,/75 ' c .«.<"">. \ .<'-, ^T£S State and Local Government Special Studies No. 83 environmental quality control Governmental Finances: Fiscal Year 1974-75 U.S. Department of Commerce BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ' State and Local Government Special Studies No. 83 environmental quality control Governmental Finances: Fiscal Year 1974-75 Issued April 1977 U.S. Department of Commerce Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary c 4&&J * Wm J BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Robert L. Hagan, Acting Director BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Robert L. Hagan, Acting Director Shirley Kallek, Associate Director for Economic Fields GOVERNMENTS DIVISION Sherman Landau, Chief ACKNOWLEDGMENTS— This report was prepared in the Governments Division by the Special Projects Branch, headed by William C. Fanning, under the general supervision of Alan Jones, Assistant Division Chief for Special Governmental Statistics. John Curry directed the project and was assisted by Betty Stark and John R. Kennedy. Data were assembled by the Eastern Sector Branch headed by Howard S. Sales and the Western Sector Branch headed by Ulvey Harris under the direction of Kenneth E. Anderson, Assistant Division Chief for Survey Operations. Computer operations were directed by Jewel S. Dennis of the Governments Division's Computer Utilization staff and carried out by the Computer Services Division. Helen D. Files of the Governments Division and the staff of the Publications Services Division provided advice and services in the preparation of copy for publication. Grateful acknowledgment is made of the assistance of numerous government officials who helpfully supplied information regarding the activities of their agencies. For information regarding data contained in this report, contact John Curry, Govern- ments Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233 [(301) 763-5094] . SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Bureau of the Census, Environmental Quality Control, Governmental Finances: Fiscal Year 1974-75, GSS No. 83 U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1977 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C, 20402, or any Department of Commerce district office, Price $1.50 Stock No. 003-024-01387-3 CONTENTS Table Table 1 2 3 4 5 Text Tables Detailed Tables Page Introduction Federal Government (Table 1) State Governments (Tables 2-4) Local Governments (Tables 5-12) 4 Survey Methodology, Sources and Limitations of Data 6 Definitions of Terms 8 A. Governmental Expenditure for Selected Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 1 B. State and Large Local Government Revenue for Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 C. State and Large Local Government Indebtedness and Related Debt Transactions for Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 D. State Government Expenditure for Water, Land and Air Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Years 1973 to 1975 4 E. Selected Large Local Government Expenditure for Water Purification Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 5 F. Local Government Expenditure for Water, Land and Air Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Years 1972-73 to 1974-75 ... 6 G. Relative Standard Errors for Local Government Estimates of Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Current Operation Expenditure, as a Percent of Estimated Totals Federal Government Environmental Quality Costrol Expenditure: Fiscal Years 1973 to 1975 11 Summary of State Government Environmental Quality Control Finances: Fiscal Year 1975 12 State Government Expenditure for Water Quality and Land Quality Control (Solid Waste Management) Activities: Fiscal Year 1 975 13 State Government Expenditure for Air Quality Control and Other Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1975 14 Summary of Selected Large City Government Environmental Quality Control Finances: Fiscal Year 1974-75 15 Selected Large City Government Revenue and Expenditure for Water Quality and Land Quality Control (Solid Waste Management) Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 17 Selected Large City Government Expenditure for Air Quality Control and Other Environmental Quality Control Activities; Fiscal Year 1974-75 18 Summary of Selected Large County Government Environmental Quality Control Finances: Fiscal Year 1974-75 19 9. Selected Large County Government Revenue and Expenditure for Water Quality and Land Quality Control (Solid Waste Management) Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 21 10. Selected Large County Government Expenditure for Air Quality Control and Other Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 22 1 1 . Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 23 Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities in 74 Major SMSA's and Their County Areas: Fiscal Year 1974-75 27 Appendix: Adjustments for Intercounty Local Governments 33 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/environmentalqOOunit INTRODUCTION During fiscal year 1974-75, Federal, State and local govern- ments expended approximately $8.9 billion on selected environmental quality control activities, an increase of 26.5 per- cent over the prior fiscal year. As shown in table A, water quality control accounted for $6.2 billion, land quality control $2.3 billion, air quality control $305.6 million, and other environ- mental quality control $1 17.5 million. 1 In prior year reports, governmental activities related to controlling solid and hazardous waste materials were classified "solid waste management." In order to maintain consistency with the survey's "element-polluted" approach in classifying environmental activities, this category has been relabeled "land quality control.'' This represents a change in name only, not the activities included within that category. The last category, other environmental quality control, was added to this year's report to account for previously unclassified multifunctional activities, such as the administration of major environmental agencies, as well as miscellaneous environmental activities such as noise pollution control for which $29.0 million was spent in fiscal 1974-75. Also, for the first time, this report contains a summary of selected revenue and debt transactions related to the environ- mental quality control activities of the 50 States and the largest cities and counties. As shown in table B, such revenues amounted to $1.6 billion in 1974-75. The single largest com- ponent of these selected receipts consisted of money received from other governments (including the Federal Government) which amounted to $879.7 million, or 54.4 percent of the total. The next largest item was local government revenue from current 1 Local government data for air quality and other environmental quality control activities pertain only to the 48 cities with at least 300,000 population and 58 counties with at least 500,000 population in 1970. Expenditure data for all governments included in this report are net of interest on debt. charges which totalled $576.9 million, or 35.7 percent. Taxes in the amount of $107.8 million (6.7 percent) and other miscella- neous revenues of $52.4 million (3.2 percent) accounted for the remainder. Table B also shows that large cities were the recipients of over 58.3 percent of these revenues with the balance divided almost equally between the large county and State governments. Table C presents a summary of State and large local government indebtedness related to environmental quality con- trol activities. Total debt outstanding at the end of fiscal 1974-75 was $6.3 billion. Debt transactions during the year show interest payments totalling $284.4 million as well as long-term debt issuances of $743.4 million and retirement of $311.5 million. These data exclude governmental debt not related exclusively to pollution abatement activities, a typical example being local government debt incurred for improving both sewerage and water supply facilities. Also excluded, due to data collection problems, are tax-exempt industrial pollution control bonds issued by governments and made available to private business concerns for their own efforts to abate pollution. A special compilation of data from the 1976 Municipal and Government Manual published by Moody's Investors Service identified over $750 million in such bonds issued to date by the State and large city and county governments covered in this report. 2 Unlike previous Census Bureau reports on this subject, public employment data related to environmental quality control activities are not presented. However, several other Bureau reports provide data on public employment for sewerage and "sanitation other than sewerage" activities. The latest reports available are Public Employment in 1975 , City Employment in 1975 and Local Government Employment in Selected Metro- politan Areas and Large Counties: 1975. 2 Other Census Bureau reports provide statistics on the pollution abatement activities of the private sector, the latest of which is entitled Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures (in manufacturing), 1975. Table A. Governmental Expenditure for Selected Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Thousands of dollars) Item All selected env i ro nment a 1 quality control activities Water quality control Land quality control (solid waste management ) Air quality control Other environmental quality control Total 1 8,875,557 2,894,741 984,007 7,673,788 2,229,670 541,378 5,053,332 6,170,029 2,552,439 751,270 5,476,923 1,396,012 439,526 3,778,806 2,282,464 62,157 104,740 2,138,129 798,510 77,912 1,274,526 305,612 212,893 95,437 40,753 18,832 22,265 (NA) 117,452 67,252 State 32,560 17,983 16,316 Local 1 1,675 All other local governments 2 .... (NA) NA Not available. 1 Intergovernmental expenditure has been eliminated from the totals. 2 Data for water quality control reflect only sewerage and for land quality control "sanitation other than sewerage activities. I INTRODUCTION Table B. State and Large Local Government Revenue for Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 • • (Thousands of dollars) Item Total Intergovern- mental Local government current charges Taxes Other Total 1 1,616,726 331,682 943,091 341,953 879,663 294,362 424,379 160,922 576,920 (X) 468,025 108,895 107,752 25,993 31,432 50,327 52,391 State 11,327 19,255 58 largest counties 21,809 X Not applicable. Revenue data generally represent amounts identified as being directly related to the financing of pollution abatement activities (including user charges) as well as amounts resulting from regulatory or enforcement activities and are subject to the limitations described in the Survey Methodology, Sources, and Limitations of Data section of the text. Table C. State and Large Local Government Indebtedness and Related Debt Transactions for Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Thousands of dollars) Item Out- standing at end of fiscal year Long- term debt issued Long- term debt retired Interest on debt Total 1 State 48 largest 58 largest counties. . . 6,286,799 2,486,598 2,546,783 1,253,418 743,443 456,606 205,821 81,016 311,527 98,096 163,442 49,989 284,416 111,169 118,770 54,477 1 Indebtedness and related debt transactions cover debt issues identified as being exclusively related to financing pollution abatement activities and are subject to the limitations described in the Survey Methodology, Sources, and Limitations of Data section of the text. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (Table 1) The Federal Government expended approximately $2.9 billion for selected environmental quality control activities in fiscal year 1975. Table 1 shows Federal Government expenditure for water, land, air and other environmental quality control activities for three fiscal years (1973-1975). Data pertaining to the Environ- mental Protection Agency (EPA) are displayed separately in this table due to its role as the major Federal agency involved in pollution control. This agency's activities include promulgating and enforcing standards, regulations and guidelines; providing technical and financial assistance to State and local government pollution programs; disseminating information; planning; re- search and development; and providing grants to State and local governments for the construction of wastewater treatment facilities. EPA grants in 1975 totalled $1.9 billion, accounting for 81.4 percent of the agency's total expenditure and over 66.9 percent of all Federal environmental quality control expenditure. Figure 1 shows payments made under this grant program as well as total Federal environmental control expenditure for fiscal years 1969 to 1975. Other Federal agencies involved in providing financial assistance for constructing local government sewage facilities include the Farmers Home Administration (Department of Agriculture), the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment, the Economic Development Administration (Department of Commerce), and the Appalachian Regional Commission. Many of the other Federal agencies included in table 1 are involved in research and development activities related to the sources, effects and prevention of pollution. For example, the Energy Research and Development Administration is examining the environmental effects of present and future energy develop- ment; the Agricultural Research Service (Department of Agri- culture) and the Bureau of Mines (Department of the Interior) are seeking methods to abate pollution from agricultural and metallurgical processes and wastes; and both the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration (Department of Transportation) are involved in research related to reducing aircraft emission pollutants and noise. The pollution abatement activities of other agencies generally reflect their primary functions. For example, the Army Corps of Engineers is involved in regulating the discharge of dredge and fill material into navigable waters; the U.S. Coast Guard is responsible for preventing and cleaning up oil spills; and the Department of Commerce, through its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, operates an air pollution weather advisory service. STATE GOVERNMENTS (Tables 2-4) During fiscal year 1975 State governments expended $984.0 million for selected environmental quality control activities. This represents nearly a one-fourth increase over fiscal 1974. In the same fiscal period, State governments received $331.7 million in environmental revenue of which nearly 89 percent was received from other governments, primarily the Federal Government. Six States (Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York and Ohio) accounted for over two-thirds of the inter- governmental revenues. State government debt related ex- clusively to pollution abatement activities was nearly $2.5 billion at the end of fiscal year 1975. The major purpose of most debt was to finance grants to local governments for wastewater INTRODUCTION Millions of dollars 3,500 3,000 Figure 1. Federal Government Environmental Quality Control Expenditure: Fiscal Years 1969 to 1975 Environmental Protection Agency grants for construction of wastewater treatment facilities 1 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1 Grant program administered by Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (Department of the Interior) in fiscal years 1969 and 1970. Figure 2. State Government Expenditure for Selected Environmental ° / >> / 15 I 3 1 Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1975 (Millions of dollars) Total, $984.0 Intergovernmental \\ Expenditure \ \ $435.5 \ \ 0) I Direct Expenditure $315.7 \ ~~~~ — ~-^____^ $32.6 | — Other environ- \ ""~~ — --^^J mental quality \ Air quality J control \ control / \ $95.4 / $104.7 ys ^^ Land quality waste management) INTRODUCTION treatment facilities. An analysis of environmental debt trans- actions for fiscal 1975 shows that States issued $456.6 million, retired $98.1 million, and made interest payments of $111.2 million during the year. As shown in figure 2, State expenditure for water quality control was by far the largest object of spending, accounting for 76.4 percent of the total. This chart also shows that payments to local governments, mostly for the construction of wastewater treatment facilities, comprised 58.0 percent of total State expenditure for water quality control. In previous reports, the amount of these transfers to local governments accounted for about three-fourths of State water quality control expenditure. However, in the current report most expenditure of the Ohio Water Development Authority previously classified as inter- governmental has been reclassified as direct expenditure, effec- tively decreasing the intergovernmental component. State governments also spent over $7.6 million for activities related to the regulation of pesticides and pesticide distributors and applicators, primarily through their departments of agriculture. Over one-half of State government direct expenditure for land quality control was for highway litter removal activities. Air quality control expenditure of State governments rose almost one-third to $95.4 million in fiscal year 1975. Payments to local governments for this environmental category also rose in 1975 and comprised 9.5 percent of total State government air quality control expenditure. The $32.6 million reported for other environmental quality control includes multifunctional activities such as environmental planning, analysis and administration and miscellaneous pollution abatement activities such as noise control. The expenditures shown in tables 2-4 generally represent State government pollution abatement activities for compre- hensive environmental management planning; issuing permits (including those for the construction and improvement of wastewater treatment and solid waste disposal facilities); promul- gating and enforcing standards and regulations; providing financial and technical assistance to local government pollution programs; monitoring; inspecting and investigating pollution sources and abatement facilities; training and certifying operators of environmental systems; and administering Federal and State wastewater treatment grant programs. However, some State agencies do perform activities normally considered the responsi- bility of local governments. For example, the Metropolitan District Commission in Massachusetts and the Blackstone Valley Sewer District in Rhode Island spent $11.7 million and $2.4 million, respectively, for constructing, maintaining, and operating sewage collection and treatment facilities. Other State agencies such as the New York State Environmental Facilities Corpora- tion, the Maryland Environmental Service, and the Ohio Water Development Authority are actively involved in the planning, financing, construction, maintenance and operation of sewage treatment works, sewage collection systems, and solid waste recovery and disposal facilities. Such activities are generally performed in behalf of or in assistance to local governments and other State agencies. State government water, land and air quality control expendi- ture for 3 fiscal years (1973-1975) are shown in table D. This table also presents a breakdown of expenditures by character and object for each environmental category. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (Tables 5-1 2) Total direct expenditure in fiscal year 1974-75 of all local governments for water quality control activities was $5.5 billion. This overall increase of 30.0 percent over fiscal year 1973-74 is primarily due to a 37.8 percent increase in sewage construction expenditure. These same governments also expended over $2.1 billion for land quality control, an increase of 10.4 percent. Air quality control direct expenditure reported by the 48 largest cities and 58 largest counties was up 7.9 percent to $40.8 million in fiscal year 1974-75. These large local governments also spent $18.0 million for other environmental quality control activities. Tables 5 and 8 present, for large local governments, a summary of selected revenue and debt transactions related to pollution abatement. Total identifiable revenue of these governments for environmental quality was $1.3 billion in fiscal year 1974-75, which consisted mostly of intergovernmental receipts ($585.3 million) and current charges ($576.9 million). Almost three- fourths of these revenues were received by the 48 largest cities. These same large city and county governments held $3.8 billion in debt, most of which was used for financing the construction of sewage facilities. Over $173.2 million in interest was paid in 1974-75 while $286.8 million in long-term debt was issued and $213.4 million was retired. Local government indebtedness data in this report exclude pollution control debt that is combined with debt for other activities (such as sewerage debt combined with debt for improving water supply facilities). At the end of fiscal 1974-75, the combined water/sewer debt for the 48 largest cities was $489.2 million and for the 58 largest counties was $204.1 million. Table D. State Government Expenditure for Water, Land and Air Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Years 1973 to 1975 (Thousands of dollars) Item Water quality control Land quality control (solid waste management) Air quality control 1973 1974 1975 1973 1 1974 1975 1973 1974 - 1975 Total 608,138 74,331 2 111,311 2 422,496 636,046 116,692 2 94, 997 2 424,357 751,270 158,349 157,386 435,535 62,147 52,825 4,517 4,805 81,152 60,861 4,742 15,549 104,740 70,288 18,764 15,688 58,702 46,720 4,150 7,832 71,638 59,012 5,399 7,227 95,437 72,764 13,585 9,088 1 Highway litter removal data for fiscal year 1973 not available for Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Utah, and West Virginia. 2 Revised due to reclassifying most expenditure of the Ohio Water Development Authority from intergov- ernmental to direct expenditure for capital outlay. INTRODUCTION The reader should keep in mind that data presented through- out this report for the 48 largest cities and 58 largest counties are the result of a detailed compilation that covers those regulatory, administrative, operational and other activities described for each environmental category in the definitions section of the text (page 8). Data for all other local governments include only sanitary and storm sewers and sewage treatment, refuse col- lection and disposal, and street cleaning services. These activities, however, account for the major portion of water quality control and land quality control expenditure of all local governments, including the largest cities and counties. For example, in fiscal year 1974-75, expenditure for sewerage activities comprised over 90 percent of the water quality control expenditure of the 48 largest cities (90.6 percent) and 58 largest counties (94.8 percent). Similarly, expenditure for "sanitation other than sewerage" activities comprised 98.8 percent of large city expendi- ture for land quality control and 95.9 percent for such expenditure by large counties. Tables 6, 9, 1 1 and 1 2 show large capital outlay expenditure for water quality control which, for the most part, financed improvements or additions to sewage collection and treatment facilities. In fiscal year 1974-75, 65.6 percent of all local government direct expenditure for sewerage activities was for construction (see table 11). As figure 3 illustrates, local govern- ment expenditure for sewerage construction increased nearly 200 percent over the last ten years. Table E shows that the water purification expenditure of the 48 largest cities and 58 largest counties (the only governments for which these data are collect- ed) was over $135.4 million in fiscal year 1974-75, one-third of which was for improvements or additions to water treatment facilities. This amount comprised 7.4 percent of the total water quality control expenditure of these selected units. Table E. Selected Large Local Government Expenditure for Water Purification Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Thousands of dollars) Total Current opera- tion Capital outlay Item Con- struction Other Total 48 largest cities 58 largest 135,436 120,952 14,484 89,130 82,605 6,525 43,559 35,751 7,808 2,747 2,596 151 Most of the expenditure data shown for local government land quality control in tables 6, 9, 1 1 and 1 2 represent the collection and disposal of refuse and street cleaning activities. The large local governments in this report (tables 6 and 9 ) also spent nearly $2.0 million for regulatory and enforcement activities related to solid waste management, primarily through their departments of health. As shown in table 11,86.8 percent of total local government direct expenditure of $2. 1 billion for "sanitation other than sewerage" activities was for current operation. Air and other environmental quality control expenditure of large cities and counties are shown in tables 7 and 10. Although 17 cities and 20 counties listed in these tables did not report any data for air pollution control activities, it is possible that the Millions of dollars 4,000 3,500 Figure 3. Local Government Expenditure for Sewerage Construction: Fiscal Years 1965-66 to 1974-75 1 3,000 — 2,500 — 2,000 — 1,500 1,000 500 65-66 66-67 67-68 68-69 69-70 70-71 71-72 72-73 73-74 74-75 INTRODUCTION inhabitants of these units receive air quality services from some other local government. In the Atlanta and Buffalo metropolitan areas, for example, county governments have the responsibility for providing air quality control services. Also, the involvement of special districts for air quality control is not reflected in tables 7 and 10. For example, the Bay Area Air Pollution Control District serves the inhabitants of five large local governments included in these tables (Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties and San Francisco) who contributed approximately $2.6 million in property taxes to the special district government during fiscal year 1974-75. Local government financial data for sewerage and other sanitation activities are presented by State and type of govern- ment in table 1 1. This table shows that in fiscal year 1974-75, over 61.9 percent of total direct expenditure for sewerage activities was by city governments, followed by special district governments which accounted for more than 18.8 percent of the total. For "sanitation other than sewerage" activities, cities accounted for more than 82 percent of total direct expenditure. Financial data for sewerage and other sanitation activities for county areas in 74 major SMSA's are shown in table 12. 3 Governments in these 74 SMSA's account for over two-thirds of local government total direct expenditure for both sewerage and other sanitation activities. In developing figures for certain county areas it was necessary to prorate the activities of governments serving more than one county (see Appendix). For example, although most of the financial data for Kansas City, Missouri, was allocated to Jackson County, a portion of this city's activities was also prorated to Clay County. Similarly, data for the Metropolitan Denver Sewerage Disposal District lwere prorated between Denver and Adams Counties, Colorado. 3 Standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) consist of single county areas or groups of contiguous counties, except in New England where such areas consist of groups of contiguous cities and towns. However, for this report, statistics were developed for certain groups of entire counties that make up Connecticut State Economic Areas A, B and C, Massachusetts State Economic Areas A, B and C, and Rhode Island State Economic Area A. Each^area includes one central city of 50,000 inhabitants or more, or a central city of at least 25,000 with urbanized areas (either incorporated or unincorporated) that together contain a minimum of 50,000 inhabitants. Local government water, land and air quality control expendi- ture for three fiscal years (1972-73 to 1974-75) are shown in table F. This table also presents a breakdown of expenditure by type of government for each environmental category. SURVEY METHODOLOGY, SOURCES AND LIMITATIONS OF DATA Survey Coverage and Data Collection Procedures Large Governments (Tables 1-10) : Data for the Federal Govern- ment, the State governments, and the large counties and cities shown individually in this report were compiled from various financial documents available at Census headquarters. The collection of expenditure data was supplemented by a mail canvass of selected agencies to obtain detail not available from these in-house sources. All mail reports were subjected to intensive review and, if necessary, followup procedures. Using these data collection methods for the large governmental units, it was possible to aggregate statistics according to the detailed categories described in the definitions section on page 8 of the text. The revenue and debt statistics for these large governments were produced solely through analysis of financial documents available at the Census Bureau. A further discussion of limita- tions of the data resulting from this collection procedure is found on page 7. Total Local Governments (Tables 11 and 12): The local government aggregates for fiscal year 1974-75 were collected as part of the Census Bureau's annual survey of governmental finances and reflect only sewage collection and treatment, refuse collection and disposal, and street cleaning. 4 The local government aggregates presented for each State in table 1 1 are estimates developed from a random sample of approximately 16,000 local governments. Using 1970 population "Census Bureau annual reports for 1975 which present statistics pertaining to sewerage and other sanitation activities include Governmental Finances in 1974-75 , City Government Finances in 1974-75 , County Government Finances in 1974-75 , and Local Government Finances in Selected Metropolitan Areas and Large Counties: 1974-75. Table F. Local Government Expenditure for Water, Land and Air Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Years 1972-73 to 1974-75 (Thousands of dollars) Item Water quality control Land quality control (solid waste management) Air quality control 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 Total 1 48 largest cities. . All other cities 2 .. 58 largest counties All other counties 2 Townships 2 3,674,057 915,620 1,495,213 269,970 241,432 218,997 631,690 4,212,258 1,065,455 1,610,187 318,159 302,295 225,421 801,309 5,476,923 1,396,012 2,123,986 439,526 379,953 263,009 1,011,858 1,722,613 648,322 792,289 81,813 76,538 122,370 10,718 1,936,290 716,161 891,804 85,343 107,345 125,380 20,602 2,138,129 798,510 978,189 77,912 143,436 134,638 18,263 31,291 14,998 (NA) 16,475 (NA) (NA) (NA) 37,771 18,730 (NA) 19,487 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 ■ i ■ — ■ 40,753 18,832 (NA) 22,265 (NA) (NA) (NA) Special districts 2 . NA Not available. 1 Intergovernmental expenditure has been eliminated from the totals. 2 Data for water quality control reflect only sewerage and for land quality control "sanitation other than sewerage activities. Fiscal years 1972-73 and 1973-74 data for -these units have been reVised to include intergovernmental expenditure. INTRODUCTION as a base, the sample included with certainty those county governments having 50,000 or more inhabitants, municipalities having 25,000 or more population, and governments whose relative importance in their State based on expenditure or debt was above a specified amount. A random selection of the remaining units was made from a compilation of all local governments within selected large standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), other major counties, and the balance of the State, using probabilities based on the ratio of each govern- ment's annual expenditure or indebtedness to the State total. Usable replies were received from approximately 85 percent of the panel canvassed. For nonrespondent units, prior year data were used. Data for the 74 major SMSA's are based on a sample of all local governments within each of the selected SMSA's, stratified by component county areas and by type of local government within each county area (i.e., cities, townships, counties, and special districts), and within each type, by the magnitude of their annual expenditure and indebtedness as reported in the 1972 Census of Governments. The Survey Reference Period The Federal and State data presented in this report cover the fiscal period July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975, except for three States whose fiscal years end as follows: New York, March 31, 1975; Texas, August 31, 1975, and Alabama, September 30, 1975. In cases where State agencies operate on a different fiscal year basis than their parent government, figures shown are for the agency's fiscal year which ended within the State's regular fiscal year. For local governments and dependent agencies whose fiscal periods differ from their parent government, the 1974-75 fiscal year is that which ended anytime between July 1 , 1974 and June 30, 1975. Limitations The reader should be aware that the primary objective of the sample from which the local government data in tables 1 1 and 12 were obtained is to provide estimates of major financial transactions of local governments rather than detail on the environmental activities of these governments. Furthermore, this sample is one of a large number of all possible samples of the same size that could have been chosen using the same sampling design. The local government aggregate figures are therefore subject to sampling error, i.e., the variations that would occur among estimates from different samples that would have been selected using the same sampling design, and between these estimates and the results of a complete census using the same procedures. Table G shows for each State the relative standard error for estimates of local government current opera- tion expenditure for sewerage and other sanitation activities. Nationwide estimates of local government finance items for sewerage and other sanitation activities are based upon summa- tions of State figures and generally are more reliable, on a relative standard error basis, than individual State-area data. Interpretation of the revenue and debt statistics in this report must take account of both the compilation method used in the survey and of the definitions applied in identifying revenue and debt as related to pollution abatement. Limitations resulting from compilation method : The revenue and debt data were produced solely through a review of financial documents Table G. Relative Standard Errors for Local Government Estimates of Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Current Operation Expenditure, as a Percent of Estimated Totals 4.9 or less 5.0 to 9.9 Greater than 9.9 SEWERAGE Alaska Hawaii Colorado Pennsylvania Alabama Montana Arizona Maine Indiana South Dakota Arkansas Nebraska California Maryland Kansas Tennessee Idaho New Hampshire Connecticut Massachusetts Minnesota Texas I llinois New Jersey Delaware Missouri Nevada Vermont Iowa Oregon District of New Mexico North Carolina Washington Kentucky South Carolina Columbia New York North Dakota West Virginia Louisiana Utah Florida Ohio Oklahoma Wisconsin Michigan Virginia Georgia Rhode Island Mississippi Wyoming SANITATION OTHER THAN SEWERAGE Alaska Indiana Arizona New Jersey Alabama New Hampshire California Maryland Arkansas New York Idaho North Carolina Connecticut Massachusetts Colorado Oklahoma Iowa North Dakota District of Delaware Oregon Louisiana Ohio Columbia New Mexico Georgia Pennsylvania Maine Texas Florida Rhode Island Illinois Michigan Vermont Hawaii Utah Kansas South Carolina Missouri West Virginia Kentucky South Dakota Montana Wyoming Minnesota Tennessee Mississippi Nebraska Nevada Virginia Washington Wisconsin INTRODUCTION available at Census Bureau headquarters. It is therefore reason- able to expect that data obtained through direct contact with public officials might be more comprehensive and in some instances more accurate. Limitations resulting from the defini- tions applied : The revenue data included in this report generally represent amounts identified as being directly related to the financing of pollution abatement activities (including user charges) as well as amounts resulting from regulatory or enforcement activities (e.g., license and permits, fines, etc.). As a result, revenue statistics for a city like Baltimore, Md., which finances a large part of its sewerage and refuse operations from its general purpose fund, does not include any of the city's general property tax. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to determine the amount of such general revenue used for pollution abatement. On the other hand, for a city like Indianapolis, Indiana, which finances much of its sewerage and other sanita- tion operations from a fund designated solely for those purposes, any general property tax revenue deposited into that fund has been included. Similarly, indebtedness and related debt transactions were defined to cover debt issues identified as being exclusively related to financing pollution abatement activities. Applying this defini- tion, the pollution abatement component of composite debt was not included in a government's indebtedness data. For example, statistics for the State of Pennsylvania do not include its Land and Water Development Bonds which are used to finance both pollution abatement (grants to local governments for con- structing wastewater treatment facilities) and other activities (such as the development of recreational areas). The following limitations should also be taken into account: (1) Finance data are shown only for the selected environmental categories as defined in this report and no attempt was made to identify other environmental activities of the governments included in the survey. Thus, this survey did not attempt to cover the research or instructional activities of State institutions of higher education nor general purpose law enforcement agencies, such as State Attorneys General and local prosecution attorneys, who could be involved in environmental protection activities. Also, no special effort was made to cover the remedial activities of governments to abate or prevent pollution from their own facilities, such as the installation of air pollution control equipment on public electric power generating facilities or the operation of sewage disposal systems at State prisons and other institutions, except where these are already included as an integral part of a general government activity classified as pollu- tion abatement. (2) Occasionally, it was necessary to prorate pollution abatement expenditure data for multifunctional activities of agencies whose records and reports could not provide sufficient detail. This is especially true for administrative activi- ties of the major environmental agencies included in the survey. (3) All data are also subject to possible inaccuracies in classifica- tion, response, and processing which would occur if a complete census had been conducted under the same conditions as this survey. Every effort was made to keep such errors to a mini- mum through care in compiling, editing, examining and tabu- lating the data. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Although all terms used to describe the types of financial transactions included in this report reflect standard Census Bureau classifications, they refer only to measures of govern- mental environmental quality control activities as defined in this report, not to the total transactions of a government. Fiscal year. A government's 12-month accounting period. Revenue Categories Revenue . Amounts of money received by a government from external sources (adjusted for refunds and other correcting transactions) other than amounts resulting from issue of debt, liquidation of investments, or receipts in an agency or private trust capacity. Excludes all receipts "in kind". Intergovernmental revenue. Amounts received from other governments as fiscal aid in the form of shared revenues and grants-in-aid, as reimbursements for the performance of en- vironmental services, or in lieu of taxes. Excludes amounts received from other governments for sale of property, com- modities, and utility services as well as intergovernmental re- ceipts that are not restricted to the performance of pollution abatement activities, such as Federal general revenue sharing funds. Current charges . Amounts received from the public for perform- ance of pollution abatement services benefiting the person charged and from sales of commodities and services. Includes fees, assessments (except special assessments as defined under "other revenue"), other reimbursements for current services, rent, and sales derived from commodities or services furnished incident to the performance of particular functions. Excludes amounts received from other governments and interdepartmental charges and transfers. Current charges are distinguished from license taxes, which relate to privileges granted by the govern- ment and to regulatory measures for the protection of the public or environment. Revenue from current charges are shown separately in this report only for local governments. Taxes . Compulsory contributions exacted by a government. Covers taxes levied for regulatory purposes (such as license and permits) and for financing a government's environmental activi- ties (including taxes based on value or volume). An example of a value-based tax is the State of Washington's "litter assessment" tax which is based on the value of specified products con- tributing to litter and manufactured or sold within the State. In certain instances governments dedicate for pollution abatement activities the proceeds of taxes usually considered general purpose revenues. For example, the State of Idaho reserves the proceeds of its taxes on tobacco products and 85 percent of its Transfer and Inheritance Tax levy for financing the State's water pollution control program. Taxes collected by a government acting solely in an agency capacity for another government are excluded from the statistics of the collecting government. Other revenue . Amounts received from sources not classified under the above categories. Does not cover interest earnings which are specifically excluded from this survey. Includes fines and special assessments (contributions collected from owners of property benefited by specific public improvements, such as the installation of sewer lines). For State governments includes amounts received from current charges. Indebtedness and Debt Transaction Categories Debt . Long-term and interest-bearing short-term credit obliga- tions of the government and its agencies, whether backed by the government's full faith and credit or nonguaranteed. Includes general obligation and revenue bonds, notes and interest-bearing warrants. Excludes non-interest-bearing short-term obligations, interfund obligations, advances and contingent loans from other governments (classified as intergovernmental revenue), and amounts owed in a trust or agency capacity. INTRODUCTION Debt outstanding. Debt obligations remaining unpaid at the end of the fiscal period for the survey. Long-term debt. Debt payable more than 1 year after date of issue. Short-term debt . Interest-bearing debt payable within 1 year from date of issue, such as bond or revenue anticipation notes, bank loans and warrants. Long-term debt issued . Par value of long-term obligations actually incurred during the fiscal year. Debt obligations au- thorized but not actually incurred during the fiscal period are not included. Long-term debt retired . Par value of long-term obligations liquidated by repayment or exchange, including debt retired by refunding operations. Interest on debt . Amounts paid for use of borrowed money, including both long-and short-term debt. Expenditure Categories Expenditure . Amounts of money paid out by a government (adjusted for recoveries and other correcting transactions) other than for debt service (principal retirement and interest payments), investment in securities, extension of loans, or payments in an agency capacity. Expenditure refers only to external cash transactions of a government (including employee salaries) and excludes any internal transfers and all payments "in kind". Includes payments financed from borrowing, fund balances, intergovernmental receipts and any other current revenue. Total expenditure (for a particular function). All amounts, direct and intergovernmental, spent for an environmental function, with the exception of interest payments. Employer contributions to a government's own employee retirement system have been excluded in the local government estimates shown in tables 11 and 12. Intergovernmental expenditure . Amounts paid to other govern- ments as fiscal aid in the form of shared revenues and grants-in- aid, payments in lieu of taxes, and as reimbursements for environmental services performed for the paying government. Excludes amounts paid to other governments for purchase of commodities, property, or utility services, any taxes imposed and paid as such, and employer contributions for social insurance systems administered by other governments. Direct expenditure. All expenditure other than that classified as in tergovernm en tal. Current operation . Direct expenditure for compensation of own officers and employees and for supplies, materials, and contrac- tual services, except amounts for capital outlay and interest on debt. Capital outlay. Construction comprises production of fixed works and structures and additions, replacements, and major alterations, including planning and design, site improvement, and provision of equipment and facilities that are integral parts of a structure. Other capital outlay comprises purchases of both equipment (apparatus, furnishings, motor vehicles, office machines, and the like, having an expected life span of more than 5 years) and land and existing structures (including rights-of-way and title search). Rental and repair of equipment are classified as current operation expenditure. Environmental Functions As stated earlier, statistics in this report for the Federal and State governments and the 48 largest cities and 58 largest counties cover those regulatory, administrative, operational and other activities described for each function below. Data for all other governments include only sanitary and storm sewers and sewage treatment, refuse collection and disposal and street cleaning services. Water quality control . Those regulatory, administrative, opera- tional and other activities directly related to the prevention, control, and abatement of water pollution. Among the activities included under this category are licensing and inspection of industrial plants, waste treatment operations, animal feedlots, mines, and oil fields; Federal and State government regulation of pesticide manufacturers, distributors, and applicators; operation, maintenance, and construction of sanitary and storm sewers and sewage treatment plants; water purification operations of publicly owned utilities; research and development activities related to the causes, effects and prevention of water pollution; monitoring the quality of water in streams, lakes and water supply systems; establishing, implementing and enforcing policies, plans, stand- ards and regulations; training and certifying operators of water pollution control facilities; disseminating information to the public; providing technical and financial assistance; and all costs involved in processing grants received from other governments. Land quality control (solid waste management). Those regula- tory, administrative, operational and other activities directly related to the prevention, control, and abatement of land pollution caused by the improper disposal of solid and hazardous wastes. Among the activities included under this category are the collection, disposal and recycling of trash, garbage and other forms of solid or hazardous waste; street cleaning; State government highway litter removal; licensing and inspection of facilities and equipment used in processing wastes; establishing, implementing and enforcing policies, plans, standards, and regulations; research and development activities related to methods of waste collection and disposal; providing technical and financial assistance; training and certifying operators of waste management facilities; disseminating information to the public; and all costs involved in processing grants received from other governments. Generally excluded at the local government level because of data collection difficulties are special litter removal activities such as debris pick-up on public lands and the maintenance of waste containers along highways and in parks, unless those are recorded locally under other activities classified as waste management. Air quality control . Those regulatory, administrative, opera- tional, and other activities directly related to the prevention, control and abatement of air pollution. Among the activities included under this category are the licensing and inspection of industrial facilities and other sources of air pollution; estab- lishing, implementing and enforcing policies, plans, standards and regulations; research and development activities related to the causes, effects and prevention of air pollution; providing financial and technical assistance; air quality monitoring; training of personnel; disseminating information to the public; and all costs involved in processing grants received from other governments. 10 INTRODUCTION Other environmental quality control. Those regulatory, administrative, operational, and other activities related to the prevention, control, and abatement of pollution which cannot be reasonably classified in one of the above functions. Included under this category are multifunctional activities, such as the administration of a major pollution abatement agency and overall environmental planning and analysis; specific environmental quality control activities such as noise pollution control that do not fall within the definition of a major function; activities of environmental laboratories, advisory councils, review boards, regional offices of State pollution abatement agencies, legislative committees on the environment, etc. for which data cannot be obtained by the three major categories; and activities to inform the public about environmental quality control in general. Exclusions . Specifically excluded from this survey are water testing programs which relate only to water resource capacity; water supply distribution; soil and water conservation ; irrigation and drainage; grants for the flouridation of water supply systems; coastal zone management (except the water quality component); strip mine reclamation; snow and ice removal; weather modifi- cation; general land use planning; activities related to the control of excess radiation from X-ray machines, microwave ovens, etc., general health activities such as the inspection of restaurants, hotels, summer camps, food handlers, etc., generally included within environmental health programs; any activity containing an insignificant amount of pollution abatement as defined above, such as environmental planning agencies whose focus is more the general social/economic/physical environment of the community than the direct abatement of water, land, air or noise pollution; and remedial activities to prevent or abate pollution from a government's own facilities unless these are already included as an integral part of a general government activity classified in one of the above environmental functions. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE 11 Table 1. Federal Government Environmental Quality Control Expenditure: Fiscal Years 1973 to 1975 (Thousands of dollars) Inter- govern- mental Inter- govern- mental Inter- govern- mental All selected environmental activities, total. Environmental Protection Agency Other agencies , * . ° Water quality control, total Environmental Protection Agency Other agencies 1 , Land quality control (solid waste management), total. Environmental Protection Agency Other agencies 1 „ Air quality control, total.. Environmental Protection Agency, Other agencies 1 Other environmental quality control, total. Environmental Protection Agency Other agencies ! 1,366,299 998,935 367,364 1,156,584 839,384 317,200 33,891 27,179 6,712 175,824 132,372 43,452 (NA) (NA) (NA) 347,936 253,883 94,053 178,442 134,553 43,889 32,078 25,366 6,712 137,416 93,964 43,452 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,018,363 745,052 273,311 978,142 704,831 273,311 1,813 1,813 38,408 38,408 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,388,405 1,879,600 508,805 2,106,647 1,728,787 377,860 50,459 17,382 33,077 231,299 133,431 97,868 (NA) (NA) (NA) 487,143 252,501 234,642 246,320 142,223 104,097 45,562 12,585 32,977 195,261 97,693 97,568 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,901,262 1,627,099 2 74,163 1,860,327 1,586,564 273,763 4,897 4,797 100 36,038 35,738 300 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,894,741 2,381,169 513,572 2,552,439 2,158,845 393,594 62,157 16,487 45,670 212,893 162,957 49,936 67,252 42,880 24,372 678,416 363,142 315,274 377,371 179,475 197,896 55,283 12,213 43,070 178,510 128,574 49,936 67,252 42,880 24,372 ,216,325 ,018,027 198,298 ,175,068 ,979,370 195,698 6,874 4,274 2,600 34,383 34,383 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. NA Not available. 1 "Other agencies" category includes agencies in the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense (Army Corps of Engineers), Health, Education and Welfare, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, State, Transportation, and the Appalachian Regional Commission, Council on Environmental Quality, Energy Research and Development Administration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Commission on Water Quality, National Science Foundation, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. 12 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 2. Summary of State Government Environmental Quality Control Finances: Fiscal Year 1975 (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total population, July 1, 1975 ( provisional estimates ) 1 Inter- govern- mental Expenditure Current operation Capital out lay govern- mental Indebtedness and debt transactions 4 Outstanding at end of fiscal year Long-term Short- term Long- term debt issued Long- term debt retired Interest on debt Total Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut .... Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii . • • Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts . . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire.. New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina. North Dakota . . . Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania . . . Rhode Island... South Carolina, South Dakota .. . Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia.. Wisconsin Wyoming 213,121,000 3,614 352 2,224 2,116 21,185 2,534 3,095 579 8,357 4,926 865 820 11,145 5,311 2,870 2,267 3,396 3,791 1,059 4,098 5,828 9,157 3,926 2,346 4,763 748 1,546 592 818 7,316 1,147 18,120 5,451 635 10,759 2,712 2,288 11,827 927 2,818 683 4,188 12,237 1,206 471 4,967 3,544 1,803 4,607 374 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 2,127 485 1,199 975 6,767 1,531 21,058 695 6,468 2,088 6,393 2,461 3,965 1,732 1,558 1,327 3,046 865 3,039 29,436 20,752 25,742 2,348 1,193 1,507 1,508 767 464 2,573 4,696 886 20,741 2,837 521 106,975 1,183 3,230 14,141 3,213 1,673 266 1,336 4,695 476 551 2,331 3,476 1,539 2,398 449 1,962 260 1,139 975 3,488 1,451 20,952 634 3,066 2,012 6,381 805 3,608 1,701 1,403 901 2,867 719 3,039 20,646 20,608 23,084 1,450 1,130 1,450 766 425 2,261 3,992 886 20,680 2,837 308 100,609 1,155 1,360 12,766 3,210 1,642 235 1,277 4,395 476 490 2,254 2,472 1,537 2,151 447 99 60 3,162 80 102 33 3,250 47 11 1,655 11 31 155 335 106 146 39 ,230 855 63 57 1 39 312 52 213 899 28 ,386 128 1 31 30 48 284 76 935 2 243 76 225 4 28 152 29 105 1,428 5,467 484 ,247 2 984,007 4,391 4,399 5,079 1,843 80,225 11,514 19,436 3,136 43,108 11,034 14,214 5,063 48,971 10,355 6,098 2,528 7,631 3,295 8,791 41,657 33,431 30,850 13,926 6,436 8,933 2,882 3,250 1,271 7,641 37,599 3,799 131,296 16,857 532 170,175 3,398 7,317 52,178 5,437 5,453 1,300 9,191 20,299 1,807 3,942 19,953 19,944 3,793 27,242 1,107 150 698 186 705 787 131 260 552 814 122 820 050 619 303 833 396 837 186 552 208 661 771 577 300 731 744 321 215 555 225 174 882 172 489 730 068 206 318 656 000 913 667 807 604 089 110 914 345 214 019 241 16 228 124 960 208 2,992 191 236 219 12,227 52 657 113 142 132 794 106 315 8,894 3,609 171 140 136 60 62 64 8 1,052 220 78 6,542 263 28 142,906 136 326 994 1,190 365 24 237 1,367 203 42 115 346 288 760 88 460,654 2,685 1,665 14 35,478 8,175 11,184 1,393 31,058 3,693 167 2,961 30,695 5,939 3,123 3 5,924 20,555 14,161 22,908 6,209 4,000 6,142 1,076 1,865 48 4,034 28,154 547 102,872 9,422 15 14,539 194 785 28,866 1,591 88 363 3,287 125 1,811 10,728 12,684 160 19,268 2,576 184,500 170,950 5,112 173,265 1,245 134,000 1,260 23,535 1,305 2,695 123,034 204,443 264,000 22,500 41,240 8,900 129,825 350,472 29,500 88,200 19.535 84,000 10,000 3,906 29,500 64 , 100 799 5,000 10,350 309 3,205 265 4,000 290 305 245 6,038 5,954 19,000 1.250 705 1,350 905 169 5,873 8,740 257 8,181 66 4,511 70 1,368 80 87 4,618 5,930 13,384 2,246 1,752 447 5,770 23,074 1,991 14,028 4,292 857 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 'Bureau of the Census, Current Population Report , Series P-25, No. 615, December 1975. Excludes armed forces overseas. 2 Revenue data generally represent amounts identified as being directly related to the financing of pollution abatement activities as well as amounts resulting from regulatory or enforcement activities and are subject to the limitations described in the text. 3 Excludes interest on debt. 4 Indebtedness and debt transactions cover debt issues Identified as being exclusively related to the financing of pollution abatement activities and are subject to the limitations described in the text. 5 Excludes contingent liability for $73,050,000 in local government water pollution control bonds outstanding which are classified as local govern- ment debt . STATE GOVERNMENTS Table 3. State Government Expenditure for Water Quality and Land Quality Control (Solid Waste Management) Activities: Fiscal Year 1975 (Thousands of dollars) 13 Water quality control Land quality control ( solid waste management ) State Total Current operation Capital outlay Intergovern- mental Total Direct Intergovern- mental Litter removal Other '751,270 '1,874 3,473 2,476 935 50,441 8,673 11,441 2,133 '35,852 4,634 12,976 4,098 36,245 7,998 4,441 1,610 '3,104 '1,291 7,540 31,855 29,700 26,904 8,456 5,263 7,542 1,407 2,590 420 6,920 30,950 1,917 113,022 13,581 228 '148,106 1,779 2,474 40,738 4,352 2,116 677 '2,637 '8,932 966 3,201 16,460 12,368 2,147 21,907 420 158,349 1,770 819 838 826 20,585 1,008 1,532 680 4,714 2,841 730 1,111 5,425 2,200 1,293 1,494 2,742 1,219 1,409 7,858 12,039 5,350 2,822 1,181 1,392 834 709 387 1,861 2,771 1,347 7,771 3,934 206 7,773 1,708 1,942 11,673 1,976 1,804 461 2,225 8,657 795 1,425 5,628 2,494 1,783 3,901 406 157,386 104 4 12 95 280 53 48 60 80 107 12,079 26 125 19 25 116 362 69 207 4,044 3,508 133 39 82 8 40 16 1 1,025 25 23 4,055 225 7 127,208 34 142 292 1,159 224 21 139 150 171 32 104 108 204 282 14 435,535 2,650 1,626 14 29,576 7,612 9,861 1,393 31,058 1,686 167 2,961 30,695 5,779 3,123 3 5,924 19,953 14,153 21,421 5,595 4,000 6,142 533 1,865 32 4,034 28,154 547 101,196 9,422 15 13,125 37 390 28,773 1,217 88 195 273 125 1,744 10,728 9,766 160 17,724 104,740 1,210 280 419 348 10,164 823 5,270 308 2,808 4,503 389 443 3 4,933 3 1,067 470 573 2,468 960 488 7,100 1,818 1,733 3,907 495 835 904 2 79 575 392 2,306 827 8,396 1,271 192 10,326 836 1,506 3,118 705 663 438 5,142 4,153 306 451 1,456 3,679 669 2,027 311 52,700 1,150 137 284 216 6,933 650 805 225 2,433 1,918 214 347 4,136 640 195 515 1,845 929 343 749 1,392 510 2,681 385 668 260 172 522 375 1,951 646 3,048 1,077 79 1,127 592 1,211 1,865 269 372 194 1,794 3,827 256 189 1,300 776 218 5 275 36,352 60 133 135 132 1,461 130 3,142 83 375 578 175 96 797 269 275 58 623 31 145 6,223 418 353 612 110 167 170 107 37 17 355 181 4,058 194 113 9,199 232 2 )5 1,160 62 291 76 334 326 50 195 156 1,098 451 578 36 15 688 10 ' 2 1 770 43 1 323 2,007 4 158 128 8 5 870 614 474 16 - 1 290 12 93 374 168 3 014 67 1,805 5 1 444 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 'Excludes loans to local governments to assist in financing the construction of water pollution control facilities, as follows: Alabama—amount not available; Florida — $33,221,000; Kentucky — $6,343,000; Louisiana — $1,610,000; Ohio — $757,000; Tennessee — $11,136,000; and Texas — amount not available. includes $923,000 in intergovernmental payments for litter removal activities. 3 Litter removal expenditures of Illinois Toll Highway Authority and Indiana Toll Road Commission not available. 4 Includes $154,000 in intergovernmental payments for litter removal activities. Represents intergovernmental payments for litter removal activities. 14 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 4. State Government Expenditure for Air Quality Control and Other Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1975 (Thousands of dollars) Air quality control Current operation Capital outlay Intergovern- mental Other environmental quality control Current operation Capital outlay Total... Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California. . . . Colorado Connecticut . . . Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi . . . Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey .... New Mexico. . . . New York North Carolina North Dakota. . Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania . . Rhode Island. . South Carolina South Dakota . . Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington. . . . West Virginia. Wisconsin Wyoming 966 263 858 337 341 754 382 521 009 322 309 452 3,252 1,231 772 344 1,567 652 449 1,840 1,862 2,005 961 678 417 405 199 216 329 3,121 807 5,114 1,473 107 11,574 545 2,712 5,451 300 957 75 1,235 7,214 394 221 1,929 2,336 850 2,037 292 72 , 764 831 232 1,662 336 13,553 1,079 2,051 458 980 1,225 309 42 7 3,150 1,189 669 328 1,246 629 353 1,324 1,761 1,352 873 624 389 317 176 212 302 2,947 755 4,897 1,450 91 2,856 373 2,139 4,825 270 870 74 1,160 6,015 375 221 1,918 1,016 774 1,473 228 135 6 157 1 656 155 331 63 29 97 25 102 40 103 16 321 23 96 60 101 36 88 54 28 19 23 4 27 174 52 156 23 16 7,304 27 178 626 30 87 1 75 1,199 19 11 207 76 464 64 4,132 520 145 395 1,113 100 '32,560 341 383 326 223 1,2 79 264 343 174 3,439 575 540 70 4,541 59 415 1 492 392 314 '862 51 208 602 139 166 182 60 1,222 248 '4,764 532 5 169 238 625 2,871 80 1,717 110 177 141 69 108 1,561 127 1,271 84 340 377 325 220 1,256 264 329 168 3,324 564 540 70 4,116 59 407 1 484 378 302 840 51 208 591 166 158 57 1,206 247 4,417 517 5 168 238 621 2,798 79 1,691 110 177 129 69 108 1,531 119 1,268 77 1 6 1 3 23 14 6 115 11 425 8 8 14 12 4 11 24 24 3 1 22 15 4 73 30 ■ 8 3 7 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 'Amounts recorded as current operation and capital outlay will not add to total because of the inclusion of intergovernmental payments in total. SELECTED CITY GOVERNMENTS Table 5. Summary of Selected Large City Government Environmental Quality Control Finances: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Dollar amounts in thousands) 15 City Date ot end of fiscal year Population, 1973 ( estimated) Current charges Inter- govern- mental E<,>endi ture 2 Current operation Total Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Birmingham, Ala Boston, Ma ;s Buffalo, N.Y Chicago, 111 Cincinnati , Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Dallas, Tex Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Fort Worth, Tex Honolulu, Hawaii Houston, Tex Indianapolis, Ind Jacksonville, Fla Kansas City, Mo Long Beach, Calif Los Angeles, Calif Louisville, Ky Memphi s , Tenn Miami , Fla Mi lwaukee, Wis Minneapolis, Minn Nashville, Tenn Newark, N.J... New Orleans, La New York, N.Y Norfolk, Va Oakland, Calif Oklahoma City, Okla Omaha , Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Phoenix, Ariz Pittsburgh, Pa Port land, Oreg St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn San Antonio, Tex San Diego, Calif San Francisco, Calif San Jose, Calif Seattle, Wash Toledo, Ohio Tulsa, Okla Washington, D.C See footnotes at end of table. 39,444,973 2 ,229,1)70 1,097,176 12/31 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 12/31 12/31 12/31 12/31 9/30 12/31 6/30 8/31 9/30 6/30 12/31 12/31 9/30 4/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 9/30 12/31 12/31 6/30 12/31 12/31 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 12/31 6/30 6/30 12/31 6/30 4/30 12/31 7/31 6/30 6/30 6/30 12/31 12/31 6/30 6/30 451 877 295 618 425 3,172 426 678 540 815 515 1,386 353 359 685 1,320 728 521 487 346 2,746 335 658 353 690 382 427 367 573 7,646 283 345 373 377 1,861 637 479 375 558 287 756 757 687 523 503 377 335 733 123 838 686 275 101 929 245 615 933 866 593 817 226 542 717 01H 344 953 799 793 854 696 868 984 685 423 064 683 479 818 061 8, SO 717 292 719 121 276 948 006 305 226 148 450 116 073 423 444 801 16 227 554 229 182 330 205 940 229 466 649 828 814 822 412 954 975 851 352 329 499 251 283 369 397 403 532 212 045 125 835 991 558 463 093 123 522 492 33 818 515 268 636 770 297 795 491 231 211 662 17,809 9,090 182 3,330 2,975 140 14,200 25,502 15,331 7,169 12,642 20,689 6,709 9,309 917 24,116 3,892 7,022 7,267 3,208 6,474 12,107 14,335 403 1,334 8,764 8,475 1,976 9,147 61,846 320 1,954 10,789 6,517 27,825 390 4 10,334 12 7,979 11,444 8,200 6,769 10,841 21,147 11,689 4,596 10,855 19,745 30,137 8,106 925 8,920 957 1,199 2,176 87 30,133 5,703 1,458 8,709 6,020 1,870 9,100 9,683 31 8,912 8,393 673 189 212 4,559 149 794 165,444 160 5,299 5,573 4,616 15 4,144 434 158 5,174 7,409 528 4,588 209 450 1,556 49,782 4,124 875 25 389 5,521 235 11 6,700 260 4 111 162 13 4 69 47 18 674 24 95 482 85 349 711 351 207 1,549 12 4,872 2 ,869 488 1 244 441 238 23 144 303 13 324 1 336 366 39 2,092 25 37 81 9 27 27 109 36 43 35 49 21 97 9 15 33 65 17 28 7 8) 42 52 13 28 21 47 12 23 614 9 3 11 24 90 42 12 16 19 28 27 10 35 25 8 103 111 999 797 652 918 694 152 377 717 135 580 965 327 884 453 605 791 659 126 366 025 664 89 1 981) 771 517 090 137 685 960 735 795 040 144 967 755 298 044 758 703 291 866 587 389 910 197 846 314 16 11 9 8 17 239 6 2 7 9 68 20 10 11 425 515 952 459 461 159 120 722 611 470 391 368 369 109 291 397 526 444 043 253 092 255 816 884 513 798 580 844 180 931 651 038 919 761 289 457 993 097 517 973 126 293 859 158 380 401 085 901 16 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 5. Summary of Selected Large City Government Environmental Quality Control Finances: Fiscal Year 1974-75— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) City Expenditure- -Continued Capital outlay Construction govern- mental Indebtedness and debt transactions Outstanding at end of fiscal year Long-term Short-term Long-term debt issued Long-term debt retired Interest on debt Total Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Birmingham, Ala Boston, Mass Buffalo, N.Y Chicago, 111 Cincinnati , Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Dallas, Tex Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Fort Worth, Tex Honolulu, Hawaii Hous ton , Tex Indianapolis , Ind Jacksonville, Fla Kansas City, Mo Long Beach, Calif Los Angeles, Calif Louisville, Ky Memphi s , Tenn Miami, Fla Mi lwauk.ee, Wis Minneapolis, Minn Nashville, Tenn Newark, N.J New Orleans, La New York, N.Y Norfolk, Va Oakland, Calif Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Phoenix, Ariz Pittsburgh, Pa Portland, Oreg St . Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn San Antonio, Tex San Diego, Calif San Francisco, Calif... San Jose, Calif Seattle, Wash Toledo, Ohio Tulsa, Okla Washington, D.C 997 197 16 744 44 963 4 731 6 548 14 364 14 197 11 049 8 500 9 350 26 601 2 109 42 012 3 937 7 770 20 843 34 595 4 506 27 330 13 989 45 25 974 30 056 31 990 4 808 5 803 1 841 36 021 457 4 845 357 232 2 503 1 698 2 833 12 324 20 627 19 058 1 224 4 599 2 4 839 7 757 11 525 13 206 3 785 13 523 6 565 3 314 54 605 70,145 1,942 1,521 114 22 93 3,338 1,997 125 6,497 2,970 940 1,585 21 705 319 1,994 759 1,885 94 68 4,959 163 2,883 288 934 21 1,489 540 1,660 17,797 581 59 288 2,059 2,051 3,240 33 348 114 70 408 48 522 414 543 376 447 821 3,986 14,030 1,259 94 4,140 190 205 5,521 7,857 125 4,821 32 9,464 1,855 2,987 2,440,979 17,025 69,485 7,615 8,938 13,200 124,810 16,882 77,287 71,349 398 283 129,005 24,061 5,767 13,905 85,465 30,515 68,020 82 285 82 158 1 060 41 258 27 493 6 833 14 461 21 490 674 305 12,528 58,009 222,794 57,290 14,530 5,127 16,127 17,697 57,828 56,825 24,391 77,110 14,008 22,960 5 68,402 05 821 18 000 8 625 «2 , 600 23,000 17,424 2,200 484 5 695 2 485 1 000 124 239 1,973 9,750 845 4,030 415 4 889 1,195 8,330 2,401 5,803 3,500 326 159 7,169 1.271 969 3,668 4,628 20 2,393 8,675 1,935 190 3,537 4,336 1,432 602 1,652 53,546 1,497 4,790 16,771 2,555 455 775 408 495 1,755 3,995 2,097 765 802 1,938 428 720 2,633 362 416 1,237 6,595 574 4,459 4,342 18 19 6,657 1,038 221 536 2,348 3,213 2,969 3 ,629 4 ,212 23 1 738 915 212 443 12 1 008 5 898 406 3,471 10,390 2,299 732 195 496 903 2,773 1,671 1,544 4,360 564 1,066 1,453 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 'Revenue data generally represent amounts identified as being directly related to the financing of pollution abatement activities (including user charges) as well as amounts resulting from regulatory or enforcement activities and are subject to the limitations described in the text. 2 Excludes interest on debt. 'indebtedness and debt transactions cover debt issues identified as being exclusively related to the financing of pollution abatement activities and are subject to the limitations described in the text. Sewerage debt combined with debt for nonpollution abatement activities has been excluded. 'Comprises long-term debt issued and retired between January 1, 1974 and June 30, 1975 due to change in fiscal year ending date. Represents debt owed to United States Government. SELECTED CITY GOVERNMENTS 17 Table 6. Selected Large City Government Revenue and Expenditure for Water Quality and Land Quality Control (Solid Waste Management) Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Thousands of dollars) City Water quality control Revenue from sewerage charges Expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Intergovern- mental Land quality control (solid waste management ) Revenue from sanitation charges Expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Total. Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md . . . Birmingham, Ala. Boston, Mass Buffalo, N.Y Chicago, 111, ... Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio.. Columbus, Ohio... Dallas, Tex Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich.... El Paso, Tex Fort Worth, Tex. . . Honolulu, Hawaii.. Houston, Tex Indianapolis, Ind. Jacksonville, Fla. Kansas City, Mo.... Long Beach, Calif.. Los Angeles, Calif. Louisville, Ky . . . . . Memphis , Tenn Miami, Fla Milwaukee, Wis.... Minneapolis, Minn. Nashville, Tenn... Newark, N . J New Orleans, La... New York N.Y Norfolk, Va Oakland, Calif Oklahoma City, Ok la. Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa.... Phoenix, Ariz Pittsburgh, Pa... Portland, Oreg . . . St. Louis, Mo. . . . St. Paul, Minn... San Antonio, Tex. San Diego, Calif. San Francisco, Calif. San Jose, Calif...... Seattle, Wash Toledo, Ohio Tulsa, Okla. Washington, D.C...... 387,838 10,902 8,516 3,293 2,912 26 14,110 25,455 14,851 1,277 12,638 19,227 3,231 5,490 294 24,106 3,502 6,234 7,266 6,435 12,009 7,383 995 8,719 8,475 1,899 6,571 47,837 265 1,782 4,754 6,421 27,593 364 6,476 7,435 8,200 6,769 10,344 13,217 9,371 2,393 9,268 26 51 11 34 21 1 42 33 33 5 15 14 41 4 15 365 5 2 6 14 43 25 3 12 2 12 12 20 22 9 27 15 5 75 124 320 138 157 550 930 693 827 868 513 557 637 290 299 440 494 927 417 170 989 223 812 852 105 083 457 303 346 317 938 (',38 648 243 803 257 535 469 88-! 998 125 057 145 172 101 580 978 580 023 8,539 14,523 1,428 2,016 6,200 26,181 10,798 6,249 11,923 10,036 7,121 20,036 2,335 3,395 5,582 16,450 7,026 5,836 7,256 1,894 16,180 5,880 2,443 301 3,568 4,745 4,260 1,437 10,930 40,959 3,380 891 3,369 4,911 23,785 5,918 2,165 7,969 2,862 2,469 3,911 8,584 8,902 4,898 4,555 9,175 2,270 18,761 926 363 669 540 342 600 001 487 350 432 109 012 936 770 661 853 506 318 8.'. 8 45 520 728 108 801 633 841 871 457 38 7 0.18 767 698 829 633 710 034 224 599 2 832 757 525 165 785 501 795 281 781 659 434 149 908 61 336 951 187 589 19 134 197 572 395 ,263 56 50 523 158 301 361 14 1,172 156 491 59 45 259 762 583 32 316 9 3 389 36 105 386 124 153 29 494 3,986 14,030 1,259 94 4,140 5,521 7,857 125 4,821 32 9,400 1,855 '798,510 6,871 566 172 37 63 30 44 428 5,892 1,462 3,478 3,819 613 10 387 788 1 3,208 27 98 6,952 403 73 2,576 13,985 6,035 19 232 13 801 12 1,503 4,009 497 7,930 2,248 2,203 1,587 4 6 12 5 7 6 5 36 8 a 18 8 13 6 5 7 987 808 659 378 368 726 354 363 849 353 676 328 924 386 907 885 254 030 521 144 542 708 954 875 687 950 423 609 283 027 095 061 748 892 057 085 698 901 185 319 016 541 897 973 266 850 266 697 12 6 4 7 6 188 3 1 4 4 42 14 886 121 524 351 261 136 354 355 688 172 924 332 921 815 603 182 909 403 382 127 902 375 286 583 945 943 966 238 165 174 269 061 501 406 948 404 697 869 129 305 010 529 480 948 825 895 815 603 2,101 15,687 135 27 107 4.590 1,000 13 6,161 2,181 752 996 3 571 304 1,703 345 627 139 17 4,640 2,333 3,463 292 742 7 457 371 2,1- : 49,8 247 4,486 3,109 2,681 1 32 56 14 6 12 417 25 441 1,955 451 2,094 Represents zero or rounds to zero. 'Amounts recorded as current operation and capital outlay will not add to total because of the inclusion of intergovernmental payments of $205,000 in total. 18 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 7. Selected Large City Government Expenditure for Air Quality Control and Other Environmental Quality Control Activities : Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Thousands of dollars) Ai r quality control Other environmental quali ty control City Total Current operation Capital outlay Total Current operation Capital outlay '18,832 413 J 93 4,325 1,057 1,182 269 96 113 135 1,226 252 212 302 264 '144 99 167 109 74 4,625 2 149 1,653 10 575 259 128 1 '64 369 465 16,928 413 69 4,155 920 1,118 262 95 113 135 765 233 205 272 14 99 157 109 74 4,428 2 144 1,556 10 526 199 115 1 331 408 1,673 1 170 137 64 7 1 461 19 7 30 250 10 197 5 97 49 60 13 38 57 16,316 458 24 713 48 251 64 106 358 133 233 1,996 88 1 11 197 73 11 6,370 86 49 300 135 131 249 90 180 517 315 3,129 16,229 458 23 687 48 251 64 106 358 133 232 1,996 87 11 197 60 11 6,370 86 49 300 135 131 249 90 180 476 312 3,129 87 1 26 _ _ 1 1 1 13 _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ 41 3 _ _ _ - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 1 Amounts recorded as current operation and capital outlay will not add to total because of the inclusion of intergovernmental payments in total. SELECTED COUNTY GOVERNMENTS 19 Table 8. Summary of Selected Large County Government Environmental Quality Control Finances: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Dollar amounts in thousands) County Date of end of fiscal year Population, 1973 (estimated ) Revenue 1 Current charges Inter- govern- mental Expenditure Current operation Total Alameda, Calif Allegheny , Pa Baltimore, Md........ Bergen, N.J Bexar, Tex Broward, Fla . . Contra Costa, Calif.. Cook, 111 Cuyahoga, Ohio . . Dade, Fla Dallas, Tex Delaware, Pa . ■ Erie, N.Y Essex, Mass Essex, N.J. ■ . Franklin, Ohio Fulton, Ga Hamilton, Ohio Harris, Tex. Hennepin, Minn Hudson, N.J Jackson, Mo Jefferson, Ala Jefferson, Ky King, Wash Lake, Ind Los Angeles, Calif... Macomb, Mich Maricopa, Ariz Middlesex, Mass Middlesex, N.J Milwaukee, Wis Monroe , N.Y Montgomery , Md Montgomery, Ohio..... Montgomery, Pa Multnomah, Oreg Nassau, N.Y Norfolk, Mass Oakland, Mich Oklahoma, Okla Orange, Calif Pinellas, Fla Prince Georges, Md . . . Sacramento, Calif.... St. Louis, Mo.. San Bernardino, Calif San Diego, Calif San Mateo, Calif Santa Clara, Calif Shelby, Tenn Suffolk, N.Y Summi t , Ohio Tarrant, Tex Union, N.J. Wayne, Mich W'estchester, N.Y Worcester, Mass 6/30 12/31 6/30 12/31 12/31 9/30 6/30 12/1 12/31 9/30 12/31 12/31 12/31 6/30 12/31 12/31 12/31 12/31 12/31 12/31 12/31 12/31 9/30 6/30 12/31 12/31 6/30 12/31 6/30 6/30 12/31 12/31 12/31 6/30 12/31 12/31 6/30 12/31 6/30 12/31 6/30 6/30 9/30 6/30 6/30 12/31 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 12/31 12/31 12/31 12/31 11/30 12/31 6/30 63,537,787 1,091 1,558 630 894 894 756 582 5,417 1,647 1,369 1,362 595 1,107 646 915 857 594 909 1,860 932 598 649 649 702 1,124 547 6,923 653 1,126 1,416 594 1,039 710 554 597 634 547 1,416 616 949 547 1,596 617 688 675 965 694 1,469 569 1,156 737 1,214 546 719 538 2,585 889 649 819 190 622 064 456 139 754 562 066 917 575 605 311 596 431 675 562 193 475 680 164 132 619 346 454 656 813 565 620 429 372 962 328 364 434 952 191 042 172 817 913 920 329 807 049 157 548 822 123 734 489 002 111 476 145 560 081 397 1,091 16,395 1,407 13,280 931 546 2,105 20,696 84 2,500 6,471 742 4,081 7,188 391 2,482 8,480 2,738 1,763 352 50,291 8,382 6,118 810 677 54,668 24,378 86 62 5,300 3,823 24,179 324 5,993 5,078 574 2,983 503 9,897 4,199 22 35 28,810 9,979 106 7,896 1,371 3,471 233 118 17,676 84 272 1,040 4,405 878 13 9 10,003 7,829 3,415 810 379 3,683 984 1,674 36 9,453 311 4 2 ,855 2,019 738 4,081 2,641 356 20 2,601 2,725 1,541 34,765 120 2,703 99 27,469 2 4 3,686 1 014 3,719 80 9,280 6 118 1 323 1,905 2 219 3,433 947 107 - 1,517 _ 106 397 969 8 685 3,009 123 _ 35 7,532 20 306 2,664 - 83 245 235 649 10 786 4,979 213 3 433 59 23,503 22 6 620 1 713 658 467 1 134 181 22 1 6,803 273 453 1,983 165 541,378 427 1,779 26,542 1,509 28,050 1,291 1,136 6,371 40,607 5 3,523 19,857 539 1,307 12,521 1,797 1,211 270 44 5,442 10,494 2,173 3,073 22 16,765 - 1,586 - 2,639 _ 257 - 6,171 520 49,633 - 11,790 - 8,105 - 621 140 661 13 58,637 - 516 - 4,857 600 11,428 2 4,810 2,161 26,896 - 744 156 8,242 40 10,005 - 794 332 3,813 - 1,221 62 50,333 1,067 4,104 - 65 - 231 972 35,847 16 35 027 427 1,618 10,720 1,341 4,298 853 1,080 2,128 20,977 5 3,473 3,280 322 820 642 351 959 269 25 239 ,126 106 2,835 14 14,808 205 810 145 563 797 576 236 438 530 748 485 957 875 564 164 718 062 919 715 355 773 765 006 65 70 803 067 See footnotes at end of table. 20 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 8. Summary of Selected Large County Government Environmental Quality Control Finances: Fiscal Year 1974-75 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) County Expenditure — Continued Capital outlay Construction govern- mental Indebtedness and debt transactions 3 Outstanding at end of fiscal year Long-term Short-term Long-term debt issued Long-term debt retired Interest on debt Total Alameda, Calif Allegheny , Pa Baltimore, Md Bergen, N .J Bexar, Tex Broward, Fla Contra Costa, Calif.. Cook 111 Cuyahoga, Ohio Dade, Fla Dallas, Tex Delaware, Pa Erie, N.Y Essex, Mass Essex, N .J Franklin, Ohio Fulton, Ga „ Hamilton, Ohio Ha rri s , Tex Hennepin, Minn Hudson, N.J Jackson, Mo Jefferson, Ala Jefferson, Ky King, Wash Lake, Ind Los Angeles, Calif Macomb, Mich Maricopa, Ariz Middlesex, Mass Middlesex, N.J Mi lwaukee, Wis Monroe, N.Y Montgomery , Md Montgomery, Ohio Montgomery, Pa Multnomah, Oreg Nassau, N.Y Norfolk, Mass Oakland, Mich Oklahoma, Okla Orange, Calif Pinellas, Fla Prince Georges, Md . . . Sacramento, Calif.... St. Louis, Mo San Bernardino, Calif San Diego, Calif San Mateo, Calif Santa Clara, Calif... Shelby, Tenn Suffolk, N.Y Summi t , Ohio Tarrant, Tex Union, N .J Wayne, Mich Westchester, N.Y Worcester, Mass 155 11,135 168 23,348 438 4,237 19,221 49 16,408 178 37 9,474 1,392 5,203 7,178 89 100 1,324 1,626 65 19 32,539 1,167 1,753 183 109 45,687 9,470 235 9,231 9,881 2,452 585 48 2,318 22 47,275 1,609 137 21,502 25,907 6 136 374 56 6 409 39 50 327 4 252 190 23 1,857 57 142 45 297 47 249 16 202 252 31 665 322 246 2,851 26 276 501 31 417 293 38 24 1,078 50 1,044 61 2 5,589 867 6 140 9 4,445 460 4,255 3,346 3,955 3,009 4,486 13,133 9,062 12,800 43 445 '177 18 766 1 120 1 192 265 356 157 550 18,524 4 2,010 14,744 2,510 20,983 6,567 17 825 6 915 140 051 29 324 365 813 91 690 3 817 105 46 925 64 54,083 4,244 300 174,333 2,351 125 35 85 395 381 1,889 342 1,115 18 975 8,123 1,660 12 885 560 133 17,725 2,830 328 110 907 160 1,069 214 400 712 4,555 2 ,617 207 30 238 167 293 236 153 588 493 585 3,045 7,768 5 954 42 57 5 10,233 9,127 587 93 695 (NA) 6 803 296 6,903 505 6,694 1,244 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. NA Not available. 'Revenue data generally represent amounts identified as being directly related to the financing of pollution abatement activities (including user charges) as well as amounts resulting from regulatory or enforcement activities and are subject to the limitations described in the text. 2 Excludes interest on debt. 3 Indebtedness and debt transactions cover debt issues identified as being exclusively related to the financing of pollution abatement activities and are subject to the limitations described in the text. Sewerage debt combined with debt for nonpollution abatement activities has been excluded. 4 Excludes contingent liability as guarantor or co-guarantor of bonds issued by Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. Represents interest on long-term debt only. Represents interest on $12,790,000 in long-term debt outstanding only. SELECTED COUNTY GOVERNMENTS 21 Table 9. Selected Large County Government Revenue and Expenditure for Water Quality and Land Quality Control (Solid Waste Management) Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Thousands of dollars) County Water quality control Revenue from sewerage charges Expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Construc- tion Intergovern- mental Land quality control (solid waste management ) Revenue from sanitation charges Expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Total. Alameda, Calif Allegheny, Pa Baltimore, Md Bergen, N.J Bexar, Tex Broward, Fla Contra Costa, Calif. Cook, 111 Cuyahoga, Ohio. Dade, Fla Dallas, Tex.... Delaware, Pa . . . Erie, N.Y Essex, Mass . . . . Essex, N.J Franklin, Ohio. Fulton, Ga Hamilton, Ohio. Harris, Tex. . . . Hennepin, Minn. Hudson, N.J. Jackson, Mo Jefferson, Ala. Jefferson, Ky . . King, Wash Lake, Ind Los Angeles, Calif. Macomb, Mich Maricopa, Ariz Middlesex, Mass Middlesex, N.J Milwaukee, Wis Monroe, N.Y Montgomery, Md . . . Montgomery, Ohio. Montgomery, Pa... Multnomah, Oreg.. Nassau, N.Y Norfolk. Mass.... Oakland, Mich Oklahoma, Okla Orange, Calif Pinellas, Fla Prince Georges, Md . . . . Sacramento, Calif St . Louis, Mo San Bernardino, Calif. San Diego, Calif San Mateo, Calif Santa Clara, Calif. Shelby, Tenn Suffolk, N.Y Summit, Ohio Tarrant, Tex Union, N.J Wayne, Mich Westchester, N.Y... Worcester. Mass.... 2,292 233 118 7,634 10,003 2,848 379 3,683 3,616 3,784 246 2,291 107 1, 517 48 969 3,004 32 421 17,444 181 26,546 1,161 6,271 29,678 178 1,031 11,385 1,741 327 25 5,349 9,727 1,608 117 4,358 1,487 1,697 94 5,589 48,620 1,774 5,110 655 57,163 15,542 240 343 10,926 211 20,354 2 346 4,448 5,213 470 3,557 248 50,012 4,097 38 137 33,258 31,456 32 266 3,625 13 3,123 723 2,114 11,012 4 2,200 547 ;>r.i 345 307 25 146 2,369 564 73 4,118 107 71 16,215 974 2,531 530 11,338 240 126 1,875 210 8,139 321 1,452 4,392 391 1,199 214 2,506 2,001 38 10,220 5,497 155 10,226 168 23,170 438 4,151 18,345 178 37 9,439 1,392 5,203 7,178 54 1,324 1,626 65 32,119 800 1, 561 109 45,687 220 8,729 2,452 449 48 2,318 47,275 1,609 137 21, 502 25,907 6 321 47 317 4 20 1Kb 56 286 1 51 16 138 322 1 2,391 25 92 372 31 25 231 38 in,) 1,078 140 9 106 510 1,371 1,179 10,042 84 350 959 (NA) 7,795 567 810 2 70 3,719 5,496 1,650 1,066 394 291 '8,712 1,302 1,308 130 100 10,709 1 3,523 57 361 276 889 4 557 270 1') 88 469 2,895 4,573 6 '528 143 137 718 9,376 1,933 621 132 14 3,973 502 4,425 6, 298 2,918 3,676 324 137 593 27 5 15 94 850 3,387 68,961 394 291 6,734 1,302 979 130 14 9,750 1 3,473 56 322 273 853 4 345 269 (NA) 88 468 2,732 3,430 6 328 98 123 298 8,969 1,741 438 132 49 14 3,417 4,182 5,799 2,811 3,514 324 137 290 27 5 1 5 70 850 3,386 86 959 50 1 39 3 36 212 1 19 133 1,143 139 45 14 420 407 192 183 556 502 243 499 107 162 24 1 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. NA Not available. Amounts recorded as current operation and capital outlay will not add to total because of the inclusion of intergovernmental payments in total Expenditure data are for fiscal year 1973-74. 22 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 10. Selected Large County Government Expenditure for Air Quality Control and Other Environmental Quality Control Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Thousands of dollars) County Air quality control Current operation Capital outlay Other environmental quality control Current operation Capital outlay Total. Alameda, Calif. Allegheny, Pa . . Baltimore, Md . . Bergen, N . J . . . . Bexar, Tex Broward, Fla . . . Contra Costa, Calif. Cook, 111 Cuyahoga, Ohio Dade, Fla Dallas, Tex Delaware Pa Erie, N.Y Essex, Mass Essex, N.J Franklin, Ohio. Fulton, Ga Hamilton, Ohio. Harris, Tex. . . . Hennepin, Minn. Hudson, N .J . . . . Jackson, Mo ... . Jefferson, Ala. Jefferson, Ky . . King, Wash Lake, Ind Los Angeles, Calif. Macomb, Mich Maricopa, Ariz Middlesex, Mass.... Middlesex, N.J... Mi lwaukee , Wis . . . Monroe, N.Y...... Montgomery, Md . . . Montgomery, Ohio. Montgomery, Pa . . . Multnomah, Oreg . . Nassau, N.Y Norfolk, Mass Oakland, Mich Oklahoma, Okla Orange, Calif Pinellas, Fla Prince Georges, Md . Sacramento, Calif St. Louis, Mo San Bernardino, Calif. San Diego, Calif San Mateo, Calif Santa Clara, Calif.... Shelby, Tenn Suffolk, N.Y Summit, Ohio Tarrant, Tex Union, N.J Wayne, Mich Westchester, N.Y. Worcester, Mass.. '22,265 1,067 386 26 138 1,136 220 247 '51 5 298 523 '61 14 7,831 93 414 18 445 223 249 1,042 244 538 146 231 398 876 1,116 182 '2 12 1,739 161 1,061 361 26 138 1,080 215 238 1 5 289 500 14 7,260 92 411 18 440 214 242 944 213 414 144 214 397 799 1,013 242 182 12 1,733 161 571 1 3 31 124 72 391 20 l 6 703 18 28 13 1,549 1 42 70 391 20 62 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 'Amounts recorded as current operation and capital outlay will not add to total because of the inclusion of Intergovernmental payments in total. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, BY TYPE 23 Table 11. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Thousands of dollars) State and type of government 1 Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Construction Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from sanitation charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay United States, total. Counties Cities Townships Special districts.. Alabama, total Counties Cities Alaska, total Boroughs Cities Arizona, total Counties Cities Special districts Arkansas, total , Counties Cities Special districts , California, total Counties Cities Special districts Colorado, total Counties , Cities Special districts Connecticut, total , Cities Townships Special districts Delaware, total Counties J Cities District of Columbia, total, Florida, total Counties Cities Special districts Georgia, total Counties Cities Hawaii, total Counties Cities Idaho, total Counties Cities , Special districts Illinois, total , Counties , Cities Townships , Special districts Indiana, total Counties , Cities Special districts , Iowa, total Counties Cities Special districts , 1,942,043 147,545 1,395,871 77,180 321,447 18,844 3,697 15,147 4,283 3,649 634 8,109 633 7,434 42 14,778 14,549 229 161,924 9,330 110,232 42,362 40,503 1,095 28,666 10,741 7,075 2,222 4,271 582 11,345 6,373 4,972 9,268 106,848 18,150 87,086 1,612 42,214 14,827 27,386 604 310 294 4,970 4,473 497 58,773 955 35,018 526 22,274 61,140 63 60,929 148 24,224 291 23,809 124 5,322,867 733,447 3,293,738 253,137 1,002,545 33,074 9,739 23,335 23,237 6,033 17,204 48,444 6,848 41,272 323 19,176 26 18,843 307 457,810 39,515 239,136 179,158 66,676 6,348 35,958 24,370 105,154 40,440 45,945 18,769 27,475 21,752 5,722 68,684 220,931 75,513 144,450 969 94,400 40,051 54,349 34,336 8,022 26,314 12,772 166 12,394 212 277,102 540 104,695 2,436 169,431 134,755 35 134,373 346 82,346 331 81,769 246 1,695,276 177,670 1,075,499 89,430 352,677 12,072 2,369 9,703 3,783 2,704 1,080 12,063 2,782 9,139 142 8,335 26 8,265 44 167,494 19,704 90,985 56,805 26,026 422 16,324 9,280 27,920 11,248 8,117 8,556 8,320 5,120 3 , 200 15,622 70,030 12,637 57,213 180 28,263 9,847 18,416 6,301 845 5,456 3,361 166 2,984 210 140,847 404 43,464 158 96,820 54,683 35 54,352 296 20,672 70 20,468 135 3,490,147 582,064 2,126,242 159,212 622,629 20,482 7,190 13,292 19,284 3,329 15,954 35,680 4,066 31,438 176 9,580 9,317 263 276,368 16,730 142,055 117,583 39,155 5,884 18,831 14,440 76,802 29,150 37,576 10,076 18,986 16,477 2,509 52,781 142,996 62,112 80,191 693 63,195 28,856 34,340 27,835 7,174 20,661 8,994 137,444 13,713 91,997 4,495 27,239 520 180 34 170 170 701 695 5 1,261 1,261 13,948 3,081 6,096 4,770 1,495 42 803 650 432 42 252 137 169 156 13 281 7,905 764 7,045 96 2,942 1,34 8 1,594 200 3 197 418 8 994 417 - 2 25 704 10 552 130 6 56 786 4 445 2 266 12 66 522 6 089 78,932 78,888 44 58,882 58,799 82 1,140 1,133 6 2,792 261 2,502 29 575,602 82,316 470,775 17,835 4,676 9,789 1,106 8,683 2,201 247 1,954 6,542 35 6,507 9,125 32 9,093 76,430 10,250 65,721 4 59 3,426 791 2,635 2,987 2,334 650 3 1,551 1,471 80 1,587 65,126 15,568 49,558 31,817 9,843 21,975 765 152 613 3,775. 697 3.079 11,415 516 10,899 2,544 858 1,686 8,186 621 7,565 2,126,544 217,285 1,759,423 131,874 17,962 28,427 3,416 25,011 4,272 939 3,333 36,673 1,032 35,641 11,269 424 10,845 164,421 33,487 130,309 625 14,559 2,051 12,508 27,813 16,097 11,690 26 4,994 2,071 2,922 24,697 109,006 21,054 87,952 62,276 17,280 44,996 8,287 1,450 6,837 5,185 1.922 3,263 109,241 1,221 107.667 353 25,347 2,521 22,825 21,354 1,689 19,665 1,844,845 169,069 1,543,887 122,410 9,479 25,724 2,959 22,765 3,657 918 2,739 30,391 867 29,524 9,740 339 9,401 148,062 28,118 119,502 442 12,529 1,356 11,173 26,562 15,220 11,316 26 4,835 2,071 2,764 22,603 97,527 16,873 80,654 51,775 11,921 39,854 7,287 754 6,533 4,853 1,704 3,150 102,653 1,045 101,292 316 23,4 33 2,459 20,974 16,481 1,273 15,208 281,699 48,216 215,536 9,464 8,483 2,703 4 57 2,246 615 21 594 6,282 165 6,117 1,528 85 1,443 16,360 5,369 10,808 183 2,030 696 1 , 334 1,251 877 374 159 159 2,094 11,479 4,181 7,298 10,501 5,359 5,142 1,000 696 304 332 218 113 6,588 176 6,375 37 1,914 62 1,852 4,873 416 4,457 See footnotes at end of table. 24 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 11. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Stete and type of government 1 Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Total Current operation Capital outlay Construction Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from sanitation charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Kansas, total Counties Cities Kentucky, total Counties Cities Special districts Louisiana, total Parishes Cities Special districts Maine, total Counties Cities Townships Special districts Maryland, total Counties Cities Special districts Massachusetts, total Cities Townships Special districts Michigan, total Counties Cities Townships Special districts Minnesota, total Counties Cities Townships Special districts Mississippi, total Counties Cities Missouri, total Counties Cities Special districts* Montana, total Counties Cities Special districts Nebraska, total Counties Cities Special districts Nevada, total Counties Cities Special districts New Hampshire, total Counties Cities Townships Special districts New Jersey, total Counties Cities Townships Special districts See footnotes at end of table. 15,277 42 15,235 29,170 13 25,414 3,743 15,448 1,500 13,569 379 4,050 1,197 972 1,881 51,871 9,913 17,200 24,758 12,455 6,890 5,565 125,654 13,243 98,579 12,253 1,579 44,478 21 44,169 288 8,187 42 8,145 30,286 20,587 9,698 4,869 19 4,843 7 13,531 13,366 165 6,279 152 5, 124 302 2,398 818 1,557 22 123,738 15 17,336 13,489 92,897 36,660 9,723 26,937 59,909 447 52,184 7,278 39,740 6,048 33,424 268 22,428 8,518 7,107 6,803 225,608 30,546 103,602 91,460 131,765 75,788 55,466 511 317,778 96,479 201,449 11,339 8,512 124,873 294 89,186 898 34,495 32,156 3,525 28,631 84,579 5,374 53,644 25,561 15,635 807 14,800 29 32,627 30,861 1,766 12,460 316 8,366 3,778 14,044 197 8,939 4,895 12 171,221 788 43,926 21,434 105,072 13,894 3,650 10,244 17,642 447 13,665 3,530 22,226 3,010 18,990 226 4,858 2,374 1,544 939 44,162 7,635 16,453 20,074 28,049 13,579 14,094 376 119,362 21,564 87,159 9,594 1,045 37,535 90 23,477 343 13,625 6,772 109 6,663 30,433 170 14,675 15,588 3,106 641 2,436 29 9,999 9,788 211 5,117 95 4,098 924 3,652 1,829 1,820 2 73,406 157 29,168 12,583 31,498 21,837 6,064 15,773 41,981 38,280 3,701 16,848 2,993 13,813 42 16,594 6,064 5,547 4,984 179,426 22,487 86,496 70,443 101,931 61,830 39,966 135 194,745 73,728 112,108 1,645 7,264 85,977 204 64,348 555 20,870 19,506 3,069 16,437 50,709 5,203 35,725 9,781 11,837 165 11,672 20,532 1,554 7,250 217 4,197 2,836 10,364 197 7,087 3,070 10 91,960 631 12,705 8,671 69,953 929 9 920 286 238 48 667 45 621 1 976 80 16 880 2,020 424 653 943 1,785 379 1,406 3,671 1,186 2,183 99 203 1,361 1,361 5,878 347 5,531 3,437 1 3,244 192 693 1 692 541 1 92 4 71 18 5,855 2,053 181 3,622 9,716 190 9,526 7,711 35 7,659 17 9,889 486 9,403 16,595 14,746 1,850 1,736 953 783 14,659 801 9,737 1,347 2,774 8,276 945 7,275 56 2,396 85 2,311 6,553 4 6,549 4,082 64 3,732 286 1,414 270 1,144 1,228 90 959 179 82 42 40 3,089 1,371 1,337 381 13,824 822 13,002 22,339 702 21,490 147 38,009 6,988 31,022 3,514 3 1,573 1,938 71,490 28,954 42,515 21 59,718 36,759 22,959 87,269 2,165 70,572 2,896 11,635 20,667 1,978 18,425 263 14,426 2,658 11,768 22,945 271 22,674 6,047 1,035 4,722 290 12,362 494 11,867 1,923 117 1,622 183 3,706 2,214 1,486 6 77,880 2,953 53,888 17,336 3,704 11,781 244 11,537 18,823 628 18,124 71 32,573 5,959 26,614 3,255 3 1,489 1,764 50,478 24,413 26,044 21 56,907 35,970 20,937 75,220 1,659 66,870 2,877 3,814 19,215 1,504 17,447 263 12,227 1,541 10,686 21,278 177 21,101 4,861 722 3,981 158 7,496 457 7,038 1,888 117 1,587 183 3,441 2,170 1,265 6 71,707 1,656 49,813 16,578 3,660 2,043 578 1,465 3,516 74 3,366 76 5,436 1,029 4,408 84 175 21,012 4,541 16,471 2,811 789 2,022 12,049 506 3,702 19 7,822 1,452 474 978 2,199 1,117 1,082 1,668 94 1,574 1,186 313 741 132 4,865 37 4,828 35 35 44 221 6,173 1,297 4,074 757 45 LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, BY TYPE 25 Table 11. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) State and type of government Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Construction Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from sanitation charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay New Mexico, total Counties Cities New Yorkj total Counties Cities Townships North Carolina, total Counties Cities Special districts North Dakota, total Cities Townships Ohio, total Counties Cities Townships Special districts. Oklahoma, total , Counties Cities Special districts Oregon, total Counties, , Cities Special districts Pennsylvania, total Counties Cities Townships Special districts Rhode Island, total. Cities Townships Special districts South Carolina, total Counties Cities Special districts South Dakota, total , Cities Townships Special districts Tennessee, total Counties Cities Special districts Texas, total Counties Cities Special districts Utah, total. Counties Cities Special districts Vermont, total Cities Townships Virginia, total Counties Cities Special districts See footnotes at end of table. 6,765 278 6,487 106,135 18,620 76,726 10,789 39,912 172 38,431 1,310 3,165 3,165 166,513 16,490 148,898 1,125 16,256 16,256 34,025 2,892 27,662 3,471 154,009 178 80,103 24,387 49,341 3,606 1,889 848 870 11,329 7,996 3,333 1,730 1,664 66 40,199 48 39,061 1,090 100,995 98,479 2,516 10,481 7,837 2,644 3,149 1,870 1,279 67,298 24,246 29,051 14,001 24,566 299 24,267 748,242 245,895 430,218 72,129 84,574 3,022 80,346 1,207 6,588 6,545 43 234,541 51,554 168,252 6 14,729 22,742 22,481 261 100,180 27,361 54,060 18,759 187,069 1,435 71,071 21,046 93,517 23,734 9,467 6,330 7,938 33,206 204 19,016 13,987 5,823 5,705 117 115,954 354 111,710 3,889 236,014 215,210 20,804 12,847 7,545 5,303 4,103 2,685 1,419 188,191 68,786 80,304 39,] 02 3,731 215 3,516 132,574 43,797 68,049 20,728 29,215 492 27,726 996 2,276 2,233 43 120,493 19,738 91,136 9,618 8,688 8,645 43 28,224 4,378 20,322 3,523 96,666 280 46,074 16,381 33,931 12,173 3,851 1,337 6,985 12,286 38 8,135 4,113 2,182 2,150 32 19,093 256 18,242 595 61,283 58,868 2,415 6,252 4,485 1,767 3,015 1,799 1,216 41,990 12,596 23,473 5,921 20,154 79 20,075 598,786 200,833 348,479 49,474 52,293 2,379 49,786 127 4,018 4.018 105,513 31,154 69,551 6 4,803 13,416 13,198 219 70,865 22,860 32,876 15,129 86,350 1,155 23,211 4,137 57,847 11,318 5,554 4,987 777 20,340 166 10,495 9,679 3,414 3,331 83 94,897 30 91,718 3,150 162,361 147,427 14,934 4,967 2,257 2,710 1,022 854 168 140,211 52,658 54,815 32,738 676 16,882 1,264 13,691 1,927 3,067 151 2,833 83 295 29 i 8.535 662 7,565 307 638 638 1,091 122 862 107 4,053 1,786 528 1,739 244 62 6 176 581 385 195 227 224 1,963 68 1,751 145 12,370 8,915 3,455 1,628 803 825 66 31 5,990 3,532 2,015 443 9,569 243 9,326 26,717 3,583 14,199 8,935 4,151 725 3,426 3.871 3.871 21.396 3,561 17,762 73 23,316 23,316 1,630 369 1,260 20,438 1,092 13,233 5,289 824 268 104 164 3,507 1,286 2,212 9 1,437 1,437 12,454 172 12,191 91 71,018 327 70,658 34 3,952 674 3,278 157 75 82 10,506 6,165 4,341 12,002 382 11,620 366,835 9,460 303,531 53,844 60,287 10,637 49,639 11 3.886 93,874 4,966 88,636 272 21,515 46 21,469 7,739 2,836 4,903 104,752 5,470 85,353 13,147 783 6,954 5,264 1,689 27,51 6 10,443 16 , 84" 282 2,116 2,102 14 48,538 4,908 43,460 171 108,935 1,559 107,298 6,504 2,305 4,199 2,048 330 1,718 52,451 16,427 36,025 10,617 339 10,279 304,019 6,559 248,682 48,778 49,935 6,713 43,211 11 3,591 3,591 79,541 4,411 74,858 272 19,732 44 19,688 6,756 2,068 4,687 98,375 5,221 79,878 12,664 613 6,405 4,833 1,572 22,013 6,880 14,907 227 1,870 1,856 14 41,108 3,159 37,778 171 91,152 1,163 89,912 77 5,810 2,027 3,783 1,874 311 1,564 44,702 13.309 31,393 1,384 43 1,341 62,816 2,901 54,849 5,066 10,352 3,924 6,428 295 295 14,333 555 13,778 1,783 1 1,781 983 767 215 6,377 249 5,475 48' 17 i 549 432 117 5, 553 3,564 1,933 56 246 246 7,430 1,749 5,681 17,783 397 17,386 694 278 416 174 19 154 7,750 3,118 4.632 26 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 11. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities: Fiscal Year 1974-75 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) State and type of government Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Construction Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from sanitation charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Washington, total... Counties Cities Special districts. West Virginia, total. Counties Cities Special districts.. Wisconsin, total.... Counties Cities Townships Special districts. Wyoming, total Counties Cities Special districts. 65,770 287 42,604 22,878 13,348 12,557 790 32,271 27,528 955 3,788 2,495 2,314 181 103,753 5,045 61,571 37,137 21,335 19,244 2,091 136,499 21 70,037 2,644 63,797 5,051 9 4,811 231 30,839 1,150 22,016 7,673 10,721 10,256 465 46,095 21 30,597 1,471 14,006 1,477 9 1,408 60 69,716 3,844 37,144 28,728 10,248 8,808 1,440 88,247 38,440 1,145 48,661 3,305 3,153 152 3,197 51 2,411 736 366 180 186 2,157 999 28 1,130 269 251 18 25,611 2,685 22,925 6,269 6,269 1,655 161 1,494 2,950 2,950 31,621 6,327 25,294 7,694 170 7,523 43,986 1,555 40,162 2,269 3,304 97 3,208 28,635 4,729 23,905 7,463 135 7,328 39,345 479 36,636 2,230 2,642 97 2,546 2,986 1,597 1,389 231 35 196 4,641 1,076 3,526 39 Note: Because of rounding, detail may not add to totals. These data are estimates subject to sampling variation; see text. - Represents zero or rounds to zero. *Type of government entries have been omitted under States in which the type of government does not exist as well as in cases where no data were reported. SELECTED SMSA's 27 Table 12. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities in 74 Major SMSA's and Their County Areas: Fiscal Year 1974-75 (Dollar amounts in thousands) SMSA and county area Population, 1973 (estimated ) Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Construc- tion Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from sani- tation charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay 74 selected SMSA's, total Birmingham, Ala . SMSA Jefferson County St . Clair County Shelby County Walker County Phoenix, Ariz. SMSA: Maricopa County ( entire SMSA ) Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, Calif. SMSA Orange County ( entire SMSA ) Los Angeles-Long Beach, Calif. SMSA: Los Angeles County (entire SMSA) Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, Calif. SMSA Riverside County San Bernardino County Sacramento, Calif . SMSA Placer County Sacramento County Yolo County San Diego, Calif. SMSA: San Diego County (entire SMSA) San Francisco-Oakland, Calif. SMSA A lameda Coun ty 1 Contra Costa County 1 Marin County San Francisco County San Mateo County San Jose, Calif. SMSA: Santa Clara County (entire SMSA) Denver-Boulder, Colo. SMSA Adams County 1 Arapahoe County 1 Boulder County Denver County 1 Douglas County Gi lpin County Jefferson County Connecticut State Economic Area A (Bridgeport ) : Fairfield County (entire SEA) Connecticut State Economic Area C (Hartford) Hartford County (entire SEA) Connecticut State Economic Area B (New Haven ) : New Haven County (entire SEA) Wilmington, Del .-N .J .-Md . SMSA New Castle County, Del Salem County, N.J Cecil County, Md Washington, D.C.-Md.-Va. SMSA Washington, D.C Charles County, Md Montgomery County, Md . l Prince Georges County, Md . 1 Arlington County, Va Fairfax County, Va Loudoun County , Va Prince William County, Va . 2 Alexandria city, Va Fairfax city, Va Falls Church city, Va 113,528,405 787,292 649,619 31,470 44,274 61 ,929 1,126,620 1,596,920 ,196,691 502,143 694,548 864,374 86,4 74 675,049 102 ,851 1,469,822 3,143,300 1,091,819 582,754 212,154 687,450 569,123 1,156,734 1,377,392 210,231 197,421 156,789 515,593 12,149 1,759 283,450 515,894 398,833 61,654 55,407 3,019,513 733,801 56,159 554,364 688^807 161,151 504 , 698 43,540 137,031 108,758 20,798 10,406 1,174,444 3,953 3,697 30 28 198 9,624 3,279 6,345 10,481 1,170 8,106 1 ,205 34,088 13,197 7,842 1,014 6,769 5,265 29,416 3,871 2,801 2,434 18,336 10,820 9,493 877 450 54,034 9,268 233 11,500 13,209 2,132 13,287 340 1,747 1 ,407 655 256 13,286 12,970 124 23 169 19,281 5,009 14,272 32,244 5,969 24,409 1,866 36,788 83,733 37,153 18,997 1,615 16J991 8,977 20,153 39,164 6,011 9,067 ' 3,054 17,497 1 3,535 22,916 21,875 767 274 208,463 68,684 6,003 38,511 42,248 19,046 25,243 187 4,524 3,322 535 160 3,409 3,229 25 23 133 11,177 3,137 8,041 14,953 1,796 11,917 1,240 29,711 9,800 7,152 1,152 7,255 4,352 18,525 2,301 2,244 1,819 9,530 7,244 6,549 437 258 47,712 15,622 143 9,229 10,260 1,033 8,158 170 1,320 1,181 535 61 9,645 9,510 99 40,831 7,108 1,710 5,398 14,177 3,818 9,824 534 20,085 53,326 27,133 11,686 335 9,631 4,541 8,246 19,933 3,613 6,764 1,048 7,673 15,643 15,326 317 013 982 H7J 232 231 996 162 834 3,114 355 2,668 91 220 159 128 105 83 706 97 59 186 294 144 29 13 16 5,009 281 2 445 506 3,268 17 222 268 K2 9 647 95 20 68 9,252 2,848 6,404 11,141 389 9,451 1,301 2,092 5,158 2,860 556 1,742 5,846 1,188 75 243 352 1,327 1,314 18,581 1,587 86 8,344 4,055 1,730 2,423 65 9 1,478,183 6,035 5,311 307 291 67,037 12,012 4,226 7,786 14,574 393 11,708 2,473 11,761 3,545 1,203 524 4,802 1 ,686 10,379 648 422 489 7,675 97 4,810 4,052 314 445 53,420 24,697 246 10,404 6,479 3,127 5,538 195 590 1,757 218 168 1,295,418 5,635 5,071 107 243 214 59,521 11,268 3,969 7,299 12,733 321 11,125 1,287 12,101 10,985 3,214 1,201 499 4,385 1,686 6,425 9,140 602 422 452 6,923 4,484 3,893 294 297 48,594 22,603 162 9,910 6,061 3,120 4,171 195 422 1,566 216 168 401 241 20 63 77 744 257 487 1,841 72 583 1 ,187 776 331 1 25 417 1 1,239 46 37 752 326 159 20 147 4,826 2,094 84 495 418 7 1,368 168 I'M See footnotes at end of table. 28 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 12. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities in 74 Major SMSA's and Their County Areas: Fiscal Year 1974-75— Continued .(Dollar amounts in thousands) SMSA and county area Population, 1973 (estimated) Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Construc- tion Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from sani- tation charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood, Fla. SMSA Broward County (entire SMSA) Jacksonville, Fla. SMSA Baker County Clay County Duval County Nassau County St . Johns County Miami, Fla. SMSA: Dade County (entire SMSA) Orlando, Fla . SMSA Orange County Osceola County Semino le County Tampa-St . Petersburg , Fla . SMSA Hillsborough County Pasco County Pinellas County Atlanta, Ga . SMSA Butts County Cherokee County Clay ton County Cobb County De Kalb County 1 Douglas County Fayette County Forsyth County Fulton County 1 Gwinnett County Henry County Newton County Paulding County Rockdale County Walton County Honolulu, Hawaii SMSA: Honolulu County (entire SMSA) Chicago, 111. SMSA Cook County Du Page Coun ty Kane County Lake County McHenry County Will County Gary-Harrunond-East Chicago, Ind . SMSA Lake County Porter County Indianapolis, Ind. SMSA Boone County Hami lton County Hancock Coun ty Hendricks County Johnson County Marion County Morgan County Shelby County Louisville, Ky.-Ind. SMSA Bullitt County, Ky Jefferson County, Ky Oldham County, Ky Clark County, Ind Floyd County, Ind New Orleans, La . SMSA Jefferson Parish Orleans Parish St. Bernard Parish St. Tammany Parish 756,139 660,630 11,030 42,229 548,007 24,526 34,838 549,498 394,548 34,335 120,615 1,275,673 546,963 111,381 617,329 1,747,987 11,455 35,313 122,327 221,279 463,944 39,245 14,867 20,263 594,562 95,696 26,766 30,666 20,074 24,164 27,366 685,717 7,002,453 5,417,562 535,356 261,916 388,35] 121,213 278,060 640,774 547,656 93,118 1,136,598 32,101 62 , 624 38,650 58,416 66,663 792,143 46,853 39,148 885,826 30,248 702,346 15,741 80,563 56,928 1 ,082,600 381 ,530 573,479 57,004 70,587 15,918 7,436 38 129 6,925 72 272 14,592 11,252 9,797 419 1 .036 25,399 11,088 393 13,918 28,584 88 41 3,020 4,349 6,333 104 14,017 298 48 129 31 126 294 33,816 22,627 6,555 1,861 1,663 513 593 5,263 2,824 2,439 8,247 272 861 368 409 980 4,474 400 483 15,398 92 12,872 1,377 1,056 8,828 2,198 6,571 59 47,863 37,024 68 1,087 34,210 461 1,198 39,072 15,838 14,070 483 1,285 36,482 11,865 490 24,128 60,777 142 33 3,051 8,524 13,920 71 29,282 4,525 809 220 24 176 26,314 207,969 131,549 13,692 6,100 3,835 1 ,345 1,448 31,904 23,341 8,563 19,357 200 3,701 213 336 341 12,274 1,496 295 36,182 59 32,106 1,524 2,493 21,875 8,790 12,643 442 10,534 7,407 60 566 5,600 140 1,041 10,227 5,759 4,741 334 684 12,343 4,200 207 7,935 14,571 142 33 1,857 3,258 3,341 53 5,289 320 64 128 24 62 5,456 120,843 108,475 5,965 2,750 1,867 526 1,260 7,376 6,623 1,253 10,336 177 504 177 317 817 7,789 263 292 7,171 54 5,164 1,459 495 12,963 3,869 9,009 85 34,093 28,056 8 400 27,328 320 9,785 9,183 22,657 7.400 15,257 44,087 1,168 5,182 10,360 12 23,099 3,429 741 78,293 66,589 7,420 1,640 1,847 670 127 23,826 16,516 7,310 8,566 23 3,197 30 19 19 4,042 1,233 3 28,964 26,941 61 1,962 8,780 4,805 3,634 341 3,237 1,561 121 1,282 423 294 146 149 1,483 265 282 936 2,119 26 84 219 6 894 775 4 92 8,333 6,485 308 1,709 120 149 61 202 202 5 443 47 6 1 4 36 132 116 1,445 19 112 1,115 54 145 16,173 4,994 3,985 423 586 15,304 5,470 ' 190 9,644 21,350 54 56 522 1,379 9,378 130 22 8,994 277 74 197 38 98 131 7.916 5,370 1,130 311 488 46 72 636 53 583 401 114 5 108 3,239 611 2 ,576 53 11,571 8,352 97 180 7,534 314 227 29,796 8,110 6,538 595 977 18,771 7,023 214 11,533 29,688 75 93 787 3,719 10,011 202 29 28 13,211 373 102 375 45 198 440 91,739 34,638 2,104 1,847 1 , 784 129 1,138 6,502 5,537 965 5,818 61 46 43 47 122 5,277 96 127 10,162 5 9,255 420 482 14,121 5,052 3,505 393 171 10,659 7,612 95 180 6,895 233 210 28,173 7,116 5,899 556 661 15,192 5,825 210 9,157 24,540 75 78 780 1,219 9,629 129 29 20 11,243 306 98 358 45 179 352 6,533 36,002 79,229 2,081 1,730 1,692 129 1,142 5,594 4,641 953 5,518 61 46 42 40 122 5,014 96 97 7,755 5 6,890 386 474 11,484 4,533 6,387 393 171 See footnotes at end of table. SELECTED SMSA's 29 Table 12. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities in 74 Major SMSA's and Their County Areas: Fiscal Year 1974-75— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) SMSA and county area Population, 1973 (estimated ) Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Construc- tion Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from sani- tation charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital out lay Baltimore, Md . SMSA Anne Arundel County Baltimore County Baltimore city Carroll County Harford County Howard County Massachusetts State Economic Area C (Boston) Essex County . . . . . Middlesex County Norfolk County Suffolk County Massachusetts State Economic Area A (Springfield) Hampden County „ Hampshire County Massachusetts State Economic Area B (Worcester ) : Worcester County (entire SEA) Detroit, Mich. SMSA Lapeer County Livingston County Macomb County Oakland County St. Clair County Wayne County Flint, Mich. SMSA Genesee County Shiawassee County Grand Rapids, Mich. SMSA Kent County Ottawa County Minneapolis-St . Paul, Minn .-Wis. SMSA Anoka County, Minn. 1 Carver County, Minn Chisago County, Minn Dakota County, Minn. 1 Hennepin County, Minn. 1 Ramsey County, Minn. 1 , Scott County, Minn Washington County, Minn Wright County, Minn St. Croix County, Wis Kansas City, Mo.-Kans. SMSA Cass County, Mo Clay County , Mo . 1 Jackson County , Mo . 1 Platte County, Mo Ray County, Mo Johnson County, Kans Wyandotte County, Kans St. Louis, Mo. -111. SMSA Franklin County, Mo Jefferson County, Mo St. Charles County, Mo St . Louis County , Mo St. Louis city, Mo , Clinton County , 111 Madison County, 111 Monroe County, 111 St. Clair County, 111 Omaha, Nebr.-Iowa SMSA Doug las County , Nebr Sarpy County, Nebr Pottawattamie County, Iowa Jersey City, N.J. SMSA: Hudson County (entire SMSA)...., See footnotes at end of table. 2,128,161 327,894 630 , 622 877,838 76,646 129,994 85,167 3,392,612 646,596 1,416,429 616,172 713,415 596,021 460,652 135,369 ,445,758 58 , 609 71 653 949 127 2,585 516 449 67 552 416 136 1,999 173 31 20 160 932 466 35 96 44 37 1,298 46 131 649 35 19 232 183 2,391 61 118 106 965 558 29 251 18 282 575 414 71 89 067 565 817 140 560 915 348 567 918 551 367 753 538 847 237 625 680 810 789 051 812 364 849 365 984 132 773 666 824 105 384 588 257 626 157 006 103 732 839 076 436 483 712 241 20,331 2,696 7,386 8,516 701 1,032 (NA) 7,619 888 2,382 1,057 3,293 1,843 1,301 541 866 67,482 193 559 8,636 11,681 2,018 44,396 7,491 7,187 304 7,222 5,191 2,031 32,287 1,908 243 84 2,284 16,594 9,372 344 1,047 163 248 14,303 243 1,846 9,333 45 126 493 2,217 15,217 117 132 292 9,684 125 2,075 162 2,631 7,721 6,465 350 906 78,045 13,100 13,569 41,259 3,198 6,919 (NA) 56,690 25,644 12,515 9,379 9,152 30,747 27,845 2,901 161,519 269 607 16,008 29,134 6,858 108,643 43,558 43.368 190 15,796 11,951 3,845 84,280 3,904 422 106 6,306 44,137 25,203 1,178 2,026 553 445 50,447 161 2,733 31,429 1,074 84 9,337 5,629 48,712 176 99 2,225 1,810 25,544 928 8,984 172 8,775 19,561 14,609 517 4,435 20,151 3,551 3,302 11,193 503 1,602 (NA) 13,295 2,579 4,121 4,331 2,265 2,370 1,693 677 3,356 67,407 192 445 7,632 12,447 1,434 45,257 6,195 6,036 159 6,484 4,751 1,733 28,029 1,972 212 75 1,662 13,973 8,675 149 880 155 276 13,224 157 1,070 6,450 44 • 84 4,042 1,376 19,219 153 99 384 53 15,572 91 1,275 141 1,452 5,738 4,639 373 726 57,273 9,461 10,226 29,718 2,691 5,176 (NA) 42,048 23,033 8,049 4,106 6,860 28,285 26,070 2,215 22,280 92,888 75 127 8,290 16,229 5,357 62,810 36,415 36,384 31 8,982 7,138 1,844 55,863 1,904 208 30 4,545 30,129 16,432 1,000 1,105 395 115 34,884 1 1,650 22,677 1,030 5,277 4,249 29,054 19 1,812 1,745 9,781 836 7,559 26 7,274 13,447 9,711 127 3,609 41 348 4 141 (NA) 1,347 32 345 942 27 58 1,222 2 35 86 458 66 576 949 949 330 62 268 387 99 34 96 29 41 3 54 2,340 3 13 2.302 440 4 29 12 191 1 150 4 50 376 259 17 100 4,072 2,846 510 580 20 116 1,285 32 636 578 40 303 192 1 10 11,431 12 41 1,901 6,716 149 2,612 292 258 34 788 788 3,602 578 14 125 575 1,741 79 437 41 12 784 4 174 189 56 1 316 43 2,810 180 123 271 1,430 12 401 43 348 844 244 216 384 49,359 4,694 7,590 34,718 288 747 1,322 43,713 8,073 14,447 7,290 13,902 4,430 3,890 541 4,211 68,440 57 241 6,914 11,563 793 48,872 3,720 3,653 67 2,095 1,979 116 12,655 630 68 2 152 8,278 2,745 111 441 102 125 9,256 20 972 5,963 48 4 676 1,574 12,453 173 343 286 4,082 4,686 10 1,937 82 854 10,153 9,310 259 585 30,625 2,905 6,611 19,031 281 638 1,159 42,268 8,003 14,256 6,164 13,845 4,083 3,586 497 3,931 61,798 57 202 5,939 10,901 730 43,969 3,68S 3,621 67 1,655 1,539 116 12,561 595 64 2 152 8,271 2,730 111 441 102 92 8,667 20 953 5,861 42 4 431 1 ,356 12,052 173 226 286 3,919 4,681 10 1,830 82 845 5,591 4,789 258 544 18,734 1,789 979 15,687 8 109 163 1,445 70 192 1,127 57 348 304 44 280 6,642 39 975 662 64 4,904 32 32 440 440 94 35 5 33 589 19 102 5 245 218 402 118 163 5 107 9 4,562 4,521 30 . ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 12. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities in 74 Major SMSA's and Their County Areas: Fiscal Year 1974-75 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) SMSA and county area Population, 1973 I estimated) Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Construc- tion Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from tation charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Newark, N.J. SMSA Essex County Morris County Somerset County Union County New Brunswick-Perth Amboy-Sayreville, N.J SMS^ Middlesex County (entire SMSA) Albany-Schenectady-Troy, N. Y. SMSA Albany County Montgomery County Rensselaer County Saratoga County Schenectady County Buffalo, N.Y. SMSA Erie County. Niagara County Nassau-Suffolk, N.Y. SMSA Nassau County Suffolk County New York, N.Y. -N.J. SMSA New York City, N.Y Putnam County, N.Y Rockland County, N.Y Westchester County, N.Y Bergen County, N.J Rochester, N.Y. SMSA Livingston County Monroe County Ontario County Orleans County Wayne County Syracuse, N.Y. SMSA Madison County Onondaga County Oswego County Charlotte-Gastonia, N.C. SMSA Gaston County Mecklenburg County Union County Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point, N.C. SMSA Davidson County Forsyth County Guilford County Randolph County Stokes County Yadkin County Akron, Ohio SMSA Portage County Summit County Cincinnati, Ohio-Ky. -Ind. SMSA Clermont County, Ohio Hamilton County, Ohio Warren County, Ohio Boone County, Ky Campbell County, Ky Kenton County, Ky Dearborn County, Ind Cleveland, Ohio SMSA Cuyahoga County Geauga County Lake County Medina County. Columbus, Ohio SMSA Delaware County Fairfield County Franklin County Madison County Pickaway County 2,052,756 915,431 397,665 201,515 538,145 594,372 800,229 288,467 56,652 154,789 140,015 160,306 1,344,757 1,107,311 237,446 2,630,044 1,416,042 1,214,002 9,739,066 7,646,818 64,859 244 , 244 889,081 894,064 971,522 57,072 710,328 83,487 38,510 82,125 642,715 65,010 470,345 107,360 588,220 155,421 374,546 58,253 756,607 99,336 224,118 300,097 80,458 26,568 i , 030 67', 133 131,022 546,111 1,382,984 102,335 909,193 86,374 35,365 87,163 132,222 30,332 2,006,371 1,647,066 65,801 202,174 91,330 1,057,267 47,035 79,077 857,675 30,609 42,871 9,024 3,122 2,818 1,899 1,185 8,720 4,522 1,473 736 601 128 1,584 7,291 5,769 1,522 6,712 5,535 1,177 62,806 47,836 55 3,006 849 11,060 14,992 776 12,753 734 62 666 2,185 419 1,260 506 5,875 274 5,174 427 9,527 823 3,860 4,450 362 33 14,142 1,750 12,392 20,687 674 15,693 790 211 80 2,686 554 41,126 35,581 616 3,780 1,149 18,326 447 821 16,713 195 151 23,035 5,734 6,351 4,089 6,861 33,419 47,877 18,589 2,840 24,210 872 1,367 52,660 46,768 5,893 118,349 66,583 51,766 439,991 360,038 245 10,111 36,140 33,457 69,784 1,617 63,620 1,941 246 2,359 26,991 274 21,936 4,781 15,507 6,106 9,273 128 11,296 1,210 2,843 6,664 530 49 15,134 2,732 12,402 30,440 1,070 22,749 905 164 131 4,956 466 53,491 45,957 538 5,673 1,323 21,426 1,481 947 17,641 944 413 16,027 4,214 3,339 3,032 5,442 6,524 6,952 4,069 758 739 317 1,068 16,281 14,681 1,600 18,421 15,311 3,110 58,497 35,059 108 3,718 8,024 11,588 19,962 459 18,219 639 146 499 7,742 272 6,745 725 3,868 1,209 2,531 128 7,007 647 1,950 4,114 249 47 11,186 1,405 9,781 13,948 941 y 10,252 696 164 126 1,405 364 30,453 24,416 421 4,979 637 11,058 369 519 9,851 124 194 6,771 1,348 2,995 1,036 1,392 26,720 40,628 14,315 2,082 23,422 543 266 35,040 31,030 4,010 98,984 51,109 47,874 368,984 313,048 137 6.375 27,876 21,549 48,692 1,144 44,341 1,283 100 1,825 18,560 14,896 3,664 10,096 4,844 5,252 3,775 483 731 2,294 266 3,457 1,253 2,205 15,701 51 11,965 201 5 3,378 102 21,652 20,328 80 584 660 9,665 1,102 413 7,165 816 169 237 172 17 22 27 298 205 49 12 33 1,340 1,056 284 94 5 162 782 12,509 11,931 18 239 321 1.129 15 1.061 18 36 688 2 295 392 1,543 53 1,490 513 81 163 256 14 491 74 417 791 78 532 1,385 1,213 37 110 25 703 10 15 625 4 50 895 631 129 135 159 596 288 13 56 29 210 1,104 490 614 6,949 4,756 2,193 18,602 13,985 376 2,824 1,417 521 21 357 26 5 112 185 1 3 181 290 64 1 225 10 433 1.682 1 1,681 1,295 131 309 181 104 568 3 1,087 156 338 593 2,819 261 604 1,817 137 23.818 14,276 2,697 1,325 5,519 4,494 7,181 3,311 457 892 757 1,764 16,450 13,419 3,031 43,566 32.702 10.863 271,916 238.020 475 2.727 20.040 10, 654 15,984 150 14,711 343 179 602 6,001 202 4,705 1,094 8,844 1,804 6,504 535 10,087 926 4,069 4,617 353 37 84 4.889 15 4,875 13,713 111 10,719 310 10 730 1,625 207 26,884 24,995 5 1,369 515 15,522 214 680 14,436 189 3 22,726 13,905 2,457 878 5,486 4,211 6,642 3,161 452 764 727 1,538 15,585 12,855 2,730 39,569 29.095 10.473 220,090 188,167 433 2,664 18,453 10,373 14,689 150 13,632 334 179 395 4,173 202 3,585 385 8,047 1,561 5,989 497 8,071 773 3,233 3,651 323 37 54 4,532 15 4,517 12,124 108 9,533 224 10 641 1,401 207 25,236 23,404 5 1,316 511 8,999 199 S30 8,081 186 1,092 371 240 447 34 283 539 150 6 128 29 226 865 565 300 3,997 3,607 390 51,826 4 9,853 42 63 1,587 281 1,295 1,079 9 208 1,828 1,120 708 797 243 516 38 2,016 152 836 967 30 30 357 357 1,589 3 1.187 86 89 224 1,648 1,591 53 4 6,523 15 150 6,355 3 See footnotes at end of table. SELECTED SMSA's 31 Table 12. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities in 74 Major SMSA's and Their County Areas: Fiscal Year 1974-75— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) SMSA and county area Population, 1973 (estimated ) Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from sani- tation Other charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Dayton, Ohio SMSA Greene County. Miami County Montgomery County Preble County Toledo, Ohio-Mich. SMSA Fulton County, Ohio. Lucas County, Ohio Ottawa County, Ohio Wood County, Ohio Monroe County, Mich Youngstown-Warren, Ohio SMSA Mahoning County Trumbull County Oklahoma City, Okla. SMSA Canadian County Cleveland County McClain County Oklahoma County. Pottawatomie County Tulsa, Okla. SMSA Creek County Mayes County Osage County Rogers County Tulsa County Wagoner County Portland, Oreg. -Wash. SMSA Clackamas County, Oreg Multnomah County, Oreg Washington County, Oreg Clark County, Wash Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, Pa. -N.J. SMSA... Carbon County, Pa Lehigh County, Pa Northampton County, Pa Warren County, N. J Northeast Pennsylvania SMSA Lackawanna County Luzerne County Monroe County Philadelphia, Pa. -N.J. SMSA Bucks County, Pa Chester County, Pa Delaware County, Pa Montgomery County, Pa Philadelphia County, Pa Burlington County, N.J Camden County, N. J Gloucester County, N.J Pittsburgh, Pa. SMSA Allegheny County Beaver County Washington County Westmoreland County Rhode Island State Economic Area A (Providence) Bristol County Kent County Providence County Memphis, Tenn. -Ark. -Miss. SMSA Shelby County, Tenn Tipton County, Tenn Crittenden County, Ark DeSoto County, Miss 848,371 127,126 87,624 597,434 36,187 782,479 35,470 486,269 39,180 97,118 124,442 543,366 303,266 240,100 750,076 40,247 97,034 17,267 547,913 47,615 572,324 47,648 25,446 28,839 31,488 412,898 26,005 1,062,451 189,521 547,191 181,342 144,397 610,762 51,652 260,678 221,029 77,403 629,405 235,037 344,559 49,809 4,805,746 443,319 287,854 595,605 634,952 1,861,719 329,453 469,943 182,901 2,364,637 1,558,190 210,593 214,410 381,444 776,184 46,026 147,677 582,481 863,431 737,489 29,142 50,559 46,241 10,989 2,053 1,244 7,369 324 14,479 609 10,862 386 1,052 1,570 5,233 2,444 2,789 8,140 250 1,211 64 6,387 228 3,072 163 24 57 64 2,714 50 19,886 1,773 12,297 4,654 1,162 9,051 619 5,045 2,652 736 9,221 5,504 3,422 295 77,237 5,653 3,513 5,959 11,544 27,593 4,217 15,722 3,036 30,073 21,817 2,362 2,183 3,712 2,090 389 1,701 8,287 7,619 87 569 12 12,102 2,496 1,302 8,052 252 22,782 633 17,970 390 2,380 1,408 7,872 5,323 2,549 5,898 103 368 64 5,259 103 5,856 64 43 66 40 5,607 37 58,319 8,422 17,443 25,382 7,072 10,517 888 6,078 2,796 755 14,972 10,222 4,550 199 84,946 7,885 3,788 6,152 14,191 34,240 4,178 10,897 3,615 35,394 26,479 4,589 1,700 2,625 9,739 389 486 8,864 33,793 33,071 197 475 50 7,567 1,306 629 5,391 241 12,872 405 9,672 271 1,115 1,408 4,749 2,821 1,929 3,121 96 293 62 2,599 71 2,000 64 42 62 32 1,768 32 17,826 2,555 10,378 3,747 1,146 5,782 409 3,374 1,444 554 4,242 2,204 1,858 180 46,924 2, 507 1,969 4,482 8,529 16,204 1,936 9,347 1,950 21,770 16,459 1,828 1,209 2,273 4,351 130 393 3,828 2,626 2,179 61 363 23 4,016 1,157 533 2,326 9,453 135 8,082 110 1.126 2,876 2,457 419 2,696 72 2,593 32 3,805 1 2 3,802 40,008 5,790 6,811 21.482 5,924 4,578 471 2,631 1,276 200 10,576 7,952 2,610 14 36,579 5,304 1,754 1,650 5,310 17,349 2,090 1,503 1,619 12,808 9,358 2,647 459 344 5,339 259 4,991 30,672 30,571 518 32 140 335 11 457 92 216 9 140 247 46 201 81 7 , . 4 2 68 37 5 486 77 254 152 2 157 8 73 76 154 66 82 6 1,443 74 65 20 351 687 153 47 46 817 662 115 32 5 44 495 321 136 38 3,768 1,023 560 1,979 206 2,668 109 2,294 32 219 14 714 714 10,787 348 1,488 74 8,549 328 3,226 305 145 86 122 2,492 77 1,913 80 80 1 1,032 1,305 218 490 597 835 12 812 11 4 , 904 1,666 71 1,799 1,135 232 1 2,296 1,117 113 209 858 135 100 7,381 6,971 58 347 5 8,361 925 732 6,462 242 10,626 108 9,331 76 637 474 2,016 1,136 880 8,238 378 1,033 68 6,453 307 3,852 271 145 50 92 3,221 72 4,080 95 3. 123 17 845 3,010 310 1,626 838 236 3,464 1,334 2,037 93 70,891 2,163 583 8,003 4,974 46,057 2,605 5,002 1,505 18,102 15,470 909 413 1,310 6,114 271 724 5,119 21,128 20,236 230 391 271 7,715 737 703 6,036 239 8,682 107 7,421 69 611 474 1,944 1,063 880 7,742 337 1,006 68 6,059 272 3,364 256 133 47 92 2,763 72 4,044 94 3,091 17 841 2,835 287 1,598 715 236 3,369 1,304 1,972 93 66,129 2,141 565 7,753 4,670 42,948 2,505 4,341 1,206 17,935 15,403 889 413 1,230 5,806 257 712 4,838 16,950 16,241 120 346 244 646 188 29 426 3 1,944 1,910 8 26 73 ,:s 496 40 27 394 35 487 15 12 3 458 36 32 3 175 23 28 124 95 30 65 4,762 22 18 250 304 3,109 100 660 298 167 67 20 80 308 14 12 281 ,178 ,995 111 45 See footnotes at end of table. 32 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL Table 12. Local Government Revenue From Current Charges and Direct Expenditure for Sewerage and Sanitation Other Than Sewerage Activities in 74 Major SMSA's and Their County Areas: Fiscal Year 1974-75 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) SMSA and county area Population, 1973 ( estimated J Sewerage Revenue from sewerage charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Construc- tion Sanitation other than sewerage Revenue from sani- tation charges Direct expenditure Current operation Capital outlay Nashville-Davidson, Tenn. SMSA Cheatham County Davidson County Dickson County Robertson County Rutherford County Sumner County Williamson County Wilson County Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas SMSA Collin County Dallas County Denton County Ellis County Hood County Johnson County Kaufman County Parker County Rockwall County Tarrant County Wise County Houston, Texas SMSA Brazoria County Fort Bend County Harris County Liberty County Montgomery County Waller County San Antonio, Texas SMSA Bexar County Comal County i i . . . Guadalupe County Salt Lake City-Ogden, Utah SMSA '. Davis County , Salt Lake County Tooele County Weber County Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Portsmouth, Va.-N.C SMSA Chesapeake city, Va Norfolk city, Va Portsmouth city, Va Suffolk city, Va Virginia Beach city, Va Currituck County, N. C Richmond, Va. SMSA Charles City County Chesterfield County Goochland County Hanover County Henrico County Powhatan County Richmond city Seattle-Everett, Wash. SMSA King County Snohomish County Milwaukee, Wis. SMSA Milwaukee County Ozaukee County Washington County Waukesha County 732,015 15,137 449,109 24,403 31,487 64,925 65,350 40,519 41,085 2,464,090 81,309 1,362,575 93,164 49,844 8,512 52,410 35,665 32,095 8,341 719,476 20,699 2,168,474 115,802 66,659 1,860,475 36,998 73,434 15,106 960,109 894,456 28,032 37,621 753,289 108,166 492,379 21,977 130,767 744,969 97,089 283,064 109,295 47,296 199,613 8,612 563,357 6,607 90,653 10,255 43,940 164,279 9,536 238,087 1,383,069 1,124,454 258,615 1,416,773 1,039,962 60,611 71,044 245,156 11,108 38 8,909 143 183 571 574 284 407 20,702 826 8,045 702 394 31 375 375 159 23 9,701 71 28,872 946 485 26,924 185 297 35 8,271 7,789 239 243 6,927 2,035 3,429 182 1,281 18,179 1,188 14,217 2,275 499 14,960 1,726 50 4,325 8,859 43,245 40,001 3,244 7,776 5,323 699 504 1,249 40,206 37 36,466 11 167 787 525 1,995 217 62,567 1,902 44,750 1,222 1,391 73 139 339 128 63 12,515 45 68,013 1,367 1,447 64,178 149 833 39 12,956 11,677 266 1,013 7,114 2,645 3,246 202 1,021 53,531 2,522 42,447 2,305 567 5,673 17 26,052 10,916 21 2,542 12,572 49,374 47,428 1,946 50,153 42,369 1,822 894 5,068 5,096 37 3,826 9 138 438 302 140 205 16,914 437 10,912 344 195 44 129 218 99 63 4,433 40 20,856 563 321 19,026 140 781 25 4,088 3,791 122 174 3,979 867 2,038 152 922 9,220 437 7,029 909 255 573 17 6,085 760 21 1,099 4,205 16,707 14,897 1,810 17,958 15,225 654 389 1,690 34,325 31,878 27 349 222 1,849 42,632 314 32,507 764 1,154 112 11 7,757 5 43,855 780 1,122 41,925 28 8,429 7,487 105 836 2,293 1,733 443 47 70 42,945 1,976 34,497 1,297 213 4,962 19,929 10,145 1,417 8,367 31,804 31,783 21 30,827 26,010 1,135 497 3,185 762 2 2 7 12 3,020 1,151 1,332 114 42 29 2 8 18 325 3,303 24 4 3,227 9 24 14 439 398 39 3 841 45 764 3 30 1,367 109 922 98 100 138 863 748 115 1,369 1,135 33 7 193 195 61 97 20,968 420 13,139 672 362 51 265 210 156 65 5,572 57 3,422 795 283 1,990 151 184 19 4,400 4,009 214 177 2,120 526 487 130 977 1,440 56 1,341 44 947 102 1 58 579 207 11,390 10,941 449 291 276 7 8 7,639 21 5,152 342 296 415 683 379 351 29,252 580 20,855 776 448 48 310 275 172 66 5,642 80 18,761 1,027 252 16,850 153 454 24 7,943 7,536 221 186 4,468 495 2,974 132 867 11,103 1,294 3,941 1,801 488 3,464 15 6,292 16 227 27 82 1,096 16 4,828 13,733 12,036 1,697 20,424 18,387 362 547 1,129 6,923 21 4,846 238 212 324 619 313 351 23,656 494 16,257 765 318 48 298 223 161 53 4,959 78 15,906 893 236 14,300 145 309 23 7,866 7,464 216 186 4,265 495 2,844 132 795 9,180 1,021 3,216 1,776 488 2,664 15 6,210 16 198 27 82 1,045 16 4,827 12,127 11,462 665 18,376 16,345 361 543 1,129 716 306 104 84 91 65 65 5,596 86 4,598 11 129 12 52 11 12 682 2 2,855 134 16 2,550 9 145 1 77 72 5 203 130 72 1,922 273 725 25 899 82 30 51 1 1,606 574 1,032 2,047 2,042 1 4 Note: Because of rounding, detail may not add to totals. These data are estimates subject to sampling variation; see text. - Represents zero or rounds to zero. NA Not available. 1 Includes prorated amounts for certain intercounty area units; see text and appendix. — 2 Manassas and Manassas Park, Virginia became independent cities effective for 1974-75 fiscal year; no adjustments were made to finance amounts for the Prince William County area or the Washington, D.C. SMSA. APPENDIX ADJUSTMENTS FOR INTERCOUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENTS As indicated by the introductory text, data for the following intercounty governmental units are prorated in table 12 to the county areas involved. In each instance, the primary county area is indi- cated by an asterisk (*). Governmental units East Bay Municipal Utility District ' Metropolitan Denver Sewerage Disposal District l 1 Aurora city 2 Atlanta city 2 Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission 1 Metropolitan Sewer Board 1 Kansas City 2 1 Prorated to sewerage activities only. 2 Prorated to both sewerage and "sanitation other than sewerage" activities. County areas *Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California * Denver and Adams Counties, Colorado * Arapahoe and Adams Counties, Colorado *Fulton and DeKalb Counties, Georgia *Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties, Maryland * Ramsey, Hennepin, Anoka, and Dakota Counties, Minnesota *Jackson and Clay Counties, Missouri iJ-U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977-240-86 9/ T058 33 Looking for statistical sources? Check the Bureau of the Census GUIDE TO PROGRAMS AND PUBLICATIONS Subjects and Areas, 1973 Find out about Bureau of the Census programs fast. The Guide lists not only the censuses but also current surveys that update them. 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