Federal Engineering Technology available from NTIS National Technical Information Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE This specialized catalog is one of several designed for NTIS customers having similar interests. Other specialized catalogs are listed on page 63. Contents Engineering Content of NTIS Data Base 1 Keyword Title Index 1 Appearance of NTIS Documents 2 Engineering Data on Magnetic Tape 3 Energy Data Base 6 Ongoing Research Data Base 7 Patent Data Base 7 FCC Data Files 8 Directory of Computer Software 13 Graphics Compatibility System 14 Directories of Computer Software Applications 15 Federal Software Exchange Program 16 Special Technology Groups 17 Government-Owned Inventions 24 Selected Engineering Reports 25 Foreign Technology 42 Engineering Reports in Microfiche 42 Engineering Abstract Newsletters 43 Government Reports Announcement & Index 43 Government Patents Catalog 44 Published Searches 45 Tech Notes 53 FCC Requirements for Cable TV Operators 53 NASA Aeronautical Supplements 54 NRC Docket Materials 55 NTIS Price Codes 56 Key Pages How to Order 57 About NTIS 61 NTIS Telephone Numbers 68 Engineering content of NTIS data base is in six primary areas NTIS has developed a vast and comprehensive data base comprised of references to more than one million research reports sponsored by the Govern- ment over the last 40 years. This data base is unpar- alleled in its capacity to provide efficient and rapid retrospective access to bibliographic records as well as the reports described in the record. A major portion of this technical information col- lection includes a transdisciplinary coverage of engi- neering information that has significant interest and lasting research value. This coverage includes six primary areas of engi- neering—aeronautical, mechanical, electrical, ci- vil, industrial, and chemical— but is not limited to these fields. Also included is information relating to ocean and marine engineering and human factors engineering. Access to this engineering cross section of the NTIS data base can be an invaluable tool to librari- ans, technical information specialists, decision- makers, and researchers in engineering organi- zations, universities, Government agencies— any- where that maximum technology is of the utmost importance. Keyword Title Index The current NTIS Title Index is a quarterly cumu- lation of new publications. Approximately 17,500 new titles are added each quarter. The cumulations are merged quarterly on a two-year cycle. The Index is published within two weeks after the closing of the final Government Reports Announcements and Index for the quarter. Price when subscription is in force during both years of any 2-year cumulating cycle is $400. Price when subscription is entered during second year of any 2-year cumulating cycle is $300. Order: PB83-9 16000. Titles entered into the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base from mid-1964 through 1978 are included in a Retrospective Index (PB80- 139900 at $600). The 1979-80 Retrospective Index is $100; order PB80- 916099. The 1981-82 Restrospective Index is $100; order PB82-9 16099. Save $100 by ordering all retrospective files and the current index. Order PB82-9 16098 at $700. g, S. Depository Copy, A few words about appearance The appearance and legibility of the research re- ports provided to NTIS by the originating organi- zations varies. The documents received by NTIS may be the originals, or they may be copies of the ori- ginals, or copies of copies. Often, NTIS receives only a microfiche copy of an original document (or micro- fiche of copies) from which it must reproduce paper or microfiche copies. NTIS customers have about a one in five chance of receiving full-text technical reports in attractive hardbound covers or colorful soft bindings some- times provided to NTIS by the originating organi- zations. When the initial limited stocks are all sold, the original covers and bindings are not dupli- cated, so that prices can be kept as low as possible. Plain paper covers replace hardbound covers and bright designs give way to the photographic grays and blacks of simpler covers. It is the only practical way to ensure the permanent convenient accessibility of information for which the demand may be only a few copies a month, or a year. Documents are reproduced according to customer demand and, therefore, are permanently available. Their appearance is similar to photocopied, photo- offset or xerographic copies. Illustrations may not show fine details. The most efficient and inexpensive method of binding most of these very low volume documents is stapling the pages together. NTIS conveys technical information at the lowest possible cost while maintaining its permanent avail- ability. That would be impossible if NTIS were to strive for the fine appearance of commercial technical books. This restraint on impressive appearance allows NTIS to intensify its identification, acquisition, and computer processing of timely, generally unpublished, technical information, more directly benefiting its customers. Watch for Price Codes Most prices in this catalog are indicated by Price Codes. For example: When you read Gasohol: A Technical Memorandum. NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01, you learn from the Price Code table on page 56 that A04 is the equivalent of $10, and the A01 is the equivalent of $4.50. PC, of course, means paper copy, and MF means microfiche. Price Code Tables may change. Current tables always are free on request from NTIS. Engineering data on magnetic tape; software is available Data files and computer software sponsored by the Federal Government have been made available by NTIS since 1967. As a result, NTIS has assembled a wide variety of software and data files pertinent to business and scientific interests, that is available for sale or lease. The present collection contains more than 1,200 data files and computer programs from more than 100 Federal agencies. These cover an array of subject fields: statistics, finance, ed- ucation, demography and population, health sta- tistics, building technology, energy sources, en- vironmental pollution and control, and many others. Computer Software • Modeling & Simulation • Statistical Analyses & Evaluation • Operating Systems • Control Systems • Data Base Management Systems • Search/Retrieval Systems • Application Programs Graphics Programs Among the software available from NTIS are: Integrated Library System (ILS) Graphics Compatibility System (GCS) UNAMAP— Air Pollution Modeling— Version 4 Cartographic Automatic Mapping Program (CAM) Ada/Ed (NYU) Translator/Interpreter COBOL Realignment System Table Producing Language (TPL)— Version 3 HEWCAS— Computer Audit System Construction Control Management System Data Files Among the data files available from NTIS are: Standard Occupational Classification Manual Standard Codes for Named Populated Places and Related Entities of the States of the United States World Data Bank, Volumes 1-5 National Survey of Family Growth, Cycle 1 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Programs Consumer Price Index Inventory of Energy Research & Development Information Resources in the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Bibliographic Data File Employment, Hours and Earnings Public Use Energy Statistical Data Base For more information about computer software and data files please telephone (703) 487-4808. NTIS Bibliographic Data Base All of the research summaries announced by NTIS are included in the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base (on magnetic tape). Most are complete bibliographic citations and may be used to create a wide variety of information products. Users of the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base are uniquely able to search a multiplicity of technical information input styles within the uniform NTIS format. There is no need for the user to acquire fa- miliarity with different search strategies in order to search the several source tapes contributing to the NTIS file. Such "single" searching saves both com- puter and communication costs. Subscribers may search any or all of the file ele- ments: research report title; personal or corporate author; accession number or contract number; by subject, using keywords, descriptors, or subject codes. The files are arranged in the NTIS modification of the COSATI implementation of the ANSI standard (Z39.2, 1971) specifying a format for bibliographic information interchange on magnetic tape. The char- acter code is convertible to the standard ASCII code. Tapes are available as 9-track, 800, 1600 or 6250 BPI, odd parity only. 'Environmental Microthesaurus (PB-265 261) Price $10.50 • Energy Microthesaurus (PB-254 800) Price code E06 'Health Care Microthesaurus (PB82-131715) Price code E04 • Standard for Cataloging of Government Scientific and Technical Reports (PB-277 951) Price code A04 'COSATI Corporate Author Headings (PB-198 275) Price code A99 'COSATI Subject Categories (AD-612 200) Price code A04 • Computer Sciences Microthesaurus (PB80- 207814) Price code E04 The magnetic tape containing the data file may be leased annually and files back to 1964 may be ac- quired. Current tapes are shipped to subscribers biweekly. Copies of the most recently available tape may be ordered separately for testing. Use fees are charged quarterly and based on factors such as the number of citations displayed or searches performed and the possibility of third party use. For further information on leasing the data file, please telephone (703) 487-4808. The NTIS Bibliographic Data Base is available online from the following U.S. commercial vendors: • Dialog Information Services, Inc. 3460 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800)227-1927 (800)227-1960 • System Development Corporation (SDC) 2500 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90406 (800)421-7229 • Bibliographic Retrieval Service (BRS) 1200 Route 7 Latham, NY 12110 (518)783-1161 (800) 833-4707 Batch services are available from the New Eng- land Research Application Center (NERAC) (203) 486-4533 NTIS Data Base Guidelines The following publications are basic guides to the NTIS collection. • NTIS Subject Classification (Past & Present) (PB-270 575) price code A05 • A Reference Guide to the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base (PR-253) No charge. At least 26 million referrals annually are made to specific titles in the NTIS system, three each second of the NTIS workday. And, every sec- ond of the NTIS workday, a buyer receives a specially requested information item. About 3,600 new buyers are added to the NTIS cus- tomer list monthly and 10,000 customers make repeat purchases, resulting in 23,500 items of information being shipped daily. Every two minutes during the NTIS workday one new technical report enters the NTIS system. Million-item Energy Data Base from DOE The world's largest and most comprehensive bibli- ographic data base on energy is created and main- tained by the U.S. Department of Energy's Techni- cal Information Center in Oak Ridge, TN and is avail- able for lease through NTIS. The Energy Data Base (EDB) includes about a million items. This is primarily a bibliographic data file relating to research, development, and demonstration proj- ects on all aspects of energy. EDB started in the in- formation programs of the Atomic Energy Com- mission and the Energy Research and Develop- ment Administration (ERDA), all since absorbed into DOE. The information is stored on magnetic tape and includes citations, abstracts, and indexes for use by DOE and the general public in the United States. Citations consist of all the data elements that describe and uniquely identify a particular infor- mation item, such as title, author's name, issuing source, type of literature, language of the item, name of the journal (when articles are selected from jour- nals), and page count. For report items, identifying numbers, sources of availability, and prices are also given. Abstracts are included in the data base so that users can determine whether they wish to obtain a complete text. EDB items are indexed by subject within the following categories: Solar Energy (also includes Advanced Automotive Systems Tidal and Wind Power) Electric Power Engineering Geothermal Energy (includes MHD, Cryogenics, and Fossil and Synthetic Fuels Superconducting Transmission) Coal Environmental Sciences Petroleum and Natural Gas Biomedical Sciences, Health, Oil Shales and Tar Sands and Safety Hydrogen Physical Research Other Synthetic and Natural Fuels Chemistry Fusion Energy Physics Nuclear Energy Materials Nuclear Fuels Geosciences Nuclear Power Plants Engineering Nuclear Reactor Technology Particle Accelerators Energy Conservation, Consumption, Instrumentation and Utilization Explosions Energy Policy and Management Isotope and Radiation Energy Storage Source Technology Energy Conversion General and Miscellaneous EDB is online at Dialog, SDC and BRS and batch services are available from NERAC. For more information on leasing the EDB, please telephone (703)487-4808. All of NTIS' products and services are summarized in General Catalog No. 8 (see page 63). Ongoing Research Data Base updated monthly; former SSIE product The Smithsonian Science Information Exchange ceased operation in October 1981. NTIS then as- sumed responsibility for SSIE's research-in-prog- ress data base, now called Federal Research in Progress. SSIE had operated under contract to NTIS (through congressional appropriations) for the past two years under conditions that SSIE become self-support- ing by the end of fiscal year 1984. Considering the financial uncertainty of the future, the SSIE Board of Directors concluded that the corporation should cease operation. SSIE had been a central source of information on federally supported research in progress over the past 10 years. Federal agencies provided SSIE with abstracts of ongoing research projects from which SSIE produced computer printouts in various sub- ject areas for sale to the public. The FRIP data base includes records describing about 300,000 current research projects funded by Federal agencies. About 100,000 records are added annually. (Of these about one-third describe new research and about two-thirds describe contin- uing projects). Monthly updates of the former FRIP data base will be leased by NTIS to the major online vendor sys- tems assuring continuing public accessibility. Telephone (703) 487-4808 for current information. Patent Data Base in three files The Patent Data Base from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce is now available through NTIS. It is available in three files: Full Text, Bibliographic, and Classification. •The Full Text File covers August 1970 through the current year. The file contains all wording of each patent. —The retrospective portion is available as a total file or by calendar year. The total file is on approx- imately 600 reels of magnetic tape, with about 50 new reels added at the end of each year. —The current year file is issued weekly. It con- tains the information described above for each patent issued during the week. The file is avail- able on an annual subscription/lease basis. Sub- scribers will receive 52 updates a year. • The Bibliographic File covers the same issue periods as the Full Text File, and actually is a subset of the Full Text File. It includes the patent title, inventor's name, owner of the patent, date of issuance, filing date, abstract, assignee, and other information. It is identical to what appears in the printed publica- tion, The Official Patent Gazette. —The retrospective portion, is available as a total file or by calendar year. The total file is on ap- proximately 50 reels of magnetic tape, with 3 reels added at the end of each year. —The current year file is issued weekly. It contains the information described above for each patent issued during the week. The file is available on an annual subscription/lease basis. Subscribers will receive 52 updates a year. • The Classification File contains classification in- formation on all patents issued by the Patent and Trademark Office. The file is issued twice each year, at the end of June and at the end of December. Each issuance includes all new patents and reclassi- fication actions. The Classification File is available in Classification and/or Patent Number Sequence. Segments of the Full Text or Bibliographic Files (mechanical patents, electrical patents, chemical patents, etc.) may be made available if users indicate their interests. Please telephone (703) 487-4808. The Patent Data Base is online at Pergamon International Information Corporation, (703) 442-0900; IFI Plenum, (703) 683-1085; Derwent, Inc., (703) 790-0400; and NERAC, (203)486-4533. FCC Data Files The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) data files of licensees are available through NTIS in two formats— computer magnetic tape and micro- fiche. The magnetic tape files are sold only as whole files. Order as follows: TV Programming Data Master File PB82-191602 * Price Code T3 Broadcast TV Data Base PB82-134925 Price Code T3 Broadcast Log Master File PB81-1 18861 Price Code T3 Broadcast Ownership Master File PB-239 807 Price Code T6 J Broadcast AM Data Base (AM Engineering Data Base) PB81-219289 Price Code T3 ") Broadcast FM Data Base PB82-134917 Price Code T3 Broadcast Applications Address List (BAPS) PB82-157348 Price Code T3 FCC Citizens Master File, EBCDIC Version PB83-1 12524 Price Code T99 Citizens Radio Service Master File, Honeywell BCD Version PB-284 248 Price Code T99 Citizens Radio Service Transactions File PB80-117112 Price Code T2 FCC Frequency Data Base PB82-145186 Price Code T99 Amateur Radio Service Master File PB82-254806 Price Code T99 Amateur Radio Service Master File Updates PB81-238792 Price Code T99 Microwave Applications Processing System Data Base PB83-106716 Price Code T1 1 Microwave Application Processing System Owner File PB83-106708 Price Code T3 Common Carrier Microwave Antenna, Licensee and Transmitter File PB82- 168238 Price Code T3 Common Carrier Microwave Data Base PB82-191974 Price Code T7 Cable Television Physical (Trunk) Data File PB83-106724 Price Code T3 Cable Television Community Unit System (CATV1)/Current PB82-191867 Price Code T3 Aeronautical Frequency Lists and Geographic Location of Radio Stations Operating Near Fre- quencies Commonly Used by Cable TV Systems PB83-108217 Price Code T3 Aviation (Aircraft) Radio Station Data Base PB-235 961 Price Code T99 Marine (Telephone) Radio Station License Data Base PB82-134933 Price Code T99 Common Carrier Individual Land Mobile Data Base PB82-253295 Price Code T3 Common Carrier Land Mobile Base Station Data Base PB82-140500 Price Code T3 Common Carrier Earth Station Application File PB81-240368 Price Code T3 FCC M3 Map Data File PB81-21 1567 Price Code T3 Common Carrier Overseas Telecommunications Traffic Data (excluding AT&T), 1971-1976 PB-282 075 Price Code T99 Common Carrier Industry Consolidation, 1978 PB80-197437 Price Code T3 Statistics of Communication Common Carrier Print Tape, 1979 PB81-184863 Price Code T3 FCC Telephone Equipment Registration List PB82-1 16161 Price Code T3 FCC Radio Equipment Type Acceptance List File PB82-191610 Price Code T3 Antenna Survey Tower File PB-272 252 Price Code T3 Industry Equal Employment Opportunity Master File (1978) PB81-145997 Price Code T3 Ohio and Michigan Radio Deregulation File PB80-127723 Price Code T3 Restricted/Commercial Licenses Master File PB80-220825 Price Code T7 Cable Television EEO Data File/ 1979 PB82- 179045 Price Code T3 Ground Wave Data Files & FORTRAN Routines (GWAVE) PB82-191784 Price Code T3 FCC Decisions Data Files (Volumes 1 through 87; 1 to 15 volumes per order number) Call (703) 487-4808 Price Code T3 for appropriate (each order number) order number Frequency Master File (800 Mh Subset) PB82-266131 Price Code T8 Frequency Master File (450-512 IB Subset) PB83-108225 Price Code T99 Cable TV Community Unit (CATV1)/1976 PB83-109124 Price Code T3 Cable TV EEO Data File/1976 PB83-109132 Price Code T3 Cable TV Community Unit (CATV1)/1978 PB83-10914O Price Code T3 10 Cable TV Community Unit (CATV1)/1977 PB83-109157 Price Code T3 Cable TV EEO Data File/1978 PB83-109165 Price Code T3 Cable TV EEO Data File/1977 PB83-109173 Price Code T3 Bibliographic and Nonbibliographic Engineering Information Inc. (Ei) has charac- terized bibliographic data bases as "pointers" which refer users somewhere else for more de- tailed information. Ei listed the contrasting ele- ments of a nonbibliographic data base as fol- lows: • the base itself holds the written or numeric information; • access is frequently restricted to a particular user community or to a particular communi- cations carrier; • it is likely to be coupled with a particular kind of software or computer; • about 79 percent of its use is performed by the end user, while information intermediaries are the prime users of bibliographic data bases; • initially, users tend to be commercial enter- prises; and the cost of producing a nonbib- liographic data base is greater than for a bib- liographic one. Each of the FCC microfiche files is available in a set of 48X microfiche sheets, on demand or a stand- ing order basis. A demand sale consists of the latest master file and supplements to the master file current at the time of the sale. A standing order ensures that the custom- er will automatically receive the master file with sup- plements, plus semiannual or quarterly updates and subsequent supplements received by NTIS (as long as an active NTIS deposit account is maintained with sufficient funds to cover the cost of the updates). The following FCC microfiche files are available. Title Order Number TV Engineering Data Base in Order by State PB83-912401 TV Translators Engineering Data Base in Order by State, City, Channel PB83-9 12501 TV Translators Engineering Data Base in Order by State, Channel, Call PB83-912601 FM Engineering Data Base in Order by State PB83-912701 11 FM Engineering Data Base in Order by Frequency PB83-9 13001 AM Engineering Data Base in Order by State PB83-947501 AM Engineering Data Base in Order by Country & State PB83-94760 1 AM Engineering Data Base in Order by Frequency PB83-947701 Citizens Master File PB83-919001 Citizens Index PB83-945901 Frequency Master File (Frequency Sequence) PB83-919301 Frequency Master File (Service Group Code Sequence) PB83-919401 Licensee Name Index to Non-Government Master Frequency File PB83-902301 Callsign Index to Non-Government Frequency Master File PB83-902501 State Index to Non-Government Frequency Master File PB83-902401 Amateur Master File PB83-919101 Amateur Master File Supplement PB83-947301 Common Carrier Microwave Construction Permit File PB83-945701 Common Carrier Microwave Authorization File (Licensee) PB83-945801 Common Carrier Microwave Pending Applications Dump PB83-946401 Private Radio Bureau Microwave Master File PB83-946501 MAPS Data Base PB83-946901 Microwave Applications PB83-947801 Microwave Licenses Issued PB83-947101 Community Unit Cable Full Record PB83-919601 Cable TV Station Authorization Report PB83-945501 Cable TV Station Distribution File PB83-945601 Marine Radio Station Master File PB83-919801 Aviation Master File PB83-919901 Common Carrier Land Mobile Base Stations (Suppliers) PB83-946101 Common Carrier Land Mobile Base Stations Cummulative Staff Study Listing PB83-915201 12 Common Carrier Individual Land Mobile- Name Sequence (Subscribers) PB83-946201 Commercial Master File PB83-919201 Commerical Operator History File PB83-947401 Commercial Master File Supplement PB83-947201 FCC Telephone Equipment Registration List PB83-903501 Antenna Survey System Tower File Report PB83-947901 For price information please telephone (703) 487- 4808. Latest Directory of Computer Software & Related Technical Reports The Directory of Computer Software and Related Technical Reports is a unique guide to machine- readable software and related technical reports available to the public from Federal agencies. The information contained in the Directory has been com- piled in cooperation with more than 100 U.S. agen- cies. More than 350 programs are described as are the applicable technical reports. The directory contains five indexes for easy ref- erence, including an Agency Index listing the ori- ginating agency for the specific program, and a Sub- ject Index listing all programs by their major subject concepts. In the Abstract Section, a complete ab- stract entry is found on each software program. Also included in this section are keywords used for index- ing and searching, and an Availability Statement to determine if the item can be ordered through NTIS or from the originating agency. The directories can be ordered as follows: The Directory of Computer Software and Related Technical Reports. Order PB80-1 10232 at $40. The Directory of Computer Software Supplement, January 1980-June 1981. Order PB8 1-2 16889 at $10. Both directories can be ordered as PB82- 123274 at $45. For more information on the directory, please tele- phone (703) 487-4808. "I am very impressed by, and place great reliance on NTIS' eclectic and interdisciplinary coverage and excellent cross-referencing of abstracts. In my field of research (human response to mechanical vibration) it is neces- sary to search scientific, medical, and technical literature from several disci- plines, including engineering, medicine, and psychology. Abstracting and re- trieval publications and services devoted to those topices are often too narrowly specialized to help me find the articles I need. NTIS does more than just bridge the gaps; it provides one of my. most important guides to current literature in my field."— Dr. John Guignard, Naval Aerospace Med- ical Research Laboratory Detachment (NAMRLD) 13 Graphics Compatibility System (GCS) The Graphics Compatibility System (GCS) is a FORTRAN-based computer graphics system de- signed for interactive use on a wide variety of com- puter graphics terminals. Due to its comprehensive and modular design, GCS provides a simplified easy- to-learn and easy-to-use approach to computer graphics, while simultaneously providing a pow- erful tool which the sophisticated programmer may use for demanding and highly interactive graphical applications. GCS provides compatibility at two distinct levels: a. Cross-compatibility from one computer system to another. b. Cross-compatibility between computer graphics terminals. Cross-compatibility from one terminal to anoth- er has been achieved in a manner which is completely transparent to the user. One need no longer be con- cerned about the problems of "tailoring" his pro- grams for a given graphical device— GCS provides the maximum capabilities offered by the various terminals in order to satisfy the user's graphical requirements. Device independence provides the user with the option of preparing and debugging his graphics program on a terminal other than the type he may desire for final output— a consideration of paramount importance for installations which may have a limited number of graphical devices available at any given time. GCS is not just another collection of unrelated graphics subroutines— it is a unified system which provides the user with the flexibility to perform his tasks at any level of involvement that he desires. Be- cause of this unique man/software relationship, GCS can also be thought of as "user compatible," and it is in this last facet of compatibility that GCS un- veils its true potential. Individuals who would normally dismiss graphics for their particular applications are now provided with an alternative. High-level, com- posite routines are provided to perform relatively complex but frequently required tasks such as the preparation of complete graphs and histograms. Flexibility and adaptability to the needs of the more sophisticated user are achieved by allowing such a user to control the various GCS options which are present to standard default conditions for the un- sophisticated programmer. Users of all disciplines may feel equally comfortable with GCS, since they are required to interact only at their particular level of graphics involvement. 14 GCS is available in two versions, a two-dimen- sional version, and a three-dimensional version. The three-dimensional version is a sophisticated, highly capable package having such features as graphical data structures, text processing, and of course, three-dimension graphics. Directories of Computer Software Applications The technical reports announced by NTIS often contain listings of computer programs and docu- mentation covering a wide variety of applications. Scientists, systems analysts, and programmers are usually unaware of these programs unless they hap- pen to acquire the technical report in which the program is listed. These computer programs are not in machine-readable form. They are programs and documentation which are included in the techni- cal report and must be converted into machine- readable form to have workable software. The 30 Directories of Computer Software Appli- cations refer readers to the technical reports in which the computer programs and documentation are listed. The programs can then be ordered at the regular price of the technical reports, in paper or microfiche. Software Applications Directories are available as follows: • Administration and Management — PB-283 714 • Aeronautics, Aerodynamics & Aircraft System Design— PB-286 825 • Agriculture & Food— PB-291 552 • Astronomy & Astrophysics — PB-294 832 • Atmospheric Sciences— PB-286 256 • Behavior, Training & Education— PB-282 229 • Biomedical Technology & Human Factors— PB-292 724 • Chemistry— PB-283 183 • Civil and Structural Engineering— PB-278 125 • Communications— PB-289 952 • Detection & Countermeasures— PB-297 095 • Economics and Business— PB-277 800 • Electrical & Electronics Engineering— PB-284 924 • Energy, 1977-March 1980— PB80-105497 • Energy— PB-264 200 • Environmental Pollution and Control— PB-270 018 • Environmental Pollution and Control, 1977-March 1980— PB80- 105505 • Library & Information Sciences— PB-278 452 • Marine Engineering— PB-294 014 • Mathematics— PB-293 184 • Medicine & Biology— PB-287 825 • Minicomputers and Microcomputers— PB-272 972 • Minicomputers and Microcomputers, 1977-March 1980— PB80-105513 • Natural Resources & Earth Sciences— PB-288 486 • Navigation & Guidance— PB-289 390 • Oceanography— PB-283 210 • Physics— PB-281 642 • Space Technology— PB-296 039 • Transportation— PB-279 570 • Urban & Regional Technology & Development— PB-284 165 For more information on the directories, please telephone (703) 487-4808. 15 Federal Software Exchange Program The Federal Software Exchange Program was established in 1976 by General Services Administra- tion (GSA) to promote Government-wide sharing of common use software owned by Federal agencies. In order to provide a central location and bibliograph- ic control for the collection, GSA established the Fed- eral Software Exchange Center (FSEC) at NTIS. State and local Governments also participate in the pro- gram under the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as can the public. A few FSEC products are limited to governmental buyers only. The vehicle for Federal software information and dissemination is the Federal Software Exchange Center catalog. It contains software abstracts cover- ing numerous application areas on programs that are written in a broad range of computer languages for a wide variety of hardware. The 1982 edition con- tains several hundred abstracts. According to FPMR 101-36.1068 and 101-36.1609, before a Government agency can obtain a Delega- tion of Procurement Authority (DPA) to acquire software from commercial sources, it must screen available Federal ADP resources by reviewing the Federal Software Exchange Center catalog. If a suitable system or program can be found in the catalog, FSEC will make it available to Gov- ernment users at the published price. Prices for soft- ware obtained from the exchange are nominal com- pared to the cost of inhouse development or outside procurement. Limited technical assistance in instal- lation and maintenance is normally available from the contributing agency or from GSA Agency Servic- es Coordination Division on a reimbursable basis. The 1983 edition of the catalog is available on sub- scription at $75 annually. A subscription is comprised of a cumulative issue distributed in January followed by one noncumulative update issued in July. Your subscription will be entered for a period covering January through December. For more information on the Federal Software Exchange Center program, please telephone (703) 487-4808. Recommended: Technical Advances in Joining This report from the Metals and Ceramics Informa- tion Center reveiws the significant growth in the technology of joining since the 1970's. Order: AD-A109 415; price code E13. 16 Special Technology Groups offer unique data to NTIS clients Special Technology Groups are an important in- formation resource for the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base. Some Special Technology Groups are called Infor- mation Analysis Centers (lAC's). These are mainly concerned with the analysis and communication of information relating to the very latest in the state of an art. Some lAC's concentrate on the evaluation of cultural, educational, and socio-economic data. The 100 or more federally sponsored I AC'S in the United States are considered national resources of particular knowledge. NTIS is the national marketing coordinator for many Special Technology Groups, most of which have been required to recover their costs by mak- ing their products and services publicly available. Write or telephone (703) 487-4842 for detailed in- formation about STG's that interest you. Usually Special Technology Groups, including lAC's, define their operations within three principal areas: Inquiry Services: The custom searching of an information collection relevant to specific queries; combined, by some, with analytical research and evaluation. Data Books & Research Reports: Often these are state-of-the-art reports; that is, the best informa- tion available on a subject. Also published in this category are annotated bibliographies, technical guides, and directories of terms and processes. Newsletters: These reflect the latest technical achievements, in brief, as they are observed and recorded for subsequent detailed evaluation; usually available on a subscription basis. NTIS is the national marketing coordinator for the following: Infrared Information and Analysis Center Covers infrared sources, characteristic radia- tion from natural and manmade objects; optical pro- perties of materials, infrared detection materials and elements, laboratory components and techniques; infrared spectra; lasers and masers; infrared systems and components, with special emphasis on military applications. Annual subscriptions for IRIA services, as well as the individual purchase of materials and services, are available to all organizations with cleared facilities and the appropriate need-to-know. 17 For further information: Environmental Research Institute of Michigan Post Office Box 8618 Ann Arbor, Ml 48107 Attn: IRIA Center Tel: (313) 994-1200, Ext. 214 Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center Maintains a comprehensive data base, a large- scale computer with appropriate software systems for analysis and data manipulation in spectrum planning, emission and susceptibility characteristics evaluation, and deployment and siting analysis. For further information: Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center North Severn Annapolis, MD 21402 Attn: CAS/Richard Larson Tel: (301) 267-2222 Machinability Data Center Covers the evaluation, storage, and dissemination of material removal information; strongly emphasizes engineering evaluation to develop optimized material removal parameters. Answers technical inquiries concerning material removal, maintains a user file for distribution of in- formation products, including machine data pam- phlets and tables on materials of current interest, state-of-the-art reports, technical announcements. For further information: Machinability Data Center 3980 Rosslyn Drive Cincinnati, OH 45209 Attn: Mr. Alan F. Ackenhousen Tel: (513) 271-9510 Chemical Propulsion Information Agency Covers such topics as air breathing propulsion, combustion, exhaust plume technology, operation serviceability, performance standardization, pro- pellant formulation efforts, physical and ballistic characterization, rocket design, ground testing of rockets, integration of rockets and flight vehicles, and correlation of flight data with static test data. 18 CPIA publishes a wide range of materials pertaining to chemical propulsion. For further information: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Chemical Propulsion Information Agency Laurel, MD 20810 Attn: Ms. Karen Strange Tel: (301) 953-7100 Ext. 7803 Technology Application Center Covers heat pipe technology, secondary uses of waste glass, noise pollution, and hydrogen and solar energy. Answers inquiries. Publishes handbooks, data books, current awareness bulletins, and state- of-the-art reviews. For further information: Technology Application Center University of New Mexico 2500 Central S.E. Albuquerque, NM 87131 Attn: Mr. Deepak Dhawan Tel: (505) 277-3622 Thermophysical & Electronic Properties Information Analysis Center Covers 16 thermophysical properties of matter keyed to representative groups: high-tempera- ture solid materials, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, absorptance, reflectance, viscosity, specific heats, and constant pressures. Answers technical inquiries; makes literature and data searches; provides technical advisory and consulting services; and reproduces research docu- ments on microfiche. Generates reference data ta- bles; and performs data analyses, syntheses, esti- mations, recommendations, and predictions. For further information: Thermophysical and Electronic Properties Information Analysis Center CINDAS/Purdue University 2595 Yeager Road West Lafayette, IN 47906 Attn: Mr. Wade Shafer Tel: Toll free 1-800-428-7675 or (317) 463-1581 19 Metals and Ceramics Information Center Covers the characteristics and utilization of ad- vanced metals, ceramics, and selected composites. Answers technical inquiries and requests for litera- ture searches, publishes state-of-the-art reports, handbooks, and two reviews available on subscrip- tion; Review of Metals Technology and Review of Ce- ramic Technology. For further information: Metals and Ceramics Information Center Battelle Columbus Laboratories 505 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Attn: Mr. Roy Endebrock Tel: (614) 424-6376 Nuclear Safety Information Center Covers nuclear safety— general criteria, analysis, operating systems, accident analysis, environmental surveys, monitoring and radiation exposure of hu- mans, siting and containment of facilities, transport- ing and handling of radioactive materials, reactor transients, kinetics and stability, and nuclear instru- mentation. Answers technical inquiries, publishes state-of- the-art reports and bibliographies, and provides cur- rent awareness services. For further information: Nuclear Safety Information Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory Post Office Box Y Bldg. 9711-1 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Attn: Mr. Joel Buchanan Tel: (615) 574-0393, ext. 3-7253 Plastics Technical Evaluation Center Covers structural composites, electrical and elec- tronic applications, packaging, mechanical goods applications, microbiological deterioration, test methods and specifications, compatibility, and reac- tivity. Answers inquiries and publishes state-of-the-art reports and bibliographies, indexes, and directories. For further information: 20 Plastics Technical Evaluation Center U.S. Army Armament R&D Command Picatinny Arsenal Dover, N J 07801 Attn: Mr. Harry Pebly Tel. (201)328-4222 Energetic Materials Division, Army Armament Research and Development Command Covers basic and applied research on explosives and related substances. Basic and applied research is done on the mechan- ical, thermal, and electrostatic response of explo- sives for the purpose of developing better tests and elucidating the initiation process under these stimuli. Answers inquiries, publishes state-of-the-art reports, bibliographies, indexes, and directories. For further information: Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items Energetic Materials Division Large Caliber Weapon Systems Laboratory Army Armament Research and Development Command Dover, NJ 07801 Attn: Mr. Seymour M. Kaye Chief Editor Tel: (201) 328-4604 Non-destructive Testing Information Analysis Center Coverage includes radiography, acoustics, ul- trasonics, magnetics, microwaves, eddy currents, optical and ultrasonic holography, penetrant testing, and optical, thermal, and infrared sensing. Its 16,000 documents and abstracts range from basic studies in physical sciences for nondestructive testing to applied techniques for examining struc- tures and finished components. For further information: Southwest Research Institute 6220 Culebra Rd. P.O. Drawer 28510 San Antonio, TX 78284 Attn: Ms. Francis P. Hicks Tel: (512) 684-5111, ext. 2362 21 Reliability Analysis Center Covers microelectronic circuit devices including monolithic integrated circuits, metal oxide semicon- ductor integrated circuits, hybrid circuits, thin film circuits, integrated arrays, and device fabrication, testing, equipment assembly, and operation. Answers direct user inquiries and publishes techni- cal monographs. For further information: Reliability Analysis Center RADC/RBRAC Griffiss Air Force Base Rome, New York 13441 Attn: Mr. James W. Wilbur Tel: (315) 330-4151 Toxicology Information Response Center Covers general scope of toxicology. Concentrates on pesticides, bioenvironmental toxicants, toxic chemicals, food additives, and drugs. Provides lit- erature searches, critical reviews, state-of-the-art reviews, current awareness service, and specialized bibliographies. For further information: Toxicology Information Response Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O. BoxX, Building 2024 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Attn: Ms. Susan Winslow, Director Tel: (615) 576-1743 FTS 626-1743 Naval Weapons Center The Naval Weapons Center devotes its major ef- fort to guided missile technology and air warfare systems. To support its unique assembly of scientists and engineers, NWC has developed a complete pub- lishing organization with many years of broad experi- ence in publications, covering fleet liaison; research and development in the major fields of science, en- gineering, and related technology; and administrative and management studies. For further information contact: Naval Weapons Center China Lake, CA 93555 Attn: Mrs. Alberta Cox, Code 341 Tel: (714) 939-3668 22 Office of Standard Reference Data The National Standard Reference Data System was established in 1963 to coordinate nationally the pro- duction and dissemination of critically evaluated reference data in the physical sciences. The primary focus is on well-defined physical and chemical prop- erties of well-characterized materials or systems. The major aim of the program is to provide critical- ly evaluated numerical data to the scientific and tech- nical community in a convenient and accessible form. Annotated bibliographies and procedures for computerized handling of data are also available. For further information contact: Office of Standard Reference Data National Bureau of Standards Physics Bldg. Rm. A-320 Washington, DC 20234 Attn: Mrs. Cynthia Goldman Tel: (301) 921-2228 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab CRREL conducts basic ana applied research on systems and operations on ice, snow, frozen ground, and tundra. It also investigates the use of various energy forms and systems for military and scientif- ic application. CRREL is located in Hanover, New Hampshire, and is operated by the U.S. Army. For further information contact: U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratories P.O. Box 282 Hanover, NH 03755 Attn: Mr. Wesley Pietkiewicz Tel: (603) 643-3200 Ext. 339 Recommended: Corrosion Fatigue of Metals in Marine Environments This 245-page report from the Metals and Ceramics Information Center documents and reviews the major factors involved in corrosion fatigue of met- als in marine environments, including crack initiation and crack growth. There are 267 references, 274 figures and 35 tables. Order: AD-A107 247; price code E19. 23 New Gov't inventions offer opportunities to acquire technology NTIS is the central source for information on all new U.S. Government-owned patents and patent- pending applications. These inventions primarily come out of Government laboratories but also in- clude contractor inventions to which the government has title. Information is available on nearly 1,500 new Gov- ernment inventions annually. (More than 25,000 U.S. Government inventions are now in the NTIS data base.) Cooperating agencies submit their new inven- tions to NTIS when patent applications are filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and again when the patents are issued. These inventions are summa- rized in the NTIS illustrated Abstract Newsletter, Gov- ernment Inventions for Licensing (see page 63). Copies of pending patent applications announced by NTIS are available in paper and microfiche. Claims are deleted before sale to the public to avoid prema- ture disclosure but claims and related technical data usually will be made available to serious prospective licensees. NTIS obtains foreign patent protection on selected inventions which are in the custody of the Department of Commerce or are assigned to the Department by other Federal agencies. Foreign patent protection provides U.S. firms with more attractive licensing packages. Inventions in the NTIS portfolio are licensed non- exclusively and exclusively. Exclusive licenses may be granted if no suitable applicants come forth willing to accept a nonexclusive license. Nominal fees are charged to permit NTIS to operate its invention promotion program on a self-supporting basis. Ask for patent products brochure PR-694, on page 63. The Government Inventions for Licensing weekly newsletter is a practicable companion to the five volume Catalog of Government Patents listed above. The newsletter abstracts all U.S. Government-owned patents and patent applications as they are filed or issued. More than 40 percent of the abstracts are illustrated. The newsletter and its annual index are avail- able at $205 a year. Ask for a sample issue. 24 Selected engineering reports show wide range available from NTIS About twenty-five percent of the information being added to the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base comes directly from one of the engineering disciplines. Some 300,000 titles (from 1964 onward) are relevant to en- gineering interests. It isn't practical, in a catalog like this one, to list enough research reports to really de- pict the scope of the NTIS collection. The following selections show the diversity of some of the engineer- ing related titles. Examples of Technical Reports Rehabilitation and Replacement of Bridges of Sec- ondary Highways and Local Roads PB82-916302 PC A04/MF A01 Decision Procedures for Paratransit Market Selec- tion and Service Evaluation. PB82-259268 PC A05/MF A01 Relation of Toughness Test Values to Fatigue Cracking in Bridges. PB82-258765 PC A06/MF A01 Safety Issues Related to Synthetic Fuels Facilities. PB82-258682 PC A15/MF A01 Procedures for Predictive Analysis of Selected Hydrologic Impacts of Surface Mining. PB82-258476 PC A05/MF A01 Concepts for Developing a Nondestructive Test- ing Based Asphalt Concrete Overlay Thickness Design Procedure. PB82-258070 PC A04/MF A01 Mixing Efficiency of Recycled Asphalt Paving Mixtures. PB82-257155 PC A11/MF A01 Waste-Heat Vertical Tube Foam Evaporation for Cooling Tower Blowdown Renovation/Recycle. PB82-256629 PC A07/MF A01 25 Wide Range Aerosol Classifier. PB82-256264 PC A04/MF A01 Implementation of Modern Statistical Methods for Improving the Accuracy of Highway Labora- tory and Field Data - A Manual. PB82-256256 PC A08/MF A01 Structural Analysis and Design of PCC Shoulders. PB82-255548 PC A09/MF A01 A Laser-lnterferometric Trajectory-Following System for Determining Forces on Freely-Flying Models in a Shock-Tunnel. PB82-253691 PC A02/MF A01 Study of Parameters Which Influence the Energy Utilization Efficiency in the Grinding of Gabbro Ores. PB82-251935 PC A03/MF A01 Research Directions in Computer Engineering. PB82-249020 PC A02/MF A01 An Inexpensive 15 Mhz Fiber Optic Analog Data Link; Research and Training Programme on Con- trolled Thermonuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics. N82-29172/5 PC A02/MF A01 A Design Methodology for Nonlinear Systems Con- taining Parameter Uncertainty: Application to Non- linear Controller Design. N82-29005/7 PC A05/MF A01 Improved Finite Element Methodology for Integrat- ed Thermal Structural Analysis. N82-28666/7 PC A10/MF A01 Study of Boundary-Layer Transition Using Tran- sonic Cone Preston Tube Data. N82-28579/2 PC A07/MF A01 Effects of Cobalt on the Microstructure of Udimet 700. N82-28409/2 PC A04/MF A01 Electric and Magnetic Fields. N82-28350/8 PC A03/MF A01 Controllability of Inherently Damped Large Flex- ible Space Structures. N82-28345/8 PC A02/MF A01 26 Land Mobile Satellite Service (LMSS): A Concep- tual System Design and Identification of the Crit- ical Technologies. Part 1. N82-28325/0 PC A04/MF A01 Helicopter Vibration Suppression Using Simple Pendulum Absorbers on the Rotor Blade. N82-28282/3 PC A07/MF A01 Prosthetic Occlusive Device for an Internal Pass- ageway. N82-26962/2 PC A02/MF A01 Gradientless Catalytic Reactor for Energy-Related Studies. DE82-902523 PC A02/MF A01 Wall-Pressure Fluctuations Within a Seven-Rod Array. DE82-013730 PC A04/MF A01 Analytical Modeling of the Buffeting of a Rod in Axial Flow. DE82-013729 PC A03/MF A01 Flow-Induced Vibration for Light Water Reactors. DE82-013656 PC A03/MF A01 Wind Energy for Direct Water Heating. DE82-012691 PC A04/MF A01 Laboratory Manual for Salt-Mixing Test in 37- and 217-Pin Bundles. DE82-007741 PC A03/MF A01 Nonlinear Representation and Pulse Testing of Communication Subsystems. AD-A1 18 443/1 PC A04/MF A01 Surf Zone Properties and On/Offshore Sediment Transport. AD-A1 18 442/3 PC A10/MF A01 Performance Tests Results of Automatic Direc- tion Finder Receiver Interference Susceptibility. AD-A1 18 438/1 PC A06/MF A01 Human-Computer System Development Method- ology for the Dialogue Management. AD-A1 18 287/2 PC A06/MF A01 Nonlocal Effects of Crack Curving. AD-A1 18 285/6 PC A02/MF A01 27 Effects of Anaerobic Conditions on Availability of Particulate Phosphorus from Tributaries to Lake Erie. AD-A1 18 274/0 PC A05/MF A01 International Aviation. AD-A1 18 270/8 PC A03/MF A01 System Engineering Analysis of Firemain, Flushing, and Washdown System Installed on LHA-1 and LPH-2 Class Ships. AD-A1 18 251/8 PCA04/MFA01 Numerical Methods for Creep Analysis in Geo- technical Problems. AD-A1 18 234/4 PC A07/MF A01 Classification of Coastal Sediments. AD-A1 18 157/7 PC A19/MF A01 System Engineering Analysis of Compressed Air Systems Installed on LHA-1 and LPH-2 Class Ships. AD-A1 18 155/1 PC A03/MF A01 The Role and Tools of a Dialogue Author in Creat- ing Human-Computer Interfaces. AD-A1 18 146/0 PC A05/MF A01 Behavior of Aluminum in Solid Propellant Com- bustion. AD-A1 18 128/8 PC A05/MF A01 Design Methodology for Multiple Microcomputer Architectures. AD-A1 18 092/6 PC A03/MF A01 Mechanisms of Recovery in Plastic Deformation and Creep. AD-A1 18 083/5 PC A02/MF A01 Review of Environmental Consequences of Water- way Design and Construction Practices as of 1979. AD-A1 18 078/5 PC A05/MF A01 Aircraft Production and Development Schedules. AD-A1 18 047/0 PC A02/MF A01 Near Millimeter Wave Local Oscillator Sources Proof of Concepts. AD-A1 18 024/9 PC A05/MF A01 Ion-Beam Milling of Silicon Carbide Epitaxial Layers. AD-A1 18 010/8 PC A02/MF A01 28 Peculiarities in the Application of Field Engineering in the Solution of Problems in Naval Field Engi- neering. AD-A1 18 000/9 PC A02/MF A01 Software Engineering. 7th Seminar. AD-A1 17 995/1 PC A08/MF A01 CAEDS-Computer-Aided Engineering and Archi- tectural Design System. AD-A1 17 972/0 PC A02/MF A01 Rates and Equilibria of Devolatilization and Trace Element Evolution in Coal Pyrolysis. PB82-260944 PCA06/MFA01 The Mathematics of Nuclear Engineering. PB82-253766 PC A04/MF A01 National Paper of India for the Second United Nations Conference on Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE 82). PB82-252743 PC A03/MF A01 The Origin and Fate of Airborne Pollutants Within the San Joaquin Valley. PB82-251851 PC E99/no MF Rail Modernization Study Design. PB82-251430 PC A10/MF A01 Dynamic Stiffness and Seismic Response of Pile Groups. PB82-249012 PC A07/MF A01 Topics in Programme Specification and Design: Specification and Design of Distributed Systems. PB82-247420 PC E06/MF E06 Robust Controller Design for Uncertain Dynamic Systems Using Approximate Models. Part 1: The Single-lnput/Single-Output Case. N82-28107/2 PC A04/MF A01 Proceedings of the Symposium of Design Appli- cations of the Finite Element Method, Volume 1. N82-28058./7 PC A08/MF A01 Symposium on Computers in Civil Engineering. N82-27994/4 PC A10/MF A01 Magnetohydrodynamics (Mhd) Engineering Test Facility (Etf) 200 Mwe Power Plant. Conceptual Design Engineering Report (CDER). Volume 2: Engineering. Volume 3: Costs and Schedules. N82-27837/5 PC E08/MF A01 29 A Resume of Boundary Integral Methods (In 2 -Dimensional Elasticity). N82-27771/6 PCA02/MFA01 Plane Stress/Strain Analysis by Boundary Inte- gral Equation and Finite Element Methods. N82-27768/2 PC A03/MF A01 Magnetic Bearing Flywheels for Electric Storage. N82-27750/0 PC A02/MF A01 Develop Real-Time Dosimetry Concepts and Instrumentation for Long Term Missions. N82-27708/8 PC A02/MF A01 Hydraulic Transport of Coarse Solids in Circular and Segmented Pipes. N82-27685/8 PC A08/MF A01 Electronic Video System: Phase 1. N82-27607/2 PC A14/MF A01 Solute Transport During the Cyclic Oxidation of Ni-Cr-A1 Alloys. N82-27462/2 PC A07/MF A01 Large Space Systems/Propulsion Interactions. N82-27358/2 PC A12/MF A01 Development of a Nonlinear Vortex Method. N82-27223/8 PC A04/MF A01 Evaluation of a Rectangular Opposed-Jet Burner for Pulverized-Coal Diffusion-Flame Studies. DE82-009791 no PC/MF A01 Research on Dynamics of Composite and Sand- wich Plates. AD-A117 946/4 PC A03/MF A01 Analytical and Experimental Investigations of Bimodular Composite Beams. AD-A1 17 945/6 PCA05/MFA01 Biodynamic Data Bank Feasibility Study. AD-A1 17 921/7 PC A02/MF A01 Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Microwave and Millimeter Wave Radiation from Hollow, Rotating, Electron Beams. AD-A1 17 896/1 PC A03/MF A01 Studies of Growth-ln Defects and Transport Prop- erties Versus Growth Parameters in lll-V Com- pound Semiconductors. AD-A1 17 871/4 PC A05/MF A01 30 Defense Energy Information System (DEIS): DEIS- 80 Design System Specification. Rev. B AD-A117 830/0 PC A10/MF A01 Digital Image Quality and Interpretability: Database and Hardcopy Studies. AD- A 1 1 7 82 1 /9 PC A02/M F A0 1 System Optimization by Periodic Control. AD-A1 17 815/1 PCA03/MFA01 Structure and Properties of Polymers and Organ©- silanes Absorbed Onto Oxidized Aluminum and Titanium. AD-A1 17 814/4 PC A03/MF A01 Highly Parallel Modern Signal Processing. AD-A1 17 748/4 PC A04/MF A01 Fatigue of Laminated Composote Structures. AD-A1 17 731/0 PCA02/MFA01 Preliminary Analysis of the Benefits and Costs to Implement the National Airspace System Plan. AD-A1 17 664/3 PC A04/MF A01 The DMS Multiprocess Execution Environment. AD-A1 17 660/1 PC A03/MF A01 Airport Landside. Vol. 1. Planning Guide: Final Report. AD-A1 17 599/1 PC A05/MF A01 Fault Diagnosis of Nonlinear Analog Circuits. Vol. 1. DC Diagnosis of Hard Failures. AD-A1 17 567/8 PC A04/MF A01 Research on the Behavior of Cascaded Airfoils under Conditions of High Mean Loading and Flow Unsteadiness. AD-A1 17 543/9 PC A03/MF A01 Equilibrium Noise in Ion Selective Field Effect Transistors. AD-A1 17 525/6 PC A03/MF A01 Human Engineering Laboratory Aviation Supply Class lll/V Materiel (HELAVS lll/V) Field Test. AD-A1 17 471/3 PC A02/MF A01 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica. Volume 2, No. 3. AD-A1 17 465/5 PC A08/MF A01 31 Mechanics of Surface Damage in Elastohydro- dynamic Contacts. AD-A1 17 458/0 PC A02/MF A01 Mercury Cadmium Telluride Sputtered Target Research. AD-A1 17 456/4 PC A03/MF A01 Adaptive Sampling for Enhanced Performance of an Ion Detection System for a Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. AD-A1 17 441/6 PC A06/MF A01 Energy Model of a Cadmium Stream with Corre- lation of Embodied Energy and Toxicity. PB82-256876 PCA07/MFA01 Application of Preservatives to Hay: A Guide to Experimental Methods and Field Techniques. PB82-251323 PC A02/MF A01 Proceedings of Operational Research Workshop Held at the National College of Agricultural Engi- neering, Silsoe (England) on Sept. 20-21, 1978. PB82-249384 PC A06/MF A01 Seismic Behavior and Design of Urban Area Tunnel Linings. PB82-249038 PC A06/MF A01 Machine Intelligence Research Applied to Indus- trial Automation. PB82-248543 PC A08/MF A01 The Equivalent Number of Cycles of Recorded Accelerograms for Soil Liquefaction Studies. PB82-248246 PC A07/MF A01 Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Licensing. PB82-247859 PC A07/MF A01 A Calculus of Total Correctness for Communica- ting Processes. PB82-247453 PC E03/MF E03 A Model for Communicating Sequential Processes PB82-247404 PC E03/MF E03 Survey of Safety Procedures for Guarding Blast Affected Areas. PB82-246042 PC A04/MF A01 Improving Accuracy Control While Employing Zone Outfitting in U.S. Shipyards. PB82-245713 PC A04/MF A01 32 Methodology for Sizing of Dredged Material Con- tainment Areas. PB82-243874 PCA09/MFA01 Executive Summary of the ADP Study (Book I). PB82-241373 PC A03/MF A01 A Glossary of Terms Used in Measurement and Control Systems in the Water Industry. PB82-241050 PC A04/MF A01 Bibliography of Lewis Research Center Techni- cal Publications Announced in 1981. N82-27191/7 PC A13/MF A01 Heat Transfer Analysis of the Bridgman-Stock- barger Configuration for Crystal Growth. Part 1: Analytical Treatment of the Axial Temperature Distribution. N82-27158/6 PC A03/MF A01 An Experimental Investigation of 235 sub UF sub 6 Fission Produced Plasmas. N82-27138/8 PC A03/MF A01 Oculometer Focus and Mirror Control. N82-27122/2 PC A04/MF A01 Acoustic Properties of Turbofan Inlets. N82-27090/1 PC A02/MF A01 Silicon Production Process Evaluations. N82-26798/0 PC A01/MF A01 Mechanisms of Deformation and Fracture in High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue of Rene 80 and in 100. N82-26706/3 PC A1 1/MF A01 Electrostatic Fuel Conditioning of Internal Com- bustion Engines. N82-26680/0 PC A06/MF A01 Signal Analysis of Voltage Noise in Welding Arcs. N82-26677/6 PC A02/MF A01 Large Scintillator Array for Particle Identification by Time of Flight. N82-26646/1 PC A03/MF A01 Intermittent/Transient Faults in Digital Systems. N82-26576/0 PC A02/MF A01 High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue Mechanisms for Nickel Base and a Copper Base Alloy. N82-26436/7 PC A06/MF A01 33 Study of the Global Positioning System for Mari- time Concepts/Applications: Study of the Feasi- bility of Replacing Maritime Shipborne Naviga- tion Systems with Navstar. N82-26263/5 PC A02/MF A01 Countercurrent Steam-Water Flow in a Flat Plate Geometry. NUREG/CR-2783 PC A04/MF A01 Transeaver Specifications Overall Systems Design-Task I. NUREG/CR-2026 PC A05/MF A01 Variable Load Fatigue. Ninth Report: An Appraisal of Cornering Fatigue Tests for Road Wheels. MIRA-82/23 PC $7.50/no MF Comfort and Convenience of Safety Belts in Every- day Use. MIRA-82/21 PC$14/noMF Prediction of Seat Belt Fit - Comparison Between a Geometrical Model and Wearer Preference. MIRA-82/17 PC$9/noMF Road Wheel Stresses. MIRA-82/05 PC $13/no MF Improved Uranium-Utilization Program. Phase I. DE82-009930 PC A04/MF A01 Localized Corrosion and Stress-Corrosion- Cracking Behavior of Stainless Steel Weldments. DE82-009836 PC A02/MF A01 Characteristics of Coal/Light-Hydrocarbon Slurries in Spray Combustion. DE82-009807 PC A02/MF A01 Probabilistic Models of the Stress-Rupture of Composite Materials: Phase V. DE82-0091 1 1 PC A04/MF A01 Protective Oxide Films. - DE82-00781 1 no PC/MF A01 Improved Foundry Castings Utilizing CAD/CAM. AD-A117 338/4 PC A07/MF A01 An Approach to Risk and Uncertainty in Benefit- Cost Analysis of Water Resources Projects. AD-A117 317/8 PC A02/MF A01 A Computer-Based Interactive Model for Indus- trial Land Use Forecasting. AD-A1 17 316/0 PC A02/MF A01 34 Scheduling Maintenance Operations Which Cause Age-Dependant Failure Rate Changes. AD-A1 17 267/5 PC A02/MF A01 Vectorized Sparse Elimination. AD-A1 17 1 12/3 PC A02/MF A01 SL-7 Extreme Stress Data Collection and Re- duction. AD-A1 17 055 PC A04/MF A01 The Application of Crossed Products to the Sta- bility and Design of Time-Varying Systems. AD-A1 16 998/6 PC A02/MF A01 Acoustic Strain Visualization in Structural Materials. AD-A1 16 992/9 PC A04/MF A01 Improving Software Quality Assurance Methods. AD-A1 16 980/4 PC A07/MF A01 A FORTRAN Program for Rectangular Microstrip Antennas. AD-A1 16 952/3 PC A05/MF A01 Stochastic Availability of a Repairable System with an Age — and Maintenance — Dependent Failure Rate. AD-A1 16 932/5 PC A06/MF A01 Production Lot Sizing and the Power of 2. AD-A1 16 929/1 PC A03/MF A01 A Combined Approach to the Pallet Loading Problems. AD-A1 16 928/3 PC A03/MF A01 Water Pollution Control in Army Table of Organiza- tion and Equipment (TOE) Maintenance Operation: Overview and Assessment. AD-A1 16 864/0 PC A02/MF A01 Energy Monitoring and Control Systems Operator Training - Recommended Qualifications, Staffing, Job Description, and Training Requirements for EMCS Operators. AD-A1 16 835/0 PC A04/MF A01 Prototype Fiber Optic System to Remote TRACALS Radars. AD-A1 16 815/2 PC A03/MF A01 Computer Simulated Visual and Tactile Feedback as an Aid to Manipulator and Vehicle Control. AD-A1 16 787/3 PC A07/MF A01 35 Advanced Operating Systems Concepts for BMD Applications. AD-A1 16 773/3 PC A02/MF A01 A Distributed Operating System for BMD Appli- cations; Master's Thesis. AD-A1 16 763/4 PC A08/MF A01 Heat and Mass Transfer During the Growth and Dissociation of Gas Hydrates in Porous Media. PB82-254608 PC A03/MF A01 Safety Analysis of the Impactor Shaft Sinking System. PB82-249699 PC A17/MF A01 Adaptive Real-Time Streamflow Forecasting Model for Hydrosystem Operational Planning. PB82-243502 PC A1 1/MF A01 Making Inspection Work: Three Case Studies. PB82-242942 PC A05/MF A01 TSM for Major Institutions: San Francisco Ex- perience. PB82-242496 PC A05/MF A01 Dynamic Response of Bridges and Earthquake Response of Building-Foundation Systems; Doc- toral Thesis. PB82-242082 PC A24/MF A01 The SRICOM Probabilistic Model of Communica- tion System Performance: A User's Manual for Engineers, Applications Programmers, and Sys- tems Programmers. PB82-240409 PC A08/MF A01 Residential and Commercial Cogeneration Sys- tems Assessment. PB82-240037 PC A06/MF A01 Verification and Transfer of Thermal Pollution Model. Volume I: Verification of Three-Dimensional Free-Surface Model. PB82-238569 PC A06/MF A01 Comparison of 16 Bit Microprocessors: Motorola MC 68000 and INTEL 8086. PB82-2381 14 PC A02/MF A01 Research Into the Structure, Accessing, and Manipulation of Numeric Data Bases: Report on Phase I. PB82-238056 PC A10/MF A01 36 Civilian Space Policy and Applications. PB82-234444 PC A17/MF A01 A Model for Planning Production in an N Stage System. PB82-233859 PC A03/MF A01 Calculation of Transorgan Transport Functions for a Multipath Capillary-Tissue System. Sub- heading: Multipath Transorgan Transport. PB82-229535 PC A02/MF A01 The Economic Lot Sizing Scheduling Problem with Several Machines. Issues of Schedulability. PB82-229246 PC A03/MF A01 Use of Space Flight by Universities. N82-26045/6 PCA05/MFA01 Display, Handling, and Storage of Data by the Sigma System Representation, Manipulation, Stockage de Donnees dans le Systeme Sigma. N82-26044/9 PC A03/MF A01 Management and Control of Self-Replicating Sys- tems: A Systems Model. N82-25892/2 PC A03/MF A01 International Symposium on Fatigue Thresholds. N82-25548/0 PC A06/MF A01 Mathematical Models for the Synthesis and Opti- mization of Spiral Bevel Gear Tooth Surfaces. N82-25516/7 PC A06/MF A01 Physical Phenomena in Containerless Glass Processing. N82-25466/5 PC A02/MF A01 Multimode Fiber Optic Wavelength Division Multi- plexing. N82-25443/4 PC A02/MF A01 Input Filter Compensation for Switching Resu- lators. N82-25442/6 PC A04/MF A01 Number and Placement of Control System Com- ponents Considering Possible Failures. N82-25277/6 PC A02/MF A01 Conceptual Design Study for an Advanced Cab and Visual System. Vol. 2. N82-25267/7 PC A08/MF A01 37 Development of an Analytical Technique for the Optimization of Jet Engine and Duct Acoustic Liners. N82-25256/0 PC A08/MF A01 Investigation of the Electrical and Optical Prop- erties of Organometallic Vapor-Phase Epitaxial Ga/sub 1-XA-l/sub X/As and Ga/sub 1-X/A1/sub X/As/GaAs in Solar Cells. DE82-011083 PC A03/MF A01 Experimental Study of Multiple Steady States in an Adiabatic Coal-Liquefaction Reactor. DE82-009832 PC A02/MF A01 High-Temperature Corrosion of Ceramics. DE82-009527 PC A02/MF A01 Personnel Supply and Demand Issues in the Nuclear Power Industry. DE82-009382 PC A05/MF A01 Interfacial Effects in the Recovery of Residual Oil by Displacement. DE82-009274 PC A03/MF A01 Microstructural Effects in Abrasive Wear. DE82-009157 PC A02/MF A01 Treatment of Coal Conversion Wastewater with the Powdered Activated Carbon-Contact Stabi- lization Activated Sludge Process. DE82-008915 PC A03/MF A01 Microbial Interactions with Several Munitions Compounds: 1, 3-Dinitrobenzene, 1,3,5-Trini- trobenzene, and 3, 5-Dinitroaniline. AD-A1 16 651/1 PC A03/MF A01 Interaction of Anchors with Soil and Anchor Design. AD-A1 16 597/6 PC A03/MF A01 Energy Data Mobile Laboratory. AD-A1 16 594/3 PC A03/MF A01 SEADYN User's Manual. AD-A1 16 589/3 PC A08/MF A01 In-Situ Measurement of the Properties of Curing Systems with Microdielectrometry. AD-A1 16 474/8 PC A03/MF A01 Free-Edge and Contact-Edge Singularities in Laminated Composites. AD-A1 16 439/1 PC A05/MF A01 38 Life-Cycle Costing of Life Support Equipment. AD-A1 16 404/5 ' PC A05/MF A01 O-Rins Installation for Underwater Components and Applications. AD-A1 16 393/0 PC A05/MF A01 An Isolator in Image Guide. AD-A1 16 383/1 PC A07/MF A01 Wide-Angle, Multiviewer, Infinity Display System. AD-A1 16 308/8 PC A05/MF A01 Comparative Analysis of the U.S.S.R. Construc- tion Codes and the U.S. Army Technical Manual for Design of Foundations on Permafrost. AD-A1 16 234/6 PC A03/MF A01 Numerical Computation of Periodic Solution Branches and Oscillatory Dynamics of the Stirred Tank Reactor with A Yields B Yields C Reactions. AD-A1 16 164/5 PC A03/MF A01 Control of GaAs Microwave Schottky Diode Elec- trical Characteristics by Contact Geometry: The Gape Diode. AD-A1 16 162/9 PC A06/MF A01 Model Program Generator: System and Program- ming Documentation, Spring 1982 Version. AD-A1 16 161/1 PC A08/MF A01 Multiroller Traction Drive Speed Reducer. Eval- uation for Automotive Gas Turbine Engine. AD-A1 16 108/2 PC A02/MF A01 Optical Analog and Hybrid Computer Solution of Partial Differential Equations. AD-A1 16 071/2 PC A03/MF A01 Thermal Conductivity of Liquids Using the Tran- sient Hot-Wire Method. PB82-239864 PC A03/MF A01 Needs Assessment Survey for Mechanics Train- ing of the Automotive Service Industry. PB82-237280 PC A03/MF A01 Evaluation of Snowmelt Forecasting Methods. PB82-236662 PC A05/MF A01 A Computer Model for Heavy Metal Transport Within the Penobscot River. PB82-236589 PC A05/MF A01 39 Health Impacts, Emissions, and Emission Factors for Noncriteria Pollutants Subject to 'De Minimis' Guidelines and Emitted from Stationary Conven- tional Combustion Processes. PB82-235540 PC A06/MF A01 Liquefaction Induced by Cyclic Loading. PB82-235508 PC A15/MF A01 The Competitive Growth of 'Pseudomonas' sp. and 'Sphaerotilus natans': A Model for Activated Sludge Bulking. PB82-235490 PC A04/MF A01 Duration of Earthquakes, Comparison between Ground Motion and Structural Motion. PB82-233834 PC A04/MF A01 Rail Transit Train/Elevated Structure Dynamic Interactions. PB82-232166 PC A06/MF A01 Water and Salt Transport in Membranes. PB82-232026 PC A04/MF A01 Oil Spill Response Scenarios for Remote Arctic Environments. PB82-231416 PC A18/MF A01 Engineering Control of Occupational Health Hazards in the Foundry Industry: Instructor's Guide. PB82-231234 PC A08/MF A01 Volatilization of Organic Pollutants from Water. PB82-230939 PC A10/MF A01 Substituting Power Plant Waste Heat for On-Farm Heat Requirements. PB82-229741 PC A05/MF A01 Freeway Operations, Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings, and Evaluating Highway Improvements. PB82-229394 PC A04/MF A01 Rule-Based Damage Assessment System for Existing Structures. PB82-22931 1 PC A03/MF A01 Proceedings of Conference on Waste Heat Man- agement and Utilization (3rd), Held at Miami Beach, FL on May 11-13, 1981. PB82-227901 PC A99/MF A01 An Energy and Fuel Demand Model for the Ohio River Basin Energy Study Region. PB82-227802 PC A07/MF A01 40 Operational Water Quality Management: Beyond Planning and Design. PB82-226754 PC E04/MF E04 Crop and Forest Losses Due to Current and Pro- jected Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants in the Ohio River Basin. PB82-225848 PC A13/MF A01 Improving Subdrainage and Shoulders of Exist- ing Pavements. PB82-225426 PC A10/MF A01 Seasonal Risk-Based Reservoir Operating Rules. PB82-224742 PC A10/MF A01 Behavior of Organic Priority Pollutants in the Ter- restrial System: Dl-N-Butyl Phthalate Ester, Tol- uene, and 2,4 Dinitrophenol. PB82-224544 PC A06/MF A01 Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model Data Needs. PB82-224148 PC A02/MF A01 Proceedings of the Water Reuse Symposium II Held at Washington, DC. on August 23-28, 1981, Vol. 1. PB82-223082 PC A99/MF A01 An Evaluation of Scaling Methods for Earthquake Response Spectra. PB82-221797 PC A15/MF A01 An Evaluation of Technology for Improving Fire Resistance of Materials: Improvements in the Fire Safety of Plastics in Wire and Cable Insulation, Upholstered Furniture and Decorative Wood Panels. PB82-221292 PC A04/MF A01 Improvements in Fire Safety of High Risk Prod- ucts: An Evaluation of Technology for Improving Fire Resistance of Materials. PB82-217803 PC A04/MF A01 Controlled Ecological Life Support System: Research and Development Guidelines. N82-24835/2 PC A05/MF A01 Investigation of the Winds and Electron Concen- tration Variability in the D Region of the Iono- sphere by the Partial-Reflection Radar Technique. N82-24770/1 PC A11/MF A01 41 Advanced C02 Removal Process Control and Moni- tor Instrumentation Development. N82-24735/4 PC A04/MF A01 Hcmm Hydrological Analysis in Utah. N82-24601/8 * PCA03/MFA01 Foreign technology NTIS continually negotiates with foreign data base operators to make their services directly accessible in the United States. Several data bases, bibliographic and non-bibliographic, that heretofore have been accessible only in Europe and Japan are expected to be made available in the United States through NTIS. Telephone (703) 487-4807 for current infor- mation. Full-text reports in microfiche You can vastly expand your coverage of U.S. Gov- ernment research and development with only a mod- est information budget. Selected Research in Micro- fiche (SRIM) limits your expense by providing you with complete text research reports (not just ab- stracts) in microfiche in only the subject areas you select. Our analysts will help you choose from 390 cate- gories and subcategories and 200,000 descriptive terms. Full text microfiche copies of the reports are sent to you biweekly. Instead of the regular single fiche report price of $4.50 you pay only 90 cents for each microfiche title that you receive automatically. Each microfiche has space for 98 pages of text ar- ranged in its 4x6 inches (105mm x 148.75mm) and may be easily read with any microfiche viewer. You can easily carry the microfiche equivalent of fifty 300-page books in one pocket. You don't have to wait to track down a specific report, order it, and wait for reprinting if it's out of stock. You get the full report, complete with every illustration and notation. By the time you would ordinarily have read of a report's availability, that report could have been selected by SRIM and have been sent on its way to you (see page 63). About the dates of NTIS reports Sometimes NTIS technical reports bear dates seemingly not current. That is because the originating agencies occasionaly delay public availability pending their testing and de- velopment of the technology. Regardless of the completion dates of the reports, their first pub- lic availability is usually when they are an- nounced by NTIS. 42 Engineering related Abstract Newsletters Abstract Newsletters provide thousands of readers with timely research summaries within three weeks of their receipt by NTIS from the originating agen- cies. Abstract Newsletters ensure maximum coverage of broad areas of Government research in brief and convenient form and at minimal cost. Summaries of special interest are noted by the term Highlight, Pub- lished Search, Foreign Technology, or Foreign Mar- keting Information. The final issue of the year is a special subject and order number index containing up to five cross ref- erences for each research summary indexed. The Abstract Newsletter titles and annual subscription rates are: Administration & Management $80 Agriculture & Food $75 Behavior & Society $70 Biomedical Technology & Human Factors Engineering $60 Building Industry Technology $75 Business & Economics $75 Chemistry $80 Civil Engineering $80 Communication $65 Computers, Control & Information Theory $95 Electrotechnology $65 Energy $95 Environmental Pollution & Control $95 Government Inventions for Licensing $205 Health Planning & Health Services Research $75 Industrial & Mechanical Engineering $75 Library & Information Sciences $60 Materials Sciences $80 Medicine & Biology $75 NASA Earth Resources Survey Program (Bimonthly) $60 Natural Resources & Earth Sciences $75 Ocean Technology & Engineering $65 Physics $70 Problem-Solving Information for State & Local Governments $60 Transportation $80 Urban & Regional Technology & Development $60 All NTIS abstracts in biweekly volume Summaries of all the U.S. Government research reports received by NTIS are published in biweekly volumes that include five indexes. Coverage is comprehensive— about 70,000 new summaries annually, more than 7,000 pages— and indexing is by keywords, personal and corporate author, Gov- ernment contract/grant numbers, and report/acces- sion numbers. The Government Reports Announcements & Index (GRA&I) is designed for librarians, technical informa- tion specialists, and others used to working with technical information terms and sources. GRA&I annual subscription: $325. Multiple subscriptions ordered at the same time for the same address are sold at a 15 percent discount (see page 63). 43 Government patents catalog is unique This unique Catalog of Government Patents pre- sents information on thousands of Government- owned inventions, most of which are available for exclusive or nonexclusive licensing. These inventions have resulted from billions of Federal dollars invested in a variety of research and development projects. The catalog comprises three basic portions: Volumes one through three contain more than 15,000 patents and patent applications divided into three broad subject groups arranged generally along the lines of the Patent and Trademark Office's classification system. An abstract is included with each invention and 40 percent of the abstracts in- clude illustrations. Volumes four and five contain more than 9,000 en- tries covering 1975 through 1980. The entries are sorted by subject and within each subject by Fed- eral agency, for easy browsing. Inventions are also indexed both by subject and by agency. The patents and patent applications cover all fields of science and technology and should be applicable in the so- lution of commercial, manufacturing, and production problems. Ordering information: Volumes 1, 2, and 3 are available individually at $50 each. Volume 1: Chemical and Related Arts, 1966-1974. Order PB82-251224. Volume 2: Electrical and Related Arts, 1966-1974. Order PB82-251232. Volume 3: General and Mechanical, 1966-1974. Order PB82-251240. Set of Volumes 1, 2, and 3, $120.00. Order PB81-140600. Set of Volumes 4 and 5, $120.00. Order PB82-197070. 44 Other NTIS Products also relate to engineering needs About 25 percent of the information in the NTIS collection, some 300,000 titles, comes from engi- neering disciplines. Besides the specific engineer- ing information products and services covered in the preceding pages, the NTIS general product line is a principal resource that should be considered by engi- neers. Any of the following products can be used sin- gly or in combination to produce a wide range of engi- neering information. 3,500 Published Searches These 3,500 specially priced Published Searches consist of thorough research summaries (abstracts) of advanced technology for business people, scien- tists, and specialists in urban, economic, and so- cial affairs. Users of NTIS Published Searches may multiply their search benefits and applications in many in- stances where the NTISearch subjects are offered with identical subject searches from 20 additional data bases. Current catalogs of NTIS Published Searches in specialized subject areas are listed on the order form for free information, on page 63. Published Search examples The following list of Published Searches is a very small sampling of what is available (request the mas- ter catalog of Published Searches [PB82- 105024, $5 refundable], using the order form on page 37). Two types of information sometimes appear following the titles: (1) A number followed by the letter a spe- cifying how many summaries comprise the Search. (2) The initials, in parentheses, of the data base sources of the abstracts, such as (Ei) Engineering Information Inc.; (IAA) International Aerospace Ab- stracts; (API) American Petroleum Institute; (EDB) Energy Data Base; (ISMEC) Information Services in Mechanical Engineering; (INSPEC) Information Services for the Physics and Engineering Communi- ties; (SWRA) Selected Water Resource Abstracts; (OCEANIC) Ocean Abstracts; (RAPRA) Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain; (METADEX) Metals Abstracts; (PIRA) Research Association for the Paper and Board, Printing and Packaging Industries. 45 Published Search examples Published Searches are $35 each, either in paper copy or microfiche. Marine Fuels. PB82-875188(ISMEC) Fouling Prevention in Heating and Cooling Systems. PB82-875170(ISMEC) Computer Aided Diagnosis. PB82-875147(Ei) Thermographic Detection: Medical Applications. PB82-875048 (INSPEC) Biocompatibility of Surgical and Dental Implant Materials. PB82-874520 (Ei) Biomedical Equipment: Artificial Organs and Prostheses. PB82-8784413 (ISMEC) Centrifugal Compressors: Design, Testing, and Applications. PB82-874330 (ISMEC) Corrosion Protection of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. PB82-873753 (ISMEC) Aircraft: Computer Applications. PB82-873688 (ISMEC) Annealing and Lubricants For The Cold Rolling of Steels. PB82-872920 (ISMEC) Electrochemical Methods For Machining and Metal Finishing. PB82-872912 (ISMEC) Automotive Electronics and Electronic Systems PB82-873175 (INSPEC) Corrosion Resistance of Nickel and Nickel Alloys. PB82-872011 (ISMEC) Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels. PB82-872003 (ISMEC) Motor Vehicle Suspension Systems: Vibrational Effects and Stability. PB82-871773 (ISMEC) 46 Nondestructive Testing: X-ray Radiography Techniques. PB82-871757(ISMEC) Mechanical Reliability. PB82-871724(IAA) Motor Vehicle Brake Systems. PB82-871666(!SMEC) Hydraulic Motors: Stability and Control PB82-871658(ISMEC) Nitriding Techniques For The Hardening of Steels. PB82-871641 (ISMEC) Protective Coatings: Processes and Equipment. PB82-871591 (ISMEC) Nondestructive Testing of Metals: Magnetic Methods. PB82-871583 (ISMEC) Steels: Effects of Heat Treatment on Brittle Fracture. PB82-871575 (ISMEC) Belt Conveyors For Long Distance Handling of Bulk Materials. PB82-871567 (ISMEC) Motor Vehicle Steering Systems. PB82-871559 (ISMEC) Metal Cutting: Factors Affecting Tool Life. PB82-871542 (ISMEC) Carburetors: Design and Analysis. PB82-871476 (ISMEC) Life Support Systems For Aerospace and Marine Applications. PB82-871104(Ei) Surface Alloying. PB82-870098 (ISMEC) Steam Electric Power Generation: Technology and Environmental Impacts. PB82-870452 (ISMEC) Claddings: Non-Nuclear Technology and Appli- cation. PB82-870288 (ISMEC) 47 Underwater Welding of Pipelines and Offshore Drilling Platforms. PB82-869611 (ISMEC) Industrial Noise Control: Architectural and Envi- ronmental Aspects. PB82-870023 (INSPEC) Artificial Organ Implants: Prospects and Problems. PB82-869876 (INSPEC) Reynolds Number: Analysis of Fluid Flow. PB82-868837 (INSPEC) Roofs and Roofing Technology. PB82-861428 (ISMEC) Irrigation Engineering. PB82-868746 (SWRA) Offshore Drilling: Environmental Effects. PB82-863853 (EDB) Water Shortages: Agricultural Impacts. PB82-867292 (SWRA) Chromatography for Pollution and Toxicological Analysis. PB82-867045 (Ei) Biomedical Engineering: Artificial Hearts and Heart Valves. PB82-866393 (INSPEC) Artificial Reefs: Coastal Engineering and Fisher- ies Management. PB82-866138 (OCEANIC) Time and Motion Studies: Work Measurement and Productivity. PB82-865882 (ISMEC) Press Tools: Design, Automation and Safety. PB82-865536 (ISMEC) Powder Coating: Processes and Applications. PB82-865528 (ISMEC) Superalloys: Performance and Applications. PB82-865502 (ISMEC) Hydraulic Turbines for Electric Power Generation. PB82-865494 (ISMEC) Programmable Controllers: Design and Appli- cation. PB82-865460 (ISMEC) 48 Vacuum Pumps: Design and Applications. PB82-865445(ISMEC) Product Liability. PB82-857269 (Ei) Antioxidants and Stabilizers for Rubber. PB82-856386 (Ei) Thermal Insulating Materials. PB82-865312(ISMEC) Steam Generation: Heating and Power Plant Design and Operation. PB82-865304 (ISMEC) Pressure Welding. PB82-865163 (ISMEC) Steel Casting: Foundry Practice and Develop- ments. PB82-865056 (ISMEC) Deep Water Drilling Technology. PB82-865023 (EDB) Plastics: Space Applications. PB82-864588 (RAPRA) Solid and Liquid Propellants for Rocket Engines. PB82-864364 (ISMEC) Robot Welding. PB82-864067 (ISMEC) Auto and Rail Tunnel Design, Construction and Maintenance. PB82-862905 (ISMEC) Cemented Carbide Metal Cutting Tools. PB82-862046 (ISMEC) Epoxy Resins: Aerospace Applications. PB82-862236 (RAPRA) Direct Numerical Control (DNC). PB82-861527 (ISMEC) Structural Steel in the Building Industry. PB82-861402 (ISMEC) Diesel and Gas Turbine Marine Engine Alternatives. PB82-860446 (ISMEC) 49 Urea/Phenol/Melamine Formaldehyde Polymeric Resins. PB82-860453 (Ei) Dust Explosions Unrelated to Coal Mining. PB82-860438 (EDB) Dust Control in Foundries. PB82-860099(ISMEC) Asbestos: Industrial Applications and Precautions. PB82-860081 (ISMEC) Dust Explosions: Combustible Particles and Control. PB82-859653 (Ei) Marine Gas Turbine Engines. PB82-859893 (ISMEC) Disaster Prevention for Offshore Structures. PB82-857632 (Ei) Offshore Safety. PB82-857020 (EDB) Security Devices. PB82-856709 (NTIS) Marine Diesel Engines. PB82-856147 (ISMEC) Marine Propellers. PB82-855735 (ISMEC) Offshore Oil and Gas Operations. PB82-855537 (ISMEC) Electrical Furnaces for Industrial and Domestic Applications. PB82-854597 (ISMEC) Mechanical Reliability, January, 1976-Oetober 1981. PB82-855149(EDB) Mechanical Reliability, January, 1972-October 1981. PB82-855131 (NTIS) Noise Reduction in Metalworking, Automotive and Foundries. PB82-853847 (ISMEC) 50 Fouling Prevention in Heating and Cooling Systems PB82-853771 (ISMEC) Marine Corrosion Control PB82-853763 (ISMEC) Heat Transfer and Corrosion: Combined Power and Desalination Plants. PB82-853722 (ISMEC) Diecasting of Light Metal Parts. PB82-853714 (ISMEC) Earth Handling Equipment: Operation, Main- tenance and Repair. PB82-853680 (ISMEC) Automatic Control Systems for Precision Hole Drilling. PB82-853904 (ISMEC) Thermographic Detection: Medical Applications. PB82-853862 (INSPEC) Cold Working of Metals by Means of Deep Draw- ing Techniques. PB82-853730 (ISMEC) Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines: Noise Reduction and Vibration Control. PB82-853615 (ISMEC) Toxic Material Control in the Metal Joining and Finishing Industries. PB82-853607 (METADEX) Air Foils: Drag, Turbulant Flow, and Vibration Reduction. PB82-853391 (ISMEC) Prosthetic Devices Bioengineering. PB81-881880 (ISMEC) Nitridings Techniques for the Hardening of Steel. PB81-881716 (ISMEC) Noise Control and Abatement: Transportation Sys- tems and Heavy Industry. PB81-881708 (ISMEC) Foundry Coremaking: Molding Techniques. PB81-881617 (ISMEC) Motor Vehicle Brake Systems. PB81-881609 (ISMEC) 51 Motor Vehicle Suspension Systems: Vibrational Effects and Stability. PB81-881534(ISMEC) Hydraulic Motors: Stability and Control. PB81-881526(ISMEC) Electron Beam Welding of Steels and Alloys. PB83-853176(ISMEC) Induction Furnaces and Furnace Control Equip- ment for Foundries. PB81-881401 (ISMEC) Rivets and Riveting: Material Stress, Fatigue and Fracturing. PB81-880858 (ISMEC) Earth Moving Equipment: Designs, Fabrication, and Applications. PB81-880817 (ISMEC) Continuous Casting of Wire, Tubes and Pipes: Equipment and Control Systems. PB81-880601 (ISMEC) Annealing and Lubricants for the Cold Rolling of Steels. PB81-880593 (ISMEC) Coating Processes and Equipment for the Appli- cation of Protective Coatings. PB81-880585 (ISMEC) Automotive Electronics and Electronic Systems. PB81-880403(INSPEC) Metal Cutting: Factors Affecting Tool Life. PB81-880163 (ISMEC) Aging and Heat Treatment of Maraging Steels. PB81-880155 (ISMEC) Centrifugal Compressors: Designs, Testing and Applications. PB81-880049 (ISMEC) Belt Conveyors for Long Distance Handling of Bulk Materials. PB81-880007 (ISMEC) Rayon Fibers in Nonwoven Fabric for Paper Products. PB81-875056(PIRA) 52 Tech Notes package combines technology of Federal agencies Tech Notes are one- or two-page monthly sum- maries, often illustrated, of new processes and prod- ucts considered to have commercial potential, having been developed by Federal agencies and their con- tractors. Tech Notes are sold by subscription in one or more of the following subject categories, each containing from 5 to 30 Notes. Computers; Electrotechnology; Energy; Engi- neering; Life Sciences; Physical Sciences; Machinery & Tools; Materials; Manufacturing; and Testing & Instrumentation. Among the Government agencies preparing Tech Notes are the Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the De- partment of the Army, the U.S. Bureau of Mines, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Each subject category contains a Foreign Tech- nology Alert Section, which reports on innovative technologies developed under foreign sponsorship, and an annual index. The annual subscription prices are: $50 for one category; $95 for two; $135 for three; $170 for four; $205 for five; $240 for six; and $250 for all categories (see page 63). FCC requirements for cable TV operators This Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Office of Telecommunications (OT) publication is de- signed to help cable television operators prevent interference to aeronautical radio services under Sections 76.610 and 76.611 of the Federal Communi- cations Commission Rules and Regulations. The Aeronautical Frequency Assignments Near Cable TV Carrier Frequencies lists civilian aeronau- tical radio stations using frequencies near those most commonly used for visual, aural, and pilot carriers by cable system operators. The lists are organized by State and geographic coordinates of the radio stations included. Price: $12.50 per copy, on standing order. Order: PB81-923900. 53 NASA aeronautical supplement series This bibliography enables aeronautical researchers and technicians to take advantage of the latest developments in the field. Aeronautical En- gineering: A Special Bibliography with Indexes con- tains summaries of specially selected reports in recent issues of Scientific and Technical Aero- space Reports (STAR) and International Aerospace Abstracts (IAA). The coverage includes documents on the engineering and theoretical aspects of design, construction, evaluation, testing, operation, and performance of aircraft (including aircraft engines) and associated components, equipment, and sys- tems. It also includes research and development in aerodynamics, aeronautics, and ground support equipment for aeronautical vehicles. Three indexes- subject, personal author, and contract number— are included. An annual cumulative index is published separately. Aeronautical Engineering (NASA) is sold as a Stand- ing Order at $6 an issue (about 12 issues a year). Individual copies are $7 each. Order NASA SP-7037, indicating month desired. An annual cumulative index is published separately at $10 a copy. NASA aerospace research Abstracts of the reports announced in the Scien- tific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) are available in microfiche. The biweekly journal, pro- duced by NASA, is a major component of the com- prehensive NASA system covering aeronautics, space, and supporting disciplines. Microfiche are distributed biweekly immediately following distri- bution of the printed journal. Issues for previous years, retroactive to 1964, are also available at the same annual rate as a current subscription. Price: $60 annually. Order NASA STAR in micro- fiche. Do you produce highly specialized NTIS-type data that would benefit scientists, technicians, economists, business people, or social plan- ners? Ask how your research reports may enter the NTIS distribution system. Address your remarks to the office of Government Agencies Support, NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Spring- field, VA 22161. 54 NRC Docket Materials detail nuclear reactor operations, licensing Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Docket Materials are issuances of information concerning the licensing and operation of nuclear reactors. They range in size from one page to several volumes of pages, but 95 percent are less than 96 pages and contained on one microfiche. The monthly publication, Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available (NRC 0540), is included free with all orders. It is an index to the docket microfiche. Current Docket Material (Part 1) is available only on standing order. Shipments of the microfiche are monthly as they become available. All standing orders are automatically charged to customers' Deposit Accounts. Docket Material is also available from October 1978 up to current issues. Part 1 Current Docket Material on standing order. Microfiche (48,000 sheets/year) $7,200 Part II Retrospective Docket Material. Oct. 78-Sep. 79 (40,000 sheets) $6,000 Oct. 79-Sep. '80 (48,000 sheets) $7,200 Oct. '80-Sep. '81 (48,000 sheets) $7,200 NTIS numbering system explained The series — PB — identifies document numbers assigned by NTIS. The two-digit number following PB is the year. PB82 shows that the document entered the NTIS collection in 1982. It is vital to iden- tification of the document. The number is the identification for each document. Published Searches bear numbers in the 8XXXXX range; subscription items, in the 9XXXXX range. Within the numbers for subscription items, the second through fourth digits identify the specific publication; the fifth and sixth digits, the issue number. This configuration applies only to PB num- bers. 55 NTIS Domestic Price Codes The prices below are for customers in the United States, Canada and Mexico. All other addresses please write for an appropriate price list. STANDARD PRICE SCHEDULE Price Code Price A01 (Microfiche) $ 4.50 A02 7.00 A03 8.50 A04 10.00 A05 11.50 A06 13.00 A07 14.50 A08 16.00 A09 17.50 A10 19.00 A11 20.50 A12 22.00 A13 23.50 A14 25.00 A15 26.50 A16 28.00 A17 29.50 A18 31.00 A19 32.50 A20 34.00 A21 35.50 A22 37.00 A23 38.50 A24 40.00 A25 41.50 A99 * * Add $1.50 for each additional 25 page increment, or oortion thereof. EXCEPTION PRICE SCHEDULE E01 $ 6.50 E13 $31.50 E02 7.50 E14 34.50 E03 9.50 E15 37.50 E04 11.50 E16 40.50 E05 13.50 E17 43.50 E06 15.50 E18 46.50 E07 17.50 E19 51.50 E08 19.50 E20 61.50 E09 21.50 E99 * E10 23.50 E11 25.50 N01 35.00 E12 28.50 N02 40.00 * Contact NTIS for price quote. (continued on page 67) 56 How to order The prices in this catalog cover sales in the Unit- ed States, Canada and Mexico. Buyers for foreign destinations should read page 56. RUSH HANDLING is for customers who must have immediate delivery. Rush Handling guarantees that a particular order will be filled within 24 hours of receipt. Rush Handling orders receive immediate validation, verification of availability, and individual hand processing through inventory control and the warehouse; priority printing if reproduction from film is required, and priority mailing. Rush Handling orders for mailing rather than pickup are accepted only from customers having NTIS Deposit Accounts or American Express, VISA, or MasterCard Accounts. Rush Handling orders may be placed only by tele- phone, telegram, Telex, Telecopier (see key tele- phone numbers on the back cover) or by customers in person; not by mail. Customers must use order numbers. Rush Handling for delivery to customers by First Class Mail adds $10 to the cost of each item or copy ordered. Rush Handling for pickup in Springfield or down- town Washington adds $6 to the cost of each item or copy ordered. PREMIUM SERVICE is a day and night toll-free telephone ordering procedure ensuring that if an order is not processed and mailed within four to nine days to NTIS Deposit Account or American Express, VISA, or MasterCard customers, the $3.50 charged for this service will be waived. Customers must use order numbers. Titles alone cannot be accepted in this procedure. All Deposit Account, American Express, VISA, and MasterCard customers receive Premium Service iden- tification numbers with which they may place toll-free telephone orders at any time. Premium Service ben- efits are toll-free calls with 24-hour availability, no busy signals, simplified ordering techniques (details with the identification number), postage savings, and priority mail. Premium Service adds $3.50 to the cost of each item ordered. REGULAR SERVICE will continue to operate with improved processing and stocking methods, optional priority mail postage ($3 North America; $5 outside) and optional pickup in Springfield or down- town Washington. Current parcel post deliveries using the U.S. Postal Service are usually completed within 9 to 30 days. 57 ONLINE ORDERING: Two commercial vendors of the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base offer their custom- ers the convenience of online ordering of NTIS docu- ments. They are the System Development Corpor- ation (SDC) and Dialog. Both permit their customers to charge NTIS Deposit Accounts for orders that are transmitted daily to NTIS. Inquiries should be ad- dressed to SDC, 2500 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90406 and to Dialog, 3460 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304. TELEX: Ordering from NTIS may be speeded by the use of Telex. Customers may charge their Deposit Accounts, credit cards or ask for Ship & Bill Service. Ship & Bill Service costs $5 extra for each order. ORDERS FOR FOREIGN DESTINATIONS: Orders should be placed through the sales representatives for NTIS products listed in the NTIS General Cata- log. Only if there is no sales agency should orders be placed directly with NTIS. How to pay The prices in this catalog cover sales in the Unit- ed States, Canada and Mexico. Buyers for foreign destinations should read paae 56. The fastest service is provided to customers who charge against their NTIS Deposit Accounts or their American Express, VISA, or MasterCard accounts because the processing of such orders is simplest for NTIS. Holders of NTIS Deposit Accounts may replenish their accounts using these credit cards and initial deposits to new accounts may also be charged to a credit card. Otherwise, payment by check or money order must accompany each order. As an added convenience to customers who have established credit, a Ship & Bill Service is provided, generally at a $5 surcharge on each total order for documents, regardless of the number of documents ordered. DISCOUNT ON MULTIPLE COPIES When at least 20 copies but less than 100 copies of one title are ordered, NTIS automatically reduc- es the total price by 15 percent. When at least 100 copies of one title are ordered, the total price is re- duced by 25 percent. This discount does not apply to all NTIS products and services. 58 How to open a deposit account Use the order form on page 64 and send at least $25, or enough to cover your first order, to NTIS De- posit Account, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Thereafter, keep at least $25 on deposit or enough to cover two months' charges. Orders will not be processed for overdrawn accounts. You may deposit any amount prior to ordering. Some active customers keep several thousand dollars in their ac- counts to ensure the fastest possible service for large orders. When your account is opened, you will receive preaddressed order forms to speed your shipments and simplify accounting and the recording of tax- deductible expenses. Retail sales at two locations NTIS has two retail sales locations in the Washing- ton area. In the District of Columbia, the NTIS Information Center and Bookstore is in Room 1067 in the Depart- ment of Commerce main building at 14th St. and Constitution Ave., N.W. Telephone (202) 377-0365. Several hundred best selling titles are displayed for sale and for immediate delivery without the Rush Handling surcharge. The Springfield Operations Center has a much more limited display of research reports, but any titles may be ordered for future delivery. FOR MORE INFORMATION Use the order form on page 63 to request the specific supplemental information referred to on the various pages of this catalog. For information not covered by the order form, please direct your inquiry to General Information, NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; or telephone (703) 487-4600 or (202) 377-0365. Business hours at the Springfield Operations Center: Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., excepting customer pickups, which can be made only between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Business hours at the Downtown Information Center: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. excepting customer pickups, which can be made only between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 59 Industrial Robots A SURVEY OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC U.S. PATENTS 1969 - March 1982 New state-of-the-art survey describes 212 U.S. Patents held by the United States (108), Japan (52), West Germany (13), Sweden (12), France (11), Italy (8), and others. This substantial new reference work is the product of an intensive search of the U.S. patent file by the expert staff of the Patent and Trademark Office's own Office of Technology Assessment and Forecast (OTAF). The search parameters were: all U.S. patents held on industrial robots as defined by the Robotics Institute of America. The results are presented in text, charts, and graphs and are organized: • according to patent licensee (by country, by name of corporation, and number and purpose of patents held) • according to goals and inventions (control and positioning systems, programming systems, sensors, grippers, structures, motion systems, specific applications) NTIS Order No.: PB82-169269 Price: $95 • Compares types and purposes of robotics patents by country, by name of corporation. • Includes initial drawings and first page of text for each patent. • PLUS A COMPLETE COPY (TEXT & DRAWINGS) OF EACH PATENT \H A SPECIAL MICROFICHE SET. 60 Basic NTIS product is Federal research and technical information As a cornerstone of the technological publishing structure in the United States, the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is a key participant in the development of advanced information products and services for the achievement of U.S. productivity and innovational goals in the 1980s. NTIS, an agency of the U.S. Department of Com- merce, is the central source for the public sale of U.S. Government-sponsored research, development, and engineering reports, as well as foreign techni- cal reports and other analyses prepared by nation- al and local government agencies, their contrac- tors or grantees. It is the central source for federally generated machine-processable data files and soft- ware and manages the Federal Software Exchange Center. Consequently, NTIS is one of the world's leading processors of specialty information. The NTIS information collection exceeds a mil- lion titles, more than 300,000 of which contain foreign technology or marketing information. All are per- manently available for sale, either directly from the 80,000 titles in shelf stock or from the microfiche master copies of documents less in demand. Seventy thousand new reports of completed research are added to the NTIS data base annually. In the same period NTIS supplies its customers with more than 6 million documents and microforms, shipping about 23,500 information products daily. Full summaries of current U.S. and foreign research reports and other specialized information, in hun- dreds of subject categories, are published regu- larly by NTIS in a wide variety of weekly newsletters, a biweekly journal, an annual index, and in various sub- scription formats for other Federal agencies. The complete texts of the reports cited are sold in paper and microform. Anyone seeking the latest technical reports or wanting to compile unique subject groups of ab- stracts may search the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base online, using the services of vendors or organizations that maintain the data base for public use through contractual relationships. The whole data base on magnetic tape may also be leased directly from NTIS. The more timely documents in the collection are con- tinually grouped by NTIS into paperbound Published Searches, covering some 3,500 topical subject areas. (continued on page 62) 61 (continued from page 61) Customers with well defined continuing interests may subscribe to a standing order microfiche ser- vice (SRIM) which enables them to automatically receive the full texts of only those documents relating to their individual requirements. NTIS sells its technical information products and services under the provisions of Title 15 of the U.S. Code (1151-7). The law established a clearinghouse for scientific, technical, and engineering information and directed NTIS to be self-supporting. NTIS, therefore, is a unique Government agency sustained only by its customers. It operates very much as a business, but in the public service. All the costs of NTIS salaries, marketing and postage, and all other usual costs of doing business, are paid from sales income; not from tax-supported congressional appropriations. Who conducts Federal research? Most Government research is conducted by U.S. corporations and universities under contract to Gov- ernment agencies. The NTIS collection is the larg- est and best publicly available pool of widely varied research results in the world. Corporate authors of reports in the NTIS system include: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Allied Chemical, Harvard University, Standard Oil of Indian- a, Yale University, Owens Illinois, New York Universi- ty, Aluminum Co. of America, University of Penn- sylvania, Combustion Engineering, Stanford Univer- sity, Deere & Co., Cornell University, IBM, Texas A&M University, General Electric, University of Roches- ter, General Motors, Johns Hopkins University, Rockwell International, University of California, Eastman Kodak, University of Illinois, Rand Corp., University of Wisconsin, Tennessee Valley Authority, University of Michigan, International Telephone & Telegraph, Columbia University, Honeywell, Univer- sity of Minnesota, Fairchild, University of Wash- ington, Ford Motor Co., University of Chicago, Hew- lett-Packard, Sperry Rand, Babcock & Wilcox, Reyn- olds Metals, Norton Co., Shell Oil, Union Carbide, Crown Zellerbach, Swift & Co., Monsanto, Gulf Oil, Carborundum, Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical, Con- trol Data, RCA, and Westinghouse Electric Cor- poration. "During the past year we have found the NTIS Tech Notes to be of consid- erable value. At the present time we are evaluating two Tech Notes that may provide improved methods with $200,000 annual savings."— John V. DiMatteo, Rohr Industries Inc. 62 OlOC O iZ 4 « 8 f Q. N 2 *■* >» O ^ I I « — Q. cc XI CO *, a. c °- £ u. o 0) TO "O 3 "E o I'E ctf < C CO TO CO cc CO CO CO c D. E E o CO CO to ^_ cc £ 11 5 t» I s - o 3 3 o o a. 2 a. £ g .2 g 5 I lCCO0>O).CCC0< iiuaJOl > O o - CC (0 "D is "5) °'i o E c clg u. o • CO O c -at fe- rn .2 CO ^ o CO P CO CO o £ 0C - a) C ]DD C > 2 « 5 c a) ° ■§ ° □ ■a ^ «- CD 33 CD CO O 64 CO CO CO —' trx ■* ® lit* o c S S o» - o Q.C 0) CO -£ -C 0> 3> E o s »- CO ,rf 1 1 t £ B H 5 2 CD Z 5 U- o> uj < X o S o F T3 T3 O c c ;«2 aM O o £ *r £° ?*:« w t5 E.9> gf 5 o R* 9> 5 fcO D) "O >» J!> ca o t: -o .t; o oo □ -J O o r~ &-Z Z* > Z ro - JD $ 30 ? C= v 2?s (D m M ?8z w co P TOF il Info Dad 2161 CO o i ° i o o a-, s 3 m CO 3d » O < m Oh 13 m DO 9 S cn >F