r ^£^U£ C 3.24/2:M 41/2 MC63-7 list of materials consumption items 1963 CENSUSES OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS list of materials consumption items 1963 CENSUSES OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES Prepared under the supervision of MAXWELL R. CONKLIN Chief, Industry Division U.S. Department of Commerce Luther H. Hodges, Secretary Bureau of the Census Richard M. Scammon, Director U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS RICHARD M. SCAMMON, Director A. ROSS ECKLER, Deputy Director HOWARD C. GRIEVES, Assistant Director CONRAD TAEUBER, Assistant Director MORRIS H. HANSEN, Assistant Director for Research and Development CHARLES B. LAWRENCE, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations WALTER L. KEHRES, Assistant Director for Administration JOSEPH F. DALY, Chief Mathematical Statistician CALVERT L. DEDRICK, Chief, International Statistical Programs Office JOHN BAKER, Public Information Officer INDUSTRY DIVISION MAXWELL R. CONKLIN, Chief OWEN C. GRETTON, Assistant Chief This report was prepared under the supervision of Jack J. Gottsegen, Chief, Commodity and Materials Data Branch. SUGGESTED IDENTIFICATION U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Censvs of Manufactures: 1963 MC63-7, List of Materials Consumption Items U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1964 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C, 20402 or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce - Price $1 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES List of Material Consumption Items CONTENTS Page Introduction IV Summary Tables VI Section I - Numerical List of Materials Included in Materials Inquiries 1 Section II - Numerical List of Materials Included in Product Inquiries » 17 Section III - Numerical List of Materials Included in Miscellaneous Inquiries 26 Section IV - Material Inquiries on 1963 Census Report Forms 29 Section V - Numerical List of materials appearing on Form MA-131, Supplementary Inquiry, Consumption of Materials, Parts, Containers and Supplies During 1963 110 Appendix A - List of Census of Manufactures and Mineral Industries Report Forms and Industries Covered 196 Appendix B - 1963 Census Mineral Industry Classification Compared with Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1957 , Revised) ....„ 200 iii 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES LIST OF MATERIAL CONSUMPTION ITEMS Introduction This manual lists all the materials for which consumption information was collected in the 1963 Censuses of Manufactures and Mineral Industries, except for items which appear in the general inquiries of the report form. The latter items are cost of fuels, quantity and cost of elec- tricity purchased, and check box inquiries relating to quantity and source of water intake. Infor- mation on specified fuels purchased by manufacturing establishments was collected on Form MC-D-12, Census of Manufactures, Supplementary Inquiries for 1962. Compared with the 1954 Censuses, coverage of specified materials in the 1963 Censuses of Manufactures and Mineral Industries has been slightly expanded. The number of items for which materials consumed data were requested totals 1,037 for 1963 compared with the 1958 figure of 980. The number of industries for ■which specified materials were requested was approximately the same (300) for both years. None of the above counts include material consumption information compiled in the MA-131 Survey, Supplementary Inquiry, Consumption of Materials, Parts, Containers, and Supplies, con- ducted for the years 1958 and 1963. This latter survey was designed to secure detailed information from large plants in selected metal product and chemical industries regarding the composition of the subtotal, "All other materials, components, containers and supplies consumed" (code 970099) reported in Item 17 or costs of specified material groupings, when no Item 17 appeared on the re- port form. For 1963, the industries canvassed totaled 97 compared with the 1958 total of 94. Section V of this manual contains a list of the preprinted items appearing on the forms used for the MA-131 survey. The report forms used in the Censuses requested information on the use of specific ma- terials in three ways: 1. In the materials inquiries section (item 17 of the reporting forms designed for manu- facturing industries, and Item 11 on forms designed for mineral industries) . 2. As part of the product inquiries. These generally relate to products which are im- portantly used by the producing establishments in the manufacture of further fabrica- ted products (Item 18 on the manufactures form and Item 12 on mineral forms) . 3. In the miscellaneous inquiries. These are special inquiries that request material data supplementary to that reported in either the materials inquiry or the product in- quiry. The materials listed in this manual are divided into sections according to the three meth- ods of collecting the data. Section I consists of items covered in the materials inquiries; Section II shows items covered in the product inquiries; Section III lists the items included in other parts of the manufacturing and mining report forms. In order that the relationship of a specified ma- terial to other materials for which data are requested may be noted, Section IV contains a reprint of the Material Inquiries appearing on the 1963 forms for the Census of Manufactures and Mineral Industries (items 17 and 11, respectively) . Items in the materials inquiries have 6 digit codes. Materials in the product inquiries have 7 digit codes, and materials covered in other inquiries have various code structures depending on the type of inquiry. When the assigned code has at least 4 digits, the first 4 show the Standard Industrial Classification industry in which the material is produced as a primary product. Ma- terials produced by manufacturing industries were further assigned a meaningful fifth digit, when possible, to reflect the product class to which they are related. On the other hand, some mate- rials represented a broad group of items, particularly the categories used for the MA-131 Survey (Section V) , and, thus, the codes assigned could only indicate the appropriate three digit SIC group to which they are primary. The material items appearing in the material inquiries are shown in Section I in numerical sequence as well as in commodity groupings when the former se- quence does not emphasize such inter-relationships. The Census form numbers shown in Sections I and III indicate the report forms on which data were requested for the material. In Section II, only the number of the form designed for the industry for which that product is primary is indicated. These Census form numbers are convert- ible to SIC industries by means of "Appendix A - List of 1963 Census of Manufactures and Mining Report Forms and Industries." The coverage symbols used -- "C" and "P" -- are applied to the materials consumed in manufacturing and mineral industries. "C" represents complete coverage (i.e., every manufac- turing and/or mineral industry that consumed appreciable quantities of the specified material was canvassed so that the resulting data are estimated to represent about 90 percent or more of the consumption of the item by all manufacturing and/or mineral industries) . "P" represents partial coverage (i.e., those materials that were either (a) important inputs into selected industries or (b) covered for special purposes such as to assist in industrially classifying the establishment) . Twenty-seven material items consumed by the mineral industries did not readily lend themselves to a "C" or "P" type of classification because the item description was too general, such as, "Material treated in placer operations." These items are indicated in Section I by a sign ( - ) in- dicating inapplicable. In all, 991 items were covered on forms designed for manufacturing industries and 46 for mineral industries, or a total of 1,037. Of these, essentially complete coverage was requested for 518 materials and partial coverage for 492 materials. The concept was not applied to 27 ma- terials for which the coverage classification would not be meaningful. The materials inquiries contained 633 items_with complete coverage for 314 items. The product inquiries contained mate- rials consumed questions on 312 items of which 144 were given complete coverage. An additional 92 items were listed in other parts of the Census forms with 60 representing complete coverage. Summary table I indicates the number of materials consumption items provided in the 1963 Census of Manufactures and Mineral Industries forms with respect to coverage, materials group, and type and portion of form in which the information was requested. Summary table II provides a count by materials group of the preprinted items appearing on the supplementary survey MA-131. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SUMMARY TABLE NUMBER OF MATERIALS CONSUMPTION ITEMS PROVIDED ON THE 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES FORMS, BY COVERAGE, MATERIALS GROUPS, AND THE TYPE AND PORTION OF FORM IN WHICH INFORMATION IS REQUESTED Materials group and coverage Total number of items Materials inquiry Products inquiry Other portions of form All items Complete Partial Inapplicable 01 Farm products 08 Forestry products 09 Fishery products 10 Metal ores , _ ) Anthracite, bituminous coal and lignite 13 Crude petroleum and natural gas 14- Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels 20 Food and kindred products 21 Tobacco products 22 Textile mill products 23 Apparel, related 24 Lumber and wood products 25 Furniture and fixtures 26 Paper and allied products 28 Chemicals and allied products 29 Petroleum and coal products 30 Rubber and plastics products, nee 31 Leather and leather products 32 Stone, clay and glass products 33 Primary metal industries 34 Fabricated metal products 35 Machinery, except electrical 36 Electrical machinery 37 Transportation equipment 38 Instruments and related products 39 Miscellaneous manufacturing, including ordnance 97 VMiscellaneous 99 ) 1,037 518 492 27 4 53 4 2 18 18 15 62 3 133 1 36 1 51 109 53 33 9 18 304 11 7 10 37 11 7 6 14 633 314 310 9 53 4 2 13 12 15 62 3 54 1 36 1 30 109 14 18 9 18 109 11 5 10 1 11 7 6 14 312 144 168 79 36 92 60 14 18 195 21 3 15 36 NUMBER OF ITEMS PROVIDED ON THE MA- 131 SUPPLEMENTAL INQUIRY- "CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS, PARTS, CONTAINERS, AND SUPPLIES DURING 1963" BY GROUP Materials group Number of items Materials group Number of items 07 Agricultural services 254 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 3 5 1 4 2 2 31 Leather and leather products 38 Instruments and related products.... 11 67 1 6 08 Forestry products 4 10 Metal ores 12 13 Crude petroleum and natural gas 14 Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels... 19 Ordnance and accessories 12 19 30 23 Apparel and related products 25 Furniture and fixtures 32 12 13 11 2 91 2 3 ■"■Includes items with material codes 58. Products not considered primary to manufacturing industries. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRES Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 010012 010014 011201 011202 011211 011301 011311 011321 011322 011331 011341 011351 011361 011371 011381 011911 011921 011931 011951 011971 011981 012011 012211 012221 012231 012241 012261 012271 012273 012281 012283 012285 012287 012291 012301 012311 012321 012331 012341 012351 012391 013311 013321 013325 013331 013391 013911 013913 013921 013923 013931 013933 013941 013943 20M P M lbs. m All other fibers (silk, jute, reused wool, waste, 22A P M lbs. P 22A P Bales it 22G P M lbs. j§H See below Grains : 20J C M bushels 20H 201 20N C M bushels \\w\^ 20H 201 200 C M bushels \\W\V 20N C M bushels \w 20H 201 c M bushels ® 20J c M lbs. \\\\\^ 20Q c M bushels 20H 201 c M bushels ^NSN^ 20H 201 c M bushels :v. ;• •; 20T c S tons ^n 011211 20T c S tons n\\\\\ 20T c S tons s\W 20G P M lbs. s\W See page 4 20F P Tons 20L c Tons ;^sssk 20L c Tons \^^ 20G p Tons §JH 20F c Tons \"\\^\\ 20F c Tons \NXVs> 20F c Tons sW 20F 20P c Tons n\\X* 20F c Tons \\\W 20F c Tons wwv 20F c Tons \W 20F c Tons \\\\\^ See below See below See below 20F c Tons 012283 20M c Cwt. HI 012285 20G c Cwt. \\\\v 012287 20T p S tons \\\W 20G p Tons P 20F c Tons n\\\\^ 20F c Tons 20F c Tons : . 20F c Tons ^NN^ 20F c Tons \\\vv 20F c Tons \W Poultry killed: Young chickens, including commercial broilers. . . ., 20C c Live weight, M lbs. 20C c Live weight, M lbs. .VOOsN See below 20C c Live weipht, M lbs. Pi Other poultry and small game, including ducks, 20C c WMwM \v\v\ e 013325 20C p Case (30 doz.) e Animals slaughtered : 20A 20B c M lbs. H 1 20A 20B 20Z-1 c Number v\\vv 20A 205 c M lbs. \\\\V S\\\v 20A 20B c Number \\\\V PDA ?rm q M lbs. C\\\\\ w 20A 20B 20Z-1 c Number sw 20A 203 c ■■ 1 .". \\\\v ^^ 20A 20B c Number m LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 081111 086111 086113* 086115* 091211 091311 100091* 100093* 100095* 101101 102100 103200 103300 104310* 105101 105191 106091 106220 109091 121011 121120 121191 121193 131201 131202 131203 131301 131302 131303 131305 131307 132120 132121 132122 132123 141101 142101 144191 144201 144301 145091 145501 147091 147401 147402 147501 147701 147901 149091 149901 Stumpage cut in the manufacture of logs, lumber, veneer, plywood, or other wood products, cost. (If stumpage was acquired prior to 1963, report esti- 24A 24B 24D P 11 i l 33F P L tons ^ Natural rubber, latex (dry solids content) 30A C M lbs. \\\\\ 30A c M lbs. WWV 20E p Tons Shellfish 20E c Tons n\\V\^ Ores and other metal-bearing materials treated: Crude ore and residues treated, except in placer 10B S tons 10A _ L "tons Materials used in agglomeration plants 10A - L tons 33A c Gross weight S tons \\\\v Copper ores, concentrates and precipitates 33C 33D c Gross weight S tons si 33C 33D c Gross weight S tons \\\\\^ Zinc ores and concentrates 33C 33D c Gross weight S tons s\\\\V Material treated in placer operations 10B _ Cubic yard 28A c S tons SS\\\v IOC c L tons Ores and concentrates treated other than bauxite... Manganese ore, including ferruginous (containing 10% or more manganese) IOC _ S tons 33A p Gross weight S tons ^^ Ores and concentrates treated 10D _ S tons 28A p S tons ^^ 33A c S tons n\\\W Raw coal mechanically cleaned by wet-washing or 12A c S tons Raw coal prepared only by other methods such as 12A c S tons Crude petroleum, excluding topped petroleum: 29A c M bbls. WW 29A c M bbls. '■ v " k Crude petroleum, including condensate, received 13B c M bbls. \H Natural gas processed during 1963 (volumes adjusted to a pressure base of 14.65 pounds absolute at 60° F) : 13B c MCF 1 28A 28M c MCF WWV 13B c MCF \\\\\^ 13A 13D c MCF NW 13B c MCF Natural gas liquids received for further processing.. 13B c M bbls. w, 209014 20K P M lbs. &SSS 20E 20F 20G P M lbs. \\\\\ k For use in flour and prepared flour mixes 20H 201 C M lbs. ^ 200021 Fats and oils (shortening, lard, butter, 20Z-5 C M lbs. 011931 Tobacco: Unstemmed leaf tobacco, including green tobacco. - 21A c M lbs. 8 2U c M lbs. \\\W 21A c M lbs. s\\\W 21A p M lbs. N. V Uncoated broad-woven fabrics, (piece goods) other 37A c M lin. yds. ^ ^ Broad-woven fabrics: 23D 37C 39D 39E c M lln. yds. Suiting and coating piece goods, excluding lining.. 23A c M lln. yds. lUl 23A c M lin. yds. \V •:• 23B c M lin. yds. S' " 221101 Broad-woven fabrics (piece goods), except coated, impregnated or laminated fabrics: 23E 3LD 38C c M lin. yds. 222101 23E 31D c M lin. yds. n\\\W 222161 23E c M lin. yds. s\\\\V 23E c H lin. yds. \\\\\^ See below Woven fabrics (over 12" wide), other than coated, impregnated or laminated plastics on cloth backing, 31C c M lin. yds. 1 38C c M lin. yds. s\W Purchased broad-woven fabrics (piece goods) , including transfers from other plants of your 22A 22E c M lin. yds. \\\VV ::. ■ 30.-. c M lin. yds. ^ \\\\\^ 30B c M lin. yds. \\\\W 22H c M lin. yds. s\\\\V Cotton fabrics, other than tire cord and tire fabric. Rayon fabrics, other than tire cord and tire fabric.. Nylon fabrics, other than tire cord and tire fabric.. Fabrics (except tire cord and tire fabric) other than 30A c 11 lbs. n§ 30A c M lbs. 30A c M lbs. Isjl 30A c M lbs. \\\SNN See above 20H 201 p v^^^$^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^m W Uncoated broad-woven fabrics (piece goods) : 23F 37A c M lin. yds. ^% 222102 23F c tl lin. yd:;. \\\\^ 220128 23F 31D c M lin. yds. N 25D c M lin. yds. sW Woven upholstery fabrics, excluding ticking and muslin: 25B 25D c M lin. yds. M m See above See above 25B 25D c M lin. ydc. See above hW LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 225011 225601 228011 228013 228015 228101 228102 228110 228120 228130 228141 228145 228301 229308 229501 229502 229503 229505 229506 229508 229521 229601 229602 229603 229609 229701 229704 229921 239300 240011 241100 241101 241102 241103 241104 241105 241106 241107 241108 241109 241113 241119 242011 242013 242015 242101 242103 22C P M Knitted fabrics, purchased (cotton, wool, man- 22D 23A 23B 23D P M lin. yds. Yarns: Yarns, other than cotton, nylon filament and spun.. Yarns, other than combed and carded cotton, rayon 22C C M lbs. 1^ 22D C M lbs. Purchased yarn, all fibers, including transfers 22E c M lbs. ^§ Spun yarn, (all fibers), purchased or transferred 22A C M lbs. il 22C 22H 33F c M lbs. 22D c M lbs. 22D c M lbs. 22D c M lbs. 22C 22D c M lbs. 22C 22D c M lbs. ■ VI c M lbs. Paddings and fillings, except rubber and plastic film 25B 25D P M lbs. ^^ 37A 37G 1 M lin. yds. sXVsV- Coated fabrics, other than vinyl coated fabrics, with 23F P M lin. yds. ft Plastic coated, impregnated, or laminated fabrics, 23E 31C 31D P M lin. yds. W^ Artificial leather and other coated or impregnated 27E P s>§^ ^^ :-jy P M lin. yds. ||s& 25B 25C 25E P M lin. yds. 23F 1 M lin. yds. s\\\\\ Tire cord and tire fabric: 30A c : ib,'. \H '•A IA c ■; 1: . . \\\\v 30A c M lbs. wwv 30A c M lbs. \w Raw wool, mohair, and other animal fibers (scoured 22A 22G c M lbs. 22A c M lbs. W\ 20H 201 p M bap* n\\\\V 28.J p ^S^^x^^ ^^ k\w Plywood and other wood products, except boxes and 31B p kVxxxv lb 241108 24A 24B 24C 24D c M feet (lor scale) 241109 Poles, piling, and other round or hewn wood products. Round or hewn woods products (such as logs, bolts, hewn crossties, hewn or round mine timbers and ties) , including stumpage charges for woods products produced at this establishment but excluding land 24H p ^W^S^\\\^ \w ^w 12A p n 1 Pulpwood bolts and logs: Softwood : 26A c Cords of 128 cu.ft. ^§| 26A c CO!"]; :A \ ' - 1.1-1 . \w 26A c Cords <■!' 1 ' cu.ft,. 26A c Cords of 128 cu.ft. Other softwoods, including Douglas fir 26A c Cords of 128 cu.ft. Hardwood : 26A c i: r-'i:- of 1. ■ '■ ■u,:'l. « 26A c Cons of . . ' L'u.i'l. See above See above 26A c i:,,m:- of ] . ,' 26A c • ■ r: f , • '...':. Chips, slabs, edgings, shavings, sawdust and other 241 p llllllllt^ HI 1 Hardwood slabs, chips, cores and other mill waste.... 26A 1 Cords of 128 cu.ft. 26A p Cords of 128 cu.ft. ^W 24D 25A 25B 25E c M bd. ft. 24D 25A 25B ?5K c M bd. ft. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 242110 242118 242120 242121 242128 242622 242901 243201 243203 243210 243211 243213 242215 243250 243260 244011 249930 249960 251261 260012 260016 260091 261101 261102 261104 261122 261128 262101 262102 262105* 262106* 262111 262112 262150 262158 24A 24C 24H 241 24E 24F C M bd. ft. 24A 24C 24H 241 24E 24F C M bd. ft. 37D 37G C M bd. ft. \\\\V 24A 24C 24E 24F 241 C M bd. ft. s\\\\^ 24A 24C 24E 24F 241 C M bd. ft. \\\\v Rough, surfaced or semi-fabricated hardwood 241 25A 25B 25D P M bd. ft. ss§§ 26A P Cords of 128 cu.ft. !\\\\S 37D 37G P v\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^ \\\\^ s\\\\V 24C 24D 25A 25E 24E 24F C M sq. ft. (3/8" basis) ■ 24D 24E 25E P M sq. ft. (surf, meas.) ^ Hardwood plywood: 24C 25A c M sq. ft. (surf, meas.) 24C 25A c M sq. ft. (surf, meas.) 24F P M sq. ft. (surf, meas.) 24C 24D 24F 25A 25E c M sq. ft. (surf, meas.) 24C 24D 24F p M sq. ft. (1" basis) 32A p WWvWWWWWW \^N x\\\\ k 25A 25C 25E p M sq. ft. (3/4" basis) 25A 25E p M sq. ft. (1/8" basis) 25A 25B 25D p m\\v\\\\\\\\\ S^ s\W Paper and paperboard products, including shipping containers, set-up and folding cartons, etc., Artificial leather, leatherette cover paper, and artificial leather base paper made from wet 21A p 1 27E p ^^^S ^H ^ 20E 20L 28D 28G 34A 35T 36M 20T 28C 28H 29A 36F 36G p IBs ■ n Wood pulp: 26D 28C 28D c S tons (air dry basis) i 26A c S tons (air dry basis) 26A c S tons (air dry basis) li 26A c S tons \\\\\v 28C 28D p S tons (air dry basis) ii Paper: See below Uncoated papers (groundwood, book, bond, writing, 27B 27D p S tons ^\ Own paper, produced at this location or at other 26B 26C 26D 26E p S tons ; ^ 26B 26C 26D 26E c S tons \W 27A 27B c S tons \\\\\^ 27C 27E c \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^ \\\\^ SSSSft Bristols, cover, text and other specialty paper, 27B 27D p S tons n Carbonizing tissue stock for conversion by you 27C c S tons » 395500 27C p S tons 262101 27A 27C 27E p S tons sV\\\^ ^sss^ *See Section III - Materials Included in Miscellaneous Inquiries for detail breakdown. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 263102* 263103* 263112 263151 264101 264200 264302 264338 265011 265013 265015 265522 266101 266122 280011 280012 280021 281012 281211 281228 281238 281340 281401 281402 281403 281511 281512 281513 281514 281515 281516 281531 281600 281601 281611 281622 281634 281811 281820 281822 281823 281824 281825 281826 281827 281828 281829 281833 Paperboard : Own paperboard, produced at this location or at 26J.26D 26E._. C S tons 26B 26D 26E P S tons k\w 32C C S tons WsWV 27C 27E P \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ fcNN ^W 27B 27D P S tons w\w v Bags, except textile, including shipping sacks, 27D P 1,000 of envelopes 28J P M^^^ WW\ ^ 20H POT 32C P \WWW^\W^\\^ ^xWW WWW Paperboard boxes and containers, including folding, 20F 28F 32B 25C 39D 32F 25E 28E 39E 32A 32K P ^M^wMw^ \\Wv 1 20H 20T P ssSsss Paperboard containers and converted flexible 20M P ^w^w^w^ n « Cans, bodies with combinations of fiber and other materials (foil, plastic, etc.) with metal ends.... Roofing felts (unsaturated) , other construction 29A P ««• ^ 11 29B P S tons \NX\N\ 32K P M lbs. n\\\\\ Antioxidants, antiknock compounds and inhibitors.... Additives (except animal and vegetable oil) , 29A P M bbls. 29A P M bbls. 31A P \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ C\\\\\ WWW See below 26A ?8A c S tons (100$ CI) Sodium carbonate (soda ash) 26A 32B 28A 28F 32A c S tons (98-100$ Na ? C0i) 26A 28F 28A 29A 28C 28D p S tons (100$ NaOH) Oxygen, including high and low purity, liquid oxygen should be reduced to its gaseous equivalent. 33A p M cu.ft. 28A p M lbs. (100$ C 6 H 6 ) Napthalene , grades of 77. 5°C or higher 28A p M lbs. 24H p M gals. WW\^ 331215 28A p S tons WWW 28A p M lbs. (100$) WWW 28A p M lbs. (100$) 28A ?8C p M lbs. (100$) 28A 28C 28H p M lbs. (100$) 28C p M lbs. (100$) 28C p M lbs. (100$) 281012 Pigments : 32K p M lbs. « Dyes, pigments, lakes, and toners 22A 22E 28H p ^W\\\W\WW^^ W^W §sW 30A p M lbs. sWWV See below Titanium dioxide , composite and pure Zinc oxide pigments, including leaded zinc oxide.. Other inorganic pigments, Including chrome colors, whiting, calcium carbonate, precipitates, white and red lead, litharge, lithopone, etc 26A 28H p M lbs. (100$ Ti0 2 ) ^ 28H p M lbs. ww^ 281601 28H p liiiltll w§w HI 3 61 1 p S tons ww^ Driers (napthenic acid salts, rosin acid salts, etc. ) 28H p llilliil m 28A 280 p M gals. Solvents (butyl alcohols, butyl acetate, acetone, etc. ) 28H p WWWW$^WWW\^< ^w^ m 28A 28C p M lbs. (37$ HCH0) 28C p M lbs. (ICOM 28C p M lbs. (100$) Urea and calurea 28C ?a,T p S tons 1 (100$ N) 28C p M lbs. (100$) 28C p M lbs. (100$) Acetic anhydride (net after recovery) 28D p S tons (100$) w& Rubber processing chemicals (accelerators, anti- oxidants, blowing agents, inhibitors, peptizers, etc.) 28C 30A p f§§§§|§§ n \NWNX *See Section III - Materials Included in Miscellaneous Inquiries for detail breakdown. Mjrea is reported in "thousand pounds" on Form MC-28C. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and By group By number Quan- tity Value 281835 281836 281837 281852 281861 281901 281912 281913 281914. 281915 281916 281930 281931 281932 281933 281911 281944 281946 281948 281951 281961 281971 281972 281973 281974 281975 281976 281980 281995 281996 281997 282011 282014 282101 282102 282103 282121 282130 282137 28C 30A 30B P M lbs. 28H P M lbs. NSVXSS Plasticizers, other (dibutyl phthalate, diisodecyl phthalate, dioctyl sebacate, tricreysl phosphate, etc . ) 28H P M lbs. Hi 28A P sWWWWWWWWsW \WW NNXW 28H P M lbs. \W See below Nitrogenous materials: 28A 28H 28J 28M C S tons (100$ NHi) Ammoniating or nitrogen solutions, including 28J C S tons (100$ N) w^ 28J 28M c S tons (100$ NH 4 N0 3 ) 28J c S tons (NHJ 2 SO4 \\\\W Other chemical nitrogenous materials, including potassium nitrate, calcium cyanamide, and ammonium nitrate and limestone mixtures Acids: 28J p S tons 33A c S tons (100$ H 2 S0,.) 28A 28C 28D. 28J 28M 29A c S tons (100$ H 2 S0 4 ) 28A p S tons WW\ 28J c S tons (100$ H?S0 4 ) Other acids, except spent acids: 28A 28M p S tons (100$ HNO3) 281901 28M p S tons 28A 28C p S tons (100$ HCL) 28A 29A p S tons (100$ HF) 28A 28J p S tons (100$ P 2 5 ) 33C 33D c Gross wt. S tons i| 26A p S tons (17$ A1 2 3 ) 28F p S tons (100$ K 4 P 2 7 ) ^ 28F p S tons (100$ Na 5 P 3 Oio) 28F p S tons (Na 4 P 2 7 ) It 28F p S tons (100$ Na 3 P0 4 ) M§ 28J p S tons (100$ NaN0 3 ) if 26A 32A p S tons ww\^ 29A p WWWWWWWW\W- kwW WWW 35R 36C 36E 361 36J 36L 36M 36R 38A 38D p Kilograms m 28A c S tons (technical) 38D p M ounces b^NS Man-made fiber yarn (rayon, acetate, nylon, etc.).... 22H p M lbs. ww^ 22D 23E p M lbs. Ws> 33F p M lbs. WW 33F p M lbs. Cellulosic plastics sheet and rolls , and cellophane . . 26B p M lbs. www 2LA p ^WWWWWWWW WW> nW\W Resins: Thermoplastic resins, including modified resins (Report resin content of vinyls and dry basis for cellulosics, polyethylenes, polypropylene s, styrenes, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes and 19A 26B 26E 28C 30A 30B 34H 36B 36H 361 36L 36M 37A 37B 37D 39D 39E p M lbs. 22H 32K p M lbs. LIST CF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 282140 282160 282202 282203* 282204* 282205* 282206* 282207* 282208* 282209* 282301 282305 282402 282411 282421 283301 283317 283318 284101 284141 284308 284309 284421 285101 286101 286102 287111 287114 287116 289111 289118 289119 289200 289301 289501 291101 291105 291106 291152 291154 291155 291156 291157 291158 291159 291163 Resins — Continued Thermosetting resins (melamines, phenolice, polyesters, ureas, etc. Report on dry basis. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc. and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other 19A 24D 24E 26B 28C 30A 30B 34H 36B 36H 361 36L 36M 37A 37B 37D 39D 39E P M lbs. Synthetic resins (alkyd, styrene, vinyl, urea, melamine, epoxy, phenolic, acrylic, etc.) (Report resin content for vinyl and dry basis 28H P M lbs. Synthetic rubber (dry solids content of latices) Butadiene-styrene type (containing 50$ or more 33F P L tons H§ 30A C M lbs. 30A C M lbs. 30A C M lbs. 30A C M lbs. 30A C M lbs. 30A c M lbs. 30A c M lbs. 22A 22D P M lbs. ^W 22A p M lbs. \\\\\^ 22A p M lbs. P 22C 22D p M lbs. wwv All other man-made fiber staple and tow, except glass Vitamins, natural and synthetic, bulk, excluding 22A p M lbs. ^n 28E p ^^^^ ^ ^ 28E c yiiii ^^ \\\\\ Antibiotics for human and veterinary use, excluding 28E c «^« it « 28C p M lbs. \\\\\^ 28C 28F p M lbs. (100?.) 284309 Bulk surface active agents other than sulfonated oils and fats: 28F p M lbs. Other emulsifiers, wetting agents, penetrants, etc. See above Perfume oil mixtures find blends 28F p M lbs. 28F p \\\NNNVs\Vy\N\NN\NNN ^^ n 25A 34A 25B 25C 25E p Gallons 26A p M lbs. ^v\\\. 28H p ^\\\\\^\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\^ s\\\\V Phoephatic materials: Superphosphate, used in mixed goods: 28J c S tons 28J c S tons Other phosphatic materials, including wet base 28J c S tons 24D 26B 26C p i-1 lbs. \\\\\^ 26B p M lbs. s\\\\V 26A p M lbs. s\\\\V Explosive materials, excluding blasting accessories 10A 12A 10B IOC 10D c Pounds 26B 27C 26E 27A 27B p M lbs. 28C 30A p M lbs. \\\\\^ 28A 28M p Bbls. (42 gals.) 291163 28C p M lbs. 28H p M gals. WWV 26B 26E p M lbs. \\\\\^ Liquefied petroleum and refinery gases for chemical feedstocks: Benzol (benzene) (100$ C 6 H 6 ) 29A p M bbls. 28A p M lbs. 28A 28C p M lbs. 28A p M lbs. 28C p M lbs. Other, including isoprene, propylene, isobutylene, 28C p M lbs. 28A p M lbs. See above ^ *See Section III - Materials Included in Miscellaneous Inquiries for detail breakdown. 10 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 291191 291195 291199 300115 301131 301141 303101 306931 306933 306980 307901 307902 307911 307912 307913 307914 307916 307921 307922 307931 307984 311100 311102 311103 311104 311105 311106 311107 311108 313108 320311 321101 321111 321121 322101 322102 322901 322911 322921 322931 322935 323150 324101 325501 327401 329501 329701 329905 Asphalt: 29B P S tons m 29B P M bbls. www 26A P S tons ww\ Cut stock and findings: plastic and natural and 31C P WWWWWWWWWWW 11 35B 35C P Number WW 35B 35C P Number WWW Reclaimed rubber, excluding "mud" and crumb or 30A P M lbs. Formed and slab stock for pillows, cushions, 25B P M lbs. www Form cores for mattresses, excluding topper pads - 25B 25D C Number ws Rubber compounds and mixtures purchased (dry 30A P M lbs. ^ 28E 28F 28G P WWWWW n 34G P Lbs. WW 1 Unsupported plastic film and sheeting, excluding 23E 23F 25C 26C 30B 37A P M sq. yds. it 30B P M lbs. Unsupported plastic film and sheeting, not backed, excluding packaging materials 31C 3LD P M sq. yds. in Castings, synthetic, including cellulosic and 20A 20B P WWWWW W^ w Unsupported plastics film, sheets, and sheeting 26B P M lbs. ii Formed and slab stock for pillows, cushions, seating, etc. (other than rubber, including 25B P M lbs. w w Foam cores for mattresses, excluding topper pads, other than rubber, including polyurethane 25B 25D C Number JW 25A 25B 25C 25E P wwwwwwwwww WWW WW Composition and nuclear types of soling materials 31C p M lbs. pww 23B 23D 31D 39D 39E p M sq. ft. it Finished leather for footwear cut stock and findings: Upper leather: 31B p M sq. ft. ■ 31C p M sq. ft. WW 31C p M sq. ft. ww\ Soling leather: 31B 31C p M lbs. vow 31B 31C p M lbs. WWW 31C p WWWWWWWWW WW WW All other finished leather 31B p M lbs. WW Cut stock and findings leather and other 31C p WWWWWWWWWW wws B§ 322921 Glass: 36M p Thousands WW WW 36M p wwwwwwwwww WWW WW 25A 25C p M sq. ft. www 32A p M sq. ft. vWv 32A p M sq. ft. WW 20F 20G 20Q 20T p Gross sWWV 28E 28F 28G p WWWWWWWWW WW WW 322911 32A c wwWWwWww w\w www 32A p xwwwwwwwww WW WWv See above See above 30B 37D p M lbs. WW 22A p M lbs. WsW 25A p M sq. ft. www 32G 32H 32K c 376 lb. bbls. Refractories: 32A 32B 32C 32D 32F 33A p S tons 329701 32A 32B 32C 32D 32F 33A p S tons 26A p S tons WWW 29B c S tons WW See above 36M p Pounds vWW www LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES 11 SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Aver- age Unit of measure- Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 331210 331001 331005 331009 331010 331011 331012 331013 331015 331017 331018 331019 331020 331021 331029 331031 331041 331042 331043 331044 331045 331046 331047 331048 331049 331051 28A P S tons sss 331051 19A 33 A, B 34D,E,F 35B,C,F,H,J,K,L,M 35N 36Q 37A,B,E C S tons 8 Mill shapes and forms (except castings) : 36R 38D 39B,D 39E,H,J c S tons iH See below 32G 34F c S tons i( Bars and bar shapes, excluding concrete 34F c S tons Bars and bar shapes, including concrete 19A, all 34 except F,K; all 35 except Q; all 36 except E,G,K, N,P,R; all 37; 38A.B c S tons u 19A,25A,C,D,E,F; all 34 except K; all 35 except D,J; all 36 except E,G,K,N,P,R; all 37 38A c S tons n Plates 19A, all 34 except A, I,J,K; all 35 except H,R; 36A,B,C,F,H,Q; all 37 except 37G 38A c S tons ■ 19A, 34E,F,H,I,L; all 35 except I, J; 36A,B, D,F,H,M; all 37 38A c S tons 19A, 30A; all 34 except D,K; all 35 except D,G,I,J,M,Q,S; 36C,D,F,H,I,M,Q; all 37 except G, 38A,B c S tons til Tin plate, terne plate and black plate 34A,H c S tons \\\\\\ All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms Alloy steel (except stainless) 19A, all 25 except F all 34 except K, all 35, all 36 except E, G,K,N,P,R; all 37, 38AJB c S tons Hi All 25 except B; 34A 34C;35E,F,G,H,I,J,L,Q, R,S; 36A,B,C,D,I,J, Q,R; 37D,E,F; 38D;39B, D E,H,J c S tons H 19A, all 34 except A, C,K; all 35 except E, G,H,I,J,Q,R,S; 36F,H, L,M; 37A.B C'G; 38A.B c S tons ■ 19A, all 34 except A, C,K; all 35 except E, G,H,I,J,Q,R,S; 36F,H, L.M; 37A,B,C,G; 38A.B c S tons i 19A, all 25 except B; all 34 except K; all 35; all 36 except E, G,K,N,P; all 37; 38A, B,D; 39B,D,E,H,J c S tons HI Hi Carbon steel: 33G c S tons 33G c S tens www Bars 33G c S tons www Alloy steel (except stainless) : 33G c S tons « 33G c S tons W^W 33G c S tons www Stainless steel: 33G c S tons ^ 33G c S tons •\WW 33G c S tons \w 331005 See above Ingots, semifinished shapes (blooms, billet, etc.) and other steel shapes received for further 33A p IBBi ^ 1 VWW\ n 12 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 331201 331061 331063 331065 331073 331075 331077 331079 331081 331091 331092 331201 331210 331215 331309 331312 331320 331330 331340 331341 331342 332011 332300 333010 333111 333121 333122 333232 333233 333234 333341 333348 333401 333404 333405 333471 333903 333909 333971 333973 333975 333976 334123 335003 335100 335102 Steel mill shapes and forms (such as plates, sheets, strip, piling, roof bolts, drill steel bars, other bars, rails, wheels, track accessories, pipe tubing, 1QA 10B 10C 10D 13A 13B 13C 13C 12A C S tons ■ Rods: 33A C S tons « 33A c S tons \\\V* 33A c S tons WWW Wire for redrawing: 33A c S tons 33A c S tons \WW 33A c S tons \ww 335608 Nonferrous wire for redrawing, excluding aluminum 33F p M lbs. xSNNS^ 33A c S tons WWW 33A c S tons WWX Steel wire strand and bars or rods, high strength, 32G p S tons 32G p S tons N\\W V See above See page 11 See page 7 Ferroalloys : See below 33A 33B p S tons 33A p S tons WWW 33A p S tone s\\\\\^ 33A p S tons 33A p S tons www Other ferroalloys, including silvery iron and 33A p S tons 331309 33B p S tons n\WW See page 14 See page 14 Nonferrous metals and alloys (ingot, pit, shot, etc.): Nonferrous plating metals (chromium, nickel, 34L p llll lb ■ 33C 33D c S tons M§ Refined unalloyed copper (wire, bar, cathodes, 33B,C,D,E,F c S tons 334123 33B,E,F c S tons Uli 33A 34C 34D 35M 35N 36C 361 c S tons \\\\\V 33A 33E p S tons ^w 33C, D 36N p S tons \W\W 36N p S tons WWW 33C,D c S tons WWW 28A 33A,B,E, 34C, F.H 361 c S tons tt Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery 19A 33A 34A,C,b,F, K 35A,M,S 36C,F,H, I.Q 37A,B,C 38D c S tons n 33BjE c S tons w\w 33B.E c S tons \ww 33C,D,G c S tons \ww^ Precious metals, all forms, including ingot, sheet, strip, solder, plating electrodes, etc See below 39B p kW§$^W^$§^ W^ ,NWW m 33A 33E c S tons i§ 33B,E c S tons W\w Tin 33A c S tons \ww^ 33C,D c S tons ww\^ 333909 33E p \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^ WW\N www 335100 See above 36R c S tons NSSSS sww 335128 33E p S tons ^w Copper and copper-base alloy mill shapes and forms... See above Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded 39B,D,E,H,J c M lbs. tn 19A, all 34 except A,J,K; all 35; all 36 except K,N,P,R; all 37; 38A,B c M lbs. WW^\ n LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS I. "WSTRIES 13 SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 335109 335112 335123 335124 335125 335127 335128 335200 335202 335203 335205 335207 335208 335209 335231 335251 335600 335601 335602 335603 335604 335605 335606 335607 335608 335609 335716 335718 335725 335728 Copper and copper-base alloy mill siapes and forms — Continued See below Wire (electrical) : 33F C M lbs. 335725 33F C M lbs. k\\\\\ 335728 Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content 19A, all 34 except A, J,K; all 35; all 36 except K,N,P; all 37; 38A.B C M lbs. 111 335790 19A, 33F; all 34 except A,J,K; all 35; all 36 except K,N,P; all 37; 38A.B C M lbs. n Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups 19A, all 34 except A, J,K; all 35; all 36 except K,N,P,R; all 37; 38A,B C M lbs. il Rods: 33F C M lbs. ^ 33F C M lbs. s\\\\V 19A, all 34 except A, J,K; all 35; all 36 except K,N,P,R; all 37; 38A,B C M lbs. 335109 See page 12 Other copper and copper-base alloy mill shapes and 33F c M lbs. w^ 335208 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy mill shapes and 24E 25E 33G 36R 38D 396^^11^ c M lbs. x$$^ Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy mill shapes and forms (rod, bar, sheet, etc.) 33E p S tons Up 19A 24C 25C,F; all 34 except J and K; all 35; all 36 except D, K,N,P,R; all 37; 38A, B c M lbs. 26E 34K c M lbs. is\\\\ Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, 19A 24C 25C 25F, all 34 except J; all 35; all 36 except D,K,N, P,R; all 37; 38A.B c M lbs. 335231 See below See above 26E 34K c M lbs. ^^ All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.).. See above 19A 24C 25C,F; all 34 except J; all 35} 36A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,J, L,M,Q; all 37; 38A,B c M lbs. ll 33F c M lbs. m 335716 Wire: 33F c M lbs. ii 335718 33F c M lbs. \\\\\v 335207 33F c M lbs. \\W Titanium and titanium-base alloy: 33G p M lbs. m 19A 33G 37C 38B p M lbs. \\W\v 36M p Pounds 36M p Pounds s\W 339912 Magnesium and magnesium-base alloys: 19A 38B p S tons ^ 19A 38B p S tons K 35R 36C,E,I,J,L,M, R; 38A.D p Pounds SNNNSS Nictel and nickel-base alloy mill shapes and forms... See page 12 All other nonferrous mill shapes and forms, excluding 36M p M lbs. J^^S 36N c S tons n\\\\^ 33F p M lbs. | See above See above See above See above 11 14 LIST OF 'iATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 335733 335790 336100 336200 339100 339200 339201 339912 339913 340001 340003 341101 342901 342940 342953 342956 348138 349401 349702 349901 351901 351920 356218 356228 356601 362110 362115 362120 36M P M meters ^^ 332011 See page 13 Castings (rough and semifinished) : 19A, 34B,C,D,E,F,H, L; all 35 except Q, R; 36C,F,H,I,Q; 37A, BjE; 38B C S tons 332300 Steel 19A, all 34 except A; all 35 except H,K; 36B,C,H,M; all 37; 38A,B C S tons 19A, all 34 except A, J,K; all 35 except Q; 36B,C,F,H,I,J,L,M,Q; ' all 37 except F; 38A, B D; 39B c M lbs. 19A, all 34 except A, J,K; all 35 except H, Q,R; 36B,C,D,G,H,I,M, Q; all 37 except E,F, G; 38A,B; 39B,J c M lbs. Forgings: 19A, 34B,D,L; 35A,B, C,D,E,F,I,M,N,T; 36C; all 37 except D,G; 38B c S tons 19A 37A 37B 37C c M lbs. 37C 38B p Pounds See below 36J,L,M p WMM H ^ 20E,I; 28E,F,G,H; 29A p «»1 « ^§ 20T p ^mmm^ \\\\\K ^\^ 20F p SssssssssssSSsssss Sssss ^\j\S>^ Furniture and builders' hardware, including cabinet, hardware, casters, glides, handles, hinges, locks, 25A,B,C,E p ^^s n 24C,E p »K» $^k\ \\\\\^ 31D c SssssSss^sSSssSs \w 30A p K\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ s k\\\\^ x\\\\V Springs, innerspring units, and box-spring 25B,C,D c S tons Valves and pipe fittings (except plumbers' brass 34L p ^ 34K p M lbs. w Engines: 25B 25D p \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^ \\w\\ sW 19A 35B,C,D,E,M 36C 37D c Number 35B,C,D,M 36C' 37D,E c Number Bearings: 19A, 34E; all 35 except P,Q,S; 36C,Q; all 37 except D; 38A,B c MBl 1 » 19A, 34E; all 35 except P,Q,S; 36C,0j all 37 except D; 38A,B c llifi w » Mechanical power transmission equipment, except Electric and electronic parts and components: Electric motors: Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 35C p !«• li « 19A, 34E, 35F,I,R,S, T; 36F,J,M; 37C, 38A, B,D,E c Number Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 19A, 34E; all 35 except A,D,H,J,N,P, Q; 36F,J,M; 37A,B,C; 38A,B,D,E; 39D.E c Number Integral horsepower motors and generators (l hp and over) 34E, all 35 except D,N; 35P,Q; 36C 37C, D,E c Number LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES 15 SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- d M be Prod, and con. By group By number Quan- tity Value 362200 362209 362406 367010 367408 367951 369101 372911 383101 387200 387201 387202 387203 387204 387205 387206 387207 387208 387209 395500 941111 941112 941113 941114 941115 941121 941259 970001 970002 970005 970011 970089 970099 999806 999807 999808 999809 999810 999811 999812 Electric and electronic parts and components — Con. Industrial electrical control equipment (received for incorporation only into other industrial electrical control equipment shipped, as such by this plant) : 36B P ibi Hi Carbon and graphite electrodes and other carbon 36B P ^\\\\\\\\\\\\\w\\^ WW\* ^m 36N P ^^^^^ WW 35R 36C,E,I,J,L,M,R; 38A.D C 1,000 35R 36C,E,I,J,L,M,R; 38A.D c 1,000 36M C \wwwwwwwww ww\^ s>W 35E p Number sggss Hydraulic fluid power pumps, motors, and related 37C p ««« a ®i 38D p •!• i§ It Watchcases: Men's wristwatch cases: 38E c Number Gold filled 38E c Number Rolled gold plate and sterling silver, including 38E c Number 38E c Number Women's wristuatch cases: 38E C Number Gold filled 38E c Number Rolled gold plate and sterling silver, including 38E C Number 38E C Number Pocket and other watchcases (all qualities) 38E c Number 38E C W^^W^W^^ i^i www See page 6 Wastepaper: 26A c S tons ■ 26A c S tons www 26A c S tons www 26A c S tons www 26A c S tons www Crankcase drainings and other used oils consumed for refining or reclaiming 29A c M bbls. m Other fibrous materials, including rags, straw, and 26A p S tons §m All other materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies used in distilling operations (cooperage, etc . ) 20Q p ^^^^ 1 m All other materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies used in bottling operations (flavors, bottles , closures , etc .) 20Q p llllllll i » Containers and wrapping materials 20K p k\\\\\\wij Ws\W sM Containers and other packaging supplies 31C p ^^^^ ^^ \W Cost of materials received from petroleum refineries and lube manufacturers 29A c MM«W i® ii See page 16 Waste and scrap: Cotton waste 22G p M lbs. Other fibers (synthetic staple, tow, waste, etc.).. Wool noils and waste 22G p M lbs. S 999823 22G p M lbs. w\w 999825 22G p M lb;:. \w Scrap : Aluminum and al uirri num-base alloy 19A 33B 34C,D,F; 35A.S; 36F.I; 37A.B c S tons i From other establishments of your company From all other sources 33C 33D 33E c S tons B 33C 33D 33E c S tons \ww 19A 33A,B; 34D,E,F; 35B,C,F,H,J,K,L,M,N; 37A,B,E c S tons vWW 33B,C,D,E,F; 34C,D; 35N 36C,I c S tons if 16 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERALS INDUSTRIES SECTION I - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MATERIALS INQUIRIES— Continued Materials code By group By number Description of material Census form number Cover- Unit of measure Materials received from other establish- ments Quan- tity 970099 999813 9998U 999815 999816 999821 999823 999825 Waste and scrap — Continued Scrap — Continued Lead and lead -base alloy scrap , Zinc and zinc-base alloy scrap, including drosse and skimmings Tin plate scrap Cullet (glass scrap) Inert fillers, secondary plant food, and soil conditioners, including sand, limestone, peat, nut hulls, citrus meals , etc , See page 15 See page 15 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed , 33C.D 33C.D 32A 28J All forms M lbs. S tons LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 17 SECTION II - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT INQUIRIES Mate- rial (product) code Description of material Census form number 1 Coverage Unit of measure Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) 22111 10 Cotton broad-woven fabrics (gray goods): Cotton duck and allied fabrics , including combed duck (1001-1097) 22A C M. lin. yds. 22112 10 Cotton sheeting and allied coarse and medium yarn fabrics (1200-1299) and (1901-1955) Cotton print cloth yarn fabrics (1302-1386) Cotton colored yarn fabrics (average carded yarns coarser than 35 's) (1401-1472) 22A C M. lin, yds. 22113 10 22A C M. lin. yds. 22114 10 22A C M. lin. vds. 22114 31 Cotton toweling and dishcloth fabric (1510-1535) Napped cotton fabrics and blanketing (1602-1689) Fine cotton fabrics (combed, part combed, and fine carded) (1802-1889) 22A C M. lin. vds. 22114- 51 22A c M. lin. yds. 22115 10 22A c M. lin. yds. 22116 10 Other woven cotton fabrics and specialties (1702-1773) 22A c M. lin. yds. Finished cotton broad-woven fabrics: Bleached and idiite finished 22A _ p M. finished lin. vds. Finished and consumed in this plant (quantity) 22117 11 22117 31 Plain dyed and finished 22A p M. finished lin. vds. 22117 51 Printed and finished 22A p M. finished lin. yds. 22117 61 Other finished cotton fabrics (flameproofed, mildew-proofed, mercerized, embossed, etc.), not bleached, dyed, or printed in this estab- 22A p M. finished lin. yds. Man-made fiber broad-woven fabrics (gray goods): Rayon and/or acetate fabrics: Pile, upholstery, drapery, tapestry, tie fabrics, and blanketing (2112-2133, 2152- 2157) 22A c M. lin. yds. Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) 22211 15 22212 10 Fabrics except blanketing, pile, upholstery, drapery, tapestry, and tie: 100 percent filament rayon and/or acetate (2201-2382) 22A c M. lin. yds. 22213 10 100 percent spun rayon and/or acetate (2404-2479) 22A c M. lin. yds. 22214 10 Combination filament and 100 percent spun rayon and/or acetate (2504-2535) 22A c M. lin. yds. 22215 12 Mixtures and blends of rayon and/or acetate with other fibers (2607-2657) 22A c M. lin. yds. 22216 10 Nylon and chiefly nylon fabrics (2801, 2821- 2827, 2841, 2842, 2891) 22A c M. lin. yds. 22217 12 Silk and man-made fiber fabrics, except rayon, acetate, or nylon, including polyester, acrylic, olefin, glass, etc. (2802-2816, 2829- 2838, 2845, 2846, 2861-2887, 2892-2897, 5000).. Finished man-made fiber and silk broad -woven goods: Bleached and white finished: Rayon and/or acetate 22A c M. lin. yds. 22A p M. finished lin. yds. Finished and consumed in this plant (quantity) 22218 11 22218 15 Other broad-woven fabrics of man-made fibers 22A p M. finished lin. yds. Plain dyed and finished: Rayon and/or acetate 22218 31 22A p M. finished lin. yds. 22218 35 Other broad-woven fabrics of man-made fibers or silk 22A p M. finished lin. yds. 22218 51 Printed and finished: Rayon and/or acetate 22A p M. finished lin. yds. 22218 55 Other broad-woven fabrics of man-made fibers 22A p M. finished lin. yds. 1 18 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION II - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT INQUIRIES— Continued Mate- rial (product) code Description of material Census form number 1 Coverage Unit of measure Finished and consumed in this plant (quantity) 22218 61 Finished man-made fiber and silk broad-woven goods — Continued Other finished man-made fiber and silk fabrics (flameproofed, mildew-proofed, mercerized, embossed, etc.), not bleached, dyed, or printed Finished wool yarns, top, raw stock, etc., not 22A P M. finished lin. yds. 22A P M. lbs. Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) 22311 11 22312 10 Wool fabrics (gray goods): Woolen and worsted apparel fabrics (3011-4757) . . Woolen and worsted nonapparel fabrics (4806- 4829) C M. lin. yds. 22312 30 C M. lin. yds. 22312 50 Woven wool felts (4911, 4921) 22A C M. lbs. Finished wool apparel fabrics: 22A C M. finished lin. yds. Finished and consumed in this plant (quantity) 22313 11 22313 21 For other than Government orders: For use in men's and boys ' clothing 22A c M. finished lin. vds. 22313 31 For use in women's and children's clothing.... Finished wool nonapparel fabrics and felts: Blanketing (Report quantities in 72" equivalent) AT 1 other , except felts 22A c M. finished lin. yds. 22314 11 22A c M. finished lin. vds. 22314 31 22A c M. finished lin. yds. 22314 51 22A c M. lbs. 22315 92 Job or commission finishing of wool broad-woven 22A P M. finished lin. yds. Finished and consumed in this plant in further fabrication (quantity) 22617 11 Finished cotton broad-woven fabrics: 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22617 31 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22617 51 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22617 61 Other finished cotton fabrics not bleached, dyed, or printed (flameproofed, mildew-proofed, 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22619 11 Job or commission finishing of cotton broad-woven fabrics: Bleached and white finished cottons 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22619 31 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22619 51 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22619 71 Other finished cotton fabrics not bleached, dyed or printed (flameproofed, mildew-proofed, Finished man-made fiber and silk broad-woven fabrics: Bleached and white finished: Other broad-woven fabrics of man-made fibers 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22628 11 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22628 15 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22628 31 Plain dyed and finished: Other broad-woven fabrics of man-made fibers 22E p M. finished lin. yds. 22628 35 22E p M. finished lin. yds. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 19 SECTION II - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT INQUIRIES— Continued Mate- rial (product) code Description of material Census form number 1 Coverage Unit of measure Finished and consumed in this plant in further fabrication 22628 51 Finished man-made fiber and silk broad-woven fabrics — Continued Printed and finished: 22E P M. finished lin. yds. 22628 55 Other broad-woven fabrics of man-made fibers 22E P M. finished lin. yds. Other finished man-made fiber fabrics not bleached, dyed, or printed (flameproofed, mildew-proofed, mercerized, embossed, etc.).. Job or commission finishing of man-made fiber and silk broad -woven goods: Bleached and white finished: Other broad-woven fabrics of man-made fibers 22628 61 22E P M. finished lin. yds. 22629 11 22E P M. finished lin. yds. 22629 15 22E P M. finished lin. yds. 22629 31 Plain dyed and finished: 22E P M. finished lin. yds. 22629 35 Other broad-woven fabrics of man-made fibers 22E P M. finished lin. yds. 22629 51 Printed and finished: Other broad-woven fabrics of man-made fibers Other finished man-made fiber fabrics not bleached, dyed or printed (flameproofed, mildew-proofed, mercerized, embossed, etc.).. Yarns (gray): Carded cotton yarns (gray) 22E P M. finished lin. yds. 22629 55 22E P M. finished lin. yds. 22629 61 22E P M. finished lin. yds. 22A C M. lbs. Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) 22811 10 22812 10 22A C M . lbs. 22813 10 Other spun man-made fiber and silk yarns (gray) . Thrown filament yarns , except textured: Weaving yarns: C M. lbs . 22814 10 22A C M. lbs. 22821 21 22A c M. lbs. 22821 23 22A c M. lbs . 22821 25 Machine knitting yarns: Other machine knitting yarns 22A c M. lbs. 22821 31 22A c M. lbs. 22821 33 2 2 A c M. lbs. 22821 35 Textured, crimped, or bulked filament yarns, in- Wool yarns , including yarns spun and finished at this plant: Wool, yarns, except carpet yarns, including new, Wool carpet (weaving and tufting) yarns , in- Tire cord and tire fabrics: Cotton tire cord and tire fabrics (1122 and 1123) 22A c M . lbs. 22821 60 22A c M. lbs. 22831 20 22A c M. lbs. 22832 11 22A P M. lbs. 22960 10 22A c M. lbs. 22960 30 Man-made fiber tire cord and tire fabrics (1124- 1131) 22A c M. lbs. 22970 41 Tops and noils: 22A p n. lbs. 22970 4-5 22A p M. lbs. 22970 61 22A p M. lbs. 22970 65 22A p M. lbs. 22970 71 Top or silver converted from tow without combing 22A p M, lbs. 20 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS ur i-wNUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION II - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT INQUIRIES— Continued Mate- rial (product) code Description of material Census form number 1 Coverage Unit of measure Total receipts at this plant for further processing 29110 11 Miscellaneous finished petroleum products , includ- ing waxes: 29A P M. barrels 29110 21 29A P S. tons 29110 31 29A P M. barrels 29110 41 Still gas 29A P Million cubic feet 29110 51 29A P M. barrels 29110 61 29A P M. barrels 29110 71 29A P M. barrels 29110 81 29A P M. barrels 29110 98 29A P M. barrels 29111 11 Gasoline and jet fuel: Aviation gasoline (except jet-propulsion fuel).. 29A C M. barrels 29111 31 29A C M. barrels 29111 51 29A C M. barrels 29111 98 Other finished gasolines , including finished 29A c M. barrels 29112 13 Kerosene: 29A p M. barrels 29112 19 29A p M. barrels 29113 11 Distillate fuel oil: Grade No. 1 29A c M. barrels 29113 31 Grades Nos . 2-4 29A c M. barrels 29113 51 Diesel-type fuel oil (light) 29A c M. barrels 29113 98 All other distillate fuel oils , including light 29A c M. barrels 29114 11 Residual fuel oil: 29A c M. barrels 29114 31 29A c M . barrels 29114 51 29A c M. barrels 29114 98 Other residual fuel oils , including heavy gas- 29A c M. barrels 29115 10 Receipts of liquefied refinery gases , including feedstocks , for further processing 29A p M. barrels Lubricating and similar oils made in refineries: Include hydraulic fluids , quenching and cutting oils , transformer oils , and liquid rust preventatives : Containing animal and vegetable fats and Lubricating greases made in refineries: Containing animal and vegetable fats and oils 29116 11 29A c M. barrels 29116 51 29A c M. barrels 29117 11 29A c M. barrels 29117 51 29A c M. barrels Unfinished oils, and lubricating oil base stock: Unfinished oils , including cracking stock, and Lubricating-oil petroleum base stocks (for blending, compounding, and grease manufacture). Asphalt: 200 penetration and over, including emulsified Lubricating and similar oils (Made from purchased materials ) : Include hydraulic fluids, quenching and cutting oils , transformer oils , and liquid rust preventatives : Containing animal and vegetable fats and oils only [ 29118 12 29A c M. barrels 29118 51 29A c M. barrels 29119 11 29A c M. barrels 29119 51 29A c S. tons 29926 11 29A p M. barrels 29926 51 29A p M. barrels LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION II - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT INQUIRIES— Continued 2L Mate- rial (product) code Description of material Census form number 1 Coverage Unit of measure Total receipts at this plant for further processing 29927 11 Lubricating greases (Made from purchased materials) : 29A P M. barrels 29927 51 Containing animal and vegetable fats and oils 29A P M. barrels Coke oven products: 33A C S. tons Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) 33121 11 33121 12 33A C S. tons 33121 31 33A c Million cubic feet 33121 51 33A D M. gallons 33121 71 33A P M. gallons 33121 81 33A P M . gallons 33121 85 Ferroalloys made in blast furnaces: 33A C S. tons (gross alloy wt . ) Silvery iron 33121 86 33A c S. tons (gross alloy wt . ) Blast furnace products: Pig iron, including pig iron with silicon content up to and including 6 percent silicon. . Sinter from ore, flue dust, and other materials. 33121 89 33A C S. tons (gross alloy wt . ) 33121 91 33A C S. tons 33121 93 33A P S . tons 33121 94 33A C Million cu. ft. Open die press and hammer forgings (Produced in steel mills): Open die hammer forgings: 33129 21 33A p S. tons 33129 23 33A p S . tons 33129 25 Stainless steel 33A p S . tons Open die press forgings: 33129 61 33A p S. tons 33129 63 33A p S. tons 33129 65 33A p S. tons 33131 11 Ferroalloys made in electric and other furnaces (except blast furnaces): Fer r omanganes e 33A 33A 33A 33A 33A C C C c c IS . tons > (gross alloy weight) 33132 11 Ferrochrome 33133 11 Ferrosilicon 3313-4 11 33134 98 Gray iron castings: 33211 11 33B c S . tons 33212 21 Cast iron pressure pipe and fittings: 33B c S . tons 33212 23 Over 6" up to and including 8" (inside diameter) Over 8" up to but not including 14" (inside Over 24" (inside diameter) 33B c S . tons 33212 25 33B c S. tons 33212 31 33B c S. tons 33212 51 33B c S . tons Cast iron soil pipe and fittings: Cast iron soil pipe and fittings , including special fittings: i Over 3" up to but not including 5" (inside 5" and over (inside diameter) 33213 21 33B c S . tons 33213 31 33B c S. tons 33213 41 33B c S. tons Other gray iron castings: Chilled iron railroad car wheels 33214 21 33B c S . tons 33214 31 33B c S. tons 33214 98 33B c S. tons 22 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION II - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT INQUIRIES— Continued Mate- rial (product) code Description of material Census form number 1 Coverage Unit of measure Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) 33220 21 Malleat>le iron castings: 33B P S. tons 33220 31 33B P S . tons 33230 12 Steel castings: Carbon steel castings: Railway specialties (except cast railroad All other (except railway specialties and 33B P S . tons 33230 13 33B P S . tons 33230 15 33B P S . tons 33230 19 33B P S . tons 33230 21 3 3D P S . tons 33230 31 High alloy steel castings Alloy steel castings (except high alloy steel castings) : 33B P S . tons 33230 51 33B P S . tons 33230 55 33B P S. tons 33230 59 33B P S . tons 33230 61 33B P Pounds Products of primary smelters and refiners: Copper smelter products: 33311 11 33C C S . tons 33311 51 Matte , speiss , flue dust , residues , etc 33C P S . tons 33312 11 33C C S. tons 33312 15 33C c S . tons 33321 11 Lead smelter products: 33C p S. tons 33321 51 Matte , speiss , etc 33C p S . tons 33323 11 33C p S . tons 33323 31 Lead-and tin-base alloys , refined: 33C p S. tons 33323 33 33C p S. tons 33323 51 33C p S . tons 33323 71 33C p S . tons 33323 98 33C p S . tons 33331 11 Zinc, refined unalloyed: 33C p S, tons 33334- 13 33C c S . tons 33334 51 33C c S . tons 33334 61 33C c S . tons 33347 11 Aluminum (unalloyed and alloyed) : 33C c S. tons 33345 11 33C c S . tons 33395 11 Precious metals refined unalloyed: 33C p Troy ounces 33395 31 Platinum, including platinum-group metals 33C p Troy ounces 33395 51 33C p Troy ounces 33395 61 Precious metal alloys , refined: 33C p Troy ounces 33395 65 33C p Troy ounces 33395 69 Other precious metal alloys , including 33C p Troy ounces 33397 11 33C c S. tons 33397 21 33C p S. tons 33397 51 33C p S . tons 33397 61 33C p S. tons 33397 71 33C p S. tons 33397 79 Other unalloyed , refined nonf errous metals , including antimony, cobalt, and molybdenum, 33C p S . tons 33397 89 Other unrefined nonf errous metals , including metal bearing furnace residues and other metal products which have to be further refined 33C p Specify 33397 92 33C c S. tons 33397 93 33C p S . tons 33397 98 3X p S. tons LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 23 SECTION II - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT INQUIRIES— Continued Mate- rial (product) code Description of material Census form number 1 Coverage Unit of measure Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) 33412 11 Products of secondary smelters and refiners (Pig, ingot , shot , etc . ) : Copper, refined unalloyed 33D C S . tons 33412 31 Copper-base alloy, refined 33D C S . tons 33413 11 3 3D P S . tons 33413 21 Lead and tin-base alloys, refined: 33D P S . tons 33413 33 33D P S. tons 33413 51 Solder 33D P S . tons 33413 71 33D P S . tons 33413 98 Other lead-and tin-base alloys 33D P S . tons 33414 01 Zinc, refined unalloyed: 33D C S . tons 33414 05 Dust 33D C S. tons 33414 11 33D c S . tons 33415 11 Precious metals , refined unalloyed: Gold 33D p Troy ounces 33415 31 33D p Troy ounces 33415 51 Platinum, including platinum-group metals 33D p Troy ounces 33415 71 33D p Troy ounces 33415 81 33D p Troy ounces 33415 89 Other precious metal alloys , including platinum-groups alloys 33D p Troy ounces 33416 21 33D C S. tons 33416 31 33D p S . tons < 33416 43 33D p S . tons 33416 51 33D p S . tons 33416 61 33D c S . tons 33416 69 Nickel , refined unalloyed 33D p S. tons 33416 71 33D p S . tons 33416 81 33D p S. tons 33416 89 Other unalloyed refined, nonferrous metals, including antimony, cobalt, molydenum, etc Aluminum (unalloyed and alloyed): Ingot (Exclude extrusion billet) Extrusion ingot (billet) 33D p S . tons 33417 11 33D c S. tons 33418 11 33D c S. tons Copper wire, bare and tinned (non-electrical): 33E p S. tons Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) Receipts 33511 11 33511 31 33E p S. tons 33512 11 Copper, unalloyed mill shapes: Rod , bar , and shapes 33E c S. tons 33512 13 Flat products, (sheet, strip, plate, etc.).... 33E c S . tons 33512 16 33E c S . tons 33512 18 ME c S. tons 33512 32 Copper-base alloy mill shapes: 33E c S. tons 33512 35 Flat products (sheet, strip, plate), including 33E c S. tons 33512 36 33E c S. tons 33512 38 33E c S. tons 33521 11 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy mill shapes: Wire and cable (except insulated) (made in aluminum rolling mills ) : Bare wire , other than conductor Aluminum cable steel reinforced (ACSR) 33E c S. tons 33521 51 33E c S. tons 33521 62 33E c S. tons 33521 69 Plate and sheet: Plate (0.25" and over): 33: r c S. tons 33522 13 33E c S. tons L 33522 15 33E c S . tons 24 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION II - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT INQUIRIES— Continued Mate- rial (product) code Description of material Census form number 1 Coverage Unit of measure Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) Receipts 33522 23 Products of secondary smelters and refiners (Pig, ingot , shot , etc . ) — Continued Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy mill shapes — Continued Sheet: Fiftt , heat-treatable 33E C S . tons 33522 24 Flat , nonheat-treatable , bare 33E C S . tons 33522 26 Flat, nonheat-treatable, precoated (Include only permanent finishes such as enameling and vinyl coating. Exclude coatings which are applied only for temporary protection) . 33E c S. tons 33522 27 33E c S . tons 33522 31 Coiled , nonheat-treatable , bare Coiled, nonheat-treatable, precoated (Include only permanent finishes such as enameling and vinyl coating. Exclude coatings which are applied only for Plain foil (under . 006") 33E c S . tons 33522 33 33E c S. tons . 33523 51 33E c S . tons 33524 21 Rod and bar: Rolled 33E c S . tons 33524 25 33E c S . tons 33524 31 Extruded rod and bar: Alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series Alloys in 2000 and 7000 series 33E c S. tons 33525 15 33E c S. tons 33525 18 33E c S. tons 33525 25 Other extruded shapes (except tube): Alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series Alloys in 2000 and 7000 series 33E c S . tons 33525 28 33E c S . tons 33526 51 Tube: Welded Aluminum ingot, except extrusion billet (made Aluminum extrusion billet (made in aluminum Magnesium and magnesium-base alloy mill shapes: Other (Sheet , plate , etc . ) (Exclude powder) . . . Lead and lead-base alloy mill shapes: Other rolled, drawn, or extruded lead products Nickel and nickel-base alloy mill shapes , including monel: Zinc and zinc-base alloy mill shapes, including plate , sheet , strip , rods , bars , pipe and 33E c S . tons 33526 53 33E c S . tons 33526 55 33E c S . tons 33527 11 33E c S . tons 33528 11 33E c S . tons 33560 43 33E P S . tons 33560 44 33E P S. tons 33560 51 33E P S . tons 33560 55 33E p S. tons 33560 59 33E p S . tons 33560 61 33C p S . tons 33560 63 33E p S . tons 33560 65 33E p S. tons 33560 69 33E p S . tons 33560 71 33E p S . tons 33560 72 Titanium: 33E p S. tons 33560 74 33E p S. tons 33560 79 Other titanium mill products (sheet, plate, 33E p S . tons 33560 83 Precious metal mill shapes, including gold, 33E p S . tons 33560 92 Other nonferrous metals— rolled, drawn, and extruded shapes: 33E p S . tons 33560 98 33E p S . tons LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 25 SECTION II - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT INQUIRIES— Continued Mate- rial (product) code Description of material Census form number 1 Coverage Unit of measure Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) Quantity of receipts 33571 11 Products of secondary smelters and refiners (Pig, ingot, shot, etc.) — Continued Wire and cable (except covered or insulated): Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy (except wire produced in aluminum rolling mills): 33F C S . tons 33571 51 33F C S . tons 33571 61 Aluminum cable — Steel reinforced (ACSR) 33F c S . tons 33571 65 33F c S. tons 33572 11 Copper and copper-base, bare: Wire, unalloyed, for electrical transmission Wire, alloyed, for electrical transmission.. 33F c S . tons 33572 51 33F c S . tons 33572 71 33F c S. tons Nonferrous castings, including die: Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy (except cast aluminum cooking utensils): Sand 33B p M. lbs. Produced and consumed in this plant (quantity) 33610 11 33610 31 33B p M. lbs. 33610 4-1 33B p M. lbs. 33610 51 33B p Pounds 33610' 61 Other 33B p M. lbs. 33620 11 Copper and copper-base (except bearings and bushings) : 33B p M. lbs. 33620 31 'Yin p M. lbs. 33620 4-1 33B p M. lbs. 33620 51 33B p Pounds 33620 61 Other 33B p M. lbs. 33690 11 Magnesium and magnesium-base alloy: Sand Die 33B p 1 , M. lbs. 33690 31 33B p M. lbs. 33690 33 33B p M. lbs. 33690 41 Other, including permanent and semipermanent 33B p M. lbs. 33690 51 Zinc and zinc -base alloy Die 33B p M. lbs. 33690 61 Other 33B p M. lbs. 33690 71 33B p M. lbs. 33690 98 Other nonferrous metal castings , including die 33B p M. lbs. 33911 11 Closed-die forgings (drop, upset, and press): 33G p S. tons 33911 31 33G p S. tons 33911 51 33G p S. tons Open-die hammer forgings (except wire produced in steel mills) : 33919 21 33G p S. tons 33919' 22 33G p S. tons 33919 23 33G p S. tons 33919 41 Open-die press forgings (except wire produced in steel mills): 33G p S. tons 33919 4-2 33G p S . tons 33919 43 33G p S . tons 35192 50 35A c No. of engines 35196 20 35A c No. of engines •■■Indicates only the reporting form designed for the industry for which the material (product) is primary. 26 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF M/WUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION III - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MISCELLANEOUS INQUIRIES Code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Materials received from other establishments Produced and consumed Quantity Value (quantity) 21 Fuels consumed: Fuel oil: Distillate, light, Grades 1-4 (P.S. 100,200) IQA 10B 10C 10K 12A 14A 14C 14D 14E 10D 14B 14F C* S . tons jj 22 IQA 10B 10C 10K 12A 13A 13C 14A 14B 14D 14E 14F 10D 13B 14C C* Bbl. (42 gal.) m 23 Fuel oil: Residual, heavy, Grades 5,6 Other fuels: Liquified petroleum gas, coke, wood , and other IQA 10B 10C 10K 13A 13B 14A 14B 14C 14E 14F 10D 13C 14D c* Bbl. (42 gal.) 24 IQA 10B 10C 10K 12A 13A 13C 14A 14B 14D 14E 14F 10D 13B 14C c* M cu. ft. H 25 IQA 10B 10C 12A 13A 13B 14A 14B 14C 14E 14F - 10D 13C 14D c* M gals. Mi 26 IQA 10B 10C 10K 12A 13A 13C 14A 14B 14D 14E 14F 10D 13B 14C c* 1111 m 27 Coal produced and consumed for power or heat by 12A 12S c S tons ^^^ ^^ 28 Crude petroleum produced and consumed for power Natural gas or residue gas produced and consumed for power or heat hy the reporting establishment Parts used in automotive assemblies: Gasoline engines, new (with or without cylinder heads , fuel pumps , water pumps , and other stand- Fuel pump assemblies (excluding kits andrebuilts) Water pump assemblies (excluding kits and Exhaust systems: Mufflers, including regular or standard, Pipes, including exhaust, tail, intermediate, 13A c M bbls. v^^w- nm 29 13A 13B c Million cu. ft. ^^^ *™ 37A c M units Used in assembly of new auto- motive vehicles in 1963, including purchased units (quantity) 101 102 37A c M units 103 37A c M units 104 37A c M units 105 37A c M units . 106 37A c M units 107 37A c M units 108 37A c M units 109 37A c M units 110 37A c M units 111 Wheels : Truck and bus type, including those for truck Transmissions (except auxiliary): Passenger car type 37A c M units 112 37A c M units 113 37A c M units 114 Automatic transmissions, including Truck and bus type 37A c M units 115 37A c M units 116 Automatic transmissions, including semi- 37A c M units 117 37A c M units 118 37A c M units 119 37A c M units 120 Diesel and semi-Diesel engines, new (with or without cylinder heads, fuel pumps, water 37A c M units 121 37A c Number of units 122 37A c M units 123 Pistons: Piston rings: 37A c M units 124 37A c M units 125 37A c M units 126 37A c M units *This covera( e classification applies to the mineral industries only. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION III - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MISCELLANEOUS INQUIRIES— Continued 27 Code Description of material Census form number Cover- age Unit of measure Used in assembly of new auto- motive vehicles in 1963, including purchased units (quantity) 127 Parts used in automotive assemblies — Continued 37A C M units 128 37A C M units 129 Regulators for battery charging generators: 37A c M units 130 37A c M units 131 37A c M units 132 Breaker point set: 37A c M units 133 37A c M units 134 37A c M units 135 37A c M units 136 Tires and tire products: 37A c M units 30A M lbs. Rubber consumed Natural Synthetic Reclaimed 161 162 3QA - M lbs. 163 Tread rubber (camelback) , tire sundries and 30A - M lbs. 164 30A - M lbs. 165 30A M lbs. 166 Mechanical rubber goods: 30A M lbs. 167 Other mechanical rubber goods, including f lota- Compounds and mixtures (produced for sales as All other rubber products , including proofed Total all items 161 to 176 Paper: Coarse (bag, wrapping, sack, glassine, etc.) 30A - M lbs. . 168 30A - M lbs. 169 30A . M lbs. 170 30A - M lbs. 171 30A - M lbs. 172 30A - M lbs. 173 30A - M lbs. 174 30A M lbs. 175 30A M lbs. 176 30A _ M lbs. 26B c S tons Materials received from other establishments Quantity Value 411 412 26B 26D p S tons 413 26B 26E p S tons 414 26B 26C p S tons 415 26B 26C 26D p S tons 416 26B 26D 26E c S tons 417 26B 26D 26E p S tons 418 26B c S tons 419 26B c S tons 420 26C p S tons 421 26C p S tons 422 26C p S tons 423 26D p S tons 424 26E I S tons 425 26E p S tons 426 Paperboard: 26C « SS^^M 431 26B 26E c S tons 432 26B 26D 26E c S tons 433 26B 26E c S tons 434 Special paperboard and cardboard, including bending and nonbending board not converted 26B 26D 26E p S tons 435 26D 26E c S tons 436 26D r S tons 439 26B 26D 26E M^ ^^^ 28 LIST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION III - MATERIALS INCLUDED IN MISCELLANEOUS INQUIRIES— Continued Code Description of material Census form number Cover- Unit of measure Materials received from other establishments Produced and consumed (percent) 822 993 994- 995 996 2903 29CK 2905 Iron ore , produced and consumed in manufacturing plants of the reporting company Concentrates produced at this establishment: Copper Lead Zinc Other (specify) 10A 10B 10B 10B 10B Fuels produced and consumed by petroleum refineries: Residual fuels Still gas Other fuels (acid sludge, etc.) 29A 29A 29A Quantities in lbs. based on assay content Quantities in lbs. based on assay content Quantities in lbs. based on assay content Quantities in lbs. based on assay content M bbls.(42 gal.) Million cu. ft. M bbls.(42 gal.) LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES 29 Form MC-lOA (1001 ) - IRON AND MANGANESE ORES \JL s 7-1 :•:■:■:■':' 7-2 7 -IX 7-^ Description A z Census material t Unit of C HfuivrJ from other m,r,« or planr* of (hi* oimpiny, pun tiaied from othcri. ■ nd mineral* received for linlmtni on ■ cuitom or roll baiii Quantity of mineral, from thr> mine or plant Qo.nrrr, D Deli.etcd io>< ■ (Estimate mint -l attorn omj Crude ore* treated (Report treated om in Item ISA. Unit J, V W mti II ) 1000 93 4 I Long Millions j Thorn Ixittan :«r.c 1 XX Materials used in agglomeration plants (Report treated om ,n Item 12 i Lines J. J. 10 and II > 1000 95 q 1 1 S 1 M. b. WppIlM IIMd Explosive iii.ifon.il-. [exclude (>1 imiih; .,,. .,...„ ,r ic , ii 1 breaking ig> its 2892 00 8 Pound . i XX ' Steel mill shar>es and forms (such as pines, sheers, strip, piling roof bolts, drill steel bars, other bars, rails, wheels, track accessories, pipe, tubing, wire, wire products, .ui.| structural shapes) 3312 01 4 Shon (on » i XX All other supplies (such js blasting accessories, breaking agents timber and lumber received from other establishments forgings. castings, drill bits, other tools or parts, lubricants, water purchased and .hemicatst Q70 _ q„ >:::■■::: XX .;.;.;•;• >;<•>;■ ■.■.•.•.%■.■-■.■.■ s ! ' ' *s " ' // • * C total COST (Swm of Una* 1 through Si .hould b. it* tarn* ai Itom ■-) Ijj .-.-. ■:■:■;■:■»; • ! ■■■- -■■■■■■w '.".■.".■.■.■.NV Form MC-10B (1002) - COPPER, LEAD, ZINC, GOLD, AND SILVER ORES Li :■:■ 7-1 X-.v.v 7-2 7-iX 7-"> A ' z 5 Census Material B Unit of C Received from other mines or plants „l this company, purchased from others, and ores receiver Qu.ntityof this mine or plant r Quantity D Dehvcre f i"»r for traatman* Crude ore and residues treated, except in placer operations (Estimate lalue of ores rs- iened (or iUilom milling and report content r a let recovered in Item 12 A) 1 1000 91 6 Short ton Millions jThous m iss . ! Material treated in placer operations 2 1043 10 N Cubic yard xxxxxxxxx« jgl b. Supple ajaajaj e. TOTAL COS Explosive materials (.exJude blasting accessories and breaking agents) 3 2892 00 B i Steel mill shapes and forms (such as plates, sheets, strip, piling, roof bolts, drill steel bars, other bars, rails, wheels, track accessories, pipe, tubing, wire, wire products, and structural shapes 4 3312 01 4 Short ton i All other supplies such as blasting accessories, breaking agents, timber and lumber received from other establishments, forgings. castings, drill bits, other tools or parts. lubricants, water purchased, and chemicals) 5 6 9700 99 mm & t i - rmmx Form MC- 10C (1003) - BAUXITE AND TUNGSTEN, CHROMIUM, COBALT, MOLYBDENUM, AND NICKEL ORES Ll -.-.- 7-1 ,-2 | 7-'\ 7^ Descnption A 2 material B o! C Received from other mm custom ot toll h Jf .< Qliantit) of mine or plant f Quantity D Delivered cost E O. Mir.ornU for rrootmon Ores and concentrates treated (Estimate tatue of custom arts Rtport the treated product in Item \2.\h.) CruJe or dried bauxite treated „ 105 1 91 i London Million ] Thouj Doilm let*. S :cx Other ores and concentrates treated 2 1060 91 .' Short ton -• XX b. Supplios wood «■ TOTAL Explosive materials (exclude blasting accessories and breaking agents) 3 .•><■>: mi H Pound 1 XX — -— -^ Steel mill shapes and forms :> XX co< ;•■ ■■■■■ ' .,, ,. 1 101 ■;■;■;-;■;■;■;■;■: Form MC-10D (1004) - MERCURY, TITANIUM, URANIUM, AND MISCELLANEOUS METAL ORES |7 ■■■' 7-1 fXXo#& « ' ' Description A Z Census material I Unit of C pany, purch.ued from others, and minerals received Qo.ntity of o, plinr f Quantity Deli.eren toil E (or troot- Ores and concentrates treated ( Estimate i alue if ores tinned for custom nullsKg or treat- ment- Report treated frrj„,t tn Item 1 2 Am ) 109091 9 Short ton Millions Thoo* KWitt- ~rnr-. I xx- b. Supplios wood I TOTAL |Su Explosive materials (exclude blasting accessories and breaking agents) ■ 289200 B P, UI1..I 1 XX Steel mill shapes and torms i scu.l> as plates, shecxs strip, piling root bolts, 'lull \tt:el bars, other bars rails, wheels, track accessories, pipe, tubing, wire, wire products, and 3 331201 4 Short ton $ XX r.. -,. All other supplies i such as blasting accessories, breaking agentv timber and himher received from other establishments, forgings. castings, dull bits, other tools or parts, lubricants water purchased, and chemicals) 4 970099 66c w^ '■:■:■:■:■:■:■:■:■: S XX xx •:■:■:■:■:•:■:■:■;. 30 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-12A - COAL Form MC-13A (1301) - CRUDE PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS Description A I' •■-■ 7-1 ■:-!■;•; ;• 7-2 7-5 z Code ■ of C Quant.ty D Delivered cosi E Millions! Thotii DoX (.lis pun h.ist.l lor y.i- lilt ,md rcprcssunng ' rr u/uJt K as re/toned in item 12, 1 inn b and 9) 1 1313 05 '■ Mil.oi.fi S 1 X'< Srcvl mill shapes and forms {such as casing, tubing, pipe, plates, sheets, piling, drill steel bars, * re. and 3312 01 ■1 Short ton I %x Other supplies used ( such as drill bits and reamers, drilling fluid materials, Cement, ncwals and repairs, lubricants, and water purchased) TOTAL COST (Sum of tln»» 1, 2, and 3; thouM b« fh* tarn* 7-1 «$# 7-2 7-3 i 1 Code ■ Unit of " C Quantity D Delivered cost MiIIk nilThousfll Steel mill shapes and forms (such as casing, cubing, pipe, plate wire, and structural shapes) , sheets, piling, drill steel bars. l 3)1201 4 Shon ton $ w Other supplies used (such as drill bits and reamers, drilling fluid for renewals and repairs, lubricants, and water purchased) material*, cement, lumber, parts 2 970099 8 1 P U } ' ! ■L_ m LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 31 Form MC-13D - OIL AND GAS FIELD SERVICES Description A I'iX 7-1 w& 7-2 7-i 21 g Code • c Quantity D OcllVCtfJ CO.! Mill .....{ft. iu X>oI| (Lri.t, Gas purchased tor gas lifl and repressunng { E\fludt fat npcrleJ in llrm 12, Lin u h and v) 1 151 SOS j Mil.cu li 1 1 1 XX Steel mill shape* and fofflU (SUCfa U casing, tubing, pipe, plait*, sheets, piling structural shapes) drill Keel ban. «L re. and 1 131201 -, Short ton 1 x< TOTAL COST (Sum of lino. 1, 2. and 3; ahowfd bo tho tamo oo Hww So) 1 ■■■■;<■■:■? 1 x\ Form MC-HA (1401) - STONE m Ived from other mine* or plar of thti company, purchased from other*, and, in a. "*~ for preparation on toll has Minora It for pr«> pa roller (Eitimatt talut of itom rectntd for custom preparation ) Rough blocks used to produce dressed stone tBwto : received for crushing. IWooUoi wtod (such as explosive*, iteel mill shape* and forms, timber and lumber purchased, forging* ■ nd i. j stings, drill bits, other tools and pant, lubncams. and watei purchased) C- TOTAL COST jtajaaj of Un«i 1 through 3; mm> am Horn 3o>- Form MC-UB (U02) - SAND AND GRAVEL Received from other establishments of this o pany, purchased from others, and for Lm sand and gravel received for preparation < custom or loll basis Delivered cosi o. Seand end a™'" 1 rocotvod from offcor • tfoblbh moots tor preparation f Eitimatt talut «/ Sana and grant rtctntd for custom preparation) XX TOTAL COST | Sum of Un« 1 and 2; Bhowtd bo tho muho at Iron So) ■ Form MC-14C (1403) - CLAY, CERAMIC, AND REFRACTORY MINERALS Crude clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals prepared (Estimalt talut of crudt mintrals nttntd for cuittm m toll prtparal ion J ^ .. I I ill I «•- Supplies (such as explosives, steel sheet and strip, pipe, timber and lumber purchased, forging* and castings, drill bits, other tools and parts, lubricants, and water purchased) TOTAL COn I Sum of Unas 1 < 32 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-14D (1404) - CHEMICAL AND FERTILIZER MINERALS, EXCEPT PHOSPHATE ROC K mm Census Received tram other establishments of this company, purchased from others, jo J in Line 1. minerals received lor !--•■--- f - - ■ ■ J'- on ■ custom or (oH basis fSfimf) kmdmmd twit of M (Estimate value of minerals received for custom preparation) I (such u explosives, rails, trick accessories, plates, pipe, tubing. bars, wire. steel sheet and strip, structural Meet shapes, lumber purchased, forging* and castings, drill bin. other tools and parts, lubri- cants, chemicals, and water purchased) TOTAL (Swim ct Lh»«. 1 «nd 1; I Form MC-UE (1405) - PHOSPHATE ROCK Received from other establishments of this com- phospnate rock received for washing or drying Millions Th. w b. Supplies uiod (Such as explosives, steel mill shapes and forms, timber and lumber purchased, forgings and castings, drill bus, other tools and pans, lubricants, and water purchased) M. TOTAL COST (Sum of Unoi 1 and 2; should bo that same ai Itam 5a)- >$&yx% XX Form MC-14F (1406) - MISCELLANEOUS NONMETALLIC MINERALS Li W 7-1 « 1 7-JX !-•> Description A Z I Received from ments of this con fr om others, and >t her establish pany. purchased in Line 1, crude d lot trcjfment 1 or toll basis Quantity of Minerals from this mine (Short ton,) F Quantity (Short ions) 6 Delivered cost E a. MInorals lor ir.oimmi (Eittmate value of ' m meruit received for custom treatment J 1 149091 i Mill ons |Thous iDoUaw « ! b. Supplies used (such as explosives. Steel sheet and strip, pipe, timber and lumber purchased, forgings and castings, drill bits, other tools and parts, lubricants, and water purchased) 2 970099 8 1 £88888888? ) m$k ?•:•; W&X&& J te^mx? LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 33 Form MC-19A - ORDNANCE AND ACCESSORIES (EXCEPT COMPLETE GUIDED •MISSILES AND SIGHTING AMD FIRE- CONTROL EQUIPMENT) i ■ A <<)(,, umci on il ;,l'\i?::!,\' im;C..-\a, ; :: :';.-< UV:',' ,im,„: .,■;!!!,' . ! :;l i>if.|i ' | 1 z l7_ 7-1 "Scsxxxss; 7-2 | 7-J | 7-4 Census code 1»-1| Unit of measute for quantities (i-l| Consumption ol pun, ruse J materials and of materials received from otncr establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If $V000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter an "X" [■) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Mil- ] Thoo tt fino XX 1 2 3 I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (except castings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons XX □ i Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons XX D. Plates 331013 3 Short tons XX □ i Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons XX □ i Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons XX Di All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons XX Di Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons xx Di All othet alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons XX Di Stain)*** steel 331031 5 Short tons XX □ , Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds XX D, Insulated wire and cable, copper con- tent only 335790 2 Thousand pounds XX Di Rod, bar, and mechanical wire includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds XX □ i Plate, sheet, and strip (including mili- tary cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX Di Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX Di Aluminum and alu- minum-base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds XX □ , Extruded shapes, including extruded rod. bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds XX □ , All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bat, powder, and welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds XX D , 18 Titanium and titanium -base alloy mill shapes and forms 335601 1 Pounds XX □ , 19 20 PRIMARY METALS Pig iron 331051 3 Short tons XX □ , Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes 333401 8 Short tons XX □ i 21 22 SCRAP (Exclude home scrap) Iron and steei 999811 3 Short tons XX Di Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 999808 9 Shott tons' XX D, 23 24 25 26 CASTINGS (Rough and semi- finished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons XX Di Steel 332300 3 Short tons XX Di Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds XX Di Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand XX D i 27 28 FORGINGS Iron and steel forglngs 339100 Short tons 5 XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy forglngs 339200 8 Thousand pour)ds S XX □ i 34 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-19A - ORDNANCE AND ACCESSORIES (EXCEPT COMPLETE GUIDED MISSILES AND FIRE-CONTROL EQUIPMENT)— Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS-Continued | 1 Ll 7-1 ■:•:■:■:-:-:■ 7-2 ! 7-5 7-4 Census code (B-l| Unit of for quantities <*-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies 1*) If J5.000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than JS.000 worth of the listed item— 1 Enter an "X" in the box) IE) Quantity (CI Delivered cost ID) Mil- Thou- sands Dol- lars Cent* 000 000 000 XX 29 Gasoline and other carburetor engines 351901 4 Number s XX D, 30 31 32 FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS (Under 1 hp{ BEARINGS Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number s XX D, Other fractional horsepower electric motors and gen- erators, excluding timing motors Ball 362115 356218 8 8 Number s s XX □ . D, 33 34 35 MAGNESIUM AND MAG- NESIUM- BASE ALLOYS Roller Powder 356228 339912 7 8 Short tons s t XX XX □ i Di All other shapes and forms 335604 5 Short tons s XX, □ , 36 Thermoplastic resins, (cellulosics, polyethylenes, scyrenes, etc. In- clude solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes.) 282130 4 Thousand pounds dry basis $ XX D, 37 Thermosetting resins {melamines, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Include solid and liquid but exclude sheets and other shapes.) 282140 3 Thousand pounds dry basis s xx □ i 38 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed ( List the three principal "all other materials, etc ." included in the above.) 970099 8 m^-. SSSSSS3 s ;•:■:■: XX :-£w£§§§ 39 TOTAL +■ (Sum of Lines 1-38 should bo tamo as Item 5a) w§ s if XX , — ™ Section B- CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS, ENGINES, AND ELECTRK OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT MOTORS PRO DUCED IN T HIS ESTABLISHMENT AND C ONSU VIED 1 N M ANUFACTURING | Z Item 1*1 7 7-1XXX $$%$&, 7-5 Census code (i-ll Unit of for quantities («-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment If) i 2 3 4 CASTINGS (Rough and semi- finished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 , Thousand pounds S 6 FORGINGS iron and steel forgings 339100 Short Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy forgings 339200 8 Thousand pounds 7 Gasoline and other carburetor engines 35(901 4 Number » Fractional horsepower electric motors and generators {under 1 hp.) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number 9 Other fractional horsepower electric motors and generators, excluding timing motors 362115 8 Number LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 35 Form MC-20A - SLAUGHTERING AND MEAT PACKING PLANTS FTx^T ■ll, and supplie Consumption of pure hated materials and ol matetials received from other establishments of your -ompanv Quannry Delivered con OOO 000 XX If you consumed tome but less than SVOOO worrh of the luted item- (bnl,T an X in tin bill III ANIMALS SLAUGHTERED Cattle Calves Sheep and lamb Hogs Number of head Live weight 013911 Number of head Live weight Number of head Live weight Number of head Live weight 013931 Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pound* Thousand pounds XX □ XX □ □ XX □ . MEAT MATERIALS PURCHASED FROM OTHER PACKERS, INCLUDING INTERPLANT TRANSFERS Fresh and frozen meats, including variety meats Thousand pounds Veal Thousand pounds 201131 Thousan. pound* Thousand pounds Meac materials for sausage and canning not separable by species 201101 Thousand pounds Processed pork— cured, smoked, etc. Thousand pounds Other purchased meat materials (cured beef, cured lamb, goat meat, etc.) Thousand pounds XX XX XX □ □ □ □ □ □ Di Dri«d milk, including nonfat dry milk Thousand pounds XX D Hides, skins and pair* purchased, including transfers from other establishments of this company 201191 CASINGS Animal casings purchased, including transfers from other establishments of this company Casings, synthetic, including cellulosic and fibrous reinforced All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed ( Ust the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above. ) total (Sum of Una* 1-20 should b« torn* at Item 5a) 36 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-20B - MEAT PROCESSING PLANTS Materials and supplie TZ Unit of for quantities sumption of purchased materials and of materials rived from other establishments of your company Quantity Deliveted cost 10) If you consumed some but less than J5.000 worth of the listed item- (Enl,r an " X" in Iht box) XX (tl ANIMALS SLAUGHTERED Cattle Calves Sheep ond lamb Hogs Number of head Live weight Number of head Live weight Number of head Live weight Number of head Live weight 013923 Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pounds xx D xx □ . XX □ □ MEAT MATERIALS PURCHASED FROM OTHER PACKERS, INCLUDING INTERPLANT TRANSFERS Fresh and frozen meats, including variety meats pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Meat materials for sausage and canning not separable by species Thousand pounds Processed pork— cured, smoked, etc. Thousand pounds Other purchased meat materials (cuted beef, cured lamb, goat meat, etc.) Thousand pounds XX □ XX □ . XX □ XX □ D, D xx □ Dried milk, including nonfat dry milk 202311 Thousand pounds xx □ Hides, skins ond pelts purchased, including transfers from other establishments of this company CASINGS Animal casings purchased, including transfers from other establishments of this company 201391 Casings, synthetic, including cellulosic and fibrous reinforced All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above. ) total (Sum of Lines 1-20 should be some as Item 5a) LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-20C - POULTRY AND SMALL GAME PRODUCTS 37 Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 21 1 1 a Li 7 1 ^XXXXXXXXkXX XX □ 1 :<<<<<<<•>:<>' $ 5 6 7 OTHER MATERIALS USED All other mater (Lltt the three Dressed poultry purchased as such 201501 4 Dressed weight, thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 Shell eggs als, containers, and supplies consumed yrincipal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 013325 970099 6 8 „ Case (30 dozen) $ $ □ 1 D i a (Sum of Lines 1-7 should be same as Item 5a) 8888888888$ $ M XX inn,*, * ■ Form MC-20D - DAIRY PRODUCTS i 1 2 Li 7-1 v#W* 7-2 | 7-1 | 7-1 Materials and supplies (Exclude materials purchased Tor resales) Census material code (»-1| Unit of for quantities (»-J| Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than J5.000 worth of the listed item — (Enter an ".V i» lhebo\) (f| Quantity (C) Delivered cost ID), Mil- [Thou- lions | s,nd> Dol- lar* Ccmi 000 | 000 ooo XX 1 Whole m.lk 202610 2 Hundred weigh. $ XX Di ? Butterfat content of whole milk 202611 n Hundred weight '.-:■.• :': 3 Fluid skim milk 202612 8 Hundred weight s XX D, 4 Cream 202613 6 Hundred weiRht :v^ „~_ XX Di S 6 Butterfat content of cream Butter 202614 202101 4 2 weight Thousand pounds i L— MMM XX D, 7 Condensed and evaporated milk 202301 8 Thousand pounds $ XX Di 8 Dried milk 202311 7 Thousand pounds » ! XX D, 9 Natural cheese, other than cottage cheese 202210 1 Thousand pounds t XX □ , 10 Ice cream mix. sherbet mix, and ice milk mix 202401 6 Thousand gallons t XX □ ■ 11 Sugar (cane and beet) in terms of sugar solids 20601 1 9 Hundred » I XX □ i 12 All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal All other materials, etc.," included in the above. ) 970099 8 jj -ss-.-vv X->>">»>>:; l WW: mm XX >""'"'"V^ 13 TOTAL +■ (Sum of Lines 1-12 should be some OS Item 5a) .,.,,. 1 ■> o ■:•■:■■:■■:■ ■: *• '.■'.■ .-.v.-.-. ► '•'•' ■'<■•!■'.•! .■/, <.■■■ r '.•'.■'.' . v.*. > i i ' i ' < '• i i J ! XX .-.■.Sv i" y.vi . >. . 38 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE. 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-20E - CANNED, CURED, AND PACKAGED SEAFOOD LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 39 Form MC-20F - CANNED, FROZEN, AND PICKLED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AND RELATED PRODUCTS I B a a e s - Ll 7 1 s<-;-;v> 7 2 7-8 7 1 material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials and supplies (A) If S5.000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Millions 2 OfA- loo C*ut» XX (Jul) 000 1 i » 4 6 6 7 8 $ FRESH FRUITS Oranges 012231 7 Tons $ — XX □ 1 Apples 012211 9 Tons $ XX □ 1 Apricots 012221 8 Tons $ XX □ 1 drapes 012241 6 Tons $ XX □ 1 Peaches 0122S1 4 Tons $ — XX a i Pears 012271 S Tons S XX □ i Pineapples 012273 9 Tons $ XX □ i Strawberries 012281 2 Tons $ XX Di Other fresh fruits 012291 1 Tons s XX a i 10 11 U 13 14 is 16 FRESH VEGETABLES Cucumbers 012351 3 Tons $ XX a i Green peas 012311 7 Tons $ XX □ i Irish potatoes 011951 , Tons s XX a i Tomatoes 012341 4 Tons $ XX □ i Sweet corn 012331 S Tons $ XX Di Snap or wax beans 012321 S Tons $ XX a i Other fresh vegetables 012391 9 Tons $ XX a i 17 18 V, N 21 22 23 21 25 26 OTHER MATERIALS, INGREDIENTS. CONTAINERS, AND SUPPLIES Dried beans 203413 Tons s XX a i Sugar (cane and beet, in terms of sugar solids) 206011 9 Hundred- weight t XX a i Wheat flour 204101 Hundred- weight $ xx D i Fats and oils, all types (purchased as such) 209612 , Thousand pounds $ " XX □ i Dressed poultry (purchased as such) 201501 4 Dressed weight, thousand pounds $ XX □ i Dried fruits 203411 4 Tons $ XX D i Fresh and prepared meats, other than poultry 201013 Thousand pounds t XX □ i Containers XX XX Paperboard containers Metal cans 341101 4 $ $ U i a i Glass containers *322101 7 $ XX D i 27 All other mater {Lift the three p incipal "All other material*, etc.," included in the above.) XX ■ ■ ■ : B TOTAL ■ (Sum of XX Lines 1-27 should be same as Item Sa) |99g$$^X^§$§§§^3woo$oooo«3 * ■"Code changed in computer to 322102. 40 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-20G - MISCELLANEOUS FOOD PRODUCTS SWEETENING SIRUPS. ETC.) (DRIED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, ROASTED COFFEE, CHIPS, READY-MIX DESSERTS, *Code changed in computer to 293411. Form MC-20H - FLOUR AND OTHER GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS E \j_ 7-1 m^i 7-2 7-5 | 7-4 Materials and supplies (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of matetials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed If you consumed some but less than $5,000 wotth of the listed item— (Enter an "X in the bo y) (t| Quantity (CI Deliveted cost (Thousand dollars) (D| 1 Wheat 011371 2 Thousand bushels □ l 2 Corn 011321 7 Thousand bushels □ l 3 Oats 011331 6 Thousand bushels □ . 4 Barley .011311 8 Thousand bushels Di 5 Sorghum grain 011361 3 Thousand bushels □ 1 6 Wheat flour 204101 Cwt. D, 7 Sugar (cane and beet) in terms of sugar solids 206011 9 Cwt. D. 8 Fats and oils for use in flour and prepared flour mixes (purchased as such) 209613 9 Thousand lbs. Di 9 Burlap bags, new 229921 2 Thousand bags Di 10 Cotton bags 221102 7 <***!XX/'"V D, 5o88888 11 Paper shipping sacks *2*4336 9 ;->V"V-" Q, <;.-;"• - , • 12 Paperboard. folding and corrugated boxes 265013 >*■" .",'.'.' / , /, D. 3 13 All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (Lilt the three principal "All other materials, etc.." included in the above.) 970099 t \V\\\\\VvV 14 yOyOv (Sum of Lines 1-13 should be some OS Item So) * ■■>■'■<■*->*''■'.■'■■'.- *Code changed in computer to 264-338. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 41 Form MC-20I - FEED, CEREAL PREPARATIONS, AND BLENDED AND PREPARED FLOUR M.um.iK pans ,md supplier* Barley Sorghum grain Wheat flour Sugar (cane and beet) in terms of sugar solids Fats and oils for use in flour and prepared flour mixes (purchased as such) Burlap bags, new Cotton bags Paper shipping sacks Paperboard, folding, and corrugated boxes "Metal containers All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc ," included in the above.) TOTAL (Sum of Lines 1-14 should bo some as Iton So) Form MC-20J - STARCH, CORN PRODUCTS, AND RICE MILLING | | Z 1 Lz_ 7-1 7-2 7-5 7-4 Materials, parts and supplies Census material code (ft-1) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If 1 1.000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $1,000 worth of the listed item- l Enter an X' in the bo.\ > IQ Quant try ( Thousand pounds) i«i Delivered cost 10) Mil 1 Thou lion. 1 sinj, 0* Jatt Coxa 000 j 000 000 XX 1 kice, rough 011341 5 XX □ i 1 Corn, including sorghum grain 011301 9 XX Di 3 Purchased corn starch 204601 9 XX □ i 4 All other materials, parts, containers, and supplies consumed 970099 8 XX 5 ; (Sum of UitM 1-4 should b« tamo as lt»m 5a] 42 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ,ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-20K - BAKERY PRODUCTS .0 E 3 Li 7-1 &$%& 7-2 | 7-5 7-4 Census material code Unit of for quantities Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials and supplies (A) If 55,000 or more of the listed item was consumed - If you consumed some but less than 55.000 worth of the listed item- (Em,r ,/» .Y M 111, hnx) HI Quantity (CI Delivered cost 10] Mil- IThou ton- ka Cents 000 1 000 000 XX 1 Wheat flour 204101 Hundred pounds XX □ l 2 Prepared flour mixes 204554 Hundred ' pounds XX □ > 3 Sugar (cane and beet) in terms of sugar solids 206011 9 Hundred pounds XX □ l 4 FATS AND OILS Shortening 209611 3 Thousand pounds XX □ ' 5 Lard 201151 8 Thousand pounds XX □ > 6 Margarine and puff paste 209601 4 Thousand pounds XX □ > 7 Other fats and oils'- (cooking oils, butter, etc.) 209014 Thousand pounds XX □ > 8 Dried milk 202311 7 Thousand pounds XX □ > 9 ■Frozen and liquid eggs 201561 8 Thousand pounds XX □ > 10 Containers and wrapping materials 970005 5 XX D" 11 All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 XX 12 TOTAL (Sum t XX >f Lines 1-11 should bo same as Item 5a) Form MC-20L - SUGAR i I Lr_ 7-1 7-2 | 7-3 | 7^1 Materials, parts and supplies (A) Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than 55.000 worth of the listed item— (Enlir a* "X" in tbt box) 10 Quanrity (Short tons) (C) Delivered cose ID) Mil. ! Thou- lions | sands' Om- an Coot! 000 1 000 098 XX 1 Sugarcane 011981 8 XX □ l 2 Raw cane sugar (convert to 96° basis) 206101 8 XX D, 3 Sugar beets 011971 9 XX □ i 4 Paper and paperboard containers and shipping sacks 260091 4 XX Di s All other materials, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the 3 principal "all other materials, etc.." included tn the above.) 970099 8 •Z*'*Z*\*Z*Z*Z*Z*Z*Z*'*1 XX iVivvv *sv •^^^^^♦^^ v**z*z*z*z*z*z*z*z*z*i> i rsVsaVAVAV, ' W wto>>>>>! * iV» ♦ • V»V»V»*A * .?#>>>>>>>•>>:• 6 fsssms^ms^^ssssm (Sum of UnM 1 -5 should bo somo as Itom 5a) ( 1 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 43 Form MC-20M - CONFECTIONERY, CHOCOLATE PRODUCTS, AND CHEWING GUM 1 :■:■,. -:\ Materia].-* and supplies (At Oils us material code notion of purchased material and of materials i from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed iten consumed — Quantity Sugar i cunt! and beet) in term.* of sugar solids All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed {List the 3 principal "All other material*, etc." included in the above.) TOTAL > (Sum or Lines 1-2 should be same as Item 5a) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $6,000 or more of the listed iu>m was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— (Enter an " X" in the box) Form MC-20T - VEGETABLE OILS, MARGARINE, AND SHORTENING E Lj_ 7-1 &#&&& 7-2 7-S 7-4 Materials and supplies (A) Census maienal code |B-I| Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments ot vour company If S5.000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than SV000 worth of the listed item- (Enlit an X" in Ibt bos) HI Quannty (C) Delivered cost ( Thousand dollars) l») i Cottonseed 011211 Short D, 2 Soybeans 011381 1 Short Di 3 Copra 012287 9 Short □ i 4 Flaxseed 011911 5 Short D> 5 Tallow and stearin, edible 201104 7 Thousand pounds Di 6 Cottonseed oil, crude 209111 4 Thousand pounds □ i 7 Cottonseed oil, refined 209121 3 Thousand pounds Di 8 Soybean oil, crude 209211 2 Thousand pounds Di 9 Soybean oil, refined 209212 Thousand pounds Di 10 Lard 201 151 8 Thousand pounds Di II Glass containers 322101 7 Gross D, 12 Metal containers, excluding drums 340003 3 Di □ i 14 All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc ," included in the above.) 970099 8 ' 15 TOTAL *■ MNM XK*l*Xf ssssss :♦:♦: ►♦♦5 •£♦*■' :♦:♦: •••••••• ♦♦•♦♦•• ►••••••■ #♦♦♦*•• ■ 'tVAVri ••••••• <♦>>>>>>>£♦. •••••••••••• .♦.•.♦.•♦wIvM*!* X , >.wX«>>>> W. CO ■ ■n-.\n,A .iXoV (Sum of Line, 1-14 should be tame as Item 5o) J 46 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-20W - MACARONI, SPAGHETTI, VERMICELLY, AND NOODLES H Materials and supplies Consumption of purchased nuitcriuLs and or materials from other establishments of your company some but lead than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter a; in the box) Semolina and durum flour Farina and other wheat flour All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) total (Sum of Lines 1-3 should be I Form MC-20Z-1 - MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS | - Li 7-1 ^m r-7 7-5 Materials (A) Census material code (»-l) Unic of for quantities (6-3) Consumption of pure tased materials Quantity (CI Delivered cost (D) Mil 1 IThou Dol tirs ZciHi 000 ' 000 O.10 XX 1 Cattle slaughtered 013913 9 Number of head i XX 2 Hogs slaughtered 013933 7 Number of head i • j XX 3 Fresh and frozen meats purchased 201103 9 Thousand pounds i XX Cost of other animals and fowl slaughtered, fowl purchased, and all other mate- rials, containers, supplies, fuel, and electricity consumed in 1963. (Include the cost of products bought and resold without further manufacture, processing or i i 4 5 assembly. ) TOTAL » (Should be some as Line 1, Item D-l) 1 — XX XX :>::::>:;::>■: >x::oxv:-x-:-:-:-:'::::;X'>: Form MC-20Z-2 - DAIRY PRODUCTS Whole milk (Report purchased skim milk on Line 4) Ice cream mix, sherbet mix, and ice milk mix Cost of all other materials, containers, supplies, fuels, and electricity consumed in 1963. (Include the cost of products bought and resold without further manu- facture, processing or assembly.) total (Should bo wmd at Lin* 1, Item D-l) Form MC-20Z-5 - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS 1 c j Li 7-1 XXXXXXr- 7-2 | 7-5 Materials (A) Census material code (S-1) Unit of measure for quantities (■-2) Consumption of purchased materials Quantity Delivered cost (01 Mil- Thou Dei-) lM»j 'Mm odo 000 -} . ■ 8 TOTAI i :■.■■:•:■;■;■.■■';■:".■■:■;■ t ■ (Sum of Lines 1-7 should be some as Item 5a) y. ■,■.:■. ■,'.■.• -, ■ '>:W>W.V.VA LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 49 Form MC-22D - KNITTING MILL PRODUCTS (EXCEPT HOSIERY) Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS i z 1 Li 7-1 :■:■:■:■:■:•: 7-2 | 7-> 7-t Materials and supplies (Repott yams classified by principal fiber by weight) (A) Census material (»-l) Unit of for quantities (a-2| Consumpuon of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If IVOOO or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than D.OOO worth of the listed item— (En:tr an "X" in lln boy ) (•) Quannty IC| Delivered cost ( ThoumnJi of dollar,) 101 1 Man-made fibers, staple and tow 282014 Thousand pounds D, 2 Combed cotton yarns 228120 2 Thousand pounds □ , 3 Carded cotton yarns 228110 3 Thousand pounds D, 4 Rayon and acetate filament yarns 282301 1 Thousand pounds Di 5 Rayon and acetate spun yarns 228130 1 Thousand pounds a, 6 Nylon filament yarns 282411 8 Thousand pounds □ , 7 Nylon spun yarn? 228141 8 Thousand □ i 8 Acrylic yarns 228145 9 Thousand pounds D, 1 Wool yams 228301 8 Thousand pounds a, 10 All other yarns 228013 9 Thousand pounds a, 11 Knitted fabrics, purchased (cotton, wool, man-made fibers, etc.) 225601 4 Thousand linear yards □ i 12 All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "all other materials, etc" included in the above.) 970099 8 ,.-. v. ■»"-;-"— ■".•'.•",•'.•".■".•",•'.'.•'. 13 •:•:■>'.•".-".■»:■'.■ (Sum of Lines 1-12 should be same as Item 5a) /«VAV ■ '-* Section B-CONSUMPTION OF YARN SPUN IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT | Z 1 ken (Report yams classified by principal fiber by weight) 1*1 7 7-lXXX 7-5 Census matenal code (»-i) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment. (Thousand pounds) I'l i Combed cotton yams 228120 2 2 Carded cotton yarns 228110 3 3 Rayon and acetate spun yams 228130 1 4 Nylon spun yarns 228141 « 5 Acrylic yarns 228145 9 6 Wool yams 228301 8 7 All other yarns 228013 9 50 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-22E - TEXTILE FINISHING PLANTS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS ? E L^ 7-1 #e*^ 7-2 7- J | 7-1 Materials and supplies (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit oi for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If »5.000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— ( Enter an "X" «*(..; ID Quantity |C) Delivered cost f Tlxinand .hilar, ) (D) 1 Purchased yarn, all fibers, including transfers from other plants of" your company 228015 4 Thousand pounds t Di 2 Purchased broad-woven fabrics (piece goods) including transfers from other plants of your company 220211 7 Thousand linear Yards t Di 3 Dyes, lakes, and toners 28IS3I 4 - .\ '.■.". ".".■.".■.".",) Di •'.'.■".■'.■".■".■'.■'.•'.'.■'.-", J < All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed- . (List the three principal " All other materials, etc.." included in the above. ) 970099 8 Di ;■.■»■.■':»;■>;. ■>;.w.".>v.;.;v t 5 ■.'-.■.'■'.-:■. i Y .■.'.".'.■.'.'. {■\\-\-',-\-\-\-\-\^' ■ s (Sum of Lines 1 -4 should be some as Item 5a) v,v,,v,v,v,-. .■ Form MC-22G - MISCELLANEOUS TEXTILE PRODUCTS J 1 •J ll 7-1 7-2 7-:i ! 7-4 Materials and supplies (A) Census material code (B-D Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— (Bnfer on "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (Thousand pounds) (Q Delivered cost (D) A llntauJTbojl 1 Dili, iftrs "obo Cent* XX 000 ! 0011 1 Raw cotton (Net weight) 011202 9 i XX □ 1 2 Cotton waste 999806 3 I $ XX □ 1 3 Cotton lioters (Net weight) 209131 2 $ XX □ 1 4 Raw wool, mohair and other animal fibers {Scoured weight) 229701 8 $ XX □ 1 5 Wool noils and waste 999823 8 $ XX □ 1 r. Other fibers (synthetic staple, tow, waste, etc.) 999807 1 1 1 s XX □ . 7 New and used rags, clips, etc. 999825 3 $ XX □ 1 8 All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed- (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 W.w-. - 1 XX i : | llllllll 9 Consumption of purchased materials and of matetials received from other establishments of your company Materials, pans and supplies (*) If $5,000 ot mote of the listed If you consumed some but less than Js.OOO worth of the listed nem- (Enler an "X" in the box J (!) Quantity |C) Deliveted cost |0> Mil- Thou- lions | sands Dot- law OnLa 000 | 000 000 xx 1 Vinyl coated fabrics, with cotton backing 229521 Thousand linear yards J , XX D, 2 Other coated fabrics 229502 Thousand linear yards s XX D'i 3 4 s UNCOATED BROAD- WOVEN FABRICS (Piece goods) Cotton 221103 5 Thousand linear yards s XX Di Rayon and acetate 222102 6 Thousand linear yards s XX □ ■ Other broad- woven fabrics 220128 3 Thousand linear yards s XX □ ■ 6 Unsupported plastic film and sheeting, excluding packaging materials 307911 8 Thousand square yards s XX D, 7 All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "all other materials, etc. ' included in the above J : 1 :■' 70099 1 ' "■ s XX Wv'v'XVvVvS 9 x-'-»!-y." .1 ., ■ JPS ^x^x-x-Xv (Sum of UnM 1-7 should be lam, qi Hem So) r* 1 * ! ■■ *■-'■'-■»'-"' >'>''," ■,','">,'" h '.'.-.' ■ ■ '«. ,uVm) 54 LIST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-24A - LUMBER, AND OTHER RAW MATERIALS Materials, parts, and supplies (A) Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) ""■">'» IS?; S3: a*" XX If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — {Enter an "A"' in the box) $33$88 $ XX '■' ' {List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) h , .:\-.".:\\y,". 11 (Sum of Lines 1-10 should be same as Item 5a) Section B— CONSUMPTION OF LOGS, LUMBER, VENE CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER ER, AND I PRODUCT »LYWOOD S MADE I ?0$9w00 1 Logs and bolts 241108 Thousand feet (log scale) 2 S ROUGH LUMBER Hardwood 242110 5 Thousand board feet Softwood 242118 8 Thousand board feet 4 Hardwood veneer 243250 8 Thousand square feet surface measure - 5 Softwood veneer 243260 7 Thousand square feet 1" basis 8 Hardwood plywood, container type 243215 1 Thousand square feet surface measure 7 Softwood plywood 24320S 7 Thousand square feet V basis LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES—Continued 59 Form MC-24H - WOOD PRESERVING Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS H wwm r-i | r-^. I ,„. Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Quantity Delivered ■ (0) £S If you consumed tome but less than J VIM) worth of the listed item- PURCHASED AND TREATED IN THIS ESTAB- LISHMENT Poles, piling, and other round or hewn wood products 24H09 Rough Lumber, including sawn ties (Do not include the estimated value of wood products owned by others and treated on a custom basis in this establishment-) 2«1 W XX □ l XS □ *$ □ i Creosote oil consumed in this establishment All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed ( List the three principal " All other materials, etc.," included in thtabove.) Section B-ROUGH LUMBER PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED (OR TREATED) IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT s produced in this establishme: n manufacturing other product ( Thousand board ftel ) ROUGH LUMBER INCLUDING SAWN TIES 60 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-24I - MISCELLANEOUS WOOD PRODUCTS AND WOOD PROCESSING Materials, parts and supplie Census material code for quantine Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed— Quantity Delivered c ID) XX If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— I Enter an "X" in tht box) (i) Logs and bolts Thousand ft (log scale) XX D. ROUGH LUMBER XX D> □ DRESSED LUMBER □ □ Rough, surfaced, or semi-fabricated hardwood dimension and di- mension stock 242622 Thousand bd. ft. XX D Chips, slabs, edgings, shavings, sawdust, and other wood wastes 242011 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal" All other materials, etc :" included in the above.) TOTAL (Sum of Lines 1-8 should be some as Hem 5a} LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 61 Form MC-25A - WOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 1 3 Lz_ 7-1 "&XXXXX 7-2 7-3 7-4 Census material code (U-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Bnlfr an "X" in the 6oi) (E) Quantity Delivered cost : xxx .■.V.Vh^VV*^. 21 xxk ; x : ■S TOTI (Sun u. *> of Lines 1-20 should be same as Item 5a) .;.; .. ., ,i. ... . ■...>-, 62 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-25A - WOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE— Continued Section B— CONSUMPTION OF LUMBER, VENEER, PLYWOOD, AND PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT 1 i a Li 7-1XXX $mm 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) i Hardwood lumber, rough and dressed 242101 4 Thousand board feet 2 Softwood lumber, rough and dressed 242103 Thousand board feet 3 Hardwood veneer 213250 8 Thousand square feet (surface measure) 4 5 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD, OTHER THAH CONTAINER TYPE Veneer core 243211 Thousand square feet (surface Lumber core, including particleboard core 243213 6 Thousand square feet (surface measure) 6 Softwood plywood 243203 7 Thousand square feet (%" basis) 7 Particleboard 249930 9 Thousand square feet (J£* basis) Form MC-25B - WOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, UPH0ISTERED Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS ■O E 9 3 [J_ 7-1 i XX □ 1 2 Softwood lumber, rough and dressed 242103 Thousand board feet 1 s XX □ 1 3 Rough, surfaced, or semifabricated hardwood furniture dimension and dimension stock 242622 9 Thousand board feet 1 1 1 s XX □ 1 4 Furniture frames, wood 251261 I 1 $ XX □ 1 5 6 FOAM CORES FOR MAT- TRESSES (EXCLUDE TOPPER PADS) Rubber 306933 3 Number 1 ■s XX D i Other than rubber, including polyurethane 307922 5 Number 1 1 % XX D i 7 8 FORMED AND SUB STOCK FOR PILLOWS, CUSHIONS, SEATIN6, ETC. Rubber 306931 1 Thousand pounds 1 1 s ! XX D i Other than rubber, including polyurethane 307921 7 Thousand pounds 1 1 s XX □ i 1 Paddings and fillings, except rubber and plastic foam 229308 2 Thousand pounds % XX □ i 10 Cotton linters (net weight) 209131 2 Thousand pounds $ XX D i II Springs, innerspring units, and box spring constructions 348138 9 Short tons 1 % XX □ i 1 ' 12 Constructions f yr dual-purpose sleep furniture 349901 9 1 XX □ i LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 63 Form MC-25B - WOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERED— Continued Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHKR ESTABLISHMENTS— Continued Materials, parts and supplie Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Quantity (C) vered cost (D) If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— (Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Paints, varnishes, lacquers, japans, and enamels XX □ 1 Furniture and builders hardware, including cabinet hardwa handles, hinges, locks, etc. □ i Coated or laminated fabric (for upholstery) XX □ 1 Plastic laminated sheets xx □ i WOVEN UP- HOLSTERY FABRICS (EX- CLUDE TICK- ING AND MUSLIN) Thousand linear vards XX Other (rayon, nylon, etc.) xx D ■ □ i All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (Lu( the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) Section B— CONSUMPTION OF HARDWOOD AND SOFTWOOD LUMBER PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT Census material code Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (Thousand board feet) Hardwood lumber, rough 2 Softwood lumber, rough *Code changed in computer to 285101. 64 LIST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-25C - METAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 7 7-1 Materials, parts and supplies Census material code l of purchased materials and of materials n other establishments of your company Delivered cost If you consumed some but less than $5 000 worth of the listed itcm- f Enter an "X" m tht box) (E) MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel (including wrought iron) Sheet and strip All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms, in- cluding tubing 331019 Alloy steel (except stainless) Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy mill shapes and forms Sheet, plate and foil Extruded shapes including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pounds XX XX □ □ □ □ l □ . □ □ Springs, innerspring units, and box spring constructions □ Paints, varnishes, lacquers, japans, and enamels 285101 □ Furniture and builders hardware, including cabinet hardware, casters, gliders, handles, hinges, locks, etc. XX □ Unsupported plastic him and sheets excluding packaging material □ Plastic laminated sheets ■ rh:.;;s r „;:i □ Coated or laminated fabric tor upholstery XX □ □ Paperboard boxes and containers, including (biding, corrugated, and set-up 265011 □ Flat glass (plate and sheet) □ All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplit consumed TOTAL • (Sum of Lines 1-17 should be son LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 65 Form MC-25D - MATTRESSES AND BEDSPRINGS 1 9 a B Ll 7-1 mma 7-2 7-3 7-4 Materials, parts, and supplies (A) Census material code Unit of measure (or quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If vou consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (£n■:<■<*■:<■■:< XX 9 Woven upholstery fabrics, excluding ticking and muslin Cotton 221161 3 Thousand yards $ XX □ i 10 Other (rayon, nylon, etc.) 222103 i Thousand linear yards s XX □ i 1 ! Ticking (mattress) 221 III 5 Thousand linear yards $ XX □ i 12 Cotton linters (net weight) 209131 2 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i 13 Paddings and fillings, except rubber and plastic foam 229308 2 Thousand pounds s XX a i n Foam cores for mattresses, excluding topper pads Rubber 306933 3 Number of units $ XX □ i IS Other than rubber including polyurethanc 307922 5 Number of units $ 1 XX □ i ir, All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 -.■'.■'.:■:■ ■ • w& $ XX :< XX If vou consume! some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— {Enter an "X" tn the box) (E) Hardwood lumber, rough and dressed Softwood lumber, rough and dressed Hardwood veneer Thousand sq. ft. (surface XX XX XX □ □ □ Hardwood plywood Thousand sq. ft. (surface measure) xx □ Softwood plywood Thousand sq. ft. (?{" basis) XX □ Particleboard Thousand sq. ft. (Yt" basis) XX □ 1 Hard pressed wood fiber board Thousand sq. ft. [Vi" basis) XX □ i Furniture and builders hardwn glides, handles, hinges, locks, etc ncluding cabinet hardware, casters, □ Carbon steel (including wrought iron) mill srfapes and forms Sheet and strip D i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms {including tubing) XX □ Alloy steel mill shapes and forms (except stainless) XX □ Stainless steel mill shapes and forms Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy mill shapes and forms Thousand pounds □ □ Paints, varnishes, lacquers, japans, and enamels Plastic laminated sheets Coated or laminated fabric (for upholstery) Paperboard boxes and containers (including folding, ug.it ed, and set-up) All other materials and components, parts, container i, and supplies {List the three principal "All other materials, etc., ' included n the above.) TOTAL — — ^— ^— — — — (Sum of Lines 1-18 should be same as Item 5a) , LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 67 Form MC-25F - VENETIAN BLINDS AND SHADES (EXCEPT CANVAS SHADES AND AWNINGS) Ei K-: Softwood Bolts and logs Spruce and true fir (Report Douglas fir on Line 5) Hemlock 241102 3 Cotds of 128 cu. ft. □ , Jack pine 241103 1 Cotds Of 128 cu. ft. D, Southern pine 241104 9 Cotds of 128 cu. ft. D.i Other softwoods (Include Douglas fir) 241105 6 Cotds of 128 cu. ft. D, Chips (suggested conversion factor: 1 cord equals 200 cu. ft. of gravity-packed chips) 242901 J Cords of 128 cu. ft. □ i Slabs, cores, and other mill waste 242015 b Cords of 128 cu ft. □ , Hardwood Bolts and logs Northern mixed hardwoods 241106 4 Cotds of 128 cu. ft. Di Poplar (aspen and popple) 241107 2 Cotds of 128 cu. ft. □ ■ Southern mixed hardwoods 241108 Cords of 128 cu. ft. n, Other hardwoods *241109 8 Cotds of 128 cu. ft. □ i Slabs, chips, cores, and other mill waste 242013 Cotds of 128 cu.ft. □ ■ 13 14 15 16 17 CHEMICALS Sulfur 147701 Long tons □ , Chlorine 201211 Shott tons □ i Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 281 23S Short tons (nasi* 100% NjOHI □ , Sodium carbonate (soda ash) 281228 Short tons(basrs 98-100% Nj,CO,| □ i Sodium sulfate (including salt cake) 281976 Shot! tons (100% Na,SO.) □ , *Code changed in computer to 241119. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 69 Form MC-26A - PULP, PAPER, AND PAPERBQARD— Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS- .Continued X | .S _1 Ll 7-1 6WTO 7-2 7 1 7-1 Census material code Unit of 'for quantities (»-2| Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from oilier establishments of your company Materials, pam and supplies 1*1 If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than .miui. worth of the listed ilem- ( Enter an "X" in Ih, box) (•1 Quantiry (CI Delivered cost (Tlxmaddtllm) (Ol 18 19 20 11 22 CHEMICALS- Continued Titanium dioxide, composite and pure 211611 4 Thousand pound. lotiff T.O. □ . Aluminum sulfate 281961 3 Short tons 17%A1,0, □ l Rosin 286101 1 Thousand pounds D, Rosin sizing 289119 Thousand pounds D> Lime 327401 6 Short tons Di 23 24 WOOD PULP Produced at affiliated or associated mills except your pulp mill at this location (a separate MC-26A Report should be filed by each separately located pulp producing mill) (report wood pulp produced and consumed in Item 17B below) 261102 8 Short ions (air dry basis) □ i Purchased (market) wood pulp 261104 4 Short tons 7a .r dry bas.s) D, 25 26 27 26 29 WASTE PAPER Mixed 941111 7 Short tons □ . News ' 941 H 2 5 Short tons Di Corrugated 941113 3 Short tons □ i High grade pulp substitutes 941114 1 Short tons □ i High grade deinking 941115 8 Short cons Di 30 31 32 33^ 34 35 36 OTHER MATERIALS Cotton linters 209131 2 Thousand pounds □ . Linter pulp 261122 6 Short tons Di Other fibrous materials, including rags, straw and bagasse 941259 4 Short tons Di Asbestos 149901 1 Short tons □ , Asphalt 291199 8 Short tons □ i Kaolin and ball clay 14S501 3 Short tons Di Starch 204609 2 Thousand pounds Di 37 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal " All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 • 38 TOTAL #► (Sum of Lines 1-37 should be some as Item 5a) :»&% W SSSSSoo L xm;:;:v.; .\vX\y\-; v,V t iliiiis Section B-CONSUMPTION OF WOOD PULP PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMEK LISHMENT T AND CO NSU MED IN MA iOLXXXXXXXXXXl NUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTAB- d Z Ll 7- 1 XXX %&&& 7-5 Item <*) Census material code (•-1) Unit ol for quantities (•-11 Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishmenr (»l 1 Wood pulp produced in youi pulp mill at this location 261102 8 Short tons (air dr\ basis) 70 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-26B - COATED PAPER, BAGS, SANITARY PAPER PRODUCTS, LlJI MISCELLANEOUS C0NVERTEE PAPER AND BOARD PRODUCTS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS | 3 9 g IL 7 1 >mm 7-2 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— {Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Millions Thou- Dol. fcknv MMi 001) ] $ XX (Sum of Lines 1-13 should be the same as Item 5a) ^xxxxxxVy s ection B — Not applicable to this form. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 19o3 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 71 Form MC-26B - COATED PAPER, BAGS, SANITARY PAPER PRODUCTS, AND MISCELLANEOUS CONVERTED PAPER AND BOARD PRODUCTS— Continued Section C— CONSUMPTION OF PAPER AND PAPERBOARD BY MAJOR GRADES 1 s a - Li 9-1 9-2 9-3 Census material code (B-l) Consumption of purchased materials and uf materials received from other establishments of your company Material (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — Quantity (Sftori Ions) (C) Delivered cost (D) Millions ',!::". 'Dol- lars Cent XX 000 00(1 000 2 3 4 5 1 7 » 9 PAPER Newsprint 411 s XX Groundwood (uncoated) 412 ( XX Paper-machine-coated 413 $ XX Book (uncoated) 414 i-L $ XX Fine 415 XX Coarse (bag, wrapping, sack, glassine, etc.) 416 $ XX Special industrial 417 s XX Sanitary tissue 9tock 418 $ XX Tissue paper, except sanitary and thin 419 $ XX in II U 13 PAPERBOARD Container board 431 $ XX Folding box board, except special food board 432 s XX Set-up box board 433 $ XX Special paperboard and cardboard, including bending and nonbcnding board not/ converted into a box or carton 434 $ XX u 439 $ XX (Som of Lines 1-13 should equal sum of Lines 1-4 in Item 17, Section A) 72 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-26C - ENVELOPES Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company PAPER (Report detail by grade in Item 17C below) Materials, parts, and supplies _w_ If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — {Enter an "X" in the box) Purchased (market) paper Glues and adhesives Unsupported plastic film and sheeting (excluding packaging materia!) Ml other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (Litt the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) total > (Sum of Lines 1-5 should be same as Item 5a) Section B — Not applicable to this form. Section C— CONSUMPTION OF PAPER BY MAJOR GRADES WteteM Materials, parts, and supplies Census material code measure for quantities Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Book (uncoated) Coarse, unbleached Coarse, bleached, including glassine All other paper not reported above total > (Sum of Lines 1-5 should equal snm of Lines 1 and 2 in Item 17, Section A) LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 73 Form MC-26D - WALLPAPER, DIE-CUT PAPER AND BOARD, AND PRESSED AND MOLDED PULP GOODS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS Materials, parte, and supplies _£*L Census ma te rial code (B-l) Consumption of purchased materials and of material received from other establishment* of your company If $6,000 or more of the listed Item was consumed — Quantity (Short tom) (C) Delivered < (Sum of Lines 1-6 should be same as Item 5a) Section B — Not applicable to this form. Section C— CONSUMPTION OF PAPER AND PAPERBOARD BY MAJOR GRADES Materials, parts, and supplies Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company- Quantity (Short tons) Millions ;«£ Delivered cost (D) m ; PAPER Groundwood (unooated) Coarse (bag, wrapping, sack, glass! ne, etc.) Special industrial Ail other paper not reported above — xx xx PAPERBOARD Special food board xx Folding box board XX Special paperboard and cardboard, including bending and nonbending board not converted into a box or carton xx Ail other paperboard not reported above xx TOTAL i i > (Sam of Lines 1-9 should equal the sum of Lines 1*4 Id Hem 17, Seclisn A) xxj 74 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-26E - PAPERBOARD CONTAINERS AND BOXES Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS o E a Z Ll 7-1 WW&k 1 7-s 7-4 Census material code (0-1) Unit of for quantities (»-J) Consumption of p received from oth urchased materials and of materials cr establishments of your company Materials, pans and supplies (A) If t5. 000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than 15,000 wotth of the listed item- 1 Emir jn X" in the bo\) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) .1,1 IThou ons 1 undi D..I l.cni K)0 | 000 000 XX 1 Paper (Report detail by grade in Item 1 7C below) Own paper, produced at this location or at other affiliated or as- sociated mills 262105 Short tons 1 1 1 1 * ! XX □ . 2 Purchased (market) paper 262106 8 Short i i » ] XX □ , 3 Paperboard (Report detail by grade in Item 1 7C below) Own paperboard, produced at this location or at other affiliated or associated mills 263102 6- Short 1 1 1 1 s XX □ , 4 Purchased (market) paperboard 263103 4 Short 1 S 1 XX □ , 5 Thermoplastic Resins (Cellulosics, polyethylenes, styrene, vinyl, etc.) (Include solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes.) 282130 4 Thousand pounds dry basis 1 1 S 1 XX □ l 6 Petroleum wax 291106 3 Thousand pounds 1 » 1 XX □ , 7 Aluminum foil 33S23I 7 Thousand pounds 1 1 s XX Di 8 Aluminum sheet and plate 335203 6 Thousand pounds 5 1 XX D, 9 Printing inks (complete formulations) 289301 4 Thousand pounds ] 1 » ! XX □ , 10 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above. ) 970099 8 XX &^8888$ &§«$il> ilii s ' n njrWSrS 1 1 »<3§clvvyv (Sum of Lines 1-10 should be same as Item 5a) ; * x >X - Xvaxx>q Section B— Not applicable to this form. Section C-CONSUMPTION OF PAPER AND PAPERBOARD BY MAJOR GRADES I Z .S 1' Materials, parts and supplies 1*1 > »-i »-2 9-3 Census material code (0-1) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received ftom other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed- Quantity (Short tons) (C) Delivered cost (0) Mil- Thou- lions | sands am Zona 000 1 noo 000 XX 1 2 3 4 5 PAPER Paper-machine coated 413 ! XX Book and fine (uncoated) 424 S XX Coarse (bag, wrapping, sack, glassine, ere.) 416 t XX Special industrial 417 1 XX Other paper 425 1 6 7 8 9 10 PAPERBOARD Container board 431 $ Special rood board 435 1 XX Folding boxboard. except special food board 432 1 Set-up boxboard 433 1 XX Special paperboard (rube, can, and drum stock, etc.), cardboard, ben bending board not converted into a box or carton ding and non 434 1 XX 11 TOTA (Sum 439 w, of Linos 1-10 should oqual tn* turn of Lines 1-4 In Item 17, SoeHor A) ■ LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 75 Form MC-27A - NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 1 a B a 3 LL 7-1 xxxxx» 7-2 ' 7 :l 7-4 Materials, parts, and supplied (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some hut Iras than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter on " X" in the box) (E) Quantity AM othor paper XX □ Pap«rboard (exclude that used for shipping) XX □ Printing inks (Quantity and value of complete formulations purchased commercially should be reported here; the equivalent quantity of inks produced and consumed in this establishment— i.e., the inks you make and mix yourself from pigments, vehicles, diluents, etc., should be re- ported in Section B, Item 17. 289301 Thousand pounds XX □ » MANIFOLD BUSINESS FORMS MANU- FACTURERS (Complete lines 5 and 6 if you manufacture manifold business forms (also see Item 17, Section B) Carbonizing tissue stock for conversion by you into one-time carbon paper □ One-time carbon paper; purchased or withdrawn from previous year's inventory by you XX □ ' All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies sumed; including metal type, etc. (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) Section B-C0NSUMPTI0N OF ONE-TIME CARBON PAPER AND PRINTING INKS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT for quantiti Quantities produced in this establishmen manufacturing other products of this One-time carbon paper, produced and consumed by you Printing inks, complete formulations 289301 Thousand pounds 78 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-27D - GREETING CARDS SMtion A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS LI Materials, parts and supplies Census material code I 7-3 Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If |5,000 or more of the listed item was purchased and consumed by you, or pur- chased by you and consumed by others in printing for you during 1963 Total quantity of paper consumed (short torn) (C) Delivered cost If you con- sumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed \lem-(Ent*t an "X" in the box) Of the total quantity of paper report- ed by type in Column (C), indicate below in Column (F) the quantity used for publications, and in Column (G) that used for other products (Sum of Columns Delivered cost (Thousand, of dollar,) (D) [f you consumer some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item- (Enttr an "X" in the box) It) Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) INORGANIC CHEMICALS Acids, except spent acids Hydrochloric acid Hydrofluoric acid 281946 Phosphoric acid Ammonia, synthetic, anhydrous 281912 Chlorine Phosphorus, elemental Sodium carbonate (soda ash) 281228 Other alcohols, including amyl, butyl, methyl, and propyl 281511 Benzol (benzene) 281401 Formaldehyde Liquefied petroleum and refinery gases for chemical feedstocks Ethylene Propane Propyle: Other, include mixtures (Report net quanti- ties consumed by excluding amounts returned to source) Thousand gallon- Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Thousand pounds □ □ □ ■ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ i Di □ □ □ i □ i □ Naphthalene, grades of 77.5° C or higher Thousand pounds Nitrobenzene Thousand pounds Thousand pounds Phthalic anhydride Thousand pounds 331215 □ Di □ Di □ CRUDE MATERIALS Phosphate rock Pyrites Sulfuric acid sludge (decomposition acid) Zinc and zinc-base alloy refinery shape: Di □ □ , Di □ USED AS RAW MATERIALS Bituminous coal and lignite Coke, including breeze □ D, □ i LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 81 Form MC-28A - INDUSTRIAL INORGANIC AND ORGANIC CHEMICALS (E XCE PT INDUSTRIAL GASES)— Continued Section B— CONSUMPTION OF SELECTED INORGANIC AND ORGANIC CHEMICALS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT j E 3 e c Ll 7-1XXX $m& wm: 7 '> Item (») Census material code Unit of Vor" C quantities (»-J) Basis (»-3) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing othet ptoducts made in this establishment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 '■' 9 10 INORGANIC CHEMICALS Acids, except spent acids Hydrochloric acid 281944 9 Short 100% HC1 Hydrofluoric acid 281946 4 Short 100% HF Nitr* acid 281911 8 Short 100% HNO, Phosphoric acid 281948 Short 100% P.O, Sulfuric acid 281931 6 Short 100% H..SO, Ammonia, synthetic, anhydrous 281912 6 Shorr 100% NH, Chlorine 281211 3 Short 100% ci Phosphorus, elemental 281996 9 Short tons Technical Sodium carbonate (soda ash) 281228 7 Short tons 58% Na.O Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 281238 6 Short 100% NaOH 11 12 13 14 15 li 17 18 19 20 21 ORGANIC CHEMICALS Alcohols, except ethyl (including amyl. butyl, methyl, and propyl) 281820 1 Thousand gallons Benzol (benzene) 281401 Thousand pounds 100% C.H, Formaldehyde 281823 5 Thousand pounds 37% HCHO Liquefied petroleum and refinery gases for chemical feedstocks Ethylene 291155 Thousand pounds Propane 291154 3 Thousand pounds Propylene 291156 8 Thousand pounds Other, including mixtures 291159 2 Thousand pounds Naphthalene, grades of 77.5° C. or higher 281402 8 Thousand pounds Nitrobenzene 281512 4 Thousand pounds 100% Phenol 281513 2 Thousand pounds 100% Phthalic anhydride 281514 Thousand pounds 100% 82 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-28C - PLASTICS MATERIALS AND SYNTHETIC RUBBER Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E Ll 7-1 WW*! wm& 7-2 i 7-5 i 7-4 Materials, parts and supplies (A) Census material code (S-1J Unit of foi quantities (»-J| Basis (»-3l Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from otner establishments of yout company If $5,000 ot more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than 15.000 worth of the listed irem- (Entir uu "X" ,n Ihl box) (II Quantiry |C| Delivered cost (Thouiand Mian) 101 1 Acrylates and methacrylates, monomers 28182S Thousand pounds 100% D, 2 Alcohols, except ethyl 281820 l Thousand gallons □ i 3 Carbon black 289501 9 Thousand pounds Di 4 Cellulose acetate 281824 3 Thousand pounds 100% d'i S Cotton pulp 261128 3 Shott tons Air dry Di 6 Extender oils of petroleum origin 291163 4 Thousand pounds □ i 7 Formaldehyde 281823 5 Thousand pounds 37% HCHO Di 8 Glycerin 284141 9 Thousand pounds 100% Di 9 Hydrochloric acid 281944 9 Shott tons 100% HCI Di 10 Liquefied refinery and petroleum gases Butadiene 291157 6 Thousand pounds 100% Di 11 Ethylene 291155 Thousand pounds. 100% Di 12 Other (including isoprene, propylene, isobutylene, etc.) 291158 4 Thousand pounds Di 13 Melamine 281515 7 Thousand pounds 100% □ , 14 Phenol 281513 2 Thousand pounds 100% Di 15 Phthalic anhydride 281514 Thousand pounds 100% □ i 16 Plasticizers 281835 9 Thousand pounds Di 17 Rubber processing chemicals (accelerators, antioxidants, blowing agents, inhibitors, peptizers, etc.) 281833 4 Di 18 Soap and detergents 284101 3 Thousand pounds □ i 19 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 281238 6 Shott tons 100% NaOH D, 20 Styrene 281516 5 Thousand pounds 100% D. 21 Sulfuric acid, except spent acid 281931 6 Short tons 100% H.SO, s Di 22 Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. (Report resin content of vinyls and dry basis for cellulosics, polyethylenes, sty- renes. etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and ex- clude sheets, rods, tubes and other shapes.) 282130 4 Thousand pounds ; : S □ i 23 Thermosetting resins (melamines, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Report on dry basis. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other shapes.) 282140 3 Thousand pounds s □ i 24 Urea 281826 8 Thousand pounds 100% s Di 25 Vinyl acetate, monomer 281827 6 Thousand pounds 100% % Di 26 Vinyl chloride, monomer 281828 4 Thousand pounds 100% s D, 27 Wood pulp (excluding wood flour) 261101 Short tons Air dry s D, 28 260091 4 ijXJX^viysc s D, 29 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed .* (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 ^-v ■ ■ ■ •:^:>c s I^rVwXftVfrfa* . 30 » . ■ Y ' y>>:->:-:4> , , . , }, , ; .v.v.v. :■>:■:■:■:■:<•:% LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 83 Form MC-28C - PLASTICS MATERIALS AND SYNTHETIC RUBBER— Continued Section B-CONSUMPTION OF SELECTED CHEMICAL MATERIALS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS Reporc below the quantity of each listed item produced in this estab- Materials used to produce the items specified below should be reported lishment and consumed in manufacturing products made in this in Section A of Item 17 above. establishment. Quantities produced for sale as such and not for incorporation in other products should be reported in Item 18 below. Purchases or receipts of the items specified below should be reported only in Section A above. Report quantities in the unit of measure specified in Column (B-2). Q z Ll 7-1 XXX 7-1 hem (A) Census material code Unit ol for quantities l»-J| Basis (•-31 Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment m 1 Acrylates and methacrylates, monomers 281825 Thousand pounds 100% 2 Alcohols, except ethyl 281820 Thousand gallons vwwys 3 Cellulose acetate 281824 Thousand pounds 100% 4 Extender oils of petroleum origin 291163 Thousand pounds s Formaldehyde 281823 Thousand pounds 37% HCHO 6 Glycerin 284141 Thousand pounds 100% 7 Hydrochloric acid 281944 - Short tons 100% HC1 Liquefied refinery and petroleum gases 8 Butadiene 291157 Thousand pounds 100% 9 Ethylene 291155 Thousand pounds 100% 10 Other (including isoprene. propylene, isobutylene, etc.) 291158 Thousand pounds 11 Melamine 281515 Thousand pounds 100% 13 Phenol 281513 Thousand pounds 100% 13 Phthalic anhydride 281514 1 h.,usand pounds 100% 14 Plasticizers 281835 Thousand 15 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 281238 Short tons 100% NaOH 16 Styrene 281516 Thousand pounds 100% 17 Sulfuric acid, except spent acid 281931 Short tons 100% H.SO. 18 Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. (Report resin con- tent of vinyls and dry basis for cellulosics. polyethylenes, styrenes, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other shapes.) 282130 Thousand pounds 19 Thermosetting resins (melamines. phenolics. polyesters, ureas, etc. Report on dry basis, include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other shapes.) 282140 Thousand pounds 20 Urea 281826 Thousand pounds 100% 21 Vinyl acetate, monomer 281127 Thousand pounds 100% 22 Vinyl chloride, monomer 281828 Thousand pounds 100% 84 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-28D - SYNTHETIC ORGANIC FIBERS I Materials, parts :ind supplit Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If 15.000 or more of the listed Quantity (Short torn) If you consumed some but less than SV000 worth of the listed item- lEmer an X ,n lb, i$xj Acetic anhydride (net after recovery) □ Cotton pulp □ Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) □ Sulfuric acid, except spent acid □ Wood pulp (excluding wood flour) Air dry , □ i Paper and paperboard containers All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed List the 3 principal "all other materials, etc." included in the above. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 85 Form MC-28E - DRUGS AND MEDICINES Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS Materials, parts and suppli< Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $V000 or more of the listed item was consumed - Delivered cost (D) If you consume some but less than (-.iniii worth of the Antibiotics for human and veterinary use (exclude antibiotics for animal feeds) 283316 □ Sulfa drugs, bulk □ Vitamins, natural and synthetic, bulk (exclude vitamins for animal feeds) □ CONTAINERS Paperboard boxes and containers 322102 XX XX □ □ l □ > All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed. (List the three principal "All other materials, etc." included in the above.) TOTAL (Sum of Unas 1-8 should be some as Item 5a) • L_i 86 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES-^Continued Form MC-28F - SOAPS, POLISHES, AND RELATED PRODUCTS (EXCEPT TOILET PREPARATIONS) Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS Materials, parts and supplie for quantitie of purchased materials and of materials otner establishments of your company If 15.000 ( Quantity Delivered t If you consumed I hi ba\) Bulk surface active agents other than sulfonated oils and fats Primarily for detergent purposes 284309 Thousand pounds >:* □ Other emulsifiers, wetting agents, penetrants, etc. Thousand pounds Active :ight Di Perfume oil mixtures and blends □ Glycerine 284141 Thousand pounds □ Grease and inedible tallow Thousand pounds A D Potassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) □ Sodium carbonate (soda ash) 281228 xs □ Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 281238 □ i Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) Tetrasodium pyrophosphate (TSPP) □ □ Trisodium phosphate (TSP) Vegetable oil CONTAINERS Paperboard Plastic All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consu med (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) total (Sum of Lines 1-17 should be some as Item 5a) Section B-C0NSUMPTI0N OF SELECTED MATERIALS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT Ll Bulk surface active agents other than sulfonated oils and fats Primarily for detergent purposes Other emulsifiers, wetting agents, penetrants, etc. Basis B-3 Active weight Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing ot her products made in this establishment (Thousand pounds) Glycerine Vegetable oil *Code changed in computer to 322102. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-28G - TOILET PREPARATIONS 87 Form MC-28H - PAINTS, PUTTIES, AND ALLIED PRODUCTS Section A-CONSUMPTION Of MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS Materials, parts and supplie: Census code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Quant, ty (C) Delivered cost ID) ¥g If you consumed some but less than $3,000 worth of the listed item — (Bmttr an "X" H the box) (I) VEGETABLE OILS Linseed oil (crude or processed) 209311 All other vegetable oils pounds Thousand pounds xx □ □ Phthalic anhydride 2815U Thousand pounds XX D PIGMENTS Titanium dioxide, composite and pure ( 100% TiOs) 281611 Thousand pounds Zinc oxide pigments (including leaded zinc oxide) Thousand pounds Other inorganic pigments (including chrome colors, whiting, calcium carbonate, precipitated, white and red lead, litharge, lithopone, etc.) 281601 Organic color pigments, lakes and toners 281531 PHgw (nap theme acid salts, rosin acid salts, etc.) 281811 C«lluk>»« nltrot* (nitrocellulose) Thousand pounds Solvent* (butyl alcohols, butyl acetate, acetone, etc.) 281822 PUSTI- CIZERS Dioctyl phthalate Thousand pounds Other plastic. zers (dibutyl phthalate, diisodecyl phthalate, dioctyl seb»cate, tricresyl phosphate, etc. ) Thousand pounds l*a Q. D □ D, □ □ . □ □ □ , LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-28H - PAINTS, PUTTIES, AND ALLIED PRODUCTS— Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS-Continued Materials, parts and supplier Synthetic resins (alkyd,styrene, vinyl, urea, melamine, epoxy, phe- nolic, acrylic, etc.) (Report resin content for vinyl and dry basis for other resins.) Tall oil and rosin (gum and wood) Petroleum thinners (naphtha) CONTAINERS Paper and paperboard All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed , (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.." included in the above.) TOTAL (Sum of Lines 1-18 should bo same as Item 5a) Section B-CONSUMPTION OF SYNTHETIC RESINS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT titles produced in this establishment and consumed i ufac curing other products made in this establishment (Thousand pounds) Synthetic resins (alkyd, styrene, vinyl, urea, melamine, epoxy, phenolic, acrylic etc.) (Report resin content for vinyl and dry basis for other resins.) LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 89 Form MC-28J - FERTILIZERS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 I c \j_ 7-1 \$m$& 32999S& 7-2 | 7-i | 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities |»-1| Bans (e-3| Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies t»l If SV000 or more of the listed If you consumed some but less than 15.000 worth of the listed item- (inlrr an X" in Ih, bo\) l«l Quantity Delivered cost (Of 1 Mil | Thou Dot- Con 000 1 000 000 XX 1 2 3 4 5 7 NITROGENOUS MATERIALS Ammonia, synthetic, anhydrous 281912 6 Short 100% NH, . 1 » 1 XX □ l Ammoniatmg or nitrogen solutions, in- cluding mixtures containing urea 281913 4 Short 100% N XX □ l Ammonium nitrate 281914 2 Short 100% NH.NO, XX □ , Sodium nitrate 281975 3 Short tons 100% NiNO, I 1 XX □ l Ammonium sulfate 281915 9 Short 100% (NH.).SO, 1 XX □ , Urea and calurea 281826 8 Short 100% N . 1 * 1 XX □ > Other chemical nitrogenous materials, in- cluding potassium nitrate, calcium cyan- amide, and ammonium nitrate and lime- stone mixtures. (Report ammonium phosphates in Line 1 1.) 281916 7 Short 1 1 1 1 1 XX Di 8 Organic Ammoniares (colton seed cake and meal, meat meal and tankage, tobacco stems, etc.) 200011 5 Short , XX D, 9 10 II PHOSPHATIC MATERIALS Superphosphate, used in mixed goods Normal and enriched (less than 40% P.O>) 287111 9 Short 100% XX Di Concentrated (40% P-O-, and over) 287114 3 Short 100% P.O, t 1 s XX Di Other phosphatic materials, including wet base goods, ammonium phosphates, etc. 287116 8 Short 100% P..O, * 1 XX Di 12 13 POTASSIC MATERIALS Muriate of potash, include all grades con- verted to 60-62% K ; basis 147401 4 Short K : 60-62% 1 XX Di Other potash bearing materials (potassium sulfate, etc. ) 147402 2 Short , 1 * 1 XX □ , 14 Inert fillers, secondary plant food, and soil conditioners, including sand, limestone, peat, nut hulls, citrus meals. 999821 2 Short 1 XX D, 15 SULFURIC ACID Sulfuric acid, except spent 281931 6 Short 100% H ; SO, i 1 1 J XX □ , 16 Spent sulfuric acid 281933 2 Short 100% H.SO, t 1 XX Di 17 Phosphate Rock 147501 1 Long tons •:•:•:•:•:•;• ' XX Di :■■:■■:■:■■:■■:■■:■ >,,,,,,. 18 Phosphoric acid 281948 Short 100% p,o, "I 1 XX □ 1 19 Sulfur 147701 7 Long ' XX Di CONTAINERS 7 \'Y □ , 21 Bags, except textile (including shipping sacks, multiwall bags, and polyethylene liners ) 264302 'l WW XX Di w& §§§& Sx:x:>;:x>:x: 22 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.." in- cluded in the above.) 970099 1 8 Wm .■.■/.■.■ ,'y .■ . 588888*8? WW wwm . 1 XX ■.'»','.■. ■.■.'.■.'. ■ ■w. •.-.•. ■.-.•.■ • ■<■■■ . . . ^.■.■. :■:■:■:*■;.: .;.'.'. i ■■■■■ iv ■: i ^ 23 .'.','.' ."'.'>V . XX •:■:■•:•:■:■:■::: TOTAL *- (Sum of Lines 1-22 should bo soma as Item So) ■■:■■:■■■■:■%■:■: ■.-.■.-. A-.-. ■!■!■ ■!'■' ^^ 90 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-28J - FERTILIZERS— Continued Section B-CONSUMPTION OF SELECTED FERTILIZER MATERIALS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT j E S H 7-1XXX ' m$w 7-5 Item (A) Census material rode Basis (»-3) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in further processing or mixing other products made in this establishment. (Sl„„ torn) (f) 1 Ammonia, synthetic, anhydrous 281912 6 100% NH, — PHOSPHATIC MATERIALS Superphosphate, used in mixed goods Normal and enriched (less than 40% P;O s ) 28711 1 9 100% P.O. Concentrated (40% P,0, and over) 287114 3 100% p..o, Other phosphatic materials, including wet base goods, ammonium phosphates, etc. 287116 8 100% P 2 o, — SULFURIC ACID Sulfuric acid, except spent 281931 6 100% H.SO, Spent sulfuric acid 281933 2 100% H..SO, Phosphoric acid 281948 100% P;0, Form MC-28M - EXPLOSIVES AND CARBON BLACK Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E \2 Ll 7-1 mm 7-2 | 7-} | 7-4 Materials, parts and supplies (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities [»-2| Consumption of purchased matetials and of materials received from other establishments of youf company If 15,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed than $5,000 worth of the listed ilem- ( Enttr an "X" in Ibr box) (i) Quantity |C) Delivered cost (OJ Mil- lion! Thou- sands Dol. Ian Oior 000 000 000 XX i Ammonia, synthetic anhydrous (basis— 100% NH 3 ) 281912 6 Short tons * XX D. 2 Ammonium nitrate (basis— 100% NH4NO3) 281914 2 Short tons 1 1 1 « i ■XX D, 3 Mixed acid (sulharic and nitric) 281901 9 Shott tons 1 1 1 J XX Di 4 Nitric acid (basis-100% HNO,) 281911 8 Short tons 1 * 1 XX D. 5 Sulfuric acid, except spent acid (basis— 100% H 2 S0 4 ) 281931 6 Short tons » XX Di 6 Fuel oil used as a raw material 291101 4 42 gallon battels 1 1 1 * XX □ i 7 Natural gas used as a raw material 131302 2 Million cubic feet » XX Di 8 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed List the three principal 'All other materials, etc" included in the above. 970099 8 s XX ^v»8<%8o8s§§<35<3<: Section B-C0NSUMPTI0N OF SELECTED CHEMICALS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT E \J_ 7-1XXX $$%&x 7-5 t»l Census material code (1-1) Unit of measure quantities (•-J) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in [his establishment m 1 Ammonia, synthetic anhydrous (basis— 100% NH.i) 281912 6 Short tons 2 Ammonium nitrate (basis-100% NH.NO,) 281914 2 Short tons 3 Mixed acid (sulfuric and nitric) "281943 1 Short tons 4 Nitric acid (basis-100% HNO,) 281911 8 Short tons 5 Sulfuric acid, except spent acid (basis-100% HjSO.) 281931 6 Shott tons *Code changed in computer to 281901. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-29A - PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 91 Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS ! 3 3 Ll 7-1 Sfr 7-2 7-3 7 1 Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities ' (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of matt-rials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item wan consumed — If you consumed some but leas than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enttr an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) ""*»•] 2S as Mm 000 1 000 (100 XX 2 CRUDE PETROLEUM Domestic, including field condensate (include topped pe- troleum on Line 18 below and Line 25, Item 18, Section B) 131201 h Thousand barrels t XX □ 1 Foreign 131202 4 Thousand barrels » XX □ 1 3 Cycle condensate 132121 5 Thousand barrels $ XX □ 1 4 Natural gasoline, mixed and crude, including drip gasoline 132122 3 Thousand barrels $ XX □ 1 5 Liquefied petroleum gases, including feed stocks (Report receipts of lique- fied refinery gases on Line 20, Item 18, Column (CI) 132123 1 Thousand barrels s XX □ 1 6 Benzol (benzene) (100% C,H,) 291152 7 Thousand barrels $ XX D i 7 8 ADDITIVES (EXCEPT ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OIL) Antioxidants, antiknock compounds, and inhibitors 280011 8 Thousand barrels $ XX □ i Other additives, including soaps and detergents 280012 S Thousand barrels $ XX □ i 9 Animal and vegetable oils 209001 7 Thousand barrels $ XX □ . 10 Chemical catalytic preparations 281980 3 $ ! XX □ i 11 Crankcase drainings and other used oils consumed for refining or reclaiming 941121 6 Thousand barrels $ XX □ i 12 Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide, 100% NaOH) 281238 6 Short tons $ XX □ . 13 Sulfuric acid (100% H,SO«), excluding spent 281931 6 Short tons s XX □ i 14 Hydrofluoric acid (100% HF) 281946 4 Short tons s XX □ i 15 16 CONTAINERS ;*>;-;■:■:•; :-x->x<*><> < YY □ i Paper and paperboard 280091 4 $ XX □ i 17 18 Cost of mate manufacturers Cans, bodies with combinations of fiber and other materials (foil, plastic, etc.) with metal ends rials received from petroleum refineries and lube should represent cost of materials for which quantities Column C. Item 18) 265522 970089 3 9 wyyvvs ; * XX □ . D i 19 All other materials, components, parts, containers, and supplies {List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 ■*>X K ^<. n$.i ;:-:x : :;: : : : ::: : ::: : >: : : -S XX m ■'.'",' ■ x ... . '.V.'.'.J.'-"' XX " 20 (Sum of Lines 1-19 should be same as Item 5a) ■<>><<><<<<<£: Section B— CONSUMPTION OF SELECTED MATERIALS PF TURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ES ODUCED I TABLISHMI S* THIS E STABLISHMENT AI VD CONSU MEI ) IN MAM FA C- 2 E 3 a c Ll 7- 1 X \ X ■:■:■:■:•:■:■ 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 1 Benzol (benzene) (100% C,H,) 291152 7 Thousand barrels 2 3 AMITIVES (EXCEPT ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OIL) Antioxidants, antiknock compounds, and inhibitors 280011 8 Thousand barrels Other additives, including soap and detergent 280012 6 Thousand barrels 4 Animal and vegetable oils 209001 7 Thousand barrels 5 Sulfuric acid (100% H,SO«). excluding spent 281931 « Short tons 92 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-29B - ASPHALT AND TAR ROOFING, SIDING, AND PAVING PRODUCTS Form MC-30A - RUBBER AND MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E \L 7-1 8XXXXX! 7-2 J 7-5 | 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2J Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishment of your company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If S5.000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some bur less than J5.000 worth of the listed item- (E„l„ an X in tbt bo\) (tl Quantity (CI Delivered cost (B) Mil Thou- lions 1 sands Dor- ian Cenr 000 | 000 000 XX 1 NATURAL RUBBER Latex (dry solids content) 086113 8 Thousand pounds XX □ l 2 Dry 086115 3 Thousand pounds XX D. 3 SYNTHETIC RUBBER (Report dry solids content of all latices) Butadiene-styrene type (containing 50% or more butadiene) 282203 9 Thousand pounds XX □ ■ 4 Butyl type 282204 7 Thousand pounds XX Di 5 Neoprene 282205 4 Thousand pounds XX Di 6 N-type (butadiene-acrylonitrile) 282206 2 Thousand pounds XX □ . 7 Stereo elastomers 282207 Thousand pounds XX Di 8 Polyurethane 282208 8 Thousand pounds XX □ , 9 Other elastomers 282209 6 Thousand pounds XX □ i 10 Reclaimed rubber (excluding "mud" and crumb or ground scrap) 303101 Thousand pounds XX Di 11 Rubber compounds and mixtures purchased (dry rubber solids content) 306980 4 Thousand pounds XX D, 12 Rubber processing chemicals (accelerators, antioxidants, blowing agents, inhibitors, peptizers, etc.) 281833 4 XX Di 13 Plasticizers 281835 9 Thousand pounds XX D. 14 Carbon black 289501 » Thousand pounds XX D, 15 Inorganic pigments 281600 7 Thousand pounds XX Di 16 Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. (Report resin content of vinyls and dry basis for cellulosics, polyethylenes, polypropylenes, styrenes, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and ex- clude sheets, rods, tubes and other shapes.) 282130 4 Thousand pounds XX Di 17 Thermosetting resins (Melamines, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Report on dry basis. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes and other shapes.) 282140 3 Thousand pounds XX Di LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 93 Form MC-30A - RUBBER AND MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS— Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS-Continued Materials parts and supplie Census material code Unit of for" quantities l»-3) 1 ( onsumpt.on of purchased material* and of materials received from other establishments of your company Qvurni |C| XX If you consumed tome but less than JV00O worth of the listed item- lt" r bo\) TIRE CORD AND TIRE FABRIC Rayon cord Nylon cord Chafer and other tire fabri Thousan. pounds Thousand pounds □ l □ l □ l □ OTHER FABRICS D Rayon □ Nylon Thousand pounds □ □ Hose fittings and couplings □ 331017 a All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) .-.■.-.-.' ,y. v.-, ■!>„«, - \:L , A', ■ _ TOTAL (Sum of Lines 1-28 should bo same as Iten So) -*T ■r'r n ■ . , , 1 , , ^in- sertion B-CONSUMPTION OF SYNTHETIC RUBBER, RECLAIMED RUBBER, AND SYNTHETIC RESINS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFAC- TURING OTHER PRODUaS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed i manufacturing other products made in this establishment (Thousand pounds) SYNTHETIC RUBBER (Report dry solids confenr of all lottcesj Butadiene-styrene type (containing 50 percent or more butadiene) Butyl type Neoprene N-rype (butadiene-acrylomtrile) Stereo elastome Polyurethane Other elastomers Reclaimed rubber (excluding "mud" and crumb or ground scrap) Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. (Report resin con- tent of vinyls and dry basis for cellulosics. polyethylenes, polypropyl- enes. styrenes, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes and other shapes. ) 282130 Thermosetting resins (Melamines. phenolic*, polyesters, ureas, etc. Report on dry basis. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rod, tubes and other shapes.) 94 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-30A - RUBBER AND MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS— Continued Section C-AMOUNT OF NATURAL, SYNTHETIC, AND RECLAIMED RUBBERS ACTUALLY CONSUMED OR PUT INTO PRODUCTION BY PRODUCT CLASS DURING 1963 2 e z 11 9-1 9-2 9-i 9-4 Class of product (A) Code l>] Natural rubber (Thouiand pounds) (XI Synthetic rubber (Thouiand pounds) (Y) Reclaimed rubber (Exclude reclaimed '"and'e'rumb 1 "' or ground scrap rubber) (Thousand pounds) (Z) 2 3 4 5 TIRES AND TIRE PRODUCTS Passenger car 161 Truck and bus 162 All other pneumatic and solid tires 163 Inner tubes 164 Tread rubber (camelback), tire sundries and repair materials 16S 6 7 1 9 MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS Flooring (mats, mating, tile, etc.) 166 Belting, hoses, and packing 167 Sponge rubber 168 Other mechanical rubber goods, including flotation equipment, tank tracks, etc. 169 10 Thread and cements 170 11 Footwear 171 12 Shoe products (heels, soles, and findings) 172 13 Rubber druggist and medical sundries 173 14 Compounds and mixtures (produced for sale as such) 174 15 All other rubber products, including proofed goods 175 li T"T*! t 176 (Sum of Unas 1 through IS) LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 95 Form MC-30B - MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS EZS53 i: Census COdc J Consumption ol nunhjsr.l materials and ol materials teieiseu from oihci establishments of your tompans Mil Thou 000 I 000 XX II wu ! but linn SV000 *orth ol Che I, sicd ictm- f&IHr ./» X /,; ,/„ *.,>; CI Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. ( Report resin con- tent of vinyls and dry basis for cellulosics. polyethylene*, siyrenes, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude snects. rods, tubes, and other shapes.) Thousand pounds □ Thermosetting resins ( Melammes, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Report on dry basis. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc. and exclude sheets, rods, tubes and other shapes.) Thousand pounds □ Unsupported plastics film and sheeting (excluding packaging material) 30791 1 Thousand pounds □ i Plastics rods, tubes, and other shapes Thousand pounds □ 281835 Thousand pounds D Glass fiber, roving, mats, etc. Thousand pounds XX □ Cotton fabrics □ Form MC-3LA - LEATHER TANNING AND FINISHING Materials and supplies (A) Hides, skins, and pelts Tanning materials, dressings, dyes, and other finishing agents All other materials, containers, and supplies consumed (Lilt the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) TOTAL———— (Sam of Lines 1-3 should be • 96 Form MC-31B LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued -INDUSTRIAL LEATHER BELTING AND PACKING, AND FOOTWEAR CUT STOCK AND FINDINGS LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 97 1 I ■ § s Li 7-1 wxm 7-2 ' 7 a 74 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (8-2) Consumption of purchased material* and of from other establishments of your listeria!* received -ompany Materials and supplies (A) If 15,000 or more of the Dated Kan was consumed — If you consumed some but leas than $6,000 worth of thfl listed item {Enter an "X" in Ike box) Quantity (O Delivered coat (D) nmnalSSR oil DM 000 ooo Kill XX 1 Finished leather .1111110 2 Thousand square feet * I XX D 1 2 Coated, impregnated, or laminated plasties on cloth backing, including artificial leather 229503 8 Thousand yards X XX D 1 1 Unsupported plastic film and sheeting, not backed, excluding packaging materials 307913 4 Thousand square yards I XX □ . 1 5 6 BROAD- WOVEN FABRICS (piece goods) Cotton 221101 9 Thousand linear yards $ XX □ 1 Rayon and acetate 222101 8 Thousand linear v u r ds $ XX □ 1 Other broad-woven fabrics 220128 a Thousand linear yards $ XX D i ; Trunk and luggage hardware, including locks 342953 7 $ i XX □ i 8 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed. (List the three principal "Alt other materials, etc,," included in the above.) 970099 « 'x:x-x->x:x I $ 1 XX ; , ; , ■ ■ . ., 9 s§s§ '■yy.'-iyy,' '.'/.' ::■:■:■ m f< ■> fill ' n ■ $ (Sum of Lines 1-8 should be same as Item 5a) .-. : .-..•. . i-X'ivX ;'; v, ; xx xx: : : :;:;: : :;:; Form MS-32A - GLASS AND GLASS PRODUCTS (EXCEPT CONTAINERS) D 8 s Ll 7-1 TO4i 7 2 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter an "JC" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Muu «"|™d"" DM. lW* Or, a 000 ! 000 000 XX i Sodium carbonate (soda ash) (98-100% Na,CO,) 281228 7 Short tons 1 1 s XX □ 1 ^ Glass Band, all types 144301 9 Short tons $ XX □ I i Sodium sulfate, including salt cake 281976 1 Short tons $ XX .□ 1 4 Plate glass 321121 C Thousand sq. ft. 1 $ XX □ 1 S Sheet glass 321111 7 Thousand sq. ft. 1 * XX D i 6 7 Glass tumblers, stemware and other tableware Other glass products 322911 322901 9 VsXy,- -, t XX XX D i D i ::■::•:>: ■:■:,: 8 9 REFRAC- TORIES Clay 325501 5 Short tons * XX □ i Nonclay 329701 7 Short tons 1 * 1 XX □ i 10 Paper and paperboard containers, including folding, corrugated and set-up 265011 7 1 XX □ i 11 Wooden boxes and crates 244011 3 ::::^:;:i^ * i XX □ i U Cullet (glass scrap) 999816' 2 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i 13 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed.. _ - „ - {Li*t the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 1 :y-:-l-yy XX .....■.■.■.,.... ■■:■■:■■■■•::■■: •:■:•»:■::■ :•:■::•: ;X : :: : : :•:■:■:■; 11 i"i",uOj;iiu $ ■•.■■■ *x x"x\ x\"> uY.Vi'.'.'.'.w -VA 98 LIST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-32B - GLASS CONTAINERS Form MC-32C - CEMENT, LIME, AND GYPSUM PRODUCTS Materials, parts, and supplies Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — (Short ions) (C) Delivered cost (D) uoo ; ooo XX If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter an "A"" in the box) (E) Paper shipping Backs and multiwall bags xx □ Paperboard lin xx □ REFRAC- TORIES Clay XX □ 1 □ 1 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (Litt the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 99 Form MC-32D - STRUCTURAL CLAY PRODUCTS (EXCEPT REFRACTORIES) Form MC-32F - POTTERY AND RELATED PRODUCTS (INCLUDING PORCELAIN AND STEATITE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES) £ C Ll 7-1 7-2 1 7 i 7-4 Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received ftom other establishments of yout company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If $S,000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than «■• 000 wotth of the listed item- (Eitlir an " X" in lit box) IE) Quantity (Short tons) Delivered cost IO| Mil- Thou Do)- m 000 000 000' XX 1 1 2 Refractories Clay 325501 5 » XX Di Nonclay 329701 7 1 s XX D, 3 Poporboard boxes and containers, including folding, corrugated, and set-up • XX D, 265011 7 4 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal All other materials, etc., included in the above.) 970099 •:■:■:■:■:■ .'.-.-.■.■. 8 <;:;>Xw%>vv^;i 1 XX jjr ^-x^^x^x^ J XX HI ^i-XvAwlw/ a 1*1 i n I L , , , , , i ii Form MC-32G - CONCRETE PRODUCTS E a E \_L 7-1 m$m 7-2 7-3 7-4 Census material code Unit of fot quantities (■-I) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from otner establishments of yout company Matenals, parrs, and supplies (») If S5.000 ot mote of the listej item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than SV0O0 worth of the listed item- Iknltr an X" in il-i *»>> II) Quantiry (CI Delivered cost (0) Mil- iThou lions | sands Dol- lars Gtan. 000 ! 000 000 XX 1 Portland cement 324101 5 376 lb barrels 1 » XX D. 2 Common sand and gravel 144201 1 Short tons » XX □ , 3 4 5 STEEL Wire strand and bars or rods, high strength, stress relieved 331091 9 Short tons J 1 XX Di Welded wire concrete reinforcing mesh 331092 7 Short tons 1 % XX Di Concrete reinforcing bars 331009 1 Short tons 1 XX Di 6 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed ( List the three principal "All other materials, etc ." included in the above. J 970099 < XX '.'•'.'■ 7 TOTAL ► (Sum of Lines 1-6 should be some as Item Sa) i • Hi XX 100 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-32H - READY-MIXED CONCRETE Form MC-32I - CUT STONE AND STONE PRODUCTS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS n Materials, parts, and supplies Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company STONE FOR PREPARATION Rough blocks UBed to produce dressed stone Broken stone received for crushing, screening, or washing All other materials, including supplies such as explosives, steel mill shapes and forms, timber and lumber purchased, forgings and castings, drill bits, other toots and parts, lubricants and water purchased (List the three principal "AU other materials, etc." included in the above.) total > (Sam of Lines 1-3 should be same as Hem 5a) Section B— CONSUMPTION OF STONE MINED OR QUARRIED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND USED IN THE PREPARATION OF OTHER PRODUCTS OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Quantities produced in this establishment and used in the preparation of other products of this establishment (Sftort Ions) (F) STONE FROM THIS MINE OR QUARRY Rough blocks used to produce dressed stone Broken stone for crushing, screening, or washing LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 101 Form MC-32K - ASBESTOS AND ASBESTOS-CEMENT PRODUCTS, GASKETS, AND PACKING; HARD SURFACE FLOOR COVERINGS Materials, parts, and supplies Census materia code (B-l) Consumption of purchased material and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — Quantity (C) Delivered cost i 7-2 [ 7-3 | 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If £5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter an "X" •n the box) PRODUC ID OXYGEN MADE I PRODUCED IN 1 N THIS ESTABLIS % NUS ESTABL1 .HMENT SHMENT 6 7, C 13 Ll 7-1X.W $«5c3»< 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment end consumed in manufacturing other products made in thiB establishment (F) X * FERRO- ALLOYS Ferroma nganese 311312 9 Short tons Spiegel eisen 331340 Short tons Other 331342 < Short tons 1 Sulfuric acid (100 percent H,S( i,i 281930 8 Short tons 1 Oxygen (include high and low purity). Liquid oxygen should be reduced to its gaseous equivalent 281340 • Thousand cubic feet 104 LIST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-33B - FOUNDRY PRODUCTS Materials, parts, and supplies (A) CenBUB material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Quantity (Short tons) (C) Delivered coBt {Thousands of dollars) W If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter an "X" in 7-2 7-3 1 7-4 CensUB material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed Item— {Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company M-itcruls parts and supplies |AI If J5.000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed than 1VOOO worth of the listed itcm- (Bnliran "X" in the bo\) HI Quantity (Short lorn) (C) Delivered cos< (ThomanJi of Mian J (O) 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NON- FERROUS METALS AND ALLOYS (ingot, pig, shot, etc) Aluminum, unalloyed 333404 2 □ , Aluminum -base alloys 333405 9 D. Copper, unalloyed (cathodes, ingot, cakes, slabs, etc.) 333121 2 □ , Copper-base alloy raw materials (ingot, billets, shot, waffle, hardeners, etc.) 334123 7 □ ■ Lead and lead-base alloys 333232 7 Di Magnesium and magnesium -base alloys 333973 6 Di Nickel and nickel-base alloys 333971 D. Zinc and zinc-base alloys 333348 1 Di Other nonferrous metals and alloys 333909 □ i 10 11 12 13 NONFERROUS METAL SCRAP (exclude home scrap) Aluminum and aluminum -base alloy From other establishments of your company 999809 7 Di From all pther sources {exclude home scrap) 999810 5 □ . Copper and copper- base alloy 999812 1 □ . Zinc and zinc-base alloy, including drosses and skimmings 999814 7 D, 14 ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM-BASE ALLOT MILL SHAPES (rod. bar, sheer, etc.) 335200 2 □ . 15 BRASS MILL SHAPES (rod, bar. sheet, etc.) *335128 5 Di 16 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the thrtt principal All other material:, etc., included in the above.) 970099 8 WMM ^^^^ itii H :x:x:x-::>: : : 17 ii^ W !^;;-'.,y s i ii! {Sum of Uno« 1-16 should b» lamo a« Itom 5a) l''.'wv'X>o»i- *Code changed in computer to 335100. 108 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-33F - WIRE DRAWING AND INSULATING ! a I 3 Ll 7-1 xxx»«> 7-2 ! 7-3 | 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Bnier an "X" in the hoi) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (Thousands of dollars) (D) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 HONFERROUS METAL MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (except castings) Rods Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 335251 5 Thousand pounds S □ 1 Copper, unalloyed 335124 4 Thousand pounds $ □ 1 Copper-base alloy 335125 1 'Thousand pounds $ □ l Wire for redrawing Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 335716 7 Thousand pounds $ □ 1 Copper and copper-base alloy 335112 9 Thousand pounds $ □ 1 Other nonferrous wire (Specify hind and type of metal) 335E08 6 Thousand pounds $ □ 1 Bare wire (except wire for redrawing) Copper and copper-base alloy (electrical) 335725 8 Thousand pounds $ Di Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 335718 3 Thousand pounds $ □ i All other mill shapes and forms Copper and copper-base alloy, including mechanical wire 335109 5 Thousand pounds $ □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 335207 7 Thousand pounds $ D i All other nonferrous metal mill shapes (Specify kind and type of metal) 335609 4 Thousand pounds $ Di 12 Insulated wire and cable for further processing 335790 2 Thousand pounds (copper content) S □ i 13 ReBned unalloyed copper (wire bar, cathodes, ingot, cakes, slabs, etc.) 333121 2 Short tons s □ i 14 Copper-base alloy raw materials (ingot, billets, shot, waffle, hardeners, etc.) 334123 7 Short tons s Di 15 Copper and copper-base alloy scrap (Scrap generated in other establishments of your company and transferred to this establishment should be reported as scrap purchased from outside sources. Exclude home scrap) 999812 1 Short tons $ □ i It Natural rubber 085111 2 Long tons i Di 17 Synthetic rubber 282202 1 Long tons $ Di 18 Polyethylene plastics, all forms 282101 5 Thousand pounds $ □ i 19 Vinyl plastics, ail forms 282102 3 Thousand pounds $ □ i 20 Cotton yarns 228102 Thousand pounds $ D i 21 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the thru principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 $ 22 j LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AMD MINERAL INL BTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 109 Form MC-33G - METAL FORCINGS mm Materials, parts and supplie Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Quantity Delivered cost ( Thousand dollar,) If you consumed some but teas than $5,000 worth of the listed item- ( Enter an" X" tn tbt box) (I) CARBON STEEL Ingots Blooms, billets and slabs D, □ D, ALLOY STEEL (EXCEPT STAINLESS) Ingots Blooms, billets and slabs □ □ Di STAINLESS STEEL Ingots Blooms, billets and slabs □ l □ □ ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM- BASE ALLOY Ingot Mill shapes Thousand pounds 335208 Thousand pounds □ □ TITANIUM AND TITANIUM- BASE ALLOY Ingot Mill shapes Thousand pounds Thousand pounds □ □ All other material and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three princtpal "All other materials, etc.," included tn the above.) 110 LIST (F MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-34A - METAL CANS AND SHIPPING CONTAINERS ! 3 a 3 Li 7-1 *X^ 7-2 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — iEnter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Millions Thou- sand! r*x- OwftB 1)11(1 000 o» XX l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MIU SHAPES ANB FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) CirbM steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons $ XX D i Tin plrte, terne plate and black plate 331018 2 Short tons $ XX □ i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons $ XX □ i Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 8 Short tons $ XX □ i Stainless steel mill shapes and forms 331031 5 Short tons $ XX □ i Alunuuo ud aluMim- bttt alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds $ - □ i XX 11 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes (ingot, slugs, etc.) 333401 8 Short tons $ XX □ i 12 Paints, varnishes, lacquera, japans, and enamels 285101 2 Gallons $ XX □ i 13 M Paper and paper board containers, including corrugated boxes All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies (Liel the three principal "All other material*, ete.," included in the above.) 260091 970099 4 8 $ $ s )tx XX □ i 16 (Sam of Lines 1-14 should be same as Item 5a) t £*& XX LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-34B - CUTLERY, HAND TOOLS, FILES, AND SAWS 111 Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 9 3 a a 3 Li 7 1 7 2 7 ; 7-1 Cenaue material code ' (B-l) Inn of for quantities (»-2) mptfoD of purchar-'ti material! and of material! received from other establishments of your Company ils, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the hated Item waa eonsumed If vou consumed but leu than $5,00(1 worth ..f the listed Item- (Enttr an A' in Ih, btu (E) Quantilv (O Delivered cost mi Million, 1™™' 1 """ Dol- ITS Osak i 000 \v i 3 1 5 6 7 8 1 in 1 12 [J 14 It 16 MILL SHAPES ANO FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons 1 s | XX □ 1 Sheet and strip 331012 5 Sliort tons 1 s XX □ > Plates 331013 3 Short tons $ xx □ 1 Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons $ XX □ 1 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons 1 $ XX □ 1 Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons s XX D i All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons s XX □ i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons 1 1 XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy mill shapes and forms Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (Q) 335790 2 Thousand pounds 1 1 • 1 XX □ i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds 1 $ XX □ i Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pninnls $ XX □ i lilll a -8 s 1 1 Sheet, plate , and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds I $ XX D i Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 $ XX □ i 17 u 19 20 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons $ XX □ i Steel 332300 .1 Short tons s XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds $ xx □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i 21 Iron and steel forgings 339100 Short tons $ XX □ i 22 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed .- (Lmt the three principal "AH other materials, etc.," included in the abov* .) 970099 vyvwy 8 ^>>>X;- r^wc^ 1 ■.-.'.' J,-.'. • ; : : : : : : :j: : x : XX X vx-x-x :-x :•:■:•:■:■:;■:■ I '■ mm '■'■>:■'■> :->x1>::> '0.'.\V\Y 23 TOTAI 1 * ! XX *► rr-rr -""""""»: •.'.■ ■.■,'.-. .v.-. Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND FORCINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT s 3 a Ll 7-1 XXX yi$w& 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 1 2 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons 5 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds l Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds S Iron and steel forgings 339100 Short tons 112 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-34C - HARDWARE Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 9 a 1 Ll 7-1 xxxxxx; 7-2 j 7-3 i 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter an " X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) MiUknuj^ In Catt* 000 ! 000 ooo XX i 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U IS MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons s XX Di Sheet and strip 331012 S Short tons 1 XX D. Plates 331013 3 Short tons $ — XX Di Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons $ XX Di All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons i XX Di Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 8 Short tons $ XX Di Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons $ XX □ i Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds $ XX Di Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds t XX Di Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds t XX Di Plate, sheet, and atrip, including military cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds $ XX Di Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds $ XX Di Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 S Thousand pounds $ XX Di Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds $ Di XX All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds $ XX Di 16 17 18 PRIMARY METALS Copper and copper-base alloy refinery shapes 333122 Short tons $ XX Di Zinc and zinc-base alloy refinery shapes 333348 ! Short tons $ XX Di Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes (ingot, slugs, etc.) 333401 8 Short tons $ XX □ i 19 20 SCRAP (EXCLUDE HOME SCRAP) Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 999808 9 Short tons $ XX Di Copper and copper-base alloy 999812 j Short tons $ XX Di 21 22 23 24 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) All other mater Iron (gray and malleable) 33201 1 6 Short tons s XX Di Steel 332300 3 Short tons $ XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds $ - XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 ' Thousand pounds •;■:•;•:•:■:• $ XX Di 25 consumed- (List the three p rincipal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 ■Zv/v:- WMMt $ XX WM WmM $$■■ V.. 1 . ^^^^ 26 '!-;%■;■"■ -'-' 50wX» $ XX TOT* (Suit ",•'////.•", ■$xks66ooo&k Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLIS THIS E. HMENT 3TA BLISHME NT AND CONSl MED IN IV AN UFA CTURING ! g Lz_ 7-1XXX w#m 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 1 2 3 4 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-34D - VALVES AND FITTINGS, METAL PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS 113 Section A— CONSUMPTION OP MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 2 £ G | ■3 Ll 7-1 ttSSSS* 7 :< | 7 3 | 7 4 Census material code (H-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consump'.ion of purchased miu i rials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but leas thau $5,000 worth of the listed item — {Enter on "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Mulloni Thou- CM nun I nun 01 Kl XX 1 2 3 4 .'. 6 7 K 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bara and bar Bhapes 331011 7 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Sheet and strip 331012 6 Short tons $ XX D 1 Plates 331013 3 Short tons t XX □ 1 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons I XX □ 1 Alloy steel (except stainless) Bara and bar shapes 331021 S Short tons S XX □ 1 All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Stainless steel mill shapes and forms 331031 5 Short tons 1 XX □ 1 Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds s XX □ 1 □ 1 Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds $ XX Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 □ 1 Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds s XX Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds s XX □ 1 Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds $ XX D i Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 j Thousand pounds $ XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds s XX □ i IS 17 IS PRIMARY METALS Pig iron 331051 3 Short tons s XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes (ingot, slugs, etc.) 333401 8 Short tons $ XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy refinery shapes 333122 Short tons $ xx □ i 19 I'll 21 SCRAP (EXCLUDE HOME SCRAP) Iron and steel 999811 3 Short tons $ XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 999808 9 Short tons $ 3E3 □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 999812 1 Short tons * XX □ i 22 23 24 25 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons s XX □ i Steel 332300 3 Short tons $ xv □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds s XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 , Thousand pounds $ XX □ i If. Iron and steel forgings 339100 Short tons s XX : i 27 All other mat consumed {Lial the three p erials and components, parts, containers, and supplies rincipal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 _ ;; .--^V :. 28 (Sum of Lines 1-27 should be same as Item 5a) ■ - « * \~« i^J yxxxxxx •'•••'••••••••••••••••■1 1 1 s 1 XX Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND FORGINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSl MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT L UL 7-1XXX **-W9w; 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment rc of the listed onsumed- If you consumed some but less than S5.000 svorth of the listed item- f Enter jh X" in the i»>; IE] Quantity (C) Delivered cost (O) Mil |Thou lion! 1 SanJs Dot- to) m 000 ! 000 <#? Xx 1 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (except castings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short ) 1 XX □ 1 2 Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short J 1 XX □ l 3 Plates 331013 1 Short tons 1 t 1 1 XX D, 4 Structural shapes 331015 1 Short 1 1 J XX D. 5 Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short . 1 * 1 XX □ i 6 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short 1 1 1 1 XX □ i 7 Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons ' XX □ i 8 All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short 1 1 , 1 XX □ , 9 Stainless steel 331031 5 Short . 1 1 1 XX □ i 10 Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds 1 S 1 XX □ , 11 Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds 1 ( 1 XX Di 12 Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, in- cluding extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds 1 1 t 1 1 XX □ i 13 Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 XX Di V. Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds 1 t 1 1 XX D, 15 Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds 5 1 XX Di 16 Extruded shapes (including ex- truded rod. bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 - s 1 XX, □ , 17 All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds s XX, □ , 18 Pig iron 331051 3 Short s XX Di 19 Iron and stee 1 scrap (exclude home scrap) 999811 3 Short s ! XX □ , 20 21 CASTINGS (rough and semi- finished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short 1 XX n.i Steel 332300 3 Short s XX o, 22 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds s XX □.. 23 Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds XX Di 24 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.): Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number 1 S 1 XX Di 25 Other fractional horsepower electric motors (excluding timing motors) ' 362115 8 Number 1 i • ! XX Di 26 Integral horsepower motors and generators (1 h.p. and over) 362120 8 Number s 1 XX Di 27 28 29 BEARINGS All other mat consumed . . •(List the three above.) Ball 356218 8 s XX D, Roller 'rials and components, parts, containers, and supplies principal All other materials, etc., included in the 356228 970099 7 8 XX XX □ i '■v-vv-v — 1 — ' 30 TOTA (Sum | , , 1 — tt- >Mfi^MfiWry.';\ ■■■'.'..•'.■'.•'.■ SOOOcbcW '.'.-.■.;...- XX m-'y-m ., ., , •.•.-.•:•.■.■.-. < yy^yy-yV/y xvyvSvy Wywy>AM-l) Unit oi l«-J| Quantities ptoduicd in ih.s estiblishmenl jnd consumed in in uinl.i, runnx ..(her products made in this establishment CI CASTINGS (rough and semi- finished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short Steel 332300 S Shot! Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand poundi ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motor* (under 1 h.p.) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number Fractional horsepower electric motors (excluding timing motors) 3621 IS 8 Number Integral horsepower motors and generators ( 1 h.p. and over) 362120 8 Number Form MC-34F - FABRICATED STRUCTURAL METAL PRODUCTS Section A-C0NSUMPTI0N OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E |i 7-1 $$&&& 7-2 »-) 7-4 Census material code (■-11 Unit of for quantities (B-31 Consumption of purchased materials and of matctials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies <*> If IVOOO or more of the listed If you consumed some but less than IV00O tvotth of the listed item- tt»t,TJ* X in thl bo\) («> Quantity (CI Delivered cost ID) Mil- [Thou tw- in Com 000 J 000 000 XX 1 MIU SHAPES AND FORMS (except castings) Carbon •tool Concrete reinforcing bars 331009 Short tons 1 t 1 1 XX D, 2 Bars and bar shapes (except concrete re- inforcing bars) 331010 Short tons 1 » XX □ i 3 Sheet and strip 331012 Short . 1 ' 1 XX D, 4 Plates 331013 Short 1 t 1 XX D, 5 Structural shapes 331015 Short tons 1 1 » XX □ i 6 Wire and wire products 331017 Short tons . 1 * 1 XX Di 7 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short 1 f 1 XX Di 8 Alloy •tool (oxcopt •talnlou) Bars and bar shapes 331021 Short * XX Di 9 All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 Short 1 « 1 * 1 XX Di 10 331031 Short 1 1 1 XX Di 11 Coppor and coppor- ba»o alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 Thousand pounds , 1 * XX Di 12 Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (C) ) 335790 Thousand pounds 1 1 t XX Di 13 Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 , 1 • 1 XX D, 14 Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 Thousand pounds 1 J 1 XX D, 15 Pipe and tube 335127 Thousand pounds 1 t XX Di 16 Aluminum and alumfnum- ba*o alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 Thousand pounds 1 1 t 1 XX D, 17 Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. ) 335205 Thousand pounds 1 « 1 * 1 XX D, II All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 Thousand pounds 1 t 1 I XX D. 116 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-34F - FABRICATED STRUCTURAL METAL PRODUCTS— Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABUSHMENTS-Continued E Ll 7-1 5$$^ 7-2 1 I 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities <£SH tiou of purchased maren from other establishment als and of s of your materials ompany Materials, parts and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than J5.000 worth of the listed nem- (Emer an "X" „, til boij ID Quantity (C) Delivered cost (O) Mil- J Thou- lions | sands Ool. Centr 000 | 000 .000- XX 19 20 21 PRIMARY METALS Pig iron 331051 3 Short 1 1 1 XX □ l Aluminum and aluminum -base alloy refinery shapes (ingot, slugs, billet, etc.) 333401 8 Short tons i i i • ! XX D, Zinc and zinc-base alloy refinery shapes 333348 1 Short 1 XX □ , 22 23 SCRAP (exclude home scrap) Iron and steel 999811 3 'ton's 1 ! i" XX Di Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 999808 9 Short tons * XX D. 24 CASTINGS (rough and semi- finished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons « ! XX D, 25 26 27 Steel 332300 3 Short l i » i XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds i i i $ i XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds i i i i s ' . XX! Di 28 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.." included in the above.) 970099 8 ^ 1 1 s XX £888888S88• rVScV.".' <■:-:■:■:■: : : ; : XX^wyjXX 1111 XXX-'-'- ! : ; TOTAl *~ ,■,.;>,■,.,.;. ■.■■;.;;;iVi;i;K siiici 29 (Sum of Lines 1-28 should be some as Item 5a) Section B- CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND ALUMINUM MILL SHAPES FACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMEN1 AND FOB MS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABL ' .1 SHMENT ANI > cor ISUn 1ED IN MANU- E Ll 7-1XXX >«W» 7-5 Item <»> Census material code (B-l 1 Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quanunes [ manufactu roduced in this establishr ing other products made (F) nent and t n this est onsumed in ibhshment 2 3 4 CASTINGS (rough and semi- finished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds 5 6 ALUMINUM AND ALUMI- NUM-BASE ALLOY MILL SHAPES AND FORMS Sheet, plate, and foil 33S202 8 Thousand pounds Extruded shapes, (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-34G - SCREW MACHINE PRODUCTS; BOLTS, NUTS, SCREWS, WASHERS; AND RIVETS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 1 9 a a 3 Ll 7 1 <■:•:-:■;->. 7 ■ i 7 3 i 7-4 Census material code (B-D Unit of for quantities :■ 1 • 1 XX ^-^rr- Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT a - — Ll 7-1XXX WXX&; 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 2 3 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand 118 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-34H - METAL STAMPINGS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS a L_ 7-1 4W» 7-2 7-5 7-4 Census material code Unit of for quantities Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed— It you consumed some but less than 15.000 worth of the listed item — (Emit an "X" m the box) m Quantity |C| Delivered cost ID) Mil Thou lions unch 000 ] 000 Dol- lars 000 Cera i 2 3 4 5 6 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MIU SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons XX □ i Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons XX □ i Plates 331013 3 Short tons XX d, Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons XX □ . Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons xx D. Tin plate, terne plate and black plate 331018 Short tons XX □ i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons XX □ i Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons XX □ i All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons XX □ i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 . Thousand pounds XX D, Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds XX □ i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, in- cluding extruded and /or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds XX □ i Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX a, Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX □ i 16 17 18 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS)- Continued Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds XX Di Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds XX D, 19 Zinc and zinc-base alloy refinery shapes 333348 1 Short tons XX • a. 20 21 22 23 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons xx □ i Steel 332300 3 Short tons XX a, Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds XX D, Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds XX a. 24 Thermosetting resins (melamines, phenolics. polyesters, ureas, etc. Include solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes.) 282140 3 Thousand pounds dry basis XX a, 25 26 Thermoplastic resins (cellulosics, polyethylenes, styrenes, etc. In- clude solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes. ) All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies (List the three principal "All other materials, etc." included in the above) 282130 970099 >6d666 4 8 Thousand pounds dry basis A\;5vv\ mmmz >:■:■:■ ,•.',-.•■ ■:■:■: XX XX □ i 27 TOTAL *~ (Sum off Lines 1 -26 should be same as Item 5a) Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISH ESTABLISHMENT ■yyyyy'y mm \ ■. MENT AND CO UUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHE y. ', v< » PROD m UCTS MADE XX IN 1 HIS | c 1 \j_ 7-1 XXX ■:■;•;■;■:-;- 7-5 Item fAl Census material code (■-1) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacrunng other products made in this establishment If) 1 2 3 4 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 119 Form MS -341 - r ABRICATED WIRE PRODUCTS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS i li 7-1 7-4 Census material . 1 loVl) Unit ol measure lor quantities (•-J) ( omumprion ol pur.luscd material* received (Tom other eMjhliihment* o nd ■■ materials company Matcttals. part) and supplies (A) If SV000 or more of (he luted item was consumed- If you consumed some but lets than IS. 000 worth of the listed item- 1 lnl„ an X in Ik, *o>/ HI Quantity Delivered cost 10| 1 M.l ITrnni Dol Iks 1 isBI OOO | (XXI qoo XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (except castings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons , 1 » 1 XX Di Sheet and scrip 331012 5 Short tons ] 1 XX Di Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons J XX Di Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons . 1 » 1 XX D, □ i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short rons XX Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons XX □ , All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short s . 1 5 1 XX □ . Stainless steel mill shapes and forms 331031 5 Short tons 1 XX □ . Copper and copper-base alloy mill shapes and forms Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds 1 J XX □ i Insulated wire and cable ( Report cop- per content in- Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds 1 1 XX Di Rod. bar, and mechanical wire, includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds 1 XX □ i Plate, sheet, and strip (including mili- tary cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds 1 1 XX D, Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds * 1 XX Di Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy mill shapes and forms Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pound, 1 XX Di Extruded shapes (including extruded rod. bar. pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 . 1 * 1 XX □ . All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 s XX Di 17 18 19 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Steel 332300 3 Short tons XX Di Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds XX Di Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds XX Di 20 All other mat consumed . . . (List Iht Ihret above J erials and come principal "All onents, parts, containers, and supplies 970099 8 XX other materials, etc., included in the 21 •X«X*X •XwX '♦*♦* WeVlVl ••••••• ♦•••••• ■•••••• ► • •> A^bV^* oa^ • •••••* • ••••• XwX^X'X'X* wXvx»x»j , 'S , > •xSxSx&x : : x : x : ##xs *5X»S5SSSSSSJ XvXwX«X»> (Sum of Lines 1-20 should bo samo as Item 3a) •IeIeVeV.%% ♦%%%%♦.♦.' Section B— COI ESI (SUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABUSHME ABLISHMENT NT AND CONSUMED IN MJ INUFACTURING 0THE » PRODUCTS MADE XX IN 1 HIS z \L 7-1XXX KMK& 7-5 Item <»> Census material code l»-i| Unit of for quantities (•-2) Quantities produced in this esublishme manufacturing other products made in I'l nt in this d consumed in establishment 1 2 3 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Steel 332300 3 Short torn Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds 120 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-34J - SAFES AND" VAULTS; STEEL SPRINGS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E \j_ 7-1 7-2 j 7-1 1 7-4 Census code (B-l) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies 1*1 If J5.000 or more of the lilted item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item- (Enlir an "X" in the i°\J m Quantity (She,, ton:) |C) Delivered cost (D) Mil- lieu L„ril 000 ooo [jogo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 XX □ i Sheet and strip 331012 5 XX □ i Wire and wire products 331017 4 XX □ , All other carbon steel mill shapes and fbtms 331019 XX □ i Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 XX D, All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 XX Di Stainless steel 331031 5 t XX □ i 8 Steel castings (rough and semifinished) 332300 3 1 1 , 1 » 1 XX □ i 9 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal 'all other materials, etc.,' included in the above) 970099 8 i XX? XX 10 TOTAL «► (Sum of Lines 1-9 should be same as Item 5a) Section B-C0NSUMPTI0N OF STEEL CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CON SUM ED IN MANUFACTURING > OTHER PRO DUCTS MADE IN z Ll 7-1XXX XXXXXX 7-5 Item Census material code Unit of fct quantities (B-2) Quanoties produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 1 Steel castings (rough and semifinished) 332300 33 Short tons LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— ContlnQed 121 Form MC-34K - COLLAPSIBLE TUBES AND METAL FOIL 1 | a a Li 7-1 wmw 7-2 7-ii 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity Delivered cost (D) MUlioofl Tbou. ttn CM* 000 000 oeo XX 1 2 3 ALUMINUM AND ALU- MINUM- BASE ALLOY MILL SHAPES AND FORMS Sheet and plate 335203 s Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 Plain foil 335231 7 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 , Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 4 All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds $ XX D i S Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes (ingots, slugs, etc.) 333401 8 Short tons $ XX Di 6 T Aluminum foil, laminated (Report metal content in Column (C)) AU other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies (List the three principal "All other material*, etc.," included in the above.) 349702 970099 ...... 1 8 Thousand pounds -. — -— *. $ 1 XX XX □ i ; ■-- t 8 (Sum of Lines 1-7, should be same as Item 5a) mm : :,:,o; '. f J'3 i .-: ''i'iti 'i'i " "' ■'" » 1 ii XX .",".".■,■.■,-.■.'.' -■..'..■..■ ." - ■ - ■ - 122 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Forn MC-34L - FABRICATED PIPE AND FITTINGS AND MISCELLANEOUS FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS i Ll 7-1 >wm 7-2 7-3 j 7-4 Census material code (•-1) Unit of measure for quantities (B-3) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (*) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than 15,000 worth of the listed item- ( Emir an "X" in the box) ID Quantity (C) Delivered cost m Mil lions ffi: Cents 000 000 000 xx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons s XX D, Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons 1 XX □ , Plates 331013 3 Short tons » XX Di Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons S XX □ ■ Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons $ XX D, All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons » XX Di Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons J XX Di All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons S XX Di Stainless stool 331031 5 Short tons t XX Di Copper and copper-base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds i XX Di Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds 1 XX □ , Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds $ XX Di Plate, sheet, and strip (including mili- tary cufi and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds s XX Di Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds 1 XX D, 15 16 17 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS)- Continued Aluminum and aluminum- base alloys Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds s XX Di Extruded shapes (Including extruded rod, bar, pipe, rube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds s XX D, All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar. powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds s XX D, 18 19 20 21 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons s XX D , Steel 332300 3 Short tons s XX Di Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds s XX D, Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds s XX D, 22 23 24 25 26 Iron and steel forgings Valves and pipe fittings (except plumbets' brass goods and fittings) Nonferrous plating metals (chromium, nickel, zinc, etc.) All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed - (List the three principal "All other materials, etc." included in the above.) TOTAL *- (Sum of linos 1-23 should bo soma as Itom 5a) 339100 349401 333010 970099 vXv.'v 7 8 , V"7 r ',:'■'. Short tons Hi 1 5 s * XX XX XX XX XX Di D, D, ■ j ['.i"; LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 123 Form MC-34L - FABRICATED PIPE AND FITTINGS AND MISCELLANEOUS FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS— Continued S«tion B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND FORGINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT E e Lz_ 7 l\\\ fiaSaS! 7- J Item 1*1 Census material code Unit of lot quantities l«-J) Quantitief produced in this establishment and consumed In manufacturing other products made in this establishment m i i 3 4 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand 5 Iron and sreol forglngs 339100 Shott tons Form MC-35A - STEAM ENGINES AND TURBINES; INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES; GENERATOR SET UNITS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM [)THER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 g a 3 ll 7-1 ^XXXcSX 7-2 | 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials n received! from other establishments of id of materials vour cornpany Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — I fyou consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed it*m— {Enter an "A"' in the box) (E) Quantity AVVVV ^^^^^\\ (Sum of Lines 1-28 should be same as Item 5a) ^vvvws. : <■:■:■■.■:■:■ ^-x-x-Xn-;-:^: Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS, AND AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER ELECT1 PRODU tic :ts MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT l a li 7-1XXX >mm 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 2 3 4 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 136100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 . Thousand pounds 5 Iron and steel forgings 339100 Short tons 6 Integral horsepower motors and generators (1 horsepower and over) 362120 8 Number of units LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 125 Form MC-35B - FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS i a e 3 Ll 7 1 ;■;•;■;■;■;■; 7 2 7-:i 7-4 Materials, parts, and supplier (A) ( cuaus material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of pur received from other chased materials and of materials establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the hated item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,001) worth of the listed item — (BnUr an "X" in the box) Thousand pounds Copper and topper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds S Iron and steel forgings 339100 Short tons 6 7 ENGINES Diesel and semi-Diesel 351920 4 Number Gasoline and other carburetor 351901 4 Number 8 S ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) (excluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number Integral horsepower motors and generators (1 hp. and over) 362120 8 Number Form MC-35C - CONSTRUCTION AND MINING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT ; HOISTS, CRANES, AND MONORAILS Section A-C0NSUMPTI0N OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 \i 7-1 %$&& 7-2 | 7-3 7-4 Census material code (•-1) Unit of for quantities (»-3) Consumption ol purchased materials and of materials recen-eo from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than 5V000 worth of the listed uem- (Bnlir an X in Ihl box} IE) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) M.l- IThou- hons 1 sands Jars GtJrM 00 J 000 000 iKt* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (except castings) Carbon •tool Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons XX □ , Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons XX Di Plates 331013 3 Short tons XX Di Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons XX □ i Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons XX Di All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons XX D. Alloy stool (oxcept stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons XX Di All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons XX Di Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons XX D, Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds XX D, Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds XX Di Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, in- cluding extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds XX D, Plate, sheet, strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX D, Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX D, 15 16 17 Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds XX D. Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, lube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds XX D, All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds XX Di 18 Pig Iron (cxc uding silvery iron) 331051 3 Short tons XX Di IV Iron and steo 1 scrap (exclude home scrap) 999811 3 Short tons XX D, LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUS'] . SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1.963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35C - CONSTRUCTION ANO MINING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT; HOISTS, CRANES, AND MONORAILS — 127 Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABIISHMENTS-Conlinuad T Materials, parts and supplu Ctuui fol quantities of materials i olhci establishment < Jiiftnlify (C) II ini«l« some b I worlh of ihe illlcd / tin an " V in tl ! HI CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 332300 Aluminum and aluminum-base alio Copper and copper-base allov Thousand pounds Di □ x> D D Iron and stool forglngs x:< ENGINES Diesel and semi-Diesel 351920 □ Gasoline and other carburetor >C n , ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp. ) (excluding liming motors) □ Integral horsepower motors and generators ( I hp. and over) □ BEARINGS □ □ i Pneumatic tiros 301131 XX a Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS, ENGINES AND ELECTRIC MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFAC- TURING OTHER PRODUaS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT Item Census material code produced in thi bliihmcnt fac luring other blishment CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMIFINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 Copper and copper-base alloy Thousand pounds Thouum pounds Iron and it»«l forgings ENGINES Diesel and semi-Diesel Gasoline and other carburetor 351901 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under I hp) (excluding timing motors) ________ Integral horsepower motors and generators ( I hp and over) 362120 128 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35D - OIL AND GAS FIELD MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 a 9 3 Ll 7-1 *£&£X 7-2 j 7-3 j 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If S5.000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— (Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Millions Tbou- IW1- lar* CeutM 000 1)11(1 (W XX 1 2 9 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 3310 11 7 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Plates 3310 13 3 Short tons s XX □ 1 Structural shapes 3310 15 8 Short tons $ XX □ 1 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 3310 19 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 3310 21 6 Short tons $ XX □ 1 All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 3310 29 9 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Stainless steel mill shapes and forms 3310 31 5 Short tons s XX □ 1 Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 3357 28 2 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 Insulated wire and cable (report copper content jd Column (C)) 3357 90 2 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 3351 02 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups and discs 3351 23 6 Thousand pounds s XX □ 1 Pipe and tube 3151 27 7 Thousand pounds s XX □ 1 Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 3352 02 8 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 3352 05 1 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 3352 09 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 16 17 18 19 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 3320 11 6 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Steel 3323 00 3 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 3361 00 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 Copper and copper-base alloy 3362 00 1 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 20 Iron and steel forgings 3391 00 Short tons $ XX □ 1 21 22 ENGINES Diesel and semi-Diesel 3519 20 1 Number $ XX D i Gasoline and other carburetor 3519 01 I Number I XX □ i 23 24 BEARINGS Ball 3562 18 8 $ XX □ i Roller 3562 28 7 f XX □ i 25 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies 9700 99 8 $ M ■,'■,-,."■,■' >ywv. {List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 26 s XX (Sun or Lines 1-25 should be same as Item 5a) w%< 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quant.tira (B-2) (Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 1 2 S 4 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 3120 11 < Short tons Steel 3323 00 * Short tons Aluminum and alumlnunvbaae alloy 3361 00 » Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 3362 00 1 Thousand pounds 5 Iron and steel forgings 3391 00 Short tons 6 7 ENGINES Diesel and aomi-Dieael 3S19 20 4 Number Gasoline and other carburetor 3519 01 1 Number Form MC-35E - CONVEYING AND ELEVATING EQUIPMENT, INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS, TRACTORS, TRAILERS AND STACKERS Section A-C0NSUMPTI0N OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E L^ 7-, WW* 7-2 | 7-J | 7-4 Census material code (»-!> Unit of lot quantities (»-J| received from other establishments of your company Materials, parti and supplies (A] If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed than SV000 worth of the listed item- llnlir an "X" in lb, bo\) (*) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (01 Mil 'Thou lions sands m lists Cem 000 | 000 100* XX 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mill SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons XX D, Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons xx □ , Plates 331013 3 Short XX D, Structural shapes 331015 8 Short , XX □ , Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons XX □ . All other carbon sreel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short XX □ , Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 8 Short XX □ , Stainless steel 331031 5 Short XX □ , Copper and copper-base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand XX □ i Insulated wire and cable (Report top- per content in Column C.J 335790 2 Thousand pounds XX □ . Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, in- cluding extruded and or drawn shapes 335102 ThousanJ pounds XX D, Plate, sheet, and strip, including mili- tary cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX □ i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX □ . 130 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35E - CONVEYING AND ELEVATING EQUIPMENT, INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS, TRACTORS, TRAILERS AND STACKERS — Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS-Continucd E Ll 7-1 &28S& 7-2 j 7-3 7-4 Census material code Unit of for quantities (»-3) Consumption of purchased materials received from other establishments ol nd c Materials parts and supplies 1*1 If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed - If you consumed some but less than SVOO0 worth of the listed ucm- f Bntrr jit X it, ill boK) (II Quantity (CI Delivered cost ID) Mil- IThuu lions ls>nd> Del- - lars Gents 000 | 000 000 XX 14 15 16 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (Except castings)— Continued Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds $ XX □ l Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 33S20S 1 Thousand pounds » XX D, All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds » XX Di J7 18 J! 20 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 Short tons s XX Di Steel 332300 3 Short tons $ XX □ , Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds s XX D. Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds I xx □ i 21 Iron and stool forglngs 339100 Shott tons $ XX Di 22 Gasoline and other carburetor engines 351901 4 Number i XX Di 23 24 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) (excluding timing motors) 362115 6 i D, Integral horsepower motors and generators ( 1 hp. and over) 362120 8 Number s XX Di 2S_ 26 BEARINGS ■"•''■"■:"■ '.■>'. "■'.•'■■■■■'•■'•'''•' D i Roller 356228 7 5v-->;'a;' . , v -,^ v ^,.,,,.. s XX D.i §&»» ... 27 Storage batteries 369101 1 Number s XX Di 28 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc," included in the above.) 970099 8 -— T -■■ ftx-x-y XX TOT (Sun )frCv;i;i;i;'iu'I;»;i'fl00 Wmi x>X;X:X : x : r. of Lines 1-28 should be same as Item 5a) ' v <>» 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 2 .1 1 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 I Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds 5 6 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) (excluding timing motors) r 3621 15 8 Number Integral horsepower motors and generators (I hp. and over) 362120 s Number 134 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35H - TEXTILE MACHINERY Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 E 3 Z .S Lz_ 7-1 ' 588^ 7-2 | 7-3 7-4 Census material code Unit of measure for quantities (■-2) Consumption of purchased materials and ot" mater other establishments of your comp ials received from ny Materials, parts and supplies (A) If $\000 or more of the listed If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— (Enter an "X" in the box) If) Quantity (C) Delivered cost 10) Mil- lions Thou. wnds Do!- tu. >io 000 000 OOOj XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1? 13 14 15 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (Except castings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short S X < □ ' Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons 1 XX □ ' Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons s XX □■' Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons s xx D> All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons s XX □ » Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 8 Short tons $ XX □ > Stainless steel mill shapes and forms 331031 5 Short tons $ XX □ » Copper and copper-base alloy mill shapes and forms Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds s »., □ ' Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds i XX □ ■ Rod, bar and mechanical wire (including ex- truded and/or drawn shapes) 335102 Thousand pounds $ XX □ > Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds J XX □ » Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds $ XX □ ■ Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy mill shapes and forms Sheet, plate, and foil 335202 ft Thousand pounds s XX □ ' Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds t XX □ ' All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds i XX □ > 16 Pig iron, excluding silvery iron 331051 3 Short tons s XX □« 17 Iron and steel scrap (Exclude home scrap) 999811 3 Short tons $ XX □ > 18 Castings (Rough and semifinished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons s ;• -; □ ■ 20 Integral horsepower electric motors and generators (1 horsepower and over) 362120 8 Number s XX □ ' ?1 Bearings Ball 356218 □ « J2 □ ■ 22 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc." included in the above.) 970099 8 '..-_,. "-. t A A mro m ;■:■:•:■:■:■ iAVAVAVAVi •^^^^^^♦v^♦v'^^ v.w.w.w.w 24 TOTAL »» (Sum of Lines 1*23 should be same as Item 5) Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS PRO MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT DUCED IN THIS ESTABLISH iSSSSSSSSSSSS:*i 1 * ! IN MA NUFA rtURif IGC THER PRODUCTS Z S -j U_ 7-1 XXX 4wm 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (S-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-3) Quantities produced in this establishment and c manufacturing othet products made in this est (ft onsumed in iblishment 1 Casting (Rough and semifinished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 ,; Short tons 2 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 ; Thousand pounds 3 Integral horsepower electric motors and generators ( 1 horsepower and over) 362120 ! Number LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 135 For m MC-35I - WOODWORKING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS c E \L 7-1 7-2 t 7-1 < emus material (0-1) for quantH.es f.B-2) Consumption ol pun hascd matcrisli in received from other otjblishnicnts or your compart* upplicl 1*1 1! 11.000 Ol more ol thi item was consumed - ihjr. f worth „l .he listed il («) , ■UI,K XX □ , Extruded shapes (including extruded rod. bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds XX Di All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar. pow- der, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pound-. XX □ . 15 16 17 18 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short XX Di Steel 332300 3 Short tons XX □ . Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds XX Di Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 I Thousand [-oumls XX Di 19 Iron and steel forging* 339100 ShoiV tons XX □ > 20 21 22 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 h.p.) Timing motors, synchtonous and sub- synchtonous 362110 9 Number XX Di Other fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 h.p.) (excluding tim- ing motors) 362115 8 Number XX D, Integral horsepower motors and generators (1 h.p. and over) 362120 8 Number XX Di 23 24 25 26 BEARINGS All other mat consumed (Lilt the ihri above. J TOTAL- (Sum o Ball 356218 8 XX Di : : >>: ; : : : : x : . : . : - : . : Roller erials and components, parts, containers, and supplies • principal " AH other materials, ett ," included in the F Lin** 1-2S should b« tarn* as Itam 5a) 356228 970099 . Ill -— '""""" lf "j | 7 8 ■'■'.'.■'.•'.'. ;.;.-.;.'.■.■ XX XX XX Di rOQcxxxyvvyC 136 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35I - WOODWORKING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT— Continued Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS, AND ELECTRIC MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT | a a Lz: 7-1XXX aaaa» 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-D Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment 19) 1 2 3 4 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum -base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds 5 Iron and steel forging* 339100 Short 6 7 8 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric mo- tors (under 1 h.p.) Timing motors, synchronous and sub- synchronous 362110 9 Number Other fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 h.p.) (excluding tim- ing motors) 362115 8 Number Integral hofsepower motors and generators (I hp. and over) 362120 8 Number Form MC-35J - PULP -AND PAPER-INDUSTRIES MACHINERY Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E Li 7-1 5WW 7-2 7-3 J 7-4 Census material code IB-11 Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from otner establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies |A| If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed than $5,000 worth of the listed ilem- ( Enter an "X" ,n lb, buxj (t) Quantity (C) Delivered cost Mil- lions sands 000 000 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons □ l Plates 331013 3 Short tons i D. All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons XX □ > Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 8 Short tons x> D, Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons :::,.: D, Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds XX D. Insulated wire and cable (Report cop- per content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds XX □ i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds ;■;/ □ i Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX □ i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds ..... □ i Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds ,.".. □ > Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, pow- der, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds xx Di 14 Pig iron, excluding silvery iron 331051 3 Short tons XX □ . 15 Iron and steel scrap (exclude home scrap) 999811 3 Short tons XX □ i LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 137 Form MC-35J - PULP-AND PAPER-INDUSTRIES MACHINERY— Continued Soction A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS— Continued E Ll 7-1 mw 7-2 7- 1-i Census material code (»-l) Unit of measure for quantities 20 Integral horsepower electric motor* and generators (1 h.p. and ovor) 362120 8 Number XX □ , 21 22 BEARINGS Ball 3S6218 8 XX D. .Roller 356228 7 XX Di 23 All other mate consumed .... (Lilt Ibt thru p rials and components, parts, containers, and supplies 970099 8 XX rmc/pat" All other materials, etc.," included in theabove.) V • V >888888888< >\yyyvs,v». 24 TOTAL »► (Sum of Linos 1-23 should bo tamo at Itom 5a) p.'A.V. ■ : — 1 XX 5ooo8o8e same as Item 5a) llllll LJ LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 139 Form MC-35K - PRINTING TRADES MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT— Continued Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT 1 |_L 7-1XXX ^w*s 7 " Item (»l Census material code («-l| Unit of lor quantities (■-2) Quantities produced in li .hmi ni 1 2 3 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thou wild pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds 4 5 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.), excluding timing motors 3621 IS 8 Number Integral horsepower motors and generators ( 1 hp. and over) 362120 8 Number Form MC-35L - INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY Section A-C0NSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS i \J_ 7-1 vm%6 7-2 7-3 7-\ Census material code Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (*) If SVOOO or more of the listed If you consumed some hut less than SV000 *orth of the listed item- (Enltr an "X" lit I hi bo\ ) «> Quantity (C| Delivered cost Mil [Thou pa- tat* aao 000 1 000 d5o XX i 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (Except castings) ■teal Bars and bat shapes 33101 1 7 Short tons XX □ l Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons XX □ l Plates 331013 3 Short tons XX Di Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons XX Di Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short ions XX D. All other carbon sreel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons XX □ . Alloy steel (except eteteleee) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons Di All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short ions XX Di Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons 1 XX , di Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 33572B 2 Thousand pounds • , iffi □ i Insulated wire and cable (Report cop- per content in Column Cj 335790 2 Thousand pounds *.- XX □ i Rod. bar, and mechanical wire, in- cluding extruded and/or drawn shapes 33S102 Thousand pounds p Di Plate, sheet, and strip, including mili- tary cups and discs 33S123 6 Thousand pounds X* D, Pipe and rube 335127 7 Thousand pounds Di 140 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35L - INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY— Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS-Continuod jQ E c c LL 7-1 #c3c3& 7-2 | 7-3 | 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If S5.000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than S5.000 worth of the listed item- f Enter jo "X" in tin bos) HI Quamity (C) Delivered cost (O) Mil- JThou- Or* l*l» Cent* 000 ] 000 W XX D. ■>*<-*•-":•■""" Roller 356228 7 xx n, ■>:>->■: 28 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.." included in the above.) 970099 8 2 vvwsXXX <1§§«|| 29 $ (Sum of lines 1-28 should be some as Item 5a) Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT i E C C -J Lz_ 7-1 XXX « 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-1) Unit of for quantities (B-2J Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment If) 1 2 3 4 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds 5 6 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) (excluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number Integral horsepower motors and generators ( 1 hp. and over) 362120 8 Number LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDU 5TRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35M - PUMPS AND COMPRESSORS; MEASURING AND DISPENSING PUMPS 1-41 Stction A-COMSUMPTION Of MATERIALS PUiCHAScO 01 DECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E ll 7-1 mm 7-2 | 7-J | 7-4 Census loje (•-1| Unit of tor quintitiei (•-2) Consumption of purchased material} and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, pans and supplier If IVOOO or more of the listed If you consumed some but less Quantity (C) Delivered tost IB) than IV0O0 , worth of the listed item- lfu< [ Thou Oof- •ani tarn (tnlit j» X it ll,i ».>> 000 j 000 ooo XX (1) 1 2 J 4 S 6 7 1 9 10 11 12 13 MIU SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Corbon stool Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons XX □ , Sheet and stnp 331012 5 Short tors 1 . 1 * 1 XX □ l Places 331013 3 Short tons | t * 1 xx □ , Structural shapes 331015 1 Short tons 1 1 t XX Di All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons 1 1 ( 1 XX Di Alloy StMl (oxcopl stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons 1 • 1 * XX □ . All other alloy steel 331029 9 Short ton? 1 1 1 XX □ , Stainless steel 331031 5 Shon tons ' 1 XX bi Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire ( for electrical conduction only) 33572S 2 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 8 XX □ , Insulated wire and cable ( Report cop- per content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 1 8 1 XX Di Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, in- cluding extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 e Thousand pounds 1 1 XX Di Plate, sheet, and strip, including mili- tary cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 1 8 XX □ i Pipe and rube 335127 7 Thousand pounds l 1 $ XX Di 14 15 16 Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds ' | XX Di Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar. pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds 1 1 XX D, All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, pow- der, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds 1 XX D, 17 II 19 PRIMARY METALS Pig iron excluding silvery iron 331051 3 Short tons 1 1 1 1 XX D, Copper and copper-base alloy refinery shapes 333122 Short tons i , 1 * 1 XX □ , Aluminum and aluminum base alloy refinery shapes 333401 1 Short tons 1 . 1 XX D, 20 Iron and steel scrap (exclude home scrap) 999811 3 Short tons t XX D, 21 22 23 24 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons 1 t i XV Di Steel 332300 3 Short tons 1 1 XX XX D i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds 1 l I 1 D, Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 1 YV D , 25 Iron and sreel f jrgings 339100 Short ions 1 1 > 1 YV D i 26 27 ENGINES Diesel and semi-Diesel 351920 4 Number ( . 1 1 l 1 1 XX D, D i Gasoline and other carburetor 351901 4 Number 1 s i 29 1 30 MOTORS LND GENERATORS IEARINGS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp 1 (excluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number D, Di n ntegral horsepower motor and generators ( 1 hp. and aver) r Sail 362120 156218 8 1 " Number .......;.;■■.■.■.■- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;x 31 1 toiler 156228 7 ; iv: : . :: : : ;-': : i : iii; » 1 m ! 1 J X D, 142 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35M - PUMPS AND COMPRESSORS; MEASURING AND DISPENSING PUMPS— Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS-Continuwi Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS, ENGINES, AND ELECTRIC MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT MANUFACTURING Item 1A| Quantities produced in this establishment ai manufacturing other products made in this CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 Thousand Thousand pounds Iron and steal forgings ENGINES Diesel and semi-Diesel Gasoline and other carburetor ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) (excluding timing motors) Integral horsepower motors and generators ( 1 hp. and over) LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS Of MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES U3 SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35N - MECHANICAL POWER TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT; BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS | LI 7-1 :■:•:'■;•:■: 7 - 1 '- ( 1 ' - ■ emui 1 In qui ei l»-J) t mnirnption ol purchased miteriili ind ol milemli recciveu From otnci ciubliiftmentf "i iroui compini Materials, parts jihI Buppliel l»l It ss 000 i mon ol the listed item was consumed - II rail ...nsumed ■omi bin li ii than S^ 000 worth ..1 the listed nem- 1 / win ./» V in it; »os; III Quantity |C| Delivered con (0| Mil iThOU. lion, | un.li Dot- Ian Can IXHJ . <"Hl 000 XX 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 IS 16 17 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short 1 XX Di Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short XX □ i Plates 331013 3 Short XX □ i Structural shapes 331013 8 Short XX Di Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short XX □ i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short XX Di Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short XX Di All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short XX Di 331031 5 Short XX Di Copper and copper-base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds XX Di Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pound, XX Di Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds XX □ , Plate, sheet, and strip, including mili- tary cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX Di Pipe and rube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX Di Aluminum and aluminum- Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds XX Di Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds XX Di All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds XX Di 18 PRIMARY METALS Pig iron, excluding silvery iron 331051 3 Short tons XX Di 19 Copper and copper-base alloy refinery shapes 333122 Short XX Di 20 SCRAP (EXCLUDE HOME SCRAP) Iron and steel 999811 3 Short tons XX D, 21 Copper and copper-base alloy 999812 1 Short XX 22 23 24 25 CASTINGS I (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons XX D, Steel 332300 3 Short tons XX D, Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds XX D, Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds XX Di 26 Iron and stool forging* 339100 Short tons xx Di 27 BEARINGS Ball 356218 8 XX Di 28 Roller 356228 7 8j§8§§$<§& XX D, 29 Ail other materials and com consumed (List the three principal " All o ponents, parts, containers, and supplies 970099 8 §0. ;>x>;:;:x>;-: XX -— thtr malcruti, tic ,' mcludtd tn tbt abovt ) iliiii i TOTAL »*• MOM* - 0Av/M$W 30 (la n o< Lin. I 1-3 ? thould b» som» a* lt«m So) ;•:-:-:-:■:•:■ < XX ^•;-:-.v.;-:-:- 144 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35N - MECHANICAL POWER TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT; BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS— Continued Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND FORGINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT E Ll. 7-lXXX VSSSA 7-S Item 1*1 m'alcnal code (B-lj Unit of quantities (B-J) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (f) 1 2 3 4 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 \ Thousand pounds S Iron and steel forgirfgs 339100 Short Form MC-35P - SELECTED MACHINERY PARTS; INDUSTRIAL PATTERNS AND MOLDS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS -5 a '3 LL 7-1 c^C^? 7-2 I 7-3 ! 7-4 Census material oode (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the liBted item — (Enter an "-Y" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Muttons Thou- Bot- tom Qml» 000 000 000 XX 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 III 11 12 13 14 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Plates 331013 3 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons * XX □ 1 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons s XX □ 1 Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons $ XX '□ 1 All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons $ XX a i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons $ XX a i Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds t XX a i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds $ XX a i 15 16 17 Aluminum and alumi- num-base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Kxtruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds $ XX a i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds $ XX D i 18 19 211 21 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray und malleable) 332011 6 Short tons $ XX a i Steel 332300 3 Short tons t XX □ i Aluminum and altuniiniin-base alloy 33(100 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Cop|K>r and cop|M'r-base alloy 336200 , Thousand pounds * XX D i LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued U5 Form MC-35P - SELECTED MACHINERY PARTS; INDUSTRIAL PATTERNS AND MOLDS— Continued S«tion A-COWUMPTIO* OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABUSHMENTS-Continued Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT pv;-:v:-l Census material code Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment m CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy Copper and copper-base alloy Thousand pounds Thousand pounds 146 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35Q - INDUSTRIAL FURNACES AND OVENS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS H Materials, parts and supplie Census material code Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Quantity (C) 'ered cost M If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item- ( Enter an "X" in tbt box) to MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (except castings) Carbon steel Sheet and strip Structural shapes All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms Alloy steel (except stainless) Stainless steel Copper and copper- base alloy Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conductic only) Insulated wire and cable { Report cop- per content in Column (C)) 335790 Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, in- cluding extruded and/or drawn shapes Plate, sheet, and strip (including mili- tary cups and discs) 335123 Pipe and tube Sheet, plate and foil Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, pow- der, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 Steel castings (rough and semi -finished) 332300 Short cons Short Short :ons XX XX: X* Short to xx XX Thousand pounds Thousand pounds xx Thousand pounds Thousand pounds . Thousand pounds ;: : Thousand pounds ::. Thousand pounds Thousand pounds xx ' □ P. Di □ □ ■ Di m □■ □ □ □ □ D □ □ All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) Section B-C0NSUMPTI0N OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT Quant, ties produced in this estahlishn manufacturing other products made i Steel castings (rough and semifinished) 332300 3 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued K7 Form MC-35R - OFFICE, COMPUTING AND ACCOUNTING MACHINES Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 2 a a 9 Li_ 7 1 :-:•:•:■:■:•: 7-2 - 7:< 7 4 Census material code Mill ■omi inii lea than J5.000 worth of the list...! il< in (Enter an ".V" in the boi) t Quantity (C) Delivered cast (D) Million j Thou- HDdl M l.r. I KKJ nun 0(10 i 2 3 1 s 6 7 8 9 in n l.' II II II MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (except castings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons 1 1 » XX □ 1 D 1 a i a i Sheet and strip 331012 s Short tons s XX Structural shapes 331015 8 Short bona 1 • XX Win iiml wire product.-. 331017 4 Short tons $ XX All other oarbon steel null ihapee snd forms 331019 Short tons * XX □ i Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 8 Short tons $ XX a i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons * XX Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds 1 $ i XX □ i □ i □ i Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds i i i XX Hod, ■ bar, and mechanical wire, ■including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds $ XX Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds i i s XX □ i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds $ XX □ ■ Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds s XX D i Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 . Thousand pounds 1 1 1 s XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 .1 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 I 1 \ XX D i 16 17 CAST1N6S (rough and semi- finished) Steel 332300 S Short tons 1 * i XX □ i □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 a Thousand pounds 1 1 1 XX u IS to ELECTRIC MOTORS AND 6ENERAT0RS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) Timing motors, synchronous, and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number > XX □ i Fractional horsepower electric motors including liming motors) 362115 8 Number XX D i Integral horsepower motors and generators (1 lip. and over) 362120 8 X umber t XX □ i 21 BEARINGS Ball 356218 S t XX D i 22 23 Electron tubes. Roller except X-ray 356228 367010 6 Thousands mmm s XX XX a . □ i 21 Solid state semi conductors 367408 2 Thousands $ XX □ i 25 Silicon, hyper p ure 281995 1 1 XX □ i 2ft Germanium 335605 2 Pou $ XX □ i 27 All other mate rials and components, part.s, containers, and supplies s XX {Lift the three p nnrtpal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) mm - rV.V. ■.'.-.■ M (Sum of Lines 1-27 should be same as Item 5a) I _ g -. . ...... 1 XX 148 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-35R - OFFICE, COMPUTING AND ACCOUNTING MACHINES— Continued Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, ELECTRIC MOTORS, DUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED ESTABLISHMENT ELECTRON TUBES, AND SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES PRO- IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ■a S 3 a LL 7-1XXX 99K&X! 7-r> Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 1 2 CASTINGS (rough and semi- finished) Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand 3 4 5 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) Timing motors, synchronous, and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number Fractional horsepower electric motors (excluding liming motors) 362115 8 Number Integral horsepower motors and generators (1 hp. and over) 362120 8 Number 6 Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousands 7 Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousands Form MC-35S - SERVICE-INDUSTRY AND HOUSEHOLD MACHINES Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS a S 3 a c 13 Ll 7-1 wmx 7-2 „ J 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — {Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) M » Uom |sandJ 1*1. tors Cento 000 1 000 000 XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ■J 1U 11 12 13 14 15 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons * XX □ 1 Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Plates 331013 3 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons S XX □ 1 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons S XX □ 1 Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 8 Short tons $ XX □ ' Stainless steel mill shapes and forms 331031 5 Short tons $ XX D i Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds $ XX D i Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds s XX D i Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds s XX □ i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds s XX a i Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 Thousand pounds $ XX D . All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON- THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 149 Form MC-35S - SERVICE-INDUSTRY AND HOUSEHOLD MACHINES- -Continued Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS— Continued | 9 9 - 2 Ll 7-1 564666c 1-2 7-3 7-4 Census materia) code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies I (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but leas than $6,000 worth of the liated item — {Enter on "X" in tkt box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Million, ]™°£ 000 ] 000 Dal- ian 0(»> On* XX 1C Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes (Pig, ingot, shot, slugs, ete.) .133101 a Short tons t XX □ 1 17 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy scrap (exclude home scrap) 999808 9 Short tons $ XX □ 1 18 19 20 21 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons s XX D i Steel 332300 3 Short tons $ XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds s XX □ i 22 29 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number s XX XX □ i Other fractional horsepower electric motors {excluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number $ □ i Integral horsepower motors and generators (1 hp. and over) 362120 8 Number s XX □ i 25 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed _ - , (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 1 8 -7 : T : T\ ; 7 : T\\\\^% iiii mm XX 26 (Sum of lines 1-25 should be same as Item 5a) Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND ELECTRI SUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODU Ju consumed some hut less than SV0O0 worth ol the listed iiem- tEillet .,,, \ ni the i»\) IE) Quannry (CI Delivered coil |0| M.I- JThou- l.nns ] sands Dol- Hi, : : :v:#: XX Di Roller 356228 7 ^n^ XX □ . 28 29 30 260091 970099 cVXW.V m 4 8 &$Iv!> ■:•: :■>:::;■:■:■"•:■:• XX XX XX Di □ , Paper and pa All other mat consumed. . . . (List-tbe three above.) TOT/ (Sum per board cont trials and comp principal "Alt i of Un« 1-39 almn onents, parts, containers, and supplies other materials, etc.," included tn the should b* torn* as Item Sa) ^88888o< t It LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 151 Form MC-35T - REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT— Continued Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS. AND ELECTRIC MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT 1 7 7-1XXX 7-s i E 1 Item 1*1 («-!) Ul i for quantities (a-J) 1,11, intitii pro In. -1 hi (In- i stablishmi nl and i imiumed in il . . .I. hi tins i-stahliihmvni (■1 1 CASTINGS icnnr.H Iron i gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons , AND SEMI -=-) FINISHED) 3 Sieel 332300 3 Short > Aluminum and aluminum-base .ill>i\ 336100 3 Thousand pounds topper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 rhounnd i I- 5 Iron and it*>*l forgings 339100 Short ELECTRIC MOTORS AND 4 GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp ) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number 7 8 Fractional horsepower electric motors (excluding riming motors) 3621 IS 8 Number Integral horsepower motors and generators (I hp. and over) 362120 8 Number Form MC-36A - POWER, DISTRIBUTION, AND SPECIALTY TRANSFORMERS | 3 \l_ 7-1 W1VZQ 7--' 7-3 7-1 Census material code (B-1) Unit of for quantities Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies 1*1 If $V000 or more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed than 1V000 worth of rhe listed irem- (Enttr an "X" in iht box) (i) Quantity [C| Delivered cost Mil |Thou lion) 1 undi Dol- lar. :-M! 000 ] 000 000 X\ i 10 11 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (except castings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons XX □ l Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons XX □ l Plates 331013 3 Short tons XX Di Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons XX □ i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons XX D. Alloy atMt (axeopt ttdnloss) 331020 8 Short tons XX □ i Stainless stael mill shap«t and forms 331031 5 Short tons XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds XX □ i Insulated wire and cable (Report cop- per content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds XX Di Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds XX □ i Plate, sheet, and strip ( including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX □ , Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum- bow alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds XX D, Extruded shapes, including extruded rod. bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds XX □ . Ail other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, pow- der, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds XX Di All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed f List the three principal "All other material*, etc ," included in the above.) &X&&&&& XA S§88§§88<$ XX \7 JkAAAAA,. 1 t 1 .' 9 \ . ,• - ..■.«. '.' .' .' '.' . .*. (Sum of Un« » 1-16 fthovld b« ioma cu lt«m 5a) ■".-"/. .-'/"A ■X' ',"'">, V ■>:>.*. ■XXl-wvl-X-I- 152 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-36B - SWITCHGEAR AND SWITCHBOARD APPARATUS, AND INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS i E Z L^ 7-1 sww 7-2 | 7-3 7-, Census material code (»-l) Unit of for quantities |i-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than 15.000 svorth of the listed item— (Enter an "X" in tht box) m Quantity (C) Delivered cost (0) Mil- iThou- lions J sands ral- lies Oam 000 1 000 000 XX 1 2 J_ 4 5 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (Except castings) Carbon stool Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short XX D> Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons X3C □ i Plates 331013 3 Short tons XX □ i Structural shapes 331015 8 Short sfX □ i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons □ i Alloy stool (oxcopt stainless) 331020 8 Short XX Di Stainless steel 331031 5 Short D, Copper and copper-base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds XX Di Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content m Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds i Di Rod, bar, and mechanical wire (Including ex- truded and/or drawn shapes) 335102 Thousand pounds XX ' □. Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds it! i Di Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX Di Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy Sheet, plate, and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds XX Di Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds Di All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tub- ing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds □ i 16 }]_ 18 CASTINGS (Rough and semi- finished) Steel 332300 3 Short tons XX, Di Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds XX. D, Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds XX Di 19 20 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT (Received for incorporation only into other indus- trial electrical control equipment shipped, as such, by this plant.) 362200 8 XX D, Purchased from other companies Received from other plants of your company 362209 9 'mi □"", 21 Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. (Cellulosics, poly- ethylenes, styrenes, etc. Include solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes.) 282130 4 Thousand pounds XX Di 22 23 Thermosetting resins (Melamines, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Include solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes.) All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies (List the three principal "all other materials, etc," included in the above.) 282140 970099 3 8 Thousand pounds ■~:y D, 24 TOTAL .- (Sum of Lines 1-23 should bo Mm* ai Item 5a) Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLIS PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT HMENT A! ID C 0NSUMED 1 N MANUFACTURING I [HER XX 2 E 3 z Lz_ 7-1XXX X#W& 7-5 Item (*) Census material code (•-1) Unit of measure for quantities (i-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and cons hiring other products made in this establishment. imed in manufac- 2 3 CASTINGS (Rough and semi- finished) Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds 1 Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-36C - MOTORS, GENERATORS, AND MOTOR -GENERATOR SETS 153 Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 i Ll 7 1 ^xxxxx> 7-2 ! 7 -*♦*•*•>%'*•>%' A*l*l*l*l*l*l*l*l*. ,•1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*. *1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*. ♦"♦"♦"♦"♦"♦"•"♦"♦TV I 11 ♦»:♦:♦:•:* m^MmmmM ■ (Sam of Lines 1-32] should be aame as Item Sa) r eVSm*S X* ! »>:♦>>*♦*♦ 1 154 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-36C - MOTORS, GENERATORS, AND MOTOR-GENERATOR SETS— Continued Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS, ENGINES, ELECTRIC MOTORS, ELECTRON TUBES, AND SOLID STATE SEMICONDUCTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT 3 i Ll_ 7-l.XXX x&x&> Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) i 2 3 4 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tone Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 , Thousand pounds 5 Iron and steel forflugs 339100 Short tons e 7 ENGINES Diesel and semi-Diesel 351920 4 Number Gasoline and other carburetor 351901 4 Number 8 Integral horsepower electric motors and generators (1 tip. and over) 362120 8 Number 9 Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousand units 10 Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousand units Form MC-36D - ElaECTRICAL WELDING APPARATUS Section A-C0NSUMPTI0N OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS J3 lL 7-1 'mm 7-2 | 7-3 | 7-4 Census material code (0-1) Unit of for quantities (B-5) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from oinet establishments of sout company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If S5.000 or mote of the listed item was consumed - If vou consumed some but less than SS.000 wotth of the listed item- fEiner Jil ,V m tl>e h) Mil- |Thou- Dol- tra Cans 000 ] 000 000 XX 1 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons XX D, 2 3 Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons XX □ i Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons XX □ i 4 Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons XX □ , 5 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons XX □ , 6 Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 8 Short tons XX D, 7 Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons XX □ , 8 Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand XX □ i 9 Insulated wire and cable (report cop- per content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds XX □', 10 Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds XX □ , 11 Plate, sheet, and strip, including mili- tary cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds MX □ i 12 Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX Di 13 Copper and copper-base alloy castings (rough and semi-finished) f 336200 1 Thousand pounds XX □ , 14 All other mate consumed .... (List the three rials and components, parts, containers, and supplies n >><>>>>><■:•:>, vv principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the -:■:■:■:■:■:■: :■:■>:■•:■:■»:■:■:<■ above.) ,,,.,,,,,..,, '.''."'y.'':-'.''.'.-'.''.'-':'.' 15 TOTAL »► (Sum of Lines 1-14 should be same as Item 5a) '■»'■■■'■■■! ■ .'.;,■. '■■■■! =:■':::::::•':::■':::':?: 5 XX ;■:■:■;-;•;->:■>:•:■/ Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT £ 1 Item (AJ 7 7-IXXX xx Census material code (B-l) quantities (B-31 Quantities ptoduced in this establishment and consumed in manufactunnit other ptoducts made in this establishment (F| , Copper and copper-base alloy castings (rough and semi-finished) 336200 i Thousand pounds LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 155 Form MC-36E - :arbon and GRAPHITE PRODUCTS AND MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL USE Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 a Z S \l_ 7-. wwm 7-2 | 7-J 7-J Census material code Unit of for quantities Consumption of purchased materials and of materuls received from other establishments of your tompany Materials, pans and supplies W If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than 15.000 worth ofthe l.sred uem- 1 til,' jn "X" inlhibcx I HI Quantity (C) Delivered cost Mil Thou Ool Ian am 000 J 1 KM 1 000 XX 1 2 3 4 5 j6_ 7 8 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (Except Castings) Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds XX □ l Insulated wire and cable (copper con- tent only) 335 790 2 Thousand pounds XX Di Rod. bar, and mechanical wire, includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds xx □ i Plate, sheet, and strip, including mili- tary cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX Di Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds XX □ i Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds XX Di All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, pow- der, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds XX Di 9 Electron rubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousand XX D, 10 Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousand XX D. 11 Silicon, hyper pure 281995 1 Kilograms XX Di 12 Germanium All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies (Ltst the three principal "all other materials, etc , " included in the uboi e. t 335605 970099 2 8 Pounds XX XX Di XXvXXX' 13 14 TOTAL +- (Sum of Lines 1-13 «hould bo tarn* as Item 5a) /'■ : i yyyyyyyy " ■■■■■.>.|.'........,.> l »./ s -— xx' .'.•.'.'.■.■.'.•.'.- .-.■.•. •.■.■.■.•.'.• .■.■.'.'.'.■.•.■.'.' Section B-CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRON TUBES AND SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND ( IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT 0NSUMED 1 1 J Item (A) 7 7-lXXX ■;■:■;■:■:>: 7-5 Census material code (»-l| Unit of for quantities Quantities produced in this consumed in manufacturing ( in this establishment in establishment and thcr products made i Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousand 2 Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousand units 156 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-36F - ELECTRICAL HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES (EXCEPT REFRIGERATORS AND FREEZERS) Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E a 3 Ll 7-1 m®& 7-2 I 7-3 I 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B~2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (.Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Millions Thou- sands 000 Cent- _ 000 000 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carta steel Bare and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons $ XX a i Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons $ XX a i Plates 331013 3 Short tons $ XX a i Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons $ XX a i Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons $ XX a i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons $ XX a i Alloy steel (except stainless) Bare and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons $ XX a i All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons $ XX a i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons $ XX a i Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds $ XX D i Insulated wire and cable {Report copper content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds % XX D i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and /or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds % » XX a i Plate, sheet, and strip {including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds % XX a i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds % ;.:-:.: m a i 18 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes 333401 s Short tons $ □ i 19 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy scrap (exclude home scrap) 999808 9 Short tons $ XX □ i 20 21 CASTINGS (rough and semi- finished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 c Short tons $ XX a i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds % XX a i 22 23 FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC MOTORS (under 1 ho.) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number % XX □ i Other fractional horsepower electric motors (exclude timing motors) 362115 8 Number % 11 a i 24 25 Paper and papt All other ma1 rboard containers erials and components, parts, containers, and supplies 260091 4 $ — - □ i {List the three p rincipal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 26 (Sum of Lines 1-25 should be same as Item 5a) %$m I mm $ Section B— CO ESTAB NSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND FRACTIONAL HC LISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING ( IRSEPOWER ELECTRIC MOTORS JTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THI PRODUCED IN THIS 3 ESTABLISHMENT a - 3 Ll 7-1XXX XXXXXX* 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-D Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this manufacturing other prod establishment and consumed in nets made in this establishment (F) 2 CASTINGS (rough and semifinished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds 3 4 FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC MOTORS (under 1 hp.) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number Other fractional horsepower electric motors (exclude timing motors) 362115 8 Number LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 157 Form MC-36G - ELECTRIC LAMPS Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS JL E c 1' 7-1 ■■/■y,A 7-2 7-s 7-1 Census material code Unit of measure foi quantities Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments ol sour lompanv Materials, r ,r 's -"id supplies (A) If 51.000 or more ol" the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than SI. 000 worth ol the listed itcm- lEuli, an X ,,, lb, W HI |C| Delivered cost (B| m„ Irnou & Vu not) | OOO ooo XX 1 COPPER AND COPPER-BASE ALLOY MILL SHAPES AND FORMS Bart- wire (for electrical conduction only) 33S728 2 Thousand pounds 1 1 t XX a, 2 Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column C) 335790 2 rhous..„,i pounds 1 » XX Di 3_ 4 Rod. bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds 1 * ! XX Di Plate, sheet, and Strip (including military cups and discs ) 335123 6 Thousand pounds i i XX □ i 5 Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds » XX Di 6 7 ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM- BASE ALLOY MILL SHAPES AND FORMS Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds » XX D, Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar. tube, pipe, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds » XX a, 8 All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar. powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds * 1 XX a, 9 Copper and copper-base alloy castings (rough and semifinished) 336200 1 Thousand pounds I • XX Di 10 Paper and paperboard containers 260091 4 : :■:■:■:■:■:■:■:'■:'■>:'■:'■ 5 XX Di 11 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed ( Lisl the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the abote.J 970099 .-'-.-< s Hi 12 ; ■ XX <>>:■:::::: TOT (Sun ill of Lines 1-11 should be same as Item Sa) • Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT \j_ 7-1 XXX :■:■:■:■:■:■: 7-S Icem i msus material (B-l| 1 nil ..i l»-3| Quantity produced in this establishment and consumed in manulavtunng orher products made in this establishment |f| Copper and copper-base alloy castings (rough and semifinished) 336200 1 Thousand 158 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-3oH - LIGHTING EQUIPMENT Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 c a 9 Lz_ 7-1 •:■:•:■:■;■:• 7 2 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item— [Enter on "X" in the box) (E> Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) «■»"»» IS Oak ls» CthXJi 000 1 000 000 XX 1 2 I J 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (Except castings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons $ XX D i Sheet and Btrip 331012 5 Short tons • XX □ i Plates 331013 3 Short tons 1 » ! XX □ i Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons 1 $ XX D i Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons t XX □ i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons s XX □ i Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons $ XX XX XX D i All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms' 331029 9 Short tons 1 * ! D i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons % □ i Copper and copper-base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds $ I XX □ i Insulated wire and cable {Report copper content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds 1 $ j XX a i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds 5 XX □ i Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Pipes and tubes 335127 7 Thousand pounds i I $ XX a i Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds $ XX D i Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds * ! XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds $ ! XX □ i 18 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes 333401 8 Short tons XX □ i 19 20 21 21 CASTIN6S (Rough and semi- finished) Iron {gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons i i i XX a i Steel 332300 3 Short tons i i $ *.. XX a b Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds $ XX Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i 23 21 RESINS Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. (Report resin content of vinyls and dry basis for cellulosics, polyethylenes, styrenes, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other shapes.) 282130 4 Thousand pound- (IV> has.-*) i XX □ i Thermosetting resins (Melamines, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Report on dry basis. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, ete., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other shapes.) 282140 3 Thousand pounds {Dry basis; i i s | XX a i 25 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed... (Lial the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 X * ! XX : : : x : x : xxx mm . ; : : x ; x : x : : m~~ 26 (Sum ot Lines 1-25 should be same as Item 5a) * XV : : : : : : x : x'x : > Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THI OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHME 3 ESTABLIh NT HMENT AND CONSUIV i i IED IN M \N'l I'At TL'KING 1 S 3 Lz_ 7-1XXX aaaaft 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in tins establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment l th. lifted Item was consumed — ill i 'usumed some but leas than $5,000 worth of the listed item [Knler an " X" in (fur boz) m Quantity «) i ball rend coat (i>) l T1 0O0 | 000 as a? xx 1 2 3 7 5 e 7 8 9 10 11 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Cartel steel liars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons 1 1 xx D . Sheet and strip 331012 r. i ton v □ . Wire and wire product* 331017 i Short tons r XX □ i All other carbon steel mill shapes and 331019 Short tons 1 i $ I XX a . Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 8 Short tons * ! XX n i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons * ! XX a i Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 33572(1 -• Thousand pounds i i * XX □ i Insulatod wire and cable {Report copper content in Column c) 335790 2 Thousand pound;* i i XX a i Rod. bar. and mechanical wire, including*, extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds i i XX □ . Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds < XX □ i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds * XX □ i 12 13 11 Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate itnd (oil 335202 8 Thousand pounds s XX □ i Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 Thousand |I,HIM.I- $ XX □ i All other Aluminum mill shapes nnd forms (wire, rolled rod and bar. powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 1 I'l S'UhI pounds ^ i sx □ i 15 16 [7 REFINERY SHAPES Copper and copptT-b.ts<' alloy 333122 Short tons « o □ i Vluminum and Zinc and zinc-l aluminum-base alloy 333101 8 Short tons t KX □ i ase alloy 333348 1 M.,,rt tun- i XX a i 18 19 SCRAP (Exclude home scrap) Copper and copper-b.'-Se alloy 999812 1 Short tons \.\ □ i Aluminum and aluminum-has.- allov 99980H 9 Short tou> -S 1 XX D . 20 Jl 22 CASTINGS (rough and semi- finished) Iron (gray and malleable] 332011 6 Short tons < XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 1 TluHll-.'lllli pounds . — XX XX □ ■ Copper nnd copper-liiiM 1 alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds s. □ i 23 Electron lubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousand units v XX □ i Jl Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousand $ S3 □ i 2.1 Silicon, hyperpure 28 199,-> 1 Kilograms S EX □ i 26 Germanium 335605 2 Pounds < u □ i 27 Thermosetting resins (rot lamint s, phenollcs, polycaten, nr.:u. etc.) (Include solid mid liquid, but exclude sheete, rixi- m ni othei - 282140 i 3 Thousand pounds (dry basis) XX D i 28 29 Thermoplastic resins (eelluloeiea polyethylene!, Btynnes, etc.) (Include solid and liquid, but exclude sheets, rods and other sh ipt All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies (/.t.'t the three principal "All other material*, etc.," inchujcl in the ahove.) 282130 "r.-.'rr 4 Thousand " XX XX ] i :■:■:•:■:■ 30 (Sum or Lines 1-29 should be same as Item Sa) ■■■■»■■>,■ '::':'4y.'-: XV .-.■.■. •.■.■.■.■.•.■ :■:■■:■■:■■:■ ..-.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■ ' V """'"" f * 160 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-36I - WIRING DEVICES— Continued Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, ELECTRON TUBES, AND SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT 3 Li. 7-1X.XX >;»'».• 7 :', Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 1 2 3 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron ((truy and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand Is 4 Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousand units 5 Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousand unite Form MC-36J - TOME RADIO AND TELEVISION SETS, AND PHONOGRAPHS Section A-C0NSU RIALS PURCr m- ; l - ; \ |. ::!,'; '■i l2_ 7-1 S6S19S& 1 7-5 7-4 Census material code [B-ll Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purch, received from other es sed materials and of materials ablishments ot your company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If S5.000 ot more of the listed item was consumed- If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item- (Entir an X in the bis) Id Quanncy (C) Delivered cost Mil- lions ItHou- 1 sands .Dol- lars c Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, in- cluding extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds i i i i i $ XX' Di Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds i i i i i 1 ! XX D, Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds i i XX □ , LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 161 Form MC-36J - HOME RADIO AND TELEVISION SETS, AND PHONOGRAPHS —Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABUSHMENTS-Continued 1 e c J Ll 7-1 :■:■:■:■:■:■: 7-2 i 7-) 7-4 material code (»-M Unit or measure quantities (»-3| Consumption <>! pur. based material! and ..1 miKriall receives! from otncr establishments of your company M hi nils parts ami supplies (A) It $5,000 of more of the lilted item was consumed- If you consumed some but less lhan 15.000 worth of the listed item- Itillir in X ■ in Iht bo\) (II (C| Delivered cost (O) Mil |Th.. u lion, land, Dol- lar* < frtii 000 ! 000 000 XX 11 12 13 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS)— Continued Aluminum and aluminum- boso alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 1 1 XX □ l Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 1 1 » 1 XX Di All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 1 1 XX D. 14 Aluminum and alumlnum-bas* alloy catting* (rough and semi- finished) 336100 3 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 XX Di 15 16 FRAQIONAL HORSE- POWER ELECTRIC MOTORS (Under 1 hp.), Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number 1 1 * ! XX □ i Other fractional horsepower electric motors (ex- cluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number 1 1 1 1 1 « 1 XX Di 17 Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousands 1 1 ' 1 XX Di 18 Solid state semiconductors 367401 7 Thousands » XX D. 19 Silicon, hyper pure 281995 1 Kilograms 1 XX Di 20 21 22 Germanium Ferrites (powders and paste) All othet materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed ( List the three principal "All other materials, etc.." included in the above.) 335605 339913 970099 2 6 8 Pounds ..... 1 • • i 1 XX D, □ i 23 TOTAL +■ (Sum of Linos 1-2.2 should bo tamo as Itom 5a) Section B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, ELECTRIC MOTORS, ELECTRON CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE It TUBES, Al 1 THIS ESI 10 SI ABU )UD STATE 5 SHMENT "■■■'■'■' K' EMIC0NDUCT0RS PROD JCED IN THIS ESTA XX BUS! MENT AND E \j_ 7-1XXX 7-5 (A) Census material code («-ll Unit nl quant. ins (B-JI Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufactutinij othet products made in this establishment (f) 1 Aluminum and aluminum -boso alloy castings (rough and somlftnlshod) 336100 3 Thousand pounds 2 3 FRAQIONAL HORSE- POWER ELECTRIC MOTORS (Under 1 hp.) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number Other fractional horsepower electric motors (ex- cluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number 4 Electron tubos, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousands 5 Solid state semiconductor! 367401 7 Thousands 162 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Fon I MC-36L - TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH APPARATUS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS .o B _ a 3 Ll 7-1 8&&&& 7-2 | 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-t) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and o! u from other establishments of your CO atcrials received npany Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — {Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost Million Thou- Otrtr 000 000 000 XX i 2 s ■! G 6 7 8 9 1(1 II MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons $ XX □ 1 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons $ XX □ 1 All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 ') Short tons $ XX □ 1 Stainless steel 331031 S Short tons $ XX □ I Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) ' 335728 2 Thousand pounds $ XX D i Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds I XX □ i Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i 12 13 14 Aluminum and Aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds s XX □ i Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 j Thousand pounds s XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 .1 Thousand pounds s XX □ i IS It Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings (rough and semifinished) 336100 3 Thousand pounds s XX □ . Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousands s XX • □ i 17 Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousands $ XX □ i It Silicon, hyper pure 281995 1 Kilograms * XX a . 19 Germanium 335605 2 Pounds $ XX □ i 20 Ferritea (powders and paste) 339913 6 Thousand pounds s XX □ i 21 Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. (Report resin content of vinyls for cellulosics, polyetbyIei.es, styrenes, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other shapes.) 282130 4 Thousand pounds dry basis * XX .□ i 72 Thermosetting resins (Melamines, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other shapes j 282140 3 Thousand pounds dry basis $ XX a i !3 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies W (Litit the three principal "Alt other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 21 (Sam of Lines 1-23 should be same as Item 5a) t XX *M<-S1 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS Of MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 163 Form MC-36L - TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH APPARATUS— Continued Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, ELECTRON TUBES, AND SOLID STATE SEMICONDUCTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT i 2 a a LL 7 I XXX •:•:■:■:■:■:- 7 .', Item (A) Census materia] code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (H-2) Quantities produced in thin establishment ami conaunlad in manufacturing othi-r producti made in ihi> establishment (F) i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy casting* (rough and semifinished) 336100 3 Thousand pounds 2 Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousands 3 Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousands Form MC-36M - RADIO AND TELEVISION COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT AND ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND ACCESSORIES Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E 3 Ii 7-1 $mm 7-2 | 7-5 | 7-A Census material coje Un.t of for quantities ^^< , > XX D, ?XXXXXXXXX>w< 27 Mica" 329905 4 Pounds XX Di 28 Nickel and nickel -base alloy mill shapes and forms 335606 Thousand pounds XX a, 29 Tantalum mill products 335602 9 Pounds XX a , 30 Molybdenum, rolled, drawn, or extruded 335603 7 Pounds XX D, 31 Tungsten wire 335733 2 Thousand XX a, 32 Ferrites (powder and paste) 339913 6 i><^c^xxxxxx3ooc XX a, 33 34 GLASS AND GLASS PRODUCTS Tube blanks 322921 8 Thousands XX a, Other than tube blanks 320311 4 XX □ , 35 Fabricated electron tube parts, except blanks 3679&1 1 XX Di 36 Thermoplastic resins (cellulosics, polyethylenes, styrenes, etc. Inctude solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes). 282130 4 Thousand lbs. dry basis XX □ , 37 38 Thermosetting resins (melamines, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. In- clude solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes). AH other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies con- ( List tl* three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 282140 970099 3 8 Thousand lbs. dry basis XX XX a. 39 S< TOTAL » (Sum of Linn 1-38 should b. nnw of Horn 3a) ttion B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, ELECTRIC MOTORS, ELECTRON TUB SUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS i !S AND SE STABLISHI MIC RENT ONDUCTOR DEVICES PRODUCEl J IN TH IS ESI ABLIS HMI NT AND CON- z Item 1*1 1 7 7-1XXX x$m 7-5 Census material code (»-■> Unit of for quantities (B-3) Quantities produced in this < consumed in manufacturing ot in this establish! (II stablishment and ' ler products made nent 1 2 3 4 5 CASTINGf (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds FRACTIONAL ELECTRIC HORSEPOWER MOTORS (Under 1 hp.) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number Other fractional horsepower electric motors (excluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number 6 Electron rubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousands 7 Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousands LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-36N - STORAGE BATTERIES; PRIMARY BATTERIES 165 3 \L 7-1 7-2 7-1 .4 Omul marenal nk Conaumpnon of purchased roSKrilll and ol materials received from otner e«abli*hmenri of your company Materials, parts Jid Mjppliei (A) If JVOOO or more of the luted irem wa* consumed- ll |TOU > onsumrd tome bu( less than SV000 worch ..i the listed item- (Emltr .m X in the hn\J (I) Quantity (Shon tons) (C) Del.-ered CMI (Ol Mil. 1 Thou horn lun* o*»~txX 000 j ooo t LEAD Refined unalloyed lead 333233 i 1 » XX □ i 1 Annmonial lead 333234 3 1 1 1 XX □ i 3 Litharge 2(1634 6 I XX □ i 4 Zinc and zinc-bat* alloy mill shapes and forms 335607 8 * I XX □ i 5 Carbon and graphite electrodes and other carbon and graphite products for electrical use 362406 1 W:':':'-M:'. 1 XX □ . 6 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.." tmiuJed in the abate.) 970099 8 .'.'.'.'.'..'.''.'''' 1 \ ■■ ^•'.v;---^ 7 T0TA1 » (Sum of Lines 1-6 should be soma os Item 5a) ^ i^'iy-y. $ i XX IV"' Form MC-36Q - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES, INCLUDING STARTING MOTORS AND GENERATORS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS J a 3 Ll 7-1 ;•:•:■:■:■:■; 7-2 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (BWer an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered coat (D) ■rHmcmjSE am tar: grata 000 1 000 000 XX l 2 3 i 5 6 7 I 9 11) 12 MILL SHAPES ADD FORMS (Except castings) Grata steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons s XX □ 1 Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons * XX □ 1 Plates 331013 3 Short tons t XX D i Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons $ XX □ i All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons $ XX D . Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 S Short tons $ XX D i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons s XX □ i Copper pal copper- ■M alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds s XX □ ■ Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (O) 335790 2 Thousand pounds * XX □ i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 33SI02 Thousand pounds t XX D i Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups and discs 33S123 s Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Pipe and tube 235127 7 Thousand pounds I XX D t 166 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-36Q ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES, INCLUDING STARTING MOTORS AND GENERATORS— Continued Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS— Continued s 1 Li 7-1 &8&» 7-2 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter on "A"' in the box) - (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) MUltomj"^ pet. Ifrt C, BU 000 ] 000 •:: ■ XX 13 U MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (Except Castings) — Continued Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate, and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds s XX □ 1 Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds t XX □ 1 All other aluminum mil) shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ 1 16 17 PRIMARY METALS Pig iron 331051 3 Short tons s XX □ 1 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes 333401 8 Short tons $ XX D i 18 19 20 CASTINGS (Rough and semifinished) Iron (Gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons * 1 XX □ > Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 j Thousand pounds $ XX □ i 21 22 23 BEARINGS All other mate {List the three p Ball Roller rials and components, parts, containers, and supplies incipal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 350218 356228 970099 8 7 8 yyyyyy< yy.y/y/ i ■ ■ ■ ■ ' 1 ; $ $ . . . 4'vvv XX XX XX □ i a i 24 (Sum of Lines 1-23 should be same as Item 5a) „■■'.■.-,■.- 1 ■:■: yyyy-y.' ^mmyy.^ ■I XX Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT a - Ll 7-1XXX X&&& 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 1 2 .1 CASTINGS (Rough and semifinished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 167 Form MC-36R - MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC PRODUCTS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS I 6 a a a ll 7-1 :■:■:■:•:•:•: 7-2 7 l 1 Materials, parts and supplies (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased matt-rials and of inateriaU received from other establishment* of your company If *5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but Im than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (Enter on "X" . ■n far box) CX i 2 3 1 5 6 1 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel 331001 8 Short tons s cs □ 1 Alloy steel (e»cept stainlessl 331020 8 Short tons s XX □ 1 Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons $ KX a i Alumioum and aluminum-base alloy 335208 5 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Copper and copper- base alloy Insulated wire and Cable (Report copper content in Column O 335790 2 Thousand pounds 1 XX □ i Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds I KX □ i Brass mill shapes (rod, bar, sheet, etc.) 335100 4 Short tons $ XX a i 8 Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 P Thousands $ XX D i 1 Solid state sem conductors 367408 2 Thousands s XX a i 10 Silicon, hyper p ure 281995 | 1 Kilograms i XX D i „ Germanium 336605 2 Pounds s Xx □ i 12 AH other mat erials and components, parts, containers, and supplies ■.'.■.:■:■:■:■; (List the three p rincipal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 i '^yyy'yy-\-: : 13 $ XX I ""■: $8888< .'.- &&&&$ vV,".W> «Vi '/V.'.'.', Section B— CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRON TUBES AND SOLID STATE SEMICONDUCTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTAB- LISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT 1 a » S 5 Item (A) |7 7-1XXX ^SXXX> 7-5 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment V) 1 Electron tubes except X-ray 367010 6 Thousand 2 Solid state sem conductors 367408 2 Thousand 168 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-37A - MOTOR VEHICLES AND BODIES Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 3 d 3 11 7-1 mm 7-2 ! 7-3 [ 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less Quantity CC) Delivered cost (D) than $5,000 worth of the listed item — MILUOD.1^ e 'Enter an "X" Cw* in the box) 000 1 000 000 XX (E) i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS , (Except castings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons s XX □ i Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons $ XX □ i Plates 331013 3 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tonB $ XX D i All other carbon steel mill shapes and lorms 331019 Short tons s XX □ i Alloy steel (Except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons $ XX □ i All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons $ XX □ i Stainless steel 331031 o Short tons $ XX □ i 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 Copper and copper-base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds $ XX D i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum* base alloy Sheet, plate, and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds $ XX Di All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wjre, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i 18 19 PRIMARY METALS Pig iron (exclude silvery iron) 331051 3 Short tons $ XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes 333401 8 Short tons $ XX □ i 20 21 SCRAP (Exclude home scrap) Iron and steel 999811 3 Short tons $ XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 999808 9 Short tons $ XX □ i 22 23 24 25 CASTINGS (Rough and semifinished) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons $ XX □ i Steel 332300 3 Short tons $ XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds $ XX D i 26 27 FORGINGS Iron and steel 339100 Short tons s XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 339200 8 Thousand pounds t XX □ i 28 29 Fractional horsept excluding timing BEARINGS rwer electric motors (onder 1 hp.), motors Ball 362115 356218 8 8 Number 1 5 KX ex D. n i 30 31 boated, impregna Roller ed or laminated fabrics 356228 229501 7 . 2 Thousand linear yards t J ! 3 sac IX Di □ i 32 33 UNCOATED BROAD- WOVEN Cotton 221103 6 Thousand linear yards s ! > tX D i FABRICS (Pitce goods) ^ther broad-woven fabrics 220119 2 ^housand linear yards - 1 9 at □ i LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION TV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 169 Form MC-37A - MOTOR VEHICLES AND BODIES— Continued Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEDED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS— Continued ! 9 3 3 Ll 7-1 tmm 7-2 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for ■ tuantitien (B-2) Consumption of purcliased materials and of materials received from other fstablishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed- — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the Itnted item — (Enter an " X" in the hoi) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) Mini,] 11""'- | SuHdfl Dal- ian tVnU XX 000 1 000 0O0 3-1 Unsupported plastic film and sheeting (excluding packaging materialsl 307911 8 Thousand square yards $ XX □ 1 35 Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. (Report resin content of vinyls and dry basis for cellulosics, polyethylenes, poly propylenes, styrenes, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc. and exclude sheets, rods, tubes and other shapes.) 282130 4 Thousand pounds dry basis XX □ 1 36 Thermosetting resins ( Mela mines, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Report on dry basis. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes and other shapes, ) 282140 3 Thousand pounds dry basis * XX □ 1 37 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc., included in the above.) 970099 8 mmm W>>■:■:■■:■:■:> . /.".".VAN ■: : :':^x : S Ay,",".',',".".': ..._,_._.'.■..;.'.■ 38 XX XX\\\\\\' ','.'. '.'.'.'.'.■ (Sam of Lines 1-37 should be same as Item Sa) &&i¥£& !'....'..,'.'., : Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT 2 E 3 Ll 7-1XXX »$ Item (A) Census material code (B-l) quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment in CASTINGS Iron* and semi- finished) Iron (gray and malleable) Aluminum and aluminum^ base alloy Copper and copper-base alloy Thousand pounds Thousand pounds FORCINGS Iron and ateel Aluminum and alumiaum-base alloy Thousand pounds 7 Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 horsepower) (excluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number 172 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES-^orrtinued Form MC-37C - AIRCRAFT AND PARTS, AND COMPLETE GUIDED MISSILES Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 e a 3 Ll 7-1 (« 7-2 | 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materialB and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but leBS than So.OOO worth of the listed item-rr- (Enler an "X" in lAe box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered coBt (D) Millions Thou JDtf. tort (Sum of Lines 1-33 should be same as Item 5a) Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORCINGS, ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS PRODUCED IN THIS ES- TABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT Item (A) t ■■■■■:/■>■] Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment CASTINGS (Rough and semi- finished) Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy Copper and copper-base alloy Thousand pounds Thousanc pounds F0RGIN6S Iron and steel Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy Titanium and titanium-base alloy Thousand pounds ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 horsepower) Timing motors, synchronous and su Synchronous Fractional horsepower electric motors (excluding timing motors) 362115 8 N Integral horsepower moton and over) nd generators (1 horsepowe 174 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-37D - SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING AND REPAIRING Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 E C C Ll 7-1 mm I 7-, 7-, Census material code (6-1) Unit of for quantities IB-2) Consumption of pu received from otnc chased materials and of materials establishments of your company Materials, pans and supplies If JV000 ot more of the listed umed — If you consumed some but less than J5.000 worth of the listed item- fEnltr an "X" in Iht box) II) Quantity (CI Deliveret (D) cost Mil- IThou. lions 1 sands 000 | 000 000 XX 1 MIU SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons 1 * XX □ l 2 3 Sheet and strip 331012 S Short tons 1 1 XX D, Plates 331013 3 Short tons 1 s ! XX □ i 4 Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons 1 — i * XX D. 5 Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons 1 — i » XX D, 6 All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons H — • XX Di 7 Alloy stool (except stalnloss) 331020 8 Short tons XX □ i 8 Stainless steel 331031 5 Short jons i s XX Di 9 Copper and copper-base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds 1 » XX Di 10 Insulated wire and cable (Report cop- per content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds 1 1 » XX Di 11 Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds 1 * XX D, 12 Plate, sheet, and strip (including mili- tary cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 • i XX D, 13 Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 XX D, 14 Aluminum and aluminum- base olloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds 1 1 * XX D. IS Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 1 s XX D, 16 All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, pow- der, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 » 1 XX Di 17 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Steel 332300 3 Short tons 1 XX Di 18 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds 1 » XX D, 19 Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds $ 1 xx D, 20 ENGINES Diesel and semi-Diesel 351920 4 Number 1 s XX Di 21 Gasoline and other carburetor 351901 4 Number 1 XX Di 22 Integral horsepower motors and generators (1 hp. and over) 362120 8 Number 1 XX D, 23 Dressed lumber 242120 4 Thousand 1 s XX D, 24 243201 1 i » XX D, 25 Thermoplastic resins (cellulosics, polyethylenes, styrenes, etc. In- clude solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes) 282130 4 Thousand pounds dry basis i i t XX Di 26 Thermosetting resins (melamines. phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Include solid and liquid, but exclude sheets and other shapes) 282140 3 Thousand pounds dry basis i i i i I XX D, 27 Glass fiber (both textile type, bonded mat type, etc.) 322931 7 Thousand pounds i s XX D, 28 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (Lilt the three principal "All other materials, etc.." included in the 970099 8 jSMXw^ t 1 tIvt; XX £;££;. jX^$^XXX8Xn •:'■:■ 188888 ■yyy^yyM ■ i i XX » — ~«& 29 (Suit of Lines 1 -38 should be some as Item 5a) s i 1 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 175 Form MC-37D - SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING AND REPAIRING— Continued Sadion B-CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, ENGINES, AND INTEGRAL HORSEPOWER MOTORS AND GENERATORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT 2 Ll 7-1XXX W%$$ 7-5 Item I*) Census material 1 n,< „! Quantities produced jn [his establishment and consumed in mjnufjiturinjj other products made ,n this establishment I»l 1 2 3 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Steel 332300 S Short tons Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds 4 5 ENGINES Diesel and semi-Diesel 351920 4 Numbct Gasoline and other carburetor 351901 4 Number 6 Integral horsepower motors and gencrarors ( 1 hp and over) 362120 8 Number Form MC-37E - RAIL TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT, INCLUDINC TRACKLESS TROLLEYS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS a Ll 7-1 XX&X& 7-2 | 7-3 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,00u worth of the listed item — [Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) MUUons Tbou- Dol- l*r» i'.iiu 000 III III 000 XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons $ XX □ 1 Plates 331013 3 Short tons $ XX □ I Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons s XX □ 1 Wire and svire products 331017 4 Short tons * XX D i Ml other carbon steel mill shapes and forma 331019 O Short tons $ XX a i Alloy steel (except stainless) 331020 s Short tons s XX a i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons $ XX a i Copper and copper- base alloy Bare svire (for electrical conduction only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds $ XX D i Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds $ XX D i Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 315102 Thousand pounds $ XX D . Plate, sheet, and strip (including military cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds % XX D i a . Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds s ! XX 176 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-37E - RAIL TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING TRACKLESS TROLLEYS— Continued Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS— Continued B a 3 Ll 7-1 WW 7-2 ] 7-3 | 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts, and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — {Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) miui««.|2S£- IXfr- 0^ 000 1 000 000 XX is 16 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS)— CONTINUED Aluminum and alumi- num-base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds $ XX a i 17 Pig iron (exclude silvery iron) 331051 3 Short tons $ XX a i 18 Iron and steel scrap (exclude home scrap) 999811 3 Short tons $ XX □ i 19 20 21 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 33201 1 e Short tons s XX □ i Steel 332300 3 Short tons $ XX a i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds $ XX D i 22 Iron and steel forgings 339100 Short tons $ XX □ i 23 Diesel and semi-Diesel engines 351920 4 Number $ XX a i 2J Integral horsepower electric motors and generators (1 hp. and over) 362120 8 Number $ XX a i 25 26 BEARINGS Ball 356218 8 ^^^S$$S6^$$^S s XX □ i Roller 356228 7 !>.\\\vC ,%\v"\v"'X\<* $ XX a i ■frw.M V.\\\',\\\\v2 27 fnnmimnH (List the three principal "Ail other materials, etc., ' included in the above.) 970099 8 gll&g §1111 $ vywvws vvgvvvJs XX a i 2S TOTA (Sum i i » XX of Lines 1-27 should be same as Item 5a) s eclion B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS, ENG IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMEE ESTABLISHMENT INES, A IN M AN ELECTR] UFACTUF CAL MOTORS A tlNG OTHER I ND GENE! >RODUCTS :atc M RS ADI PRODUCED - IN THIS 1 1 c 1 ll 7-1XXX >^xxxx> 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (F) 2 3 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 33201 1 6 Short tons Steel 332300 3 Short tona Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds 4 Iron and steel forgings 339100 O Short tons 5 Diesel and semi-Diesel engines 351920 4 Number 6 Integral horsepower electric motors and generators (1 hp. and over) 362120 8 Number LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 177 Form MC-37F - MOTORCYCLES , BICYCLES, AND MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED PROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 £ a a 1 Ll 7-1 £££&£ 7-2 7 3 ! 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purohased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Material*, parts, and supplies (A) If 86,000 or more of the listed item was consumed — 1 If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item — (rJnfcr an "JT" in thr box) (E) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (D) MUlksu Tbou- ft 000 000 OOtt- XX 1 2 8 i 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MILL ram (EXCEPT USTUKS) Cartaa Still Bars and bar shapes 381011 7 Short tons * XX □ 1 Sheet and strip 331012 S Short tons I XX D i Plate* 331013 3 Short tons $ XX □ . Struct ural shapes 3311) U> 8 Short tons $ XX a i Wine and wire products 331017 4 Short ton* s XX a i All other carbon ateel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons $ XX □ i Alloj SMI (except stainless) 331020 8 Short tons $ XX □ . Stainless steel 331031 S Short tons $ XX a i Cooper nil copner- MM Ktay Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 325728 2 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Insulated wire and cable (Report copper content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds $ XX a . Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, including extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds $ XX a i Plate, sheet, and strip, including military cups aod discs 335123 Thousand pounds s XX a i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds 1 XX a i U 13 16 MILL SHAPES AIM FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINCS)— CoatiMed AlnHirMIOl and aluminiim- bm Ay Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds $ XX D i Extruded shapes, including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc. 335205 1 Thousand pounds s XX □ i All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 I Thousand pounds $ XX a . 17 Steel castings (rough and semifinished) 332300 3 Short tons I XX a i IS 19 20 21 Iron and steel f BORINGS All other mater consumed— (Lul the thret pi orgings Ball Roller lals and components, parts, containers, and supplies intipal "AU other materials, etc," included in the aoove.) 339100 356218 356228 970099 () e 7 8 Short tons 8^»sSd«« $ $ s XX XX XX XX □ i D i a i 22 (Sum o( Lines 1-21 should be same as Item 5a) Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS AND FORGIN( MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE ;s pro IN THIS )( ( ! E yyyy.'"'".' :ed in stablisf I"HIS ESTABLIS IMENT $ HME1> v.v IT Al *JD XX COP :v;v.v,v.v v.Vw.v. ISUMED IN I B 3 a a 3 Ll 7-1XXX ywx® 7-5 Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in t,his establishment (F) 1 Steel castings (rough and semifinished) 332300 8 Short tons 2 Iron and steel foreines 339100 Short tons 178 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-37G - TRAILER COACHES (HOUSE TRAILERS) Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 z s Ll 7-1 :&&&» 7-2 1 7-t | 7-4 Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (*) If $5,000 or more of the listed item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than J5.000 worth of the listed item— (Enter an" X" in the box J m Quantity Delivered cost (D) Mil- I Thou Dol- lar* Cents 000 j 000 000 XX l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (Except castings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons XX D> Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons XX □ i Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons XX D, All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short tons XX D. Alloy •fool (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons XX □ i All other alloy steel mill shapes and forms 331029 9 Short tons XX □ i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons XX Di Copper and copper- base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction : only) 335728 2 Thousand pounds XX □ i Insulated wire and cable (Report cop- per content in Column (C)) 335790 2 Thousand pounds XX □ , Rod, bar, and mechanical wire, includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds XX D> Plate, sheet, and strip, including mili- tary cups and discs 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX □ , Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX □ > 13 14 15 Aluminum and aluminum- base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds XX □ , Extruded shapes (including extruded rod, bar, pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds XX D, All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, pow- der, welded tubing, etc.) 335209 3 Thousand pounds xx □ . 16 17 CASTINGS (Rough and semi- finished) Steel 332300 3 Short tons XX D, Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds S XX □ , 18 19 BEARINGS Ball 356218 8 XX □ i % Roller 356228 7 C ' - '. ";: >-.-.■. ■■■.-. ■■■.■.•/) s XX ■ D> 20 Plywood 243201 1 «sw ■yyyyyyyyyyt: <™y/y//ys,W 7-S Item (A) Census material code Unit of for quantities (»-2| Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment 1 2 CASTINGS (Rough and semi- finished) Steel 332300 3 Short tons Aluminum and aluminum base-alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-38A - INSTRUMENTS 179 Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 J Ll 7-1 ■:■:-:■:■:•:■ 7-2 7-* 7-i Census malenal code ,■-■1 Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies l») If $V0O0 or more of the luted item was consumed— If you consumed some but less than $5,000 «onh of the listed item- (Enlir an "X" M Ihi hex J (i) Quamiey (C) Delivered cost M.I Thou UA 000 000 000 «? i 2 1 4 S 6 7 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (Except costings) Carbon steel Bars and bar shapes 331011 7 Short tons , XX XX Di Sheet and strip 331012 5 Short tons D, Plates 331013 3 Short tons XX D, Structural shapes 331015 8 Short tons XX D> Wire and wire products 331017 4 Short tons XX □ , All other carbon steel mill shapes and forms 331019 Short toni XX □ ■ Alloy steel (except stainless) Bars and bar shapes 331021 6 Short tons XX □ . All other alloy steel mill shapes ano forms 331029 9 Short tons XX □ , Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons XX n , Capper and coppei -base alloy Bare wire (for electrical conduction only) 33S72I 2 Thousand pounds XX □ . Insulated wire and cable (Report cop- per content in column C) 335790 2 Thousand pounds XX □ i Rod. bar. and mechanical wire, includ- ing extruded and/or drawn shapes 335102 Thousand pounds XX] Di Plate, sheet, and strip (including mili- tary cups and discs) 335123 6 Thousand pounds XX □ i Pipe and tube 335127 7 Thousand pounds XX Di 15 16 17 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy Sheet, plate and foil 335202 8 Thousand pounds t XX a, Extruded shapes (including ex- truded rod, bar. pipe, tube, etc.) 335205 1 Thousand pounds , XX Di All other aluminum mill shapes and forms (wire, rolled rod and bar, powder, welded tubing, etc. ) 335209 3 Thousand pounds XX □ . 18 19 20 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Steel 332300 3 Short tons , XX a, Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds XX a, Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds XX Di 21 22 FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC MOTORS (UNDER 1 H.P.) BEARINGS Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number XX a, Other fractional horsepower electric motors (exclud- ing timing motors) 362115 a Number XX □ , 23 24 Ball Roller 356218 356228 8 7 XX XX Di a, 25 Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousand units XX □ , 26 Solid state semiconductor! 367408 2 Thousand unifs XX Di 27 Silicon, hyper pure 281995 1 Kilograms XX a. 28 Germanium 335605 2 XX Di 29 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the thrtl principal All other maleriall, etc., included in the above.) 970099 8 ■-. XX j>^'-: ; >;': >: .v' If $5,000 or more of the listed If you consumed than $V0O0 worth of the listed item— (Bnttr an "X" in the box J id Quantity (C) Delivered cost (O) Mil. 1 Thou Dol- lar! .„,« 000 j OOO 000 XX 15 16 17 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS (EXCEPT CASTINGS)- Continued Titanium and titanium-base alloy 335601 1 Pounds s XX □ i Magnesium and magnesium- base alloys Powder 339912 8 Short tons J XX D. All other shapes and forms 335604 5 Short i XX Di 18 19 20 21 CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short tons $ XX □ i Steel 332300 3 Short t XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base allov 336100 3 Thousand pounds t XX □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand rounds s XX D, 22 23 FORGINGS Iron and steel 339100 Short tons J IXX D, Titanium and titanium-base alloy 335601 I Pounds J XX □ i 24 25 FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC MOTORS (Under 1 hp.) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number s XX G, Other fractional horsepower electric motors (excluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number s XX □ i 26 27 BEARINGS n Ball Roller 356228 7 ^~v:.x. ■:■:■■:■' s AX XX □ ■ 28 consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.." included in the above.) 970099 8 XX ■■■>V'.|.'V-.-vr-T* : : 29 TOTAL ►- (Sum of Lines 1-28 should be some OS Item 5a) s XX s ection B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FORGINGS, AND FRACTIONAL HO IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLI RSEP0WER SHMENT EL! CTRIC MOT DRS PRODUCED IN 1 HIS ESTABLIS HMEN T A iD CONSUMED 6 Z \j_ 7-1 XXX ^m$& 7-5 Item (A| Census material code (B-l) Unu of (rs-a) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufactuting other producrs made in this establishment (') CASTINGS (ROUGH AND SEMI- FINISHED) Iron (gray and malleable) 332011 6 Short Steel 332300 3 Short Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 336100 3 Thousand pounds Copper and copper-base alloy 336200 1 Thousand pounds FORGINGS Iron and steel 339100 Short tons Titanium and ticamum-base alloy 335601 1 Thousand pounds FRACTIONAL 7 HORSEPOWER Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number 8 ELECTRIC MOTORS (Under 1 hp.) Other fractional horsepower electric motors (excluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number 182 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-38C - SURGICAL, MEDICAL, ORTHOPEDIC, AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES Form M3-38D - PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS E Li 7-1 ffi» 7-2 | 7-3 | 7-4 Census matenal code (B-l| Unit of for quantities (B-2) received from other esublishmcnts of your lompam Materials parts anJ suppliers (A) If SV000 or more of (he listed item was consumed - II' vou consumed some but less than SV000 *otth of the listed item (Ellin .,„ X in ll„ ho\/ (E> Quamin Delivered cosr Mil- 1 Thou &■ >TH_ 000 | 000 000 XX 1 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS Carbon steel 331001 8 Short tons 1 1 , 1 • 1 XX Di Alloy steel, except stainless 331020 8 Short tons 1 1 1 1 * XX □ i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons , 1 ♦ 1 XX □ i Copper and coppet-base alloy 335003 Thousand pounds 1 I 1 1 i XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 335208 5 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 1 XX D< Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy refinery shapes" 333401 8 Short tons 1 , 1 • 1 XX □ i Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings , 336100 3 Thousand pounds 1 1 1 t XX □ i Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 h.p.): Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number of 1 1 1 t 1 XX □ i Other fractional horsepower motors, excluding timing motors 342115 8 Number of units 1 1 1 , 1 * 1 XX D, 10 Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousands * XX □ . ,, Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousands 1 1 1 . 1 • 1 XX □ . LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 183 Form MC-38D - PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES— Continued Section A-CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS-Continued 1 E c \_L 7-1 Z%899$< 7-2 7-) | 7-4 Materials, parts and supplies Census material code Unit of for quantities («-2| Consumption of purchased materials and of marenals received from orhcr establishments ol your company If $5,000 or more ot rhc listed item was cc.ncumc-.l- If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item- (&rl,r „n X in Ihi toe; (II Quantity |C| Delivered cost ID) Mil- JThou Ool- emu 000 | 000 ooo XX 12 Silicon, hyper pure 281995 1 Kilograms > XX □ , 13 Germanium 335605 2 Pounds t XX D, 14 Silver nitrate 281997 7 Thousand S XX D, 15 Photographic and projection lens and prisms 383101 3 1 XX D, 16 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above) 970099 8 » XX '^W: xX w$>> ^xl:-;-: 17 TOTAL ► (Sum of Linos 1-16 should be tarn* as Item 5a) **. s XX Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS, FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER MOTORS, PRODUCT ELEC S Mr IRON TUBES iDE IN THIS AND SOLID STAT ESTABLISHMENT ■ SEMIC0NDU CT0RS PR( )DUCED IN E 3 L^ 7-1XXX $m& 7-5 Item {») Census material code Unit of for quanrices Quantities produced in rhis establishment and consumed in manufacturing orher products made in this establishment (f| 1 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings 334100 3 Thousand pounds 2 Fractional horsepower electric motors (under I h.p.) Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 3*2110 9 Number of 3 Other fractional horsepower motors 362115 8 Number of 4 Electron tubes, except X-ray 367010 6 Thousands 5 Solid state semiconductors 367408 2 Thousands 184 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-38E - CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND WATCHCASES Section A-COHSUMPTION-OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 2 I \J_ 7-1 «XX<^ 7-2 7-3 | 7-4 Census material code Unit of for quantities (B-2> Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parts and supplies (A) If J5.000 or more of the listed item was consumed — If you consumed some but less than 15,000 worth of the listed item- f Enter an " X" in the box) IE) Quantity (C) Delivered cost (Thousand dollars) ID) 1 2 FRAaiONAL HORSE- POWER ELECTRIC MOTORS Under 1 hp Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number t □ > Other fractional horsepower electric motors (excluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number s □ > 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WATCH CASES Men's wristwatch cases Karat gold and platinum 387200 9 Number i □ > Gold filled 387201 7 Number t □ > Rolled gold plate and sterling silver (including rolled gold plate with steel back) 387202 5 Number t □ ' Other metals 387203 3 Number $ □ « Women's wristwatch cases Karat gold and platinum 387204 1 Number t □ > Gold filled 387205 8 Number t D' Rolled gold plate and sterling silver (including rolled gold plate with steel back) 387206 i Number $ Di Other metals 387207 4 Number s □ i 11 Pocket and other watchcases (all qualities) 387208 2 Number $ Di 12 Imported watch movements 387209 Number s Di 13 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies con- sumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) 970099 8 s ggg§||||j 14 TOTAL *~ (Sum of Lines 1-13 should be some as Item 5a) Section B-C0NSUMPTION OF ELECTRIC MOTORS AND WATCHCASES PRODUCI MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT xxxWx D IN THIS EST ABLISHMEN r AND CONSUMED It $ 1 MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS 1 Item (A) 7 7-1XXX $mm 7-5 Census material code (B-l| Unit of for quantities (B-2> Quan ities produced in this establishment and ned in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (') 1 FRAaiONAL HORSE- POWER EUCTRK MOTORS Under 1 h.p. Timing motors, synchronous and subsynchronous 362110 9 Number Other fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 h.p.) (ex- cluding timing motors) 362115 8 Number 10 WATCH- CASES Men's wrist- watch casas Karat gold and platinum 387200 9 Number Gold filled 387201 7 Number Rolled gold plate and sterling silver (including rolled gold plate with steel back) 387202 5 Number Other metals 387203 3 Number Women's wrist- watch cases Karat gold and platinum 387204 1 Number Gold filled 387205 8 Number Rolled gold plate and sterling silver (including rolled gold plate with steel back) 387206 6 Number Other metals 387207 * Number 11 Pocket and other watchcases (all qualities) 387208 2 Number LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 185 Form MC-39B - SILVERWARE AND PLATED WARE Section B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT Item (A) Census material code Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed i manufacturing other products made in this estabhshmeni CASTINGS (rough and semi- finished) Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy Copper and copper-base alloy Thousand pounds Thousand pounds 186 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued ^orm MC-39D - TOYS AND GAMES, DOLLS, AND CHILDREN'S VEHICLES, EXCEPT BICYCLES Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS Materials, parts and supplic liaai'fl materials and of materials sstabllBhrocnts of your company Qnantit Delivered cost (D) mm™ 23! If you con- sumed some but less than 55,000 worth of the listed item— (Enter an "A"' in Ihe box) (E) MILL SHAPES AND FORMS Carbon steel Alloy steel Stainless steel Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy Copper and copper-base alloy XX D xx □ XX □ Thousand pounds XX □ Thousand pounds □ Thermoplastic resins including modified resins. (Report resin content of vinyls and dry basis for ccllulosics, polyethylcnes, styrcnes, etc.; include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other shapes.) Thousam pounds XX □ Thermosetting resins (melamincs, pmnolics, polyesters, ureas, etc.; report on dry basis; include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes and other shapes). pounds □ Broadwoven fabrics (cotton, wool, XX D Leather, finished XX □ Paperboard containers and boxes XX □ Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) (excluding tin motors). (Report in Item 17B motors produced and incorporated manufactured products.) □ ;;;: : :;: : ;;: ; : : : : :j All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed . (List the three principal "All other materials, etc." included in the above.) WVWVK WvY m TOTAL — —— — — (Sam of Lines 1-12 should be I «#£: XX Section B— CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRIC MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT Item (A) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed iti manufacturing: other products made in this establishment 1 Fractional horsepower electric motors {under 1 hp.) 362115 8 N iii,,l *Code changed in computer to 333122. LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 187 Form MC-39E - SPORTING AND ATHLETIC GOODS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEIVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS ! a 3 l» 7-1 ;.;.;,-,.;.; 7 J 7 .1 7 1 Census material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from otlier establishments of your coiiipauy Materials, part* and supplies (A) lf $5,000 or more of the listed item w consumed — If you consumed some but less than $5,001) worth of the listed Item — {Enter an "A" in the box) m Quantity «') Delivered cost (D) Million. t Tbou ' i lllllOM atnia 0UII (Hill Dal m (UK) XX 1 2 3 4 5 MILL SHAPES AND FORMS Carbon steel 331001 8 Short tons $ XX a i Alloy steel 131020 8 Short tons s ! XX □ i Stainless steel 331031 5 Short tons * XX □ ■ Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 335208 5 Thousand pounds i $ XX □ i Copper and copper-baae alloy 335003 Thousand 1 ids .? XX □ i 6 Thermoplastic resins, including modi6ed resins. (Report resin content of vinyls and dry basis for cellulosics, polyctbylenes, styrenes, etc. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes, and other shapes.) 282130 J 4 Thousand .pounds i $ XX □ i 7 Thermosetting resins. (Melamines, phenolics, polyesters, ureas, etc. Report on dry basis. Include granules, pellets, powder, liquid, etc., and exclude sheets, rods, tubes and other shapes.) 282140 3 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i 8 ' Broadwoven fabrics (cotton, wool, man-made fiber fabrics, etc.) 220123 4 Thousand lin. yds. $ XX □ i 9 | Leather, finished 311100 i 2 Thousand pounds $ XX □ i 10 Paperboard containers and boxes 265011 i 7 >0< :.V.'.V.".V,-.V. s XX □ i xw8888«$S§ Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp.) (excluding timing 11 motors) 362115 8 Number $ XX D i 11 All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies 970099 1 8 $ XX (List the three principal "all other materials, etc.," included in the above.) ill $ 1 ' XX '» (Sam of Lilies 1-12 should be same as Item 5a) Section B— CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRIC MOTORS PRODUCED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN MANUFAC- TURING OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT £ a - Ll 7 I X X X 5«XS» 7 ,:» Item (A) Census material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced iu thin establishment aud consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment (>o i Fractional horsepower electric motors (under 1 hp) (exclude timing motors) 362115 8 Number 188 LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION IV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued Form MC-39H - BUTTONS, NEEDLES, PINS, FASTENERS, AND SIMILAR NOTIONS Materials, parts and supplies Census code measure for quantities Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company If $5,000 or more of the listed Quantity Delivered c Qor* If you consumed some but less than $5,000 worth of the listed item- (Enter an " X" the box) XX Mill shapes and forms Carbon steel XX □ Alloy steel 331020 XX a Stainless steel □ Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy 335208 1.000 pounds .M- □ i Copper and copper-base alloy 335003 1,000 pounds XX □ > All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies consumed (List the three principal "All other materials, etc.," included in the above.) LIST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED - 1963 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES SECTION TV - MATERIAL INQUIRIES ON THE 1963 CENSUS SCHEDULES— Continued 189 Form MC-39J - CHEMICAL FIRE-EXTINGUISHING EQUIPMENT, COIN-OPERATED AMUSEMENT MACHINES, MANUFACTURES AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS Section A— CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS PURCHASED OR RECEtVED FROM OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS 1 3 Ll 7 I W&& 7-2 7 :i 7 1 COHSUI material code (B-l) Unit of for quantities (B-2) Consumption of purchased materials and of materials received from other establishments of your company Materials, parti and supplies (A) If $5,000 or more of the listed item wan consumed — If you consumed some but leas than $5,000 worth of the listed item — [Enter an "X" in the box) (E) Quantity (O Delivered cost .;.■' '■''■//x'-y'- ■■■■■■}■■:■ 8 v..v.', i-v ■ ■ \ -_vv $ XX . ,.",'.",*.". .". (Sum or Lines 1-7 should be same as Item 5a) <■ ' '.Vlt^'-V' 1 ?:': vX'Xvl'iv! s ecteon B— CONSUMPTION OF CASTINGS PRODUCED IN OTHER PRODUCTS MADE IN THIS ESTABLISH!* THIS ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSUMED IN IENT MANUFACTURING 1 Item (A) ' 7 l\ \\ <99%®X 7-5 1 VllMI- material code (B-l) Unit of measure for quantities (B-2) Quantities produced in this establishment and consumed in manufacturing other products made in this establishment