Federal Quality Institute's Information Network Catalog of Federal TQM Documents MAY 1991 ^| OBK- INFO^ PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY JUNO 6 1991 . DOCUMENTS CC_ i^^ U.S. Depositary Cffip^ 4* ION NO»r ^PENNSYLVANIA STfcT UNIVERSITY JL Federal Quality Institute Information Network P.O. Box 99 Washington, DC 20044-0099 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Technology Administration National Technical Information Service Federal Quality Institute's (FQI) Information Network An Overview of FQI The Federal Quality Institute was established in June 1988. Its mission is to promote and facilitate the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) throughout the Federal government. TQM has proven to be an excellent strategy for organizations that want to improve the quality of then- services. As President Bush has stated, "the improvement of quality in products and the improvement of quality in service — these are national priorities as never before." To accomplish its mission, the FQI provides services in five major areas: • Technical assistance • Awareness briefings and seminars • Research and publications • Leadership, guidance, and coordination • Information and referrals FQI Information Network As part of FQI's efforts to promote the principles and practices of TQM, and to provide information services to as many Federal employees as possible, the Federal Quality Institute has established an Information Network. This network includes: • A centralized database of case studies, articles, and handbooks focusing on the practical application of TQM in government. • An electronic bulletin board providing timely and easily accessible information on quality efforts to all govern- ment organizations. • An Information Center located at the FQI, providing referrals and information on TQM from its collection of articles, books and video- tapes. • Plans to promote the estab- lishment of similar TQM Information Centers located at: (a) OPM's Federal Executive Institute (FED and Executive Seminar Centers (b) Agency headquarters, regional, and field locations, as needed. For more information about the Federal Quality Institute's Information Network or to place your office on the mailing list to receive this catalog, call the FQI Information Center at (202) 376-3753, FTS 376-3753, or FAX (202) 376-3765. Document Sources Documents in this catalog are available from three sources: • Large, pre-printed documents (i.e., the Federal TQM Handbook series) are available from GPO • Mid-size documents are available from NTIS (covers most documents in this catalog) • 1- to 2-page documents are available from FQI Each document description lists its ordering source and any charges. Although there is no charge for the small documents from FQI, NTIS and GPO charge for all documents ordered through them. ■:■:■■-■ - Federal Total Quality Management Documents Through daily contact with our agency customers, the FQI has become aware of an intense demand for practical, "real life" examples of ways the government is implementing TQM practices. FQI has worked in close partner- ship with NTIS to create a data- base of Federal TQM documents. This semi-annual catalog contains a bibliographic listing of all TQM documents in the NTIS Bibliographic Database. This document complements direct access to the database and periodic notification of new holdings through FQI's electronic bulletin board. EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT & TEAMWORK Includes Union Agreements, Team Formatbn and Operation, Work Redesign, Improvement Teams, Revitalized Suggestion Systems, Networks Annotated Reading List for Concurrent Engineering Final Report Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexan- dria, VA.; Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexan- dria, VA. Pennell, J. P.; Slusarczuk, M. G. Jul 89 58p Order number: AD-A213 550/7CCL $17 The purpose of IDA Document D-571 is to provide an annotated bibliogra- phy on concurrent engineering. This document is intended to help the reader who is unfamiliar with concur- rent engineering understand the several fields of study involved and also to allow those who are experts in some narrower subject gain an appreciation for work in related topics. Empowerment: A Strategy for Increased Quality in Air Force Logistics Command Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Krimmer, M. J. Sep 89 133p Order number: AD-A215 372/4CCL $23 The purpose of this thesis was to develop both an analytical model describing and an instrument to Contents Employee empowerment & teamwork 1 Union Agreements, Team Formation and Operation, Work Redesign, Improvement Teams, Revitalized Suggestion Systems, Networks Employee recognition 2 General, TQM Newsletters, Contractor Recognition Employee training 2 Training Courses: Quality Aware- ness, Problem Solving, Tools & Techniques, Facilitator Training, Executive Training, Manager and Supervisory Training, Teamwork Training; How to do a Needs Analysis; Training Plans and Strategies Focus on the customer 5 Customer Surveys (instruments only - no data), Information on Other Methods (e.g. focus groups), "Partnership" Relationships With Suppliers ( Implementation (General) 5 TQM Self-assessment Models, Managing Change, Removing Barriers, Guides, Manuals, Hand- books, Cultural/Climate Surveys, Suggested Site Visits Measurement & analysis 1 1 Quality Measures, Cost of Quality, Efficiency Measures, Effectiveness Measures, Timeliness Measures, Issues in Measuring, Types of Analytical Tools/Techniques Performance management 13 Awards; TQM Performance Elements in Executives' Appraisals; Team-based Recognition: Awards, Gainsharing, Other Incentive Programs; Perfor- mance Appraisals: Examples of Elements and Standards, Examples of Executive Elements and Standards Quality assurance 14 Contractor Certification Programs, Methods for Designing Quality Products/Services, Methods for Controlling Processes, Methods for Ensuring Compatibility/Standard- ization Strategic planning 1 7 Strategic Plans (agency level), Business Plans (division/office level) TQM management support 24 Directives, Material Demonstrating Support (e.g., memos, proclama- tions), Support Structures (e.g., Quality Councils, Boards, Teams), Vision Statements and Guiding Principles Case studies of TQM in Federal agencies 25 Should be considered under all categories, and should include "lessons learned" Employee Empowerment & Teamwork measure the behavioral construct of empowerment. The importance of such a model and an instrument to measure this construct, is evident in AFLC's Quality Initiative and in the more widespread perception that American management must change dramatically to regain the favorable reputation American products and services once enjoyed. The study provides a brief background on the concepts of self- efficacy and empowerment, detailing their evolution in the psychological and managerial literature. Next follows a proposed model of the empower- ment process and an instrument to test the model and measure levels of empowerment among a firm's employ- ees. A discussion of the reliability and validity of both the instrument and the model follows, with attendant analysis of results and conclusions. The study closes with recommended managerial actions to further increase empower- ment among an organization's employ- ees. Keywords: TQM, Total quality management. IRS/NTEU Joint Quality Improvement Process Quality Management (Final) National Treasury Employees Union, Washington, DC. 27 Oct 87 22p Order number: PB91-155077CCL $15 Portions of this document are not fully legible. The report contains the labor/manage- ment agreement adopted to jointly implement the quality improvement process in the Internal Revenue Service. The agreement, with addenda, specifies the roles and responsibilities of each of the parties in an approach which is different from the traditional bargaining over the impact and implementation of personnel policies and practices. Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Labor and Local 12, AFGE: Quality of Work Life in Department of Labor Quality Management Department of Labor, Washington, DC. 1987 8p Order number: PB91-154856CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. The report is a copy of an agreement between the Department of Labor and the American Federation of Govern- ment Employees Union, Local 12 to establish a Quality of Work Life (QWL) program at the Labor Department. EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Includes General, TQM Newsletters, Contractor Recognition Quality Digest: A Total Quality Management Newsletter of the Office of Disability and International Operations, Social Security Administration Quality Management Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD. Office of Disability and International Operations. Dec 90 26p Order number: PB91-154880CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. Copy of a newsletter, Quality Digest, published by the Office of Disability and International Operations (ODIO) on Total Quality Management (TQM). Quality Times: A Total Quality Management Newsletter of the U.S. International Trade Commission Quality Management International Trade Commission, Washington, DC. Dec 90 lOp Order number: PB91-154872CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. The report is the inaugural issue of the Qual ity Times, a quarterly newsletter for spreading the Total Quality Management (TQM) message through- out the Offices of Administration and the Secretary of the International Trade Commission. A cover letter containing a vision statement and a list of pilot process improvement projects is attached. EMPLOYEE TRAINING IncludesTraining Courses: Quality Awareness, Problem Solving, Tools & Techniques, Facilitator Training, Executive Training, Manager and Supervisory Training, Teamwork Training; How to do a Needs Analysis; Training Plans and Strategies Basic Training in TQM Analysis Techniques Quality Management Rome Air Development Center, Griff iss AFB, NY. Coppola, A. 1989 57p Order number: PB91-155507CCL $17 Contents: Process Flow Charting; Ishikawa Charts; Statistical Process Control; Control Charts; Range Charts; Controlling Proportions and Rates; Analyzing Data; and The Shewhart Cycle. Employee Training Briefing on the Center for Quality Education, Air Force Logistics Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Quality Management Air Force Logistics Command, Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. Tuttle, J. 1990 34p Order number: PB91-154955CCL $15 Hard copy of slides presented during a briefing on the Center for Quality Education, Air Force Logistics Com- mand, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The Center was designated as an agent of change for implementation of Total Quality Management within the Command and tenant organizations. Key issues covered are core curricu- lum, funding, personnel, instructor training, facilities, and the regional concept. Design of a Hypermedia-Based Educating System for the Construction of Knowledge Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Campelli, C. A. Sep 89 121p Order number: AD-A215 618/OCCL $23 This thesis proposes the design for an educating system which is robust to student variety. The design is founded on educational psychology, with quality principles playing a major role in establishing the design criteria. Since educating is a management-intensive activity, management cybernetics also play a key role in the design. The need for an effective educating system stems from ever-increasing requirements for learning. The Total Quality Manage- ment (TQM) program, a Department of Defense (DoD) initiative geared towards providing quality weapon systems, promises to be a learning- intensive endeavor. The Japanese have shown quality requires extensive training and continuous education. For a quality culture to take hold, all DoD members must be educated about quality. In addition, computer technol- ogy can play a major role in transform- ing the DoD. Before the computer can be used effectively, however, workers and managers must be made aware of the possible benefits, (jes) Education and Training Strategy for Total Quality Management in the Department of Defense Final Report Mar-Jun 89 Navy Personnel Research and Develop- ment Center, San Diego, CA. Greebler, C. S.; Suarez, J. G. Jul 89 56p Order number: AD-A211 942/8CCL $17 The purpose of this strategy is to provide broad guidelines for planning and coordinating a Total Quality Management (TQM) education and training for the Department of Defense (DoD) work force. The strategy is organized around short-, mid-, and long-range goals. It also describes resources available to DoD training developers and managers who will subsequently be responsible for TQM education and training of their own work forces. Included in this strategy is a description of the educational requirements for a TQM awareness program directed at senior-level and mid-level managers. A methodology for training development is also proposed, (sdw) Introduction to Quality Management: Selected Readings Navy Personnel Research and Develop- ment Center, San Diego, CA. Goldberg, E.; Hulton, V.; Konoske, P.; Monda, M. May 87 204p Order number: AD-A181 325/2CCL $31 This document is intended for the classroom as an aid in orienting managers at Navy logistics and maintenance establishments to the basic concepts of total quality manage- ment (TQM). Through the kind permission of a number of publishers, we have been able to reproduce here some key articles about TQM. It is not the intent of this technical note to provide a comprehensive study of quality management, but rather to aid in planning for an implementation of the Deming approach to TQM. Although the Navy aviation community chose the Deming approach to quality management, as reflected in the selected readings, other approaches are possible. The report is comprised of four parts. Section 1 consists of articles that present an overview of quality management, its background and general concepts. The sequence of articles was chosen to first present what quality management is, how it has been successfully implemented in Japan, and the impact of Japan's success on gaining the competitive edge. Once these philosophical matters have been explored, the implementa- tion strategies and practices are treated (Section 2). Section 3 reports on case studies of various organizations. Each article is preceded by a summary. Section 4 lists other relevant publica- tions produced by NPRDC. Navy Acquisition Streamlining Course and Instructor's Guide Office of Personnel Management, Washington, DC. Training Manage- ment Assistance Branch; Advanced Technology, Inc., Reston, VA. Jan 87 378p Order number: PB90-780255CCL $39 Portions of this document are not fully legible.; Sponsored by Office of Personnel Management, Washington, DC. Training Management Assistance Branch. # The Navy has developed a formal two- day training course designed to provide students with insights into streamlining through lectures, practical 'hands on' exercises, and case studies. There are three Navy Acquisition Streamlining course versions available one oriented toward technical func- tions, one toward contracts and financial functions and the third toward logistics functions. The first day of each course is similar and provides an introduction to streamlining, its principles and a methodology for their application. The second day of the technical logistics courses include case studies in the areas of acquisition and support strategies and technical requirements development. The second day of the contracts course is oriented toward streamlining the contractual vehicle and the contracting process, including statements of work, terms and clauses, contractual require- ments and business practices. All courses of instruct include a streamlin- Employee Training ing methodology and current ex- amples. In addition, these courses serve to introduce two other Navy initiatives for improving the acquisition process; Total Quality Management (TQM) and Computer-aided Acquisi- tion and Logistics Support (CALS). Participant Guide for Total Quality Managemen(TQM) Quantitative Methods Workshop Booz-AUen and Hamilton, Inc., Bethesda, MD. 30 May 90 520p Order number: AD-A225 736/8CCL $53 Contents: Module-(l)TQM Review; (2) Statistical Theory Review (3) Experi- mental Design and the Plan, Do, Check, Act Cycle, (4) Planning and Doing: Flow Charting and Cause and Effect Diagramming; (5) Checking and Acting: Check Sheets, Pareto Charts, Histograms, and Scatter Diagrams; and (6) Checking and Acting: Control Charts and Run Charts. Keywords: Management planning and control, Quality control, Quality, Management, (kr) Strategy for Educating the Department of Defense Acquisition Work Force in Total Quality Management Final Report Jun-Oct 88 Navy Personnel Research and Develop- ment Center, San Diego, CA. Greebler, C; Suarez, G. Apr 89 53p Order number: AD-A208 222/OCCL $17 The purpose of this strategy is to provide broad guidelines for planning and coordinating a Total Quality Management (TQM) education and training program for the DoD acquisi- tion work force. The strategy is organized around long-, mid-, and short-term goals. It also describes resources available to DoD training developers and managers who will subsequently be responsible for TQM education and training of their work force. Included in this strategy is a description of the educational require- ments for a TQM awareness program directed at senior-level managers and general managers. A methodology for training development is also proposed. Keywords: Quality, Deming, Acquisi- tion training, (sdw) Total Quality Management (TQM) Awareness Seminar Revision 8 Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc., Bethesda, MD. 18 Apr 90 236p Order number: AD-A225 212/OCCL $31 Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to: (1) Identify TQM as the vehicle for building and sustaining a culture committed to continuous improvement and for guiding the Department of Defense into the future; (2) Demonstrate an understanding of quality concepts; 0) Explain how TQM is different from current management methodologies; and (4) Recognize the need for additional TQM training and identify potential sources for TQM training. Total Quality Management (TQM) Implementers Workshop Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc., Bethesda, MD. 15 May 90 356p Order number: AD-A225 141/1CCL $39 Partial contents: Using TQM concepts and tools to implement TQM; The implementer's role; Top management commitment; Develop a vision; Establish infrastructures; Identify process improvement opportunities; Implement process action team recommendations; Evaluate and recycle; Training; Maintain momentum; Exercise — Individual action plan. Total Quality Management (TQM) Process Action Team Course Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc., Bethesda, MD. 30 May 90 550p Order number: AD-A225 197/3CCL $53 Contents: TQM Review; Process improvement model; Understanding quality improvement requirements; Learning the process; Generating and selecting solutions. Total Quality Management (TQM) Group Dynamics Workshop Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc., Bethesda, MD. 15 May 90 297p Order number: AD-A225 735/OCCL $31 Contents: Introduction - Course Logistics; Module 1 - Course Rationale, OSD Context, and Overview; Module 2 - Applying TQM Concepts to Group Dynamics; Module 3 - Group Dynam- ics Tasks and Stages Determining TQM Task Achievement; Module 4 - Methods for Maximizing TQM Group Participation; Appendix A - Selected Bibliography in TQM and Group Dynamics; Appendix B - Optional Overnight Assignment; Appendix C - Task-Process TQM Group Leadership, Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Self-Scoring Forms; and Appendix D - Core TQM Concepts. Keywords: Management planning and control, Quality control, Quality, Management, Quality management. (KR) TQM Tools and Stuff: The Indoctrination of Tyrone Newblood Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jun 90 57p Order number: AD-A225 208/8CCL $17 This booklet is essentially a reprint of the Rome Air Development Center's 'Basic Training in TQM Analysis Techniques'. Thanks to the kind permission of Mr. Anthony Coppola, the author of the booklet, the DLA TQM office has been able to make very minor changes to his work to put a 'logistics' flavor in this version . Partial contents: Process flow charting; Ishikawa charts; Statistical process control; Control charts; Range charts; Controlling proportions & rates; Analyzing data; and The Shewhart cycle. Implementation (General) FOCUS ON THE CUSTOMER Includes Customer Surveys (instruments only - no data), Information on Other Methods (e.g. focus groups), "Partnership" Relationships with Suppliers Achieving the Quality Difference: Making Customers Count Conference Proceedings President's Council on Management Improvement, Washington, DC. 2 Jun 89 87p Order number: AD-A219 171/6CCL $17 Presented at the Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Quality and Productivity Improvement (2nd) 31 May-2 Jun 89. Document is a synopsis of the second annual Conference on Quality and Productivity Improvement sponsored by the President's Council on Manage- ment and Budget. Agenda included speakers from government and private sector that addressed 12 panels on topics germane to promoting and managing quality improvement with particular emphasis on employees and customers. Additionally, 11 working panels reported out on various topics. The panels presented practical 'How To' advice in condensed form from people and organizations that have had success in implementing quality management programs. Total quality management; Quality; Productivity; TQM; Administration; Proceedings. Department of Commerce, Office of Export Licensing Customer Survey Quality Management Bureau of Export Administration, Washington, DC. Oct 90 5p Order number: PB91-155036CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. Customer survey instrument used by the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Export Administration, Office of Export Licensing. General Services Administration Survey of Client Agencies Quality Management (Survey) General Services Administration, Washington, DC. Aug 88 I4p Order number: PB91-155051CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. The report is a client agency survey instrument used to obtain perceptions of services provided. The questionnaire is divided into the following sections: Background; Workspace; Cleaning; Building Services; Mechanical Mainte- nance; Safety and Environmental Management; Personnel Services; Real Estate; and Delegations. Phase 2: Plan for Improvement 1991-1992. Focus on Our Customer Quality Management (Final) Postal Service, Washington, DC. 1990 21p Order number: PB91-155143CCL $15 Second phase of the plan of the Procurement and Supply Department (P&SD), U. S. Postal Service, for organizational improvement. The focus of Phase I was strengthening procure- ment and material management functions; Phase II will focus on Postal customers. Contents include: a review of Phase I; definition of P&SD cus- tomer; and a description of Phase II, - the structure of the plan, responsive- ness, service quality, and value added. U.S. Office of Personnel and Management Customer Survey Quality Management Office of Personnel Management, Washington, DC. 1991 6p Order number: PB91-155044CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. The report is a set of three generic survey instruments, one from the College Relations, Recruitment, and Information Services Division; another from the Office of Washington Training and Development Services; and a third which addresses applicant information. Veterans Benefit Administration Consumer Satisfaction Survey Quality Management Sep 89-Sep 90 (Final) Veterans Benefits Administration, Washington, DC. 25 Oct 89 39p Order number: PB91-153981CCL $15 The report is a survey designed to involve consumers in the process of identifying service needs and timeli- ness requirements of the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA). Information from the survey will be used to: assess levels of service quality; determine areas in which the consumer perceives that the VBA is providing only adequate or less than a high level of service quality; improve quality and timeliness in deficient areas; identify areas in which quality control tech- niques, training, operational adjustment or legislative initiatives are needed; and compare these data from year to year. IMPLEMENTATION (GENERAL) Includes TQM Self-assess/nent Models, Managing Change, Removing Barriers, Guides, Manuals, Handbooks, Cultural/ Climate Surveys, Suggested Site Visits Annual Technical Symposium (27th) on Challenges of the Nineties - Accomplishing More with Less Naval Sea Systems Command, Wash- ington, DC. 23 May 90 250p Order number: AD-A224 197/4CCL $31 Errata sheet inserted. Partial Contents: Ordnance Industrial and Facility Management; TQM As Applied To F-14 Depot Maintenance; Configuration Status Accounting Made Affordable; Performance and Special Trials - Why; Aircraft Carrier Service Life Extension Program; Design/ Maintenance Interface: A Key To Naval implementation (General) Shipyard Performance; Surface Ship Maintenance Division At NAVSEA; Taming The Tiger: NAVSEA's Reliabil- ity, Maintainability and Availability Analysis Program; The Navy's New Standard Digital Signal Processor - The AN/UYS-2; Ship Silencing; The Navy's Perspective On Insensitive Munitions; The Navy's Role In Satellite Based Transportation Tracking. Change, Risk Taking and Innovation Quality Management Department of the Interior, Washing- ton, DC; Bureau of Land Management, Washington, DC. Jones, G. C. 6 Sep 90 36p Order number: PB91-155085CCL $15 Sponsored by Department of the Interior, Washington, DC. The report is a hard copy of slides presented in a speech on quality entitled 'Change, Risk Taking and Innovation'. The areas covered include: leading change, resources/assets, major training problems, fundamentals found in excellent organizations, planning for change, and total quality management. Charts Describing the IRS Program Analysis System Quality Management Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC. 1991 Up Order number: PB91-155184CCL $15 Hard copy of vugraphs describing the Internal Revenue Service's Program Analysis System (PAS). The PAS is a computerized system for identifying errors, whether made by taxpayers or IRS employees; identifying trends; recommending corrective action; and assessing the effectiveness of the corrective action. Continuous Improvement Process: Principles and Practices Final Report Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Mansir, B. E.; Schacht, N. R. Jul 89 250p Order number: AD-A211 9H/3CCL $31 The Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) is a means by which an organiza- tion creates and sustains a culture of continuous improvement. The organi- zation deliberately seeks to create a positive and dynamic working environ- ment, foster teamwork, apply quantita- tive methods and analytical techniques, and tap the creativity and ingenuity of all its people. Collective effort is focused to better understand meet internal and external customer needs and to continuously increase customer satisfaction. Employing CIP in an organization can substantially improve the quality of its services or products, increase productivity,, and reduce costs across a broad spectrum of systems, products, and services. A few of the major companies that now use and proclaim their commitment to CIP- related management technologies are Phillips, Ford, Xerox, IBM, Hewlett- Packard, Toyota, Honda, Boeing, Chrysler, and Texas Instruments. In the public sector, DoD has instituted a continuous improvement initiative called Total Quality Management. These and other organizations that are committed to a continuous improve- ment philosophy report substantial improvements in quality, productivity, throughput, and employee morale, with significant reductions in cost, errors, leadtimes, waste, and customer complaints. The consensus among CIP- oriented companies is that these technologies are the key to their long- term competitiveness and survival. Keywords: Quality, Management, Improvement, TQM, Continuous improvement, Process improvement, (sdw) Criteria and Scoring Guidelines: The President's Award for Quality and Productivity Improvement, Federal Total Quality Management Handbook Quality Management (Technical) Federal Quality Inst., Washington, DC. Jun 90 36p Order number: PB91-154823CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from Supt. of Docs. Third of three booklets that comprise the Federal Total Quality Handbook. The President's Award for Quality and Productivity Improvement is given annually to an agency or major component of an agency that has implemented Total Quality Manage- ment (TQM) in an exemplary manner, and is providing high quality service to its customers. The booklet describes the criteria and scoring guidelines used to evaluate organizations. From the Pilot Test Philosophy to Total Quality Management: A Logical Progression; A Manager's Guide Quality Management (Final) Forest Service, Washington, DC. DeLaney, B. Mar 90 15p Order number: PB91-155168CCL $15 The report is a guide written to explore the relationship between the Forest Service's management philosophy of the National Pilot Test Initiative and Total Quality Management. Addition- ally, the guide presents some ideas and suggestions for building on past Forest Service successes, and on linking the above management approaches together. How to Get Started Appendix, Total Quality Management Handbook Quality Management (Technical) Federal Quality Inst., Washington, DC. Jun 90 44p Order number: PB91-154815CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from Supt. of Docs. See also PB91-154807. The report is the second of three booklets that comprise the Federal Total Quality Management Handbook. Implementation (General) The booklet has a section on the quality gurus (Deming, Juran, Crosby, and Feigenbaum), and a section entitled Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) Information: Requirements for Con- tracting Total Quality Management Implementation Services. How to Get Started Implementing Total Quality Management, Federal Total Quality Management Handbook Quality Management (Technical) Federal Quality Inst., Washington, DC. Jun 90 67p Order number: PB91-154807CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from Supt. of Docs. See also PB91-154815. The report is the first booklet of three that comprise the Federal Total Quality Management Handbook. The booklet addresses how to get started imple- menting total quality management (TQM), and includes sections on the first steps, organizing for TQM within an agency, deciding on the basic approach, conducting organizational assessments, developing an implemen- tation strategy, Federal experiences, and the quality gurus. The booklet is intended primarily for the customer who has a basic understanding of TQM, and has at least a tentative commitment to it. Let's Join the Quality Revolution Research Report Air War Coll., Maxwell AFB, AL. Ziegler, K. R.; Twilley, J. T. May 89 64p Order number: AD-A217 473/8CCL $17 A 'Quality Revolution 1 is occuring in American industry today prompted, primarily, but the necessity to remain competitive in the world marketplace. The Japanese have led the Quality Revolution by applying managerial and quality principles learned from Americans such as Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran and others. Although taught by these men, American managers did not generally begin applying their principles until the 1980s. In 1987 the Secretary of Defense published direction to all Services and Defense Agencies to begin applying the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) in their day-to-day operation. Within the LJSAF, the Air Force Logistics Command has vigorously applied TQM in all aspects of the command. However, very little application of TQM is evident in the other Air Force Commands. A sug- gested application of TQM principles is presented, aimed at the flightline maintenance activity throughout the Air Force. Managing Quality and Productivity In Aerospace and Defense Virginia Productivity Center, Blacks burg, VA. Nov 89 195p Order number: AD-A215 186/8CCL $11 Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, DC 20402. PC $15.00. Microfiche furnished to DTIC and NTIS users. This document has been designed to provide management teams and leaders in the aerospace and defense (A&D) contracting community with state-of-the-art and practice quality and productivity management concepts, theories, strategies, and techniques. The document is the product of a five- phase, six-year study funded by the DoD; a multi-disciplinary and diverse group of A&D contractors, academi- cians, military service acquisition elements of the DoD, and the Defense Systems Management College were involved. A simple, conceptual model around which the document is designed is used to facilitate under- standing of the quality and productivity management process. The document begins with challenges facing the A&D contractor community. Next, the importance of the need for visions of the organization of the future are discussed. The document then turns to an innovative and effective way to strategically plan for performance improvement. A conceptual overview of present, emerging, and future improvement strategies and techniques is presented; emphasis is placed on Total Quality Management, the management of participation, and gainsharing, Measurement theory, approaches, and techniques are presented. Reflections on continuous improvement and maintaining excel- lence end the document. An extensive listing of references and suggested readings are included to facilitate the reader's further study. Keywords: TQM, Total quality management, (kr) Organization Development: Concept, Process, and Applications in the Department of Defense Final Technical Paper Jun-Nov 88 Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, TX. Clark, H. J. Apr 89 22p Order number: AD-A208 246/9CCL $15 This paper describes the values, methodology, and effectiveness of Organization Development (OD), especially in the Department of Defense. General conditions for the success or failure of OD are discussed, and specific intervention techniques are reviewed. OD programs most likely to succeed focus on the whole organization, and are task-oriented, supported by top-level management, and based on the Team Building intervention technique. Applications of OD in the Air Force and the Army have been successful in short run, but have not been sustained because of declining management support and personnel turnover. Keywords: Management, Organization develop- ment, Quality control, Total quality management, (sdw) Participative Approaches to White-Collar Productivity Improvement Quality Management (Final) Bureau of Labor-Management Rela- tions and Cooperative Programs, Washington, DC; American Productiv- ity Center, Houston, TX. 1987 34p Order number: PB91-154989CCL $15 Sponsored by Bureau of Labor- Management Relations and Coopera- tive Programs, Washington, DC. The report describes a two-year effort to test an alternative approach to measuring and increasing white-collar productivity. The report contains a discussion of the methodology Implementation (General) involved in the alternative approach, case studies, a bibliography related to white-collar productivity improvement, a guide to audiovisual aids, and a list of organizations involved in white- collar productivity improvement. Proceedings of the Acquisition Research Symposium. Held in Washington, DC, October 1989 Defense Systems Management Coll., FortBelvoir, VA. Oct 89 522p Order number: AD-A214 344/4CCL $53 This report contains nearly seventy papers presented at the 1989 Acquisi- tion Research Symposium held in Washington, D.C. in October, 1989. Keywords: Project management; Pricing and cost estimating; Cost issues; Financial management and budgeting; Systems acquisition; Competition; Research and development; Automa- tion; Human resources; Warranties; Total quality management; Contracting; Acquisition process/methodology; Productivity; Commercial practices; Incentives. Program Manager: Journal of the Defense Systems Management College. Volume 18, Number 1, January-February 1989 Defense Systems Management Coll., FortBelvoir, VA. Clark, C. M.; Farria, E. M. Feb 89 48p Order number: AD-A205 782/6CCL $8 Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, DC 20402 PC $2.50. Microfiche furnished to DTIC and NTIS users. Contents: Could Cost Analysis: What Is It. How Should it be Done. Total Quality Management: A Powerful Solution to the Logistics Challenge, A Dire Future. MIT's National Model Predictions, Specifications and the Law: Undrained Swamps, Uncountable Alligators, Undiscerning Lawyers, DSMC Is Host to Army Acquisition Conference, National Space Policy: What Price Competition. Lead Before You Leap, DSMC Educational Initia- tives In International Armaments Cooperation, DSMC Studies Program Manager Competencies. Keywords: Defense systems, Systems manage- ment, Program management, Manage- ment planning and control, (sdw) Program Manager: Journal of the Defense Systems Management College. Volume 19, Number 1, January-February 1990 Bimonthly Report Defense Systems Management Coll., FortBelvoir, VA. Feb 90 34p Order number: AD-A217 659/2CCL $8 Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washing- ton, DC 20402. No copies furnished by DTIC/NTIS. Partial Contents: Systems engineering — The key to TQM (Total Quality Management); Program management the Air Force way; Are you Communi- cating effectively; Exposed — The real truth about estimating economic effects of competition; Total quality manage- ment reading list; Organizational communications. Keywords: Program management periodicals. (EDC) Program Manager: Journal of the Defense Systems Management College. Volume 19. Number 3 Defense Systems Management Coll., FortBelvoir, VA. Jun 90 50p Order number: AD-A223 726/1CCL $8 Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washing- ton, DC 20402, PC $2.50. Microfiche furnished to DTIC and NTIS users. Partial Contents: Contracting authority — Who needs it/Who wants it; Dabbling in the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) process; Is your SOW A Statement of Work Or Source of Woe; Program managers with the right stuff; Total quality management discussion guide; To testify or brief under adversity; and Non-commissioned officer's role in acquisition process. Keywords: Program management periodicals. (EDC) Quality at a Glance Defense Contract Administration Services Region, St. Louis, MO. Jan 90 33p Order number: AD-A217 297/1CCL $15 This document contains summaries of fifteen of the well known books which underlie the Total Quality Management philosophy. Members of the DCASR St Louis staff offer comments and opinions on how the authors have presented the quality concept in todays business environment. Keywords: TQM (Total Quality Management), Quality concepts, Statistical process control, (sdw) Quality Improvement Process Selskapetfor Industrie 11 og Teknisk Forskning, Trondheim (Norway). Div. of Production Engineering. Aune, A. Nov 89 I4p Order number: PB90-202987CCL $14 See also PB90- 167099.; Presented at the EFQM European Quality Manage- ment Forum, Montreux, Switzerland, October 19, 1989. The paper presents the Quality Improvement Process; how it is implemented and maintained, the biggest road blocks and some results. It emphasizes education and training activities, quality measurement, and how the improvement process fits into the Total Quality Management struc- ture. Quality of Working Life Process Quality Management (Final) Postal Service, Washington, DC. 1988 49p Order number: PB91-155135CCL $15 The handbook is developed by the U.S. Postal Service and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union to provide policy guidance in implementing a Quality Working Life (QWL) process at the Postal Service. The handbook includes QWL phases of development, structure, principles and policies, a discussion of the diffusion process, guidelines for the use of a readiness assessment survey which is used in determining QWL sites, and lessons learned from five pilot sites. Implementation (General) Total Quality Management 'How to' Manual. Organization, Duties, and Responsibilities Guide (Revision) Quality Management Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, NC 7 Oct 87 26p Order number: PB91-154088CCL $15 A total quality management (TQM) plan has been initiated at the Naval Aviation Depot. The manual was developed to describe the organiza- tional structure; detail the duties and responsibilities of each functional element within the organization; and, standardize the implementation of TQM. Total Quality Management (TQM) Bibliography Technical Report 1980- Apr 90 Shared Bibliographic Input; Redstone Scientific Information Center, Redstone Arsenal, AL. Knott, M.; Foreman, A.; Stewart, Y.; Sidick, R.; Price, B. Apr90 60p Order number: AD-A224 994/4CCL $17 Update to report dated Apr 89. The selected coverage includes books, periodical articles, conference papers and reports. Coded citations indicate items in the Redstone Scientific Information Center's collection. Interlibrary loan requests may be submitted. This is an updated edition of the original bibliography published April 1989- Periodic updates are planned. (Author). Total Quality Management Guide. A Guide to Implementation. Volume 1 Draft Report Advanced Technology, Inc., Reston, VA.; Office of Personnel Management, Washington, DC. Training Manage- ment Assistance Branch; Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Total Quality Management, Washington, DC. 1 Jan 90 106p Order number: PB90-185505CCL $23 See also PB89-181929-; Prepared in cooperation with Advanced Technol- ogy, Inc., Reston, VA. Sponsored by Office of Personnel Management, Washington, DC. Training Management Assistance Branch. DoD is giving top priority to imple- mentation of a Total Quality Manage- ment Approach as the vehicle for attaining continuous quality improve- ment in DoD operations. The guide supports the implementation of DoD Directive 5000.51 on Total Quality Management and is designed to provide a basic understanding of TQM. Executives and managers may find the guide to be particularly useful in this regard. The implementation of TQM in any organization must take into consideration such factors as the organization's unique product or service, culture, customers, level of knowledge, and experience. The guide, therefore, must be tailored to its specific application. The guide provides one approach, but others are possible. Innovative approaches are encouraged. Total Quality Management Guide. A Two Volume Guide for Defense Organizations. Volume 1. Key Features of the DOD Implementation Final draft Report Department of Defense, Washington, DC. 15 Feb 90 108p Order number: AD-A225 196/5CCL $23 This guide describes the key features of TQM and provides guidelines for implementing them. The contents of this guide are in accordance with DoD Directive 5000.51, which sets forth the policies and responsibilities for TQM implementation. Partial contents: (1) Total Quality Management strategy — Defines what TQM is and discusses some of the underlying precepts. (2) TQM Model — Presents a step-by-step approach for implementing TQM. (3) Tools and techniques of TQM — Describes some of the tools available to perform the steps of the TQM Model. (4) TQM related initiatives in systems acquisitions — Discusses some of the other DoD initiatives related to TQM. Total Quality Management Implementation: Selected Readings Navy Personnel Research and Develop- ment Center, San Diego, CA. Greebler, C. S.; Suarez, J. G. Apr 89 261 p Order number: AD-A208 155/2CCL $31 Total Quality Management (TQM) is both a philosophy and a set of guiding principles that represent the foundation of a continuously improving organiza- tion. By definition, TQM is the application of quantitative methods and human resources to improve (1) the materials and services supplied to an organization, (2) all the significant processes within an organization, and (3) the degree to which the needs of the customers are met, now and in the future. TQM was first applied in the Department of Defense (DoD) in the early 1980's in a few logistic field activities. In 1987, its use began to rapidly expand with the advent of support from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Production and Logistics (OASD (P&D) (TQM/ IPQ). TQM is now one of DoD's primary initiatives. In 1988, in response to the publication of a Department of Defense statement entitled DoD Posture on Quality, managers began to ask for information and examples of TQM implementation. To meet that request, OASD (P&L) asked the Organizational Systems Department of the Navy Personnel Research and Development Center to prepare a compilation of readings and case studies to assist managers in imple- menting TQM. For ease of presenta- tion, the various articles have been organized into four sections: Manage- ment and Leadership Focus (Section 1), Guidelines for the Development of TQM (Section 2), Quality Improvement Strategy (Section 3), and Case Studies: Special Applications of TQM (Section 4). Implementation (General) Total Quality Management, Department of Defense Quality Management (Synopsis) Department of Defense, Washington, DC. Mar 88 17p Order number: PB91-154781CCL $15 See also AD-A204 468 and PB91- 154799. The report is a series of pages that synopsizes the Department of Defense concept of Total Quality Management (TQM). The document includes: How TQM Works; What is TQM; The DoD Vision; TQM Principles; TQM Practices; TQM Techniques and Tools; TQM Implementation; and suggested readings. Total Quality Management, Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, North Carolina Quality Management (Final) Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, NC. 1987 80p Order number: PB91-154997CCL $17 The document describes the total quality management (TQM) plan developed by the Naval Aviation Depot at Cherry Point, NC. The document includes an organization overview and program background, management techniques and method- ologies employed in implementing TQM, and a TQM organization, duties, and responsibilities guide for the Depot. Total Quality Management: A Guide for Implementation Draft Report Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics, Washington, DC; Office of Personnel Management, Washington, DC. Training Manage- ment Assistance Branch; Emhart ATI, Res ton, VA. 15 Feb 89 81p Order number: PB89-181929CCL $17 Sponsored by Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics, Washington, DC, and Office of Personnel Management, Washing- ton, DC. Training Management Assistance Branch. The guide provides information to facilitate Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation. TQM is a managed process of continuous improvement. It calls for cultural change in organization through instituting a broader vision of manage- ment encompassing improvement of every process critical to organizational success. The improved performance is directed toward satisfying such cross- functional goals as quality, cost, schedule, and technical performance. TQM integrates fundamental manage- ment techniques, existing improvement efforts, and technical tools under a disciplined approach focused on continuous process improvement. The activities focus on providing customer/ users with products and services that consistently meet their needs and expectations. Each TQM element is institutionalized by implementing a structured approach to continuous process improvement through training at each level, starting with top manage- ment. Essential TQM elements include: obtaining management commitment; establishing a steering group and/or focal point to provide direction and control of the improvement activities; and providing training of personnel. Total Quality Management: A Recipe for Success Study project Army War Coll., Carlisle Barracks, PA. Pazak, M. G. 2 Apr 90 53p Order number: AD-A223 287/4CCL $17 Total Quality Management (TQM) is a high level Department of Defense (DOD) initiative that is being touted as the primary management tool to force the fundamental cultural change in the way the DOD conducts business in the systems age. What is TQM. Where did it come from. What are it's guiding principles. How has it been used. What successes can be attributed to TQM. How can it best be implemented. These questions along with many others are addressed and answered in this work. In addition, an appendix of popular quality improvement models for organizations, their processes, and their individuals is provided. It was concluded that the DOD must embrace the TQM philosophy and proliferate it's principles in order to maximize the return on defense budget dollars. This will require an enormous investment in education, training and time and an equally positive commitment by the DOD leadership to create a DOD wide organizational climate that will stimulate and perpetuate individual productivity enhancing contributions. Keywords: Quality control; Quality management; TQM. (kr) Total Quality Management: Getting Started Technical Paper (Final) May-Aug 90 Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, TX. Clark, H. J. Aug 90 15p Order number: AD-A225 781/4CCL $15 This paper gives guidelines for starting a Total Quality Management (TQM) program using Organizational Devel- opment (OD) intervention techniques to gain acceptance of the program. It emphasizes human behavior and the need for collaborative management and consensus in organizational change. Lessons learned stress the importance of choosing a skilled TQM facilitator, training process action teams, and fostering open communica- tion and teamwork to minimize resistance to change. Keywords: Management planning and control, Quality control, Quality, Management, Organization change, Organization development, Productivity. (Author) (KR) TQM • Total Quality Management (Bibliography) Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA. Pulliam, P. N. May 90 91p Order number: AD-A225 140/3CCL $17 This bibliography contains information selected after a thorough review of journals, conferences, technical reports and theses, books, and numerous miscellaneous publications (newslet- ters, memorandum, fact sheets, news releases). Many sources were used to compile the bibliography, including online databases and manual searches of journal indexes and newsletters. The 10 Measurement & Analysis selected items provide information on the underlying principles and methods, performance indicators, case studies in government and industry, lessons learned, and DOD initiatives for instituting TQM. The bibliography is divided into sections by the type of publication and a title listing is provided at the end of the document for a quick review of content. TQM Coordinator as Change Agent in Implementing Total Quality Management Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Johnston, L. W. Jun 89 154p Order number: AD-A213 051/6CCL $23 The implementation of Total Quality Management involves a major change, a paradigm shift, in management philosophy. Implementing TQM requires the use of a change agent to act as a catalyst to change the organi- zation. Interviews with TQM coordina- tors, and a survey of 143 organizations were done to examine the role of the TQM coordinator. Research identified criteria for selection, and location in the organizational structure. Use of an external consultant in a tern concept is examined. Resistance to change and overcoming that resistance are explored. Ways to measure success are discussed. Keywords: Theses, Total quality control; Methodology; Surveys. MEASUREMENT & ANALYSIS Includes Quality Measures, Cost of Quality, Efficiency Measures, Effectiveness Measures, Timeliness Measures, Issues in Measuring, Types of Analytical Tools /Techniques Defining the Doming Cycle: A Total Quality Management Process Improvement Model Quality Management 10 Apr-30 Sep 87 (Final) Navy Personnel Research and Develop- ment Center, Washington, DC. Houston, A.; Dockstader, S. L. Nov 88 71p Order number: PB91-153973CCL $17 The purpose of the report was to enhance the quality and productivity performance of naval logistics organi- zations through the application of a process improvement model. The process improvement model represents a systematic approach for the analysis and improvement of operations and resources used to create products or services. The present report describes the activities required to use the model. Development of the 'City of Quality (Coq)' Group Decision Support System Final Report Jun 89-Aug 90 Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, TX; Universal Energy Systems, Inc., Dayton, OH. Wolfe, M. D. Sep 90 40p Order number: AD-A226 744/1CCL $15 Prepared in cooperation with West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WVA. A general theory for Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) is here investigated. Mathematical models for multi-person multi-attribute decision making (MPMADM) are developed, and justification for use of a modifica- tion of the Taguchi cost function is presented for general use by non-profit organizational MPMADM problems. Total quality and Unified Life Cycle Engineering are just two examples of areas where this group information system may be applied. The House of Quality paradigm is then examined as a framework for the knowledge acquisition of the parameters needed for the modified Taguchi loss function, and Hypertext is shown to be an effective platform with which to produce a fully automated version of an integrated, linked series of houses of quality into a City of Quality (Coq) that serves as the basis for our GDSS. New informatics for the production of hypertext systems were developed including self-modifying hypertext documents. As a corollary to the development process, techniques for management and structured develop- ment of hypertext projects were created. Keywords: TQM, Total Quality Management, (kr) Evaluation of a Quality Assessment Tool for Health Care Administrators at Brooke Army Medical Center Final Report. Jul 85-Jul 86 Academy of Health Sciences (Army), Fort Sam Houston, TX. Health Care Administration. Lopez, M. S. 23 Jul 86 125p Order number: AD-A220 469/1CCL $23 The intent of this study was to examine the feasibility of a tracking mechanism and patient survey as a means of directly and indirectly assessing specific administrative functions in the health care delivery process. Keywords: TQM; Manage- ment; Quality; Health care profession. Oct) How to Develop Quality Measures That Are Useful in Day- to- Day Measurement Quality Management (Final) Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC. Jan 89 53p Order number: PB91-155150CCL $17 The report contains a paper prepared by staff of the Federal Quality and Productivity Improvement Program in the Office of Management and Budget to provide information on constructing useful quality measures. The paper 11 Measurement & Analysis describes step-by-step methods that can be used, and provides examples of quality measures that are being used in both private and public sectors. Methodology for Generating Efficiency and Effectiveness Measures (MGEEM): A Guide for the Development and Aggregation of Mission Effectiveness Charts Final Technical Paper May-Nov 88 Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, TX; Metrica, Inc., San Antonio, TX. Weaver, C. N.; Looper, L. T. May 89 38p Order number: AD-A208 353/3CCL $15 This paper discusses the development and use of mission effectiveness charts as the primary performance feedback tool in the Methodology for Generating Efficiency and Effectiveness Measures (MGEEM). Development of perfor- mance indicators, and the mission effectiveness charts for each indicator which link levels of performance to effectiveness, is presented in detail. Examples are provided as guides for the MGEEM organizational facilitator. The computation and use of an aggregation correction factor to correct for unequal importance of organiza- tional units are discussed, as is the procedure for aggregating across work centers and higher organizational levels. Aggregation allows managers to derive a single index of performance at any organizational level. Exercises are presented, with suggested solutions as aids to the MGEEM measurement facilitator. Keywords: Productivity feedback, Productivity measurement, Total quality management, (kr) Program Evaluation of the Department of Veterans Affairs Dietetic Service Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC. Office of Program Coordination and Evaluation. Aug90 90p Order number: PB91-140848CCL $17 Also available from Supt. of Docs. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Dietetic Service Program is administered by the Veterans Health Services and Research Administration (VHS&RA) through the 163 Dietetic Services at VA Medical Centers. A comprehensive survey questionnaire was employed as the main data source for the study. The evaluation was conducted pursuant to Section 219, Title 38, U.S. Code and assesses the degree to which the program is efficient and effective in carrying out its mission, goals and objectives. The overall conclusion is that the program is Derating in an effective manner although recommendations are made to improve its operations and increase its efficiency. Some of the most important results of the evaluation focus on: Policy and Procedural Guidance; Productivity - Effectiveness - Efficiency; Total Quality Management; Screening - Evaluation - Counseling; Education and Training; Research; and Information Resources Management. Program Manager: Journal of the Defense Systems Management College. Volume 19, Number 5, September-October 1990 Defense Systems Management Coll., Fort Belvoir, VA. Oct 90 62p Order number: AD-A227 887/7CCL $8 Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, DC 20402. PC $2.50. Microfiche furnished to DTIC/NTIS users. Partial contents: Acquisition Improve- ment Update, What's Wrong with Acquisition; Deming for Defense; The Evolution of Total Quality Manage- ment; International Defense Coopera- tion Agreements; Quality Force Deployment; How Contractors See Systems Acquisition; DOD Metric Transition Plans and Actions; Proposals for Innovation In Service Quality, (sdw) Program Manager: Journal of the Defense Systems Management College. Volume 18. Number 5, September-October 1989 Bimonthly Report Defense Systems Management Coll., Fort Belvoir, VA. Clark, C. A. Oct 89 40p Order number: AD-A214 059/8CCL $8 See also Volume 18, Number 4, AD- A210 584. Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, DC 20402. PC $2.50. Microfiche furnished to DTIC and NTIS users. Contents: Budget Instability: Politics, Economics and Inefficiency; Needed Changes in Weapons Testing; Total Quality Management: What Processes Do You Own, How are They Doing; 'The Right Stuff Results of DSMC's Program Manager Competency Study; Here We Go Again; Acquisition Reform Revisited; Production Competition Lessons-Learned: Elements of a Business Deal; Alternative Contracting/ Acquisition Strategies Within DOD. Keywords: Defense systems; Systems management; Military procurement; Periodicals; Program management, (sdw) Program Manager: Journal of the Defense Systems Management College. Volume 17. Number 4, July-August 1988 Defense Systems Management Coll., Fort Belvoir, VA. Clark, C. A. Aug 88 46p Order number: AD-A198 662/9CCL $15 Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, DC 20402. PC $2.50. Microfiche furnished to DTIC and NTIS users. Contents: Organization of Joint Chiefs of Staff and Systems Acquisition: What Now/What Next; PMC 88-1, Graduates Hear Dr. Costello; DSMC (Defense Systems Management College) Change of Command; Dispelling Myths of Test and Evaluation; C/SCSC (Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria) Lessons Learned Theoretical Frameworks; Measuring & Managing Quality & Productivity On Defense Programs; 12 Performance Management Prototypes; A Capital Crisis in the Defense Industry; Program Manager's Guide for Monitoring Contractor Overhead/Indirect Cost; Procurement Reform Initiatives: Competition; Use of Production Rate As Independent Variables In Cost Models; Total Quality Management: A Department of Defense Example; Inside DSMC. Quality Measurements Used in Federal Government Programs Quality Management Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC. Nov 89 52p Order number: PB91-154831CCL $17 The booklet was compiled as an information resource on the status of quality measurement in selected federal government programs. The booklet reviews the measures used for various products and services which are categorized. The booklet then reviews quality and timeliness mea- sures under each category. Several listings of categories, functions, and measures are included, along with agency and office information. Role of Concurrent Engineering in Weapons System Acquisition Final Report Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexan- dria, VA.; Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexan- dria, VA. Winner, R. I.; Pennell, J. P.; Bertrand, H. E.; Slusarczuk, M. M. Dec 88 186p Order number: AD-A203 615/OCCL $23 The purpose of this IDA Report is to document the results of a study made by the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) for the Department of Defense to assess claims of improved competi- tiveness in the commercial industrial base resulting from the use of concur- rent engineering. IDA reviewed published documentation on concur- rent engineering and its implementa- tion Total Qualify Management Process Improvement Model Final Report 10 Apr-30 Sep 87 Navy Personnel Research and Develop- ment Center, San Diego, CA. Houston, A.; Dockstader, S. L. Dec 88 73p Order number: AD-A202 154/1CCL $17 The purpose of this report was to enhance the quality and productivity performance of naval logistics organi- zations through the application of a process improvement model. The process improvement model represents a systematic approach for the analysis and improvement of operations and resources used to create products or services. The present report describes the activities required to use the model. Keywords: Statistical process control, Process analysis, Total quality management, Deming, Quality management boards, 'Plan-do-check- acf cycle. (SDW) TQM (Total Qualify Management) SPARC (Special Process Action Review Committees) Handbook Final Report Defense Logistics Services Center, Battle Creek, MI. Aug 89 73p Order number: AD-A217 717/8CCL $17 This document describes the tech- niques used to support and guide the Special Process Action Review Commit- tees for accomplishing their goals for Total Quality Management (TQM). It includes concepts and definitions, checklists, sample formats, and assessment criteria. Keywords: Continuous process improvement; Logistics information; Process analysis; Quality control; Quality assurance; Total Quality Management; Statistical processes; Management Planning and control; Management training; Manage- ment information systems. (EG) PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Includes Awards; TQM Performance Elements in Executives' Appraisals; Team- based Recognition: Awards, Gainsharing, Other Incentive Programs; Performance Appraisals: Examples of Elements and Standards, Examples of Executive Elements and Standards Demonstration Project under the Civil Service Reform Act Quality Management Department of Defense, Washington, DC; Department of the Navy, Washing- ton, DC. 1989 23p Order number: PB91-155093CCL $15 Portions of this document are illegible.; Sponsored by Department of Defense, Washington, DC. The report is a hard copy of slides used in a presentation on a demonstra- tion project designed to improve the Federal personnel management system. The project was piloted at the Naval Ocean Systems Center in San Diego, CA, and the Naval Weapons Center in China Lake, CA. The project features simplified classification and perfor- mance appraisal procedures, and performance-based compensation and retention to increase line management control over personnel functions. Naval Aviation Depot Cherry Point Productivity Gainsharing (PSG) Plan. Revision 1 Quality Management Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, NC Sep 87 34p Order number: PB91-153932CCL $15 See also PB91-153924. The document details an incentive award program designed to increase Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, productivity in the above functions while maintaining appropriate cost, quality, and schedule considerations. These goals are accomplished through a monetary incentive system designed to reward all Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, civilian employees when 13 Performance Management they collectively perform at productiv- ity levels which exceed a predeter- mined standard. To gain employee support for the program, every reasonable effort is made to assure that productivity gains will not result in workforce reductions. Naval Aviation Depot Cherry Point Productivity Gainsharing (PSG) Plan: A Productivity Based Incentive Award Plan for FY 91 . Revision 1 Quality Management Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, NC. Sep 87 33p Order number: PB91-153924CCL $15 See also PB91-153932. The document details an incentive award program developed by the Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, NC. The program is called the Produc- tivity Gainsharing (PGS) Plan, and the documentation includes background, objectives, plan development, delinea- tion of baseline data, quality evaluation criteria, a designated test period, and a schedule index. Pacer Share Demonstration Project Quality Management Office of Personnel Management, Washington, DC. Schay, B. W. ; Ward, D. Aug 89 42p Order number: PB91-154971CCL $15 The report is on the implementation of the Pacer Share demonstration project conducted by the Office of Personnel Management. Pacer Share was de- signed to demonstrate that the Quality of work and productivity of a Federal installation can be significantly improved through establishment of a more flexible personnel system and a productivity gainsharing system which provides direct incentives to employ- ees to improve organizational perfor- mance. Pacer Share was implemented in February 1988 at the Sacramento Air Logistics Center, McClellan Air Force Base, California. The report assesses how Pacer Share was implemented, and identifies factors that may have helped or hindered. Study of the Effect Performance Appraisals have on Motivating Improved Performance and Productivity for GS-1105 Series Contracting Personnel at U.S. Navy Small Purchase Activities Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Patty, H. M. Dec 89 79p Order number: AD-A219 985/9CCL $17 The purpose of this thesis is to study the effect performance appraisals have on motivating improved performance and productivity for GS-1105 series contracting personnel at U.S. Navy Small Purchase Activities and to evaluate the compatibility the current performance appraisal system has with the applicable performance appraisal concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM). A questionnaire was developed and distributed to various Navy small purchase activities which was used to determine perceptions that these contracting personnel have about their performance appraisals. Additionally, several examples of these activities' performance appraisal standards were analyzed for compatibility with the Total Quality Management perfor- mance appraisal concept. It was determined that performance apprais- als do have an effect on motivating increased performance and productiv- ity and that current performance appraisal are not compatible with TQM. Keywords: Management planning and control, Performance appraisal, Total quality management, Small purchases, GS-1105 Series, Theses. (SDW) QUALITY ASSURANCE Includes Contractor Certification Programs, Methods for Designing Quality Products/ Services, Methods for Controlling Processes, Methods for Ensuring Compatibility/Standardization Candidate configuration for automated process monitoring Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA. Hollenbaugh, R.; Franklin, A. Mar 90 3p Order number: DE90010991CCL $11 Artificial intelligence applications for military logistics, Williamsburg, VA (USA), 27-30 Mar 1990. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products. The concept of total quality manage- ment (TQM) embodies a number of significant notions. Among these is the notion of statistical process control (SPC). The US Army Depot System Command (DESCOM) has endorsed the concept of TQM and is actively pursuing the implementation of SPC throughout its organization. One of the difficulties inherent in the applications of SPC to the wide variety of DESCOM processes is the extensive amount of training required to collect process, and interpret the requisite statistical information. To reduce this training demand and to simplify the application of SPC over a broad range of pro- cesses, DESCOM is developing a generic automated SPC collection and interpretation system. This system interfaces with individual stages from a large variety of industrial processes to provide automated data storage, presentation, and interpretation. The system is composed of the following six separate modules: process interface module; data storage and presentation module; pattern recognition module; pattern interpretation module; incre- mental learning module; and user interface module. 1 fig. (ERA citation 15:035705) 14 Development of a Methodology for Quality Control and Enhancement in Manufacturing Final Report 15 Feb 86-14 Feb 89 Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, NC; North Carolina State Univ. at Raleigh. Elmaghraby, S. E.; Fathi, Y. 11 Sep 89 17p Order number: AD-A213 564/8CCL $15 The objective of this research is to establish a methodology for product quality enhancement through advances in parameter design and the recogni- tion of the role of the manufacturing system's dynamical behavior on the variability of the product quality characteristics. In addition, the role of logistical support, especially the planning and scheduling of produc- tion, was investigated. The research has introduced several new concepts to the field of quality control, such as the stage loss function, loss function reflection, the role of sampling in the determination of the producer's loss function, the adoption of a quality criterion in process simulation, the modeling via Markov decision pro- cesses, and control system optimization via geometric programming. The research has resulted in several findings which have been documented in twenty technical and four progress reports issued throughout the course of the conduct of the research, all of which have been transmitted to the Army Research Office library. Key- words: TQM (Total Quality Manage- ment), Production system dynamics, Optimization via geometric program- ming, Markov programming, (kr) Evaluation of the Navy's Red Yellow Green Program and How This Program Is Intended to Improve the Selection of Quality Contractors Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Hagmann, K. A. Dec 89 132p Order number: AD-A222 158/8CCL $23 The Navy is currently testing a new source selection tool known as Red Yellow Green (RYG). RYG helps field contracting activities obtain the best purchase value by adding the costs of poor contractor performance into the source selection equation. The program should improve the quality of material received by the Government and the performance of Government contractors. RYG can be used in conjunction with Blue Ribbon Contrac- tor programs and moves field contract- ing activities toward Total Quality Management implementation. Contrac- tor quality; Quality; Source selection tool, (eg) Guide to Quality Assurance Indicators for the Defense Electronics Industry Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Goertz, R. A. Sep 89 H4p Order number: AD-A215 630/5CCL $23 The purpose of this study was to provide the inexperienced quality assurance specialist (QAS) with a guide to quality assurance indicators for use when working with contractors in the defense electronics industry. The quality indicators used by two defense industry contractors GTT and Texas Instruments) with excellent quality programs were studied, as were the indicators used by two of the AFSC product divisions (ESD and ASD) that interface with the defense electronics industry. This research focused on the elements of a MIL-Q-985A quality program required for the complex systems produced by the contractors studied. Quality indicators and observations about quality programs were discussed, presenting the uses, merits, and shortfalls of the elements a QAS might find in an ideal quality program. Keywords: Military theses; TQM. (kt) Quality Assurance Method for Implementing QP-4, an Air Force Logistics Command Quality Assurance Program, in a Base Level Aircraft Maintenance Organization Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Farmer, M. E. Sep 89 80p Order number: AD-A215 072/OCCL $17 The purpose of this thesis was to recommend a method for implement- ing QP-4, an Air Force Logistics Command Quality Assurance program, in a base level aircraft maintenance organization. There were three objectives related to this study. The first was to provide aircraft mainte- nance managers with a means to identify the quality management needs in the field. Second was to familiarize maintenance managers with state of the art knowledge concerning the definition of quality, how to measure it, and what comprises a quality assurance program under QP-4. The final objective was to showcase the QP-4 program currently functioning and meeting a good deal of success at the Warner Robins Air Logistics Center. Accomplishing these objectives resulted in a plan to implement QP-4 in a base level organization so that field managers could effectively deal with projected expanding mission requirements along with reductions in resource availability due to budget limitations in a constrained financial future operating environment. Exami- nation of industrial case studies and results of QP-4 implementation at Warner Robins led to the conclusion that the simplicity and versatility of QP- 4 would be beneficial to field manag- ers for meeting these future challenges. Keywords: TQM, Total quality manage- ment, (kr) 15 Quality Assurance Project Management in Successful Reliability and Maintainability Improvement Programs Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Suchan, D. E. Sep 89 94p Order number: AD-A215 424/3CCL $17 The Air Force regularly is involved in the management of programs to improve the Reliability & Maintainabil- ity (R&M) of its weapon systems. Proper management of these programs is critical if the R&M goals established in the program documentation are to be realized when the system is fielded. This research attempts to identify factors related to project management which may contribute to the success of an R&M improvement program. The eight factors studied were based on suggestions made in articles about R&M. They are top-level management support, clearly defined R&M require- ments, training in R&M issues, the government-contractor working relationship, assignment of R&M responsibilities within the program office, incorporation of technological advances, use of contract incentives/ warranties, and including R&M requirements in the RFP evaluation criteria. Keywords: Theses; TQM; (KT) Study as to the Feasibility of the Department of Defense Mandating its Supplier Base Adopt Total Quality Management Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Reiter, D. J. Dec 89 133p Order number: AD-A225 419/1CCL $23 The purpose of this thesis is to study the issues surrounding whether DoD can successfully mandate its supplier base adopt Total Quality Management (TQM), or an equivalent quality- oriented management philosophy. Hewlett-Packard and Motorola, Inc., two firms currently requiring their suppliers adopt a quality-focused management philosophy, were studied. The researcher determined that DoD could successfully mandate its supplier base adopt TQM provided the follow- ing infrastructure was in place and well established prior to the mandate; adequate in-house experience and expertise; comprehensive supplier training program; supplier performance tracking capability; comprehensive supplier quality audit procedure; formal joint DoD-industry TQM council; and congressional support. Keywords: Department of Defense, Theses, Personnel management, (cp) Theory of Operation for Tire Quality Monitor Army Tank-Automotive Command, Warren, MI; Chamberlain National, Niles, II. GardDiv. Kraska, I. R.; Mathieson, T. A. May 87 130p Order number: AD-A183 611/3CCL $23 The Tire Quality Monitor (TQM) is a microcomputer-controlled, ultrasonic tire inspector. It not only performs the computations required to classify and analyze ultrasonic signals reflected from tire structures, it also formats and controls the displays, intercepts and interprets the operator's pressing of the front panel keyboard switches, controls the inspection rate and the characteris- tics of the signal reception hardware, and provides a reprogramming capability to modify tire classification and analysis parameters. This report describes the software used to perform these functions, provides information to a software engineer on how the TQM supports itself and performs its programmed functions, and contains information on how the computer recognizes and analyzes tire structures. This document is addressed to tire engineers or nondestructive evaluation personnel responsible for the TQM's implementation/modification. Key- words: Tire, Quality, Retread, Nondestructive, Testing. Variability Reduction in the United States Air Force: Development of a Handbook Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Daunheimer, V. A. Sep 89 I48p Order number: AD-A215 074/6CCL $23 The focus of this study is on Variability Reduction (V). Specifically, this thesis reviews Air Force policy regarding Variability Reduction, examines Variability Reduction's role in the Department of Defense's Total Quality Management (TQM) initiative including the United States Air Force Reliability and Maintainability 2000 (USAF R&M 2000) Process, and addresses several Variability Reduction methods. The primary objective of the research was to produce a Variability Reduction Process Handbook explaining several of the concepts involved in Variability Reduction, thus providing Air Force managers a better understanding of Variability Reduction methodologies. Additionally, the handbook emphasizes the importance of implementing this aspect of quality. Variability Reduction methods can be applied to selected phases within a system's life cycle and are essential to integrating two seemingly incompatible goals — fielding highly reliable and maintainable, combat capable systems while decreas- ing development time and reducing production and operational costs. Variability Reduction stresses unifor- mity around a target value rather than conformance to specification limits. Robust designs make products insensitive to noise, thus improving performance and enhancing reliability. Theses. 16 Strategic Planning STRATEGIC PLANNING Includes Strategic Plans (agency level), Business Plans (division/office level) Army Total Quality Management (TQM) Implementation Plan for Acquisition Quality Management (Final) Department of the Army, Washington, DC. Oct 88 26p Order number: PB91-153965CCL $15 The Army TQM (Total Quality Manage- ment) Acquisition Plan contains four parts. Part 1 is the introduction; Part 2 presents the strategy for achieving TQM within the Army acquisition community; Part 3 describes the tasks that will be pursued to implement the strategy; and Part 4 contains milestones for elements under the implementation tasks. The Plan contains two annexes (A and B): A is the Army Posture Statement on TQM; B is a description of current TQM-related initiatives. Block 6: The Future Dmsp Space Systems National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC; Air Force Systems Command, Norton AFB, CA. Bonesteele, R. G.; Baldwin, R. O. cMay 90 5p Order number: N90-27443/2CCL (Order as N90-27438/ In AGARD, Tactical Applications of Space Systems 5 p. The acquisition strategy and antici- pated capabilities of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Block 6 satellite system are described. It includes brief discussions of previous satellites and the require- ments which drove the Block 6 system acquisition. The first three phases of acquisition are discussed: concept study, risk reduction, and full scale development. Strategy and concept of each phase are described in detail. The use of total quality management in each phase is discussed. DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Services Region) Cleveland Total Quality Management Implementation Plan Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Cleveland, OH. Jul 89 6p Order number: AD-A213 142/3CCL $11 This document contains a brief plan for implementation of TOM by Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR), Cleveland. It includes concepts, methodology, actions accomplished and approved TOM initiatives. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Services Region) Atlanta Total Quality Management (TQM) Strategic Plan Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Atlanta, GA. Jul 89 38p Order number: AD-A213 182/9CCL $15 This document describes the imple- mentation of TQM by Defense Contract Administration Service Region (DCASR) Atlanta. It includes TQM concepts (vision), methodology, and goals with specific actions and time frames. Appendices to this document include a Team Approach Model' and 'Process Improvement Model'. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Services Region) Los Angeles, Total Quality Management Master Plan Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Los Angeles, CA. Jun 89 19p Order number: AD-A213 183/7CCL $15 This document contains the Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR) Los Angeles plan for implementation of TQM. It includes TQM concepts, methodology, strategy and milestones. DCASR Los Angeles describes its strategy in near-term, mid- term, and long-term stages. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Services Region) New York, Total Quality Management Plan Defense Contract Administration Services Region, New York. Jul 89 23p Order number: AD-A213 184/5CCL $15 This document contains the Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR) New York plan for TQM implementation. The plan is modeled after the criteria for the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. Tasks to implement each of the award criteria areas are included in the plan. The status of initiatives under- taken to accomplish the tasks are also included. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR). DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Services Region) Boston, Strategic/Total Quality Management Master Plan Using Management by Planning (MBP) Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Boston, MA. Jun 89 42p Order number: AD-A213 185/2CCL $15 This document discusses the Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR) Boston approach and plan to implement Total Quality Management (TQM). It includes the DCASR Boston vision, management by planning, one-year plan, milestones and training plan. Vision elements and management by planning are discussed in detail. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Services Region) Dallas Total Quality Management Implementation Plan Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Dallas, TX. Jul 89 36p Order number: AD-A213 205/8CCL $15 This document contains the Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR) Dallas plan for TQM implementation. It includes organiza- 17 Strategic Planning tional structure, goals with milestones and training plan. The training plan portion of the document lists specific courses for training in TQM philoso- phy, statistical process control and culture change. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Services Region) St. Louis Total Quality Management Master Plan Defense Contract Administration Services Region, St. Louis, MO. Jun 89 28p Order number: AD-A213 206/6CCL $15 This document contains the Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR) St. Louis plan for implementing Total Quality Manage- ment. It includes concepts, methodol- ogy, goals, execution activities/plans, process improvement initiatives and training. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Services Region) Philadelphia Total Quality Management Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Philadelphia, PA. Jun 89 55p Order number: AD-A213 208/2CCL $17 This document contains the Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR) Philadelphia plan for implementation of TQM. It includes foundations of the DCASR Philadelphia TQM initiative, TQM organization and approach, areas of focus for implemen- tation, and execution and evaluation. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. DCSC (Defense Construction Supply Center) Total Quality Management Master Plan Defense Construction Supply Center, Columbus, OH. Jul 89 5 lp Order number: AD-A212 909/6CCL $17 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM by the Defense Construction Supply Center. It includes a DSCS TQM charter and policy statement, TQM overview, structure, training plan, and short- mid- and long-range improvement initiatives. The goal of the DCSC TQM effort is to provide the best supply support possible when and where it is needed by customers, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness through commitment to continuous improvement. Keywords: Continuous process improvement; Supply support. Defense Depot Mechanicsburg Total Quality Management Implementation Plan Defense Depot, Mechanicsburg, PA. Jun 89 9p Order number: AD-A212 964/1CCL $11 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM by Defense Depot Mechanicsburg. It seeks to infuse the principles of TQM throughout DDMP. The phases of TQM implementation at DDMP are determination, commitment/ planning, implementation, training, recognition, and maintenance. Key- words: Continuous process improve- ment. Defense Depot Tracy Total Quality Management Plan Defense Depot, Tracy, CA. Jul 89 Up Order number: AD-A212 963/3CCL $15 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM by Defense Depot Tracy. DDTC will focus TQM efforts on customer support, people, depot transition - facilities and programs, quality audits of products and opera- tions, and assets management. Keywords: Financial management; Continuous process improvement. Defense Nuclear Agency Total Quality Management (TQM) Implementation Plan Quality Management (Final) Defense Nuclear Agency, Washington, DC. 1989 18p Order number: PB91-155010CCL $15 The report is the TQM Implementation Plan adopted by the Defense Nuclear Agency. It is based on the DoD Total Quality Management Master Plan, and lists short-, mid-, and long-range goals. A hard copy of slides on the topic of TQM implementation at the Defense Nuclear Agency is attached. Department of the Navy Total Quality Management Implementation Plan Quality Management (Draft) Department of the Navy, Washington, DC. 24 Apr 89 22p Order number: PB91-153957CCL $15 The report represents the beginning of a fundamental shift in the Navy's approach to leadership and manage- ment. It provides guidance for imple- mentation of TQM throughout the Department of the Navy; establishes goals for TQM implementation and for continuation of Total Performance Improvement efforts; includes existing value-added strategies into the TQM philosophy to achieve continuous improvement in the DON (Department of the Navy) acquisition process; and establishes responsibility and publishes the strategies for meeting the goals outlined in the plan. DESC (Defense Electronics Supply Center) Total Quality Management Plan Defense Electronics Supply Center, Dayton, OH. Apr 89 24p Order number: AD-A212 900/5CCL $15 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM at the Defense Electronics Supply Center. It includes TQM concepts, methodology, goals and milestones. Keywords: Continuous 18 Strategic Planning process improvement; Training. (KR) DFSC (Defense Fuel Supply Center) Total Quality Management (TQM) Master Plan Defense Fuel Supply Center, Alexan- dria, VA. Jul 89 4p Order number: AD-A212 913/8CCL $8 This document briefly discusses TQM implementation by the Defense Fuel Supply Center. It identifies responsibili- ties and outlines an approach to develop a trained workforce. Key- words: Continuous process improve- ment. DIPEC (Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center) Total Quality Management Implementation Plan Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center, Memphis, 77V. Jul 89 13p Order number: AD-A212 901/3CCL $15 This document outlines the Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center's, concept and strategy for implementing TQM at all levels within the Command. It includes a methodology for imple- mentation, TQM goals and milestones. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. DISC (Defense Industrial Supply Center) TQM (Total Quality Management) Operations Plan Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, PA. Jul 89 9p Order number: AD-A212 905/4CCL $11 This document represents the continu- ance of the Defense Industrial Supply Center implementation of Total Quality Management which began in 1986. It outlines how DISC intends to empha- size process improvement through the integration of all TQM initiates. Quality management at DISC prescribes defining quality through customer expectations, eliminating rework, data driven decision making, total employee involvement. Keywords: Continuous process improvements. DLA-X Total Quality Management (TQM) Implementation Plan Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 6p Order number: AD-A212 9H/2CCL $11 This document describes the DLA Office of Administration TQM imple- menting plan. The plan establishes policy, defines responsibility and identifies specific improvement goals for DLA-X. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) DLA-Z TQM (Technical Quality Management) Implementation Plan Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 5p Order number: AD-A212 912/OCCL $8 This document is a brief outline of the Office of Telecommunications and Information Systems Total Quality Management implementing plan. It consists of three phases: Restructure organization, conduct process analyses, and establish guidelines for conducting continuous process analyses. Key- words: Continuous Precess Improve- ment. DLSC (Defense Logistics Services Center) Total Quality Management Plan Defense Logistics Services Center, Battle Creek, MI. Jun 89 56p Order number: AD-A212 801/5CCL $17 This document discusses the imple- mentation of Total Quality Manage- ment (TQM) by Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC). It includes TQM concepts, methodology, goals, milestones and a description of ongoing improvement efforts. DLCS has identified three necessary elements to apply the TQM philosophy (1) mission, plans and goals; (2) processes, cost and measures; (3) customers and suppliers. The DLSC TQM approach addressed two distinct quality concerns - continuous process improvement and adherence to regulatory guidance. Keywords: Continuous process improvement; Logistics information; Process analyses. DPSC (Defense Personnel Support Center) Total Quality Management Master Plan Defense Personnel Support Center, Philadelphia, PA. Jul 89 37p Order number: AD-A212 938/5CCL $15 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM by the Defense Personnel Support Center. It contains TQM concepts, methodology for implementation, core goals, and milestones. The ultimate goal of TQM at DPSC is the satisfied, quality equipped, quality supported soldier, sailor, airman and marine. Keywords: Continuous process improvement, Management, Supply support. DRMS (Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service) Total Quality Management (TQM) Implementation Plan Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service, Battle Creek, MI. Jul 89 13p Order number: AD-A212 937/7CCL $15 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM at the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service. The purpose of the plan is to provide a structured method to achieve the DRMS vision of pursuing continuous improvement in service provided to the Armed Forces and the public. The document includes guiding principles, goals and guidelines to problem solving. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. DSAC (Defense Systems Automation Center) TQM (Total Quality Management) Implementation Plan Defense Systems Automation Center, Columbus, OH. Jul 89 18p Order number: AD-A212 962/5CCL $15 This document discusses the imple- mentation of Total Quality Manage- ment. It includes TQM concepts, 19 Strategic Planning methodology, goals and strategies, and milestones. DSAC's overarching strategic goal is to improve support to the customer. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. Leadership through Quality. Total Quality Management, Albuquerque Operations Office Quality Management (Final) Department of Energy, Albuquerque, NM. Albuquerque Operations Office. 11 Feb 91 I4p Order number: PB91-154005CCL $15 The report describes implementation of Total Quality Management in the Albuquerque Operations Office of the U.S. Department of Energy. It contains objectives, activities and a quality improvement schedule, and a budget for one fiscal year. National Guard Bureau Total Quality Management Master Plan. 'Quality through Teamwork' Quality Management (Final) National Guard Bureau, Washington, DC. 31 Aug 90 l6p Order number: PB91-155119CCL $15 Master plan developed by the National Guard Bureau to provide a strategy and methodology for integrating Total Quality Management into the Bureau. The plan includes a list of the National Guard goals for the 1990's, and discussions of the concept of total quality management, the methodology to be used by the Bureau, education and training, and strategy. Naval Air Systems Command Corporate Plan, 1990 Update Quality Management (Final) Naval Air Systems Command, Washing- ton, DC. 1990 23p Order number: PB91-154021CCL $15 The report is an update to the fiscal year (FY) 1989/90 Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Corporate Plan. It includes a review of the past year; a section on the corporate planning process; and a section on the corporate review process. Office of Command Security Total Quality Management Plan Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 5p Order number: AD-A212 906/2CCL $8 This document briefly outlines the DLA Office of Command Security TQM implementing plan. It identifies improvement goals pertaining to security and outlines the Office of Command Security instruction for TQM implementation. Keywords: TQM (Total Quality Management), DLA Office of Command Security, Continu- ous process improvement, Automatic data processing security. (KR)- Office of General Counsel Total Quality Management Plan Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 27p Order number: AD-A212 907/OCCL $15 This document describes the Office of General Counsel TQM implementation plan. The Office of General Counsel will continually look at how legal services and support services are provided in order to meet the changing needs of DLA clients. The document discusses TQM concepts and estab- lishes goals for the Office of General Counsel. Keywords: Continuous process improvement, TQM Training. (KR) Practice of Strategic Planning in the Organization of the Future Final Report Naval Ordnance Station, Lndian Head, MD. Sink, D. S.; Monetta, D. J. 7 Jun 89 22p Order number: AD-A213 264/5CCL $15 Prepared in cooperation with Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. The management and operation of business, industry, and government in the United States is being challenged to a degree unprecedented in any other time. It has been suggested that the nation has entered a climacteric, a critical turning point in its economic history. The management choices made today will determine whether the economy will be revitalized or go into steady decline. Books and articles abound offering a variety of prescrip- tions to deal with the phenomena of continually shrinking markets and a rapidly diminishing competitive position. There is little to fault in such prescriptions as total quality manage- ment, gain sharing, quality circles, quality of life improvements, just-in- time inventories, and some of the other interventions to manage change and organizational cultures. Still, too frequently, these seemingly viable interventions have resulted in failure or less than expected gains. The most likely cause of the problem is not the efficacy of the prescriptions, but rather the absence of a catalyst, an activating mechanism, to enhance or accelerate the impact of the interventions. This paper addresses the specific applica- tion and adaptation at the Naval Ordnance Station, Indian Head, MD of a strategic planning concept that has evolved over the past three decades. Keywords: TQM (Total Quality Management), Performance measure- ment, Productivity improvement, Performance indicators, (kr) Strategic Operations Plan. Norfolk Naval Shipyard 1990 Quality Management (Final) Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, VA. 6 Dec 89 62p Order number: PB91-154047CCL $17 See also PB91-154039. The report is the 1990 revised edition of the Norfolk Naval Shipyard Strategic Operations Plan. It updates the goals and objectives, and reinforces the shipyard's strong commitment to the quality first concept. It describes the strategic planning process, identifies a tactical critical success factor, and contains strategic (2-5 Year) goals and tactical (0-2 Year) objectives. Also included are objective/goal matrices, and three appendices which describe the previous year's progress, monitor- ing/maintenance objectives, and completed objectives. 20 Strategic Planning Strategic Operations Plan. Norfolk Naval Shipyard 1991 Quality Management (Final) Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, VA. 31 Oct 90 69p Order number: PB91-154039CCL $17 See also PB91- 154047. The report is the 1991 revised edition of the Norfolk Naval Shipyard Strategic Operations Plan. It identifies three key areas of improvement: cost and schedule performance; technical excellence and human resource strategy; and environmental compli- ance. The plan lists tasks to be completed, and assigns responsibility, priorities, and deadlines. Strategy for Improvement: U.S. Internal Revenue Service Quality Management (Final) Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC. Peacher, M.; Lagger, F.; Magee, D. 1987 13p Order number: PB91-154062CCL $15 The report outlines the strategy planned by the Internal Revenue Service in conjunction with the National Treasury Employees Union to implement their quality improvement process. It was used to provide background and instruction for IRS staff attending quality improvement process training. Definitions of quality and customers are included, as well as discussion of several steps the IRS has taken to improve quality, the IRS approach to quality, and quality improvement process teams. Supply Operations (DLA-O) Total Quality Management (TQM) Master Plan Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 3p Order number: AD-A212 902/1CCL $8 This document briefly outlines the DLA Directorate of Supply Operations plan to implement total quality manage- ment. It seeks to provide better service to customers at a lower cost through continuous process improvement and commitment from everyone in the organization. Keywords: TQM (Total Quality Management), Supply opera- tions; Continuous process improve- ment. (KR) Total Quality Management (TQM) Master Plan: Contracting Directorate (DLA-P) Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 l6p Order number: AD-A212 903/9CCL $15 This document describes the Contract- ing Directorate TQM implementing plan. It supplements and strongly endorses the DLA TQM Master Plan. The primary goal of the DLA-P TQM implementing plan is to develop a world-class DLA supplier base which will provide a completely dependable source of quality supplies and services at competitive prices to meet U.S. military requirements. Keywords: Acquisition; Continuous process improvement. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementation Plan, Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station Quality Management FY- 1988-91 (Final) Department of Defense, Washington, DC; Naval Undersea Warfare Engineer- ing Station, Keyport, WA. Likens, D. D.; Veatch, J. R.; Smith, R. M.; Segrist, L. 1 May 90 65p Order number: PB91-154054CCL $17 Sponsored by Department of Defense, Washington, DC. The report consists of three documents from the Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station (NUWES): a TQM implementation plan, a policy and guidance instruction that also assigns responsibilities for implementing the Station's TQM philosophy; and a white paper on how NUWES plans to proceed. Total Quality Management implementation Strategy: Directorate of Quality Assurance Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. May 89 56p Order number: AD-A212 863/5CCL $17 This document describes the Director- ate of Quality Assurance strategy for implementing TQM. It includes information concerning TQM concepts, methodology for implementation, goals and execution. The primary goal of the DLA-Q implementation strategy is to focus on doing the job right the first time, on time, everytime, and continu- ally improving the way we do that job. Keywords: Continuous process improvement, Facilitator qualifications. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementation Plan of the DLA (Defense Logistics Agency) Office of Comptroller Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jun 89 l6p Order number: AD-A212 869/2CCL $15 This document describes the DLA Office of Comptroller TQM implement- ing plan. It includes TQM concepts, structure and methodology, goals, and milestones for implementation. The five goals contained in this document pertain to process improvement, participatory management/employee involvement, training and develop- ment, employee recognition and permeation of TQM. Keywords: Process improvement. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementation Plan for Military Personnel Management Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Sep 89 5p Order number: AD-A212 870/OCCL $8 This document describes the DLA Office of Military Personnel's plan for implementing TQM. The Office of Military Personnel will provide TQM orientation for each of its personnel and form process action teams to 21 Strategic Planning analyze and improve existing pro- cesses. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementation Plan: DLA-N Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 3p Order number: AD-A212 871/8CCL $8 This document is an outline of the Defense National Stockpile Center's plan to implement TQM. It identifies an implementing approach consisting of five parts: Develop TQM orientation and training, form TQM working groups, identify processes to study, implement solutions, recycle. Key- words: Continuous process improve- ment. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementation Plan Defense General Supply Center, Richmond, VA. Jun 89 25p Order number: AD-A212 904/7CCL $15 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM by the Defense General Supply Center and Defense Depot Richmond. It contains TQM concepts, methodology, goals, milestones and a description of ongoing improvements efforts. The plan establishes short-range (1 year), mid-range (1-5 years), and long-range (5+ years) targets designed to establish TQM as a way of life. Keywords: Continuous process improvement; Depot operations, Supply support. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementation at the Defense Technical Information Center Defense Technical Information Center, Alexandria, VA. Sep 89 28p Order number: AD-A212 908/8CCL $15 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM by the Defense Technical Information Center. It includes TQM concepts, methodology, goals and milestones. The DTIC plan embraces the principles and supports the goals of the DLA TQM Master Plan, the DLA-S TQM Plan and productivity improvement programs. Keywords: Continuous process improvement, Collection and dissemination of TQM reports. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementation Plan: Defense Depot, Ogden Defense Depot, Ogden, UT. Jul 89 56p Order number: AD-A212 936/9CCL $17 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM by Defense Depot Ogden. It includes information concerning TQM concepts, methodol- ogy for implementing TQM at Ogden, goals for improvement and milestones. Keywords: Oontinuous process improvement; Process action teams. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementation Plan Defense Depot Memphis Defense Depot, Memphis, TN. Jul 89 48p Order number: AD-A212 961/7CCL $15 This document discusses the imple- mentation of TQM by Defense Depot Memphis. It includes the depot mission statement, guiding principals, improve- ment goals, implementation strategy and milestones. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementing Plan: Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 8p Order number: AD-A212 865/OCCL $11 This document describes the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization plans for implementing TQM. It contains a brief discussion of TQM concepts, methodology for implementation and goals. In addition to focusing on internal improvements, DLA-U will provide TQM information to potential small and disadvantaged businesses as part of their implementa- tion efforts. Keywords: Small business program; Continuous process improve- ments. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementing Plan: Office of Policy and Plans Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 8p Order number: AD-A212 872/6CCL $11 This document describes the DLA Office of Policy and Plans Total Quality Management implementing plan. The Office of Policy and Plans is approach- ing TQM implementation in two dimensions. The Office will ensure that Agency-wide programs reflect the TQM philosophy and produce tangible results. Within this Office, implementa- tion will focus on process improve- ment. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) Total Quality Management Implementing Plan for Human Resource Management Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Apr 89 27p Order number: AD-A212 915/3CCL $15 This document describes the DLA Office of Civilian Personnel TQM implementing plan in the Human Resource Management and Develop- ment (HRM/D) function. The plan incorporates the findings, recommen- dations, objectives and considerations identified through the DLA Personnel Management Futures Program, the DLA strategic Plan, the HRM/D aspects of business area analyses and the research activities of the TQM Working Group. This plan implements the DLA TQM Master Plan with specific milestones for the accomplishment of TQM goals in HRM/D. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) 22 Strategic Planning Total Quality Management Master Plan Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jan 89 58p Order number: AD-A204 468/3CCL $17 The document describes the concept of Total Quality Management. The Total Quality Management (TQM) concept is: A systematic process for improving products and services; A structured, disciplined approach to identifying and solving problems; A participatory work style, conveyed by management actions and commitment, which harnesses the creativity and ideas of all employees; Long term, Supported by Statistical Process Control; Practiced by each and every employee. Keywords: Management planning and control; Management training, (kt) Total Quality Management Master Plan. Department of Defense Quality Management (Final) Department of Defense, Washington, DC. Aug 88 I4p Order number: PB91-154799CCL $15 See also AD-A204 468 and PB91- 154781. The report is a plan developed by the Department of Defense to implement Total Quality Management throughout the Defense agencies. The plan describes the concept of TQM for DoD, the methodology to be used, the goals - long-range, mid-range, and short-range, and specific actions to initiate TQM. Total Quality Management Office for Contracting Integrity Implementation Plan Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 8p Order number: AD-A212 914/6CCL $11 This document briefly outlines the DLA Office for Contracting Integrity TQM implementing plan. It includes a commitment to create an environment for continuous improvement in deliberating about the present respon- sibility actions regarding contractors and consideration of action under the Gratuities Clause of contracts. TQM methodology, goals and milestones are contained in the document. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) Total Quality Management Operating Plan, David Taylor Research Center Quality Management (Final) David Taylor Research Center, Bethesda, MD. Apr 90 lOOp Order number: PB91-155002CCL $17 The operating plan provides an overview of the quality improvement process at the David Taylor Research Center (DTRC). Topics addressed in the plan include a definition of total quality management (TQM), DTRC guiding principles, customer focus, the cost of products and services, TQM structure/roles, departmental role, barriers, managing change, training, management effectiveness, communi- cations, measurement criteria, rewards and recognition, performance criteria, resource requirements, status of quality boards/teams, 1990 thrusts, and a summary. Total Quality Management Plan: Office of Congressional Affairs Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 5p Order number: AD-A212 866/8CCL $8 This document describes the DLA Office of Congressional Affairs Total Quality Management implementing plan. The plan emphasizes five areas: Customer relations, processes, mea- surement, awards, and training. The plan also includes specific improve- ment goals and milestones. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) Total Quality Management Plan: Office of Public Affairs Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 15p Order number: AD-A212 868/4CCL $15 This document describes the Office of Public Affairs TQM implementing plan. It includes a description of three concepts considered vital to TQM as it applies to DLA's Public Affairs pro- gram: Our customers are our first concern, precise measureable goals and teamwork. The document includes Public Affairs TQM goals and a methodology for accomplishment. Keywords: TQM publicity; Communi- cation; Continuous process improve- ment. (KR) Total Quality Management Plan: Office of Installation Services and Environmental Protection Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 10p Order number: AD-A212 910/4CCL $11 This document describes the DLA Office of Installation Services and Environmental Protection TQM implementing plan. The objective of this plan is to install the principles of total quality as an ongoing way of accomplishing all tasks, both internally and with customers and suppliers. The document identifies specific improve- ment efforts and completion target dates. Keywords: Continuous process improvement; Real property mainte- nance program; Military construction program; Master planning; Family housing; Base supply; Operating equipment maintenance; Equipment pool operations; Environmental protection programs; Safety and occupation health programs. (KR) Total Quality Management Plan: Technical and Logistics Services Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. May 89 29p Order number: AD-A212 864/3CCL $15 This document describes the TQM plan for DLA Technical and Logistics Services. As a quality provider of technical and logistics services, the Directorate will implement TQM initiatives at Headquarters DLA and at functional counterparts in the Field. The plan requires continuous assess- ment of customer needs and a systematic evaluation of the processes performed that contribute to customer 23 TQM Management Support satisfaction. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) Total Quality Management: Directorate of Contract Management Master Plan Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. Jul 89 18p Order number: AD-A212 867/6CCL $15 This document describes the Director- ate of Contracting Management Total Quality Management implementing plan. It includes a description of the TQM concept, the structure established to complement TQM and goals established by the Directorate of Contract Management to implement TQM. TQM goals within the directorate focus on three primary areas: TQM training, harmonizing contract manage- ment policies and procedures with the TQM philosophy, and enhancing communication and feedback. Key- words: Continuous improvement; Personnel training. (KR) TQM Focus for the Future, Total Quality Management Master Plan, DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Services Region) Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Chicago, IL. Jun 89 34p Order number: AD-A213 207/4CCL $15 This document contains the Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR) Chicago plan for TQM implementation. It includes the TQM concepts, methodology, DCASR Chicago TQM Process Improvement Philosophy, Long-Range TQM Process Improvement and existing TQM initiatives. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) TQM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT Includes Directives, Material Demonstrating Support (e.g., memos, proclamations), Support Structures (e.g., Quality Councils, Boards, Teams), Vision Statements and Guiding Principles Charts Describing the IRS Program Analysis System Quality Management Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC. 1991 Up Order number: PB91-155184CCL $15 Hard copy of vugraphs describing the Internal Revenue Service's Program Analysis System (PAS). The PAS is a computerized system for identifying errors, whether made by taxpayers or IRS employees; identifying trends; recommending corrective action; and assessing the effectiveness of the corrective action. Defense Communications Agency: Vision Twenty-One; Total Quality Management Quality Management Defense Communications Agency, Arlington, VA. Oct 89 20p Order number: PB91-154898CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. Hard copy of slides presented in a briefing on the Vision 21/Total Quality Management effort at the Defense Communications Agency (DCA). The slides cover DCA background and mission, the creation of Vision 21, the TQM journey, current status, and guiding principles. Department of Defense Posture on Quality Quality Management (Memorandum) Department of Defense, Washington, DC. 30 Mar 88 5p Order number: PB91-155176CCL $8 The report is a memorandum issued by the Secretary of Defense which gives top priority to the Department of Defense Total Quality Management (TQM) effort. A posture statement on quality that reflects the fundamental principles that underpin the TQM initiative is attached. Naval Air Systems Command TQM Organizational Structure Quality Management Naval Air Systems Command, Washing- ton, DC. 1991 l6p Order number: PB91-154914CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. The report is a hard copy of slides on the Total Quality Management (TQM) organizational structure at the Naval Air Systems Command. PCMI Showcase. Total Quality Management, Department of Health and Human Services Quality Management (Technical) Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC. Oct 90 12p Order number: PB91-154948CCL $15 Outline of the Total Quality Manage- ment (TQM) effort at the Department of Health and Human Services. It contains a Human Resource 'Quality Vision Statement'; TQM Implementa- tion Goals for 1991; a draft charter for the Human Resource Quality Council; and interim guidance for TQM implementation - quality councils, quality awareness training, and quality teams/team training. 24 Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies Total Quality in Aeronautical Systems Division Quality Management (Final) Aeronautical Systems Div., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. 1989 20p Order number: PB91-153999CCL $15 The brochure describes the cultural climate of the Aeronautical Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, which is committed to an environment of Total Quality. It explains some of their quality concepts, training, and the organizational structure. Total Quality Management Implementation Program United States Coast Guard Quality Management (Technical) Department of Transportation, Washington, DC; Coast Guard, Washington, DC. 27 Mar 90 20p Order number: PB91-155069CCL $15 Sponsored by Department of Transpor- tation, Washington, DC. The document is an instruction that establishes the policy and prescribes procedures for the administration of a Total Quality Management program at the U.S. Coast Guard Training Center, Cape May, NJ. U.S. Office of Personnel Management Vision, Values and Goals Quality Management Office of Personnel Management, Washington, DC. Jun 90 9p Order number: PB91-154849CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. A brief paper containing the vision, values and goals statements of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Washington Area Service Center. Vision of Excellence and Public Trust, Forest Service, Southwestern Region, U.S. Department of Agriculture Quality Management Forest Service, Washington, DC. 1989 24p Order number: PB91-154864CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. The report is a booklet which de- scribes eight direction statements that make up the regional vision of the Forest Service, Southwestern Region. CASE STUDIES OF TQM IN FEDERAL AGENCIES Should be considered under all categories, and should include "lessons learned'' Army TQM Implementation Status Briefing Paper Quality Management Department of the Army, Washington, DC. 1989 24p Order number: PB91-154906CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. This is a hard copy of slides covering a briefing on the Department of the Army's TQM implementation status. Topics include a chronology of the implementation effort, Army Staff TQM implementation actions, command specific actions, and a summary. DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Service Region), Philadelphia. Nomination as an OMB Quality Improvement Prototype for 1990 Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Philadelphia, PA. Sep 89 32p Order number: AD-A213 445/0CCL $15 This nomination document prepared by Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Philadelphia summa- rizes the Total Quality Management actions and successes implemented by DCASR Philadelphia in 1989. It addresses the quality environment, measurement, improvement planning, employee involvement, training, employee recognition, and results of quality improvement efforts. Keywords: Continuous process improvement. (KR) DCASR (Defense Contract Administration Service Region), Boston Is the Customer's Voice. Total Quality Management Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Boston, MA . Oct 89 30p Order number: AD-A213 446/8CCL $15 This document contains information concerning actions taken in FY 89 to implement Total Quality Management at Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Boston. Results of Quality Improvement efforts are discussed in detail. Management by planning vision elements which drive the DCASR Boston approach to management are customer focus, process focus and measures of vision attainment. Each of the elements is discussed in depth. Keywords* Continuous process improvement; Quality improvement prototype nomination. (KR) Defense Industrial Supply Center Presentation. An OMB Quality Improvement Prototype Quality Management (Final) Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, PA. 18 Sep 90 55p Order number: PB91-153825CCL $17 The report is a hard copy of a slide presentation on the Defense Industrial Supply Center (DISC) in September 1990. DISC received an Executive Office of the President Quality Improvement Prototype Award for 1990. The topics covered by the slides include organization for quality, customer satisfaction, external and internal customer focus, changing for quality, an overview of the DISC, and a summary. 25 Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies Design and Implementation of Total Quality Management in a Civil Engineering Squadron Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Wertz, R. M. Sep 89 128p Order number: AD-A216 129/7CCL $23 This thesis examines and documents Total Quality Management (TQM) in a Civil Engineering squadron to improve quality and productivity of services and goods produced. It was meant to provide a model of TQM implementa- tion, as well as lessons learned, which would be useful to any other govern- mental organization who desires organizational quality and productivity improvements. In addition to the case study, a 'quality questionnaire' survey was administered to employees at all levels to determine quality perception changes which occurred due to the TQM implementation. It was found that, out of 6 main categories measur- ing quality, 5 of the 6 showed statisti- cally significant improvements in the employees' perceptions of organiza- tional quality. The only category which failed to demonstrate an increase was 'internal and external quality results'; however, this could have been expected, since the TQM process improvements have improved quality and efficiency of processes, but not enough time has passed to actually observe significant changes in product quality. TQM stresses employee participation — something that Japan has been successful with for decades, while actual participative management is still in its infancy in American industrial and governmental functions. This study reported several gains from employee participation in improving all work processes. Indeed, tapping the creative intelligence and expertise of hundreds throughout a field demon- strated the potential to vastly stream- line processes, increasing the quality of goods and services produced by the company. Quality assurance, (edc) Ensuring Quality at the Service Station: How to Build Partnerships with Service Providers Quality Management Department of Education, Washington, DC. Haines, J.; Becker, E. Nov 89 24 p Order number: PB91-154930CCL $15 Hard copy of slides and text prepared by the Division of Quality Assurance, Debt Collection and Management Assistance Service, Department of Education on building partnerships with service providers. Topics covered include: background and context for a pilot program, a description of the pilot activities, a summary of the benefits and results, and a discussion of lessons learned. Implementation of Organizational Change in the Air Force: A Case Study Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Taylor, R. D. Sep 89 85p Order number: AD-A215 363/3CCL $17 The ever changing defense environ- ment requires Department of Defense organizations to change and evolve with the mission requirements, while incurring decreased funding and manpower allocations. This research is a study of the total quality manage- ment initiatives implemented by the Logistics Operation Center (LOC) and Material Management (MM) organiza- tions within the Headquarters, Air Force Logistics Command. In particu- lar, it addresses the planning tactics employed by LOC and MM when implementing major changes to the organizational structure, hierarchy, and specific areas of organizational responsibility to facilitate total quality management. Currently, a lack of concise mission goals, objective performance evaluation tools, and organizational cohesiveness plague the most recent restructuring of both LOC and MM. Research finding indicate the need to clearly responsibilities, in addition to involving effected person- nel in the change process. The value of this study stems from an ongoing research effort at the Air Force Institute of Technology. Recommendations for future research projects include: (1) an investigation of factors that create employee and/or management resistance to change; (2) an inspection of why employees respond differently to given management implementation tactics; and, O) an investigation of specific employee motivational factors within the Air Force organization. Keywords: Productivity, Quality assurance, Feedback, Control, Innova- tion, Theses. Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Total Quality Management at the Naval Aviation Depot, North Island, California Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Warmington, J. A. Dec 88 6lp Order number: AD-A206 442/6CCL $17 Total Quality Management (TQM) has been presented as a way to improve productivity at Department of Defense installations. There are many obstacles to the successful implementation of TQM in a military organization. This thesis defines TQM. It documents the implementation of TQM at the Naval Aviation Depot, North Island, San Diego, California. It presents the lessons learned during the implementa- tion, recommendations for further implementation and demonstrates that any organization can benefit from TQM philosophies. Keywords: Case studies, Deming's management principles, Statistical process control, (kr) Naval Avionics Center Civilian Personnel Department Profile • 1989 Final Report Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Roberts, B. J.; Thomas, K. W.; Davis, M. E. Jul 90 49p Order number: AD-A227 164/1CCL $15 The goal of this research is to examine the characteristics and attitudes of personnel working within the Civilian 26 Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies Personnel Department (CPD) (An organizational chart is included as Appendix A). This study was con- ducted in August of 1989. Two years before this study, the leadership of CPD had changed. Among the initiatives of the new Department Head was a reorganization of the department (described below). Somewhat later, all of the Naval Avionics Center (including CPD) also began a Total Quality Management (TQM) program. This study was requested by the Depart- ment Head as an organizational effectiveness audit to gauge the state of CPD as perceived by its members following the reorganization and the beginning of the TQM program, (kr) Navy's Quality Initiative: A Worldwide Initiative. Presentation to the Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health (2nd). Held in Boston, Massachusetts, on October 22, 1990 Quality Management Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Navy), Washington DC. Zimble, J. A. 22 Oct 90 53p Order number: PB91-155028CCL $17 Speech delivered by VADM James A. Zimble, MC, USN, Surgeon General of the Navy, to report on the initial efforts of the Navy Medical Department to implement continuous quality improve- ment and institutionalize total quality management. The speech covered the current status of the Navy health care system, continuous quality improve- ment in the total Navy organization, current areas of concern, and personal observations as Chief Executive Officer of Navy Medicine. OMB (Office of Management and Budget) Quality and Productivity Improvement Prototype, 1990 Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, PA. 1989 94p Order number: AD-A216 172/7CCL $17 No abstract available. Planning and Implementing Total Quality Management In an Air Force Service Organization: A Case Study Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and logistics. Kent, S. H. Sep 88 98p Order number: AD-A216 351/7CCL $17 The purpose of this study was to describe and assess the design of Air Force Acquisition Logistics Center's (AFALC) strategic plan for implement- ing Total Quality Management (TQM). Documentation of such implementa- tion methods can provide useful crossfeed to other services organiza- tions attempting similiar efforts. The following research questions were addressed to present the case in a useful context for interpretation: (1) What is TQM and how will it be implemented in AFALC; (2) How can the quality of service organizations be improved and what techniques may be useful for this purpose; G) How does the environment at AFALC differ from most Air Force organizations imple- menting TQM and what obstacles must it overcome; (4) How important is strategic planning to the success of implementing programs and what key elements are critical to effective strategic planning; and (5) How can this case study benefit other organiza- tions implementing TQM or another quality program. Theses. (RRH) Process of Excellence: A History of Quality in the Air Force Logistics Command Report for 1907-1989 Air Force Logistics Command, Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. Brownlee, J. C Aug 89 54p Order number: AD-A227 628/5CCL $17 This document describes the evolution of 'quality', through centralization and decentralization, as applied in the Air Force Logistics Command, from the Wright Brothers to 1989- It depicts the practical application of the 'quality movement', from the Industrial Revolution of the mid-19th century to the present, and how that movement impacted the maintenance and repair of USAF weapon systems. Keywords: TQM, Management planning and control, Quality control, Management, TQM (Total Quality Management), Quality management, Total quality management, Logistics quality, Centralization. (Author) (kr) Quality Improvement Prototype Workshop. Held in Washington, DC. on August 24, 1990 Quality Management (Final) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston, TX. Lyndon B.fohnson Space Center. 24 Aug 90 69p Order number: PB91-155101CCL $17 Hard copy of the slides presented in a one-day workshop on the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center which received an Executive Office of the President 1990 Quality Improvement Prototype Award. The slides cover a perspective on the Johnson Space Center QSQ, participative strategic planning and implementation, the Team Excellence initiative, contractor partnerships, a JSC survey, management of technology, and lessons learned and future directions. Presentations were made by JSC and NASA staff. Quality Improvement Prototype. Internal Revenue Service, Federal Tax Deposit System, Department of the Treasury Quality Management (Final) Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC. 1988 15p Order number: PB91-154070CCL $15 The report is on the Federal Tax Deposit (FID) System of the Internal Revenue Service. The FTD System was designated by the Executive Office of the President as a Quality Improve- ment Prototype for 1988. The report includes an executive summary, an organization overview, and sections on program background, management techniques and methods, status of the program, and key personnel. 27 Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies Quality Improvement Prototype: Cincinnati Service Center, Internal Revenue Service Quality Management (Final) Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC. 1990 21p Order number: PB91-153817CCL $15 The report is on the Cincinnati Service Center (CSC), Internal Revenue Service. The CSC was designated by the Executive Office of the President as a Quality Improvement Prototype for 1990. The report includes an executive summary, an organizational overview, and sections on the program back- ground, improvement techniques and methods, the status of the quality effort, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Defense Industrial Supply Center, Defense Logistics Agency Quality Management (Final) Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, PA. 1990 20p Order number: PB91-153833CCL $15 Report on the Defense Industrial Supply Center (DISC), which was designated as a Quality Improvement Prototype for 1990 by the Executive Office of the President. The report includes an organization overview, and sections on program background, improvement techniques and methods, status of the quality effort, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Center, Kansas City, Missouri Quality Management (Final) Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Kansas City, MO. 1989 15p Order number: PB91-153890CCL $15 Report on the Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Center at Kansas City, Missouri. The Kansas City VA Medical Center was designated by the Execu- tive Office of the President as a Quality Improvement Prototype for 1990. The report includes an executive summary and brief discussions of the facility, the TQM commitment, the organization, the quality process, customers (peer reviewers), results, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Quality Management (Final) Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington, DC. 1988 27p Order number: PB91-153874CCL $15 Sponsored by Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC. Report on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) which was designated by the Executive Office of the President as a Quality Improvement Prototype for 1988. The report includes an executive summary and an organizational overview, and sections on program background, management techniques and methods, status of the program, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Fresno Service Center, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury Quality Management (Final) Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC. 1989 22p Order number: PB91-153916CCL $15 The report is on the Fresno Service Center, Internal Revenue Service. The Fresno Service Center was designated by the Executive Office of the Presi- dent as a Quality Improvement Prototype for 1989- The report includes an executive summary and an organi- zational overview, and sections on the program background, management techniques and methods, the status of the quality effort, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Internal Revenue Service, One Stop Account Service, Department of the Treasury Quality Management (Final) Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC. 1988 18p Order number: PB91-153908CCL $15 Report on the One-Stop Account Service Project of the Internal Revenue Service. The Project, piloted by the San Francisco District Office, was desig- nated by the Executive Office of the President as a Quality Improvement Prototype for 1988. The report includes an executive summary and organiza- tional overview, and sections on the program background, management techniques and methods, status of the program, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Quality Management (Final) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston, TX. Lyndon B.Johnson Space Center. 1990 26p Order number: PB91-153809CCL $15 Report on the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC). The JSC was designated by the Executive Office of the President as a Quality Improve- ment Prototype for 1990. The report includes an executive summary, an organization overview, and sections on program background, improvement techniques and methods, status of the quality effort, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Lewis Research Center, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration Quality Management (Final) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, OH. Lewis Research Center. 1989 21p Order number: PB91-155127CCL $15 Report on the Lewis Research Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Center was designated as a Quality Improvement 28 Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies Prototype for 1989 by the Executive Office of the President. The report includes an executive summary, an organization overview, and sections on program background, management techniques and methods, the status of the quality effort, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, North Carolina, Department of the Navy Quality Management (Final) Naval Air Systems Command, Washing- ton, DC 1988 18p Order number: PB91 153858CCL $15 Report on the Cherry Point Naval Aviation Depot, Naval Air Systems Command. The Cherry Point Depot was designated by the Executive Office of the President as a Quality Improve- ment Prototype for 1988. The report includes an executive summary, an organization overview, and sections on program background, management techniques and methods, status of the program, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Naval Publications and Forms Center, Naval Supply Systems Command Quality Management (Final) Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC; Naval Supply Systems Command, Washington, DC. 1989 21p Order number: PB91-153841CCL $15 Sponsored by Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC. Report on the Naval Publications and Forms Center, Naval Supply Systems Command. The Center was designated by the Executive Office of the Presi- dent as a Quality Improvement Prototype for 1989- The report includes an executive summary, an organization overview, and sections on program background, management techniques and methods, status of the quality effort, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Naval Sea Systems Command. Department of the Navy Quality Management (Final) Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, VA. 1989 22p Order number: PB91-153882CCL $15 Report on the Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY), Naval Sea Systems Command. The NNSY was designated by the Executive Office of the President as a Quality Improvement Prototype for 1989- The report includes an executive summary, an organizational overview, and sections on the program back- ground, management techniques and methods, status of the quality effort, and key personnel. Quality Improvement Prototype: Ogden Service Center, Internal Revenue Service Quality Management (Final) Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC. 1989 20p Order number: PB91-153791CCL $15 The report is on the Ogden Service Center of the Internal Revenue Service. The Ogden Service Center was designated by the Executive Office of the President as a Quality Improve- ment Prototype for 1989. The report includes an executive summary, an organization overview, and sections on program background, management techniques and methods, status of the quality effort, and key personnel. Quality Improvement: Does the Air Force Systems Command Practice What It Preaches Air Univ., Maxwell AFB, AL. Airpower Research Inst. Campbell, J. A. Mar 90 192p Order number: AD-A224 615/5CCL $23 Production inefficiencies in many defense industries have resulted in significant cost growth for major weapon systems. These costs have not gone unnoticed. DOD has imple- mented many programs in an attempt to reduce these inefficiencies, but these efforts have met with little apparent success. Recently the Defense Depart- ment has adopted a philosophy — total quality management — that could finally lower these costs. This approach will require a re-education and cultural change of both the DOD and contrac- tor work forces. In this study, the author uses a survey questionnaire to determine to what degree the AFSC acquisition work force understands what is causing these production inefficiencies and if it is applying management techniques that can reduce the cost of these inefficiencies. He surveys program directors, program managers, and quality assurance personnel at AFSC's five major product divisions. The most significant result of this study is that it establishes an important baseline that we can use to measure our commitment to address- ing these production inefficiencies. The data strongly supports the notion that the TQM philosophy using continuous improvement is not well understood by the acquisition work force. The data also indicate that the work force does not understand the magnitude of these production inefficiencies. A communi- cation problem in the program offices inhibits the work force from applying those management techniques that can minimize these inefficiencies. (EDC) jF Quality programs for waste Management research and development Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA. Hood, F. C Jun 90 8p Order number: DE90016339CCL $11 Annual international seminar on radioactive waste products (2nd), Julich (Germany, F.R.), 28 May - 1 Jun 1990. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products. The Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) is a US Department of Energy (DOE) multi-program national labora- tory. PNL develops waste management processes and techniques as well as providing management services for characterization and remediation of radioactive and/or hazardous waste 29 Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies sites for the DOE. This paper deals with the application of total quality management principles to waste management research and develop- ment activities at PNL. The PNL Quality Program has evolved with expanding expectations for "error-free" perfor- mance from the client and the public sector; it describes the management controls needed to achieve desired levels of product quality and to verify they are reached. It includes the definition of work requirements, performance objectives, roles and responsibilities, performance indicators and measurement, performance feedback mechanisms, and process improvement methodologies. 6 refs. Readings on Managing Organizational Quality Final Report Apr-Nov 89 Navy Personnel Research and Develop- ment Center, San Diego, CA. Backaitis, N.j Rosen, H. H. May 90 327p Order number: AD-A224 888/8CCL $39 This volume of readings has been compiled for those interested in learning about new management philosophies that are helping to bring about the transformation of American industry and that are enabling firms to meet competitive challenges success- fully with novel strategies. The new management philosophy is based on assumptions that better reflect the ground rules of today's global economy than do the assumptions upon which much of current manage- ment practice is based. This set of readings emphasizes the role of leadership at various levels of the organization in bringing about effective organizational response to the new competitive challenge. It describes changes in policies, in organizational structure, in the management of relationships with customers and suppliers, and in the management of relationships within organizations that will help them to create and sustain competitive advantage. Keywords: Quality; Management; Productivity; Leadership; Network analysis(management). Sacramento Air Logistics Center Quality Briefing Quality Management Sacramento Air Logistics Center, McClellan AFB, CA. Gaymon, C. R.; Lunsford, R. E. 1988 31p Order number: PB91-154922CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. The report is a copy of a handout from a briefing on the quality management effort at the Sacramento Air Logistics Center. It contains an overview, a quality equation, management prin- ciples, implementation structure, and examples of gains. Senior Management Quality Review: U.S. Postal Service Quality Management 17 Jul-8 Nov 90 (Final) Postal Service, Washington, DC. Horgan, E.; Charters, D.; Mulligan, J.; Caraveo, J.; Cummings, B. 8 Nov 90 50p Order number: PB91-154013CCL $15 The report is a senior management quality review of the U.S. Postal Service. It describes four central principles of quality, the implications of quality for the Postal Service, supporting elements, and other considerations. It also contains a section on the rationale for quality and the potential benefits of quality implementation, with illustrative examples of quality improvements recently made. Strategic Approach to Quality Improvement, Workshop 3: 1990 Quality Improvement Prototype, NASA Johnson Space Center, Conference on Federal Quality and Productivity Improvements (3rd) Quality Management (Final) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston, TX. Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Cohen, A.; Thrower, W.; Sullivan, L. J. 31 May 90 40p Order number: PB91-153866CCL $15 The study includes a hard copy of slides presented at the Third Annual Conference on Federal Quality and Productivity Improvements in May, 1990. The subject of the presentation was the NASA Johnson Space Center and its approach to quality improve- ment. As a result of its effort, the Center received an Executive Office of the President Quality Improvement Prototype Award for 1990. Topics covered by the slides include key success factors, an organizational overview, quality initiatives, perfor- mance improvement areas, a culture survey process, and a strategic planning process. Survey of Total Quality Management (TQM) Resource Centers Final Report Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexan- dria, VA.; Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexan- dria, VA. Lester, J.; Nash, S. H. Mar 90 59p Order number: AD-A229 218/3CCL $17 This document describes a study of various models of Total Quality Management Resource Centers that have been established, and is intended to assist in the development of a design for a Department of Defense (DoD) TQM Resource Center. The Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) surveyed eight organizations with TQM Resource Centers for their designs and operations. While a precise set of organizations models did not emerge from the data collected, three critical design issues did — the level of activity, the degree of centralization, and the philosophy of operation. Moreover, the data from the study did not argue for or against the establishment of a DoD TQM Resource Center, nor was IDA asked to make this determination. Although the organizations surveyed have successfully used TQM Resource Centers to improve quality, at least two organizations who were winners of the prestigious Baldrige Award for Quality 30 Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies did not invest in TQM Resource Centers. Further study is required by the DoD to determine whether a DoD TQM Resource Center is needed and who its customers would be. Total Quality Management - Remedial Actions Planning Program Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, 77V. Petty, J. L.; Home, T. E. 1989 Up Order number: DE89014081CCL $15 16. annual conference of the American Society for Quality Control, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 17-20 Sep 1989. This paper describes the management approach being taken within the Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program (HAZWRAP) Support Contrac- tor Office (SCO) to ensure quality of services in a highly competitive waste management environment. An over- view is presented of the contractor support role assigned to Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., by the Department of Energy (DOE) national program for managing hazardous waste. The HAZWRAP SCO mission, organizational structure, and major programs are outlined, with emphasis on waste management planning for the DOE Work for Others (WFO) Program. The HAZWRAP SCO provides waste management technical support, via interagency agreements between DOE and various Department of Defense (DOD) agencies for DOD sponsors planning remedial response actions. The remainder of the paper focuses on how the concept of Total Quality Management is applied to the HAZWRAP Remedial Actions Planning (RAP) Program. The management challenge is to achieve quality on a "system" basis where all functional elements of program management synergistically contribute to the total quality of the effort. The quality assurance (QA) program requirements applied to the RAP Program and its subcontractors are discussed. The application of management principles in the areas of program management, procurement, and QA to achieve total quality is presented. 3 refs. Total Quality Management Briefing. U.S. Army Materiel Command Quality Management Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, Alexandria, VA. Alster, S. J. 1990 31p Order number: PB91-155192CCL Not available from NTIS. Available from Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, DC. 20044. The report is a set of briefing slides covering Total Quality Management at the U.S. Army Material Command. It contains implementation steps, quality definitions, implementation status, and examples of successful implementa- tion. Total Quality Management Case Study in a Navy Headquarters Organization Final Report Oct 88-Oct 89 Navy Personnel Research and Develop- ment Center, San Diego, CA. McDaniel, D. M.; Doherty, L. M. Feb 90 47p Order number: AD-A219 412/4CCL $15 This report documents the efforts of Fleet Support and Field Activity Management (AIR-04), Naval Air Systems Command, to implement Total Quality Management (TQM). It describes AIR-04's TQM implementa- tion plan and its selection of the engineering change proposal (ECP) as the first process to undergo continuous improvement using TQM methodology. The report chronicles the development of a TQM Executive Steering Commit- tee and Quality Management Board (QMB), the education and training process, and the selection of the ECP process for analysis. Results of data analyses by the QMB are presented along with a description of continuing efforts. Recommendations concern process definition, work prioritization, Just-in-Time training, emphasis on immediate results, and documentation of future actions. Keywords: Total quality management; Project action team; Continuous improvement; Special cause; Common cause; Control charts; Flow chart, (jhd) Total Quality Management in the Department of Defense Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Springs, B. E. Sep 89 120p Order number: AD-A215 364/1CCL $23 Executive Order 12552 challenged all federal agencies to achieve a three percent productivity increase. All agencies have not progressed at the same speed, however. Some agencies may have encountered the same failures and successes without benefit or knowledge that others may have overcome the same stumbling blocks. If managers had a comprehensive document that they could use to identify where other agencies were with TQM implementation, successes, and who the points-of-contact are for each agency, they could share their experiences and make it possible for the entire DoD community to progress more efficiently with TQM implementa- tion. This thesis therefore attempts to develop a description and assessment of the TQM initiatives within the DoD community. It will outline what the responsibilities of quality offices are and the approaches agencies arfi taking. The objectives of this research were to identify the early roots of TQM from both public and private sector experiences, to identify DoD agencies and Air Force units and what they are doing to implement TQM, to catalog their successes to date, and to provide points-of-contact for each agency mentioned. Total Quality Management, DLA Finance Center Defense Finance Center, Columbus, OH. Jul 89 19p Order number: AD-A212 960/9CCL $15 This document discusses implementa- tion of TQM by DFC. It includes the Finance Center TQM philosophy, roles and responsibilities, tools and strate- gies, goals and milestones. Two critical components of the DFC TQM philoso- phy are that employees and customers 31 Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies are the most important links in the chain to success. Keywords: Continu- ous process improvement. Total Quality Management: An Application in a Research and Development Laboratory Final Technical Paper Dec 88-Sep 89 Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, TX. Clark, H. J. Dec 89 22p Order number: AD-A215 808/7CCL $15 In September 1988, the Air Force Human Resources Laboratory (AFHRL) took initial steps to set up a Total Quality Management (TQM) program in the Laboratory. The implementation procedure used was the Method for Generating Efficiency and Effectiveness Federal Agencies — A call for TQM documents Any database is only as good as the information it contains. To build up a substantive collection, we are urging Federal agencies that are in the process of implementing TQM to review the documents they hold and submit them to the FQI for inclusion in the database. The documents may fall into the following categories: TQM Management Support Strategic Planning Focus on the Customer Employee Training Employee Recognition Employee Empowerment and Teamwork Measurement and Analysis Quality Assurance TQM Implementation Performance Management Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies Please send any TQM-related documents you wish to be included in the NTIS database to: The Federal Quality Institute Information Network P.O. Box 99 Washington, D.C. 20044-0099 32 Order Form Address DATE: Last Name First Initial Title Company/Organization Address City/State/ZIP Attention Payment ^™^«^™^^^^^^^^ □ Charge my NTIS Deposit Account — □ Check/Money order enclosed for $ (Payable in U.S. dollars) □ Purchase order enclosed ADD $7.50 per order Purchase Order No. Charge my □ Amer. Express □ VISA □ MasterCard Account No. Exp. Telephone Orders :<---->>->>>>-->----- Call (703) 487-4650 or FAX this form (703) 321-8547 RUSH service is available Orders are ready for shipment within 24 hours. Charges are $12 to $22 extra depending on delivery method. Do not mail rush orders. Call 1-800-553-NTIS, in Virginia (703) 487-4650. 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These printed-to-order copies are the best possible reproductions. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service Springfield, VA 22161 ADDDD17S71SEM Federal Quality Institute's (FQI) Information Network Look inside for reports on: ■ TQM Management Support ■ Strategic Planning ■ Focus on the Customer ■ Employee Training ■ Employee Recognition ■ Employee Empowerment & Teamwork ■ Measurement & Analysis ■ Quality Assurance ■ TQM Implementation ■ Performance Management A0Q0QV7S71524 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service Springfield, VA 22161 FQI Information Network P.O. Box 99 Washington, DC 20044-0099 PR-893 4/91