craft items of wood- plastic composites in the home, school, or small shop is described. Suggestions are given on how to build the treating equipment for under $30. Wood impregnation, processing techniques, gluing, finishing, and safety are discussed. The ease and versatility of producing crafts from wood- plastic composites are demonstrated by example projects. PB-243 367/0 PC A06/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Report of the Joint AD Hoc Committee for Sci- entific and Technical Cooperation: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana, Universities of Ghana and NAS Summary rept. 1975, 119p Contract AID/ccsd-2584 Descriptors: 'Industrial research and develop- ment, 'Ghana, 'Technical assistance programs, Planning, Research projects, Agriculture, Indus- tries, Remote sensing, Instruments, Information centers, Developing countries. The report contains the proceedings of the NAS- CSIR Committee meeting held in Washington, D.C, July 1-3, 1974. The CSIR and NAS have since 1971, engaged in a joint collaborative pro- gram aimed at relating science and technology more effectively in solving economic and social problems in Ghana. The workshops are aimed at examining the institutional mechanism for formu- lating science policy, identifying research priorities and the problems in the execution of research in Ghana, finding out how best agricultural research results could be made available to user agencies. PB-243 409/0 PC A03/MF A01 Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. Center for the Bi- ology of Natural Systems. Agricultural Resources Consumed in Beef Pro- duction William Lockeretz. Jun 75, 48p* Rept no. CBNS- AE-3 Grant NSF-GI-043890 Descriptors: 'Beef, 'Irrigation, 'Fertilizers, 'Feed- ing stuffs, Farm crops, Water supply, Production, Food consumption, Natural resources, Arid land, Forage grasses, Proteins, Food supply, Wheat plants, Soybean plants, Correlation techniques. The consumption of energy, fertilizer, water, and cropland has been calculated for nine different beef production systems. These systems vary with respect to region, type of pasture and cropland, and feeding program. Among the nine systems, there is a considerable range of resource inten- siveness, depending on factors such as type of pasture, type of cropland (irrigated vs. dryland) and kinds of roughages and protein supplements. Data are also presented on the consumption of the same resources in the production of wheat and soybeans in the same regions, on comparable land to that used to raise cattle feeds. In all cases, the resource consumption for beef is very much great- er than for a wheat/soybean mixture of equivalent protein value. PB-243 442/1 PC A03/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. The Winged Bean; A High-Protein Crop for the Tropics 1975, 50p Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Leguminous plants, 'Food, Nutritive value, Proteins, Oils. Edible legumes are excellent sources of dietary protein and oils. Many nutritionists expect them to play an increasing role in meeting food needs in this time of food shortages and widespread malnu- trition. In addition to the major cultivated edible le- gumes-soybeans, peanuts (groundnuts), peas, and beans-there are more than 50 minor tropical legumes that have received little scientific atten- tion (mainly because researchers have concentrat- ed on more conventional crop species, especially cereals). This report focuses on the exceptional promise offered by one of these: the winged bean. PB-243 470/2 PC A13/MF A01 Hawaii State Advisory Task Force on Energy Policy, Honolulu. Alternate Energy Sources for Hawaii Report of the Committee. Feb 75, 276p NSF/RA/G-75/003 Grant NSF-ISR71-03844-A03 Prepared in cooperation with Hawaii State Dept. of Planning and Economic Development, Honolulu, and Hawaii Natural Energy Inst., Honolulu. Descriptors: 'Energy sources, 'Hawaii, 'Energy conversion, Waste disposal, Plants(Botany), Hy- droelectric power, Wind power, Nuclear power, Geothermal energy conversion, Solar energy con- version, Solar sea power plants, Waterwave energy conversion, Coal, Energy storage, Environ- mental impacts, Economics, Energy policy. Identifiers: Solid wastes. This is a report of the Committee on Alternate Energy Sources for Hawaii, which was established by the Governor's State Advisory Task Force on Energy Policy to help respond to problems created by the Arab oil embargo. Fourteen studies were undertaken - ten on alternate energy sources, and four more general studies. Included as appendices to the report are all the studies on the potential of different energy sources to minimize the State's near-total dependence on seaborne petroleum. These alternate sources of energy are: solid waste; bioconversion; hydroelectric; wind; geo- thermal; solar collectors; ocean thermal energy conversion; waves, tides, currents, osmosis; coal; nuclear. PB-243 639/2 PC A04/MF A01 Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. Center for the Bi- ology of Natural Systems. A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesticides William Lockeretz, Robert Klepper, Barry Commoner, Michael Gertler, and Sarah Fast. Jul 75, 68p* Rept no. CBNS-AE-4 Grant NSF-GI-043890 Descriptors: 'Farms, 'Livestock, 'Fertilizers, 'Pesticides, 'Agricultural economics, Corn plants, Production, Inorganic compounds, Pest control, Market value, Crop value, Correlation techniques, Probability theory, Regression analysis, Working time, Farm crops. Identifiers: Corn Belt, 'Organic farming. The report compares crop production on a sample of 16 mixed crop-livestock farms in the Corn Belt on which no inorganic fertilizers and almost no pesticides are used, to that of a matched sample that uses conventional fertilization and pest con- trol practices. In the 1974 crop year, the market value of the crops raised per acre was slightly higher on the conventional sample (an average of 8%), but this difference was not statistically signifi- cant at the 90% probability level. There was no dif- ference between the two group's crop production returns, that is, value of production less operating costs. The energy intensiveness (defined as energy input divided by value of production) on the farms that do not use fertilizers is an average of one-third as much as that of the conventional group. PB-243 701/0 PC A06/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Science and Technology for International De- velopment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States and Bibliography of Selected Materials (Second Edition) Feb 75, 124p* Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Descriptors: 'Information systems, 'Scientific re- search, 'Technology development, 'Management methods, 'Technology transfer, Developing coun- tries, Libraries, Organizations, Bibliographies, Doc- uments, Policies, Services, Industrial develop- ment, Public health, Agriculture, Manpower utiliza- tion, Natural resources management, Regional planning, Medicine, Education. Identifiers: Science and technology. This report is part of a continuing effort to identify and document the services of relevant information sources in the U.S. which may be of use to schol- ars and practioners working on policies for science and technology in developing countries. PB-243 702/8 PC A06/MF A01 Nebraska Univ., Lincoln. The Development of a High Protein Isolate from Selected Distillers By-Products Final rept. James G. Kendrick. Jul 75, 122p NSF/RA/T-75- 021 Grant NSF-GI-42036, NSF-AER-74-10456-A1 Descriptors: 'Proteins, 'Grains(Food), Food, Eco- nomic analysis, Distillaries, Tables(Data), Corn, Wheat, Byproducts, Materials recovery, Extraction, Nutritive value, Toxicity, Chemical properties, Op- erating costs. Feeding stuffs, Food processing. Using an alkaline extraction procedure, a human- consumable protein concentrate can be obtained from corn and wheat distillers by-products. The re- covery process yielded approximately 54% and 36% of the original protein (as a protein concen- trate) from corn and wheat distillers by-products, respectively. Nutritional and functional tests on the distillers concentrate indicated that it can be used in the fortification of cereal-based snacks, cookies and bread, and as an emulsion binder/extender in emulsified meat products. The alkaline extraction of distillers by-products also yielded new forms of animal feeds, i.e. from corn, a 12% protein high- fiber feed, a 4% protein - 33% carbohydrate syrup, and a 6% protein - 20% carbohydrate whey frac- tion. PB-243 846/3 PC A06/MF A01 Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., Teaneck, N.J. Dept. of Economics. Construction and Economic Development. A Case Study and International Comparisons of Productivity Final rept. Peter J. Cassimatis. Aug 75, 106p Rept no. FDU/DE-75/01 Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Construction industry, Construction practices, Economic surveys, Greece, Technologi- cal advances, Econometrics, Economic models, Interindustry economics, Employment profiles, Earnings, Comparative studies, Productivity, For- eign countries, Demand(Economics), National economy. The relationship of construction and aggregate economic activity is the subject of this study with particular emphasis on the role of the construction industry plays in the growth of a developing coun- try (Greece). The report analyzes the demand characteristics of construction, based on econo- metric equations, interindustry relationships, em- ployment and earnings. Calculations show the rel- ative share of construction in the national econo- my and comparisons are made of construction productivity with other industries of the United States and 1 2 OECD countries. PB-243 936/2 PC A06/MF A01 Western Forest Products Lab., Vancouver (British Columbia). Recent Advances in Foliage Utilization J. L Keays, and G. M. Barton. Feb 75, 105p* Rept no. VP-X-137 Summary in French. Descriptors: 'Vegetation, 'Feeding stuffs, 'Food supplements, Veterinary medicine, Decision making, Medicine, Food supply, Value, Food con- sumption, Cost analysis, Food processing, Utiliza- tion, Assessments, Food industry, Canada. 112 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: Muka, Global, Cosmetics, Foliage. The primary purpose of the report to draw atten- tion, at the decision-making level, to a little-known and neglected field of massive opportunity - foliage utilization. Foliage derivatives can be used in a wide range of products utilized in animal feeds, cosmetics, medicine, and veterinary practice. Of greatest immediate interest is the conversion of fo- liage to muka, used as a vitamin supplement in animal feeds. Of greatest importance on a global basis is the fact that every ton of foliage used in animal feeds can release one tone of grain to in- crease world food stocks. Foliage can be convert- ed to muka in a few simple processing steps, at costs which should be competitive with alternative animal feed supplements. The potential value of muka manufactured in Canada could be in the hun- dreds of millions of dollars per year, and the addi- tion to world food stocks in the millions of tons per year. In the case of muka manufacture and use, the problem is primarily one of assessment, recog- nition of opportunity, and application of developed technologies. PB-244 263/0 PC A05/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Dept. of Botany. Nutritional Ecology of Nuisance Aquatic Plants Final rept. 28 Sep 72-31 Oct 74 Gerald C. Gerloff. Jun 75, 88p EPA-660/3-75- 027 Grant EPA-R-800504 Descriptors: * Aquatic weeds, * Ecology, Nutritional requirements, Bioassay, Wisconsin, Lakes, Rec- ommendations, Plants(Botany), Algae, Nutrients, Plant growth, Potassium, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Myriophyllum spicatum, Elodea occi- dentalis, Sea grasses, 'Aquatic weed control, Bioindicators. Contents: Critical concentrations of essential elements in various aquatic plants; Comparisons of procedures for assaying nutrient availability in aquatic environments; Potassium as a growth-limiting nutirent for Myriophyllum Spicatum in a eutrophic lake; Competition for growth-limiting amounts of nutrients made available at very low concentrations in mixed cultures of aquatic plants; Growth of Elodea Occidentalis at low concentrations of inorganic nutrients made available in solution-replacement cultures; Comparisons of rates of phosphorus and rubidium uptake by several macrophytes and algae. PB-244 294/5 PC A05/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Program on Policies for Science and Technology in Developing Nations. A Methodology for Formulating and Imple- menting Science Policy for a Small Developing Country (Costa Rica) Franklin J. Ahimaz. Jun 75, 76p Contract AID/csd-3391 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Policies, 'Scientific research, Foreign aid, Cooperation, Costa Rica, Public opinion, Citizen participation, Regional development, National economic poli- cies, Education. Identifiers: Limon Province(Costa Rica). A review of current methodologies by larger devel- oping countries decision-making bodies and inter- national programs in developing nations has identi- fied several approaches to policy formulation and implementation. These approaches are grouped and discussed. A new approach-the modified bubble-up approach to policy formulation and im- plementation-was initiated as a pilot effort in Limon Province, Costa Rica. Preliminary results in- dicate that this approach has promise for applica- tion to other small developing nations. PB-244 557/5 PC A15/MF A01 Midwest Research Inst., Kansas City, Mo. Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides Final rept. Edward W. Lawless, Thomas L. Ferguson, and Alfred F. Meiners. Jun 75, 342p* EPA/670/2-75/ 057 Contract EPA-68-0 1-0098 Errata sheet inserted. Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Pesticides, 'Herbicides, 'Insecticides, Manuals, Decontami- nation, Waste treatment, Incinerators, Neutraliz- ing, Oxidation, Reduction(Chemistry), Degrada- tion, Management planning, Classification, Toxic- ity, Water pollution control, Dust. Identifiers: 'Liquid waste disposal, Pesticide spills. This study has compiled and organized information that will be useful to responsible authorities in ad- vising the layman (particularly the homeowner and small farmer) how to dispose properly of small amounts of surplus and unwanted pesticides and pesticide containers, and in treating pesticide spills. The report brings together available informa- tion on pesticide disposal methods and on over 550 individual pesticides, and evaluates this infor- mation in terms of the experience and equipment that the average layman has. Fourteen pesticide disposal procedures are described and proce- dures for disposal of containers and cleanup and treatment of spills are included. Preferred and al- ternate disposal procedures are recommend for over 550 pesticides. The report includes a cross- index of over 1 ,600 pesticide names, tables show- ing the chemical composition and properties perti- nent to disposal of the selected pesticides and bib- liography of 1 66 references. PB-244 668/0 PC-GPO Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. Engi- neering Div. Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Practices Final rept. Apr 75, 1075p* Rept no. SCS/ENG/FM-E Descriptors: 'Soil conservation, 'Water conserva- tion, Surveys, Civil engineering, Manuals, Hydrau- lic structures, Irrigation, Drainage, Maintenance, Design criteria, Levees, Hydraulics, Soil erosion, Terracing, Earth work, Strip cropping, Construc- tion, Ponds, Construction materials. The manual was developed to provide guidance in the use of basic engineering principles, techniques and procedures for the planning, design, installa- tion and maintenance of soil and water conserva- tion practices. The material is limited to the types of conservation practices used most often and does not cover the more complex practices. The manual is intended primarily for use at the SCS field office level and is appropriate for both engi- neers and technicians. Standard survey practice is presented. A method of estimating runoff including necessary charts is included. Basic hydraulics and soil mechanics are discussed. Water disposal sys- tems for erosion control and drainage are includ- ed. Development of water supplies by ponds, wells and springs is thoroughly covered. Construction and construction materials are also discussed. Each chapter includes appropriate tables, charts, curves and forms used in solving planning and design problems. PB-244 691/2 PC A05/MF A01 Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater. Dept. of Agricul- tural Engineering. Improved Design and Operating Criteria for Rural Water Districts Completion rept. James E. Garton. Jun 75, 77p OWRT-B-028- OKLA(2) Descriptors: 'Water consumption, 'Rural areas, Design critera, Water supply, Dairies, Industrial water, Demand(Economics), Pumping, Oklahoma. Identifiers: 'Water districts, Payne County(Oklahoma), Dairy industry. Data were obtained on Rural Water Disrict No. 3, Payne County, Oklahoma. There was a significant- ly different pattern of usage for three classes of customers. The average monthly usage per tap ranged from 8768 to 19183 gallons for dairies, 4357 to 1 1983 gallons for Class A taps, and 2537 to 4160 gallons for Class B taps. The average monthly usage per person ranged from 1424 to 2821 gallons for Class A taps and from 989 to 1664 gallons for Class B taps. Optimal design values for peak demand ranged from: 1.0 to 1.5 gallons per minute per tap; 1.3 to 1.8 gallons per minute per Class A tap; 0.6 to 0.9 gallons per minute per Class B tap; 0.6 to 0.8 gallons per minute per person; 0.5 to 0.7 gallons per minute per person, Class A tap; and 0.3 to 0.6 gallons per minute per person, Class B tap. The optimal period off-peak pumping time is from 10 p.m to 7 a.m., a period of 9 hours. PB-244 696/1 PC A02/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. School of Renewable Natu- ral Resources. Development of a Bibliographic Information System for Water Yield Improvement Practices Project completion rept. Jul 72-Jun 75 Linda M. White, David B. Thorud, and Peter F. Ffolliott. Aug 75, 11p OWRT-A-042-ARIZ(9) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -3803 Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Water management, 'Bibliographies, Information retrieval, Watersheds, Forest land, Land use, Vegetation, Arid land, Eva- potranspiration, Wildlife, Environmental impacts, Arizona. Identifiers: 'Water yield. Development of the Watershed Management In- formation System (WAMIS) began in 1972. WAMIS is designed to serve a variety of users who are in- terested in water and natural resource research in Arizona. WAMIS is a computerized bibliographic reference retrieval system which provides litera- ture searches for users, in the form of individual- ized computer printouts of citations and abstracts, based upon a user's special interests. The litera- ture covered in WAMIS includes effects of land management practices and vegatation manage- ment on water and other related resources, such as forage production, wildlife habitat, timber pro- duction, and recreational use. Research done in Arizona has been emphasized. General proce- dures used in banking and retrieval are described. Types of search requests have varied, including topics such as wildlife use of ponderosa pine for- ests, environmental and vegetation effects on eva- potranspiration, hydrologic modeling, Arizona water quality data, the effect of timber cutting prac- tices on runoff, and revegetation of treated pinyon- juniper vegetation. PB-244 880/1 PC A03/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ., University Park. Water Resources Research Inst. Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region Technical completion rept. H. D. Fuehring. Sep 75, 40p WRRI-059, OWRT- B-029-N.-Mex.(1) Descriptors: 'Water consumption, 'Farm crops, 'Semiarid land, 'Dry farming, Water conservation, Evapotranspiration, Surface water runoff, Grain sorghum plants, Nitrogen, Moisture, Field tests, Tables(Data), New Mexico, Southern High Plains Region(New Mexico). Identifiers: 'Water utilization, Atrazine. A five-year study in the Southern High Plains (annual rainfall of 16 inches) using combinations of bare micro-watershed and growing bed widths re- sulted in increased crop yields on the growing beds as the proportion of micro-watershed was in- creased. However, yields for the entire area (in- cluding both bed and shed) decreased. Limited work indicated the possibility of also cropping the shed areas and it was concluded that this would be a more practical way of utilizing micro-watersheds. Grain sorghum and sunflowers were successful dryland crops on both beds and sheds while wheat was more suitable as a crop on the sheds rather than on the beds. The use of an antitranspirant (atrazine) gave promising results on grain sorghum but further work is needed. PB-245 004/7 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy and In- ternational Affairs. 113 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Suggestions for Temporary Erosion and Situa- tion Control Measures. (Erosion Y Sedimenta- cion: Medidas Temporarias De Control) 1975, 24p Text in Spanish. Descriptors: 'Erosion control, 'Sedimentation, 'Highways, "Developing countries, Slopes, Con- struction, Manuals, Soil erosion, Diagrams, Effi- ciency, Latin America. The manual was prepared as an aid to field per- sonnel engaged in the construction of highways in Latin America. It provides suggestions on the most efficient ways of providing emergency care against erosion and sedimentation by prompt treatment of the slopes. The booklet contains 24 pages of dia- grams of various types of problems and methods of controlling them. The report was designed for distribution to the governments of Lating American countries through the cooperation of the Agency for International Development. PB-245 083/1 PC A08/MF A01 Dynatech R/D Co., Cambridge, Mass. Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste Final rept. 28 Jun 73-31 Dec 74 R. G. Kispert, S. E. Sadek, L. C. Anderson, and D. L. Wise. 31 Jan 75, 167p Dynatech-1258, NSF/RA/N-74/268 Grant NSF-C827 See also PB-238 563. Descriptors: 'Fuels, 'Energy sources, 'Manufac- tured gas, 'Reclamation, 'Solid waste disposal, Garbage, Anaerobic processes, Pilot plants, Design, Drawings, Cost analysis, Production rate, Materials recovery, Aluminum, Glass, Plastics, Re- gional planning, Fuel gas, Economic models, Com- puterized simulation. Identifiers: Solid wastes, Geographic locations, Refuse disposal, Waste recycling. Six major program tasks are discussed: (1) Prelimi- nary engineering analysis and economic evalua- tion of a full-scale fuel gas from solid waste facility; (2) Pilot plant design, procurement, and initial oper- ation; (3) Supporting laboratory experiments and studies at the University of Massachusetts and M.I.T.; (4) Confirmation of the economic model for the full-scale fuel gas from solid waste facility; (5) Evaluation and specification of a proof-of-concept pilot plant; (6) Application of the computer model to full-scale plant studies. PB-245 128/4 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., San Diego, La Jolla. Proceedings of Conference on Enzyme Engi- neering as Related to Food and Energy Pro- duction, Held at the University of California, San Diego, on 22-25 July, 1974 William D. McElroy. 1974, 27p NSF/RA/T-74- 012 Descriptors: 'Enzymes, 'Energy sources, 'Food, Meetings, Manufactured gas, Methane, Photosyn- thesis, Water, Hydrogen, Biochemical fuel cells, Cellulose, Decomposition, Agricultural wastes, Ni- trogen fixation. Identifiers: 'Enzyme technology, 'Immobilized en- zymes. The reports presents the conference's recommen- dations and summary background information for further research on enzyme engineering as related to food and energy production. Primary emphasis is in generation of methane, biophotolysis of water, efficient utilization of cellulose, biochemical fuel cells, nitrogen fixation, and the purification and sta- bilization of enzymes and enzyme systems. PB-245 176/3 PC A25/MF A01 Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Lab., Ada, Okla. Wastewater Use in the Production of Food and Fiber-Proceedings Environmental protection technology series. Jun 74, 590p Rept no. EPA/660/2-74-041 Proceedings of the Conference held at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on March 5-7, 1 974. Descriptors: 'Waste water, 'Water consumption, 'Aquaculture, 'Irrigation, 'Meetings, 'Agriculture, Sewage treatment, Farm crops, Production, Forage grasses, Salmon, Catfishes, Fiber crops, Public health, Disease vectors, Shellfish, Metals, Risk, Toxicity. Identifiers: 'Waste water reuse, Water utilization, Heavy metals, Sewage irrigation, Public health. An interdisciplinary group of about 200 persons met to review the present base of scientific knowl- edge relating to benefits and constraints of using wastewaters for production of food and fiber. There were 27 papers presented by representa- tives from the fields of public health, engineering, agriculture, aquaculture, and other related scientif- ic disciplines. Papers in two sections on potential restraints cover topics such as historical instances of disease transmission, possible transport of mi- crobial pathogens through the food chain, legal im- plications, and sociological reactions. The aqua- culture section deals primarily with experimental studies including such diverse approaches as cul- ture of daphnia, salmon smolts, and water hya- cinth. The agriculture section emphasizes the use of wastewater for crop production and the papers presented include case histories for long-term op- erating systems, as well as data from experimental studies. In addition to those papers presented at the conference, nine others have been included to make a total of 36 papers in the conference pro- ceedings. PB-245 259/7 PC A07/MF A01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Environmental Resources Center. Individual Home Wastewater Characterization and Treatment Completion rept. Edwin R. Bennett, and K. Daniel Linstedt. Jul 75, 148p Completion-66, W75-11852 Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -5006 Prepared in cooperation with Colorado Univ., Boul- der. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, 'Waste water reuse, 'Rural areas, Septic tanks, Mountains, Aer- obic processes, Residential buildings, Colorado. Identifiers: 'Domestic wastes. Disposal of wastewater from isolated homes in mountain and rural locations in Colorado presents unique and difficult problems. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the flow and pollution pat- terns from individual homes and to evaluate exist- ing and potential treatment methods. Field evalua- tion of home wac'..-ater flow and pollutional char- acteristics was accomplished. Data for individual fixtures and appliances were obtained with mea- surement of many pollutional parameters. A brief evaluation of the home treatment methods was ac- complished. PB-245 318/1 PC A03/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil Engineering. The Substitute Structure Method for Earth- quake-Resistant Design of Reinforced Con- crete Frames Akenori Shibata, and Mete A. Sozen. Oct 74, 38p* Rept nos. UILU-ENG-74-2027, Structural Research Ser-412 Grant NSF-GI-299934 Descriptors: 'Concrete structures, 'Reinforced concrete, 'Earthquake resistant structures, Build- ings, Framed structures, Columns(Supports), Beams(Supports), Earth movements, Design crite- ria. Identifiers: 'Earthquake engineering, Ground motion. From the observation that the inelastic response to earthquakes of reinforced concrete elements could be represented by a linear-response model, a procedure was developed in another report which incorporated the effects of inelastic energy dissipation to determine the design force for a single-degree-of-freedom structure using the ordi- nary linear-response spectrum. The substitute- structure method extends this procedure to multi- degree-of-freedom structures. The proposed method can be used to determine earthquake design-force requirements for individual elements of a R/C structure given a design linear-response spectrum and explicit decisions about tolerable in- elastic response, with the option of different limits of inelastic response in different structural ele- ments. The paper includes a numerical example demonstrating the determination design forces in a three-story frame and a series of analytical tests of the method using two- to ten-story frames. PB-245 593/9 PC A07/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa Staff progress rept. Sep 73-Jun 74. 1975, 128p* Contract AID/csd-2584 See also PB-245 594. Descriptors: 'Arid land, 'Developing countries, 'Foreign aid, 'Africa, Droughts, Project planning, Natural resources, Management planning, Interna- tional relations, Organizations, Meetings. Identifiers: 'SubSaharan Africa. The Advisory Panel on Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa of the Board of Science and Technology for International Development (BOSTIA) was appoint- ed by NAS in late 1973 in response to a request from AID. The general purpose of the panel was to advise AID on problems of the drought-stricken region of West Africa, and to provide assistance in the design and implementation of U.S. participa- tion in an international, collaborative, scientific effort currently being organized to address the emergency situation. PB-245 594/7 PC A03/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa Staff final rept. Jul-Dec 74. 1975, 50p* Contract AID/csd-2584 See also PB-245 593, and PB-245 595. Descriptors: 'Arid land, 'Developing countries, 'Foreign aid, 'Africa, Organizations, Meetings, Droughts, Project planning, Environments, Ecol- ogy, Climatology, Production planning, Internation- al relations. Identifiers: 'SubSaharan Africa. A report is made by the NAS Advisory Panel on Arid Lands of Sub-Sahara Africa which deals with problems of the long-term development of the Sahel. PB-245 595/4 PC A13/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa Staff final rept. 1975, 286p* Contract AID/csd-2584 See also PB-245 594. Descriptors: 'Arid land, 'Developing countries, 'Foreign aid, 'Africa, Meetings, Chad, Mali, Mauri- tania, Niger, Senegal, Upper Volta, Communica- tions management, Land development, Agricul- ture, Livestock, Climatology, Transportation, In- dustries, Sociometrics, Health. Identifiers: 'SubSaharan Africa, Sahel(Africa). A report is made on a 1 974 conference on devel- opment problems in the Sahel, in Bellagio, Italy. The report is based on analysis and integration of ideas from a large number of proposals for devel- opment and aid to the nations of the Sahel. A survey and a critique are made of plans for devel- opment in the following areas: communication, transportation, dryland crop production, irrigated crop production, livestock and range production, technological and industrial developments, socio- cultural and health developments, and institution- al, policy, and economic structural development. PB-245 609/3 PC A07/MF A01 Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. A Survey of the Possible Use of Windpower in Thailand and the Philippines William E. Heronemus. Nov 74, 143p Contract AID/ta-c-1 143 Prepared by Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Descriptors: 'Wind power, 'Thailand, 'Philippines, Windpowered pumps, Wind power generation, 114 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Windpower utilization, Windmills, Solar sea power plants, Irrigation, Electric power generation, Design. This work was performed in an attempt to answer the question: 'Could windpower be used by the peasant farmer in Thailand or the Philippines to im- prove the quality of his life.' It was found that wind- power was being used to a very limited extent in Thailand to move water, thus relieving either a backbreaking manual labor task, or a very expen- sive out-of-pocket expenditure for fuel for engine driven pumps. No evidence of existing wind pump- ing could be found in the Philippines. PB-246 392/5 PC A04/MF A01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Inst, of Rural Environmental Health. A Study of Mosquito Prevention and Control Problems Associated with Stream Modification Projects Final rept. John R. Bagby. Oct 74, 57p* Descriptors: "Mosquitoes, *Pest control, "Streams, Water resources, Design, Breeding, Swamps, Channel improvements, Site surveys, Disease vectors, Public health, Insect control. Recognizing the threat to public health by mosqui- tos and other arthropods this study provides meth- ods and techniques that can be utilized in planning and design for modification of streams to reduce or eliminate the breeding areas. PB-247 057/3 PC A10/MF A01 Capital Systems Group, Inc., Rockville, Md. Improving the Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information: A Practitioner's Guide to Innovation John M. Strawhorn, Richard L. Omerso, and William A. Creager. 15 Apr 75, 203p* Contract NSF-C950 See also PB-243 461 and PB-243 469. Descriptors: "Research, "Information services, "Communications management, Distributing, In- formation systems, Improvement, Technology in- novation, Publishing, Periodicals, Journalism, Computer programming, Errors, Automation, Design, Biproducts, Management methods, Print- ing, Reproduction(Copying), Marketing, Cost engi- neering, Trends, Requirements. Identifiers: Alternatives, Scientific communication. The Guide's focus is on the 'primary' dissemina- tion of scientific information: the technical journal or its equivalent. In other words, it deals with the initial recorded transmission of information. The Guide's contents are organized into sections, ac- cording to the degree of departure from conven- tional journal and monographic publishing. Each section is made up of a number of individual en- tries, describing particular innovations. So far as possible, these systems are separated into their in- dividual components for treatment in separate en- tries, so that the reader who wishes to avoid radi- cal change will not be forced to consider innova- tion in terms of conversion to a totally new system. PB-247 079/7 PC A02/MF A01 Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, N.C. RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 16. Transportable Solar Laboratory R. LeChevalier. 1975, 25p NSF/RA/G-75-044 Grant NSF-C927 Also included in complete report and summary, PB-247 243. PC$13.00, MF$2.25. Prepared in co- operation with Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Systems and Research Center. Descriptors: "Technology transfer, "Solar energy conversion, "Solar space heating, Solar air condi- tioning, Laboratories, Test facilities. Identifiers: Transportable Solar Laboratory project. The primary objectives of the Transportable Solar Laboratory (TSL) project are to collect data on the performance of a solar energy conversion system, to test that system and its components in actual operation, and to communicate the potential of solar energy conversion systems to community leaders in education, engineering, science, gov- ernment, and industry. The report briefly discusses use of the TSL. PB-247 098/7 PC A21/MF A01 Office of Water Research and Technology, Wash- ington, D.C. Water Resources Scientific Informa- tion Center. A Selected Annotated Bibliography on the Analysis of Water Resource Systems. Volume 6 Daniel P. Loucks. Sep 75, 484p* Rept nos. OWRT/WRSIC-75-201, W76-01517 See also PB-235 336. Descriptors: "Water resources, "Systems analysis, "Bibliographies, Abstracts, Optimization, Math- ematical models, Urban areas, Waste water, Irriga- tion, Salinity, Management, Arid land, River basin development, Operations research, Indexes(Documentation), Water supply. The report is an annotated bibliography consisting of 301 abstracts of selected publications issued in 1 973 and 1 974 pertaining to the application of sys- tems analysis techniques for defining and evaluat- ing alternative solutions to water resource prob- lems. The first two volumes of the bibliography, having the same title, were published by the Cor- nell University Water Resources and Marine Sci- ences Center, Ithaca, New York (Publication 25, August 1969; Publication 35, June 1971); the third, fourth, and fifth volumes were published by the Water Resources Scientific Information Center in December 1972, December 1973, and July 1974, respectively. Both subject and author indexes are provided. Descriptors are listed with each abstract. The abstracted materia' emphasizes the applica- tion of optimization and simulation techniques for assisting the planning and management of water resource systems. PB-247 182/9 PC A04/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mass. Preliminary Results with a Pilot Plant Waste Recycling Marine-Aquaculture System Technical rept. John H. Ryther. Sep 75, 61 p WHOI-75-41, NOAA-75103103 Grant NOAA-04-4-158-5, NSF-GI-43884 Sponsored in part by Grant NOAA-04-5-158-8. Descriptors: "Sewage treatment, "Waste water reuse, "Aquaculture, "Algae, Shellfish, Oysters, Lobsters, Flatfishes, Sea grasses, Nitrogen, Tropi- cal regions, Feeding stuffs, Marine fishes, Dia- toms, Field tests, Pilot plants. Identifiers: Sea Grant program. A combined waste recycling-marine aquaculture system capable of complete nitrogen removal from treated domestic wastewater has been developed and tested on a pilot-plant scale over a one-year period. Effluent from secondary sewage treatment, mixed with seawater, is used to grow unicellular marine algae in large, continuous-flow, outdoor mass cultures. Harvest from the algae cultures is fed to oysters and other filter-feeding bivalve mol- luscs and to secondary crops of flounders or lob- sters. Dissolved wastes produced by the animals are assimilated by cultures of commercially-valua- ble seaweeds. Successful cultures of unicellular algae, mostly diatoms, and seaweeds have been sustained over long periods of time (months) with only minor problems. Bivalve mollusc culture was unsuccessful during the first year of operation. An alternative nitrogen-removal system consisting only of seaweeds fed a continuous flow of second- ary sewage effluent mixed with seawater has also been evaluated. Year-round operation would be possible in tropical to semi-tropical climates. In temperate climates, operation of the system is possible only on a seasonal basis. PB-247 260/3 PC A03/MF A01 Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, N.C. RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 17. Solar School Projects P. Lawless. 1975, 26p NSF/RA/G-75-045 Grant NSF-C927 Also included in complete report and summary, PB-247 243. PC$13.00, MF$2.25. Prepared in co- operation with AAI Corp., Baltimore, Md., Inter- Technology Corp., Warrenton, Va., and General Electric Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Space Div. Descriptors: "Technology transfer, "Solar space heating, "Solar energy conversion, Schools, School buildings. In response to the energy crisis of 1973-74, NSF- RANN funded proof-of-concept experiments in- volving the use of solar energy to supply part of the heating required in four public schools. The pur- pose of the experiments was to demonstrate that solar heating is a technologically viable option in response to the shortage of fossil fuels. The report briefly reviews results of the experiments. PB-247 429/4 PC A06/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Office of International and Environmental Programs. The Environmental Impact of Rapid Urbaniza- tion: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Seoul, Korea, in 1972- and 1973 Peter H. Freeman. 1974, 103p Contract AID/csd-2608 Descriptors: "Urban planning, "Developing coun- tries, "Environments, Urbanization, Municipalities, Korea, Guidelines, Government policies, Local government, Handbooks, Air pollution, Environ- mental surveys, Waste disposal, Water pollution, Monitoring. Identifiers: "Seoul(Korea), Squatter communities. Guidelines for preserving the environments of rap- idly growing cities in developing countries are clearly needed. This document attempts to set forth such guidelines based largely on a case study of Seoul, Korea, as well as relevant examples from other large cities in the developing world. The guidelines are especially directed to cities whose urbanization has not advanced to the point that major decisions have already been made on large- scale infrastructural technologies, whose physical plans are still tentative and flexible, and whose slums or squatter settlements have not yet created the need to take emergency or remedial meas- ures. PB-247 430/2 PC A05/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Office of International and Environmental Programs. The Environmental Impact of a Large Tropical Reservoir: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Lake Volta, Ghana, in 1973 and 1974 Peter H. Freeman. 1974, 97p Contract AID/csd-2608 Descriptors: "Dams, "Lakes, "Tropical regions, "Developing countries, Ecology, Monitors, Envi- ronmental impacts, Inventories, Surveys, Volta Lake, Ghana. The report summarizes all possible ecological and related physical environmental impacts of tropical dams and man-made lakes within a framework suited to the needs of the impact-assessment pro- cedure. On the basis of the Volta Lake case study and other published experience, a brief narrative of likely impacts is presented. This is followed by key questions that should be asked to determine im- pacts. Data requirements and alternative method- ologies (e.g., research, survey, inventory, evalua- tion, monitoring) are given to assist in the design of the assessment study. PB-247 431/0 PC A07/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Office of International and Environmental Programs. Coastal Zone Pollution by Oil and Other Con- taminants: Guidelines for Policy, Assessment and Monitoring in Tropical Regions. Based Upon a Case Study in Indonesia, in 1973 Peter H. Freeman. 1974, 144p Contract AID/csd-2608 Descriptors: "Oil pollution, "Coasts, "Tropical re- gions, "Developing countries, Policies, Recom- mendations, Monitors, Bibliographies, Ecology, Prevention, Marine biology, Indonesia. 115 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS The report provides guidelines useful to tropical nations for the prevention and control of pollution of coastal waters by oil and other contaminants. It reviews the state of knowledge on the effects of pollution by oil in warm tropical waters, sets forth information needed for determining policies for controlling coastal zone pollution by oil, outlines several policy options and their implications and presents recommendations for monitoring coastal pollution. Included in the report is an Annotated Bibliography on the Biological and Ecological Ef- fects of Oil Pollution in Tropical Waters. PB-247 819/6 PC A05/MF A01 International Rice Research Inst., Los Banos, Laguna (Philippines). Agricultural Engineering Dept. Agricultural Machinery Development Program Terminal rept. 1965-74. 21 May 75, 97p Contract AID/csd-834, AID/csd-2541 Descriptors: 'Agricultural machinery, 'Developing countries, Cost engineering, Power supplies, Rice plants, Farm processing, Production, Farm crops, Economic factors, Tractors, Experimental design, Cultivation, Plows, Agronomy, Harvesters, Philip- pines, Asia. The program provided a sharper focus on the de- velopment and commercialization of appropriate rice production and processing machines in the developing countries. The main objective of the USAID/IRRI program was to provide simple agri- cultural equipment for small farms which could be manufactured by local metalworking firms in the developing countries. The program activities were divided in three major areas: (1) machinery design, (2) test and evaluation, and (3) economics of mechanization. PB-247 970/7 PC E06/MF E06 New Mexico Univ., Albuquerque. Technology Ap- plication Center. Wind Energy Utilization: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Cumulative Volume 1944/1974 Apr 75, 491 p* TAC/W-75-700, NSF/RA/N-75- 061 Descriptors: 'Wind power, 'Bibliographies, Wind power generation, Wind turbines, Windmills, Wind- power utilization, Windpowered generators, Windpowered pumps, Energy sources, Energy storage, Abstracts. To support research and development in resolving energy problems, the Technology Application Center, (TAC), through its Energy Information Center, has developed an energy information base which covers the broad spectrum of the energy field. To compile this bibliography on wind energy, the TAC staff retrieved and evaluated wind infor- mation from throughout the world. Significant sources included Scientific and Technical Aero- space Reports, Engineering Index, Government Report Announcements, Energy Abstracts, Inter- national Aerospace Abstracts, the Oklahoma State University Synopsis of Energy Research, among others. The bibliography substantiates that much of wind research, as it relates to energy con- siderations, was accomplished early in this cen- tury. Much research is yet to be done. This docu- ment includes an annotated bibliography by sub- ject headings, an index of authors, index of corpo- rate sources, index of titles, and index of keywords. PB-248 043/2 PC A09/MF A01 Denver Research Inst., Colo. The Industrial Research Institute in a Develop- ing Country: A Comparative Analysis James P. Blackledge. 31 Aug 75, 1 91 p Contract AID/csd-3316 Descriptors: 'Industrial engineering, 'Developing countries, 'Research management, Organiza- tions, Technology transfer, Information systems, Services, Corporations, Banking business, Foreign government, Constraints, Industrial training, Proj- ect planning, Objectives, Universities, Financing. Identifiers: Entrepreneurship, Institutes. The objectives of the study have been to: Analyze a variety of approaches to industrial research which have been tried; identify those factors which have contributed to or inhibited effective coupling of industrial research institutes with industry and developmental interests; differentiate between those types of constraints to development of viable institutes which are country specific and those common problems which have limited the value of these institutes regardless of their geo- graphical location. PB-248 135/6 PC A03/MF A01 Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. Center for the Bi- ology of Natural Systems. A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt William Lockeretz, Robert Klepper, Barry Commoner, Michael Gertler, and Sarah Fast. Jul 75, 30p' CBNS-AE-6, NSF/RA/N-75-168 Grant NSF-GI-043890 Descriptors: 'Farm management, 'Pesticides, 'Fertilizers, 'Agricultural economics, Prices, Envi- ronmental impacts, Farm crops, Profits, Fuel con- sumption, Economic factors, Production, Correla- tion techniques, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Market value, Corn plants, Potassium, Income, Livestock, Inventories, Diesel fuels, Natural gas, Operating costs. Identifiers: 'Organic farming, 'Conventional farm- ing, Corn Belt. The widespread use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has been credited with the high produc- tivity of the U.S. farmer, but recent increases in the prices of these chemicals and concern about their ultimate environmental effect has raised questions about our continuing reliance on them. The paper reports a preliminary investigation of the crop pro- duction, profitability, and energy consumption of 16 organic and 16 matching conventional farms in the Corn Belt. This paper is a condensed version of a more detailed report, 'A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Inten- siveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesticides.' This report outlines the background of the problem, re- search methods, findings, results and implications of the study. PB-248 257/8 PC A04/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Committee on World Food, Health and Population. Population and Food. Crucial Issues Final rept. Sep 75, 6Cp* Contract NSF-C310 Descriptors: 'Food, 'Populations, Food supply, Agriculture, Nutrition, Population growth, Food storage, Foreign aid, Developing countries, Inter- national relations, Natural resources, Health, Nutri- tional deficiency diseases. The report examines those elements that act as constraints on providing an adequate food supply to the worlds peoples, and certain ameliorative measures that might be taken to relieve those con- straints. The report deals, in turn, with population; food and health; agricultural resources; factors such as affluence, climate, and aid programs; means to increase food supplies; and certain re- search priorities. It concludes with five general rec- ommendations. PB-248 297/4 PC A09/MF A01 North Carolina Water Resources Research Inst., Raleigh. Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas: Proceedings of Southeastern Confer- ence Held on April 2-4, 1975 James M. Stewart. 1975, 194p* NOAA-75120106 Also pub. as North Carolina Univ. Sea Grant reprint no. 83. Sponsored in part by Coastal Plains Center for Marine Development Services, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Water pollution, 'Coasts, 'Meetings, 'Regional planning, Waste water, Reviews, Water quality management, Sewage disposal, Technology assessment, Land use zoning, Environmental impacts, Population growth, Economic development, Public health, Social welfare, Water resources, Sanitary engi- neering, Project planning, Ocean environments, Fi- nancing. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, 'Environmental protection. The article details the proceedings of the south- eastern conference on Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas. The Conference was conducted to review the state of the art of proper planning and management of water supply and wastewater disposal in coastal areas. Special attention was paid to defining technological and in- stitutional alternatives, their relation to land use planning and environmental protection, and to identifying those water and wastewater problems of significance in coastal areas. A major problem that was discussed at the conference is associat- ed with increasing population growth and econom- ic development in these areas is the provision of safe and adequate water supplies and manage- ment of wastewater discharges in a manner con- sistent with public health and welfare and environ- mental protection. Both the presentations and dis- cussion sessions are included in the report. PB-248 338/6 PC A13/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Engineering Experi- ment Station. Proceedings of the Conference and Seminar on Techniques and Methodologies for Stimu- lating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 Donald E. Lodge, and Kay Ellen Auciello. Sep 75, 295p Contract AID/CM/ta-G-73-18 See also PB-248 339. Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Economic development, 'Industries, Meetings, Technology, Methodology, Stimulation, Information services, Coordination, Project planning, Organizations, Pro- jects, Businesses, Operations, Industrial relations. Identifiers: Small businesses, Case histories. The principal goals of the conference were: - To identify, analyze, and compare existing methodolo- gies designed to stimulate small-scale industry; - to disseminate knowledge about operational and linkage efforts; - to establish the necessary links for coordination of future efforts of both the organi- zations in the developing countries and interna- tional development organizations, and - to estab- lish adequate feedback mechanisms for the pres- ent and future in order to enhance the design and utilization of the small industry program. PB-248 339/4 PC A02/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Engineering Experi- ment Station. Summary of the Conference and Seminar on Techniques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in De- veloping Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 Summary rept. Donald E. Lodge, and Kay Ellen Auciello. Sep 75, 25p* Contract AID/CM/ta-G-73-18 See also PB-248 338. Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Industries, 'Meetings, Economic development, Stimulation, Technology, Methodology, Information systems, Projects, Surveys, Coordination, Planning, Busi- nesses, Industrial relations, Operations. Identifiers: Case histories. The proceedings contain the addresses, papers and reports presented at the meeting, as well as discussion sessions. Conference and Seminar pro- grams, a list of attendees and photographs are in- cluded. The conference was designed to present information on successful contemporary programs for the stimulation of small-scale industries in de- veloping countries. PB-248 346/9 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. PC A03/MF A01 116 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Improving the Productivity of a Small Industry in Rural Korea Research study Dec 73-Nov 74 Herbert Eller, Ross W. Hammond, and Ben E. James, Jr. Dec 74, 41 p Contract AID/csd-31 75 See also PB-248 347. Descriptors: * Employment, * Developing country, 'Industrial relations, Economic development, Pro- ductivity, Projects, Cooperation, Grants, National government, Universities, United States, Korea, Stimulation, International relations, Improvement, Recommendations, Industries, Businesses. Identifiers: Employment programs, Georgia Insti- tute of Technology, Soong Jun University, Interna- tional cooperation, Small businesses. As part of Georgia Tech's five-year program (US/ AID-funded) to expand its existing capabilities in employment generation through small-scale indus- try development, a cooperative relationship was established with Soong Jun University in Korea. One of the first projects to be initiated by the two institutions was a joint staff research study of a small labor-intensive industry to determine how its productivity could be increased without displacing employment. Because of Soong Jun University's interest in starting an industrial engineering cur- riculum in its engineering school, it was decided the project team would take an industrial engineer- ing approach in conducting this research effort. PB-248 347/7 PC A03/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Guide to International Sta- tistical Sources and National Development Plans at the International Development Data Center Oct 74, 41 p Contract AID/csd-31 75 See also PB-248 346, and PB-248 348. Descriptors: "Economic development, 'Develop- ing countries, "Information systems, Statistical data, Indexes(Documentation), Documents, Clas- sifications, Subject indexing, International rela- tions, Sources, Planning, Bibliographies. Identifiers: Foreign countries, Georgia Institute of Technology. The Guide Development Plans at the International Development Data Center provides an index to and brief descriptions of specific statistical sources at IDDC concerning the countries of the Georgia Tech 211(d) counterpart organizations, a project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Devel- opment. It should be a useful starting point for re- searchers seeking such information. The Guide is the result of an inventory of publications to deter- mine gaps in the collection of the International De- velopment Data Center (IDDC). The results pro- vide two major benefits. The first is the develop- ment of a guide to the present statistical resources in the IDDC collection. The second is the creation of a checklist for future acquisitions in areas where gaps are apparent. PB-248 348/5 PC A03/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries Annual rept. no. 1 , 23 Feb 73-22 Feb 74. 22 Mar 74, 50p Contract AID/csd-31 75 See also Annula rept. no. 2, PB-248 349, and PB- 248 347. Descriptors: "Employment, "Developing countries, "Industrial relations, Project, Universities, Interna- tional relations, Organizations, Cooperation, United States, Asia, Africa, South America, Com- municating, Economic development, Objectives, Grants, Financing, Industries, Businesses. Identifiers: Small businesses, Georgia Institute of Technology. The primary objective of this program is to strengthen Georgia Tech's demonstrated capabili- ty in employment generation through the expan- sion of the small industry sector. A major effort was made to seek out, establish, and maintain counter- part and communications networks. To this end, formal agreements to work cooperatively on pro- grams of mutual interest were signed between Georgia Tech, five counterparts in Asia, Africa, and South America. It is intended that these counter- part organizations will provide data and a real- world laboratory for testing and validating industri- alization methodologies, relevant training pro- grams, applied small industry research, and the like. PB-248 349/3 PC A05/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries Annual rept. no. 2, 23 Feb 74-22 Feb 75. Feb 75, 98p Contract AID/csd-31 75 See also Annual rept. no. 1 , PB-248 348. Descriptors: "Employment, "Developing countries, "Industrial relations, Projects, International rela- tions, Universities, Education, Economic develop- ment, Unemployment, Population migrations, Rural areas, Urban areas, Communicating, Man- agement planning, Grants, Objectives, Industries, Businesses. Identifiers: Small businesses, Georgia Institute of Technology, Rural to urban migration, Foreign countries. The primary objective of this two-year-old program is to strengthen Georgia Tech's demonstrated ca- pability in employment generation through the ex- pansion of the small industry sector. This capability is particularly relevant to massive unemployment and rural-to-urban migration problems in many de- veloping countries. The program is integral to the institutional commitment to international education and development. PB-248 361/8 PC A02/MF A01 Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C. what Has Been Done in Peanut Breeding (Chto sdelano po Selektsii Arakhisa) D. P. Umen. 1975, 12p Rept no. TT-74-52028 Trans, of Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-lssledovatelskii Institut Maslichnykh Kultur. Nauchno-Proizvodst- vennyi Sbornik (USSR) n5 p9-12 1933, by A. K. Dhote. Sponsored in part by National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: "Peanut plants, "Plant genetics, Peanut oil, Production, Maturation, Volume, Plant growth, Seasonal variations, Translations, USSR. The industrial and agricultural importance of the peanut has led to an active interest and rapid de- velopment in this southern oilseed crop in many countries of the world. In particular much interest was shown in peanuts by the oil-extracting industry of the west-European countries and the USA. The report describes screening varieties for yield and high oil potential; and development of varieties usable as raw materials for the food industry, mechanized cultivation, yield, and early maturity. PB-248 362/6 PC A02/MF A01 Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C. Technique of Artificial Hybridization in the Peanut (Tekhnika Iskusstevennoi Gibridizatsii Arakhisa) D. P. Umen. 1975, 13p Rept no. TT-74-52017 Trans, of Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-lssledovatelskii Institut Maslichnykh Kultur. Nauchno-Proizvodst- vennyi Sbornik (USSR) n5 p29-33 1933, by A. K. Dhote. Sponsored in part by National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: "Peanut plants, "Hybridization, Pollen, Removal, Plant genetics, Field tests, Plant reproduction, Plant tissues, Females, Translations, USSR. The report deals with the problems of technique involved in hybridization of peanut plants without going into the internal processes relating to the sphere of genetics. Applicable to any plant, this technique is determined by the structure of the flower and the biology of its development. In the peanut the technique consists of three stages, viz. emasculation, pollination and the operation on the inflorescences. PB-248 596/9 PC A18/MF A01 American Society of Civil Engineers, New York. Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisci- plinary Analysis of Water Resource Systems Held at Colorado University, Boulder, Colora- do, on June 19-22, 1973 J. Ernest Flack. 1975, 41 Op OWRT-X- 126(3757)(1) Contract DI-14-31-0001-3757 Descriptors: "Water resources, "Water quality management, "Meetings, Systems engineering, Multiple purpose reservoirs, Africa, Limnology, Mathematical models, Great Lakes, Geothermy, Economic development, Maline Creek, Civil engi- neering, Social welfare, Project planning, Law(Jurisprudence), Interactions, Decision making, Missouri, United States, California, Wis- consin River, Fraser River. Identifiers: North Atlantic Region(United States), Saint Louis(Missouri), British Columbia. The Water Resources Systems Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers' Technical Council on Water Resources Planning and Man- agement saw a critical need for developing an in- terdisciplinary approach to water resources devel- opment. This Conference was intended as an ef- fective means of advancing the systems approach in this area. Formal papers on six interdisciplinary efforts were selected as case studies, around which discussions were built. These six papers in- clude interdisciplinary studies on: (1) Large reser- voirs in Africa; (2) limnological modeling of the Great Lakes; (3) geothermal development; (4) the North Atlantic Regional Water Resources Study; (5) Corps of Engineers planning experience in the St. Louis-Maline Creek; and (6) University research in the Wisconsin River and the Lower Fraser River (Brit. Columbia) water quality studies. Discussions are given after each paper. Included also is an in- troductory article on the interdisciplinary aspects of water resources planning and management. PB-248 630/6 PC A16/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Environmental Aspects of a Large Tropical Reservoir - A Case Study of Volta Lake, Ghana Peter H. Freeman. Sep 74, 360p Contract AID/csd-2608 Errata sheet inserted. Descriptors: "Multiple purpose reservoirs, "Devel- oping countries, "Volta Lake, "Environmental im- pacts, Economic development, Cost engineering, Project planning, Tropical regions, Power supplies, Rivers, Electric power plants, Surveys, Hydrogeo- logy, Sewage treatment, Water supply, Food chains, Aquatic plants, Weed control, Sedimenta- tion, Seismology, Water flow, Bathymetry, Mineral deposits, Salinity, Irrigation, Plankton, Fishes, Africa. Identifiers: "Ghana. During 1973 the Smithsonian Institution's Office of International and Environmental Programs under- took a case study of the Volta Lake in Ghana. This was one of a series of case studies, carried out for the U.S. Agency for International Development, designed to better understand the environmental impacts of various development projects or situa- tions. The purpose of these studies was to extract lessons which could be translated into guidelines to orient future development, in order to prevent costly and avoidable environmental impacts. The case study approach was chosen in view of the proven advantages of obtaining detailed under- standing of a specific development. The Volta Lake was seen to constitute an excellent case study opportunity for a review of the environmental impacts of impounding a tropical river. Impacts in the impoundment area have been well researched and documented, and they are not dissimilar from the known impacts of other African man-made lakes. And like other hydropower schemes, the benefits have been very substantial. PB-248 899/7 PC A04/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 117 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS The Biological and Ecological Effects of Oil Pollution in Tropical Waters. An Annotated Bib- liography Jul 73, 72p* Contract AID/csd-2608 Descriptorsr/Oil pollution, "Ecology, "Marine biol- ogy, "Tropical regions, "Bibliographies, Altitude, Crude oil. Aquatic animals, Shellfish, Aquatic plants, Marshes, Toxicity, Petroleum products, Shores, Mortality, Cold weather tests, Oil wells, Refineries, Outfall sewers, Bacteria, Fishes, Hy- drocarbons, Biodeterioration, Phenols, Oils, Fish- eries, Coasts, Oil spills, Environmental impacts. Identifiers: High altitude, Oil water interfaces. The bibliography does not pretend to be complete nor does it include unpublished surveys recently carried out in Indonesia on oil pollution effects. Ci- tations in the annotated bibliography include oil pollution in colder, high altitude waters as well as tropical waters. PB-249 183/5 PC A05/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Industrial Develop- ment Div. Small-Scale Industry Grant: Soong Jun Univer- sity Activities Final rept. 10 Jan 74-9 Jan 75 Yoon Bae Ouh, and Nelson C. Wall. Jan 75, 76p Contract AID/ta-C-1 062 See also PB-249 184. Descriptors: "Economic development, "Business- es, "South Korea, "Employment, Technical assist- ance, Project planning, Information centers, Uni- versities, Industrial training, Education. Identifiers: Small businesses, Soong Jun Universi- ty, Employment programs, Curriculum develop- ment. The main objectives of the project are to generate employment outside metropolitan centers and to provide assistance to small-scale industries in se- lected areas in Korea. The report describes in detail the background, objectives, and activities of the program and outlines the results achieved and the conclusions reached by the project staff. PB-249 184/3 PC A03/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Industrial Develop- ment Div. Small-Scale Industry Grant: Baseline Data- Areas of Brazil Served by Educational Founda- tion of South Santa Catarina Jan 75, 27p Contract AID/ta-C-1 062 See also PB-249 185. Descriptors: "Economic development, "Technical assistance, "Brazil, Industries, Statistical data, Classifications, Economic surveys, Employment, Sales, Urban areas, Businesses. Identifiers: Small businesses, Santa Catarina(Brazil). This report consists of a series of tabular displays of data on the area to be served by the Education Foundation of South Santa Catarina (FESSC.) The data include an identification of existing industry by classification, size, number of firms, number of workers, and total sales. Detailed information by industrial classification is provided for South Santa Catarina, and the cities of Tubarao, Braco do Norte, and Laguna. Industry totals (number of firms, number of employees, and sales of industrial establishments) are given for each city within each of the two municipal association areas. In addition, population and land area data are listed for munici- pal association areas of Santa Catarina and for all cities within the two municipal association areas comprising the FESSC service area. PB-249 185/0 PC A06/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Industrial Develop- ment Div. Small-Scale Industry Grant: Fundacao Educa- cional do Sul de Santa Catarina Activities Final rept. 10 Jan 74-9 Jan 75 Jose Muller, and Nelson C. Wall. Jan 75, 112p Contract AID/ta-C-1 062 See also PB-249 1 86. Descriptors: "Economic development, "Business- es, "Brazil, Grants, Universities, Developing coun- tries, Industries, Projects, Performance evaluation, Technology, Centers, Industrial training, Educa- tion, Organizing, Technical assistance, Manage- ment. Identifiers: Small businesses, Santa Catarina(Brazil), Fundacao Educacional do Sul. In 1974 the Agency for International Development (AID) funded a contract through which the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) was to make $45,000 grants for small-scale industry programs to two in- stitutions of higher learning to be selected in differ- ent geographic regions of the world. This is the final (end-of-the-year) report for the work per- formed jointly by the staff of the Fundacao Educa- cional do Sul de Santa Catarina (FESSC) in Brazil and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Additional sections of this report describe the background, objectives, activities scheduled in the program of work, results achieved, and the conclusions reached by the project staff. PB-249 186/8 PC A03/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Industrial Develop- ment Div. Small-Scale Industry Grant: Administration Project-Stimulating the Growth of Small-Scale Industry Final rept. 1 Jan 74-9 Jan 75 Nelson C. Wall. Jan 75, 30p Contract AID/ta-C-1 062 See also PB-249 187. Descriptors: "Economic development, "Develop- ing countries, "Technical assistance, "South Korea, "Brazil, Projects, Universities, Grants, Sur- veys, Evaluation, Operations, Objectives, Industrial training, Education, Businesses, Industries, Stimu- lation, Criteria. Identifiers: Small businesses, Fundacao Educa- cional do Sul, Santa Catarina(Brazil), Soong Jun University, Seoul(Korea), Georgia Institute of Technology. The Agency for International Development (AID) funded a contract through which the Industrial De- velopment Division (IDD) of the Engineering Ex- periment Station at the Georgia Institute of Tech- nology was charged with the responsibility of im- plementing a specific program of work in the area of 'Stimulating Growth of Small-Scale Industry' by providing technical assistance grants to two coun- terpart institutions. The administrative portion of the contract was assigned the project number A- 1600 by the contracting office at the Georgia Insti- tute of Technology. This is the final report of Year 1 of this project which has been implemented in two different geographic regions of the world. The two selected counterpart institutions were Soong Jun University, Seoul, Korea, and the Fundacao Edu- cacional do Sul de Santa Catarina, Tubarao, Brazil. PB-249 288/2 PC A03/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Land Use Problems and Research Needs in the High-Altitude Zone of Ecuador Edwin Lamar Smith, Jr, and Jack L. Stroehlein. Oct 75, 47p Descriptors: "Land use, "Ecuador, Land, Natural resources, Management, Watersheds, Wildlife, Irri- gation, Vegetation, Soils, Developing countries, Forestry, Fisheries. Identifiers: High altitude. The objectives of the study were: (1) to evaluate the nature and extent of problems associated with use of the high altitude lands of Ecuador, (2) to assess the significance of these problems and the possibilities of solving them through research and/ or other types of projects, (3) to analyze priorities and capabilities of various institutions involved in natural resource development and management, and (4) to outline a program for solution of land use problems and identify those areas in which cooper- ation with external institutions is needed. PB-249 317/9 PC A15/MF A01 Monsanto Research Corp., Dayton, Ohio. Dayton Lab. Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indig- enous Materials in Developing Nations Annual rept. no. 2, May 74-Sep 75 Ival O. Salyer, George L. Ill Ball, Arthur M. Usmani, and Dennis W. Werkmeister. 18 Dec 75, 349p Rept no. MRC-DA-517 Contract AID/CM/ta-C-73-12 See also PB-239 493. Descriptors: "Roofing, "Developing countries, "Composite materials, Fibers, Fillers, Binders(Materials), Bagasse, Rubber fibers, Ther- moplastic resins, Weathering, Cost estimates, Cri- teria, Philippines, Jamaica, Ghana, Zambia. This report covers Phase II (May 1974 through September 1 975) of a 3-1 12 year research effort to match indigenous fibers and fillers with low cost binders to produce improved roofing for develop- ing countries. The project emphasis during Phase II was on roofing materials development, and es- tablishing the mechanism for the transfer of the technology. Four candidate composite roofing ma- terial systems were defined that use between 70 and 100% indigenous material. Outstanding as a filler is the sugar cane residue, bagasse. The pri- mary candidate binders include natural rubber, phenolic, and commercial thermoplastic resins. Accelerated and outdoor aging demonstrate the viability of the candidate systems. The objectives of the technology transfer aspects included defin- ing potential collaborative institutions and individ- uals of Jamaica, the Philippines, Zambia and Ghana and locating qualified organizations inter- ested in future commercial production of the roof- ing. PB-249 367/4 PC A03/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Engineering Experi- ment Station. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small industries. Provisional Keyword Index of the Small-Scale Industry Case Studies Feb 75, 36p Contract AID/csd-31 75 Paper copy also available in set of 3 reports as PB- 249 366-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: "Employment, "Industrial relations, "Economic surveys, Subject indexing, Businesses, Industries, Data acquisition, Developing countries, Projects, Universities, Indexes(Documentation), Terminology. Identifiers: Small businesses, Key words, Case his- tories. One of the continuing objectives of the Industry Development Division (IDD) under the U.S. Agency for International Development 211 (d) grant pro- gram is to acquire case histories of small-scale in- dustry, particularly those in developing countries. For this project, case material was requested from various organizations in many countries, as well as located in published bibliographies and indexes. This work is the first effort of the International De- velopment Data Center (IDDC) (hence the title Provisional Keywork Index) to abstract and index those case histories currently held in the IDDC col- lection. The keyword index is in two parts. The first section is an alphabetical list of the keywords and their scope notes. The second section is an alpha- betical arrangement of the keywords and their re- lated case history titles. PB-249 368/2 PC A05/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Engineering Experi- ment Station. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Curricula Research and De- velopment Held at Soong Jun University, Seoul, Korea on 21 April-8 June 1974 Herbert Eller. Jul 74, 87p Contract AID/csd-31 75 Paper copy also available in set of 3 reports as PB- 249 366-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: "Employment, "Industrial training, "Universities, Engineering education, Developing countries, Surveys, Data acquisition, Korea, Meet- ings, Project planning. Identifiers: Curriculum development, Soong Jun University, Georgia Institute of Technology. 118 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS As part of its program of research and guidance to counterpart institutions in developing countries under the auspices of an institutional grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Georgia Institute of Technology sent the author to the Republic of Korea April 21 -June 8, 1974. One of his activities was to determine the need for an industrial engineering curriculum at Soong Jun University and to advise the faculty on its development Meetings were held with the engi- neering college faculty, the president and his staff, and individual educators in various departments and areas of activity. PB-249 369/0 PC A04/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Engineering Experi- mental Station. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. List of Subject Headings Used by the International Development Data Center Linda M. Wagenveld, and Richard Johnston. Feb 74, 62p Contract AID/csd-3 175 Paper copy also available in set of 3 reports as PES- 249 366-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Employment, 'Developing countries, 'Industries, Subject indexing, Documentation, Definitions, Information retrieval, Search structur- ing, International relations, Information systems. The purpose of this list of economics and employ- ment subject headings is to provide definitions of terms used. The compilation should enable cata- loged to be consistent in selecting subject head- ings, and enable card catalog users to be more ef- ficient in searches. The list is compiled from indus- try and labor subject headings for publications now in the collection of the International Development Data Center. Many of the terms are used at the Georgia Institute of Technology and may have dif- ferent or conflicting meanings in an international orientation. PB-249 731/1 PC A08/MF A01 Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C. Cotton Boll Rot. Laying Out a Trial of a Method of Control (La Pourriture des Capsules du Co- tonnier: Essai de Mise en Place d'une Methode de Lutte) J. Cauquil. 1975, 152p* Rept no. TT-75-55027 Trans, of Coton et Fibres Tropicales (France), v28 n2,3,4 1973, by Margaret Duggan Saidi, and Lunde Paul. Sponsored in part by National Science Foun- dation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: 'Cotton plants, 'Pest control, 'Fungus diseases, 'Bacterial diseases, Damage assessment, Fungi, Cell wall, Penetration, Resis- tance, Plant genetics, Vulnerability, Cell morphol- ogy, Fungus deterioration, Developing countries, Africa, Translations, France, Books. Identifiers: 'Gossypium hirsutum, 'Boll Rot. In recent years, progress in the cultivation of cotton has been very marked, thanks to the cre- ation of productive varieties with good industrial qualities, and the use of chemical fertilizers and of the increase in the area of land protected against insects. Growers, however, remain defenseless against the damage caused by boll rot, which af- fects, on an average 10 to 20% of the fruit. The object of this study conducted mainly at the Cen- tral Station of the Research Institute for Cotton and Exotic Textiles at Bamberi (Central African Re- public) is to perfect a method of control to limit this damage. The present study proposes to define the different type of damage suffered by the fruit, to identify the organisms responsible and their mode of penetration, to define the obstacles the boll pre- sents to the attack of parasites, and the principles of a method of control. PB-249 925/9 PC-Subscription New Mexico Univ., Albuquerque. Technology Ap- plication Center. Solar Thermal Energy Utilization. A Bibliogra- phy with Abstracts. Semiannual Update July- December, 1974 Aug 75, 377p* Rept no. TAC/ST-74/601 See also PB-238 869. Paper copy available on subscription at $50.00/ year domestic, $60.00/year foreign. Descriptors: 'Solar energy, 'Bibliographies, Solar radiation, Solar collectors. Flat plate collectors, Solar energy concentrators, Heat storage, Heat exchangers, Heat pumps, Heliostats, Solar stills, Solar ponds, Solar furnaces, Greenhouses, Solar space heating, Solar air conditioning, Solar drying, Solar dryers, Crop driers, Solar power generation, Rankine cycle, Brayton cycle, Stirling cycle, Solar sea power plants, Process heat, Thermal power plants, Solar cooking, Buildings, Abstracts. Comprehensive coverage of the thermal uses of solar energy is presented. Topic areas cover space heating and cooling; power generation; process heat (furnace operations, distillation, cooking, crop drying); and components, including flat plate collectors, solar ponds, concentrating collectors, thermal storage, heat exchangers, coolers, heat pumps, and greenhouses. Supple- mentary references on material properties and availability of solar radiation are included. PB-249 936/6 PC A05/MF A01 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. Wind Machines Frank R. Eldridge. Oct 75, 85p* MTR-6971, NSF/RA/N-75-051 Grant NSF-AER75-12937 Descriptors: 'Windmills, 'Wind turbines, History, Systems engineering, Site surveys, Design, Per- formance evaluation, Cost estimates, Windpower utilization, Wind power generation, Drawings, Pho- tographs. This report provides a brief survey of the viability, history, taxonomy, and future potential of various types and sizes of wind machines that might be used to help meet future U.S. energy demands. It also discusses various applications of wind ma- chines, as well as siting problems, performance characteristics, and system designs. A glossary of commonly used words and phrases, a list of suppli- ers, and a selected bibliography are included. PB-250 448/8 PC A06/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Economic Develop- ment Lab. Discussion Papers on Problems of Science and Technology. Annual Strategy and Planning Symposium, Agency for International Develop- ment, Office of Science and Technology Held at Atlanta, Georgia on May 6-9, 1975 Dec 75, 122p Contract AID/ta-C-1 194 Descriptors: 'Technology, 'Developing countries, 'Meetings, Education, Low income groups, Em- ployment, Rural areas, Housing planning, Environ- ments, Energy, Management methods, Food, Sur- veys, Reviews. The Office of Science and Technology of the Agency for International Development periodically holds a symposium on the problems attendant to science and technology in the developing coun- tries. The papers and group discussion summaries in this volume are the product of the third such meeting, held at the Georgia Institute of Technol- ogy, in Atlanta, Georgia. This meeting brought to- gether a high-level multidisciplinary group of spe- cialists from national and international agencies and institutions concerned with development poli- cies, with the objective of reviewing past and pros- pective AID programs in science and technology. PB-250 626/9 PC A05/MF A01 Eastern Associated Coal Corp., Everett, Mass. Dept. of Research and Development. Development of a Non-Clogging Water Spray System H. E. Harris, and R. E. Segien. 28 Nov 75, 98p BuMines-OFR-36-76 Contract H01 33047 Descriptors: 'Coal mining, 'Dust control, 'Spray- ers, Face preparation(Mining), Spray nozzles, Plugging, Fluid filters, Mining equipment. Causes of water spray nozzle clogging on coal mine face machines were investigated and deter- mined. This led to the design, development, and subsequent successful field testing and demon- stration of a non-clogging water spray system. The non-clogging system was installed on three differ- ent continuous-mining machines. Followup tests showed that nozzle clogging was reduced by more than 90 percent. Also, on one section respirable dust concentrations were measured before and after the two periods, there was significantly more coal mined after the system was in operation. PB-250 627/7 PC A05/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Industrial Develop- ment Div. Small-Scale Industry Development in Paraguay Case Study Mar 70-Jun 73 Nelson C. Wall. Feb 74, 93p Rept no. GIT-B-414 Contract AID/csd-3 175 Descriptors: 'Industrial mobilizing, 'Paraguay, 'Regional planning. Developing countries, Invest- ments, Urban areas, Rural areas, Organizations, Projects, Industries, Economic development, Stim- ulation, Exports, Networks. Identifiers: Small businesses. The Industrial Development Division (IDD) of the Engineering Experiment Station at the Georgia In- stitute of Technology has recently completed a three-year program designed to assist the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of Para- guay in its efforts to create a chain structure of re- gional development organizations, as well as to generate small-scale industries in rural-urban loca- tions. The main objective of the project was to gen- erate investments outside of the capital city of Asuncion and, if possible, to develop small export- oriented industries. PB-250 628/5 PC A02/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Industrial Develop- ment Div. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. A Seven-Country Survey of Certification Licensing and Quality Marks Pro- grams Kenneth S. Stephens. Mar 75, 25p Contract AID/csd-31 75 See also PB-250 629. Descriptors: 'Employment, 'Industrial relations, 'Thailand, Businesses, Manpower utilization, De- veloping countries, Questionnaires, Data acquisi- tion, Industries, Stimulation, Standards, Licenses, Surveys, Project planning. Identifiers: Small businesses, Certification. The survey materials consisted of a relatively simple questionnaire and a package of related ma- terials on the certification program of Thailand, in- cluding a completed questionnaire on the current Thai program to serve as a guide. The survey re- quested completion of the questionnaire together with supplementary materials on the certification programs under way in responding countries. The purpose of the survey was two-fold: (1) to obtain information on certification programs which would be helpful to Thailand in its efforts to establish and further implement its own program, and (2) to assist other countries in planning or further devel- oping their efforts by giving them a comparison of the features of certification programs in various stages of development in other countries. PB-250 629/3 PC A10/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta, Industrial Develop- ment Div. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Small-Scale Industry De- velopment in Ecuador Case History Apr 73-Dec 74 Nelson C. Wall. Feb 75, 205p Contract AID/csd-31 75 See also PB-250 628. Descriptors: 'Employment, 'Ecuador, 'Economic surveys, Businesses, Manpower utilization, Income, Production, Project planning, Stimulation, Industries. Identifiers: Small businesses, Artisans. 119 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS This case history represents some 18 months of research carried out by the author on site in Ecua- dor in an attempt to get a first hand picture of the situation. Among the findings of this study are the following: Artisan enterprises and cottage activities employ well over 200,000 persons, who, in gener- al, manage to earn enough to provide for a precar- ious existence. In most cases, the artisan performs his activity to generate additional income for his family needs. These persons would be better off with an industrial job if jobs were available. Great confusion and misunderstanding exist in the inter- pretation of the existing laws which govern arti- sans and small-scale industries. There is need for a well-reasoned, logical, pragmatic action plan which will address the present situation and assure obtainable goals over the next decade. PB-250 848/9 PC A16/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. FY75 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Methodology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurri- canes Final rept. 1 Jul 74-30 Jun 75 Richard D. Marshall, and Noel J. Raufaste, Jr. Nov 75, 354p* Rept no. NBSIR-75-790 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-04-73 See also report dated 1 Jul 74, COM-74-1 1 631 . Descriptors: 'Tropical cyclones, 'Houses, 'Design criteria, Construction, Construction materials, Wind tunnel models, Wind pressure, Technology transfer, Philippine Islands, Building codes, Devel- oping countries. Identifiers: 'Natural disasters, 'Low rise buildings. This report represents the major accomplishments conducted during the third phase (FY75) of a three year project to develop improved design criteria for low-rise buildings in developing countries to better resist extreme winds. The research study spon- sored by the Agency for International Develop- ment commenced in March 1973. Two other re- ports were prepared; NBSIR 74-582 FY73 Prog- ress Report (first phase of the research--4 months) and NBSIR 74-567 FY74 Progress Report (second phase of the research-1 2 months). During FY75, 6 major tasks were completed (instrumentation of fifth and sixth of six test houses to collect full scale field wind data, continuation of technician training at the field sites and at the wind tunnel facility, ana- lyzed of extreme wind data, development of draft improved design criteria reports, participation in re- gional conferences in Manila and scheduling of re- gional dissemination of project results conference in Jamaica for November 1975). Research activi- ties will be completed in December 1975. A final report will be published by the end of FY76. PB-250 966/9 PC A10/MF A01 Utah State Univ., Logan. Inst, for Social Science Research on Natural Resources. The Social Weil-Being and Quality of Life Di- mension in Water Resources Planning and De- velopment Wade H. Andrews, Rabel J. Burdge, Harold R. Capener, W. Keith Warner, and Kenneth P. Wilkinson. Jul 73, 218p OWRT-X-125(3752)(1) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -3752 Proceedings of the Conference of the University on Water Resources held at Logan, Utah on 10-12 Jul 73. Descriptors: 'Water resources, 'Regional plan- ning, 'Social effect, 'Meetings, Quality of life, Ob- jectives, Government policies, Organizations, Management methods, Guidelines, Information systems, Project planning, Models, Rural areas, Urban areas. Papers by academicians are reported dealing with concepts, measurements, and research findings, plus response papers from representatives of gov- ernment and private organizations. Topics include the background of development of social wellbeing as a relevant value in planning and evaluation of water resources; problems in the political process in adopting social indicators and problems of orga- nizing for needed research of a national character with thinly scattered personnel; methodology and some results in research relating to social goals; quality of life and water resources; an overview of theoretical and conceptual issues; and finally a synthesis of these elements concerning possibili- ties and conditions related to dealing with social well-being as a functional account in planning and evaluating water resources development. PB-251 034/5 PC A15/MF A01 Iowa State Univ., Ames. Dept. of Economics. Management of Water Quality Through Select- ed Institutions and Instruments Doctoral thesis Philippus Hendrik Spies. 1973, 346p OWRT-B- 015-IA(5) Descriptors: 'Water quality management, 'Rural areas, 'Skunk River Basin, Allocations, Social effect, Decision making, Cost analysis, Water rights, Sediments, Economic factors, Erosion con- trol, Prices, Theses, Iowa. Identifiers: Institutional framework. The importance and interrelationships of planning, organization-coordination, and control of water quality management are analyzed as applicable to the water quality problem in a rural area. Spillover effects on water quality management are identified and evaluated in terms of efficiency and equity, by analyzing resource allocation within market and property systems. A model was developed for maximizing social benefits subject to specific water quality restrictions and applied to the Upper Skunk River Basin in Central Iowa. An institutional frame- work for water quality control was developed. Water quality planning may be simplified by appli- cation of charges to point source pollutants and standards to diffused pollutants. To allow for opti- mal planning and allocation of water qualities over time, it may be necessary to specify rights in water qualities by tenure contracts between public and user. PB-251 094/9 PC A19/MF A01 Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Mt. Rainier, Md. Manuel Technique du Village 6 Feb 76, 430p Trans, of mono. Village Technology Handbook, 1 st edition, v1, v2 1963. Text in French. Prepared in cooperation with Agency for International Devel- opment, Washington, D.C. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Rural areas, 'Technology, 'handbooks, Rural urban fringe, Ag- riculture, Sanitation, Water supply, Housing plan- ning, Grains(Food), Vegetables, Education, Tele- communication, Construction, Translations. Identifiers: 'Villages. Village-level technology and plans cover the fol- lowing topics: village water supply, sanitation, agri- culture, grain and produce handling and preserva- tion, housing and construction, home improve- ment, and education and communication. PB-251 166/5 PC A02/MF A01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Precipitation Management for Reclamation of Overgrazed Areas in Arid and Semi-Arid Re- gions Completion rept. Neil S. Grigg. Jan 76, 13p OWRT-A-026-COLO(1) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -5006 Descriptors: 'Mine waters, 'Spoil, 'Vegetation, 'Precipitation(Meteorology), Strip mining, Arid land, Semiarid land, Feasibility, Environmental im- pacts, Land reclamation, Economic development, Wildlife, Social effect, Cost analysis, Management. Identifiers: Revegetation, Strip mine wastes. An investigation was made of the feasibility of using precipitation management as a method for the vegetative restoration of strip mine spoils in arid and semi-arid areas, and for the economic and environmental improvement of reclaimed mine spoils. The procedure is believed to be capable of producing vegetative systems of higher economic and wildlife habitat value than exists naturally on these same lands or might be produced by other non-irrigated methods. It would appear that the cost of the necessary R and D program would be minimal, particularly when compared with the po- tential economic, environmental and social bene- fits which would accrue. PB-251 192/1 PC A04/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Dept. of Ag- ricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. Utilization of Finfishes Caught Incidental to Shrimp Trawling in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Evaluation of Costs John P. Nichols, Melvin Cross, Vito Blomo, and Wade L. Griffin. Jan 75, 51 p TAMU-SG-76-203, NOAA-76020402 Grant NOAA-04-3-158-18 See also Part 1 dated Jun 74, COM-74-1 1 809. Descriptors: 'Fishing, 'Mexico Gulf, 'Marketing, Marine fishes, Value engineering, Prices, Market- ing, Cost estimates, Merchant ships. Cost analysis, Shrimps. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Finfishes. The report presents estimates of the cost of oper- ating several alternative systems for holding and landing finfish caught incidental to shrimp trawling operations. Freezer units, brine immersion tanks, an on-board fish meal plant, and extra crew member and a mother-ship concept are the sys- tems evaluated. Break-even prices are estimated that would be necessary to cover operating costs and a 10 percent return on investment. Additional- ly, problems in traditional work patterns, crew in- centives, and institutional arrangements are dis- cussed. Comparison of estimated break-even prices with recent market prices indicate that none of the proposed systems are viable except under very restrictive conditions. The mother-ship or tender vessel concept shows the most economic potential but is plagued with problems of coordi- nating a large number of vessels in an industry where independence of operation is valued highly. The analytical model presented may be used to evaluate other systems not considered directly in this study. PB-251 291/1 PC A08/MF A01 Ross Hofmann Associates, Coral Gables, Fla. Evaluation of Small Modular Incinerators in Mu- nicipal Plants Final rept. 1976, 155p EPA/530/SW-113C Contract EPA-68-01-3171 Descriptors: 'Air pollution, 'Incinerators, 'Solid waste disposal, Monitoring, Refuse disposal, Heat recovery, Steam heating, Cost analysis, Manage- ment planning, Urban planning, Fuels, Combus- tion. Identifiers: 'Air pollution sampling. This report describes in detail the results of moni- toring three small municipal incinerators, including one that incorporates steam recovery. The three incinerators tested were all under 50 TPD design capacity per furnace and were burning typical mu- nicipal solid waste. Cost information was accumu- lated for each facility and, where applicable, reve- nue from steam sales was included. Operational, performance, and environmental analyses were performed for all units involved. This report is the latest state-of-the-art report on small incineration, should serve as a guide for municipalities consid- ering such a system, and can be used for compari- son purposes in future solid waste system evalua- tions. PC A10/MF A01 S.C. Water Resources Research PB-251 377/8 Clemson Univ., Inst. Multi-Objective Water Resources Planning: Methodology to Achieve Compatibility Be- tween Environmental Amenities and Economic Development Completion rept. 1 Jul 72-30 Jun 74 David W. York, Benjamin C. Ill Dysart, and Lawrence W. Gahan. May 75, 224p* WRRI-55, W76-05840 Prepared by Clemson Univ., N.C. Dept. of Environ- mental Systems Engineering. Descriptors: 'Water resources, 'Recreation, 'Eco- nomic development, Water supply, Industries, Water consumption, Benefit cost analysis, Math- 120 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ematical models, Optimization, Management, Min- eral deposits, Manufacturing, Mining, Great Santee Swamp, South Carolina. Identifiers: *Water management(Applied), •Com- peting uses. A mathematical model of multiple-use in natural areas was developed. The model represents a uni- fied system for the evaluation of cases where tradi- tional forms of economic development such as in- dustrial manufacturing, suburban residential ex- pansion, or mineral extraction are proposed for rel- atively natural areas having significant environ- mental amenity values. The model system is a unique benefit-cost analysis that allows for a ratio- nal comparison of the costs and benefits associat- ed with both developmental and environment-re- lated activities. The option value has been incorpo- rated into the analysis, and methods have been devised for the estimation of desirability. The model was applied to a study of multiple-use man- agement of the Great Santee Swamp in South Carolina. PB-251 382/8 PC A04/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C. Decentralized Tomato Processing: Plant Design, Costs, and Economic Feasibility Final rept. for 1 974 E. V. Jesse, W. G. Schultz, and J. L. Bomben. Dec 75, 62p Rept no. USDA/AER-313 Descriptors: 'Canneries, 'Tomatoes, *Food proc- essing, Design criteria, Economic factors, Industri- al plants, Sites, Mathematical models, Size deter- mination, Feasibility, Decentralization(Dispersal), Cost analysis, Investments, Industrial waste treat- ment, Operating costs, California. Decentralized tomato processing merits consider- ation as an alternative to the conventional central- ized operation, which processes fresh tomatoes into a finished product in a single factory. A study was made to determine savings that would be made if the cleaning and juicing operations were done at satellite locations in rural tomato growing areas and the final processing operations complet- ed at existing canneries. The study used typical California growing, distribution, and factory meth- ods. Economic feasibility was evaluated for satel- lites processing 50 tons per hour of fresh tomatoes into a pasteurized juice; the study used a modified Stollsteimer model for determining optimal size, number of plants, and location of the processing facilities. PB-251 396/8 PC A21/MF A01 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. International Symposium on Energy, Re- sources and the Environment (5th) Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 17-20 February 1975 M. Rifkin. Dec 75, 477p Rept no. M75-84 SeealsoPB-219 952-SET. Descriptors: 'Energy, 'Environmental impacts, 'Meetings, Natural gas, Petroleum, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Energy management, Energy source conservation, Energy reserves, Energy policy, Solid waste disposal, Reclamation, Economics, Agriculture, Fertilizers, Singapore, Australia, Thailand, Nuclear energy, Southeast Asia. Identifiers: Developing countries. A partial listing of topic areas includes: The role of and need for technology in society; Economic de- velopment and prospects for mankind; Southeast Asia perspective; The place of energy in world peace; Dimensions of world energy; Nuclear energy infrastructure requirements; Energy sce- narios for the future; Livestock and urban waste as future energy resources; Impact of energy re- sources on agriculture in a developing country; Energy, fertilizer and food; Resource management and international cooperation with special refer- ence to Malaysia; National energy policy as it af- fects economic development. PB-251 471/9 PC A06/MF A01 Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. Interdisci- plinary Working Party. Feasibility Test of an Approach and Prototype for Ultra Low Cost Housing Final rept. Dec 74-Aug 75. Nov 75, 101p TA/OST-75-26 Contract AID/ta-C-1 174 Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, 'Socioeco- nomic status, 'Construction materials, Projects, Developing countries, Disasters, Rural areas, Cost analysis, Structural design. Identifiers: Emergency housing, Disaster prone areas, 'Low cost housing, Indigenous materials. This report outlines the activities in a housing effort to develop a prototype ultra low-cost housing unit for use in a variety of relief and rural development situations, especially in disaster prone areas of the developing countries. The structure is an 'A' frame modular housing system which can use a wide va- riety of local indigenous materials in a structure which is extremely cheap, labor intensive, easily erected, and wind and flood resistant. PB-251 520/3 PC A04/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Natural Products for Sri Lanka's Future. Report of a Workshop Held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 2-6 June, 1975 1975, 61 p Contract AID/csd-2584 Prepared in cooperation with National Science Council of Sri Lanka, Colombo. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Ceylon, 'Meetings, Natural re- sources, Planning, Project planning, Horticulture, Food industry, Medicinal plants, Oils, Seasonings, Drugs, Recommendations. Identifiers: Workshops, 'Sri Lanka, Essential oils, Spices, Underutilization, Exotic plants. This final report is the product of a workshop jointly sponsored by the National Science Council of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and the National Academy of Sci- ence of the U.S. The workshop's purpose was to identify scientifically sound projects that exploit natural products, that are realistic for Sri Lanka, and that can significantly contribute to the nation's economic and scientific development. This report, which has resulted from the joint deliberations of the Ceylonese and American workshop partici- pants, presents a number of suggestions for im- provement of ongoing programs, for marshalling latent resources, and for experimenting with new food and export crops. Suggestions and recom- mendations have resulted from the pooled knowl- edge and experience of all participants and are presented in several chapters that reflect the sub- ject matter of the working sub-groups of the work- shop. PB-251 639/1 PC A06/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Systems Analysis and Operations Research: A Tool for Policy and Program Planning for De- veloping Countries 1976, 107p* Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Management engineering, 'Devel- oping countries, 'Operations research, Economic development, Industrial engineering, Technical as- sistance, Theories, Operations, Definitions, Man- agement methods, Organizations, Personnel de- velopment, Project planning, Facilities, Training, Social change, Economic factors, Technology transfer, Cybernetics, Regional planning, Policies. Identifiers: Discusses the possibilities of oper- ations research and systems analysis in develop- ing countries for advancing the economy and pro- moting the welfare of the people. The report seeks answers to the questions: Do systems analysis and operations research (SA/ OR) have relevance to the problems of developing countries. If so, how is an indigenous SA/OR ca- pability developed. Accordingly the report at- tempts to provide an explanation of systems analy- sis methodology and limitations, illustrative appli- cations of SA/OR in decision making, require- ments for implementing SA/OR organization in de- veloping countries, processes for training and cri- teria for producing needed personnel, and techni- cal assistance opportunities. PB-251 656/5 PC A09/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Underexploited Tropical Plants with Promising Economic Value 1975, 194p Contract AID/csd-2584 Attached summary in French and Spanish. Descriptors: 'Plants(Botany), 'Developing coun- tries, 'Tropical regions, Market value, Nutritive value, Grasses, Grain crops, Vegetables, Bean plants, Fruit crops, Oilseed crops, Forage crops, Feeding stuffs, Livestock, Root crops, Leguminous plants, Requirements. Identifiers: 'Underexploited plants. The report is on plants that shows promise for im- proving the quality of life in tropical areas. The report aims to provide a brief introduction to the plants selected. It is neither a textbook nor a com- prehensive survey of tropical botany. The report does not detail how to introduce the plants to new areas. Readers should appreciate that achieving this goal may be complex and difficult. Many plants discussed in this report have defied dissemination (or domestication) for a century or more. Plant in- troduction cannot be divorced from plant manage- ment; a lack of horticultural knowledge or experi- ence will frequently cause a plant introduction to fail. Differences in elavation, soil type, tempera- ture, day length, and rainfall present other compli- cations. Sometimes newly introduced plants prove to be too aggressive and become weeds. Even if all these problems are overcome, the plant will be successful only if a market exists or can be cre- ated. PB-251 890/0 PC A02/MF A01 Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. Water Resources Research Center. The Effect of Land Use On the Chemical and Physical Quality of Surface and Ground Waters in Small Water Sheds Martin E. Weeks. Sep 74, 13p Completion 74-7, Pub-41, OWRT-A-040-MASS(1) Descriptors: 'Land use, 'Agricultural wastes, 'Water pollution, 'South River Watershed, Inor- ganic nitrates, Fertilizers, Inorganic phosphates, Ground water, Surface waters, Nitrification, Cattle, Water quality, Humus, Sewage, Lysimeters, Septic tanks, Massachusetts. Identifiers: Denitrification, Manure. Results obtained from monitoring surface and ground waters gave only a qualified answer to the question of how to obtain some initial estimate of the effects of different land use patterns on water quality in the small watershed of South River. Agri- cultural wastes come largely from manure pro- duced by the nearly 1100 head of cattle on the farms in the area, and from crop residues, and, to a lesser extent, from fertilizers used. The houses of residence, including those in Ashfield and Conway centers, contribute most of the effluents from septic tanks and considerable raw sewage directly to the South River. Eight stations were located at different places along the stream; water samples from the river at each of these stations were taken on a monthly basis for analysis. Low ground water phosphate concentrations were always found in ly- simeters located in an area of the watershed where different soil management practices could be studied. No evidence of leaching was found from three field sites receiving moderate to some- times heavy applications of manure and fertilizers. PB-252 583/0 PC A12/MF A01 Jamison (Marshall), Washington, D.C. Satellite Educational System Costs for Three Model Developing Countries Marshall Jamison, and Stephen T. Bett. Aug 73, 271pOTP-76/004c Contract OTP-SE-73-208 Descriptors: 'Education, 'Radio communication, 'Television systems, Cost analysis, Instructors, Students, Learning, Programmed instruction, De- veloping countries. Identifiers: Satellite communications, Courses(Education). The report is an investigation of the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of utilizing satellite technology 121 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS to distribute educational and medical information in three developing countries. PB-252 683/8 PC A20/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Applied Technology. Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Co- operative Program in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaith- ersburg, Md. on May 15-17, 1974 Final rept. H. S. Lew. Apr 76, 465p* Rept no. NBS-Special Pub 444 Library of Congress catalog card no. 76-608055. Descriptors: 'Structures, 'Earthquakes. *Wind pressure, 'Meetings, Dynamic structural analysis, Design criteria, Dynamic response, Gust loads, Wind(Meteorology), Volcanism, Earthquake resis- tant structures, Developing countries. Identifiers: 'Natural hazards, 'Natural disasters, 'Earthquake engineering. The Sixth Joint Meeting of the U.S. - Japan Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects was held in Washing- ton, D.C, on May 15-17, 1974. The proceedings of the Joint Meeting include the opening remarks, the program, the formal resolutions, and the technical papers. The subject matter covered in the papers includes extreme winds in structural design; as- sessment and experimental techniques for meas- uring wind loads; dynamics of soil structures and ground response in earthquakes; structural re- sponse to wind and earthquakes and design crite- ria; disaster mitigation against natural hazards; and technological assistance to developing countries. PB-252 685/3 PC A06/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. Residential Hot Water Solar Energy Storage Subsystems Final rept. Ellis E. Pickering. Jan 76, 117p* NSF/RA/N-75/ 095 Contract NSF-C905 Descriptors: 'Heat storage, 'Residential buildings, Hot water heating, Water tanks, Storage tanks, Water storage, Insulation, Solar space heating, Solar air conditioning, Corrosion prevention, Design, Construction, Cost estimates. Identifiers: 'Solar water heating. Low-cost, efficient, and practical hot water solar energy storage subsystems for heating and cool- ing of residences are discussed. Both new and in- novative vessel materials and configurations are investigated, together with insulation materials. Storage subsystem locations considered include basement, crawl-space, living space, garage, attic, surface exterior and underground exterior. Per- formance requirements for residential hot water storage systems are investigated. A matrix of ad- vantages and disadvantages is constructed con- sidering vessel material and configuration and lo- cation and type of residential construction. Other matters considered are corrosion control, costs, and development requirements. PB-252 854/5 PC A03/MF A01 Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. Concrete Admixtures J. F. Young. 1976, 44p* Rept nos. TRB/TRR- 564, ISBN-0309-02474-9 Descriptors: 'Concretes, 'Cement additives, Set- ting time, Organic compounds, Hydration, Calcium silicates, Calcium inorganic compounds, Alumi- nates, High temperature tests, Porosity, Compres- sive properties, Alkali metal compounds, Carbon- ates, Sulfates. Identifiers: Calcium aluminates, Cement pastes, Lignosulfonates. The papers in this Record include a review of the mechanism in which organic admixtures react with hydrating cement compounds; a discussion of the addition of water-reducing, set-retarding admix- tures to concrete batches to shorten the setting time and workability time of concrete placed at high temperatures; a discussion of the influence of a water-reducing admixture on the quick setting experienced in certain white cements that contain less than 1 .6 percent S03; and a review of the use of admixtures in the production of low-porosity cement pastes and concretes. PB-252 864/4 PC A06/MF A01 TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif. Handbook for Pesticide Disposal by Common Chemical Methods C. C. Shih, and D. F. Dal Porto. Dec 75, 103p* EPA/530/SW-112C Contract EPA-68-01-2956 Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Pesticides, 'Industrial waste treatment, Degradation, Detoxifi- cation, Hazardous materials, Chlorine organic compounds, Phosphorus organic compounds, Ni- trogen organic compounds, Classification. Identifiers: 'Hazardous materials disposal, Liquid waste disposal. This study is concerned with utilizing chemical degradation/detoxification methods for the dis- posal of small quantities of pesticide wastes. A pri- mary objective of the study is to develop proce- dures to advise pesticide users of safe, readily available chemical methods for pesticide disposal. Another objective is to delineate the hazards asso- ciated with pesticide disposal by chemical meth- ods, and warn the layman against the indiscrimi- nate use of chemical disposal methods based on incomplete knowledge of the degradation prod- ucts or the hazardous nature of the detoxifying rea- gents. Chemical degradation information on twenty different pesticides, representing each of the major pesticide classes, is discussed. Chemi- cal degradation procedures that can be used by the laymen are described for naled, diazinon, Guthion, malathion, carbaryl, captan, and atrazine, but not for Dursban, methyl parathion, maneb, alachlor (Lasso), diuron, picloram, trifluralin, meth- oxychlor, chlordane, toxaphene, 2,4-D, amiben(chloramben), and pentachlorophenol. PB-253 126/7 PC A03/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Office of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Products from Jojoba: A Promising New Crop for Arid Lands Final rept. 1973-75. May 75, 36p* Contract DHEW-OS-74-21 Descriptors: 'Shrubs, 'Arid land, 'Economic de- velopment, 'American Indians, Surveys, Distribution(Property), Byproducts, Oils, Esters, Waxes, Chemical composition, Utilization, Seeds, Chemical properties, Physical properties, Lubri- cants, Feeding stuffs, Waterproofing, Arizona, California. Identifiers: 'Jojoba plants, 'Simmondsia chinen- sis, Jojoba oils. The report is on a study made by the National Re- search Council's Committee on Jojoba Utilization. The project was initiated at the request of the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO). OEO asked the National Academy of Sciences for sci- entific and technical advice regarding the feasibil- ity of commercial development of products from jojoba as a possible economic resource for Ameri- can Indians. The report contains a general survey of what is known about jojoba, highlights gaps in the present knowledge of the plant, and lists the conclusions of the Committee, including sugges- tions for future actions. PB-253 341/2 PC A02/MF A01 Texas Transportation Inst., College Station. Preliminary Control of African Rue ('Peganum harmala' L.) with Various Herbicides Research rept. Thomas J. Allen, Wayne G. McCully, and Garey Dean. Oct 75, 20p Rept no. TTI-2-1 8-74-1 82-1 Prepared in cooperation with Federal Highway Ad- ministration, Washington, D.C. and Texas State Dept. of Highways and Public Transportation, Austin. Descriptors: 'Highways, 'Weed control, 'Herbi- cides, Control, Maintenance, Experimental data, Tests, Ureas, Bromine organic compounds, Gly- cine. Identifiers: Urea/dichloro-phenyl-dimethyl, Urea/ N(dimethylethyl-thiadizolyl)-N-N-(dimethyl), Uracil/ bromo-butyl-methyl, Glycine/N-(phosphono- methyl), Diuron, Bromacil, Glyphosate, Tebuth- ioron. Twenty-six herbicides used alone or in combina- tions were applied to African rue. The rate of appli- cation of each herbicide was determined by the recommended label rate. An exception was the rate of diuron applied, which surpasses the recom- mended label rate. Eight herbicides resulted in control of at least 50 percent of the African rue after a period of 7 1/2 months or longer. Tebuth- iuron, Vel 5026 and diuron applied in July resulted in the highest significant control 10 1/2 months after treatment. Glyphosate, tebuthiuron, bromacil, diuron, and Vel 5026 resulted in the highest signifi- cant control of African rue with an October applica- tion 7 1 12 months following treatment. PB-253 369/3 PC A03/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Project SAFEGUARD: Safe Pesticide Practices. Safety Handbook 1973, 38p Prepared in cooperation with Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Solid wastes, 'Pesticides, 'Safe handling, 'Hazardous materials, 'Agriculture, Ac- cident prevention, Hazards, Mixing, Protective clothing, Storage, Signs and symptoms, Hand- books, Waste disposal, Farms. The report is a handbook which contains 12 les- sons, each dealing with basic information about pesticide safety. The material explains the basic points of pesticide safety. The handbook is de- signed to present, in a simplified manner, rules for pesticide use for farmers and homeowners. PB-253 652/2 PC A07/MF A01 Miami Univ., Fla. Sea Grant Institutional Program. Preliminary Experimentation in the Develop- ment of Natural Food Analogues for Culture of Detrifivorous Shrimp Steven Y. Newell, and Jack W. Fell. Jul 75, 130p Sea Grant Technical Bull-30, NOAA-76031605 Grant NOAA-04-5-1 58-14 Descriptors: 'Shrimps, 'Feeding stuffs, 'Fungi, Wheat, Fermentation, Bagasse, Animal nutrition, Aquatic microbiology, Proteins, Food chains, Aquaculture. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Penaeus duor- arum, Penaeus setiferus. A three year research program is described that has tested whether agricultural by-products can be inexpensively converted into fungal materials sim- ulating the micro-bial-detrital complexes naturally eaten by several estuarine animals of commercial food value, including penaeid shrimp. If successful, a low-price feed could be developed to enhance commercial productivity of the shrimp. Fungal fer- mentations of agricultural by-products were con- ducted and attempts were made to optimize fungal protein production. Resultant artificial detrital feeds were tested on a proto-commercial scale in outgrowth of penaeid shrimp. Yields of shrimp ranged from very poor to encouragingly high, con- sidering conditions imposed. Screening was begun of fungal capability to degrade the least expensive types of agricultural by-products, when these were modified to reduce lignin-associated refractori- ness. / PB-253 747/0 PC A12/MF A01 Kentucky Univ., Lexington. Inst, for Mining and Minerals Research. Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Plants Final rept. R. G. Edwards, A. B. Broderson and W. P. Hauser. Apr 76, 270p* Rept no. IMMR14-GR2-76 Prepared in cooperation with AME Technology, Inc., Lexington, Ky. and Watkins and Associates, Inc., Lexington, Ky. Descriptors: 'Coal gasification plants, 'Coal lique- faction plants, Manufactured gas, Synthetic fuels, 122 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Environmental impacts, Social effect, Economic impact, Air pollution, Water pollution, Noise pollu- tion, Solid waste disposal, Industrial plants, Strip mining, Reclamation, Land use, Ecology, Erosion, Safety. Identifiers: Occupational safety and health. Adverse impacts of coal conversion are discussed including air, water, noise, and solid waste pollu- tion. Also covered are occupational health and safety, land use and reclamation, and impacts on the lifestyle of rural area residents. PB-254 272/8 PC A02/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Pesticide Programs. Chemical Safety - Pesticides Homer R. Wolfe. 19 Jul 74, 24p Prepared in cooperation with Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Inst, of Rural Environmental Health. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Environ- mental Chemicals - Human and Animal Health (3rd), Held at Fort Collins, Colorado, July 15-19, 1974. Descriptors: 'Pesticides, 'Industrial hygiene, Haz- ards, Toxicology, Toxicity, Personnel, Education, Safety, Industrial atmospheres, Protective cloth- ing, Protective coverings, Protective masks, Human factors engineering, Respirators, Expo- sure, Skin(Anatomy), Respiratory systems, Chemi- cal industry. Identifiers: 'Occupational safety and health, 'Toxic substances. People who become involved in activities requiring exposure to pesticides should be aware of the po- tential hazards involved as a result of absorption of toxic compounds. If a person is knowledgeable about such hazards and understands the impor- tance of taking proper precautions, he can do much to insure the safety of himself and others. Although illnesses resulting from over-exposure to toxic compounds do occur among applicators and other workers, most are a result of carelessness or accident. Experience has shown that if proper pre- cautionary measures are observed and directions on the pesticide label are followed, even the more toxic compounds can be used safely. Exposure to less toxic compounds should not be ignored. PB-254 300/7 PC A16/MF A01 Texas Univ. at Arlington. Inst, of Urban Studies. Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use of Earth Covered Buildings. Proceedings and Notes of a Conference Held at Fort Worth, Texas on 9-12 July 1975 F. L. Moreland. Jul 75, 352p* NSF/RA-760006 Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Subsurface structures, 'Meetings, Environmental engineering, Cost anal- ysis, Psychological effects, Ordinances, Building codes, Design standards, Esthetics. Identifiers: 'Energy conservation, 'Energy con- sumption, 'Earth covered buildings. These proceedings describe the conference held at the University of Texas in Arlington on the sub- ject of the use of earth covered buildings to pro- vide energy efficient buildings as well as a better physical environment. The potential for energy conservation by underground construction is great because of the need for fuel conservation due to depleting resources, and an increase in fuel con- sumption. Topics include: Historical Perspectives; Economics; Environmental Psychology; Energy and Materials; Examples of Earth Covered Build- ings; City Patterns; Political and Legal Consider- ations; Technical Considerations. In addition, an extensive Bibliography on earth covered buildings is presented. PB-254 379/1 PC A06/MF A01 Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, Dayton, Ohio. A Review of Critical Factors Impacting Region- al Water Quality Management Final rept. Mar 76, 111p Rept no. EPA-208-MVRPC-M8 Report on Areawide Waste Treatment Manage- ment Report Program. See also PB-254 378. Pre- pared in cooperation with Environmental Protec- tion Agency, Washington, D.C. Div. of Water Plan- ning, and Linton and Co., Inc., Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Water resources, 'Water quality management, 'Water supply, 'Regional planning, Urban areas, Rural areas, Population growth, Em- ployment, Land use, Solid waste disposal, Sewage treatment, Industrial waste treatment, Flood plains, Runoff, Legislation, Financing, Reviews, Ohio. Identifiers: Miami Valley Region(Ohio), Institutional framework. The critical factors - experience, institutional ar- rangement, and legal and fiscal capabilities - for water quality management, previously discussed in separate reports, are brought together to describe the existing situation in waste treatment, water supply, land use controls, solid waste, storm water, and flood plain control in the Miami Valley (Ohio) area. The information, presented in a narrative with accompanying tables and matrices, is used in the development of the Section 208 (PL 92-500) Areawide Waste Treatment Management Plan. PB-254 416/1 PC A06/MF A01 North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minn. Intensive Plantation Culture. Five Years Re- search Forest Service General Technical rept. May 76, 122p* Rept no. FSGTR-NC-21 Descriptors: 'Forestry, 'Forest trees, Wood fibers, Yield, Density(Mass/volume), Plant growth, Har- vesting, Plant physiology, Biomass, Nutrients, Pine trees, Fir trees, Plant diseases, Management, Eco- nomic development, Wood pulp, Viruses, Particle boards, Insects. Identifiers: Forest plantations, 'Maximum wood yield program, 'Populus, Spruce trees. The report reviews 5 years of progress of the Maxi- mum Fiber Yield program. Twenty separate papers describe achievements and plans for this multipro- ject program. PB-254 469/0 PC A05/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Office of International Relations. Regional Seminar on a System of Standardiza- tion and Metrology for Latin America Final rept. H. Steffen Peiser, and Robert S. Marvin. Feb 76, 100p Rept no. NBSIR-76-988 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-5-71 Descriptors: 'Metrology, 'Units of measurement, 'Latin America, 'Meetings, Standards, Standardi- zation, Information systems, Bolivia, Brazil, Net- works, Telecommunication, Ecuador, Quality con- trol, International relations, Food, Technical assist- ance, Thailand, Industries, Chemical analysis, De- veloping countries, Personnel development, For- eign countries. This report contains the papers presented at the first of a series of Regional Seminars, organized under the technical guidance of NBS and spon- sored by the U.S. Agency for International Devel- opment and the Direccion General de Normas y Tecnologia of Bolivia. The Seminar was held at La Paz on the 24th and 25th of June, 1 974, with par- ticipants from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Korea, Peru, Turkey, Thailand, and the United States of America. The Seminar was organized into four sessions, each of one half day duration, covering: Session 1, 'Interactions for Information'; Session 2, 'Interactions for Standards'; Session 3, 'Interactions for Solutions to Technical Problems'; and Session 4, 'Interaction for Training'. Portions of this document are not fully legible. PB-254 845/1 PC A03/MF A01 Tamil Nadu Dept. of Education, Guindy (India). Light Engineering Project for the Adult Blind Final rept. 1965, 31 p SRS-1 9-581 20-001 Grant SRS-1 9-581 20 Descriptors: 'Vocational guidance, 'Blindness, 'Rehabilitation, Adults, India, Industries, Educa- tion, Projects, Handicapped persons. Identifiers: 'Vocational rehabilitation. To encourage blind persons to become more inde- pendent from traditional charity and to enable them to participate in the rapid industrial develop- ment occurring in the Madras area of Tamil Nadu State, India, a 6-month rehabilitation program trained a total of 121 workers in shop and factory techniques. During the 4-year existence of the project, 51 trained clients obtained industrial jobs at salaries comparable to sighted workers. The project included workshop and 'on-the-job' training as well as training in travel and independent living skills. PB-255 021/8 PC A03/MF A01 Kansas Water Resources Research Inst., Manhat- tan. Swine Waste Digestion Enhancement with Nu- trient Separation Project completion rept. 1 Jul 74-30 Jun 75 Lawrence A. Schmid, and Ralph I. Lipper. Jun 76, 37p Contrib-173, OWRT-A-063-KAN(1) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -501 6 Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, 'Digestion(Decomposition), 'Swine, 'Industrial waste treatment, Anaerobic processes, Waste water, Mixing, Separation, Ammonia, Stripping(Distillation), Removal, Carbon dioxide, Methane, pH, Anaerobic bacteria, Nutrients. A swine waste anaerobic digester receiving the waste from 80 boars was operated for a period of ten months. Digester mixing and nutrient removal were accomplished by the recirculation of digester gases through two stripping units. Phosphoric acid was used to strip ammonia from the recirculated gas stream. Caustic solutions, primarily lime, were used to strip carbon dioxide. The removal of carbon dioxide resulted in an elevation of digester pH to 8.0. At the elevated pH ammonia was more readily stripped. A system specific ammonia de- sorption coefficient was determined which may be used for selecting gas flow rates. The selection of the proper gas flow rate can provide the required degree of ammonia removal to reduce ammonia concentrations to levels non-toxic to anaerobic bacteria. PB-255 104/2 PC A02/MF A01 Institute for Building Science, Budapest (Hungary). Some Aspects of the Construction of Industrial Projects in Developing Countries - Based on Hungarian Experience Analysis of development, science organization, informatics bulletin E. Csorba. 19 Dec 74, 15p Rept no. Bull-17 Descriptors: 'Construction, 'Technical assistance, Developing countries, Economic surveys, Eco- nomic factors, Manpower, Shortages, Hungary, Prefabrication, Reinforced concrete, Planning, Design criteria, Technology transfer. The need of developing countries for developing the industrial construction sector and obtaining technical assistance to achieve this objective in the fastest and most effective way is a well-known fact. Though there is a big variety in the conditions of various developing countries in different parts of the world, certain common factors appear in almost all cases. Many of these factors were char- acteristic for Hungary in the past three decades, and it can be helpful to see what could be used from the Hungarian experience in this field. PB-255 137/2 PC A03/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, College, Alaska. Arctic Environmental Research Lab. Alaska Village Demonstration Projects: First Generation of Integrated Utilities for Remote Communities Oct 73, 36p Rept no. Working Paper-22 Descriptors: 'Alaska, 'Sanitary engineering, Rural areas, Waste water, Sewage disposal, Potable water, Sewage treatment, Regional planning. The report describes the Alaska Village Demon- stration Project which was authorized by Congress in 1 970 to demonstrate methods of providing safe water supplies, toilets, bathing and laundry facili- 123 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ties, sewage disposal, and other similar facilities for remote Alaskan communities. PB-255 444/2 PC A04/MF A01 Dana Larson Roubal and Associates, Pierre, S. Dak. irrigation Feasibility Study - Crow Creek Tribal Farm, Crow Creek Reservation, South Dakota Engineering rept. 1976. May 76, 55p Grant EDA-05-06-01566 Prepared in cooperation with Crow Creek Sioux Tribal Council, Fort Thompson, S. Dak. Descriptors: 'Irrigation, 'Economic development, Soil properties, Climate, Water quality, Farm crops, American Indians, Technical assistance, Feasibil- ity, Cost estimates, Recommendations, South Dakota. Identifiers: Indian reservations, Sioux Indians. The purpose of the study is to investigate and rec- ommend whether irrigation should be used on the Tribal Farm of the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation. Geographical conditions, various proposed irriga- tion methods, cropping systems, and project phas- ing are presented for consideration. Estimated project costs are given and final recommendations made. PB-255 447/5 PC A10/MF A01 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Office of International and Environmental Programs. Coastal Zone Pollution in Indonesia - A Recon- naissance Survey Apr 74, 203p Contract AID/csd-2608 Descriptors: 'Water pollution, 'Oil pollution, 'Coasts, 'Indonesia, Developing countries, Ocean environments, Ecology, Fisheries, Estuaries, Har- bors, Vulnerability, Sedimentation, Pesticides, In- dustrial wastes, Sewage, Dredging. Identifiers: 'Oil spills, Offshore drilling. A number of catastrophic marine oil spills in the 1960's and in 1970 alerted the world to the haz- ards and impacts of marine oil pollution. In the same period, the emergence of other serious kinds of pollution sparked pollution control initiatives in many countries of the world. Environmental im- pacts associated with international development led to the undertaking of the present joint study on oil and other pollution in Indonesia's coastal waters. A survey was made of the impact of off- shore oil exploitation. PB-255 458/2 PC A03/MF A01 Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. Center for the Bi- ology of Natural Systems. Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Per- formance and Energy Use for Selected Farms W. Lockeretz, R. Klepper, B. Commoner, M. Gertler, and S. Fast. Jun 76, 49p* CBNS-AE-7, NSF/RA-760084 Grant NSF-AER-75-19031 Descriptors: 'Farm crops, 'Fertilizers, 'Pesticides, 'Agricultural economics, Grain crops, Corn plants, Output, Market value, Correlation techniques, Nu- trients, Cost estimates, Manpower, Efficiency, Farms. Identifiers: 'Conventional farming, 'Organic farm- ing, Energy use. The report describes a two year study of fourteen pairs of crop-livestock farms in the Corn Belt, in which one member of each pair used only organic fertilization methods and no pesticides, while the other used conventional fertilizers and pesticides. Data are presented on the yields, production costs, and net returns of crop production on these farms for 1 974 and 1 975. Results also are given on the comparative energy consumption, labor inten- siveness, and plant nutrient balance. PB-255 605/8 PC A12/MF A01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Cooperative Ex- tension Service. Pesticide Chemicals. A Programmed Text Max R. Uhlemann, Donald E. Moss, Charles O. Neidt, and Philip C. Minter. Apr 72, 261 p Descriptors: 'Pesticides, 'Agriculture, Books, His- tory, Weed control, Herbicides, Plant diseases, In- sects, Mites, Acaricides, Chlordan, Dieldrin, Live- stock, Parasites, Chlorobenzenes, Questionnaires, Toxicity, DDT, Chlorohydrocarbons, Aldrin. Contents: Weeds; Plant disease, Insects and mites of agricultural importance; Insecticides and miticides; Livestock pests. PB-255 649/6 PC A05/MF A01 International Planning Management Corp., Bethes- da, Md. Small Business in the Metals Industry: A Back- ground Study Final rept. 24 May 76, 88p NSF/RA-76017 Contract NSF-Order-76-SP-0871 Descriptors: 'Mental industry, 'Businesses, 'Eco- nomic surveys, Extractive metallurgy, Technology innovation, Management planning, Marketing, Re- views, Data acquisition, District of Columbia, Gov- ernment policies, Commodity management, Metal- liferous ores, Mining, Beneficiation, Raw materials, Foundries, Materials recovery, Solid waste dispos- al. Identifiers: Waste recycling, High technology in- dustries, Service companies, Secondary materials industry, Small businesses. The objective of this study is to identify the princi- pal small business roles in, and innovations of par- ticular importance to, the metallurgical industry, to- gether with associated planning and policy issues, marketing issues, and institutional arrangements. The scope of this study is confined primarily to the extraction and processing phases of the metals cycle. Extraction includes all stages prior to metal processing: mining, beneficiation of ores, reduc- tion, smelting, and refining of the pure metals. Processing includes alloying, heat treating, rolling, casting, and fabrication. The role of small business in metals recycling and substitution is also consid- ered but with less emphasis. The approach of the study combines literature review and letters of in- quiry with personal interviews in the Washington, D.C. area. Three broad areas were identified in which small business is actively involved: high technology, service companies, and secondary re- covery. A list of the individuals and institutions con- tacted is included in Appendix A, and a selected bibliography in Appendix B. PB-255 882/3 PC A18/MF A01 Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, East Lansing. Crop Productivity - Research Imperatives, Summary of an International Conference on Crop Productivity Held on October 20-24, 1975, at the Boyne Highlands Inn, Harbor Springs, Michigan A. W. A. Brown, T. C. Byerly, M. Gibbs, and S. San Pietro. 1976, 409p* NSF/RA-760176 See also PB-255 881. Prepared in cooperation with Charles F. Kettering Research Lab., Yellow Springs, Colo. Sponsored in part by Energy Re- search and Development Administration, Wash- ington, D.C, and Department of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Food supply, 'Farm crops, 'Meet- ings, Production, Agricultural economics, Manpow- er, Plant genetics, Nitrogen fixation, Pest control, Nutrition, Nitrogen, Carbon, Plant reproduction, Proteins, Microclimatology, Protection, Plant dis- eases, Soil water, Photosynthesis, Fertilizers. An exploding population and an increasingly afflu- ent society impose a more acute challenge to agri- culture than ever before. The proceedings of this international conference reveal a concern for the continued adequacy of our food supply. The focus is on the fundamental biological processes that control productivity of economically important food crops. The proceedings continue with the discus- sions by four speakers on: 'World Productivity: Challenges to Science', 'Rice Responds to Sci- ence', 'Agricultural Productivity and World Nutri- tion', and 'Shooting At A Moving Target'. The con- ference work is conducted by six working groups. They address issues involving: Nitrogen Input; Carbon Input; Water, Soil, and Mineral Input; Plant Protection From Pests; Environmental Stress; and Plant Development Processes. PB-255 911/0 PCA05/MFA01 Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad Special rept. Floyd I. Thiel, Teruki Kitamura, Yasumasa Torii, Allan K. Sloan, and Daniel L'Huillier. 1976, 83p* Rept nos. TRB/SR-168, ISBN-0-309-02487-0 Descriptors: 'Transportation, 'Land use, 'Foreign countries, Noise reduction, Noise pollution, Fi- nancing, Public opinion, Pedestrians, Highway transportation, Urban transportation, Cargo trans- portation, Japan, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Developing countries, Metropolitan areas. The papers discuss some of the ways that trans- portation and land use planning abroad is provid- ing experience that can be helpful in the United States. Geographic areas from which experience is drawn include Japan, Canada, Europe, and the Middle East. Topics include noise and other trans- portation impacts, land use techniques to deal with these impacts, transit financing, public participa- tion, 'pedestrianization' in various countries, pric- ing to restrain parking, truck regulation, highway needs in Canada, and transportation sensitivity considerations in developing countries. PB-255 928/4 PC A03/MF A01 Maryland Univ., College Park. Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Po- tential, Research Needs, and Adoption Strate- gies, Summary and Recommendations F. E. Bender, A. M. Cowan, and R. W. Dillon. Jan 76, 39p Bull-A-185, NSF/RA-760020 Grant NSF-PTP75-10573 Sponsored in part by Agricultural Research Serv- ice, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: Agriculture, Solar heating, Solar drying, Solar space heating, Irrigation, Farm crops, Farm buildings, Greenhouses, Energy consump- tion, Economic analysis, Recommendations. Identifiers: Heat consumption. This report briefly discusses solar applications in: Corn and rice grain drying; Curing of tobacco and peanuts; Heating of animal shelters; Heating of greenhouses and rural, especially on-farm, resi- dences; and, Irrigation. PB-255 980/5 PCA11/MFA01 Social Action Research Center, Berkeley, Calif. Program Development: A Manual for Organiza- tional Self-Study Judith Blanton, and Sam Alley. Aug 75, 230p ADAMA-72-4 Contract PHS-HSM-42-72-143 Descriptors: 'Organizations, 'Management engi- neering, 'Project planning, 'Manuals, Sequencing, Methodology, Human factors engineering, Serv- ices, Models, Development, Cycles, Feedback, Adaptive systems, Objectives, Organization theory, Personnel management, Purchasing, Scheduling, Revisions, Decision making. Identifiers: Self study. This manual was designed for organizations inter- ested in self-development-in improving their plan- ning, their use of resources, and learning from their successes and problems. It provides an example of a kind of situation one might face in attempting to implement that portion of the cycle and allows one to test his knowledge of the ideas presented in each chapter of the manual. PB-256 025/8 PC A08/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Maternal and Child Health Research Final rept. 1 970-75. 1976, 165p* Contract N01-HD-5-2818 Descriptors: 'Infant health care, 'Child health care, Pediatrics, Children, Research, Humans, Em- 124 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS bryos, Pregnancy, Grants, Reproduction(Biology), Funding, Health manpower, Health manpower education, Psychology, Sociology, Recommenda- tions, Tables(Data). Identifiers: 'Maternal and child health care pro- grams, Appendices. The report identifies a number of 'correctable defi- ciencies' in the U.S. research and training efforts and calls upon NICHD to assume 'lead agency' re- sponsibility for initiating and supporting the needed programs and changes to benefit the health of mothers and children, either directly or indirectly, by increasing fundamental knowledge necessary for that goal. PB-256 064/7 PC A10/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. The Implications for American Foreign Policy of Low-Cost Non-Voice Communications. A Report to the Department of State Ithiel de Sola Pool, and Arthur B. Corte. Oct 75, 209p* Also available in set of 3 reports as PB-256 063- SET, PC E99/MF E99. Descriptors: "Telecommunication, "Foreign policy, *Data transmission, International relations, Com- puter networks, Communication satellites, Radio relay systems, Teletypewriter systems, Cost fac- tors. Identifiers: Packet switching, Low costs, Telecon- ferencing. The paper is about the possible effects on interna- tional relations of certain new technologies of communication, specifically: data communication via computer networks, packet switching and sat- ellites. Technology exists today that would, if used, reduce the cost of global teletypewriter communi- cation to levels approximately like the present costs of the mails or of local telephoning. Such low cost, high speed, long distance communication facilities would if implemented profoundly modify patterns of international interaction in business, science, culture, and government. The report at- tempts to outline, for the benefit of that Depart- ment, some facts regarding the technology of low cost transmission of text, and their implications. It also outlines policy alternatives that the Depart- ment should consider. PB-256 065/4 PC A13/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Implications of Low-Cost International Non- Voice Communications. Volume 2. A Report to the Department of Commerce and the Office of Telecommunications Policy Ithiel de Sola Pool, and Arthur B. Corte. Sep 75, 290p* Also available in set of 3 reports as PB-256 063- SET, PC E99/MF E99. Descriptors: "Telecommunication, 'Foreign policy, "Data transmission, International relations, Com- puter networks, Communication satellites, Radio relay systems, Teletypewriter systems, Utilization, Cost factors. Contents: Record communication~a historical view; Growth of international data traffic; Present status of international data communication; New technologies; New services; Prerequisites for the new services; Structure of the international record carrier industry. PB-256 066/2 PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Implications of Low-Cost International Non- Voice Communications. Volume 3. A Report to the Department of Commerce and the Office of Telecommunications Policy. Appendices Ithiel de Sola Pool, and Arthur B. Corte. Sep 75, 104p* Also available in set of 3 reports as PB-256 063- SET, PC E99/MF E99. Descriptors: "Telecommunication, 'Foreign policy, "Data transmission, International relations, Infor- mation services, Postal service, Communications management, Communication satellites, Radio relay systems, Frequency allocations, Cost fac- tors. Identifiers: Spectrum management, Data bases. Contents: Existing data bases; Glossary; A model for an electronic postal system; The grand negotiations-politics, satellites, and decision-making in the international telecommunications union; The US international record communication industry. PB-256 067/0 PC A07/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Low Cost Data and Text Communication for the Less Developed Countries. A Study with Special Reference to the Needs of The Interna- tional Agricultural Research Centers Ithiel de Sola Pool, Elliot Freedman, and Colin Warren. Jan 76, 150p* Descriptors: 'Telecommunication, 'Developing countries, Agriculture, Data transmission, Cost benefit analysis, Technical assistance, Technol- ogy transfer, Cost factors. Identifiers: Low costs. High technology systems of data communication including facsimile, computer polling systems, packet switching, and multiple access satellite sys- tems are manageable in, and appropriate to the needs of the less developed countries. Use of such technologies can (1) markedly reduce costs for some important services, (2) locate activities in those centers where adequate maintenance and technical personnel exists, and (3) give the LDC's access to the best and most advanced technical information bases. PB-256 103/3 PC A02 Rhode Island Univ., Kingston. Dept. of Resource Economics. Optimizing the Growth and Marketing of Fish in a Controlled Environment J. M. Gates, and J. J. Mueller. Jun 75, 7p Marine Reprint-52, NOAA-76050601 Grant NOAA-04-3-158-3, NOAA-04-5- 158-6 Pub. in MTS Jnl., v9 n5 p13-16 Jun 75. Also pub. as Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station, Contrib-1611. Descriptors: 'Fisheries, 'Aquaculture, 'Economic development, Marine fishes, Fishes, Marketing, Prices, Salmon, Growth, Sales, Optimization, Pumping, Feasibility, Heating, Operating costs, Mathematical models, Temperature, Controlled at- mospheres, Linear programming, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Reprints, Sea Grant program. The report assesses the economic feasibility of op- timizing the growth and marketing of fish in a con- trolled environment. This report presents a linear programming model in which processes are includ- ed for sales, growth, water pumping, and recruit- ment. PB-256 128/0 PC A06/MF A01 Development Planning and Research Associates, Inc., Manhattan, Kans. Feasibility Study of a Fish Processing Plant at Kotzebue, Alaska Technical assistance rept. Jun 75, 102p EDA-76-025 Contract C-4-363 15 Descriptors: 'Food processing, 'Fishes, 'Eco- nomic development, Salmon, Marine fishes, Tech- nical assistance, Feasibility, Economic impact, Market research, Alaska, Cash flow. Identifiers: Kotzebue(Alaska), Fish processing. The purpose of the report was to evaluate the eco- nomic and technical feasibility of replacing the present fish processing plant with a new facility at Kotzebue, Alaska. In the past three years, the Co- operative had to consider replacing the plant which was deteriorating. The economic impact of a new processing plant would be significant, there- fore creating more jobs and an increased cash flow. PB-256 406/0 PC A04/MF A01 United Indian Tribe of Western Oklahoma and Kansas. Hog Bristle Processing By-Products and Paint Brush Manufacturing. A Feasibility Report 1976, 67p EDA-76-022 Grant EDA-08-601 573-1 Prepared by General Research Corp., Oklahoma City, Okla. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Technical assistance, 'Manufacturing, 'Brushes, Paint appli- cators, Bristles, Marketing, Product development, Revenue, Profits, Operating expenses, Oklahoma, Kansas. Identifiers: Hog bristles. The report investigates the potential for the manu- facture of natural bristle paint brushes and the po- tential for marketing bristle byproducts. The report also examines both the purchases of bristle on the open market and the use of bristle supplied by processing operations. PB-256 460/7 PC A03/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Resource Recovery Div. Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Further Assist- ance 1975, 34p Rept no. EPA-SW-157.8 Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Urban planning, 'Materials recovery, Resources, Project planning, Industrial plants, States(United States), Community development, Systems engineering, Organizations, Economic assistance, Manuals, Technology innovation, Reclamation, Municipal- ities, Solid waste disposal. Identifiers: Solid waste management. This publication is part of a special series of re- ports prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protec- tion Agency's office of solid waste management programs. These reports are designed to assist municipal officials in the planning and implementa- tion of processing plants to recover resources from mixed municipal solid waste. It deals with planning and management. PB-256 461/5 PC A02/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Resource Recovery Div. Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Financing 1975, 25p Rept no. EPA-157.4 Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Materials recovery, 'Financing, Management planning, De- cision making, Cost engineering, Capital, Solid waste disposal, Reclamation, Urban planning, Marketing, State government, Local government, National government, Government policies. Identifiers: Solid waste management. This publication is part of a special series of re- ports designed to assist municipal officials in the planning and implementation of processing plants to recover resources from mixed municipal solid waste. It deals with financing, decision making, cost engineering, and capital formation. PB-256 748/5 PC A02 Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. Agricultural By-Products as Supplemental Feed for Crawfish Jonathan C. Goyert, James W. Avault, Jr, James E. Rutledge, and Teme P. Hernandez. 1976, 17p LSU-R-76-002, NOAA-76042105 Pub. in Louisiana Agriculture, v19 n2 p10-11 Winter 1975-76. Descriptors: 'Feeding stuffs, 'Diets, 'Crayfishes, Farm crops, Byproducts, Food processing, Animal nutrition, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Reprints, Sea Grant program. In the article is discussed the research that is being conducted to develop a diet for crawfish. The diet for this species would consist of agricultural by- products. A series of repeated experimental feed- ings have been conducted of which the results are included in tables. 125 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-256 771/7 PC A03/MF A01 Bangladesh Univ. of Engineering and Technology, Dacca. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Low-Rise Low-Cost Housing and Extreme Wind Related Problems in Bangladesh Rept. no. 2 Jamilur R. Choudhury. Apr 75, 40p NBS-GCR-76- 74 Contract NBS-4-35770 Descriptors: 'Housing planning, "Bangladesh, Residential buildings, Socioeconomic status, Urban areas, Rural areas, Surveys, Requirements, Wind(Meteorology), Damage, Records, Foreign countries. Identifiers: Wind damage, Low cost housing, Low rise buildings. This report furnishes information on socio-eco- nomic factors, the present conditions of urban and rural housing, and housing needs in Bangladesh for the next ten years. It also provides data on available wind speed records and wind damage statistics and discusses some special problems unique to Bangladesh. PB-256 827/7 PC A06/MF A01 Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale. Fisheries Re- search Lab. Use of Zooplanktophagic Fishes in Channel Catfish Production Ponds Completion rept. 16 Dec 74-15 Dec 75 William M. Lewis. Apr 76, 101p NOAA-76051206 Descriptors: *Catfishes, *Aquaculture, Ponds, Zooplankton, Oxygen, Monitoring, Feeding stuffs, Abundance, Temperature, Biochemical oxygen demand, Depletion, Fresh water fishes. Identifiers: *lctalurus punctatus, Lepomis macro- chirus, Ctenopharynogodon. On basis of a report in the literature, and a previous study, it was postulated that unusually high popula- tions of zooplankters might trigger oxygen deple- tion in catfish production ponds. To investigate this hypothesis, six ponds were stocked with fingerling channel catfish at a rate of 74, 130 fish/ha. The hybrid sunfish were added as zooplanktophagic fish on the supposition that they would prevent the development of a dense population of zooplankton and the effect of this could be measured by chemi- cal monitoring. The hybrid sunfish appeared to have caused a change in the composition of the zooplankton, but their presence did not prevent oxygen from reaching critical levels. There is some evidence that they did affect the oxygen regime of the ponds, although not necessarily favorably. The most valuable observation resulting from the study related to oxygen production-consumption analy- ses based on sunrise-sunset readings. In general, it appeared impractical to stabilize oxygen in cat- fish production ponds without resorting to artificial oxygenation at selected times. PB-257 066/1 PC A06/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Science and Technology Policy, Research Management and Planning in the Arab Republic of Egypt 1976, 106p Contract AID/csd-2584 Report of a Symposium on Science Policy Plan- ning, Held at the National Research Centre, Cairo, April 30-May 1, 1975, and Workshop on the Man- agement and Planning of Research, Held at the National Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo Egypt, May 3-8, 1975. Prepared in cooperation with Academy of Scientific Re- search and Technology, Cairo (Egypt). Descriptors: "Technology transfer, 'Meetings, Re- search management, Education, Manpower, Agreements, Cooperation, Universities, Egypt, United States. In 1974, discussions among Egyptian and Ameri- cans on the role of science and technology in na- tional development planning were begun both at governmental and private levels. Visits to the Arab Republic of Egypt (ARE) by members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and, independent- ly, the creation of an intergovernmental U.S. -Egyp- tian Joint Working Group on Technology, Re- search, and Development, resulted in a decision to convene a conference on the management of sci- entific and technological research. The confer- ence was to focus on science and technology policy, planning, and research management; a 'workshop' format was chosen as the best method to bring together a representative group of Egyp- tian and American physical, natural, and social sci- entists, economists, engineers, and development planners. The two-day symposium provided ample opportunity to contrast science and technology or- ganization and planning in Egypt and the United States to trace the influences of national scientific and technological policies and programs on eco- nomic development, and to examine relationships between university teaching and research and na- tional economic growth. PB-257 357/4 PC A13/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Committee on Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials. Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials James S. Bethel. Sep 76, 280p* NSF/PRA-1 Contract NSF-STP75-01069 Descriptors: 'Natural resources, 'Forestry, 'Agri- culture, 'Energy conservation, Wood products, Farm crops, Cotton plants, Soybean plants, Elas- tomers, Leather, Hides, Algae, Fishes, Solid wastes, Refuse, Biomass, Textiles, Paper prod- ucts, Paperboards, Farm management, Production management, Supply management, Energy man- agement, Substitution. Identifiers: Renewable resources, Fuel substitu- tion. The concept of the Reference Materials System (RMS) is used as a framework for material assess- ment and, more specifically, to address the substi- tution of renewable materials for nonrenewables in particular end uses. The orderly and rational devel- opment of national goals for renewable resources requires the evaluation of alternative materials supply systems in terms of resource supply; availa- ble technology; and energy, manpower, and capi- tal requirements. PB-257 358/2 PC A04/MF A01 New York State Coll. of Agriculture and Life Sci- ences, Ithaca. Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Research in Agriculture. Constraints on In- creasing Agricultural Production in the Trop- ics. Research and Implementation Needs Final rept. Edwin B. Oyer, Charles E. Hanrahan, Glenn H. Beck, J. Ritchie Cowan, and H. David Thurston. 31 May 76, 57p* NSF/PRA-4 Contract NSF-STP75-13988 Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Tropical regions, 'Food supply, 'Research projects, Universities, Farms, Technology transfer, Soils, Natural resources, Plant growth, Inventories, Constraints, Water supply, Fertilizers, Seeds, Pesticides, Feeding stuffs, Animal diseases, Production. Identifiers: Tropical agriculture. The report centers on researchable constraints which can be addressed immediately and, with reasonable inputs, be expected to produce pro- duction-increasing results in 5-10 yrs. Enhance- ment of prospects for technological innovation em- ploying a described global network of agricultural research institutions is suggested. Techniques which will foster farmer-researcher participation in planned and structured research on farming sys- tems of the tropics are called for as a means of increasing food production. Enhancement of ef- forts in the following areas are recommended: (1) evaluation and utilization of available germplasm in cropping systems, (2) inventory of soil resources and determination of amendments needed to pro- duce adapted plants, (3) improvement of water and pest management practices and seed technol- ogy, and (4) utilization of ruminant animals in farm- ing systems with attention to feed supplies, protec- tion from diseases and increased productivity of the animals. PB-257 362/4 PC A06/ M F A0 1 New York State Coll. of Agriculture and Life Sci- ences, Ithaca. Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Research in Agriculture. Increased Productiv- ity from Animal Agriculture Final rept. 1 Jun 75-31 May 76 N. L VanDemark. Jun 76, 108p NSF/PRA-3 Contract NSF-STP75-13987 Descriptors: 'Livestock, 'Animal husbandry, 'Food supply, Research projects, Feeding stuffs, Animal nutrition, Range grasses, Grains(Food), Production, Quality, Fossil fuels, Output, Math- ematical models, Systems analysis. There is a need for continuing emphasis on animal research since animal products contribute about half the nutrients in the US diet. Two-thirds of the feed energy used in producing these products come from inedible substances. Animal agriculture utilizes large acreages of range and other land un- suitable for crops for human consumption and uses huge tonnages of by-products and wastes that could be troublesome environmental pollut- ants. Excess food grains can be used when they are not needed for human consumption. Research is needed to (1) optimize the number of productive animal units, (2) increase food output per animal unit, (3) develop low fossil-energy subsidy meth- ods of livestock production, (4) develop new feed resources, (5) improve animal product quality, and (6) evaluate animal production and biological sys- tems by simulation modelling and systems analy- sis. PB-257 404/4 PC A05/MF A01 Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority, Hart- ford. Front End Recycling: A Study of the Econom- ics of Recycling by Source Separation and Its Application for Fairfield County, Connecticut Ronald Fattibene, and Irving Moy. Jun 76, 94p EDA-76-043 Prepared by Action for Bridgeport Community De- velopment, Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Materials re- covery, 'Separation, Management planning, Feas- ibility, Economic analysis, Glass, Cans, Tin coat- ings, Steels, Metal scrap, Aluminum, Newsprint, Questionnaires, Personnel, Connecticut. Identifiers: 'Waste recycling, Secondary materials industry. A one-year grant from the EDA to the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority was allocated to the CRRA to examine the economics of recycling by source separation in Fairfield County. The pur- poses of the project was to assess the feasibility of a technology system for recycling by source sepa- ration and to determine the practicability of institut- ing such a system and the resulting economic impact of such an enterprise in Fairfield County. Factors to be explored in the course of the study were creation of new jobs, new business, cost benefits from the sale of recycled materials, and cost savings to communities. Conclusions and rec- ommendations reflect the system as it existed at this writing. PB-257 454/9 PC A05/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Municipal Construction Div. Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victo- ria Technical rept. Belford L. Seabrook. May 75, 88p Rept nos. EPA/430/9-75/017, EPA/MCD-16 Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, 'Irrigation, 'Farms, 'Municipalities, Soil properties, Land use, Rainfall, Arid land, Operating costs, Fertilizing, Waste water, Australia. Identifiers: 'Flood irrigation, 'Sewage irrigation, Werribee Farm, Melbourne(Australia). The report concerns the Werribee Farm soil treat- ment area operated by the Melbourne and Metro- politan Board of Works (MMBW). The Board (MMBW) was constituted in 1890 by an Act of the Parliment of Victoria to develop and operate a system of main and general sewerage for the me- 126 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS tropolis. James Mansergh, an eminent sanitation engineer from London, submitted eight alternative schemes, five of which involved treatment by land. Mansergh stated that the Werribee site was situ- ated for land purification of sewage because it was exceptionally dry and had an abnormally low rain- fall compared with surrounding districts. His rec- ommendation, based on proven success in Eng- land, and on the benefit of irrigation in an area of low rainfall, was for disposal by flood irrigation on prepared land without prior treatment of the sewage. Even today raw sewage is used at the Werribee Farm. The Werribee Farm soil treatment system is the outstanding project in Australia from the standpoints of the lowest annual operating costs, success, size and extent of experience with the use of wastewater effluents. PB-257 560/3 PC A04/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Office of Arid Lands Stud- ies. Continuation of the Arizona Water Information System (AWIS) Technical completion rept. K. E. Foster, and K. J. DeCook. 1975, 55p OWRT-A-031-ARIZ(2) Contract DI-14-31-0001-5003 Prepared in cooperation with Arizona Water Re- sources Research Center. Descriptors: * Water resources, 'Information re- trieval, *Data processing, 'Information systems, Hydrologic cycle, Ground water, Water quality, Systems analysis, Water supply, Data storage, Project planning, Abstracts, Regional planning, Colorado River Basin, Arizona, California, Nevada. Identifiers: Hydrologic data. The Arizona Water Information System (AWIS) was developed for storage and retrieval of water resources data and for dissemination of water re- sources information pertaining to the state of Ariz. Collectively, the AWIS system contains a number of distinct elements. The Activity File is a listing of water resource activities and projects dating from 1961, which can be accessed by keywords or by agency to retrieve abstracts and information on approximately 1 ,000 projects; the file recently was updated and additional projects covered in a re- gional program pertaining to the Lower Colo. River Basin portions of Ariz., Calif., and Nev. PB-257 649/4 PC A03/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Municipal Construction Div. Model Facility Plan for a Small Community, Supplement to: Guidance for Preparing a Facili- ty Plan, Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program Sep 75, 45p Rept no. EPA/MCD-08 Descriptors: *Sewage treatment, 'Municipalities, 'Project planning, 'Facilities, 'Construction, Models, Grants, Federal assistance programs, Handbooks, Guidelines, Public utilities. Identifiers: Hypothetical communities, Application making, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1 972, a municipality must prepare a facility plan as part of its Step 2 grant application for the construction of a wastewater treatment works. This model plan for a fictitious small, rural community supplements the Guidance for Prepar- ing a Facility Plan, published in May 1 975. The plan is provided for illustrative purposes only and should not be read as an ironclad guide to facility planning for small, rural communities. PB-257 724/5 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Agriculture Extension Service, Washington, D.C. Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Private Applicators 1975, 27p Prepared in cooperation with Environmental Pro- tection Agency, Washington, D.C. Pesticide Oper- ations Div. Descriptors: 'Pesticides, 'Manuals, Pest control, Spraying, Dusting, Insects, Weed control, Insecti- cides, Plant diseases, Safety, Calibrating, Equip- ment, Law(Jurisprudence), Regulations, Marking, Residues, Utilization. Contents: Pests; Pest control; Pesticides; Labels and labeling; Using pesticides safely; Application equipment; Laws and regulations. Color illustrations reproduced in black and white. PB-257 801/1 PC A05/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Solid Waste Management Programs. Improving Rural Solid Waste Management Practices Theodore L Goldberg. 1973, 91 p Rept no. EPA- SW-107 Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Rural areas, 'Management methods, Technology, Improve- ment, Recommendations, Effectiveness, Environ- mental surveys, Collecting methods, Processing, Storage, Organizing, Objectives, Transferring, Sanitary landfills, Equipment, Financing, Citizen participation. Identifiers: Household wastes. This report surveys what has been done and can be done to raise the quality of solid waste manage- ment in rural America through existing technology. The aspects covered include planning for solid waste management; types of collection, process- ing, and disposal methods; means of financing systems; and citizen support. Although the priority in the report deals with handling wastes from rural residences, any methods discussed can be incor- porated into handling commercial, industrial, or in- stitutional wastes in rural counties and communi- ties. Two problem wastes-agricultural wastes and abandoned vehicles-are not covered. PB-258 003/3 PC E02/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Chicago Circle. Dept. of Materials Engineering. Cracking and Leakage Characteristics of Fer- rocement Water Tanks Interim rept. Antonio J. Guerra, Antoine E. Naaman, and Surendra P. Shah. Sep 76, 62 Rept no. 76-3 Contract NSF-ENG74-20829 Descriptors: 'Water tanks, Mortars(Material), Port- land cements, Reinforcing materials, Wire cloth, Cracking(Fracturing), Leakage, Cost comparison, Cylindrical bodies, Structural analysis. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement. Cylindrical ferrocement tanks were subjected to in- creasing internal water pressures to study the in- fluence of the reinforcing parameters on their cracking and leakage behavior. Based on the infor- mation generated in this investigation, allowable tensile stresses of about 30,000 psi in the steel are recommended for the design of virtually watertight ferrocement tanks. This allowable stress - which is almost twice higher than that recommended by the ACI Committee on reinforced concrete sanitary en- gineering structures - is used in a cost comparison study of water tanks made with ferrocement, rein- forced concrete and steel. It is found that for cur- rent U.S. prices, properly dimensioned and de- signed ferrocement water tanks of up to 300,000 gallon capacity are cost competitive with rein- forced concrete and steel tanks and would have at least equal performance. PB-258 068/6 PC A03/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Div. of Water Planning. Implementing 'Best Management Practices' for Residuals: The Waste Exchange Alan K. Vitberg, Michael L. Rucker, and Christopher H. Porter. Jun 76, 31 p Rept no. EPA/440/9-76/019 Descriptors: 'Materials recovery, 'Benefit cost analysis, 'Utilization, Exchanging, Economic de- velopment, Residues, Solid waste disposal, Tech- nology, Salvage, Water pollution abatement, In- centives, Industrial wastes. Identifiers: State planning. This document presents an overview of a mecha- nism which can be used to facilitate the exchange of wastes, as is, from a generator to a user and its possible role in state and areawide residuals plan- ning efforts. The premise is that many wastes con- tain valuable materials, some of which are in short supply. Extraction of materials from these wastes makes sense from both the conservational and the environmental points of view. Industry can dispose of its unwanted wastes and perhaps receive a monetary bonus. The waste receiver can potential- ly reduce costs for materials. In addition, the envi- ronment is saved from the introduction of potential pollutants from land and water disposal methods. PB-258 402/7 PC A08/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Water Programs. Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems 1975, 160p Rept no. EPA/430/9-74/007 See also PB-21 5 815, and PB-258 403. Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Water distribution, 'Water consumption, Manuals, Ground water, Sources, Surface waters, Rural areas, Water stor- age, Pumping, Water wells, Bacteria, Water qual- ity, Disinfection, Ordinances. Identifiers: 'Water quality data. Contents: Selection of a water source; Ground water; Surface water for rural use; Water treatment; Pumping, distribution, and storage. PB-258 403/5 PC A08/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Water Programs. Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems 1973, 159p Rept no. EPA/430/9-73/003 See also PB-21 5 81 5, and PB-258 402. Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Water distribution, 'Water consumption, Manuals, Sources, Ground water, Surface waters, Rural areas, Water storage, Pumping, Water treatment, Water wells, Bacteria, Water quality, Disinfection, Ordinances. Identifiers: 'Water quality data. Contents: Selection of a water source; Ground water; Surface water for rural use; Water treatment; Pumping, distribution, and storage. PB-258 499/3 PC A05/MF A01 Ebon Research Systems, Silver Springs, Md. Fuel and Energy Production by Byconversion of Waste Materials - State-of-the-Art Silvia A. Ware. Aug 76, 78p* EPA/600/2-76/148 Contract EPA-68-03-0295 Descriptors: 'Synthetic fuels, 'Solid waste dispos- al, 'Energy sources, 'Reclamation, Refuse, Or- ganic wastes, Agricultural wastes, Wood wastes, Solid wastes, Biomass, Fertilizers, Wastes, Cellu- lose, Methane, Ethyl alcohol, Ethanols, Methyl al- cohol, Fuel oils, Char, Anaerobic processes, Hy- drolysis, Fermentation, Digestion(Decomposition), Cost estimates, Technology, Reviewing. Identifiers: Manure, Animal wastes, 'Refused de- rived fuels. This report is a state-of-the-art summary of biologi- cal processes for converting waste cellulosic ma- terials (agricultural, municipal and lumbering wastes) to fuels. It indicates the locations and quantities of suitable wastes and discusses the status of the current processing schemes. The processes discussed are: Acid hydrolysis followed by fermentation; enzyme hydrolysis followed by fermentation; anaerobic digestion of manure and municipal solid waste; and, biophotolysis. PB-258 742/6 PC A08/MF A01 Industrial Environmental Research Lab., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Food and Wood Products Branch. 127 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in the Meat Industry, Held at University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 13-14, 1973 Final rept. Jack L. Witherow, and James F. Scaief. Sep 76, 151p Rept no. EPA/600/2-76/214 Descriptors: *Water conservation, 'Waste water reuse, *Meat, *Food processing, 'Meetings, Ani- mals, Blood, Curing, Brines, Hair, Cleaning, Indus- trial wastes, Byproducts, Packing(Packaging), Beef cattle, Industrial plants, Removal, Reduction, Water pollution control, Livestock, Waste disposal. Identifiers: 'Meat industry, Slaughtering house wastes, Rendering plants, Slaughtering pens, Feedlot wastes, Offal wastes, Paunch. Presented are the proceedings of a workshop on in-plant waste reduction in the meat industry. Forty-five participants from industry, government, and private firms exchanged ideas and experi- ences on waste reduction during the two-day ses- sion. Topics covered were: pens, blood conserva- tion and processing, paunch and viscera handling, rendering and plant clean-up operations. Case his- tories are presented on water conservation in a meat packing plant and in a hog processing plant. PB-258 842/4 PCA11/MFA01 California Univ., Berkeley. Earthquake Engineering Research Center. The Seismic Behavior of Critical Regions of Reinforced Concrete Components as Influ- enced by Moment, Shear and Axial Force Mehmet Bilgin Atalay, and Joseph Penzien. Dec 75, 250p Rept no. EERC-75-19 Grant NSF-AEN73-07732-A02 Descriptors: "Buildings, 'Concrete construction, 'Earthquakes, Columns(Supports), Girders, Loads( Forces), Deformation, Stiffness, Mathemat- ical models. Identifiers: 'Earthquake engineering. Building response caused by moderate to severe earthquake excitation is often in the inelastic range; thus, to enable reliable predictions of over- all performance, the energy absorption and failure characteristics of individual components must be established. For reinforced concrete frame build- ings, the critical or yielding regions may occur in either or both the girders and columns subjected to various combinations of bending, shear, and axial load. To determine the characteristics and modes of failure of columns under excitations causing degradations in stiffness, strength, and energy ab- sorption, a series of twelve members simulating a column between inflection points above and below a floor level were designed and tested dynamical- ly. The variable parameters introduced were (1) magnitude of applied axial load chosen to repre- sent lower, intermediate, and upper story columns, (2) lateral reinforcement percentage chosen to study the influence of confinement on ductility, and (3) history of controlled lateral displacement chosen to determine the effects of rate and se- quence loading. PB-259 318/4 PC A08/MF A01 Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, III. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use Final rept. May-Dec 75 Raymond R. Tison, Nicholas P. Biederman, Timothy Donakowski, Robert H. Elkins, and Jon B. Pangborn. Apr 76, 171p ERDA/NSF-00772/ 75/1 Grant NSF-AER75-00772 Descriptors: 'Wind power generation, 'Systems analysis, Systems engineering, Farms, Rural areas, Electric power consumption, Electric power demend, Electrochemical power generation, Stor- age batteries, Hydrogen-based energy, Fuel cells, Electrolysis, Hydrogen, Inverters, Energy storage, Computerized simulation, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Preliminary designs for wind-energy conversion systems supplying the total energy needs of se- lected farms and a rural home are synthesized. The concept is a fully dedicated system whose components and subsystems are off-the-shelf technology. The principal subsystems and compo- nents are: (1) input (wind turbine, electrolyzer, and rectifiers); (2) storage (batteries, and storage tanks of hydrogen and hot water); and (3) output (invert- er, motor generator, engine generator, and fuel cell). Two methods of energy storage are evaluat- ed for use and subsequently form the bases upon which each design is optimized. It is shown that wind-energy systems based on battery-storage systems are: (1) simpler to construct and maintain; (2) more efficient; and (3) less expensive than those based on hydrogen-storage systems. Fur- ther, the relative economics of each wind-energy system are heavily dependent on wind availability, number of days of energy storage required, and the match between the wind energy available and the energy requirement of the load. Of all the energy requirements characterized, the cash grain operation is shown to be the least adaptable to wind-energy systems. PB-259 512/2 PC A07/MF A01 Iowa State Univ., Ames. Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing Guidelines for Conven- tional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD E. Robert Baumann, Keith L. McRoberts, and C. E. Smith. Jun 73, 133p Grant EPA-5P2-WP- 195-0452 Also available in set of 2 reports as PB-259 511- SET, PC E99/MF E99. Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, 'Municipalities, 'Manpower, Objectives, Specifications, Effective- ness, Personnel development, Cost analysis, Job analysis. This study is one of many which has as its primary objective improved wastewater treatment. In the area of water pollution control, proper wastewater treatment is one such control measure. One mech- anism for good control is to insure that new and existing treatment plants are operated by ade- quate numbers of well-trained staff. This report de- scribes the objectives, manpower planning, and management for treatment plants. PB-259 513/0 PC A06/MF A01 Iowa State Univ., Ames. Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part II. Estimating Costs of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants George E. Lamp, Jr, E. Robert Baumann, Keith L McRoberts, and C. E. Smith. Jun 73, 106p Grant EPA-5P2-WP-1 95-0452 Also available in set of 2 reports as PB-259 511- SET, PC E99/MF E99. Descriptors: 'Sewage treatment, 'Cost analysis, Municipalities, Industrial plants, Classifications, Operating costs, Cost engineering, Manufacturers, Estimates, Tables(Data), Capitalized costs, Re- gression analysis. Effective and efficient wastewater treatment is a function of both the quality of treatment and the cost of treatment. Although the actual quality and cost of treatment cannot be known until after a plant is in operation, estimates of both are needed at various times during the process of planning and designing a wastewater treatment system. The report describes costs, cost factors, data from manufacturers, and operating package plants. PB-259 554-T PC A05/MF A01 Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C. Biology of Peanut Flowering (Biologiya Tsve- teniya Arakhisa) D. P. Umen. 1976, 77p Rept no. TT-74-52016 Trans, from Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-lssledovatelskii Institut Maslichnykh Kultur. Nauchno-Proizvodst- vennyi Sbornik (USSR) n6 1933, by A. K. Dhote. Sponsored in part by National Science Founda- tion, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: 'Peanut plants, 'Plant genetics, 'Plant growth, Plant tissues, Seeds, Humidity, At- mospheric temperature, Books, Translations, USSR. The translation provides a botanical description of the peanut plant; the flowering habits, artificial hy- bridization, seed production, morphology, and growth factors. PB-259 946/2 PC A13/MF A01 Envirex Inc., Milwaukee, Wis. Environmental Sci- ences Div. Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preserva- tion of Water and Wastewater Contract rept. 28 Jun 74-1 Jun 76 J. H. Moser, and K. R. Huibregtse. Sep 76, 278p* EPA/600/4-76/049 Contract EPA-68-03-2075 Descriptors: 'Water analysis, 'Sampling, 'Re- views, 'Waste water, Sediments, Samplers, Water pollution, Field tests, Sewage, Industrial waters, Agriculture, Physical properties, Flow measure- ment, Statistical analysis, Surface water runoff, Sources, Chemical properties, Biological automa- tion, Measuring instruments, Sites, Design criteria, Preserving, Handling, Parameters, Sludges, Metals, Microbiology, Pesticides, Herbicides. Identifiers: Procedures, 'Water pollution sampling. This research program was initiated with the over- all objective of providing guidelines for sampling and sample preservation of waters and wastewaters. Information obtained from a review of the literature and the results of a survey of field practices provides the basis for guidelines in gen- eral sampling techniques, automatic samplers, flow measuring devices, a statistical approach to sampling, preservation of physical, chemical, bio- logical and radiological parameters, and sampling procedures for waters emanating from municipal, industrial, and agriculture sources. Sampling pro- cedures for surface waters and sludges are also included. This report is not an official EPA manual. Rather, it is a research report which is but one of a series being used as an input to develop EPA Man- uals and Guidelines. This report was submitted in fulfillment of Contract No. 68-03-2075 by Envirex, Inc., A Rexnord Company, under the sponsorship of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The report covers the period of June 28, 1974 to June 1,1976. PB-259 956/1 PC A06/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Engineering Experi- ment Station. Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes Final rept. Jun 74-Mar 75 J. W. Tatom, A. R. Colcord, J. A. Knight, and L. W. Elston. Apr 76, 118p EPA/600/2-76/090 Contract EPA-68-02-1485 Descriptors: 'Fuels, 'Agricultural wastes, 'Wood wastes, 'Reclamation, 'Solid wate disposal, Chars, Manufactured gas, Pyrolysis, Oxidation, Economic analysis, Design, Air pollution abate- ment, Mobile equipment. Identifiers: 'Synthetic fuels. The report gives results of an experimental investi- gation of the operating parameters for a mobile waste conversion system based on the Georgia Tech Engineering Experiment Station's partial oxi- dation pyrolysis process. The object of the testing was to determine the combination of parameters producing the most char and oil and the least gas from agricultural and forestry wastes. The test indi- cated both the dominant influence of air/feed on char and oil yields, and the desirability of low values of this ratio. In addition to the testing, a pre- liminary design of a 200 ton/day mobile pyrolysis system for conversion of agricultural and forestry wastes into clean fuels was made and a simplified economic analysis conducted. The results of this work indicate the technical feasibility and the eco- nomic profitability of such a system. PB-259 964/5 PC A05/MF A01 Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., College, Alaska. Arctic Environmental Research Station. Water Related Utilities for Small Communities in Rural Alaska Interim rept. Jul 73-Jun 76 Bertold Puchtler, Barry Reid, and Conrad Christianson. Sep 76, 84p Rept no. EPA/600/3- 76/104 128 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: *Sewage treatment, *Water supply, "Arctic regions, *Sanitary engineering, Rural areas, Toilet facilities, Laundries, Sewage dispos- al, Operating costs, Maintenance, Public utilities, Standards, Alaska. Identifiers: Eskimos, Tertiary treatment. The 'Alaska Village Demonstration Projects' were authorized by Section 113, P.O. 92-500 (86 STAT 816), for the purpose of demonstrating methods to improve sanitary conditions in native villages of Alaska. Central community facilities have been constructed in the native villages of Emmonak and Wainwright to provide a safe water supply; toilets, bathing and laundry facilities; and sewage and waste disposal. The idea of coming to a communi- ty center to secure water, to do the laundry, and to bathe has proven acceptable to the people of Wainwright and Emmonak. However, Alaskan native villages generally can not pay, through serv- ice charges, the full cost of routine operation and maintenance of water-related utilities, especially where complex treatment is required to meet waste treatment standards. The physical-chemical wastewater treatment provided required consider- able modification and detailed operator attention to provide consistent secondary treatment. PB-259 973/6 PC A14/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio. Office of Technology Transfer. Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes Jul 76, 31 7p* Rept no. EPA/625/6-76/003a Also available from Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Technology Transfer, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268. See also report dated 1971, PB-211 968. Descriptors: 'Manuals, * Water analysis, Chemical analysis, Surface waters, Waste water, Industrial wastes, Water pollution, Arsenic, Boron, Bromides, Chlorides, Colors, Organic compounds, Inorganic compounds, Monitoring, pH, Cyanides, Dissolved gases, Fluorides, Iodides, Metals, Trace elements, Oils, Nitrogen, Phosphorus. Identifiers: *Water pollution detection, "Proce- dures, Biochemical oxygen demand, Chemical oxygen demand. This second edition of this manual contains the chemical analytical procedures used in U.S. Envi- ronmental Protection Agency laboratories for the examination of ground and surface waters, domes- tic and industrial waste effluents, and treatment process samples. The manual provides test proce- dures for the measurement of physical, inorganic and selected organic constituents and parameters. PB-259 990/0 PC A04/MF A01 Agricultural Research Council, Khartoum (Sudan). Report of a Workshop on Aquatic Weed Man- agement: Some Prospects for the Sudan and the Nile Basin, Held at Khartoum, Sudan on 24- 29 November 1975 1975, 65p Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: "Aquatic weeds, *Weed control, "Meetings, "Developing countries, Management, Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Recommendations, Utiliza- tion, Nile River Basin, Africa. Identifiers: "Water hyacinths, "Sudan Region(Africa). This is a report of a workshop on the management and utilization of aquatic weeds in the Sudan and the Nile Basin. The workshop, held November 24- 29, 1975, formulated recommendations addressed to one of the most critical environmental problems of the region-the weeds that infest the rivers, swamps, lakes and canals. The report addresses both the water hyacinth problem and the problems of canal weeds, most of which are submerged and not readily seen, but which can render canals use- less by blocking the water flow. It is written for ad- ministrators and scientists in all the countries of the greater Nile watershed and basin, but focuses particularly on the Sudan as a model case for the region. PB-259 991/8 PC A07/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. NAS-CONICET (Argentina) Science Coopera- tion Program. I. The Argentine Telex Network for Scientific and Technical Information. II. Computer-Based Information Services for Sci- ence and Technology Rept. for 15 Aug 70-31 Dec 72. Aug 76, 1 32p Contract AID/csd-2584 Includes summary, 1 Jan 73 to present. Prepared in cooperation with Consejo Nacional de Investiga- ciones Cientificas y Tecnicas, Buenos Aires (Ar- gentina). Descriptors: "Information systems, "International relations, Libraries, Teletypewriter systems, Coop- eration, User needs, Services, Project planning, Project management, Argentina. The NAS-CONICET (Argentina) Science Coopera- tion Program was initiated by the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina (Consejo Nacional de Investigones Cientificasy Tecnicas, or CONICET) and the Board on Science and Technology for International Development, Commission on International Relations, National Academy of Sciences (NAS), with support from the US Agency for International Development in Ar- gentina. This report covers project activities in sci- entific information systems and exchanges, August 15, 1970 through December 31, 1972, and reports briefly on related scientific and technical in- formation activities which have occurred in Argen- tina since the NAS-CONICET project was terminat- ed. PB-259 992/6 PC A09/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ.-Oshkosh. Wastewater Treatment by Natural and Artificial Marshes Final rept. Jun 72-Jun 76 Frederic L. Spangler, William E. Sloey, and C. W. Fetter, Jr. Sep 76, 184p EPA/600/2-76/207 Grant EPA-R-803794, EPA-S-801042 Descriptors: "Marshes, "Sewage treatment, "Pri- mary biological productivity, "Water pollution con- trol, Pilot plants, Municipalities, Phosphorus, Vege- tation, Nutrients, Water quality, Removal, Aquatic plants, Harvesting, Effectiveness, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Ecosystems, Artificial marshes, "Scir- pusvalidus. Investigations were conducted on the use of artifi- cial and natural marshes as purifiers of effluent from municipal treatment plants. Observations were made on marsh influent and effluent quality. Phosphorus distribution in the ecosystem and re- moval by harvesting were studied. Responses of the vegetation to repeated harvesting were record- ed. Artificial marshes consisted of plastic-lined ex- cavations containing emergent vegetation, espe- cially Scirpus validus, growing in gravel. Various combinations of retention time, primary effluent, secondary effluent, basin shape, and depth of planting medium were studied. A polluted natural marsh was studied simultaneously. The degree of improvement in water quality suggests that the process may be acceptable for certain treatment applications. PB-260 051/8 PC A03/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge Contributions from the Sanitary Research Lab- oratory and Sewage Experiment Station. Volume X. Studies on the Digestion of a Sewage-Filter Efluent by a Small and Other- wise Unpolluted Stream Report dated 1 Jul 14-1 Jul 16 Robert Spurr Weston, and C. E. Turner. 1917, 50p Sponsored in part by Public Health Service, Wash- ington, D. C. Portions of this document are not fully legible. Descriptors: "Sewage flow rate, "Sewage treat- ment effluent, Sewage bacteria, Sewage disposal, Water pollution, Stream flow, Stream pollution, Waste disposal. Results are presented of a 2-year study to deter- mine to what extent a stream, lake, or estuary will receive and digest the effluents from sewage puri- fication plants. Emphasis is on the biological as- pects. Data indicates that slowly moving water is able to digest and highly purify effluents in large volume with the first three-fourths of a mile. The process of digestion is almost wholly biological and is extremely sensitive to conditions such as temperature, rainfall, and the amount and charac- ter of plant and animal life. PB-260 469/2 PC A02 Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. School of Forestry and Wildlife Management. Two Major Problems in Culturing Crayfish in Ponds: Oxygen Depletion and Overcrowding James W. Avault, Jr, Larry W. de la Bretonne, and Jay Huner. 1974, 9p LSU-R-74-022, NOAA- 76082609 Pub. in Proceedings of the International Crayfish Symposium (2nd), Baton Rouge, La. 1974 p139- 144 1974. Descriptors: "Crayfishes, "Aquaculture, Ponds, Oxygen, Dissolved gases, Water quality, Harvest- ing, Recommendations. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Reprints. The two major problems in culturing crayfish in ponds are low dissolved oxygen and overcrowd- ing. This paper discusses general field observa- tions of pond failures and suggests solutions. Poor water quality is attributed to one or more of the fol- lowing: Source water of poor quality; pond heavily grown over with terrestrial vegetation at time of flooding; other farm crops occupy the time of the crayfish farmer and poor water circulation in ponds. Two major reasons for overcrowding are that not enough food is available and there is inad- equate harvest. Inadequate harvesting results from: not enough traps used; not harvesting daily; high cost of bait; an abundant supply of wild cray- fish; and other farm duties. PB-260 606/9 PC A14/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Re- sources and Alternative Technologies for De- veloping Countries 1976, 306p* Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: "Developing countries, "Rural areas, "Regional planning, "Energy sources, Solar energy conversion, Wind power, Windpower utili- zation, Hydroelectric power, Photosynthesis, Geo- thermal energy conversion, Energy storage, Re- views, Reviewing. Identifiers: Biological energy conversion. This report provides a summary of the state of the art of alternative technologies frequently suggest- ed as solutions to rural or individual-family energy needs. Moreover, it informs both the technologist and the planner where to go for more detailed in- formation and what kinds of research and develop- ment are needed before a particular device or process is ready for use. PB-260 633/3 PC A04/MF A01 Illinois Dept. of Business and Economic Develop- ment, Springfield. Div. of Energy. Energy Recovery from Solid Waste: A Review of Current Technology Final rept. Dugald O. Black. Jul 76, 68p* NSF/IDOE-76-05 Descriptors: "Energy sources, "Solid waste dis- posal, "Reclamation, "Refuse disposal, Pyrolysis, Incinerators, Biodeterioration, Design, Technol- ogy, Cost analysis, Reviews. Identifiers: Incineration. This report was written to aid a community in se- lecting an energy recovery solid waste disposal system that best fits their needs. The choice of an appropriate conversion process for energy recov- ery is highly sensitive to each local situation. A criti- cal factor to be considered in the selection of any conversion process is the economic aspect of each system. A discussion of the economic factors 129 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS and the relative advantages and disadvantages of each process is included. PB-260 763/8 PC A08/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, Calif. An Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Resi- dues as an Energy Feedstock. Volume I J. A. Alich, Jr, R. E. Inman, and K. Ernest. Jul 76, 164p* NSF/RANN/SE/GI-18615/FR/76/3, NSF/RA-760286 Grant NSF-AER74-18615-A03 See also Volume 2, PB-260 764. Continuation of GrantNSF-GI-18615. Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, *Energy sources, "Waste utilization, 'Organic wastes, Farm crops, Fertilizers, Wastes, Forest trees, Trees(Plants), Bark, Wood, Plant residues(Organic), Waste management, Materials recovery, Electric power generation, Manufactured gas, Low btu gas, High btu gas, Methane, Anaero- bic processes, Cost analysis, Cost estimates, In- ventories. Identifiers: Manure, Energy resources, Feed- stocks. Since agricultural residues (crop and forest wastes and animal manures) constitute a potential supple- mental source of energy, the authors examine the availability of such residues and evaluate their po- tential use as an energy feedstock. The report is presented in two volumes: the method of approach used in inventory development, the collection, har- vesting, and conversion economics, and the over- all concept assessment are presented in Volume I. PB-261 002/0 PC A02/MF A01 Washington State Univ., Pullman. Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Com- mercial Applicators. Right-Of-Way Pest Con- trol Dean G. Swan. 1976, 17p EPA/540/8-76/029 Contract EPA-68-01-2263 Prepared in cooperation with North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, Washington State Highway Com- mission, Olympia, and Minnesota Dept. of High- ways, St. Paul. See also PB-257 723. Descriptors: 'Herbicides, 'Weed control, 'High- ways, Manuals, Plant growth, Plant regulators, Standards, Grasses, Shrubs, Vegetation, States(United States), Windward drift, Right of way acquisition. This guide contains basic information to help meet specific standards for applicators who are en- gaged in right-of-way weed control. Because the guide was prepared to cover the entire nation, some information important to specific states might not be included. PB-261 033/5 PC A12/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Dept. of Natural Re- sources. The Social and Economic Importance of the Caroni Swamp in Trinidad and Tobago Doctoral thesis Bal Siew Ramdial. 1975, 270p NOAA-76092907 Descriptors: 'Recreation, 'Economic develop- ment, 'Caroni Swamp, Land use, Assessments, Fishing, Shellfish, Natural resources, Recreational facilities, Social effect, Values, National parks, Theses, Trinidad and Tobago. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, 'Tourism. The purpose of this study was to assess the social and economic values of the Caroni Swamp as of 1974 and to generate more attention and wider public interest in one of Trinidad and Tobago's most beautiful landscapes. The study finds that various unmet need states such as temporary escape, experiencing nature, intellectual stimula- tion, affiliation, achievement and physical exercise are gratified by a visit to the Swamp. Over 90% of the visitors thought it worthy of preservation. The study estimates the recreational resources of the Swamp at $1 ,038,500 and the number of persons earning a living at 240 full-time and 105 part-time. It estimates the fin and shell fish harvest and value at 1,589,170 lbs. and $981,450 and based on a total annual return of $2,020,020, calculates the present worth of the Swamp at $4,000 per acre. The study concludes that the Swamp, though ne- glected, has many social and economic values beyond tourism. PB-261 091/3 PC A02/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Solid Waste Management Programs. Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Methane Steven J. Hitte. Jul 75, 17p Rept no. EPA/530/ SW-159 Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Sludge dis- posal, 'Anaerobic processes, 'Methane, Synthetic fuels, Manufactured gas, Sewage disposal, Refuse disposal, Organic wastes, Waste processing, Rec- lamation, Economic analysis, Feasibility. Identifiers: 'Sewage sludge, Refused derived fuels. The primary objective of this report is to evaluate the potential for processing organic wastes (solid waste and sewage sludge) using a controlled an- aerobic digestion process for the purpose of pro- ducing methane. PB-261 268/7 PC A02/MF A01 Skokomish Tribal Council, Shelton, Wash. Fish Processing Plant Management Assistance for Skokomish Tribal Council, Mason County, Washington Nov 76, 12p EDA-76-073 Grant EDA-07-6-01 480 Descriptors: 'Food processing, 'Fishes, 'Eco- nomic development, American Indians, Industrial plants, Marketing, Inventories, Accounting, Em- ployment, Production planning, Revenue, Sales, Indirect costs, Training, Personnel, Salmon, Envi- ronmental impacts, Industrial waste treatment, Tables(Data), Washington(State). Identifiers: 'Mason County(Washington). This study seeks to provide assistance and training of tribal members in the management, processing, and marketing of salmon and seafood in the new tribally owned processing plant. Along with the training of personnel to operate the plant, the plant seeks to establish accounting, inventory and pro- duction systems. The benefits of the plant would be three fold. First, the plant would insure that fish- ermen would receive a fair price for their catch. Second, employment for tribal members on the reservation would be created and third, the sea- food processing plant would have the potential of earning sufficient revenues to be used for the de- velopment of additional business and jobs. PB-261 818/9 PC A06/MF A01 Asian Inst, of Tech., Bangkok (Thailand). Ferrocement, A Versatile Construction Materi- al: Its Increasing Use in Asia Ricardo P. Pama, Seng-Lip Lee, and Noel D. Vietmeyer. 1976, 114p* Proceedings of Workshop on Introduction of Tech- nologies in Asia-Ferrocement, a case study. Held at Bangkok (Thailand) on November 5-8, 1974. Sponsored in Part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Office of Science and Technology, and National Academy of Sci- ences, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Reinforced concrete, 'Meetings, Thailand, Construction materials, Concrete con- struction, Shipbuilding, Technology transfer, Resi- dential buildings, Bins, Water tanks. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement. The workshop brought together engineers, scien- tists, administrators, and businessmen and gave them the opportunity to exchange views on, and experience with, ferrocement. The workshop's basic purposes were: (1) to survey both the state of the art of ferrocement technology and its appli- cations important to Southeast Asia; (2) to provide information on ferrocement research and develop- ment taking place in Asia and to share the knowl- edge and experience gained thus far; (3) to dis- cuss the most promising methods of introducing ferrocement technology to Asia from the point of view of effectiveness, cost, and social acceptabil- ity; (4) to recommend areas of technical and social research that need to be carried further with re- spect to ferrocement. Demonstrations of ferroce- ment construction were held during the workshop. Fifty five participants from 17 nations attended. Im- mediately following the workshop, a demonstration for the benefit of some 50 village heads from sev- eral districts in Pathumtani province was held. PB-261 939/3 PC A12/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mass. Marine Polyculture Based on Natural Food Chains and Recycled Wastes Technical rept. John H. Ryther. Oct 76, 275p WHOI-76-92, NOAA-761 11019 Contract E(11-1)-2948, Grant NOAA-04-6-158- 44016 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Algae, 'Sewage treat- ment, 'Food chains, Nitrogen cycle, Waste water reuse, Sea water, Circulation, Oysters, Clams, Mussels, Shellfish, Growth, Mollusca, Nutrients, Crustacea, Invertebrates, Fishes, Sea grasses, Lobsters, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Sewage effluents, 'Waste water, 'Sec- ondary sewage treatment. Research has continued during the past Sea Grant fiscal year on the development, testing, and evalu- ation of a combined waste recycling-marine poly- culture system. The concept of the system is to grow unicellular marine algae (Phytoplankton) in mixtures of seawater and the effluent from a sec- ondary sewage treatment plant. The algae grown in continuous flow-through cultures, are then fed to bivalve molluscs, such as oysters, clams, scallops, or mussels. The algae remove the nutrients from the wastewater and the molluscs remove the algae. Finfish (winter flounder) and Crustacea (American Lobster) are stocked as post-larval or juvenile animals together with the molluscs to feed upon the solid wastes (feces and pseudo feces) produced by the shellfish and upon the small inver- tebrate fauna (polychaete worms, amphipods, etc.) that are supported by these wastes. Sea- weeds constitute a final polishing stage to the system, receiving the effluent from the animal cul- ture system and removing from it nutrients regen- erated through excretion and metabolism of the animals as well as any nutrients from the wastewater not initially removed by the phyto- plankton. Twelve reports by various authors are compiled in this volume. PB-262 039/1 PC A04/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mass. Marine Technology Transfer as Foreign Aid to Less Developed Nations from Oceanographic Institutions in Industrialized Countries: A Search for an Effective Mechanism in the Edu- cational Sector Technical rept. M. Lamin Sarr. Sep 76, 59p WHOI-76-84, NOAA- 761 11031 Grant NOAA-04-6-1 58-4401 6 Descriptors: 'Marine engineering, 'Technology transfer, 'Developing countries, Systems analysis, Organizations, Performance evaluation, Oceanog- raphy, Training devices, Organizations, Problem solving, Personnel development, Scientists, For- eign aid. Identifiers: Deficiencies, Industrialized countries. This study examines systems of transferring marine technology through education and training and suggests solutions to the problems that have been the cause of failure in the process. In so doing, the nature of the educational institutions, both in the industrialized nations and in those de- veloping nations where they exist have been re- viewed. Inadequacies have been identified at both levels; inadequacies that stem not only from the educational systems but also concerning govern- ment involvement as well as social attitudes. This problem identification is followed by suggested so- lutions for each case and in some instances such suggestions are supported and substantiated with descriptions of cases where success or at least potential for success have been achieved. 130 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-262 055/7 PC A03/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. The Role of U.S. Engineering Schools in Devel- opment Assistance Rept. for Sep 73-Jun 75. 1976, 39p* Contract AID/csd-2584 Library of Congress catalog card no. 76-62526. Descriptors: 'Developing countries, "Technical as- sistance, 'Engineering schools, United States, Roles(Behavior), Economic development, Educa- tion, Constraints, Forecasting, Recommendations, Surveys, Meetings, Opinions. Identifiers: Priorities. This report is one of a series undertaken under the auspices of the Board on Science and Technology for International Development (BOSTID) of the Commission on International Relations of the Na- tional Research Council, a joint agency of the Na- tional Academy of Sciences, the National Acade- my of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The report was requested by the Agency for Inter- national Development. The panel responsible for the report was composed of educators from engi- neering schools in the United States and develop- ing countries, along with one engineer from an in- ternational technical assistance agency. Together they represent a cross section of engineering dis- ciplines. The project was designed to obtain in- formed judgments of panelists on the future role of U.S. engineering institutions in assisting develop- ing nations. It was not intended to be a formal re- search exercise. The report is based upon delib- erations of the panel in September 1 973, January 1974, and June 1975, and upon subsequent dis- cussions by members of the panel. Preliminary work had been done by another panel during 1971-72. PB-262 179/5 PC A08/MF A01 Connecticut Valley Historical Museum, Springfield, Mass. The Upper Factory Brook Sawmill Site: An Early Industrial Site in Middlefieid, Massachu- setts Final rept. May 74-Apr 76 John S. Wilson. Apr 76, 174p Contract NPS-CX-4000-4-0026 Descriptors: 'Sawmills, 'Technology, 'History, Methodology, Rural areas, Sites, Massachusetts, Equipment. Identifiers: Shortcomings, Artifacts, * Middlefield(Massachusetts). The rural millwright of colonial or early 1 9th-cen- tury America derived much of his technical infor- mation from sources very unlike the engineering texts of today. At best, he followed manuals which relied heavily upon 'rule-of-thumb' procedures. At worst, he used only his own experience as a guide. The results of such irregular information flow in a fairly technical craft have seldom been considered. The Upper Factory Brook Sawmill Site, an early 19th-century mill, was constructed by men relying on 'folk' knowledge, and exhibits several major flaws in its construction. These flaws demonstrate the problems resulting from an incomplete 'mental template' of a complex mechanism due to the in- correct or incomplete 'folk' knowledge of the build- ers, and indicate one of the effects of poor com- munication during a period of general technologi- cal advancement. PB-262 338/7 PC A05/MF A01 National Center for Appropriate Technology, Butte, Mont. A National Program to Develop and Implement Technologies Appropriate for Low-Income Communities 7 Sep 76, 93p OEO-LN-1710 Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Technol- ogy innovation, Low income groups, Energy, Con- servation, Socioeconomic status, Information cen- ters, Weatherproofing, Hydroponics, Solar heating, Wastes, Project planning. The proposal for a National Center for Appropriate Technology suggests a program of research and development, with a specific mission in its first year of developing, modifying, adapting, and imple- menting technologies which can be helpful to poor people. Particularly it deals with the problems of rapidly increasing energy cost, and with a specific focus on technological support to the CSA Weath- erization Program. PB-262 488/0 PC A15/MF A01 Action/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and the Subtropics Program and training journal reprint series Samuel C. Litzenberger. Sep 76, 332p Rept no. Reprint Ser-10 Prepared by Agency for International Develop- ment, Washington, D.C. Crops Production Div. Descriptors: 'Farm crops, 'Agronomy, 'Tropical regions, Grain crops, Grains(Food), Leguminous plants, Oilseed crops, Fruits, Vegetables, Fiber crops, Tobacco plants, Manuals. Contents: The tropical environment for crop production; Farming systems for the tropics and subtropics; General principles of improved crop production in the tropics and subtropics; Cereal crops; Food grain legumes; Oil seed crops; Starchy crops; Fiber crops; Special crops. PB-262 489/8 PC A09/MF A01 Katzen (Raphael) Associates, Cincinnati, Ohio. Chemicals from Wood Waste Final rept. Allan E. Hokanson, Vincent B. Diebold, Douglas W. Bennett, Russell P. Klier, and Stephen A. Stein. 24 Dec 75, 196p Rept no. AN-441 Sponsored in part by Forest Products Lab., Madi- son, Wis. Descriptors: 'Organic compounds, 'Wood wastes, Economic analysis, Cost estimates, Carbinols, Methyl alcohol, Ethanols, Phenols, Furfurals, For- maldehyde, Operating costs, Capitalizing costs, In- dustrial plants, Process charting, Design criteria, Paper industry, Production. A study of the economics of producing chemicals from wood waste was carried out for the Forest Products Laboratory. Results included: (1) outlin- ing chemical processes based on known technol- ogy for producing methanol, ethanol, formalde- hyde, furfural, and phenols from wood waste; (2) estimating investment and operating costs for these plants; and (3) comparing the economics with those for producing the same chemicals from more conventional raw materials. PB-262 511/9 PCA05/MFA01 Action/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Visual Aids - A Guide for Peace Corps Volun- teers Program and training journal reprint series. Mar 76, 82p Rept no. Reprint Ser-2 Descriptors: 'Visual aids, 'Public health, 'Devel- oping countries, 'Handbooks, Instructional materi- als, Social welfare, Personnel development, Tech- nology, Instructional materials, Selection, Method- ology, Reference groups, Preparation, Fabrication, Motivation, International relations, Symbols. Identifiers: Latrines, Peace Corps, Volunteers. This volume, part of the Program and Training Journal Reprint Series, is integral to Peace Corps efforts to provide technical support to its Volun- teers and to share its material on intermediate technology with other participants in the interna- tional development community. Successful inter- mediate technologies designed for use in develop- ing countries utilize low cost, locally available re- sources and provide new methods and ap- proaches that are relevant to the needs of the users. While supplementing, testing, and modifying the materials made and used volunteers will con- tinue to develop new techniques and strategies. The questions, developments and adaptations will provide a framework for future manuals. PB-262 606/7 PC A04/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Health Education: A Study Unit on Fecal-Borne Diseases and Parasites Program and training journal reprint series Merry Lee Corwin. Mar 76, 60p Rept no. Reprint Ser-1 Prepared by Peace Corps/Philippines. Descriptors: 'Health education, 'Parasitic dis- eases, Manuals, Public health, Feces, Infectious diseases, Parasites, Life cycles, Disease vectors, Preventive medicine, Philippines, Developing countries. The purpose of this unit is to help the student reach a real understanding of how a person's habits determine his health. Through a step-by- step learning procedure, this unit is designed to present the knowledge necessary to gain this un- derstanding in a logical progression. The child should be educated about these diseases so that in the end he will understand (1) that these dis- eases are important to know about; (2) that a cer- tain few things are spreading them; (3) that these diseases can be prevented; (4) that each person is responsible for the state of his own health. All these diseases are prevalent in the Philippines, and they are here mainly because most people simply do not know about them and how they are spread and how serious they are. It has been found that if this unit is well taught in the school, it can generate effects which will result in the im- provement of health and sanitation practices in the community. PB-262 630/7 PC A03/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Peace Corps Intermediate Technology for 15 Years Program and training journal reprint series. May 76, 32p Rept no. Reprint Ser-A Descriptors: 'Mechanical engineering, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Technology innovation, Manuals, Experimental design, Performance evaluation, Equipment, Creativity, Centrifuges, Dusting, Bel- lows, Pest control, Braille, Blocks, Grain, Storage, Drying apparatus, Silos, Construction, Earthquake resistant structures, Tiles, Roofs. Identifiers: 'Contrived equipment, Peace Corps, Volunteers, Letter blocks, Crop dusters, Grain stor- age. The effort to devise and implement intermediate technologies has been a hallmark of Peace Corps activity since the organization's inception in 1961. A major effort is currently underway to take Volun- teer-developed technologies beyond the areas where they were first devised and to make them available to the wide range of development work- ers who may need them. Manuals are issued that review Peace Corps-generated materials. PB-262 631/5 PC A06/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Agricultural Mathematics for Peace Corps Vol- unteers Program and training journal reprint series. Mar 76, 103p Rept no. Reprint Ser-4 Prepared by Development and Resources Corp., Washington, D.C, Contract PC-73-1034. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Mathematical analysis, Handbooks, Measurement, Water flow, Irrigation, Construction, Construction materials, Founda- tions, Concrete, Agricultural machinery, Units of measurement, Runoff, Yield, Farm crops. This manual is designed to convey insights into various agricultural practices and techniques. Pri- mary emphasis is given to providing answers and procedures for the solution of specific agricultural mathematic problems. These areas include: Water and irrigation, construction, land leveling and crop 131 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS production, agricultural machinery, and general ag- ricultural information. PB-262 735/4 PC A07/MF A01 Texas Univ. at Austin. Center for the Study of Human Resources. An Analysis of Selected Start-Up Industry Training Programs as Vehicles for Human Re- sources Development Final rept. Aug 73-1976 Roy R. Van Cleve. Dec 76, 135p DLMA-21-48- 74-01-1 Grant DL-2 1-48-74-01 Extracts Presented - Task Force on Southern Rural Development, August, 1975. ASSA Decem- ber 1975, Dallas. Descriptors: * Industrial training, 'Technology inno- vation, 'Economic development, "Low income groups, Manpower utilization, Upgrading, Salaries, Personnel development, Hypotheses, Regression analysis, Projects, Evaluation, Unemployment, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Counties, Socioeconomic status, Regional plan- ning, Specialized training, Economic surveys. Identifiers: Underemployment. The 'start-up' industry training concept has re- ceived considerable attention as a way to better match workers and jobs, to 'leapfrog' the industrial development process by attracting higher-wage in- dustry to an area through upgrading local work forces, and to make it possible to increase the wages of low-income workers. This study exam- ines in detail the programs of South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Alabama and their effect on industrial relocation trends and the leap- frogging of the unemployed and underemployed into the labor force. PB-262 745/3 PC A06/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. A Glossary of Agricultural Terms: English- Spanish, Spanish-English Program and training journal reprint series. Mar 76, 103p Rept no. Reprint Ser-9 Prepared by American Univ., Washington, D.C. American Language Center. Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, Dictionaries, Spanish language, English language, Instructional materi- als. This bilingual glossary is a modest attempt to fill one of the needs of Spanish-speaking agricultur- ists receiving training under the program of the In- ternational Cooperation Administration. The list is not complete in any sense. It is based largely on suggestions made by experts engaged in the train- ing of foreign agricultural specialists both abroad and in the United States. PB-262 746/1 PC A08/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Crop Production Handbook for Peace Corps Volunteers Program and training journal reprint series. Mar 76, 153p Rept no. Reprint Ser-6 Prepared by Development and Resources Corp., Washington, D.C, Contract PC-73-1034. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Farm crops, Manuals, Production, Climate, Soil properties, Soil classifica- tion, Soil fertility, Fertilizers, Weed control, Plant growth, Insect control, Entomology, Grain crops, Plant diseases, Leguminous plants, Sugar beets, Fiber crops, Oilseed crops. This manual is designed to convey insights into basic crop production principles and practices. Pri- mary emphasis is given to providing explanation and illustration of soil, plant, and water relation- ships as they affect crop production. Care has been taken to make the content realistic and meaningful and to present it with as non-technical a vocabulary as is possible. PB-262 747/9 PC A06/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Irrigation - Principles and Practices for Peace Corps Volunteers Program and training journal reprint series. Mar 76, 1 1 6p Rept no. Reprint Ser-5 Prepared by Development and Resources Corp., Washington, D.C, Contract PC-25-1703. Descriptors: 'Irrigation, 'Agriculture, Manuals, Control equipment, Subsurface irrigation, Surface irrigation, Sprinkler irrigation, Soil properties, Soil water, Pipelines, Pumps, Drainage, Runoff, Salin- ity, Ditches, Weirs, Soil texture, Tables(Data). Contents: Irrigation principles; Water measurement; Irrigation water control; Drainage; Irrigation planning and special information related to irrigated crop production and relevant problems; Explanation for irrigation implements; Plans for animal drawn implements useful in field preparation for irrigation. PB-262 748/7 PC A06/MF A01 Washington State Dept. of Fisheries, Olympia. Library Search of Japanese Fishery Research Publications Completion rept. 1 Apr-31 May 76 Ronald E. Westley. Sep 76, 1 12p NOAA- 76112401 Descriptors: 'Shellfish, 'Aquatic animals, 'Bibliog- raphies, Clams, Shrimps, Mollusca, Squids, Ce- phalopoda, Aquaculture, Reproduction(Biology), Life cycles, Growth, Japan, United States. The marine animals, abalone, clams, scallops, squid, and shrimp, are all important marine re- sources; and because of this, they require careful management for optimal utilization. In order to de- termine the best management strategies, it is nec- essary to understand the research that has been done both in the U.S. and abroad. This report was prepared to indicate the extent of the literature on each of these animals, and special emphasis has been placed on the literature from Japan. This list- ing should make it possible to determine whether the preparation of up-to-date review papers would be beneficial. The references are organized by topic; under each topic the references are listed in alphabetical order by author. PB-262 754/5 PC A14/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Health Training Resource Material for Peace Corps Volunteers Program and training journal reprint series. 1976, 31 8p Rept no. Reprint Ser-3 Descriptors: 'Specialized training, 'Hygiene, 'De- veloping countries, 'Health education, Nutrition, Sanitation, Children, Food, Clothing, Washing, Insect control, Public health, Instructional materi- als. Identifiers: Peace Corps volunteers. This volume, part of the Program and Training Journal Reprint Series, is integral to Peace Corps efforts to provide technical support to its Volun- teers and to share its material on 'intermediate technology' with other participants in the interna- tional development community. Successful inter- mediate technologies designed for use in develop- ing countries utilize low cost, locally available re- sources and provide new methods and ap- proaches that are relevant to the needs of the users. Each Reprint, concentrating on a specific topic, is intended to contribute to PCVs' ability to respond creatively to challenges in the field. PB-262 768/5 PC A04/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. An Expanded Collection of Language Inform- ant Techniques Program and training journal reprint series Gary Engelberg. Jun 76, 58p Rept no. Reprint Ser-12 Prepared by ACTION/Peace Corps, Dakar (Sen- egal). Regional Training Resource Office. Descriptors: 'Languages, 'Learning, Methodolo- gy, Specialized training, Developing countries. Identifiers: Peace Corps volunteers. Techniques for learning the sounds and structures of a language, especially unwritten, from native speakers of the language, usually pedagogically unskilled and often unlettered, have long been part of modern descriptive linguistics. But the Peace Corps has only recently recognized their value. Their purpose is to allow PCVs to: (1 ) Continue lan- guage learning in the field without trained teach- ers; (2) avoid the pitfall of talking about language through involved grammatical discourse with local 'scholars'; (3) develop their own materials concen- trating on problems peculiar to their dialect area and job when texts, especially drills and exercises, are unavailable; and (4) create varied and interest- ing learning sessions for both Volunteer and in- formant. PB-262 769/3 PC A06/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Soils, Crops, and Fertilizer Use. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers Program and training journal reprint series Dave Leonard. Mar 76, 1 1 1 p Rept no. Reprint Ser-8 Prepared by Peace Corps Training Center, Areci- bo, Puerto Rico. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Soils fertility, 'Farm crops, Soil profiles, Fertilizers, Recommendations, Soil tests, Acidity, pH, Calcium oxides, Manuals. Contents: Some facts about soils; Understanding soil fertility; Organic fertilizers; Chemical fertilizers; How to determine fertilizer needs; Using fertilizers; Getting the most out of fertilizers; Liming soils. PB-262 820/4 PC A03/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Tales of Wisdom in Folly - A Course in Con- trolled Composition Program and training journal reprint series Joan Kayeum. Jun 76, 49p Rept no. Reprint Ser- 13 Descriptors: 'Specialized training, 'Writing, Eng- lish language, Syntax, Instructional materials, Stu- dents. Identifiers: Peace Corps volunteers, English(Second language). Wisdom in Folly is a collection of Mullah Nasruddin tales that are commonly enjoyed in Afghanistan. These tales have been adapted to form a course in controlled composition for students studying Eng- lish as a foreign language at the Faculty of Educa- tion, Kabul University. It is patterned after a con- trolled writing course titled Ananse Tales by Gerald Dykstra and Richard and Antonette Port. PB-262 851/9 PC A05/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. L'Utilisation du Silo Fosse et des Lecons Tech- niques. (The Use of Pit Silos, and Technical Lessons.) Program and training journal reprint series Leslie A. Temanson. Jun 76, 76p Rept no. Reprint Ser-15 Text in French. Adapted from a brochure, 'Les Silos Fosses dans le Savane Africaine' by James E. Diamond, 1971. Descriptors: 'Silos, 'Underground storage, Devel- oping countries, Africa, Agriculture, Instructional materials. The report describes the construction, use, and maintenance of underground silos for agricultural purposes. Also included is an instruction manual 132 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS related thereto. (Portions of this document are not fully legible.) PB-262 928/5 PC A17/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Glossary of Environmental Terms: Spanish- English, English-Spanish Program and training journal reprint series Richard E. Saunier. Jun 76, 390p Rept no. Reprint Ser-17 Descriptors: "Dictionaries, Spanish language, Eng- lish language, Words(Language), Environments. This volume, part of the Program and Training Journal Reprint Series, is integral to Peace Corps efforts to provide technical support to its Volun- teers and to share its material on 'intermediate technology' with other participants in the interna- tional development community. This glossary was not compiled to standarize usage. Rather it was compiled for the use of Peace Corps Volunteers who, because of where, how and why they work, are required daily to communicate in terms that are often neither cultured nor correct. PB-262 929/3 PC A16/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Combatting Hansen's Disease Program and training journal reprint series Daniel T. Pekarske. Jun 76, 371 p Rept no. Reprint Ser-16 Descriptors: * Leprosy, Developing countries, Man- uals, Bacterial diseases, Infectious diseases, My- cobacterium leprae, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Immunology, Epidemiology, Pathology, Clinical medicine, Public health, Health education, Diagno- sis, Chemotherapy, Social welfare, Patients, South Korea, Health science centers, Government, Pre- ventive medicine. Identifiers: * Hansen's disease, Chronic disease management. Contents: Pertinent physiology and immunology; Hansen's Disease-three perspectives; Health education; Case finding; Diagnosis; Patient management; Cooperating institutions. PB-262 951/7 PC A04/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Guidelines for Development of a Home Indus- try Program and training journal reprint series Lynn Olcott. Jun 76, 68p Rept no. Reprint Ser-14 Descriptors: * Handicapped persons, 'Rehabilita- tion, Crafts, Project management, Marketing, Social welfare, Manuals, Ethiopia. Identifiers: Peace Corps volunteers. This book attempts to describe the operations of the Volunteer Rehabilitation Project (VRP), a handicraft project for handicapped persons (mostly leprosy patients) in Ethiopia. The goal is to establish a setting in which handicapped persons can, by modifying known skills and learning new skills, earn a living wage; thereby allowing handi- capped persons to be economically self-sufficient members of society. PB-263 089/5 PC A09/MF A01 Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Water Resources Re- search Center. Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multiple-Use Subtropical Reservoir Technical rept. Reginald H. F. Young, Gordonn L. Dugan, L. Stephen Lau, and Hiroshi Yamauchi. Jul 75, 191pTR-89, W77-03825 Descriptors: 'Water pollution, 'Reservoirs, 'Sewage treatment, 'Aquatic biology, Algae, Growth, Fishes, Toxicity, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Bioassay, Concentration(Composition), Tables(Data), Sediments, Chlorine, Tolerances(Physiology), Nutrients, Oxygen, Dis- solved gases, Oahu Island, Hawaii. Identifiers: 'Eutrophication, 'Wahiawa Reservoir, 'Water quality data. The impact of secondary-treated effluents from the Wahiawa and Whitmore Sewage Treatment Plants on the Wahiawa Reservoir, Oahu, was in- vestigated in terms of water and sediment quality, algal growth potential, and fish toxicity. Reservoir and waste water management alternatives were investigated based on these environmental inputs and preliminary estimates of costs and benefits of the alternatives. Nitrogen and phosphorus result- ing from the discharges were determined to be re- sponsible for seasonal stresses on both the water quality and fishes. The two most feasible alterna- tives for improving the situation were reuse of sec- ondary effluent for sugarcane irrigation and sea- sonal tertiary waste water treatment with the latter being the more favored of the two. PB-263 155/4 PC A22/MF A01 Office of Water Research and Technology, Wash- ington, D.C. Water Resources Scientific Informa- tion Center. Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography. Volume 2 Rept. for Mar 73-Sep 76. Dec 76, 51 2p* Rept nos. OWRT/WRSIC-76/206, W77-03968 See also PB-220 349. Descriptors: 'Irrigation, 'Bibliographies, Efficiency, Farm crops, Water supply, Sprinkler irrigation, Sub- surface irrigation, Surface irrigation, Patents, Water conservation, Soil moisture, Deserts, Arid land, Salinity, Agronomy, Ground water, Pumping. Identifiers: 'Drip irrigation, Trickle irrigation. This report, containing 346 abstracts, is another in a series of planned bibliographies in water re- sources produced from the information base com- prising SELECTED WATER RESOURCES AB- STRACTS (SWRA). Volume 2 covers the period from March 1973 through September 1976 (Volume 9, Number 18). Author and subject index- es are included. PB-263 175-T PC A08/MF A01 Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C. Pollination of Entomophilous Agricultural Crops by Bees 1976, 159p Rept no. TT-74-52010 Trans, of mono. Opylenie Pchelami Entomofilnykh Selskokhozyaistvennykh Kultur, Moscow, 1972, by V. S. Kothekar. Sponsored in part by National Sci- ence Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special For- eign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: 'Farm crops, 'Pollen, 'Bees, Arthro- poda, Seeds, Apple trees, Leguminous plants, Toxicology, Books, Production, Economic factors, Oilseed crops, Forest land, Citrus trees, Food, Greenhouses, Polar regions, Yield, Translations, USSR. Identifiers: 'Entomophilous plants, 'Pollination, Buckwheat plants. A large number of scientific experiments and con- siderable progressive farming have demonstrated that pollination of flowers by bees is an effective and cheap biological means to improve the yields of entomophilous crops. The present book con- tains the results of the latest studies on the use of honeybees for increasing the yields of entomophi- lous crops and honey production through planned bee pollination. This volume of collected articles is of interest to workers in the fields of apiculture and plant cultivation, specialists, research workers, and amateur beekeepers. PB-263 349/3 PC A07/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Teaching Manual: School Gardens and Nutri- tion. (Manual Didactico: Huertos Escolares y Nutricion) Program and training journal reprint series. Sep 76, 144p Rept no. Reprint Ser-18 Prepared by Peace Corps/Guatemala. Originally published by Ministerio de Educacion, Guatemala City. Programa de Nutricion y Huertos Escolares para el Area Rural. Text in Spanish. Descriptors: 'Health education, 'Nutrition, 'Horti- culture, 'Hygiene, Public health, Manuals, Devel- oping countries, Vegetables, Guatemala, Rural areas, Instructional materials. Identifiers: Peace Corps volunteers, 'Gardens. The report is a teachers manual covering school gardens, nutrition, and personal hygiene. It was originally intended for use by Peace Corps Volun- teers working in rural primary schools in Guatema- la. PB-263 350/1 PC A05/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Office of Multilateral and Special Programs. Resources for Development: Organizations and Publications Program and training journal manual series. Nov 76, 93p Rept no. Manual Ser-3A Descriptors: 'Organizations, 'Social welfare, 'Project planning, International relations, Econom- ic development, Businesses, Education, Special- ized training, Developing countries, Labor unions, Rural areas, Technical assistance, Instructional materials, Children, Energy, Farms, Housing, Re- sources, Marketing, Family relations, United States, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Periodicals. Identifiers: 'Peace Corps, Cooperatives. The report was compiled to enable Peace Corps field workers to coordinate their efforts with those of other development agencies and organizations. Planning and implementing programs in conjunc- tion with others will maximize efficiency, enhance Peace Corps contributions, and increase opportu- nities for learning. PB-263 399/8 PC A19/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Dept. of Marine Resources Information. Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Sub- tropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume I Bryant F. Ill Cobb, and Alexandra B. Stockton. Oct 76, 432p TAMU-SG-77-104, NOAA- 76122901 Grant NOAA-04-6-1 58-4401 2 Descriptors: 'Fisheries, 'Tropical regions, 'Meet- ings, Shellfish, Crustacea, Aquaculture, Marine bi- ology, Biochemistry, Contamination, Biphenyl, Fresh water fishes, Marine fishes, Seafood, Hydro- carbons, Animal diseases, Shrimps, Reproduction(Biology), Animal physiology, Market research, Lobsters. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Biphenyl/chloro. Volume I of the Proceedings of the First Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference contains the following papers: The value of technology to the seafood industry; The FAO programme of cooperative research in tropi- cal fish technology; The spoilage of fish in the trop- ics; Cellular aspects of reproduction in Penaeid shrimp; Texas A&M University shrimp mariculture program; Current status of the culture of river shrimps of the Genus macrobrachium; Chemical and nutritive composition of shrimp; Biochemistry and physiology of shrimp - effect on use as food; Cholesterol in Crustacea; Water migration and de- hydration in stored frozen breaded shrimp; Interna- tional standardization of shrimp products - U.S. contribution; Bacteriology of shrimp; Time and temperature parameters for the destruction of Sal- monella in cooked, peeled and deveined shrimp; Trace elements found in various species of shrimp harvested from selected areas; Polychlorinated bi- phenyls in shrimp; Analysis of petroleum hydrocar- bon contamination in shrimp; Sodium bisulfite and its residual use in controlling blackspot in shrimp; Utilization of recovered shrimp protein as a pig- ment source for salmonids; and the status of the shrimping industry. PB-263 408/7 PC A03/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Center for Environmen- tal Quality Management. 133 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment Final rept. on Phase 2 David Pimentel, Walter R. Lynn, William K. MacReynolds, and Maxine Dattner. 1 1 Nov 74, 26pNSF/ERG-10 Grant NSF-DEB74-21350 See also PB-263 407. Descriptors: *Food supply, * Energy, 'Farm crops, 'Meetings, Production, Output, Manpower, Con- struction, Fertilizers, Operating costs, Tables(Data), Pest control, Nutrition, Pollution, Social effect, Research, California. Identifiers: 'Energy consumption, 'Global. This workshop was held to study further research methodologies for investigations of the interrela- tionships of energy, food, man and environment. The report from Phase I Workshop held June 18- 19, 1974, was the prime focus of Phase II work- shop. Workshop participants generally concluded that energy accounting aimed at energy and food production technologies is best accomplished by a form of process analysis. Crop output measured in the form of Kilocalories (Kcal) can be compared effectively by computing the energy inputs for each crop production process. Separate accounting for energy, labor, and land should be practiced, be- cause within limits each of these factors can be substituted for the other. Increased energy used for both machinery construction and operating fuel can be substituted for labor, and energy used for increasing production per acre (fertilizer) can be substituted for land. PB-263 669/4 PC A02/MF A01 Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, Bangkok (Thai- land). The Technology and Economics of Small-Scale Commercial Prawn ('Macrobrachium rosenber- gii) Hatcheries: A Case Study in Thailand Occasional paper Cort W. Kloke, and Manu Potaros. May 75, 22p Rept no. IPFC-Occ.Pap.-1 975/1 See also PB-263 670. Descriptors: 'Crustacea, 'Rivers, 'Economic anal- ysis, 'Fisheries, 'Thailand, Shellfish, Demand(Economics), Aquaculture, Equipment, Manpower, Pumps, Foreign countries, Manage- ment, Water supply, Reproduction(Biology), Main- tenance, Larvae, Cost analysis, Tables(Data), Feeding stuffs, Marketing, Developing countries. Identifiers: 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Several small-scale private commercial and family operated prawn hatcheries have been established in Thailand to fill the demand for juveniles for cul- ture, and the objective of this paper is to describe and comment on the practical operation and eco- nomic experience of two such commercial hatch- eries so as to give those interested in the industry and potential prawn culturists some practical in- sights into the requirements, potentials and prob- lems of hatchery operation. The paper takes the form of a case study with commentary and sugges- tions for improvement. It is divided into three sec- tions; (1) actual technical description of each hatchery's operation, (2) economic analysis and (3) discussion and concluding observations. PB-263 670/2 PC A02/MF A01 Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, Bangkok (Thai- land). The Technology and Economics of Catfish ('Clarias spp.') Farming in Thailand Occasional paper Cort W. Kloke, and Manu Potaros. Jun 75, 23p Rept no. IPFC-Occ.Pap.-1 975/2 See also PB-263 669. Descriptors: 'Catfishes, 'Aquaculture, 'Thailand, Developing countries, Economic development, Food supply, Demand(Economics), Prices, Ex- ports, Market research, Fresh water, Foreign coun- tries. Identifiers: 'Clarias batrachus, 'Clarias macroce- phalus. The catfish species Clarias batrachus and Clarias macrocephalus are very popular table fish in Thai- land. The two species make up almost 30% of Thailand's fresh-water production with C. batra- chus (Pla duk dan) accounting for about 90% of that amount. Demand for both of these fish is very strong and growing rapidly despite their high price. C. macrocephalus is the preferred species for its appearance and eating qualities and commands a higher price particularly in what appears to be a lucrative export market. The report describes re- search on production, consumption, and econom- ics. PB-263 671/0 PC A07/MF A01 Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, Bangkok (Thai- land). Preliminary Bibliography of Fish and Fisheries with Special Reference to Shrimps and Prawns Occasional paper Agnes Jiannee. Jul 75, 138p Rept no. IPFC- Occ.Pap.-1 975/3 See also PB-263 670 and PB-263 672. Descriptors: 'Shrimps, 'Crustacea, 'Bibliogra- phies, 'Thailand, Economic development, Aqua- culture, Deep water, Ecology, Marine biology, Population(Statistics), Fishing, Foreign countries, Life cycles, Dehydration, Fresh water fish, Shell- fish, Fisheries, Developing countries. The bibliography includes research on aquacul- ture, fisheries, life cycles, ecology, fish diseases, equipment, fishing, and general studies. PB-263 672/8 PC A02/MF A01 Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, Bangkok (Thai- land). Aquaculture as an Integral Part of the Agricul- tural Farming System. A Case Study in the North-East of Thailand Occasional paper Cort W. Kloke, and Manu Potaros. Jul 75, 15p Rept no. IPFC-Occ.Pap.-1 975/4 See also PB-263 671. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Agriculture, 'Thailand, Developing countries, Maps, Municipalities, Farms, Boundaries, Economic development, Market research, Food supply, Foreign countries, Lagoons(Ponds), Farm crops, Statistical data, Fishes, Production, Social effect, Irrigation, Cost analysis, Income. There is an increasing recognition and acceptance of the concept that development activities and ef- forts in the less developed countries of the world must be directed to the improvement of the income, security and standard of living of small low-income farmers, who constitute the vast bulk of the population of these countries. The practice of simple types of small-scale aquaculture offers excellent possibilities, particularly in Asia and the Far East, for helping to achieve the goals of diver- sification, increased cash incomes, improved quantity and quality of food produced for home consumption, and exploitation of un-utilized re- sources currently available to small farmers. Aqua- culture is not new to the region, but it is not always recognized that its practice can be, and often is an integrated and natural part of the agricultural system with wide-spread involvement of small farmers. Just as most small farmers keep a few ducks and chickens to supplement their tables and their incomes, many more of them could operate a small managed fish pond. PB-263 840/1 PC A03/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Improved Practices in Corn Production. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers Program and training journal reprint series Dave Leonard. Mar 76, 50p Rept no. Reprint Ser-7 Prepared by Peace Corps Training Center, Areci- bo, Puerto Rico. Descriptors: 'Corn plants, 'Agronomy, Production, Manuals, Yield, Seeds, Planting, Fertilizers, Insect control, Weed control, Storage, Shrinkage, Fungi- cides, Spacing, Tropical regions, Developing coun- tries, Instructional materials. Contents: Some handy conversions; The 'package' approach to improving crop yields; Some important facts on corn; Use high yielding varieties; Select seed carefully for planting; Treat seeds with a fungicide; Improved plant populations and spacing; Use fertilizer; Control insects; Control weeds; Reduce storage losses. PB-263 849/2 PC A04/MF A01 Puerto Rico Nuclear Center, Mayaguez. A Method for the Cultivation of the Mangrove Oyster in Puerto Rico (Metodo para el Cultivo del Ostion de Mangle en P. R.) Kenneth W. Watters, and Pedro Acosta Martinez. Jul 76, 45p NOAA-77010308 Prepared in cooperation with Puerto Rico Dept. of Agriculture, Cabo Rojo. Lab. of Commercial Fisher- ies. Text in Spanish and English. Pub. in Agricultur- al and Fisheries Contributions, v8 n1 Jul 76. Descriptors: 'Oysters, 'Aquaculture, 'Puerto Rico, Construction, Life cycles, Fishing, Harvesting, Seafood, Economic analysis, Maintenance, Reproduction(Biology), Swamps. Identifiers: Reprints, Oyster cultch, Commercial fishing, 'Rafts, Mangroves. This paper describes the building and operation of oyster rafts in Puerto Rico. Basic information is given on the construction of the rafts and cultch plates, the emplacement of the rafts, the life cycle of the mangrove oyster, and harvesting and main- tenance. PB-263 943/3 PC A23/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Water Planning and Standards. Quality Criteria for Water Jul 76, 537p* Rept no. EPA/440/9-76/023 Descriptors: 'Water pollution, 'Water quality, Haz- ardous materials, Public health, Standards, Gov- ernment policies, State government, Revisions, Pesticides, Alkalinity, Ammonia, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Chlorine, Coliform bacteria, Color, Hardness, Iron, Dissolved gases, Chromium, Copper, Lead(Metal), Mercury(Metal), Greases. Identifiers: 'Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, 'Water pollution standards, 'Heavy metals. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amend- ments of 1972 require the Administrator of the En- vironmental Protection Agency to publish criteria for water quality accurately reflecting the latest sci- entific knowledge on the kind and extent of all identifiable effects on health and welfare which may be expected from the presence of pollutants in any body of water, including ground water. Pro- posed Water Quality Criteria were developed and a notice of their availability was published on Oct 26, 1973 (38 FR 29646). This present volume repre- sents a revision of the proposed water quality crite- ria based upon a consideration of comments re- ceived from other Federal agencies, State agen- cies, special interest groups and individual scien- tists. Standards and their criteria are given for over 54 chemicals. PB-264 014/2 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Los Angeles. School of Engineer- ing and Applied Science. Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Prod- ucts Final rept. Jan 74-May 75 Bruce S. Dunn, John D. Mackenzie, and Eugene Tseng. Sep 76, 42p EPA/600/2-76/238 Contract EPA-R-802933 Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Agricultural wastes, 'Pyrolysis, 'Incinerators, 'Reclamation, Byproducts, Design, Carbon black, Fillers, Fertiliz- ers, Cost analysis, Oils, Inks, Paints, Elastomers, Dehydration, Utilization, Process charting. Identifiers: 'Manure. The purpose of the project was to design and build a pyrolysis apparatus for cattle manure and to in- 134 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS vestigate the potential uses of the pyrolysis by- products. A pyrolysis machine of semi-continuous feed capabilities was designed and built. Various conditions of pyrolysis treatments were investigat- ed and their influence on the amount and composi- tion of the by-products determined. High carbon residues were found to require lower pyrolysis tem- peratures. The carbon content of these residues appeared to be unaffected by the geographic loca- tion of the original manure. Contact with interested parties and appropriate industries who could be prospective users of each of the products was initi- ated to obtain their technical expertise in evaluat- ing these products. The pyrolysis by-products seem to have some potential industrial applica- tions. These by-products include the solid residue, an oil fraction, and an aqueous fraction. The solid residue may serve as a carbon black substitute or as a filler material in rubber, ink, and paint. The aqueous fraction collected during pyrolysis has been evaluated for fertilizer applications. PB-264 015/9 PC A05/MF A01 Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, Ames. Application of Sewage Sludge to Cropland: Ap- praisal of Potential Hazards of the Heavy Metals to Plants and Animals 15 Nov 76, 77p 64, EPA/MCD-33 Descriptors: "Sludge disposal, * Farms, 'Metals, "Livestock, Cadmium, Hazards, Ground water, Surface waters, Water pollution, Farm crops, Sewage, Water supply. Identifiers: "Heavy metals. This report examines the present state of knowl- edge regarding the potential effects on agricultural crops and animals by heavy metals in sewage sludges applied to cropland, as well as some con- sideration of possible groundwater and surface water contamination. Other potential effects asso- ciated with land application of sewage sludge are not addressed in detail. PB-264 170/2 PC A05/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Guayule: An Alternative Source of Natural Rubber Final rept. Mar 77, 91 p* Rept no. CIR/BOSTID-77/22 Contract BIA-K51C1 4200978, AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: "Shrubs, "Natural rubber, "Deserts, Plants(Botany), Sources, Economic development, Production, Arid land, Farm crops, Employment, American Indians, Developing countries, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Agriculture, Fi- nancing, Quality, Extraction, North America. Identifiers: "Guayule, "Parthenium argentatum, Hevea brasiliensis. The report describes a little-known bush that grows wild in deserts of North America and pro- duces a rubber virtually identical with that from the rubber tree. It recommends funding for guayule de- velopment. PB-264 171/0 PC A10/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Resource Sensing from Space: Prospects for Developing Countries Final rept. Mar 77, 21 Op Rept no. CIR/BOSTID-77/23 Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: "Developing countries, "Remote sensing, "Technology transfer, Land use, Interna- tional relations, Spaceborne photography, Interna- tional government, Government policies, National government, Foreign countries, Reviewing. Identifiers: LANDSAT satellites. This report examines current and prospective ap- plications of interest to the developing countries, implications for long-term governance of a remote sensing system, and desirable technical coopera- tion initiatives. (Color illustrations reproduced in black and white.) PB-264 302/1 PC A03/MF A01 Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc., Gainesville, Fla. Background Document: Bagasse Combustion in Sugar Mills Robert Baker, and Thomas F. Lahre. Jan 77, 45p EPA/450/3-77/007 Contract EPA-68-02-1402 See also PB-223 996. Descriptors: "Bagasse, "Air pollution, Industrial plants, Scrubbers, Sugarcane, Physical properties, Process charting, Combustion products, Furnaces, Design criteria, Particle size distributions, Fuels, Cyclone separators, Concentration(Composition), Flue gases, Air pollution control equipment, Indus- trial wastes, Nitrogen oxides, Boilers, Sulfur diox- ide. Identifiers: Refuse derived fuels, Wet methods, "Emission factors. This is a background document in support of the contents of Section 1.8 of AP-2, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Second Edition. It con- cerns the major criteria pollutants emitted during the combustion of bagasse (a fiberous waste prod- uct in a sugar cane mill) in steam boilers. The gen- eral aspects of mill operations, physical character- istics of the bagasse and its combustion, furnace designs, air pollution control devices and factors affecting emissions are described. Stack emission tests are reviewed and analyzed for inclusion in the data base for developing factors for particulate and NOx emission while firing bagasse or bagasse and fuel oil. The reliability of these factors is evalu- ated and presented. PB-264 457/3 PC A06/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Committee on Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials. Biological Productivity of Renewable Re- sources Used as Industrial Materials James S. Bethel. 1976, 112p* NSF/PRA- 7501069/3/7 Contract NSF-STP75-01069 See also report dated Sep 76, PB-257 357. Descriptors: "Natural resources, "Forestry, "Agri- culture, "Energy conservation, Cellulose resins, Forecasting, Economics, Performance evaluation, Ethylene, Vegetable oils, Flax plants, Cotton plants, Industrial plants, Biomass, Polymers, Envi- ronmental impacts, Utilization, Wood products, Structural timber, Byproducts, Leather, Farm crops, Industrial plants, Soybean plants, Produc- tion management, Assessments. Identifiers: "Renewable resources, Fuel substitu- tion. The report estimates the biological productivity of industrial renewable resources in terms of current yields, existing land bases, and increments to these bases that may reasonably be forecast by 1985 and 2000. The forecast divides naturally into two parts: the silvicultural product of wood, and products for industry from agriculture consisting chiefly of vegetable fibers, oil seeds, wool, animal fats, tallows, and hides. Wood is not only by far the most important renewable resource used for in- dustrial materials, but also one whose production can be greatly increased if needed. Agricultural products include cotton and other vegetable fibers. Furthermore, there is little reason to believe that market demand will strain biological potential by 1985 or 2000. Under these conditions, long-term estimates of productivity become a mere exercise in imagination. Consideration is made of the energy requirements and environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the recom- mendations on these renewable resources. PB-264 459/9 PC A04/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Committee on Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials. Extractives as a Renewable Resource for In- dustrial Materials James S. Bethel. 1976, 74p* NSF/PRA- 7501069/5/7 Contract NSF-STP75-01069 See also report dated Sep 76, PB-257 357. Descriptors: "Organic compounds, "Energy con- servation, "Extractives, "Natural resources, By- products, Wood products, Leather, Forestry, Agri- culture, Bark, Economics, Cost estimates, Resi- dues, Vegetable oils, Tallow, Fats, Oils, Marine bi- ology, Fuels, Industrial wastes, Utilization, Fore- casting, Water pollution control, Waste treatment, Materials recovery, Aquatic plants, Polymers, Plas- tics, Petrochemistry. Identifiers: Renewable sources, Naval stores, Fuel substitution. Extractives from plants and animals are used to varying degrees in manufacturing processes of in- dustrial goods. Bark, oleoresin, waxes, oils and fats, and tallow are covered in this report. These products are derived from forest, agricultural and marine sources. Consideration of the energy re- quirements and environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the recommendations are included in this report. PB-264 561/2 PC A12/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Committee on Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials. Fibers as Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials James S. Bethel. 1976, 271 p* NSF/PRA- 7501069-7-7 Contract NSF-STP75-01069 See also PB-257 357. Descriptors: "Natural fibers, "Energy conserva- tion, "Environmental impacts, Assessments, Cost estimates, Economics, Paper industry, Textile in- dustry, Plants(Botany), Fiber crops, Cotton plants, Wool, Hair, Cellulosic resins, Synthetic fibers, Leather, Feathers, Performance evaluation, Fore- casting, Supply management, Paperboards, For- estry, Law enforcement, Water pollution, Air pollu- tion, Utilization, Byproducts. Identifiers: Renewable resources. Contents: The pulp, paper and paperboard industry introduction~(Assessment of the industry, some factors affecting the industry, enhancement of availability and utility of materials with reduction in costs, enhanced role of renewable fiber resources - an overview of product substitution, identification of educational roles and needs, and recommended research, its costs and returns, and time schedules); Plant fibers other than wood and cotton; The textile industry-(Cotton, wool and mohair, the cellulosics and synthetic fibers); Feathers, furs and leather. PB-264 594/3 PC A13/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Dept. of Marine Resources Information. Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Sub- tropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume II Bryant F. ill Cobb, and Alexandra B. Stockton. Oct 76, 277p TAMU-SG-77-105, NOAA- 77010401 Grant NOAA-04-6- 158-44012 See also Volume 1 , PB-263 399. Descriptors: "Fisheries, "Fishes, "Shellfish, "Meetings, Tropical regions, Lipids Metabolism, Catfishes, Feeding stuffs, Meat, Food processing, Mexico Gulf, Cod, Fresh water fishes, Crabs, Eco- nomic development, Market research, Lobsters, Aquaculture. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Subtropical re- gions. This collection of 18 papers constitutes the second volume of the Proceedings of the Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Confer- ence held March 8-10, 1976 at Corpus Christi, Texas. Titles included are: Transfer of Lipids through marine food chains; Lipid metabolism in Channel Catfish; Flavor problems in fish culture; Organoleptic and biochemical comparisons of cage raised and wild Striped Mullet; Utilization of insects as complementary diet in Channel Catfish feeding; Utilization of small mullet by a cold smok- 135 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ing process; Potential Demersal Fish fisheries in the Northwest Gulf of Mexico; Notes on the under- utilized fishery resources of the Gulf of Mexico; Salt minced cod; Yield and quality of mechanically separated flesh from several species of cultured freshwater fish; The effect of washing on color and texture of minced croaker; Functional properties influencing texture; Selected textural properties of cooked minced Atlantic Cutlass fish sticks; Roller extraction of crab meat; The economics of the commercial development of Gulf of Mexico bot- tomfish; Market potential for fish as an extender in meat products; An economic analysis of effort and yield in the Florida Spiny Lobster industry; and Publicly supported seafood product development research. PB-264 638/8 PC A06/MF A01 Development Planning and Research Associates, Inc., Manhattan, Kans. Feasibility of a Beef Processing Plant on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation Nov 76, 103p P-192, EDA-77-054 Grant EDA-05-06-01520 Descriptors: "Economic development, 'American Indians, Regional planning, Rural areas, Industrial plants, Meat, Processing, Economic analysis. Identifiers: Technical assistance project, Blackfeet Indians, Indian reservations, Meat packing plants. The study gives an analysis of a proposed beef packing plant with respect to markets and raw ma- terial supplies. The plant would be situated in an area of large surpluses of both livestock feed and calf supplies. It would be necessary to tie the pack- ing plant to a feedlot. Ownership of both enter- prises was to be integrated and the purpose of the feedyard was to even slaughter cattle supplies to the packing plant. Both locker-type plants and commercial plants are to be constructed. The Blackfeet Tribe in searching for development pos- sibilities for their tribally controlled acres on the Reservation proposes to investigate the establish- ment of a beef packing plant. PB-264 738/6 PC A03 South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Dept., Charleston. Marine Resources Research Inst. Pond Culture of the Malaysian Prawn, Macro- brachium rosenbergii' (de Man), in South Caro- lina, 1974-1975 Theodore I. J. Smith, Paul A. Sandifer, and William C. Trimble. 1976, 26p Contrib-53, NOAA- 77011711 Grant NOAA-04-5-158-5, NOAA-04-6- 158-44009 Sponsored in part by Coastal Plains Regional Commission, Washington, D.C. Pub. in Proceed- ings of Annual Meeting (7th), World Mariculture Society, San Diego, Calif. 25-29 Jan 76 p625-645 1976. (Pub. by Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La.. Descriptors: "Ponds, "Crustacea, "Aquaculture, Mortality, Feasibility, Growth, Survival, Yield, Man- agement, Earth fills, South Carolina. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, "Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Mariculture. The feasibility of growing Macrobrachium rosen- bergii commercially in ponds is under investigation in South Carolina. Results of 1974 and 1975 pond studies indicate a favorable outlook for eventual commercial production. Excellent growth and sur- vival rates were obtained under conditions which were considered marginal at times. Considerable production was achieved even when newly meta- morphosed postlarvae were stocked into ponds. However, increased production and greater final prawn size resulted when larger juveniles were stocked. Higher yields are anticipated from more suitable ponds and as better pond management techniques are developed and applied. PB-264 900/2 PC A06/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Dept. of Civil Engi- neering. A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Water- sheds in Response to Completed and Pro- posed Land Use Changes Master's thesis Michael Joseph Smith. 1972, 115p OWRT-B-005- OHIO(13) Descriptors: "Hydrology, "Land use, "Runoff, "Watersheds, Strip mining, Agriculture, Water quality management, Industrial waste treatment, Theses, Upgrading, Sewage treatment, Tables(Data), Ohio. Identifiers: "Agricultural watersheds, "Cumberland Plateau, "Allegheny Plateau. The thesis pertains to the effect of land use and management upon the hydrology and water quality of two experimental watersheds; one, an agricul- tural area containing remnants of strip mining op- erations, and the other, a mixed cover agricultural watershed about to be subjected to a sharp up- grading of treatment. The analysis techniques used illustrate some procedures for determining changes in watershed hydrology. A longer period of study is recommended to make positive state- ments regarding changes in hydrologic response. PB-265 105/7 PC A06/MF A01 Maryland Univ., College Park. Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Po- tential, Research Needs, and Adoption Strate- gies Filmore E. Bender, Andrew M. Cowan, Richard W. Dillon, James D. Hansford, Jr, and David A. Hurdis. Jan 76, 119 A-184, NSF/RA-760021 Contract USDA-1 2-1 4-1 605-1 06, NSF-PTP75- 10573 See also PB-255 928. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Solar heating, Solar drying, Solar space heating, Irrigation, Farm crops, Farm buildings, Greenhouses, Natural gas, Lique- fied petroleum gas, Electricity, Fuel oils, Kerosene, Coal, Prices, Economic analysis, Recommenda- tions. Objectives pursued in this study are: (1) assess- ment of present agricultural operations to deter- mine those with potential for use with solar energy; (2) development of recommendations for an over- all experimental research program to establish the technical and economic feasibility of using solar energy in agricultural operations; and (3) formula- tion of recommendations for strategies to achieve adoption of solar energy components and systems in agriculture. Applications of solar energy to the following aspects of agriculture are examined: grain drying, tobacco curing, peanut drying, broiler housing, swine production, farm housing, green- houses, and irrigation. Current fuel prices for each of the agricultural regions (determined by crop pro- duction) are also reviewed. PB-265 159/4 PC A06/MF A01 Saint John's Univ., Jamaica, N.J. A System for the Analysis, Evaluation and Design of Organizations, Work, and Jobs Final rept. Charles W. Lachenmeyer. 1977, 115p EDA/ OER-77/006 Grant EDA-PF-528, EDA-99-7-13336 Descriptors: "Job analysis, "Organization theory, Position(Title), Productivity, Personnel manage- ment, Management systems, Qualifications, Per- formance, Motivation, Technology innovation, Su- pervision, Manpower utilization, Job satisfaction, Design. This report is in three parts. The Introduction cata- logues the necessary components of a theory of the design of jobs and organizations. Part I of the report presents the job analytic system in detail. To maximize the transferability it is in the form of an ordered series of questions. When applied to a job situation, in total, the results will be the complete analysis of that situation, including the description of the jobs as they exist, the evaluation of the per- formance of workers in those jobs, the assess- ment of the adequacy of the jobs as structured, the assessment of the relations between those jobs and the adequacy of those relations within the or- ganization, and finally, the generation of all the possible changes in the jobs with their anticipated outcomes, problems, etc. Part II of the report con- trasts the advantages of this system with the dis- advantages of previous efforts. With respect to the latter, two bodies of research and theory are re- viewed exhaustively: job design, including job en- richment, job development, etc.; and job analysis. Part II can be read as a self-contained critical review of work in this area. PB-265 161/0 PC A09/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Making Aquatic Weeds Useful: Some Perspec- tives for Developing Countries Survey rept. 1976, 184p* Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: "Aquatic weeds, "Weed control, "De- veloping countries, Wildlife, Utilization, Food supply, Management, Feeding stuffs, Sewage treatment, Livestock, Fishes, Cutting, Dewatering, Ruminants, Food consumption, Aquatic animals, Inland waterways, Fertilizers, Grasses, Tropical re- gions, Mammals. Identifiers: "Trichechus, Herbivores. This report examines methods for controlling aquatic weeds and using them to best advantage, especially those methods that show promise for less-developed countries. It emphasizes tech- niques for converting weeds for feed, food, fertiliz- er, and energy production. It examines, for exam- ple, biological control techniques in which herbivo- rous tropical animals (fish, waterfowl, rodents, and other mammals) convert the troublesome plants directly to meat. Though the techniques described in this report have been selected for their applica- bility in less-developed countries, many are rele- vant to industrialized countries. Both types of country face a future in which food production will need to depend more and more on the effective management of natural systems, such as water- ways. PB-265 237/8 PC A03/MF A01 Western Forest Products Lab., Vancouver (British Columbia). Lathe Operators' Manual. Part II. Pressure Bars. Their Operation and Maintenance Information rept. W. V. Hancock, and O. Feihl. Oct 76, 39p* Rept no. VP-X-158 See also PB-240 534. Descriptors: "Lathes, "Manuals, Woodworking machinery, Veneers, Peeling, Plywood, Rollers, Bars, Setting(Adjusting), Canada. Identifiers: Pressure bars. The development, design and operation of various types of pressure bars for veneer lathes is dis- cussed in detail. The importance is stressed of a high level of maintenance and of accurate adjust- ment of the various lathe settings. The techniques for setting a veneer lathe are given together with a description of the special instrumentation that has been developed for this purpose. PB-265 357/4 PC A04/MF A01 Snokist Growers, Yakima, Wash. Fruit Cannery Waste Activated Sludge as a Cattle Feed Ingredient Larry A. Esvelt. Sep 76, 66p EPA/600/2-76/253 Grant EPA-S-803307 Prepared by Bovay Engineers, Inc., Spokane, Wash. Descriptors: "Materials recovery, "Food process- ing, "Feeding stuffs, "Activated sludge process, "Canneries, Feasibility, Animal nutrition, Byprod- ucts, Fruits, Industrial waste treatment, Dewater- ing, Beef cattle, Centrifuging, Water pollution con- trol, Nutrients, Process charting, Performance evaluation. Identifiers: "Solid waste disposal. The feasibility of sludge disposal, from a fruit proc- essing waste activated sludge treatment system, by dewatering and using the dewatered biological sludge solids as cattle feed was evaluated by Sno- kist Growers at Yakima, Washington. Dewatering of the biological sludge utilizing pilot-scale and pro- totype-scale basket centrifuges resulted in con- sistently dewatering to 7-1/2% to 9% dry solids. 136 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Digestibility and metabolizability of rations contain- ing 2.3% and 4.5% biological solids appeared equal to a control ration, but a ration containing 9.2% biological solids appeared lower. Twenty- four uniform yearling steers were divided into four lots of six each and finish fed a control ration and rations containing 2.3%, 4.6%, and 8.9% sludge solids on a dry matter basis for 1 65 days. They did not show any adverse effects of the sludge incor- poration into their rations. It appeared that a low quantity of sludge (2.3% dry solids) actually en- hanced the weight gain performance and carcass quality of these animals. The cost of a dewatering installation will require that the canney receive re- muneration for use of the waste activated sludge as cattle feed in order to make a full-scale dewa- tering project feasible. The calculated value of the biological solids incorporated into the rations was in the range of $0,092 to $0,148 per kg dry solids. PB-265 749/2 PC A06/MF A01 North Dakota State Univ., Fargo. Dept. of Agricul- tural Economics. The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflower Processing Plants in North Dakota Delmer L. Helgeson, David W. Cobia, Randal C. Coon, Wallace C. Hardie, and LeRoy W. Schaffner. Apr 77, 11 Op Bull-503, EDA-77-080 Grant EDA-05-06-01485 Errata sheet inserted. Descriptors: 'Economic development, *Oilseed crops, *Food processing, Flax plants, Manufactur- ing, Economic impact, Feasibility, Marketing, Ob- jectives, Technical assistance, Variable costs, Prices, North Dakota. Identifiers: 'Sunflower plants. The purpose of this report was to explore the eco- nomic feasibility of establishing processing facili- ties for oil-type sunflowers in North Dakota. A broad set of topics was covered because produc- tion, processing and marketing of sunflowers and sunflower products in the U.S. are relatively recent. Historical sunflower production patterns were pre- sented, together with two estimates of future pro- duction. One estimate was based on an attitudinal survey of farmers and a second on a maximum long-run projection for North Dakota. The supply of whole seed sunflowers from current and the two projections was related to processing require- ments for each of the four plant sizes. The eco- nomic impact of each of the model sunflower proc- essing plants on multicounty regions in which they might locate was estimated for the construction and operational phases. PB-265 823/5 PC A02/MF A01 Federal Energy Administration, Washington, D.C. Office of Coal, Nuclear, and Electric Power Analy- sis. Wind Energy Conversion Systems Manufactur- ing and Sales Activity, 1975 and 1976 Norbert Parker, and Howard Walton. Apr 77, 1 1 p Rept no. FEA/B-77/121 Descriptors: 'Windpowered generators, 'Wind- mills, 'Windpowered pumps, 'Market research, Wind power generation, Electric power generation, Well pumps, Manufacturing, Sales, Economic sur- veys. This report contains the results of an annual survey of private firms engaged in the manufactur- ing and distribution of wind energy conversion sys- tems in the United States during the years 1975 and 1976. Imports of systems manufactured abroad for distribution in the United States are also included. PB-265 918/3 PC A02 Puerto Rico Nuclear Center, Mayaguez. Radioeco- logy Div. Culture of the Mangrove Oyster, 'Crassostrea rhizophorae' Guilding, in Puerto Rico Kenneth W. Watters, and Thomas E. Prinslow. Jan 77, 17p NOAA-77031510 Pub. in Proceedings of Annual Workshop World Mariculture Society (6th), at Seattle, Washington, on January 27-31, 1975. Descriptors: 'Oysters, 'Aquaculture, 'Puerto Rico, Feasibility, Estuaries, Swamps, Salinity, Tempera- ture, Lagoons(Ponds), Harvesting, Growth. Identifiers: 'Crassostrea rhizophorae, Reprints, Oyster clutch. Experiments to determine commercial feasibility of mangrove oyster culture in Puerto Rico have been underway since early 1973. Most of the work has been carried out in Rincon Lagoon, a rich man- grove-lined estuary subject to periodic salinity fluc- tuations. The bulk of commercial oyster harvesting on the island is presently carried out in this lagoon. A revised method of cultching, consisting of 46 x 71 cm frames suspended from rafts, was used. The frames, utilizing several materials such as concrete-coated plywood and plastic sheeting showed sustained mean growth rates of 0.7 mm per day, with maximum individual rates of 1 .4 mm per day. A program monitoring spatfall, salinity, and temperature was carried out in an effort to de- termine the timing of natural spatfall in the lagoon. It appeared that spatfall closely followed drops in salinity. PB-266 205/4 PC A06/MF A01 American Inst, of Biological Sciences, Arlington, Va. Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems In- vertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments Mahlon Fairchild, Christian C. Burkhardt, J. Marshall Magner, William Campbell, and Gerald Musick. Jan 77, 106p* EPA/540/10-77/007 Contract EPA-68-0 1-2457 See also Volume 2, PB-266 204. Also available in set of 8 reports PC E14, PB-266 202-SET. Descriptors: 'Insecticides, 'Pesticides, 'Soils, 'Vegetable crops, 'Corn plants, 'Peanut plants, 'Tobacco plants, 'Sugar crops, 'Pest control, Methodology, Effectiveness, Tests, Insect control, Insects, Parasites, Evaluation, Dosage. The testing of soil insecticides for efficacy is ex- tremely complex and it would be impossible to put together guidelines for all soil insecticides; there- fore, an attempt has been made to pull together some test methods for major pests on a few com- modities. The commodities selected are corn, vegetables, sugarbeets, peanuts and tobacco. It would be impossible to cover all pests that might require soil insecticides under each of the com- modities chosen. PB-266 300/3 PC A06/MF A01 ACTION/ Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. The Photonovel: A Tool for Development Program and training journal manual series Daniel Weaks, and Eliza Sola. Sep 76, 113p Rept no. Manual Ser-4 Descriptors: 'Public health, 'Specialized training, 'Documents, 'Health education, Manuals, Toilet facilities, Construction, Developing countries, Rural areas, Populations, Photographs, Instruc- tions, Information, Materials, Methodology, Ecua- dor. Identifiers: 'Photonovels, Rural populations, De- veloping countries, Peace Corps. Since 1961 Peace Corps volunteers have worked at the grass roots level in developing countries to help peoples to use new ideas that utilize locally available resources. One approach that has proven effective is the photonovel, in which a series of pictures outlines a step by step process to achieve a community goal. In each picture a white 'balloon' contains dialogue and indicates the speaker. The photonovel has achieved results where other media have failed. The present mate- rial deals with sanitary facilities in Ecuador. PB-266 332/6 PC A03/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume I. Overview Building science series (Final) N. J. Raufaste, R. D. Marshall, and S. A. Kliment. May 77, 38p Rept no. NBS-BSS-100-1 Library of Congress catalog card no. 77-600013. Prepared in cooperation with Kliment (Stephen A.), New York. Also available in set of 5 reports PC E08, PB-266 331 -SET. Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, 'Wind pres- sure, Design criteria, Disasters, Construction mate- rials, Construction management, Socioeconomic status, Technology transfer, Bangladesh, Philip- pines, Jamaica, Developing countries. Identifiers: Low rise buildings, Wind resistant struc- tures. This document presents the background, goals, procedures and results of a project to develop im- proved design criteria that would make low-rise buildings in developing countries better able to withstand the effects of extreme winds. The proj- ect stemmed from the belief that additional re- search on wind was needed to reduce loss of life and property, human suffering, disruption of pro- ductive capacity and costs of disaster relief. The 3 1 12 year project began in early 1973 and produced these results: the development of improved design criteria; a methodology for the estimation of ex- treme wind speeds; the development of wind tunnel modeling techniques; a heightened aware- ness of the wind problem and the need to guard against it; the emergence of useful working rela- tionships between NBS/AID and public and private decision makers in developing countries subject to extreme winds, especially the Philippines, Jamaica and Bangladesh; and the documentation of impor- tant information in the areas of wind design speeds and pressure coefficients, economic forecasting, socio-economic and architectural concerns, and construction detailing practices. Also during the project, a program began in the training of profes- sionals and technicians in developing countries to carry out wind measurements and analyses. In ad- dition, methods to ensure transfer of information to user groups were employed. PB-266 333/4 PC A03/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume II. Estimation of Extreme Wind Speeds and Guide to the Determination of Wind Forces Final rept. 1975 R. D. Marshall. Jul 75, 33p Rept no. NBS-BSS- 100-2 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-04-73 Prepared in cooperation with Kliment (Stephen A.), New York. Library of Congress catalog card no. 77-60001 3. See also Volume 1 , PB-266 332. Also available in set of 5 reports PC E08, PB-266 331 -SET. Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, 'Wind pres- sure, Design criteria, Disasters, Construction mate- rials, Construction management, Socioeconomic status, Technology transfer, Bangladesh, Philip- pines, Jamaica, Developing countries. Identifiers: Low rise buildings, Wind resistant struc- tures. This paper briefly describes some of the more common flow mechanisms which create wind pressures on low-rise buildings and the effects of building geometry on these pressures. It is as- sumed that the basic wind speeds are known and a procedure is outlined for calculating design wind speeds which incorporates the expected life of the structure, the mean recurrence interval, and the wind speed averaging time. Pressure coefficients are tabulated for various height-to-width ratios and roof slopes. The steps required to calculate pres- sures and total drag and uplift forces are summa- rized and an illustrative example is presented. PB-266 334/2 PC A04/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume III. A Guide for Improved Masonry and Timber Connections in Buildings Building science series (Final) 1976 S. George Fattal, G. E. Sherwood, and T. L. Wilkinson. May 77, 60p Rept no. NBS-BSS-100-3 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-04-73 137 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Prepared in cooperation with Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. Library of Congress catalog card no. 77-60001 3. See also Volume 2, PB-266 333. Also available in set of 5 reports PC E08, PB-266 331 -SET. Descriptors: * Residential buildings, 'Wind pres- sure, Design criteria, Disasters, Construction mate- rials, Construction management, Socioeconomic status, Technology transfer, Bangladesh, Philip- pines, Jamaica, Developing countries. Identifiers: Low rise buildings, Wind resistant struc- tures. This report investigates the use of connectors for masonry and timber elements in low-rise buildings. Connector characteristics and construction details that improve a building's response to extreme wind effects are given primary emphasis. Recommen- dations include improvements through better utili- zation of connector technology showing good feasibility of introduction in developing countries. The building systems considered in this study fall within the low to moderate cost category. PB-266 335/9 PC A03/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume IV. Forecasting the Economics of Housing Needs: A Methodological Guide Building science series (Final) 1976 Joseph G. Kowalski. May 77, 40p Rept no. NBS- BSS- 100-4 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-04-73 Library of Congress catalog card no. 77-600013. See also Volume 3, PB-266 334. Also available in set of 5 reports PC E08, PB-266 331 -SET. Descriptors: * Residential buildings, *Wind pres- sure, Design criteria, Disasters, Construction mate- rials, Construction management, Socioeconomic status, Technology transfer, Bangladesh, Philip- pines, Jamaica, Developing countries. Identifiers: Low rise buildings, Wind resistant struc- tures. The Agency for International Development spon- sored with the NBS, a 3 1/2 year research project to develop improved design criteria for low-rise buildings to better resist the effects of extreme winds. Housing is probably the single most impor- tant consumer good in most economies. Measur- ing the size of a region's unmet housing need is a first step to planning and implementing improve- ments in housing conditions. This report analyzes the concept of housing needs in an economic framework. A methodology for estimating and pro- jecting housing needs at the regional level is devel- oped. The methodology attempts to make explicit the income redistribution intent which is the core meaning behind the concept of housing needs. Project results are presented in five volumes. Volume 1 gives an overview of the research activi- ties, accomplishments, results and recommenda- tions. Volume 2 presents a methodology to esti- mate design wind speeds and a guide to determine wind forces. Volume 3 discusses a guide for im- proved use of masonry fasteners and timber con- nectors. Volume 4 furnishes a methodology to esti- mate and forecast housing needs at a regional level. Socio-economic and architectural consider- ations of the Philippines, Jamaica and Bangladesh are presented in Volume 5. PB-266 336/7 PC A03/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume V. Housing in Extreme Winds: Socio-economic and Architectural Considerations Building science series (Final) 1976 Stephen A. Kliment. May 77, 41 p Rept no. NBS- BSS- 100-5 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-04-73 Prepared by Kliment (Stephen A.), New York. Li- brary of Congress catalog card no. 77-600013. See also Volume 4, PB-266 335. Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, *Wind pres- sure, Design criteria, Disasters, Construction mate- rials, Construction management, Socioeconomic status, Technology transfer, Bangladesh, Philip- pines, Jamaica, Developing countries. Identifiers: Low rise buildings, Wind resistant struc- tures. Typical socio-economic conditions in the Philip- pines, Jamaica, and Bangladesh are identified. These conditions include strong respect for tradi- tional materials and methods of house construc- tion, and suspicion of innovative forms and ap- proaches; a rising proportion of urban poor who live in squatter settlements; and a rising ratio of inhabitants whose incomes are at a level where they cannot afford housing of any kind. The impor- tance of land from a social standpoint is stressed. The report reviews the sites and services concept whereby low income persons are provided a site equipped with basic utilities but must erect and maintain a house upon it. Recommendations in- clude: placement of buildings to exploit terrain; ad- herence to good practices in the configurations of the main elements of a house (these are shown by means of simple drawings); and use of cheap, strong and locally available materials. PB-266 709/5 PC A02/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ., University Park. Water Resources Research Inst. Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields Technical completion rept. James H. Hageman, and James L. Fowler. Mar 77, 20p WRRI-085, OWRT-A-049-NMEX(2) Contract DI-1 4-34-0001 -6032 Prepared by New Mexico State Univ., University Park. Dept. of Chemistry. Descriptors: 'Feeding stuffs, 'Proteins, 'Forage crops, 'Water consumption, Droughts, Arid land, Yield, Toxic tolerances, Inorganic salts, Irrigation, Efficiency, Nutrients, Vegetation, Acclimatization, New Mexico. Identifiers: 'Salsola, 'Water use. The purpose was to determine whether Russian thistle (Salsola spp.) might have potential as either a protein source or a forage under conditions of restricted water. Salsola was chosen because it was reported to be a C4 plant which is efficient in water use, drought resistant, salt tolerant and be- cause it had been used as a feed previously. These results compare favorably with alfalfa, which is the most widely grown forage in New Mexico. PB-267 262/4 PC A 1 7/ M F A0 1 Lyon Associates, Inc., Baltimore, Md. Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume I W. J. Morin, and Peter C. Todor. 1975, 376p* AID/csd-3682-Vol-1 See also Volume 2, PB-267 263. Descriptors: 'Soil mechanics, 'Tropical regions, 'Laterites, Weathering, Geology, Volcanic ejecta, Soil tests, Clay soils, Standards, Flexible pave- ments, Gravel, Pnotointerpretation, Roads, Design, Specifications, Geography, Soil stabiliza- tion, Soil classification. The report documents five years of worldwide re- search resulting in the following useful information for engineers: (1) Comprehensive descriptions of tropical soils, chemical mineralogical and physical properties and engineering behaviors, and appro- priate classifications; (2) A new pavement design procedure developed for tropical applications; (3) A practical range of strength values attainable through stabilization; (4) Specifications for common tropical materials; (5) Methods of working and using problem soils such as black clay and vol- canic soils. PB-267 263/2 PC A05/MF A01 Lyon Associates, Inc., Baltimore, Md. Latherite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume II. Instruction Manual W. J. Morin, and Peter C. Todor. 1975, 96p* AID/csd-3682-Vol-2 See also Volume 1 , PB-267 262. Descriptors: 'Soil mechanics, 'Tropical regions, 'Laterites, 'Manuals, Weathering, Laboratory tests, Field tests, Flexible pavements, Soil proper- ties, Clay soils, Volcanic ejecta, Design criteria, Roads, Specifications, Roadbeds. The report documents five years of worldwide re- search resulting in the following useful information for engineers: (1) Comprehensive descriptions of tropical soils, chemical mineralogical and physical properties and engineering behaviors, and appro- priate classifications; (2) A new pavement design procedure developed for tropical applications; (3) A practical range of strength values attainable through stabilization; (4) Specifications for common tropical materials; (5) Methods of working and using problem soils such as black clay and vol- canic soils. PB-267 295/4 PC A06/MF A01 Missouri Univ.-Rolla. Rock Mechanics and Explo- sives Research Center. Rapid Excavation of Rock with Small Charges of High Explosives Final rept. George B. Clark, and Ronald R. Rollins. Nov 76, 121p BuMines-OFR-98-77 Contract H0252052 Descriptors: 'Tunneling, 'Underground mining, 'Blasting, Explosive charges, Blast loads, Detona- tors, Earth movement, Fragmentation. Identifiers: 'Rapid excavation, Air blast. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the feasibility of designing and testing the ele- ments of a small-charge blasting system that will eliminate, or reduce to acceptable levels, most of the undesirable features of current underground drill and blast systems, that is, (1) air blast, (2) ground vibrations, (3) flying fragments, (4) over- break and fracture of surrounding rock, and (5) the cyclic nature of drill and blast operations. The ex- perimentation was conducted in tunnels in granite, and the results indicated that the basic technical concepts of the project were achieved. The next step is to design, construct, and test a prototype machine. PB-267 358/0 PC A02/MF A01 National Inst, for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio. Div. of Technical Services. Good Work Practices for Tannery Workers Apr 76, 25p Rept no. NIOSH-76/157 Descriptors: 'Industrial hygiene, 'Tanning materi- als, Safety, Hazards, Methodology, Chemical com- pounds, Accident prevention, Recommendations, Personnel management, Leather, Processing. Identifiers: Precautions, 'Tanning industry, Occu- pational safety and health. The booklet contains occupational health and safety information for tannery workers. Common hazards are identified and safe work practices sug- gested. Chemicals used in a tannery are listed along with precautions to take when using them. PB-267 371/3 PC A09/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Water Supply. Manual of Water Well Construction Practices 1977, 178p* Rept no. EPA/570/9-75/001 Descriptors: 'Water wells, 'Construction manage- ment, Well tests, Well surveys, Well casings, Well logging, Geophysical prospecting, Construction materials, Payment, Standards. The report contains standards for water well con- struction developed by a committee comprised of technical and well contractor personnel. The standards will serve to educate the public and up- grade existing well construction techniques in order to protect ground water reserves. PB-267 527/0 PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Center for Policy Alternatives. Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shellfish Wastes Dale Hattis, and Albert E. Murray. 1977, 107p* MITSG-77-3, CPA-76-7, NOAA-77041808 138 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Grant NOAA-04-5-1 58-1 Index No. 77-703-Zle. Descriptors: "Chitins, "Proteins, "Shellfish, *Food supply, Industrial wastes, Shrimps, Crabs, Supply(Economics), Food analysis, Byproducts, Marketing, Ion exchange resins, Paper industry, Coagulants, Production, Demand(Economics), Cost analysis, Polysaccharides, Fibers, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Sea Grant program, *Chitosan. Although chitin and derivatives of chitin have been studied for many years and their intriguing chemi- cal properties have been known, commercial utili- zation has been almost nonexistent. This study was designed to address the industrial prospects for utilization of chitin. A business strategy involv- ing both chitin and protein from shellfish has been developed and evaluated. The strategy appears to offer a rational and profitable way to resolve the dilemma by treating chitin as a by-product of a pro- tein recovery process that, in some cases, may be profitable even in the complete absence of any markets for the chitin. This strategy should assure availability of dried shell waste in sufficient quanti- ties to make possible production of chitin in amounts needed to supply initial markets. Likely markets are proposed based on an extensive anal- ysis of the literature of chitin applications and mar- kets for similar chemicals. PB-267 947/0 PC A03/MF A01 Applied Technology Council, Palo Alto, Calif. Review of Literature on Earthquake Damage to Single-Family Masonry Dwellings Rodger D. Benson. 29 Apr 77, 31 p Contract HUD-H-2390 Prepared by Benson and Gerdin, Inc., Phoenix, Ariz. Descriptors: "Residential buildings, "Masonry, Earthquakes, Damage assessment, Earthquake resistant structures, Construction materials, Ques- tionnaires, Surveys. Identifiers: "Earthquake engineering, Western Region(United States). The report contains a review and evaluation of in- formation concerning the behavior of single-family masonry dwellings in Zone 2 earthquake areas of the United States (1973 Uniform Building Code classification). In general, reinforced masonry has exhibited satisfactory performance, sustaining little or no damage in moderate earthquakes. Reported damage is often associated with poor workman- ship/inspection. Unreinforced masonry (old and new) and masonry chimneys have exhibited poor performance. Available data has been found to be limited and general in nature. PB-267 949/6 PC A03/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C. National Economic Analysis Div. Spain's Leather Industry: Prospects for Blue Chrome (Wet-Blue) Processing Final rept. Antonio Del Valle Pintos, and Harold H. Taylor. May 77, 41 p Rept no. AGERS-30 Grant NSF-AG-482 Prepared in cooperation with Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Zaragoza (Spain). Dept. of Economics and Sociology. Descriptors: "Spain, "Tanning materials, "Industri- al wastes, "Water pollution control, Manufacturing, Substitution, Employment, Hides, Cattle. Identifiers: Wet blue leather, "Leather industry. Rapid expansion of the Spanish leather-goods in- dustry has created a serious problem of pollution from tannery effluents. The use of chrome (wet- blue) leather in Spanish tanneries would reduce the pollution caused by cleaning and dehairing of conventional salt-cured hides. It would also reduce the number of workers required in tannery beam- houses, where cleaning occurs. Responding to a 1976 survey, tanners who produced about 80 per- cent of Spain's finished leather output said they would increase imports of blue chrome leather pro- vided uniform grades and standards could be es- tablished to reduce the variability of quality. Tan- ners estimated that elimination of the beam-house operation might reduce hide finishing costs by 15 percent, and thus most would not be willing to pay more than 15-percent price premium for wet-blue hides. The tanners also indicated that if pollution laws were enforced, they would be more willing to substitute blue chrome for salt-cured hides since this substitution would reduce the beamhouse op- eration. Any change in demand for blue chrome hides would affect the United States, which sup- plies about one-fifth of Spain's hide imports. PB-267 970/2 PC A04/MF A01 Integrative Design Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. Appropriate Technology-A Directory of Activi- ties and Projects 1977, 75p NSF/RA-770064 Grant NSF-ERS76-21350 Descriptors: "Regional planning, "Directories, Ecology, Ecological succession, Technology, Re- sources, Utilization, Conservation, Waste manage- ment, Recommendations, Environmental surveys, Data acquisition, Problem solving, Constraints, District of Columbia, Research projects, Research. Identifiers: Waste recycling. This is a directory of United States activities in ap- propriate technology-technology that incorpo- rates a concern for maintenance of the ecological balance by increasing the use of renewable re- sources, extending recycling and diminishing waste, and fostering the resource independence of local areas. The authors survey the field to learn from individuals and groups about the scope of their activities, the legal and technical problems they are facing in moving from idea to application, and their recommendations for federal activity in support of appropriate technology. This directory is, in part, a compilation of the descriptions of ac- tivities of the survey respondents. The descriptions of activities are extracted from a survey sent to in- dividuals and groups as part of this project. Opin- ions on major obstacles to the further develop- ment of appropriate technology are noted. PB-268 029/6 PC A05/MF A01 Municipal Environmental Research Lab., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Water Supply Research Div. Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the Interim Primary Drinking Water Regula- tions Thomas J. Sorg, O. Thomas Love, Jr, and Gary S. Logsdon. May 77, 80p* Rept no. EPA/600/8- 77/005 Descriptors: "Manuals, "Water treatment, "Pota- ble water, "Regulations, Radioactive contamin- ents, Chemical removal(Water treatment), Inor- ganic compounds, Water pollution control, Ar- senic, Borium, Cadmium, Chromium, Fluorides, Lead(Metal), Mercury(Metal), Organic compounds, Inorganic nitrates, Selenium, Cost analysis, Turbi- dity, Disinfection, Chlorination, Ozone, Chlorine oxides, Byproducts, Pesticides, Trace elements, Lime, Ion exchanging, Reverse osmosis, Endrin, Chlorine organic compounds, Coliform bacteria, Microorganism control(Water). Identifiers: "Water quality, Methoxchlor, Lindane, D 2-4 herbicide, Silvex, Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. Following the passage on December 16, 1974, of Public Law 93-523, The Safe Drinking Water Act, the Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations were promulgated on December 24, 1975, to take effect June 24, 1977. These regulations set Maxi- mum Contaminant Levels (MCL) for ten inorganic constituents, turbidity, coliform organisms, six pes- ticides and radionuclides. PL-93-523 stated that the Primary Drinking Water Regulations should consist of MCLs as well as a statement of treat- ment technology that could be used to achieve these levels. This document provides that informa- tion. It contains five sections as related to the five groups of Interim Primary Drinking Water Regula- tions noted above. This document, based on the literature and the research being conducted by the Water Supply Research Division, is not meant to stifle innovative treatment technology. It attempts to be a statement of technology known at the time of the effective date of the Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations that will allow utilities, with as- sistance from their consulting engineers, to apply whatever treatment might be necessary to improve their drinking water quality such that it meets the Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations. PB-268 081/7 PC A02/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 43 Rules: How Houses Can Better Resist High Wind S. Kliment, N. Raufaste, and R. Marshall. May 77, 14p Rept no. NBSIR-77-1197 Grant PASA-TA(CE)-94-73 Descriptors: "Residential buildings, "Wind(Meteorology), Design criteria, Construction materials, Construction joints, Fasteners. Identifiers: "Wind resistant structures. This guide presents to designers, builders, govern- ment and private building authorities, and building owners and occupants a series of effective meth- ods for improving the resistance of new and exist- ing buildings against high winds. The methods de- scribed may be applied to improving the construc- tion of new buildings as well as to increase the wind resistance of existing buildings. This material offers guidelines for selecting the location and ori- entation of buildings and the building shapes, for suggesting methods of construction, for recom- mended building details, and for local production of connectors and fasteners. It covers two common types of construction - masonry and timber - as well as selected details, based on local materials such as bamboo and adobe. PB-268 124/5 PC A07/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Leucaena: New Forage and Tree Crop for the Tropics Final rept. Jul 77, 126p* Rept no. CIR/BOSTID-77/24 Contract AID/csd-2584 Prepared in cooperation with Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, College. Text in English, Resume in French and Spanish. Descriptors: "Leguminous plants, "Tropical re- gions, "Developing countries, Forage crops, Wood products, Structural timber, Wood pulp, Feeding stuffs, Trees(Plants), Erosion control, Vegetation, Esthetics. Identifiers: "Leucaena leucocephala. The report describes Leucaena leucocephala, a little-known Mexican plant with bushy and tree- type varieties that produce nutritious forage, fire- wood, timber, paper pulp, and organic fertilizer. Its diverse uses also include revegetating hillslopes and providing firebreaks, shade, and city beautifi- cation. PB-268 161/7 PC A06/MF A01 George Washington Univ., Washington, D.C. Grad- uate Program in Science, Technology, and Public Policy. IRRI Small Agricultural Machinery Project: US Technology Transfer to Resource-Poor Devel- oping Countries Final rept. Ann Becker, and Carol A. Ulinski. Dec 75, 103p NSF/PRA-1 9893/3/7 Contract NSF-STP74-19893 Continuation of Grant NSF-ST-44205. See also PB-268 001 and PB-268 002. Descriptors: "Agricultural machinery, "Developing countries, "Technology transfer, Projects, Re- search, Development, Fabrication, Utilization, Farms, Government policies, Philippines, Perform- ance evaluation, Foreign aid. This study focuses on the results of the IRRI Small-Scale Agricultural Machinery Project in the Philippines, supported initially by the US Agency for International Development (AID). It examines three main stages of activity: research and devel- opment, manufacturing, and adoption of machin- ery by the farmers. It also studies Philippine Gov- ernment policies in the light of the Project's objec- tives and mechanisms to facilitate linkages be- tween each of the stages. The study assesses the success of the Project in terms of the amount of 139 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS indigenization of problem-solving capabilities which has been achieved to date. PB-268 185/6 PC A05/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Agri- cultural Economics. Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Processing Industry of Sierra Leone African rural economy paper Dunstan S. C. Spencer, Ibi I. May-Parker, and Frank S. Rose. 1976, 92p Rept no. AREP-15 Prepared in cooperation with Njala Univ. Coll. (Sierra Leone). Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Extension. Descriptors: *Rice, *Food processing, 'Economic development, 'Developing countries, 'Sierra Leone, Policies, Flour mills, Manpower utilization, Capitalized costs, Employment, Income, Prices, Input, Output, Operating costs, Transportation, Mathematical models, Tables(Data), North Africa. In West Africa the rice processing technologies range from traditional hand pounding to large me- chanical mills. Because these technologies have varying factor intensities and output efficiencies the choice of technology in any country will have important effects on factor utilization, particularly employment, and on output. In Sierra Leone the government is currently considering whether in- vestment should be directed to rehabilitation of three existing large mills, purchase of new large mills or encouragement of private investment in small mills including the location of these mills. The specific objectives of this study are: To de- scribe and analyze the traditional and modern techniques of processing rice in Sierra Leone; and to develop a methodology to analyze the employ- ment and income effects of policies. PB-268 493/4 PC A07/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Agri- cultural Economics. The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-Scale Industries in Sierra Leone African rural economy paper Carl Liedholm, and Enyinna Chuta. 1976, 142p Rept no. AREP-14 Prepared in cooperation with Njala Univ. Coll. (Sierra Leone). Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Extension. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Industries, 'Sierra Leone, Econom- ic surveys, Rural areas, Urban areas, Policies, Factor analysis, Output, Employment, Data acqui- sition, Economic analysis. This report summarizes and describes the major findings and conclusions of our research on small industry in Sierra Leone. The primary objectives of the research were to provide a descriptive profile of small-scale in Sierra Leone, to analyze the key determinants of the demand for and supply of output and employment generated by these indus- tries, and to examine the efficacy of the major poli- cies influencing small-scale industries. The prob- lem setting discussed, followed by an examination of the most important empirical and analytical issues relating to small-scale industries. One sec- tion examines the major policy implications of the research. PB-268 810/9 PC A14/MF A01 Colorado Univ., Boulder. Dept. of Civil and Envi- ronmental Engineering. Segregation and Reclamation of Household Wastewater at an Individual Residence Master's thesis Craig Carroll Withee. 1975, 309p OWRT-A-021- COLO(4) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -5006, Grant EPA-T- 900116 Descriptors: 'Sewage disposal, 'Sewage treat- ment, 'Waste water reuse, Rural areas, Moun- tains, Residential buildings, Activated carbon treat- ment, Decomposition, Anaerobic processes, Aero- bic processes, Water pollution abatement, Filtra- tion, Biochemical oxygen demand, Separation, De- tergents, Toilet facilities, Efficiency, Field tests, Theses, Colorado. Identifiers: 'Household wastes. Disposal of wastewater from isolated homes in mountainous and rural locations in Colorado pre- sents unique and difficult problems. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the flow and pollution patterns from individual homes and to evaluate ex- isting and potential treatment methods. Field eval- uation of home wastewater flow and pollutional characteristics was accomplished. The average per capita water use in the home was 44.4 gallons per day and *he waste strength was 0.11 pounds per capita p^r day of BOD. Data for individual fix- tures and appliances were obtained with measure- ment of many pollutional parameters. A brief eval- uation of the home treatment methods was ac- complished. Laboratory bench scale studies were made to evaluate methods for treatment of the soap related wastes in the home for reuse as toilet flushing water. PB-268 820/8 PC A03/MF A01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Environmental Resources Center. Soil and Rock Strata to Trap, Filter, and Store Water for Rural Domestic Use Technical completion rept. Arthur T. Corey, and George L. Smith. Dec 76, 46p OWRT-C-61 76(521 9)(1) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -521 9 Descriptors: 'Ground water recharge, 'Water supply, 'Arid land, Aquifers, Rainfall, Runoff, Con- struction, Water storage, Potable water, Earth dams, Soils, Gravel, Dikes, Filtration, Terrain, American Indians, New Mexico, South Dakota. Identifiers: 'Artificial recharge. Experimental rock and soil strata for collection, fil- tration and storage of rainfall and runoff water were constructed on three separate Indian Reser- vations: Ramah Navajo, Santa Clara Pueblo in New Mexico, and the Pine Ridge (Oglala Sioux) in South Dakota. The artificial spring strata were con- structed to determine their potential in the devel- opment and use of Indian and other lands located in the arid and semi-arid sections of the country where the availability of adequate water supplies for domestic use, for watering livestock in other- wise suitable grazing areas, and for the production of food crops is either severely limited as surface water, or the groundwater is non-existent, exces- sively saline, or at very great depths. The principle objective was to provide a reliable source of pota- ble water at a relatively low cost. The most impor- tant factors in the construction of the experimental strata were site location, techniques of construc- tion of the facility, selection of strata material and method of placement of impermeable layer. PB-268 986/7 PC A03/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Office of Multilateral and Special Programs. Utilization and Construction of Pit Silos Program and training journal reprint series. Mar 77, 47p Rept no. Reprint Ser-15a Descriptors: 'Silage, 'Forage crops, 'Silos, Farm crops, Harvesting, Preservatives, Corn plants, Grain sorghum plants, Grasses, Fermentation, Storage, Drying, Construction. Contents: Ensilage hay and pasture crops; Har- vesting silage crops; Handy silage preservative guide; Characteristics of high quality hay; Storage of forage; Corn or sorghum silage vs. grass silage; Pit silos; Project ensilage. (Portions of this docu- ment are not fully legible.) PB-268 987/5 PC A05/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Office of Multilateral and Special Programs. Freshwater Fisheries: Program Planning Program and training Journal manual series Steven Gregory. Mar 77, 79p Rept no. Manual Ser-1A Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Fresh water fishes, 'Developing countries, Instructional materials, Feasibility, Project planning, Fisheries, Personnel development, Job analysis, Ponds, Site surveys, Breeding, Growth, Maintenance, Recommenda- tions, Manuals. Identifiers: Zaire Republic. The report is designed for policy-makers, program planners, trainers, and coordinators who are con- sidering the potential contribution of fresh water fisheries to the people for and with whom they work. It describes in detail intensive fish culture in warm fresh water bodies, particularly artificially constructed fishponds. It is based on Peace Corps experiences, but applicable to a wider audience. PB-268 988/3 PC A06/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Office of Multilateral and Special Programs. Conseils de Sante' a la Famille Africaine (Health Advice for the African Family) Program and training journal reprint series. Mar 77, 123p Rept no. Reprint Ser-21 Text in French. Descriptors: 'Health education, Developing coun- tries, Instructional materials, Manuals, Pregnancy, Nutrition, Birth, Foreign countries, Africa. Identifiers: Peace Corps, Infant health care. The illustrated manual in simple French, provides materials for teaching about pregnancy and child- birth, infant nutrition and basic health precautions, and recipes for infants' meals. PB-269 049/3 PC A05/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. Contabilidad para la Micro Empresa: Manual de Ensenanza (Accounting for the Small Business: Teaching Manual) Program and training journal reprint series Michael W. Ronan. Apr 77, 90p Rept no. Reprint Ser-23 Text in Spanish. Descriptors: 'Accounting, 'Manuals, 'Businesses, Spanish language, Instructional materials, Devel- oping countries. Identifiers: Small businesses. A teaching manual for small business accounting is prepared in Spanish text by a Peace Corps Vol- unteer in Colombia. PB-269 519/5 PC A05/MF A01 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Drinking Water and Health Summary rept. 1977, 100p* Contract EPA-68-01-3169 Descriptors: 'Potable water, 'Public health, As- sessments, Reviews, Recommendations, Law(Jurisprudence), Legislation, Humans, United States, Contaminants, Microorganisms, Radioac- tive isotopes, Solutes, Health risks, Toxicity, Epide- miology, Laboratory animals, Experimental data. Identifiers: Environmental health, Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, Public Law 93-523, Particu- lates, Appendices, 'Water pollution effects(Humans). The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 (PL93-523) required the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to arragne for a study that would serve as a scientific basis for revising the primary drinking water regulations that were pro- mulgated under the Act. The Study was conducted by the Safe Drinking Water Committee of the Na- tional Research Council. A thorough study of the scientific literature was undertaken in order to assess the implications for human health of the constituents of drinking water in the United States. Assessment of the health benefits and the eco- nomic or technological feasibility of achieving a given level of contaminant control is outside the scope of the study, although the beneficial effects of some constituents of drinking water were con- sidered. The risk to man of contaminants ingested in drinking water was evaluated on the basis of both epidemiological studies and studies of toxicity in laboratory animals. PB-269 550/0 PC A04/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. Community and Economic Development Div. Ground Water: An Overview Report to the Congress. 21 Jun 77, 56p* Rept no. CED-77-69 140 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: *Ground water, 'Conservation, 'Water supply, Management, State government, National government, Arid regions, Salt water in- trusion, Aquifers, Recommendations. This report discusses the importance of ground water, problems involving ground water supplies, what is being done to manage ground water, and data needs-primarily in the arid and semi-arid States. Several questions regarding its manage- ment, conservation, and use warrant attention by the Congress and study by Federal and State agencies and others responsible for planning and administering water resources development. PB-269 689/6 PC A04/MF A01 Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals, Bombay (India). Tata Dept. of Plastic Surgery. A Comprehensive Rehabilitation Research and Demonstration Programme for Patients in an Urban Population Final rept. 1975, 71 p SRS-1 9-581 39-001 Grant SRS- 19-58 139 Descriptors: 'Rehabilitation, 'Leprosy, Attitudes, Urban areas, Surgery, Social psychology, Voca- tional guidance, India, Developing countries. A comprehensive research and demonstration project was undertaken in Bombay, India, to study the problems of the rehabilitation of lepers from the social, psychological, medical, and economic points of view. Psycho-social studies were con- ducted with the aim of reducing the stigma of lep- rosy. Medical studies developed and evaluated new techniques of dealing with the physical prob- lems of lepers' hands and feet. Lepers were direct- ly prepared for job training, and industrialists came to better understand the problems of the handi- capped in conferences with rehabilitation and medical professionals. PB-269 892/6 PC A04/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. In- ternational Div. Restrictions on Using More Fertilizer for Food Crops in Developing Countries: Department of State and Other Federal Agencies Report to the Congress. 5 Jul 77, 73p Rept no. ID-77-6 Descriptors: 'Farm crops, 'Fertilizers, 'Develop- ing countries, Production, Utilization, Food supply, Government policies, Technical assistance, Prices, Financing, Grants, Recommendations, Tables(Data). This report is part of a continuing effort to recom- mend ways U.S. agencies can better help develop- ing countries to improve their food situation. The report discusses the need for governments receiv- ing foreign economic assistance to revise policies which act as constraints to increasing the use of fertilizer for food crops. PB-270 038/3 PC A06/MF A01 American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. International Health Programs. The State of the Art of Delivering Low Cost Health Services in Developing Countries: A Summary Study of 180 Health Projects Jan 77, 118p Contract AID/csd-3423, AID/ta-c-1320 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Health care delivery, Innovations, Populations, Medical serv- ices, Reviews, Health care services, Foreign coun- tries, Health care costs, Projects, Health manpow- er education, Manpower utilization, Health educa- tion, Family planning, Nutrition, Health care facili- ties, Evaluation, Management, Promoting, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Maternal and child health services, Ap- pendices. Contents: Project characteristics, activities and obstacles; Health manpower training and utilization; The delivery of health services; The promotion of health-education, organizations and the environment; Project planning and management; Evaluation; Innovations in the delivery of low-cost health services. PB-270 401/3 PC A05/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Methanol as an Automotive Fuel with Special Emphasis on Methanol-Gasoline Blends Final rept. Jun-Oct 74 A. Landman. Apr 77, 89p* Rept nos. DOT-TSC- OST-74-38, DOT-TSC-OST-77-31 Descriptors: 'Methanol, 'Automotive fuels, Blends, Gasoline, Physical properties, Chemical properties, Forecasting, Comparisons, Automobile engines, Manufacturing, Air pollution, Exhaust emissions, Toxicity, Materials handling, Storage, Utilization. Identifiers: Fuel economy. This report reviews the available information on methanol as related to its potential use as an auto- motive fuel. Information gaps critical to assess- ment and future decisions are delineated and sug- gestions made for necessary R&D efforts. In this context, methanol is characterized and the results of various studies on methanol and methanol-gas- oline blends, throughout the United States and elsewhere, are presented and compared. These studies encompass fuels and their use and effects in engines and vehicles. Cost information, al- though limited, is given as available. The report also describes and summarizes methanol produc- tion processes; their promise and expansion possi- bilities in relation to potential requirements. Var- ious raw material sources are considered in the light of future production potential needs. PB-270 607/5 PC A04/MF A01 Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Report of the Workshop on Experimental De- signs for Predicting Crop Productivity with En- vironmental and Economic Inputs Held at Honolulu, Hawaii on May 20-24, 1974 J. A. Silva, and F. H. Beinroth. May 74, 58p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Prepared in cooper- ation with Puerto Rico Univ., Mayaguez. Descriptors: 'Farm crops, 'Tropical regions, 'De- veloping countries, Production, Yield, Soil proper- ties, Fertilizers, Irrigation, Experimental design, Re- search projects, Universities, Research manage- ment. The Universities of Hawaii and Puerto Rico have formulated two projects with the assistance of United States, Agency for International Develop- ment (USAID) to undertake some of the necessary research and to design an extension delivery and communications system that will hasten the appli- cation of tropical agricultural research. The pur- poses of the projects are to correlate food crop yields on a network of benchmark soils, and to de- termine scientifically the transferability of agro-pro- duction technology among tropical countries. The workshop, which is the basis of the report, was held to discuss and hopefully to agree upon the experimental designs and research methodology that would be used in the crop production research in these two projects. PB-270 775/0 PC A04/MF A01 Missouri Univ.-Rolla. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Reservoirs with Biogrowth Partitions Completion rept. Jul 74-Jun 76 Bobby G. Wixson, Donald E. Modesitt, Paul Han Cheng, and Walter H. Zachritz. Jun 77, 60p OWRT-A-077-MO(2) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -5025, DI-14-31-0001- 6026 Descriptors: 'Algae, 'Pest control, 'Lakes, 'Res- ervoirs, 'Sewage treatment, Lagoons(Ponds), Growth, Waste water, Oxygen, Dissolved gases, Carbon dioxide, Tanks(Containers), Effectiveness, Design, Biochemical oxygen demand, Field tests. Identifiers: 'Biogrowth partitions, Eutrophication. Research was carried out on the control of algae from small lagoons through laboratory and field studies of manmade biogrowth surfaces for remov- ing or controlling algae. Three lab-scale stabiliza- tion lagoons were modified with the addition of bio- growth sheets and operated with 30-day and 1 5- day detention period. Principal parameters meas- ured were COD, suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, pH, carbon dioxide, and microbial popula- tions. Experimental laboratory results indicated that the application of biogrowth sheets was effec- tive for lagoon stabilization. The practicability and design characteristics of the lagoon modification were then evaluated in field investigations. PB-271 002/8 PC A08/MF A01 Missouri Univ.-Columbia. Agricultural Experiment Station. The Agricultural Development of Nicaragua: An Analysis of the Production Sector Special rept. Philip F. Warnken. Jul 75, 172p Rept nos. SR- 168, International Ser-1 Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, 'Developing countries, 'Nicaragua, Farms, Production, Trends, Land use, Manpower, Cost analysis, Farm crops, Income, Livestock, Market value, Fertilizers, Agri- cultural machinery, Statistical data. This study presents a benchmark descriptive anal- ysis of agricultural production in Nicaragua. The purpose was to provide an analytical basis where- by priorities for general and specific agricultural policies could be established to further Nicaraguan developmental objectives in the agricultural sector. The study was limited to an analysis of principal agricultural products in Nicaragua and included nine crops and two livestock activities. These ac- tivities were grouped into three classes of prod- ucts: (1) basic grains including corn, beans, rice and grain sorghum; (2) export products including cotton, coffee, surgarcane, tobacco and sesame; and (3) livestock activities which included the beef and dairy enterprises. Together, these activities accounted for over 90 percent of the total value of production from the agricultural sector in 1971. The analysis was further limited to production from the six major regions which lie in the western half of the country. The two eastern regions bordering the Caribbean were excluded from the study since both are economically unimportant in terms of na- tional agricultural output. PB-271 376/6 PC A03/MF A01 ACTION/Peach Corps, Washington, D.C. Strings 'N' Things, A Teaching Manual for the Blind Program and training journal reprint series Grace Munns. 26 Aug 77, 39p Rept no. Reprint Ser-24 Descriptors: 'Instructors, 'Specialized training, 'Blindness, 'Manuals, Adults, Rehabilitation, Vo- cational guidance, Abilities. Identifiers: Manual abilities, 'Blind persons, Handi- crafts. This manual is intended to help those with little or no craft experience in working with the blind. The projects illustrated here have been used in a reha- bilitation program oriented toward manual dexterity for blind adults. The program begins with simple Macrame projects and progresses to more compli- cated ones that demand a higher degree of skill and ability. PB-271 392/3 PC A03/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Economic Develop- ment Lab. Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and For- estry Wastes in Ghana - A Feasibility Study Jul 76, 47p Contract AID/ta-C-1 290 Prepared in cooperation with Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Kumasi (Ghana). Building and Road Research Inst., and Technology Consul- tancy Center, Kumasi (Ghana). Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, 'Wood wastes, 'Pyrolysis, 'Fuels, 'Ghana, Reclamation, Solid waste disposal, Charcoal, Manufactured gas, Fuel 141 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS oil, Design, Combustion chambers, Cost esti- mates. Identifiers: Appropriate technology. This report describes the results of a field study to determine the quantities and characteristics of waste in Ghana and the feasibility of using pyrolytic conversion of these wastes. The study shows that Ghana is generating 2,735,100 tons of agricultural and forestry waste materials each year that are suitable for pyrolytic conversion. Using pyrolytic conversion of all these waste materials, approxi- mately 342,000 tons of charcoal and perhaps 273,000 tons of oil could be produced. The market value of the end products would be about $48,396,000 each year. A preliminary description of an appropriate technology version of a continu- ous/batch pyrolytic conversion system is also pre- sented in this report. PB-271 709/8 PC A02/MF A01 Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, Tallahassee. Mass Culture of Freshwater Prawns for Com- mercial Evaluation Completion rept. 1 Jul 75-31 Dec 76 Scott A. Willis. Jul 77, 13p NOAA-77072535 Descriptors: 'Shellfish, 'Aquaculture, *Animal nu- trition, Feeding stuffs, Weight(Mass), Cost analy- sis, Fresh water fishes, Survival, Florida. Identifiers: *Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Post larval Macrobrachium rosenbergii were fed various amounts of Purina trout chow to determine optimal feeding requirements during nursery devel- opment. During the four week study, best results were found in treatments fed amounts of food which decreased weekly as the food demand of the prawns decreased. The two treatment repli- cates fed 10, 7 1/2, 5, and 2 1/2% body weight daily during each week had increases from 0.03 g to 0.35 g and 0.26 g mean prawn weight, 100 and 98.7% survival, and food conversion ratios of 1.2 and 1.8:1. This refinement in determination of prawn food needs would allow 10,000 post larvae to be reared for four weeks in a nursery situation for a food cost of $1.80. PB-271 710/6 PC A04/MF A01 Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, St. Petersburg. Marine Research Lab. Growout of the Giant Malaysian Prawn, Macro- brachium rosenbergii, in Earthen Ponds in Cen- tral Florida Completion rept. May-Nov 76 Scott A. Willis, and Mark E. Gerrigan. 1977, 54p NOAA-77072536 Descriptors: 'Shellfish, *Aquaculture, Growth, Weight(Mass), Feeding stuffs, Survival, Fresh water fishes, Harvesting, Management, Ponds, Florida. Identifiers: * Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Pred- ators. Postlarval and juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii were stocked in twelve 0.025 ha earthen ponds to study the effects of stocking size and density on growth and survival. Following each four week sampling interval, feeding rates were adjusted based on mean body weight and an estimated 5% mortality. Management practices employed to en- hance production levels included complete analy- sis of water quality parameters, use of fertilizer to sustain planktonic blooms, mechanical and chemi- cal water weed control, and identification of pred- ators. All prawns were sexed at harvest and length-weight relationships were determined for both male and female prawns. PB-271 714/8 PC A04/MF A01 Tennessee State Univ., Nashville. A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Ag- ricultural Solid Wastes Final rept. Jan 74-Jun 76 Michael R. Busby, Greg Tragitt, Roland Norman, and Kenneth Hillsman. May 77, 62p EPA/600/2- 77/089 Contract EPA-R-802739 Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Agricultural wastes, 'Anaerobic processes, 'Reclamation, Methane, Fuels, Fertilizers, Feeding stuffs, Sludge disposal, Animal nutrition, Chemical analysis, Sam- pling, Process charting, Performance evaluation. Identifiers: Manure, Waste recycling. This investigation applied the anaerobic process to the production of methane gas and a stabilized sludge from cow manure and farm clippings in lab- oratory pilot plants as well as a full-scale (2,000 gal.) digester system. The quantity and quality of gas produced, the biochemical and chemical oxygen demands, and the nutritional value of the digested sludge for both the laboratory and full- scale plants were evaluated. PB-271 739/5 PC A04/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. Community and Economic Development Div. More and Petter Uses Could Be Made of Bil- lions of Gallons of Water by Improving Irriga- tion Delivery Systems: Department of Agricul- ture and the Interior Report to the Congress. 2 Sep 77, 53p Rept no. CED-77-117 Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Distribution systems, 'Irrigation, Federal assistance programs, Water loss, Seepage, Requirements, Agriculture, Electric power plants, Recreation, Irrigation canals, Ground water, Improvement, Litigation, Research projects, Recommendations, Financing. Identifiers: 'Water conveyance. Billions of gallons of water seep from inefficient irri- gation delivery systems in the western states. By reducing such seepage, more water could be avail- able for crop irrigation, energy development, envi- ronment improvement, and recreation. This report discusses opportunities to administer better the Federal programs providing the funds for water conveyance system improvements and the bene- fits to be derived. PB-271 847/6 Not available NTIS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Adobe Building Materials: Properties, Prob- lems, and Preservation Final rept. J. R. Clifton. 1977, 4p Pub. in Tech. Conservation, p30-34 Spring 77. Descriptors: 'Construction materials, 'Residential buildings, Soils, Bricks, Fabrication, Molding tech- niques, Sunlight, Research, Preserving. Identifiers: 'Adobe brick, Reprints. Earth, air, and water-three of the four elements of the ancient world-have been combined for several millennia to form a versatile building material. This product, sun-dried earth bricks, or adobe, was easy to make and use in pre-industrialized soci- eties. No great technical skill or equipment was necessary. Fabrication required only mixing soil and water, shaping the mixture into forms, and ex- posing them to the atmosphere to set them. Once hardened, the bricks were ready to use. The Na- tional Bureau of Standards is studying the proper- ties of adobe to determine what problems may be associated with it, and how best to preserve adobe in old buildings. PB-272 005/0 PC A05/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. Community and Economic Development Div. Food Waste: An Opportunity to Improve Re- source Use: Department of Agriculture Report to the Congress. 16 Sep 77, 84p* Rept no. CED-77-118 Descriptors: 'Food, 'Wastes, 'Resources, Food consumption, Food supply, Production capacity, Food industry, Management, Consumer affairs. Identifiers: 'Food wasting, Department of Agricul- ture. The report discusses the Department of Agricul- ture's past and current activities concerning food loss in the United States, as well as a broader as- sessment of loss. Study results indicate that about one-fifth of all food produced for human consump- tion is lost annually in the United States. In the world context of rising population, uncertain weather, and concern with the availability of re- sources, every opportunity should be taken to im- prove food system management in this country. More attention should be directed at the causes of food waste, new management technology for re- ducing loss, and improvement of consumer under- standing. PB-272 129/8 PC A06/MF A01 Boise Center for Urban Research, Idaho. Analysis of Alternatives to Refuse Disposal Final rept. Jim Baker, Mike Bowlin, Carol Hansberger, and Phil Hanson. May 77, 104p UO-LCCM-BOI-77- 009, HUD/RES-1140 Prepared in cooperation with League of Cities- Conference of Mayors, Inc., Washington, D.C, Contract HUD-H-2196R. Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Management planning, Garbage, Sanitary landfills, Reclamation, Materials recovery, Land use, Refuse disposal, Marketing, Separation, Site surveys, Paper, Metals, Iron, Aluminum, Wood wastes, Plastics, Leather, Incinerators, Biodeterioration, Fuels, Water pollution control, Government policies, Reg- ulations, Geology, Demography, Cost analysis, Fi- nancing, Idaho. Identifiers: Ada County(ldaho), Waste recycling, Pyrolysis incineration, Refuse derived fuels, Source separation. The researchers reviewed six alternative solid waste methods. The six alternatives considered were: continued landfill; household or source sep- aration; pyrolysis; biodegradation; waste-based solid fuel production; incineration. The use of a sanitary landfill is virtually unavoidable now and in the near future. Whatever plan or alternative is adopted for Ada County, a certain percentage of waste or amount of residue will ultimately end up in a landfill. It is at the present, the most practical, least-cost method of disposing of garbage. How- ever, the sanitary landfill is not without problems. For instance, the Hidden Hollow Sanitary Landfill, Ada County's primary landfill site, opened in 1971 and was expected to last up to 1986. However, due to an increasing volume of garbage, the life expectancy has been shortened and the closing date is now estimated to be about 1980. As citi- zens become familar with more sanitary and pro- ductive methods of disposing and/or utilizing solid waste, traditional landfill techniques will become less acceptable. Also, as the cost of energy esca- lates, landfill will not be cost effective compared to processes that recover materials or energy from solid waste. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-272 436/7 PC A03/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C. Natural Resource Economics Div. Impact of Hail Suppression on Nebraska Crop Production: A Simulation Study Final rept. for 1971 Larry M. Boone. Sep 77, 46p Rept no. AGERS- 39 Grant NSF-AG-275 Descriptors: 'Hail, 'Weather modification, 'Farm crops, 'Nebraska, Production, Cost analysis, Mar- keting, Prices, Demand(Economics), Tables(Data), Linear programming, Computerized simulation. A linear programming analysis was used to simu- late effects of hail suppression on Nebraska crop production. Production costs and crop patterns in ten major land resource areas (LRAs) were esti- mated for 10%, 25%, and 50% levels of hail sup- pression effectiveness, and compared to costs and production distribution patterns without hail suppression. With hail suppression effectiveness of 50%, total production costs in the state would have increased less than 1/2%. Corn production would have been 2% higher; wheat production, 3.7% higher. With hail suppression, production shifts of the same crop between LRAs were less than 2%. Hail suppression would not have caused substantial shifts of land use from one crop to an- other within an LRA. If hail suppression technology were widely used it could influence production of some crops enough to change price. 142 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-272 651/1 PC A06/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacks- burg. Coll. of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Evaluation of Investment Opportunities: Tools for Decisionmaking in Farming and Other Busi- nesses Final rept. Arthur J. Walrath. Jun 77, 108p* Rept no. AH- 349 Sponsored in part by Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C. Economic Development Div. Descriptors: "Farm management, * Investments, "Decision making, Return on investment, Costs, Fixed investment, Discounted cash flow, Savings, Profits, Computation, Tables(Data). This report offers business managers, including farmers, easy-to-use guides for analyzing invest- ment opportunities. Examples show how to classi- fy and compare various costs and returns. Formu- las are given which can be applied to business de- cisions. They emphasize the time-value concept of money by using compounding and discounting methods. Tables are presented for determining the future value of a present sum, present value of a present sum, and present and future values of an- nuities. Although aimed at the businessman, the handbook can also be used to make household decisions: one example shows how much has to be saved each month to reach a savings goal in five years. PB-272 681/8 PC A20/MF A01 Industrial Environmental Research Lab. -Cincin- nati, Corvallis, Oreg. Food and Wood Products Branch. Proceedings of National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes (8th) held on March 30 - April 1, 1977 in Seattle, Washington Aug 77, 463p* Rept no. EPA/600/2-77/184 Descriptors: *Food processing, 'Meetings, "Water pollution control, Filtration, Brines, Revisions, By- products, Materials recovery, Industrial waste treatment, Guidelines, Canneries, Sludges, Anaer- obic process, Standards, Water pollution control, Odor control, Lagoons(Ponds), Assessments, Residues, Seafood, Tomatoes, Fruits, Vegetables, Feedstuffs, Proteins, Dairy, Poultry, Preservatives. Identifiers: Water reuse, Meat packing industry, Biological industrial waste treatment. The Proceedings contains copies of 29 of the 31 papers presented at the Eighth National Sympo- sium on Food Processing Wastes. Subjects includ- ed: processing modifications, product and by-prod- uct recovery, wastewater treatment, water recycle and water reuse for several segments of the food processing industry. These segments included: red meat and poultry, seafood, dairy, fruit, and vegetable. Attendance at the two and one-half day Symposium was approximately 200 with good rep- resentation by industry, universities, consulting firms, as well as state and Federal agencies. PB-272 702/2 PC A03/MF A01 Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Lab., Ada, Okla. Environmental Effects of Septic Tank Systems Rept. for 1976-77 Marion R. Scalf, William J. Dunlap, and James F. Kreissl. Aug 77, 43p* Rept no. EPA/600/3-77/ 096 Descriptors: *Septic tanks, "Sewage disposal, "Water pollution abatement, Environmental im- pacts, Adsorption, Rural areas, Mountains, Ground water, Surface waters, Design, Regulations, Water pollution control, Sludge disposal, Leaching, Trends, Water wells, Oklahoma. Identifiers: Remote areas. Septic tank-soil absorption systems are the most widely-used method of on-site domestic waste dis- posal. Almost one-third of the United States popu- lation depends on such systems. Although the per- centage of newly constructed homes utilizing septic tanks is decreasing, the total number contin- ues to increase. Properly designed, constructed, and operated septic tank systems have demon- strated an efficient and economical alternative to public sewer systems, particularly in rural and sparsely developed suburban areas. However, be- cause of their widespread use in unsuitable situa- tions, they have also demonstrated the potential for contamination of ground and surface waters. PB-272 908/5 PC A 1 1 / M F A0 1 National Water Well Association, Worthington, Ohio. Proceedings of the National Ground Water Quality Symposium (3rd) Held in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 15-17, 1976 Final rept. 31 Mar 76-31 Jan 77. Jun 77, 240p* EPA/600/9-77/014 Contract EPA-68-03-2396 Descriptors: "Ground water, "Water pollution, "Meetings, Land use, Potable water, Waste dis- posal, Subsurface drainage, Ground water re- charge, Las Vegas Valley, Sewage disposal, In- dustrial wastes, Soil water, Ponds, Linings, Perme- ability, Seepage, Water table, Design criteria, Arid land, Nitrogen, Earth fills. Identifiers: Ground water movement, Artificial re- charge, Sewage irrigation, Valdose zone. The Third National Ground Water Quality Sympo- sium was held in Las Vegas, September 15-17, 1976, in conjunction with the annual convention of the National Water Well Association. There were eight main sessions encompassing twenty-four technical papers. These were concerned with the disposal of waste on the land, the movement of pollutants in the subsurface, and artificial re- charge. A special session was dedicated to ground water in the Las Vegas Valley. PB-273 099/2 PC A04/MF A01 Integrative Design Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. Appropriate Technology in the United States- An Exploratory Study Eugene Eccli. 1977, 59p NSF/RA-770066 Grant NSF-ERS76-21 350 See also PB-267 970. Prepared in cooperation with Design Alternatives, Inc., Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Research projects, "Technology in- novation, Regional planning, Ecology, Resources, Utilization, Conservation, Waste management, En- vironmental surveys, Problem solving, Constraints, Universities, Industries, Scientists, Professional personnel, Barriers, Technology transfer, Quality of life. Identifiers: Appropriate technology. The study surveys those in the United States cur- rently active in the field of appropriate technology, describes their efforts, explores factors inhibiting the development and application of their innova- tions, reports on their recommendations for Feder- al and National Science Foundation activities in support of appropriate technology, and assesses the policy implications of appropriate technology in relation to an environmentally and resource con- strained economy. Two hundred and ninety-four individuals and groups from target populations concerned with issues related to the environment, local participation in planning and technology de- velopment, and unemployment/income stabiliza- tion responded to the survey. This report explains the methodology used to elicit and interpret infor- mation; presents the background information about the respondents; reports on major issues of several innovator constituencies; analyzes the survey experience and examines the social and economic trends in both the U.S. and the develop- ing countries which are related to appropriate tech- nology. PB-273 182/6 PC A03/MF A01 Office of Technology Assessment, Washington, D.C. Organizing and Financing Basic Research to Increase Food Production Jun 77, 44p* Rept no. OTA-F-49 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. LCCCN-77- 600025. Descriptors: "Food supply, "Production, Research management, Photosynthesis, Nitrogen fixation, Plant genetics, Government policies, Grants. The report analyzes alternatives in the organiza- tion and financing of basic research to increase food production. Alternative organizations of basic research are described and evaluated. The report discusses alternative levels of funding for basic re- search in the areas of photosynthesis, nitrogen fix- ation, and genetic engineering for plants. Alterna- tive administrative structures for Federal support of basic research related to food production are suggested. PB-273 264/2 PC A06/MF A01 Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., Oreg. Biological Control of Aquatic Nuisances - A Review Final rept. Gerald S. Schuytema. Jul 77, 101p* Rept no. EPA/600/3-77/084 Descriptors: "Aquatic weeds, "Weed control, Re- views, Cyanophyta, Viruses, Fungi, Bacteria, Fishes, Snails, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Com- petition, Damage, Ecology, Algae. Identifiers: Biomanipulation, Biological insect con- trol, Eutrophication, Water hyacinths, Alligator weeds, Agasicles, Neochetina, Predation, Tilapia. A total of 532 references on the biological control of aquatic nuisances were reviewed. Three major control approaches exist. Grazing and predation have been the most frequently utilized techniques, with emphasis on macrophyte control by fish and insects. The use of pathogens is potentially effec- tive, with most promise in macrophyte control. Bio- manipulation, the exploitation of the interrelation- ships among plants and their environment is a most promising technique for eutrophic systems. This approach includes increasing algal grazers while controlling zooplanktivores and exploiting the competitive and growth limiting reactions among various species. The importance of using host-specific organisms to prevent damage to de- sirable components of the ecosystem is empha- sized. PB-273 286/5 PC A18/MF A01 H. H. Aerospace Design Co., Inc., Bedford, Mass. Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report Final rept. Jun-Dec 75 R. Kaiser, R. P. Wasson, and A. C. W. Daniels. Sep 77, 409p* DOT-TSC-OST-77-1 1 Contract DOT-TSC-1028 Descriptors: "Automobiles, "Solid waste disposal, "Materials recovery, "Economic analysis, Motor vehicles, Metal scrap, Plastics, Iron alloys, Govern- ment policies, Regulations, Waste processing, Legislation, Trends, Steels, Rubber industry, Tires. Identifiers: "Waste recycling, "Junk car disposal, Metal recycling, Scrap recycling, Plastics recy- cling, Secondary materials industry, Tire recycling. The principal factors which influence the recovery of materials from junked automobiles are reviewed and evaluated. These include the number and ma- terials composition of the automobiles that are re- tired annually in the U.S.; the flow of junk auto- mobiles into the commercial recovery cycle and problems associated with abandoned auto- mobiles; operations of the auto wrecking industry where serviceable parts are salvaged; and the structure, operations and technology of the scrap industry which transforms automobile hulks into commercial grades of metal scrap. Since Federal laws and policies impact on the reclamation of ma- terials from junked automobiles, a legal review of key legislation and policies is also included. Be- cause of a strong demand for auto hulks by scrap processors, created by an increased market for ferrous scrap, the problem of an ever increasing accumulation of unprocessed deregistered auto- mobiles has been stabilized. In 1974, the fractional recovery of metallic materials from the approxi- mately ten million automobiles deregistered that year was higher than from other forms of obsolete scrap. The estimated value of the recovered mate- rials was in excess of one billion dollars. PB-273 529/8 PC A08/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Office of Arid Lands Stud- ies. The Application of Technology in Developing Countries Rept. for Aug-Dec 76 143 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Robert L. Bulfin, Jr, and J. Richard Greenwell. 1977, 172p Contract AID/ta-6-1111 Papers presented during an Interdisciplinary Pro- grams Seminar Series, August-December 1 976. Descriptors: 'Technology transfer, 'Developing countries, 'Meetings, Technology assessment, Food industry, Water resources, Agriculture, Engi- neering. Identifiers: Appropriate technology. The chapters in this volume are based on papers delivered during a weekly seminar series at the University of Arizona between September and De- cember, 1976. These seminar series were original- ly held under the auspices of the University's Natu- ral Resources Program, an interdepartmental ac- tivity made possible by a 211(d) institutional grant to the University from the U.S. Agency for Interna- tional Development; the seminars are now spon- sored by the University's Office of Interdisciplinary Programs. The volume, like the original seminar series, represents the varying, and sometimes dif- fering, views of specialists in such fields as indus- trial, civil, nuclear, agricultural, and systems engi- neering, physical geography, and cultural anthro- pology; these views also represent both the Uni- versity of Arizona and other nationally-known insti- tutions. PB-273 553/8 PC A05/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. In- ternational Div. Coffee: Production and Marketing Systems Report to the Congress. 28 Oct 77, 98p* Rept no. ID-77-54 Descriptors: 'Coffee, 'Production, 'Marketing, Agreements, Foreign countries, Prices, Stabiliza- tion, Developing countries, Exports, Supply(Economics), Demand(Economics). Identifiers: Department of State, Market shares. Coffee is produced in 53 countries and territories and is vital to the economies of many underdevel- oped countries that produce it. In 1976 its export value was more than $8 billion, second in value only to petroleum in international commodity trade. The United States has joined the 1962, 1968, and 1976 International Coffee Agreements primarily to help stabilize prices and export income of the de- veloping producing countries. Fluctuations in the price of exported coffee appear to be in response to anticipated future availability. However, the poli- cies and procedures of exporting countries can in- fluence availability and create pressure on prices. PB-273 572/8 PC A07/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. In- ternational Div. The Challenge of Meeting Shelter Needs in Less Developed Countries Report to the Congress. 4 Nov 77, 135p Rept no. ID-77-39 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Housing, Residential buildings, Housing deficiencies, Finan- cial support, Loans, Disadvantaged groups, Low income groups, Banking business, Economic anal- ysis, Shortages, International relations, United States, Latin America, Africa, Foreign countries. Identifiers: Agency for International Development, United Nations, World Bank. This report describes the worldwide housing short- age and the shelter assistance efforts of the Agency for International Development, the multi- lateral lending institutions, private and voluntary or- ganizations, and certain bilateral donors. This review was made to provide an overview of the world housing situation and to identify some of the problem areas in the planning and management of housing development assistance. The report makes recommendations to assist international donors, principally the Agency for International De- velopment, in improving their efforts to provide shelter assistance to the less developed countries. PB-273 752/6 PC A03/MF A01 Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, St. Paul. World Market Conditions for Grains; Prospects and Problems, with Special Reference to the Developing Countries Martin E. Abel. 1977, 29p Rept no. MISC-143 Descriptors: 'Market surveys, 'Grains(Food), 'De- veloping countries, Production, Foreign countries, Marketing, Policies, International trade, Prices, Ag- riculture, Reserves, Consumption. Dramatic changes in world grain prices since 1972 have caused serious questions to be raised about the level and stability of future grain prices. All countries are concerned with these questions, but they especially involve a large number of develop- ing countries. Some developing countries are im- portant grain exporters, and future world market conditions bear directly on their prospects for for- eign exchange earnings and the ability to finance development. Many other developing countries are net grain importers and the behavior of grain prices in the future will affect the ability of these countries to import grain, insure domestic food price stability, and protect the nutritional well-being of large segments of their population. World market conditions for grains during the next 5 to 10 years could be highly uncertain, compared with conditions that prevailed in the 1950s and 1960s. This paper focuses on policy options which may be open to countries, individually or collectively, for dealing with uncertain market conditions. First, the evolution of the current world market situation for grains, the patterns of international trade in grains, and the basic problems that the current situation generates for different types of countries are dis- cussed. Next, the future prospects for grain pro- duction, consumption, trade, and policy options for dealing with the future are examined. Finally, alter- native mechanisms for implementing a variety of policy options are reviewed. The focus is on grains because they represent the basic category of food, worldwide, and are the most important form in which food is transferred among countries. PB-273 766/6 PC A04/MF A01 SCS Engineers, Long Beach, Calif. Refuse Collection Vehicle Performance Speci- fication: User's Guidebook Final rept. 20 Sep 77, 71 p NSF/RA-770265 Contract NSF-C77-04424 Descriptors: 'Motor vehicles, 'Trucks, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Specifications, 'Manuals, Refuse disposal, Garbage, Collection, Hauling, Compact- ing, Performance evaluation, Management plan- ning, Procurement, Government policies, Local government, Geography, Containers, Regulations, Process charting, Cost analysis, Service life. This guidebook introduces the use of performance specifications in the procurement of refuse collec- tion vehicles, presenting a methodology for devel- oping such specifications for payload capacity, compaction cycle time, and reload time. In addi- tion, the User's Manual, the final product of the re- search effort, is previewed. In this document are discussions of: (1) the concept, overview, and data sources of the performance specification process; (2) the description and purpose of the User's Manual; (3) the performance specification of vehi- cle payload capacity; (4) the specification of com- paction cycle and reload times; and (5) life cycle costing. PB-274 429/0 PC A12/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Perspectives de la Recherche Agronomique en Afrique (Prospects for Agronomic Research in Africa) 1976, 259p Contract AID/csd-2584 Text in French. Descriptors: 'Agronomy, 'Developing countries, 'Africa, Research projects, Education, Soils, Inter- national relations, Economic development, Agri- cultural economics, Manpower, Organizations, Books, Requirements, Grain crops, Grasses. Identifiers: Priorities, Institutional framework. This study focuses on the question of how agricul- tural science and specifically agricultural research can contribute most effectively to the progress of the African nations and peoples. It covers the fol- lowing topics: (1) Agricultural and educational pri- orities; (2) role of non-African agencies in coordi- nation of agricultural research and education; (3) appropriate channels of communication and coop- eration among nations and institutions within and outside of Africa; (4) means by which research and education can be applied most effectively to Afri- can agricultural development; and (5) a broad as- sessment of the scientific manpower needs of the research systems and institutions recommended by the NAS Committee. PB-274 436/5 PC A06/MF A01 Washington Univ., Seattle. Coll. of Fisheries. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. A Historical Overview Shao-Wen Ling. 1977, 122p* CONTRIB-465, ISBN-0-295-95560-0, NOAA-771 01 207 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-3828. Descriptors: 'Ponds, 'Aquaculture, 'Southeast Asia, Shellfish, Fisheries, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambo- dia, Harvesting, Developing countries, Economic development, Reproduction(Biology), Thailand, Burma, China, Coasts, Taiwan, Singapore. Identifiers: Sea Grant Program. Aquaculture had its cradle in Asia. It developed there some four thousand years ago in harmony with a traditional rural-agrarian economy, and it is now heading towards some fascinating develop- ments. Aquaculture in the Southeast Asian region, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Sin- gapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and the southern China coast to Taiwan is examined. The species cultured in the area are identified and the collection and production of stocking material is explained. Culturing facilities are described and information is given on aquaculture practices and techniques. PB-274 612/1 PC A08/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Expansion des Ressources en Eau dans les Zones Arides, Techniques Prometteuses et Possibilites de Recherches (Expansion of Water Resources in Arid Regions. Promising Techniques and Opportunities for Research) 1977, 165p Contract AID/csd-2584 Text in French. Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Arid land, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Agriculture, Water conservation, Research projects, Water consumption, Social effect, Harvesting, Project planning, Runoff, De- serts, Reservoirs, Evaporation, Rainfall, Irrigation, Salinity, Water wells, Waste water. Identifiers: 'Water harvesting, Research needs. Little known but promising technologies for the use and conservation of scarce water supplies in arid areas are the subject of this report. Not a technical handbook, it aims to draw the attention of agricul- tural and community officials and researchers to opportunities for development projects with prob- able high social value. Each technology is present- ed in a separate chapter and arranged under the following topics: methods, advantages, limitations, stage of development, needed research and de- velopment, selected readings (a short list of re- views and general articles) and contacts (a list of individuals or organizations the panelists know to be involved in relevant research). PB-274 644/4 PC A15/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Pest Control Strategies Final rept. Edward H. Smith, and David Pimentel. 1977, 331p* Contract EQ7AC012 Descriptors: 'Pest control, 'Meetings, 'Pesticides, Socioeconomic status, Plants(Botany), Fruit crops, Trees(Plants), Urban areas, Potatoes, Corn, Soy- bean plants, Trends, Insect control, Law(Jurisprudence), Weed control, Forecasting, 144 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Organic compounds, Substitutes, Environmental surveys. Identifiers: Alfalfa, Environmental chemical substi- tutes, Biological insect control, Computer applica- tions. Papers presented at a symposium held at Cornell University in June 1977, including the role of the USDA in integrated pest management, history and complexity of IPM, socioeconomic and legal as- pects, obstacles and incentives, and case studies on alfalfa, deciduous tree fruits, potatoes, corn, and soybeans. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-274 715/2 PC A13/MF A01 Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Transportation for Agriculture and Rural Amer- ica, Held at New Orleans, Louisiana, on Novem- ber 15-17, 1976 John O. Gerald, Kenneth L. Casavant, Robert J. Tosterud, and William F. Brown. 1 Aug 77, 286p* Rept no. DOT-TST-77-33 Prepared in cooperation with Farm Foundation, Chicago, III., North Dakota State Univ., Fargo. Upper Great Plains Transportation Inst., and Coop- erative State Research, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Transportation, 'Agricultural prod- ucts, 'Meetings, 'Rural areas, International trade, Regulations, Economic impact, Services, Cargo transportation, Passenger transportation, Policies, Energy conservation, Research, Planning, United States. Identifiers: 'Rural transportation. There is growing concern about the appropriate- ness of national and state transportation planning, policies, and funding arrangements for maintaining an efficient and equitable transportation system in rural America. Symposium sessions were held on the following topics: Transportation of agricultural commodities for international trade; impacts of transportation regulation on agriculture; people, commodity and service transport in rural America; economics of freight transportation in low density rural areas; and impacts on rural transportation from changes in the energy situation and transpor- tation policies. PB-274 759/0 PC A05/MF A01 National Inst, for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio. Health and Safety Guide for Plywood and Veneer Mills Jun 77, 82p Rept no. DHEW/PUB/NIOSH-77/ 186 Descriptors: 'Industrial hygiene, 'Woodworking, 'Dust control, 'Noise(Sound), Guidelines, Regula- tions, Hazardous materials, Protective clothing, Fire protection, First aid, Sanitation, Materials han- dling, Atmosphere contamination control, Safety engineering, Environmental engineering, Accident prevention, Storage, Records management. Identifiers: 'Occupational safety and health, Air pollution control, Checklists, Protective equipment. The report is intended to assist in providing for a safe and healthful work place in the plywood and veneer mills by describing safe practices and pointing out some of the more commonly violated safety and health standards. The main topics cov- ered include: health and safety guidelines; fre- quently violated regulations; occupational health and environmental control; hazardous materials; personal protective equipment; fire protection; medical and first aid; sanitation; plant equipment; materials handling and storage; hand and portable power tools; welding, cutting and brazing; electri- cal code. (Color reproductions in black and white) PB-275 180/8 PC A06/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mass. Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aquaculture System Technical rept. John H. Ryther, and Roger Mann. Sep 77, 119p WHOI-77-59, NOAA-771 10301 Grant NOAA-04-6-1 58-441 06 Descriptors: 'Mollusca, 'Aquaculture, 'Circula- tion, 'Shellfish, Mixtures, Waste water, Oysters, Clams, Shellfish, Substrates, Food chains, Algae, Sea water, Sewage treatment, Phytoplankton, Feeding stuffs, Ponds, Nutrients, Monitoring. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, 'Crassostrea gigas, 'Ostrea edulis, 'Mytilus edulis, Argopectin irradians, Tapes japonica, Secondary sewage treatment. During the Sea Grant fiscal year 1976-77, research continued on the development of a waste recycling aquaculture system at Woods Hole Oceanograph- ic Institution. In the present system mixtures of secondary treated sewage effluent and seawater are used to mass culture marine phytoplankton on a continuous basis in large outdoor ponds. These phytoplankton are then fed to filter feeding bivalve molluscs (oysters, clams, mussels). The effluent from the mollusc culture tanks is passed through cultures of macroscopic red algae to effect final removal of excess and excreted nutrients from the earlier stages of the controlled food chain. Work has centered on the effects of physical parameters on optimizing shellfish growth. Also monitoring of phytoplankton species predominance in mass algal cultures continued in an attempt to gain fur- ther understanding of this important phenomenon. Separate studies are reported on and included in this report. PB-275 182/4 PC A04/MF A01 San Diego State Univ., Calif. Center for Marine Studies. Alternative Management Plans for Yellowfin Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Special rept. V. G. Flagg. 1977, 55 NOAA-771 10314 Grant NOAA-04-3-1 58-22 Descriptors: 'Tunas, 'Economic development, 'Fisheries, Management, Tropical regions, Re- gression analysis, Fishing, Licenses, Abundance, Recommendations, Leasing, Prices, Economic impact, Weight(Mass), Exploitation, Harvesting, Taxes, Cost analysis, South Pacific Ocean. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, 'Overfishing, Quotas. A simplified version of the economics of ocean fisheries is presented in general terms as it applies to the eastern tropical Pacific yellowfin tuna fish- ery. Recommendations for eliminating excess ca- pacity and overfishing in the eastern Pacific are discussed and evaluated. Regression results on cost and revenue estimation in the fishery are given. These results were used to evaluate the impact of various management techniques on the industry. PB-275 230/1 PC A05/MF A01 California Univ., Davis. Dept. of Agricultural Engi- neering. Technological and Economic Assessment of the Utilization of Rice Straw Residue from the California Sacramento Valley for On-Farm Power Generation Final rept. Brian Horsfield, and R. O. Williams. Aug 76, 95p ERDA/USDA-1 9464/76/FR-1 Contract USDA-12-14-1001-603 See also report dated 20 Oct 76, PB-275 082. Descriptors: 'Electric power generation, 'Biologi- cal energy conversion, Agricultural wastes, Plant residues(Organic), Rice plants, Farm crops, Straw, Grain crops, Agricultural engineering, Gasification, Harvesting, Storage, Technology, Feasibility, Benefit cost analysis, Return on investment, Cali- fornia. The report examines alternative energy uses for California Sacramento Valley rice straw residue. This area of California can produce approximately 2 million tons of straw which has enough energy to provide 30% of the fuel requirements for a 1,000 megawatt plant. The report deals with methods of harvest, collection and storage, and provides an economic assessment of several methods, includ- ing total harvest. On-farm utilization of the energy content of rice straw is discussed with regard to rice drying and irrigation pumping. Off-farm use is also considered. (Color illustrations reproduced in black and white) PB-275 241/8 PC A09/MF A01 Dornbusch (David M.) and Co., Inc., San Francis- co, Calif. The Importance of Water Supply to Indian Eco- nomic Development Completion rept. James P. Merchant, and David M. Dornbusch. 1977, 184p OWRT-C-7042(6205)(1) Contract DI-14-34-0001-6205 Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Economic develop- ment, Economic analysis, Linear programming, Coal, Agriculture, Public land, Financing, Manpow- er, Economic impact, Water rights, North Dakota, South Dakota. Identifiers: 'Indian reservations, Fort Berthold Reservation, Rosebud Sioux Reservation, Todd County(South Dakota). The importance of water supply to economic de- velopment was analyzed for the Fort Berthold (North Dakota) and Rosebud Sioux (South Dakota) Reservations. A linear programming model was developed for each Reservation's economy to de- termine the importance of water as a factor of pro- duction. Marginal productivity curves for water were constructed by varying the water supply as- sumed to be available to each Reservation. Both Reservations face substantial legal barriers to the full use of available water supplies. Should the Fort Berthold and Rosebud Sioux Reservations lose key legal contests, the resulting water shortage could limit the value added of their economies to 74 percent and 50 percent of their respective full potentials. Other factors which impede full devel- opment of Reservation resources include lack of financing, jurisdictional uncertainties, land owner- ship patterns, and a shortage of managerial and labor skills. The study offers guidelines for assert- ing water rights and for ameliorating some of the conditions inhibiting development. PB-275 245/9 PC A04/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mass. Towards a Marine Policy in Latin America Francisco J. Palacio. Oct 77, 63 WHOI-77-63, NOAA-771 10302 Grant NOAA-04-6-1 58-441 06 Descriptors: 'International relations, 'Government policies, 'Ocean environments, 'Latin America, Resource management, Water resources, Conser- vation, Fisheries, Economic factors, Social effect, Appraisals, Mineral deposits, Developing coun- tries, Mexico, Central America. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Law of the Sea, Global. The need in Latin America for the adoption of com- prehensive policies which consider the ocean as an integral and important part of the process of de- velopment is stressed. The ability to adopt and im- plement such policies is directly related to the marine scientific capability of the country and to national awareness of ocean affairs. The utilization and preservation of the oceans should be the result of national and regional ocean policies in Latin America. Thus, national ocean studies should be undertaken to identify areas of econom- ic and social concern upon which such policies should be based. Developmental strategies in Latin America should include appraisals of marine ecosystems and the impact of development upon them; at a regional level the strategies should also consider the global role of the ocean in the bio- sphere. PB-275 290/5 PC A04/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. Community and Economic Development Div. National Water Quality Goals Cannot Be At- tained Without More Attention to Pollution from Diffused or Nonpoint' Sources Report to the Congress. 20 Dec 77, 55p* Rept no. CED-78-6 Descriptors: 'National government, 'Industries, 'Municipalities, 'Water pollution abatement, Sources, Grants, Sediments, Mine waters, Pesti- cides, Runoff, Agriculture, Forestry, Financing, Water pollution control, Expenses, Erosion control, State government, Local government, Project planning, Recommendations. 145 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: *Nonpoint sources, Mine acid drainage, Silviculture, Water quality goals cannot be achieved in many rivers and lakes because of diffused, or 'nonpoint,' sources of water pollution. Limited controls exist and agencies developing comprehensive control plans under grants from the Environmental Protec- tion Agency lack sufficient resources to gather needed data-a result of past and current empha- sis on controlling industrial and municipal point sources of water pollution. PB-275 344/0 PC A05/MF A01 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Sea Grant Coll. Program. Wood in Marine Structures. Proceedings of a Seminar Held at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina on October 7-8, 1977 Michael Levi, and Jerry Machemehl. Jul 77, 100p* UNC-SG-77-12, NOAA-771 10702 Grant NOAA-04-6- 158-44054 Descriptors: *Wooden structures, 'Structural tim- bers, "Meetings, Marine borer prevention, Wood preservatives, Creosote, Construction materials, Marine borers, Fungi, Fasteners, Civil engineering, Bulkheads, Harbor structures, Ship piers, Sea walls, Impregnating, Maintenance, Loads(Forces), Wood, Docks, Structural design. Identifiers: Sea Grant program. This is a compilation of 9 papers that were pre- sented at the seminar on the use of wood in marine structures. The subjects dealt with are: Wood as a construction material; Marine borers and fungi; Preservative systems and specifica- tions; Fasteners in marine structures; Waves, cur- rents, wave forces and coastal processes; Plan- ning, design, and construction of timber walls and bulkheads; Planning, design, and construction of piers and walkways; Use of pressure treated wood in building small boat facilities; and Wharf inspec- tion and maintenance. PB-275 345/7 PC A03/MF A01 Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, Honolulu. An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in Hawaii Technical rept. Richard T. Gibson, and Jaw-Kai Wang. May 77, 38p UNIHI-SEAGRANT-TR-77-05, HAES-Journal Ser-2142, NOAA-771 10420 Grant NOAA-04-6-1 58-44026, NOAA-04-6-158- 44144 Report on Tropical Animal Aquaculture-Prawn Production and Management Systems Develop- ment. Descriptors: *Fresh water, 'Aquaculture, 'Crusta- cea, * Hawaii, Economic development, Industries, Ponds, Reproduction(Biology), Design, Improve- ment, Savings, Cost analysis, Systems engineer- ing. Identifiers: *Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Sea Grant program. Freshwater prawn farming is a new and dynamic growth industry in Hawaii. Considerable progress has been made in hatching and rearing techniques since they were first introduced in 1965, yet there is still considerable room for improvement, espe- cially for the grow-out system. The current 'An- uenue' strategy is broken down to functional com- ponents and examined in detail through use of en- gineering economy methods. Areas with short- term potential for improvement are identified and an alternative approach utilizing a narrow canal pond design is recommended. There are various advantages of this alternative which result in a cost savings of 14.8%. The basic short-term improve- ment recommended is a pond design that permits mechanization of costly operations such as feed- ing, harvesting, and pond maintenance and the de- velopment of sophisticated management strate- gies aimed at increasing yields. PB-275 386-T PC A99/MF A01 Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C. Pollination of Agricultural Crops by Bees (Opy- lenie Pchelami Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Kul'tur) A. N. Mel'Nichenko. 1977, 71 2p Rept no. TT-74- 52054 Trans. of Vsesoyuznaya Akademiya Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Nauk. Doklady (USSR) v3 1960, by B. R. Sharma. Sponsored in part by National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Foundation. Descriptors: 'Pollen, *Bees, *Farm crops, Yield, Agriculture, Plants(Botany), Fruit crops, Convey- ors, Production, Mortality, Vegetable crops, Eco- nomic factors, Color, Aromatic compounds, Trans- lations, Books, Wheat plants, USSR. Identifiers: Pollination, Angiosperms, Heterosis. The relationships between the biology of flowering, the fertilization of plants, and the biology of bees have intrigued investigators for many years. The results of new studies and experiments, have con- firmed that the cross-pollination of entomophilous plants by bees is of paramount importance not only for increasing yield and improving seed and fruit quality, but also for the production and exploi- tation of heterosis in a number of bee-pollinated crops. The proceedings published in the present volume illustrate this point with new material. The book provides interesting material for agronomists, apiculturists, plant breeders and professional bee- keepers. PB-275 434/9 PC A03/MF A01 International Ferrocement Information Center, Bangkok (Thailand). The Potentials of Ferrocement and Related Ma- terials for Rural Indonesia; a Feasibility Study Ricardo P. Pama, and Opas Phromratanapongse. Oct 77, 28p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Djakarta (Indonesia). Prepared in co- operation with Siam Cement Co. Ltd., Bangkok (Thailand). Descriptors: 'Construction materials, 'Indonesia, Developing countries, Pontoons, Water tanks, Storage tanks, Grains(Food), Well casings, Toilet facilities, Boats. Identifiers: 'Ferrocement, Appropriate technology. This report summarizes the results of a short feasi- bility study conducted in Indonesia by a ferroce- ment team from the Asian Institute of Technology. Ferrocement has been identified as an appropriate technology material with many potential applica- tions in developing countries especially in the rural areas. Field visits were made during the period Oc- tober 4-18,1 977 in West Java, South Sulawesi and North Sumatra to obtain first hand information about the conditions of the rural people. The pri- mary result of the survey is the identification of seven (7) potential applications of ferrocement and related materials; these are: pontoons, dug- out canoes, water jars, toilet bowls, well casings, grain storage bins and building boards. The report recommends that extensive testing, field demon- stration and evaluation be conducted to determine especially their social acceptability by the villagers before full-scale implementation is undertaken. PB-275 569/2 PC A04/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Economic Develop- ment Lab. Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and For- estry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study John W. Tatom, Filino Harahap, Tze I, Chiang, R. Muchidin Apandi, and Harsono Wirjosumarto. Feb 77, 54p Contract AID/ASIA-C-1203 Prepared in cooperation with Institute of Technol- ogy Bandung (Indonesia). Development Technol- ogy Center, and Padjadjaran Univ., Bandung (Indo- nesia). Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, 'Wood wastes, 'Pyrolysis, 'Indonesia, Reclamation, Solid waste disposal, Fuels, Charcoal, Oils, Manufactured gas, Economic analysis, Design, Feasibility. The study was conducted in Indonesia in a joint effort by personnel from the Engineering Experi- ment Station at the Georgia Institute of Technol- ogy and the Development Technology Center at the Institute of Technology Bandung. The principal circumstance that led to the study is the severe firewood cutting of the forests, especially in Java, which has resulted in damage to soil, water, and mangrove resources, with the resulting need for an alternate source of fuel for cooking. The study in- volved (1) an investigation of the production of ag- ricultural and forestry wastes in Indonesia; (2) an evaluation of the market for the char, oil, and gas which are products of the pyrolytic conversion process; (3) the development of a preliminary pyro- lytic conversion system design; and (4) an approxi- mate economic evaluation of the system. The pri- mary results of the waste survey indicate that at least 17 million tons of wastes are produced in Indonesia each year, with rice hulls comprising a third of the total and sawmill, coconut, logging, rubber, oil palm wastes and bagasse comprising the remainder. From the available wastes it is esti- mated that about 1 .5 million tons of charcoal and .9 million tons of pyrolytic oils could be produced. PB-275 658/3 PC A04/MF A01 Energy Task Force, Inc., New York. Windmill Power for City People Final rept. Mary Christianson. May 77, 73p* OEO-LN-2137 Grant CSA-201 56 Descriptors: 'Windmills, 'Windpower utilization, 'Wind power generation, 'Urban areas, Wind tur- bines, Windpowered generators, Power transmis- sion towers, Design, Drawings, Systems engineer- ing, New York. Identifiers: New York City(New York). This report discusses the first urban windmill used as an alternative energy source. The windmill was designed and installed at 519 East 11th Street, a tenement building in New York City. Findings show that the energy produced from the windmill is an important renewable energy resource which can be used in most urban areas and which reduces dependency on utility companies. A brief history of the windmill's origin, design and installation proce- dures are outlined. Also included are comparisons of energy savings of the windmill energy versus the utility companies. An appendix consists of litera- ture, resources, a wind speed and direction map of the USA, structural engineering calculations and an explanation of windforces on windmills. PB-275 811/8 PCA07/MFA01 National Demonstration Water Project, Washing- ton, D.C. Rural Community Action: Status and Recom- mendations Final rept. Stanley Zimmerman. Oct 77, 137p* OEO-LN- 2147 Grant OEO-301 41 G-77-01 Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Rural areas, Projects, Services, Low income groups, Policies, Management, Housing studies, Medical services, Unemployment, Socioeconomic status. Identifiers: 'Community Action Programs, Poverty groups, 'Antipoverty programs. The report is an evaluation of the Community Action Program in rural America. The report de- scribes the conditions and problems of the poor in rural areas: limited resources and mobility, lack of necessary job skills, poor housing stock and inad- equate health care. In addition, the poor lack visi- bility and local officials are unwilling to rely on formal antipoverty programs. Successful rural community action programs are described and recommendations for future directions are given. PB-275 958/7 PC A02/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. Crawfish and Freshwater Shrimp Diseases Report on Sea Grant Program S. K. Johnson. 1977, 20p* TAMU-SG-77-605, NOAA-771 12805 Descriptors: 'Shrimps, 'Parasites, 'Crustacea, Fresh water, Diseases, Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, Worms, Microorganisms, Aquatic animals. 146 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: Sea Grant program, 'Crayfishes, Com- mensalism, Procambarus. The handbook is designed as an information source and field guide for crustacean culturists, commercial fishermen and others interested in parasites or abnormal conditions of freshwater crustaceans. In addition to detailed descriptions and illustrations of the common parasites and commensals, the publication includes information on the life cycles and general biological character- istics of disease producing organisms which spend all or part of their life cycles with crawfish and freshwater shrimp. Several conditions of unknown cause are also described. This guide concentrates on living agents and on illustrations and photo- graphs of the structure and effects of such agents. (Color illustrations reproduced in black and white) PB-276 055/ 1 PC A03/ M F A0 1 Integrative Design Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. Appropriate Technology and Agriculture in the United States A. Becker, and E. Eccli. 1977, 29p NSF/RA- 770065 Grant NSF-ERS76-21 350 Descriptors: 'Policies, 'Agriculture, Ecology, Rec- ommendations, Environmental impacts, Citizen participation, Pest control, Income, Planning, Em- ployment, Food processing, Constraints, Surveys, Marketing, Transportation, Food supply, Project planning, Urban areas, Research needs, Assess- ments, United States. Identifiers: 'Appropriate technology, Energy demand, Agribusiness, Organic farming. The purpose of this report is to survey those in the United States currently active in the field of appro- priate technology, describe their efforts, explore factors inhibiting the development and application of their innovations, report on their recommenda- tions for Federal and National Science Foundation activities in support of appropriate technology, and assess the policy implications of appropriate tech- nology. Two hundred and ninety-four individuals and groups from target populations concerned with issues related to the environment, local par- ticipation in planning and technology development, and unemployment/income stabilization respond- ed to this survey. This paper is a compilation of the major ideas of approximately 40 individuals and groups who responded to the survey primarily be- cause of their interests in the agricultural dimen- sion of appropriate technology. PB-276 129/4 PC A04/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. In- ternational Div. U.S. Participation in International Agricultural Research Report to the Congress. 27 Jan 78, 64p* Rept no. ID-77-55 Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Research projects, 'Developing countries, International relations, Re- search management, Project planning, Universi- ties, Organizations, Recommendations, Financing, Vegetables, Fertilizers, Pest control, Vertebrates, Birds, Rodents, Bats, Nutrition, Food, Technical assistance. Identifiers: Priorities. The importance of research to aid developing countries in meeting their food needs is being em- phasized increasingly. Much attention has focused on the international agricultural research centers as a result of the development of high-yield varie- ties of rice and wheat which created the hope of a 'Green Revolution.' This report examines the Agency's support of international agricultural re- search centers and its research strategy and makes recommendations for improving manage- ment of the program. PB-276 174/0 PC A04/MF A01 Williamson Engineering Associates, Inc., Navarre, Fla. The Application of Wind Energy Systems to Desalination Edgar A. Cadwallader, John E. Westberg, and William R. Williamson. 22 Apr 77, 68p OWRT/S- 78/1 Contract DI-1 4-34-0001 -7523 Descriptors: 'Desalting, 'Wind power generation, 'Water treatment, Economics, Electric power gen- eration, Brackish water, Electrodialysis, Reverse osmosis, Technology, Potable water, Water pollu- tion. Identifiers: 'Desalination, Wind turbines. The impact of rapidly increasing fuel costs has all but made saline water conversion uneconomical. However, the application of wind energy systems to membrane processes for brackish water con- version offers an economical solution. Commer- cially available wind turbines and those under de- velopment appear promising for producing electri- cal energy at costs ranging from five cents down to 1.8 cents per kilowatt hour. It is still possible to reach costs for desalting brackish water at less than $1.00 per thousand gallons with large wind energy/desalination systems. The coupling of wind energy turbines to electrodialysis and reverse osmosis also offers technological advantages, such as variable energy outputs from wind tur- bines, to optimize variable fluid flows in the desali- nation processes for maximum, economic produc- tion of potable water. Research and development efforts in this direction are indicated. PB-276 469/4 PC A07/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Methane Generation from Human, Animal, and Agricultural Wastes 1977, 136p* Contract AID/csd-2584 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 77-92794. Descriptors: 'Methane, 'Solid waste disposal, Plants(Botany), Agricultural wastes. Sewage, Design criteria, Public health, Benefit cost analysis, Anaerobic processes, Fermentation, Economic analysis, Feasibility, Technology, Microbiology, Substrates, Storage, Performance evaluation, Safety. Identifiers: 'Refuse derived fuels, Energy sources, Manure, Manufactured gas, Synthetic fuels. Contents: Overview-(lntroduction and history, System description, and Economic feasibility of methane production); Technology of anaerobic fermentation-state of the art-(Biological mechanisms, Raw materials and their preparation, Product storage and use, Residue composition, storage, and use, and Public health aspects); Technology of anaerobic fermentation; Engineering process design~(General design considerations, Design criteria, Operation and maintenance, Performance measurement, and safety); Research and development needs-(General issues, and technical R&D issues). PB-276 507/1 PC A05/MF A01 Instituto de Capitacion, Guatemala City. Dept. Tec- nico Didactico. Manual Talla de Madera (Wood Carving Manual) 1945, 97p Rept no. MD-41 Text in Spanish. Descriptors: 'Woodworking, Manuals, Wood prod- ucts, Spanish language, Instructional materials, Tools. The report contains instructions in Spanish in carv- ing and finishing objects of wood. PB-276 746/5 PC A03/MF A01 Economic Development Administration, Washing- ton, D.C. Program Analysis Div. Source Bibliography Employee Stock Owner- ship Plans (ESOP) Oct 77, 37p* Rept no. EDA-78-032 Descriptors: 'Employees, 'Investments, 'Capital, 'Bibliographies, Corporations, Industries, Incen- tives, Motivation, Savings, Benefits, Legislation. Identifiers: 'Employee stock ownership, *ESOP(Employee Stock Ownership Plans), Em- ployee stock ownership plans. The bibliography was compiled with the assistance of three useful research tools: the SCORPIO data bank maintained by the Library of Congress; the New York Times data bank; and an ESOP bibliog- raphy prepared by the Congressional Research Service. Employee Ownership Plans have been viewed as a means of improving employee motiva- tion and productivity, diversifying the ownership of capital, providing alternatives to conventional com- pensation and benefit plans, and saving jobs. An Employee Stock Ownership is an employee bene- fit program through which employees can acquire part or all of the stock in the corporation for which they work. Since the ESOP Act of 1973, four addi- tional pieces of legislation have been adopted re- lating to the use of the employee stock ownership concept. PB-276 908/1 PC A08/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Office of Arid Lands Stud- ies. The Impact of Groundwater Development in Arid Lands: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography Information paper Susan Jo Keith. 1977, 153p* ARID LANDS RESOURCE-IP-1 0, OWRT-W-1 97(5254)(2) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -5254 Descriptors: 'Ground water, 'Water pollution, 'Arid land, 'Water supply, 'Bibliographies, Envi- ronmental impacts, Social effect, Economic impact, Economic development, Subsidence, De- veloping countries, Stream flow, Agriculture, Irriga- tion, Reviews, Aquifers, American Indians, Arizo- na, Pakistan. Identifiers: 'Water management(Applied). As groundwater comes increasingly under devel- opment, it is imperative, for economic, ecological, and political reasons, to anticipate the impact of its development. The literature is reviewed on this impact in arid lands in terms of two general catego- ries: physical environment impacts and socioeco- nomic impacts. Two case studies are presented: One focuses on the impact of groundwater devel- opment on the Papago Indians; the second, through a discussion of groundwater development in Pakistan, demonstrates the role groundwater development can play in the economic develop- ment process in developing arid countries. PB-276 946/1 PC A04/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Inst, for Social Re- search. Employee Ownership. Employee Stock Owner- ship Plan (ESOP), Survey Research Center, In- stitute for Social Research, University of Michi- gan 1978, 70p* EDA-78-029 Grant EDA-99-6-09433 Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Technical assistance, Capital, Assets, Purchasing, Employ- ees, Benefits, Profits, Investments, Economic evaluation, Industries, Corporations, Statistical analysis. Identifiers: *ESOP(Employee Stock Ownership Plan), 'Employee stock ownership plan, 'Employ- ee stock ownership. The study is about one of the most recent vari- ations to emerge in the Employee Stock Owner- ship Plan, or ESOP, which permits employees to acquire up to 100 percent of the equity of the firm for which they work. This plan not only affords a real increase in property ownership for the workers as individuals, but also serves as an instrument for new corporate capital formation. Data have been collected on 98 firms, including such information as industry type, number of employees, magnitude of sales volume, the percent of employees who participate in the ownership plan. In thirty of the companies we were able to obtain actual data about profit and we therefore analyzed for this sub set of companies the relationship between profit and some of the aspects of ownership. 147 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-276 959/4 PC A09/MF A01 Denver Research Inst., Colo. Report on the Workshop, New U.S. Initiatives in International Science and Technology, Held at Keystone Colorado, April 13-16, 1977 Aug 77, 195p* Grant NSF-INT76-1499 Descriptors: 'Technology transfer, "Meetings, De- veloping countries, Foreign aid, International rela- tions, Leadership, Scientists, Cooperation, Rec- ommendations. Identifiers: Appropriate technology. The Denver Research Institute conducted on April 13-16, 1977, a workshop on new U.S. initiatives. ..under the sponsorship of NSF. Fifty members of the U.S. science and technology com- munity met to examine present U.S. international S&T goals, policies and mechanisms, and to rec- ommend future directions. The workshop ad- dressed these issues within the context of working groups divided into developed, developing and un- derdeveloped nations and international organiza- tions. A number of recommendations for change in U.S. policy, planning, program activities are pre- sented in this report. PB-276 972/7 PC A08/MF A01 Forest Service, Portland, Oreg. Div. of Engineer- ing. Guidelines for Use of Fabrics in Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads Interim rept. John E. Steward, Ron Williamson, and John Mohney. Jun 77, 174p* Descriptors: 'Fabrics, 'Pavements, Roads, Non- woven fabrics, Woven fabrics, Pavement bases, Fluid filters, Drainage, Separators, Reinforcing ma- terials, Soil stabilization, Waterproofing, Barrier coatings, Soil erosion, Erosion control, Earthwork, Permeability, Cost analysis, Soil mechanics. Identifiers: Road materials. Porous woven and non-woven fabrics have been used in road construction in Region 6 since 1974. The fabrics have been used: (1) as filters for sub- surface drainage; (2) separation layers to prevent subgrade soil contamination of base layers; (3) subgrade restraining layers for weak subgrades; (4) earth reinforcement to build retaining walls; (5) erosion control, and (6) water proofing mem- branes. A reference notebook titled 'Fabrics in Construction' is due for release to Region 6 For- ests in June 1977. This notebook contains a de- scription of current practices and the state-of-the- art in the use of fabrics in road construction and maintenance. The notebook defines terminology and lists the key factors involved in each usage, and relates the fabric physical and chemical prop- erties to the intended usage. The notebook also contains appropriate technical literature, manufac- turers' literature and cost data on the known avail- able fabrics. This report highlights the contents of the reference book and discusses the current knowledge for the use of fabrics in low-volume road construction and maintenance. PB-277 515/3 PC A02 California Univ., Bodega Bay. Bodega Marine Lab. Development of Crustacean Aquaculture R. A. Shleser. 1975, 18p NOAA-78011702 Grant NOAA-04-5-1 58-20 Pub. in European Symposium on Marine Biology (10th), Ostend, Belgium 17-23 Sep 75, v1 p455- 471 1975. Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Food chains, 'Algae, Crustacea, Lobsters, Crabs, Feeding stuffs, Diets, Water quality, Tanks(Containers), Design, Growth, Systems engineering, Cost engineering. Identifiers: Reprints, Homarus americanus, Cancer magister, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. The Aquaculture Program of Bodega Marine Labo- ratory is an interdisciplinary effort directed toward the development of aquaculture technology. The primary area of emphasis is the culture of the American lobster Homarus americanus. Research in the areas of water quality, nutrition, genetics, physiology, pathology, microbiology, algology, en- gineering and economics, have been integrated to emphasize the understanding of the economics of culture, u.e presentation describes how work in each of these areas has general application to the culture of other species. The culture of Dungeness crabs, freshwater prawns and other crustaceans are currently being investigated. Recent regula- tions requiring strict control of levels of metabolites in mariculture effluents have led to investigations of the potential of various species of algae to take up ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite. These algae may then serve as food for shellfish such as oysters, clams, scallops, and mussels. The economics of these food chains are discussed. PB-277 726/6 PC A03/MF A01 Transport and Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). Forecasting Rural Road Travel in Developing Countries from Studies of Land Use J. D. G. F. Howe, and B. S. Tennant. 1977, 38p Rept no. TRRL-SUPPLEMENTARY-754 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Rural areas, 'Travel, Forecasting, Roads, Surveys, Land use, Interviews, Kenya, Vehicular traffic, Planning, Great Britain. Identifiers: Vehicle ownership. In many developing countries, the difficulty of standardizing trip measurements, the flexibility with which vehicles are used and the absence of a conventional sampling frame for interviewing road users are the main obstacles to forecasting travel from land use. A study in Kenya has shown the difficulties of using roadside interviews for estab- lishing trip relationships, but has indicated that a suitable sampling frame could be constructed by a direct survey of vehicle owners. The vehicle owner in the broadest sense would then become the fun- damental unit for trip studies. The Report suggests that home and workplace questionnaire surveys, focussing on the vehicle owner, may be suitable for the extensive sampling necessary to evolve standards for studies of rural trip characteristics. Definitions of employment suitable for land-use/ transport studies in developing countries are sug- gested in the Report. These covered only 4 per- cent of the population of the study area, but never- theless, statistically they provided the best expla- nation both for vehicle ownership and for trip gen- eration. Trip origins from Agricultural and Residen- tial land uses did not reach significant proportions. The main generators were Retail and Commercial, Road Transport, and Government Administration land uses, which together accounted for over 75 percent of urban trip origins and 57 percent of all trip origins. (Copyright (c) Crown Copyright 1977.) PB-277 769/6 PC A15/MF A01 Pusat Penyelidikan Masalah Kelistrikan, Djakarta (Indonesia). Technical Forum on Direct Current Transmis- sion Held in Djakarta on 18-19 October 1976 1977, 328p Rept no. LMK-03-EP-77 Sponsored in part by Technology Transfer Inst., Tokyo (Japan) and Electric Power Development Co. International Ltd., Tokyo (Japan). Descriptors: 'Electric power transmission, 'Meet- ings, HVDC systems, DC systems, Power trans- mission lines, High voltage, Electric converters, Overhead power transmission, Oil-filled cables, Submarine cables, Thyristors, Switchgear, Control equipment, Circuit protection, Transformers, Indo- nesia. Contents: Outline of high voltage DC transmission; Equipment and components of direct current transmission systems; Prospects for Indonesia; Transmission line; D.C. cable and accessories. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-278 033/6 PC A07/MF A01 National Inst, for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio. Health and Safety Guide for Sawmills and Plan- ing Mills Jul 77, 132p* Rept no. NIOSH-78-102 Descriptors: 'Safety engineering, 'Sawmills, 'Mill- ing machines, 'Guidelines, Machine tools, Planing, Woodworking, Workplace layout, Requirements, Standards, Industrial hygiene, Safety devices, Ventilation, Hazardous materials, Personnel devel- opment, Accident prevention, Human factors engi- neering, Protective equipment, Fire safety. Identifiers: Occupational safety and health. The guide assists in providing a safe and healthful workplace for sawmills and planing mills. It de- scribes safe practices and helps correct some of the more frequently encountered violations of the safety and health standards. The main topics cov- ered include: the hazards most commonly encoun- tered in saw mills; health and safety guidelines and programs; tools and equipment; walking and work- ing surfaces; standard guard rails; exits and exit markings; occupational health and environmental control; ventilation; noise exposure; hazardous materials, spray painting; personal protective equipment; respiratory protection; sanitation; medical and first-aid; fire protection; compressed air equipment; powered industrial trucks; hoisting equipment; machinery and machine guarding; electrical code. PB-278 264/7 PC A03/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mass. Marine Shrimp Farming in the Western Hemi- sphere. Appendix C. A Marine Shrimp Culture Bibliography Joe A. Hanson, John E. Huguenin, Suzanne E. Huguenin, and Harold L. Goodwin. Dec 77, 46p WHOI-77-69, NOAA-78012601 Grant NOAA-04-5-1 58-1 3 Sponsored in part by Oceanic Inst., Waimanalo, Hawaii. Descriptors: 'Shrimps, 'Aquaculture, 'Bibliogra- phies, Crustacea, Substrates, Feeding stuffs, Larvae, Reproduction(Biology), Life cycles, Growth, Ponds, Cooling water, Parasites, Diets, Taxonomy, Marketing, Indexes(Documentation). Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Predation. This bibliography has been compiled through a series of iterations, each one more comprehensive and better organized than its predecessors. Shrimp culture is presently a very dynamic field and such a bibliography, dependent on published information, will not completely reflect current ca- pabilities existing in laboratories or in the field. The bibliography provides an organized method for the serious investigator to acquire in-depth scientific and technical information. A subject index of se- lected references and an author index have been provided. PB-278 351/2 PC A05/MF A01 Florida Univ., Gainesville. Inst, of Food and Agri- cultural Sciences. Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms Final rept. R. A. Nordstedt, P. H. Smith, L O. Bagnall, and F. LeGrand. Mar 78, 82p DOE/USDA-1 9464/76/ FR-2 Contract USDA-12-14-1001-604 Descriptors: 'Energy conversion, 'Bagasse, Solid waste disposal, Residues, Feasibility, Technology, Economics, Anaerobic processes, Pyrolysis, Incin- eration, Process charting, Design criteria, Perform- ance evaluation, Sugarcane, Solid wastes. Identifiers: 'Refuse derived fuels. This report examines the technologic and econom- ic feasibility of converting sugarcane production residues in South Florida to utilizable energy forms. Quantity and location of the residues are given. Current uses of the residues are outlined and compared with other potential uses which are described in the literature. Technological problems in collection of the field residues are discussed. The resulting research and development needs are outlined. An in-depth economic comparison of anaerobic digestion, shaft pyrolysis, and waterwall incineration is presented. Economic feasibility of each of the three processes is presented as a function of plant size using current market prices for energy and the energy price increases which would be necessary to make each of the process- es economically feasible. 148 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-278 882/6 PC A03/MF A01 Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, Washington, D.C. National Economic Analysis Div. Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing Final rept. H. R. Linstrom. Feb 78, 31 p Rept no. ESCS-01 Descriptors: 'Agricultural products, "Marketing, Vegetables, Fruits, Profits, Cosumer affairs, Bene- fits, Quality, Legislation. Identifiers: "Direct marketing, Farmer to consumer Direct Marketing Act 1 976, Farmers markets. Estimates indicate there were over 13,000 farmer- to-consumer direct-marketing outlets in the United States in 1 976. Farmers view this as an alternative market outlet to increase their income. Consumers see it as a means of getting fresher, higher quality foods at less cost. Consumers also see social and cultural benefits from direct contacts with farmers, visits to farms, and a so-called return to nature. Passage of the Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Mar- keting Act of 1976 reflects national interest in direct marketing of farm products, and there is strong evidence of increased attention at the state level. PB-278 986/5 PC A03/MF A01 National Rural Water Association, Washington, D.C. Rural Water and Sewer Systems Problems, Needs, Issues, Opportunities, and Goals: A Report on the Proceedings of the National Or- ganizational Conference of the National Rural Water Association (1st) Held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 15-16, 1976 Aug 76, 47p EDA-78-065 Descriptors: *Sewers, 'Sewage treatment, 'Water supply, 'Meetings, Objectives, Rural areas, Popu- lation growth, Financing, Public health, Specialized training, Management, Design, Maintenance, State government, Legislation, Local government, Na- tional government. The purpose of this report is to describe and define briefly the principal problems, issues, opportunities and goals which have a significant impact upon the stability and growth of rural water and sewer system throughout this country. The source for this material is the series of conference sessions held by representatives of eight State Rural Water As- sociations at the organizational meeting in Oklaho- ma City. The proceedings were heavily oriented toward water supply systems. PB-278 999/8 PC A03/MF A01 Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, Washington, D.C. National Economic Analysis Div. An Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion in U.S. Agriculture Final rept. Ted Thornton. Mar 78, 45p* Rept no. ESCS-06 Descriptors: 'Digestion(Decomposition), 'Anaero- bic processes, 'Methane, 'Agriculture, Anaerobic bacteria, Agricultural wastes, Cattle, Fertilizers, Economic analysis, Feeding stuffs, Design, Fuels, Digesters, Sludge, Cost analysis, Feasibility, Pro- duction, Assessments. Identifiers: Manure. Anaerobic digestion is a biological process in which bacteria break down organic matter to pro- duce methane, partially stabilized effluent, and other products. Although the process has been ad- vocated as a source of fuel, feed, and fertilizer, its widespread adoption in American agriculture is doubtful. The cost and complexity of most diges- tive systems make them difficult to incorporate in agricultural operations. Although site specific ap- plications may be feasible, these will not have a major impact on the agricultural sector. As a source of energy, there is little possibility of anaer- obic digestion providing even a small percentage of national energy requirements. PB-279 095/4 PC A07/MF A01 Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, Washington, D.C. Commodity Economics Div. Estimating U.S. Livestock and Poultry Manure and Nutrient Production Final rept. Donald L. Van Dyne, and Conrad B. Gilbertson. Mar 78, 150p* Rept no. ESCS-12 Descriptors: 'Livestock, 'Poultry, 'Agricultural wastes, Estimates, Animal products, Fertilizers, Materials handling, Production, Losses, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Recovery, Tables(Data), StatesfUnited States), Volume, Weight(Mass), Storage. Identifiers: 'Manure. Estimates are developed for total manure, nitro- gen, phosphorus, and potassium produced by and available from livestock and poultry in the United States in 1974. Also included are estimates of the amount retained after losses from storage and waste handling systems, and estimates of the amounts which could be economically recovered for use elsewhere. A ratio of total manure produc- tion to acres of cropland and pastureland is devel- oped to provide an indication of animal manure concentration on a county-to-county basis in the United States. PB-279 193/7 PC A08/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. Dept. of Systems and In- dustrial Engineering. Appropriate Technology for Natural Resources Development: An Overview, Annotated Bib- liography, and a Guide to Sources of Informa- tion Robert L. Bulfin, and Harry L. Weaver. 1977, 174p Grant AID/ta-G-1111 Report on Arid/Semi-Arid Natural Resources Pro- gram. Descriptors: 'Technology, 'Economic develop- ment, 'Bibliographies, Developing countries, Or- ganizations, History, Industries, Agriculture, Water supply, Irrigation, Indexes(Documentation), Data sources. Identifiers: Appropriate technology, 'Information sources, 'Intermediate technology. The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the inter- ested reader with the subject matter commonly re- ferred to as Intermediate Technology (IT). The paper is an attempt to capture the essence of the subject by providing an overview, with the bibliog- raphy used to obtain additional details. For those who wish to pursue the subject beyond the cita- tions presented in the bibliography, Appendix A, a guide to the sources of information (i.e. indices, journals, and practicing organizations) on Appro- priate and/or Intermediate Technology, is includ- ed. A brief history of the development of IT is given, followed by its thematic framework. Exam- ples of IT in developing countries are then present- ed to familiarize the reader with the breadth of ap- plications. The question, Is Intermediate Appropri- ate, is also discussed. PB-279 211/7 PC A20/ M F A0 1 International Research and Technology Corp., McLean, Va. An Assessment of Controlled Environmental Agriculture Technology Final rept. Lawrence H. de Bivort, Theodore B. Taylor, and Miguel Fontes. 17 Feb 78, 476p IRT-469-R, NSF/RA-780024 Contract NSF-C1026 Descriptors: 'Farm crops, 'Vegetables, 'Agricul- tural economics, Assessments, Economic impact, Environmental impacts, Agronomy, Cost analysis, Water conservation, Shortages, Farms, Produc- tion, Food storage, Solar energy, Greenhouses, Operating costs, Soil conservation, Employment, Transportation. Identifiers: 'Controlled environment agriculture. Assessment of the economic, environmental, social, and other impacts of large scale use of technology for growing food inside enclosures, Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), was ini- tiated to alleviate the agro-food problems of envi- ronmental degradation; shortages of arable land, water, and fertilizers; and unreliable production. Primary conclusions were: (1) Large scale use could alleviate these problems; (2) costs of pres- ent systems are too high for agronomic crops, but acceptable for some high value fresh vegetables; (3) new systems can be made at lower costs and less total energy consumption; (4) there is a need to link R&D to open field agriculture, solar energy systems, water management, and low-cost struc- tures; and (5) CEA should be used with solar energy and water management systems for large communities. The study includes a conceptual analysis of future systems, cost evaluations, and a diffusion analysis of non-economic considerations. PB-279 379/2 MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Board on Agriculture and Renewable Resources. World Food and Nutrition Study; Enhancement of Food Production for the United States Nov 75, 186p Rept no. ISBN-0-309-02435-8 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 75-37121 . Paper copy available from National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave, N.W., Washing- ton D.C. 20418. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Nutrition, 'Food supply, Research projects, Financing, Production, Nitro- gen fixation, Plant genetics, Recommendations, Pest control, Developing countries, Research management, Animal diseases, Livestock, Nation- al government, Public law, Food composition, Diets, Food consumption, United States. Identifiers: Priorities. This report focuses on the biological, chemical, and physical research priorities for enhancing the production and improving the dependability of U.S. food supplies. The report points to some deficien- cies in our current investment in agricultural and food research and recommends significant in- creases in funding for innovative and crucial re- search programs. Changes are also suggested in the administrative procedures and resource man- agement practices of the Federal and state agen- cies concerned with agricultural, food, and nutri- tion research. PB-279 405/5 PC A15/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Sea Grant Coll. Program. Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Sub- tropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas (2nd) Held in Biloxi, Mississippi on April 17-20, 1977 Ranzell Nickelson, II. Oct 77, 344p TAMU-SG- 78-101, NOAA-78020604 Grant NOAA-04-6-1 58-44012 Descriptors: 'Fisheries, 'Tropical regions, 'Meet- ings, Fishing, Lobsters, Food processing, Byprod- ucts, Seafood, Fish protein concentrates, Food storage, Shrimps, Shellfish, Fishes, Marketing, Ex- ports, Tunas, Atlantic Ocean. Identifiers: Fish silage. The 28 papers presented at the Second Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas, held in Biloxi, Missis- sippi, on April 17-20, 1977, are compiled in this report. Subjects vary from stock assessments, to processing and by-products, and production and marketing. PB-279 440/2 PC A08/MF A01 Material Systems Corp., Escondido, Calif. A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Solid Wastes for Building Materials. Phase I Sum- mary Report B. L. Duft, H. Levine, and A. McLeod. Apr 78, 164p* EPA/600/2-78/091 Contract EPA-68-03-2056 Descriptors: 'Construction materials, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Industrial wastes, 'Reclamation, Rein- forced plastics, Management planning, Composite materials, Reinforcing materials, Fillers, Fly ash, Glass, Agricultural wastes, Cellulose, Fibers, Phe- nolic resins, Bagasse, Cements, Starches, Lignin, Wood wastes, Sludge disposal, Laboratory tests, Performance evaluation, Furfurals. Identifiers: Manure, Rice hulls, Plastic recycling, Glass recycling, Sewage sludge, Waste recycling. This document reports on a study to research and develop building materials containing organic and inorganic wastes and waste-derived products. A comprehensive literature search was conducted to 149 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS review and evaluate wastes with potential as matri- ces, reinforcements, or fillers in building compos- ites. The most promising candidates were evaluat- ed with limited laboratory studies. From these studies, two types of matrices, furfural-phenolic and inorganic, were selected for further study. Seven reinforcement candidates and five filler can- didates were selected for evaluation with the two matrices. PB-279 445/1 PC A09/MF A01 Nebraska Univ., Lincoln. Dept. of Agronomy. Genetic Improvement of Productivity and Nu- tritional Quality of Wheat Research rept. 1 Apr 76-31 Mar 77 V. A. Johnson, and P. J. Mattern. 31 Mar 77, 183p Contract AID/ta-C-1 093 Descriptors: * Nutritive value, 'Wheat, * Wheat plants, 'Plant genetics, Breeding, Proteins, Metab- olism, Lysine, Photosynthesis, Nitrogen fixation, Plant physiology, Laboratory animals, Rats, Bio- assay, Yield, Quality, Tables(Data), Field tests. Identifiers: Winter wheat plants, Spring wheat plants. Partial contents: Genetics and breeding; Chemical and physical characterization of nutritionally improved wheats; International evaluation; Physiological studies of high yield and high protein metabolism; Nutritional evaluation; Information, germplasm exchange, technical assistance and training. PB-279 517/7 PC A08/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C. Foreign Development Div. Controlled Environment Agriculture: A Global Review of Greenhouse Food Production Foreign agricultural economic rept. (Final) Dana G. Dalrymple. Oct 73, 164p Rept no. FAER-89 Descriptors: 'Horticulture, 'Greenhouses, 'Agri- cultural economics, 'Developing countries, Food, Production, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Heat- ing, Cooling, Carbon dioxide, Soils, Irrigation, Fer- tilizers, Capital, Polymeric film, Fixed investments, Manpower, Operating costs. Identifiers: Global. Controlled environment crop production is most nearly approached, on a commercial scale, in greenhouses. Greenhouses have been used for food production for over a century, mainly in devel- oped regions. The introduction of plastic film during the 1950's lowered construction costs and made it possible for less affluent nations to use greenhouses. Among the newer techniques of en- vironmental control used commercially are artificial cooling, carbon dioxide enrichment, use of artificial soil, and automated irrigation with liquid fertilizers. Greenhouse labor and capital requirements per unit of land exceed those for outdoor food crop production. Much of the work must be done by hand; there are usually few economies of scale beyond family-sized operations. Capital invest- ments for glasshouses in developed nations com- monly exceed $100,000 per acre. The most impor- tant crops produced worldwide are tomatoes, cu- cumbers, and lettuce. On a global basis, environ- mental control via greenhouses will be increasingly important in agriculture. PB-279 756/1 PC A06/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C. Foreign Demand and Competition Div. The World Food Situation and Prospects to 1985 Foreign agricultural economic rept. (Final 1974- 85). Dec 74, 104p* Rept nos. FAER-98, AGERSF-16 Descriptors: 'Food supply, Production, Food con- sumption, Prices, Commerce, Grains(Food), Re- serves, Inventories, Stock pile management, Prices, Policies, Developing countries, Agricultural economics, Nutrition, Nutritional deficiency dis- eases. Identifiers: I 'nited Nations, Food aid programs, Food technology, 'World food. Patterns of world food production, consumption, prices, and trade in the two decades prior to 1 972 are analyzed in terms of their effect on the turbu- lent world food situation of 1972-74. Also exam- ined are several issues that will shape develop- ments in the next decade, including grain reserve levels, nutritional requirements, food aid, resource availability for producing food, weather, and demand for food. Projections to 1 985 of world food supply and demand are included, and differences among developing countries are outlined. The analysis concludes that factors giving rise to the present world food situation are largely transitory and can be corrected. Food supplies will remain tight and their prices high for the next year or two, but in the longer term and for the world as a whole, more food can be produced per person and food production can be generally adequate to meet demand. But, substantial malnutrition will probably persist among low-income groups in the less pros- perous developing countries, and special national and international programs will be necessary to help those most seriously threatened. PB-279 771/0 PC A02 North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Sea Grant Coll. Program. The $6-Million Eel, or from Bait to Delicacy in Four Years Karen M. Jurgensen, and Gene Crow. 1977, 8p UNC-SGR-115, NOAA-78032008 Descriptors: 'Eels, 'Aquaculture, Economic devel- opment, Harvesting, Prices, Demand(Economics), North Carolina. Identifiers: Sea Grant program. In five years, the University of North Carolina Sea Grant College Program has spent less than $75,000 on wild eel harvesting advisory services. What started out as an effort to tap an underuti- lized species has led to an increasingly sophisti- cated and expanding industry-one which prom- ises even further development. There is a potential market now for eels of all sizes. Extensive world- wide demand continues, prices are good, supplies are down elsewhere. To have created a market would have taken a lot longer if, indeed, it could have done at all. The project has lived up to its goals. It has improved the financial situation of at least 350 fishermen and a number of businesses. It promises to do more. PB-279 775/1 PC A07/MF A01 Nebraska Univ., Lincoln. Water Resources Center. Water Problems in the Rural Environment; Al- ternative Solutions for Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal. Proceedings of a Con- ference Held at Lincoln, Nebraska on Novem- ber 4-5, 1976 1978, 142p Descriptors: 'Sewage disposal, 'Water supply, 'Rural areas, 'Meetings, Monitoring, Water qual- ity, Water law, Policies, Social effect, Financing, Water wells, Water distribution. The purpose of this conference was to describe the current rural water situation. Rural water supply and wastewater disposal problems, including both quality and quantity, were considered. The socio- economic and technological aspects of alternative solutions to rural water problems and the various impacts involved in changing or improving the cur- rent situation were examined. Future research and related needs to solve various rural water prob- lems were outlined. The conference focused on domestic and farmstead use of water and included considerations of supply systems ranging from that required for an individual home to that required for a small community. PB-279 982/3 PC A02 Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. Center for Wetlands Resources. Soft Shell Crawfish as an Aquaculture Food Product Jay V. Huner. Dec 77, 4p LSU-R-77-014, NOAA- 78030702 Prepared by Southern Univ., Baton Rouge, La. Descriptors: 'Food supply, 'Crayfishes, 'Aquacul- ture, Animal physiology, Harvesting, Food storage, Water quality, Food processing. Identifiers: Reprints, Sea Grant program, Orcon- ectes immunis, Orconectes rusticus, Orconectes virilis. Various topics that should be considered by those interested in the production of soft shell crawfish for food are discussed. Information is given on the molting physiology, the collection and identifica- tion of premolt crawfish, its storage, handling and preservation for marketing. Artificial induction of molt is explained. Soft shell crawfish, shrimps and prawns are excellent food items. As the culture of these species expands, suitable stock for the pro- duction of soft shell animals will either continue to be available (crawfishes) or become available (shrimps and prawns). It is only a matter of time before enough persons become aware of their food value before the aquaculture industry will evaluate and subsequently implement commercial production. PB-280 053/0 PC A08/MF A01 Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, Washington, D.C. Foreign Demand and Competi- tion Div. Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume I. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Live- stock) Model Analytical Report Final rept. A. Rojko, D. Regier, P. O'Brien, A. Coffing, and L. Bailey. Apr 78, 153p* Rept nos. AGERSF-22, FAER-146 Descriptors: 'Food supply, 'Agricultural econom- ics, Mathematical models, Economic models, Agri- cultural products, Grains(Food), Oilseed crops, Livestock, Predictions, Commerce, Developing countries, Production, Exports, Demand(Economics). Identifiers: 'World food, *GOL model. The volume reports on analysis and general re- sults of the world grain-oilseeds-livestock (GOL) model. The results point up the importance of the strong interrelationships tying together the world commodity sectors. Projections rest on a number of alternative sets of assumptions about world economic growth, trade, and food policy condi- tions. However, the projections indicate that re- gional food distribution problems are likely to per- sist. Moreover, the alternative which assumes lower grain yields and deteriorating climate and weather suggests the possibility of serious pres- sures on resources and increases in price of grain imported by the developing countries. As a whole, the developing countries' grain imports are project- ed to increase faster than imports in the rest of the world. Imports in 1985 are projected to range from 49 million tons under the alternative which as- sumes a continuation of present agricultural and trade policies, to 91 million tons under the high import demand alternative; both compare with recent levels of 30-35 million tons. Rising demand for meat and livestock products is projected under all alternatives. Growth in the commercial sectors of the world meat economy ranges from one-third to one-half above 1 970 base levels. PB-280 100/9 PC A05/MF A01 Puerto Rico Univ., Mayaguez. Water Resources Research Inst. Puerto Rico's Water Resources Problems and Research Needs. Proceedings of Conference and Planning Session (1st) Held at the Universi- ty Library of the Mayaguez Campus on Febru- ary 14, 1974 Roberto Vazquez. 14 Feb 74, 95p OWRT-A-999- PR(2) Prepared in cooperation with Puerto Rico Dept. of Natural Resources, San Juan. Descriptors: 'Water resources, 'Puerto Rico, 'Meetings, Agriculture, Water supply, Industrial water, Sugar crops, Water conservation, Research projects, Water pollution, Water storage, Flood control, Economic development, Virgin Islands. Identifiers: Water demand, Research needs. The proceedings of a conference and planning session to identify Puerto Rico's water resources problems and research needs are presented. 150 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Panel discussions were conducted on water for agriculture, water for development, water for in- dustry, and on water and environmental quality R and D efforts. The agricultural discussion centered on water resource needs for sugar production and on Federal soil and water conservation programs. Economics, flood control, domestic water use problems and research needs, and Corps of Engi- neers water resources programs were discussed with regard to development. The panel on water and environmental quality discussed water quality problems and research needs, EPA water re- sources programs, USGS water resources re- search, and water resources in the Virgin Islands. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-280 125/6 PC A03/MF A01 Missouri Univ.-Columbia. Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Breaking Plant Shell-Waste Final rept. J. M. Vandepopuliere, H. V. Walton, W. Jaynes, and O. J. Cotterill. Mar 78, 47p EPA/600/2-78/ 044 Grant EPA-S-803614 Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Water pollu- tion control, Industrial wastes, Feeding stuffs, Eggs, Dehydrators, Design criteria, Milling, Cost analysis, Operating costs, Chemical oxygen demand, Chemical composition, Performance evaluation, Microorganisms, Moisture content. Identifiers: 'Land disposal, *Egg breaking plants, Egg industry, Biochemical oxygen demand. Egg breaking plants yield an estimated 50,000 tons of waste annually. These wastes are com- monly disposed of on land. This method of dispos- al is becoming more difficult due to the potential for pollution of local water resources. A triple pass rotary drum dehydrator was installed at an egg breaking plant. With appropriate engineering modi- fications a system for producing egg shell meal from the total egg shell waste from the breaking plant was developed. This meal was utilized as a feedstuff by a local mill and incorporated into a layer diet. This diet was fed to several commercial flocks of cage layers. Appropriate data were col- lected to determine meal production costs, yield of meal, feed produced, feeding data, and layer flock performance. COD and BOD data were generated to determine the pollution potential of the waste were it not converted to a useful by-product. PB-280 161/1 PC A08/MF A01 Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, College. International Consultation on Ipil-lpil Research Jan 78, 164p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Trees(Plants), 'Arid land, 'Develop- ing countries, 'Meetings, Tropical regions, Plant genetics, Forage crops, Production, Cultivation, Soil properties, Feeding stuffs, Utilization, Wood, Reforestation, Charcoal. Identifiers: 'Leucaena leucocephala. Discoveries on the multi-uses of ipil-ipil (Leucaena spp.) generated worldwide interest in the produc- tion of this versatile plant. Originating from Mexico, this species was introduced to various tropical countries especially in Southeast Asia. Undoubt- edly, research on ipil-ipil production and its utiliza- tion could vary from one country to another and this could influence the formulation and priority list- ing of research problems areas. Participants from the United States, Mexico, Australia and Taiwan merged their expertise, experiences and ideas with Filipino scientists in an effort to: (1 ) put together all available information of Ipil-ipil; (2) identify interna- tional potentials of the plant for forage, wood and reforestation purposes; and (3) formulate priority research areas and action to fully realize the po- tentials of the plant. The main objective of the pub- lication of the proceedings of this important confer- ence is to provide a reference for scientists and development workers in countries where ipil-ipil is or could be grown. PB-280 196/7 PC A03/MF A01 Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, Washington, D.C. Commodity Economics Div. The Performance and Economic Feasibility of Solar Grain Drying Systems Final rept. for 1 976 Walter G. Heid, Jr. Feb 78, 39p* Rept no. AER- 396 Descriptors: 'Solar dryers, 'Crop driers, Solar drying, Drying apparatus, Farm crops, Grain crops, Agricultural engineering, Solar collectors, Cost analysis, Performance evaluation, Agricultural eco- nomics, Performance tests. The performance and costs of eight experimental on-farm solar collectors designed to dry corn were studied. Solar drying costs were compared with the costs of owning and operating conventional grain dryers. The eight solar grain drying systems studied include: Rock heat-storage, flat-plate, in- flated tube, suspended plate, wraparound, intensi- fier, air-supported, and multiuse. PB-280 252/8 PC A07/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C. Foreign Development Div. Development and Spread of High-Yielding Var- ieties of Wheat and Rice in the Less Developed Nations. Edition 5 Final rept. 1965-75 Dana G. Dalrymple. Aug 76, 133p Rept no. FAER-95 Prepared in cooperation with Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Wheat plants, *Rice plants, 'Agricul- tural economics, 'Developing countries, Statistical data, International trade, Cultivation, Asia, Egypt, Iraq, India, Latin America, Philippines. The use of high-yielding varieties (HYV's) of wheat and rice has expanded sharply in the developing nations in recent years. This report reviews the de- velopment of these varieties and documents their yearly spread in statistical terms. Major emphasis is placed on semi-dwarf (1) wheat varieties devel- oped at the International Maize and Wheat Im- provement Center in Mexico, and (2) rice varieties developed in the Philippines at the International Rice Research Institute. Semi-dwarf varieties de- veloped in national breeding programs are also in- cluded. Data cover the 10-year period from the 1 965/66 crop year, when these varieties first came into wide use, through 1 974/75. PB-280 317/9 PC A05/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. Community and Economic Development Div. Redesigning Shipping Containers to Reduce Food Costs Report to the Congress. 28 Apr 78, 89p* Rept no. CED-78-81 Descriptors: 'Food packaging, 'Containerizing, 'Shipping containers, Cost engineering, Packag- ing, Metric system, Containers, Modular structures, Unitizing, Design, National government. Identifiers: Department of Agriculture. The Federal Government spent an estimated $10.3 billion for food in fiscal year 1977. This amount can be reduced by using modularization - a system geometrically relating the size of food shipping containers to one another. Benefits in- clude reduced damage, increased productivity, and possibly lower prices to the consumer. Bene- fits from this system have been realized in Eurpean countries, but little is being done within the United States. To encourage Government-industry awareness of this efficiency opportunity, GAO rec- ommends that: (1) The Department of Agriculture take the initiative in advancing understanding of modularization; (2) The U.S. Metric Board consider modularization in any metrication actions to change package sizes in the food industry; (3) The Congress include testimony on modularization ef- forts in any consideration of food marketing and prices. PB-280 359/1 PC A06/MF A01 Foreign Economic Development Service, Wash- ington, D.C. Survey of Multiple Cropping in Less Developed Nations Interim rept. Dana G. Dalrymple. Oct 71, 120p Rept nos. FEDR-12, AGERSF-25 Prepared in cooperation with Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, 'Agriculture, 'Developing countries, History, Cultivation, Yield, Climate, Soils, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Irrigation, Water supply, Rotation, Social effect, Economic development. Identifiers: Multiple cropping. Multiple cropping is the practice of growing more than one harvested crop in sequence on the same piece of land in the course of one year. While an ancient technique, multiple cropping is of current importance because of the promise it holds for al- leviating important problems in the less developed nations. Technological advances in developing short-season varieties have (1) broadened the area where multiple cropping is possible, and (2) increased the potential number of crops which may be grown in current multiple cropping areas. But to take advantage of multiple cropping, ade- quate water control must be available, along with farm chemicals in improved farm management. The report surveys the development in current status of multiple cropping in less developed na- tions. PB-280 521/6 PC A02/MF A01 Transport and Road Research Lab., Crowthorne, (England). Intermediate Public Transport in Developing Countries Laboratory rept. P. R. Fouracre. 1977, 23p Rept no. TRRL-LR- 772 Also Pub. as ISSN 0305-1293. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Developing countries, Urban development, Statistical data, Municipalities, Vehicles, Services, Great Britain. Identifiers: Minibuses, Taxicabs, Rickshaws. The Report presents a survey of intermediate forms of urban public transport used throughout the developing world. The controversy surrounding intermediate public transport is discussed and the more important issues and problems are identified. Brief descriptions of some examples are also pre- sented which illustrate how these transportation systems are organized and operated. The purpose of the Report is to elucidate the significant role that intermediate public transport performs in the urban sector of developing countries. This provides the background to further research work being con- ducted by the Overseas Unit of the Transport and Road Research Laboratory into the efficiency of these various forms of transport. (Copyright (c) Crown Copyright 1 977.) PB-280 662/8 PC A05/MF A01 Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, Md. Bio- logical Waste Management and Soil Nitrogen Lab. Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities Interim rept. for Jun 74-Jun 75 J. M. Walker, L. Ely, P. Hundemann, N. Frankos, and A. Kaminski. Feb 78, 83p* EPA/600/2-78/ 018 Descriptors: 'Land reclamation, 'Sludge disposal, 'Municipalities, Ditches, Soil properties, Drainage, Earth handling equipment, Cost estimates, Man- power, Calcium oxides, Odors, Surface water runoff, Monitoring, Viruses, Metals, Nitrogen, Feasibility. Identifiers: Trenching. A method of disposing of dewatered sewage sludge by entrenching it into soil was developed for small communities. Readily available and rela- tively inexpensive equipment was used. Included were a tractor equipped with a loader and back- hoe, and dump truck or concrete mixer truck. A tractor operator and a truck driver were required. Trenches, dug with the backhoe, were 60 cm wide, 60 cm deep, and 60 cm apart. The time required to entrench 12 tons of dewatered sludge was one hour. The estimated cost of sludge incorporation 151 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS was less than $1 5.00 per ton of dewatered sludge. Cost items included equipment, personnel, hauling (64 km round trip), land, drainage monitoring, and cultivation. Reuse of a previously trenched site in- dicated that about 2 years is the minimum satisfac- tory time lapse between the first and second en- trenchment. Trenching of limed sludge cake can be done without odor or surface water runoff prob- lems. Trenching is most appropriate on low quality land where surface application is not feasible. PB-281 073/7 PC A08/MF A01 Hawaii Biomass Energy Study Team. Biomass Energy for Hawaii. Volume II. Sugar Operations Final rept. Feb 77, 162p Rept no. HB-2 Also available in set of 4 reports PC E14, PB-281 071 -SET. Descriptors: * Biomass, 'Hawaii, 'Sugars, Sources, Sugar alcohols, Process charting, Design criteria, Sugarcane, Materials recovery, Economic analysis, Electric power generation, Ethanol, Pilot plants, Harvesting, Byproducts, Bagasse. Identifiers: 'Energy sources, Biological energy conversion. This volume considers sugar operations as it re- lates to energy sources. It covers harvesting oper- ations, mill operations, electrical rate structures, al- cohol production and general evaluation frame- work. PB-281 200/6 PC E20/MF E20 Solar Energy Information Services, San Mateo, Calif. Survey of the Emerging Solar Energy Industry - 1977 Edition Justin A. Bereny. c1977, 41 7p* Rept no. SEIS- 77/01 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 77-71664. Descriptors: 'Solar energy, 'Surveys, 'Directories, Solar air conditioning, Solar space heating, Solar water heating, Swimming pools, Solar collectors, Concentrating collectors, Flat plate collectors, Wind power, Evacuated tube collectors, Agricul- ture, Solar thermal power plants, Electric power generation, Photovoltaic conversion, Orbital solar power plants, Ocean thermal energy conversion, Biomass, Marketing, Economics, Legislation, Public utilities, Reviewing. Identifiers: National Energy Plan, Biological energy conversion. The Survey of the Emerging Solar Energy Industry offers the first comprehensive overview of an ex- citing new industry that will revolutionize the way we live. It reviews the six major subdivisions of solar technology in considerable depth, i.e., heat- ing and cooling; solar thermal electric; photovol- taics; wind energy; ocean thermal; and bioconver- sion. It traces the catalytic role of the federal gov- ernment in spurring the development of solar tech- nology and includes a comprehensive analysis of all state government solar-oriented legislation. The impact of solar technology on the utility industry is examined; all major solar projects of the electric utilities are listed and some of the major demon- stration projects are discussed in detail. The re- search activities of universities, nonprofit organiza- tions and government laboratories are identified by technical area. All leading companies (both public- ly and privately owned-including a number of the 'Fortune 500') which are now active in the field are listed in the two Directories that have been incor- porated as part of the Survey. Consensus market forecasts are presented and commented upon. The long range financial implications of break- throughs in certain technologies are pointed out. (Copyright (c) 1977 Solar Energy Information Serv- ices.) PB-281 670/0 PC A11/MF A01 Wampanoag Tribal Council of Gay Head, Ind., Mar- tha's Vineyard, Mass. The Wampanoag Fisheries Project: Shellfish Production Improvement at Gay Head, Mar- tha's Vineyard, Massachusetts Annual rept. no. 1. Apr 78, 237p EDA-78-079 Grant EDA-01 -6-01 369 Descriptors: 'Shellfish, 'Aquaculture, 'Fisheries, 'Menemsha Pond, 'Economic development, Sur- veys, Clams, Mollusca, Mussels, Oysters, Circula- tion, Nutrients, Chlorophylls, Primary biological productivity, Algae, Water quality, Bacteria, Feed- ing stuffs, Temperature, Massachusetts. Identifiers: Habitats, Argopecten irradians, Mer- cenaria mercenaria, Mytilus edulis, Mya arenaria, Crassostrea virginica. The Wampanoag Fisheries Project has begun a comprehensive study of shellfish environment of the Menemsha Pond complex located between the towns of Gay Head and Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. The project proposed to improve and stabilize the shellfish production on the Gay Head side of Menemsha Pond; and to pro- vide jobs for the Wampanoag community in rear- ing, harvesting, processing and selling of seafood. Based on the environmental data, scallop seeding program, seafood market analysis and hatchery survey, the Project has recommended the con- struction of a shellfish hatchery. PB-282 062/9 PC A04/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Center for Building Technology. Methods for Characterizing Adobe Building Materials Final rept. James R. Clifton, Paul W. Brown, and Carl R. Robbins. Jun 78, 63p Rept no. NBS-TN-977 Sponsored in part by National Park Service, Wash- ington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Construction materials, 'Residential buildings, 'Cohesive soils, Physical properties, Mineralogy, Particle size, pH, Durability, Stand- ards, Plastic properties, Chemical composition, Mi- croscopy, X ray diffraction, Color, Inorganic salts, Electron microscopy. Identifiers: 'Adobe soils. Methods are described for the characterization of those physical properties and mineralogical fea- tures of adobe which appear to have the most sig- nificant affect on the durabilities of adobes. These methods include determinations of color, pH, solu- ble salts, particle size distribution, liquid and plastic limits, and the X-ray 'fingerprint' of adobe. In addi- tion, methods are given for the identification of the mineralogy of adobe soils and for the examination of the microfabric of adobe. PB-282 228/6 PC A12/MF A01 Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, Washington, D.C. Foreign Demand and Competi- tion Div. Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985: Volume 2. World GOL Model Supply-Distribu- tion and Related Tables Final rept. 1970-85 Anthony Rojko, Patrick O'Brien, Donald Regier, Arthur Coffing, and Linda Bailey. May 78, 254p* Rept no. FAER-149 Descriptors: 'Food supply, Mathematical models, Grains(Food), Oilseeds, Livestock, Economic analysis, Distribution systems, Forecasting, Re- gions, Countries, Prices, Production, Food con- sumption, International trade, Imports, Developing countries, Meat, Tables(Data). Identifiers: 'World food, GOL model. Detailed supply-distribution tables from the world grain-oilseeds-livestock (GOL) projections model are presented. The projections to 1 985 rest on a number of alternative assumptions about world economic growth, trade, and food policy condi- tions. Under most of the alternatives tested, the world has sufficient capacity-whether measured in terms of physical potential or economic feasibility— to meet the grain and overall food needs of an ex- panding, more affluent population at real prices somewhat above base 1970 levels but below 1972-75 highs. However, the projections indicate that regional food distribution problems are likely to persist. Moreover, the alternative assuming lower grain yields and deteriorating climate and weather suggests the possibility of serious pres- sures on resources and higher prices for grain im- ports by developing countries. As a whole, the de- veloping countries' grain imports are projected to increase faster than imports in the rest of the world; 1 985 imports are projected to range from 49 million tons to 71 million tons. PB-282 340/9 PC A07/MF A01 Stanford Univ., Calif. Inst, for Communication Re- search. Rural Development Programs Among Marginal Farmers in the Western Highlands of Guatema- la Jeremiah O'Sullivan-Ryan. May 78, 147p Contract AID/1 a-c-1 118 Sponsored in part by Academy for Educational De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Farm management, 'Rural sociolo- gy, 'Guatemala, Farms, Disadvantaged groups, Quality of life, Farm processing, Development, Surveys, Information, Planning, Technical assist- ance, Developing countries, Low income groups. Identifiers: Training programs, 'Agricultural exten- sion services, Adult farmer education. The general purpose of the study was to examine the role of information and extension services in promoting change in the lives of subsistence peas- ants in the Highlands of Guatemala. The study was also intended to contribute to an understanding of the social and economic reality within which the Mayan Indian carries on his system of subsistence agriculture. This study concludes that a program of information and credit cannot and will not change significantly the lives of subsistence farmers in the Highlands. Agriculture extension services present- ly reach a group of relatively well-off farmers and even if these services were extended, the use that the small subsistence farmers can make of them is structurally limited; the changes the program may achieve through the introduction of new techno- logical practices will not produce significant im- provements in the lives of the subsistence poor. PB-282 460/5 PC A03/MF A01 World Water Resources, Inc., Bethesda, Md. Rural Potable Water Chlorination William E. Hanford, Jr, and Alfred Long. 1970, 41 p Rept no. WWRI/B-78/1 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Office of Science and Technology. Descriptors: 'Rural areas, 'Water treatment, 'De- veloping countries, Chlorination, Purification, Main- tenance, Gravity drainage, Chlorinators, Perform- ance, Specifications. Identifiers: Appropriate technology. The paper addresses two questions: (1) What is the most desirable form of sanitizing chemical for use in rural water supplies; and (2) What is the best overall means of getting this sanitizing agent into rural water supplies. Several chemicals and hy- pochlorinators are described and evaluated. In conclusion, a low-cost, dependable feeding device suitable for use in disinfecting marginal waters in the rural areas of developing countries is present- ed. The operation and maintenance of this device is easy for the unskilled labor in these areas; no sophisticated power source is needed to provide continuous, automatic operation; the device uses a readily available, commercial chlorine chemical that can be economically shipped, stored, and used at these points of need. An appendix is also included giving technical specifications and per- formance data. PB-282 531/3 PC A15/MF A01 Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Center for Study of the Physical Environment. Biomass Utilization in Minnesota Research rept. Mar 75-Sep 77 Perry L. Blackshear, Jr, Roger Aiken, and Roger A. Peterson. Nov 77, 331 p Sponsored in part by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Roseville. Div. of Solid Waste. Descriptors: 'Plants(Botany), 'Wood, 'Biomass, 'Minnesota, Anaerobic processes, Methane, Resi- dues, Soil properties, Utilization, Substitutes, Pyro- lysis, Fuels, Design criteria, Ammonia, Sugars, As- sessments, Cost analysis, Feasibility, Vaporizing. Identifiers: 'Biological energy conversion, 'Ma- nures, Energy sources, Manufactured gas, Syn- thetic fuels, Solid wastes. 152 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Contents: Pyrolysis; Crop residues as energy sources-assessing the cost and energy feasibility of direct firing; Cost and energy assessment of alternate uses of crop and timber residues in Minnesota; Anaerobic digestion of crop residues for methane generation as an adjunct to farming; Energy recovery on the farm by anaerobic digestion of animal manures; Ammonia volatilization from animal manures; Effect upon soil properties of utilization of plant residues for fuel energy; Waste cellulose conversion to sugars by cellulose enzymes. PB-282 650/1 PC A12/MF A01 Florida Inst, of Tech., Melbourne. Solar Cookers for Haiti, A Feasibility Study Final rept. Jul 76-Sep 77 Thomas E. Bowman, James R. Sharber, and Joel H. Blatt. Dec 77, 273p Contract AID/ta-C-1 333 Descriptors: *Solar cookers, 'Haiti, Solar cooking, Design, Performance evaluation, Photographs. The objectives of the study were to assess the feasibility of applying solar cookers extensively in rural Haiti, and to present a preliminary design for a solar cooker based on Haitian requirements. Two such designs are presented herein. (Color illustra- tions reproduced in black and white) PB-282 703/8 PC A05/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. The Study of Small Enterprise in the Economy: Summary Jun 76, 79p Descriptors: 'Federal assistance programs, 'Busi- nesses, History, Economic impact, Technology in- novation, Management, Technical assistance, Fi- nancing, Regulations, Planning, National govern- ment. Identifiers: 'Small businesses, Small Business Ad- ministration. Contents: Private enterprise in the economy-Historical background; The problems inherent in a small business; The national interest in small business; The Small Business Administration-Agency mission and programs; A more effective program for the future- Credit and equity funding for small business enterprises; Innovation and new business formation; Government procurement regulations and practices; Management assistance; Minority enterprises and their special problems. PB-282 705/3 PC A06/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Office of Management Assistance. Starting and Managing a Small Business of Your Own Wendell O. Metcalf. 1973, 103p Rept no. STARTING AND MANAGING SER-1/3 ED Descriptors: 'Businesses, 'Management, Plan- ning, Financing, Purchasing, Prices, Management methods, Personnel management, Insurance, Records management, Regulations, Laws(Jurispredence), Taxes. Identifiers: 'Small businesses, Franchising. Contents: So you are thinking of going into busi- ness (Are you the type; What business should you choose; What are your chances of success; What will be your return on investment); Starting a new business (How much money; Where to get the money; Should you share ownership with others; Where to locate); Buying a going business (What are the advantages and disadvantages; How much to pay); Investing in a franchise (What is a fran- chise; What are the advantages and disadvan- tages; Where to look for franchise opportunities; How to evaluate an opportunity); Managing your business (What should you know about buying; What about pricing; What selling methods should you use; What are the problems of selecting and training personnel; What other management prob- lems will you face; How much record keeping); Looking into special requirements (To what laws and regulations will you be subject; How about taxes; What types of insurance); Setting goals and keeping up to date (How to set goals; How to keep up to date); Checklist for starting a business. PB-282 707/9 PC A03/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Office of Management Information and Training, Management Audit for Small Manufacturers John B. Kline. 1977, 49p* Rept no. SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SER-29 Descriptors: 'Manufacturers, 'Businesses, 'Man- agement, 'Auditing, Guidelines, Production, Oper- ations, Accounting, Budgeting, Regulations, Taxes, Insurance, Financial management, Pur- chasing, Marketing, Inventory control, Prices, Per- sonnel management. Identifiers: Small businesses, 'Management audit. The activities of management require frequent evaluations designed to reveal the operating and financial condition of a business. The best known and most formal of these are prepared by a quali- fied accountant. These audits are prepared ac- cording to a format which is well-known and ac- ceptable to those concerned with financial condi- tion of businesses. Such statements, however, are not adequate to provide what management needs to develop efficient methods of control and direc- tion for the operational activities of a business. To facilitate operational control, it's desirable to pro- vide ways in which management can (1) identify activities that should be observed, (2) establish standards of measurement, and (3) provide sug- gestions for making improvements. The manage- ment audit is an outline for self-appraisal in which the owner-manager answers a series of questions about typical business operations. The material in this booklet was designed for a small manufactur- er; each area is applicable to manufacturing activi- ty. Overall, however, the technique could be ap- plied to almost any enterprise in which functional operations are a critical factor in efficiently produc- ing goods or services. The following areas are cov- ered: production and operations, plant and equip- ment, accounting, budgeting and expense control, cash management, management and organiza- tion, laws, regulations, and taxes, risk and insur- ance, credit management, systems and proce- dures, outside consultants and resources, inven- tory control and management, purchasing, market- ing and sales promotion, work and time standards, pricing, and research and development. PB-282 708/7 PC A07/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Office of Management Information and Training. Financial Control by Time Absorption Analy- sis~A Tool for Profit Control Cole D. Neff. 1975, 143p Rept no. SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SER-37 Descriptors: 'Businesses, 'Financial manage- ment, Control, Profits, Estimates, Losses, Prices, Manufacturing, Services. Identifiers: 'Small businesses. Time-absorption analysis is a technique that can be used by all types of businesses for profit con- trol. In this booklet, the author uses a step-by-step approach to introduce this concept and show the way for its adaptation to a particular business. The following topics are discussed: A step toward higher profits; Uses of the new method; General principles; Detailed procedure for the time-absorp- tion method; Profit or loss estimation; Setting prices; Financial analysis of the business; Good fi- nancial control; Retail-wholesale business; Manu- facturing; Service business; and Construction and contracting. PB-282 722/8 PC A06/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. The Starting and Managing Series. Volume 24. Starting and Managing a Small Shoestore William A. Rossi. 1974, 109p Descriptors: 'Businesses, 'Management, Plan- ning, Purchasing, Manufactures, Imports, Financial management, Operating costs, Sales, Profits, In- ventory control. Identifiers: 'Small businesses, Small stores, Retail stores, 'Shoe stores. Contents: Are you ready; Makeup of the footwear industry; What kind of store; Selecting the right location; Financing the store; Merchandise buying and inventory control; Markons and markdowns; Operating costs and expenses; Profits and profits control; The selling program; Store management; Launching the new store; For further information. PB-282 725/1 PC A03/ M F A0 1 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Small Business Management Series No. 4. Third Edition. Improving Material Handling in Small Business 1969, 44p Descriptors: 'Businesses, 'Materials handling, 'Management, Equipment, Storage, Cost engi- neering, Packaging, Industrial engineering, Plant layout, Workplace layout, Efficiency, Organizing. Identifiers: 'Small businesses. The booklet discusses the basics of the handling function, and describes the array of equipment available and its capabilities. It tells how to lay out a plant's workplaces and to organize its labor to develop an efficient handling system; it describes some techniques for assuring that the investment in the equipment yields a profit. The following topics are discussed: What is material handling; Selecting material handling equipment; Organizing for material handling; Analyzing material handling problems. PB-282 726/9 PC A04/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Small Business Management Series No. 15. A Handbook of Small Business Finance Jack Zwick. 1975, 69p Descriptors: 'Businesses, 'Financial manage- ment, 'Handbooks, Management planning, Assets, Accounting, Working capital, Financing, National government. Identifiers: 'Small businesses, Small Business Ad- ministration, Venture capital, Business loans. Contents: What is financial management; Financial statements; Ratio analysis of financial statements; The different types of financing; Unsecured borrowings for working capital; Secured working capital financing; Secured growth capital financing; The Small Business Administration; SBIC's and other sources of venture capital. PB-282 727/7 PC A03/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Small Business Management Series No. 3. Third Edition. Human Relations in Small Busi- ness Martin M. Bruce. 1969, 42p Descriptors: 'Businesses, 'Personnel manage- ment, Industrial relations, Personnel development, Motivation, Morale, Appraisals, Selection, Incen- tives. Identifiers: 'Small businesses. The subject of human relations is as old as history. In the business world, human relations involves finding and selecting a working staff, developing workers, and guiding and motivating them in the direction of gaining management's goals. Well- 153 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS planned action is much more valuable than a prob- lem-solving approach. Worker-manager relations become more important than ever. It is the supervi- sor's job to set the climate for the work group. Any man who manages a plant gets the work done through people. The key to accomplishing this lies at least in part in the broad and complex field called human relations, which is the subject of this booklet. The topics discussed are the following: Human relations in small business-why and how; Worker morale; Starting right-personnel selection; Orientation and induction; Training; Continuing personnel relations. PB-282 730/1 PC A04/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Small Business Management Series Number 31. Third Edition. Management Audit for Small R&tdil&rs John W. Wingate, and Elmer O. Schaller. 1977, 67p* Descriptors: "Businesses, 'Management, 'Audit- ing, Guidelines, Public relations, Personnel man- agement, Supervision, Inventory control, Budget- ing, Questionnaires, Planning, Purchasing, Prices, Publicity, Financial management, Insurance, Rec- ords management, Taxes. Identifiers: 'Small businesses, 'Management audits, Small stores, Retail stores. The booklet is designed to meet the needs of the small owner-manager. The approach used is a do- it-yourself technique. The manager does the ex- amining; the answers are private; and none of the intimate facts about the business will be revealed to an outsider. However, it is advisable to compare this self-appraisal with the views of others in whom the manager has confidence. In the present audit, there are 1 70 questions. The manager's answers to them will give a good indication of how well he or she is doing the planning, organizing, directing, co- ordinating, and controlling that the business needs. Moreover, the questions the manager cannot answer affirmatively should direct attention to areas which previously have not been given much thought. And, in most instances, from this attention will come the stimulation needed to de- velop good management practices for these areas. The questions have been divided into 18 sections to cover the essential parts of retail man- agement. These sections are the following: Intro- duction to the management audit, a look at your- self and your ability to grow, customer relations, personnel management and supervision, mer- chandise inventory control, budgetary control and productivity, buying, pricing, advertising and pro- motion, display, equipment and layout, cash and finance, credit, insurance, accounting records, taxes and legal obligations, planning for growth, and publications dealing with managing a retail business. PB-282 731/9 PC A05/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Small Business Management Series Number 36. Training Salesmen to Serve Industrial Mar- kets Kenneth Lawyer. 1975, 91 p Descriptors: 'Marketing, 'Personnel development, 'Businesses, Sales, Manufacturers, Coordination, Management, Specialized training. Identifiers: 'Small businesses. The booklet discusses the role of sales in the over- all marketing program of a small manufacturer. It offers suggestions that salesmen can use in serv- icing industrial customers and provides the owner- manager with specific material to use in a training program. This booklet is issued as part of the man- agement publications program of SBA's Office of Management Information and Training. It dis- cusses the following topics: The successful small firm is customer oriented; Coordinated marketing, for profit; The salesman's job; Training your sales- men; Buying is decision-making-Selling is sound guidance; Selling as a service. PB-282 733/5 PC A02/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Small Business Management Series Number 1. Third Edition. An Employee Suggestion System for Small Companies Donald Wilhelm, Jr, and C. W. Ufford. 1964, 23p Descriptors: 'Businesses, 'Management, Employ- ees, Recommendations, Improvement, Manage- ment planning, Opinions. Identifiers: 'Small businesses, 'Employee sugges- tion systems. Suggestion systems are for everyone. Small com- panies and large, employers and employees, even customers-all benefit. For the small-business manager, a suggestion system can cut costs, in- crease efficiency, and build better employer-em- ployee relations. For employees, it can bring a chance to earn extra money and, perhaps more important, the realization that they are members of the team-that the company is interested in the total contribution they can make and not just in their capacity as producing machines. For custom- ers, suggestion systems mean better products or services. 'An employee suggestion system for small companies' explain the basic principles for starting and operating a successful suggestion system. It warns of various pitfalls to be avoided and gives examples of suggestions submitted by workers through company suggestion systems. The following areas are discussed: Theory of the suggestion plan; Essentials of a good suggestion system (Appoint an administrator, Appoint a sug- gestion committee, Employ task teams; Provide suggestion boxes and bulletin boards; Provide suggestion blanks or forms; Provide suitable initial awards; Make sure of followup; Provide additional awards); Additional pointers (Files; Complaints; Duplicate suggestions; Unclaimed awards; De- layed adoption of ideas; Eligibility; Ideas from out- side sources; Employee buildup of ideas; Patents; Thought provokers; Advice and publications); In- stalling and operating the system; Simplifications for the very small company; Problems in 'selling' the suggestion plan; What to expect- Periodic re- selling of the plan. PB-282 739/2 PC A03/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. Small Business Management Series No. 32. Fi- nancial Recordkeeping for Small Stores Robert C. Ragan. 1976, 42p Descriptors: 'Businesses, 'Financial manage- ment, 'Records management, Taxes. Identifiers: 'Small businesses, 'Small stores. The author has designed this basic recordkeeping system primarily for the small store owner-man- ager or prospective owner whose business does not justify hiring a trained, full-time bookkeeper. This system will accomplish three purposes: (1) Maintain a record of all transactions of the busi- ness; (2) protect the assets of the business from errors, fraud, and just plain carelessness; and (3) provide a basis for business planning by showing the results of past decisions and furnishing the facts needed for future decisions. But this system will not accomplish these purposes automatically. To be fully useful, a bookkeeping system must be adapted to the needs of the individual business. And then, it can only be as useful as it is up to date and accurate. The information it records must be applied, not just in the preparation of tax returns, but in the day-to-day operation of the business. The following topics are discussed: The why, what, and how of records (Records-for the government or for youself; Building materials for your record- keeping system; Methods and equipment); The money comes in-and goes out (The change and petty cash fund, The daily summary of sales and cash receipts, Writing the checks); Lining up the records (The sales and cash receipts journal, The cash disbursements, purchases, and expense journal); Getting set for monthly financial state- ments (Reconciling your bank statement, Record- ing accounts payable, Merchandise inventories); The score-win or lose, and how much (The profit- and-loss statement, Departmental operating rec- ords); The shape you're in (The general ledger and the balance sheet, Steps to be taken at the end of the year); The absentee asset-accounts receiv- able (Recording accounts receivable, Aging your accounts receivable, Accounting for bad debts); Some special cash receipts situations (Return sales and refunds, Making purchases from cash receipts, Cashing customers' checks, Redeeming coupons); Depreciation and disposal of plant assets ( ymputing depreciation of property and equipment, Recording the purchase and depreci- ation of plant assets, Recording the sale, trade-in, or junking of plant assests); Here they come-taxes (Collecting and recording sales taxes, Payroll rec- ords and payroll taxes, Income and self-emloy- ment taxes). PB-282 746/7 PC A13/MF A01 Indiana Univ. at Bloomington. International Devel- opment Research Center. Systems Tools for Project Planning Peter Delp, Arne Thesen, Juzar Motiwalla, and Neelakantan Seshardi. 1977, 286p* Rept no. ISBN-0-89249-021-7 Sponsored in part by Midwest Universities Consor- tium for International Activities, Inc., and Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Project planning, 'Systems analysis, Systems management, Project control, Flow chart- ing, Critical path method, Management methods, Matrix games, Planning, Evaluation, Gaming models, Computerized simulation, Histograms, Forecasting, Benefit cost analysis, Cost effective- ness, Developing countries. Identifiers: Planning programming budgeting. Designing development projects requires some form of systems approach. If any plan is to suc- ceed, the factors that will probably determine the outcome must be identified, and their relationships must be established. There will always be sur- prises as implementation proceeds, for our ability to predict and control the future is limited. The object of planning and design is to keep those sur- prises at a minimum. A systems approach, proper- ly used, can serve this aim. The examples draw on a broad range of problems and situations confront- ing project planners in the development fields, ranging from education and health to agriculture and economic policy. Most of the examples refer to a developing country which (for convenience) has a widely varying climate and diverse ecological zones. The population is mostly agrarian. The tools included in this volume fall into a number of cate- gories-generating ideas; assessing qualitative fac- tors; defining objectives; describing complex rela- tionships; analyzing complex processes; account- ing for alternative outcomes; forecast and predic- tion; analyzing projects; and planning, controlling, and evaluating projects. Clearly, many techniques could be included in more than one category. For example, computer simulation models could be used for the last six purposes listed. It is presented in analyzing complex processes because that is the most basic use of computer simulation. Each tool is designed to stand alone as a source of infor- mation for a decision maker, as an aid to the ana- lyst, and as a catalyst for multidisciplinary design teams. The tool description provides a basis for action and/or the evaluation of actions by others. PB-282 835/8 PC A15/MF A01 Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc., Institution Building: A Source Book Final rept. Melvin G. Blase. 1973, 331 p Contract AID/csd-3392 Descriptors: 'Technical assistance, 'Developing countries, 'Bibliographies, Management planning, Agriculture, Community development, Businesses, Education, Government, Commerce, Organiza- tions. Identifiers: 'Institution building, Public administra- tion. Contents: A descriptive bibliography of the central literature on institution building-The essential core of the literature; Selected contributions to the lit- erature (Case studies classified according to type of institution-Agriculture, Business Administration, Community development, Cooperatives, Educa- tional institutions, Government operations, Plan- ning organizations, Public administration, Trade union, Youth), Cross-sectional analysis of institu- tions, Other relevant literature (Analytic reviews, Conference proceedings, Methods of analysis, Po- sition papers, General), Supporting literature; Key concepts and definitions (Institutions and the de- 154 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS velopment process, Divergent definitions of institu- tions, Institutions, values, and ideology, Institution building process, Institution variables, Linkages and transactions, Institutionalization, Technical as- sistance in institution building, Systems, strategies, and tactics, Miscellaneous concepts and defini- tions; Relationships among concepts (Micro and macro aspects of institution building). PB-282 836-T PC A02/MF A01 Indiana Univ. at Bloomington. International Devel- opment Inst. Approaches to the Design of Agricultural De- velopment Projects. A Program of Advanced Studies in Institution Building and Technical Assistance Methodology Design Study Walter Schaefer-Kehnert. Jan 77, 18p Rept no. ISBN 0-89249-023-3 Descriptors: "Developing countries, 'Agricultural economics, Project planning, Research projects, Economic factors, Objectives, Translations, West Germany, Methodology. The author identifies three possible approaches to the design of agricultural development projects- three different ways of specialization, by sector, by function, and by area. As a necessary step in re- sponding, the author presents a set of six factors which appears to have important effects upon the chances for a project's success. The result is a cogent set of statements to guide those who would design projects, and do so with the opportunity to choose from among alternative arrangements. PB-282 839/0 PC A13/MF A01 Indiana Univ. at Bloomington. International Devel- opment Research Center. Designing and Managing Basic Agricultural Programs Earl M. Kulp. 1977, 289p Rept no. ISBN-0- 89249-018-7 Sponsored in part by Midwest Universities Consor- tium for International Activities, Inc., and Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Management, "Agricultural econom- ics, "Developing countries, Mathematical models, Systems analysis, Yield, Objectives, Marketing, Supply(Economics), Linear programming, Man- power, Decision making, Income, Optimization, Im- provement, Financing, Project planning. Distilling the experience of those countries which have successfully modernized basic agriculture, this volume presents a new delivery system strat- egy and the techniques for managing it. The system of concern is the whole complex of basic analytical concepts, policy, strategy, tactics, insti- tutions, and procedures for providing all the neces- sary services that will induce and enable peasants to modernize, or to change from peasant to farmer. This volume presents essential management tools, the concepts underlying these tools, and a series of quantitative techniques and fairly rigorous decision tools. PB-282 860/6 PC A13/MF A01 Indiana Univ., at Bloomington. International Devel- opment Research Center. Science Development: The Building of Science in Less Developed Countries Michael J. Moravcsik. 1976, 287p Rept no. ISBN 0-89249-008 Sponsored in part by Midwest Universities Consor- tium for International Activities, Inc., and Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Developing countries, "Technology, Education, Manpower, Research, Policies, Plan- ning, Government, Scientists, Development. Identifiers: "Research and development, State of the art. The book is concerned with the deliberate and sys- tematic development of scientific capability in de- veloping countries. The book is a 'summary of the state of the art in science development,' a collec- tion, distillation, and generalization of an accumu- lated body of experience. It appears to be the first book on the subject, though the literature on sci- ence development has become quite extensive. A valuable feature of this book is the list of 500 publi- cations on various aspects of science develop- ment, many of them summarized in the text. Mor- avcsik argues that science must be developed in developing countries if the desirable goals of a higher standard of living, an independent econo- my, political and military power, and liberation from a subsistence existence are to be achieved. Do- mestic science education is, in his opinion, the best way to produce the needed scientists, with strong emphasis on quality as well as quantity. Special attention must be given to retaining com- petent scientific manpower. He asserts that scien- tific communication is perhaps the most important tool of science, and that the international scientific communication system is strongly biased against developing countries. There are internal problems of communication as well: while many developing countries have the correct ratio of basic to applied research, connections between the two are not de- veloped. Hence the effectiveness of each, particu- larly of applied research, is greatly lessened. He maintains that improvement of quality in applied re- search and the establishment of links between basic and applied should be the primary targets of attention. The best method of allocating funds, he says, is a mixture of individual grants based on merit and institutional grants distributed equally. In developing countries much applied research is poorly done. However, some applied research is well done but has no effect: the linkages between the research and production sectors are so poor that research results never reach the places where they are needed. What are the institutional requi- sites of science. How can the linkages be estab- lished which will enable scientists to participate ef- fectively in their country's development. Presented are a great deal of information on science develop- ment, a set of recommendations, and an enthusi- astic call for involvement. PB-282 941/4 PC A09/MF A01 Tanzania National Scientific Research Council, Dar es Salaam. Workshop on Solar Energy for the Villages of Tarzania, Held at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 11-19, 1977 1978, 177p Contract AID/csd-2584 Sponsored in part by National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Board on Science and Technol- ogy for International Development. Descriptors: "Solar energy, "Tanzania, "Meetings, Solid waste disposal, Biogas process, Wind power, Windmills, Photovoltaic power generation, Electric power generation, Water supply, Solar stills, Solar drying, Refrigerating, Solar cooling systems, Utili- zation, Reviews. The seminar/workshop's purposes were: (1) to review the state-of-the-art of small-scale solar energy devices, including both the technical and economic aspects of their utilization; and (2) to suggest short- and long-range projects using solar devices in the villages, with particular emphasis on recommendations for implementation. PB-282 954/7 PC A03/MF A01 Aspen Inst, for Humanistic Studies, Colo. Reach for Global Fairness: United Nations Con- ference on Science and Technology for Devel- opment. Some Suggestions for Participation by Nongovernmental Groups Mary L Wolff. c1977, 38p Rept no. ISBN-0- 915436-61-2 Descriptors: "Economic development, "Technol- ogy innovation, Research, Developing countries, Technology transfer, Development, Planning, So- ciology, International relations, Economic factors, Food, Energy, Industries, Political science, Produc- tion, Consumption. Identifiers: Global, United Nations, Needs, Trans- national enterprises. Today, a world-wide revolution of fairness is taking place in which longstanding inequalities are no longer tolerable. The less developed countries are reaching for equal rights, opportunities, and re- sources. Their search will intensify as communica- tions make the relative economic positions of na- tions and groups increasingly visible. The devel- oped countries are striving to meet the challenge of eliminating inequality without exacerbating their own economic problems. The planned 1979 United Nations Conference on Science and Tech- nology for Development (UNCSTD) represents one probe in the search for a new economic order. The primary aim of the Conference, as described by the UN Panel of Experts on Science and Tech- nology in April, 1975, is to enhance the rate of de- velopment of the underdeveloped countries and thus increase their contribution to world production and their share of world consumption. It should aim, the Panel said, for 'a conjunction of efforts for development whicn would integrate the policy- makers, decision-makers, economic and social planners with the scientists and technologists.' (Copyright (c) by the Aspen Institute Program on Science, Technology and Humanism, 1977.) PB-283 249/1 PC A04/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mass. Investigative Research and Management of Ef- fluent from Secondary Waste Water Treatment Utilizing a Marine-Aquaculture System for the Removal of Inorganic Nutrients Final rept. 15 May 74-30 Apr 75 John H. Ryther. 1975, 60p NSF/RA/E-75-264 Grant NSF-GI-43884 Descriptors: "Aquaculture, "Waste water reuse, "Sewage treatment, Pilot plants, Oysters, Lob- sters, Flatfishes, Algae, Nitrogen, Shrimps, Re- moval, Growth, Performance evaluation. Identifiers: "Tertiary treatment. A combined waste recycling-marine aquaculture system capable of complete nitrogen removal from treated domestic wastewater has been developed and tested on a pilot-plant scale over a one-year period. Effluent from secondary sewage treatment, mixed with seawater, is used to grow unicellular marine algae in large, continuous-flow, outdoor mass cultures. Harvest from the algae cultures is fed to oysters and other filter-feeding bivalve mol- luscs and to secondary crops of flounder or lob- sters. Dissolved wastes produced by the animals are assimilated by cultures of commercially valua- ble seaweeds. Successful cultures of unicellular algae, mostly diatoms, and seaweeds have sus- tained over long periods of time. Bivalve mollusc culture was unsuccessful during the first year of operation. An alternative nitrogen-removal system consisting only of seaweeds fed a continuous flow of secondary sewage effluent mixed with seawater has also been evaluated. PB-283 768/0 PC A04/MF A01 Biospherics, Inc., Rockville, Md. Bioconversion of Saline Water. Phase I Report 31 Mar 78, 58p P-7705-25, NSF/RA-780066 Descriptors: "Desalting, "Algae, Feasibility, Eco- nomics, Sodium, Cultures(Biology), Chlorides, Sa- linity, pH, Concentration(Composition), Sludge, Temperature, Energy conservation. Identifiers: Sewage sludge, Procedures, Phenol/ dinitro, Toxic substances. Experiments were conducted on the use of algae for removal of salt from water in an attempt to de- velop an economically feasible, low energy method for the conversion of saline water. Primary project objectives are: (1) to undertake a literature search; (2) to select and obtain algal cultures; (3) to culture algae in sufficiently large volumes for test purposes; (4) to determine suitable methods for evaluation of media and cellular sodium con- centrations; and (5) to test various environmental factors for their effect on algal sodium uptake and excretion. The literature search was completed, stock algal cultures were obtained and grown in relatively large culture volumes. Techniques for monitoring cell sodium levels were evaluated for the most efficient means of removing external sodium and for digestion of the cells prior to sodium analysis. Environmental changes indicated in the literature search and which could be easily manipulated were made in attempts to induce uptake/release of sodium from algal cells. Factors selected for experimental manipulation were: pH, salinity, temperature, light vs. dark conditions, ad- dition and depletion of energy sources, addition of toxic compound, and addition of sewage sludge. No significant uptake or excretion of sodium or chloride were obtained in the algal species studied when the selected environmental manipulations 155 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS were made, with the exception of a possible uptake of sodium when the algal culture was stud- ied in the presence of activated sewage sludge. PB-283 811/8 PCA12/MFA01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Plant Pathology. An Annotated Bibliography of 'Macrophomina phaseolina' 1905-1975 Ankar D. Dhingra, and James B. Sinclair. Jul 77, 251p* Prepared in cooperation with Universidade Federal de Viscosa, Minas Gerais (Brazil). Descriptors: * Bibliographies, * Plant diseases, * Fungi, Abstracts, Parasitic plants, Plants(Botany), Soybean plants, Farm crops, Trees(Plants), Plant pathology, Plant ecology. Identifiers: * Macrophomina phaseolina, Glycine max. The bibliography was begun in 1 970 as a working file of the literature concerned with charcoal rot of various plants, particularly soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) and the causal fungus, Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. Only recently, except for its occurrence on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and jute (Corchorus capsulars L), was the importance of this fungus as a serious pathogen of crop plants and trees fully appreciated. Because this fungus attacks under environmental conditions usually nonfavorable for plant growth, it was considered a weak parasite or merely a saprophyte causing little or no significant damage. However, its seriousness on economic plants throughout the world was more fully recognized during the 1970's. There is now increased interest in the study of this fungus as a plant pathogen. Therefore, the principal pur- pose of this bibliography is to provide a handy ref- erence to mycologists and plant pathologists inter- ested in this fungus and the diseases it causes. PB-283 958/7 PC A15/MF A01 Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Inc., Schenectady, N.Y. Village Technology Handbook (Manual de Tec- nologia para la Comunidad) 1972, 342p Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Handbooks, 'Community development, Rural areas, Economic development, Crafts, Water resources, Sanitary engineering, Irrigation, Construction materials, Roads, Food, Snails, Washing, Heating. Identifiers: Village technology. Village development takes on special importance in the light of the fact that 80% of those who live in less developed countries live in villages. This handbook is aimed at helping villagers to master the resources available to them. The general topics covered include water transport, storage, and purification; latrines; Bilharziasis control; Irri- gation and road-building; Poultry raising; Silage; Storing food at home; Storing vegetables and fruit for winter use; How to salt fish; Concrete construc- tion; Bamboo construction; Glues; Solar water heater; Washing machines; Cookers and stoves; Home soap making; and Bedding. PB-283 965/2 PC A13/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ.-Madison. Coll. of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Non-Conventional Proteins and Foods: Pro- ceedings of a Conference Held at the Universi- ty of Wisconsin-Madison on October 18-20, 1977 Harlow J. Hodgson, and Howard W. Ream. Oct 77, 292p* NSF/RA-770278 Grant NSF-AER77-10185 Descriptors: 'Meetings, 'Protein, 'Food, Nutrition, Nutritive value, Food composition, United States, Food analysis, Food industry, Seeds, Tables(Data), Methodology, Flavor, Animals. The Non-Conventional Proteins and Foods Pro- gram aims to create the technology for increasing the capacity of the United States to produce pro- teins and other food materials from non-conven- tional sources on an economically competitive basis. In order to promote exchange of information between grantees and potential users of their re- sults, a grantees/users conference was conduct- ed. Topics relating to protein from seeds included: (1) elimination of objectionable flavor component in Soya Protein products; (2) production of protein isolates and concentrates from oilseed flours using industrial ultra filtration and reverse osmosis systems; (3) enzymatic hydrolysis of vegetable protein; (4) JoJoba seed meal as an animal feed; (5) breeding, domestication, and utilization of the Buffalo Gourd; and (6) use of linear programming. PB-284 204/5 PC A16/MF A01 International Council of Scientific Unions, Banga- lore (India). Committee on Science and Technol- ogy in Developing Countries. Technical Information Services for Developing Countries Apr 77, 359 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, D.C. Prepared in cooper- ation with Indian Inst, of Science, Bangalore. Descriptors: 'Information systems, 'Meetings, 'In- formation services, Developing countries, Librar- ians, Libraries, Problem solving, Rural areas, Urban areas, Information centers, India, Computer networks, Policies. Identifiers: Appropriate technology. ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions)/ COSTED (Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries)-has organized this Semi- nar on 'Technical Information Services for Devel- oping Countries' with the hope that it will enable scientists and librarians to discuss urgent prob- lems of developing countries and how suitable methods can be evolved to tackle such problems. The information services that are now available are not geared to tackle such problems as they do not even cater to the needs of more than 80% of the rural population. At several informal gatherings during the seminar this topic had come up and over 100 librarians and scientists that were pres- ent contributed their ideas as to how this can be rectified. Scientists and librarians from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and India participated in the Seminar and presented views regarding problems pertaining to their coun- tries. PB-284 392/8 PC A19/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio. Office of Water Program Operations. Methods for the Determination of Chemical Contaminants in Drinking Water - Participants Handbook John D. Pfaff. Nov 77, 429p* Rept no. EPA/430/ 1-78/008 Descriptors: 'Potable water, 'Water analysis, 'Manuals, Instructional materials, Chemical analy- sis, Education, Metals, Silver, Cadmium, Chromi- um, Lead(Metal), Mercury(Metal), Arsenic, Seleni- um, Water pollution, Inorganic nitrates, Organic compounds, Fluoride, Barium, Chlorine, Pesti- cides, Herbicides, Turbidity, Laboratory equipment, Regulations. Identifiers: 'Water pollution detection, Drinking water. This laboratory manual is designed to contain ana- lytical procedures for all parameters listed in the National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regula- tions (NIPDWR). Some procedures may be carried out by operators or laboratory technicians with little or no experience (chlorine, turbidity, fluoride, nitrate) while other parameters require under- standing and experience in using sophisticated analytical equipment (atomic absorption, gas chro- matography). Parameters included are procedures for silver, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, ar- senic, selenium, nitrate, fluoride, barium, chlorine, turbidity, pesticides, herbicides. It is written in a step-by-step format. PB-284 681/4 PC A07/MF A01 Futures Group, Inc., Glastonbury, Conn. A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Sub- stitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1. The Study H. S. Becker, R. Richmond, E. W. Lusas, and S. P. Clark. Mar 78, 136p* 352-46-21/01, NSF/RA- 780070 Contract NSF-C-ERS77-19549 Prepared in cooperation with Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Descriptors: 'Technology assessment, 'Vegeta- bles, 'Food, 'Substitutes, Food consumption, Food chemistry, Legislation, National government, Grains(Food), Oilseeds, Leguminous plants, Pota- toes, Tables(Data), Proteins, Diets, Human nutri- tion, Recommendations. The report encompasses a detailed technology as- sessment of vegetable substitutes for animal pro- tein in human food. The potential exists for vegeta- ble protein to be an important substitute for animal protein in the human diet, but the substitution must take place in areas where consumption of animal protein is or could be high. Vegetable protein is being used in the United States as analogs, ingre- dients, and extenders of meat and dairy products. Studies have indicated that over the next 10-15 years, emphasis will be placed on using vegetable protein as a meat extender, rather than a direct analog. Federal legislation will continue to be highly important, and most likely will be directed towards the technology and development of new vegetable protein products, rather than influencing consumer purchasing patterns. Several factors are involved in substituting vegetable protein, one of the most important of which is the form the substi- tution should take. A recommendation is made for a complete technology assessment, which should include all important technological and socio-eco- nomic factors. PB-284 682/2 PC A04/MF A01 Futures Group, Inc., Glastonbury, Conn. A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Sub- stitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Appendices H. S. Becker, R. Richmond, E. W. Lusas, and S. P. Clark. Mar 78, 72p* 352-46-21/02, NSF/RA- 780071 Prepared in cooperation with Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Descriptors: 'Technology assessment, 'Vegeta- bles, 'Food, 'Substitutes, Proteins, Diets, Human nutrition, Food consumption, Food chemistry, Leg- islation, National government, Tables(Data). The potential exists for vegetable protein to substi- tute importantly for animal protein in the human diet in the United States. A detailed technology as- sessment design of vegetable substitutes is the primary intent of this study. Phase I assesses the validity of accomplishing the research and then de- scribes in detail the approach to the technology assessment of (a possible) Phase II. In this volume, Appendices A and B contribute to that as- sessment. In Appendix A, human physiology and the need for protein is addressed in discussions of metabolism and daily protein requirements and the impact of changes in protein intake. Appendix B includes the results of a mini technology assess- ment. This assessment of vegetable substitutes for animal protein as human food addresses: (1) factors important to food-consumption patterns; (2) historic food-consumption patterns; (3) impor- tant future sources of vegetable protein, including the influence of technology, legislation, and other factors; (4) potential impacts of vegetable substi- tutes; and (5) potential policy implications. PB-284 742/4 PC A03/MF A01 Minnesota Legislature Science and Technology Project, St. Paul. Parameters for Legislative Consideration of Bioconversion Technologies Tom P. Abeles, and Janna R. King. Feb 78, 45p NSF/RA-780196 Grant NSF-ISP76-02379 Descriptors: 'Fuels, 'Bioconversion, 'Ethyl alco- hol, 'Ethanols, Minnesota, Fermentation, Sugar beets, Grain crops, Cellulose, Wood, Manufactur- ing, Agricultural wastes, Solid waste disposal, Ne- braska, Recommendations, Planning, Biomass. Identifiers: 'Gasohol. Included in this report and the minibrief which ac- companies it are conclusions and recommenda- tions that evolved from the examination of various models of biomass production of nonpetroleum 156 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS fuels. This included the Nebraska Grain and Alco- hol Program. It was determined that it was neither economically nor energetically wise at this time for Minnesota to commit itself to a gasohol program modelled after Nebraska's program. Instead of adopting the single source, large scale Nebraska model, it was concluded that Minnesota should do the pilot and demonstration plants for the produc- tion of ethanol on the small scale (farm or local co- op size), and encourage the utilization of a variety of feedstocks such as, sugar beets, grains and cel- lulosic residues. PB-284 990/9 PC A18/MF A01 Midwest Research Inst., Kansas City, Mo. A Technology Assessment of Biological Sub- stitutes for Chemical Pesticides Final rept. Edward W. Lawless, Rosmarie von Ruemker, Gary L. Kelso, Kathryn A. Lawrence, and James D. Maloney. Dec 77, 41 9p* NSF/RA-770508 Contract NSF-C349 Descriptors: 'Pesticides, *Pest control, •Technol- ogy assessment, Hazardous materials, Substi- tutes, Reviews, Surveys, Regulations, National government, Public policy, Public health, Ecology, Benefit cost analysis, Utilization, Forecasting, Eco- nomics. Identifiers: 'Biological pest control. A preliminary comprehensive technology assess- ment has been made of the potential 'biological substitutes' for chemical pesticides. The authors identified a group of pest control technologies that would not depend on extensive first-choice reli- ance on conventional chemical pesticides, and made the assessment for this group. The assess- ment began with a survey of the driving forces of using pest control, in general, and of the reasons why biological and related methods might be sub- stituted for chemicals. A review was made of the types of pest problems that major pesticide user groups have, and of the approaches they use to control various pests. A review also was made of those government regulations that have been de- veloped to control the use of chemical pesticides and of those that might apply to the proposed use of biological and related methods. Studies were made of the current state of development, produc- tion, and extent of use of the chemical pesticides, and of the human health environmental, economic, and other benefits or disbenefits and controversies that accompany this usage. Two scenarios were developed reflecting alternative growth patterns through the year 1 990 for both chemical and bio- logical methods. Additional information on the gen- eral approach to this technology assessment is given in Appendix A. PB-285 097/2 PC A06/MF A01 Institute of Medicine, Washington, D.C. Strengthening U.S. Programs to Improve Health in Developing Countries Final rept. Apr 78, 115p IOM-78-03, HRP-1003715 Contract DHEW-287-78-0097-EGP Descriptors: "Developing countries, 'Health care, Migrations, Maternal and child health services, Health resources, Financing, Programs, Recom- mendations, United States, Design, Foreign coun- tries, Tables(Data), Communities, Economic devel- opment, Population growth, Females, Health edu- cation, Primary health care, Environments, Man- agement, National government, Policies, Organi- zational structure, Nutrition, Mental health, Infec- tious diseases, Oral diseases, Abnormalities, So- cioeconomic factors. Identifiers: Women, HRP/AD, HRP/JB, HRP/ MEK, HRP/AA, HRP/JBA. The report contains a series of recommendations by the study committee about the design of pro- grams in international health, urging that U.S. (1) assist less developed countries to strengthen their own capacity to deal with their health problems, (2) work collaboratively with host country organiza- tions, (3) make realistic and sustained commit- ments to international health projects, and (4) co- ordinate activities with international agencies such as the World Health Organization. An examination of statutory policy and organizational framework now used by the U.S. government in international health programs led the committee to identify four major problems that must be resolved; (1) inad- equate access by the government to major U.S. sources of health science expertise, (2) skimpy support of research and development on major health problems in developing countries, (3) scat- tered agency responsibility for decisions on inter- national health activities, and (4) inadequate orga- nizational arrangements for policy development. The committee makes three general recommen- dations for reassignment of responsibilities to re- solve the problems. PB-285 717/5 PC A10/MF A01 Synergy Consultation Services, Saratoga, Calif. Alternative Futures Planning James L. Creighton. Aug 76, 21 5p Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Planning, 'California, Benefit cost analysis, Evaluation, Substitutes, Citi- zen participation, Public opinion, Demand(Economics), Financial management, De- cision making, Feasibility. Identifiers: " 'Water demand, Lake County(California), Napa County(California), Yolo County(California), Solano County(California), 'Al- ternative planning, Scenarios. This report describes the development and appli- cation of planning procedures which involve the public in projecting alternative futures and then provide a method of evaluating alternatives in an effort to protect, rather than foreclose, the options represented by the alternative futures. These plan- ning procedures were applied as a study of the total water needs of four California counties-Lake, Napa, Yolo, and Solano. PB-285 734/0 PC A05/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. In- ternational Div. Agency for International Development's Hous- ing Investment Guaranty Program Report to the Congress. 6 Sep 78, 88p Rept no. ID-78-44 Descriptors: 'Federal assistance programs, 'De- veloping countries, 'Shelters, Low income groups, Financing, Foreign countries, Project manage- ment, Housing studies, National government. Identifiers: Agency for International Development, Loans. The report describes the operation and accom- plishments of the Agency for International Devel- opment's Housing Investment Guaranty Program in helping developing countries to meet the shelter needs of their poor. The review provides an evalu- ation of the Housing Investment Guaranty Program and identifies some of the problem areas in the planning and management of housing develop- ment assistance. The report makes recommenda- tions to help the Agency for International Develop- ment improve its efforts to provide shelter assist- ance to the developing countries. PB-285 764/7 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Office of International Develop- ment, Washington, DC. Basics of Concrete Ideas and methods exchange. Nov 60, 25p Rept no. IME-49 Prepared in cooperation with Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Concretes, Air entrained concretes, Portland cements, Concrete construction, Mason- ry cements, Prestressed concrete, Ready mixed concrete, Concrete finishing, Admixtures. Identifiers: Developing country applications. Concrete, when properly prepared and used, is one of the most versatile of building materials, and is used to some extent throughout the world in the production of housing. Failures occur when the simple rules essential to the production of good quality buildings of concrete or concrete products are ignored. The material contained herein con- sists of a series of articles on good practice in the preparation and use of concrete and concrete ma- sonry which appeared in the September and No- vember 1957 issue of the NAHB Journal and are reproduced with the permission of the National As- sociation of Home Builders. PB-285 766/2 PC A04/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Office of International Affairs. A Systematic Approach to Basic Utilities in De- veloping Countries Ideas and methods exchange. May 74, 64p Rept no. IME-70 Prepared in cooperation with Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Sewage disposal, 'Water supply, 'Developing countries, Design, Construction, Water distribution, Distribution systems, Con- straints, Hydraulics, Roads, Standards, Chlorina- tion, Pavements, Water quality, Sewers, Water wells, Lagoons(Ponds), Septic tanks, Pipes(Tubes). Identifiers: Water pollution standards. Partial contents: Providing water to a community; The sewage disposal system; The road system; Planning and managing basic utilities; Systematic analysis; The water supply system; The sewage disposal system. PB-285 768/8 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Office of International Affairs. Prefabricated Concrete Components for Low- Cost Housing Construction: 407 Building Design and Construction, Prefabrication Ideas and methods exchange. Jun 70, 40p IME-59 Descriptors: 'Houses, 'Prefabrication, 'Concrete construction, Developing countries, Design, Con- struction, Assembling. Identifiers: 'Low cost housing, Developing country application. The system of construction described in this publi- cation was developed originally in Surinam by Mr.Joseph Coulam under the U.S. technical assist- ance program and later refined under the Agency for International Development program of techni- cal cooperation with Barbados. Although the publi- cation deals in part with the adaptation of this system to the construction of small movable dwell- ings known in Barbados as 'Chattel Houses', the system is just as useful in building low-cost, perma- nently located dwellings. The system provides sim- plicity, durability, and low-cost, and appears to be adaptable for use in aided self-help programs gen- erally. PB-285 769/6 PC A04/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Office of International Affairs. Strengthening Urban Administration in Devel- oping Countries: With Emphasis on Latin America Ideas and methods exchange. Jul 71, 74p IME-67 Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Developing coun- tries, 'Latin America, Local government, Manage- ment, Development, Planning, Urbanization, Gov- ernment policies, Legislation, Taxes, Fiscal poli- cies. Identifiers: Urban growth, Developing country ap- plication. The complex problems of managing the massive acceleration of urban growth in the developing countries while at the same time improving the quality of urban services and renewing the obso- lete urban structure of the older cities poses ad- ministrative, legislative, and financial demands without precedence in the developed countries. In this publication, PADCO, Inc. attempts to summa- rize the main problems facing Latin American countries in urban administration and to indicate the implications affecting urban development and planning. Each Latin American country has evolved its own set of administrative, legislative, and financial tools for dealing with urbanization. This fact makes it difficult to generalize both con- 157 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS cerning experience and recommendations for im- provement. It is hoped, however, that this overview of the central issues will prove useful in providing the planner and urban administrator with a better understanding of how his own work is affected by the national, regional and local context in which he operates. The root causes of many day-to-day problems to be faced by urban administrators may not be within their immediate control at all, but rather stem from inadequate or incomplete nation- al policy and legislation. The importance of estab- lishing the national framework for guiding urban development is a recurring theme of this publica- tion. PC A04/MF A01 Fund, Kathmandu PB-285 907/2 United Nations Children's (Nepal). Use of Hydraulic Rams in Nepal. A Guide to Manufacturing and Installation Mitchell Silver. Sep 77, 57p Descriptors: *Rams(Pumps), Design, Hydraulic power pumps, Water pressure, Water supply, Check valves, Assembling, Installing, Developing countries, Nepal. Identifiers: 'Hydraulic rams, Developing country application. The hydraulic ram pump can be used with great effectiveness in mountain villages which are locat- ed at a higher elevation than their source of water. The hydram pump uses the power of falling water to pump a small portion of that water uphill. It re- quires absolutely no fuel or electricity, only water pressure. The pump was developed about 200 years ago, and the beauty of the hydram lies in its simplicity. There are only two moving parts which are lubricated by the water itself. This manual hopes to show that anyone with a minimal amount of mechanical aptitude can survey, design and build a hydraulic ram from locally available parts, and do any necessary maintenance. PB-285 908/0 PC A04/MF A01 Department of State, Washington, DC. Foreign Service Inst. Intermediate Technology: An Informal Survey Peter W. Askin. 1976, 64p Proceedings of Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy (Eighteenth Session). Descriptors: "Technology, 'Meetings, Developing countries, Concepts, Economic development, In- dustries, Investments, Attitudes, Reviews, Techni- cal assistance, Foreign policy, Philippines, Indone- sia, Sri Lanka, International relations. Identifiers: 'Intermediate technology, Developing country application, Appropriate technology, In- dustrialization, Case studies. Contents: The concept (Some definitional problems); Some LDC attitudes and applications (The Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka); On the role of international assistance. PB-285 909/8 PC A08/MF A01 Texas Transportation Inst., College Station. Handbook for Building Homes of Earth Lyle A. Wolfskill, Wayne A. Dunlop, and Bob M. Callaway. 1977, 163p Prepared for Agency for International Develop- ment, Washington, DC. Sponsored in part by De- partment of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Descriptors: 'Houses, 'Construction materials, 'Soils, Soil classification, Soil compacting, Soil stabilization, Soil tests, Manufacturing, Founda- tions, Developing countries, Handbooks. Identifiers: 'Earth construction, Developing coun- try application, Adobe blocks, Pressed earth blocks. This manual describes broadly the kinds of soil that are found in various parts of the world and tells what can be expected of them. It then tells what is best to do with each of them, alone or in combina- tion with others, to make them good enough to use or make them better with the use of stabilizers. Then, it explains which of the three general kinds of earth construction is best for use with the kinds of soil available. It also describes simple tests anyone can perform that tell the builder how well he is succeeding in what he is trying to do. After chapters on picking out places to build, how to make a good foundation for any kind of house, and how to build a roof, the manual has separate chap- ters on adobe, rammed earth, and pressed block construction. PB-285 956/9 PC A06/MF A01 Idaho Univ., Moscow. Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station. Aquaculture Techniques: Water Use and Dis- charge Quality G. W. Klontz, Irvin R. Brock, and John A. McNair. Apr 78, 120p OWRT-A-054-IDA(1) Contract DI-1 4-34-0001 -801 4 Descriptors: 'Fisheries, 'Waste water, 'Aquacul- ture, 'Water pollution, Test methods, Feeding stuffs, Rates(Per time), Diets, Oxygen, Dissolved gases, Growth, Fresh water fishes, Size measure- ment, Temperature, Production, Efficiency, Solids, Predictions, Replacing, Computer programs, Fishes. Identifiers: IRV computer program, Animal popula- tions, OWRT computer program. The objectives were to develop and test methods of predicting waste product generation from aqua- culture facilities. Factors chosen for testing were (1) feeding rate; (2) diet efficiency; (3) growth rate; (4) population density; (5) water replacement time; (6) oxygen consumption; (7) fish size; and (8) water temperature. Significant results are: (1) The identi- fication of factors not only involved with the gen- eration of waste products from an aquaculture fa- cility, but also having the potential of affecting the production of an aquaculture facility; (2) The devel- opment of a practical method for determining oxygen consumption of fish in varying controlled environmental conditions; (3) The development of a computerized program for fish growth in opti- mized loading conditions of population density and water replacement time; (4) The development of a method to predict more accurately the anticipated growth rate of a group of fish; (5) The development of a method to predict the solids, both settleable and suspended, produced daily by a group of fish being held in known conditions. PB-285 963/5 PC A04/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ., University Park. Water Resources Research Inst. Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies D. B. Wilson, H. G. Folster, G. Kramer, S. Hanson, and W. Boyle. May 78, 74p WRRI-095, OWRT-T-0009(7515)(1) Contract DI-1 4-34-0001 -751 5 Descriptors: 'Potable water, 'New Mexico, 'Water supply, 'Water treatment, Electrodialysis, Design, Osmosis, Fluid filters, Membranes, Selection, Con- struction, Operations, Project planning, Objectives, Performance evaluation, Residential buildings, Cost engineering, Brines, Ground water, Regula- tions. Identifiers: Reverse osmosis. Approximately 800 community-type public water supplies in New Mexico are initially affected by the regulations adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The project described is primarily the selec- tion, design, construction, and operating proce- dures for a portable demonstration water treat- ment system using reverse osmosis and electro- dialysis to provide information to small New Mexico communities for improving their drinking water supplies to meet existing regulations. The project's specific objectives are to develop operat- ing conditions and information for an engineering evaluation of reverse osmosis and electrodialysis and their secondary support processes, to develop specific cost data, to extend available water treat- ment technology in the area of single solute re- moval from drinking water containing a large number of ionic and dissolved species, to provide the necessary material for assimilation of this unit or comparable equipment into the educational ac- tivities of water supply and water treating, and to evaluate brine disposal methods in compliance with New Mexico groundwater regulations. PB-285 977/5 PC A13/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Dept. of Soil Sci- ence. Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Man- agement of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients Final rept. L. L. Boersma, E. Gasper, J. R. Miner, J. E. Oldfield, and H. K. Phinney. Apr 78, 299p NSF/ RA-780250 Grant NSF-GI-43681, NSF-AEN74-14960-A01 Sponsored in part by Office of Water Research and Technology, Washington, DC. and Grant NSF- AEN74-14960-A02. Descriptors: 'Methane, 'Feeding stuffs, Algae, Bacteria, Protein, Biomass, Agricultural wastes, Nutrients, Anaerobic processes, Swine, Cost anal- ysis, Chorella, Process charting, Design criteria. Identifiers: 'Solid wastes, 'Manure, Waste recy- cling, Manufactured gas, Synthetic fuels. Major findings of an investigation into the concept of nutrient and energy recovery from a swine waste management system are reported. Algae and bacteria were used to convert swine manure into methane-rich fuel gas and supplemental pro- tein for animal feed. Waste heat from electricity generating plants was simulated to test its value in enhancing the biological recovery of nutrients and energy. The anaerobic digestion of the manure solids removed 55 percent of the total solids. The destruction of the volatile solids was 56 percent, and the COD was reduced by 41 percent. The daily gas production averaged 1.06 cu m/kg VS re- moved. The gas contained 68 percent v/v CH4 and 32 percent v/v C02. The necessity to dilute the swine waste with large volumes of water in order to make the liquid phase of the manure suit- able for algal growth, and the potentially high cost of harvesting and processing the algae, prompted the consideration of other management systems for the recovery of nutrients and energy from swine manure, including the culturing of yeast, micro- fungi, and fish. Architectural perspectives and plan views were developed for each management system together with schematic diagrams showing the flow of energy and materials through each system, based on the feed and energy needs and the waste discharge of 1 00 pigs. PC A05/MF A01 Fund, Kathmandu PB-285 983/3 United Nations Children's (Nepal). Standards and Procedures for the Design of Water Supply Systems in Rural Areas of Nepal and Bhutan Technical manual Carl R. Johnson. 1976, 100p* Prepared in cooperation with Peace Corps/Nepal. Descriptors: 'Water distribution, 'Water supply, 'Developing countries, Manuals, Intake systems, Reservoirs, Pipelines, Design, Water quality, Feas- ibility, Bhutan, Embankments, Populations, Rural areas, Hydraulics, Friction, Standards, Nepal. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Water demand, Instruction manuals. This manual is especially written as a reference for persons engaged in rural water supply design and construction for the Remote Area and Local Devel- opment Department of His Majesty's Government of Nepal and its assisting agencies: UNICEF, WHO, American Peace Corps, and German Volun- teer Service. The coverage of specific topics ranges from criteria and considerations for the design of certain water system features to fully de- veloped standard designs, estimates, and specifi- cations for other features. Design criteria are pre- sented where standard designs cannot be practi- cally used, while the standard designs that are in- cluded are for guide purposes only and should always be carefully scrutinized in light of the spe- cific conditions at the construction site. PB-285 984/1 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Potential of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Employment and Income of the Rural Poor Samuel Dames, Felicia Morrow, and William Rodgers. Apr 77, 19p 158 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: "Rural areas, *Farm processing, "De- veloping countries, "Agricultural economics, "Em- ployment, "Income, Manpower, Economic devel- opment, Industries, Food processing, Woodwork- ing, Businesses, Foreign aid, Low income groups. Identifiers: Developing country application, Non- metropolitan areas. As agricultural output increases, new opportunities develop for providing goods, services, and mar- kets in rural areas. Farmers require additional farm inputs and processing and marketing facilities for outputs. In addition, rising rural incomes create new demand for consumer products. By providing a supportive environment for rural based enter- prises, governments can potentially improve the welfare of rural populations and further stimulate agricultural production. The paper discusses how rural enterprises can contribute to the overall economy and what mechanisms have been used in attempts to stimulate their development. PB-286 018/7 PC A03/MF A01 State Univ. of New York Coll. of Environmental Sci- ence and Forestry, Syracuse. Utilization of Earthworms and Microorganisms in Stabilization, Decontamination and Detoxifi- cation of Residua! Sludges from Treatment of Wastewater Final rept. 1 Jun 76-31 May 78 Roy Hartenstein, and Muron J. Mitchell. 1978, 34p NSF/RA-780171 Grant NSF-ENV77-06994 Descriptors: "Sludge drying, "Sludge digestion, "Sludge disposal, Aerobic processes, Inverte- brates, Worms, Toxicity, Nematoda, Decomposi- tion, Soils, Moisture content, Stabilization, Sewage treatment, Microorganisms. Identifiers: "Sewage sludge, "Earthworms. Findings are presented of studies determining the role of invertebrates in sludge disposal manage- ment using four secondary-treatment domestic sludges, including an aerobic digest and anaerobic digests from three separate wastewater treatment plants. Data previously unavailable on the chemi- cal content of the organic matter in sludge resi- dues are disclosed. Anaerobic sludges are shown to be toxic to earthworms when Eh is low but, if applied to a mineral topsoil, are invaded sequen- tially by nematodes, enchytraid worms and earth- worms, as the sludges become aerated increasing its Eh. Functional moisture and temperature rela- tionships are established for sludge conversion into feces by earthworms and isopods. Earth- worms placed into aerobic sludge drying beds cause accelerated sludge stabilization and en- hance aerobic decomposition product production when moisture is held below a critical level. Mois- ture content is the major determinant of whether an aerobic or anaerobic decomposition pathway is taken. Earthworm feeding activity is shown to stim- ulate an increase in nematode population density which promotes an observed bacterial turnover hastening sludge decomposition and stabilization. Data on the effect of heavy metals and the pres- ence or absence of certain enzymes are dis- cussed. Additional studies on enzymes and de- composition processes are reported in abstract form. PB-286 096/3 PC A03/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures Paul Wencil Brown, Carl R. Robbins, and James R. Clifton. Jul 78, 42p Rept no. NBSIR-78-1495 Descriptors: "Construction materials, "Residential buildings, "Cohesive soils, "Weathering, Physical properties, Mineralogy, Particle size distribution, Size determination, X ray diffraction, Porosity, Du- rability, Moisture content, Inorganic salts, Chemi- cal composition, Arizona. Identifiers: "Adobe brick, Historic buildings, Histor- ic preservation, Tumacacori National Monument, Fort Bowie National Historic Site, Escalante Ruin. Adobe samples from three sites of historic interest in the State of Arizona were analyzed to determine their mineral assemblages, particle size distribu- tions, soluble salt contents, and porosities. These analyses were accompanied by microscopic ob- servations of polished sections and thin sections. These data were correlated with the weathering observed and it was found that soluble salt action was responsible for the deterioration of the adobe from one of the sites. The nature of the particle size distribution has resulted in the rapid deteriora- tion of the adobe from a second site. The adobe from a third site was found to be well consolidated due to the presence of large amounts of calcite. PB-286 227/4 PC A12/MF A01 Denver Research Inst., CO. The Industrial Research Institute in a Develop- ing Country: A Comparative Analysis James P. Blackledge. 31 Aug 75, 273p Contract AID/csd-331 6 Descriptors: "Research, "Industries, "Developing countries, "Organizations, Technology transfer, Universities, Technology innovation, Coordination, Management, Government policies, Promotion. Identifiers: Multinational corporations, Developing country application. The study was initiated in 1970, with the hope that a pattern of operational characteristics, similarity of problems, and a uniform approach to technical assistance would emerge. The purpose behind this effort has been to provide relevant information which will help research institute managers and their senior staffs achieve stronger programs of in- teraction with industry, through sharing the experi- ences and problems of other developing country institutes confronted with similar situations. Fur- ther, it has been the author's hope that the study will assist interested persons, institutions, and or- ganizations in the advanced countries to better un- derstand the unique although complex problems facing the developing country institutes, and thus devise more appropriate and meaningful programs of assistance. The objectives of the study have been to: (1) Analyze a variety of approaches to in- dustrial research which have been tried; (2) identify those factors which have contributed or inhibited effective coupling of industrial research institutes with industry and developmental interests; (3) dif- ferentiate between those types of constraints to development of viable institutes which are country- specific and those common problems which have limited the value of these institutes regardless of their geographical location. During the course of the study, some 50 research centers in 20 coun- tries have been visited. PB-286 275/3 PC A04/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. A Mass Balance Study of Recycling Secondary Municipal Wastewater on Abandoned Field Ecosystems Completion rept. Thomas M. Burton. Jul 78, 57p OWRT-A-091- MICH(1) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -6023 Descriptors: "Circulation, "Irrigation, "Wastewater reuse, "Sewage treatment, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Seasonal variations, Inorganic nitrogen, Concentration(Composition), Nutrients, Harvest- ing, Soil water, Plant growth, Grasses, Vegetation, Leaching, Michigan. Identifiers: "Land application, Old fields, Agro- pyron repens, Solidago. An experiment on the management of a municipal wastewater land application system using aban- doned fields was conducted in 1 976 and 1 977 on a 10-year old oldfield site on thirty-six 0.07 ha plots arranged within 6 experimental blocks. Irrigation levels of 0, 5, and 10 cm/week of secondary efflu- ent were used. Harvest treatments included no harvest, one harvest in June, and two harvests in June and September. Mass balances were con- structed for phosphorus and nitrogen for ail treat- ments. The oldfield was very effective at wastewater renovation at all levels of irrigation and for all harvest treatments through most of the growing season. Nitrate-N concentrations in soil water leaching past the 120 cm depth remained well below the 10 mg/l drinking water standard except during September and October on the un- harvested plots. Phosphorus remained at back- ground levels on all plots at the 120 cm depth. The irrigated harvested plots were dominated by quack grass (Agropyron repens) while the unharvested, irrigated plots were dominated by goldenrod (Soli- dago sp.). Vegetation response and plant species interactions are discussed. PB-286 361/1 PC A08/MF A01 East Central Oklahoma State Univ., Ada. Animal Waste Technical Information Center. Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V Final rept. 1 Mar 77-28 Feb 78 M. L. Rowe, and Linda Merryman. Jun 78, 155p* EPA/600/2-78/137 Grant EPA-R-8051 51 Descriptors: "Livestock, "Agricultural wastes, "In- dustrial waste treatment, "Bibliographies, "Water pollution, Beef cattle, Dairy cattle, Sheep, Poultry, Swine, Anaerobic processes, Ventilation, Meth- ane, Animal husbandry, Runoff, Waste disposal, Indexes(Documentation), Air pollution, Water pol- lution control, Abstracts. Identifiers: Feedlot wastes, Confinement pens, "Waste recycling, Manure, Waste utilization, "Biogas. Management and research information on animal wastes has expanded in recent years. This materi- al has appeared in such diverse sources as journal articles, conference papers, university publica- tions, government publications, magazine articles, books or book chapters, and theses. This bibliog- raphy was compiled in order to speed the flow of information on findings in one segment of the live- stock industry to other segments that could benefit from this technology. Included in this publication are the following indexes: (1) author, and, (2) animal information categories. These indexes are followed by a section of abstracts of each refer- ence entry found in the bibliography. PB-286 423/9 PC A05/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Maisons en Terre (Earth for Homes) Ideas and methods exchange no. 22. May 69, 85p Descriptors: "Residential buildings, "Construction materials, "Soils, Construction, Floors, Walls, Roofs, Structural design, Developing countries. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Earth construction, "Adobe construction. This is a nontechnical paper directed to those who wish to become informed on the uses of earth and to perhaps investigate its possibilities under condi- tions with which they are intimately concerned. Emphasized in the paper are soils, methods of earth wall construction, earth floors, earth roofs, wall finishes, and the design of earth homes. PB-286 424/7 PC A07/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Office of International Housing. La Construction en Climat Chaud (Physiologi- cal Objectives in Hot Weather Housing) Douglas H. K. Lee. May 63, 127p Descriptors: "Houses, "Environmental engineer- ing, "Hot weather construction, Human factors en- gineering, Ventilation, Air conditioning, Evapora- tive cooling, Physiological effects, Structural design. Identifiers: Developing country application, Hous- ing. The effects of heat on man and other elements of tropical and subtropical climate are discussed. Housing is examined as a protection against the climate. Methods to reduce the conduction of radi- ant heat from the sun and to reduce convection of heat and humid outside air by shades, awnings, and architectural design, as well as ventilation, air conditioning, and evaporation cooling are ex- plained. The adaption of design to accommodate alternative hot-dry and hot-humid climates and functional considerations are also reviewed. PB-286 425/4 PC A06/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. 159 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS L'Eau et la Sante de I'Homme (Water and Man's Health) Technical series no. 5 Arthur P. Miller. 1962, 120p Descriptors: "Water pollution, Disease vectors, Bacteria, Cholera, Bacillary dysentary, Tularemia, Paratyphoid, Diarrhea, Poliomyelitis, Toxicity, Metals, Radioactive wastes, Cyanides, Sulfonates, Chlorides, Chloroform, Phenols, Standards. Identifiers: Developing country application, Water pollution standards. This pamphlet studies bacterial and chemical water pollutants. It discusses the transmission of disease through water; cholera, dysentery, lepto- spirosis, paratyphoid and typhoid fever, tularemia, dracunculosis, echinococcosis, schistosomiasis, amoebic dysentery, infectious hepatitis, diarrhea, pleurodynia, poliomyelitis, and several other dis- eases are discussed in depth. Chemical pollution of water by arsenic, barium, cadmium, chrome, cyanide, fluoride, lead, selenium, silver, alkylben- zine, sulfonate, choloroform, chlorides, copper, iron, mangagnese, nitrates, phenols, sulfates, zinc, and radioactive materials are also studied in depth. International and US standards for safe water are compared. PB-286 426/2 PC A06/MF A01 Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Inc., Schenectady, NY. Manuel Pratique de L'Equipement Rural (IV) Amenagement de la Ferme (Village Technol- ogy Handbook, Second Edition) 1964, 114p Descriptors: "Technical assistance, "Handbooks, Farms, Developing countries, Technology, Water supply, Irrigation, Units of measurement, Commu- nity relations, Communicating, Agriculture, Food processing, Farm processing, Farm buildings, Construction. Identifiers: "Villages, Developing country applica- tion. The purpose of the handbook is to help small farm improvement and farm management in many na- tions through listing ideas, methods and materials that have proven useful throughout the world. The following areas are discussed: water supply, and irrigation, drainage, making of the water mains and piping from Portland cement; building of small equipment such as barrows, graders and other small equipment used for farm irrigation; food processing and conservation of agricultural prod- ucts, such as desiccation of grain, conservation of vegetables for the winter, silo storage and ensilage of corn crops; and construction of farm buildings, and bamboo as a building material; health and sanitation, agriculture, food processing and preser- vation, housing and construction, home improve- ment, communications, and tables which give con- versions for temperature, length, and weight. PB-286 428/8 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Les Ravageurs des Grains Entreposes (Stored Grain Pests) 1968, 65p Descriptors: "Grains(Food), "Pest control, "Food storage, Insects, Classifications, Beetles, Coleop- tera, Borers(Biology), Worms, Mites, Blattidae, Prevention. Identifiers: Developing country application. Grain destroying insects are classified and their methods of infesting grain is explained. The pest parasites are mentioned and methods of preven- tion of infestation gone over. Some of the insect pests studied are weevils, beetles, caterpillars, meal worms, larder beetles, serricorn beetles, borers, silverfish, cockroaches, and mites. PB-286 429/6 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. La Prevention Contre les Moustiques dans les Terres Irriguees (Mosquito Prevention on Irri- gated Farms) 1969, 47p Descriptors: "Culicidae, "Irrigation, "Pest control, Irrigation canals, Public health, Life cycles, Rice plants, Aquaculture, Drainage, Terracing, Irrigated land, Ponds. Identifiers: Developing country application, Habi- tats. This book tells what measures to take to control mosquitos. The nature and extent of the problem is discussed, its socio-economic and public health aspects are given. The mosquitos' biology and habitat, and problems of reconciling mosquito con- trol with other goals such as irrigation, rice grow- ing, and aquaculture are studied. The principal techniques of mosquito control are discussed in- cluding calculating, administering, and recording the optimal amount of water for irrigation, creating proper drainage and irrigation systems, and lands- caping farm ponds. PB-286 431/2 PC A04/MF A01 Agricultural Research Service, Washington, DC. Field Crops Research Branch. La Culture du Sorgho pour la Production de Sirop (Culture of Sorgho for Sirup Production) I. E. Stokes, O. H. Coleman, and Jack L. Dean. 1962, 55p Descriptors: "Food processing, "Cultivation, "Sug- arcane, Plant growth, Germination, Planting, In- sects, Fertilizing, Herbicides, Plant diseases, Pest control, Harvesting, Evaporators, Sugars, Molas- ses. Identifiers: Developing country application. The production of sirup from sorghum is outlined from planting the crop to final processing. A de- scription of the plant and its sirup is given and nine varieties of sorghum are studied in depth. Dis- eases and insect pests that attack sorghum and their control is also explored. Growing the crop is outlined covering the soil, crop rotation, fertiliza- tion, preparing the seed bed, seedlings, how to plant, spacing plants, herbicides, and harvesting. A detailed account of how to make the sirup is also given. PB-286 433/8 PC A04/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Amelioration de I'Hahitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) Ideas and methods exchange no. 1 8 R. Douglas Stone, George A. Spear, Jacob L. Crane, Roy J. Burroughs, and J. Robert Dodge. 1968, 75p Descriptors: "Houses, "Improvement, Upgrading, Guidelines, Technical assistance, Developing countries. Identifiers: "Self help, "Self help housing, Develop- ing country application, Home ownership. Aided self-help is the concept of self-help plus some form of aid so as to achieve an improved product. It is a principle which is adaptive to a vari- ety of techniques and situations; it may capitalize on unused leisure time; and it is a very effective method to encourage home ownership. This book- let is an analysis of the procedures for establishing a program of aided self-help in housing improve- ment in developing countries. PB-286 435/3 PC A10/MF A01 National Planning Association, Washington, DC. Le Developpement de I'Entreprise Privee Afri- caine (The Development of African Pridvate Enterprise) Planning pamphlet no. 120. Mar 64, 21 8p Descriptors: "Africa, Businesses, Industries, Serv- ices, Distributing, Foreign government, Europe, United States, Foreign aid, Economic surveys. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Pri- vate enterprise. The study concentrates primarily upon African pri- vate enterprise in industry, distribution, and the service trades. It analyzes the main problems which impede the emergence and development of modern forms of indigenous private economic ac- tivity in the countries of tropical Africa, and de- scribes the measures for mitigating them which could be undertaken by African entrepreneurs themselves, by their government, by the Europe- ans, Americans, and other private companies op- erating in Africa and by those providing aid to Afri- can countries. The purpose of this study is to pres- ent a reasonably comprehensive survey of the present problems and future prospects of African private enterprise. PB-286 436/1 PC A13/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Office of Science and Technology. Manuel d'Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropi- cale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) Ernest Mortensen, and Ervin T. Bullard. Jun 70, 283p Descriptors: "Fruit crops, "Vegetable crops, "Trees(Plants), "Horticulture, "Tropical regions, Manuals, Fertilizing, Plant growth, Temperature, Insect control, Handbooks, Soil properties, Plant- ing, Spacing, Weed control, Tables(Data), Insecti- cides. Identifiers: "Subtropical regions, Developing coun- try application. This manual is written in layman's language in solving their agriculture problems. Major fruit, nut, and tree crops are discussed with emphasis on spacing, pruning, fertilizing, budding, and disease and insect control. A description is given of all major vegetables. Information is presented on seed storage, vegetable varieties, fertilizer recom- mendations, plants spacings, temperature require- ments, soil and cultivation. Major diseases with their control are presented in a table for easy refer- ence. PB-286 437/9 PC A09/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Office of Science and Technology. Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horti- culture Ernest Mortensen, and Ervin T. Bullard. Jun 70, 197p Descriptors: "Fruit crops, "Vegetable crops, "Trees(Plants), "Horticulture, "Tropical regions, Manuals, Fertilizing, Plant growth, Temperature, Insect control, Plant diseases, Handbooks, Soil properties, Planting, Spacing, Weed control, Tables(Data), Insecticides. Identifiers: "Subtropical regions, Developing coun- try application. This manual is written in layman's language in solving their agriculture problems. Major fruit, nut, and tree crops are discussed with emphasis on spacing, pruning, fertilizing, budding, and disease and insect control. A description is given of all major vegetable varieties, fertilizer recommenda- tions, plants spacings, temperature requirements, soil and cultivation. Major diseases with their con- trol are presented in a table for easy reference. (Color illustrations will be reproduced in black and white) PB-286 439/5 PC A03/MF A01 Makerere Medical School, Kampala (Uganda). Dept. of Preventive Medicine. Health Education of the Tropical Mother in Feeding Her Young Child Derrick B. Jelliffe, and John F. Bennett. 1964, 27p Descriptors: "Nutrition, "Diets, "Nutritional defi- ciency diseases, Tropical regions, Developing countries, Preventive medicine, Infants, Children, Sanitation. Identifiers: Mothers, "Health education, Develop- ing country application. Malnutrition in early childhood is the dominant problem in the developing tropical regions of the world, and, although poverty is often a vital causa- tive factor, frequently a considerable proportion of the malnutrition seen is potentially avoidable, if al- ready available local food resources were used to better purpose by parents. An important global target for health education is to persuade tropical 160 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS mothers to feed their children in the early years of life as well as is possible with already existing available local foods. This paper is largely con- cerned with the education of the mother in pre- venting malnutrition among under-privileged chil- dren. Topics covered include breast feeding vs. ar- tificial feeding, the transitional diet, and adult diet. PB-286 440/3 PC A09/MF A01 National 4-H Tractor Program's Extension Sub- Committee. L'Entretien Des Tracteurs (4-H Tractor Pro- gram Learning by Doing. A Units, p1-90) 1978, 194p Descriptors: "Agricultural machinery, "Tractors, "Maintenance, Tractor engines, Spark ignition en- gines, Diesel engines, Lubrication, Carburetors, Ig- nition systems, Cooling systems, Safety, Instruc- tional materials. Identifiers: Developing country application. This booklet is a guide to learning the basic me- chanics of tractor care which will help prevent costly breakdowns and provide greater productiv- ity. The areas discussed in the book are tractor safety, general lubrication, oil for the engine and hydraulic system, air cleaners, carburetor adjust- ment, the ignition, and the cooling system. A cross- section of the gas engine is shown and discussed. It also tells how to keep a complete written record of all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of your tractor. PB-286 441/1 PC A05/MF A01 National 4-H Tractor Program's Extension Sub- Committee. 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. A Units. Tractor Care Project 1978, 86p Descriptors: "Agricultural machinery, "Tractors, "Maintenance, Tractor engines, Spark ignition en- gines, Diesel engines, Lubrication, Carburetors, Ig- nition systems, Cooling systems, Safety, Instruc- tional materials. Identifiers: Developing country application. This booklet is a guide to learning the basic me- chanics of tractor care which will help prevent costly breakdowns and provide greater productiv- ity. The areas discussed in the book are tractor safety, general lubrication, oil for the engine and hydraulic system, air cleaners, carburetor adjust- ment, the ignition, and the cooling system. A cross- section of the gas engine is shown and discussed. PB-286 442/9 PC A04/MF A01 National 4-H Tractor Program's Extension Sub- Committee. 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. B Units. Tractor Care Project 1978, 69p Sponsored in part by American Oil Co., New York, and Agency for International Development, Wash- ington, DC. Descriptors: "Agricultural machinery, "Tractors, "Maintenance, Tractor engines, Spark ignition en- gines, Ignition systems, Manual transmissions, Valves, Steering gear, Instructional materials. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of this booklet is to provide an oppor- tunity to learn the proper care of a tractor which will result in longer life, more power, and lower operat- ing costs. This booklet makes it possible for you to learn how to do many small tractor maintenance jobs that will give you greater production and help to eliminate costly breakdowns. Topics covered in- clude: engine ignition systems, fuel saving adjust- ments, valves, power transmissions, care of tires, and steering and front wheels. PB-286 444/5 PC A13/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Petites Conserveries. (Small Canning Fac- tories) Mar 72, 295p Descriptors: "Food processing, "Canning, "Man- uals, Industrial plants, Site selection, Buildings, Plant layout, Requirements, Small businesses, Planning, Technical assistance. Identifiers: Developing country application. The manual is a comprehensive collection of infor- mation on the canning of food. The manual is divid- ed into three sections. The first section explains the many desirable results of canning and the fac- tors which are necessary to make the establish- ment of a canning plant a practical venture. The second section discusses the selection of the plant site, the building requirements, and the layout of the equipment in the plant. The last section deals with the various procedures involved in can- ning. PB-286 445/2 PC A12/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Small Canning Factories Mar 72, 275p Descriptors: "Food processing, "Canning, "Man- uals, Industrial plants, Site selection, Buildings, Plant layout, Requirements, Small businesses, Planning, Technical assistance. Identifiers: Developing country application. The manual is a comprehensive collection of infor- mation on the canning of food. The manual is divid- ed into three sections. The first section explains the many desirable results of canning and the fac- tors which are necessary to make the establish- ment of a canning plant a practical venture. The second section discusses the selection of the plant site, the building requirements, and the layout of the equipment in the plant. The last section deals with the various procedures involved in can- ning. PB-286 446/0 PC A03/MF A01 Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. Managing Public Rangelands: Effective Live- stock Grazing Practices and Systems for Na- tional Forests and National Grasslands Richard S. Driscoll. Oct 67, 37p Rept no. AIB- 315 Descriptors: "Livestock, "Grazing land, "National parks, "Forest land, Management, Vegetation, Se- lection, Forage grasses, Water supply, Ponds, Feeding stuffs, Grassland, Animal nutrition, Range grasses, Fences. Identifiers: Developing country application. This brochure presents the basic principles of var- ious grazing practices that might be used in forests and grasslands. Topics discussed in this pictorial booklet include: salting, fencing, water develop- ment, and riding and herding. PB-286 447/8 PC A03/MF A01 Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. L'Exploitation des Paturages (Managing Public Rangelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Prac- tices and Systems for National Forests and Na- tional Grasslands) Richard S. Driscoll. Oct 67, 38p Descriptors: "Livestock, "Grazing land, "National parks, "Forest land, Management, Vegetation, Se- lection, Forage grasses, Water supply, Ponds, Feeding stuffs, Grassland, Animal nutrition, Range grasses, Fences. Identifiers: Developing country application. This brochure presents the basic principles of var- ious grazing practices that might be used in forests and grasslands. Topics discussed in this pictorial booklet include: salting, fencing, water develop- ment, and riding and herding. PB-286 449/4 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Office of International Housing. Village Markets in Ghana: A Study on the Plan- ning of Village Markets and Stalls Ideas and methods exchange William Mann, Jr. May 65, 49p Rept no. IME-60 Descriptors: "Technical assistance, "Marketing, "Ghana, Facilities, Construction, Planning, Sanita- tion, Distribution systems, Culture(Social sci- ences), Developing countries, Mass communica- tion, Guidelines. Identifiers: "Villages, "Markets, Developing coun- try application. Village markets provide a great variety of necessi- ties and luxury items to a majority of the population as well as being a center for social interaction, mass communication, and the diffusion of culture. This booklet has been written to help preserve the traditional spirit of village markets, to improve the physical make-up to better serve their intended purpose, and to offer suggestions for making them more pleasant and healthful as human surround- ings. The booklet is illustrated for increased under- standing. PB-286 450/2 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Agriculture Extension Service, Washington, DC. Comment Conserver le Poisson Salage-Se- chage-Fumage (Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Coun- tries) Jul 67, 41 p Descriptors: "Food processing, "Fishes, Instruc- tional materials, Developing countries, Guidelines, Technical assistance, Cleaning, Drying, Smoking, Curing. Identifiers: "Villages, Developing country applica- tions. The information in the booklet presents ideas on how to catch and cure fish at home. The various topics discussed are catching and handling fish, how to clean fish, salting fish, how to air dry fish, how to smoke fish, and how to use cured fish. PB-286 451/0 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Agriculture Extension Service, Washington, DC. Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Countries Jul 67, 21 p Descriptors: "Food processing, "Fishes, Instruc- tional materials, Developing countries, Guidelines, Technical assistance, Cleaning, Drying, Smoking, Curing. Identifiers: "Villages, Developing country applica- tions. The information in the booklet presents ideas on how to catch and cure fish at home. The various topics discussed are catching and handling fish, how to clean fish, salting fish, how to air dry fish, how to smoke fish, and how to use cured fish. PB-286 452/8 PC A04/MF A01 National Association of Home Builders, Washing- ton, DC. Le Beton: Principes Elementaires (Basics of Concrete) Ideas and methods exchange no. 49. Nov 60, 64p Descriptors: "Concretes, Air entrained concretes, Portland cements, Concrete construction, Mason- ry cements, Prestressed concrete, Ready mixed concrete, Concrete finishing, Admixtures. Identifiers: Developing country applications. Concrete when properly prepared and used, is one of the most versatile of building materials, and is used to some extent throughout the world in the production of housing. Failures occur when the simple rules essential to the production of good quality buildings of concrete or concrete products are ignored. This pictorial booklet consists of a series of articles on good practice in the prepara- tion and use of concrete and concrete masonry. PB-286 455/1 PC A07/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. L'Education Sanitaire (Education in Health) 1964, 144p 161 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: 'Health education, 'Public health, 'Sanitation, Meetings, Schools, Children, Instruc- tors, Health care services, Instructional materials, Attitudes. Identifiers: Developing country application. The material in this publication presents the group thinking of many health workers of various profes- sional skills, who participated in a health confer- ence in the Philippines, this report is designed as a training aid and handy reference for the use of health workers everywhere. The functions of the health educator and public administrator in the pre- vention and treatment of malaria are discussed as well as the importance of educating people in the area of sanitation. The role of the health educator and public administrator in establishing a school health program to teach children and school per- sonnel to attain and maintain good health are dis- cussed. Methods of dealing with community atti- tudes in maternal and child care are explained. PB-286 456/9 PC A03/MF A01 West Pakistan Range Improvement Scheme, Lahore. Water Spreading Manual Range management record no. 1 Norman H. French, and Ijaz Hussain. May 64, 46p Descriptors: 'Dikes, 'Earth dams, 'Water supply, 'Agricultural economics, Manuals, Deserts, Farm crops, Semiarid land, Forage grasses, Runoff, Flooding, Ponds, Design, Channel flow, Topogra- phy, Slopes, Water law, Ditches, Construction, Maintenance, Pakistan. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Water spreading, Peak discharge. Water spreading both for crop production and the production of additional forage for livestock has a real and practical application in many places. This booklet provides adequate knowledge to techni- cians for embarking upon such a project. Photo- graphs and illustrations make this booklet an easily read and practical guide. (Color illustrations repro- duced in black and white) PB-286 457/7 PC A04/MF A01 West Pakistan Range Improvement Scheme, Lahore. Irrigation par Deversement (Water Spreading Manual) Range management record no. 1 Norman H. French, and Ijaz Hussain. May 64, 58p Descriptors: 'Dikes, 'Earth dams, 'Water supply, 'Agricultural economics, Manuals, Deserts, Farm crops, Semiarid land, Forage grasses, Runoff, Flooding, Ponds, Channel flow, Design, Topogra- phy, Slopes, Water law, Ditches, Construction, Maintenance, Pakistan. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Water spreading, Peak discharge. Water spreading both for crop production and the production of additional forage for livestock has a real and practical application in many places. This booklet provides adequate knowledge to techni- cians for embarking upon such a project. Photo- graphs and illustrations make this booklet an easily read and practical guide. PB-286 459/3 PC A13/MF A01 Caribbean Food and Nutrition Inst., Kingston (Ja- maica). La Nutrition de L'Enfant Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpment (Child Nutrition in Develop- ing Countries) Derrick B. Jelliffe. 1968, 281 p Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Nutrition, 'Children, 'Nutritional deficiency diseases, Diets, Foreign countries, Therapy, Preventive medicine, Humans, Food, Education, Indexes(Documentation). Identifiers: Developing country application. In recent years international recognition has accu- mulated to emphasize the magnitude of the prob- lem of childhood nutrition. This handbook will help nontechnical workers recognize the significance of the problem of malnutrition in young children and help guide their efforts toward locally appropriate preventative and curative measures. PB-286 461/9 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Developpement Communautaire - Cinq Reali- sations Interessantes en Afrique (Five Commu- nity Development Stories Out of West Africa; Community Development Series, Volume 1, Series B) Nov 62, 42p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Africa, Planning, Improvement, Water wells, Irrigation, Farm crops, Rice, Ghana, Nigeria, Lagos, Con- struction, Developing countries. Identifiers: 'Villages, Developing country applica- tion. These five development success stories may in- spire efforts to improve the living conditions in vil- lages. Local participation in planning and carrying out improvements obtained good results. Success- ful deep wells were dug in Patuduase and Apam, Ghana, and a popular literacy compaign complet- ed. In northern Ghana, villages built their own irri- gation system for rice growing under the tutelage of development personnel. In Igan Alade, Nigeria, the villagers were inspired to build themselves an auditorium, and in Lagos, a youth club was estab- lished which was then used in self-help schemes. PB-286 463/5 PC A07/MF A01 Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Inc., Schenectady, NY. Village Technology Handbook, First Edition Jun 63, 143p Descriptors: 'Tools, 'Handbooks, 'Technical as- sistance, Developing countries, Agriculture, Water supply, Sanitation, Health, Houses, Construction, Technology, Improvement, Community develop- ment. Identifiers: 'Villages, Developing country applica- tion. The handbook has been prepared to assist village workers of developing countries in making useful tools and in acquiring helpful work techniques. It contains fifty articles that describe and illustrate various tools and techniques primarily in the fields of agriculture, water supply, sanitation and health, housing and construction, and home improvement. PB-286 464/3 PC A06/MF A01 Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Inc., Schenectady, NY. Manuel Pratique de I'Equipement Rural (III). In- stallations Sanitaires (Village Technology Handbook) Jun 63, 116p Descriptors: 'Tools, 'Technical assistance, 'Handbooks, Developing countries, Agriculture, Water supply, Health, Sanitation, Houses, Con- struction, Improvement. Identifiers: Developing country application, Vil- lages. The handbook has been prepared to assist village workers of developing countries in making useful tools and in acquiring helpful work techniques. It contains fifty articles that describe and illustrate various tools and techniques primarily in the fields of agriculture, water supply, sanitation and health, housing and construction, and home improvement. PB-286 465/0 PC A06/MF A01 Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Inc., Schenectady, NY. Manuel Pratique de L'Equipment Rural L'Eau au Village (Village Technology Handbook, First Edition, Pages 1-81) Jun 63, 103p Descriptors: 'Tools, 'Handbooks, 'Technical as- sistance, Developing countries, Water supply, Technology, Community development, Irrigation, Artesian wells, Potable water. Identifiers: 'Villages, Developing country applica- tion. The handbook has been prepared to assist village workers of developing countries in making useful tools and in acquiring helpful work techniques. It contains twenty-four articles that describe and il- lustrate various tools and techniques in the field of water supply, irrigation, potable water, chlorination of polluted water, drilling of wells, piping and drain- age and similar subjects. (Portions of this docu- ment are not fully legible) PB-286 467/6 PC A15/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, DC. L'Energie et le Developpement Rural: Res- sources Renouvelables et Options Techniques pour les Pays en Developpement (Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Resources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Coun- tries) 1977, 331p Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Rural areas, 'Regional planning, Wind power generation, Bio- mass, Energy storage, Reviews, Reviewing. Identifiers: 'Energy source development, Solar energy conversion, Bioconversion, Wind power uti- lization, Hydroelectric power, Photosynthesis, Geothermal energy conversion, Developing Coun- try Application, State of the art. This report provides a summary of the state of the art of alternative (appropriate or soft) technologies frequently suggested as solutions to rural or indi- vidual-family energy needs. Moreover, it informs both the technologist and the planner where to go for more detailed information and what kinds of re- search and development are needed before a par- ticular device or process is ready for use. Thus, it should be of considerable assistance in evaluating the potential of each energy source in each candi- date situation. This is the French edition of the original report which was printed in 1 976. PB-286 468/4 PC A21/MF A01 National Scientific Documentation Center, Djakar- ta (Indonesia). Selected Abstracts on Traditional Fermented Food Afrida Nazir Yanwar, and Sri Budhi Saparsih. 1978, 476p* Descriptors: 'Food, 'Fermentation, Abstracts, Indexes(Documentation), Food preparation, Indo- nesia, Microorganisms, Chemical reactions, De- composition reactions, Food processing, Nutritive value, Toxins, Rice, Grains(Food), Soybeans, Oil- seeds, Fishes, Methodology, Food storage. Identifiers: Author indexes, Coconut, Sauerkraut, Vinegar, Cassava, Developing country application. Contents: Fermented rice; Fermented soy beans; Fermented coconut press cake; Sauerkraut; Fermented fish; Vinegar; Fermented cassava. PB-286 469/2 PC A04/MF A01 Wood (Richardson) and Co., New York. Plant Requirements Primer: How to Start a New Factory or Shop Aug 55, 61 p Descriptors: 'Technical assistance, 'Businesses, Planning, Industrial plants, Shops, Manufacturing, Workplace layout, Materials, Equipment, Person- nel, Operating costs, Marketing, Sales, Capital, Profits, Instructional materials. Identifiers: Small businesses, Industrial growth, In- dustrial development, Developing country applica- tion. The pictorial pamphlet outlines steps that should be followed in starting a new factory or shop. Its purpose is to show how ideas for a new business should be collected and presented to obtain the greatest cooperation from lending agencies, other businessmen, and from the Government. The pamphlet first shows in brief pictorial form the types of privately owned enterprises that have often been started in countries with developing in- 162 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS dustries. It then discusses the processes of indus- trial development and the general conditions that are necessary to industrial growth. The last section describes in some detail a typical case of a prelimi- nary study of a new business enterprise which could culminate in its actual establishment. PB-286 470/0 PC A04/MF A01 Wood (Richardson) and Co., New York. Comment Creer Une Usine (Plant Require- ments Primer: How to start a New Factory or Shop) Aug 55, 74p Descriptors: 'Technical assistance, "Businesses, Planning, Industrial plants, Shops, Manufacturing, Workplace layout, Materials equipment, Person- nel, Operating costs, Marketing, Sales, Capital, Profits, Instructional materials. Identifiers: Small businesses, Industrial growth, In- dustrial development, Developing country applica- tion. The pictorial pamphlet outlines steps that should be followed in starting a new factory or shop. Its purpose is to show how ideas for a new business should be collected and presented to obtain the greatest cooperation from lending agencies, other businessmen, and from the Government. The pamphlet first shows in brief pictorial form the types of privately owned enterprises that have often been started in countries with developing in- dustries. It then discusses the processes of indus- trial development and the general conditions that are necessary to industrial growth. The last section describes in some detail a typical case of a prelimi- nary study of a new business enterprise which could culminate in its actual establishment. PB-286 471/8 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Power Transmissions for Cottage Industry 1978, 40p Descriptors: "Industries, *Rural areas, Belt drives, Power transmission belts, Power supplies, Me- chanical drives, Pulleys, Belts, Machine tools, Quality of life. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Cot- tage industries. This booklet covers the various methods of trans- mission of mechanical power from its source to the driven member, and the various companion de- vices which go to make up a suitable power trans- mission. The transmission elements described are limited to the simple materials which are available locally at little or no cost. Reference is made to the various sources of power which may be available in an area and to the relative economics and prac- ticality of these sources. Only the type of equip- ment is discussed which may be improvised by ru- dimentary techniques from simple materials. PB-286 472/6 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Les Transmissions de Force Motrice Dans L'Artisanat Familial (Power Transmissions for Cottage Industry) 1978, 50p Descriptors: "Industries, "Rural areas, Belt drives, Power transmission belts, Power supplies, Me- chanical drives, Pulleys, Belts, Machine tools, Quality of life. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Cot- tage industries. This booklet covers the various methods of trans- mission of mechanical power from its source to the driven member, and the various companion de- vices which go to make up a suitable power trans- mission. The transmission elements described are limited to the simple materials which are available locally at little or no cost. Reference is made to the various sources of power which may be available in an area and to the relative economics and prac- ticality of these sources. Only the type of equip- ment is discussed which may be improvised by ru- dimentary techniques from simple materials. PB-286 473/4 PC A03/MF A01 Philco Corp., Philadelphia, PA. Technical Publica- tions Dept. Kerosene Devices. Technical Digest Supple- ment No. 8 Jan 61, 47p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Kerosene, "Burners, "Heating equip- ment, Lamps, Refrigerators, Safety, Combustion, Space heaters, Water heaters. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report deals with the basic principals and ap- plications of kerosene fueled devices. It is directed primarily to those who wish to become involved with the manufacture or maintenance. Emphasis is on kerosene devices intended for domestic use (heaters, lamps, refrigerators, etc.). PB-286 474/2 PC A04/MF A01 Philco Corp., Philadelphia, PA. Technical Publica- tions Dept. Appareils a Kerosene (Kerosene Devices) Jan 61, 69p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Kerosene, "Burners, "Heating equip- ment, Lamps, Refrigerators, Safety, Combustion, Space heaters, Water heaters, identifiers: Developing country application. The report deals with the basic principals and ap- plications of kerosene fueled devices. It is directed primarily to those who wish to become involved with the manufacture or maintenance. Emphasis is on kerosene devices intended for domestic use (heaters, lamps, refrigerators, etc.). PB-286 475/9 PC A14/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, CA. Manual of Industrial Development Jun 58, 320p Descriptors: "Economic development, "Develop- ing countries, "Manufacturing, "Industries, Eco- nomic analysis, Methods, Productivity, Manuals, Demand(Economics), Resources, Stability, Bal- ance of payments, Capital, Income, Experience, Competition, Community relations, Attitudes. Identifiers: "Industrialization, Economic status, De- veloping country application, Per capita income, Social attitudes. It is the purpose of the manual to contribute to the economic progress of developing countries by helping them deal more effectively with some of the crucial development decisions that must be made. It deals with the problem of making a ratio- nal selection of specific types of manufacturing in- dustries likely to be most effective in raising the productivity and the living level of an area under development. The manual does this by proposing a method of analysis rather than by analyzing the industrial development opportunities and problems of a particular country or region. PB-286 477/5 PC A03/MF A01 Farm Credit Administration, Washington, DC. Farm Credit Manual A. Rudolph Ettesvold. May 66, 35p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Credit, "Manuals, Agri- cultural economics, Financing, Farms, Real prop- erty, Working capital, Capital, Payment, Education, Personnel, Projects. Identifiers: "Credit policies, "Capital expenditures, Short term financing, Long term financing, Capital improvements, Finance occupations. The manual has been prepared for the purpose of stating as simply as possible the basic principles of sound agricultural credit. These basic principles have proved to be sound and are applicable in all countries, regardless of the stage of development of their agricultural credit systems. The manual should be useful as a basis for establishing or ex- tending training programs in all countries where an agricultural credit program is in operation or is being contemplated. PB-286 560/8 PC A99/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ.-Madison. Management of Small Waste Flows Final rept. Jul 71 -Jun 77. Sep 78, 854p* EPA/600/2-78/173 Grant EPA-R-802874 Descriptors: "Sewage disposal, "Sewage treat- ment, Constraints, Law(Jurisprudence), Residen- tial buildings, Waste water, Industrial wastes, As- sessments, Soil properties, Microbiology, Sand fil- tration, Septic tanks, Cost analysis, Sanitation, Fluid infiltration, Design, Operations, Management, Bacteria, Sites. Identifiers: Alternative planning. This report is a compilation of laboratory and field investigations conducted at the University of Wis- consin since 1971. As its primary objective, the re- search program was to conceive, evaluate and de- velop satisfactory methods for the on-site treat- ment and disposal of wastewaters, regardless of the site constraints. The studies were subdivided into several categories including characterization of household and commercial wastewaters, as- sessment of wastewater treatment alternatives, evaluation of soils for treatment and disposal of wastewater, estimation of infiltrative capacities of soils, design and operation of alternative systems dependent upon soil design and operation of alter- native systems not dependent upon soil, manage- ment of on-site disposal systems and institutional and regulatory control of on-site systems. PB-286 572/3 PC A03/MF A01 Farm Credit Administration, Washington, DC. Manuel de Credit Agricole. (Farm Credit Manual) A. Rudolph Ettesvold. May 66, 41 p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Credit, "Manuals, Agri- cultural economics, Financing, Farms, Real prop- erty, Working capital, Capital, Payment, Education, Personnel, Projects. identifiers: "Credit policies, "Capital expenditures, Short term financing, Long term financing, Capital improvements, Finance occupations. The manual has been prepared for the purpose of stating as simply as possible the basic principles of sound agricultural credit. These basic principles have proved to be sound and are applicable in all countries, regardless of the stage of development of their agricultural credit systems. The manual should be useful as a basis for establishing or ex- tending training programs in all countries where an agricultural credit program is in operation or is being contemplated. PB-286 573/1 PC A03/MF A01 Farm Credit Administration, Washington, DC. Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Effective Use of Agricultural Credit Jun 58, 31 p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Financing, "Specialized training, Personnel development, Financial man- agement, Credit, Income, Farms, Risk, Real prop- erty, Farm crops, Services, Projects, Agricultural economics. Identifiers: "Credit policies, Economic risks, Finan- cial services, Finance occupations, Guides. The booklet's purpose is to provide training materi- al and encourage the development of more inten- sive training programs for officials and employees of agricultural credit organizations in other coun- tries. The sections discussed in the booklet in- clude: the man who needs credit, purposes for which loans are made, capacity of the farm to pay debts, financial strength and progress of the bor- rower, property and growing crops as security for loans, and loan supervision and collections. PB-286 574/9 PC A03/MF A01 Farm Credit Administration, Washington, DC. 163 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Le Credit Agricole Source de Prosperite (Lend- ing to Increase Farmer's income. A Series of Guides to Effective Use of Agricultural Credit) Jun 58, 50p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, "Financing, "Specialized training, Personnel development, Financial man- agement, Credit, Income, Farms, Risk, Real prop- erty, Farm crops, Services, Projects, Agricultural economics. Identifiers: "Credit policies, Economic risks, Finan- cial services, Finance occupations, Guides. The booklet's purpose is to provide training materi- al and encourage the development of more inten- sive training programs for officials and employees of agricultural credit organizations in other coun- tries. The sections discussed in the booklet in- clude: the man who needs credit, purposes for which loans are made, capacity of the farm to pay debts, financial strength and progress of the bor- rower, property and growing crops as security for loans, and loan supervision and collections. PB-286 576/4 PC A05/MF A01 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC. Div. of Foreign Labor Conditions. La Prevision Des Besoins en Main-D'Oeuver (The Forecasting of Manpower Requirements) Matilda R. Sugg, and Lloyd A. Prochnow. 1968, 96p Descriptors: "Manpower, "Requirements, "Fore- casting, "Developing countries, Demographic sur- veys, Methods, Populations, Population growth, Statistical analysis, Economic development, Edu- cation. Identifiers: "Manpower development programs, Population dynamics, Labor force estimates, Oc- cupational surveys, Developing country applica- tion. The handbook has been written to assist econo- mists and statisticians in the economically devel- oping countries in initiating and conducting studies for determining future manpower requirements in relation to anticipated development. It outlines a method of estimating future manpower require- ments by occupation and industry and future train- ing requirements for high-level occupations. PB-286 577/2 PC A03/MF A01 Farmer Cooperative Service, Washington, DC. Rural Cooperatives in the United States Apr 63, 50p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Economics, "Cooperation, "Rural areas, Commerce, States(United States), Organi- zations, Economic development, Agricultural eco- nomics, Rural sociology, History, Legislation, Serv- ices, Businesses. Identifiers: "Cooperatives, "Rural economics, Eco- nomic cooperation, Cooperative enterprises, Co- operative production and marketing systems. Cooperatives have long played a significant role in the developing economy of the United States. The booklet describes the evolution of rural coopera- tives in the United States and discusses the many benefits of cooperatives as well as mistakes to avoid. PB-286 578/0 PC A04/MF A01 Farmer Cooperative Service, Washington, DC. Les Cooperatives Agricoles aux Etats-Unis (Rural Cooperatives in the United States) Apr 63, 64p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Economics, "Cooperation, "Rural areas, Commerce, States(United States), Organi- zations, Economic development, Agricultural eco- nomics, Rural sociology, History, Legislation, Serv- ices, Businesses. Identifiers: "Cooperatives, "Rural economics, Eco- nomic cooperation, Cooperative enterprises, Co- operative production and marketing systems. Cooperatives have longed played a significant role in the developing economy of the United States. The booklet describes the evolution of rural coo- peratives in the United States and discusses the many benefits of cooperatives as well as mistakes to avoid. PB-286 579/8 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Agriculture Extension Service, Washington, DC. Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Extension Administrators Fred Jans. Jul 69, 17p Descriptors: "Federal assistance programs, "Rural areas, "Management training, Education, Agricul- tural economics, Economic development, Rural sociology, Financing, Production, Organization theory, Personnel development, Planning. Identifiers: "Agricultural extension services, "Ad- ministrator guides, Rural extension, Rural farm residents, Agricultural production, Developing country application, Administrative personnel, Rural development, Organizational development. The purpose of agricultural extension is to carry the application of science in the fields of agricultur- al production and family living to people who use the lands regardless of their educational level or stage in life. It also provides a good channel through which practical problems important to farm people are called to the attention of research institutions. The bulletin discusses some of the fundamental steps essential in establishing an ef- fective extension service. It has been prepared by recognized leaders experienced in this field. PB-286 580/6 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Agriculture Extension Service, Washington, DC. Creation d'Un Service de Vulgarisation Agri- cole (Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Extension Administrators) Fred Jans. 1969, 34p Descriptors: "Federal assistance programs, "Rural areas, "Management training, Education, Agricul- tural economics, Economic development, Rural sociology, Financing, Production, Organization theory, Personnel development, Planning. Identifiers: "Agricultural extension services, "Ad- ministrator guides, Rural extension, Rural farm residents, Agricultural production, Developing country application, Administrative personnel, Rural development, Organizational development. The purpose of agricultural extension is to carry the application of science in the fields of agricultur- al production and family living to people who use the lands regardless of their educational level or stage in life. It also provides a good channel through which practical problems important to farm people are called to the attention of research institutions. The bulletin discusses some of the fundamental steps essential in establishing an ef- fective extension service. It has been prepared by recognized leaders experienced in this field. PB-286 581/4 PC A09/MF A01 Bureau of Employment Security, Washington, DC. Establishment of National Employment Serv- ices in Developing Countries Sep 68, 197p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Office of Labor Af- fairs. Descriptors: "Employment, "Services, Consul- tants, Handbooks, Job analysis, Placement, Man- power, Specialized training, Skilled workers, De- veloping countries. Identifiers: Employment services, Labor force, De- veloping country application. This handbook is for those who undertake assign- ments to assist under-developed countries estab- lish or improve their employment services. The handbook lists in logical sequence, the principal steps which would be involved in starting an em- ployment service from the ground up. Recognizing that there may be situations in which placement service is not required but where other employ- ment services may be, it suggests that these may be provided in other ways than in opening costly local employment offices to accomplish the pur- pose. PB-286 582/2 PC A12/MF A01 Bureau of Employment Security, Washington, DC. El Servico Publico de Empleos (Establishment of National Employment Services) 1967, 258p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Office of Labor Af- fairs. Descriptors: "Employment, "Services, Consul- tants, Handbooks, Job analysis, Placement, Man- power, Specialized training, Skilled workers, De- veloping countries. Identifiers: Employment services, Labor force, De- veloping country application. This handbook is for those who undertake assign- ments to assist under-developed countries estab- lish or improve their employment services. The handbook lists in logical sequence, the principal steps which would be involved in starting an em- ployment service from the ground up. Recognizing that there may be situations in which Placement Service is not required but where other employ- ment services may be, it suggests that these may be provided in other ways than in opening costly local employment offices to accomplish the pur- pose. (Portions of this document are not fully leg- ible) PB-286 583/0 PC A10/MF A01 Bureau of Employment Security, Washington, DC. Les Services Publics de I'Emploi (Establish- ment of National Employment Services in De- veloping Countries) Sep 78, 204p Sponsored in part by Agency of International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Office of Labor Af- fairs. Descriptors: "Employment, "Services, Consul- tants, Handbooks, Job analysis, Placement, Man- power, Specialized training, Skilled workers, De- veloping countries. Identifiers: Employment services, Labor force, De- veloping country application. This handbook is for those who undertake assign- ments to assist under-developed countries estab- lish or improve their employment services. The handbook lists in logical sequence, the principal steps which would be involved in starting an em- ployment service from the ground up. Recognizing that there may be situations in which Placement Service is not required but where other employ- ment services may be, it suggests that these may be provided in other ways than in opening costly local employment offices to accomplish the pur- pose. PB-286 584/8 PC A05/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Office of International Housing. Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Hous- ing Douglas H. K. Lee. May 63, 83p Descriptors: "Houses, "Environmental engineer- ing, "Hot weather construction, Human factors en- gineering, Ventilation, Air conditioning, Evapora- tive cooling, Physiological effects, Structural design. Identifiers: Developing country application, Hous- ing. The effects of heat on man and other elements of tropical and subtropical climate are discussed. Housing is examined as a protection against the climate. Methods to reduce the conduction of radi- ant heat from the sun and to reduce convection of heat and humid outside air by shades, awnings, and architectural design, as well as ventilation, air conditioning, and evaporation cooling are ex- plained. The adaption of design to accommodate alternative hot-dry and hot-humid climates and functional considerations are also reviewed. 164 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-286 585/5 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC. Div. of International Affairs. Mejoramiento de la Vivienda par Autoayuda Subsidiada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Im- provement) Ideas and methods exchange no. 18 E. Douglas Stone, George A. Spear, Jacob L. Crane, Roy J. Burroughs, and J. Robert Dodge. Sep 68, 43p Descriptors: "Houses, "Improvement, Upgrading, Guidelines, Technical assistance, Developing countries. Identifiers: *Self help, *Self help housing, Develop- ing country application, Home ownership. Aided self-help is the concept of self-help plus some form of aid so as to achieve an improved product. It is a principle which is adaptive to a vari- ety of techniques and situations; it may capitalize on unused leisure time; and it is a very effective method to encourage home ownership. This book- let is an analysis of the procedures for establishing a program of aided self-help in housing improve- ment in developing countries. PB-286 587/1 PC A09/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, DC. Re- gional Analysis Div. Nourrir un Monde Surpeuple. (Man, Land and Food. Looking Ahead at World Food Needs) Foreign agricultural economic rept. Lester R. Brown. Nov 63, 180p Rept no. FAER- 11-F Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Food supply, Populations, Land, Ag- ricultural products, Grains(Food), Production, Technology, Land development, Developing coun- tries, Regions, Food consumption, Commerce, Soybeans, Milk, Tropical regions. Identifiers: World food, World trade, Developing country application. The purpose of the study is to add perspective to the world food problem. The analysis seeks to assess the magnitude and direction of the effort which must be made during the remaining four decades of this century if the projected population is to be sustained. Some of the topics discussed are population trends, land resources, agricultural problems, increasing output, and grain production. PB-286 588/9 PC A08/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, DC. Re- gional Analysis Div. Man, Land and Food. Looking Ahead at World Food Needs Foreign agricultural economic rept. Lester R. Brown. Nov 63, 162p Rept no. FAER- 11 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: *Food supply, Populations, Land, Ag- ricultural products, Grains(Food), Production, Technology, Land development, Developing coun- tries, Regions, Food consumption, Commerce, Soybeans, Milk, Tropical regions. Identifiers: World food, World trade, Developing country application. The purpose of the study is to add perspective to the world food problem. The analysis seeks to assess the magnitude and direction of the effort which must be made during the remaining four decades of this century if the projected population is to be sustained. Some of the topics discussed are population trends, land resources, agricultural problems, increasing output, and grain production. PB-286 590/5 PC A04/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, DC. Office of Management and Research Assistance. Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Comp- tabilite (Starting and Managing a Small Book- keeping Service. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 4) Charles H. Sevin. Jan 62, 67p Descriptors: 'Accounting, 'Businesses, 'Manage- ment, Services, Operations, Planning, Organizing, Guidelines. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Small businesses, 'Bookkeeping services. The booklet is designed to spell out the facts about starting and managing a small bookkeeping serv- ice so that the reader can decide if he is suited to it and it to him. Both the advantages and disadvan- tages are discussed. Included is a guide to operat- ing conditions in that field which spells out common problems and pitfalls as well as potential rewards. PB-286 591/3 PC A07/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, DC. Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 Paul Fairbrook. Jan 64, 127p Sponsored in part by National Restaurant Associ- ation, Chicago, IL, and Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Technical assistance, Planning, Fi- nancing, Management, Abilities, Risk. Profits, Ac- counting, Food services, Businesses. Identifiers: 'Restaurants, 'Small businesses, Fran- chising. The booklet is to help prospective restaurant owners decide whether they have the basic qualifi- cations, financing, and experience for success. It is also intended to supply them with some 'know- how,' help them avoid the pitfalls, and achieve suc- cess in case they do enter this field. It describes the advantages and disadvantages of this busi- ness, the risks involved, the personal characteris- tics that will contribute to success, and some of the management practices whose application is nec- essary for attainment of that success. PB-286 614/3 PC A06/MF A01 Small Business Administration, Washington, DC. Creer et Gerer un Petit Restaurant (Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 Paul Fairbrook. Jan 64, 124p Sponsored in part by National Restaurant Associ- ation, Chicago, IL., and Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Technical assistance, Planning, Fi- nancing, Management, Abilities, Risk, Profits, Ac- counting, Food services, Businesses. Identifiers: 'Restaurants, 'Small businesses, Fran- chising. The booklet is to help prospective restaurant owners decide whether they have the basic qualifi- cations, financing, and experience for success. It is also intended to supply them with some 'know- how,' help them avoid the pitfalls, and achieve suc- cess in case they do enter this field. It describes the advantages and disadvantages of this busi- ness, the risks involved, the personal characteris- tics that will contribute to success, and some of the management practices whose application is nec- essary for attainment of that success. PB-286 615/0 PC A05/MF A01 Bureau of Labor Standards, Washington, DC. Div. of International Cooperation. Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries Clara M. Beyer. Feb 64, 100p Prepared in cooperation with Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Office of Labor Affairs. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Govern- ment policies, 'Developing countries, 'Hand- books, Organization theory, Technical assistance, Financing, Personnel selection, Public relations, Coordination, Standards, Statistical data, Services, Industrial relations, Manpower development, Soci- ology, Quality of life, Economics. Identifiers: 'Government role, 'Government serv- ices, Information dissemination, Labor standards, Developing country application, Labor economics, Social development. The document is a handbook for individuals work- ing in the developing countries who may have nu- merous opportunities to supply information, ar- range technical aid, and otherwise help in the strengthening of the labor department as part of a countries' development program. It is designed to give them an understanding of the important role which a labor department plays in social and eco- nomic development to make for a better way of life for people in the developing countries. Each of the major services for which a department is normally responsible is briefly described, with the goal of the service, the type of activities carried on, and some of the special problems encountered in de- veloping countries identified for each. PB-286 616/8 PC A08/MF A01 Bureau of Labor Standards, Washington, DC. Div. of International Cooperation. Le Role d'Un Ministere du Travail Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpemenf (Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries) Clara M. Beyer. Feb 64, 167 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Office of Labor Af- fairs. Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Govern- ment policies, 'Developing countries, 'Hand- books, Organization theory, Technical assistance, Financing, Personnel selection, Public relations, Coordination, Standards, Statistical data, Services, Industrial relations, Manpower development, Soci- ology, Quality of life, Economics. Identifiers: 'Government role, 'Government serv- ices, Information dissemination, Labor standards, Developing country application, Labor economics, Social development. The document is a handbook for individuals work- ing in the developing countries who may have nu- merous opportunities to supply information, ar- range technical aid, and otherwise help in the strengthening of the labor department as part of a countries' development program. It is designed to give them an understanding of the important role which a labor department plays in social and eco- nomic development to make for a better way of life for people in the developing countries. Each of the major services for which a department is normally responsible is briefly described, with the goal of the service, the type of activities carried on, and some of the special problems encountered in de- veloping countries identified for each. PB-286 617/6 PC A07/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, DC. Foreign Development and Trade Div. Changes in Agriculture in 26 Developing Na- tions, 1948 to 1963 Foreign agricultural economic rept. Nov 65, 141p Rept no. FAER-27 Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, 'Developing countries, Production, Output, Assessments, Fer- tilizers, Social change, Farm crops, Demand(Economics), Exports, Marketing, Imports, Transportation, Storage, Food processing, Man- power, Prices, Credit, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Developing country application. The agricultural problems of 26 developing nations are considered; 7 of these countries are in Latin America, 4 in Africa, 4 in Europe, 7 in the Near East and South Asia, and 4 in the Far East. The levels and changes since 1948 in agricultural output and productivity in these countries are shown and the roles of major physical, economic, and social fac- tors associated with difference in these levels and changes are identified and assessed. The con- tents of the study include: sources of change in crop output, land and other natural features, land tenure and size of holdings, technology, the human factor, capital and credit, demand and prices, and marketing facilities and practices. PB-286 618/4 PC A09/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, DC. Foreign Development and Trade Div. 165 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Evolution de V Agriculture dans 26 Pays en Voie de Developpement, 1948 a 1963 (Changes in Agriculture in 26 Developing Nations, 1948 to 1963) Nov 65, 193p Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, 'Developing countries, Production, Output, Assessments, Fer- tilizers, Social change, Farm crops, Demand(Economics), Exports, Marketing, Imports, Transportation, Storage, Food processing, Man- power, Prices, Credit, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Developing country application. The agricultural problems of 26 developing nations are considered; 7 of these countries are in Latin America, 4 in Africa, 4 in Europe, 7 in the Near East and South Asia, and 4 in the Far East. The levels and changes since 1948 in agricultural output and productivity in these countries are shown and the roles of major physical, economic, and social fac- tors associated with differences in these levels and changes are identified and assessed. The contents of the study include: sources of change in crop output, land and other natural features, land tenure and size of holdings, technology, the human factor, capital and credit, demand and prices, and marketing facilities and practices. PB-286 619/2 PC A02/MF A01 Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC. An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools Aug 52, 24p Descriptors: "Natural resources, "Conservation, •Instructional materials, Water conservation, Land, Contour farming, Objectives. Identifiers: Developing country application. This booklet is written to develop an appreciation for natural resources and to show the need for the conservation of them. It is divided into seventeen areas for the study of conservation which include the sciences, English, math, the social sciences political science, economics, and the practical arts. PB-286 620/0 PC A04/MF A01 Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC. Momento de Conservation des Resources Na- turelles (An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools) Aug 52, 72p Descriptors: 'Natural resources, 'Conservation, 'Instructional materials, Water conservation, Land, Contour farming, Objectives. Identifiers: Developing country application. This booklet is written to develop an appreciation for natural resources and to show the need for the conservation of them. It is divided into seventeen areas for the study of conservation which include the sciences, English, math, the social sciences, political science, economics, and the practical arts. PB-286 621/8 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, DC. Better Nourishment for Infants and Preschool Children. A Food for Peace Guide 1967, 28p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Nutrition, 'Diets, 'Food preparation, Infants, Children, Developing countries, Humans, Nutritional requirements, Tables(Data), Sanitation. Identifiers: Mothers. The purpose of this booklet is to place a practical guide in the hands of those in immediate charge of distributing foods to be consumed by young chil- dren in their homes or at community facilities. It is intended to help teach mothers how to use the basic commodity foods together with locally availa- ble foods in order to provide the best diet possible within their resources. PB-286 622/6 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, DC. Ameliorer L'Alimentation de L'Enfant (Better Nourishment for Infants and Preschool Chil- dren. A Food for Peace Guide) 1967, 40 . Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Nutrition, 'Diets, 'Food preparation, Infants, Children, Developing countries, Humans, Nutritional requirements, Tables(Data), Sanitation. Identifiers: Mothers. The purpose of this booklet is to place a practical guide in the hands of those in immediate charge of distributing foods to be consumed by young chil- dren in their homes or at community facilities. It is intended to help teach mothers how to use the basic commodity foods together with locally availa- ble foods in order to provide the best diet possible within their resources. PB-286 675/4 pc A02 Clemson Univ., S.C. Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in South Caro- lina . r, , A Paul Zielinski, Walter E. Castro, and Paul A. Sandifer. 1978, 6p NOAA-78082304 Descriptors: 'Shellfish, 'Fresh water fishes, 'Crustacea, 'Aquaculture, Shrimps, Larvae, Se- lection Ponds, Aeration, Performance, Cylindrical bodies, Prototypes, Tanks(Containers), Pumping. Identifiers: 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Sea Grant program, Reprints. A summary is presented of the progress to date on engineering experimentation involved with the cul- ture of the fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium ro- senbergii. The use of large rectangular tanks for treated culture water is possible, using silk mesh screens to separate larvae from the sump zone where the culture water is removed for treatment and returned to the animal portion of the tank. Large cylindrical tanks can be used in a recirculat- ing flow system for larval culture and small cylindri- cal tanks are currently in use at MRRI. A large tank and system as described here has not been tested with larvae. Similarity laws can be used to predict performance of prototype tanks from the results of model tests. Several desirable and preferred fea- tures of the ponds in use in South Carolina for the culture of Macrobrachium shrimp have been identi- fied after three seasons of experience. The oper- ation of an air lift pump at a point of optimal hydrau- lic performance will also provide maximum aer- ation efficiency in low lift pumping. PB-286 702/6 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Davis. Water Resources Center. The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption Completion rept. Graham A. E. Gall, and Charles R. Goldman. Jun 78, 15p UCAL-WRC-W-475, OWRT-A-056- CAL(5) Descriptors: 'Trout, 'Aquaculture, 'Waste water reuse 'Crayfishes, 'Fisheries, Circulation, Nutri- ents Growth, Dissolved organic matter, Larval, Life cycles, Growth, Temperature, Reproduction(Biology), Nitrogen, Mortality, Diets, Aquatic plants, Phosphorus, California. Identifiers: 'Recycling. An experimental watercress-crayfish culture system was developed which received a nutrient- rich effluent from a trout hatchery. The watercress system effectively stripped nutrients from effluent water and provided acceptable growth of water- cress The watercress removed 98% of the nitrate- nitrogen and 92% of the total phosphorous reduc- ing the level of these two nutrients to near the level observed in the hatchery inflow supply. However, there was a significant increase of particulate or- ganic matter in the effluent from the watercress growing-beds. Feeding trials indicated that water- cress combined with a protein supplement pro- vides a satisfactory diet for crayfish in terms of both growth rate and mortality. A detailed analysis of the growth of young crayfish from hatching through the fifth molt demonstrated that early growth involves two phases. The optimal tempera- ture for growth appeared to be in the range of 17- 22C A successful system of stripping eggs from the female and hatching them in a drip-type egg incubator was developed which yielded a 90 /o hatch and normal metamorphosis. PB-286 700/0 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Davis. Water Resources Center. Watercress-Crayfish Polyculture as an Eco- nomic Means of Stripping Nutrients from En- riched Waters. Proceedings of the Internation- al Symposium Freshwater Crayfish (3rd), Held at Kuopio, Finland on December 1976 J Rundquist, G. Gall, and C. R. Goldman. 1976, 15p UCAL-WRC-W-475, OWRT-A-056-CAL(2) Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Waste water reuse, 'Crayfishes, 'Fisheries, Aquatic plants, Circula- tion Inorganic nitrates, Ammonia, Phosphorus, Stripping(Distillation), Proteins, Feeding stuffs, Diets, Growth, Mortality, Economic factors, Califor- nia. Identifiers: Recycling. An experimental watercress-crayfish polyculture system is described. The watercress bed receives nutrient-rich effluent from a connecting trout hatchery and effectively strips nitrates, ammonia, and phosphorous from the waters. The harvested watercress also provides a clean and easy food source for crayfish. Preliminary feeding trials indi- cate that the watercress combined with protein supplement provides a satisfactory crayfish diet in terms of both growth and mortality. The develop- ment of watercress-crayfish polyculture is eco- nomically promising because of three valuable out- puts-cleaner water, watercress, and crayfish. PB-286 722/4 PC A14/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Management of Swine Manure for the Recov- ery of Protein and Biogas Final rept. L Boersma, E. Gasper, J. Miner, J. Oldfield, and H Phinney. May 78, 309p OAES-SR-507, OWRT-78/12108 Sponsored in part by National Science Founda- tion, Washington, DC. Applied Science and Re- search Applications. Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, 'Swine, 'Materi- als recovery, 'Proteins, 'Methane, Management planning, Synthetic fuels, Reclamation, Biodeter- ioration, Algae, Bacteria, Nutrients, Solid waste disposal, Feeding stuffs, Biomass, Anaerobic proc- esses, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Manure, Waste heat utilization, Chlor- ella vulgaris. Major findings of an investigation into the concept of nutrient and energy recovery from a swine waste management system are reported. Algae and bacteria were used to convert swine manure into methane-rich fuel gas and supplemental pro- tein for animal feed. Waste heat from electricity generating plants was simulated to test its value in enhancing the biological recovery of nutrients and energy The experimental facility was built adja- cent to the Swine Research Center at Oregon State University and consisted of animal quarters with solid concrete floor and gutter to house 50 pigs, an anaerobic digester with a volume of 14 cu m and 1 2 outdoor algae basins with a combined surface area of 24 sq m and a combined volume of 6 000 I. Manure was removed from the animal quarters by a gutter flushing system. The solids were separated from the liquids by gravity settling and then pumped into the digester for solubiliza- tion and recovery of biogas. The liquid phase of the diluted manure was pumped into the outdoor basins to serve as nutrient substrate for the growth of the high temperature strain 21 1 /8K of Chlorella vulgaris as the predominant algal species. The algal biomass was concentrated by centnfugation and freeze dried. Its nutritional value as a protein source was determined by feeding trials with Long- Evans rats. 166 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-286 782/8 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Davis. Div. of Environmental Stud- ies. Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Pacifastacus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products Charles R. Goldman, Jane C. Rundquist, and R. Warren Flint. 1974, 11p OWRT-A-056-CAL(3) Descriptors: 'Animal ecology, 'Crayfishes, *Lake Tahoe, "Sacramento River, "Waste water reuse, Aquaculture, Coasts, Streams, Lakes, Eggs, Reproduction(Biology), Recycling. Identifiers: "Pacifastacus leniusculus, "Habitats. This research has two main objectives. The first is an investigation of the ecological role of Pacifasta- cus leniusculus in its natural habitat such as Lake Tahoe, the Sacramento River, and the coast range streams and lakes. The second objective involves cooperative research around the world as regards intensive crayfish culture. This paper reviews pre- vious work and presents outlook for the two objec- tives. PB-286 892/5 PC A02/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Dept. of Horti- culture. Trickle Irrigation in Michigan Fruit Plantings Completion rept. 1 Jul 72-30 Sep 77 A. L. Kenworthy. Jun 78, 16p OWRT-B-029- MICH(1) Contract DI-1 4-31 -0001 -3899 Descriptors: "Water consumption, "Fruit crops, "Ir- rigation, Apple trees, Peach trees, Berry plants, Field tests, Nitrogen, Fertilizers, Trees(Plants), Size determination, Yield, Volume, Michigan. Identifiers: "Trickle irrigation, Cherry trees, Plum trees, Traverse County(Michigan), Leelanau County(Michigan), Ottawa County(Michigan). Research plots were established on apple, peach, plum, and sour cherry plantings in Grant Traverse County; on sour cherry, sweet cherry and plum in Leelanau County; and on blueberry in Ottawa County. Water application rates were 0, 0.5, 1 .0, and 2.0 gallons of water per hour per tree in 1973 and 1974. In 1975 and 1976 the rate was 0, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 gph per tree. Duration of irrigation varied with tree size. In 1975, all plots (except blue- berry) were subdivided for different rates of nitro- gen application through the trickle system. Yield responses indicated that a rate of 2.0 gph was best for all apple cultivars except R. I. Greening, which showed the best response at 4.0 gph. Increase in yield with increased amounts of water was not sig- nificant for sour cherry, significant for peach, while plum, sweet cherry and blueberry showed no in- crease. Nitrogen application test results indicated that the amount of nitrogen could be reduced 50% if applied through the trickle system in June. PB-286 938/6 PC A08/MF A01 Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. Agricultural Experiment Station. Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste La- goons Utilizing Aquatic Plants Final rept. Jul 75-Dec 77 Dudley D. Culley, Jr, James H. Gholson, Tom S. Chisholm, Leon C. Standifer, and Ernest A. Epps. Jul 78, 167p EPA/600/2-78/153 Grant EPA-R-803326 Descriptors: "Aquatic plants, "Lagoons(Ponds), "Agricultural wastes, "Water pollution control, Aquaculture, Dairy cattle, Weed control, Yield, Plant growth, Nutrients, Concentration(Composition), Recovery, Ammoni- um compounds, Proteins, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Standards. Identifiers: Spirodela oligoriza, Spirodela polyrihza, Lemna gibba. Duckweeds Spirodela oligorhiza, S. polyrhiza, and Lemna gibba (clone G3) grown on dairy waste la- goons gave an estimated maximum annual yield of 22,023 kg dry wt./ha. S. oligorhiza and L. gibba had higher growth rates in the spring, fall, and winter, with L. gibba growing throughout most of the winter. Nutrient content of the plants increased with increasing nutrients in the lagoons. Mean crude protein of dry duckweeds was 36%, to a maximum of 42%. The duckweeds recovered on a hectare basis the N, P, and K of 15.5, 34, and 8.8 lactating cows respectively. During the winter the rate was 1.27 mg/l/day (duckweed lagoons) and 0.82 mg/l/day for controls. Ammonium reduction was 84% greater in the duckweed lagoons during winter. Phosphorus reduction in duckweed la- goons, though significantly different from controls, was insufficient to meet water quality standards. PB-286 940/2 PC A05/MF A01 Environmental Systems, Inc., Annapolis, MD. Use of Solar Energy to Heat Anaerobic Digest- ers. Part I. Technical and Economic Feasibility Study. Part II. Economic Feasibility throughout the United States Feasibility study 5 Nov 75-1 Jun 76 Jess W. Malcolm, and David E. Cassel. Jul 78, 99p EPA/600/2-78/114 Contract EPA-68-03-2356 Descriptors: "Sewage sludge, "Anaerobic proc- esses, "Solar heating, "Digesters, "Sludge diges- tion, Sewage treatment, Solar collectors, Flat plate collectors, Storage tanks, Heat exchangers, Com- puter programs, Economic analysis, Geography, Design, Feasibility, Computerized simulation, Energy conservation, Sludge disposal, Solid waste disposal. Two distinct, yet related studies were conducted to determine the technical and economic feasibility of using solar energy as the source of heat for the anaerobic digestion process. Retrofitting a solar energy collection and heat transfer system to a di- gester at Annapolis, Maryland was proven feasible in the first part of the study and the concept of using solar energy for digester heating throughout the United States, including Fairbanks, Alaska, was shown to be economically feasible in the second part of the study. The Part I study com- pared five (5) types of flat plate collectors and se- lected the cost effective design to supply approxi- mately 90 percent of the heat load to maintain di- gester operating temperatures of 32C to 38C. Three flat plate collectors of varying efficiencies were evaluated for use at numerous locations in the United States. The study showed that opti- mum-sized flat plate collectors can provide from 82 to 97 percent of the total annual digester heat, the higher percentages being applicable to areas of higher solar radiation. The Part II study devel- oped specific guidelines for determining the opti- mum size and conceptual design for a solar heat- ing system for any size sludge digester at any loca- tion. PB-287 060/8 PCA11/MFA01 Corporacion de Fomento de la Produccion (Chile). Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chi- lenos. Tomo I (Packaging for Chilean Commeri- cal Foodstuffs. Volume I) Jun 77, 244p Prepared in cooperation with Javier Zaldivar In- genieros Asociados Limitada (Chile), Development Planning and Research Associates, Inc., Manhat- tan, KS., and Ingenieros y Economistas Consul- tores (Chile). Sponsored in part by Agency for In- ternational Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Food packaging, "Chile, Industrial plants, Canning, Bottles, Beverages, Marketing, Exports, Milk, Fruits, Seafood, Rice, Coffee, Sugar crops, Bread, Wines, Sanitary engineering, Design, Quality, Food industry. Identifiers: Developing country application. Results are presented on the status of foodstuff packaging in Chile; marketing projections are tabu- lated. The study, limited to 33 categories of food- stuffs selected by the three sponsoring agencies, gives recommendations on various aspects of foodstuff packaging for domestic consumption and for export. Research methodology includes ques- tionnaires and summaries of plant visits to canner- ies, bottlers, supermarkets, retailers, and export- ers. Attention is focused upon milk products, fruits, soups, seafood, margarine and fats, rice, coffee, sugar, crackers, chocolates, carbonated bever- ages, beer, wine, and bread. Metal packaging in many cases is associated with lost labels, denting, difficulty in opening, and inadequate sanitary pro- tection. It was concluded that Chilean packaging compares well with that of other South American countries, but is less varied in form, size, and mate- rials than European and North American countries. Labels do compare well, and in the future they will be more colorful and attractive. Plastic bottles should be more carefully designed in regard to capping to prevent infiltration of foreign matter and spillage. The Chilean government regulates mate- rials, design, size, and sanitary provisions; it uti- lizes data from the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- tion, as well as from its own experts. Future pro- grams will cover increased automation methods and reduced costs resulting from improved physi- cal distribution methods. (Portions of this docu- ment are not fully legible) PB-287 061/6 PC A10/MF A01 Corporacion de Fomento de la Produccion (Chile). Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chi- lenos. Tomo II (Packaging for Chilean Commer- ical Foodstuffs. Volume II) Jun 77, 202p Prepared in cooperation with Javier Zaldivar In- genieros Asociados Limitada (Chile), Development Planning and Research Associates, Inc., Manhat- tan, KS., and Ingenieros y Economistas Consul- tores (Chile). Sponsored in part by Agency for In- ternational Development. Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Food packaging, "Chile, Quality con- trol, Distribution systems, Marketing, Prices, Supply(Economics), Packaging, Containers, Ex- ports, Regulations, Food industry. Identifiers: Developing country application. Foodstuff packaging in Chile is discussed in terms of quality control, physical distribution, marketing, pricing, supply and demand, and modern technol- ogy. Chapter XVI provides plans for creating an in- stitute of packaging and packing; it details budget, staffing, organization, and activities. Topics high- lighted are economics of physical distribution of foodstuffs, critical analysis of packaging in export- ing, comparative price analysis between Chile and other countries, existing international regulations, price analysis and its impact on selling price, rela- tionship between packaging cost and selling price compared with the United States. Conclusions and recommendations are presented on this study and 10 months of subsequent field work. Attention should be directed toward improvements in pack- aging as a protection for foodstuffs, physical distri- bution, and marketing. It is stressed that the cost of packaging bears a significant relationship with selling price of foodstuffs. It is estimated that costs of physical distribution account for 6-12% of the selling price. In Chile, the per capita consumption of canned or bottled beverages and foodstuffs is US $8 per year, compared with US $46 in the United States. This indicates possible future growth and expanded economic activity for Chile in the food industry. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-287 062/4 PC A07/MF A01 Corporacion de Fomento de la Produccion (Chile). Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chi- lenos. Anexos (Packaging for Chilean Commer- ical Foodstuffs. Volume III. Appendices) Jun 77, 149p Prepared in cooperation with Javier Zaldivar In- geneiros Asociados Limitada (Chile), Development Planning and Research Associates, Inc., Manhat- tan, KS., and Ingenieros y Economistas Consul- tores (Chile). Sponsored in part by Agency for In- ternational Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Food packaging, "Chile, Marketing, Exports, Containers, Food industry, Packaging ma- terials, Sanitary engineering, Design, Quality. Identifiers: Developing country application. The following topics are discussed: a marketing plan for foodstuffs destined for internal consump- tion or for export; description of surveys undertak- en; packaging in metal, glass, plastic or paper con- tainers and the use of each in the food industry; visits to plants manufacturing the different types of packaging and packing materials. Appendix VIII consists of a directory of 36 regional and national institutes of packaging and packing. Some of these are in London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Bombay, Seoul, Bangkok, Brussels, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Paris, Berlin, Budapest, Dublin, The Hague, Oslo, Warsaw, and New York. Appendix IX lists books, journals, periodicals, and abstract bul- 167 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS letins concerned with food containers. These are English language references, printed in either the United States or in England. Visits to manufactur- ers included, among others, the American Can Company, Container Corporation of America, Gulf and Western Manufacturing Company, Anchor Hocking, and the Forest Products Laboratory. Re- search methodology describes the questionnaire design, analytical methods and the evaluation of international trends in the food industry. Factors evaluated are dents in metal containers; presence of foreign substances in cans, bottles, or contain- ers; chemical composition of glass bottles; proc- essing of milk products; consumer acceptance and complaints; as well as deterioration in flavor, taste, or color. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-287 063/2 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. Productos Biologicos Veterinarios, Ayudan a Combatir Las Enfermedades (Veterinary Biolo- gies - Help Fight Animal Diseases) Program aid rept. 1971, 12p Rept no. USDA/PA-815 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Drugs, "Immunization, 'Livestock, 'Animal diseases, Cattle, Poultry, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Swine, Vaccines, Toxins and antitoxins, Cholera, Tuberculosis, Rabies, Hepatitis. Identifiers: Developing country application, Immune serums, Erysipelas, Black murrain. A study was undertaken of diseases (hog cholera, tuberculosis in cattle, rabies, black murrain, hepati- tis and erysipelas) prevalent in farm animals (cattle, poultry, dogs, cats, rabbits, chinchillas, mink, pigs) and the use of vaccines, antiserums and antitoxins for control. Immunizations using both viral and bacterial vaccines; antitoxins to neu- tralize poisonous substances in the body; and anti- serums to help defend against illnesses are all dis- cussed with the emphasis on seeking knowledge- able help for administration of these drugs. PB-287 064/0 PC A06/MF A01 Cordian Associates, Inc., New York. La Industria Cementera (Industrial Internation- al Data Base the Cement Industry) Sep 76, 123p NATO/CCMS-46 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC, and Energy Re- search and Development Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Office of Conservation. Descriptors: International relations, Industries, For- eign countries, United States. Identifiers: 'Cement industry, 'Energy conserva- tion, Energy efficiency, Developing country appli- cation. This report addresses the need for a greater degree of international cooperation with respect to energy end-use conservation in particular indus- tries. The purpose of this report is to cover the cement industry and to provide the details and the results of energy and technology comparisons for the various nations who participated in the study. Areas for possible improvement in energy efficien- cy are discussed, and a comparison is made of the energy content of various construction materials. PB-287 232/3 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Developpement Communautaire L' Agent Rural et L'Organization Democratique du Pro- gramme (Community Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Pro- gram Planning) J. D. Mezirow. Jun 62, 48p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Planning, Developing countries, Instructional materials, Guidelines, Community relations, Communities, Rural areas, Project planning, Project manage- ment. Identifiers: 'Villages, Developing country applica- tion. In this pamphlet are ideas that have been found helpful in democratic program planning in village and rural areas. Practical approaches to democrat- ic program planning are shown which have come from many programs in many places. PB-287 234/9 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Community Development, Volume 7. The Vil- lage-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning J. D. Mezirow. Jun 62, 35p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Planning, Developing countries, Instructional materials, Guidelines, Community relations, Communities, Rural areas, Project planning, Project manage- ment. Identifiers: 'Villages, Developing country applica- tion. In this pamphlet are ideas that have been found helpful in democratic program planning in villages and rural areas. Practical approaches to democrat- ic program planning are shown which have come from many programs in many places. PB-287 235/6 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Community Development: Conference on Con- ference Planning, Series A, Volume 6 J. D. Mezirow. May 62, 33p Descriptors: 'Meetings, 'Planning, Community de- velopment, Management training, Leadership, Communicating, Evaluation, Group dynamics, Methodology, Reporting. Identifiers: Training techniques, Participant in- volvement, Developing country application, Follow up. The report is compiled in the form of a manual in- cluding detailed methods of conference planning and procedures. It is concerned with the methods of: using conference planning as a training-ground for conference leadership, planning follow-up pro- grams for such a conference, and making your own tool kit from printed materials available to con- ference planners and participants. PB-287 236/4 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Conferencia Sobre el Planeamiento de las Con- ferencias (Community Development: Confer- ence on Conference Planning, Series A, Volume 6) J. D. Mezirow. May 62, 40p Descriptors: 'Meetings, 'Planning, Community de- velopment, Management training, Leadership, Communicating, Evaluation, Group dynamics, Methodology, Reporting. Identifiers: Training techniques, Participant in- volvement, Developing country application, Follow up. The report is compiled in the form of a manual in- cluding detailed methods of conference planning and procedures. It is concerned with the methods of: using conference planning as a training-ground for conference leadership, planning follow-up pro- grams for such a conference, and making your own tool kit from printed materials available to con- ference planners and participants. PB-287 237/2 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Developpement Communautaire: Preparation Des Conferences (Community Development: Conference on Conference Planning, Series A, Volume 6) J. D. Mezirow. May 62, 50p Descriptors: 'Meetings, 'Planning, Community de- velopment, Management training, Leadership, Communicating, Evaluation, Group dynamics, Methodology, Reporting. Identifiers: Training techniques, Participant in- volvement, Developing country application, Follow up. The report is compiled in the form of a manual in- cluding detailed methods of conference planning and procedures. It is concerned with the methods of: using conference planning as a training-ground for conference leadership, planning follow-up pro- grams for such a conference, and making your own tool kit from printed materials available to con- ference planners and participants. PB-287 238/0 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Community Development, Volume 5. Commu- nity Development, Extension and the Village- AID Synthesis J. D. Mezirow. May 62, 17p Descriptors: 'Community development, Develop- ing countries, Local government, Citizen participa- tion, Instructional materials, Guidelines, Planning, Technical assistance, Management, Agriculture, India, Projects. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agricul- tural extension services, Self help, Villages. The paper is primarily concerned with the process which the practitioner uses to make the concept of community development a reality. The process re- quires that the job of the community development worker be fundamentally educational: to help the people acquire the attitudes, skills, and ideas that will enable them to take democratic action based on self-directed citizen responsibility and initiative. PB-287 239/8 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Developpement Communautaire, Un Renfort pour la Vulgarisation Agricole (Community De- velopment, Volume 5. Community Develop- ment, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis) J. D. Mezirow. May 62, 27p Descriptors: 'Community development, Develop- ing countries, Local government, Citizen participa- tion, Instructional materials, Guidelines, Planning, Technical assistance, Management, Agriculture, India. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agricul- tural extension services, Self help, Villages. The paper is primarily concerned with the process which the practitioner uses to make the concept of community development a reality. The process re- quires that the job of the community development worker be fundamentally educational: to help the people acquire the attitudes, skills, and ideas that will enable them to take democratic action based on self-directed citizen responsibility and initiative. PB-287 240/6 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Desarrollo de la Comunidad Extension y Sinte- sis del Dai-C (Community Development, Volume 5. Community Development, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis) J. D. Mezirow. May 62, 21 p Descriptors: 'Community development, Develop- ing countries, Local government, Citizen participa- tion, Instructional materials, Guidelines, Planning, Technical assistance, Management, Agriculture, India. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agricul- tural extension services, Self help, Villages. The paper is primarily concerned with the process which the practitioner uses to make the concept of community development a reality. The process re- quires that the job of the community development worker be fundamentally educational: to help the people acquire the attitudes, skills, and ideas that will enable them to take democratic action based on self-directed citizen responsibility and initiative. 168 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-287 241/4 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Community Development, Volume 4. Commu- nity Development and Social Change J. D. Mezirow. May 62, 20p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Social change, 'Citizen participation, Resources, Man- agement, Education, Leadership, Organization theory, Culture(Social sciences), Socioeconomic status, Health, Fishing, Agriculture, Political sys- tems, Minority groups. Identifiers: Community action programs, Communi- ty change, Cultural background, Political socializa- tion, Economic progress. Change is considered as a series of actions which make a thing progressively better. The pamphlet discusses social change as a basic element of im- provement and growth in community development of the barrio. Those areas of living to which change should be directed are enumerated. In addition, some techniques to facilitate change are explained including methods for organizing and managing re- sources needed for self help activities. PB-287 242/2 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Desarrollo de la Comunidad y Cambio Social (Community Development, Volume 4. Commu- nity Development and Social Change) J. D. Mezirow. May 62, 26p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Social change, 'Citizen participation, Resources, Man- agement, Education, Leadership, Organization theory, Culture(Social sciences), Socioeconomic status, Health, Fishing, Agriculture, Political sys- tems, Minority groups. Identifiers: Community action programs, Communi- ty change, Cultural background, Political socializa- tion, Economic progress. Change is considered as a series of actions which make a thing progressively better. The pamphlet discusses social change as a basic element of im- provement and growth in community development of the barrio. Those areas of living to which change should be directed are enumerated. In addition, some techniques to facilitate change are explained including methods for organizing and managing re- sources needed for self help activities. PB-287 243/0 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Developpement Communautaire Effets Sur L'Evolution Sociale (Community Development, Volume 6. Community Development and Social Change) J. D. Mezirow. May 62, 31 p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Social change, 'Citizen participation, Resources, Man- agement, Education, Leadership, Organization theory, Culture(Social sciences), Socioeconomic status, Health, Fishing, Agriculture, Political sys- tems, Minority groups. Identifiers: Community action programs, Communi- ty change, Cultural background, Political socializa- tion, Economic progress. Change is considered as a series of actions which make a thing progressively better. The pamphlet discusses social change as a basic element of im- provement and growth in community development of the barrio. Those areas of living to which change should be directed are enumerated. In addition, some techniques to facilitate change are explained including methods for organizing and managing re- sources needed for self help activities. PB-287 244/8 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas May 62, 22p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Urban development, 'Philippines, Communities, Rural areas, Urbanization, Coordination, Industries, Urban areas, Instructional materials, Urban plan- ning, Local government, Agriculture, Roads, Houses, Sanitation, Public works, Education, Urban sociology. Identifiers: Developing country application, Indus- trialization, Self help. The development of urban communities cannot be successful unless there is a coordinated program which has been planned and closely integrated with the rural sectors of the country. In this booklet, the principles and approaches of community de- velopment as has been applied in the rural areas are being explored and studied with the idea of modifying them so that they may be applicable to urban deveopment work. PB-287 245/5 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Developpement Communautaire, Application dans les Zones Urbaines et Semi-Urbaines. (Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas) May 62, 35p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Urban development, 'Philippines, Communities, Rural areas, Urbanization, Coordination, Industries, Urban areas, Instructional materials, Urban plan- ning, Local government, Agriculture, Roads, Houses, Sanitation, Public works, Education, Urban sociology. Identifiers: Developing country application, Indus- trialization, Self help. The development of urban communities cannot be successful unless there is a coordinated program which has been planned and closely integrated with the rural sectors of the country. In this booklet, the principles and approaches of community de- velopment as has been applied in the rural areas are being explored and studied with the idea of modifying them so that they may be applicable to urban development work. PB-287 246/3 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Desarrollo de la Comunidad, D. C. en Zonas Ur- banas y Suburbanas. (Community Develop- ment, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas) May 62, 27p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Urban development, 'Philippines, Communities, Rural areas, Urbanization, Coordination, Industries, Urban areas, Instructional materials, Urban plan- ning, Local government, Agriculture, Roads, Houses, Sanitation, Public works, Education, Urban sociology. Identifiers: Developing country application, Indus- trialization, Self help. The development of urban communities cannot be successful unless there is a coordinated program which has been planned and closely integrated with the rural sectors of the country. In this booklet, the principles and approaches of community de- velopment as has been applied in the rural areas are being explored and studied with the idea of modifying them so that they may be applicable to urban development work. PB-287 247/1 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful May 62, 14p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Planning, 'Meetings, Guidelines, Management, Organizing, Coordination, Questionnaires, Instructional materi- als, Proceedings, Local government, Municipal- ities. Identifiers: Developing country application. The brochure is primarily designed to serve as a helpful guide for anyone who is responsible for planning and conducting effective meetings in any area of community planning and development. PB-287 248/9 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Developpment Communautaire. Organisation des Conseils (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Suc- cessful) May 62, 21 p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Planning, 'Meetings, Guidelines, Management, Organizing, Coordination, Questionnaires, Instructional materi- als, Proceedings, Local government, Municipal- ities. Identifiers: Developing country application. The brochure is primarily designed to serve as a helpful guide for anyone who is responsible for planning and conducting effective meetings in any area of community planning and development. PB-287 249/7 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Como Hacer mas Eficaces las Asambleas de los Consejos (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Suc- cessful) May 62, 17p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Planning, 'Meetings, Guidelines, Management, Organizing, Coordination, Questionnaires, Instructional materi- als, Proceedings, Local government, Municipal- ities. Identifiers: Developing country application. The brochure is primarily designed to serve as a helpful guide for anyone who is responsible for planning and conducting effective meetings in any area of community planning and development. PB-287 250/5 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Communications Resources Div. Food for Peace Around the World 1963, 62p Descriptors: 'Food dispensing, 'Food services, 'Communities, Food preparation, Health, Nutrition, Projects, Manuals, Planning, Services, Kitchen equipment and supplies, Food sanitation, Local government, Schools, Developing countries. Identifiers: Food for Peace program, Developing country application, School Irnch programs. The publication suggests ways of setting up or im- proving simple and inexpensive feeding centers, ways of using local food, and ways of preparing and serving the food. The material will be helpful to all who are working to improve health and well- being through community feeding centers and school lunch programs. PB-287 251/3 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Communications Resources Div. Alimentos para la Paz en todo el Mundo (Food for Peace Around the World) 1963, 65p Descriptors: 'Food dispensing, 'Food services, 'Communities, Food preparation, Health, Nutrition, Projects, Manuals, Planning, Services, Kitchen equipment and supplies, Food sanitation, Local government, Schools, Developing countries. Identifiers: Food for Peace program, Developing country application, School lunch programs. The publication suggests ways of setting up or im- proving simple and inexpensive feeding centers, ways of using local food, and ways of preparing and serving the food. The material will be helpful to all who are working to improve health and well- being through community feeding centers and school lunch programs. PB-287 252/1 PC A03/MF A01 Singer Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, CT. 169 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way Suzanne H. Firman. 1978, 43p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: *Sewing, * Instructional materials, 'Clothing, Pattern making, Apparel fabrics, Crafts. Identifiers: Developing country application. Sewing is a practical and creative art that can become a profitable hobby. This manual shows you how to make a foundation pattern and how to use this pattern to make two types of dresses. Once you have completed these you will be able to create a number of styles from this foundation pat- tern. PB-287 253/9 PC A04/MF A01 Singer Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, CT. Comment Faire line Robe. (Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way) Suzanne H. Firman. 1978, 54p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: *Sewing, 'Clothing, * Instructional materials, Pattern making, Apparel fabrics, Crafts. Identifiers: Developing country application. Sewing is a practical and creative art that can become a profitable hobby. This manual shows you how to make a foundation pattern and how to use this pattern to make two types of dresses. Once you have completed these you will be able to create a number of styles from this foundation pat- tern. PB-287 254/7 PC A03/MF A01 Washington County Closed Circuit Television Proj- ect, Hagerstown, MD. Creating Visuals for TV James Spear. c1962, 49p Descriptors: 'Television systems, 'Education, Visual aids, Training aids, Training films, Training devices, Instructions. Identifiers: Developing country application. The guide should be useful for those who are con- cerned with discovering new ways of making their TV programming more exciting and challenging. It should be of particular help to those who are ap- proaching the TV medium for the first time, either on commercial or educational channels, or on closed-circuit installations. Topics covered include studio props, special effects, projected resources, and nonprojected resources. PB-287 255/4 PC A05/MF A01 Washington County Closed Circuit Television Proj- ect, Hagerstown, MD. Les Auxiliaires Visuels dans la Television Sco- laire (Creating Visuals for TV) James Spear. 1 962, 79p Descriptors: 'Television systems, 'Education, Visual aids, Training aids, Training films, Training devices, Instructions. Identifiers: Developing country application. This guide should be useful for those who are con- cerned with discovering new ways of making their TV programming more exciting and challenging. It should be of particular help to those who are ap- proaching the TV medium for the first time, either on commercial or educational channels, or on closed-circuit installations. Topics covered include studio props, special effects, projected resources, and nonprojected resources. PB-287 256/2 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Tunis (Tu- nisia). Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Maintenance Program William J. Davis. 1978, 18 Descriptors: 'Maintenance, 'Drainage, 'Irrigation canals, Cost effectiveness, Tractors, Cleaning, Failure, Prevention, Vegetation, Weed control, Shovels, Photographs. Identifiers: Developing country application. This booklet contains many aspects of a drainage program. Topics discussed include principal causes for the failure of open drainage canals, recent research on the mechanics of open drain- age canal maintenance, and the Ahmed Davis shovel. Included in the booklet are several pages of photographs depicting various techniques. PB-287 257/0 PC A02/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Tunis (Tu- nisia). L'Entretient des Canaux de Drainage a Ciel Ouvert (Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Maintenance Program) William J. Davis. 1978, 24p Descriptors: 'Maintenance, 'Drainage, 'Irrigation canals, Cost effectiveness, Tractors, Cleaning, Failure, Prevention, Vegetation, Weed control, Shovels, Photographs. Identifiers: Developing county application. This booklet contains many aspects of a drainage program. Topics discussed include principal causes for the failure of open drainage canals, recent research on the mechanics of open drain- age canal maintenance, and the Ahmed Davis shovel. Included in the booklet are several pages of photographs depicting various techniques. PB-287 258/8 PC A06/MF A01 Indiana Univ., Bloomington. L'lmportance de la Formation dans les Serv- ices Public (Improving the Public Service Through Training) Lynton K. Caldwell. Nov 62, 118p Descriptors: 'Specialized training, 'National gov- ernment, 'Services, Resources, Learning, Educa- tion, Manpower utilization, Developing countries, Problem solving, Productivity, Students, Schools, Requirements, Government employees, Universi- ties, Evaluation. The purpose of this document is to interpret the function of training in present day government. It is addressed to a world-wide audience that includes public officials, political leaders, and civic-minded people everywhere who are concerned with im- provement of the public service. It is intended to be useful to officials engaged in international techni- cal assistance; to personnel, planning, and training officers; and to people interested in education for development administration. It does not describe training techniques but does set forth principles and concepts that are basic to enlargement of the human resources needed in national development. PB-287 259/6 PC A07/MF A01 Indiana Univ., Bloomington. Improving the Public Service Through Training Lynton K. Caldwell. Nov 62, 134p Descriptors: 'Specialized training, 'National gov- ernment, 'Services, Resources, Learning, Educa- tion, Manpower utilization, Developing countries, Problem solving, Productivity, Students, Schools, Requirements, Government employees, Universi- ties, Evaluation. The purpose of this document is to interpret the function of training in present day government. It is addressed to a world-wide audience that includes public officials, political leaders, and civic-minded people everywhere who are concerned with im- provement of the public service. It is intended to be useful to officials engaged in international techni- cal assistance; to personnel, planning, and training officers; and to people interested in education for development administration. It does not describe training techniques but does set forth principles and concepts that are basic to enlargement of the human resources needed in national development. PB-287 260/4 PC A07/MF A01 Bureau of Employment Security, Washington, DC. Determination des Aptitudes et de la Forma- tion Requises pour la Main-d'oeuvre (Tech- niques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements) Margaret Thal-Larsen. May 63, 130p Descriptors: 'Manpower utilization, 'Personnel de- velopment, Personnel management, Require- ments, Specialized training, Career development, Education. Identifiers: Developing country application. This report is a handbook of simplified techniques for use in developing countries. The handbook in- cludes methods for determining current skill needs and for introducing a continuing program of man- power reporting. The three areas discussed in this handbook are: manpower planning in economic planning; the area manpower skill survey; and oc- cupational guides. Also included in the handbook is a section of worksheets to be used in the practi- cal application of the techniques discussed. PB-287 261/2 PC A08/MF A01 Bureau of Employment Security, Washington, DC. Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements Margaret Thal-Larsen. May 63, 1 54p Descriptors: 'Manpower utilization, 'Personnel de- velopment, Personnel management, Require- ments, Specialized training, Career development, Education. Identifiers: Developing country application. This report is a handbook of simplified techniques for use in developing countries. The handbook in- cludes methods for determining current skill needs and for introducing a continuing program of man- power reporting. The three areas discussed in this handbook are: manpower planning; the area man- power skill survey; and occupational guides. Also included in the nandbook is a section of work- sheets to be used in the practical application of the techniques discussed. PB-287 262/0 PC A12/MF A01 Bureau of Employment Security, Washington, DC. Demographic Techniques for Manpower Plan- ning in Developing Countries 1968, 262p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Office of Labor Af- fairs. Descriptors: 'Manpower, 'Requirements, 'Plan- ning, 'Developing countries, 'Populations, Demo- graphic surveys, Methodology, Population growth, Statistical analysis, Economic development, Inter- polation, Extrapolation, Census, Population migra- tions. Identifiers: 'Manpower development programs, Population dynamics, Labor force estimates, Age groups, Developing country application. Important for the economic development process of any nation is an accurate assessment of its manpower. The handbook was prepared to meet the need for simplified techniques for estimating the labor forces and that part of the population which might be affected by manpower develop- ment programs. The areas discussed include: esti- mating and projecting total population, estimating and projecting components of population change, and the labor force. Included in the handbook is a section of worksheets for practical application of the areas discussed. PB-287 264/6 PC A08/MF A01 Bureau of Employment Security, Washington, DC. Tecnicas Demograficas Para El Planeamiento de la Mano de Obra de Paises en Desarrollo (Demographic Techniques for Manpower Plan- ning in Developing Countries) 1968, 151p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Office of Labor Af- fairs. Descriptors: 'Manpower, 'Requirements, 'Plan- ning, 'Developing countries, 'Populations, Demo- graphic surveys, Methodology, Population growth, Statistical analysis, Economic development, Inter- polation, Extrapolation, Census, Population migra- tions. Identifiers: 'Manpower development programs, Population dynamics, Labor force estimates, Age groups, Developing country application. 170 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Important for the economic development process of any nation in an accurate assessment of its manpower. The handbook was prepared to meet the need for simplified techniques for estimating the labor forces and that part of the population which might be affected by manpower develop- ment programs. The areas discussed include: esti- mating and projecting total population, estimating and projecting components of population change, and the labor force. Included in the handbook is a section of worksheets for practical application of the areas discussed. PB-287 349/5 PC A12/MF A01 Stanford Univ., CA. Inst, for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences. The Radio Mathematics Project: Nicaragua 1974-1975 Barbara Searle, Jamesine Friend, and Patrick Suppes. c1976, 274p Sponsored in part by Nicaraguan Ministry of Public Education, Managua, and Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Bureau for Techni- cal Assistance. Descriptors: "Instructional materials, 'Mathemat- ics, Radio broadcasting, Students, Learning, Nica- ragua. Identifiers: Curricula, Developing country applica- tion. This volume reports on the first experimental year of a research project designed to investigate, in a detailed and systematic way, the use of radio to teach mathematics in the primary-school class- rooms of a developing country. Extensive collec- tion of student response data, along with an explic- it model for curriculum development, makes possi- ble the type of study previously absent from the research literature. In July 1973 the United States Agency for International Development (AID) con- tracted with the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences (IMSSS) at Stanford Univer- sity to carry out a two-stage project. During the first stage, which occupied the first funding year, mem- bers of the Institute staff visited several developing countries, whose governments had expressed an interest in teaching by radio, and selected from among them a suitable project site. The second stage of the project, undertaken in conjunction with the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua, is de- voted to the development and evaluation of the radio instructional system. At present, the Radio Mathematics Project operates with financial sup- port from both AID and the Government of Nicara- gua. PB-287 818/9 PC A07/MF A01 Association of Geoscientists for International De- velopment, St. John's (Newfoundland). International Workshop on Earth Science Aid to Developing Countries Held at Memorial Uni- versity, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada on May 17-19, 1974. Background Documents A. R. Berger. Oct 74, 150p Descriptors: 'Developing countries, "Meetings, Employment, Earth sciences, Minerals, Ground water, Education, Industries, Resources, Special- ized training, Professional personnel, Proposals, Foreign aid, International relations. Identifiers: Program effectiveness, Developing country application. On August 22 and 23, 1972, a meeting entitled 'Earth Science Aid to Developing Countries' was held in Montreal, Canada, as Symposium 2 of the 24th International Geological Congress. The par- ticipants in this symposium represented a broad cross-section from both donor and recipient coun- tries, and discussed a wide range of topics relating to aid programs in general. At the final session of the Symposium a proposal was made to establish an international committee with the objective of providing further opportunities for the exchange of ideas and opinions on earth science aid. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-287 877-T PC A08/MF A01 Office of Education, Washington, DC. Selected Bibliography of Educational Materi- als: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tu- nisia. Volume 10, Number 3, 1976 1976, 167p Rept no. TT-76-55094/3 The above journal is translated on a regular basis. Sponsored in part by National Science Founda- tion, Washington, DC. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: "Education, "North Africa, "Bibliogra- phies, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Philos- ophy, Organizations, Instructional materials, Clas- sifications, Specialized training, Programmed in- struction, Systems management, Translations. Identifiers: "Maghreb countries. Combatting illiteracy, preparing an often isolated youth with little broad cultural background to par- ticipate in modern society, and developing a multi- lingual approach are major factors in the educa- tional philosophy in the Maghreb. A main difficulty in compiling a bibliography in this field is that most materials come from newspapers or government publications. As far as possible other information is included. PB-287 878-T PC A03/MF A01 Office of Education, Washington, DC. Selected Bibliography of Educational Materi- als: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tu- nisia. Volume 10, Number 4, 1976 1976, 37p Rept no. TT-76-55094/4 The above journal is translated on a regular basis. Sponsored in part by National Science Founda- tion, Washington, DC. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: "Education, "North Africa, "Bibliogra- phies, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Philos- ophy, Organizations, Instructional materials, Clas- sifications, Specialized training, Programmed in- struction, Systems management, Translations. Identifiers: "Maghreb countries. Combatting illiteracy, preparing an often isolated youth with little broad cultural background to par- ticipate in modern society, and developing a multi- lingual approach are major factors in the educa- tional philosophy in the Maghreb. A main difficulty in compiling a bibliography in this field is that most materials come from newspapers or government publications. As far as possible other information is included. PB-287 940/1 PC A06/MF A01 Puerto Rico Univ., Mayaguez. Dept. of Marine Sci- ences. Enhancement of Warmwater Fishcultures in Puerto Rico Through Use of Polyculture Sys- tems Hybridization and of Local Foodstuffs in Formulation and Manufacture of Fish Feed Diets Final rept. Jul 76-Jun 77 Ricardo C. Cortes Maldonado, and F. A. Pagan- Font. Sep 78, 115p NOAA-78092707 Descriptors: "Aquaculture, "Catfishes, "Puerto Rico, Fresh water fishes, Manuals, Ponds, Sites, Waste water reuse, Density(Mass/volume), Tropi- cal regions, Economic analysis, Production, Diets, Feeding stuffs. Identifiers: "Ictalurus punctatus. The objective of this study was to test farm pond polyculture techniques using channel catfish (Icta- lurus punctatus) and various combination of tilapis (Sarotherodon sp.) hybrids. Channel catfish cul- tured in combinations with various tilapia species and hybrids was more economically desirable than the monoculture of catfish. A manual to provide in- formation to those interested in aquaculture was developed for distribution to the aquaculture indus- try. PB-288 209/0 PC A03/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, DC. Economic Development Div. Strategies for Balanced Growth in Developing Countries Final rept. Clark Edwards. Jul 77, 35p Rept no. AER-375 Descriptors: "Economic development, "Develop- ing countries, "Growth, "Agricultural economics, Strategy, Technical assistance, Rural areas, Urban areas, Marketing, Farm crops, Productivity, Capi- tal, Links(Mathematics), Government policies. Identifiers: "Economic growth, "Economy, Tech- nological advancement, Capital investments, Eco- nomic sectors, Program implementation. Strategies for balancing growth among several economic sectors of a developing nation are out- lined. The report focuses on programs to increase food production in the developing world and covers four separate sectors of a developing econ- omy: traditional agriculture, advancing agriculture, the rural nonfarm economy, and the urban econo- my. The report notes that when new technology is introduced to any one sector, planners often over- look unintended side effects, some favorable and some not, on the other three sectors. Multifaceted programs designed to increase technology in rural and urban industries as well as in agriculture may help to alleviate some of the side effects. PB-288 274/4 PC A12/MF A01 American Society of Civil Engineers, New York. Appropriate Technology in Water Supply and Waste Disposal; a Workshop at the Annual Convention American Society of Civil Engi- neers Held at Chicago, Illinois on October 16- 20, 1978 Oct 78, 260p Rept no. PREPRINT-3453 Descriptors: "Water supply, "Sewage disposal, Water consumption, Municipalities, Water recla- mation, Design criteria, Water distribution, Cost ef- fectiveness, Lagoons(Ponds), Toilet facilities, His- tory, Irrigation, Waste water, Systems analysis, Europe, Pumping, Epidemiology, Sanitation. Identifiers: Developing country application, Land application, Ocean waste disposal, Appropriate technology. Contents: Historical thresholds in water supply and waste disposal; Behavioral factors in selection of technologies; Tradition and innovation in water use and reclamation; Simplified water treatment plant design; Intermediate service levels in water distribution; Intermediate service levels in sanitation systems; Environmental epidemiology and sanitation; Cost-effective use of municipal wastewater treatment ponds; Land treatment systems and the environment; Systems of waste water management in Europe; Measuring the effects of man's wastes on the ocean. PB-288 384/1 PC A02/MF A01 Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Design and Management of Rural Ecosystems Final rept. Jul 75-Jul 76. 1976, 15pNSF/RA-761630 Grant NSF-GI-20, NSF-ARA70-01077 Descriptors: "Land use, "Rural areas, "Agricultural economics, Ecology, Natural resources, Social effect, Management, Design, Irrigation, Decision making, Systems analysis, Mathematical models, Policies, Michigan. The detailed results of the past two years of work on this project are presented in a series of 1 6 re- ports. This final report is a technical and detailed summary of the results given in reports 1 through 13, including a brief narrative discussion of the theoretical framework that provides a congruence to the particulars given in the reports. The princi- ples of resource management suggest that deci- sions relating to comprehensive planning fall into three general categories: technical alternatives, ecological choices (natural environment), and in- stitutional choices (social and cultural organiza- tion). Detailed studies of proto-typical subsystems relating to each class of decision were carried out as part of the overall effort. The results of these studies and their relationship to the overall con- ceptual framework are summarized in this report. 171 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-288 897/2 PC A16/MF A01 Design Alternatives, Inc., Washington, DC. Proceedings of Workshop on Appropriate Technology Held January 23-25, 1978 Final rept. Jan 78, 360p NSF/RA-780182 Contract NSF-C-ERS77-21824 Descriptors: technology assessment, 'Meetings, Technology innovation, Economic development, Energy, Waste disposal, Residential buildings, United States, Recommendations. Identifiers: 'Appropriate technology. A workshop was convened to enable people with interests or experience in appropriate technology to examine and document locally-focused issues in this field, and to contribute recommendations for a research agenda and program guidelines which could be considered in planning a distinct research program in appropriate technology. Appropriate technology is defined here as a socio-technical process which encompasses technology design, assessment, and use. Issues to be examined were identified after review of concerns expressed by those who responded to a previous survey fo- cused on local activities in appropriate technology, and after review of current or planned programs in different federal agencies. Six functional areas were chosen as subjects for examination: housing, local economic development, energy, waste dis- posal, health, and food. Participants documented local experience and concerns in the form of case studies and individually and collectively developed ideas through the workshops which were used to develop a research agenda and program guide- lines. Using this information, the workshop con- venor identified 27 basic research questions, and 1 high priority questions for the agenda. PB-288 925/1 PC A09/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Intensive Vegetable Gardening for Profit and Self-Sufficiency Program and training journal reprint series Deborah Vickery, and James Vickery. Mar 78, 178p Rept no. REPRINT SER-25 Descriptors: "Vegetable crops, 'Cultivation, 'Hor- ticulture, Manuals, Income, Food supply, Plants(Botany), Soil fertility, Plant growth, Plant diseases, Irrigation, Pest control, Fertilizing, Tomato plants, Cabbage, Agricultural machinery, Planting, Mulches, Spraying. Identifiers: Developing country application. This manual provides the knowledge to help grow more food on less land which will increase in- comes and provide a more abundant supply of food for the farmer, his country, and the world. The book is illustrated and discusses the importance of soil management, water usage, and fertilizers. A bibliography of other books relating to increased vegetable production has also been included. PB-289 114/1 PC A04/MF A01 United Engineering Trustees, Inc., New York. Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume I. Con- ference Report of 1974 Engineering Founda- tion Conference Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 Summary rept. Jul 74, 70p NSF/OEP-7423963/1/5 Grant NSF-OEP74-23963 Descriptors: 'Methyl alcohol, 'Fuels, 'Meetings, Coal gasification, Crude oil, Natural gas, Cost anal- ysis, Substitutes, Biomass, Fuel consumption, Utili- zation, National government. Identifiers: Solid wastes, 'Synthetic fuels, Manu- factured gas. Adequate technology exists to process gas, oil, and coal as feedstocks for methanol production; the technology to process solid wastes is still being developed. Methanol can be produced at prices competitive with current premium fuel price levels but, should foreign oil prices drop signifi- cantly, investment capital would be hard to attract. Priorities for developing conversion techniques should be (1) foreign flare gas; (2) municipal solid waste; (3) coal. Political and reliability consider- ations might rule out foreign sources. Uses of methanol fuel that become technically and eco- nomically ready in 5-10 years could absorb all methanol that might be available at competitive prices. Public policy could motivate government action to develop new fuel applications, such as automotive fuels. The government should share the risk of developing a methanol fuels industry; a number of alternatives to guarantee a market for methanol might be considered. PB-289 115/8 PC A23/MF A01 United Engineering Trustees, Inc., New York. Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume II. Re- prints of Papers of 1974 Engineering Founda- tion Conference Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 Jul 74, 546p NSF/OEP-7423963/2/5 Grant NSF-OEP74-23963 Descriptors: 'Methyl alcohol, 'Fuels, Environmen- tal surveys, Technology, National government, Biomass, Coal gasification, Cost analysis, Air pol- lution, Petrochemistry, Fuel cells, Sources, In situ combustion, Manufacturing, Physical properties, Chemical properties, Natural gas, Electric power plants, Synthesis(Chemistry), Proteins, Utilization, Chemical industry, Motor vehicles, Blends, Gaso- line, Feasibility, Comparison. Identifiers: Solid wastes, Refuse derived fuels, Manufactured gas, Synthetic fuels, Low btu gas, Air quality. The following papers were presented at the con- ference and are reprinted in this report. They in- clude Physico-chemical properties of methanol re- lated to fuel use, Methanol fuel from natural gas, Methyl fuel from remote gas sources, Technologi- cal aspects of producing methanol from coal, Methanol as a gas turbine fuel, Utility fuel system - low btu gas and methanol, Methanol-gasoline blends - a fuel supplier's viewpoint, Methanol-gas- oline blends - university viewpoint, Feasibility study of alternative automotive fuels, Comparison of methanol and methanol-blends, Production of methanol from coal for the automotive market, Methanol - chemical uses today, Protein from methanol, Industrial wastewater: source or sink for methanol, Methyl alcohol production by in situ coal gasification, Methanol from forestry, municipal, and agricultural organic residues, Methanol from solid waste ... its local and national significance, Methanol as a fuel in the urban energy economy and possible sources of supply, Potential long- range improvements in methanol production, Methanol fuel for fuel cells, Methanol fuel - long- range implications for petrochemicals, Coal-de- rived methanol as motor fuel, Environmental as- pects of methanol as vehicular fuel: health and en- vironmental effects, and Environmental aspects of methanol as vehicular fuel: air quality effects. PB-289 244/6 PC A03/MF A01 Illinois Valley Economic Development Corp., Car- linville. Solar Space Heaters for Low-Income Families Roger Fenton, and Patti Donahue. Sep 78, 29p ILLDOE-78/09 Sponsored in part by Illinois Inst, of Natural Re- sources, Springfield. Div. of Alternative Energy. Descriptors: 'Solar heating, 'Space heaters, Man- uals, Construction, Residential buildings, Win- dows, Design. Identifiers: Solar space heating, Low costs, Solar collectors. The publication is a manual designed to guide indi- viduals in the construction and installation of a low- cost window-box solar collector. Included are ex- planations of solar collector fundamentals, lists of construction and installation materials and tools, step-by-step procedures for building and installing a unit and an extensive bibliography of information on home weatherization and solar energy use. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-289 251/1 PC A07/MF A01 Arizona Univ., Tucson. School of Renewable Natu- ral Resources. Forward Osmosis Extractors: Theory, Feasibil- ity and Design Optimization Doctoral thesis Charles Donald Moody. 1977, 150p OWRT-B- 053-ARIZ(4) Contract DI-1 4-34-0001 -71 37 Descriptors: 'Desalting, 'Membranes, 'Extrac- tors, Theses, Solvents, Mathematical models, Po- table water, Fortran, Computer programs, Fertiliz- ers, Cast analysis, Polarization(Charge separa- tion), Water treatment, Irrigation water, Water rec- lamation, Design criteria, Permeability, Feasibility. Identifiers: 'Reverse osmosis desalination. Osmosis occurs when two solutions of differing os- molar concentrations are separated by a mem- brane permeable to the solvent but not to the so- lutes. In osmosis, water flows spontaneously from the low concentration source solution to the high concentration driving solution. Forward osmosis is examined as a low-technology, low-energy use process for hydration and dehydration of aqueous solutions. The fundamental mechanical device is a continuous counterflow extractor which incorpo- rates a semipermeable membrane separating the source and driving solutions. The counterflow design permits maximum water recovery from the source solution and maximum dilution of the driv- ing solution. The nonlinear differential equations describing the water and solute flows in the extrac- tor are solved using analytical and numerical tech- niques. The resulting mathematical models con- tain design equations which can be used to deter- mine the optimum membrane transport character- istics, optimum membrane size, and the asymmet- ric membrane orientation which minimizes concen- tration polarization. Theoretical and experimental results compare well. Two applications discussed in detail are the production of potable water from seawater using human nutrients, and fertilizer- driven forward osmosis (FDFO) for converting saline water to irrigation water. PB-289 983/9 PC A05/MF A01 Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC. Aspectos de la Produccion Agropecuaria de Centro-America en el Marco de la Integracion Economica (Aspects of Central American Farming Production within the Framework of Economic Integration) 1977, 91 p Descriptors: 'Forestry, 'Agricultural economics, 'Developing countries, Production, Farm crops, Cattle, International trade, International relations, Grain crops, Food, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guate- mala, Shortages, Prices, Investments, Honduras, Nicaragua, Central America. Identifiers: Developing country application. This publication is divided into three reports: (a) potential for specialization in the farming areas of Central American countries, (b) the farming sub- sector in Central America, and (c) regional cooper- ation for the development of Central American forest resources. Between 1974 and 1976, in co- operation with the respective governments, a tri- partite study was made of the rural and farming sectors in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The purpose of this publication is to delineate certain problems common to two or more of the countries which may, to a certain extent, be resolved through mutual cooperation. Increased productivity in cattle and crop raising, and hence in income, de- pends upon the degree of specialization of the five countries. In each country there are significant dif- ferences in soil, erosion, temperature, and precipi- tation. To offset such differences, efforts are being made to redistribute rural populations to less ex- ploited areas. Trade restrictions on grain crops have hindered optimum utilization of resources and a local shortage of some foodstuff leads to price fluctuations that are undesirable. It is stated that investment and development programs can be aimed toward projects apt to promote competi- tion leading to better organization of total re- sources. PB-289 984/7 PC A05/MF A01 Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC. Div. of General Studies. Informe General Sobre el Desarrollo Agrope- cuario y Rural de El Salvador (General Report on Rural and Farming Development of El Salva- dor) Dec 76, 78p 172 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: *EI Salvador, "Agricultural econom- ics, Production, Farm crops, Cattle, Exports, Proj- ect planning, Rural areas, Grain crops, Food con- sumption. Identifiers: Developing country application. During August and September 1974, a tripartite study was made for the purpose of assisting the government of El Salvador to study the strategy, policies, programs, and projects for increasing pro- duction in cattle and crop raising activities, and for raising the standard of living in rural areas. This report summarizes the background and rationale which gave rise to the principal suggestions and comments. Eight technical annexes, published in two separate volumes, provide a more detailed dis- cussion of certain aspects of this general report. This report and its annexes are part of a series on the five Central American countries. The following main topics are outlined: national economy in rela- tion to the cattle and crop raising sector; trends in the production of grain and cattle; socioeconomic factors affecting development; organization of agencies concerned with agriculture; soil re- sources in relation to production; incentives for ag- ricultural development; and, strategy for rural and farming development. PB-289 985/4 PC A06/MF A01 Centre National de Documentation Agricole, Tunis (Tunisia). Index Retrospectif. Planification et Developpe- ment Aghcoles, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1 (Retrospective Index. Agricultural Planning and Development, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume D 1978, 117p Descriptors: "Agriculture, 'Planning, •Develop- ment, "Indexes(Documentation), Tunisia, Produc- tion, Cooperation, Bibliographies, Irrigation, Farm crops, Farm management. Identifiers: Developing country application. As the first in a series of new publications, a retro- spective index of bibliographic data is presented on agricultural planning and development. Rapid access to such information, by sectors, is needed by Tunisia in order to prevent useless duplication of research efforts. Documentation representing 40,000 reports, dating from 1 947, was gathered by the National Center of Agricultural Documentation; it was then analyzed and microfiched. Information from these reports is disseminated through retro- spective indexes. These data base of documents and microfiche can be accessed according to the need of users. For example, a user interested in ground water may formulate several questions which are then developed into a search strategy. The end product is a specialized bibliography cor- responding to that query. Each bibliographic cita- tion contains a brief analytical summary which is composed of descriptive key words. Some exam- ples of key words are sociological survey, techni- cal report, synthesis. The key words are arranged so as to form a type of annotation. The original lan- guage of the document is indicated. Documents selected by the user, according to bibliographic ac- cession number, may be furnished either in micro- fiche or in hard copy reproduction. The retrospec- tive index also provides subject matter and person- al author indexes. An additional index provides a list of accession numbers for each corporate author. PB-289 986/2 PC A07/MF A01 Ministerio de Planificacion y Politica Economica, Panama City (Panama). Dept. de Politica Cientifica yTecnologica. Diagnostico para el Desarrollo de Servicios de Informacion Cientifica y Tecnologica en Panama (Analysis of the Development of Sci- entific and Technological Services in Panama) Final rept. Stella G. Dextre. Dec 77, 149p Descriptors: "Libraries, "Panama, Surveys, Infor- mation services, Requirements, Librarians, Profes- sional personnel, Objectives. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Data banks. An analysis is presented of all sectors concerned with scientific and technical information in Panama. Survey recommendations are provided for information services in Panama, which are nei- ther organized nor centralized. Research method- ology includes interviews and survey instruments for existing library resources in such fields as mining, health, telecommunications, education, farming, and housing. Recommendations to fill the needs assessment include bibliographic bulletins, interlibrary loan, query response from a pertinent clearinghouse, and training of subject-matter li- brarians. Microform-, audiovisual-, and reprogra- phic equipment is to be provided. Holdings of spe- cific libraries are listed. For example, the University of Panama holds Chemical Abstracts, Nuclear Sci- ence Abstracts, and Excerpta Medica. The second part of this library survey and analysis quantifies the resources needed to implement the foregoing recommendations. Specific goals are the estab- lishment of an industrial information center, an ex- tension service to provide technical information to outlying sectors, and of data banks such as that being developed for agriculture. Strategy to obtain these goals includes a central coordinating office; this office should then become a member of inter- national documentation organizations. Each Minis- try should catalog its own publications; this would provide a basis for exchange of technical informa- tion in Panama, as well as selective dissemination of information with clearinghouses abroad. PB-289 987/0 PC A04/MF A01 Farmer Cooperative Service, Washington, DC. Improving Management of Farmer Coopera- tives General rept. no. 120 Milton L. Manuel. Jun 64, 55p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Office of Science and Technology. Descriptors: "Management, "Organizations, "Rural areas, Commerce, Agricultural economics, Rural sociology, Records management, Account- ing, Budgeting, Auditing, Cooperation, Financial management, Capital, Industrial relations, Public relations. Identifiers: "Cooperatives, "Economic coopera- tion, Cooperative production and marketing sys- tems, Organizational development, Developing country application. The publication shows how management princi- ples apply to local cooperatives and how they can be used to manage cooperatives successfully. It is intended specifically for managers and directors of these associations. The report also considers tools and techniques that can help put manage- ment principles into practice and gives sugges- tions for performing different management func- tions. Included in the tools are records and ac- counts, budgeting to meet various management needs, and the external audit. PB-289 988/8 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. Control de Niguas (Controlling Chiggers) 1973, 16p Rept no. USDA/BULL-137 Descriptors: "Mites, "Pest control, Insecticides, Life cycles, Pesticides. Identifiers: "Chiggers, Developing country applica- tion, Trombicula. Various aspects of the chigger including its life cycle, effect on humans and animals, and their control are discussed in depth. The areas/ani- mals/humans most likely to be affected/infested with chiggers can be controlled with an insecticide spray (exact directions for application are given in bulletin) or an insect barrier made of ropes treated in insecticide. Man going into an area infested with chiggers can protect himself by applying insecti- cide to crucial areas of his clothing. If unable to take precautionary measures against attack, a bathing and medical program are discussed to help relieve discomfort. PB-289 989/6 PC A04/MF A01 Instituto de Investigacion para la Accion en Vi- vienda, Lima (Peru). Construyendo con Ladrilio (Building with Brick) Sep 77, 65p Descriptors: "Brick construction, "Manuals, Con- struction, Houses, Construction materials, Mortars(Material), Admixtures, Tools, Walls, Doors, Windows, Protection, Earthquakes, Safety engineering, Electrical engineering, Installation. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the manual is to present, in tutorial form, the concepts and procedures of engineering needed to construct a practical home at minimum costs and with maximum protection from the ele- ments, including earthquakes. Covered in detail are: (1) Parts of the house and their purpose; (2) Basic materials needed for mortar and mixing for- mulas; (3) Tools; (4) Land preparation; (5) Floor and wall construction - which mortar and brick- laying techniques best; (6) Construction of an earthquake-proof wall with window/door reinforce- ments; (7) Safe construction of a home in propor- tion to size; (8) Electrical installation after comple- tion of a brick structure; and (9) Repair of cracked wall. PB-289 990/4 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Agriculture Extension Service, Washington, DC. Rural Youth Clubs Around the World 1967, 42p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Youths, "Rural areas, Project plan- ning, Project management, Group dynamics, Qual- ity of life, Organizing, Farm crops. Identifiers: Developing country application. Rural youth work has been accepted as a way to introduce new ideas into rural life and train leaders and citizens for the future. Rural youth work is edu- cational and aims at the total development of young people to prepare them for their role as useful citizens. A successful program is valuable to the youth who participate, the families involved, the community, and their country. Rural youth work is an effective way to close the gap between what is known about agriculture and home economics and what is actually practiced. This handbook shows how to establish, operate, and evaluate a rural youth program. Projects and special activities for youth groups are also discussed. PB-289 991/2 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Community Development Div. Community Development: An Introduction to Community Development for Village Workers, Series A, Volume 1 Community development series Donald L. Beran. Apr 62, 33p Descriptors- "Community development, "Planning, Local government, Citizen participation, Meetings, Coordination, Instructional materials, Guidelines, Management, Organizing, Leadership. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Vil- lages. The term community development is used to de- scribe the approach many governments have em- ployed to teach their village people and to make more effective use of local initiative and energy for increased production and better living standards. This booklet specifically was planned to give in- sights into aims, basic principles and elementary procedures in community development on which workshop procedures would be based. It offers a common-sense approach to local village develop- ment procedures. PB-290 239/3 PC A06/MF A01 General Accounting Office, Washington, DC. Inter- national Div. Population Growth Problem in Developing Countries: Coordinated Assistance Essential Report to the Congress. 29 Dec 78, 112p* Rept no. ID-78-54 Descriptors: "Population growth, "Developing countries, Federal assistance programs, Foreign aid, Financing, Coordination, Cooperation, Leader- ship, Birth control, Sterilization, Organizations, Au- diting. 173 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: 'Program coordination, 'Population control, Financial assistance, Voluntary organiza- tions, Overpopulation. Rapid population growth in developing countries impedes efforts to improve the quality of life. Many governmental, international, and private and volun- tary organizations provide population assistance to an ever-increasing number of countries. Cumula- tive assistance could now total about $2 billion; the United States alone provided about $1.2 billion in the 1 965-78 period. Because of the complexity of the problem and the many organizations involved, systematic coordination of assistance is essential to ensure that programs are as efficient and effec- tive as possible. GAO recommends that the Agency for International Development work with the other major contributors and the developing countries to improve coordination, to reach agree- ment on leadership, strategy, and program respon- sibility, and to make sure that all participants are adequately informed of each other's activities. PB-290 348/2 PC A05/MF A01 Stanford Univ., CA. Inst, for Communication Re- search. An Annotated Listing of Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Develop- ing-Country Personnel Jeanne Moulton, and Peter Spain. Jul 78, 83p Contract AID/ta-C-1 472 Descriptors: 'Schools, 'Radio broadcasting, 'Di- rectories, Mass media, Education, Specialized training, Universities, United States, Foreign coun- tries, Developing countries, Organizations. Identifiers: Curricula, Listings. This document lists institutions in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe that either presently offer or have the potential to offer communication for de- velopment training. Emphasis was placed on train- ing in broadcasting and in social science ap- proaches to communication and development. Each institution is described briefly in terms of pro- grams relevant to this survey, faculty and student activites, and interest expressed in further cooper- ation with USAID. PB-290 397/9 PC A12/MF A01 Stanford Univ., CA. Inst, for Communication Re- search. A Description of 15 U.S. Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Develop- ing-Country Personnel (Based on Site Visits) Jeanne Moulton, and Peter Spain. Jul 78, 268p Contract AID/ta-C-1 472 Descriptors: 'Schools, 'Radio broadcasting, Mass media, Education, Specialized training, Universi- ties, United States, Foreign countries, Developing countries. Identifiers: Curricula, Training programs. Based on site visits, the purpose of this inventory is to provide information to the Development Support Bureau of the U.S. Agency for International Devel- opment about development communication train- ing programs within the U.S. for students from de- veloping countries. These programs might offer either graduate training at the Master's Ph.D. level or short-term non-degree training. The survey is limited to communication training in the electronic media and instructional technology, excluding print journalism. It does include training for communica- tion research and policy planning. PB-290 419/1 PC A04/MF A01 Natural Energy Association, Kingston upon Thames (England). Natural Energy and Living, Number 2, 1978 Bob Todd, Peter Mullet, George McRobie, and Paul McClory. C1978, 53p Descriptors: Wind power, Hydroponics, Solar heat- ing, Buildings, Reviewing, Great Britain. Identifiers: Energy source development, Develop- ing country application, Fuel reprocessing plants. This small booklet will be of interest to those who are involved in the uses of natural energy. The booklet is the second in a series of four issues on the innovative uses of natural energy. Featured in the booklet are articles on low energy use housing; the need for alternative energy technology; hydro- phonics; solar heat; the Windscale Follies and the advisability of setting up nuclear fuel reprocessing plants in the north of England; and a home built using solar panels, a wind generator, diesel set, and a steam engine. PB-290 420/9 PC A04/MF A01 Natural Energy Association, Kingston upon Thames (England). Natural Energy and Living, Number 3, 1978 Robin Clark, Mike Cooley, Michael Hobbs, and Alan Jones. C1978, 60p Descriptors: Solar cells, Wood, Stoves, Land use, Solar heating, Wind power, Hot water heating, Great Britain. Identifiers: 'Energy source development, Develop- ing country application, Wood burning stoves. This booklet discusses the latest developments in the field of natural energy. The emphasis is on a simple, efficient, and ecology-minded technology. There is a round-up of current events occurring in natural energy plus features on solar cells, wood burning stoves, the land bond plan, and a technol- ogy for workers. Anyone interested in natural energy may find this booklet informative. PB-290 421/7 PC A10/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, DC. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Coun- tries Final rept. Dec 78, 21 7p Rept no. CIR/BOSTID-78/30 Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Harvesting, 'Developing countries, 'Losses, 'Food, Farm crops, Estimates, Food processing, Grains(Food), Leguminous plants, Fisheries, Food consumption, Preserving, Conser- vation, Education, Specialized training, Recom- mendations. Identifiers: Agricultural extension services, Devel- oping country application. The study is devoted to assessing both the poten- tial of food loss reduction efforts and their limita- tions. It summarizes existing work and information about losses of the major food crops and fish; dis- cusses some of the economic and social factors involved; identifies major areas of need; and sug- gests various policy and program options for de- veloping countries and technical assistance agen- cies. The study confirms that there is no known simple, inexpensive technology that can, by itself, make a profound impact on postharvest losses. On the contrary, postharvest food conservation can be achieved only through a combination of lo- cation-specific organization, problem identifica- tion, training, information, and adapted technology. Good conservation practice must be applied on a sustained basis, with continual refinement in re- sponse to new information. Significant worldwide reductions in food losses will result as the aggre- gate of these sustained national efforts, which should be given all possible support by bilateral and international technical assistance agencies. PB-290 422/5 PC A16/MF A01 National Research Council, Washington, DC. Board on Science and Technology for Internation- al Development. Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Coun- tries: A Bibliography Final rept. Dec 78, 371 p Rept no. CIR/BOSTID-78/30A Contract AID/csd-2584 Descriptors: 'Harvesting, 'Developing countries, 'Losses, 'Bibliographies, 'Food, Farm crops, Esti- mates, Food storage, Food packaging, Food proc- essing, Irradiation, Fumigation, Education, Special- ized training, Insect control, Microorganisms, Rice, Wheat, Grains(Food), Fruits, Vegetables, Pota- toes, Leguminous plants, Fisheries. Identifiers: Agricultural extension services, Devel- oping country application. The Bibliography is a companion volume to 'Posth- arvest Food Losses in Developing Countries'. The bibliography includes reported estimates of food losses; discussions of loss factors and vectors; papers describing methodologies for food loss as- sessment; specific food loss reduction proce- dures; aspects of training for loss reduction; other information sources; and references dealing with the economics of food conservation. The bibliogra- phy contains 2,100 entries focusing on the follow- ing commodities and food groups: grains (particu- larly maize, rice, and wheat); pulses and legumes; fruits and vegetables; roots and tubers; and fish. The bibliography contains a table of contents, author index, and country index. Many entries are annotated. PB-290 423/3 PC A15/MF A01 Centro Nacional de Productividad, San Salvador (El Salvador). Manual de Administracion para la Industria del Vestuario (Administrative Manual for the Cloth- ing Industry) 1976, 342p Descriptors: 'Management methods, 'Textile in- dustry, Technical assistance, Production manage- ment, Sales management, Marketing, Financing, Accounting, Cost analysis, Time studies, Clothing, Manufacturing, Graphic methods, Manuals, Sea- sonal variations, Salaries. Identifiers: 'Business administration, 'Fashion in- dustry, 'Organization size(Groups), Developing country application. The manual was written to provide businessmen in the garment industry with methods and recom- mendations designed to improve their manage- ment techniques. These recommendations are de- rived from a study of several representative gar- ment factories and are intended to aid in technical assistance work in the clothing field. Depending on the size and type of business, alternate techniques are presented. Special attention is devoted to pro- duction, financing, sales and marketing methods. Specific duties and responsibilities are listed for proprietors, sales managers and salesmen in rela- tion to showroom sales, direct sales, wholesalers, retailers, and distributorships. Details are provided to set up an accounting system covering profit and loss, cost analysis, credit and/or cash sales, monthly reconciliation of bank statements, and statement of net worth. Graphics explain planning and controlled production, sales campaigns for special holidays (Christmas) and seasonal events (return to school). Time and motion studies are provided for garment cutters and quality control of the same. An appendix is devoted to the calcula- tion of the actual cost of labor by noting that salary includes vacation pay and social security pay- ments. PB-290 424/1 PC A03/MF A01 Instituto de Investigacion Tecnologica Industrial y de Normas Tecnicas, Lima (Peru). La Investigacion Tecnologica Industrial en el Peru. Analisis y Comentarios (Industrial Tech- nological Research in Peru. Analysis and Com- ments Oct 75, 34p Rept no. POLITICA TECHNOLOGICA-4 Descriptors: 'Technology, 'Research, 'Peru, Fi- nance, Resource allocation, Product development, Marketing, Technology transfer, Information serv- ices, Imports, Capital, Documentation, Problem solving, Government policies. Identifiers: 'Industrial technology, Developing country application, Gross national product. Ten reports dealing with the solution of technologi- cal problems of Peruvian industry are presented. The importance of an industrial technology policy is stressed. Budgetary allocations should be made for this purpose; capital can be accumulated through developing and marketing new products and processes, thereby creating new markets. Technology transfer, technical information deposi- tories, documentation clearinghouses and abstract journals are cited in relation to availability of infor- mation and the time lag between capture and dis- semination of technical data. Services offered by the National University of Engineering (Peru) are outlined in reference to basic research. Graphics 174 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS are presented on the present-day 'second' indus- trial revolution in relation to the gross national product. It is noted that industrial automation does not create unemployment but does provide a method to shorten the technology gap. Technolog- ical research can improve industrial processes by utilizing domestic materials instead of more costly imported materials. PB-290 425/8 PC A07/MF A01 Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnologicas, Bogota (Colombia). Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnologia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Development of Industrial Technology) Jorge Ramirez Ocampo, Jorge Mendez Munevar, Oswaldo Parra Morales, and Francisco Piedrahita E. Feb 75, 138p Descriptors: "Technology innovation, "Industries, "Colombia, Research management, Financing, Resource allocation, Exports, Marketing, Publicity, International relations, Government policies, Tech- nical assistance, Socioeconomic status, Informa- tion services. Identifiers: "Research and development, "Industri- al technology, Scientific enterprise, Developing country application. A seminar was held on 12-13 February 1975, in Colombia, S.A., to discuss the development of in- dustrial technology. The main objectives were to form an industrial science and technology policy, and to analyze problems related to this develop- ment in view of the country's need to raise its socio-economic level. Seminar topics included fi- nancing of technological development, the indus- trial technology system regarding promotion of ex- ports, Colombia's position within the Andean Group, technology and the industrial sector, and the relationship of foreign businesses with Colom- bia's technological development. Conclusions and recommendations covered financing through budgetary allocation; strengthening local techno- logical capability (e.g., constructing plants and pro- viding consulting services); strengthening domes- tic demand for science and technology works (e.g., acquisition and analysis of technological informa- tion); directing such activities toward priorities of the country; and the formation of a national sci- ence and technology policy. PB-290 426/6 PC A07/MF A01 Fondo Colombiano de Investigaciones Cientificas y Proyectos Especiales, Bogota. Ciencia Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Volume 2, Numero 1, Enero-Marzo, 1978 (Technological Science and Development, Volume 2, Number 1, January-March 1978) Fernando Chaparro O, Dario Mesa, and Luis J. Jaramillo S. 2 Apr 78, 143p Descriptors: "Technology, "Economic develop- ment, "Developing countries, Research manage- ment, Government policies, Regulations, Busi- nesses, Universities, Political systems, Information services, Technology transfer, Assessment, Japan, Colombia. Identifiers: "Research and development, Scientific enterprise, Information dissemination, Developing country application, Industrial technology. The technical journal consists of an editorial and five articles. The editorial discusses the technolog- ical and scientific revolution of the present day and puts into sharp focus the economic differences be- tween the developed and the developing coun- tries. The first article cites three types of institu- tions involved in a national policy on science and technology: those setting policy and furthering sci- entific works, those regulating the import of tech- nology, and those directly involved in science and technology activities. The second article discusses the good relations involving science, technology and the university in terms of politics, economics, and governmental authority. Based on confer- ences, interviews and observation, the third article discusses technology dissemination in Japan and its pertinence to Colombia. The fourth article deals with technology assessment related to Latin Amer- ica. Methodology and alternative technology are briefly discussed. Ten years of work of the commit- tee on technology transfer is briefly covered in the fifth article. PB-290 509/9 PC A24/MF A01 International Road Federation, Washington, DC. World Survey of Current Research and Devel- opment on Roads and Road Transport (1978). A Report Covering an Inventory of 59 Coun- tries Annual rept. for 1978. Dec 78, 574p* FHWA/RD-79/38 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8893 Prepared in cooperation with Organization for Eco- nomic Co-Operation and Development, Paris (France), and Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Roads, "Highway transportation, Re- search projects, Foreign countries, Transportation management, Highway planning, Construction, Pavements, Materials, Maintenance, Urban trans- portation, Traffic engineering, Traffic safety, Land use. Identifiers: Road materials, Foundation engineer- ing, Roadside development, Transportation corri- dors, Transportation planning. This is the 13th in a series of annual reports on inventories of research and development projects conducted by governmental, academic and com- mercial research organizations in 59 countries, as reported by surveyors of the International Road Federation, the International Road Research Doc- umentation program of the OECD, and the HRIS. It is the only publication that reports world-wide infor- mation on current research activities in the high- way field. The report lists 5,609 projects, classified in accordance with the subject area classification system of the Transportation Research Board. PB-290 620/4 (Order as PB-290 619, PC A16/MF A01) North Carolina Fisheries Association, Inc., New Bern. Fish Flakes Offer New Possibilities for Finfish Utilization Norman B. Angel, and Ted M. Miller. Sep 78, 7p NOAA-781 22022-1 Prepared in cooperation with Marine Chemurgics, Newport, NO Included in Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Confer- ence of the Americas (3rd) Held in New Orleans, LA on April 23-26, 1978, p1-6. Sea Grant Program Report No. TAMU-SG-79-101, PB-290 619. Descriptors: "Fishes, "Food processing, Seafood, Frozen food, Quality. Identifiers: "Fish flakes, Precooked meats. It appears that properly frozen and protectively- packaged whole fish will be suitable for preparing fish flakes, since no appreciable difference has been noticed by those comparing flakes made from fresh fish and flakes from frozen fish. There is already evidence that well-prepared fish flakes are capable of improving other seafoods when used in pre-cooked products. The investigators are in- creasingly disposed to insist that fish flakes can become valued ingredients for high-quality prod- ucts and should not be considered 'extenders.' PB-290 621/2 (Order as PB-290 619, PC A16/MF A01) Florida Univ., Gainesville. Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition. 'Sea Dog' Made with Minced Mullet and Tex- tured Soy Flour L H. Daley, and J. C. Deng. Sep 78, 11p NOAA- 781 22002-2 Included in Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Confer- ence of the Americas (3rd) Held in New Orleans, LA on April 23-26, 1978, p7-16. Sea Grant Pro- gram Report No. TAMU-SG-79-101, PB-290 619. Descriptors: "Fish protein concentrates, "Sea- food, Soy beans, Flours(Food), Food additives, Acceptability. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Mugil cephalus. Annual harvests of the black mullet species (Mugil cephalus) are approximately 30 million pounds in Florida. Utilization of mullet has been limited, how- ever, primarily because of the rapid on-set of ranci- dity during storage. The species aiso has a strong flavor which is objectionable to many people. Other drawbacks include a color problem and a low flesh yield. The 'Sea Dog', a sausage product, was designed to overcome these limitations of the mullet species. The sausage manufacture requires no special equipment, particularly important in Florida where most seafood dealers are small businessmen who cannot afford large capital ex- penses. The sausage studied here differs from the previous products in that it contains neither added starch nor fat. Another distinguishing feature is the addition of up to 30% (by weight) of rehydrated textured soy flour as an extender to decrease man- ufacturing costs. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of three factors (soy, water, and sodium tripolyphosphate) on the sensory accept- ability of the sausage product. PB-290 622/0 (Order as PB-290 619, PC A16/MF A01) Florida Univ., Gainesville. Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Storage Stability of a 'Sea Dog' Made from Minced Mullet L H. Daley, and J. C. Deng. Sep 76, 13p NOAA- 781 22002-3 Included in Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Confer- ence of the Americas (3rd) Held in New Orleans, LA on April 23-26, 1978, p17-28. Sea Grant Pro- gram Report No. TAMU-SG-79-101, PB-290 619. Descriptors: "Fishes, "Food storage, Shelf life, Flours(Food), Soy beans, Acceptability, Proteins. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Mugil cephalus. The sausage product ('Sea Dog' made with minced mullet and textured soy flour) was de- signed to overcome the drawbacks of the mullet species as well as to be acceptable to the U.S. population. The purpose of this study was to esti- mate the shelf life of the product at 35 F to deter- mine the feasibility of marketing. The storage study was designed to compare the effect of (1) hand filleted or mechanically deboned mullet flesh, (2) a liquid smoke flavoring at levels of 0% or 0.5% and (3) a textured soy flour at the 0% or 19.5% level. Deboned flesh was studied because the recent de- velopment of mechanical deboning machines for fish can substantially increase flesh yields thus re- ducing the cost of raw materials. Liquid smoke fla- voring was included because it has been reported to inhibit rancidity developemnt and microbial growth while improving the sensory acceptability. PB-290 623/8 (Order as PB-290 619, PC A16/MF A01) Georgia Univ., Brunswick. Marine Extension Serv- ice. Process Development for a Foreign Marketa- ble Fish Product from Underutilized Fish Keith W. Gates, and C. M. Arnold Wu. Sep 78, 17p NOAA-781 22002-4 Included in Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Confer- ence of the Americas (3rd) Held in New Orleans, LA on April 23-26, 1978, p29-44. Sea Grant Pro- gram Report No. TAMU-SG-79-101, PB-290 619. Descriptors: "Seafood, "Food processing, Fishes, Bass, Soy beans, Flours(Food), Fats, Food stor- age. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, "Fish flakes. Yu-sone, a seasoned semi-dried, and ground fish flake produced for centuries by hand operations in Oriental cultures can be manufactured from fish of any size that have a relatively low fat content. The traditional raw material is bass that is headed, gutted, steamed or boiled, drained, deboned, and disintegrated into small pieces. The loose fish fiber is then sauteed with flour, sugar, soy sauce, and traditional spices until dry and spongy. Two spe- cies of fish, mullet and croaker, that are landed in abundance along with Southeastern and Gulf coasts of the United States were chosen as raw materials for the pilot studies in Yu-sone produc- tion. Both species are underutilized. Two extremes in fat content were chosen to ascertain any differ- ences in final product rancidity during storage at room temperature. 175 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-290 634/5 (Order as PB-290 619, PC A16/MF A01) Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Ti- lapia Aquaculture System Robert G. Anderson, Wade L. Griffin, Robert R. Stickney, and Robert E. Whitson. Sep 78, 1 7p NOAA-781 22002-1 5 Included in Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Confer- ence of the Americas (3rd) Held in New Orleans, LA on April 23-26, 1978, p1 26-1 41. Sea Grant Pro- gram Report No. TAMU-SG-79-101, PB-290 619. Descriptors: "Aquaculture, * Fresh water fishes, *Fish protein concentrates, *Food, Poultry, Food processing, Assessments, Economic factors, Sewage, Growth. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, 'Tilapia aurea. Tilapia aurea are especially suited for use in sewage/aquaculture facilities, since once past fin- gerling size, they feed directly on phytoplankton. The incorporation of tilapia into ponds whose pri- mary purpose is sewage treatment may actually improve the water quality. Tilapia have potential as a component of livestock feed, fish meal or directly as human food, although there is not a developed market for tilapia in the United States. The require- ments of the fish meal industry best fit the charac- teristics of tilapia and may represent the most likely early market. This study examines the eco- nomic relationships in a commercial poultry egg production facility with a liquid manure handling system that provides for the growth and harvesting of tilapia. The actual structure of the poultry sewage/aquaculture facility is hypothetical since a commercial facility does not exist at present. How- ever, the major individual components of a pro- posed system are well understood from current re- search and the important interface of poultry sewage and tilapia growth is currently under inten- sive study. PB-290 654/3 PC A07/MF A01 Alabama Dept. of Conservation and Natural Re- sources, Gulf Shores. Claude Peteet Mariculture Center. Experimental Pond Production of Selected Marine Species Completion rept. Jul 75-Sep 78 William C. Trimble, and Walter M. Tatum. Nov 78, 136p NOAA-781 22001 Descriptors: *Ponds, *Aquaculture, Brackish water, Marine fishes, Trout, Shellfish, Shrimps, Minnows, Feeding stuffs, Growth, Temperature, Photoperiodism, Circulation, Survival, Alabama. Identifiers: Bait fish. During 1975-1978, ten marine species were evalu- ated as mariculture candidates at Alabama's Claude Peteet Mariculture Center at Gulf Shores, Alabama. The site, to investigate brackish water food production, as well as bait production, was selected on traditionally agricultural land adjacent to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Earthen ponds were selected as initial experimental units for pro- duction and were filled with brackish water from the Waterway. Candidates selected for culture for research conducted during 1975-1978 included: Florida pompana (Trachinotus carolinus), penaeid shrimp (Penaeus aztecus, P. duorarum, P. seti- ferus, and P. vannamei), gulf killifish or 'bull minnow' (Fundulus grandis), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), red drum or 'redfish' (Sciaenops ocel- lata), red snapper (Lutjanus compechanus), and river shrimp (Macrobrachium ohione). PB-290 760/8 PC A12/MF A01 Lockheed-California Co., Burbank. Conversion and Storage of Wind Energy as Ni- trogenous Fertilizer Final rept. Michael B. Dubey. Nov 78, 264p Rept no. LR- 28338 Contract NSF-C-75-22186 Descriptors: "Ammonia, 'Ammonium nitrate, "Wind power generation, Hydrogen production, Electrolysis, Fertilizers, Environmental surveys, Design criteria, Energy storage, Manufacturing, Process charting, Technology, Chemical industry, Storage, Performance evaluation, Capitalized costs, Economics, Comparison. Identifiers: Chemical feedstocks, State of the art. Wind energy, air and water can be combined to make anhydrous ammonia and ammonium nitrate, two important nitrogeneous fertilizers that are usu- ally synthesized using natural gas as the primary feedstock. In the study concept, wind energy is captured by a wind turbine and converted to elec- tricity. The electricity generates hydrogen and oxygen by water electrolysis. The hydrogen is stored in sufficient quantity to serve as chemical feedstock and energy to manufacture anhydrous ammonia or ammonium nitrate solution. PB-291 515/5 PC A04/MF A01 Stanford Univ., CA. Communications Satellite Planning Center. Manpower Forecasting Model for Educational Planning Technical rept. James Boettcher, and Lawrence T. Brekka. Dec 76, 73p Rept no. TR-13 Contract NIRT-1 Descriptors: 'Education, 'Models, 'Manpower, Forecasting, Radio broadcasting, Television sys- tems, Specialized training, Requirements, Farms, Mass media, Instructional materials, Iran, Develop- ing countries. Identifiers: Teaching methods. The National Cropping Plan of Iran is reviewed to define the critical improvements in farming tech- niques required to meet food production needs. Changes that depend on the education of Iran's small farmers are isolated and organized into a series of informational programs for television or radio. Iranian and International Agricultural experts outline over 150 program segments covering the critical practices. The program segments are orga- nized into eight broadcast area schedules to suit the agro-climatic conditions and crop selections in different parts of the country. The procedures to organize the program information and broadcast schedules and much of the subject content itself is felt to be applicable to other developing agricultur- al countries. PB-291 554/4 PC A02/MF A01 Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA. Interdisci- plinary Working Party. CMU/lntertect Ultra Low Cost Shelters in Relief Situations in Bangladesh Charles H. Goodspeed, Volker H. Hartkopf, and Frederick C. Cuny. May 77, 1 8p Contract AID/TA-C-1174, AID/TA-C-1345 Prepared in cooperation with Intertect, Dallas, TX. Descriptors: 'Shelters, 'Developing countries, 'Bangladesh, Housing planning, Construction, Citi- zen participation, Guidelines, Technical assist- ance, Technology innovation. Identifiers: Emergency planning, Developing coun- try application. This is a report to the Agency fc International De- velopment on the two-year evaluation of the CMU/ Intertect refugee shelter field test in Bangladesh. The test shelters were built during Spring, 1975, and revisited during Spring, 1977. PB-291 588/2 PC A02/MF A01 Collier's Earthworm Compost System, Inc., Santa Clara, CA. Conversion of Municipal Wastewater Treat- ment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil Annual rept. no. 1, 15 Jul 77-14 Jul 78 Jack E. Collier. 14 Jul 78, 21 p NSF/RA-780346 Grant NSF-ENV77-16832 Descriptors: 'Worms, 'Composts, 'Sludge diges- tion, 'Soil stabilization, 'Sewage treatment, 'Vegetable crops, Sludge disposal, Invertebrates, Plant growth, Breeding, Feasibility, Soil analysis, Metals, Field tests, Harvesting, Cost analysis, Soil fertility, Demand(Economics), Evaluation. Identifiers: 'Vermicomposting, Earthworms, Heavy metals. This experiment demonstrates the physical abili- ties of earthworms to convert sizable amounts of municipal sewage sludges into worm manure, a stabilized soil known as castings. The process of composting wastes with domesticated earthworms under controlled conditions, called vermicompost- ing, is believed by the investigator to be an efficient and economical method of recycling sludges and other organic wastes. The report describes the conditions of the experiment and a summary of findings. These include longevity tests of red- worms in sludge, pathogen tests, handling and harvesting techniques, plant growth comparisons, breeding rates in sludge, optimum worm density, product demand, heavy metals analysis, and soil temperatures. In a review of principal findings it is indicated that vermicomposting offers a much higher degree of stabilization over other conven- tional thermal composting methods. The report also lists publications, conferences, and new ob- jectives. PB-291 846/4 PC A05/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Programming and Training for Small Farm Grain Storage Program and training journal manual series Carl J. Lindblad. Sep 78, 100p Rept nos. ACTION/PAM-4200.27, MANUAL SER-2B Descriptors: 'Storage, 'Grains(Food), 'Special- ized training, 'Farms, Manuals, Moisture content, Pest control, Insects, Rodents, Drying, Losses, Heat, Fungi, Birds. Identifiers: Developing country application. Although grain storage program conception and objectives will vary from country to country and within each country, there are basic objectives which will be present in every grain storage pro- gram. These include: (1 ) to preserve the quantity of the harvest, (2) to maintain its quality, and (3) to result in the highest possible sale value for what- ever grain is sold or traded. This book is designed to aid in identifying storage problems and devising solutions to them. The approach favors techniques based on the local needs and resources of the farmer. Basic subject areas discussed are the maintenance of storage hygiene; the control of grain moisture; and the specific control of grain pests such as insects, birds, and rodents. PB-291 857/1 PC A11/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Self-Help Construction of 1-Story Buildings Program and training journal manual series Peter Gallant, Nancy Bergau, Peter Hunt, and Jim Seaton. 1977, 244p* Rept no. MANUAL SER-6 Descriptors: 'Residential buildings, 'Housing plan- ning, 'Developing countries, Design, Quality of life, Project planning, Construction management, Con- struction materials, Toilet facilities, Foundations. Identifiers: 'Developing country application. This manual is designed to assist a community or a family to: (1) plan and design a one-story building for present and future needs, (2) assess the ad- vantages and disadvantages of locally available construction materials, (3) draw and understand their own construction plans; and (4) successfully complete construction according to their own plans. The focus is on basic principles of construc- tion with materials that are low-cost, available in many parts of the world, and easy to work with. It is illustrated to help make the processes easier to vi- sualize. These buildings are specifically designed for developing countries and do not necessarily meet building code requirements. PB-291 858/9 PC A20/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. Office of Technology Transfer. Manual de Metodos para el Analisis Quimico de Aguas y Desechos (Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes) Jul 76, 459p Descriptors: 'Manuals, 'Water analysis, Chemical analysis, Surface waters, Waste water, Industrial wastes, Water pollution, Arsenic, Boron, Bromides, Chlorides, Colors, Organic compounds, Inorganic compounds, Monitoring, pH, Cyanides, Dissolved 176 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS gases, Fluorides, Iodides, Metals, Trace elements, Oils, Nitrogen, Phosphorus. Identifiers: 'Water pollution detection, "Proce- dures, Biochemical oxygen demand, Chemical oxygen demand, Developing country application. This second edition of this manual contains the chemical analytical procedures used in U.S. Envi- ronmental Protection Agency Laboratories for the examination of ground and surface waters, domes- tic and industrial waste effluents, and treatment process samples. The manual provides test proce- dures for the measurement of physical, inorganic, and selected organic constituents and parameters. PB-291 939/7 PC A04/MF A01 ECOS, Inc., Boston, MA. Community Water Management, Research Needs for Small and Urbanizing Communities David A. Del Porto. Jul 78, 70p NSF/RA-780372 Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Water quality man- agement, * Urban areas, Sewage treatment, Prices, Water conservation, Conflicts, Waste water reuse, Aquaculture, Water consumption, Toilet facilities, Water treatment, Ground water. Identifiers: Water demand, Water costs. Various methods of approach in dealing with the water needs of small and urbanizing communities are outlined. One section is devoted to water qual- ity issues, such as types of contamination and sources of pollution. Another, entitled Supply, Demand, and Use concerns historical perspec- tives of wastewater management, the re-definition and semantics of supply and demand, the conflict of environment vs. energy, and economic consid- erations. Other sections analyze future trends and viable alternatives to the flush toilet such as com- post systems. Wastewater aquaculture and com- munity planning are considered as alternative fu- tures. PB-292 393/6 PC A07/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Facility Requirements Div. Municipal Wastewater Management. Public Ac- tivities Guide Technical rept. Clem L. Rastatter, John Hammond, and Larry McBennett. Feb 79, 126p* Rept nos. EPA/430/ 9-79/005, FRD-7 Descriptors: 'Citizen participation, Water pollution control, Public utilities, Facilities, Planning, Deci- sion making, Communities, Government policies, National government, Waste water, Handbooks, Guidelines. Identifiers: *Sewage treatment plants. This Handbook was prepared for use in a training program to acquaint citizen leaders with the impor- tant decisions that are made in planning for the management of municipal wastewater. The train- ing program was designed to: (1) Identify the key decisions throughout the planning process that are critical to the outcome of that process and to the community's future; (2) Identify and analyze the environmental, economic, and social consider- ations that affect these important decisions; (3) Facilitate citizen input to those decisions by strip- ping the process of technical jargon, and helping the reader understand the community judgments that must be made; and, (4) Help citizens under- stand the legal tools and participatory techniques that will facilitate their involvement in the planning process. PB-292 394/4 PC A12/MF A01 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Facility Requirements Div. Municipal Wastewater Management. Citizen's Guide to Facility Planning Technical rept. Clem L. Rastatter, John Hammond, and Larry McBennett. Jan 79, 259p* Rept nos. EPA/430/ 9-79/006, FRD-6 Descriptors: 'Citizen participation, Water pollution control, Public utilities, Facilities, Planning, Deci- sion making, Communities, Government policies, National government, State government, Local government, Regulations, Legislation, Waste water, Handbooks, Guidelines. Identifiers: 'Sewage treatment plants, Clean Water Act. This Handbook is organized around a logical pro- gression of questions that the involved citizen or local governmental official is likely to encounter in trying to influence the municipal sewage facilities planning process. The Handbook reflects the latest federal regulations and policies, as of Janu- ary 1979, and assumes a level of interest that is more than casual on the part of the reader. PB-292 585/7 PC A03/MF A01 French (David), Washington, DC. Appropriate Technology in Social Context: An Annotated Bibliography David French. Aug 77, 41 p Contract AID/otr-1 47-77-77 Descriptors: 'Technology, 'Bibliographies, Tech- nical assistance, Developing countries, Agricul- ture, Fisheries, Water resources, Water supply, Community development, Family relations, Health, Culture(Social sciences), Rural areas, Technology innovation, Social change, Farms, Livestock, Farm management, Economic development. Identifiers: 'Appropriate technology, Developing country application, 'Villages, Case studies. The consistency of a technology with its social en- vironment is the subject of this bibliography. The term 'social context' refers to the whole set of shared values, beliefs, and institutions that join people in common endeavor. The many case stud- ies in this bibliography offer the opportunity to match technology and society. PB-292 586/5 PC A04/MF A01 Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Clearinghouse on Development Commu- nication. Communication Media and Technology: A Look at Their Role in Non-Formal Education Programs Information bulletin Henry T. Ingle. Aug 74, 69p Rept no. IB-5 Descriptors: 'Specialized training, 'Mass media, Education, Personnel development, Radio com- munication, Television broadcasting, Mass com- munication, Quality of life. Identifiers: Developing country applications, Edu- cational games. The purpose of this publication is to review the role communication media and technology have played in the area of non-formal education. Specific in- stances are cited in which media and technology are being used in non-formal educational projects around the world, along with background informa- tion on each of these efforts with particular empha- sis being given to projects in the developing re- gions of the world. Discussed is the need for a non- formal approach to education as well as the impli- cations of such an approach. Included is a review of the different types of media and technology which have been used or are currently being used in non-formal programs. PB-292 587/3 PC A04/MF A01 Natural Energy Centre, Kingston upon Thames (England). How to Use Natural Energy Paul McClory, J. C. McVeigh, W. G. Jack, Kuno Tichatschek, and Anthony Wigens. c1978, 61 p* Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Also pub. as ISSN-0- 9506107-1-2. Descriptors: Solar energy, Wind power, Hydroelec- tric power, Heat pumps, Heat recovery, Thermal insulation, Methane, Biomass, Swimming pools, Space heating, Electric power generation, Re- views, Great Britain. Identifiers: 'Renewable energy sources, 'Energy conservation, Bioconversion, Heat pipes, Waste heat utilization. This booklet is for those who wish to take an active part in the natural energy field or to be regularly informed of the latest developments on all aspects of energy conservation, self-sufficiency, and the environment. The objective is to promote a wide range of products which use natural energy as a primary source of fuel and to help conserve re- serves of fossil fuels. The emphasis is to combine optimum combinations of quality and cost-effec- tiveness. Some of the topics discussed in this booklet include: solar heating; power from the wind; water power; heat pumps; waste heat recov- ery; heat wheels; and home insulation. PB-292 590/7 PC A05/MF A01 Marine Univ. at Orono. Cooperative Extension Service. Taking Care of Wooden Ships Maynard Bray. Jan 78, 85p* NOAA-79010502 Grant NOAA-04-8-MO1-79 Descriptors: 'Ships, 'Maintenance, Wood, Wood preservatives, Coating processes, Caulking, Guidelines. Identifiers: Constitution vessel, Clearwater vessel, Sea Grant program. Two papers and discussions are presented on the care of old and relatively new wooden ships. The first was taken with some editing from the proceed- ings of the Bath Marine Museum's Symposium on American Maritime History, held on May 6-8, 1 977, and mainly concerns the maintenance of the U.S.S. Constitution. The second paper is a manual for the maintenance of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater prepared in 1976 by Maynard Bray. Special care of wooden ships is a skill now limited to a few and efforts are being made to perpetuate these skills. PB-292 594/9 PC A02 Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, St. Petersburg. Marine Research Lab. Effects of Stocking Size and Density on Growth and Survival of 'Macrobrachium rosen- bergii' (De Man) in Ponds Scott A. Willis, and Mark E. Berrigan. 1978, 15p CONTRIB-289, NOAA-781 22801 Descriptors: 'Aquaculture, 'Shellfish, Growth, Sur- vival, Density(Mass/volume), Ponds, Weight(Mass), Mortality, Florida. Identifiers: 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Postlarval and juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii were stocked in twelve 0.025 ha earthen ponds to study the effects of stocking size and density on growth and survival. The experiment was com- prised of four treatments, three replicates each. One treatment consisted of juveniles (0.760-0.792 g) stocked at 5/sq m. The remaining treatments were postlarvae (0.044-0.063 g) stocked at 5, 1 0, and 20/sq m. Following each four week sampling interval, feeding rates were adjusted based on mean body weight and an estimated 5% mortality. All ponds were fed Purina Marine Ration 25 at rates of 30, 15, 8, 4, 2, and 2% body weight for each respective sampling interval during the 24 week study. Juveniles grew to a mean weight of 43.256 g while postlarvae reached 29.749 respec- tively. Survival ranged from 38 to 92% and final feed conversion ratios ranged from 1.88:1 to 0.96:1. The maximum equivalent production of 2278.61 kg/ha occurred in ponds stocked with 20/ sqm. PB-292 664/0 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Community Electric System May 59, 32p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Electric power plants, Requirements, Electric generators, Electric power generation, Electric power distribution, Revenue, Electric utili- ties, Investments, Profits. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Vil- lages. The purpose of the manual is to provide informa- tion for establishing electric systems in small vil- lages where such services are not now available. 177 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Small electric generators are available that can be used in building systems that will meet the needs of small villages. These systems would be based on the number of homes and stores to be lighted, the number of street lights required, the power re- quirements of local industries and the estimated expansion requirements. These small electric sys- tems will provide a valuable service to such vil- lages by producing and distributing power at a cost that the average community can afford. Under rea- sonable conditions, such as those assumed for the plant in this manual, either public operation or pri- vate operation would be practicable. Such an elec- tric plant will produce revenue to amortize the in- vestment and at the same time provide an operat- ing profit of more than 1 5 percent. For the entre- preneur there is an opportunity to invest money, on which he will earn a satisfactory return, have em- ployment at a fair salary, and at the same time be increasing the value of his property. This revised version of the manual includes current costs of labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as additional information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and eco- nomic factors. The manual is designed to provide a general picture of the factors which must be con- sidered in establishing and operating a small-scale plant of this type. It should prove useful in creating interest in the subject, and serve to give enough understanding of the related considerations to help government officials, other leaders and busi- nessmen to determine whether the potential de- serves more-detailed attention. PB-292 665/7 PC A02/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Surgi- cal Instruments Sep 61, 13p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: "Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Surgical instruments, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production ca- pacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost esti- mates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The document gives information on the production and plant requirements for the manufacture of sur- gical instruments including plant layout. Assump- tion of production at a minimum volume level is made. Most basic instruments have been carefully selected and a list is given. The report is one of a series of reports resulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory, operation, management, and engineering. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be con- sidered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 666/5 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Salicyl- ic Acid Sep 61, 33p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Chemical industry, 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Salicylic acids, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Process charting, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Indus- trial management, Production planning, Cost esti- mates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing and operating a chemical plant in a foreign country for the production of sali- cylic acid. In the United States salicylic acid is manufactured in three quality grades: technical, crystalized and sublimed (USP). All three of these grades can be manufactured in this plant. Since the technical grade acid has the largest use, all facts and figures shown in this report will be based on the production of technical grade acid. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engi- neering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 671/5 PC A03/MF A01 United State Testing Co., Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Plant Requirements for Processing Potato Chips Apr 62, 43p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Food processing, 'Manufacturing, Requirements, Potatoes, Produc- tion management, Production methods, Produc- tion capacity, Operating costs, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Finan- cial management, Industrial management, Produc- tion planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Sanitation, Safety engineering. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Potato chips. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing and operating a manufac- turing plant in a foreign country to produce potato chips. In the United States, the plant outlined in this report is considered small to medium-sized. Other typical United States plants are more mechanized and have higher production rates. A plant of this kind, if built in a foreign country, could use less equipment and require more labor but a smaller capital investment. The report was pre- pared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic fac- tors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 675/6 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Cro- chet and Knitting Yarns 1961, 34p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Yarns, Carded yarns, Combed yarns, Cotton spun yarns, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operat- ing costs, Cotton fibers, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Spinning(Staple fibers), Textile processes, Card- ing, Combing, Rovings, Winding, Reeling. ]dentifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a manufacturing plant, in a foreign country, to produce crochet and knitting yarns. The report was pepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, manage- ment, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equip- ment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, fi- nancial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 676/4 PC A02/MF A01 Office of Technical Services, Washington, DC. Pliant Requirements for Manufacture of Tung- sten Carbides Nov 55, 16p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Tungsten carbides, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production ca- pacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Sinter- ing, Metal shapes. Identifiers: Developing country application. In its broad outline, the process on making tung- sten carbide cutting tools, wire drawing dies, header dies, gages and other industrial products consists of preparing the powder carbide of tung- sten, mixing it with a binder (such as cobalt) into compacts of desired forms, and sintering these to get the desired shapes, hardness, strength and other attributes. Though this pattern appears simple, it soon becomes evident from a detailed study that the techniques involved are different from those generally used in powder metallurgy. A survey was made among the manufacturers of the necessary equipment, and technicians experi- enced in carbide making, and the steps estab- lished as the pattern peculiar to this industry are explained in the report. The report is one of a series of reports resulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory establishments, operation, management, and engineering. The report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 688/9 PC A04/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Fabric Canvas Shoes May 59, 55p Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Shoes, Requirements, Elastomers, Production management, Production methods, Production ca- pacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Sewing, Woven fabrics, Fabrics. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Sneakers, 'Tennis shoes. There are many different designs of rubber sole fabric shoes produced in the United States. The shoe made in the plant described in the report is a simple circular vamp oxford with a rubber sole. This shoe is commonly referred to as a tennis shoe or 'sneaker' in the United States and this type of rubber sole shoe is widely used in foreign coun- tries. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, manage- ment, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equip- ment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, fi- nancial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 689/7 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Commerce, Washington, DC. 178 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Unfer- mented Grape Juice Apr 56, 12p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: "Industrial plants, *Food processing, * Manufacturing, * Beverages, Grapes, Pasteuriz- ing, Requirements, Production management, Pro- duction methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Industrial management, Production plan- ning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Sanitation. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report outlines the type of plant required for processing of fifteen tons of unfermented grape juice per day. Pressing juice out of grapes and processing the liquid into marketable grape juice requires, (a) the most careful selection of equip- ment which can be operated economically for fif- teen tons of grapes per day, (b) maintaining the proper temperatures necessary for successful pasteurization, and (c) adhering strictly to estab- lished standards of cleanliness and sanitation. The report is one of a series of reports resulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. The report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 711/9 PC A03/MF A01 United States Testing Co., Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Antibi- otics Aug 62, 47p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: * Antibiotics, * Manufacturing, Re- quirements, Penicillins, Streptomycins, Tetracy- clines, Equipment, Specifications. Identifiers: * Pharmaceutical industry, Developing country application. The report presents the establishment of a typical pharmaceutical plant, staffed and equipped to manufacture the antibiotics penicillin, streptomycin and tetracycline. Due to the nature of the products, parameters, and manufacturing processes, the op- eration is, of necessity, a large one. The brochure is one of a series of reports resulting from over- seas technical inquiries on factory or commercial establishments, operation, management and engi- neering. PB-292 718/4 PC A03/MF A01 Council for International Progress in Management (USA), Inc., New York. Problems in Business Management: Incentive Plans Jun 62, 47p ICA-TB-31 Descriptors: "Bonuses, 'Incentive contracts, Per- sonnel management, Incentives, Fringe benefits, Productivity, Efficiency, Industrial relations, Job analysis, Work time standards, Work measure- ment, Salary administration. Identifiers: *Blue collar occupations, Business ad- ministration, Developing country application. The brochure is one of a series of training courses in 'Problems in Business Management'. It outlines information on establishing incentive plans for fac- tory workers and discusses bonus systems for output quantity and work economy. PB-292 719/2 PC A04/MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Office of Industrial Resources. Effective Job Organization Apr 61 , 64p Rept no. TB-23 Descriptors: "Management training, "Personnel development, "Organization theory, Industrial management, Executives, Planning, Decision making, Efficiency, Job analysis, Manuals, Sched- uling, Supervision, Job utilization. Identifiers: "Administrative principles, Administra- tor responsibility, Skill development, Job enrich- ment, Organizational effectiveness, Developing country application. The report explores in detail the executive's re- sponsibility for clarifying jobs, for delegating, for planning, for decision-making, and for generally improving habits of personal efficiency. It probes deeply into the techniques and principles of execu- tive and administrative action. It is designed for managers with some years of experience who can discuss the practical problems of organization that will help to improve their own skills and help their subordinates to perform more effectively. PB-292 720/0 PC A03/ M F A0 1 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Industrial Training Charts Mar 61, 39p Rept no. TRAINING MANUAL-37 Descriptors: "Management training, "Industrial training, "Manuals, "Charts, Personnel develop- ment, Supervision, Job utilization, Job analysis, Planning, Decision making, Scheduling, Industrial relations, Meetings, Leadership. Identifiers: "Supervisory methods, Developing country application. The pamphlet contains a collection of charts for use in Management and Supervisory Training pro- grams. The charts are directly applicable to super- visory training manuals, particularly the following: Conference Leadership, Job Instruction Training, Job Methods Training, Job Relations Training. PB-292 721/8 PC A05/MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Office of Industrial Resources. Training Course in Material Handling Mar 61, 91 p Rept no. TECHNICAL BULL-11 Descriptors: "Specialized training, "Materials han- dling, Industrial training, Supervisors, Developing countries, Guidelines, Attitudes, Motivation, Elevators(Lift), Conveyors, Fork trucks, Hoists, Pallets, Cranes(Hoists), Chutes, Efficiency, Work elements, Work measurement, Elevators(Lifts). Identifiers: Developing country application. Training in Material Handling is a course which points out the many opportunities that are present- ed for increasing production, lowering costs and in- creasing wages through application of modern methods in material handling. The objective of the course is to demonstrate that through the applica- tion of sound practice or a well-conceived system materials can be transported from and to storage and through all production stages with a minimum of transfer and handling. Efficiencies in both han- dling and in total movement of materials avoids production delays, reduces congestion, prevents loss of operation or time, minimizes utilization of machinery and equipment and expedites routing and shipping. Industry spends enormous sums of money for research and development directed to- wards many types of improvement, such as design engineering, cost engineering, safety engineering and others, but one of the greatest opportunities for reducing manufacturing cost and materially in- creasing man-hour production is frequently ne- glected. The aim of this course is assist supervi- sors to eliminate obvious and unnecessary move- ments in the handling and transporting of com- modities and materials. PB-292 730/9 PC A04/MF A01 Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, PA. Industrial First Aid Training 7 Jan 52, 51 p ICA-TB-19 Descriptors: "Industrial medicine, "First aid, Man- uals, Injuries, Patients, Transportation, Therapy, Dressings, Resuscitation. Identifiers: Illnesses, Health manpower education, Health education, Developing country application, "Occupational health and safety. The first aid training manual has been written to help teach supervisors and other personnel the basic principles and practices necessary for the temporary care of injured or ill employees. In turn, their application of these principles will reflect the thoroughness of the teaching. PB-292 731/7 PC A03/MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Office of Industrial Resources. Supervisory Development Program 1961, 26p Rept no. TECHNICAL BULL-6 Descriptors: "Management training, "Supervision, "Manuals, Methods, Objectives, Personnel devel- opment, Management analysis, Industrial rela- tions, Supervisors, Education. Identifiers: "Training, Developing country applica- tion, Management education. The manual is one of a series of training manuals for use in establishing supervisory training pro- grams. It covers the philosophy of training, the need for training, general concepts, general objec- tives, scope of the program and the training plan. PB-292 744/0 PC A05/MF A01 Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster. PA. Plant Fire Brigade Training May 62, 78p ICA-TB-18 Descriptors: "Fire fighting, "Specialized training, Industrial plants, Organizing, Personnel selection, Instructional materials, Manuals. Identifiers: Developing country application. This training manual gives the purpose, organiza- tion and responsibilities of a Plant Fire Brigade, what is fire, how fire burns, plant fire protection - chemical extinguishers, field demonstration - chemical extinguishers, plant fire protection - water equipment, inspection - built in protection and brigade equipment, fighting a simulated fire and general safety precautions in fighting plant fires. PB-292 745/7 PC A10/MF A01 International Science and Technology Inst., Inc., Washington, DC. Potential Use of Small Dams to Produce Power for Low-Income Communities Mary M. Allen. 4 Aug 78, 220p Contract CSA-B8B-5584 Prepared in cooperation with Polytechnic Inst, of New York, Brooklyn. Center for Regional Technol- ogy. Descriptors: "Hydroelectric power generation, "Dams, Electric power generation, Low income groups, Communities, Regional planning, Environ- mental impacts, Safety, Economic analysis, Con- straints. Identifiers: Developing country application. An alternative source of energy which would have a stable cost and alleviate the economic strain of rising fossil fuels is the development of small dam sites to produce hydroelectric power. This report addresses the many issues involved in estimating the potential contribution of hydropower to the energy supply. The issues discussed include: (1) physical characteristics, (2) environmental and safety considerations, (3) institutional constraints, (4) economic issues, and (5) current governmental programs. PB-292 746/5 PC A03/MF A01 Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. Construcciones Resistentes Al Fuego - En El Hogar - Y En La Granja (Fire Construction of the Home — of Farm Buildings) Merril S. Himmins, Jr. 1968, 31 p Rept no. USDA/ BULL-2227 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Residential buildings, "Farm build- ings, "Fire safety, Flameproof ing, Barriers, Con- struction, Fire resistant materials, Fire protection. Identifiers: "Developing country application, "Fire barriers. In order that the farm be as safe from fires as pos- sible, the distance between the home, barn, silo 179 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS and other out buildings is specifically outlined along with the construction design for additional fire barriers. Fire barriers for the home have been designed for the basement, walls and stairs utiliz- ing wooden blocks placed in strategic areas. Cor- rect chimney construction, radio and television an- tenna installation and other areas sensitive to fire in the area of the roof are discussed. Also covered in this report is the installation and fireproofing of gas and oil furnaces, floor registers, wood burning stoves, lightning rods and electrical wiring. Be- cause of the number of fires caused by spontane- ous combustion and unsafe drying and/or heating methods in the stable, tobacco barn, grain eleva- tor, poultry house and workshops, their proximity to equipment and other farm buildings and their fire barriers are outlined. PB-292 747/3 PC A07/MF A01 Texas Transportation Inst., College Station. Manual Para La Construccion de Casas de Tierra (Handbook for Building Homes of Earth) Lile A. Wolfskill, Wayne A. Dunlap, and Bob M. Gallaway. 1966, 143p Rept no. BULL-21-E-14-63 Descriptors: *Houses, 'Construction materials, *Soils, Soil stabilization, Foundations, Soil com- pacting, Blocks, Weatherproofing, Coating proc- esses, Manufacturing, Manuals. Identifiers: Developing country application, Earth construction. Contents: Introduction - Types of earth houses; Soils and what can be done with them; Soil stabiliz- ers; Site preparation; Foundations; Lightweight roofs; Getting the soil prepared; Making abode blocks; Making pressed earth blocks; Making walls of pressed blocks; Making walls of rammed earth; Roofs for earth houses; Floors for earth houses; Surface coatings. PB-292 754/9 PC A03/MF A01 Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, PA. Selection and Training of New Foremen 3 Feb 54, 47p ICA-TB-15 Descriptors: "Personnel selection, 'Supervisors, Production management, Industrial training, Lead- ership, Supervision, Performance evaluation, Ex- perience, Interviews, Intelligence tests, Attitudes, Industrial plants, Qualifications, Management training. Identifiers: 'Supervisor qualifications, Supervisory training, Developing country application. The manual is one of a series of training manuals. Its purpose is to assist line management in identify- ing the best qualified hourly workers and feeding them into shift foremanship openings as they occur. The plan combines a proven comprehen- sive selection procedure with an intensive period of training for those selected. Its net result is an increase in the certainty that foremen picked from the hourly production group are~within the limits of those available-those individuals with the greatest capabilities and potential. PB-292 766/3 PC A02/MF A01 Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. Ganado Bovino Para Carne - Descorne, Castra- cion, Marcacion a Hierro, Marcas (Beef Cattle - Dehorning, Castrating, Branding and Marking) R. T. Clark, A. L. Baker, and George E. Whitmore. 1968, 20p Rept no. USDA/BULL-2141 Descriptors: 'Cattle, 'Marking, 'Castration, Live- stock, Methodology. Identifiers: Developing country application, Dehorn. Complete and detailed instructions of several dif- ferent methods used to dehorn, castrate, brand and mark cattle are discussed in full. Dehorning- The age of the cow is an important factor and will determine if the Caustic Soda method is applied (just a few days old); or if the Spoon or Tube method is used (less than 60 days old). Any cow older than this is dehorned using the electric de- horning iron, gougers, or electric dehorning saw. Castration-Three surgical methods are explained along with two non-surgical methods; Clamping or Pinching which uses the Emasculatome; or the Elastrator which uses hard rubber bands. The neu- tering of cows is also discussed. Branding and Marking-Branding by heat and iron or liquid chemi- cal is given full explanation as is further markings by nitching ears and tattooing. PB-292 767/1 PC A08/MF A01 Department of Agriculture Extension Service, Washington, DC. Homemaking Around the World Nov 73, 167p Descriptors: Food preparation, Nutrition, Health, Sanitation, Houses, Clothing, Children, Developing countries. Identifiers: 'Home economics, Child care, Devel- oping country application. The publication shows ways in which the basic principles of sound home economics may be ap- plied in every home the world over to make living more satisfying. The information represents the pioneering experience of trained people in many countries. Topics covered include child care, foods and nutrition, health and sanitation, housing and home improvement, and care and construction of clothing. PB-292 769/7 PC A02/MF A01 Gidley Research Inst., Fairhaven, MA. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Soling Sep 56, 23p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Elastomers, 'Footwear, Requirements, Produc- tion management, Production methods, Produc- tion capacity, Operating costs, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Finan- cial management, Industrial management, Produc- tion planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Soles. Rubber soles for footwear are fabricated and com- bined with shoe uppers by three general methods. The first method is the forming of a patterned, un- cured sole and cementing it on a fabric upper sec- tion and then curing the entire assembly on a last (as in a vulcanizer or autoclave). This is the con- ventional method long used in making tennis shoes. The second method is to join a slab (with- out pattern) of rubber compound directly to a fabric or leather upper section in an automatic heated mold under pressure. This method employs a spe- cial machine-typical of which (though varying in design and merits) are the Goliath, Pinto, Bata, Marvel and Desmer machines. The method de- scribed in the report is to separately fabricate and cure (with or without a pattern) the soling itself. The cured or vulcanized soling is then attached to a fabric or leather upper by cementing, sewing or nailing~or combinations of these methods. The report is one of a series of reports resulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. The report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 784/6 PC A04/MF A01 Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, IL. Sash and Door Plant; A Reference for use in Planning New Industrial Facilities Feb 57, 68p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Office of Industri- al Resources. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Wood products, Requirements, Production man- agement, Production methods, Production capac- ity, Operating costs, Lumber, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Win- dows, Doors, Stairways, Moldings, Woodworking. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing and operating a small plant to be located in a foreign country to engage in fab- rication of certain wood products from lumber which has been seasoned and surfaced. Because of the many types of wood products which are manufactured, this report is restricted to the oper- ation of a Sash and Door Plant, as it is usually termed, which makes not only windows and doors, but other items of exterior and interior trim, such as moldings, stairways, and the cabinet work which is generally used in residences, schools, churches, hospitals, offices and stores. The information in- cludes a general description of the usual steps in the manufacturing processes, with notes on mate- rials, machinery, layout, and accounting proce- dures. PB-292 785/3 PC A03/MF A01 Holman (John F.) Co., Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bicycle Tires and Tubes Jan 62, 32p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Tires, 'Tire tubes, Bicycles, Requirements, Pro- duction management, Production methods, Pro- duction capacity, Operating costs, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Finan- cial management, Industrial management, Produc- tion planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The manufacturing plant described in this brochure is designed to produce bicycle tires made of natu- ral rubber at the rate of approximately 500,000 per year. The tires considered here are of the pneu- matic type that require an inner tube. This plant is assumed to produce natural rubber tubes at the same rate as the outer casings. Tire size is as- sumed to be either 26-inch or 28-inch diameter to fit an adult size bicycle. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory op- eration, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, ma- chinery, equipment and supplies, as well as infor- mation relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be consid- ered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 786/1 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H. JEngineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Centri- fugal Cast Iron Pipe Feb 62, 36p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Cast iron, 'Pipes(Tubes), Centrifugal casting, Re- quirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Iron, Scrap, Pig iron, Materials estimates, Equip- ment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial manage- ment, Industrial management, Production plan- ning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing and operating a small plant to produce centrifugal cast iron pressure pipe in a foreign country. Plants producing centrifugal cast iron pressure pipe in the United States are usually designed for a much larger volume of production. However, the processing methods and equipment described in this report are modern and conform to those now being used in the United States. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engi- neering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- 180 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 790/3 PC A07/MF A01 Overseas Development Council, Washington, DC. Energy for the Villages of Africa. Recommen- dations for African Governments and Outside Donors James W. Howe. 25 Feb 77, 146p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Africa, 'Developing countries, Rural areas, Communities, Solar energy, Biomass, Hy- droelectric power generation, Agricultural wastes, Wood, Reviewing, Recommendations. Identifiers: 'Energy sources, 'Energy require- ments, Developing country application, Wind power, Energy source development. This report examines the subject of energy for the villages and farms of Africa and recommends a course of action for African policy makers and out- side donors. Village source energy includes those forms of primary energy found in the villages and farms such as the sun, wind, water, animal and crop waste, and wood. The report outlines a course of action for developing the information needed for Africans to make two decisions: (1) whether village-source energy warrants use on a wide scale and if so, (2) what system to use to match energy hardware with village needs and to install it in villages together with a support system that will maintain it, provide repairs and spare parts, and generally keep it operating. PB-292 799/4 PC A03/MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Using Job Instruction Training 1962, 46p Rept no. TECHNICAL BULL-8 Descriptors: 'Management training, 'Supervisors, Personnel developments, Supervision, Job analy- sis, Instructions, Scheduling, Human factors engi- neering, Leadership, Production control, Person- nel management. Identifiers: 'Training techniques, On job training, Developing country application. The bulletin is a plan to make job instruction train- ing a regular part of a plant's day- *.o-day operation. This 10-hour session outline is a follow through program to coach supervisors in normal operating functions. Getting supervisors to use this practical plan will accomplish a far-reaching purpose, as it makes the development of a well-trained work force a function of the line operation. PB-292 800/0 PC A03/MF A01 Vitro Corp. of America, Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Galva- nized Steel Pipe Mar 62, 37p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Prepared in cooperation with Morris and Van Wormer, New York. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Pipes(Tubes), 'Galvanized materials, Cold roll- ing, Resistance welding, Requirements, Produc- tion management, Production methods, Produc- tion capacity, Operating costs, Zinc, Steels, Metal strips, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Indus- trial management, Production planning, Cost esti- mates, Labor estimates, Plugs, Bushings, Cou- plings, Water pipes, Gas pipes. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation relative to the establishment in a foreign country of a factory designed to produce certain sizes of galvanized steel pipe. This type of pipe is used for water, air, gas, oil, or other fluid lines, and for structural purposes such as fence posts, scaf- folding, and railings. The proposed plant is about the minimum feasible size and will require a sub- stantial capital investment and a small number of skilled workers. Profitable operation in industrially developing countries will depend upon the follow- ing factors: (1 ) the availability of steel strip and slab zinc (spelter) from nearby mills, or the presence of a sufficiently large domestic market, in the ab- sence of a local supply of steel and zinc, sufficient- ly large to overcome the expense of imported ma- terials; and (2) the availability of accessories such as galvanized couplings, nipples, elbows, unions, plugs, tees, guards, reducers, and bushings. Asso- ciation with a facility producing the fittings would be advantageous for the pipe manufacturer. The report describes a plant manufacturing pipe threaded on both ends and not equipped with ac- cessories. The pipe may be supplied unthreaded or it may be equipped with couplings or thread guards at an additional cost. The report was pre- pared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic fac- tors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 801/8 PC A05/MF A01 Mayer (Frank) Engineering Co., Los Angeles, CA. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bottled Oxygen and Acetylene Mar 62, 87p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Chemical industry, 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Oxygen, 'Acetylene, Require- ments, Production management, Production meth- ods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Proc- ess charting, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report outlines the basic processes, plant re- quirements and economic factors involved to es- tablish a small plant in a foreign country for the production of oxygen and acetylene for commer- cial use. The report was prepared to answer over- seas technical inquiries on factory operation, man- agement, and engineering. It includes brief infor- mation and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information rel- ative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will re- quire expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 802/6 PC A03/MF A01 Office of Technical Services, Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stand- ard Sport Stockings Mar 62, 34p Prepared in cooperation with Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Communi- cations Resources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Socks, Cotton spun yarns, Requirements, Pro- duction management, Production methods, Pro- duction capacity, Operating costs, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Finan- cial management, Industrial management, Produc- tion planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Knitting, Textile processes. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing and operating a small plant in a foreign country for the manufacture of men's stockings to be used by baseball and soccer play- ers. Boy scouts sometimes wear these stockings. All stockings of this type are made by the knitting process. The report was prepared to answer over- seas technical inquiries on factory operation, man- agement, and engineering. It includes brief infor- mation and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information rel- ative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will re- quire expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 803/4 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Leather Tannery May 59, 45p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Leather, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operat- ing costs, Hides, Tanning materials, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Finan- cial management, Industrial management, Produc- tion planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Tan- neries. Most tanneries in the United States perform two functions, namely, processing the hide to pelts and tanning the pelts to the finished product, leather. Tanning of leather can be accomplished by any of the six well-known processes: vegetable, alum, chrome, oil, formaldehyde, and sulphur. The two most widely used today are the vegetable and the chrome. Due to the relatively large demand for upper shoe leather, this manual will be developed on processing hides from their raw state to finished upper leather by using the two-bath chrome tan- ning process. The most desirable upper leather is secured from light cattle hides which weigh ap- proximately 54 pounds each. These hides are pur- chased by the pound, the average cost being $0.13 per pound; the finished leather product is sold on the square footage basis at approximately $0.35 per square foot, or $0,298 per pound. The tannery herein proposed will be capable of proc- essing 16,000 pounds of raw hides to yield 13,500 square feet of finished upper leather per eight-hour day, utilizing about 56 workers, and would be of minimum economic size. Annual cost of hides, 4,000,000 pounds, at $0.13 per pound = $520,000. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief in- formation and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information rel- ative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will re- quire expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 812/5 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Con- crete Posts Oct 62, 38p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Concrete structures, 'Fences, Concrete prod- ucts, Columns(Supports), Requirements, Produc- tion management, Production methods, Produc- tion capacity, Operating costs, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Finan- cial management, Industrial management, Produc- tion planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a manufacturing plant, in a foreign country, to produce concrete fence posts. 181 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS In addition to fence posts, the equipment listed in the report will produce posts of all kinds and shapes up to 1 6 inches by 1 6 inches in diameter as well as such products as window sills, door sills, coping, cornice, lintels, decorative blocks, screen blocks, lamp posts, fancy wall blocks, and porch columns. For the purpose of the report only con- crete fence posts are considered. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineer- ing. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic fac- tors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 816/6 PC A03/MF A01 Appropriate Technology Group, Oskaloosa, KS. Wind Driven Water Pumps. Economics, Tech- nology, Current Activities Steve Blake. cDec 78, 29p* Prepared for International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Windmills, Pumping, Water, Cost analysis, Well pumps, Technology. Identifiers: Developing country application, Savon- ius rotors. The illustrated handbook discusses the economics and the characteristics typical of the aermotor windmill and the indigenous windmill. Since the use of windmills can have worldwide impact upon the development and upgrading of water supplies, an emphasis is placed upon the importance of sup- plying this technical information to the developing countries of the world. PB-292 821/6 PC A03/MF A01 Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, IL. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Refrig- erated Walk-In Coolers Sep 57, 26 Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Coolers, Refrigerators, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production ca- pacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The subject of the report is the manufacture or fab- rication of commercial or walk-in coolers. It is in- tended to present the data in a form that a poten- tial plant operator would find useful to consider before entering the business of making walk-in coolers. Before undertaking the manufacture of walk-in coolers, the prospective investor is advised to have a complete administrative, operating and financial analysis made by a reputable firm of man- agement engineers. The report is one of a series of reports resulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory establishments, operation, manage- ment, and engineering. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. PB-292 822/4 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Dehy- drated Molasses Sep 61, 33p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Molasses, Requirements, Production manage- ment, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a by-product plant to pro- duce dehydrated molasses from blackstrap molas- ses. Blackstrap molasses is a by-product of the sugar refining industry. The molasses has a high food value and can be used advantageously as a diet supplement in animal feeding. The equipment should be installed by a sugar refining company at its refinery in order to eliminate freight and storage costs of the blackstrap molasses which would occur if the plant were located elsewhere. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engi- neering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 823/2 PC A03/MF A01 Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, IL. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Manga- nese May 57, 37p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Manganese, Requirements, Production manage- ment, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Metalliferous minerals, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Fi- nancial management, Industrial management, Pro- duction planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report is concerned primarily with the process- ing of the mineral-bearing ore into material for use as a reagent in steel making (its principal use) and as an ingredient in special alloy steels, with limited mention of its secondary use in the chemical in- dustry and battery manufacturing. These, in reality, are the three principal uses. The report presents the electrolytic process as one of the acceptable types of processes designed to give satisfactory production with reasonable assurance of a suc- cessful operation. The report is one of a series of reports resulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineer- ing. The report is designed to provide only a gener- al picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will re- quire expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 824/0 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Gray Iron Jobbing Foundry May 59, 40p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Gray iron, 'Found- ries, Cast iron, Requirements, Molding techniques, Pattern making, Operating costs, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Industrial man- agement, Financial management, Production plan- ning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. Because of the variety of metals used and the limitless number of items that are cast, it is difficult, if not impossible, to make generalized statements regarding cost of production and equipment re- quirements that are comprehensively accurate. Because iron castings are most widely used, the discussion concerns itself with what is known as gray iron castings. A further complication arises in that foundries are of two general types-production and jobbing. Production foundries may be depart- ments of large establishments engaged in the mass production of items, of which the casting is only one step in the entire process of manufacture and assembly; or they may be independent found- ries making many identical castings where work is repetitive and the foundry process is highly mecha- nized in order to secure minimum costs. Not only is much of the work done on machines, but the han- dling of materials is almost completely conveyor- ized. The job foundry, on the other hand, stands ready to produce for any customer who comes along, provided the foundry has facilities suitable to make the castings required. The report was pre- pared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic fac- tors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 825/7 PC A02/MF A01 Office of Technical Services, Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Metal Spinning Products Apr 56, 11p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Metal shapes, 'Spinning(Extruding), Metal ex- truding, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operat- ing costs, Bronzes, Steels, Aluminum, Copper, Ma- terials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machin- ery, Tools, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Metal working. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report outlines the type of plant required for the manufacture of metal shapes formed by means of spinning and its advantages. Metal spin- ning is a skillful art of folding a flat piece of pliable thin sheet metal over the contours of a pattern. Folding is done by applying a specific spinning tool either by hand or by mechanical means to the fast- rotating sheet metal. The metal may be ferrous or non-ferrous. The tool can be simple or complicat- ed, depending on the shape of the chuck. Present- day spinning techniques permit many ways of fash- ioning sheet metal shapes, and is favored by metal working shops in many cases. The report was pre- pared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establish- ing and operating a factory of this type. Plans for actual installations will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 826/5 PC A03/MF A01 Vitro Engineering Co., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Block Ice Mar 62, 31 p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Ice, Requirements, Production management, Pro- duction methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Financial management, Industrial manage- ment, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a manufacturing plant in a foreign country to produce block ice. All informa- tion and figures contained are based on the pro- duction of clear, pure ice in block form. Water is 182 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS the only raw material used in the manufacturing process. The report is based on the production of ice made with water obtained from an approved municipal supply system. Prior to manufacture, the water must be subjected to a softening process to remove dissolved mineral compounds such as cal- cium, magnesium, and iron. If the water is obtained from natural sources such as wells, rivers, or lakes, it must be treated to remove impurities of a bacte- rial nature in addition to the softening process. The plant is designed to produce 1 tons of ice per day or 3,650 tons per year in 300 pound blocks. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engi- neering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 827/3 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Communications Resources Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Abra- sive Wheels May 59, 36p Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, •Grinding wheels, Tools, Abrasives, Aluminum oxide, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operat- ing costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Indus- trial management, Production planning, Cost esti- mates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report describes a plant to manufacture a gen- eral purpose wheel. The resinoid type of bond is used because of the comparatively simple process in manufacture. The type of abrasive is aluminum oxide~a common type. The equipment described can produce plain disk wheels ranging from 2 inches diameter x 1 /4 inches thick to 8 inches di- ameter x 1 inch thick. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory op- eration, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, ma- chinery, equipment and supplies, as well as infor- mation relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be consid- ered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 828/1 PC A03/MF A01 Vitro Engineering Co., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stain- less Steel Utensils Mar 62, 36p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Stainless steels, Requirements, Production man- agement, Production methods, Production capac- ity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equip- ment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial manage- ment, Industrial management, Production plan- ning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Uten- sils. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a small factory to manufac- ture stainless steel utensils in a foreign country. Stainless steel, a corrosion and heat resistant alloy, is very suitable for the fabrication of utensils to be used in restaurants, hospitals, military institu- tions, industries, or homes. Small utensils of this type, up to 5 inches in diameter, are usually pressed or drawn on a light hydraulic press; while those over 6 inches in diameter are spun on a lathe. They may be produced in a variety of types and sizes such as shallow or deep bowls, cups, pans, and pots; and narrow or wide-necked jugs or cylinders, it is suggested that only simple shapes be processed at first to suit the local needs. Later, the types of items can be widely diversified, and the production rate increased to comply with an expanding domestic market. The plant proposed herein is about the minimum feasible size. It will require a modest capital investment in machinery and tools, and a small labor force of skilled metal workers. The report was prepared to answer over- seas technical inquiries on factory operation, man- agement, and engineering. It includes brief infor- mation and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information rel- ative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will re- quire expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 829/9 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Coarse Wrapping Paper May 59, 36p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Kraft paper, Paper mills, Requirements, Produc- tion management, Production methods, Produc- tion capacity, Operating costs, Wood pulp, Materi- als estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor esti- mates, Papermaking. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the manual is to present basic in- formation for establishing and operating a small coarse wrapping paper mill in a foreign country. The plant is designed to produce one-ton of coarse wrapping paper per hour. The plant may be operated as many hours per day as desired, since no difficulties are presented in closing down and starting up the operations. Only about 1 5 minutes preparation is required to start production and only about five minutes preparation is required to stop production. Based on current practice, in the United States, this is a small plant. The recom- mended equipment and production methods are modern and have proven profitable when operated under conditions comparable to those assumed. The report was prepared to answer overseas tech- nical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to en- gineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 830/7 PC A03/MF A01 Vitro Engineering Co., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Copper Tubing Mar 62, 34p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Copper, 'Metal tubing, Extrusions, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Copper, Ingots, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Financial management, Industrial manage- ment, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Extruders, Presses, Metallurgical fur- naces. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation relative to the establishment of a small copper tubing plant in a foreign country. This plant is designed to produce seamless, thin-walled, flexi- ble, copper tubing by the extrusion method only. This tubing is generally used with solder type fit- tings, requiring no threads, and comes in two types: K (heavy duty), and L (light duty), the only difference being the wall thickness. The report is based on the manufacture of type K only, which is suitable for general plumbing and heating pur- poses, underground usage, and for gas, steam, and oil lines. This plant, which is about the mini- mum feasible size, will require a substantial capital investment; however, it can be operated by a rela- tively small number of skilled workers. Profitable operation in industrially developing countries will depend upon two main factors: (1) the availability of locally mined and refined copper to provide low cost ingots thus enabling the plant to export its products; and (2) the presence of a sufficiently large domestic market, in the absence of domestic copper, to overcome the expense of imported ingots. Association of this tubing plant with a copper wire drawing facility would result in consid- erable savings and increased profits since the tubing extruder could produce the 5/16 inch copper rod required by the wire plant. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquir- ies on factory operation, management, and engi- neering. It includes brief information and cost esti- mates on labor, machinery, equipment and sup- plies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and eco- nomic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert engineering and fi- nancial advice in order to meet specific local con- ditions. PB-292 831/5 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Chrome Tanned Leather Sep61,40p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Leather, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operat- ing costs, Hides, Tanning materials, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Finan- cial management, Industrial management, Produc- tion planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Tan- neries. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a small leather tanning plant in a foreign country. The product produced in this plant is a good grade of chrome tanned leath- er, the annual capacity being 1 85,000 square feet. The report was prepared to answer overseas tech- nical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to en- gineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 854/7 PC A16/MF A01 Hosken (Franziska P.), Lexington, MA. International Directory of Women's Develop- ment Organizations Franziska P. Hosken. 1977, 362p* Contract AID/ta-C-1 176 Descriptors: 'Organizations, 'Females, 'Directo- ries, Professional personnel, Personnel develop- ment, Social organizations, Communicating, For- eign countries, United States. Identifiers: Developing country application. 183 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Women's organizations represent a huge resource and an enormous quantity of talent which all too often are only partially used by society. The pur- pose of this Directory is to provide the basic con- tacts for communication among women's organi- zations, resource groups, and the international de- velopment community. It is a useful compilation of women's professional, business, and social groups worldwide. This Directory will serve as a useful reference tool for all those desiring to expand their contacts and perspectives for involv- ing more women in the development process. PB-292 856/2 PC A12/MF A01 ACTION /Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Teaching Conservation in Developing Nations Judith Brace, Ralph R. White, and Stephen C. Bass. 1977, 262p Sponsored in part by National Audubon Society, New York, and Agency for International Develop- ment, Washington, DC. Report on Appropriate Technologies for Development Series, Number Seven. Descriptors: 'Conservation, * Natural resources, * Education, 'Developing countries, Instructional materials, Manuals, Project planning, Buildings, Concepts, Soil conservation, Ecology, Landscap- ing, Erosion, Food chains, Animals, Plants(Botany), Training devices, Visual aids. Identifiers: Developing country application. The goal of conservation education is to lead the public through a series of steps about nature, land, and natural resources which include: awareness, understanding, respect, responsibility, and action. This manual provides ideas, activities, and re- sources for incorporating conservation education into day-to-day community activities. It is struc- tured around a local center which can be used to present an on-going conservation education pro- gram by means of pictures and posters, exhibits and collections, films and discussions. PB-292 857/0 PCA11/MFA01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Reforestation in Arid Lands Program and training journal manual series Fred R. Weber, Frederick J. Holman, and Virginia C. Palmer. c1977, 244p Rept no. MANUAL SER- 5 Report on Appropriate Technologies for Develop- ment Series, Number Three. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Also pub. as VITA Publications manual series no. 37E. Descriptors: 'Reforestation, 'West Africa, 'Devel- oping countries, Arid land, Manuals, Conservation, Planting, Soil properties, Water supply, Planning, Site surveys, Plant reproduction, Seeds, Cultiva- tion, Forest trees, Identifying, Forest fires, Fire pre- vention, Climate, Financing. Identifiers: Developing country application. Reforestation efforts are begun for the important reasons of conserving and protecting, and to in- crease production of forestry resources. Refores- tation projects have been of great importance over the past few years in Africa. This manual is an at- tempt to present some current examples of forest- ry programs in West Africa. It is based upon the collective experiences of foresters and of local farmers and herders. Many of the problems of re- forestation of dry areas are the same worldwide. Presented in the manual are methods and plan- ning guides which can be of great benefit in the arid areas of the world. PB-292 860/4 PC A04/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Farm Hand Tools May 59, 51 p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Tools, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operat- ing costs, Forging, Materials estimates, Equip- ment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial manage- ment, Industrial management, Production plan- ning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Power equipment, Hammers, Rakes, Forks. Identifiers: Developing country application. The manual covers tools for the farm that are used through the application of human effort. It does not encompass farm implements that are operated through animal or mechanical energy. The primary process used in the production of these farm hand tools in the plant discussed is forging. Because the volume of production covered by this manual will not be sufficient to justify costly drop forging equip- ment and its accompanying expensive dies, the process of hammer forging by power hammers is proposed. This process is essentially the art of blacksmithing. In addition some of the skill re- quired by the blacksmith to form properly the arti- cle he is forging is transferred to the dies used in the power hammers. These dies have simple con- tours in them that tend to produce the desired shape automatically. Nevertheless, a fairly high degree of skill is required on the part of the ham- merman who operates a power hammer. In addi- tion to power hammers, a mechanical forging press is also required to obtain uniformity in the shape of certain tools and to produce shapes that would otherwise be very difficult to obtain. The other operations and pieces of equipment needed in the proposed plant are also discussed. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engi- neering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 861/2 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sheet Glass May 59, 35p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Sheet glass, Requirements, Production manage- ment, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The small glass plant described in the report is in- tended to manufacture sheet glass in a foreign country. It is considered to be the smallest size modern sheet glass plant that can be economically operated. The plant is designed to use the Four- cault process for the production of window glass. The report was prepared to answer overseas tech- nical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to en- gineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 863/8 PC A03/MF A01 Economic Research Service, Washington, DC. De- velopment and Trade Analysis Div. How the United States Improved Its Agricul- ture Raymond P. Christensen, William E. Hendrix, and Robert D. Stevens. Mar 64, 39p Rept no. ERS/ FOREIGN-76 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Agricultural economics, 'United States, Production, Investments, Natural re- sources, Education, Management, Output, Em- ployment, Capital, Manpower, Income. Identifiers: Developing country application. This publication is a concise but comprehensive study listing numerous interrelated factors which have contributed to the large output and high pro- ductivity of American agriculture. They include: (1) A large supply of land and water resources; (2) large investments for education that improve human skills and managerial abilities; (3) develop- ment and diffusion of new knowledge about agri- cultural technology; (4) complementary industrial development that supplies capital inputs for agri- culture and nonfarm employment opportunities for people not needed in agriculture; (5) a structural organization of farm production and marketing that provides powerful economic incentives for farmers and marketing firms to increase output and pro- ductivity; and (6) public and private institutional services that (a) help conserve and improve natu- ral resources, (b) increase the fund of knowledge about improved agricultural technology, '"■) en- courage capital formation and investments in agri- culture, and (d) assure farm people that they will share in the economic benefits of increased pro- duction. PB-292 864/6 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sulfu- ric Acid Oct 61, 31 p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Chemical industry, 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Sulfuric acid, Requirements, Pro- duction management, Production methods, Pro- duction capacity, Operating costs, Process chart- ing, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial man- agement, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a plant in a foreign country to produce sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is one of the most important materials upon which our industrial society depends. The following is a partial list of the industries which are its consumers: agriculture, chemical, petroleum, coal products, iron and steel, paints and pigments, rayon and cellulose film. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engi- neering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 865/3 PC A04/MF A01 Maynard (H. B.) and Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. Methods Engineering Council Div. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Laun- dry and Milled Toilet Soap May 57, 71 p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Soaps, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operat- ing costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Indus- trial management, Production planning, Cost esti- mates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report outlines the type of plant required for the manufacture of laundry and milled toilet soap. Two plans are specified one with a capacity of 184 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS three tons per day, and the other with a capacity of three tons per week. The report is one of a series of reports resulting from overseas technical inquir- ies on factory operation, management, and engi- neering. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be consid- ered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 869/5 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Steel Melting Plant Sep 57, 33p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, *Steel plants, 'Melting furnaces, 'Manufacturing, * Ingots, Re- quirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Metal scrap, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Industrial management, Production plan- ning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Cast products(For reworking). identifiers: Developing country application, Steel 1010, Steel 1020. The small steel melting plant described in the report is intended to manufacture ingots or billets from scrap metal where the demand for such prod- ucts exists and where such a local operation would be practicable. The product of this plant is intend- ed for use in a small steel rolling mill to produce concrete reinforcing bars and merchant shapes. Either ingots or billets can be produced in the plant. However, for the purpose of simplification, only ingots are discussed in the report. The report is one of a series of reports resulting from over- seas technical inquiries on factory operation, man- agement, and engineering. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert engineering and fi- nancial advice in order to meet specific local con- ditions. PB-292 871/1 PC A04/MF A01 Ghana Academy of Sciences, Accra. Better Vegetables, Ghana Handbook Daniel A. Sekyere, and Sandy J. McCorvey. Jul 67, 54p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. and Agency for Inter- national Development, Accra (Ghana). Descriptors: 'Tropical regions, 'Vegetable plants, 'Horticulture, 'Ghana, 'Developing countries, Cul- tivation, Hand tools, Soil properties, Water supply, Planting, Mulches, Sterilization, Protection, Seeds, Fertilizers, Plant diseases, Pest control, Manuals, Africa. Identifiers: Developing country application. This bulletin is to stimulate interest in increased vegetable production and to assist prospective gardeners toward growing a quality product for market. Much practical information is given on all facets of vegetable growing: preparing the site, transplanting, the culture of vegetables, specific local vegetables, and soil sterilization. This hand- book is based on the three major climatic zones found in Ghana and other countries on the West Coast of Africa. These zones may be identified as coastal, forest, and savannah. PB-292 872/9 PC A06/MF A01 Environmental Research Inst, of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Applications Div. AID's Remote Sensing Grant Program Final rept. 20 Sep 74-30 Mar 78 Thomas W. Wagner, and Donald S. Lowe. Aug 78, 119pReptno. ERIM-111800-1-F Contract AID/ta-C-1 148 Descriptors: 'Remote sensing, 'Developing coun- tries, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Chile, Lesotho, Paki- stan, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Zaire, Grants, Land use, Agriculture, Mineral deposits, Geology, Snowfall, Drainages, Vegetation, Forest- ry, Image processing, Mapping, Technology trans- fer. Identifiers: LANDSAT satellites, Developing coun- try application. This report describes the administration and re- sults of a three-year small grant program to trans- fer remote sensing technology to ten developing countries. The program included: (1) awarding fi- nancial grants to investigators in developing coun- tries, (2) providing technical assistance to those in- vestigators, and (3) carrying out several special studies at AID's request. The ten countries that had grant projects selected on the basis of com- petitive proposals were Bangladesh, Bolivia, Chile, Lesotho, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Zaire. PB-292 874/5 PC A03/MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Office of Industrial Resources. Economics Training Technical bulletin. Oct 56, 34p Rept no. TB-22 Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Specialized training, Manuals, Objectives, Economic conditions, Prices, Supply(Economics), Demand(Economics), Sala- ries, Productivity, Value, Economic factors, Cost analysis, Government, Instructional materials, Education. Identifiers: 'Training, Money systems, Expendi- tures, Developing country application. The document describes an economic training program for employees which contains basic ele- ments of economics in four sessions: (1) The system in which we live; (2) The cost of govern- ment; (3) Money and prices; and (4) Wages and productivity. PB-292 878/6 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Two- Burner Gas Plates May 59, 31 p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Gas appliances, 'Stoves, Requirements, Produc- tion management, Production methods, Produc- tion capacity, Operating costs, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Finan- cial management, Industrial management, Produc- tion planning. Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application, Gas plates. The report outlines the type of plant required for the manufacture of two-burner gas plates. These units fortunately require relatively inexpensive equipment so that the total capital required is quite modest. The report was prepared to answer over- seas technical inquiries on factory operation, man- agement, and engineering. It includes brief infor- mation and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information rel- ative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will re- quire expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 879/4 PC A03/MF A01 National Project in Agricultural Communications, East Lansing, Ml. Campaigns in Agricultural Extension Pro- grams, Number 3 John W. Spaven. 1960, 26p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Office of Food and Agriculture. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Education, Project planning, Personnel development, Objectives, Scheduling, Information services, Evaluation, Meetings, Methodology, Farm management, In- structional materials. Identifiers: 'Agricultural extension services, Infor- mation dissemination, Training techniques, Devel- oping country application. The booklet is designed to help those who use campaigns in their educational and advisory pro- grams. It lists the five steps in a campaign and the who, why, when, and how many of an educational campaign. This is one of a series of booklets de- signed to answer questions about agricultural communications. PB-292 881/0 PC A03/MF A01 Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, PA. General Operating Rules for Power Boilers R. G. Wickat. 23 Mar 50, 32p ICA-TB-17 Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Office of Industri- al Resources. Descriptors: 'Boilers, 'Instructions, Manuals. Identifiers: Developing country application. The manual is one of a series of training manuals. The suggested Rules 'Case of Power Boilers' pro- mulgated by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Boiler Manufacturers As- sociation, and various Political Sub-Division Au- thorities have been used as a guide in the prepara- tion of these General Rules. PB-292 887/7 PC A04/MF A01 Loughborough Univ. of Technology (England). WEDC Group. Indexed Bibliography of Publications on Water and Waste Engineering for Developing Coun- tries John Pickford. Jun 77, 56p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Water supply, 'Sewage disposal, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Developing countries, 'Bibliographies, Ground water, Irrigation, Hydrol- ogy, Lagoons(Ponds), Water treatment, Rural areas, Water consumption, Tropical regions, In- dustrial wastes, Sewage treatment, Cost analysis, Pumping, Septic tanks. Identifiers: Developing country application, Land application, Sewage irrigation. This bibliography is primarily intended for those working in developing countries or preparing pro- jects for developing countries. The term 'water en- gineering' includes water resources and hydrology with an emphasis on community water supply. 'Waste engineering' includes solid waste as well as wastewater. Included are some references to irrigation and environmental aspects of hydro-elec- tric schemes. There are also a few entries dealing with environmental control such as air pollution and ventilation of buildings. PB-292 898/4 PC A05/MF A01 Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Clearinghouse on Development Commu- nication. A Sourcebook on Radio's Role in Development Peter Spain, Judith Yarborough, and Emily Raskin. 1976, 91 p Rept no. IB-7 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Radio communication, 'Bibliogra- phies, Research, Research projects, Management planning, Strategy, Technology innovation. Identifiers: Developing country application. A worldwide renaissance of interest in radio is un- derway. In this document the attempt has been made to supply as much information as possible on information sources. There are six hundred en- tries, the majority of which have been annotated, and some have been abstracted. The booklet is divided into three areas which include the type of document, issues, and strategies. PB-292 899/2 PC A02/MF A01 Sears, Roebuck and Co., Philadelphia, PA. 185 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Como Instalar un Sistema Domestico de Eli- minacion de Aguas Negras. (How to Install Homart Domestic Sewage System - How to do it Yourself for Better Living) 1965, 15p Descriptors: "Sewage disposal, *Septic tanks, 'Developing countries, Manuals, Diagrams, Con- struction materials, Installing, Pipes(Tubes), Pipe fittings, Climate, Planning, Site surveys, Area, Fluid infiltration. Identifiers: Developing country application. A complete, step by step set of instructions, plans, diagrams and bill of materials needed for the in- stallation of the Homart Domestic Sewage System are discussed. Some of the topics discussed in the report are: Climate and location considerations; line elevation; dry well construction; guides to de- termine adequate area for waste absorption; and pipe fittings. PB-292 904/0 PC A04/MF A01 Academy for Educational Development, Washing- ton, DC. Clearinghouse on Development Commu- nication. Tele-Niger: Adapting an Electronic Medium to a Rural African Context Theresa Silverman. Oct 76, 53p Rept no. IB-8 Descriptors: "Television systems, 'Education, 'Rural areas, 'Niger, Telecommunication, Govern- ment policies, Sociology, Technology assessment, Learning, Evaluation, Mass media, Problem solv- ing, Developing countries. Identifiers: 'Educational television, Developing country application, Instructional aids, Curriculum, Political socialization. The report should have some relevance to current rural development projects applying a range of media to a range of problems. Some important les- sons have been learned from Tele-Niger and are discussed in the report. They include a model for evaluation, positive results, and limitations. PB-292 908-SET PC E11 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Small Farm Grain Storage Sep 76, 547p-in 3v No abstract available. PB-292 909/9 PC A10/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume I. Preparing Grain for Storage Program and training journal manual series Carl Lindblad, and Laurel Druben. Sep 76, 209p Rept no. MANUAL SER-2-VOL-1 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Also pub. as VITA Publications manual series no. 35E. Also available in set of 3 reports PC E1 1, PB-292 908-SET. Descriptors: 'Grains(Food), 'Farm storage, Devel- oping countries, Manuals, Drying, Moisture con- tent, Temperature, Insects, Rodents, Fungi, Clean- ing, Design, Construction, Harvesting, Heating. Identifiers: Developing country application, Grana- ries, Appropriate technology. This brochure discusses grain storage problems as they are faced by small-scale farmers. It con- tains explanations of the structure of grain, the re- lationship between grain and moisture, the need for proper drying. One large section contains de- tailed, fully illustrated plans for constructing a vari- ety of small-scale grain dryers. PB-292 910/7 PC A09/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume II. Enemies of Stored Grain Program and training journal manual series Can Lindblad, and Laurel Druben. Sep 76, 180p Rept no. MANUAL SER-2-VOL-2 Also pub. as VITA Publications manual series no. 35E. Also available in set of 3 reports PC E11, PB-292 908. Descriptors: 'Pest control, 'Grains(Food), 'Farm storage, Developing countries, Manuals, Insects, Rodents, Life cycles, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Malathion, Poisons, Traps, Insecticides, Dosage, Safety. Identifiers: Developing country application, Appro- priate technology. This is an in-depth study of two major enemies: in- sects and rodents. Each is discussed in detail with guidelines for (1) defining the size of the problem and (2) protecting grain by both chemical and non- chemical means. This volume includes dose and use information for a variety of pesticides, as well as suggestions for preparing materials to be used in audio-visual presentations. PB-292 911/5 PC A08/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume III. Storage Methods Program and training journal manual series Carl Lindblad, and Laurel Druben. Sep 76, 158p Rept no. MANUAL SER-2-VOL-3 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Also available in set of 3 reports PC E1 1, PB-292 908-SET. Descriptors: 'Grains(Food), 'Farm storage, Devel- oping countries, Manuals, Baskets, Bins, Silos, Un- derground structures, Construction, Construction materials, Insecticides, Maintenance, Cleaning, Containers. Identifiers: Developing country application, Grana- ries, Appropriate technology. This brochure contains a survey of storage facili- ties from the most traditional basket-type granary to metal bins and cement silos. The emphasis in this volume is on improving existing facilities; for example, there are detailed construction proce- dures for an improved mud silo. Storage in under- ground pits and sacks also is discussed. There are guidelines for using insecticides in storage situa- tions. The largest silo presented in detail is the 4.5 ton cement stave silo. PB-292 913/1 PC A02/MF A01 Asian Inst, of Tech., Bangkok (Thailand). Solar Rice /Dryer Robert H. B. Exell, and Sommai Kornsakoo. Oct 78, 9p Sponsored in part by John F. Kennedy Foundation of Thailand, Bangkok. Descriptors: 'Solar heating, 'Rice, 'Drying appa- ratus, Solar energy, Descriptions, Technology in- novation, Instructions, Photographs, Agricultural machinery, Crop driers. Identifiers: 'Solar rice dryers, Developing country application. The paper briefly describes a low-cost solar heated rice dryer which is protected from the rain and can dry paddy in one or two days. Photo- graphs and illustrations are used to help under- stand and implement the directions for construct- ing a solar rice dryer. PB-292 915/6 PC A05/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Office of Agriculture. The Development of Hybrid Corn Technology in the United States and Selected Countries Technical series bulletin G. F. Sprague. Mar 75, 91 p Rept no. TSB-16 Descriptors: 'Hybridization, 'Corn plants, 'Plant genetics, History, Yield, Selection, Corn oil, Pro- teins, Insects, Vulnerability, Plant diseases, Mar- keting, Economic development, Seeds, United States, Europe, Kenya, Colombia, Brazil, South- east Asia, India. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report presents the background and recent developments of the new high-yielding more nutri- tive corn types and explains their significance in food-short countries among malnourished popula- tions. This new high lysine corn out-yields native corn types and has more than double the nutritive value of ordinary corn with protein quality essen- tially equal to that of skim milk. Worldwide develop- ment and acceptance have been relatively rapid. Unlike ordinary corn, these new types are not defi- cient in two essential amino acids-lysine and tryto- phan. PB-292 919/8 PC A03/ M F A0 1 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Hooked Rugs Oct 61, 30p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Carpets, Requirements, Production manage- ment, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a Hooked Rug plant in a foreign country. This industry is peculiarly adapted to locations where wage rates are low since only $260 for machinery and equipment is required and only sixteen workers, direct and indirect, are used. It can be operated as a domestic, home, handicraft employing only the members of a family or as a small industry as shown in the report. The annual capacity of this plant is 1 ,200 rugs, 36 inches by 56 inches or 14 square feet in size. The annual sales value would remain about the same regardless of the size of the rugs, since smaller rugs would sell for proportionately more per square foot and larger rugs would sell for proportionately less per square foot. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, manage- ment, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equip- ment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, fi- nancial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 920/6 PC A03/MF A01 Wolt Management Engineering Co., Chicago, IL. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wire Products Sep 57, 43p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Wire, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operat- ing costs, Wire drawing, Materials estimates, Equipment, Machinery, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Staples, Nails(Fasteners), Fences, Barbed wire. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report concerns the cost and economic feasi- bility of establishing a wire products factory. It is one of a series resulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be con- sidered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. The following topics are discussed: Machinery and equipment for producing wire; Estimated cost of machinery and equipment for producing wire; Ma- chinery and equipment for producing fencing wire; Machinery and equipment for producing wire gar- ment hangers; Machinery and equipment for pro- ducing fly screen; Machinery and equipment for producing nails and staples; Economics of a wire mill and fence making operation; and Technical as- sistance 'turn-key' operation. 186 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-292 921/4 PC A04/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Radios Sep 57, 63p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Radio receivers, Requirements, Production man- agement, Production methods, Production capac- ity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equip- ment, Plant layout, Financial management, Indus- trial management, Production planning, Cost esti- mates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The small radio manufacturing plant described in the report is designed to produce radio receiving sets where the demand for this product exists and where such a local operation would be practicable. It has several particular characteristics of special merit in connection with programs for economic development. The most important advantages briefly stated are as follows: Small investment of fixed capital; range of choice as to volume of oper- ation to be undertaken; the rapidity with which the project may be changed; the ease with which oper- ations may be expanded in many different direc- tions; the speed with which unskilled workers can become proficient even though they do not have a technical education; the social and cultural value of the product, which should lead to its wide distri- bution; the ease with which such a product can be maintained; and the high proportion of production cost which goes to employment of local people. The report was prepared to answer overseas tech- nical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to en- gineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is de- signed to provide only a general picture of the fac- tors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 922/2 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Boxes and Shooks Dec 57, 49p Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Boxes(Containers), Wood products, Assembling, Requirements, Production management, Produc- tion methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Indus- trial management, Production planning, Cost esti- mates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The small box and shook plant described in the report is intended to manufacture wooden boxes and shooks where the demand for these products exists and where such a local operation would be practicable. The machinery and equipment recom- mended is adequate to manufacture any design or size of wooden box or shook. A shook is a knocked down box. It includes all the wood pieces to make a box, bundled together complete, ready for as- sembling and nailing. The end pieces in a shook are usually assembled, and nailed, if they consist of more than one piece. Boxes are usually ordered in the form of shooks where they are shipped long distances before being used. Shipment as shooks saves a great deal of shipping space, which, in turn, reduces the cost of freight, and saves ware- house space at the point of use. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineer- ing. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic fac- tors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 923/0 PC A02/MF A01 Wolf Management Engineering Co., Chicago, IL. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Carob Molasses Sep 57, 24p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, Requirements, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Fruits, Materials esti- mates, Equipment, Plant layout, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Mo- lasses, 'Carob. The report outlines a modern plant of modest ca- pacity which would most likely be applicable to the average economic location where carob is grown and harvested on a limited commercial basis. It is assumed that the basic production is carob molas- ses or syrup with sugars or sucrose still remaining in the raw liquid. The processing of gums from the seeds and other products from the residual pulps is not considered and would require specific re- ports, particularly if the refined sugars, gums and residual usable pulp are to be considered end products. The report is based on a daily process- ing capacity of 21 ,875 lbs. of unhulled pods. This would accommodate the average annual yield of 8,750 lbs. per acre from 300 acres, with the mill operating on the basis of 120 days per year, 24 hours per day. The report is one of a series of re- ports resulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will re- quire expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 936/2 PC A03/MF A01 Hesperian Foundation, London (England). Health Care and Human Dignity - A Subjective Look at Community-based Rural Health Pro- §rams in Latin America ep 76, 27p Sponsored in part by National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases, London (England)., and Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Paper presented at Symposium on Appro- priate Technology and Delivery of Health and Wel- fare Services for the Disabled in Developing Coun- tries, Held at Oxford, England on September 26- 30,1976. Descriptors: 'Latin America, Rural areas, Commu- nities. Identifiers: 'Rural health services, 'Health care, Developing country application, Health programs, Health care delivery, Foreign countries, Primary health care, 'Health planning. The paper is an interesting and practical look at health care programs in rural communities. It ex- plores ways in which existing health programs help either to cripple communities or to make them whole. Steps are briefly explored which are being taken or could be taken to implement a regional or national approach to rural health care that is com- munity supportive. PB-292 937/0 PC A18/MF A01 Ministerio de Planificacion y Politica Economica, Panama City (Panama). Dept. de Politica Cientifica y Tecnologica. Estudios Sobre Politica Cientifica y Tecnolo- gica de Panama (Studies on the Scientific and Technological Policy in Panama) Oct 77, 407p Descriptors: 'Technology transfer, 'Industries, 'Panama, Research, Inventions, Patents, Capital, Investments, Developing countries, Food industry, Problem solving, Law(Jurisprudence), Internation- al relations, Government policies. Identifiers: 'Industrial technology, Research and development, Trademark registration, Trade- marks, Information needs, Scientific research, De- veloping country application. In broad terms, all papers deal with technology transfer in terms of industrial property, inventions, patents, technical know-how, scientific and tech- nological needs analyses, the R&D system, and science policy in Panama. Possible problem areas are identified which may result from laws (on patent infringements, novelty of industrial designs and models, commercial trademarks) which a de- veloping country must promulgate to allow free access to, and technology transfer of, scientific and technical information. Rights of third parties are discussed in relation to trademarks which cannot be registered. For example, the well known trademark of a food product should not be used to identify a pesticide. The relationship between mul- tinational capital investment and the foodstuffs in- dustry is outlined. Priority items in the national de- velopment plan are mentioned. A study of general lines of generation, dissemination and integration of science policy in Panama is presented as part of the overall effort toward the identification and solu- tion of problems; this will lead to greater develop- ment of domestic science and technology in var- ious sectors (tourism, agriculture, fishing, and health). PB-292 938/8 PC A04/MF A01 Instituto de Investigacion Tecnologica Industrial y de Normas Tecnicas, Lima (Peru). Efecto del Proceso de Importacion de Tecno- logia en el Peru (Periodo 1971/74) (Effect of the Process of Technology Importation into Peru (1971-1974 period) 1974, 75p Rept no. POLITICA TECNOLOGICA-5 Descriptors: 'Technology transfer, 'Peru, Method- ology, Surveys, Personnel development, Evalua- tion, Statistical data, Patents, Licenses, Cost engi- neering, Profits, International trade, Imports, Con- tracts, Balance of payments. Identifiers: 'Industrial technology, Trademarks, Monopoly, Developing country application. The methodology used to evaluate technology transfer by importation into Peru is outlined. Meth- odological methods included data collection, per- sonnel training, analysis, and evaluation of results. Research centered upon reducing costs to the country receiving the technology, upon preventing excess profits, and upon restrictive clauses (listed in the document annex). Statistics are presented on the specific nature of the technology to be transferred, by industry, by country of origin, and by the effect on the domestic industry. Concrete costs in relation to their effect on balance of pay- ments and on monetary benefits to Peru are out- lined; stronger monetary controls are recommend- ed. A legal analysis of restrictions on technology transfer of 404 existing technology contracts is provided. It is noted that these contracts are the legal instruments by which monopolies are engen- dered and proliferate. In this connection, it is sig- nificant that only 10% of the patents registered in Peru are of national origin. This factor, together with the increasing trademark licensing, accounts for growing technological dependence. Based on this study Peru followed Decision 24 of the Andean Group, which deals with patents and trademarks. Statistics discriminate number of contracts and re- strictive clauses by geographical world regions. Al- though indigenous industries (iron, copper mining, fishing) have been developing, it is noted, in the struggle to consolidate and win new markets, ad- vanced technology is required to decrease costs. PB-292 943/8 PC A04/MF A01 Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, PA. Power Plant Training Course - Steam Accesso- ries Technical bulletin. Mar 61, 54p ICA-TB-16 Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Office of Industri- al Resources. Descriptors: 'Education, 'Control equipment, 'Boilers, Instrumentation, Steam traps, Separa- tors, Flow regulators, Accessories. Identifiers: Developing country application. 187 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS This presentation on Steam Accessories was de- veloped to help train employees to understand facts of importance about accessories. To avoid confusion, no attempt has been made to cover all the accessories of all manufacturers. The informa- tion given here does include A.S.M.E. types — a knowledge of which will help anyone understand accessories of the same types. PB-292 944/6 PC A02/MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Office of Industrial Resources. Problems in Business Management: Manage- ment Training Technical bulletin. Jun 62, 22p Rept no. TB-30 Descriptors: 'Management training, "Personnel management, Organization theory, Meetings, Job analysis, Industrial relations, Human factors engi- neering, Production control, Cost effectiveness, Leadership, Supervision, Executive ability, Com- municating, Instructional materials. Identifiers: 'Responsibility, Administrative prob- lems, Developing country application. Good results can often be obtained with a mini- mum of expense, providing that each head of a de- partment plays his part. The results can be meas- ured as follows: In terms of decrease in the prob- lems which the head of the department encounters which, in turn, gives him: - More time for planning improvements, less disorder, less confusion, fewer accidents, better morale. In terms of economy, some direct results are: less time to train new em- ployees, fewer broken tools, less defective work, increased production. PB-292 945/3 PC A03/MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Office of Industrial Resources. Problems in Business Management - Market Development Technical bulletin. 1962, 44p Rept no. TB-34 Descriptors: 'Marketing, 'Economic factors, Edu- cation, Management training, Planning, Production control, Finance, Sales, Market research, Industri- al relations, Organization theory, Public relations, Records management, Instructional materials. Identifiers: 'Business education, Administrative personnel, Developing country application. Planning and control of production as well as of costs depend to a large extent upon anticipated sales. The brochure discusses marketing in all its various aspects. Selling is imperative to any busi- ness, and for this reason it takes into consideration the psychological aspect in order to know the atti- tude required by business management. The three essential functions of any management which are basic for its business are: To finance, to produce, and to sell. Only through sales can a business progress; therefore, can a management ignore the world around it and produce only for the pleasure of it. PB-292 946/1 PC A03/MF A01 Johnson and Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ. Conference Leadership Training Training manual Oct 56, 49p AID/TM-21 Descriptors: 'Management training, 'Leadership, 'Meetings, Supervision, Personnel management, Industrial training, Supervisors, Industrial relations, Group dynamics, Planning, Educational sociology, Social communication. Identifiers: 'Training techniques, 'Conferences, Supervisory training, Discussion groups, Develop- ing country application. The manual includes steps in leading a confer- ence, techniques for controlling and guiding a con- ference, techniques of the approach, practice con- ferences, types of conferences, preparing and planning the conference, responsibilities of confer- ees and summary of conference leadership tech- niques. PB-292 950/3 PC A05/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Communications Resources Div. Programme de Vivres pour la Paix: L' Alimenta- tion des Populations (Food for Peace Around the World) 1963, 97p Descriptors: 'Food dispensing, Food services, Food preparation, Kitchen equipment and sup- plies, Schoo'r., Communities, Developing coun- tries. Identifiers: Villages, Developing country applica- tion, School lunch program. The publication suggests ways of setting up or im- proving simple and inexpensive feeding centers, ways of using local food, and ways of preparing and serving the food. The material may be helpful to all who are working to improve health and well- being through community feeding centers and school lunch programs. PB-292 953/7 PC A04/MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Office of Industrial Resources. Economics Training - Charts Technical bulletin. Apr 61, 70p Rept no. TB-40 Descriptors: 'Economics, 'Education, 'Visual aids, Charts, Photographs, Training devices, Prices, Supply(Economics), Demand(Economics), Competition, Salaries, Productivity, Government, Cost analysis, Economic conditions. Identifiers: 'Training, Money systems, Expendi- tures, Developing country application. The pamphlet contains charts and visual aids nor- mally used in connection with the economic train- ing program in Technical Bulletin No. 22 entitled 'Economics Training'. PB-292 955/2 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Phosphate Processing Plant May 59, 39p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Chemical industry, 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Inorganic phosphates, Require- ments, Production management, Production meth- ods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Fertiliz- ers, Calcium phosphates, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Proc- ess charting. Identifiers: Developing country application. Practically all fertilizers used in the United States are prepared on a super-phosphate base. This ma- terial is used alone in large tonnages and almost invariably is the component present in large quanti- ties in mixed fertilizer. Since the manufacture of su- perphosphate consumes much sulphuric acid, the making of this important fertilizer material is often associated with the making of sulphuric acid. In fact, economic considerations are making it neces- sary that the large scale superphosphate maker be also a sulphuric acid manufacturer. Successful manufacture of either sulphuric acid or superphos- phate is today necessarily a large-scale business. The small manufacturer of these commondities usually is at a great economic disadvantage. The capital required for materials handling and skilled supervision for both superintendence and general management place disproportionately great bur- dens on any plant of small output. This manual de- scribes a plant which is of adequate size and also capable of considerably increased output without proportionate capital expenditures. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineer- ing. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic fac- tors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific iocal conditions. PB-292 956/0 PC A02/MF A01 Suburban Research Corp., Gaithersburg, MD. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Alumi- num Architectural Specialties Sep 57, 1 5p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Aluminum, 'Doors, 'Windows, Requirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Metal shapes, Metal sheets, Materials estimates, Equip- ment, Plant layout, Production planning, Cost esti- mates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report presents information on total invest- ment involved, machinery required, and manufac- turing costs for establishing and operating a small plant to produce the following aluminum articles for the construction trade: sliding doors, louver type windows, windows of various types, aluminum frames for picture glass doors, show cases for stores, doors for showers, and gutters and down spouts (also in copper). The report is one of a series of reports resulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be con- sidered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 957/8 PC A03/MF A01 Andrew (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements to set up and Operate Small Steel Rolling Mill Feb 58, 46p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. and Office of Technical Services, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Steel plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Hot rolling, 'Bars, 'Metal shapes, Requirements, Reinforcing steels, Pro- duction management, Production methods, Pro- duction capacity, Operating costs, Billets, Materi- als estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The small steel rolling mill described in this bro- chure is intended to manufacture hot rolled rein- forcing bars and merchant shapes from billets or ingots where the demand for such products exists and where such a local operation would be practi- cable. Either billets or ingots will be adaptable for use as the raw material in this mill. However, for the purpose of simplification, only billets are dis- cussed. The report is one of a series of reports re- sulting from overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineering. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establish- ing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 958/6 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Jute Yarn Oct 61, 33p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Yarns, Carding, Spinning(Staple fibers), Require- ments, Production management, Production meth- 188 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materi- als estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor esti- mates, Textile processes. Identifiers: Developing country application, *Jute. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a manufacturing plant, in a foreign country, to produce jute yarn. Some of the uses of this product are the following: rug backing, twine, feed bags, furniture webbing, auto uphol- stery supports, electric cable covering, sugar bags, fertilizer bags, cotton bale covering, linoleum back- ing, reinforced paper, rope, knit tubing, hooked rugs and embroidery, women's skirts, brattice cloth (mine ventilating), nursery burlap, and rug pad cen- ters. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, manage- ment, and engineering. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equip- ment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, fi- nancial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert en- gineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 959/4 PC A03/MF A01 Middle West Service Co., Chicago, IL. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brass Table Lamps Sep 61, 36p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, * Manufacturing, * Lamps, Brasses, Assembling, Finishing, Require- ments, Production management, Production meth- ods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materi- als estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial management, Industrial management, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor esti- mates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation for establishing a manufacturing plant in a foreign country to produce approximately 4,000 brass lamps per month. Many types of brass lamps are manufactured in the United States each year, and each type is produced in a vast number of sizes and designs. Thus labor and material costs will vary according to the type, size, and design, in addition to the quality of the lamp produced. Fur- thermore, it has become a very prevalent practice in the United States for brass lamp manufacturers to buy the component parts of a lamp from other companies, such as white metal casting compa- nies, metal stamping, spinning, and electroplating companies, and lamp shade manufacturers. This results in the lamp manufacturer's activities being confined to finishing and assembling, which is the type of plant described in this report. Separate, specialized operations such as this represent a very economical method for producing brass lamps. The report was prepared to answer over- seas technical inquiries on factory operation, man- agement, and engineering. It includes brief infor- mation and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information rel- ative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will re- quire expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 960/2 PC A03/MF A01 Office of Technical Services, Washington, DC. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Copper Wire Drawing and Insulating Plant Jan 62, 39p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Communications Re- sources Div. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, "Wire drawing, Re- quirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Ma- chinery, Financial management, Industrial man- agement, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates, Bare wire, Insulated wire, Extrud- ers. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the report is to present basic infor- mation relative to the establishment of a copper wire drawing and insulating facility in a foreign country. This plant will be equipped to produce both bare and insulated copper wire from copper rods. Future production might be diversified to in- clude tinned and enameled wires, an increased range of wire sizes, and the manufacture of twisted insulated wires or small cables. The report was prepared to answer overseas technical inquiries on factory operation, management, and engineer- ing. It includes brief information and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information relative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic fac- tors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installa- tions will require expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-292 964/4 PC A03/MF A01 Johnson and Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ. Management Development Programs for Ex- ecutives and Supervisors and a Manufacturing Division Technical bulletin Oct 56, 37p ICA/TB-24 Descriptors: "Management training, * Manufactur- ing, 'Executives, 'Supervisors, Personnel devel- opment, Supervision, Leadership, Executive abili- ty, Industrial relations, Social communication, Per- sonnel management, Performance evaluation. Identifiers: 'Supervisory training, Training tech- niques, Developing country application, Skill devel- opment, Administrative principles. The manual provides information on supervisory training, human relations skills, administrative skills, technical skills, training tools, and tech- niques, and requirement and functions of execu- tive development. PB-292 965/1 PC A03/MF A01 General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Maintenance Training Program Technical bulletin. Dec 56, 39p ICA/TB-26 Descriptors: 'Maintenance, 'Specialized training, 'Personnel development, Guidelines, Objectives, Performance tests, Requirements, Qualifications, Abilities, Employment. Identifiers: Developing country application. The manual is an administrative guide for conduct- ing maintenance training procedures. It provides a description of the procedures involved, and the re- sponsibilities assigned in the operation of a Main- tenance Training program. A Maintenance Train- ing Program is a coordinated program of on-the- job training and experience. Its over-all objectives are to develop and assist maintenance personnel to qualify for higher classifications, subject to oper- ating requirements. Measurement of the degree of readiness is determined through the administration of the Maintenance 3rd Class and Maintenance 1 st Class tests. The basic elements of the training procedure are as follows: (1) A progress appraisal form; (2) General description of areas of knowl- edge and ability necessary to qualify for Mainte- nance 1st Class rating; (3) A perpetual skill and training inventory; and (4) A list of approved relat- ed training courses available to local plant person- nel. PB-292 976/8 PC A08/MF A01 Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC. Health in Egypt: Recommendations for U.S. As- sistance Final rept. Jan 79, 158p Rept no. IOM-79-01 Contract AID/NE-C-1 476 Descriptors: 'Egypt, Population growth, Africa, Recommendations, Nutrition, Programs, Criteria, Drugs, Emergency medical services, Research, Technical assistance, National government, De- mography, Socioeconomic factors, Infectious dis- eases, Public health. Identifiers: Developing countries, Agency for Inter- national Development, Foreign countries, Hospital administration, 'Health care, Health status, Health resources, Family planning. The report sets out criteria for future AID health, population, and nutrition programs, recommends some general program areas, pinpoints some spe- cific problems in these areas, and suggests ways in which the administration of the U.S. program in Egypt might be strengthened. AID support, the report says, should go to sustained efforts to reduce infant, pre-school child, and maternal mor- tality; a program to improve production and distri- bution of vaccines and pharmaceuticals needed for the first-mentioned effort; establishment of na- tionwide emergency medical services; strengthen- ing hospital administration; a cooperative research program for health, family planning, and nutrition. Report also contains five chapters of background information on Egyptian economic, demographic, and social factors; health problems; health re- sources; population and family planning; and nutri- tion. PB-292 983/4 PC A04/MF A01 Johnson and Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ. Communications in Business and Industry Technical Bulletin. Oct 56, 53p ICA-TB-20 Descriptors: 'Social communication, 'Communi- cating, 'Personnel management, Communications management, Policies, Cooperation, Motivation, Morale, Attitudes, Industrial relations, Public rela- tions, Opinions, Psychological effects, Supervi- sors, Employees. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report contains information on developing ef- fective downward communications, steps in the program for reviewing and improving communica- tions, conference outline on communications down, communications devices used in Johnson & Johnson, psychology of change, guiding rules for communications, check list of commonly used de- vices and evaluation of meetings on communica- tions. PB-292 984/2 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Communications Resources Div. Problems in Business Management, Produc- tion Planning Jun 62, 38p Rept no. TECHNICAL BULL-33 Descriptors: 'Production planning, 'Production control, Productivity, Scheduling, Capacity, Re- source allocation, Personnel management, Super- vision, Prices, Cost engineering, Purchasing, Supply management, Industrial relations, Problem solving, Meetings, Management training, Manufac- turing. Identifiers: Business administration, Training tech- niques, Developing country application. The pamphlet contains a business management training course on the subject of production plan- ning and control. The information is particularly useful to developing countries. PB-292 990/9 PC A03/MF A01 International Cooperation Administration, Wash- ington, DC. Office of Industrial Resources. Problems in Business Management. Nature and Scope of Management Responsibilities Technical bulletin. Jun 62, 34p Rept no. TB-27 Descriptors: 'Management training, 'Job analysis, Personnel development, Industrial relations, Orga- nization theory, Production control, Sales, Financ- ing, Coordination, Market research, Leadership, Executive ability, Meetings. 189 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Identifiers: * Responsibility, Developing country ap- plication. The purpose was to present information and stimu- late interest in the principles of techniques of modern management. The objectives cite: the em- ployer's duties; the personality of the enterprise di- rector: Organization of the enterprise; personnel training, human relations, production, sales, and fi- nancing. PB-293 000/6 PC A02/MF A01 Aries Associates, Inc., Stamford, CT. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brew- ers Flakes Mar 60, 25p Prepared in cooperation with Robins (A. K.) and Co., Inc., New York. Sponsored in part by Interna- tional Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, * Manufacturing, Requirements, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Grains(Food), Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Machinery, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor esti- mates, Beer. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Brew- er's flakes. The report outlines a small plant for the production of Brewer's Flakes of 4 tons per day capacity. The report is one of a series of reports resulting from overseas inquiries on factory operation, manage- ment, and engineering. The report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will require expert engineering and fi- nancial advice in order to meet specific local con- ditions. PB-293 001/4 PC A03/MF A01 Lederer (A. M.) and Co., New York. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flexi- ble Steel Conduit Feb 57, 36p Prepared in cooperation with Sleeper and Hartley, Inc., Worcester, MA., and Waterbury Farrel Found- ry and Machine Co., CT. Sponsored in part by In- ternational Cooperation Administration, Washing- ton, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Pipes(Tubes), Flexible structures, Steels, Re- quirements, Production management, Production methods, Production capacity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equipment, Plant layout, Ma- chinery, Financial management, Industrial man- agement, Production planning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Con- duits. The report outlines the type of plant required for the manufacture of flexible steel conduit. This plant is also capable of manufacturing many simi- lar products with the same equipment, such as flexible tubing and exhaust hose. With the addition of some relatively inexpensive equipment, the plant can manufacture moisture-proof conduit and tube, armored cables, parkway cables, and similar armored products. In addition to steel, other metals such as aluminum, brass, and bronze may be used to make conduit, tubing, and armored cable. The report was prepared to answer over- seas technical inquiries on factory operation, man- agement, and engineering. It includes brief infor- mation and cost estimates on labor, machinery, equipment and supplies, as well as information rel- ative to engineering, training, safety, markets, sales, financial and economic factors. However, the report is designed to provide only a general picture of the factors that must be considered in establishing and operating a factory of this type. In most cases, plans for actual installations will re- quire expert engineering and financial advice in order to meet specific local conditions. PB-293 002/2 PC A03/MF A01 Andrews (George H.) Engineering Associates, Inc., Washington, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Animal Feed Pellets May 59, 43p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Technical Aids Branch. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Feeding stuffs, Requirements, Production man- agement, Production methods, Production capac- ity, Operating costs, Materials estimates, Equip- ment, Plant layout, Machinery, Financial manage- ment, Industrial management. Production plan- ning, Cost estimates, Labor estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report outlines the type of plant required for the manufacture of animal feed pellets. The use of scientifically balanced diets is a widely recognized necessity for obtaining best results in the raising of animals and poultry. The diets vary with the type of animal, its -ur Cooperatives Cooperative Information rept. (Final) C. H. Kirkman, Jr. Mar 79, 149p Rept no. CIR-6 Descriptors: 'Cooperation, 'Agricultural econom- ics, 'Organizations, Government policies, History, Organization theory, Financing, Taxes, Capital, Management, Marketing. Identifiers: 'Cooperatives, Cooperative production and marketing system, Administrator responsibili- ty, Employee responsibility. The report, prepared for postsecondary schools, serves as a teaching aid to improve student under- standing of cooperatives operating in the commu- nity. Written in textbook fashion, the report covers topics such as principles and practices of coopera- tives, historical cooperative developments, eco- nomic democracy in action, and principles underly- ing cooperative financing and taxation. The publi- cation has illustrations for making overhead tran- sparencies. PB-295 643/1 PC A03/MF A01 Institute for Building Science, Budapest (Hungary). Appropriate Technology in the Construction and Building Materials Industry G. Sebestyen. Nov 78, 29p Rept no. ISBN-963- 7652-42-6 Also pub. as ISSN-01 33-4328. Sponsored in part by United Nations Industrial Development Organi- zation, Vienna (Austria), and Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Paper from International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology Held at New Deihi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Construction industry, Developing countries, Construction materials, Technology assessment, Economic development, Construction equipment, International relations, Technology transfer, Raw materials. Identifiers: Developing country application. An important means to raise the effectiveness of a productive sector of the economy is the use of ap- propriate technologies. The objective of this paper is to highlight the problem of appropriate technol- ogies in the construction and the building materials industry. The paper is divided into three chapters: The first chapter describes the main features of the construction and the building materials industry and summarizes the important role played by this sector in the national economy. The second chap- ter deals with the trends of economic and technical development in the construction and building ma- terials industry and discusses the appropriate technologies for different processes. The third chapter is devoted to government policy and inter- national actions promoting the use of appropriate technologies in the construction and building ma- terials industry and the industrialization of con- struction. PB-295 644/9 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Agricultural Development Policy Paper Jun 78, 70 Descriptors: 'Food, 'Agriculture economics, 'De- veloping countries, Policies, Project planning, Irri- gation, Rural areas, Marketing, Credit, Nutrition, Income, Employment, Food storage, Production, Education. Identifiers: Developing country application, AID project. This paper sets forth the major policy implications and issues for A. I. D. of a broadly participatory, em- ployment-oriented agricultural production strategy for developing countries. The 'broadly participa- tory' strategy reflects the major U.S. development assistance objectives of helping developing coun- tries: (1) Increase their capacity to expand and dis- tribute food supplies to alleviate hunger and mal- nutrition, and (2) increase participation of poor people in the process and benefits of develop- ment. The strategy outlined in this paper suggests that improved diets in developing countries will in large measure depend on increasing food supplies mainly through accelerating agricultural production and improving food distribution, and expanding employment and income of low income families, thereby enabling them to purchase the food they need. It reviews the evolution of A.I.D. agriculture policy and stress the need for a restatement of policy based on a broadly participatory production strategy. It summarized the implications of the strategy and raises key issues in terms of five func- tion priorities for assistance to agriculture. PB-295 645/6 PC A03/MF A01 Columbia Univ., New York. Dept. of Chemical Engi- neering and Applied Chemistry. Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age Harry P. Gregor, and Thomas W. Jeffries. 1979, 34p Descriptors: 'Ethanol, 'Fuels, 'Organic com- pounds, 'Cellulose, 'Membranes, 'Agricultural wastes, 'Sugars, Technology, Cost analysis, Fer- mentation, Process charting, Hydrolysis, Filtration, Reverse osmosis, Evaporation. Identifiers: 'Chemical feedstock, Solid wastes, Manufactured gas, Synthetic fuels, Developing country application. This communication describes how ethanol, other liquid fuels, and organic chemicals can be pro- duced from cellulosic biomass at prices that can compete with those of petroleum derived materials by employing presently available or soon to be de- veloped membrane technologies. Contemporary membrance technologies can already effect major savings in process costs for the conventional fer- mentation of grains or molasses to produce eth- anol; developing membrance technologies could employ cheap cellulosic substrates for ethanol production. 210 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-295 654/8 PC A03/MF A01 U-Form Systems and Technology, Inc., Livonia, Ml. Design Properties, Structural Analysis and Construction Details for a Typical U-Form Wall System C1978, 28p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Buildings, "Construction materials, Compression tests, Wind pressure, Floors, Walls, Building codes, Foundations, Earthquake resistant structures. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Shear walls, High rise buildings. U-Form Systems and Technology, Inc. has devel- oped an energy-efficient integrated building wall system called 'U-Form.' U-Forms serve as basic building for a low-cost, poured-in-place, reinforced concrete construction system combines structure, vapor barrier, superior thermal and sound insula- tion, fire retardance, and interior and exterior ve- neers. The system is applicable to sophisticated high-rise building and low-cost, low-rise buildings alike. Two 12 story apartment buildings of 116 units each were recently erected at the rate of two floors per week using only one six-man crew. U- Forms can be fabricated and erected with basically unskilled labor using a variety of local materials in low capital-investment situations. Hence, increas- ing applications are being found in urban renewal and in third world countries. (Copyright (c) 1978, U- Forms System & Technology, Inc.) PB-295 655/5 PC A03/MF A01 Indiana Univ. at Bloomington, International Devel- opment Research Center. Regional Agricultural Production Programs, Training and Design Strategies Burton E. Swanson. 1976, 31 p Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Production, "Regional planning, Education, Agricultural economics, Proj- ect planning, Rice, Research, Farm management. Identifiers: Rural extension, "Training, Teaching techniques, Developing country application. The pamphlet presents a palpable portrait of cer- tain real-world problems of institution building as an instrument of social and economic develop- ment, and of some practical responses to them. It presents case material about the training of re- search and extension workers in an international agricultural research center. It then examines key relationships between training and results~be- tween the preparation of persons for developmen- tal roles and eventual action in the field. The find- ings offer lessons for the design of certain kinds of agricultural production production programs, and for using training as one tool in such design. PB-295 656/3 PC A03/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). Technologies from Developing Countries. De- velopment and Transfer of Technology Series Number 7 1978, 50p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Technology innovation, "Developing countries, Technological intelligence, Plants(Botany), Animal products, Food industry, Wood products, Paper products, Pulps, Leather, Textile industry, Construction industry, Energy, Chemical industry, Plastics industry, Metal indus- try, Machinery. Identifiers: Foreign technology, Developing coun- try application. Developing countries have frequently expressed the need for information on technologies evolved or adapted by other developing countries. Such in- formation will be of benefit to them in the appropri- ate choice of technologies by providing alterna- tives and also a basis for promoting the exchange of information and sharing of experiences in this field. As part of its information activities UNIDO has been collecting information on technologies from developing countries through contacts with institutions related to research and development and other sources of information in developing countries as well as through journals, reports and other publications dealing with such matters. This volume brings together in one place information on 138 technologies from developing countries. Gen- erally, under each heading a brief description of the technology and its distinctive features are given. PB-295 734/8 PC A03/MF A01 Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, Washington, DC. Cooperative Development in Rural Areas Cooperative information rept. Sep 78, 39p Rept no. CIR-1-SECT-4 Descriptors: "Agricultural economics, "Agricultural machinery, Marketing, Farms, Income, Financing, Rural areas, Sugar beets, Swine, Tobacco, Vege- tables, Fruits, Processing, Fishes, American Indi- ans, Capital. Identifiers: "Cooperatives. Many conventional marketing and supply coopera- tives have been formed by farmers in the past four decades. Cooperatives' membership consisted primarily of medium- and high-income farmers, al- though many also had a number of low-income farmers. Between 1957-75, 2,019 cooperatives were formed. New cooperatives formed by com- mercial farmers included sugar beet processing, tobacco marketing, peanut storage, and feeder pig marketing and farrowing. New cooperatives formed by low-resource farmers included market- ing of fruits and vegetables, feeder pigs, and fish. In addition to providing historical and statistical background, this publication also provides infor- mation for organizing, financing, and managing cooperatives. PB-295 806/4 PC A03/MF A01 Stanford Univ., CA. Inst, for Communication Re- search. Radio's Role in Development: Five Strategies of Use Information bulletin Emile G. McAnany. Sep 73, 34p AED/CDC/IB-4 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Radio communication, Radio broad- casting, Education, Rural areas, Utilization, Strat- egy. Identifiers: Developing country application. The radio at the present time is man's most univer- sal mass medium of communication. The author outlines five utilization strategies that could prove most useful to developing countries: Open Broad- casting, Instructional Radio, Radio Rural Forums, Radio Schools, and Radio and Animation. PB-295 813/0 PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., NM. Passive Solar Systems Development J. Douglas Balcomb. Sep 76, 15p Sponsored in part by Energy Research and Devel- opment Administration, Washington, DC. Descriptors: Design, Reviewing. Identifiers: "Passive solar heating systems, Solar heating systems, Developing country application. Definition of a passive solar heating and cooling system as one in which the thermal energy flows by natural means. This includes systems in which insulation for example, is moved by manual or electric means, once or twice a day. A sort of ge- neric description of the various approaches to pas- sive solar heating and cooling are illustrated with a few examples. PB-295 814/8 PC A02/MF A01 Columbia Univ., New York. Dept. of Chemical Engi- neering and Applied Chemistry. For Today: Membrane-Produced Gasahol. For Tomorrow: Membrane-Produced Alcohol 1979, 12p Sponsored in part by Office of Minority Business Enterprise, Washington, DO, and Agency for Inter- national Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Sugars, "Fuels, "Ethanols, Graphs(Charts), Fermentation, Cellulose, Alco- hols, Grains(Cereals), Hydrolysis, Cost analysis, Electrodialysis, Membranes, Fluid filters, Osmosis, Biomass, Process charting, Design criteria, Cost analysis. Identifiers: Developing country application, Gaso- hol, Reverse osmosis, Manufactured gas, Synthet- ic fuels, Ultrafiltration. This pamphlet, shows in charts the following: (1) Conventional process for production of fuel-grade ethanol from sugars; (2) Alcohol from grain or mo- lasses with membrane treatment of stillages; (3) Treatment costs for stillages; (4) Membrane-con- trolled fermentation of sugars to ethanol; (5) Mem- brane facilitated hydrolysis of cellulose. PB-295 919/5 PC A10/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corp., Washington, DC. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Resources for TESOL Teaching: A Handbook for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Lan- guages Program and training journal reprint series Eleanor C. Boone, Hick Gildea, and Pat Moran. Sep 78, 21 2p Rept no. REPRINT-26 Descriptors: "Instructional materials, "English lan- guage, Manuals, Reading, Writing, Education, Ter- minology, Visual aids, Training devices, Speech. Identifiers: "Teaching guides, Developing country application, Educational resources, Pronunciation, Grammar. The manual is divided into two parts. The first part consists of seven chapters, the first six of which deal specifically with resources (teaching ideas, techniques and suggestions) on how to present, develop and reinforce pronunciation, grammar, vo- cabulary, reading, writing and conversation. There is an additional chapter on games as techniques for reviewing the language skills already taught. The second part of the manual, the appendices, contains information pertaining to the language itself. PB-295 953/4 PC A09/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Community Health Education in Developing Countries Program and training journal manual series. C1978, 195p Rept no. MANUAL-SER-8 Prepared by American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. Contract PC-77-043-1020. Spon- sored in part by Agency for International Develop- ment, Washington, DC. Errata sheet inserted. Descriptors: "Public health, "Education, "Develop- ing countries, Community development, Project planning, Instructional materials. Identifiers: "Health education. The pamphlet was developed for those persons, from whatever backgrounds, who are interested in promoting change to improve the health conditions of their communities. One may be a teacher, a community agriculture extension worker, a social worker or a well driller. The manual is a guide ~ a working and teaching tool - to help one get started on a community health project through health edu- cation. Health education is a process through which behavior changes are effected. Health prob- lems are rooted in specific behaviors: changing those behaviors will change a community's health status. PB-295 955/9 PC A08/MF A01 TRANET, Rangeley, ME. The Relevance of AT (Appropriate Technol- ogy) Development in the U.S. to the Third World (A Compendium of U.S. A.T. Organiza- tions) Frederick W. Smith. 1979, 163p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DO, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Paris (France)., and International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Organizations, "Technology innova- tion, "Developing countries, Directories, United 211 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS States, Economic development, Technological in- telligence, Low income groups, Problem solving, Research management, Technical assistance, In- formation centers, Technical societies, Consul- tants, Consulting services. Identifiers: Research and development. Development agencies such as the World Bank, O.E.C.D., A.I.D., and others are beginning to rec- ognize the need for experts familiar with small scale, low-cost and easily maintained technologies and also techniques which involve low-income people in solving their own problems. The report explores crucial and important resources of AT de- velopments within the United States, and is con- cerned with its impact on the lives of low-income people and its possible relevance to Third World development. The authors have tried to reach a broad representative range of AT practitioners, the persons actually designing and using alternate/ap- propriate techniques, rather than to select the most technically qualified. PB-296 041/7 PC A18/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. A Handbook for Cooperatives Fieldworkers in Developing Nations; Sections One through Seven Information collection and exchange resource packet no. 5 Mark S. Ogden. 1978, 41 Op Descriptors: * Developing countries, 'Organizing, Instructional materials, Farms, Handbooks, Fi- nancing. Identifiers: Developing country application, Volun- teer programs, Cooperatives. Seven sections written by experienced volunteers include: an introductory section; cooperatives- general concepts; cooperative organization; coop- erative management; cooperative education and training; specific program-related information; and resources. PB-296 052/4 PC A06/MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Informa- tion Collection and Exchange. Teaching Reading and Creative Writing: A Lan- guage Experience Approach Program and training journal Reprint series Margaret Hart. Sep 78, 106p Rept no. REPRINT SER-20 Descriptors: * Instructional materials, * Reading, 'Writing, Developing countries, English language, Phonology, Linguistics, Handwriting, Books, Vo- cabulary. The course of study was developed for five reme- dial reading classes of secondary school students. The basic method used here can be adapted for teaching reading and creative writing to students from the infant school level to adulthood. The vo- cabulary, or thought content of the material, will be relevant to the student because it comes from his own background of experience. The course of study consists of recording stories dictated by indi- viduals, and using these stories as a basis for de- veloping the required skills for reading, and cre- ative writing. PB-296 072-T PC A06/MF A01 National Marine Fisheries Series, Washington, DC. Problems in Prawn Culture Aquaculture series 19 Kunihiko Shigeno. C1978, 104p Rept no. TT-74- 52032 Descriptors: 'Shellfish, 'Aquaculture, Ponds, Larvae, Sea water, Books, Salt water, Reproduction(Biology), Growth, Packing, Cost analysis, Feeding stuffs, Production, Temperature, Mortality, Japan, Translations. Identifiers: 'Penaeus japonicus, Prawns, 'Foreign technology. Japan is the leading producer of cultured prawns. The present book reviews the work done in Japan on prawn culture in abandoned salterns. The data obtained from Himejima farms, where prawns are grown in outdoor concrete tanks in unfiltered sea water, are the main source of the material for this book. The author discusses the salient features of seed production with great emphasis on the selec- tion of gravid prawns, methods of hatching and growth of seedlings. Culture methods have been elaborated and valuable suggestions offered on all aspects of prawn culture. PC A05/MF A01 Services, Inc., Santa PB-296 085/4 Pacific Environmental Monica, CA. Evaluation of Vapor Leaks and Development of Monitoring Procedures for Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Piping Robert L Norton. Apr 79, 98p EPA/450/3-79/ 018 Contract EPA-68-02-2606 Descriptors: 'Air pollution control, 'Organic com- pounds, 'Tank trucks, 'Regulations, 'Monitoring, Cost analysis, Leaks, Vapors, Gasoline, Cargo transportation, Tests, Maintenance, Equipment, Piping systems. Identifiers: 'Fugitive emissions, Service stations, Procedures. This technical document provides information on control techniques, monitoring procedures and costs for maintaining gasoline tank trucks and vapor piping in 'vapor tight' conditions. The leak sources and evaluation of different low cost and quick monitoring and test procedures are also dis- cussed. This document provides the support infor- mation for the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards guideline series document entitled 'Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Gasoline tank trucks and Vapor Collection Sys- tems,' PB-290 568, December 1978. PB-296 096/1 PC A03/MF A01 Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC. Review of the Agency for International Devel- opment (AID) Health Strategy: A Committee Report Final rept. Sep 78, 38p Rept no. IOM-78-05 Contract AID/ta-C-1 478 Descriptors: 'Developing countries, Guidelines, Strategies, Nutrition, Sanitation, Tropical diseases, Research, Populations. Identifiers: 'Health care, 'Agency for International Development, Developing country application, Health planning, Health care delivery systems, 'Environmental health, Family planning. The report includes review and comment on two internal documents developed by AID to state its policy and program guidelines in health, popula- tion, and nutrition. The reviewing committee doubt- ed the value of elaborate planning exercises in host countries, recommended a slow approach to integrated health services projects and warned against losing categorical programs, advised that family planning programs be more finely adjusted to the types of people for whom they are intended, urged that P.L. 480 programs be better coordinat- ed with AID nutrition programs and that AID help establish and train for research capabilities in countries where nutrition research is needed, rec- ommended that AID emphasize water and sanita- tion systems whose maintenance is appropriate to the technology of the country, and urged a high priority for tropical diseases research. PB-296 362/7 PC A04/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Economic Develop- ment Lab. Directory of Consultants to Small Rural Indus- tries. Employment Generation Through Stimu- lation of Small Industries Kay E. Auciello, and Richard Johnston. Oct 75, 52p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Consultants, 'Consulting services, 'Directories, Agriculture, Developing countries, Economic development, Industries, Rural areas, Technical assistance, Management, Organiza- tions, Job analysis, Employment, Project manage- ment, Systems analysis. Identifiers: Job development, Developing country application. The directory is the first attempt to compile a listing of experienced individuals and organizations cur- rently interested and experienced in assisting, on a contract basis, the development of small rural in- dustries in developing countries. For this purpose, small rural industries are defined as agro-industrial establishments of 20 or fewer employees and as- sistance as a system approach to aspects of tech- nical and managerial assistance. The first section of directory lists organizations and the second sec- tion lists individuals. Each entry is arranged alpha- betically by the country in which its headquarters are located. PB-296 363/5 PC A02/MF A01 Bio-Gas of Colorado, Inc., Arvada. Conversion of Feedlot Wastes into Pipeline Gas Frederick T. Varani, and John J. Burford, Jr. 1979, 24p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, 'Anaerobic processes, 'Methane, Pilot plants, Process chart- ing, Design criteria, Performance evaluation, Cap- italized costs, Cost analysis, Operating costs, Technology, Residues, Pyrolysis. Identifiers: 'Manure, Manufactured gas, Solid wastes, Developing country application, Synthetic fuels, Bioconversion. Agriculture waste material such as steer manure has an energy value which ranges from 3000-8000 BTU per pound of solid material. This material is currently being used, almost exclusively, in its tra- ditional manner as an addition to agricultural crop- lands. This study concludes that there is a com- mercially viable energy potential from agricultural waste conversion using an anaerobic digestion system. PB-296 373/4 PC A04/MF A01 Brookings Institution, Washington, DC. An Assessment of Development Assistance Strategies Interim rept. Lester E. Gordon. 6 Oct 77, 62p Contract AID-1 722-720235 Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Economic assistance, 'Developing countries, Technical as- sistance, Project planning, Allocations, Financing, Organizations, National government, Plant genet- ics, Nitrogen fixation, Food, Rural areas, Irrigation, Imports, Recommendations. Identifiers: Developing country application. This interim report is an assessment of foreign de- velopment assistance strategies initiated by the Secretary of State in late June 1977. The study fo- cuses its inquiry on the following key questions: (1) What are the central development problems facing the poor countries, and what bearing do they have on our interests. (2) What lessons from more than two and a half decades of experience should be incorporated into any future development assist- ance strategy. (3) What should be the purposes and content of any future U.S. development assist- ance strategy. What are the implications of this strategy for the size and organization of U.S. bi- lateral and multilateral development assistance. (4) How should that assistance relate to the other U.S. economic programs that affect the progress of the poor countries. PB-296 382/5 PC A14/MF A01 Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Water Lifters and Pumps for the Developing World Master's thesis Alan D.Wood. 1976, 31 6p Contract AID/csd-2460 Descriptors: 'Pumps, Developing countries, Water supply, Irrigation, History, Valves, Reviews, Tech- nology assessment, Theses. Identifiers: 'Water lifters, Developing country ap- plication, State of the art. This thesis presents a state-of-the-art on water lifters and pumps which are, or can be, used throughout the world, and particularly in develop- 212 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS ing areas. A brief review is given of the historical development of these devices. Through an exten- sive literature review and survey of manufacturers and research organizations, this thesis inventories the wide range of water lifting methods which are randomly discussed by these sources and sets forth; (a) a unifying classification format, (b) the basic operation and typical applications of each class, and (c) a review of applicable prime movers. In addition, criteria used in the selection of water lifters and prime movers is presented with empha- sis on water requirements, availability and cost analyses. In this manner, the present status of water lifting in both developing and developed countries is reviewed and several recent projects by international organizations, e.g., AID, are identi- fied which seek to improve existing methods, de- velop new ones, and disseminate educational ma- terial. Through this state-of-the-art, similar and ad- ditional areas of water lifting which need techno- logical or sociological attention are then explicitly or implicitly identified. PB-296 385/8 PC A03/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ.-Madison. Coll. of Engineering. Cryogenic Recycling of Solid Waste Norman R. Braton. 1978, 26p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Materials recovery, "Solid waste dis- posal, Cryogenics, Brittle fracturing, Separation, Elastomers, Metal scrap, Polymers, Mobile equip- ment, Waste utilization. Identifiers: Developing country application, Tire re- cycling, Waste processing, Metal recycling, Waste processing plants. Liquid nitrogen cryogenic processing of various materials is introduced. Fracture toughness of ma- terials is discussed in relation to cryogenic proc- essing, and some specific applications of cryogen- ic recycling are mentioned. A short description of a mobile prototype unit for cryogenic processing of a variety of materials including tires and cables is given. PB-296 404/7 PC A06/MF A01 Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Inc., Schenectady, NY. Evaluation of Solar Cookers. Part I 1962, 108p Rept no. VITA-10 Prepared in cooperation with Office of Technical Services, Washington, DC. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Descriptors: *Cooking devices, *Solar heating, Evaluation. Identifiers: Developing country application, *Solar cookers. The report presents results of tests performed on various solar cookers to determine their potential usefulness in countries served by the International Cooperation Administration. Points evaluated were cooking performance and efficiency, durability, cost, shipping weight, portability, ease of oper- ation, ease of manufacture in the countries in- volved, and adaptability to local techniques and di- etary mores. Of all models available for test, a Fresnel-type cooker developed by VITA showed the greatest promise, due particularly to its effi- ciency, low cost and ease of construction with uni- versally available tools and materials. PB-296 425/2 PC A1 1 /MF A01 ACTION/Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Wells Manual. Special Issue Program and training journal Francis A. Luzzatto. Jan 75, 243p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Water wells, "Manuals, Technology, Construction, Well pumps, Specialized training, Developing countries, Foreign aid, Potable water, Ground water, Africa. The manual is to provide information on a wide range of well construction techniques. Hopefully, the user will not see each method of construction separately, but rather be able to synthesize tech- niques to fit the particular situation. The manual offers a number of technical and methodological combinations, making it possible to select the most efficient well method. PB-296 444/3 PC A03/MF A01 Bio-Gas of Colorado, Inc., Arvada. Energy Potential Through Bio-Conversion of Agricultural Wastes Oct 76, 32p Contract FCRC-65 1366075 Prepared in cooperation with Colorado Energy Re- search Inst., Golden. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development. Descriptors: 'Agricultural wastes, 'Fuels, 'Fertiliz- ers, 'Feeding stuffs, Organic compounds, Meth- ane, Residues, Algae, Technology, Farm crops, Food processing, Sites, Feasibility, Forecasting, Capitalized costs, Electric power plants, Process charting, Design criteria, Economic analysis. Identifiers: Bioconversion, Synthetic fuels, Manure, Developing country application, Manufac- tured gas, Solid wastes. To determine the feasibility of using the bio-con- version process, the Bio-Gas study team exam- ined factors ranging from an inventory of readily collectable agricultural wastes in the area to an evaluation of the potential markets for the prod- ucts of bio-conversion. The results of this study point favorably toward large-scale bio-conversion plants and to potential applications of bio-conver- sion on a small scale for dairies and feedlots. The study's economic analysis concludes that the methane produced from such a bio-conversion fa- cility would be cheaper than all other domestic synthetic natural-gas sources. The residue pro- duced from this process could be marketed as fer- tilizer, and the algae produced has potential use as a high-protein cattle feed. PB-296 515/0 PC A06/MF A01 Peace Corps, Washington, DC. The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant Project rept. no. 1 Pat Doherty, Stan Huncilman, Max Kroschel, and Paul Warpeha. May 76, 118p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Methane, 'Fertilizers, 'Anaerobic processes, 'Organic compounds, Technology, Bacteria, Decomposition, Fermentation, Agricultur- al wastes, Sludge digestion, Heat treatment, Design criteria, Laboratory equipment, Pilot plants, Forecasting. Identifiers: 'Solid wastes, Araque(Ecuador), Manure, Developing country application. The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant Proj- ect, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and provided technical assistance by the Peace Corps, was conceived for the pur- pose of investigating the possibility of developing systems of anaerobic bacterial decomposition as a means of providing methane gas, as a fuel, and a high quality fertilizer product for the people of rural Ecuador. This project aimed at the production of methane gas for the ultimate production of bread in the community of Araque, Province of Imbabura, Ecuador. The report deals with the general tech- nology of anaerobic bacterial decomposition and the production of the fuel and fertilizer products; history of the project describing the experimental work and the initial construction; problems en- countered and the future of the project. PB-296 542/4 PC A06/MF A01 Colorado Energy Research Inst., Golden. Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaerobic Digesters Final rept. Susan Schellenbach, Wayne Turnacliff, Fred Varani, John L. Burford, Jr, and Shelley B. Don. Mar 77, 101p Contract FCRC-651 366075 Prepared in cooperation with Bio-Gas of Colorado, Inc., Loveland. Sponsored in part by Agency for In- ternational Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Methane, 'Anaerobic processes, 'Agricultural wastes, Design, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Process charting, Feasibility, Performance evaluation, Cost analysis, Solid waste disposal, Fertilizers. Identifiers: 'Manures, Synthetic fuel, Manufac- tured gas, Developing country application. This report is a discussion of small anaerobic di- gestion units, stimulated by experiments operated by Bio-Gas of Colorado. A grant from the Four Corners Regional Commission to the Colorado Energy Research Institute enabled Bio-Gas to build a 12 to 50 cow digestion unit on a trailer which could be pulled by a tractor to 19 different demonstration sites in Colorado, New Mexico, Ari- zona, Utah and Nevada. During this same period, Bio-Gas conducted laboratory experiments to de- termine yield coefficients of different manures and defined parameters to evaluate the economic feasibility of building digesters on a small or self- sufficiency scale. First the report describes the mobile digestion unit of 6,000 gallons with its start- up phases, operation, production and problems. Secondly, a discussion of the tour and a summary of the Journal in the Appendix tell how the digester performed and how it was received among the people who came to see the demonstration. Final- ly, the report includes designs for four different sizes of digesters based on data collected from the mobile unit, the tour and the laboratory, along with an order blank for shop drawings. A series of design tables which let interested persons easily size a digestion system and tailor it to their specific needs are included. The tables estimate gas pro- duction from a variety of manures and system sizes so the economics of the system can be stud- ied. PB-296 567/1 PC A04/MF A01 PERT Coordinating Group, Washington, DC. PERT Guide for Management Use Jun 63, 65p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'PERT, 'Network analysis(Management), Management methods, Operations research, Project planning, Decision making, Performance evaluation, Objectives, Time measurement, Scheduling, Coordination, Project management, Organization theory, Control charts. Identifiers: 'Program evaluation, Developing coun- try application, Organizational communication. PERT is a set of principles, methods, and tech- niques for effective planning of objective-oriented work thereby establishing a sound basis for effec- tive scheduling, costing, controlling and replanning in the management of programs. The purpose of this document is to: establish a basic reference on management and PERT concepts as an improved communication system for all management levels; set forth PERT principles and methods for use by managers in the achievement of objective-oriented work; and to stimulate consistency in the regular application and use of PERT in the decision making process and maintain uniformity among government and industrial teams. PB-296 569/7 PC A06/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). National Approaches to the Acquisition of Technology Development and transfer of technology series no. 1 Marcus B. Finnegan. 1977, 120p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Licenses, 'Technology transfer, Government policies, Regulations, Technological intelligence, Commercial law, Technology assess- ment, Contract terms, Exports, Imports, Develop- ing countries, Industries, Patents, Acquisition, In- ternational law. Identifiers: Developing country application. The study is intended to discuss many of the prin- ciples, business practices, and laws that govern li- censing, and, more generally, transfer of technol- ogy in the world at large. It includes an examination of broad principles and of specific problems in spe- cific parts of the world. 213 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-296 570/5 PC A10/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). UNIDO Abstracts on Technology Transfer. Studies and Reports on the Development and Transfer of Technology (1970-1976) Development and transfer of technology series no. 2. 1977, 205p Descriptors: * Bibliographies, 'Abstracts, 'Tech- nology transfer, Research, Subject indexing, Index terms, Documents, Technological intelligence, Technology innovation, Inventions, Information services. Identifiers: 'Research and development, Develop- ing country application. The report contains abstracts of selected docu- ments on the subject of technology development and transfer. The report consists of two parts: a subject index, by title, and bibliographical ab- stracts. Only abstracts from 1970 onward using major descriptors in the computer program are in- cluded. PB-296 571/3 PC A03/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). The Manufacture of Low-Cost Vehicles in De- veloping Countries Development and transfer of technology series no. 3. 1978, 40p Descriptors: 'Manufacturing, 'Vehicles, 'Develop- ing countries, Ground vehicles, Cost engineering, Transportation, Marketing, Demand(Economics), Automotive industry, Automobiles, Automotive en- gineering, Government policies, Market surveys, India, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, New Guinea. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of the study is to assist in promoting the manufacture and use of low-cost vehicles in developing countries. It is designed to assist gov- ernment officials responsible for formulating poli- cies on modes of transportation in their countries and businessmen concerned with the manufacture of various types of transport vehicles. It describes the main types of low-cost vehicles, what is in- volved in launching their manufacture, and aspects of marketing them. It reviews recent developments in several Asian countries, with particular empha- sis on India and the Philippines, where low-cost vehicles have significantly penetrated the market. Annexes provide a descriptive listing of types of low-cost vehicles with names and addresses of manufacturers. PB-296 572/1 PC A08/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). Technology for Solar Energy Utilization Development and Transfer of Technology series no. 5. Hans Kleinrath, V. G. Bhide, and Jean Paul Durand. 1978, 160p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Technology transfer, 'Solar energy, Electric power generation, Solar power generation, Swimming pools, Greenhouses, Kilns, Refrigera- tion, Space heating, Water heaters, Air condition- ing, Crop driers, Utilization. Identifiers: Solar water pumps, Solar collectors, Flat plate collectors, Solar space heating, Solar water heaters, Solar air conditioning, Solar stills, Solar drying, Solar cooking, Developing country application. This report discusses work being done in various countries and institutions, and contains 1 7 techni- cal papers dealing with the conversion of solar energy into mechanical or electrical energy, the design of solar collectors, the utilization of solar energy in heating, cooling, distillation, drying and cooking, and the transfer of technology. PB-296 573/9 PC A05/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). Audio-Visual Techniques for Industry Development and transfer of technology series no. 6 John Halas, and Roy Martin-Harris. 1978, 92p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Specialized training, 'Developing countries, 'Visual aids, Industries, Utilization, Man- uals, Films, Display devices, Learning. Identifiers: Developing country application. The manual has been designed for persons in de- veloping countries responsible for initiating or ex- panding the use of audio-visual facilities and tech- niques in industry in the hope that it will help them to improve their presentations through the use of some basic techniques. It is designed for the person in developing countries who has little or no background in audio-visuals but needs detailed in- formation about how he can use these techniques in an economical, efficient way, taking into consid- erations his own local conditions. Annexes are pro- vided which contain standard technical information that is frequently requested. PB-296 574/7 PC A03/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). Technologies from Developing Countries Development and transfer of technology series, no. 7. 1978, 46p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Technology, 'Developing countries, Information systems, Data acquisition, Industries. Identifiers: Developing country application. The volume provides information on 138 technol- ogies from developing countries. Under each heading a brief description of the technology and its distinctive features are given. Heading technol- ogies include plants and plant products; animal products; food industry; leather; wood, pulp, and paper; textiles; energy; chemicals; plastics; con- struction; metals; and machinery. PB-296 575/4 PC A04/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). Process Technologies for Phosphate Fertiliz- ers Development and transfer of technology series no. 8 K. R. Krishnaswami. 1978, 57p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Inorganic phosphates, 'Fertilizers, Process charting, Sulfuric acid, Phosphoric acid, Cost analysis. Identifiers: Ammonium phosphates, Ammonium phosphate sulfates, Ammonium nitrate phos- phates, Ammonium phosphate urea, Developing country application, Phosphate/nitro. The most important processes used for making phosphate fertilizer materials are summarized in this document. A guide is provided to the selection of process technologies for developing countries interested in initiating efforts in this sector. The processes for a given product are grouped togeth- er, and in every case the following information is given: description of the process operations; flow chart; advantages and disadvantages relative to the other processes in the same section; owner, in the case of proprietary processes; and engineering licenses, if any. More details about the processes can be found in the publications listed in the bib- liography and from the firms named in the descrip- tion, whose addresses are given in the annex. PB-296 576/2 PC A04/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). Process Technologies for Nitrogen Fertilizers Development and transfer of technology series no. 9 V. S. Pillai. 1978, 74p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Fertilizers, 'Nitrogen, Process chart- ing, Ammonia, Urea, Ammonium sulfate, Ammoni- um halides, Nitric acid, Ammonium nitrate, Sodium nitrates, Potassium nitrate, Cost analysis. Identifiers: Ammonium chloride, Ammonium nitrate sulfates, Ammonium calcium nitrates, Developing country application. The most important processes used for making ni- trogen fertilizer materials are summarized in this document. A guide is provided to the selection of process technologies for developing countries in- terested in initiating efforts in this sector. The proc- esses for a given product are grouped together, and in every case the following information is given: description of the process operations; flow chart; advantages and disadvantages relative to the other processes in the same section; owner, in the case of proprietary processes; and engineering licenses, if any. More details about the processes can be found in the publications listed in the bib- liography and from the firms named in the descrip- tion, whose addresses are given in the annex. PB-296 577/0 PC A04/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). Brickmaking Plant: Industry Profile Development and transfer of technology series no. 10 Ian Knizek. 1978, 64p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Brick industry, 'Manufacturing, 'In- dustrial plants, Production methods, Equipment, Bricks, Cost analysis, Fixed investment, Manpow- er, Requirements, Raw materials, Operating costs, Profits, Losses, Marketing, Transportation, Kilns, Energy, Utilities. Identifiers: Developing country application. The document presents basic information on all the important parameters involved in setting up and running a mechanized brickmaking plant. The study discusses the available processes; main equipment involved; material used; space, energy and utilities; manpower (number and type) needed for a given capacity; the size of the investment for a specific production; and an idea of product costs. PB-296 578/8 PC A04/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). Technological Profiles on the Iron and Steel In- dustry Development and transfer of technology series no. 11 G. P. Mathur. 1978, 55p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Iron and steel industry, 'Technology, Profiles, Technological intelligence, Iron ore de- posits, Production, Reserves, Beneficiation, Ag- glomeration, Iron ores, Steel making, Steel cast- ings, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Developing country application. The report contains four sections: (1) World Iron Ore Survey; (2) Ironmaking; (3) Steelmaking; and (4) Steel Casting. PB-296 581/2 PC A03/MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA. Fisheries Policy and the Underdevelopment of Inshore Pacific Mexico Technical rept. James R. McGoodwin. Apr 79, 47p Rept no. WHOI-79-44 Grant NOAA-04-8-M01-149 Sponsored in part by Pew Memorial Trust, Phila- delphia, PA. Descriptors: 'Shrimps, 'Fisheries, 'Mexico, Man- agement, Exports, Industries, Developing coun- tries, Rural areas, Coasts, Income, Growth, Ar- chaeology, Food processing. Identifiers: Sinaloa(Mexico), Cooperatives. 214 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Development of shrimp-export industry brought about the underdevelopment of Pacific Mexico's inshore fisheries. The rural fishery of south Sinaloa provides a case in point, as well as a point of de- parture for considering fisheries development and management policy for similar fisheries in certain other less developed countries. PB-296 582/0 PC A06/MF A01 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Bangkok (Thailand). Library. Appropriate Technology: A Bibliography of Books and Other Materials Nov 78, 113p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Bibliographies, "Developing coun- tries, "Technology, Subject index terms, Technol- ogy transfer, Methodology, Asia. Identifiers: Developing country application. Listed in this bibliography are 409 titles on village or intermediate technology which have been tried and tested. An index contains 417 subjects on which information may be obtained. Addresses and sources for obtaining these documents are given at the end of the bibliography. PB-296 635/6 PC A08/MF A01 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, VA. Developing Country Staff. Global Listing of Appropriate Technology Or- ganizations and Sources Paul Bundick. 1979, 169p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Technology assesment, "Organiza- tions, "Directories, Research, Technical societies, Scientific societies, States(United States), Foreign countries, Sources, Technology innovation, Tech- nological intelligence, Information centers. Identifiers: International organizations, National or- ganizations, Research and development, Develop- ing country applications, Information dissemina- tion. The directory is a comprehensive listing of ad- dresses of worldwide organizations, research insti- tutes, and development groups involved in some aspect of appropriate technology. The list was compiled in 1978 from numerous sources. It is or- ganized alphabetically by region, country, and or- ganization. The United States is arranged accord- ing to states. This is only a listing of addresses and is not intended to be a guide to the specific activi- ties of each appropriate technology source. PB-296 654/7 PC A03/MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Metodos Simples para Fabricar Velas (Simple Methods of Candle Manufacture) C1975, 29p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031-49-3 Descriptors: "Manufacturing, "Candles, Process- ing, Equipment, Guidelines, Developing countries, Casting, Drawing, Dipping, Pouring. Identifiers: Developing country application. Dipping, pouring, casting, drawing-all these basic candle-making processes are described in detail in this guide. For each process a list of equipment that is needed is included; whenever possible, readily available tools and techniques are substi- tuted for more expensive commercial products. Numerous drawings and diagrams illustrate the text. PB-296 720/6 PC A03/MF A01 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, New York. La Erosion y Su Control (Erosion and Its Con- trol) Pieter Van Ginneken, and Jose Ramon Mora. Jan 78, 29p Descriptors: "Soil erosion, "Erosion control, "De- veloping countries, Soils, Classifications, Channel stabilization, Ditches, Vegetation, Retaining walls, Farms. Identifiers: Developing country application. This introductory report describes three different types of erosion, their causes, and methods used to control erosion and preventative treatments of the soil. These are described step by step, and ap- plicable diagrams are included, e.g. the construc- tion of drainage channels and ditches, depending on the type and steepness of the soil; different ter- racing methods; types of vegetation beneficial to the prevention of erosion, especially for the pre- vention of slides and the building of retaining walls. The report is suited to the available resources in underdeveloped countries, and is primarily for use by farmers and small communities interested in im- proving the condition of the land. It is by no means a technical treatise. PC A03/MF A01 Industrial, Teguci- PB-296 721/4 Centro Cooperativo Tecnico galpa (Honduras). Estudio Tecnico-Economico para la Fabricaion de Cal en Honduras (Technical-Economical Study on the Production of Lime in Honduras) 1956, 43p Descriptors: "Industrial plants, "Calcium oxides, Manufacturing, Mines(Excavations), Plant location, Fuel consumption, Marketing, Plant layout, Kilns, Cost estimates, Market surveys, Honduras. Identifiers: Lime, Developing country application. The study examines the development of lime pro- duction in Honduras, the traditional and possible future uses of lime. It also describes the location of the quarries and their geological origin. Included is a design for a limestone plant using available fuel to the best advantage, the most desirable location of such a plant in relation to the availability of lime- stone deposits, fuel sources, and marketing. In ad- dition, construction layout and a model for an effi- cient lime kiln is provided. Analysis of different sources of limestone, operating cost effeiciency, local markets, estimated consumption, and export analyses are covered. Text in Spanish. PB-296 722/2 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Evaluacion Comparativa Entre Paises de Or- ganizaciones de Pequenos Agricultores (Com- parative Evaluations between Countries with Small Farmer Organizations and Their Pro- grams, Ecuador, Honduras Final rept. Judith Tendler. Nov 76, 73 Descriptors: "Cooperation, "Agriculture, "Credit, Rural areas, Farm management, Financing, Eco- nomic development, Ecuador, Honduras, Federal assistance programs. Identifiers: "Cooperatives, Rural development, Fi- nancial support. Nine different AID programs are discussed direct- ed to small farmer organizations in Ecuador and Honduras. Two of these programs deal with the or- ganization of credit cooperatives. Other programs are discussed which deal with commercial cooper- atives and the creation of private cooperatives and a central office for the assistance of cooperatives in the public sector. Factors that contribute to the success or failure of these programs, recommen- dations on what course AID should follow, inter- agency coordination in rural development pro- grams, and the economic and political aspects of the above programs are presented. PB-296 916/0 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Progres et Perspectives de la Production Ali- mentaire (Progress and Prospects for food Production) F. W. Parker. 1956, 31 p Descriptors: "Production, "Food, "Developing countries, United States, Comparison, Mexico, Brazil, India, Yugoslavia. Identifiers: Developing country application. Food Production in developing countries is com- pared with that in developed countries, principally the United States. Mexico, Brazil, India, and Yugo- slavia provide statistics as sample developing countries. Use of fertilizers and pesticides is dis- cussed, conditions for progress outlined, and pros- pects for improvement mentioned. PB-296 917/8 PC A04/MF A01 Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC. Petit Manuel de Conservation des Eaux et du Sol (Teaching Soil and Water Conservation) Albert B. Foster, and Adrian C. Fox. 1 966, 58p Descriptors: "Soil conservation, "Water conserva- tion, "Soil erosion, Visual aids, Manuals, Educa- tion, Sediments, Soil properties, Soil texture, Culti- vation, Plants(Botany), Irrigation, Vegetation, Le- guminous plants, Mulches, Slopes. Identifiers: Developing country application. Techniques for presenting graphic visual demon- strations that explain how soil is formed and eroded are described in detail. Methods to teach conservation practices with equal visual proof by demonstration are then given in a systematic manner that can help community leaders or agri- cultural extension workers teach basic conserva- tion. PB-296 918/6 PC A06/MF A01 Agricultural Research Service, Washington, DC. Les Maladies de la Tomate: Prophylaxie et Trai- tement (Tomato Diseases and Their Control) S. P. Doolittle, A. L. Taylor, and L. L. Danielson. 1960, 123p Descriptors: "Tomato plants, "Plant diseases, Bacteria, Mushrooms, Viruses, Nematoda, Pest control, Recommendations. Identifiers: Developing country applications. Forty three separate tomato diseases are covered including maladies caused by bacteria, mush- rooms, viruses, nematodes, and unknown agents. General methods for controlling all these diseases are given and a helpful section listing the various symptoms of tomato diseases is included for easy identification of what problem is affecting your crop. PB-296 964/0 PC A02 California Univ., San Diego, La Jolla. Dept. of An- thropology. Successful Mexican Tuna Cooperatives: A Model for U.S. Fishermen John S. Petterson. Mar 79, 15p NOAA-79051504 Grant NOAA-04-7-1 58-441 21 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Tunas, "Organization, Fishing, Mexico, United States. Identifiers: Sea Grant program, Cooperatives. Some of the means by which Mexican tuna coo- peratives have been able to successfully adapt to physical and social conditions are identified. The difference between the successful adaptation of the Mexican cooperatives and the less than suc- cessful adaptation of many U.S. fishing coopera- tives has been a product of the complex interac- tion of numerous historical and cultural variables. Although conditions in Mexico and the United States are not directly parallel, some of the mecha- nisms employed by the Mexican fisherman in adapting to changing conditions could prove useful to U.S. fishermen in solving their own problems. PB-296 995/4 PC A12/MF A01 Philippines Univ., Diliman, Quezon City. Inst, for Small Scale Industries. Annotated Bibliography of Institute Reports 1978, 254p Rept no. IID-780425 Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Bibliographies, "Management, "In- dustries, "Technology, Philippines, Manufacturing, Commerce, Crafts, Automation, Technological in- telligence, Production methods, Industrial engi- neering, Market research, Market surveys, Audit- ing, Technology assessment, Businesses, Subject indexing. Identifiers: Case studies, Developing country appli- cation. 215 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS The bibliography contains reports on the following topic areas: Management operations of existing trading, handicrafts and manufacturing industries in the Philippines; Low-cost automation and adap- tive technology; Production processes and re- quirements; and market possibilities in particular. PB-297 043/2 PC E13/MF E13 Solar Energy Information Services, San Mateo, CA. Engineer's Guide to Solar Energy Yvonne Howell, and Justin A. Bereny. cFeb 79, 330p* Rept nos. SEIS-79/1, ISBN-0-930978-04-8 Library of Congress catalog card no. 78-62956 Descriptors: *Solar energy, 'Manuals, Solar power generation, Solar cells, Photovoltaic cells, Solar radiation, Biomass, Wind power generation, Heat storage, Swimming pools, Heat pumps, Space heating, Buildings, Heat loss, Heating load, Cool- ing load, Design, Performance, Thermal efficiency, Cost analysis, Bibliographies, Dictionaries, Indus- tries, Directories, Photographs, Drawings, Systems engineering, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Solar space heating, Solar water heat- ing, Ocean thermal energy conversion, Passive solar heating systems, Solar collectors, Flat plate collectors, Concentrating collectors, Solar air con- ditioning, Solar cooling systems, Solar heating sys- tems, Solar power plants. The Engineer's Guide to Solar Energy is designed to enable professionals in any field of engineering, architects, builders, and tradesmen to develop a working knowledge of solar heating technology. It is also designed to serve as a basic textbook to introduce college students to the field of solar energy. The Guide, organized into 13 basic chap- ters, offers vital and up-to-date information on the following subjects: (1) An overview of the six basic solar technologies; (2) a comprehensive discus- sion of the solar resource, including a compendium of worldwide solar radiation data; (3) an introduc- tion to passive solar technology; (4) extensive dis- cussion of active solar systems, including applica- tions for heating swimming pools, domestic hot water, and space heating; (5) methodology for cal- culating building heat loss and gain, including worldwide design temperature data; (6) an intro- duction to solar systems sizing through utilization of the f-chart method, including examples and worksheets; (7) a Solar Heating Product Directory divided into four sections: collectors, controls, pumps, and storage; (8) an Annotated Bibliography highlighting significant solar heating literature, in- cluding program and planning documents pub- lished by the U.S. Government; (9) a four-part Solar Dictionary consisting of: glossary, acronyms, nomenclature and conversion factors (English to metric SI units). Copyright (c) 1979 by Solar Energy Information Services. PB-297 072/1 PC A02/MF A01 Inter-Univ. Consortium for International Develop- ment, Columbia, MO. Trickle-Up Development Through Aided Self- Employment Glen Leet. 12 Mar 79, 21 p Paper presented at the Comparative Social Devel- opment State of the Art Conference, Held at Co- lumbia, MO. on October 30, 1978. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Community development, "Employ- ment, Productivity, Developing countries, Rural areas, Return on investment, Low income groups. Identifiers: Developing country application, Poverty groups. The document is designed to stimulate growth with equity by involving the poorest of the poor in pro- ductive self-help. The process described has en- couraged over 97 million days of community serv- ice on activities planned by people for their collec- tive benefit. Programs are cited in Greece, the Re- public of Korea, and a continuing program in Mexico spanning 15 years in over 20,000 commu- nities. PB-297 073/9 PC A04/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. Industrial Research and Science and Technol- ogy for Development. A Workshop in Prepara- tion for the 1979 U.S. Conference Raymond C. Sangster, and B. K. Wesley Copeland. 1978, 62p Contract AID-DSAN-1 47-641 Prepared in cooperation with International Science and Technology Inst., Inc., Washington, DC. Re- sults of a conference, Held in Arlington, Virginia, on November 8-9, 1978. Descriptors: "Research, "Technological intelli- gence, "Developing countries, Technology as- sessment, Technology transfer, Industries, Eco- nomic development, Organizations, Meetings. Identifiers: "Industrial technology, "Research and development, Developing country application, Sci- entific research. The results of a Workshop are provided in the booklet. The Workshop participants, consisting of senior research managers from 21 U.S. corpora- tions, nationals of several countries, and repre- sentatives from five Federal agencies and several non-profit organizations, met to discuss the funda- mental issues affecting the present and potential linkages between corporate R&D organizations and the developing countries. PB-297 074/7 PC A02/MF A01 International Society for Community Development. Aided Self-Employment as a Means of Enabling the Poorest of the Poor to Contribute to Devel- opment Glenn Leet. 25 Aug 78, 25p Paper presented at International Conference of the International Society for Community Develop- ment, Held at Jerusalem, Israel on August 25, 1978. Sponsored in part by Agency for Internation- al Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Employment, "Disadvantaged groups, Management training, Economic develop- ment, Motivation, Greece, Korea, Mexico, Person- nel development, Capital, Projects, Government policies, Investments. Identifiers: "Self help programs, Developing coun- try application, Self actualization. The paper is based upon the recognition of the ca- pacity of people to think, plan, and work together, and upon the realization that as they achieve some of their hopes and aspirations, they contribute to the greater self-reliance of their communities and their nations. Programs in Mexico, Korea, and Greece are cited. PB-297 075/4 PC A08/MF A01 Bureau of Employment Security, Washington, DC. Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements May 63, 156p AID/GM-6 Descriptors: "Manpower, "Abilities, "Require- ments, "Specialized training, Education, Manpow- er utilizations, Skilled workers, Unskilled workers, Job analysis, Labor estimates, Reporting. Identifiers: "Training, Developing country applica- tion, Skill development, Skilled labor. The handbook includes methods for determining current skill needs and for introducing a continuing program of manpower reporting. Part I discusses manpower planning in obtaining information de- signed to meet the particular economic develop- ments of the area it describes. Part II covers area manpower surveys to assist and support economic development in producing estimates of current and future manpower requirements in selected or in all occupations and by ascertaining the education and training needs to satisfy manpower require- ments. Part III focuses on occupational guides for determining worker-job relationships in a particular occupation or group of occupations. Worksheets are included for compiling data. PB-297 076/2 PC A04/MF A01 Organization for Economic Co-Operation and De- velopment, Paris (France). Methods of Project Appraisal in Developing Countries Andre Bussery. Mar 73, 68p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Project management, "Evaluation, "Developing countries, Performance evaluation, Cost effectiveness, Guidelines, Methodology, Ac- counting, Prices, Employment, Income, Discount- ed cash flow, Convergence, Divergence, Political science, Economic analysis. Identifiers: Developing country application. The document reviews and compares the different methods used for the appraisal of projects in de- veloping countries. The convergencies and diver- gencies of the various methods are shown as well as the principle practical or theoretical problems arising from their use within the developing coun- tries. PB-297 077/0 PC A04/MF A01 World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland). ATH Programme. Appropriate Technology for Health Directory Apr 78, 51 p Rept no. ATH-78.1 Descriptors: "Directories, Research, Indexes(Documentation), Foreign countries. Identifiers: "Health care technology, Developing country application, Health services research, Subject indexes. The directory contains the names and addresses of 210 people who are involved in the field of ap- propriate technology health (ATU). The listings are alphabetical by country. A subject index is includ- ed. PB-297 078/8 PC A05/MF A01 National Project in Agricultural Communications, East Lansing, Ml. Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs Robert J. Ames, George H. Axinn, Landis S. Bennett, and Ellis Clough. Jul 67, 92p Sponsored in part by International Cooperation Administration, Washington, DC. Office of Food and Agriculture. Descriptors: "Agricultural economics, "Specialized education, "Visual aids, Instructional materials, Handbooks, Training devices, Education, Farm management. Identifiers: "Rural extension, Developing country applications. The handbook is for those who are engaged in the world-wide movement of improving agricultural ef- ficiency through extension education. The value and use of visuals in teaching new ideas is empha- sized. Many useful visual aids are presented for communicating new methods. PB-297 079/6 PC A02/MF A01 National Science and Technology Development Agency, Lagos (Nigeria). Educating Farmers Through the Mass Media Oyeniyi Akande. 1978, 17p Paper presented at National Seminar on Transfer of Research Results in Agriculture, Held at Ibadan, Nigeria, on November 21-24, 1978. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Mass media, "Education, "Agricul- ture, Mass communication, Research, Production, Yield, Technological intelligence, Agriculture engi- neering. Identifiers: "Rural extension, "Information dissemi- nation, Developing country application, Scientific research, Farmers. The paper explores the role of the mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, and television) in assisting the agricultural research workers to get their findings across to the ultimate users-the farmers who have to adopt the new techniques in order to improve their yields. PB-297 085/3 PC A04/MF A01 Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. Economic Develop- ment Lab. 216 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Bibliography of Intermediate Technology Ma- terials Held at the International Development Data Center Kay Ellen Auciello. 1976, 62p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Bibliographies, "Technological intel- ligence, "Technology assessment, Technology transfer, Information centers, Developing coun- tries, Utilization, Adaptation, Subject indexing. Identifiers: Developing country application. The document lists various publications concerned with the subjects of technology selection and ad- aptation for particular situations in developing countries. It contains reports, papers, articles, monographs, and serials that devote substantial coverage to various aspects of intermediate tech- nology. The publications are arranged by broad subject categories and entered alphabetically by author. Publications listed are those as of January 1 976 in the IDDC collection. PB-297 086/1 PC A03/MF A01 Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Secondary Benefits and Irrigation Project Plan- ning Norman D. Kimball, and Emery N. Castle. May 63, 37p Rept no. TECHNICAL BULL-69 Prepared in cooperation with Department of Agri- culture, Washington, DC. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Descriptors: "Irrigation, "Developing countries, Project planning, Benefit cost analysis, Marketing, Agricultural economics, Businesses, Oregon. Identifiers: Developing country application, Jeffer- son County(Oregon). This manuscript presents the conclusions devel- oped on an intensive research study of the experi- ence of an irrigation project. The project known as the North Unit Deschutes Irrigation Project is locat- ed in Jefferson County, Oregon, and was devel- oped by the Bureau of Reclamation. The purpose of this report is to state the principal theoretical issues and to present measures of secondary benefits. The study is also concerned with project planning. PB-297 087/9 PC A02/MF A01 Hotline International, New York. The Augmentation of International Confer- ences Through Computer Communications Glen Leet, and Mildred Robbins Leet. 7 Jun 78, 19p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Paper Presented at Session on Computer-Based Document Distribu- tion, National Computer Conference, 1 978, Held at Anaheim, California. Descriptors: Meetings, Computer networks, Inter- national relations, Telecommunication. Identifiers: "Computer conferencing, "Computer communications, Conferences, Developing coun- try application. Reported in this paper is the impact of computer communication technologies on the dissemination of information at international conferences. Many advantages to computer communication technol- ogies are cited in this document. PB-297 144/8 PC A04/MF A01 Mochudi Farmers Brigade, Botswana. Mochudi Tool Bar (Makgonatsotlhe) Feb 75, 54p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Tools, "Agricultural machinery, "De- veloping countries, Drawings, Loads(Forces), Wheels, Cultivation, Bars, Savings, Africa. Identifiers: Developing country application, Bo- tswana Republic(Africa), Tool bars. The Mochudi Farmers Brigade is a project of the Kgatleng Development Board which is a non-gov- ernmental development agency, dedicated to the development of Botswana and its peoples, particu- larly the rural sector. For a number of years it has been working to develop and perfect a multi-pur- pose farming implement suited to local conditions. In building simple tools for draught animals the wheels on which the implement is supported repre- sent the single largest investment in materials, therefore, if the same set of wheels can be used for many functions it should be possible to limit the cost of necessary tools by making one set of wheels carry out many operations. After several years of testing, the Mochudi Toolbar has been perfected so that it is possible to perform all the necessary operations of conventional tillage sys- tems as well as many unconventional operations. This booklet contains a complete set of scale drawings for the Toolbar and its various compo- nents. PB-297 179/4 PC A03/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Agricultural Machin- ery Industry and Rural Industrialization in the Sudan Background paper M. Abdelkarim Bedri. 13 Oct 78, 46p Report of Working Group No. 7, Appropriate Tech- nology for the Production of Agricultural Machinery and Implements. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Industries, "Agricultural machinery, "Sudaw, Agriculture, Government policies, Plan- ning, Production, Tractors, Cooperation, Machin- ery, Developing countries, Africa. Identifiers: Developing country application. The paper deals with the present status and future development in the agricultural machinery industry in Sudan. Both technical and economic aspects re- lating to the issue of the agricultural machinery in- dustry are discussed. An annex and bibliography are included. PB-297 180/2 PC A04/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Tech- nologies for Small-Scale Production of Cement and Cementitious Materials Background paper R. J. S. Spence. 13 Oct 78, 69p Prepared by Intermediate Technology Develop- ment Group, London (England). Report of Working Group. No. 5, Appropriate Technology for the Pro- duction of Cement and Building Materials. Spon- sored in part by Agency for International Develop- ment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Construction materials, "Cements, "Manufacturing, Portland cement, Technology, Comparison, India, Kilns, China, Indonesia, Struc- tural clay products, Gypsum, Calcium oxides, De- veloping countries, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application. The report discusses small scale cement produc- tion, and the characteristics and problems in exist- ing cement-production technology. The report covers small-scale Portland plants; lime-based ce- menting materials; other cementing materials such as hydraulic lime and natural cement and gypsum, and describes other cement-making processes. PB-297 203/2 PC A04/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Medicine for the Rural Population in India Background paper R. N. Goel. 6 Oct 78, 53p Report of Working Group. No. 2, Appropriate Technology for the Manufacture of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Medicine, "India, Drugs, Rural areas, Distribution systems, Quality control, Investments, Drug industry, Medical services, Developing coun- tries. Identifiers: Developing country application. The document presents ways of providing simple medicaments to the rural population in India. The suggestions are also applicable to rural areas of other developing countries with suitable modifica- tions. The topics covered are indigenous system of medicine, allopathic home remedies, quality con- trol, distribution systems, capital investments and financial projection, socio-economic benefits, and the present position of the drug industry in India. PB-297 205/7 PC A02/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Preservation of Vegetables in the Republic of Korea: The Proc- essing of Kimchi Background paper D. H. Shin. 13 Oct 78, 25p Report of Working Group No. 6, Appropriate Tech- nology for Food Storage and Processing. Spon- sored in part by Agency for International Develop- ment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Food processing, "Vegetables, "Korea, Preservation, Food storage, Storage life, Microorganisms, Fermentation, Developing coun- tries. Identifiers: Developing country application. Kimchi, spiced and lactic acid fermented vegeta- bles, has traditionally been one of the most impor- tant side dishes for the daily meals of the Korean people. It is prepared by salting Chinese cabbages and/or radishes, washing the salted vegetables with fresh water, adding spices and seasoning to them, and then leaving the spiced vegetables to undergo a process of natural lactic acid fermenta- tion. The document discusses microorganisms in kimchi fermentation; changes in properties of kimchi under fermentation; and how to extend stor- age life of kimchi. PB-297 226/3 PC A03/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Creation of Small- Scale Industry Development in Southern Sweden - The Gnosjo Case Background paper Magnus Hult, and Goran Odeen. 25 Sep 78, 29p Prepared by Swedish International Development Authority, Stockholm. Report of Working Group No. 8, Appropriate Technology for Light Engineer- ing Industries and Rural Workshops. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Industries, Statistical data, Econom- ic development, Manufacturing, Employment, Eco- nomic factors, Sweden. Identifiers: "Industrial development, Developing country application. The Smaland commune Gnosjo is a region which has had an extremely positive economic develop- ment during the 20th century. Gnosjo's economy is highly dependent upon a large number of small- scale industries primarily in the light manufacturing sector. Unemployment is very low. This paper ana- lyzes Gnosjo as a practical case for an analysis model to provide an understanding of the reasons behind the positive economic development of a region. PB-297 227/1 PC A05/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. The Pharmaceutical Industry of the Republic of Korea Background paper S. S. Jun. 13 Oct 78, 93p 217 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Report of Working Group No. 2, Appropriate Tech- nology for the Manufacture of Drugs and Pharma- ceuticals. Sponsored in part by Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: *Drug industry, * Korea, Development, Manufacturing, Economic development, History, Technology, Foreign aid, Public health, Insurance, Developing countries. Identifiers: Developing country application. The study has been organized into seven chapters to cover the topics essential for examining the Korean historical experience in an effort to deter- mine what factors aided and/or hindered the phar- maceutical industrial development. The main topics cover the pre-war era; the post war era; the era of economic development plan; the present; and public health and medical insurance. Tables of statistics are provided to understand the past and the present status. PB-297 239/6 PC A03/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Technology Plan- ning Factors in the Cane Sugar Industry Background paper M. H. Tantawi. 27 Oct 78, 33p Report of Working Group No. 4, Appropriate Tech- nology for the Production of Sugar. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: *Food industry, Sugar crops, Industri- al plants, Production capacity, Machinery, Molas- ses, Bagasse, Processing, Production methods, Requirements, Developing countries. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Sugar industry. The document briefly discusses factory size and location, operations and processing requirements machinery and capacity of production. PB-297 240/4 PC A03/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Tech- nology in the Construction and Building Materi- als Industry Background paper G. Sebestyen. 5 Oct 78, 28p Report of Working Group No. 5, Appropriate Tech- nology for the Production of Cement and Building Materials. Sponsored in part by Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Construction industry, 'Construction materials, 'Technology, Manufacturing, Technol- ogy assessment, Developing countries, Agree- ments, Cooperation, Policies, Meetings. Identifiers: Developing country application. In recent years the construction and building mate- rials industry in less developed countries has become more and more important. Hence it should be awarded second priority after the food and agro industries. In construction there are several sub- sectors: international modern, domestic modern and traditional and small scale. Appropriate tech- nologies are different for these subsectors. For the modern subsector technologies used in developed countries can be appropriate, however, in many cases production on a smaller scale and a lower degree of mechanization is justified. In the building materials industry too production often is to be or- ganized on a smaller scale (cement, lime, gypsum, etc.). It is important to develop the manufacture and use of local materials (stone etc.) and of indus- trial and agricultural wastes. Industrialization on various levels leads to an increased effectiveness of the construction and building materials industry, this being a prerequisite to increased outputs in new housing, new industrial complexes and the construction of better national and urban infra- structures (transport systems, etc.). Governments should devote particular attention to the develop- ment of the construction and building materials in- dustry, including the choice of appropriate technol- ogy, in order to promote economic development and the welfare of the population. PB-297 241/2 PC A02/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Choice of Appropri- ate Construction Technology in the Building In- dustry in Iran Background paper F. Neghabat. 5 Oct 78, 24 Report of Working Group No. 5, Appropriate Tech- nology for the Production of Cement and Building Materials. Sponsored in part by Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Construction industry, 'Iran, Tech- nology, Urban areas, Houses, Rural areas, Con- struction materials, Economic factors, Policies, Developing countries, Prefabrication, Statistical data. Identifiers: Developing country application. An attempt has been made to present the status of construction industry in Iran. Statistics are given reflecting urban housing types, numbers existing and planned, the status of building materials and the extent of industrialization of building industry is presented. Comparisons have been made be- tween the two categories of indigenous and im- ported Western technologies. Factors most impor- tant in evaluating alternative construction tech- niques are discussed. It is shown that the choice of appropriate technology whether indigenous or im- ported depends on the specifics of the project and its suitability to local conditions. The economical, labor, technical, and managerial factors, as well as the adaptability of the region to new technology is stressed. The appropriateness of indigenous tech- nology to rural housing, and the applicability to specific project of total, partial or on-site prefabri- cation is described. Finally, the establishment of component industries as a foundation for a stable, equilibrium condition in building industry is empha- sized. PB-297 242/0 PC A04/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Building Materials and Components Background paper J. P. M. Parry. 5 Oct 78, 53p Prepared by Intermediate Technology Develop- ment Group, London (England). Report of Working Group No. 5, Appropriate Technology for the Pro- duction of Cement and Building Materials. Spon- sored in part by Agency for International Develop- ment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Construction materials, 'Cements, 'Developing countries, Reinforcement(Structures), Roofs, Bricks, Tiles, Construction industry, Brick industry, Meetings, Africa, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application, Vil- lages. The paper considers important aspects of the eco- nomics and technology of the construction sector in less developed countries especially in Africa. It then applies the lessons drawn from the analysis to suggest future policies. The design and erection of buildings to fit their purpose and the industrial manufacture of building materials are different types of activity but strongly influence each other. The earlier parts of the discussion concentrate on aspects of design from which stem particular re- quirements for building materials and components. Some traditional low cost ways of extending the life expectancy of normally non durable structures are briefly reviewed in the context of an examina- tion of the normal agents of decay in buildings. In- formation is provided of one new manufacturing system, a technique for making low cost fibre rein- forced cement roof sheets by hand which is suit- able for village-scale industries. A fairly detailed examination is made of the one building product which is manufactured extensively in small scale plants-burnt clay bricks. Aspects of the brickmak- ing technologies and operating set-ups are exam- ined to try to determine what features have made them so resilient. Discussion of rural brickmaking is concluded in an assessment on how it could be improved technically so as to serve its market with better quality products in manufacturing plants which use resources more efficiently, are less vul- nerable to seasonal changes and provide a better operating environment for the workforce. The ar- gument is then broadened using information on the strengths and weaknesses of the rural brick and tile industries to give guidance on how other forms of building material manufacture could be encour- aged. Finally the question is explored of how rural employment and prosperity through expanded building materials manufacture, could be aided by institutional assistance through public sources. The paper concludes with a description of actions and programs which in the light of the technical and commercial findings, might be considered for implementation on an international scale. PB-297 258/6 PC A03/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Construction and Building Materials Industry in the United Re- public of Cameroon Background paper E. K. Mundi. 5 Oct 78, 26p Report of Working Group. No. 5, Appropriate Technology for the Production of Cement and Building Materials. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Construction industry, 'Cameroon, Construction materials, Cements, Gravel, Bamboo, Bricks, Wood, Buildings, Developing countries, Africa. Identifiers: Developing country application. The United Republic of Cameroon is located be- tween West and Central Africa. The country enjoys a tropical to subtropical climate. The country has four major regions distinguished on basis of cli- mate and geology....factors that influence the type and distribution of building materials. The main local building materials are: cement, sand, gravel, stone, cement blocks, clay blocks, burnt bricks, hardwood, raffia bamboo, palm leaves, grass, cor- rugated aluminum sheets and iron rods. The main building types are constructed by a combination of these materials. Local building types are construct- ed by a combination of these materials. Local building materials is at a nascent stage as for ex- ample: research on concrete with palm nut shells as aggregate and research on lateritic concrete. Both research results are summarized in the paper. In view of the potential and low cost of local building materials serious research is called for at a national and regional level with an aim of under- standing these materials and developing norms for their utility. PB-297 364/2 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Co-Operative Organisation; an Introduction B. A. Youngjohns. c1977, 37p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-43-4 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: Production, Farms, Industries, Gov- ernment policies, Control, Organizations, Busi- nesses, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Coo- peratives, Cooperative farming. The booklet is about co-operatives, how they are formed, how they work, what the legal implications are, and what role they play in development. It sets out principles of a cooperative and explains in some detail the various forms it can take, from co- operative farms to industrial production. It also deals with the government's role and the various controls which it places on such organizations. PB-297 365/9 Norwegian Aid Agency, Oslo. MF A01 218 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Accounting and Book Keeping for the Small Building Contractor Derek Miles. c1978, 196p Sponsored in part by Intermediate Technology De- velopment Group, London (England). Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Accounting, 'Construction industry, "Contractors, Developing countries, Records man- agement, Assets, Liabilities, Fixed investment, Capitalized costs, Depreciation, Profits, Losses, Construction costs, Financial management. Identifiers: "Small businesses, Developing country application. The book is the first in a series of publications writ- ten to help small contractors in developing coun- tries establish and run a business effectively. Topics covered in the volume include: keeping rec- ords; assets and liabilities; basic book-keeping; analysis; fixed assets; depreciation; balance sheets; profit and loss accounts; reading and com- parison of accounts; and practical exercises. PB-297 366/7 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Simple Methods of Candle Manufacturing David Schreiber, and Dennis Rose. c1975, 23p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031-49-3 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Manufacturing, "Candles, Pouring, Moulding techniques, Waxes, Melting, Great Brit- ain, Materials, Equipment. Identifiers: Developing country application. The booklet shows how, without expensive and sophisticated machinery, it is possible to manufac- ture candles. A description of how a candle works is given and the importance of the size of the wick is stressed. Information is provided on materials required, candle making techniques, and of the process. Line illustrations of the simple equipment that may be used are included. PB-297 367/5 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Business Arithmetic for Co-Operatives and Other Small Business; a Basic Manual for the Employees of Primary Co-Operative Societies Trevor Bottomley. c1977, 89p Rept no. ISBN-O- 903031-47-7 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Arithmetic, Manuals, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Coo- peratives, Cooperative farming, "Small business- es. The manual is designed to enable those involved in co-operatives or small businesses to train them- selves to do the calculations necessary for the run- ning of a business. Part I of the manual is very ele- mentary and intended only for those who feel they need to go back to the beginning. Part II covers all the calculations normally called for in a business. PB-297 368/3 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps Simon Watt, and John Collett. cJul 77, 67p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031-26-4 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Pumps, China, Well pumps, Water supply, Chains, Drawings, Pipes(Tubes), Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application. The publication contains twenty-one versions of the chain and washer water lifting device, dis- played at the 1 958 Peking Agricultural Exhibition, China. Each version of the pump was designed and built by separate communes, using local mate- rials, skills and tools. A description of each pump with performance figures is provided on simple in- formation sheets. Drawings are included to give a basic understanding of the mechanics needed to build one of the devices. PB-297 369/1 MF A01 Cranfield Inst, of Tech. (England). Marketing De- velopment Centre. Small Enterprises in Developing Countries: Case Studies and Conclusions Malcolm Harper, and Tan Thiam Soon. c1979, 111 Sponsored in part by Intermediate Technology De- velopment Group, London (England). Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Manufacturing, Soaps, Leather, Plastics, Fertilizers, Roofs, Tiles, Woolen spun yarns, Production management, Failure, Oper- ations, Developing countries, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Small businesses, "Case studies. The publication includes over 20 case studies of problems encountered by small businesses in var- ious developing countries. There are individual commentaries on the studies and, in the second part of the book, a general discussion of the fac- tors which determine the success or failure of a small business. A few of the case studies include soap manufacturing, a candy factory, leather- works, plastics, fertilizer, roof tile manufacturing, a wool spinning center, and a block maker. PB-297 370/9 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). The Work of a Co-Operative Committee Peter Yeo. C1978, 83p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031- 53-1 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: Organizations, Management, Plan- ning, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Coo- peratives, Loans, Cooperative farming. The book has been written as a guide for members and prospective committee members of primary cooperatives. It deals with the basic facts about the committee, how the committee serves the members and what loans can be made to the members of the cooperative. It sets out clearly what a committee member's duties are, as well as his responsibilities in law. The book has been de- signed as a programmed learning text with materi- al for six meetings of study groups, including the private study needed before each meeting. The book should prove a useful introduction for anyone who is interested in becoming a member of the committee of a cooperative. PB-297 371/7 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Methane Generation by Anaerobic Fermenta- tion; an Annotated Bibliography Christina Freeman, and Leo Pyle. c1977, 71 p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031-41-8 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Methane, "Anaerobic processes, "Bibliographies, Reaction kinetics, Microbiology, Nutrients, Fertilizers, Construction materials, Fer- mentation, Fuels, Bacteria, Mathematical models. Identifiers: Manufactured gas, Synthetic fuels, Solid wastes, Developing country application. This bibliography is for those who are directly in- volved or interested in building, designing, and im- proving methane generators in the developing countries. It includes the basic and relevant materi- al required to enable those working in this field to decide on the viability of gas production and to help them learn from other people's experience. PB-297 372/5 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). A Manual of Building Construction Harold K. Dancy. C1977, 379p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-08-06 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Construction, "Manuals, Masonry, Walls, Bricks, Layout, Excavation, Foundations, Windows, Roofs, Carpentry, Concretes, Plumbing, Utilities, Painting, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application. The book is a practical field building manual. It is divided into five sections: preparation, masonry, carpentry, concrete, and finishing trades. Many il- lustrations are included for demonstrating princi- pals in construction. PB-297 373/3 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Hand Dug Wells and Their Construction S. B. Watt, and W. E. Wood. c1977, 226p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031-27-2 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Water wells, "Developing countries, Construction, Ground water, Water supply, Labor estimates, Materials, Equipment, Mixing, Con- cretes, Shaft sinking, Excavation, Disinfection, Safety, Linings, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application, Vil- lages, Self help. The book presents a range of technology suitable for exploiting ground-water sources at low cost, with minimum sophisticated technology and with the greatest input of village labour and skills. The methods described combine traditional principles with modern techniques. Part I describes some general principles together with a reference to the health implications of a hygienic source of water and some notes on the organization and prepara- tion of well sinking work. Part II describes in simple detail the actual construction of a particular size and type of well that has proved successful in many parts of the world under widely differing con- ditions. Part III deals with alternative materials and techniques which may be more suitable in certain circumstances. Part IV describes in greater detail the standard equipment and materials used. Part V comprises additional information that may be of some use to those interested in well sinking. PB-297 374/1 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Economically Appropriate Technologies for Developing Countries; an Annotated Bibliogra- phy Marilyn Carr. C1976, 104p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-19-1 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Bibliographies, "Developing coun- tries, Agriculture, Construction materials, Houses, Manufacturing, Public utilities, Roads, Economic factors, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Ap- propriate technology. The bibliography provides information on the eco- nomic aspects of intermediate technologies for de- veloping countries. This volume is basically con- cerned with hardware. The material has been di- vided into six sections. The first four sections cover technologies related to the basic human needs of food, shelter, manufactured goods such as cloth- ing, footware and various household items, and in- frastructural goods such as power sources, water supplies, health services, roads and transporta- tion. The last two sections contain a selection of technical publications and bibliographies which provide useful back-up material to the main stud- ies. PB-297 375/8 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Ferrocement Water Tanks and Their Construc- tion S. B. Watt. C1978, 121p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-51-5 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Water tanks, "Construction, Ce- ments, Reinforcing materials, Wire, Foundations, Design, Construction materials, Water storage, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application, "Ferro- cement. 219 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS This publication describes in detail, methods of constructing water storage tanks from wire-rein- forced cement-mortar. These tanks are widely used in many parts of the world to collect and store water for domestic, stock, irrigation, and also for industrial purposes. Subject areas include planning and designing the tank, standard methods of con- struction, and alternative designs. (Copyright (c) Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd, 1978.) PB-297 376/6 MF A01 Norwegian Aid Agency, Oslo. Financial Planning for the Small Building Con- tractor Derek Miles. C1979, 192p Sponsored in part by Intermediate Technology De- velopment Group, London (England). Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Financial management, 'Construc- tion industry, 'Contractors, Planning, Scheduling, Cash flow, Investments, Billing, Accounting, Cost engineering, Resource allocation, Capital, Financ- ing, Project management, Labor estimates, Materi- als estimates, Budgeting, Developing countries. Identifiers: "Small businesses, Developing country application. This book is the second in a series of publications designed to provide ideas and techniques for good business management. Topics covered in this volume include: planning the year's work; job pro- grams; cash flow; investment decisions; billing pro- cedures and work study techniques. Saving time and money are also themes. PB-297 377/4 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Small Scale Cement Plants Jon Sigurdson. c1977, 31 p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-46-9 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Industrial plants, 'Manufacturing, 'Cements, India, China, Comparison, Portland ce- ments, Great Britain, Bibliographies, Design, Kilns, Developing countries. Identifiers: Developing country application, Small businesses. The booklet examines the criteria which would jus- tify the establishment of mini cement plants in de- veloping countries and specifically compares the situation in India with that in China, where more than 57% of cement is produced by small plants. The quality of the cement produced is also dis- cussed and comparisons are drawn between cement from mini cement plants and that of port- land cement. A short bibliography is provided as well as designs of vertical shaft kilns taken from a Chinese book on small scale cement plants. PB-297 378/2 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Technology for a Changing World Roger England, and John Davis. c1978, 66p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031-56-6 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Technology assessment, 'Economic development, Environments, Social change, Pro- ductivity, Manpower, Capital, Energy, Businesses, Education, Technological intelligence, Quality of life. Identifiers: Small business, Developing country ap- plication. The booklet is concerned with the application of the concepts of appropriate technology to the economy. It is a recognition of the fact that rich and poor countries alike stand in need of a new kind of technology which is more in harmony with people and with the environment. Subject areas include the appropriateness of conventional technology; productivity; energy; small enterprises; local enter- prise trusts; education for a new world; and the right to choose technologies. PB-297 379/0 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Equipment for Rural Workshops John E. L. Boyd, S. A. Bonnist, J. R. Collett, A. Mallett, and H. S. Pearson. c1978, 96p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031-45-0 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Equipment, 'Woodworking, 'Metal working, Tools, Workplace layout, Cost estimates, Power equipment, Machine tools, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application. The book is a guide to anyone who wishes to equip a workshop from the basic tools required for a one or two man carpentry workshop without power to the more sophisticated establishment requiring power equipment for both wood and metal work- ing. Only well-known and reliable equipment is listed. The tools specified are all illustrated and workshop layouts are suggested. There are photo- graphs of various sizes of workshops in different countries, as well as some pictures of farming equipment that has been manufactured at some of the workshops. Suppliers' addresses are also given in an appendix. Prices quoted in the books may soon be out of date, but they give an inexperi- enced person some idea of the budget required for a particular size of workshop. PB-297 380/8 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). A Manual on the Hydraulic Ram for Pumping Water S. B. Watt. C1975, 53p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031- 15-9 Prepared in cooperation with National Coll. of Agri- cultural Engineering, Silsoe (England). Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Hydraulic equipment, 'Rams(Pumps), 'Construction, Construction ma- terials, Fluid flow, Design, Valves, Assembling, Pipe fittings, Water supply. Identifiers: Developing country application, Hy- draulic rams. This manual describes the process for building and installing the hydraulic ram. Part 1 explains how a simple ram pump can be made from commercial pipe fittings, how to choose a site for the ram, how to install and adjust the ram, and the sort of main- tenance that the ram pump will need during its working life. Part II describes in greater detail the range and limits of the operation of ram pumps, and the different materials that have been used to make them. The manual is in non-technical lan- guage so that it can be used by people with little or no technical training. PB-297 558/9 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Water Treatment and Sanitation; a Handbook of Simple Methods for Rural Areas in Develop- ing Countries H. T. Mann, and D. Williamson. Jan 76, 94p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031-23-X Revision of report dated Jun 73. Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Water treatment, 'Sewage treat- ment, 'Solid waste disposal, 'Manuals, Transport properties, Substitutes, Rural areas, Water supply, Sludge disposal, Water resources, Water analysis, Potable water, Equipment, Design. Identifiers: Developing country application. The purpose of this handbook is to provide infor- mation which must be considered when investigat- ing the development of a water supply and sewage disposal system for a small community which is sit- uated too far from a piped system of water supply. Many of the methods of water and sewage treat- ment described in this handbook are based on the standard practices used in developing countries but which can be adapted. Chapters 1 -6 describe methods which may be applied in sequence, from the selection of a water source, the transport of water, the treatment of water, the disposal of wastes, sewage treatment and the final disposal of treated wastes, and the by-products of treatment processes. In each chapter, a number of alterna- tives is described, some suitable for self-help situ- ations and others which may be more suitable for larger communities. A glossary is included to ex- plain technical terms used in the text. PB-297 559/7 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Food from Windmills Peter L. Fraenkel. Nov 75, 83p Report on the Wind Mill Irrigation Project Initiated by the American Presbyterian Mission at Omo Sta- tion in Ethiopia. Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Windmills, 'Farm crops, 'Ethiopia, 'Irrigation, Omo River, Cultivation, Statistical anal- ysis, Objectives, Design, History, Pumping, Water supply, Field tests, Construction. Identifiers: Developing country application. This report describes work done to improve and evaluate a series of wind-mills developed for irri- gating small plots of land on the banks of the Omo River in Ethiopia, using river water. The systems were developed by the American Mission for use by the local people in order to permit all year round cultivation which is not otherwise possible. Statisti- cal information is included in the five appendices. PB-297 632/2 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Introduccion al D.C. Para Los Trabajadores de las Aldeas (An Introduction to Community De- velopment for the Village Workers) Community Development series A, no. 1 Donald L. Beran. Apr 62, 38p Descriptors: 'Community development, 'Develop- ing countries, Quality of life, Planning, Meetings, Recommendations, Guidelines. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Vil- lages. The term community development is used to de- scribe the approach many governments have em- ployed to teach their village people and to make more effective use of local initiative and energy for increased production and better living standards. This booklet specifically was planned to give in- sights into aims, basic principles and elementary procedures in community development on which workshop procedures would be based. It offers a common-sense approach to local village develop- ment procedures. PB-297 662/9 PC A03/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Institutional Devel- opment of Appropriate Industrial Technology in Developing Countries: R and D Policies and Programmes Background paper W. A. Fischer. 13 Oct 78, 41 p Report of Working Group on Conceptual and Policy Framework for Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology. Sponsored in part by Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Technology innovation, 'Technology assessment, 'Developing countries, Research, In- dustries, Technological intelligence, Technology transfer, Research management, Government policies. Identifiers: 'Industrial technology, Institutional role, Research and development, Developing country application. The focus of the paper is to discuss appropriate roles for industrial research and development in the developing world, within the broader context of an institutional infrastructure, as a means of facili- tating the processes of technology acquisition and innovation. References are included. PB-297 663/7 PC A02/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). 220 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Rural Transportation Facilities in Developing Coun- tries Discussion paper. 16 Oct 78, 16p Report of Working Group No. 12, Appropriate Technology for Rural Transport. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Wash- ington, DC. Descriptors: "Developing countries, Rural areas, Facilities, Cargo transportation, Passenger trans- portation, Design. Identifiers: 'Rural transportation, Developing country application. The document addresses the need for the design and manufacture of alternative and appropriate modes of transport, both non-motorized and mo- torized, specifically to meet rural requirements. The technological alternatives considered are human portage; handcarts, wheel barrows etc.; muscle-powered and pedal-driven vehicles; animal-powered transport; motorized rural trans- port; and boats and outboard engines. A program of action is offered for the development of alterna- tives. PB-297 664/5 PC A03/MF A01 International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel- opment, Washington, DC. Designing Rural Development Programs: Les- sons from Past Experience in Africa UmaLele. 1974,41 Prepared in cooperation with Reading Univ., (Eng- land), and Overseas Development Inst., Reading (England). Sponsored in part by Agency for Inter- national Development, Washington, DC. Present- ed at the Second International Seminar on Change in Agriculture. Descriptors: * Economic development, 'Projects, 'Rural areas, 'Saharan Africa, *Kenya, "Tanzania, Africa, Low income groups, Regional planning, Personnel development, Manpower utilization, Land use, Technology assessment, Resource allo- cation, Credit, Prices, Marketing. Identifiers: "Rural development, Governmental role, Developing country application, Rural popula- tion. The study examines ways of designing rural devel- opment projects which will effectively reach large numbers of low-income rural people with the limit- ed financial resources, and in particular, the scarce trained manpower available for rural development in Africa. The study involved two components. The first consisted of a review of past projects in sub- Saharan Africa. The second involved rural sector surveys in Kenya and Tanzania. The major findings are based on thirteen sets of rural development projects and programs selected from various parts of sub-Saharan Africa to represent diversity in design and implementation as well as in the envi- ronment in which they are situated. PB-297 665/2 PC A05/MF A01 United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion, Vienna (Austria). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20-30, 1978. Choice and Adapta- tion of Appropriate Technology in Production of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries Background paper B. Shah. 13 Oct 78, 93p Report of Working Group No. 2, Appropriate Tech- nology for the Manufacture of Drugs and Pharma- ceuticals. Sponsored in part by Agency for Interna- tional Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Drugs, Manufacturing, Technology, Equipment, Design criteria, Cost analysis, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Developing country application. This document examines the needs of developing countries in producing drugs of adequate quality in sufficient quantities and at prices within the reach of the common people. The developing countries are divided into five groups for purposes of deter- mining their method of manufacturing based on their stage of development. Appendices are pro- vided giving further data on drug and pharmaceuti- cal production. PB-297 666/0 PC A04/MF A01 American Univ., Washington, DC. American Lan- guage Center. A Glossary of Agricultural Terms. English- French, French-English 1961, 56p Prepared in cooperation with Pan American Union, Washington, DC. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Dictionaries, 'Agriculture, English language, French language. Identifiers: Developing country application. This glossary, based on an English-Spanish word- list produced by the American University Language Center was prepared with the assistance of Mr. Paul Cretien of the Pan American Union, Washing- ton, DC. PB-297 667/8 PC A02/MF A01 Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Manila. The Small Biogas Plant: Its Construction, Oper- ation and Use Felix D. Maramba, Sr, Enrico D. Obias, and Calixto C. Taganas. May 77, 23p Sponsored in part by Agency for International De- velopment, Washington, DC. Descriptors: 'Methane, 'Farms, 'Agricultural wastes, Design, Equipment, Agricultural engineer- ing, Cost analysis, Fertilizers, Sludge disposal, Or- ganic compounds, Digesters, Manufactured gas, Slurries. Identifiers: 'Biogas process, Manure, Synthetic fuels, Solid wastes, Developing country applica- tion. This booklet has been prepared in response to the demand for reference material to help interested parties design and operate small biogas plants. It is written in relatively simple language, understan- dable to people with limited scientific and technical training and it gives the practical approach. Be- cause of the pressing demand for food, more fertil- izer is needed to raise more crops, but supply is getting less. With a biogas plant, a one-hectar farm with one work carabao and a two-sow units or three-porker units can produce enough fuel to cook the meals of a family of seven, light his home, iron his clothes, and produce enough fertilizer to continuously crop the farm all year round. The biogas plant is the most practical and least expen- sive solution to the problem relating to pollution and lack of fuel and food, particularly for rural areas. For the farmer it will be a key towards self- reliance and self-sufficiency. PB-297 669/4 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Research and Information Required to Support the Effort to Reach the Rural Poor James W. Green. Jan 75, 60p Descriptors: 'Rural areas, 'Disadvantaged groups, Developing countries, Quality of life, Sur- veys, Project planning, Low income groups. Identifiers: Developing country application. The emphasis in this study is to define the poor in operational terms and to construct quality of life indicators which can be used to match the direc- tion and extent of change brought about by any programs especially oriented to greater equity for the rural poor. The study is divided into three areas of discussion: AID policies and procedures; meth- ods of research; and subjects of research. PB-297 680/1 PC A08/MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Lime and Alternative Cements: Proceedings of a One-Day Meeting on Small-Scale Manufac- ture of Cementitious Materials Robin Spence. 1974, 174p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-13-2 Sponsored in part by Transport and Road Re- search Lab., Crowthorne (England), and the Wates Foundation, London (England). Descriptors: 'Construction materials, 'Cements, Pozzolans, Lime cements, Masonry cements, Min- eralogy, Kilns, Manufacturing, Production, Raw materials, Developing countries. Identifiers: Developing country application, *Por- cellanite. The report contains papers describing alternative cements used for construction materials. The al- ternative materials are proposed to maximize the use of local skills and resources and to minimize the importation of skills or goods. The papers dis- cuss the cements, the manufacturing processes involved in their production, and the applications for using the end products. PB-297 740/3 PC A06/MF A01 Shrimp Culture Research Centre, Djepara (Indone- sia). Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Centre. Volume 2, Number 1 and 2, January/ July 1976 Alie Poernomo, and Sukotjo Adisukresno. Jul 78, 112p Also pub. as ISSN-01 26-1 924. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Wash- ington, DC. Errata sheet inserted. Descriptors: 'Shrimps, 'Brackish water, 'Aquacul- ture, Coasts, Indonesia, Developing countries. Identifiers: Developing country application, Chanos chanos. This Bulletin is primarily meant for publication of results of research carried out at the Research Centre. Also considered were contributions from workers outside the Centre on brackish water and coastal aquaculture in Indonesia. PB-297 784/1 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Farm Equipment Development Project, Daudawa, N.C.S., Nigeria Rept. for Nov 71 -Dec 73 J. E. L Boyd, and E. A. Ayok. c1974, 118p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031-48-5 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Agricultural machinery, 'Weed con- trol, 'Nigeria, Herbicides, Farm crops, Harvesting, Equipment, Drawings, Manufacturing, Design, Specialized training, Guidelines, Great Britain, De- veloping countries. Identifiers: Developing country application. A survey identified weeding as a labor bottleneck limiting crop production on farms employing animal drought for land preparation. Improvement in the methods of weed control was made the primary objective of the project. The ox-drawn EMCOT ridger plough had been in use for some time in the area, and the report covers the design, develop- ment, production and use of several other ma- chines and of attachments for the EMCOT. All items were designed for local construction from easily available materials, using simple equipment. Manufacturing instructions are included for inter- pretation by the non-engineer. The report is ac- companied by a chart summarizing the rainfall, cropping calendar and labor inputs throughout the growing season, and information on land use, ten- ture, labor, capital and income of a typical tradition- al family. PB-297 785/8 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Rural Africa Development Project: A Survey Technique for Identifying the Needs of Small Farmers, and an Example of Its Use in Zambia R. D. Mann. cApr 74, 76p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-33-7 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Farm management, 'Zambia, Sur- veys, Rural areas, Africa, Problem solving, Man- power, Developing countries, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application. 221 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS The paper is written in two sections. Part I explains the need to make a survey and identify farmer's real problems before trying to introduce new tech- niques. Part II is a case study of the organization of a labor use survey carried out among small farm- ers in Zambia. The field administration of the survey is described. PB-297 787/4 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Tools for Agriculture: A Buyer's Guide to Low- Cost Agricultural Implements John Boyd. c1976, 162p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-22-1 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Agricultural machinery, 'Directories, 'Manufacturers, Tools, Power equipment, Devel- oping countries, Pumps, Sprayers, Plows, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application. The guide describes commercially manufactured small farm implements which are available for use in developing countries and gives the names and addresses of the manufacturers. It contains infor- mation on hand operated, animal drawn and small engine powered equipment. PB-297 788/2 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). Towards Village Industry: A Strategy for Devel- opment Liv Berg, Krisno Nimpuno, and Roger van Zwanenberg. c1978, 87p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-52-3 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Planning, 'Industries, Community development, Developing countries, Agricultural machinery, Development, Africa, Guidelines, Great Britain. Identifiers: 'Villages, Developing country applica- tion. The book deals with village industry and cottage industries in the very poorest countries, in the con- text of community development. The basic prem- ise of the book is that industrialization of the rural areas in developing countries must play a vital role and that the mechanization of agricultural methods and production will have to develop in conjunction with this. Illustrations are included. Chapter topics include: rural industries; pre-capitalist industry in East Africa; petty production; the contemporary sit- uation; village work shop design; and strategy to- wards village workshops. PB-297 789/0 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 1: Management Derek Miles. 1976, 80p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031- 28-0 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Maintenance, 'Develop- ing countries, Budgeting, Financial management, Cleaning, Renovating, Guidelines, Manpower, Ma- terials, Equipment, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application. The manual sets out the guidelines for a system of budgeting and financial control of maintenance procedures in developing countries. Maintenance work is very diverse and difficult to group into clear categories for budgeting purposes. This manual will help establish efficient control procedures, in- cluding a resource budget which covers finance, manpower, materials and equipment, together with a rational and practical system for measuring output and performance. PB-297 790/8 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 2: Methods Derek Miles. C1976, 68p Rept no. ISBN-0- 90303 1-40-X Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Buildings, 'Maintenance, 'Develop- ing countries, Cleaning, Services, Maintenance, Walls, Foundations, Plastering, Painting, Roofs, Roofing, Guidelines, Methodology, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application. The volume deals with the basic technology of building maintenance. The function of mainte- nance includes three parts: cleaning and servicing, rectification and repair, and replacement. The book will assist in the examination of maintenance problems, suggesting some of the more common causes of failure and methods for dealing with these problems. The contents include: foundation, walls, plastering and rendering, paints and thin coatings, and roofing. PB-297 791/6 MF A01 Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group, London (England). Auxiliaries in Primary Health Care; an Anno- tated Bibliography Katherine Elliott. c1979, 135p Rept no. ISBN-0- 903031-58-2 Sponsored in part by Intermediate Technology De- velopment Group, London (England). Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Bibliographies, Indexes(Documentation), Communities, Abstracts, Foreign countries. Identifiers: 'Primary health care, Developing coun- try application, Allied health personnel, Health manpower education, Subject indexes, Community health services. The bibliography is a reference for those con- cerned with the training and supervision of health auxiliaries. It is intended to promote a greater ex- change of know-how, of useful teaching materials and background information, and to encourage ex- perimentation. Section I deals with education and training of auxiliaries in primary health care. Sec- tion II provides auxiliaries and community health and development. Appendices include a geo- graphical index, a subject index, addresses, jour- nals referred to in the bibliography, and publishers referred to in the bibliography. PB-297 792/4 MF A01 Intermediate Technology Development Group, London (England). An Initial Course in Tropical Agriculture for the Staff of Co-Operatives Peter Yeo. C1976, 58p Rept no. ISBN-0-903031- 39-6 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Tropical regions, Soil conservation, Fertilizing, Pest control, Animal hus- bandry, Developing countries, Guidelines, Instruc- tional materials, Great Britain. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Coo- peratives. The course in this book is meant for those con- cerned with rural development programs in a tropi- cal country. The course is divided into five sec- tions: soil and the natural environment, fertilizers and plant nourishment, controlling pests and dis- eases, and animal husbandry I & II. At the end of each section there is a progress test with answers supplied. The book provides a sound basis of agri- cultual knowledge which can then be followed by practical observation. PB-297 854/2 PC A05/MF A01 Centro de Estudias Mesoamericano sobre Tech- nologia Apropiada (Guatemala). Technologia Apropiada: Concepto, Aplicacion, y Estrategias (Appropriate Technology: Con- cepts, Application, and Strategy) Bertha Salinas Amescua. Dec 78, 88p Descriptors: Developing countries, Technical as- sistance, Technology, Development, Improve- ment, Planning, Rural areas. Identifiers: 'Appropriate technology, Developing country application, Villages. An analytical description of 'appropriate technol- ogy' and its theoretical and conceptual grounds are presented. The minimal criteria used to define a technology as appropriate, the types of socio- economic groups which develop it, and the advan- tages ascribed to such technology are analyzed. A discussion of the problems posed by the interde- pendence of the industrialized world and the third world, and the appropriate technology's image as the solution to these problems are presented. The different vested interests and the political positions of those who propose such a technology or what these groups interpret as 'appropriate technology' are detailed. Specific examples, methodology used in 'disaster areas', and proposed strategies to develop the appropriate technology concept in a beneficial manner are reported. PB-297 856/7 PC A05/MF A01 Ministerio de Agricultura, Lima (Peru). Quesos Andinos del Peru (Cheeses from the Andine Region in Peru) Jose Dubach, Javier F. Pulgar, and Vidal Biber. 24 Mar 73, 90p Descriptors: 'Food processing, 'Cheeses, 'Peru, Production methods, Milk, Fermentation, Pasteur- izing, Food contamination, Developing countries, Butter, Dairy products, Equipment, Industrial plants, Cost estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. Fundamental principles for the production of high- quality, hygienic cheeses are presented. Different physical-chemical tests for both the milk to be used and the ferment to be added are described (e.g.: acidity of the milk, density, fat determination, etc.). The principles of pasteurization and produc- tion of cheese using bacterial and enzymatic proc- esses are explained. A detailed chart of the differ- ent ferments and their characteristics is included, as well as methods to produce yogurt, butter, and melted cheese. Diagrams for the installation of a dairy and equipment needed for a basic dairy ca- pable of processing 400 liters of milk per day are included. Detailed cost estimates and equipment needs for a semi-industrial dairy (capacity 1200 liters), are given. A list of equipment suppliers in Peru is included. In addition, a step by step de- scription of Tilsit type cheese and Andino type cheese are presented. Problems encountered in the ripening and fermentation of the cheese, such as those produced by bacterial contamination are explained and preventive measure described. Recipes for the production of five different types of cheeses are given. Efficiency and cost estimates per type of cheese are calculated. PB-297 857/5 PC A04/MF A01 Ministerio de Agricultura, Lima (Peru). Quesos para Regiones Tropicales (Cheeses for Tropical Regions) Javier Pulgar-Vidal Biber. Jan 74, 53p Descriptors: 'Food processing, 'Cheeses, 'Peru, Jungles, Production methods, Equipment, Cost es- timates, Preserving, Tropical regions, Developing countries. Identifiers: Developing country application. The method of production of fresh white cheese and ripened cheese in the Peruvian Jungle are pre- sented. The prime material and equipment needed for each kind of cheese are described. The details and production costs are analyzed. Only milk of three percent fact has been used. Temperature conditions for the preparation of the fresh white cheese (Ucayalino), as well as methods for precipi- tating the protein of the milk are given. The milk used has to be preserved with hydrogen peroxide. Under tropical conditions, this cheese can be pre- served for four to five days, although the preserva- tion period can be prolonged to up to fifteen to twenty days if refrigeration is available. The rip- ened cheese or Provolone Amazonico has differ- ent processing conditions. Acidified milk can be used and hydrogen peroxide preservation is not needed. The preservation period for this cheese under tropical conditions is up to two months. Sim- pler equipment is required for this type of cheese than for the fresh white cheese. No mold, cheese cloth or presses are needed nor is it necessary to wrap the cheese. An estimate of milk needed per 222 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS kg of cheese produced is given for both types of cheese. PB-297 858/3 PC A02/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces. A Wind Energy Review: Low-Cost Machines for Agricultural and Rural Applications Raymond A. Willem. 1978, 11p Presented at the Conference on Energy and Agri- culture in the Caribbean, Santa Domingo, Novem- ber 29-December 1, 1978. Sponsored in part by Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Descriptors: 'Agricultural engineering, *Well pumps, 'Irrigation, Pumping, Artificial lift(Wells), Windmills, Reviewing. Identifiers: *Wind power, Developing country appli- cation. Small-scale irrigation appears to be the most ef- fective use of wind energy in the Third World. This coincides with the fact that improving the agricul- tural output and living standards of the small scale farmer is one of the most pressing developmental goals in these areas. Several wind-powered water- pumping systems of an intermediate-technology level are reviewed and sources of further informa- tion are indicated. PB-297 859/1 PC A02/MF A01 Instituto de Investigaciones Technologicas, San- tiago (Chile). Programa de Technolgia Rural Intermedia (In- termediate Rural Technology Program Infor- mation Bulletin) Jul 78, 15p Descriptors: 'Food processing, 'Potable water, 'Developing countries, Fruits, Methane, Fuels, De- hydration, Drying, Rural areas, Filtration, Chile. Identifiers: Developing country application, An- nouncement bulletins. Description of four different 'intermediate' technol- ogy projects developed by INTEC are presented: (1) Grape drying using a solar system of natural heat transfer. (2) A bio-fuel generator, using animal excrement and vegetable refuse as sources of methane. (3) Home-made solar dehydrator for ag- ricultural products. (4) Construction of a sand filter for water purification in rural zones. Each succinct- ly described project is accompanied by a construc- tion diagram. This publication also lists a large number of available intermediate technology proj- ect descriptions, which can be obtained by writing to INTEC. The addresses of international organiza- tions that have a compiled bibliography of this type of simple technology are included. PB-297 865/8 PC A09/MF A01 IDI Research, Inc., Cincinnati, OH. Estudio Sobre Fertilizantes (Study on Fertiliz- ers) 1961, 196p Descriptors: 'Fertilizers, Developing countries, Latin America, Materials, Prices, Supply(Economics), Demand(Economics), Nitro- gen, Soil analysis, Soil chemistry, Argentina, Chile, Uraguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Production methods, Production planning, Marketing, Manufacturing, In- dustries, Cost estimates. Identifiers: Developing country application. An evaluation of the existing fertilizer materials in the world, and of the exports of the main producing countries are presented. A discussion of the situa- tion of fertilizers in Latin America, prices, supply and demand, role of nitrogen in the fertilizer indus- try, and of the types of fertilizers in agriculture are offered. A chemical analysis of the soil types in the area of interest (Argentina, Chile, Uraguay, Para- guay, and Bolivia) and recommendations of the ap- propriate fertilizer needed for each area as well as an evaluation of the agricultural potentials of these areas are included. An analysis of the potential market for fertilizers, the prime location for a fertil- izer factory, types of production processes to be employed, and the distribution nets to be estab- lished, as well as an estimate of capital to be in- vested, and total production costs and gains are presented. PB-297 867/4 PC A03/MF A01 Instituto de Investigaciones Technologicas, Bogota (Colombia). Elaboracion de la Panela (Production of 'Panela' or Brown Sugar Cakes) 1964, 48p Descriptors: 'Food processing, Nutrients, Produc- tion methods, Sugarcane, Developing countries, Colombia. Identifiers: Developing country application, 'Brown sugar. Methods used in the production of 'Panela' (brown sugar cakes) are presented. A comparison be- tween the nutrients in panela and in refined sugar is included. Quality requirements for different grades of brown sugar in terms of color, turbidity, saccharose and protein content are given. Yield estimates per 1000 kg of sugarcane juice are in- cluded. The processes of cane cutting, juice ex- tracting, clarifying (through the addition of mono- calcium phosphate, adjusting of pH, and removal of impurities and agglutinates) and the final mold- ing into panela cakes and packaging are depicted. Different types of sugarmill designs, appendices itemizing the terms used in this industry and yield data for different extraction methods are included. A comparison is made between real and artificial panela (consisting of sugar and aniline), in terms of physical and chemical properties. PB-297 868/2 PC A02/MF A01 Direccion General Forestral, San Jose (Costa Rica). Reforestacion (Reforestation) Dick Lemckert, and Luis Gmo. Rodriguez. Feb 78, 19p Descriptors: 'Reforestation, 'Developing coun- tries, Erosion control, Droughts, Spanish language, Cost estimates, Planting, Cutting, Plants(Botany), Forest trees, Operations, Foreign countries. Identifiers: Developing country application, Small farms. Reforestation as a method to control erosion and droughts is presented. Planting techniques and soil preparation methods are described step by step. A list of foreign and local tree species suit- able for reforestation purposes in this geographical area (Pacific zone, 0-800 m. above sea level), and a diagram describing each step of the operation are included. Appropriate planting and pruning pe- riods are indicated. Cost estimates for the planting operation are provided, personnel and materials needed per hectare for the different steps in the operation are described, and expected returns for the grown trees are calculated. A 12% gain over invested capital is expected. The report is suited to the available resources in underdeveloped coun- tries. It is described in a clear, concise manner, and is suitable for use by small farmers or as a community project. PB-297 869/0 PC A05/MF A01 Ministerio de Recursos Naturales, Tegucigalpa (Honduras). Technologia para Campesinos Hondurenos In- forme de un Seminario (Small Farmer Technol- ogy for Honduras-Seminar Report) May 78, 82p Descriptors: 'Developing countries, 'Farms, 'Honduras, Education, Technology, Government policies, Upgrading, Project planning. Identifiers: Developing country application, Small farms. A discussion of appropriate technology programs applied to Honduras, the objectives of such pro- grams, the needs of the small farmer, and his degree of participation in such programs, the role of education and training, the general program structure, and the role of the government are pre- sented. The results of the discussions at this small farmer technology seminar and the conclusions ar- rived at in terms of problems to be solved by inter- mediate technology and ways of updating the skills of the target group are included. PB-297 870/8 PC A02/MF A01 Instituto de Investigaciones Technologicas, San- tiago (Chile). Secado Solar de Uvas, Programa de Technolo- gia Rural Intermedia (Solar Drying of Grapes, Intermediate Rural Technology Program) Jul 78, 12p Descriptors: 'Solar radiation, 'Drying, 'Grapes, 'Developing countries, Alkalinity, Chemical prop- erties, Sodium hydroxide, Evaporation, Color, Structures, Construction, Food processing, Mar- keting, Chile, Seeds, Objectives, Spanish lan- guage, Diagrams, Rural areas. Identifiers: Developing country application, Rai- A new method to accelerate the drying of purple and yellow grapes using a short preliminary chemi- cal treatment is described. By breaking up the skin through a very short immersion in alkaline solution, the evaporation of water is speeded up and the drying time is cut from 90 days to 20 days. To pre- serve the light color in yellow grapes, an additional sulfur treatment is needed to inhibit enzymatic re- actions in the grape skin responsible for the dark pigmentation. A diagram describing the construc- tion of an appropriate structure for the drying proc- ess is given. Information on the international market for the raisins and prices per ton paid during the years 1971-1976 are provided. A simpli- fied step by step diagram of the whole process, listing objectives of each step, is supplied. PB-298 036/5 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Nepal Jan 79, 66p Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Nepal, 'Foreign aid, Technical assistance, Federal assist- ance programs, Planning, Developing countries, Project planning. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agency for International Development. The document outlines the economic situation in Nepal and presents the AID program strategy for this country. It is prepared annually and used for planning purposes in the field and in Washington. PB-298 058/9 PC A03/MF A01 Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Soyapango (El Salvador). Servicio de Recursos Pesqueros. Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de llopango y la Laguna de Olomega, 1977. Volume V, No. 5 (Fishing Evaluation of Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon, 1977. Volume V, No. 5) Ricardo Alfredo Castro Aragon, and Jose Francisco Godinez. Oct 78, 42p Descriptors: 'Fishing grounds, 'Plankton, 'Lake llopango, 'Olomega Lagoon, 'Water pollution, Feasibility, Eggs, Soils, Aquatic plants, Oxygen, Dissolved gases, Spanish language, Marketing, Sedimentation, Insecticides, El Salvador. Identifiers: Developing country application, Water levels, Eutrophication. A feasibility report for fish culture in Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon was undertaken from May 24 to July 23, 1977. In Lake llopango, fishing was performed in the miry (muddy) soil area and in the organic matter area as well as in the sandy soil and rocky area. In the Olomega Lagoon, fishing took place in the miry soil and organic matter (dead plants, etc.) area. The fish caught were measured, weighed, and counted. Fish obtained from the Olo- mega Lagoon were dissected to determine their egg content and choose the best size fish to be kept. Nets with different mesh values were used and evaluated for their efficiency. Different species existing in each lake are listed. The authors list several problems encountered in the Olomega Lagoon. Problems in marketing due to commercial monopoly of fish caught and of fishing equipment are cited, as well as high insecticide level in the waters, low water level in the lagoon area, large amounts of Eichornia (aquatic plant), the latter two being responsible for low 02 concentration and consequent death of the fish population. 223 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PB-298 059/7 PC A02/MF A01 Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Soyapango (El Salvador). Servicio de Recursos Pesqueros. Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1 (Preliminary Limno- logic Study of Lake Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1) Jose Francisco Godinez, and M. S. Andre DeGeorges. Jan 75, 24p Descriptors: 'Fishing grounds, *Biomass, * Plank- ton, *Lake Aramuaca, 'Water pollution, Concentration(Composition), Hydrogen sulfide, Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, Dissolved gases, Span- ish language, Turbidity, Limnology, Temperature, El Salvador. Identifiers: Developing country application. The chemical, physical, and biological studies of Lake Aramuaca were carried out in September 1974 (rainy season). It was observed that the lake of volcanic origin, has a reduced production of plankton and a chemical and thermal stratification occuring mainly at the lake's surface. It was con- cluded that the existing chemical and physical pa- rameters encountered during the rainy season are unfavorable for the use of this lake as a fishing ground. High turbidity of the water, high alkalinity, and water hardness as well as unfavorable levels of C02, H2S, 02, and S04(-) make this lake's waters harmful to the organisms that could live there. PB-298 060/5 PC A06/MF A01 Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Soyapango (El Salvador). Servicio de Recursos Pesqueros. Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Comparativo del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Llu- viosa de 1973 y Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9 (Contribution to the Comparative Lim- nologic Knowledge on the Guija Lake in the 1973 Rainy Season and the 1974 Dry Season. Volume II, No. 9) Technical rept. Franklin Americo Lopez, Jose Francisco Godinez, and M. S. Paul Andre DeGeorges. Sep 75, 106p Descriptors: 'Fishing grounds, 'Plankton, 'Guija Lake, 'Water pollution, Limnology, Concentration(Composition), Aquatic plants, Benthos, Graphs(Charts), Tables(Data), Spanish language, El Salvador. Identifiers: Developing country application, Eutro- phication. A limnologic study of the Guija Lake at the end of the dry season (April 1 974) was undertaken. One of the main objectives is to collect data to be com- pared to earlier data. During the previous rainy season (May-Sept 1973), physical, chemical, and biological parameters were determined for this lake in the dry season. Phytoplankton, zooplank- ton, and benthos (organisms like mollusks, etc.) at different depths were examined. The authors find noteworthy differences in the dry vs. rainy season parameters. During the dry months, partial stagna- tion of the lake is noticeable. In the period from November to February, the colder air and the wind lead to a mixture of the top layer of the water, which used to be warm, with the lower layer result- ing in an inversion of water layers. This causes a remarkable (50%) lowering of the planktonic popu- lation due to a parallel lowering of available chemi- cal nutrients. The authors recommend the rainy season as the best for seeding of the Tilapia Aurea. Graphs and tables comparing all of the studied parameters are included. PB-298 061/3 PC A03/MF A01 Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Soyapango (El Salvador). Servicio de Recursos Pesqueros. Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde. Volumen II, No. 4 (Preliminary Limnologic Studies of Laguna Verde. Volume II, No. 4) Jose Francisco Godinez, and M. A. Andre DeGeorges. Aug 75, 34p Descriptors: 'Fishing grounds, 'Biomass, 'Plank- ton, 'Laguna Verde, 'Water pollution, Concentration(Composition), Hydrogen sulfide, Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, Dissolved gases, Turbi- dity, Limnology, Temperature, El Salvador. Identifiers: Developing country application, Ther- mal pollution. The report describes an evaluation of the available biomass in Laguna Verde as well as physical chemical characteristics of this lake and determi- nation of its feasibility for exploitation for fishing purposes were carried out in October 1 974. Physi- cal parameters i.e. visibility, conductivity of the water, turbidity, and temperature were studied. Chemical parameters i.e. H2S, C02, and 02 con- centration, pH, alkalinity, and water hardness were measured at three different stations in Laguna Verde. Biological studies of the zooplankton and phytoplankton encountered were carried out. Soil samples were also analyzed. An error analysis is included. Tables containing all experimental re- sults and a comparison with measurements of pre- vious years are given. The authors concluded that at the time of the study (dry season) the lake was in it's homothermal phase. A high plankton con- centration and a scarce ichthyological population were observed. It is also concluded that under the observed conditions, this lake is not really suited as a fishing ground during that season. PB-298 083/7 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Ghana Jan 79, 57p Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Foreign aid, 'Ghana, Technical assistance, Federal assist- ance programs, Planning, Developing countries, Project planning. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agency for International Development. The document outlines the economic situation in Ghana and development plans of the Ghana Gov- ernment. Part I of this study gives an analytical de- scription of the poor. Part II gives the strategy and Part III the assistance planning levels. This strat- egy statement has been prepared by the AID field mission. It is prepared annually and used for plan- ning purposes in the field and in Washington. PB-298 084/5 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Philippines Jan 79, 39p Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Foreign aid, 'Philippines, Technical assistance, Federal assistance programs, Planning, Developing coun- tries, Project planning. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agency for International Development. The document outlines the economic situation in the Philippines and development plans of the Phil- ippines Government. Part I of this study gives an analytical description of the poor. Part II gives the strategy and Part III the assistance planning levels. This strategy statement has been prepared by the AID field mission. It is prepared annually and used for planning purposes in the field and in Washing- ton. PB-298 085/2 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Indonesia Jan 79, 67p Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Foreign aid, 'Indonesia, Technical assistance, Federal as- sistance programs, Planning, Developing coun- tries, Project planning. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agency for International Development. The document outlines the economic situation in Indonesia and development plans of the Indone- sian Government. Part I of this study gives an ana- lytical description of the poor. Parts II and III give the strategy and cites the assistance planning level. This strategy statement has been prepared by the AID field mission. It is prepared annually and used for planning purposes in the field and in Washington. PB-298 090/2 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Bangladesh Jan 79, 68p Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Foreign aid, 'Bangladesh, Technical assistance, Federal assistance programs, Planning, Developing coun- tries, Project planning. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agency for International Development. The economic structure of Bangladesh is dis- cussed as well as the measures planned by the Government to improve the situation. AID objec- tives are outlined to assist in upgrading the general economic picture. This strategy statement has been prepared by the AID field mission. It is pre- pared annually and used for planning purposes in the field and in Washington. PB-298 091/0 PC A03/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Pakistan Jan 79, 50p Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Foreign aid, 'Pakistan, Technical assistance, Federal as- sistance programs, Planning, Developing coun- tries, Project planning. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agency for International Development. The document outlines the economic situation in Pakistan and presents the AID program strategy for this country. It is prepared annually and used for planning purposes in the field and in Washing- ton. PB-298 092/8 PC A04/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Country Development Strategy Statement, 1981-1985. USAID/Kenya Jan 79, 60p Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Foreign aid, 'Kenya, Technical assistance, Federal assist- ance programs, Planning, Developing countries, Project planning. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agency for International Development. The document outlines the economic situation in Kenya and development plans of the Kenya Gov- ernment. Part I of this study gives an analytical de- scription of the poor. Part II gives the strategy and Part III cites the assistance planning level. This strategy statement has been prepared by the AID field mission. It is prepared annually and used for planning purposes in the field and in Washington. PB-298 117/3 PC A05/MF A01 Agency for International Development, Washing- ton, DC. Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Thailand Jan 79, 1 0Op Descriptors: 'Economic development, 'Foreign aid, 'Thailand, Technical assistance, Federal as- sistance programs, Planning, Developing coun- tries, Project planning. Identifiers: Developing country application, Agency for International Development. The document outlines the economic situation in Thailand and development plans of the Royal Thai Government. The second and third portion of this study outline the AID program strategy for this country. This strategy statement has been pre- pared by the AID field mission. It is prepared annu- ally and used for planning purposes in the field and in Washington. 224 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS PNL-2521 PC A06/MF A01 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA. Siting Handbook for Small Wind Energy Con- version Systems H. L. Wegley, M. M. Orgill, and Ft. L. Drake. May 78, 118p Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 Descriptors: *USA, *Wind power, *Wind turbines, Availability, Site selection, Topography. Identifiers: ERDA/170604, ERDA/170100. The primary purpose of this handbook is to provide siting guidelines for laymen who are considering the use of small wind energy conversion systems. With this purpose in mind, the handbook is being published in its current form to provide basic strat- egies to users as early as possible. The handbook will soon require updating due to rapidly changing technology and the evolving needs of users. Con- sequently, the authors also intend for this edition to serve as a review copy prior to wider distribution. (ERA citation 03:052367) RFP-2841/ 1270/78/4 PCA11/MFA01 Nielsen Engineering and Research, Inc., Mountain View, CA. Wind Power for Farms, Homes, and Small In- dustry J. Park, and D. Schwind. Sep 78, 229p Contract EY-76-C-03-1270, EY-76-C-04-3533 Descriptors: "Wind power, 'Wind turbines, Avail- ability, Economics, Feasibility studies, Legal as- pects, Site selection, Specifications. Identifiers: ERDA/ 170000, ERDA/299003. Information is presented concerning basic wind turbine energy conversion; wind behavior and site selection; power and energy requirements; the components of a wind energy conversion system; selecting a wind energy conversion system and system economics; and legal aspects. (ERA cita- tion 04:018648) SAN/1122-76/1 PCA13/MFA01 Atlas Corp., Santa Clara, Calif. Description of the Solar Energy R and D Pro- grams in Many Nations. Final Report F. de Winter, and J. W. de Winter. Feb 76, 298p Contract E(04-3)-1122 Descriptors: * Solar energy, Research programs. Identifiers: ERDA/140000, Foreign countries. The present report includes descriptions of the Solar Energy R and D Programs of 32 countries, of the Organization of American States, of UNESCO, and of a number of private organizations. The de- scriptions were solicited from the most reliable rep- resentatives known for the individual countries, and were received between late July 1975 and February 1 976. (ERA citation 01 :025543) SAN/1220-1 PC A12/MF A01 General Electric Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Space Div. Application of Solar Energy to the Supply of Hot Water for Textile Dyeing. Final Report, CDRL/PA 10 Sep 77, 265p Contract EY-76-C-03-1220 Descriptors: "Solar process heat, * Solar water heaters, 'Textile industry, Data acquisition, Design, Diagrams, Dyes, Economics, Energy con- sumption, Feasibility studies, Industrial plants, Medium vacuum, Performance, Planning, Sensible heat storage, Solar collectors, Specifications, Tanks, Textiles, Water. Identifiers: ERDA/140905, 'Process heat, Solar water heating, Hot water heating, Industries. The design plan for a solar process hot water system for a textile dye beck at Riegel Textile Cor- poration's LaFrance, South Carolina, facilities is presented. The solar system consists of 396 GE model TC 100 evacuated tube collector modules arranged in a ground mounted array with a total collector area of 6680 square feet. The system in- cludes an 8000-gallon hot water storage tank. Sys- tems analyses, specification sheets, performance data, and an economic evaluation of the proposed system are presented. (ERA citation 03:021360) SAND-75-0530 PC A03/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Engineering of Wind Energy Systems. J. F. Banas, and W. N. Sullivan. Jan 76, 27p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: 'Wind turbines, Performance, Com- parative evaluations, Configuration, Efficiency, Electric power, Power generation. Identifiers: ERDA/ 170602, ERDA/ 170603, Wind power generation. The engineering of wind energy systems is ana- lyzed from the point of view of component selec- tion and performance assessment. Combinations of two load types (variable and constant speed) and three turbine types connected by a fixed-gear- ratio transmission constitute the various systems investigated. The three turbine types result from in- troducing the notions of nested, unnested, and hybrid power coefficients suggested by current performance characteristics of American Multib- lade, Darrieus, and Darrieus/Savonius turbines. The engineering problems associated with these systems are discussed qualitatively, emphasizing the nature, magnitude, and variability of the prob- lems. 1 1 references. SERI-36 PC A04/MF A01 Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, CO. Small Power Systems Study. Quarterly Report No. 1 J. P. Thornton, C. J. Bishop, K. C. Brown, and A. L. Edgecombe. 1 Jul 78, 54p Contract EG-77-C-01-4042 Descriptors: 'Solar thermal power plants, Com- parative evaluations, Cost, Performance, Power range 1-10 mw, Remote areas, Rural areas, Solar collectors. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140700, Electric power plants. Recent studies have suggested a significant po- tential for small solar-thermal electric power gener- ating plants to be used by small communities, rural areas, and remote load centers. The Small Power Systems Program has been initiated by the Depart- ment of Energy to explore the technical, economic, and institutional feasibility of small power plants. SERI, in conjunction with Jet Propulsion Labora- tory and Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, has been contracted by the Department of Energy to perform a comparative analysis and ranking of various solar thermal generic systems with capaci- ties in the 1 to 10 MW/sub e/ range. The systems will be evaluated to a predetermined set of criteria which will include factors such as safety, environ- mental status, cost, and performance. (ERA cita- tion 04:029633) SHR-0000101 PC A04/MF A01 National Association of Counties Research Foun- dation, Washington, D.C. Rural Human Resources Project Status Rept. 1974, 70p Grant OEO-30094G-73-01 Executive Summary available from PROJECT SHARE, P.O. Box 2309, Rockville, Md. 20852 as SHR-0000101/ES. Descriptors: 'Social services, 'Multistats govern- ment, State government, Relationship, Private or- ganizations, National government, Methodology, Management, Local government, Integration, Co- ordination. Identifiers: Counties, Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, New York, Oregon, Pennsyl- vania, 'Rural areas. A quarterly progress report presented by the Na- tional Association of Counties Research Founda- tion provides descriptions of current activities of the Rural Human Resources Project, designed to help rural counties respond to the human services needs of their citizens. Participating in the project are the State association of counties in Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, New York, Oregon, and Pennsylvania. Part One presents an overview of the eight-State project with emphasis on the development of closer ties between the State associations of counties and local communi- ty action agencies. Human services integration at the county level is discussed, together with a de- scription of the roles played by the new staff posi- tion added by each State association - human re- sources coordinator, and presents individual status reports for each participating State. These reports describe the conditions under which human services are delivered in each State, the principal objectives of each State's project, and current progress. Human resources coordinators for the project are listed by name and address. SHR-0001658 PC A07/MF A01 Office of Human Development, Washington, D.C. Office of Rural Development. Getting Human Services to Rural People Final Rept. Jun 76, 147p Rept no. HEW/ORD/DC-76/06 Executive Summary available from PROJECT SHARE, P.O. Box 2309, Rockville, Md. 20852 as SHR-0001658/ES. Descriptors: 'Social services, 'Rural areas, 'Deliv- ery, Services, Service related organizations, Regu- lations, Program financing, Position(Location), Population migrations, Planning, Outreach, Orga- nizing, Organizations, Organization theory, Oper- ations, Methodology, Management, Management systems, Local government, Legislation, Integrat- ed services, Input, Inadequacies, Government, Fi- nancing, Federal aid, Evaluation, Effectiveness, Coordination, Consumers, Constraints, Community relations, Communicating, Clients, Capacity, Capa- bilities, Agency role, Abilities. The results of field evaluations of 1 1 rural human services projects are reported, barriers to the de- livery and receipt of services in rural areas are identified, and implications for action by DHEW are discussed. The projects visited, nine of which re- ceived DHEW funds, operated within generally similar contexts: rural agricultural communities with dispersed populations and high levels of pov- erty. However, the projects varied considerably in the number and type of services provided and in the primary target groups served. A strongly con- stituted board of directors was found to be one good indicator of a strong project. Projects with broadly defined target groups and diverse goals appeared weaker than those with narrower target groups and well defined, integrated goals and ob- jectives. All projects expended high levels of effort on obtaining funding. Recognition of the need for interagency cooperation was widespread. Plan- ning and evaluation components were generally weak. Barriers to effective delivery of DHEW serv- ices in rural areas include transportation problems, lack of information about rural projects, limited flexible funding and staff capacity at the local area, and attitudinal problems, as exemplified in the common belief that DHEW's involvement in rural affairs is inappropriate. It is recommended that a long-range national strategy for rural development be established and that a commitment be made to providing dollar and manpower resources for over- coming imbalances between rural and urban America. Case studies are presented for 8 of the 1 1 projects visited. SHR-0002289 PC A04/MF A01 Bay Cove Community Mental Health Center, Boston, MA. Needs Assessment: A Working Manual Phyllis Q. Schmitt. 19 Oct 77, 64p Descriptors: 'Requirements, 'Social services, 'Statistical data, Analyzing, Assessments, Charac- teristics, Clients, Confidentiality, Data acquisition, Data processing, Data, Demography, Forecasting, Information, Input, Management systems, Man- agement, Mathematical analysis, Measurement, Methodology, Planning, Simulation. This manual presents a multilevel, multisource ap- proach to needs assessment, from which the reader may choose methods within his / her capa- bilities and interests. Each chapter contains a series of approaches in gathering and handling data, beginning with the simplest and ending with the most complex. The initial chapter covers use of objective measures which already exist (census data) or which can be compiled (record search ma- terial). Discussion then proceeds to methods of obtaining expert opinion from community leaders. Several methods of conducting a 'felt need survey' to collect data are described. Alternative ways of 225 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS obtaining information from the target population, the group who already has or has had problems with the entity under study, are also presented. Fi- nally, a plan for action summarizes the mono- graph, including a hypothetical example of a needs assessment survey. The example illustrates the combination of the foregoing methods. A number of sections stress the importance of the confiden- tiality of information where it could be injurious or embarrassing to the community. Brief illustrations serve as simple working examples of principles discussed in the text. Exhibits are included for users of the manual to serve as prototypes in cre- ating their own charts and graphs. Textual refer- ences and the table of contents direct the reader to these aids. Portions of this document are not fully legible. SHR-0002560 PC A03/MF A01 Health and Welfare Council, Inc., Media, PA. Needs Assessment in Community Planning: An Evaluation of Ten Approaches Feb 78, 30p Descriptors: 'Assessments, 'Requirements, 'Social services, Agency role, Cases, Clients, Communicating, Community relations, Consumers, Coordination, Core services, Delivery, Direct serv- ices, Feedback, Flow control, Followup contacts, Followup, Forecasting, Input, Intake, Integration, Interactions, Interrelationships, Management sys- tems, Management, Measurement, Methodology, Organizing, Planning, Program effectiveness, Rea- sons, Services, Social indicators, Statistical data. Needs assessment remains the most fundamental aspect of any human services program. Poor eval- uations of many programs result from errors made during the needs assessment phase of the pro- gram planning process. Needs assessment is the process of identifying and describing individual, family, or community conditions that may be ame- nable to total or partial amelioration through a human services program. Information gathered in needs assessment studies is used to set goals, program objectives, and priorities, and thus, influ- ences the effectiveness of service delivery. By documenting problems, it justifies the develop- ment and implementation of a specific program. In the same vein, it determines the continuing validity of the goals, objectives, and services of an existing program. This pamphlet, distributed by the Health and Welfare Council, attempts to give a general in- troduction to needs assessment through a prag- matic examination of ten methods commonly used by planners and program developers. The tech- niques examined include: (1) the community survey; (2) the experience survey; (3) the available data approach; (4) the resource inventory; (5) the consumer demand approach; (6) the outreach ap- proach; (7) public hearings and forums; (8) demon- stration projects; (9) social indicators; and (10) beneficiary analysis. Exploration of the concept of needs shows that community service needs can be viewed as either manifest (clearly evident) or latent (felt to be present). The former is broken down into expressed and felt needs, while the latter is divided into inferred, ascribed, and com- parative needs. Each technique is evaluated in terms of its ability to assess each of these catego- ries of community needs. SRO-888-1 PC A04/MF A01 Georgia Univ., Athens. Multidisciplinary Research Program Directed Toward Utilization of Solar Energy Through Bioconversion of Renewable Resources. Prog- ress Report W. R. Finnerty. Jul 76, 73p Contract E(38-1)-888 Descriptors: 'Solar energy conversion, 'Trees, Resins, Biosynthesis, Clone cells, Growth, Herbi- cides, Phenotype, Plant stems, Research pro- grams. Tdentifiers: ERDA/ 140504, ERDA/550400, ERDA/ 551000, ERDA/550200, ERDA/090100, Plants(Botany), Genetics. Progress is reported in four research areas of solar bioconversion. The first program deals with the ge- netic selection of superior trees, physiological basis of vigor, tissue culture, haploid cell lines, and somatic hybridization. The second deals with the physiology of paraquat-induced ole<" esin biogene- sis. Separate abstracts were prepared for the other two program areas: biochemi: al basis of par- aquat-induced oleoresin productic: in pines and biochemistry of methanogenesis. (ERA citation 02:000461) Tl D-2278 1 PC E02 / M F A0 1 Battelle Columbus Labs., OH. Fuels from Sugar Crops: Systems Study for Sugarcane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets R. A. Nathan. Jul 78, 148p Descriptors: 'Ammonia, 'Ethanol, 'Sorghum, 'Sugar beets, 'Sugar cane, Acetic acid, Biosyn- thesis, Cultivation techniques, Economics, Feasi- bility studies, Fermentation, High btu gas, Informa- tion needs, Methanol, Recommendations, Re- views, Synthesis, Synthesis gas, Technology as- sessment, Thermochemical processes. Identifiers: ERDA/090222, ERDA/090320, ERDA/ 140504, Manufactured gas, Snythetic fuels, Anaer- obic processes. An extensive analysis is made of the technical and economic feasibility of producing fuels and chemi- cals from the sugar crops (sugar cane, sweet sor- ghum, and sugar beets). It is concluded that eth- anol and ammonia are the most promising prod- ucts. Ethanol produced by fermentai on on juice or molasses is close to economic competitiveness. The ammonia cost is not yet compe. iive but could be competitive with coal-produced ammonia. Sugar cane appears to be the most promising crop in the short and intermediate term; sweet sorghum has the greatest long-range appea; The develop- ment of processes to manufacture ammonia, methanol, acetic acid, and thermochemical substi- tute natural gas (SNG) from sugar crop residues depends on technology to generate synthesis gas. Anaerobic digestion of sugar cane or juices to SNG is not attractive on economic grounds. The agricultural aspects of sugar crops research are summarized. Energy balances of input/output are derived for sugar cane and sugar beets. Recom- mendations are made for USDOE actions and policy decisions. (ERA citation 04:002696) TID-26786 PC A03/MF A01 Auburn Univ., Ala. Potential for Conversion and Utilization of Solar Energy in Poultry Production. Progress Report Covering the Period from September 15, 1974 to January 31, 1975. R. N. Brewer, and J. R. Dunn. 28 Jan 75, 34p Descriptors: 'Agriculture, 'Energy demand, 'Solar energy, Agriculture, Fowl, Production. Identifiers: ERDA/1 40901. For abstract, see NSA 7504 TID-26889 PC A04/MF A01 Puerto Rico Nuclear Center, San Juan. Evaluation of the Emery Dredge or Determin- ing Numbers of Snails in Tropic; Reservoirs. W. R. Jobin, and F. F. Ferguson. 1973, 56p Descriptors: 'Snails, 'Abundance, Pest control, 'Planning, 'Schistosomiasis, 'Puerto rico, Popula- tions, Sampling, Water reservoirs. Identifiers: ERDA/520100. Since control of the aquatic snails which transmit schistosomes can be very expensive in large hy- droelectric and irrigation reservoirs, it is important to understand precisely the dynamics of these snail populations in order to plan efficient pro- grams for their control. Thus sampling methods are needed to measure the numbers of snails in the reservoirs and this report concerns the use and evaluation of the Emery dredge in nine reservoirs in Puerto Rico. The results showed that the Emery dredge could be utilized under certain conditions to accurately estimate numbers of snails in these reservoirs. In addition field results showed that Biomphalaria glabrata could be stranded by water receding very slowly and that they were highly re- sistant to desiccation. These results are important for planning snail control through periodic fluctu- ation of the water level. TID-27032 PC A07/MF A01 Battelle Columbus Labs., Ohio. Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quar- terly Report E. S. Lipinsky, R. A. Nathan, W. J. Sheppard, W. T. Lawhon, and J. L Otis. 14 Apr 76, 149p Descriptors: 'Bailie process, 'Beets, 'Purox pyro- lysis process, 'Sorghum, 'Sugar cane, Anaerobic digestion, Ethanol, High btu gas, Intermediate btu gas, Production, Pyrolysis, Research programs, Solar energy conversion, Synthesis gas. Identifiers: ERDA/090100, ERDA/140504, 'Cellu- lose, 'Biological energy conversion, 'Synthetic fuels. The primary objective of this study is to suggest methods to derive fuels economically from sugar cane, sugar beets, and sweet sorghum, evaluate the potential feasibility of the various suggestions, and to suggest means to convert the potential feasibility into practical feasibility. The sugar cane and sugar beet productivity per acre and the pro- duction costs are estimated. Sugar cane is suitable for tropical and subtropical climates, whereas the sugar beet can be grown in temperate climates. The two most promising methods for the thermo- chemical conversion of the plants into synthesis gas are the Bailie and the Purox process. Anaero- bic conversion of sugar crop fiber into SNG has not yet been subjected to extensive laboratory investi- gation, but it is expected that pretreatment would probably be needed to improve the rate of diges- tion of the lignocellulosic fiber. (ERA citation 01:018855) TID-27060 PC A02/MF A01 Energy Research and Development Administra- tion, Washington, D.C. Div. of Buildings and Indus- try. State Research Priorities for Energy Conserva- tion in Buildings and Agriculture 1975, 18p Descriptors: 'Energy conservation, 'Meetings, Ag- riculture, Buildings, Economics, Fertilizers, Natural gas, Production, Reviews, Solar energy conver- sion, Synthetic fuels, Thermal insulation, US ERDA. Identifiers: ERDA/320100, ERDA/320300. Highlights are given of Federal and State presen- tations at a conference on research priorities for energy conservation in buildings and agriculture held in Chicago on Oct. 20, 1975. The conference was sponsored jointly by US ERDA and the Na- tional Governor's Conference. The five top priority categories recommended by the States for Feder- al R and D related to energy conservation in build- ings were: insulation materials; technology trans- fer; economic factors; solar heating and cooling; and construction techniques. The top priority items recommended for research on energy conserva- tion in agriculture were: development of substitute fuels for natural gas; improved fertilizer production processes; energy production from wastes; more efficient crop-drying techniques; and more efficient food- and fiber-processing methods. (ERA citation 01 :023564) TID-27164 PC A15/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollu- tion Control and Energy Conservation. Final Report W. J. Jewell, H. R. Davis, W. W. Gunkel, D. J. Lathwell, and J. H. Martin, Jr. Sep 76, 341 p Contract ERDA-NSF-741222A01 Descriptors: 'Manures, 'Methane, Air pollution, Anaerobic digestion, Biosynthesis, Economics, Energy conservation, Feasibility studies, Land pol- lution, Water pollution. Identifiers: ERDA/090122, ERDA/140504, ERDA/ 295000, 'Agricultural wastes, Air pollution control, Water pollution control. The combination of concerns for energy shortages and pollution control has renewed interest in the possibility of generating energy from organic wastes. This report is a comprehensive study of the feasibility of generating a substitute natural gas on U. S. dairies (40 and 100 cows) and beef feed- 226 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS lots (1000 head) using the anaerobic fermentation process. The feasibility in technical, economic and practical terms is estimated. Excluding energy use in manufacture of equipment and farm chemicals, the total energy use on 40 and 100 cow dairies, and 1 000 head feedlots were estimated to be 1 64 x 10 exp 6 , 307 x 10 exp 6 , and 670 x 10 exp 6 kcal per year, respectively. The estimated maxi- mum annual methane energy that could be gener- ated on these operations was estimated as 216 x 10 exp 6 , 473 x 10 exp 6 , and 2280 x 10 exp 6 kcal, respectively. Thus, a dairy farm in northern New York could produce more energy than it con- sumes, and a feedlot could produce more than 3 times the quantity consumed. The estimated costs of generating methane on 40 and 100 cow dairies and on a 1000 head beef feedlot were $22.80, $13.40, and $4.50 per 10 exp 6 kcal. Detailed anal- yses of the three operations estimated that the actual costs for utilization would increase to $80, $39, and $1 1 per 10 exp 6 kcal for specific oper- ations, respectively. Farms with more than 100 cows can begin to consider the technology as an income producing operation. It is therefore con- cluded that anaerobic fermentation of agricultural wastes has significant potential and should receive increased attention. (ERA citation 02:021 947) TID-27205 PC A03/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Leaf Decomposition in a Tropical Rainforest Stream D. E. Padgett. 1975,48 Contract E(40-1)-GEN-33 Thesis. Descriptors: 'Forest litter, * Fungi, Aquatic ecosys- tems, Biochemical reaction kinetics, Decomposi- tion, Ecology, Forests, Puerto rico, Streams, Tropi- cal regions. Identifiers: ERDA/520100, ERDA/550200, Aquat- ic microbiology, "Hyphomycetes. Fungi play an important part in leaf litter decompo- sition in terrestrial ecosystems in both temperate and tropical regions. There are few published re- ports dealing with decomposition in running waters, and no work has been done in tropical streams. Results are reported from a study under- taken to determine the nature and time course of disappearance of submerged leaf litter in a small stream of a forest in northwestern Puerto Rico, with emphasis on elucidating decompositional ac- tivity of aquatic hyphomycetes. (ERA citation 02:018251) TID-28044 PC A14/MF A01 Energy Research and Development Administra- tion, Washington, D.C. Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conserva- tion, Solar Energy and Other New Technol- ogies: Energy Extension Service N. Ignatius. Sep 77, 307p Descriptors: "Agriculture, "Buildings, "Commercial buildings, "Energy conservation, "Geothermal energy, "Houses, "Industrial plants, "Process heat, "Solar cell arrays, "Solar cooling systems, "Solar heating systems, "Solar water heaters, "Wind power, "Manuals, Biomass, Demonstration programs, Farms, Greenhouses, Office buildings, Passive solar heating systems, Planning, Residen- tial sector, School buildings, Solar air conditioning, Solar energy, Solar heating, Solar space heating, Underground, USA. Identifiers: ERDA/299000, ERDA/291000, ERDA/ 320100, ERDA/140900, ERDA/140501, Subsur- face structures. This guide was compiled by the Energy Extension Service (EES) for use by State EES planners. It is intended to facilitate viewing of solar, conserva- tion, and other energy technologies at work. The demonstrations listed in this Guide have generally been limited to those most applicable to individual homeowners, small businesses, schools, and farms. In a few states, however, municipal systems have also been included. Many of these projects have received Federal funding. The majority of projects demonstrate some form of solar energy. In addition to solar heating and cooling for homes and commercial buildings, a number of examples of farm applications such as solar crop drying are listed, as well as demonstrations of wind energy, biomass, photovoltaics, etc. Since all successful solar heating and cooling systems incorporate sensible energy-conserving design, each solar heating and/or cooling project is at the same time an energy-conservation project. When these con- servation designs are of special interest or inven- tiveness, this has been noted. In a few cases, pro- jects demonstrate only conservation measures, such as the construction of buildings underground. (ERA citation 03:018509) TID-28550 PC A05/MF A01 Florida Univ., Gainesville. Inst, of Food and Agri- cultural Sciences. Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms. Final Report R. A. Nordstedt, P. H. Smith, L O. Bagnall, and F. le Grand. 1976, 82p Descriptors: "Anaerobic digestion, "Bagasse, Combustion, Pyrolysis, Comparative evaluations, Economics, Florida, Inventories, Methane, Pyroly- tic oils, Steam generation, Technology assess- ment. Identifiers: ERDA/090400, ERDA/090122, ERDA/ 140504, "Refuse derived fuels, Feasibility, Solid waste disposal, Synthetic fuels, Manufactured gas. This report examines the technologic and econom- ic feasibility of converting sugarcane production residues in South Florida to utilizable energy forms. Quantity and location of the residues are given. Current uses of the residues are outlined and compared with other potential uses which are described in the literature. Technological problems in collection of the field residues are discussed. The resulting research and development needs are outlined. An in-depth economic comparison of anaerobic digestion, shaft pyrolysis, and waterwall incineration is presented. Economic feasibility of each of the three processes is presented as a function of plant size using current market prices for energy and the energy price increases which would be necessary to make each of the process- es economically feasible. (ERA citation 04:007640) TID-28552 PC A07/MF A01 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA. Technical and Economic Assessment of Meth- ods for Direct Conversion of Agricultural Resi- due to Usable Energy. Final Report R. C. Bailie. 20 Oct 76, 136p Descriptors: "Agricultural wastes, "Ethanol, "Low btu gas, "Methane, Acid hydrolysis, Anaerobic di- gestion, Biosynthesis, Chemical reactors, Com- parative evaluations, Feasibility studies, Fermenta- tion, Fischer-tropsch synthesis, Flowsheets, Hy- drogenation, Mesophilic conditions, Production, Pyrolysis, Tables, Thermophilic conditions, Time dependence Identifiers: ERDA/140504, ERDA/090122, ERDA/ 090222, Manufactured gas, Synthetic fuels, "Solid waste disposal, Forecasting, Refuse derived fuels. Various methods for conversion of agricultural wastes to usable energy were evaluated for further consideration for user operated and commercially operated systems. Advantages and disadvantages of anaerobic digestion and low Btu gas pyrolysis, the only two alternatives that were considered to be worthy of evaluation for user operated systems, are discussed. Both systems were also considered feasible for use with commercially operated sys- tems. In addition, two liquid product systems, hy- drolysis and fermentation to ethanol and medium Btu gas pyrolysis followed by Fischer-Tropsch re- action to form a liquid product, were evaluated. (ERA citation 04:018341) TID-28736 PC A03/MF A01 New York State Coll. of Agriculture and Life Sci- ences, Ithaca. Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Resi- dues: Potential for Improvement and Imple- mentation. Eight Quarter Progress Report, March 16--June 15, 1978 W.J.Jewell. 1978, 29p Contract EY-76-S-02-2981 Descriptors: "Chemical reactors, "Manures, "Methane, Anaerobic digestion, Biosynthesis, Per- formance, Research programs. Identifiers: ERDA/090122, ERDA/140504, "Agri- cultural wastes, Synthetic fuels, Manufactured gas, Solid wastes. Results obtained in the development of the techni- cal, economic, and practical feasibility of using an- aerobic digestion on small-scale farms are report- ed. All tests are being run with dairy cattle manure. Performance data for the pilot scale random mixed fermenter and the plug flow fermenter are tabulat- ed and briefly discussed. The construction of the full-scale plug flow fermenter and control unit is complete and the units are into the first set of oper- ating conditions. Serious gas leakage problems have developed and steps are being taken to remedy these. (ERA citation 04:029550) TT-67-51301 PC A04 MF A01 National Science Foundation, DC. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Importance of Trace Elements in Chernozem Soils under Conditions of Dry Farming, and Their Influence on the Physiological Processes Determining the Drought-and Heat-Resistance of Plants. M. Ya. Shkolnik, and N. A. Makarova. 1968, 54p Rept no. SFCSI-Agr(TT-67-51301) Trans, of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Botanicheskii In- stitut. Trudy: Seriya IV, Eksperimentalnaya Botan- ika, n12p23-73 1958. Descriptors: "Agriculture, Fertilizers, "Soils, USSR, Biochemistry, Tracer studies, Soil mechanics, Boron, Moisture, Cereals, Potatoes, Rural areas. Identifiers: Chernozem soils. The present work consists of two sections: the first presents the data of our investigations of the influ- ence of trace elements on the yield and the chemi- cal composition of plants on chernozem soils under dry-farming; the second section deals with the influence of trace elements on the physiologi- cal processes determining the drought-resistance of plants. (Author) TT-67-58007/2 PC A05 National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Pro- gram. Contemporary Agriculture, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1966. 1967, 82p Rept no. SFCSI-Agr(TT-67-58007/2) Trans, of Savremena Poljoprivreda (Yugoslavia) v14 n2 1966. The above journal is translated cover-to-cover. Descriptors: "Agriculture, Yugoslavia, Wheat, Vegetables, Corn, Fruits, Climatology, Herbicides, Fungicides, Bovines, Rural areas. Contents: Restoration of Deschampsietum grass- lands by using different herbicides; The effect of lodging on the yield and quality of winter wheat; The effect of climatic factors on the length of the growing period and possibilities of planning the rip- ening dates of peas; The influence of the number of plants and their spacing in consociated corn- wheat crops on some quantitative characteristics of indian corn; The possibility of rapid regeneration of tall grape vines to achieve satisfactory yields; Control of apple powdery mildew by means of modern fungicides; Results of testing the resis- tance of some Yugoslav and imported inbred lines to the European corn borer; Studies in the breed- ing value of imported red-and-white Simmental cattle at the 'Srem' farm; Test of the two-machine system of beet digging at the 'Beograd' farm; Methods of simplifying the handling of data in tests with corn. TT-68-50103 PC A14 MF A01 National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Pro- gram. Norms and Tables for Animal Nutrition Mihailo Fedorovic-Tome, Miodrag Obradovic, and Darko Stosic. 1970, 320p Rept no. SFCSI- Agr(TT-68-50103) Trans, of mono. Norme i Tablice za Ishranu Stoke, Belgrade, 1 967 490p, by Dorde Krivokapic. 227 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Descriptors: "Animal nutrition, Tables(Data), Feed- ing stuffs, Food habits, Handbooks, Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Goats, Swine, Wildlife, Poultry, Transla- tions, Yugoslavia, USSR. Identifiers: Mink, Pelts. Contents: Nutrition norms and rations for domestic animals (Cattle feeding norms and rations, Nutri- tion norms and rations for swine, Nutrient require- ments and rations for sheep, Nutrient require- ments and rations for horses, Nutrition norms and rations for rabbits, Nutrition norms and rations for poultry); Norms, mixtures and rations as compiled by certain foreign and Yugoslav authors (Other norms and formulae for their conversion into differ- ent units, Morrison's feeding norms, American N.R.C. feeding standards, Danish standards, Norms based on the requirements of individual types and categories of animal stock for the most important nutritive substances, Norms applied in Sweden, Amino acids requirements for swine and poultry balancing rations and mixtures according to the amino acid content in feeds, Examples of evaluating feed values, rations and mixtures ac- cording to the amino acid content); Composition and nutritive value of animal feed (Methods of de- termining oat units, Use of the tables for compos- ing rations and mixtures); Examples of rations and mixtures (Feed mixtures for cattle, Some American additional mixtures for cattle during finishing with roughages, Rations which can be recommended and used for the nutrition of cows in Yugoslavia according to Yugoslav authors, Rations and mix- tures for swine, Rations and mixtures for poultry, Mineral mixtures for domestic animals). TT-68-50342 PC A16 MF A01 National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Pro- gram. Woodworking in Estonia: Historical Survey. A. Viires. 1969, 352p* Rept no. SFCSI-Smi(TT- 68-50342) Trans, of mono. Eesti Rahvaparane Puutoondus. Ajalooline Ulevaade, Tallinn, 1960 333p, by J. Le- vitan. Descriptors: *Wood, Material forming, 'Culture, USSR, Rural areas, Trees, Small tools, Containers, Bending, Vehicle chassis components, Roofs, Joining, Anthropology, Economics. Identifiers: Social anthropology, Estonia, Wood- working, Turning(Woodworking), Handicrafts, Fur- niture. The document considers the importance of home industry with particular reference to woodworking, in Estonian village economy. TT-68-50363 PC A08 MF A01 National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Pro- gram. Sown Winter Ranges in the Foothill Deserts of Soviet Central Asia. N. T. Nechaeva, and S. Ya. Prikhodko. 1 968, 167p Rept no. SFCSI-Agr(TT-68-50363) Trans, of mono. Iskussrvennye Zimine Pastbish- cha v Predgornykh Pustynyakh Srednei Azii. (Opyt Sozdaniya Iskusstvennykh Fitotsenozov), Ashkha- bad, 1966 227p, by R. Karschon. Descriptors: "Agriculture, USSR, Deserts, Rural areas, Plants(Botany), Ecology, Economics. Identifiers: Area planning and development. This book summarizes experimental work toward establishing perennial winter ranges of shrubs and half-shrubs in the foothill desert. The work deals with the dynamics of the formation of phytocen- oses, their life-span, processes of regeneration and competition, and environmental effects. (Author) TT-70-50064 HC A12 MF A01 National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Pro- gram. Selective Breeding of Carp and Intensification of Fish Breeding in Ponds (Selektsiya Karpa I Voprosy Intensifikatsii Prudovogo Rybo- vodstva). V. S. Kirpichnikov. 1966, 254p* Rept no. SFCSI- lnt(TT-70-50064) Trans, of Gosudarstvennyi Nauchno-lssledova- telskii Institut Ozernogo i Rechnogo Rybnogo Kho- zyaistva. Izvestiya (USSR) v61 260p 1966, by E. Hoz, and M. Yariv. Descriptors: "Fishes, Breeding, *Carp, Breeding, USSR, Translations, Lakes, Rivers, Fresh water bi- ology, Reproduction(Physiology), Ponds, Aquacul- ture, Fisheries. This volume contains articles on various problems of pond pisciculture. The first section is devoted to the genetics and selection of carp. The primary aim of this collection is to state the theoretic princi- ples of carp selection. Several articles deal with the theory of selective breeding, drawing both on the experience of Soviet scientists and on the comparatively scant non-Soviet literature on this problem. The first part of the collection also in- cludes articles on variability of carp as well as on intraspecific and interspecific hybridization and he- terosis. Articles on the organization of fish breed- ing in the northwestern RSFSR end the section and vindicate the policy of dividing fish breeding farms into three types: research stations, fish breeding nurseries, and commercial fish farms. The second, section of this collection consists of articles on intensification of pond pisciculture. Two studies report fish pond diseases and control measures. Konradt and Sakharov report a new commercial method of hatching larvae of carp and other thermophilic fish, involving removal of the egg from its surrounding mucous envelope and in- cubating it in special apparatus. The method is being tested in reservoir hatcheries and in some fish-breeding farm ponds, and offers much prom- ise. (Author) TT-70-57149 PC A11 MF A01 National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Pro- gram. Fundamental Trends in the Evolution of Rela- tions between Employers, Workers and Gov- ernments in Africa (Tendances Fondamentales de I'Evolution des Relations entre Employeurs, Travailleurs et Gouvernements en Afrique) Charles Bokonga. 1971, 232p Rept no. SFCSI- Lab(TT-70-57149) Contract NSF-C466 Trans, of Annales de droit et de Sciences Politi- ques (Belgium) n23 186p 1967. Descriptors: "Industrial relations, "Africa, "Labor relations, Developing countries, Labor unions, Or- ganizations, Professional personnel, Government policies, Interactions, Management, Personnel, Surveys, France. Identifiers: Translations, Employers, Employees. A panoramic survey is made of the fundamental tendencies prevailing in the relations between em- ployers, workers, and public authorities in the Afri- can countries which have just attained indepen- dence. There would appear to be not so much a question of bettering the standard of the working class, a rather privileged class as compared to the entire population, as of bringing officials, political leaders and some entrepreneurs, to preoccupy themselves with the masses. The role of the trade unions is not reduced in this new context. (Author) TT-70-57224 PC A15/MF A01 Forest Service, Washington, D.C. Interaction of Wood Species in Different Types of Forests D. D. Lavrinenko. 1972, 339p Trans, of mono. Vzyamodeistvie Drevesnykh Porod v Razlichnykh Tipakh Lesa, Moscow, 1 965. Sponsored in part by National Science Founda- tion, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: "Forest land, "Forest trees, "Wood, Cultivation, Economic development, Rotation, Plant growth, Interactions, Soil properties, Mix- tures, Acclimatization, Plant genetics, Manage- ment, Pine trees, Oak trees, Hardwoods, Transla- tions, USSR, Topology. Handbooks. Identifiers: Silviculture, Forest management, Forest plantations. The book incorporates theoretical principles of the interaction of wood species in different types of forests and makes recommendations on cultivat- ing high productive plantations of economically im- portant species. The following aspects have been dealt with in this work: studies on the interaction of wood species, trials in forest-steppes for develop- ing stable plantations, typological investigations, aspects of rotation of species, and the problems of intraspecies and interspecies relationships. The author examines the relation of wood species with the environmental conditions, especially with the soil conditions, establishes the competitional indi- ces of wood plants and proves the advantage of mixed plantations over pure plantations. The author also deals with the methods of investigation and the ways of controlling the interactions of the wood species. TT-71-50100 PC A14/MF A01 Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Handbook of Selection and Seed Growing of Oil Plants V. S. Pustovoit. 1973, 31 Op Trans, of mono. Rukovodstvo po Selektsii i Se- menovodstvu Maslichnykh Kultur, Moscow, 1967 352p, by N. Kaner. Sponsored in part by National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: "Seeds, Selection, "Oilseed crops, Seeds, Economic factors, Volume, Vegetable crops, Vegetable oils, Soybean plants, Peanut plants, Flax plants, Castor oil, Germination, Pollen, Hybridization, Productivity, Genetics, Translations, USSR, Handbooks. Identifiers: Castor bean plants, Sunflower plants, Sesame plants, Mustard plants, SFCSI. Experimental material from the All-Union Re- search Institute of Oil Crops correlated in this book with data obtained from selection stations and leading farms contributes to the understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of the selec- tion of vegetable oil plants such as sunflower, flax, castor bean, soybean, mustard, peanut, and sesame. The authors analyze the economic signifi- cance of the crops, describe the botanical and bio- logical properties of the plants, and present meth- ods for the development of initial stock, the selec- tion and evaluation of plants, and selection tech- niques. Strain changing, strain renewal, and the processing of experimental data are discussed. The book contains 1 50 tables, 1 7 figures, and 47 bibliographical references. (Author) TT-71-56014 PC A13/MF A01 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, Md. Earthquake Resistant Construction S. V. Polyakov. 1973, 281 p Trans, of Seismostoikie Konstruktsii Zdanii, Moscow, 1 969 326p, by Charles Braver. Descriptors: "Earthquake resistant structures, Re- search, Dynamic structural analysis, Stresses, Vi- bration, Degrees of freedom, Buildings, Loads(Forces), Walls, Correlation techniques, Structural design, Seismic detection, Translations, USSR. Identifiers: SFCSI. Contents: Some propositions of structural dynamics; Some general observations on earthquakes and their action on buildings; Determination of seismic forces; Classification of building construction schemes-Calculation of horizontal seismic force distribution; Constructions of earthquake resistant buildings. TT-72-50020 PC A03/MF A01 National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, D.C. Shark Flesh in the Food Industry V. S. Gordievskaya. 1973, 31 p 228 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Trans, of mono. Pishchevoe Ispolzovanie Myasa Tikhookeanskikh Akul, Vladivostok, 1971 37p, by H. Mills. Sponsored in part by National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: 'Sharks, Utilization, *Food industry, Sharks, Food processing, Meat, Nutritive value, Translations, USSR. Identifiers: SFCSI. Contents: Size-weight and technochemical characteristics of sharks; Food value of shark meat, and removal of urea; Utilization of shark meat; Preserved products; Cured and smoked products; Sausages; The fins; Bibliography. TT-72-50055 PC A08/MF A01 National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, D.C. Mass Cultivation of Invertebrates: Biology and Methods I. V. Ivleva. 1973, 154p* Trans, of mono. Biologicheskie Osnovy i Metody Massovogo Kultivirovaniya Kormovykh Bespoz- vonochnykh, Moscow, 1969 171p, by A. Mercado. Sponsored in part by National Science Founda- tion, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Descriptors: 'Invertebrates, Cultures(Biology), 'Fishes, Feeding stuffs, Morphology, Microorgan- isms, Nematoda, Crustacea, Dapnnia, Larvae, Growth, Distribution(Property), Translations, USSR. Identifiers: SFCSI. The monograph deals with the biology and cultiva- tion of some invertebrate species which are reared on a mass scale in the USSR: soil oligochetes; free-living nematodes; phyllopod crustaceans; daphniids; chironomid larvae. The author charac- terizes the biology of these species more or less uniformly, and gives a brief outline of the gross morphology. Also discussed are the following topics: distribution and relation to environmental factors; reproduction, growth, and development; population growth; feeding; chemical composition of the body; respiration. The description of cultur- ing methods includes such basic standard data as the initial and peak density of the culture, rearing periods, the maintenance of optimal conditions, manipulations of the culture, feeds and feeding regime, and output. Methods for the maintenance of these animal groups in the laboratory are given in some cases. The book is intended for hydrobio- logists, ichthyologists, and fish breeders. (Modified author abstract) TT-72-50070 PCA11/MFA01 Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Washing- ton, D.C. Diseases of Pond Fishes O. N. Bauer, V. A. Musselius, and Yu. A. Strelkov. 1973, 228p Trans, of mono. Bolezni Prudovykh Ryb, Moscow, 1 969 335p, by A. Mercado. Sponsored in part by National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Pro- gram. Descriptors: 'Fishes, 'Animal diseases, Fresh water fishes, Ponds, Pathology, Carp, Trout, Para- sitic diseases, Infectious diseases, Aquaculture, USSR, Translations. Identifiers: SFCSI. The book deals with the important infectious, para- sitic and noncommunicable diseases of pond fishes. It presents new concepts of the prevention and treatment of diseases by modern means within the framework of the intensive fish breeding methods used today. The book deals not only with diseases of fish commonly occurring in the USSR, carp and trout, but also with diseases of fish im- ported for cultivation in ponds. Particular attention is given to the etiology, biology and epizootology of the disease agents, since knowledge in these fields is necessary for the development of efficient methods for the control of the diseases of fish. The book is intended for veterinarians, fish pathologists and fish breeders. (Author) TT-73-54014 PC A19 Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. The Structure of Yarn WitoldZurek. 1975, 430p Trans, of mono. Struktura Przedzy, Warsaw, 1971 436p, by Michal Zaorski. Sponsored in part by Na- tional Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Spe- cial Foreign Currency Science Information Pro- gram. Descriptors: 'Yarns, 'Books, Microstructure, Physical properties, Numerical analysis, Fibers, Textile processes, Spinning, Cotton fibers, Silk, Rayon, Synthetic fibers, Translations, Poland. The book contains physical (A) and mathematical (B) tables. Tables of the A group (physical) are meant to help designers at the selection of fibers for an intended end use. After some conclusions have been drawn with regard to the magnitude of particular characteristics (strength, or elongation of yarn), final calculations are made with the use of data referring to definite materials. Tables of the B group (mathematical) allow to determine quickly and accurately the auxiliary values (twist factor, C,D as well as z parameter necessary for calcula- tion of strength), which are used at an appraisal of physical properties of yarn. UCID-17086 PC A05/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Flat-Plate Solar Collector Handbook: A Survey of Principles, Technical Data and Evaluation Results H. W. Newkirk. 29 Mar 76, 96p* Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Flat plate collectors, Performance testing, Solar air conditioning, Solar space heating, Solar water heaters. Identifiers: ERDA/141000, ERDA/ 140901, Solar water heating, 'Handbooks. This report begins with a discussion of flat plate solar collector principles. Evaluation data are pre- sented for thirteen manufacturers of medium tem- perature collectors that have met the criteria: (a) intention by the manufacturer that the equipment be used only for heating and cooling buildings and for domestic hot water heating and (b) evaluation of the collector by NASA using a solar simulator as a basis for collector selection and performance prediction. (ERA citation 01 :01 5909) PC A04/MF A01 Livermore. Lawrence Livermore UCID-17595 California Univ Lab. Two-Week Training Program for Building Solar Thermosiphon Domestic Water-Heating Sys- tems S. Upton, and J. Costa. 31 Aug 77, 73p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Solar water heaters, 'Manuals, Braz- ing, Construction, Education, Educational tools, Lectures, Maintenance, Pipes, Pumps, Size, Solar collectors, Solar water heating, Soldering, Testing, Thermosyphon effect. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140907, 'Specialized training. Lecture outlines and handouts are presented for a two-week course on building a solar thermosiphon system for home water heating. The course covers solar-energy theory but focuses on practical skills required to build such a system: brazing, soldering, carpentry, sizing pipes, selecting pumps, sizing collectors, and determining domestic hot-water needs. This course is based on one taught at San Jose City College, August 8-19,1 977, for the CAL/ NEVA Community Action Agency weatherization crews. (ERA citation 03:039786) UCLA-12-1123 PCA02/MFA01 California Univ., Los Angeles. Lab. of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology. Challenge of a Desert: Revegetation of Dis- turbed Desert Lands A. Wallace, E. M. Romney, and R. B. Hunter. 1977, 23p Rept no. CONF-770369-1 Contract EY-76-C-03-0012 NAEG Pu program report meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2 Mar 1977. Descriptors: 'Deserts, 'Revegetation, 'Arid lands, Biological adaptation, Climates, Economics, Ge- netic variability, Germination, Moisture, Plant growth, Plants, Productivity, Seeds, Terrestrial ecosystems. Identifiers: ERDA/510100, Shrubs, Irrigation, Trees(Plants), Grasses. The revegetation of disturbed, arid lands is one of the great challenges of a desert. It is not an impos- sible task, however, if one utilizes and properly manages both the natural and the man-made re- sources available. Through better understanding of the processes governing revegetation and the ability to control them, it is possible for man to more rapidly restore disturbed desert lands. Ter- rain manipulation to form moisture catchment basins, selection of seed from pioneering shrub species, preservation of existing shrub clump fer- tile islands in the soil, supplemental fertilization and irrigation, and transplanting vigorous shrub species are some of the important things that can be done to help restore disturbed desert land. Some of the costs can be off-set by restoring the land to economically important trees and shrubs, or grasses, instead of back to the original vegeta- tion. Thousands of years of historical evidence of man's survival on arid lands attest to success in meeting the challenge of the desert. (41 refer- ences). (ERA citation 03:001379) UCRL-Trans-11076 PC A03/MF A01 Methanol as an Energy Source and Its Synthe- sis T. Yamamoto. 1975, 27p Translated from Koatsu Gasu 12 n4 p141-145 1975. Descriptors: 'Methanol, Automotive fuels, Boiler fuel, Hydrogen production, Single cell protein, Syn- thesis, Town gas, Uses. Identifiers: ERDA/090200, Translations, Japan, 'Fuels, Production. The processes used for the production of metha- nol from naphtha, natural gas, heavy petroleum, or liquefied natural gases are summarized. The use of methanol as an energy source is considered from six aspects: as a hydrogen source, as a source of city gas, for the production of reductive gas for the steel industry, as an automotive fuel, as a fuel for streaming contact combustion in boilers, and as a source of single cell protein. The use of nuclear energy for the production of methanol is briefly considered. (ERA citation 01 :02301 3) UCRL-52385 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds A. B. Casamajor, and R. E. Parsons. 6 Jan 78, 74p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Solar ponds, Cost, Design, Dia- grams, Operation, Size, Solar process heat, Speci- fications. Identifiers: ERDA/141000. The Solar Energy Group at LLL has developed shallow solar ponds to supply solar-heated water for industrial and commercial use at a cost that is competitive with conventional energy sources. Three aspects of this SSP technology are dis- cussed: (1) an introduction to SSP technology, po- tential, and limitations; (2) a detailed description of the design and operation of an SSP system includ- ing component drawings and specifications; and (3) planning information so that an SSP system can be sized for a particular application and the cost can be estimated. (ERA citation 03:047234) UCRL-52385(Rev.1) PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. 229 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds A. B. Casamajor, and R. E. Parsons. 8 Jan 7b, 65p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Solar ponds, Butenes, Cost, Design, Diagrams, Films, Operation, Performance, Po- lyethylenes, PVC, Size, Specifications. Identifiers: ERDA/141000. The Solar Energy Group at LLL has developed shallow solar ponds to supply solarheated water for industrial and commercial use at a cost that is competitive with conventional energy sources. Three aspects of this SSP technology are dis- cussed: (1) an introduction to SSP technology, po- tential, and limitations; (2) a detailed description of the design and operation of an SSP system includ- ing component drawings and specifications; and (3) planning information so that an SSP system can be sized for a particular applicaion and the cost can be estimated. (ERA citation 04:029707) UCRL-79515 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Early Impact of Solar Energy Through Industri- al Applications R. C. Maninger. 23 Jun 77, 16p Rept no. CONF- 770707-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Western plant engineering conference and show, Anaheim, California, United States of America (USA), 13 Jul 1977. Descriptors: *Solar energy, Commercialization, In- formation, Technology transfer. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140000, Research manage- ment. The Energy Research and Development Adminis- tration (ERDA) has established a Solar Technol- ogy Transfer Program (STTP) as an important part of the ERDA mission to promote rapid and wide- spread commercialization of solar energy. This program is an innovative approach to technology transfer through information dissemination and training in solar energy. This is done by means of an integrated network of regional technology agents who interact directly with multiplier groups in both the public and private sectors. Details of the program and ways of industrial participation in it are described. (ERA citation 02:051 1 56) 230 SUBJECT INDEX ABILITIES Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements PB-297 075/4 ABSTRACTS UNIDO Abstracts on Technology Transfer. Studies and Reports on the Development and Transfer of Technology (1970-1976) PB-296 570/5 ABUNDANCE Evaluation of the Emery Dredge for Determining Numbers of Snails in Tropical Reservoirs. TID-26889 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Railroad Accident Report. Collision of Two Consoli- dated Railroad Corporation Commuter Trains, New Canaan, Connecticut PB-294 643/2 ACCOUNTING An Accounting System for Solid Waste Management in Small Communities PB-213 492/2 Contabilidad para la Micro Empresa: Manual de En- senanza (Accounting for the Small Business: Teach- ing Manual) PB-269 049/3 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Comptabilite (Starting and Managing a Small Bookkeeping Serv- ice. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 4) PB-286 590/5 Accounting and Book Keeping for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 365/9 ACETYLENE Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bottled Oxygen and Acetylene PB-292 801/8 ACTIVATED CARBON TREATMENT Improvement of Treatment of Food Industry Waste PB-234 444/8 ACTIVATED SLUDGE Comparative Reclamation of Potable Water from Bio- filter and Activated Sludge Effluents at the Stander Water Reclamation Plant. N78-25998/3 ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS Fruit Cannery Waste Activated Sludge as a Cattle Feed Ingredient PB-265 357/4 ADHESIVE BONDING Process for Bonding a Ferro-Cement Structure with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic PATENT-3 984 266 ADMINISTRATIVE PRINCIPLES Effective Job Organization PB-292 719/2 Preparing, Evaluating, and Managing Development Projects PB-294 901/4 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDES Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators PB-286 579/8 Creation d'Un Service de Vulgarisation Agricole (Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators) PB-286 580/6 ADOBE A Study of the Feasibility of Mechanized Adobe Pro- duction COM-73-10527 ADOBE BRICK Adobe Building Materials: Properties, Problems, and Preservation PB-271 847/6 Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures PB-286 096/3 ADOBE BRICKS Protecting Adobe Walls from Ground Water PB-295 041/8 ADOBE CONSTRUCTION Maisons en Terre (Earth for Homes) PB-286 423/9 ADOBE SOILS Methods for Characterizing Adobe Building Materials PB-282 062/9 ADULTS Operation III: Loaves and Fishes. A Model Communi- ty Action Program to Provide Nutritious Low-Cost Meals to the Elderly. PB-179 408 AEROBIC PROCESSES Individual Home Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Sys- tems PB-226 478/6 AFRICA Africa: A Bibliographic Survey of Literature AD-787 465/4 A Survey of Meteorological and Hydrological Data Available in Six Sahelian Countries of West Africa. A Survey of Studies in Meteorology and Hydrology in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. N75-1 7045/6 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Leather and Shoe Industry in West Africa to 1 980 PB-206 970 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Paint Products Industry in West Africa to 1980 PB-206 971 Pre-lnvestment Study. Meat Packing Industry for En- tente Guaranty Fund PB-206 972 Fishculture Survey Report For West Central Africa. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures PB-206 977 A Comparison Study for Evaluating Primary School Science in Africa PB-207 625 Beginning Science Curriculum for English Speaking Tropical Africa (African Primary Science Program) PB-207 628 Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problems Soils of Africa. Development of Engineering Standards and Criteria for the Usage of Laterite, Lateritic Soils, and Other Problems Soils in Connection with the Constructs n of Roads, Highways and Airfields PB-207 636 A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutri- tion. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area PB-213 612/5 Micro-Level Farm Management and Production Eco- nomics Research among Traditional African Farmers: Lessons from Sierra Leone. (SI-631.09664-S745). PB-219 "730 African Agricultural Research Capabilities PB-238 849/4 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 593/9 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 594/7 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 595/4 Perspectives de la Recherche Agronomique en Afri- que (Prospects for Agronomic Research in Africa) PB-274 429/0 Le Developpernent de I'Entreprise Privee Africaine (The Development of African Pridvate Enterprise) PB-286 435/3 Developpernent Communautaire - Cinq Realisations Interessantes en Afrique (Five Community Develop- ment Stories Out of West Africa; Community Devel- opment Serie?, Volume 1, Series B) PB-286 461/9 Energy for the Villages of Africa. Recommendations for African Governments and Outside Donors PB-292 790/3 U.S. Development Assistance to the Sahel--Progress and Problems PB-293 745/6 Fundamental Trends in the Evolution of Relations between Employers, Workers and Governments in Africa (Tendances Fondamentales de I'Evolution des Relations entre Employeurs. Travailleurs et Gouver- nements en Afrique) TT-70-57149 AFRICAN CULTURE A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 AFRICAN FOODS A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutri- tion. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area PB-213 612/5 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT U.S. Development Assistance to the Sahel-Progress and Problems PB-293 745/6 Review of the Agency for International Development (AID) Health Strategy: A Committee Report PB-296 096/' AGGREGATES I iATERIALS) The Use oi Coral as an Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Structures AD-784 092/9 AGRIBUSINESS Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries with Special Reference to the Central American Fruit, Vegetable and Floriculture Export Industries PB-294 226/6 AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES The Role of Cooperatives in the Production and Mar- keting of Fruits and Vegetables in Puerto Rico. COM-71-00111 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Technilogical Change in Agriculture. Effects and Im- plications for the Developing Nations PB-210 596 Planning Korea's Agricultural Development. Analyses and Recommendations for the Third Five Year Plan PB-218 232/7 A Generalized Crop-Fertilizer Production Function. (631.88-R988). PB-219 683 Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farmers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71-A211a). PB-219 684 Changes in Small Farmer Credit Use in Southern Brazil, 1965-69. (Br-332.71-A211). PB-219 696 Economic Aspects of Irrigation from Ground Water. (Br-631.7-H279a). PB-219 711 Methodology and General Data Description: Farm Level Capital Formation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Br- 338.1 -W51 5). PB-219 725 Technological Change and the Traditional Small Farmer of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. (Br-631-R225). PB-219 768 A Subjective Equilibrium Theory of Share Tenancy. (333.53-W286). PB-219 777 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesti- cides PB-243 639/2 A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 The Agricultural Development of Nicaragua: An Anal- ysis of the Production Sector PB-271 002/8 An Assessment of Controlled Environmental Agricul- ture Technology PB-279 211/7 Controlled Environment Agriculture: A Global Review of Greenhouse Food Production PB-279 517/7 Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume I. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Ana- lytical Report PB-280 053/0 Development and Spread of High-Yielding Varieties of Wheat and Rice in the Less Developed Nations. Edition 5 PB-280 252/8 Survey of Multiple Cropping in Less Developed Na- tions PB-280 359/1 Approaches to the Design of Agricultural Develop- ment Projects. A Program of Advanced Studies in In- stitution Building and Technical Assistance Method- ology Design Study PB-282 836-T Designing and Managing Basic Agricultural Programs PB-282 839/0 Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Po- tential of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Em- ployment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 Water Spreading Manual PB-286 456/9 Irrigation par Deversement (Water Spreading Manual) PB-286 457/7 in 26 Developing Nations, Changes in Agriculture 1948 to 1963 PB-286 617/6 Evolution de 1 'Agriculture dans 26 Pays en Voie de Developpernent, 1948 a 1963 (Changes in Agricul- ture in 26 Developing Nations, 1948 to 1963) PB-286 618/4 Strategies for Balanced Growth in Developing Coun- tries PB-288 209/0 Design and Management of Rural Ecosystems PB-288 384/1 Aspectos de la Produccion Agropecuaria de Centro- America en el Marco de la Integracion Economica (Aspects of Central American Farming Production within the Framework of Economic Integration) PB-289 983/9 Informe General Sobre el Desarrollo Agropecuario y Rural de El Salvador (General Report on Rural and Farming Development of El Salvador) PB-289 984/7 How the United States Improved Its Agriculture PB-292 863/8 Graphic Analysis: Applications in Agricultural Eco- nomics PB-293 822/3 231 SUBJECT INDEX Vulgarisation Agncole: La Planification (Extension Looks at Programm Planning) PB-293 916/3 Trade-Offs Between Farm Income and Selected En- vironmental Indicators: A Case Study of Soil Loss, Fertilizer, and Land Use Constraints PB-293 919/7 The Herringbone Milking System. Economic Apprais- al, Labor Efficiency Analysis, and Adjustment Possi- bilities PB-293 984/1 Strategies for Improving Small Farmer Development in the Tropics PB-294 021/1 Proceedings of a Workshop on the Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Development Held at Mor- rilton, Arkansas on November 15-17, 1976 PB-294 127/6 The Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Devel- opment. A State of the Arts Study PB-294 137/5 Economics of Protein Improvement Programs in the Lower Income Countries PB-294 138/3 Managing Planned Agricultural Development PB-294 283/7 The Potato Industry in East Pakistan. Improving Seed Potato Multiplication and Storage PB-294 410/6 Leaf Protein Concentrate (PRO-XAN) from Alfalfa: An Economic Evaluation PB-294 411/4 Recycling Poultry Waste as Feed. Will It Pay PB-294 412/2 Studying Agricultural Institutions. A Modular Ap- proach PB-294 606/9 Economics of Agriculture: Reports and Publications Issued or Sponsored by USDA's Economic Research Service, October 1966-June 1974 PB-294 722/4 Understanding Your Cooperatives PB-295 621/7 Cooperative Development in Rural Areas PB-295 734/8 Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs PB-297 078/8 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION To and From the Field: Communications and Agricul- ture ED-158 704 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Study for Agricultural Engineering Development in Brazil PB-214 534/0 A Wind Energy Review: Low-Cost Machines for Agri- cultural and Rural Applications PB-297 858/3 AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICES Rural Development Programs Among Marginal Farm- ers in the Western Highlands of Guatemala PB-282 340/9 Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators PB-286 579/8 Creation d'Un Service de Vulgarisation Agricole (Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators) PB-286 580/6 Campaigns in Agricultural Extension Programs, Number 3 PB-292 879/4 AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORK CENTO Conference on Agricultural Extension, Held in Ankara-Denizli-lzmir, Turkey, 12-22 April 1967 PB-206 804 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY CENTO Traveling Seminar on Farm Tools and Imple- ments PB-206 776 Performance and Economics of Use of Small Equip- ment in Tropical Monsoon Countries: The Case of the Philippines PB-206 806 Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation PB-207 647 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery. A Hand- book for Farm Operations in Tropical Agriculture Areas PB-210 130 Development of Agricultural Mechanization Technol- ogies at the International Rice Research Institute. (Fea-631.3-K45). PB-219 702 Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation. (Rp-631. 3-161 b). PB-219 723 Agricultural Machinery Development Program PB-247 819/6 IRRI Small Agricultural Machinery Project: US Tech- nology Transfer to Resource-Poor Developing Coun- tries PB-268 161/7 L'Entretien Des Tracteurs (4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. A Units, p1-90) PB-286 440/3 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. A Units. Tractor Care Project PB-286 441/1 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. B Units. Tractor Care Project PB-286 442/9 Engineering for Appropriate Technology Farming Systems in the Lowland Humid Tropics PB-294 636/6 Farming Systems Engineering - Summary of Projects for the 1975 'In-House-Review' PB-294 638/2 Systems and Energy in Tropical Farming PB-294 640/8 Engineering for Appropriate Technology Farming Systems in the Lowland Humid Tropics PB-294 645/7 Animal-Drawn Agricultural Implements, Hand-Operat- ed Machines and Simple Power Equipment in the Least Developed and Other Developing Countries; Report of a Manufacturing Development Clinic Held at New Delhi, India on 21-30 October 1974 PB-295 216/6 Cooperative Development in Rural Areas PB-295 734/8 Mochudi Tool Bar (Makgonatsotlhe) PB-297 144/8 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Agricultural Machinery Industry and Rural Industrialization in the Sudan PB-297 179/4 Farm Equipment Development Project, Daudawa, N.C.S., Nigeria PB-297 784/1 Tools for Agriculture: A Buyer's Guide to Low-Cost Agricultural Implements PB-297 787/4 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Proceedings of the Seminar on Agricultural Policy: A Limiting Factor in the Development Process Held at Washington, DC. on March 17-21, 1975 PB-294 018/7 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS The Role of Cooperatives in the Production and Mar- keting of Fruits and Vegetables in Puerto Rico. COM-71-00111 Proceedings of the National Symposium on Trans- portation for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing PB-278 882/6 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH PROJECTS Weed Control Systems and Systems Utilization for Representative Farms in Developing Countries PB-293 759/7 AGRICULTURAL WASTES Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report COO/2917-7 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, January 21 --April 30, 1978 COO-29 17-10 Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Report of Quarterly Review Meeting, Palo Alto, California, De- cember 13-14, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1573 COO/2991-11 Fuel Gas Production from Animal and Agricultural Residues and Biomass. Seventh Quarterly Coordina- tion Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 9--10, 1978 COO-2991-28 A Design Study on the Economic Use of Agricultural Wastes in Kansas. PB-194 368 Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Re- gions PB-198 125 Nonpoint Rural Sources of Water Pollution PB-214 508/4 Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nutrients PB-221 171/2 Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water PB-238 591/2 Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Ther- mal Discharge PB-240 113/1 The Effect of Land Use On the Chemical and Physi- cal Quality of Surface and Ground Waters in Small Water Sheds PB-251 890/0 Swine Waste Digestion Enhancement with Nutrient Separation PB-255 021/8 Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 An Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Residues as an Energy Feedstock. Volume I PB-260 763/8 Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products PB-264 014/2 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes in Ghana - A Feasibility Study PB-271 392/3 A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Agricultur- al Solid Wastes PB-271 714/8 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 Estimating U.S. Livestock and Poultry Manure and Nutrient Production PB-279 095/4 Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V PB-286 361/1 Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants PB-286 938/6 Recycling Poultry Waste as Feed. Will It Pay PB-294 412/2 Energy Recovery from Manure Using Plug-Flow Di- gesters PB-295 065/7 Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 Conversion of Feedlot Wastes into Pipeline Gas PB-296 363/5 Energy Potential Through Bio-Conversion of Agricul- tural Wastes PB-296 444/3 Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaer- obic Digesters PB-296 542/4 The Small Biogas Plant: Its Construction, Operation and Use PB-297 667/8 Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollution Control and Energy Conservation. Final Report TID-27164 Technical and Economic Assessment of Methods for Direct Conversion of Agricultural Residue to Usable Energy. Final Report TID-28552 Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Eight Quarter Progress Report, March 16~June 15, 1978 TID-28736 AGRICULTURAL WATERSHEDS A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Watersheds in Response to Completed and Proposed Land Use Changes PB-264 900/2 AGRICULTURE Indigenous Tropical Agriculture in Central America:Land Use, Systems, and Problems AD-210 105/3 A Short Survey of Colombian Agricultural Develop- ment in Recent Years. AD-636 809 Political Consequences of Rural Development Pro- grams in Indonesia. AD-670 260 Agriculture as the Foundation. AD-678 292 The Effects of African Agricultural Practices on Soil Productivity and Nutrient Levels in Kenya. AD-679 459 Drained-Field Agriculture in Southwestern Tlaxcala, Mexico. AD-679 473 232 SUBJECT INDEX AIR POLLUTION A Philippine Sugar Cane District: Spatial Phenomena Affecting Sugar Cane Production on the Haciendas. AD-679 475 Campaign for Improvement in Cooperative Manage- ment -- Second Stage AD-837 497/7 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 Solar Program Assessment: Environmental Factors. Solar Agricultural and Industrial Process Heat ERDA-77-47/2 North Vietnam: Translations No. 288. JPRS-43442 Handbook on Agricultural Techniques for State Farms JPRS-72242 Potential of Arid Zone Vegetation as a Source of Substrates LBL-7214 Utilization of Wind Power in Agriculture in the USSR N74-1 5752/0 Using the Energy of the Wind for Electrification N74-1 6801/4 A Survey of Meteorological and Hydrological Data Available in Six Sahelian Countries of West Africa. A Survey of Studies in Meteorology and Hydrology in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. N75-1 7045/6 Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-1 0569/1 Investigation of Active Working Tools of Subsoil Irri- gation Machines. PB-178 341T The Problem of Basic Parameters of Tillage Tools for Primary Soil Tillage, Chapter II. PB-178 347T Determination of the Optimum Parameters of Rotary Tiller Cultivation Equipment. PB-178 373T Agricultural Cooperatives and Quasi-Cooperatives in Ghana, 1951-1965. PB-189 813 An Experimental Cooperative Farming Plan in Chile. PB-189 816 Farm Ownership, Political Participation, and Other Social Participation in Central Brazil. PB-189 818 The Influence of Land Tenure Institutions on the Economic Development of Agriculture in Less Devel- oped Countries. PB-189 819 Frei Unveils New Agrarian Reform Bill. PB-189 820 Fitting Agricultural Extension to the Development Needs of Colombia. PB-189 831 Latin American Usoms Seminar on Agrarian Reform, Santiago, Chile, Feb. 21 - 24, 1961. PB-189 925 Problems and Conflicts over Land Ownership in Boliva. PB-189 966 Freedom and Development. Rural Decision-Making and Agricultural Development. PB-189 976 Rural to Urban Migration: A Colombian Case. PB-189 989 Analysis and Recommendations on the Agrarian Reform Program in Ecuador. PB-189 992 East Pakistan Land and Water Development as Re- lated to Agriculture PB-203 328 Research Priorities and Problems in the Execution of Research in Ghana. Part I. Summary. Proceedings of the Workshop on Scientific Research Held at Accra on 18-22 January 1971 PB-203 329 Scientific Research in Ghana. Part II. Full Report. Proceedings of the Workshop on Research Priorities and Problems in the Execution of Research in Ghana Held in Accra 18-22 January 1971 PB-203 330 CENTO Conference on Agricultural Extension, Held in Ankara-Denizli-lzmir, Turkey, 1 2-22 April 1 967 PB-206 804 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume III. Agriculture PB-207 496 Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use PB-21 1 444 Integrated Pest Management PB-21 4 173/7 An Analysis of Shifting Relative Prices and Marketing Facility Investments in the Context of Technological Change in the Developing Countries. (338.13-J65). PB-21 9 685 Economic Analysis of Agricultural Production and Labour Utilization among the Hausa in the North of Nigeria. (Afr-338.1-N842). PB-21 9 757 African Agricultural Research Capabilities PB-238 849/4 Wastewater Use in the Production of Food and Fiber-Proceedings PB-245 176/3 Project SAFEGUARD: Safe Pesticide Practices. Safety Handbook PB-253 369/3 Pesticide Chemicals. A Programmed Text PB-255 605/8 Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials PB-257 357/4 Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Re- search in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agri- cultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Im- plementation Needs PB-257 358/2 Agricultural Mathematics for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 631/5 A Glossary of Agricultural Terms: English-Spanish, Spanish-English PB-262 745/3 Crop Production Handbook for Peace Corps Volun- teers PB-262 746/1 Irrigation - Principles and Practices for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 747/9 Soils, Crops, and Fertilizer Use. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 769/3 Aquaculture as an Integral Part of the Agricultural Farming System. A Case Study in the North-East of Thailand PB-263 672/8 Biological Productivity of Renewable Resources Used as Industrial Materials PB-264 457/3 Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Research Needs, and Adoption Strategies PB-265 105/7 Expansion des Ressources en Eau dans les Zones Arides, Techniques Prometteuses et Possibilites de Recherches (Expansion of Water Resources in Arid Regions. Promising Techniques and Opportunities for Research) PB-274 612/1 Appropriate Technology and Agriculture in the United States PB-276 055/1 U.S. Participation in International Agricultural Re- search PB-276 129/4 An Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion in U.S. Agri- culture PB-278 999/8 World Food and Nutrition Study, Enhancement of Food Production for the United States PB-279 379/2 Survey of Multiple Cropping in Less Developed Na- tions PB-280 359/1 Farm Credit Manual PB-286 477/5 Manuel de Credit Agricole. (Farm Credit Manual) PB-286 572/3 Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Effective Use of Agricultural Credit PB-286 573/1 Le Credit Agricole Source de Prosperite (Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Ef- fective Use of Agricultural Credit) PB-286 574/9 Index Retrospectif. Planification et Developpement Agricoles, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1 (Retrospec- tive Index. Agricultural Planning and Development, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1) PB-289 985/4 Campaigns in Agricultural Extension Programs, Number 3 PB-292 879/4 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume I - Clas- sified Part PB-293 140/0 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume 2 - Author Part, Title Part and Directory of Publishers PB-293 141/8 Seeing is Believing. How to Conduct Convincing Result Demonstrations PB-293 605/2 Extension Teaching Methods and Other Factors that Influence Adoption of Agricultural and Home Eco- nomics Practices PB-293 866/0 Exploitations Agricoles: Preservation des Poteaux de Cloture et des Bois de Construction (Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts and Farm Timbers) PB-293 867/8 Proceedings of the Seminar on Agricultural Policy: A Limiting Factor in the Development Process Held at Washington, DC. on March 17-21, 1975 PB-294 018/7 Manual for Agricultural Capital Project Analysis PB-294 068/2 Quick Bibliography Series: Training, Management and Evaluation of Extension Work, 1970 - 1978 PB-294 184/7 Le Systeme de Credit Agricole Cooperatif aux Etats- Unis (The Cooperative Farm Credit System) PB-294 246/4 Managing Planned Agricultural Development PB-294 283/7 Manuel de Conservation du Sol (Soil Conservation Manual) PB-294 297/7 Systems and Energy in Tropical Farming PB-294 640/8 Regional Agricultural Production Programs, Training and Design Strategies PB-295 655/5 Evaluacion Comparativa Entre Paises de Organiza- ciones de Pequenos Agricultores (Comparative Eval- uations between Countries with Small Farmer Orga- nizations and Their Programs, Ecuador, Honduras PB-296 722/2 Educating Farmers Through the Mass Media PB-297 079/6 A Glossary of Agricultural Terms. English-French, French-English PB-297 666/0 An Initial Course in Tropical Agriculture for the Staff of Co-Operatives PB-297 792/4 Potential for Conversion and Utilization of Solar Energy in Poultry Production. Progress Report Cover- ing the Period from September 15, 1974 to January 31, 1975. TID-26786 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 Importance of Trace Elements in Chernozem Soils under Conditions of Dry Farming, and Their Influence on the Physiological Processes Determining the Drought-and Heat-Resistance of Plants. TT-67-51301 Contemporary Agriculture, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1966. TT-67-58007/2 Sown Winter Ranges in the Foothill Deserts of Soviet Central Asia. TT-68-50363 AGRICULTURE ECONOMICS Agricultural Cooperatives and Quasi-Cooperatives in Ghana, 1951-1965. PB-189 813 Farm Ownership, Political Participation, and Other Social Participation in Central Brazil. PB-189 818 Agricultural Development Policy Paper PB-295 644/9 AGRICULTURE EXTENSION SERVICE Vulgarisation Agricole: La Planification (Extension Looks at Programm Planning) PB-293 916/3 AGRONOMY Analysis of Virgin-Land Grain Raising JPRS-57636 Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and the Subtro- pics PB-262 488/0 Improved Practices in Corn Production. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-263 840/1 Perspectives de la Recherche Agronomique en Afri- que (Prospects for Agronomic Research in Africa) PB-274 429/0 AIDED SELF HELP HOUSING Leader Training for Aided Self-Help Housing PB-21 2 372 AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT Method for Estimating Solar Heating and Cooling System Performance AD-A026 041/4 AIR POLLUTION A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume II. Automotive Emissions PB-202 778-2 233 SUBJECT INDEX Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) PB-239 875/8 Evaluation of Small Modular Incinerators in Municipal Plants PB-251 291/1 Background Document: Bagasse Combustion in Sugar Mills PB-264 302/1 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Evaluation of Vapor Leaks and Development of Mon- itoring Procedures for Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Piping PB-296 085/4 AIR POLLUTION SAMPLING Evaluation of Small Modular Incinerators in Municipal Plants PB-251 291/1 ALASKA Alaska Village Demonstration Projects: First Genera- tion of Integrated Utilities for Remote Communities PB-255 137/2 ALCOHOL FUEL CELLS Methanol: Its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Economics, and Hazards NP-21727 ALCOHOLS Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7584 Alcohol Fuels (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0673/0 ALGAE Cultivation of Macroscopic Marine Algae and Fresh- water Aquatic Weeds. Progress Report, May 1 -De- cember 31, 1976 COO-2948-2 Removal of Algae from Waste Stabilization Pond Ef- fluents - A State of the Art PB-220 300/8 Preliminary Results with a Pilot Plant Waste Recy- cling Marme-Aquaculture System PB-247 182/9 Marine Polyculture Based on Natural Food Chains and Recycled Wastes PB-261 939/3 Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Res- ervoirs with Biogrowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 Development of Crustacean Aquaculture PB-277 515/3 Bioconversion of Saline Water. Phase I Report PB-283 768/0 The Limu Eater. A Cookbook of Hawaiian Seaweed PB-295 327/1 ALGERIA A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 ALLEGHENY PLATEAU A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Watersheds in Response to Completed and Proposed Land Use Changes PB-264 900/2 ALLIGATOR WEED Bio-Gas Production from Alligator Weeds. N77-1 9729/1 ALTERNANTHERA PHILOXEROIDES Bio-Gas Production from Alligator Weeds. N77- 19729/1 ALTERNATIVE PLANNING Alternative Futures Planning PB-285 717/5 ALTERNATIVES An Analysis of Alternative Methods of Rural Home Repair PB-232 292/3 ALUMINUM Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Ar- chitectural Specialties PB-292 956/0 ALUMINUM ALLOYS Comparison Study of Aluminum, Ferro-Cement, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic for Small Craft in Korea AD-755 424 AMERICAN INDIANS Arizona Indian Business Development Program COM-7 1-0071 7 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Executive Summary COM-74-1 1487/7 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Making Do with the Dark Meat: A Report on the Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma COM-74-1 1489/3 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. The Lummi Indian Community: The Fishermen of the Pacific Northwest COM-74-1 1490/1 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Morongo Indian Reservation: A Century of Adaptive Strategies COM-74-1 1491/9 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Dressing for the Window: Papago Indians and Economic Development COM-74-1 1492/7 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Pine Ridge Economy: Cultural and Historical Perspectives COM-74-1 1493/5 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Passamaquoddy Economic De- velopment in Cultural and Historical Perspective COM-74-1 1494/3 American Indian Medicine and Contemporary Health Problems. Part II. Powerful Medicinal Plants in Tradi- tional Iroquois Culture HRP-0026654/4 Products from Jojoba: A Promising New Crop for Arid Lands PB-253 126/7 Feasibility of a Beef Processing Plant on the Black- feet Indian Reservation PB-264 638/8 AMMONIA Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops LA-6700-MS Economic Comparison of Overseas Manufacture and Importation of Anhydrous Ammonia PB-210 595 Conversion and Storage of Wind Energy as Nitroge- nous Fertilizer PB-290 760/8 Fuels from Sugar Crops: Systems Study for Sugar- cane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets TID-22781 AMMONIUM NITRATE Conversion and Storage of Wind Energy as Nitroge- nous Fertilizer PB-290 760/8 ANAEROBIC DIGESTION Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Residue. Dynatech Report No. 1551 COO/2991-10 Anaerobic Digestion Technology. Quarterly Progress Meeting, Ithaca, New York, June 20-22, 1977 COO/2991-19 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms. Final Report TID-28550 ANAEROBIC PROCESSES Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. PB-216 556 Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process PB-238 291/9 Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Methane PB-261 091/3 A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Agricultur- al Solid Wastes PB-271 714/8 An Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion in U.S. Agri- culture PB-278 999/8 Use of Solar Energy to Heat Anaerobic Digesters. Part I. Technical and Economic Feasibility Study. Part II. Economic Feasibility throughout the United States PB-286 940/2 Conversion of Feedlot Wastes into Pipeline Gas PB-296 363/5 The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaer- obic Digesters PB-296 542/4 Methane Generation by Anaerobic Fermentation; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 371/7 ANGOLA Patterns of Settlement and Subsistence in South- western Angola AD-417 467/8 ANIMAL DISEASES Opercular Algal Growth on the Cichlid Fish 'Tilapia aurea', Cultured in Sea Water COM-75-1 0263/2 Productos Biologicos Veterinarios, Ayudan a Comba- tir Las Enfermedades (Veterinary Biologies - Help Fight Animal Diseases) PB-287 063/2 Diseases of Pond Fishes TT-72-50070 ANIMAL ECOLOGY Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Paci- fastacus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Re- search in Agriculture. Increased Productivity from Animal Agriculture PB-257 362/4 L'Engraissement et L' Exploitation des Bovins de Boucherie (The Feeding and Management of Beef Cattle) PB-293 864/5 Commercial Rabbit Raising PB-294 237/3 Raising Rabbits in the Tropics PB-294 446/0 Kyfa Yoofna Bayetoe Doojadgen Ahilee (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 903/0 L'Amenagement d'un Poulailler Familial (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 904/8 ANIMAL MIGRATIONS Biology and Distribution of the Yellowfin Tuna in the Tropical Part of Atlantic Ocean (Biologiya i Raspre- delenie Zheltoperogo Tuntsa (Neothunnus albacora Lowe) v Tropicheskoi Chasti Atlanticheskogo Okeana) AD-720 097 ANIMAL NUTRITION Mass Culture of Freshwater Prawns for Commercial Evaluation PB-271 709/8 Besoins Nutritifs de la Volaille (Nutrient Require- ments of Poultry) PB-293 865/2 Norms and Tables for Animal Nutrition TT-68-50103 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES Annotated Bibliography on Housing and Settlements for Low Income People ED-142 232 Community Education Multi-Media Bibliography ED-143 355 Urban Development, Including Housing. PB-191 034 ANTHROPOLOGY The Impact of Modernization in the Philippines II. AD-715 802 ANTIBIOTICS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Antibiotics PB-292 711/9 ANTIPOVERTY PROGRAMS Rural Community Action: Status and Recommenda- tions PB-275 811/8 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY Appropriate Technology and Agriculture in the United States PB-276 055/1 Proceedings of Workshop on Appropriate Technol- ogy Held January 23-25, 1978 PB-288 897/2 Appropriate Technology in Social Context: An Anno- tated Bibliography PB-292 585/7 Proceedings of Workshop on Appropriate Technol- ogy Held January 23-25, 1978 PB-294 030/2 A Search for an Appropriate Technology for Decen- tralised Cotton Spinning Industry in Rural India PB-294 416/3 Appropriate Technology: Concept, Application and Strategies PB-294 494/0 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Evaluation of Appropriate Technol- ogy for Textile Production in a Developing Country PB-294 621/8 Survey of the State of Appropriate Technology in El Salvador PB-294 644/0 234 SUBJECT INDEX AQUATIC PLANTS International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology for Produc- tion of Sugar and Other Sweetening Agents PB-294 677/0 Economically Appropriate Technologies for Develop- ing Countries; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 374/1 Technologia Apropiada: Concepto, Aplicacion, y Es- trategias (Appropriate Technology: Concepts, Appli- cation, and Strategy) PB-297 854/2 AQUACULTURE Fish Production in China. The Bearing of Fish Fry and Fingerlings AD-A057 315/4 A Program of Research for the Catfish Farming In- dustry. COM-71 -00049 Producing Channel Catfish COM-72-10048 Pond Culture of Bait Fishes COM-72-10054 Culturing Trout in Cages COM-72-10055 Development of the Cage Culture Method of Fish Production for Commercial Use in Large Reservoir Lakes COM-72-10056 Factors Affecting the Growth and Production of Channel Catfish in Raceways COM-72-10588 The Design of an Aquaculture Enterprise COM-72-1 1408-1 8 Effect of Crowding on Relation Between Exploitation and Yield in 'Tilapia macrocephala' COM-72-50251-03-12 Some Remarks on Aquaculture COM-73-1 01 15-04 A Pilot Fish-Pond System for Utilization of Sewage Effluents, Humboldt Bay, Northern California COM-73-1 0333 The Commercial Feasibility of Rearing Pompano, 'Trachinotus carolinus' (Linnaeus), in Cages COM-73-10771 Combined Culture of Channel Catfish and Golden Shiners in Wading Pools COM-73-1 0810 The Technological Basis for Development of Aqua- culture to Produce Low-Cost Food Fish COM-73-50645-11-2 A Manual of Flatfish Rearing COM-74-1 0364/9 Brackish Water Cage Culture of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), in South Alabama COM-74-10498/5 Inexpensive Modular Habitats for Juvenile Lobsters ('Homarus americanus') COM-75-1 0241/8 Opercular Algal Growth on the Cichlid Fish 'Tilapia aurea', Cultured in Sea Water COM-75-1 0263/2 The Development of Cultures of the Channel Catfish 'Ictalurus punctatus' and 'Tilapia' Species in Puerto Rico COM-75-1 0394/5 Selective and Unselective Exploitation of Experimen- tal Populations of 'Tilapia mossambica' COM-75-501 92-03-04 Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 1. 1968-1976 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0419/8 Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 2. 1977-April, 1 978 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0420/6 Development of Bivalves Belonging to the Genus Corbicula ORNL-tr-4587 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Feder- ation of Malaysia. Increasing Fish Production by Im- proved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 900 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 901 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Japan, In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 902 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in South Viet- nam. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures. PB-195 903 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Taiwan. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 904 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Thailand. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 905 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in India. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 906 Fishculture Survey Report for Ecuador. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 907 Fishculture Survey Report of Cc.jmbia. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 908 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Philip- pines. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures. PB-195 909 Fishculture Survey Report for Paraguay. PB-195 910 Fishculture Survey Report for Panama. PB-195 912 The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 914 Fishculture Project Report for East Pakistan. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 915 Fishculture Survey Report for West Central Africa, Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish Produc- tion by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 916 Present Situation and Possibilities of Postwar Devel- opment of Inland-Fisheries in the Mekong delta. PB-196 341 Fishculture Survey Report for Peru. PB-196 355 Manual on the Biotechnology of the Propagation and Rearing of Phytophagous Fishes PB-199 799-T A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume V. Mariculture (Sea Farming) PB-202 778-5 Fishculture Survey Report For West Central Africa. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures PB-206 977 Fishculture Survey Report for Costa Rica PB-211 643 Aquacultural Developments in Peru PB-211 671 Status of Trout Culture in Peru PB-211 775 Paunch Manure as a Feed Supplement in Channel Catfish Farming PB-235 575/8 Wastewater Use in the Production of Food and Fiber-Proceedings PB-245 176/3 Preliminary Results with a Pilot Plant Waste Recy- cling Marine-Aquaculture System PB-247 182/9 Optimizing the Growth and Marketing of Fish in a Controlled Environment PB-256 103/3 Use of Zooplanktophagic Fishes in Channel Catfish Production Ponds PB-256 827/7 Two Major Problems in Culturing Crayfish in Ponds: Oxygen Depletion and Overcrowding PB-260 469/2 Marine Polyculture Based on Natural Food Chains and Recycled Wastes PB-261 939/3 The Technology and Economics of Catfish ('Clarias spp.') Farming in Thailand PB-263 670/2 Aquaculture as an Integral Part of the Agricultural Farming System. A Case Study in the North-East of Thailand PB-263 672/8 A Method for the Cultivation of the Mangrove Oyster in Puerto Rico (Metodo para el Cultivo del Ostion de Mangle en P. R.) PB-263 849/2 Pond Culture of the Malaysian Prawn, 'Macrobra- chium rosenbergii' (de Man), in South Carolina, 1974-1975 PB-264 738/6 Culture of the Mangrove Oyster, 'Crassostrea rhizo- phorae' Guilding, in Puerto Rico PB-265 918/3 Freshwater Fisheries: Program Planning PB-268 987/5 Mass Culture of Freshwater Prawns for Commercial Evaluation PB-271 709/8 Growout of the Giant Malaysian Prawn, Macrobra- chium rosenbergii, in Earthen Ponds in Central Flor- ida PB-271 710/6 Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. A Historical Overview PB-274 436/5 Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aqua- culture System PB-275 180/8 An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in Hawaii PB-275 345/7 Development of Crustacean Aquaculture PB-277 515/3 Marine Shrimp Farming in the Western Hemisphere. Appendix C. A Marine Shrimp Culture Bibliography PB-278 264/7 The $6-Million Eel, or from Bait to Delicacy in Four Years PB-279 771/0 Soft Shell Crawfish as an Aquaculture Food Product PB-279 982/3 The Wampanoag Fisheries Project: Shellfish Produc- tion Improvement at Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts PB-281 670/0 Investigative Research and Management of Effluent from Secondary Waste Water Treatment Utilizing a Marine-Aquaculture System for the Removal of Inor- ganic Nutrients PB-283 249/1 Aquaculture Techniques: Water Use and Discharge Quality PB-285 956/9 Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in South Carolina PB-286 675/4 Watercress-Crayfish Polyculture as an Economic Means of Stripping Nutrients from Enriched Waters. Proceedings of the International Symposium Fresh- water Crayfish (3rd), Held at Kuopio, Finland on De- cember 1976 PB-286 700/0 The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption PB-286 702/6 Enhancement of Warmwater Fishcultures in Puerto Rico Through Use of Polyculture Systems Hybridiza- in Formulation and Poultry and Tilapia tion and of Local Foodstuffs Manufacture of Fish Feed Diets PB-287 940/1 Bioeconomic Assessment of a Aquaculture System PB-290 634/5 Experimental Pond Production of Selected Marine Species PB-290 654/3 Effects of Stocking Size and Density on Growth and Survival of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' (De Man) in Ponds PB-292 594/9 Perch Fingerling Production for Aquaculture PB-294 218/3 Catfish Farming PB-295 196/0 Experiments in Rearing 'Siganus guttatus' (Pisces: Osteichthyes, Siganidae) in a Sea-Cage and Fishpen in the Philippines PB-295 218/2 Problems in Prawn Culture PB-296 072-T Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Centre. Volume 2, Number 1 and 2, January/ July 1976 PB-297 740/3 AQUALTURE Aquacultural Survey in Japan. (Ja-639.3-S355). PB-219 739 AQUATIC ANIMALS An International Centre for Manatee Research: Report of a Workshop held 7-13 February 1974 in Georgetown, Guyana, South America PB-240 244/4 Library Search of Japanese Fishery Research Publi- cations PB-262 748/7 AQUATIC BIOLOGY Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 AQUATIC PLANT CONTROL Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on 3-6 October 1977 AD-A060 779/6 AQUATIC PLANTS Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on 3-6 October 1 977 AD-A060 779/6 235 SUBJECT INDEX Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 A Preliminary Feasibility Study of Irish Moss Harvest- ing Systems COM-73-10152 Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants PB-286 938/6 The Limu Eater. A Cookbook of Hawaiian Seaweed PB-295 327/1 AQUATIC WEED CONTROL Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation PB-238 909/6 An International Centre for Manatee Research: Report of a Workshop held 7-13 February 1974 in Georgetown, Guyana, South America PB-240 244/4 Nutritional Ecology of Nuisance Aquatic Plants PB-244 263/0 AQUATIC WEEDS Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program. 22-24 October 1975, Charleston, S. C AD-A036 072/7 Aquatic Weed Control in Fish Ponds with Chemical Methods AD-726 948 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 Economic Damage Caused by Aquatic Weeds. (Pre- liminary Survey) PB-206 905 Report on Potential Growth of Aquatic Plants of the Lower Mekong River Basin, Laos-Thailand PB-207 613 Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Freshwater PB-208 527 Some Prospects for Aquatic Weed Management in Guyana PB-228 660/7 Processing, Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Aquatic Weeds PB-231 207/2 Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation PB-238 909/6 Aquatic Plant Harvesting: Development of High- Speed Harvesters and Processing and Utilization of Harvested Vegetation PB-241 715/2 Nutritional Ecology of Nuisance Aquatic Plants PB-244 263/0 Report of a Workshop on Aquatic Weed Manage- ment: Some Prospects for the Sudan and the Nile Basin, Held at Khartoum, Sudan on 24-29 November 1975 PB-259 990/0 Making Aquatic Weeds Useful: Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-265 161/0 Biological Control of Aquatic Nuisances - A Review PB-273 264/2 ARABLE LAND Desert Encroachment on Arable Lands: Significance, Causes, and Control PB-211 367 ARCHITECTURE A Review of Architectural Methods and Their Effec- tiveness for Communicating Human Requirements AD-A012 733/2 Space and Energy Conservation Housing Prototype Unit Development. N75-27567/7 ARCTIC REGIONS Water Related Utilities for Small Communities in Rural Alaska PB-259 964/5 AREA PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Proposed Minimum Standards for Permanent Low- Cost Housing and for the Improvement of Existing Substandard Area. PB-188 923 ARID LAND Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Re- gions PB-198 125 Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region PB-203 491 More Water for Arid Lands, Promising Technologies and Research Opportunities PB-239 472/4 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 593/9 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 594/7 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 595/4 Products from Jojoba: A Promising New Crop for Arid Lands PB-253 126/7 Soil and Rock Strata to Trap, Filter, and Store Water for Rural Domestic Use PB-268 820/8 Expansion des Ressources en Eau dans les Zones Arides, Techniques Prometteuses et Possibilites de Recherches (Expansion of Water Resources in Arid Regions. Promising Techniques and Opportunities for Researi.ii) PB-274 612/1 The Impact of Groundwater Development in Arid Lands: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliogra- phy PB-276 908/1 International Consultation on Ipil-lpil Research PB-280 161/1 Prostrate Summer Cypress and Its Culture in Kirghi- zia PB-295 565-T ARID LANDS Feed and Food from Desert Environments LBL-6182 Potential of Arid Zone Vegetation as a Source of Substrates LBL-7214 Solar Powered Pump. PAT-APPL-566 493 Salinity Problems in Arid Lands Irrigation: A Litera- ture Review and Selected Bibliography PB-214 172/9 Challenge of a Desert: Revegetation of Disturbed Desert Lands UCLA-12-1123 ARITHMETIC Business Arithmetic for Co-Operatives and Other Small Business; a Basic Manual for the Employees of Primary Co-Operative Societies PB-297 367/5 ARIZONA Arizona Indian Business Development Program COM-71-00717 A Feasibility Study for a Small LOG Sawmill on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Central Arizona. PB-184 450 ARMY Physician's Assistants Role in Health Aid to Develop- ing Nations AD-760 500 ARTIFICIAL RECHARGE Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Management. PB- 196 306 Soil and Rock Strata to Trap, Filter, and Store Water for Rural Domestic Use PB-268 820/8 ASIA Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Edu- cation in Asia. N78-24698/0 The Food Industry in Asia, Its Potential for Providing Low Cost Nutritious Foods. Proceedings of Singa- pore Workshop, 1-5 November 1971 PB-213 766/3 ASPHALT Stabilization of sub-Base and Base Materials for Pavement. N68-20393 ASSESSMENTS Needs Assessment in Community Planning: An Eval- uation of Ten Approaches SHR-0002560 ATLANTIC OCEAN Primary and Secondary Production in the Tropical At- lantic AD-717 965 Biology and Distribution of the Yellowtin Tuna in the Tropical Part of Atlantic Ocean (Biologiya i Raspre- delenie Zheltoperogo Tuntsa (Neothunnus albacora Lowe) v Tropicheskoi Chasti Atlanticheskogo Okeana) AD-720 097 AUDITING Management Audit for Small Manufacturers PB-282 707/9 Small Business Management Series Number 31. Third Edition. Management Audit for Small Retailers PB-282 730/1 AUSTRALIA Alternative Energy Sources: A Research Challenge CONF-730560-1 Directory of Technical Information Sources for Indus- try. Networks Study No. 7 ED-157 521 AUTOMOBILE ENGINES A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume II. Automotive Emissions PB-202 778-2 AUTOMOBILE EXHAUST A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume II. Automotive Emissions PB-202 778-2 AUTOMOBILES Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report PB-273 286/5 AUTOMOTIVE FUELS Biomass-Based Alcohol Fuels: The Near-Term Po- tential for Use with Gasoline HCP/T4101-03 Methanol: Its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Economics, and Hazards NP-21727 Methanol as an Automotive Fuel with Special Em- phasis on Methanol-Gasoline Blends PB-270 401/3 BACTERIAL DISEASES Fungous and Bacterial Skin Infections in the Tropics AD-A060 212/8 Cotton Boll Rot. Laying Out a Trial of a Method of Control (La Pourriture des Capsules du Cotonnier: Essai de Mise en Place d'une Methode de Lutte) PB-249 731/1 BAGASSE Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 Background Document: Bagasse Combustion in Sugar Mills PB-264 302/1 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms PB-278 351/2 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms. Final Report TID-28550 BAILIE PROCESS Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 BAMBOO Bamboo Reinforced Concrete AD-A029 842/2 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 3. Additional Tests of Bamboo AD-A032 835/1 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 1. Preliminary Tests of Bamboo. AD-685 824 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-743 436 Bamboo as a Building Material. PB-188 921 BAMBOO REINFORCED CONCRETE Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Construction. AD-684 41 1 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-740 285 BAMBOO REINFORCEMENT Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 3. Additional Tests of Bamboo AD-A032 835/1 BANGLADESH Low-Rise Low-Cost Housing and Extreme Wind Re- lated Problems in Bangladesh PB-256 771/7 CMU/lntertect Ultra Low Cost Shelters in Relief Situ- ations in Bangladesh PB-291 554/4 A Directory of Scientists and Technologists of Ban- gladesh PB-294 262/1 Current Scientific and Technological Research Pro- jects in the Universities and Research Institutions of Bangladesh PB-294 264/7 Irrigation in Bangladesh PB-294 546/7 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Bangladesh PB-298 090/2 BANKING Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less Industrialized Countries. PB- 189 254 236 SUBJECT INDEX BIODETERIORATION BANKS (BUILDINGS) Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less Industrialized Countries PB-294 312/4 BARK Utilization of Bark Waste PB-221 876/6 BARRIER MATERIALS Water Use Efficiency of Vegetable Crops Given over Asphalt Moisture Barriers PB-214 120/8 BARS Plant Requirements to set up and Operate Small Steel Rolling Mill PB-292 957/8 BATH CHARTER TOWNSHIP (MICHIGAN) Comprehensive Development Plan, Bath Charter Township. PB-195 757 BEEF Agricultural Resources Consumed in Beef Production PB-243 409/0 L'Abattage des Boefs a la Ferme (Slaughtering, Cut- ting, and Processing Beef on the Farm) PB-293 870/2 BEEF CATTLE L'Engraissement et L'Exploitation des Bovins de Boucherie (The Feeding and Management of Beef Cattle) PB-293 864/5 BEES Pollination of Entomophilous Agricultural Crops by Bees PB-263 175-T Pollination of Agricultural Crops by Bees (Opylenie Pchelami Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Kul'tur) PB-275 386-T L'Elevage des Abeilles (Beekeeping) PB-294 285/2 BEETLES Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 BEETS Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ?hum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report ID-27032 BELIEFS Hispanic Culture and Health Care - Fact, Fiction, Folklore HRP-0029290/4 BENEFIT COST ANALYSIS The Art of Cost-Benefit Analysis AD-A041 526/5 Implementing 'Best Management Practices' for Re- siduals: The Waste Exchange PB-258 068/6 Manual for Agricultural Capital Project Analysis PB-294 068/2 BEVERAGES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Fruit and Vegetable Juices. PB- 175 542 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Unfermented Grape Juice PB-292 689/7 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Desert Research: Selected References 1965-1968. AD-703 884 Field Fabrication of Continuous Lightweight Rein- forced Plastic Pipe. Phase I. Literature Search. AD-713 201 Desert Research, II: Selected References 1966-1970 AD-723 062 Water: Desalination AD-725 600 Fungusproofing AD-771 700/2 Africa: A Bibliographic Survey of Literature AD-787 465/4 Technology Transfer a Bibliography with Abstracts COM-74-1 1194/9 Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 1 HRP-0007732/1 Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 2 HRP-001 6801/3 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-75/655/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0112/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the American Petro- leum Institute Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0113/9 Greenhouse Design, Construction, and Operation (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0006/3 Wind Power (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0417/2 Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 1. 1968-1976 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0419/8 Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 2. 1977-April, 1978 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0420/6 Alcohol Fuels (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0673/0 Bibliography on Housing Building and Planning. PB-188 927 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB-190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume II. Books and Book Length Monographs. PB-190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume III. Government Reports, U.N. Reports and Proceedings of Special Confer- ences. PB-190 677 Urban Development, Including Housing. PB-191 034 Fish Protein Concentrate. A Comprehensive Bibliog- raphy. PB-191 100 Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Freshwater PB-208 527 A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutri- tion. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area PB-213 612/5 Salinity Problems in Arid Lands Irrigation: A Litera- ture Review and Selected Bibliography PB-214 172/9 World Desertification: Cause and Effect. A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography PB-228 100/4 Phreatophytes. A Bibliography, Revised PB-232 259/2 Development of a Bibliographic Information System for Water Yield Improvement Practices PB-244 696/1 A Selected Annotated Bibliography on the Analysis of Water Resource Systems. Volume 6 PB-247 098/7 Wind Energy Utilization: A Bibliography with Ab- stracts. Cumulative Volume 1944/1974 PB-247 970/7 The Biological and Ecological Effects of Oil Pollution in Tropical Waters. An Annotated Bibliography PB-248 899/7 Solar Thermal Energy Utilization. A Bibliography with Abstracts. Semiannual Update July-December, 1974 PB-249 925/9 Library Search of Japanese Fishery Research Publi- cations PB-262 748/7 Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography. Volume 2 PB-263 155/4 Preliminary Bibliography of Fish and Fisheries with Special Reference to Shrimps and Prawns PB-263 671/0 Source Bibliography Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) PB-276 746/5 The Impact of Groundwater Development in Arid Lands: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliogra- phy PB-276 908/1 Marine Shrimp Farming in the Western Hemisphere. Appendix C. A Marine Shrimp Culture Bibliography PB-278 264/7 Appropriate Technology for Natural Resources De- velopment: An Overview, Annotated Bibliography, and a Guide to Sources of Information PB-279 193/7 Institution Building: A Source Book PB-282 835/8 An Annotated Bibliography of 'Macrophomina pha- seolina' 1905-1975 PB-283 811/8 Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V PB-286 361/1 Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 3, 1976 PB-287 877-T Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 4, 1976 PB-287 878-T Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries: A Bibliography PB-290 422/5 Appropriate Technology in Social Context: An Anno- tated Bibliography PB-292 585/7 Indexed Bibliography of Publications on Water and Waste Engineering for Developing Countries PB-292 887/7 A Sourcebook on Radio's Role in Development PB-292 898/4 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume I - Clas- sified Part PB-293 140/0 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume 2 - Author Part, Title Part and Directory of Publishers PB-293 141/8 Double Cropping and Interplanting, 1972-1977. Quick Bibliography Series PB-293 801/7 Quick Bibliography Series - Drip Irrigation, 1970-1977 PB-294 000/5 Quick Bibliography Series: Training, Management and Evaluation of Extension Work, 1970 - 1978 PB-294 184/7 Economics of Agriculture: Reports and Publications Issued or Sponsored by USDA's Economic Research Service, October 1 966-June 1 974 PB-294 722/4 Abstracts of Readings in Fisheries Management and Common Property Resources PB-294 990/7 UNIDO Abstracts on Technology Transfer. Studies and Reports on the Development and Transfer of Technology (1970-1976) PB-296 570/5 Appropriate Technology: A Bibliography of Books and Other Materials PB-296 582/0 Annotated Bibliography of Institute Reports PB-296 995/4 Bibliography of Intermediate Technology Materials Held at the International Development Data Center PB-297 085/3 Methane Generation by Anaerobic Fermentation; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 371/7 Economically Appropriate Technologies for Develop- ing Countries; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 374/1 Auxiliaries in Primary Health Care; an Annotated Bib- liography PB-297 791/6 BICYCLES Special Topics. Human Powered Transit; Remote Medical System; Water Treatment PB-221 142/3 BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND Determination of the Rate of Biodegradation in Some Polluted Tropical Waters and in Some Types of Liquid Wastes Common in Puerto Rico PB-213 181/1 BYCONVERSION Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V.2) Fuels from Biomass Symposium COO-4225-1 Parameters for Legislative Consideration of Bycon- version Technologies PB-284 742/4 Energy Potential Through Bio-Conversion of Agricul- tural Wastes PB-296 444/3 BIODEGRADATION Bio-Gas Production from Alligator Weeds. N77-19729/1 BIODETERIORATION Proceedings of a Workshop on the Biodeterioration of Tropical Woods: Chemical Basis for Natural Resis- tance Held at Naval Research Laboratory, Washing- ton, D.C. on October 17-18, 1974 AD-A029 258/1 Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 Biological Deterioration of Woods in Tropical Envi- ronments. Part 3. Chemical Wood Treatments for Long-Term Marine-Borer Protection AD-736 182 237 SUBJECT INDEX Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 BIOGAS Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V PB-286 361/1 BIOGAS PROCESS The Small Biogas Plant: Its Construction, Operation and Use PB-297 667/8 BIOGROWTH PARTITIONS Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Res- ervoirs with Biogrowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program. 22-24 October 1975, Charleston, S. C AD-A036 072/7 BIOLOGICAL ENERGY CONVERSION Technological and Economic Assessment of the Uti- lization of Rice Straw Residue from the California Sacramento Valley for On-Farm Power Generation PB-275 230/1 Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 BIOLOGICAL INSECT CONTROL Mosquito Control. Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-224 749/2 BIOLOGICAL PEST CONTROL Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 The Biological Control of Schistosomiasis: A Pro- gram to Develop Use of Trematode Interactions in the Snail Host in Conjunction with the Molluscicide Endod as a New Approach to the Control of Human Schistosomiasis in Egypt and Ethiopia AD-774 720/7 A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides PB-284 990/9 BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTIVITY Primary and Secondary Production in the Tropical At- lantic AD-717 965 BIOLOGICAL WEED CONTROL Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program. 22-24 October 1975, Charleston, S. C AD-A036 072/7 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation PB-238 909/6 An International Centre for Manatee Research: Report of a Workshop held 7-13 February 1974 in Georgetown, Guyana, South America PB-240 244/4 BIOMASS Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report COO/2917-7 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Report of Quarterly Review Meeting, Palo Alto, California, De- cember 13-14, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1573 COO/2991-11 Fuels from Biomass Symposium COO-4225-1 Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Unconventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7586 Effective Utilization of Solar Engegy to Produce Clean Fuel PB-233 956/2 Biomass Energy for Hawaii. Volume II. Sugar Oper- ations PB-281 073/7 Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Ara- muaca. Vol. II, No. 1 (Preliminary Limnologic Study of Lake Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1) PB-298 059/7 Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde. Volumen II, No. 4 (Preliminary Limnologic Studies of Laguna Verde. Volume II, No. 4) PB-298 061 /3 BIOMASS PLANTATIONS Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7584 Petroleum Plantations LBL-8236 BIRTH CONTROL The Philippine Family Planning Program: Some Sug- gestions for Dealing with Uncertainties. AD-703 278 BLASTING Rapid Excavation of Rock with Small Charges of High Explosives PB-267 295/4 BLATTIDAE Control of Flies and Cockroaches by Insect Hor- mones AD-746 489 BLIND PERSONS Strings 'N' Things, A Teaching Manual for the Blind PB-271 376/6 BLINDNESS Light Engineering Project for the Adult Blind PB-254 845/1 Strings 'N' Things, A Teaching Manual for the Blind PB-271 376/6 BLUE COLLAR OCCUPATIONS Problems in Business Management: Incentive Plans PB-292 718/4 BOATS Ferrocement Developments in New Zealand AD-785 928/3 Demonstration of Virgin Islands Small Boat Fishing Techniques PB-294 217/5 BOILER FUEL Methanol: Its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Economics, and Hazards NP-21727 BOILERS General Operating Rules for Power Boilers PB-292 881/0 Power Plant Training Course PB-292 943/8 Steam Accessories BOLIVIA Problems and Conflicts over Land Ownership in Boliva. PB-189 966 Freedom and Development. Rural Decision-Making and Agricultural Development. PB-189 976 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 Feasibility of Ipecac Extraction Plant PB-207 132 Observations and Recommendations for Improving Grain Storage and Marketing in Bolivia PB-211 883 BOLL ROT Cotton Boll Rot. Laying Out a Trial of a Method of Control (La Pourriture des Capsules du Cotonnier: Essai de Mise en Place d'une Methode de Lutte) PB-249 731/1 BOLL WEEVILS Boll Weevil Control Program (Cooperative Diapause Control Program), Texas and Mexico PB-203 608-D BOND ISSUES Financing Solid Waste Management in Small Com- munities PB-213 372/6 BONDING Wood Species and Glues Influence Plywood Bond Durability. PB-182 735 BONUSES Problems in Business Management: Incentive Plans PB-292 718/4 BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Comptabilite (Starting and Managing a Small Bookkeeping Serv- ice. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 4) PB-286 590/5 BOOKS A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 Manual on Book and Library Activities in Developing Countries PB-206 540 The Structure of Yarn TT-73-54014 BOXES (CONTAINERS) Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Boxes and Snooks PB-292 922/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology for a Low- Cost Paper Project to Boost the Rural Economy PB-294 600/2 BRACKISH WATER Brackish Water Cage Culture of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), in South Alabama COM-74-10498/5 Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Centre. Volume 2, Number 1 and 2, January /July 1976 PB-297 740/3 BRAIN DRAIN Expatriate Professionals as International Consultants PB-294 424/7 BRASS Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Brass Foundry. PB-175 524 Small Brass Foundry. PB-175 532 BRAVO INDUSTRIES The Bravo Story PB-214 175/2 BRAZIL Farm Ownership, Political Participation, and Other Social Participation in Central Brazil. PB-189 818 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 Project Colorado. Feasibility Studies. Preliminary De- signs PB-206 913 Report of Management Training Specialists Team, Brazil PB-207 534 Science and Brazilian Development. Report of the Fourth Workshop on Contributions of Science and Technology to Development PB-210 345 Study for Agricultural Engineering Development in Brazil PB-214 534/0 Changes in Small Farmer Credit Use in Southern Brazil, 1965-69. (Br-332.71-A211). PB-219 696 Economic Aspects of Irrigation from Ground Water. (Br-631.7-H279a). PB-219 711 Methodology and General Data Description: Farm Level Capital Formation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Br- 338.1 -W51 5). PB-219 725 Technological Change and the Traditional Small Farmer of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. (Br-631-R225). PB-219 768 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Baseline Data-Areas of Brazil Served by Educational Foundation of South Santa Catarina PB-249 184/3 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Fundacao Educacional do Sul de Santa Catarina Activities PB-249 185/0 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Administration Project- Stimulating the Growth of Small-Scale Industry PB-249 186/8 Cartilla de Desayunos Escolares (School Lunch Pro- gram) PB-294 426/2 BREAD Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate Small Bread Bakeries. PB-175 523 BREWERS FLAKES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brewers Flakes PB-293 000/6 BRICK Plant Requirements for Manufacture of High Alumina Refractory Brick and Cement. PB-175 544 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Building Bricks. PB-179 361 BRICK CONSTRUCTION A Study of the Feasibility of Mechanized Adobe Pro- duction COM-73-10527 Construyendo con Ladrillo (Building with Brick) PB-289 989/6 BRICK INDUSTRY Brickmaking Plant: Industry Profile PB-296 577/0 BRICKS A Study of the Feasibility of Mechanized Adobe Pro- duction COM-73-10527 Waste Glass as a Flux for Brick Clays PB-214 271/9 BRITISH GUIANA The Savanna Landscapes of the Amazon Basin. AD-704 160 238 SUBJECT INDEX CASTING BROOMS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brooms. PB-177 938 BROWN SUGAR Elaboracion de la Panela (Production of 'Panela' or Brown Sugar Cakes) PB-297 867/4 BRUSHES Hog Bristle Processing By-Products and Paint Brush Manufacturing. A Feasibility Report PB-256 406/0 BUDGETING An Introduction to the Health Planning and Budget- ing Systems in India PB-294 547/5 BUILDINGS Principles for Protecting Wood Buildings from Decay AD-767 566/3 Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Hous- ing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earthquakes and Windstorms COM-74-50184/2 Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low- Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memo- rial Hall, National Science Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 COM-75-50001/7 DOE Facilities Solar Design Handbook DOE/AD-0006/1 Solar Heating Results for the Nambe Community Center LA-UR-78-2589 Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and De- velopment. N78-31 532/2 Design Data Brochure: Solar Hot Water System. N78-31 538/9 Condensation in Farm Buildings. PB-169 304 Tour of Some U. S. Grain Storage Facilities for En- tente Fund Officials. (Afr-631.23-C559). PB-219 708 Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use of Earth Covered Buildings. Proceedings and Notes of a Conference Held at Fort Worth, Texas on 9-12 July 1975 PB-254 300/7 The Seismic Behavior of Critical Regions of Rein- forced Concrete Components as Influenced by Moment, Shear and Axial Force PB-258 842/4 Energy Report: Climate, Wind and Heat Loss PB-294 659/8 Energy Report: Conductance, Resistance and Rec- ommended Standards PB-294 660/6 Appropriate Technology in the Construction and Building Materials Industry PB-295 643/1 Design Properties, Structural Analysis and Construc- tion Details for a Typical U-Form Wall System PB-295 654/8 A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 1: Man- agement PB-297 789/0 A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 2: Meth- ods PB-297 790/8 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 BURNERS Kerosene Devices. Technical Digest Supplement No. 8 PB-286 473/4 Appareils a Kerosene (Kerosene Devices) PB-286 474/2 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Manual de Administracion para la Industria del Ves- tuario (Administrative Manual for the Clothing Indus- try) PB-290 423/3 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Construction (Starting and Managing a Small Building Business) PB-294 415/5 BUSINESS EDUCATION Problems in Business Management - Market Devel- opment PB-292 945/3 Petite Entreprise: 150 Questions (150 Questions for a Prospective Manufacturer) PB-293 762/1 BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Establishing a Business in Hong Kong COM-72-50175-018 Establishing a Business in Mexico COM-72-501 75-027 BUSINESSES Small-Scale Industry Grant: Soong Jun University Ac- tivities PB-249 183/5 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Fundacao Educacional do Sul de Santa Catarina Activities PB-249 185/0 Small Business in the Metals Industry: A Background Study PB-255 649/6 Contabilidad para la Micro Empresa: Manual de En- senanza (Accounting for the Small Business: Teach- ing Manual) PB-269 049/3 The Study of Small Enterprise in the Economy: Sum- mary PB-282 703/8 Starting and Managing a Small Business of Your Own PB-282 705/3 Management Audit for Small Manufacturers PB-282 707/9 Financial Control by Time Absorption Analysis-A Tool for Profit Control PB-282 708/7 The Starting and Managing Series. Volume 24. Start- ing and Managing a Small Shoestore PB-282 722/8 Small Business Management Series No. 4. Third Edi- tion. Improving Material Handling in Small Business PB-282 725/1 Small Business Management Series No. 1 5. A Hand- book of Small Business Finance PB-282 726/9 Small Business Management Series No. 3. Third Edi- tion. Human Relations in Small Business PB-282 727/7 Small Business Management Series Number 31. Third Edition. Management Audit for Small Retailers PB-282 730/1 Small Business Management Series Number 36. Training Salesmen to Serve Industrial Markets PB-282 731/9 Small Business Management Series Number 1. Third Edition. An Employee Suggestion System for Small Companies PB-282 733/5 Small Business Management Series No. 32. Finan- cial Recordkeeping for Small Stores PB-282 739/2 Plant Requirements Primer: How to Start a New Fac- tory or Shop PB-286 469/2 Comment Creer Une Usine (Plant Requirements Primer: How to start a New Factory or Shop) PB-286 470/0 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Comptabilite (Starting and Managing a Small Bookkeeping Serv- ice. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 4) PB-286 590/5 Petite Entreprise: 150 Questions (150 Questions for a Prospective Manufacturer) PB-293 762/1 Petite Entreprise: Manuel de Gestion Financiere (A Handbook of Small Business Finance) PB-293 765/4 A Demonstration Project to Establish a Technology Delivery System for Small and Medium-Sized Firms PB-293 821/5 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Construction (Starting and Managing a Small Building Business) PB-294 415/5 BUTTONS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Shell Buttons PB-293 005/5 CADMIUM Water Hyacinths for Removal of Cadmium and Nickel from Polluted Waters. N75-16129/9 CAGE CULTURE Culturing Trout in Cages COM-72-10055 Development of the Cage Culture Method of Fish Production for Commercial Use in Large Reservoir Lakes COM-72-10056 CALCIUM OXIDES Stabilization of sub-Base and Base Materials for Pavement. N68-20393 Estudio Tecnico-Economico para la Fabricaion de Cal en Honduras (Technical-Economical Study on the Production of Lime in Honduras) PB-296 721/4 CALIFORNIA Fuel from Organic Matter: Possibilities for the State of California AD-A002 212/9 Demonstration in Low-Cost Housing Techniques. PB-194 757 The Bravo Story PB-214 175/2 Alternative Futures Planning PB-285 717/5 CAMEROON International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1 978. Construction and Building Materials Industry in the United Republic of Cameroon PB-297 258/6 CAMEROUN Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 CANDLES Metodos Simples para Fabricar Velas (Simple Meth- ods of Candle Manufacture) PB-296 654/7 Simple Methods of Candle Manufacturing PB-297 366/7 CANNERIES Decentralized Tomato Processing: Plant Design, Costs, and Economic Feasibility PB-251 382/8 Fruit Cannery Waste Activated Sludge as a Cattle Feed Ingredient PB-265 357/4 CANNING Small Canning Facilities. PB-174 673 Petites Conserveries. (Small Canning Factories) PB-286 444/5 Small Canning Factories PB-286 445/2 CAPITAL Methodology and General Data Description: Farm Level Capital Formation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Br- 338.1 -W51 5). PB-219 725 Source Bibliography Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) PB-276 746/5 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Farm Credit Manual PB-286 477/5 Manuel de Credit Agricole. (Farm Credit Manual) PB-286 572/3 CARGO VEHICLES Automobile Body Corrosion Prevention. Maintenance and Repair Procedure. PB-177 914 CARIBBEAN SEA The Potential for Fishery Development in the Carib- bean and Adjacent Seas COM-71 -50584 CAROB Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Carob Molas- ses PB-292 923/0 CARONI SWAMP The Social and Economic Importance of the Caroni Swamp in Trinidad and Tobago PB-261 033/5 CARP Selective Breeding of Carp and Intensification of Fish Breeding in Ponds (Selektsiya Karpa I Voprosy Inten- sifikatsii Prudovogo Rybovodstva). TT-70-50064 CARPETS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Hooked Rugs PB-292 919/8 CASE STUDIES Panamanian District: A Case Study in the Sociology of Development PB-294 238/1 Small Enterprises in Developing Countries: Case Studies and Conclusions PB-297 369/1 CASSAVA A Literature Review and Research Recommenda- tions on Cassava 'Manihot Esculenta Crantz'. (016.66423-H495). PB-219 712 CAST IRON Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Centrifugal Cast Iron Pipe PB-292 786/1 CASTING Small Brass Foundry. PB-175 532 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Gray Iron Jobbing Foundry. PB-177 920 239 SUBJECT INDEX CASTINGS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Souvenirs and Samll Jewelry. PB-175 540 CASTOR OIL Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Castor Oil PB-293 003/0 CASTRATION Ganado Bovino Para Carne - Descorne, Castracion, Marcacion a Hierro, Marcas (Beef Cattle - Dehorn- ing, Castrating, Branding and Marking) PB-292 766/3 CATCH BASINS An Investigation of Hydrological Aspects of Water Harvesting PB-218 681/5 CATCHMENTS Representative Rural Catchments in Kenya and Uganda. PB-192 794 CATFISH Factors Affecting the Growth and Production of Channel Catfish in Raceways COM-72- 10588 CATFISHES A Program of Research for the Catfish Farming In- dustry. COM-7 1-00049 Producing Channel Catfish COM-72-10048 Development of the Cage Culture Method of Fish Production for Commercial Use in Large Reservoir Lakes COM-72-10056 A Study of the Nutritional, Physiological and Eco- nomical Requirements for the Production of Channel Catfish in an Intensive Running Water Culture COM-72-11160 Production of Channel Catfish in Cages COM-74-10910/9 The Development of Cultures of the Channel Catfish 'Ictalurus punctatus' and Tilapia' Species in Puerto Rico COM-75-1 0394/5 Paunch Manure as a Feed Supplement in Channel Catfish Farming PB-235 575/8 Use of Zooplanktophagic Fishes in Channel Catfish Production Ponds PB-256 827/7 The Technology and Economics of Catfish ('Clarias spp.') Farming in Thailand PB-263 670/2 Enhancement of Warmwater Fishcultures in Puerto Rico Through Use of Polyculture Systems Hybridiza- tion and of Local Foodstuffs in Formulation and Manufacture of Fish Feed Diets PB-287 940/1 Catfish Farming PB-295 196/0 CATTLE Ganado Bovino Para Carne - Descorne, Castracion, Marcacion a Hierro, Marcas (Beef Cattle - Dehorn- ing, Castrating, Branding and Marking) PB-292 766/3 CELLULAR PLASTICS A Preliminary Investigation of the Potential use of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 799 Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 969 Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World PB-206 976 CELLULOSE Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Third Quarterly and Bimonthly Report, July 1 -September 30, 1977 COO-4 147-3 Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ?hum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report ID-27032 CEMENT ADDITIVES Concrete Admixtures PB-252 854/5 CEMENT INDUSTRY La Industria Cementera (Industrial International Data Base the Cement Industry) PB-287 064/0 CEMENTS Ferrocement Developments in New Zealand AD-785 928/3 State-of-the-Art Survey of Ferrocement AD-878 676/6 Stabilization of sub-Base and Base Materials for Pavement. N68-20393 Process for Bonding a Ferro-Cement Structure with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic PATENT-3 984 266 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Cement. PB-177 936 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technologies for Small- Scale Production of Cement and Cementitious Mate- rials PB-297 180/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Building Materials and Components PB-297 242/0 Small Scale Cement Plants PB-297 377/4 Lime and Alternative Cements: Proceedings of a One-Day Meeting on Small-Scale Manufacture of Ce- mentitious Materials PB-297 680/1 CENTRAL AFRICA REPUBLIC Five Industries for the Central African Republic PB-206 775 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 CENTRAL AMERICA Indigenous Tropical Agriculture in Central America:Land Use, Systems, and Problems AD-210 105/3 A Selected Inventory of Latin American Agricultural Colonies with Annotated Bibliography. AD-615 459 An Industrial Park Development Program for Central America PB-206 904 The Central American Workshop on the Environment and Development. Antigua, Guatemala, July 25-30, 1971 PB-211 487 Conservacion del Medio Ambiente Fisico y el Desar- rollo (Environment and Development) PB-217 119/7 CERAMIC MATERIALS The Ceramics Industry in Thailand 1970 PB-210 138 CERAMICS Needs and Opportunities for Ceramic Science and Technology COO-2390-15 CERCARIAE Schistosomiasis and 'Schistosoma Mansoni' AD-A015 226/4 CEREAL PRODUCTS Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods PB-213 756/5 Improving the Nutrient Quality for Cereals. Report of Workshop on Breeding and Fortification. Held at An- napoiis, Maryland, 7-9 December 1970 PB-213 764/5 Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods PB-213 769/0 CEREALS Irrigation as a Factor in the Economic Development of Thailand. AD-464 900 Rice Cultivation in North Vietnam AD-837 454/8 Notes on the Duration of Evolution of Varieties of Rice Cultivated in Indochina AD-837 489/4 Conditions of the Culture of Rice in the High-Donnai (Vietnam) AD-837 490/2 Work That the Indochinese Rice Office Has Accom- plished AD-837 491/0 Production and Distribution of the Rice Seeds in Vietnam AD-837 492/8 Some Aspects on the Production of Rice Problem in Vietnam AD-837 495/1 The Problem of Fertilizers in Rice-Growing in South Vietnam AD-837 496/9 Solar Grain Drying Conference Proceedings CONF-770140- Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Milled Rice. PB-186 514 Report on Wheat-or Oat-Soy Mixtures. (612-398- G739b). PB-219 703 CEYLON Natural Products for Sri Lanka's Future. Report of a Workshop Held at Colombo. Sri Lanka, on 2-6 June, 1975 PB-251 520/3 CHAD Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 CHARTS Industrial Training Charts PB-292 720/0 CHEESE WHEY Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fermentation PB-235 504/8 CHEESES Quesos Andinos del Peru (Cheeses from the Andine Region in Peru) PB-297 856/7 Quesos para Regiones Tropicales (Cheeses for Tropical Regions) PB-297 857/5 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume IV. Enzymes (Industrial) PB-202 778-4 Training Manual for Fertilizer Plant Operators PB-21 1 628 CHEMICAL FEEDSTOCK Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 CHEMICAL FEEDSTOCKS Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Salicylic Acid PB-292 666/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bottled Oxygen and Acetylene PB-292 801/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sulfuric Acid PB-292 864/6 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Phos- phate Processing Plant PB-292 955/2 Chemical Processing, An Operation Manual for Co- operative Program Use PB-294 140/9 CHEMICAL PLANTS Training Manual for Fertilizer Plant Operators PB-211 628 CHEMICAL PREPARATION Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops LA-6700-MS CHEMICAL REACTORS Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report COO/2917-7 Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Eight Quarter Progress Report, March 16-June 15, 1978 TID-28736 CHICKENS Maladies Communes et Parasites des Volailles (Communicable Diseases and Parasites of Chickens) PB-294 284/5 CHIGGERS Control de Niguas (Controlling Chiggers) PB-289 988/8 CHILD HEALTH CARE Maternal and Child Health Research PB-256 025/8 CHILD REARING Puericulture: Votre Enfant de Un a Six Ans (Your Child from One to Six) PB-294 366/0 CHILDREN The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Supplemen- tary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries AD-772 930/4 240 SUBJECT INDEX COMMUNICATIONS La Nutrition de L'Enfant Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpment (Child Nutrition in Developing Coun- tries) PB-286 459/3 Puericulture: Votre Enfant de Un a Six Ans (Your Child from One to Six) PB-294 366/0 CHILE An Experimental Cooperative Farming Plan in Chile. PB-189 816 Frei Unveils New Agrarian Reform Bill. PB- 189 820 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part I. Chile, Invest- ment Aspects and General Summary PB-212 001 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part II. Chile, Back- ground Information and Supporting Data PB-212 002 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Tomo I (Packaging for Chilean Commerical Food- stuffs. Volume I) PB-287 060/8 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Tomo II (Packaging for Chilean Commerical Food- stuffs. Volume II) PB-287 061/6 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Anexos (Packaging for Chilean Commerical Food- stuffs. Volume III. Appendices) PB-287 062/4 CHINA Fish Production in China. The Rearing of Fish Fry and Fingerlings AD-A057 315/4 Production Brigade and Team Management AD-730 939 Handbook on Agricultural Techniques for State Farms JPRS-72242 A Barefoot Doctor's Manual PB-239 557-T CHITINS Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shell- fish Wastes PB-267 527/0 CHITOSAN Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shell- fish Wastes PB-267 527/0 CIRCULATION Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aqua- culture System PB-275 180/8 A Mass Balance Study of Recycling Secondary Mu- nicipal Wastewater on Abandoned Field Ecosystems PB-286 275/3 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Community Development, Volume 4. Community De- velopment and Social Change PB-287 241/4 Desarrollo de la Comunidad y Cambio Social (Com- munity Development, Volume 4. Community Develop- ment and Social Change) PB-287 242/2 Developpement Communautaire Effets Sur L'Evolu- tion Sociale (Community Development, Volume 6. Community Development and Social Change) PB-287 243/0 Municipal Wastewater Management. Public Activities Guide PB-292 393/6 Municipal Wastewater Management. Citizen's Guide to Facility Planning PB-292 394/4 CITIZEN PLANNING PARTICIPATION Citizen Participation. PB-191 721 CIVIC PROGRAMS Planned Change in Agrarian Countries. AD-701 167 CLARIAS BATRACHUS The Technology and Economics of Cattish ('Clarias spp.') Farming in Thailand PB-263 670/2 CLARIAS MACROCEPHALUS The Technology and Economics of Cattish ('Clarias spp.') Farming in Thailand PB-263 670/2 CLASSROOM TECHNIQUES Formation Professionnelle: Conseils aux Maitres (Tips for Vocational Instructors) PB-293 763/9 CLAY Lime-Cement Combination Stabilization AD-762 552 Technical and Economic Feasibility of Establishing a Lightweight Aggregate Plant Using Marine Clays in York County, Maine. PB-169 744 CLAYS Protecting Adobe Walls from Ground Water PB-295 041/8 CLEAN ENERGY Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Semi- nar. N78-27522/9 CLEANING Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Wool Scouring Plant. PB-175 543 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Dry Cleaning Plant. PB-177 928 CLIMATE Environmental Conditions in a Tropical Forest Region in Thailand AD-A047 981/6 CLIMATOLOGY Inventory of Research on Weather and Climate of Desert Environments. AD-664 641 The Savanna Landscapes of the Amazon Basin. AD-704 160 CLINICAL MEDICINE A Barefoot Doctor's Manual PB-239 557-T CLOTHING Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Cotton Dresses. PB-175 539 Men'S Work Shirts. Capital Requirements, Tech- niques and Operations. PB-177 915 Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way PB-287 252/1 Comment Faire Une Robe. (Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way) PB-287 253/9 COAL GASIFICATION PLANTS Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Plants PB-253 747/0 COAL LIQUEFACTION PLANTS Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Plants PB-253 747/0 COAL MINING Development of a Non-Clogging Water Spray System PB-250 626/9 COASTS Coastal Zone Pollution by Oil and Other Contami- nants: Guidelines for Policy, Assessment and Moni- toring in Tropical Regions. Based Upon a Case Study in Indonesia, in 1 973 PB-247 431/0 Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas: Pro- ceedings of Southeastern Conference Held on April 2-4, 1975 PB-248 297/4 Coastal Zone Pollution in Indonesia - A Reconnais- sance Survey PB-255 447/5 COBALT Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Silver, Cobalt, and Strontium from Polluted Waters. N75-24163/8 COCKROACHES Control of Flies and Cockroaches by Insect Hor- mones AD-746 489 COCONUTS Development of a Scientific Basis for the Manufac- ture of Low-Cost Protein Foods and Beverages from Fresh Coconuts PB-213 594/6 COFFEE Coffee: Production and Marketing Systems PB-273 553/8 COFFEE PROCESSING Engineering Studies of Coffee Mill Wastes in El Sal- vador, C. A., October 18-November 9, 1960. PB-217 142 Treatment of Wastes from Coffee Processing in Costa Rica. PB-217 790 COHESIVE SOILS Methods for Characterizing Adobe Building Materials PB-282 062/9 Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures PB-286 096/3 COLLECTION Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-240 365/7 COLOMBIA A Short Survey of Colombian Agricultural Develop- ment in Recent Years. AD-636 809 Fitting Agricultural Extension to the Development Needs of Colombia. PB-189 831 Rural to Urban Migration: A Colombian Case. PB- 189 989 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 Fishculture Survey Report of Colombia. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 908 The Relevance and Prospects of Small Scale Indus- try in Colombia. (Co-338.64-B534). PB-219 744 Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnolo- gia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Develop- ment of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 COMMERCE Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa. A Study of the Functions and Development of Exchange Institu- tions in Ankole, Uganda. AD-716 235 A Right to Survive: Subsistence Marketing in a Low- land Philippine Town AD-758 524 Arizona Indian Business Development Program COM-71-00717 Urban Business Profile: Supermarkets COM-72-50659 Metal Cutting Machines in Malaya. PB-173 710 Sales Promotion Methods. PB-177 967 Marketing Research. PB-177 971 Training Course in Marketing. PB-178 063 The Small New Business. PB-187 565 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Potential for Energy Conservation Technology Trans- fer CONF-760536-1 DOE Facilities Solar Design Handbook DOE/AD-0006/1 National Solar Heating and Cooling Commercial Demonstration Program: Key Personnel Directory DOE/CS-0038 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 COMMERCIAL FISHING A Fisherman's Co-operative: Open System Theory Applied COM-74-1 1781/3 COMMODITIES Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 COMMODITY MANAGEMENT Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries with Special Reference to the Central American Fruit, Vegetable and Floriculture Export Industries PB-294 226/6 COMMUNICATING Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Semi- nar. N78-27522/9 Communication for Change with the Rural Disadvan- taged. A Workshop PB-224 401/0 Communications in Business and Industry PB-292 983/4 COMMUNICATION SATELLITES The Role of Communication Satellites in Education for Less-Developed Countries AD-A025 397/1 Technical-Economic Considerations in Public Service Broadcast Communications for Developing Countries PB-223 266/8 COMMUNICATIONS Video Taping: A Medium for Social Change ED-152 241 241 SUBJECT INDEX COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT Improving the Dissemination of Scientific and Techni- cal Information: A Practitioner's Guide to Innovation PB-247 057/3 COMMUNISM Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume III. The Viet Cong. PB- 190 000 COMMUNITIES Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Executive Summary COM-74-1 1487/7 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Making Do with the Dark Meat: A Report on the Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma COM-74-1 1489/3 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. The Lummi Indian Community: The Fishermen of the Pacific Northwest COM-74-1 1490/1 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Morongo Indian Reservation: A Century of Adaptive Strategies COM-74-1 1491/9 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Dressing for the Window: Papago Indians and Economic Development COM-74-1 1492/7 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Pine Ridge Economy: Cultural and Historical Perspectives COM-74-1 1493/5 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Passamaquoddy Economic De- velopment in Cultural and Historical Perspective COM-74-1 1494/3 Design and Fabrication of a Photovoltaic Power System for the Papago Indian Village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona DOE/NASA/ 1022-78/39 Managing the Socio-Economic Impacts of Energy Development: A Guide for the Small Community ERDA-77-79 Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation: Developing and Ap- plying a Coordinated Approach to Energy-Related Community Development. Volume I HCP/M3879-1(V.1) Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation: Developing and Ap- plying a Coordinated Approach to Energy-Related Community Development. Executive Summary HCP/M3879-0003 Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation. First Interim Report. Volume II. Appendices HIT-693(V.2)(App.) Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic De- velopment LA-6489 Community Organization and Rural Water System Development PB-201 729 Refuse Collection and Disposal for the Small Com- munity. PB-214 984 Food for Peace Around the World PB-287 250/5 Alimentos para la Paz en todo el Mundo (Food for Peace Around the World) PB-287 251/3 COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAMS Rural Community Action: Status and Recommenda- tions PB-275 811/8 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Video Taping: A Medium for Social Change ED- 152 241 Village Technology Handbook PB-207 491 A National Program to Develop and Implement Tech- nologies Appropriate for Low-Income Communities PB-262 338/7 Rural Community Action: Status and Recommenda- tions PB-275 81 1/8 Village Technology Handbook (Manual de Tecnolo- gia para la Comunidad) PB-283 958/7 Developpement Communautaire - Cinq Realisations Interessantes en Afrique (Five Community Develop- ment Stories Out of West Africa; Community Devel- opment Series, Volume 1 , Series B) PB-286 461/9 Developpement Communautaire L'Agent Rural et L'Organization Democratique du Programme (Com- munity Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning) PB-287 232/3 Community Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning PB-287 234/9 Community Development, Volume 5. Community De- velopment, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis PB-287 238/0 Developpement Communautaire, Un Renfort pour la Vulgarisation Agricole (Community Development, Volume 5. Community Development, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis) PB-287 239/8 Desarrollo de la Comunidad Extension y Sintesis del Dai-C (Community Development, Volume 5. Commu- nity Development, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis) PB-287 240/6 Community Development, Volume 4. Community De- velopment and Social Change PB-287 241/4 Desarrollo de la Comunidad y Cambio Social (Com- munity Development, Volume 4. Community Develop- ment and Social Change) PB-287 242/2 Developpement Communautaire Effets Sur L'Evolu- tion Sociale (Community Development, Volume 6. Community Development and Social Change) PB-287 243/0 Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas PB-287 244/8 Developpement Communautaire, Application dans les Zones Urbaines et Semi-Urbaines. (Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi- Urban Areas) PB-287 245/5 Desarrollo de la Comunidad, D. C. en Zonas Ur- banas y Suburbanas. (Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas) PB-287 246/3 Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful PB-287 247/1 Developpment Communautaire. Organisation des Conseils (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful) PB-28? 248/9 Como Hacer mas Eficaces las Asambleas de los Consejos (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful) PB-287 249/7 Community Development: An Introduction to Com- munity Development for Village Workers, Series A, Volume 1 PB-289 991/2 Some Developments of Appropriate Technology for Improving Physical Amenities in Rural Homes PB-293 841/3 Trickle-Up Development Through Aided Self-Employ- ment PB-297 072/1 Introduccion al D.C. Para Los Trabajadores de las Aldeas (An Introduction to Community Development for the Village Workers) PB-297 632/2 COMMUNITY EDUCATION Community Education Multi-Media Bibliography ED-143 355 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS Community Education Multi-Media Bibliography ED-143 355 COMPETING USES Multi-Objective Water Resources Planning: Method- ology to Achieve Compatibility Between Environmen- tal Amenities and Economic Development PB-251 377/8 COMPOSITE MATERIALS State-of-the-Art Survey of Ferrocement AD-878 676/6 Technical and Economic Feasibility of Establishing a Lightweight Aggregate Plant Using Marine Clays in York County, Maine. PB-169 744 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-249 317/9 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-294 423/9 COMPOSTS Conversion of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil PB-291 588/2 COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries: The Need for a Comprehensive Community Approach HRP-001 3600/2 COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS The Augmentation of International Conferences Through Computer Communications PB-297 087/9 COMPUTER CONFERENCING The Augmentation of International Conferences Through Computer Communications PB-297 087/9 COMPUTER PRIVACY A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume III. Computers-Communications Networks PB-202 778-3 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Computer Technology in Developing Countries. Pro- ceedings of Symposium Held at American University, Washington, DC. on 22-23 March 1971 PB-203 327 COMPUTER SYSTEMS HARWARE A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume III. Computers-Communications Networks PB-202 778-3 COMPUTERS A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume III. Computers-Communications Networks PB-202 778-3 CONCRETE Research and Development of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in North America AD-A029 823/2 Bamboo Reinforced Concrete AD-A029 842/2 Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures AD-A061 469/3 Stronger Concrete AD-742 271 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Ready-Mixed Concrete. PB-177 937 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION The Seismic Behavior of Critical Regions of Rein- forced Concrete Components as Influenced by Moment, Shear and Axial Force PB-258 842/4 Prefabricated Concrete Components for Low-Cost Housing Construction: 407 Building Design and Con- struction, Prefabrication PB-285 768/8 CONCRETE PIPES Impregnation of Concrete Pipe PB-213 442/7 CONCRETE STRUCTURES Response and Energy-Dissipation of Reinforced Concrete Frames Subjected to Strong Base Motions PB-202 936 The Substitute Structure Method for Earthquake-Re- sistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames PB-245 318/1 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Concrete Posts PB-292 812/5 CONCRETES Concrete Admixtures PB-252 854/5 Basics of Concrete PB-285 764/7 Le Beton: Principes Elementaires (Basics of Con- crete) PB-286 452/8 CONDENSATION Condensation in Farm Buildings. PB-169 304 CONDUITS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flexible Steel Conduit PB-293 001/4 CONFERENCES Proceedings of Symposium on Utilization of Waste Glass in Secondary Products N73-33460/9 Conference Leadership Training PB-292 946/1 CONGO Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 CONSERVATION Rural Environmental Assistance Program EIS-AA-72-5805-D Ground Water: An Overview PB-269 550/0 An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools PB-286 619/2 Momento de Conservation des Resources Naturelles (An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools) PB-286 620/0 Teaching Conservation in Developing Nations PB-292 856/2 CONSTRUCTION Lime-Cement Combination Stabilization AD-762 552 242 SUBJECT INDEX COPRA PROCESSING Building and Planning in Developing Countries: A Partially Annotated Bibliography. PB- 176 780 Manual on Design for Low-Cost and Aided Self-Help Housing. PB-179 385 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Annex to Volumes 1 and 2 PB-198 035 Environmental Considerations for Construction Pro- jects PB-203 326 Low-Cost Wood Homes for Rural America - Con- struction Manual PB-21 1 640 Leader Training for Aided Self-Help Housing PB-21 2 372 Experimental Industrialized Housing Program. Model H-620 - Single Family Dwelling PB-224 411/9 Simplified Housing Construction Systems for Rural Poor Families PB-227 616/0 Some Aspects of the Construction of Industrial Pro- jects in Developing Countries - Based on Hungarian Experience PB-255 104/2 Model Facility Plan for a Small Community, Supple- ment to: Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan, Mu- nicipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program PB-257 649/4 A Manual of Building Construction PB-297 372/5 Ferrocement Water Tanks and Their Construction PB-297 375/8 A Manual on the Hydraulic Ram for Pumping Water PB-297 380/8 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Construction and Economic Development. A Case Study and International Comparisons of Productivity PB-243 846/3 Appropriate Technology in the Construction and Building Materials Industry PB-295643/1 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, nidia on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology in the Con- struction and Building Materials Industry PB-297 240/4 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Choice of Appropriate Construction Technology in the Building Industry in Iran PB-297 241/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Construction and Building Materials Industry in the United Republic of Cameroon PB-297 258/6 Accounting and Book Keeping for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 365/9 Financial Planning for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 376/6 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Manual of Water Well Construction Practices PB-267 371/3 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS The Use of Coral as an Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Structures AD-784 092/9 State-of-the-Art Survey of Ferrocement AD-878 676/6 Houses Can Resist Hurricanes. PB-174 346 Earth for Homes: Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 22. PB-188 918 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-188 919 Bamboo as a Building Material. PB-188 921 Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 Feasibility Test of an Approach and Prototype for Ultra Low Cost Housing PB-251 471/9 Adobe Building Materials: Properties, Problems, and Preservation PB-271 847/6 The Potentials of Ferrocement and Related Materials for Rural Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 434/9 A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Solid Wastes for Building Materials. Phase I Summary Report PB-279 440/2 Methods for Characterizing Adobe Building Materials PB-282 062/9 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth PB-285 909/8 Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures PB-286 096/3 Maisons en Terre (Earth for Homes) PB-286 423/9 Manual Para La Construccion de Casas de Tierra (Handbook for Building Homes of Earth) PB-292 747/3 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. The Role of National Institutions and Raw Materials Problems in Building Materials In- dustries PB-294 622/6 Design Properties, Structural Analysis and Construc- tion Details for a Typical U-Form Wall System PB-295 654/8 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technologies for Small- Scale Production of Cement and Cementitious Mate- rials PB-297 180/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology in the Con- struction and Building Materials Industry PB-297 240/4 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Building Materials and Components PB-297 242/0 Lime and Alternative Cements: Proceedings of a One-Day Meeting on Small-Scale Manufacture of Ce- mentitious Materials PB-297 680/1 CONSULTANTS Expatriate Professionals as International Consultants PB-294 424/7 Directory of Consultants to Small Rural Industries. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-296 362/7 CONSULTING SERVICES Annual Review Number 4, 1 975-76 PB-294 758/8 Annual Review Number 3, 1974-75 PB-294 760/4 Annual Review Number 5, 1976-77 PB-294 761/2 Directory of Consultants to Small Rural Industries. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-296 362/7 CONSUMER'S COOPERATIVES An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Coop- erative Programs. Volume I: Summary of Findings PB-197 758 An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Coop- erative Programs. Volume II: Individual Project Re- ports PB-197 759 CONSUMERS An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Coop- erative Programs. Volume I: Summary of Findings PB-197 758 An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Coop- erative Programs. Volume II: Individual Project Re- ports PB-197 759 CONTAINERIZING Redesigning Shipping Containers to Reduce Food Costs PB-280 317/9 CONTAINERS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Buckets, Pails and Pans. PB-177 918 Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-21 2 398 Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-240 365/7 CONTRACTORS Accounting and Book Keeping for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 365/9 Financial Planning for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 376/6 CONTRIVED EQUIPMENT Peace Corps Intermediate Technology for 15 Years PB-262 630/7 CONTROL EQUIPMENT Power Plant Training Course - Steam Accessories PB-292 943/8 CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT AGRICULTURE An Assessment of Controlled Environmental Agricul- ture Technology PB-279 21 1/7 CONVENTIONAL FARMING A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 COOKING DEVICES Evaluation of Solar Cookers. Part I PB-296 404/7 COOLERS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Refrigerated Walk-In Coolers PB-292 821/6 COOLING SYSTEMS Waste Heat Utilization in Industrial Processes. N78-25012/3 Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and De- velopment. N78-32546/1 COOPERATION Rural Cooperatives in the United States PB-286 577/2 Les Cooperatives Agricoles aux Etats-Unis (Rural Cooperatives in the United States) PB-286 578/0 Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries, 1977-78 PB-293 846/2 Understanding Your Cooperatives PB-295 621 H Evaluacion Comparativa Entre Paises de Organiza- ciones de Pequenos Agricultores (Comparative Eval- uations between Countries with Small Farmer Orga- nizations and Their Programs, Ecuador, Honduras PB-296 722/2 COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISES A Fisherman's Co-operative: Open System Theory Applied COM-74-1 1781/3 COOPERATIVE FARMING An Experimental Cooperative Farming Plan in Chile. PB-189 816 COOPERATIVE HOUSING Cooperative Housing, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 52 PB-206 514 COOPERATIVES The Role of Cooperatives in the Production and Mar- keting of Fruits and Vegetables in Puerto Rico. COM-71-00111 Fisheries Cooperatives: Their Formation and Oper- ation COM-73-10275 An Analysis of Prices Paid to Fishermen Before and After the Establishment of a Fishery Cooperative COM-75-50 185-03-05 Rural Cooperatives in the United States PB-286 577/2 Les Cooperatives Agricoles aux Etats-Unis (Rural Cooperatives in the United States) PB-286 578/0 Improving Management of Farmer Cooperatives PB-289 987/0 Understanding Your Cooperatives PB-295 621/7 Cooperative Development in Rural Areas PB-295 734/8 Evaluacion Comparativa Entre Paises de Organiza- ciones de Pequenos Agricultores (Comparative Eval- uations between Countries with Small Farmer Orga- nizations and Their Programs, Ecuador, Honduras PB-296 722/2 Co-Operative Organisation; an Introduction PB-297 364/2 Business Arithmetic for Co-Operatives and Other Small Business; a Basic Manual for the Employees of Primary Co-Operative Societies PB-297 367/5 The Work of a Co-Operative Committee PB-297 370/9 An Initial Course in Tropical Agriculture for the Staff o< Co-Operatives PB-297 792/4 COPPER Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Copper Tubing PB-292 830/7 COPRA PROCESSING Copra Processing in the Trust Territory. A Report to the Congress of Micronesia PB-205 761 243 SUBJECT INDEX CORAL The Use of Coral as an Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Structures AD-784 092/9 CORN Estimates of Potential Productivity from the Clima- tology of Solar Energy. PB-192 726 CORN PLANTS Improved Practices in Corn Production. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-263 840/1 Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 The Development of Hybrid Corn Technology in the United States and Selected Countries PB-292 915/6 The Puebla Project, 1967-69. Progress Report of a Program to Rapidly Increase Corn Yields on Small Holdings PB-293 818/1 CORROSION Corrosion of Metals in Tropical Environments: Part 10 - Final Report of Sixteen-Year Exposures AD-A003 909/9 Solving the Galvanic Cell Problem in Ferro-Cement AD-731 719 CORROSION PREVENTION Impregnation of Concrete Pipe PB-213 442/7 CORRUGATING International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology for a Law- Cost Paper Project to Boost the Rural Economy PB-294 600/2 COST ANALYSIS The Art of Cost-Benefit Analysis AD-A041 526/5 Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part II. Estimating Costs of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants PB-259 513/0 Distribution des Eaux: Le Calcul des Prix (Water Rates Manual) PB-293 869/4 COST BENEFITS The Art of Cost-Benefit Analysis AD-A041 526/5 COST ENGINEERING Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume 2. PB-195 598 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions PB-207 520 Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Reduction of Costs in Hand-Operated Glass Plants (3rd), May 17-19 1972 held at the West Virginia University, Clarksburg PB-225 700/4 COST ESTIMATES Study of Raw Material Costs for a Proposed Straw- Based Pulping Mill in the Vicinity of Mobridge, South Dakota. PB-194 391 COST REDUCTION Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PAT-APPL-598 969 COSTA RICA Fishculture Survey Report for Costa Rica PB-21 1 643 The Natural Resource Potential for Regional Devel- opment of Limon Province: A Preliminary Survey PB-226 621/1 COTTAGE INDUSTRIES Power Transmissions for Cottage Industry PB-286 471/8 Les Transmissions de Force Motrice Dans L'Arti- sanat Familial (Power Transmissions for Cottage In- dustry) PB-286 472/6 COTTON FIBERS A Search for an Appropriate Technology for Decen- tralised Cotton Spinning Industry in Rural India PB-294 416/3 COTTON PLANTS Cotton Boll Rot. Laying Out a Trial of a Method of Control (La Pourriture des Capsules du Cotonnier: Essai de Mise en Place d'une Methode de Lutte) PB-249 731/1 COUNSELING A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. June 2-4, 1970. Findings and Implications for a. ID. PB-197 104 CRAFTS The •" ) 'Mential of Handcrafts as a Viable Economic Force - An Overview COM-74-50522/3 CRASSOSTREA GIGAS Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aqua- culture System PB-275 180/8 CRASSOSTREA RHIZOPHORAE Culture of the Mangrove Oyster, 'Crassostrea rhizo- phorae' Guilding, in Puerto Rico PB-265 918/3 CRAYFISHES Agricultural By-Products as Supplemental Feed for Crawfish PB-256 748/5 Two Major Problems in Culturing Crayfish in Ponds: Oxygen Depletion and Overcrowding PB-260 469/2 Crawfish and Freshwater Shrimp Diseases PB-275 958/7 Soft Shell Crawfish as an Aquaculture Food Product PB-279 982/3 Watercress-Crayfish Polyculture as an Economic Means of Stripping Nutrients from Enriched Waters. Proceedings of the International Symposium Fresh- water Crayfish (3rd), Held at Kuopio, Finland on De- cember 1976 PB-286 700/0 The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption PB-286 702/6 Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Paci- fastacus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 CREDIT Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farmers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71-A211a). PB-21 9 684 Changes in Small Farmer Credit Use in Southern Brazil, 1965-69. (Br-332.71-A21 1). PB-21 9 696 Farm Credit Manual PB-286 477/5 Manuel de Credit Agricole. (Farm Credit Manual) PB-286 572/3 Le Systeme de Credit Agricole Cooperatif aux Etais- Unis (The Cooperative Farm Credit System) PB-294 246/4 Evaluacion Comparativa Entre Paises de Organiza- ciones de Pequenos Agricultores (Comparative Eval- uations between Countries with Small Farmer Orga- nizations and Their Programs, Ecuador, Honduras PB-296 722/2 CREDIT POLICIES Farm Credit Manual PB-286 477/5 Manuel de Credit Agricole. (Farm Credit Manual) PB-286 572/3 Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Effective Use of Agricultural Credit PB-286 573/1 Le Credit Agricole Source de Prospente (Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Ef- fective Use of Agricultural Credit) PB-286 574/9 CRITICAL PATH METHOD Planning and Scheduling with Network Technique (PERT/CPM) (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique/Critical Path Method) PB-294 528/5 CROP DRIERS The Performance and Economic Feasibility of Solar Grain Drying Systems PB-280 196/7 CROP GROWTH Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-1 0569/1 CROPS Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops LA-6700-MS CRUSTACEA The Technology and Economics of Small-Scale Commercial Prawn ('Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Hatcheries: A Case Study in Thailand PB-263 669/4 Preliminary Bibliography of Fish and Fisheries with Special Reference to Shrimps and Prawns PB-263 671/0 Pond Culture of the Malaysian Prawn, 'Macrobra- chium rosenbergii' (de Man), in South Carolina, 1974-1975 PB-264 738/6 An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in Hawaii PB-275 345/7 Crawfish and Freshwater Shrimp Diseases PB-275 958/7 Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in South Carolina PB-286 675/4 CUBA A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 CULICIDAE Central America Malaria Research Station. (Lat- 614.4323-D419a). PB-21 9 726 Mosquito Control. Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-224 749/2 La Prevention Contre les Moustiques dans les Terres Irriguees (Mosquito Prevention on Irrigated Farms) PB-286 429/6 CULTIVATION Survey of Rice Growing JPRS-64646 La Culture du Sorgho pour la Production de Sirop (Culture of Sorgho for Sirup Production) PB-286 431/2 Intensive Vegetable Gardening for Profit and Self- Sufficiency PB-288 925/1 CULTURE Innovation, Social Exchange, and Institutionalization. AD-707 560 Hispanic Culture and Health Care - Fact, Fiction, Folklore HRP-0029290/4 Woodworking in Estonia: Historical Survey. TT-68-50342 CUMBERLAND PLATEAU A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Watersheds in Response to Completed and Proposed Land Use Changes PB-264 900/2 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Science Education Improvement Project PB-207 400 CURVATURE Locomotive Track Curvature Indicator PATENT-4 103 547 CUTTING TOOLS Metal Cutting Machines in Malaya. PB-173 710 CYCLONES Guidelines for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Tropical Cyclone Areas. N78-1 1653/0 DAIRIES Improvement of Treatment of Food Industry Waste PB-234 444/8 DAIRY EQUIPMENT The Herringbone Milking System. Economic Apprais- al, Labor Efficiency Analysis, and Adjustment Possi- bilities PB-293 984/1 DAIRY PRODUCTS Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fermentation PB-235 504/8 DAMS Center for the Integral Development of "Las Gavio- ERDA-tr-288 The Environmental Impact of a Large Tropical Res- ervoir: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Lake Volta, Ghana, in 1973 and 1974 PB-247 430/2 Potential Use of Small Dams to Produce Power for Low-Income Communities PB-292 745/7 DATA ACQUISITION They Watch and Wonder. Public Attitudes Toward Advanced Technology. N77-1 8954/6 DATA BANKS Diagnostico para el Desarrollo de Servicios de Infor- macion Cientifica y Tecnologica en Panama (Analy- sis of the Development of Scientific and Technologi- cal Services in Panama) PB-289 986/2 DATA BASE ADMINISTRATION The Technological Knowledge Base for Industrializ- ing Countries; Proceedings of the NBS/AID UNCSTD (United Nations Conference on Science and Tech- nology for Development) Seminar Held at Gaithers- burg, Maryland on October 16-17, 1978 PB-294 984/0 244 SUBJECT INDEX DEVELOPING COUNTRIES DATA PROCESSING Computer Technology in Developing Countries. Pro- ceedings of Symposium Held at American University, Washington, D.C on 22-23 March 1971 PB-203 327 Continuation of the Arizona Water Information System (AWIS) PB-257 560/3 DATA TRANSMISSION The Implications for American Foreign Policy of Low- Cost Non-Voice Communications. A Report to the Department of State PB-256 064/7 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Communications. Volume 2. A Report to the Depart- ment of Commerce and the Office of Telecommuni- cations Policy PB-256 065/4 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Communications. Volume 3. A Report to the Depart- ment of Commerce and the Office of Telecommuni- cations Policy. Appendices PB-256 066/2 DECISION MAKING Evaluation of Investment Opportunities: Tools for Decisionmaking in Farming and Other Businesses PB-272 651/1 Institution Building: Incidents, Ideas, and Applica- tions. An Experimental Guidebook in Scholar Practi- tioner Communication PB-293 989/0 DECOMPOSITION Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 DEGRADATION Principles for Protecting Wood Buildings from Decay AD-767 566/3 DELIVERY Getting Human Services to Rural People SHR-0001658 DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEYS Research Methods for Housing and Urbanization Studies in Developing Countries PB-210 128 DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMS National Solar Heating and Cooling Commercial Demonstration Program: Key Personnel Directory DOE/CS-0038 Seeing is Believing. How to Conduct Convincing Result Demonstrations PB-293 605/2 DENVER (COLORADO) Recycling Activity Description: Transfer, Intermediate Storage, Processing, Recycling PB-218 990/0 DESALINATION Water: Desalination AD-725 600 The Application of Wind Energy Systems to Desali- nation PB-276 174/0 DESALTING A Manual on Water Desalination. Volume I. Technol- ogy PB-206 549 A Manual on Water Desalination. Volume II. Eco- nomics PB-206 550 Desalting PB-209 942 The Application of Wind Energy Systems to Desali- nation PB-276 174/0 Bioconversion of Saline Water. Phase I Report PB-283 768/0 Forward Osmosis Extractors: Theory, Feasibility and Design Optimization PB-289 251/1 DESERT ENCROACHMENT Desert Encroachment on Arable Lands: Significance, Causes, and Control PB-211 367 DESERTS Inventory of Research on Desert Regional Types. AD-686 836 Desert Research: Selected References 1965-1968. AD-703 884 Desert Research, II: Selected References 1966-1970 AD-723 062 Desert Encroachment on Arable Lands: Significance, Causes, and Control PB-211 367 World Desertification: Cause and Effect. A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography PB-228 100/4 Guayule: An Alternative Source of Natural Rubber PB-264 170/2 Challenge of a Desert: Revegetation of Disturbed Desert Lands UCLA-12-1123 DESIGN CRITERIA FY 1973 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Methodology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-1 1645/0 FY75 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes PB-250 848/9 DESIGN PREFERENCES Petite Entreprise: La Conception des Produits (Design Is Your Business) PB-293 873/6 DEVELOPING COUNTIES Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods PB-213 769/0 In Search of Population Policy. Views from the De- veloping World PB-241 579/2 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES A Housing Services Policy for Low-Income Urban Families in Underdeveloped Countries AD-A01 976/9 Micro-Level Approaches for Improving Water Re- source Knowledge Transfer in Rural Areas AD-A044 982/7 The Organizational Approach Versus the Societal Approach to Development in Emerging Nations. AD-687 318 The Impact of Modernization in The Philippines AD-722 000 Physician's Assistants Role in Health Aid to Develop- ing Nations AD-760 500 Administrative Aspects of Urbanization in Developing Countries AD-765 616/8 Energy Institute for Developing Countries: A Working Paper. BNL-20510 Brief Description of the Developing Country Energy Project BNL-21874 Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in Develop- ing Countries BNL-22311 Energy Planning and Management in Developing Countries: Thoughts Concerning a Conceptual Framework BNL-23340 Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low- Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memo- rial Hall, National Science Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 COM-75-50001/7 Photovoltaic Power in Less Developed Countries COO-4094-1 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets DOE/NASA/1022-78/41 Health Policies and International Corporations HRP-0006853/6 Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 1 HRP-0007732/1 Health by the People HRP-0008008/5 Meeting Basic Health Needs in Developing Coun- tries: Alternative Approaches HRP-001 0205/3 Some Health Sector Analysis Methods for Develop- ing Nations HRP-001 3245/6 Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries: The Need for a Comprehensive Community Approach HRP-001 3600/2 Comprehensive Community Approach to Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries HRP-001 6272/7 Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 2 HRP-001 6801/3 Health Economics in Developing Countries HRP-001 9765/7 Micro Irrigation with Photovoltaics MIT-EL-78-006 Energy in Developing Countries: Prospects and Prob- lems. N78-1 0603/6 The Role of Popular Participation in Development. PB-193 242 Increasing Participation in Development. Primer on Title IX of the United States Foreign Assistance Act. PB-194 204 The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-195 226 Choice of Transport Technology under Varying Factor Endowments in Less Developed Countries. PB-195 291 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume I. PB-195 597 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume 2. PB-195 598 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume I. The Protein Situa- tion in Korea and the Potential Role for Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-195 913 The Continued Development and Field Evaluation of the Aid Hand-Operated Water Pump. PB-196 340 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. June 2-4, 1970. Findings and Implications for a.l.D. PB-197 104 The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-197 157 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Annex to Volumes 1 and 2 PB-198 035 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume V. Mariculture (Sea Farming) PB-202 778-5 Computer Technology in Developing Countries. Pro- ceedings of Symposium Held at American University, Washington, DC. on 22-23 March 1971 PB-203 327 International Aspects of Man's Effect Upon Environ- ment PB-203 379 Water Quality Standards and International Develop- ment PB-204 408 Manual on Book and Library Activities in Developing Countries PB-206 540 CENTO Conference on Engineering Education Held in Isfahan, Iran on November 7-13, 1966 PB-206 541 A Manual on Water Desalination. Volume II. Eco- nomics PB-206 550 Refrigeration-Cooling Systems for Rural Communities in Developing Countries PB-206 698 CENTO Conference on Industrial Vocational Educa- tion Held in Ramsar, Iran on June 23-30, 1968 PB-206 700 Five Industries for the Central African Republic PB-206 775 CENTO Traveling Seminar on Farm Tools and Imple- ments PB-206 776 Preliminary Report of Field Survey Teams on the Generation and Utilization of Power in Rural Areas of Developing Countries PB-206 798 A Preliminary Investigation of the Potential use of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 799 Small-Scale Power Supplies for Rural Communities in Developing Countries PB-206 800 Generation and Utilization of Power for Rural Com- munities in Developing Countries PB-206 801 Cooperative Effort in Industrial Development PB-206 803 Industrialized Housing. The Opportunity and the Problems in Developing Areas, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 66 PB-206 851 Industrializing at the Grass Roots Level in the Philip- pines PB-206 902 An Industrial Park Development Program for Central America PB-206 904 Project Colorado. Feasibility Studies. Preliminary De- signs PB-206 913 Report on Small Industry Programs in Turkey PB-206 967 Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 245 SUBJECT INDEX Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 969 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Leather and Shoe Industry in West Africa to 1980 PB-206 970 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Paint Products Industry in West Africa to 1980 PB-206 971 Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World PB-206 976 Feasibility of Ipecac Extraction Plant PB-207 132 Natural Resources-Cadastral Inventory. Nicaraguan Pilot Project PB-207 385 The Institutional Development Agreement. A New Operational Framework for A.I.D. and the Universi- ties PB-207 393 Science Education Improvement Project PB-207 400 Village Technology Handbook PB-207 491 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume I. Natural Resources. Energy, Water, River Basin De- velopment PB-207 495 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume IV. Industrial Development PB-207 497 Science, Technology, AND Development. Volume VII. Social Problems of Development and Urbaniza- tion PB-207 500 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions PB-207 520 Usage Manual for Sampling and Testing Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of Africa PB-207 618 Planning Sites and Services Programs. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 68 PB-207 619 A Comparison Study for Evaluating Primary School Science in Africa PB-207 625 Rural Industrial Technical Assistance (RITA) PB-207 626 Beginning Science Curriculum for English Speaking Tropical Africa (African Primary Science Program) PB-207 628 Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problems Soils of Africa. Development of Engineering Standards and Criteria for the Usage of Laterite, Lateritic Soils, and Other Problems Soils in Connection with the Constructs n of Roads, Highways and Airfields PB-207 636 Preparation and Appraisal of Transport Projects PB-207 862 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume II. Natural Resources. Minerals and Mining, Mapping and Geodetic Control PB-208 432 Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Perspectives and Prospects PB-208 550 Science and Technology for International Develop- ment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States PB-210 104 The Role of the Agency for International Develop- ment in the Field of Natural Resources Planning and Management PB-210 105 Scientific and Technical Information for Developing Countries PB-210 107 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery. A Hand- book for Farm Operations in Tropical Agriculture Areas PB-210 130 Development and Change in a Bengal Village PB-210 332 Communication in India. Experiments in Introducing Change PB-210 508 The VITA International Inquiry Service. An Evaluative Review PB-210 512 Transportation Technology for Development. Volume I PB-210 592 Surface-Water Resources of the Yobe River System, Northern Nigeria, 1963-68 PB-210 594 Economic Comparison of Overseas Manufacture and Importation of Anhydrous Ammonia PB-210 5&C Technilogical Change in Agriculture. Effects and Im- plications for the Developing Nations PB-210 596 An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of In- creasing Edible Oil Production in West Pakistan PB-210 597 The Marketing Challenge. Distributing Increased Pro- duction in Developing Nations PB-211 658 Inland Fisheries Progress in Thailand, 1971 PB-21 1 663 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part I. Chile, Invest- ment Aspects and General Summary PB-21 2 001 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part II. Chile, Back- ground Information and Supporting Data PB-21 2 002 Fisheries PB-21 2 238 Appropriate Technologies for International Develop- ment. Preliminary Survey of Research Activities PB-21 2 288 Forestry in Developing Countries. Potentials, Con- straints, and Opportunities PB-21 2 726 Equitable Distribution of Benefits in integration Schemes Among the Less Developed Countries: The Andean Group PB-21 2 749 A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutri- tion. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area PB-213 612/5 Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods PB-213 756/5 The Food Industry in Asia, Its Potential for Providing Low Cost Nutritious Foods. Proceedings of Singa- pore Workshop, 1-5 November 1971 PB-213 766/3 RANN (Research Applied to National Needs) Pro- gram: Potential Benefits to Developing Countries PB-21 4 862/5 Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment, and National Development. Volume I. Sum- mary of Proceedings. Singapore, March 13-17, 1972 PB-217 117/1 Conservacion del Medio Ambiente Fisico y el Desar- rollo (Environment and Development) PB-217 119/7 Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farmers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71-A211a). PB-21 9 684 An Analysis of Shifting Relative Prices and Marketing Facility Investments in the Context of Technological Change in the Developing Countries. (338.13-J65). PB-21 9 685 Rural-Urban Migration, Urban Unemployment and Underemployment, and Job Research Activity in Ldcs. (331.127-F461). PB-21 9 772 A Subjective Equilibrium Theory of Share Tenancy. (333.53-W286). PB-21 9 777 Ferrocement: Applications in Developing Countries PB-220 825/4 U.S. International Firms and R, D/E (Research, De- velopment, and Engineering) in Developing Countries PB-222 787/4 Technical-Economic Considerations in Public Service Broadcast Communications for Developing Countries PB-223 266/8 Mosquito Control. Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-224 749/2 Research Management and Technical Entrepreneur- ship: A. U.S. Role in Improving Skills in Developing Countries PB-225 129/6 Technological Opportunities for Tropical Forestry De- velopment PB-229 813/1 Utilization of Tropical Forests. (A Review of the For- estry Literature in the Agency for International Devel- opment Reference Center) PB-229 822/2 International Development Programs of the Office of the Foreign Secretary PB-230 543/1 Roofing in Developing Countries. Research for New Technologies PB-234 503/1 Food Science in Developing Countries: A Selection of Unsolved Problems PB-235 410/8 The Peace Corps: Perspectives for the Future PB-235 922/2 Special Report on Techniques of Aided Self-Help Housing. Some Examples of U.S. and Overseas Ex- perience PB-236 285/3 Guidelines for Establishing and Administering Land Development Agencies in the Developing Countries PB-236 391/9 African Agricultural Research Capabilities PB-238 849/4 An Overview of Alternative Energy Sources for LDCs PB-239 465/8 Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 Construction and Economic Development. A Case Study and International Comparisons of Productivity PB-243 846/3 A Methodology for Formulating and Implementing Science Policy for a Small Developing Country (Costa Rica) PB-244 294/5 Suggestions for Temporary Erosion and Silitation Control Measures. (Erosion Y Sedimentacion: Medi- das Temporarias De Control) PB-245 004/7 Arid Lands or Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 593/9 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 594/7 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 595/4 The Environmental Impact of Rapid Urbanization: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Seoul, Korea, in 1 972-and 1 973 PB-247 429/4 The Environmental Impact of a Large Tropical Res- ervoir: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Lake Volta, Ghana, in 1973 and 1 974 PB-247 430/2 Coastal Zone Pollution by Oil and Other Contami- nants: Guidelines for Policy, Assessment and Moni- toring in Tropical Regions. Based Upon a Case Study in Indonesia, in 1973 PB-247 431/0 Agricultural Machinery Development Program PB-247 819/6 The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis PB-248 043/2 Proceedings of the Conference and Seminar on Techniques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 338/6 Summary of the Conference and Seminar on Tech- niques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small- Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Coun- tries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 339/4 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Guide to International Statistical Sources and National Development Plans at the In- ternational Development Data Center PB-248 347/7 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-248 348/5 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-248 349/3 Environmental Aspects of a Large Tropical Reservoir - A Case Study of Volta Lake, Ghana PB-248 630/6 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Administration Project- Stimulating the Growth of Small-Scale Industry PB-249 186/8 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-249 317/9 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. List of Subject Headings Used by the International Development Data Center PB-249 369/0 Discussion Papers on Problems of Science and Technology. Annual Strategy and Planning Sympo- sium, Agency for International Development, Office of Science and Technology Held at Atlanta, Georgia on May 6-9, 1975 PB-250 448/8 Natural Products for Sri Lanka's Future. Report of a Workshop Held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 2-6 June, 1975 PB-251 520/3 246 SUBJECT INDEX DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Systems Analysis and Operations Research: A Tool for Policy and Program Planning for Developing Countries PB-251 639/1 Underexploited Tropical Plants with Promising Eco- nomic Value PB-251 656/5 Low Cost Data and Text Communication for the Less Developed Countries. A Study with Special Refer- ence to the Needs of The International Agricultural Research Centers PB-256 067/0 Report of a Workshop on Aquatic Weed Manage- ment: Some Prospects for the Sudan and the Nile Basin, Held at Khartoum, Sudan on 24-29 November 1975 PB-259 990/0 Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Re- sources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries PB-260 606/9 Marine Technology Transfer as Foreign Aid to Less Developed Nations from Oceanographic Institutions in Industrialized Countries: A Search for an Effective Mechanism in the Educational Sector PB-262 039/1 The Role of U.S. Engineering Schools in Develop- ment Assistance PB-262 055/7 Visual Aids - A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 511/9 Peace Corps Intermediate Technology for 15 Years PB-262 630/7 Health Training Resource Material for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 754/5 Resource Sensing from Space: Prospects for Devel- oping Countries PB-264 171/0 Making Aquatic Weeds Useful: Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-265 161/0 Leucaena: New Forage and Tree Crop for the Trop- ics PB-268 124/5 IRRI Small Agricultural Machinery Project: US Tech- nology Transfer to Resource-Poor Developing Coun- tries PB-268 161/7 Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Proc- essing Industry of Sierra Leone PB-268 185/6 The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-Scale In- dustries in Sierra Leone PB-268 493/4 Freshwater Fisheries: Program Planning PB-268 987/5 Restrictions on Using More Fertilizer for Food Crops in Developing Countries: Department of State and Other Federal Agencies PB-269 892/6 The State of the Art of Delivering Low Cost Health Services in Developing Countries: A Summary Study of 180 Health Projects PB-270 038/3 Report of the Workshop on Experimental Designs for Predicting Crop Productivity with Environmental and Economic Inputs Held at Honolulu, Hawaii on May 20-24, 1974 PB-270 607/5 The Agricultural Development of Nicaragua: An Anal- ysis of the Production Sector PB-271 002/8 The Application of Technology in Developing Coun- tries PB-273 529/8 The Challenge of Meeting Shelter Needs in Less De- veloped Countries PB-273 572/8 World Market Conditions for Grains; Prospects and Problems, with Special Reference to the Developing Countries PB-273 752/6 Perspectives de la Recherche Agronomique en Afri- que (Prospects for Agronomic Research in Africa) PB-274 429/0 Expansion des Ressources en Eau dans les Zones Arides, Techniques Prometteuses et Possibilites de Recherches (Expansion of Water Resources in Arid Regions. Promising Techniques and Opportunities for Research) PB-274 612/1 U.S. Participation in International Agricultural Re- search PB-276 129/4 Forecasting Rural Road Travel in Developing Coun- tries from Studies of Land Use PB-277 726/6 Controlled Environment Agriculture: A Global Review of Greenhouse Food Production PB-279 517/7 International Consultation on Ipil-lpil Research PB-280 161/1 Development and Spread of High-Yielding Varieties of Wheat and Rice in the Less Developed Nations. Edition 5 PB-280 252/8 Survey of Multiple Cropping in Less Developed Na- tions PB-280 359/1 Intermediate Public Transport in Developing Coun- tries PB-280 521/6 Rural Potable Water Chlorination PB-282 460/5 Institution Building: A Source Book PB-282 835/8 Approaches to the Design of Agricultural Develop- ment Projects. A Program of Advanced Studies in In- stitution Building and Technical Assistance Method- ology Design Study PB-282 836-T Designing and Managing Basic Agricultural Programs PB-282 839/0 Science Development: The Building of Science in Less Developed Countries PB-282 860/6 Village Technology Handbook (Manual de Tecnolo- gia para la Comunidad) PB-283 958/7 Strengthening U.S. Programs to Improve Health in Developing Countries PB-285 097/2 Agency for International Development's Housing In- vestment Guaranty Program PB-285 734/0 A Systematic Approach to Basic Utilities in Develop- ing Countries PB-285 766/2 Strengthening Urban Administration in Developing Countries: With Emphasis on Latin America PB-285 769/6 Standards and Procedures for the Design of Water Supply Systems in Rural Areas of Nepal and Bhutan PB-285 983/3 Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Po- tential of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Em- ployment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis PB-286 227/4 La Nutrition de L' Enfant Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpment (Child Nutrition in Developing Coun- tries) PB-286 459/3 L'Energie et le Developpement Rural: Ressources Renouvelables et Options Techniques pour les Pays en Developpement (Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Resources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries) PB-286 467/6 Manual of Industrial Development PB-286 475/9 La Prevision Des Besoins en Main-D'Oeuver (The Forecasting of Manpower Requirements) PB-286 576/4 Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries PB-286 615/0 Le Role d'Un Ministere du Travail Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement (Role of a Labor Depart- ment in Developing Countries) PB-286 616/8 Changes in Agriculture in 26 Developing Nations, 1948 to 1963 PB-286 617/6 Evolution de 1 'Agriculture dans 26 Pays en Voie de Developpement, 1948 a 1963 (Changes in Agricul- ture in 26 Developing Nations, 1 948 to 1 963) PB-286 618/4 Demographic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries PB-287 262/0 Tecnicas Demograficas Para El Planeamiento de la Mano de Obra de Paises en Desarrollo (Demograph- ic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries) PB-287 264/6 International Workshop on Earth Science Aid to De- veloping Countries Held at Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada on May 17-19, 1974. Background Documents PB-287 818/9 Strategies for Balanced Growth in Developing Coun- tries PB-288 209/0 Aspectos de la Produccion Agropecuaria de Centro- America en el Marco de la Integracion Economica (Aspects of Central American Farming Production within the Framework of Economic Integration) PB-289 983/9 Population Growth Problem in Developing Countries: Coordinated Assistance Essential PB-290 239/3 Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries PB-290 421/7 Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries: A Bibliography PB-290 422/5 Ciencia Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Volume 2, Numero 1, Enero-Marzo, 1978 (Technological Science and Development, Volume 2, Number 1, January-March 1978) PB-290 426/6 CMU/lntertect Ultra Low Cost Shelters in Relief Situ- ations in Bangladesh PB-291 554/4 Self-Help Construction of 1 -Story Buildings PB-291 857/1 Energy for the Villages of Africa. Recommendations for African Governments and Outside Donors PB-292 790/3 Teaching Conservation in Developing Nations PB-292 856/2 Reforestation in Arid Lands PB-292 857/0 Better Vegetables, Ghana Handbook PB-292 871/1 AID's Remote Sensing Grant Program PB-292 872/9 Indexed Bibliography of Publications on Water and Waste Engineering for Developing Countries PB-292 887/7 Como Instalar un Sistema Domestico de Eliminacion de Aguas Negras. (How to Install Homart Domestic Sewage System - How to do it Yourself for Better Living) PB-292 899/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 Seeing is Believing. How to Conduct Convincing Result Demonstrations PB-293 605/2 Weed Control Systems and Systems Utilization for Representative Farms in Developing Countries PB-293 759/7 L'Elevage du Lapin (Raising Rabbits) PB-293 767/0 Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1 , Number 1 PB-293 786/0 Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1 , Number 2 PB-293 787/8 Double Cropping and Interplanting, 1972-1977. Quick Bibliography Series PB-293 801/7 The Puebla Project, 1967-69. Progress Report of a Program to Rapidly Increase Corn Yields on Small Holdings PB-293 818/1 Graphic Analysis: Applications in Agricultural Eco- nomics PB-293 822/3 Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries, 1977-78 PB-293 846/2 L'Engraissement et L'Exploitation des Bovins de Boucherie (The Feeding and Management of Beef Cattle) PB-293 864/5 Besoins Nutritifs de la Volaille (Nutrient Require- ments of Poultry) PB-293 865/2 Distribution des Eaux: Le Calcul des Prix (Water Rates Manual) PB-293 869/4 Fertilizacion con Nitrogeno en los Tropicos Humedos (Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics) PB-293 876/9 Improving Farm Production in Tropical and Sub- Tropical Regions of Limited Rainfall PB-293 921/3 Proceedings of the Seminar on Agricultural Policy: A Limiting Factor in the Development Process Held at Washington, DC. on March 17-21, 1975 PB-294 018/7 247 SUBJECT INDEX Strategies for Improving Small Farmer Development in the Tropics PB-294 021/1 Proceedings of a Workshop on the Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Development Held at Mor- rilton, Arkansas on November 15-17, 1976 PB-294 127/6 Training Manual for Rice Production PB-294 130/0 Regional Development: A Review of the State-of-the- Art PB-294 131/8 The Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Devel- opment. A State of the Arts Study PB-294 137/5 Economics of Protein Improvement Programs in the Lower Income Countries PB-294 138/3 Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries with Special Reference to the Central American Fruit, Vegetable and Floriculture Export Industries PB-294 226/6 Le Systeme de Credit Agricole Cooperatif aux Etats- Unis (The Cooperative Farm Credit System) PB-294 246/4 Managing Planned Agricultural Development PB-294 283/7 Manuel de Conservation du Sol (Soil Conservation Manual) PB-294 297/7 Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume I: Background, Goals and Project Opportunities PB-294 309/0 Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume II: Guidelines for Project Selection, Summary Project Characteristics and Case Studies PB-294 310/8 Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less Industrialized Countries PB-294 312/4 Impact of Industrial Development on the Quality of the Environment PB-294 414/8 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-294 423/9 Expatriate Professionals as International Consultants PB-294 424/7 Caracteristicas de la Industria Mundial del Abono - Fertilizantes Fosfatados (Characteristics of the World Fertilizers Industry - Phosphatic Fertilizers) PB-294 427/0 Raising Rabbits in the Tropics PB-294 446/0 Une Methode Logique d'Elevage Avicole (The Poul- try Result Demonstration) PB-294 447/8 Distribution des Eaux: La Gestion des Services (A Training Course in Water Utility Management) PB-294 449/4 Irrigation in Bangladesh PB-294 546/7 Towards Rural Futures: An Approach Through the Planning of Technologies PB-294 549/1 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume 1 PB-294 568/1 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume II: Appendices PB-294 569/9 New School Project PB-294 571/5 An Experiment in the Use of the Low-Cost Teaching Materials-Packaging Useful to Schools Campaign PB-294 574/9 A Program for Achieving Better Project Management in Developing Countries PB-294 576/4 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Forest Industry Policy and Choice of Appropriate Technology PB-294 599/6 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Prospects for Establishing Viable Small-Scale Pulp and Paper Industries in Developing Countries PB-294 601/0 Studying Agricultural Institutions. A Modular Ap- proach PB-294 606/9 Health Aid: A Comparative Study of Three Donor Countries PB-294 619/2 Primary Health Care and the Role of Foreign Aid PB-294 624/2 Engineering for Appropriate Technology Farming Systems in the Lowland Humid Tropics PB-294 636/6 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology in Drug and Pharmaceutical Industries PB-294 706/7 Puisard Maraicher en Beton (Concrete Marsh Wells for Irrigation) PB-294 899/0 Animal-Drawn Agricultural Implements, Hand-Operat- ed Machines and Simple Power Equipment in the Least Developed and Other Developing Countries; Report of a Manufacturing Development Clinic Held at New Delhi, India on 21-30 October 1974 PB-295 216/6 The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Countries PB-295 499/8 Agricultural Develcoment Policy Paper PB-295 644/9 Technologies from Developing Countries. Develop- ment and Transfer of Technology Series Number 7 PB-295 656/3 Community Health Education in Developing Coun- tries PB-295 953/4 The Relevance of AT (Appropriate Technology) De- velopment in the U.S. to the Third World (A Compen- dium of U.S. A.T. Organizations) PB-295 955/9 A Handbook for Cooperatives Fieldworkers in Devel- oping Nations; Sections One through Seven PB-296 041/7 Review of the Agency for International Development (AID) Health Strategy: A Committee Report PB-296 096/1 An Assessment of Development Assistance Strate- gies PB-296 373/4 The Manufacture of Low-Cost Vehicles in Developing Countries PB-296 571/3 Audio-Visual Techniques for Industry PB-296 573/9 Technologies from Developing Countries PB-296 574/7 Appropriate Technology: A Bibliography of Books and Other Materials PB-296 582/0 La Erosion y Su Control (Erosion and Its Control) PB-296 720/6 Progres et Perspectives de la Production Alimentaire (Progress and Prospects for food Production) PB-296 916/0 Industrial Research and Science and Technology for Development. A Workshop in Preparation for the 1979 U.S. Conference PB-297 073/9 Methods of Project Appraisal in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 076/2 Secondary Benefits and Irrigation Project Planning PB-297 086/1 Mochudi Tool Bar (Makgonatsotlhe) PB-297 144/8 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Building Materials and Components PB-297 242/0 Hand Dug Wells and Their Construction PB-297 373/3 Economically Appropriate Technologies for Develop- ing Countries; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 374/1 Introduccion al D.C. Para Los Trabajadores de las Aldeas (An Introduction to Community Development for the Village Workers) PB-297 632/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Institutional Development of Appro- priate Industrial Technology in Developing Countries: R and D Policies and Programmes PB-297 662/9 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Rural Transportation Facilities in Developing Countries PB-297 663/7 A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 1: Man- agement PB-297 789/0 A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 2: Meth- ods PB-297 790/8 Programa de Technolgia Rural Intermedia (Intermedi- ate Rural Technology Program Information Bulletin) PB-297 859/1 Reforestacion (Reforestation) PB-297 868/2 Technologia para Campesinos Hondurenos Informe de un Seminario (Small Farmer Technology for Hon- duras-Seminar Report) PB-297 869/0 Secado Solar de Uvas, Programa de Technologia Rural Intermedia (Solar Drying of Grapes, Intermedi- ate Rural Technology Program) PB-297 870/8 DEVELOPING COUNTRY Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Improving the Productivity of a Small Industry in Rural Korea PB-248 346/9 DEVELOPING COUNTRY APPLICATION Self-Help Construction of 1 -Story Buildings PB-291 857/1 Construcciones Resistentes Al Fuego - En El Hogar - Y En La Granja (Fire Construction of the Home— of Farm Buildings) PB-292 746/5 DEVELOPING NATIONS The Role of Communication Satellites in Education for Less-Developed Countries AD-A025 397/1 A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 West Asian Special Libraries and Information Cen- ters ED-073 814 Locating West and South Asian Research Material ED-073 815 Film in Development ED-150 967 Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of El Salvador ED- 152 240 Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part I) ED- 152 244 Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part II) ED-152 245 What Is Educational Technology ED-152 247 Health Education by Open Broadcast ED-152 249 Telemedicine: Health Care for Isolated Areas ED-152 250 The Nutrition Message and the Mass Media ED-152 252 The Use of Communications Media to Improve the Quality of Life in Technologically Developing Nations: A Strategic Overview ED-154 838 To and From the Field: Communications and Agricul- ture ED- 158 704 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets. N78-29578/9 Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of De- veloping Countries. N79-15411/8 DEVELOPMENT Index Retrospectif. Planification et Developpement Agricoles, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1 (Retrospec- tive Index. Agricultural Planning and Development, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1) PB-289 985/4 DEVELOPMENT COUNTRIES Transportation Technology for Development. Volume II PB-210 593 DEWATERING Sludge Production and Disposal for Small, Cold Cli- mate Bio-Treatment Plants PB-219 980/0 DICTIONARIES Glossary of Environmental Terms: Spanish-English, English-Spanish PB-262 928/5 A Glossary of Agricultural Terms. English-French, French-English PB-297 666/0 DIESEL ENGINES Methanol: Its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Economics, and Hazards NP-21727 DIET Dietary Allowances: An International Point of View AD-724 571 248 SUBJECT INDEX EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING DIETS Agricultural By-Products as Supplemental Feed tor Crawfish PB-256 748/5 Health Education of the Tropical Mother in Feeding Her Young Child PB-286 439/5 Better Nourishment for Infants and Preschool Chil- dren. A Food for Peace Guide PB-286 621/8 Ameliorer L'Alimentation de L'Enfant (Better Nourish- ment for Infants and Preschool Children. A Food for Peace Guide) PB-286 622/6 DIGESTERS Use of Solar Energy to Heat Anaerobic Digesters. Part I. Technical and Economic Feasibility Study. Part II. Economic Feasibility throughout the United States PB-286 940/2 DIGESTION (DECOMPOSITION) Preparation of Fish Protein Hydrolysates COM-74-10173/4 Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-238 103/6 Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process PB-238 291/9 Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-241 055/3 Swine Waste Digestion Enhancement with Nutrient Separation PB-255 021/8 An Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion in U.S. Agri- culture PB-278 999/8 DIKES Water Spreading Manual PB-286 456/9 Irrigation par Manual) PB-286 457/7 Deversement (Water Spreading try. Networks Study No. 7 ED-1f DIPTERA Entomological Studies. Part II AD-A019 543/8 DIRECT MARKETING Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing PB-278 882/6 DIRECTORIES National Solar Heating and Cooling Commercial Demonstration Program: Key Personnel Directory DOE/CS-0038 Directory of Technical Information Sources for Indus- Networks 157 521 Appropriate Technology-A Directory of Activities and Projects PB-267 970/2 Survey of the Emerging Solar Energy Industry - 1977 Edition PB-281 200/6 An Annotated Listing of Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel PB-290 348/2 International Directory of Women's Development Or- ganizations PB-292 854/7 Illinois Appropriate Technology Project Book PB-293 105/3 Directory of Solar Energy Research Projects in India PB-293 760/5 Directory of Resources for Project Management As- sistance PB-294 067/4 A Directory of Scientists and Technologists of Ban- gladesh PB-294 262/1 Current Scientific and Technological Research Pro- jects in the Universities and Research Institutions of Bangladesh PB-294 264/7 Directory of Consultants to Small Rural Industries. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-296 362/7 Global Listing of Appropriate Technology Organiza- tions and Sources PB-296 635/6 Appropriate Technology for Health Directory PB-297 077/0 Tools for Agriculture: A Buyer's Guide to Low-Cost Agricultural Implements PB-297 787/4 DISADVANTAGED GROUPS The Bravo Story PB-214 175/2 Aided Self-Employment as a Means of Enabling the Poorest of the Poor to Contribute to Development PB-297 074/7 Research and Information Required to Support the Effort to Reach the Rural Poor PB-297 669/4 DISEASE CONTROL Environmental Engineering Control of Bilharzia in the Middle East PB-294 422/1 DISEASE VECTORS Mammalogical, Ornithological and Plant Ecology Studies. Part III AD-A019 544/6 Central America Malaria Research Station. (Lat- 614.4323-D419a). PB-219 726 Combined Vector Control Problems with Contradict- ing Host Habitats PB-294 430/4 DISEASES Maladies Communes et Parasites des Volailles (Communicable Diseases and Parasites of Chickens) PB-294 284/5 DISINFECTANTS A New Type of Disinfectant for Water Supplies PB-205 823 DISTILLATION Water: Desalination AD-725 600 DISTILLERIES Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process PB-238 291/9 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Equitable Distribution of Benefits in integration Schemes Among the Less Developed Countries: The Andean Group PB-212 749 More and Better Uses Could Be Made of Billions of Gallons of Water by Improving Irrigation Delivery Systems: Department of Agriculture and the Interior PB-271 739/5 DOCUMENTS The Photonovel: A Tool for Development PB-266 300/3 DOMESTIC WASTES Individual Home Wastewater Characterization and Treatment PB-245 259/7 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Establishing a Business in the Dominican Republic. 13p COM-71 -50005-92 Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: The Views of Four Consultants. PB-189 917 DOORS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flush Doors. PB-177 929 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Ar- chitectural Specialties PB-292 956/0 DOUBLE CROPPING METHODS Double Cropping and Interplanting, 1972-1977. Quick Bibliography Series PB-293 801/7 DRAINAGE Representative Rural Catchments in Kenya and Uganda. PB- 192 794 Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Maintenance Program PB-287 256/2 L'Entretient des Canaux de Drainage a Ciel Ouvert (Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Maintenance Program) PB-287 257/0 DRINKING WATER The Reclamation of Drinking Water from Sewage AD-A008 453/3 DRIP IRRIGATION Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography. Volume 2 PB-263 155/4 Quick Bibliography Series - Drip Irrigation, 1970-1977 PB-294 000/5 DROUGHT A Survey of Meteorological and Hydrological Data Available in Six Sahelian Countries of West Africa. A Survey of Studies in Meteorology and Hydrology in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. N75-1 7045/6 DRUG ABUSE National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Mono- graph Series. The International Challenge of Drug Abuse PB-293 807/4 DRUG INDUSTRY Feasibility of Ipecac Extraction Plant PB-207 132 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. The Pharmaceutical Industry of the Republic of Korea PB-297 227/1 DRUGS Productos Biologicos Veterinarios, Ayudan a Comba- tir Las Enfermedades (Veterinary Biologies - Help Fight Animal Diseases) PB-287 063/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology in Drug and Pharmaceutical Industries PB-294 706/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1 978. Choice and Adaptation of Appropri- ate Technology in Production of Drugs and Pharma- ceuticals in Developing Countries PB-297 665/2 DRY FARMING Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region PB-244 880/1 DRYING Secado Solar de Uvas, Programa de Technologia Rural Intermedia (Solar Drying of Grapes, Intermedi- ate Rural Technology Program) PB-297 870/8 DRYING APPARATUS Solar Rice /Dryer PB-292 913/1 DUST CONTROL Development of a Non-Clogging Water Spray System PB-250 626/9 Health and Safety Guide for Plywood and Veneer Mills PB-274 759/0 EARTH CONSTRUCTION Earth for Homes: Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 22. PB-188 918 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-188 919 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth PB-285 909/8 Maisons en Terre (Earth for Homes) PB-286 423/9 EARTH COVERED BUILDINGS Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use of Earth Covered Buildings. Proceedings and Notes of a Conference Held at Fort Worth, Texas on 9-12 July 1975 PB-254 300/7 EARTH COVERED STRUCTURES Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures AD-A061 469/3 EARTH DAMS Water Spreading Manual PB-286 456/9 Irrigation par Deversement (Water Spreading Manual) PB-286 457/7 EARTH ENVIRONMENT Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Edu- cation in Asia. N78-24698/0 Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Edu- cation in Latin America and the Caribbean. N78-24699/8 EARTH-HANDLING EQUIPMENT Investigation of Active Working Tools of Subsoil Irri- gation Machines. PB-178 341T The Problem of Basic Parameters of Tillage Tools for Primary Soil Tillage, Chapter II. PB-178 347T Determination of the Optimum Parameters of Rotary Tiller Cultivation Equipment. PB-178 373T EARTH RESOURCES Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-1 0569/1 EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING The Substitute Structure Method for Earthquake-Re- sistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames PB-245 318/1 Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. on May 15- 17, 1974 PB-252 683/8 249 SUBJECT INDEX The Seismic Behavior of Critical Regions of Rein- forced Concrete Components as Influenced by Moment, Shear and Axial Force PB-258 842/4 Review of Literature on Earthquake Damage to Single-Family Masonry Dwellings PB-267 947/0 EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT STRUCTURES The Substitute Structure Method for Earthquake-Re- sistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames PB-245 318/1 Earthquake Resistant Construction TT-71-56014 EARTHQUAKES Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Hous- ing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earthquakes and Windstorms COM-74-50184/2 Response and Energy-Dissipation of Reinforced Concrete Frames Subjected to Strong Base Motions PB-202 936 Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S. -Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. on May 15- 17, 1974 PB-252 683/8 The Seismic Behavior of Critical Regions of Rein- forced Concrete Components as Influenced by Moment, Shear and Axial Force PB-258 842/4 EARTHWORMS Utilization of Earthworms and Microorganisms in Sta- bilization, Decontamination and Detoxification of Re- sidual Sludges from Treatment of Wastewater PB-286 018/7 EAST AFRICA Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa. A Study of the Functions and Development of Exchange Institu- tions in Ankole, Uganda. AD-716 235 ECOLOGY Association of Vertebrate Pathogens with Ecological Perturbation of Tropical Forests. Part I AD-A019 542/0 Entomological Studies. Part II AD-A019 543/8 Mammalogical, Ornithological and Plant Ecology Studies. Part III AD-A019 544/6 The Ecology of the Forest/Savanna Boundary (Pro- ceedings of the Igu Humid Tropics Commission Sym- posium, Venezuela, 1964). AD-671 856 Ecological Study in Korea. Part I. A Cooperative Pro- gram for Ecosystem Research in Korea. AD-677 010 Primary and Secondary Production in the Tropical At- lantic AD-717 965 The Central American Workshop on the Environment and Development. Antigua, Guatemala, July 25-30, 1971 PB-211 487 Nutritional Ecology of Nuisance Aquatic Plants PB-244 263/0 The Biological and Ecological Effects of Oil Pollution in Tropical Waters. An Annotated Bibliography PB-248 899/7 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-195 226 Economic Damage Caused by Aquatic Weeds. (Pre- liminary Survey) PB-206 905 Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farmers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71-A211a). PB-219 684 An Analysis of Shifting Relative Prices and Marketing Facility Investments in the Context of Technological Change in the Developing Countries. (338.13-J65). PB-219 685 A Subjective Equilibrium Theory of Share Tenancy. (333.53-W286). PB-219 777 Economic Development and Water Resource Invest- ment PB-225 935/6 The Technology and Economics of Small-Scale Commercial Prawn ('Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Hatcheries: A Case Study in Thailand PB-263 669/4 Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report PB-273 286/5 Leaf Protein Concentrate (PRO-XAN) from Alfalfa: An Economic Evaluation PB-294 411/4 ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE An Assessment of Development Assistance Strate- gies PB-296 373/4 ECONOMIC COOPERATION Improving Management of Farmer Cooperatives PB-289 987/0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Impact of Modernization in the Philippines II. AD-715 802 The Impact of Modernization in The Philippines AD-722 000 The Role of Cooperatives in the Production and Mar- keting of Fruits and Vegetables in Puerto Rico. COM-71-00111 Preliminary Study of the Development of Water Re- sources of the Humacao Sub-Region Puerto Rico COM-71-00716 Arizona Indian Business Development Program COM-71-00717 Establishing a Business in Turkey COM-71 -50005-62 Establishing a Business in the Dominican Republic. 13p COM-71 -50005-92 Establishing a Business in the Phillippines COM-72-50175-017 Establishing a Business in Hong Kong COM-72-50175-018 Establishing a Business in Mexico COM-72-501 75-027 Establishing a Business in Kuwait COM-72-501 75-033 Establishing a Business in Thailand COM-72-501 75-038 Forestry Cooperative Demonstration Program COM-73-10343 A Study of the Feasibility of Establishing a Distant- Water Fishing Industry in Puerto Rico COM-73-10795 Problems and Challenges Faced by Rural Communi- ties with Industrial Development COM-74-10543/8 Profile Change When Industry Moves Into a Rural COM-74-1 0547/9 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities, Executive Summary COM-74-1 1487/7 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Making Do with the Dark Meat: A Report on the Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma COM-74-1 1489/3 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. The Lummi Indian Community: The Fishermen of the Pacific Northwest COM-74-1 1490/1 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Morongo Indian Reservation: A Century of Adaptive Strategies COM-74-1 1491/9 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Dressing for the Window: Papago Indians and Economic Development COM-74-1 1492/7 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Pine Ridge Economy: Cultural and Historical Perspectives COM-74-1 1493/5 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Passamaquoddy Economic De- velopment in Cultural and Historical Perspective COM-74-1 1494/3 A Study: Expanded Processing Techniques, Produc- tion Costs and Market Survey of Underutilized Fish Species COM-75-1 1378/7 A Survey of Meteorological and Hydrological Data Available in Six Sahelian Countries of West Africa. A Survey of Studies in Meteorology and Hydrology in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. N75-1 7045/6 The Small New Business. PB-187 565 The Role of Popular Participation in Development. PB-193 242 A Design Study on the Economic Use of Agricultural Wastes in Kansas. PB-194 368 Study of Raw Material Costs for a Proposed Straw- Based Pulping Mill in the Vicinity of Mobridge, South Dakota. PB-194 391 Evaluation of an Experimental Fish Reduction Proc- ess Applicable to Small Fisheries. PB-195 052 Choice of Transport Technology under Varying Factor Endowments in Less Developed Countries. PB-195 291 Land Reform. Volume I A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 AID. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV, Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. PB-195 318 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 AID. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. PB-195 323 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Surveys. PB-195 324 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume XII. Background Papers. PB-195 326 Present Situation and Possibilities of Postwar Devel- opment of Inland-Fisheries in the Mekong delta. PB-196 341 Philippines-U.S. Workshop on Cooperation in Sci- ence and Technology (2nd). Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California 6-10 November 1966 PB-204 407 Manual on Book and Library Activities in Developing Countries PB-206 540 Five Industries for the Central African Republic PB-206 775 Cooperative Effort in Industrial Development PB-206 803 Industrializing at the Grass Roots Level in the Philip- pines PB-206 902 An Industrial Park Development Program for Central America PB-206 904 Project Colorado. Feasibility Studies. Preliminary De- signs PB-206 913 Report on Small Industry Programs in Turkey PB-206 967 Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Leather and Shoe Industry in West Africa to 1980 PB-206 970 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Paint Products Industry in West Africa to 1980 PB-206 971 Fishculture Survey Report For West Central Africa. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures PB-206 977 The Institutional Development Agreement. A New Operational Framework for AID. and the Universi- ties PB-207 393 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume I. Natural Resources. Energy, Water, River Basin De- velopment PB-207 495 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume III. Agriculture PB-207 496 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume IV. Industrial Development PB-207 497 Science, Technology, AND Development. Volume VII. Social Problems of Development and Urbaniza- tion PB-207 500 Rural Industrial Technical Assistance (RITA) PB-207 626 250 SUBJECT INDEX ECONOMICS Science, Technology, and Development. Volume II. Natural Resources. Minerals and Mining, Mapping and Geodetic Control PB-208 432 Science and Brazilian Development. Report ot the Fourth Workshop on Contributions of Science and Technology to Development PB-210 345 The Central American Workshop on the Environment and Development. Antigua, Guatemala, July 25-30, 1971 PB-211 487 Appropriate Technologies for International Develop- ment. Preliminary Survey of Research Activities PB-212 288 The Role of the Industrial Sector in Korea's Transi- tion to Economic Maturity PB-212 748 Equitable Distribution of Benefits in integration Schemes Among the Less Developed Countries: The Andean Group PB-212 749 An Evaluation of Recent Private Industrial Develop- ment in Nicaragua PB-212 779/3 A Firsthand Study of Industrial Management and Economic Development in India PB-212 784/3 Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study PB-212 916/1 Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research, Djakarta, Indonesia. Volume 1 PB-217 118/9 Conservacion del Medio Ambiente Fisico y el Desar- rollo (Environment and Development) PB-217 119/7 A Report on the LIPI-NAS Workship on Natural Re- sources. Volume I. Overall Findings and Recommen- dations-Working Group Reports PB-217 293/0 Technological Change and the Traditional Small Farmer of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. (Br-631-R225). PB-219 768 A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Summary Volume PB-220 525/0 A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Analysis PB-220 526/8 Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research. Volume III. Djakarta, Indonesia PB-222 457/4 Workshop on the Role of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Determining Science Policy and Research Priorities PB-223 310/4 The Natural Resource Potential for Regional Devel- opment of Limon Province: A Preliminary Survey PB-226 621/1 Social Accounting Approaches to Water Resource Use in Economic Development PB-227 472/8 Meeting the Challenge of Industrialization: A Feasibil- ity Study for an International Industrialization Institute PB-228 348/9 Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) PB-239 875/8 Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 2. Housing, Transportation and Water Resources PB-242 403/4 Construction and Economic Development. A Case Study and International Comparisons of Productivity PB-243 846/3 Proceedings of the Conference and Seminar on Techniques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 338/6 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Guide to International Statistical Sources and National Development Plans at the In- ternational Development Data Center PB-248 347/7 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Soong Jun University Ac- tivities PB-249 183/5 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Baseline Data-Areas of Brazil Served by Educational Foundation of South Santa Catarina PB-249 184/3 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Fundacao Educacional do Sul de Santa Catarina Activities PB-249 185/0 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Administration Project- Stimulating the Growth of Small-Scale Industry PB-249 186/8 Multi-Objective Water Resources Planning: Method- ology to Achieve Compatibility Between Environmen- tal Amenities and Economic Development PB-251 377/8 Natural Products for Sri Lanka's Future. Report of a Workshop Held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 2-6 June, 1975 PB-251 520/3 Products from Jojoba: A Promising New Crop for Arid Lands PB-253 126/7 Irrigation Feasibility Study - Crow Creek Tribal Farm, Crow Creek Reservation, South Dakota PB-255 444/2 Optimizing the Growth and Marketing of Fish in a Controlled Environment PB-256 103/3 Feasibility Study of a Fish Processing Plant at Kotze- bue, Alaska PB-256 128/0 Hog Bristle Processing By-Products and Paint Brush Manufacturing. A Feasibility Report PB-256 406/0 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Further Assistance PB-256 460/7 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Financing PB-256 461/5 The Social and Economic Importance of the Caroni Swamp in Trinidad and Tobago PB-261 033/5 Fish Processing Plant Management Assistance for Skokomish Tribal Council, Mason County, Washing- ton PB-261 268/7 An Analysis of Selected Start-Up Industry Training Programs as Vehicles for Human Resources Devel- opment PB-262 735/4 Feasibility of a Beef Processing Plant on the Black- feet Indian Reservation PB-264 638/8 The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflow- er Processing Plants in North Dakota PB-265 749/2 Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Proc- essing Industry of Sierra Leone PB-268 185/6 The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-Scale In- dustries in Sierra Leone PB-268 493/4 Alternative Management Plans for Yellowfin Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific PB-275 182/4 The Importance of Water Supply to Indian Economic Development PB-275 241/8 Employee Ownership. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan PB-276 946/1 Appropriate Technology for Natural Resources De- velopment: An Overview, Annotated Bibliography, and a Guide to Sources of Information PB-279 193/7 The Wampanoag Fisheries Project: Shellfish Produc- tion Improvement at Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts PB-281 670/0 Reach for Global Fairness: United Nations Confer- ence on Science and Technology for Development. Some Suggestions for Participation by Nongovern- mental Groups PB-282 954/7 Manual of Industrial Development PB-286 475/9 Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries PB-286 615/0 Le Role d'Un Ministere du Travail Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement (Role of a Labor Depart- ment in Developing Countries) PB-286 616/8 Strategies for Balanced Growth in Developing Coun- tries PB-288 209/0 Ciencia Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Volume 2, Numero 1, Enero-Marzo, 1978 (Technological Science and Development, Volume 2, Number 1, January-March 1978) PB-290 426/6 Regional Development: A Review of the State-of-the- Art PB-294 131/8 Panamanian District: A Case Study in the Sociology of Development PB-294 238/1 Selected References on Industrial Development PB-294 674/7 Preparing, Evaluating, and Managing Development Projects PB-294 901/4 An Assessment of Development Assistance Strate- gies PB-296 373/4 Technology for a Changing World PB-297 378/2 Designing Rural Development Programs: Lessons from Past Experience in Africa PB-297 664/5 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Nepal PB-298 036/5 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Ghana PB-298 083/7 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Philippines PB-298 084/5 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Indonesia PB-298 085/2 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Bangladesh PB-298 090/2 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Pakistan PB-298 091/0 Country Development Strategy Statement, 1981- 1985. USAID/Kenya PB-298 092/8 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Thailand PB-298 117/3 ECONOMIC FACTORS Assessment of the Potential of Solar Thermal Small Power Systems in Small Utilities. N79-16377/0 Simplified Housing Construction Systems for Rural Poor Families PB-227 616/0 Problems in Business Management - Market Devel- opment PB-292 945/3 ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategies for Balanced Growth in Developing Coun- tries PB-288 209/0 ECONOMIC IMPACT Profile Change When Industry Moves Into a Rural COM-74-1 0547/9 ECONOMIC INTEGRATION Equitable Distribution of Benefits in integration Schemes Among the Less Developed Countries: The Andean Group PB-212 749 ECONOMIC SURVEYS Pond Culture of Bait Fishes COM-72- 10054 A Description of Ocean Fish Marketing in Saigon. PB-196 352 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Provisional Keyword Index of the Small-Scale Industry Case Studies PB-249 367/4 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Small-Scale Industry Development in Ecuador PB-250 629/3 Small Business in the Metals Industry: A Background Study PB-255 649/6 ECONOMICALLY DEPRESSED AREAS Residential Solid Waste Generated in Low-Income Areas PB-215 282/5 ECONOMICS Modernization in a Regional Context: Pretheory and Practice in Western Nigeria. AD-703 232 Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa. A Study of the Functions and Development of Exchange Institu- tions in Ankole, Uganda. AD-716 235 A Right to Survive: Subsistence Marketing in a Low- land Philippine Town AD-758 524 Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic De- velopment LA-6489 Technical and Economic Feasibility of Establishing a Lightweight Aggregate Plant Using Marine Clays in York County, Maine. PB-169 744 251 SUBJECT INDEX Creating a Ceramics Industry on the Blackfeet Res- ervation. PB-170 306 Feasibility ot Processing Tropical Fruit Concentrates in Puna, Hawaii. PB-170 327 The Role of Small-Scale Manufacturing in Economic Development. The Experience of Industrially Ad- vanced Nations as a Guide for Newly Developing Areas. PB-177 908 Development of Private Industry Through Public Aid (With Reference to Underdeveloped Countries). PB-177 909 Papermaking and Manufacture of Paper Products as a Small-Scale, Semi-Mechanized and Cottage Indus- try. Materials-Processes-Equipment Organization- Economics-marketing. PB-177 916 Housing in Liberia. PB-179 363 Housing in the Ivory Coast. PB-179 365 Housing in Nigeria. PB-179 366 Housing in Ethiopia. PB-179 367 Agricultural Cooperatives and Quasi-Cooperatives in Ghana, 1951-1965. PB-189 813 Farm Ownership, Political Participation, and Other Social Participation in Central Brazil. PB-189 818 The Influence of Land Tenure Institutions on the Economic Development of Agriculture in Less Devel- oped Countries. PB-189 819 Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: The Views of Four Consultants. PB-189 917 Integrating the Rural Market into the National Econo- my of Mexico. PB-189 919T Agrarian Reform, Land Purchase and Industrialization in Peru. PB-189 920T Land Reform in the Philippines 1950-1958. PB- 189 969 Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in the Central Sierra of Peru. PB-189 972 The Role of the Ejido in Mexican Land Reform. PB-189 973 Freedom and Development. Rural Decision-Making and Agricultural Development. PB-189 976 Honduran Agrarian Reform Law. Report Number 2. Recommendations for Implementation. PB-189 984 Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in Peru. Part I. Nature of and Relationships Between Agrarian Reform and Economic Development. Part II. Analytical Structural Change Model for Analyzing Agrarian Reform Structures and Remedial Alterna- tives in the Sierra. PB-189 987 Rural to Urban Migration: A Colombian Case. PB-189 989 A Special Study of Landed Estates in the Philippines: Analysis and Findings. PB-189 991 Analysis and Recommendations on the Agrarian Reform Program in Ecuador. PB-189 992 Studies of Land Tenure in Viet Nam (Terminal Report). PB-189 994 Land Reform in Vietnam. PB-189 996 Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume III. The Viet Cong. PB- 190 000 Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume IV, Part 1. Surveys and Analyses Related to Land Tenure Issues. PB- 190 001 An Economic and Social Survey of Rural Households in Central Luzon. PB-190 131 Rural Cooperatives in the United States PB-286 577/2 Les Cooperatives Agricoles aux Etats-Unis (Rural Cooperatives in the United States) PB-286 578/0 Economics Training PB-292 874/5 Economics Training - Charts PB-292 953/7 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume I - Clas- sified Part PB-293 140/0 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume 2 - Author Part, Title Part and Directory of Publishers PB-293 141/8 ECONOMY Strategies for Balanced Growth in Developing Coun- tries PB-288 209/0 ECUADOR National Program of Metrology for Ecuador COM-74-1 0394/6 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 Proposed Cooperative Fishery Program for Ecuador PB-211 642 Land Use Problems and Research Needs in the High-Altitude Zone of Ecuador PB-249 288/2 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Small-Scale Industry Development in Ecuador PB-250 629/3 Non-Formal Education Ecuador's Experience. Inter- national Seminary on Appropriate Technology in Education, Held at Bogota, Colombia, on January 29- February 2, 1979 PB-294 637/4 EDICINAL PLANTS Feasibility of Ipecac Extraction Plant PB-207 132 EDUCATION The Role of Communication Satellites in Education for Less-Developed Countries AD-A025 397/1 Piute Vocational Education Project-Piute County School District COM-73-10355 Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Edu- cation in Asia. N78-24698/0 Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Edu- cation in Latin America and the Caribbean. N78-24699/8 CENTO Conference on Agricultural Extension, Held in Ankara-Denizli-lzmir, Turkey, 12-22 April 1967 PB-206 804 Science Education Improvement Project PB-207 400 A Comparison Study for Evaluating Primary School Science in Africa PB-207 625 Beginning Science Curriculum for English Speaking Tropical Africa (African Primary Science Program) PB-207 628 Study for Agricultural Engineering Development in Brazil PB-214 534/0 Technical-Economic Considerations in Public Service Broadcast Communications for Developing Countries PB-223 266/8 Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunications in Nepal PB-239 883/2 Satellite Educational System Costs for Three Model Developing Countries PB-252 583/0 Creating Visuals for TV PB-287 254/7 Les Auxiliaires Visuels dans la Television Scolaire (Creating Visuals for TV) PB-287 255/4 Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 3, 1976 PB-287 877-T Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 4, 1976 PB-287 878-T Manpower Forecasting Model for Educational Plan- ning PB-291 515/5 Teaching Conservation in Developing Nations PB-292 856/2 Campaigns in Agricultural Extension Programs, Number 3 PB-292 879/4 Tele-Niger: Adapting an Electronic Medium to a Rural African Context PB-292 904/0 Power Plant Training Course - Steam Accessories PB-292 943/8 Economics Training - Charts PB-292 953/7 Formation Professionnelle: Conseils aux Maitres (Tips for Vocational Instructors) PB-293 763/9 Extension Teaching Methods and Other Factors that Influence Adoption of Agricultural and Home Eco- nomics Practices PB-293 866/0 Quick Bibliography Series: Training, Management and Evaluation of Extension Work, 1970 - 1978 PB-294 184/7 Education by Alternation PB-294 421/3 Appropriate Technology for a New System of Educa- tion PB-294 570/7 New School Project PB-294 571/5 Appropriate Education and Its Correlative Technol- ogy PB-294 572/3 Non-Formal Education Ecuador's Experience. Inter- national Seminary on Appropriate Technology in Education, Held at Bogota, Colombia, on January 29- February 2, 1 979 PB-294 637/4 Experiences of Community Participation in Non- Scholarized Initial Education in the Department of Puno - Peru PB-295 179-T Community Health Education in Developing Coun- tries PB-295 953/4 Educating Farmers Through the Mass Media PB-297 079/6 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of El Salvador ED-152 240 Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part I) ED-152 244 Folk Media in Development ED-152 246 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY What Is Educational Technology ED-152 247 Appropriate Technology for a New System of Educa- tion PB-294 570/7 Appropriate Education and Its Correlative Technol- ogy PB-294 572/3 EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part II) ED-152 245 Tele-Niger: Adapting an Electronic Medium to a Rural African Context PB-292 904/0 EELS The $6-Million Eel, or from Bait to Delicacy in Four Years PB-279 771/0 EGG BREAKING PLANTS Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Break- ing Plant Shell-Waste PB-280 125/6 EGGS Fish Production in China. Transportation of Fish Eggs, Fry and Young AD-A057 032/5 EGYPT Health in Egypt: Recommendations for U.S. Assist- ance PB-292 976/8 EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES Water Hyacinth Research in Puerto Rico AD-A032 970/6 EL SALVADOR Engineering Studies of Coffee Mill Wastes in El Sal- vador, C. A., October 18-November 9, 1960. PB-217 142 Informe General Sobre el Desarrollo Agropecuario y Rural de El Salvador (General Report on Rural and Farming Development of El Salvador) PB-289 984/7 Survey of the State of Appropriate Technology in El Salvador PB-294 644/0 ELASTOMERS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Soling PB-292 769/7 ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of De- veloping Countries. N79-15411/8 252 SUBJECT INDEX ENERGY SOURCES Small-Scale Power Supplies for Rural Communities in Developing Countries PB-206 800 Generation and Utilization of Power for Rural Com- munities in Developing Countries PB-206 801 Effective Utilization of Solar Engegy to Produce Clean Fuel PB-233 956/2 An Overview of Alternative Energy Sources for LDCs PB-239 465/8 Technological and Economic Assessment of the Uti- lization of Rice Straw Residue from the California Sacramento Valley for On-Farm Power Generation PB-275 230/1 ELECTRIC POWER PLANTS Austrian 10KWE Solar Power Plant. A Project of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research. N79-1 8460/2 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Community Electric System PB-292 664/0 ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLIES Using the Energy of the Wind for Electrification N74-16801/4 ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION Technical Forum on Direct Current Transmission Held in Djakarta on 18-19 October 1976 PB-277 769/6 ELECTRIFICATION Preliminary Report of Field Survey Teams on the Generation and Utilization of Power in Rural Areas of Developing Countries PB-206 798 Generation and Utilization of Power for Rural Com- munities in Developing Countries PB-206 801 ELECTROLYTIC CELLS Solving the Galvanic Cell Problem in Ferro-Cement AD-731 719 EMISSION FACTORS Background Document: Bagasse Combustion in Sugar Mills PB-264 302/1 EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP Source Bibliography Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) PB-276 746/5 Employee Ownership. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan PB-276 946/1 EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN Employee Ownership. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan PB-276 946/1 EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION SYSTEMS Small Business Management Series Number 1 . Third Edition. An Employee Suggestion System for Small Companies PB-282 733/5 EMPLOYEES Source Bibliography Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) PB-276 746/5 EMPLOYMENT Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Improving the Productivity of a Small Industry in Rural Korea PB-248 346/9 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-248 348/5 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-248 349/3 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Soong Jun University Ac- tivities PB-249 183/5 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Provisional Keyword Index of the Small-Scale Industry Case Studies PB-249 367/4 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Curricula Research and Develop- ment Held at Soong Jun University, Seoul, Korea on 21 April-8 June 1974 PB-249 368/2 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. List of Subject Headings Used by the International Development Data Center PB-249 369/0 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. A Seven-Country Survey of Certifi- cation Licensing and Quality Marks Programs PB-250 628/5 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Small-Scale Industry Development in Ecuador PB-250 629/3 Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Po- tential of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Em- ployment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 Establishment of National Employment Services in Developing Countries PB-286 581/4 El Servico Publico de Empleos (Establishment of Na- tional Employment Services) PB-286 582/2 Les Services Publics de I'Emploi (Establishment of National Employment Services in Developing Coun- tries) PB-286 583/0 African Rural Employment Research Network - The Evolution of Alternative Rural Development Strate- gies in Ethiopia: Implications for Employment and Income Distribution PB-294 095/5 Trickle-Up Development Through Aided Self-Employ- ment PB-297 072/1 Aided Self-Employment as a Means of Enabling the Poorest of the Poor to Contribute to Development PB-297 074/7 ENERGY International Symposium on Energy, Resources and the Environment (5th) Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malay- sia on 17-20 February 1975 PB-251 396/8 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 ENERGY ANALYSIS Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation. First Interim Report. Volume II. Appendices HIT-693(V.2)(App.) ENERGY ANALYSISY CONSERVATION Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 ENERGY CONSERVATION Potential for Energy Conservation Technology Trans- fer CONF-760536-1 Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation. First Interim Report. Volume II. Appendices HIT-693(V.2)(App.) Space and Energy Conservation Housing Prototype Unit Development. N75-27567/7 Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use of Earth Covered Buildings. Proceedings and Notes of a Conference Held at Fort Worth, Texas on 9-12 July 1975 PB-254 300/7 Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials PB-257 357/4 Biological Productivity of Renewable Resources Used as Industrial Materials PB-264 457/3 Extractives as a Renewable Resource for Industrial Materials PB-264 459/9 Fibers as Renewable Resources for Industrial Materi- PB-264 561/2 La Industria Cementera (Industrial International Data Base the Cement Industry) PB-287 064/0 How to Use Natural Energy PB-292 587/3 Illinois Appropriate Technology Project Book PB-293 105/3 Energy Use and Conservation in the Poultry and Egg Industry PB-294 235/7 Energy Report: Climate, Wind and Heat Loss PB-294 659/8 Energy Report: Conductance, Resistance and Rec- ommended Standards PB-294 660/6 State Research Priorities for Energy Conservation in Buildings and Agriculture TID-27060 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 ENERGY CONSUMPTION Potential for Energy Conservation Technology Trans- fer CONF-760536-1 Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use of Earth Covered Buildings. Proceedings and Notes of a Conference Held at Fort Worth, Texas on 9-12 July 1975 PB-254 300/7 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 Energy Use and Conservation in the Poultry and Egg Industry PB-294 235/7 ENERGY CONVERSION Fuel from Organic Matter: Possibilities for the State of California AD-A002 212/9 Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Semi- nar. N78-27522/9 Alternate Energy Sources for Hawaii PB-243 470/2 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms PB-278 351/2 ENERGY CONVERSION EFFICIENCY Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man, and Environment PB-236 143/4 ENERGY DEMAND Brief Description of the Developing Country Energy Project BNL-21874 Energy in Developing Countries: Prospects and Prob- lems. N78-1 0603/6 Potential for Conversion and Utilization of Solar Energy in Poultry Production. Progress Report Cover- ing the Period from September 15, 1974 to January 31, 1975. TID-26786 ENERGY MANAGEMENT Energy Planning and Management in Developing Countries: Thoughts Concerning a Conceptual Framework BNL-23340 Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation. First Interim Report. Volume II. Appendices HIT-693(V.2)(App.) ENERGY MODELS Energy Planning and Management in Developing Countries: Thoughts Concerning a Conceptual Framework BNL-23340 ENERGY POLICY Energy Institute for Developing Countries: A Working Paper. BNL-20510 Energy in Developing Countries: Prospects and Prob- lems. N78-1 0603/6 ENERGY REQUIREMENTS Energy for the Villages of Africa. Recommendations for African Governments and Outside Donors PB-292 790/3 ENERGY SOURCE DEVELOPMENT Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in Develop- ing Countries BNL-22311 Managing the Socio-Economic Impacts of Energy Development: A Guide for the Small Community ERDA-77-79 Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation: Developing and Ap- plying a Coordinated Approach to Energy-Related Community Development. Volume I HCP/M3879-1(V.1) Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation: Developing and Ap- plying a Coordinated Approach to Energy-Related Community Development. Executive Summary HCP/M3879-0003 L'Energie et le Developpement Rural: Ressources Renouvelables et Options Techniques pour les Pays en Developpement (Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Resources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries) PB-286 467/6 Natural Energy and Living, Number 2, 1978 PB-290 419/1 Natural Energy and Living, Number 3, 1 978 PB-290 420/9 ENERGY SOURCES Energy Institute for Developing Countries: A Working Paper. BNL-20510 Alternative Energy Sources: A Research Challenge CONF-730560-1 253 SUBJECT INDEX Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-75/655/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0112/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the American Petro- leum Institute Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0113/9 Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alterna- tive Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 Alternate Energy Sources for Hawaii PB-243 470/2 Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste PB-245 083/1 Proceedings of Conference on Enzyme Engineering as Related to Food and Energy Production, Held at the University of California, San Diego, on 22-25 July, 1974 PB-245 128/4 Fuel and Energy Production by Bioconversion of Waste Materials - State-of-the-Art PB-258 499/3 Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Re- sources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries PB-260 606/9 Energy Recovery from Solid Waste: A Review of Current Technology PB-260 633/3 An Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Residues as an Energy Feedstock. Volume I PB-260 763/8 Biomass Energy for Hawaii. Volume II. Sugar Oper- ations PB-281 073/7 Energy for the Villages of Africa. Recommendations for African Governments and Outside Donors PB-292 790/3 ENERGY SUPPLIES Brief Description of the Developing Country Energy Project BNL-21874 Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 An Overview of Alternative Energy Sources for LDCs PB-239 465/8 ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets. N78-29578/9 ENGINEERING EDUCATION CENTO Conference on Engineering Education Held in Isfahan, Iran on November 7-13, 1966 PB-206 541 ENGINEERING SCHOOLS The Role of U.S. Engineering Schools in Develop- ment Assistance PB-262 055/7 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Resources for TESOL Teaching: A Handbook for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages PB-295 919/5 ENTOMOLOGY Entomological Studies. Part II AD-A0 19 543/8 L'Etude des Insectes (4-H Entomology Manual) PB-294 897/4 ENTOMOPHILOUS PLANTS Pollination of Entomophilous Agricultural Crops by Bees PB-263 175-T ENVIRONMENT Literature References to Highways and Their Envi- ronmental Considerations. PB-185 168 Conservacion del Medio Ambiente Fisico y el Desar- rollo (Environment and Development) PB-217 119/7 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alterna- tive Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Hous- ing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earthquakes and Windstorms COM-74-50184/2 FY 74 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-51 230/2 Engineering Measures for Control of Schistosomiasis PB-211 473 La Construction en Climat Chaud (Physiological Ob- jectives in Hot Weather Housing) PB-286 424/7 Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing PB-286 584/8 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Health Policies and International Corporations HRP-0006853/6 Review of the Agency for International Development (AID) Health Strategy: A Committee Report PB-296 096/1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS Rural Environmental Assistance Program EIS-AA-72-5805-D Principles and Standards for Planning Water and Re- lated Land Resources EIS-AA-73-1451-F Boll Weevil Control Program (Cooperative Diapause Control Program), Texas and Mexico PB-203 608-D ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Solar Program Assessment: Environmental Factors. Solar Agricultural and Industrial Process Heat ERDA-77-47/2 Ecological Considerations of the Solar Alternative LBL-5927 Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment and National Development held at Singapore on 13-17 March 1972. Volume II: Selected Papers PB-235 270/6 Environmental Aspects of a Large Tropical Reservoir - A Case Study of Volta Lake, Ghana PB-248 630/6 International Symposium on Energy, Resources and the Environment (5th) Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malay- sia on 17-20 February 1975 PB-251 396/8 Fibers as Renewable Resources for Industrial Materi- PB-264 561/2 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Workshop on Education and Training Needs for Phil- ippine Environmental Programs Held in Manila, Phil- ippines, May 27-31, 1974 PB-239 478/1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on 3-6 October 1977 AD-A060 779/6 Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) PB-239 875/8 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas: Pro- ceedings of Southeastern Conference Held on April 2-4, 1975 PB-248 297/4 ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS Rural Environmental Assistance Program EIS-AA-72-5805-D Environmental Considerations for Construction Pro- jects PB-203 326 International Aspects of Man's Effect Upon Environ- ment PB-203 379 Boll Weevil Control Program (Cooperative Diapause Control Program), Texas and Mexico PB-203 608-D Impact of Industrial Development on the Quality of the Environment PB-294 414/8 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS Materiel Testing in the Tropics AD-A015 426/0 Development of a Simple Storage Unit and Storage Method Applicable for Humid Areas in Developing Countries. (631.23-C559). PB-219 721 ENVIRONMENTS Quality of Life Indicators. A Review of State-of-the- Art and Guidelines Derived to Assist in Developing Environmental Indicators PB-225 034/8 The Environmental Impact of Rapid Urbanization: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Seoul, Korea, in 1972-and 1973 PB-247 429/4 ENZYME TECHNOLOGY Proceedings of Conference on Enzyme Engineering as Related to Food and Energy Production, Held at the University of California, San Diego, on 22-25 July, 1974 PB-245 128/4 ENZYMES Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume IV. Enzymes (Industrial) PB-202 778-4 Proceedings of Conference on Enzyme Engineering as Related to Food and Energy Production, Held at the University of California, San Diego, on 22-25 July, 1974 PB-245 128/4 EQUADOR Fishculture Survey Report for Ecuador. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 907 EQUIPMENT Equipment for Rural Workshops PB-297 379/0 EROSION CONTROL Suggestions for Temporary Erosion and Silitation Control Measures. (Erosion Y Sedimentacion: Medi- das Temporarias De Control) PB-245 004/7 La Erosion y Su Control (Erosion and Its Control) PB-296 720/6 ESOP (EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN) Employee Ownership. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan PB-276 946/1 ESOP (EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLANS) Source Bibliography Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) PB-276 746/5 ETHANOL Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Third Quarterly and Bimonthly Report, July 1 -September 30, 1977 COO-4147-3 Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Annual Report and Revised Research Plan, January 1977- January 1978 COO-4147-4 Biomass-Based Alcohol Fuels: The Near-Term Po- tential for Use with Gasoline HCP/T4101-03 Ethanol from Agricultural Crops. Report No. 28. A Literature Survey NP-23208 Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 Fuels from Sugar Crops: Systems Study for Sugar- cane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets TID-22781 Technical and Economic Assessment of Methods for Direct Conversion of Agricultural Residue to Usable Energy. Final Report TID-28552 ETHANOLS Parameters for Legislative Consideration of Biocon- version Technologies PB-284 742/4 For Today: Membrane-Produced Gasahol. For To- morrow: Membrane-Produced Alcohol PB-295 814/8 ETHIOPIA National Program of Metrology for Ethiopia PB-222 533/2 African Rural Employment Research Network - The Evolution of Alternative Rural Development Strate- gies in Ethiopia: Implications for Employment and Income Distribution PB-294 095/5 Food from Windmills PB-297 559/7 ETHNIC GROUPS Arizona Indian Business Development Program COM-71-00717 American Indian Medicine and Contemporary Health Problems. Part II. Powerful Medicinal Plants in Tradi- tional Iroquois Culture HRP-0026654/4 ETHYL ALCOHOL Parameters for Legislative Consideration of Biocon- version Technologies PB-284 742/4 EURASIAN WATERMILFOIL Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on 3-6 October 1 977 AD-A060 779/6 EUTROPHICATION Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 254 SUBJECT INDEX FEEDING STUFFS EVALUATION Film in Development ED- 150 967 Quick Bibliography Series: Training, Management and Evaluation of Extension Work, 1 970 - 1 978 PB-294 184/7 Methods of Project Appraisal in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 076/2 EXECUTIVES Management Development Programs for Executives and Supervisors and a Manufacturing Division PB-292 964/4 EXHAUST GASES A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume II. Automotive Emissions PB-202 778-2 EXPORTS Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries with Special Reference to the Central American Fruit, Vegetable and Floriculture Export Industries PB-294 226/6 EXTRACTIVES Extractives as a Renewable Resource for Industrial Materials PB-264 459/9 EXTRACTORS Forward Osmosis Extractors: Theory, Feasibility and Design Optimization PB-289 251/1 FABRICATION Lightweight Reflector Assembly and Method. PAT-APPL-617 202 Lightweight Reflector Assembly. PATENT-4 035 065 FABRICS Guidelines for Use of Fabrics in Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads PB-276 972/7 FACILITIES Model Facility Plan for a Small Community, Supple- ment to: Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan, Mu- nicipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program PB-257 649/4 FAMILY PLANNING Practical Suggestions for Family Planning Education HRP-0009927/5 Guidebook for Family Planning Education HRP-001 3242/3 FARM BUILDINGS Construcciones Resistentes Al Fuego - En El Hogar - Y En La Granja (Fire Construction of the Home— of Farm Buildings) PB-292 746/5 FARM CROPS Feed and Food from Desert Environments LBL-6182 Solar Powered Pump. PAT-APPL-566 493 Marketing Stable Food Crops in Sierra Leone. PB- 196 296 Genetic Vulnerability of Major Crops PB-212 941/9 A Generalized Crop-Fertilizer Production Function. (631.88-R988). PB-219 683 A Literature Review and Research Recommenda- tions on Cassava 'Manihot Esculenta Crantz'. (016.66423-H495). PB-219 712 Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region PB-244 880/1 Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 Crop Productivity - Research Imperatives, Summary of an International Conference on Crop Productivity Held on October 20-24, 1975, at the Boyne High- lands Inn. Harbor Springs, Michigan PB-255 882/3 Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and the Subtro- pics PB-262 488/0 Crop Production Handbook for Peace Corps Volun- teers PB-262 746/1 Soils, Crops, and Fertilizer Use. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 769/3 Pollination of Entomophilous Agricultural Crops by Bees PB-263 175-T Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 Restrictions on Using More Fertilizer for Food Crops in Developing Countries: Department of State and Other Federal Agencies PB-269 892/6 Report of the Workshop on Experimental Designs for Predicting Crop Productivity with Environmental and Economic Inputs Held at Honolulu, Hawaii on May 20-24, 1974 PB-270 607/5 Impact of Hail Suppression on Nebraska Crop Pro- duction: A Simulation Study PB-272 436/7 Pollination of Agricultural Crops by Bees (Opylenie Pchelami Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Kul'tur) PB-275 386-T An Assessment of Controlled Environmental Agricul- ture Technology PB-279 211/7 Double Cropping and Interplanting, 1972-1977. Quick Bibliography Series PB-293 801/7 Improving Farm Production in Tropical and Sub- Tropical Regions of Limited Rainfall PB-293 921/3 Food from Windmills PB-297 559/7 FARM MANAGEMENT Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). PB-219 688 Preliminary Observations on the Production of New High Yielding Rice Varieties and Traditional Rice Var- ieties in Suphan Buri, Thailand. (Th-633.18-B974). PB-219 710 Methodology and General Data Description: Farm Level Capital Formation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Br- 338.1-W515). PB-219 725 Micro-Level Farm Management and Production Eco- nomics Research among Traditional African Farmers: Lessons from Sierra Leone. (SI-631.09664-S745). PB-219 730 Economic Analysis of Agricultural Production and Labour Utilization among the Hausa in the North of Nigeria. (Afr-338.1-N842). PB-219 757 New Seed Varieties and the Small Farm. (In- 631.521-S346). PB-219 760 Agricultural Development and Farm Employment in India. (ln-630.954-S798). PB-219 778 A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 Evaluation of Investment Opportunities: Tools for Decisionmaking in Farming and Other Businesses PB-272 651/1 Rural Development Programs Among Marginal Farm- ers in the Western Highlands of Guatemala PB-282 340/9 Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empiri- cal Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume I PB-294 035/1 Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empiri- cal Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume II. Case Studies PB-294 036/9 Rural Africa Development Project: A Survey Tech- nique for Identifying the Needs of Small Farmers, and an Example of Its Use in Zambia PB-297 785/8 FARM PROCESSING The Role of Cooperatives in the Production and Mar- keting of Fruits and Vegetables in Puerto Rico. COM-71-00111 Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Po- tential of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Em- ployment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 FARM STORAGE Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume I. Preparing Grain for Storage PB-292 909/9 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume II. Enemies of Stored Grain PB-292 910/7 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume III. Storage Meth- ods PB-292 91 1/5 FARMS Piute Vocational Education Project-Piute County School District COM-73-10355 Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesti- cides PB-243 639/2 Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria PB-257 454/9 Application of Sewage Sludge to Cropland: Appraisal of Potential Hazards of the Heavy Metals to Plants and Animals PB-264 015/9 Programming and Training for Small Farm Grain Storage PB-291 846/4 Trade-Offs Between Farm Income and Selected En- vironmental Indicators' A Case Study of Soil Loss, Fertilizer, and Land Use Constraints PB-293 919/7 Strategies for Improving Small Farmer Development in the Tropics PB-294 021/1 Les Brise-Vent (Tree Windbreaks for the Central Great Plains) PB-294 286/0 The Small Biogas Plant: Its Construction, Operation and Use PB-297 667/8 Technology para Campesinos Hondurenos Informe de un Seminario (Small Farmer Technology for Hon- duras-Seminar Report) PB-297 869/0 FASHION INDUSTRY Manual de Administracion para la Industria del Ves- tuario (Administrative Manual for the Clothing Indus- try) PB-290 423/3 FATIGUE (MECHANICS) Factors Effecting the Fatigue Strength of Ferro- Cement AD-A004 254/9 The Effects of Precycling on the Strength of Ferroce- ment AD-A013 482/5 Fatigue of Ferro-Cement AD-781 403/1 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS The Study of Small Enterprise in the Economy: Sum- mary PB-282 703/8 Agency for International Development's Housing In- vestment Guaranty Program PB-285 734/0 Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators PB-286 579/8 Creation d'Un Service de Vulgarisation Agricole (Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators) PB-286 580/6 FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT AMENDMENTS OF 1972 Quality Criteria for Water PB-263 943/3 FEEDING HABITS Production of Channel Catfish in Cages COM-74-10910/9 FEEDING STUFFS Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nutrients PB-221 171/2 Alternative Sources of Protein for Animal Production PB-224 427/5 Processing, Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Aquatic Weeds PB-231 207/2 Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fermentation PB-235 504/8 Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Ther- mal Discharge PB-240 113/1 Agricultural Resources Consumed in Beef Production PB-243 409/0 Recent Advances in Foliage Utilization PB-243 936/2 Preliminary Experimentation in the Development of Natural Food Analogues for Culture of Detritivorous Shrimp PB-253 652/2 Agricultural By-Products as Supplemental Feed for Crawfish PB-256 748/5 Fruit Cannery Waste Activated Sludge as a Cattle Feed Ingredient PB-265 357/4 Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields PB-266 709/5 255 SUBJECT INDEX Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Manage- ment of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Animal Feed Pellets PB-293 002/2 Leaf Protein Concentrate (PRO-XAN) from Alfalfa: An Economic Evaluation PB-294 411/4 Energy Potential Through Bio-Conversion of Agricul- tural Wastes PB-296 444/3 FEEDLOT WASTES Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water PB-238 591/2 FEMALES International Directory of Women's Development Or- ganizations PB-292 854/7 FENCES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Concrete Posts PB-292 812/5 Exploitations Agricoles: Preservation des Poteaux de Cloture et des Bois de Construction (Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts and Farm Timbers) PB-293 867/8 FERMENTATION Bio-Gas Production from Alligator Weeds. N77-1 9729/1 Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. PB-21 6 556 Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fermentation PB-235 504/8 Selected Abstracts on Traditional Fermented Food PB-286 468/4 FERROCEMENT Factors Effecting the Fatigue Strength of Ferro- Cement AD-A004 254/9 The Effects of Precycling on the Strength of Ferroce- ment AD-A013 482/5 Solving the Galvanic Cell Problem in Ferro-Cement AD-731 719 Flexural Strength of Ferro-Cement Panels AD-748 582 Comparison Study of Aluminum, Ferro-Cement, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic for Small Craft in Korea AD-755 424 Fatigue of Ferro-Cement AD-781 403/1 Investigation of Stress Concentration in Reinforced Concrete Components AD-785 748/5 Ferrocement Developments in New Zealand AD-785 928/3 State-of-the-Art Survey of Ferrocement AD-878 676/6 Ferrocement: Applications in Developing Countries PB-220 825/4 Cracking and Leakage Characteristics of Ferroce- ment Water Tanks PB-258 003/3 Ferrocement, A Versatile Construction Material: Its Increasing Use in Asia PB-261 818/9 The Potentials of Ferrocement and Related Materials for Rural Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 434/9 Ferrocement Water Tanks and Their Construction PB-297 375/8 FERTILIZERS Economic Comparison of Overseas Manufacture and Importation of Anhydrous Ammonia PB-210 595 Engineering Evaluation of Selected Fertilizer Produc- tion Facilities in Colombia PB-211 428 Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use PB-21 1 444 Training Manual for Fertilizer Plant Operators PB-211 628 Technical and Economic Evaluation of Fertilizer In- termediates for Use by Developing Countries PB-211 629 Fertilizer Distribution in Indonesia - 1969 PB-211 639 A Fertilizer Program for Bolivia PB-211 761 A Generalized Crop-Fertilizer Production Function. (631.88-R988). PB-21 9 683 Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics. (631.8- F793). PB-21 9 695 Tailoring of Fertilizers for Rice. (633.18-T297b). PB-21 9 734 Potential Fertilizers for Developing Countries. (631.8- T297a). PB-21 9 735 Ammonia-Urea Solution for Ammoniation-Granulation in Brazil. (Br-668.62-A179). PB-21 9 740 Composted Municipal Refuse as a Soil Amendment PB-222 422/8 Agricultural Resources Consumed in Beef Production PB-243 409/0 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesti- cides PB-243 639/2 A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 Restrictions on Using More Fertilizer for Food Crops in Developing Countries: Department of State and Other Federal Agencies PB-269 892/6 Fertilizacion con Nitrogeno en los Tropicos Humedos (Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics) PB-293 876/9 Caracteristicas de la Industria Mundial del Abono - Fertilizantes Fosfatados (Characteristics of the World Fertilizers Industry - Phosphatic Fertilizers) PB-294 427/0 Manuel sur I'Emploi des Engrais (Western Fertilizer Handbook) PB-294 896/6 Energy Potential Through Bio-Conversion of Agricul- tural Wastes PB-296 444/3 The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 Process Technologies for Phosphate Fertilizers PB-296 575/4 Process Technologies for Nitrogen Fertilizers PB-296 576/2 Estudio Sobre Fertilizantes (Study on Fertilizers) PB-297 865/8 FERTILIZING Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Re- sulting from the Use of Digested Sewage Sludge on Field Crops PB-21 3 537/5 Fertilizacion con Nitrogeno en los Tropicos Humedos (Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics) PB-293 876/9 FIBER COMPOSITES Comparison Study of Aluminum, Ferro-Cement, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic for Small Craft in Korea AD-755 424 FIBER REINFORCEMENT Research and Development of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in North America AD-A029 823/2 Bamboo Reinforced Concrete AD-A029 842/2 FIBERBOARD Properties of Particleboards at Various Humidity Con- ditions AD-784 557/1 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wallboard from Gypsum and Fiber. PB-177 940 FIBERS Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Wool Scouring Plant. PB-175 543 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Worsted Yarns. PB-177 927 FIBERS (NATURAL) The Market for Kenaf in the United Kingdom. PB-184 240 FILTRATION Water Hyacinths for Upgrading Sewage Lagoons to Meet Advanced Wastewater Treatment Standards, Part 1. N76-1 0697/0 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Financial Control by Time Absorption Analysis-A Tool for Profit Control PB-282 708/7 Small Business Management Series No. 15. A Hand- book of Small Business Finance PB-282 726/9 Small Business Management Series No. 32. Finan- cial Recordkeeping for Small Stores PB-282 739/2 Petite Entreprise: Manuel de Gestion Financiere (A Handbook of Small Business Finance) PB-293 765/4 Financial Planning for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 376/6 FINANCIAL SERVICES Le Systeme de Credit Agricole Cooperatif aux Etats- Unis (The Cooperative Farm Credit System) PB-294 246/4 FINANCING An Evaluation of Recent Private Industrial Develop- ment in Nicaragua PB-21 2 779/3 Financing Solid Waste Management in Small Com- munities PB-21 3 372/6 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Financing PB-256 461/5 Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Effective Use of Agricultural Credit PB-286 573/1 Le Credit Agricole Source de Prosperite (Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Ef- fective Use of Agricultural Credit) PB-286 574/9 Creating Jobs: Connecticut's Product Development Corporation PB-293 820/7 FIRE BARRIERS Construcciones Resistentes Al Fuego - En El Hogar - Y En La Granja (Fire Construction of the Home— of Farm Buildings) PB-292 746/5 FIRE FIGHTING Plant Fire Brigade Training PB-292 744/0 FIRE RESISTANT TEXTILES Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 FIRE SAFETY Construcciones Resistentes Al Fuego - En El Hogar - Y En La Granja (Fire Construction of the Home— of Farm Buildings) PB-292 746/5 FIRST AID Industrial First Aid Training PB-292 730/9 FISH CAKES A Study: Expanded Processing Techniques, Produc- tion Costs and Market Survey of Underutilized Fish Species COM-75-1 1378/7 FISH FARMS A Program of Research for the Catfish Farming In- dustry. COM-71 -00049 FISH FLAKES Fish Flakes Offer New Possibilities for Finfish Utiliza- tion PB-290 620/4 Process Development for a Foreign Marketable Fish Product from Underutilized Fish PB-290 623/8 FISH INDUSTRY An Analysis of Prices Paid to Fishermen Before and After the Establishment of a Fishery Cooperative COM-75-501 85-03-05 FISH MARKETING A Fisherman's Co-operative: Open System Theory Applied COM-74-1 1781/3 FISH PROTEIN CONCENTRATES Fish Protein: Its Past, Present and Future COM-72-11191 Preparation of Fish Protein Hydrolysates COM-74-1 01 73/4 The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-195 226 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume I. The Protein Situa- tion in Korea and the Potential Role for Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-195 913 The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-197 157 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part I. Chile, Invest- ment Aspects and General Summary PB-21 2 001 256 SUBJECT INDEX FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part II. Chile, Back- ground Information and Supporting Data PB-212 002 'Sea Dog' Made with Minced Mullet and Textured Soy Flour PB-290 621/2 Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Tilapia Aquaculture System PB-290 634/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Fish Meal PB-293 009/7 FISHERIES Fish Production in China. The Rearing of Fish Fry and Fingerlings AD-A057 315/4 A Program of Research for the Catfish Farming In- dustry. COM-7 1-00049 Commercial Fishery and Biology of the Fresh-Water Shrimp, 'Macrobrachium', in the Lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53 COM-71 -00655 The Potential for Fishery Development in the Carib- bean and Adjacent Seas COM-71 -50584 Fisheries Cooperatives: Their Formation and Oper- ation COM-73-10275 Organizing and Operating a Fishery Cooperative. Part One COM-73-10790 Organizing and Operating a Fishery Cooperative. Part II COM-73-10791 A Study of the Feasibility of Establishing a Distant- Water Fishing Industry in Puerto Rico COM-73-10795 A Review of the Literature on the Development of Skipjack Tuna Fisheries in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean COM-73-50276 Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Region COM-74-1 0007/4 Examples of National Contributions to the Develop- ment and Management of the Oceans' Living Re- sources COM-74-1 0059/5 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Feder- ation of Malaysia. Increasing Fish Production by Im- proved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB- 195 900 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB- 195 901 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Japan, In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB- 195 902 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in South Viet- nam. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures. PB- 195 903 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Taiwan. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 904 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Thailand. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 905 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in India. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 906 Fishculture Survey Report for Ecuador. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 907 Fishculture Survey Report of Colombia. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB- 195 908 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Philip- pines. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures. PB-195 909 Fishculture Survey Report for Paraguay. PB-195 910 Fishculture Survey Report for Panama. PB-195 912 The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 914 Fishculture Project Report for East Pakistan. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase PB-195 915 Fishculture Survey Report for West Central Africa, Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish Produc- tion by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 916 Fishculture Survey Report for Peru. PB-196 355 Proposed Cooperative Fishery Program for Ecuador PB-211 642 Inland Fisheries Progress in Thailand, 1971 PB-211 663 The Feasibility of Harvesting, Processing and Mar- keting Tuna in Pakistan PB-211 762 Fisheries of Turkey PB-211 774 Fisheries PB-212 238 Optimizing the Growth and Marketing of Fish in a Controlled Environment PB-256 103/3 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume I PB-263 399/8 The Technology and Economics of Small-Scale Commercial Prawn ('Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Hatcheries: A Case Study in Thailand PB-263 669/4 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume II PB-264 594/3 Alternative Management Plans for Yellowfin Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific PB-275 182/4 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas (2nd) Held in Biloxi, Mississippi on April 17-20, 1977 PB-279 405/5 The Wampanoag Fisheries Project: Shellfish Produc- tion Improvement at Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts PB-281 670/0 Aquaculture Techniques: Water Use and Discharge Quality PB-285 956/9 Watercress-Crayfish Polyculture as an Economic Means of Stripping Nutrients from Enriched Waters. Proceedings of the International Symposium Fresh- water Crayfish (3rd), Held at Kuopio, Finland on De- cember 1976 PB-286 700/0 The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption PB-286 702/6 Abstracts of Readings in Fisheries Management and Common Property Resources PB-294 990/7 Fisheries Policy and the Underdevelopment of In- shore Pacific Mexico PB-296 581/2 FISHERY COOPERATIVES Organizing and Operating a Fishery Cooperative. Part One COM-73-10790 FISHES Fish Production in China. Transportation of Fish Eggs, Fry and Young AD-A057 032/5 Fish Production in China. The Rearing of Fish Fry and Fingerlings AD-A057 315/4 Biology and Distribution of the Yellowfin Tuna in the Tropical Part of Atlantic Ocean (Biologiya i Raspre- delenie Zheltoperogo Tuntsa (Neothunnus albacora Lowe) v Tropicheskoi Chasti Atlanticheskogo Okeana) AD-720 097 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 Growth in Experimental Populations of Tilapia mos- sambica COM-71 -00202 A Study to Develop New Products from Whiting or Other Underutilized Species COM-71 -01 01 7 Factors Affecting the Growth and Production of Channel Catfish in Raceways COM-72-10588 Effect of Crowding on Relation Between Exploitation and Yield in 'Tilapia macrocephala' COM-72-50251-03-12 The Commercial Feasibility of Rearing Pompano, 'Trachinotus carolinus' (Linnaeus), in Cages COM-73-10771 Combined Culture of Channel Catfish and Golden Shiners in Wading Pools COM-73-10810 The Technological Basis for Development of Aqua- culture to Produce Low-Cost Food Fish COM-73-50645-11-2 Opercular Algal Growth on the Cichlid Fish 'Tilapia aurea', Cultured in Sea Water COM-75-1 0263/2 A Study: Expanded Processing Techniques, Produc- tion Costs and Market Survey of Underutilized Fish Species COM-75-1 1378/7 Selective and Unselective Exploitation of Experimen- tal Populations of 'Tilapia mossambica' COM-75-50192-C3-04 Sterilization of Fish in their Aquatic Environment to Produce Maximum Size and Weight per Unit of Water Surface PATENT-3 331 356 Manual on the Biotechnology of the Propagation and Rearing of Phytophagous Fishes PB-199 799-T Feasibility Study of a Fish Processing Plant at Kotze- bue, Alaska PB-256 128/0 Fish Processing Plant Management Assistance for Skokomish Tribal Council, Mason County, Washing- ton PB-261 268/7 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume II PB-264 594/3 Comment Conserver le Poisson Salage-Sechage- Fumage (Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Countries) PB-286 450/2 Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Countries PB-286 451/0 Fish Flakes Offer New Possibilities for Finfish Utiliza- tion PB-290 620/4 Storage Stability of a 'Sea Dog' Made from Minced Mullet PB-290 622/0 Selective Breeding of Carp and Intensification of Fish Breeding in Ponds (Selektsiya Karpa I Voprosy Inten- sifikatsii Prudovogo Rybovodstva). TT-70-50064 Mass Cultivation of Invertebrates: Biology and Meth- ods TT-72-50055 Diseases of Pond Fishes TT-72-50070 FISHING Utilization of Finfishes Caught Incidental to Shrimp Trawling in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Eval- uation of Costs PB-251 192/1 Demonstration of Virgin Islands Small Boat Fishing Techniques PB-294 217/5 FISHING GROUNDS Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de llopango y la Laguna de Olomega, 1977. Volume V, No. 5 (Fishing Evaluation of Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon, 1977. Volume V, No. 5) PB-298 058/9 Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Ara- muaca. Vol. II, No. 1 (Preliminary Limnologic Study of Lake Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1) PB-298 059/7 Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Compara- tive del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Lluviosa de 1 973 y Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9 (Contribu- tion to the Comparative Limnologic Knowledge on the Guija Lake in the 1973 Rainy Season and the 1974 Dry Season. Volume II, No. 9) PB-298 060/5 Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde. Volumen II, No. 4 (Preliminary Limnologic Studies of Laguna Verde. Volume II, No. 4) PB-298 061/3 FLAT PLATE COLLECTORS Flat-Plate Solar Collector Handbook: A Survey of Principles, Technical Data and Evaluation Results UCID-17086 FLAT PLATES Flat-Plate Solar-Collector Performance Evaluation with a Solar Simulator as a Basis for Collector Selec- tion and Performance Prediction. N75-32591/0 FLATFISHES A Manual of Flatfish Rearing COM-74-1 0364/9 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS A Deflection Survey Technique for Pavement Evalua- tion in Developing Countries PB-218 338/2 257 SUBJECT INDEX FLOOD IRRIGATION Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria PB-257 454/9 FLOOD ROUTING Simplification of Integrated Stormwater Planning for Modern Multiple Land Use in Urban and Suburban Developments. PB-192 750 FLORIDA Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation PB-238 909/6 FLOWMETERS An Easy to Make Large-Capacity Flowmeter COM-72-10654 FLUID INFILTRATION Protecting Adobe Walls from Ground Water PB-295 041/8 FOLK CULTURE Folk Media in Development ED-152 246 FOOD The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Supplemen- tary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries AD-772 930/4 Use of Krill for Food Protein. JPRS-52169 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Candy and Confectionery. PB-175 526 Plant Requirements for Processing of Dairy Products. PB-175 527 mayonnaise. PB-177 943 Operation III: Loaves and Fishes. A Model Communi- ty Action Program to Provide Nutritious Low-Cost Meals to the Elderly. PB-179 408 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume I. The Protein Situa- tion in Korea and the Potential Role for Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-195 913 Marketing Stable Food Crops in Sierra Leone. PB- 196 296 Food Marketing in Developing Countries PB-211 641 The Marketing Challenge. Distributing Increased Pro- duction in Developing Nations PB-211 658 Marketing of Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa: Overall Analysis and Report PB-211 669 A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutri- tion. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area PB-213 612/5 Development of Soy-Based Foods of High Nutritive Value for Use in the Philippines PB-213 758/3 and Research Recommenda- 'Manihot Esculenta Crantz'. A Literature Review tions on Cassava (016.66423-H495). PB-219 712 Food Science in Developing Countries: A Selection of Unsolved Problems PB-235 410/8 The Winged Bean; A High-Protein Crop for the Trop- ics PB-243 442/1 Proceedings of Conference on Enzyme Engineering as Related to Food and Energy Production, Held at the University of California, San Diego, on 22-25 July, 1974 PB-245 128/4 Population and Food. Crucial Issues PB-248 257/8 Food Waste: An Opportunity to Improve Resource Use: Department of Agriculture PB-272 005/0 Non-Conventional Proteins and Foods: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Wisconsin- Madison on October 18-20, 1977 PB-283 965/2 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1. The Study PB-284 681/4 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Ap- pendices PB-284 682/2 Selected Abstracts on Traditional Fermented Food PB-286 468/4 Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries PB-290 421/7 Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries: A Bibliography PB-290 422/5 Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Tilapia Aquaculture System PB-290 634/5 Agricultural Development Policy Paper PB-295 644/9 Progres et Perspectives de la Production Alimentaire (Progress and Prospects for food Production) PB-296 916/0 FOOD ADDITIVES Extending Protein Concentrates for Child Feeding by Addition of Inexpensive Simple Nitrogen Sources PB-213 787/8 FOOD CHAINS Marine Polyculture Based on Natural Food Chains and Recycled Wastes PB-261 939/3 Development of Crustacean Aquaculture PB-277 515/3 FOOD DISPENSING Food for Peace Around the World PB-287 250/5 Alimentos para la Paz en todo el Mundo (Food for Peace Around the World) PB-287 251/3 Programme de Vivres pour la Paix: L'Alimentation des Populations (Food for Peace Around the World) PB-292 950/3 FOOD FORTIFICATION Improving the Nutrient Quality for Cereals. Report of Workshop on Breeding and Fortification. Held at An- napolis, Maryland, 7-9 December 1970 PB-213 764/5 FOOD INDUSTRY Solar Energy for the Australian Food Processing In- dustry CONF-750712-12 Application of Solar Energy in the Food Processing Industry CONF-750761-1 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume IV. Enzymes (Industrial) PB-202 778-4 Pre-lnvestment Study. Meat Packing Industry for En- tente Guaranty Fund PB-206 972 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part I. Chile, Invest- ment Aspects and General Summary PB-212 001 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part II. Chile, Back- ground Information and Supporting Data PB-212 002 The Food Industry in Asia, Its Potential for Providing Low Cost Nutritious Foods. Proceedings of Singa- pore Workshop, 1-5 November 1971 PB-213 766/3 Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 4. Food Technology PB-242 405/9 The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Countries PB-295 499/8 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Technology Planning Factors in the Cane Sugar Industry PB-297 239/6 Shark Flesh in the Food Industry TT-72-50020 FOOD PACKAGING Redesigning Shipping Containers to Reduce Food Costs PB-280 317/9 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Tomo I (Packaging for Chilean Commerical Food- stuffs. Volume I) PB-287 060/8 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Tomo II (Packaging for Chilean Commerical Food- stuffs. Volume II) PB-287 061/6 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Anexos (Packaging for Chilean Commerical Food- stuffs. Volume III. Appendices) PB-287 062/4 FOOD PREPARATION Better Nourishment for Infants and Preschool Chil- dren. A Food for Peace Guide PB-286 621/8 Ameliorer L'Alimentation de L'Enfant (Better Nourish- ment for Infants and Preschool Children. A Food for Peace Guide) PB-286 622/6 The Limu Eater. A Cookbook of Hawaiian Seaweed PB-295 327/1 FOOD PROCESSING A Study to Develop New Products from Whiting or Other Underutilized Species COM-71-01017 Nutritionally Balanced Protein Snack Food Prepared from Legume Seeds PAT-APPL-789 375 Precooked Baking Potatoes PAT-APPL-932 080 National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes Proceedings (1st), held at Portland, Oregon on 6-8 April 1970 PB-199 709 Development of a Scientific Basis for the Manufac- ture of Low-Cost Protein Foods and Beverages from Fresh Coconuts PB-213 594/6 Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods PB-213 756/5 Development of Soy-Based Foods of High Nutritive Value for Use in the Philippines PB-213 758/3 Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods PB-213 769/0 Report on Protein Food Development Project, 1969- 1971 PB-213 794/9 Engineering Studies of Coffee Mill Wastes in El Sal- vador, C. A., October 18-November 9, 1960. PB-217 142 Treatment of Costa Rica. PB-217 790 Wastes from Coffee Processing in Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 Improvement of Treatment of Food Industry Waste PB-234 444/8 Decentralized Tomato Processing: Plant Design, Costs, and Economic Feasibility PB-251 382/8 Feasibility Study of a Fish Processing Plant at Kotze- bue, Alaska PB-256 128/0 Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in the Meat Industry, Held at University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 13-14, 1973 PB-258 742/6 Fish Processing Plant Management Assistance for Skokomish Tribal Council, Mason County, Washing- ton PB-261 268/7 Fruit Cannery Waste Activated Sludge as a Cattle Feed Ingredient PB-265 357/4 The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflow- er Processing Plants in North Dakota PB-265 749/2 Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Proc- essing Industry of Sierra Leone PB-268 185/6 Proceedings of National Symposium on Food Proc- essing Wastes (8th) held on March 30 - April 1, 1977 in Seattle, Washington PB-272 681/8 La Culture du Sorgho pour la Production de Sirop (Culture of Sorgho for Sirup Production) PB-286 431/2 Petites Conserveries. (Small Canning Factories) PB-286 444/5 Small Canning Factories PB-286 445/2 Comment Conserver le Poisson Salage-Sechage- Fumage (Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Countries) PB-286 450/2 Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Countries PB-286 451/0 Fish Flakes Offer New Possibilities for Finfish Utiliza- tion PB-290 620/4 Process Development for a Foreign Marketable Fish Product from Underutilized Fish PB-290 623/8 Plant Requirements for Processing Potato Chips PB-292 671/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Unfermented Grape Juice PB-292 689/7 L'Abattage des Boefs a la Ferme (Slaughtering, Cut- ting, and Processing Beef on the Farm) PB-293 870/2 Design of a Factory for the Productivity of Tomato Paste PB-294 139/1 A Proposed Factory in Honduras for the Processing of Pineapples and Other Tropical Fruits PB-294 234/0 258 SUBJECT INDEX FOREST LAND International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Preservation of Vegetables in the Republic of Korea: The Processing of Kimchi PB-297 205/7 Quesos Andinos del Peru (Cheeses from the Andine Region in Peru) PB-297 856/7 Quesos para Regiones Tropicales (Cheeses for Tropical Regions) PB-297 857/5 Programa de Technolgia Rural Intermedia (Intermedi- ate Rural Technology Program Information Bulletin) PB-297 859/1 Elaboracion de la Panela (Production of 'Panela' or Brown Sugar Cakes) PB-297 867/4 FOOD SERVICES Food for Peace Around the World PB-287 250/5 Alimentos para la Paz en todo el Mundo (Food for Peace Around the World) PB-287 251/3 LeCaste-Croute Scolaire (School Lunch Booklet) PB-294 311/6 FOOD STORAGE Refrigeration-Cooling Systems for Rural Communities in Developing Countries PB-206 698 Recommendations for FECOAGROH Grain Storage and Handling Facilities in Honduras PB-21 1 843 Observations and Recommendations for Improving Grain Storage and Marketing in Bolivia PB-21 1 883 Les Ravageurs des Grains Entreposes (Stored Grain Pests) PB-286 428/8 Storage Stability of a 'Sea Dog' Made from Minced Mullet PB-290 622/0 The Prevention of Farm-Level Food Grain Storage Losses in India: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis PB-294 842/0 FOOD SUPPLEMENTS Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 Recent Advances in Foliage Utilization PB-243 936/2 FOOD SUPPLY Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use PB-21 1 444 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man, and Environment PB-236 143/4 Crop Productivity - Research Imperatives, Summary of an International Conference on Crop Productivity Held on October 20-24, 1975, at the Boyne High- lands Inn, Harbor Springs, Michigan PB-255 882/3 Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Re- search in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agri- cultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Im- plementation Needs PB-257 358/2 Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Re- search in Agriculture. Increased Productivity from Animal Agriculture PB-257 362/4 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shell- fish Wastes PB-267 527/0 Organizing and Financing Basic Research to In- crease Food Production PB-273 182/6 World Food and Nutrition Study; Enhancement of Food Production for the United States PB-279 379/2 The World Food Situation and Prospects to 1 985 PB-279 756/1 Soft Shell Crawfish as an Aquaculture Food Product PB-279 982/3 Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume 1. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Ana- lytical Report PB-280 053/0 Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985: Volume 2. World GOL Model Supply-Distribution and Related Tables PB-282 228/6 Nourrir un Monde Surpeuple. (Man, Land and Food. Looking Ahead at World Food Needs) PB-286 587/1 Man, Land and Food. Looking Ahead at World Food Needs PB-286 588/9 FOOD WASTING Food Waste: An Opportunity to Improve Resource Use: Department of Agriculture PB-272 005/0 FOOTWEAR Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Soling PB-292 769/7 FORAGE CROPS Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. First Quarterly Report, June 1 -August 31, 1977 ORO-5422-1 Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields PB-266 709/5 Utilization and Construction of Pit Silos PB-268 986/7 FORAGE GRASSES Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. First Quarterly Report, June 1 -August 31, 1977 ORO-5422-1 FORECASTING La Prevision Des Besoins en Main-D'Oeuver (The Forecasting of Manpower Requirements) PB-286 576/4 FOREIGN AID Physician's Assistants Role in Health Aid to Develop- ing Nations AD-760 500 Community Water Supply in Developing Countries. A Quarter-Century of United States Assistance. PB-190 674 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB- 190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume II. Books and Book Length Monographs. PB-190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume III. Government Reports, U.N. Reports and Proceedings of Special Confer- ences. PB-190 677 The Role of Popular Participation in Development. PB-193 242 Increasing Participation in Development. Primer on Title IX of the United States Foreign Assistance Act. PB- 194 204 The International Development Institute PB-203 331 International Aspects of Man's Effect Upon Environ- ment PB-203 379 An Evaluation of Recent Private Industrial Develop- ment in Nicaragua PB-21 2 779/3 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 593/9 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 594/7 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 595/4 Efforts to Improve Management of U.S. Foreign Aid - Changes Made and Changes Needed PB-293 955/1 Primary Health Care and the Role of Foreign Aid PB-294 624/2 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Nepal PB-298 036/5 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Ghana PB-298 083/7 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Philippines PB-298 084/5 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Indonesia PB-298 085/2 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Bangladesh PB-298 090/2 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Pakistan PB-298 091/0 Country Development Strategy Statement, 1981- 1985. USAID/Kenya PB-298 092/8 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Thailand PB-298 117/3 FOREIGN ASSISTANCE The Peace Corps: Perspectives for the Future PB-235 922/2 FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT (TITLE 9) Increasing Participation in Development. Primer on Title IX of the United States Foreign Assistance Act. PB- 194 204 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-061 963 Health Care Systems in World Perspective HRP-0013419/7 1971 World Survey of Current Research and Devel- opment on Roads and Road Transport. A Report Covering an Inventory of 63 Countries PB-206 728 Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad PB-255 911/0 FOREIGN GOVERNMENT A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume xi. Analytical Papers. PB-195 325 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume XII. Background Papers. PB-195 326 FOREIGN NATIONALS Expatriate Professionals as International Consultants PB-294 424/7 FOREIGN POLICY The Implications for American Foreign Policy of Low- Cost Non-Voice Communications. A Report to the Department of State PB-256 064/7 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Communications. Volume 2. A Report to the Depart- ment of Commerce and the Office of Telecommuni- cations Policy PB-256 065/4 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Communications. Volume 3. A Report to the Depart- ment of Commerce and the Office of Telecommuni- cations Policy. Appendices PB-256 066/2 FOREIGN RURAL DEVELOPMENT Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB-190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume II. Books and Book Length Monographs. PB-190 676 FOREIGN STUDENTS Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries, 1977-78 PB-293 846/2 FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY Experiments in Rearing 'Siganus guttatus' (Pisces: Osteichthyes, Siganidae) in a Sea-Cage and Fishpen in the Philippines PB-295 218/2 Prostrate Summer Cypress and Its Culture in Kirghi- zia PB-295 565-T Problems in Prawn Culture PB-296 072-T FOREIGN TRADE Plywood Processing and Woodworkig Equipment Study in Taiwan R. O. C DIB-77-10-514 FOREMEN Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting PB-220 764/5 FOREST INDUSTRY Technological Opportunities for Tropical Forestry De- velopment PB-229 813/1 FOREST LAND Managing Public Rangelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grasslands PB-286 446/0 L' Exploitation des Paturages (Managing Public Ran- gelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grass- lands) PB-286 447/8 Interaction of Wood Species in Different Types of Forests TT-70-57224 259 SUBJECT INDEX FOREST LITTER Weight and Energy Values of Selected Litter-Fall Components from Two Forest Stands in the Canal Zone Republic of Panama. AD-715 871 Leaf Decomposition in a Tropical Rainforest Stream TID-27205 FOREST TREES Intensive Plantation Culture. Five Years Research PB-254 416/1 Interaction of Wood Species in Different Types of Forests TT-70-57224 FORESTRY Tropical Environmental Data (Trend): Cooperative Research Programme No. 27. AD-676 124 Weight and Energy Values of Selected Litter-Fall Components from Two Forest Stands in the Canal Zone Republic of Panama. AD-715 871 Forestry Cooperative Demonstration Program COM-73-10343 A Review of Certain Aspects of the Forestry Pro- gram and Organization in Indonesia PB-211 882 Forestry in Developing Countries. Potentials, Con- straints, and Opportunities PB-212 726 Utilization of Tropical Forests. (A Review of the For- estry Literature in the Agency for International Devel- opment Reference Center) PB-229 822/2 Intensive Plantation Culture. Five Years Research PB-254 416/1 Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials PB-257 357/4 Biological Productivity of Renewable Resources Used as Industrial Materials PB-264 457/3 Aspectos de la Produccion Agropecuana de Centro- America en el Marco de la Integracion Economica (Aspects of Central American Farming Production within the Framework of Economic Integration) PB-289 983/9 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Forest Industry Policy and Choice of Appropriate Technology PB-294 599/6 L'Exploitation Forestiere (Logging Farm Wood Crops) PB-294 898/2 FORESTRY MANAGEMENT Development of the Tropical Wood Resource PB-231 006/8 FOUNDRIES Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Gray Iron Jobbing Foundry PB-292 824/0 FOUNDRY SANDS Fluoride Process - A Sodium Silicate Bonded Self- Hardening Sand System Using a Fluoride Hardener PB-294 417/1 FREEZING Sludge Production and Disposal for Small, Cold Cli- mate Bio-Treatment Plants PB-219 980/0 FRESH FOODS Urban Food Supply and Distribution: Characteristics and Utilization of Fresh Food Markets in Bangkok and Thonburi AD-A038 482/6 FRESH WATER Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Freshwater PB-208 527 An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in Hawaii PB-275 345/7 FRESH WATER FISHES Growth in Experimental Populations of Tilapia mos- sambica COM-7 1-00202 Evaluation of an Experimental Fish Reduction Proc- ess Applicable to Small Fisheries. PB-195 052 Freshwater Fisheries: Program Planning PB-268 987/5 Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in South Carolina PB-286 675/4 Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Tilapia Aquaculture System PB-290 634/5 FRUIT CROPS Manuel d'Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropicale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) PB-286 436/1 Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture PB-286 437/9 Trickle Irrigation in Michigan Fruit Plantings PB-286 892/5 FRUITS Feasibility of Processing Tropical Fruit Concentrates in Puna, Hawaii. PB-170 327 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Fruit and Vegetable Juices. PB-175 542 A Proposed Factory in Honduras for the Processing of Pineapples and Other Tropical Fruits PB-294 234/0 FUEL CONSUMPTION Energy Use and Conservation in the Poultry and Egg Industry PB-294 235/7 FUEL GAS Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste: Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (2nd), September 1, 1976-December 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1556 COO/2991-8 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Residue. Dynatech Report No. 1551 COO/2991-10 FUELS Fuel from Organic Matter: Possibilities for the State of California AD-A002 212/9 Fuels from Biomass Symposium COO-4225-1 Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-1 0569/1 Using Solid Waste to Conserve Resources and to Create Energy. Environmental Protection Agency. Report to the Congress N76-71 498/9 Alcohol Fuels (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0673/0 Effective Utilization of Solar Engegy to Produce Clean Fuel PB-233 956/2 Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste PB-245 083/1 Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes in Ghana - A Feasibility Study PB-271 392/3 Parameters for Legislative Consideration of Bycon- version Technologies PB-284 742/4 Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume I. Confer- ence Report of 1974 Engineering Foundation Confer- ence Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 PB-289 114/1 Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume II. Reprints of Papers of 1974 Engineering Foundation Confer- ence Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 PB-289 115/8 Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 For Today: Membrane-Produced Gasahol. For To- morrow: Membrane-Produced Alcohol PB-295 814/8 Energy Potential Through Bio-Conversion of Agricul- tural Wastes PB-296 444/3 Methanol as an Energy Source and Its Synthesis UCRL-Trans-11076 FUGITIVE EMISSIONS Evaluation of Vapor Leaks and Development of Mon- itoring Procedures for Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Piping PB-296 085/4 FUNGI Preliminary Experimentation in the Development of Natural Food Analogues for Culture of Detritivorous Shrimp PB-253 652/2 An Annotated Bibliography of 'Macrophomina pha- seolina' 1905-1975 PB-283 811/8 Leaf Decomposition in a Tropical Rainforest Stream TID-27205 FUNGICIDES Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 Fungusproofing AD-771 700/2 FUNGUS DETERIORATION Natural Decay Resistance of 30 Peruvian Woods. AD-709 718 Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 FUNGUS DISEASES Fungous and Bacterial Skin Infections in the Tropics AD-A060 212/8 Cotton Boll Rot. Laying Out a Trial of a Method of Control (La Pourriture des Capsules du Cotonnier: Essai de Mise en Place d'une Methode de Lutte) PB-249 731/1 FUNGUS PROOFING Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 FURFURAL Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) GABON Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 GALVANIZED MATERIALS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Galvanized Steel Pipe PB-292 800/0 GARDENS Teaching Manual: School Gardens and Nutrition. (Manual Didactico: Huertos Escolares y Nutricion) PB-263 349/3 GAS APPLIANCES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Two-Burner Gas Plates PB-292 878/6 GAS PRODUCTION Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-238 103/6 GASOHOL Parameters for Legislative Consideration of Biocon- version Technologies PB-284 742/4 GASTROPODA The Biological Control of Schistosomiasis: A Pro- gram to Develop Use of Trematode Interactions in the Snail Host in Conjunction with the Molluscicide Endod as a New Approach to the Control of Human Schistosomiasis in Egypt and Ethiopia AD-774 720/7 GEOGRAPHY Savanna-Tropical Forest Boundaries Symposium: Venezuela. AD-638 118 A Historical Geography of the Santa Marta Area, Co- lombia. AD-657 858 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, i. AD-703 222 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, ii. AD-703 223 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, iii. AD-703 224 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Alternative Energy Sources: A Research Challenge CONF-730560-1 Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Unconventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alterna- tive Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 GHANA Housing in Ghana. PB-189 625 Agricultural Cooperatives and Quasi-Cooperatives in Ghana, 1951-1965. PB-189 813 Research Priorities and Problems in the Execution of Research in Ghana. Part I. Summary. Proceedings of the Workshop on Scientific Research Held at Accra on 18-22 January 1971 PB-203 329 Scientific Research in Ghana. Part II. Full Report. Proceedings of the Workshop on Research Priorities and Problems in the Execution of Research in Ghana Held in Accra 18-22 January 1971 PB-203 330 Workshop on the Role of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Determining Science Policy and Research Priorities PB-223 310/4 Report of the Joint AD Hoc Committee for Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana, Universities of Ghana and NAS PB-243 367/0 260 SUBJECT INDEX GUAYULE Environmental Aspects of a Large Tropical Reservoir - A Case Study of Volta Lake, Ghana PB-248 630/6 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes in Ghana - A Feasibility Study PB-271 392/3 Village Markets in Ghana: A Study on the Planning of Village Markets and Stalls PB-286 449/4 Better Vegetables, Ghana Handbook PB-292 871/1 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume 1 PB-294 568/1 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume II: Appendices PB-294 569/9 Case Study Number 1 - Lab. Products Ltd. A Case History of an Attempt to Use Institutional Support to Create Independent Commercial Manufacturing in Ghana PB-294 762/0 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Ghana PB-298 083/7 GLASS Glass Technology AD-769 470/6 Proceedings of Symposium on Utilization of Waste Glass in Secondary Products N73-33460/9 Hand-Made Blown Glass and Fine Cast Crystal. PB-175 549 Waste Glass as a Flux for Brick Clays PB-214 271/9 Waste Glass Utilization. Cumulative Volume PB-229 181/3 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Glass PB-293 008/9 GLASS INDUSTRY Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Reduction of Costs in Hand-Operated Glass Plants (3rd), May 17-19 1972 held at the West Virginia University, Clarksburg PB-225 700/4 GLASS REINFORCED PLASTICS Process for Bonding a Ferro-Cement Structure with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic PATENT-3 984 266 GLOBAL Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 GOATS Proceedings of a Workshop on the Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Development Held at Mor- rilton, Arkansas on November 15-17, 1976 PB-294 127/6 The Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Devel- opment. A State of the Arts Study PB-294 137/5 GOL MODEL Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume I. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Ana- lytical Report PB-280 053/0 GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM Cotton Boll Rot. Laying Out a Trial of a Method of Control (La Pourriture des Capsules du Cotonnier: Essai de Mise en Place d'une Methode de Lutte) PB-249 731/1 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Guidelines for Establishing and Administering Land Development Agencies in the Developing Countries PB-236 391/9 GOVERNMENT (FOREIGN) Resettlement in Latin America: An Analysis of 35 Cases. AD-651 116 Review of 'Changing Patterns of Administration in Rural East Pakistan'. AD-657 007 Administrative Aspects of Urbanization in Developing Countries AD-765 616/8 Fitting Agricultural Extension to the Development Needs of Colombia. PB-189 831 GOVERNMENT POLICIES A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. PB-195 318 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 Towards a Marine Policy in Latin America PB-275 245/9 Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries PB-286 615/0 Le Role d'Un Ministere du Travail Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement (Role of a Labor Depart- ment in Developing Countries) PB-286 616/8 Proceedings of the Seminar on Agricultural Policy: A Limiting Factor in the Development Process Held at Washington, DC. on March 1 7-21 , 1 975 PB-294 018/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Forest Industry Policy and Choice of Appropriate Technology PB-294 599/6 GOVERNMENT ROLE Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries PB-286 615/0 Le Role d'Un Ministere du Travail Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement (Role of a Labor Depart- ment in Developing Countries) PB-286 616/8 GOVERNMENT SERVICES Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries PB-286 615/0 Le Role d'Un Ministere du Travail Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement (Role of a Labor Depart- ment in Developing Countries) PB-286 616/8 GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURE Local Organization for Rural Development: Analysis of Asian Experience PB-294 146/6 GRAIN CROPS Solar Grain Drying Conference Proceedings CONF-770140- Analysis of Virgin-Land Grain Raising JPRS-57636 Economics of Protein Improvement Programs in the Lower Income Countries PB-294 138/3 GRAINS (FOOD) Recommendations for FECOAGROH Grain Storage and Handling Facilities in Honduras PB-211 843 Observations and Recommendations for Improving Grain Storage and Marketing in Bolivia PB-211 883 Tour of Some U. S. Grain Storage Facilities for En- tente Fund Officials. (Afr-631.23-C559). PB-219 708 Development of a Simple Storage Unit and Storage Method Applicable for Humid Areas in Developing Countries. (631.23-C559). PB-219 721 Soil Nitrogen: Supply Processes and Crop Require- ments. (631.42-B287). PB-219 741 The Development of a High Protein Isolate from Se- lected Distillers By-Products PB-243 702/8 World Market Conditions for Grains; Prospects and Problems, with Special Reference to the Developing Countries PB-273 752/6 Les Ravageurs des Grains Entreposes (Stored Grain Pests) PB-286 428/8 Programming and Training for Small Farm Grain Storage PB-291 846/4 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume I. Preparing Grain for Storage PB-292 909/9 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume II. Enemies of Stored Grain PB-292 910/7 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume III. Storage Meth- ods PB-292 911/5 The Prevention of Farm-Level Food Grain Storage Losses in India: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis PB-294 842/0 GRAINS (FOODS) Improving the Nutrient Quality for Cereals. Report of Workshop on Breeding and Fortification. Held at An- napolis, Maryland, 7-9 December 1970 PB-213 764/5 GRANTS The Institutional Development Agreement. A New Operational Framework for A.I.D. and the Universi- ties PB-207 393 GRANULATION Ammonia-Urea Solution for Ammoniation-Granulation in Brazil. (Br-668.62-A179). PB-219 740 GRAPES Secado Solar de Uvas, Programa de Technologia Rural Intermedia (Solar Drying of Grapes, Intermedi- ate Rural Technology Program) PB-297 870/8 GRASS Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. Third Quarterly Report, December 1, 1977-February 28, 1978 ORO-5422-3 GRASSES Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforce- ment. AD- 701 189 GRAY IRON Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Gray Iron Jobbing Foundry PB-292 824/0 GRAZING LAND Managing Public Rangelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grasslands PB-286 446/0 L'Exploitation des Paturages (Managing Public Ran- gelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grass- lands) PB-286 447/8 GREASES Prostrate Summer Cypress and Its Culture in Kirghi- zia PB-295 565-T GREENHOUSES Proceedings of a Conference on Solar Energy for Heating Greenhouses and Greenhouse-Residential Combinations CONF-770367- Greenhouse Design, Construction, and Operation (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0006/3 Controlled Environment Agriculture: A Global Review of Greenhouse Food Production PB-279 517/7 GRINDING WHEELS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Abrasive Wheels PB-292 827/3 GROUND WATER Economic Aspects of Irrigation from Ground Water. (Br-631.7-H279a). PB-219 711 Ground Water: An Overview PB-269 550/0 Proceedings of the National Ground Water Quality Symposium (3rd) Held in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 15-17, 1976 PB-272 908/5 The Impact of Groundwater Development in Arid Lands: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliogra- phy PB-276 908/1 GROUND WATER RECHARGE Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Management. PB- 196 306 Soil and Rock Strata to Trap, Filter, and Store Water for Rural Domestic Use PB-268 820/8 GROWTH Strategies for Balanced Growth in Developing Coun- tries PB-288 209/0 Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1 , Number 1 PB-293 786/0 GUATEMALA A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 Rural Development Programs Among Marginal Farm- ers in the Western Highlands of Guatemala PB-282 340/9 GUAYULE Guayule: An Alternative Source of Natural Rubber PB-264 170/2 261 SUBJECT INDEX GUIDELINES Health and Safety Guide for Sawmills and Planing Mills PB-278 033/6 GUIJA LAKE Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Compara- tive) del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Lluviosa de 1973 y Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9 (Contribu- tion to the Comparative Limnologic Knowledge on the Guija Lake in the 1973 Rainy Season and the 1974 Dry Season. Volume II, No. 9) PB-298 060/5 GUYANA Some Prospects for Aquatic Weed Management in Guyana PB-228 660/7 HABER PROCESS Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops LA-6700-MS HABITATS Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Paci- fastacus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 HAIL Impact of Hail Suppression on Nebraska Crop Pro- duction: A Simulation Study PB-272 436/7 HAITI Solar Cookers for Haiti, A Feasibility Study PB-282 650/1 HALOGEN ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Recent Development in the Role of Ozone in Water Purification and Its Implications in Developing Coun- tries PB-294 705/9 HANDBOOKS Handbook of Small-Group Methods of Instruction AD-741 829 Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery. A Hand- book for Farm Operations in Tropical Agriculture Areas PB-210 130 Manuel Technique du Village PB-251 094/9 Visual Aids - A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 511/9 Small Business Management Series No. 15. A Hand- book of Small Business Finance PB-282 726/9 Village Technology Handbook (Manual de Tecnolo- gia para la Comunidad) PB-283 958/7 Manuel Pratique de L'Equipement Rural (IV) Amena- qement de la Ferme (Village Technology Handbook, Second Edition) PB-286 426/2 Village Technology Handbook, First Edition PB-286 463/5 Manuel Pratique de I'Equipement Rural (III). Installa- tions Sanitaires (Village Technology Handbook) PB-286 464/3 Manuel Pratique de L'Equipment Rural L'Eau au Vil- lage (Village Technology Handbook, First Edition, Pages 1-81) PB-286 465/0 Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries PB-286 615/0 Le Role d'Un Ministere du Travail Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement (Role of a Labor Depart- ment in Developing Countries) PB-286 616/8 Flat-Plate Solar Collector Handbook: A Survey of Principles, Technical Data and Evaluation Results UCID-17086 HANDICAPPED PERSONS Guidelines for Development of a Home Industry PB-262 951/7 HANDICRAFTS The Potential of Handcrafts as a Viable Economic Force - An Overview COM-74-50522/3 How Craftsmen and Home Hobbyists Can Make and Use Wood Plastic Composite Materials PB-242 973/6 HANSEN'S DISEASE Combatting Hansen's Disease PB-262 929/3 HARDWOODS Pulping of Tropical Hardwoods: Individual and Mixed Species, Wood and Paper Properties, Resource As- sessment PB-221 282/7 HARVESTING Removal of Algae from Waste Stabilization Pond Ef- fluents - A State of the Art PB-220 300/8 Aquatic Plant Harvesting: Development of High- Speed Harvesters and Processing and Utilization of Harvested Vegetation PB-241 715/2 Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries PB-290 421/7 Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries: A Bibliography PB-290 422/5 HAWAII Feasibility of Processing Tropical Fruit Concentrates in Puna, Hawaii. PB- 170 327 Identification of Return Irrigation Water in the Sub- surface: Water Quality. PB-189 171 A Solid Waste Primer. Facts and Statistics on Solid Waste Handling Disposal PB-222 331/1 Some Woods of Hawaii. ..Properties and Uses of 16 Commercial Species PB-235 801/8 Alternate Energy Sources for Hawaii PB-243 470/2 An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in Hawaii PB-275 345/7 Biomass Energy for Hawaii. Volume II, Sugar Oper- ations PB-281 073/7 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Project SAFEGUARD: Safe Pesticide Practices. Safety Handbook PB-253 369/3 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISPOSAL Handbook for Pesticide Disposal by Common Chemi- cal Methods PB-252 864/4 HEALTH CARE American Indian Medicine and Contemporary Health Problems. Part II. Powerful Medicinal Plants in Tradi- tional Iroquois Culture HRP-0026654/4 Hispanic Culture and Health Care -- Fact, Fiction, Folklore HRP-0029290/4 Strengthening U.S. Programs to Improve Health in Developing Countries PB-285 097/2 Health Care and Human Dignity - A Subjective Look at Community-based Rural Health Programs in Latin America PB-292 936/2 Health in Egypt: Recommendations for U.S. Assist- ance PB-292 976/8 Puericulture: Votre Enfant de Un a Six Ans (Your Child from One to Six) PB-294 366/0 Review of the Agency for International Development (AID) Health Strategy: A Committee Report PB-296 096/1 HEALTH CARE DELIVERY Practical Suggestions for Family Planning Education HRP-0009927/5 Meeting Basic Health Needs in Developing Coun- tries: Alternative Approaches HRP-001 0205/3 Health Care Systems in World Perspective HRP-001 341 9/7 The State of the Art of Delivering Low Cost Health Services in Developing Countries: A Summary Study of 180 Health Projects PB-270 038/3 HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEMS Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 1 HRP-0007732/1 A Barefoot Doctor's Manual PB-239 557-T HEALTH CARE REQUIREMENTS Meeting Basic Health Needs in Developing Coun- tries: Alternative Approaches HRP-001 0205/3 Health or Wealth ~ Reassessment of an Old Dilem- ma HRP-0027818/4 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume 1 PB-294 568/1 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume II: Appendices PB-294 569/9 Primary Health Care and the Role of Foreign Aid PB-294 624/2 HEALTH CARE SERVICES Health by the People HRP-0008008/5 Meeting Basic Health Needs in Developing Coun- tries: Alternative Approaches HRP-001 0205/3 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume 1 PB-294 568/1 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume II: Appendices PB-294 569/9 HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY Appropriate Technology for Health Directory PB-297 077/0 HEALTH ECONOMICS Health Economics in Developing Countries HRP-001 9765/7 Health or Wealth - Reassessment of an Old Dilem- ma HRP-0027818/4 HEALTH EDUCATION Health Education by Open Broadcast ED- 152 249 Practical Suggestions for Family Planning Education HRP-0009927/5 Guidebook for Family Planning Education HRP-001 3242/3 Health Education: A Study Unit on Fecal-Borne Dis- eases and Parasites PB-262 606/7 Health Training Resource Material for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 754/5 Teaching Manual: School Gardens and Nutrition. (Manual Didactico: Huertos Escolares y Nutricion) PB-263 349/3 The Photonovel: A Tool for Development PB-266 300/3 Conseils de Sante' a la Famille Africaine (Health Advice for the African Family) PB-268 988/3 Health Education of the Tropical Mother in Feeding Her Young Child PB-286 439/5 L'Education Sanitaire (Education in Health) PB-286 455/1 Community Health Education in Developing Coun- tries PB-295 953/4 HEALTH MANPOWER EDUCATION Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 1 HRP-0007732/1 RN in the Baccalaureate Program HRP-001 1537/8 Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 2 HRP-0016801/3 Testing the RN Student's Skills HRP-0019781/4 From LVN (Licensed Vocational Nurse) To RN (Reg- istered Nurse) in One Year HRP-0019813/5 From RN to BSN - Faculty Perceptions HRP-0025657/8 HEALTH PLANNING Some Health Sector Analysis Methods for Develop- ing Nations HRP-001 3245/6 Guide for the Organization of Health Services in Rural Areas and the Utilization of Auxiliary Personnel HRP-0016123/2 Comprehensive Community Approach to Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries HRP-001 6272/7 Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 2 HRP-0016801/3 Health Care and Human Dignity - A Subjective Look at Community-based Rural Health Programs in Latin America PB-292 936/2 An Introduction to the Health Planning and Budget- ing Systems in India PB-294 547/5 Nutrition and National Development Planning PB-294 555/8 HEALTH PROGRAMS Health Aid: A Comparative Study of Three Donor Countries PB-294 619/2 HEALTH SERVICES Telemedicine: Health Care for Isolated Areas ED-152 250 262 SUBJECT INDEX HOUSING HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Some Health Sector Analysis Methods for Develop- ing Nations HRP-001 3245/6 HEALTH STATUS Primary Health Care and the Role of Foreign Aid PB-294 624/2 HEAT EXCHANGERS Waste Heat Utilization in Industrial Processes. N78-25012/3 HEAT LOSS Energy Report: Climate, Wind and Heat Loss PB-294 659/8 HEAT PUMPS Waste Heat Utilization in Industrial Processes. N78-25012/3 HEAT RECOVERY Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Ther- mal Discharge PB-240 113/1 HEAT STORAGE Residential Hot Water Solar Energy Storage Subsys- tems PB-252 685/3 HEAT TOLERANCE Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing. PB-188 925 HEAT TRANSFER Energy Report: Heat Transfer Principles PB-294 658/0 HEAT TRANSMISSION Energy Report: Conductance, Resistance and Rec- ommended Standards PB-294 660/6 HEATING Save Energy: Save Money PB-293 917/1 HEATING EQUIPMENT Kerosene Devices. Technical Digest Supplement No. 8 PB-286 473/4 Appareils a Kerosene (Kerosene Devices) PB-286 474/2 HEAVY METALS Quality Criteria for Water PB-263 943/3 Application of Sewage Sludge to Cropland: Appraisal of Potential Hazards of the Heavy Metals to Plants and Animals PB-264 015/9 HEMIPTERA Balsam Woolly Aphid-Infested Abies Wood as a Source of Pulp Fibre. PB-182 764 HERBICIDES Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program. 22-24 October 1975, Charleston, S. C AD-A036 072/7 Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides PB-244 557/5 Preliminary Control of African Rue ('Peganum har- mala' L.) with Various Herbicides PB-253 341/2 Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. Right-Of-Way Pest Control PB-261 002/0 HERBIVOROUS FISHES Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 HEVEA Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1, Number 1 PB-293 786/0 Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1 , Number 2 PB-293 787/8 HIGH PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Ther- mal Discharge PB-240 113/1 HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE Stronger Concrete AD-742 271 HIGHWAY PLANNING 1974 World Survey of Current Research and Devel- opment on Roads and Road Transport PB-238 917/9 HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION 1971 World Survey of Current Research and Devel- opment on Roads and Road Transport. A Report Covering an Inventory of 63 Countries PB-206 728 1974 World Survey of Current Research and Devel- opment on Roads and Road Transport PB-238 917/9 World Survey of Current Research and Development on Roads and Road Transport (1978). A Report Cov- ering an Inventory of 59 Countries PB-290 509/9 HIGHWAYS Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume I. PB-195 597 A Deflection Survey Technique for Pavement Evalua- tion in Developing Countries PB-218 338/2 Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting PB-220 764/5 1974 World Survey of Current Research and Devel- opment on Roads and Road Transport PB-238 917/9 Suggestions for Temporary Erosion and Silitation Control Measures. (Erosion Y Sedimentacion: Medi- das Temporarias De Control) PB-245 004/7 Preliminary Control of African Rue ('Peganum har- mala' L.) with Various Herbicides PB-253 341/2 Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. Right-Of-Way Pest Control PB-261 002/0 HISTORY The Upper Factory Brook Sawmill Site: An Early In- dustrial Site in Middlefield, Massachusetts PB-262 179/5 HOME ECONOMICS Homemaking Around the World PB-292 767/1 HONDURAS A Proposed Urban Development Program for Teguci- galpa, Honduras. PB-188 851 Honduran Agrarian Reform Law. Report Number 2. Recommendations for Implementation. PB-189 984 Recommendations for FECOAGROH Grain Storage and Handling Facilities in Honduras PB-211 843 A Proposed Factory in Honduras for the Processing of Pineapples and Other Tropical Fruits PB-294 234/0 Technologia para Campesinos Hondurenos Informe de un Seminario (Small Farmer Technology for Hon- duras-Seminar Report) PB-297 869/0 HONG KONG Space, Change and Feng-Shui in Tsuen Wan'S Ur- banization. AD-687 028 Establishing a Business in Hong Kong COM-72-501 75-018 HORMONES Control of Flies and Cockroaches by Insect Hor- mones AD-746 489 HORTICULTURE Teaching Manual: School Gardens and Nutrition. (Manual Didactico: Huertos Escolares y Nutricion) PB-263 349/3 Controlled Environment Agriculture: A Global Review of Greenhouse Food Production PB-279 517/7 Manuel d'Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropicale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) PB-286 436/1 Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture PB-286 437/9 Intensive Vegetable Gardening for Profit and Self- Sufficiency PB-288 925/1 Better Vegetables, Ghana Handbook PB-292 871/1 HOSPITALS Maintenance System for a Small Hospital HRP-0007411/2 HOT ROLLING Plant Requirements to set up and Operate Small Steel Rolling Mill PB-292 957/8 HOT WATER Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A054 601/0 HOT WEATHER CONSTRUCTION La Construction en Climat Chaud (Physiological Ob- jectives in Hot Weather Housing) PB-286 424/7 Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing PB-286 584/8 HOUSEHOLD WASTES Segregation and Reclamation of Household Wastewater at an Individual Residence PB-268 810/9 HOUSES A Study of the Feasibility of Mechanized Adobe Pro- duction COM-73-10527 FY 1973 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Methodology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-1 1645/0 Potential for Energy Conservation Technology Trans- fer CONF-760536-1 Zero-Energy-House NP-22388 A Preliminary Investigation of the Potential use of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 799 Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 969 Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World PB-206 976 Low-Cost Wood Homes for Rural America - Con- struction Manual PB-211 640 Individual Home Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Sys- tems PB-226 478/6 FY75 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes PB-250 848/9 Prefabricated Concrete Components for Low-Cost Housing Construction: 407 Building Design and Con- struction, Prefabrication PB-285 768/8 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth PB-285 909/8 La Construction en Climat Chaud (Physiological Ob- jectives in Hot Weather Housing) PB-286 424/7 Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing PB-286 584/8 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsi- diada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 Manual Para La Construccion de Casas de Tierra (Handbook for Building Homes of Earth) PB-292 747/3 Some Developments of Appropriate Technology for Improving Physical Amenities in Rural Homes PB-293 841/3 Manuel Pratique de I'Equipment Rural (V): Amenage- ment du Foyer (Village Technology Handbook: Home Improvement and Communications) PB-293 845/4 Save Energy: Save Money PB-293 917/1 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 HOUSING Approaches to Spatial Structure: Field Studies in India. AD-679 477 Optimum Subsurface and Underground Shell Struc- tures for Better Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part I: A Case for Subsurface and Underground Housing in Hot- Arid Lands. Part II: Optimization of Subsurface and Underground Shells. AD-709 715 FPL (Forest Products Laboratory) Designs Meet Family Housing Needs AD-744 691 Annotated Bibliography on Housing and Settlements for Low Income People ED-142 232 Houses Can Resist Hurricanes. PB-174 346 Building and Planning in Developing Countries: A Partially Annotated Bibliography. PB-176 780 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-179 327 Village Housing in the Tropics. PB-179 329 Housing in Liberia. PB-179 363 263 SUBJECT INDEX Housing in the Ivory Coast. PB-179 365 Housing in Nigeria. PB-179 366 Housing in Ethiopia. PB-179 367 Proposed Minimum Standards for Permanent Low- Cost Housing and for the Improvement of Existing Substandard Areas. PB-179 370 Manual on Design for Low-Cost and Aided Self-Help Housing. PB-179 385 The Performance Concept: A Study of Its Application to Housing. Volume Two. PB-184 876 Social Aspects of Housing and Urban Development. PB-186 188 A Proposed Urban Development Program for Teguci- galpa, Honduras. PB-188 851 Earth for Homes: Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 22. PB-188 918 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-188 919 Bamboo as a Building Material. PB-188 921 Proposed Minimum Standards for Permanent Low- Cost Housing and for the Improvement of Existing Substandard Area. PB-188 923 Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing. PB- 188 925 Village Housing in the Tropics, with Special Refer- ence to West Africa. PB-188 926 Bibliography on Housing Building and Planning. PB-188 927 Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement. PB-188 931 Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less Industrialized Countries. PB-189 254 Minimum Design Standards for Community Water Supply Systems. PB-189 258 Housing in Ghana. PB- 189 625 Housing in India. PB-189 626 Housing in Jordan. PB-189 627 Housing and Urban Development Programs: Latin American Bureau. PB-189 628 Urban Development, Including Housing. PB-191 034 The Challenge of Meeting Shelter Needs in Less De- veloped Countries PB-273 572/8 HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH An Analysis of Alternative Low-Income Rural Hous- ing Systems PB-229 209/2 HOUSING (DWELLINGS) A Housing Services Policy for Low-Income Urban Families in Underdeveloped Countries AD-A010 976/9 Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A054 601/0 HOUSING PLANNING Low-Rise Low-Cost Housing and Extreme Wind Re- lated Problems in Bangladesh PB-256 771/7 Self-Help Construction of 1 -Story Buildings PB-291 857/1 Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Housing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1975 PB-293 782/9 HOUSING PROJECTS Housing the Campesino. A Case Study of Coopera- tive Housing in Rural Panama. PB-188 852 HOUSING STUDIES Research Study on the Socio-Economic Aspects of Low-Cost Housing in the Philippines COM-74-1 0722/8 HUD International Country Reports. Panama PB-236 978/3 HUD International Country Reports. Peru PB-236 980/9 HULLS (MARINE) Comparison Study of Aluminum, Ferro-Cement, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic for Small Craft in Korea AD-755 424 HUMACAO (PUERTO RICO) Preliminary Study of the Development of Water Re- sources of the Humacao Sub-Region Puerto Rico COM-71-00716 HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING A Review of Architectural Methods and Their Effec- tiveness for Communicating Human Requirements AD-A012 733/2 HUMAN NUTRITION Nutritional Properties of Rice PB-232 525/6 Food Science in Developing Countries: A Selection of Unsolved Problems PB-235 410/8 HUMBOLDT COUNTY (CALIFORNIA) Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-240 365/7 HUMID REGIONS Development of a Simple Storage Unit and Storage Method Applicable for Humid Areas in Developing Countries. (631.23-C559). PB-219 721 HUMIDITY Properties of Particleboards at Various Humidity Con- ditions AD-784 557/1 Development of a Simple Storage Unit and Storage Method Applicable for Humid Areas in Developing Countries. (631.23-C559). PB-219 721 HUNGARY A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Surveys. PB- 195 324 HYBRIDIZATION Technique of Artificial Hybridization in the Peanut (Tekhnika Iskusstevennoi Gibridizatsii Arakhisa) PB-248 362/6 The Development of Hybrid Corn Technology in the United States and Selected Countries PB-292 915/6 HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT Installation in Dakar of a Pump Powered by Solar Cell Panels. Mise en Place a Dakar d'Une Pompe Alimentee Par des Panneux de Cellules Solaires. N77-32589/2 A Manual on the Hydraulic Ram for Pumping Water PB-297 380/8 HYDRAULIC RAMS Use of Hydraulic Rams in Nepal. A Guide to Manu- facturing and Installation PB-285 907/2 HYDROCARBONS Feed and Food from Desert Environments LBL-6182 HYDROELECTRIC POWER GENERATION Potential Use of Small Dams to Produce Power for Low-Income Communities PB-292 745/7 HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS Center for the Integral Development of "Las Gavio- ERDA-tr-288 HYDROGEN PRODUCTION Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use. Final Report, May-December 1975 NSF/RA-760184 HYDROLOGY A General Summary of the State of Research on Ground-Water Hydrology. AD-668 853 Simplification of Integrated Stormwater Planning for Modern Multiple Land Use in Urban and Suburban Developments. PB-192 750 CENTO Symposium on Hydrology and Water Re- sources Development. Held in Ankara, Turkey, 7-12 February 1966 PB-206 539 Seminar on Evaluation of Water Resources With Scarce Data, Held in Tehran, Iran on March 4-8, 1969 PB-206 701 Techniques for Assessing Water Resources Poten- tials in the Developing Countries, with Emphasis on Streamflow, Erosion and Sediment Transport, Water Movement in Unsaturated Soils, Ground Water, and Remote Sensing in H ydrologic Applications PB-207 192 Techniques for Assessing Hydrological Potentials in Developing Countries (State of the Art and Research Priorities) PB-215 149/6 A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Watersheds in Response to Completed and Proposed Land Use Changes PB-264 900/2 HYGIENE Health Training Resource Material for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 754/5 Teaching Manual: School Gardens and Nutrition. (Manual Didactico: Huertos Escolares y Nutricion) PB-263 349/3 HYPHOMYCETES Leaf Decomposition in a Tropical Rainforest Stream TID-27205 ICE Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Block Ice PB-292 826/5 ICTALURUS PUNCTATUS Use of Zooplanktophagic Fishes in Channel Catfish Production Ponds PB-256 827/7 Enhancement of Warmwater Fishcultures in Puerto Rico Through Use of Polyculture Systems Hybridiza- tion and of Local Foodstuffs in Formulation and Manufacture of Fish Feed Diets PB-287 940/1 IMMOBILIZED ENZYMES Proceedings of Conference on Enzyme Engineering as Related to Food and Energy Production, Held at the University of California, San Diego, on 22-25 July, 1974 PB-245 128/4 IMMUNIZATION Productos Biologicos Veterinarios, Ayudan a Comba- tir Las Enfermedades (Veterinary Biologies - Help Fight Animal Diseases) PB-287 063/2 IMPROVEMENT Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsi- diada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 INCENTIVE CONTRACTS Froblems in Business Management: Incentive Plans PB-292 718/4 INCINERATORS Evaluation of Small Modular Incinerators in Municipal Plants PB-251 291/1 Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products PB-264 014/2 INCOME Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Po- tential of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Em- ployment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 Trade-Offs Between Farm Income and Selected En- vironmental Indicators: A Case Study of Soil Loss, Fertilizer, and Land Use Constraints PB-293 919/7 African Rural Employment Research Network - The Evolution of Alternative Rural Development Strate- gies in Ethiopia: Implications for Employment and Income Distribution PB-294 095/5 INDEXES (DOCUMENTATION) Index Retrospectif. Planification et Developpement Agricoles, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1 (Retrospec- tive Index. Agricultural Planning and Development, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1) PB-289 985/4 INDEXES (LOCATORS) Community Education Multi-Media Bibliography ED-143 355 INDIA Approaches to Spatial Structure: Field Studies in India. AD-679 477 The Milk Supply of Major Indian Cities. AD-703 235 Housing in India. PB-189 626 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in India. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 906 Science Education Improvement Project PB-207 400 Development and Change in a Bengal Village PB-210 332 Communication in India. Experiments in Introducing Change PB-210 508 A Firsthand Study of Industrial Management and Economic Development in India PB-212 784/3 264 SUBJECT INDEX INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study PB-212 916/1 Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). PB-219 688 New Seed Varieties and the Small Farm. (In- 631.521-S346). PB-219 760 Agricultural Development and Farm Employment in India. (ln-630.954-S798). PB-219 778 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume I - Clas- sified Part PB-293 140/0 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume 2 - Author Part, Title Part and Directory of Publishers PB-293 141/8 Directory of Solar Energy Research Projects in India PB-293 760/5 A Search for an Appropriate Technology for Decen- tralised Cotton Spinning Industry in Rural India PB-294 416/3 An Introduction to the Health Planning and Budget- ing Systems in India PB-294 547/5 Water to the Fields: Institutional Innovations in India's Command Area Development Programme PB-294 548/3 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Evaluation of Appropriate Technol- ogy for Textile Production in a Developing Country PB-294 621/8 Appropriate Technology in India. Report on a Study Leave, August-December, 1977 PB-294 759/6 The Prevention of Farm-Level Food Grain Storage Losses in India: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis PB-294 842/0 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Medicine for the Rural Population in India PB-297 203/2 INDIAN RESERVATIONS The Importance of Water Supply to Indian Economic Development PB-275 241 /8 INDICATING INSTRUMENTS Locomotive Track Curvature Indicator PATENT-4 103 547 INDIGENOUS MATERIALS Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 INDOCHINA A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Op- eration ~ Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April - July 1 975) AD-A057 539/9 INDONESIA A Review of the Indonesian Shrimp Fishery and Its Present Developments COM-74-501 89-01 -05 Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-061 963 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research, Djakarta, Indonesia. Volume 1 PB-217 118/9 A Report on the LIPI-NAS Workship on Natural Re- sources. Volume I, Overall Findings and Recommen- dations-Working Group Reports PB-217 293/0 Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research. Volume III. Djakarta, Indonesia PB-222 457/4 Coastal Zone Pollution in Indonesia - A Reconnais- sance Survey PB-255 447/5 The Potentials of Ferrocement and Related Materials for Rural Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 434/9 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Indonesia PB-298 085/2 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS Woodworking. Circular-Saw Accidents PB-227 591/5 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT An Evaluation of Recent Private Industrial Develop- ment in Nicaragua PB-212 779/3 Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study PB-212 916/1 Selected References on Industrial Development PB-294 674/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Rural Industry PB-294 683/8 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Creation of Small-Scale Industry Development in Southern Sweden - The Gnosjo PB-297 226/3 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume IV. Enzymes (Industrial) PB-202 778-4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wallboard PB-210 507 Research Management and Technical Entrepreneur- ship: A. U.S. Role in Improving Skills in Developing Countries PB-225 129/6 The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis PB-248 043/2 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Proceedings of the National Conference on Protec- tive Clothing and Safety Equipment for Pesticide Workers Held in Atlanta, Georgia, May 1 -2, 1 972 PB-239 799/0 Chemical Safety - Pesticides PB-254 272/8 Good Work Practices for Tannery Workers PB-267 358/0 Health and Safety Guide for Plywood and Veneer Mills PB-274 759/0 Impact of Industrial Development on the Quality of the Environment PB-294 414/8 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Report of Management Training Specialists Team, Brazil PB-207 534 A Firsthand Study of Industrial Management and Economic Development in India PB-212 784/3 INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE Industrial First Aid Training PB-292 730/9 INDUSTRIAL MOBILIZING Small-Scale Industry Development in Paraguay PB-250 627/7 INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Needs and Opportunities for Ceramic Science and Technology COO-2390-15 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 Solar Program Assessment: Environmental Factors. Solar Agricultural and Industrial Process Heat ERDA-77-47/2 Technical and Economic Feasibility of Establishing a Lightweight Aggregate Plant Using Marine Clays in York County, Maine. PB-169 744 Small Canning Facilities. PB-174 673 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Brass Foundry. PB- 175 524 Small Brass Foundry. PB-175 532 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Job Machine Shop. PB-175 541 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Wool Scouring Plant. PB-175 543 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of High Alumina Refractory Brick and Cement. PB-175 544 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Dry Cleaning Plant. PB-177 928 Feasibility Study for Establishing a Bicycle Manufac- turing Plant in Puerto Rico. PB-180 476 A Feasibility Study for a Small LOG Sawmill on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Central Arizona. PB-184 450 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Milled Rice. PB-186 514 Engineering Evaluation of Selected Fertilizer Produc- tion Facilities in Colombia PB-21 1 428 Introduction to Record Keeping in a Small Enterprise PB-212 034 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Surgical In- struments PB-292 665/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Salicylic Acid PB-292 666/5 Plant Requirements for Processing Potato Chips PB-292 671/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Crochet and Knitting Yarns PB-292 675/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Tungsten Carbides PB-292 676/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Fabric Canvas Shoes PB-292 688/9 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Unfermented Grape Juice PB-292 689/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Soling PB-292 769/7 Sash and Door Plant; A Reference for use in Plan- ning New Industrial Facilities PB-292 784/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bicycle Tires and Tubes PB-292 785/3 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Centrifugal Cast Iron Pipe PB-292 786/1 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Galvanized Steel Pipe PB-292 800/0 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bottled Oxygen and Acetylene PB-292 801/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Standard Sport Stockings PB-292 802/6 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Leath- er Tannery PB-292 803/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Concrete Posts PB-292 812/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Refrigerated Walk-In Coolers PB-292 821/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Dehydrated Molasses PB-292 822/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Manganese PB-292 823/2 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Gray Iron Jobbing Foundry PB-292 824/0 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Metal Spin- ning Products PB-292 825/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Block Ice PB-292 826/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Abrasive Wheels PB-292 827/3 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stainless Steel Utensils PB-292 828/1 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Coarse Wrapping Paper PB-292 829/9 265 SUBJECT INDEX Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Copper Tubing PB-292 830/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Chrome Tanned Leather PB-292 831/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Farm Hand Tools PB-292 860/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sheet Glass PB-292 861/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sulfuric Acid PB-292 864/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Laundry and Milled Toilet Soap PB-292 865/3 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Steel Melting Plant PB-292 869/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Two-Burner Gas Plates PB-292 878/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Hooked Rugs PB-292 919/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wire Prod- ucts PB-292 920/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Radios PB-292 921/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Boxes and Shooks PB-292 922/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Carob Molas- ses PB-292 923/0 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Phos- phate Processing Plant PB-292 955/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Ar- chitectural Specialties PB-292 956/0 Plant Requirements to set up and Operate Small Steel Rolling Mill PB-292 957/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Jute Yarn PB-292 958/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brass Table Lamps PB-292 959/4 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Copper Wire Drawing and Insulating Plant PB-292 960/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brewers Flakes PB-293 000/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flexible Steel Conduit PB-293 001 /4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Animal Feed Pellets PB-293 002/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Castor Oil PB-293 003/0 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Woolen Yarn PB-293 004/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Shell Buttons PB-293 005/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rice Bran Oil PB-293 006/3 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Raw Sugar PB-293 007/1 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Glass PB-293 008/9 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Fish Meal PB-293 009/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Lead Pencils PB-293 010/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Kitchenware PB-293 01 1/3 Design of a Factory for the Productivity of Tomato Paste PB-294 139/1 Brickmaking Plant: Industry Profile PB-296 577/0 Estudio Tecnico-Economico para la Fabricaion de Cal en Honduras (Technical-Economical Study on the Production of Lime in Honduras) PB-296 721/4 Small Scale Cement Plants PB-297 377/4 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Technical and Economic Feasibility of Establishing a Lightweight Aggregate Plant Using Marine Clays in York County, Maine. PB-169 744 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Mineral Wool. PB-175 525 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Nylon Ho- siery. PB-175 538 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Cotton Dresses. PB-175 539 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Souvenirs and Samll Jewelry. PB-175 540 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Paint and Varnish Brushes. PB-175 546 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Plant for Plating of Automobile Parts. PB-175 547 Men'S Work Shirts. Capital Requirements, Tech- niques and Operations. PB-177 915 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Men'S Socks. PB-177 921 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Plastic Molding Plant. PB-177 922 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sanitary Ware. PB-177 923 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Terry Cloth. PB-177 924 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wood Tables and Chairs. PB-177 925 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flush Doors. PB-177 929 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Plywood. PB-177 930 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Porcelain Enamelware. PB-177 931 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Asbestos - Cement Pipe. PB-177 932 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Chalk Whit- ing. PB-177 934 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stretch Socks for Men and Children. PB-177 935 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Cement. PB-177 936 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Ready-Mixed Concrete. PB-177 937 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brooms. PB-177 938 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Mechanical Springs. PB-177 939 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wallboard from Gypsum and Fiber. PB-177 940 A Small Particle Board Plant. PB-177 944 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Relevance and Prospects of Small Scale Indus- try in Colombia. (Co-338.64-B534). PB-219 744 Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research. Volume III. Djakarta, Indonesia PB-222 457/4 Meeting the Challenge of Industrialization: A Feasibil- ity Study for an International Industrialization Institute PB-228 348/9 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Improving the Productivity of a Small Industry in Rural Korea PB-248 346/9 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-248 348/5 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-248 349/3 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Provisional Keyword Index of the Small-Scale Industry Case Studies PB-249 367/4 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. A Seven-Country Survey of Certifi- cation Licensing and Quality Marks Programs PB-250 628/5 Fundamental Trends in the Evolution of Relations between Employers, Workers and Governments in Africa (Tendances Fondamentales de I'Evolution des Relations entre Employeurs, Travailleurs et Gouver- nements en Afrique) TT-70-57149 INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Report of the Joint AD Hoc Committee for Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana, Universities of Ghana and NAS PB-243 367/0 INDUSTRIAL SITES Formula for Growth: How to Make an Industrial Site Survey. PB-193 553 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY La Investigacion Tecnologica Industrial en el Peru. Analisis y Comentarios (Industrial Technological Re- search in Peru. Analysis and Comments PB-290 424/1 Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnolo- gia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Develop- ment of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 Estudios Sobre Politica Cientifica y Tecnologica de Panama (Studies on the Scientific and Technological Policy in Panama) PB-292 937/0 Efecto del Proceso de Importacion de Tecnologia en el Peru (Periodo 1971/74) (Effect of the Process of Technology Importation into Peru (1971-1974 period) PB-292 938/8 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology in Drug and Pharmaceutical Industries PB-294 706/7 Introduction to National Technology PB-294 718/2 Appropriate Technology in India. Report on a Study Leave, August-December, 1977 PB-294 759/6 The Technological Knowledge Base for Industrializ- ing Countries; Proceedings of the NBS/AID UNCSTD (United Nations Conference on Science and Tech- nology for Development) Seminar Held at Gaithers- burg, Maryland on October 16-17, 1978 PB-294 984/0 Industrial Research and Science and Technology for Development. A Workshop in Preparation for the 1979 U.S. Conference PB-297 073/9 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Institutional Development of Appro- priate Industrial Technology in Developing Countries: R and D Policies and Programmes PB-297 662/9 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Metal-Working Industry Training Manual. PB-175 521 CENTO Conference on Industrial Vocational Educa- tion Held in Ramsar, Iran on June 23-30, 1968 PB-206 700 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Curricula Research and Develop- ment Held at Soong Jun University, Seoul, Korea on 21 Aphl-8 June 1974 PB-249 368/2 An Analysis of Selected Start-Up Industry Training Programs as Vehicles for Human Resources Devel- opment PB-262 735/4 Industrial Training Charts PB-292 720/0 INDUSTRIAL WASTE TREATMENT National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes Proceedings (1st), held at Portland, Oregon on 6-8 April 1970 PB-199 709 A Literature Search and Critical Analysis of Biological Trickling Filter Studies - Volume I PB-211 909 State of the Art of Textile Waste Treatment PB-212 359 Engineering Studies of Coffee Mill Wastes in El Sal- vador, C. A., October 18-November 9, 1960. PB-217 142 Treatment of Wastes from Coffee Processing in Costa Rica. PB-217 790 Secondary Waste Treatment for a Small Diversified Tannery PB-221 494/8 Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 Improvement of Treatment of Food Industry Waste PB-234 444/8 266 SUBJECT INDEX INFORMATION SYSTEMS Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fermentation PB-235 504/8 Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process PB-238 291/9 Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water PB-238 591/2 Handbook for Pesticide Disposal by Common Chemi- cal Methods PB-252 864/4 Swine Waste Digestion Enhancement with Nutrient Separation PB-255 021/8 Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V PB-286 361/1 INDUSTRIAL WASTES Glue Stock from Leather Production. Final Report BMFT-FB-T-77-06 National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes Proceedings (1st), held at Portland, Oregon on 6-8 April 1970 PB- 199 709 State of the Art of Textile Waste Treatment PB-212 359 Spain's Leather Industry: Prospects for Blue Chrome (Wet-Blue) Processing PB-267 949/6 A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Solid Wastes for Building Materials. Phase I Summary Report PB-279 440/2 INDUSTRIALIZATION Problems and Challenges Faced by Rural Communi- ties with Industrial Development COM-74-1 0543/8 Profile Change When Industry Moves Into a Rural COM-74-1 0547/9 Meeting the Challenge of Industrialization: A Feasibil- ity Study for an International Industrialization Institute PB-228 348/9 Manual of Industrial Development PB-286 475/9 INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING Industrialized Housing. The Opportunity and the Problems in Developing Areas, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 66 PB-206 851 INDUSTRIES Information Services for Small-Scale Industry. AD-679 833 Government Assistance for Technical Information in Industry and Simple Mechanization for Small Infor- mation Centres AD-759 845 Creating a Ceramics Industry on the Blackfeet Res- ervation. PB-170 306 Metalworking Equipment in Thailand. PB-173 709 Planing Mill Dressed or Finished Lumber. PB-175 522 A Small Sawmill Enterprise. PB-175 531 Rough Sawing of Logs. PB-175 548 The Role of Small-Scale Manufacturing in Economic Development. The Experience of Industrially Ad- vanced Nations as a Guide for Newly Developing Areas. PB-177 908 Development of Private Industry Through Public Aid (With Reference to Underdeveloped Countries). PB-177 909 Formula for Growth: How to Make an Industrial Site Survey. PB- 193 553 Cooperative Effort in Industrial Development PB-206 803 An Industrial Park Development Program for Central America PB-206 904 Project Colorado. Feasibility Studies. Preliminary De- signs PB-206 913 Report on Small Industry Programs in Turkey PB-206 967 Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Leather and Shoe Industry in West Africa to 1 980 PB-206 970 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Paint Products Industry in West Africa to 1 980 PB-206 971 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume IV. Industrial Development PB-207 497 Rural Industrial Technical Assistance (RITA) PB-207 626 The Ceramics Industry in Thailand 1970 PB-210 138 The Role of the Industrial Sector in Korea's Transi- tion to Economic Maturity PB-212 748 Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study PB-212 916/1 Proceedings of the Conference and Seminar on Techniques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 338/6 Summary of the Conference and Seminar on Tech- niques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small- Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Coun- tries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 339/4 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. List of Subject Headings Used by the International Development Data Center PB-249 369/0 The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-Scale In- dustries in Sierra Leone PB-268 493/4 National Water Quality Goals Cannot Be Attained Without More Attention to Pollution from Diffused or 'Nonpoint' Sources PB-275 290/5 The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis PB-286 227/4 Power Transmissions for Cottage Industry PB-286 471/8 Les Transmissions de Force Motrice Dans L'Arti- sanat Familial (Power Transmissions for Cottage In- dustry) PB-286 472/6 Manual of Industrial Development PB-286 475/9 Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnolo- gia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Develop- ment of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 Estudios Sobre Politica Cientifica y Tecnologica de Panama (Studies on the Scientific and Technological Policy in Panama) PB-292 937/0 The Development of an Appropriate Technology for Decentralised Pottery Industry in Rural India PB-293 844/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Forest Industry Policy and Choice of Appropriate Technology PB-294 599/6 Selected References on Industrial Development PB-294 674/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Rural Industry PB-294 683/8 The Technological Knowledge Base for Industrializ- ing Countries; Proceedings of the NBS/AID UNCSTD (United Nations Conference on Science and Tech- nology for Development) Seminar Held at Gaithers- burg, Maryland on October 16-17, 1978 PB-294 984/0 Annotated Bibliography of Institute Reports PB-296 995/4 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Agricultural Machinery Industry and Rural Industrialization in the Sudan PB-297 179/4 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Creation of Small-Scale Industry Development in Southern Sweden - The Gnosjo PB-297 226/3 Towards Village Industry: A Strategy for Develop- ment PB-297 788/2 INDUSTRY Directory of Technical Information Sources for Indus- try. Networks Study No. 7 ED-157 521 INFANT HEALTH CARE Maternal and Child Health Research PB-256 025/8 Puericulture: Les Soins aux Bebes (Infant Care) PB-293 868/6 INFANTS Puericulture: Votre Enfant de Un a Six Ans (Your Child from One to Six) PB-294 366/0 INFECTIOUS DISEASES Fungous and Bacterial Skin Infections in the Tropics AD-A060 212/8 INFORMATION Scientific and Technical Information for Developing Countries PB-210 107 INFORMATION CENTER West Asian Special Libraries and Information Cen- ters ED-073 814 INFORMATION CENTERS How to Obtain Information in Different Fields of Sci- ence and Technology: A User's Guide AD-780 061/8 Science and Technology for International Develop- ment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States PB-210 104 The VITA International Inquiry Service. An Evaluative Review PB-210 512 INFORMATION DISSEMINATION To and From the Field: Communications and Agricul- ture ED-158 704 Educating Farmers Through the Mass Media PB-297 079/6 INFORMATION NETWORKS Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Information Services for Small-Scale Industry. AD-679 833 The VITA International Inquiry Service. An Evaluative Review PB-210 512 Scientific and Technical Information Needs and Re- sources in the Republic of China (Taiwan) PB-239 492/2 Continuation of the Arizona Water Information System (AWIS) PB-257 560/3 INFORMATION SERVICES Information Services for Small-Scale Industry. AD-679 833 Improving the Dissemination of Scientific and Techni- cal Information: A Practitioner's Guide to Innovation PB-247 057/3 Technical Information Services for Developing Coun- tries PB-284 204/5 INFORMATION SOURCES Directory of Technical Information Sources for Indus- try. Networks Study No. 7 ED-157 521 Appropriate Technology for Natural Resources De- velopment: An Overview, Annotated Bibliography, and a Guide to Sources of Information PB-279 193/7 Selected References on Industrial Development PB-294 674/7 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Closing the Communications Gap. The Role and Functions of Information Media in Rehabilitation Services PB-214 489/7 Scientific and Technical Information Needs and Re- sources in the Republic of China (Taiwan) PB-239 492/2 Science and Technology for International Develop- ment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States and Bibliography of Selected Materials (Second Edition) PB-243 701 /0 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Guide to International Statistical Sources and National Development Plans at the In- ternational Development Data Center PB-248 347/7 Continuation of the Arizona Water Information System (AWIS) PB-257 560/3 NAS-CONICET (Argentina) Science Cooperation Pro- gram. I. The Argentine Telex Network for Scientific and Technical Information. II. Computer-Based Infor- mation Services for Science and Technology PB-259 991/8 Technical Information Services for Developing Coun- tries PB-284 204/5 Scientific and Technical Information in Pakistan. The Report of a Joint IDRC/UNDP Mission, October-No- vember 1976 PB-294 147/4 267 SUBJECT INDEX INGOTS Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Steel Melting Plant PB-292 869/5 INLAND WATERWAYS Potential Nonstructural or Low Cost Waterways System Improvements AD-A044 343/2 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 INORGANIC PHOSPHATES Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Phos- phate Processing Plant PB-292 955/2 Process Technologies for Phosphate Fertilizers PB-296 575/4 INSECT CONTROL Control of Flies and Cockroaches by Insect Hor- mones AD-746 489 Boll Weevil Control Program (Cooperative Diapause Control Program), Texas and Mexico PB-203 608-D Mosquito Control. Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-224 749/2 INSECTICIDES Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides PB-244 557/5 Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 INSECTS Entomological Studies. Part II AD-A019 543/8 Insect-Plant Interactions. Report of a Work Confer- ence PB-233 692/3 L'Etude des Insectes (4-H Entomology Manual) PB-294 897/4 INSTITUTES Meeting the Challenge of Industrialization: A Feasibil- ity Study for an International Industrialization Institute PB-228 348/9 INSTITUTION BUILDING Institution Building: A Source Book PB-282 835/8 INSTITUTIONAL ROLE Institution Building: Incidents, Ideas, and Applica- tions. An Experimental Guidebook in Scholar Practi- tioner Communication PB-293 989/0 INSTRUCTION MANUALS Metal-Working Industry Training Manual. PB-175 521 Human Relations in Management. PB-175 551 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Products. PB-178 062 Training Course in Marketing. PB-178 063 Management Primer: Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity - Records and Reports. PB- 178 064 INSTRUCTIONAL FILMS Film in Development ED-150 967 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Analyzing the Use of Technology to Upgrade Educa- tion in a Developing Country AD-A009 306/2 An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools PB-286 619/2 Momento de Conservation des Resources Naturelles (An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools) PB-286 620/0 Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way PB-287 252/1 Comment Faire Une Robe. (Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way) PB-287 253/9 The Radio Mathematics Project: Nicaragua 1974- 1975 PB-287 349/5 Ceilandria Environmental Education Project PB-294 425/4 An Experiment in the Use of the Low-Cost Teaching Materials-Packaging Useful to Schools Campaign PB-294 574/9 Selected References on Industrial Development PB-294 674/7 Resources for TESOL Teaching: A Handbook for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages PB-295 919/5 Teaching Reading and Creative Writing: A Language Experience Approach PB-296 052/4 INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA Community Education Multi-Media Bibliography ED-143 355 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY The Use of Communications Media to Improve the Quality of Life in Technologically Developing Nations: A Strategic Overview ED-154 838 INSTRUCTIONS General Operating Rules for Power Boilers PB-292 881/0 INSTRUCTORS Strings 'N' Things, A Teaching Manual for the Blind PB-271 376/6 Formation Professionnelle: Conseils aux Maitres (Tips for Vocational Instructors) PB-293 763/9 INTERCEPTOR SEWERS Community Facilities Study. Volume III, Sanitary Sewers. PB- 179 475 INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY Appropriate Technology for Natural Resources De- velopment: An Overview, Annotated Bibliography, and a Guide to Sources of Information PB-279 193/7 Intermediate Technology: An Informal Survey PB-285 908/0 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Boll Weevil Control Program (Cooperative Diapause Control Program), Texas and Mexico PB-203 608-D INTERNATIONAL COUNTRY REPORTS HUD International Country Reports. Panama PB-236 978/3 HUD International Country Reports. Peru PB-236 980/9 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The International Development Institute PB-203 331 Philippines-U.S. Workshop on Cooperation in Sci- ence and Technology (2nd). Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California 6-10 November 1966 PB-204 407 International Marine Science Affairs PB-212 975/8 Meeting the Challenge of Industrialization: A Feasibil- ity Study for an International Industrialization Institute PB-228 348/9 International Development Programs of the Office of the Foreign Secretary PB-230 543/1 NAS-CONICET (Argentina) Science Cooperation Pro- gram. I. The Argentine Telex Network for Scientific and Technical Information. II. Computer-Based Infor- mation Services for Science and Technology PB-259 991/8 Towards a Marine Policy in Latin America PB-275 245/9 INTERNATIONAL TRADE Economic Comparison of Overseas Manufacture and Importation of Anhydrous Ammonia PB-210 595 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 INVENTORY CONTROL Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Procurement and Inventory. PB-177 964 INVERTEBRATES Mass Cultivation of Invertebrates: Biology and Meth- ods TT-72-50055 INVESTMENTS Establishing a Business in Turkey COM-7 1-50005-62 Establishing a Business in the Dominican Republic. 13p COM-71 -50005-92 Establishing a Business in the Philippines COM-72-50175-017 Establishing a Business in Hong Kong COM-72-50175-018 Establishing a Business in Mexico COM-72-501 75-027 Establishing a Business in Kuwait COM-72-501 75-033 Establishing a Business in Thailand COM-72-501 75-038 Evaluation of Investment Opportunities: Tools for Decisionmaking in Farming and Other Businesses PB-272 651/1 Source Bibliography Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) PB-276 746/5 Plant Size, Location and Time-Phasing PB-293 036/0 IODIDES A New Type of Disinfectant for Water Supplies PB-205 823 IPECAC Feasibility of Ipecac Extraction Plant PB-207 132 IRAN A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1 978. Choice of Appropriate Construction Technology in the Building Industry in Iran PB-297 241/2 IRAQ A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY Technological Profiles on the Iron and Steel Industry PB-296 578/8 IRON INDUSTRY Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Gray Iron Jobbing Foundry. PB-177 920 IRRIGATION Photovoltaic Power in Less Developed Countries COO-4094-1 Micro Irrigation with Photovoltaics MIT-EL-78-006 Solar Powered Pump. PAT-APPL-566 493 Water Measurement Procedures Irrigation Operator's Workshop. PB- 195 275 Water Requirements of Sugarcane Under Irrigation in Lajas Valley, Puerto Rico PB-197 992 Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Re- gions PB-198 125 Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Re- lationships Between Sodium Ion Activities and Soil Physical Properties PB-203 844 Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Re- sulting from the Use of Digested Sewage Sludge on Field Crops PB-213 537/5 Salinity Problems in Arid Lands Irrigation: A Litera- ture Review and Selected Bibliography PB-214 172/9 Economic Aspects of Irrigation from Ground Water. (Br-631.7-H279a). PB-219 711 Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography PB-220 349/5 Agricultural Resources Consumed in Beef Production PB-243 409/0 Wastewater Use in the Production of Food and Fiber-Proceedings PB-245 176/3 Irrigation Feasibility Study - Crow Creek Tribal Farm, Crow Creek Reservation, South Dakota PB-255 444/2 Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria PB-257 454/9 Irrigation - Principles and Practices for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 747/9 Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography. Volume 2 PB-263 155/4 More and Better Uses Could Be Made of Billions of Gallons of Water by Improving Irrigation Delivery Systems: Department of Agriculture and the Interior PB-271 739/5 A Mass Balance Study of Recycling Secondary Mu- nicipal Wastewater on Abandoned Field Ecosystems PB-286 275/3 268 SUBJECT INDEX LAND REFORM La Prevention Contre les Moustiques dans les Terres Imguees (Mosquito Prevention on Irrigated Farms) PB-286 429/6 Trickle Irrigation in Michigan Fruit Plantings PB-286 892/5 Quick Bibliography Series - PB-294 000/5 Irrigation in Bangladesh PB-294 546/7 Drip Irrigation, 1970-1977 Water to the Fields: Institutional Innovations in India's Command Area Development Programme PB-294 548/3 Puisard Maraicher en Beton (Concrete Marsh Wells for Irrigation) PB-294 899/0 Secondary Benefits and Irrigation Project Planning PB-297 086/1 Food from Windmills PB-297 559/7 A Wind Energy Review: Low-Cost Machines for Agri- cultural and Rural Applications PB-297 858/3 IRRIGATION CANALS Engineering Measures for Control of Schistosomiasis PB-211 473 Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Maintenance Program PB-287 256/2 L'Entretient des Canaux de Drainage a Ciel Ouvert (Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Maintenance Program) PB-287 257/0 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Irrigation as a Factor in the Economic Development of Thailand. AD-464 900 Investigation of Active Working Tools of Subsoil Irri- gation Machines. PB-178 341T Identification of Return Irrigation Water in the Sub- surface: Water Quality. PB-189 171 ITALY A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Surveys. PB-195 324 JAMAICA Report of Housing Team of the International Cooper- ation Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. PB-189 260 JAPAN Development of Bivalves Belonging to the Genus Corbicula ORNL-tr-4587 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Japan, In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 902 Aquacultural Survey in Japan. (Ja-639.3-S355). PB-219 739 JOB ANALYSIS A System for the Analysis, Evaluation and Design of Organizations, Work, and Jobs PB-265 159/4 Problems in Business Management. Nature and Scope of Management Responsibilities PB-292 990/9 JOB DEVELOPMENT Creating Jobs: Connecticut's Product Development Corporation PB-293 820/7 JOJOBA PLANTS Products from Jojoba: A Promising New Crop for Arid Lands PB-253 126/7 JORDAN Housing in Jordan. PB-189 627 JUGLANS MIGRA Black Walnut as a Crop. Black Walnut Symposium, Carbondale, Illinois, August 14-15, 1973 PB-223 510/9 JUNK CAR DISPOSAL Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report PB-273 286/5 JUTE Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Jute Yarn PB-292 958/6 KANSAS A Design Study on the Economic Use of Agricultural Wastes in Kansas. PB- 194 368 KENYA The Effects of African Agricultural Practices on Soil Productivity and Nutrient Levels in Kenya. AD-679 459 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. PB-195 323 Designing Rural Development Programs: Lessons from Past Experience in Africa PB-297 664/5 Country Development Strategy Statement, 1981- 1985. USAID/Kenya PB-298 092/8 KEROSENE Kerosene Devices. Technical Digest Supplement No. 8 PB-286 473/4 Appareils a Kerosene (Kerosene Devices) PB-286 474/2 KINGSTON (JAMAICA) Report of Housing Team of the International Cooper- ation Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. PB-189 260 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES A Universal Solar Kitchen PB-213 023/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Kitchenware PB-293 011/3 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT + SUPPLIES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Ceramic Din- nerware. PB-177 919 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wood Tables and Chairs. PB-177 925 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Porcelain Enamelware. PB-177 931 KOREA Ecological Study in Korea. Part I. A Cooperative Pro- gram for Ecosystem Research in Korea. AD-677 010 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Preservation of Vegetables in the Republic of Korea: The Processing of Kimchi PB-297 205/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. The Pharmaceutical Industry of the Republic of Korea PB-297 227/1 KRAFT PAPER Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Coarse Wrapping Paper PB-292 829/9 KRILL Use of Krill for Food Protein. JPRS-52169 KUWAIT Establishing a Business in Kuwait COM-72-501 75-033 KWAJALEIN ATOLL Pre-Final Submission for Ebeye and Carlson, Mar- shall Islands: Trust Territory Physical Planning Pro- gram. PB- 179 304 LABOR Relative Wages, Skill Shortages, and Changes in Income Distribution in Colombia. AD-678 728 LABOR RELATIONS Fundamental Trends in the Evolution of Relations between Employers, Workers and Governments in Africa (Tendances Fondamentales de I'Evolution des Relations entre Employeurs, Travailleurs et Gouver- nements en Afrique) TT-70-57149 LAGOONS (PONDS) A Pilot Fish-Pond System for Utilization of Sewage Effluents, Humboldt Bay, Northern California COM-73-10333 Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants PB-286 938/6 LAGUNA VERDE Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde. Volumen II, No. 4 (Preliminary LimnoTogic Studies of Laguna Verde. Volume II, No. 4) PB-298 061/3 LAKE ARAMUACA Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Ara- muaca. Vol. II, No. 1 (Preliminary Limnologic Study of Lake Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1) PB-298 059/7 LAKE ILOPANGO Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de llopango y la Laguna de Olomega, 1977. Volume V, No. 5 (Fishing Evaluation of Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon, 1977. Volume V, No. 5) PB-298 058/9 LAKE TAHOE Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Paci- fastacus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 LAKES Aquatic Weed Control in Fish Ponds with Chemical Methods AD-726 948 The Environmental Impact of a Large Tropical Res- ervoir: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Lake Volta, Ghana, in 1973 and 1974 PB-247 430/2 Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Res- ervoirs with Biogrowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 LAMPS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brass Table Lamps PB-292 959/4 LAND A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. PB-195 318 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. PB-195 323 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Surveys. PB-195 324 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume xi. Analytical Papers. PB-195 325 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume XII. Background Papers. PB-195 326 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. June 2-4, 1970. Findings and Implications for a.l.D. PB-197 104 LAND APPLICATION A Mass Balance Study of Recycling Secondary Mu- nicipal Wastewater on Abandoned Field Ecosystems PB-286 275/3 LAND DEVELOPMENT East Pakistan Land and Water Development as Re- lated to Agriculture PB-203 328 Guidelines for Establishing and Administering Land Development Agencies in the Developing Countries PB-236 391/9 LAND DISPOSAL Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Break- ing Plant Shell-Waste PB-280 125/6 LAND RECLAMATION Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities PB-280 662/8 LAND REFORM Frei Unveils New Agrarian Reform Bill. PB-189 820 Agrarian Reform, Land Purchase and Industrialization in Peru. PB-189 920T 269 SUBJECT INDEX Latin American Usoms Seminar on Agrarian Reform, Santiago. Chile, Feb. 21 - 24, 1961. PB- 189 925 Land Reform in the Philippines 1950-1958. PB- 189 969 Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in the Central Sierra of Peru. PB-189 972 The Role of the Ejido in Mexican Land Reform. PB-189 973 Honduran Agrarian Reform Law. Report Number 2. Recommendations for Implementation. PB-189 984 Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in Peru. Part I. Nature of and Relationships Between Agrarian Reform and Economic Development. Part II. Analytical Structural Change Model for Analyzing Agrarian Reform Structures and Remedial Alterna- tives in the Sierra. PB-189 987 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 AID. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. PB-195 318 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. PB- 195 323 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Surveys. PB- 195 324 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume xi. Analytical Papers. PB-195 325 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume XII. Background Papers. PB- 195 326 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. June 2-4, 1970. Findings and Implications for a.l.D. PB-197 104 LAND SURVEYS Natural Resources-Cadastral Inventory. Nicaraguan Pilot Project PB-207 385 LAND TENURE The Influence of Land Tenure Institutions on the Economic Development of Agriculture in Less Devel- oped Countries. PB-189 819 Problems and Conflicts over Land Ownership in Boliva. PB- 189 966 LAND USE Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use PB-211 444 A Subjective Equilibrium Theory of Share Tenancy. (333.53-W286). PB-219 777 World Desertification: Cause and Effect. A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography PB-228 100/4 Land Use Problems and Research Needs in the High-Altitude Zone of Ecuador PB-249 288/2 The Effect of Land Use On the Chemical and Physi- cal Quality of Surface and Ground Waters in Small Water Sheds PB-251 890/0 Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad PB-255 911/0 A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Watersheds in Response to Completed and Proposed Land Use Changes PB-264 900/2 Design and Management of Rural Ecosystems PB-288 384/1 LANGUAGES An Expanded Collection of Language Informant Techniques PB-262 768/5 LATERITES Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume I PB-267 262/4 Latherite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume II. Instruction Manual PB-267 263/2 LATERITIC SOILS Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Connection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Airfields. Phase I. Southeast Asia (Thailand) PB-207 399 Usage Manual for Sampling and Testing Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of Africa PB-207 618 Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problems Soils of Africa. Development of Engineering Standards and Criteria for the Usage of Laterite, Lateritic Soils, and Other Problems Soils in Connection with the Constructio n of Roads, Highways and Airfields PB-207 636 LATHES Lathe Operators' Manual. Part II. Pressure Bars. Their Operation and Maintenance PB-265 237/8 LATIN AMERICA Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Unconventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 Housing and Urban Development Programs: Latin American Bureau. PB-189 628 The Influence of Land Tenure Institutions on the Economic Development of Agriculture in Less Devel- oped Countries. PB-189 819 Latin American Usoms Seminar on Agrarian Reform, Santiago, Chile, Feb. 21 - 24, 1961. PB-189 925 Agronomic Practices for Optimizing the Yield Poten- tial of Short-Statured Rice Varieties in Latin America. (Lai-633.18-S211). PB-219 713 Regional Seminar on a System of Standardization and Metrology for Latin America PB-254 469/0 Towards a Marine Policy in Latin America PB-275 245/9 Strengthening Urban Administration in Developing Countries: With Emphasis on Latin America PB-285 769/6 Health Care and Human Dignity - A Subjective Look at Community-based Rural Health Programs in Latin America PB-292 936/2 LAW Frei Unveils New Agrarian Reform Bill. PB- 189 820 Honduran Agrarian Reform Law. Report Number 2. Recommendations for Implementation. PB-189 984 LEAD (METAL) Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Lead and Mercury from Polluted Waters. N75-22937/7 LEADER TRAINING Leader Training for Aided Self-Help Housing PB-212 372 LEADERSHIP Leadership through an Understanding of Human Mo- tivation with Special Application to a Partially Indus- trialized Country AD-765 702/6 Leader Training for Aided Self-Help Housing PB-212 372 Conference Leadership Training PB-292 946/1 LEARNING An Expanded Collection of Language Informant Techniques PB-262 768/5 LEATHER Glue Stock from Leather Production. Final Report BMFT-FB-T-77-06 Leather Chemistry for Foremen. First Year Course. PB-177 972 Leather Chemistry for Foremen. Second Year Course. PB-177 973 Leather Chemistry for Foremen. Third Year Course. PB-177 974 Leather Technology. PB-177 981 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Leath- er Tannery PB-292 803/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Chrome Tanned Leather PB-292 831/5 LEATHER INDUSTRY Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Leather and Shoe Industry in West Africa to 1980 PB-206 970 Spain's Leather Industry: Prospects for Blue Chrome (Wet-Blue) Processing PB-267 949/6 LEGUMINOUS PLANTS Nutritionally Balanced Protein Snack Food Prepared from Legume Seeds PAT-APPL-789 375 The Winged Bean; A High-Protein Crop for the Trop- ics PB-243 442/1 Leucaena: New Forage and Tree Crop for the Trop- ics PB-268 124/5 LEPROSY Combatting Hansen's Disease PB-262 929/3 A Comprehensive Rehabilitation Research and Dem- onstration Programme for Patients in an Urban Popu- lation PB-269 689/6 LESSER ANTILLES Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, i. AD-703 222 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, ii. AD-703 223 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, iii. AD-703 224 LEUCAENA LEUCOCEPHALA Leucaena: New Forage and Tree Crop for the Trop- ics PB-268 124/5 International Consultation on Ipil-lpil Research PB-280 161/1 LIBERIA Commercial Fishery and Biology of the Fresh-Water Shrimp, 'Macrobrachium', in the Lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53 COM-71 -00655 LIBRARIANS Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-061 963 A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 Locating West and South Asian Research Material ED-073 815 LIBRARIES The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-0G1 963 Locating West and South Asian Research Material ED-073 815 Manual on Book and Library Activities in Developing Countries PB-206 540 Diagnostico para el Desarrollo de Servicios de Infor- macion Cientifica y Tecnologica en Panama (Analy- sis of the Development of Scientific and Technologi- cal Services in Panama) PB-289 986/2 LIBRARY COLLECTIONS Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 LIBRARY COOPERATION A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 LIBRARY EDUCATION The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-061 963 LIBRARY NETWORKS Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 270 SUBJECT INDEX MALAYSIA LIBRARY PLANNING A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 LIBRARY SCHOOLS The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-061 963 LIBRARY SCIENCE West Asian Special Libraries and Information Cen- ters ED-073 814 Locating West and South Asian Research Material ED-073 815 LIBRARY SERVICES A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 West Asian Special Libraries and Information Cen- ters ED-073 814 LIBRARY SURVEY Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 LIBRARY TECHNICIANS The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-061 963 A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 LICENSES National Approaches to the Acquisition of Technol- ogy PB-296 569/7 LIMITED ENTRY Abstracts of Readings in Fisheries Management and Common Property Resources PB-294 990/7 LIMON PROVINCE (COSTA RICA) The Natural Resource Potential for Regional Devel- opment of Limon Province: A Preliminary Survey PB-226 621/1 LININGS Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings AD-A062 903/0 LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides PB-244 557/5 LIVESTOCK Pre-lnvestment Study. Meat Packing Industry for En- tente Guaranty Fund PB-206 972 Alternative Sources of Protein for Animal Production PB-224 427/5 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesti- cides PB-243 639/2 Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Re- search in Agriculture. Increased Productivity from Animal Agriculture PB-257 362/4 Application of Sewage Sludge to Cropland: Appraisal of Potential Hazards of the Heavy Metals to Plants and Animals PB-264 015/9 Estimating U.S. Livestock and Poultry Manure and Nutrient Production PB-279 095/4 Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V PB-286 361/1 Managing Public Rangelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grasslands PB-286 446/0 L'Exploitation des Paturages (Managing Public Ran- gelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grass- lands) PB-286 447/8 Productos Biologicos Veterinarios, Ayudan a Comba- tir Las Enfermedades (Veterinary Biologies - Help Fight Animal Diseases) PB-287 063/2 LOBSTERS Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Region COM-74-1 0007/4 Inexpensive Modular Habitats for Juvenile Lobsters ('Homarus americanus') COM-75-1 0241/8 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local Organization for Rural Development: Analysis of Asian Experience PB-294 146/6 LOS ALAMOS AREA N Waste Management in a Small, Widely Dispersed Mountain Community LA-DC-13156 LOSSES Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries PB-290 421/7 Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries: A Bibliography PB-290 422/5 LOW BTU GAS Technical and Economic Assessment of Methods for Direct Conversion of Agricultural Residue to Usable Energy. Final Report TID-28552 LOW COST Lightweight Reflector Assembly and Method. PAT-APPL-617 202 LOW COST HOUSING FPL (Forest Products Laboratory) Designs Meet Family Housing Needs AD-744 691 Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Hous- ing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earthquakes and Windstorms COM-74-50184/2 In-Cities Experimental Housing Research and Devel- opment Project, Phase I. Composite Report. Volume III. technology. PB-184 123 Experimental Industrialized Housing Program. Model H-620 - Single Family Dwelling PB-224 411/9 Feasibility Test of an Approach and Prototype for Ultra Low Cost Housing PB-251 471/9 Prefabricated Concrete Components for Low-Cost Housing Construction: 407 Building Design and Con- struction, Prefabrication PB-285 768/8 LOW INCOME Annotated Bibliography on Housing and Settlements for Low Income People ED-142 232 LOW INCOME GROUPS An Analysis of Selected Start-Up Industry Training Programs as Vehicles for Human Resources Devel- opment PB-262 735/4 Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Housing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1 975 PB-293 782/9 Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume I: Background, Goals and Project Opportunities PB-294 309/0 Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume II: Guidelines for Project Selection, Summary Project Characteristics and Case Studies PB-294 310/8 LOW INCOME HOUSING Self-Help Housing in Oregon PB-200 967 An Analysis of Alternative Low-Income Rural Hous- ing Systems PB-229 209/2 LOW RENT HOUSING Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Housing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1975 PB-293 782/9 LOW RISE BUILDINGS Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low- Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memo- rial Hall, National Science Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 COM-75-50001/7 FY75 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes PB-250 848/9 LUBRICATING OILS Feed and Food from Desert Environments LBL-6182 LUBRICATION Lubrication Fundamentals and Practices. Sessions I, II, and III. PB-177 948 Lubrication Fundamentals and Practices. Sessions IV, V, VI and VII. PB-177 949 LUMBERING L'Exploitation Forestiere (Logging Farm Wood Crops) PB-294 898/2 MACHINE SHOP PRACTICE Metal-Working Industry Training Manual. PB-175 521 MACHINE TOOLS Problems in the Construction of Woodworking Ma- chines N72-28508 Progress Through Modern Processes and Tools PB-205 287 MACHINES Woodworking Machines. AD-600 859 MACHINING Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Job Machine Shop. PB-175 541 MACROBRACHIUM ROSENBERGII The Technology and Economics of Small-Scale Commercial Prawn ('Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Hatcheries: A Case Study in Thailand PB-263 669/4 Pond Culture of the Malaysian Prawn, 'Macrobra- chium rosenbergii' (de Man), in South Carolina, 1974-1975 PB-264 738/6 Mass Culture of Freshwater Prawns for Commercial Evaluation PB-271 709/8 Growout of the Giant Malaysian Prawn, Macrobra- chium rosenbergii, in Earthen Ponds in Central Flor- ida PB-271 710/6 An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in Hawaii PB-275 345/7 Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in South Carolina PB-286 675/4 Effects of Stocking Size and Density on Growth and Survival of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' (De Man) in Ponds PB-292 594/9 MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA An Annotated Bibliography of 'Macrophomina pha- seolina' 1905-1975 PB-283 811/8 MAGHREB COUNTRIES Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 3, 1976 PB-287 877-T Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 4, 1976 PB-287 878-T MAINTENANCE Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting PB-220 764/5 L'Entretien Des Tracteurs (4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. A Units, p1-90) PB-286 440/3 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. A Units. Tractor Care Project PB-286 441/1 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. B Units. Tractor Care Project PB-286 442/9 Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Maintenance Program PB-287 256/2 L'Entretient des Canaux de Drainage a Ciel Ouvert (Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Maintenance Program) PB-287 257/0 Taking Care of Wooden Ships PB-292 590/7 Maintenance Training Program PB-292 965/1 A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 1: Man- agement PB-297 789/0 A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 2: Meth- ods PB-297 790/8 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Maintenance System for a Small Hospital HRP-0007411/2 MALARIA Central America Malaria Research Station. (Lat- 614.4323-D419a). PB-219 726 MALAYSIA Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Feder- ation of Malaysia. Increasing Fish Production by Im- proved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 900 271 SUBJECT INDEX MANAGEMENT Starting and Managing a Small Business of Your Own PB-282 705/3 Management Audit for Small Manufacturers PB-282 707/9 The Starting and Managing Series. Volume 24. Start- ing and Managing a Small Shoestore PB-282 722/8 Small Business Management Series No. 4. Third Edi- tion. Improving Material Handling in Small Business PB-282 725/1 Small Business Management Series Number 31. Third Edition. Management Audit for Small Retailers PB-282 730/1 Small Business Management Series Number 1 . Third Edition. An Employee Suggestion System for Small Companies PB-282 733/5 Designing and Managing Basic Agricultural Programs PB-282 839/0 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Comptabilite (Starting and Managing a Small Bookkeeping Serv- ice. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 4) PB-286 590/5 Improving Management of Farmer Cooperatives PB-289 987/0 Quick Bibliography Series: Training, Management and Evaluation of Extension Work, 1970 - 1978 PB-294 184/7 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Construction (Starting and Managing a Small Building Business) PB-294 415/5 Annotated Bibliography of Institute Reports PB-296 995/4 MANAGEMENT AUDIT Management Audit for Small Manufacturers PB-282 707/9 MANAGEMENT AUDITS Small Business Management Series Number 31. Third Edition. Management Audit for Small Retailers PB-282 730/1 MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Controls and Supervision. PB- 177 963 MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING Production Brigade and Team Management AD-730 939 Executive's Role in an Organization. PB-175 535 Human Relations in Management. PB-175 551 Department Store Merchandising. PB- 177 955 Retail Selling. PB-177 956 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Personnel Administration. PB-177 962 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Controls and Supervision. PB-177 963 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Procurement and Inventory. PB- 177 964 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Distribution and Sales. PB-177 965 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Research and Public Relations. PB-177 966 Sales Promotion Methods. PB-177 967 Systems Analysis and Operations Research: A Tool for Policy and Program Planning for Developing Countries PB-251 639/1 Program Development: A Manual for Organizational Self-Study PB-255 980/5 MANAGEMENT METHODS A Study of Managerial Practices in Rural Water Sys- tems PB-223 373/2 Science and Technology for International Develop- ment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States and Bibliography of Selected Materials (Second Edition) PB-243 701/0 Improving Rural Solid Waste Management Practices PB-257 801/1 Manual de Administracion para la Industria del Ves- tuario (Administrative Manual for the Clothing Indus- try) PB-290 423/3 MANAGEMENT PLANNING Resettlement in Latin America: An Analysis of 35 Cases. AD-651 116 The Organizational Approach Versus the Societal Approach to Development in Emerging Nations. AD-687 318 Planned Change in Agrarian Countries. AD-701 167 Administrative Aspects of Urbanization in Developing Countries AD-765 616/8 Using Solid Waste to Conserve Resources and to Create Energy. Environmental Protection Agency. Report to the Congress N76-71 498/9 Improved Productivity in the Factory. A Jobbing Ma- chine Shop. PB-177 912 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Products. PB-178 062 Training Course in Marketing. PB- 178 063 Management Primer: Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity - Records and Reports. PB-1 78 064 Urban Planning in Developing Countries. PB-1 79 359 Literature References to Highways and Their Envi- ronmental Considerations. PB-1 85 168 The Small New Business. PB-187 565 Proposed Minimum Standards for Permanent Low- Cost Housing and for the Improvement of Existing Substandard Area. PB-1 88 923 Guidelines and Criteria for Community Water Sup- plies in the Developing Countries. PB-1 89 255 Freedom and Development. Rural Decision-Making and Agricultural Development. PB-1 89 976 Research Management and Technical Entrepreneur- ship: A. U.S. Role in Improving Skills in Developing Countries PB-225 129/6 Rural Transfer and Modified Landfill. A Comparison of Cost Indicators for Low Volume Rural Solid Waste Disposal Methods PB-231 269/2 Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) PB-239 875/8 Analysis of Alternatives to Refuse Disposal PB-272 129/8 MANAGEMENT PLANNING AND CONTROL Solid Waste Management - Tomorrow's Alternatives in the Urban-Rural Environment AD-A026 264/2 Campaign for Improvement in Cooperative Manage- ment ~ Second Stage AD-837 497/7 MANAGEMENT TRAINING Report of Management Training Specialists Team, Brazil PB-207 534 Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators PB-286 579/8 Creation d'Un Service de Vulgarisation Agricole (Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators) PB-286 580/6 Effective Job Organization PB-292 719/2 Industrial Training Charts PB-292 720/0 Supervisory Development Program PB-292 731/7 Using Job Instruction Training PB-292 799/4 Problems in Business Management: Management Training PB-292 944/6 Conference Leadership Training PB-292 946/1 Management Development Programs for Executives and Supervisors and a Manufacturing Division PB-292 964/4 Problems in Business Management. Nature and Scope of Management Responsibilities PB-292 990/9 New Foreman Training Plan PB-294 233/2 A Program for Achieving Better Project Management in Developing Countries PB-294 576/4 MANATEE An International Centre for Manatee Research: Report of a Workshop held 7-13 February 1974 in Georgetown, Guyana, South America PB-240 244/4 MANGANESE Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Manganese PB-292 823/2 MANPOWER Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing Guidelines for Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD PB-259 512/2 La Prevision Des Besoins en Main-D'Oeuver (The Forecasting of Manpower Requirements) PB-286 576/4 Demographic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries PB-287 262/0 Tecnicas Demograficas Para El Planeamiento de la Mano de Obra de Paises en Desarrollo (Demograph- ic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries) PB-287 264/6 Manpower Forecasting Model for Educational Plan- ning PB-291 515/5 Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements PB-297 075/4 MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS La Prevision Des Besoins en Main-D'Oeuver (The Forecasting of Manpower Requirements) PB-286 576/4 Demographic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries PB-287 262/0 Tecnicas Demograficas Para El Planeamiento de la Mano de Obra de Paises en Desarrollo (Demograph- ic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries) PB-287 264/6 MANPOWER UTILIZATION Guide for the Organization of Health Services in Rural Areas and the Utilization of Auxiliary Personnel HRP-001 6123/2 Determination des Aptitudes et de la Formation Re- quises pour la Main-d'oeuvre (Techniques for Deter- mining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Require- ments) PB-287 260/4 Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements PB-287 261/2 MANUALS DOE Facilities Solar Design Handbook DOE/AD-0006/1 Rural Housing Manual PB-207 507 Training Manual for Fertilizer Plant Operators PB-211 628 Introduction to Record Keeping in a Small Enterprise PB-212 034 Manual of Septic-Tank Practice. Developed in Coop- eration with the Joint Committee on Rural Sanitation. PB-218 226 Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting PB-220 764/5 Selection and Operation of Small Wastewater Treat- ment Facilities - Training Manual PB-224 266/7 Simplified Housing Construction Systems for Rural Poor Families PB-227 616/0 Biological Treatment Technology (162) PB-228 148/3 Program Development: A Manual for Organizational Self-Study PB-255 980/5 Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Private Appli- cators PB-257 724/5 Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes PB-259 973/6 Lathe Operators' Manual. Part II. Pressure Bars. Their Operation and Maintenance PB-265 237/8 Latherite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume II. Instruction Manual PB-267 263/2 Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the In- terim Primary Drinking Water Regulations PB-268 029/6 272 SUBJECT INDEX MANURE Contabilidad para la Micro Empresa: Manual de En- senanza (Accounting for the Small Business: Teach- ing Manual) PB-269 049/3 Strings 'N' Things, A Teaching Manual for the Blind PB-271 376/6 Refuse Collection Vehicle Performance Specification: User's Guidebook PB-273 766/6 Methods for the Determination of Chemical Contami- nants in Drinking Water - Participants Handbook PB-284 392/8 Petites Conserveries. (Small Canning Factories) PB-286 444/5 Small Canning Factories PB-286 445/2 Farm Credit Manual PB-286 477/5 Manuel de Credit Agricole. (Farm Credit Manual) PB-286 572/3 Construyendo con Ladrillo (Building with Brick) PB-289 989/6 Manual de Metodos para el Analisis Quimico de Aguas y Desechos (Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes) PB-291 858/9 Industrial Training Charts PB-292 720/0 Supervisory Development Program PB-292 731/7 Chemical Processing, An Operation Manual for Co- operative Program Use PB-294 140/9 Wells Manual. Special Issue PB-296 425/2 Engineer's Guide to Solar Energy PB-297 043/2 A Manual of Building Construction PB-297 372/5 Water Treatment and Sanitation; a Handbook of Simple Methods for Rural Areas in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 558/9 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 Two-Week Training Program for Building Solar Ther- mosiphon Domestic Water-Heating Systems UCID-17595 MANUFACTURED GAS Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976-- September 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-238 103/6 Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Ther- mal Discharge PB-240 113/1 Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-241 055/3 Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste PB-245 083/1 MANUFACTURERS Management Audit for Small Manufacturers PB-282 707/9 Tools for Agriculture: A Buyer's Guide to Low-Cost Agricultural Implements PB-297 787/4 MANUFACTURING Ammonia-Urea Solution for Ammoniation-Granulation in Brazil. (Br-668.62-A1 79). PB-219 740 Hog Bristle Processing By-Products and Paint Brush Manufacturing. A Feasibility Report PB-256 406/6 Manual of Industrial Development PB-286 475/9 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Surgical In- struments PB-292 665/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Salicylic Acid PB-292 666/5 Plant Requirements for Processing Potato Chips PB-292 671/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Crochet and Knitting Yarns PB-292 675/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Tungsten Carbides PB-292 676/4 Plant Requirements for Fabric Canvas Shoes PB-292 688/9 Manufacture of Rubber Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Unfermented Grape Juice PB-292 689/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Antibiotics PB-292 71 1/9 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Soling PB-292 769/7 Sash and Door Plant; A Reference for use in Plan- ning New Industrial Facilities PB-292 784/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bicycle Tires and Tubes PB-292 785/3 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Centrifugal Cast Iron Pipe PB-292 786/1 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Galvanized Steel Pipe PB-292 800/0 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bottled Oxygen and Acetylene PB-292 801/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Standard Sport Stockings PB-292 802/6 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Leath- er Tannery PB-292 803/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Concrete Posts PB-292 812/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Refrigerated Walk-In Coolers PB-292 821/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Dehydrated Molasses PB-292 822/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Manganese PB-292 823/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Metal Spin- ning Products PB-292 825/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Block Ice PB-292 826/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Abrasive Wheels PB-292 827/3 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stainless Steel Utensils PB-292 828/1 Plant Requirements Wrapping Paper PB-292 829/9 Plant Requirements Tubing PB-292 830/7 Plant Requirements Tanned Leather PB-292 831/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Farm Hand Tools PB-292 860/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sheet Glass PB-292 861/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sulfuric Acid PB-292 864/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Laundry and Milled Toilet Soap PB-292 865/3 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Steel Melting Plant PB-292 869/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Two-Burner Gas Plates PB-292 878/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Hooked Rugs PB-292 919/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wire Prod- ucts PB-292 920/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Radios PB-292 921/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Boxes and Shooks PB-292 922/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Carob Molas- ses PB-292 923/0 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Phos- phate Processing Plant PB-292 955/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Ar- chitectural Specialties PB-292 956/0 Plant Requirements to set up and Operate Small Steel Rolling Mill PB-292 957/8 for Manufacture of Coarse for Manufacture of Copper for Manufacture of Chrome Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Jute Yarn PB-292 958/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brass Table Lamps PB-292 959/4 Management Development Programs for Executives and Supervisors and a Manufacturing Division PB-292 964/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brewers Flakes PB-293 000/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flexible Steel Conduit PB-293 001/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Animal Feed Pellets PB-293 002/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Castor Oil PB-293 003/0 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Woolen Yarn PB-293 004/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Shell Buttons PB-293 005/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rice Bran Oil PB-293 006/3 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Raw Sugar PB-293 007/1 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Glass PB-293 008/9 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Fish Meal PB-293 009/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Lead Pencils PB-293 010/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Kitchenware PB-293 011/3 Petite Entreprise: 150 Questions (150 Questions for a Prospective Manufacturer) PB-293 762/1 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology for a Low- Cost Paper Project to Boost the Rural Economy PB-294 600/2 Case Study Number 1 - Lab. Products Ltd. A Case History of an Attempt to Use Institutional Support to Create Independent Commercial Manufacturing in Ghana PB-294 762/0 Animal-Drawn Agricultural Implements, Hand-Operat- ed Machines and Simple Power Equipment in the Least Developed and Other Developing Countries; Report of a Manufacturing Development Clinic Held at New Delhi, India on 21-30 October 1974 PB-295 216/6 The Manufacture of Low-Cost Vehicles in Developing Countries PB-296 571/3 Brickmaking Plant: Industry Profile PB-296 57770 Metodos Simples para Fabricar Velas (Simple Meth- ods of Candle Manufacture) PB-296 654/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technologies for Small- Scale Production of Cement and Cementitious Mate- rials PB-297 180/2 Simple Methods of Candle Manufacturing PB-297 366/7 Small Enterprises in Developing Countries: Case Studies and Conclusions PB-297 369/1 Small Scale Cement Plants PB-297 377/4 MANUFACTURING METHODS Improved Productivity in the Factory. A Jobbing Ma- chine Shop. PB-177 912 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Products. PB-178 062 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Building Bricks. PB-179 361 MANURE Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nutrients PB-221 171/2 Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Ther- mal Discharge PB-240 113/1 Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products PB-264 014/2 Estimating U.S. Livestock and Poultry Manure and Nutrient Production PB-279 095/4 273 SUBJECT INDEX Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Manage- ment of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 Conversion of Feedlot Wastes into Pipeline Gas PB-296 363/5 MANURES Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, December 1, 1976-March 31, 1977 COO/2917-4 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Annual Progress Report, June 1, 1976-May 31, 1977 COO/2917-5 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report COO/2917-7 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, September 1, 1976-Novem- ber30, 1976 COO/2917-76/2 Dirt Feedlot Residue Experiments. Quarterly Prog- ress Report, July 1 --September 30, 1977 COO-2952-15 Monfort Dirt Lot Experiments. Status Report COO-2952-17 Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste: Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (2nd), September 1, 1976-December 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1556 COO/2991-8 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Residue. Dynatech Report No. 1551 COO/2991-10 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Report of Quarterly Review Meeting, Palo Alto, California, De- cember 13-14, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1573 COO/2991-11 Fuel Gas Production from Animal and Agricultural Residues and Biomass. Seventh Quarterly Coordina- tion Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 9--10, 1978 COO-2991-28 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976- September 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 Energy Recovery from Manure Using Plug-Flow Di- gesters PB-295 065/7 Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaer- obic Digesters PB-296 542/4 Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollution Control and Energy Conservation. Final Report TID-27164 Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Eight Quarter Progress Report, March 16-June 15, 1978 TID-28736 MAPPING Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, i. AD-703 222 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, ii. AD-703 223 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, iii. AD-703 224 MARIANA ISLANDS Copra Processing in the Trust Territory. A Report to the Congress of Micronesia PB-205 761 MARINE BIOLOGY Biology and Distribution of the Yellowfin Tuna in the Tropical Part of Atlantic Ocean (Biologiya i Raspre- delenie Zheltoperogo Tuntsa (Neothunnus albacora Lowe) v Tropicheskoi Chasti Atlanticheskogo Okeana) AD-720 097 The Biological and Ecological Effects of Oil Pollution in Tropical Waters. An Annotated Bibliography PB-248 899/7 MARINE BORERS Biological Deterioration of Wood in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 2. Marine Borer Resistance of Natural Woods over Long Periods of Immersion. AD-716 740 Biological Deterioration of Woods in Tropical Envi- ronments. Part 3. Chemical Wood Treatments for Long-Term Marine-Borer Protection AD-736 182 MARINE ENGINEERING Assessing Technology for Marine Resource Develop- ment. Proceedings of a Conference-Workshop Held by the Marine Technology Society at Arlington, Vir- ginia on May 15-17, 1972 COM-74-1 1005/7 Marine Technology Transfer as Foreign Aid to Less Developed Nations from Oceanographic Institutions in Industrialized Countries: A Search for an Effective Mechanism in the Educational Sector PB-262 039/1 MARINE FISHES A Description of Ocean Fish Marketing in Saigon. PB-196 352 Experiments in Rearing 'Siganus guttatus' (Pisces: Osteichthyes, Siganidae) in a Sea-Cage and Fishpen in the Philippines PB-295 218/2 MARINE PROPULSION Why Not Sails AD-A058 861/6 MARINE TRANSPORTATION Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 MARKET RESEARCH A Study: Expanded Processing Techniques, Produc- tion Costs and Market Survey of Underutilized Fish Species COM-75-1 1378/7 Wind Energy Conversion Systems Manufacturing and Sales Activity, 1975 and 1976 PB-265 823/5 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 MARKET SURVEYS A Study: Expanded Processing Techniques, Produc- tion Costs and Market Survey of Underutilized Fish Species COM-75-1 1378/7 Survey of the Market for Sawmilling and Woodwork- ing Equipment in Singapore DIB-76-02-503 Plywood Processing and Woodworkig Equipment Study in Taiwan R. O. C DIB-77-10-514 World Market Conditions for Grains; Prospects and Problems, with Special Reference to the Developing Countries PB-273 752/6 MARKETING Urban Food Supply and Distribution: Characteristics and Utilization of Fresh Food Markets in Bangkok and Thonburi AD-A038 482/6 The Role of Cooperatives in the Production and Mar- keting of Fruits and Vegetables in Puerto Rico. COM-71-00111 Urban Business Profile: Supermarkets COM-72-50659 Fisheries Cooperatives: Their Formation and Oper- ation COM-73-10275 The Potential of Handcrafts as a Viable Economic Force - An Overview COM-74-50522/3 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets. N78-29578/9 The Marketing Challenge. Distributing Increased Pro- duction in Developing Nations PB-21 1 658 An Analysis of Shifting Relative Prices and Marketing Facility Investments in the Context of Technological Change in the Developing Countries. (338.1 3-J65). PB-21 9 685 A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Analysis PB-220 526/8 Utilization of Finfishes Caught Incidental to Shrimp Trawling in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Eval- uation of Costs PB-251 192/1 Coffee: Production and Marketing Systems PB-273 553/8 Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing PB-278 882/6 Small Business Management Series Number 36. Training Salesmen to Serve Industrial Markets PB-282 731 /9 Village Markets in Ghana: A Study on the Planning of Village Markets and Stalls PB-286 449/4 Problems in Business Management - Market Devel- opment PB-292 945/3 MARKETING RESEARCH Marketing Research. PB-177 971 MARKETS Village Markets in Ghana: A Study on the Planning of Village Markets and Stalls PB-286 449/4 MARKING Ganado Bovino Para Came - Descorne, Castracion, Marcacion a Hierro, Marcas (Beef Cattle - Dehorn- ing, Castrating, Branding and Marking) PB-292 766/3 MARSHES Wastewater Treatment by Natural and Artificial Marshes PB-259 992/6 MARTINIQUE ISLAND Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, iii. AD-703 224 MASON COUNTY (WASHINGTON) Fish Processing Plant Management Assistance for Skokomish Tribal Council, Mason County, Washing- ton PB-261 268/7 MASONRY Review of Literature on Earthquake Damage to Single-Family Masonry Dwellings PB-267 947/0 MASS MEDIA Health Education by Open Broadcast ED-152 249 The Use of Communications Media to Improve the Quality of Life in Technologically Developing Nations: A Strategic Overview ED- 154 838 Communication Media and Technology: A Look at Their Role in Non-Formal Education Programs PB-292 586/5 Educating Farmers Through the Mass Media PB-297 079/6 MASS PRODUCTION Industrialized Housing. The Opportunity and the Problems in Developing Areas, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 66 PB-206 851 MATERIAL FORMING Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Brass Foundry. PB-175 524 MATERIALS HANDLING Small Business Management Series No. 4. Third Edi- tion. Improving Material Handling in Small Business PB-282 725/1 Training Course in Material Handling PB-292 721/8 MATERIALS RECOVERY Using Solid Waste to Conserve Resources and to Create Energy. Environmental Protection Agency. Report to the Congress N76-71 498/9 Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nutrients PB-221 171/2 Proceedings of the Bioconversion Energy Research Conference Held at Massachusetts Univ., Amherst on 25-26 June 1973 PB-231 149/6 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Further Assistance PB-256 460/7 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Financing PB-256 461/5 Front End Recycling: A Study of the Economics of Recycling by Source Separation and Its Application for Fairfield County, Connecticut PB-257 404/4 Implementing 'Best Management Practices' for Re- siduals: The Waste Exchange PB-258 068/6 Fruit Cannery Waste Activated Sludge as a Cattle Feed Ingredient PB-265 357/4 Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report PB-273 286/5 Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 274 SUBJECT INDEX MEETINGS Cryogenic Recycling of Solid Waste PB-296 385/8 MATERIEL Materiel Testing in the Tropics AD-A015 426/0 MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS Maternal and Child Health Research PB-256 025/8 MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS Agricultural Mathematics for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 631/5 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Operations Research in Water Quality Management. PB-217 667 MATHEMATICS The Radio Mathematics Project: Nicaragua 1974- 1975 PB-287 349/5 MAXIMUM WOOD YIELD PROGRAM Intensive Plantation Culture. Five Years Research PB-254 416/1 MEAT Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Meat Processing Plant. PB- 177 926 Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in the Meat Industry, Held at University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 13-14, 1973 PB-258 742/6 MEAT INDUSTRY Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in the Meat Industry, Held at University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 13-14, 1973 PB-258 742/6 MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY Pre-lnvestment Study. Meat Packing Industry for En- tente Guaranty Fund PB-206 972 MEATS Pre-lnvestment Study. Meat Packing Industry for En- tente Guaranty Fund PB-206 972 MECHANICAL DRIVES Wind Turbine Structural Dynamics. N78-19616/9 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Peace Corps Intermediate Technology for 15 Years PB-262 630/7 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Glass PB-293 008/9 MEDICAL LIBRARIES Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 MEDICAL PERSONNEL A Barefoot Doctor's Manual PB-239 557-T MEDICAL PLANTS American Indian Medicine and Contemporary Health Problems. Part II. Powerful Medicinal Plants in Tradi- tional Iroquois Culture HRP-0026654/4 MEDICAL SERVICES Special Topics. Human Powered Transit; Remote Medical System; Water Treatment PB-221 142/3 MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Physician's Assistants Role in Health Aid to Develop- ing Nations AD-760 500 MEDICINE International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1 978. Medicine for the Rural Population in India PB-297 203/2 MEETINGS Proceedings of a Workshop on the Biodeterioration of Tropical Woods: Chemical Basis for Natural Resis- tance Held at Naval Research Laboratory, Washing- ton, D.C. on October 17-18, 1974 AD-A029 258/1 Micro-Level Approaches for Improving Water Re- source Knowledge Transfer in Rural Areas AD-A044 982/7 Abstracts of Papers Presented by Staff of NAMRU-2 at the International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria (9th), Held in Athens (Greece) on 14-21 October 1973 AD-777 404/5 Assessing Technology for Marine Resource Develop- ment. Proceedings of a Conference-Workshop Held by the Marine Technology Society at Arlington, Vir- ginia on May 15-17, 1972 COM-74-1 1005/7 Solar Grain Drying Conference Proceedings CONF-770140- Proceedings of a Conference on Solar Energy for Heating Greenhouses and Greenhouse-Residential Combinations CONF-770367- Fuel Gas Production from Animal and Agricultural Residues and Biomass. Seventh Quarterly Coordina- tion Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 9-10, 1978 COO-2991-28 Fuels from Biomass Symposium COO-4225-1 Passive Solar Heating and Cooling LA-6637-C Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Edu- cation in Latin America and the Caribbean. N78-24699/8 Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Semi- nar. N78-27522/9 Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research. Volume III. Djakarta, Indonesia PB-222 457/4 Proceedings of the Bioconversion Energy Research Conference Held at Massachusetts Univ., Amherst on 25-26 June 1973 PB-231 149/6 Wind Energy Converstion Systems. Workshop Pro- ceedings Held at Washington, D.C. on 11-13 June 1973 PB-231 341/9 Insect-Plant Interactions. Report of a Work Confer- ence PB-233 692/3 Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment and National Development held at Singapore on 13-17 March 1972. Volume II: Selected Papers PB-235 270/6 Report of the Joint Continuing Committee for Scien- tific Cooperation: Ministry of Science and Technol- ogy, Republic of Korea and National Academy of Sciences PB-235 458/7 International Research Seminar on Vocational Reha- bilitation of the Mentally Retarded PB-237 299/3 Workshop on Education and Training Needs for Phil- ippine Environmental Programs Held in Manila, Phil- ippines, May 27-31, 1974 PB-239 478/1 An International Centre for Manatee Research: Report of a Workshop held 7-13 February 1974 in Georgetown, Guyana, South America PB-240 244/4 Urban Systems Research: Report of the Binational (U.S./Australian) Urban Systems Symposium (1st) PB-241 120/5 In Search of Population Policy. Views from the De- veloping World PB-241 579/2 Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 2. Housing, Transportation and Water Resources PB-242 403/4 Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 4. Food Technology PB-242 405/9 Wastewater Use in the Production of Food and Fiber-Proceedings PB-245 176/3 Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas: Pro- ceedings of Southeastern Conference Held on April 2-4, 1975 PB-248 297/4 Summary of the Conference and Seminar on Tech- niques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small- Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Coun- tries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 339/4 Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisciplinary Analysis of Water Resource Systems Held at Colora- do University, Boulder, Colorado, on June 19-22, 1973 PB-248 596/9 Discussion Papers on Problems of Science and Technology. Annual Strategy and Planning Sympo- sium, Agency for International Development, Office of Science and Technology Held at Atlanta, Georgia on May 6-9, 1975 PB-250 448/8 The Social Well-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development PB-250 966/9 International Symposium on Energy, Resources and the Environment (5th) Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malay- sia on 17-20 February 1975 PB-251 396/8 Natural Products for Sri Lanka's Future. Report of a Workshop Held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 2-6 June, 1975 PB-251 520/3 Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. on May 15- 17, 1974 PB-252 683/8 Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use of Earth Covered Buildings. Proceedings and Notes of a Conference Held at Fort Worth, Texas on 9-12 July 1975 PB-254 300/7 Regional Seminar on a System of Standardization and Metrology for Latin America PB-254 469/0 Crop Productivity - Research Imperatives, Summary of an International Conference on Crop Productivity Held on October 20-24, 1975, at the Boyne High- lands Inn, Harbor Springs, Michigan PB-255 882/3 Science and Technology Policy, Research Manage- ment and Planning in the Arab Republic of Egypt PB-257 066/1 Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in the Meat Industry, Held at University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 13-14, 1973 PB-258 742/6 Report of a Workshop on Aquatic Weed Manage- ment: Some Prospects for the Sudan and the Nile Basin, Held at Khartoum, Sudan on 24-29 November 1975 PB-259 990/0 Ferrocement, A Versatile Construction Material: Its Increasing Use in Asia PB-261 818/9 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume I PB-263 399/8 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume II PB-264 594/3 Proceedings of National Symposium on Food Proc- essing Wastes (8th) held on March 30 - April 1, 1977 in Seattle, Washington PB-272 681/8 Proceedings of the National Ground Water Quality Symposium (3rd) Held in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 15-17, 1976 PB-272 908/5 The Application of Technology in Developing Coun- tries PB-273 529/8 Pest Control Strategies PB-274 644/4 Proceedings of the National Symposium on Trans- portation for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 Wood in Marine Structures. Proceedings of a Semi- nar Held at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina on October 7-8, 1977 PB-275 344/0 Report on the Workshop, New U.S. Initiatives in In- ternational Science and Technology, Held at Key- stone Colorado, April 13-16, 1977 PB-276 959/4 Technical Forum on Direct Current Transmission Held in Djakarta on 18-19 October 1976 PB-277 769/6 Rural Water and Sewer Systems Problems, Needs, Issues, Opportunities, and Goals: A Report on the Proceedings of the National Organizational Confer- ence of the National Rural Water Association (1st) Held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 15-16, 1976 PB-278 986/5 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas (2nd) Held in Biloxi, Mississippi on April 17-20, 1977 PB-279 405/5 Water Problems in the Rural Environment; Alterna- tive Solutions for Water Supply and Wastewater Dis- posal. Proceedings of a Conference Held at Lincoln, Nebraska on November 4-5, 1 976 PB-279 775/1 Puerto Rico's Water Resources Problems and Re- search Needs. Proceedings of Conference and Plan- ning Session (1st) Held at the University Library of the Mayaguez Campus on February 14, 1974 PB-280 100/9 International Consultation on Ipil-lpil Research PB-280 161/1 275 SUBJECT INDEX Workshop on Solar Energy for the Villages of Tar- zania, Held at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 11-19, 1977 PB-282 941/4 Non-Conventional Proteins and Foods: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Wisconsin- Madison on October 18-20, 1977 PB-283 965/2 Technical Information Services for Developing Coun- tries PB-284 204/5 Intermediate Technology: An Informal Survey PB-285 908/0 Community Development: Conference on Confer- ence Planning, Series A, Volume 6 PB-287 235/6 Conferencia Sobre el Planeamiento de las Conferen- cias (Community Development: Conference on Con- ference Planning, Series A, Volume 6) PB-287 236/4 Developpement Communautaire: Preparation Des Conferences (Community Development: Conference on Conference Planning, Series A, Volume 6) PB-287 237/2 Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful PB-287 247/1 Developpment Communautaire. Organisation des Conseils (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful) PB-287 248/9 Como Hacer mas Eficaces las Asambleas de los Consejos (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful) PB-287 249/7 International Workshop on Earth Science Aid to De- veloping Countries Held at Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada on May 17-19, 1974. Background Documents PB-287 818/9 Proceedings of Workshop on Appropriate Technol- ogy Held January 23-25, 1978 PB-288 897/2 Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume I. Confer- ence Report of 1 974 Engineering Foundation Confer- ence Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 PB-289 114/1 Conference Leadership Training PB-292 946/1 Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Housing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1 975 PB-293 782/9 Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1, Number 1 PB-293 786/0 Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1 , Number 2 PB-293 787/8 Strategies for Improving Small Farmer Development in the Tropics PB-294 021/1 Proceedings of Workshop on Appropriate Technol- ogy Held January 23-25, 1978 PB-294 030/2 Proceedings of a Workshop on the Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Development Held at Mor- rilton, Arkansas on November 15-17, 1976 PB-294 127/6 Perch Fingerling Production for Aquaculture PB-294 218/3 The Technological Knowledge Base for Industrializ- ing Countries; Proceedings of the NBS/AID UNCSTD (United Nations Conference on Science and Tech- nology for Development) Seminar Held at Gaithers- burg, Maryland on October 16-17, 1978 PB-294 984/0 State Research Priorities for Energy Conservation in Buildings and Agriculture TID-27060 MEHSANA DISTRICT (INDIA) Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). PB-219 688 MELTING FURNACES Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Steel Melting Plant PB-292 869/5 MEMBRANES Forward Osmosis Extractors: Theory, Feasibility and Design Optimization PB-289 251/1 Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 MENEMSHA POND The Wampanoag Fisheries Protect: Shellfish Produc- tion Improvement at Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts PB-281 670/0 MENTAL DEFICIENCY International Research Seminar on Vocational Reha- bilitation of the Mentally Retarded PB-237 299/3 MENTAL INDUSTRY Small Business in the Metals Industry: A Background Study PB-255 649/6 MENTALLY RETARDED PERSONS International Research Seminar on Vocational Reha- bilitation of the Mentally Retarded PB-237 299/3 MERCURY (METAL) Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Lead and Mercury from Polluted Waters. N75-22937/7 MERLUCCIUS BILINEARIS A Study: Expanded Processing Techniques, Produc- tion Costs and Market Survey of Underutilized Fish Species COM-75-1 1378/7 METABOLISM Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. PB-216 556 METAL-FORMING PRESSES Metalworking Equipment in Thailand. PB-173 709 METAL SHAPES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Metal Spin- ning Products PB-292 825/7 Plant Requirements to set up and Operate Small Steel Rolling Mill PB-292 957/8 METAL TUBING Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Copper Tubing PB-292 830/7 METAL WORKING Equipment for Rural Workshops PB-297 379/0 METALS Application of Sewage Sludge to Cropland: Appraisal of Potential Hazards of the Heavy Metals to Plants and Animals PB-264 015/9 METEOROLOGICAL DATA Environmental Conditions in Region in Thailand AD-A047 981/6 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES A Survey of Meteorological and Hydrological Data Available in Six Sahelian Countries of West Africa. A Survey of Studies in Meteorology and Hydrology in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. N75-1 7045/6 METHANE Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V.1) Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V.2) Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, December 1, 1976-March 31, 1977 COO/2917-4 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Annual Progress Report, June 1, 1976-May 31, 1977 COO/2917-5 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report COO/2917-7 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, January 21 -April 30, 1978 COO-29T7-10 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, September 1, 1976-Novem- ber 30, 1976 COO/2917-76/2 Dirt Feedlot Residue Experiments. Quarterly Prog- ress Report, July 1 -September 30, 1977 COO-2952-15 Monfort Dirt Lot Experiments. Status Report COO-2952-17 Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Report of Quarterly Review Meeting, Palo Alto, California, De- cember 13-14, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1573 COO/2991-11 a Tropical Forest Fuel Gas Production from Animal and Agricultural Residues and Biomass. Seventh Quarterly Coordina- tion Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 9-10, 1978 COO-2991-28 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976- September 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 Bio-Gas Production from Alligator Weeds. N77-1 9729/1 Proceedings of the Bioconversion Energy Research Conference Held at Massachusetts Univ., Amherst on 25-26 June 1973 PB-231 149/6 Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-238 103/6 Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-241 055/3 Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Methane PB-261 091/3 Methane Generation from Human, Animal, and Agri- cultural Wastes PB-276 469/4 An Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion in U.S. Agri- culture PB-278 999/8 Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Manage- ment of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 Energy Recovery from Manure Using Plug-Flow Di- gesters PB-295 065/7 Conversion of Feedlot Wastes into Pipeline Gas PB-296 363/5 The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaer- obic Digesters PB-296 542/4 Methane Generation by Anaerobic Fermentation; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 371/7 The Small Biogas Plant: Its Construction, Operation and Use PB-297 667/8 Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollution Control and Energy Conservation. Final Report TID-27164 Technical and Economic Assessment of Methods for Direct Conversion of Agricultural Residue to Usable Energy. Final Report TID-28552 Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Eight Quarter Progress Report, March 16-June 15, 1978 TID-28736 METHANE BACTERIA Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. PB-216 556 METHANE DIGESTION Proceedings of the Bioconversion Energy Research Conference Held at Massachusetts Univ., Amherst on 25-26 June 1973 PB-231 149/6 METHANOL Biomass-Based Alcohol Fuels: The Near-Term Po- tential for Use with Gasoline HCP/T4101-03 Methanol: Its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Economics, and Hazards NP-21727 Methanol as an Automotive Fuel with Special Em- phasis on Methanol-Gasoline Blends PB-270 401/3 Methanol as an Energy Source and Its Synthesis UCRL-Trans-11076 METHODOLOGY Extension Teaching Methods and Other Factors that Influence Adoption of Agricultural and Home Eco- nomics Practices PB-293 866/0 Education by Alternation PB-294 421/3 METHYL ALCOHOL Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume I. Confer- ence Report of 1974 Engineering Foundation Confer- ence Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 PB-289 114/1 276 SUBJECT INDEX NATURAL RESOURCES Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume II. Reprints of Papers of 1974 Engineering Foundation Confer- ence Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 PB-289 115/8 METRIC SYSTEM Some References on Metric Information with Charts on All You Need to Know About Metric; Metric Con- version Fractors COM-74-50182/6 METROLOGY National Program of Metrology for Ecuador COM-74-1 0394/6 National Program of Metrology for Ethiopia PB-222 533/2 Regional Seminar on a System of Standardization and Metrology for Latin America PB-254 469/0 MEXICAN AMERICANS Hispanic Culture and Health Care - Fact, Fiction, Folklore HRP-0029290/4 MEXICO Drained-Field Agriculture in Southwestern Tlaxcala, Mexico. AD-679 473 A Biogeographical Investigation of the Sierra de Tuxtla in Veracruz, Mexico. AD-679 474 Establishing a Business in Mexico COM-72-501 75-027 Integrating the Rural Market into the National Econo- my of Mexico. PB-189 919T The Role of the Ejido in Mexican Land Reform. PB-189 973 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB- 195 321 Boll Weevil Control Program (Cooperative Diapause Control Program), Texas and Mexico PB-203 608-D Fisheries Policy and the Underdevelopment of In- shore Pacific Mexico PB-296 581/2 MEXICO GULF Utilization of Finfishes Caught Incidental to Shrimp Trawling in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Eval- uation of Costs PB-251 192/1 MHD GENERATORS Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Unconventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 MICHIGAN Comprehensive Development Plan, Bath Charter Township. PB-195 757 MICRONESIA Pre-Final Submission for Saipan, Mariana Islands: Trust Territory Physical Planning Program. PB- 179 305 MIDDLE EAST A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 Environmental Engineering Control of Bilharzia in the Middle East PB-294 422/1 MIDDLEFIELD (MASSACHUSETTS) The Upper Factory Brook Sawmill Site: An Early In- dustrial Site in Middlefield, Massachusetts PB-262 179/5 MIGRANT WORKERS The Bravo Story PB-214 175/2 MILITARY OPERATIONS Materials, Techniques, and Testing Methods for the Sanitation (Bacterial Decontamination) of Small- Scale Water Supplies in the Field Used in Germany During and after the War. PB-215 103 MILK The Milk Supply of Major Indian Cities. AD-703 235 The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Supplemen- tary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries AD-772 930/4 Plant Requirements for Processing of Dairy Products. PB-175 527 Extending Protein Concentrates for Child Feeding by Addition of Inexpensive Simple Nitrogen Sources PB-213 787/8 MILLING MACHINES Health and Safety Guide for Sawmills and Planing Mills PB-278 033/6 MINE WATERS Precipitation Management for Reclamation of Over- grazed Areas in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions PB-251 166/5 MINERAL DEPOSITS Science, Technology, and Development. Volume II. Natural Resources. Minerals and Mining, Mapping and Geodetic Control PB-208 432 MINERAL PRODUCTS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Chalk Whit- ing. PB- 177 934 MINK INDUSTRY Evaluation of an Experimental Fish Reduction Proc- ess Applicable to Small Fisheries. PB-195 052 MINNESOTA Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 MINNOWS Pond Culture of Bait Fishes COM-72-10054 MINORITY ENTERPRISES Urban Business Profile: Supermarkets COM-72-50659 MINORITY OWNED ENTERPRISES Arizona Indian Business Development Program COM-71-00717 MITES Control de Niguas (Controlling Chiggers) PB-289 988/8 MODELS Manpower Forecasting Model for Educational Plan- ning PB-291 515/5 MODERNIZATION The Impact of Modernization in the Philippines II. AD-715 802 MODULAR CONSTRUCTION In-Cities Experimental Housing Research and Devel- opment Project, Phase I. Composite Report. Volume III. technology. PB-184 123 MOISTUREPROOFING Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 MOLASSES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Dehydrated Molasses PB-292 822/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Carob Molas- ses PB-292 923/0 MOLLUSCA Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aqua- culture System PB-275 180/8 MOLLUSCS Development of Bivalves Belonging to the Genus Corbicula ORNL-tr-4587 MONITORING Evaluation of Vapor Leaks and Development of Mon- itoring Procedures for Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Piping PB-296 085/4 MONTANA Creating a Ceramics Industry on the Blackfeet Res- ervation. PB- 170 306 MOSQUITO CONTROL Mosquito Control. Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-224 749/2 MOSQUITOES A Study of Mosquito Prevention and Control Prob- lems Associated with Stream Modification Projects PB-246 392/5 MOTIVATION Leadership through an Understanding of Human Mo- tivation with Special Application to a Partially Indus- trialized Country AD-765 702/6 MOTOR VEHICLES Refuse Collection Vehicle Performance Specification: User's Guidebook PB-273 766/6 MULTIPLE PURPOSE RESERVOIRS Environmental Aspects of a Large Tropical Reservoir - A Case Study of Volta Lake, Ghana PB-248 630/6 MULTISTAGE FLASH DISTILLATION Water: Desalination AD-725 600 MULTISTATE GOVERNMENT Rural Human Resources Project SHR-0000101 MUNICIPAL WASTES Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1 973-November 30, 1976 COO/2917-3(V.1) Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1 973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V.2) MUNICIPALITIES Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria PB-257 454/9 Model Facility Plan for a Small Community, Supple- ment to: Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan, Mu- nicipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program PB-257 64974 Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing Guidelines for Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD PB-259 512/2 National Water Quality Goals Cannot Be Attained Without More Attention to Pollution from Diffused or 'Nonpoint' Sources PB-275 290/5 Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities PB-280 662/8 MUSCIDAE Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nutrients PB-221 171/2 MYTILUS EDULIS Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aqua- culture System PB-275 180/8 NATIONAL GOVERNMENT National Water Quality Goals Cannot Be Attained Without More Attention to Pollution from Diffused or 'Nonpoint' Sources PB-275 290/5 L'lmportance de la Formation dans les Services Public (Improving the Public Service Through Train- ing) PB-287 258/8 Improving the Public Service Through Training PB-287 259/6 NATIONAL PARKS Managing Public Rangelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grasslands PB-286 446/0 L'Exploitation des Paturages (Managing Public Ran- gelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grass- lands) PB-286 447/8 NATIONAL PROGRAMS Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 NATIONS A Housing Services Policy for Low-Income Urban Families in Underdeveloped Countries AD-A01 976/9 NATURAL DISASTERS FY75 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes PB-250 848/9 Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S. -Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. on May 15- 17, 1974 PB-252 683/8 NATURAL FIBERS Fibers as Renewable Resources for Industrial Materi- PB-264 561/2 NATURAL HAZARDS Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. on May 15- 17, 1974 PB-252 683/8 NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The Role of the Agency for International Develop- ment in the Field of Natural Resources Planning and Management PB-210 105 NATURAL RESOURCES A Biogeographical Investigation of the Sierra de Tuxtla in Veracruz, Mexico. AD-679 474 Principles and Standards for Planning Water and Re- lated Land Resources EIS-AA-73-1451-F 277 SUBJECT INDEX Water, Mineral, and Forest Resources in Regional Economic Development. PB-177 544 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume I. Natural Resources. Energy, Water, River Basin De- velopment PB-207 495 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume II. Natural Resources. Minerals and Mining, Mapping and Geodetic Control PB-208 432 Principles for Planning Water and Land Resources PB-209 175 The Role of the Agency for International Develop- ment in the Field of Natural Resources Planning and Management PB-210 105 A Report on the LIPI-NAS Workship on Natural Re- sources. Volume I. Overall Findings and Recommen- dations-Working Group Reports PB-217 293/0 The Natural Resource Potential for Regional Devel- opment of Limon Province: A Preliminary Survey PB-226 621/1 Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials PB-257 357/4 Biological Productivity of Renewable Resources Used as Industrial Materials PB-264 457/3 Extractives as a Renewable Resource for Industrial Materials PB-264 459/9 An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools PB-286 619/2 Momento de Conservation des Resources Naturelles (An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools) PB-286 620/0 Teaching Conservation in Developing Nations PB-292 856/2 NATURAL RUBBER Guayule: An Alternative Source of Natural Rubber PB-264 170/2 NAVAL RESEARCH Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Construction. AD-684 41 1 NEBRASKA Impact of Hail Suppression on Nebraska Crop Pro- duction: A Simulation Study PB-272 436/7 NEPAL Cooperative Effort in Industrial Development PB-206 803 Hydrology and Water Resources Development in Nepal PB-212 035 Appropriate Technology in India. Report on a Study Leave, August-December, 1 977 PB-294 759/6 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Nepal PB-298 036/5 NETWORK ANALYSIS (MANAGEMENT) Planning and Scheduling with Network Technique (PERT/CPM) (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique/Critical Path Method) PB-294 528/5 PERT Guide for Management Use PB-296 567/1 NEW MEXICO Piute Vocational Education Project-Piute County School District COM-73- 10355 Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies PB-285 963/5 NICARAGUA Natural Resources-Cadastral Inventory. Nicaraguan Pilot Project PB-207 385 An Evaluation of Recent Private Industrial Develop- ment in Nicaragua PB-212 779/3 The Agricultural Development of Nicaragua: An Anal- ysis of the Production Sector PB-271 002/8 NICKEL Water Hyacinths for Removal of Cadmium and Nickel from Polluted Waters. N75-16129/9 NIGER Tele-Niger: Adapting an Electronic Medium to a Rural African Context PB-292 904/0 NIGERIA Modernization in a Regional Context: Pretheory and Practice in Western Nigeria. AD-703 232 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. PB-195 323 Surface-Water Resources of the Yobe River System, Northern Nigeria, 1963-68 PB-210 594 Introduction to Record Keeping in a Small Enterprise PB-212 034 Economic Analysis of Agricultural Production and Labour Utilization among the Hausa in the North of Nigeria. (Afr-338.1-N842). PB-219 757 Systems and Energy in Tropical Farming PB-294 640/8 Farm Equipment Development Project, Daudawa, N.C.S., Nigeria PB-297 784/1 NITRATES Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Re- gions PB-198 125 NITROGEN Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops LA-6700-MS Extending Protein Concentrates for Child Feeding by Addition of Inexpensive Simple Nitrogen Sources PB-213 787/8 Process Technologies for Nitrogen Fertilizers PB-296 576/2 NOISE (SOUND) Health and Safety Guide for Plywood and Veneer Mills PB-274 759/0 NONBANK CREDIT Changes in Small Farmer Credit Use in Southern Brazil, 1965-69. (Br-332.71-A211). PB-219 696 NONPOINT SOURCES National Water Quality Goals Cannot Be Attained Without More Attention to Pollution from Diffused or 'Nonpoint' Sources PB-275 290/5 NORTH AFRICA Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 3, 1976 PB-287 877-T Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 4, 1976 PB-287 878-T NORTH CAROLINA Citizen Participation. PB-191 721 NORTH DAKOTA Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation: Developing and Ap- plying a Coordinated Approach to Energy-Related Community Development. Executive Summary HCP/M3879-0003 NORTH VIETNAM A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. PB-195 318 NURSES RN in the Baccalaureate Program HRP-001 1537/8 Testing the RN Student's Skills HRP-0019781/4 From LVN (Licensed Vocational Nurse) To RN (Reg- istered Nurse) in One Year HRP-0019813/5 From RN to BSN - Faculty Perceptions HRP-0025657/8 NUT TREES Black Walnut as a Crop. Black Walnut Symposium, Carbondale, Illinois, August 14-15, 1973 PB-223 510/9 NUTRIENTS Nonpoint Rural Sources of Water Pollution PB-214 508/4 NUTRITION Rural Nutrition of Monsoon Asia AD-A057 090/3 Dietary Allowances: An International Point of View AD-724 571 Fish Protein: Its Past, Present and Future COM-72-11191 The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-197 157 Corn Fortification: A Field Demonstration Model PB-211 672 A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutri- tion. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area PB-213 612/5 Teaching Manual: School Gardens and Nutrition. (Manual Didactico: Huertos Escolares y Nutricion) PB-263 349/3 World Food and Nutrition Study; Enhancement of Food Production for the United States PB-279 379/2 Health Education of the Tropical Mother in Feeding Her Young Child PB-286 439/5 La Nutrition de L'Enfant Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpment (Child Nutrition in Developing Coun- tries) PB-286 459/3 Better Nourishment for Infants and Preschool Chil- dren. A Food for Peace Guide PB-286 621/8 Ameliorer L'Alimentation de L'Enfant (Better Nourish- ment for Infants and Preschool Children. A Food for Peace Guide) PB-286 622/6 Nutrition and National Development Planning PB-294 555/8 The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Countries PB-295 499/8 NUTRITION INSTRUCTION The Nutrition Message and the Mass Media ED-152 252 NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY DISEASES Health Education of the Tropical Mother in Feeding Her Young Child PB-286 439/5 La Nutrition de L'Enfant Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpment (Child Nutrition in Developing Coun- tries) PB-286 459/3 NUTRITIVE VALUE Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods PB-213 756/5 Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods PB-213 769/0 Genetic Improvement of Productivity and Nutritional Quality of Wheat PB-279 445/1 NUTS (FRUITS) Development of a Scientific Basis for the Manufac- ture of Low-Cost Protein Foods and Beverages from Fresh Coconuts PB-213 594/6 OAHU ISLAND Identification of Return Irrigation Water in the Sub- surface: Water Quality. PB-189 171 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Industrial First Aid Training PB-292 730/9 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH Woodworking. Circular-Saw Accidents PB-227 591/5 Chemical Safety - Pesticides PB-254 272/8 Health and Safety Guide for Plywood and Veneer Mills PB-274 759/0 OCEAN ENVIRONMENTS Assessing Technology for Marine Resource Develop- ment. Proceedings of a Conference-Workshop Held by the Marine Technology Society at Arlington, Vir- ginia on May 15-17, 1972 COM-74-1 1005/7 Towards a Marine Policy in Latin America PB-275 245/9 OCEANS international Marine Science Affairs PB-212 975/8 OIL POLLUTION Coastal Zone Pollution by Oil and Other Contami- nants: Guidelines for Policy, Assessment and Moni- toring in Tropical Regions. Based Upon a Case Study in Indonesia, in 1973 PB-247 431/0 The Biological and Ecological Effects of Oil Pollution in Tropical Waters. An Annotated Bibliography PB-248 899/7 A Reconnais- A Reconnais- Coastal Zone Pollution in Indonesia sance Survey PB-255 447/5 OIL SPILLS Coastal Zone Pollution in Indonesia sance Survey PB-255 447/5 OILS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rice Bran Oil PB-293 006/3 OILSEED CROPS The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflow- er Processing Plants in North Dakota PB-265 749/2 278 SUBJECT INDEX PARASITES Handbook of Selection and Seed Growing of Oil Plants TT-71-50100 OLAR DRYING Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 OLOMEGA LAGOON Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de llopango y la Laguna de Olomega, 1977. Volume V, No. 5 (Fishing Evaluation of Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon, 1977. Volume V, No. 5) PB-298 058/9 OPERATIONS RESEARCH Operations Research in Water Quality Management. PB-217 667 Systems Analysis and Operations Research: A Tool for Policy and Program Planning for Developing Countries PB-251 639/1 OREGON Self-Help Housing in Oregon PB-200 967 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Weed Control Systems and Systems Utilization for Representative Farms in Developing Countries PB-293 759/7 ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Chemicals from Wood Waste PB-262 489/8 Extractives as a Renewable Resource for Industrial Materials PB-264 459/9 Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 Evaluation of Vapor Leaks and Development of Mon- itoring Procedures for Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Piping PB-296 085/4 The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 ORGANIC FARMING A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesti- cides PB-243 639/2 A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 ORGANIC MATERIALS Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-1 0569/1 ORGANIC WASTES Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-241 055/3 An Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Residues as an Energy Feedstock. Volume T PB-260 763/8 ORGANIZATION Successful Mexican Tuna Cooperatives. A Model for U.S. Fishermen PB-296 964/0 ORGANIZATION SIZE (GROUPS) Manual de Administracion para la Industria del Ves- tuario (Administrative Manual for the Clothing Indus- try) PB-290 423/3 Plant Size, Location and Time-Phasing PB-293 036/0 ORGANIZATION THEORY A System for the Analysis, Evaluation and Design of Organizations, Work, and Jobs PB-265 159/4 Effective Job Organization PB-292 719/2 Institution Building: Incidents, Ideas, and Applica- tions. An Experimental Guidebook in Scholar Practi- tioner Communication PB-293 989/0 Local Organization for Rural Development: Analysis of Asian Experience PB-294 146/6 ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS The Peace Corps: Perspectives for the Future PB-235 922/2 ORGANIZATIONS Potential Cooperative Projects. PB-180 245 Meeting the Challenge of Industrialization: A Feasibil- ity Study for an International Industrialization Institute PB-228 348/9 Program Development: A Manual for Organizational Self-Study PB-255 980/5 Resources for Development: Organizations and Pub- lications PB-263 350/1 The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis PB-286 227/4 Improving Management of Farmer Cooperatives PB-289 987/0 International Directory of Women's Development Or- ganizations PB-292 854/7 Directory of Resources for Project Management As- sistance PB-294 067/4 Understanding Your Cooperatives PB-295 621/7 The Relevance of AT (Appropriate Technology) De- velopment in the U.S. to the Third World (A Compen- dium of U.S. A.T. Organizations) PB-295 955/9 Global Listing of Appropriate Technology Organiza- tions and Sources PB-296 635/6 ORGANIZING A Handbook for Cooperatives Fieldworkers in Devel- oping Nations; Sections One through Seven PB-296 041/7 OSMOSIS Water: Desalination AD-725 600 OSTREA EDULIS Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aqua- culture System PB-275 180/8 OTTO CYCLE Methanol: Its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Economics, and Hazards NP-21727 OVERFISHING Alternative Management Plans for Yellowfin Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific PB-275 182/4 OXYGEN Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bottled Oxygen and Acetylene PB-292 801/8 OYSTERS A Method for the Cultivation of the Mangrove Oyster in Puerto Rico (Metodo para el Cultivo del Ostion de Mangle en P. R.) PB-263 849/2 Culture of the Mangrove Oyster, 'Crassostrea rhizo- phorae' Guilding, in Puerto Rico PB-265 918/3 OZONATION Recent Development in the Role of Ozone in Water Purification and Its Implications in Developing Coun- tries PB-294 705/9 PA MONG PROJECT Report on Potential Growth of Aquatic Plants of the Lower Mekong River Basin, Laos-Thailand PB-207 613 PACIFASTACUS LENIUSCULUS Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Paci- fastacus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 PACIFIC OCEAN A Review of the Literature on the Development of Skipjack Tuna Fisheries in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean COM-73-50276 Examples of National Contributions to the Develop- ment and Management of the Oceans' Living Re- sources COM-74-10059/5 PAINT APPLICATORS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Paint and Varnish Brushes. PB-175 546 PAINT INDUSTRY Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Paint Products Industry in West Africa to 1980 PB-206 971 PAKISTAN A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 901 Fishculture Project Report for East Pakistan. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 915 East Pakistan Land and Water Development as Re- lated to Agriculture PB-203 328 The Feasibility of Harvesting, Processing and Mar- keting Tuna in Pakistan PB-211 762 Scientific and Technical Information in Pakistan. The Report of a Joint IDRC/UNDP Mission, October-No- vember 1976 PB-294 147/4 The Potato Industry in East Pakistan. Improving Seed Potato Multiplication and Storage PB-294 410/6 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Pakistan PB-298 091/0 PALLETS Rapid Production of Pallet Deckboards from Low- Grade Logs AD-724 272 Wood Pallet Manufacturing AD-736 268 PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION Guide for the Organization of Health Services in Rural Areas and the Utilization of Auxiliary Personnel HRP-0016123/2 PANAMA Weight and Energy Values of Selected Litter-Fall Components from Two Forest Stands in the Canal Zone Republic of Panama. AD-715 871 Housing the Campesino. A Case Study of Coopera- tive Housing in Rural Panama. PB-188 852 Fishculture Survey Report for Panama. PB-195 912 HUD International Country Reports. Panama PB-236 978/3 Diagnostico para el Desarrollo de Servicios de Infor- macion Cientifica y Tecnologica en Panama (Analy- sis of the Development of Scientific and Technologi- cal Services in Panama) PB-289 986/2 Estudios Sobre Politica Cientifica y Tecnologica de Panama (Studies on the Scientific and Technological Policy in Panama) PB-292 937/0 Panamanian District: A Case Study in the Sociology of Development PB-294 238/1 PANELS (STRUCTURAL) A Small Particle Board Plant. PB-177 944 PAPER Recovery and Reuse of Wastepaper from Shredded Household Trash AD-A007 918/6 PAPER INDUSTRY Papermaking and Manufacture of Paper Products as a Small-Scale, Semi-Mechanized and Cottage Indus- try. Materials-Processes-Equipment Organization- Economics-marketing. PB-177 916 Industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Vietnam. Book I PB-212 632 Industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Vietnam. Book II PB-212 633 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Prospects for Establishing Viable Small-Scale Pulp and Paper Industries in Developing Countries PB-294 601/0 PARABOLOID MIRRORS Lightweight Reflector Assembly. PATENf-4 035 065 PARAGUAY Fishculture Survey Report for Paraguay. PB-195 910 Small-Scale Industry Development in Paraguay PB-250 627/7 PARASITES Parasites of Man in Remote Areas of Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia AD-A057 551/4 Crawfish and Freshwater Shrimp Diseases PB-275 958/7 Parasites Internes du Pore (Internal Parasites of Swine) PB-293 872/8 Les Maladies Parasitaires du Mouton (Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Sheep) PB-293 874/4 279 SUBJECT INDEX Maladies Communes et Parasites des Volailles (Communicable Diseases and Parasites of Chickens) PB-294 284/5 PARASITIC DISEASES Abstracts of Papers Presented by Staff of NAMRU-2 at the International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria (9th), Held in Athens (Greece) on 14-21 October 1 973 AD-777 404/5 Health Education: A Study Unit on Fecal-Borne Dis- eases and Parasites PB-262 606/7 Les Maladies Parasitaires du Mouton (Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Sheep) PB-293 874/4 PARTHENIUM ARGENTATUM Guayule: An Alternative Source of Natural Rubber PB-264 170/2 PARTICLEBOARDS Properties of Particleboards at Various Humidity Con- ditions AD-784 557/1 PASSENGER VEHICLES Automobile Body Corrosion Prevention. Maintenance and Repair Procedure. PB-177 914 PASSIVE SOLAR COOLING SYSTEMS State of the Art in Passive Solar Heating and Cooling LA-UR-78-774 PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS State of the Art in Passive Solar Heating and Cooling LA-UR-78-774 Simple Technique of Estimating the Performance of Passive Solar Heating Systems LA-UR-78-1571 Solar Heating Results for the Nambe Community Center LA-UR-78-2589 Passive Solar Heating and Cooling LA-6637-C Passive Solar Systems Development PB-295 813/0 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Association of Vertebrate Pathogens with Ecological Perturbation of Tropical Forests. Part I AD-A019 542/0 PAVEMENT BASES Soil Stabilization PB-222 920/1 The Compaction of Soils and Stabilized Bases on Road in East Africa PB-231 391/4 PAVEMENTS Stabilization of sub-Base and Base Materials for Pavement. N68-20393 Guidelines for Use of Fabrics in Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads PB-276 972/7 PEACE CORPS The Peace Corps: Perspectives for the Future PB-235 922/2 Resources for Development: Organizations and Pub- lications PB-263 350/1 PEANUT PLANTS Peanut Rust: A Review of Literature AD-863 643 What Has Been Done in Peanut Breeding (Chto sde- lano po Selektsii Arakhisa) PB-248 361/8 Technique of Artificial Hybridization in the Peanut (Tekhnika Iskusstevennoi Gibridizatsii Arakhisa) PB-248 362/6 Biology of Peanut Flowering (Biologiya Tsveteniya Arakhisa) PB-259 554-T Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 PENAEUS JAPONICUS Problems in Prawn Culture PB-296 072-T PENCILS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Lead Pencils PB-293 010/5 PERCA FLAVESCENS Perch Fingerling Production for Aquaculture PB-294 218/3 PERCH Perch Fingerling Production for Aquaculture PB-294 218/3 PERFORMANCE PREDICTION Flat-Plate Solar-Collector Performance Evaluation with a Solar Simulator as a Basis for Collector Selec- tion and Performance Prediction. N75-32591/0 PERFORMANCE TESTS Testing the RN Student's Skills HRP-001 9781/4 PERIODICALS Closing the Communications Gap. The Role and Functions of Information Media in Rehabilitation Services PB-214 489/7 PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT From RN to BSN - Faculty Perceptions HRP-0025657/8 Small Business Management Series Number 36. Training Salesmen to Serve Industrial Markets PB-282 731/9 Determination des Aptitudes et de la Formation Re- quises pour la Main-d'oeuvre (Techniques for Deter- mining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Require- ments) PB-287 260/4 Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements PB-287 261/2 Effective Job Organization PB-292 719/2 Maintenance Training Program PB-292 965/1 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Personnel Administration. PB-177 962 Small Business Management Series No. 3. Third Edi- tion. Human Relations in Small Business PB-282 727/7 Problems in Business Management: Management Training PB-292 944/6 Communications in Business and Industry PB-292 983/4 PERSONNEL SELECTION Selection and Training of New Foremen PB-292 754/9 PERT Planning and Scheduling with Network Technique (PERT/CPM) (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique/Critical Path Method) PB-294 528/5 PERT Guide for Management Use PB-296 567/1 PERU Natural Decay Resistance of 30 Peruvian Woods. AD-709 718 Agrarian Reform, Land Purchase and Industrialization in Peru. PB-189 920T Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in the Central Sierra of Peru. PB-189 972 Freedom and Development. Rural Decision-Making and Agricultural Development. PB-189 976 Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in Peru. Part I. Nature of and Relationships Between Agrarian Reform and Economic Development. Part II. Analytical Structural Change Model for Analyzing Agrarian Reform Structures and Remedial Alterna- tives in the Sierra. PB-189 987 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 Fishculture Survey Report for Peru. PB-196 355 Aquacultural Developments in Peru PB-211 671 Status of Trout Culture in Peru PB-211 775 A Generalized Crop-Fertilizer Production Function. (631.88-R988). PB-219 683 HUD International Country Reports. Peru PB-236 980/9 La Investigacion Tecnologica Industrial en el Peru. Analisis y Comentarios (Industrial Technological Re- search in Peru. Analysis and Comments PB-290 424/1 Efecto del Proceso de Importacion de Tecnologia en el Peru (Periodo 1971/74) (Effect of the Process of Technology Importation into Peru (1971-1974 period) PB-292 938/8 Experiences of Community Participation in Non- Scholarized Initial Education in the Department of Puno - Peru PB-295 179-T Quesos Andinos del Peru (Cheeses from the Andine Region in Peru) PB-297 856/7 Quesos para Regiones Tropicales (Cheeses Tropical Regions) PB-297 857/5 for PEST CONTROL Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 Plant Protection Problems in Southeast Asia PB-212 101 Integrated Pest Management PB-214 173/7 Mosquito Control. Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-224 749/2 A Study of Mosquito Prevention and Control Prob- lems Associated with Stream Modification Projects PB-246 392/5 Cotton Boll Rot. Laying Out a Trial of a Method of Control (La Pourriture des Capsules du Cotonnier: Essai de Mise en Place d'une Methode de Lutte) PB-249 731/1 Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Res- ervoirs with Bioarowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 Pest Control Strategies PB-274 644/4 A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides PB-284 990/9 Les Ravageurs des Grains Entreposes (Stored Grain Pests) PB-286 428/8 La Prevention Contre les Moustiques dans les Terres Irriguees (Mosquito Prevention on Irrigated Farms) PB-286 429/6 Control de Niguas (Controlling Chiggers) PB-289 988/8 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume II. Enemies of Stored Grain PB-292 910/7 Combined Vector Control Problems with Contradict- ing Host Habitats PB-294 430/4 Les Termites Ravageurs du Batiment (Control of Nonsubterranean Termites and Subterranean Ter- mites) PB-294 900/6 Evaluation of the Emery Dredge for Determining Numbers of Snails in Tropical Reservoirs. TID-26889 PESTICIDES Aquatic Plants for Removal of Mevinphos from the Aquatic Environment. N75-1 6206/5 Diagnosis and Treatment of Poisoning by Pesticides PB-227 053/6 Proceedings of the National Conference on Protec- tive Clothing and Safety Equipment for Pesticide Workers Held in Atlanta, Georgia, May 1-2, 1972 PB-239 799/0 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesti- cides PB-243 639/2 Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides PB-244 557/5 A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 Handbook for Pesticide Disposal by Common Chemi- cal Methods PB-252 864/4 Project SAFEGUARD: Safe Pesticide Practices. Safety Handbook PB-253 369/3 Chemical Safety - Pesticides PB-254 272/8 Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 Pesticide Chemicals. A Programmed Text PB-255 605/8 Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Private Appli- cators PB-257 724/5 Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 Pest Control Strategies PB-274 644/4 A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides PB-284 990/9 280 SUBJECT INDEX PLANT GROWTH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Antibiotics PB-292 711/9 PHARMACOLOGY Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Products. PB-178 062 PHENOLS Water Hyacinths for Removal of Phenols from Pollut- ed Waters. N75-16128/1 PHILIPPINES A Philippine Sugar Cane District: Spatial Phenomena Affecting Sugar Cane Production on the Haciendas. AD-679 475 The Philippine Family Planning Program: Some Sug- gestions for Dealing with Uncertainties. AD-703 278 The Impact of Modernization in the Philippines II. AD-715 802 The Impact of Modernization in The Philippines AD-722 000 A Right to Survive: Subsistence Marketing in a Low- land Philippine Town AD-758 524 Establishing a Business in the Phillippines COM-72-50175-017 Research Study on the Socio-Economic Aspects of Low-Cost Housing in the Phillippines COM-74-1 0722/8 Land Reform in the Philippines 1950-1958. PB-189 969 The Rural Philippines. PB-189 988 A Special Study of Landed Estates in the Philippines: Analysis and Findings. PB-189 991 An Economic and Social Survey of Rural Households in Central Luzon. PB-190 131 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. PB-195 318 Performance and Economics of Use of Small Equip- ment in Tropical Monsoon Countries: The Case of the Philippines PB-206 806 Industrializing at the Grass Roots Level in the Philip- pines PB-206 902 Housing and Urban Development in the Philippines PB-212 371 Workshop on Education and Training Needs for Phil- ippine Environmental Programs Held in Manila, Phil- ippines, May 27-31, 1974 PB-239 478/1 A Survey of the Possible Use of Windpower in Thai- land and the Philippines PB-245 609/3 Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas PB-287 244/8 Developpement Communautaire, Application dans les Zones Urbaines et Semi-Urbaines. (Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi- Urban Areas) PB-287 245/5 Desarrollo de la Comunidad, D. C. en Zonas Ur- banas y Suburbanas. (Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas) PB-287 246/3 Experiments in Rearing 'Siganus guttatus' (Pisces: Osteichthyes, Siganidae) in a Sea-Cage and Fishpen in the Philippines PB-295 218/2 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Philippines PB-298 084/5 PHILLIPPINES Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Philip- pines. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures. PB-195 909 Philippines-U.S. Workshop on Cooperation in Sci- ence and Technology (2nd). Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California 6-10 November 1966 PB-204 407 PHOSPHORUS Caracteristicas de la Industria Mundial del Abono - Fertilizantes Fosfatados (Characteristics of the World Fertilizers Industry - Phosphatic Fertilizers) PB-294 427/0 PHOTONOVELS The Photonovel: A Tool for Development PB-266 300/3 PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Unconventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 PHOTOVOLTAIC CONVERSION Status of the Erda/NASA Photovoltaic Tests and Ap- plications Project. N77-13537/4 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets. N78-29578/9 Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of De- veloping Countries. N79-15411/8 PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER PLANTS Photovoltaic Power in Less Developed Countries COO-4094-1 Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: Assess- ment of the Near-Term Market DOE/NASA/ 1022-78/29 Design and Fabrication of a Photovoltaic Power System for the Papago Indian Village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona DOE/NASA/1022-78/39 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets DOE/NASA/1022-78/41 PHREATOPHYTES Phreatophytes. A Bibliography, Revised PB-232 259/2 PHYTOPHAGOUS FISHES Manual on the Biotechnology of the Propagation and Rearing of Phytophagous Fishes PB-199 799-T PINEAPPLES A Proposed Factory in Honduras for the Processing of Pineapples and Other Tropical Fruits PB-294 234/0 PIPES Field Fabrication of Continuous Lightweight Rein- forced Plastic Pipe. Phase I. Literature Search. AD-713 201 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Asbestos - Cement Pipe. PB- 177 932 PIPES (TUBES) Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Centrifugal Cast Iron Pipe PB-292 786/1 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Galvanized Steel Pipe PB-292 800/0 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flexible Steel Conduit PB-293 001/4 PISTON PUMPS The Continued Development and Field Evaluation of the Aid Hand-Operated Water Pump. PB- 196 340 PIUTE COUNTY (NEW MEXICO) Piute Vocational Education Project-Piute County School District COM-73-10355 PLANKTON Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de llopango y la Laguna de Olomega, 1977. Volume V, No. 5 (Fishing Evaluation of Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon, 1977. Volume V, No. 5) PB-298 058/9 Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Ara- muaca. Vol. II, No. 1 (Preliminary Limnologic Study of Lake Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1) PB-298 059/7 Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Compara- tive del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Lluviosa de 1 973 y Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9 (Contribu- tion to the Comparative Limnologic Knowledge on the Guija Lake in the 1973 Rainy Season and the 1974 Dry Season. Volume II, No. 9) PB-298 060/5 Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde. Volumen II, No. 4 (Preliminary Limnologic Studies of Laguna Verde. Volume II, No. 4) PB-298 061/3 PLANNED SOCIAL CHANGE Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB-190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume II. Books and Book Length Monographs. PB-190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume III. Government Reports, U.N. Reports and Proceedings of Special Confer- ences. PB-190 677 PLANNING Alternative Futures Planning PB-285 717/5 Developpement Communautaire L'Agent Rural et L'Organization Democratique du Programme (Com- munity Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning) PB-287 232/3 Community Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning PB-287 234/9 Community Development: Conference on Confer- ence Planning, Series A, Volume 6 PB-287 235/6 Conferencia Sobre el Planeamiento de las Conferen- cias (Community Development: Conference on Con- ference Planning, Series A, Volume 6) PB-287 236/4 Developpement Communautaire: Preparation Des Conferences (Community Development: Conference on Conference Planning, Series A, Volume 6) PB-287 237/2 Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful PB-287 247/1 Developpment Communautaire. Organisation des Conseils (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful) PB-287 248/9 Como Hacer mas Eficaces las Asambleas de los Consejos (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful) PB-287 249/7 Demographic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries PB-287 262/0 Tecnicas Demograficas Para El Planeamiento de la Mano de Obra de Paises en Desarrollo (Demograph- ic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries) PB-287 264/6 Index Retrospectif. Planification et Developpement Agricoles, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1 (Retrospec- tive Index. Agricultural Planning and Development, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1) PB-289 985/4 Community Development: An Introduction to Com- munity Development for Village Workers, Series A, Volume 1 PB-289 991/2 Petite Entreprise: 150 Questions (150 Questions for a Prospective Manufacturer) PB-293 762/1 Towards Village Industry: A Strategy for Develop- ment PB-297 788/2 Evaluation of the Emery Dredge for Determining Numbers of Snails in Tropical Reservoirs. TID-26889 PLANT DISEASES Genetic Vulnerability of Major Crops PB-212 941/9 An Annotated Bibliography of 'Macrophomlna pha- seolina' 1905-1975 PB-283 811/8 Les Maladies de la Tomate: Prophylaxie et Traite- ment (Tomato Diseases and Their Control) PB-296 918/6 PLANT FIBERS Les Fibres Vegetales et Leurs Utilisations (Vegetable Fibers and Their Uses) PB-294 419/7 Vegetable Fibers and Their Uses PB-294 420/5 PLANT GENETICS Genetic Vulnerability of Major Crops PB-212 941/9 What Has Been Done in Peanut Breeding (Chto sde- lano po Selektsii Arakhisa) PB-248 361/8 Biology of Peanut Flowering (Biologiya Tsveteniya Arakhisa) PB-259 554-T Genetic Improvement of Productivity and Nutritional Quality of Wheat PB-279 445/1 The Development of Hybrid Corn Technology in the United States and Selected Countries PB-292 915/6 PLANT GROWTH Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on 3-6 October 1 977 AD-A060 779/6 Effective Utilization of Solar Engegy to Produce Clean Fuel PB-233 956/2 Biology of Peanut Flowering (Biologiya Tsveteniya Arakhisa) PB-259 554-T 281 SUBJECT INDEX Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1 , Number 2 PB-293 787/8 PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops LA-6700-MS PLANT LOCATION Plant Size, Location and Time-Phasing PB-293 036/0 PLANT ROOTS Water Hyacinths for Removal of Cadmium and Nickel from Polluted Waters. N75-16129/9 PLANT TISSUE Weight and Energy Values of Selected Litter-Fall Components from Two Forest Stands in the Canal Zone Republic of Panama. AD-715 871 PLANTING Double Cropping and Interplanting, 1972-1977. Quick Bibliography Series PB-293 801/7 Farming Systems Engineering - Summary of Projects for the 1975 'In-House-Review' PB-294 638/2 PLANTS Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops LA-6700-MS Potential of Arid Zone Vegetation as a Source of Substrates LBL-7214 PLANTS (BIOLOGY) Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-238 103/6 PLANTS (BOTANY) Inventory of Research on Vegetation of Desert Envi- ronments. AD-668 852 The Ecology of the Forest/Savanna Boundary (Pro- ceedings of the Igu Humid Tropics Commission Sym- posium, Venezuela, 1 964). AD-671 856 Use of Vegetation as an Indicator for Soil Properties under Desert Conditions. AD-679 182 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, i. AD-703 222 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, ii. AD-703 223 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, iii. AD-703 224 The Savanna Landscapes of the Amazon Basin. AD-704 160 Aquatic Weed Control in Fish Ponds with Chemical Methods AD-726 948 Plant Sources of Water in Southeast Asia AD-727 713 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 Peanut Rust: A Review of Literature AD-863 643 Water Hyacinths for Removal of Phenols from Pollut- ed Waters. N75-16128/1 Aquatic Plants for Removal of Mevinphos from the Aquatic Environment. N75-16206/5 Bio-Conversion of Water Hyacinths into Methane Gas. Part 1 . N75-27564/4 Water Hyacinths for Upgrading Sewage Lagoons to Meet Advanced Wastewater Treatment Standards, Part 1. N76-1 0697/0 Plant Protection Problems in Southeast Asia PB-212 101 Phreatophytes. A Bibliography, Revised PB-232 259/2 Insect-Plant Interactions. Report of a Work Confer- ence PB-233 692/3 Underexploited Tropical Plants with Promising Eco- nomic Value PB-251 656/5 Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 PLASTIC PIPES Field Fabrication of Continuous Lightweight Rein- forced Plastic Pipe. Phase I. Literature Search. AD-713 201 PLASTICS Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Plastic Molding Plant. PB-177 922 How Craftsmen and Home Hobbyists Can Make and Use Wood Plastic Composite Materials PB-242 973/6 PLATING Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Plant for Plating of Automobile Parts. PB-175 547 PLYWOOD Plywood Processing and Woodworkig Equipment Study in Taiwan R. O. C DIB-77-10-514 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Plywood. PB-177 930 Wood Species and Glues Influence Plywood Bond Durability. PB-182 735 POLICIES Health Policies and International Corporations HRP-0006853/6 A Methodology for Formulating and Implementing Science Policy for a Small Developing Country (Costa Rica) PB-244 294/5 Appropriate Technology and Agriculture in the United States PB-276 055/1 POLITICAL SCIENCE Political Consequences of Rural Development Pro- grams in Indonesia. AD-670 260 The Organizational Approach Versus the Societal Approach to Development in Emerging Nations. AD-687 318 POLLEN Pollination of Entomophilous Agricultural Crops by Bees PB-263 175-T Pollination of Agricultural Crops by Bees (Opylenie Pchelami Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Kul'tur) PB-275 386-T POLLINATION Pollination of Entomophilous Agricultural Crops by Bees PB-263 175-T POLLUTION International Aspects of Man's Effect Upon Environ- ment PB-203 379 100 Problems in Environmental Health. PB-214 870 POLLUTION CONTROL Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Lead and Mercury from Polluted Waters. N75-22937/7 POMACEA AUSTRALIS Water Hyacinth Research in Puerto Rico AD-A032 970/6 POND CULTURE Pond Culture of Bait Fishes COM-72-10054 PONDS Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings AD-A062 903/0 Pond Culture of the Malaysian Prawn, 'Macrobra- chium rosenbergii' (de Man), in South Carolina, 1974-1975 PB-264 738/6 Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. A Historical Overview PB-274 436/5 Experimental Pond Production of Selected Marine Species PB-290 654/3 POPULATION The Philippine Family Planning Program: Some Sug- gestions for Dealing with Uncertainties. AD-703 278 POPULATION CONTROL Population Growth Problem in Developing Countries: Coordinated Assistance Essential PB-290 239/3 POPULATION GROWTH Population Growth Problem in Developing Countries: Coordinated Assistance Essential PB-290 239/3 POPULATION PROBLEMS In Search of Population Policy. Views from the De- veloping World PB-241 579/2 POPULATIONS Population and Food. Crucial Issues PB-248 257/8 Demographic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries PB-287 262/0 Tecnicas Demograficas Para El Planeamiento de la Mano de Obra de Paises en Desarrollo (Demograph- ic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries) PB-287 264/6 POPULUS Intensive Plantation Culture. Five Years Research PB-254 416/1 PORCELLANITE Lime and Alternative Cements: Proceedings of a One-Day Meeting on Small-Scale Manufacture of Ce- mentitious Materials PB-297 680/1 POTABLE WATER Special Topics. Human Powered Transit; Remote Medical System; Water Treatment PB-221 142/3 Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the In- terim Primary Drinking Water Regulations PB-268 029/6 Drinking Water and Health PB-269 519/5 Methods for the Determination of Chemical Contami- nants in Drinking Water - Participants Handbook PB-284 392/8 Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies PB-285 963/5 Programa de Technolgia Rural Intermedia (Intermedi- ate Rural Technology Program Information Bulletin) PB-297 859/1 POTATO CHIPS Plant Requirements for Processing Potato Chips PB-292 671/5 POTATOES Precooked Baking Potatoes PAT-APPL-932 080 The Potato Industry in East Pakistan. Improving Seed Potato Multiplication and Storage PB-294 410/6 POTTERY The Development of an Appropriate Technology for Decentralised Pottery Industry in Rural India PB-293 844/7 POULTRY Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nutrients PB-221 171/2 Estimating U.S. Livestock and Poultry Manure and Nutrient Production PB-279 095/4 Besoins Nutritifs de la Volaille (Nutrient Require- ments of Poultry) PB-293 865/2 Maladies Communes et Parasites des Volailles (Communicable Diseases and Parasites of Chickens) PB-294 284/5 Recycling Poultry Waste as Feed. Will It Pay PB-294 412/2 Une Methode Logique d'Elevage Avicole (The Poul- try Result Demonstration) PB-294 447/8 Kyfa Yoofna Bayetoe Doojadgen Ahilee (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 903/0 L'Amenagement d'un Poulailler Familial (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 904/8 POULTRY INDUSTRY Energy Use and Conservation in the Poultry and Egg Industry PB-294 235/7 POVERTY AREAS Residential Solid Waste Generated in Low-Income Areas PB-215 282/5 POVERTY PROGRAMS Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume I: Background, Goals and Project Opportunities PB-294 309/0 Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume II: Guidelines for Project Selection, Summary Project Characteristics and Case Studies PB-294 310/8 POVERTY RESEARCH Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume I: Background, Goals and Project Opportunities PB-294 309/0 Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume II: Guidelines for Project Selection, Summary Project Characteristics and Case Studies PB-294 310/8 PRECAST CONCRETE Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-740 285 282 SUBJECT INDEX PUBLIC HOUSING PRECIPITATION (METEOROLOGY) A Survey of Meteorological and Hydrological Data Available in Six Sahelian Countries of West Africa. A Survey of Studies in Meteorology and Hydrology in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. N75-1 7045/6 Precipitation Management for Reclamation of Over- grazed Areas in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions PB-251 166/5 PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS Proposed Low-Cost Window Unit AD-719 308 PREFABRICATE Experimental Industrialized Housing Program. Model H-620 - Single Family Dwelling PB-224 411/9 Prefabricated Concrete Components for Low-Cost Housing Construction: 407 Building Design and Con- struction, Prefabrication PB-285 768/8 PRESERVATION Principles for Protecting Wood Buildings from Decay AD-767 566/3 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Op- eration ~ Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April- July 1975) AD-A057 539/9 PRIMARY BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTIVITY Primary and Secondary Production in the Tropical At- lantic AD-717 965 Wastewater Treatment by Natural and Artificial Marshes PB-259 992/6 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Auxiliaries in Primary Health Care; an Annotated Bib- liography PB-297 791/6 PRINTING Silk Screen Printing on Textiles. PB- 177 946 PRIVATE ENTERPRISE Le Developpement de I'Entreprise Privee Africaine (The Development of African Pridvate Enterprise) PB-286 435/3 PRO-XAN PROCESS Leaf Protein Concentrate (PRO-XAN) from Alfalfa: An Economic Evaluation PB-294 411/4 PROBLEM SOLVING Problems and Challenges Faced by Rural Communi- ties with Industrial Development COM-74-1 0543/8 PROCEDURES Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes PB-259 973/6 Manual de Metodos para el Analisis Quimico de Aguas y Desechos (Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes) PB-291 858/9 PROCESS HEAT Application of Solar Energy in the Food Processing Industry CONF-750761-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 Solar Program Assessment: Environmental Factors. Solar Agricultural and Industrial Process Heat ERDA-77-47/2 Application of Solar Energy to the Supply of Hot Water for Textile Dyeing. Final Report, CDRL/PA 10 SAN/ 1220-1 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 PROCESSING Seed Processing and Handling PB-206 805 Les Fibres Vegetales et Leurs Utilisations (Vegetable Fibers and Their Uses) PB-294 419/7 Vegetable Fibers and Their Uses PB-294 420/5 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Creating Jobs: Connecticut's Product Development Corporation PB-293 820/7 Petite Entreprise: La Conception des Produits (Design Is Your Business) PB-293 873/6 PRODUCTION Organizing and Financing Basic Research to In- crease Food Production PB-273 182/6 Coffee: Production and Marketing Systems PB-273 553/8 Training Manual for Rice Production PB-294 130/0 L'Elevage des Abeilles (Beekeeping) PB-294 285/2 Regional Agricultural Production Programs, Training and Design Strategies PB-295 655/5 Progres et Perspectives de la Production Alimentaire (Progress and Prospects for food Production) PB-296 916/0 PRODUCTION CONTROL Agriculture as the Foundation. AD-678 292 Problems in Business Management, Production Plan- ning PB-292 984/2 PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Petite Entreprise: La Conception des Produits (Design Is Your Business) PB-293 873/6 PRODUCTION METHODS Progress Through Modern Processes and Tools PB-205 287 Economic Man and Engineering Man: Choice of Technology in a Low Wage Country PB-294 573/1 PRODUCTION PLANNING Problems in Business Management, Production Plan- ning PB-292 984/2 PRODUCTIVITY The Relevance and Prospects of Small Scale Indus- try in Colombia. (CO-338.64-B534). PB-219 744 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL Expatriate Professionals as International Consultants PB-294 424/7 PROGRAM COORDINATION Population Growth Problem in Developing Countries: Coordinated Assistance Essential PB-290 239/3 PROGRAM EVALUATION PERT Guide for Management Use PB-296 567/1 PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION International Development Programs of the Office of the Foreign Secretary PB-230 543/1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Dissemination and Utilization of Solar Energy Re- search Results. Report to the Office of Systems Inte- gration and Analysis Directorate of Applied Re- search, National Science Foundation PB-231 144/7 U.S. Development Assistance to the Sahel-Progress and Problems PB-293 745/6 Directory of Resources for Project Management As- sistance PB-294 067/4 A Program for Achieving Better Project Management in Developing Countries PB-294 576/4 Preparing, Evaluating, and Managing Development Projects PB-294 901/4 Methods of Project Appraisal in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 076/2 PROJECT PLANNING National Program of Metrology for Ecuador COM-74-1 0394/6 Choice of Transport Technology under Varying Factor Endowments in Less Developed Countries. PB-195 291 Planning Sites and Services Programs. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 68 PB-207 619 Housing and Urban Development in the Philippines PB-212 371 Program Development: A Manual for Organizational Self-Study PB-255 980/5 Model Facility Plan for a Small Community, Supple- ment to: Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan, Mu- nicipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program PB-257 649/4 Resources for Development: Organizations and Pub- lications PB-263 350/1 Systems Tools for Project Planning PB-282 746/7 Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empiri- cal Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume II. Case Studies PB-294 036/9 Preparing, Evaluating, and Managing Development Projects PB-294 901/4 PROJECTS Manual for Agricultural Capital Project Analysis PB-294 068/2 Designing Rural Development Programs: Lessons from Past Experience in Africa PB-297 664/5 PROTECTIVE TREATMENTS Comparison of Wood Preservatives in Stake Tests AD-740 374 PROTEIN Non-Conventional Proteins and Foods: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Wisconsin- Madison on October 18-20, 1977 PB-283 965/2 PROTEINS Feed and Food from Desert Environments LBL-6182 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume I. The Protein Situa- tion in Korea and the Potential Role for Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-195 913 Development of a Scientific Basis for the Manufac- ture of Low-Cost Protein Foods and Beverages from Fresh Coconuts PB-213 594/6 Extending Protein Concentrates for Child Feeding by Addition of Inexpensive Simple Nitrogen Sources PB-213 787/8 Report on Protein Food Development Project, 1969- 1971 PB-213 794/9 The Development of a High Protein Isolate from Se- lected Distillers By-Products PB-243 702/8 Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields PB-266 709/5 Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shell- fish Wastes PB-267 527/0 Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 Economics of Protein Improvement Programs in the Lower Income Countries PB-294 138/3 Leaf Protein Concentrate (PRO-XAN) from Alfalfa: An Economic Evaluation PB-294 411/4 PROTOTYPES Space and Energy Conservation Housing Prototype Unit Development. N75-27567/7 PUBLIC HEALTH A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Op- eration - Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April -July 1975) AD-A057 539/9 Physician's Assistants Role in Health Aid to Develop- ing Nations AD-760 500 Septic Tanks and the Environment PB-204 519 100 Problems in Environmental Health. PB-214 870 Visual Aids - A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 511/9 The Photonovel: A Tool for Development PB-266 300/3 Drinking Water and Health PB-269 519/5 L'Education Sanitaire (Education in Health) PB-286 455/1 Impact of Industrial Development on the Quality of the Environment PB-294 414/8 Community Health Education in Developing Coun- tries PB-295 953/4 PUBLIC HOUSING Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Housing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1975 PB-293 782/9 283 SUBJECT INDEX PUBLIC LIBRARIES The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-061 963 A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 PUBLIC OPINION Citizen Participation. PB-191 721 PUBLIC RELATIONS They Watch and Wonder. Public Attitudes Toward Advanced Technology. N77-1 8954/6 Distribution des Eaux: Les Relations Publiques (Silent Service is Not Enough) PB-294 344/7 PUBLIC UTILITIES Distribution des Eaux: La Gestion des Services (A Training Course in Water Utility Management) PB-294 449/4 PUCCINIA (RUSTS) Peanut Rust: A Review of Literature AD-863 643 PUERTO RICO Water Hyacinth Research in Puerto Rico AD-A032 970/6 The Role of Cooperatives in the Production and Mar- keting of Fruits and Vegetables in Puerto Rico. COM-71-00111 Preliminary Study of the Development of Water Re- sources of the Humacao Sub-Region Puerto Rico COM-71-00716 A Study of the Feasibility of Establishing a Distant- Water Fishing Industry in Puerto Rico COM-73- 10795 Rural Environmental Assistance Program EIS-AA-72-5805-D Feasibility Study for Establishing a Bicycle Manufac- turing Plant in Puerto Rico. PB-1B0 476 Water Requirements of Sugarcane Under Irrigation in La as Valley, Puerto Rico PB- 197 992 Research Methods for Housing and Urbanization Studies in Developing Countries PB-210 188 Determination of the Rate of Blodegradatlon in Some Polluted Tropical Waters and in Some Types of Liquid Waates Common In Puerto Rico PB-213 181/1 Relationships among Physical and Chemical Proper- ties of Representative Soils of the Tropics from Puerto RICO. (Rq-631.42-P555). PB-219 759 Experimental Industrialized Housing Program. Model H-620 - Single Family Dwelling PB-224 411/9 A Method for the Cultivation of the Mangrove Oyster in Puerto Rico (Metodo para el Cultivo del Ostion de Mangle en P. R.) PB-263 849/2 Culture of the Mangrove Oyster, 'Crassostrea rhizo- phorae' Guilding, in Puerto Rico PB-265 918/3 Puerto Rico's Water Resources Problems and Re- search Needs. Proceedings of Conference and Plan- ning Session (1st) Held at the University Library of the Mayaguez Campus on February 14, 1974 PB-280 100/9 Enhancement of Warmwater Fishcultures in Puerto Rico Through Use of Polyculture Systems Hybridiza- tion and of Local Foodstuffs in Formulation and Manufacture of Fish Feed Diets PB-287 940/1 Evaluation of the Emery Dredge for Determining Numbers of Snails in Tropical Reservoirs. TID-26889 PULP MILLS Study of Raw Material Costs for a Proposed Straw- Based Pulping Mill in the Vicinity of Mobridge, South Dakota. PB-194 391 Industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Vietnam. Book I PB-212 632 Industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Vietnam. Book II PB-212 633 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Prospects for Establishing Viable Small-Scale Pulp and Paper Industries in Developing Countries PB-294 601/0 PUMPS Installation in Dakar of a Pump Powered by Solar Cell Panels. Mise en Place a Dakar d'Une Pompe Alimentee Par des Panneux de Cellules Solaires. N77-32589/2 Solar Powered Pump. PAT-APPL-566 493 A Low-Cost Water Pumping Windmill Using a Sail Type Savonius Rotor PB-294 413/0 Water Lifters and Pumps for the Developing World PB-296 382/5 Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps PB-297 368/3 PURCHASING An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Coop- erative Prr-jfams. Volume I: Summary of Findings PB-197 758 An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Coop- erative Programs. Volume II: Individual Project Re- ports PB-197 759 PUROX PYROLYSIS PROCESS Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ?hum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report ID-27032 PYROLYSIS Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products PB-264 014/2 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes in Ghana - A Feasibility Study PB-271 392/3 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 RABBITS L'Elevage du Lapin (Raising Rabbits) PB-293 767/0 Commercial Rabbit Raising PB-294 237/3 Raising Rabbits in the Tropics PB-294 446/0 RABIES Control of Rabies PB-224 400/2 RADIO BROADCASTING Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunications in Nepal PB-239 883/2 An Annotated Listing of Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel PB-290 348/2 A Description of 1 5 U.S. Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel (Based on Site Visits) PB-290 397/9 RADIO COMMUNICATION Satellite Educational System Costs for Three Model Developing Countries PB-252 583/0 A Sourcebook on Radio's Role in Development PB-292 898/4 Radio's Role in Development: Five Strategies of Use PB-295 806/4 RADIO RECEIVERS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Radios PB-292 921/4 RAFTS A Method for the Cultivation of the Mangrove Oyster in Puerto Rico (Metodo para el Cultivo del Ostion de Mangle en P. R.) PB-263 849/2 RAILROAD ACCIDENTS Railroad Accident Report. Collision of Two Consoli- dated Railroad Corporation Commuter Trains, New Canaan, Connecticut PB-294 643/2 RAILROAD DERAILMENTS Railroad Accident Report. Collision of Two Consoli- dated Railroad Corporation Commuter Trains, New Canaan, Connecticut PB-294 643/2 RAILROAD TRACKS Locomotive Track Curvature Indicator PATENT-4 103 547 RAILROAD TRAINS Railroad Accident Report. Collision of Two Consoli- dated Railroad Corporation Commuter Trains, New Canaan, Connecticut PB-294 643/2 RAINFALL Protection of Slopes Against Rainfall Erosion AD-A016 147/1 Tropical Environmental Data (Trend): Cooperative Research Programme No. 27. AD-676 124 RAMS (PUMPS) Use of Hydraulic Rams in Nepal. A Guide to Manu- facturing and Installation PB-285 907/2 A Manual on the Hydraulic Ram for Pumping Water PB-297 380/8 RAPID EXCAVATION Rapid Excavation of Rock with Small Charges of High Explosives PB-267 295/4 RAW SUGAR Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Raw Sugar PB-293 007/1 READING Teaching Reading and Creative Writing: A Language Experience Approach PB-296 052/4 RECLAMATION Recovery and Reuse of Wastepaper from Shredded Household Trash AD-A007 918/6 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-75/655/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0112/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the American Petro- leum Institute Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0113/9 Waste Glass Utilization. Cumulative Volume PB-229 181/3 Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste PB-245 083/1 Fuel and Energy Production by Bioconversion of Waste Materials - State-of-the-Art PB-258 499/3 Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 Energy Recovery from Solid Waste: A Review of Current Technology PB-260 633/3 Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products PB-264 014/2 A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Agricultur- al Solid Wastes PB-271 714/8 A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Solid Wastes for Building Materials. Phase I Summary Report PB-279 440/2 RECORDS MANAGEMENT Introduction to Record Keeping in a Small Enterprise PB-212 034 Small Business Management Series No. 32. Finan- cial Recordkeeping for Small Stores PB-282 739/2 RECREATION Multi-Objective Water Resources Planning: Method- ology to Achieve Compatibility Between Environmen- tal Amenities and Economic Development PB-251 377/8 The Social and Economic Importance of the Caroni Swamp in Trinidad and Tobago PB-261 033/5 RECYCLING The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption PB-286 702/6 REFERENCE GROUPS Communication for Change with the Rural Disadvan- taged. A Workshop PB-224 401/0 REFORESTATION Reforestation in Arid Lands PB-292 857/0 Reforestacion (Reforestation) PB-297 868/2 REFRIGERATING Refrigeration-Cooling Systems for Rural Communities in Developing Countries PB-206 698 REFUGEES A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Op- eration - Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April- July 1975) AD-A057 539/9 REFUSE DERIVED FUELS Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) Methane Generation from Human, Animal, and Agri- cultural Wastes PB-276 469/4 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms PB-278 351/2 284 SUBJECT INDEX RESEARCH MANAGEMENT Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms. Final Report TID-28550 REFUSE DISPOSAL Recovery and Reuse of Wastepaper from Shredded Household Trash AD-A007 918/6 Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-212 398 Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-240 365/7 Energy Recovery from Solid Waste: A Review of Current Technology PB-260 633/3 REFUSED DERIVED FUELS Fuel and Energy Production by Bioconversion of Waste Materials - State-of-the-Art PB-258 499/3 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Regional Development: A Review of the State-of-the- Art PB-294 131/8 REGIONAL PLANNING Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 Citizen Participation. PB-191 721 Self-Help Housing in Oregon PB-200 967 Rural Housing Manual PB-207 507 The Bravo Story PB-214 175/2 Recycling Activity Description: Transfer, Intermediate Storage, Processing, Recycling PB-218 990/0 Improving Water Quality Management Planning in Nonmetropolitan Areas PB-222 511/8 Economic Development and Water Resource Invest- ment PB-225 935/6 Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas: Pro- ceedings of Southeastern Conference Held on April 2-4, 1975 PB-248 297/4 Small-Scale Industry Development in Paraguay P3-250 627/7 The Social Well-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development PB-250 966/9 A Review of Critical Factors Impacting Regional Water Quality Management PB-254 379/1 Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Re- sources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries PB-260 606/9 Appropriate Technology-A Directory of Activities and Projects PB-267 970/2 L'Energie et le Developpement Rural: Ressources Renouvelables et Options Techniques pour les Pays en Developpement (Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Resources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries) PB-286 467/6 Regional Development: A Review of the State-of-the- Art PB-294 131/8 Regional Agricultural Production Programs, Training and Design Strategies PB-295 655/5 REGULATIONS Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the In- terim Primary Drinking Water Regulations PB-268 029/6 Evaluation of Vapor Leaks and Development of Mon- itoring Procedures for Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Piping PB-296 085/4 REHABILITATION Closing the Communications Gap. The Role and Functions of Information Media in Rehabilitation Services PB-214 489/7 International Research Seminar on Vocational Reha- bilitation of the Mentally Retarded PB-237 299/3 Light Engineering Project for the Adult Blind PB-254 845/1 Guidelines for Development of a Home Industry PB-262 951/7 A Comprehensive Rehabilitation Research and Dem- onstration Programme for Patients in an Urban Popu- lation PB-269 689/6 REINFORCED CONCRETE Factors Effecting the Fatigue Strength of Ferro- Cement AD-A004 254/9 The Effects of Precycling on the Strength of Ferroce- ment AD-A013 482/5 Research and Development of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in North America AD-A029 823/2 Bamboo Reinforced Concrete AD-A029 842/2 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 3. Additional Tests of Bamboo AD-A032 835/1 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 1. Preliminary Tests of Bamboo. AD-685 824 Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforce- ment. AD-701 189 Solving the Galvanic Cell Problem in Ferro-Cement AD-731 719 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-740 285 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-743 436 Flexural Strength of Ferro-Cement Panels AD-748 582 Comparison Study of Aluminum, Ferro-Cement, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic for Small Craft in Korea AD-755 424 Fatigue of Ferro-Cement AD-781 403/1 Investigation of Stress Concentration in Reinforced Concrete Components AD-785 748/5 State-of-the-Art Survey of Ferrocement AD-878 676/6 Response and Energy-Dissipation of Reinforced Concrete Frames Subjected to Strong Base Motions PB-202 936 Ferrocement: Applications in Developing Countries PB-220 825/4 The Substitute Structure Method for Earthquake-Re- sistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames PB-245 318/1 Ferrocement, A Versatile Construction Material: Its Increasing Use in Asia PB-261 818/9 REINFORCED PLASTICS Field Fabrication of Continuous Lightweight Rein- forced Plastic Pipe. Phase I. Literature Search. AD-713 201 Comparison Study of Aluminum, Ferro-Cement, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic for Small Craft in Korea AD-755 424 REINFORCING MATERIALS Bamboo Reinforced Concrete AD-A029 842/2 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 3. Additional Tests of Bamboo AD-A032 835/1 Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforce- ment. AD-701 189 REMOTE SENSING Resource Sensing from Space: Prospects for Devel- oping Countries PB-264 171/0 AID's Remote Sensing Grant Program PB-292 872/9 RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES How to Use Natural Energy PB-292 587/3 RENEWABLE RESOURCES Biological Productivity of Renewable Resources Used as Industrial Materials PB-264 457/3 REPRODUCTION (BIOLOGY) L'Elevage du Lapin (Raising Rabbits) PB-293 767/0 REPRODUCTION (PHYSIOLOGY) The Philippine Family Planning Program: Some Sug- gestions for Dealing with Uncertainties. AD-703 278 REQUIREMENTS A Review of Architectural Methods and Their Effec- tiveness for Communicating Human Requirements AD-A012 733/2 La Prevision Des Besoins en Main-D'Oeuver (The Forecasting of Manpower Requirements) PB-286 576/4 Demographic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries PB-287 262/0 Tecnicas Demograficas Para El Planeamiento de la Mano de Obra de Paises en Desarrollo (Demograph- ic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries) PB-287 264/6 Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements PB-297 075/4 Needs Assessment: A Working Manual SHR-0002289 Needs Assessment in Community Planning: An Eval- uation of Ten Approaches SHR-0002560 RESEARCH A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume I. Some Basic Propositions PB-202 778-1 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Project Summary PB-202 778-7 A Technology Assessment Methodology PB-202 778-Set Appropriate Technologies for International Develop- ment. Preliminary Survey of Research Activities PB-212 288 Workshop on the Role of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Determining Science Policy and Research Priorities PB-223 310/4 Improving the Dissemination of Scientific and Techni- cal Information: A Practitioner's Guide to Innovation PB-247 057/3 The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis PB-286 227/4 La Investigacion Tecnologica Industrial en el Peru. Analisis y Comentarios (Industrial Technological Re- search in Peru. Analysis and Comments PB-290 424/1 Towards Rural Futures: An Approach Through the Planning of Technologies PB-294 549/1 Industrial Research and Science and Technology for Development. A Workshop in Preparation for the 1979 U.S. Conference PB-297 073/9 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT They Watch and Wonder. Public Attitudes Toward Advanced Technology. N77-1 8954/6 Science Development: The Building of Science in Less Developed Countries PB-282 860/6 Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnolo- gia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Develop- ment of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 Ciencia Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Volume 2, Numero 1, Enero-Marzo, 1978 (Technological Science and Development, Volume 2, Number 1, January-March 1978) PB-290 426/6 Creating Jobs: Connecticut's Product Development Corporation PB-293 820/7 Towards Rural Futures: An Approach Through the Planning of Technologies PB-294 549/1 UNIDO Abstracts on Technology Transfer. Studies and Reports on the Development and Transfer of Technology (1970-1976) PB-296 570/5 Industrial Research and Science and Technology for Development. A Workshop in Preparation for the 1979 U.S. Conference PB-297 073/9 RESEARCH MANAGEMENT A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume I. Some Basic Propositions PB-202 778-1 Science and Brazilian Development. Report of the Fourth Workshop on Contributions of Science and Technology to Development PB-210 345 Workshop on Science Planning and Policy in Thai- land, 3-6 July 1972 PB-222 441/8 The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis PB-248 043/2 285 SUBJECT INDEX Proceedings of Workshop on Appropriate Technol- ogy Held January 23-25, 1 978 PB-294 030/2 RESEARCH NEEDS Locating West and South Asian Research Material ED-073 815 RESEARCH PROGRAMS Alternative Energy Sources: A Research Challenge CONF-730560-1 Guide to Solar Energy Programs DOE/ET-0036/1 RESEARCH PROJECTS Dissemination and Utilization of Solar Energy Re- search Results. Report to the Office of Systems Inte- gration and Analysis Directorate of Applied Re- search, National Science Foundation PB-231 144/7 African Agricultural Research Capabilities PB-238 849/4 Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Re- search in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agri- cultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Im- plementation Needs PB-257 358/2 Appropriate Technology in the United States-An Ex- ploratory Study PB-273 099/2 U.S. Participation in International Agricultural Re- search PB-276 129/4 Directory of Solar Energy Research Projects in India PB-293 760/5 The Puebla Project, 1967-69. Progress Report of a Program to Rapidly Increase Corn Yields on Small Holdings PB-293 818/1 Current Scientific and Technological Research Pro- jects in the Universities and Research Institutions of Bangladesh PB-294 264/7 RESERVOIRS Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Res- ervoirs with Biogrowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS An Analysis of Alternative Methods of Rural Home Repair PB-232 292/3 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS FY 74 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-51230/2 Potential for Energy Conservation Technology Trans- fer CONF-760536-1 National Solar Heating and Cooling Commercial Demonstration Program: Key Personnel Directory DOE/CS-0038 Demonstration in Low-Cost Housing Techniques. PB- 194 757 Self-Help Housing in Oregon PB-200 967 Industrialized Housing. The Opportunity and the Problems in Developing Areas, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 66 PB-206 851 Rural Housing Manual PB-207 507 Planning Sites and Services Programs. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 68 PB-207 619 Wood in the Construction of Mass-Produced Houses PB-207 812 Research Methods for Housing and Urbanization Studies in Developing Countries PB-210 128 Housing and Urban Development in the Philippines PB-212 371 Leader Training for Aided Self-Help Housing PB-212 372 The Bravo Story PB-214 175/2 Experimental Industrialized Housing Program. Model H-620 - Single Family Dwelling PB-224 411/9 Simplified Housing Construction Systems for Rural Poor Families PB-227 616/0 Design and Construction of a Residential Solar Heat- ing and Cooling System PB-237 042/7 Feasibility Test of an Approach and Prototype for Ultra Low Cost Housing PB-251 471/9 Residential Hot Water Solar Energy Storage Subsys- tems PB-252 685/3 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume I. Over- view PB-266 332/6 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume II. Esti- mation of Extreme Wind Speeds and Guide to the Determination of Wind Forces PB-266 333/4 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume III. A Guide for Improved Masonry and Timber Connec- tions in Buildings PB-266 334/2 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume IV. Forecasting the Economics of Housing Needs: A Methodological Guide PB-266 335/9 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume V. Housing in Extreme Winds: Socio-economic and Ar- chitectural Considerations PB-266 336/7 Review of Literature on Earthquake Damage to Single-F£.i,iily Masonry Dwellings PB-267 647/0 43 Rules: How Houses Can Better Resist High Wind PB-268 081/7 Adobe Building Materials: Properties, Problems, and Preservation PB-271 847/6 Methods for Characterizing Adobe Building Materials PB-282 062/9 Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures PB-286 096/3 Maisons en Terre (Earth for Homes) PB-286 423/9 Self-Help Construction of 1 -Story Buildings PB-291 857/1 Construcciones Resistentes Al Fuego - En El Hogar - Y En La Granja (Fire Construction of the Home— of Farm Buildings) PB-292 746/5 RESOURCES Food Waste: An Opportunity to Improve Resource Use: Department of Agriculture PB-272 005/0 RESPONSIBILITY Problems in Business Management: Management Training PB-292 944/6 Problems in Business Management. Nature and Scope of Management Responsibilities PB-292 990/9 RESTAURANTS Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 591/3 Creer et Gerer un Petit Restaurant (Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 614/3 REVEGETATION Challenge of a Desert: Revegetation of Disturbed Desert Lands UCLA-12-1123 REVERSE OSMOSIS DESALINATION Water: Desalination AD-725 600 Forward Osmosis Extractors: Theory, Feasibility and Design Optimization PB-289 251/1 REVIEWS Septic Tanks and the Environment PB-204 519 A Manual on Water Desalination. Volume I. Technol- ogy PB-206 549 Desalting PB-209 942 A Literature Search and Critical Analysis of Biological Trickling Filter Studies - Volume I PB-211 909 Utilization of Tropical Forests. (A Review of the For- estry Literature in the Agency for International Devel- opment Reference Center) PB-229 822/2 Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater PB-259 946/2 The Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Devel- opment. A State of the Arts Study PB-294 137/5 RICE Micro-Level Farm Management and Production Eco- nomics Research among Traditional African Farmers: Lessons from Sierra Leone. (SI-631.09664-S745). PB-219 730 Nutritional Properties of Rice PB-232 525/6 Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Proc- essing Industry of Sierra Leone PB-268 185/6 Solar Rice /Dryer PB-292 913/1 RICE ADT-27 Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). PB-219 688 RICE BRAN Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rice Bran Oil PB-293 006/3 RICE PLANTS Survey of Rice Growing JPRS-64646 Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). PB-219 688 Development of Agricultural Mechanization Technol- ogies at the International Rice Research Institute. (Fea-631.3-K45). PB-219 702 Preliminary Observations on the Production of New High Yielding Rice Varieties and Traditional Rice Var- ieties in Supnan Buri, Thailand. (Th-633.18-B974). PB-219 710 Agronomic Practices for Optimizing the Yield Poten- tial of Short-Statured Rice Varieties in Latin America. (Lat-633.18-S211). PB-219 713 Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation. (Rp-631. 3-161 b). PB-219 723 Tailoring of Fertilizers for Rice. (633.18-T297b). PB-219 734 Development and Spread of High-Yielding Varieties of Wheat and Rice in the Less Developed Nations. Edition 5 PB-280 252/8 Training Manual for Rice Production PB-294 130/0 RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT Report on Potential Growth of Aquatic Plants of the Lower Mekong River Basin, Laos-Thailand PB-207 613 Operations Research in Water Qualify Management. PB-217 667 RIVERS The Technology and Economics of Small-Scale Commercial Prawn ('Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Hatcheries: A Case Study in Thailand PB-263 669/4 ROAD MATERIALS Guidelines for Use of Fabrics in Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads PB-276 972/7 ROADS Literature References to Highways and Their Envi- ronmental Considerations. PB-185 168 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Annex to Volumes 1 and 2 PB-198 035 1971 World Survey of Current Research and Devel- opment on Roads and Road Transport. A Report Covering an Inventory of 63 Countries PB-206 728 Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Connection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Airfields. Phase I. Southeast Asia (Thailand) PB-207 399 Usage Manual for Sampling and Testing Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of Africa PB-207 618 Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problems Soils of Africa. Development of Engineering Standards and Criteria for the Usage of Laterite, Lateritic Soils, and Other Problems Soils in Connection with the Constructio n of Roads, Highways and Airfields PB-207 636 World Survey of Current Research and Development on Roads and Road Transport (1978). A Report Cov- ering an Inventory of 59 Countries PB-290 509/9 ROBOVALVES Development and Testing of the Robovalve PB-293 788/6 ROCK BEDS Solar Heating Results for the Nambe Community Center LA-UR-78-2589 ROLLER BEARINGS Problems in the Construction of Woodworking Ma- chines N72-28508 286 SUBJECT INDEX RURAL HOUSING ROOFING Roofing in Developing Countries. Research for New Technologies PB-234 503/1 Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-249 317/9 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-294 423/9 ROTOR BLADES (TURBO MACHINERY) Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential DOE/NASA/1028-77/13 ROTOR BLADES (TURBOMACHINERY) Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. N78- 17466/1 RUBBER INDUSTRY Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1 , Number 1 PB-293 786/0 RUNOFF A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Watersheds in Response to Completed and Proposed Land Use Changes PB-264 900/2 RURAL AREAS Micro-Level Approaches for Improving Water Re- source Knowledge Transfer in Rural Areas AD-A044 982/7 A Selected Inventory of Latin American Agricultural Colonies with Annotated Bibliography. AD-615 459 The Effects of African Agricultural Practices on Soil Productivity and Nutrient Levels in Kenya. AD-679 459 Drained-Field Agriculture in Southwestern Tlaxcala, Mexico. AD-679 473 A Biogeographical Investigation of the Sierra de Tuxtla in Veracruz, Mexico. AD-679 474 Approaches to Spatial Structure: Field Studies in India. AD-679 477 Planned Change in Agrarian Countries. AD-701 167 Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 Problems and Challenges Faced by Rural Communi- ties with Industrial Development COM-74-1 0543/8 Profile Change When Industry Moves Into a Rural COM-74-1 0547/9 To and From the Field: Communications and Agricul- ture ED- 158 704 Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of De- veloping Countries. N79-15411/8 Housing the Campesino. A Case Study of Coopera- tive Housing in Rural Panama. PB-188 852 Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement. PB-188 931 Integrating the Rural Market into the National Econo- my of Mexico. PB-189 919T Demonstration in Low-Cost Housing Techniques. PB- 194 757 Preliminary Report of Field Survey Teams on the Generation and Utilization of Power in Rural Areas of Developing Countries PB-206 798 Small-Scale Power Supplies for Rural Communities in Developing Countries PB-206 800 Generation and Utilization of Power for Rural Com- munities in Developing Countries PB-206 801 Rural Housing Manual PB-207 507 Nonpoint Rural Sources of Water Pollution PB-214 508/4 Waste Treatment for Small Flows PB-219 950/3 A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Summary Volume PB-220 525/0 A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Analysis PB-220 526/8 Improving Water Quality Management Planning in Nonmetropolitan Areas PB-222 511/8 A Study of Managerial Practices in Rural Water Sys- tems PB-223 373/2 Communication for Change with the Rural Disadvan- taged. A Workshop PB-224 401/0 Simplified Housing Construction Systems for Rural Poor Families PB-227 616/0 An Analysis of Alternative Low-Income Rural Hous- ing Systems PB-229 209/2 Rural Transfer and Modified Landfill. A Comparison of Cost Indicators for Low Volume Rural Solid Waste Disposal Methods PB-231 269/2 Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-240 365/7 Improved Design and Operating Criteria for Rural Water Districts PB-244 691/2 Individual Home Wastewater Characterization and Treatment PB-245 259/7 Management of Water Quality Through Selected In- stitutions and Instruments PB-251 034/5 Manuel Technique du Village PB-251 094/9 Improving Rural Solid Waste Management Practices PB-257 801/1 Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Re- sources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries PB-260 606/9 Proceedings of the National Symposium on Trans- portation for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 Rural Community Action: Status and Recommenda- tions PB-275 811/8 Forecasting Rural Road Travel in Developing Coun- tries from Studies of Land Use PB-277 726/6 Water Problems in the Rural Environment; Alterna- tive Solutions for Water Supply and Wastewater Dis- posal. Proceedings of a Conference Held at Lincoln, Nebraska on November 4-5, 1976 PB-279 775/1 Rural Potable Water Chlorination PB-282 460/5 Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Po- tential of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Em- ployment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 L'Energie et le Developpement Rural: Ressources Renouvelables et Options Techniques pour les Pays en Developpement (Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Resources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries) PB-286 467/6 Power Transmissions for Cottage Industry PB-286 471/8 Les Transmissions de Force Motrice Dans L'Arti- sanat Familial (Power Transmissions for Cottage In- dustry) PB-286 472/6 Rural Cooperatives in the United States PB-286 577/2 Les Cooperatives Agricoles aux Etats-Unis (Rural Cooperatives in the United States) PB-286 578/0 Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators PB-286 579/8 Creation d'Un Service de Vulgarisation Agricole (Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators) PB-286 580/6 Design and Management of Rural Ecosystems PB-288 384/1 Improving Management of Farmer Cooperatives PB-289 987/0 Rural Youth Clubs Around the World PB-289 990/4 Tele-Niger: Adapting an Electronic Medium to a Rural African Context PB-292 904/0 Some Developments of Appropriate Technology for Improving Physical Amenities in Rural Homes PB-293 841/3 African Rural Employment Research Network - The Evolution of Alternative Rural Development Strate- gies in Ethiopia: Implications for Employment and Income Distribution PB-294 095/5 Local Organization for Rural Development: Analysis of Asian Experience PB-294 146/6 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1 978. Rural Industry PB-294 683/8 Les Clubs de la Jeunesse Rurale (Rural Youth Clubs Around the World) PB-294 724/0 Appropriate Technology in India. Report on a Study Leave, August-December, 1977 PB-294 759/6 Designing Rural Development Programs: Lessons from Past Experience in Africa PB-297 664/5 Research and Information Required to Support the Effort to Reach the Rural Poor PB-297 669/4 Rural Human Resources Project SHR-0000101 Getting Human Services to Rural People SHR-0001658 RURAL COOPERATIVES A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Summary Volume PB-220 525/0 A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Analysis PB-220 526/8 RURAL DEVELOPMENT Film in Development ED-150 967 African Rural Employment Research Network - The Evolution of Alternative Rural Development Strate- gies in Ethiopia: Implications for Employment and Income Distribution PB-294 095/5 Local Organization for Rural Development: Analysis of Asian Experience PB-294 146/6 Designing Rural Development Programs: Lessons from Past Experience in Africa PB-297 664/5 RURAL ECONOMICS Rural Cooperatives in the United States PB-286 577/2 Les Cooperatives Agricoles aux Etats-Unis (Rural Cooperatives in the United States) PB-286 578/0 RURAL EXTENSION Extension Teaching Methods and Other Factors that Influence Adoption of Agricultural and Home Eco- nomics Practices PB-293 866/0 Quick Bibliography Series: Training, Management and Evaluation of Extension Work, 1970 - 1978 PB-294 184/7 Regional Agricultural Production Programs, Training and Design Strategies PB-295 655/5 Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs PB-297 078/8 Educating Farmers Through the Mass Media PB-297 079/6 RURAL HEALTH SERVICES Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 1 HRP-0007732/1 Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries: The Need for a Comprehensive Community Approach HRP-001 3600/2 Guide for the Organization of Health Services in Rural Areas and the Utilization of Auxiliary Personnel HRP-001 61 23/2 Comprehensive Community Approach to Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries HRP-001 6272/7 Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 2 HRP-001 6801/3 Health Care and Human Dignity - A Subjective Look at Community-based Rural Health Programs in Latin America PB-292 936/2 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume 1 PB-294 568/1 RURAL HOUSING FPL (Forest Products Laboratory) Designs Meet Family Housing Needs AD-744 691 287 SUBJECT INDEX RURAL LAND USE A Methodology for Small Scale Rural Land Use Map- ping In Semi-Arid Developing Countries Using Orbital Imagery. I, Introduction E76-10338 RURAL OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS An Analysis of Alternative Methods of Rural Home Repair PB-232 292/3 RURAL POPULATIONS Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic De- velopment LA-6489 RURAL SOCIOLOGY Rural Development Programs Among Marginal Farm- ers in the Western Highlands of Guatemala PB-282 340/9 RURAL TRANSPORTATION Proceedings of the National Symposium on Trans- portation for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Rural Transportation Facilities in Developing Countries PB-297 663/7 SACRAMENTO RIVER Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Paci- fastacus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 SAFE HANDLING Project SAFEGUARD: Safe Pesticide Practices. Safety Handbook PB-253 369/3 SAFETY ENGINEERING Health and Safety Guide for Sawmills and Planing Mills PB-278 033/6 SAHARAN AFRICA Designing Rural Development Programs: Lessons from Past Experience in Africa PB-297 664/5 SAILBOATS Why Not Sails AD-A058 861/6 SALICYLIC ACIDS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Salicylic Acid PB-292 666/5 SALMO GAIRDNERI Brackish Water Cage Culture of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), in South Alabama COM-74-1 0498/5 SALSOLA Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields PB-266 709/5 SAMPLING Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater PB-259 946/2 SANITARY ENGINEERING Community Facilities Study. Volume III. Sanitary Sewers. PB-179 475 An Evaluation of the Problems of Sanitary Sewer System Design. PB-180 509 Alaska Village Demonstration Projects: First Genera- tion of Integrated Utilities for Remote Communities PB-255 137/2 Water Related Utilities for Small Communities in Rural Alaska PB-259 964/5 SANITATION L'Education Sanitaire (Education in Health) PB-286 455/1 SAVANNA LANDSCAPES The Savanna Landscapes of the Amazon Basin. AD-704 160 SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less Industrialized Countries. PB-189 254 Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less Industrialized Countries PB-294 312/4 SAVONIUS ROTORS A Low-Cost Water Pumping Windmill Using a Sail Type Savonius Rotor PB-294 413/0 SAWMILLS Survey of the Market for Sawmilling and Woodwork- ing Equipment in Singapore DIB-76-02-503 A Feasibility Study for a Small LOG Sawmill on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Central Arizona. PB-184 450 Woodworking, Circular-Saw Accidents PB-227 591 IS The Upper Factory Brook Sawmill Site: An Early In- dustrial Site in Middlefield, Massachusetts PB-262 179/5 Health and Safety Guide for Sawmills and Planing Mills PB-278 033/6 SAWS Woodworking Machines. AD-600 859 SCALE (RATIO) The Relevance and Prospects of Small Scale Indus- try in Colombia. (CO-338.64-B534). PB-219 744 SCHEDULING Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting PB-220 764/5 SCHISTOSOMA MANSONI Schistosomiasis and 'Schistosoma Mansoni' AD-A015 226/4 SCHISTOSOMIASIS The Biological Control of Schistosomiasis: A Pro- gram to Develop Use of Trematode Interactions in the Snail Host in Conjunction with the Molluscicide Endod as a New Approach to the Control of Human Schistosomiasis in Egypt and Ethiopia AD-774 720/7 Engineering Measures for Control of Schistosomiasis PB-211 473 Environmental Engineering Control of Bilharzia in the Middle East PB-294 422/1 Evaluation of the Emery Dredge for Determining Numbers of Snails in Tropical Reservoirs. TID-26889 SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM LeCaste-Croute Scolaire (School Lunch Booklet) PB-294 31 1/6 Cartilla de Desayunos Escolares (School Lunch Pro- gram) PB-294 426/2 SCHOOLS An Annotated Listing of Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel PB-290 348/2 A Description of 1 5 U.S. Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel (Based on Site Visits) PB-290 397/9 Ceilandria Environmental Education Project PB-294 425/4 SCIENCE EDUCATION A Comparison Study for Evaluating Primary School Science in Africa PB-207 625 Beginning Science Curriculum for English Speaking Tropical Africa (African Primary Science Program) PB-207 628 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH International Development Programs of the Office of the Foreign Secretary PB-230 543/1 Report of the Joint Continuing Committee for Scien- tific Cooperation: Ministry of Science and Technol- ogy, Republic of Korea and National Academy of Sciences PB-235 458/7 Science and Technology for International Develop- ment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States and Bibliography of Selected Materials (Second Edition) PB-243 701 /0 A Methodology for Formulating and Implementing Science Policy for a Small Developing Country (Costa Rica) PB-244 294/5 SCIENTISTS A Directory of Scientists and Technologists of Ban- gladesh PB-294 262/1 SCIRPUS VALIDUS Wastewater Treatment by Natural and Artificial Marshes PB-259 992/6 SEAFOOD Fish Protein Concentrate. A Comprehensive Bibliog- raphy. PB-191 100 'Sea Dog' Made with Minced Mullet and Textured Soy Flour PB-290 621/2 Process Development for a Foreign Marketable Fish Product from Underutilized Fish PB-290 623/8 SEALING COMPOUNDS Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings AD-A062 903/0 SEASONAL FARM WORKERS The Bravo Story PB-214 175/2 SEAWEEDS The Limu Eater. A Cookbook of Hawaiian Seaweed PB-295 327/1 SECONDARY SEWAGE TREATMENT Marine Polyculture Based on Natural Food Chains and Recycled Wastes PB-261 939/3 SEDIMENTATION Suggestions for Temporary Erosion and Silitation Control Measures. (Erosion Y Sedimentacion: Medi- das Temporarias De Control) PB-245 004/7 SEED PROCESSING Seed Processing and Handling PB-206 805 SEEDS Nutritionally Balanced Protein Snack Food Prepared from Legume Seeds PAT-APPL-789 375 Seed Processing and Handling PB-206 805 New Seed Varieties and the Small Farm. (In- 631.521-S346). PB-219 760 Handbook of Selection and Seed Growing of Oil Plants TT-71-50100 SELF HELP Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsi- diada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 SELF HELP HOUSING Self-Help Housing in Oregon PB-200 967 The Bravo Story PB-214 175/2 Special Report on Techniques of Aided Self-Help Housing. Some Examples of U.S. and Overseas Ex- perience PB-236 285/3 Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsi- diada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 SELF HELP PROGRAMS Aided Self-Employment as a Means of Enabling the Poorest of the Poor to Contribute to Development PB-297 074/7 SEMIARID LAND Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region PB-244 880/1 SEOUL (KOREA) The Environmental Impact of Rapid Urbanization: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Seoul, Korea, in 1972-and 1973 PB-247 429/4 SEPARATION Front End Recycling: A Study of the Economics of Recycling by Source Separation and Its Application for Fairfield County, Connecticut PB-257 404/4 SEPTIC TANKS Septic Tanks and the Environment PB-204 519 Manual of Septic-Tank Practice. PB-216 240 Septic Tank Design Economic Factors Involved. PB-217 276 Manual of Septic-Tank Practice. Developed in Coop- eration with the Joint Committee on Rural Sanitation. PB-218 226 Environmental Effects of Septic Tank Systems PB-272 702/2 Como Instalar un Sistema Domestico de Eliminacion de Aguas Negras. (How to Install Homart Domestic Sewage System - How to do it Yourself for Better Living) PB-292 899/2 SERVICES Guidelines for Establishing and Administering Land Development Agencies in the Developing Countries PB-236 391/9 Establishment of National Employment Services in Developing Countries PB-286 581/4 El Servico Publico de Empleos (Establishment of Na- tional Employment Services) PB-286 582/2 288 SUBJECT INDEX SHELLFISH Les Services Publics de I'Emploi (Establishment of National Employment Sen/ices in Developing Coun- tries) PB-286 583/0 L' Importance de la Formation dans les Services Public (Improving the Public Service Through Train- ing) PB-287 258/8 Improving the Public Service Through Training PB-287 259/6 SEWAGE Opening Unserviced LOTS to Building by Use of Septic Tank. AD-675 354 Water Hyacinths for Upgrading Sewage Lagoons to Meet Advanced Wastewater Treatment Standards, Part 1. N76-1 0697/0 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume VI. Water Pollution: Domestic Wastes PB-202 778-6 SEWAGE DISPOSAL Effect of Geography on the Extensive Agricultural Use of Sewage (Wplyw Czynnika Geograficznego na Rozpowszechnienie Rolniczego Wykorzystania wod Sciekowych) AD-A044 765/6 Disadvantages and Advantages of Sewage Disposal in Connection with Agricultural Utilization (Wady i Zalety Oczyszczania wod Sciekowych w Polaczeniv Zoich Rolnicyzm Wykorzystaniem) AD-A044 767/2 A Pilot Fish-Pond System for Utilization of Sewage Effluents, Humboldt Bay, Northern California COM-73-10333 Segregation and Reclamation of Household Wastewater at an Individual Residence PB-268 810/9 Environmental Effects of Septic Tank Systems PB-272 702/2 Water Problems in the Rural Environment; Alterna- tive Solutions for Water Supply and Wastewater Dis- posal. Proceedings of a Conference Held at Lincoln, Nebraska on November 4-5, 1976 PB-279 775/1 A Systematic Approach to Basic Utilities in Develop- ing Countries PB-285 766/2 Management of Small Waste Flows PB-286 560/8 Appropriate Technology in Water Supply and Waste Disposal; a Workshop at the Annual Convention American Society of Civil Engineers Held at Chicago, Illinois on October 16-20, 1978 PB-288 274/4 Indexed Bibliography of Publications on Water and Waste Engineering for Developing Countries PB-292 887/7 Como Instalar un Sistema Domestico de Eliminacion de Aguas Negras. (How to Install Homart Domestic Sewage System - How to do it Yourself for Better Living) PB-292 899/2 SEWAGE FLOW RATE Contributions from the Sanitary Research Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station. Volume X. Studies on the Digestion of a Sewage-Filter Efluent by a Small and Otherwise Unpolluted Stream PB-260 051/8 SEWAGE IRRIGATION Effect of Geography on the Extensive Agricultural Use of Sewage (Wplyw Czynnika Geograficznego na Rozpowszechnienie Rolniczego Wykorzystania wod Sciekowych) AD-A044 765/6 Disadvantages and Advantages of Sewage Disposal in Connection with Agricultural Utilization (Wady i Zalety Oczyszczania wod Sciekowych w Polaczeniv Zoich Rolnicyzm Wykorzystaniem) AD-A044 767/2 Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Re- sulting from the Use of Digested Sewage Sludge on Field Crops PB-213 537/5 Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria PB-257 454/9 SEWAGE SLUDGE Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Methane PB-261 091/3 Utilization of Earthworms and Microorganisms in Sta- bilization, Decontamination and Detoxification of Re- sidual Sludges from Treatment of Wastewater PB-286 018/7 Use of Solar Energy to Heat Anaerobic Digesters. Part I. Technical and Economic Feasibility Study. Part II. Economic Feasibility throughout the United States PB-286 940/2 SEWAGE TREATMENT Review of Current Interest and Research in Water Hyacinth-Based Wastewater Treatment. N77-33683/2 Comparative Reclamation of Potable Water from Bio- filter and Activated Sludge Effluents at the Stander Water Reclamation Plant. N78-25998/3 Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Re- gions PB-198 125 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume VI. Water Pollution: Domestic Wastes PB-202 778-6 A Literature Search and Critical Analysis of Biological Trickling Filter Studies - Volume I PB-211 909 Materials, Techniques, and Testing Methods for the Sanitation (Bacterial Decontamination) of Small- Scale Water Supplies in the Field Used in Germany During and after the War. PB-215 103 Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. PB-216 556 Waste Treatment for Small Flows PB-219 950/3 Sludge Production and Disposal for Small, Cold Cli- mate Bio-Treatment Plants PB-219 980/0 Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 Selection and Operation of Small Wastewater Treat- ment Facilities - Training Manual PB-224 266/7 Individual Home Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Sys- tems PB-226 478/6 Biological Treatment Technology (162) PB-228 148/3 Small Sewage Treatment Systems. Experience and Cost Data in 61 Subdivisions in 12 States PB-232 307/9 Individual Home Wastewater Characterization and Treatment PB-245 259/7 Preliminary Results with a Pilot Plant Waste Recy- cling Marine-Aquaculture System PB-247 182/9 Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria PB-257 454/9 Model Facility Plan for a Small Community, Supple- ment to: Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan, Mu- nicipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program PB-257 649/4 Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing Guidelines for Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD PB-259 512/2 Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part II. Estimating Costs of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants PB-259 513/0 Water Related Utilities for Small Communities in Rural Alaska PB-259 964/5 Wastewater Treatment by Natural and Artificial Marshes PB-259 992/6 Marine Polyculture Based on Natural Food Chains and Recycled Wastes PB-261 939/3 Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 Segregation and Reclamation of Household Wastewater at an Individual Residence PB-268 810/9 Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Res- ervoirs with Biogrowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 Rural Water and Sewer Systems Problems, Needs, Issues, Opportunities, and Goals: A Report on the Proceedings of the National Organizational Confer- ence of the National Rural Water Association (1st) Held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 15-16, 1976 PB-278 986/5 Investigative Research and Management of Effluent from Secondary Waste Water Treatment Utilizing a Marine-Aquaculture System for the Removal of Inor- ganic Nutrients PB-283 249/1 A Mass Balance Study of Recycling Secondary Mu- nicipal Wastewater on Abandoned Field Ecosystems PB-286 275/3 Management of Small Waste Flows PB-286 560/8 Conversion of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil PB-291 588/2 Water Treatment and Sanitation; a Handbook of Simple Methods for Rural Areas in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 558/9 SEWAGE TREATMENT EFFLUENT Contributions from the Sanitary Research Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station. Volume X. Studies on the Digestion of a Sewage-Filter Efluent by a Small and Otherwise Unpolluted Stream PB-260 051/8 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS Selection and Operation of Small Wastewater Treat- ment Facilities - Training Manual PB-224 266/7 Municipal Wastewater Management. Public Activities Guide PB-292 393/6 Municipal Wastewater Management. Citizen's Guide to Facility Planning PB-292 394/4 SEWER SYSTEMS An Evaluation of the Problems of Sanitary Sewer System Design. PB-180 509 SEWERS Rural Water and Sewer Systems Problems, Needs, Issues, Opportunities, and Goals: A Report on the Proceedings of the National Organizational Confer- ence of the National Rural Water Association (1st) Held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 15-16, 1976 PB-278 986/5 SEWING Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way PB-287 252/1 Comment Faire Une Robe. (Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way) PB-287 253/9 SHAFTS (MACHINE ELEMENTS) Problems in the Construction of Woodworking Ma- chines N72-28508 SHARKS Shark Flesh in the Food Industry TT-72-50020 SHEAR WALLS Design Properties, Structural Analysis and Construc- tion Details for a Typical U-Form Wall System PB-295 654/8 SHEEP Les Maladies Parasitaires du Mouton (Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Sheep) PB-293 874/4 Proceedings of a Workshop on the Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Development Held at Mor- rilton, Arkansas on November 15-17, 1976 PB-294 127/6 The Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Devel- opment. A State of the Arts Study PB-294 137/5 SHEET GLASS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sheet Glass PB-292 861/2 SHELLFISH Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Region COM-74-1 0007/4 Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 1. 1968-1976 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0419/8 Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 2. 1977-April, 1 978 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0420/6 Library Search of Japanese Fishery Research Publi- cations PB-262 748/7 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume II PB-264 594/3 Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shell- fish Wastes PB-267 527/0 Mass Culture of Freshwater Prawns for Commercial Evaluation PB-271 709/8 Growout of the Giant Malaysian Prawn, Macrobra- chium rosenbergii, in Earthen Ponds in Central Flor- ida PB-271 710/6 289 SUBJECT INDEX Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aqua- culture System PB-275 180/8 The Wampanoag Fisheries Project: Shellfish Produc- tion Improvement at Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts PB-281 670/0 Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in South Carolina PB-286 675/4 Effects of Stocking Size and Density on Growth and Survival of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' (De Man) in Ponds PB-292 594/9 Problems in Prawn Culture PB-296 072-T SHELTERS Agency for International Development's Housing In- vestment Guaranty Program PB-285 734/0 CMU/lntertect Ultra Low Cost Shelters in Relief Situ- ations in Bangladesh PB-291 554/4 SHIP HULLS Ferrocement Developments in New Zealand AD-785 928/3 SHIPPING CONTAINERS Redesigning Shipping Containers to Reduce Food Costs PB-280 317/9 SHIPS Taking Care of Wooden Ships PB-292 590/7 SHOE INDUSTRY Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Leather and Shoe Industry in West Africa to 1980 PB-206 970 SHOE STORES The Starting and Managing Series. Volume 24. Start- ing and Managing a Small Shoestore PB-282 722/8 SHOES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Fabric Canvas Shoes PB-292 688/9 SHRIMP FISHERIES A Review of the Indonesian Shrimp Fishery and Its Present Developments COM-74-501 89-01 -05 SHRIMPS Commercial Fishery and Biology of the Fresh-Water Shrimp, 'Macrobrachium', in the Lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53 COM-71 -00655 Feasibility Study of Waste Water Recovery in Shrimp Processing Plants COM-72-11539 Preliminary Experimentation in the Development of Natural Food Analogues for Culture of Detritivorous Shrimp PB-253 652/2 Preliminary Bibliography of Fish and Fisheries with Special Reference to Shrimps and Prawns PB-263 671/0 Crawfish and Freshwater Shrimp Diseases PB-275 958/7 Marine Shrimp Farming in the Western Hemisphere. Appendix C. A Marine Shrimp Culture Bibliography PB-278 264/7 Fisheries Policy and the Underdevelopment of In- shore Pacific Mexico PB-296 581/2 Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Centre. Volume 2, Number 1 and 2, January/ July 1976 PB-297 740/3 SHRUBS Products from Jojoba: A Promising New Crop for Arid Lands PB-253 126/7 Guayule: An Alternative Source of Natural Rubber PB-264 170/2 Prostrate Summer Cypress and Its Culture in Kirghi- zia PB-295 565-T SIERRA LEONE Marketing Stable Food Crops in Sierra Leone. PB- 196 296 Micro-Level Farm Management and Production Eco- nomics Research among Traditional African Farmers: Lessons from Sierra Leone. (SI-631.09664-S745). PB-219 730 Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Proc- essing Industry of Sierra Leone PB-268 185/6 The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-Scale In- dustries in Sierra Leone PB-268 493/4 SIERRE LEONE Marketing of Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa: Overall Analysis and Report PB-21 1 669 SILAGE Utilization and Construction of Pit Silos PB-268 986/7 SILICON Status of the Erda/NASA Photovoltaic Tests and Ap- plications Project. N77-1 3537/4 SILOS L'Utilisation du Silo Fosse et des Lecons Tech- niques. (The Use of Pit Silos, and Technical Les- sons.) PB-262 851/9 Utilization and Construction of Pit Silos PB-268 986/7 SILVER Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Silver, Cobalt, and Strontium from Polluted Waters. N75-24163/8 SIMMONDSIA CHINENSIS Products from Jojoba: A Promising New Crop for Arid Lands PB-253 126/7 SINGAPORE Survey of the Market for Sawmilling and Woodwork- ing Equipment in Singapore DIB-76-02-503 SITE SELECTION Formula for Growth: How to Make an Industrial Site Survey. PB-193 553 SIZE DETERMINATION Plant Size, Location and Time-Phasing PB-293 036/0 SKIN DISEASES Fungous and Bacterial Skin Infections in the Tropics AD-A060 212/8 SKIPJACK TUNA A Review of the Literature on the Development of Skipjack Tuna Fisheries in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean COM-73-50276 SKUNK RIVER BASIN Management of Water Quality Through Selected In- stitutions and Instruments PB-251 034/5 SLOPES Protection of Slopes Against Rainfall Erosion AD-A016 147/1 SLUDGE DIGESTION Utilization of Earthworms and Microorganisms in Sta- bilization, Decontamination and Detoxification of Re- sidual Sludges from Treatment of Wastewater PB-286 018/7 Use of Solar Energy to Heat Anaerobic Digesters. Part I. Technical and Economic Feasibility Study. Part II. Economic Feasibility throughout the United States PB-286 940/2 Conversion of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil PB-291 588/2 SLUDGE DISPOSAL Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Re- sulting from the Use of Digested Sewage Sludge on Field Crops PB-213 537/5 Sludge Production and Disposal for Small, Cold Cli- mate Bio-Treatment Plants RB-219 980/0 Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Methane PB-261 091/3 Application of Sewage Sludge to Cropland: Appraisal of Potential Hazards of the Heavy Metals to Plants and Animals PB-264 015/9 Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities PB-280 662/8 Utilization of Earthworms and Microorganisms in Sta- bilization, Decontamination and Detoxification of Re- sidual Sludges from Treatment of Wastewater PB-286 018/7 SLUDGE DRYING Sludge Production and Disposal for Small, Cold Cli- mate Bio-Treatment Plants PB-219 980/0 Utilization of Earthworms and Microorganisms in Sta- bilization, Decontamination and Detoxification of Re- sidual Sludges from Treatment of Wastewater PB-286 018/7 SLUDGE TREATMENT Sludge Production and Disposal for Small, Cold Cli- mate Bio-Treatment Plants PB-219 980/0 SMALL BUSINESSES The Small New Business. PB-187 565 The Relevance and Prospects of Small Scale Indus- try in Colombia. (CO-338.64-B534). PB-219 744 The Study of Small Enterprise in the Economy: Sum- mary PB-282 703/8 Starting and Managing a Small Business of Your Own PB-282 705/3 Management Audit for Small Manufacturers PB-282 707/9 Financial Control by Time Absorption Analysis-A Tool for Profit Control PB-282 708/7 The Starting and Managing Series. Volume 24. Start- ing and Managing a Small Shoestore PB-282 722/8 Small Business Management Series No. 4. Third Edi- tion. Improving Material Handling in Small Business PB-282 725/1 Small Business Management Series No. 15. A Hand- book of Small Business Finance PB-282 726/9 Small Business Management Series No. 3. Third Edi- tion. Human Relations in Small Business PB-282 727/7 Small Business Management Series Number 31. Third Edition. Management Audit for Small Retailers PB-282 730/1 Small Business Management Series Number 36. Training Salesmen to Serve Industrial Markets PB-282 731/9 Small Business Management Series Number 1 . Third Edition. An Employee Suggestion System for Small Companies PB-282 733/5 Small Business Management Series No. 32. Finan- cial Recordkeeping for Small Stores PB-282 739/2 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Comptabilite (Starting and Managing a Small Bookkeeping Serv- ice. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 4) PB-286 590/5 Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 591/3 Creer et Gerer un Petit Restaurant (Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 614/3 Petite Entreprise: Manuel de Gestion Financiere (A Handbook of Small Business Finance) PB-293 765/4 A Demonstration Project to Establish a Technology Delivery System for Small and Medium-Sized Firms PB-293 821/5 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Construction (Starting and Managing a Small Building Business) PB-294 415/5 Accounting and Book Keeping for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 365/9 Business Arithmetic for Co-Operatives and Other Small Business; a Basic Manual for the Employees of Primary Co-Operative Societies PB-297 367/5 Small Enterprises in Developing Countries: Case Studies and Conclusions PB-297 369/1 Financial Planning for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 376/6 SMALL FARMERS Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farmers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71-A211a). PB-219 684 Changes in Small Farmer Credit Use in Southern Brazil, 1965-69. (Br-332.71-A211). PB-219 696 Technological Change and the Traditional Small Farmer of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. (Br-631-R225). PB-219 768 SMALL FARMS Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). PB-219 688 Strategies for Improving Small Farmer Development in the Tropics PB-294 021/1 SMALL STORES Small Business Management Series No. 32. Finan- cial Recordkeeping for Small Stores PB-282 739/2 290 SUBJECT INDEX SOLAR CELLS SNAILS Evaluation of the Emery Dredge for Determining Numbers of Snails in Tropical Reservoirs. TID-26889 SNEAKERS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Fabric Canvas Shoes PB-292 688/9 SOAPS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Laundry and Milled Toilet Soap PB-292 865/3 SOCIAL CHANGE Science, Technology, AND Development. Volume VII. Social Problems of Development and Urbaniza- tion PB-207 500 Development and Change in a Bengal Village PB-210 332 Communication in India. Experiments in Introducing Change PB-210 508 Communication for Change with the Rural Disadvan- taged. A Workshop PB-224 401/0 Community Development, Volume 4. Community De- velopment and Social Change PB-287 241/4 Desarrollo de la Comunidad y Cambio Social (Com- munity Development, Volume 4. Community Develop- ment and Social Change) PB-287 242/2 Developpement Communautaire Effets Sur L'Evolu- tion Sociale (Community Development, Volume 6. Community Development and Social Change) PB-287 243/0 SOCIAL COMMUNICATION Development and Change in a Bengal Village PB-210 332 Communication in India. Experiments in Introducing Change PB-210 508 Communications in Business and Industry PB-292 983/4 SOCIAL EFFECT The Social Well-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development PB-250 966/9 SOCIAL FACTORS They Watch and Wonder. Public Attitudes Toward Advanced Technology. N77-1 8954/6 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Innovation, Social Exchange, and Institutionalization. AD-707 560 SOCIAL SCIENCES An Economic and Social Survey of Rural Households in Central Luzon. PB-190 131 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume I - Clas- sified Part PB-293 140/0 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume 2 - Author Part, Title Part and Directory of Publishers PB-293 141/8 SOCIAL SERVICES Rural Human Resources Project SHR-0000101 Getting Human Services to Rural People SHR-0001658 Needs Assessment: A Working Manual SHR-0002289 Needs Assessment in Community Planning: An Eval- uation of Ten Approaches SHR-0002560 SOCIAL WELFARE Resources for Development: Organizations and Pub- lications PB-263 350/1 SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS Managing the Socio-Economic Impacts of Energy Development: A Guide for the Small Community ERDA-77-79 SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS Residential Solid Waste Generated in Low-Income Areas PB-215 282/5 Feasibility Test of an Approach and Prototype for Ultra Low Cost Housing PB-251 471/9 SOCIOLOGY Panamanian District: A Case Study in the Sociology of Development PB-294 238/1 SOCIOMETRICS Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement. PB-188 931 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB-190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume II. Books and Book Length Monographs. PB-190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume III. Government Reports, U.N. Reports and Proceedings of Special Confer- ences. PB-190 677 The Role of Popular Participation in Development. PB-193 242 SOCKS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Nylon Ho- siery. PB-175 538 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Men'S Socks. PB- 177 921 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stretch Socks for Men and Children. PB-177 935 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Standard Sport Stockings PB-292 802/6 SOIL CHEMISTRY Organic Phosphorus in Soils with Special Interest in Soils of the Tropics. 631.4-R645. PB-219 690 SOIL COMPACTING The Compaction of Soils and Stabilized Bases on Road in East Africa PB-231 391/4 SOIL CONSERVATION Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Practices PB-244 668/0 Manuel de Conservation du Sol (Soil Conservation Manual) PB-294 297/7 Petit Manuel de Conservation des Eaux et du Sol (Teaching Soil and Water Conservation) PB-296 917/8 SOIL EROSION Protection of Slopes Against Rainfall Erosion AD-A016 147/1 La Erosion y Su Control (Erosion and Its Control) PB-296 720/6 Petit Manuel de Conservation des Eaux et du Sol (Teaching Soil and Water Conservation) PB-296 917/8 SOIL FERTILITY A Generalized Crop-Fertilizer Production Function. (631.88-R988). PB-219 683 Organic Phosphorus in Soils with Special Interest in Soils of the Tropics. 631.4-R645. PB-219 690 Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics. (631.8- F793). PB-219 695 Soil Nitrogen: Supply Processes and Crop Require- ments. (631.42-B287). PB-219 741 SOIL MECHANICS Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume I PB-267 262/4 Latherite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume II. Instruction Manual PB-267 263/2 SOIL MOISTURE Water Use Efficiency of Vegetable Crops Given over Asphalt Moisture Barriers PB-214 120/8 SOIL PROPERTIES Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Re- lationships Between Sodium Ion Activities and Soil Physical Properties PB-203 844 Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Connection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Airfields. Phase I. Southeast Asia (Thailand) PB-207 399 Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problems Soils of Africa. Development of Engineering Standards and Criteria for the Usage of Laterite, Lateritic Soils, and Other Problems Soils in Connection with the Constructio n of Roads. Highways and Airfields PB-207 636 Relationships among Physical and Chemical Proper- ties of Representative Soils of the Tropics from Puerto Rico. (Rq-631.42-P555). PB-219 759 SOIL STABILIZATION Soil Stabilization PB-222 920/1 Conversion of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil PB-291 588/2 SOIL SURVEYS A Review of Soils Research in Tropical Latin Amer- ica. (Lat-631.4072-N864). PB-219 758 SOIL TESTS Usage Manual for Sampling and Testing Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of Africa PB-207 618 SOIL WATER More Wheat from Fallow Farming. (Tu-633.11-H529). PB-219 747 SOILS Use of Vegetation as an Indicator for Soil Properties under Desert Conditions. AD-679 182 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-179 327 Earth for Homes: Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 22. PB-188 918 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-188 919 Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Re- lationships Between Sodium Ion Activities and Soil Physical Properties PB-203 844 Soils of the Humid Tropics PB-212 974/0 Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth PB-285 909/8 Maisons en Terre (Earth for Homes) PB-286 423/9 Manual Para La Construccion de Casas de Tierra (Handbook for Building Homes of Earth) PB-292 747/3 Importance of Trace Elements in Chernozem Soils under Conditions of Dry Farming, and Their Influence on the Physiological Processes Determining the Drought-and Heat-Resistance of Plants. TT-67-51301 SOILS FERTILITY Soils, Crops, and Fertilizer Use. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 769/3 SOLAR AIR CONDITIONING National Solar Heating and Cooling Commercial Demonstration Program: Key Personnel Directory DOE/CS-0038 Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Project Summaries DOE/CS-0038-2 Design and Construction of a Residential Solar Heat- ing and Cooling System PB-237 042/7 SOLAR AIR HEATERS Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 Low-Cost Solar Air Heater. Semi-Annual Progress Report, June 29, 1 976-December 22, 1976 COO-2929-6 SOLAR ARRAYS Status of the Erda/NASA Photovoltaic Tests and Ap- plications Project. N77-1 3537/4 SOLAR CELL ARRAYS Photovoltaic Power in Less Developed Countries COO-4094-1 Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: Assess- ment of the Near-Term Market DOE/NASA/ 1022-78/29 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets DOE/NASA/1022-78/41 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 SOLAR CELLS Design and Fabrication of a Photovoltaic Power System for the Papago Indian Village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona DOE/NASA/1022-78/39 291 SUBJECT INDEX SOLAR COLLECTORS Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A021 862/8 Application of Solar Energy in the Food Processing Industry CONF-750761-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 Low-Cost Solar Air Heater. Semi-Annual Progress Report, June 29, 1976-December 22, 1976 COO-2929-6 Flat-Plate Solar-Collector Performance Evaluation with a Solar Simulator as a Basis for Collector Selec- tion and Performance Prediction. N75-32591/0 Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PATENT-4 065 053 SOLAR COOKERS Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 Solar Cookers for Haiti, A Feasibility Study PB-282 650/1 Evaluation of Solar Cookers. Part I PB-296 404/7 SOLAR COOLING Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and De- velopment. N78-31 532/2 SOLAR COOLING SYSTEMS DOE Facilities Solar Design Handbook DOE/AD-0006/1 Passive Solar Heating and Cooling LA-6637-C Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 SOLAR DRYERS Solar Energy for the Australian Food Processing In- dustry CONF-750712-12 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 The Performance and Economic Feasibility of Solar Grain Drying Systems PB-280 196/7 SOLAR DRYING Solar Energy for the Australian Food Processing In- dustry CONF-750712-12 Application of Solar Energy in the Food Processing Industry CONF-750761-1 Solar Grain Drying Conference Proceedings CONF-770140- SOLAR ENERGY Method for Estimating Solar Heating and Cooling System Performance AD- A026 041/4 Solar Energy AD-778 846/6 Single Technology Pitfall BNL-21491 Guide to Solar Energy Programs DOE/ET-0036 Guide to Solar Energy Programs DOE/ET-0036/1 Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Unconventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Semi- nar. N78-27522/9 Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alterna- tive Fnergy Sources. ORNL-5024 Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Perspectives and Prospects PB-208 550 A Universal Solar Kitchen PB-213 023/5 Dissemination and Utilization of Solar Energy Re- search Results. Report to the Office of Systems Inte- gration and Analysis Directorate of Applied Re- search, National Science Foundation PB-231 144/7 Solar Thermal Energy Utilization. A Bibliography with Abstracts. Semiannual Update July-December, 1974 PB-249 925/9 Survey of the Emerging Solar Energy Industry - 1 977 Edition PB-281 200/6 Workshop on Solar Energy for the Villages of Tar- zania, Held at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 11-19, 1977 PB-282 941/4 Directory of Solar Energy Research Projects in India PB-293 760/5 Technology for Solar Energy Utilization PB-296 572/1 Engineer's Guide to Solar Energy PB-297 043/2 Description of the Solar Energy R and D Programs in Many Nations. Final Report SAN/1122-76/1 Potential for Conversion and Utilization of Solar Energy in Poultry Production. Progress Report Cover- ing the Period from September 15, 1974 to January 31, 1975. TID-26786 Early Impact of Solar Energy Through Industrial Ap- plications UCRL-79515 SOLAR ENERGY ABSORBERS Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PAT-APPL-598 969 Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PATENT-4 065 053 SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION Ecological Considerations of the Solar Alternative LBL-5927 Status of the Erda/NASA Photovoltaic Tests and Ap- plications Project. N77-13537/4 Austrian 10KWE Solar Power Plant. A Project of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research. N79-1 8460/2 Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas PB-238 103/6 RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 16. Transportable Solar Laboratory PB-247 079/7 RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 17. Solar School Projects PB-247 260/3 Multidisciplinary Research Program Directed Toward Utilization of Solar Energy Through Bioconversion of Renewable Resources. Progress Report SRO-888-1 SOLAR FURNACES Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/ 2829-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 SOLAR GENERATORS Assessment of the Potential of Solar Thermal Small Power Systems in Small Utilities. N79-16377/0 SOLAR HEATING Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A021 862/8 Method for Estimating Solar Heating and Cooling System Performance AD-A026 041/4 Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A054 601/0 Solar Program Assessment: Environmental Factors. Solar Agricultural and Industrial Process Heat ERDA-77-47/2 An Inexpensive Economical Solar Heating System for Homes. N76-27671/6 Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and De- velopment. N78-31 532/2 Design Data Brochure: Solar Hot Water System. N78-31 538/9 Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and De- velopment. N78-32546/1 Design and Construction of a Residential Solar Heat- ing and Cooling System PB-237 042/7 Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Research Needs, and Adoption Strategies PB-265 105/7 Use of Solar Energy to Heat Anaerobic Digesters. Part I. Technical and Economic Feasibility Study. Part II. Economic Feasibility throughout the United States PB-286 940/2 Solar Space Heaters for Low-Income Families PB-289 244/6 Solar Rice /Dryer PB-292 913/1 Evaluation of Solar Cookers. Part I PB-296 404/7 SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS Proceedings of a Conference on Solar Energy for Heating Greenhouses and Greenhouse-Residential Combinations CONF-770367- DOE Facilities Solar Design Handbook DOE/AD-0006/1 Solar Heating Results for the Nambe Community Center LA-UR-78-2589 Zero-Energy-House NP-22388 Calefaccion de Edificos y Agua Caliente para Uso Domestico Mediante Energia Solar (Solar Heating of Building and Domestic Hot Water) PB-295 087/1 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 SOLAR KILNS Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 SOLAR KITCHENS A Universal Solar Kitchen PB-213 023/5 SOLAR PONDS Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds UCRL-52385 Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds UCRL-52385(Rev.1) SOLAR POWER PLANTS Austrian 10KWE Solar Power Plant. A Project of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research. N79-1 8460/2 SOLAR PROCESS HEAT Application of Solar Energy to the Supply of Hot Water for Textile Dyeing. Final Report, CDRL/PA 10 SAN/1220-1 SOLAR RADIATION Estimates of Potential Productivity from the Clima- tology of Solar Energy. PB-192 726 Secado Solar de Uvas, Programa de Technologia Rural Intermedia (Solar Drying of Grapes, Intermedi- ate Rural Technology Program) PB-297 870/8 SOLAR REFLECTORS Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PAT-APPL-598 969 Lightweight Reflector Assembly and Method. PAT-APPL-617 202 Lightweight Reflector Assembly. PATENT-4 035 065 SOLAR RICE DRYERS Solar Rice /Dryer PB-292 913/1 SOLAR SIMULATORS Flat-Plate Solar-Collector Performance Evaluation with a Solar Simulator as a Basis for Collector Selec- tion and Performance Prediction. N75-32591/0 292 SUBJECT INDEX SOUTH KOREA SOLAR SPACE HEATING National Solar Heating and Cooling Commercial Demonstration Program: Key Personnel Directory DOE/CS-0038 Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Project Summaries DOE/CS-0038-2 An Inexpensive Economical Solar Heating System for Homes. N76-27671/6 RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 16. Transportable Solar Laboratory PB-247 079/7 RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 17. Solar School Projects PB-247 260/3 Solar Space Heaters for Low-Income Families PB-289 244/6 SOLAR STILLS Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANTS Small Power Systems Study. Quarterly Report No. 1 SERI-36 SOLAR WATER HEATERS Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 Design Data Brochure: Solar Hot Water System. N78-31 538/9 Calefaccion de Edificos y Agua Caliente para Uso Domestico Mediante Energia Solar (Solar Heating of Building and Domestic Hot Water) PB-295087/1 Application of Solar Energy to the Supply of Hot Water for Textile Dyeing. Final Report, CDRL/PA 10 SAN/ 1220-1 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 Two-Week Training Program for Building Solar Ther- mosiphon Domestic Water-Heating Systems UCID-17595 SOLAR WATER HEATING Residential Hot Water Solar Energy Storage Subsys- tems PB-252 685/3 SOLAR WATER PUMPS Photovoltaic Power in Less Developed Countries COO-4094-1 Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: Assess- ment of the Near-Term Market DOE/NASA/1 022-78/29 Micro Irrigation with Photovoltaics MIT-EL-78-006 Installation in Dakar of a Pump Powered by Solar Cell Panels. Mise en Place a Dakar d'Une Pompe Alimentee Par des Panneux de Cellules Solaires. N77-32589/2 SOLES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Soling PB-292 769/7 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Fuel from Organic Matter: Possibilities for the State of California AD-A002 212/9 Solid Waste Management - Tomorrow's Alternatives in the Urban-Rural Environment AD-A026 264/2 Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 Glue Stock from Leather Production. Final Report BMFT-FB-T-77-06 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, September 1 , 1 976~Novem- ber30, 1976 COO/2917-76/2 Fuel Gas Production from Animal and Agricultural Residues and Biomass. Seventh Quarterly Coordina- tion Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 9--10, 1978 COO-2991-28 Using Solid Waste to Conserve Resources and to Create Energy. Environmental Protection Agency. Report to the Congress N76-71 498/9 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-75/655/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0112/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the American Petro- leum Institute Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0113/9 Financing Solid Waste Management in Small Com- munities PB-213 372/6 An Accounting System for Solid Waste Management in Small Communities PB-213 492/2 Waste Glass as a Flux for Brick Clays PB-214 271/9 Refuse Collection and Disposal for the Small Com- munity. PB-214 984 Residential Solid Waste Generated in Low-Income Areas PB-215 282/5 Recycling Activity Description: Transfer, Intermediate Storage, Processing, Recycling PB-218 990/0 Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nutrients PB-221 171/2 Utilization of Bark Waste PB-221 876/6 A Solid Waste Primer. Facts and Statistics on Solid Waste Handling Disposal PB-222 331/1 Composted Municipal Refuse as a Soil Amendment PB-222 422/8 Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 Waste Glass Utilization. Cumulative Volume PB-229 181/3 Proceedings of the Bioconversion Energy Research Conference Held at Massachusetts Univ., Amherst on 25-26 June 1973 PB-231 149/6 Rural Transfer and Modified Landfill. A Comparison of Cost Indicators for Low Volume Rural Solid Waste Disposal Methods PB-231 269/2 Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Ther- mal Discharge PB-240 113/1 Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-240 365/7 Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides PB-244 557/5 Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste PB-245 083/1 Evaluation of Small Modular Incinerators in Municipal Plants PB-251 291/1 Handbook for Pesticide Disposal by Common Chemi- cal Methods PB-252 864/4 Front End Recycling: A Study of the Economics of Recycling by Source Separation and Its Application for Fairfield County, Connecticut PB-257 404/4 Improving Rural Solid Waste Management Practices PB-257 801/1 Fuel and Energy Production by Bioconversion of Waste Materials - State-of-the-Art PB-258 499/3 Energy Recovery from Solid Waste: A Review of Current Technology PB-260 633/3 Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Methane PB-261 091/3 Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products PB-264 014/2 Fruit Cannery Waste Activated Sludge as a Cattle Feed Ingredient PB-265 357/4 A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Agricultur- al Solid Wastes PB-271 714/8 Analysis of Alternatives to Refuse Disposal PB-272 129/8 Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report PB-273 286/5 Refuse Collection Vehicle Performance Specification: User's Guidebook PB-273 766/6 Methane Generation from Human, Animal, and Agri- cultural Wastes PB-276 469/4 A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Solid Wastes for Building Materials. Phase I Summary Report PB-279 440/2 Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Break- ing Plant Shell-Waste PB-280 125/6 Indexed Bibliography of Publications on Water and Waste Engineering for Developing Countries PB-292 887/7 Cryogenic Recycling of Solid Waste PB-296 385/8 Water Treatment and Sanitation; a Handbook of Simple Methods for Rural Areas in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 558/9 Technical and Economic Assessment of Methods for Direct Conversion of Agricultural Residue to Usable Energy. Final Report TID-28552 SOLID WASTES Project SAFEGUARD: Safe Pesticide Practices. Safety Handbook PB-253 369/3 Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Manage- ment of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 Energy Recovery from Manure Using Plug-Flow Di- gesters PB-295 065/7 The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 SOLID WATE DISPOSAL Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 SOLIDS WASTE DISPOSAL Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-212 398 SORGHUM Fuels from Sugar Crops: Systems Study for Sugar- cane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets TID-22781 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 SOUTH AMERICA A Selected Inventory of Latin American Agricultural Colonies with Annotated Bibliography. AD-615 459 Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Edu- cation in Latin America and the Caribbean. N78-24699/8 Problems and Conflicts over Land Ownership in Boliva. PB-189 966 Freedom and Development. Rural Decision-Making and Agricultural Development. PB-189 976 Report on Survey Team Projected AID Research Program on Improved Forest Products Utilization in Latin America PB-206 802 SOUTH CAROLINA Study of Raw Material Costs for a Proposed Straw- Based Pulping Mill in the Vicinity of Mobridge, South Dakota. PB-194 391 SOUTH KOREA A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume I. The Protein Situa- tion in Korea and the Potential Role for Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-195 913 The Role of the Industrial Sector in Korea's Transi- tion to Economic Maturity PB-212 748 Planning Korea's Agricultural Development. Analyses and Recommendations for the Third Five Year Plan PB-2 18 232/7 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Soong Jun University Ac- tivities PB-249 183/5 293 SUBJECT INDEX Small-Scale Industry Grant: Administration Project- Stimulating the Growth of Small-Scale Industry PB-249 186/8 SOUTH RIVER WATERSHED The Effect of Land Use On the Chemical and Physi- cal Quality of Surface and Ground Waters in Small Water Sheds PB-251 890/0 SOUTH VIETNAM A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. PB-195 318 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in South Viet- nam. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures. PB-195 903 A Description of Ocean Fish Marketing in Saigon. PB-196 352 Industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Vietnam. Book I PB-212 632 Industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Vietnam. Book II PB-212 633 SOUTHEAST ASIA Plant Sources of Water in Southeast Asia AD-727 713 Investigation of Rational Effluent and Stream Stand- ards for Tropical Countries AD-782 199/4 Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Connection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Airfields. Phase I. Southeast Asia (Thailand) PB-207 399 Plant Protection Problems in Southeast Asia PB-212 101 Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment, and National Development. Volume I. Sum- mary of Proceedings. Singapore, March 13-17, 1972 PB-217 117/1 Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment and National Development held at Singapore on 13-17 March 1972. Volume II: Selected Papers PB-235 270/6 Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. A Historical Overview PB-274 436/5 SOYBEANS Development of Soy-Based Foods of High Nutritive Value for Use in the Philippines PB-213 758/3 SPACE HEATERS Solar Space Heaters for Low-Income Families PB-289 244/6 SPAIN Spain's Leather Industry: Prospects for Blue Chrome (Wet-Blue) Processing PB-267 949/6 SPANISH AMERICANS Hispanic Culture and Health Care -- Fact, Fiction, Folklore HRP-0029290/4 SPECIAL LIBRARIES A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 West Asian Special Libraries and Information Cen- ters ED-073 814 SPECIALIZED EDUCATION Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs PB-297 078/8 SPECIALIZED TRAINING Health Training Resource Material for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 754/5 Tales of Wisdom in Folly - A Course in Controlled Composition PB-262 820/4 The Photonovel: A Tool for Development PB-266 300/3 Strings 'N' Things, A Teaching Manual for the Blind PB-271 376/6 Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Effective Use of Agricultural Credit PB-286 573/1 Le Credit Agricole Source de Prosperite (Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Ef- fective Use of Agricultural Credit) PB-286 574/9 L'lmportance de la Formation dans les Services Public (Improving the Public Service Through Train- ing) PB-287 258/8 Improving the Public Service Through Training PB-287 259/6 Programming and Training for Small Farm Grain Storage PB-291 846/4 Communication Media and Technology: A Look at Their Role in Non-Formal Education Programs PB-292 5C3/5 Training Course in Material Handling PB-292 721/8 Plant Fire Brigade Training PB-292 744/0 Economics Training PB-292 874/5 Maintenance Training Program PB-292 965/1 Audio-Visual Techniques for Industry PB-296 573/9 Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements PB-297 075/4 Two-Week Training Program for Building Solar Ther- mosiphon Domestic Water-Heating Systems UCID-17595 SPECIFICATIONS Refuse Collection Vehicle Performance Specification: User's Guidebook PB-273 766/6 SPINNING (EXTRUDING) Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Metal Spin- ning Products PB-292 825/7 SPINNING (STAPLE FIBERS) A Search for an Appropriate Technology for Decen- tralised Cotton Spinning Industry in Rural India PB-294 416/3 SPINOFFS RANN (Research Applied to National Needs) Pro- gram: Potential Benefits to Developing Countries PB-2 14 862/5 SPOIL Precipitation Management for Reclamation of Over- grazed Areas in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions PB-251 166/5 SPRAYERS Development of a Non-Clogging Water Spray System PB-250 626/9 SPRINGS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Mechanical Springs. PB-177 939 SPRINKLER IRRIGATION Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography PB-220 349/5 Sprinkler Irrigation PB-294 272/0 SQUATTER COMMUNITIES A Housing Services Policy for Low-Income Urban Families in Underdeveloped Countries AD-A01 976/9 SQUATTERS Squatter Settlements. The Problem and the Opportu- nity. PB-179 376 SRI LANKA Natural Products for Sri Lanka's Future. Report of a Workshop Held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 2-6 June, 1975 PB-251 520/3 STABILIZATION Stabilization of sub-Base and Base Materials for Pavement. N68-20393 STAINLESS STEELS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stainless Steel Utensils PB-292 828/1 STATISTICAL DATA Needs Assessment: A Working Manual SHR-0002289 STEEL PLANTS Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Steel Melting Plant PB-292 869/5 Plant Requirements to set up and Operate Small Steel Rolling Mill PB-292 957/8 STERILITY Sterilization of Fish in their Aquatic Environment to Produce Maximum Size and Weight per Unit of Water Surface PATENT-3 331 356 STERILIZATION Sterilization of Fish in their Aquatic Environment to Produce Maximum Size and Weight per Unit of Water Surface PATENT-3 331 356 STORAGE Tour of Some U. S. Grain Storage Facilities for En- tente Fund Officials. (Afr-631.23-C559). PB-219 708 Development of a Simple Storage Unit and Storage Method Applicable for Humid Areas in Developing Countries. (631.23-C559). PB-2 19 721 Programming and Training for Small Farm Grain Storage PB-291 846/4 STORMS Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Hous- ing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earthquakes and Windstorms COM-74-50184/2 Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low- Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memo- rial Hall, National Science Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 COM-75-50001/7 Simplification of Integrated Stormwater Planning for Modern Multiple Land Use in Urban and Suburban Developments. PB-192 750 STOVES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Two-Burner Gas Plates PB-292 878/6 STREAMS Investigation of Rational Effluent and Stream Stand- ards for Tropical Countries AD-782 199/4 A Study of Mosquito Prevention and Control Prob- lems Associated with Stream Modification Projects PB-246 392/5 STRESSES Investigation of Stress Concentration in Reinforced Concrete Components AD-785 748/5 STRONTIUM Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Silver, Cobalt, and Strontium from Polluted Waters. N75-24163/8 STRUCTURAL MEMBERS Wood in the Construction of Mass-Produced Houses PB-207 812 STRUCTURAL PARTS Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-743 436 Aluminum Door and Window Sash. PB-177 945 STRUCTURAL TIMBER Wood in the Construction of Mass-Produced Houses PB-207 812 STRUCTURAL TIMBERS Wood in Marine Structures. Proceedings of a Semi- nar Held at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina on October 7-8, 1 977 PB-275 344/0 STRUCTURES Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-740 285 Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. on May 15- 17, 1974 PB-252 683/8 STUDENTS Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries, 1977-78 PB-293 846/2 SUBSABARAN AFRICA Fishculture Survey Report for West Central Africa, Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish Produc- tion by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 916 SUBSAHARAN AFRICA Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa. A Study of the Functions and Development of Exchange Institu- tions in Ankole, Uganda. AD-716 235 Village Housing in the Tropics, with Special Refer- ence to West Africa. PB-188 926 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 593/9 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 594/7 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 595/4 SUBSISTENCE MARKETING A Right to Survive: Subsistence Marketing in a Low- land Philippine Town AD-758 524 294 SUBJECT INDEX TANNING MATERIALS SUBSTITUTES A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1. The Study PB-284 681/4 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Ap- pendices PB-284 682/2 SUBSURFACE HOUSING Optimum Subsurface and Underground Shell Struc- tures for Better Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part I: A Case for Subsurface and Underground Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part II: Optimization of Subsurface and Underground Shells. AD-709 715 SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use of Earth Covered Buildings. Proceedings and Notes of a Conference Held at Fort Worth, Texas on 9-12 July 1975 PB-254 300/7 SUBTROPICAL REGIONS Manuel d'Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropicale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) PB-286 436/1 Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture PB-286 437/9 SUDAN REGION (AFRICA) Report of a Workshop on Aquatic Weed Manage- ment: Some Prospects for the Sudan and the Nile Basin, Held at Khartoum, Sudan on 24-29 November 1975 PB-259 990/0 SUOAW International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Agricultural Machinery Industry and Rural Industrialization in the Sudan PB-297 179/4 SUGAR BEETS Fuels from Sugar Crops: Systems Study for Sugar- cane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets TID-22781 SUGAR CANE Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. First Quarterly Report, June 1 -August 31, 1977 ORO-5422-1 Fuels from Sugar Crops: Systems Study for Sugar- cane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets TID-22781 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 SUGAR CROPS Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 SUGAR INDUSTRY International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Technology Planning Factors in the Cane Sugar Industry PB-297 239/6 SUGARCANE Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. Third Quarterly Report, December 1, 1 977~February 28, 1978 ORO-5422-3 Water Requirements of Sugarcane Under Irrigation in Lajas Valley, Puerto Rico PB-197 992 La Culture du Sorgho pour la Production de Sirop (Culture of Sorgho for Sirup Production) PB-286 431/2 SUGARS Biomass Energy for Hawaii. Volume II. Sugar Oper- ations PB-281 073/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1 978. Appropriate Technology for Produc- tion of Sugar and Other Sweetening Agents PB-294 677/0 Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 For Today: Membrane-Produced Gasahol. For To- morrow: Membrane-Produced Alcohol PB-295 814/8 SULFURIC ACID Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sulfuric Acid PB-292 864/6 SUNFLOWER PLANTS The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflow- er Processing Plants in North Dakota PB-265 749/2 SUNFLOWER SEEDS An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of In- creasing Edible Oil Production in West Pakistan PB-210 597 SUPERINTENDENTS Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting PB-220 764/5 SUPERMARKETS Urban Business Profile: Supermarkets COM-72-50659 SUPERVISION Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Controls and Supervision. PB-177 963 Supervisory Development Program PB-292 731/7 SUPERVISOR QUALIFICATIONS Selection and Training of New Foremen PB-292 754/9 SUPERVISORS Selection and Training of New FDremen PB-292 754/9 Using Job Instruction Training PB-292 799/4 Management Development Programs for Executives and Supervisors and a Manufacturing Division PB-292 964/4 New Foreman Training Plan PB-294 233/2 SUPERVISORY METHODS Industrial Training Charts PB-292 720/0 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL Executive's Role in an Organization. PB- 175 535 SUPERVISORY TRAINING Management Development Programs for Executives and Supervisors and a Manufacturing Division PB-292 964/4 New Foreman Training Plan PB-294 233/2 SURFACE WATER RUNOFF Nonpoint Rural Sources of Water Pollution PB-214 508/4 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Surgical In- struments PB-292 665/7 SURVEYS A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume xi. Analytical Papers. PB-195 325 Survey of the Emerging Solar Energy Industry - 1977 Edition PB-281 200/6 How to Conduct a Survey PB-294 671/3 Statistical Survey and Analysis Handbook PB-294 712/5 SURVIVAL (PERSONNEL) Patterns of Settlement and Subsistence in South- western Angola AD-417 467/8 SWINE Swine Waste Digestion Enhancement with Nutrient Separation PB-255 021/8 Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 Parasites Internes du Pore (Internal Parasites of Swine) PB-293 872/8 SYNTHANE Bio-Conversion of Water Hyacinths into Methane Gas, Part 1 . N75-27564/4 SYNTHETIC FUELS Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, December 1, 1976-March 31, 1977 COO/2917-4 Cultivation of Macroscopic Marine Algae and Fresh- water Aquatic Weeds. Progress Report, May 1 -De- cember 31, 1976 COO-2948-2 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976-- September 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 Biomass-Based Alcohol Fuels: The Near-Term Po- tential for Use with Gasoline HCP/T4101-03 Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7586 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-75/655/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0112/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the American Petro- leum Institute Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0113/9 Alcohol Fuels (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0673/0 Fuel and Energy Production by Bioconversion of Waste Materials - State-of-the-Art PB-258 499/3 Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume I. Confer- ence Report of 1 974 Engineering Foundation Confer- ence Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 PB-289 114/1 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 SYNTHETIC HYDROGRAPHS Simplification of Integrated Stormwater Planning for Modern Multiple Land Use in Urban and Suburban Developments. PB-192 750 SYNTHETIC PETROLEUM Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7584 Petroleum Plantations LBL-8236 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Techniques for Identifying and Evaluating Market and Non-Market Benefits and Costs of Water Resource Systems PB-231 485/4 A Selected Annotated Bibliography on the Analysis of Water Resource Systems. Volume 6 PB-247 098/7 Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use PB-259 318/4 Systems Tools for Project Planning PB-282 746/7 TAIWAN Plywood Processing and Woodworkig Equipment Study in Taiwan R. 0. C DIB-77-10-514 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Taiwan. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 904 TANK TRUCKS Evaluation of Vapor Leaks and Development of Mon- itoring Procedures for Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Piping PB-296 085/4 TANKS (CONTAINERS) Opening Unserviced LOTS to Building by Use of Septic Tank. AD-675 354 TANNERIES Glue Stock from Leather Production. Final Report BMFT-FB-T-77-06 Secondary Waste Treatment for a Small Diversified Tannery PB-221 494/8 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Leath- er Tannery PB-292 803/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Chrome Tanned Leather PB-292 831/5 TANNING INDUSTRY Good Work Practices for Tannery Workers PB-267 358/0 TANNING MATERIALS Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 Secondary Waste Treatment for a Small Diversified Tannery PB-221 494/8 Good Work Practices for Tannery Workers PB-267 358/0 Spain's Leather Industry: Prospects for Blue Chrome (Wet-Blue) Processing PB-267 949/6 295 SUBJECT INDEX TANZANIA Workshop on Solar Energy for the Villages of Tar- zania. Held at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 11-19, 1977 PB-282 941/4 Designing Rural Development Programs: Lessons from Past Experience in Africa PB-297 664/5 TEACHING GUIDES Resources for TESOL Teaching: A Handbook for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages PB-295 919/5 TEACHING METHODS Analyzing the Use of Technology to Upgrade Educa- tion in a Developing Country AD-A009 306/2 Handbook of Small-Group Methods of Instruction AD-741 829 Formation Professionnelle: Conseils aux Maitres (Tips for Vocational Instructors) PB-293 763/9 Extension Teaching Methods and Other Factors that Influence Adoption of Agricultural and Home Eco- nomics Practices PB-293 866/0 Education by Alternation PB-294 421/3 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Study of Raw Material Costs for a Proposed Straw- Based Pulping Mill in the Vicinity of Mobridge, South Dakota. PB-194 391 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Baseline Data-Areas of Brazil Served by Educational Foundation of South Santa Catarina PB-249 184/3 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Administration Project- Stimulating the Growth of Small-Scale Industry PB-249 186/8 Some Aspects of the Construction of Industrial Pro- jects in Developing Countries - Based on Hungarian Experience PB-255 104/2 Hog Bristle Processing By-Products and Paint Brush Manufacturing. A Feasibility Report PB-256 406/0 The Role of U.S. Engineering Schools in Develop- ment Assistance PB-262 055/7 Employee Ownership. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan PB-276 946/1 Institution Building: A Source Book PB-282 835/8 Manuel Pratique de L'Equipement Rural (IV) Amena- gement de la Ferme (Village Technology Handbook, Second Edition) PB-286 426/2 Village Markets in Ghana: A Study on the Planning of Village Markets and Stalls PB-286 449/4 Village Technology Handbook, First Edition PB-286 463/5 Manuel Pratique de I'Equipement Rural (III). Installa- tions Sanitaires (Village Technology Handbook) PB-286 464/3 Manuel Pratique de L'Equipment Rural L'Eau au Vil- lage (Village Technology Handbook, First Edition, Pages 1-81) PB-286 465/0 Plant Requirements Primer: How to Start a New Fac- tory or Shop PB-286 469/2 Comment Creer Une Usine (Plant Requirements Primer: How to start a New Factory or Shop) PB-286 470/0 Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 591/3 Creer et Gerer un Petit Restaurant (Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 614/3 Seeing is Believing. How to Conduct Convincing Result Demonstrations PB-293 605/2 Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries, 1977-78 PB-293 846/2 Directory of Resources for Project Management As- sistance PB-294 067/4 Appropriate Technology: Concept, Application and Strategies PB-294 494/0 Annual Review Number 3, 1974-75 PB-294 760/4 Annual Review Number 5, 1976-77 PB-294 761/2 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Report of the Joint AD Hoc Committee for Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana, Universities of Ghana and NAS PB-243 367/0 TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTERS Government Assistance for Technical Information in Industry and Simple Mechanization for Small Infor- mation Centres AD-759 845 TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE Technological Change and the Traditional Small Farmer of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. (Br-631-R225). PB-219 768 TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE Introduction to National Technology PB-294 718/2 Annual Review Number 4, 1975-76 PB-294 758/8 The Technological Knowledge Base for Industrializ- ing Countries; Proceedings of the NBS/AID UNCSTD (United Nations Conference on Science and Tech- nology for Development) Seminar Held at Gaithers- burg, Maryland on October 16-17, 1978 PB-294 984/0 Industrial Research and Science and Technology for Development. A Workshop in Preparation for the 1979 U.S. Conference PB-297 073/9 Bibliography of Intermediate Technology Materials Held at the International Development Data Center PB-297 085/3 TECHNOLOGY Transportation Technology for Development. Volume I PB-210 592 Appropriate Technologies for International Develop- ment. Preliminary Survey of Research Activities PB-212 288 Discussion Papers on Problems of Science and Technology. Annual Strategy and Planning Sympo- sium, Agency for International Development, Office of Science and Technology Held at Atlanta, Georgia on May 6-9, 1975 PB-250 448/8 Manuel Technique du Village PB-251 094/9 The Upper Factory Brook Sawmill Site: An Early In- dustrial Site in Middlefield, Massachusetts PB-262 179/5 Appropriate Technology for Natural Resources De- velopment: An Overview, Annotated Bibliography, and a Guide to Sources of Information PB-279 193/7 Science Development: The Building of Science in Less Developed Countries PB-282 860/6 Intermediate Technology: An Informal Survey PB-285 908/0 La Investigacion Tecnologica Industrial en el Peru. Analisis y Comentarios (Industrial Technological Re- search in Peru. Analysis and Comments PB-290 424/1 Ciencia Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Volume 2, Numero 1, Enero-Marzo, 1978 (Technological Science and Development, Volume 2, Number 1, January-March 1978) PB-290 426/6 Appropriate Technology in Social Context: An Anno- tated Bibliography PB-292 585/7 Towards Rural Futures: An Approach Through the Planning of Technologies PB-294 549/1 Annual Review Number 3, 1974-75 PB-294 760/4 Annual Review Number 5, 1976-77 PB-294 761/2 Technologies from Developing Countries PB-296 574/7 Technological Profiles on the Iron and Steel Industry PB-296 578/8 Appropriate Technology: A Bibliography of Books and Other Materials PB-296 582/0 Annotated Bibliography of Institute Reports PB-296 995/4 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1 978. Appropriate Technology in the Con- struction and Building Materials Industry PB-297 240/4 TECHNOLOGY ASSESMENT Global Listing of Appropriate Technology Organiza- tions and Sources PB-296 635/6 TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Assessing Technology for Marine Resource Develop- ment. Proceedings of a Conference-Workshop Held by the Marine Technology Society at Arlington, Vir- ginia on May 15-17, 1972 COM-74-1 1005/7 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume I. Some Basic Propositions PB-202 778-1 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume II. Automotive Emissions PB-202 778-2 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume III. Computers-Communications Networks PB-202 778-3 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume IV. Enzymes (Industrial) PB-202 778-4 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume V. Mariculture (Sea Farming) PB-202 778-5 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume VI. Water Pollution: Domestic Wastes PB-202 778-6 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Project Summary PB-202 778-7 A Technology Assessment Methodology PB-202 778-Set A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1. The Study PB-284 681/4 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Ap- pendices PB-284 682/2 A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides PB-284 990/9 Proceedings of Workshop on Appropriate Technol- ogy Held January 23-25, 1978 PB-2B8 897/2 Appropriate Technology for a New System of Educa- tion PB-294 570/7 Appropriate Education and Its Correlative Technol- ogy PB-294 572/3 Economic Man and Engineering Man: Choice of Technology in a Low Wage Country PB-294 573/1 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. The Role of National Institutions and Raw Materials Problems in Building Materials In- dustries PB-294 622/6 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology in Drug and Pharmaceutical Industries PB-294 706/7 Bibliography of Intermediate Technology Materials Held at the International Development Data Center PB-297 085/3 Technology for a Changing World PB-297 378/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Institutional Development of Appro- priate Industrial Technology in Developing Countries: R and D Policies and Programmes PB-297 662/9 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Report of the Joint Continuing Committee for Scien- tific Cooperation: Ministry of Science and Technol- ogy, Republic of Korea and National Academy of Sciences PB-235 458/7 Science and Technology for International Develop- ment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States and Bibliography of Selected Materials (Second Edition) PB-243 701/0 TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION A National Program to Develop and Implement Tech- nologies Appropriate for Low-Income Communities PB-262 338/7 Peace Corps Intermediate Technology for 15 Years PB-262 630/7 An Analysis of Selected Start-Up Industry Training Programs as Vehicles for Human Resources Devel- opment PB-262 735/4 Appropriate Technology in the United States-An Ex- ploratory Study PB-273 099/2 296 SUBJECT INDEX THAILAND Reach for Global Fairness: United Nations Confer- ence on Science and Technology for Development. Some Suggestions for Participation by Nongovern- mental Groups PB-282 954/7 Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnolo- gia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Develop- ment of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 Appropriate Technology in India. Report on a Study Leave, August-December, 1977 PB-294 759/6 Case Study Number 1 - Lab. Products Ltd. A Case History of an Attempt to Use Institutional Support to Create Independent Commercial Manufacturing in Ghana PB-294 762/0 Technologies from Developing Countries. Develop- ment and Transfer of Technology Series Number 7 PB-295 656/3 The Relevance of AT (Appropriate Technology) De- velopment in the U.S. to the Third World (A Compen- dium of U.S. AT. Organizations) PB-295 955/9 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Institutional Development of Appro- priate Industrial Technology in Developing Countries: R and D Policies and Programmes PB-297 662/9 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Technology Transfer a Bibliography with Abstracts COM-74-1 1194/9 They Watch and Wonder. Public Attitudes Toward Advanced Technology. N77-1 8954/6 Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Semi- nar. N78-27522/9 Technological Opportunities for Tropical Forestry De- velopment PB-229 813/1 Science and Technology for International Develop- ment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States and Bibliography of Selected Materials (Second Edition) PB-243 701/0 RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 16. Transportable Solar Laboratory PB-247 079/7 RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 17. Solar School Projects PB-247 260/3 Science and Technology Policy, Research Manage- ment and Planning in the Arab Republic of Egypt PB-257 066/1 Marine Technology Transfer as Foreign Aid to Less Developed Nations from Oceanographic Institutions in Industrialized Countries: A Search for an Effective Mechanism in the Educational Sector PB-262 039/1 Resource Sensing from Space: Prospects for Devel- oping Countries PB-264 171/0 IRRI Small Agricultural Machinery Project: US Tech- nology Transfer to Resource-Poor Developing Coun- tries PB-268 161/7 The Application of Technology in Developing Coun- tries PB-273 529/8 Report on the Workshop, New U.S. Initiatives in In- ternational Science and Technology, Held at Key- stone Colorado, April 13-16, 1977 PB-276 959/4 Estudios Sobre Politica Cientifica y Tecnologica de Panama (Studies on the Scientific and Technological Policy in Panama) PB-292 937/0 Efecto del Proceso de Importacion de Tecnologia en el Peru (Periodo 1971/74) (Effect of the Process of Technology Importation into Peru (1971-1974 period) PB-292 938/8 A Demonstration Project to Establish a Technology Delivery System for Small and Medium-Sized Firms PB-293 821/5 Introduction to National Technology PB-294 718/2 The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Countries PB-295 499/8 National Approaches to the Acquisition of Technol- ogy PB-296 569/7 UNIDO Abstracts on Technology Transfer. Studies and Reports on the Development and Transfer of Technology (1970-1976) PB-296 570/5 Technology for Solar Energy Utilization PB-296 572/1 TECHNOLOGY UTILIZATION Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in Develop- ing Countries BNL-2231 1 Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for AID. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 2. Housing, Transportation and Water Resources PB-242 403/4 Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 4. Food Technology PB-242 405/9 TEGUCIGALPA (HONDURAS) A Proposed Urban Development Program for Teguci- galpa, Honduras. PB- 188 851 TELECOMMUNICATION Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunications in Nepal PB-239 883/2 The Implications for American Foreign Policy of Low- Cost Non-Voice Communications. A Report to the Department of State PB-256 064/7 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Communications. Volume 2. A Report to the Depart- ment of Commerce and the Office of Telecommuni- cations Polic PB-256 065 % Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Communications. Volume 3. A Report to the Depart- ment of Commerce and the Office of Telecommuni- cations Policy. Appendices PB-256 066/2 Low Cost Data and Text Communication for the Less Developed Countries. A Study with Special Refer- ence to the Needs of The Internationa.! Agricultural Research Centers PB-256 067/0 Rural Development Initiatives: Overcoming the Prob- lems of Isolation: Improving Rural Communications PB-295 235/6 TELEVISION What Is Educational Technology ED-152 247 TELEVISION SYSTEMS Technical-Economic Considerations in Public Service Broadcast Communications for Developing Countries PB-223 266/8 Satellite Educational System Costs for Three Model Developing Countries PB-252 583/0 Creating Visuals for TV PB-287 254/7 Les Auxiliaires Visuels dans la Television Scolaire (Creating Visuals for TV) PB-287 255/4 Tele-Niger: Adapting an Electronic Medium to a Rural African Context PB-292 904/0 TENNIS SHOES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Fabric Canvas Shoes PB-292 688/9 TERMITES Les Termites Ravageurs du Batiment (Control of Nonsubterranean Termites and Subterranean Ter- mites) PB-294 900/6 TERRAIN Agrarian Reform, Land Purchase and Industrialization in Peru. PB-189 920T Latin American Usoms Seminar on Agrarian Reform, Santiago, Chile, Feb. 21 - 24, 1961. PB-189 925 Problems and Conflicts over Land Ownership in Boliva. PB-189 966 Land Reform in the Philippines 1950-1958. PB-189 969 Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in the Central Sierra of Peru. PB-189 972 The Role of the Ejido in Mexican Land Reform. PB-189 973 Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in Peru. Part I. Nature of and Relationships Between Agrarian Reform and Economic Development. Part II. Analytical Structural Change Model for Analyzing Agrarian Reform Structures and Remedial Alterna- tives in the Sierra. PB-189 987 A Special Study of Landed Estates in the Philippines: Analysis and Findings. PB-189 991 Studies of Land Tenure in Viet Nam (Terminal Report). PB-189 994 Land Reform in Vietnam. PB-189 996 Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume III. The Viet Cong. PB-190 000 Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume IV, Part 1. Surveys and Analyses Related to Land Tenure Issues. PB- 190 001 TERRY CLOTH Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Terry Cloth. PB-177 924 TERTIARY TREATto£rfT Investigative Research and Management of Effluent from Secondary Waste Water Treatment Utilizing a Marine-Aquaculture System for the Removal of Inor- ganic Nutrients PB-283 249/1 TEXAS Boll Weevil Control Program (Cooperative Diapause Control Program), Texas and Mexico PB-203 608-D TEXTILE INDUSTRY State of the Art of Textile Waste Treatment PB-212 359 Manual de Administracion para la Industria del Ves- tuario (Administrative Manual for the Clothing Indus- try) PB-290 423/3 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Evaluation of Appropriate Technol- ogy for Textile Production in a Developing Country PB-294 621/8 Application of Solar Energy to the Supply of Hot Water for Textile Dyeing. Final Report, CDRL/PA 10 SAN/1220-1 TEXTILE PROCESSES A Search for an Appropriate Technology for Decen- tralised Cotton Spinning Industry in Rural India PB-294 416/3 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Evaluation of Appropriate Technol- ogy for Textile Production in a Developing Country PB-294 621/8 TEXTILES Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Terry Cloth. PB-177 924 Silk Screen Printing on Textiles. PB-177 946 THAILAND Urban Food Supply and Distribution: Characteristics and Utilization of Fresh Food Markets in Bangkok and Thonburi AD-A038 482/6 Establishing a Business in Thailand COM-72-50 175-038 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Thailand. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 905 The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 914 The Ceramics Industry in Thailand 1970 PB-210 138 Inland Fisheries Progress in Thailand, 1971 PB-21 1 663 Workshop on Science Planning and Policy in Thai- land, 3-6 July 1972 PB-222 441/8 A Survey of the Possible Use of Windpower in Thai- land and the Philippines PB-245 609/3 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. A Seven-Country Survey of Certifi- cation Licensing and Quality Marks Programs PB-250 628/5 The Technology and Economics of Small-Scale Commercial Prawn ('Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Hatcheries: A Case Study in Thailand PB-263 669/4 The Technology and Economics of Catfish ('Clarias spp.') Farming in Thailand PB-263 670/2 Preliminary Bibliography of Fish and Fisheries with Special Reference to Shrimps and Prawns PB-263 671/0 Aquaculture as an Integral Part of the Agricultural Farming System. A Case Study in the North-East of Thailand PB-263 672/8 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Thailand PB-298 1 1 7/3 297 SUBJECT INDEX THANJAVUR DISTRICT (INDIA) Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). PB-219 688 THERMAL ENERGY Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Semi- nar. N78-27522/9 THERMAL INSULATION Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Mineral Wool. PB-175 525 THERMONUCLEAR REACTORS Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alterna- tive Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 TIDAL POWER Alternative Energy Sources: A Research Challenge CONF-730560-1 TILAPIA AUREA Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Tilapia Aquaculture System PB-290 634/5 TILAPIA MOSSAMBICA Growth in Experimental Populations of Tilapia mos- sambica COM-71 -00202 Selective and Unselective Exploitation of Experimen- tal Populations of 'Tilapia mossambica' COM-75-50 192-03-04 TIME MEASUREMENT Plant Size, Location and Time-Phasing PB-293 036/0 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS Time Series Analysis Handbook PB-294 575/6 TIRE TUBES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bicycle Tires and Tubes PB-292 785/3 TIRES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bicycle Tires and Tubes PB-292 785/3 TOBACCO PLANTS Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 TOILET FACILITIES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sanitary Ware. PB-177 923 TOMATO PLANTS Les Maladies de la Tomate: Prophylaxie et Traite- ment (Tomato Diseases and Their Control) PB-296 918/6 TOMATOES Decentralized Tomato Processing: Plant Design, Costs, and Economic Feasibility PB-251 382/8 Design of a Factory for the Productivity of Tomato Paste , PB-294 139/1 TOOLS Village Technology Handbook, First Edition PB-286 463/5 Manuel Pratique de I'Equipement Rural (III). Installa- tions Sanitaires (Village Technology Handbook) PB-286 464/3 Manuel Pratique de L'Equipment Rural L'Eau au Vil- lage (Village Technology Handbook, First Edition, Pages 1-81) PB-286 465/0 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Farm Hand Tools PB-292 860/4 Mochudi Tool Bar (Makgonatsotlhe) PB-297 144/8 TOURISM The Social and Economic Importance of the Caroni Swamp in Trinidad and Tobago PB-261 033/5 TOWER FOCUS COLLECTORS Single Technology Pitfall BNL-21491 TOXIC DISEASES Diagnosis and Treatment of Poisoning by Pesticides PB-227 053/6 TOXIC SUBSTANCES Chemical Safety - Pesticides PB-254 272/8 TRACHINOTUS CAROLINUS The Commercial Feasibility of Rearing Pompano, 'Trachinotus carolinus' (Linnaeus), in Cages COM-73-10771 TRACTORS L'Entretien Des Tracteurs (4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. A Units, p1-90) PB-286 440/3 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. A Units. Tractor Care Project PB-286 441/1 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. B Units. Tractor Care Project PB-286 442/9 TRAFFIC SURVEYS A Review of Rural Traffic-Counting Methods in De- veloping Countries PB-207 980 TRAINING The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-061 963 Supervisory Development Program PB-292 731/7 Economics Training PB-292 874/5 Economics Training - Charts PB-292 953/7 Regional Agricultural Production Programs, Training and Design Strategies PB-295 655/5 Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements PB-297 075/4 TRAINING TECHNIQUES Using Job Instruction Training PB-292 799/4 Conference Leadership Training PB-292 946/1 Education by Alternation PB-294 421/3 TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Scientific and Technical Information for Developing Countries PB-210 107 RANN (Research Applied to National Needs) Pro- gram: Potential Benefits to Developing Countries PB-214 862/5 Research Management and Technical Entrepreneur- ship: A. U.S. Role in Improving Skills in Developing Countries PB-225 129/6 TRANSPARENT PANELS Proposed Low-Cost Window Unit AD-719 308 TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume 2. PB-195 598 TRANSPORTATION Fish Production in China. Eggs, Fry and Young AD-A057 032/5 Choice of Transport Technology under Varying Factor Endowments in Less Developed Countries. PB-195 291 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume I. PB-195 597 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume 2. PB-195 598 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Annex to Volumes 1 and 2 PB- 198 035 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions PB-207 520 Transportation Technology for Development. Volume I PB-210 592 Transportation Technology for Development. Volume II PB-210 593 Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad PB-255 911/0 Proceedings of the National Symposium on Trans- portation for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Preparation and Appraisal of Transport Projects PB-207 862 TRAVEL Forecasting Rural Road Travel in Developing Coun- tries from Studies of Land Use PB-277 726/6 Transportation of Fish TREES Multidisciplinary Research Program Directed Toward Utilization of Solar Energy Through Bioconversion of Renewable Resources. Progress Report SRO-888-1 TREES (PLANTS) International Consultation on Ipil-lpil Research PB-280 161/1 Manuel d'Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropicale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) PB-286 436/1 Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture PB-286 437/9 Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1, Number 1 PB-293 786/0 Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1, Number 2 PB-293 787/8 Les Brise-Vent (Tree Windbreaks for the Central Great Plains) PB-294 286/0 TREMATODES The Biological Control of Schistosomiasis: A Pro- gram to Develop Use of Trematode Interactions in the Snail Host in Conjunction with the Molluscicide Endod as a New Approach to the Control of Human Schistosomiasis in Egypt and Ethiopia AD-774 720/7 TRICHECHUS Making Aquatic Weeds Useful: Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-265 161/0 TRICKLE IRRIGATION Trickle Irrigation in Michigan Fruit Plantings PB-286 892/5 TRICKLING FILTRATION A Literature Search and Critical Analysis of Biological Trickling Filter Studies - Volume I PB-211 909 TROPICAL CYCLONES FY75 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes PB-250 848/9 TROPICAL DETERIORATION Natural Resistance of Woods to Biological Deteriora- tion in Tropical Environments. Part I. Screening Tests of a Large Number of Wood Species. AD-653 856 Biological Deterioration of Wood in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 2. Marine Borer Resistance of Natural Woods over Long Periods of Immersion. AD-716 740 TROPICAL DISEASES Association of Vertebrate Pathogens with Ecological Perturbation of Tropical Forests. Part I AD-A019 542/0 Fungous and Bacterial Skin Infections in the Tropics AD-A060 212/8 Abstracts of Papers Presented by Staff of NAMRU-2 at the International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria (9th), Held in Athens (Greece) on 14-21 October 1 973 AD-777 404/5 TROPICAL REGIONS Materiel Testing in the Tropics AD-A015 426/0 Entomological Studies. Part II AD-A019 543/8 Mammalogical, Ornithological and Plant Ecology Studies. Part III AD-A019 544/6 Proceedings of a Workshop on the Biodeterinration of Tropical Woods: Chemical Basis for Nature.' Resis- tance Held at Naval Research Laboratory, Washing- ton, D.C. on October 17-18, 1974 AD-A029 258/1 Environmental Conditions in a Tropical Forest Region in Thailand AD-A047 981/6 Properties of Imported Tropical Woods. AD-704 261 Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing. PB-188 925 Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Re- lationships Between Sodium Ion Activities and Soil Physical Properties PB-203 844 Organic Phosphorus in Soils with Special Interest in Soils of the Tropics. 631 .4-R645. PB-219 690 A Review of Soils Research in Tropical Latin Amer- ica. (Lat-631.4072-N864). PB-219 758 Physical, Mechanical, and Other Properties of Se- lected Secondary Species in Surinam, Peru, Colum- bia, Nigeria, Gabon, Philippines, and Malaysia PB-231 894/7 298 SUBJECT INDEX URBAN DEVELOPMENT The Environmental Impact of a Large Tropical Res- ervoir: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Lake Volta, Ghana, in 1973 and 1974 PB-247 430/2 Coastal Zone Pollution by Oil and Other Contami- nants: Guidelines for Policy, Assessment and Moni- toring in Tropical Regions. Based Upon a Case Study in Indonesia, in 1973 PB-247 431/0 The Biological and Ecological Effects of Oil Pollution in Tropical Waters. An Annotated Bibliography PB-248 899/7 Underexploited Tropical Plants with Promising Eco- nomic Value PB-251 656/5 Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Re- search in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agri- cultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Im- plementation Needs PB-257 358/2 Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and the Subtro- pics PB-262 488/0 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume I PB-263 399/8 Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume I PB-267 262/4 Latherite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume II. Instruction Manual PB-267 263/2 Leucaena: New Forage and Tree Crop for the Trop- ics PB-268 124/5 Report of the Workshop on Experimental Designs for Predicting Crop Productivity with Environmental and Economic Inputs Held at Honolulu, Hawaii on May 20-24, 1974 PB-270 607/5 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas (2nd) Held in Biloxi, Mississippi on April 17-20, 1977 PB-279 405/5 Manuel d'Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropicale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) PB-286 436/1 Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture PB-286 437/9 Better Vegetables, Ghana Handbook PB-292 871/1 Fertilizacion con Nitrogeno en los Tropicos Humedos (Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics) PB-293 876/9 Improving Farm Production in Tropical and Sub- Tropical Regions of Limited Rainfall PB-293 921/3 Strategies for Improving Small Farmer Development in the Tropics PB-294 021/1 Engineering for Appropriate Technology Farming Systems in the Lowland Humid Tropics PB-294 636/6 Engineering for Appropriate Technology Farming Systems in the Lowland Humid Tropics PB-294 645/7 An Initial Course in Tropical Agriculture for the Staff of Co-Operatives PB-297 792/4 TROPICAL TESTS Corrosion of Metals in Tropical Environments: Part 10 - Final Report of Sixteen- Year Exposures AD-A003 909/9 TROPICAL WOODS Moisture Absorption in Certain Tropical American Woods (Revised). AD-716 403 Technological Opportunities for Tropical Forestry De- velopment PB-229 813/1 Factors Influencing the Utilization of Tropical Wood Species PB-230 738/7 Development of the Tropical Wood Resource PB-231 006/8 TROUT Culturing Trout in Cages COM-72-10055 Brackish Water Cage Culture of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), in South Alabama COM-74-1 0498/5 Status of Trout Culture in Peru PB-211 775 The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption PB-286 702/6 TRUCKS Refuse Collection Vehicle Performance Specification: User's Guidebook PB-273 766/6 TUNAS Biology and Distribution of the Yellowfin Tuna in the Tropical Part of Atlantic Ocean (Biologiya i Raspre- delenie Zheltoperogo Tuntsa (Neothunnus albacora Lowe) v Tropicheskoi Chasti Atlanticheskogo Okeana) AD-720 097 A Review of the Literature on the Development of Skipjack Tuna Fisheries in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean COM-73-50276 Alternative Management Plans for Yellowfin Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific PB-275 182/4 Successful Mexican Tuna Cooperatives: A Model for U.S. Fishermen PB-296 964/0 TUNGSTEN CARBIDES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Tungsten Carbides PB-292 676/4 TUNISIA A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIM. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 TUNNELING Rapid Excavation of Rock with Small Charges of High Explosives PB-267 295/4 TURBINE BLADES Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential DOE/NASA/1028-77/13 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. N78-1 7466/1 TURBINES Wind Turbine Structural Dynamics. N78-19616/9 Methanol: Its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Economics, and Hazards NP-21727 TURKEY Establishing a Business in Turkey COM-71 -50005-62 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 Report on Small Industry Programs in Turkey PB-206 967 Fisheries of Turkey PB-211 774 UGANDA Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa. A Study of the Functions and Development of Exchange Institu- tions in Ankole, Uganda. AD-716 235 UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS A Housing Services Policy for Low-Income Urban Families in Underdeveloped Countries AD-A01 976/9 UNDEREXPLOITED PLANTS Underexploited Tropical Plants with Promising Eco- nomic Value PB-251 656/5 UNDERGROUND HOUSING Optimum Subsurface and Underground Shell Struc- tures for Better Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part I: A Case for Subsurface and Underground Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part II: Optimization of Subsurface and Underground Shells. AD-709 715 UNDERGROUND MINING Rapid Excavation of Rock with Small Charges of High Explosives PB-267 295/4 UNDERGROUND STORAGE L'Utilisation du Silo Fosse et des Lecons Tech- niques. (The Use of Pit Silos, and Technical Les- sons.) PB-262 851/9 UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures AD-A061 469/3 Optimum Subsurface and Underground Shell Struc- tures for Better Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part I: A Case for Subsurface and Underground Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part II: Optimization of Subsurface and Underground Shells. AD-709 715 UNEMPLOYMENT Rural-Urban Migration, Urban Unemployment and Underemployment, and Job Research Activity in Ldcs. (331.127-F461). PB-219 772 UNICELLULAR ALGAE Fuels from Solar Energy: Photosynthetic Systems- State of the Art and Potential for Energy Production COO-4151-2 UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 UNITED STATES Rural Environmental Assistance Program EIS-AA-72-5805-D Principles and Standards for Planning Water and Re- lated Land Resources EIS-AA-73-1451-F Water Quality Standards and International Develop- ment PB-204 408 How the United States Improved Its Agriculture PB-292 863/8 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT Regional Seminar on a System of Standardization and Metrology for Latin America PB-254 469/0 UNIVERSITIES The Institutional Development Agreement. A New Operational Framework for A.I.D. and the Universi- ties PB-207 393 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Curricula Research and Develop- ment Held at Soong Jun University, Seoul, Korea on 21 April-8 June 1974 PB-249 368/2 URBAN AREAS Urban Food Supply and Distribution: Characteristics and Utilization of Fresh Food Markets in Bangkok and Thonburi AD-A038 482/6 Administrative Aspects of Urbanization in Developing Countries AD-765 616/8 Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 Squatter Settlements. The Problem and the Opportu- nity. PB-179 376 Impact of Community Water Systems in Small Towns. PB-188 841 Simplification of Integrated Stormwater Planning for Modern Multiple Land Use in Urban and Suburban Developments. PB-192 750 Formula for Growth: How to Make an Industrial Site Survey PB-193 553 Residential Solid Waste Generated in Low-Income Areas PB-215 282/5 Windmill Power for City People PB-275 658/3 Community Water Management, Research Needs for Small and Urbanizing Communities PB-291 939/7 Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume I: Background, Goals and Project Opportunities PB-294 309/0 Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume II: Guidelines for Project Selection, Summary Project Characteristics and Case Studies PB-294 310/8 URBAN DEVELOPMENT Research Methods for Housing and Urbanization Studies in Developing Countries PB-210 128 Housing and Urban Development in the Philippines PB-212 371 Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study PB-212 916/1 HUD International Country Reports. Panama PB-236 978/3 HUD International Country Reports. Peru PB-236 980/9 Urban Systems Research: Report of the Binational (U.S./Australian) Urban Systems Symposium (1st) PB-241 120/5 299 SUBJECT INDEX Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas PB-287 244/8 Developpement Communautaire, Application dans les Zones Urbaines et Semi-Urbaines. (Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi- Urban Areas) PB-287 245/5 Desarrollo de la Comunidad, D. C. en Zonas Ur- banas y Suburbanas. (Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas) PB-287 246/3 URBAN MIGRATION Rural to Urban Migration: A Colombian Case. PB-189 989 URBAN PLANNING Space, Change and Feng-Shui in Tsuen Wan'S Ur- banization. AD-687 028 The Milk Supply of Major Indian Cities. AD-703 235 Building and Planning in Developing Countries: A Partially Annotated Bibliography. PB-176 780 Pre-Final Submission for Ebeye and Carlson, Mar- shall Islands: Trust Territory Physical Planning Pro- gram. PB- 179 304 Pre-Final Submission for Saipan, Mariana Islands: Trust Territory Physical Planning Program. PB-179 305 Urban Planning in Developing Countries. PB-179 359 Sewage Lagoons for Developing Countries. PB-179 383 Community Facilities Study. Volume III. Sanitary Sewers. PB-179 475 In-Cities Experimental Housing Research and Devel- opment Project, Phase I. Composite Report. Volume III. technology. PB-184 123 Social Aspects of Housing and Urban Development. PB-186 188 A Proposed Urban Development Program for Teguci- galpa, Honduras. PB-188 851 Village Housing in the Tropics, with Special Refer- ence to West Africa. PB-188 926 Report of Housing Team of the International Cooper- ation Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. PB- 189 260 Urban Development, Including Housing. PB-191 034 Citizen Participation. PB-191 721 Comprehensive Development Plan, Bath Charter Township. PB- 195 757 Cooperative Housing, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 52 PB-206 514 Special Topics. Human Powered Transit; Remote Medical System; Water Treatment PB-221 142/3 Urban Systems Research: Report of the Binational (U.S./Australian) Urban Systems Symposium (1st) PB-241 120/5 The Environmental Impact of Rapid Urbanization: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Seoul, Korea, in 1972-and 1973 PB-247 429/4 Manuel Technique du Village PB-251 094/9 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Further Assistance PB-256 460/7 Strengthening Urban Administration in Developing Countries: With Emphasis on Latin America PB-285 769/6 URBAN TRANSPORTATION Intermediate Public Transport in Developing Coun- tries PB-280 521/6 Performance Measures for Public Transit Service PB-294 955/0 URBANIZATION Administrative Aspects of Urbanization in Developing Countries AD-765 616/8 Science, Technology, AND Development. Volume VII. Social Problems of Development and Urbaniza- tion PB-207 500 US DOE Guide to Solar Energy Programs DOE/ET-0036/1 USA Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic De- velopment LA-6489 Siting Handbook for Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems PNL-2521 UTENSILS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stainless Steel Utensils PB-292 828/1 UTILIZATION Implementing 'Best Management Practices' for Re- siduals: The Waste Exchange PB-258 068/6 VACCINES Control of Rabies PB-224 400/2 VALVES Development and Testing of the Robovalve PB-293 788/6 VEGETABLE CROPS Water Use Efficiency of Vegetable Crops Given over Asphalt Moisture Barriers PB-214 120/8 Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 Manuel d'Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropicale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) PB-286 436/1 Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture PB-286 437/9 Intensive Vegetable Gardening for Profit and Self- Sufficiency PB-288 925/1 Conversion of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil PB-291 588/2 VEGETABLE OILS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Soybean Oil and Meal. PB-177 933 An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of In- creasing Edible Oil Production in West Pakistan PB-210 597 VEGETABLE PLANTS Better Vegetables, Ghana Handbook PB-292 871/1 VEGETABLES Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Fruit and Vegetable Juices. PB-175 542 An Assessment of Controlled Environmental Agricul- ture Technology PB-279 211/7 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1. The Study PB-284 681/4 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Ap- pendices PB-284 682/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Preservation of Vegetables in the Republic of Korea: The Processing of Kimchi PB-297 205/7 VEGETATION Effective Utilization of Solar Engegy to Produce Clean Fuel PB-233 956/2 Recent Advances in Foliage Utilization PB-243 936/2 Precipitation Management for Reclamation of Over- grazed Areas in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions PB-251 166/5 VEGETATION GROWTH Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Lead and Mercury from Polluted Waters. N75-22937/7 VEHICLES Feasibility Study for Establishing a Bicycle Manufac- turing Plant in Puerto Rico. PB-180 476 The Manufacture of Low-Cost Vehicles in Developing Countries PB-296 571/3 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC A Review of Rural Traffic-Counting Methods in De- veloping Countries PB-207 980 VENEERS Veneer Species of the World AD-764 294 VENEZUELA Savanna-Tropical Forest Boundaries Symposium: Venezuela. AD-638 118 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 VERMICOMPOSTING Conversion of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil PB-291 588/2 VETERINARY MEDICINE Association of Vertebrate Pathogens with Ecological Perturbation of Tropical Forests. Part I AD-A019 542/0 VIETNAM North Vietnam: Translations No. 288. JPRS-43442 Studies of Land Tenure in Viet Nam (Terminal Report). PB-189 994 Land Reform in Vietnam. PB-189 996 Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume III. The Viet Cong. PB-190 000 Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume IV, Part 1. Surveys and Analyses Related to Land Tenure Issues. PB- 190 001 Present Situation and Possibilities of Postwar Devel- opment of Inland-Fisheries in the Mekong delta. PB- 196 341 VILLAGES Manuel Technique du Village PB-251 094/9 Manuel Pratique de L'Equipement Rural (IV) Amena- gement de la Ferme (Village Technology Handbook, Second Edition) PB-286 426/2 Village Markets in Ghana: A Study on the Planning of Village Markets and Stalls PB-286 449/4 Comment Conserver le Poisson Salage-Sechage- Fumage (Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Countries) PB-286 450/2 Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Countries PB-286 451/0 Developpement Communautaire - Cinq Realisations Interessantes en Afrique (Five Community Develop- ment Stories Out of West Africa; Community Devel- opment Series, Volume 1 , Series B) PB-286 461/9 Village Technology Handbook, First Edition PB-286 463/5 Manuel Pratique de L'Equipment Rural L'Eau au Vil- lage (Village Technology Handbook, First Edition, Pages 1-81) PB-286 465/0 Developpement Communautaire L'Agent Rural et L'Organization Democratique du Programme (Com- munity Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning) PB-287 232/3 Community Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning PB-287 234/9 Community Development: An Introduction to Com- munity Development for Village Workers, Series A, Volume 1 PB-289 991/2 Appropriate Technology in Social Context: An Anno- tated Bibliography PB-292 585/7 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Community Electric System PB-292 664/0 Introduccion al DC. Para Los Trabajadores de las Aldeas (An Introduction to Community Development for the Village Workers) PB-297 632/2 Towards Village Industry: A Strategy for Develop- ment PB-297 788/2 VIRGIN ISLANDS Rural Environmental Assistance Program EIS-AA-72-5805-D Demonstration of Virgin Islands Small Boat Fishing Techniques PB-294 217/5 300 SUBJECT INDEX WATER FLOW VIRUS DISEASES Association of Vertebrate Pathogens with Ecological Perturbation of Tropical Forests. Part I AD-A019 542/0 VISUAL AIDS Visual Aids - A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 511/9 Economics Training - Charts PB-292 953/7 Audio-Visual Techniques for Industry PB-296 573/9 Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs PB-297 078/8 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION CENTO Conference on Industrial Vocational Educa- tion Held in Ramsar, Iran on June 23-30, 1968 PB-206 700 VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Piute Vocational Education Project-Piute County School District COM-73-10355 Light Engineering Project for the Adult Blind PB-254 845/1 VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION Light Engineering Project for the Adult Blind PB-254 845/1 VOLTA LAKE Environmental Aspects of a Large Tropical Reservoir - A Case Study of Volta Lake, Ghana PB-248 630/6 WAHIAWA RESERVOIR Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 WALLBOARD Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wallboard PB-210 507 WALLS Protecting Adobe Walls from Ground Water PB-295 041/8 WALNUTS Black Walnut as a Crop. Black Walnut Symposium, Carbondale, Illinois, August 14-15, 1973 PB-223 510/9 WASTE DISPOSAL Recovery and Reuse of Wastepaper from Shredded Household Trash AD-A007 918/6 Solid Waste Management - Tomorrow's Alternatives in the Urban-Rural Environment AD-A026 264/2 Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 A Design Study on the Economic Use of Agricultural Wastes in Kansas. PB- 194 368 Financing Solid Waste Management in Small Com- munities PB-213 372/6 An Accounting System for Solid Waste Management in Small Communities PB-213 492/2 Refuse Collection and Disposal for the Small Com- munity. PB-214 984 Residential Solid Waste Generated in Low-Income Areas PB-215 282/5 Recycling Activity Description: Transfer, Intermediate Storage, Processing, Recycling PB-218 990/0 WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION Waste Heat Utilization in Industrial Processes. N78-25012/3 Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Ther- mal Discharge PB-240 113/1 WASTE RECYCLING Solid Waste Management - Tomorrow's Alternatives in the Urban-Rural Environment AD-A026 264/2 Using Solid Waste to Conserve Resources and to Create Energy. Environmental Protection Agency. Report to the Congress N76-71498/9 Waste Glass Utilization. Cumulative Volume PB-229 181/3 Front End Recycling: A Study of the Economics of Recycling by Source Separation and Its Application for Fairfield County, Connecticut PB-257 404/4 Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report PB-273 286/5 Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Manage- ment of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V PB-286 361/1 WASTE TREATMENT Removal of Algae from Waste Stabilization Pond Ef- fluents - A State of the Art PB-220 300/8 WASTE UTILIZATION Proceedings of Symposium on Utilization of Waste Glass in Secondary Products N73-33460/9 An Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Residues as an Energy Feedstock. Volume I PB-260 763/8 WASTE WATER Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings AD-A062 903/0 Feasibility Study of Waste Water Recovery in Shrimp Processing Plants COM-72-11539 Wastewater Use in the Production of Food and Fiber-Proceedings PB-245 176/3 Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater PB-259 946/2 Marine Polyculture Based on Natural Food Chains and Recycled Wastes PB-261 939/3 Aquaculture Techniques: Water Use and Discharge Quality PB-285 956/9 WASTE WATER REUSE The Reclamation of Drinking Water from Sewage AD-A008 453/3 Wastewater Use in the Production of Food and Fiber-Proceedings PB-245 176/3 Individual Home Wastewater Characterization and Treatment PB-245 259/7 Preliminary Results with a Pilot Plant Waste Recy- cling Marine-Aquaculture System PB-247 182/9 Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in the Meat Industry, Held at University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 13-14, 1973 PB-258 742/6 Segregation and Reclamation of Household Wastewater at an Individual Residence PB-268 810/9 Investigative Research and Management of Effluent from Secondary Waste Water Treatment Utilizing a Marine-Aquaculture System for the Removal of Inor- ganic Nutrients PB-283 249/1 A Mass Balance Study of Recycling Secondary Mu- nicipal Wastewater on Abandoned Field Ecosystems PB-286 275/3 Watercress-Crayfish Polyculture as an Economic Means of Stripping Nutrients from Enriched Waters. Proceedings of the International Symposium Fresh- water Crayfish (3rd), Held at Kuopio, Finland on De- cember 1976 PB-286 700/0 The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption PB-286 702/6 Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Paci- fastacus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 WASTES Food Waste: An Opportunity to Improve Resource Use: Department of Agriculture PB-272 005/0 WASTES (INDUSTRIAL) Wood Wastes. PB-175 550 WASTES (SANITARY ENGINEERING) Sewage Lagoons for Developing Countries. PB-179 383 An Evaluation of the Problems of Sanitary Sewer System Design. PB-180 509 WASTEWATER STABILIZATION LAGOONS Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings AD-A062 903/0 WATER Plant Sources of Water in Southeast Asia AD-727 713 WATER ANALYSIS Chemical Analyses for Water Quality. Training Manual PB-224 212/1 Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater PB-259 946/2 Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes PB-259 973/6 Methods for the Determination of Chemical Contami- nants in Drinking Water - Participants Handbook PB-284 392/8 Manual de Metodos para el Analisis Quimico de Aguas y Desechos (Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes) PB-291 858/9 WATER CONSERVATION More Water for Arid Lands, Promising Technologies and Research Opportunities PB-239 472/4 Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Practices PB-244 668/0 Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in the Meat Industry, Held at University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 13-14, 1973 PB-258 742/6 Improving Farm Production in Tropical and Sub- Tropical Regions of Limited Rainfall PB-293 921/3 Petit Manuel de Conservation des Eaux et du Sol (Teaching Soil and Water Conservation) PB-296 917/8 WATER CONSUMPTION Water Use Efficiency of Vegetable Crops Given over Asphalt Moisture Barriers PB-214 120/8 Improved Design and Operating Criteria for Rural Water Districts PB-244 691/2 Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region PB-244 880/1 Wastewater Use in the Production of Food and Fiber-Proceedings PB-245 176/3 Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 402/7 Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 403/5 Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields PB-266 709/5 Trickle Irrigation in Michigan Fruit Plantings PB-286 892/5 WATER CONVEYANCE More and Better Uses Could Be Made of Billions of Gallons of Water by Improving Irrigation Delivery Systems: Department of Agriculture and the Interior PB-271 739/5 WATER DEMAND Alternative Futures Planning PB-285 717/5 Standards and Procedures for the Design of Water Supply Systems in Rural Areas of Nepal and Bhutan PB-285 983/3 WATER DISTRIBUTION Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 402/7 Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 403/5 Standards and Procedures for the Design of Water Supply Systems in Rural Areas of Nepal and Bhutan PB-285 983/3 Distribution des Eaux: Le Calcul des Prix (Water Rates Manual) PB-293 869/4 Distribution des Eaux: Les Relations Publiques (Silent Service is Not Enough) PB-294 344/7 Distribution des Eaux: Les Computeurs D'Eau (Water Meters) PB-294 448/6 Distribution des Eaux: La Gestion des Services (A Training Course in Water Utility Management) PB-294 449/4 WATER DISTRICTS Improved Design and Operating Criteria for Rural Water Districts PB-244 691 /2 WATER ECONOMY Techniques for Identifying and Evaluating Market and Non-Market Benefits and Costs of Water Resource Systems PB-231 485/4 WATER FLOW Solar Powered Pump. PAT-APPL-566 493 Water Measurement Procedures Irrigation Operator's Workshop. PB-195 275 301 SUBJECT INDEX WATER HARVESTING Expansion des Ressources en Eau dans les Zones Arides, Techniques Prometteuses et Possibilites de Recherches (Expansion of Water Resources in Arid Regions. Promising Techniques and Opportunities for Research) PB-274 612/1 WATER HYACINTH Water Hyacinth Research in Puerto Rico AD-A032 970/6 Review of Current Interest and Research in Water Hyacinth-Based Wastewater Treatment. N77-33683/2 WATER HYACINTHS Report of a Workshop on Aquatic Weed Manage- ment: Some Prospects for the Sudan and the Nile Basin, Held at Khartoum, Sudan on 24-29 November 1975 PB-259 990/0 WATER LIFTERS Water Lifters and Pumps for the Developing World PB-296 382/5 WATER MANAGEMENT Development of a Bibliographic Information System for Water Yield Improvement Practices PB-244 696/1 WATER MANAGEMENT (APPLIED) Multi-Objective Water Resources Planning: Method- ology to Achieve Compatibility Between Environmen- tal Amenities and Economic Development PB-251 377/8 The Impact of Groundwater Development in Arid Lands: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliogra- phy PB-276 908/1 WATER METERS Distribution des Eaux: Les Computeurs D'Eau (Water Meters) PB-294 448/6 WATER POLLUTION Investigation of Rational Effluent and Stream Stand- ards for Tropical Countries AD-782 199/4 Water Hyacinths for Removal of Phenols from Pollut- ed Waters. N75-16128/1 Water Hyacinths for Removal of Cadmium and Nickel from Polluted Waters. N75-16129/9 Aquatic Plants for Removal of Mevinphos from the Aquatic Environment. N75-1 6206/5 Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Lead and Mercury from Polluted Waters. N75-22937/7 Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Silver, Cobalt, and Strontium from Polluted Waters. N75-24163/8 Review of Current Interest and Research in Water Hyacinth-Based Wastewater Treatment. N77-33683/2 Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Re- gions PB-198 125 National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes Proceedings (1st), held at Portland, Oregon on 6-8 April 1970 PB-199 709 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume VI. Water Pollution: Domestic Wastes PB-202 778-6 Septic Tanks and the Environment PB-204 519 State of the Art of Textile Waste Treatment PB-212 359 Determination of the Rate of Biodegradation in Some Polluted Tropical Waters and in Some Types of Liquid Wastes Common in Puerto Rico PB-213 181/1 Nonpoint Rural Sources of Water Pollution PB-214 508/4 Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment, and National Development. Volume I. Sum- mary of Proceedings. Singapore, March 13-17, 1972 PB-217 117/1 Engineering Studies of Coffee Mill Wastes in El Sal- vador, C. A., October 18-November 9, 1960. PB-217 142 Secondary Waste Treatment for a Small Diversified Tannery PB-221 494/8 Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 Improving Water Quality Management Planning in Nonmetropolitan Areas PB-222 511/8 Chemical Analyses for Water Quality. Training Manual PB-224 212/1 Paunch Manure as a Feed Supplement in Channel Catfish Farming PB-235 575/8 Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) PB-239 875/8 Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas: Pro- ceedings of Southeastern Conference Held on April 2-4, 1975 PB-248 297/4 The Effect of Land Use On the Chemical and Physi- cal Quality of Surface and Ground Waters in Small Water Sheds PB-251 890/0 Coastal Zone Pollution in Indonesia - A Reconnais- sance Survey PB-255 447/5 Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 Quality Criteria for Water PB-263 943/3 Proceedings of the National Ground Water Quality Symposium (3rd) Held in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 1 5-1 7, 1 976 PB-272 908/5 The Impact of Groundwater Development in Arid Lands: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliogra- phy PB-276 908/1 Aquaculture Techniques: Water Use and Discharge Quality PB-285 956/9 Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V PB-286 361/1 L'Eau et la Sante de I'Homme (Water and Man's Health) PB-286 425/4 Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de llopango y la Laguna de Olomega, 1977. Volume V, No. 5 (Fishing Evaluation of Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon, 1977. Volume V, No. 5) PB-298 058/9 Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Ara- muaca. Vol. II, No. 1 (Preliminary Limnologic Study of Lake Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1) PB-298 059/7 Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Compara- tive del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Lluviosa de 1973 y Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9 (Contribu- tion to the Comparative Limnologic Knowledge on the Guija Lake in the 1973 Rainy Season and the 1974 Dry Season. Volume II, No. 9) PB-298 060/5 Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde. Volumen II, No. 4 (Preliminary Limnologic Studies of Laguna Verde. Volume II, No. 4) PB-298 061/3 WATER POLLUTION ABATEMENT Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment, and National Development. Volume I. Sum- mary of Proceedings. Singapore, March 13-17, 1972 PB-217 117/1 Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) PB-239 875/8 Environmental Effects of Septic Tank Systems PB-272 702/2 National Water Quality Goals Cannot Be Attained Without More Attention to Pollution from Diffused or 'Nonpoint' Sources PB-275 290/5 Recycling Poultry Waste as Feed. Will It Pay PB-294 412/2 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes Proceedings (1st), held at Portland, Oregon on 6-8 April 1970 PB-199 709 A Literature Search and Critical Analysis of Biological Trickling Filter Studies - Volume I PB-211 909 State of the Art of Textile Waste Treatment PB-212 359 Engineering Studies of Coffee Mill Wastes in El Sal- vador, C. A., October 18-November 9, 1960. PB-217 142 Treatment of Wastes from Coffee Processing in Costa Rica. PB-217 790 Secondary Waste Treatment for a Small Diversified Tannery PB-221 494/8 Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 Processing, Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Aquatic Weeds PB-231 207/2 Improvement of Treatment of Food Industry Waste PB-234 444/8 Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fermentation PB-235 504/8 Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process PB-238 291/9 Wastewater Treatment by Natural and Artificial Marshes PB-259 992/6 Spain's Leather Industry: Prospects for Blue Chrome (Wet-Blue) Processing PB-267 949/6 Proceedings of National Symposium on Food Proc- essing Wastes (8th) held on March 30 - April 1. 1977 in Seattle, Washington PB-272 681/8 Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Break- ing Plant Shell-Waste PB-280 125/6 Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants PB-286 938/6 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes Proceedings (1st), held at Portland, Oregon on 6-8 April 1970 PB-199 709 WATER POLLUTION DETECTION Chemical Analyses for Water Quality. Training Manual PB-224 212/1 Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes PB-259 973/6 Methods for the Determination of Chemical Contami- nants in Drinking Water - Participants Handbook PB-284 392/8 Manual de Metodos para el Analisis Quimico de Aguas y Desechos (Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes) PB-291 858/9 WATER POLLUTION EFFECTS (HUMANS) Drinking Water and Health PB-269 519/5 WATER POLLUTION SAMPLING Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater PB-259 946/2 WATER POLLUTION STANDARDS Quality Criteria for Water PB-263 943/3 WATER QUALITY Water Quality Standards and International Develop- ment PB-204 408 Improving Water Quality Management Planning in Nonmetropolitan Areas PB-222 511/8 Quality Criteria for Water PB-263 943/3 Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the In- terim Primary Drinking Water Regulations PB-268 029/6 WATER QUALITY DATA Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 402/7 Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 403/5 Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisciplinary Analysis of Water Resource Systems Held at Colora- do University, Boulder, Colorado, on June 19-22, 1973 PB-248 596/9 Management of Water Quality Through Selected In- stitutions and Instruments PB-251 034/5 A Review of Critical Factors Impacting Regional Water Quality Management PB-254 379/1 Community Water Management, Research Needs for Small and Urbanizing Communities PB-291 939/7 WATER QUALITY STANDARDS Investigation of Rational Effluent and Stream Stand- ards for Tropical Countries AD-782 199/4 302 SUBJECT INDEX WATER RATES Distribution des Eaux: Le Calcul des Prix (Water Rates Manual) PB-293 869/4 WATER RECLAMATION The Reclamation of Drinking Water from Sewaae AD-A008 453/3 V ?r Quality Management Problems in Arid Re- PB-198 125 WATER RESOURCES Micro-Level Approaches for Improving Water Re- source Knowledge Transfer in Rural Areas AD-A044 982/7 Preliminary Study of the Development of Water Re- sources of the Humacao Sub-Region Puerto Rico COM-71-00716 Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Management PB- 196 306 CENTO Symposium on Hydrology and Water Re- sources Development. Held in Ankara, Turkey 7-12 February 1966 PB-206 539 Seminar on Evaluation of Water Resources With Scarce Data, Held in Tehran, Iran on March 4-8 1S69 PB-206 701 Techniques for Assessing Water Resources Poten- tials in the Developing Countries, with Emphasis on Streamflow, Erosion and Sediment Transport, Water Movement in Unsaturated Soils, Ground Water, and Remote Sensing in H ydroloqic Applications PB-207 192 Summary: Federal Agency Technical Comments on the Special Task Force Report Entitled 'Procedures for Evaluation of Water and Related Land Resource Projects' PB-209 172 Principles for Planning Water and Land Resources PB-209 175 Standards for Planning Water and Land Resources PB-209 1 76 A Summary Analysis of Nineteen Tests of Proposed Evaluation Procedures on Selected Water and Land Resource Projects PB-209 177 Surface-Water Resources of the Yobe River System Northern Nigeria, 1963-68 PB-210 594 Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use PB-211 444 Hydrology and Water Resources Development in Nepal PB-212 035 Techniques for Assessing Hydrological Potentials in Developing Countries (State of the Art and Research Priorities) PB-215 149/6 Operations Research in Water Quality Manaqement PB-217 667 Economic Development and Water Resource Invest- ment PB-225 935/6 Social Accounting Approaches to Water Resource Use in Economic Development PB-227 472/8 Techniques for Identifying and Evaluating Market and Non-Market Benefits and Costs of Water Resource Systems PB-231 485/4 Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment and National Development held at Singapore on 13-17 March 1972. Volume II: Selected Papers PB-235 270/6 Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) PB-239 875/8 A Selected Annotated Bibliography on the Analysis of Water Resource Systems. Volume 6 PB-247 098/7 Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisciplinary Analysis of Water Resource Systems Held at Colora- do University, Boulder, Colorado, on June 19-22 1973 PB-248 596/9 The Social Well-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development PB-250 966/9 Multi-Objective Water Resources Planning: Method- ology to Achieve Compatibility Between Environmen- tal Amenities and Economic Development PB-251 377/8 A Review of Critical Factors Impacting Regional Water Quality Management PB-254 379/1 Continuation of the Arizona Water Information System (AWIS) PB-257 560/3 Puerto Rico's Water Resources Problems and Re- search Needs. Proceedings of Conference and Plan- ning Session (1st) Held at the University Library of the Mayaguez Campus on February 1 4, 1 974 PB-280 100/9 WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT CENTO Symposium on Hydrology and Water Re- sources Development. Held in Ankara, Turkey, 7-12 February 1966 PB-206 539 WATER SERVICES A Study of Managerial Practices in Rural Water Sys- tems PB-223 373/2 Distribution des Eaux: La Gestion des Services (A Training Course in Water Utility Management) PB-294 449/4 WATER SOFTENING Minimum Design Standards for Community Water Supply Systems. PB-189 258 WATER SPREADING Water Spreading Manual PB-286 456/9 Irrigation par Deversement (Water Spreading Manual) PB-286 457/7 WATER SUPPLIES Portable Laboratory Kit for Water Testing under Field Conditions. AD-683 052 Investigation of Rational Effluent and Stream Stand- ards for Tropical Countries AD-782 1 99/4 Impact of Community Water Systems in Small Towns. PB-188 841 Identification of Return Irrigation Water in the Sub- surface: Water Quality. PB-189 171 Guidelines and Criteria for Community Water Sup- plies in the Developing Countries. PB-189 255 Minimum Design Standards for Community Water Supply Systems. PB-189 258 Community Water Supply in Developing Countries. A Quarter-Century of United States Assistance PB- 190 674 A New Type of Disinfectant for Water Supplies PB-205 823 WATER SUPPLY Preliminary Study of the Development of Water Re- sources of the Humacao Sub-Region Puerto Rico COM-71-00716 Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Manaqement PB- 196 306 Community Organization and Rural Water System Development PB-201 729 East Pakistan Land and Water Development as Re- lated to Agriculture PB-203 328 Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Reqion PB-203 491 A Manual on Water Desalination. Volume II. Eco- nomics PB-206 550 Desalting PB-209 942 An Investigation of Hydrological Aspects of Water Harvesting PB-218 681/5 Planning Small Water Supplies in Developinq Coun- tries. (628.72-L384). PB-219 774 A Study of Managerial Practices in Rural Water Sys- tems PB-223 373/2 More Water for Arid Lands, Promising Technologies and Research Opportunities PB-239 472/4 Development of a Bibliographic Information System for Water Yield Improvement Practices PB-244 696/1 Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas- Pro- ceedings of Southeastern Conference Held on April 2-4, 1975 PB-248 297/4 A Review of Critical Factors Impacting Regional Water Quality Management PB-254 379/1 Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 402/7 WATER TREATMENT Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 403/5 Water Related Utilities for Small Communities in Rural Alaska PB-259 964/5 Soil and Rock Strata to Trap, Filter, and Store Water for Rural Domestic Use PB-268 820/8 Ground Water: An Overview PB-269 550/0 More and Better Uses Could Be Made of Billions of Gallons of Water by Improving Irrigation Delivery Systems: Department of Agriculture and the Interior PB-271 739/5 Expansion des Ressources en Eau dans les Zones Arides, Techniques Prometteuses et Possibilites de Recherches (Expansion of Water Resources in Arid Regions. Promising Techniques and Opportunities for Research) PB-274 612/1 The Importance of Water Supply to Indian Economic Development PB-275 241/8 The Impact of Groundwater Development in Arid Lands: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliogra- © 'B-276 908/1 Rural Water and Sewer Systems Problems, Needs, Issues, Opportunities, and Goals: A Report on the Proceedings of the National Organizational Confer- ence of the National Rural Water Association (1st) Held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 15-16 1976 PB-278 986/5 Water Problems in the Rural Environment; Alterna- tive Solutions for Water Supply and Wastewater Dis- posal. Proceedings of a Conference Held at Lincoln Nebraska on November 4-5, 1976 PB-279 775/1 Alternative Futures Planninq PB-285 717/5 A Systematic Approach to Basic Utilities in Develop- ing Countries PB-285 766/2 Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies PB-285 963/5 Standards and Procedures for the Design of Water Supply Systems in Rural Areas of Nepal and Bhutan PB-285 983/3 Water Spreading Manual PB-286 456/9 Irrigation par Deversement (Water Spreadinq Manual) M PB-286 457/7 Appropriate Technology in Water Supply and Waste Disposal; a Workshop at the Annual Convention American Society of Civil Engineers Held at Chicago Illinois on October 16-20, 1978 PB-288 274/4 Community Water Management, Research Needs for Small and Urbanizing Communities PB-291 939/7 Indexed Bibliography of Publications on Water and Waste Engineering for Developing Countries PB-292 887/7 Development and Testing of the Robovalve PB-293 788/6 WATER TANKS Cracking and Leakage Characteristics of Ferroce- ment Water Tanks PB-258 003/3 Ferrocement Water Tanks and Their Construction PB-297 375/8 WATER TRAFFIC Potential Nonstructural or Low Cost Waterways System Improvements AD-A044 343/2 WATER TREATMENT The Reclamation of Drinking Water from Sewaae AD-A008 453/3 Water Hyacinths for Upgrading Sewage Lagoons to Meet Advanced Wastewater Treatment Standards, Part 1. N76-1 0697/0 Comparative Reclamation of Potable Water from Bio- filter and Activated Sludge Effluents at the Stander Water Reclamation Plant. N78-25998/3 Minimum Design Standards for Community Water Supply Systems. PB-189 258 Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the In- terim Primary Drinking Water Regulations PB-268 029/6 The Application of Wind Energy Systems to Desali- nation PB-276 174/0 Rural Potable Water Chlorination PB-282 460/5 303 SUBJECT INDEX Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies PB-285 963/5 Recent Development in the Role of Ozone in Water Purification and Its Implications in Developing Coun- tries PB-294 705/9 Water Treatment and Sanitation; a Handbook of Simple Methods for Rural Areas in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 558/9 WATER USE Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields PB-266 709/5 WATER UTILIZATION Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region PB-244 880/1 WATER VAPOR Condensation in Farm Buildings. PB- 169 304 WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION Small Wells Manual: A Manual of Location, Design, Construction, Use and Maintenance. PB-190 672 WATER WELLS Small Wells Manual: A Manual of Location, Design, Construction, Use and Maintenance. PB-190 672 Manual of Water Well Construction Practices PB-267 371/3 Puisard Maraicher en Beton (Concrete Marsh Wells for Irrigation) PB-294 899/0 Wells Manual. Special Issue PB-296 425/2 Hand Dug Wells and Their Construction PB-297 373/3 WATER YIELD Development of a Bibliographic Information System for Water Yield Improvement Practices PB-244 696/1 WATER YIELD IMPROVEMENTS Phreatophytes. A Bibliography, Revised PB-232 259/2 WATERPROOFING Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures AD-A061 469/3 WATERSHEDS Surface-Water Resources of the Yobe River System, Northern Nigeria, 1963-68 PB-210 594 A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Watersheds in Response to Completed and Proposed Land Use Changes PB-264 900/2 WEATHER FORECASTING Guidelines for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Tropical Cyclone Areas. N78-1 1653/0 WEATHER MODIFICATION Impact of Hail Suppression on Nebraska Crop Pro- duction: A Simulation Study PB-272 436/7 WEATHERING Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures PB-286 096/3 WEED CONTROL Water Hyacinth Research in Puerto Rico AD-A032 970/6 Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program. 22-24 October 1975, Charleston, S. C AD-A036 072/7 Aquatic Weed Control in Fish Ponds with Chemical Methods AD-726 948 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Freshwater PB-208 527 Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation PB-238 909/6 An International Centre for Manatee Research: Report of a Workshop held 7-13 February 1974 in Georgetown, Guyana, South America PB-240 244/4 Preliminary Control of African Rue ('Peganum har- mala' L.) with Various Herbicides PB-253 341/2 Report of a Workshop on Aquatic Weed Manage- ment: Some Prospects for the Sudan and the Nile Basin, Held at Khartoum, Sudan on 24-29 November 1975 PB-259 990/0 Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. Right-Of-Way Pest Control PB-261 002/0 Making Aquatic Weeds Useful: Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-265 161/0 Biological Control of Aquatic Nuisances - A Review PB-273 264/2 Weed Control Systems and Systems Utilization for Representative Farms in Developing Countries PB-293 759/7 Farm Equipment Development Project, Daudawa, N.C.S., Nigeria PB-297 784/1 WEEDS Cultivation of Macroscopic Marine Algae and Fresh- water Aquatic Weeds. Progress Report, May 1 -De- cember 31, 1976 COO-2948-2 WELL PUMPS The Continued Development and Field Evaluation of the Aid Hand-Operated Water Pump. PB- 196 340 A Wind Energy Review: Low-Cost Machines for Agri- cultural and Rural Applications PB-297 858/3 WEST AFRICA Reforestation in Arid Lands PB-292 857/0 WEST ASIA West Asian Special Libraries and Information Cen- ters ED-073 814 WHEAT Report on Wheat-or Oat-Soy Mixtures. (612-398- G739b). PB-219 703 More Wheat from Fallow Farming. (Tu-633.11-H529). PB-219 747 Genetic Improvement of Productivity and Nutritional Quality of Wheat PB-279 445/1 WHEAT PLANTS Genetic Improvement of Productivity and Nutritional Quality of Wheat PB-279 445/1 Development and Spread of High-Yielding Varieties of Wheat and Rice in the Less Developed Nations. Edition 5 PB-280 252/8 WHEELS Wind Power Machines. N75-1 7786/5 WHEY Improvement of Treatment of Food Industry Waste PB-234 444/8 WILDLIFE Mammalogical, Ornithological and Plant Ecology Studies. Part III AD-A019 544/6 Control of Rabies PB-224 400/2 WIND Why Not Sails AD-A058 861/6 Alternative Energy Sources: A Research Challenge CONF-730560-1 WIND (METEOROLOGY) FY 1973 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Methodology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-1 1645/0 43 Rules: How Houses Can Better Resist High Wind PB-268 081/7 WIND POWER Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Unconventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 Ecological Considerations of the Solar Alternative LBL-5927 A Survey of the Possible Use of Windpower in Thai- land and the Philippines PB-245 609/3 Wind Energy Utilization: A Bibliography with Ab- stracts. Cumulative Volume 1944/1974 PB-247 970/7 A Wind Energy Review: Low-Cost Machines for Agri- cultural and Rural Applications PB-297 858/3 Siting Handbook for Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems PNL-2521 Wind Power for Farms, Homes, and Small Industry RFP-2841/1270/78/4 Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 WIND POWER GENERATION Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use. Final Report, May-December 1975 NSF/RA-760184 Wind Power (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0417/2 Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Workshop Pro- ceedings Held at Washington, DC. on 11-13 June 1973 PB-231 341/9 Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use PB-259 318/4 Windmill Power for City People PB-275 658/3 The Application of Wind Energy Systems to Desali- nation PB-276 174/0 Conversion and Storage of Wind Energy as Nitroge- nous Fertilizer PB-290 760/8 WIND PRESSURE FY 74 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-51 230/2 Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low- Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memo- rial Hall, National Science Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 COM-75-50001/7 Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. on May 15- 17, 1974 PB-252 683/8 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume I. Over- view PB-266 332/6 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume II. Esti- mation of Extreme Wind Speeds and Guide to the Determination of Wind Forces PB-266 333/4 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume III. A Guide for Improved Masonry and Timber Connec- tions in Buildings PB-266 334/2 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume IV. Forecasting the Economics of Housing Needs: A Methodological Guide PB-266 335/9 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume V. Housing in Extreme Winds: Socio-economic and Ar- chitectural Considerations PB-266 336/7 WIND RESISTANT BUILDINGS Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low- Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memo- rial Hall, National Science Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 COM-75-50001/7 WIND RESISTANT STRUCTURES 43 Rules: How Houses Can Better Resist High Wind PB-268 081/7 WIND TURBINES Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential DOE/NASA/ 1 028-77/1 3 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. N78-1 7466/1 Wind Turbine Structural Dynamics. N78-19616/9 Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use. Final Report, May-December 1975 NSF/RA-760184 Wind Machines PB-249 936/6 Siting Handbook for Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems PNL-2521 Wind Power for Farms, Homes, and Small Industry RFP-2841/1270/78/4 Engineering of Wind Energy Systems. SAND-75-0530 304 SUBJECT INDEX YOUTHS WINDBREAKS Les Brise-Vent (Tree Windbreaks for the Central Great Plains) PB-294 286/0 WINDMILLS Wind Power (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0417/2 Wind Machines PB-249 936/6 Wind Energy Conversion Systems Manufacturing and Sales Activity, 1975 and 1976 PB-265 823/5 Windmill Power for City People PB-275 658/3 Wind Driven Water Pumps. Economics, Technology, Current Activities PB-292 816/6 A Low-Cost Water Pumping Windmill Using a Sail Type Savonius Rotor PB-294 413/0 Food from Windmills PB-297 559/7 WINDMILLS (WINDPOWERED MACHINES) Wind Power Machines. N75-1 7786/5 WINDOWS Proposed Low-Cost Window Unit AD-719 308 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Ar- chitectural Specialties PB-292 956/0 WINDPOWER UTILIZATION Utilization of Wind Power in Agriculture in the USSR N74- 15752/0 Windmill Power for City People PB-275 658/3 WINDPOWERED GENERATORS Using the Energy of the Wind for Electrification N74-1 6801/4 Wind Turbine Structural Dynamics. N78-19616/9 Wind Energy Conversion Systems Manufacturing and Sales Activity, 1975 and 1976 PB-265 823/5 WINDPOWERED PUMPS Wind Energy Conversion Systems Manufacturing and Sales Activity, 1975 and 1976 PB-265 823/5 WINDSTORMS Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Hous- ing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earthquakes and Windstorms COM-74-50184/2 WIRE Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wire Prod- ucts PB-292 920/6 WIRE CLOTH Fatigue of Ferro-Cement AD-781 403/1 Ferrocement: Applications in Developing Countries PB-220 825/4 WIRE DRAWING Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Copper Wire Drawing and Insulating Plant PB-292 960/2 WOOD Proceedings of a Workshop on the Biodeterioration of TropicaF Woods: Chemical Basis for Natural Resis- tance Held at Naval Research Laboratory, Washing- ton, D.C. on October 17-18, 1974 AD-A029 258/1 Natural Resistance of Woods to Biological Deteriora- tion in Tropical Environments. Part I. Screening Tests of a Large Number of Wood Species. AD-653 856 Natural Decay Resistance of Fifteen Exotic Woods Imported for Exterior Use. AD-685 455 Preservative Treatments for Protecting Wood Boxes. AD-686 717 Properties of Imported Tropical Woods. AD-704 261 Natural Decay Resistance of 30 Peruvian Woods. AD-709 718 Properties of Tropical Woods. AD-716 400 Moisture Absorption in Certain Tropical American Woods (Revised). AD-716 403 Biological Deterioration of Wood in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 2. Marine Borer Resistance of Natural Woods over Long Periods of Immersion. AD-716 740 Rapid Production of Pallet Deckboards from Low- Grade Logs AD-724 272 Improvements in Solar Dry Kiln Design AD-730 952 Biological Deterioration of Woods in Tropical Envi- ronments. Part 3. Chemical Wood Treatments for Long-Term Marine-Borer Protection AD-736 182 Wood Pallet Manufacturing AD-736 268 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-740 285 Comparison of Wood Preservatives in Stake Tests AD-740 374 Veneer Species of the World AD-764 294 Principles for Protecting Wood Buildings from Decay AD-767 566/3 Properties of Particleboards at Various Humidity Con- ditions AD-784 557/1 Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Third Quarterly and Bimonthly Report, July 1 -September 30, 1977 COO-4 147-3 Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Annual Report and Revised Research Plan, January 1977-- January 1978 COO-4147-4 Problems in the Construction of Woodworking Ma- chines N72-28508 Contributions from Division of Forest Products, Csiro, to Uncsat Conference 1963. PB-174 333 Planing Mill Dressed or Finished Lumber. PB-175 522 A Small Sawmill Enterprise. PB-175 531 Lumber Seasoning. PB-175 537 Rough Sawing of Logs. PB-175 548 Wood Wastes. PB-175 550 A Feasibility Study for a Small LOG Sawmill on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Central Arizona. PB- 184 450 Low-Cost Wood Homes for Rural America - Con- struction Manual PB-211 640 Physical, Mechanical, and Other Properties of Se- lected Secondary Species in Surinam, Peru, Colum- bia, Nigeria, Gabon, Philippines, and Malaysia PB-231 894/7 Some Woods of Hawaii.. .Properties and Uses of 16 Commercial Species PB-235 801/8 Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 Woodworking in Estonia: Historical Survey. TT-68-50342 Interaction of Wood Species in Different Types of Forests TT-70-57224 WOOD BASED COMPOSITES How Craftsmen and Home Hobbyists Can Make and Use Wood Plastic Composite Materials PB-242 973/6 WOOD PALLETS Wood Pallet Manufacturing AD-736 268 WOOD PARTICLE BOARDS High-Performance, Lightweight Structural Particle- board PAT-APPL-934 290 WOOD PERSERVATIVES Biological Deterioration of Woods in Tropical Envi- ronments. Part 3. Chemical Wood Treatments for Long-Term Marine-Borer Protection AD-736 182 WOOD PRESERVATION Prolonging Life of Wood in Houses PB-210 129 WOOD PRESERVATIVES Comparison of Wood Preservatives in Stake Tests AD-740 374 Prolonging Life of Wood in Houses PB-210 129 Exploitations Agricoles: Preservation des Poteaux de Cloture et des Bois de Construction (Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts and Farm Timbers) PB-293 867/8 WOOD PRODUCTS Report on Survey Team Projected AID Research Program on Improved Forest Products Utilization in Latin America PB-206 802 Some Woods of Hawaii-Properties and Uses of 16 Commercial Species PB-235 801/8 Sash and Door Plant; A Reference for use in Plan- ning New Industrial Facilities PB-292 784/6 WOOD PULP Balsam Woolly Aphid-Infested Abies Wood as a Source of Pulp Fibre. PB- 182 764 Pulping of Tropical Hardwoods: Individual and Mixed Species, Wood and Paper Properties, Resource As- sessment PB-221 282/7 WOOD WASTES Utilization of Bark Waste PB-221 876/6 Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 Chemicals from Wood Waste PB-262 489/8 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes in Ghana - A Feasibility Study PB-271 392/3 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 WOODEN STRUCTURES Prolonging Life of Wood in Houses PB-210 129 Wood in Marine Structures. Proceedings of a Semi- nar Held at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina on October 7-8, 1977 PB-275 344/0 WOODWORKING Health and Safety Guide for Plywood and Veneer Mills PB-274 759/0 Manual Talla de Madera (Wood Carving Manual) PB-276 507/1 Equipment for Rural Workshops PB-297 379/0 WOODWORKING MACHINERY Survey of the Market for Sawmilling and Woodwork- ing Equipment in Singapore DIB-76-02-503 Plywood Processing and Woodworkig Equipment Study in Taiwan R. O. C DIB-77-10-514 WOOLEN SPUN YARNS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Woolen Yarn PB-293 004/8 WORLD FOOD The World Food Situation and Prospects to 1 985 PB-279 756/1 Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume 1. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Ana- lytical Report PB-280 053/0 Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985: Volume 2. World GOL Model Supply-Distribution and Related Tables PB-282 228/6 WORMS Conversion of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil PB-291 588/2 WRITING Tales of Wisdom in Folly - A Course in Controlled Composition PB-262 820/4 Teaching Reading and Creative Writing: A Language Experience Approach PB-296 052/4 XYLOSE Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Annual Report and Revised Research Plan, January 1977- January 1978 COO-4147-4 YARNS Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Crochet and Knitting Yarns PB-292 675/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Jute Yarn PB-292 958/6 The Structure of Yarn TT-73-54014 YOUTHS Rural Youth Clubs Around the World PB-289 990/4 Les Clubs de la Jeunesse Rurale (Rural Youth Clubs Around the World) PB-294 724/0 305 SUBJECT INDEX YUGOSLAVIA A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Surveys. PB-195 324 ZAIRE Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 ZAMBIA Rural Africa Development Project: A Survey Tech- nique for Identifying the Needs of Small Farmers, and an Example of Its Use in Zambia PB-297 785/8 ZOOPLANKTON Use of Krill for Food Protein. JPRS-52169 306 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ABT ASSOCIATES, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Summary Volume (OEO-LN-1368) PB-220 525/0 A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Analysis (OEO-LN-1369) PB-220 526/8 ACADEMY FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, INC., NEW YORK. 73-9 Technical-Economic Considerations in Public Service Broadcast Communications for Developing Countries PB-223 266/8 ACADEMY FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, INC., WASHINGTON, DC. The Use of Communications Media to Improve the Quality of Life in Technologically Developing Nations: A Strategic Overview ED-154 838 ACADEMY FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, INC., WASHINGTON, DC. INFORMATION CENTER ON INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. ICIT-14 Film in Development ED-150 967 ACADEMY FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. CLEARINGHOUSE ON DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION. IB-5 Communication Media and Technology: A Look at Their Role in Non-Formal Education Programs PB-292 586/5 IB-7 A Sourcebook on Radio's Role in Development PB-292 898/4 IB-8 Tele-Niger: Adapting an Electronic Medium to a Rural African Context PB-292 904/0 Telemedicine: Health Care for Isolated Areas ED- 152 250 The Nutrition Message and the Mass Media ED- 152 252 To and From the Field: Communications and Agricul- ture ED- 158 704 ACADEMY FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. INFORMATION CENTER ON INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of El Salvador ED-152 240 Video Taping: A Medium for Social Change ED-152 241 Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part I) ED- 152 244 Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part II) ED-152 245 Folk Media in Development ED-152 246 What Is Educational Technology ED-152 247 Health Education by Open Broadcast ED-152 249 ACTION/PEACE CORP., WASHINGTON, DC. INFORMATION COLLECTION AND EXCHANGE. REPRINT-26 Resources for TESOL Teaching: A Handbook for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages PB-295 919/5 ACTION/PEACE CORPS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Manual Ser-4 The Photonovel: A Tool for Development PB-266 300/3 Reprint Ser-23 Contabilidad para la Micro Empresa: Manual de En- senanza (Accounting for the Small Business: Teach- ing Manual) PB-269 049/3 ACTION/PEACE CORPS, WASHINGTON, D.C. INFORMATION COLLECTION AND EXCHANGE. Reprint Ser-A Peace Corps Intermediate Technology for 1 5 Years PB-262 630/7 Reprint Ser-1 Health Education: A Study Unit on Fecal-Borne Dis- eases and Parasites PB-262 606/7 Reprint Ser-2 Visual Aids - A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 511/9 Reprint Ser-3 Health Training Resource Material for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 754/5 Collection of Language Informant Reprint Ser-4 Agricultural Mathematics for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 631/5 Reprint Ser-5 Irrigation - Principles and Practices for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 747/9 Reprint Ser-6 Crop Production Handbook for Peace Corps Volun- teers PB-262 746/1 Reprint Ser-7 Improved Practices in Corn Production. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-263 840/1 Reprint Ser-8 Soils, Crops, and Fertilizer Use. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 769/3 Reprint Ser-9 A Glossary of Agricultural Terms: English-Spanish, Spanish-English PB-262 745/3 Reprint Ser-1 Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and the Subtro- pics PB-262 488/0 Reprint Ser-1 2 An Expanded Techniques PB-262 768/5 Reprint Ser-1 3 tales of Wisdom in Folly - A Course in Controlled Composition PB-262 820/4 Reprint Ser-1 4 Guidelines for Development of a Home Industry PB-262 951/7 Reprint Ser-1 5 L'Utilisation du Silo Fosse et des Lecons Tech- niques. (The Use of Pit Silos, and Technical Les- sons.) PB-262 851/9 Reprint Ser-1 6 Combatting Hansen's Disease PB-262 929/3 Reprint Ser-1 7 Glossary of Environmental Terms: Spanish-English, English-Spanish PB-262 928/5 Reprint Ser-1 8 teaching Manual: School Gardens and Nutrition. (Manual Didactico: Huertos Escolares y Nutricion) PB-263 349/3 ACTION/PEACE CORPS, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF MULTILATERAL AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS. Manual Ser-1 A Freshwater Fisheries: Program Planning PB-268 987/5 Manual Ser-3A Resources for Development: Organizations and Pub- lications PB-263 350/1 Reprint Ser-1 5a Utilization and Construction of Pit Silos PB-268 986/7 Reprint Ser-21 Conseils de Sante' a la Famille Africaine (Health Advice for the African Family) PB-268 988/3 ACTION/PEACE CORPS, WASHINGTON, DC. ACTION/PAM-4200.27 Programming and Training for Small Farm Grain Storage PB-291 846/4 MANUAL SER-2B Programming and Training for Small Farm Grain Storage PB-291 846/4 MANUAL SER-2-VOL-1 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume I. Preparing Grain for Storage PB-292 909/9 MANUAL SER-2-VOL-2 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume II. Enemies of Stored Grain PB-292 910/7 MANUAL SER-2-VOL-3 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume I ods PB-292 911/5 MANUAL SER-5 Reforestation in Arid Lands PB-292 857/0 MANUAL SER-6 Self-Help Construction of 1 -Story Buildings PB-291 857/1 REPRINT SER-25 Intensive Vegetable Gardening for Profit and Self- Sufficiency Storage Meth- PB-288 925/1 Teaching Conservation in Developing Nations PB-292 856/2 Small Farm Grain Storage PB-292 908-SET A Handbook for Cooperatives Fieldworkers in Devel- oping Nations; Sections One through Seven PB-296 041/7 Wells Manual. Special Issue PB-296 425/2 ACTION/PEACE CORPS, WASHINGTON, DC. INFORMATION COLLECTION AND EXCHANGE. MANUAL-SER-8 Community Health Education in Developing Coun- tries PB-295 953/4 REPRINT SER-20 Teaching Reading and Creative Writing: A Language Experience Approach PB-296 052/4 ACTION/PEACH CORPS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Reprint Ser-24 Strings 'N' Things, A Teaching Manual for the Blind PB-271 376/6 ADVISORY GROUP FOR AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PARIS (FRANCE) AGARD-CP-117 Government Assistance for Technical Information in Industry and Simple Mechanization for Small Infor- mation Centres AD-759 845 ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PARIS (FRANCE) AGARD-LS-69 How to Obtain Information in Different Fields of Sci- ence and Technology: A User's Guide AD-780 061/8 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, KARACHI(PAKISTAN). The Feasibility of Harvesting, Processing and Mar- keting Tuna in Pakistan (TA/OST-AN-70-13-3) PB-211 762 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, MANILA (PHILIPPINES). Housing and Urban Development in the Philippines (TA/OST-AN-68-1-2) PB-212 371 Time Series Analysis Handbook PB-294 575/6 Statistical Survey and Analysis Handbook PB-294 712/5 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, PANAMA CITY (PANAMA). Panamanian District: A Case Study in the Sociology of Development PB-294 238/1 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, TEGUCIGALPA (HONDURAS). Honduran Agrarian Reform Law. Report Number 2. Recommendations for Implementation. PB-189 984 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, TUNIS (TUNISIA). Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Maintenance Program PB-287 256/2 L'Entretient des Canaux de Drainage a Ciel Ouvert (Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canai and Maintenance Program) PB-287 257/0 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. Agriculture-5 Fisheries PB-212 238 AID-SR/LR-70-13 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. June 2-4, 1970. Findings and Implications for a.l.D. PB-197 104 AID-332.71-A265 A.I.D. Spring Review of Small Farmer Credit. Volume I. Small Farmer Credit in Mexico and Central Amer- PB-224 025 AID-332.71-A265S A.I.D. Spring Review of Small Farmer Credit. Volume XX. Small Farmer Credit-Summary Papers PB-224 044 AID-633.85-A265 Oil Seed Production in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics PB-224 227 Development Administration-7 Urban Development, Including Housing. PB-191 034 SR/LR/A-1 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume xi. Analytical Papers. 307 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX PB-195 325 SR/LR/B-1 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume XII. Background Papers. PB-195 326 SR/LR/C-5 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 SR/LR/C-7 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 SR/LR/C-8 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 SR/LR/C-9 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 SR/LR/C-10 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Surveys. PB-195 324 SR/LR/C-12 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Surveys. PB-195 324 SR/LR/C-13 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 SR/LR/C-14 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 SR/LR/C-15 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. PB-195 323 SR/LR/C-16 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. PB-195 323 SR/LR/C-18 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 SR/LR/C-19 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indone- sia. PB-195 316 SR/LR/C-20 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 SR/LR/C-21 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 SR/LR/C-23 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 SR/LR/C-24 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 SR/LR/C-26 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. PB-195 318 SR/LR/C-27 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. PB-195 318 SR/LR/C-29 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 SR/LR/C-31 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 SR-101 A.I.D. Spring Review of Small Farmer Credit. Volume I. Small Farmer Credit in Mexico and Central Amer- ica PB-224 025 SR-120 A.I.D. Spring Review of Small Farmer Credit. Volume XX. Small Farmer Credit-Summary Papers PB-224 044 TA/OST-AN-69-6-8 Leader Training for Aided Self-Help Housing PB-212 372 Housing and Urban Development Programs: Latin American Bureau. PB-189 628 Increasing Participation in Development. Primer on Title IX of the United States Foreign Assistance Act. PB-194 204 Marketing Stable Food Crops in Sierra Leone. PB-196 296 Progress Through Modern Processes and Tools (TA/OST-AN-70-3-1) PB-205 287 Industrializing at the Grass Roots Level in the Philip- pines (TA/OST-AN-63-13-1) PB-206 902 Introduction to Record Keeping in a Small Enterprise (TA/OST-AN-68-5-3) PB-212 034 Techniques for Assessing Hydrological Potentials in Developing Countries (State of the Art and Research Priorities) (TA/OST-73-17) PB-215 149/6 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C. COMMUNICATION RESOURCES DIV. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Gray Iron Jobbing Foundry. PB-177 920 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C. COMMUNICATIONS RESOURCES DIV. Training Manual- 1 19 Leather Chemistry for Foremen. First Year Course. PB-177 972 Training Manual-120 Leather Chemistry for Foremen. Second Year Course. PB-177 973 Training Manual-121 Leather Chemistry for Foremen. Third Year Course. PB-177 974 Training Manual-140 Leather Technology. PB-177 981 Planing Mill Dressed or Finished Lumber. PB-175 522 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate Small Bread Bakeries. PB-175 523 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Mineral Wool. PB-175 525 Plant Requirements for Processing of Dairy Products. PB-175 527 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Souvenirs and Samll Jewelry. PB-175 540 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Fruit and Vegetable Juices. PB-175 542 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Wool Scouring Plant. PB-175 543 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of High Alumina Refractory Brick and Cement. PB-175 544 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Plastic Molding Plant. PB-177 922 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Cement. PB-177 936 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Ready-Mixed Concrete. PB-177 937 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brooms. PB-177 938 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Mechanical Springs. PB-177 939 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wallboard from Gypsum and Fiber. PB-177 940 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE FOR PRIVATE OVERSEAS PROGRAMS. TA/OST-AN-72-3-1 The VITA International Inquiry Service. An Evaluative Review PB-210 512 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF NUTRITION. Improving the Nutrient Quality for Cereals. Report of Workshop on Breeding and Fortification. Held at An- napolis, Maryland, 7-9 December 1970 (TA/OST-AN-71-6-6) PB-213 764/5 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF PROGRAM AND POLICY COORDINATION. A Firsthand Study of Industrial Management and Economic Development in India (TA/OST-AN-69-12-1) PB-212 784/3 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. TA/OST-71-1 Environmental Considerations for Construction Pro- jects PB-203 326 TA/OST-71-4 Water Quality Standards and International Develop- ment PB-204 408 TA/OST-71-5 Economic Damage Caused by Aquatic Weeds. (Pre- liminary Survey) PB-206 905 TA/OST-72-7 Science and Technology for International Develop- ment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States PB-210 104 TA/OST-72-8 The Role of the Agency for International Develop- ment in the Field of Natural Resources Planning and Management PB-210 105 TA/OST-72-10 Desert Encroachment on Arable Lands: Significance, Causes, and Control PB-211 367 TA/OST-72-1 1 Appropriate Technologies for International Develop- ment. Preliminary Survey of Research Activities PB-212 288 TA/OST-72-1 2 Forestry in Developing Countries. Potentials, Con- straints, and Opportunities PB-212 726 TA/OST-73-16 RANN (Research Applied to National Needs) Pro- gram: Potential Benefits to Developing Countries PB-214 862/5 TA/OST-73-20 Utilization of Tropical Forests. (A Review of the For- estry Literature in the Agency for International Devel- opment Reference Center) (AID-ARC-634.98072-C637) PB-229 822/2 TA/OST-73-21 Technological Opportunities for Tropical Forestry De- velopment (A ID-ARC-634. 0-F79 1) PB-229 813/1 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume I. Natural Resources. Energy, Water, River Basin De- velopment (TA/OST-AN-62- 13- 1) PB-207 495 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume III. Agriculture (TA-OST-62-13-3) PB-207 496 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume IV. Industrial Development (TA/OST-AN-62- 13-4) PB-207 497 Science, Technology, AND Development. Volume VII. Social Problems of Development and Urbaniza- tion (TA/OST-AN-62- 13-7) PB-207 500 Science, Technology, and Development. Volume II. Natural Resources. Minerals and Mining, Mapping and Geodetic Control (TA/OST-AN-62- 13-2) PB-208 432 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Po- tential of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Em- ployment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 L'Eau et la Sante de I'Homme (Water and Man's Health) PB-286 425/4 Les Ravageurs des Grains Entreposes (Stored Grain Pests) PB-286 428/8 308 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. FIELD Petites Conserveries. (Small Canning Factories) PB-286 444/5 Small Canning Factories PB-286 445/2 L'Education Sanitaire (Education in Health) PB-286 455/1 Developpement Communautaire - Cinq Realisations Interessantes en Atrique (Five Community Develop- ment Stories Out of West Africa; Community Devel- opment Series, Volume 1 , Series B) PB-286 461/9 Power Transmissions for Cottage Industry PB-286 471/8 Les Transmissions de Force Motrice Dans L'Arti- sanat Familial (Power Transmissions for Cottage In- dustry) PB-286 472/6 L'Engraissement et L'Exploitation des Bovins de Boucherie (The Feeding and Management of Beef Cattle) PB-293 864/5 Institution Building: Incidents, Ideas, and Applica- tions. An Experimental Guidebook in Scholar Practi- tioner Communication PB-293 989/0 Raising Rabbits in the Tropics PB-294 446/0 Une Methode Logique d'Elevage Avicole (The Poul- try Result Demonstration) PB-294 447/8 Survey of the State of Appropriate Technology in El Salvador PB-294 644/0 Agricultural Development Policy Paper PB-295 644/9 Evaluacion Comparativa Entre Paises de Organiza- ciones de Pequenos Agricultores (Comparative Eval- uations between Countries with Small Farmer Orga- nizations and Their Programs, Ecuador, Honduras PB-296 722/2 Progres et Perspectives de la Production Alimentaire (Progress and Prospects for food Production) PB-296 916/0 Introduccion al D.C. Para Los Trabajadores de las Aldeas (An Introduction to Community Development for the Village Workers) PB-297 632/2 Research and Information Required to Support the Effort to Reach the Rural Poor PB-297 669/4 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Nepal PB-298 036/5 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Ghana PB-298 083/7 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Philippines PB-298 084/5 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Indonesia PB-298 085/2 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Bangladesh PB-298 090/2 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Pakistan PB-298 091/0 Country Development Strategy Statement, 1981- 1985. USAID/Kenya PB-298 092/8 Country Development Strategy Statement, FY 1981. Thailand PB-298 1 1 7/3 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. BUREAU FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. Regional Development: A Review of the State-of-the- Art PB-294 131/8 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. COMMUNICATIONS RESOURCES DIV. TECHNICAL BULL-33 Problems in Business Management, Production Plan- ning PB-292 984/2 Food for Peace Around the World PB-287 250/5 Alimentos para la Paz en todo el Mundo (Food for Peace Around the World) PB-287 251/3 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Abrasive Wheels PB-292 827/3 Programme de Vivres pour la Paix: L'Alimentation des Populations (Food for Peace Around the World) PB-292 950/3 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. Developpement Communautaire L'Agent Rural et L'Organization Democratique du Programme (Com- munity Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning) PB-287 232/3 Community Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning PB-287 234/9 Community Development: Conference on Confer- ence Planning, Series A, Volume 6 PB-287 235/6 Conferencia Sobre el Planeamiento de las Conferen- cias (Community Development: Conference on Con- ference Planning, Series A, Volume 6) PB-287 236/4 Developpement Communautaire: Preparation Des Conferences (Community Development: Conference on Conference Planning, Series A, Volume 6) PB-287 237/2 Community Development, Volume 5. Community De- velopment, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis PB-287 238/0 Developpement Communautaire, Un Renfort pour la Vulgarisation Agricole (Community Development, Volume 5. Community Development, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis) PB-287 239/8 Desarrollo de la Comunidad Extension y Sintesis del Dai-C (Community Development, Volume 5. Commu- nity Development, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis) PB-287 240/6 Community Development, Volume 4. Community De- velopment and Social Change PB-287 241 /4 Desarrollo de la Comunidad y Cambio Social (Com- munity Development, Volume 4. Community Develop- ment and Social Change) PB-287 242/2 Developpement Communautaire Effets Sur L'Evolu- tion Sociale (Community Development, Volume 6. Community Development and Social Change) PB-287 243/0 Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas PB-287 244/8 Developpement Communautaire, Application dans les Zones Urbaines et Semi-Urbaines. (Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi- Urban Areas) PB-287 245/5 Desarrollo de la Comunidad, D. C. en Zonas Ur- banas y Suburbanas. (Community Development, Volume 3. CD in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas) PB-287 246/3 Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful PB-287 247/1 Developpment Communautaire. Organisation des Conseils (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful) PB-287 248/9 Como Hacer mas Eficaces las Asambleas de los Consejos (Community Development, Volume 2. Making Council Meetings More Successful) PB-287 249/7 Community Development: An Introduction to Com- munity Development for Village Workers, Series A, Volume 1 PB-289 991/2 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF AGRICULTURE. TSB-4 Improving Farm Production in Tropical and Sub- Tropical Regions of Limited Rainfall PB-293 921/3 TSB-16 The Development of Hybrid Corn Technology in the United States and Selected Countries PB-292 915/6 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION. Directory of Resources for Project Management As- sistance PB-294 067/4 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Kyfa Yoofna Bayetoe Doojadgen Ahilee (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 903/0 L'Amenagement d'un Poulailler Familial (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 904/8 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Manuel d' Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropicale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) PB-286 436/1 Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture PB-286 437/9 Expatriate Professionals as International Consultants PB-294 424/7 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, KHARTOUM (SUDAN). Report of a Workshop on Aquatic Weed Manage- ment: Some Prospects for the Sudan and the Nile Basin, Held at Khartoum, Sudan on 24-29 November 1975 PB-259 990/0 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, BELTSVILLE, MD. AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK-309 Commercial Rabbit Raising PB-294 237/3 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, BELTSVILLE, MD. ANIMAL DISEASE AND PARASITE RESEARCH DIV. FARMERS/BULL-1330 Les Maladies Parasitaires du Mouton (Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Sheep) PB-293 874/4 FARMERS/BULL-1787 Parasites Internes du Pore (Internal Parasites of Swine) PB-293 872/8 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, BELTSVILLE, MD. BIOLOGICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND SOIL NITROGEN LAB. Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities (EPA/600/2-78/018) PB-280 662/8 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, BELTSVILLE, MD. SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION RESEARCH DIV. LEAFLET-476 Sprinkler Irrigation PB-294 272/0 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. TT-74-52010 Pollination of Entomophilous Agricultural Crops by Bees PB-263 175-T TT-74-52016 Biology of Peanut Flowering (Biologiya Tsveteniya Arakhisa) PB-259 554-T TT-74-52017 Technique of Artificial Hybridization in the Peanut (Tekhnika Iskusstevennoi Gibridizatsii Arakhisa) PB-248 362/6 TT-74-52028 What Has Been Done in Peanut Breeding (Chto sde- lano po Selektsii Arakhisa) PB-248 361/8 TT-74-52054 Pollination of Agricultural Crops by Bees (Opylenie Pchelami Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Kul'tur) PB-275 386-T TT-75-55027 Cotton Boll Rot. Laying Out a Trial of a Method of Control (La Pourriture des Capsules du Cotonnier: Essai de Mise en Place d'une Methode de Lutte) PB-249 731/1 Boll Weevil Control Program (Cooperative Diapause Control Program), Texas and Mexico PB-203 608-D AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. PRODUCTION RESEARCH-45 The Herringbone Milking System. Economic Apprais- al, Labor Efficiency Analysis, and Adjustment Possi- bilities PB-293 984/1 L'Abattage des Boefs a la Ferme (Slaughtering, Cut- ting, and Processing Beef on the Farm) PB-293 870/2 Maladies Communes et Parasites des Volailles (Communicable Diseases and Parasites of Chickens) PB-294 284/5 The Potato Industry in East Pakistan. Improving Seed Potato Multiplication and Storage PB-294 410/6 Les Maladies de la Tomate: Prophylaxie et Traite- ment (Tomato Diseases and Their Control) PB-296 918/6 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY RESEARCH DIV. L'Elevage du Lapin (Raising Rabbits) PB-293 767/0 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. FIELD CROPS RESEARCH BRANCH. La Culture du Sorgho pour la Production de Sirop (Culture of Sorgho for Sirup Production) 309 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX PB-286 431/2 AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION AND CONSERVATION SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. USDA-ASCS-ES(Adm)-73-1 Rural Environmental Assistance Program (ELR-5805) EIS-AA-72-5805-D AHMADU BELLO UNIV., ZARIA (NIGERIA). Combined Vector Control Problems with Contradict- ing Host Habitats PB-294 430/4 AHMADU BELLO UNIV., ZARIA (NIGERIA). DEPT. OF PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING. Environmental Engineering Control of Bilharzia in the Middle East PB-294 422/1 AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFIT-CI-76-29 The Role of Communication Satellites in Education for Less-Developed Countries AD-A025 397/1 AFIT-CI-76-44 Solid Waste Management - Tomorrow's Alternatives in the Urban-Rural Environment AD-A026 264/2 AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ARLINGTON VA DIRECTORATE OF INFORMATION SCIENCES Information Services for Small-Scale Industry. (AFOSR-68-2663) AD-679 833 AIR UNIV MAXWELL AFB ALA ARCTIC DESERT TROPIC INFORMATION CENTER ADTIC-lnformation Bull-7-A Plant Sources of Water in Southeast Asia AD-727 713 ALABAMA AGRICULTRUAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN Aquatic Weed Control in Fish Ponds with Chemical Methods AD-726 948 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, AUBURN. Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Feder- ation of Malaysia. Increasing Fish Production by Im- proved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 900 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 901 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Japan, In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 902 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in South Viet- nam. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures. PB-195 903 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Taiwan. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 904 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Thailand. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 905 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in India. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 906 Fishculture Survey Report for Ecuador. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 907 Fishculture Survey Report of Colombia. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 908 Fishculture Survey Report for Paraguay. PB-195 910 Fishculture Survey Report for Panama. PB-195 912 The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 914 Fishculture Project Report for East Pakistan. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I, PB-195 915 Fishculture Survey Report for West Central Africa, Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish Produc- tion by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 916 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, AURBURN. Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Philip- pines. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fish- cultures. PB-195 909 ALABAMA DEPT. OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES, GULF SHORES. CLAUDE PETEET MARICULTURE CENTER. Experimental Pond Production of Selected Marine Species (NOAA-781 22001) PB-290 654/3 ALABAMA DEPT. OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES, MONTGOMERY. MARINE RESOURCES DIV. Brackish Water Cage Culture of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), in South Alabama (NOAA-74020106) COM-74-1 0498/5 ALASKA UNIV., COLLEGE. INST. OF WATER RESOURCES. IWR-32 Sludge Production and Disposal for Small, Cold Cli- mate Bio-Treatment Plants (OWRR-A-033-ALAS(2)) PB-219 980/0 ALBANY COUNTY PLANNING BOARD, NY. TM/EC-1 Energy Report: Heat Transfer Principles PB-294 658/0 TM/EC-2 Energy Report: Climate, Wind and Heat Loss PB-294 659/8 TM/EC-3 Energy Report: Conductance, Resistance and Rec- ommended Standards PB-294 660/6 ALCORN STATE UNIV., LORMAN, MISS. DEPT. OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. NASA-CR- 149809 Bio-Gas Production from Alligator Weeds. N77-19729/1 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ON MENTAL DEFICIENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. International Research Seminar on Vocational Reha- bilitation of the Mentally Retarded PB-237 299/3 AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, WASHINGTON, DC. HIGHER EDUCATION PANEL. HEP-40 Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries, 1977-78 PB-293 846/2 AMERICAN INST. OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, ARLINGTON, VA. Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Inverte- brate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments (EPA/540/ 10- 77/007) PB-266 205/4 AMERICAN INSTITUTES FOR RESEARCH, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ability Testing in Developing Countries. A Handbook of Principles and Techniques. (371.264-S411a) (AID-371.264-S41la) PB-226 015 AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMS. The State of the Art of Delivering Low Cost Health Services in Developing Countries: A Summary Study of 180 Health Projects PB-270 038/3 AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC CORP., ALEXANDRIA, VA. Creating a Ceramics Industry on the Blackfeet Res- ervation. PB- 170 306 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, NEW YORK. PREPRINT-3453 Appropriate Technology in Water Supply and Waste Disposal; a Workshop at the Annual Convention American Society of Civil Engineers Held at Chicago, Illinois on October 16-20, 1978 PB-288 274/4 Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisciplinary Analysis of Water Resource Systems Held at Colora- do University, Boulder, Colorado, on June 19-22, 1973 (OWRT-X- 126(3757)(1» PB-248 596/9 AMERICAN UNIV., WASHINGTON, D.C. Computer Technology in Developing Countries. Pro- ceedings of Symposium Held at American University, Washington, D.C. on 22-23 March 1971 (TA/OST-AU-71-1) PB-203 327 AMERICAN UNIV WASHINGTON D C CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN SOCIAL SYSTEMS Resettlement in Latin America: An Analysis of 35 Cases. AD-651 116 AMERICAN UNIV., WASHINGTON, DC. AMERICAN LANGUAGE CENTER. A Glossary of Agricultural Terms. English-French, French-English PB-297 666/0 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION, NEW YORK. Distribution des Eaux: Le Calcul des Prix (Water Rates Manual) PB-293 869/4 Distribution des Eaux: Les Relations Publiques (Silent Service is Not Enough) PB-294 344/7 Distribution des Eaux: Les Computeurs D'Eau (Water Meters) PB-294 448/6 Distribution des Eaux: La Gestion des Services (A Training Course in Water Utility Management) PB-294 449/4 ANDREW (GEORGE H.) ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC., WASHINGTON, DC. Plant Requirements to set up and Operate Small Steel Rolling Mill PB-292 957/8 ANDREWS (GEORGE H.) ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Milled Rice. PB-186 514 ANDREWS (GEORGE H.) ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC., WASHINGTON, DC. Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Community Electric System PB-292 664/0 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Surgical In- struments PB-292 665/7 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Salicylic Acid PB-292 666/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Crochet and Knitting Yarns PB-292 675/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Fabric Canvas Shoes PB-292 688/9 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Centrifugal Cast Iron Pipe PB-292 786/1 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Leath- er Tannery PB-292 803/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Concrete Posts PB-292 812/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Dehydrated Molasses PB-292 822/4 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Gray Iron Jobbing Foundry PB-292 824/0 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Coarse Wrapping Paper PB-292 829/9 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Chrome Tanned Leather PB-292 831/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Farm Hand Tools PB-292 860/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sheet Glass PB-292 861 /2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sulfuric Acid PB-292 864/6 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Small Steel Melting Plant PB-292 869/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Two-Burner Gas Plates PB-292 878/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Hooked Rugs PB-292 919/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Radios PB-292 921/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Boxes and Shooks PB-292 922/2 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Phos- phate Processing Plant PB-292 955/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Jute Yarn PB-292 958/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Animal Feed Pellets PB-293 002/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Woolen Yarn PB-293 004/8 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rice Bran Oil PB-293 006/3 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Raw Sugar PB-293 007/1 310 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ASIAN INST OF TECH BANGKOK (THAILAND) Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Glass PB-293 008/9 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Lead Pencils PB-293 010/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Kitchenware PB-293 011/3 APPLIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CORP OF THAILAND BANGKOK Tropical Environmental Data (Trend): Cooperative Research Programme No. 27. AD-676 124 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL, PALO ALTO, CALIF. Review of Literature on Earthquake Damage to Single-Family Masonry Dwellings PB-267 947/0 APPROPRIATE HEALTH RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGIES ACTION GROUP, LONDON (ENGLAND). ISBN-0-903031-58-2 Auxiliaries in Primary Health Care; an Annotated Bib- liography PB-297 791/6 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, LUCKNOW (INDIA). Some Developments of Appropriate Technology for Improving Physical Amenities in Rural Homes PB-293 841/3 The Development of an Appropriate Technology for Decentralised Pottery Industry in Rural India PB-293 844/7 A Search for an Appropriate Technology for Decen- tralised Cotton Spinning Industry in Rural India PB-294 416/3 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY GROUP, OSKALOOSA, KS. Wind Driven Water Pumps. Economics, Technology, Current Activities PB-292 816/6 ARIES ASSOCIATES, INC., STAMFORD, CT. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brewers Flakes PB-293 000/6 ARIZONA UNIV., TUCSON. Land Use Problems and Research Needs in the High-Altitude Zone of Ecuador PB-249 288/2 ARIZONA UNIV., TUCSON. DEPT. OF SYSTEMS AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. Appropriate Technology for Natural Resources De- velopment: An Overview, Annotated Bibliography, and a Guide to Sources of Information PB-279 193/7 ARIZONA UNIV TUCSON INST OF ARID LANDS RESEARCH Inventory of Research on Weather and Climate of Desert Environments. AD-664 641 Inventory of Research on Vegetation of Desert Envi- ronments. AD-668 852 A General Summary of the State of Research on Ground-Water Hydrology. AD-668 853 Inventory of Research on Desert Regional Types. AD-686 836 Desert Research: Selected References 1965-1968. (ES-52) AD-703 884 Desert Research, II: Selected References 1966-1970 (ES-60) AD-723 062 Salinity Problems in Arid Lands Irrigation: A Litera- ture Review and Selected Bibliography (WRSIC- 73-300) PB-214 172/9 ARIZONA UNIV., TUCSON. OFFICE OF ARID LANDS STUDIES. Arid Lands Resource-IP-3 World Desertification: Cause and Effect. A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography (OWRR-W- 14 1(3729)(3» PB-228 100/4 ARID LANDS RESOURCE-IP-10 The Impact of Groundwater Development in Arid Lands: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliogra- phy (OWRT-W- 197(5254)(2)) PB-276 908/1 Continuation of the Arizona Water Information System (AWIS) (OWRT-A-031-ARIZ(2» PB-257 560/3 The Application of Technology in Developing Coun- tries PB-273 529/8 ARIZONA UNIV., TUCSON. SCHOOL OF RENEWABLE NATURAL RESOURCES. Development of a Bibliographic Information System for Water Yield Improvement Practices (OWRT-A-042-ARIZ(9)) PB-244 696/1 Forward Osmosis Extractors: Theory, Feasibility and Design Optimization (OWRT-B-053-ARIZ(4)) PB-289 251/1 ARKANSAS STATE DEPT. OF EDUCATION, LITTLE ROCK. VOCATIONAL DIV. Formation Professionnelle: Conseils aux Maitres (Tips for Vocational Instructors) PB-293 763/9 ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting PB-220 764/5 ARMSTRONG CORK CO., LANCASTER, PA. TB-14 New Foreman Training Plan PB-294 233/2 Industrial First Aid Training (ICA-TB-19) PB-292 730/9 Plant Fire Brigade Training (ICA-TB-18) PB-292 744/0 Selection and Training of New Foremen (ICA-TB-15) PB-292 754/9 General Operating Rules for Power Boilers (ICA-TB-17) PB-292 881/0 Power Plant Training Course - Steam Accessories (ICA-TB-16) PB-292 943/8 ARMY BIOLOGICAL LABS FREDERICK MD Trans-654 Portable Laboratory Kit for Water Testing under Field Conditions. AD-683 052 Trans- 1443 Notes on the Duration of Evolution of Varieties of Rice Cultivated in Indochina AD-837 489/4 Trans- 1444 Conditions of the Culture of Rice in the High-Donnai (Vietnam) AD-837 490/2 Trans-1445 Work That the Indochinese Rice Office Has Accom- plished AD-837 491/0 Trans-1446 Production and Distribution of the Rice Seeds in Vietnam AD-837 492/8 Trans- 1448 Some Aspects on the Production of Rice Problem in Vietnam AD-837 495/1 Trans-1450 The Problem of Fertilizers in Rice-Growing in South Vietnam AD-837 496/9 Trans-1498 Rice Cultivation in North Vietnam AD-837 454/8 Trans- 1500 Campaign for Improvement in Cooperative Manage- ment - Second Stage AD-837 497/7 ARMY CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING RESEARCH LAB CHAMPAIGN ILL CERL-TM-M-47 Lime-Cement Combination Stabilization AD-762 552 CERL-TR-M-88 The Use of Coral as an Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Structures AD-784 092/9 ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION VICKSBURG Ml WES-MP-C-78-15 Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures (CTIAC-34) AD-A061 469/3 ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION VICKSBURG MISS AEWES-Misc-Paper-6-705 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-740 285 AEWES-Misc-Paper-6-851 Stronger Concrete AD-742 271 AEWES-Misc-Paper-6-926 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Con- crete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-743 436 AEWES-TR-C-69-3-1 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 1. Preliminary Tests of Bamboo. AD-685 824 AEWES-TR-6-646 Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforce- ment. AD-701 189 WES-MP-A-76-1 Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program. 22-24 October 1975, Charleston, S. C AD-A036 072/7 WES-MP-C-70-2 Bamboo Reinforced Concrete AD-A029 842/2 WES-MP-C-74-3 Research and Development of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in North America AD-A029 823/2 WES-MP-M-73-13 Water Hyacinth Research in Puerto Rico AD-A032 970/6 WES-MP-O-71-1 Potential Nonstructural or Low Cost Waterways System Improvements AD-A044 343/2 WES-TR-C-69-3-3 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 3. Additional Tests of Bamboo AD-A032 835/1 Protection of Slopes Against Rainfall Erosion AD-A016 147/1 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION VICKSBURG MS WES-MP-A-78-1 Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on 3-6 October 1 977 AD-A060 779/6 ARMY FOREIGN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER CHARLOTTESVILLE VA FSTC-HT-23-0660-73 Glass Technology AD-769 470/6 ARMY FOREIGN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER WASHINGTON D C FSTC-HT-23-6 13-70 Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 ARMY NATICK LABS MASS USA-NLABS-TR-74-20-PR The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Supplemen- tary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries AD-772 930/4 Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 ARMY RESEARCH OFFICE DURHAM N C Optimum Subsurface and Underground Shell Struc- tures for Better Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part I: A Case for Subsurface and Underground Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part II: Optimization of Subsurface and Underground Shells. AD-709 715 ARMY TROPIC TEST CENTER APO NEW YORK 09827 USATTC-7503001 Materiel Testing in the Tropics AD-A015 426/0 ARMY WAR COLL CARLISLE BARRACKS PA Physician's Assistants Role in Health Aid to Develop- ing Nations AD-760 500 Administrative Aspects of Urbanization in Developing Countries AD-765 616/8 ASIAN INST OF TECH BANGKOK (THAILAND) The Reclamation of Drinking Water from Sewage (ARDG(FE)-472-2) AD-A008 453/3 Investigation of Rational Effluent and Stream Stand- ards for Tropical Countries (ARDG/FE-476-2) AD-782 199/4 Ferrocement, A Versatile Construction Material: Its Increasing Use in Asia PB-261 818/9 Solar Rice /Dryer 311 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX PB-292 913/1 ASPEN INST. FOR HUMANISTIC STUDIES, COLO. ISBN-0-91 5436-61 -2 Reach for Global Fairness: United Nations Confer- ence on Science and Technology for Development. Some Suggestions for Participation by Nongovern- mental Groups PB-282 954/7 ASSOCIATION OF GEOSCIENTISTS FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, ST. JOHNS (NEWFOUNDLAND). International Workshop on Earth Science Aid to De- veloping Countries Held at Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland. Canada on May 17-19, 1974. Background Documents PB-287 818/9 ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS OF THE NAVAL AIR AND SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND WASHINGTON DC Why Not Sails AD-A058 861/6 ATLAS CORP., SANTA CLARA, CALIF. Description of the Solar Energy Ft and D Programs in Many Nations. Final Report SAN/1122-76/1 AUBURN UNIV., ALA. Potential for Conversion and Utilization of Solar Energy in Poultry Production. Progress Report Cover- ing the Period from September 15, 1974 to January 31, 1975. TID-26786 AUBURN UNIV., ALA. DEPT. OF FISHERIES AND ALLIED AQUACULTURES. Aquacultural Survey in Japan. (Ja-639.3-S355). (AID-JA-639.3-S355) PB-219 739 AUBURN UNIV., ALA. INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AQUACULTURE. Proposed Cooperative Fishery Program for Ecuador (TA/OST-AN-71-5- 1) PB-211 642 Fishculture Survey Report for Costa Rica (TA/OST-AN-70-5-2) PB-211 643 Aquacultural Developments in Peru (TA/OST-AN-72-4-2) PB-211 671 Fisheries of Turkey (TA/OST-AN-72-1-3) PB-211 774 Status of Trout Culture in Peru (TA/OST-AN-71-8- 1) PB-211 775 Progress Report on Fisheries Development in North- eastern Brazil. I. Aquaculture (AID-BR-639.20981-J46) PB-224 225 Relationship of the Thai Fish Culture Program to Pro- duction of Fish in the Lower Mekong Area (AID-TH-639.3-S978) PB-224 365 AUBURN UNIV., ALA. INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AQUACULTURES. Fishculture Survey Report for Peru. PB-196 355 Fishculture Survey Report For West Central Africa. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures (TA/OST-AN-69-6-3) PB-206 977 Inland Fisheries Progress in Thailand, 1971 (TA/OST-AN-72-1-2) PB-21 1 663 AUBURN UNIV., ALA. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST. Social Accounting Approaches to Water Resource Use in Economic Development (OWRR-B-029-ALA(3» PB-227 472/8 BACARDI CORP., SAN DIEGO, PUERTO RICO. Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process (EPA -660/2-74-074) PB-238 291/9 BANGLADESH NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CENTRE, DACCA. BANSDOC-BIBLIO-113 A Directory of Scientists and Technologists of Ban- gladesh PB-294 262/1 BANSDOC-BIBLIO-135 Current Scientific and Technological Research Pro- jects in the Universities and Research Institutions of Bangladesh PB-294 264/7 BANGLADESH UNIV. OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, DACCA. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Low-Rise Low-Cost Housing and Extreme Wind Re- lated Problems in Bangladesh (NBS-GCR-76-74) PB-256 771/7 BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE, BISMARCK, N. DAK. Rural Housing Manual PB-207 507 BATTELLE COLUMBUS LABS., OH. Fuels from Sugar Crops: Systems Study for Sugar- cane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets TID-22781 BATTELLE COLUMBUS LABS., OHIO. BCL-OA-TFR-77-1 Review of Current Interest and Research in Water Hyacinth-Based Wastewater Treatment. N77-33683/2 NASA-CR-155150 Review of Current Interest and Research in Water Hyacinth-Based Wastewater Treatment. N77-33683/2 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III, Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 BATTELLE MEMORIAL INST., COLUMBUS, OHIO. COLUMBUS LABS. The Continued Development and Field Evaluation of the Aid Hand-Operated Water Pump. PB- 196 340 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Leather and Shoe Industry in West Africa to 1 980 (TA/OST-AN-66-7-1) PB-206 970 Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Paint Products Industry in West Africa to 1980 (TA/OST-AN-66-7-2) PB-206 971 Transportation Technology for Development. Volume I (TA/OST-AN-68-2- 1) PB-21 592 Transportation Technology for Development. Volume II (TA/OST-AN-68-2-2) PB-21 593 BATTELLE PACIFIC NORTHWEST LABS., RICHLAND, WA. Siting Handbook for Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems PNL-2521 Technical and Economic Assessment of Methods for Direct Conversion of Agricultural Residue to Usable Energy. Final Report TID-28552 BAY COVE COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, BOSTON, MA. Needs Assessment: A Working Manual SHR-0002289 BERMUDA BIOLOGICAL STATION ST GEORGE'S WEST Primary and Secondary Production in the Tropical At- lantic AD-717 965 BIO-GAS OF COLORADO, INC., ARVADA. Conversion of Feedlot Wastes into Pipeline Gas PB-296 363/5 Energy Potential Through Bio-Conversion of Agricul- tural Wastes PB-296 444/3 BIOSPHERICS, INC., ROCKVILLE, MD. P-7705-25 Bioconversion of Saline Water. Phase I Report (NSF/RA-780066) PB-283 768/0 BLACK AND VEATCH, KANSAS CITY, MO. Preliminary Study of the Development of Water Re- sources of the Humacao Sub-Region Puerto Rico (EDA-71-060) COM-71-00716 BOISE CENTER FOR URBAN RESEARCH, IDAHO. UO-LCCM-BOI-77-009 Analysis of Alternatives to Refuse Disposal (HUD/RES- 1140) PB-272 129/8 BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, N.Y. CONF-760657-1 Single Technology Pitfall BNL-21491 Energy Institute for Developing Countries: A Working Paper. BNL-20510 Brief Description of the Developing Country Energy Project BNL-21874 Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in Develop- ing Countries BNL-22311 Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 BROOKINGS INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, DC. An Assessment of Development Assistance Strate- gies PB-296 373/4 BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUER WISSENSCHAFT UND FORSCHUNG, VIENNA (AUSTRIA). Austrian 10KWE Solar Power Plant. A Project of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research. N79-18460/2 BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES, ANN ARBOR, MICH. A Program of Research for the Catfish Farming In- dustry. (EDACOMM-70-015) COM-71 -00049 Evaluation of an Experimental Fish Reduction Proc- ess Applicable to Small Fisheries. (EDACOMM-70-012) PB-195 052 BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES, WASHINGTON D.C. OFFICE OF FOREIGN FISHERIES (TRANSLATIONS). Manual on the Biotechnology of the Propagation and Rearing of Phytophagous Fishes PB-199 799-T BUREAU OF COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE, ROCKVILLE, MD. OFFICE FOR FAMILY PLANNING. DHEW/PUBL/HSA-75/ 1 6007 Practical Suggestions for Family Planning Education HRP-0009927/5 BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, WASHINGTON, DC. Establishment of National Employment Services in Developing Countries PB-286 581/4 El Servico Publico de Empleos (Establishment of Na- tional Employment Services) PB-286 582/2 Les Services Publics de I'Emploi (Establishment of National Employment Services in Developing Coun- tries) PB-286 583/0 Determination des Aptitudes et de la Formation Re- quises pour la Main-d'oeuvre (Techniques for Deter- mining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Require- ments) PB-287 260/4 Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements PB-287 261/2 Demographic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries PB-287 262/0 Tecnicas Demograficas Para El Planeamiento de la Mano de Obra de Paises en Desarrollo (Demograph- ic Techniques for Manpower Planning in Developing Countries) PB-287 264/6 Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements (AID/GM-6) PB-297 075/4 BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE, WASHINGTON, D.C. OBR-70-62 Establishing a Business in Turkey COM-71 -50005-62 OBR-70-92 Establishing a Business in the Dominican Republic. 13p COM-71 -50005-92 OBR-72-017 Establishing a Business in the Philippines COM-72-50175-017 OBR-72-018 Establishing a Business in Hong Kong COM-72-50175-018 OBR-72-027 Establishing a Business in Mexico COM-72-501 75-027 OBR-72-033 Establishing a Business in Kuwait COM-72-501 75-033 OBR-72-038 Establishing a Business in Thailand COM-72-501 75-038 BUREAU OF LABOR STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, DC. DIV. OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION. Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries PB-286 615/0 Le Role d'Un Ministere du Travail Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement (Role of a Labor Depart- ment in Developing Countries) 312 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX CENTER FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH, PB-286 616/8 BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, WASHINGTON, D.C. BLS-Bull-1190 Woodworking. Circular-Saw Accidents PB-227 591/5 BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, WASHINGTON, DC. DIV. OF FOREIGN LABOR CONDITIONS. La Prevision Des Besoins en Main-D'Oeuver (The Forecasting of Manpower Requirements) PB-286 576/4 BUREAU OF MINES, WASHINGTON, D.C. BuMines-RI-7701 Waste Glass as a Flux for Brick Clays PB-214 271/9 BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS, WASHINGTON, D.C. ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT DIV. Literature References to Highways and Their Envi- ronmental Considerations. PB-185 168 BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, DENVER, COLO. DIV. OF GENERAL RESEARCH. REC-OCE-70-38 Water Measurement Procedures Irrigation Operator's Workshop. PB-195 275 BUREAU OF SPORT FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, DENVER, COLO. DENVER WILDLIFE RESEARCH CENTER. Chemical Control of Vampire Bats (AID-599.4-M681) PB-224 506 BUREAU OF SPORT FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, STUTTGART, ARK. WARMWATER FISH CULTURAL LABS. Factors Affecting the Growth and Production of Channel Catfish in Raceways (EDA-72-036) COM-72-10588 BUREAU OF SPORT FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Diseases of Pond Fishes TT-72-50070 BUREAU OF WATER HYGIENE, ROCKVILLE, MD. Guidelines and Criteria for Community Water Sup- plies in the Developing Countries. PB-189 255 BURNS AND MCDONNELL, KANSAS CITY, MO. JPL-1060-14 Assessment of the Potential of Solar Thermal Small Power Systems in Small Utilities. N79-1 6377/0 NASA-CR-1 58093 Assessment of the Potential of Solar Thermal Small Power Systems in Small Utilities. N79-16377/0 CACI, INC.-FEDERAL, ARLINGTON, VA. POLICY SCIENCES DIV. Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary (MA-RD-940-79001) PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings (MA-RD-940-79002) PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices (MA-RD-940-79003) PB-293 098/0 CALDWELL LACE LEATHER CO., AUBURN, KY. Secondary Waste Treatment for a Small Diversified Tannery (EPA-R2-72-209) PB-221 494/8 CALIFORNIA FERTILIZER ASSOCIATION, SACRAMENTO. SOIL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE. Manuel sur I'Emploi des Engrais (Western Fertilizer Handbook) PB-294 896/6 CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECH., PASADENA. 1 00 Problems in Environmental Health. PB-214 870 CALIFORNIA STATE DEPT. OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, SACRAMENTO. Demonstration in Low-Cost Housing Techniques. PB- 194 757 CALIFORNIA STATE DIV. OF MASS TRANSPORTATION, SACRAMENTO. DMT-033 Performance Measures for Public Transit Service (UMTA-CA-09-8001-79-1) PB-294 955/0 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV., HUMBOLDT, ARCATA. MARINE ADVISORY EXTENSION SERVICE. CSUH-SG-3 A Pilot Fish-Pond System for Utilization of Sewage Effluents, Humboldt Bay, Northern California (NOAA-73020201) COM-73-10333 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. CONF-770960-1 Feed and Food from Desert Environments LBL-6182 NASA-CR-1 49673 They Watch and Wonder. Public Attitudes Toward Advanced Technology. N77-1 8954/6 CALIFORNIA UNIV BERKELEY DEPT OF GEOGRAPHY A Historical Geography of the Santa Marta Area, Co- lombia. AD-657 858 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER. EERC-75-19 The Seismic Behavior of Critical Regions of Rein- forced Concrete Components as Influenced by Moment, Shear and Axial Force PB-258 842/4 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. INST. OF TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING. Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume I. PB-195 597 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Volume 2. PB-195 598 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions. Annex to Volumes 1 and 2 PB-198 035 Opportunities for Cost Reduction in the Design of Transport Facilities for Developing Regions (TA/OST-AN-70- 12-2) PB-207 520 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB. CONF-771 158-1 Potential of Arid Zone Vegetation as a Source of Substrates LBL-7214 CONF-7804110-1 Petroleum Plantations LBL-8236 Ecological Considerations of the Solar Alternative LBL-5927 Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7584 Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7586 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. SANITARY ENGINEERING RESEARCH LAB. Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes (EPA-R3-73-031) PB-222 454/1 CALIFORNIA UNIV BERKELEY STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING LAB TR-2 Solving the Galvanic Cell Problem in Ferro-Cement AD-731 719 UCSESM-71-14 Solving the Galvanic Cell Problem in Ferro-Cement AD-731 719 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BODEGA BAY. BODEGA MARINE LAB. Development of Crustacean Aquaculture (NOAA-78011702) PB-277 515/3 CALIFORNIA UNIV., DAVIS. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. Technological and Economic Assessment of the Uti- lization of Rice Straw Residue from the California Sacramento Valley for On-Farm Power Generation (ERDA/USDA- 19464/76/FR- 1) PB-275 230/1 CALIFORNIA UNIV., DAVIS. DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Paci- fastacus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products (OWRT-A-056-CAL(3» PB-286 782/8 CALIFORNIA UNIV., DAVIS. WATER RESOURCES CENTER. UCAL-WRC-W-475 Watercress-Crayfish Polyculture as an Economic Means of Stripping Nutrients from Enriched Waters. Proceedings of the International Symposium Fresh- water Crayfish (3rd), Held at Kuopio, Finland on De- cember 1976 (OWRT-A-056-CAL(2)) PB-286 700/0 UCAL-WRC-W-475 The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption (OWRT-A-056-CAL(5)) PB-286 702/6 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LIVERMORE. LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB. CONF-770707-1 Early Impact of Solar Energy Through Industrial Ap- plications UCRL-79515 Flat-Plate Solar Collector Handbook: A Survey of Principles, Technical Data and Evaluation Results UCID-17086 Two-Week Training Program for Building Solar Ther- mosiphon Domestic Water-Heating Systems UCID-17595 Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds UCRL-52385 Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds UCRL-52385(Rev.1) CALIFORNIA UNIV LIVERMORE LAWRENCE RADIATION LAB NRC-R-18 Patterns of Settlement and Subsistence in South- western Angola AD-417 467/8 Pub- 1096 Patterns of Settlement and Subsistence in South- western Angola AD-417 467/8 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LOS ANGELES. LAB. OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND RADIATION BIOLOGY. CONF-770369-1 Challenge of a Desert: Revegetation of Disturbed Desert Lands UCLA-12-1123 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LOS ANGELES. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE. Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products (EPA/600/2-76/238) PB-264 014/2 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LOS ANGELES. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Health Care Systems in World Perspective HRP-0013419/7 CALIFORNIA UNIV., SAN DIEGO, LA JOLLA. Proceedings of Conference on Enzyme Engineering as Related to Food and Energy Production, Held at the University of California, San Diego, on 22-25 July, 1974 (NSF/RA/T-74-012) PB-245 128/4 CALIFORNIA UNIV., SAN DIEGO, LA JOLLA. DEPT. OF ANTHROPOLOGY. Successful Mexican Tuna Cooperatives: A Model for U.S. Fishermen (NOAA-79051504) PB-296 964/0 CALIFORNIA UNIV SAN FRANCISCO GEORGE WILLIAMS HOOPER FOUNDATION The Biological Control of Schistosomiasis: A Pro- gram to Develop Use of Trematode Interactions in the Snail Host in Conjunction with the Molluscicide Endod as a New Approach to the Control of Human Schistosomiasis in Egypt and Ethiopia AD-774 720/7 CAPITAL SYSTEMS GROUP, INC., ROCKVILLE, MD. Improving the Dissemination of Scientific and Techni- cal Information: A Practitioner's Guide to Innovation PB-247 057/3 CARIBBEAN FOOD AND NUTRITION INST., KINGSTON (JAMAICA). La Nutrition de L'Enfant Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpment (Child Nutrition in Developing Coun- tries) PB-286 459/3 CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIV., PITTSBURGH, PA. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Special Topics. Human Powered Transit; Remote Medical System; Water Treatment PB-221 142/3 CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIV., PITTSBURGH, PA. INTERDISCIPLINARY WORKING PARTY. Feasibility Test of an Approach and Prototype for Ultra Low Cost Housing (TA/OST-75-26) PB-251 471/9 CMU/lntertect Ultra Low Cost Shelters in Relief Situ- ations in Bangladesh PB-291 554/4 CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL, ATLANTA, GA. Central America Malaria Research Station. (Lat- 614.4323-D419a). (AID-LA T-614.4323-D4 19a) PB-219 726 CENTER FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH, MAYAGUEZ, PUERTO RICO. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. First Quarterly Report, June 1 -August 31, 1977 313 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ORO-5422-1 CENTER FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH, RIO PIEDRAS, PR. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. Third Quarterly Report, December 1, 1 977--February 28, 1978 ORO-5422-3 CENTRAL PIEDMONT REGIONAL COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, N.C. Citizen Participation, PB-191 721 CENTRAL TREATY ORGANIZATION, ANKARA, (TURKEY). CENTO Symposium on Hydrology and Water Re- sources Development. Held in Ankara, Turkey, 7-12 February 1966 (TA/OST-AN-66-2-1) PB-206 539 CENTO Conference on Engineering Education Held in Isfahan, Iran on November 7-13, 1966 (TA/OST-AN-66-11-1) PB-206 541 CENTO Conference on Industrial Vocational Educa- tion Held in Ramsar, Iran on June 23-30, 1 968 (TA/OST-AN-69-4-1) PB-206 700 Seminar on Evaluation of Water Resources With Scarce Data, Held in Tehran, Iran on March 4-8, 1969 (TA/OST-AN-70- 1-2) PB-206 701 CENTO Traveling Seminar on Farm Tools and Imple- ments (TA/OST-AN-68-9-1) PB-206 776 CENTO Conference on Agricultural Extension, Held in Ankara-Denizli-lzmir, Turkey, 12-22 April 1967 (TA/OST-AN-67-10-1) PB-206 804 CENTRE NATIONAL DE DOCUMENTATION AGRICOLE, TUNIS (TUNISIA). Index Retrospectif. Planification et Developpement Agricoles, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1 (Retrospec- tive Index. Agricultural Planning and Development, Nos. 30001-30536, Volume 1) PB-289 985/4 CENTRO COOPERATIVO TECNICO INDUSTRIAL, TEGUCIGALPA (HONDURAS). A Proposed Factory in Honduras for the Processing of Pineapples and Other Tropical Fruits PB-294 234/0 Estudio Tecnico-Economico para la Fabricaion de Cal en Honduras (Technical-Economical Study on the Production of Lime in Honduras) PB-296 721/4 CENTRO DE ESTUDIAS MESOAMERICANO SOBRE TECHNOLOGIA APROPIADA (GUATEMALA). Technologia Apropiada: Concepto, Aplicacion, y Es- trategias (Appropriate Technology: Concepts, Appli- cation, and Strategy) PB-297 854/2 CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE MEJORAMIENTO DE MAIZ Y TRIGO, MEXICO CITY. The Puebla Project, 1967-69. Progress Report of a Program to Rapidly Increase Corn Yields on Small Holdings PB-293 818/1 CENTRO NACIONAL DE PRODUCTIVIDAD, SAN SALVADOR (EL SALVADOR). Manual de Administracion para la Industria del Ves- tuario (Administrative Manual for the Clothing Indus- try) PB-290 423/3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE PHILIPPINES, MANILA. The Small Biogas Plant: Its Construction, Operation and Use PB-297 667/8 CHARLES RIVER ASSOCIATES, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. CRA-3-1 38-30 Choice of Transport Technology under Varying Factor Endowments in Less Developed Countries. PB-195 291 CHECCHI AND CO., WASHINGTON, D.C. The Role of Cooperatives in the Production and Mar- keting of Fruits and Vegetables in Puerto Rico. (EDA-70-020) COM-7 1-001 11 Central African Industrial Coordination Survey (TA/OST-AN-65-7-2) PB-206 968 CHICAGO UNIV ILL DEPT OF GEOGRAPHY RP-128 Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa. A Study of the Functions and Development of Exchange Institu- tions in Ankole, Uganda. (NAS-NRC-FFRP-39) AD-716 235 CHILDREN'S BUREAU, WASHINGTON, DC. PUB-30-1962 Puericulture: Votre Enfant de Un a Six Ans (Your Child from One to Six) PB-294 366/0 CHINCA CREDIT INFORMATION SERVICE LTD., TAIPEI (TAIWAN). MARKETING RESEARCH DEPT. Job-770355 Plywood Processing and Woodworkig Equipment Study in Taiwan R. O. C DIB-77-10-514 CIVIL ENGINEERING LAB. (NAVY), PORT HUENEME, CA. Calefaccion de Edificos y Agua Caliente para Uso Domestico Mediante Energia Solar (Solar Heating of Building and Domestic Hot Water) PB-295 087/1 CIVIL ENGINEERING LAB (NAVY) PORT HUENEME CALIF CEL-TR-835 Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A021 862/8 CEL-TR-835 Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A054 601/0 CLAPP AND MAYNE, INC., SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO. Feasibility Study for Establishing a Bicycle Manufac- turing Plant in Puerto Rico. PB-180 476 CLEMSON UNIV., S.C. Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in South Carolina (NOAA-78082304) PB-286 675/4 CLEMSON UNIV., S.C. DEPT. OF TEXTILES. State of the Art of Textile Waste Treatment (EPA-WOO- 12090-ECS-02/71) PB-212 359 CLEMSON UNIV., S.C. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST. WRRI-55 Multi-Objective Water Resources Planning: Method- ology to Achieve Compatibility Between Environmen- tal Amenities and Economic Development (W76-05840) PB-251 377/8 COLD REGIONS RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING LAB HANOVER N H CRREL-TL-642 Effect of Geography on the Extensive Agricultural Use of Sewage (Wplyw Czynnika Geograficznego na Rozpowszechnienie Rolniczego Wykorzystania wod Sciekowych) AD-A044 765/6 CRREL-TL-645 Disadvantages and Advantages of Sewage Disposal in Connection with Agricultural Utilization (Wady i Zalety Oczyszczania wod Sciekowych w Polaczeniv Zoich Rolnicyzm Wykorzystaniem) AD-A044 767/2 COLLIER'S EARTHWORM COMPOST SYSTEM, INC., SANTA CLARA, CA. Conversion of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil (NSF/RA-780346) PB-291 588/2 COLORADO COOPERATIVE FISHERY UNIV, FORT COLLINS. Pond Culture of Bait Fishes (NOAA-72011322) COM-72-10054 COLORADO ENERGY RESEARCH INST., GOLDEN. Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaer- obic Digesters PB-296 542/4 COLORADO STATE UNIV., FORT COLLINS. Project Colorado. Feasibility Studies. Preliminary De- signs (TA/OST-AN-64-13-1) PB-206 913 Water Lifters and Pumps for the Developing World PB-296 382/5 COLORADO STATE UNIV., FORT COLLINS. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE. Pesticide Chemicals. A Programmed Text PB-255 605/8 COLORADO STATE UNIV., FORT COLLINS, DEPT. OF AVIAN SCIENCES. Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nutrients (EPA-670/2-73-09) PB-221 171/2 COLORADO STATE UNIV., FORT COLLINS. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Precipitation Management for Reclamation of Over- grazed Areas in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions (OWRT-A-026-COLO(1» PB-251 166/5 COLORADO STATE UNIV., FORT COLLINS. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES CENTER. Completion-66 Individual Home Wastewater Characterization and Treatment (W75-11852) PB-245 259/7 Soil and Rock Strata to Trap, Filter, and Store Water for Rural Domestic Use (OWR T-C-6 1 76(52 19)(1)) PB-268 820/8 COLORADO STATE UNIV., FORT COLLINS. INST. OF RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. A Study of Mosquito Prevention and Control Prob- lems Associated with Stream Modification Projects PB-246 392/5 COLORADO STATE UNIV., FORT COLLINS. SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS LAB. NSF/RANN/SE/GI-40457/PR/74/2 Design and Construction of a Residential Solar Heat- ing and Cooling System (NSF/RA/N-74- 104) PB-237 042/7 COLORADO UNIV., BOULDER. DEPT. OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. Individual Home Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Sys- tems (OWRR-A -02 1 -COL 0(2)) PB-226 478/6 Segregation and Reclamation of Wastewater at an Individual Residence (OWRT-A-021-COLO(4» PB-268 810/9 Household COLUMBIA UNIV., NEW YORK. DEPT. OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY. Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 For Today: Membrane-Produced Gasahol. For To- morrow: Membrane-Produced Alcohol PB-295 814/8 COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, EAST MELBOURNE (AUSTRALIA). Application of Solar Energy in the Food Processing Industry CONF-750761-1 COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, MELBOURNE (AUSTRALIA). Solar Energy for the Australian Food Processing In- dustry CONF-750712-12 COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, MELBOURNE (AUSTRALIA). DIV. OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY. Technological paper-70 Pulping of Tropical Hardwoods: Individual and Mixed Species, Wood and Paper Properties, Resource As- sessment PB-221 282/7 COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, MELBOURNE (AUSTRALIA). DIV. OF FOREST PRODUCTS. Technical paper-46 Contributions from Division of Forest Products, Csiro, to Uncsat Conference 1963. PB-174 333 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES, WASHINGTON, D.C. RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIV. B- 166506 Using Solid Waste to Conserve Resources and to Create Energy. Environmental Protection Agency. Report to the Congress N76-71 498/9 RED-76-326 Using Solid Waste to Conserve Resources and to Create Energy. Environmental Protection Agency. Report to the Congress N76-71498/9 CONNECTICUT RESOURCES RECOVERY AUTHORITY, HARTFORD. Front End Recycling: A Study of the Economics of Recycling by Source Separation and Its Application for Fairfield County, Connecticut (EDA-76-043) PB-257 404/4 CONNECTICUT UNIV., STORRS. INST. OF PUBLIC SERVICE. How to Conduct a Survey PB-294 671/3 Preparing, Evaluating, and Managing Development Projects PB-294 901/4 CONNECTICUT VALLEY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. The Upper Factory Brook Sawmill Site: An Early In- dustrial Site in Middlefield, Massachusetts PB-262 179/5 314 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, DC. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING RESEARCH LAB (ARMY) CHAMPAIGN ILL Method for Estimating Solar Heating and Cooling System Performance AD-A026 041/4 CONTINENTAL-ALLIED CO., INC., WASHINGTON, O.C. Five Industries for the Central African Republic (TA/OST-AN-65-11-1) PE-206 775 COOPERATIVE LEAGUE OF THE USA, CHICAGO, ILL. Potential Cooperative Projects. PB-180 245 COORDINATION CENTER FOR SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES BANGOK (THAILAND). Metalworking Equipment in Thailand. PB-173 709 CORDIAN ASSOCIATES, INC., NEW YORK. La Industria Cementera (Industrial International Data Base the Cement Industry) (NATO/CCMS-46) PB-287 064/0 CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA. CENTER FOR HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Research Methods for Housing and Urbanization Studies in Developing Countries (TA/OST-AN-69-6-5) PB-210 128 CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, N.Y. Plant Protection Problems in Southeast Asia (TA/OST-AN-71-13-1) PB-212 101 Science and Technology for International Develop- ment: A Selected List of Information Sources in the United States and Bibliography of Selected Materials (Second Edition) PB-243 701/0 Pest Control Strategies PB-274 644/4 Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollution Control and Energy Conservation. Final Report TID-27164 CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, N. Y. CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT. Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man, and Environment PB-236 143/4 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment (NSF7ERG-10) PB-263 408/7 CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, N.Y. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. A.E.Res-72-5 Capital Formation of the Ecuadorian Frontier: A Study of Human Investment and Modernization in the Riobambenos Cooperative (AID-BC-3338. 1-G542) PB-224 222 Occasional Paper-52 Preliminary Observations on the Production of New High Yielding Rice Varieties and Traditional Rice Var- ieties in Suphan Buri, Thailand. (Th-633.18-B974). (AID-TH-633. 18-B974) PB-219 710 Occasional Paper-57 Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). (AID-IN-633. 18-S346) PB-219 688 New Seed Varieties and the Small Farm. (In- 631.521-S346). (AID-IN-631.521-S346) PB-219 760 Rural Works and Employment: Description and Pre- liminary Analysis of a Land Army Project in Mysore State, India (AID-IN-331. 763-D687) PB-224 292 CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, N.Y. DEPT. OF AGRONOMY. Agronomy Mimeo-72-17 "Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics. (631.8- F793). (AID-631.8-F793) PB-219 695 Agronomy Mimeo-73-1 Organic Phosphorus in Soils with Special Interest in Soils of the Tropics. 631 .4-R645. (AID-631.4-R645) PB-219 690 Agronomy Paper-893 "Relationships among Physical and Chemical Proper- ties of Representative Soils of the Tropics from Puerto Rico. (Rq-631 .42-P555). (AID-RO-631.42-P555) PB-219 759 CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, N.Y. PROGRAM ON POLICIES FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN DEVELOPING NATIONS. The Natural Resource Potential for Regional Devel- opment of Limon Province: A Preliminary Survey PB-226 621/1 A Methodology for Formulating and Implementing Science Policy for a Small Developing Country (Costa Rica) PB-244 294/5 CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, NY. DEPT. OF AGRONOMY. 72-17 Fertilizacion con Nitrogeno en los Tropicos Humedos (Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics) PB-293 876/9 CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, NY. RURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. RLG-19 Local Organization for Rural Development: Analysis of Asian Experience PB-294 146/6 CORPORACION DE FOMENTO DE LA PRODUCCION (CHILE). Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Tomo I (Packaging for Chilean Commerical Food- stuffs. Volume I) PB-287 060/8 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Tomo II (Packaging for Chilean Commerical Food- stuffs. Volume II) PB-287 061/6 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Anexos (Packaging for Chilean Commerical Food- stuffs. Volume III. Appendices) PB-287 062/4 CORPS OF ENGINEERS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Report on Potential Growth of Aquatic Plants of the Lower Mekong River Basin, Laos-Thailand (TA/OST-AN-70-2-1) PB-207 613 CORVALLIS ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LAB., COLLEGE, ALASKA. ARCTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH STATION. EPA/600/3-76/104 Water Related Utilities for Small Communities in Rural Alaska PB-259 964/5 CORVALLIS ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LAB., OREG. EPA/600/3-77/084 Biological Control of Aquatic Nuisances - A Review PB-273 264/2 COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, AMES. 64 Application of Sewage Sludge to Cropland: Appraisal of Potential Hazards of the Heavy Metals to Plants and Animals (EPA/MCD-33) PB-264 015/9 COUNCIL FOR INTERNATIONAL PROGRESS IN MANAGEMENT (USA), INC., NEW YORK. Report of Management Training Specialists Team, Brazil (TA/OST-AN-64- 12-2) PB-207 534 Problems in Business Management: Incentive Plans (ICA-TB-31) PB-292 718/4 COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS, LEXINGTON, KY. Creating Jobs: Connecticut's Product Development Corporation (NSF/RA-780453) PB-293 820/7 COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Integrated Pest Management PB-214 173/7 CPI ASSOCIATES, INC., DALLAS, TX. Health or Wealth - Reassessment of an Old Dilem- ma HRP-0027818/4 CRANFIELD INST. OF TECH. (ENGLAND). MARKETING DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. Small Enterprises in Developing Countries: Case Studies and Conclusions PB-297 369/1 DANA LARSON ROUBAL AND ASSOCIATES, PIERRE, S. DAK. Irrigation Feasibility Study - Crow Creek Tribal Farm, Crow Creek Reservation, South Dakota PB-255 444/2 DECISIONS AND DESIGNS INC MCLEAN VA The Art of Cost-Benefit Analysis AD-A041 526/5 DEFENSE DOCUMENTATION CENTER ALEXANDRIA VA DDC-TAS-71-28 Water: Desalination AD-725 600 DDC-TAS-73-72 Fungusproofing AD-771 700/2 DELAWARE UNIV., NEWARK. WATER RESOURCES CENTER. Water Use Efficiency of Vegetable Crops Given over Asphalt Moisture Barriers (W73-03907) PB-214 120/8 DENVER REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, COLO. DRCOG-72-013 Recycling Activity Description: Transfer, Intermediate Storage, Processing, Recycling PB-218 990/0 DENVER RESEARCH INST., CO. The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis PB-286 227/4 DENVER RESEARCH INST., CO. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS. The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Countries (NSF/PRA-7700892) PB-295 499/8 DENVER RESEARCH INST., COLO. The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis PB-248 043/2 Report on the Workshop, New U.S. Initiatives in In- ternational Science and Technology, Held at Key- stone Colorado, April 13-16, 1977 PB-276 959/4 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EXTENSION SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Private Appli- cators PB-257 724/5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EXTENSION SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. EXTENSION/CIRC-478 Vulgarisation Agricole: La Planification (Extension Looks at Programm Planning) PB-293 916/3 EXTENSION/CIRC-495 Extension Teaching Methods and Other Factors that Influence Adoption of Agricultural and Home Eco- nomics Practices PB-293 866/0 Comment Conserver le Poisson Salage-Sechage- Fumage (Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Countries) PB-286 450/2 Home Curing Fish. A Guide for Extension and Village Workers in Many Countries PB-286 451/0 Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators PB-286 579/8 Creation d'Un Service de Vulgarisation Agricole (Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators) PB-286 580/6 Rural Youth Clubs Around the World PB-289 990/4 Homemaking Around the World PB-292 767/1 Seeing is Believing. How to Conduct Convincing Result Demonstrations PB-293 605/2 Les Clubs de la Jeunesse Rurale (Rural Youth Clubs Around the World) PB-294 724/0 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D.C. PB-267 049/5 Nutritionally Balanced Protein Snack Food Prepared from Legume Seeds PAT-APPL-789 375 Handbook of Selection and Seed Growing of Oil Plants TT-71-50100 The Structure of Yarn TT-73-54014 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, DC. PB-287 463/4 Precooked Baking Potatoes PAT-APPL-932 080 PB-287 465/9 High-Performance, Lightweight Structural Particle- board PAT-APPL-934 290 TT-77-59026 Prostrate Summer Cypress and Its Culture in Kirghi- zia PB-295 565-T USDA/BULL-137 Control de Niguas (Controlling Chiggers) 315 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX PB-289 988/8 USDA/BULL-2141 Ganado Bovino Para Carne - Descorne, Castracion, Marcacion a Hierro, Marcas (Beef Cattle - Dehorn- ing, Castrating, Branding and Marking) PB-292 766/3 USDA/BULL-2227 Construcciones Resistentes Al Fuego - En El Hogar - Y En La Granja (Fire Construction of the Home— of Farm Buildings) PB-292 746/5 USDA/PA-815 Productos Biologicos Veterinarios, Ayudan a Comba- tir Las Enfermedades (Veterinary Biologies - Help Fight Animal Diseases) PB-287 063/2 La Prevention Contre les Moustiques dans les Terres Irriguees (Mosquito Prevention on Irrigated Farms) PB-286 429/6 Manuel de Conservation du Sol (Soil Conservation Manual) PB-294 297/7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, WASHINGTON, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Unfermented Grape Juice PB-292 689/7 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, WASHINGTON, D.C. DOE Facilities Solar Design Handbook DOE/AD-0006/1 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, WASHINGTON, D.C. DIV. OF SOLAR TECHNOLOGY. Guide to Solar Energy Programs DOE/ET-0036 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, WASHINGTON, DC. DIV. OF SOLAR APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENTS. National Solar Heating and Cooling Commercial Demonstration Program: Key Personnel Directory DOE/CS-0038 Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Project Summaries DOE/CS-0038-2 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, WASHINGTON, DC. DIV. OF SOLAR TECHNOLOGY. Guide to Solar Energy Programs DOE/ET-0036/1 DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, VANCOUVER (BRITISH COLUMBIA). FOREST PRODUCTS LAB. VP-X-39 Balsam Woolly Aphid-Infested Abies Wood as a Source of Pulp Fibre. PB-182 764 VP-X-42 Wood Species and Glues Influence Plywood Bond Durability. PB-182 735 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE, WASHINGTON, D.C. A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutri- tion. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area (TA/OST-AN-70-12-5) PB-213 612/5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, WASHINGTON, DC. Better Nourishment for Infants and Preschool Chil- dren. A Food for Peace Guide PB-286 621/8 Ameliorer L'Alimentation de L'Enfant (Better Nourish- ment for Infants and Preschool Children. A Food for Peace Guide) PB-286 622/6 Puericulture: Les Soins aux Bebes (Infant Care) PB-293 868/6 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C. Urban Planning in Developing Countries. PB-179 359 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. DIV. OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. IME-18 Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement. PB-188 931 IME-38 Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less Industrialized Countries. PB-189 254 IME-47 Prolonging Life of Wood in Houses (TA/OST-AN-67-6-1) PB-210 129 IME-64 Proposed Minimum Standards for Permanent Low- Cost Housing and for the Improvement of Existing Substandard Area. PB- 188 923 PASA-LA(KA)-53-67 A Proposed Urban Development Program for Teguci- galpa, Honduras. PB-188 851 Earth for Homes: Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 22. PB-188 918 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-188 919 Bamboo as a Building Material. PB-188 921 Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing. PB-188 925 Village Housing in the Tropics, with Special Refer- ence to West Africa. PB-188 926 Bibliography on Housing Building and Planning. PB-188 927 Housing in Ghana. PB-189 625 Housing in India. PB-189 626 Housing in Jordan. PB-189 627 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wallboard (TA/OST-AN-67-6-2) PB-210 507 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. HUD-168-SF HUD International Country Reports. Panama PB-236 978/3 HUD-275-IA HUD International Country Reports. Peru PB-236 980/9 Cooperative Housing, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 52 PB-206 514 Planning Sites and Services Programs. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 68 (TA/OST-AN-71-7-1) PB-207 619 Special Report on Techniques of Aided Self-Help Housing. Some Examples of U.S. and Overseas Ex- perience PB-236 285/3 Prefabricated Concrete Components for Low-Cost Housing Construction: 407 Building Design and Con- struction, Prefabrication (IME-59) PB-285 768/8 Strengthening Urban Administration in Developing Countries: With Emphasis on Latin America (IME-67) PB-285 769/6 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. Sewage Lagoons for Developing Countries. PB-179 383 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. DIV. OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. IME-38 Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less Industrialized Countries PB-294 312/4 Village Housing in the Tropics. PB- 179 329 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Building Bricks. PB-179 361 Housing in Liberia. PB-179 363 Housing in the Ivory Coast. PB-179 365 Housing in Nigeria. PB-179 366 Proposed Minimum Standards for Permanent Low- Cost Housing and for the Improvement of Existing Substandard Areas. PB-179 370 Squatter Settlements. The Problem and the Opportu- nity. PB-179 376 Manual on Design for Low-Cost and Aided Self-Help Housing. PB-179 385 Maisons en Terre (Earth for Homes) PB-286 423/9 Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Erfort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsi- diada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. IME-70 A Systematic Approach to Basic Utilities in Develop- ing Countries PB-285 766/2 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. IME-49 Basics of Concrete PB-285 764/7 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL HOUSING. IME-60 Village Markets in Ghana: A Study on the Planning of Village Markets and Stalls PB-286 449/4 Housing in Ethiopia. PB-179 367 La Construction en Climat Chaud (Physiological Ob- jectives in Hot Weather Housing) PB-286 424/7 Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing PB-286 584/8 DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WASHINGTON, DC. FOREIGN SERVICE INST. Intermediate Technology: An Informal Survey PB-285 908/0 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON D C DA-PAM-550-17 Africa: A Bibliographic Survey of Literature AD-787 465/4 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, WASHINGTON, D.C. PAT-APPL-519 820 Sterilization of Fish in their Aquatic Environment to Produce Maximum Size and Weight per Unit of Water Surface PATENT-3 331 356 PB-228 200/2 Sterilization of Fish in their Aquatic Environment to Produce Maximum Size and Weight per Unit of Water Surface PATENT-3 331 356 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF LIBRARY SERVICES. INT-BIB-72-28 Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Freshwater PB-208 527 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON D C AD-D003 818/2 Process for Bonding a Ferro-Cement Structure with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic PATENT-3 984 266 PAT-APPL-462 827 Process for Bonding a Ferro-Cement Structure with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic PATENT-3 984 266 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. DOT-TST-77-33 Proceedings of the National Symposium on Trans- portation for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 Preparation and Appraisal of Transport Projects (TA-OST-AN-68-6-1) PB-207 862 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR POLICY AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. Suggestions for Temporary Erosion and Silitation Control Measures. (Erosion Y Sedimentacion: Medi- das Temporarias De Control) PB-245 004/7 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, WASHINGTON, DC. PAT-APPL-765 876 Locomotive Track Curvature Indicator PATENT-4 103 547 PB-287 466/7 Locomotive Track Curvature Indicator PATENT-4 103 547 DESIGN ALTERNATIVES, INC., WASHINGTON, DC. Proceedings of Workshop on Appropriate Technol- ogy Held January 23-25, 1978 (NSF/RA-780182) PB-288 897/2 Save Energy: Save Money PB-293 917/1 Proceedings of Workshop on Appropriate Technol- ogy Held January 23-25, 1978 (NSF/RA-790002) PB-294 030/2 DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES, INC., WASHINGTON, DC. Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empiri- cal Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume I PB-294 035/1 316 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES, INC., WASHINGTON, DC. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empiri- cal Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume II. Case Studies PB-294 036/9 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC., MANHATTAN, KANS. P-192 Feasibility of a Beef Processing Plant on the Black- feet Indian Reservation (EDA-77-054) PB-264 638/8 Feasibility Study of a Fish Processing Plant at Kotze- bue, Alaska (EDA-76-025) PB-256 128/0 DIRECCION GENERAL FORESTRAL, SAN JOSE (COSTA RICA). Reforestacion (Reforestation) PB-297 868/2 DORNBUSCH (DAVID M.) AND CO., INC., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. The Importance of Water Supply to Indian Economic Development (OWRT-C-7042(6205)(1)) PB-275 241/8 DORNIER-SYSTEM G.M.B.H., FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (WEST GERMANY). Glu* Stock from Leather Production. Final Report BMFT-FB-T-77-06 DOW CHEMICAL CO., MIDLAND, MICH. FUNCTIONAL PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS. A Literature Search and Critical Analysis of Biological Trickling Filter Studies - Volume I (EPA-17050-DDY- 12/71- 1) PB-211 909 DUKE UNIV DURHAM N C Weight and Energy Values of Selected Litter-Fall Components from Two Forest Stands in the Canal Zone Republic of Panama. (AROD-7382.2-EN) AD-715 871 DYNATECH R/D CO., CAMBRIDGE, MA. Fuel Gas Production from Animal and Agricultural Residues and Biomass. Seventh Quarterly Coordina- tion Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 9-10, 1978 COO-2991-28 DYNATECH R/D CO., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Dynatech-1258 Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste (NSF/RA/N-74/268) PB-245 083/1 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste: Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (2nd), September 1, 1976-December 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1556 COO/2991-8 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Residue. Dynatech Report No. 1551 COO/2991-10 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Report of Quarterly Review Meeting, Palo Alto, California, De- cember 13-14, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1573 COO/2991-11 Anaerobic Digestion Technology. Quarterly Progress Meeting, Ithaca, New York, June 20-22, 1977 COO/2991-19 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976- September 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 EAST CENTRAL OKLAHOMA STATE UNIV., ADA. ANIMAL WASTE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER. Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V (EPA/600/2-78/137) PB-286 361/1 EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP., EVERETT, MASS. DEPT. OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. Development of a Non-Clogging Water Spray System (BuMines-OFR-36-76) PB-250 626/9 EBON RESEARCH SYSTEMS, SILVER SPRINGS, MD. Fuel and Energy Production by Bioconversion of Waste Materials - State-of-the- Art (EPA/600/2-76/148) PB-258 499/3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. EDA-72-59597 Urban Business Profile: Supermarkets COM-72-50659 The Potential of Handcrafts as a Viable Economic Force - An Overview COM-74-50522/3 Formula for Growth: How to Make an Industrial Site Survey. PB-193 553 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. PROGRAM ANALYSIS DIV. EDA-78-032 Source Bibliography Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) PB-276 746/5 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. USDA/AER-313 Decentralized Tomato Processing: Plant Design, Costs, and Economic Feasibility PB-251 382/8 Agricultural Development and Farm Employment in India. (ln-630.954-S798). (AID-IN-630.954-S798) PB-219 778 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. FOREIGN DEMAND AND COMPETITION DIV. AGERSF-16 The World Food Situation and Prospects to 1 985 PB-279 756/1 FAER-98 The World Food Situation and Prospects to 1 985 PB-279 756/1 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. FOREIGN DEVELOPMENT DIV. FAER-89 Controlled Environment Agriculture: A Global Review of Greenhouse Food Production PB-279 517/7 FAER-95 Development and Spread of High- Yielding Varieties of Wheat and Rice in the Less Developed Nations. Edition 5 PB-280 252/8 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. NATIONAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS DIV. AGERS-30 Spain's Leather Industry: Prospects for Blue Chrome (Wet-Blue) Processing PB-267 949/6 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS DIV. AGERS-39 Impact of Hail Suppression on Nebraska Crop Pro- duction: A Simulation Study PB-272 436/7 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. AGRICULTURE/HB-326 Graphic Analysis: Applications in Agricultural Eco- nomics PB-293 822/3 ERS-368-SUPPL-1/6 Economics of Agriculture: Reports and Publications Issued or Sponsored by USDA's Economic Research Service, October 1966-June 1974 PB-294 722/4 FEDR-11 Economics of Protein Improvement Programs in the Lower Income Countries PB-294 138/3 USDA/AER-254 Recycling Poultry Waste as Feed. Will It Pay PB-294 412/2 USDA/AER-346 Leaf Protein Concentrate (PRO-XAN) from Alfalfa: An Economic Evaluation PB-294 411/4 USDA/AER-354 Energy Use and Conservation in the Poultry and Egg Industry PB-294 235/7 Manual for Agricultural Capital Project Analysis PB-294 068/2 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. DEVELOPMENT AND TRADE ANALYSIS DIV. ERS/FOREIGN-76 How the United States Improved Its Agriculture PB-292 863/8 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIV. AER-375 Strategies for Balanced Growth in Developing Coun- tries PB-288 209/0 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. FOREIGN DEVELOPMENT AND TRADE DIV. FAER-27 Changes in Agriculture in 26 Developing Nations, 1948 to 1963 PB-286 617/6 Evolution de 1 'Agriculture dans 26 Pays en Voie de Developpement, 1948 a 1963 (Changes in Agricul- ture in 26 Developing Nations, 1948 to 1963) PB-286 618/4 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS DIV. TB-1550 Trade-Offs Between Farm Income and Selected En- vironmental Indicators: A Case Study of Soil Loss, Fertilizer, and Land Use Constraints PB-293 919/7 ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. REGIONAL ANALYSIS DIV. FAER-1 1 Man, Land and Food. Looking Ahead at World Food Needs PB-286 588/9 FAER-1 1-F Nourrir un Monde Surpeuple. (Man, Land and Food. Looking Ahead at World Food Needs) PB-286 587/1 ECONOMICS, STATISTICS, AND COOPERATIVES SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. COMMODITY ECONOMICS DIV. AER-396 The Performance and Economic Feasibility of Solar Grain Drying Systems PB-280 196/7 ESCS-12 Estimating U.S. Livestock and Poultry Manure and Nutrient Production PB-279 095/4 ECONOMICS, STATISTICS, AND COOPERATIVES SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. FOREIGN DEMAND AND COMPETITION DIV. AGERSF-22 Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume I. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Ana- lytical Report PB-280 053/0 FAER-146 Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume 1. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Ana- lytical Report PB-280 053/0 FAER-149 Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985: Volume 2. World GOL Model Supply-Distribution and Related Tables PB-282 228/6 ECONOMICS, STATISTICS, AND COOPERATIVES SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. NATIONAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS DIV. ESCS-01 Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing PB-278 882/6 ESCS-06 An Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion in U.S. Agri- culture PB-278 999/8 ECONOMICS, STATISTICS, AND COOPERATIVES SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. CIR-1-SECT-4 Cooperative Development in Rural Areas PB-295 734/8 ECONOMICS, STATISTICS, AND COOPERATIVES SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. COOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT DIV. CIR-6 Understanding Your Cooperatives PB-295 621/7 ECOS, INC., BOSTON, MA. Community Water Management, Research Needs for Small and Urbanizing Communities (NSF/RA-780372) PB-291 939/7 EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT CENTER, NEWTON, MASS. Beginning Science Curriculum for English Speaking Tropical Africa (African Primary Science Program) (TA/OST-AN-71-12-1) PB-207 628 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER, NEWTON, MASS. A Comparison Study for Evaluating Primary School Science in Africa (TA/OST-AN-71-10-1) PB-207 625 EGYPTIAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, CAIRO. Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Housing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1975 PB-293 782/9 ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Extension Service TID-28044 ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. DIV. OF BUILDINGS AND INDUSTRY. State Research Priorities for Energy Conservation in Buildings and Agriculture TID-27060 ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. DIV. OF SOLAR ENERGY. Solar Program Assessment: Environmental Factors. Solar Agricultural and Industrial Process Heat 317 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ERDA-77-47/2 ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF PLANNING, ANALYSIS, AND EVALUATION. Managing the Socio-Economic Impacts of Energy Development: A Guide for the Small Community ERDA-77-79 ENERGY TASK FORCE, INC., NEW YORK. Windmill Power for City People (OEO-LN-2137) PB-275 658/3 ENVIREX INC., MILWAUKEE, WIS. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES DIV. Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater (EPA/600/4-76/049) PB-259 946/2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, CINCINNATI, OH. OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER. Manual de Metodos para el Analisis Quimico de Aguas y Desechos (Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes) PB-291 858/9 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, CINCINNATI, OHIO. EPA-430/ 1-73-003 Chemical Analyses for Water Quality. Training Manual PB-224 212/1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, CINCINNATI, OHIO. OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER. EPA/625/6-76/003a Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes PB-259 973/6 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, CINCINNATI, OHIO. OFFICE OF WATER PROGRAM OPERATIONS. EPA-430/ 1-73-005 Selection and Operation of Small Wastewater Treat- ment Facilities - Training Manual PB-224 266/7 EPA-430/ 1-73-01 7 Biological Treatment Technology (162) PB-228 148/3 EPA/430/1-78/008 Methods for the Determination of Chemical Contami- nants in Drinking Water - Participants Handbook PB-284 392/8 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, CINCINNATI, OHIO. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OFFICE. EPA-SW-83TS Residential Solid Waste Generated in Low-Income Areas PB-215 282/5 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, COLLEGE, ALASKA. ARCTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LAB. Working Paper-22 Alaska Village Demonstration Projects: First Genera- tion of Integrated Utilities for Remote Communities PB-255 137/2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, ROCKVILLE, MD. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OFFICE. EPA-SW-28ts An Accounting System for Solid Waste Management in Small Communities PB-213 492/2 EPA-SW-57ts Financing Solid Waste Management in Small Com- munities PB-213 372/6 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Project SAFEGUARD: Safe Pesticide Practices. Safety Handbook PB-253 369/3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. DIV. OF WATER PLANNING. EPA/440/9-76/019 Implementing 'Best Management Practices' for Re- siduals: The Waste Exchange PB-258 068/6 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION DIV. EPA/MCD-08 Model Facility Plan for a Small Community, Supple- ment to: Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan, Mu- nicipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program PB-257 649/4 EPA/MCD-16 Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria PB-257 454/9 EPA/430/9-75/017 Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria PB-257 454/9 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF PESTICIDE PROGRAMS. Diagnosis and Treatment of Poisoning by Pesticides PB-227 053/6 Chemical Safety PB-254 272/8 Pesticides ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS. EPA-SW-107 Improving Rural Solid Waste Management Practices PB-257 801/1 EPA/530/SW-159 Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Methane PB-261 091/3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF WATER PLANNING AND STANDARDS. EPA/440/9-76/023 Quality Criteria for Water PB-263 943/3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF WATER PROGRAMS. EPA/430/9-73/003 Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 403/5 EPA/430/9-74/007 Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems PB-258 402/7 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF WATER SUPPLY. EPA/570/9-75/001 Manual of Water Well Construction Practices PB-267 371/3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. RESOURCE RECOVERY DIV. EPA-SW-157.8 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Further Assistance PB-256 460/7 EPA-157.4 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials: Financing PB-256 461/5 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, DC. FACILITY REQUIREMENTS DIV. EPA/430/9-79/005 Municipal Wastewater Management. Public Activities Guide PB-292 393/6 EPA/430/9-79/006 Municipal Wastewater Management. Citizen's Guide to Facility Planning PB-292 394/4 FRD-6 Municipal Wastewater Management. Citizen's Guide to Facility Planning PB-292 394/4 FRD-7 Municipal Wastewater Management. Public Activities Guide PB-292 393/6 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INST. OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR. APPLICATIONS DIV. ERIM-1 11 800-1 -F AID'S Remote Sensing Grant Program PB-292 872/9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, INC., GAINESVILLE, FLA. Background Document: Bagasse Combustion in Sugar Mills (EPA/450/3-77/007) PB-264 302/1 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC., ANNAPOLIS, MD. Use of Solar Energy to Heat Anaerobic Digesters. Part I. Technical and Economic Feasibility Study. Part II. Economic Feasibility throughout the United States (EPA/600/2-78/1 14) PB-286 940/2 ERNST AND ERNST, WASHINGTON, D.C. Study of Raw Material Costs for a Proposed Straw- Based Pulping Mill in the Vicinity of Mobridge, South Dakota. (EDACOMM-70-001) PB-194 391 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, WASHINGTON, DC. ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS. Rural Development Initiatives: Overcoming the Prob- lems of Isolation: Improving Rural Communications PB-295 235/6 FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIV., TEANECK, N.J. DEPT. OF ECONOMICS. FDU/DE-75/01 Construction and Economic Development. A Case Study and International Comparisons of Productivity PB-243 846/3 FAR EAST RESEARCH ORGANIZATION LTD., SINGAPORE. Metal Cutting Machines in Malaya. PB-173 710 FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, DC. Farm Credit Manual PB-286 477/5 Manuel de Credit Agricole. (Farm Credit Manual) PB-286 572/3 Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Effective Use of Agricultural Credit PB-286 573/1 Le Credit Agricole Source de Prosperite (Lending to Increase Farmer's Income. A Series of Guides to Ef- fective Use of Agricultural Credit) PB-286 574/9 Le Systeme de Credit Agricole Cooperatif aux Etats- Unis (The Cooperative Farm Credit System) PB-294 246/4 FARMER COOPERATIVE SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. Rural Cooperatives in the United States PB-286 577/2 Les Cooperatives Agricoles aux Etats-Unis (Rural Cooperatives in the United States) PB-286 578/0 Improving Management of Farmer Cooperatives PB-289 987/0 FCH INTERNATIONAL, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. Housing the Campesino. A Case Study of Coopera- tive Housing in Rural Panama. PB- 188 852 FEDERAL ENERGY ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF COAL, NUCLEAR, AND ELECTRIC POWER ANALYSIS. FEA/B-77/121 Wind Energy Conversion Systems Manufacturing and Sales Activity, 1975 and 1976 PB-265 823/5 FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. FHA-751 Minimum Design Standards for Community Water Supply Systems. PB-189 258 FEDERAL WATER QUALITY ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes Proceedings (1st), held at Portland, Oregon on 6-8 April 1970 (FWOA- 12060-04/70) PB- 199 709 FEDERAL WORKING GROUP ON PEST MANAGEMENT, ROCKVILLE, MD. FWGPM-72-3 Proceedings of the National Conference on Protec- tive Clothing and Safety Equipment for Pesticide Workers Held in Atlanta, Georgia, May 1 -2, 1 972 PB-239 799/0 FIELD INFORMATION AGENCY, TECHNICAL. FIAT-1313 Materials, Techniques, and Testing Methods for the Sanitation (Bacterial Decontamination) of Small- Scale Water Supplies in the Field Used in Germany During and after the War. PB-215 103 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIV., BOCA RATON. DEPT. OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation (EPA/660/3- 74-007) PB-238 909/6 FLORIDA DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES, ST. PETERSBURG. MARINE RESEARCH LAB. CONTRIB-289 Effects of Stocking Size and Density on Growth and Survival of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' (De Man) in Ponds (NOAA-78 122801) PB-292 594/9 Growout of the Giant Malaysian Prawn, Macrobra- chium rosenbergii, in Earthen Ponds in Central Flor- ida (NOAA-77072536) PB-271 710/6 FLORIDA DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES, TALLAHASSEE. Mass Culture of Freshwater Prawns for Commercial Evaluation (NOAA-77072535) PB-271 709/8 FLORIDA INST. OF TECH., MELBOURNE. Solar Cookers for Haiti, A Feasibility Study 318 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. PB-282 650/1 FLORIDA UNIV., GAINESVILLE. Composted Municipal Refuse as a Soil Amendment (EPA-670/2-73-063) PB-222 422/8 FLORIDA UNIV., GAINESVILLE. DEPT. OF FOOD SCIENCE AND HUMAN NUTRITION. 'Sea Dog' Made with Minced Mullet and Textured Soy Flour (NOAA-781 22002-2) PB-290 621/2 Storage Stability of a 'Sea Dog' Made from Minced Mullet (NOAA-781 22002-3) PB-290 622/0 FLORIDA UNIV., GAINESVILLE. INST. OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES. Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms (DOE/USDA- 19464/76/FR-2) PB-278 351/2 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Economic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utilizable Energy Forms. Final Report TID-28550 FLORIDA UNIV., GAINESVILLE. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER. WRRC-Pub-25 Processing, Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Aquatic Weeds (W74-06502) PB-231 207/2 FOGARTY INTERNATIONAL CENTER, BETHESDA, MD. DHEW/NIH-75-695 A Barefoot Doctor's Manual PB-239 557-T FONDO COLOMBIANO DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS Y PROYECTOS ESPECIALES, BOGOTA. Ciencia Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Volume 2, Numero 1, Enero-Marzo, 1978 (Technological Science and Development, Volume 2, Number 1, January-March 1978) PB-290 426/6 Education by Alternation PB-294 421/3 Ceilandria Environmental Education Project PB-294 425/4 Appropriate Technology: Concept, Application and Strategies PB-294 494/0 New School Project PB-294 571/5 Appropriate Education and Its Correlative Technol- ogy PB-294 572/3 An Experiment in the Use of the Low-Cost Teaching Materials-Packaging Useful to Schools Campaign PB-294 574/9 FONDO COLONBIANO DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS Y PROYECTOS ESPECIALES, BOGOTA. Experiences of Community Participation in Non- Scholarized Initial Education in the Department of Puno - Peru PB-295 179-T FONDO COLUMBIANO DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS Y PROYECTOS ESPECIALES, BOGOTA. Non-Formal Education Ecuador's Experience. Inter- national Seminary on Appropriate Technology in Education, Held at Bogota, Colombia, on January 29- February 2, 1979 PB-294 637/4 FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS, ROME (ITALY). ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PULP AND PAPER. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Prospects for Establishing Viable Small-Scale Pulp and Paper Industries in Developing Countries PB-294 601/0 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK. La Erosion y Su Control (Erosion and Its Control) PB-296 720/6 FOODS MULTINATIONAL, INC., GROTON, MASS. The Design of an Aquaculture Enterprise (NOAA-72092601-18) COM-72-1 1408-18 FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Technilogical Change in Agriculture. Effects and Im- plications for the Developing Nations (TA/OST-AN-69-4-2) PB-210 596 FOREIGN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. AGERSF-25 Survey of Multiple Cropping in Less Developed Na- tions PB-280 359/1 FEDR-12 Survey of Multiple Cropping in Less Developed Na- tions PB-280 359/1 FEDS-Field-5 Planning Korea's Agricultural Development. Analyses and Recommendations for the Third Five Year Plan (TA/OST-AN-70-8-2) PB-218 232/7 FEDS-Field-10 A Review of Certain Aspects of the Forestry Pro- gram and Organization in Indonesia (TA/OST-AN-71-4-1) PB-211 882 FEDS-Field-1 1 An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of In- creasing Edible Oil Production in West Pakistan (TA/OST-AN-71-9-2) PB-210 597 FEDS-7 The Marketing Challenge. Distributing Increased Pro- duction in Developing Nations (TA/OST-AN-70- 12-4) PB-211 658 Food Marketing in Developing Countries (TA/OST-AN-71-12-3) PB-211 641 FOREST PRODUCTS LAB., MADISON, Wl. FARMERS/BULL-2049 Exploitations Agricoles: Preservation des Poteaux de Cloture et des Bois de Construction (Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts and Farm Timbers) PB-293 867/8 FOREST PRODUCTS LAB., MADISON, WIS. FPL-33 Houses Can Resist Hurricanes. PB-174 346 FPL-0114 Condensation in Farm Buildings. PB- 169 304 FSRN-FPL-02/72 Comparison of Wood Preservatives in Stake Tests AD-740 374 FSRN-FPL-0211 Proposed Low-Cost Window Unit AD-719 308 FSRN-FPL-0212 Improvements in Solar Dry Kiln Design AD-730 952 FSRN-FPL-0213 Wood Pallet Manufacturing AD-736 268 FSRP-FPL-103 Natural Decay Resistance of Fifteen Exotic Woods Imported for Exterior Use. AD-685 455 FSRP-FPL-106 Preservative Treatments for Protecting Wood Boxes. AD-686 717 FSRP-FPL-125 Properties of Imported Tropical Woods. AD-704 261 FSRP-FPL-143 Natural Decay Resistance of 30 Peruvian Woods. AD-709 718 FSRP-FPL-154 Rapid Production of Pallet Deckboards from Low- Grade Logs AD-724 272 FSRP-FPL-173 FPL (Forest Products Laboratory) Designs Meet Family Housing Needs AD-744 691 FSRP-FPL-190 Principles for Protecting Wood Buildings from Decay AD-767 566/3 FSRP-FPL-225 Properties of Particleboards at Various Humidity Con- ditions AD-784 557/1 FSRP-FPL-252 Recovery and Reuse of Wastepaper from Shredded Household Trash AD-A007 918/6 Woodworking Machines. (FPL-048) AD-600 859 Veneer Species of the World AD-764 294 Low-Cost Wood Homes for Rural America - Con- struction Manual (A/OST-AN-69-5-1) PB-211 640 Development of the Tropical Wood Resource (TA/OST-73-23) PB-231 006/8 Physical, Mechanical, and Other Properties of Se- lected Secondary Species in Surinam, Peru, Colum- bia, Nigeria, Gabon, Phillippines, and Malaysia (TA/OST-73-24) PB-231 894/7 FOREST SERVICE, PORTLAND, OREG. DIV. OF ENGINEERING. Guidelines for Use of Fabrics in Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads PB-276 972/7 FOREST SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Report on Survey Team Projected AID Research Program on Improved Forest Products Utilization in Latin America (TA/OSTAN-65-8- 1) PB-206 802 Factors Influencing the Utilization of Tropical Wood Species (AID-ARC-634.9-F849) PB-230 738/7 Interaction of Wood Species in Different Types of Forests TT-70-57224 FOREST SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. Les Brise-Vent (Tree Windbreaks for the Central Great Plains) PB-294 286/0 L' Exploitation Forestiere (Logging Farm Wood Crops) PB-294 898/2 Les Termites Ravageurs du Batiment (Control of Nonsubterranean Termites and Subterranean Ter- mites) PB-294 900/6 FORT DETRICK, FREDERICK, MD. SMUFD-Misc Pub-36 Peanut Rust: A Review of Literature AD-863 643 FRENCH (DAVID), WASHINGTON, DC. Appropriate Technology in Social Context: An Anno- tated Bibliography PB-292 585/7 FUTURES GROUP, INC., GLASTONBURY, CONN. 352-46-21/01 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1. The Study (NSF/RA-780070) PB-284 681/4 352-46-21/02 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Ap- pendices (NSF/RA-780071) PB-284 682/2 GANDHIAN INST. OF STUDIES, VARANASI (INDIA). APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT. Appropriate Technology for a New System of Educa- tion PB-294 570/7 GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIV. CED-77-69 Ground Water: An Overview PB-269 550/0 CED-77-117 More and Better Uses Could Be Made of Billions of Gallons of Water by Improving Irrigation Delivery Systems: Department of Agriculture and the Interior PB-271 739/5 CED-77-118 Food Waste: An Opportunity to Improve Resource Use: Department of Agriculture PB-272 005/0 CED-78-6 National Water Quality Goals Cannot Be Attained Without More Attention to Pollution from Diffused or 'Nonpoint' Sources PB-275 290/5 CED-78-81 Redesigning Shipping Containers to Reduce Food Costs PB-280 317/9 GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. INTERNATIONAL DIV. ID-77-6 Restrictions on Using More Fertilizer for Food Crops in Developing Countries: Department of State and Other Federal Agencies PB-269 892/6 ID-77-39 The Challenge of Meeting Shelter Needs in Less De- veloped Countries PB-273 572/8 ID-77-54 Coffee: Production and Marketing Systems PB-273 553/8 ID-77-55 U.S. Participation in International Agricultural Re- search PB-276 129/4 ID-78-44 Agency for International Development's Housing In- vestment Guaranty Program 319 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX PB-285 734/0 GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, DC. INTERNATIONAL DIV. ID-78-54 Population Growth Problem in Developing Countries: Coordinated Assistance Essential PB-290 239/3 ID-79-9 U.S. Development Assistance to the Sahel-Progress and Problems PB-293 745/6 ID-79-14 Efforts to Improve Management of U.S. Foreign Aid - Changes Made and Changes Needed PB-293 955/1 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. SPACE DIV. Application of Solar Energy to the Supply of Hot Water for Textile Dyeing. Final Report, CDRL/PA 10 SAN/1220-1 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SCHENECTADY, N.Y. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY LABS. Small-Scale Power Supplies for Rural Communities in Developing Countries (TA/OST-AN-63-3-1) PB-206 800 Generation and Utilization of Power for Rural Com- munities in Developing Countries (TA/OST-AN-63-5-1) PB-206 801 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SCHENECTADY, N.Y. GENERAL ENGINEERING LAB. Refrigeration-Cooling Systems for Rural Communities in Developing Countries (TA/OST-AN-62-12-1) PB-206 698 Preliminary Report of Field Survey Teams on the Generation and Utilization of Power in Rural Areas of Developing Countries (TA/OST-AN-62-9-1) PB-206 798 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SCHENECTADY, NY. Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Annual Report and Revised Research Plan, January 1977-- January 1978 COO-4 147-4 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SCHENECTADY, NY. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER. Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Third Quarterly and Bimonthly Report, July 1 -September 30, 1977 COO-4 147-3 GENERAL MILLS, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MN. Maintenance Training Program (ICA/TB-26) PB-292 965/1 GENERAL OCEANOLOGY, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. GO-8 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume I. The Protein Situa- tion in Korea and the Potential Role for Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-195 913 GO-12-Vol-2-Pt-1 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part I. Chile, Invest- ment Aspects and General Summary (TA/OST-AN-70-6-5) PB-212 001 GO-12-Vol-2-R-2 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part II. Chile, Back- ground Information and Supporting Data (TA/OST-AN-70-6-6) PB-212 002 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Techniques for Assessing Water Resources Poten- tials in the Developing Countries, with Emphasis on Streamflow, Erosion and Sediment Transport, Water Movement in Unsaturated Soils, Ground Water, and Remote Sensing in H ydrologic Applications PB-207 192 Surface-Water Resources of the Yobe River System, Northern Nigeria, 1963-68 (TA/OST-AN-69-1-1) PB-210 594 Hydrology and Water Resources Development in Nepal (TA/OST-AN-69-6-7) PB-212 035 GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV., WASHINGTON, D.C. GRADUATE PROGRAM IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND PUBLIC POLICY. IRRI Small Agricultural Machinery Project: US Tech- nology Transfer to Resource-Poor Developing Coun- tries (NSF/PRA- 19893/3/7) PB-268 161/7 GEORGIA GAME AND FISH COMMISSION, ATLANTA. A Study of the Nutritional, Physiological and Eco- nomical Requirements for the Production of Channel Catfish in an Intensive Running Water Culture (NOAA- 7209 1969) COM-72-11160 GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Improving the Productivity of a Small Industry in Rural Korea PB-248 346/9 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Guide to International Statistical Sources and National Development Plans at the In- ternational Development Data Center PB-248 347/7 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-248 348/5 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-248 349/3 GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LAB. Discussion Papers on Problems of Science and Technology. Annual Strategy and Planning Sympo- sium, Agency for International Development, Office of Science and Technology Held at Atlanta, Georgia on May 6-9, 1975 PB-250 448/8 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes in Ghana - A Feasibility Study PB-271 392/3 Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 Directory of Consultants to Small Rural Industries. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries PB-296 362/7 Bibliography of Intermediate Technology Materials Held at the International Development Data Center PB-297 085/3 GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. GIT-A-2030-F A Demonstration Project to Establish a Technology Delivery System for Small and Medium-Sized Firms (EDA-79-076) PB-293 821/5 Proceedings of the Conference and Seminar on Techniques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 338/6 Summary of the Conference and Seminar on Tech- niques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small- Scaie Labor-Intensive Industries in Developing Coun- tries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 339/4 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Provisional Keyword Index of the Small-Scale Industry Case Studies PB-249 367/4 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Curricula Research and Develop- ment Held at Soong Jun University, Seoul, Korea on 21 April-8 June 1974 PB-249 368/2 Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes (EPA/600/2-76/090) PB-259 956/1 GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENTAL STATION. Employment Generation Throuah Stimulation of Small Industries. List of Subject Headings Used by the International Development Data Center PB-249 369/0 GEORGIA INST. OF TECH., ATLANTA. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DIV. GIT-B-414 Small-Scale Industry Development in Paraguay PB-250 627/7 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Soong Jun University Ac- tivities PB-249 183/5 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Baseline Data-Areas of Brazil Served by Educational Foundation of South Santa Catarina PB-249 184/3 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Fundacao Educacional do Sul de Santa Catarina Activities PB-249 185/0 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Administration Project- Stimulating the Growth of Small-Scale Industry PB-249 186/8 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. A Seven-Country Survey of Certifi- cation Licensing and Quality Marks Programs PB-250 628/5 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Small-Scale Industry Development in Ecuador PB-250 629/3 GEORGIA MARINE SCIENCE CENTER, SAVANNAH. TR-73-7 A Manual of Flatfish Rearing (NOAA- 740 11408) COM-74-1 0364/9 GEORGIA UNIV., ATHENS. A Literature Review and Research Recommenda- tions on Cassava 'Manihot Esculenta Crantz'. (016.66423-H495). (AID-0 16. 66423-H495) PB-219 712 Multidisciplinary Research Program Directed Toward Utilization of Solar Energy Through Bioconversion of Renewable Resources. Progress Report SRO-888-1 GEORGIA UNIV., BRUNSWICK. MARINE EXTENSION SERVICE. Process Development for a Foreign Marketable Fish Product from Underutilized Fish (NOAA-781 22002-4) PB-290 623/8 GHANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, ACCRA. Better Vegetables, Ghana Handbook PB-292 871/1 GIBBS AND HILL, INC., NEW YORK. Feasibility Study of Waste Water Recovery in Shrimp Processing Plants (EDA- 72-058) COM-72-11539 GIDLEY RESEARCH INST., FAIRHAVEN, MA. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Rubber Soling PB-292 769/7 GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS INST., WASHINGTON, DC. AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT. Managing Planned Agricultural Development PB-294 283/7 GREENLEIGH ASSOCIATES, INC., NEW YORK. An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Coop- erative Programs. Volume I: Summary of Findings (OEO-LN-862) PB-197 758 An Evaluation of Consumer Action and Urban Coop- erative Programs. Volume II: Individual Project Re- ports (OEO-LN-863) PB-197 759 H. H. AEROSPACE DESIGN CO., INC., BEDFORD, MASS. Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report (DOT-TSC-OST-77-11) PB-273 286/5 HAMPTON INST., VA. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. NASA-CR-143201 Space and Energy Conservation Housing Prototype Unit Development. N75-27567/7 HARVARD UNIV., BOSTON, MA. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries with Special Reference to the Central American Fruit. Vegetable and Floriculture Export Industries PB-294 226/6 HARVARD UNIV., CAMBRIDGE, MA. CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-226 Economic Man and Engineering Man: Choice of Technology in a Low Wage Country PB-294 573/1 HARVARD UNIV., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. Economic Development-216 Equitable Distribution of Benefits in integration Schemes Among the Less Developed Countries: The Andean Group (TA/OST-AN-72-4-3) PB-212 749 Economic Development-222 A Subjective Equilibrium Theory of Share Tenancy. (333.53-W286). (AID-333.53-W286) PB-219 777 HARVARD UNIV., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. DIV. OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED PHYSICS. Operations Research in Water Quality Management. PB-217 667 HARVARD UNIV CAMBRIDGE MASS EAST ASIAN RESEARCH CENTER Agriculture as the Foundation. (AFOSR-68-2543) AD-678 292 Production Brigade and Team Management (AFOSR- TR-71-2624) AD-730 939 320 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX INDIAN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF ARIZONA, INC., HAWAII AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, HONOLULU. HAES-Journal Ser-2142 An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in H&W3M (NOAA-771 10420) PB-275 345/7 UNIHI-SEAGRANT-TR-77-05 An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in Hawaii (NOAA-771 10420) PB-275 345/7 HAWAII ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS, INC., HONOLULU. Pre-Final Submission for Ebeye and Carlson, Mar- shall Islands: Trust Territory Physical Planning Pro- gram. PB-179 304 Pre-Final Submission for Saipan, Mariana Islands: Trust Territory Physical Planning Program. PB-179 305 HAWAII BIOMASS ENERGY STUDY TEAM. HB-2 Biomass Energy for Hawaii. Volume II. Sugar Oper- ations PB-281 073/7 HAWAII STATE ADVISORY TASK FORCE ON ENERGY POLICY, HONOLULU. Alternate Energy Sources for Hawaii (NSF/RA/G-75/003) PB-243 470/2 HAWAII STATE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, HONOLULU. Feasibility of Processing Tropical Fruit Concentrates in Puna, Hawaii. PB-170 327 HAWAII STATE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, HONOLULU. STATE CENTER FOR SCIENCE POLICY AND TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT. A Solid Waste Primer. Facts and Statistics on Solid Waste Handling Disposal PB-222 331/1 HAWAII UNIV., HONOLULU. Some Remarks on Aquaculture (NOAA-72102701-4) COM-73-1 01 15-04 Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Re- lationships Between Sodium Ion Activities and Soil Physical Properties (OSW-PR-419) PB-203 844 Report of the Workshop on Experimental Designs for Predicting Crop Productivity with Environmental and Economic Inputs Held at Honolulu, Hawaii on May 20-24, 1974 PB-270 607/5 HAWAII UNIV., HONOLULU. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE. MPUB-152 Strategies for Improving Small Farmer Development in the Tropics PB-294 021/1 HAWAII UNIV., HONOLULU. EAST-WEST CENTER. Annotated Bibliography on Housing and Settlements for Low Income People ED-142 232 HAWAII UNIV., HONOLULU. SEA GRANT COLL. PROGRAM. UNIHI-SEAGRANT-MR-79-01 The Limu Eater. A Cookbook of Hawaiian Seaweed (NOAA-79032801) PB-295 327/1 HAWAII UNIV., HONOLULU. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER. TR-33 Identification of Return Irrigation Water in the Sub- surface: Water Quality. (OWRR-B-012-HI(1» PB-189 171 TR-89 Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir (W77-03825) PB-263 089/5 HEALTH AND WELFARE COUNCIL, INC., MEDIA, PA. Needs Assessment in Community Planning: An Eval- uation of Ten Approaches SHR-0002560 HEBREW UNIV JERUSALEM (ISRAEL) DEPT OF SOCIOLOGY Innovation, Social Exchange, and Institutionalization. (AFOSR-70-1634TR) AD-707 560 HESPERIAN FOUNDATION, LONDON (ENGLAND). Health Care and Human Dignity - A Subjective Look at Community-based Rural Health Programs in Latin America PB-292 936/2 HIGHWAY RESEARCH BOARD, WASHINGTON, D.C. HRB-Record-442 Soil Stabilization PB-222 920/1 HITTMAN ASSOCIATES, INC., COLUMBIA, MD. Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation. First Interim Report. Volume II. Appendices HIT-693(V.2)(App.) HOLMAN (JOHN F.) CO., INC., WASHINGTON, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bicycle Tires and Tubes PB-292 785/3 HONEYWELL, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. NASA-CR-1 50770 Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and De- velopment. N78-3 1532/2 QR-4 Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and De- velopment. N78-3 1532/2 HONEYWELL, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ENERGY RESOURCE CENTER. NASA-CR-1 50786 Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Design and De- velopment. N78-32546/1 HONEYWELL, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ENERGY RESOURCES CENTER. Low-Cost Solar Air Heater. Semi-Annual Progress Report, June 29, 1976-December 22, 1976 COO-2929-6 HOSKEN (FRANZISKA P.), LEXINGTON, MA. International Directory of Women's Development Or- ganizations PB-292 854/7 HOTLINE INTERNATIONAL, NEW YORK. The Augmentation of International Conferences Through Computer Communications PB-297 087/9 HOUSING ASSISTANCE COUNCIL, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. An Analysis of Alternative Low-Income Rural Hous- ing Systems (HUD-PDR-406) PB-229 209/2 An Analysis of Alternative Methods of Rural Home Repair (HUD-PDR-431) PB-232 292/3 HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH ORGANIZATION ALEXANDRIA VA HumRRO-RP-D4-71-27 Handbook of Small-Group Methods of Instruction AD-741 829 HUMRRO-TR-69-21 Planned Change in Agrarian Countries. AD-701 167 HUMBOLDT COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS, EUREKA, CALIF. Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems (EPA-SW-4W.I-72) PB-212 398 Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems (EPA/530/SW-81d) PB-240 365/7 IDAHO UNIV., MOSCOW. FOREST, WILDLIFE AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION. Aquaculture Techniques: Water Use and Discharge Quality (OWRT-A-054-IDA(1» PB-285 956/9 IDI RESEARCH, INC., CINCINNATI, OH. Estudio Sobre Fertilizantes (Study on Fertilizers) PB-297 865/8 ILLINOIS DEPT. OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, SPRINGFIELD. DIV. OF ENERGY. Energy Recovery from Solid Waste: A Review of Current Technology (NSF/IDOE-76-05) PB-260 633/3 ILLINOIS INST. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, CHICAGO. IIEQ-71-2 Septic Tanks and the Environment PB-204 519 ILLINOIS INST. OF NATURAL RESOURCES, SPRINGFIELD. DIV. OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. ILLDOE-78/10 Illinois Appropriate Technology Project Book PB-293 105/3 ILLINOIS STATE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY, URBANA. AQUATIC BIOLOGY SECTION. Biological Notes-79 Combined Culture of Channel Catfish and Golden Shiners in Wading Pools (NOAA-73050404) COM-73-10810 ILLINOIS STATE WATER SURVEY, URBANA. ISWS-72-CIR-108 Removal of Algae from Waste Stabilization Pond Ef- fluents - A State of the Art PB-220 300/8 ISWS-73-CIR1111 Nonpoint Rural Sources of Water Pollution PB-214 508/4 ILLINOIS UNIV. AT CHICAGO CIRCLE. DEPT. OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING. 76-3 Cracking and Leakage Characteristics of Ferroce- ment Water Tanks PB-258 003/3 ILLINOIS UNIV. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. DEPT. OF CIVIL AND CERAMIC ENGINEERING. Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, December 1, 1976-March 31, 1977 COO/2917-4 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Annual Progress Report, June 1, 1976-May 31, 1977 COO/2917-5 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, January 21 -April 30, 1978 COO-2917-10 ILLINOIS UNIV. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Structural Research Ser-412 The Substitute Structure Method for Earthquake-Re- sistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames PB-245 318/1 UILU-ENG-74-2027 The Substitute Structure Method for Earthquake-Re- sistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames PB-245 318/1 Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973-November 30, 1976 COO/2917-3(V1) Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V.2) ILLINOIS UNIV. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. DEPT. OF PLANT PATHOLOGY. An Annotated Bibliography of 'Macrophomina pha- seolina' 1905-1975 PB-283 811/8 ILLINOIS UNIV., URBANA. Solar Grain Drying Conference Proceedings CONF-770140- ILLINOIS UNIV., URBANA. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Structural Research Ser-377 Response and Energy-Dissipation of Reinforced Concrete Frames Subjected to Strong Base Motions PB-202 936 UILU-ENG-71-2013 Response and Energy-Dissipation of Reinforced Concrete Frames Subjected to Strong Base Motions PB-202 936 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report COO/2917-7 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quar- terly Progress Report, September 1, 1976-Novem- ber 30, 1976 COO/2917-76/2 ILLINOIS UNIV., URBANA. OFFICE OF ENERGY RESEARCH. CONF-770481- Fuels from Biomass Symposium COO-4225-1 ILLINOIS UNIV., URBANA. WATER RESOURCES CENTER. WRC-RR-20 Impact of Community Water Systems in Small Towns. ,, LIMA (PERU). POLITICA TECHNOLOGICA-4 La Investigacion Tecnologica Industrial en el Peru. Analisis y Comentarios (Industrial Technological Re- search in Peru. Analysis and Comments PB-290 424/1 POLITICA TECNOLOGICA-5 Efecto del Proceso de Importacion de Tecnologia en el Peru (Periodo 1971/74) (Effect of the Process of Technology Importation into Peru (1 71-1974 period) PB-292 938/8 INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES TECHNOLOGICAL BOGOTA (COLOMBIA). Elaboracion de la Panela (Production of 'Panela' or Brown Sugar Cakes) PB-297 867/4 INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES TECHNOLOGICAL SANTIAGO (CHILE). Programa de Technolgia Rural Intermedia (Intermedi- ate Rural Technology Program Information Bulletin) PB-297 859/1 Secado Solar de Uvas, Programa de Technologia Rural Intermedia (Solar Drying of Grapes, Intermedi- ate Rural Technology Program) PB-297 870/8 INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES TECNOLOGICAS, BOGOTA (COLOMBIA). Memoria del Seminario sobre Desa/rollo de Tecnolo- gia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Develop- ment of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 INSTITUTO GEOFISCO DEL PERU, LIMA. Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for the Study and Evaluation of Natural Resources in Peru (NASA-CR-149127) E77- 10024 INTEGRATIVE DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. Appropriate Technology-A Directory of Activities and Projects (NSF/RA-770064) PB-267 970/2 Appropriate Technology in the United States~An Ex- ploratory Study (NSF/RA-770066) PB-273 099/2 Appropriate Technology and Agriculture in the United States (NSF/RA-770065) PB-276 055/1 INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK, WASHINGTON, D.C. Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Unconventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK, WASHINGTON, DC. Aspectos de la Produccion Agropecuaria de Centro- America en el Marco de la Integracion Economica (Aspects of Central American Farming Production within the Framework of Economic Integration) PB-289 983/9 Proceedings of the Seminar on Agricultural Policy: A Limiting Factor in the Development Process Held at Washington, DC. on March 17-21, 1975 PB-294 018/7 INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK, WASHINGTON, DC. DIV. OF GENERAL STUDIES. Informe General Sobre el Desarrollo Agropecuario y Rural de El Salvador (General Report on Rural and Farming Development of El Salvador) PB-289 984/7 INTER-AMERICAN GEODETIC SURVEY, FORT CLAYTON. CANAL ZONE. NATURAL RESOURCES DIV. Natural Resources-Cadastral Inventory. Nicaraguan Pilot Project (TA/OST-AN-66-3-1) PB-207 385 INTER-UNIV. CONSORTIUM FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, COLUMBIA, MO. Trickle-Up Development Through Aided Self-Employ- ment PB-297 072/1 INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LONDON (ENGLAND). ISBN-0-903031 -08-06 A Manual of Building Construction PB-297 372/5 ISBN-0-903031 -13-2 Lime and Alternative Cements: Proceedings of a One-Day Meeting on Small-Scale Manufacture of Ce- mentitious Materials PB-297 680/1 ISBN-0-903031 -15-9 A Manual on the Hydraulic Ram for Pumping Water PB-297 380/8 ISBN-0-903031-19-1 Economically Appropriate Technologies for Develop- ing Countries; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 374/1 ISBN-0-903031 -22-1 Tools for Agriculture: A Buyer's Guide to Low-Cost Agricultural Implements PB-297 787/4 ISBN-0-903031 -23-X Water Treatment and Sanitation: a Handbook of Simple Methods for Rural Areas in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 558/9 ISBN-0-903031 -26-4 Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps PB-297 368/3 ISBN-0-903031 -27-2 Hand Dug Wells and Their Construction PB-297 373/3 ISBN-0-903031 -28-0 A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 1: Man- agement PB-297 789/0 ISBN-0-903031 -33-7 Rural Africa Development Project: A Survey Tech- nique for Identifying the Needs of Small Farmers, and an Example of Its Use in Zambia PB-297 785/8 ISBN-0-903031 -39-6 An Initial Course in Tropical Agriculture for the Staff of Co-Operatives PB-297 792/4 ISBN-0-903031 -40-X A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 2: Meth- ods PB-297 790/8 ISBN-0-903031-41-8 Methane Generation by Anaerobic Fermentation; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 371/7 ISBN-0-903031 -43-4 Co-Operative Organisation; an Introduction PB-297 364/2 ISBN-0-903031 -45-0 Equipment for Rural Workshops PB-297 379/0 ISBN-0-903031 -46-9 Small Scale Cement Plants PB-297 377/4 ISBN-0-903031 -47-7 Business Arithmetic for Co-Operatives and Other Small Business; a Basic Manual for the Employees of Primary Co-Operative Societies PB-297 367/5 ISBN-0-903031 -48-5 Farm Equipment Development Project, Daudawa, N.C.S.. Nigeria PB-297 784/1 ISBN-0-903031 -49-3 Metodos Simples para Fabricar Velas (Simple Meth- ods of Candle Manufacture) PB-296 654/7 ISBN-0-903031 -49-3 Simple Methods of Candle Manufacturing PB-297 366/7 ISBN-0-903031-51-5 Ferrocement Water Tanks and Their Construction 322 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH CENTRE, OTTAWA PB-297 375/8 ISBN-0-903031-52-3 Towards Village Industry: A Strategy for Develop- ment PB-297 788/2 ISBN-0-903031-53-1 The Work of a Co-Operative Committee PB-297 370/9 ISBN-0-90303 1-56-6 Technology for a Changing World PB-297 378/2 Food from Windmills PB-297 559/7 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA (AUSTRIA). CONF-770505-235 Energy in Developing Countries: Prospects and Prob- lems. N78-1 0603/6 IAEA-CN-36/581 Energy in Developing Countries: Prospects and Prob- lems. N78-1 0603/6 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, DC. Designing Rural Development Programs: Lessons from Past Experience in Africa PB-297 664/5 INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGICAL PROGRAM. U.S. NATIONAL COMMITTEE. Insect-Plant Interactions. Report of a Work Confer- ence PB-233 692/3 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION, KINGSTON (JAMAICA). OPERATIONS MISSION. Report of Housing Team of the International Cooper- ation Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. PB-189 260 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION, MANILA (PHILIPPINES). Land Reform in the Philippines 1950-1958. PB-189 969 The Rural Philippines. PB-189 988 A Special Study of Landed Estates in the Philippines: Analysis and Findings. PB-189 991 An Economic and Social Survey of Rural Households in Central Luzon. PB-190 131 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION, SAIGON (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH VIETNAM). Studies of Land Tenure in Viet Nam (Terminal Report). PB-189 994 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Papermaking and Manufacture of Paper Products as a Small-Scale, Semi-Mechanized and Cottage Indus- try. Materials-Processes-Equipment Organization- Economics-marketing. PB-177 916 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Worsted Yarns. PB-177 927 Latin American Usoms Seminar on Agrarian Reform, Santiago, Chile, Feb. 21 - 24, 1961. PB-189 925 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. Technical Bull-43 Lubrication Fundamentals and Practices. Sessions I, II, and III. PB-177 948 Technical Bull-44 Lubrication Fundamentals and Practices. Sessions IV, V, VI and VII. PB-177 949 Technical Bull-61 Training Course in Marketing. PB- 178 063 Technical Bull-62 Metal-Working Industry Training Manual. PB-175 521 Technical Bull-63 Department Store Merchandising. PB-177 955 Technical Bull-65 Retail Selling. PB-177 956 Hand-Made Blown Glass and Fine Cast Crystal. PB-175 549 The Role of Small-Scale Manufacturing in Economic Development. The Experience of Industrially Ad- vanced Nations as a Guide for Newly Developing Areas. PB-177 908 Development of Private Industry Through Public Aid (With Reference to Underdeveloped Countries). PB-177 909 mayonnaise. PB-177 943 A Small Particle Board Plant. PB-177 944 Aluminum Door and Window Sash. PB-177 945 Silk Screen Printing on Textiles. PB-177 946 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. TECHNICAL AIDS BRANCH. TR-26072-PR Small Brass Foundry. PB-175 532 Training manual-93 Human Relations in Management. PB-175 551 Training manual-94 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Personnel Administration. PB-177 962 Training manual-95 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Controls and Supervision. PB-177 963 Training manual-96 Management Primer: Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity - Records and Reports. PB-178 064 Training manual-98 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Procurement and Inventory. PB-177 964 Training manual- 100 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Distribution and Sales. PB-177 965 Training manual-101 Management Primer. Principles and Practices of Pro- ductivity. Research and Public Relations. PB-177 966 Training Manual-103 Sales Promotion Methods. PB-177 967 Training Manual-110 Executive's Role in an Organization. PB-175 535 Training manual-117 Marketing Research. PB-177 971 Small Canning Facilities. PB-174 673 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Brass Foundry. PB-175 524 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Candy and Confectionery. PB-175 526 A Small Sawmill Enterprise. PB-175 531 Lumber Seasoning. PB-175 537 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Nylon Ho- siery. PB-175 538 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Cotton Dresses. PB-175 539 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Job Machine Shop. PB-175 541 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Paint and Varnish Brushes. PB-175 546 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Plant for Plating of Automobile Parts. PB-175 547 Rough Sawing of Logs. PB-175 548 Wood Wastes. PB-175 550 Improved Productivity in the Factory. A Jobbing Ma- chine Shop. PB-177 912 Automobile Body Corrosion Prevention. Maintenance and Repair Procedure. PB-177 914 Men'S Work Shirts. Capital Requirements, Tech- niques and Operations. PB-177 915 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Buckets, Pails and Pans. PB-177 918 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Ceramic Din- nerware. PB-177 919 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Men'S Socks. PB-177 921 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Sanitary Ware. PB-177 923 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Terry Cloth. PB-177 924 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wood Tables and Chairs. PB-177 925 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Meat Processing Plant. PB-177 926 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Dry Cleaning Plant. PB-177 928 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flush Doors. PB-177 929 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Plywood. PB-177 930 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Porcelain Enamelware. PB-177 931 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Asbestos - Cement Pipe. PB-177 932 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Soybean Oil and Meal. PB-177 933 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Chalk Whit- ing. PB-177 934 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stretch Socks for Men and Children. PB-177 935 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Pharmaceuti- cal Products. PB- 178 062 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. COTTAGE INDUSTRIES BULL-5 Vegetable Fibers and Their Uses PB-294 420/5 TB-22 Economics Training PB-292 874/5 TB-23 Effective Job Organization PB-292 719/2 TB-27 Problems in Business Management. Nature and Scope of Management Responsibilities PB-292 990/9 TB-30 Problems in Business Management: Management Training PB-292 944/6 TB-34 Problems in Business Management - Market Devel- opment PB-292 945/3 TB-40 Economics Training - Charts PB-292 953/7 TECHNICAL BULL-6 Supervisory Development Program PB-292 731/7 TECHNICAL BULL-11 Training Course in Material Handling PB-292 721/8 Les Fibres Vegetales et Leurs Utilisations (Vegetable Fibers and Their Uses) PB-294 419/7 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, DC. TECHNICAL AIDS BRANCH. TECHNICAL BULL-8 Using Job Instruction Training PB-292 799/4 TRAINING MANUAL-37 Industrial Training Charts PB-292 720/0 Selected References on Industrial Development PB-294 674/7 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS, BANGALORE (INDIA). COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Technical Information Services for Developing Coun- tries PB-284 204/5 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH CENTRE, OTTAWA (ONTARIO). IDRC-042e Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 1 323 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX HRP-0007732/1 Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries. Volume 2 HRP-001 6801/3 Scientific and Technical Information in Pakistan. The Report of a Joint IDRC/UNDP Mission, October-No- vember 1 976 PB-294 147/4 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. P-6628 Analysis and Recommendations on the Agrarian Reform Program in Ecuador. PB-189 992 INTERNATIONAL FERROCEMENT INFORMATION CENTER, BANGKOK (THAILAND). The Potentials of Ferrocement and Related Materials for Rural Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 434/9 INTERNATIONAL INST. OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE, IBADAN (NIGERIA). Engineering for Appropriate Technology Farming Systems in the Lowland Humid Tropics PB-294 636/6 Farming Systems Engineering - Summary of Projects for the 1975 'In-House-Review' PB-294 638/2 Systems and Energy in Tropical Farming (ASAE/TP-78/1511) PB-294 640/8 Engineering for Appropriate Technology Farming Systems in the Lowland Humid Tropics PB-294 645/7 INTERNATIONAL OZONE ASSOCIATION. Recent Development in the Role of Ozone in Water Purification and Its Implications in Developing Coun- tries PB-294 705/9 INTERNATIONAL PLANNING MANAGEMENT CORP., BETHESDA, MD. Small Business in the Metals Industry: A Background Study (NSF/RA-76017) PB-255 649/6 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CORP., MCLEAN, VA. IRT-469-R An Assessment of Controlled Environmental Agricul- ture Technology (NSF/RA-780024) PB-279 211/7 INTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INST., LOS BANOS, LAGUNA, (PHILIPPINES). Performance and Economics of Use of Small Equip- ment in Tropical Monsoon Countries: The Case of the Philippines (TA/OST-AN-68-4- 1) PB-206 806 Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation (TA/OST-AN-71-12-2) PB-207 647 Training Manual for Rice Production PB-294 130/0 INTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INST., LOS BANOS, LAGUNA (PHILIPPINES). AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING DEPT. Paper-72-02 Development of Agricultural Mechanization Technol- ogies at the International Rice Research Institute. (Fea-631.3-K45). (AID-FEA-631.3-K45) PB-219 702 Agricultural Machinery Development Program PB-247 819/6 INTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INST., LOS BANOS, LAGUNA (PHILIPPINES). AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING DEPT. Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation. (Rp-631. 3-161 b). (AID-RP-631. 3-161 b) PB-219 723 INTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INST., LOS BANOS, LEGUNA (PHILIPPINES). AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING DEPT. Drying and Processing Research at IRRI. (633.18- M266) (AID-633. 18-M266) PB-225 787 Economic Aspects of Hand Tractor Ownership and Operation. (RP-631. 3-064) (AID-RP-631. 3-064) PB-225 789 Establishing Design Criteria for Improved Rice Milling Technologies. (RP-633.18-D855) (AID-RP-633. 18-D855) PB-225 803 INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. 1971 World Survey of Current Research and Devel- opment on Roads and Road Transport. A Report Covering an Inventory of 63 Countries PB-206 728 1974 World Survey of Current Research and Devel- opment on Roads and Road Transport PB-238 917/9 INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION, WASHINGTON, DC. World Survey of Current Research and Development on Roads and Road Transport (1978). A Report Cov- ering an Inventory of 59 Countries (FHWA/RD-79/38) PB-290 509/9 INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INST., INC., WASHINGTON, DC. Potential Use of Small Dams to Produce Power for Low-Income Communities PB-292 745/7 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. Aided Self-Employment as a Means of Enabling the Poorest of the Poor to Contribute to Development PB-297 074/7 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR REHABILITATION OF THE DISABLED, NEW YORK. Closing the Communications Gap. The Role and Functions of Information Media in Rehabilitation Services (SRS-RD-2297) PB-214 489/7 INTERTECHNOLOGY CORP., WARRENTON, VA. Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume I COO/2829-1 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume II COO/2829-2 Analysis of the Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Energy to Provide Industrial Process Heat. Final Report, Volume III COO/2829-3 IOWA STATE UNIV., AMES. Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing Guidelines for Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD PB-259 512/2 Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part II. Estimating Costs of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants PB-259 513/0 IOWA STATE UNIV., AMES. CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use (NWC-F-72-054) PB-211 444 IOWA STATE UNIV., AMES. DEPT. OF ECONOMICS. Management of Water Quality Through Selected In- stitutions and Instruments (OWRT-B-015-IA(5)) PB-251 034/5 IOWA UNIVERSITIES MISSION TO PERU. Iowa Peru ES-1 Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in the Central Sierra of Peru. PB-189 972 Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in Peru. Part I. Nature of and Relationships Between Agrarian Reform and Economic Development. Part II. Analytical Structural Change Model for Analyzing Agrarian Reform Structures and Remedial Alterna- tives in the Sierra. PB-189 987 JAIN (T. C), NEW DELHI (INDIA). Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume I - Clas- sified Part PB-293 140/0 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Lit- erature, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume 2 - Author Part, Title Part and Directory of Publishers PB-293 141/8 JAMISON (MARSHALL), WASHINGTON, D.C. Satellite Educational System Costs for Three Model Developing Countries (OTP-76/004C) PB-252 583/0 JAPAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION, TOKYO (JAPAN). Introduction to National Technology PB-294 718/2 JET PROPULSION LAB., CALIF. INST. OF TECH., PASADENA. JPL-PUB-78-45 Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Semi- nar. N78-27522/9 NASA-CR-1 57255 Proceedings of the Alternate Energy Systems Semi- nar. N78-27522/9 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV., BALTIMORE, MD. Health Economics in Developing Countries HRP-001 9765/7 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV., BALTIMORE, MD. DEPT. OF PEDIATRICS. Report on Wheat-or Oat-Soy Mixtures. (612-398- G739b). (AID-612-398-G739b) PB-219 703 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV., BALTIMORE, MD. DEPT. OF SANITARY ENGINEERING AND WATER RESOURCES. An Evaluation of the Problems of Sanitary Sewer System Design. (FHA-564) PB-180 509 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV., SILVER SPRING, MD. APPLIED PHYSICS LAB. APL/JHU-CP-018 A Universal Solar Kitchen PB-213 023/5 JOHNSON AND JOHNSON, NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ. Conference Leadership Training (AID/TM-21) PB-292 946/1 Management Development Programs for Executives and Supervisors and a Manufacturing Division (ICA/TB-24) PB-292 964/4 Communications in Business and Industry (ICA-TB-20) PB-292 983/4 JOINT DEVELOPMENT GROUP, SAIGON (REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM). Working Paper-24 A Description of Ocean Fish Marketing in Saigon. PB-196 352 Working Paper-42 Present Situation and Possibilities of Postwar Devel- opment of Inland-Fisheries in the Mekong delta. PB-196 341 JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE, ARLINGTON, VA. Analysis of Virgin-Land Grain Raising JPRS-57636 Survey of Rice Growing JPRS-64646 Handbook on Agricultural Techniques for State Farms JPRS-72242 JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. North Vietnam: Translations No. 288. JPRS-43442 Use of KriH for Food Protein. JPRS-52169 JOINT STUDY GROUP ON AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING IN BRAZIL. Study for Agricultural Engineering Development in Brazil (TA/OST-NAS-72-39) PB-214 534/0 JORDAN (ROY E.), JR. The Ceramics Industry in Thailand 1970 (TA/OST-AN-70-10-1) PB-210 138 KAISER ALUMINUM AND CHEMICAL CORP., OAKLAND, CALIF. Health Policies and International Corporations HRP-0006853/6 KAISER ENGINEERS, OAKLAND, CALIF. KE-69-8-R-4 In-Cities Experimental Housing Research and Devel- opment Project, Phase I. Composite Report. Volume III. technology. PB-184 123 A Manual on Water Desalination. Volume I. Technol- ogy (TA/OST-AN-67-4-1) PB-206 549 A Manual on Water Desalination. Volume nomics (TA/OST-AN-67-4-2) PB-206 550 Eco- KANNER (LEO) ASSOCIATES, REDWOOD CITY, CALIF. NASA-TT-F- 15345 Utilization of Wind Power in Agriculture in the USSR 324 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. N74-1 5752/0 NASA-TT-F-16195 Wind Power Machines. N75-1 7786/5 KANSAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, MANHATTAN. Bull-508 Producing Channel Catfish (NOAA-72011312) COM-72- 10048 KANSAS DEPT. OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. 25 A Design Study on the Economic Use of Agricultural Wastes in Kansas. PB-194 368 KANSAS STATE UNIV., MANHATTAN. Improving Protein Quality of Millet, Sorghum, and Maize Diets by Supplementation (AID-664.06-P261) PB-223 999 L'Etude des Insectes (4-H Entomology Manual) PB-294 897/4 KANSAS STATE UNIV., MANHATTAN. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE. Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water (OWRT-A-046-KAN(2)) PB-238 591/2 KANSAS STATE UNIV., MANHATTAN. FOOD AND FEED GRAIN INST. Recommendations for FECOAGROH Grain Storage and Handling Facilities in Honduras (TA/OST-AN-7 1-7-4) PB-211 843 Observations and Recommendations for Improving Grain Storage and Marketing in Bolivia (TA/OST-AN-71-5-2) PB-211 883 Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods (TA/OST-AN-7 1-6-5) PB-213 756/5 Improving the Nutritive Value of Cereal Based Foods (TA/OST-AN-72-6-1) PB-213 769/0 Tour of Some U. S. Grain Storage Facilities for En- tente Fund Officials. (Afr-631.23-C559). (AID-AFR-63 1.23-C559) PB-219 708 Development of a Simple Storage Unit and Storage Method Applicable for Humid Areas in Developing Countries. (631 .23-C559). (AID-631.23-C559) PB-219 721 KANSAS WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST., MANHATTAN. Contrib-78 A New Type of Disinfectant for Water Supplies (OWRR-A-028-KAN(2» PB-205 823 Contrib-173 Swine Waste Digestion Enhancement with Nutrient Separation (OWRT-A-063-KAN(1» PB-255 021/8 KASETSART UNIV., BANGKOK (THAILAND). INST. OF FOOD RESEARCH AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. Report on Protein Food Development Project, 1 969- 1971 (TA/OST-AN-71-13-2) PB-213 794/9 KATZEN (RAPHAEL) ASSOCIATES, CINCINNATI, OHIO. AN-441 Chemicals from Wood Waste PB-262 489/8 KENTUCKY UNIV., LEXINGTON. INST. FOR MINING AND MINERALS RESEARCH. IMMR14-GR2-76 Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Plants PB-253 747/0 LABORATOIRES D'ELECTRONIQUE ET DE PHYSIQUE APPLIQUEE, PARIS LIMEIL-BREVANNES (FRANCE). Installation in Dakar of a Pump Powered by Solar Cell Panels. Mise en Place a Dakar d'Une Pompe Alimentee Par des Panneux de Cellules Solaires. N77-32589/2 LAKE STATES FORESTRY COOPERATIVE, INC., DULUTH, MINN. Forestry Cooperative Demonstration Program (EDA-73-020) COM-73-10343 LAMONT-DOHERTY GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY, PALISADES, N.Y. LDGO-1503 Fish Protein: Its Past, Present and Future (NOAA-72062721) COM-72-11191 LEAGUE FOR INTERNATIONAL FOOD EDUCATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. The Food Industry in Asia, Its Potential for Providing Low Cost Nutritious Foods. Proceedings of Singa- pore Workshop, 1-5 November 1971 (TA/OST-AN-7 1-11 -2) PB-213 766/3 LEDERER (A. M.) AND CO., NEW YORK. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Flexible Steel Conduit PB-293 001/4 LETTERMAN ARMY INST OF RESEARCH SAN FRANCISCO CALIF LAIR-77-53 Rural Nutrition of Monsoon Asia AD-A057 090/3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, WASHINGTON, D.C. SPECIAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES SECTION. Fish Protein Concentrate. A Comprehensive Bibliog- raphy. PB-191 100 LINCOLN COLL., CANTERBURY (NEW ZEALAND). Ethanol from Agricultural Crops. Report No. 28. A Literature Survey NP-23208 LINGUISTIC SYSTEMS, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. NASA-TT-F-15307 Using the Energy of the Wind for Electrification N74-1 6801/4 LITTLE (ARTHUR D.), INC., CAMBRIDGE, MA. Chemical Processing, An Operation Manual for Co- operative Program Use PB-294 140/9 LITTLE (ARTHUR D.), INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. ADL-C-77105 An Overview of Alternative Energy Sources for LDCs PB-239 465/8 LOCKHEED-CALIFORNIA CO., BURBANK. LR-28338 Conversion and Storage of Wind Energy as Nitroge- nous Fertilizer PB-290 760/8 LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LAB., N. MEX. CONF-720618-1 Waste Management in a Small, Widely Dispersed Mountain Community LA-DC-13156 CONF-760570- Passive Solar Heating and Cooling LA-6637-C Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic De- velopment LA-6489 Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops LA-6700-MS LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LAB., NM. CONF-780337-5 State of the Art in Passive Solar Heating and Cooling LA-UR-78-774 CONF-780808-15 Simple Technique of Estimating the Performance of Passive Solar Heating Systems LA-UR-78-1571 CON F-78 1102-2 Solar Heating Results for the Nambe Community Center LA-UR-78-2589 Passive Solar Systems Development PB-295 813/0 LOUGHBOROUGH UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY (ENGLAND). WEDC GROUP. Indexed Bibliography of Publications on Water and Waste Engineering for Developing Countries PB-292 887/7 LOUISIANA STATE UNIV., BATON ROUGE. LSU-R-76-002 Agricultural By-Products as Supplemental Feed for Crawfish (NOAA-76042105) PB-256 748/5 LOUISIANA STATE UNIV., BATON ROUGE. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants (EPA/600/2-78/153) PB-286 938/6 LOUISIANA STATE UNIV., BATON ROUGE. CENTER FOR WETLANDS RESOURCES. LSU-R-77-014 Soft Shell Crawfish as an Aquaculture Food Product (NOAA-78030702) PB-279 982/3 LOUISIANA STATE UNIV., BATON ROUGE. DEPT. OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes (EPA-6702-73-02) PB-221 096/1 LOUISIANA STATE UNIV., BATON ROUGE. SCHOOL OF FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT. LSU-R-74-022 Two Major Problems in Culturing Crayfish in Ponds: Oxygen Depletion and Overcrowding (NOAA-76082609) PB-260 469/2 LOYOLA UNIV., CHICAGO, ILL. SCHOOL OF NURSING. RN in the Baccalaureate Program HRP-001 1537/8 LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF, NIAMEY (NIGER). Puisard Maraicher en Beton (Concrete Marsh Wells for Irrigation) PB-294 899/0 LYON ASSOCIATES, INC., BALTIMORE, MD. Usage Manual for Sampling and Testing Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of Africa (TA/OST-AN-7 1-6-2) PB-207 618 Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problems Soils of Africa. Development of Engineering Standards and Criteria for the Usage of Laterite, Lateritic Soils, and Other Problems Soils in Connection with the Constructio n of Roads, Highways and Airfields (TA/OST-AN-7 1-6-1) PB-207 636 Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume I (AID/csd-3682-Vol-1) PB-267 262/4 Latherite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume II. Instruction Manual (AID/csd-3682- Vol-2) PB-267 263/2 MAINE DEPT. OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AUGUSTA. Technical and Economic Feasibility of Establishing a Lightweight Aggregate Plant Using Marine Clays in York County, Maine. PB-169 744 MAKERERE MEDICAL SCHOOL, KAMPALA (UGANDA). DEPT. OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. Health Education of the Tropical Mother in Feeding Her Young Child PB-286 439/5 MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY, WASHINGTON, D.C. COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF THE OCEAN. Assessing Technology for Marine Resource Develop- ment. Proceedings of a Conference-Workshop Held by the Marine Technology Society at Arlington, Vir- ginia on May 15-17, 1972 (NOAA-74032701) COM-74-1 1005/7 MARINE UNIV. AT ORONO. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE. Taking Care of Wooden Ships (NOAA-790 10502) PB-292 590/7 MARYLAND UNIV., COLLEGE PARK. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. A- 184 Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Research Needs, and Adoption Strategies (NSF/RA-760021) PB-265 105/7 Bull-A-185 Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Research Needs, and Adoption Strategies, Summary and Recommendations (NSF/RA-760020) PB-255 928/4 MARYLAND UNIV., COLLEGE PARK. BUREAU OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH. TR-18 Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) (OWRT-B-007-MD(1)) PB-239 875/8 MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK INST FOR FLUID DYNAMICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS BN-799 Environmental Conditions in a Tropical Forest Region in Thailand (ETL-0129) AD-A047 981/6 PUB-109 Environmental Conditions in a Tropical Forest Region in Thailand (ETL-0129) AD-A047 981/6 MARYLAND UNIV., COLLEGE PARK. INTERNATIONAL RURAL WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT LAB. Development and Testing of the Robovalve PB-293 788/6 MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. 325 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX (MSC-71-69) PB-195 226 Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 2. Housing, Transportation and Water Resources PB-242 403/4 Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 4. Food Technology PB-242 405/9 The Implications for American Foreign Policy of Low- Cost Non-Voice Communications. A Report to the Department of State PB-256 064/7 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Communications. Volume 2. A Report to the Depart- ment of Commerce and the Office of Telecommuni- cations Policy PB-256 065/4 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Communications. Volume 3. A Report to the Depart- ment of Commerce and the Office of Telecommuni- cations Policy. Appendices PB-256 066/2 Low Cost Data and Text Communication for the Less Developed Countries. A Study with Special Refer- ence to the Needs of The International Agricultural Research Centers PB-256 067/0 Contributions from the Sanitary Research Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station. Volume X. Studies on the Digestion of a Sewage-Filter Efluent by a Small and Otherwise Unpolluted Stream PB-260 051/8 MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES. C/75-3 Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunications in Nepal PB-239 883/2 The Role of Popular Participation in Development. PB-193 242 MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. CENTER FOR POLICY ALTERNATIVES. CPA-76-7 Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shell- fish Wastes (NOAA-77041808) PB-267 527/0 MITSG-77-3 Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shell- fish Wastes (NOAA-77041808) PB-267 527/0 MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. DEPT. OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. CONF-7605158-1 Needs and Opportunities for Ceramic Science and Technology COO-2390-15 MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. DEPT. OF NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE. Extending Protein Concentrates for Child Feeding by Addition of Inexpensive Simple Nitrogen Sources (TA/OST-AN-71-10-5) PB-213 787/8 MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. ENERGY LAB. Micro Irrigation with Photovoltaics MIT-EL-78-006 MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. SEA GRANT PROJECT OFFICE. MITSG-71-3 The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-197 157 MITSG-72-14 A Preliminary Feasibility Study of Irish Moss Harvest- ing Systems (NOAA-72121102) COM-73-10152 MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., LEXINGTON. LINCOLN LAB. Photovoltaic Power in Less Developed Countries COO-4094-1 MASSACHUSETTS UNIV., AMHERST. Proceedings of the Bioconversion Energy Research Conference Held at Massachusetts Univ., Amherst on 25-26 June 1973 (NSF-RA/N- 73-007) PB-231 149/6 A Survey of the Possible Use of Windpower in Thai- land and the Philippines PB-245 609/3 MASSACHUSETTS UNIV., AMHERST. DEPT. OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT PATHOLOGY. L'Elevage des Abeilles (Beekeeping) PB-294 285/2 MASSACHUSETTS UNIV., AMHERST. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER. Completion 74-7 The Effect of Land Use On the Chemical and Physi- cal Quality of Surface and Ground Waters in Small Water Sheds (OWRT-A-040-MASS(1» PB-251 890/0 Pub-41 The Effect of Land Use On the Chemical and Physi- cal Quality of Surface and Ground Waters in Small Water Sheds (OWRT-A-040-MASS(1)) PB-251 890/0 MATER ENGINEERING CORVALLIS, OREG. A Feasibility Study for a Small LOG Sawmill on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Central Arizona. PB-184 450 MATERIAL SYSTEMS CORP., ESCONDIDO, CALIF. A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Solid Wastes for Building Materials. Phase I Summary Report (EPA/600/2-78/091) PB-279 440/2 MAYER (FRANK) ENGINEERING CO., LOS ANGELES, CA. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Bottled Oxygen and Acetylene PB-292 801/8 MAYNARD (H. B.) AND CO., INC., PITTSBURGH, PA. Feasibility of Ipecac Extraction Plant (TA/OST-AN-66-4-1) PB-207 132 MAYNARD (H. B.) AND CO., INC., PITTSBURGH, PA. METHODS ENGINEERING COUNCIL DiV. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Laundry and Milled Toilet Soap PB-292 865/3 MCGILL UNIV MONTREAL (QUEBEC) DEPT OF GEOGRAPHY Occasional Paper- 1 Savanna-Tropical Forest Boundaries Symposium: Venezuela. AD-638 118 Savanna Research Series- 13 The Ecology of the Forest/Savanna Boundary (Pro- ceedings of the Igu Humid Tropics Commission Sym- posium, Venezuela, 1964). AD-671 856 Savanna Research Series- 14 The Savanna Landscapes of the Amazon Basin. AD-704 160 TR-14 The Ecology of the Forest/ Savanna Boundary (Pro- ceedings of the Igu Humid Tropics Commission Sym- posium, Venezuela, 1964). AD-671 856 TR-15 The Savanna Landscapes of the Amazon Basin. AD-704 160 MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, MEMPHIS, TENN. Community Facilities Study. Volume III. Sanitary Sewers. PB-179 475 METHODS ENGINEERING COUNCIL, PITTSBURGH, PA. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Shell Buttons PB-293 005/5 METROPOLITAN SANITARY DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO, ILL. Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Re- sulting from the Use of Digested Sewage Sludge on Field Crops PB-213 537/5 MIAMI UNIV FL DEPT OF DERMATOLOGY Fungous and Bacterial Skin Infections in the Tropics AD-A060 212/8 MIAMI UNIV., FLA. SEA GRANT INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAM. Sea Grant Field Guide Ser-1 Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Region (NOAA-73112311) COM-74-1 0007/4 Sea Grant Technical Bull-26 The Commercial Feasibility of Rearing Pompano, 'Trachinotus carolinus' (Linnaeus), in Cages (NOAA-73050817) COM-73-10771 Sea Grant Technical Bull-30 Preliminary Experimentation in the Development of Natural Food Analogues for Culture of Detritivorous Shrimp (NOAA-76031605) PB-253 652/2 MIAMI VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION, DAYTON, OHIO. EPA-208-MVRPC-M8 A Review of Critical Factors Impacting Regional Water Quality Management PB-254 379/1 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, EAST LANSING. Crop Productivity - Research Imperatives, Summary of an International Conference on Crop Productivity Held on October 20-24, 1975, at the Boyne High- lands Inn, Harbor Springs, Michigan (NSF/RA-760176) PB-255 882/3 MICHIGAN STATE UNIV., EAST LANSING. Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery. A Hand- book for Farm Operations in Tropical Agriculture (TA/OST-AN-68-6-2) PB-210 130 A Mass Balance Study of Recycling Secondary Mu- nicipal Wastewater on Abandoned Field Ecosystems (OWRT-A-091-MICH(1» PB-286 275/3 Design and Management of Rural Ecosystems (NSF/RA-761630) PB-288 384/1 Studying Agricultural Institutions. A Modular Ap- proach PB-294 606/9 MICHIGAN STATE UNIV., EAST LANSING. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. AREP-3 Micro-Level Farm Management and Production Eco- nomics Research among Traditional African Farmers: Lessons from Sierra Leone. (SI-631.09664-S745). (A I DSL -631. 09664 -S74 5) PB-219 730 AREP-4 Economic Analysis of Agricultural Production and Labour Utilization among the Hausa in the North of Nigeria. (Afr-338.1-N842). (AfD-AFR-338. 1-N842) PB-219 757 AREP-12 African Rural Employment Research Network - The Evolution of Alternative Rural Development Strate- gies in Ethiopia: Implications for Employment and Income Distribution PB-294 095/5 AREP-14 The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-Scale In- dustries in Sierra Leone PB-268 493/4 AREP-15 Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Proc- essing Industry of Sierra Leone PB-268 185/6 Staff Paper Ser-72-3 Designing Agricultural Marketing Systems in Devel- oping Countries. (380.141-S825) (A/C " W-380 141-S825) PB-225 800 Staff Paper Ser-72-8 The Effectiveness and Financial Stability of the Co- milla Agricultural Cooperative Credit System for Small Farmers, (BG-332.71-S845) (AID-BG-332.71-S845) PB-225 956 Staff Paper Ser-72- 10 Improving Internal Marketing Systems as Part of Na- tional Development Programs. (380.141-R573) (AID-380.141-R573) PB-225 798 Three Rural Development Models for Small Farm Agricultural Areas in Low Income Nations-Some Re- sults from Comilla, Bangladesh. (BG-301 .34095492- S845 (AID-BG-301.34095492-S845) PB-225 933 Rural Development Programs for Adaptation from Comilla, Bangladesh, (BG-301. 34095492-S845a) (AID-BG-30 1.34095492-S845a) PB-225 946 MICHIGAN STATE UNIV., EAST LANSING. DEPT. OF HORTI-CULTURE. Trickle Irrigation in Michigan Fruit Plantings (OWRT-B-029-MICH(1)) PB-286 892/5 MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH LAB. A Preliminary Investigation of the Potential use of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas (TA/OST-AN-63-2-1) PB-206 799 Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas (TA/OST-AN-65-11-2) PB-206 969 Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World (TA/OST-AN-66-6-1) PB-206 976 MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR DEPT OF GEOGRAPHY TR-5 Urban Food Supply and Distribution: Characteristics and Utilization of Fresh Food Markets in Bangkok and Thonburi 326 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NAHB RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC., ROCKVILLE, MD. AD-A038 482/6 MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES. The Social and Economic Importance of the Caroni Swamo in Trinidad and Tobago (NOAA-76092907) PB-261 033/5 MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. INST. FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH. Employee Ownership. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan (EDA-78-029) PB-276 946/1 MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Some Health Sector Analysis Methods for Develop- ing Nations HRP-001 3245/6 MIDDLE WEST SERVICE CO., CHICAGO, IL. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Brass Table Lamps PB-292 959/4 MIDDLEBROOKS AND ASSOCIATES LOGAN UT Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings (CRREL-SFI-78-28) AD-A062 903/0 MIDWEST RESEARCH INST., KANSAS CITY, MO. Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides (EPA/670/2-75/057) PB-244 557/5 A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides (NSF/RA-770508) PB-284 990/9 MIDWEST UNIVERSITIES CONSORTIUM FOR INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES, INC., Institution Building: A Source Book PB-282 835/8 MILBREW, INC., JUNEAU, WIS. AMBER LABS. DIV. Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fermentation (EPA -660/2-74-025) PB-235 504/8 MINDANAO STATE UNIV., MARAWI CITY (PHILIPPINES). Experiments in Rearing 'Siganus guttatus' (Pisces: Osteichthyes, Siganidae) in a Sea-Cage and Fishpen in the Philippines PB-295 218/2 MINER (THOMAS H.) AND ASSOCIATES, INC., CHICAGO, ILL. Pre-lnvestment Study. Meat Packing Industry for En- tente Guaranty Fund (TA/OST-AN-67-11-1) PB-206 972 Industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Vietnam. Book I (TA/OST-AN-70-4-1) PB-212 632 Industrial Development and Feasibility Study. Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in South Vietnam. Book II (TA/OST-AN-70-4-2) PB-212 633 MINISTER!© DE AGRICULTURA, LIMA (PERU). Quesos Andinos del Peru (Cheeses from the Andine Region in Peru) PB-297 856/7 Quesos para Regiones Tropicales (Cheeses for Tropical Regions) PB-297 857/5 MINISTER!© DE AGRICULTURA Y GANADERIA, SOYAPANGO (EL SALVADOR). SERVICIO DE RECURSOS PESQUEROS. Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de llopango y la Laguna de Olomega, 1977. Volume V, No. 5 (Fishing Evaluation of Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon, 1977. Volume V, No. 5) PB-298 058/9 Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Ara- muaca. Vol. II, No. 1 (Preliminary Limnologic Study of Lake Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1) PB-298 059/7 Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Compara- tive del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Lluviosa de 1 973 y Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9 (Contribu- tion to the Comparative Limnologic Knowledge on the Guija Lake in the 1973 Rainy Season and the 1974 Dry Season. Volume II, No. 9) PB-298 060/5 Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde. Volumen II, No. 4 (Preliminary Limnologic Studies of Laguna Verde. Volume II, No. 4) PB-298 061 /3 MINISTERIO DE PLANIFICACION Y POLITICA ECONOMICA, PANAMA CITY (PANAMA). DEPT. DE POLITICA CIENTIFICA Y TECNOLOGICA. Diagnostico para el Desarrollo de Servicios de Infor- macion Cientifica y Tecnologica en Panama (Analy- sis of the Development of Scientific and Technologi- cal Services in Panama) PB-289 986/2 Estudios Sobre Politica Cientifica y Tecnologica de Panama (Studies on the Scientific and Technological Policy in Panama) PB-292 937/0 MINISTERIO DE RECURSOS NATURALES, TEGUCIGALPA (HONDURAS). Technologia para Campesinos Hondurenos Informe de un Seminario (Small Farmer Technology for Hon- duras-Seminar Report) PB-297 869/0 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE, RIO DE JANEIRO (BRAZIL). LeCaste-Croute Scolaire (School Lunch Booklet) PB-294 311/6 Cartilia de Desayunos Escolares (School Lunch Pro- gram) PB-294 426/2 MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, ST. PAUL MISC-143 World Market Conditions for Grains; Prospects and Problems, with Special Reference to the Developing Countries PB-273 752/6 MINNESOTA LEGiSLATURE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROJECT, ST. PAUL. Parameters for Legislative Consideration of Bycon- version Technologies (NSF/RA-780196) PB-284 742/4 MINNESOTA UNIV., MINNEAPOLIS. Methanol: its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Economics, and Hazards NP-21727 MINNESOTA UNIV., MINNEAPOLIS. CENTER FOR COMPARATIVE POLITICAL ANALYSIS. Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB-190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume II. Books and Book Length Monographs. PB-190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Spe- cial Reference to Rural Development and Education- al Development). Volume III. Government Reports, U.N. Reports and Proceedings of Special Confer- ences. PB-190 677 MINNESOTA UNIV., MINNEAPOLIS. CENTER FOR STUDY OF THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT. Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 MINNESOTA UNIV., MINNEAPOLIS. DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. Small Wells Manual: A Manual of Location, Design, Construction, Use and Maintenance. PB-190 672 MINNESOTA UNIV., ST. PAUL. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECONOMICS. P73-5 The Economics of Olive and Oilseeds in the Mediter- ranean Region. (NEA-633.85-A478) (AID-NEA-633.85-A478) PB-225 652 MISSISSIPPI STA rE UNIV., STATE COLLEGE. SEED TECHNOLOGY LAB. Handbook-1 Seed Processing and Handling (TA/OST-AN-68-1-1) PB-206 805 MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV., STATE COLLEGE. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST. Community Organization and Rural Water System Development (OWRR-B-005-MISS(1)) PB-201 729 A Study of Managerial Practices in Rural Water Sys- tems (OWRR-B-008-MISS(1)) PB-223 373/2 MISSOURI UNIV. COLUMBIA. Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Break- ing Plant Shell-Waste (EPA/600/2-78/044) PB-280 125/6 MISSOURI UNIV.-COLUMBIA. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. International Ser-1 The Agricultural Development of Nicaragua: An Anal- ysis of the Production Sector PB-271 002/8 SR-168 The Agricultural Development of Nicaragua: An Anal- ysis of the Production Sector PB-271 002/8 MISSOURI UNIV., COLUMBIA. DEPT. OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE. Estimates of Potential Productivity from the Clima- tology of Solar Energy. PB-192 726 MISSOURI UNIV.-ROLLA. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Res- ervoirs with Biogrowth Partitions (OWRT-A-077-MO(2)) PB-270 775/0 MISSOURI UNIV.-ROLLA. ROCK MECHANICS AND EXPLOSIVES RESEARCH CENTER. Rapid Excavation of Rock with Small Charges of High Explosives (BuMines-OFR-98- 77) PB-267 295/4 MITRE CORP., MCLEAN, VA. M75-84 International Symposium on Energy, Resources and the Environment (5th) Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malay- sia on 1 7-20 February 1 975 PB-251 396/8 MIR-6009-1 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume I. Some Basic Propositions PB-202 778-1 MTR-6009 A Technology Assessment Methodology PB-202 778-Set MTR-6009-2 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume II. Automotive Emissions PB-202 778-2 MTR-6009-3 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume III. Computers-Communications Networks PB-202 778-3 MTR-6009-4 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume IV. Enzymes (Industrial) PB-202 778-4 MTR-6009-5 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume V. Mariculture (Sea Farming) PB-202 778-5 MTR-6009-6 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume VI. Water Pollution: Domestic Wastes PB-202 778-6 MTR-6009-7 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Project Summary PB-202 778-7 MTR-6544 Dissemination and Utilization of Solar Energy Re- search Results. Report to the Office of Systems Inte- gration and Analysis Directorate of Applied Re- search, National Science Foundation (NSD-RA/N-73-111D) PB-231 144/7 MTR-6971 Wind Machines (NSF/RA/N-75-051) PB-249 936/6 MITRE CORP., MCLEAN, VA. METREK DIV. Biomass-Based Alcohol Fuels: The Near-Term Po- tential for Use with Gasoline HCP/T4101-03 MOCHUDI FARMERS BRIGADE, BOTSWANA. Mochudi Tool Bar (Makgonatsotlhe) PB-297 144/8 MONSANTO RESEARCH CORP., DAYTON, OH. DAYTON LAB. MRC-DA-751 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-294 423/9 MONSANTO RESEARCH CORP., DAYTON, OHIO. DAYTON LAB. MRC-DA-440 Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 MRC-DA-517 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-249 317/9 MUNICIPAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LAB., CINCINNATI, OHIO. WATER SUPPLY RESEARCH DIV. EPA/600/8-77/005 Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the In- terim Primary Drinking Water Regulations PB-268 029/6 NAHB RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC., ROCKVILLE, MD. Small Sewage Treatment Systems. Experience and Cost Data in 61 Subdivisions in 12 States 327 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX PB-232 307/9 NATHAN (ROBERT R.), ASSOCIATES, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. An Evaluation of Recent Private Industrial Develop- ment in Nicaragua (TA/OST-AN-71-1-1) PB-212 779/3 NATIONAL 4-H TRACTOR PROGRAM'S EXTENSION SUB-COMMITTEE. L'Entretien Des Tracteurs (4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. A Units, p1-90) PB-286 440/3 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. A Units. Tractor Care Project PB-286 441/1 4-H Tractor Program Learning by Doing. B Units. Tractor Care Project PB-286 442/9 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment, and National Development. Volume I. Sum- mary of Proceedings. Singapore, March 13-17, 1972 PB-217 117/1 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL WASHINGTON D C ffrp r 3p594ffrp r 3p594 Indigenous Tropical Agriculture in Central America:Land Use, Systems, and Problems AD-210 105/3 Philippines-US. Workshop on Cooperation in Sci- ence and Technology (2nd). Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California 6-10 November 1966 (TA/OST-NAS-66-5. 1) PB-204 407 Food Science in Developing Countries: A Selection of Unsolved Problems PB-235 410/8 Report of the Joint Continuing Committee for Scien- tific Cooperation: Ministry of Science and Technol- ogy, Republic of Korea and National Academy of Sciences PB-235 458/7 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL WASHINGTON D C FOREIGN FIELD RESEARCH PROGRAM 31A Space, Change and Feng-Shui in Tsuen Wan'S Ur- banization. AD-687 028 The Effects of African Agricultural Practices on Soil Productivity and Nutrient Levels in Kenya. AD-679 459 Drained-Field Agriculture in Southwestern Tlaxcala, Mexico. AD-679 473 A Biogeographical Investigation of the Sierra de Tuxtla in Veracruz, Mexico. AD-679 474 A Philippine Sugar Cane District: Spatial Phenomena Affecting Sugar Cane Production on the Haciendas. AD-679 475 Approaches to Spatial Structure: Field Studies in India. AD-679 477 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, i. AD-703 222 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, ii. AD-703 223 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, iii. AD-703 224 Modernization in a Regional Context: Pretheory and Practice in Western Nigeria. AD-703 232 The Milk Supply of Major Indian Cities. AD-703 235 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF THE FOREIGN SECRETARY. The Central American Workshop on the Environment and Development. Antigua, Guatemala, July 25-30, 1971 (TA/OST-AN-7 1-7-3) PB-21 1 487 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON, D.C. ISBN-0-309-0224-X African Agricultural Research Capabilities PB-238 849/4 ISBN-0-309-02242-8 In Search of Population Policy. Views from the De- veloping World PB-241 579/2 East Pakistan Land and Water Development as Re- lated to Agriculture (TA/OST-NAS-71-29) PB-203 328 Research Priorities and Problems in the Execution of Research in Ghana. Part I. Summary. Proceedings of the Workshop on Scientific Research Held at Accra on 18-22 January 1971 (TA/OST-NAS-71-30) PB-203 329 Scientific Research in Ghana. Part II. Full Report. Proceedings of the Workshop on Research Priorities and Problems in the Execution of Research in Ghana Held in Accra 18-22 January 1971 (TA/OST-NAS-71-31) PB-203 330 The International Development Institute (TA/OST-NAS-71-32) PB-203 331 International Aspects of Man's Eflect Upon Environ- ment (TA/OST-NAS-70-27) PB-203 379 Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Perspectives and Prospects (TA/OST-NAS-72-34) PB-208 550 Scientific and Technical Information for Developing Countries (TA/OST-AN-72-4-1) PB-21 107 Science and Brazilian Development. Report of the Fourth Workshop on Contributions of Science and Technology to Development (TA/OST-NAS-71-37) PB-21 345 Genetic Vulnerability of Major Crops PB-21 2 941/9 Soils of the Humid Tropics PB-21 2 974/0 International Marine Science Affairs PB-21 2 975/8 Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research, Djakarta, Indonesia. Volume 1 PB-217 118/9 Conservacion del Medio Ambiente Fisico y el Desar- rollo (Environment and Development) PB-217 119/7 A Report on the LIPI-NAS Workship on Natural Re- sources. Volume I. Overall Findings and Recommen- dations-Working Group Reports PB-217 293/0 Ferrocement: Applications in Developing Countries PB-220 825/4 Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research. Volume III. Djakarta, Indonesia (OWRR-A-024-MASS(1)) PB-222 457/4 U.S. International Firms and R, D/E (Research, De- velopment, and Engineering) in Developing Countries PB-222 787/4 Workshop on the Role of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Determining Science Policy and Research Priorities PB-223 310/4 Communication for Change with the Rural Disadvan- taged. A Workshop PB-224 401/0 Alternative Sources of Protein for Animal Production PB-224 427/5 Mosquito Control. Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-224 749/2 Research Management and Technical Entrepreneur- ship: A. U.S. Role in Improving Skills in Developing Countries PB-225 129/6 International Development Programs of the Office of the Foreign Secretary PB-230 543/1 Nutritional Properties of Rice PB-232 525/6 Regional Workshop on Water Resources, Environ- ment and National Development held at Singapore on 13-17 March 1972. Volume II: Selected Papers PB-235 270/6 Workshop on Education and Training Needs for Phil- ippine Environmental Programs Held in Manila, Phil- ippines, May 27-31, 1974 PB-239 478/1 Scientific and Technical Information Needs and Re- sources in the Republic of China (Taiwan) PB-239 492/2 An International Centre for Manatee Research: Report of a Workshop held 7-13 February 1974 in Georgetown, Guyana, South America PB-240 244/4 Report of the Joint AD Hoc Committee for Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana, Universities of Ghana and NAS PB-243 367/0 The Winged Bean; A High-Protein Crop for the Trop- ics PB-243 442/1 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 593/9 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 594/7 Arid Lands of Sub-Saharan Africa PB-245 595/4 Natural Products for Sri Lanka's Future. Report of a Workshop Held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 2-6 June, 1975 PB-251 520/3 Systems Analysis and Operations Research: A Tool for Policy and Program Planning for Developing Countries PB-251 639/1 Underexploited Tropical Plants with Promising Eco- nomic Value PB-251 656/5 Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Re- sources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries PB-260 606/9 Drinking Water and Health PB-269 519/5 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON, D.C. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION. More Water for Arid Lands, Promising Technologies and Research Opportunities PB-239 472/4 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON, D.C. BOARD ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. PC/BOSTID-74-01 The Peace Corps: Perspectives for the Future PB-235 922/2 Meeting the Challenge of Industrialization: A Feasibil- ity Study for an International Industrialization Institute PB-228 348/9 Science and Technology Policy, Research Manage- ment and Planning in the Arab Republic of Egypt PB-257 066/1 NAS-CONICET (Argentina) Science Cooperation Pro- gram. I. The Argentine Telex Network for Scientific and Technical Information. II. Computer-Based Infor- mation Services for Science and Technology PB-259 991/8 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON, D.C. COMMITTEE ON WORLD FOOD, HEALTH AND POPULATION. Population and Food. Crucial Issues PB-248 257/8 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, CLEVELAND, OH. LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER. CONF-780619-12 Design and Fabrication of a Photovoltaic Power System for the Papago Indian Village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona DOE/NASA/1022-78/39 NASA-TM-78948 Design and Fabrication of a Photovoltaic Power System for the Papago Indian Village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona DOE/NASA/1022-78/39 NASA-TM-78964 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets DOE/NASA/1022-78/41 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, CLEVELAND, OHIO. LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER. CONF-780502-1 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential DOE/NASA/ 1028-77/ 13 NASA-TM-73835 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential DOE/NASA/1028-77/13 NASA-TM-78847 Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: Assess- ment of the Near-Term Market DOE/NASA/ 1022-78/29 Wind Energy Converstion Systems. Workshop Pro- ceedings Held at Washington, D.C. on 11-13 June 1973 (N74-16757) PB-231 341/9 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER, LANGLEY STATION, VA. L-10451 An Inexpensive Economical Solar Heating System for Hemes. N76-27671/6 NASA-TM-X-3294 An Inexpensive Economical Solar Heating System for Homes. 328 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NATIONAL FERTILIZER DEVELOPMENT CENTER, MUSCLE N76-27671/6 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, CLEVELAND, OH. E-9921 Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of De- veloping Countries. N79-15411/8 NASA-TM-79097 Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of De- veloping Countries. N79-15411/8 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, CLEVELAND, OHIO. DOE-CONF-771148 Wind Turbine Structural Dynamics. N78-19616/9 DOE/NASA/1022-78/41 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets. N78-29578/9 DOE/NASA-1028-77/13 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. N78-1 7466/1 E-8470 Flat-Plate Solar-Collector Performance Evaluation with a Solar Simulator as a Basis for Collector Selec- tion and Performance Prediction. N75-32591/0 NASA-CP-2034 Wind Turbine Structural Dynamics. N78-19616/9 NASA-TM-X-71793 Flat-Plate Solar-Collector Performance Evaluation with a Solar Simulator as a Basis for Collector Selec- tion and Performance Prediction. N75-32591/0 NASA-TM-X-73567 Status of the Erda/NASA Photovoltaic Tests and Ap- plications Project. N77-1 3537/4 NASA-TM-73835 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. N78-1 7466/1 NASA-TM-78964 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets. N78-29578/9 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. NATIONAL SPACE TECHNOLOGY LABS., BAY SAINT LOUIS, MISS. NASA-TM-X-72720 Aquatic Plants for Removal of Mevinphos from the Aquatic Environment. N75-1 6206/5 NASA-TM-X-72721 Water Hyacinths for Removal of Cadmium and Nickel from Polluted Waters. N75-16129/9 NASA-TM-X-72722 Water Hyacinths for Removal of Phenols from Pollut- ed Waters. N75-16128/1 NASA-TM-X-72723 Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Lead and Mercury from Polluted Waters. N75-22937/7 NASA-TM-X-72725 Bio-Conversion of Water Hyacinths into Methane Gas, Part 1. N75-27564/4 NASA-TM-X-72727 Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Silver, Cobalt, and Strontium from Polluted Waters. N75-24163/8 NASA-TM-X-72729 Water Hyacinths for Upgrading Sewage Lagoons to Meet Advanced Wastewater Treatment Standards, Part 1. N76-1 0697/0 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. PASADENA, CALIF. N78-1 7460/4 Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PATENT-4 065 053 PAT-APPL-598 969 Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PATENT-4 065 053 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. PASADENA OFFICE, CALIF. N75-22746/2 Solar Powered Pump. PAT-APPL-566 493 N75-28519/7 Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PAT-APPL-598 969 N75-32894/8 Lightweight Reflector Assembly and Method. PAT-APPL-617 202 N77-28933/8 Lightweight Reflector Assembly. PATENT-4 035 065 NASA-CASE-NPO-1 3567-1 Solar Powered Pump. PAT-APPL-566 493 NASA-CASE-N PO- 1 3579-1 Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PAT-APPL-598 969 NASA-CASE-NPO-1 3707-1 Lightweight Reflector Assembly and Method. PAT-APPL-617 202 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. NASA-TM-75210 Waste Heat Utilization in Industrial Processes. N78-25012/3 NATIONAL AREA DEVELOPMENT INST. OF SPINDLETOP RESEARCH, INC., LEXINGTON, KY. Improving Water Quality Management Planning in Nonmetropolitan Areas (EPA-68-01-0194) PB-222 511/8 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES RESEARCH FOUNDATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. Rural Human Resources Project SHR-0000101 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS, WASHINGTON, DC. Le Beton: Principes Elementaires (Basics of Con- crete) PB-286 452/8 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UNIVERSITIES AND LAND GRANT COLLEGES, WASHINGTON, D.C. The Institutional Development Agreement. A New Operational Framework for A.I.D. and the Universi- ties (TA/OST-AN- 70- 1-3) PB-207 393 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. NBS-GCR-73-21 Research Study on the Socio-Economic Aspects of Low-Cost Housing in the Phillippines COM-74-10722/8 NBS-SP-389 Some References on Metric Information with Charts on All You Need to Know About Metric; Metric Con- version Fractors COM-74-50182/6 NBS-10927 National Program of Metrology for Ethiopia PB-222 533/2 NBSIR-77-1197 43 Rules: How Houses Can Better Resist High Wind PB-268 081/7 Adobe Building Materials: Properties, Problems, and Preservation PB-271 847/6 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. CENTER FOR BUILDING TECHNOLOGY. NBS-BSS-48 Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Hous- ing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earthquakes and Windstorms COM-74-50184/2 NBS-BSS-56 Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low- Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memo- rial Hall, National Science Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 COM-75-50001/7 NBS-BSS-100-1 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume I. Over- view PB-266 332/6 NBS-BSS-100-2 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume II. Esti- mation of Extreme Wind Speeds and Guide to the Determination of Wind Forces PB-266 333/4 NBS-BSS-100-3 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume III. A Guide for Improved Masonry and Timber Connec- tions in Buildings PB-266 334/2 NBS-BSS-100-4 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume IV. Forecasting the Economics of Housing Needs: A Methodological Guide PB-266 335/9 NBS-BSS-100-5 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume V. Housing in Extreme Winds: Socio-economic and Ar- chitectural Considerations PB-266 336/7 NBS-TN-977 Methods for Characterizing Adobe Building Materials PB-282 062/9 NBSIR-74-567 FY 74 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-51 230/2 NBSIR-74-582 FY 1973 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Methodology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-1 1645/0 NBSIR-75-790 FY75 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes PB-250 848/9 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. INST. FOR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY. NBS-Special Pub 444 Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. on May 15- 17, 1974 PB-252 683/8 The Performance Concept: A Study of Its Application to Housing. Volume Two. PB-184 876 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION PROCESSING STANDARDS. NBSIR-73-157 National Program of Metrology for Ecuador COM-74-1 0394/6 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. NBSIR-76-988 Regional Seminar on a System of Standardization and Metrology for Latin America PB-254 469/0 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, DC. NBSIR-78-1495 Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures PB-286 096/3 Industrial Research and Science and Technology for Development. A Workshop in Preparation for the 1 979 U.S. Conference PB-297 073/9 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. NBS-SP-543 The Technological Knowledge Base for Industrializ- ing Countries; Proceedings of the NBS/AID UNCSTD (United Nations Conference on Science and Tech- nology for Development) Seminar Held at Gaithers- burg, Maryland on October 16-17, 1978 PB-294 984/0 NATIONAL CENTER FOR APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY, BUTTE, MONT. A National Program to Develop and Implement Tech- nologies Appropriate for Low-Income Communities (OEO-LN-1710) PB-262 338/7 NATIONAL CENTER FOR ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND POWER, PHILADELPHIA, PA. NSF/RANN/SE/GI34991 /PR/73/3 Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas (NSF/RA/N-73-113) PB-241 055/3 NSF/RANN/SE/GI34991 /PR73/4 Technology for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Fuel Gas (NSF/RA/N-74-153) PB-238 103/6 NATIONAL CENTER FOR URBAN AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH, CINCINNATI, OHIO. PHS-Pub-526 Manual of Septic-Tank Practice. PB-216 240 NATIONAL COUNCIL ON THE AGING, INC., NEW YORK. Operation III: Loaves and Fishes. A Model Communi- ty Action Program to Provide Nutritious Low-Cost Meals to the Elderly. PB-179 408 NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION WATER PROJECT, WASHINGTON, D.C. Rural Community Action: Status and Recommenda- tions (OEO-LN-2147) PB-275 811/8 NATIONAL ENGINEERING LAB. (NBS), WASHINGTON, DC. CENTER FOR BUILDING TECHNOLOGY. NBSIR-79-1730 Protecting Adobe Walls from Ground Water PB-295 041/8 NATIONAL FERTILIZER DEVELOPMENT CENTER, MUSCLE SHOALS, ALA. Bull-Y-1 Fertilizer Distribution in Indonesia - 1969 329 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX (TA/OST-AN-70-2-3) PB-211 639 Bull-Y-3 Technical and Economic Evaluation of Fertilizer In- termediates for Use by Developing Countries (TA/OST-AN-70-3- 1) PB-21 1 629 Bull-Y-9 A Fertilizer Program for Bolivia (TA/OST-AN-70-6-7) PB-211 761 Bull-Y-10 Engineering Evaluation of Selected Fertilizer Produc- tion Facilities in Colombia (TA/OST-AN-70-8-1) PB-211 428 Circular-Z-1 7 Training Manual for Fertilizer Plant Operators (TA/OST-AN-70- 10-4) PB-21 1 628 Economic Comparison of Overseas Manufacture and Importation of Anhydrous Ammonia (TA/OST-AN-69-3-1) PB-21 595 Tailoring of Fertilizers for Rice. (633.18-T297b). (AID-63318- T297b) PB-21 9 734 Potential Fertilizers for Developing Countries. (631.8- T297a). (AID-631.8-T297a) PB-21 9 735 Ammonia-Urea Solution for Ammoniation-Granulation in Brazil. (Br-668.62-A179). (AID-BR-668.62.A1 79) PB-21 9 740 More Wheat from Fallow Farming. (Tu-633.11-H529). (AID-TU-633. 1 1-H529) PB-21 9 747 NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORP. LTD., NEW DELHI (INDIA). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Evaluation of Appropriate Technol- ogy for Textile Production in a Developing Country PB-294 621/8 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Rural Industry PB-294 683/8 NATIONAL INST. FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH, CINCINNATI, OHIO. DHEW/PUB/NIOSH-77/186 Health and Safety Guide for Plywood and Veneer Mills PB-274 759/0 NIOSH-78-102 Health and Safety Guide for Sawmills and Planing Mills PB-278 033/6 NATIONAL INST. FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH, CINCINNATI, OHIO. DIV. OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. NIOSH-76/157 Good Work Practices for Tannery Workers PB-267 358/0 NATIONAL INST. FOR WATER RESEARCH, PRETORIA (SOUTH AFRICA). Comparative Reclamation of Potable Water from Bio- filter and Activated Sludge Effluents at the Stander Water Reclamation Plant. N78-25998/3 NATIONAL INST. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, HYDERABAD (INDIA). RR-20 Development and Change in a Bengal Village (TA/OST-AN-68-5-2) PB-21 332 Communication in India. Experiments in Introducing Change (TA/OST-AN-68-5-1) PB-21 508 NATIONAL INST. OF FOUNDRY AND FORGE TECHNOLOGY, RANCHI (INDIA). Fluoride Process - A Sodium Silicate Bonded Self- Hardening Sand System Using a Fluoride Hardener PB-294 417/1 NATIONAL INST. ON DRUG ABUSE, ROCKVILLE, MD. DIV. OF RESEARCH. DHEW/PUB/ADM-78/654 National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Mono- graph Series. The International Challenge of Drug Abuse PB-293 807/4 RESEARCH MONOGRAPH SER-19 National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Mono- graph Series. The International Challenge of Drug Abuse PB-293 807/4 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA, CANBERRA. Directory of Technical Information Sources for Indus- try. Networks Study No. 7 ED-157 521 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERIES, WASHINGTON, DC. TT-74-52032 Problems in Prawn Culture PB-296 072-T NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, AUKE BAY, ALASKA. AUKE BAY FISHERIES LAB. An Easy to Make Large-Capacity Flowmeter (NOAA-72051631) COM-72-10654 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, GLOUCESTER, MASS. ATLANTIC FISHERY PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY CENTER. A Study: Expanded Processing Techniques, Produc- tion Costs and Market Survey of Underutilized Fish Species (EDA- 75-05) COM-75-1 1378/7 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, GLOUCESTER, MASS. FISHERY PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY LAB. A Study to Develop New Products from Whiting or Other Underutilized Species (EDA-71-090) COM-71-01017 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, MIAMI, FLA. TROPICAL ATLANTIC BIOLOGICAL LAB. Contrib-141 Commercial Fishery and Biology of the Fresh-Water Shrimp, 'Macrobrachium', in the Lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53 (NOAA-71032318) COM-71 -00655 Fisheries-626 Commercial Fishery and Biology of the Fresh-Water Shrimp, 'Macrobrachium', in the Lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53 (NOAA-71032318) COM-71 -00655 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, SEATTLE, WASH. NOAA-TR-NMFS-SSRF-661 A Review of the Literature on the Development of Skipjack Tuna Fisheries in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean (NOAA- 70305 18) COM-73-50276 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, SEATTLE, WASH. BIOLOGICAL LAB. Growth in Experimental Populations of Tilapia mos- sambica (NOAA-7 101 1206) COM-71 -00202 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, SEATTLE, WASH. NORTHWEST FISHERIES CENTER. Effect of Crowding on Relation Between Exploitation and Yield in 'Tilapia macrocephala' (NOAA-721 01 809-12) COM-72-50251-03-12 Examples of National Contributions to the Develop- ment and Management of the Oceans' Living Re- sources (NOAA- 73121206) COM-74-1 0059/5 Selective and Unselective Exploitation of Experimen- tal Populations of 'Tilapia mossambica' (NOAA- 75090808-4) COM-75-501 92-03-04 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, SEATTLE, WASH. PACIFIC FISHERY PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY CENTER. MFR-Paper-1015 The Technological Basis for Development of Aqua- culture to Produce Low-Cost Food Fish (NOAA-73 11 2804-2) COM-73-50645-11-2 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Shark Flesh in the Food Industry TT-72-50020 Mass Cultivation of Invertebrates: Biology and Meth- ods TT-72-50055 NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, ROCKVILLE, MD. Earthquake Resistant Construction TT-71-56014 NATIONAL PLANNING ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON, DC. Le Developpement de I'Entreprise Privee Africaine (The Development of African Pridvate Enterprise) PB-286 435/3 NATIONAL PROJECT IN AGRICULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS, EAST LANSING, Ml. Campaigns in Agricultural Extension Programs, Number 3 PB-292 879/4 Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs PB-297 078/8 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, BANGKOK (THAILAND). Workshop on Science Planning and Policy in Thai- land, 3-6 July 1972 PB-222 441/8 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA OTTAWA (ONTARIO) DIV OF BUILDING RESEARCH HN-27 Opening Unserviced LOTS to Building by Use of Septic Tank. AD-675 354 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, D.C. Maternal and Child Health Research PB-256 025/8 Perspectives de la Recherche Agronomique en Afri- que (Prospects for Agronomic Research in Africa) PB-274 429/0 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, D.C. BOARD ON AGRICULTURE AND RENEWABLE RESOURCES. ISBN-0-309-02435-8 World Food and Nutrition Study; Enhancement of Food Production for the United States PB-279 379/2 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, WASHING K N, D.C. BOARD ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. CIR/BOSTID-77/22 Guayule: An Alternative Source of Natural Rubber PB-264 170/2 CIR/BOSTID-77/23 Resource Sensing from Space: Prospects for Devel- oping Countries PB-264 171/0 CIR/BOSTID-77/24 Leucaena: New Forage and Tree Crop for the Trop- ics PB-268 124/5 The Role of U.S. Engineering Schools in Develop- ment Assistance PB-262 055/7 Making Aquatic Weeds Useful: Some Perspectives for Developing Countries PB-265 161/0 Expansion des Ressources en Eau dans les Zones Arides, Techniques Prometteuses et Possibilites de Recherches (Expansion of Water Resources in Arid Regions. Promising Techniques and Opportunities for Research) PB-274 612/1 Methane Generation from Human, Animal, and Agri- cultural Wastes PB-276 469/4 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, D.C. BUILDING RESEARCH ADVISORY BOARD. Roofing in Developing Countries. Research for New Technologies PB-234 503/1 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, D.C. COMMITTEE ON RENEWABLE RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS. Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials (NSF/PRA-1) PB-257 357/4 Biological Productivity of Renewable Resources Used as Industrial Materials (NSF/PRA-7501069/3/7) PB-264 457/3 Extractives as a Renewable Resource for Industrial Materials (NSF/PRA-7501 069/5/7) PB-264 459/9 Fibers as Renewable Resources for Industrial Materi- (NSF/PRA - 750 1069- 7- 7) PB-264 561/2 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. Products from Jojoba: A Promising New Crop for Arid Lands PB-253 126/7 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, DC. PUB-1345 Besoins Nutritifs de la Volaille (Nutrient Require- ments of Poultry) PB-293 865/2 L'Energie et le Developpement Rural: Ressources Renouvelables et Options Techniques pour les Pays en Developpement (Energy for Rural Development: Renewable Resources and Alternative Technologies for Developing Countries) PB-286 467/6 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, DC. BOARD ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. CIR/BOSTID-78/30 Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries 330 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NEW MEXICO UNIV., ALBUQUERQUE. CENTER OF PB-290 421/7 CIR/BOSTID-78/30A Postharvest Food Losses in Developing Countries: A Bibliography PB-290 422/5 NATIONAL RSEARCH COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, D.C. COMMITTEE ON ANIMAL HEALTH. Control of Rabies PB-224 400/2 NATIONAL RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. Rural Water and Sewer Systems Problems, Needs, Issues, Opportunities, and Goals: A Report on the Proceedings of the National Organizational Confer- ence of the National Rural Water Association (1st) Held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 15-16, 1976 (EDA-78-065) PB-278 986/5 NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, LAGOS (NIGERIA). Educating Farmers Through the Mass Media PB-297 079/6 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, DC. SPECIAL FOREIGN CURRENCY SCIENCE INFORMATION PROGRAM. SFCSI-Agr(TT-67-51301) Importance of Trace Elements in Chernozem Soils under Conditions of Dry Farming, and Their Influence on the Physiological Processes Determining the Drought-and Heat-Resistance of Plants. TT-67-51301 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, NEW DELHI (INDIA). SCIENCE LIAISON STAFF. Science Education Improvement Project (TA/OST-AN-70-13-1) PB-207 400 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. SPECIAL FOREIGN CURRENCY SCIENCE INFORMATION PROGRAM. SFCSI-Agr(TT-67-58007/2) Contemporary Agriculture, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1966. TT-67-58007/2 SFCSI-Agr(TT-68-501 03) Norms and Tables for Animal Nutrition TT-68-50103 SFCSI-Agr(TT-68-50363) Sown Winter Ranges in the Foothill Deserts of Soviet Central Asia. TT-68-50363 SFCSI-lnt(TT-70-50064) Selective Breeding of Carp and Intensification of Fish Breeding in Ponds (Selektsiya Karpa I Voprosy Inten- sifikatsii Prudovogo Rybovodstva). TT-70-50064 SFCSI-Lab(TT-70-571 49) Fundamental Trends in the Evolution of Relations between Employers, Workers and Governments in Africa (Tendances Fondamentales de I' Evolution des Relations entre Employeurs, Travailleurs et Gouver- nements en Afrique) TT-70-57149 SFCSI-Smi(TT-68-50342) Woodworking in Estonia: Historical Survey. TT-68-50342 NATIONAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL OF GUYANA, GEORGETOWN. Some Prospects for Aquatic Weed Management in Guyana PB-228 660/7 NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTATION CENTER, DJAKARTA (INDONESIA). Selected Abstracts on Traditional Fermented Food PB-286 468/4 NATIONAL SWEDISH INST. FOR BUILDING RESEARCH, STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN). 28:1967 Building and Planning in Developing Countries: A Partially Annotated Bibliography. PB- 176 780 Byqgforskningen-3:1 969 Social Aspects of Housing and Urban Development. PB-186 188 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIELD, VA. NTIS-WIN-74-057 Technology Transfer a Bibliography with Abstracts COM-74-11194/9 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-75/655/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0112/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial and Agri- cultural Wastes (Citations from the American Petro- leum Institute Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0113/9 Greenhouse Design, Construction, and Operation (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0006/3 Wind Power (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) NTIS/PS- 78/041 7/2 Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 1. 1968-1976 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0419/8 Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 2. 1977-April, 1 978 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0420/6 Alcohol Fuels (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0673/0 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIELD, VA. DEVELOPING COUNTRY STAFF. Global Listing of Appropriate Technology Organiza- tions and Sources PB-296 635/6 NATIONAL TILLAGE MACHINERY LAB., AUBURN, ALA. Investigation of Active Working Tools of Subsoil Irri- gation Machines. PB-178 341T The Problem of Basic Parameters of Tillage Tools for Primary Soil Tillage, Chapter II. PB-178 347T Determination of the Optimum Parameters of Rotary Tiller Cultivation Equipment. PB-178 373T NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD, WASHINGTON, DC. BUREAU OF ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION. NTSB-RAR-77-4 Railroad Accident Report. Collision of Two Consoli- dated Railroad Corporation Commuter Trains, New Canaan, Connecticut PB-294 643/2 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION, ARLINGTON, VA. NWC-EES-72-045 Desalting PB-209 942 NATIONAL WATER WELL ASSOCIATION, WORTHINGTON, OHIO. Proceedings of the National Ground Water Quality Symposium (3rd) Held in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 15-17, 1976 (EPA/600/9-77/014) PB-272 908/5 NATURAL ENERGY ASSOCIATION, KINGSTON UPON THAMES (ENGLAND). Natural Energy and Living, Number 2, 1 978 PB-290 419/1 Natural Energy and Living, Number 3, 1 978 PB-290 420/9 NATURAL ENERGY CENTRE, KINGSTON UPON THAMES (ENGLAND). How to Use Natural Energy PB-292 587/3 NAVAL CIVIL ENGINEERING LAB PORT HUENEME CALIF NCEL-TN-808 Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Construction. AD-684 41 1 NCEL-TR-772 Flexural Strength of Ferro-Cement Panels AD-748 582 NAVAL MEDICAL RESEARCH INST BETHESDA MD Schistosomiasis and 'Schistosoma Mansoni' AD-A015 226/4 NAVAL MEDICAL RESEARCH UNIT NO 2 APO SAN FRANCISCO 96263 Parasites of Man in Remote Areas of Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia AD-A057 551 /4 NAVAL MEDICAL RESEARCH UNIT NO 2 TAIPEI (TAIWAN) NAMRU-2-IR-32 Abstracts of Papers Presented by Staff of NAMRU-2 at the International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria (9th), Held in Athens (Greece) on 14-21 October 1 973 AD-777 404/5 NAVAL MEDICAL RESEARCH UNIT NO 3 FPO NEW YORK 09527 NAMRU-3-TR-6-71 Dietary Allowances: An International Point of View AD-724 571 NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE WASHINGTON D C NOO-Trans-468 Biology and Distribution of the Yellowfin Tuna in the Tropical Part of Atlantic Ocean (Biologiya i Raspre- delenie Zheltoperogo Tuntsa (Neothunnus albacora Lowe) v Tropicheskoi Chasti Atlanticheskogo Okeana) AD-720 097 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CALIF Factors Effecting the Fatigue Strength of Ferro- Cement AD-A004 254/9 The Effects of Precycling on the Strength of Ferroce- ment AD-A013 482/5 Leadership through an Understanding of Human Mo- tivation with Special Application to a Partially Indus- trialized Country AD-765 702/6 Fatigue of Ferro-Cement AD-781 403/1 NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON D C NRL-5673-PM Natural Resistance of Woods to Biological Deteriora- tion in Tropical Environments. Part I, Screening Tests of a Large Number of Wood Species. AD-653 856 NRL-7123 Biological Deterioration of Wood in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 2. Marine Borer Resistance of Natural Woods over Long Periods of Immersion. AD-716 740 NRL-7345 Biological Deterioration of Woods in Tropical Envi- ronments. Part 3. Chemical Wood Treatments for Long-Term Marine-Borer Protection AD-736 182 NRL-7834 Corrosion of Metals in Tropical Environments: Part 10 - Final Report of Sixteen-Year Exposures AD-A003 909/9 Proceedings of a Workshop on the Biodeterioration of Tropical Woods: Chemical Basis for Natural Resis- tance Held at Naval Research Laboratory, Washing- ton, D.C. on October 17-18, 1974 AD-A029 258/1 NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESDA MD NSRDC-3979 Comparison Study of Aluminum, Ferro-Cement, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic for Small Craft in Korea AD-755 424 NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LAB ANNAPOLIS MD NSRDL/A-8-529 State-of-the-Art Survey of Ferrocement AD-878 676/6 NEBRASKA UNIV., LINCOLN. The Development of a High Protein Isolate from Se- lected Distillers By-Products (NSF/RA/T-75-021) PB-243 702/8 NEBRASKA UNIV., LINCOLN. DEPT. OF AGRONOMY. Genetic Improvement of Productivity and Nutritional Quality of Wheat PB-279 445/1 NEBRASKA UNIV., LINCOLN. WATER RESOURCES CENTER. Water Problems in the Rural Environment; Alterna- tive Solutions for Water Supply and Wastewater Dis- posal. Proceedings of a Conference Held at Lincoln, Nebraska on November 4-5, 1976 PB-279 775/1 NEGEV INST FOR ARID ZONE RESEARCH BEERSHEBA (ISRAEL) DEPT OF GEOBOTANY Use of Vegetation as an Indicator for Soil Properties under Desert Conditions. AD-679 182 NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV., CLOVIS. PLAINS BRANCH AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region (OWRR-A-027-NMEX(1)) PB-203 491 NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV., LAS CRUCES. A Wind Energy Review: Low-Cost Machines for Agri- cultural and Rural Applications PB-297 858/3 NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV., UNIVERSITY PARK. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. PB-216 556 NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV., UNIVERSITY PARK. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST. WRRI-059 Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region (OWRT-B-029-N.-Mex.(1» PB-244 880/1 WRRI-085 Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields (OWRT-A-049-NMEX(2» PB-266 709/5 WRRI-095 Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies (OWR T- T-0009(75 15)(1)) PB-285 963/5 NEW MEXICO UNIV., ALBUQUERQUE. CENTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. A Study of the Feasibility of Mechanized Adobe Pro- duction 331 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX (FCRC-TA-30 1-500-0 13) COM-73-10527 NEW MEXICO UNIV., ALBUQUERQUE. TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION CENTER. NASA-CR-1 35792 Proceedings of Symposium on Utilization of Waste Glass in Secondary Products N73-33460/9 TAC/ST-74/601 Solar Thermal Energy Utilization. A Bibliography with Abstracts. Semiannual Update July-December, 1974 PB-249 925/9 TAC/W-75-700 Wind Energy Utilization: A Bibliography with Ab- stracts. Cumulative Volume 1944/1974 (NSF/RA /N- 75-06 1) PB-247 970/7 TAC/WGS-74-301 Waste Glass Utilization. Cumulative Volume PB-229 181/3 NEW YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, GENEVA. Development of Soy-Based Foods of High Nutritive Value for Use in the Philippines (TA/OST-AN-71-1-2) PB-213 758/3 NEW YORK STATE COLL OF AGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCES, ITHACA. Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Re- search in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agri- cultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Im- plementation Needs (NSF/PRA-4) PB-257 358/2 Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Re- search in Agriculture. Increased Productivity from Animal Agriculture (NSF/PRA-3) PB-257 362/4 Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Eight Quarter Progress Report, March 16-June 15, 1978 TID-28736 NEW YORK STATE COLL. OF ARGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCES, ITHACA. Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 NIELSEN ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH, INC., MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA. Wind Power for Farms, Homes, and Small Industry RFP-2841/1270/78/4 NIGERIAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS, ZARIA. Impact of Industrial Development on the Quality of the Environment PB-294 414/8 NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, RALEIGH. TB-213 Nitrogen Fertilization and Management in Tropical Rice. (633.1 8-S211) (AID-633.18-S211) PB-225 801 NORTH CAROLINA FISHERIES ASSOCIATION, INC., NEW BERN. Fish Flakes Offer New Possibilities for Finfish Utiliza- tion (NOAA-781 22022-1) PB-290 620/4 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV., RALEIGH. DEPT. OF ECONOMICS. A Generalized Crop-Fertilizer Production Function. (631.88-R988). (AID-631.88-R988) PB-219 683 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV., RALEIGH. DEPT. OF SOIL SCIENCE. Technical Bull-6 Soil Nitrogen: Supply Processes and Crop Require- ments. (631.42-B287). (AID-631.42-B287) PB-219 741 Agronomic Practices for Optimizing the Yield Poten- tial of Short-Statured Rice Varieties in Latin America. (Lat-633.18-S211). (AID-LAT-633.18-S211) PB-219 713 A Review of Soils Research in Tropical Latin Amer- ica. (Lat-631.4072-N864). (AID-LA T-631.4072-N864) PB-219 758 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV., RALEIGH. SEA GRANT COLL. PROGRAM. UNC-SG-77-12 Wood in Marine Structures. Proceedings of a Semi- nar Held at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina on October 7-8, 1977 (NOAA-771 10702) PB-275 344/0 UNC-SGR-115 The $6-Million Eel, or from Bait to Delicacy in Four (NOAA- 78032008) PB-279 771/0 NORTH CAROLINA UNIV., CHAPEL HILL. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING. Engineering Measures for Control of Schistosomiasis (TA/OST-AN-70-9-2) PB-211 473 Planning Small Water Supplies in Developing Coun- tries. (628.72-L384). (AID-628.72-L384) PB-219 774 NORTH CAROLINA WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST., RALEIGH. Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas: Pro- ceedings of Southeastern Conference Held on April 2-4, 1975 (NOAA- 75 120 106) PB-248 297/4 NORTH CENTRAL FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION, ST. PAUL, MINN. FSGTR-NC-4 Black Walnut as a Crop. Black Walnut Symposium, Carbondale, Illinois, August 14-15, 1973 PB-223 510/9 FSGTR-NC-10 How Craftsmen and Home Hobbyists Can Make and Use Wood Plastic Composite Materials PB-242 973/6 FSGTR-NC-21 Intensive Plantation Culture. Five Years Research PB-254 416/1 NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV., FARGO. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Bull-503 The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflow- er Processing Plants in North Dakota (EDA-77-080) PB-265 749/2 NORTHWESTERN UNIV EVANSTON ILL DEPT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Control of Flies and Cockroaches by Insect Hor- mones AD-746 489 NORWEGIAN AID AGENCY, OSLO. Accounting and Book Keeping for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 365/9 Financial Planning for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 376/6 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TENN. Potential for Energy Conservation Technology Trans- fer CONF-760536-1 Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alterna- tive Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 OFFICE OF EDUCATION, WASHINGTON, DC. TT-76-55094/3 Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 3, 1976 PB-287 877-T TT-76-55094/4 Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Maghreb, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Volume 10, Number 4, 1976 PB-287 878-T OFFICE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT. HEW/ORD/DC-76/06 Getting Human Services to Rural People SHR-0001658 OFFICE OF TECHNICAL SERVICES, WASHINGTON, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Tungsten Carbides PB-292 676/4 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Standard Sport Stockings PB-292 802/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Metal Spin- ning Products PB-292 825/7 Plant Requirements to Set Up and Operate a Copper Wire Drawing and Insulating Plant PB-292 960/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Fish Meal PB-293 009/7 OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. OTA-F-49 Organizing and Financing Basic Research to In- crease Food Production PB-273 182/6 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS (ARMY) WASHINGTON D C Fish Production in China. Transportation of Fish Eggs, Fry and Young AD-A057 032/5 Fish Production in China. The Rearing of Fish Fry and Fingerlings AD-A057 315/4 OFFICE OF WATER RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, WASHINGTON, D.C. WATER RESOURCES SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION CENTER. OWRT/WRSIC-75-201 A Selected Annotated Bibliography on the Analysis of Water Resource Systems. Volume 6 PB-247 098/7 OWRT/WRSIC-76/206 Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography. Volume 2 PB-263 155/4 W76-01517 A Selected Annotated Bibliography on the Analysis of Water Resource Systems. Volume 6 PB-247 098/7 W77-03968 Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography. Volume 2 PB-263 155/4 OFFICE OF WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, WASHINGTON, D.C. WATER RESOURCES SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION CENTER. WRSIC-73-214 Irrigation Efficiency. A Bibliography (W73-09115) PB-220 349/5 WRSIC-74-201 Phreatophytes. A Bibliography, Revised (W74-07829) PB-232 259/2 OHIO AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER, WOOSTER. NASA-CR-2608 Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-1 0569/1 Proceedings of a Conference on Solar Energy for Heating Greenhouses and Greenhouse-Residential Combinations CONF-770367- OHIO STATE UNIV., COLUMBUS. Leaf Decomposition in a Tropical Rainforest Stream TID-27205 OHIO STATE UNIV., COLUMBUS, DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND RURAL SOCIOLOGY. Occasional Paper-37 An Analysis of Shifting Relative Prices and Marketing Facility Investments in the Context of Technological Change in the Developing Countries. (338.13-J65). (Aid-338. 13-J65) PB-219 685 Occasional Paper-47 Methodology and General Data Description: Farm Level Capital Formation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Br- 338.1 -W51 5). (AID-BR-338. 1-W515) PB-219 725 Occasional Paper-58 Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farmers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71-A211a). (AID-BR-332. 71-A21 la) PB-219 684 Occasional Paper-61 Changes in Small Farmer Credit Use in Southern Brazil, 1965-69. (Br-332.71-A211). (AID-BR-332. 71-A21 1) PB-219 696 Occasional Paper-85 Technological Change and the Traditional Small Farmer of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. (Br-631-R225). (AID-BR-631.R225) PB-219 768 OHIO STATE UNIV., COLUMBUS. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Watersheds in Response to Completed and Proposed Land Use Changes (OWRT-B-005-OHIO(13» PB-264 900/2 OKLAHOMA COOPERATIVE FISHERY UNIT, STILLWATER. Paunch Manure as a Feed Supplement in Channel Catfish Farming (EPA-600/2-74-046) PB-235 575/8 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIV., STILLWATER. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. Improved Design and Operating Criteria for Rural Water Districts (OWRT-B-028-OKLA(2)) PB-244 691/2 OREGON STATE UNIV., CORVALLIS. Preparation of Fish Protein Hydrolysates 332 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX RESOURCE PLANNING ASSOCIATES, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. (NOAA-73122104) COM-74-10173/4 OREGON STATE UNIV., CORVALLIS. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. OAES-SR-507 Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas (OWRT-78/12108) PB-286 722/4 TECHNICAL BULL-69 Secondary Benefits and Irrigation Project Planning PB-297 086/1 OREGON STATE UNIV., CORVALLIS. DEPT. OF FOREST PRODUCTS. Utilization of Bark Waste (EPA-670/2-73-005) PB-221 876/6 OREGON STATE UNIV., CORVALLIS. DEPT. OF SOIL SCIENCE. Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Manage- ment of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients (NSF/RA-780250) PB-285 977/5 OREGON STATE UNIV., CORVALLIS. INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CENTER. 22-C-78 Weed Control Systems and Systems Utilization for Representative Farms in Developing Countries PB-293 759/7 OREGON STATE UNIV., CORVALLIS. SEA GRANT MARINE ADVISORY PROGRAM. OSU-SG-19 Organizing and Operating a Fishery Cooperative. Part One (NOAA-73050201) COM-73-10790 OSU-SG-19a Organizing and Operating a Fishery Cooperative. Part II (NOAA-73050202) COM-73-10791 OREGON STATE UNIV., CORVALLIS. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST. Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Ther- mal Discharge (OWRT-B-039-ORE(1» PB-240 113/1 OREGON UNIV., EUGENE. BUREAU OF GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH AND SERVICE. Self-Help Housing in Oregon PB-200 967 Rural Transfer and Modified Landfill. A Comparison of Cost Indicators for Low Volume Rural Solid Waste Disposal Methods PB-231 269/2 ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, PARIS (FRANCE). Methods of Project Appraisal in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 076/2 ORGANIZATION FOR SOCIAL AND TECHNICAL INNOVATION, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Industrialized Housing. The Opportunity and the Problems in Developing Areas, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 66 PB-206 851 OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, DC. Energy for the Villages of Africa. Recommendations for African Governments and Outside Donors PB-292 790/3 P. A. MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS (PTE) LTD., SINGAPORE. Survey of the Market for Sawmilling and Woodwork- ing Equipment in Singapore DIB-76-02-503 PACIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC., SANTA MONICA, CA. Evaluation of Vapor Leaks and Development of Mon- itoring Procedures for Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Piping (EPA/450/3-79/018) PB-296 085/4 PACIFIC SOUTHWEST FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION, BERKELEY, CALIF. FSGTR-PSW-8 Some Woods of Hawaii.. .Properties and Uses of 16 Commercial Species PB-235 801/8 PADCO, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. Guidelines for Establishing and Administering Land Development Agencies in the Developing Countries (IME-69) PB-236 391/9 PADCO, INC., WASHINGTON, DC. Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume I: Background, Goals and Project Opportunities PB-294 309/0 Guidelines for Formulating Projects to Benefit the Urban Poor in the Developing Countries. Volume II: Guidelines for Project Selection, Summary Project Characteristics and Case Studies PB-294 310/8 PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. Guide for the Organization of Health Services in Rural Areas and the Utilization of Auxiliary Personnel HRP-0016123/2 PASADENA CITY COLL., CALIF. From LVN (Licensed Vocational Nurse) To RN (Reg- istered Nurse) in One Year HRP-0019813/5 PEACE CORPS, WASHINGTON, DC. The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV UNIVERSITY PARK The Impact of Modernization in the Philippines II. AD-715 802 The Impact of Modernization in The Philippines AD-722 000 A Right to Survive: Subsistence Marketing in a Low- land Philippine Town AD-758 524 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV., UNIVERSITY PARK. INST. FOR RESEARCH ON LAND AND WATER RESOURCES. Simplification of Integrated Stormwater Planning for Modern Multiple Land Use in Urban and Suburban Developments. (OWRR-B-0 10-PA(1)) PB-192 750 PERT COORDINATING GROUP, WASHINGTON, DC. PERT Guide for Management Use PB-296 567/1 PHILCO CORP., PHILADELPHIA, PA. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS DEPT. Kerosene Devices. Technical Digest Supplement No. 8 PB-286 473/4 Appareils a Kerosene (Kerosene Devices) PB-286 474/2 PHILIPPINE COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURE AND RESOURCES RESEARCH, COLLEGE. International Consultation on Ipil-lpil Research PB-280 161/1 PHILIPPINES UNIV., DILIMAN, QUEZON CITY. INST. FOR SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES. IID-780425 Annotated Bibliography of Institute Reports PB-296 995/4 PICATINNY ARSENAL DOVER N J PA-TR-4085 Field Fabrication of Continuous Lightweight Rein- forced Plastic Pipe. Phase I. Literature Search. AD-713 201 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Refuse Collection and Disposal for the Small Com- munity. PB-214 984 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. DIV. OF SANITARY ENGINEERING SERVICES. PHS-Pub-526 Manual of Septic-Tank Practice. Developed in Coop- eration with the Joint Committee on Rural Sanitation. PB-218 226 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL HEALTH. Community Water Supply in Developing Countries. A Quarter-Century of United States Assistance. PB-190 674 PUERTO RICO DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, MAYAGUEZ. LAB. OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES. A Study of the Feasibility of Establishing a Distant- Water Fishing Industry in Puerto Rico (EDA-73-032) COM-73-10795 PUERTO RICO NUCLEAR CENTER, MAYAGUEZ. A Method for the Cultivation of the Mangrove Oyster in Puerto Rico (Metodo para el Cultivo del Ostion de Mangle en P. R.) (NOAA-77010308) PB-263 849/2 PUERTO RICO NUCLEAR CENTER, MAYAGUEZ. RADIOECOLOGY DIV. Culture of the Mangrove Oyster, 'Crassostrea rhizo- phorae' Guilding, in Puerto Rico (NOAA-77031510) PB-265 918/3 PUERTO RICO NUCLEAR CENTER, SAN JUAN. Evaluation of the Emery Dredge for Determining Numbers of Snails in Tropical Reservoirs. TID-26889 PUERTO RICO PLANNING BOARD, SANTURCE. PRPB-71-02 Experimental Industrialized Housing Program. Model H-620 - Single Family Dwelling PB-224 411/9 PUERTO RICO UNIV., MAYAGUEZ. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Bull-224 Water Requirements of Sugarcane Under Irrigation in Lajas Valley, Puerto Rico (UPRICO-WRRI-FR-71-5) PB-197 992 PUERTO RICO UNIV., MAYAGUEZ. DEPT. OF MARINE SCIENCES. Opercular Algal Growth on the Cichlid Fish 'Tilapia aurea', Cultured in Sea Water (NOAA-75021303) COM-75-1 0263/2 The Development of Cultures of the Channel Catfish 'Ictalurus punctatus' and 'Tilapia' Species in Puerto Rico (NOAA-75022110) COM-75-1 0394/5 Enhancement of Warmwater Fishcultures in Puerto Rico Through Use of Polyculture Systems Hybridiza- tion and of Local Foodstuffs in Formulation and Manufacture of Fish Feed Diets (NOAA-78092707) PB-287 940/1 PUERTO RICO UNIV., MAYAGUEZ. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INST. Determination of the Rate of Biodegradation in Some Polluted Tropical Waters and in Some Types of Liquid Wastes Common in Puerto Rico (OWRR-A-023-PR(1)) PB-213 181/1 Puerto Rico's Water Resources Problems and Re- search Needs. Proceedings of Conference and Plan- ning Session (1st) Held at the University Library of the Mayaguez Campus on February 14, 1974 (OWRT-A-999-PR(2)) PB-280 100/9 PUSAT PENYELIDIKAN MASALAH KELISTRIKAN, DJAKARTA (INDONESIA). LMK-03-EP-77 Technical Forum on Direct Current Transmission Held in Djakarta on 18-19 October 1976 PB-277 769/6 QUEEN ELIZABETH COLL., LONDON (ENGLAND). Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries: The Need for a Comprehensive Community Approach HRP-001 3600/2 RAI RESEARCH CORP., HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. Improvement of Treatment of Food Industry Waste (EPA-660/2-74-035) PB-234 444/8 RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CALIF P-3370 A Short Survey of Colombian Agricultural Develop- ment in Recent Years. AD-636 809 P-3647 Review of 'Changing Patterns of Administration in Rural East Pakistan'. AD-657 007 P-3864 Political Consequences of Rural Development Pro- grams in Indonesia. AD-670 260 P-4058 The Organizational Approach Versus the Societal Approach to Development in Emerging Nations. AD-687 318 P-5107 Fuel from Organic Matter: Possibilities for the State of California AD-A002 212/9 P-5328 A Housing Services Policy for Low-Income Urban Families in Underdeveloped Countries AD-A01 976/9 RM-5651-RC-AID Relative Wages, Skill Shortages, and Changes in Income Distribution in Colombia. AD-678 728 RM-6149-AID The Philippine Family Planning Program: Some Sug- gestions for Dealing with Uncertainties. AD-703 278 RM-6179-RC Analyzing the Use of Technology to Upgrade Educa- tion in a Developing Country AD-A009 306/2 RESEARCH TRIANGLE INST., RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 16. Transportable Solar Laboratory (NSF/RA/G-75-044) PB-247 079/7 RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 17. Solar School Projects (NSF/RA/G- 75-045) PB-247 260/3 RESOURCE PLANNING ASSOCIATES, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation: Developing and Ap- 333 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX plying a Coordinated Approach to Energy-Related Community Development. Volume I HCP/M3879-1(V.1) Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Management and Conservation: Developing and Ap- plying a Coordinated Approach to Energy-Related Community Development. Executive Summary HCP/M3879-0003 RHODE ISLAND UNIV., KINGSTON. DEPT. OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. Maintenance System for a Small Hospital HRP-0007411/2 RHODE ISLAND UNIV., KINGSTON. DEPT. OF RESOURCE ECONOMICS. Marine Reprint-52 Optimizing the Growth and Marketing of Fish in a Controlled Environment (NOAA-76050601) PB-256 103/3 RHODE ISLAND UNIV., KINGSTON. DEPT. OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY. Marine Reprint-25 A Fisherman's Co-operative: Open System Theory Applied (NOAA-741 02402) COM-74-1 1781/3 RHODE ISLAND UNIV., KINGSTON, INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR MARINE RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT. Marine Bull- 1 The Potential for Fishery Development in the Carib- bean and Adjacent Seas (NOAA-71 102004) COM-71 -50584 RHODE ISLAND UNIV., KINGSTON. MARINE ADVISORY SERVICE. Marine M-30 Fisheries Cooperatives: Their Formation and Oper- ation (NOAA-73012403) COM-73- 10275 RIVKIN/CARSON, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. Economic Development and Water Resource Investi- ment PB-225 935/6 ROAD RESEARCH LAB., CROWTHORNE (ENGLAND). RRL-LR318 Representative Rural Catchments in Kenya and Uganda. PB-192 794 RRL-LR427 A Review of Rural Traffic-Counting Methods in De- veloping Countries PB-207 980 ROBERT A. TAFT SANITARY ENGINEERING CENTER. CINCINNATI, OHIO. SEC-TR-W60-2 Treatment of Wastes from Coffee Processing in Costa Rica. PB-217 790 Engineering Studies of Coffee Mill Wastes in El Sal- vador, C. A., October 18-November 9, 1960. PB-217 142 Septic Tank Design Economic Factors Involved. PB-217 276 ROBERT S. KERR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LAB., ADA, OKLA. EPA/600/3-77/096 Environmental Effects of Septic Tank Systems PB-272 702/2 EPA/660/2-74-041 Wastewater Use in the Production of Food and Fiber-Proceedings PB-245 176/3 ROBERT S. KERR WATER RESEARCH CENTER, ADA, OKLA. TREATMENT AND CONTROL RESEARCH PROGRAM. Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Re- gions (FWQA- 13030-DYY-06/69) PB-198 125 ROBINSON (C. W.) AND CO., INC., NEW YORK. Cooperative Effort in Industrial Development (TA/OST-AN-66-12-1) PB-206 803 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION, FORT COLLINS, CO. AIB-315 Managing Public Rangelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grasslands PB-286 446/0 L'Exploitation des Paturages (Managing Public Ran- gelands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grass- lands) PB-286 447/8 ROMUALDI (JAMES P) PITTSBURGH PA Ferrocement Developments in New Zealand AD-785 928/3 ROSS HOFMANN ASSOCIATES, CORAL GABLES, FLA. Evaluation of Small Modular Incinerators in Municipal Plants (EPA/530/SW-113C) PB-251 291/1 RUBBER RESEARCH INST. OF SRI LANKA, AGALAWATTA. Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1 , Number 1 PB-293 786/0 Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Volume 54, Part 1 , Number 2 PB-293 787/8 RUTGERS - THE STATE UNIV., NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. DEPT. OF FOOD SCIENCE. Corn Fortification: A Field Demonstration Model (TA/OST-AN-71-6-3) PB-21 1 672 SAINT JOHN'S UNIV., JAMAICA, N.J. A System for the Analysis, Evaluation and Design of Organizations, Work, and Jobs (EDA/OER-77/006) PB-265 1 59/4 SALEM STATE COLL., MASS. Testing the RN Student's Skills HRP-001 9781/4 SAN DIEGO STATE UNIV., CALIF. CENTER FOR MARINE STUDIES. Alternative Management Plans for Yellowfin Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (NOAA-771 10314) PB-275 182/4 SANDIA LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, N.MEX. Engineering of Wind Energy Systems. SAND-75-0530 SCIENCE AND EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION, BELTSVILLE, MD. TECHNICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 928 Double Cropping and Interplanting, 1972-1977. Quick Bibliography Series PB-293 801/7 NAL/BIBL-78/05 Double Cropping and Interplanting, 1972-1977. Quick Bibliography Series PB-293 801/7 NAL/BIBL-78/08 Quick Bibliography Series - Drip Irrigation, 1970-1977 PB-294 000/5 NAL/BIBL-78/11 Quick Bibliography Series: Training, Management and Evaluation of Extension Work, 1970 - 1978 PB-294 184/7 SCIENTIFIC TRANSLATION SERVICE, SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. NASA-TT-F-14398 Problems in the Construction of Woodworking Ma- chines N72-28508 SCS ENGINEERS, LONG BEACH, CALIF. Refuse Collection Vehicle Performance Specification: User's Guidebook (NSF/RA-770265) PB-273 766/6 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Como Instalar un Sistema Domestico de Eliminacion de Aguas Negras. (How to Install Homart Domestic Sewage System - How to do it Yourself for Better Living) PB-292 899/2 SELF-HELP ENTERPRISES, INC., VISALIA, CALIF. The Bravo Story PB-214 175/2 SHEAFFER AND ROLAND, INC., CHICAGO, IL. Energy Recovery from Manure Using Plug-Flow Di- gesters (ASAE/TP-78/4568) PB-295 065/7 SHEFFIELD UNIV. (ENGLAND). DEPT. OF GEOGRAPHY. A Methodology for Small Scale Rural Land Use Map- ping in Semi-Arid Developing Countries Using Orbital Imagery. I. Introduction (NASA-CR-1 47221) E76-10338 SHRIMP CULTURE RESEARCH CENTRE, DJEPARA (INDONESIA). Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Centre. Volume 2, Number 1 and 2, January/ July 1976 PB-297 740/3 SINGER MFG. CO., BRIDGEPORT, CT. Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way PB-287 252/1 Comment Faire Une Robe. (Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way) PB-287 253/9 SIR J. J. GROUP OF HOSPITALS, BOMBAY (INDIA). TATA DEPT. OF PLASTIC SURGERY. A Comprehensive Rehabilitation Research and Dem- onstration Programme for Patients in an Urban Popu- lation (SRS- 19-58 139-001) PB-269 689/6 SKOKOMISH TRIBAL COUNCIL, SHELTON, WASH. Fish Processing Plant Management Assistance for Skokomish Tribal Council, Mason County, Washing- ton (EDA-76-073) PB-261 268/7 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. Report on Small Industry Programs in Turkey (TA/OST-AN-65-2-2) PB-206 967 The Study of Small Enterprise in the Economy: Sum- mary PB-282 703/8 The Starting and Managing Series. Volume 24. Start- ing and Managing a Small Shoestore PB-282 722/8 Small Business Management Series No. 4. Third Edi- tion. Improving Material Handling in Small Business PB-282 725/1 Small Business Management Series No. 15. A Hand- book of Small Business Finance PB-282 726/9 Small Business Management Series No. 3. Third Edi- tion. Human Relations in Small Business PB-282 727/7 Small Business Management Series Number 31. Third Edition. Management Audit for Small Retailers PB-282 730/1 Small Business Management Series Number 36. Training Salesmen to Serve Industrial Markets PB-282 731/9 Small Business Management Series Number 1. Third Edition. An Employee Suggestion System for Small Companies PB-282 733/5 Small Business Management Series No. 32. Finan- cial Recordkeeping for Small Stores PB-282 739/2 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE. STARTING AND MANAGING SER-1/3 ED Starting and Managing a Small Business of Your Own PB-282 705/3 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION AND TRAINING, SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SER-29 Management Audit for Small Manufacturers PB-282 707/9 SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SER-37 Financial Control by Time Absorption Analysis-A Tool for Profit Control PB-282 708/7 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, DC. SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SER-10 Petite Entreprise: La Conception des Produits (Design Is Your Business) PB-293 873/6 Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 591/3 Creer et Gerer un Petit Restaurant (Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 614/3 Petite Entreprise: 150 Questions (150 Questions for a Prospective Manufacturer) PB-293 762/1 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Construction (Starting and Managing a Small Building Business) PB-294 415/5 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, DC. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH ASSISTANCE. Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Comptabilite (Starting and Managing a Small Bookkeeping Serv- ice. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 4) PB-286 590/5 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON D C Ecological Study in Korea. Part I. A Cooperative Pro- gram for Ecosystem Research in Korea. 'AFOSR-68-2148) AD-677 010 Environmental Aspects of a Large Tropical Reservoir - A Case Study of Volta Lake, Ghana PB-248 630/6 The Biological and Ecological Effects of Oil Pollution in Tropical Waters. An Annotated Bibliography PB-248 899/7 334 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX SUSSEX UNIV., BRIGHTON (ENGLAND). INST. OF SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, D.C. CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF MAN. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Executive Summary (EDA/OER-74-324) COM-74-1 1487/7 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Making Do with the Dark Meat: A Report on the Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma (EDA/OER-74-324-2) COM-74-1 1489/3 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. The Lummi Indian Community: The Fishermen of the Pacific Northwest (EDA/OER-74-324-3) COM-74-1 1490/1 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Morongo Indian Reservation: A Century of Adaptive Strategies (EDA/OER-74-324-4) COM-74-1 1491/9 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Dressing for the Window: Papago Indians and Economic Development (EDA/OER-74-324-5) COM-74-1 1492/7 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Pine Ridge Economy: Cultural and Historical Perspectives (EDA/OER-74-324-6) COM-74-1 1493/5 Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Passamaquoddy Economic De- velopment in Cultural and Historical Perspective (EDA/OER-74-324-7) COM-74-1 1494/3 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS. The Environmental Impact of Rapid Urbanization: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Seoul, Korea, in 1972-and 1973 PB-247 429/4 The Environmental Impact of a Large Tropical Res- ervoir: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Lake Volta, Ghana, in 1973 and 1974 PB-247 430/2 Coastal Zone Pollution by Oil and Other Contami- nants: Guidelines for Policy, Assessment and Moni- toring in Tropical Regions. Based Upon a Case Study in Indonesia, in 1973 PB-247 431/0 Coastal Zone Pollution in Indonesia sance Survey PB-255 447/5 A Reconnais- SNELL (FOSTER D.), INC., NEW YORK. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Castor Oil PB-293 003/0 SNOKIST GROWERS, YAKIMA, WASH. Fruit Cannery Waste Activated Sludge as a Cattle Feed Ingredient (EPA/600/2-76/253) PB-265 357/4 SOCIAL ACTION RESEARCH CENTER, BERKELEY, CALIF. Program Development: A Manual for Organizational Self-Study (ADAMA-72-4) PB-255 980/5 SOIL AND PAVEMENT CONSULTANTS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA, OAKLAND, CALIF. Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Connection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Airfields. Phase I. Southeast Asia (Thailand) (TA/OST-AN-69-6-4) PB-207 399 SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. ENGINEERING DIV. SCS/ENG/FM-E Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Practices PB-244 668/0 SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC. FARMERS/BULL-2260 Catfish Farming PB-295 196/0 FB-2260 Catfish Farming PB-295 196/0 An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools PB-286 619/2 Momento de Conservation des Resources Naturelles (An Outline for Teaching Conservation in High Schools) PB-286 620/0 Petit Manuel de Conservation des Eaux et du Sol (Teaching Soil and Water Conservation) PB-296 917/8 SOLAR ENERGY INFORMATION SERVICES, SAN MATEO, CA. ISBN-0-930978-04-8 Engineer's Guide to Solar Energy PB-297 043/2 SEIS-79/1 Engineer's Guide to Solar Energy PB-297 043/2 SOLAR ENERGY INFORMATION SERVICES, SAN MATEO, CALIF. SEIS-77/01 Survey of the Emerging Solar Energy Industry - 1977 Edition PB-281 200/6 SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH INST., GOLDEN, CO. Small Power Systems Study. Quarterly Report No. 1 SERI-36 SOLAR ENGINEERING AND MFG. CO., FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. NASA-CR-1 50699 Design Data Brochure: Solar Hot Water System. N78-31 538/9 SOUTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE AND MARINE RESOURCES DEPT., CHARLESTON. MARINE RESOURCES RESEARCH INST. Contrib-53 Pond Culture of the Malaysian Prawn, 'Macrobra- chium rosenbergii' (de Man), in South Carolina, 1974-1975 (NOAA-77011711) PB-264 738/6 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV., CARBONDALE. DEPT. OF DESIGN. JMDCONS-73-1 Simplified Housing Construction Systems for Rural Poor Families PB-227 616/0 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV., CARBONDALE. FISHERIES RESEARCH LAB. Use of Zooplanktophagic Fishes in Channel Catfish Production Ponds (NOAA-76051206) PB-256 827/7 SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INST., SAN ANTONIO, TEX. Impregnation of Concrete Pipe (EPA ■ 1 1024-EOE-06/7 1) PB-213 442/7 SPECIAL OPERATIONS RESEARCH OFFICE AMERICAN UNIV WASHINGTON D C soro/cinfac/ 18-65 A Selected Inventory of Latin American Agricultural Colonies with Annotated Bibliography. AD-615 459 SPECIAL OPERATIONS RESEARCH OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. COUNTERINSURGENCY IFORMATION ANALYSIS CENTER. SORO/CINFAC/1-64 Irrigation as a Factor in the Economic Development of Thailand. AD-464 900 STANFORD RESEARCH INST., MENLO PARK, CA. Manual of Industrial Development PB-286 475/9 STANFORD RESEARCH INST., MENLO PARK, CALIF. NSF/RANN/SE/GI-18615/FR/76/3 An Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Residues as an Energy Feedstock. Volume I (NSF/RA-760286) PB-260 763/8 Water, Mineral, and Forest Resources in Regional Economic Development. PB-177 544 Land Reform in Vietnam. PB-189 996 Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume III. The Viet Cong. PB-190 000 Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume IV, Part 1. Surveys and Analyses Related to Land Tenure Issues. PB-190 001 An Industrial Park Development Program for Central America (TA/OST-AN-64-11-2) PB-206 904 Marketing of Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa: Overall Analysis and Report (TA/OST-AN-69-6-6) PB-21 1 669 Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study (TA/OST-AN-68- 10-2) PB-212 916/1 Effective Utilization of Solar Engegy to Produce Clean Fuel (NSF-RANN/SE/GI-3B723/FR-74-2) PB-233 956/2 Residential Hot Water Solar Energy Storage Subsys- tems (NSF/RA/N-75/095) PB-252 685/3 STANFORD UNIV., CA. COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE PLANNING CENTER. TR-13 Manpower Forecasting Model for Educational Plan- ning PB-291 515/5 STANFORD UNIV., CA. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Plant Size, Location and Time-Phasing PB-293 036/0 STANFORD UNIV., CA. INST. FOR COMMUNICATION RESEARCH. An Annotated Listing of Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel PB-290 348/2 A Description of 15 U.S. Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel (Based on Site Visits) PB-290 397/9 Radio's Role in Development: Five Strategies of Use (AED/CDC/IB-4) PB-295 806/4 STANFORD UNIV., CA. INST. FOR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. The Radio Mathematics Project: Nicaragua 1974- 1975 PB-287 349/5 STANFORD UNIV., CALIF. INST. FOR COMMUNICATION RESEARCH. Rural Development Programs Among Marginal Farm- ers in the Western Highlands of Guatemala PB-282 340/9 STANFORD UNIV CALIF SYSTEMS OPTIMIZATION LAB SOL-77-12 Micro-Level Approaches for Improving Water Re- source Knowledge Transfer in Rural Areas AD-A044 982/7 STATE COLL. OF ARKANSAS, CONWAY. Culturing Trout in Cages (NOAA-72011321) COM-72-10055 Development of the Cage Culture Method of Fish Production for Commercial Use in Large Reservoir (NOAA-72011320) COM-72-10056 STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK, ALBANY. SCHOOL OF LIBRARY SCIENCE. Manual on Book and Library Activities in Developing Countries (TA/OST-AN-69-6-1) PB-206 540 STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOK. Energy Planning and Management in Developing Countries: Thoughts Concerning a Conceptual Framework BNL-23340 STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK COLL. AT UTICA-ROME. American Indian Medicine and Contemporary Health Problems. Part II. Powerful Medicinal Plants in Tradi- tional Iroquois Culture HRP-0026654/4 STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK COLL. OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND FORESTRY, SYRACUSE. Utilization of Earthworms and Microorganisms in Sta- bilization, Decontamination and Detoxification of Re- sidual Sludges from Treatment of Wastewater (NSF/RA-780171) PB-286 018/7 STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK, STONY BROOK. MARINE SCIENCES RESEARCH CENTER. Inexpensive Modular Habitats for Juvenile Lobsters ('Homarus americanus') (NOAA-74123102) COM-75-10241/8 STEFFLRE ASSOCIATES, INC., LAGUNA BEACH, CALIF. The Small New Business. PB-187 565 STOCKTON STATE COLL., POMONA, NJ. From RN to BSN ~ Faculty Perceptions HRP-0025657/8 SUBURBAN RESEARCH CORP., GAITHERSBURG, MD. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Aluminum Ar- chitectural Specialties PB-292 956/0 SUSSEX UNIV., BRIGHTON (ENGLAND). INST. OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES. IDS/DP-79 Water to the Fields: Institutional Innovations in India's Command Area Development Programme PB-294 548/3 IDS/DP-83 Nutrition and National Development Planning 335 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX PB-294 555/8 IDS/DP-121 An Introduction to the Health Planning and Budget- ing Systems in India PB-294 547/5 IDS/DP-134 Towards Rural Futures: An Approach Through the Planning of Technologies PB-294 549/1 Irrigation in Bangladesh PB-294 546/7 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume 1 PB-294 568/1 Health Needs and Health Services in Rural Ghana. Volume II: Appendices PB-294 569/9 Health Aid: A Comparative Study of Three Donor Countries PB-294 619/2 Primary Health Care and the Role of Foreign Aid PB-294 624/2 The Prevention of Farm-Level Food Grain Storage Losses in India: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis PB-294 842/0 SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, STOCKHOLM. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Forest Industry Policy and Choice of Appropriate Technology PB-294 599/6 SYDNEY UNIV. (AUSTRALIA). Alternative Energy Sources: A Research Challenge CONF-730560-1 SYNERGY CONSULTATION SERVICES, SARATOGA, CALIF. Alternative Futures Planning PB-285 717/5 TAMIL NADU DEPT. OF EDUCATION, GUINDY (INDIA). Light Engineering Project for the Adult Blind (SRS-1 9-581 20-001) PB-254 845/1 TANGANYIKA LIBRARY SERVICE (TANZANIA). A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 TANZANIA NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH COUNCIL, DAR ES SALAAM. Workshop on Solar Energy for the Villages of Tar- zania, Held at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 11-19, 1977 PB-282 941/4 TATA ENERGY RESEARCH INST., BOMBAY (INDIA). Directory of Solar Energy Research Projects in India PB-293 760/5 TECHNICAL UNIV. OF DENMARK, LYNGBY. Zero-Energy-House NP-22388 TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANCY CENTRE, KUMASI (GHANA). Annual Review Number 4, 1975-76 PB-294 758/8 Appropriate Technology in India. Report on a Study Leave, August-December, 1977 PB-294 759/6 Annual Review Number 3, 1974-75 PB-294 760/4 Annual Review Number 5, 1976-77 PB-294 761/2 Case Study Number 1 - Lab. Products Ltd. A Case History of an Attempt to Use Institutional Support to Create Independent Commercial Manufacturing in Ghana PB-294 762/0 TENNESSEE GAME AND FISH COMMISSION, NASHVILLE. Production of Channel Catfish in Cages (NOAA-74022630) COM-74-10910/9 TENNESSEE STATE UNIV., NASHVILLE. A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Agricultur- al Solid Wastes (EPA/600/2-77/089) PB-271 714/8 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY, MUSCLE SHOALS, Al_ AVT/S-422 Caracteristicas de la Industria Mundial del Abono - Fertilizantes Fosfatados (Characteristics of the World Fertilizers Industry - Phosphatic Fertilizers) PB-294 427/0 TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. Development of a Scientific Basis for the Manufac- ture of Low-Cost Protein Foods and Beverages from Fresh Coconuts (TA/OST-AN-70-9-3) PB-213 594/6 Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Tilapia Aquaculture System (NOAA ■ 78 122002- 15) PB-290 634/5 TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND RURAL SOCIOLOGY. TAMU-SG-76-203 Utilization of Finfishes Caught Incidental to Shrimp Trawling in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Eval- uation of Costs (NOAA-76020402) PB-251 192/1 TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. DEPT. OF MARINE RESOURCES INFORMATION. TAMU-SG-77-104 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume I (NOAA- 76 122901) PB-263 399/8 TAMU-SG-77-105 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume II (NOAA-77010401) PB-264 594/3 TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. DEPT. OF MARKETING. An Analysis of Prices Paid to Fishermen Before and After the Establishment of a Fishery Cooperative (MFR-Paper- 1 130) COM-75-501 85-03-05 TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. DEPT. OF WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES SCIENCES. TAMU-SG-77-605 Crawfish and Freshwater Shrimp Diseases (NOAA-771 12805) PB-275 958/7 TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. SEA GRANT COLL. PROGRAM. TAMU-SG-78-101 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas (2nd) Held in Biloxi, Mississippi on April 17-20, 1977 (NOAA-78020604) PB-279 405/5 TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. WATER RESOURCES INST. TR-46 An Investigation of Hydrological Aspects of Water Harvesting (OWRR-B-071- TEX(2)) PB-218 681/5 TEXAS TECH UNIV., LUBBOCK. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Management. (OWRR-B-041-TEX(4)) PB- 196 306 TEXAS TRANSPORTATION INST., COLLEGE STATION. Bull-21 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-179 327 BULL-21 -E-1 4-63 Manual Para La Construccion de Casas de Tierra (Handbook for Building Homes of Earth) PB-292 747/3 TTI-2-1 8-74-1 82-1 Preliminary Control of African Rue ('Peganum har- mala' L.) with Various Herbicides PB-253 341/2 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth PB-285 909/8 TEXAS UNIV. AT ARLINGTON. INST. OF URBAN STUDIES. Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use of Earth Covered Buildings. Proceedings and Notes of a Conference Held at Fort Worth, Texas on 9-12 July 1975 (NSF/RA-760006) PB-254 300/7 TEXAS UNIV. AT AUSTIN. CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF HUMAN RESOURCES. An Analysis of Selected Start-Up Industry Training Programs as Vehicles for Human Resources Devel- opment (DLMA-21 -48-74-01-1) PB-262 735/4 TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD, AUSTIN. SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DIV. Techniques for Identifying and Evaluating Market and Non-Market Benefits and Costs of Water Resource Systems (OWRR-C-3352(3738)(1)) PB-231 485/4 TRANET, RANGELEY, ME. The Relevance of AT (Appropriate Technology) De- velopment in the U.S. to the Third World (A Compen- dium of U.S. A.T. Organizations) PB-295 955/9 TRANSPORT AND ROAD RESEARCH LAB., CROWTHORNE (ENGLAND). TRRL-LR-525 A Deflection Survey Technique for Pavement Evalua- tion in Developing Countries PB-218 338/2 TRRL-LR-600 The Compaction of Soils and Stabilized Bases on Road in East Africa PB-231 391/4 TRRL-LR-772 Intermediate Public Transport in Developing Coun- tries PB-280 521/6 TRRL-SUPPLEMENTARY-754 Forecasting Rural Road Travel in Developing Coun- tries from Studies of Land Use PB-277 726/6 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD, WASHINGTON, D.C. ISBN-0-309-02487-0 Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad PB-255 911/0 ISBN-0309-02474-9 Concrete Admixtures PB-252 854/5 TRB/SR-168 Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad PB-255 91 1/0 TRB/TRR-564 Concrete Admixtures PB-252 854/5 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS CENTER, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. DOT-TSC-OST-74-38 Methanol as an Automotive Fuel with Special Em- phasis on Methanol-Gasoline Blends PB-270 401/3 DOT-TSC-OST-77-31 Methanol as an Automotive Fuel with Special Em- phasis on Methanol-Gasoline Blends PB-270 401/3 TRI-COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION, LANSING, MICH. Comprehensive Development Plan, Bath Charter Township. PB-195 757 TRINITY COLL DUBLIN (IRELAND) SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Investigation of Stress Concentration in Reinforced Concrete Components AD-785 748/5 TROPICAL PRODUCTS INST., LONDON (ENGLAND). G40 The Market for Kenaf in the United Kingdom. PB- 184 240 TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS, SAIPAN, MARIANA ISLANDS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIV. Copra Processing in the Trust Territory. A Report to the Congress of Micronesia PB-205 761 TRW SYSTEMS GROUP, REDONDO BEACH, CALIF. Handbook for Pesticide Disposal by Common Chemi- cal Methods (EPA/530/SW-112c) PB-252 864/4 U-FORM SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY, INC., LIVONIA, Ml. Design Properties, Structural Analysis and Construc- tion Details for a Typical U-Form Wall System PB-295 654/8 UNITED ENGINEERING TRUSTEES, INC., NEW YORK. Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume I. Confer- ence Report of 1974 Engineering Foundation Confer- ence Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 (NSF/OEP-7423963/1/5) PB-289 114/1 Methanol As an Alternate Fuel. Volume II. Reprints of Papers of 1974 Engineering Foundation Confer- ence Held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire on July 7-12, 1974 (NSF/OEP- 7423963/2/5) PB-289 115/8 UNITED INDIAN TRIBE OF WESTERN OKLAHOMA AND KANSAS. Hog Bristle Processing By-Products and Paint Brush Manufacturing. A Feasibility Report (EDA -76-022) PB-256 406/0 UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND, KATHMANDU (NEPAL). Use of Hydraulic Rams in Nepal. A Guide to Manu- facturing and Installation PB-285 907/2 Standards and Procedures for the Design of Water Supply Systems in Rural Areas of Nepal and Bhutan 336 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX WAMPANOAG TRIBAL COUNCIL OF GAY HEAD, IND., MARTHA'S PB-285 983/3 UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, MANILA (PHILIPPINES). NMFS-FFL-73-16 A Review of the Indonesian Shrimp Fishery and Its Present Developments (MFR-Paper-1030) COM-74-501 89-01 -05 UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION, BANGKOK (THAILAND). LIBRARY. Appropriate Technology: A Bibliography of Books and Other Materials PB-296 582/0 UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION, PARIS (FRANCE). UNESCO-ED-77/WS/22 Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Edu- cation in Asia. N78-24698/0 Regional Meeting of Experts on Environmental Edu- cation in Latin America and the Caribbean. N78-24699/8 UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION, VIENNA (AUSTRIA). International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology for a Low- Cost Paper Project to Boost the Rural Economy PB-294 600/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. The Role of National Institutions and Raw Materials Problems in Building Materials In- dustries PB-294 622/6 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technology for Produc- tion of Sugar and Other Sweetening Agents PB-294 677/0 Animal-Drawn Agricultural Implements, Hand-Operat- ed Machines and Simple Power Equipment in the Least Developed and Other Developing Countries; Report of a Manufacturing Development Clinic Held at New Delhi, India on 21-30 October 1974 PB-295 216/6 Technologies from Developing Countries. Develop- ment and Transfer of Technology Series Number 7 PB-295 656/3 National Approaches to the Acquisition of Technol- ogy PB-296 569/7 UNIDO Abstracts on Technology Transfer. Studies and Reports on the Development and Transfer of Technology (1970-1976) PB-296 570/5 The Manufacture of Low-Cost Vehicles in Developing Countries PB-296 571/3 Technology for Solar Energy Utilization PB-296 572/1 Audio-Visual Techniques for Industry PB-296 573/9 Technologies from Developing Countries PB-296 574/7 Process Technologies for Phosphate Fertilizers PB-296 575/4 Process Technologies for Nitrogen Fertilizers PB-296 576/2 Brickmaking Plant: Industry Profile PB-296 577/0 Technological Profiles on the Iron and Steel Industry PB-296 578/8 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Agricultural Machinery Industry and Rural Industrialization in the Sudan PB-297 179/4 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Technologies for Small- Scale Production of Cement and Cementitious Mate- rials PB-297 180/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Medicine for the Rural Population in India PB-297 203/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Preservation of Vegetables in the Republic of Korea: The Processing of Kimchi PB-297 205/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Creation of Small-Scale Industry Development in Southern Sweden - The Gnosjo Case PB-297 226/3 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. The Pharmaceutical Industry of the Republic of Korea PB-297 227/1 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Technology Planning Factors in the Cane Sugar Industry PB-297 239/6 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1 978. Appropriate Technology in the Con- struction and Building Materials Industry PB-297 240/4 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Choice of Appropriate Construction Technology in the Building Industry in Iran PB-297 241/2 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Building Materials and Components PB-297 242/0 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Construction and Building Materials Industry in the United Republic of Cameroon PB-297 258/6 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Institutional Development of Appro- priate Industrial Technology in Developing Countries: R and D Policies and Programmes PB-297 662/9 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Appropriate Rural Transportation Facilities in Developing Countries PB-297 663/7 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Tech- nology, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on Novem- ber 20-30, 1978. Choice and Adaptation of Appropri- ate Technology in Production of Drugs and Pharma- ceuticals in Developing Countries PB-297 665/2 UNITED STATE TESTING CO., INC., HOBOKEN, NJ. Plant Requirements for Processing Potato Chips PB-292 671/5 UNITED STATES TESTING CO., INC., HOBOKEN, NJ. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Antibiotics PB-292 711/9 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP., WINDSOR LOCKS, CT. HAMILTON STANDARD DIV. Dirt Feedlot Residue Experiments. Quarterly Prog- ress Report, July 1 --September 30, 1977 COO-2952-15 Monfort Dirt Lot Experiments. Status Report COO-2952-17 UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE SAN LUIS POTOSI (MEXICO). ESCUELA DE INGENIERIA. Stabilization of sub-Base and Base Materials for Pavement. N68-20393 UNIVERSIDOD DE LOS ANDES, ORINOCO (COLOMBIA). Center for the Integral Development of "Las Gavio- ERDA-tr-288 URBAN INNOVATIONS GROUP LOS ANGELES CALIF A Review of Architectural Methods and Their Effec- tiveness for Communicating Human Requirements (CERL-TR-D-54) AD-A012 733/2 UTAH STATE BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, SALT LAKE CITY. Piute Vocational Education Project-Piute County School District (FCRC- TA-411-1 12-035) COM-73-10355 UTAH STATE UNIV., LOGAN. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERING. Economic Aspects of Irrigation from Ground Water. (Br-631.7-H279a). (AID-BR-63 1. 7-H279a) PB-219 711 UTAH STATE UNIV., LOGAN. INST. FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH ON NATURAL RESOURCES. The Social Well-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development (OWRT-X- 125(3752)(1)) PB-250 966/9 UTAH STATE UNIV., LOGAN. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS. Rural Industrial Technical Assistance (RITA) (TA/OST-AN-7 1-7-2) PB-207 626 VANDERBILT UNIV., NASHVILLE, TN. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT. A Program for Achieving Better Project Management in Developing Countries PB-294 576/4 VICTORIA UNIV. OF MANCHESTER (ENGLAND). Comprehensive Community Approach to Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries HRP-001 6272/7 VILLA ROSA HOSPITAL, SAN ANTONIO, TX. Hispanic Culture and Health Care - Fact, Fiction, Folklore HRP-0029290/4 VIRGIN ISLANDS DEPT. OF CONSERVATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS, CHARLOTTE AMALIE, ST. THOMAS. Demonstration of Virgin Islands Small Boat Fishing Techniques (NOAA-79030604) PB-294 217/5 VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INST. AND STATE UNIV., BLACKSBURG. Wood in the Construction of Mass-Produced Houses PB-207 812 VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INST. AND STATE UNIV., BLACKSBURG. CENTER FOR URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES. Urban Systems Research: Report of the Binational (U.S./Australian) Urban Systems Symposium (1st) (NSF/DS-74/01) PB-241 120/5 VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INST. AND STATE UNIV., BLACKSBURG. COLL. OF AGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCES. AH-349 Evaluation of Investment Opportunities: Tools for Decisionmaking in Farming and Other Businesses PB-272 651/1 VITRO CORP. OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Galvanized Steel Pipe PB-292 800/0 VITRO ENGINEERING CO., WASHINGTON, DC. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Block Ice PB-292 826/5 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Stainless Steel Utensils PB-292 828/1 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Copper Tubing PB-292 830/7 VOLUNTEERS FOR INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, INC., SCHENECTADY, N.Y. Village Technology Handbook (TA/OST-AN-70-5-1) PB-207 491 Village Technology Handbook (Manual de Tecnolo- gia para la Comunidad) PB-283 958/7 VOLUNTEERS FOR INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, INC., SCHENECTADY, NY. VITA-10 Evaluation of Solar Cookers. Part I PB-296 404/7 Manuel Pratique de L'Equipement Rural (IV) Amena- gement de la Ferme (Village Technology Handbook, Second Edition) PB-286 426/2 Village Technology Handbook, First Edition PB-286 463/5 Manuel Pratique de I'Equipement Rural (III). Installa- tions Sanitaires (Village Technology Handbook) PB-286 464/3 Manuel Pratique de L'Equipment Rural L'Eau au Vil- lage (Village Technology Handbook, First Edition, Pages 1-81) PB-286 465/0 Manuel Pratique de I'Equipment Rural (V): Amenage- ment du Foyer (Village Technology Handbook: Home Improvement and Communications) PB-293 845/4 VOLUNTEERS IN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, MT. RAINIER, MD. Manuel Technique du Village PB-251 094/9 WALTER REED ARMY INST OF RESEARCH WASHINGTON D C A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Op- eration - Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April -July 1975) AD-A057 539/9 WAMPANOAG TRIBAL COUNCIL OF GAY HEAD, IND., MARTHAS VINEYARD, MASS. The Wampanoag Fisheries Project: Shellfish Produc- tion Improvement at Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts (EDA-78-079) PB-281 670/0 337 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX WASHINGTON COUNTY CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION PROJECT, HAGERSTOWN, MD. Creating Visuals for TV PB-287 254/7 Les Auxiliaires Visuels dans la Television Scolaire (Creating Visuals for TV) PB-287 255/4 WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH CENTER, D.C. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES DIV. 62062 Quality of Life Indicators. A Review of State-of-the- Art and Guidelines Derived to Assist in Developing Environmental Indicators PB-225 034/8 WASHINGTON STATE DEPT. OF FISHERIES, OLYMPIA. Library Search of Japanese Fishery Research Publi- cations (NOAA-761 12401) PB-262 748/7 WASHINGTON STATE UNIV., PULLMAN. Waste Treatment for Small Flows PB-219 950/3 Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. Right-Of-Way Pest Control (EPA/540/8-76/029) PB-261 002/0 WASHINGTON UNIV., SEATTLE. COLL. OF FISHERIES. CONTRIB-465 Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. A Historical Overview (NOAA-77101207) PB-274 436/5 ISBN-0-295-95560-0 Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. A Historical Overview (NOAA-77101207) PB-274 436/5 WASHINGTON UNIV., ST. LOUIS, MO. CENTER FOR THE BIOLOGY OF NATURAL SYSTEMS. CBNS-AE-3 Agricultural Resources Consumed in Beef Production PB-243 409/0 CBNS-AE-4 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesti- cides PB-243 639/2 CBNS-AE-6 A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt (NSF/RA/N-75- 168) PB-248 135/6 CBNS-AE-7 Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms (NSF/RA-760084) PB-255 458/2 WATER RESOURCES COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, D.C. US-WRC-0088 Summary: Federal Agency Technical Comments on the Special Task Force Report Entitled 'Procedures for Evaluation of Water and Related Land Resource Projects' PB-209 172 US-WRC-0091 Principles for Planning Water and Land Resources PB-209 1 75 US-WRC-0092 Standards for Planning Water and Land Resources PB-209 176 US-WRC-0093 A Summary Analysis of Nineteen Tests of Proposed Evaluation Procedures on Selected Water and Land Resource Projects PB-209 177 Principles and Standards for Planning Water and Re- lated Land Resources (ELR-73-1451) EIS-AA-73-1451-F WEST PAKISTAN RANGE IMPROVEMENT SCHEME, LAHORE. Water Spreading Manual PB-286 456/9 Irrigation par Deversement (Water Spreading Manual) PB-286 457/7 WEST VIRGINIA UNIV., MORGANTOWN. Petite Entroprise: Manuel de Gestion Financiere (A Handbook of Small Business Finance) PB-i93 765/4 WEST VIRGINIA UNIV., MORGANTOWN. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. Bull-107 Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Reduction of Costs in Hand-Operated Glass Plants (3rd), May 17-19 1972 held at the West Virginia University, Clarksburg PB-225 700/4 WESTERN FOREST PRODUCTS LAB., VANCOUVER (BRITISH COLUMBIA). VP-X-137 Recent Advances in Foliage Utilization PB-243 936/2 VP-X-158 Lathe Operators' Manual. Part II. Pressure Bars. Their Operation and Maintenance PB-265 237/8 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., COLUMBIA, MD. POPULATION CENTER. Guidebook for Family Planning Education HRP-001 3242/3 WILLIAMSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC., NAVARRE, FLA. The Application of Wind Energy Systems to Desali- nation (OWRT/S-78/1) PB-276 174/0 WINROCK INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTER, MORRILTON, AR. Proceedings of a Workshop on the Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Development Held at Mor- rilton, Arkansas on November 15-17, 1976 PB-294 127/6 The Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Devel- opment. A State of the Arts Study PB-294 137/5 WISCONSIN UNIV. EXTENSION, MADISON. SEA GRANT ADVISORY SERVICES. WIS/SG/AR-421 Perch Fingerling Production for Aquaculture (NOAA-79030201) PB-294 218/3 WISCONSIN UNIV.-MADISON. Management of Small Waste Flows (EPA/600/2-78/173) PB-286 560/8 WISCONSIN UNIV., MADISON. CENTER OF APPLIED SOCIOLOGY. Problems and Challenges Faced by Rural Communi- ties with Industrial Development (EDA/OER-74-182) COM-74-1 0543/8 Profile Change When Industry Moves Into a Rural (EDA/OER-74-103) COM-74-1 0547/9 WISCONSIN UNIV.-MADISON. COLL. OF AGRICULTURAL AND LIFE SCIENCES. Non-Conventional Proteins and Foods: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Wisconsin- Madison on October 18-20, 1977 (NSF/RA-770278) PB-283 965/2 WISCONSIN UNIV.-MADISON. COLL. OF ENGINEERING. Cryogenic Recycling of Solid Waste PB-296 385/8 WISCONSIN UNIV., MADISON. DEPT. OF BOTANY. Nutritional Ecology of Nuisance Aquatic Plants (EPA -660/3-75-027) PB-244 263/0 WISCONSIN UNIV MADISON DEPT OF VETERINARY SCIENCE Association of Vertebrate Pathogens with Ecological Perturbation of Tropical Forests. Part I (AFOSR-TR-75-1644) AD-A019 542/0 Entomological Studies. Part II (AFOSR- TR-75- 1645) AD-A019 543/8 Mammalogical, Ornithological and Plant Ecology Studies. Part III (AFOSR-TR-75- 1646) AD-A019 544/6 WISCONSIN UNIV., MADISON. LAN TENURE CENTER. LTC-46 Integrating the Rural Market into the National Econo- my of Mexico. PB-189 919T WISCONSIN UNIV., MADISON. LAND TENURE CENTER. DP-3 The Role of the Ejido in Mexican Land Reform. PB-189 973 LTC-1 Agrarian Reform, Land Purchase and Industrialization in Peru. PB-189 920T LTC-8 An Experimental Cooperative Farming Plan in Chile. PB-189 816 LTC-1 1 Frei Unveils New Agrarian Reform Bill. PB- 189 820 LTC-22 Freedom and Development. Rural Decision-Making and Agricultural Development. PB-189 976 LTC-42 Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: The Views of Four Consultants. PB-189 917 LTC-49 Problems and Conflicts over Land Ownership in Boliva. PB-189 966 LTC-50 Farm Ownership, Political Participation, and Other Social Participation in Central Brazil. PB-189 818 LTC-51 Agricultural Cooperatives and Quasi-Cooperatives in Ghana, 1951-1965. PB-189 813 LTC-55 The Influence of Land Tenure Institutions on the Economic Development of Agriculture in Less Devel- oped Countries. PB-189 819 LTC-57 Fitting Agricultural Extension to the Development Needs of Colombia. PB-189 831 RP-19 Rural to Urban Migration: A Colombian Case. PB-189 989 WISCONSIN UNIV., MADISON. WATER RESOURCES CENTER. WIS-WRC-75-02 Aquatic Plant Harvesting: Development of High- Speed Harvesters and Processing and Utilization of Harvested Vegetation (OWR T-B-078- WIS(2)) PB-241 715/2 WISCONSIN UNIV.-OSHKOSH. Wastewater Treatment by Natural and Artificial Marshes (EPA/600/2-76/207) PB-259 992/6 WOLF MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING CO., CHICAGO, IL. Sash and Door Plant; A Reference for use in Plan- ning New Industrial Facilities PB-292 784/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Refrigerated Walk-In Coolers PB-292 821/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Manganese PB-292 823/2 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Wire Prod- ucts PB-292 920/6 Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Carob Molas- ses PB-292 923/0 WOOD (RICHARDSON) AND CO., NEW YORK. Plant Requirements Primer: How to Start a New Fac- tory or Shop PB-286 469/2 Comment Creer Une Usine (Plant Requirements Primer: How to start a New Factory or Shop) PB-286 470/0 WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION, MA. WHOI-79-44 Fisheries Policy and the Underdevelopment of In- shore Pacific Mexico PB-296 581/2 Cultivation of Macroscopic Marine Algae and Fresh- water Aquatic Weeds. Progress Report, May 1 -De- cember 31, 1976 COO-2948-2 Fuels from Solar Energy: Photosynthetic Systems- State of the Art and Potential for Energy Production COO-4151-2 WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION, MA. MARINE POLICY AND OCEAN MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. WHOI-79-36 Abstracts of Readings in Fisheries Management and Common Property Resources (NOAA-79032902) PB-294 990/7 WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION, MASS. WHOI-75-41 Preliminary Results with a Pilot Plant Waste Recy- cling Marine-Aquaculture System (NOAA-75 103103) PB-247 182/9 WHOI-76-84 Marine Technology Transfer as Foreign Aid to Less Developed Nations from Oceanographic Institutions in Industrialized Countries: A Search for an Effective Mechanism in the Educational Sector (NOAA-761 11031) PB-262 039/1 338 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX YALE UNIV NEW HAVEN CONN SCHOOL OF FORESTRY WHOI-76-92 Marine Polyculture Based on Natural Food Chains and Recycled Wastes (NOAA-76111019) PB-261 939/3 WHOI-77-59 Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aqua- culture System (NOAA-771 10301) PB-275 180/8 WHOI-77-63 Towards a Marine Policy in Latin America (NOAA-771 10302) PB-275 245/9 WHOI-77-69 Marine Shrimp Farming in the Western Hemisphere. Appendix C. A Marine Shrimp Culture Bibliography (NOAA-78012601) PB-278 264/7 Investigative Research and Management of Effluent from Secondary Waste Water Treatment Utilizing a Marine-Aquaculture System for the Removal of Inor- ganic Nutrients (NSF/RA/E-75-264) PB-283 249/1 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, DJAKARTA (INDONESIA). REGIONAL OFFICE FOR SOUTH-EAST ASIA. lndonesia-0115/E Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Insti- tution in Indonesia ED-060 874 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, GENEVA (SWITZERLAND). Meeting Basic Health Needs in Developing Coun- tries: Alternative Approaches HRP-001 0205/3 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, GENEVA (SWITZERLAND). ATH PROGRAMME. ATH-78.1 Appropriate Technology for Health Directory PB-297 077/0 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, GENEVA (SWITZERLAND). DIV. OF STRENGTHENING OF HEALTH SERVICES. Health by the People HRP-0008008/5 WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION, GENEVA (SWITZERLAND). WMO-379 A Survey of Meteorological and Hydrological Data Available in Six Sahelian Countries of West Africa. A Survey of Studies in Meteorology and Hydrology in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. N75-1 7045/6 Guidelines for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Tropical Cyclone Areas. N78-1 1653/0 WORLD WATER RESOURCES, INC., BETHESDA, MD. WWRI/B-78/1 Rural Potable Water Chlorination PB-282 460/5 YALE UNIV., NEW HAVEN, CONN. ECONOMIC GROWTH CENTER. EGC-DP-125 The Role of the Industrial Sector in Korea's Transi- tion to Economic Maturity (TA/OST-AN-71-10-4) PB-212 748 EGC-DP-142 The Relevance and Prospects of Small Scale Indus- try in Colombia. (Co-338.64-B534). (AID-CO-338. 64-B534) PB-219 744 EGC-DP-168 Rural-Urban Migration, Urban Unemployment and Underemployment, and Job Research Activity in Ldcs. (331.127-F461). (AID-331. 127-F461) PB-219 772 YALE UNIV NEW HAVEN CONN SCHOOL OF FORESTRY TR-8 Moisture Absorption in Certain Tropical American Woods (Revised). AD-716 403 Properties of Tropical Woods. AD-716 400 339 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX ABEL, MARTIN E. World Market Conditions for Grains; Prospects and Problems, with Special Reference to the Developing Countries PB-273 752/6 ABELES, TOM P. Parameters for Legislative Consideration of Bioconver- sion Technologies PB-284 742/4 ABOLFATHI, F. Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 ABRAMS, CHARLES Report of Housing Team of the International Coopera- tion Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. PB- 189 260 Squatter Settlements. The Problem and the Opportuni- PB- 179 376 ACHORN, FRANK P. Ammonia-Urea Solution for Ammoniation-Granulation in Brazil. (Br-668.62-A1 79). PB-219 740 ADAMS, DALE W. Changes in Small Farmer Credit Use in Southern Brazil, 1965-69. (Br-332.71-A211). PB-219 696 Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farmers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71-A211a). PB-219 684 ADAMS, PHILLIP L. An Industrial Park Development Program for Central America PB-206 904 ADISUKRESNO, SUKOTJO Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Centre. Volume 2, Number 1 and 2, January/ July 1976 PB-297 740/3 AHIMAZ, FRANKLIN J. A Methodology for Formulating and Implementing Sci- ence Policy for a Small Developing Country (Costa Rica) PB-244 294/5 AIKEN, ROGER Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 AKANDE, OYENIYI Educating Farmers Through the Mass Media PB-297 079/6 AKELEY, R. V. The Potato Industry in East Pakistan. Improving Seed Potato Multiplication and Storage PB-294 410/6 AKHTAR, SHAHID Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Em- phasis on Developing Countries. Volume 1 HRP-0007732/1 AL-SALIHI, M. Z. Investigation of Stress Concentration in Reinforced Concrete Components AD-785 748/5 AL-ZAND, OSAMA A. The Economics of Olive and Oilseeds in the Mediterra- nean Region. (NEA-633.85-A478) PB-225 652 ALEXANDER, A. G. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source. First Quarterly Report, June 1 -August 31, 1977 ORO-5422-1 ALICH, J. A. JR An Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Residues as an Energy Feedstock. Volume I PB-260 763/8 ALICH, JOHN A. JR Effective Utilization of Solar Engegy to Produce Clean Fuel PB-233 956/2 ALLEN, DWIGHT W. The Use of Communications Media to Improve the Quality of Life in Technologically Developing Nations: A Strategic Overview ED-154 838 ALLEN, GEORGE A Pilot Fish-Pond System for Utilization of Sewage Ef- fluents, Humboldt Bay, Northern California COM-73-10333 ALLEN, J. K. Development of Private Industry Through Public Aid (With Reference to Underdeveloped Countries). PB- 177 909 ALLEN, J. L. The Market for Kenaf in the United Kingdom. PB-184 240 ALLEN, MARY M. Potential Use of Small Dams to Produce Power for Low-Income Communities PB-292 745/7 ALLEN, THOMAS J. Preliminary Control of African Rue ('Peganum harmala' L.) with Various Herbicides PB-253 341/2 ALLEY, SAM Program Development: A Manual for Organizational Self-Study PB-255 980/5 ALLISON, S. V. Micro Irrigation with Photovoltaics MIT-EL-78-006 ALLRED, J. W. An Inexpensive Economical Solar Heating System for Homes. N76-27671/6 ALVERSON, DAYTON L. Examples of National Contributions to the Develop- ment and Management of the Oceans' Living Re- sources COM-74-1 0059/5 AMES, ROBERT J. Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs PB-297 078/8 AMESCUA, BERTHA SALINAS Technologia Apropiada: Concepto, Aplicacion, y Estra- tegias (Appropriate Technology: Concepts, Application, and Strategy) PB-297 854/2 ANDERSON, L. C. Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976-Sep- tember 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste PB-245 083/1 ANDERSON, L. O. Houses Can Resist Hurricanes. PB-174 346 Low-Cost Wood Homes for Rural America - Construc- tion Manual PB-211 640 ANDERSON, M. L. A Study to Develop New Products from Whiting or Other Underutilized Species COM-71-01017 ANDERSON, NEIL Health Aid: A Comparative Study of Three Donor Countries PB-294 619/2 ANDERSON, ROBERT G. Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Tilapia Aquaculture System PB-290 634/5 ANDRADE, DALTON Rural Industrial Technical Assistance (RITA) PB-207 626 ANDREWS, GEORGE H. Retail Selling. PB-177 956 Sales Promotion Methods. PB-177 967 ANDREWS, JAMES W. A Study of the Nutritional, Physiological and Economi- cal Requirements for the Production of Channel Catfish in an Intensive Running Water Culture COM-72-11160 ANDREWS, WADE H. The Social Weil-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development PB-250 966/9 ANDRLE, ROBERT F. A Biogeographical Investigation of the Sierra de Tuxtla in Veracruz, Mexico. AD-679 474 ANGEL, NORMAN B. Fish Flakes Offer New Possibilities for Finfish Utiliza- tion PB-290 620/4 ANKLAM, FREDERICK M. Potential Nonstructural or Low Cost Waterways System Improvements AD-A044 343/2 APANDI, R. MUCHIDIN Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 ARAGON, RICARDO ALFREDO CASTRO Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de llopango y la Laguna de Olomega, 1977. Volume V, No. 5 (Fishing Evaluation of Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon, 1977. Volume V, No. 5) PB-298 058/9 ARBOLEDA, J. R. Drying and Processing Research at IRRI. (633.18- M266) PB-225 787 ARGOUD, M. J. Lightweight Reflector Assembly. PATENf-4 035 065 Lightweight Reflector Assembly and Method. PAT-APPL-617 202 ARNOLD, H. G. Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alternative Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 ARNOLD, ROBERT K. Water, Mineral, and Forest Resources in Regional Eco- nomic Development. PB-177 544 ASHARE, E. Fuel Gas Production from Animal Residue. Dynatech Report No. 1551 COO/2991-10 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976-Sep- tember 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste: Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (2nd), September 1, 1976-- December 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1556 COO/2991-8 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Report of Quarterly Review Meeting, Palo Alto, California, De- cember 13-14, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1573 COO/2991-11 ASHMORE, LEE E. A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Oper- ation - Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April - July 1975) AD-A057 539/9 ASKENASY, ALEXANDER R. Resettlement in Latin America: An Analysis of 35 Cases. AD-651 116 ASKIN, PETER W. Intermediate Technology: An Informal Survey PB-285 908/0 ATALAY, MEHMET BILGIN The Seismic Behavior of Critical Regions of Reinforced Concrete Components as Influenced by Moment, Shear and Axial Force PB-258 842/4 ATELSEK, FRANK J. Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries, 1977-78 PB-293 846/2 AUCIELLO, KAY E. Directory of Consultants to Small Rural Industries. Em- ployment Generation Through Stimulation of Small In- dustries PB-296 362/7 AUCIELLO, KAY ELLEN Bibliography of Intermediate Technology Materials Held at the International Development Data Center PB-297 085/3 Proceedings of the Conference and Seminar on Tech- niques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 338/6 Summary of the Conference and Seminar on Tech- niques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 339/4 AUGENSTEIN, D. C. Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976-Sep- tember 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste: Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (2nd), September 1, 1976- December 1 , 1 976. Dynatech Report No. 1 556 COO/2991-8 AVAULT, JAMES W. JR Agricultural By-Products as Supplemental Feed for Crawfish 341 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-256 748/5 Two Major Problems in Culturing Crayfish in Ponds: Oxygen Depletion and Overcrowding PB-260 469/2 AXINN, GEORGE H. Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs PB-297 078/8 AYOK, E. A. Farm Equipment Development Project, Daudawa, BANAS J F N.C.S., Nigeria PB-221 282/7 BALON, J. E. Review of Current Interest and Research in Water Hya- cinth-Based Wastewater Treatment. N77-33683/2 BALYAN, G. A. Prostrate Summer Cypress and Its Culture in Kirghizia PB-295 565-T PB-297 784/1 BABCOCK, EARLE STANLEY The Effects of Precycling on the Strength of Ferroce- ment AD-A013 482/5 BACALINI, GERAROO ANGEL Education by Alternation PB-294 421/3 BAGBY, JOHN R. A Study of Mosquito Prevention and Control Problems Associated with Stream Modification Projects PB-246 392/5 BAGNALL, L. O. Processing, Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Aquatic Weeds PB-231 207/2 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Eco- nomic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utili- zable Energy Forms PB-278 351/2 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Eco- nomic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utili- zable Energy Forms. Final Report TID-28550 BAILEY, L. Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume I. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Analytical Report PB-280 053/0 BAILEY, LINDA Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985: Volume 2. World GOL Model Supply-Distribution and Related Tables PB-282 228/6 BAILIE, R. C. Technical and Economic Assessment of Methods for Direct Conversion of Agricultural Residue to Usable Energy. Final Report TID-28552 BAKER, A. L. Ganado Bovino Para Carne - Descorne, Castracion, Marcacion a Hierro, Marcas (Beef Cattle - Dehorning, Castrating, Branding and Marking) PB-292 766/3 BAKER, JIM Analysis of Alternatives to Refuse Disposal PB-272 129/8 BAKER, ROBERT Background Document: Bagasse Combustion in Sugar Mills PB-264 302/1 BALCOMB, J. D. Simple Technique of Estimating the Performance of Passive Solar Heating Systems LA-UR-78-1571 Solar Heating Results for the Nambe Community Center LA-UR-78-2589 State of the Art in Passive Solar Heating and Cooling LA-UR-78-774 BALCOMB, J. DOUGLAS Passive Solar Systems Development PB-295 813/0 BALL, G. L. Ill Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 BALL, GEORGE L. Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-294 423/9 BALL, GEORGE L. Ill Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-249 317/9 BALLANTINE, DAVID L. Opercular Algal Growth on the Cichlid Fish 'Tilapia aurea', Cultured in Sea Water COM-75- 10263/2 BALLEW, R. J. A Fertilizer Program for Bolivia PB-211 761 BALODIS, V. Pulping of Tropical Hardwoods: Individual and Mixed Species, Wood and Paper Properties, Resource As- sessment Engineering of Wind Energy Systems. SAND-75-0530 BANKS, JAMES G. Report of Housing Team of the International Coopera- tion Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. PB- 189 260 BARDACH, JOHN Some Remarks on Aquaculture COM-73-101 15-04 BARLOW, E. W. R. Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Thermal Discharge PB-240 113/1 BARNETT, ANDREW An Introduction to the Health Planning and Budgeting Systems in India PB-294 547/5 BARNETT, STANLEY A. Manual on Book and Library Activities in Developing Countries PB-206 540 BARR, HARRY W. JR. Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Paint Products In- dustry in West Africa to 1 980 PB-206 971 BARRIGA, PATRICIO Non-Formal Education Ecuador's Experience. Interna- tional Seminary on Appropriate Technology in Educa- tion, Held at Bogota, Colombia, on January 29-Febru- ary 2, 1979 PB-294 637/4 BARRINGER, S. R. An Inexpensive Economical Solar Heating System for Homes. N76-27671/6 BARTHOLOMEW, W. V. A Review of Soils Research in Tropical Latin America. (Lat-631.4072-N864). PB-219 758 Soil Nitrogen: Supply Processes and Crop Require- ments. (631.42-B287). PB-219 741 BARTON, G. M. Recent Advances in Foliage Utilization PB-243 936/2 BASS, STEPHEN C. Teaching Conservation in Developing Nations PB-292 856/2 BASSHAM, J. A. Feed and Food from Desert Environments LBL-6182 Potential of Arid Zone Vegetation as a Source of Sub- strates LBL-7214 BATEMAN, ROBERT H. Establishing a Business in the Dominican Republic. 13p COM-71 -50005-92 BAUER, O. N. Diseases of Pond Fishes TT-72-50070 BAUM, V. Energy in Developing Countries: Prospects and Prob- lems. N78-1 0603/6 BAUMANN, E. ROBERT Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing Guidelines for Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD PB-259 512/2 Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part II. Estimating Costs of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants PB-259 513/0 BAUR, RICHARD J. Combined Culture of Channel Catfish and Golden Shin- ers in Wading Pools COM-73-10810 BAYER, FREDERICK M. Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Region COM-74-1 0007/4 BEALL, S. E. Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alternative Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 BEAN, LOWELL JOHN Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Morongo Indian Reservation: A Century of Adaptive Strategies COM-74-1 1491/9 BEBEE, CHARLES N. Double Cropping and Interplanting, 1972-1977. Quick Bibliography Series PB-293 801/7 Quick Bibliography Series - Drip Irrigation, 1970-1977 PB-294 000/5 BECK, E. J. JR Calefaccion de Edificos y Agua Caliente para Uso Do- mestico Mediante Energia Solar (Solar Heating of Building and Domestic Hot Water) PB-295 087/1 Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A021 862/8 Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A054 601/0 BECK, FRANK V. Analysis and Recommendations on the Agrarian Reform Program in Ecuador. PB-189 992 BECK, GLENN H. Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Research in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agricultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Implementa- tion Needs PB-257 358/2 BECKER, A. Appropriate Technology and Agriculture in the United States PB-276 055/1 BECKER, ANN IRRI Small Agricultural Machinery Project: US Technol- ogy Transfer to Resource-Poor Developing Countries PB-268 161/7 BECKER, H. S. A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1 . The Study PB-284 681/4 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Appendices PB-284 682/2 BEDRI, M. ABDELKARIM International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Agricultural Machinery Industry and Rural In- dustrialization in the Sudan PB-297 179/4 BEEDLE, L. S. Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Hous- ing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1975 PB-293 782/9 BEGUM, NASERA Current Scientific and Technological Research Projects in the Universities and Research Institutions of Bangla- desh PB-294 264/7 BEINROTH, F. H. Report of the Workshop on Experimental Designs for Predicting Crop Productivity with Environmental and Economic Inputs Held at Honolulu, Hawaii on May 20- 24, 1974 PB-270 607/5 BELL, BONITA Economics of Agriculture: Reports and Publications Issued or Sponsored by USDA's Economic Research Service. October 1966-June 1974 PB-294 722/4 BELLAMY, W. D. Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Annual Report and Revised Research Plan, January 1977- January 1978 COO-4147-4 Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Third Quar- terly and Bimonthly Report, July 1 -September 30, 1977 COO-4 147-3 BENDER, F. E. Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Re- search Needs, and Adoption Strategies, Summary and Recommendations PB-255 928/4 BENDER, FILMORE E. Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Re- search Needs, and Adoption Strategies PB-265 105/7 BENNETT, DOUGLAS W. Chemicals from Wood Waste PB-262 489/8 342 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX BOURNE, M. C. BENNETT, EDWIN R. Individual Home Wastewater Characterization and Treatment PB-245 259/7 BENNETT, JOHN F. Health Education of the Tropical Mother in Feeding Her Young Child PB-286 439/5 BENNETT, LANDIS S. Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs PB-297 078/8 BENSON, RODGER D. Review of Literature on Earthquake Damage to Single- Family Masonry Dwellings PB-267 947/0 BENSON, VEREL W. Energy Use and Conservation in the Poultry and Egg Industry PB-294 235/7 BERAN, DONALD L. Community Development: An Introduction to Communi- ty Development for Village Workers, Series A, Volume 1 PB-289 991/2 Introduccion al D.C. Para Los Trabajadores de las Aldeas (An Introduction to Community Development for the Village Workers) PB-297 632/2 BERENY, JUSTIN A. Engineer's Guide to Solar Energy PB-297 043/2 Survey of the Emerging Solar Energy Industry - 1977 Edition PB-281 200/6 BERG, LIV Towards Village Industry: A Strategy for Development PB-297 788/2 BERGAU, NANCY Self-Help Construction of 1 -Story Buildings PB-291 857/1 BERGER, A. R. International Workshop on Earth Science Aid to Devel- oping Countries Held at Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada on May 17-19, 1974. Background Documents PB-287 818/9 BERNSTEIN, GERALD D. Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part I, Chile, Invest- ment Aspects and General Summary PB-212 001 Commercial Feasibility of Fish Protein Concentrate in Developing Countries. Volume II, Part II. Chile, Back- ground Information and Supporting Data PB-212 002 BERNSTEIN, SHELDON Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fermentation PB-235 504/8 BERRIGAN, MARK E. Effects of Stocking Size and Density on Growth and Survival of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' (De Man) in Ponds PB-292 594/9 BERRY, ALBERT The Relevance and Prospects of Small Scale Industry in Colombia. (CO-338.64-B534). PB-219 744 BERTRAND, P. Conditions of the Culture of Rice in the High-Donnai (Vietnam) AD-837 490/2 BERTSCH, MARVIN L. A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Oper- ation - Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April - July 1975) AD-A057 539/9 BETHEL, JAMES S. Biological Productivity of Renewable Resources Used as Industrial Materials PB-264 457/3 Extractives as a Renewable Resource for Industrial Materials PB-264 459/9 Fibers as Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials PB-264 561/2 Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials PB-257 357/4 BETT, STEPHEN T. Satellite Educational System Costs for Three Model Developing Countries PB-252 583/0 BETTIS, E. S. Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alternative Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 BETTIS, LEE Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farmers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71-A211a). PB-219 684 BEYER, CLARA M. Le Role d'Un Ministere du Travail Dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement (Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries) PB-286 616/8 Role of a Labor Department in Developing Countries PB-286 615/0 BHIDE, V. G. Technology for Solar Energy Utilization PB-296 572/1 BHUMIRATANA, AMARA Report on Protein Food Development Project, 1969- 1971 PB-213 794/9 BIBER, JAVIER PULGAR-VIDAL Quesos para Regiones Tropicales (Cheeses for Tropi- cal Regions) PB-297 857/5 BIBER, VIDAL Quesos Andinos del Peru (Cheeses from the Andine Region in Peru) PB-297 856/7 BIEDERMAN, N. P. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use. Final Report, May-December 1975 NSF/RA-760184 BIEDERMAN, NICHOLAS P. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use PB-259 318/4 BIEDERMANN, KONRAD Prefeasibility Study of an Expanded Leather and Shoe Industry in West Africa to 1980 PB-206 970 BIFANO, W. J. Design and Fabrication of a Photovoltaic Power System for the Papago Indian Village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona DOE/NASA/1022-78/39 Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of Devel- oping Countries. N79-15411/8 Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: Assessment of the Near-Term Market DOE/NASA/1022-78/29 BIGGS, STEPHEN D. Irrigation in Bangladesh PB-294 546/7 BISHOP, C. J. Small Power Systems Study. Quarterly Report No. 1 SERI-36 BISWAS, AHSAN A. A Directory of Scientists and Technologists of Bangla- desh PB-294 262/1 BLACK, DUGALD O. Energy Recovery from Solid Waste: A Review of Cur- rent Technology PB-260 633/3 BLACK, HAYSE H.. Engineering Studies of Coffee Mill Wastes in El Salva- dor, C. A., October 18-November 9, 1960. PB-217 142 BLACKLEDGE, JAMES P. The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Coun- try: A Comparative Analysis PB-248 043/2 The Industrial Research Institute in a Developing Coun- try: A Comparative Analysis PB-286 227/4 BLACKSHEAR, PERRY L. JR Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 BLAKE, STEVE Wind Driven Water Pumps. Economics, Technology, Current Activities PB-292 816/6 BLANTON, JUDITH Program Development: A Manual for Organizational Self-Study PB-255 980/5 BLASE, MELVIN G. Institution Building: A Source Book PB-282 835/8 BLATT, JOEL H. Solar Cookers for Haiti, A Feasibility Study PB-282 650/1 BLEW, OSCAR JR Exploitations Agricoles: Preservation des Poteaux de Cloture et des Bois de Construction (Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts and Farm Timbers) PB-293 867/8 BLOMO, VITO Utilization of Finfishes Caught Incidental to Shrimp Trawling in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Evalua- tion of Costs PB-251 192/1 BLUE, RICHARD Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Ru.a! Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB-190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume II. Books and Book Length Mono- graphs. PB-190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume III. Government Reports, U.N. Re- ports and Proceedings of Special Conferences. PB-190 677 BOAN-MINH-QUAN, Some Aspects on the Production of Rice Problem in Vietnam AD-837 495/1 BOERSMA, L. Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Thermal Discharge PB-240 113/1 Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 BOERSMA, L. L. Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Management of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 BOETTCHER, JAMES Manpower Forecasting Model for Educational Planning PB-291 515/5 BOKONGA, CHARLES Fundamental Trends in the Evolution of Relations be- tween Employers, Workers and Governments in Africa (Tendances Fondamentales de I'Evolution des Rela- tions entre Employeurs, Travailleurs et Gouvernements en Afrique) TT-70-57149 BOMBEN, J. L. Decentralized Tomato Processing: Plant Design, Costs, and Economic Feasibility PB-251 382/8 BOND, T. E. Proceedings of a Conference on Solar Energy for Heating Greenhouses and Greenhouse-Residential Combinations CONF-770367- BONNIST, S. A. Equipment for Rural Workshops PB-297 379/0 BOONE, ELEANOR C. Resources for TESOL Teaching: A Handbook for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages PB-295 919/5 BOONE, LARRY M. Impact of Hail Suppression on Nebraska Crop Produc- tion: A Simulation Study PB-272 436/7 BORKIN, HAROLD J. Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 969 Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World PB-206 976 A Preliminary Investigation of the Potential use of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 799 BOROVIC, ILAN Use of Vegetation as an Indicator for Soil Properties under Desert Conditions. AD-679 182 BOTTARO MARQUES, GLADIS A. Ceilandria Environmental Education Project PB-294 425/4 BOTTOMLEY, TREVOR Business Arithmetic for Co-Operatives and Other Small Business; a Basic Manual for the Employees of Primary Co-Operative Societies PB-297 367/5 BOURNE, M. C. Development of Soy-Based Foods of High Nutritive Value for Use in the Philippines PB-213 758/3 343 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX BOWE, ED Demonstration in Low-Cost Housing Techniques. PB-194 757 BOWLIN, MIKE Analysis of Alternatives to Refuse Disposal PB-272 129/8 BOWMAN, THOMAS E. Solar Cookers for Haiti, A Feasibility Study PB-282 650/1 BOXER, BARUCH Space, Change and Feng-Shui in Tsuen Wan'S Urban- ization. AD-687 028 BOXWELL, R. A. The Prevention of Farm-Level Food Grain Storage Losses in India: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis PB-294 842/0 BOYD, J. E. L. Farm Equipment Development Project, Daudawa, N.C.S., Nigeria PB-297 784/1 BOYD, JOHN Tools for Agriculture: A Buyer's Guide to Low-Cost Ag- ricultural Implements PB-297 787/4 BOYD, JOHN E. L. Equipment for Rural Workshops PB-297 379/0 BOYLE, W. Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies PB-285 963/5 BOYSEN, ALEXANDER M. Physician's Assistants Role in Health Aid to Developing Nations AD-760 500 BRACE, JUDITH Teaching Conservation in Developing Nations PB-292 856/2 BRADY, EUGENE R. Administrative Aspects of Urbanization in Developing Countries AD-765 616/8 BRAGG, JOHN H. Preparing, Evaluating, and Managing Development Pro- jects PB-294 901/4 BRAIDS, O. C. Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Re- sulting from the Use of Digested Sewage Sludge on Field Crops PB-213 537/5 BRANDHORST, H. W. JR Status of the Erda/NASA Photovoltaic Tests and Appli- cations Project. N77-13537/4 BRANDT, DIXON Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 BRATON, NORMAN R. Cryogenic Recycling of Solid Waste PB-296 385/8 BRAUER, FRANK E. State-of-the-Art Survey of Ferrocement AD-878 676/6 BRAUN, NORWIN Care and Maintenance of Farm Machinery. A Hand- book for Farm Operations in Tropical Agriculture Areas PB-210 130 BRAY, MAYNARD Taking Care of Wooden Ships PB-292 590/7 BREKKA, LAWRENCE T. Manpower Forecasting Model for Educational Planning PB-291 515/5 BRESSANI, RICARDO Corn Fortification: A Field Demonstration Model PB-211 672 BREWER, R. N. Potential for Conversion and Utilization of Solar Energy in Poultry Production. Progress Report Covering the Period from September 15, 1974 to January 31, 1975. TID-26786 BRINK, FRANCIS E. Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Construction. AD-684 41 1 BROCK, IRVIN R. Aquaculture Techniques: Water Use and Discharge Quality PB-285 956/9 BRODERSON, A. B. Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Plants PB-253 747/0 BROMFIELD, KENNETH R. Peanut Rust: A Review of Literature AD-863 643 BROOKS, ALBERT L. Primary and Secondary Production in the Tropical At- lantic AD-717 965 BROOKS, R. E. Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Annual Report and Revised Research Plan, January 1977-- January 1978 COO-4147-4 Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Third Quar- terly and Bimonthly Report, July 1 -September 30, 1977 COO-4147-3 BROSSMAN, MARTIN W. Quality of Life Indicators. A Review of State-of-the-Art and Guidelines Derived to Assist in Developing Envi- ronmental Indicators PB-225 034/8 BROWN, A. W. A. Crop Productivity - Research Imperatives, Summary of an International Conference on Crop Productivity Held on October 20-24, 1975, at the Boyne Highlands Inn, Harbor Springs, Michigan PB-255 882/3 BROWN, DAVID W. Manual for Agricultural Capital Project Analysis PB-294 068/2 BROWN, HARRISON International Development Programs of the Office of the Foreign Secretary PB-230 543/1 BROWN, J. W. Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V,1) BROWN, K. C. Small Power Systems Study. Quarterly Report No. 1 SERI-36 BROWN, LESTER R. Man, Land and Food. Looking Ahead at World Food Needs PB-286 588/9 Nourrir un Monde Surpeuple. (Man, Land and Food. Looking Ahead at World Food Needs) PB-286 587/1 BROWN, MARION R. Frei Unveils New Agrarian Reform Bill. PB-189 820 BROWN, PAUL W. Methods for Characterizing Adobe Building Materials PB-282 062/9 BROWN, PAUL WENCIL Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures PB-286 096/3 BROWN, ROBENA J. Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 1. 1968-1976 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0419/8 Aquaculture. Part 2. Shellfish. Volume 2. 1977-April, 1978 (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-78/0420/6 BROWN, WILLIAM F. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Transporta- tion for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Or- leans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 BRUCE, MARTIN M. Small Business Management Series No. 3. Third Edi- tion. Human Relations in Small Business PB-282 727/7 BRUCE, ROBERT A Search for an Appropriate Technology for Decentra- lised Cotton Spinning Industry in Rural India PB-294 416/3 BRUCKART, R. F. Introduction to Record Keeping in a Small Enterprise PB-212 034 BRUHN, HJALMER D. Aquatic Plant Harvesting: Development of High-Speed Harvesters and Processing and Utilization of Harvested Vegetation PB-241 715/2 BRUNSON, E. EVAN Improving Water Quality Management Planning in Non- metropolitan Areas PB-222 511/8 BUCK, D. HOMER Combined Culture of Channel Catfish and Golden Shin- ers in Wading Pools COM-73-10810 BUCY, J. I. A Fertilizer Program for Bolivia PB-211 761 BUECHNER, HELMUT K. Ecological Study in Korea. Part I. A Cooperative Pro- gram for Ecosystem Research in Korea. AD-677 010 BUENEMAN, ERVAN Special Report on Techniques of Aided Self-Help Housing. Some Examples of U.S. and Overseas Expe- rience PB-236 285/3 BULFIN, ROBERT L. Appropriate Technology for Natural Resources Devel- opment: An Overview, Annotated Bibliography, and a Guide to Sources of Information PB-279 193/7 BULFIN, ROBERT L. JR The Application of Technology in Developing Countries PB-273 529/8 BULL, FRATE Land Reform in the Philippines 1950-1958. PB-189 969 BULLARD, ERVIN T. Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture PB-286 437/9 Manuel d'Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropicale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) PB-286 436/1 BULLER, HYDE G. Directory of Resources for Project Management Assist- ance PB-294 067/4 BULTMAN, J. D. Biological Deterioration of Wood in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 2. Marine Borer Resistance of Natural Woods over Long Periods of Immersion. AD-716 740 Biological Deterioration of Woods in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 3. Chemical Wood Treatments for Long- Term Marine-Borer Protection AD-736 182 Corrosion of Metals in Tropical Environments: Part 10 - Final Report of Sixteen-Year Exposures AD-A003 909/9 BULTMAN, JOHN D. Proceedings of a Workshop on the Biodeterioration of Tropical Woods: Chemical Basis for Natural Resistance Held at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. on October 17-18, 1974 AD-A029 258/1 BUNDICK, PAUL Global Listing of Appropriate Technology Organizations and Sources PB-296 635/6 BUOL, S. W. A Review of Soils Research in Tropical Latin America. (Lat-631.4072-N864). PB-219 758 BURAS, NATHAN Micro-Level Approaches for Improving Water Resource Knowledge Transfer in Rural Areas AD-A044 982/7 BURD, V. S. Investigation of Active Working Tools of Subsoil Irriga- tion Machines. PB-178 341T BURDEN, ROBERT P. Operations Research in Water Quality Management. PB-217 667 BURDGE, RABEL J. The Social Well-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development PB-250 966/9 BURFORD, JOHN J. JR. Conversion of Feedlot Wastes into Pipeline Gas PB-296 363/5 BURFORD, JOHN L. JR Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaero- bic Digesters PB-296 542/4 BURKHARDT, CHRISTIAN C. Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 BURNEY, MASOOD A. The Feasibility of Harvesting, Processing and Market- ing Tuna in Pakistan PB-211 762 BURNS, RICHARD J. Chemical Control of Vampi r e Bats PB-224 506 BURRESS, RALPH M. Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control 344 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX CHRISTENSEN, PHILIP R. AD-765 437/9 BURROUGHS, RAY J. Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less In- dustrialized Countries. PB-189 254 BURROUGHS, ROY J. Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 Establishing Savings and Loan Associations in Less In- dustrialized Countries PB-294 312/4 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsidiada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 BURTON, THOMAS M. A Mass Balance Study ot Recycling Secondary Munici- pal Wastewater on Abandoned Field Ecosystems PB-286 275/3 BURTON, WILLIAM R. Preliminary Observations on the Production of New High Yielding Rice Varieties and Traditional Rice Varie- ties in Suphan Buri, Thailand. (Th-633.18-B974). PB-219 710 BUSBY, MICHAEL R. A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Agricultural Solid Wastes PB-271 714/8 BUSSERY, ANDRE Methods of Project Appraisal in Developing Countries PB-297 076/2 BUTMAN, R. Technical-Economic Considerations in Public Service Broadcast Communications for Developing Countries PB-223 266/8 BUTMAN, ROBERT Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunications in Nepal PB-239 883/2 BUTRUM, RITVA RAUANHEIMO A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutri- tion. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area PB-213 612/5 BUTT, L. M. Glass Technology AD-769 470/6 BYERLY, T. C. Crop Productivity - Research Imperatives, Summary of an International Conference on Crop Productivity Held on October 20-24, 1975, at the Boyne Highlands Inn, Harbor Springs, Michigan PB-255 882/3 CADWALLADER, EDGAR A. The Application of Wind Energy Systems to Desalina- tion PB-276 174/0 CAHILL, T. P. Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential DOE/NASA/1028-77/13 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. N78- 17466/1 CALDWELL, LYNTON K. Improving the Public Service Through Training PB-287 259/6 L'lmportance de la Formation dans les Services Public (Improving the Public Service Through Training) PB-287 258/8 CALLAWAY, BOB M. Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-188 919 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth PB-285 909/8 CALLAWAY, THOMAS Sewage Lagoons for Developing Countries. PB-179 383 CALLAWAY, THOMAS R. Housing in the Ivory Coast. PB- 179 365 CALLIHAN, C. D. Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 CALVIN, G. J. Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7584 Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7586 CALVIN, M. Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7584 Green Factories for Liquid Fuel LBL-7586 Petroleum Plantations LBL-8236 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 CAO DAN, NGUYEN A Description of Ocean Fish Marketing in Saigon. PB-196 352 CAPENER, HAROLD R. The Social Well-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development PB-250 966/9 CARLSSON, R. H. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Forest Industry Policy and Choice of Appro- priate Technology PB-294 599/6 CARNEY, W. P. Parasites of Man in Remote Areas of Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia AD-A057 551/4 CARPENTER, MARGARET B. Analyzing the Use of Technology to Upgrade Educa- tion in a Developing Country AD-A009 306/2 CARR, MARILYN Economically Appropriate Technologies for Developing Countries; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 374/1 CARRIER, JOSEPH E. R. Water, Mineral, and Forest Resources in Regional Eco- nomic Development. PB-177 544 CARROLL, T. O. Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 CARROLL, THOMAS F. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 CARTEE, CHARLES P. A Study of Managerial Practices in Rural Water Sys- tems PB-223 373/2 CARTER, ELIZABETH A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. June 2-4, 1970. Findings and Implications for a.l.D. PB-197 104 CARTON, PAUL Work That the Indochinese Rice Office Has Accom- plished AD-837 491/0 CASADY, R. B. Commercial Rabbit Raising PB-294 237/3 CASAMAJOR, A. B. Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds UCRL-52385 Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds UCRL-52385(Rev.1) CASAVANT, KENNETH L. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Transporta- tion for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Or- leans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 CASEY, HUGH E. Salinity Problems in Arid Lands Irrigation: A Literature Review and Selected Bibliography PB-214 172/9 CASS, R. A. Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-294 423/9 CASS, ROBERT A. Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 CASSEL, DAVID E. Use of Solar Energy to Heat Anaerobic Digesters. Part I. Technical and Economic Feasibility Study. Part II. Economic Feasibility throughout the United States PB-286 940/2 CASSIMATIS, PETER J. Construction and Economic Development. A Case Study and International Comparisons of Productivity PB-243 846/3 CASTLE, EMERY N. Secondary Benefits and Irrigation Project Planning PB-297 086/1 CASTRO, WALTER E. Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Ma- crobrachium rosenbergii' in South Carolina PB-286 675/4 CAUQUIL, J. Cotton Boll Rot. Laying Out a Trial of a Method of Con- trol (La Pourriture des Capsules du Cotonnier: Essai de Mise en Place d'une Methode de Lutte) PB-249 731/1 CAVAGNARO, DIANE M. Alcohol Fuels (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0673/0 CAVANAUGH, GORDON An Analysis of Alternative Low-Income Rural Housing Systems PB-229 209/2 An Analysis of Alternative Methods of Rural Home Repair PB-232 292/3 CAVIN, JAMES P. Planning Korea's Agricultural Development. Analyses and Recommendations for the Third Five Year Plan PB-218 232/7 CHALCO, WALKER Experiences of Community Participation in Non-Scho- larized Initial Education in the Department of Puno - Peru PB-295 179-T CHALYI, V. P. Investigation of Active Working Tools of Subsoil Irriga- tion Machines. PB-178 341T CHAMBERS, ROBERT Towards Rural Futures: An Approach Through the Planning of Technologies PB-294 549/1 CHAMPION, FRANCIS J. Exploitations Agricoles: Preservation des Poteaux de Cloture et des Bois de Construction (Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts and Farm Timbers) PB-293 867/8 CHANG, YUH-FARN Fish Production in China. The Rearing of Fish Fry and Fingerlings AD-A057 315/4 Fish Production in China. Transportation of Fish Eggs, Fry and Young AD-A057 032/5 CHANLEY, MATOIRA H. Inexpensive Modular Habitats for Juvenile Lobsters ('Homarus americanus') COM-75-1 0241/8 CHAPARRO O, FERNANDO Ciencia Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Volume 2, Numero 1 , Enero-Marzo, 1978 (Technological Science and Devel- opment, Volume 2, Number 1 , January-March 1 978) PB-290 426/6 CHEANEY, E. S. Transportation Technology for Development. Volume I PB-210 592 Transportation Technology for Development. Volume II PB-210 593 CHENG, PAUL HAN Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Reser- voirs with Biogrowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 CHESLER, L. G. Analyzing the Use of Technology to Upgrade Educa- tion in a Developing Country AD-A009 306/2 CHIANG, TZE I. Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 CHISHOLM, TOM S. Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants PB-286 938/6 CHOUDHURY, JAMILUR R. Low-Rise Low-Cost Housing and Extreme Wind Relat- ed Problems in Bangladesh PB-256 771/7 CHOUINARD, ALBERT E. Leather Chemistry for Foremen. Second Year Course. PB-177 973 Leather Chemistry for Foremen. Third Year Course. PB-177 974 CHRISTENSEN, KENNETH A. Process for Bonding a Ferro-Cement Structure with Fi- berglass Reinforced Plastic PATENT-3 984 266 Solving the Galvanic Cell Problem in Ferro-Cement AD-731 719 CHRISTENSEN, PHILIP R. The Use of Communications Media to Improve the Quality of Life in Technologically Developing Nations: A Strategic Overview 345 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX ED-154 838 CHRISTENSEN, RAYMOND P. How the United States Improved Its Agriculture PB-292 863/8 CHRISTENSON, C. W. Waste Management in a Small, Widely Dispersed Mountain Community LA-DC-13156 CHRISTIANSON, CONRAD Water Related Utilities for Small Communities in Rural Alaska PB-259 964/5 CHRISTIANSON, MARY Windmill Power for City People PB-275 658/3 CHUDNOFF, MARTIN Development of the Tropical Wood Resource PB-231 006/8 Factors Influencing the Utilization of Tropical Wood Species PB-230 738/7 Physical, Mechanical, and Other Properties of Selected Secondary Species in Surinam, Peru, Columbia, Nige- ria. Gabon, Phillippines, and Malaysia PB-231 894/7 CHUNG, DO SUP Development of a Simple Storage Unit and Storage Method Applicable for Humid Areas in Developing Countries. (631.23-C559). PB-219 721 Tour of Some U. S. Gram Storage Facilities for Entente Fund Officials. (Afr-631.23-C559). PB-219 708 CHUNGTES, TONGRUAY Preliminary Observations on the Production of New High Yielding Rice Varieties and Traditional Rice Varie- ties in Suphan Buri, Thailand. (Th-633.18-B974). PB-219 710 CHUTA, ENYINNA The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-Scale Indus- tries in Sierra Leone PB-268 493/4 CLARK, GEORGE B. Rapid Excavation of Rock with Small Charges of High Explosives PB-267 295/4 CLARK, JOE W. Natural Decay Resistance of Fifteen Exotic Woods Im- ported for Exterior Use. AD-685 455 CLARK, JOHN P. Profile Change When Industry Moves Into a Rural Area COM-74-1 0547/9 CLARK, R. T. Ganado Bovino Para Carne - Descorne, Castracion, Marcacion a Hierro, Marcas (Beef Cattle - Dehorning, Castrating, Branding and Marking) PB-292 766/3 CLARK, ROBIN Natural Energv and Living, Number 3, 1978 PB-290 420/9 CLARK, RONALD JAMES A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VI. Land Reform in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. PB-195 320 Problems and Conflicts over Land Ownership in Boliva. PB-189 966 CLARK, S. P. A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1. The Study PB-284 681/4 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Appendices PB-284 682/2 CLIFF, EDWARD P. Utilization of Tropical Forests. (A Review of the Forest- ry Literature in the Agency for International Develop- ment Reference Center) PB-229 822/2 CLIFRON, JAMES R. Protecting Adobe Walls from Ground Water PB-295 041/8 CLIFTON, J. R. Adobe Building Materials: Properties, Problems, and Preservation PB-271 847/6 CLIFTON, JAMES R. Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures PB-286 096/3 Methods for Characterizing Adobe Building Materials PB-282 062/9 CLOUGH, ELLIS Visuals in Agricultural Extension Programs PB-297 078/8 COBB, BRYANT F. Ill Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume I PB-263 399/8 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume II PB-264 594/3 COBIA, DAVID W. The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflower Processing Plants in North Dakota PB-265 749/2 COFFEY, FREDERIC A. An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of Increas- ing Edible Oil Production in West Pakistan PB-210 597 COFFING, A. Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume I. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Analytical Report PB-280 053/0 COFFING, ARTHUR Alternative Futures for World Food in 1 985: Volume 2. World GOL Model Supply-Distribution and Related Tables PB-282 228/6 COHEN, MELVIN International Research Seminar on Vocational Rehabili- tation of the Mentally Retarded PB-237 299/3 COHN, EDWIN J. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia. PB-195 316 COLBERG, WAYNE J. L'Etude des Insectes (4-H Entomology Manual) PB-294 897/4 COLBERT DE ARBOLEDA, VICKY New School Project PB-294 571/5 COLCORD, A. R. Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 COLEMAN, CHARLES H. Raising Rabbits in the Tropics PB-294 446/0 COLEMAN, O. H. La Culture du Sorgho pour la Production de Sirop (Cul- ture of Sorgho for Sirup Production) PB-286 431/2 COLEMAN, SUSAN E. Demonstration of Virgin Islands Small Boat Fishing Techniques PB-294 217/5 COLLETT, J. R. Equipment for Rural Workshops PB-297 379/0 COLLETT, JOHN Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps PB-297 368/3 COLLIER, JACK E. Conversion ct Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Sludges into Earthworm Castings for Use as Topsoil PB-291 588/2 COLLIER, ROBERT Rural Industrial Technical Assistance (RITA) PB-207 626 COLLINS, RICHARD A. Culturing Trout in Cages COM-72-10055 Development of the Cage Culture Method of Fish Pro- duction for Commercial Use in Large Reservoir Lakes COM-72-10056 COLSON, B. E. Surface-Water Resources of the Yobe River System, Northern Nigeria, 1963-68 PB-210 594 COLWELL, BRYAN A Pilot Fish-Pond System for Utilization of Sewage Ef- fluents, Humboldt Bay, Northern California COM-73-10333 COMMONER, B. Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 COMMONER, BARRY A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesticides PB-243 639/2 COMPTON, LAWRENCE V. Catfish Farming PB-295 196/0 CONVERSANO, GUY A Pilot Fish-Pond System for Utilization of Sewage Ef- fluents, Humboldt Bay, Northern California COM-73-10333 COOLEY, MIKE Natural Energy and Living, Number 3, 1978 PB-290 420/9 COON, RANDAL C. The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflower Processing Plants in North Dakota PB-265 749/2 COPELAND, B. K. WESLEY Industrial Research and Science and Technology for Development. A Workshop in Preparation for the 1979 U.S. Conference PB-297 073/9 COREV, ARTHUR T. Soil and Rock Strata to Trap, Filter, and Store Water for Rural Domestic Use PB-268 820/8 CORTE, ARTHUR B. The Implications for American Foreign Policy of Low- Cost Non-Voice Communications. A Report to the De- partment of State PB-256 064/7 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Com- munications. Volume 2. A Report to the Department of Commerce and the Office of Telecommunications Policy PB-256 065/4 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Com- munications. Volume 3. A Report to the Department of Commerce and the Office of Telecommunications Policy. Appendices PB-256 066/2 CORWIN, MERRY LEE Health Education: A Study Unit on Fecal-Borne Dis- eases and Parasites PB-262 606/7 COSTA, J. Two-Week Training Program for Building Solar Thermo- siphon Domestic Water-Heating Systems UCID-17595 COTTERILL, O. J. Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Breaking Plant Shell-Waste PB-280 125/6 COTTINGHAM, J. G. Single Technology Pitfall BNL-21491 COULTER, JAMES B. Septic Tank Design Economic Factors Involved. PB-217 276 COWAN, A. M. Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Re- search Needs, and Adoption Strategies, Summary and Recommendations PB-255 928/4 COWAN, ANDREW M. Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Re- search Needs, and Adoption Strategies PB-265 105/7 COWAN, J. RITCHIE Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Research in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agricultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Implementa- tion Needs PB-257 358/2 COWING, AMY Seeing is Believing. How to Conduct Convincing Result Demonstrations PB-293 605/2 COX, F. R. A Review of Soils Research in Tropical Latin America. (Lat-631.4072-N864). PB-219 758 COX, FRANK B. Bamboo Reinforced Concrete AD-A029 842/2 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 1. Preliminary Tests of Bamboo. AD-685 824 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 3. Additional Tests of Bamboo AD-A032 835/1 COYAUD, YVES Notes on the Duration of Evolution of Varieties of Rice Cultivated in Indochina 346 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX DEGEORGES, M. S. PAUL ANDRE AD-837 489/4 CRANDALL, J. STERLING Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 969 Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World PB-206 976 CRANE, JACOB L. Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsidiada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 CRAWFORD, DAVID L. Preparation of Fish Protein Hydrolysates COM-74-10173/4 CRAWFORD, MARGARET E. Urban Food Supply and Distribution: Characteristics and Utilization of Fresh Food Markets in Bangkok and Thonburi AD-A038 482/6 CREAGER, WILLIAM A. Improving the Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information: A Practitioner's Guide to Innovation PB-247 057/3 CREIGHTON, JAMES L. Alternative Futures Planning PB-285 717/5 CROSS, MELVIN Utilization of Finfishes Caught Incidental to Shrimp Trawling in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Evalua- tion of Costs PB-251 192/1 CROW, GENE The $6-Million Eel, or from Bait to Delicacy in Four Years PB-279 771/0 CSORBA, E. Some Aspects of the Construction of Industrial Pro- jects in Developing Countries - Based on Hungarian Experience PB-255 104/2 CULLEY, DUDLEY D. JR Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants PB-286 938/6 CUMBERLAND, JOHN H. Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) PB-239 875/8 CUNY, FREDERICK C. CMU/lntertect Ultra Low Cost Shelters in Relief Situa- tions in Bangladesh PB-291 554/4 CURRIER, R. A. Utilization of Bark Waste PB-221 876/6 CURRY, R. B. Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-1 0569/1 CUSICK, J. P. Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: Assessment of the Near-Term Market DOE/NASA/ 1 022-78/29 CUSTARD, ROBERT F. Creating a Ceramics Industry on the Blackfeet Reser- vation. PB-170 306 DAINES, SAMUEL Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Poten- tial of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Employ- ment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 DAL PORTO, D. F. Handbook for Pesticide Disposal by Common Chemical Methods PB-252 864/4 DALE, GENE Energy Recovery from Manure Using Plug-Flow Digest- PB-295 065/7 DALEY, L. H. 'Sea Dog' Made with Minced Mullet and Textured Soy Flour PB-290 621/2 Storage Stability of a 'Sea Dog' Made from Minced Mullet PB-290 622/0 DALRYMPLE, D. G. The Potato Industry in East Pakistan. Improving Seed Potato Multiplication and Storage PB-294 410/6 DALRYMPLE, DANA G. Controlled Environment Agriculture: A Global Review of Greenhouse Food Production PB-279 517/7 Development and Spread of High-Yielding Varieties of Wheat and Rice in the Less Developed Nations. Edi- tion 5 PB-280 252/8 Survey of Multiple Cropping in Less Developed Nations PB-280 359/1 Technilogical Change in Agriculture. Effects and Impli- cations for the Developing Nations PB-210 596 DAMMANN, ARTHUR E. Demonstration of Virgin Islands Small Boat Fishing Techniques PB-294 217/5 DANCY, HAROLD K. A Manual of Building Construction PB-297 372/5 DANDA, AJIT KUMAR Development and Change in a Bengal Village PB-210 332 DANDA, DIPALI GHOSH Development and Change in a Bengal Village PB-210 332 DANG, HA Campaign for Improvement in Cooperative Manage- ment ~ Second Stage AD-837 497/7 DANIELL, SALLIE G. A Demonstration Project to Establish a Technology De- livery System for Small and Medium-Sized Firms PB-293 821/5 DANIELS, A. C. W. Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report PB-273 286/5 DANIELSON, L. L. Les Maladies de la Tomate: Prophylaxie et Traitement (Tomato Diseases and Their Control) PB-296 918/6 DANNER, M. J. Fishculture Survey Report for West Central Africa, In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 916 Fishculture Survey Report For West Central Africa. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures PB-206 977 DARVAS, ROBERT M. A Preliminary Investigation of the Potential use of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 799 DASSOW, J. A. The Technological Basis for Development of Aquacul- ture to Produce Low-Cost Food Fish COM-73-50645-11-2 DATTNER, MAXINE Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 DAVENPORT, ROBERT W. An Industrial Park Development Program for Central America PB-206 904 DAVIDSON, H. L. Comparison of Wood Preservatives in Stake Tests AD-740 374 DAVIDSON, M. Ecological Considerations of the Solar Alternative LBL-5927 DAVIS, FRANKIE Protecting Adobe Walls from Ground Water PB-295 041/8 DAVIS, H. R. Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollution Con- trol and Energy Conservation. Final Report TID-27164 DAVIS, HARLAN Is Inexpensive Credit a Bargain for Small Farmers: The Recent Brazil Experience. (Br-332.71-A211a). PB-219 684 DAVIS, JOHN Technology for a Changing World PB-297 378/2 DAVIS, R. L. L'Engraissement et L'Exploitation des Bovins de Bou- cherie (The Feeding and Management of Beef Cattle) PB-293 864/5 DAVIS, ROSS D. Report on Small Industry Programs in Turkey PB-206 967 DAVIS, WILLIAM J. L'Entretient des Canaux de Drainage a Ciel Ouvert (Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Main- tenance Program) PB-287 257/0 Some Aspects of an Open Drainage Canal and Mainte- nance Program PB-287 256/2 DAVY, E. G. A Survey of Meteorological and Hydrological Data Available in Six Sahelian Countries of West Africa. A Survey of Studies „. Meteorology and Hydrology in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. N75-1 7045/6 DE BIVORT, LAWRENCE H. An Assessment of Controlled Environmental Agricul- ture Technology PB-279 21 1/7 DE KADT, EMMANUEL Health Aid: A Comparative Study of Three Donor Countries PB-294 619/2 DE LA BRETONNE, LARRY W. Two Major Problems in Culturing Crayfish in Ponds: Oxygen Depletion and Overcrowding PB-260 469/2 DE LOUCHE, JAMES C. Seed Processing and Handling PB-206 805 DE SA, CARLOS E. Project Colorado. Feasibility Studies. Preliminary De- signs PB-206 913 DE SOLA POOL, ITHIEL The Implications for American Foreign Policy of Low- Cost Non-Voice Communications. A Report to the De- partment of State PB-256 064/7 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Com- munications. Volume 2. A Report to the Department of Commerce and the Office of Telecommunications Policy PB-256 065/4 Implications of Low-Cost International Non-Voice Com- munications. Volume 3. A Report to the Department of Commerce and the Office of Telecommunications Policy. Appendices PB-256 066/2 Low Cost Data and Text Communication for the Less Developed Countries. A Study with Special Reference to the Needs of The International Agricultural Research Centers PB-256 067/0 DE WINTER, F. Description of the Solar Energy R and D Programs in Many Nations. Final Report SAN/1122-76/1 DE WINTER, J. W. Description of the Solar Energy R and D Programs in Many Nations. Final Report SAN/1122-76/1 DEADY, EMMETT F. Creating a Ceramics Industry on the Blackfeet Reser- vation. PB-170 306 DEAN, GAREY Preliminary Control of African Rue ('Peganum harmala' L.) with Various Herbicides PB-253 341/2 DEAN, JACK L. La Culture du Sorgho pour la Production de Sirop (Cul- ture of Sorgho for Sirup Production) PB-286 431/2 DECOOK, K. J. Continuation of the Arizona Water Information System (AWIS) PB-257 560/3 DEEDS, SIGRID G. Guidebook for Family Planning Education HRP-0013242/3 DEGEORGES, M. A. ANDRE Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde. Volumen II, No. 4 (Preliminary Limnologic Stud- ies of Laguna Verde. Volume II, No. 4) PB-298 061 /3 DEGEORGES, M. S. ANDRE Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Ara- muaca. Vol. II, No. 1 (Preliminary Limnologic Study of Lake Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1) PB-298 059/7 DEGEORGES, M. S. PAUL ANDRE Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Comparativo del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Lluviosa de 1973 y Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9 (Contribution to the Comparative Limnologic Knowledge on the Guija 347 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX Lake in the 1973 Rainy Season and the 1974 Dry Season. Volume II, No. 9) PB-298 060/5 DEL PORTO, DAVID A. Community Water Management, Research Needs for Small and Urbanizing Communities PB-291 939/7 DEL VALLE, LUIS A. Determination of the Rate of Biodegradation in Some Polluted Tropical Waters and in Some Types of Liquid Wastes Common in Puerto Rico PB-213 181/1 DELANEY, FRANCES M. Low-Cost Rural Health Care and Health Manpower Training. An Annotated Bibliography with Special Em- phasis on Developing Countries. Volume 2 HRP-0016801/3 DELORIA, VINE JR. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. The Lummi Indian Community: The Fish- ermen of the Pacific Northwest COM-74-1 1490/1 DELP, PETER Systems Tools for Project Planning PB-282 746/7 DEMALLIE, RAYMOND J. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Pine Ridge Economy: Cultural and His- torical Perspectives COM-74-1 1493/5 DENG, J. C. 'Sea Dog' Made with Minced Mullet and Textured Soy Flour PB-290 621/2 Storage Stability of a 'Sea Dog' Made from Minced Mullet PB-290 622/0 DENOUAL, D. G. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Forest Industry Policy and Choice of Appro- priate Technology PB-294 599/6 DERIENZO, J. MICHAEL Simplified Housing Construction Systems for Rural Poor Families PB-227 616/0 DEVANNEY, J. W. Ill The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-197 157 DEXTRE, STELLA G. Diagnostico para el Desarrollo de Servicios de Informa- cion Cientifica y Tecnologica en Panama (Analysis of the Development of Scientific and Technological Serv- ices in Panama) PB-289 986/2 DEYO, J. N. Status of the Erda/NASA Photovoltaic Tests and Appli- cations Project. N77-1 3537/4 DEYOE, C. W. Improving Protein Quality of Millet, Sorghum, and Maize Diets by Supplementation PB-223 999 DEYOE, CHARLES W. Producing Channel Catfish COM-72-10048 DHINGRA, ANKAR D. An Annotated Bibliography of 'Macrophomina phaseo- lina' 1905-1975 PB-283 811/8 DIAMANT, B. Z. Combined Vector Control Problems with Contradicting Host Habitats PB-294 430/4 Impact of Industrial Development on the Quality of the Environment PB-294 414/8 Recent Development in the Role of Ozone in Water Purification and Its Implications in Developing Countries PB-294 705/9 DICKEY, JOHN W. Urban Systems Research: Report of the Binational (U.S./Australian) Urban Systems Symposium (1st) PB-241 120/5 DIEBOLD, VINCENT B. Chemicals from Wood Waste PB-262 489/8 DIETRICK, ROBERT C. Report of Management Training Specialists Team, Brazil PB-207 534 DILLON, OLAN W. JR Catfish Farming PB-295 196/0 DILLON, R. W. Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Re- search Needs, and Adoption Strategies, Summary and Recommendations PB-255 928/4 DILLON, RICHARD W. Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Re- search Needs, and Adoption Strategies PB-265 105/7 DITTMAN, LAURA L. Puericulture: Les Soins aux Bebes (Infant Care) PB-293 868/6 DODGE, J. ROBERT Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 Cooperative Housing, Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 52 PB-206 514 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsidiada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 Prolonging Life of Wood in Houses PB-210 129 Report of Housing Team of the International Coopera- tion Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. PB-189 260 DODGE, ROBERT Manual on Design for Low-Cost and Aided Self-Help Housing. PB-179 385 DOHERTY, PAT The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 DON, SHELLEY B. Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaero- bic Digesters PB-296 542/4 DONAHUE, AUDREY E. Chemical Analyses for Water Quality. Training Manual PB-224 212/1 DONAHUE, PATTI Solar Space Heaters for Low-Income Families PB-289 244/6 DONAKOWSKI, T. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use. Final Report, May-December 1975 NSF/RA-760184 DONAKOWSKI, TIMOTHY Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use PB-259 318/4 DONOVAN, W. GRAEME Rural Works and Employment: Description and Prelimi- nary Analysis of a Land Army Project in Mysore State, India PB-224 292 DOOLITTLE, S. P. Les Maladies de la Tomate: Prophylaxie et Traitement (Tomato Diseases and Their Control) PB-296 918/6 DORDICK, H. S. Analyzing the Use of Technology to Upgrade Educa- tion in a Developing Country AD-A009 306/2 DORION, G. H. Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process PB-238 291 /9 DORNBUSCH, DAVID M. The Importance of Water Supply to Indian Economic Development PB-275 241/8 DORNER, PETER Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: The Views of Four Consultants. PB-189 917 The Influence of Land Tenure Institutions on the Eco- nomic Development of Agriculture in Less Developed Countries. PB-189 819 DORNHEIM, ARTHUR R. Establishing a Business in Hong Kong COM-72-50175-018 DORSEY, C. H. Schistosomiasis and 'Schistosoma Mansoni' AD-A015 226/4 DOUGLAS, JOHN R. JR Fertilizer Distribution in Indonesia - 1969 PB-211 639 DOVRING, FOLKE A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Sur- veys. PB-195 324 DOZIER, C.L. Indigenous Tropical Agriculture in Central America:Land Use, Systems, and Problems AD-210 105/3 DRACHEV, S. M. Portable Laboratory Kit for Water Testing under Field Conditions. AD-683 052 DRAKE, R. L. Siting Handbook for Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems PNL-2521 DREW, JANE B. Village Housing in the Tropics. PB-179 329 DREYER, STANLEY Potential Cooperative Projects. PB- 180 245 DRISCOLL, RICHARD S. L'Exploitation des Paturages (Managing Public Range- lands: Effective Livestock Grazing Practices and Sys- tems for National Forests and National Grasslands) PB-286 447/8 Managing Public Rangelands: Effective Livestock Graz- ing Practices and Systems for National Forests and National Grasslands PB-286 446/0 DROSDOFF, MATTHEW Relationships among Physical and Chemical Properties of Representative Soils of the Tropics from Puerto Rico. (Rq-631.42-P555). PB-219 759 DRUBEN, LAUREL Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume I. Preparing Grain for Storage PB-292 909/9 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume II. Enemies of Stored Grain PB-292 910/7 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume ods PB-292 911/5 Storage Meth- DUBACH, JOSE Quesos Andinos del Peru (Cheeses from the Andine Region in Peru) PB-297 856/7 DUBEY, MICHAEL B. Conversion and Storage of Wind Energy as Nitroge- nous Fertilizer PB-290 760/8 DUCKWORTH, ELEANOR R. A Comparison Study for Evaluating Primary School Sci- ence in Africa PB-207 625 DUDAS, SUSAN RN in the Baccalaureate Program HRP-001 1537/8 DUFF, BART Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation. (Rp-631. 3-161 b). PB-219 723 Development of Agricultural Mechanization Technol- ogies at the International Rice Research Institute. (Fea- 631.3-K45). PB-219 702 Establishing Design Criteria for Improved Rice Milling Technologies. (RP-633.18-D855) PB-225 803 DUFF, J. BART Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation PB-207 647 DUFT, B. L. A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Solid Wastes for Building Materials. Phase I Summary Report PB-279 440/2 DUGAN, GORDONJ L. Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 DUGAN, GORDONN L. Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 DUGAS, DORIS J. Fuel from Organic Matter: Possibilities for the State of California AD-A002 212/9 DUKE, KEITH E. An Industrial Park Development Program for Central America 348 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX FAST, SARAH PB-206 904 DUNCAN, RICHARD L. Institution Building: Incidents, Ideas, and Applications. An Experimental Guidebook in Scholar Practitioner Communication PB-293 989/0 DUNLAP, C. E. Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes PB-221 096/1 DUNLAP, WAYNE A. Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-179 327 Manual Para La Construccion de Casas de Tierra (Handbook for Building Homes of Earth) PB-292 747/3 DUNLAP, WILLIAM J. Environmental Effects of Septic Tank Systems PB-272 702/2 DUNLOP, WAYNE A. Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-188 919 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth PB-285 909/8 DUNN, BRUCE S. Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products PB-264 014/2 DUNN, IRVING S. Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings AD-A062 903/0 DUNN, J. R. Potential for Conversion and Utilization of Solar Energy in Poultry Production. Progress Report Covering the Period from September 15, 1974 to January 31, 1975. TID-26786 DURAND, JEAN PAUL Technology for Solar Energy Utilization PB-296 572/1 DURKIN, MICHAEL E. A Review of Architectural Methods and Their Effective- ness for Communicating Human Requirements AD-A012 733/2 DVORACEK, MARVIN J. Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Management. PB- 196 306 DYSART, BENJAMIN C. Ill Multi-Objective Water Resources Planning: Methodolo- gy to Achieve Compatibility Between Environmental Amenities and Economic Development PB-251 377/8 EBERHARD, JOHN P. The Performance Concept: A Study of Its Application to Housing. Volume Two. PB- 184 876 ECCLI, E. Appropriate Technology and Agriculture in the United States PB-276 055/1 ECCLI, EUGENE Appropriate Technology in the United States-An Ex- ploratory Study PB-273 099/2 Save Energy: Save Money PB-293 917/1 ECCLI, SANDRA FULTON Save Energy: Save Money PB-293 917/1 ECKSTEIN, BENJAMIN Sterilization of Fish in their Aquatic Environment to Pro- duce Maximum Size and Weight per Unit of Water Sur- face PATENT-3 331 356 EDGECOMBE, A. L. Small Power Systems Study. Quarterly Report No. 1 SERI-36 EDGERLEY, W. F. L'Engraissement et L'Exploitation des Bovins de Bou- cherie (The Feeding and Management of Beef Cattle) PB-293 864/5 EDWARDS, CHRIS Irrigation in Bangladesh PB-294 546/7 EDWARDS, CLARK Strategies for Balanced Growth in Developing Coun- tries PB-288 209/0 EDWARDS, R. G. Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Plants PB-253 747/0 EDWARDS, R. H. Leaf Protein Concentrate (PRO-XAN) from Alfalfa: An Economic Evaluation PB-294 411/4 EDWARDS, SUELLEN The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Coun- tries PB-295 499/8 EIGHMY, THOMAS HARDEN Modernization in a Regional Context: Pretheory and Practice in Western Nigeria. AD-703 232 EISENSTADT, S. N. Innovation, Social Exchange, and Institutionalization. AD-707 560 EL-SWAIFY, S. A. Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Rela- tionships Between Sodium Ion Activities and Soil Physi- cal Properties PB-203 844 ELDRIDGE, FRANK R. Wind Machines PB-249 936/6 ELKINGTON, CHARLES M. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia. PB-195 316 ELKINS, R. H. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use. Final Report, May-December 1975 NSF/RA-760184 ELKINS, ROBERT H. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use PB-259 318/4 ELLEFSEN, RICHARD A. The Milk Supply of Major Indian Cities. AD-703 235 ELLER, HERBERT Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Curricula Research and Development Held at Soong Jun University, Seoul, Korea on 21 April-8 June 1974 PB-249 368/2 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Improving the Productivity of a Small Indus- try in Rural Korea PB-248 346/9 ELLERTS, GARY Puisard Maraicher en Beton (Concrete Marsh Wells for Irrigation) PB-294 899/0 ELLIOTT, KATHERINE Auxiliaries in Primary Health Care; an Annotated Bib- liography PB-297 791/6 ELSTON, L. W. Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 ELY, L. Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities PB-280 662/8 EMELITY, L. A. Waste Management in a Small, Widely Dispersed Mountain Community LA-DC-13156 ENGELBERG, GARY An Expanded Collection of Language Informant Tech- niques PB-262 768/5 ENGELBRECHT, R. S. Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. PB-216 556 ENGELSTAD, O. P. Tailoring of Fertilizers for Rice. (633.1 8-T297b). PB-219 734 ENGLAND, ROGER Technology for a Changing World PB-297 378/2 ENOCHIAN, R. V. Leaf Protein Concentrate (PRO-XAN) from Alfalfa: An Economic Evaluation PB-294 411/4 EPPS, ERNEST A. Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants PB-286 938/6 ERIKSON, RICHARD Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB-190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume II. Books and Book Length Mono- graphs. PB-190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume III. Government Reports, U.N. Re- ports and Proceedings of Special Conferences. PB-190 677 ERNEST, K. An Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Residues as an Energy Feedstock. Volume I PB-260 763/8 ERYGINA, P. S. Survey of Rice Growing JPRS-64646 ESCOBAR, I. Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Un- conventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 ESMAN, MILTON J. Local Organization for Rural Development: Analysis of Asian Experience PB-294 146/6 ESTIOKO, IDA Establishing Design Criteria for Improved Rice Milling Technologies. (RP-633.18-D855) PB-225 803 ESVELT, LARRY A. Fruit Cannery Waste Activated Sludge as a Cattle Feed Ingredient PB-265 357/4 ETTESVOLD, A. RUDOLPH Farm Credit Manual PB-286 477/5 Manuel de Credit Agricole. (Farm Credit Manual) PB-286 572/3 EVANS, RALPH L. Removal of Algae from Waste Stabilization Pond Ef- fluents - A State of the Art PB-220 300/8 EVERSON, THOMAS C. Protein Production from Acid Whey via Fermentation PB-235 504/8 EVETT, W. W. Hydrology and Water Resources Development in Nepal PB-212 035 EXELL, ROBERT H. B. Solar Rice /Dryer PB-292 913/1 FAIRBROOK, PAUL Creer et Gerer un Petit Restaurant (Starting and Man- aging a Small Restaurant. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 614/3 Starting and Managing a Small Restaurant. Starting and Managing Series, Volume 9 PB-286 591/3 FAIRCHILD, MAHLON Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 FAITH, W. L. 100 Problems in Environmental Health. PB-214 870 FALCONER, J. P. R. Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 FANNON, R. D. JR The Continued Development and Field Evaluation of the Aid Hand-Operated Water Pump. PB-196 340 FARR, MARION M. Maladies Communes et Parasites des Volailles (Com- municable Diseases and Parasites of Chickens) PB-294 284/5 FASANO, MARIE A. From LVN (Licensed Vocational Nurse) To RN (Regis- tered Nurse) in One Year HRP-0019813/5 FAST, S. Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 FAST, SARAH A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesticides PB-243 639/2 349 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX FATTAL, S. GEORGE Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume III. A Guide for Improved Masonry and Timber Connections in Buildings PB-266 334/2 FATTIBENE, RONALD Front End Recycling: A Study of the Economics of Re- cycling by Source Separation and Its Application for Fairfield County, Connecticut PB-257 404/4 FEDOROVIC-TOME, MIHAILO Norms and Tables for Animal Nutrition TT-68-50103 FEIHL, O. Lathe Operators' Manual. Part II. Pressure Bars. Their Operation and Maintenance PB-265 237/8 FELL, JACK W. Preliminary Experimentation in the Development of Natural Food Analogues for Culture of Detritivorous Shrimp PB-253 652/2 FELSTEHAUSEN, HERMAN A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 Fitting Agricultural Extension to the Development Needs of Colombia. PB-189 831 FENTON, ROGER Solar Space Heaters for Low-Income Families PB-289 244/6 FERGUS, D. A. High-Performance, Lightweight Structural Particleboard PAT-APPL-934 290 FERGUSON, F. F. Evaluation of the Emery Dredge for Determining Num- bers of Snails in Tropical Reservoirs. TID-26889 FERGUSON, THOMAS L. Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides PB-244 557/5 FETTER, C. W. JR. Wastewater Treatment by Natural and Artificial Marshes PB-259 992/6 FEUERSTEIN, MARIE-THERESE Comprehensive Community Approach to Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries HRP-001 6272/7 Rural Health Problems in Developing Countries: The Need for a Comprehensive Community Approach HRP-001 3600/2 FFOLLIOTT, PETER F. Development of a Bibliographic Information System for Water Yield Improvement Practices PB-244 696/1 FIDDES, D. Representative Uganda. PB-192 794 FIELD, R. L. Calefaccion de Edificos y Agua Caliente para Uso Do- mestico Mediante Energia Solar (Solar Heating of Building and Domestic Hot Water) PB-295 087/1 Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A021 862/8 Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water AD-A054 60T/0 FIELDS, GARY S. Rural-Urban Migration, Urban Unemployment and Un- deremployment, and Job Research Activity in Ldcs. (331.127-F461). PB-219 772 FINA, LOUIS R. A New Type of Disinfectant for Water Supplies PB-205 823 FINNEGAN, MARCUS B. National Approaches to the Acquisition of Technology PB-296 569/7 FINNERTY, W. R. Multidisciplinary Research Program Directed Toward Utilization of Solar Energy Through Bioconversion of Renewable Resources. Progress Report SRO-888-1 FIRMAN, SUZANNE H. Comment Faire Une Robe. (Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way) PB-287 253/9 Make-a-Dress. Learn to Sew the Easy Way PB-287 252/1 FISCHER, W. A. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- Rural Catchments in Kenya and 30, 1978. Institutional Development of Appropriate In- dustrial Technology in Developing Countries: R and D Policies and Programmes PB-297 662/9 FISCHHOFF, BARUCH The Art of Cost-Benefit Analysis AD-A041 526/5 FITCHETT, DALBERT A. A Short Survey of Colombian Agricultural Development in Recent Years. AD-636 809 FLACK, J. ERNEST Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisciplinary Analysis of Water Resource Systems Held at Colorado University, Boulder, Colorado, on June 19-22, 1973 PB-248 596/9 FLAGG, V. G. Alternative Management Plans for Yellowfin Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific PB-275 182/4 FLICKINGER, STEPHEN A. Pond Culture of Bait Fishes COM-72- 10054 FLIEGEL, FREDERICK C. Communication in India. Experiments in Introducing Change PB-210 508 FLINN, WILLIAM L. Rural to Urban Migration: A Colombian Case. PB-189 989 FLINT, R. WARREN Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Pacifasta- cus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 FLORES, PAUL S. Establishing a Business in Mexico COM-72-501 75-027 FOLSTER, H. G. Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies PB-285 963/5 FONTANA, BERNARD L. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Dressing for the Window: Papago Indi- ans and Economic Development COM-74-1 1492/7 FONTES, MIGUEL An Assessment of Controlled Environmental Agricul- ture Technology PB-279 211/7 FORESTIERI, A. F. Status of the Erda/NASA Photovoltaic Tests and Appli- cations Project. N77-13537/4 FORGESON, B. W. Biological Deterioration of Wood in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 2. Marine Borer Resistance of Natural Woods over Long Periods of Immersion. AD-716 740 Natural Resistance of Woods to Biological Deteriora- tion in Tropical Environments. Part I. Screening Tests of a Large Number of Wood Species. AD-653 856 FORSGATE, J. A. Representative Rural Catchments in Kenya and Uganda. PB-192 794 FORTNER, HEATHER J. The Limu Eater. A Cookbook of Hawaiian Seaweed PB-295 327/1 FOSTER, A. O. Les Maladies Parasitaires du Mouton (Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Sheep) PB-293 874/4 FOSTER, ALBERT B. Petit Manuel de Conservation des Eaux et du Sol (Teaching Soil and Water Conservation) PB-296 917/8 FOSTER, K. E. Continuation of the Arizona Water Information System (AWIS) PB-257 560/3 FOSTER, PHILLIPS W. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 FOURACRE, P. R. Intermediate Public Transport in Developing Countries PB-280 521/6 FOWLER, JAMES L. Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields PB-266 709/5 FOX, ADRIAN C. Petit Manuel de Conservation des Eaux et du Sol (Teaching Soil and Water Conservation) PB-296 917/8 FOX, GORDON D. Forestry in Developing Countries. Potentials, Con- straints, and Opportunities PB-212 726 Technological Opportunities for Tropical Forestry De- velopment PB-229 813/1 FOX, RICHARD H. Fertilizacion con Nitrogeno en los Tropicos Humedos (Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics) PB-293 876/9 Nitrogen Fertilization in the Humid Tropics. (631.8- F793). PB-219 695 FRAENKEL, PETER L. Food from Windmills PB-297 559/7 FRANKOS, N. Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities PB-280 662/8 FREAS, ALAN D. Factors Influencing the Utilization of Tropical Wood Species PB-230 738/7 Report on Survey Team Projected AID Research Pro- gram on Improved Forest Products Utilization in Latin America PB-206 802 FREEDMAN, ELLIOT Low Cost Data and Text Communication for the Less Developed Countries. A Study with Special Reference to the Needs of The International Agricultural Research Centers PB-256 067/0 FREEMAN, CHRISTINA Methane Generation by Anaerobic Fermentation; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 371/7 FREEMAN, PETER H. Coastal Zone Pollution by Oil and Other Contaminants: Guidelines for Policy, Assessment and Monitoring in Tropical Regions. Based Upon a Case Study in Indone- sia, in 1973 PB-247 431/0 Environmental Aspects of a Large Tropical Reservoir - A Case Study of Volta Lake, Ghana PB-248 630/6 The Environmental Impact of a Large Tropical Reser- voir: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Lake Volta, Ghana, in 1973 and 1974 PB-247 430/2 The Environmental Impact of Rapid Urbanization: Guidelines for Policy and Planning. Based Upon a Case Study of Seoul, Korea, in 1972-and 1973 PB-247 429/4 FRENCH, DAVID Appropriate Technology in Social Context: An Anno- tated Bibliography PB-292 585/7 FRENCH, NORMAN H. Irrigation par Deversement (Water Spreading Manual) PB-286 457/7 Water Spreading Manual PB-286 456/9 FRIEND, JAMESINE The Radio Mathematics Project: Nicaragua 1974-1975 PB-287 349/5 FRINK, D. W. The Continued Development and Field Evaluation of the Aid Hand-Operated Water Pump. PB-196 340 FUEHRING, H. D. Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region PB-244 880/1 FUEHRING, H. DALE Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region PB-203 491 FULLER, ERNEST JR. Performance Measures for Public Transit Service PB-294 955/0 GAHAN, LAWRENCE W. Multi-Objective Water Resources Planning: Methodolo- gy to Achieve Compatibility Between Environmental Amenities and Economic Development PB-251 377/8 GALL, G. Watercress-Crayfish Polyculture as an Economic Means of Stripping Nutrients from Enriched Waters. Proceedings of the International Symposium Fresh- water Crayfish (3rd), Held at Kuopio, Finland on De- cember 1976 350 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX GOLUEKE, CLARENCE G. PB-286 700/0 GALL, GRAHAM A. E. The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption PB-286 702/6 GALLANT, PETER Self-Help Construction of 1 -Story Buildings PB-291 857/1 GALLAWAY, BOB M. Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-179 327 Manual Para La Construccion de Casas de Tierra (Handbook for Building Homes of Earth) PB-292 747/3 GALLUP, GLADYS Extension Teaching Methods and Other Factors that Influence Adoption of Agricultural and Home Econom- ics Practices PB-293 866/0 GANGSTAD, EDWARD O. Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 Report on Potential Growth of Aquatic Plants of the Lower Mekong River Basin, Laos-Thailand PB-207 613 GARCIA DE PAREDES, JOSE RAUL Panamanian District: A Case Study in the Sociology of Development PB-294 238/1 GARDE, R. Waste Management in a Small, Widely Dispersed Mountain Community LA-DC-13156 GARG, M. K. The Development of an Appropriate Technology for Decentralised Pottery Industry in Rural India PB-293 844/7 Some Developments of Appropriate Technology for Im- proving Physical Amenities in Rural Homes PB-293 841/3 GARNHAM, DAVID Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB- 190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume II. Books and Book Length Mono- graphs. PB- 190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume III. Government Reports, U.N. Re- ports and Proceedings of Special Conferences. PB-190 677 GARTON, JAMES E. Improved Design and Operating Criteria for Rural Water Districts PB-244 691/2 GASPER, E. Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Management of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 GASSER, WILLIAM R. Planning Korea's Agricultural Development. Analyses and Recommendations for the Third Five Year Plan PB-218 232/7 GATES, DELL E. L'Etude des Insectes (4-H Entomology Manual) PB-294 897/4 GATES, J. M. Optimizing the Growth and Marketing of Fish in a Con- trolled Environment PB-256 103/3 GATES, KEITH W. Process Development for a Foreign Marketable Fish Product from Underutilized Fish PB-290 623/8 GAVISH, URI Use of Vegetation as an Indicator for Soil Properties under Desert Conditions. AD-679 182 GAYDOS, JOEL C. A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Oper- ation ~ Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April - July 1975) AD-A057 539/9 GAYOSO, ANTONIO A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VII. Land Reform in Brazil, Northeast Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico. PB-195 321 GEFTER, SAUL S. Creating a Ceramics Industry on the Blackfeet Reser- vation. PB- 170 306 GEORGE, D. W. Alternative Energy Sources: A Research Challenge CONF-730560-1 GEORGE, K. P. Soil Stabilization PB-222 920/1 GERALD, JOHN O. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Transporta- tion for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Or- leans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 GERLOFF, GERALD C. Nutritional Ecology of Nuisance Aquatic Plants PB-244 263/0 GERRIGAN, MARK E. Growout of the Giant Malaysian Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, in Earthen Ponds in Central Florida PB-271 710/6 GERSUNY, CARL A Fisherman's Co-operative: Open System Theory Ap- plied COM-74-1 1781/3 GERTLER, M. Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 GERTLER, MICHAEL A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesticides PB-243 639/2 GETSINGER, J. G. Tailoring of Fertilizers for Rice. (633.18-T297b). PB-219 734 GEWEHR, H. W. Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential DOE/NASA/ 1 028-77/ 1 3 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. N78- 17466/1 GEYER, JOHN C. An Evaluation of the Problems of Sanitary Sewer System Design. PB- 180 509 GEYMAYER, HELMUTH G. Bamboo Reinforced Concrete AD-A029 842/2 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 1. Preliminary Tests of Bamboo. AD-685 824 GHANI, M. O. Current Scientific and Technological Research Projects in the Universities and Research Institutions of Bangla- desh PB-294 264/7 GHOLSON, JAMES H. Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants PB-286 938/6 GIBBS, M. Crop Productivity - Research Imperatives, Summary of an International Conference on Crop Productivity Held on October 20-24, 1975, at the Boyne Highlands Inn. Harbor Springs, Michigan PB-255 882/3 GIBSON, RICHARD T. An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in Hawaii PB-275 345/7 GIBSON, ULRIC P. Small Wells Manual: A Manual of Location, Design, Construction, Use and Maintenance. PB- 190 672 GILBERT, LAWRENCE I. Control of Flies and Cockroaches by Insect Hormones AD-746 489 GiLBERTSON, CONRAD B. Estimating U.S. Livestock and Poultry Manure and Nu- trient Production PB-279 095/4 GILDEA, RICK Resources for TESOL Teaching: A Handbook for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages PB-295 919/5 GILMAN, MARVIN S. Report of Housing Team of the International Coopera- tion Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. PB- 189 260 GITTINGER, J. PRICE Studies of Land Tenure in Viet Nam (Terminal Report). PB- 189 994 GJOVIK, L. Comparison of Wood Preservatives in Stake Tests AD-740 374 GLADHART, PETER M. Capital Formation of the Ecuadorian Frontier: A Study of Human Investment and Modernization in the Rio- bambenos Cooperative PB-224 222 GLASS, EDWARD H. Plant Protection Problems in Southeast Asia PB-212 101 GLEECK, LEWIS E. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Viet- nam. PB-195 318 GLYNN, T. E. Investigation of Stress Concentration in Reinforced Concrete Components AD-785 748/5 GODBEY, L. C. Proceedings of a Conference on Solar Energy for Heating Greenhouses and Greenhouse-Residential Combinations CONF-770367- GODINEZ, JOSE FRANCISCO Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Comparative del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Lluviosa de 1973 y Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9 (Contribution to the Comparative Limnologic Knowledge on the Guija Lake in the 1973 Rainy Season and the 1974 Dry Season. Volume II, No. 9) PB-298 060/5 Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Ara- muaca. Vol. II, No. 1 (Preliminary Limnologic Study of Lake Aramuaca. Vol. II, No. 1) PB-298 059/7 Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde. Volumen II, No. 4 (Preliminary Limnologic Stud- ies oi Laguna Verde. Volume II, No. 4) PB-298 061/3 Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de llopango y la Laguna de Olomega, 1977. Volume V, No. 5 (Fishing Evaluation of Lake llopango and the Olomega Lagoon, 1977. Volume V, No. 5) PB-298 058/9 GOEL, R. N. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1 978. Medicine for the Rural Population in India PB-297 203/2 GOETZ, ALEXANDER Materials, Techniques, and Testing Methods for the Sanitation (Bacterial Decontamination) of Small-Scale Water Supplies in the Field Used in Germany During and after the War. PB-215 103 GOLDBERG, RAY A. Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries with Special Reference to the Central American Fruit, Vegetable and Floriculture Export Industries PB-294 226/6 GOLDBERG, THEODORE L. Improving Rural Solid Waste Management Practices PB-257 801/1 GOLDMAN, C. R. Watercress-Crayfish Polyculture as an Economic Means of Stripping Nutrients from Enriched Waters. Proceedings of the International Symposium Fresh- water Crayfish (3rd), Held at Kuopio, Finland on De- cember 1976 PB-286 700/0 GOLDMAN, CHARLES R. The Culture of Crayfish for Waste Recycling and Human Consumption PB-286 702/6 Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Pacifasta- cus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 GOLDMAN, J. C. Fuels from Solar Energy: Photosynthetic Systems- State of the Art and Potential for Energy Production COO-4151-2 GOLUEKE, CLARENCE G. Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes 351 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-222 454/1 GOMBERG, IRENE L. Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries, 1977-78 PB-293 846/2 GOOD, CHARLES M. Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa. A Study of the Functions and Development of Exchange Institutions in Ankole, Uganda. AD-716 235 GOODE, ALAN H. Waste Glass as a Flux for Brick Clays PB-214 271/9 GOODSPEED, CHARLES H. CMU/lntertect Ultra Low Cost Shelters in Relief Situa- tions in Bangladesh PB-291 554/4 GOODWIN, HAROLD L. Marine Shrimp Farming in the Western Hemisphere. Appendix C. A Marine Shrimp Culture Bibliography PB-278 264/7 GORDIEVSKAYA, V. S. Shark Flesh in the Food Industry TT-72-50020 GORDON, J. Bio-Conversion of Water Hyacinths into Methane Gas, Part 1. N75-27564/4 GORDON, LESTER E. An Assessment of Development Assistance Strategies PB-296 373/4 GORDON, ROBERT D. Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 GOYERT, JONATHAN C. Agricultural By-Products as Supplemental Feed for Crawfish PB-256 748/5 GRAEBER, R. C. The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Supplementary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries AD-772 930/4 GRAHAM, GEORGE G. Report on Wheat-or Oat-Soy Mixtures. (612-398- G739b). PB-219 703 GRANT, STEPHEN H. Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part I) ED-152 244 Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of Ivory Coast (Part II) ED-152 245 GREELEY, M. The Prevention of Farm-Level Food Grain Storage Losses in India: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis PB-294 842/0 GREELEY, RICHARD S. Dissemination and Utilization of Solar Energy Research Results. Report to the Office of Systems Integration and Analysis Directorate of Applied Research, National Science Foundation PB-231 144/7 GREEN, CHRISTINE R. Inventory of Research on Weather and Climate of Desert Environments. AD-664 641 GREEN, JAMES W. Research and Information Required to Support the Effort to Reach the Rural Poor PB-297 669/4 GREEN, JAMES WYCHE Panamanian District: A Case Study in the Sociology of Development PB-294 238/1 GREENWELL, J. RICHARD The Application of Technology in Developing Countries PB-273 529/8 GREGG, BILL R. Seed Processing and Handling PB-206 805 GREGOR, HARRY P. Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 GREGORY, STEVEN Freshwater Fisheries: Program Planning PB-268 987/5 GRETHER, D. Ecological Considerations of the Solar Alternative LBL-5927 GRIFFEE, D. G. JR Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential DOE/NASA/1028-77/13 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. N78-1 7466/1 GRIFFIN, WADE L. Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Tilapia Aquaculture System PB-290 634/5 Utilization of Finfishes Caught Incidental to Shrimp Trawling in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Evalua- tion of Costs PB-251 192/1 GRIFFITHS, JON Irrigation in Bangladesh PB-294 546/7 GRIGG, NEIL S. Precipitation Management for Reclamation of Over- grazed Areas in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions PB-251 166/5 GRIMMER, D. P. Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic Devel- opment LA-6489 GRIZZELL, ROY A. JR Catfish Farming PB-295 196/0 GUERRA, ANTONIO J. Cracking and Leakage Characteristics of Ferrocement Water Tanks PB-258 003/3 GUEST, R. W. Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 GULKAN, POLAT Response and Energy-Dissipation of Reinforced Con- crete Frames Subjected to Strong Base Motions PB-202 936 GUNKEL, W. W. Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollution Con- trol and Energy Conservation. Final Report TID-27164 GUTHRIE, GEORGE M. The Impact of Modernization in The Philippines AD-722 000 The Impact of Modernization in the Philippines II. AD-715 802 GUTSCHICK, V. P. Long-Term Strategies for Supplying Nitrogen to Crops LA-6700-MS GUZMAN, MIGUEL A. Corn Fortification: A Field Demonstration Model PB-21 1 672 HAECKER, JAMES L. Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 969 HAGELSTEIN, E. Parasites of Man in Remote Areas of Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia AD-A057 551/4 HAGEMAN, JAMES H. Protein Production by Russian Thistle: Effects of Water and Nitrogen on Protein Yields PB-266 709/5 HAGEN, D. L. Methanol: Its Synthesis, Use as a Fuel, Economics, and Hazards NP-21727 HAGGART, SUE A. Analyzing the Use of Technology to Upgrade Educa- tion in a Developing Country AD-A009 306/2 HALAS, JOHN Audio-Visual Techniques for Industry PB-296 573/9 HALE, PETER B. Establishing a Business in Turkey COM-71 -50005-62 HALE, SAMUEL JR. Residential Solid Waste Generated in Low-Income Areas PB-21 5 282/5 HALLBERG, M. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Forest Industry Policy and Choice of Appro- priate Technology PB-294 599/6 HAMILTON, WILLIAM L. A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Analysis PB-220 526/8 A Study of Rural Cooperatives: Summary Volume PB-220 525/0 HAMMOND, JOHN Municipal Wastewater Management. Citizen's Guide to Facility Planning PB-292 394/4 Municipal Wastewater Management. Public Activities Guide PB-292 393/6 HAMMOND, ROSS W. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Improving the Productivity of a Small Indus- try in Rural Korea PB-248 346/9 HANCOCK, W. V. Lathe Operators' Manual. Part II. Pressure Bars. Their Operation and Maintenance PB-265 237/8 HANFORD, WILLIAM E. JR Rural Potable Water Chlorination PB-282 460/5 HANN, R. A. Rapid Production of Pallet Deckboards from Low- Grade Logs AD-724 272 HANRAHAN, CHARLES E. Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Research in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agricultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Implementa- tion Needs PB-257 358/2 HANSBERGER, CAROL Analysis of Alternatives to Refuse Disposal PB-272 129/8 HANSFORD, JAMES D. JR Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Re- search Needs, and Adoption Strategies PB-265 105/7 HANSON, JOE A. Marine Shrimp Farming in the Western Hemisphere. Appendix C. A Marine Shrimp Culture Bibliography PB-278 264/7 HANSON, PHIL Analysis of Alternatives to Refuse Disposal PB-272 129/8 HANSON, ROBERT P. Association of Vertebrate Pathogens with Ecological Perturbation of Tropical Forests. Part I AD-A019 542/0 Entomological Studies. Part II AD-A019 543/8 Mammalogical, Ornithological and Plant Ecology Stud- ies. Part III AD-A019 544/6 HANSON, S. Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies PB-285 963/5 HAPGOOD, DAVID The Role of Popular Participation in Development. PB-193 242 HARAHAP, FILINO Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 HARDIE, WALLACE C. The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflower Processing Plants in North Dakota PB-265 749/2 HARGREAVES, GEORGE H. Economic Aspects of Irrigation from Ground Water. (Br-631.7-H279a). PB-219 711 HARGROVE, STANLEY H. Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use PB-21 1 444 HARPER, JUDSON The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Coun- tries PB-295 499/8 HARPER, MALCOLM Small Enterprises in Developing Countries: Case Stud- ies and Conclusions 352 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX HOQUE, ANWARUL PB-297 369/1 HARRIS, H. E. Development of a Non-Clogging Water Spray System PB-250 626/9 HART, MARGARET Teaching Reading and Creative Writing: A Language Experience Approach PB-296 052/4 HARTENSTEIN, ROY Utilization ot Earthworms and Microorganisms in Stabi- lization, Decontamination and Detoxification of Residu- al Sludges from Treatment of Wastewater PB-286 018/7 HARTKOPF, VOLKER H. CMU/lntertect Ultra Low Cost Shelters in Relief Situa- tions in Bangladesh PB-291 554/4 HARVEY, ERNEST C. Water, Mineral, and Forest Resources in Regional Eco- nomic Development. PB- 177 544 HARVEY, JOHN F. Locating West and South Asian Research Material ED-073 815 West Asian Special Libraries and Information Centers ED-073 814 HARVEY, W. Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 HATCH, JOHN K. Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empirical Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume I PB-294 035/1 Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empirical Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume II. Case Studies PB-294 036/9 HATTIS, DALE Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shell- fish Wastes PB-267 527/0 HAUSER, W. P. Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Plants PB-253 747/0 HAWES, JAMES E. Fertilizer Distribution in Indonesia - 1969 PB-211 639 HAYNES, H. H. Flexural Strength of Ferro-Cement Panels AD-748 582 HEADY, EARL O. Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use PB-211 444 HEALY, JOHN R. Inventory of Research on Desert Regional Types. AD-686 836 HEDSTROM, J. C. Solar Heating Results for the Nambe Community Center LA-UR-78-2589 HEEBINK, B. G. Proposed Low-Cost Window Unit AD-719 308 HEID, WALTER G. JR. The Performance and Economic Feasibility of Solar Grain Drying Systems PB-280 196/7 HEIN, G. F. Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of Devel- oping Countries. N79-15411/8 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets DOE/ NASA/ 1022-78/41 Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets. N78-29578/9 HEITMANN, W. Waste Heat Utilization in Industrial Processes. N78-25012/3 HELGESON, DELMER L. The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflower Processing Plants in North Dakota PB-265 749/2 HENDERSHOTT, C. H. A Literature Review and Research Recommendations on Cassava 'Manihot Esculenta Crantz'. (016.66423- H495). PB-219 712 HENDRIX, WILLIAM E. How the United States Improved Its Agriculture PB-292 863/8 HENTGES, J. F. Processing, Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Aquatic Weeds PB-231 207/2 HEPWORTH, HOMER M. More Wheat from Fallow Farming. (Tu-633.1 1-H529). PB-219 747 HERNANDEZ, TEME P. Agricultural By-Products as Supplemental Feed for Crawfish PB-256 748/5 HERONEMUS, WILLIAM E. A Survey of the Possible Use of Windpower in Thailand and the Philippines PB-245 609/3 HERPICH, RUSSELL L. Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water PB-238 591/2 HERRICK, JAMES WILLIAM American Indian Medicine and Contemporary Health Problems. Part II. Powerful Medicinal Plants in Tradi- tional Iroquois Culture HRP-0026654/4 HERZ, BARBARA K. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. PB-195 323 HESTER, FRANK J. A Review of the Literature on the Development of Skipjack Tuna Fisheries in the Central and Western Pa- cific Ocean COM-73-50276 HEUKELEKIAN, H. 100 Problems in Environmental Health. PB-214 870 HEWES, MARIE T. Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man, and Environment PB-236 143/4 HEYNEMAN, DONALD The Biological Control of Schistosomiasis: A Program to Develop Use of Trematode Interactions in the Snail Host in Conjunction with the Molluscicide Endod as a New Approach to the Control of Human Schistosomia- sis in Egypt and Ethiopia AD-774 720/7 HICKS, G. C. Technical and Economic Evaluation of Fertilizer Inter- mediates for Use by Developing Countries PB-211 629 HIGGINS, H. G. Pulping of Tropical Hardwoods: Individual and Mixed Species, Wood and Paper Properties, Resource As- sessment PB-221 282/7 HIGHLEY, T. L. Natural Decay Resistance of 30 Peruvian Woods. AD-709 718 HIGNETT, TRAVIS P. Caracteristicas de la Industria Mundial del Abono - Fer- tilizantes Fosfatados (Characteristics of the World Fer- tilizers Industry - Phosphatic Fertilizers) PB-294 427/0 HILL, DEAN C. Demonstration in Low-Cost Housing Techniques. PB-194 757 HILL, N. R. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. The Role of National Institutions and Raw Materials Problems in Building Materials Industries PB-294 622/6 HILLS, THEO L. The Ecology of the Forest/Savanna Boundary (Pro- ceedings of the Igu Humid Tropics Commission Sym- posium, Venezuela, 1964). AD-671 856 The Savanna Landscapes of the Amazon Basin. AD-704 160 Savanna-Tropical Forest Boundaries Symposium: Ven- ezuela. AD-638 118 HILLSMAN, KENNETH A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Agricultural Solid Wastes PB-271 714/8 HIMEBAUGH, KEITH Analysis and Recommendations on the Agrarian Reform Program in Ecuador. PB-189 992 HIMMINS, MERRIL S. JR. Construcciones Resistentes Al Fuego - En El Hogar - Y En La Granja (Fire Construction of the Home— of Farm Buildings) PB-292 746/5 HINCHCLIFF, KEITH H. Village Housing in the Tropics, with Special Reference to West Africa. PB-188 926 HINER, RICHARD L. L'Abattage des Boefs a la Ferme (Slaughtering, Cut- ting, and Processing Beef on the Farm) PB-293 870/2 HINESLY, T. D. Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Re- sulting from the Use of Digested Sewage Sludge on Field Crops PB-213 537/5 HISE, E. C. Potential for Energy Conservation Technology Transfer CONF-760536-1 HITTE, STEVEN J. Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Methane PB-261 091/3 HITTLE, DOUGLAS C. Method for Estimating Solar Heating and Cooling System Performance AD-A026 041/4 HOAD, WILLIAM M. Petite Entreprise: 150 Questions (150 Questions for a Prospective Manufacturer) PB-293 762/ 1 HOBBS, MICHAEL Natural Energy and Living, Number 3, 1978 PB-290 420/9 HODA, M. M. Appropriate Technology for a New System of Educa- tion PB-294 570/7 HODGSON, HARLOW J. Non-Conventional Proteins and Foods: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Wisconsin-Madi- son on October 18-20, 1977 PB-283 965/2 HOFF, GEORGE C. Research and Development of Fiber-Reinforced Con- crete in North America AD-A029 823/2 HOKANSON, ALLAN E. Chemicals from Wood Waste PB-262 489/8 HOLLOWAY, MILTON L. Techniques for Identifying and Evaluating Market and Non-Market Benefits and Costs of Water Resource Systems PB-231 485/4 HOLMAN, FREDERICK J. Reforestation in Arid Lands PB-292 857/0 HOLMES, ELWYN S. Recommendations for FECOAGROH Grain Storage and Handling Facilities in Honduras PB-211 843 HOLSHOUSER, DONALD F. Method for Estimating Solar Heating and Cooling System Performance AD-A026 041/4 HOLT, ROBERT T. Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB-190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume II. Books and Book Length Mono- graphs. PB-190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume III. Government Reports, U.N. Re- ports and Proceedings of Special Conferences. PB-190 677 HONTZ, LLOYD Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 HOQUE, ANWARUL The Effectiveness and Financial Stability of the Comilla Agricultural Cooperative Credit System for Small Farm- ers, (BG-332.71-S845) 353 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-225 956 HORSFIELD, BRIAN Technological and Economic Assessment of the Utili- zation of Rice Straw Residue from the California Sacra- mento Valley for On-Farm Power Generation PB-275 230/1 HORTENSTINE, C. C. Composted Municipal Refuse as a Soil Amendment PB-222 422/8 HOSKEN, FRANZISKA P. International Directory of Women's Development Orga- nizations PB-292 854/7 HOUSTON, D. F. Nutritional Properties of Rice PB-232 525/6 HOWDYSHELL, P. A. The Use of Coral as an Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Structures AD-784 092/9 HOWE, J. D. G. F. Forecasting Rural Road Travel in Developing Countries from Studies of Land Use PB-277 726/6 A Review of Rural Traffic-Counting Methods in Devel- oping Countries PB-207 980 HOWE, JAMES W. Energy for the Villages of Africa. Recommendations for African Governments and Outside Donors PB-292 790/3 HOWELL, YVONNE Engineer's Guide to Solar Energy PB-297 043/2 HUGHES, DAVID EARL The Role of Communication Satellites in Education for Less-Developed Countries AD-A025 397/1 HUGHES, JAMES P. Health Policies and International Corporations HRP-0006853/6 HUGUENIN, JOHN E. Marine Shrimp Farming in the Western Hemisphere. Appendix C. A Marine Shrimp Culture Bibliography PB-278 264/7 HUGUENIN, SUZANNE E. Marine Shrimp Farming in the Western Hemisphere. Appendix C. A Marine Shrimp Culture Bibliography PB-278 264/7 HUIBREGTSE, K. R. Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater PB-259 946/2 HULT, MAGNUS International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Creation of Small-Scale Industry Develop- ment in Southern Sweden - The Gnosjo Case PB-297 226/3 HUMMER, C. W. Biological Deterioration of Wood in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 2. Marine Borer Resistance of Natural Woods over Long Periods of Immersion. AD-716 740 HUMMER, C. W. JR Natural Resistance of Woods to Biological Deteriora- tion in Tropical Environments. Part I. Screening Tests of a Large Number of Wood Species. AD-653 856 HUNCILMAN, STAN The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 HUNDEMANN, AUDREY S. Greenhouse Design, Construction, and Operation (Cita- tions from the Engineering Index Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0006/3 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agricul- tural Wastes (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0112/1 Wind Power (Citations from the Engineering Index Data Base) NTIS/PS-78/0417/2 HUNDEMANN, P. Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities PB-280 662/8 HUNER, JAY Two Major Problems in Culturing Crayfish in Ponds: Oxygen Depletion and Overcrowding PB-260 469/2 HUNER, JAY V. Soft Shell Crawfish as an Aquaculture Food Product PB-279 982/3 HUNT, K. Balsam Woolly Aphid-Infested Abies Wood as a Source of Pulp Fibre. PB-182 764 HUNT, M. O. High-Performance, Lightweight Structural Particleboard PAT-APPL-934 290 HUNT, PETER Self-Help Construction of 1 -Story Buildings PB-291 857/1 HUNTER, R. B. Challenge of a Desert: Revegetation of Disturbed Desert Lands UCLA-12-1123 HUPPKE, ING. WALTER Design of a Factory for the Productivity of Tomato Paste PB-294 139/1 HUPPKE, WALTER F. A Proposed Factory in Honduras for the Processing of Pineapples and Other Tropical Fruits PB-294 234/0 HURDIS, DAVID A. Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture: Potential, Re- search Needs, and Adoption Strategies PB-265 105/7 HURST, HAROLD Production of Channel Catfish in Cages COM-74-10910/9 HUSSAIN, IJAZ Irrigation par Deversement (Water Spreading Manual) PB-286 457/7 Water Spreading Manual PB-286 456/9 HUTCHISON, S. BLAIR Factors Influencing the Utilization of Tropical Wood Species PB-230 738/7 HUTTER, U. Wind Power Machines. N75-17786/5 IBACACHE, M. E. Contribution to the Analysis of the Development of Un- conventional Energy Sources in Latin America ERDA-tr-298 IBRAHIM, I. Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 ICE, W. J. Design and Fabrication of a Photovoltaic Power System for the . -pago Indian Village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona DOE/NASA/ 1022-78/39 IDYLL, CLARENCE P. The Potential for Fishery Development in the Caribbe- an and Adjacent Seas COM-71 -50584 IFJU, GEZA Wood in the Construction of Mass-Produced Houses PB-207 812 IGNATIUS, N. Guide to Demonstrations of Energy Conservation, Solar Energy and Other New Technologies: Energy Ex- tension Service TID-28044 IMMER, JOHN R. Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Construction (Starting and Managing a Small Building Business) PB-294 415/5 INGERSOLL, JEAN M. Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 INGLE, HENRY T. Communication Media and Technology: A Look at Their Role in Non-Formal Education Programs PB-292 586/5 Technology and Educational Reform: The Case of El Salvador ED- 152 240 What Is Educational Technology ED-152 247 INGOLD, DAVID Puisard Maraicher en Beton (Concrete Marsh Wells for Irrigation) PB-294 899/0 INMAN, R. E. An Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Residues as an Energy Feedstock. Volume I PB-260 763/8 INMAN, ROBERT E. Effective Utilization of Solar Engegy to Produce Clean Fuel PB-233 956/2 ISLAM, M. Q. Current Scientific and Technological Research Projects in the Universities and Research Institutions of Bangla- desh PB-294 264/7 IVLEVA, I. V. Mass Cultivation of Invertebrates: Biology and Methods TT-72-50055 IVORY, MING Expatriate Professionals as International Consultants PB-294 424/7 JACK, W. G. How to Use Natural Energy PB-292 587/3 JACOBS, H. L. The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Supplementary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries AD-772 930/4 JACOBS, MILTON Resettlement in Latin America: An Analysis of 35 Cases. AD-651 116 JACOBSEN, WILLIS E. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume II. Automotive Emissions PB-202 778-2 JAIN, P. L. Fluoride Process - A Sodium Silicate Bonded Self-Har- dening Sand System Using a Fluoride Hardener PB-294 417/1 JAIN, T. C. Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Litera- ture, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume I - Classified Part PB-293 140/0 Survey of Indian Agro-Bio-Economic and Allied Litera- ture, 1947-1975. A Bibliography. Volume 2 - Author Part, Title Part and Directory of Publishers PB-293 141/8 JALIL, S. A. The Feasibility of Harvesting, Processing and Market- ing Tuna in Pakistan PB-211 762 JAMES, Trade-Offs Between Farm Income and Selected Envi- ronmental Indicators: A Case Study of Soil Loss, Fertil- izer, and Land Use Constraints PB-293 919/7 JAMES, BEN E. JR. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Improving the Productivity of a Small Indus- try in Rural Korea PB-248 346/9 JAMES, CHARLES F. Maintenance System for a Small Hospital HRP-0007411/2 JAMISON, MARSHALL Satellite Educational System Costs for Three Model Developing Countries PB-252 583/0 JANNUZI, F. TOMASSON A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 JANS, FRED Building a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Ex- tension Administrators PB-286 579/8 Creation d'Un Service de Vulgarisation Aghcole (Build- ing a Strong Extension Service. A Guide for Extension Administrators) PB-286 580/6 JARAMILLO S, LUIS J. Ciencia Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Volume 2, Numero 1 , Enero-Marzo, 1978 (Technological Science and Devel- opment, Volume 2, Number 1, January-March 1978) PB-290 426/6 JARRETT, JAMES E. Creating Jobs: Connecticut's Product Development Corporation PB-293 820/7 JAYNES, W. Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Breaking Plant Shell-Waste PB-280 125/6 JEFFREY, GEOFFREY M. Central America Malaria Research Station. (Lat- 614.4323-D419a). PB-219 726 354 JEFFREY, N. B. Progress Report on Fisheries Development in North- eastern Brazil. I. Aquaculture PB-224 225 JEFFRIES, THOMAS W. Ethanolic Fuels from Renewable Resources in the Solar Age PB-295 645/6 JELLIFFE, DERRICK B. Health Education of the Tropical Mother in Feedinq Her Young Child PB-286 439/5 La Nutrition de L'Enfant Dans les Pays en Voie de De- veloppment (Child Nutrition in Developinq Countries) PB-286 459/3 JESSE, E. V. Decentralized Tomato Processing: Plant Design, Costs, and Economic Feasibility PB-251 382/8 JEWELL, W. J. Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Eight Quarter Progress Report, March 16-June 15, 1978 TID-28736 Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollution Con- trol and Energy Conservation. Final Report TID-27164 JEYASINGAM, T. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Appropriate Technology for a Low-Cost Paper Project to Boost the Rural Economy PB-294 600/2 JIANNEE, AGNES Preliminary Bibliography of Fish and Fisheries with Special Reference to Shrimps and Prawns PB-263 671/0 JOBIN, W. R. Evaluation of the Emery Dredge for Determining Num- bers of Snails in Tropical Reservoirs. TID-26889 JOHL, S. S. An Analysis of Shifting Relative Prices and Marketing Facility Investments in the Context of Technological Change in the Developing Countries. (338.1 3-J65). PB-219 685 JOHNSON, CARL R. Standards and Procedures for the Design of Water Supply Systems in Rural Areas of Nepal and Bhutan PB-285 983/3 JOHNSON, MILTON G. Assessing Technology for Marine Resource Develop- ment. Proceedings of a Conference-Workshop Held by the Marine Technology Society at Arlington, Virqinia on May 15-17, 1972 COM-74-1 1005/7 JOHNSON, S. K. Crawfish and Freshwater Shrimp Diseases PB-275 958/7 JOHNSON, STANLEY S. Performance and Economics of Use of Small Equip- ment in Tropical Monsoon Countries: The Case of the Philippines PB-206 806 JOHNSON, V. A. Genetic Improvement of Productivity and Nutritional Quality of Wheat PB-279 445/1 JOHNSTON, H. R. Les Termites Ravageurs du Batiment (Control of Non- subterranean Termites and Subterranean Termites) PB-294 900/6 JOHNSTON, RICHARD Directory of Consultants to Small Rural Industries. Em- ployment Generation Through Stimulation of Small In- dustries PB-296 362/7 Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. List of Subject Headings Used by the Inter- national Development Data Center PB-249 369/0 JOKERST, R. W. Rapid Production of Pallet Deckboards from Low- Grade Logs AD-724 272 JOLLEY, J. Lightweight Reflector Assembly. PATENT-4 035 065 Lightweight Reflector Assembly and Method. PAT-APPL-61 7 202 JONES, ALAN Natural Energy and Living, Number 3, 1978 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-290 420/9 JONES, BENJAMIN J. Creating Jobs: Connecticut's Product Development Corporation PB-293 820/7 JONES, DOUGLAS M. The Feasibility of Harvesting, Processing and Market- ing Tuna in Pakistan PB-211 762 JONES, MARTIN V. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Project Sum- mary PB-202 778-7 A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume I. Some Basic Propositions PB-202 778-1 JONES, WILLIAM O. Marketing of Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa: Overall Analysis and Report PB-21 1 669 JOY, J. L. Nutrition and National Development Planninq PB-294 555/8 JUN, S. S. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. The Pharmaceutical Industry of the Republic of Korea PB-297 227/1 JURGENSEN, KAREN M. The $6-Million Eel, or from Bait to Delicacy in Four Years PB-279 771/0 KADDAH, H. A. Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Hous- ing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1975 PB-293 782/9 KAISER, R. Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report PB-273 286/5 KALISKY, CHARLES Closing the Communications Gap. The Role and Func- tions of Information Media in Rehabilitation Services PB-214 489/7 KAMINSKI, A. Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities PB-280 662/8 KAMPRATH, E. J. A Review of Soils Research in Tropical Latin America. (Lat-631.4072-N864). PB-21 9 758 KAPLAN, MILTON Guidelines for Establishing and Administering Land De- velopment Agencies in the Developinq Countries PB-236 391/9 KARDOS, N. Ethanol from Agricultural Crops. Report No. 28. A Lit- erature Survey NP-23208 KASAL, Trade-Offs Between Farm Income and Selected Envi- ronmental Indicators: A Case Study of Soil Loss Fertil- izer, and Land Use Constraints PB-293 919/7 KAUNGAMNO, EZEKIEL E. A National Plan for the Development of Library Serv- ices ED-070 505 KAYEUM, JOAN Tales of Wisdom in Folly - A Course in Controlled Composition PB-262 820/4 KAYLOR, ROBERT E. Environmental Conditions in a Tropical Forest Region in Thailand AD-A047 981/6 KEAYS, J. L. Recent Advances in Foliage Utilization PB-243 936/2 KEENER, H. M. Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-10569/1 KEIM, KATHLEEN M. Establishing a Business in Kuwait COM-72-501 75-033 KEITH, SUSAN JO The Impact of Groundwater Development in Arid Lands: A Literature Review and Annotated Biblioqraohv PB-276 908/1 a ' KELLER, M. H. Passive Solar Heating and Cooling KIVLIN, JOSEPH E. LA-6637-C KELSO, GARY L. A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides PB-284 990/9 KENDRICK, JAMES G. The Development of a High Protein Isolate from Se- lected Distillers By-Products PB-243 702/8 KENWORTHY, A. L. Trickle Irrigation in Michigan Fruit Plantinqs PB-286 892/5 KEYNON, G. Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findinqs PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 KHAN, AMIR U. Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation PB-207 647 Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation. (Rp-631.3-I61b). PB-21 9 723 Development of Agricultural Mechanization Technol- ogies at the International Rice Research Institute. (Fea- 631.3-K45). PB-21 9 702 Drying and Processing Research at IRRI. (633 18- M266) PB-225 787 KHAN, M. S. A. Current Scientific and Technological Research Projects in the Universities and Research Institutions of Banqla- desh PB-294 264/7 KHATUN, NASIBA Current Scientific and Technological Research Projects in the Universities and Research Institutions of Banqla- desh PB-294 264/7 KIM, KE CHUNG Ecological Study in Korea. Part I. A Cooperative Pro- gram for Ecosystem Research in Korea. AD-677 010 KIMBALL, NORMAN D. Secondary Benefits and Irrigation Project Planninq PB-297 086/1 KIMBER, CLARISSA THERESE Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique i AD-703 222 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, ii. AD-703 223 Recent Historical Plant Geography of Martinique, iii. AD-703 224 H KING, JANNA R. Parameters for Legislative Consideration of Bioconver- sion Technologies PB-284 742/4 KING, SUSAN COLE Primary Health Care and the Role of Foreiqn Aid PB-294 624/2 KINGERY, W. D. Needs and Opportunities for Ceramic Science and Technology COO-2390-15 KIRBY, C. E. An Inexpensive Economical Solar Heating System for Homes. N76-27671/6 KIRKMAN, C. H. JR. Understanding Your Cooperatives PB-295 621/7 KIRPICHNIKOV, V. S. Selective Breeding of Carp and Intensification of Fish Breeding in Ponds (Selektsiya Karpa I Voprosy Intensi- fikatsii Prudovogo Rybovodstva). TT-70-50064 KIRSTEN, C. C. Solar Powered Pump. PAT-APPL-566 493 KISPERT, R. G. Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste PB-245 083/1 KITAMURA, TERUKI Transportation and Land Use Planninq Abroad PB-255 911/0 KIVLIN, JOSEPH E. Communication in India. Experiments in Introducinq Change 355 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-210 508 KLEINRATH, HANS Technology for Solar Energy Utilization PB-296 572/1 KLEPPER, R. Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 KLEPPER, ROBERT A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesticides PB-243 639/2 KLIER, RUSSELL P. Chemicals from Wood Waste PB-262 489/8 KLIMENT, S. 43 Rules: How Houses Can Better Resist High Wind PB-268 081/7 KLIMENT, S. A. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume I. Over- view PB-266 332/6 KLIMENT, STEPHEN A. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume V. Hous- ing in Extreme Winds: Socio-economic and Architectur- al Considerations PB-266 336/7 KLINE, JOHN B. Management Audit for Small Manufacturers PB-282 707/9 KLINE, R. D. Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76- 10569/1 KLOKE, CORT W. Aquaculture as an Integral Part of the Agricultural Farming System. A Case Study in the North-East of Thailand PB-263 672/8 The Technology and Economics of Catfish ('Clarias spp.') Farming in Thailand PB-263 670/2 The Technology and Economics of Small-Scale Com- mercial Prawn ('Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Hatcher- ies: A Case Study in Thailand PB-263 669/4 KLONTZ, G. W. Aquaculture Techniques: Water Use and Discharge Quality PB-285 956/9 KNIGHT, J. A. Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 KNIGHT, ROBERT Development and Testing of the Robovalve PB-293 788/6 KNIZEK, IAN Brickmaking Plant: Industry Profile PB-296 577/0 KNOWLES, P. F. An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of Increas- ing Edible Oil Production in West Pakistan PB-210 597 KOEGEL, RICHARD G. Aquatic Plant Harvesting: Development of High-Speed Harvesters and Processing and Utilization of Harvested Vegetation PB-241 715/2 KOEHLER, JOHN E. The Philippine Family Planning Program: Some Sug- gestions for Dealing with Uncertainties. AD-703 278 KOELZER, VICTOR A. Desalting PB-209 942 KOEPPEN, ROBERT C. Factors Influencing the Utilization of Tropical Wood Species PB-230 738/7 KOHLER, G. O. Nutritional Properties of Rice PB-232 525/6 KOLSTAD, C. D. Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic Devel- opment LA-6489 KOO, ANTHONY Y. C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 KOONE, HAROLD D. A I D Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Viet- nam. PB-195 318 KORNSAKOO, SOMMAI Solar Rice /Dryer PB-292 913/1 KORSGAARD, V. Zero-Energy-House NP-22388 KOTHANDARAMAN, V. Removal of Algae from Waste Stabilization Pond Ef- fluents - A State of the Art PB-220 300/8 KOWAL, R. J. Les Termites Ravageurs du Batiment (Control of Non- subterranean Termites and Subterranean Termites) PB-294 900/6 KOWALSKI, JOSEPH G. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume IV. Fore- casting the Economics of Housing Needs: A Method- ological Guide PB-266 335/9 KRAMER, G. Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies PB-285 963/5 KREISSL, J. F. Waste Treatment for Small Flows PB-219 950/3 KREISSL, JAMES F. Environmental Effects of Septic Tank Systems PB-272 702/2 KRIESBERG, MARTIN The Marketing Challenge. Distributing Increased Pro- duction in Developing Nations PB-211 658 KRISHNASWAMI, K. R. Process Technologies for Phosphate Fertilizers PB-296 575/4 KROGZEMIS, JAMES R. A Historical Geography of the Santa Marta Area, Co- lombia. AD-657 858 KROSCHEL, MAX The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 KRUG, ROBERT E. Ability Testing in Developing Countries. A Handbook of Principles and Techniques. (371.264-S41 1a) PB-226 015 KRYUCHKOVA, N. I. Use of Krill for Food Protein. JPRS-52169 KUKACHKA, B. FRANCIS Properties of Imported Tropical Woods. AD-704 261 Report on Survey Team Projected AID Research Pro- gram on Improved Forest Products Utilization in Latin America PB-206 802 KULP, EARL M. Designing and Managing Basic Agricultural Programs PB-282 839/0 KUMAR, SUDHIR Optimum Subsurface and Underground Shell Struc- tures for Better Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part I: A Case for Subsurface and Underground Housing in Hot- Arid Lands. Part II: Optimization of Subsurface and Un- derground Shells. AD-709 715 KUNKA, JILL Illinois Appropriate Technology Project Book PB-293 105/3 KURTENACKER, R. S. Rapid Production of Pallet Deckboards from Low- Grade Logs AD-724 272 L'HUILLIER, DANIEL Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad PB-255 911/0 LACHANCE, PAUL A. Corn Fortification: A Field Demonstration Model PB-211 672 LACHENMEYER, CHARLES W. A System for the Analysis, Evaluation and Design of Organizations, Work, and Jobs PB-265 159/4 LAHRE, THOMAS F. Background Document: Bagasse Combustion in Sugar Mills PB-264 302/1 LAMB, CHARLES W. JR. An Analysis of Prices Paid to Fishermen Before and After the Establishment of a Fishery Cooperative COM-75-501 85-03-05 LAMBERT, JACK L. A New Type of Disinfectant for Water Supplies PB-205 823 LAMP, GEORGE E. JR Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part II. Estimating Costs of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants PB-259 513/0 LANDIS, ROBERT C. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume V. Mariculture (Sea Farming) PB-202 778-5 LANDMAN, A. Methanol as an Automotive Fuel with Special Empha- sis on Methanol-Gasoline Blends PB-270 401/3 LANDREMAN, D. M. Transportation Technology for Development. Volume I PB-210 592 Transportation Technology for Development. Volume II PB-210 593 LANDSBERG, HELMUT E. Environmental Conditions in a Tropical Forest Region in Thailand AD-A047 981/6 LANDT, EUGENE F. Report on Survey Team Projected AID Research Pro- gram on Improved Forest Products Utilization in Latin America PB-206 802 LAPLACE, JOSEPH A. Demonstration of Virgin Islands Small Boat Fishing Techniques PB-294 217/5 LAPORTE, T. They Watch and Wonder. Public Attitudes Toward Ad- vanced Technology. N77-1 8954/6 LARSON, C. THEODORE Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World PB-206 976 A Preliminary Investigation of the Potential use of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 799 LATHWELL, D. J. Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollution Con- trol and Energy Conservation. Final Report TID-27164 LATIF, A. Bio-Gas Production from Alligator Weeds. N77-1 9729/1 LAU, L. STEPHEN Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 LAUNDRIE, JAMES F. Recovery and Reuse of Wastepaper from Shredded Household Trash AD-A007 918/6 LAURIA, DONALD T. Planning Small Water Supplies in Developing Coun- tries. (628.72-L384). PB-219 774 LAVER, M. L. Utilization of Bark Waste PB-221 876/6 LAVRINENKO, D. D. Interaction of Wood Species in Different Types of For- ests TT-70-57224 LAW, JAMES P. JR Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Regions PB-198 125 LAWHON, W. T. Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 LAWLESS, EDWARD W. Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides PB-244 557/5 A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides PB-284 990/9 LAWLESS, P. RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 17. Solar School Projects 356 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX LOGSDON, GARY S. PB-247 260/3 LAWRENCE, J. M. Aquatic Weed Control in Fish Ponds with Chemical Methods AD-726 948 LAWRENCE, KATHRYN A. A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides PB-284 990/9 LAWYER, KENNETH Small Business Management Series Number 36. Train- ing Salesmen to Serve Industrial Markets PB-282 731/9 LE GRAND, F. Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Eco- nomic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utili- zable Energy Forms. Final Report TID-28550 LE-VAN-DANG, Present Situation and Possibilities of Postwar Develop- ment of Inland-Fisheries in the Mekong delta. PB- 196 341 LECHEVALIER, R. RANN Utilization Experience. Case Study No. 16. Transportable Solar Laboratory PB-247 079/7 LEE, DOUGLAS H. K. La Construction en Climat Chaud (Physiological Objec- tives in Hot Weather Housing) PB-286 424/7 Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing. PB-188 925 Physiological Objectives in Hot Weather Housing PB-286 584/8 LEE, EVERETT Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research. Volume III. Djakarta, Indonesia PB-222 457/4 LEE, HARRY G. The Biological Control of Schistosomiasis: A Program to Develop Use of Trematode Interactions in the Snail Host in Conjunction with the Molluscicide Endod as a New Approach to the Control of Human Schistosomia- sis in Egypt and Ethiopia AD-774 720/7 LEE, SENG-LIP Ferrocement, A Versatile Construction Material: Its In- creasing Use in Asia PB-261 818/9 LEET, GLEN The Augmentation of International Conferences Through Computer Communications PB-297 087/9 Trickle-Up Development Through Aided Self-Employ- ment PB-297 072/1 LEET, GLENN Aided Self-Employment as a Means of Enabling the Poorest of the Poor to Contribute to Development PB-297 074/7 LEET, MILDRED ROBBINS The Augmentation of International Conferences Through Computer Communications PB-297 087/9 LEGRAND, F. Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Eco- nomic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utili- zable Energy Forms PB-278 351/2 LEHMANN, EDWARD J. Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agricul- tural Wastes (A Bibliography with Abstracts) NTIS/PS-75/655/1 Synthetic Fuels from Municipal, Industrial, and Agricul- tural Wastes (Citations from the NTIS Data Base) NTIS/PS-77/0112/1 Technology Transfer a Bibliography with Abstracts COM-74-11194/9 LEHMANN, W. F. High-Performance, Lightweight Structural Particleboard PAT-APPL-934 290 LEHRER, PAUL L. The Effects of African Agricultural Practices on Soil Productivity and Nutrient Levels in Kenya. AD-679 459 LEIS, R. D. Transportation Technology for Development. Volume I PB-210 592 Transportation Technology for Development. Volume II PB-210 593 LEKIS, LISA Analysis and Recommendations on the Agrarian Reform Program in Ecuador. PB-189 992 LELE, UMA Designing Rural Development Programs: Lessons from Past Experience in Africa PB-297 664/5 LEMCKERT, DICK Reforestacion (Reforestation) PB-297 868/2 LEMENAGER, CHARLES R. Demonstration in Low-Cost Housing Techniques. PB-194 757 LENTZ, JOHN J. An Evaluation of the Problems of Sanitary Sewer System Design. PB-180 509 LEONARD, DAVE Improved Practices in Corn Production. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-263 840/1 Soils, Crops, and Fertilizer Use. A Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers PB-262 769/3 LESLIE, JOHN D. Improving Water Quality Management Planning in Non- metropolitan Areas PB-222 511/8 LEVI, MICHAEL Wood in Marine Structures. Proceedings of a Seminar Held at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina on October 7-8, 1977 PB-275 344/0 LEVINE, H. A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Solid Wastes for Building Materials. Phase I Summary Report PB-279 440/2 LEW, H. S. Wind and Seismic Effects - Proceedings of the Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Pro- gram in Natural Resources (6th) Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. on May 1 5-1 7, 1974 PB-252 683/8 LEWIS, NANCY H. Quick Bibliography Series: Training, Management and Evaluation of Extension Work, 1 970 - 1 978 PB-294 184/7 LEWIS, WILLIAM M. Use of Zooplanktophagic Fishes in Channel Catfish Production Ponds PB-256 827/7 LIEBERMAN, J. BEN Papermaking and Manufacture of Paper Products as a Small-Scale, Semi-Mechanized and Cottage Industry. Materials-Processes-Equipment Organization-Eco- nomics-marketing. PB-177 916 LIEBHARDT, WILLIAM C. Water Use Efficiency of Vegetable Crops Given over Asphalt Moisture Barriers PB-214 120/8 LIEBMAN, J. C. Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V1) Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V.2) LIEDHOLM, CARL The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-Scale Indus- tries in Sierra Leone PB-268 493/4 LIMA, B. Parasites of Man in Remote Areas of Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia AD-A057 551 /4 LIN, SHUNDAR Nonpoint Rural Sources of Water Pollution PB-214 508/4 LINDBLAD, CARL Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume I. Preparing Grain for Storage PB-292 909/9 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume II. Enemies of Stored Grain PB-292 910/7 Small Farm Grain Storage. Volume III. Storage Meth- ods PB-292 911/5 LINDBLAD, CARL J. Programming and Training for Small Farm Grain Stor- age PB-291 846/4 LINDSEY, MORRIS M. The Herringbone Milking System. Economic Appraisal, Labor Efficiency Analysis, and Adjustment Possibilities PB-293 984/1 LING, SHAO-WEN Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. A Historical Overview PB-274 436/5 LINK, HAROLD F. Aquatic Plant Harvesting: Development of High-Speed Harvesters and Processing and Utilization of Harvested Vegetation PB-241 715/2 LINSTEDT, K. DANIEL Individual Home Wastewater Characterization and Treatment PB-245 259/7 LINSTROM, H. R. Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing PB-278 882/6 LIPINSKY, E. S. Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) LIPPER, RALPH I. Swine Waste Digestion Enhancement with Nutrient Separation PB-255 021/8 LIPTON, M. The Prevention of Farm-Level Food Grain Storage Losses in India: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis PB-294 842/0 LITZENBERGER, SAMUEL C. Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and the Subtropics PB-262 488/0 LIU, TONY C. Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures AD-A061 469/3 LIVERMORE, DONALD F. Aquatic Plant Harvesting: Development of High-Speed Harvesters and Processing and Utilization of Harvested Vegetation PB-241 715/2 LIVINGSTON, OWEN W. Ammonia-Urea Solution for Ammoniation-Granulation in Brazil. (Br-668.62-A179). PB-219 740 LOCK, B. F. A Methodology for Small Scale Rural Land Use Map- ping in Semi-Arid Developing Countries Using Orbital Imagery. I. Introduction E76-10338 LOCKERETZ, W. Organic and Conventional Crop Production in the Corn Belt: A Comparison of Economic Performance and Energy Use for Selected Farms PB-255 458/2 LOCKERETZ, WILLIAM Agricultural Resources Consumed in Beef Production PB-243 409/0 A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farms in the Corn Belt PB-248 135/6 A Comparison of the Production, Economic Returns, and Energy Intensiveness of Corn Belt Farms That Do and Do Not Use Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesticides PB-243 639/2 LODGE, DONALD E. Proceedings of the Conference and Seminar on Tech- niques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 338/6 Summary of the Conference and Seminar on Tech- niques and Methodologies for Stimulating Small-Scale Labor-intensive Industries in Developing Countries, held at Atlanta, Georgia, on March 10-14, 1975 PB-248 339/4 LOEHR, R. C. Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 LOF, GEORGE O. G. Design and Construction of a Residential Solar Heating and Cooling System PB-237 042/7 LOGAN, A. F. Pulping of Tropical Hardwoods: Individual and Mixed Species, Wood and Paper Properties, Resource As- sessment PB-221 282/7 LOGSDON, GARY S. Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the Inter- im Primary Drinking Water Regulations 357 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-268 029/6 LONG, ALFRED Rural Potable Water Chlorination PB-282 460/5 LONGHURST, RICHARD W. Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). PB-219 688 LOOMER, C. W. Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: The Views of Four Consultants. PB-189 917 LOPEZ, FRANKLIN AMERICO Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Comparativo del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Lluviosa de 1973 y Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9 (Contribution to the Comparative Limnologic Knowledge on the Guija Lake in the 1973 Rainy Season and the 1974 Dry Season. Volume II, No. 9) PB-298 060/5 LOTH, JOHN E. International Research Seminar on Vocational Rehabili- tation of the Mentally Retarded PB-237 299/3 LOUCKS, DANIEL P. A Selected Annotated Bibliography on the Analysis of Water Resource Systems. Volume 6 PB-247 098/7 LOVE, A. L. Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Con- nection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Air- fields. Phase I. Southeast Asia (Thailand) PB-207 399 LOVE, O. THOMAS JR Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the Inter- im Primary Drinking Water Regulations PB-268 029/6 LOVELL, R. T. Fishculture Survey Report for Costa Rica PB-211 643 LOWE, DONALD S. AID'S Remote Sensing Grant Program PB-292 872/9 LUCKER, J. T. Les Maladies Parasitaires du Mouton (Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Sheep) PB-293 874/4 LUDAZACK, F. J. Biological Treatment Technology (162) PB-228 148/3 LUKEY, F. W. Case Study Number 1 - Lab. Products Ltd. A Case His- tory of an Attempt to Use Institutional Support to Create Independent Commercial Manufacturing in Ghana PB-294 762/0 LUMPKIN, RONALD O. A Demonstration Project to Establish a Technology De- livery System for Small and Medium-Sized Firms PB-293 821/5 LUND, EDWARD E. Maladies Communes et Parasites des Volailles (Com- municable Diseases and Parasites of Chickens) PB-294 284/5 LUSAS, E. W. A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1. The Study PB-284 681/4 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Appendices PB-284 682/2 LUZZATTO, FRANCIS A. Wells Manual. Special Issue PB-296 425/2 LYNN, WALTER R. Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man, and Environment PB-236 143/4 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 MACHEMEHL, JERRY Wood in Marine Structures. Proceedings of a Seminar Held at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina on October 7-8, 1977 PB-275 344/0 MACKENZIE, JOHN D. Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products PB-264 014/2 MACKEY, GREG Community Education Multi-Media Bibliography ED-143 355 MACREYNOLDS, WILLIAM K. Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man, and Environment PB-236 143/4 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 MACRUM, JOSEPH A Selected Inventory of Latin American Agricultural Colonies with Annotated Bibliography. AD-615 459 MADSEN, HOWARD C. Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use PB-21 1 444 MAGLEBY, RICHARD S. Planning Korea's Agricultural Development. Analyses and Recommendations for the Third Five Year Plan PB-21 8 232/7 MAGNER, J. MARSHALL Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 MAHNKEN, G. The Economics of Fish Protein Concentrate. PB-197 157 MAKAROVA, N. A. Importance of Trace Elements in Chernozem Soils under Conditions of Dry Farming, and Their Influence on the Physiological Processes Determining the Drought-and Heat-Resistance of Plants. TT-67-51301 MALCOLM, JESS W. Use of Solar Energy to Heat Anaerobic Digesters. Part I. Technical and Economic Feasibility Study. Part II. Economic Feasibility throughout the United States PB-286 940/2 MALDONADO, RICARDO C. CORTES Enhancement of Warmwater Fishcultures in Puerto Rico Through Use of Polyculture Systems Hybridization and of Local Foodstuffs in Formulation and Manufac- ture of Fish Feed Diets PB-287 940/1 MALLETT, A. Equipment for Rural Workshops PB-297 379/0 MALONEY, JAMES D. A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides PB-284 990/9 MANALO, A. S. Drying and Processing Research at IRRI. (633.18- M266) PB-225 787 MANCUSO, THOMAS F. 100 Problems in Environmental Health. PB-21 4 870 MANDELS, MARY Disposal of Cellulosic Waste Materials by Enzymatic Hydrolysis AD-750 351 MANGES, HAROLD L. Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water PB-238 591/2 MANINGER, R. C. Early Impact of Solar Energy Through Industrial Appli- cations UCRL-79515 MANLY, ROBERT Central African Industrial Coordination Survey PB-206 968 MANN, H. T. Water Treatment and Sanitation; a Handbook of Simple Methods for Rural Areas in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 558/9 MANN, R. D. Rural Africa Development Project: A Survey Technique for Identifying the Needs of Small Farmers, and an Ex- ample of Its Use in Zambia PB-297 785/8 MANN, ROGER Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aquacul- ture System PB-275 180/8 MANN, WILLIAM JR. Village Markets in Ghana: A Study on the Planning of Village Markets and Stalls PB-286 449/4 MANNE, ALAN S. Plant Size, Location and Time-Phasing PB-293 036/0 MANUEL, HENRY F. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Dressing for the Window: Papago Indi- ans and Economic Development COM-74-1 1492/7 MANUEL, MILTON L. Improving Management of Farmer Cooperatives PB-289 987/0 MARAMBA, FELIX D. SR The Small Biogas Plant: Its Construction, Operation and Use PB-297 667/8 MARKARIAN, R. K. Review of Current Interest and Research in Water Hya- cinth-Based Wastewater Treatment. N77-33683/2 MARRA, NATALIE Creating a Ceramics Industry on the Blackfeet Reser- vation. PB- 170 306 MARSHALL, R. 43 Rules: How Houses Can Better Resist High Wind PB-268 081/7 MARSHALL, R. D. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume I. Over- view PB-266 332/6 Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume II. Esti- mation of Extreme Wind Speeds and Guide to the De- termination of Wind Forces PB-266 333/4 FY 1 973 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-1 1645/0 MARSHALL, RICHARD D. Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low-Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Hall, Nation- al Science Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 COM-75-50001/7 FY 74 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Method- ology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-51 230/2 FY75 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Method- ology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes PB-250 848/9 MARSHALL, ROBERT The Bravo Story PB-21 4 175/2 MARTIN-HARRIS, ROY Audio-Visual Techniques for Industry PB-296 573/9 MARTIN, J. H. JR. Bioconversion of Agricultural Wastes for Pollution Con- trol and Energy Conservation. Final Report TID-27164 MARTIN, JOHN H. Energy Recovery from Manure Using Plug-Flow Digest- PB-295 065/7 MARTINEZ, A. Proceedings of a Workshop on the Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Development Held at Morrilton, Arkansas on November 15-17, 1976 PB-294 127/6 MARTINEZ, PEDRO ACOSTA A Method for the Cultivation of the Mangrove Oyster in Puerto Rico (Metodo para el Cultivo del Ostion de Mangle en P. R.) PB-263 849/2 MARTINEZ, RICARDO ARGUIJO Hispanic Culture and Health Care - Fact, Fiction, Folk- lore HRP-0029290/4 MARVIN, ROBERT S. Regional Seminar on a System of Standardization and Metrology for Latin America PB-254 469/0 MATA, LEONARDO J. Corn Fortification: A Field Demonstration Model PB-211 672 MATHER, BRYANT Stronger Concrete AD-742 271 MATHIASEN, GENEVA Operation III: Loaves and Fishes. A Model Community Action Program to Provide Nutritious Low-Cost Meals to the Elderly. PB-179 408 MATHUR, G. P. Technological Profiles on the Iron and Steel Industry PB-296 578/8 MATHUR, OM PRAKASH Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study 358 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX MIDDLEBROOKS, E. JOE PB-212 916/1 MATSUDA, YOSHIAKI Abstracts of Readings in Fisheries Management and Common Property Resources PB-294 990/7 MATTERN, P. J. Genetic Improvement of Productivity and Nutritional Quality of Wheat PB-279 445/1 MATTIL, KARL F. Development of a Scientific Basis for the Manufacture of Low-Cost Protein Foods and Beverages from Fresh Coconuts PB-213 594/6 MAY-PARKER, IBI I. Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Proc- essing Industry of Sierra Leone PB-268 185/6 MAYFIELD, ROBERT C. Approaches to Spatial Structure: Field Studies in India. AD-679 477 MAYO, L. G. Assessment of the Potential of Solar Thermal Small Power Systems in Small Utilities. N79-16377/0 MCANANY, EMILE G. Radio's Role in Development: Five Strategies of Use PB-295 806/4 MCANLY, LOUIS C. Report of Management Training Specialists Team, Brazil PB-207 534 MCBENNETT, LARRY Municipal Wastewater Management. Citizen's Guide to Facility Planning PB-292 394/4 Municipal Wastewater Management. Public Activities Guide PB-292 393/6 MCBRIDE, ROBERT NORMAN Individual Home Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Sys- tems PB-226 478/6 MCCAMY, I. W. Engineering Evaluation of Selected Fertilizer Produc- tion Facilities in Colombia PB-21 1 428 MCCLORY, PAUL How to Use Natural Energy PB-292 587/3 Natural Energy and Living, Number 2, 1 978 PB-290 419/1 MCCLURE, F. A. Bamboo as a Building Material. PB- 188 921 MCCLURE, PAUL T. The Organizational Approach Versus the Societal Ap- proach to Development in Emerging Nations. AD-687 318 MCCORVEY, SANDY J. Better Vegetables, Ghana Handbook PB-292 871/1 MCCULLY, WAYNE G. Preliminary Control of African Rue ('Peganum harmala' L.) with Various Herbicides PB-253 341/2 MCDONALD, JAMES E. Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures AD-A061 469/3 MCDONALD, JAMES F. Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use in Southeast Asia. Report 3. Additional Tests of Bamboo AD-A032 835/1 MCDONALD, R. C. Bio-Conversion of Water Hyacinths into Methane Gas, Part 1. N75-27564/4 Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Lead and Mercury from Polluted Waters. N75-22937/7 Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Silver, Cobalt, and Strontium from Polluted Waters. N75-24163/8 Water Hyacinths for Upgrading Sewage Lagoons to Meet Advanced Wastewater Treatment Standards, Part 1. N76-1 0697/0 MCELROY, WILLIAM D. Proceedings of Conference on Enzyme Engineering as Related to Food and Energy Production, Held at the University of California, San Diego, on 22-25 July, 1 974 PB-245 128/4 MCENTIRE, DAVIS A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Sur- veys. PB-195 324 MCFARLAND, R. D. Simple Technique of Estimating the Performance of Passive Solar Heating Systems LA-UR-78-1571 MCGARRY, M. G. The Reclamation of Drinking Water from Sewage AD-A008 453/3 MCGINNIES, W. G. Desert Research: Selected References 1965-1968. AD-703 884 MCGINNIES, WILLIAM G. Inventory of Research on Vegetation of Desert Envi- ronments. AD-668 852 MCGOODWIN, JAMES R. Fisheries Policy and the Underdevelopment of Inshore Pacific Mexico PB-296 581/2 MCJUNKIN, FREDERICK E. Community Water Supply in Developing Countries. A Quarter-Century of United States Assistance. PB-190 674 Engineering Measures for Control of Schistosomiasis PB-21 1 473 MCKEE, JACK E. 100 Problems in Environmental Health. PB-21 4 870 MCLAIN, H. W. Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alternative Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 MCLEOD, A. A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Solid Wastes for Building Materials. Phase I Summary Report PB-279 440/2 MCMILLAN, ROBERT T. An Economic and Social Survey of Rural Households in Central Luzon. PB-190 131 The Rural Philippines. PB-189 988 MCMILLEN, JOHN M. Lumber Seasoning. PB-175 537 MCNAIR, JOHN A. Aquaculture Techniques: Water Use and Discharge Quality PB-285 956/9 MCNATT, J. DOBBIN Properties of Particleboards at Various Humidity Condi- tions AD-784 557/1 MCNEIL, THOMAS J. A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Oper- ation - Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April - July 1975) AD-A057 539/9 MCROBERTS, KEITH L. Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing Guidelines for Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD PB-259 512/2 Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part II. Estimating Costs of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants PB-259 513/0 MCROBIE, GEORGE Natural Energy and Living, Number 2, 1978 PB-290 419/1 MCVEIGH, J. C. How to Use Natural Energy PB-292 587/3 MEDERSKI, H. J. Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-10569/1 MEINERS, ALFRED F. Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides PB-244 557/5 MEL'NICHENKO, A. N. Pollination of Agricultural Crops by Bees (Opylenie Pchelami Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Kul'tur) PB-275 386-T MELLA, DAVID B. Une Methode Logique d'Elevage Avicole (The Poultry Result Demonstration) PB-294 447/8 MELLOR, DAVID B. Kyfa Yoofna Bayetoe Doojadgen Ahilee (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 903/0 L'Amenagement d'un Poulailler Familial (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 904/8 MELLOR, JOHN W. New Seed Varieties and the Small Farm, (ln-631.521- S346). PB-21 9 760 MENDELSOHN, J. M. A Study: Expanded Processing Techniques, Production Costs and Market Survey of Underutilized Fish Species COM-75-1 1378/7 A Study to Develop New Products from Whiting or Other Underutilized Species COM-71-01017 MERCHANT, JAMES P. The Importance of Water Supply to Indian Economic Development PB-275 241/8 MERRYMAN, LINDA Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V PB-286 361/1 MESA, DARIO Ciencia Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Volume 2, Numero 1 , Enero-Marzo, 1978 (Technological Science and Devel- opment, Volume 2, Number 1, January-March 1978) PB-290 426/6 METCALF, WENDELL O. Starting and Managing a Small Business of Your Own PB-282 705/3 METLAY, D. They Watch and Wonder. Public Attitudes Toward Ad- vanced Technology. N77-18954/6 MEZIROW, J. D. Community Development: Conference on Conference Planning, Series A, Volume 6 PB-287 235/6 Community Development, Volume 4. Community Devel- opment and Social Change PB-287 241/4 Community Development, Volume 5. Community Devel- opment, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis PB-287 238/0 Community Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning PB-287 234/9 Conferencia Sobre el Planeamiento de las Conferen- cias (Community Development: Conference on Confer- ence Planning, Series A, Volume 6) PB-287 236/4 Desarrollo de la Comunidad Extension y Sintesis del Dai-C (Community Development, Volume 5. Community Development, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis) PB-287 240/6 Desarrollo de la Comunidad y Cambio Social (Commu- nity Development, Volume 4. Community Development and Social Change) PB-287 242/2 Developpement Communautaire Effets Sur L'Evolution Sociale (Community Development, Volume 6. Commu- nity Development and Social Change) PB-287 243/0 Developpement Communautaire L' Agent Rural et L'Or- ganization Democratique du Programme (Community Development, Volume 7. The Village-AID Worker and Democratic Program Planning) PB-287 232/3 Developpement Communautaire: Preparation Des Con- ferences (Community Development: Conference on Conference Planning, Series A, Volume 6) PB-287 237/2 Developpement Communautaire, Un Renfort pour la Vulgarisation Agricole (Community Development, Volume 5. Community Development, Extension and the Village-AID Synthesis) PB-287 239/8 MICKA, EDWARD S. Planning Korea's Agricultural Development. Analyses and Recommendations for the Third Five Year Plan PB-21 8 232/7 MICKEL WAIT, DONALD R. Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empirical Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume I PB-294 035/1 Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empirical Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume II. Case Studies PB-294 036/9 MIDDLEBROOKS, E. JOE Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings 359 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX AD-A062 903/0 MILES, DEREK Accounting and Book Keeping for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 365/9 Financial Planning for the Small Building Contractor PB-297 376/6 A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 1: Man- agement PB-297 789/0 A Manual on Building Maintenance. Volume 2: Meth- ods PB-297 790/8 MILLER, ARTHUR P. L'Eau et la Sante de I'Homme (Water and Man's Health) PB-286 425/4 MILLER, BYRON F. Biological Conversion of Animal Wastes to Nutrients PB-221 171/2 MILLER, C. G. Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PAT-APPL-598 969 Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PATENT-4 065 053 MILLER, D. R. Wind Turbine Structural Dynamics. N78-19616/9 MILLER, GEORGE C. Commercial Fishery and Biology of the Fresh-Water Shrimp, 'Macrobrachium', in the Lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53 COM-71 -00655 MILLER, JAMES C. Regional Development: A Review of the State-of-the- Art PB-294 131/8 MILLER, JAMES W. Opercular Algal Growth on the Cichlid Fish 'Tilapia aurea'. Cultured in Sea Water COM-75-1 0263/2 MILLER, TED M. Fish Flakes Offer New Possibilities for Finfish Utiliza- tion PB-290 620/4 MILLIKAN, MAX F. The Role of Popular Participation in Development. PB- 193 242 MINEAR, R. A. Septic Tanks and the Environment PB-204 519 MINER, J. Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 MINER, J. R. Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Thermal Discharge PB-240 113/1 Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Management of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 MINO, THOMAS A. A Preventive Medicine Team in a Refugee Relief Oper- ation - Fort Chaffee Indochina Refugee Camp (April - July 1975) AD-A057 539/9 MINTER, PHILIP C. Pesticide Chemicals. A Programmed Text PB-255 605/8 MIRACLE, MARVIN P. Agricultural Cooperatives and Quasi-Cooperatives in Ghana, 1951-1965. PB-189 813 MITCHELL, G. CLAY Chemical Control of Vampire Bats PB-224 506 MITCHELL, MURON J. Utilization of Earthworms and Microorganisms in Stabi- lization, Decontamination and Detoxification of Residu- al Sludges from Treatment of Wastewater PB-286 018/7 MIYAZAKI, I. Development of Bivalves Belonging to the Genus Cor- bicula ORNL-tr-4587 MODESITT, DONALD E. Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Reser- voirs with Biogrowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 MOGOLLON, OSCAR New School Project PB-294 571/5 MOHARRAM, A. Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Hous- ing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1975 PB-293 782/9 MOHNEY, JOHN Guidelines for Use of Fabrics in Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads PB-276 972/7 MOLINA, J. E. Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Re- sulting from the Use of Digested Sewage Sludge on Field Crops PB-213 537/5 MOLZON, ARNOLD E. Field Fabrication of Continuous Lightweight Reinforced Plastic Pipe. Phase I. Literature Search. AD-713 201 MONACHINO, JAMES S. Survey of the State of Appropriate Technology in El Salvador PB-294 644/0 MOODY, CHARLES DONALD Forward Osmosis Extractors: Theory, Feasibility and Design Optimization PB-289 251/1 MOORE, EUNA A. Primary and Secondary Production in the Tropical At- lantic AD-717 965 MOORE, FRANK E. Kyfa Yoofna Bayetoe Doojadgen Ahilee (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 903/0 L'Amenagement d'un Poulailler Familial (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 904/8 Une Methode Logique d'Elevage Avicole (The Poultry Result Demonstration) PB-294 447/8 MOORE, JAMES A. A Proposed Urban Development Program for Teguci- galpa, Honduras. PB-188 851 MORALES, OSWALDO PARRA Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnologia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Development of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 MORAN, PAT Resources for TESOL Teaching: A Handbook for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages PB-295 919/5 MORAVCSIK, MICHAEL J. Science Development: The Building of Science in Less Developed Countries PB-282 860/6 MORAWETZ, DAVID Equitable Distribution of Benefits in integration Schemes Among the Less Developed Countries: The Andean Group PB-212 749 MORELAND, F. L. Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use of Earth Covered Buildings. Proceedings and Notes of a Confer- ence Held at Fort Worth, Texas on 9-12 July 1975 PB-254 300/7 MORGAN, ALVIN M. The Feasibility of Harvesting, Processing and Market- ing Tuna in Pakistan PB-211 762 MORGUN, F. T. Analysis of Virgin-Land Grain Raising JPRS-57636 MORIN, W. J. Laterite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume I PB-267 262/4 Latherite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume II. Instruction Manual PB-267 263/2 MORISSEAU, KENNETH C. Why Not Sails AD-A058 861/6 MORRIS, EARL W. Research Methods for Housing and Urbanization Stud- ies in Developing Countries PB-210 128 MORROW, FELICIA Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Poten- tial of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Employ- ment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 MORROW, ROBERT B. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 MORSE, R. N. Solar Energy for the Australian Food Processing Indus- try CONF-750712-12 MORSE, RICHARD Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study PB-212 916/1 The VITA International Inquiry Service. An Evaluative Review PB-210 512 MORSS, ELLIOTT R. Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empirical Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume I PB-294 035/1 Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empirical Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume II. Case Studies PB-294 036/9 MORTENSEN, ERNEST Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture PB-286 437/9 Manuel d'Horticulture Tropicale et Sub-Tropicale (Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture) PB-286 436/1 MOSER, J. H. Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater PB-259 946/2 MOSKOWITZ, H. R. The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Supplementary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries AD-772 930/4 MOSS, D. C. Aquacultural Developments in Peru PB-211 671 MOSS, D. D. Fishculture Project Report for East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 915 Fishculture Survey Report for Costa Rica PB-21 1 643 Fishculture Survey Report for Panama. PB-195 912 Fishculture Survey Report for Paraguay. PB-195 910 Fishculture Survey Report for Peru. PB-196 355 Fishculture Survey Report for West Central Africa, In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 916 Fishculture Survey Report For West Central Africa. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures PB-206 977 The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 914 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 901 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in India. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 906 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Japan, Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 902 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in South Vietnam. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 903 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Taiwan. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 904 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Thailand. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 905 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Federation of Malaysia. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 900 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Philippines. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 909 MOSS, DONALD E. Pesticide Chemicals. A Programmed Text PB-255 605/8 MOTIWALLA, JUZAR Systems Tools for Project Planning PB-282 746/7 MOULTON, JEANNE An Annotated Listing of Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel 360 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX OBEROICK, WILLARD A. PB-290 348/2 A Description of 15 U.S. Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel (Based on Site Visits) PB-290 397/9 MOY, IRVING Front End Recycling: A Study of the Economics of Re- cycling by Source Separation and Its Application for Fairfield County, Connecticut PB-257 404/4 MRAK, EMIL M. 1 00 Problems in Environmental Health. PB-214 870 MUELLER, J. J. Optimizing the Growth and Marketing of Fish in a Con- trolled Environment PB-256 103/3 MUELLER, L. J. Low-Cost Solar Air Heater. Semi-Annual Progress Report, June 29, 1976-December 22, 1976 COO-2929-6 MULCOCK, A. P. Ethanol from Agricultural Crops. Report No. 28. A Lit- erature Survey NP-23208 MULLER, JOSE Small-Scale Industry Grant: Fundacao Educacional do Sul de Santa Catarina Activities PB-249 185/0 MULLET, PETER Natural Energy and Living, Number 2, 1 978 PB-290 419/1 MULLINS, TROY Planning Korea's Agricultural Development. Analyses and Recommendations for the Third Five Year Plan PB-218 232/7 MUNCEY, ROY W. R. Urban Systems Research: Report of the Binational (U.S./Australian) Urban Systems Symposium (1st) PB-241 120/5 MUNDI, E. K. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/ Anand, India on November 20- 30. 1978. Construction and Building Materials Industry in the United Republic of Cameroon PB-297 258/6 MUNEVAR, JORGE MENDEZ Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnologia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Development of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 MUNNS, GRACE Strings 'N' Things, A Teaching Manual for the Blind PB-271 376/6 MURPHY, LARRY S. Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water PB-238 591/2 MURRAY, ALBERT E. Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shell- fish Wastes PB-267 527/0 MURRAY, H. S. Solar Heating Results for the Nambe Community Center LA-UR-78-2589 MUSICK, GERALD Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments PB-266 205/4 MUSSELIUS, V. A. Diseases of Pond Fishes TT-72-50070 MYREN, OELBERT T. Integrating the Rural Market into the National Economy of Mexico. PB-189 919T NAAIJER, C. J. Installation in Dakar of a Pump Powered by Solar Cell Panels. Mise en Place a Dakar d'Une Pompe Alimen- tee Par des Panneux de Cellules Solaires. N77-32589/2 NAAMAN, ANTOINE E. Cracking and Leakage Characteristics of Ferrocement Water Tanks PB-258 003/3 NAPOLI, JAMES J. Fisheries Cooperatives: Their Formation and Operation COM-73-10275 NARASIMHA, R. A Low-Cost Water Pumping Windmill Using a Sail Type Savonius Rotor PB-294 413/0 NASSAR, G. E. Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Income Hous- ing Held at Cairo, Egypt on April 20-25, 1975 PB-293 782/9 NATHAN, R. A. Fuels from Sugar Crops: Systems Study for Sugarcane, Sweet Sorghum, and Sugar Beets TID-22781 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ?hum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report ID-27032 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) NATHANS, R. Energy Institute, for Developing Countries: A Working Paper. BNL-20510 Energy Planning and Management in Developing Coun- tries: Thoughts Concerning a Conceptual Framework BNL-23340 Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 NEALE, WALTER C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 NECHAEVA, N. T. Sown Winter Ranges in the Foothill Deserts of Soviet Central Asia. TT-68-50363 NEDVEO, T. K. Septic Tanks and the Environment PB-204 519 NEELAKANTA, J. The Prevention of Farm-Level Food Grain Storage Losses in India: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis PB-294 842/0 NEFF, COLE D. Financial Control by Time Absorption Analysis-A Tool for Profit Control PB-282 708/7 NEGHABAT, F. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Choice of Appropriate Construction Technol- ogy in the Building Industry in Iran PB-297 241 12 NEIDT, CHARLES O. Pesticide Chemicals. A Programmed Text PB-255 605/8 NELSON, MARK L. Report on Potential Growth of Aquatic Plants of the Lower Mekong River Basin, Laos-Thailand PB-207 613 NELSON, WILLIAM C. Methodology and General Data Description: Farm Level Capital Formation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Br-338.1- W515). PB-219 725 NEREU, JOSE FRANCISCO An Experiment in the Use of the Low-Cost Teaching Materials-Packaging Useful to Schools Campaign PB-294 574/9 NEWELL, KENNETH W. Health by the People HRP-0008008/5 NEWELL, STEVEN Y. Preliminary Experimentation in the Development of Natural Food Analogues for Culture of Detritivorous Shrimp PB-253 652/2 NEWKIRK, H. W. Flat-Plate Solar Collector Handbook: A Survey of Prin- ciples, Technical Data and Evaluation Results UCID-17086 NG, KENG C. Precooked Baking Potatoes PAT-APPL-932 080 NICHOLS, FRED E. Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation PB-207 647 Agricultural Equipment Development Research for Tropical Rice Cultivation. (Rp-631. 3-161 b). PB-219 723 NICHOLS, JOHN P. Utilization of Finfishes Caught Incidental to Shrimp Trawling in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Evalua- tion of Costs PB-251 192/1 NICKELSON, RANZELL II. Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas (2nd) Held in Biloxi, Mississippi on April 17-20, 1977 PB-279 405/5 NICOL, KENNETH J. Future Alternatives Affecting the Agricultural Demand for Water and Land: The Effects of Soy Protein Meats and Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions on Future Water and Land Use PB-211 444 NIEHOFF, ARTHUR H. Planned Change in Agrarian Countries. AD-701 167 NIERNBERGER, FLOYD F. Observations and Recommendations for Improving Grain Storage and Marketing in Bolivia PB-211 883 NIMPUNO, KRISNO Towards Village Industry: A Strategy for Development PB-297 788/2 NONAKA, MASAHIDE Precooked Baking Potatoes PAT-APPL-932 080 NONDASUTA, AMORN Report on Protein Food Development Project, 1969- 1971 PB-213 794/9 NORDSTEDT, R. A. Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Eco- nomic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utili- zable Energy Forms PB-278 351/2 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Eco- nomic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utili- zable Energy Forms. Final Report TID-28550 NORDWALL, DAVID S. A Review of Certain Aspects of the Forestry Program and Organization in Indonesia PB-211 882 NORMAN, D. W. Economic Analysis of Agricultural Production and Labour Utilization among the Hausa in the North of Ni- geria. (Afr-338.1-N842). PB-219 757 NORMAN, ROLAND A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Agricultural Solid Wastes PB-271 714/8 NORTHCOTT, P. L. Wood Species and Glues Influence Plywood Bond Du- rability. PB-182 735 NORTON, M. M. Technical and Economic Evaluation of Fertilizer Inter- mediates for Use by Developing Countries PB-211 629 NORTON, ROBERT L. Evaluation of Vapor Leaks and Development of Moni- toring Procedures for Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Piping PB-296 085/4 O'BRIEN, P. Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume I. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Analytical Report PB-280 053/0 O'BRIEN, PATRICK Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985: Volume 2. World GOL Model Supply-Distribution and Related Tables PB-282 228/6 O'BYRNE, JOHN C. Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in Peru. Part I. Nature of and Relationships Between Agrarian Reform and Economic Development. Part II. Analytical Structural Change Model for Analyzing Agrarian Reform Structures and Remedial Alternatives in the Sierra. PB-189 987 Honduran Agrarian Reform Law. Report Number 2. Recommendations for Implementation. PB-189 984 O'NEILL, HUGH V. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume III. Computers-Communications Networks PB-202 778-3 O'REILLY, M. P. The Compaction of Soils and Stabilized Bases on Road in East Africa PB-231 391/4 O'SULLIVAN-RYAN, JEREMIAH Rural Development Programs Among Marginal Farmers in the Western Highlands of Guatemala PB-282 340/9 OBERDICK, WILLARD A. Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas 361 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-206 969 Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World PB-206 976 OBERG, KALERVO Report of Housing Team of the International Coopera- tion Administration to the United States Operations Mission, Jamaica. PB-189 260 OBIAS, ENRICO D. The Small Biogas Plant: Its Construction, Operation and Use PB-297 667/8 OBRADOVIC, MIODRAG Norms and Tables for Animal Nutrition TT-68-50103 OCAMPO, JORGE RAMIREZ Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnologia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Development of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 ODEEN, GORAN International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Creation of Small-Scale Industry Develop- ment in Southern Sweden - The Gnosjo Case PB-297 226/3 OGDEN, MARK S. A Handbook for Cooperatives Fieldworkers in Develop- ing Nations; Sections One through Seven PB-296 041/7 OLCOTT, LYNN Guidelines for Development of a Home Industry PB-262 951/7 OLDFIELD, J. Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 OLDFIELD, J. E. Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Management of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 OLMSTEAD, JOSEPH A. Handbook of Small-Group Methods of Instruction AD-741 829 OLTENACU, E. A. Proceedings of a Workshop on the Role of Sheep and Goats in Agricultural Development Held at Morrilton, Arkansas on November 15-17, 1976 PB-294 127/6 OMERSO, RICHARD L. Improving the Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information: A Practitioner's Guide to Innovation PB-247 057/3 OPRESKO, DENNIS Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Region COM-74-1 0007/4 OPRESKO, LEE Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Region COM-74-1 0007/4 ORCINO, BERT Economic Aspects of Hand Tractor Ownership and Op- eration. (RP-631. 3-064) PB-225 789 ORGILL, M. M. Siting Handbook for Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems PNL-2521 ORSHAN, GIDEON Use of Vegetation as an Indicator for Soil Properties under Desert Conditions. AD-679 182 OSBURN, DONALD D. Impact of Community Water Systems in Small Towns. PB-188 841 OSSOFSKY, JACK Operation III: Loaves and Fishes. A Model Community Action Program to Provide Nutritious Low-Cost Meals to the Elderly. PB- 179 408 OSWALD, WILLIAM J. Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 OTIS, J. L. Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) OTSU, TAMIO A Review of the Literature on the Development of Skipjack Tuna Fisheries in the Central and Western Pa- cific Ocean COM-73-50276 OUH, YOON BAE Small-Scale Industry Grant: Soong Jun University Activ- ities PB-249 183/5 OYER, EDWIN B. Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Research in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agricultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Implementa- tion Needs PB-257 358/2 PADGETT, D. E. Leaf Decomposition in a Tropical Rainforest Stream TID-27205 PAGAN, F. A. Fishculture Survey Report for Ecuador. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 907 Fishculture Survey Report of Colombia. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 908 PAGAN-FONT, F. A. Enhancement of Warmwater Fishcultures in Puerto Rico Through Use of Polyculture Systems Hybridization and of Local Foodstuffs in Formulation and Manufac- ture of Fish Feed Diets PB-287 940/1 PAGAN-FONT, FRANCISCO A. The Development of Cultures of the Channel Catfish 'Ictalurus punctatus' and Tilapia' Species in Puerto Rico COM-75-10394/5 PAHREN, HERBERT R. Treatment of Wastes from Coffee Processing in Costa Rica. PB-217 790 PAIR, CLAUDE H. Sprinkler Irrigation PB-294 272/0 PALACIO, FRANCISCO J. Towards a Marine Policy in Latin America PB-275 245/9 PALMEDO, P. F. Energy Institute for Developing Countries: A Working Paper. BNL-20510 Energy Planning and Management in Developing Coun- tries: Thoughts Concerning a Conceptual Framework BNL-23340 Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in Developing Countries BNL-22311 PALMER, VIRGINIA C. Reforestation in Arid Lands PB-292 857/0 PAMA, RICARDO P. Ferrocement, A Versatile Construction Material: Its In- creasing Use in Asia PB-261 818/9 The Potentials of Ferrocement and Related Materials for Rural Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 434/9 PANDA, P. K. Fluoride Process - A Sodium Silicate Bonded Self-Har- dening Sand System Using a Fluoride Hardener PB-294 417/1 PANGBORN, J. B. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use. Final Report, May-December 1975 NSF/RA-760184 PANGBORN, JON B. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use PB-259 318/4 PARASKEVOPOULOS, STEPHEN C. A. Architectural Research on Structural Potential of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 969 Factors Governing the Introduction of Foam Plastics for Housing Use in Underdeveloped Areas of the World PB-206 976 A Preliminary Investigation of the Potential use of Foam Plastics for Housing in Underdeveloped Areas PB-206 799 PARDUE, G. B. Fishculture Survey Report for West Central Africa, In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 916 Fishculture Survey Report For West Central Africa. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures PB-206 977 The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 914 PARK, J. Wind Power for Farms, Homes, and Small Industry RFP-2841/1270/78/4 PARK, W. Biomass-Based Alcohol Fuels: The Near-Term Poten- tial for Use with Gasoline HCP/T4101-03 PARKER, F. W. Progres et Perspectives de la Production Alimentaire (Progress and Prospects for food Production) PB-296 916/0 PARKER, NORBERT Wind Energy Conversion Systems Manufacturing and Sales Activity, 1975 and 1976 PB-265 823/5 PARRISH, D. B. Improving Protein Quality of Millet, Sorghum, and Maize Diets by Supplementation PB-223 999 PARRY, J. P. M. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Building Materials and Components PB-297 242/0 PARSONS, KENNETH H. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IX. Land Reform in Kenya. The Land Tenure Problem in Nigeria. PB-195 323 PARSONS, R. E. Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds UCRL-52385 Design Guide for Shallow Solar Ponds UCRL-52385(Rev.1) PATCH, RICHARD W. Freedom and Development. Rural Decision-Making and Agricultural Development. PB- 189 976 PATELL, JAMES M. A Preliminary Feasibility Study of Irish Moss Harvesting Systems COM-73-10152 PATTERSON, J. W. Septic Tanks and the Environment PB-204 519 PATWARDHAN, VINAYAK N. Dietary Allowances: An International Point of View AD-724 571 PAUKER, GUY J. Political Consequences of Rural Development Pro- grams in Indonesia. AD-670 260 PAYLORE, PATRICIA Desert Research, II: Selected References 1966-1970 AD-723 062 Desert Research: Selected References 1965-1968. AD-703 884 Phreatophytes. A Bibliography, Revised PB-232 259/2 World Desertification: Cause and Effect. A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography PB-228 100/4 PAYNE, BURNETT H. A Review of Certain Aspects of the Forestry Program and Organization in Indonesia PB-211 882 PAYNE, EUGENE H. Feasibility of Ipecac Extraction Plant PB-207 132 PAYNE, P. R. Nutrition and National Development Planning PB-294 555/8 PEARCE, R. MICHAEL Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume III. The Viet Cong. PB-190 000 PEARSON, H. S. Equipment for Rural Workshops PB-297 379/0 PECK, EDWARD C. Lumber Seasoning. PB-175 537 PEISER, H. STEFFEN Regional Seminar on a System of Standardization and Metrology for Latin America PB-254 469/0 362 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PUSHPAMMA, S. PEKARSKE, DANIEL T. Combatting Hansen's Disease PB-262 929/3 PELZEL, JOHN C. Production Brigade and Team Management AD-730 939 PENN, RAYMOND Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: The Views of Four Consultants. PB-189 917 PENZIEN, JOSEPH The Seismic Behavior of Critical Regions of Reinforced Concrete Components as Influenced by Moment, Shear and Axial Force PB-258 842/4 PERKINS, S. P. JR. Assessment of the Potential of Solar Thermal Small Power Systems in Small Utilities. N79-1 6377/0 PERMAN, CATHERINE D. Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings AD-A062 903/0 PERRY, EDWARD B. Protection of Slopes Against Rainfall Erosion AD-A016 147/1 PESCOD, MAINWARING B. Investigation of Rational Effluent and Stream Stand- ards for Tropical Countries AD-782 199/4 PETERS, C. C. Rapid Production of Pallet Deckboards from Low- Grade Logs AD-724 272 PETERSON, JOHN H. JR. Community Organization and Rural Water System De- velopment PB-201 729 PETERSON, ROGER A. Biomass Utilization in Minnesota PB-282 531/3 PETERSON, SAM H. Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Management. PB-196 306 PETTERSON, JOHN S. Successful Mexican Tuna Cooperatives: A Model for U.S. Fishermen PB-296 964/0 PFAFF, JOHN D. Methods for the Determination of Chemical Contami- nants in Drinking Water - Participants Handbook PB-284 392/8 PFEFFER, J. T. Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Annual Progress Report, June 1, 1976-May 31, 1977 COO/2917-5 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quarter- ly Progress Report COO/2917-7 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quarter- ly Progress Report, December 1, 1976-March 31, 1977 COO/2917-4 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quarter- ly Progress Report, January 21 -April 30, 1978 COO-2917-10 Biological Conversion of Biomass to Methane. Quarter- ly Progress Report, September 1, 1 976-November 30, 1976 COO/2917-76/2 Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1 973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V.1) Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1 973-November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V.2) Fuels from Biomass Symposium COO-4225-1 PFOST, HARRY B. Observations and Recommendations for Improving Grain Storage and Marketing in Bolivia PB-211 883 PHILIPSON, WARREN R. Relationships among Physical and Chemical Properties of Representative Soils of the Tropics from Puerto Rico. (Rq-631.42-P555). PB-219 759 PHILLIPS, F. H. Pulping of Tropical Hardwoods: Individual and Mixed Species, Wood and Paper Properties, Resource As- sessment PB-221 282/7 PHINNEY, H. Management of Swine Manure for the Recovery of Protein and Biogas PB-286 722/4 PHINNEY, H. K. Animal Waste Conversion Systems Based on Thermal Discharge PB-240 113/1 Utilization of Waste Heat in a System for Management of Animal Residuals to Recover and Recycle Nutrients PB-285 977/5 PHIPPS, JOHN D. Establishing a Business in the Philippines COM-72-50175-017 PHROMRATANAPONGSE, OPAS The Potentials of Ferrocement and Related Materials for Rural Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 434/9 PICKERING, ELLIS E. Residential Hot Water Solar Energy Storage Subsys- tems PB-252 685/3 PICKFORD, JOHN Indexed Bibliography of Publications on Water and Waste Engineering for Developing Countries PB-292 887/7 PIEDRAHITA E, FRANCISCO Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnologia Industrial (Report of the Seminar on Development of Industrial Technology) PB-290 425/8 PIETRO, S. SAN Crop Productivity - Research Imperatives, Summary of an International Conference on Crop Productivity Held on October 20-24, 1975, at the Boyne Highlands Inn, Harbor Springs, Michigan PB-255 882/3 PIGGFORD, ROLAND R. Manual on Book and Library Activities in Developing Countries PB-206 540 PILLAI, V. S. Process Technologies for Nitrogen Fertilizers PB-296 576/2 PIMENTEL, DAVID Pest Control Strategies PB-274 644/4 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man, and Environment PB-236 143/4 Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man and Environment PB-263 408/7 PINKER, RACHEL T. Environmental Conditions in a Tropical Forest Region in Thailand AD-A047 981/6 PINTOS, ANTONIO DEL VALLE Spain's Leather Industry: Prospects for Blue Chrome (Wet-Blue) Processing PB-267 949/6 PLASCH, GINGER A Solid Waste Primer. Facts and Statistics on Solid Waste Handling Disposal PB-222 331/1 PLATT, KENNETH B. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia. PB-195 316 A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 POERNOMO, ALIE Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Centre. Volume 2, Number 1 and 2, January/ July 1976 PB-297 740/3 POGGIE, JOHN J. JR. A Fisherman's Co-operative: Open System Theory Ap- plied COM-74-1 1781/3 POLEY, W. A. Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: Assessment of the Near-Term Market DOE/NASA/1 022-78/29 POLIAKOFF, R. Plant Requirements for Manufacture of Milled Rice. PB-186 514 POLLYAK, V. V. Glass Technology AD-769 470/6 POLYAKOV, S. V. Earthquake Resistant Construction TT-71-56014 POMALAYA, JOSE C. Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for the Study and Evaluation of Natural Resources in Peru E77-10024 PORTER, CHRISTOPHER H. Implementing 'Best Management Practices' for Residu- als: The Waste Exchange PB-258 068/6 POTAROS, MANU Aquaculture as an Integral Part of the Agricultural Farming System. A Case Study in the North-East of Thailand PB-263 672/8 The Technology and Economics of Catfish ('Clarias spp.') Farming in Thailand PB-263 670/2 The Technology and Economics of Small-Scale Com- mercial Prawn ('Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Hatcher- ies: A Case Study in Thailand PB-263 669/4 POWELL, J. W. Annual Review Number 3, 1974-75 PB-294 760/4 Annual Review Number 4, 1975-76 PB-294 758/8 Annual Review Number 5, 1976-77 PB-294 761/2 Appropriate Technology in India. Report on a Study Leave, August-December, 1 977 PB-294 759/6 POWERS, WILLIAM L. Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water PB-238 591/2 PRESSLER, LARRY L. A Description of Ocean Fish Marketing in Saigon. PB-196 352 PRICE, D. R. Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residues: Po- tential for Improvement and Implementation. Seventh Quarter Progress Report, December 16, 1977-March 15, 1978 COO-2981-7 PRICE, G. Biomass-Based Alcohol Fuels: The Near-Term Poten- tial for Use with Gasoline HCP/T4101-03 PRICE, JAMES R. Irrigation as a Factor in the Economic Development of Thailand. AD-464 900 PRICE, T. R. Natural Resistance of Woods to Biological Deteriora- tion in Tropical Environments. Part I. Screening Tests of a Large Number of Wood Species. AD-653 856 PRIKHODKO, S. YA. Sown Winter Ranges in the Foothill Deserts of Soviet Central Asia. TT-68-50363 PRINSLOO, J. Comparative Reclamation of Potable Water from Bio- filter and Activated Sludge Effluents at the Stander Water Reclamation Plant. N78-25998/3 PRINSLOW, THOMAS E. Culture of the Mangrove Oyster, 'Crassostrea rhizo- phorae' Guilding, in Puerto Rico PB-265 918/3 PROCHNOW, LLOYD A. La Prevision Des Besoins en Main-D'Oeuver (The Forecasting of Manpower Requirements) PB-286 576/4 PROCTOR, D. Application of Solar Energy in the Food Processing In- dustry CONF-750761-1 Solar Energy for the Australian Food Processing Indus- try CONF-750712-12 PUCHTLER, BERTOLD Water Related Utilities for Small Communities in Rural Alaska PB-259 964/5 PULGAR, JAVIER F. Quesos Andinos del Peru (Cheeses from the Andine Region in Peru) PB-297 856/7 PURCUPILE, JOHN C. Special Topics. Human Powered Transit; Remote Medi- cal System; Water Treatment PB-221 142/3 PURPS, K. Glue Stock from Leather Production. Final Report BMFT-FB-T-77-06 PUSHPAMMA, S. Improving Protein Quality of Millet, Sorghum, and Maize Diets by Supplementation 363 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-223 999 PUSTOVOIT, V. S. Handbook of Selection and Seed Growing of Oil Plants TT-71-50100 PYE, LUCIAN W. The Role of Popular Participation in Development. PB-193 242 PYLE, LEO Methane Generation by Anaerobic Fermentation; an Annotated Bibliography PB-297 371/7 OUIGG, JAMES W. Report of Management Training Specialists Team, Brazil PB-207 534 QUINDRY, G. E. Biological Conversion of Organic Refuse to Methane. Final Report, July 1, 1973--November 30, 1976 COO/291 7-3(V2) RADKE, THOMAS M. Nutritionally Balanced Protein Snack Food Prepared from Legume Seeds PAT-APPL-789 375 RAGAN, ROBERT C. Small Business Management Series No. 32. Financial Recordkeeping for Small Stores PB-282 739/2 RAIKHLIN, F. I. Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 RAJU, S. P. GOVINDA A Low-Cost Water Pumping Windmill Using a Sail Type Savonius Rotor PB-294 413/0 RAMDIAL, BAL SIEW The Social and Economic Importance of the Caroni Swamp in Trinidad and Tobago PB-261 033/5 RAMON, JULIANN Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Dressing for the Window: Papago Indi- ans and Economic Development COM-74-1 1492/7 RAMON MORA, JOSE La Erosion y Su Control (Erosion and Its Control) PB-296 720/6 RAMOS, E. Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process PB-238 291/9 RANDALL, ROLAND E. The Ecology of the Forest/Savanna Boundary (Pro- ceedings of the Igu Humid Tropics Commission Sym- posium, Venezuela, 1964). AD-671 856 RANDOLPH, JOHN N. JR. Establishing a Business in Thailand COM-72-501 75-038 RANIS, GUSTAV The Role of the Industrial Sector in Korea's Transition to Economic Maturity PB-212 748 RASK, D. R. Low-Cost Solar Air Heater. Semi-Annual Progress Report, June 29, 1 976--December 22, 1976 COO-2929-6 RASK, NORMAN Technological Change and the Traditional Small Farmer of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. (Br-631-R225). PB-219 768 RASKIN, EMILY A Sourcebook on Radio's Role in Development PB-292 898/4 RASTATTER, CLEM L. Municipal Wastewater Management. Citizen's Guide to Facility Planning PB-292 394/4 Municipal Wastewater Management. Public Activities Guide PB-292 393/6 RATAJCZAK, A. F. Design and Fabrication of a Photovoltaic Power System for the Papago Indian Village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona DOE/NASA/ 1 022-78/39 Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of Devel- oping Countries. N79-15411/8 RATHJENS, G. Technical-Economic Considerations in Public Service Broadcast Communications for Developing Countries PB-223 266/8 RATHJENS, GEORGE Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunications in Nepal PB-239 883/2 RAUFASTE, N. 43 Rules: How Houses Can Better Resist High Wind PB-268 081/7 RAUFASTE, N. J. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume I. Over- view PB-266 332/6 FY 1 973 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Meth- odology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-1 1645/0 RAUFASTE, NOEL J. JR Development of Improved Design Criteria for Low-Rise Buildings in Developing Countries to Better Resist the Effects of Extreme Winds. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Hall, Nation- al Science Development Board, Manila, Philippines, November 14-17, 1973 COM-75-50001/7 FY 74 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Method- ology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes COM-74-51 230/2 FY75 Progress Report on Design Criteria and Method- ology for Construction of Low-Rise Buildings to Better Resist Typhoons and Hurricanes PB-250 848/9 RAYNES, JULIAN J. Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 READ, RALPH A. Les Brise-Vent (Tree Windbreaks for the Central Great Plains) PB-294 286/0 REAM, HOWARD W. Non-Conventional Proteins and Foods: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Wisconsin-Madi- son on October 18-20, 1977 PB-283 965/2 REGIER, D. Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume I. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Analytical Report PB-280 053/0 REGIER, DONALD Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985: Volume 2. World GOL Model Supply-Distribution and Related Tables PB-282 228/6 REICH, BRIAN M. Simplification of Integrated Stormwater Planning for Modern Multiple Land Use in Urban and Suburban De- velopments. PB- 192 750 REID, BARRY Water Related Utilities for Small Communities in Rural Alaska PB-259 964/5 REITAN, CLAYTON H. Inventory of Research on Weather and Climate of Desert Environments. AD-664 641 RENO, P. Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic Devel- opment LA-6489 REPS, WILLIAM F. Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Housing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earth- quakes and Windstorms COM-74-50184/2 REVELLE, ROGER International Aspects of Man's Effect Upon Environ- ment PB-203 379 REYNOLDS, HUDSON G. L'Engraissement et L'Exploitation des Bovins de Bou- cherie (The Feeding and Management of Beef Cattle) PB-293 864/5 RHEMAN, E. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Forest Industry Policy and Choice of Appro- priate Technology PB-294 599/6 RICE, EDWARD B. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume X. Land Reform in Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia. Regional Sur- veys. PB-195 324 RICHARDS, M. J. Technical and Economic Evaluation of Fertilizer Inter- mediates for Use by Developing Countries PB-211 629 RICHMOND, R. A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 1 . The Study PB-284 681/4 A Technology Assessment of Vegetable Substitutes for Animal Protein in Human Food. Volume 2. Appendices PB-284 682/2 RIDKER, RONALD G. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 RIFKIN, M. International Symposium on Energy, Resources and the Environment (5th) Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 17-20 February 1975 PB-251 396/8 RILEY, HAROLD M. Improving Internal Marketing Systems as Part of Na- tional Development Programs. (380.1 41 -R573) PB-225 798 RIVERA, GENEROSO F. An Economic and Social Survey of Rural Households in Central Luzon. PB-190 131 The Rural Philippines. PB- 189 988 RIXFORD, CHARLES E. Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 ROBBINS, CARL R. Factors Affecting the Durability of Adobe Structures PB-286 096/3 Methods for Characterizing Adobe Building Materials PB-282 062/9 ROBERTS, K. J. Organic Phosphorus in Soils with Special Interest in Soils of the Tropics. 631.4-R645. PB-219 690 ROBERTS, PAUL Choice of Transport Technology under Varying Factor Endowments in Less Developed Countries. PB-195 291 ROBINSON, A. C. Review of Current Interest and Research in Water Hya- cinth-Based Wastewater Treatment. N77-33683/2 ROBINSON, HAROLD Housing and Urban Development Programs: Latin American Bureau. PB-189 628 Proposed Minimum Standards for Permanent Low-Cost Housing and for the Improvement of Existing Substan- dard Areas. PB-179 370 ROBINSON, W. B. Development of Soy-Based Foods of High Nutritive Value for Use in the Philippines PB-213 758/3 ROCKLAND, LOUIS B. Nutritionally Balanced Protein Snack Food Prepared from Legume Seeds PAT-APPL-789 375 RODGERS, WILLIAM Rural Enterprises: An Overview of the Role and Poten- tial of Rural Enterprises to Contribute to the Employ- ment and Income of the Rural Poor PB-285 984/1 RODIER, W. I. Ill The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Supplementary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries AD-772 930/4 RODRIGUEZ, J. Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process PB-238 291/9 RODRIGUEZ, LUIS GMO. Reforestacion (Reforestation) PB-297 868/2 RODWIN, LLOYD Urban Planning in Developing Countries. PB-179 359 ROELS, OSWALD A. Fish Protein: Its Past, Present and Future COM-72-11191 ROEMER, MILTON I. Health Care Systems in World Perspective HRP-0013419/7 ROGERS, GEORGE B. Energy Use and Conservation in the Poultry and Egg Industry 364 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX SCAIEF, JAMES F. PB-294 235/7 ROGERS, SUZANNE Testing the RN Student's Skills HRP-001 9781/4 ROGERS, W. A. Fishculture Project Report for East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Rshcultures, Phase I. PB-195 915 ROJKO, A. Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985. Volume I. World GOL (Grain-Oilseeds-Livestock) Model Analytical Report PB-280 053/0 ROJKO, ANTHONY Alternative Futures for World Food in 1985: Volume 2. World GOL Model Supply-Distribution and Related Tables PB-282 228/6 ROLLER, W. L Grown Organic Matter as a Fuel Raw Material Re- source. N76-10569/1 ROLLINS, RONALD R. Rapid Excavation of Rock with Small Charges of High Explosives PB-267 295/4 ROMNEY, E. M. Challenge of a Desert: Revegetation of Disturbed Desert Lands UCLA-12-1123 ROMUALDI, JAMES P. Ferrocement Developments in New Zealand AD-785 928/3 RONAN, MICHAEL W. Contabilidad para la Micro Empresa: Manual de Ensen- anza (Accounting for the Small Business: Teaching Manual) PB-269 049/3 ROSE, C. RUSSELL Combined Culture of Channel Catfish and Golden Shin- ers in Wading Pools COM-73-10810 ROSE, DENNIS Simple Methods of Candle Manufacturing PB-297 366/7 ROSE, FRANK S. Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Proc- essing Industry of Sierra Leone PB-268 185/6 ROSEN, HOWARD N. How Craftsmen and Home Hobbyists Can Make and Use Wood Plastic Composite Materials PB-242 973/6 ROSENBLUM, L. Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural Areas of Devel- oping Countries. N79-15411/8 Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: Assessment of the Near-Term Market DOE/NASA/1022-78/29 ROSS, VERNON E. Training Manual for Rice Production PB-294 130/0 ROSSI, WILLIAM A. The Starting and Managing Series. Volume 24. Starting and Managing a Small Shoestore PB-282 722/8 ROTHWELL, D. F. Composted Municipal Refuse as a Soil Amendment PB-222 422/8 ROWE, M. L. Livestock and the Environment: A Bibliography with Abstracts. Volume V PB-286 361/1 ROY, PRODIPTO Communication in India. Experiments in Introducing Change PB-210 508 ROYANIAN, S. Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume I. Executive Summary PB-293 096/4 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume II. Research Findings PB-293 097/2 Market Assessment for Transportation of Trade with Developing Countries. Volume III. Appendices PB-293 098/0 ROYSE, D. C. Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 RUBIN, DAVID H. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume IV. Enzymes (Industrial) PB-202 778-4 RUCKER, MICHAEL L. Implementing 'Best Management Practices' for Residu- als: The Waste Exchange PB-258 068/6 RUINA, J. P. Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 2. Housing, Transportation and Water Resources PB-242 403/4 Proceedings of the M.I.T. Symposium on Strategies for A.I.D. Programs in Selected Areas of Science and Technology. Volume 4. Food Technology PB-242 405/9 RUNDQUIST, J. Watercress-Crayfish Polyculture as an Economic Means of Stripping Nutrients from Enriched Waters. Proceedings of the International Symposium Fresh- water Crayfish (3rd), Held at Kuopio, Finland on De- cember 1976 PB-286 700/0 RUNDQUIST, JANE C. Ecological Studies of the California Crayfish, 'Pacifasta- cus leniusculus', with Emphasis on Their Growth from Recycling Waste Products PB-286 782/8 RUNKLES, JACK An Investigation of Hydrological Aspects of Water Har- vesting PB-2 18 681/5 RUSH, PAUL J. Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Construction. AD-684 411 RUSH, SHARON Workshop on Research Methodologies for Studies of Energy, Food, Man, and Environment PB-236 143/4 RUSHING, WILLIAM N. Water Hyacinth Research in Puerto Rico AD-A032 970/6 RUSSEL, D. A. A Fertilizer Program for Bolivia PB-2 11 761 RUTLEDGE, JAMES E. Agricultural By-Products as Supplemental Feed for Crawfish PB-256 748/5 RYAN, JAMES GARRETT A Generalized Crop-Fertilizer Production Function. (631.88-R988). PB-219 683 RYTHER, J. H. Cultivation of Macroscopic Marine Algae and Fresh- water Aquatic Weeds. Progress Report, May 1 -Decem- ber 31, 1976 COO-2948-2 RYTHER, JOHN H. Bivalve Mollusc Culture in a Waste Recycling Aquacul- ture System PB-275 180/8 Investigative Research and Management of Effluent from Secondary Waste Water Treatment Utilizing a Marine-Aquaculture System for the Removal of Inor- ganic Nutrients PB-283 249/1 Marine Polyculture Based on Natural Food Chains and Recycled Wastes PB-261 939/3 Preliminary Results with a Pilot Plant Waste Recycling Marine-Aquaculture System PB-247 182/9 SADEK, S. E. Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste PB-245 083/1 SAENZ, RUDOLFO F. Treatment of Wastes from Coffee Processing in Costa Rica. PB-2 17 790 SALINAS, BERTHA Appropriate Technology: Concept, Application and Strategies PB-294 494/0 SALO, D. Biomass-Based Alcohol Fuels: The Near-Term Poten- tial for Use with Gasoline HCP/T4101-03 SALTER, FREDERICK H. An Easy to Make Large-Capacity Flowmeter COM-72-10654 SALTER, MACDONALD A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Viet- nam. PB-195 318 SALYER, IVAL O. Development of Low-Cost Roofing From Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-239 493/0 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-249 317/9 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-294 423/9 SAMBORSKI, M. R. Moisture Absorption in Certain Tropical American Woods (Revised). AD-716 403 SANCHES, PEDRO A. Agronomic Practices for Optimizing the Yield Potential of Short-Statured Rice Varieties in Latin America. (Lat- 633.18-S211). PB-219 713 SANCHEZ, P. A. A Review of Soils Research in Tropical Latin America. (Lat-631.4072-N864). PB-219 758 SANCHEZ, PEDRO A. Nitrogen Fertilization and Management in Tropical Rice. (633.18-S211) PB-225 801 SANDIFER, PAUL A. Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Ma- crobrachium rosenbergii' in South Carolina PB-286 675/4 Pond Culture of the Malaysian Prawn, 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' (de Man), in South Carolina, 1974-1975 PB-264 738/6 SANDOVAL, J. F. Stabilization of sub-Base and Base Materials for Pave- ment. N68-20393 SANGSTER, RAYMOND C. Industrial Research and Science and Technology for Development. A Workshop in Preparation for the 1 979 U.S. Conference PB-297 073/9 The Technological Knowledge Base for Industrializing Countries; Proceedings of the NBS/AID UNCSTD (United Nations Conference on Science and Technol- ogy for Development) Seminar Held at Gaithersburg, Maryland on October 16-17, 1978 PB-294 984/0 SANTOS, GUILLERMO MEDINA Design of a Factory for the Productivity of Tomato Paste PB-294 139/1 SAPARSIH, SRI BUDHI Selected Abstracts on Traditional Fermented Food PB-286 468/4 SARAF-YAZDY, ALI Leadership through an Understanding of Human Moti- vation with Special Application to a Partially Industrial- ized Country AD-765 702/6 SARGENT, DAVID P. JR. Factors Effecting the Fatigue Strength of Ferro-Cement AD-A004 254/9 SARR, M. LAMIN Marine Technology Transfer as Foreign Aid to Less Developed Nations from Oceanographic Institutions in Industrialized Countries: A Search for an Effective Mechanism in the Educational Sector PB-262 039/1 SAUCIER, KENNETH L. Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-740 285 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-743 436 SAUNIER, RICHARD E. Glossary of Environmental Terms: Spanish-English, English-Spanish PB-262 928/5 SAVINO, JOSEPH M. Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Workshop Pro- ceedings Held at Washington, D.C. on 11-13 June 1973 PB-231 341/9 SAWIN, P. B. Commercial Rabbit Raising PB-294 237/3 SAYRE, ROBERT N. Precooked Baking Potatoes PAT-APPL-932 080 SCAIEF, JAMES F. Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in the Meat In- dustry, Held at University of Wisconsin, Madison, De- cember 13-14, 1973 365 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-258 742/6 SCALF, MARION R. Environmental Effects of Septic Tank Systems PB-272 702/2 SCARBOROUGH, ERNEST N. Water Use Efficiency of Vegetable Crops Given over Asphalt Moisture Barriers PB-214 120/8 SCHAEFER-KEHNERT, WALTER Approaches to the Design of Agricultural Development Projects. A Program of Advanced Studies in Institution Building and Technical Assistance Methodology Design Study PB-282 836-T SCHAFFNER, LEROY W. The Economic Feasibility of Establishing Oil Sunflower Processing Plants in North Dakota PB-265 749/2 SCHALLER, ELMER O. Small Business Management Series Number 31. Third Edition. Management Audit for Small Retailers PB-282 730/1 SCHEFFER, T. C. Natural Decay Resistance of 30 Peruvian Woods. AD-709 718 Preservative Treatments for Protecting Wood Boxes. AD-686 717 Principles for Protecting Wood Buildings from Decay AD-767 566/3 SCHELLENBACH, SUSAN Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaero- bic Digesters PB-296 542/4 SCHER, STANLEY Photosynthetic Reclamation of Agricultural Solid and Liquid Wastes PB-222 454/1 SCHERTZ, LYLE P. Economics of Protein Improvement Programs in the Lower Income Countries PB-294 138/3 SCHLIE, THEODORE W. The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Coun- tries PB-295 499/8 SCHMID, LAWRENCE A. Swine Waste Digestion Enhancement with Nutrient Separation PB-255 021/8 SCHMITT, PHYLLIS Q. Needs Assessment: A Working Manual SHR-0002289 SCHMITTOU, H. R. Aquacultural Survey in Japan. (Ja-639.3-S355). PB-219 739 Fishculture Project Report for East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 915 The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 914 SCHMUTZLER, W. Problems in the Construction of Woodworking Ma- chines N72-28508 SCHOTT, WILLIAM A. Rural Housing Manual PB-207 507 SCHREIBER, DAVID Simple Methods of Candle Manufacturing PB-297 366/7 SCHUL, NORMAN W. A Philippine Sugar Cane District: Spatial Phenomena Affecting Sugar Cane Production on the Haciendas. AD-679 475 SCHULTER, M. New Seed Varieties and the Small Farm, (ln-631.521- S346). PB-219 760 SCHULTER, MICHAEL G. G. Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India. (In-633.18-S346). PB-219 688 SCHULTZ, W. G. Decentralized Tomato Processing: Plant Design, Costs, and Economic Feasibility PB-251 382/8 SCHUSTER, J. C. Water Measurement Procedures Irrigation Operator's Workshop. PB-195 275 SCHUYTEMA, GERALD S. Biological Control of Aquatic Nuisances - A Review PB-273 264/2 SCHWARZ, PAUL A. Ability Testing in Developing Countries. A Handbook of Principles and Techniques. (371.264-S41 1a) PB-226 015 SCHWIND, D. Wind Power for Farms, Homes, and Small Industry RFP-2841/ 1270/78/4 SCOTT, JOHN T. JR Problems and Challenges Faced by Rural Communities with Industrial Development COM-74-1 0543/8 Profile Change When Industry Moves Into a Rural Area COM-74-1 0547/9 SCOTT, NORITA P. Resettlement in Latin America: An Analysis of 35 Cases. AD-651 116 SCRIMSHAW, NEVIN S. Extending Protein Concentrates for Child Feeding by Addition of Inexpensive Simple Nitrogen Sources PB-213 787/8 SCUDDER, L. R. Photovoltaic Water Pumping Applications: Assessment of the Near-Term Market DOE/NASA/1022-78/29 SEABROOK, BELFORD L. Land Application of Wastewater in Australia. The Werri- bee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria PB-257 454/9 SEAMAN, DONALD E. Report on Potential Growth of Aquatic Plants of the Lower Mekong River Basin, Laos-Thailand PB-207 613 SEARLE, BARBARA The Radio Mathematics Project: Nicaragua 1974-1975 PB-287 349/5 SEATON, JIM Self-Help Construction of 1 -Story Buildings PB-291 857/1 SEBESTYEN, G. Appropriate Technology in the Construction and Build- ing Materials Industry PB-295 643/1 International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Appropriate Technology in the Construction and Building Materials Industry PB-297 240/4 SEE, R. Parasites of Man in Remote Areas of Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia AD-A057 551/4 SEELEY, DONN E. Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume III. The Viet Cong. PB- 190 000 SEELY, GEORGE Rural Industrial Technical Assistance (RITA) PB-207 626 SEGIEN, R. E. Development of a Non-Clogging Water Spray System PB-250 626/9 SEIDMAN, ANN Agricultural Cooperatives and Quasi-Cooperatives in Ghana, 1951-1965. PB-189 813 SEKTOROV, V. R. Using the Energy of the Wind for Electrification N74-16801/4 SEKYERE, DANIEL A. Better Vegetables, Ghana Handbook PB-292 871/1 SEN, LALIT K. Communication in India. Experiments in Introducing Change PB-210 508 SESHARDI, NEELAKANTAN Systems Tools for Project Planning PB-282 746/7 SESPANIAK, LAWRENCE J. Preparing, Evaluating, and Managing Development Pro- jects PB-294 901 /4 SEVIN, CHARLES H. Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Comptabilite (Starting and Managing a Small Bookkeeping Service. The Starting and Managing Series, Volume 4) PB-286 590/5 SHAFFER, JAMES D. Designing Agricultural Marketing Systems in Develop- ing Countries. (380.1 41 -S825) PB-225 800 SHAH, B. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Choice and Adaptation of Appropriate Tech- nology in Production of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries PB-297 665/2 SHAH, SURENDRA P. Cracking and Leakage Characteristics of Ferrocement Water Tanks PB-258 003/3 SHARBER, JAMES R. Solar Cookers for Haiti, A Feasibility Study PB-282 650/1 SHAW, FRANK R. L'Elevage des Abeilles (Beekeeping) PB-294 285/2 SHEA, T. G. Rum Distillery Slops Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Process PB-238 291 /9 SHELDON, KENNETH P. Industrializing at the Grass Roots Level in the Philip- pines PB-206 902 SHELL, E. W. Inland Fisheries Progress in Thailand, 1971 PB-211 663 Status of Trout Culture in Peru PB-211 775 SHEPPARD, W. J. Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Third Quarterly Report TID-27032 Systems Study of Fuels from Sugarcane, Sweet Sor- ghum, and Sugar Beets. Volume III. Conversion to Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks. Task 77. Final Report BMI-1957(V.3) SHERBROOKE, WADE C. World Desertification: Cause and Effect. A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography PB-228 100/4 SHERPER, KENNETH H. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 SHERWOOD, G. E. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume III. A Guide for Improved Masonry and Timber Connections in Buildings PB-266 334/2 FPL (Forest Products Laboratory) Designs Meet Family Housing Needs AD-744 691 SHIBATA, AKENORI The Substitute Structure Method for Earthquake-Resis- tant Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames PB-245 318/1 SHIGENO, KUNIHIKO Problems in Prawn Culture PB-296 072-T SHIH, C. C. Handbook for Pesticide Disposal by Common Chemical Methods PB-252 864/4 SHIH, JASON CHENG-CHUAN Optimum Subsurface and Underground Shell Struc- tures for Better Housing in Hot-Arid Lands. Part I: A Case for Subsurface and Underground Housing in Hot- Arid Lands. Part II: Optimization of Subsurface and Un- derground Shells. AD-709 715 SHIN, D. H. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Preservation of Vegetables in the Republic of Korea: The Processing of Kimchi PB-297 205/7 SHINN, J. M. JR An Inexpensive Economical Solar Heating System for Homes. N76-27671/6 SHIRLEY, R. L. Processing, Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Aquatic Weeds PB-231 207/2 SHKOLNIK, M. YA. Importance of Trace Elements in Chernozem Soils under Conditions of Dry Farming, and Their Influence on the Physiological Processes Determining the Drought-and Heat-Resistance of Plants. TT-67-51301 SHLESER, R. A. Development of Crustacean Aquaculture 366 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX SOZEN, METE A. PB-277 515/3 SHOEMAKER, FLOYD The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Coun- tries PB-295 499/8 SHOLTON, ERWIN J. Five Industries for the Central African Republic PB-206 775 SHOVE, G. C. Solar Grain Drying Conference Proceedings CONF-770140- SHUSTER, J. A. Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Con- nection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Air- fields. Phase I. Southeast Asia (Thailand) PB-207 399 SIDDIQI, T. A. Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets. N78-29578/9 SIDDIQUI, T. A. Utilization of Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Identifying Some Potential Markets DOE/NASA/ 1022-78/41 SIGURDSON, JON Small Scale Cement Plants PB-297 377/4 SILLIMAN, RALPH P. Effect of Crowding on Relation Between Exploitation and Yield in Tilapia macrocephala' COM-72-50251-03-12 Growth in Experimental Populations of Tilapia mossam- bica COM-7 1-00202 Selective and Unselective Exploitation of Experimental Populations of 'Tilapia mossambica' COM-75-501 92-03-04 SILVA, J. A. Report of the Workshop on Experimental Designs for Predicting Crop Productivity with Environmental and Economic Inputs Held at Honolulu, Hawaii on May 20- 24, 1974 PB-270 607/5 SILVER, MITCHELL Use of Hydraulic Rams in Nepal. A Guide to Manufac- turing and Installation PB-285 907/2 SILVERMAN, THERESA Tele-Niger: Adapting an Electronic Medium to a Rural African Context PB-292 904/0 SIMIGIN, P. A. Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 SIMIU, EMIL Design, Siting, and Construction of Low-Cost Housing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earth- quakes and Windstorms COM-74-50184/2 SIMMONS, FRED C. L'Exploitation Forestiere (Logging Farm Wood Crops) PB-294 898/2 SIMMONS, JOHN L. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume VIII. Land Reform in Algeria, Tunisia, the United Arab Re- public. PB-195 322 SIMON, F. F. Flat-Plate Solar-Collector Performance Evaluation with a Solar Simulator as a Basis for Collector Selection and Performance Prediction. N75-32591/0 SIMPSON, EUGENE S. A General Summary of the State of Research on Ground-Water Hydrology. AD-668 853 SIMPSON, MICHAEL G. Fatigue of Ferro-Cement AD-781 403/1 SINCLAIR, JAMES B. An Annotated Bibliography of 'Macrophomina phaseo- lina' 1905-1975 PB-283 811/8 SINGER, REXFORD D. Small Wells Manual: A Manual of Location, Design, Construction, Use and Maintenance. PB- 190 672 SKAPTASON, PATRICIA A. Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Freshwater PB-208 527 SKOLMEN, ROGER G. Some Woods of Hawaii.. .Properties and Uses of 16 Commercial Species PB-235 801/8 SLATER, CHARLES The Past and Potential Role of the United States in the Transfer of Agri-Food Technology to Developing Coun- tries PB-295 499/8 SLIGHTON, ROBERT L. Relative Wages, Skill Shortages, and Changes in Income Distribution in Colombia. AD-678 728 SLINKARD, ROBERT J. Arizona Indian Business Development Program COM-71-00717 SLOAN, ALLAN K. Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad PB-255 911/0 SLOEY, WILLIAM E. Wastewater Treatment Marshes PB-259 992/6 by Natural and Artificial SMALL, W. Some References on Metric Information with Charts on All You Need to Know About Metric; Metric Conversion Fractors COM-74-50182/6 SMITH, C. E. Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing Guidelines for Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD PB-259 512/2 Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part II. Estimating Costs of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants PB-259 513/0 SMITH, D. V. Micro Irrigation with Photovoltaics MIT-EL-78-006 Photovoltaic Power in Less Developed Countries COO-4094-1 SMITH, EDWARD H. Pest Control Strategies PB-274 644/4 SMITH, EDWIN LAMAR JR Land Use Problems and Research Needs in the High- Altitude Zone of Ecuador PB-249 288/2 SMITH, EUGENE F. Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-740 285 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement AD-743 436 SMITH, FREDERICK J. Organizing and Operating a Fishery Cooperative. Part II COM-73-10791 Organizing and Operating a Fishery Cooperative. Part One COM-73-10790 SMITH, FREDERICK W. The Relevance of AT (Appropriate Technology) Devel- opment in the U.S. to the Third World (A Compendium of U.S. AT. Organizations) PB-295 955/9 SMITH, GEORGE L. Soil and Rock Strata to Trap, Filter, and Store Water for Rural Domestic Use PB-268 820/8 SMITH, H. R. A Deflection Survey Technique for Pavement Evalua- tion in Developing Countries PB-218 338/2 SMITH, KENNETH F. Statistical Survey and Analysis Handbook PB-294 712/5 Time Series Analysis Handbook PB-294 575/6 SMITH, MICHAEL JOSEPH A Study of Runoff from Small Rural Watersheds in Re- sponse to Completed and Proposed Land Use Changes PB-264 900/2 SMITH, P. H. Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Eco- nomic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utili- zable Energy Forms PB-278 351/2 Sugarcane Production Residues: Technologic and Eco- nomic Assessment of Methods for Conversion to Utili- zable Energy Forms. Final Report TID-28550 SMITH, RICHARD P. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Reduction of Costs in Hand-Operated Glass Plants (3rd), May 17-19 1 972 held at the West Virginia University, Clarksburg PB-225 700/4 SMITH, ROY J. JR Plant Protection Problems in Southeast Asia PB-212 101 SMITH, THEODORE I. J. Pond Culture of the Malaysian Prawn, 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' (de Man), in South Carolina, 1974-1975 PB-264 738/6 SMITH, THEODORE ISAAC JOGUES The Commercial Feasibility of Rearing Pompano, 'Tra- chinotus carolinus' (Linnaeus), in Cages COM-73- 10771 SMITH, WALTON R. Houses Can Resist Hurricanes. PB-174 346 SMITHERMAN, R. O. Fishculture Survey Report for Panama. PB-195 912 Fishculture Survey Report for Paraguay. PB-195 910 Fishculture Survey Report for Peru. PB-196 355 The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 914 SNEED, KERMIT Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 SNYDER, THOMAS E. Les Termites Ravageurs du Batiment (Control of Non- subterranean Termites and Subterranean Termites) PB-294 900/6 SODERBERG, RICHARD W. Perch Fingerling Production for Aquaculture PB-294 218/3 SOLA, ELIZA The Photonovel: A Tool for Development PB-266 300/3 SOLOMON, MORRIS A Program for Achieving Better Project Management in Developing Countries PB-294 576/4 SOLOMON, MORRIS J. Preparing, Evaluating, and Managing Development Pro- jects PB-294 901 /4 SOLOYANIS, GEORGE International Research Seminar on Vocational Rehabili- tation of the Mentally Retarded PB-237 299/3 SOON, TAN THIAM Small Enterprises in Developing Countries: Case Stud- ies and Conclusions PB-297 369/1 SORG, THOMAS J. Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the Inter- im Primary Drinking Water Regulations PB-268 029/6 SORKIN, ALAN L. Health Economics in Developing Countries HRP-001 9765/7 SORONGON, ARTURO P. A Special Study of Landed Estates in the Philippines: Analysis and Findings. PB-189 991 SOUTHWELL, C. R. Biological Deterioration of Wood in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 2. Marine Borer Resistance of Natural Woods over Long Periods of Immersion. AD-716 740 Biological Deterioration of Woods in Tropical Environ- ments. Part 3. Chemical Wood Treatments for Long- Term Marine-Borer Protection AD-736 182 Corrosion of Metals in Tropical Environments: Part 1 - Final Report of Sixteen-Year Exposures AD-A003 909/9 Natural Resistance of Woods to Biological Deteriora- tion in Tropical Environments. Part I. Screening Tests of a Large Number of Wood Species. AD-653 856 SOZEN, METE A. Response and Energy-Dissipation of Reinforced Con- crete Frames Subjected to Strong Base Motions PB-202 936 The Substitute Structure Method for Earthquake-Resis- tant Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames PB-245 318/1 367 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX by Natural and Artificial SPAIN, PETER An Annotated Listing of Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel PB-290 348/2 A Description of 15 U.S. Training Institutions Offering Communications Courses to Developing-Country Per- sonnel (Based on Site Visits) PB-290 397/9 A Sourcebook on Radio's Role in Development PB-292 898/4 SPANGLER, FREDERIC L. Wastewater Treatment Marshes PB-259 992/6 SPAVEN, JOHN W. Campaigns in Agricultural Extension Programs, Number 3 PB-292 879/4 SPEAR, GEORGE A. Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsidiada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 SPEAR, JAMES Creating Visuals for TV PB-287 254/7 Les Auxiliaires Visuels dans la Television Scolaire (Cre- ating Visuals for TV) PB-287 255/4 SPEECE, R. E. Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. PB-216 556 SPENCE, R. J. S. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Appropriate Technologies for Small-Scale Production of Cement and Cementitious Materials PB-297 180/2 SPENCE, ROBIN Lime and Alternative Cements: Proceedings of a One- Day Meeting on Small-Scale Manufacture of Cementi- tious Materials PB-297 680/1 SPENCER, DUNSTAN S. C. Employment, Efficiency and Income in the Rice Proc- essing Industry of Sierra Leone PB-268 185/6 Micro-Level Farm Management and Production Eco- nomics Research among Traditional African Farmers: Lessons from Sierra Leone. (SI-631.09664-S745). PB-219 730 SPIES, PHILIPPUS HENDRIK Management of Water Quality Through Selected Insti- tutions and Instruments PB-251 034/5 SPIEWAK, I. Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Alternative Energy Sources. ORNL-5024 SPONAGLE, CHARLES E. Selection and Operation of Small Wastewater Treat- ment Facilities - Training Manual PB-224 266/7 SPRAGUE, G. F. The Development of Hybrid Corn Technology in the United States and Selected Countries PB-292 915/6 ST, R. A. Les Termites Ravageurs du Batiment (Control of Non- subterranean Termites and Subterranean Termites) PB-294 900/6 STABLER, THOMAS M. National Program of Metrology for Ecuador COM- 74-1 0394/6 National Program of Metrology for Ethiopia PB-222 533/2 STANDIFER, LEON C. Water Quality Renovation of Animal Waste Lagoons Utilizing Aquatic Plants PB-286 938/6 STANGEL, P. J. Tailoring of Fertilizers for Rice. (633.1 8-T297b). PB-219 734 STANGLE, PAUL J. Fertilizer Distribution in Indonesia - 1969 PB-21 1 639 STANISLAO, JOSEPH Maintenance System for a Small Hospital HRP-0007411/2 STANLEY, JOHN Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 4. Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD-765 437/9 STANLEY, SAM Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Executive Summary COM-74-1 1487/7 STAUB, WILLIAM J. Agricultural Development and Farm Employment in India. (ln-630.954-S798). PB-219 778 STEFFLRE, VOLNEY The Small New Business. PB-187 565 STEIN, D. Utilization of Wind Power in Agriculture in the USSR N74-1 5752/0 STEIN, STEPHEN A. Chemicals from Wood Waste PB-262 489/8 STEINBERG, M. A. The Technological Basis for Development of Aquacul- ture to Produce Low-Cost Food Fish COM-73-50645-11-2 STEINKRAUS, K. H. Development of Soy-Based Foods of High Nutritive Value for Use in the Philippines PB-21 3 758/3 STEITZ, P. Assessment of the Potential of Solar Thermal Small Power Systems in Small Utilities. N79-1 6377/0 STEPANEK, JOSEPH E. Expatriate Professionals as International Consultants PB-294 424/7 STEPHANS, J. B. Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PATENT-4 065 053 STEPHENS, J. B. Low Cost Solar Energy Collection System. PAT-APPL-598 969 STEPHENS, KENNETH S. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. A Seven-Country Survey of Certification Li- censing and Quality Marks Programs PB-250 628/5 STERN, E. GEORGE Wood in the Construction of Mass-Produced Houses PB-207 812 STERN, R. Planner's Energy Workbook: A Manual for Exploring Relationships Between Land Use and Energy Utiliza- tion BNL-50633 STERNBERG, YARON M. Development and Testing of the Robovalve PB-293 788/6 STEVEN, DAVID M. Primary and Secondary Production in the Tropical At- lantic AD-717 965 STEVENS, ROBERT D. The Effectiveness and Financial Stability of the Comilla Agricultural Cooperative Credit System for Small Farm- ers, (BG-332.71-S845) PB-225 956 How the United States Improved Its Agriculture PB-292 863/8 Rural Development Programs for Adaptation from Co- milla, Bangladesh, (BG-301 .34095492-S845a) PB-225 946 Three Rural Development Models for Small Farm Agri- cultural Areas in Low Income Nations-Some Results from Comilla, Bangladesh. (BG-301. 34095492-S845 PB-225 933 STEVENS, SUSAN MACCULLOCH Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Passamaquoddy Economic Development in Cultural and Historical Perspective COM-74-1 1494/3 STEVOVICH, VLASTIMIR A. Solar Energy AD-778 846/6 STEWARD, JOHN E. Guidelines for Use of Fabrics in Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads PB-276 972/7 STEWART, JAMES M. Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas: Pro- ceedings of Southeastern Conference Held on April 2- 4, 1975 PB-248 297/4 STEWART, WILLIAM H. Copra Processing in the Trust Territory. A Report to the Congress of Micronesia PB-205 761 STICKNEY, ROBERT R. Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Tilapia Aquaculture System PB-290 634/5 A Manual of Flatfish Rearing COM-74-1 0364/9 STIFFMAN, LAWRENCE H. Some Health Sector Analysis Methods for Developing Nations HRP-001 3245/6 STILLINGS, BRUCE R. Fish Protein Concentrate. A Comprehensive Bibliogra- phy. PB-191 100 STIREWALT, MARGARET A. Schistosomiasis and 'Schistosoma Mansoni' AD-A015 226/4 STOCKTON, ALEXANDRA B. Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume I PB-263 399/8 Proceedings of the Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference (First) Held in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 8-10, 1976. Volume II PB-264 594/3 STOKES, I. E. La Culture du Sorgho pour la Production de Sirop (Cul- ture of Sorgho for Sirup Production) PB-286 431/2 STONE, E. DOUGLAS Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsidiada (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 585/5 STONE, R. DOUGLAS Amelioration de I'Habitat par la Promotion de I'Effort Personnel (Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement) PB-286 433/8 STOSIC, DARKO Norms and Tables for Animal Nutrition TT-68-50103 STRAM, BRUCE N. Effects of Economic Development Upon Water Re- sources (An Interindustry Approach to Modeling Eco- nomic-Environmental Systems) PB-239 875/8 STRASMA, JOHN Agrarian Reform, Land Purchase and Industrialization in Peru. PB-189 920T STRAWHORN, JOHN M. Improving the Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information: A Practitioner's Guide to Innovation PB-247 057/3 STREET, DONALD R. Social Accounting Approaches to Water Resource Use in Economic Development PB-227 472/8 STRELKOV, YU. A. Diseases of Pond Fishes TT-72-50070 STROEHLEIN, JACK L. Land Use Problems and Research Needs in the High- Altitude Zone of Ecuador PB-249 288/2 STROW, HELEN Seeing is Believing. How to Conduct Convincing Result Demonstrations PB-293 605/2 STUKEL, J. J. Fuels from Biomass Symposium COO-4225-1 STUMPE, J. J. Technical and Economic Evaluation of Fertilizer Inter- mediates for Use by Developing Countries PB-21 1 629 STURROCK, THOMAS T. Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation PB-238 909/6 SU, T. M. Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Annual Report and Revised Research Plan, January 1977-- January 1978 COO-4 147-4 Bioconversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol. Third Quar- terly and Bimonthly Report, July 1 -September 30, 1977 COO-4 147-3 SUDDATH, LOVICK P. Lime-Cement Combination Stabilization AD-762 552 SUGG, MATILDA R. La Prevision Des Besoins en Main-D'Oeuver (The Forecasting of Manpower Requirements) 368 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX THOMAS, RONALD PB-286 576/4 SULLIVAN, EDWARD G. Catfish Farming PB-295 196/0 SULLIVAN, T. L. Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential DOE/NASA/ 1 028-77/ 1 3 Wind Turbine Generator Rotor Blade Concepts with Low Cost Potential. N78- 17466/1 SULLIVAN, W. N. Engineering of Wind Energy Systems. SAND-75-0530 SUMMERFELT, ROBERT C. Paunch Manure as a Feed Supplement in Channel Cat- fish Farming PB-235 575/8 SUMMERS, GENE F. Problems and Challenges Faced by Rural Communities with Industrial Development COM-74-1 0543/8 Profile Change When Industry Moves Into a Rural Area COM-74-10547/9 SUNSHINE, D. R. Space and Energy Conservation Housing Prototype Unit Development. N75-27567/7 SUPPES, PATRICK The Radio Mathematics Project: Nicaragua 1974-1975 PB-287 349/5 SURILOV, V. S. Determination of the Optimum Parameters of Rotary Tiller Cultivation Equipment. PB-178 373T SWAMY, M. C. K. Costs of Urban Infrastructure for Industry as Related to City Size in Developing Countries. India Case Study PB-212 916/1 SWAN, DEAN G. Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. Right-Of-Way Pest Control PB-261 002/0 SWANSON, BURTON E. Regional Agricultural Production Programs, Training and Design Strategies PB-295 655/5 SWANSON, ROWENA W. Information Services for Small-Scale Industry. AD-679 833 SWEENEY, T. R. Natural Resistance of Woods to Biological Deteriora- tion in Tropical Environments. Part I. Screening Tests of a Large Number of Wood Species. AD-653 856 SWEET, CHARLES F. Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empirical Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume I PB-294 035/1 Strategies for Small Farmer Development: An Empirical Study of Rural Development Projects. Volume II. Case Studies PB-294 036/9 SWET, C. J. A Universal Solar Kitchen PB-213 023/5 SWINDALE, L. D. Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Rela- tionships Between Sodium Ion Activities and Soil Physi- cal Properties PB-203 844 SWINGLE, H. S. Fishculture Project Report for East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 915 Fishculture Survey Report for Ecuador. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB- 195 907 Fishculture Survey Report of Colombia. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 908 Fisheries of Turkey PB-211 774 The Inland Fisheries Program of Thailand. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 914 Inland Fisheries Progress in Thailand, 1971 PB-21 1 663 Proposed Cooperative Fishery Program for Ecuador PB-211 642 Relationship of the Thai Fish Culture Program to Pro- duction of Fish in the Lower Mekong Area PB-224 365 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in East Pakistan. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 901 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in India. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 906 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Japan, Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 902 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in South Vietnam. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 903 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Taiwan. Increas- ing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 904 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in Thailand. In- creasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 905 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Federation of Malaysia. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures, Phase I. PB-195 900 Report of Fishcultural Investigations in the Philippines. Increasing Fish Production by Improved Fishcultures. PB-195 909 SY, SE H. Aquatic Plant Harvesting: Development of High-Speed Harvesters and Processing and Utilization of Harvested Vegetation PB-241 715/2 SYLVESTER, JOSEPH R. Demonstration of Virgin Islands Small Boat Fishing Techniques PB-294 217/5 SZANTON, MARIA CRISTINA BLANC A Right to Survive: Subsistence Marketing in a Low- land Philippine Town AD-758 524 TAG AN AS, CALIXTO C. The Small Biogas Plant: Its Construction, Operation and Use PB-297 667/8 TAHIL, ABDURAJI S. Experiments in Rearing 'Siganus guttatus' (Pisces: Os- teichthyes, Siganidae) in a Sea-Cage and Fishpen in the Philippines PB-295 218/2 TANCRETO, J. E. Flexural Strength of Ferro-Cement Panels AD-748 582 TANTAWI, M. H. International Forum on Appropriate Industrial Technol- ogy, Held at New Delhi/Anand, India on November 20- 30, 1978. Technology Planning Factors in the Cane Sugar Industry PB-297 239/6 TAPLIN, DAVID Fungous and Bacterial Skin Infections in the Tropics AD-A060 212/8 TASIGUANO, ENRIQUE Non-Formal Education Ecuador's Experience. Interna- tional Seminary on Appropriate Technology in Educa- tion, Held at Bogota, Colombia, on January 29-Febru- ary 2, 1979 PB-294 637/4 TATOM, J. W. Clean Fuels from Agricultural and Forestry Wastes PB-259 956/1 TATOM, JOHN W. Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 TATUM, WALTER M. Brackish Water Cage Culture of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), in South Alabama COM-74-1 0498/ 5 Experimental Pond Production of Selected Marine Spe- cies PB-290 654/3 TAYLOR, A. L. Les Maladies de la Tomate: Prophylaxie et Traitement (Tomato Diseases and Their Control) PB-296 918/6 TAYLOR, GEORGE C. JR. Techniques for Assessing Water Resources Potentials in the Developing Countries, with Emphasis on Stream- flow, Erosion and Sediment Transport, Water Move- ment in Unsaturated Soils, Ground Water, and Remote Sensing in H ydrologic Applications PB-207 1 92 TAYLOR, HARDY S. A Demonstration Project to Establish a Technology De- livery System for Small and Medium-Sized Firms PB-293 821/5 TAYLOR, HAROLD H. Spain's Leather Industry: Prospects for Blue Chrome (Wet-Blue) Processing PB-267 949/6 TAYLOR, LAWRENCE C. Rural Industrial Technical Assistance (RITA) PB-207 626 TAYLOR, PUAL S. Land Reform in Vietnam Working Papers. Volume III. The Viet Cong. PB-190 000 TAYLOR, ROBERT W. Food Marketing in Developing Countries PB-211 641 TAYLOR, THEODORE B. An Assessment of Controlled Environmental Agricul- ture Technology PB-279 211/7 TECLE, TASFAI African Rural Employment Research Network - The Evolution of Alternative Rural Development Strategies in Ethiopia: Implications for Employment and Income Distribution PB-294 095/5 TELLEZ, THERESA International Development Programs of the Office of the Foreign Secretary PB-230 543/1 TEMANSON, LESLIE A. L'Utilisation du Silo Fosse et des Lecons Techniques. (The Use of Pit Silos, and Technical Lessons.) PB-262 851/9 TENDLER, JUDITH Evaluacion Comparativa Entre Paises de Organiza- ciones de Pequenos Agricultores (Comparative Evalua- tions between Countries with Small Farmer Organiza- tions and Their Programs, Ecuador, Honduras PB-296 722/2 TENENBAUM, EDWARD A. Five Industries for the Central African Republic PB-206 775 TENNANT, B. S. Forecasting Rural Road Travel in Developing Countries from Studies of Land Use PB-277 726/6 TENORIO, PEDRO A. Identification of Return Irrigation Water in the Subsur- face: Water Quality. PB-189 171 TERNER, IAN DONALD Industrialized Housing. The Opportunity and the Prob- lems in Developing Areas, Ideas and Methods Ex- change No. 66 PB-206 851 TERRY, ORVILLE W. Inexpensive Modular Habitats for Juvenile Lobsters ('Homarus americanus') COM-75-1 0241/8 THACKSTON, E. L. Secondary Waste Treatment for a Small Diversified Tannery PB-221 494/8 THAL-LARSEN, MARGARET Determination des Aptitudes et de la Formation Re- quises pour la Main-d'oeuvre (Techniques for Deter- mining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Require- ments) PB-287 260/4 Techniques for Determining Manpower Skill Needs and Training Requirements PB-287 261/2 THESEN, ARNE Systems Tools for Project Planning PB-282 746/7 THIEL, FLOYD I. Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad PB-255 911/0 THIESENHUSEN, WILLIAM C. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 An Experimental Cooperative Farming Plan in Chile. PB-189 816 THOITS, CHARLES F. Ill Combined Culture of Channel Catfish and Golden Shin- ers in Wading Pools COM-73-10810 THOMAS, GEORGE D. Progress Through Modern Processes and Tools PB-205 287 THOMAS, HAROLD A. JR Operations Research in Water Quality Management. PB-21 7 667 THOMAS, RONALD Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Region 369 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX COM-74-1 0007/4 THOMASON, IVAN J. Plant Protection Problems in Southeast Asia PB-212 101 THOME, JOSEPH Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: The Views of Four Consultants. PB-189 917 THOMPSON, OWEN E. Environmental Conditions in a Tropical Forest Region in Thailand AD-A047 981/6 THORNTON, J. P. Small Power Systems Siudy. Quarterly Report No. 1 SERI-36 THORNTON, TED An Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion in U.S. Agricul- ture PB-278 999/8 THORUD, DAVID B. Development of a Bibliographic Information System for Water Yield Improvement Practices PB-244 696/1 THURSTON, H. DAVID Plant Protection Problems in Southeast Asia PB-212 101 Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Research in Agriculture. Constraints on Increasing Agricultural Production in the Tropics. Research and Implementa- tion Needs PB-257 358/2 TICHATSCHEK, KUNO How to Use Natural Energy PB-292 587/3 TIEMEIER, OTTO W. Producing Channel Catfish COM-72-10048 TILSWORTH, TIMOTHY Sludge Production and Disposal for Small, Cold Cli- mate Bio-Treatment Plants PB-219 980/0 TIMMONS, JOHN F. Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in Peru. Part I. Nature of and Relationships Between Agrarian Reform and Economic Development. Part II. Analytical Structural Change Model for Analyzing Agrarian Reform Structures and Remedial Alternatives in the Sierra. PB-189 987 TISON, R. R. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use. Final Report, May-December 1975 NSF/RA-760184 TISON, RAYMOND R. Wind-Powered Hydrogen Electric Systems for Farm and Rural Use PB-259 318/4 TODD, BOB Natural Energy and Living, Number 2, 1978 PB-290 419/1 TODOR, PETER C. Laterite and Latentic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume I PB-267 262/4 Latherite and Lateritic Soils and Other Problem Soils of the Tropics. Volume II. Instruction Manual PB-267 263/2 TOMMY, JOSEPH L. Changes in Small Farmer Credit Use in Southern Brazil, 1965-69. (Br-332.71-A211). PB-219 696 TORII, YASUMASA Transportation and Land Use Planning Abroad PB-255 911/0 TORIN, YU. A. Biology and Distribution of the Yellowtin Tuna in the Tropical Part of Atlantic Ocean (Biologiya i Rasprede- lenie Zheltoperogo Tuntsa (Neothunnus albacora Lowe) v Tropicheskoi Chasti Atlanticheskogo Okeana) AD-720 097 TORO, JAIRO ARBOLEDA Appropriate Education and Its Correlative Technology PB-294 572/3 TOSTERUD, ROBERT J. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Transporta- tion for Agriculture and Rural America, Held at New Or- leans, Louisiana, on November 15-17, 1976 PB-274 715/2 TOWER, RALPH B. Petite Entreprise: Manuel de Gestion Financiere (A Handbook of Small Business Finance) PB-293 765/4 TRAGITT, GREG A Complete Disposal-Recycle Scheme for Agricultural Solid Wastes PB-271 714/8 TREAKLE, H. CHARLES A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia. PB-195 316 TRIMBLE, WILLIAM C. Experimental Pond Production of Selected Marine Spe- cies PB-290 654/3 Pond Culture of the Malaysian Prawn, 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' (de Man), in South Carolina, 1974-1975 PB-264 738/6 TRIMO, SOEJONO The Education and Training of Indonesian Librarians: Problems and Prospects ED-061 963 TROXELL, HARRY F. Project Colorado. Feasibility Studies. Preliminary De- signs PB-206 913 TRUONG-VAN-HIEU, Production and Distribution of the Rice Seeds in Viet- nam AD-837 492/8 TSCHERNITZ, J. L Rapid Production of Pallet Deckboards from Low- Grade Logs AD-724 272 TSENG, EUGENE Conversion of Cattle Manure Into Useful Products PB-264 014/2 TSOUMIS, G. T. Moisture Absorption in Certain Tropical American Woods (Revised). AD-716 403 TURBE, KEN Demonstration of Virgin Islands Small Boat Fishing Techniques PB-294 217/5 TURK, M. Dirt Feedlot Residue Experiments. Quarterly Progress Report, July 1 -September 30, 1977 COO-2952-15 TURNACLIFF, WAYNE Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaero- bic Digesters PB-296 542/4 TURNER, C. E. Contributions from the Sanitary Research Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station. Volume X. Studies on the Digestion of a Sewage-Filter Efluent by a Small and Otherwise Unpolluted Stream PB-260 051/8 TURNER, JOHN E. Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume I. Periodical Literature. PB-190 675 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume II. Books and Book Length Mono- graphs. PB-190 676 Bibliography on Planned Social Change (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational De- velopment). Volume III. Government Reports, UN. Re- ports and Proceedings of Special Conferences. PB-190 677 TURNER, JOHN F. C. Industrialized Housing. The Opportunity and the Prob- lems in Developing Areas, Ideas and Methods Ex- change No. 66 PB-206 851 TUTT, J. M. Appropriate Technology and Navajo Economic Devel- opment LA-6489 TUWINER, SIDNEY B. Improvement of Treatment of Food Industry Waste PB-234 444/8 TYAGI, D. S. The Prevention of Farm-Level Food Grain Storage Losses in India: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis PB-294 842/0 TYRRELL, M. E. Waste Glass as a Flux for Brick Clays PB-214 271/9 TYSON, EDWIN L. Ecological Study in Korea. Part I. A Cooperative Pro- gram for Ecosystem Research in Korea. AD-677 010 UEHARA, G. Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Rela- tionships Between Sodium Ion Activities and Soil Physi- cal Properties PB-203 844 UFFORD, C. W. Small Business Management Series Number 1. Third Edition. An Employee Suggestion System for Small Companies PB-282 733/5 UHLEMANN, MAX R. Pesticide Chemicals. A Programmed Text PB-255 605/8 ULINSKI, CAROL A. IRRI Small Agricultural Machinery Project: US Technol- ogy Transfer to Resource-Poor Developing Countries PB-268 161/7 UMEN, D. P. Biology of Peanut Flowering (Biologiya Tsveteniya Arakhisa) PB-259 554-T Technique of Artificial Hybridization in the Peanut (Tekhnika Iskusstevennoi Gibridizatsii Arakhisa) PB-248 362/6 What Has Been Done in Peanut Breeding (Chto sde- lano po Selektsii Arakhisa) PB-248 361/8 UNAR, M. A Review of the Indonesian Shrimp Fishery and Its Present Developments COM-74-501 89-01 -05 UNTI, JAMES G. The Feasibility of Harvesting, Processing and Market- ing Tuna in Pakistan PB-211 762 UPHOFF, NORMAN Local Organization for Rural Development: Analysis of Asian Experience PB-294 146/6 UPTON, S. Two-Week Training Program for Building Solar Thermo- siphon Domestic Water-Heating Systems UCID-17595 URATA, TAKEO Assignment Report on Library Banks in Health Institu- tion in Indonesia ED-060 874 URQUHART, ALVIN W. Patterns of Settlement and Subsistence in Southwest- ern Angola AD-417 467/8 USMANI, ARTHUR M. Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-249 317/9 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-294 423/9 UTRECHT, E. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume II. Land Reform in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia. PB-195 316 VAGINYM, A. T. The Problem of Basic Parameters of Tillage Tools for Primary Soil Tillage, Chapter II. PB-178 347T VAIDYA, RAMESH Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunications in Nepal PB-239 883/2 VALLERGA, B. A. Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Con- nection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Air- fields. Phase I. Southeast Asia (Thailand) PB-207 399 VAN CLEVE, ROY R. An Analysis of Selected Start-Up Industry Training Pro- grams as Vehicles for Human Resources Development PB-262 735/4 VAN DAM, J. Commercial Rabbit Raising PB-294 237/3 VAN DERWERKER, RALPH J. Refuse Collection and Disposal for the Small Commu- nity. PB-214 984 VAN DYNE, DONALD Energy Use and Conservation in the Poultry and Egg Industry PB-294 235/7 VAN DYNE, DONALD L. Estimating U.S. Livestock and Poultry Manure and Nu- trient Production PB-279 095/4 VAN ES, J. C. Farm Ownership, Political Participation, and Other Social Participation in Central Brazil. PB-189 818 VAN GINNEKEN, PIETER La Erosion y Su Control (Erosion and Its Control) PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX WAITERS, KENNETH W. PB-296 720/6 VAN HUYCK, ALFRED P. Guidelines for Establishing and Administering Land De- velopment Agencies in the Developing Countries PB-236 391/9 Planning Sites and Services Programs. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 68 PB-207 619 VAN PEENEN, P. F. D. Parasites of Man in Remote Areas of Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia AD-A057 551/4 VAN THUAN, NGUYEN A Description of Ocean Fish Marketing in Saigon. PB- 196 352 VAN TIL, C. J. Engineering Study of Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Con- nection with Construction of Roads, Highways, and Air- fields. Phase I. Southeast Asia (Thailand) PB-207 399 VAN ZWANENBERG, ROGER Towards Village Industry: A Strategy for Development PB-297 788/2 VANBLERK, S. H. V. Comparative Reclamation of Potable Water from Bio- filter and Activated Sludge Effluents at the Stander Water Reclamation Plant. N78-25998/3 VANDEMARK, N. L. Potential Increases in Food Supply Through Research in Agriculture. Increased Productivity from Animal Agri- culture PB-257 362/4 VANDEPOPULIERE, J. M. Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Breaking Plant Shell-Waste PB-280 125/6 VANGENDEREN, J. L. A Methodology for Small Scale Rural Land Use Map- ping in Semi-Arid Developing Countries Using Orbital Imagery. I. Introduction E76-10338 VANLEEUWEN, J. Comparative Reclamation of Potable Water from Bio- filter and Activated Sludge Effluents at the Stander Water Reclamation Plant. N78-25998/3 VARANI, FRED Methane on the Move. A Discussion of Small Anaero- bic Digesters PB-296 542/4 VARANI, FREDERICK T. Conversion of Feedlot Wastes into Pipeline Gas PB-296 363/5 VASCONCELLOS, HAROLDO Kyfa Yoofna Bayetoe Doojadgen Ahilee (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 903/0 L'Amenagement d'un Poulailler FawSial (Poultry Unit for Family and 4-S) PB-294 904/8 Une Methode Logique d'Elevage Avicole (The Poultry Result Demonstration) PB-294 447/8 VAUGHAN, CHARLES E. Seed Processing and Handling PB-206 805 VAZQUEZ, ROBERTO Puerto Rico's Water Resources Problems and Re- search Needs. Proceedings of Conference and Plan- ning Session (1st) Held at the University Library of the Mayaguez Campus on February 14, 1974 PB-280 100/9 Water Requirements of Sugarcane Under Irrigation in Lajas Valley, Puerto Rico PB-197 992 VERNEZ, GEORGES A Housing Services Policy for Low-Income Urban Fam- ilies in Underdeveloped Countries AD-A01 976/9 VERRALL, A. F. Preservative Treatments for Protecting Wood Boxes. AD-686 717 Principles for Protecting Wood Buildings from Decay AD-767 566/3 VICKERY, DEBORAH Intensive Vegetable Gardening for Profit and Self-Suffi- ciency PB-288 925/1 VICKERY, JAMES Intensive Vegetable Gardening for Profit and Self-Suffi- ciency PB-288 925/1 VIETMEYER, NOEL D. Ferrocement, A Versatile Construction Material: Its In- creasing Use in Asia PB-261 818/9 VIGUES-ROIG, ENRIQUE Economic Development Through Agrarian Reform in the Central Sierra of Peru. PB-189 972 VIIRES, A. Woodworking in Estonia: Historical Survey. TT-68-50342 VITBERG, ALAN K. Implementing 'Best Management Practices' for Residu- als: The Waste Exchange PB-258 068/6 VOELKNER, HAROLD E. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume III. Land Reform in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. PB-195 317 VOGEL, EZRA F. Agriculture as the Foundation. AD-678 292 VON RUEMKER, ROSMARIE A Technology Assessment of Biological Substitutes for Chemical Pesticides PB-284 990/9 VOSLOH, C. J. JR Leaf Protein Concentrate (PRO-XAN) from Alfalfa: An Economic Evaluation PB-294 411/4 VOSS, GILBERT Guide to the Lobsters and Lobster-Like Animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Region COM-74-1 0007/4 VRABEL, JOSEPH D. Locomotive Track Curvature Indicator PATENT-4 103 547 VUONG, DOAN KHAC The Problem of Fertilizers in Rice-Growing in South Vietnam AD-837 496/9 WADDLE, B. M. An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of Increas- ing Edible Oil Production in West Pakistan PB-210 597 WADE, ROBERT Water to the Fields: Institutional Innovations in India's Command Area Development Programme PB-294 548/3 WAGENVELD, LINDA M. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. List of Subject Headings Used by the Inter- national Development Data Center PB-249 369/0 WAGGAMAN, WOLCOTT C. Manual on Design for Low-Cost and Aided Self-Help Housing. PB-179 385 WAGGONER, D. R. Engineering Evaluation of Selected Fertilizer Produc- tion Facilities in Colombia PB-211 428 WAGNER, BERNARD Housing and Urban Development in the Philippines PB-212 371 Sewage Lagoons for Developing Countries. PB- 179 383 WAGNER, THOMAS W. AID'S Remote Sensing Grant Program PB-292 872/9 WAHRHAFTIG, ALBERT L. Alternative Economic Development Policies for Indian Communities. Making Do with the Dark Meat: A Report on the Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma COM-74-1 1489/3 WAITZMAN, D. A. A Fertilizer Program for Bolivia PB-211 761 WALKER, J. M. Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities PB-280 662/8 WALKER, W. L. Lightweight Reflector Assembly. PATENT-4 035 065 Lightweight Reflector Assembly and Method. PAT-APPL-617 202 WALL, NELSON C. Employment Generation Through Stimulation of Small Industries. Small-Scale Industry Development in Ecua- dor PB-250 629/3 Small-Scale Industry Development in Paraguay PB-250 627/7 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Administration Project- Stimulating the Growth of Small-Scale Industry PB-249 186/8 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Fundacao Educacional do Sul de Santa Catarina Activities PB-249 185/0 Small-Scale Industry Grant: Soong Jun University Activ- ities PB-249 183/5 WALLACE, A. Challenge of a Desert: Revegetation of Disturbed Desert Lands UCLA-12-1123 WALRATH, ARTHUR J. Evaluation of Investment Opportunities: Tools for Deci- sionmaking in Farming and Other Businesses PB-272 651/1 WALTON, GEORGE N. Method for Estimating Solar Heating and Cooling System Performance AD-A026 041/4 WALTON, H. V. Elimination of Pollutants by Utilization of Egg Breaking Plant Shell-Waste PB-280 125/6 WALTON, HOWARD Wind Energy Conversion Systems Manufacturing and Sales Activity, 1975 and 1976 PB-265 823/5 WANG, JAW-KAI An Alternative Prawn Production Systems Design in Hawaii PB-275 345/7 WANGAARD, FREDERICK F. Moisture Absorption in Certain Tropical American Woods (Revised). AD-716 403 Properties of Tropical Woods. AD-716 400 WARE, SILVIA A. Fuel and Energy Production by Bioconversion of Waste Materials - State-of-the-Art PB-258 499/3 WARNER, W. KEITH The Social Well-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development PB-250 966/9 WARNKEN, PHILIP F. The Agricultural Development of Nicaragua: An Analy- sis of the Production Sector PB-271 002/8 WARPEHA, PAUL The Araque Methane Gas and Fertilizer Plant PB-296 515/0 WARR, PETER A Subjective Equilibrium Theory of Share Tenancy. (333.53-W286). PB-219 777 WARREN, C. Technical-Economic Considerations in Public Service Broadcast Communications for Developing Countries PB-223 266/8 WARREN, COLIN Low Cost Data and Text Communication for the Less Developed Countries. A Study with Special Reference to the Needs of The International Agricultural Research Centers PB-256 067/0 WASSON, R. P. Automobile Scrappage and Recycling Industry Study - Overview Report PB-273 286/5 WATERSTON, ALBERT Managing Planned Agricultural Development PB-294 283/7 WATSON, W. B. Opening Unserviced LOTS to Building by Use of Septic Tank. AD-675 354 WATT, S. B. Ferrocement Water Tanks and Their Construction PB-297 375/8 Hand Dug Wells and Their Construction PB-297 373/3 A Manual on the Hydraulic Ram for Pumping Water PB-297 380/8 WATT, SIMON Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps PB-297 368/3 WAITERS, KENNETH W. Culture of the Mangrove Oyster, 'Crassostrea rhizo- phorae' Guilding, in Puerto Rico PB-265 918/3 A Method for the Cultivation of the Mangrove Oyster in Puerto Rico (Metodo para el Cultivo del Ostion de Mangle en P. R.) 371 PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX PB-263 849/2 WAUGH, FREDERICK V. Graphic Analysis: Applications in Agricultural Econom- ics PB-293 822/3 WAVDE, SHARAD Maintenance System for a Small Hospital HRP-0007411/2 WEAKS, DANIEL The Photonovel: A Tool for Development PB-266 300/3 WEAVER, HARRY L. Appropriate Technology for Natural Resources Devel- opment: An Overview, Annotated Bibliography, and a Guide to Sources of Information PB-279 193/7 WEAVER, MERLE L Precooked Baking Potatoes PAT-APPL-932 080 WEAVER, R. M. Organic Phosphorus in Soils with Special Interest in Soils of the Tropics. 631.4-R645. PB-219 690 WEBBER, EDWIN W. Improving Water Quality Management Planning in Non- metropolitan Areas PB-222 511/8 WEBBER, HAROLD H. The Design of an Aquaculture Enterprise COM-72-1 1408-18 WEBER, FRED R. Reforestation in Arid Lands PB-292 857/0 WEEDEN, RONALD J. Solid Waste Management - Tomorrow's Alternatives in the Urban-Rural Environment AD-A026 264/2 WEEKS, MARTIN E. The Effect of Land Use On the Chemical and Physical Quality of Surface and Ground Waters in Small Water Sheds PB-251 890/0 WEGLEY, H. L. Siting Handbook for Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems PNL-2521 WEICHSEL, M. Waste Heat Utilization in Industrial Processes. N78-25012/3 WEINER, MYRON E. How to Conduct a Survey PB-294 671/3 WEISS, WAYNE Managing Planned Agricultural Development PB-294 283/7 WELLS, BARTLE Rural Storage and Collection Container Systems PB-240 365/7 WELLS, LOUIS T. JR. Economic Man and Engineering Man: Choice of Tech- nology in a Low Wage Country PB-294 573/1 WENDT, CHARLES An Investigation of Hydrological Aspects of Water Har- vesting PB-218 681/5 WENGERT, EUGENE M. Improvements in Solar Dry Kiln Design AD-730 952 WENK, VICTOR D. A Technology Assessment Methodology. Volume VI. Water Pollution: Domestic Wastes PB-202 778-6 WENTWORTH, R. L. Fuel Gas Production from Animal and Agricultural Resi- dues and Biomass. Seventh Quarterly Coordination Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 9--10, 1978 COO-2991-28 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Residue. Dynatech Report No. 1551 COO/2991-10 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976-Sep- tember 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste: Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (2nd), September 1, 1976-- December 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1556 COO/2991-8 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Report of Quarterly Review Meeting, Palo Alto, California, De- cember 13-14, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1573 COO/2991-11 WERKMEISTER, DENNIS W. Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-249 317/9 Development of Low-Cost Roofing from Indigenous Materials in Developing Nations PB-294 423/9 WESSEL, KELSO L. Methodology and General Data Description: Farm Level Capital Formation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Br-338.1- W515). PB-219 725 WESTBERG, JOHN E. The Application of Wind Energy Systems to Desalina- tion PB-276 174/0 WESTLEY, RONALD E. Library Search of Japanese Fishery Research Publica- tions PB-262 748/7 WESTON, ROBERT SPURR Contributions from the Sanitary Research Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station. Volume X. Studies on the Digestion of a Sewage-Filter Efluent by a Small and Otherwise Unpolluted Stream PB-260 051/8 WETSEL, W. C. The Acceptability of Whey-Soy Mix as a Supplementary Food for Pre-School Children in Developing Countries AD-772 930/4 WHANG, BENJAMIN Comparison Study of Aluminum, Ferro-Cement, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic for Small Craft in Korea AD-755 424 WHETTEN, NATHAN L. The Role of the Ejido in Mexican Land Reform. PB-189 973 WHITE, ALASTAIR Health Aid: A Comparative Study of Three Donor Countries PB-294 619/2 WHITE, CHRISTINE PELZER AID. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume IV. Land Reform in the Philippines, North Vietnam, South Viet- nam. PB-195 318 WHITE, DAVID B. A Manual of Flatfish Rearing COM-74-1 0364/9 WHITE, LINDA M. Development of a Bibliographic Information System for Water Yield Improvement Practices PB-244 696/1 WHITE, R. F. Application of Solar Energy in the Food Processing In- dustry CONF-750761-1 WHITE, RALPH R. Teaching Conservation in Developing Nations PB-292 856/2 WHITE, S. E. Design of a Factory for the Productivity of Tomato Paste PB-294 139/1 WHITEHEAD, H. COLLINS Identification of Return Irrigation Water in the Subsur- face: Water Quality. PB-189 171 WHITMORE, GEORGE E. Ganado Bovino Para Carne - Descorne, Castracion, Marcacion a Hierro, Marcas (Beef Cattle - Dehorning, Castrating, Branding and Marking) PB-292 766/3 WHITNEY, DAVID A. Guidelines for Land Disposal of Feedlot Lagoon Water PB-238 591 /2 WHITSON, ROBERT E. Bioeconomic Assessment of a Poultry and Tilapia Aquaculture System PB-290 634/5 WHITTENBARGER, ROBERT L. Farm Ownership, Political Participation, and Other Social Participation in Central Brazil. PB-189 818 WHYTE, ROBERT ORR Rural Nutrition of Monsoon Asia AD-A057 090/3 WICKAT, R. G. General Operating Rules for Power Boilers PB-292 881/0 WIERZBICKI, JAN Disadvantages and Advantages of Sewage Disposal in Connection with Agricultural Utilization (Wady i Zalety Oczyszczania wod Sciekowych w Polaczeniv Zoich Rolnicyzm Wykorzystaniem) AD-A044 767/2 Effect of Geography on the Extensive Agricultural Use of Sewage (Wplyw Czynnika Geograficznego na Roz- powszechnienie Rolniczego Wykorzystania wod Sciekowych) AD-A044 765/6 WIGENS, ANTHONY How to Use Natural Energy PB-292 587/3 WIJEWARDENE, RAY Engineering for Appropriate Technology Farming Sys- tems in the Lowland Humid Tropics PB-294 636/6 Engineering for Appropriate Technology Farming Sys- tems in the Lowland Humid Tropics PB-294 645/7 Farming Systems Engineering - Summary of Projects for the 1975 'In-House-Review' PB-294 638/2 Systems and Energy in Tropical Farming PB-294 640/8 WILCOX, J. R. An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of Increas- ing Edible Oil Production in West Pakistan PB-210 597 WILCOX, K. Ecological Considerations of the Solar Alternative LBL-5927 WILCOX, WAYNE Review of 'Changing Patterns of Administration in Rural East Pakistan'. AD-657 007 WILHELM, DONALD JR Small Business Management Series Number 1. Third Edition. An Employee Suggestion System for Small Companies PB-282 733/5 WILKE, OTTO An Investigation of Hydrological Aspects of Water Har- vesting PB-218 681/5 WILKEN, GENE C. Drained-Field Agriculture in Southwestern Tlaxcala, Mexico. AD-679 473 WILKIE, JANE Workshop on Industrial and Technological Research. Volume III. Djakarta, Indonesia PB-222 457/4 WILKINSON, KENNETH P. The Social Well-Being and Quality of Life Dimension in Water Resources Planning and Development PB-250 966/9 WILKINSON, T. L. Building to Resist the Effect of Wind. Volume III. A Guide for Improved Masonry and Timber Connections in Buildings PB-266 334/2 WILLEKE, GENIE E. Water, Mineral, and Forest Resources in Regional Eco- nomic Development. PB-177 544 WILLEM, RAYMOND A. A Wind Energy Review: Low-Cost Machines for Agricul- tural and Rural Applications PB-297 858/3 WILLIAMS, D. C. JR. A Study of Managerial Practices in Rural Water Sys- tems PB-223 373/2 WILLIAMS, R. O. Technological and Economic Assessment of the Utili- zation of Rice Straw Residue from the California Sacra- mento Valley for On-Farm Power Generation PB-275 230/1 WILLIAMSON, D. Water Treatment and Sanitation; a Handbook of Simple Methods for Rural Areas in Developing Coun- tries PB-297 558/9 WILLIAMSON, ROBERT B. Process for Bonding a Ferro-Cement Structure with Fi- berglass Reinforced Plastic PATENT-3 984 266 WILLIAMSON, ROBERT BRADY Solving the Galvanic Cell Problem in Ferro-Cement AD-731 719 WILLIAMSON, RON Guidelines for Use of Fabrics in Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads PB-276 972/7 WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM R. The Application of Wind Energy Systems to Desalina- 372 PB-276 174/0 WILLIS, SCOTT A. Effects of Stocking Size and Density on Growth and Survival of 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' (De Man) in Ponds PB-292 594/9 Growout of the Giant Malaysian Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, in Earthen Ponds in Central Florida PB-271 710/6 Mass Culture of Freshwater Prawns for Commercial Evaluation PB-271 709/8 WILLS, WALTER J. Impact of Community Water Systems in Small Towns. PB-188 841 WILSON, D. B. Water Treatment for Small Public Supplies PB-285 963/5 WILSON, JOHN L. Managing Planned Agricultural Development PB-294 283/7 WILSON, JOHN S. The Upper Factory Brook Sawmill Site: An Early Indus- trial Site in Middlefield, Massachusetts PB-262 179/5 WILSON, MEREDITH C. Extension Teaching Methods and Other Factors that Influence Adoption of Agricultural and Home Econom- ics Practices PB-293 866/0 WING, HARRY E. JR. A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume V. Land Reform in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela. PB-195 319 WINGATE, JOHN W. Small Business Management Series Number 31. Third Edition. Management Audit for Small Retailers PB-282 730/1 WINSORJR, CURTIN A Selected Inventory of Latin American Agricultural Colonies with Annotated Bibliography. AD-615 459 WIRJOSUMARTO, HARSONO Pyrolytic Conversion of Agricultural and Forestry Wastes to Alternate Energy Sources in Indonesia; a Feasibility Study PB-275 569/2 WISE, D. L. Fuel Gas Production from Animal and Agricultural Resi- dues and Biomass. Seventh Quarterly Coordination Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 9-10, 1978 COO-2991-28 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Residue. Dynatech Report No. 1551 COO/2991-10 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (1ST), May 17, 1976-Sep- tember 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1519 COO/2991-76/4 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste: Phase I. Quarterly Progress Report (2nd), September 1, 1976- December 1, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1556 COO/2991-8 Fuel Gas Production from Animal Waste. Report of Quarterly Review Meeting, Palo Alto, California. De- cember 13-14, 1976. Dynatech Report No. 1573 COO/2991-11 Fuel Gas Production from Solid Waste PB-245 083/1 WITHEE, CRAIG CARROLL Segregation and Reclamation of Household Wastewater at an Individual Residence PB-268 810/9 WITHEROW, JACK L. Water Quality Management Problems in Arid Regions PB-198 125 Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in the Meat In- dustry, Held at University of Wisconsin, Madison, De- cember 13-14, 1973 PB-258 742/6 WIXSON, BOBBY G. Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Reser- voirs with Biogrowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 WOLFE, HOMER R. Chemical Safety - Pesticides PB-254 272/8 WOLFF, MARY L. Reach for Global Fairness: United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development. Some Suggestions for Participation by Nongovernmental Groups PB-282 954/7 WOLFSKILL, LILE A. Manual Para La Construccion de Casas de Tierra (Handbook for Building Homes of Earth) PB-292 747/3 WOLFSKILL, LYLE A. Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-179 327 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth. PB-188 919 Handbook for Building Homes of Earth PB-285 909/8 WOLVERTON, B. C. Aquatic Plants for Removal of Mevinphos from the Aquatic Environment. N75-1 6206/5 Bio-Conversion of Water Hyacinths into Methane Gas, Part 1. N75-27564/4 Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Lead and Mercury from Polluted Waters. N75-22937/7 Water Hyacinths and Alligator Weeds for Removal of Silver, Cobalt, and Strontium from Polluted Waters. N75-24163/8 Water Hyacinths for Removal of Cadmium and Nickel from Polluted Waters. N75-16129/9 Water Hyacinths for Removal of Phenols from Polluted Waters. N75-16128/1 Water Hyacinths for Upgrading Sewage Lagoons to Meet Advanced Wastewater Treatment Standards, Part 1. N76-1 0697/0 WOOD, ALAN D. Water Lifters and Pumps for the Developing World PB-296 382/5 WOOD, GARLAND P. Studying Agricultural Institutions. A Modular Approach PB-294 606/9 WOOD, W. E. Hand Dug Wells and Their Construction PB-297 373/3 WOODS, MARGARET E. Research Methods for Housing and Urbanization Stud- ies in Developing Countries PB-210 128 WOOLLEY, ALMA S. From RN to BSN - Faculty Perceptions HRP-0025657/8 WU, C. M. ARNOLD Process Development for a Foreign Marketable Fish Product from Underutilized Fish PB-290 623/8 WU LEUNG, WOOT-TSUEN A Selected Bibliography on African Foods and Nutri- tion. Arranged According to Subject Matter and Area PB-213 612/5 WUNDERLICH, GENE A.I.D. Spring Review of Land Reform. Volume I. Land Reform in India. PB-195 315 XANTEN, WILLIAM A. Refuse Collection and Disposal for the Small Commu- nity. PB-214 984 XUAN, VO-TONG Training Manual for Rice Production PB-294 130/0 YAMAMOTO, T. Methanol as an Energy Source and Its Synthesis UCRL-Trans-11076 YAMAUCHI, HIROSHI Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 YANWAR, AFRIDA NAZIR Selected Abstracts on Traditional Fermented Food PB-286 468/4 YARBOROUGH, JUDITH A Sourcebook on Radio's Role in Development PB-292 898/4 YEO, PETER An Initial Course in Tropical Agriculture for the Staff of Co-Operatives PB-297 792/4 The Work of a Co-Operative Committee PB-297 370/9 YERMANOS, D. M. An Analysis of the Potentials and Prospects of Increas- ing Edible Oil Production in West Pakistan P6-210 597 YIN, S. C. Paunch Manure as a Feed Supplement in Channel Cat- fish Farming : Methodolo- nvironmental PB-235 575/8 YORK, DAVID W. Multi-Objective Water Resources Plannin< gy to Achieve Compatibility Between ( Amenities and Economic Development PB-251 377/8 YOUNG, J. F. Concrete Admixtures PB-252 854/5 YOUNG, R. D. Technical and Economic Evaluation of Fertilizer Inter- mediates for Use by Developing Countries PB-211 629 YOUNG, REGINALD H. F. Eutrophication and Fish Toxicity Potentials in a Multi- ple-Use Subtropical Reservoir PB-263 089/5 Identification of Return Irrigation Water in the Subsur- face: Water Quality. PB-189 171 YOUNGJOHNS, B. A. Co-Operative Organisation; an Introduction PB-297 364/2 YUILL, THOMAS M. Association of Vertebrate Pathogens with Ecological Perturbation of Tropical Forests. Part I AD-A019 542/0 Entomological Studies. Part II AD-A019 543/8 Mammalogical, Ornithological and Plant Ecology Stud- ies. Part III AD-A019 544/6 ZACHRITZ, WALTER H. Control of Algae in Lakes, Lagoons and Small Reser- voirs with Biogrowth Partitions PB-270 775/0 ZAMYSLOVA, S. D. Portable Laboratory Kit for Water Testing under Field Conditions. AD-683 052 ZAUSNER, ERIC R. An Accounting System for Solid Waste Management in Small Communities PB-213 492/2 ZEIGER, CHARLES F. Aquatic Plant Control Program. Technical Report 6. Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect En- emies AD-775 408/8 ZHAROV, V. L. Biology and Distribution of the Yellowfin Tuna in the Tropical Part of Atlantic Ocean (Biologiya i Rasprede- lenie Zheltoperogo Tuntsa (Neothunnus albacora Lowe) v Tropicheskoi Chasti Atlanticheskogo Okeana) AD-720 097 ZIELINSKI, PAUL Engineering Considerations in the Aquaculture of 'Ma- crobrachium rosenbergii' in South Carolina PB-286 675/4 ZIMMERMAN, STANLEY Rural Community Action: Status and Recommenda- tions PB-275 81 1/8 ZORNIG, H. F. Proceedings of a Conference on Solar Energy for Heating Greenhouses and Greenhouse-Residential Combinations CONF-770367- ZUREK, WITOLD The Structure of Yarn TT-73-54014 ZUSMAN, M. N. Excerpts from Treatments for Textile Materials. AD-714 914 ZWICK, JACK Small Business Management Series No. 15. A Hand- book of Small Business Finance PB-282 726/9 373 BOOKS IN SPANISH/LIBROS EN ESPANOL PB 217 119 Conservacion del Medio Ambiente Fisico y el Desarrollo PB 224 506 Control Quimico de Murcielagos Vampiros PB 245 004 Erosion y Sedimentacion: Medidas Tempo- rarias de Control PB 262 745 Glosario de Terminos Agricolos: Ingles- Espanol, Espanol- Ingles PB 263 349 Manual Didactico: Huertos Escolares y Nutricion PB 269 049 Contabilidad para la Micro Empresa: Manual de Ensenanza PB 276 507 Manual Talla de Madera PB 283 958 Manual de Tecnologia para la Comunidad PB 286 582 El Servicio Publico de Empleos PB 286 585 Mejoramiento de la Vivienda por Autoayuda Subsidiada PB 287 060 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos . Tomo I . PB 287 061 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos . Tomo 1 1 . PB 287 062 Envases para Alimentos Industrializados Chilenos. Anexos. PB 287 063 Productos Biologicos Veterinarios : Ayuden a Combatir las Enfermedades PB 287 064 La Industria Cementera PB 287 236 Conferencia sobre el Planeamiento de las Conferencias PB 287 240 Desarrollo de la Comunidad: Extension y Sintesis del AID PB 287 242 Desarrollo de la Comunidad y Cambio Social 374 PB 287 246 PB 287 249 PB 287 251 PB 287 264 PB 289 983 PB 289 984 PB 289 986 PB 289 988 PB 289 989 PB 290 423 PB 290 424 PB 290 425 PB 290 426 PB 291 858 PB 292 746 PB 292 747 PB 292 766 PB 292 899 Desarrollo de la Comunidad en Zonas Urbanas y Suburbanas Como Hacer Mas Eficaces las Asambleas de los Consejos Alimentos para la Paz en Todo el Mundo Tecnicas Demograficas para el Planeamiento de la Mano de Obra de Paises en Desarrollo Aspectos de la Produccion Agropecuaria de Centroamerica en el Marco de la Integracion Economica Informe General Sobre el Desarrollo Agro- pecuario y Rural de El Salvador Diagnostico para el Desarrollo de Servicios de Informacion Cientifica y Tecnologica en Panama Control de Niguas Construyendo con Ladrillo Manual de Administracion para la Industria del Vestuario La Investigacion Tecnologica Industrial en el Peru: Analisis y Comentarios Memoria del Seminario sobre Desarrollo de Tecnologia Industrial Ciencia, Tecnologia y Desarrollo, Vol. 2 Numero 1: Enero-Marzo, 1978 Manual de Metodos para el Analisis de Aguas y Desechos Construcciones Resistentes al Fuego en el Hogar y en la Granja Manual para la Construccion de Casas de Tierra Ganado Bovino para Carne : Descorne, Castracion, Marcacion a Hierro y Marcas Como Instalar un Sistema Domestico de Eliminacion de Aguas Negras 375 PB 292 937 Estudios sobre Politica Cientifica y Tecnologica de Panama PB 292 938 Efecto del Proceso de Importacion de Tecnologia en el Peru PB 293 876 Fertilizacion con Nitrogeno en los Tropicos Humedos PB 294 426 Cartilla de Desayunos Escolares PB 294 427 Caracteristicas de la Industria del Abono : Fertilizantes Fosfatados PB 295 087 Calefaccion de Edificios y Agua Caliente para Uso Domestico Mediante Energia Solar PB 296 654 Metodos Simples para Fabricar Velas PB 296 720 La Erosion y su Control PB 296 721 Estudio Tecnico -Economico para la Fabrica- cion de Cal en Honduras PB 296 722 Evaluacion Comparativa entre Paises de Organizaciones de Pequenos Agricultores PB 297 632 Introduccion al Desarrollo Comunitario para los Trabajadores de las Aldeas PB 297 854 Tecnologia Apropiada: Concepto, Aplicacion y Estrategias PB 297 856 Quesos Andinos del Peru PB 297 857 Quesos para Regiones Tropicales PB 297 859 Programa de Tecnologia Rural Intermedia PB 297 865 Estudio sobre Fertilizantes PB 297 868 Reforestacion PB 297 869 Tecnologia para Campesinos Hondurenos : Informe de un Seminario PB 297 870 Secado Solar de Uvas : Programa de Tecno- logia Rural Intermedia PB 298 058 Evaluacion Pesquera en el Lago de Ilopango y la Laguna de Olomega 376 PB 298 059 Estudio Limnologico Preliminar de la Laguna de Aramuaca PB 298 060 Contribucion al Conocimiento Limnologico Comparativo del Lago de Guija en la Epoca Lluviosa de 1973 y la Epoca Seca de 1974. Volumen II, No. 9. PB 298 061 Informe Tecnico : Estudios Limnologicos Preliminares de la Laguna Verde 377 BOOKS IN FRENCH/LIVRES EN FRANCAIS N77-32589 Mise en Place a Dakar d'une Pompe Alimentee par des Panneaux de Cellules Solaires PB 251 094 Manuel Technique du Village PB 262 851 L'Utilisation du Silo Fosse et des Lecons Techniques PB 268 988 Ccnseils de Sante a la Famille Africaine PB 274 429 Perspectives de la Recherche Agronomique en Afrique PB 274 612 Expansion des Resources en Eau dans les Zones Arides : Techniques Prometteuses et Possibilites de Recherches PB 286 423 Maisons en Terre PB 286 424 La Construction en Climat Chaud PB 286 425 L'Eau et la Sante de 1 'Homme PB 286 426 Manuel Pratique de l'Equipment Rural Vol. IV: Amenagement de la Ferme PB 286 428 Les Ravageurs de Grains Entreposes PB 286 429 La Prevention Contre les Moustiques dans les Terres Irrigees PB 286 431 La Culture du Sorgho pour la Production de Sirop PB 286 433 Amelioration de 1 'Habitat par la Promotion de 1 'Effort Personnel PB 286 435 Le Developpement de l'Entreprise Privee Africaine PB 286 436 Manuel d 'Horticulture Tropical et Sub-Tropicale PB 286 440 L'Entretien des Tracteurs PB 286 444 Petites Conserveries PB 286 447 L ' Exploitation des Paturages 378 PB 286 450 Comment Conserver le Poisson: Salage, Sechage , Fumage PB 286 452 Le Beton: Principes Elementaires PB 286 455 L'Education Sanitaire PB 286 457 Irrigation par Deversement Pb 286 459 La Nutrition de 1 'Enfant dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement PB 286 461 Developpement Communautaire : Cinq Realisations Interessantes en Afrique PB 286 464 Manuel Pratique de 1 'Equipment Rural, Vol. Ill: Installations Sanitaires PB 286 465 Manuel Pratique de 1 'Equipment Rural: L'Eau au Village PB 286 467 L'Energie et le Developpement Rural: Ressources Renouvelables et Options Techniques pour les Pays en Developpement PB 286 470 Comment Creer Une Usine PB 286 472 Les Transmissions de Force Motrice dans l'Artisanat Familial PB 286 474 Appareils a Kerosene PB 286 572 Manuel de Credit Agricole PB 286 574 Le Credit Agricole: Source de Prosperite PB 286 576 La Prevision des Besoins en Main-d 'Oeuvre PB 286 578 Les Cooperatives Agricoles aux Etats-Units PB 286 583 Les Services Publiques de l'Emploi PB 286 587 Nourrir un Monde Surpeuple PB 286 590 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Comptabilite PB 286 614 Creer et Gerer un Petit Restaurant PB 286 616 Le Role d'un Ministere du Travail dans les Pays en Voie de Developpement 379 PB 286 618 Evolution de 1 'Agriculture dans 26 Pays en Voie de Developpement PB 286 620 Memento de Conservation des Resources Naturelles PB 286 622 Ameliorer 1 'Alimentation de l'Enfant PB 287 232 Developpement Communautaire : L'Agent Rural et 1 'Organisation Democratique du Programme PB 287 237 Developpement Communautaire: Preparation des Conferences PB 287 239 Developpement Communautaire: Un Renfort pour la Vulgarisation Agricole PB 287 243 Developpement Communautaire: Effets sur 1 'Evolution Sociale PB 287 245 Developpement Communautaire: Application dans les Zones Urbaines et Semi-Urbaines PB 287 248 Developpement Communautaire: Organisation des Conseils PB 287 253 Comment Faire une Robe PB 287 255 Les Auxiliaires Visuels dans la Television Scolaire PB 287 257 L'Entretient des Cannaux de Drainage a Ciel Ouvert PB 287 258 L' Importance de la Formation dans les Services Publiques PB 289 985 Index Retrospectif : Planif ication et Developpement Agricoles PB 292 950 Programme de Vivres pour la Paix: L 'Alimentations des Populations PB 293 762 Petites Entreprises : 150 Questions PB 293 763 Formation Professionelle : Conseils aux Maitres PB 293 765 Petite Entreprise: Manuel de Gestion Financiere 380 PB 293 767 L'Elevage du Lapin PB 293 845 Manuel Pratique de l'Equipement Rural, Vol. V: Amenagement du Foyer PB 293 864 L ' Engraissement et 1 'Exploitation des Bovines de Boucherie PB 293 865 Besoins Nutritifs de la Volaille PB 293 867 Exploitations Agricoles: Preservation des Poteaux de Cloture et des Bois de Constructions PB 293 868 Puericulture : Les Soins aux Bebes PB 293 869 Distribution des Eaux : Les Calcules des Prix PB 293 870 L'Abattage des Boeufs a la Ferme PB 293 872 Parasites Internes du Pore PB 293 873 Petite Entrprise: La Conception des Produits PB 293 874 Les Maladies Parasitaires du Mouton PB 293 916 Vulgarisation Agricole: La Planif ication PB 294 246 Le Systeme de Credit Agricole Cooperatif aux Etats-Units PB 294 284 Maladies Communes et Parasites des Volailles PB 294 285 L'Elevage des Abeilles PB 294 286 Les Brises-Vent PB 294 297 Manuel de Conservation du Sol PB 294 311 LeCaste-Croute Scolaire PB 294 344 Distribution des Eaux PB 294 366 Puericulture: Votre Enfant de Un a Six Ans PB 294 415 Creer et Gerer une Petite Entreprise de Construction 381 PB 294 419 Les Fibres Vegetales et Leurs Utilisations PB 294 447 Une Methode Logique d'Elevage Avicole PB 294 448 Distribution des Eaux: Les Computeurs d 'Eau PB 294 449 Distribution des Eaux: La Gestion des Services PB 294 724 Les Clubs de la Jeunesse Rurale PB 294 896 Manuel sur l'Emploi des Engrais PB 294 897 L'Etude des Insects PB 294 898 L • Exploitation Forestiere PB 294 899 Puisard Maraicher en Beton PB 294 900 Les Termites Ravageurs du Batiment PB 296 916 Progres et Perspectives de la Production Alimentaire PB 296 917 Petit Manuel de Conservation des Eaux et du Sol PB 296 918 Les Maladies de la Tomate: Prophylaxie et Traitement 382 HOW TO ORDER INFORMATION FROM NTIS I. If you live in a Latin American or Caribbean country, first check below to see if you qualify for free documents. The Latin American Bureau of the United States Agency for International Development has established a special fund to subsidize the purchase of NTIS appropriate technology documents if the information will be used to benefit the poor. Those wishing to register for these document cost subsidies will be required to complete a request sheet stating explicitly how the requested appropriate technology information will be use to benefit the low- income groups in their respective countries. This cost subsidy currently pertains only to requests from countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with USAID missions. (See list below.) To apply for the special subsidy please use NTIS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DOCU- MENT REQUEST FORM or a copy of the form and send directly to: Paul Bundick NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W. Suite 620 Washington, DC 20004 II. If you do not live in one of the countries or you are not ordering this information to directly assist low income groups, you must order the information using the International Technical Information Network order form. See instructions for completing order form on next page. COUNTRIES ELIGIBLE FOR SUBSIDY IN LATIN AMER (As of October 1979) Barbados Guyana Belize Haiti Bolivia Honduras Chile Jamaica Colombia Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Dominican Republic Paraguay Ecuador Peru El Salvador Surinam Guatemala Trinidad & Tobago 383 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION NETWORK ORDER FORM 1) Date: 2) Name and Address: 3) Order Number and Title: 4) Quantity: 5) Price Code: 6) Amount: Fill in the month, day, and year of your request. Fill in the name, organization, and address to which the document should be sent. Fill in the titles of the desired reports and find the order/accession number (exam- ple: PB-000 000/ABC) in the upper left hand corner of each citation and enter it on the order form. Order/accession numbers must be entered for each title. If you are ordering Industry Profiles enter the subject and special order number (example: (AID-IP-66001) in the appropriate column. Enter the number of copies of each item you are ordering in paper copy (PC) or microfiche (MF). Find the price code to the right of the order number (example: PC-A03/MF A01) and enter on the form. PC = paper copy, MF = microfiche. To determine the cost of each document, you must first determine the price sched- ule. If there is an NTIS representative in your country (check listing on back cover), you must send your re- quests directly to them. They will tell you the local price of the desired information. If there is no NTIS representative in your country, you must then determine from the information below what price schedule pertains to your country. If you live in Canada, Mexico, or the United States, or if your country has a USAID mission, you qualify for Price Schedule A below. Industry Profiles for this schedule are $3.50 each. If you are outside North America and do not have a USAID Mission in your country, microfiche is $5.50 per item, and all other prices are exactly TWI'CE those on Price Schedule A. Industry Profiles for this schedule are $7 each. Calculate the price of each document and enter on the order form under Amount. Payment: If you have a local representative, you may pay in local currency. If you order from NTIS directly, payment in U.S. dollars must accompany all orders. You may use one of the following methods of payment: Check drawn on a U.S. bank; Interna- tional Money Order; International Postal Coupon; UNESCO Coupon; NTIS deposit account; or American Express. Check the box before your choice of method of payment on the order form, enclose payment and mail to: National Technical Information Service 425 13th Street N.W., Suite 620 Washington, DC 20004 ATTN: Mildred Johnson NTIS STANDARD PRICE SCHEDULE A Basic Basic Basic Basic North North North North fries Pigi American Price Page American Price Page American Price Page American Coda Range Price Code Range Price Code Range Price Code Range Price A01 Microfiche $3.50 A09 176-200 12.00 A18 401-425 21.00 A23 526-550 26.00 Paper Copy A10 201-225 13.00 A19 426-450 2200 A24 551-575 27.00 A02 001-025 5.00 A11 226-250 14.00 A20 451-475 23.00 A25 576-600 2800 A03 026-050 6.00 A12 251-275 15.00 A21 476-500 24.00 A99 601-up _.i A04 051-075 7.00 A13 276-300 16.00 A22 501-525 2500 A05 A06 A07 A08 076-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 A14 A15 A16 A17 301-325 326-350 351-375 376-400 $17.00 18.00 19.00 20 00 'Add $1.00 fo each additio lal 25 page increment from 601 pages up. 384 I lOAin/MTIC INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL UOMIU/ IN lO INFORMATION NETWORK ORDER FORM Technical Information Network Order Form Your Reference Name Organization Address Date City, Country Order Number Title Quai Paper Copy (PC) itity Microfiche (MF) Price Code* Amount *AII Prices Subject to Change — Prices may vary in some countries. Total PAYMENT Please ship me the reports listed above. Check your method of payment. □ Check drawn on U.S. bank, payable to NTIS. □ UNESCO Coupon. □ International Money Order. □ International Postal Coupon. □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account number Charge my □ American Express □ VISA □ Master Charge Card Account number Signature Expiration Date NTIS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENT REQUEST FORM The Agency for International Development has established a fund to purchase NTIS documents for organizations working to help low-income groups in Latin America through Appropriate Technology. Those requesting documents must complete this form and return it to: Paul Bundick, NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W.— Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20004 NAME OF REQUESTOR ORGANIZATION ADDRESS PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR WORK What will the requested information be used for? Please describe the problem to be solved. Who will use the information requested? Please state explicitly how the requested information will directly aid low-income groups; identify the specific communities to be served. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED ORDER NUMBER TITLE QUANTITY* * If microfiche is requested, please note. USAID/NTIS Technical Information Network Order Form INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION NETWORK ORDER FORM Your Reference Name Date Organization Address City, Country Order Number Title Quai Paper Copy (PC) itity Microfiche (MF) Price Code* Amount *AII Prices Subject to Change — Prices may vary in some countries. Total PAYMENT Please ship me the reports listed above. Check your method of payment. □ Check drawn on U.S. bank, payable to NTIS. □ UNESCO Coupon. □ International Money Order. □ International Postal Coupon. □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account number Charge my □ American Express D VISA Q Master Charge Card Account number Signature Expiration Date NTIS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENT REQUEST FORM The Agency for International Development has established a fund to purchase NTIS documents for organizations working to help low-income groups in Latin America through Appropriate Technology. Those requesting documents must complete this form and return it to: Paul Bundick, NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W.— Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20004 NAME OF REQUESTOR ORGANIZATION ADDRESS PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR WORK What will the requested information be used for? Please describe the problem to be solved. Who will use the information requested? Please state explicitly how the requested information will directly aid low-income groups; identify the specific communities to be served. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED ORDER NUMBER TITLE QUANTITY* • If microfiche is requested, please note. USAID/NTIS Technical Information Network Order Form INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION NETWORK ORDER FORM Yoi r Reference Name Date Organization Address City, Country Order Number Title Quai Paper Copy (PC) itity Microfiche (MF) Price Code* Amount *AII Prices Subject to Change — Prices may vary in some countries. Total PAYMENT Please ship me the reports listed above. Check your method of payment. □ Check drawn on U.S. bank, payable to NTIS. □ UNESCO Coupon. □ International Money Order. □ International Postal Coupon. □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account number Charge my □ American Express D VISA O Master Charge Card Account nur nber Signature Expiration Date NTIS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENT REQUEST FORM The Agency for International Development has established a fund to purchase NTIS documents for organizations working to help low-income groups in Latin America through Appropriate Technology. Those requesting documents must complete this form and return it to: Paul Bundick, NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W.— Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20004 NAME OF REQUESTOR ORGANIZATION ADDRESS PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR WORK What will the requested information be used for? Please describe the problem to be solved. Who will use the information requested? Please state explicitly how the requested information will directly aid low-income groups; identify the specific communities to be served. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED ORDER NUMBER TITLE QUANTITY* * If microfiche is requested, please note. USAID/NTIS Technical Information Network Order Form INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION NETWORK ORDER FORM Your Reference Name Organization Address Date City, Country Order Number Title Quai Paper Copy (PC) itity Microfiche (MF) Price Code* Amount *AII Prices Subject to Change — Prices may vary in some countries. Total PAYMENT Please ship me the reports listed above. Check your method of payment. □ Check drawn on U.S. bank, payable to NTIS. □ UNESCO Coupon. □ International Money Order. □ International Postal Coupon. □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account number Charge my □ American Express D VISA □ Master Charge Ca rd Account nur nb< ?r Signature Expiration Date NTIS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENT REQUEST FORM The Agency for International Development has established a fund to purchase NTIS documents for organizations working to help low-income groups in Latin America through Appropriate Technology. Those requesting documents must complete this form and return it to: Paul Bundick, NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W.— Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20004 NAME OF REQUESTOR ORGANIZATION ADDRESS PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR WORK What will the requested information be used for? Please describe the problem to be solved. Who will use the information requested? Please state explicitly how the requested information will directly aid low-income groups; identify the specific communities to be served. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED ORDER NUMBER TITLE QUANTITY* * If microfiche is requested, please note. USAID/NTIS Technical Information Network Order Form INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION NETWORK ORDER FORM Your Reference Name Organization Address Date City, Country Order Number Title Quai Paper Copy (PC) itity Microfiche (MF) Price Code* Amount *AII Prices Subject to Change — Prices may vary in some countries. Total PAYMENT Please ship me the reports listed above. Check your method of payment. □ Check drawn on U.S. bank, payable to NTIS. □ International Money Order. □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account number □ UNESCO Coupon. □ International Postal Coupon. Charge my □ American Express D VISA □ Master Charge Ca rd Account nui nb< sr Signature Expiration Date NTIS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENT REQUEST FORM The Agency for International Development has established a fund to purchase NTIS documents for organizations working to help low-income groups in Latin America through Appropriate Technology. Those requesting documents must complete this form and return it to: Paul Bundick, NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W.— Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20004 NAME OF REQUESTOR ORGANIZATION ADDRESS PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR WORK What will the requested information be used for? Please describe the problem to be solved. Who will use the information requested? Please state explicitly how the requested information will directly aid low-income groups; identify the specific communities to be served. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED ORDER NUMBER TITLE QUANTITY* * if microfiche is requested, please note. USAID/NTIS ,nternat,onal technical Technical Information Network Order Form INFORMATION NETWORK ORDER FORM Your Reference Name Organization Address City, Country Date Order Number Title Quantity Paper Copy (PC) Microfiche (MF) 'All Prices Subject to Change — Prices may vary in some countries. Price Code* Amount Total PAYMENT Please ship me the reports listed above. Check your method of payment. □ Check drawn on U.S. bank, payable to NTIS. □ UNESCO Coupon. □ International Money Order. □ International Postal Coupon. □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account number Charge my □ American Express □ VISA D Master Charge Card Account number 3 Signature Expiration Date NTIS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENT REQUEST FORM The Agency for International Development has established a fund to purchase NTIS documents for organizations working to help low-income groups in Latin America through Appropriate Technology. Those requesting documents must complete this form and return it to: Paul Bundick, NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W.— Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20004 NAME OF REQUESTOR ORGANIZATION ADDRESS PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR WORK What will the requested information be used for? Please describe the problem to be solved. Who will use the information requested? Please state explicitly how the requested information will directly aid low-income groups; identify the specific communities to be served. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED ORDER NUMBER TITLE QUANTITY* * If microfiche is requested, please note. USAID/NTIS ,nternational technical Technical Information Network Order Form INFORMATION NETWORK ORDER FORM Your Reference te Name q q Organization Address City, Country Order Number Title Quantity Paper Copy Microfiche (PC) (MF) Price Code* Amount *AII Prices Subject to Change — Prices may vary in some countries. Total PAYMENT Please ship me the reports listed above. Check your method of payment. □ Check drawn on U.S. bank, payable to NTIS. \j UNESCO Coupon. □ International Money Order. rj International Postal Coupon. □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account number Charge my □ American Express □ VISA D Master Charge Card Account number Signature Expiration Date NTIS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENT REQUEST FORM The Agency for International Development has established a fund to purchase NTIS documents for organizations working to help low-income groups in Latin America through Appropriate Technology. Those requesting documents must complete this form and return it to: Paul Bundick, NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W.— Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20004 NAME OF REQUESTOR ORGANIZATION ADDRESS PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR WORK What will the requested information be used for? Please describe the problem to be solved. Who will use the information requested? Please state explicitly how the requested information will directly aid low-income groups; identify the specific communities to be served. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED ORDER NUMBER TITLE QUANTITY* * II microfiche is requested, please note. USAID/NTIS International technical Technical Information Network Order Form INFORMATION NETWORK ORDER FORM Your Reference Name Organization Address City, Country Date Order Number Title Quantity Paper Copy (PC) *AII Prices Subject to Change — Prices may vary in some countries. Microfiche (MF) Price Code* Amount Total PAYMENT Please ship me the reports listed above. Check your method of payment. □ Check drawn on U.S. bank, payable to NTIS. □ UNESCO Coupon. □ International Money Order. rj International Postal Coupon. □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account number , Charge my □ American Express D VISA □ Master Charge Card Account number Signature Expiration Date \. NTIS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENT REQUEST FORM The Agency for International Development has established a fund to purchase NTIS documents for organizations working to help low-income groups in Latin America through Appropriate Technology. Those requesting documents must complete this form and return it to: Paul Bundick, NTIS 425 13th Street, N.W.— Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20004 NAME OF REQUESTOR . ORGANIZATION ADDRESS PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR WORK What will the requested information be used for? Please describe the problem to be solved. Who will use the information requested? Please state explicitly how the requested information will directly aid low-income groups; identify the specific communities to be served. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED ORDER NUMBER TITLE QUANTITY* • If microfiche is requested, please note. NTIS Representatives Barbados & The Eastern Caribbean Caribbean Development Bank ATTN: Mr. Jeffrey Dellimore Technology Information Unit P.O. Box 408 Wildey. St. Michael Tel. 61152 Bolivia Direccion General de Normas y Tecnologia (DGNT) ATTN: Ing. Carlos Garvizu T. Servicio de Informacion Tecnica Industrial Casilla 4430 La Paz Tel. 55685 Brazil Barroslearn ATTN: Jose Peres Junior Rua 24 de Maio, 62-5- Andar 01041 Sao Paulo-S.P. Tel. 223-601 1 Chile Instituto de Invesligaciones Tecnologicas (INTEC/CORFO) ATTN: Margarita Barraza C. Casilla 667 Avenida Santa Maria 06500 (Lo Curro) Santiago Tel. 288-490, 289-066 Colombia Fondo Colombiano de Investigaciones Cientificas (COLCIENCIAS) ATTN: Sra Isabel Forero de Moreno Division Biblioteca y Documentacion Transversal 9, No. 133-28 Aparlado Aereo 051 580-29828 Bogota Tel. 55-22-98, 55-25-02 Costa Rica Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica ATTN: Ing. Gerardo Mirabelli B. Centro de Informacion Tecnologica Apartado 159 Cartago Tel. 51-11-22, Ext. 262 Dominican Republic Instituto Dominicano de Tecnologia Industrial (INDOTEC) ATTN: E. Enrique Leyba D., A v. Jose Nunez de Caceres Esquina Jose Amado Soler APT DO 329-2 Santo Domingo Tel. 566-5848, 49 Ecuador Centro de Desarrollo Industrial del Ecuador (CENDES) ATTN: Dr.. Victor Martinez C. Servicio de Informacion Tecnica Garcia Aviles 217 y 9 de Oclubre Aparlado 5833 Guayaquil Tel. 307-292, 307-293 Escuela Politecnica Nacional Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnologicas Apartado 2759 Quito, ATTN: Ing. Elman Lopez Tel. 541-794 El Salvador Centro Nacional de Productividad (CENAP) ATTN: Ing. Gustavo Valle Servicio de Informacion y Transferencia de Tecnologia Avenida Espana 732 San Salvador Tel. 22-30-64 Gabon Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CENAREST) ATTN: Nzoghe Nguema B.P. 842 Libreville Guatemala Instituto Tecnico de Capacitacion (INTECAP) ATTN: Ing. Gustavo Chang Apartado Postal 709 Guatemala City Tel. 60631 Instituto Centroamericano de Investigacion y Tecnologia Industrial (ICAIT1) ATTN: Sra. Rocio Marban Documentacion e Informacion Depl. Apartado Postal 1552 Guatemala City Tel. 60631 Honduras Universidad Nacional Aulonoma de Honduras Centro de Informacion Industrial (Cll) ATTN: Patricia Duron Tegucigalpa, D.C. Tel. 22-9101, Ext 114 India Allied Publishers, Private, Ltd. 15 Graham Road, Ballard Est. Bombay 400 038 Constellate Consultants, Ltd. 5 Anand Lok New Delhi 1 10 049 Higginbothams, Ltd. 165 Anna Salai Madras 600 002 Indonesia Pusat Dokumentasi llmiah Nasional . (PDIN) ATTN: Mr. Hernandono Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subrolo P.O. Box 3065, Jkt., Jakarta Tel. 511063, 583465, 583466 Jamaica Scientific Research Council ATTN: Mrs. Ouida Lewis P.O. Box 350 Kingston 6 Tel. (92) 74471-4 Kenya Technical Consultants International ATTN: Wanjiru Kamav Atlas House Haile Selassie Ave. P.O. Box 51553 Nairobi Tel. 28195 Korea Korea Scientific & Technological Information Center (KORST1C) ATTN: Koo-Ho Yoon Dept. of Information Resources C.P.O. Box 1229 Seoul Tel. 965-6211 Mexico INFOTEC/CONACYT ATTN: Sr. Jorge Cepeda Division NTIS Apartado 19-194 Mexico 19, D.F. Tel: 559-52-11, 559-54-46 Nepal Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST) ATTN: D.B. Shakya Documentation Unit Tribhuvan University Kirlapur, Kathmandu Nicaragua Banco Central de Nicaragua Centro Nicaraguense de Informacion Tecnologica (CENIT) ATTN: Ing Francisco Vega Apartado 2252, Banco Central Managua Tel. 27751/5-27851/5 Nigeria Federal Institute of Industrial Research (FUR), Oshodi ATTN: Mrs. B. Ariyo Office of the Director of Research Private Mail Bag 1023 Murlala Muhammed Airport, Lagos Stale Tel. 32161-4 Pakistan Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center (PASTIC) ATTN: Miss Shamin Farrukh, Sub-Centre, I42-C/II P.E.C.H.S. Karachi-29 Tel. 43-31-51, 43-31-42 Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center (PASTIC) ATTN: Dr. A.R. Mohajir 13-P. Almarkaz. F-7/2 P.O. Box 1217 Islamabad Tel. 24161 Panama Centro para el Desarrollo de la Capacidad Nacional en la Investigacion (CEDECANI) ATTN: Mrs. Nitzia Barrantes Estafeta Universitaria Universidad de Panama Panama City Tel. 23-9985 Paraguay Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia y Normalizacion (INTN) ATTN: Dr. Jose Marlino Avenida General Artigas y General Roa Casilla de Correo 967 Asuncion Tel. 290-160, 290-266 Peru Novoa Ingenieros, S.A. Division NTIS Los Colibries 104 Lima 27, Peru Tel. 22-16-94 Philippines Technology Resources Center (TRC) ATTN: Jesus Fraganle TRC Building Buendia Avenue Extension Makati, Metro Manila Tel. 859811 to 26 Sri Lanka National Science Council of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Scientific and Technical Information Center ATTN: Mr. N.U. Yapa, 47/5 Maitland Place Colombo 7 Sudan The National Council for Research ATTN: Dr. Abubakr Mustafa P.O. Box 2404 Khartoum Thailand Thailand Management Association (TMA) 308 Silom Road Bangkok Tel. 233 0233 Tunisia Centre National de l'Informatique (CNI) ATTN: Ferida Gribaa 6, Rue Bel Hassen Ben Chaabane Tunis Venezuela Red de Informacion en Ingenieria, Arquitectura y Afines (REDINARA) ATTN: Francisco Rizo Apartado de Correos 2006 Caracas Tel. 571-31-22 Ifflilfi A0Q007M43207