THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES POPULATION BY COUNTIES AND MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS 1910,1900,1890 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation Thirteenth Census or the United States: 1910 BULLETIN POPULATION : UNITED STATES NUMBER OF INHABITANTS, BY COUNTIES AND MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS Prepared under the supervision of WM. C. HUNT, Chief Statistician for Population This bulletin gives the population of states and terri- tories, by counties and minor civil divisions, as enum- erated at the Thirteenth Census, taken as of April 15, 1910, with comparative statements of population for 1900 and 1S90 where possible. In many of the states, and particularly in those of the western part of the country, there have been in the last 20 years a number of changes in the boundaries of counties as well as in the minor civil divisions which oftentimes make a comparison with the preceding census enumeration out of the question. The statistics are here given in two general tables for each state of continental United States and for the outlying territories of Alaska. Hawaii, and Porto Rico. The statistics for any given state or territory are thus brought together in one place. Table 1 shows the population of each state or terri- tory, distributed according to counties and minor civil divisions, at the last three Federal censuses, namely, those of 1910. 1900. and 1S90. The arrange- ment of counties is alphabetical and the same order is followed for primary divisions, except where they are known by numbers only, in which case the numerical order is followed. The changes in boundaries, name, or form of organization which have taken place since 1900 are indicated in the footnotes to the table. Table 2 shows for and other inc erai, . ■es of com k! into poli **■ state or territory the cities ;es alphabetically arranged 910. 1900, and 1890. al United States are, in gen- 'I divisions known as counties, but in Louisiana the equivalent subdivisions are called parishes. There are a few cities that are inde- pendent of county organizations, namely, Baltimore St. Louis, and most of the cities of Virginia. There are also a few cities that are coextensive with one or more counties, namely. San Francisco, Denver, New Orleans (coextensive with Orleans Parish), New York (coextensive with four counties), and Philadelphia. There are no counties or other civil divisions, except police precincts, in the District of Columbia, the county organization having been abolisl * in 1874 at the time IS— M— 8 U840 that the cities of Washington and Georgetown ceased to exist as separate corporations. Outside of conti- nental United .States. Hawaii has a county organization, while in Alaska judicial districts and in Porto Rico municipal districts are used as equivalents of counties. The counties in turn are generally divided into smaller political units which bear different designa- tions in different states and territories, such as town- ships, towns, election precincts, beats, magisterial districts, etc. In the states organized from the public- domain and surveyed under the national land system, what is termed the congressional township has gener- ally been taken as the basis of organization of minor civil divisions. In New England, and in a portion of the country strongly affected by New England migra- tion, the counties are generally divided into towns which often have many of the powers that in the South and in the newly settled West pertain to the county. In some states different designations are used for the civil divisions of different counties; thus some counties in Nebraska and Nevada are divided into townships., while other counties in the same states are divided into election precincts; in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota townships, election precincts, and school districts appear as civil divisions of different counties. Some counties in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont report, in addition to towns and cities, which are the regular minor civil divisions in these states, a certain number of plantations, gores, grants, surpluses, purchases, locations, and islands; these des- ignations generally represent partly organized or un- organized territory laid off by the state authorities for different purposes. Federal reservations often occupy parts of several counties and are reported in each, note being made of the fact that the county contains only part of the reservation. Minor civil divisions which rank next to the county as geographic areas are termed primary divisions; fre- quently these primary divisions contain political units of still smaller area, such as incorporated villages or boroughs; these smaller political units are referred to as secondary divisions. -12 2—12 STATISTICS OF POPULATION. The wide variety of nomenclature which exists throughout the states is shown in the following sum- mary, which gives for oach state the name of the primary divisions of less area than the county: STATES. Alabama Election precincts. Arizona Election precincts. Arkansas Townships. California Judicial townships. Colorado Election precincts. Connecticut Towns. Delaware Representative districts. District of Columbia None. Florida Election precincts. Georgia Militia districts. Idaho Election precincts. Illinois Townships and election precincts. Indiana Townships. Iowa Townships. Kansas Townships. Kentucky Magisterial districts. Louisiana Police jury wards. Maine Towns and cities. Maryland Election districts. Massachusetts Towns and cities. Michigan Townships. Minnesota Civil townships and townships and ranges. Mississippi Beats. Missouri Townships. Montana School districts. townships, and election precincts. Nebraska Townships and election precincts. Nevada Townships and election precincts. New Hampshire Towns and cities. New Jersey Townships. New Mexico Election precincts. New York „ Towns and cities. North Carolina Townships. North Dakota Civil townships, election precincts, Bchool towiiHliips, :uid school districts. Ohio Townships. Oklahoma Townships. Oregon Election precincts. Pennsylvania Townships, cities, and boroughs. Rhode Island Towns and cities. South Carolina Townships. South Dakota Civil townships, election precincts, school townships, and school districts. Tennessee Civil districts. Texas Commissioners' precincts and justices' precincts. Utah Election precincts. Vermont Towns and cities. Virginia Magisterial districts. Washington Election precincts. West Virginia Magisterial districts. Wisconsin Towns. Wyoming Election districts and election precincts. OUTLYING TERRITORIES. Alaska Recorders' districts. Hawaii Election districts. Porto Rico Barrios. Municipalities, such as cities, towns, and villages, appear in some cases as primary divisions coordinate with townships or election precincts; in other cases as secondary divisions forming parts of a primary di- vision or sometimes coextensive with one or more of them. The usual subdivision of the municipal corpo- ration is the ward, but in a number of cities the ward division has been abandoned, and the city is subdi- vided into assembly districts ; in such cases this division has been used for the presentation of the population. ALABAMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. e Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 20,038 17,915 13,330 Bibb County— Continued. Precinct 10, Blocton— Continued. 422 892 729 665 21,156 Precinct 1, PralU illc, inch id in- PiatU illc. tmvn . 5,745 2,222 481 799 416 626 1,552 2,257 SIS 1,193 391 781 1,247 1,452 256 1,154 2,095 1,340 831 18,178 4,679 1,929 3,143 724 WardS 688 Blount County ' •23,119 1'rccinct 2, Washington 1,011 2,273 1,037 2,025 •21,927 Precinct 3, Autnugaville, including Autauga- Precinct 1, Blount Springs 776 689 543 1,185 287 564 1,457 462 547 763 1,375 1,010 '469 869 324 611 413 271 1,085 467 736 480 530 198 420 526 812 481 371 1,231 609 421 544 30,196 962 749 427 1,016 (?) Precinct 2, Gum Springs 1,211 499 972 1,061 841 i,3is 448 1,231 039 300 Precinct 4, Pocahontas Precinct 5, Blountsville, including Blountsville Precinct 7, Bethel Precinct 8, Big Springs, including Billingsley 677 743 1,162 437 478 720 1,062 696 388 576 379 617 507 260 1,008 398 658 396 510 544 232 435 963 443 392 1,254 583 322 450 31,911 Precinct 7, Summit Precinct 8, Campbells 1J804 961 775 » 13,191 892 1,235 1,002 Precinct 9, Hood 860 i '"■ '" ' '. '!'■ i Precinct 11 , Chepultepec Precinct 12, Cleveland '8,911 C) '764 1,432 '749 1,012 900 757 1,507 1,785 2,025 690 856 437 715 1,019 1,340 32,728 ' ■ '" W w, » Precinct in. Fairhupe ami Zuiclels, including (') Precinct 36, Oneonta, including Oneonta town. . Precinct 14, Foley and Magnolia Springs 35,152 31,898 Precinct 1, Midway, including Midway town. . . 3,035 464 1,477 7,839 4,056 1,697 1,259 2,022 1,561 4,967 398 263 1,705 1,341 1,325 29,030 3,874 430 1,469 6,940 2,634 1,867 1,479 2,194 1,655 5,510 447 145 L521 1,654 1,897 28,761 3,953 612 1,468 Precinct 1, Hawkiusville 1,413 2,236 1,127 'l4S 249 7,302 4,269 800 1,096 1,291 1,073 1,249 3,717 1,180 1,197 2,626 483 1,808 1,113 1,687 117 3,527 680 516 815 22,791 1,873 2,728 1,406 2,062 1S7 476 7,972 4,532 1,871 3,317 Precinct 3, Union Springs, including Union Precinct 3, Mount Andrew '('(■.■■■-.■; I. ,.,,,■, 1 :, ,,.■ |r, ; ' ■ 1 1 ■. I ■, , , , • 'ill 2,049 town and A* hile i >ak Springs village 1,240 WMte Oak Springs village ... .ii 1 ... I- i .I 8,217 4,394 ■ Precinct 8, Greenwood, including Fitzpatrick Wardl 4,251 Ward 2 V/ardS Wardi Precinct 6, Williamsons 1,446 4,101 998 1,318 2,713 416 1,654 1,131 1,418 1,448 4,075 ! 997 1,164 2,534 1,434 1 1,082 Precinct 7, Clavton, including Clayton village.. . Butler County Louisville, including Louisville town . 21,611 Precinct 1 Starlington 1,435 1,050 632 515 874 477 1,578 L761 952 1,656 7,594 3,377 822 1,337 800 1,300 4,007 999 575 1,089 711 979 360 816 1,209 836 565 430 778 397 1,417 1,200 1,886 1,479 1,720 6,341 3,162 Frecinctl2, Reedcrs Mill, including BlueSprlngs Precinct 13, Faulks, including Clio town 3,095 S26 486 849 900 18,498 2,570 656 I 904 892 13,821 Bibb County Precinct 11, Forest Home ai He, including Greenville city 1,573 5,372 2,806 Precinct 1, Kingdom 2,384 1,242 784 2,719 2,148 730 4,371 2,279 823 1,332 3,315 3,297 1,452 862 2,166 2,099 422 828 1,891 1,168 224 3,823 L220 789 1,580 1,553 239 959 1,326 1,418 390 2,799 Wardl Wards Wards Ward 4 Precinct 5, Centerville, including Centerville 1,450 2,793 667 447 1,018 693 735 176 367 Precinct 14, Georgiana, including Georgiana city. 2,265 Precinct 7, Randolph 865 517 Precinct 18, Boiling, including Boiling town Precinct 10, Blocton, including Smith Hill and West Blocton towns Precinct 19, McKenzie " 1 Incorporated in 1907. 2 Incorporated In 1901. » No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1910. * Incorporated in 1908. » Precinct 12 organized from parts of precincts 2 and 4 in 1906. 6 Incorporated in 1903. ' Part annexed to Cullman County in 1901. » County totals include population (3,258 in 1900; 3,241 inl898)ofpreclncts3,15, ;o Cullman County since 1900, and population (4,305 in . . S, 29, and 34, not returned separately In 1890. Not returned separately in 1890. 1° Incorporated In 1900. 11 Part annexed to precinct 31 In 1906. » Returned as Thompson Crossroads in 1900. is Name changed from Cornelius in 1906. Part of precinct 14 annexed In 1906. » Returned as Lumber Mills in 1900, (5) 6 STATISTICS OF POPULATION -ALABAMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Procinct moans election precinct. For changes in boundaries, e Calhoun County I. Precinct 1, Jacksonville, including Jacksonville Jacksonville town I 'rennet 2, A lexandria Precinct 3, Weavers j Precinct 4, Coldwater Precinct 5, Polkville Precinct S, Greens Schoolhouse. . Precinct 10, Rabbit Town^ Precinct 12, Iron City Precinct 13, Oxford, 4 including Hobson city and Oxford town Hobson city Oxford town Precinct 14, Sulphur Sprii Ward 1 . Wards WardS Wardi WardS Blue Mom Precinct 16, Ladiga Precinct 17, De Armanvllle *. Chambers County. . Precinct 1, Hickory Flat Precini I 2, Pearsons Cross Roads 1 . I'reciticl. :S, Milltown Precinct I, Wise». Precinct 5, Hamburg and Five Points » Precinct 7, Lanett, including Lanett town. . Precinct 9, „ Precinct 10, New Harmony and Waverly io Precinct 11, Oak Bowery Cherokee County.. Precinct 3, Tecumseh Precinct 4, Spring Garden. . Precinct 5, Spring Creek Precinct 6, Center Precinct 7, Coloma Precinct 8, Ballplay Round Mountain village . . Precinct 14, Waterloo Precinct 15, Broomtown Precinct 16, Paden i« Precinct 17, Cedar Springs. . Precinct 18, Sterling Precinct 19, Stafford Precinct 20, Ellis Precinct 21, Lewis » Precinct 22, Leesburg i Part annexed to Cleburne County in 1907; part of Cleburne County annexed in 1907. » Incorporated as a city in 1909. Cleburne County in 1907. » Part of precinct 20 (Oxe ts 13 and 17 and territory taken from d to Anniston city in 1901. » Returned as Trammells Crossroads in • Returned as Hamburg in 1900. "Returned as New Harmony in 1900. >' Returned as Bethlehem In 1900. MINOR CTVIL DIVISION. Chilton County.. Jemisonl. •ecinct 3, Benson •ecinct 4, Clanton, including Clanton town. . . Clanton town , •ecinct 5, Verbena •ecinct 6, Kincheon -ecinct 7, Maplesville 14, Macedonia . . . 1'letcher •ecinct 16, Providence... Choctaw County. . Precinct lis ... Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Precinct 15 1S . . Precinct 1, Gainestown Precinct 2, Saltworks Precinct 3, Jackson, including Ji Jackson village.'. 975 Precinct 8, R i ver Hill . . Prei incl 11, Andersons.. Precinct 12, Gates 2, 789 Precinct 16, Tallahatta Springs . . Fulton town Precinct 19, Campbell. . Precinct 20, Bashi Precinct 21, Choctaw Corner, including Thomas- ille village. Thomasville village. . Clay County..... Precinct 3, Fox Creek. Precinct 4, Wesob ' Precinct 5, Coleta Precinct 6, Ashland 20 including Ashland town . A shland town. icluding Hollins town . . ieii";;"!";"*";;"" Precinct 9, Millerville 21 Precinct 10, Wicker Precinct 11, Almond Precinct 12, Idaho 22 13, Lineville, including Lineville town. I Lineville town Precinct 14, Pinckneyville Precinct 15, Union Precinct Hi, Bowden Precinct 17, Horse Creek.. I Precinct 18, Poll Bridge 20 n Returned as Rock Run in 1900. w Precinct 23 orgi ' ' ''Incorporated in w Precinct 24 organized from parts of precincts 16 and 21 in 1906. io No comparison of population can be made; county redlstrlcted In 1907. " Incorporated in 1901. '8 Precinct 15 organized from part of precinct 1 in 1908. "County total includes population (1,098) of precincts 2 and 12, not returned separately in 1890. 50 Part annexed to precinct 12 in 1906. 2i Name changed from McConathy in 1906. 22 Name changed from Mountain In 1906. Parts of precincts 2, 5, 6, and 18 annexed In 1906. 1,181 21,006 413 US i,ih 611 6t3 1,D!H m 1,296 009 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, el MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Cleburne County I. Precinct 1, Borden Springs 2 . Muscadine i . . Precinct 4, Edu:ud.svilkv' unlading Edwards- ville to wn Edwardsville town Precinct 5, Shoal Creek* lTivinri (i, 1 1 oil in, including lleflin town 11,/lh, Precinct 9, Lost Creek Precinct 10, Arbacoochee Precinct 11, Pine Knot Precinct 12, Chulafinnee Precinct 13, Buckhorn 6 Precinct 14, Kentuck Precinct 15, Fruithurst, including Fruithurst Coffee County.. Precinct 3, Brannen Precinct 4, Childersville Precinct 5, Tilmans Mill Precinct 6, EU>;\'' including I Ilia town Elba town Precinct 7, Peacock 7 Precinct 8, Grant Precinct 9, Clintonville, including New Brock- New Brockton town 8 Precinct 10, Victoria " , Precinct 11, Simmons Mill Precinct 12, Centerville Precinct 13, Haw Ridge Precinct 14, Holley Precinct 15, Deanville Precinct 16, Kimmeys Mill ' Precinct 17, Enterprise, including Enterprise Enterprise town Wardl WardS Wards Ward4 Precinct 18, Paul Precinct 19, Carpenter Precinct 20, Parker Precinct 21, Woodland Grove «. Colbert County.. Precinct 1, Brickville >« Precinct 2, Tuscumbia, including Tuscumbia city. Tuscumbia dtp Wardl Ward S. Ward S. ■d i. . Ward I Precinct 3, Barton Precinct 4, Cherokee, including Cherokee town. Cherokee town Precinct 5, Riverton" Precinct 6, Dickson Precinct 7, Rock Creek Precinct 9, Wheeler Precinct 10, Poplar Creek Precinct 11, Leighton, including Leighton town. Precinct 13, Prides Precinct 14, Spring Valley j Precinct 15, Allsboro Precinct 16, Sheffield, including Sheffield city... Sheffield city.. Ward 1 . . Wards.. Wards.. Ward 4.. 1,099 410 2,316 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Conecuh County.. Precinct 3, Precinct 4, Belleville Precincts, Brushy Creek Precinct 6, Castleberry, including Castleberry Precincts, Jamestown Precinct 9, Oldtown Precinct 10, Gravella Precinct 11, Evergreen, including Evergreen Precinct 14, CaUihan... Coosa County.. ::"::::::::l:::::::::: 742 Wards Precinct 17, Alexander. • Part annexed to Calhoun County in 1907; part of Calhoun County annexed in 1907. > Returned as Borden in 1900. > Returned as Courthouse in 1900. * Part of Calhoun County annexed in 1907. cinct 17 and part annexed to precinct 16 between 1890 and 1900. ■ecinct 4 Ooodwater town cinct 5, Mount Olive.. •ecinct 6, Hanover ecinct 7, Rockford u ... ;8, McCords recinct 9, Concord Precinct 14, Lewis « it 15, Travellers Rest". :t 16, Crews' 2 :t 17, Lauderdale " Covington County.. Precinct 1, Andalusia," including Andalusia A ndalusia town Precinct 2, Fairfield Precinct 3, Opp,^ including Opp town Precinct 6, Loango Precinct 7, Watkins Precinct 8, Davis Shop" Precinct 9, Florala," including Florala city . . Florala city •• Precinct 10, Hart.. Red Level town " Precinct 13, Green Bay Precinct 14, Copperas Head... Precinct 15, Hamptonville. . Precinct 16, Straughns Schoolhouse Preclncl 17, Willliims Precinct 18, River Falls, including River Falls RivYrTans'town\«Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.YY.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.YY. Precinct 19, George Precincl 20, Sanford.u including Sanford town.. Crenshaw County.. Precinct 1, Surles Precinct 2, Danielville Precinct 3, Bradleyton Precinct 4, Honoraville Precinct 5, Fullers Crossroads Precinct 6, Rutledge and Roberson, including Precinct 7, Dorman and Vidette Precinct 8, Leon Precinct 9, Mount Ida, including Brantley tc Brantley town '2 Precinct 19 organized from parts of precincts 2, 7, 16, and 17 in 1907. 18 organized from parts of precincts 11, 14, and 15 in If " rrecinct 20 organized from parts of prr'-" 1 15 Name changed from Hallton In 1901. rganized from parts of precincts 1 and 8 In 1903. '• Incorporated In 1901. » Name changed from Hughes In 1901. 18 Incorporated in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Crenshaw County— Continued. I'recinct 10, New Providence, including Glcn- »oo.l U Olenwood town ' Precinct U, Bullock I'recinct 12, Aiken 1'iwiiK'l. 13, Saville Precinct 11, laivorne, including Lnverne loan. . Luveme town i. Dozier, including Dozier and Sea- Cullman County 2 . Precinct 1, Cullman, including CulLman city Cullman city Precinct 2, Good Hope Precinct 3, Hanceville, including Hanceville Hanceville town* Prei in. i 5, Stouts Mountain Precinct 12, Crane Hill... Precinct 13, Adams Precinct 14, Logan... Precinct 17, Ebenezer... Precinct 18, Vinemont... 19, Kings.. Precinct 23, I Precinct 24, Walter. . Wardl. WardS.. Ward It.. Wards Precinct 2, Westvllle Precinct 3, Daleville Precinct 4, Newton, 7 including Newton tc Precinct 6, Pinckard, 9 including Pinckard town. Pinckard town Precinct 7, Rocky Head 8, Midland City, including Midland Precinct 9, Echo Precinct 10, Clopton Precinct 11 , Skipperville I0 Precinct 12, Barnes Cross Roads, including Precinct 13, Bells" Precinct 14, Ewell Dallas County.. Orrvilieh Precinct 9, Lexington Precinct 10, River Precinct 11, Pine Flat Precinct 12, Oldtown Precinct 13, Pleasant Hill.. Precinct 14, Richmond 1 Incorporated in 1907. 2 Part of BlountCounty annexed in 1901. 3 No comparison of population can be made; cc 1,169 ! 1 , . r >08 2, 42(1 l,S8/ t 28,321 I U7.849 1,251 1,572 MINOR CIVIL D Dallas County— Continued. 15, Portland Hi, Cababa net 22, llurnsvillc t25, Liberty Hill.. "26, Bells.. 27, Vernon 28, Marion Junction.. 29, Browns 30, Kings 31, Smyly ..32, Elm Bluff inct 33, Carlowville Mi r t 31, l'.o\ I; in-,. :t 35, Mitchells.. recinct 3f Selma nV;/: 1 -' Wardl.. WardS.. WardS.. Ward 4.. with Selma city.. Dekalb County. . Precinct 3, Brandon. . 1 ' r: 'i -i ■ i . ■ L ■!, 1 leiulf i\ villi; I '.re in " a roil il Precinct 6, Collinsville, including Collinsville 1,175 1,241 1,552 1,096 Collinsville town Precinct 7, Lebanon l-nviin'i :•:, llmlsun: Mill Precinct 9, Fort Payne, including Fort Payne city Fort Payne city i 'hi ; "inii ■ , I '.rrhir : ;.. \ '.I!; , ; I. .,.! Precinct 12, Phillips Precinct 13, Sulphur Springs Precinct 14. Deerhead I'recinct I'l'i rill Precinct I YrriliCt I'recnici |-rrrl,)ci Precinct I'irriiirl I irrin.'l I'n-i IDCi Precinct I'rccincl. I") ri 1 'i efiiict Precinct 16, Blue Pond 17, Grahams 18, Latham ville 19, Poplar Springs.. 20, Moores 21, Ellisons 22, Portersville 23, Crumleys 24,Whitons 25, Corinth 26, Lydia Elmore County.. Precinct l,Colemans.. Tullassce tc _ .. I'lecinel -!, \iiiciiclls Mill (Wine).. I'irriiirl .", , S lillrk Precincts, Weliinipkn, including part, of AVe- tumpka town Wetumpka town (part of). l>tii::;billctoicn 18 Precinct 10, Robinson M 1'irrnirl II, KlII.elllflMill Precinct 12, Weoka.. S,460 ■ ;,, e,648 939 906 1,061 2,009 1,389 769 583 1,008 1,150 417 1,176 638 474 951 847 382 1,056 1,207 1,215 1,750 1,066 968 ml c redi.slricted in 1901. * Incorporated in 1901. <• Part taken to form part of Houston County in 1903. County totals include population (2,780 in 1900; 1,925 in 1890) of old precinct 5, Gilleys and of old precinct 6, Brannan Stand, taken to form part of Houston County since 1900. 1 Part taken to form and part annexed to precinct 6 in 1900 and 1903, respec- I ,■ .■,.!.,. I ,'lr lir "inrllMillr fried.!, \ 1 1 f C?C Eclectic village ' I'irriiirl 111, Jvlgl'Wuod Precinct 19, Howard is 10 Part taken t( u Incorporated in 1906. 15 County total inclll'les pn|iiilalion I l!lli)of olil liirriilrl 26, annexed to |> between 1890 and 1900. " Parts of precinct 4 annexed to Selma city in 1901 and 1907. •» Incorporated in 1908. » Precinct 29 organized from part of nrecinct 2 in 1905. i« Precinct 19 organized from parts of precincts 2, 3, 13, and 15 in 1902< « Returned as a city in 1900. •• Incorporated in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- ALABAMA. Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continucd. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 M.NO.CV.LOIV.SrON. 1910 1000 1890 Esc mbl County 18,889 11,320 8,666 Fayette County— Continued. 435 939 790 746 464 398 19,369 341 824 628 651 482 343 16,611 939 1,388 5,695 2,185 3,041 SS9 599 1,719 1,699 3,614 1,060 352 442 39,109 843 1,003 3,240 1,382 1,639 690 1,029 2,820 1,469 Precinct 3, Brrni 1 o b ludini Brewtonclty I'reclnct 4, Pollard, including Flomaton and Precinct 20, < Creek £67 1,214 929 1,830 S89 916 397 883 10,681 Precinct 1 Newburg Canoe, Including Atmore town 1,855 5,438 £,046 S60 445 438 803 759 1,063 1,271 472 4>344 1,325 2,116 1,653 1,300 261 984 26,230 1,656 5,122 1,602 1,227 Precinct 2, Russellville, including Rasscllvillc 337 285 » 27,361 462 2,988 21,926 Ward 2 Ward 3 Precinct 1, Gadsden, including part of Gadsden 9,544 9,292 10,557 716 359 1,364 694 427 643 443 409 924 752 763 981 515 204 472 617 3,337 2,51S 847 450 40s 370 W 395 261 1,637 530 '424 946 1,209 1,068 643 5,663 4,313 1,141 1,495 1,185 492 1,265 450 179 1,158 1,071 16,248 4,753 4,282 4,282 815 1,385 692 (<) 386 449 1,054 911 522 963 587 251 463 893 1,972 1,692 6,056 2,901 2,901 721 727 1,246 541 1,202 498 445 419 969 932 707 Precinct 3, Frankfort 777 1,024 654 825 Gadsden city (part of) Total for Gndrdt >i <'7//,' in precincts 1 and 29 . I'lCCIMCi ,, . i 1 • Mi III. Ml ':,,!!■ '. ■ Red Bay town ■■■ 602 920 1,565 1,067 1,300 1,058 342 1,026 '« 19,096 1 ■ , 1 '■'!"' '" Precinct 8, Coles Mill Precinct 9, Mountain Springs 076 Precinct 10, Isbell 684 Precinct 1 1 , Hills Precinct 12, Stouts Precinct 3, Malvern, 1 '- including Malvern town.. Malvern P.wnA' 2,239 173 1,764 3,271 1,646 2,750 1,159 292 196 394 277 2,190 485 1,661 201 2,404 969 '503 716 2,950 1,350 527 759 1,349 311 22,717 1,785 Precinct 14, Walnut Grove, 6 including Walnut Precinct 4, Fadetlo ■' 1,497 1,694 914 1,897 1,254 Precinct 5, Dundee, ind mime, ,' locomb town... icludi 1 iniiatown 1,149 1,582 382 Precinct 7, SI. Paul, inc lie line; 1 [art ford town... Hartford town Wardl Wards WnrdS Ward 4 377 527 342 1,164 366 369 518 914 768 1,017 695 2,429 2,276 290 403 380 517 419 520 I'.. iblin ■" ludinc Black town Black town n 1,101 Precinct 9, Campbells, including lielhvood luwn Bellwood town » 1,050 Trecinct 10, Geue\a, including Ccneva town Geneva town 2,111 1,032 774 637 Precinct 11, Beaver Dam, including Coffee Coffee Springs 'town" 1 'reel net 12, Marl Precinct 13, Piney Grove, including Samson Samson town 3 Precinct 14, Gilmores Precinct 15, Lowrey '» Precinct 16, Hacoda 20 Precinct 17, Cowans 418 1,001 Precinct 29, Alabama Utv, including Alabama 336 542 340 24,182 Gadsden city 6 (part of) 21 22,007 («) Precinct 1, Eulaw, including Kutaw town 4,010 1,001 3,075 1,959 2,632 1,522 2,262 849 1,384 1,559 1,211 1,253 1,001 27,883 3,995 884 2,944 1,820 2,994 1,629 2,682 1,291 1,448 1,423 1,311 P241 M 31,011 Trecinct 32, Altoona, 6 including Altoona town. . 14,132 12,823 1,66.3 Precinct 1, Fayette, including Fayette town — 2,608 636 630 597 1,076 708 799 574 1,018 372 736 876 757 476 935 2, 098 452 447 697 421 974 599 768 500 717 245 766 861 672 482 861 1,737 490 859 641 879 655 761 500 651 827 651 513 691 Trecinct 9, Holly Springs, including Berry Sta- Precinct 1 Havana 876 1,710 462 5,416 £,048 1,048 1,090 920 6,737 £,416 1,028 Precinct 4, Greensboro, including Greensboro Precinct 14, Gilpin Greensboro town 1,759 d as a city in 1908. separately in 1900. 7 Precinct 31 organized from part of precinct 16 in 1901. 8 Name changed from Bear Crei 9 Part taken to form part of Houston County in 1903. 1° County total includes population (2,S30) of precinct 1, Branton, iarrards, tak— *- ' » No compai 1890 and 1900. and of precinct made between between 1890 and 1900. 2 »Countylci Hon (1,485) of precinct 15, annexed to precincts 5 and 9; and population (2,410) of precinct 17, annexed to precinct 6, since 1900. » Returned as Akton in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Hale County— Continued. 2,084 615 2, 262 2,998 2,682 981 583 2,287 25$ 350 246 1,250 331 20,943 1,628 564 3| 070 3,316 2,305 1,070 1,907 2,509 2^973 3,009 3,524 2,931 1,132 768 1,241 Jackson County— Continued. 925 1,354 828 518 630 1,449 234 878 619 a 1,001 237 352 764 628 877 479 858 3,282 1,019 183 1,416 634 1,059 292 422 435 1,420 847 1,049 128 672 207 378 219 344 347 529 226,476 943 1,228 1,081 648 560 1,808 168 1,082 676 270 818 1,236 931 I'lwiiui y, Laneville ' Precinct 10, Hollywood,' including Hollywood 1,519 Precinct 12, Moundville, including Moundville Precinct 12, Langston, including Langston town. (») 400 300 1,067 333 ' 36,147 331 297 I'ici 111, i. t !, I..;ii 1, 111 ,. ill,-, ' in, Infliii" 1 ,;u'l in - ' 24,847 512 773 729 853 550 955 2,918 1,014 248 1,247 394 876 419 486 426 1,146 658 649 121 1,161 178 337 1,160 Precinct 1, lleadland, including Headland vil- 3,204 1,090 1427 1,020 1,499 1,608 1,766 S22 427 537 2,857 1,141 186 369 328 2S8 1,704 l,'l42 890 33,414 602 Precinct 21, Scottsboro, 16 including Scottsboro Precinct 23, Paint Rock, including Paint Rock 1,429 Precinct 7, Nr - .t wville town.. ! ■ |!|.' 889 465 161 1,244 Precinct 38, Rosilee 13 22 140,420 Precinct 1, Wicksburg 1,690 1,422 8,672 7,016 1,014 1,897 2,402 1,703 2,059 1,700 2,231 362 1,740 2,389 256 684 340 1,837 479 1,931 2,325 293 3,045 1,122 689 32,918 22 88,501 Precinct 2, Brannan Stand Precinct 1 Precinct 2, 23 including Jonesboro town Precinct 3, Dothan, including Dothan city Dothan city™ Ward I h',275 247 870 5,333 1,979 3,304 438 1,407 1,244 2,196 1,872 5,515 1,091 2,669 1,451 810 2,233 671 1,518 2,258 299 2,280 660 2,182 623 426 3^699 672 672 1,478 537 397 1,571 397 371 774 3,209 739 1,952 Wards Ward 4 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 3,236 337 604 2,031 3,357 7,227 2,400 1,597 1,358 ( 2S ) 1,471 783 1,322 1,014 187 2,533 1,018 5,050 668 662 734 1,864 498 626 '604 419 1,105 351 418 1,677 391 247 482 Trecinct 4, Piney Grove and Taylor .' in 1 1 ....... .. Precinct 0, Cottonwood, inclndm- ( <>i lunaum! Precinct 7 M 2,352 1,844 Precinct 9, 2C exclusive of part of Birmingham city. Precinct 10, 27 exclusive of part of Birmingham : ■,, i : : ■ ,.;...,.;!,.,;'■,, 2,079 Precinct 8, Cowarts, including Webb village Webb village Precinct ll, 2 ' 6 ■ of Birmingham 1,424 Precinct 9, Kinsey, including Kinsey village.. 342 260 1,401 737 1,285 Precinct 10, Ashford, including Ashford village. Ashford village 286 Precinct 11, Granger and Crosby Precinct 12, Gordon, including Gordon and Pansey villages 166 3,968 366 Pansey village u Precinct 13, Columbia, including Columbia Precinct 18, 80 including Brookside and Cardiff 2,277 S80 SOS Columbia town 1,132 960 Precinct 14, Rocky Creek and Grafton 30,508 12 28,026 Precinct 20, including part of Irondale town Precinct 1, Bridgeport, including Bridgeport 2,947 2,126 941 2,044 674 714 1,936 1,247 990 1,532 560 668 1,131 Total for Irondale town in precincts 20 1,034 1,451 686 695 Precinct 3, Stevenson, including Stevenson Precinct 4, Carpenter Precinct 27 444 3 Returned as Gallion « Returned as Warrens Store in 1900. b Incorporated in 1908. 6 Part taken to form part of Houston County in 1903. 19 Parts taken to form parts of precincts 36 and 37 in 1901 and 2° Organized from parts of precincts 15 and 32 in 1901. » Organized from parts of precincts 14, 17, and 32 in 1904. 1910. 1904, respectively. be made; county redistricted in 1903. No comparison of population ce • Incorporated in 1903. 9 Organized from parts of Dale, Geneva, and Henry Counties in 1903. '« Incorporated as a city in 1907. " Incorporated in 1902. 12 County total includes population (1,299) of precincts 12 and 30, not returned separately In 1890. 1 3 Precinct 38 organized from parts of precincts 5 and 11 in 1904. 14 Precinct 35 returned as part of precincts 6, 9, and 18 in 1900. 16 Part of precinct 10 annexed to precinct 21 in 1907. 16 Part taken to form part of precinct 37 in 1904. 22 County to ; itioi [11 ,759 in 1900; 10,313 in 1890) of precincts 21 34, and 37, annexed to Birmingham city since 1900. 2a Part taken to form part of precinct 51 in 1905. « Incorporated in """= 25 Part taken to fc 26 Part annexed tc 21 Parts annexed to 28 Reincorporated ir si Part taken to form precinct 47 in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Jefferson County— Continued. 405 1,678 491 1,748 1,154 900 16,962 10,861 1,201 2,531 S,1S0 4,00$ 1,502 666 163 •) 1,809 428 358 2,433 649 1,731 359 1,995 748 748 3,391 2,094 1,501 2,929 1,096 132,685 2,929 8,013 7,446 6,860 6,202 6,192 8,127 7,582 9,031 3,934 8,021 14,453 7,221 9,303 13,0St 15,340 17,487 751 10,076 805 5,621 Lauderdale County— Continued. 1,670 1,696 1,554 982 787 740 8,803 6,689 416 1,047 636 1,016 1,431 1,180 1,064 1,714 1,344 1,194 558 953 655 1,435 ^435 610 554 21,984 1,347 1,535 1,096 1,001 840 718 8,265 6,478 I'nvillrl ■_•!),- mi Im.Ioil, Samlusky town, but CX- 1,679 314 762 592 11,239 6,358 428 573 608 5,782 4,544 Precinct 10, Flunwr, including Florence city. . Precinct 33, including Bessemer city and Brigh- 6,012 908 21 2,627 319 542 658 1,339 1,250 1,222 637 845 713 1,314 Preeiuct 30, 2 in ddi | uoudale town but exclusive of part of Birmingham city 2,139 Precinct 38,' including Graysvilie and Pink- 1,097 1,961 " :.' i i , 1 ... ■■' ."•■<;: 1 . 1. ■. • 01 2,241 636 1,509 343 3,126 247 757 6, 515 20,124 Precinct 42, 2 exclusive of part of Birmingham M 20,725 Precinct 1, Hillsboro, including Hillsboro town. 1,887 202 2,676 478 "2,487 344 849 1,436 1,509 1,944 '354 1,173 1,813 1,127 1,157 32,867 '256 2,720 488 2,086 280 831 1,671 1,463 2,001 3,303 290 1,503 2,024 946 2,505 Precinct2, Courl land, including Cnurtland town. 3,284 Precinct 2J, Town Creek, including Town Creek ,'.in,,i.i. h" < ■ 38,415 26,178 1 , ., ,,;(• ,■...■ > Hi 'I < 1,273 31,826 28,694 Precinct 1 Beulah 986 8,485 4,734 471 1,378 1,507 1,378 1,621 1,520 1,771 3,381 1,408 2,013 2,001 1,161 4,555 4,565 1,729 681 698 847 700 1,071 925 1,179 2.198 26,880 1,094 7,790 4,245 Precinct 2, Opel i iuclti in opelika city. 16,084 14,187 1,657 1,062 1,684 3,615 1.447 2,013 2,071 1,230 4,437 4,163 1,632 3,001 1,440 Precinct 1, Vernon, including Vernon town 1,608 423 1,045 931 781 312 524 675 598 2,401 619 805 942 668 1,278 . 529 847 261 998 605 855 343 30,936 1,417 291 701 620 358 450 690 607 2,092 SOS 800 851 993 815 357 754 166 1,113 899 895 325 1,281 192 805 538 635 353 790 509 1,778 Precinct 6,' Auburn, including Auburn village. . . 1,067 Precinct 10, Pnenix, coextensive with Phenix 3,700 Precinct 9, Moscow, including Sulligent town... 716 759 613 710 244 736 Precinct 11, Wacoochee 1,203 1,022 1,167 1,781 22,387 Precinct 14, Ah i In Millport town.. Precinct 15, Steen, including Kennedy town — Kennedy town „ Limestone Count 998 784 846 Precinct 1, Athens, including Athens town • 4,811 1,716 2,182 2,027 1,149 1,247 1,644 1,494 1,405 1,758 3,333 1,010 1,443 1,091 1,159 1,298 1,419 1,244 1,262 1,590 3,099 Precinct 3, Sand Springs Precinct 4, Pettusville ; , , , ■ i ..,!■■. ;..,.. Precinct 6, Wickham 26,659 23,739 2,498 1,242 1,480 2,633 1,514 738 2,128 935 615 1,496 940 Precinct 3, Lexington Precinct 8, Big Creek Precinct 9, Georgia 1,244 1,482 d 50 in 1904 and 1908, respectively. * Part taken to form part of precinct 49 in 1908. • Incorporated in 1901. ■ No population reported. ' Part taken to form part of precinct 48 in 1904. 8 Part taken to form part of precinct 51 in 1905. -* "" = n 1903. '« Organized from parts of precincts 28 and 38 in 1904. 11 Organized from parts of precincts 7, 24, and 30 in 1908. U Organized from parts of precincts 18 and 28 in 1908. 15 Organized from parts of precincts 2 and 40 in 1905. » Precinct 46 organized from part of precinct 34 in 1902; parts of precincts 21 and 37 inexed In 1903, parts of precincts 10 and 34 annexed in 1909, and parts of precincts 9, "Name changed from Poplar Springs in 1902. Part taken to form part of precinct 19 in 1906. is Name changed from Rawhide in 1903. is Incorporated in 1903. 20 Organized from parts of precincts 5, fi, and 7 in 1906. 2i County tol I of old precinct 4, Leighton, annexed to Colbert County between 1890 and 1900. 3 Precinct 11 organized from parts of precincts 8 and 9 ir a Returned as Bethels in 1900. h Returned as Pierce Chapel in 1900. » Returned as Sears Crossroads in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. Tablk l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Limestone County— Continued. Precinct 10, Slough i'recinct 11, Mooresville, including Mooresville MoorcsvUU town I 'rocinct 12, Richland I 'recinc t 13.0 reenbrier " i, Quid Nunc... Precinct 15, Elkmonl , including Elkmont li Lowndes County.. Precinct 1, Benton Precinct 2, Church Hill.... Precinct 3, Collirene Precinct 4, Gordonsville... Preeincl 3, Farmers villc. .. Precinct li, Braggs Store. . . Precinct 7, Hickory Hill. . . Precinct S, Hopewell Precinct 0, Mount Willing.. ;, including Fort De- I'l'i'cinct 11, Sandy Ridge.. Precinct 14, Haynevirie Precinct 15, Letohatchie Precinct 16, Steep Creek Precinct 17, Pintlala Precinct 18, Lowndesboro. . Precinct 19, St. Clair Precinct 20, White Hall Precinct 21, Wyndham Macon County Precinct 1, Tuskegee, including Tuskegee ti Precinct 4, Warrior Stand Precinct 5, Cotton Valley Precinct (i, Honey Cut, including Hardaway village | Hardaioay village Precinct 7, Cross Keys Precinct 8, Franklin Precinct 9, NolasHlga, including Notasulgatown. Notasulga town a Precinct 10, La Place Madison County Precinct 1, Huntsville,' including Hunts ville II.iiii villc 1 n Wardl Wards WardS Ward 4 Precinct 2, Newmarket* Precinct 3, Maysville Precinct 4, Colliers Precinct 5, VieTina, including New Hope town. New Hope town Precinct (i, Whitesburg I'recinct 7, Triana Preeincl X, Madison, including Madison town.. Madison town . I'recinct 9, Cluttsville. Precinct 10, Madison " Precinct 11, Mi Precinct 12, Hazel Green* Precinct 13, Poplar Ridge. Precinct 18, Clouds Cove Precinct 19, Owens Crossroads.. Precinct 20, Dallas « Precinct 21, Monrovia 7 Precinct 22, Hurricane 8 Precinct 23, Sulphur Springs 5 . . Precinct 24, West Huntsville *.. Marengo County 1,545 137 799 1,336 2,079 3,020 3,104 39,923 2,072 2,963 Precinct 1, Macon 2, 215 I Precinct 2, Demopolis, including Demopolis city. 5,443 Demo polls city ' 2,417 '• 1 Returned as Brooks in 1900. ! Incorporated in 1905. 'County tola ilal ion (1,024) of old precinct 21 oincts 1, 7, and 8 between 1890 and 1900. * Precinct 24 organized from part of precinct 1 in 1903. 2,573 618 ■2, 3 1 7 B CIVIL DIVISION. Marengo County— Continued. 1'recini I a, Dayton, including Dayton village... ■;, Linden/including Linden city.. ■ccinct '.). Hills' 1 10, Nanafalia 1 11, Dixons Mills. . ''cin. i i i. Horse Creek.. ■ecinei. 15, Pineville rceiiici iii. Sweetwater.. ecinei 17, Iloboken.. .cciiii i as, Jin ksons Store Precinct 19, Thomaston, including Thomaston Thow,aston town™ Precinct 20, Myrtlewood ' Marion County Precinct 1 , Hamilton, 11 including Hamilton town. Hamilton town Precinct 2, Rye » Precinct 3, Camp Precinct 4, Bexar » Precinct 5, Shottsville Precini I 6, Reids Precinct 7, Hackleburg, including Hackleburg ■ Hackleburg town w Precinct 8, Goddard, including Bear Creek to Bear Creel: town" Precinct 9, Kimbro Precinct 10, Howells Precinct 11, Pearces Mills Precinct 12, Clarks Marshall County.. Precinct 1, Guntersville, 15 Including Gunters- villetown Guntersville inn' a < : . Precinct 2, Cro road ! ■ i ' ii Precinct 4, Albertville, Including Albertville Precinct 8, Bos'harts Precinct 9, Kennamers Precinct 10, Honeycomb... Precinct 11, Paint Rock. . . Precinct 12, Oleander P. ccinct. 13, Rock Spring.. Precinct 14, Warrenton Precinct 19, Bucksnort . . . M I III. I M .in mi. i Precinct 22, Reed Brake.. oil a, Wrights Mobile County... d Apple, including Boaz town . . 3, 812 S62 1,757 annexed to pre- '■■ Precinct 23 ret unci! as; part of precincts 2 and 12 in 1900. 6 Returned as Monrovia In 1900. 7 Returned as Hurricane In 1900. 8 Returned as Sulphur Springs in 1900. 9 Precinct 20 organized from parts of precincts 8 and 9 In 1909. '• Incorporated In 1908, Precinct 1, Citronelle, including Citronelle vil- lage if village Precinct 2, Mount Vernon Precinct 3, Beaver Meadow 15 Part of precinct 1 (Wyeth City town) annexed to Guntersville town in 1909. '• County totals include population (2,493 in 1900; 1,648 in 1890) of that part of county not located by precincts, and population (1,046 in 1900) of precinct 27, annexed to Mobile city; population (328 in 1900) of precinct 28, annexed to pre- cinct 26, since 1900; and population (1,262 In 1890) of ward precincts 6 and 8, taken to form part of precinct 27 between 1890 and 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. 13 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Mobile County— Continued. 489 881 527 732 676 4,298 3,114 3,557 938 608 104 691 665 1,279 719 307 200 1,273 411 587 436 255 694 242 327 51,521 8,780 1,710 2,028 4,961 3,777 8,135 U, sos 4,630 6,156 3,241 27,155 459 728 454 620 3,432 1,465 1,281 699 601 204 578 456 759 551 205 1,244 325 455 400 332 427 344 331 867 853 565 2,363 1,195 897 802 872 339 661 370 744 501 458 285 1,081 270 157 Montgomery County— Continued. 3,307 1,406 1,685 2,681 1,987 3,634 3,946 5,995 3,913 403 3,399 1,582 33,781 3,405 l|842 2,857 2,077 3,100 3,484 4,237 3,220 Precinct 20, v. iptto] Heights 3,252 28,820 Precinct 1, Decatur, 28 including Decatur city 4,845 4,228 718 1,086 1,301 1,530 * 335 689 389 1,113 2,574 3,373 1,374 1,130 198 1,037 692 197 395 5C9 058 000 7,153 237 6,118 1,070 2,444 1,685 881 950 367 1,058 671 31,222 4,159 3,114 691 1,130 1,159 2,548 843 044 492 2,051 2,169 2,563 670 1,440 191 1,092 229 430 599 729 470 5,109 Precinct 5, Fall !i ■....■■■.:.. ■ ill. '■}.■ , ■.. 38,469 31,076 Precinct 10, Hansen, includins; lfartsell town.. Hartsell town Precinct 11, Trinii \ , iiiciuliu ■ Trinity town I'reciiicl, 1:1, Hint, including Flint town 23,666 s 18,990 1,783 2,782 2,779 616 1,250 1,870 1,100 2,450 1,748 1,724 2,382 345 911 1,238 2,058 3,080 W 82,178 1,348 2,745 3,394 422 1,006 l|l01 2,252 1,887 1,837 830 2,802 2,286 Precinct 19, New Decatur ^ including Fairview Precinct 3, Monroeville, 10 including Monroeville 4,487 812 634 993 2,009 1^717 1,620 Precinct 10 Fin Ml m I i i i nnv loun ■ , • i .■■ i' : ■,,, :i, ■ 999 1,340 1,832 1,110 1,369 31,783 Precinct 14J Jones Mili," including Jones Mill Precinct 1, Marion, including Marion town 5,222 1,834 1.990 4,485 1,836 "'806 1,045 1,863 1,308 932 614 1,127 1,262 1,313 1,818 2,238 2,316 25,056 5,078 1,698 2,145 4,504 1,047 3,086 817 854 1,967 1,300 1,020 599 1,300 1,380 1,265 1,937 2,323 2,208 24,402 5,289 1,982 1,702 i» 72,047 20 56,172 Precinct 3, Uniontown, including Uniontown Precinct 1, comprising ward 1, Montgomery city. Precinct 2, comprising ward 2, Montgomery city. Precinct 3, comprising ward 3, Montgomery city. Precinct 4, comprising ward 4, Montgomery city. Precinct 5, comprising ward 5, Montgomery city. Precinct 6, comprising ward 6, Montgomery city. Precinct 7, a comprising ward7, Montgomery city. Total for M oextensive with . 4,577 8,885 3,287 6,635 4,666 4,117 5,969 38,136 4,677 8,886 3,287 6,636 4,117 6,969 2,082 2,771 2,194 3,400 4,026 6,437 8^424 5,070 2,760 1,659 30,346 21,883 1,210 1,044 Precinct 13, Radfordville «• 1,732 Precinct 15, Walthalls (*>) Warde Pickens Counti 22,470 2,365 3,562 3^089 Precinct 1 Shelton 722 540 569 715 610 594 Precinct 3, Vail 600 mparison of population can be'made; numerous changes made be- 08. Annexed to Montgomery city in 1903. ■ Returned as Henry Malones in 1900. » Name changed from Crawfords in 1908. Precinct 28 annexed in 1909. « Organized from parts of precincts 4 and 6 in 1902. 1 Precinct 27 and territory not located by p— ------ 8 County total includes populatior '" *' '» Name changed from Kempville in 1904. « Name changed from McKinleys in 1903. 14 Name changed from Germany in 1900. " Incorporated In 1901. gomery city slnot 1900. 10 Name changed from C a Precinct 22 organized from part of precinct 16 in 1903. a Part taken to form part of precinct 23 in 1907. S3 Incorporated in 1907. " Organized from parts of precincts 1 and 19 In 1907. ® County total Includes population (6,699) of precincts 3 and 16, not returned separately In 1890. » Returned as Radfordville in 1900. " Returned as Oak Grove in 1900- 14 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, el MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Pickens County— Continued. Precinct 6, Yorkville Precinct 7, Beard 1'recinct 8, Reform, including Reform town RefoT m town Precinct 9, Corrs Gordo town > Precinct 11, Bostic Precinct 12, Spring Hill Precinct 13, Pickensville, including Pickensville ■ .;■ •, Precinct 19, Franconia, including Aliceville Aliceoilie townK\\Y.'.Y.'.'.'.'.Y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Precinct 20, Memphis Precinct 21 , Cochrane 3 Precinct 22, Vienna, including Vienna town Precinct 24, Pine Grove. . Precinct 25, Whitten Ward 1, Ward e WardS.. Ward 4.. WardS Precinct 2, Orion Precinct 3, China Grove Precinct 4, Oates Crossroads.. Brundidge Precinct 8, Grimes. Precinct 9, Darbys Precinct 10, Goshen Hill, including Goshen Goshen town 3 Precinct 11, M Precinct 12, Josie Precinct 13, Linwood. . . Precinct 14, Spring Hill.... Precinct 15, Indian Branch Randolph County. Precinct , _ Precinct 2, Morrisons Precinct 3, Rockdale . Precinct 4, Lamar. Precinct 5, Burson Precinct 6, Wedowee, including Wedowee town. Wedowee town *. . . ' 3t 7, Fox Creek Precinct 10, Roanoke, including Roanoke town. Roanoke town ■ t 11, Rock Mills, including Rock Mills Rock Mills Precinct 12, Bacon Level Precinct 13, Halpii Russell County Precinct 1, Girard, including Girard city. Girard city. Wardl WardS. WardS. Ward 4. Wards Precinct 2, Crawford. Precinct 3, Marvyn. Hurtsk Precinct 6, Hatchechubbee Precinct 7, Seale, including Seale town. 664 202 2,511 640 1,161 773 79 1,084 582 707 30,815 754 231 800 2,013 628 221 847 1,947 784 1,296 745 n 1,173 578 980 29,172 594 3,187 817 1,121 21,423 7,500 4,961 6,767 4,097 5,156 3,449 1,960 1,026 1,660 1,966 899 1,472 1,091 1,352 198 1,373 978 1,164 3,533 2,967 R CIVIL DIVISION. Russell County— Continued. Precinct 9, Jernigan Precinct 10, Glennville St. Clair County.. Precinct 1, Ashville, including Ashville town... Astivilletown - Precinct 2, Oldtown . . Precinct 7, Ferguson «. Precinct 8, Greensport Precinct 9, Ragland, including Ragland town.. I i i1..!li; K: (Ml ■ >ll Precinct 13, Kellys Creek Precinct 14, Dunlap Precinct 15, Eden, Including Eden and Pell City towns Eden town Pell City town Precinct 16. Cook Springs Precinct 17, Moody Precinct 18, Caldwell Precinct 19, Cropwell Precinct 20, Riverside, including Riverside Riverside town Precinct 21, Fairview Precinct 22, Chandler Mountain « Shelby County Precinct 1, Columbiana, including Columbiana Columbiana town.. Precinct 3, Calera, including Calera town ! Calera town Precinct 4, Montevallo,' including Montevallo Precinct 6, Helena ' Ik -. I. • ill Precinct 8, Yellowleaf Precinct 9, Wilsonville, including Wilsonville Precinct 11, Spearmans Precinct 12, Highland Precinct 13, Bold Springs J Precinct 14, Vandivir | Precinct 15, Sterrett Precinct 16, Kellys Creek, including Vincent 1 < <>f town ' Precinct 17, Pelham Precinct 18, Dunnavant , Precinct 19, Maylene 7 Sumter County recinct 1, Black Bluff 1 mi H ... •ecinct 3, Thornville including Livingston York town Precinct 7, Livingston, Livingston town Precinct 8, Brewersville Precinct 9, Belmont Precinct 10, Bluffport Precinct 11, Jones Bluff, including Epes'town. . . Precinct 12, Sumtervilie Precinct 13, Pavneville Precinct 14, Gainesville, including Gainesville Precinct 18, Cuba, including Cuba town.. 2,652 1,910 Precinct 20, Cotohaga... T Precinct 19 organized from parts of precincts 4, 6, and 7 In 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. 15 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOB CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1800 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 37,921 35,773 i 29,346 Tuscaloosa County— Continued. 1,341 546 779 452 1,458 1,492 500 37,013 1,368 309 809 449 1,076 1,178 432 25,162 2,757 1,534 94 1,217 2,127 982 7,580 6,864 1,121 7$4 £,409 1,690 1,454 1,178 86 1,669 1,556 2,439 5,312 1,456 2,531 449 1,135 851 200 1,208 1,394 1.779 104 31,034 2,811 1,675 1,571 1,738 755 6,897 6,068 2,354 1,359 Precinct 2, Estaboga, Including Estaboga town. 2,427 ^662 5,350 2,063 Precinct 4, Chlnnabee, including Ironaton town. Precinct 5. Talladega, including Talladega city . . Wardt 16,078 Precinct 1, Jasper,' including Jasper town 4,098 2,609 933 1,082 1,637 S92 2,991 1,627 469 236 '307 590 2,192 1,066 548 1,535 2,722 1,747 4,417 916 609 330 2,035 725 3,029 279 250 235 1,065 436 456 1,196 821 699 184 396 730 296 14,454 3,088 1,661 445 764 1,119 2,334 780 Precinct 6, Alpine 1,308 1,231 180 1,573 1,700 2,532 4,055 880 1,993 372 1;344 689 193 1,049 1.433 1,981 SSI 29,675 1,546 1,346 202 1,701 1,730 2,234 2,618 464 2,157 777 634 (1) 537 327 948 Precinct 7, Cast, including Renfroe village 621 60G Precinct 4, Cagles, including Nauvoo town Precinct 9, Wewoka Precinct 5, Carbon Hill," including Carbon HiU 3,798 830 1,122 m 499 537 2,032 60S 849 839 2,007 667 2,010 385 768 551 793 793 2,332 332 213 339 264 Precinct 11, Sylacauga, including Sylacauga 668 719 Precinct 6, Townley,' including Townley town. . Precinct 12, Childersburg, including Childers- 584 716 1,406 421 769 Childersburg town Precinct 9, Oakman, 8 including Oakman town.. Precinct 14, Chandler Springs Precinct 15, Kentuck Precinct 16, Mardisville Precinct 12, Cordova, including Cordova town. . 702 Precinct 18, Munford, including Jenifer town. . . 323 25,460 Precinct 13, Dora,'" including Dora town 1,399 1,999 4,550 1,710 1,756 1,195 1,458 1,259 2,644 1,193 440 994 722 689 3,467 777 2,158 2,191 896 1,652 1,884 127 1,199 47,559 1,990 3,822 1,061 2,071 1,237 1,468 1,519 2,869 1,136 406 815 657 639 3,137 721 1,654 1,921 686 1,790 1,940 3^146 679 1,812 1,063 1,123 1,340 2,336 873 371 756 C05 607 1,747 720 1,479 1,459 366 1,551 2,470 Precinct 1, Gold Branch 432 1,346 Precinct 2, Alexander, including Alexander citv. Alexander city Precinct 18, Corona, including Deer Creek town. Precinct 3, Hackneyville Precinct 5, New Site Precinct 7, Dadeville, including Dadeville town. Precinct 8, Oakfuska Precinct 10, Eufala Precinct 11, Walnut Hill Precinct 12, Reeltown Precinct 13, Church HiU a 11,134 Precinct 15, Camp Hill, Including Camp Hill M 7,935 Precinct 17, Daviston, including Davlston 856 905 1,440 1,005 1,398 463 1,037 287 1,056 828 465 521 550 881 1,220 1,542 33,810 1,019 36,147 995 30,352 725 779 743 1,413 1,763 516 1,018 534 759 3,412 600 3,427 3,090 1,207 2,939 12,486 8,407 2,169 1,680 S,6SS l,9t5 1,181 1,515 1,256 643 893 728 547 692 1,163 425 496 917 457 1,009 2,666 m 2,510 1,367 712 433 1,990 9,194 5,094 496 768 612 939 347 414 909 381 916 2,462 413 473 632 728 867 2,248 7,436 4,216 35,631 Precinct 10, Northport, including Northport Precinct 1, Camden, including Camden town... 2,412 648 1,857 1,232 1,810 2,780 2,671 1,839 2,689 1,615 783 1,920 627 2,399 126 2,139 478 1,876 1,311 2,114 2,702 2,851 646 Precinct 16, Courthouse, including Tuscaloosa 2,408 Precinct 6, Bethel, including Pine Hill town 2,414 1,688 '772 2,210 623 3,119 184 2,309 1,311 2,109 Wards 1,029 1,627 1,221 637 706 994 1,438 1,024 523 616 Precinct 11, Pine Apple, including Pine Apple Precinct 12, Snow Hill, including Furman town Furman town Precinct 21, Romulus 195 > County total Includes population^(2,078) of precincts 4 and 14, not returned separately in 1890. • Returned as Windham Springs in 1900. » Parts taken to form parts of precincts 22 and 28 in 1900 and 1907, respectively. * Part taken to formpart of precinct 28 in 1907. • Parts taken tc .„, ofprecinct24ln 1902. 7 Parts taken to form precinct 29 in 1908 and part of precinct 24 In 1902. id 26 in 1904 and 1906, respectively, and part " Parts taken to form precinct 27 in 1906 and part of precinct 30 in 1908. 18 Part taken to form part of precinct 30 in 1908. 13 Organized from parts of precincts 1 and 11 in 1900. 11 Organized from parts of precincts 5 and 6 in 1902. 15 Organized from part of precinct 5 in 1904 i« Organized from part of precinct 5 in 1906. '• Name changed from Horse Creek In 1906. a No comparison of populatlor e made; county redlstricted in 1908. 16 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. s eloetiou precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 6.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Wilcox County— Continued. 734 1,483 m 778 1,590 1,355 1,240 1,272 369 941 1,354 891 951 12,866 9,564 6,662 1,671 2,827 1,111 1,452 914 893 567 1,739 530 535 904 923 1,143 1,573 166 1,232 726 899 584 1,488 468 612 829 787 l'recinct 14, Fox Mills, including McWilliains Precinct 2, Haleysvflle,* Including Haleysvilli 857 1,059 782 1,415 1,148 1 ., , m, , ii, 1 mIii mi mi . MiMliuliii; >.:;>. .i,,ii. 1,169 1,525 1,376 1,124 448 1,078 1,611 845 Precinct 8, Morgan Precinct 9, Crossroads Precinct 10, Detmar Precinct 11, Ashridge 7 6 Returned as Black Swamp in 1900. ,o form part olpi.rimi u o form part of precinc Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Abbeville town Henry 1,141 649 4,313 1,544 1,710 640 2^480 12,794 431 479 1,062 278 1,715 1,060 2, 513 1,408 671 313 143 749 214 345 201 372 10,864 256 132,685 485 528 117 1,010 350 803 2,185 2, 125 1,502 623 815 754 648 403 1,627 426 444 225 730 209 449 935 1,123 1,130 580 685 503 673 1,122 889 405 1,079 1.747 '352 478 650 2,130 1,193 127 382 194 4,228 279 2,417 916 7,016 315 165 393 1,079 188 '374 94 4,259 1,001 1,582 590 237 335 352 636 398 197 539 2,439 6,689 1,317 257 518 125 '532 145 204 969 999 4,214 336 740 707 293 347 428 2,048 3,377 356 1,145 750 1,075 567 654 2,270 Marshall Tallapoosa Pickens Lawrence Sumter Cullman Tallapoosa Tallapoosa Marengo Elmore Morgan Walker Marengo Walker Houston Crenshaw Elmore St. Clair 488 384 1,255 1,136 1,061 679 Aliceville tow Cullman cit 017 Covington Calhoun 551 9,695 270 9,998 427 Ashford villa e Houston 286 422 1,010 3,114 332 2,606 385 3,275 635 St. Clair Limestone Escambia 940 1,692 1,254 1,440 177 448 635 174 610 331 398 4,532 884 1,277 Autauga 198 137 Barbour Baldwin Limestone Talladega Berr Station to' Fa ette 245 6, 358 Eutaw tw Greene 4,544 38,415 26, 178 343 333 452 447 ill Maren", Marshall Butler Crenshaw Escambia 253 175 390 1,382 1,247 Escambia Covington Lauderdale Brantle Florala cit ....!:!! 5 6,478 1,078 1,037 374 140 184 4,282 817 658 537 770 478 086 380 545 195 2,901 Tallapoosa Montgomery 1,017 S30 562 278 167 422 261 372 696 611 998 326 509 568 203 Ga lesvilletown 266 1,032 567 3,840 Conecuh 239 Crenshaw Cherokee town 728 Talladega Mobile 777 356 623 997 Pike Jefferson Hale Butler Marion Marshall Madison 319 2,416 3,162 249 618 831 Barbour 524 1,132 367 960 ill town Houston Gurley town 670 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ALABAMA. {.—POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 286 1,111 422 464 300 1,159 1,374 • 1,090 234 7, 611 572 1,379 2,231 2,509 413 104 442 1,979 167 261 340 1,632 3,820 314 237 810 540 600 1,053 877 483 1,384 184 426 173 1,834 539 464 529 51,521 616 923 38,136 137 299 354 253 130 392 328 6,118 301 515 524 522 500 512 1,065 609 4,734 863 255 1,090 2,229 534 Houston 106 530 4,555 214 2,226 541 627 470 358 599 2,222 483 472 550 85 331 700 277 2,034 349 210 2,046 - 230 1,350 491 742 1,019 312 120 133 13, 649 4,865 896 422 350 574 619 1,456 5,854 1,347 309 1,181 263 426 344 235 198 4,961 8,407 3,324 2,803 4,055 1,836 423 79 995 426 204 660 435 256 435 892 1,103 187 249 933 419 710 165 235 98 4,163 241 1,745 711 3,700 200 382 670 460 250 292 238 8,068 735 525 1,039 1,176 1,661 245 331 Hartford town Geneva Dale 596 l Inn Hand village Pine Hill town 383 Escambia 267 l,92y 309 422 7,1195 433 502 Covington 198 180 170 Ironaton town Talladega Talladega 202 Clarke Calhoun Covington 1,237 780 300 1,155 420 Randolph Randolph 1 Ml, is 385 Talladega 323 '346 Crenshaw 130 166 342 2^909 270 Kenned town L Jefferson Covington Chambers 1,369 777 1,014 386 Crenshaw Larkinsville town 216 250 229 8,713 3,333 7, 022 2,731 506 211 851 416 731 234 850 288 451 Livingston town 496 560 303 5,056 Crenshaw Talladega Talladega 412 2,063 1,698 304 430 357 38,469 422 1,982 686 145 612 244 31,076 Mobile cit Lawrence 280 124 191 4,097 5,094 2,348 2,170 2,634 1,047 291 74 765 Montgomery Limestone Jefferson Lawrence :!(i,346 150 187 290 21,883 143 156 3,449 Tuscaloosa Morris town 2,049 132 100 4,437 208 564 457 3,565 \ incvnt town Shelby Hale Randolph 251 1,018 520 Waterloo villa e Lauderdale Tuscaloosa 424 413 503 583 4,245 421 Vodowiv (own Randolph Bibb I":::::::: VvYsl IlloL-tontown 3,703 562 Opptown Covington White Oak Springs village 475 1,095 316 528 1,372 1,570 394 1,473 1,195 ARIZONA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. "district" and "precinct," w school dial rid an. I election prom id. i e ,| »ec I iyc] \ . l'"(ir clianecs in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, n 1890 and 1900, so; Reports of l.lic Twelfth Census: 1900, Vd. l" V Apache County.. Township 11 north, range 28. . Township 13 north, range 30.. Township U Township IS north, range 24.. Township 18 north, range 30.. Township If ' orth, range 26.. Township 20 north, range 27. . Township 21 north, range 27 . . Township 21 north, range 28. . Fort Apache Indian Reservation (part of).. Total for Fort Apache Indian Reservation Apache, Gila, and Navajo Counties Navajo Indian teset << ""> ' !>■ ■ : " Total for that part of Navajo Indian Resr Cochise County Benson precinct, including Benson town... Benson town a Bisbee precinct, including Bisbee city Bisbee city t> Wardl Ward2 Wards B owie precinct Cochise precinct Courtland precinct, including Courtland Xo\ Courtland town 3 Douglas precinct, including Douglas city. . with Cleeson Light precinct Lowell ] irecinct Naco precinct Pa rad ise precinct Pearce precinct including fearce town Pearce town* Pirtleville precinct St. 1 >avid precinct 'I'omli .lour preeinei,. including I umlislone oily. Tombstone city — Wardl.... Ward I,.... Willcox precinct.. Coconino County. . i No comparison of population c isions in 1900. 2 No comparison of population c MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. i be made; i be made; i ; returned by minor civil ; returned by minor civil ■' Not incorporated. * Total pop i ■' hi'iiiin Reservation in Apache, Coconino, and Navajo Countica. Arizona; VeKinJev, Sandoval, and San Juan Counties, New Mexico; and San Juan County, Utah, in 1910, 18,031, and in 1900, 8,897. 6 Incorporated in 1902. o Incorporated in 1905. ' Incorporated in 1901. » Returned in 1900 as in Navajo County only. (18) Coconino County— Continued. I I'M a ' Maqini In, lain Rcael \ ai ion 8 (part of) Total for Jlo/ii Indian Item : iniioit.* in Coat- vino and Navajo Counties Nil \ ajn Indian Ron vaiiali (part of). "otal for Walapai Indian lieseivalion i Coconino and Mohave Counties .. Remainder of county Gila County.. Bellevue precinct i 'line precinct Copper Hill precinct . Crowle v | irecinct < iisela ;ui : met Globe city" Globe precinct I la \ den district Miami i irecinct North Globe precinct Payson precinct , including !'a\ ion town Payson town * Pine precinct Roosevelt preeinei , including Roosevelt town... Roosevelt town * Rye precinct Warrior precinct i Lnkelman town * Fort Apache Indian Reservation (part of) [For total, see Apache County.] San Carlos India" Rccrvaiaou (part of) Total for San Carlos Indian Reservation in Gila and Graham Counties Remainder of county Graham County ". . Precinct 1, including Safford tc Safford town'' Precinct 5 Precinct 11 Precinct 18, Metcalf Precinct 20 Bonita precinct Township 5 south, range 22 . . Township 5 south, range 23 . . Township G south, range 25, including Pima Township 7 south, range 25, including 10 Returned with that part of Walapai Indian Reservation in Mohave County. " County total is exclusive of population of San Carlos Indian Reservation (part of). No comparison of population can be made; not returned by minor civil '• Not incorporated; charter repealed in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARIZONA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. t." ami "precinct," where ined, mean srhool disl.ric ., between lODU and 1010, :, MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Count 34,488 > 20,457 2 10,986 Navajo County— Continued. 43 18 009 114 50 95 332 171 1,793 709 559 22,818 153 435 929 379 339 379 US 199 , 1,000 209 315 379 303 ( !il;i 1 Send precinci , including ( iiia Heml Indian Fort Apache Indian Reseruu ion (pari ofj | Kor total, see Apache County.] ilopi ( Moipii i Indian poser cal ion (part of) [For total, see Coconino County.] 808 3,807 412 227 [For total oi iliaf pari ol Navajo Indian Res- ervation in Arizona, see Apache County.] 1 14,689 McDowell precinct, including Camp McDowell In- V-.i ■!>:■! inn 175 126 162 3,330 1,692 400 360 2, 005 300 923 544 488 11,134 S,S19 2,784 2,719 2,112 276 9S5 718 3,073 1,473 24 1,063 670 429 1,091 4,061 3.773 2 12.673 Meridian precinct - Mesa precinct, including Mesa town Murphy precinct """"722 Arivaoa precinct Esmond precinct Greaterville precinct * 2,480 130 454 111 128 68 1,569 641 16* 061 IS, 193 6,003 7,190 67 9,045 ;;ee=; Orme precinct Peoria precinct 1 'Unmix precinct 1, exclusive oi part of Phoenix 1 'ant ano precinct Rineon precinct Rosemont precinct, ...... . San Xavier piccinct, including Papago (San :;;;;;;;eee Phoenix precinct 2, exclusive of part of Phoenix Papago (San Xavier) Indian Reservation . . . Silver Bell precinct. Tucson precinct, including Tucson city ml'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ' ! ' Phoenix precinct 4, exclusive of part of Phoenix' city . . . . Ward 1 Ward 2 ° & Ward\ V.... . PreCmC ...'..!..'. !?. ...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. Vail precinct ! i 7,779 Precinct 1 includin Florence town Scottsville precinct, including Salt River Indian 1,561 807 452 74 564 202 86 181 651 224 2,970 2,080 6,766 769 Tempe precinct, including Tempe town 886 Total for Gila Hirer Indian lUseiralian in 1,455 3,860 " 3,426 t.'ila !:iver Indian I Jcserval ion (pari of) |For total, see Maricopa County.] 2,395 2 1,444 Santa Cruz County i 4,645 275 101 198 269 84 900 IS 168 138 269 1,282 11,471 465 Precinct 1 377 547 443 587 183 56 91 27 3,514 132 549 15,996 Precinct 2 Goldroad district Precinct 3 1 1 a ak berry village ' Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Oatman district . . Elgin district i : ; ' ■ ..i . 6 620' Mowry district i.'rei" — Wash inc. ion district, 18,829 N C t 1 18,799 2,440 2,381 181 Ashfork town » 1,306 363 517 117 Precinct 2 Beaver Creek precinct i_No comparison of populatio: ! made; not returned by minor civil e made; not returned by minor civil ■s Incorporated in 1909. * Includes population of that part of Walapai Indian Reservation in Coconino County, not. returned separately in 1900. s Disincorporated between 1890 and 1900; reincorporated in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARIZONA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. Ls of the Twelfth Cens n KKill an. I 1010, s MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL !_, 1910 1900 1890 Yavapai County— Continued. 209 151 91 525 2,393 314 139 344 108 300 141 117 5,092 338 238 4,269 7,783 ■4,145 2 2,671 Precinct 1, coextensive with Yuma town 2,914 1,914 446 915 268 279 134 388 SS9 31 54 221 449 848 120 2,8til 250 3,559 1,759 Colorado River Indian Reservation, including 558 i Not incorporated. « No comparison of population can be made; not returned by minor civil divisions in 1900 and 1890. s Incorporated in 1902. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 city or town. County. 1910 1900 1890 Bisbeecit Cochise 9,019 275 4,874 6,437 1,633 807 7,083 l!692 3,514 11,134 Pima town Graham 500 5,092 929 1,473 904 1,582 13,193 570 1,267 2,381 2,914 521 3,559 750 465 1,759 644 646 7,531 1,271 963 1,486 1,875 5,150 2,861 722 1,761 5,544 250 Santa Cruz 1,194 3,152 1,305 ARKANSAS. Table 1.- >r changes in boundaries, etc., betwi -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. en 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) Arkansas County.. Arkansas township Bayou Meto township ""— '-H township Slul/i/ail city. . Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. WariS Ilenton township,* including part of Humphrey Humphrey ton- it {pari of) Total for Humphrey town 3 in Ilenton K ship, Arkansas County, and Roberts to ship, Jefferson I 'aunty Morris low uship - Point de Luce township Prairie township Stanley township, Including Gillctt town.. Ashley County.. Bearhouse township ' Beech Creek township Carter township,' including Hamburg tc Extra township Long view township Marie Saline township Mill Creek township Portland township, including Portland town.. Union township.. White tc Wilmot towr Wilmot U hip, io including \\ ihnoi i. Baiter County Barren Creek township.. Bayou township Big Flat township Grover township Independence township . . Hometown.. Mountain Ilium inn North Fork township.. Pigeon township.. Benton County.. Ball township... Batie township.. Big Spring township," including Monte Netown. Monte Ne toivn * Brightwater township Cherokee township Col ville township Decatur towuship, including Decatur t( Decatur town " DicksoD township Rogers 1 Gum Pond township organized from part of McFall township in 190G. * Henton township organized from part of Morris township in 1904. * Incorporated in 1905. < Incorporated in 1904. 6 Incorporated in 1907. 'County totals include population (858 in 1900; 827 in 1890) of Grant township, taken to form part of Wilmot since 1900. ' Prairie township returned with Banner, Bearhouse.and Carter townships in 1900. s Part taken to form part of Wilmot township in 1908. 8 Incorporated in 1901. 1,057 528 2,321 MINi.R CIVIL DIVISION. Benton County— Continued. Flint township. » including Springtown t( Spriritoimun town >• . . Garfield township Garland township.. icnlonville tnw Ward 2 Ward:', Ward 4 Knil.-r t ; i « I .!_■.' - iounxhip Knuinl I'rairii' lownship Sugar Creek ton nxhip Sulphur Springs loun-liip, including Snlplin Springs town *s utph n r Spri n ijs Iniim Boone County.. Hear I red; low nship. . i O • "it ioM i ■ : . 1 1 j [ Carrollton township '« Crooked Creek township Mi ii ii.un .liip E wing township Gaither township Harrison township, including Harrison town.. Harrison town Jackson township Jefferson township Lee township Long Creek township Omaha township Prairie township Sugarloaf township Summit township Washington township Young township Bradley County Clay township, including Banks tc Marion township Moro township Ouachita township Palestine township Pennington township, including Warren ti Washington township, i Hermitage town 5 Calhoun County.. eluding Hermitage Casewell township, including Thornton ti Thornton town » Champagnolle township Franklin township, including Hampton town. . Hampton town " Huey township Jackson township Jefferson township Locust Bayou township River township.. 731 10 Organized from Grant township and part of De Bastrop township in 1908. 11 incorporated in 1903. » Part of Esculapia township annexed to Big Spring township In 1904. '• Incorporated in 1908. '* Hoover township organized from parts of Flint, Logan, Mason Valley, and Wager townships in 1902. > 5 Incorporated In 1909. " Batavia township organized from part of Carrollton township in 1910. ii Incorporated in 1906." (21) STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARKANSAS, -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes: for those between L890 and 1900, see Reports ofthe Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOK CIMi Carroll County. . Carrollton township ■ 'odor township, including Km eka Springs city. Eureka Sprinas city Wardl..". Ward 2 Ward S Cliftj township Orcen Forest ton ,i ... Kings River township. . Liberty township Long Creek township... 1 tun •!_■:; i township Osage township Piney township Berry title, town.. Wardl Ward 2 Winona township. . Yoeum township. . . Chicot County.. Alexander township L Dermott town Hudspeth town 2 1 -,, In i I, . II lit mi hiiliu ! . lli 1 III I. Lake\u<<, , > < nslup Lake township : Louisiana township,' including Readland town Readland town 5 McConnell township » Masona township Oden township Planters township, including Eudora town — Eudora town ». Railroad township Clark County.. Alpine township Amity township, including Amity town A mity town 6 Anderson township Antoine township, including Okolona tc Wardl WardS WardS Elkins township Greenville township Leard township, including Graysonia town.. Graysonia town 6 Long Creek township Manchester township Missouri township, including Gurdon town. . Gurdon town South Fork township Terre Noire township Bennett township » . . . Blue Cane township. . Bradshaw township 7 . Brown township.. Cache township, including Knobel town .. 1,400 1,440 722 1,175 849 1,691 1,163 697 7,495 2,739 1,002 533 6,872 2,465 397 867 409 1,011 345 Clark township . . i Alexander township organized from part of Louisiana township in 1905. 2 Incorporated in 1907. » Carlton and Lake townr « Incorporated in 1901. 6 Incorporated in 1908. 6 Incorporated in 1904. 7 Bennett township orga " Incorporated in 1903. » Gleghorn township organized from p ,1 i ii < ronnship in 1903. Clay County— Continued. ( 'lovelorn] township '■ 'urii'iii. !;i\ er township <: leghorn township" J 1 ay woor 1 township, including Creonwa Greenway tovm Johnson township "> Kilgore township, 9 including Corning t( Corning to""" Cleburne County.. Pig I t eel. towns!:;]) Cadron township, including guutman town. . Quitman town ' : 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i. i t o wnship Center I 'os.i I own ship ( !lay1 on township i i en i township. tides township, including Shiloh town Shiloh town Grassy township I ' I ■! -:• • 'i hue Under low nship, 1 '', including (Ichor Springs tc Edgemont to Mountain township . eek township.. Pine township Piney township Valley township. . Cleveland County . . Bowman township. . . Harper township Hudgin township « . . Hurricane township . . Miller township is Niven township.. Rison town. . Saline township.. Smith township.. Columbia County M.. Dorcheat township. . Georgia township p organized from part of Payne township in 1909. is Name changed li r nih u lo if in 1909. "Name changed pom tugm loaf in 1909. > 5 Incorporated in 1909. 1,1 Uurlgin township organized from parts of Miller sud \\ niicville townships in 1906. »' Name changed in. in Tisclale in 1908. I's.i i si '• in i ..lie ,ei ie County in 1901. is County lotah include population (1,497 in 1900; 1,512 in 1890) of Had ley (own- ship, annexed to Lafayette County since 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION—ARKANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., betwoen 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between Is-.w mid looo, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. 1 Columbia County— Continued. Magnolia township, including Magnolia t< Magnolia town M ississippi township Conway County.. Pin in mm Hie town I, irk Mountain township Mel, ami township - Nichols township,'- including Cleveland town.. ;. Vincent township 2. Union township.. Craighead County.. Ward WardZ WardS Ward 4 Lake City township,* including Lake City town Little Texas township, 7 inch 1 ding Pr\ den it Dryden town Maumelle township 6 Nettleton township, including Nettleton to' Crawford County.. Alma township, including Alma tc Barker township ; t'dur ('reek township. . Cedarvillc township, including Cedarville to Ciduri i/le town Chester township, including Chester town. . Maxey township, including Mulberry tc Mulberry town.. Mountain township Oliver Springs township Porter township , Kiehlond township Sand Point township ll Shepherd townsnip " . Union township 1,150 817 1,309 897 132 (i, 808 4,508 5,010 2.065 1,359 #4 055 394 Crawford County- city Van Bur en city . . Ward I.. WardS Wards fine Prairie township Vhitloy township ".. Vinfrey township ".. Crittenden County.. townships in 1900. Jackson Low uship.'. . . . Jasper lownsliip I.ueas township. Mi , i- ■-ippi township. . Mound 1 il v township. Old Kiwi- township.. . Coldwater township. . I Mis township " fair Oaks township," including fair Oaks town. Mitchell township Searcy lownsliip Smith lownsliip Tyrnnza lownsliip Wynne lownshin, including Wynm Wi/nin city "■ . . Wardl.. Wind ?.. WnrdS.. Dallas County.. 'ordycecityu^ Holly Springs township. . Jackson township Princeton township, 18 including Princeton to Princeton town Smith township Southall township > 8 Desha County.. Bowie township, including llalle\ ami Met; (dice towns Ilallni loirn '■' Franklin township,'-- including Kandolph lownsliip, including i Red Fork township, - including Kc'l Fork ami Watson towns Red Fork town 1 ■'• Wat mm town" | Richland township 1 Silver Lake township Walnut Lake township 1 County total includes population (1,141) of Point Remove and River town- ships, annexed to Welborn township between 1S90 and 1900. 2 St. Vincent township organized from parts ol (In-gory, McLaren, Nichols, and Washington fnv ho, in i ■. ■■ i. ' Herndon township organized from parts of Big Creek and Powell townships in 1900. * Black Oak township organized from part of Buffalo township in 1902. 5 Incorporated in 1900. 6 Prairie township organized from parts of Lake City and Maumelle townships '■ ' '1 nil tl 1100 11 u , 111 I 1 . 1 . p. I 1 1 I" I 9 Returned as Little Texas in 19D0. Paris taken to form Promised Land and Little Texas townships in 1902 and 1903, respectively. 1 1907. '» Incorporated ;.. 2 » County totals include population (217 ii ,1, annexed to Franklin and Red Fork tov 1 1890) of Old River township, annexed to Wilkerson township between 1890 STATISTICS OF POPULATION -ARKANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 190(1 and 1910, see footnotes; tor those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table !>.] MINOR CIV1I, DIVISION. Bartholomew township, including Blissville Clear Creek township Crook township Kranklin tow nslup, im hiding Tillar town.. Monticelloto Prairie township 2 Saline township, including Wilmar town. . Wilmar town Spring Hill township Veasey township Faulkner County. . Benedict township Benton township *. Wardl WardZ WardS 'I'll' Clifton township Cypress township Matthews township . . Newton township Franklin County.. Cravens township Donald township, including Branch t( Branch Grover township Hogan township, 9 - ''minding A 11 us and Denning Altustown Denning town ' 2 .. Hurricane township. . Prairie township, including ( diarloslon town . . Charleston town > 3 Six Mile township Walker township \\ allace township Watalula township Weaver township White Oak township, including Ozaiktown . Ozark town o. I , , 1 I ■ . 1 ! , ■ . ■ ■ 1 , 11 W i ttich township 10 Collins, and Prairie :ed to Cadron Sown :hip since Pino, population i 1 ,901 ii Fulton County.. Afton township Bennett Bayou township.. Benton township Big Creek township Cleveland township Kill ton township.. Alainmofii Springs township, including Mam- Mount Calm townshi Myatt township. Pleasant Ridge t South Fork township.. ■ i ion township.. Garland County.. Antioch to Bain township. Baxter township.. Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 WardS WardS Lee township Lincoln township.. Marble township. . . Mazarn township. . . Mill township.. Ouachita township. . Phillips township. . Sulphur township. . Davis township... Dekalb township .. Madison township Merry Green township, including Sheridan Sheridan town i; ii oi i iv, n: hip Simpson township >• Tennessee township, including Leola town.. Washington township Greene County.. selie low ii hip including Walcott tc Marmadvki' Hum '•' .Tones township i .ai. i- iownship Main shore township.. Salem iownship Grove iownship. . 934 riiip; Grove township. . union township 8 Countv total includes population (1,366) of Maxey township, annexed to Craw lord Coinilv between 1890 and 1900. " Alix township or. cinced Irom pari ol llogan township ir '■ Mountain. Powell, ami hiipolo row nships. aiinwvod to ( 'adroit low n hip; and popula- tion is.72 in 1S9D) ol ' liwrland town hip, part, anneved Id ''a Iron Iownship and part taken to form J mi I of ship, hel.iveo.ii l;,'.il)and 1900. * Mountain low nship oi gamwd from pmlsof J'.enion and Mount Vernon town- ships in 1907. 5 Stone township annexed in 1908. 6 Incorporated as a city in 1905. 7 Name changed from Muddy Bayou in 1906. i" P.arham township organized from pails of Middle and Witlich t a 1906. '■ Incorporated in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION -ARKANSAS. Table 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Roportaol the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, fable i MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 28,286 24,101 1 22,796 Howard County— Continued. Nashville township, including Nashville town.. Nashville town Saline township Sai aloen township, including Saratoga lown 4,027 2,3J4 mi 215 452 595 tse 24,776 2.3K5 928 SKI 798 1,0-11 1,388 2.248 6A7 271 7,128 S.6S9 1,486 428 850 1,032 3,163 1,099 3,058 129 S99 1,431 2,545 2,673 1,310 610 15,022 942 1,771 504 993 1,434 SS7 Hois a' Aiv low nship including Fulton and Mc- HID •770 tfcNabtown* til De Roane township, im-hidm" Hope city 4,632 1,644 4,902 1,937 Umpire low nship, i' 1 including Umpire town Independence County Wardl « 22,557 Ward 4 >l 21,961 Garland low nship - 1,321 2,915 "m ' 118 374 1,271 2,434 l)293 300 « 12,748 965 1.173 1,143 4,318 91 519 834 1,969 1,747 1,238 308 11,603 Ashley township 831 899 1,730 595 1.091 915 1,309 2U 1,143 720 ,. 151 1,062 1,788 114 568 461 906 216 1,226 4,509 '944 1,696 860 842 1,341 1,103 262 691 14,561 744 1,005 ' 316 2,128 1,964 Barren township ()/,;i n lowuship, including Hzan and Washing- 1 ! ik Pol i 01 11 low n.sliip,'-". , iueliiding Newark lown. 1,735 Black l;i\er low nship - 3 Cushman township,- including (ushuian town . Dota lowuship ■■' . ... 699 Fairview township, including Pleasant Plains 1,179 2,166 ISO 652 729 396 Creenbrinr lowuship,-, including Jamestown 2,487 449 472 1,018 666 235 443 975 4,625 2, 778 337 551 676 774 788 335 1,058 547 663 16,898 432 424 890 392 434 879 Magness township, -•• including Magness lown. 546 890 3,069 1,582 468 369 549 486 851 726 '770 472 534 14,076 466 745 3,128 1,520 516 541 Do Roche township Kuddell lowuship, including Unles\ ille oil < 3, 509 2,327 403 935 Wards WardS 1,355 1,253 2,088 213 1,006 017 532 1,009 » 13,789 "A ashing ion township White River township," including Sulphur Rock town Howard County Izard County 13,506 558 1,117 238 610 730 233 1,782 S28 442 550 424 SB 4.12 253 547 388 272 595 3,97 702 115 421 396 907 372 491 274 869 298 Athens township 604 479 474 596 559 408 487 740 296 598 482 559 553 880 282 932 1,075 472 437 439 1,563 Ifll 557 657 461 Passer township 3 " Pan en Fork low nship 481 592 406 672 590 385 Pig spring 1 ownship 427 1 !i van low nship 1,785 534 543 521 441 1,591 297 553 438 Prytown lowuship 534 Franklin township 3 « 070 (iiiioii lowuship..'' including: ( iuioii town 1 > i 1 1: i i-i 1 township, including part of Mineral 034 577 675 399 1,043 1,013 256 1,007 1,003 481 532 541 919 Jefferson lowuship ''■ 537 Lacrosse township 1,091 Total for Mineral Springs town » in Dillard 278 Lunenburg low nship s-' township'- I'M a n ',-. M n 1 ownship Mill ('reck lowuship, including Melbourne lown. 1,336 456 599 241 538 394 New Hope township 3S • 921 Pleasant Hill lowuship 818 mi,i. '!■,: :, •■,.'■ in, hiding ,..,,; .. 1,256 278 607 1,163 ( nion low nship, including ( alico Rock town. .. 1,407 Mountain low m: hi 1 1, including A I hens town 35S Violet 11 ill i ownship 3 " 322 781 Muddy Fork tow o hip ... . . . ... . 566 064 White Liver township 41g 6 Brown Springs tow nsh in oigani/.ed from parts of Har annexed in 1907. 8 Part taken to form part of But lei hi Id iow -nship in 1902. °Countv total includes population Pk'n ol Washington township, annexed In Sevier Coimu l.ciwecu pv.ii) and 1900. 10 Part taken to form part of Umpire township in 1901. 11 Buck Range township organized from part of Mineral Springs township in 11 Incorporated in 1907. 19 Organized from parts of Baker, Clay, and Sulphur Springs townships In 1901. m Organized from part ol christian l ownship ir. ' ". ■- 1 ii'.i i ni ' ■ ic-ohi ,: i -,,■,.. ,.u ■■ . c i,i,, s in 1901. ■■- ( hganued from parls of < 'hristiiin and Snlado low n -tups in 1909. '■! Part I a ten to form pari of Uosie low nship i n hih'c pari , if H re, a i hilar lowuship :xed in 1909. '-i Paris taken Inform Wyeough lowuship in PHIS and pari ol Magness (ownship River township in 190S. n parts of Franklin, Jefferson, New Hope, and Violet Hill townships* in 1905. 37 Guion township organized from parts of Lafferty and Lunenburg townships 26 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARKANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between l'JOO and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table i MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Jackson County 23,501 18,383 15,179 Lafayette County— Continued. 942 2, 530 US 177 653 2,796 599 20,001 900 Barron township 572 775 4, 434 583 2,664 496 1,144 935 864 2,046 290 178 1,392 755 5, 639 3,557 1,390 t,167 911 52,734 604 3,209 260 2,540 535 2, 617 ennui lowuship '.. Bird township, includim; Tnehorninii town Tucker man town Roane township, ineludine, Hi. alley ami Frosl- ville towns Bradley town'' FrostviUe town 1,261 Breckenridgo township,- inrlu.liim 1 n polo town 2,028 225 629 2,953 648 620 16,491 650 SI eel no III up 1111 111 1 n t 1 ,e wleVille town 968 608 674 1,409 206 705 577 630 1,190 500 564 Glass township, uielmline, s» i II on town 538 Ashland township, ineludue:, Minturntown Jefferson townsliip,' inelinluie. .hieksonport town 1,844 4,555 'w 457 3, 251 1,671 897 251 1,136 2,016 1,078 1,350 700 1,798 1,149 1,186 367 453 1,085 992 168 862 513 1,249 899 710 1,358 302 24,252 438 435 Black River Inwnshlp, ini-tinling Powhatan 1,028 24$ 2,321 I ; nion townsliip, i in- hiding Newport town Powhatan town je wardi..::: Black Rock township, including Black Rock 1,490 Village townsliip 662 40,972 40,881 Black Rock town.... 761 125 5J6 2,701 845 '411 1,093 400 507 928 865 150 759 309 1,277 < ache ton net hp < amphell township," including W alnut Ridge 8S2 278 2,322 1,952 3,315 1,800 754 1,684 1,378 1,723 2, 825 499 190 723 198 21,479 4.340 3,051 4,212 2! 647 908 652 821 19,698 1,165 333 1,922 1,355 1,996 1,268 812 1,046 574 l]f>35 4,503 2,578 240 1,367 2,453 1,643 2,155 860 1,005 '.341 1,452 4,' 676 2,435 321 2,460 it , e „ , Dent township, including Imboden town Imboden tow n 701 Duty township, including Portia town hi m million low nsliip Portia town - 671 Jo; lei son mwnship Lawrence, lowuship 859 Marion low nslup, oieludni!.', \ hcia town A licia town 785 i 'Id Uiv<-r township Post una township 1 limn ml J,ni 1 1 i Inn nn III liri ,m il_nl. 1 336 I..] : ',...•!. i . n In,. . ... 917 Richwoods township n t'i ; : ni'l 1 .e. i 1 n i.e., n- nip \ i'I'IH : 785 359 14,989 11,496 605 413 13, 593 9,952 Spring River township 1,438 193 19,409 Thacker township 166 Lee County ,, lie e> n up ' on in hn Inn linn en V . Pine Bluff city" 18,886 Bear Creek township 722 405 88 1,806 7,538 4,810 988 1,295 2,417 1, 151 65 1,791 l|861 421 31 15,118 348 521 1,016 Big Creek township 485 Council township, including Johnsonville town. JllllllHOIII ill, it'l' ll '■■•„ 948 1,840 919 635 794 17,448 2,084 718 1,051 16,758 Fleener township 1,454 352 4,448 1,707 1,120 2,131 742 Hardy township Independence township, including Marianna 3,537 471 277 1,229 484 533 1,244 730 744 534 261 240 349 1,162 406 422 2,006 520 1,234 596 427 3,646 1,456 1,179 13,741 357 327 2,242 1,341 360 414 1,075 730 694 446 345 350 992 401 402 '474 804 537 477 1,086 645 10,594 322 Richland township iii i in ni'ii i 1 Mil n ii 1,956 802 412 406 1,021 759 682 476 217 467 1,146 415 333 1,682 St. Francis township, including Raggio City 798 1,727 1,832 1,843 596 Union township 1,775 '\\ alum township, including Askewtown 13,389 Auburn township, including Douglas and South 1,446 298 185 2,328 1,816 396 2,114 57 180 920 772 136 739 714 1,347 1,166 1,935 from parts 1,848 117 806 685 314 '937 691 1,133 s 7,700 1,710 1,451 251 1,864 Cane Creek township, including Star City town. i ll ll 11 1" In 111 Mil i III inn .1 Choctaw township, including Gould, Grady, 883 Lafayette Count i Kimbrough township, including Youngstown 900 811 Baker township, inn h Kline, Si amps town 3,300 2, SIS 175 1,890 856 ■lisMviml.Telf ckenridge to 1,021 364 602 925 846 670 1, 175 819 1,181 of Campbell 283 TIadley township '' im imiiii ".nokner town 400 740 inni'i low list wnship in 1! 312 1,065 ps in 1907. 05. 1 Batemant.ow m-:|ii p ore;;i iii/.o.l from pnrlsofG 2 Bryan low n hip nrganizi'd from part of Bre 3 Incorporated in 1001. « Incorporated in 1909. s Taken from Columbia County in 1901. ' i changed from Bovdin 1902. " Name changed from New Lewisville in 190 < 2 Boas and Richwoods townships organized towushi between 1890 and 1900. is Incorporated in 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION -ARKANSAS. 27 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. >r changes ia boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1*10 and l'JOO, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 11)00, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Little River County.. Arkinda township, 1 including Arkinda tc A rkinda town* Uurke township Caney township. ip, including Wilton to Cleveland Wilton Franklin tow nshi|> Jackson township,' nu-Iii. Ilm.l, New Uocky Com- fort town New Rocky Comfort Imni -i /.' „i(man P.O.). . .lull' Davis township " a township, including Ashdown tc k township. . „ _7er township ' Ki-d Itiver township.. Utile uivn Lownsnip ! . Barbel township 9 Hear \V allow Low nslup Blue Mountain township 10 Boone township, including Booneville town.. Booneville town Cane Creek township Cauthron township " Clark township.- Delaware towiisliip Driggs township Kllswsalh township Johnson township Logan township \i nun tain township Petit Jean township "> Uevilee township, "> including Magazine town. . Magazine town Short Mountain township, including Paris town . Titsworth township ' 2 . Tomlinson tow nship '>. Washburn township... Lonoke County.. Carlisle township, including Carlisle town Carlisle town Caroline township" including Austin Station Crooked Creek township.. Kagle township 13 Fletcher tc Kin low township '« Croodrum township Gray township " Cum Woods township, including England tc England town Hamilton township i s Indian Bayou township Lafayette township, including Kco town... Lonoke township,™ including Lonoke town. Magness township .>■■■■ , , . . ■ i , ,..:■!, 1 Organized from parts of Jackson and Little River townships in 1901. 2 Incorporated in 1901. 3 Incorporated in 1902. 1 Part taken to form part of V rkinda low nsliip ii^igoi. oJ Little River township in 1900. s Part of Scott County annexed in 1903. 5 Organized from part of territory taken from Scott County in 1903. hip organized from parts of Petit Jean and KculeeP "> Blue Mountain t< Lonoke County— Continued. Pulaski township Rich woods township Toil en township \\ aid township* 2 Williams I ownship York township, including Cabot tow: Cabottown Madison County.. Alabam township.. Baldwin township.. Boston township... ( 'aliloi ma. lownsbip < I will township I lillnirn Low nship, including St. ' St. Paul town Independence Low nship keni 1 1. - 1. \ Lou n .hip Lincoln township Marble township Mill Creek township. . Piney township Prairie township Purdy township Richland township. . . UDion township Marlon County.. Beanlen township -* Big Creek township Blythe township -■■ Crockett township ... Crooked Creek township. . Hampton township & Keesee township . . .\orth fork township -■•. . Prairie township « Sugarloaf townshi White River township 2 « Beech township ( 'levels ml ; ownship Cut Off township Days Creek township Carls ml I ownship, including Toxarkana cil v. . Teiarkana ciln Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward A [Joint population of Te.\arkana city in Garland township. Miller County, ' ' ;, and TesarLana citv in preeire I 1 iwwie County, Texas, in 11110, la, 14." ; ii 1900, 10,170; and in 1890, 6,380.1 18 Part taken to form part of Fletcher township in 1908. >'■' Incorporate 1 in 1909. "' "-"ts taken to form parls of Furlow and Fletcher township 4 and 1908, espectively. 21 Organized from parts of Butler, Caroline, Uigle, and Prairie townships in 1902. 22 Organized from part of Caroline township in 1908. 23 County total in. -hides p. ahon (4.11 i of Tomahawk township, annexed to 1 tampion low nship t.ei wee,-, ppiu and 1900. 2 < Joffcrson township organized from parts of Bearden and De Soto townships Part taken to form part of Oak Grove township it 11 Parts taken to form Ward towi ffld part of Oak Grove township in 15 Organized from parts of Hamilton and Lonoke townships ir 18 Organized from parts of Gray and Lonoke townships in 190- " Part taken to form part of Furlow township in 1904. 13 Keeter township organized from parts of James Creek and North Fork ti 28 STATISTICS OF POPULATION—ARKANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. I For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports ol the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Miller County— Continued. Lost Prairie town hip, including Curiam! ti Mississippi County -.. Big Lake township, 3 including Manila U Manila town* Bowen township 6 Burdette township' Chickasawba township, 6 including Blyihovi' Bly'theriUr imrv Ward 1 Ward? Wards < dear Lake township Fletcher township, 6 including Lu.xora tow n. . Luiora town Golden Lake township Hector towns! iip,- iiioli.-din;: Dell town Hickman township.. Little River township McGavock township' Monroe township, including Osceola tc Osceola town Neal township 8 Pecan township Monroe County.. Ward! WariS WardS Cache township, including Clarendon town. . Clarendon to Ward 1 . WardS.. Wards Cleburne township Cypress Ridge township. . i/ i. i. in,, Hindman township . . Jackson township Smalley township "> Montgomery County.. ir Glades township. . Kir township ' (tap township Gaston townshi] Leverney IE? ship Mazsni township Missouri township « Mountain township i niacliita township Parks township Polk township Unci-. Springs township > R 529 1,794 232 602 (584 246 398 104 3,495 968 2,723 Montgomery County— Continued. Scott township Nevada County.. Emmet township, including Em Emmet town Georgia township.. Jackson township Leak township Missouri township, including Prescott tc Prescott town Wardl WardS Wards Wardl, Parker township Redland township Newton County.. Big Creek township Boston township Grant township Grove township -' Hudson townshii > -'■ . . . Jackson township, » including Jasper fa Jasper town Jefferson township. . Jones township ?* Kentucky township Lincoln township « Low Gap township Marble City township Mill Creek township Murray township m New Hope township Osage township Pleasant Hill township Plumlee township Polk township Prairie township -- nshij Union township Van Buren township Walnut township Ouachita County.. Freeo township < Jefferson township Lafayette township Liberty township Marion township lied I J ill township, including ('hidestor ten chiilrxlrr town ® River township Smackover township, including Stephens t Stephens town Union township, including P.carden town 1,22 Bearden town Valley township Washington township 14 Part taken to form pari of Kir township in 1905. 16 Organized from parts of Center, South Fork, and S 1,061 730 ■1,978 2,706 wnships organized from parts of Chickasawba towr wnship in 1908. <• MeGa'vock township organized from par! ofSeoll township in 1901. '' K,den township organized from part ol loud lev township in 1902. 10 Smalley township organized from part of Montgomery township in 1906. k Springs town ;!iip organized from part of M "Parts taken Organized from juris of Caddo and Gap townships ir 21 Incorporated in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARKANSAS. 29 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Kor changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Perry County 9,402 7,294 5,638 Poinsett County— Continued. 833 166 1,547 1,678 76 232 807 17,216 506 553 776 810 327 154 716 365 929 133 360 244 206 452 57 1,574 292 246 650 536 401 225 203 507 331 33,535 800 747 712 532 Scott township Tyi'imza township, inrhnlin^ DrrkrrvilK- (uwn. Deckerville inun ' U'i'sl. I'rairii' township, im-ludin.i; \\ i-inir town. Weiner town-' 1 ' 1,305 800 520 Fourche Lafave township, 6 including IVi ry villi' 300 869 93 382 287 182 251 70 671 584" 715 S10 665 109 356 18,352 Polk County tlowell township 9,283 266 156 226 45 574 Big I'oik township 16 394 303 4,968 3,963 1,800 um M59 231 288 329 697 800 337 490 1,239 756 2,392 599 244 1,930 24,527 752 455 4,478 3,423 i,'l65" Maumelle township » 319 New Tennessee township Omega township Center township, including Mena town 1,430 Perry township, including Esau and Fourche Fourche town e Petit Jean township Wardl Ward 2 Wards Cove township "''"'"'985 Rankin township Rose Creek township South View township Tyler township « Union township 356 350 191 228 489 316 214 179 447 Eagle Gap township Faulkner township Freedom township Fulton township Gap Springs township 499 242 799 728 260 219 551 217 26,561 25,341 i.'oso" 847 3,133 606 255 2,779 "21,715 Phillips County Ouachita township 1,049 Big Creek township 1,982 1,348 1,317 727 2,110 556 1,059 1,907 276 2,151 1,294 14,736 8,772 2,210 2,374 2,048 2,140 2,510 2,118 12,565 2,360 1,330 1,225 729 2,198 391 2,150 Potter township icich Moiinlnin township Cleveland township i,'<5i9 1,731 White township 1,203 Hickory Ridge township, 10 including Marvel 201 582 009 1,428 303 582 1,895 885 867 205 1,064 584 792 4,948 2,986 492 1,157 823 80G 1,058 507 279 228 327 953 3,076 1,268 13,853 200 584 669 490 1,330 268 533 1,447 573 374 834 747 706 975 3,580 1,832 558 1,239 978 797 868 326 358 173 421 928 1,461 745 11,875 1,456 205 2,304 730 10,417 6,650 1,079 2,171 2,080 532 9,880 5,189 < tol lo» hip mi Initio 1 ,0110011 mi 11. . St. Francis township, including Helena city Dover township, including Dover town 1 II 1 1 lorlllilo,;: 1 1 lii u- n 1,303 2,304 10,301 1,287 2,812 8,537 Illinois township, iiH\hidmg kusscllville citv 1,321 911 577 205 1,898 768 320 320 '539 762 791 938 S3S 757 661 136 2,070 131 516 671 1,000 12,791 775 353 168 S57 777 434 491 1,074 oith I'orl township 252 851 1,204 548 526 1,292 70S 840 402 610 489 '1 ll O ,-. II lllp 1 ' Mi III \ 1 I IMS ho 11 Pike City town.'. '.'. 351 Thompson township, including Kimberley and 1,501 1,613 404 475 872 825 317 1,538 687 958 1,334 869 116 473 581 2,268 924 2,326 1,061 356 473 514 840 228 ' 489 967 1,204 039 200 829 1,047 7,025 159 927 567 4,272 Hazen township, including Hazen town Roc Roe township, inHudiii).' Ulm town 534 . 2,387 942 331 894 935 154 2,842 2,026 '462 291 500 1,302 482 427 383 549 1,573 605 1,807 640 541 Greenwood township," including Lepanto town. Wattensas township, including be Vails Bluff 1,032 352 433 White River township, including Des Arc town. Des Arc town Marked Tree town 546 Parts taken to form Walnut Grove township in 1908 and part of Cherry Hill "> Hicksville township organized from part of Hickory Ridge township in 1901. township 2 Incorporated in 1900. » Organized from parts of Aplin and Fourche Lafave townships in 1910. * Dry Fork township organized from parts of McCool and Tyler townships ship organized from part of Maumelle townsh form part of Cherry Hill township in 1910. 13 Incorporated in 1910. n part of Little River township in 1903. rk township in 1908. n 1890) of Galla Rock tow 30 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARKANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. n boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] '— 1910 1900 1890 MmcmcrviLams™. 1910 1900 1890 86,751 63,179 47,329 Saline Count 16,657 13,122 11,311 Banner townshi 3 1,350 M01 51,004 AS, 941 7,787 7, 7St 4,919 4,416 4,714 4,035 4,406 683 S3(> 1,397 3,444 2,605 536 865 w 1,535 12,567 11, 1S8 2,406 2,815 2. 395 2,631 636 1,450 611 734 1,305 560 1,276 18,987 1,141 1,692 1,507 35, 072 38,307 1,370 507 1,087 657 540 509 535 227 428 638 '529 4,217 1,708 464 269 713 228 569 ,97 14,302 614 IJad^ott township 27, 644 95,874 l!cM\ er township Jiryanl township, '■> iucludiiii; Bryant town I 470 791 113 571 534 581 373 505 254 605 1,669 515 2,405 492 565 449 824 Hi.' ' ; , ■,■!■; ,•:, . 611 1,482 2,670 2,147 574 848 173 6^837 1,636 2,016 1,313 299 1,165 146 1,036 3,536 Saline township, i« in< 1 ml mil' Hen ton town 647 Traskwood township, including Tiaskwood 388 144 " 13,183 389 736 1,200 318 810 958 884 1,204 17,156 337 601 943 399 713 908 957 1,163 14,485 862 480 466 456 662 272 527 2,479 900 472 177 428 290 534 322 1.574 '290 S16 137 541 539 313 376 14,825 629 732 492 500 387 Denton township 527 'm 392 212 180 Hickman lownslnp, including Waldron town... 3,939 621 1,319 1,284 435 678 2,732 1,647 646 418 463 1,105 814 998 837 295 1,190 558 751 465 740 527 1,033 22,548 400 l'l76 Columbia township 1,270 Davidson township 1,969 668 519 668 1,518 607 1,183 559 720 313 1,148 368 141 446 522 734 633 11,988 l.afa\ die township IS 554 Lamb township Lewis township, including part ol Mansfield Ingram township 6 984 Janes _ Creek township, including Ravenden 1,072 992 Mmtxjulil Inn a i pur! of). Totalfor ih imjhlil hum in hi ins hiirimlup, ScOtt Coil lull, mill Sllilil.hull inn llsht/l. Si Ravenden Springs town 243 Little Black township 1,050 2,111 Mill < 'reel; township Reyno township,* including Reyno town Mountain township Mount Pleasant township 1. 1 Ml Mm i Hi III 8468 358 1,150 537 10 1,396 465 578 1,006 455 1,384 17,157 Park township Tate township '•'. . 305 1,093 Roanoke township 1,148 Searcy County Spring River township 303 475 1,275 538 1,092 13,543 9,664 Bear Creek township, 2a including Marshall 1,947 668 268 675 1,255 755 265 595 '870 773 169 894 473 843 3,073 1,898 1,225 260 1,390 550 324 Water Valley township 2,238 Wiley township ' 1,330 3,411 900 2,000 U5 2,072 6'379 2,484 1,343 1,928 1,087 330 791 2,692 884 1,554 674 2,386 815 580 iiii^i ml In \ ii hip 656 495 768 1,084 846 1,525 1,156 4,771 1,361 1,322 196 1,687 775 1,239 568 4,025 1,021 1,142 IBS '763 738 lhairie township, i.imImiIihu I'm lestine town 938 513 951 1,255 \\ hcidley township, including \\ hcallc\ town.. Win alley town" Wileys Cove township, including Leslie town 947 1 Part taken to form Argenta city in 1904. 2 Incorporated in 1905. ' Incorporated from that part of Little Rock city (ward 8) in Hill township in 1904; consolidated with Baring Cross town in 1905. 4 Reyno township organized from part of Current River township in 1904. 5 Incorporated in 1902. 6 Jackson township organized from parts of Eleven Points, Ingram, and Warm Springs townships in 1906. ' O'Kean township organized from part of Wile, township mn.i 8 Exclusive of population of Maynard town. "Returned a in Siloam township in 1900, 10 Includes population ol Maynard town. 11 Incorporated in 1909. 12 Incorporated in 1907. « Bauxite township orgauized from parts of Bryant, Hurr and Smith townships in 1904. 1 4 Incorporated in 1900. " I'm. 1 mum, • -ii ,,, ■ ., r,, Hiiiy in 1903. 16 County to tut. include popn i:i-l.i.>n dfiuin mill): ,,15 in 1S90) of Barber township nd population (549 in 1900) slva township, annexed to Logan County since 900. 17 Organized from parts of James and La Fave townships in 1908. 20 Organized from part of La l'\>.\ e township in 1904. a Jones township in 1904 and part of Brushy t 22 Maumee township organized from parts of Bear Creek, I hawk townships in 1902. » Incorporated in * """ I Creek, and Toma- :, Saline, Shaw, »' Incorporated in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARKANSAS. 31 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, '. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Sebastian County '. Bass Little township » (eater township, including (i Cm 1 ii wood town i \>le low nsliip, including liar Uiickelt city Dayton t( nsliip, including Huntington Rogers township , Sugarloaf township, including part of Mansfield Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. H'lrdJ.. Ward 4.. Ward6 Ward6 Ward 7 Not inwards... Washburn township.. . White Oak township.. Sevier C ounty Bear Creek township, including De Queen city . . Ve Queen city* Ben Lomond township, including Ben Lomond Clear Creek township, including Horatio town.. e township, including Cave City town.. Hardy township, including Hardy t( 1 1 1 . 1 > 1 . 1 1 . i , |. Jackson township Johnson township Lave Creek township Lebanon township Morgan township North township Piney Fork township, including Evening Shade Evening Shade town i Part of III'! i.iii T.Ti ilorv annexed in 1905. » Returned as Little Bass in 1900. 3 Incorporated ir in 1909. ' Incorporated __ ' Incorporau-'i m MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Sharp County— Continued. Richwoods township. . . . .. uship Strawberry low nsliip. . Sullivan township Union township U asliinclon township. . Ma ii nlaiiivicw town Bryan township " Chalybeate Springs township '■ Cove township " Karris township Franklin township Harris township Hixson township » I.MU-i. i i rove town,.... Northwest to v. .. hi|. ' Red River township '■•. Richwoods tow nsliip '" l.'orie township" Smart township" Turkey Creek township » Union County.. Boone township Cornie township >' J El Dorado township, including Kl Dorado city. . I'A Dorado cili/ -« .'" . . . Wardl Wards Wards Franklin township Garner township Harrison township Henderson township, 1 " including Junction City . Junction City [Joint population of Junction City, in Hen- derson township, Union County, Arkan- Smackover township Tubal township Van Buren township Wesson township," including Wesson town . . Wilmington township Van Buren County. . including Bee Branch ( 'srgile lownship i lionaw lownship Cleveland township... township Culpepper township.. Griggs tc 1,324 2,748 1,064 2,250 2,070 440 607 Incorporated in 1907. 9 Organized from pails oi ('hah !>.\ne .-,-.. in ;s an, I Wallace townships in 1904. 10 Parts taken to form parts of Bryan and Cove townships in 1909. Bin 1 ] ,iehw Is townships in 1909. '2 Returned as Chalybeate in 1900. Parts taken to form parts of Bellmore and e t..w nships in 1904 and 1909, respectively. i from parts of Blue Mountain and Chalybeate Springs townships in 1909. » Rorie township organized from parts of Hixson and Northwest townships in 1909. 1 5 Union township organized from parts of Red River, Sylamore, Timbo, and Turkey Creek townships in 1904. 16 Parts taken to form Smart township in 1902 and part of Bryan township in 1909. « Organized from part of Richwoods township in 1902. 18 Part taken to form part of Bellmore township in 1904. 15 Wesson township organized from parts of Cornie and Henderson townships in 1906. 20 Incorporated as a city in 190S. 2' Incorporated in 1903. 22 Incorporated in 1906. 23 Barnett township organized from part of Bradley township in 1900. 2< Organized from part of Union township in 1906. 32 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARKANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Kor changes iu boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Van Buren County— Continued. 205 292 460 650 470 565 370 1,108 55.3 653 256 33,889 White County— Continued. Harrison township, including Judsonia town... Judsonia town i nsliilV- including Iligginsontown. Higyinson town 13 2,356 746 514 192 557 445 1,042 1,002 921 382 544 655 602 256 961 617 842 147 2,196 878 162 535 20,049 2,247 600 633 2,097 276 335 671 122 251 567 157 658 409 808 632 648 316 34,256 '",'731 674 395 469 320 32,024 662 872 693 22S Sulphur Springs township 1 ilidh l u w i i hip iih IikIiij l.i.ulford town 849 663 143 903 594 688 200 2,213 904 142 Red River township,'- including West Point 948 1,163 1,369 845 592 632 1,476 753 634 642 442 8,563 4,471 108 1,546 774 512 471 750 3,218 1,765 1,005 292 843 631 500 1,083 429 725 1,105 289 294 28,574 592 980 1,371 1,212 864 690 744 724 1,639 580 1,050 1,379 1,359 646 873 756 Russell township, including dussell town Union township, 1 " including Beebe town Kim Springs io\vii-.hip,' ini-linling Tuutitown Woodruff County 16,304 Tontitown town 5 14,009 HarmontownshrpV 1,113 1,247 Augusta township, including Augusta town 6,467 1,620 1,048 1,849 1,243 508 2,671 1,081 2,777 1S6 6S7 200 783 1,449 200 1,362 26,323 5,169 1,040 832 1,584 709 Illinois township 1,192 578 429 8,028 4,061 1,169 740 584 2,942 619 560 Lees Creek township Barnes township Prairie township, itirliidiiig KayonyviUe city :in = I (iivenland town Cache township Caney township, including Hunter town 1,113 299 Grt i nlnnd town s Cotton Plant township, including Cotton Plant 2,024 468 2,059 2,018 429 Prairie Grove township, including Prairie Grove 1,277 651 549 877 496 814 2,966 1,261 728 1,337 412 573 676 1,056 517 Cotton Plant town Prairie Grove town Price township De View township, including Grays and Mc- Crory towns Grays town 9 1,922 Rheas Mill township Richland township Mc Crory town Dent township... 271 816 1,194 205 1,441 22,750 164 Point township 1,300 Springdale town Starr Hill township, including Lincoln town White River township 1,343 i.iis 623 452 1,121 549 960 1,242 1,259 771 587 1,268 473 970 959 894 825 1,166 294 340 1,872 80S 3,196 1,767 260 513 1,592 SS6 841 519 868 571 453 1,370 86S 1,133 1,383 514 504 630 980 1,292 621 175 785 481 1,115 516 541 1,216 667 669 934 285 319 1,554 600 3,041 1,602 27 259 425 1,685 562 873 501 763 406 395 584 331 24,864 22,946 Danville town^i ii ludin Dan ill town Dardanelle township, including Dardanelle and 291 424 1,611 608 565 754 252 610 453 869 674 202 577 448 325 3,863 2, SSI 467 660 757 657 465 1,327 707 407 778 608 676 259 614 413 617 794 808 Bald Knob township, incmdini Bald 1 not 856 Ferguson township, including i • i • 1 1 < ■ \ illo low n. . 322 536 634 272 606 350 561 875 665 t ii i 1 uding Plainview town 564 1,350 464 545 531 840 1,186 814 881 245 3,051 1,995 449 237 3,545 1,20S Riley township, including Havana town 725 1,183 554 1,350 404 ' Grove township organized from parts of Liberty, Wheeler, and White Oak townships in 1905. 2 Linn Creek township organized from part of Washington township in 1909. • Part taken to form Bloodworth township in 1906. * Harmon township organized from part of Kim Springs township in 1908. 6 Incorporated in 1909. 6 Incorporated in HMO. ' Incorporated in 1908. » Incorporated in 1905. > Albion township organized from part of Marion township in 1906. '« McRae township organized from parts of Cane, Garner, and Union townships In 1902. u Jefferson township organized from parts of Cleveland and El Paso township township organized from parts of Dogwood, Higginson, and Red River 12 Walk townships is Incorporated in 1906. ,s Pumpkin in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARKANSAS. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 38 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 141 168 665 252 659 S13 11,138 2,745 1,485 160 1,247 31 115 1,258 1,520 617 244 272 3,399 439 873 335 431 1,708 1,956 785 435 1,078 290 3,849 811 1,631 123 271 1,740 91 240 3,995 516 310 278 54 328 576 162 211 2,037 1,456 164 1,229 197 2,794 1,439 894 1,081 2,038 244 136 231 803 1,757 244 2,018 924 246 150 146 Kilgciiioiit town Kl Dorado city Cleburne 342 4,202 '292 600 3,228 289 53 4,471 273 105 2,794 2.484 23,975 246 177 647 198 6«8 256 „, 291 708 57 180 569 136 771 035 108 390 290 1,284 363 1,787 353 329 942 1,602 1,780 621 687 1,126 8,772 247 336 536 3,039 605 14,434 915 131 508 1,700 1,240 600 373 114 242 7,123 746 1,065 | 131 1 445 362 | 448 1.07* Lawrence Crawford Arkansas Franklin 1,069 277 308 486 ■ . . ■ ■ 1 . i . , ■ i iiu\ n . . . . 500 469 . Kudora town KiiivLa Springs city Evening Shade town Kail i >aks town L''jyr(te\ illecity Felsenthal town Chicot 3,572 312 2.739 1,091 2,455 Little River Little Rivor Washington 4,001 Ashdow u town 400 Poinsett Dallas St. Fr ncis Sebastian Fordyre city Forrest City Fort Smith city Fourohe town 1< ru::i v ille town 1,710 1.301 11,587 745 1,040 196 707 660 519 Woodruff 11,311 Austin Station town Hempstead" 225 501 Scott Independence Ouachita Van Buren 2,327 341 122 552 2,150 Bearden town 419 247 1 ili'llWOlld [O'A 11 Lincoln Benton 1,025 1,843 551 647 1,677 549 447 Woodruff Randolph Lawrence 1,400 761 409 Creenland to Washington Mississippi Sebastian 302 906 223 165 Sebastian 490 Bradle - to' Lafayette Guion town Izard 1,045 330 1,648 113 400 294 1,510 458 Lafayette 312 1,260 655 Cabot to 347 462 1,551 460 Ouachita 2,840 212 2,571 185 1,438 Sebastian Casa town 429 552 5,550 458 Crawford SO 297 334 Ch t Crawford 174 222 Hi dm town Cleburne 1,840 1,086 202 1,341 212 2,003 1,041 1,060 937 303 802 391 9,973 125 353 Hempstead 1,937 Johnson HotS rin-scit 8,086 Lawrence 102 Faulkner Clay 1,207 584 Corning town f Arkansas Woodruff independence 458 429 Woodruff Sebastian 1,298 913 Lawrence 411 265 130 157 174 1,602 208 421 Independence. . . Danville town Jasper town 1,456 Johnson ville town 1,200 605 Jonesboro city Craighead White 4,508 1,251 2.065 380 Judsonia town 475 Benton Decatur town Deckerville town Poinsett Pike Cleveland Clay Craighead Chicot Johnson Grant Poinsett Searcy Lafayette Washington Pulaski Pope 364 410 434 464 Mississippi Franklin 162 757 1,662 1,061 831 272 298 385 18 519 433 1,542 Denning town 467 640 318 lVv-u 7 546 246 520 1 398 154 975 i 292 45,941 748 474 Arkansas Dierks town Douglas town 117 373 637 528 Dover town 548 500 Craighead 38.307 550 1 268 25.87 4 343 451 Earletown Crittenden London town 28407—12 3 34 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ARKANSAS. -POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY OK TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 city ok tow*. County. 1910 1900 1890 1,547 193 677 637 271 482 968 216 2,045 2,778 817 562 | 816 4,810 2,026 780 558 556 295 282 3,953 639 432 251 559 95 2,274 2,424 446 272 722 516 2,374 1,080 612 595 3,557 397 399 516 1,769 129 1,146 173 5,248 194 1,497 383 355 1,150 335 15,102 853 151 495 1,547 205 191 774 2,705 132 951 858 Raggio City town 05 189 214 1,859 69 278 725 2,820 320 147 2,936 459 159 430 215 2,331 96 481 251 2,405 185 1,755 140 2, 316 396 572 465 2,740 379 252 500 290 5,655 611 180 222 228 205 115 136 3,878 920 149 597 900 1.798 2,057 399 232 694 116 330 42 245 929 294 552 2,353 463 136 173 Mississippi Woodrufl 943 225 299 KlivimkIcmi Springs lown Randolph 520 Hempstead Columbia Desha 260 897 294 183 333 138 453 2,158 Randolph Cleveland Independence Columbia Hot Spring lown 1,582 717 1,486 1,520 Rosboro town 200 1,832 Mississippi /Scott 368 352 243 1.126 \Sebastian Madison 345 S;ir:il(i;._'H town 1,995 210 190 1,748 260 391 358 256 3, 423 278 Lawrence Randolph Cleburne 209 Sebastian Washington 1,251 278 Lawrence Craighead Stamps town Lafayette 1,021 251 407 1,579 1,707 27 226 361 200 928 613 1,285 1,644 1,258 Cla 242 Independence 213 315 206 4,914 Crawford 321 159 810 Thornton town Calhoun Craighead Little River Independence t,.,i! i,.iw n town Washington 315 2,866 260 1,571 Tu elotow Jackson Ogden town Little River Clark Ola town Yell 385 2,573 Osceola town Mississippi Hempstead Franklin 953 118 848 196 3,324 458 91 862 163 1,666 2,291 Ozark town St. Francis Columbia 929 487 845 954 374 709 Lawrence 830 547 300 597 703 11,496 310 li igton town Hempstead 519 9,952 111 Independence St. Francis Little River St. Francis 296 967 400 426 192 249 551 2,005 168 214 507 571 Randolph Lawrence 844 378 Portland towr Wilmot town 4.shle Little River Washington Montgomery Lawrence Washington 412 1,287 Pre col W ne cit 1,629 578 Pulaski Heights town Quitman town 383 327 CALIFORNIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. (Township means judicial lowuship. For changes in boundaries, etc. , lulu-em ruin ami lull), see foul; for I lu>:;e Lei ween IN'.JU and 11)00, sec Reports MINOR dVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Countv 246,131 1 130,197 1 93,864 Butte County— Continued. 961 739 2,081 987 1,837 403 471 119 1,927 256 178 4,979 8, 869 526 222 643 9,171 377 469 1,224 Alameda township, coextensive with Alameda 2,227 S,2S7 4,873 4,604 2,948 S,6SB 49, 140 48,677 150, 174 26,977 17,559 13,672 13,262 14,531 15,596 48,677 378 3,471 11,515 2,7-45 4! 137 2,030 147,199 808 40,434 2.223 3,133 861 1,294 2,109 2,091 1,774 1,334 2,352 3,341 3,421 2,156 2,282 1,497 8,529 2,186 2,039 1,031 1,792 2,613 101,497 1,719 l',254 7,874 309 16,464 11,165 Alameda city: Gridley township, including Gridley city 1,323 Hamilton, tow asliip, including Biggs city 2,070 663 373 1,242 261 260 2,804 Brooklyn township.- includim.: ward 7of Oak- lanii city ami part of San Leandro city 3 8, 108 a 3, 108 Ophir township, including Oroville city 2,210 Total for Oakland city « in Brooklyn and Oak- 66,960 48, 682 841 554 856 11,200 lfl20 1,713 1,077 3,370 1,891 7,732 1,683 L503 4,258 1,725 20 7,364 2,253 9,330 1,965 2,253 1,493 1,758 Eden township, including Hayward town and 7,336 1,419 5,937 1,391 "12,040 1,249 2,518 1,682 601 353 1,463 31,674 1,459 2,721 1,441 583 1,007 Colusa township,-* including Colusa town 13,214 5,101 335 918 « 18,046 3,072 2,115 873 1,330 1,146 2,250 70S 3,626 2,872 1,432 2.229 1,124 2,075 1,379 1,776 279 798 2,402 449 833 6,802 2,417 1,380 Township (i, 1111 hiding I'.L.iel, 1 >iamond town. . . 674 1,016 228 Township It, including Hercules and Pinole Pleasanton township^ including Pleasanton 1,100 6,914 509 5,596 667 Township If,, coeuensivo with IJiclnnond 2,408 309 9,086 11,116 10,320 Crescent township, including Crescent City 1,114 347 382 7,492 1,137 699 358 913 8,986 1,620 3,226 2,036 1,551 1,064 2,047 1,198 27,301 3,550 2,622 1,772 1,694 2,647 1,453 17,117 1,822 1,535 2,335 2,006 17,939 Coloma townshi • 367 417 373 226 169 840 2,775 1,914 217 395 450 1,096 915 275 245 277 1,212 2,645 1,748 436 405 587 11,775 8,760 80S 630 795 633 384 2,640 630 5,598 2,894 Wardi Placers ille lownship, including Placerville city. Wards While oak lownship 598 M Oakland and San Leandro cities it » Exclusive of population of Oakland c' * Parts of Brooklyn and Oakland town; 6 Part of Brooklyn township annexed ir 8 Pleasanton township organized from part of Murray township ir. .. 7 Parts annexed to Berkeley city in 1906 and 190S and part annexed to Oakland liams township « Incorporated in 1906. "> Returned as township 2 in 1900. I s Returned as township 3 in 1900. d Oakland townships annexed in 1909. n (341) of Leesville township, annexed to Wil- m be made; county redistricted between 1890 » No ci and 1900. 21 Princeton township organized from part of Colusa township in 1902. » Leesville township annexed ir "No comparison of popul 16 Incorporated in 1900. 2 » Incorporated as a city in 1908. n be made; county redistricted in 1910. (35) STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CALIFORNIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is Judiolal township. For changes ii e Heports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. i»io 1SHM) 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Fresno County i 75,657 2 37,862 32,026 Imperial County—Continued. llolU'illc lownship. ini-linlinj; 1 loltville city 2,073 2,369 1,267 111 63 396 384 6,974 1,388 4,799 32,402 8,677 2,640 3,172 2,020 3,794 2,658 2,790 4,141 5,873 4,843 1,750 7,851 4,199 4,271 3,344 '634 1,661 2,641 660 2,035 1,493 7,172 1,453 2,936 12,470 4,568 2,930 13,649 10,818 Imperial lownship, iueiudjm: Imperial cit\ . . 4,377 3,236 '"*""2,'863" 1,083 811 2,604 2, 573 1,160 834 Township 1, including Bishop city 2,856 1,190 900 701 1,338 1,179 37,715 1,916 Township ,-,, i.u-l n. 1 in- Selma lown 792 Township 2 1,163 820 478 Township !',,<• i , 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 . 1 i 1 1 l; Coalinga city Township 7 8 3,' 076" 2,379 1,339 i,'35i 2,252 1,265 Township 4 205 16,480 2,132 743 1,310 385 2, 750 1,026 1,097 • 12, 727 1,647 1,796 898 1,998 859 1,650 645 2,183 1,051 253 498 3,150 2,000 1,952 1,397 1,972 2,480 16,230 1,313 1,187 Tow nship ■', inclndinc li'hiieliaiii town 5,150 2,313 594 1,040 5,995 4,836 665 1,571 836 2,984 1,139 743 224 540 33,857 610 839 578 '893 555 279 667 27,104 1,176 23,469 102 269 599 488 1,023 1,557 Humboldt County Township 8 1,034 13, 763 11, 845 1,795 1,834 2,798 1,914 3,504 3,006 758 1,111 507 507 265 3,135 905 2,600 883 464 900 1,502 3,473 1,121 439 13,591 1,019 8,504 7,327 1,312 7,011 4,858 Eureka township, including Eureka city Eureka city Wardl Wards Kings County ' 29 9,871 1,825 367 1,425 i,5ii 792 u 1 1 i\ i iiii n 1 i l lue Lake town. 1*003 3,852 1,000 9,198 4,829 5,526 675 355 3,446 846 2,107 317 3,120 763 1,665 Lemoore township, » including Lemoore city. . . 1,772 Pacific township, including Ferndale town Li ii erne to wash ip, ■■» inch a i in a llanfordcity 7,947 2,929 6,017 Rohnerville township, including Fortuna town. 923 878 2,955 952 587 1,112 955 828 483 2,984 962 059 Townshi 1 Union township, including Areata town 820 1,134 1,465 870 1,218 4,802 1,156 1,075 1,354 1,358 726 1,074 4,511 2,218 881 '797 2,500 1,610 1,000 4,239 Calexico township. includinc, ' Mexico city 982 625 1,256 1,016 923 1,089 El Centro town '.hip, inch; dim/ Id Centra city... 602 1,205 926 Hanlon township, inr-l.pJ inn Varna .Indian Res- 1,025 Yiima Imli'i a J;/-/ n 'iiiou. 817 Township 5 589 _ ,-. 3) of old township 11, annexed to town- ship 1.3 since 1900. 3 Part taken to form township 11 In 1908 and part annexed to Fresno city in 1910. < Part of township 3 annexed in 1910. « Incorporated in 1908. « Part annexed to Kings County in 1909. 7 Incorporated in 1906. 8 Part taken to form township 14 in 1910 and part of township 12 in 1908. 9 Part taken to form part of township 12 in 1908. >° Part taken to form township 13 in 1903. 1 lOi'snii/.isI from part of township 3 in 1908. ' 9 Incorporated in 1904. sn'oi.nuv loial include., population (895) of old township 2, annexed to town- ip 1 between 1890 and 1900. 21 Organized since 1900. 2 2 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 90 and 1900. -3 Township 1 1 oraaiii/.ed from part, of township 1 in 1901. 24 Part of township 3 (Kern city) annexed to Bakersfield city in 1909. ■a. Par! taken to I'm m lownship' i:i in 1901. "-'■ Township 1.". msani/ed ii . : n is oi low nsliips 7 and 12 in 1902. 2' Organized from part of lownship 5 in 1901; part taken to form township 16 in 12 Organized from parts of townships 7 and 8 11 mitt and old township 11 annexed in ■■,■,-.. ,1 hip ; in lam (152) of West End township, annexed Lemoore township since 1900. 30 Armona and Corcoran townships organized from in 1903 and 1907, respectively. s > West End township annexed i of Lucerne township 1902 and territory taken from Fresno County is Organized from part of San Diego County in 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CALIFORNIA. 37 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is judicial township. For changes in boundaries, etO., between L900 and 1010, see footnotes; for those between L890 and 1 : 779 4,320 2,404 2,148 1,121 25,114 777 2,175 Lexington township '* Long Beach township, including Long Beach 2,252 1,051 564 1,790 1,044 15,702 Marin County Wards Bolinas township 548 479 911 405 310 13, 180 594 556 1,531 5,934 1,380 1,340 812 1,385 1,017 8,137 481 2,651 979 957 616 2,383 1,084 3,956 340 500 834 810 339 8,008 N icasio 1 ownship 538 Novato township 554 Los Angeles to-.wi-liip. s including assembly disl nets 69 to 73, and 75 and parts of assem- bly districts 67 and 74 of Los Angeles city 102,479 102,470 3,3311 1,590 50,395 50,395 1,926 585 San Rafael township, including Larkspur, Loss, and San A use I mo towns, and San La lied city. 7,008 Los Nietos township, including Whittier city San Anselmo town " San Rafael city 3,879 3,290 Precinct 2 Malibu township, "including Sawtelle city Sausalito township, including Kelvedere., Mill Vallev, and Sausalito towns 3,720 434 Belvedere town Pasadena township, > 5 Including Arcadia, Pasa- 12,772 7,222 Precinct 2 9,117 4,882 Sausalito town 1.628 1,145 4,720 1,334 Tomales township 1,096 622 160 779 630 654 1,271 1,004 206 213 794 1,009 1,100 Redondo township, including Hermosa Beach 942 668 697 ,'.■, ,/ i.lo ,'.". ■ -."■ , 855 60S Township 5 892 Angeles city and township si 2 Part taken to form part of Gardena township in 1905 and part annexed to Los ' n: 1 -1 ■ n.liii 11 in-- 8 Incorporated in 1908. * Incorporated in 1904. « Belvedere township organized from part of San Gabriel township in 1907. 6 Part annexed to Los Angeles city and township in 1910. ' Incorporated in 1906. 8 Part of Ballona township annexed in 1906, part of AVilmington township (including San Pedro city) annexed in 1909, and parts of Burbank and Cahuenga townships annexed in 1910. • Chatsworth Park and Lankershiro townships organized from parts of San Fernando township in 1902 and 1905, respectively. 10 Part taken to form part of 1 lardena low nship in 1905. " Norwalk township organized Ironi pari of I towney township 12 Lexington township organized fnnn pari of El Monte township 1907. 1 1907. Organized from parts of Lallons, ( 'onipton, and \Viluiin.gluii townships in " Malibu tow nship organized from pari of Santa. Monica township in 1 I 'arts of Pasadena township annexed to Pasadena city in 1904 and 1900. 16 Incorporated in 1903. '" Incorporated in 1907. u Puente township organized from part of Rowland township in 1907. " Incorporated in 1901. 38 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CALIFORNIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e Reports of the Twelfth Mendocino County. . Anderson township Arena township, moulding Point Arena city.... Point A rena city ' Bit: Kivei township CniTey Cove township l.itllo l.ake low uship, including \\ Mils iown.. . Willits town Long \'alle\ townsliip i'oii.oi' \ ;iilo\ iow nsln [i, i no 1 1 K ting Potter Valley Potter 'vit'li tii sanei cow nsmp I . •■: I, ,. i ; i. ■ ... !.i , ,,,.•;,..:, i,. loam city Fort Bragg city Round Valley Indian Reservation.. Merced County .. Tow nsldp 1 I Tow nsiiip 'J, io 5 Township 7 5 Modoc County.. Alturas township, s including Alturas town.. r'ciln vville township.. Lake City township. . Lookout township. . Antelope town hi] Bridgeport tov n dp Monterey County.. Allsal township, including Salinas city. . HOT,/'/.. Ward 2. . Ward S. . Pacific Grove township, coextensive with Pa- Hot Springs township, 15 including Calistoga WardS Ward4 WardS St. Helena township, 16 icluding St. Helena Nevada County.. moii. I : ion n -I . is Valley townsliip, including Grass Valley Little York township Meadow Lake township Nevada township, including Nevada City. . Orange County.. Vnalioiiii o.wn ship, including Anaheim town.. II i i n i n I i li in ludmg Hunt- ington Beach city Ilnuiiiuiton Beach city 20 Ward 1 WardS San .loan township Santa Ana township, including Newport Beach and Santa Ana. rities Newport Beach city a Ward /.. Ward J.. flan?.,.. Ward >, WardS Westminster township 1:! Yorba township Placer County.. i , i i i mi n, i i i i . Lincoln to Township 11 Township 12 In n up , J, including Colfax city.. Soledad township u 1 County totals include population (695 in 1900; 814 in 1890) of Calpella township, annexed to Ukiah township since 1900, and population (3,168 in 1890) of Sanel and TJkiah townships, not returned separately. s Incorporated in 1908. a Not returned separately in 1890. * Calpella low oship .lori.-.eij in 1907. ' Townships 6 and 7 organized from parts of township 3 in 1901 and 1906, re- spectively. ); and population (725 in 1890) of Goose Lake and Tule Lake i ns" 253 3,293 1,216 5,430 2,920 1,S62 1,668 967 11,501 446 8,4$9 2,721 866 905 801 4,220 4,9SS 8,628 [',864 1 T; Colfax city Township 14. . » Part annexed to Alturas township in 1903. (1,123) of Little York and Washington town- Ana township between 1890 and 1900. 18 Incorporated in 1904. i» Huntington Beach township organized from part of Westminster township STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CALIFORNIA. 39 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is judicial township. For changes in boundaries, etc., between WHO and l'.dll, sec foutnotes; for between 1890 ami 1900, see Reports of the Twrllth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1,607 i.'%i' lj 193 03 1890 5,259 4,657 4,933 San Bernardino County— Continued. 2,862 t,4U 2^340 40 3,820 136 1,811 3,007 4,274 280 11,448 10,449 1,094 1,191 1,042 1,066 +,360 1,112 757 1,084 1,128 1,538 14,048 12, 779 1,466 1,993 2,664 2,279 4,477 135 2,554 2,384 149 580 178 61,665 1,315 1,233 437 884 750 340 34,696 796 398 1,200 411 748 553 491 1 17,897 574 458 818 935 394 China city ». . . 170 1,990 Ludlow township '" „. 1,113 326 380 900 488 2,392 1,187 899 765 557 1,454 15,718 15,212 1,792 2,732 2,597 3,056 2,076 2,969 1,207 4,374 3,540 632 67,806 346 170 385 040 279 904 1,143 2,049 722 ( mtario Inunsliip," including Ontario city Iledlands lownsliip, including 1,'edlaiidS city.. . 5,603 4,797 1,904 925 257 044 704 Perris township l!i cerside township, including Riverside cil y ... 1,331 7,973 4,683 8,058 6,160 San llernardino low nship,'« including San Ber- 350 854 6SS 1,949 1,434 661 i. 1 do nd Lou usliip, 1 "' including I pland city 45,915 40,339 329 045 20 35,090 169 2,505 451 262 906 2,545 1,075 2,505 433 '208 1,780 44,090 2,836 4,866 4,166 3,896 4,970 6,044 6,571 5,511 2,236 5, 607 8,04.1 159 1,402 417 358 750 2,' 607 1,940 494 630 200 414 648 443 903 1,885 1,311 1,970 541 316 318 Al inetownshi 412 23G 639 1,482 1,477 100 536 1,070 555 3,437 1,334 810 418 60S 728 826 485 2,411 2,998 1,733 1,206 354 134 849 39,578 8.650 4.911 2,324 4.948 3,110 2,375 S,4S8 4,687 6,135 1,450 673 277 Corunado lownsldp, lie-hiding < 'orouado city. . . 935 1 10 li' In In 1 1 > 11 1 lu 111 1 ai li In il y. . 29.2S2 26, 380 765 National township, including National City 1,086 S n lo piin inn ,i dp Sutter township 1,289 3,995 6,633 1,383 2,096 6,412 San Benito County S;,n l'i"e.i lowinliip, ene , li n,ive with San Diego city.... 17,700 17,700 Iloiii iter i owns! dp, in. -limine; llollistertown 4,390 2, SOS 635 822 1,398 S26 796 56,706 3,118 1,315 491 848 1,308 449 27,929 1,234 Wardi 1,129 1,112 46S 1,471 9 25,497 WariK San Luis Rey township, including Ooeanside 1,066 97 972 330 Calzona township » Vallev Center township a Reservation, returned n 1910. Part taken to form W ' Organized from part of II igh-gmve tow nship in 1902. 8 Riverside township organized from part of Sutter township in 1909. 9 No comparison of population for 1890 can be made; information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. 10 Barstow, Ludlow, Silver Lake, and Yermo townships organized from parts of Belleville township to 1900, 1902 1907, and 1908, respectively. 9 Part taken to form Imperial County in 1907. '■" No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted ii u Lakeside township organized from part of El Cajon township in 40 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CALIFORNIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is judicial township. For changes in boundaries, etc., between I'.iOll ami 1910, sec r,,nl noli-;; r,i lii.i :.- l./ivuni I sail ami 1 Mini, ; Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 2^984 1,4-82 1,164 3,370 'isi 461 1,062 850 1,056 83,539 1900 1890 San Francisco Count 416,913 342,782 298,997 Santa Barbara County— Continued. 1,725 2,428 972 583 2,001 416,912 11,373 6,537 7,558 18,787 31.879 44,688 36,970 22, m is,m 35,250 21,925 51,564 23,075 25,372 8,810 21,307 22,206 50,731 342, 782 298,997 1 045 ■■r .' including Santa. Maria city 575 764 60,216 Almaden townshi 755 402 402 2, 250 1,992 3,267 5' 039 2,431 l\ 166 2,224 1,041 1,684 4,486 2,232 43,767 1,661 28, 946 S,101 8,401 9,021 1,811 9,759 4,348 1,756 26,140 1,599 529 Alviso township, > coextensive with Alviso town. Burnett township, including Morgan Hill town. 1,397 35,452 28,629 Fremont township," im hiding .Mountain View 2,402 2,048 1,985 1,405 5,985 l', 545 1,224 9,116 23,253 5,850 6,033 4,494 6,876 3,321 19,383 1,487 1,240 1,345 2,427 i|on 1,506 2,287 Gilio.v town ;luji, including CJilroy city 4,003 1,820 Mayfield township, including Mayfleld town... 1,279 1,576 577 4,856 17,506 1,765 656 3,287 14,424 1,658 3,510 31,987 ! ii Mi in inp (i in] i illilMu tin Stockton township, coextensive willi Stockton Redwood township, including Los Gatos town. . San Jose township. Including East San Jose 21,500 2,797 1,641 16,637 1,401 972 16,072 Santa Clara township,'" including Santa Clara 9,240 3,660 6,577 3,646 419 2,255 1,348 2,382 urn 354 877 5,326 5,151 830 1,028 26,585 3,319 544 1,812 926 2,411 1,224 512 943 3,216 3,021 1,022 1,036 896 12,094 3,434 806 1,817 is 21,512 Paso Robles tow u hip,* in< lml u.r. " i o Rnbl, s 1,524 821 810 1,728 3,359 2,995 1,663 931 A tos townshi is 961 1,015 644 1,104 4,064 2,785 11,146 1,314 1,486 1,960 1,038 1,682 9,457 8,361 1,781 7,758 4,446 1,178 U84S 918 1,008 18,920 Boulder Cru 1 i 1 < in 1 idmg Boulder | 2,619 W2,618 sun i.ui Obispo township, including San Luis Braneiforte towns 1 a p , i m • 1 in I b - g ward 7 and part 10,087 Total for Santa Cruz city in Braiicifonc and 5,659 Township 1, including South San Francisco city. 9,173 8,659 1,565 4,384 5,814 1^923 1,016 27,738 2,452 1,828 3,298 2,005 3^953 1,653 i',(m 18,934 Santa Cruz township, including wards 1 to 5, 18 571 3,744 1,612 1,495 1,015 15,754 2,987 7,058 3,628 Watsonville too u I u ' an hi In I nt \ ill 2,477 11, 659 1,633 1,146 810 1,311 1,584 1,649 £,806 1,895 2,171 6,587 5,864 Township 2, eoi ten iw with Santa liarhara 17,318 Sunlit Harlinrii city: Townshi 1 Shasta 539 3,972 S, 572 1,437 666 710 1,191 3,301 2,946 2,221 1 II II l , I'hr, |,| 1 , nllll II, T«t n-hip 3 F ." ici Including Coram town.. Township 3 2,100 1,547 'Vox, usliip 4, Igo 918 se in 1902. 6 Incorporated in 1908. 7 Township 10 organized from part of township 7 in 1906. 8 Incorporated in 1905. is Incorporated in idi;::. city, returned independently. 1 1900; 5,596 in 1890) of Santa Cruz \pb nd »m«liiinii In relumed as So'iucl township in 1900. 20 No comparison of population can be made; county redlstricted between 1890 and 1900. n Incorporated in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CALIFORNIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Township means Judicial township. For changes ir e Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 ' 1900 1890 1,801 782 679 815 843 881 1,479 1,078 735 2,786 4,098 570 1,610 1,107 755 864 756 954 1,582 1.075 414 48,394 38,480 Analy township, including Scbastopol town 5,681 1,233 577 656 1,553 1,733 1,765 '842 8,787 6,880 607 729 1,300 886 561 882 915 ,950 13,560 7,817 1,215 '897 1,373 1,473 2,765 957 2,071 1,149 22,522 3,526 2,709 1,499 '750 Cloven lair township, i unhid hip Clo\ ml ale (own. 1,654 525 4,313 1,869 780 5,814 3,871 Men ilocit in low nship, inch id in;: 1 lea Ids bur;: city. 3,469 2 4,017 » 5,081 I'cialuina low nship inch id in;' Ivtaluma city... 5,304 385 751 725 585 1,261 983 391 18,801 1,296 1,973 712 664- Sierra No. 2 township, 7 including Loyalton town. 199 16,962 289 12,163 1,357 1,625 869 10, 985 6,673 Santa Rosa township, including Santa Rosa 8,620 1,188 636 476 161 510 2,267 1,009 518 602 377 2,131 m 708 2,071 1,719 957 798 $16 248 2,061 651 274 2,556 1,134 629 605 27,659 1,539 1,304 567 1,386 1,069 500 448 710 782 271 Sonoma township, l,; including Sonoma town 3,172 652 1,671 783 9,550 2,590 483 767 403 722 1,086 1,254 798 1,173 Mott township, including Dunsmuir town 1,360 525 1,899 356 1,162 552 7,258 4,034 2,455 1,035 8,189 1,573 1,183 6,328 2,024 1,760 513 1,128 Modcsln township, including Modesto city Newman township, including Newman town.. . Oakdale township, including ( >al;d:>lo on , 2,531 1,101 1,183 70 1,231 Table Rock" township, including Montague Turlock township, including Turiock city 946 738 5,886 2,235 1,254 1,719 1,100 Ward 2 5,469 24,143 20,946 Butte township Solano County 905 1,501 1,192 1,847 1,160 11,401 1,001 921 1,371 1,105 1,488 977 2,739 2,360 260 960 205 481 1,628 884 1,853 827 3,423 834 641 373 3,005 1,177 12, 138 11,340 5,793 4,854 693 3,174 2,7,5) 280 717 757 282 429 1,500 682 1,586 783 2,158 2,951 2,361 321 869 774 274 494 1,236 648 1,869 1,082 2,140 '. nlja township, including Ynlia City town Den verton township : 1,071 10,996 [[■lading Rio Vista town. . Corning township, including Corning city Silveyjille township, including Dixon town 2,555 972 439 517 5,210 3,530 761 1,199 793 777 1,126 851 221 703 2,269 1,280 Suisun township, including Fairfield and Sui- 479 836 4,553 2,750 lied I'.lidT township, ini-liiiting Rod BluiTcily.. 626 403 4, 160 1,220 8,697 7,965 499 440 2,712 725 6,866 6,343 1 .,■;. ill ■ i,v. , ,|,„, 10 - 1 ■" - ■ 1 1 i 1 ■ ' \ .1" ' !!:• iiV> ■) II ;,, ! ■ !!;.!,. II: ■■■ . !i'. .. 1,192 920 Tehama towns! ihamatown 864 Ward 3 Vina township 747 1,226 i Township 15 organized from part of township 13 In 1904. » County totals include population (221 in 1900: i" in I soil) of Gibson township and population (327 in 1900; 469 in 1890) of Sears township annexed to Table Rock township; population (215 in 1900; 349 in 1S90) of Lincoln township, part taken to form part of Downieville to hip; population (117 in 1900; 168 in 1890) of Oneida township, taken to form part of Sierra No. 2 township; and population (930 in 1900; 962 in 1S90) of Sierra township, taken to form Sierra No. 1 township and part of Sierra No. 2 township, since 1900. » Part taken to form part of Downieville township in 1901. * Organized from parts of Butte, Forest, and Lincoln townships in 1901. 6 Part taken to form part of Downieville township in 1901; part of Lincoln town- ' Organized from Oneida township and part of Sierra township in 1901. s Incorporated in 1901. 9 Gibson and Sears townships annexed in 1901. 1" Incorporated in 1903. u Greenviev. township organized from part of Scott Valley township in 1901. ' ■ 2 Incorporated in 1908. is Somes Bar township organized from part of Liberty township in 1909. " Incorporated in 1909. 15 Incorporated in 1902. 15 Glen Ellen tow Groin part ol Sonoma township in 1901. 17 Incorporated in 1906. > 8 Incorporated in 1907. 42 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CALIFORNIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Township mains judicial township. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 T init County 3,301 > 4,383 13,719 18,347 20 14,367 689 422 910 674 35,440 490 319 778 908 « 18,375 467 403 261 768 1 24,574 2,138 1,100 5,962 2,555 3,347 2,216 748 5,052 2,945 923 890 13,923 n ii ml i<>\ ii Inj) in Imlii] i > ii ii 1 en , Santa Paula Luwm.liip, inelm.iiitg Santa Paula \ ' nl ui i im. n Inp in' 1 ml in \'i nt jra city 747 393 508 1J050 4,667 970 949 2,981 1,814 2,246 1,638 148 2,696 605 644 648 400 617 487 4,819 2,758 1,825 7,055 4,660 682 560 659 946 1,078 565 9,979 481 2,470 110 1,027 (10) 1,915 2s 13,618 ill i 4,068 inln rownship m< lulling Lindsay town 422 421 636 855 895 528 333 770 543 1,047 1,785 1,529 910 8, 187 l',601 10,042 574 614 506 738 750 1,457 991 148 1 i >\ n |ii lull nli I, i i 1 V in n ho. " i ,ic . null' « ii p 1 !>■ 1"i - 621 775 1,042 1,398 '785 4,392 2,886 Porterville city: » Winters township, including Winters town Woodland township, including Woodland city. 890 3,441 2, 161 4,948 3,085 4,646 2,697 5,503 4,293 2,885 8,620 ill i in i i i liuln ' ill i n . East Bear River township, including Wheat- 936 481 381 416 5,825 6,480 1,201 921 1,541 1,767 370 100 264 333 291 916 352 3,991 8,497 430 295 389 539 i > including Marysville city . 4,635 8,991 is 11,166 6,082 2,748 1^276 701 3^018 / 2,123 l',137 1,201 1,589 3,157 1,441 1,034 837 1,187 630 150 260 467 600 252 J; 81 in 1890) of Mi to Trinity Center township; and population (343 in 190 I'..... nPum miiii. "mil. in 11 iv |-';,i 1. i!.\vn-;lli|i, 'dime I'lll'l. 2 Douglas City township annexed in 1904. 3 Canyon Creek, New River, and North Fork townships annexed in 1904. < Name eham.j'.il irnm I, urn. Pddge in 1904. ' i .,-..-, 1 1 on and Minersville townships annexed in 1904. 'County 1ol;, I hx/hides population (113) of Tnln iliver Indian Reservation, relumed independently in 1900. 7 County tot. i.l i Deludes pnmilnt ion la,:.'.'.", i of Mussel Slon.'di Imvnslnp, laken lo form Ivim's ("oniil v Pel ween Pain and 1900. 8 Organized from part of Tipton township in 1907. im .ji. Porterville, and SpringviUe townships organized from parts of Tule 11 Incorporated in 1902. 12 Lemon Cove township organized from part of Visalia township in 1906. is Incorporated in 1910. » Tipton and Woodville townships returned as Tipton township in 1900. Part taken to foi a I i hip in 1907. '"•■ Wfiirned \,iii Tipton township in 1900. '■• ■ oimi , iofal n ■; i o;m!a i.ion , I n.,i: i .,; i o ., i. Urn , ,. mi. .■■! ..a Pi. ( since 1900. « Part annexed to township 2 in 1902. i« Parts of township ; i ami. I annexed in 1902. 1,1 I'; 10 e.l io im/ .m!n, i '/: in pill"; ma m.hip II mine, i 1 in Ian :. !0 No comparison of population a t township in 1909, Not returned separately in 1900. id 1901, respectively. bemade; coiinlv re.lisiiiet.e.l in 1908 and 1910. =i Incorporated in 1903. 22 County total includes population (671 in 1900; 770 in 1890) of Fairview town- ship, part taken to form Du ownship and pari anni ed to Capay township since 1900. 23 Part of Fairview township annexed in 1904. 2* Organized from part of Fairview township in 1904. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CALIFORNIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 43 CITY OB TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 it Alameda 23,383 SOS 5,021 916 402 1,124 696 1,121 2,370 1,477 12,727 481 2,360 40,434 403 1,190 2,372 507 544 881 1,565 797 751 3,750 1,444 1,114 823 4,199 621 3,980 1,582 922 703 666 972 3,540 1,477 L114 970 827 214 1,719 1,661 1,610 488 2,613 1,334 518 11,845 834 905 2,408 316 883 675 24, 892 1,725 2,437 2,746 4,520 987 4,829 2,746 2,011 992 279 679 2,308 729 160 815 1,299 1,257 1,536 2,035 634 870 594 1,000 16,464 11,165 1 Incoln town Placer 1,402 1,814 2,030 2,697 1,482 17,809 954 :;io,io,s 745 2,232 983 2,404 2,115 5,430 1,041 3,102 2,551 4,034 3,576 274 4,923 607 1,161 - 5, 791 1,733 892 445 1,035 150,174 3,119 673 4,274 2,920 836 3,859 2,555 2,384 3o!291 1,441 5,880 1,719 798 1,914 1,254 497 10. 207 2, 696 576 3,530 li)! 449 2,935 2,442 6,802 884 15, 212 1,026 2, COS 556 44, 696 1,603 3, 736 1,531 12, 779 39, 578 416, 01 2 898 28,946 3,471 5,157 4,384 5,934 8,429 11,659 4,348 11,146 2,260 7,847 1,001 961 Alameda — — Los Angeles Alameda San Joaquin Santa Barbara. .. Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles 1,493 1,391 Santa Clara 972 2,252 1,015 1,456 674 1,273 635 low Contra Costa Los Angeles Humboldt Lordsbur cit 102, 479 952 2.050 863 4,836 434 2,751 13,214 962 1,595 Santa Clara 1,915 Los Angeles 2,026 Contra Costa 1,380 3,497 1,600 2.3'jl 5,101 Santa Clara 1,909 Bisho cl Stanislaus Los Angeles Contra Costa Humboldt Santa Cruz li,024 1,205 2, 402 Monterey Santa Clara Santa Clara 1,748 Burlin ame towr San Mateo 690 2,640 4,036 1,086 3,250 2,894 San Diego Nevada Stanislaus 1,353 2,524 San Bernardino . . Los Angeles Claremontcit Newman town 750 763 Stanislaus 66,960 San Bernardino . . 1,285 1,441 1.315 1,336 Los Angeles San Diego San Bernardino.. Colusa towr Oceanside cit 330 722 1,216 Los Angeles Contra Costa Corona cit Riverside San Diego Los Angeles Del Norte 1,434 935 Oxnard cit Ventura Monterey Santa Clara Los Angeles San Luis Obispo. 1,411 9^117 1,224 3,871 699 907 Solano 783 1,082 Contra Costa Santa Clara 1,748 1,100 En Riverside 279 1,016 755 500 7,327 228 541 271 4,858 Ar Mendocino Los Angeles 5, 526 3,034 San Diego Mendocino 563 2,750 2,946 4,797 855 1,653 Humboldt Farfield town Humboldt Mendocino 846 1,590 356 763 945 266 San Bernardino.. Los Angeles San Mateo Contra Costa Humboldt 082 7,973 1,050 12,470 10,818 Riverside Orange Santa Clara Los Angeles 1,820 1,694 4,719 Sacramento cit Sacramento l|582 3,304 1^965 1,869 • 942 1,419 1,485 Monterey Hayward town Healdsburg city Hemet city San Bernardino. San Diego San Francisco. . . Riverside Santa Clara San Benito 6, 150 17,700 :;i2,7s2 583 21, 500 449 2,253 3, 021 3^879 4,933 3! 650 5,659 Riverside Contra Costa Los Angeles San Benito San Diego city 1,315 1,234 205 276 San Leandro cit San Luis Obispo San Mateo Los Angeles Los Angeles Santa Barbara cit Santa Barbara.. Santa Clara Santa Cruz Santa Barbara. . Los Angeles Lakeport town 726 991 Lemoore city Kings Santa Monica city 3,057 1,580 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CALIFORNIA. -POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OK TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Santa Paula cit 2,216 7,817 2J143 1,233 1,750 957 2,029 4,649 23,' 253 641 385 221 2,758 Stanislaus Mendocino San Bernardino.. 1,573 2,136 2,384 1,177 11,340 2,945 772 4,550 4,446 1,922 481 4,550 1,153 1,139 910 3,187 1,134 1,160 (',, 673 1,628 5,220 1,334 1,850 Los Angelos 1 , 220 7,965 2,470 Sehna town 1,083 1,150 Los Angeles Los Angeles 3,085 3,528 652 1,922 1,001 757 Santa Cruz Los Angeles Tuolumne Los Angeles San Mateo San Joaquin South Pasadena ci 492 1,590 791 893 785 2,886 1,254 630 Los Angeles Mendocino 17, 506 625 14,424 499 Susanville tow Lassen 2,216 2,697 COLORADO. Table 1.-P0PULATI0N OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. e Reports of the Twelfth MINOli I'HII, DIVISION. Adams County 1 . Precinct 1, Bijou Precinct 2, Bennett Precinct 5, Barr Precinct ti, First Creek ]'recinct 7, Easl lPiglilon, including part of Brighton tov~ Brighton to Total for h Precinct S, W Brighton town Ilricihton town (part of).. Precinct 9, Henderson Precinct Id, Lower Platte... Precinct 1 1 , Irondale Precinct 12, Colfax, including part of Aurora Precinct 3, Vilas.. Precinct 4, Springfield Precincts, Maxey ■».. Precinct (I, Carnso ''-.. Precinct 7, Hegnier u. Bent County.. Precinct '!, (iufchy . . Precinct 4, Caddoa... Precinct 5, Prowers Precinct c, Northeasl . Counti/. ami pnauci ,', Arapahoe County.. Precinct 13, Big Dry j Precinct l-l, Power Clear Creek : Precinct 15, Upper Clear Creek Arapahoe County 3 Precinct 1, West Sheridan, including Sheridan Sheridan town Precinct 2, East Sheridan Precinct 3, Glendale, including part of Au Total for Littleton town in precincts 4 and 8. . Precinct 5, North Englewood, including ward 1 and part or ward 2 ol Englewood city Englewood city (part of) TolalfoT I 'nut, a ",'i/ Clin ■ in precincts 5 and 6. Wardl Ward 2 WardS Precinct 0, South Englewood, including ward 3 and part of ward 2 of Englewood city Englewood city (pari of) Precinct 7. Dry Creek Precuici '--, North Littleton, including part of Littleton town Littleton town (part of) Precinct 9, Broadway Precinct 10, Duff Precinct 11, Melvin Precinct 12, Howard Precinct 13, Coal Creek Precinct 14, Byers Precinct 15, Deer Trail Precinct 16, Wolf Creek Archuleta County Precinct 1, East Pagosa Springs, includin of Pagosa Springs town Pagoi.i Spi ■•'<;, i . Las Animas city (part of)... Boulder County Preein.-t 2. Hygiei . Precinct 3, Altona Precinct .1, \':il nicint . . Precinct li, ('aniield... Precinct 7, Maishall . . Precinct 8, Magnolia.. Precinct 9, Lafayette, 20 including part of La- fayette tc — L'tinydle hm n {purl nf)... indS8.. Precinct 10, Ward, including Ward t< Ward town Precinct 11, Jamesiown, including Jamestown Jamestown imrn. . Precinct 12, Caribou Precinct 13, Nederland, including Nederland Louisville tc Louisville £o_.. Total for Lnvim'iilt Imrn in pr enacts 19 and 27 . Precinct 20, Niwot... Precinct 23, Sunset.. Loneinont city. . North Long mn in town ' Precinct 2.1, Aliens Park Precinct 4, San Juan Rivers _ Precinct 5, Pagosa Springs,' including part of Pagosa Springs town Pagosa Springs town (part of) Precinct 6, Piedra >° Precinct 7. Arboles '" Precinct S. Pagosa Junction s Precinct 9, Wesi Pagosa Springs, 9 including annexed in 1909; parts annexed to Washington and Yuma Counties in 1903. 1 Name changed from Fletcher in 1907. • Parts taken to form Adams and Denver Counties in 1902 and parts am Precinct 3 l, Kldora.^ including Eldora town ... Precinct 30, North Boulders* Preclncl 37, South Boulder ** Precinct 38, Lafayette, 2 ' Including part of Lafay- s Incorporated in P.lO'.t. n be made; not returned by p « Precinct 8 organized from part of precinct 4 in 1900. ' oi'v ioi .c,l ii i oi e Lafayette town (part nf)... '» Returned as Atlanta in * No comparison cf popu e made; county redistricted in 1908. n (100) of part of Southern Ute Indian Reser- in n , X and 31. parts taken to form precincts 36 and 37 and parts annexed to Boulder city; and population (72) of old precinct 30. annexed io precinct 34. since 1900. " No comparison ol population forl890can be made; information as to changes M Precinct 31 _ 11 Part taken to fori a Incorporated in 1904. «s Old precinct 36 annexed in 1900. 2* Organized from parts of precincts 4, 22, 29, 30, and 31 in 1908. (45) 46 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 Mid J9Jfl,see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 191 1) 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Boulder County— Continued. 400 353 S39 sse 540 256 US s:, ; 459 622 5.001 " 7,082 "7,184 Precinct 1, Silver Plume, including part of Silver 285 m 460 227 202 396 550 960 188 182 430 418 245 179 134 62 549 418 2,154 629 446 511 464 478 415 411 85 80 11,285 0,150 3,330 Total for ' / / , m 1 1 l'icciiici, v, Silver 1 'In me, including part of Silver 775 908 Lonpinnnt city, in precincts 1, '-'!, '-'!, and 33.... 4 2,201 1,543 Precinct 3, Georgetown, including part of Total for Georgetown town in precincts S 1,418 7,085 « 6,612 Precinct 4, Georgetown, including part of Precinct 5, Georgetown, including part of hi; 29 39 564 m 041 720 23 85 46 149 100 894 747 425 799 499 127 451 376 787 122 02? 276 AS 65 164 332 71 717 t9S 243 687 374 128 572 44S 1,006 742 563 95 145 64 224 130 725 523 3,722 I'lecim |, ii.Iiim 1 input ,,,,,,! Precinct 4, Buena Vimo., including part of Buena 276 1S4 Total for Buena Vista town in precincts 4 Precinct 11, Idaho Springs, including part of Precinct 5, Buena \>.la. inclmliiu'partof Buena Total for Idaho Springs city'" in precincts 11 2,502 1,338 Precinct 7. St. Kline, including Si. hlmotown.. Precinct 12, Id icluding part of Precinct 13, Idaho Springs, including part of i.'ci.ici in ;.ii;,l ; ; , hi.Piiv \, ,i i <>i i i ci Precinct 14, Idaho Springs, including part of to 13, and 23. mul pari* if utixincts 10, 14, 2,586 Precmct 15, li prir 1 lading part of 654 899 S99 846 747 367 97 86 87 8,794 Precinct 12, Solid' ■ enmp. imh-.: part of ward 2 P 7,193 Precinct 13, Salic' > con in part of ward 2 Precinct 1, Guadalupe, including Guadalupe 562 168 533 261 470 316 953 280 853 US 1,557 S.01S 1,145 722 681 1,695 '849 664 65 292 5,498 498 S48 538 1,367 700 600 238 1,050 243 455 208 698 673 1,141 841 739 360 347 667 468 766 C: 1 : 1 1 1 , ,1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 i'rci imi 1", I'otk li i Springs, 9 im Hiding Poncha Precinct 3, San Rafael, including San Rafael 101 112 i i of ward 1 of Precinct 8, La Jara, including La Jara town 489 Precinct 9, Rio Grande, including part of Ala- Precinct 21 Sal in of wards 2 1,091 Tolil/lnl .i IllUmsii luir ,1 III pfuoncis Olillii ' Precinct 10, Manassa, including Manassa town. . 769 "501 "534 Precinct 11, Antonito, including Antonito town. 335 Che enne Count 3 Precinct 12, West Alamosa, including part of 472 667 188 270 571 82 456 700 531 290 b 14, Sanford, including Sanford town . . . 803 Precinct 2, East t h. mi n nn lading part 199 274 4,632 Total for Chty mi, n n mi u in precincts 2 1 t" m i Will lit si one 'Wells, including part 956 670 605 336 250 731 503 529 261 348 Precinct 7, AToya Precinct 5, La Costilla » Part of precinct 31 a; 1 parts of precincts 4, mnty redistricted between 1890 1901. s Parts taken to form precinct IS and parts of precincts 20 and 21 in 1906 and part of precinct 22 in 190S. ' Part taken to form part of precinct 22 s Part taken to form part of precinct 21 in : • Part taken to form part of precinct 20 in 1 1° Organized from part of precinct 10 in 19C ' \o eoilip'ii i mi ill poi.inl ii ion , '5 No comparison -* - 1906. 16 Incorporated as a city in 1901. » County total includes population (248) of precinct 13, annexed to precinct 6 between 1890 and 1900. "8 Returned as Conejos in 1900. i; part taken to form part of precinct n be made; not returned by precincts in 1890. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. 47 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. s election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between tSDO and nun, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Costilla County— Continued. 1'reclnct », San Acacio Precinct 7, Fort Carland. . Precinct 8, Ivin Crande. . . Preeinel 0, Stanley Pr-cinct 13, East Dale. . Custer County.. 5, Silver Cliff,'' including Silver Cliff .1 liner Cliff town ' ^t 7, Texas Creek . . !t8, Ula Iloichkiss town Pieciiid 3, Crawford Precinct. », Kckei I » Precinct 5, Paonia.' including part of Paonia Paonia town (part of) - Total for Pannm ioirii 8 in pneineti 5 ttml I ! . Precinct I''. IHdui," excludinr. part of licit a city. . Precinct 7, Cedaredge," 1 including Cedaredge Precinct 9. North Delta,* excluding part of Delta city Precinct 10, Midway 12 Precinct 11, Paonia'," including part of Paonia Paonia town (part of). . Precinct 12, Wayne ".. ,, 15 in precincts 1, 6, and 9 Ward 1 WardS WardS j Denver County '« Denver city, 1 7 coextensive with Denver County. Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 1 Ward 6 Wardl Wardf, Ward 9 Ward 10 Wardll I TFarrf 12 Ward IS I Ward U ! 1 County total includes population (359) of precinct 6, annexed to precinct 5 since 1900. I Precinct 6 annexed In 1906. ' Precinct 8 organized from part of precinct 1 in 1900. < Exclusive of population of Delta city. 6 Part taken to form part of precinct 10 in 1904. « Name changed from Surface Creek in 1900. Parts taken to form precincts 7 and 12 in 1900 and 1906, respectively. ' Parts taken m l.n.n precinct 11 and part of precinct 10 in 1904. e Incorporated in 1900. » Precinct 9 organized from part of precinct 6 in 1900. '« Organized from part of precinct 4 in 1900. •' Incorporated in 1907. " Organized from parts of precincts 2 and 5 in 1904. '» Organized from part of precinct fl in 1904. " Organized from part of precinct 4 in 1905. II Incorporated as a city in 1909. 's Organized from part of Arapahoe County in 1902: part annexed to Adams MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Dolores County . . '-" including Rico town. . Douglas County.. Precinct 1, Pinegrove 2 ' ' '- - : nrt 2, Platte net 3, Sei lalia East Castle Rock, including part of Castle Rock town Castle Rock town (part of) Total for Castle IPieh hue 11 in pi tennis !, nil J i . I'rerinct .">, (lien drove Precinci c, Crccnland Precinct 7, West Ca'tle Hock, including part of Precinct 8, Franktown.. Precinct '.), Case Precinct in. Spring Valley .. U'( si Creek 'town ".'.'.'. Precinct 13, Hilltop Precinct 14, Larkspur. . Red Cliff to Precinct 5, Oilman" __" .0, Minturn, including Minium U Minimi) ii)ieu-f Basalt to inct 13, Ruedi 14, Burns Hole. Precinct 13. Sheephorn. . El Paso County Precinct 1, Eastonville 1 'reel net 2, Table Rock Precinct 3, Monument, including Monument Monti mail town - Precinct 4, Husted Precinct 3. comprising wardl of Colorado City. Total for Oilmmln i'titep em o'i nsiei with pn- einets 5 to 9 Wardl Wards WardS Wardi Precinct C, comprising part of ward 4 of Colo- rado City Precinct 7, comprising ward 2 of Colorado City.. Precincts, comprising ward 3 of Colorado City.. Precinct !), comprising part of ward 4 of Colo- rado City Precinct 10, Fountain, including Fountain is County total includes population (456) of old precinct 2, annexed to precinct 1 >r civil divisions ineomplele. '.; information as to changes ir "6 County total includes population (455) of precinci :'. annexed lo precinct 3, and population (48) of precinct 11, annexed to precinct 10, between 1890 and 1900; and population (379) of precincts 4 and 7, not returned separately in 1890. 37 Precinct 4 annexed in 1904. 28 Incorporated in 1904. 29 Not returr J — 3 » Precinct It 3i Precinct 17 organized from part of precinct 16 in 1900. 82 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted ii precinct (comprising Elyria town), part of Argo precinct (comprising Argo town), part of Berkeley precinci 1 ci in ; | town), pari oJ Montclaii pi. 'rind (comprising Montclair town), part of Val verde precinct (comprising Valverde town), and Paper Mills precinct, annexed to Denver city in 1902. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CrVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 El Paso County— Continued. Precinct 12, Manitou, including part of Mani- 848 798 1,357 559 607 110 777 419 241 55 426 163 147 SO 299 29,078 29,078 S,695 . 2,800 5,092 S,S57 3,745 4, 'OS 4,00% 2,284 193 416 180 191 862 334 97 5,331 Fremont County— Continued. 58 120 124 83 111 84 130 185 715 648 1,321 648 673 929 157 67S 845 4S5 556 658 1,505 1,413 70 51 354 63 375 55 187 881 48 33 738 86 10,144 Tolnl l'ii 1 ' a i ' met I '.ml 1 Precinct 13, Manitou, Including part of Mani- 1,S03 1,4S9 Precinct 2(1, ooull; C m. including ward 1 of Total/Or St'll li> ■ mm clili ir yacciinr, '.'!.) U ml 968 lYeciiiri 1, Soul!' ! coon ineln hoc 1 rosiieel Heights town and ward 2 of South Canon l'rocmcl. 23, Palmer Luke, coextensive with 166 lrmiul 1 (iii M mill un [ills, i i, In pug 40 Precincts 20 to 49, coextensive with Colorado 1 re pi i i. \i 1II1 11 Inn. , , in 1,1,1c ., 11 1, 21,085 11,140 337 Precinct 25, Rookvale, including Rockvale S70 Ir 111 (.otlonu-oorl 1 1 ,,,, ' ii> 1 1 rrecinei 32, Brewster I'rccinei 33, Fruitmere 105,835 3,101 2 1,858 Precinct 1, South Carbondale, Including part of 317 166 284 509 118 94 ■ 462 748 697 2,019 740 656 613 616 393 250 692 928 493 566 165 511 570 202 456 225 698 230 290 848 268 377 232 419 464 243 Precinct 1, Elizabeth, including Elizabeth town. 485 194 221 759 691 216 553 295 355 469 242 422 623 18,181 487 283 673 778 81 80 253 466 Total for Carbondale town in precincts 1 173 ''re: niei ■_', :•■ ■ n i. ..'I '. io, In , ing , cs r i 1 in 1 1 in I111 1 Total for Glenwood Springs town in precincix 1,350 8 15,636 « 9,156 Fremont Count Precinct (1, < JI. n 01 im In h 1: pn ol Precinct 1, Canon City, comprising ward 1 of 1,529 6,162 i,m 1,S46 1,150 560 577 726 1,150 819 778 2,712 778 696 1,2S8 751 696 1,273 1,238 553 752 676 I r in 1 id 1 .ui pi in im ludingpart of Total/or Canon Ciiij c<« rlcnsiec with precincts S,775 2.825 Precinct H, ( 1 ludmg part of Precinct 9, East New Castle, including part of I . I ,!■ ,,l . ,:| ',.■.,!■■ P'il 1 Ui' •• Ilfl Total foi <~\i 1 1 a • a 1, n ' , " mil 431 Precinct 3, Canon City, comprising part of ward ...^ Sit Precinct 10, \\ 1 1 1 < 1 k\ including part of Precinct 4, Canon CM , , comprising part of ward 1 Precinct 5, Canon Cih comprising part of ward Precinct <;, Canon City, comprising ward 4 of Preeiiici n. Coiii Hole, including part of Precinct 7, Florence including ward 1 of Flor- 1 I'.'iol /or t ,',/./.. Im, ,1 ,., /:'■', nncic i 1, ,'.;, unci 273 Totalfor I i i S,728 Precinct 15, South Rifle, including part of WardS Precinct 8, Florence, including ward 2 of Flor- Precinct 17. (J rand Valley, including Crarnl Precinct '.) l-'loi i< uicliidin u ai d 3 of Flor- Precinct 11, Coal (.reel., including Coal Creek Precinct 21, West Rifle, including part of Rifle | Coal Creek town 698 Utile linen {pan ii/ ) ; not returned by precincts in 1890. ' Part taken to form part of precinct 10 in 1906. • Precincts 9 and 12 organized from parts of precinct 6 in 1908. '--- *o form part of precinct 10 » Incorporated in 1908. d. be made; county redlstricted in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. 49 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CiVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e footnotes; for those betweeu 1890 and 1900, see Reports of thi and 1900. > Precinct 7 organized from part of precinct. 1 in 190G. < Parts taken to form precincts 6 and 8 in 1901 and 190G, respectively, and part of precinct 9 in 1907. » Incorporated in 1905. 8 Part taken to form part of precinct 9 in 1907. i Incorporated in 1903. 8 Incorporated in 1904. s Organized from part of precinct 2 in 1904. 10 Organized from part of precinct 2 in 1906. 11 Organized from parts of precincts 2 and 3 in 1907. 12 County total includes population (33) of preciuct 16, annexed to precinct fi since 1900. " County total includes population (59) of precincts 16 and 18, not returned M1NOE CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 -«~ 1910 1900 1890 nt 4,131 6,690 '5,867 Gunnison County— Continued. 119 27 78 495 897 782 50 527 33 101 646 300 150 81 88 101 110 101 93 75 100 l'recinct 1 , including ward 1 of Central City town . 529 458 1,782 468 460 557 307 481 460 557 307 158 209 654 445 397 181 183 304 375 271 353 63 1,862 800 737 3,114 (") Total for Central Cilii town, emu/, run ml />/<- 2,480 Precinct 22, Crystal Precinct 23, comprising part of Crested Butte Precinct 2, including ward 2 of Central lit-, to. mi 869 776 1,170 432 347 823 476 728 500 500 1,200 Precinct 25, Vulcan I'recinci. 2ii, Muddy -i Precinct 3, comprising ward 3 of Central City 69 l'recinct 4, comprising v aid 4 of Central City Precinct 5, comprising part of Nevadaville town. Total for Nevadaville town, coextensive with 23 1,609 9SS 2«862 l'recinct 6, comprising part of Nevadaville town. Precinct 1, Lake City, including part of Lake 328 280 405 216 125 35 18 49 13,320 535 450 700 400 250 59 176 Precinct 8, lilac 1- tin including v. ard 3 and Total for Lute Ciiij imru hi precincts 1 and 2. Precinct 2, Lake City,* 5 including part of Lake 607 Total/or Black Hawk city in prca < 1,067 , . i _■ ■ , , i . i part of ward 1 of ill act I citv 900 700 231 237 741 29 8,395 » 6,882 2 601 295 452 827 162 1,183 691 1,031 863 2,423 548 592 84 290 120 610 155 94 251 803 673 493 782 487 447 363 549 335 176 200 1,074 897 429 416 66 1,013 171 151 40 307 182 556 141 96 26 119 5,897 61 172 Precinct 2, Granby, 4 including Granby town... Precinct .">, La \ Ha, including La Vela town. .. 254 Precinct 3, 1! -/ including 199 l'recinct (i, Walsenburg, including part of Wal- Precinct 4, Kremmling, including Kremmling 270 Total/orWa/xaiburij linen in precincts 6, 16, 1,033 39 Precinct 8, Arrow,'" including Arrow town 12 5,331 13 4,359 Gunnison County Precincl 16, Walsenburg, including part of 379 241 1,026 120 451 409 904 523 2.55 572 630 261 250 (16) 56 65 367 163 351 30 84 74 500 500 1,200 133 83 579 400 300 300 266 203 50 264 92 185 909 652 1,105 123 28 857 857 857 616 453 Precinct 1, including part of Gunnison town... Total for Gunnison town in precincts 1, 6, Precinct 2, Doylesville Precinct 3, Kezar Precinct 4, including part of Crested Butte town. Crested Butte town (part of) Total for Crested Butte town, comprising pre- cinct 23 and part of precinct 4 Precinct 26, including part of Walsenburg town. Precinct 5, including part of Gunnison town Gunnison town (part of) Precinct 6," including part of Gunnison town.. Gunnison town (part of) 410 371 48 209 45 96 Jackson County 3 ° (31) Precinct 8, Gothic Precinct 9, Tincup > 6 • 87 420 162 124 95 252 35 91 375 m 100 100 236 Precinci ■_»_', Walden, including Walden town... 322 194 31 131 73 63 237 53 57 64 i i cuu l , , 1 ' i >rn Precinct :il, Pearl 3 - . . U1904. Precinct 29 organized from part of precinci 15 in 1906. » Returned as Cloud City in 1900, 2i Name changed from Allen in 1902. 22 Name changed from 22 County total includes population (43!)) of old precincts 3 and precinct J since 1900. 2* No comparison a" populsiion for Ivan can be made; information a: minor civil di\ isions incomplete. 25 Old precincts 3 and 4 annexed ir « Number changed from 5 in 1906. a precinct 5 in 1906. o made; county redistricted in 1908. Precinct 16 annexed in 1901 . No population reported. i« Precinct 2S organized from part of precinct 9 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. lb 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. s election precinct. For changes ii MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Precinct 2, Tuttle Precinct 3 h . . Precinct 4, Fli .„ . . Precinct 5, Seibertio.. Precinct 6, Stratton " Precinct 7, Burlington, including Burlington \ r ona>8 ."..".!."!!."!!."' Ia1 if old precinct 25, parts annexed to precinct 17 and to Park le; informatio: , , — je 1900. 3 No comparison of population for li •'i I- .1.1,;, I IT « Precinct 26 organized from parts of precincts 1, 11, and 13 in 190Q. '- Precinct 10 organized from parts of prociivi<: .', in, a.ud 20 in 1908. 'J')'!, ■ 16 annexed in 1904. • ..'■•: .. ,HI,:i -• ! I !'.!.! ! » Name changed from Arvada in 1906. Pari iake.ii In I o r r n precinct 25 in 1906. >"■ Incorporated in 1904. 11 Incorporated in 1901. 12 Incorporated in 1905. ii Organized from part of precinct 21 in 1906. kt mparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 18S La Plata County.. Precinct 1, including part of Durango city . . 12 and 17 and parts of precincts 1,9, and IS Precinct 2, Upper Florida Precinct 3, Hermosa Precinct 4, Lower Florida Pioeinet 5, Animas, including Animas town Precinct 7, Precinct S, Ilockwood including part of Durango city . . Precinct 10 I'rcciiicl, J 1, Hesperus'*- Precinct 12, comprising p:.ui of Durango city... Durango city (part of) ". Precinct 13, including part of Durango city '>") • o all/ (part of).. L8, La Plata... Precinct 19, Columbus. . Precinct 20, Kline ® j'reeinel 21, Ignacio ™ .. . i'reeieei ■ • riilan < Precinct 23, Pcrins^ lsivc willi I^cadvillc Ward 1 . . WdrdS.. WardS.. i ,, cinri i '.I Precinct 20.. Precinct 21 . . I'leoinei 22.. ! I I.e. I ,. I e eilee Proeinei 20 -■' Precinct 1, Bellevue, including Bellevue town.. Bitlcvue town . ^ ■ ' ■ ;■ ' I. Precinct 3, St. Cloud Precinct 4, Laramie recincl 5, Livermore Pit iiii i i. Home Precinct 7, Laporte . . to 11, and $4, and pail-: of prcehhls ■ ■ , iei .■ .■. I .- : ■ I ' I I . i i i > ( .e. „l . I .. I ...' '. UK, , Fort Collins ciiij (part of) Precinct 10 F.viin i i m < ts of wards 4 and 5 of ™— * Collins city (part of).. '6 Part taken to form part of precinct 9 in 1908. " Returned as Claremont in 1900. Pari taken to form part of precinct 9 in 1908. ' 8 Organized from parts of precincts 5 and in 1908. 19 County tol il h i < i i ul ion (4SG) of part of Southern Ute Indian Reser- on, opened for settlement in 1899. '■' Precincts 21 and 22 organized from parts of precinct 6 in 1906 and 1908, respec- ively. » Incorporated in 1906. » Precinct 20 organized from part of precinct U in 1906. " Precinct 23 organized (rom part of Diecinct 16 in 1908. a County tola! iuelielos eoeul u ion (US) of precipe I 2 7, ami 2.; since 1900. » Part of preeioi i ", ear., red in 1905. " Part taken to fonn Jackson County in 1909. precinct 27, annexed to precinc 2' County total includes population (902) of precincts 21 to 25, taken to f< w Part taken to form precinct 35 in 1906. » Parts taken to fonn precinct 33 and parts of precincts 29 and 41 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. election precinct. For changes in boundaries, el MINOR CIVIL D Larimer County— Continued. Fort Collins citu . ■ ■ ■ Precinct 12, Timnath Precinct 13, Northwest Loveland, 3 comprising part of Loveland city ; Precinct part of Loveland oily. Loveland cili (purl of). Precinct 16, Stout Precinct 17, Uuffum 7 Precinct 18, Buckhorn Precinct 10 NTorl h Port hoiul. 3 including part of Precinct 20, Estes Park Precinct 20, Stratton Park.. Precinct 27, Bristol Miner 9 .. Precinct 28, Pinewood ' . parts of wards 4 and 5 of Fort Collins city.. Foil Collins city (vartof) Precinct 34, West Fort Collins,' 3 e part of ward 3 of Fort Collins city i'i, ,,,■■■ .,... ,., ; ■ i.i i ■. | ..,;., ■ : ii of ward 2 of Fort Collins city. . Precinct 37, Collins,' 5 including part of ward 1 of Fort Collins city Fort Collins city (part of) Precin.1 :-;. West. Loveland 3 Precinct 30, East Loveland * Precinct 40, South Berthoud,* including part of Berthoud town Berthoud town (part of) [■■■, Precinct 42, West Timnath 2 , Precinct 43, Drake' Las Animas County Precinct 1, Riley Canon Precinct 2, Stonewall Precinct 3, Cuatro : Precinct 5, Vigil Precinct 6, Weston Precinct 7, Jarosa Precinct 8, Trujillo Creek Precinct 9, Aguilar, including Aguilar city Aguilar city Precinct 10, Rugby . Precinct 11, Debgna, in. hiding Delagua town.. Delagua town " Precinct 12, Cokedale Precinct 13, Primero Precinct 14, Segundo ' '. '. I' Precinct 16 Berwind Precinct 17, Sou i h S fa rkvi lie Precinct. 18, North Starkville Precinct 19, Jansen Precinct 20, Sopris Precinct 21, Forbes 1 'xec i ac . 22, Bowen : . Majestic Hastings town '» Precinct 2(5, Hartville Precinct 27, Lower Apishapa. . 1,293 4S0 724 2,301 1 Parts taken to form precinct 34 and parts of precincts 29 and 41 in 1900. 2 Precinct 42 organized from part of precinct 12 in 1906. s Precinct 3S i> of precinct 13 in 1908. * Incorporated as a city in 1905. 6 Precinct 39 organized from part of precinct 14 in 1908. 6 Precinct 30 organized from part of precinct 15 in 1908. 1 Precinct 43 1 17 and 28 in 1908. e Precinct 40 01 of precinct 19 in 1906. 9 Precincts 32 and 36 organized from parts of precinct 27 in 1904 and 1906, respee- n 190G. w Organized from part of precinct 8 in 1906. il CIVIL DIVISION. Las Animas County— Continued. Precinct 32, Gray Creek, including Gray Creek Gray Creek town l7 Precinct, 33, ilarela Precinct 31, Coke Ovens 1 "reeinct 35, Uoehne Precinct .'it;, Alfalfa Precinct 37, Thatcher Precinct 38, Trinchera Precinct 30, comprising w anl I of Trinidad cil y . Totalfor Trinidad cin>, iniiinnive with pre- cincts S9toi6 Wardl Wardi Wards Wardl, Ward, 5 "i, comprising part of ward 2 of Trin- idad city Precincl 14, comprising part of ward 4 of Trin- idad city Precinct 45, comprising part of ward 4 of Trin- idad city Precincl 411, comprising ward 5 of Trinidad city.. Precinct 47, San Miguel... Precinct 1, Arickaree '. Precinct 2, Walks Camp Precinct 3, Limon, including Limon town.. Precinct 4, Genoa ! Precinct 5, Bovina Precinct 6, Arriba Precinct 7, Hugo, including Hugo town Hugo town *> Precinct 8, Boyero Precinct 9, Paitonsburg Precinct 10, Rush Creek Precinct 11, Cox Precinct 12, Forder Precinct 13, Adobe Precinct 14, Sanborn Logan County Precinct 1, Atwood Precinct 2, Kenesaw Precinct 3, Iliff 22 Precinct 4, Crook 23 Precinct 5, Fleming 2 « Precinct 6, Son 1 i 1 ludingparts of wards 1 and 3 of Sterling city Sterling city (part of) Total for Sterling city °s in precincts 6 and 11 ° * Ward 'i\\\\\\\\\Y^.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Ward 2 , Wards Precinct 7, Pawnee * Precinct 8, East Fleming 2 < Precinct 9, Rockland Precinct 10, Merino Precinct 11, Leroy Precinct 12, Northeast Sterling, 28 including ward 2 of Sterling city Sterling city (part of ) Precinct 13, Southeast Sterling, 25 including part of ward 1 of Sterling city Sterling city (part of) Precinct 14, Northwest Sterling, 28 including part of ward 3 of Sterling city i i,uo; \ : Sterling city (part of) ! 835 \ Precinct 15, Barber 23 195 | reeinct 16, Mercer 30 ! 290 1 i6 No comparison of population can be made ; county redistricted in 1906. i' Incorporated in 1903. is Returned as Victor in 1900. " No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 190S. 20 Incorporated in 1909. "County. iludi ■■. ulation (45 in 1900; 110 in 1890) of old precinct 8, nexed to pre. in 22 Part taken to form pari ol pivcinca I.i in 1010. 23 Parts takeu to form precinct 15 and part of precinct 16 in 1910. 24 Precinct 8 organized from part of precinct 5 in 1903. 25 Precinct 13 organized from part of precinct 6 in 1901. 26 Incorporated as a city in 1909. 27 Old precinct 8 annexed in 1903. » Precinct 14 organized from part of precinct 12 in 1901. 1 organized from pai t of precinct 4 in 1910. i0 Organized from parts of precincts 3 and 4 in 1910. 52 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 3 election preciuet. For changes ii e Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Precinct 3, Whitewater Precinct 4, De Beque, including De Beque town De Beque town Precinct 5, Mesa , ■-' ■'■ •.">' . ........ . Precinct 7, Kannah Creek llbian, i ucluding Collbran town . Collbrantown' Precincts 9 to 12, and 10, coextensive with Grand Junction city Grand Junction city Wardl Word* WardS Ward 4 Precinct 13. Palisade, 2 including Palisade town. Palisade town 5 Precinct 14, Pomona Precinct 15, Molina 6 7, Orchard Mesa Mineral County.. .,.11 .. : . cc Ii lid.. and parts of precincts 4 and 6 Ward '2 Wards I, including ward 2 of Creede city. . -'■y (part of).. Precinct 6, 8 including Creede town .. Creede town v Precinct 7, 8 Bachelor .' Montezuma County Lower Mancos, including part of Precinct : Mancos Mancos town (part of) Tolalfor Mauea.s ' Precinct 5, Arriola.. Precinct 6, Upper Mancos, including part of Montrose County.. Precinct 1, Montrose, including ward 1 of Mon- trose city Montrose city (part of) Total for Montrose city™ in precincts 1 to 4. Precinct 2, Mi", ii 1:1, ii,,!,,i: ward 2 of Mon- trose city .... ,/■/ ;..,.,,.■'; 1 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between li and 1900. s Precinct 19 organized from parts of precincts 1 and 13 in 1906. » Precinct 18 organized from part of precinct 2 in 1906. 8 Part of precinct 8 annexed in 1908. I) of Mancos town, returned independ- MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Montrose County— Continued. inct 3, Montrose,' including ward 3 of Mon- Mimhtiti rill/ ( i>art aj ! . Precinct 11, Riverside Piccinol 12, Shenandoah Precinct 13, Maple Grove ' 9 . . Precinct 16, Horsefly u Precinct 17, River Portal ■ Precinct 18, Nucla « Morgan County.. Precinct 1, Fort Morgan,* 5 including ward 2 of Fort Morgan city Fort Morgan city (part of) Total for Fort Morgan city « in precincts 1 Wardl Wards Wards , Precinct 2, Fort Morgan, " including ward 1 of Fort Morgan city Fort Morgan rily (purl of) Precinct 3, Fort Morgan," includingpart of ward 3 of Fort Morgan city Fort Morgan city (part of) '..,.,..: ,. • . .;..■, Preciiici 7, Hury -' I'H'cniri. 'I, ( Mi inril.... Precinct 10, Weldona.. Precinct 11, Hillrose 29 . I'rvciii'i 12, Snyder 29 I ■■' 'I !■■ ' ■■■ ' I'.i ....Ii '' ..:■•.■■. Brush town (part of) Totalfor Brn>.l, h„rn in pnriaclslS and 16... rriM.-MH i 16, East Brush,™ including part of ■■ ■ • » County total includes population (150) of old precinct 14, taken to form part of precinct 18; and population (50) of old precinct 16, annexed to precinct 6, since 1900. jluding Sugar City Sugar City town Precinct 4, West Holbrook Precinct 5, East Holbrook Precinct 6, North La Junta Precinct 7, La Junta, comprising part of ward 1 of La Junta city . "'il for La J , , 9. and 1C Wardl. Wards Wards Precinct 8, La Junta, including parts of wards : and 2 of La Junta city 2 and 3 of La Junta city Precinct 10, La Junta, comprising part of ward 3 of La Junta city w Old precinct 16 annexed in 1907. is Incorporated in 1907. 1 9 Part taken to form part of precinct 16 in 1907. 20 Returned as Horsefly in 1900. 21 Organized from parts of precincts 5 and 13 in 1907. 24 County total includes population (S10) of old precinct 22, taken to form pre- cincts 1 and 2 between 1890 and 1900. » Precinct 4 organized from part of precinct 1 in 1908. 26 Incorporated as a city in 1908. ', l ■,.•.■ i rn-i :; i>i"j:iui/." Incorporated in 1905. n be mad»; county redlitrlcted In 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1*90— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Keports of the San Miguel County— Continued. Precinct 12, (>|ilur I, nop. . part of Tclluride 123 .].]\..... .'....... 'h biy.'.:'.'.::'.'. Sedgwick County.. Precinct 3. . Precinct 4 ' . Precinct 5 ' . 218 ... 215 ... 3,061 971 1,293 122 1,122 962 ■awl 107 205 154 2,003 68 2 2,744 mltC unfr Precinct 1, Breckenridge,* including part of 262 217 834 265 250 226 218 160 ill 183 150 184 129 81 18 80 78 261 134 98 116 14,351 6 182 Total for Breckenridge town in precincts 1 976 •IS ,:,•■■;■ ... .1 I'm ■nid 3, including part ol l'.rockenridge town. "97 l'recinct 4, including part of Breckenridge town. M3 Precinct 5, Kokomo, including Kokomo town .. 467 Sh4 75 40 140 91 08 110 Precinct 6, M> ig Montezuma I'lecinei 7, Frisco, including Frisco town Precinct 9, Id. i" i : ■ ;obinson town. 288 'l43 103 99 6 29,002 52 332 163 210 :;::::::*: Precinct 2, Woodland Park, including Wood- Precinct 7, Spring Creek.. Precinct S, comprising part of ward 3 of Victor city ; . 8 to 18 Ward 1 1 Ward 2 1 Ward* I Precinct 9, comprising part of ward 3 of Victor city Precinct 10, comprising part of ward 1 of Victor city Precinct 11, comprising part of ward 1 of Victor Precinct 12, ;■' . nl 1 of Victor city Precinct 13, comprising part of ward 1 of Victor Precinct 14, comprising part of ward 2 of Victor and 1900. « Precinct 12 annexed in 1906. 6 Exclusive of population of Breckenridge town. 8 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1906. ' Incorporated In 1900. 339 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Teller County— Continued. Precinct 15, comprising part of ward 2 of Victor city l'recinct 16, comprising part of ward 2 ol Victor Precinct 17, com prising pari, of ward 2 ol Vicloi city Par 'met 1\ comprising pa 1 1 <>J ward 3 of Victor Precinct 24, Anaconda, coextensive with Ana- conda town A naconda town Precinct 25, Elkton 16, Arequa prising part ol Coldlicld eh \ ts27to :, comprising par I ol (loWlicM cily . . . Precinct. :.".', rompi ismg part ol' (Joldlield cily - . 1 'locinci 3D, Independence J'leanct 31, Altmau, including Altman town... A Itman town l'recinct 32, Cameron, coextensive with Came- icciiici 33, Gi'liettViricTudingGYliett town. ".."." '.'. with Fl'oris- Precinct 3D, Midland . i'i ippie ;'reek city Wardl Ward2 V/ardS Ward4 Washington County 8 .. Precinct 3, Curtis."."!. Precinct 4, Ashland 10 inct7, Rock Creek.. l'recinct II , ' Precinct 12, Thurman " Weld County.. Precinct 1, Fort Lupton, including part of Fort Luplon town Fort Lupton town (part of) Total for Fort Lupton town in precincts 1 and 37 Precinct. 2, St. Vrain Precinct 3, Hillsboro Precinct 4, Windsor, including part of AVindsor Windsor town (purl of). 6, 43, and 44, and part of )■■ Evans town (part of) . Total for Evans town in precincts t> ana 39. Precinct 6, Plal icville, including part of Platte- ville town Piutiuilh town (part of) Totalfor Pluili / illciiw ,1 in prccincts6and29.. Precinct 7, Northwest Greeley, comprising part of ward 2 of Greeley city Totalfor Greeley city, comprising precincts 7 12,21, 36, - - Wardl Ward 2.. WardS.. 8 Parts of Adams and Arapahoe Counties annexed in 1903. 9 County total includes population (113) of old precinct 8, annexed to precincts 6 and 7 between 1890 and 1900. 10 Part of territory taken from Adams County annexed in 1903. u Organized from part of territory taken from Adams County in 1903. > 2 Organized from part of territory taken from Arapahoe County in 1903. 13 Organized from part of territory taken from Adams and Arapahoe Counties in 1.903. 14 No comparison of population cau be made; county redistricted in 1910. 363 ! 164 t?l!2 \ 2,191 .. S3 521, .. 268 131 439 1,351 1 39,177 'U6.808 614 214 113 935 305 173 600 400 306 430 1,397 8,i:9 263 213 S,02S 2,396 2, ',:' S i!5 56 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. Table 1. - POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Keports of the Twelfth It CIVIL DIVISION. Weld County— Continued. Tutal for Erie to eeinct9, 1" iVllH'l II). iii i',\cincts 8 arid 32.. ;t 11, East Eaton, including part of Eaton __ t 12, Wes ward 3 of Greeley city. . I'rccinci 13, West Eaton, including part of Eaton town Eaton town {part of) Precinct 11,11 ighlandlake, including Mead town . Precinct 1.5, Sunnyside 1,334 1,295 ird 2 of Greeley city.. I, La Grange.. \ Can B, W'inbourn.. Precinct 27, Hudson h Erie, including part of Erie Precinct 33, Del ta Precinct 34, Lucerne Precinct 35, Anlt, including part of Ault t Ault town 'part of)... Total fm incts SB and 46. Precinct 36 East Greeley — ward 1 of Greeley city. r , comprising part of J j iiicl 7 North I nt Lupton, including part of Fort Lupton town Fort Lupton town {pan of),:*™ 1910 1900 1890 Weld County— Continued. Precinct 38, South Windsor, including part of 1,051 775 450 250 437 418 571 Pnniicta'.i, Kasl K\ a us, including part of Evans Preciiirl :;'., Sou Hi west Greeley, comprising part J i ii 14 nil ( t Hu'cle.y, c in n in i nl • Precinct 45, East Ault, including part of Ault 5G3 111 ::;::;;;:::' 143 725 982 198 367 747 601 180 110 266 8,199 Precinct 48, Johnstown, including Johnstown Precinct 51, Frederick, including Dacona, Fire- 1,729 707 960 716 1,000 400 1,154 S3S 767 777 m 331 924 367 762 1,021 329 242 757 271 105 419 ISO 200 , 1 , . !■■■ 566 Total for Winy ion » in prr.riiicls2and6 125 lac. !■ , '- n'.a. ' '1" , ■■. ,'i.i.u my. i: 851 Precinct 6, West Wray,'° including part of Wray ' Incorporated in 1908. 2 Incorporated in 1904. 3 Incorporated ir """" l; part of territory taken from i« Organized from i .an al minuet. 2 in 1902; part of territory taken from Adams oiuifv annexed in 1903. " Organized from [-oris of ;,in mots 1, 2, and 5 in 1902. 1 " ( trganized from part of territory taken from Adams County in 1903. 13 Organized from parts of territory taken from Adams and Arapahoe Counties i* Organized from part of territory taken from Arapahoe County in 1903. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 County. 1910 1900 1890 Las Animas Washington 647 3,013 301 145 164 200 681 26 840 1,834 569 | 079 235 227 104 758 96 9,539 834 850 997 1,041 368 351 '297 659 1,059 154 347 ' Cameron town 146 5,162 284 365 295 385 '270 676 156 4,333 29,078 411 565 392 122 904 231 6,206 180 149 840 958 213J 381 559 973 367 3,775 173 304 2,825 ; Center town Saguache 315 3,114 Cheyenne 698 As encit 3,303 5,108 El Paso 2,914 21,085 407 125 Aurora town 202 \ Arapahoe Montezuma 332 Cratetown 11 Creede cit Mineral 938 235 99 305 1,200 141 6,150 976 366 381 1,006 183 228 1,067 96 3,330 Gunnison Saguache Saguache 10,147 Dacona town Summit Breckenridge town lown 705 306 112 Rio Grande Las Animas 819 133,859 ill town Kit Carson 146 Denver city Denver 106,713 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— COLORADO. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 -Continued. 57 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Dillon town 134 320 4,G8G 186 1,157 293 81 "rm 87 265 no 2, 712 8,210 2,800 431 925 266 42 81 881 950 33 2,019 2,477 1,112 359 40 7,754 268 57C 8,179 30 1,020 693 341 314 724 659 131 600 343 2,154 48 157 198 962 304 183 141 448 4,154 691 405 103 2,977 2,008 62 7,508 534 1,373 4,256 1,706 3,651 632 788 567 1,357 143 108 3,317 124 384 133 Manzanola city Marble town Otero Gunnison 428 782 114 807 241 2,544 134 ' 149 251 101 I'M., ,1, ., ..'... Eagle town 2,726 Eagle Rio Blanco Eagle Rio Grande 507 260 Miuturn town Monte Vista town Edith town Jefferson Archuleta Boulder Elbert. Arapahoe 55G 40 1,217 156 395 215 697' 39 400 319 780 KMol.i lOWll Kli/.'.tlielh town i34 662 49 306 301 M ruse city Monument town Morrison town Mountain View town Montrose 1,330 Jefferson Jefferson Boulder Gilpin Garfield linglewood city Eureka town Weld....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Park Nederland town 367 493 212 153 458 124 ~ 705 '669 900 163 1,007 250 430 43 157 44,395 383 368 376 698 78 1,413 42 620 46 4,425 261 564 121 498 250 460 2,153 1,321 1,227 3,044 808 182 349 310 1,756 10,204 3,162 162 2,423 129 459 34 232 197 556 935 163 1,000 332 333 a ,,- l':Mi(il:iy town New Castle town North Longmont town 311 1' iresione town luoivniv city t'lofi^uit town Fort Collins city San Miguel Fremont Teller Larimer Weld 3, 728 131 3,053 634 439 2,011 113 488 Nunii town i Ml: ( 'reek town Ohio nty town Ola the town Opliir (own Routt Gunnison Montrose San Miguel Otero Archuleta Fort Morgan city 127 138 2,196 367 113 Otero 2,534 Park Summit Clear Creek • 77 91 126 1,418 524 1,350 2,152 2,191 204 166 1,927 Delta. Weld !!!!!!!! Chaffee Fremont 203 263 97 920 2,383 Pros eet Hei hts town 163 28,157 "30 811 273 Eagle Dolores Garfield.""!"!! Summit Fremont Otero Saguache Chaffee 3,503 2,030 wn Ridgway town Ki'lo iown ' 40 348 1,200 1,174 2,395 • oi i li in\ n Rocky Ford city 870 .2,018 110 389 64 3,722 700 Gunnison Las Animas 1,105 tin s town 304 364 451 177 261 2,586 049 Hooper town town lings city Ironton town Costilla Delta Lincoln Clear Creek Ouray Boulder Weld Sedgwick Sanford town Conejos San Miguel Arapahoe Custer Clear Creek 94 442 576 775 1,360 958 998" ""2','m 5,345 4,986 141 1,033 300 Sheridan town Silver Cliff town 2,502 71 104 1,338 546 212 371 202 Steamboat Springs town Sugar City town Sulphur Springs town Superior town own Routt otero ."."!!!!!!!!!! Grand Boulder Otero San Miguel Las Animas Teller Jackson Huerfano Boulder Larimer Douglas Prowers Fremont Weld Teller Routt!.'!!..!!.!.! Conejos Otero Huerfano Boulder Hinsdale 344 Kremmlin town 208 2,513 254 970 700 1,439 361 410 607 5,523 Victor city 64 928 424 Prowers 987 1,192 299 12,455 566 611 Bent Teller Lake 10,384 West Creek town 161 256 Lincoln Arapahoe 738 2,201 966 1,091 547 739 383 1,303 e town 192 1,543 596 698 674 642 iburg town 337 305 269 271 Larimer I oveiand city Montezuma 1,439 139 CONNECTICUT. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census : 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1S90 345,322 184,203 150,081 Hartford County -Continued. New Uiitain town,? coextensive with New Bri tain city j).53fi :>, 838 1,689 l)lS7 2, 537 4) 178 3,715 70,260 85)988 1,011" 2,189 1 , 020 2, 1)9 1 2,011 3' 014 63,672 lielhel town, including licllicl borough Bdhdhnrnugh Ilndgepml lown,coc\icnsive with Bridgeport 102,054 3,327 2,561 70, (1% 3,401 2, 335 111,007 Bridgeport city: ISlSlSv; : ;: : ::;:::::::;:::■ !i. 395 :', 108 8,SU o, ess 7,993 6,9(1 12,426 , ilk and South 17,747 1,546 2,235 : ■' ,,.,■;. 3,420 2,149 3,278 658 18,839 15,997 668 15,700 i.i ,,,....., i; i rinr r.c.i, • 1; Toningion (own, including Torriugton bor- 6,048 Washington low n . . .. 3,657 1,587 840 4,017 1,598 195,480 2,608 1,453 772 3,715 1,722 147,180 \\ i in 'he ... 1' low 11 including V i listed borough . 4,846 l)419 1,274 2,188 997 2,422 2,745 1,958 660. 1,036 20,749 11,851 1,516 34 3,425 1,907 951 337,282 2,271 1,328 1,429 2,031 884 2,485 2,530 2,015 651 845 17,486 1,431 23 l)634 884 269,163 1,337 3,728 1,821 13,502 9,527 1,319 2,732 797 8,138 3,362 9,719 3,478 897 4,796 98) 915 8,623 11,323 11,919 10,817 6,063 6,797 13,164 8,233 '544 13, 641 302 1,302 3,448 1,513 9,643 6,268 2)678 6,406 3,158 6,699 3,331 1,182 2,600 1,308 7,382 lag Bristol borough 1,302 2,500 661 4,455 2,890 7,199 3,179 1,002 .11 .'iv.u. 111. hnliiig MiddlctowiM'ity . i; iglon town, induding Faniungion Old Saybrook town, including Fenwick borough 4,260 1,299 79,850 3,457 1,251 53,230 4,687 "wn, coextensive with Harll. ml city. Hartford city: Asnsonia town, coextensive with Ansoniacity. . 15, 152 15, 152 S',749 2.44S 3,718 l)l60 495 12,681 12,681 WardS Ward 4 WardS 592 10,601 322 8,222 582 1 623 517 Marl borough town Bethany town 550 1 Incorporated ir (58) 2 New Britain city made coextensive with New Britain b STATISTICS OF POPULATION— CONNECTICUT. Table 1.— POPULATION' OK MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Roports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] M.NOBC.V.r™. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1S90 New Haven County— Continued. Uraufonl town, including lir.nil'oiil borough... 6,047 8,560 1,988 8,991 8,931 '836 'lS4 12,722 12,122 / h 790 3,058 4,874 133,605 Ul,60o S,036 10,356 17,607 6,391 8,054 11,028 9,245 15,413 10,172 6,744 11,870 3,588 2,727 833 2,254 11,272 8,543 1,020 539 4,786 1,233 7S, 141 15, 158 14, 183 14,836 15,635 13,270 5C3 878 91,253 '2,47S 1,989 7,930 7,530 4,460 New London County -Continued. G roton town, including Groton borough 6,495 1,895 1,528 1,079 824 746 2, 804 19,659 8,817 5,011 3,486 3,944 3, 395 1,100 28,219 20,367 1,181 1,917 443 2,!i.-)l 9?154 2,083 779 3,097 26,459 5,962 5, 539 1,929 5, 969 •X, 423 21,652 1,521 1,236 697 750 2,395 17,548 1,070 1, 183 1 Wl. I„ ■||.w„,M >' London city: mSH" Ward 5 worth sionington town..., Noiuioii iowii,' including \*orw ir-h city i,"240' 24,637 17,251 1,180 2,807 468 1 , 339 8,540 2,278 872 2, 1104 24,523 i,~463 23,048 Millmd lown, including Woodniont. borough. .. Woodmont borough 1 Nniigatuok low ii, eooxl:ensi\ o with Nnugaliiok 736 3.7S3 10,541 10,541 3,811 6,218 l|Hr D , .dmg b ton 481 1,060 2,661 25,081 ' 108,027 108,027 86,045 81,298 371 433 1,606 1,999 894 1,977 1,653 1, 126 322 9,087 1,911 927 1,268 2,994 2,788 48,361 655 1,632 1,829 1,016 1,827 1,593 4,297 - 2, 460 1,036 428 8,483 1,281 1,539 SlalTonl low 11, including Slalfoi'1 Springs Union town l:„rl:,i/!r ci/ij " '. ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 814 2,164 6,995 5,241 952 562 3,541 1,238 9,001 6,137 51,139 45,859 825 1,862 4,537 Oraii ' u ing West Haven borough.. 46,861 902 3,300 6,584 4,230 ' 33,202 28,646 45,158 yWord town 668 '868 435 513 583 6,564 2,934 6,719 1,857 6,637 1,109 2,823 1,320 476 12,'604 2,424 3, 685 3,643 1,418 1,849 757 2,358 876 529 523 629 6,835 2,823 4,821 1,831 7,348 6,661 2, 628 M'a'.lingioi'd town, including Wallingford c town, including Danielson borough.. 6,512 581 852 82,758 522 926 76,634 471 1,209 6,442 10,137 8,937 1,051 861 2,140 918 1,916 527 4,233 3,023 799 1,991 858 1,836 546 3,490 2,224 1,005 2,988 Windham town, including Willhnanlic cii\ . .. 10,032 8,648 illi i imp ii pii In luu i ol liester borough.. - 2,048 585 3,113 1,934 ■ . ■ . ,v . 2,095 • * Part of Norwich t( STATISTICS OF POPULATION-CONNECTICUT. A. TOWNS OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OB MOKIi. - County. 1910 1900 1890 TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 New Haven Hartford 15,152 3,728 3,792 6,047 102,054 13,502 2,732 23,502 3,946 8,138 3,302 6,' 134 3,478 4,796 16,463 4,233 6,495 3,001 5,850 98,915 fi,545 6,564 3,005 13,641 32,066 20, 749 4,366 2,804 12,722 43,916 133! 605 19,659 12,681 3,448 3,327 5,706 70,996 9, 043 2,678 19,474 3,116 7,930 3J 158 2,' 530 4,489 3,331 4,260 12,172 3,490 5,962 2,785 4,626 79,850 5,572 6,835 3,214 10,601 28, 695 3! 783 2,395 10,541 28,202 2,968 108,027 17,548 10,342 2,600 3,401 4,460 48,866 7,382 2,500 19,473 2,276 4, 455 2,890 7,199 2,035 3,868 3,179 lo! 131 3,113 5,539 2,780 53!,230 4,006 7,027 3,304 8,222 25,423 15,205 3,811 2,344 6,218 19,007 2,701 86,045 13,757 Now Milford Newtown 5,010 3,012 24,211 28,219 11,272 6,719 2,882 5,021 3,425 7,280 3,118 3,522 4,786 2,537 6,516 2,551 5,233 9,' 154 5,712 3,841 3,533 4,804 16, 840 9,087 11,155 73, 141 3,097 ! 4,259 3,148 8,679 12, 604 4,178 3,715 4,804 3,276 19,932 24,037 6,995 4,821 2,189 3^856 7,348 2,1)20 3,489 3,541 2,094 5,890 1,339 4,297 8^540 3,657 3,521 3,300 6,442 12,453 8,483 9,001 51, 139 2,904 3,100 3,186 4,017 2,637 7,763 10,137 3,614 3,062 3,917 17,747 New Haven New London New Haven Oran e Hartford 4,582 1,993 2,147 4,687 Danbury Fairfield New Haven Portland Derby.: 2, 235 3,420 New Haven Middlesex Fairfield 1,874 Southington Sprague Stafford Stamford Stonington Stratford Suffield Thomaston Thompson Torrington Vernon Wallingford Waterbury .• Waterford Watertown West Hartford : Westport ' Wethersfleld , Winchester 1 Windham Windsor Windsor Locks New London Glastonbury Hartford Gris wold New London New London New Haven New Haven New London 7,' 184 2,608 3,169 5,580 6,048 Huntington Killingly New Haven New Haven New London 6,584 New Haven New Haven New London New Haven 3 715 2,271 Windham New Haven New London 2, 758 B. CITIES AND BOROUGHS. CITY OR BOROUGH. Town. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OE BOROUGH. Town. County. 1910 1900 1890 C 1TIE , Ansonia Bridgeport Danbury Hartford"*!" Meriden Middletown... New Britain. . New Haven... New London.. Norwalk Norwich Putnam Vernon Norwalk Stamford Waterbury Windham Bethel Branford Bristol New Haven... Fairfield Fairfield New Haven... Hartford New Haven... Middlesex Hartford New Haven... New London.. Fairfield New London.. Windham Tolland Fairfield Fairfield New Haven . . . Windham Fairfield New Haven... Hartford 15, 152 1(12,051 20. 23-1 8,991 98, 915 27, 205 11,851 43,916 133, 605 19, 659 6,954 20,367 6,637 7,977 2s! 138 73, 141 11,230 3,041 2,560 9,527 12,681 70,996 16, 537 7, 930 79, 850 24, 290 25! 998 108,027 17,548 6,125 17,251 6,667 6,591 15,997 8^937 2,561 2,473 6,268 boroughs— contd. Colchester Danielson '■'.irtniiiirton Fen wick (ircvuwich Groton ■ ■ ■ Colchester Killingly Farmington... Old Saybrook. Greenwich Groton Guilford Gris wold Litchfield Naugatuck New Canaan. . Newtown Ridgefield. . .. Huntington... Southington. . Stafford Stonington Torrington Wallingford... Orange Winchester... Milford New London. Windham Hartford Middlesex Fairfield New London. New Haven... New London.. Litchfield New Haven... Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Hartford Tolland New London.. Litchfield New Haven... New Haven... Litchfield New Haven . . . 978 2,934 34 1,895 1,608 3,023 903 12, 722 1,672 434 4' 807 3,714 3,059 2,083 15,483 8,690 8,543 7,754 194 858 ;■■■■■■•,■.. Danbury Derbyi 48,866 16,552 23 2,420 53, 239 21,052 9,013 16,519 81,298 13,757 1,512 2,224 1,120 10,541 1,304 254 16, 156 7,772 2,837 3,411 2,460 2,278 8,360 6,737 5,247 6,804 South Norwalk Stafford Springs 28,646 8,648 2,335 1 Coextensive with tc DEL A WAKE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1010, 1900, AND L890. jfrNOR civn, d No. I, 2 including Smyru » including Leipsic Cheswold town (part of) Total for Cheswold town in Nos. 2 and S. . . . Dover town (part of) Total for Dover town in Nos. 2 and 6 Little Creek town. ."."."."." '//.'/."'/.'.'..'.".'.'..'.'... * including Kenton town and parts of No. 5, 6 including part of Dover town... n (part of). Total fur Jlurriniihiit inir,i ,,i A'os. 6 and 9... No. 7,8 including Camden and Wyoming towns. Camden town Wyoming town No. 8," including i'.oweis, Felion, Frederica, and Magnolia towns FdlOll Ion',: Fredcrica to Magnolia to No. 9," inclu 'own and part of Harrington town Farmington town 12 Ilarri at/Ion iotrn (pari u() No. 10, i3 including part of Milford town Milford toivn (part of) Total for Milford town in No. 10, Kent County, and No. 1, Sussex County New Castle County.. Wards Wardi Wards Wards Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward9 Ward 10 Wardll Ward 12 No.615 No. 7,i6 including Elsmereand Newport tc 1,242 BS6 450 BBS 497 400 40S 706 on sos , no 3, US 1,169 1,192 2, COS 2, BOO 123,188 109,697 MINOR CIVIL DIVIS New Castle County— 3. '.),'« including Newark tov A'<« or I: town ). in,i» including New Cast I Xrir Cusllt city No. 12,2i including Delaware Ooiges towns Delaware City town St. Or urges town No. 13, 22 including Middleiown Miilillilown town i >ihssn town Port Penn town >. I !.= 3 including Tinvnscml town. . No. I, 26 including Ellendale (own and pari of Milford town Ettendal town 2; Milford town (part of ") i [For tolal, sec No. in, Kcnl County.] j No. 'J, 2 ' 1 including Brid-'c\ illc and (liven wood Bridge tilt town Grit nwuutl town 2a o. 3, 80 including Seaford town . Seaford town ' 3i including Bethel town . . Ddmar Laurel town >. ti,' 3 including Ikigsboro and Frankford lowns, and part of Millsboro town Daqs'.mrtt town /<>« ttkft.rtJ town Milton tow Rehoboth to l.:"0- ■'■::,, I - ;.'.,! districts o, 7,8, and 9. 2 Returned as l>i,ck (reek lumdred in 1900. 3 Returned as Little Creek hundred and part of East Dover hundred in 190C s Returned as part of Norl I red in 1900. o Returned as part of South Murderkill hundred in 1900. so Incorporated in 1907. a Returned as part of Mispillion hundred in 1900. i- Incorporated in 1908. '3 Returned as Milford hundred in 1900. i* Districts 1 to 5 returned as Wilmington hundred in 1900. ' 6 Returned as iira'nh u ioc hundred in 1900. 10 Returned as Christiana hundred in 1900. " Returned as Mil! Creek hundred in 1900. is Returned as White Olnv Creek hundred in 1900. i» Returned as New Civile hundred in 1900. "o Returned as i'eneader hundred in 1900. 2 i Returned as !>d i.iuii hundred in 1900. 22 Returned as St. Georges hundred in 1900. 23 Returned as Apnoouinimink hundred in 1900. 2 < Returned as Blackbird hundred in 1900. -"•County total--' inclu. Ic nniiiilotion cj,:';;i in imiii: .s.i) 1 1 in isnfi) of Nanticoke, Northwest Fork, and sea for. I Ion J and 3. 26 Returned as Cedar Creek hundred in 1900. 27 Incorporated in 1905. 28 Returned as Northwest Fork hundred and part of N'anlicoke hundred in l'.Hil). 29 Incorporated in 1901. "o Returned as Seaford hundred and part of .Yaiiiieoke hundred in 1900. si Returned as Broad Creek hundred in 1900. 32 Returned as Little Creek hundred in 19(H). ss Returned as Dagsboro and Gumboro hundreds in 1900. 3 ' Returned in 1900 as in Dagsboro hundred only. S ll:l!kl e hundred in 1900. n 1909. ' ; Returned as Indian River hundred in 1900. '3 Returned as Courgei.iun hundred in 1900. is Returned as Lewes and Rehoboth and Broadkiln Inuidied, in lyou 02 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— DELAWARE— DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 r.ethany Beach town Sussex 50 370 212 939 223 764 176 1,132 530 3,720 216 374 255 451 395 659 1,609 1,500 209 2, 160 271 Lewes town 2,158 285 210 1,399 } 2,003 193 3i351 1,913 722 302 585 ' 327 204 2,108 342 1,S43 87,411 2,259 259 208 1,507 2,500 391 reek town Magnolia town 285 613 536 201 819 190 1,132 444 3,329 576 553 129 540 969 300 3,061 Newcastle New Castle Clayton town ..".' '.".' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Dagsborotown Delaware ('it v town Delmartown Si B24 Millville town Sussex New Castle Newcastle Newcastle Sussex Newcastle New Castle 948 3,380 1,213 657 1,074 Kent Dover town Newport town Oimii View town '... Odessa town 711 Klsmere town New Castle Kent 575 304 198 325 1,724 Feltontown 400 424 706 1,658 403 519 621 1,353 Port Perm town Rehoboth town Roxana town :-'i Georges town 310 Frankfora town New Castle New Castle New Castle Kent Kent ( I eorgeto wn town Greenwood town 1,462 Harrington town Kent 1,242 192 1,825 305 24l '355 -, 399 76,508 450 455 Kent 01,431 497 Leipsic town Kent Wyoming town DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 1910 1900 1890 POLXCE^CTNC, 1910 POLICE I'RECINCT. 1910 331,069 230,630 16,046 84,393 278,718 218,196 | 14,549 45,973 230,392 1S8.932 14,040 27,414 331,069 7,153 30, 629 30,285 32,513 36, 807 10 900 Precinct 1 22,710 44, 284 42,851 13,683 1 Population distributed among the three division-; recognized before the county government of the District was abolished in 1871 FLORIDA. Taiilb 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. R CIVIL DIVISION. Alachua County Precinct 1, Waldo, including \\ aido t. Waldo toirn- - Precinct 2, La Crosses Product:!, Vlachua,' including Alaclu Alachua town • Precinct 4, W'illiford 5 Precinct5, Trenton, 6 including Frenton town... Trenton town 7 Precinct 0, New bony, including Newberry town. Newberry tow ° Precinct 7, Gail Gahusrillc city (part of) Total/or Gaimseilh cifjin pr.cincls , 'itvincts, 11 awl horn, 9 including Hawthi Hawthorn town including part of niibY. Precinct 11, Archer, including Archer town Precinct 12, Arredondo Precinct l.l, rairbanks Precinct 14, .\!ci, . ■ ,,.. is en ..i \ioii,,,.- Melrose town (part of) Total for Melrose town 10 in precinct Alachua County, precinct 7, Brat, Count it, jir.cnci il, fliui County, and pre- Precinct is, Osceola Precinct 19, Orange Heights Preeinel _v. High Springs, including High Springs! Precinct 22, Campville " Precinct 23, Donnie 6 Precinct 24, Bland 3 Precinct 2"), Gainesville,' including part of Precinct 1, Sanderson 15 Precinct 2, Olustee Precinct 3, Macclenny including M Bradford County.. :t2,Lake Butler," including Lake Butler Lalcc R idler town Precinct 3, Palestine I Precinct 4, Providence 17 ' Precinct 5, Pine Hill Precinct (i, Stai irke town md part of Melrose town . Hampton town Melrose town "> (part of) 1 1 in iin i li, M H nua County.] i,t>28 l,iii 2. 169 1,624 1,460 738 1,000 922 254 3,617 2,488 2 Incorporated in 1907. :s population (2,018) of precincts 8 and 15, not re ts of precincts 2 and 3 in 1906. Brevard County- Titusville city 22 cinct3,City Point cinct 4, Rockledge, including C recinct 11, Merritt.. 868 7511 7!fl 1,049 eis 591 329 m m si's 88 157 131 99 97 Calhoun County 7,465 5,132 "1,681 Precinct 1, Wewahitchka "* 493 "331 720 834 1,253 546 335 103 054 903 704 165 6,731 1 , 250 474 305 1,000 571 212 Precinct 5, Blountstown, including Blounts- (*) 236 108 59 Prcciiiol X. PaiMi irli Precinct '.!, Parana. re Mill -■< 113 :::::::: 32 5,391 33 2,394 519 806 66S 201 30 247 163 185 946 488 139 1,264 504 1,149 592 572 6,116 545 404 Precinct 2, Crysial Ki\er,« including 1 'i 1 .. 99 49 229 299 655 Preeinel X, Floral Cj|\ . inclndini; floral City town 117 600 577 400 Preeinel 14, 1 lei n.iudo, including Hernando town 800 36 6,636 5,164 Preeinel 1, Green t'o\e Springs, including Green 2,119 1,319 162 1,197 241 264 136 700 372 497 84 175 75 1,501 929 184 1,342 655 207 265 230 456 245 295 157 198 1 842 Precinct 5, Kingslev , Preeinel G, Fouls Mills? 320 463 Precincts, Orange Park, including Orange Park Preeinel 11, Melrose, including part of Melrose [Fortotal, see preeinel M. A lachua County.] •t of precinct 12 in 1900. 12 Name changed from Yular in 1902 "Ineo . poraled in 1903. 14 Organized from parts of precincts 8, 14, and 15 in 1900. ■^Precinct 7 organi ' '. in : >n. i 6 organized from part of precinct 4 in 1904. » Precinct 9 organized from parts of precincts 2 and 4 in 1904. ■s No population reported. 19 Name changed from Pine Grove in 1902. -o Part taken to form St. Lucie County in 1905. 21 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1908. « Incorporated as a city in 1909. 3 1 Organize' act 3 in 1908. 32 County total includes population i2ui])oi ml . annexed to precinct 2; and population (09) of precinct 13, Fort Cooper, annexed to precinct 10, since 1900. 33 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 1X90 and 1900. 3* Precinct 12 annexed in 1908. »s Precinct 13 annexed in 1908. "County total includes population (85) of precinct 12, Lakeside, annexed to iireeinets and 7 . 3* Returned as Belmore in 1900. Part of prer 3» Part of precinct 12 annexed In 1907. : 12 annexed in 1907. G4 Table 1, I Product means election product. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— FLORIDA. - POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. For diangos in boundaries, olc.,bolweon luOOand 1910, see footnotes; for those between JS!M» -in.l loan, see Ueportsof the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 17,689 17,094 1 12,877 75,163 39,733 26,800 Precinct 1, Fort George P recinet 1 , Columbia 813 1,380 1,836 1,266 1,424 S29 1,103 1.208 572 0,337 5, OSS 11,933 1,180 554 1,589 1,678 1,555 1,930 two 1,070 1,090 387 0,055 4,013 133 338 (') 1,620 1 , 750 1,803 376 1,053 1,018 (') (') 2,020 104 453 423 457 363 2,348 '200 w 330 249 090 2, 721 1,147 3,828 3,878 3,672 8,338 9,589 9,378 6,367 524 439 299 1,517 38,029 137 429 526 611 267 2,015 838 1,135 246 400 326' 85 550 Precinct 4, Bells Mills Precinot 5, Shalmanezer Precinct 5. Maxvillo - 349 1,489 Precinct 7, Moncrief Precinct 8, Panama Preciucl 9, Cliasc \ ill,-. Precinct 10, Mayport, including Mayportcity . . . Mayporl city 18 Precinct 11, Pablo, including Pablo Peach 1o\, ;i. 547 042 282 Precinct 7, Mikesville Precinct S, Mason Precinct 0. Lulu- Pro inct 10, Lake City ,- including Lake City Lake City 3 6 4,955 6 861 1 030 1,261 28, 429 Precincts 15 to 23, coextensive with .laokson- 336 269 246 439 1,214 1,329 217 4,992 s',m 611 929 190 275 113 261 194 14,200 Precinct 2, Dania, including Dania town Jacksonville city: mding part of Miami city. Total for \) iii nuts 8 and 9 1,681 479 36 Miami city I'rccind 20, Bayard > 9 Prccincl 2/, Ortega 2» Precinct 28, Picketts !1 28,313 Precinct 15, Homestead Precinct 1 Warrington » 1,724 1.011 486 713 657 902 784 568 659 470 410 2,672 22,982 2,190 1,335 "'257 816 515 893 649 '974 295 344 265 1,815 2,131 1,703 2,203 390 1,459 2,486 623 2,215 2,008 999 695 555 450 1,250 346 260 783 445 228 6,313 17,747 3,541 1,756 6,137 167 915 574 8,047 4,944 De Soto Count Precinct 3, Millview 736 336 487 1,862 '637 202 350 207 1,390 1,012 483 2,634 1,731 449 1,170 171 198 76 285 926 422 769 550 293 288 254 11 136 341 142 314 499 503 177 . I. Mi: ■ Vi 'i Irliul'j: in 480 230 266 74 1,047 495 1,449 799 411 489 108 54 344 262 352 814 Precinct 12, in i I nsacolacity Total/or Pens, m, In a! : i, ni.xi, ,■■:,/, with itn- Preeinct7, Punta Gorda, including Punta Preehicl 1 v ll com pi ising part of Pensacola city . . Precinct, 1 J ,-"■' comprising port of Pon-ucola cite. Precinct 15 - i umpi log i ri of 1 In i-ii Precinct 9, Arcadia, including Arcadia city m m 440 628 ■> ■>'"> town Precinct 19, Molino 281 165 225 440 277 141 248 iii 181 64 196 270 9 Precinct 15, Bowling Green, including Bowling I n i mi t 'ii 'i miipi i hi. ii 'i 1 in Pi ii- i n , , ■ . i - Precinct 28, M com prising pari of Pensacola city. i ■ i ,-.■,■' , i . .'.p.-, 1 ii i mi i ,u i , i uipii .ing p ii i in I i n u oil cil ' . . Precinct 31, 3C comprising ,>m 1 of Peu-aeola, cil •: . . Prci inct 32,-GcompiT iug part of Pensacola city . . ■;. Piatt "o i ,,li. . IV a P, ' ' il: i ■ 1 County tola! includes poo a la i ion Col.VO of precincts 3, 9, and 10, r separately in 1890. 2 Precinct 1 1 organized from parts of precincts 9 and 10 in 1902. orporated .. 4 Part taken to form Palm Beach County s No comparison of popu! " " be made; county redistricted in 1909. 22 County lolal includes p mulation (11,750) of precincts 12 to 15, r s.-paraaclvin 1890. " " Pari, taken to form precinct 24 in 1906. s Returned B : ei in la ■■: s Returned as Grove in 1900. 1° Precinct 24 organized from part of precinct 8 siuce 1900. 11 Incorporated in 1904. 'i Pad no. 1 ' ' '• I •3 Returned as Charlie Apopka in 1900. "Returned as : Jeig « Name changed fi of precinct 28 in 1910. is Incorporated as a city in 1909. '» Returned as Idlewild in 1900. 2 3 Returned a 2< Returned a *> Returned a 26 Returned a : 'i Pnannicd a 23 Returned a I elf " 1.1 1 1 ia Beulah in 1900. Powelton in 1900. Part taken to form precinct 2 a , I.-, .v., .'. .■,! . : I ■• a 1 1 , c ,.i 1 i'i 101 t 21 oig 1 110 d 11010 part o, pi 1 111 I 13 in 1906. a Precinct 30 organised unni pan of precinct 14 in 190S. i2 Parts taken to form preo.inci ; 2a,, and 32 in 1906 and precinct 33 Precincts 22 and 23 organized from parts of precinct 20 in Will. , ,., ■: 1 , . I LP ■''•Organized from part of precinct 36 Organized from part of precinct 15 in 1900. * Organized from part of precinct 10 in 1900. 18 Organized from part of precinct 15 in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— FLORIDA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [ Precinct moans election precinct. For chanties in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900. Bee Reports of the Twelfth (Vie us: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Franklin County . . Precinct 1, inch ill i I'M purl of Apalachicola city . Precinct 2, including Carraindlc low 11 Carrabclle town Precinct 3, including part of Apalachicola ci A palachicola city (pari of) . . Gadsden County . . Precinct 1, Quincy, 2 including Quincy city. . Havana town* Precinct ;">, Midway Precinct (i, Wctumpka... :t 9, Chattahoochee Precinct 10, Mount Pleasant.. Precinct 11, Blue Spring . 7 including Greensboro Hamilton County.. Precinct 2, Jasper, including Jasper city Jasper city* Precinel 3, White Springs, including White II laic Siiriiiys town Precinct 4, Belmont Precinct 5, Marion Precinct 6, Corinth" Precinct 7, Octahatchee Precinct 8, We: i hike i-ii mi:, i i--i.ii!! Precinct 10, Genoa Hernando County Precinct 1, Croom " Precinct 2, Add > 5 Precinct 3, Aripekau Precinct 4, Bio. ■■'.id.-.' i Precinct 8, Istachalia Precinct 9, Harris Pond 16 . Hillsboro County.. Petersburg,' 9 including part of 2,627 1,527 64$ 617 1,019 Precinct 1, St. Petersburg " ■ .■'.)■>, Total for St. Petersburg town in precincts land 37 Precinct 2, Johns Pass » Precinct 3, Clearwater, 2 " including Clearwater Clearwater town Precinct 4, Sutherland a Precinct 5, Magdalene 22 Precinct 7, Peru i County total includes population (2,310) of precincts 2 a separately in 1890. 2 Precinct 13 organized from part of precinct 1 in 1910. 6 Name changed from Scotland in 1907. Part of precinct 3 annexed ir • Incorporated in 1906. Precinct 12 organized from part of precinct 8 in 1910. 8 Incorporated in 1908. 9 Incorporated in 1909. 19 Incorporated in 1900. p. i in ; i.Hi.i i .. ■ w Returned as Smithville in 1900. « County totals include population (27S in 1900; 395 in 1890) of old precinct 3 annexed to precincts 1 and 4 " — h Part of old precinct 3 annexed since 1900. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Hillsboro County— Continued. Precinct 8, Pelot.. Precinct 9, Alalia. "'recinct 10, ' Precinct II, Bethel Precinct 12, Little Manatee Precinct 13, Hurrah Precinct 11, Tarpon Sailings, including Tarpon Precinct 15, Brandt ■derm, a da, West Tampa, iiiehidniM We:.' Tampa city, but exclusive of part of Tampa Hyde Park, 2 ' excluding part of Precinct 29, Fort Brook, excluding part of Tampa city Precinct 33, Plant City, 28 including part of Precinct 3(1,-0 inch. ding lairgo lawn Precinct 37,' 9 including part of St. Peiersla t; Precinct 39,s 2 excluding part of Tampa city .... Precinct dn, 32 excluding part of Tampa city Precipe I -II ^excluding part of Tampa city Precinct 42,3< excluding part of T; < Precinct 43® Precinct 44, Dunedin/s including Dunedin Wardl WardS WardS Wardi Wards Ward 6 Ward? Wards Ward 9 Holmes County .. I 'recinct. 3 , Webbs Mill :• -cc | - - I 1: ■„ , Precinct 5, Wards Mill a ■cm -i I : '. cl ■.,,!'..■■ Precinct 7, Hathaways Mill Precinct 8, Ponce de Leon Precinct 9, Hurricane Creek | Precinct 10 Newton 89 t 29 Precinct 36 organized from parts of precincts 2 and 3 in 1907. 21 Parts taken to form precinct 44 in 1907 and part of precinct 34 in 1906. 22 Namechangcd Iron) Horse I an el in 1907. Part taken to form precinct 43 ir 541 327 720 720 349 31,9 2,552 1,242 25 Part taken __ .. 26 Precinct 38 organized 27 Parts taken to form precincts 39 and in 1907 and part of precinct 30 part of precinct 19 in 1904; part taken to form part of precinct S3 Organized from part of precinct 27 in 1907; part annexed to Tampa citv in 1907. ■■'■ ('mapped idem part oi pre in.d 31 in 1907; part annexed to Tampa city in 1907. ■'■' i iraaiiized from part of precinct 5 in 1907. d from part of precinct 4 in 1907. i: Id i cinci 3ti organized from parts of precinct .- ^recinct 27, and precinct 32 from part of pre' 31 taken to fotm precinct 42 in 1907; parts of precincts 6 (comprising part of Fort Brook town), 27, 30, 31, 39, 40, 41, and 42 annexed in 1907. ss Parts taken to form pr< ad part of precinct 16 in 1900. 89 Part taken to form precinct 17 in 1902. 66 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— FLORIDA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between lowland nun, .see footnotes; for between isno i pjno, see Lopmts or the Twelfth Census- 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] i Part taken to form part of precinct 1G in 1900. 2 Incorporated in 1907. 8 Organized from parts el picim-p, i; ami 12 in 1900. ' Organized from part of precinct 10 in 1902. 8 Incorporated in 1902. 6 Incorporated in 1904. ' Organized from pari, ol precinct. in 1900. 8 County total includi s popnlalion (2,12.;) of precincts 8 and 9 separately in 1890. » Parts taken tc i« Precinct 19 or^ " Precinct 18 organized from p i i , oi pr-cinds 1 1, 12, and 13 in 190(3. '2 Organized from parts ol pin ineis :; and 5 in HUM; pari 1 a ken to form part c pieeillet 20 in 1908. is Organized from parts of pi. chiefs :'., a, and 17 in 1908. « Precinct 13 organized from part of precinct 11 in 1908. 15 Precinct numbers changed in 1901. 16 County total includes population (2,2 2, and 7), not returned separately in 1890. 17 Formerly precinct 8. 18 Incorporated in 1905. " Formerly precinct 2, Hai MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Holmes County— Continued. 752 1,318 630 922 362 070 194 379 1,321 31,0 806 844 29,821 712 886 285 9,509 28 7,467 28 8,034 223 325 149 116 429 '910 535 283 129 311 1,957 991 402 450 186 1,001 502 309 371 176 413 371 160 104 6,294 182 504 218 103 333 009 411 450 119 403 125 205 Precinct 12, Bonifay, 1 Including part of Bonifay Total for Hvuihiti town- in precinct 12, Holmes County, and precinct 24, 11 ashing- l'leeiuel, 0, Kusl is, 2 ' 1 including falsi is (own ..'... 835 405 209 157 105 1'iceinel 7, final ilia, in, lading 1 m.i i!!a louni. . 350 135 295 1,470 301 437 203 537 295 140 100 52 147 US 197 I'leeiiiel (('), Lcesburg, including Lee- burg lown. Precinct 17, Esto,« including Esto and Noma 2,015 376 23,377 8 17,544 56 314 3,064 1,457 '590 4,959 1,915 876 842 867 660 1,003 1,492 1,941 '734. 1,660 2,142 606 401 706 2,310 796 17,210 256 2,164 2,052 1,066 3,645 900 835 819 877 2,607 1,076 1,467 1,554 1,612 249 2,437 1,379 '374 3,419 926 413 ( s ) ( 8 ) 2,050 917 1,049 1,751 I'rei incl 19, Tavares, 88 including Tavares town.. 272 Precinct 20, Mount Dora, 89 including Mount 230 124 « 3,071 Lee County Precinct 1, Denaud Precinct 2, Alva Precinct 3, Buckingham 488 350 3,013 2,1,63 121 276 79 150 299 144 174 63 43 50 78 281 19,427 Precinct 14, Graceville, including (Iraceville 1,391 1,508 368 Precinct 4, Fort .dyers, including fori Myers Liocincl Hi, Spends, including ;- Heads (own 91,3 Precinct .j, Xew I'm poet Precinct 7, Mar... Precinct 8, Immokalee 16,195 15,757 l'reoinel It, Everglade Preeinct 1 Ashville 1,426 1,634 940 1,435 1,685 2,320 1,829 1,682 '712 1,480 1,281 479 450 6,710 1,670 1,834 818 1,645 1,497 1,993 1,076 1,239 1,522 1,033 1,400 924 1,758 1,900 962 1,651 1,468 2,005 1,218 1,077 1,334 895 1,352* 763 592 :: 1 'recinei 15, Captiva Liecilicl 17, TJpCOhall Leon County 19,887 755 921 5S0 1,460 402 1,475 1,056 893 522 557 1,330 1,792 5,018 3,226 1,484 724 764 1,160 033 1,717 440 1,841 1,066 '871 747 1,774 1,428 2,981 1,553 1,721 622 («) Precinct 4, Miccosukie Precinct 5 Precinct 6, Chaires Precinct 7 Precinct 8, Bradford ville Precinct 9 4,987 " 3,686 470 1,109 1,051 1,177 2, 160 678 1,057 455 918 243 449 251 800 1,347 (16) Precinct 2, Mayo," including Mayo town M 400 1,133 482 260 180 (.6) 466 437 313 178 (.6) ,1 ( III 1 1 , oil. Ill Ml | 1 1 M 1 111-. (. 1 TotalforTullohn.v.s:, ., i,cm,l, mun miiipn- cincls 1 'J ami 1.1 I'r.viiK 1 13, comprising part of Tallahassee city. Precinct 8, Steinhatchee 24 632 cinct 4, Crows Ijluit, annexed lo i.rceinei ::; a. -.1 papula, ion (40 in 1900; 109 ir of pre.-iin ! 10, Lane lark, a:ine:,ed lo pic. in. 1 in, since 1900. » Returned as Acrou in 1900. Old precinct 4 annexed in 1902. 28 Formerly precinct 14. Part of old precinct 0, Seneca, annexed in 1902. 2 ' Formerly precinct 13. Part of old preeinei 0, Seneca, annexed in 1902. 88 Formerly precinct 9. si Formerly precinct 24. '■>- L01 merle proem, ■! 1 , . 35 Formerly precinct 18. >* Formerly precinct 22. 85 Formerly precinct 21. 88 Formerly precinct 19. Lorn ei iy pieoinol 2.1. returned separately in 1890. i, Lane Park, annexed in 1902. ie; county redistricted in 1908. a, 17, and 18, n n (4,562) of precincts 3, 4 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— FLORIDA. 67 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. f Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 aud 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: MINOR CTVTL DIVISION. Leon County— Continued. Precinct 10.. Precinct 17 . . Precinct 18.. Cedar Keys town . . Precinct 11, Shell Pond.. Piccinet I-', Red Hollow. Precinct 13, Chiefiand'. . Precinct 14, Inglis «. Precinct 15, Janney * ... Precinct 16, Hartman 9 . Liberty County .. :inct 1, Oak Grove... cinct 5, Chesters School House. . Madison County . . Precinct 1, Madison, including Madison tt Madison town Precinct 2, Ellaville Precinct 3, Norton Creek Precinct 4, Moseley Hall Precinct 5, Greenville, including Gree Greenville town » ;t6, Hamburg it 7, Cherry Lake 'recinci ;;, Withlacoochee.. ,'recincl 9. Harmony Precinct 10, ilixtown Manatee C ounty Precinct 1, Palmetto, 12 including Palmetto town. Palmetto town Precinct 2, Mitchellville Precinct 3, Dry Prairie Precinct 13, Cortez '« . Precinct 14, Venice '" . Precinct 15, ciiieUe-". Precinct 16, Oneco 13 .. Precinct 17, Osprey a i iuo i Not returned separately in 1890. •County loud includes population (1,809) of precincts 4 and 9, separately in 1890. ' Parts taken to form precinct 16 in 1908 and part of precinct 15 it < Precinct 14 organized from part of precinct 5 in 1907. 5 Incorporated in 1900. 6 Incorporated in 1903. ' Part taken to form part of precinct 15 in 1907. 8 Organized from nans of on euci:: :, :md 13 in 1907. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Marlon County . . Precinct 1, Ocala, 2< including Ocalacity Ocala city : Wardl Ward 2 WardS Wardi Precinct 2, Ucddnk, including Pteddick town .. Precinct I, Cotton Plant 27 Precinct 5, Uooieo 28 Precinct c, Camp Izard Precinct 7, Shady Grove Precinct 8, Sumnierfield 29 Precinct 9, Lake Weir Precinct 10, Moss Bluff , Precinct 11, (iralianiville Precinct 12, Salt Springs Precinct 13, Fort McCoy Precinct 14, Orange Springs. . Citra to Precinct 17, Anthony, including Anthony town. Anthony to" Belleview re Precinct 22, Mclntj.-di.. Precinct 23, Pedro Precinct 24, i)unnellon, 3 » including Dunnellon Dumulloii lown Precinct 2,j, Candler Precinct 20, Sparr Prceini 127, Kureka Precinct 28, Levon w .... Precinct 20, Kendrick 24 . Precinct. 30, Wariel-: ... Precinct 31, Fairfield ~<> . Precinct 3,2, Geiger 26 ... Monroe County.. Ward 1 , Ward:!.. Won! ,1.. Hani ;.. WardS.. Ward 6 Precinct 0. Key Metacnmhe.. Nassau County Precinct 1, including ward 4, and parts of wards 1 to 3 of Pernandina city Fernandina city (part of) Totalfor Fi i nanilmo c ■■'.■/ m ;iueiiiits 1 nud 2. Wardl Ward 2 WardS Wardi Precinct 2, including parts of wards 1 to 3 of Prcchi'l 7. . Precinct s. . Prcoinel 9. . Prceini I 12.. Precinct 13.. Precinct 14 . . oform precinct loin loos. a be made; county redistricted betwi 1 1908 and part of precinct 14 in 1904. and 1900. 2 < Precinct 29 organized from parts of precincts 1 and 18 ir » Incorporated in 1906. 26 Precincts 31 and 32 organized from parts of precinct 3 in " Precinct 30 organize I 1 1 ict 4 in 1904. 28 Name changed from Buck Pond in 1903. 29 Precinct 28 organized from part of precinct 8 in 1903. aoOldpreciin ;. , innexed in 1903. 68 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— FLORIDA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. j; for those between 1890 and 1900, see R eports of the Twelfth Census: MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 19,107 > 11,374 ■12,584 Pasco County— Continued. 390 506 423 334 488 617 131 165 506 338 304 341 24,148 224 455 498 149 327 793 Precinct 1, South Orlando," including part of 2,809 2,264 3,894 025 108 157 3,434 2,196 3,670 236 488 422 224 134 430 529 910 410 C27 108 492 298 605 343 218 773 570 175 434 712 2,171 1,640 1,790 1,874 5,507 Total for Orlando city in precincts 1 and 24 ... 2,481 533 125 136 2,856 Precinct 9, Sun Anloiuo,'-' including San An- !'. .v.m ' . , .' ... 1 ..hi. ■ nki ii..i 461 97 477 443 71 Total for Sanjord city in precincts 3 and 2'< . . . 1,450 321 210 195 274 375 412 718 218 418 136 438 2,016 12,472 Precinct 7, Chuluota 7,905 Poli County Precinct 9, Longwood 6 557 1,703 1,166 3,425 2,662 680 1,411 411 198 88 873 5,528 S,719 200 1,436 389 301 377 759 115 3,169 1,418 671 212 282 721 259 323 13,096 381 1,609 261 2,390 1,983 312 775 510 321 136 262 2,133 1,180 324 429 353 308 215 027 118 1,269 459 1 i . mi I - 1 i i i ! in , i ioil ilc ilt Precinct 11, Apopka,' including Apopka town.. 1 172 Apopka town 490 '267 Precinct 3, Bartow, includis i tc Precinct 13, Bav Ridge 1,386 Precinct 14, Oakland, 8 including Oakland town. Oakland town 9 496 463 151 54 362 1,078 652 262 373 214 202 352 301 199 600 366 Precinct 16, Pine Castle Precinct 18, Christmas 10 Precinct 19, Winter Park,* including Winter l ii in in, L 1 l i i idi lu i i Lakeland town Winter Park town 270 Precinct 22, Winter Garden," including Winter 261 358 Precinct 24, North Orlando,- 1 including [tin of rivoi'm ! !"' AimucPle I'n i in 1 is nil i i uit lu lin liillifMi i il\ Orlando city (part of) Precinct 25, West Sanford, 5 including part of 3,414 3,133 Precinct 1, Kissimmee, including Kissimmee 2,598 2,167 155 370 1,576 103 286 278 141 5,577 1,485 1,132 149 316 391 244 341 358 160 1,494 1,086 154 292 517 112 262 -143 159 11,641 « 11,186 cinctl includin Crescent Cit 1,237 677 282 34 419 ■8 347 301 272 110 719 234 147 367 367 3,779 670 370 162 233 142 1,614 088 352 213 158 322 215 165 227 554 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 ( "\n, Precinct 5 (") Palm Beach County 18 Pomona city Precinct 7 457 398 1, 743 071 256 350 269 7,502 294 358 520 237 172 538 354 3,301 232 437 Precinct 3, West Palm Beach, including West i I in ii lui !'■ 188 West Palm, Beach city 564 Precinct 11, coextensive with Palatka Heights 454 464 3,039 r.,vnii-l ' I'nulI'M.i. lot !."l ' " ■' ' • ! 'L-iii: Precincts 12 to 15 and 23 P> h), on n i il Palatka city: 6,054 20 4,249 93 1,761 1,066 101 341 1,000 , . 1 ,,l. I'ii-. ■■ |iir In.iitr [kith <"'i\ .. Dade City 321 Ward 7 a be made; county redistricted between 1890 and 1900. > Organized from part of old precinct 1, Orlando, in 1908. * Part taken to form part of precinct 21 in 1904. & Organized from part of old precinct 3, Sanford, in 1908. 6 Part taken to form part of precinct 20 in 1902. ' Parts taken to form 1 ts of precinct I ind 22 in 1904-and 1907, respectively. , d part of old precinct 3 in 1902. " Organized from parts of precincts 2, 10, 11, and 19 in 1904. » Organized from parts of precincts 10 and 14 in 1907. M Incorporated in 190 is Returned as Bassville in 1900. »« Returned as Crabgrass in 1900. 17 Returned as Lakeview in 1900. '« Organized from part of Dade County in 190! is Precinct numbers changed in 1908. w No comparison of population can be made; changes made between 22 Formerly precinct 1. " Formerly precinct 2. 2* Formerly precinct 11. 25 Formerly precinct 3. 26 Formerly precinct 13. '■" Formerly precinct 4. 2s Formerly precinct 12. 29 Formerly precinct 5. ™ Formerly precinct 6. 31 Formerly precinct 7. 32 Formerly precinct 14. 33 Formerly precinct 9. » Formerly precinct 10. Part taken to form precinct 15 in 1908. ■ ■ Oirnni/cd from part of precinct 14 in 1908. •> I'liirinct '-'loi—inr/.ri! f. rcr-iii.-i I.', in Kins. « Part taken to form pari oi pi scinct 19 in 1900. « Organized from parts of precincts 2 and 16 in 1900. « Organized from part of precinct " '- ' 5,6, 16, 17, and 22, STATISTICS OF POPULATION— FLORIDA. 69 Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. )0 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: r crviL DIVISION. MINOR CIVII, DIVISION. Putnam County— Continued. Precinct 16, 1 including Interlaehen town Interlachen town Precinct 17 Precinct IS, including null of Melrose town. . * (part of).. Precinct 1! Precinct 20 *. Precinct 21 . . Precinct 27, Florahome * . St. John County Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5, including New \ngiistine city New Augustine city Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9, including ward 1 of St. Augustin citv t. Augustine citi/ (part of).. 'otalforSt..'- cincts IS, 15 9andl4 ... Wardl Wardt Wards Ward 4 WardS Precinct 10 Precinct 11, including Hastings town . . Precinct 14, including ward 3 of St. Augustine Precinct 16, comprising ward 5 of St. Augustine Santa Rosa County— Continued. I'lVfill. Precint. „, Precinct 1C, Bagdad 13 Precinct 17, Robinson Precinct 18, Mulat 1S Precinct 19, Kennedy 10 Precinct 20, Santa Rosa Park " Precinct 21, Pea Ridge » '22, Beaver" 1 Sumter County Precinct 1, Sumterville " Precinct 2, Oxford ecinct3, Wildu I," including W'ildwood " WiUwoodiown'.'. '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'....'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. Precinct 4, Rutland Precinct 5, Bay Hill Precinct ('., Webster, i!> including Webster to Center Hill town " Precinct 8, Bushnell Precinct 9, Massacre l8 Precinct 10, Linden '» niM-l I !■ '.i .':. in ! ■ ■ ■ i i i I' ', Suwanee County Precinct 1, including part of Live Oak city Live Oak city (part of) Total for J.'u i link city '- 1 in pit cmti:< I and :?. Precinct 2, including part of Live Oak city Live Oak city (part of) Precinct 3, Pine Urove 1'iecinct -,», Suwanee Precinct 5, Union Precinct C> Precinct 7, Rocky Sink St. Lucie County 7 . Precinct 1'J, KiiLland. . Fort Pierce city* Precinct 3, Ankona , Precinct 4, Jensen Precinct 5, Fort Drum... Prccincl (',, Tantie Santa Rosa County Precinct 1, Milton, including Milton L< Milton town Precinct 2, Wallace Precinct 3, Coon Hill Precinct 4, Pine Level Precinct 5, Milligan Mills Precinct 6, Red Rock 10 Precinct 7, Willman Precinct 8, Chaffin Precinct 9, Holt Precinct 10, East Bay " Precinct 11, Mary Esther s 16 and 22 in 1906. Precinct 16, Leona Precinct 17, O'Brien Precinct 18, Hickory Sink Precinct 19. Branfofd, including Branford t( Branford town M Precinct 20, Burlington Taylor County Precinct 1, Perry, 21 including Perry town . Perry town™ Precinct 3, Pleasant Hill Precinct 4, Salem Precinct 5, Mills Precinct 6, Lake Bird Precinct 7, 1 ddo Precinct 8, Oakland ' ze Precinct 9, Cabbage Grove 26 Precinct 10, Fenholloway 2< Volusia County 6 Incorporated in 1909. 7 Organized from part of Brevard County in 1905. 8 Incorporated as a city in 1907. 9 County to lation (111) of old precinct 16, annexed to precinct 10 between 1890 and 1900. '» Precincts 19 and 22 organized from parts of precinct 6 in 1900 and 1908, respec- » Precinct 20 organized from part of precinct 10 in 1901. 12 Precincts 18 and 21 organized from parts of precinct 10 in 1900 and 1904, respec- " County totals include population (98 in 1900; 111 in 1890) of old precinct 10, Orange City town ; " Precinct 11 organized from parts of precincts 1 and 3 in 1900. 15 Precinct 10 organized from parts of precincts 6 and 7 in 1903. 16 Incorporated in 1907. 17 Incorporated in 1906. 18 Old precinct 10, Pemberton, annexed in 1908. 19 Incorporated in 1908. 20 No com pa rise hi of poimlal ion con be made; comity i edistreled in 190S. 21 Incorporated as a city in 1903. 22 Incorporated in 1910. 23 Not returned by precincts in 1890. 2< Precinct 10 organized from parts of precincts 1 and 2 in 1904. 25 Incorporated in 1903. 26 Precinct 9o nized fi i of precinct 8 in 1900. 27 County total includes population (48) of old precinct 18, Ponce Park, annexed to precinct 10 since 1900. 70 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— FLORIDA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ie Reports of the Twelfth Census: MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Volusia County— Continued. t'recinct 3, Do Land, including De Land city . . . De Land city [eluding Deleon Deleon Springs town Precinct 5, Emporia Ormondto Prcciuet S, Daytona, 2 including Maytoii Daytona city . . Precinct 14, Lake Helen, including Lake Helen Lake Helen town Precinct 15, Spring Garden Precinct 16 Precinct 17, Osteen Precinct 18, Holly Hill,« including Holly Hill Puvinct. 19, Pierson Trecinct 20, Seabreeze, ' including Dayton Daytona Beach town « Wakulla County .. Precinct 1, Wakulla 9 : . . : i • : is ... Precinct 3, Sopchoppy, including Sopehoppy Precinct 4, Smith ('reek... ...U ! ' Precinct 6, Pigott I'recinet 7, Ivan « Pinhook "..... 'rrrhii l(i, \ creel) " Precinct 11, River Sink 12 .. Walton County.. Precinct 1, Knox Hill 9,348 "4,816 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Walton County— Continued. Precinct 5, McDades Pond, including Lakewood Precinct 9, Boggy Bayou Precinct 10, Portland Precinct 11, Freeport 1S Precinct 12, Mossy Bend ls Precinct 13, Bruce 18 Precinct I'l, he KimiaP Kpiin:;?.,<'J including De ■ mil.'!, -pi ill"- lii\. n Precinct 15, Crestview Precinct In, Mossy Head Precinct 17, Ealum Precinct 18, Laurel Hill, including Laurel Hill Washington County .. Precinct 1 , Vernon » Preciilcl '-', ]!i'\ is Mills -' Plccinei :',, Csrvville 2 '-... precinct 4, Econfma 22 ... Predial 5, St. Andrews, 2 Andrews town St. Andrews town " Precinct 6, Point Washington Pieeinet; 7, Ciiiplev," including Chipley t Chipley town Precinct x, Millers Kerry 26 Precinct 9, Nixon 2 ? Precinct 12, Greenhead Precinct 13, West Bay a» '"n i : , '■ : > i ie-"i ... Precinct, 15, W'aus'au Precinct 16, Bayhead si Precinct 17, Jiiilvillc. k Precinct 18, Wetappo » Precinct 19, Clarkson s< I 'reci net I'll, Duncan » Precinct 21, Jibro »« Precinct 22, Fountain " Precinct 23, Alma » ... 1'recnict 24, South Bouifay,3» including part of Bonifay town ■ . ■"., . . , ■ ■! ■„.., . ,,,-, . [For total, see precinct 12, Holmes County.] Preeinci 25. Panama Piiy," including Panama City town Panama city tuini " ; Precinct 26, Mattox Springs < J ' Part taken to form part of precinct 18 in 1904. 2 Parts taken to form precinct 20 and part of precinct li 3 Old precinct IS, la nee I rl; am) axed in 1900. 25 Parts taken to form precini I 20 in 190 a id pari oi precinct 23 in 1906. 7 Organized hum pal i of precinct 8 in 1904. 8 County total includes population (2,163) of precincts 1 separately in 1890. 9 Precinct 10 organized from part of precinct 1 in 1906. i° Incorporated in 1905. ii Preeinci 9 iart of precinct 5_ n part of precinct 7 in 1908. 12 Precinct 11 . „ " County toia l , en hide population i 149 in 1.11)0; 237 in 1890) of old precinct 13, Arprvle, annexed to precinct 14 since 1900. ii Precinct 19 organized from part of precinct 1 in 1904. i em 20 Part taken to form part of pre 2> Parts taken to form pal aid 23 in 1906. 22 Parts taken to form part of precinct 19 in 1904 and parts of precincts 24 and 26 in 1908. 53 Organized from part of pi of precinct 7 in 1904. ' 6 Organized from parts of precincts 8 and 13 in 1906. 3' Organized from parts of precincts 2 and 9 in 1906. 38 Organized from parts of preeincls 2 and 7 in 1906. 3 9 Organized from parts of precincts 3 and 11 in 1908. «" Incorporated in 1907. « Organized from parts of precincts 5 and 17 in 1908. - « Organized from parts of precincts 1, 3, 11, and 19 in : STATISTICS OF POPULATION— FLORIDA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Alachua town Alachua Marion Franklin Orange 22 3,005 410 1,730 408 2,002 243 190 540 | 922 422 '202 979 900 804 299 1,099 394 1,171 013 387 077 003 1,006 269 3,082 331 2,017 2,812 216 256 1,227 108 329 340 910 147 3,482 488 1,165 2,463 1,333 329 6,183 286 734 1,319 175 751 201 205 399 . 432 324 592 1,408 207 203 57, 699 1,730 480 19 f 945 2,157 685 5,032 646 157 3,719 360 291 316 492 991 1 ive Oak cit 3,450 388 1,560 1,915 578 441 157 1 245 5,471 613 .831 295 1,829 296 371 1,418 1,284 1,121 816 800 211 4,370 490 372 3,894 780 249 3,779 307 773 422 22,982 1,012 2,481 301 1,343 1,012 3,204 498 675 5,494 4,127 131 110 3,570 810 308 506 192 1,147 1,135 5.018 37, 782 2,212 175 868 304 540 1,099 301 294 247 1,743 209 8,258 1,177 329 371 351 570 171 1,659 350 849 254 900 198 3,077 218 231 2,727 490 Alachua Polk Alachua Marion Calhoun /Holmes \ Washington Lafayette 1 Ma ortcit 1,983 1,386 131 137 130 Melrose t 1 Bradford Miami c 1,681 645 1,204 Suwanee Hernando Franklin Levy Milton town Santa Rosa 923 739 512 482 Jefferson 1,076 Mulberr cit Washington 652 322 343 382 387 St. John 693 543 312 Oakland town Orange . 352 554 3,380 365 245 2,481 595 2,904 509 321 Dade 2,856 1,690 771 Orniond towr Volusia 1,449 183 113 700 125 172 1,113 235 3.301 354 569 3,039 Hillsboro Panama Cit town Washington Escambia 532 17,747 88 Holmes 720 411 172 3,245 Port Tarn a Cit town Hillsboro 1,367 860 847 Putnam 2,803 261 943 267 575 Washington St Augustine city 4,272 1,575 Columbia 600 3,633 71 376 2,790 267 1,450 .Siml'iinl city S a r a s u 1 . a l o \v n Si\il;nv/.e town Manatee i ,reen > ove Springs town 929 1,100 368 Gadsden 198 Starke town Bradford 972 2,981 '541 113 756 Alachua 296 1,562 Titusville cit Brevard Putnam 147 28, 429 993 207 17,201 Hamilton Hamilton Webster town 17,114 1, 132 431 4,013 136 1,180 18,080 1,086 215 Columbia 2,020 Palm Beach Palm Beach 564 West Pom anotown 2.355 690 244 184 552 Hamilton Hillsboro Lev 366 765 722 GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [The numbers refer to militia districts. For changes in boundaries, etc., botween 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for between l.vm and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. B CIVIL DIVISION. Appling County ' o. 442, Warnock ». 413, Tillman o. 45l>, Graham, 1 including Graham town Graham town o. 457, Baxley, including Baxley town.. o. 5S3, Thornton o. 1239, Surrency, including Surrency tov Surrency town s o. 1383, Louisville o. 1390, Douglas, including Alma town.. o. 1394, Melton'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. 0.1528, Taylor Towm o. 1563, Deens No. 900 No. 957 < No. 971, including Newton city.. Bartow County No. 819, Allatoona ").822, Cartersville, in.-l inline < artersvillecity. Cai-icmt'iUe city Wards Ward 4 No. 827, Pine Log >o . . No. 828, Cass vi lie.. . 1 dui i -i ille town 3. 936, Sixth ). 952, Kingston, including Kingston town.. Kingston town No. 903, Stamp Creek No. 1041, Wolf Pen No. 1425, Emerson, including Emerson city. . . Emerson cil ii No. 1471, Iron Hill No. 1472, Taylorsville, including Taylorsville Baldwin County.. ). 105, Gumm i . , 3. 319, Pittsburg.. Milled// < Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward4 WardB Ward 6 No. 321,Scottsboro.. No. 322, Coopers'... . nsiye with Milledgeville city . . . !■!(.. i.TJ Fuel sore.' Hill No. 433, Bowens Mill . . . No. 1171, Williamsons Mill. Wardl.. Want 2.. Wards.. ,,,,,,, No. 1658, Vaughn.. No. 1659, Ashton.. Berrien County 12 . . No. 1144, Rays Mill, ineliHiii:.' Kays Mill city.. . No. 207, Dovids No. 208, Bushville No. 265, Homer, including Homer town . . 56, Lenox,^ including Lenox town i i -i iiii in In i i . ' iii , n Nashville e'ltn '» No. 1300, Milliown. iielniiine VI illtown town. . No. 912, Poplar J gs, including part of No. 1664, Massee".. ville town Oilieville town {part of) . . Total for Baldwin town in No. 1580, Banks County, and No. 1612, Habersham. County . 1 Part taken to form part of Jefl Davis County ir )) of No. 1364, taken to No. 827 since 1900. 10 No. 1410 annexed in 1908. 11 Organized from parts of Irwin and Wilcox Counties in 1906. » Part taken to form part of Tift County in 1905. )) of No. 1410, annexed Bibb County No. 481, Godfrey, 22 excluding parts of wards 2 and 4 of Macon city No. 482, Warrior No. 483, Howard No. 514, East Macon, 22 excluding part of wardl oi Macon city No. 519, Hazzard No. 520, Rutland No. 1085, Vineville, 23 excluding part of ward 4 of Macon city i3 County total includes population (1, 276) of No. 1146, taken to form partof No. lii.f.' and pnrl.of Till CnHiii\; on] population (3,145) of No. 1314, taken to form part oi Tifl County, since 1900. h County tot al includes population (4,712) of Nos.1145, 1146, 1148, 1311, 1314, and 1427, not returned separately in 1890. is No. 1642 organized from parts of Nos. 518 and 1146 in 1906. 16 Incorporated in 4000. " No. 1664 organized from parts of Nos. 1145, 1427, and 1487 in 1907. is Name changed from Upper Ninth in 1903. '■' IiK'Ornorele.l ns a city in 1900. 2 » Name changed from Connell Mills in 1904. »> Incorporated in 1906. 22 Part annexed to Macon city in 1910. S3 Parts annexed to Macon city in 1903, 1908, and 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION -GEORGIA. 73 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer to militia districts. For changes in 1>lhim< !;i ri.-i. i-i ,.■., hofwrcn I aim aid id If), sec footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of tho Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL ]>I\ ISKiM. Bibb County— Continued. Ward I.. WardS.. Wards.. Ward 4.. Brooks County.. Morven No 790, Tallokas, including part of Pavo town, ,'■.' i :.'■:' ■ > i ■ ,:; Total for Pavo town * in No. 790, Brooks County, and No. 15SS, Thomas County. . . No. 1198, Grooverville No. 1199, Quitman,' including Quitman city. . Quitman city * No. 1230, Dry Lake, including part of Barwick Bar wick town (part of) ; Total >r Burtt'icl ' > ' >n No. 12S0, Brooks County, and No. 168S, Thomas No. 1402, Dixie, including Dixie town. . . Dixie town 7 No. 1412, Hickory Head 8 No. 1571, Barney, including Barney tow Barney town ' No. 1650, Briggs J Bryan County.. No. 19, including Pembroke city... Pulaski o. 46, Lockhart 10 ). 47, Brier Patch >. 48, Hagan ). 1209, Statesboro, including Statesboro city d. 1523, Brooklet," Including Brooklet to Brooklet town 1 * o. 1547, Emit 3. 1575, Blitch - ""15 Metier," including Metter town. No. 60, Waynesboro, including part of Waynes- _... >0and62. No. 61, Munnerlyn 10 , No. (32. Y/aynesboro, including part of Vidette village i . 2,004 S',:l 2,119 1,561 Midville village i? . . No. 74, Barkcamp '• ... i Parts of No. 1085 annexed in 1903, 1908, and 1910 and p; annexed in 1910. 2 No. 1650 organized from parts of Nos. 600 and 1199 in 19 13,979 17342 2, 300 2,605 1,451 1,845 B CIVIL DIVISION. No. 552, Iron Spring Dublin No. 610, Towaliga Mil M2,, including Jackson city and S :.i.!! . No. 015, Buttri'll, including Jcnkinsburg n Jenkinsburg town No. 616, Worthville Calhoun County. . , including Leary . . ,'■.:■. Camden County. . tan ' hi lialiii ; - 1 '.! - \ I own St. Marys town No.31, Satillaiiiil n'oodbine towr. Woodbine No. 32, Tompkins faverly :■■ -. No. 1489, Cumberland No. 1606, Kinsman-] :'■■'■ in. I, cling Kingsland Campbell County 499, Red Oak, including part of Union City - ■ .. !i, ■■ No. 734, Old Ninth No. 757, Goodes , No. 1134, Fairburn, including Fairburn town and part of Union City town Union City town 'part of) . . Carroll County.. No. 642, Villa Rica, including Villa Rica town. No. 682, Whitesburg, including Whitesburg 10,565 1~054 873 1,205 2, 316 922 1,391 422 1,530 "i,'io7 « 8,438 1,675 1,969 1,717 tlfi 815 1,758 180 681 1,330 6,178 1, 139 22,301 17937 42fS 2,345 21,0 1,315 294 1,384 >s County totals include population (1,719 in 1900' 1 ..,.■■■ iam ■,.■•:■: ■ . il • . .,' O 1908. 8 Returned as No. 1411 in 1900. 9 Incorporated in 1905. i° Part taken to form part of Jenkins County in 1905. 2i County totals include population (780 in 1900; 905 in 1! to No. 1123 since 1900. 22 No. 1283 annexed in 1902. 23 Incorporated as a city in 1906. " No. 1606 organized from part of No. 29 in 1903. Part of No. 649 annexed to Temple town in 1908. Part annexed to Roopville town in 1907 L Incorporated ar * ! * Part of No. 714 annexed to CarroUton tt d part of No. 713 annexed in 1907. 74 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR crvn, DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Carroll County— Continued. 960 557 1,417 894 534 614 874 438 711 1,128 804 769 493 564 7,181 1,049 611 1,129 723 595 521 800 451 662 924 600 600 461 489 5,823 1,384 1,056 1,053 678 616 581 350 Chattooga County— Continued. 831 1,559 563 866 1,666 376 1,258 323 317 805 322 16,661 730 1,319 778 867 1,391 1,006 Nil in is. \liiini', imi tiding Menlo town 885 1,105 370 382 729 234 15,243 No. 1484, Lyerly, including Lyerly town 15,412 5,431 No. 792, Canton, including Canton town Canton town Catoosa Countv 3,290 2,002 663 904 1,401 463 598 1,181 1,008 243 1,251 1,053 635 251 606 633 1,327 824 824 23,273 1,827 847 613 890 1,240 276 459 707 1J033 170 1,134 899 936 1,567 No. 930, Ringgold, including Ringgold town.. 1,370 S98 016 152 586 '752 624 605 4,722 1,221 437 183 625 833 534 522 3,592 1,096 465 913 306 759 825 804 419 No. 818, Mullins 876 No. 1084. Gray s v i 1 1 o , hv 1 1 1 < i i • ■ i ; ■. O rays ville to wn. No. 890, Woodstock, including Woodstock Woodstock town No. 971, Claytons No. 1008, Harbin m. iini'if- *\ aleska town 1,187 3,336 No. 1019, Wildcat, including Holly Springs No. 32, Folkston, including Folkston and 1,244 S55 114 467 m S3 SO 136 73 526 584 540 m 822 539 205 79,690 833 167 600 708 746 1,101 302 845 17,708 No. 1032, Ball Ground, including Ball Ground No. 959, Gaineyville, including parts of wards 3 194 396 296 751 Total for St. George city ' in Nos. 959 and Ward 2 No. 216, Athens, including Athens city 15,921 14.913 1,997 3,736 5,192 695 SS0 lj200 '465 758 899 752 63 8,960 11,018 10,245 497 461 830 578 754 357 No. 1220, Willisville. including Moniac town... No. 1354, Satilla, including Winokur town 494 650 No. 217, Georgia Factory, including WhuelnU 1,098 1,013 950 1,648 No. 1545, Toled is land 2 and parts of wards 3 and 4 of St. George city 283 857 " 71,239 57,740 Chatham Countv No. 220, Bucks Branch, 1 in hi i i i(r r ill. 1,385 65, 064 '786 543 2,675 1,563 5,847 337 5,586 54,244 6,269 381 692 2,647 2,557 5,522 43,189 4,334 Nos. 1 to 4, coextensive with Savannah city . . . 519 873 m 8,568 No. 5, Including Tybee and Wassaw towns. . . No. 14G7, Princeton Factory, including Prince- Wassaw town No. 6 3,037 2,804 4,376 5,790 4,902 No. 431, Town, including Fort Gaines city 2,849 1,320 2,429 2,550 325 1,132 10,453 2,775 1,305 2,579 2,232 312 982 9,598 2,294 1,097 474 570 1,013 341 496 646 1,837 550 13,608 482 1,078 301 700 812 1,758 423 12,952 477 476 1,104 241 644 614 1,172 415 11,202 I Eton i ii lading Bluffton town 2,901 ■1 . .. ;,,'.', 'i. .seta town Clayton County 10 674 1,179 139 3,373 970 1,425 788 976 1,149 173 889 198 1,261 No. 548, Riverdale ,i* including Riverdale town. 1,103 2,853 1,721 2,567 US 657 137 138 88 294 3,020 1,926 2,261 W 486 1,767 807 2,276 No. 1088 Jour I ' Jonesboro city . 3,574 877 1,427 1,436 803 No. 925, Summerville, including Raccoon 660 No. 1644, Forest Park ,i« including Forest Park No. 1651, Lovejoy," including Lovejoy town... Lovcjoy town " Ward 4 "> Part annexed to Fulton County in 1908. n No. 1651 organized from parts of Nos. 538 and 1088 in 1906. " Returned as Poplar Springs in 1900. Part taken to form part of No. 1644 in 1906. 'Incorporate ), and 1446 in 1906. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refei to militia districts. For (manga >oui", <■!■ . lu-iwecii ihhd mni i:nii, :>t; fur iimse i>ciueen iwiormd mini, see i;< i ; .>r i i .»•< Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 ™«™_ 1910 1900 1890 Clinch County 8,121 8,732 6,652 Colquitt County— Continued. No. 1151, Moultrie, including Kingwood, Moul- 4,997 $,849 170 1,082 1,165 12! 881 1,518 1,068 1,309 817 998 1,481 630 510 198 1,131 648 -&12 12,328 3,493 '658 592 1,333 1,079 487 931 SJ,2 95 817 280 28,337 1,512 648 1,161 1,039 434 1,032 1,580 589 992 422 515 175 857 2,221 1,229 1,565 No. 1224, Homerville, including Iloraerville No. 1373, Mill Creek/' including part of Fmi.s- No. l-'.sn, Dn 1'jjiji, i iij-Ui- : l i i - Du l'out (own... 658 1,039 1,323 648 908 568 651 167 866 93 771 No. 1389, Argyle, 1 including, \igyletown 24,661 22,286 No. 1582, Doerun," in.'lu.ling Doerun town 826 No. 1617, Crosm '"I,"' ini-liuling Cropland town. No. 845, Roswell, Including Roswell town 1,292 1, 158 489 m 1,681 315 2,431 1,043 1,026 485 9,903 123 74 5,949 1,011 1,190 825 790 1,562 671 1,872 1,713 673 709 637 1,748 599 627 1,182 566 483 390 508 033 21,933 1,329 1,329 1,138 1,138 No. 1665, Norman Park, '< including Norman No. 846, Powder Springs,' including l'owder 2,017 280 2,294 937 1,100 974 7,814 1,808 262 2,159 815 949 1,097 0,515 10,653 11,281 No. 851, Acworth, including Acworth town 2,197 1,354 2,382 7S6 1,794 1,319 987 1,117 1,178 658 28,800 1,969 1,316 '627 1,561 1,213 740 1,151 1,004 627 24,980 1,785 No. 128, Harlem, including Harlem town No. 898, Ma. . and .... ry City towns, and Marietta city 4, US 3,384 i ■ ... 22,351 1,708 'S20 607 860 1,185 238 576 410 1,017 648 494 496 384 1,619 1,225 168 362 1,361 1,430 416 703 405 894 682 621 No. 645, Sixth, including Sharpsburg town ..■ '.I''. '. -' ■. if i,i i .in.. ' .... . 2,277 166 7,439 6,648 1,430 2,551 1^979 1,299 1,429 1,363 3,312 812 91 1,562 2,120 1,132 1,193 268 846 8,310 2,414 137 5,375 3,654 1, 469 2,290 782 1,912 1,150 1^009 2,981 229 66 1,515 1,884 769 879 196 813 1,833 1 1 11 1 11 1 II 111 li 1 v u . 11 m \ i 1,024 'eland and St. 2,586 16,169 10,183 No. 1139, Grantville, including Grantville town. 1,467 ii 1 I iiim iiu Hiding Turin town 1,028 1,258 6,019 3,171 960 2,853 1,01,0 378 200 S46 116 3,153 5.58 2,232 720 1,349 1,918 17S 19,789 2,084 2, 367 617 2,754 1,914 1,722 1,287 •■..• ■■• . ..-■ ' ..J 676 10,368 No. 1026, Willacoocliee, including willacoochee 1,907 1,255 No. 1127, Wooten.s including Broxton city 819 816 655 1,313 1,238 660 764 975 1,070 16,423 1,076 1,068 1,000 1,294 1,424 2,408 300 815 632 No. 497 1,142 No. 1130, Pearson, including Pearson town 2,307 SS6 2,206 1,945 722 No. 1170, Tanner, includ in 1,017 No."l556'PhiUipsMillVincm"d^ngBushneYrtbwn 1,231 1,3j0 Roberta town 252 13,636 1,791 2,115 433 2,230 1,954 1,846 8,278 f,88S 505 No. 799, Bridge Creek, including part ol Funs- 1,003 115 236 1,157 843 916 No. 1020, Robinson* 1,369 831 Cordele city 8,478 1,578 1 Returned as Sausey in 1900. 1 Incorporated in 1901. ' No. 1608 organized from parts of Nos. 84fi, 1017, and 1540 ir ' Mo. 1591 organized from part of No. 8"" '" 6 Part taken to 7 Incorporated 8 Incorporated in 190S. form part of Jefl Davis County in 1905. 11 No. 1582 organized from part of No. 1373 in 1902. " No. 1617 organized from part of No. 1374 in 1905. « Part taken to form part of No. 1665 in 1907. " Organized from parts of Nos. 1184 and 1549 In 1907. i* Incorporated in 1902. ■• Organized from parts of Nos. 1020 and 1184 In 1908. " Incorporated as a city In 1906. >« No. 1584 organized from part of No. 573 in 1900. i» Organized from part of Dooly County in 1905. 76 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [The numbers refer to militia districts. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. minor crvn. DrvisioN. g Trenton town.. Dade County.. No. 873, Slygo No. 875, Mill No. 900, Trenton, inch: Trenton town No. 974, Creek No. 1037, McMahon, including New Englam New England town No. 1038, Rising Fawn, including Kising Ka\v eluding Dawsonville No. 1129, Upper... Dawson County.. Kilmer Cutoff.. No. 989, Yellow Creek. . No. 1016, Black No. 1022, Ban No. 1023, Kilough No. 1178, Dawsonville, ii town Dawsonvil No. 1180, Purdy No. 1323, High Shoals... Decatur County ' No. 513, Bainbridge, including Bainbridge city. Bainbridge city '■' No. 635, Spring Creek No. 694, Attapulgus No. 914, Faceville No. 1005, Bells' No. 1046, Don Ling Donalson- villetown Danahonville tuiri) ...... No. 1188, Pine Hill, « including Diffeo towi No. 1325, Recovery No. 1342, Kendricks No. 1361, Climax.^ including Climax t< Dekalb County— Continued. of I i lantacity.. No. 1398, Redan "o. 1416, Doraville, including Doraville tc Doravillc town No. 1448, McWilliams No. 1586, Kirkwood ,i3 including East Lake and "n ■ i.ivl in,-, ■ East Lake to Kirkwood to 1 ^ No. H'.i'i.'i. KaM. Allaiiia,ne..'-:i-lijdingpurtof\uinl 9 of Atlanta city Atlanta city (pi rd <.n Total for A I lim h, i :i !/,'■', ■nmpri ••:,-//,/ :V,j.--. /(/ >/: and IS!" — J 1S6S, U parts ofNos. 1S79 and 16 Ward I.. Wards.. Ward S. . Ward 4.. Ward5.. Ward 6. . Ward 7.. Dodge County Jo. 317, Rawlins, including Leon town. . and part of Milan town . . Chauncey town Milan town (part of) . . I, ."I ;,,/ !.,/.„• ,1,1 „ '• I I Ml ; ''I !'■<„>„, County, and No. 1SU, Telfair County... 1,815 100 . 2,176 1,101 . 553 . 1,125 . Dooly County 19 No. 1613, Brinson,* including Brinson t< Dekalb County No. 487, Phillips No. 524, Shallow Ford No. 531, Decatur, including Decatur and Oak- Oakhurst town B No. 536, Pantliorsvillc. No. 563, Diamond No. 572, Browning Mountain town Stone Mountain town No. 1327, Clarkston, including Clarkston town.. 1900) of No. 621, taken lo :■■ ami -art of Grady County, since 1900; and population (1,869 in 1800) of Nos. 621 and 132-1, noi. ivi.m "■-' :;.-,,-.i: 3 Incorporated as a city in 1901. « No. 1613 organized from part of No. 1188 in 1904. » Incorporated in 1907. 8 No. 1646 organi/.ed from parts of Nos. 021, 1277, and 1361 in 1906. 7 Incorporated in 1905. 8 Incorporated in 1900. 9 Incorporated in 1909. 1(1 Incorporated in 1908. 1 Part taken to form part of No. 1666 in 1907. '""" ind part annexed to Atlanta N0.633M No. 640, 22 including Dooling town. . Dooling town 6 Pinehur No. 1552 No. 1671, 2 ' Lilly, including Lilly town . . Dougherty County :i. iv'n including Pretoria town Pretoria town 2 ' No. 945, including part of Albany city . . Hi'. /', i- ill I '.'■in "i ) . 12 Part taken to form No. 1586 si i 1909. i» Organized from part of No. 1379 si 1907. ity ); part taken to form part of No. 1066 Albany city.. Albany city (part of) . . 14 Organized from parts of Nos. 1349 and 1586 in 1907; part annexed to Atlanta ,, Fulton County, annexed in 1910; and parts of No. 1362, Fulton County, annexed in 1905 and 1910. is Incorporated as a city in 1905. « Incorporated in 1906. '8 Incorporated In 1902. '» Parts taken to form Crisp County and part of Turner County In 1905. 10 County totals include population (10,554 in 1900; 6,792 in 1890) of Nos. 732, 945, 1004, 1040, and 1451, taken to form Crisp County and part of Turner County since 1900. 2i No. 1671 organized from parts of Nos. 535, 585, and 633 in 1908. « Returned as No. 540 in 1900 » Incoroporated in 1901. s« Part of No. 1097 (East Albany village) annexed to Albany city in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer t< MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 8,963 8,745 7,794 25,140 21,279 14,703 2,460 1,462 703 601 1,638 77 168 1,003 771 705 1,072 227 18,122 2,176 1,140 604 615 1,539 1,827 863 676 591 1,190 847 1,302 144 5,172 1,313 1,950 126 2,414 646 1,329 3,316 388 816 87 1,332 864 1,317 S19 1,148 1,054 134 3,095 417 12,574 1,853 880 1,542 014 3,953 896 2,079 2,681 395 1,991 741 1,359 2,504 C27 833 1,688 1,254 775 1,200 330 14,828 974 867 496 1,173 290 9,792 1,154 No. 395, Including Norristown town and part 1,427 Total for Adrian town in \o.MJ, JCimiiiikI County, ami Art. ryr., Johnson County 1,142 1,150 976 1,136 No. 1333 No. 430, Cedar Springs 3 No. 510, Rockhill,< including Hilton town 1,302 1,936 2,513 41s 3,187 1,838 2,198 773 1,813 329 2,316 1,389 622 3,309 1 549 2,068 104 2,454 1,506 1,617 997 825 No. \M2, including Nunez town No. 854, Damascus, including Kestler town 1,449 No. 1 ;,(•>(), inrliKlim; Cruymont city and Sum- 1,570 No. 866, Blake ! • ■■■krly city Blakely city « No. 1140, Urquhart No. 1164, Cuba No. 1435, Arlington, including part of Arling- 3,274 804 1,200 611 1,614 100 1,077 981 267 2,616 441 381 264 11,214 Fannin County 8,724 Arlington village (part of) [For total, see No. 574, Calhoun County.] No. 844, Noontootla No.913,MorL: irganton town. Morganton town 13 698 1,413 196 898 676 540 632 694 994 326 2,378 218 1,253 228 1,637 898 611 838 338 337 10,966 641 1,368 824 1,762 Jdkin town ." No. 1592, Luciles Mo. '.>M>, Caldwell 936 573 577 666 740 765 No. Ili'.'o, l<':iirphiv 3,209 3,079 Echols County 682 650 194 740 575 9,971 824 707 706 555 No. 904, Valentine, including Howell town No. 1205, Flint Hill, iiicluditi',' lipworth and 812 No. 1058, Statenville 361 633 8,334 514 878 426 5,599 384 2,048 1,148 615 566 158 523 10,114 332 > .. ! .■..■■,.' :.,i 264 No. 1457, Mineral Bluff, Including Mineral No. 9 1,663 2,806 646 2,421 604 2,008 1,073 24,125 2, 379 600 851 2,130 641 1,433 No. 12.... 1,546 1,089 19,729 1,185 No. 1559 1,460 2,765 709 1,343 162 1,334 1,311 459 721 492 1,081 36,736 1,276 2,265 430 1,299 15,376 No.496,Fayet1 tteviileclty 1,931 No. 538, Woolsi 1,068 No. 189, Elberton, including Elbertoncity 7,800 6,483 1,328 U 2,071 1,066 1,030 1.101 7 64 88 1,067 34 2,307 1,322 2,445 738 1,185 1,403 4,841 3,834 1,198 2,244 1,203 1,494 378 699 495 1,005 18 33,113 No. 190, Longstreet, including part of Beverly 1,016 Total/or Beverly town'' in Nos. 190 and 196. . . 1,494 819 966 1,270 1,180 } 999 No. 195, Ruckersvllle, Including parts of Bev- 1,235 1 No. 829, Cave Springs, including Cave Springs 2,253 806 2, 353 2,368 1,225 870 2,100 2,571 1,379 1,586 '824 1,206 1,224 14,035 7,291 99 1,051 Total for 1 ; in Nos. 196 912 2,016 1,228 2,223 367 1,244 1,379 1,926 973 1,857 No. 201, Goshen, Including Bowman city 1,227 1,240 1 No. 315, Centerville Ward 7 ' Incorporated In 1905. 5. 430 and 866 in 1902. 7 Incorporated in 1907. 9 Returned in 1900 as in No. 195 only. • Incorporated as a city in 1907. ikerj to form parts of Jenkins and Toombs Counties in 1905 u Part taken to form part of Jenkins County In 1905. 12 Part taken to form part of Toombs County in 1905. » Disincorporated between 1890 and 1900; reincorporated in 1902 » Incorporated in 1909. "> Incorporated in 1904. 18 Returned as Blue Ridge in 1900. city ir. 2i Parts of No. 919 (East Rome and North Rome towns) annexed in 1908. 78 [The numbers refer STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA Table 1.— POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 1910, see fo , Table 5.] e footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, sco Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Floyd County— Continued. No. !i_':i, Texas Valley.. No. 1120, Flatwoods ■ 0,0: ■ |': i ■ No. 1453, Fosters Mill No. 1478, Vans Valley No. 1504, Howells, including part of Seney Seney town (part of) Total for Seney town in No. 1504, Floyd County, and "No. 1588, Polk County No. 1502, Lindale No. 1569, State Line No. 1688, Glenwood ' Forsyth County.. No. 795, Big Creek No. 835, Hightowers N'u. Nil, (,'hestatee 2 No. S78, Barker.. 3, Vickery Creek. . . No. 885, Chattahoochee •. . No. 1276, Bells No. 1351, Rolands No. 1413, Settendown No. 1437, Coal Mountain.. No. 1599, New Bridge 2. . . Franklin County '. No. 210, GunnelH... No. 211, Flints ilk'-. No. 213, Gumloga... Total for Roy ston city « in No. 370, I'mnlltn County, A'" UI.1, Hurt County, and No. • • ' > N . 8 1 -i , S t ranges « No. 1363, Canon, 9 including part of Canon Canon town (part of) County, and No. 1116, Hart County. Fulton County 12 No. 469, Cooks, exclusive of parts of wards 5 and 8 of Atlanta city No. 479, Bryants « No. 530, Black Hall," exclusive of parts of wards 2 and 10 of Atlanta city No. 722, B uckhead No. 1100, Oak Grove No. 1289, Adamsville 16 No. 1328, Collins No. 1332, East Pointy including part of East Point tc East Point ton ,1 I ;>«// Total for East Point U 1910 1 Nos. 1SS2 and No. 1348, South Bend," exclusive of parts of wards 2 and 3 of Atlanta city No. 1362, Peachtree,'8exclusiveof parts of wards 4, 8, and 9 of Atlanta city No. 1422, Edgev 1, exclusive oi parts of wards 3 and 9 of Atlanta city 1 Organized from part of No. 919 in 1910. n part of Stephens County since 1900. 1900 2,779 2,093 1,7 It 699 1,044 1,483 807 1,255 1,000 969 1,107 1,334 941 2,595 2,202 SOS 1,959 1,321 i,m 679 1,4H S79 1,004 1,163 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Fulton County— Continued. 1,055 ! No. 1511, Battle Ilill.n exclusi veof part of ward Point 1 Hapeville town No. 1615, College Park, 2 " coextensive with Col- 1910 parts of Nos. 469, 530, 1348, 1362, 1422, and 1511 [For total, see Dekalb County.] Gilmer County.. No. 958, Mounl ;\o. Kih'.i, Tails Creek No. 1035, Leaches No. Ki'.U, l!all Ground... No. 1135, Town Crook.... No. 1130, Cherry Log.... No. 1274, Ridgeway No. 1302, Coosawattee ... No. 1341, Diamond No. 1355, Alto No. 1498, Bucktown Glascock County.. No. llr.T, including Gibson ti Gil no it town No. 1168 No. 1 169, including Milcltilltown No. 1234 Glynn County No. 25, Sea Islands No -''," 4 including I '.runs wick City.. lit u 11x11 id: city. Wardl Wards Wards Ward 4 No. 27 No. 1356, 24 including Sterling town . ftieriitti/ ton tt No.1499 Gordon C ounty No. 849, Calhoun, including Calhoun town Calhoun town No. 850, Lily Pond No. 874, Fairmount, including Fairmount Ftiirnviiiiil I men No. 973, Seventh No. 980, Resaca, 2 * including Resaca town No. 1055, Plainville, including Plain \ o I'/niili Hit toini ■"- No. 1056, Sonoraville 2 « No. 1057, Twenty-fourth ,.'■: • . Mi, No. 1064, Oostanaula No. 1 235, Coosawattee No. 1595, Blue Springs » » Returned as Hemphill in 1900. i» Parts taken to form No. 1615 in 1904 and part of No. 1589 in 1901. » Part taken to form part of No. Jao'i in i::(:l and pai i ami" ,;1 (0 Atlanta city 3) of Nos. 215 and 267, In 1910. is Parts annexed to A I Isnia ■■!( \ in i!)i:.". and 1910. s Returned I do County only. Incorporated as a cil » Returned as West Bowersville in 1900. 10 Incorporated in 1902. a changed from Red Hollow in 1906. Part taken to form part of Stephens ounty in 1905. »2 Part of Clayton County annexed in 1908. In 1908. 21 Part of No. 530 (Oakland City town), part of No. 1511 (Battle Hill town), and part of No. 1348 annexed in 1910; parts of No. 1362 annexed in 1905 and 1910. 16 Returned as Sonora in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. 79 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ie footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Grady Count ■ 18,457 Hab«riham County— Continued. 700 526 329 1,132 256 360 428 350 1,713 1,114 700 555 209 517 25,730 1,224 750 354 1,229 S10 421 425 528 1,058 467 560 680 1,351 1,592 816 2,173 627 6,295 1,605 1,718 1^071 1,078 18,512 No. 720, Whigham, including \\ high (nu'ii No. 752, Center Hill," including Mount Air, S92 264 690 621 Xo. 1440, Cornelia," including Cornelia town. . 852 Xo Pi.xii, Demurest, including Demorest town. 16,542 17,051 No. 1612, Baldwin," including part of Baldwin US 1,189 2,378 1,863 1,339 1,189 3,499 2,120 1,390 407 1,192 873 1,125 475 724 516 580 437 800 28,824 541 1,258 1,659 568 1,395 1,526 [For total, see No. 1580, Banks County. | No. 140, Union Point, including Union t'oint 20,752 18,047 1,549 1,246 2,402 1,611 1,324 290 782 1,147 933 1,102 375 514 500 400 429 25,585 1,235 1,076 2,151 1,313 1,325 510 065 1,430 6G0 1,753 1,497 824, 700 1,440 309 576 12S 9,469 6,926 1,405 2,288 2,234 1,860 480 1,092 035 739 1,060 1.253 378 842 488 873 166 768 110 19,189 1,232 834 665 1,412 663 183 5,820 4,382 1,150 No. I'M, \\ liilo l'lains, including \\ hilu Plains No. 410, Naramore, including part of Bellton [For total, see No. 912, Hanks ( 'ountv.l No. 411, Gainesville, hvluding < .aims- ille, it Xo. M.S. i 'on field, including Penfield town 4,484 850 615 458 819 19,899 Wards 648 1,363 1,100 699 725 380 883 1,291 420 791 499 783 2,413 217 168 247 2, US 536 1,370 2,719 968 3,330 1,518 1,650 944 1,191 1,262 3,526 1,683 250 733 1,315 1,324 469 1,952 278 1,094 844 169 699 866 1,050 260 10,134 5 1,711 161 1,309 No. 1270, Flowery Branch, Including Flowery 174 1,145 2,019 1,283 2,191 797 2,535 853 1,515 866 » 1,242 1,260 3,226 1,352 211 1,350 1,236 1,084 SS6 1,629 202 1,732 1,286 1,975 713 2,171 666 1,067 781 943 1,022 1,749 496 County, No. 243, Jack.':",, Cm, my. and \t>. No. 1557. Gillsviile, inelndin"- part of Gillsville No. 400, Pinckneyville, including Norcross [For total, see Xo. 1 itht. P.anks Countv ."] Xo. 11.05, nal; wood, is including < lakwood town. ■I ll|, ■,', - 11 , :.. I I 18,277 1,185 3,752 1,222 1,715 645 605 602 1.044 1.126 2,706 493 899 l]292 1,790 13,514 1,231 3,116 767 1,160 583 694 704 472 650 546 1J299 2,442 383 973 M80 1,816 11,922 3,042 No. 550, Sugar Hill, including Buford and West Total for S> ' 1 <)2 and 1)3... 1,640 1,315 1,281 1,072 319 1,301 Xo. l'_".i ,, Bay i rod,-, including (irayson town.. 992 770 895 Sparta city (; n "/') No. 114 ■ 676 No. 118 Haralson County No. 653, Tallapoosa, including Tallapoosa citv. Tallapoosa city No. 1G94, Suw - vanee town.. 247 >» 13,604 166 w 11,573 11,318 2,873 1,073 381 456 2,227 462 538 3.005 2,128 1,365 350 259 1,869 440 1,699 Xo. 400, ( 1 irl,-s\ ille, including Clarksville town. 'm 935 58 1,382 491 946 38 1,287 396 831 No. 414, Mud Creek," including part of Alio • No. 1143, Buchanan, 21 includiiic cnel,anan oil , Buchanan city ■■' No. 1225, Buncombe 776 [For total, see No. 448, Banks County.] 570 « Incorporated ir .. 4 No. 15S7 organized from parts of Nos. 316, 562, and 1564 sine * Exclusive of population of Winder town. • Incorporated in 1906. 8 No. 1694 organized from parts of Nos. 404 and 407 in 1900. 8 Includes popu Tinder town. '• Incorporated in 1902. 11 Incorporated in 1905. "Part taken to form part of Stephens County in 1905. "County totals include population (5S2 in 1900) of No. 1473, taken to form part of Stephens I'liimiv; popuhiion CMs in lono; 270 in Com of Xo. 371. part annexed to No. 702 and part taken to form pari of Stephens Coimlv; and population i.V.07 in 1900; 3.S02 in 1S90) of Nos. 402 and 440, parts taken to form part of No. l«4,s, and part " Part taken to form part of No. 1048 in 1900; part of No. 371 annexed in 1905. " Organized from parts of Nos. 402, 422, 440, and 752 in 1900. 18 No. 1005 organized from parts of Nos. 385 and 505 in 1903. ■ Incorporated as a city In 1902. 80 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer to militia districts. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, sec footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, sec Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Haralson County— Continued. No. 1251, Bremen, including Bremen town.. Bremen town No. 1335, Fclton No. 1426, Waco, including Waco town Waco town No. 1475, Draketown ' No. 1585, Corinth a. Harris County.. No. 072, Hamilton, including Hamilton city. . 3. 679, Whitakers 3. 695, Ellerslie a. 696, Cataula a. 703, Goodmans, including Chipley town . > a. 782, Milners Cross Roads.. o. 786, Valley Plains sville o. 934, Waverly Hall a. 1186, Upper Nineteenth. . . No. 1112, Town, including Hi tweiliW Hartwell city & " ,11 3, Ray, including part of Royston city. 4, Smith No. 1115, Reed Creek No. 1116, Hall, including Bowersville town and part of Canon town Bowersville town Canon town 7 (part of) . [For total, see No. 1363, No. 1117, Shoal Creek No. 1118, McCurry No. 1119, Alford Franklin County.] Jo. 693, Cooksville Jo. 702, Houston Jo. 761, Texas Jo. 779, Enon Grove Jo. 788, Franklin, including Franklin city.. No. 792, Centralhatchee,9 including Central- hatchee town Centralhatchee town 10 No. 938, Corinth, including Corinth town Corinth town a No. 939, State Line No. 987, Rockalo u No. 1517, Walnut Hill No. 1657, Glenloch" No. 1678, Loftin u No. 486, Sixth.. Locust Grove town No. 611, McMullen No. 622, Brushy Knob No. 638, Beersheba No. 641, Lowes No. 723, Hampton, including Hampton city. . Hampton city « • Part taken to form part of 1. 1585 in 1905. Returned as Newsville in 1900. Organized from parts of Nos. 813, 1143, and 1475 in 1905. 1,427 gBO 1,129 R CIVIL DIVISION. n Franklin County only. Incorporated as a city in 1905. Henry County— Continued. No. 767, Sandy Kidee.. No. 1477, Flippen . . Houston County.. No. 765, Upper Fourteenth.. No. 887, Sixth No. 928, Upper Town, including part of Perry Irwin County « . . No. 518, Old Fifth" No. 901, Irwinvilleis No. 1388, Minnie No. 1421, Roberts >■> No. 1529, Ocilla, w including Ocilla city.. Ocilla ciiij =o No. 1643, Osierfield " No. JOiil, including Mystic towr No. 1670, Fletcher 23 Jackson County.. Winder cities l-l it xmII cihi {part of).... Total for Jtm.xdl <■////' in Ae.v. •!}:'. I'nd :"<;, Jackson County, and No. 2/(9, Walton County Winder city"* [For total, see No. 310, Gwinnett Connie.) No. 245, Jefferson, including part of Jefferson city Jilnriion nl/i (/Mii of) -,..■..,: :, , ■ •,..■■ ■'., • ;■ No. 246, Chandler, including part of Russ No. -'.".:■;, Newtown, including Centerand Nich- C< ntir town'X XkIii'Uuii Inn n 2i No. 2 5 5, lUinish, including Commerce city.. Wardl Ward g WardS WardJ, No. 257, Harrisburg, including part of Jefferson J 't ndrrarass loan No. 455, Miller No. 465, Wilson, including part of Maysville .\'Hh- , nit inn 11 I,",,,,' ,,/ ) [For total, see No. 465, Banks County.] w County totals include population (1,770 in 1900; 1 "o form part of No. 1643; population (2,560 in 1900; 2 "° )9 in 1890) of No. 432, taken , n 1890) of Nos. 680 and 982, l:i! I'll in •' i'ei i ni ' ■ 10,11, ! 0|-nl;'i loo " . li\ I'.'i n ■ e i .: Hike ,, i,, i part of Ben Hill County; and population ($32 in 1900) of No. 1550, taken to form parts of Tift and Turner Counties, since 1900. 'o Incorporated in 1903. ii Incorporated in 1906. » No. 1678 organized from part of No. 987 in 1909. » Incorporated as a city in 1907. u Incorporated in 1909. » Parts taken to form parts of Tilt and Turner Counties in 1905 and part of Ben mh cd from parts of ia 901, 1421, and 1529 in 1907. - Hi ni . I in. in put of No. 901 in 1907. a Organized from Nos. 090, 982, and part of No. 901 in 1907. >< Incorporated as a city in 1906. -'- In< orporated in 1908. se Name changed from Harmony Grove in 1904. Incorporated as a city in 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Jackson County— Continued. No. 1042, Santa Fe, including Statham town. . . 1,845 621 1,543 429 129 liO 160 16,552 1,244 172 1,450 290 764 Johnson County— Continued. 660 1,776 428 212 1,242 972 440 1,236 13,103 810 1,041 208 Hi 1 i ng Scott town and part No. 1407, Hoschton, including Uoschton town. . 1,203 207 [For total, see No. 395, Emanuel County.) 1,343 455 480 1,022 13,358 15,033 13,879 No. 262, Lazenby 600 672 809 900 816 698 788 209 735 2,856 1,608 652 1,117 1,752 160 SU 500 729 881 953 917 117 6,050 485 595 136 754 925 737 712 754 452 666 854 561 571 705 1,000 410 1,261 845 838 850 446 1,387 sis 1,172 840 974 554 545 436 670 875 35,501 1,390 1,726 1,245 9,606 5,795 2,100 2,923 650 1,137 1,296 1,782 214 165 2,282 152 1,870 1,611 1,619 276 1,181 1,893 802 1,840 154 11,679 868 542 1,198 973 1,099 850 505 1,149 773 2,297 1,054 1,437 210 300 446 477 910 936 902 125 814 '849 773 961 1,143 228 152 500 404 910 807 1,039 133 No. 295, Monticello, including Monlii No. 358, Popes, including Haddock town 1,050 1,319 720 745 482 520 548 1,182 25,908 1,278 6^298 2,987 1,462 2,559 199 1,905 1,309 1,207 292 1,528 ■. i !lr ■.'",. i.. ,:.. ..;■,,■ No. 450, Clinton Laurens County No. 52, Smiths No. 80, Buckeye 862 1,205 No. 342, Dublin, including Dublin city 3,015 No. 1364, Hazelhurst, Including Hazelhurst 2,748 1,181 834 933 620 915 21,379 793 290 No. 344, Hampton M3U,w including Dexter Ocmulgee 18,212 17,213 No. 1309, Jarl >: iuciudiiiK' Dudley town. . . ■ Hiding Wadley town No. 1682, Cod, .(well town... No. 85, Bartow, including Bartow town 10,344 No. 1460, Spread,' including Spread town Spread town 9 No. 738, Palmyra, including Armena town 2,445 162 2,860 705 1,608 2,210 2,556 12,924 2,629 2,147 No. 915, Leesburg, including Leesburg city 1,949 1,327 1,954 697 2,485 13,093 1,991 No. 976, Smith ville, including Smith ville town. 1,646 1,339 2,030 852 386 977 2^256 12,897 a city 411 3,195 1,521 1,388 Jot 641 794 1,606 691 762 890 229 447 3,202 1,777 1,398 11,409 6,129 1,150 1,223 241 864 3,734 '750 1,196 166 724 3,614 1,127 724 926 831 1,498 837 987 1,067 346 Kite town 432 1,370 479 342 No. 1201, Wrightsville, including Wrightsville No. 1202, Ring Jaw No. 1072 21 1 Part annexed to Newton County since 1900. 5 That part of Newborn town (population 16 in 1900, incorrectly returned as 360) in No. 292, annexed to Newton County since 1900. 1 Incorporated as a city in 1901. ' Organized fi I ppling and Coffee Counties in 1905. ' Incorporated as a city in 1907. 8 No. 1593 organized from parts of Nos. 76 and 1460 in 1902. 7 Incorporated in 1901. 8 Incorporated as a city in 1900. • Incorporated in 1903. 10 Incorporated in 1900. u Organized from parts of Bulloch, Burke, Emanuel, and Screven Counties in 1905. 28407—12 6 '* Incorporated 19 Incorporated in 1907. ■ Incorporated as a city in 1905. n No. 1672 organized from parts of Nos. 16 and 1132 in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. « footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 8,714 7,156 6,146 Madison Count 16,851 13,224 11,024 No 203 Fork includin Carlton t. 681 1,003 1,203 1,052 1,598 376 1,048 918 1,211 24,436 684 964 760 1,191 939 807 969 20,036 590 643 820 436 1,185 220 912 802 758 1 15,102 1,102 326 2,5C0 323 2,216 868 2,471 2,731 133 1,578 1,174 17 877 9,147 1,111 277 1,842 194 2,614 336 1,712 2,120 141 798 No. 204, Danielsvillc, jiu-ludiug J uuiKlsville 1,610 1,884 i\(j. -.'Il.j, UlunU'lMV Hirhnli,,;, ( ,;,,„.., | , , ,y , , 1,431 No. 382, Grove Hill, including Colbert and Hull 2,010 1,700 1,292 833 '704 1,725 2,487 538 1,713 11,715 7, ess 1,132 2,003 650 'S8B 1,343 904 5,444 1,311 2, 176 No. 591, Harrison, including part of Royston No. 661, Naylor, including Naylor town 1,511 8,532 6,613 1,305 1,297 302 1,571 1,082 1,046 7,433 5,992 2,854 0) 808 [For total < , , u I . .nklin County.] No. 663, Valdosta, including Valdosta city.... 10,080 No. 1267, Hahira, including Hahira town 7,728 No. 1268, Lake Park, including Lake Park 1,433 849 2,518 1,016 900 1,294 746 1,320 737 783 25,180 1,020 2,725 1,161 993 1,344 821 1,424 660 1,093 23,339 No. 807', Buena Vista, including 'Buena Vista 1,021 6,867 585 1,089 829 22s sss 349 332 2Q1 330 264 177 279 245 96 225 10,325 1,005 339 1,266 268 1,382 No. 837, Dahlonega, including Dahlonega city.. No. 657, Rocky Mount, including Rocky Mount 61 2,882 909 2,430 917 'm 1,453 308 2.441 161 1,860 50 1,276 54 2,172 210 1,368 349 1,611 922 986 241 500 67 561 147 7,986 1,779 418 453 517 371 267 425 180 372 262 300 162 371 9,804 381 362 504 576 391 468 164 254 249 154 Mi. 2,630 816 2,155 666 1,050 No. 669, Woodbury, including Woodbury town. 2,201 No. 704, Warm Springs, including Bullochville 1,341 391 2,272 No. 715, Odessa, including Odessadale town .■'To. 7'.V, While 1 i ,i l 1,714 8,789 McDuffie County No. 809, St. Marks, including St. Marks town.. 1,386 2,293 No. 132, Republican 1,230 1,767 4,949 1^103 1,276 6,442 1,403 1,960 3,843 1,154 1,155 1,443 6,537 l',972 3,044 856 1,428 6,470 No. 1213, Middle Ninth, including Gay town.. 2,052 2,065 No. 1281, Luthersville, including Luthersville 1,281 209 784 No. 134, Thomson, Including Thomson town... Thomson town No. 1290, Gill, including Manchester town 1,346 No. 274, Wrightsboro No. 1400, Lone Oak, including Lone Oak town. 1,048 493 Mcintosh County No. 1401, Jones Mill 491 506 No. 22 897 2,208 1,391 567 543 ljl38 15,016 153 3,129 1,739 503 814 801 1,137 14,093 1,246 4,514 1,491 710 No. 1408, Midway, including Primrose town. . . 654 1,326 479 No. 1520.' Choi, i - i hiding Chaly- 6,319 13,183 4,275 No. 903, including Boykin town and Colquitt 3,214 64 600 2,437 402 2,335 7,239 2,798 No. 543, Marshallville, including Marshallvilie 2,501 1,082 715 1,342 186 5,067 1,6S0 1,806 1,061 2,524 9U 2,288 879 818 1,263 2,569 1,086 720 1,098 1,522 320 1,588 1,387 1,933 6,763 1,366 No. 770, Montezuma, including Montezuma 4,643 90S 1,822 1,085 2,174 645 4,027 706 \ 6 2,778 1,991 A86 Milton County Montezuma town 6,208 No 823 Double Branch 1,245 1,057 675 802 1,160 1,023 556 899 1,213 No. 1070, Oglethorpe, including Oglethorpe 978 Oglethorpe city « No. 1172, Newtown 773 i County total includes population (2,274) of Nos. 662 and 1 separately in 1890. » Incorporated in 1906. » Part of No. 1514 annexed to No. 1480 in 1905. * Incorporated in 1907. 6 Not returned separately in 1890. • Incorporated as a city in 1907. 7 Incorporated as a city in 1908. 8 No. 1616 organized from part of No. 205 in 1905. > Name changed from Five Forks in 1909. i° Incorporated in 1905. « Returned in 1900 as in Franklin County only. Incorporated as a city in 1905. 12 County total includes population (428) of district returned as Jones Mills in 1890. « Incorporated in 1909. » Incorporated in 1901. is Incorporated in 1908. '• Incorporated in 1903. " Incorporated as a city in 1905. w Returned as Old First in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer to militia districts. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, soo footnotes; for thoso betweon 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR crra, DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MUton County— Continued. 894 'S66 320 654 22,114 770 1,529 S10 259 567 14,767 605 1,383 256 282 528 10,906 Morgan County— Continued. 896 1,135 333 108 560 1,127 1,284 696 1,014 1,311 899 932 1,447 962 481 767 1,009 337 9,763 831 1,010 764 923 No. 1176, Alpharetta, including Alpharetta No. 281, Weiim , 1m ludi 1 ostwici town gan County, No. 239, Oconee Covntij, unit Mitchell County No. 282, Adsboro 1,048 469 836 1,119 930 799 1,186 666 2,614 391 1,830 S90 2,144 5,991 1,827 4,501 1,880 1,605 1,296 1,330 m 803 20,450 2,162 2,915 ,1'n ■ :,;: ,:■■ \ 1,160 970 1,791 882 808 1,283 654 No. 791, Maples, Inrlu.lin:; Manleton town 1,556 953 Mapleton town » (Cotton P.O.) 775 1,051 2,836 945 1,386 1,384 593 3,325 1,752 385 1,368 No. 3:1'!, wk-.'.v, , including Apalachee town No.ll94,Pell eludi -luimtown 417 818 No. 1548, Peble City « No. 1603, Alger,-' including Sale City town 8,623 8,461 20,682 19,137 No. S24, Town, including Chatsworth and Spring Place towns 1,664 314 242 1,130 1,305 145 884 950 511 1,477 220 307 '557 199 36,227 1,401 1,414 Chatsworth town " 1,246 '763 822 2,710 2,208 1,580 1,391 1^038 1,671 365 1,065 1,437 728 1,180 m 923 1,065 19,638 1,099 1,335 962 796 2,429 1,172 1,522 1,813 1,663 961 1,540 334 1,043 1,386 634 1,242 157 1,215 1,042 U6.359 1,165 1,364 999 1,681 920 1,513 1,617 1,326 970 1,484 Spring Place town 21S 1,127 1,058 No. 825, Ball Ground No. 874, Tenth, including Tennga town Tennga town 7 996 No. 480, Forsyth, Including Forsyth city 715 976 367 978 No. 984, Eighth No. 1011, Alaculsa '.. Illl ,. -. I'u.l Eton towns Crandall town ; No. 557, Culloden, including Culloden village. . No. 1039, Shuck Pen '574 280 29,836 1,111 1,023 1,239 812 1,192 No. 1291, Bull Pen No. 1506, Doogan No. 618, Burgays, including Bolingbroke town. 1,079 990 « 9,248 No. 668, Lower Town,^ comprising wards 3 to 7,980 20,554 2,485 '497 1,812 2,772 2,899 4,694 3,902 605 5,133 463 12,574 1,658 7,463 814 18,449 7,469 17,614 Montgomery County * Total for Columbia: Nos. 668 and 773 17, SOS No. 275, Long Pond v i amo, including Alamo town 2,427 1,341 249 1,504 2,373 457 2,472 306 605 1,859 902 1,365 1,018 207 967 '2S6 1,151 19,717 1,839 901 1,528 Ward 2 Wards No. 394, McArthur* No. 1221, Lothair, including Orland town i,'367" 1,942 i,"695 1,283 Wards Ward6 Ward7 No. 1343, Mono "iv,« Ailey town 2,205 271 573 1,370 760" "8,879 "i*n m No. 772, Nances, 23 includii Alley town No. 1386, Soperton,' 2 including Soperton town. Soperton town 1 3 857 No. 773, Upper Town," comprising wards 1,2, 7, and 8 of Columbus city 4,707 1,536 5,680 805 16,734 No. 1450, Erick » No. 1531, Glenwood, including Glenwood town. 1,024 853 544 No. 921, Bozemans 5,423 No. 1567, Higgston, '« including Higgston town. 1,736 Idling Tarrytown 1,395 1,662 3,852 2,697 150 572 721 1,309 561 688 1,112 1,030 '915 1,399 1,331 2,062 No. 462, Town, including Covington city and 15,813 16,041 550 677 1,553 646 669 1,097 1,070 1,196 815 3,408 2,412 1,017 874 107 1,635 384 2,888 'S32 564 3,091 2,131 695 478 !■■■' >nls town No. 279, Buck'v , .!. head town. . Buckhead town 880 240 847 Leguln 1 No. 1611 organized from part of No. 625 in 1904. 3 Incorporated in 1903. 3 Incorporated in 1904. 4 No. 1603 organized from part of No. 1548 in 1903. 5 Part taken to form part of Toombs County in 1905. 'County tor - in 1890) of No. 51, taken to form part of No. 1654 and part of Toombs County since 1900. ' Incorporated in 1909. 8 No. 1600 organized from parts of Nos. 394 and 1450 in 1904. » Incorporated in 1908. 10 Parts taken to form parts of Nos. 1654 and 1668 in 1907. u Incorporated as a city in 1901. n Name changed from Zaidee in 1906. Parts taken to form parts of Nos. 1654 and 1668 in 1907 " Incorporated in 1902. H Part taken to form part of No. 1668 in 1907. is Organized from parts of Nos. 51, 1343, and 1386 in 1907. is Incorporated in 1907. I? Organized from parts of Nos. 1343, 1386, and 1567 in 1907. 1 3 Incorporated in 1901. '» Incorporated in 190G. 2° County to1 nd 774, not returned sep- arately; and population (17,303) of Columbus city, returned independently, in 1890. 21 Part of No. 773 (ward 3 of Columbus city) annexed in 1907. 22 Not returned separately in 1890. 23 Part annexed to No. : m Includes population of part of Columbus city. Part anne'xe'd to No. 668 in 1907; part of No. 772 (wards 7 and 8 of Columbus city) annexed since 1900. 2« Part of Jasper County annexed since 1900. » Part taken to form part of No. 1618 in 1905. 84 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer to militia districts. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I. Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 minor crvn. DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 1,132 476 998 655 1,333 589 11,101 1,499 *846 1,149 800 10,749 8,100 No. 584, Blackshear, including Blackshear No. 1522, Newborn,' including Newborn town. . 3,775 1,256 854 2,811 198 483 264 924 630 835 551 19,495 2,802 876 722 2,186 230 2,361 No. 1525, Oxford, including Oxford town 791 No. 1618, Mans! ■ msfleld town. No. 1181, Patterson, inrlniline Bristol, OiTer- 8,602 7,713 Oconee County Patterson town 814 1,074 221 695 No. 221. Watkinsville, including Watkinsville 1,898 48$ 1,279 268 1,005 1J725 ' m S14 1,121 530 18,680 1,535 351 900 1,474 S14 845 No. 1250, Dicksons" 1,001 No. 222. Farmington, including Bishop town. . 18,761 846 778 1,138 1,483 824 681 1,008 1,136 16,300 No. 505, Concord, including Concord town No. 239, High ! Onstvilletown 1,771 450 4,820 S,068 1,230 2,064 400 1,247 179 1,418 283 1,844 602 1,003 1,581 1,727 S98 790 20,203 1,404 231 4,917 8,036 1,248 1,958 440 1,073 2,150 No. 533, Barnesville, including Barnesville 3,466 1,889 1,282 1,848 [For total, see No. 281, Morgan County.] 929 698 No. 240, Buncombe, including Bogart town 616 377 17,881 594 453 16,951 No. 545, Williamson, including William 1,206 No. 551, Meansvllle, including Meansviile 1,292 165 1,524 361 1,040 1,499 2,026 894 780 17,856 1,400 1,206 1,452 '545 1,181 2,648 1,977 334 1,055 266 2,019 1,053 1,244 1,665 871 14,124 1,346 1,335 1,448 1,960 635 973 482 2,123 1,650 1,793 1,371 1,421 1,751 No. 580. Zebulon, including Zebulon city No. 228, Bowling Green 816 No. 229, Lexington iin-linhng Lexington town. No. 592 870 711 1,924 1,041 No. 1465, Molena including Molena city 198 3 1 mston No. 234, Falling Creek, including Maxeys town. No. 235, Pleasant Hill, including Smithonia 1,081 1,223 14,945 No. 1072, Rockmart, 17 including Rockmart and 2,942 1,034 189 924 809 7,369 8,561 471 698 838 684 1,'345 856 1,048 468 365 952 859 2,266 68 22,835 3,474 676 1,870 1,094 1,322 1,197 308 12,969 1,617 991 1,234 1,004 1,752 411 Glade No. 238, Goose Pond No. 1303, Crawford, including Crawford town.. 1,027 729 6,478 2,828 Crawford town 1,562 6,595 11,948 No. 1075, Cedartown," including Cedartown 541 666 1,049 '606 1,113 2,540 1,259 777 621 558 694 1,206 254 295 807 677 381 422 9,041 627 596 1,064 1,076 1,014 1,023 '644 634 618 639 923 100 793 515 865 890 848 879 690 2,057 455 932 527 815 597 931 Wardl Ward4 No. 1076, Hampton, including Etna town ' 128 904 1,203 324 323 697 835 1,578 No. 1080, Dallas, including Dallas town 785 272 No. 1381, Hiram, including Hiram town No. 1588, Aragon," Including part of Seney No. 1414, Braswell, including Braswell town... 890 Seney town (part of) 59 18,489 639 [For total, see No. 1504, Floyd County.] Pulaski County " 8,641 n 8,182 790 1,556 2,475 2,926 l)352 1,133 1,447 5,488 8,420 716 853 l!l27 818 925 282 742 990 2,019 1,531 1,188 837 1,249 4,104 2,103 994 1,115 1,152 909 68 805 718 1,023 960 108 1,103 SS2 792 670 1,042 322 960 711 650 377 727 955 533 864 102 1,292 379 790 672 421 612 354 264 354 571 1,026 676 141 1,061 SSS 602 1,460 411 • 541 No. 386, Cochran, including Cochran city No. 1036, Truckwheel, including Talking Rock ',, ■ , '.- 1 .;. . '..' 11 1 II i ' • ■■■ ■ ' No. 1098, Town, including Jasper town No. 1503, Frazier, including Frazier town No. 1492, Nelson, including Nelson town 266 No. 1677, Fink \ n ' 1 1 1 I i ! 1 1 Finleyson town FinUyson town a No. 1509, Sharp Mountain Jasper County annexed si « Incorporated in 1901. u County totals include population (368 in 1900; 373 in 1890) of No. 1287, annexed to No. 1370 since 1900. 12 No. 1287 annexed ir. " Incorporated in 190 » No. 1609 organized I » Incorporated as a ci., _ i« Incorporated as a cil.j in 1 905. part of No. 1250 in 1904. 5. 1072, 1075, and 1570 in 1901. os. 1003 and 1081 in 1902. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 85 e Reports of the Twelfth MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 13,876 13,436 114,842 Richmond County— Continued. No. 1269,» including Summervllle town 5,645 4,361 2,032 656 1,159 8,916 •10,624 3,246 1,922 522 1,035 1,044 599 743 789 745 573 740 686 2,898 2,036 771 837 461 739 694 4,591 600 1,027 967 750 847 • 822 590 678 654 2,491 1,823 663 914 618 522 673 4,701 721 1,228 1,178 787 973 884 855 662 718 666 1,682 961 608 729 796 4,471 1,655 7,515 1,448 4,353 1,919 1,387 720 1,008 5,213 1,600 1,606 1,272 763 No. 3GS, Eatonton, including Eatonton city... | No. 476, Town,' including Conyers town 3,586 5,499 5,443 No. 785, Lickskillet Quitman County 648 '943 2,355 20,202 866 1,334 999 2,300 474 " 19,258 823 No. 811, Georgetown, including Georgetown SIS 784 532 5,562 2,537 348 964 501 099 6,285 2,425 $48 894 518 634 5,606 No. 882, Lacrosse village 2,018 13 11,424 3,972 1,400 2^805 562 742 1,386 1,457 1,733 1,760 1,747 385 1,216 243 19,741 3,135 645 2,663 *615 678 2,362 1,581 1,'510 Rabun County Sylvania city '« 558 No. 436, Chechero 399 300 714 1,160 106 64 158 1,331 541 m 125 448 86 466 474 270 18,841 570 367 1,137 1,143 566 377 913 790 1,701 No. 452, Warwoman No. 509, Tallulah No. 556, Tennessee Vallev, inelmlin'.; Pillard town and part of Mountain City town 1,311 Mountain City town (part of) Total for Mountain < No. 1653, 1 ' including Rocky Ford town and 587 No. 587, Clayfo ludingCla ton and Tiger 872 199 631 towns and part of Mountain City town 17,619 No. 597, Tiger, including Tallulah Falls town. . Tallulah Falls town 530 134 699 525 442 16,847 528 149 728 393 15,267 1,814 7,478 2,230 1,930 964 2,354 2,322 1,627 1,102 1,800 3,015 583 9,728 1,629 6,857 No. 1001, Town, coextensive with Griffin city . . . Griffin city: Randolph C ounty Ward4 No. 718, Cuthbert, including Cuthbert town. . . 5,102 8,210 1,154 2^698 994 162 1,896 1,350 364 2,237 985 1,617 58,886 4,461 2,641 1,236 1,427 1,979 1,133 166 1,730 1,550 26S 1,839 584 1,492 • 53,735 4,379 2,328 1,992 1,223 1,418 1,190 No. 1065, Orrs 1,903 1,062 1,600 2,436 660 Cuthbert town No. 777 No. 934 No. 947 1,140 1,336 211 2,589 462 No. 1131, Coleman, including Coleman town.. . 1,107 1,073 5,118 3,120 830 1,131 60 377 13,437 Shellmantown No. 440, Toccoa, including Toccoa town ' 45,194 2,176 No. 1647, Martin, including Avalon village and No. 119, including part of Harrisonville town.. 1,539 444 1,882 23, 190 41,040 6,764 7,936 8,490 6,541 4,756 1,438 60S 1,487 17,850 1,063 100 711 4,573 39,441 1,121 Harrisonville town (part of) 160 15,856 Total for 1 J in Nos. 119 and 5,820 SS,S0O 15,682 No. 725, Mineral Springs, Including Omaha ..■...■-. 1,415 209 2,749 1,250 1,519 1,031 64 2,483 1,140 1,090 979 555 570 1,046 1,808 152 2,746 1,014 1,140 1,267 63 3,563 1,470 1,401 1,192 742 1,312 Ward 1 Ward* No. 727, Richland, including Richland town... 2,039 Wards No. 780, Antioch, including Louvale town 1,196 3,881 611 476 1,832 15,643 1,207 No. 123,' inclining ' i,ni ill. iown andpartof No. 796, Lumpkin, including Lumpkin town.. 3,845 Nellieville town 1,620 11,442 No. 600, 8 comprising wards 4 and 5 of Augusta city No. 966, Brooklyn No. 988, Midway 812 1,569 ) of Eatonton city, returned ii 1 County total includes population (1,£ pendently in 1890. * Incorporated in 1906. « Incorporated in 1907. * Incorporated In 1904. •County totals include population (13,001 in 1900; 12,007 in 1890) of Nos. 122 and 398, annexed to No. 120 since 1900. «Nos. 122 and 398 annexed sinoe 1900. 7 No. 1660 organized from parts of Nos. 123 and 124 in 1904. » Part of No. 1269 (ward 5 of Augusta city) annexed to No. 600 in 1900. * Includes population of part of Augusta city. i* No. 1619 organized from parts of Nos. 475 and 476 in 1905. ii Incorporated as a city in 1906. -' T nki itio_ ,_,. 10 form part of Jenkins County since 1900. No7i67rt organlMdlrortf parts of Nos. 36 and 259 In 1908. i« Parts taken to form No. 1653 in 1906 and part of Jenkins County in 1905; part of No. 1444 annexed In 1905. » Organized from part of No. 80 In 1906. 86 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA . Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Tho numbers refer to militia districts. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 County 29,092 26,212 22,107 Tattnall County— Continued. No. 1007, Hagan, 15 iueluding Claxton town and 2,809 1,008 784 923 10,839 1,854 2,420 4,170 228 393 2,102 11,654 8,063 1,023 1, 276 3,690 2,075 2,702 400 1,217 m 1,860 1,113 11,696 1,597 2,235 3,131 250 213 2,008 10,552 7,674 1,796 2,002 2,667 1 He \ Ulages . ciaxton town::::: :::::::::::::::::::::.::: BBS 1,563 8,965 | 6,398 9,846 584 2,701 621 1,050 3,023 706 1,073 588 1,089 731 13,288 516 2,199 436 925 3,083 707 1,485 839 799 No. 741, Reynolds, including Reynolds town... 2,521 846 1,386 245 1,614 1,168 12,197 1,250 No. 757, Butler, including Butler town No. 993, includ village 1,309 1,170 1,385 13,258 10,083 5,477 1,176 us 189 1,837 1,081 950 924 518 713 789 1,241 215 965 210 1,318 530 u 735 8,766 1,228 1,469 No. 337, Lumber City, including Lumber City 2,090 1,195 1,544 952 1,934 1,160 1,265 1,604 238 738 545 594 439 1,583 890 22,003 1,326 760 1,538 752 1,678 *891 857 No. 685. Town 1 on town 1,963 1,131 1,111 932 611 642 801 1,158 2,054 1,140 1,321 1,029 675 837 894 1,292 No. 340, McRae, including McRae city including part of Milan town.. [For total, see No. 1254, Dodge County."] 608 533 532 393 975 604 19,023 No. 1300, Nielly ., 1,107 264 1,322 534 852 1,279 681 No. 1530, Helena, including Helena town 788 7,912 875 7,291 2,722 1,717 214 1,115 2,849 465 1,766 7,141 3,827 284 1,398 360 3,011 441 29,071 2,495 2,967 No. 909, Third, 19 including Herod town 1,832 6 205 293 1,243 688 649 703 876 536 765 855 1,307 18,569 1,738 1,771 1,051 3,006 SB9 2,090 6,036 2,926 237 1,141 267 No. 1143, Sixth, 2 ' Including Bronwood town.. . 2,432 No. 1154, Town, including Dawson city 219 319 900 597 609 648 100 979 473 611 731 1,223 e 20,419 172 1,002 684 565 514 No. 1470, Parrott, including Parrott town No. 1673, Sasser, 22 Including Sasser town sih 24 31,076 No. 603, includ n town 672 334 626 520 e 10,253 No. 637, Thomasville, 2 * including Thomasvllle 12,060 6,727 5,616 1,130 1,058 32 1,272 SOS 1,609 S60 1,934 314 1,930 697 1,354 417 9,172 6,322 '722 3,767 No. 754, Boston, m including Boston town 3,375 No. 703, Ways," including Patten town 1,556 'm 2,452 264 2,363 869 1,619 3,037 640 1,477 327 1,319 2,446 257 2,166 1,091 1,261 No. 1212, Murphy, including Coolldge town 1,161 No. 1227, Ochlockonee, 28 including Ochlockonee 1,838 244 1,577 269 1,252 617 1,233 3,085 2,000 1,615 2,423 269 1,079 517 552 1,183 No.l282,Mpti 1 1 [For total, see No. 790, Brooks County.] ' Incorporated in li S3 and 1071 In 1906. uReTurnsd a Chi cheein 1900. Part taken to form part of No. 1673 In 1908. 2 » Incorporated In 1901. « Part taken to form part of No. 1673 in 1908. n 1890) of Nos. 43, 1192, 1521, and 1536, taken to form part of Toombs County, since 1900. ' Returned as Surrency in 1900. 8 Part taken to form part of No. 1601 in 1903. 8 Incorporated as a city in 1905. 10 Incorporated in 1905. J 1 Name changed from Dog Fennell since 1900. Part taken to form part of No. os. 1601 and 1607 in 1903 and 1904, respectively. e 1900. 26 Part of No. 576 annexed in 1905. 2 « Part of No. 9S1 annexed in 1909. r Parts taken to form N>-.. i.v-v; and I < '■ 1 4 in 1 '.inn md )004, n>spiv-li\elv, and parts of Nos. 1649 and li:« in 1:1111; and l:m:i, respectively. 23 Parts taken to form pai < ol Grady County In 1905 and part of No. 1649 in 1906. ffl Organized from part of N~ """ ' in 1909. a 1900; part taken to form part of No. 1683 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. 87 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer to militia districts. For ohanges In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Thomas County— Continued. 775 109 654 809 194 11,487 Twl es County 10,736 8,716 No. 1614, Merrillville,i Including Merrillville 613 647 1,824 71fl 1,385 1,482 299 996 913 1,195 645 627 509 6,918 838~ 576 660 208 277 310 417 458 745 640 202 697 529 284 12,757 660 430 1,181 k No. 325, Jeffersonvllle, including Jeflersonvllle city Jeffcrsonville city l8 No.lCS3,'Barwick,« including pari uf Harwich 1,003 1,154 No. 354, Higgsvillc, i.u'luding Danville town... [For total, see No. 1230, Brooks County ."l 633 936 1,074 585 445 609 8,481 1,040 675 781 141 435 510 516 610 831 681 300 606 434 397 13,670 703 Tift County' No. 372, Bluff _ 921 1,100 1,426 276 721 5,319 g,S81 658 7S6 461 616 949 778 535 274 11,206 i nversville 1 75 S5S 1,S84 N No. 805, BlairsviUe, including Blairsville town. ft 674 No. 1147, Brasstown 297 No. 1155, Dooly.... 787 1,460 3,797 1,776 928 101 928 941 2,365 927 3,932 No. 1162, Coosa 604 No. 1241, Coopers Creek m i: ■ ■ > na town No. 1409, Owltown SOS TJpson County No. 470, Jug 1,318 524 1,275 169 1,173 3,350 386 1,645 1,359 366 642 1,084 1,148 138 884 59 18,692 '719 1,900 No. 494, Blackankle Lyons city ll 534 4,748 No. 537, Flint, 19 including Crest town 4,064 1,781 1,753 No. 501, Town, including East Thomaston vil- 464 466 1,186 226 225 306 283 864 m 138 26,228 587 1,009 579 1,204 905 1,714 1,255 283 779 1,300 1,158 180 1,181 No. 990, Town, Including Hiwassee town Xo.V-s, Union 1 1 ill, including Yatesville town. 1,783 460 541 650 934 S42 397 454 525 894 1,376 No. 1577, The] Dhe Rock town. No. 1010, At wa1 i water town.. 15,661 24,002 20,723 13,282 No. 820, Crawfish Springs, including Chick- 2,012 312 607 3,537 1,590 633 790 1,136 1,353 1,230 1,096 142 845 947 741 922 1,954 1,069 251 1,271 25,393 1,542 575 2,357 491 No. 655, La Grange, including La Grange city. . 8,622 6,687 1,017 930 2,028 1,941 m 2,916 1,280 3,145 1,906 920 517 1,474 664 389 10,075 6,297 4,274 1,072 2,193 1,918 224 1,785 2,663 89S 3,086 1,797 646 1,267 798 526 3,090 846 1,151 1,809 1,589 1,172 560 No. 871, Lafayette, including Lafayette city 1,685 377 1,541 2,469 618 2,390 1,254 1,009 775 982 904 620 913 1,158 1,054 1,261 900 257 721 1,080 767 740 878 1,036 1,143 1,291 .,:.■. ■■.,'...■,! .1,,; ■; No. 950, Chattanooga Valley, including Flint- 585 654 1,630 734 688 No. 1257, Dry Valley, including Rossville city . . 299 Turner County " No. 1501, Lisbon 262 1,453 20,942 1,965 296 3,548 2,214 1,206 252 859 1,290 169 527 No. 1532, Kensington • 274 17,467 1,301 403 No. 249, Cutoff, Including Bethlehem town and 2,662 209 29 609 1,713 1,337 [For total, see No. 243, Jackson County.] 166 43 No. 1629, Clements [For total, see No. 316, Gwinnett County .j « Organized from part of No. 763 In 1904. 1 Incorporated in 1902. » Organized from parts of Nos. 763 and 1227 In 1906. T - ->3 and 1583 in 1909. » Not returned separately In 1890. n Incorporated In 1905. >s No. 1610 organized from parts of Nos. 537 and 555 in 1904. > Incorporated in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [The numbers rofer t< e Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MOTOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Walton County— Continued. No. 250, Brantleys or Tanners," including 1,013 14S 1,174 104 1,353 112 2,495 2,873 4, 406 3,029 709 2,403 1,176 191 1,344 1,950 151 228 861 111 974 22,957 1,460 1,270 Washington County— Continued. 1,298 1,309 149 773 679 1,258 140 390 524 1,584 151 828 3,576 1,622 13,069 1,225 1,291 1,060 No. 99, Deepstep, including Deepstep town No. 415, Lindloy or Vinegar Hill,' including 1,000 986 880 907 1,332 178 625 518 1,698 14& 699 947 3,195 1,121 9,449 No. 1253, Riddleville, including RiddleviUe No. 416, Broken Arrow, including Walnut 1,416 1,286 (") ,ii ill ■ u>\" ii 2,178 431 2,879 1,229 3,241 1,846 794 2,006 1,961 338 2,681 737 1,768 983 629 1,837 .,. l;i.,il. V'urilirii, nirludlin; W :i.'i lien lou-ll. . No. 418, Social Circle, 4 including Social Circle 2,956 No. 1488, Tennille, including Tennillecity No. 454, Mountain, including Gratis town 7,485 950 841 767 506 2,097 258 1,133 276 2,597 1,415 830 934 552 1,172 703 1,085 231 6,151 883 608 564 1,156 675 585 1,746 1,630 1,241 No. 559, Richardson, including Good Hope 1,665 No. 1217, Screven, including Screven town 932 1,116 [For total, see No. 281, Morgan County.) No. 1663, Booths, 1 including Bold Springs town. 1,713 805 572 720 478 763 446 614 1,651 907 427 13,761 8,811 Ware County No. 1519, Madray No. 451, Waresboro, including Waresboro town. 807 149 291 1,058 634 16,416 14,486 2,677 2,688 2,162 4,038 1,369 1,661 1,224 545 268 806 908 358 11,860 '269 565 1,250 648 7,771 5,919 1,030 No. 1565, Nahunta, Including Hickox town Waresboro town 270 459 1,027 4,447 3,364 Webster County 6,618 No. 802 587 2,703 259 1,465 319 1,001 395 6,110 661 2,705 146 1,594 27S 1,105 553 5,912 No. 978, Including Preston town 2,414 Preston town No. 1092, Including Weston town 1,352 Weston town No. 1093 846 739 524 257 768 496 642 252 188 No. 1105 523 White County No. 1490, Manor 6,151 No. 1669, Beach, 8 including Beach town No. 426, Mossy Creek 952 822 239 366 319 858 479 306 519 250 15,934 947 998 426 392 390 950 536 478 356 14,509 1,009 11,463 10,957 1,319 640 1,141 2,014 1,484 166 241 800 1,812 340 861 3,108 85 1,368 28,174 608 1,155 1,906 1,449 116 116 908 1,768 299 827 2,842 612 1,216 1,652 1,719 908 No. 862, Shoal Creek No. 1439, Blue Ridge 299 No. 155, Stag Hall, Including part of Camak ........ 844 1,804 332 789 2,321 No. 158, Norwood, including Norwood town. . . 693 242 950 744 809 643 6,324 995 605 940 60S 694 690 465 532 540 296 368 841 504 838 549 573 649 194 837 677 907 718 6,400 4,316 No. 425, Warrenton, including Warrenton city No. 631, Ninth No. 868, Trickum 1,113 28,227 974 " 25,237 3,046 No. 88, Colsons, including Oconee town 1,116 10 756 562 1,056 383 1,529 2,064 2,300 689 1,216 3^491 2,641 1,336 27 803 927 322 1,525 1,918 2,082 387 1,390 1,233 3,013 2,023 1,364 1 760 (») 904 1,397 1,692 1,715 224 1,274 1,174 2,724 1,760 No. 91, Harrison, including Harrison town No. 1049, Tunnelhill, including Tunnelhill town 526 302 913 519 894 620 467 No. 94, Davisboro, including Davisboro village. No. 97, Sandersville, Including Sandersvllle city Sandersville city No. 1433, Rocky Face I No. 1663 organized from parts of Nos. 250 and 415 In 1907. » Incorporated in 1905. • Incorporated in 1908. « No. 1675 organized from parts of Nos. 418, 421, and 503 In 1908. » Incorporated as a city in 1904. • Incorporated in 1901. ' Name changed from Williamsville in 1909. Incorporated in 1908. • No. 1669 organized from parts of Nos. 1030 and 1060 In 1907. • Returned in 1900 as In No. 155 only. >° Incorporated as a city In 1908. >' County total Includes population (2,126) or Nos. 90 and 1315, i separately In 1890. " Incorporated in 1900. » Incorporated as a city in 1900. '« Incorporated In 1907. " Incorporated In 1906. •a Returned as Yonah In 1900. W Name changed from Cove City in 1904. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer to militia districts. For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, seo footnotes; for thoso between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.J minor crvn. division. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 county" 13,486 • 11,097 » 7,980 Wilkes County— Continued. No. 180, Goose Ncjl., i 1 1< ' 1 1 ( • i ! 1 1 •_-. purl of Tignall 1,271 m 1,233 10,078 1,200 755 1,404 193 2,851 1,201 851 900 '860 969 505 1,120 279 742 70S 645 23,441 1,186 1,376 • jK7 2,090 1,152 1,010 673 1,960 793 454 495 1,442 909 291 1,332 667 1,046 1,575 No. 1103, Seville,* including Seville town No. 1158, Abbeville, including Abbeville town. 988 11,440 No. 1177, Ryles Mill 10,781 No. 327, Irwinton, including Irwlnton town . . . ■ ■ "' '■ In. , '■•.< ' '■>: "". m '249 '712 1,226 404 1,659 702 946 637 779 338 19,147 1,993 227 1,400 950 1,188 60 1,597 609 1,178 '397 806 is 18,664 1,838 1,603 886 No. 330, Lords, including Toomsboro town No. 331 , Ramah, including Gordon town 1,932 1,227 20,866 18,081 Wilkes County No. 164, Town, including Washington city 5,730 3,065 1,370 43 320 1,629 1,064 m 1,206 '958 1,671 1,354 205 1,030 '272 1,075 4, 436 3,300 1,418 2,631 1,532 No. 165, Newtown, including part of Tignall 1,106 276 2,863 111 uw 1,870 1,737 226 1,518 2,157 336 1,294 759 2,141 662 1,094 1,121 896 591 Total for ThjauiL ton n i- in Nos. 165, 167, No. 867, including Isabella town, and Sylvester 1,404 897 1,241 748 No. 167, Mall'oiys, including part of Tignall 662 883 1,214 1,432 861 1,462 1,360 876 999 1,117 773 1,091 1,019 333 •,.). I7i". : (Vni.., in h'ding part of Ficklin town. [For total, see No. 172, Taliaferro County."] 1,000 1,255 1,090 474 No. 178, Jenkins, including Danburg town 1 1,050 1,084 1 1 Parts taken to form parts of Turner and Ben Hill Counties in 1905 and 1906, ! County total includes population (545) of No. 1171, taken to form No. 1667 and part of Ben Hill County; and population (1,308) of No. 1317, taken to form part of Turner County since 1900. » County total includes population (1,053) of Nos. 1171 and 1317, not returned separately in 1890. 1 Name changed from Ginhouse in 1902. Part taken to form No. 1598 In 1902. » Returned as 1,277 in 1900. « No. 1630 organized from parts of Nos. 1321 and 1546 in 1906. 7 Organized from part of No. 1103 in 1902. 8 Incorporated in 1905. " Incorporated in 1903. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. CUT, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. 1910 1900 1890 Abbeville town Acree town Acworth town Adairsville town Adeltown Adrian town Aiken ton town Alley town Alamo town Alapaha town Albany city AJpharetta town Alto town Americus city Anderson ville village. Apalachee town Arabitown Argyle town Arlington village Armena town Ashburnclty Athens city Atlanta city Atwater town Auburn town Augusta city Austell town Avalon village , Avera town Sumter. . Sumter.., Morgan . . Clarke.' \Fulton \[ 154 > 8 Gwinnett... Richmond . . Cobb Stephens.... 937 616 721 815 531 527 429 4,606 449 4,008 310 256 7,674 6,398 755 417 1,301 10,245 89,872 403 8,639 65,533 39,441 648 582 ■Babcock town Baconton town . . . Bainbridge city.. Baldwin town Ball Ground town Barnesville city.. Barney town Bartow town Barwick town Baxley town Belltontown Bethlehem town. Between town... Beverly town Bibb City town.. Bishop town Blackshear town. Blairsville town. . Blakely city Blue Ridge city.. Bluffton town — Bogart town Bold Springs towi Bolingbroke town Boston town Bostwick town... Bowdon town Bowersvllle town. Bowman city.... Miller Mitchell Decatur f Banks ^Habersham.. Cherokee Pike Brooks Jefferson f Brooks ^Thomas Appling \Hall Walton.... Walton.... Elbert Muscogee... Oconee Fannin Clay Oconee Walton Monroe Thomas.... Morgan Carroll Hart , Elbert 90 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 2.-P0PULATI0N OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITV, TOWN, OE VILLAGE. County. 1910 Boykin town 64 Pierce 198 Broxton city Brunswick city Buchanan city 10,182 Bullochville town Meriwether 204 Calhoun 1 Gordon 1 652 Canton town 2,002 Cartersville cit Centralhatchee to- Heard 119 Chalybeate Springs town Meriwether 147 Chester Dod e 278 Habersham 1,008 1,638 Colbert town Columbus cit 20 5"4 Coolid e town Thoma< Habersham Newton Newton Murray Oglethorpe Taliaferro Upson Colquitt Monroe Covington Mills town 150 Crosland town Chattahoochee Randolph 3,210 1,259 Wilkes Danielsville cit 323 Washington Dawsonvllle town Dawson 179 Washington Habersham Demoreat town 760 CITY, TOWN, OE VILLAGE. Doerun town Donalsonville town. . Dooling town Doravllle town Douglas city Douglas ville town East Ellijay town East Lake town East Point town East Thomaston village.., Eastman city , Elizabeth town.. Ellijay city Emerson city Enigma town Ep worth town Etna town Eton town Fairburn town Fairmount town.. Fayettevillecity.. Ficklin town Finleyson town . . . Fitzgerald city Flintstone town... Folkston town Forest Park town. Forsyth city Fort Gaines city.. Georgetown village.. Gibson town Gillsville town Girard village Glenn ville city Glenwood town Godfrey village Good Hope town Grant ville town... Graymont city Grayson town Graysville town. . . Greensboro city... Greenville town. . . Griffin city Grovania town Grovetown town.. Haralson town Harlem town Harrison town Harrisonvilletown. Hart well city Hawkinsville city. . \ Wilkes Pulaski Ben Hill... Walker.... Laurens.. Calhoun.. Decatur.. Rabun Brooks Clinch Laurens Laurens ... Gwinnett.. Gilmer... Dekalb.. Fulton... Dodge.."."] Calhoun... Elbert.... Cobb Gilmer. . . , Bartow... Berrien..., Fannin... Polk Murray... Emanuel Meriwether.. Talbot Walton Wilkinson... Appling Coweta Walton Emanuel Gwinnett Catoosa Meriwether. . Spalding Tattnall.".".'.".".' Lowndes Fulton".".". "!^ Coweta , Columbia Washington... Richmond.... Hart , Pulaski , Jeff Davis.... Telfeir , STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Richmond 656 214 231 207 550 209 93 174 254 226 1,230 251 114 228 437 429 194 133 186 459 249 111 1,862 622 332 1,207 740 237 191 1,415 970 225 573 413 190 522 267 1,226 241 211 5,587 1,590 285 1,712 1,518 430 705 531 206 100 393 545 221 375 533 227 1,428 716 600 247 1,039 54 198 165 541 309 1,195 1,140 349 322 927 1,253 1,160 160 74 40,665 2,412 922 589 290 5,949 1,082 377 541 Oglethorpe 334 805 233 697 376 109 314 408 603 287 4,385 2,030 1,247 400 212 398 184 3,029 1,630 1,508 v 312 302 195 3,349 256 605 158 226 990 538 503 550 139 475 5,548 364 720 167 968 648 87 340 174 144 276 233 110 350 2,017 10 161 258 483 924 101 243 274 457 655 922 360 32 264 \ 572 558 1,880 467 239 475 454 649 451 708 279 400 148 337 652 315 259 369 453 155 617 327 Montgomery High Shoals town ^ Oconee IWalton 259 213 275 104 Paulding 105 4,219 Trou 893 518 221 434 290 440 158 246 394 Jackson 207 Olascock Molena city Monku: town 1,846 903 1,106 240 227 Jas er 1,487 '267 379 726 922 333 540 Col uitt 2,221 310 573 Mount Airy town MoUllI \ iTtlon ell V Habersham Montgomery 255 805 877 907 803 Alouniville town .... 224 97 293 b ro cit Talbot Cobb 320 168 Richmond 476 254 138 345 3,654 Kin ton town 512 559 Dade 201 699 156 300 4,274 491 319 699 853 396 580 3,090 377 Nicholson town Jackson 797 283 566 267 299 Nunez town Emanuel 413 442 1 Ochlockonee town Thomas 244 805 27 213 635 Oglethorpe Washington Meriwether 221 220 town Oflermai Pierce 330 1,208 254 431 290 1,182 255 338 545 152 Meriwether 1,009 53 836 Montgomery Newton Campbell Terrell Thomas 800 620 267 791 552 114 Patten town m 7G0 1,470 209 234 534 Patterson town Pierce /Brooks \Thomas Coffee Mitchell Jackson 314 262 336 945 Teliair Stewart Meriwether 471 Pearson town Lyerly town 232 375 500 650 330 Fannin 683 1,020 210 515 Telfair 228 Pin h 1 23,272 1,992 22,746 2,131 346 Meriwether Newton Pooler town 1'oubn city Powder Springs town Preston to wn Pretoria town Chatham Mapleton town (Cotton P. 0.) . 474 280 146 Cobb Macon Stephens 4,446 879 160 3,384 1,086 ] Cobb Webster 1 Dougherty 262 Martin town STATISTICS OF POPULATION— GEORGIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 IS'.II) CITY, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 V Imr Meriwether 57 03 207 3,915 113 300 454 275 112 521 321 1,250 225 139 170 227 860 152 1,034 61 12,099 173 1,059 1,158 1 1,422 88 } 120 696 91 272 54 691 402 2,641 65,064 212 } 120 1,111 193 344 293 166 985 266 574 599 1,590 469 842 1,715 370 242 504 162 2,529 621 149 171 645 1,062 197 125 657 4,361 566 336 259 250 1,313 107 296 1,400 1,447 1,081 108 2,117 85 236 197 711 145 1,622 138 1,645 6,727 2,151 2,381 125 320 242 3,120 404 302 1,721 295 263 276 786 1,003 534 1,363 7,656 189 1,776 75 1,564 855 326 872 243 112 149 'l51 226 3,065 543 483 14,485 2,729 250 1,906 319 627 407 50 315 960 179 [ 2,443 204 168 465 155 917 189 442 162 169 616 1,389 366 283 602 244 274 646 662 1,131 102 2,128 134 2,281 441 1,868 Chattooga Berrien 1,699 257 Montgomery 128 436 191 1,014 178 437 212 197 283 139 397 Reynolds town Taylor 240 Rhine town Dodge Stewart 457 Washington 1,121 180 1,714 6,322 1,154 1,384 953 Riddleville village Washington Catoosa Ringgold town 465 927 1,181 Risin Fawn town Dade Thomasville town Thomas 6,614 Thomson town McDuffie 836 252 793 Tif ton city Tift Rockledge town 194 2,176 50 349 1,926 302 196 175 524 575 411 1,120 Meriwether 7,291 109 6,957 123 Chattooga 1,329 579 99 1,138 340 5,613 469 66 588 2,854 503 Meriwether 529 575 1,035 576 345 630 170 Washington 2,023 54,244 1,760 43,189 269 1,113 148 /Floyd 121 782 277 300 319 137 584 Warthen town Washington 863 291 152 172 177 462 Warwick town 3,300 592 351 5,919 2,030 211 1,797 273 392 290 314 Wa nesboro town Burke 1,711 Oglethorpe 597 238 1,229 1,254 416 737 White Plains town Montgomery 683 •1,150 307 1,540 " ..- 3u Iphur Springs town Meriwether 660 296 471 Jefferson Murray Effingham Randolph Bulloch Jackson Jefferson 213 194 Williamsc 166 1,197 172 171 97 741 835 231 1,145 425 Woodbine to Camden Dekalb Gordon Emanuel Chattooga Richmond Emanuel Worth 929 164 Meriwether 566 276 486 3,245 264 333 660 Turner 1,127 342 361 247 895 166 395 IDAHO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [Precinct means election precinct. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Bannock County— Continued. lo IS, and lii.'uinl iiarlx ,>/ precincts Nos. 1, U,and 15.. Precinct No. 2, comprising part of Boise city — Precinct No. 3, emu prising pari oNSoise city... Soda S. Soda Spri" Tivasureton precinct*... ! , , i.N 8 Paris precinct, 20 including Paris city . . Bannock County.. WardS Ward 4 Pegram precinct -•'• Raymond precinct 22 . . St. Charles precinct... . .■■■:'■ Oxford precinct » Pocatello precinct No. 1,'» including parts of wards 3 and 4 of Pocatello city. . Pocatello city (part of) Total for Pocatello city, comprising Pocatello precincts Nos. Sand S, and parts of Pocatello precincts Nos. 1,4,5, and 6. . . Wardl WardS WardS Wardl, Pocatello precinct No. 2,i° comprising parts of wards 3 and 4 of Pocatello city Pocatello precinct No. 3," comprising part of ward 4 of Pocatello city Pocatello precinct No. 4,'- including part of •ward 4 of Pocatello city Pocatello city (part of) . 2,084 . 8,197 . Pocatello precinct No. 5,n including ward 2 of Pocatello city Pocatello city (part of) Pocatello precinct No. 6, 13 including ward 1 of Pocatello ci ty Pocatello city (part of) of population for 1900 and 1890 ca : be made; information as tc ' Treasureton precinct organized from part of Oxford precinct in 1900. « Parts taken to form parts of Pocatello precincts Nos. 5 and U in 1902. 11 Part taken to form Pocatello precinct No. 4 iu 1900 and parts of Pocatello pre- cincts Nos. 5 and 6 in 1902. 12 Organized from part of Pocatello precinct N parts of Pocatello precincts Nos. 5 and 6 in 1902. '» Organized from parts of Pocatello precincts Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 in 1902. " Incorporated in 1908. « Part of Chub Springs precinct annexed in 1900. " Returned in 1900 as in Bannock and Bingham Counties onlv. M County totals Include population (290 In 1900; 246 in 1890) of Thomas Fork precinct, taken to form Geneva and Raymond precincts since 1900; population (1,810 in 1900) of East and West Montpeller precincts, not returned separately in 1900; pop- ulation (1,379 in 1890) of Montpeller precinct, taken to form East and West Morit- Bingham County » . . Blackfoot city (part of) , ..■■../, ... Nos. 1 and 2 Wardl Ward2 WardS Ward 4 Blackfoot precinct No.: 4 and part of wardl of Blackfoot city Blackfoot city (part of) Col tman precinct so Crowley precinct » Danilson Springs precinct « Fairview precinct 36 pelier precincts; and population (139 in 1890) of Preston precinct, annexed to East Montpeller precinct, between 1890 and 1900. is Bern pre cf in 1904. ' s Incorporated In 1909. 20 Wardboro precinct organized from part of East Montpelier precinct in 1900. 2i Not returned separately in 1900. 22 Organized from part of Thomas Fork precinct in 1902. a Organized from parts of Liberty and Paris precincts in 1904. 2* Parts taken to form Sharon precinct in 1904 and part of Lanark precinct in 1 ,iiM. 25 Part taken to form pai inet in 1904. 2 « Name changed from Nuphar in 1908. .: ,- . ! : 23 Part annexed to Fremont County in 1905. .ikon lo form Blackfoot precincts Nos. 1 and 2; po;>i ecinct, taken to form Idaho Falls precincts Nos. 1 to 4; and population (3S7) of Teton precinct, annexed to Fremont Comity, since 1900. 30 No com]): uri <>r 1890 can be made; information as to changes H Incorporate 35 Incorporated in 1907. n 1908. (93) 94 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IDAHO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, s Bingham Coanty— Continued. Uigham precinct Idaho Falls precinct No. !,■ including \\ Malic Kills L-ily Idaho Falls city (par: '"' Falls in ici nets iVos. 1, S, and 4 . . Wardl WardS WardS.. Ward 4.. Idaho Falls precinct No. 2,-< comprising ward 2 of Idaho Falls city Idaho Falls precinct No. 3, 3 including ward 3 of Idaho Falls city.. Idaho Falls city Idaho Falls city (part of) Iona precinct, 1 including Iona village . . Iona village 5 Jack Knife precinct' Lincoln precinct 6 Moreland precinct 2 Riverside precinct 9 Shelley village 10 Taylor precinct Thomas precinct 9 V\ illow Creek precinct " Blaine County.. Wardl WardS Broadford precinct. . Corral precinct Hailev precinct,! 1 including Hailey city Hattevcity™ Wardl WardS Ketchum precinct Martin precinct ™ Moore precinct 1 7 Muldoon precinct Picabo precinct ' 8 Smoky precinct Soldier precinct, 19 including Soldier village.. Soldier village 2 » Stanton precinct 2 ' Wapi precinct Boise County lago... 1,285 921 1,343 257 142 Boise County— Continued. . ,1,1 ,!,, I Idaho City village Lake precinct Lower Squaw Creek precinct 2 > . . Lowman precinct M Moore Creek precinct Pearl precinct, including Pearl v; Pearl village " Pioneer precinct M Placerville precinct, including Placerville vil- lage Placerville village Quartzburg precinct Rosebcrry precinct *> i",w Creek precinct" Van Wyck precinct, 21 including Van Wyck vil- lage Van Wyck village 2 *.. Bonner County" Blacktail precinct Bonners Ferry precinct, including Bonners Cabinet precinct.. Centerville villagt ■inri '::■ Garden Valley precinct 2 « I 223 179 196 1 Jack Knife precinct organized from part of Grays precinct in 1904. 2 Grovelandprecinctorganizedfrom pai i. m n :■,..::. precincts in 1904. . 1 : ,..,,■, ,,,' , ■:■ ■ ..'■.,', nc: . . I ■.',■!. -ni'l 1900 and 190>i. 4 Parts taken to form Lincoln precinct in 1904 and part of Crowlcv precinct in 1906. 5 Incorporated in 1905. 8 Organized from part of » Woodvilte precincl org: ■■ ■ ■. 1 i low Creek precinct i 9 Thomas precinct organized from parts of I'i-h and Riverside precincts in 190-1. '» Incorporated in 1901. " Parts taken ioli>nn Poplar prcomei in 1 •}()} and par! 01 '■ dnn ley precinct in 1906. >- County tola I it 11 I id,-, population 1 ::]::) ol Hull ion, 1 >oor Crock, and Doniphan precincts, annexed to Hailey precinct; population (129) of Tilcura precinct, annexed to Picabo precinei ., and H.pulai ion ( 17:,) of . 'richlon a ad Willow Creek precincts, annexed to Soldier p.ooinel, since 1900. is Incorporated in 1909. » Name changed from Little Wood River in 1906. 1 5 Bullion and Deer Creek precincts annexed in 1904 and Doniphan precinct annexed in 1908. >« Name changed from Era in 1900. Colburn precinct Copeland precinct Dam precinct Dover precinct Elmira precinct Gamblin Lake precinct Granite precinct Hope precinct, including Hope village.. Hope village & Humbird precinct, including ward 1 of Sand- point city Sandpoint city (part of)... Mountain View, and Sandpoint precincts.. Ward 1 Warde WardS Ward 4 Kootenai precinct. . . Laclede precinct Lakeview precinct. . Markham precinct Mountain View precinct, including ward 2 of Naples precinct Newport precinct Northside precinct Oden precinct Pend d'Oreille precinct, comprising ward 4 of Sandpoint city ■fie- : ■■":■ on 1 ■:,, ' ... Priest River precinct, including Priest River village Priest River village >- Sandpoint precinct, including ward 3 of Sand- point city Sandpoint city (part of) Spirit Valley precinct Valley precinct 141 . is Crichton and Willow Creek precincts annexed in 1902. 29 Incorporated in 1908. a. , ',:,,!■■ : ,ii, 11 '.:■,■:,.■: ■ dim 22 County totals include population (45 in 1900; 117 in 1890) of Banner precinct, taken to form part of Lowman precinct; population (3 in 1900; 24 in 1890) of Dead- wood precinct, annexed lo Garden Valley precinct; population (53 in 1900) of Twin Springs precinct, abolished, since 1900; population (544 in 1890) of Horseshoe Bend, o-.Vi 1 ;liai\ ' .01 i, an. 1 I pin , plan 'leoi, ■in, I ■ ,: .{. nui :,-m mini , in 1890; and population (321 in 1890) of that part of county not located bv precincts in 1890. » Brownleo I irom parts of Lower and Upper Squaw Creek pre- cincts in 1908. 29 Returned as Pioneerville in 1900. 11 Name changed from Omega since Imuu. 3 ' Organized from part of Kootenai County In 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IDAHO. 95 Tablb 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 25,323 1 7,497 7,197 a 3,951 » 3,143 Albion precinct,* 4 Including Albion village 268 1,293 971 S,54S 971 1,455 1,117 1,991 1,608 '529 401 1,031 726 711 1,257 514 906 274 1,048 531 1,351 464 491 406 794 S62 1,948 sea 726 860 642 1,152 SS8 571 1,569 1,455 1,285 694 1,870 1,464 1,480 726 366 1,455 1,117 126 1,569 1,14S 1,007 860 900 392 319 332 127 1,575 306 415 247 594 395 1,276 911 214 170 258 63 3,001 747 S06 290 278 690 283 997 Total for Caldwell city In East, South, and 779 389 171 446 iiil pr 11 mi lading Oakley village 1,078 799 347 111 51 a> 2,049 563 *> 2,176 281 340 22 "667 338 196 400 31 843 159 74 89 94 4,785 263 H II 1 Mil 1 1 11 \ ill i f p 286 342 427 :!■ 44 57 61 J« 2,286 Total for Payette city in North, South, and 614 Wardl... V . 146 428 76 885 800 138 390 2,011 1,411 135 44 181 24,606 119 Parma precinct,' 5 Including Parma village 133 282 Glenns Ferry precinct, including Glenn? lVrry 472 81 170 78 757 529 101 296 part of ward 1 of Emmett city South Payette precinct," including ward 2 of « 12,821 386 1,097 714 40 394 502 257 85 148 224 285 254 West Emme tt i ing part of ward Ashton prcciin >n village West Nampa precinct," 3 including part of Payette city Payette city (part of) ! , Chapin precinct form Notus and Parma precincts; pop- North, ouuui, i tion (500) of Lo..v. * ulation (1,290) of Nampa precinct, taken to form East, South, and West Nampa precincts and parts of Homestead and Midway precincts; and population (1,394) of Payette precinct, taken to form West Payette precinct and parts of Fruitland and North and South Payette precincts, since 1900. s Organized from parts of Emmett and Stuart precincts in 1906. » Franklin precinct organized from part of East Caldwell precinct In 1900. • Organized from part of Nampa precinct in 1902. 5 Fargo precinct organized from part of Roswell precinct in 1908. 3 Organized from parts of New Pi ts in 1908. 7 Organized from part of iclnct In 1908. 3 Organized from parts of Nampa and West Caldwell precincts In 1906. 9 Organized fro: 10 Part taken to 11 Incorporated 13 Organized from part of Emmett precinct in 1904. 1 3 Incorporated in 1909. 14 Organized from parts of Payette lots in 1902. 15 Organized from part of Lower Boise precinct in 1906. '« Incorporated in 1904. H Organized from part of West Caldwell precinct in 1906. 13 Organized from part of Nampa precinct in 1906. is Parts taken to form parts of North and South Payette precincts in 1902 and part of Bromwell precinct in 1906. » Parts taken to form South Caldwell and Greenleaf precincts in 190G and 190S, respectively, and parts of Homestead and Midway precincts in 1906 and 1908, re- spectively. » Organized from part of Payette precinct in 1908. u Part taken to form Twin Falls County in 1907. m County totals include population (26.8 'in 1900; 329 in 1890) of Butte, Rock Creek, and Salmon Falls precincts, taken to form Twin Falls County; population (118 In 1900; 167 In 1890) of Clear Creek precinct, taken to form Bridge and Standrod pre- cincts; and population (4 in 1900; ,32 in isori) oi Ji>sm- precinct, taken to form Burley precinct an' : : >recinct, since 1900. 24 Parts taken to form Rosston precinct in 1906 and part of Marshfield precinct 1 ■ ■ ' ■ . '< ; , ■■ : in 1906. so County totals include population (90 in 1000; 160 in 1890) of Bonanza precinct. i;.\rti 10 form Loon Creek and Sunbeam precincts since 1900; population (54 in 1890) of Crystal preci ik i, i'iipcxcimo Cl:i\ fun pr"<-in,.'i : pn pub I ion (70 in 1800) of Roinslmni precinct, annexed to Bay Horse picon f ''i ie 1890) of Sea Foam precinct, abandoned, between 1890 and 1900. si Incorporated in 1907. 32 Mackay precinct organized from part of Houston precinct in 1902. 33 Organized from part of Bonanza precinct in 1904. 34 Incorporated in 1901. s 5 Organized from part of Bonanza precinct in 190S. 36 County total includes population (79) of Ncal precinct, part taken to form Camas precinct; and population (17) of Smiths Prairie precinct, taken to form part <■:■■■■ '■■■■■' ■'■::: ■' ■ » Organized from parts of Pine Grove and Smiths Prairie precincts in 1900. i< i ': . ::, ■ eielnein ■'■,,,, , I Grangeville city , '/, < n (part of) ■ "■■' ill= | ■ ' . :. I', lu'lin I ' wards 1 and 2 of Grangeville city .. Grangeville city (part of) Greencreek precinct 9 Harpster precinct John Day precinct Joseph precinct " Lake precinct . . Mount Idaho precinct 14 Pleasant View precinct 2I Pollock precinct '"- Roosevelt precinct " Slate Creek precinct -. Stites precinct,^ including Stites village Stites village * Stuart precinct, 24 including Kooskia village. . Kooskia village & Tahoe precinct » Warm Springs precinct Kootenai County » Athol precinct, including Athol tc < niiii Bay precinct.. WardS.. Ward S Ward 4 Emlda precinct a< Fern wood precinct K Harrison precinct, including Harrison village. . Harrison village Hauser precinct Kootenai precinct,^ Including ward 4 of Coeur d' Alene city Coeur d' Alene city (part of > Incorporated in 1904. 2 Incorporated in 1910. a Incorporated in 1907. < Incorporated in 1905. s Incorporated in 1903. » Incorporated in 1906. :■ i.iuiL'cvillc precincts Nos. 1 to 4 since 1900; population (i;:-:i oi h -.oskia village, in- correctly return ■ incl ii 1900; and opul • I 127 ) of that part of county not located by precincts in 1900. 8 Not returned by precincts in 1890. 9 Organized from part of Nez Perce iiclinu Ke.,e; . .-it ion in 1900. ' 10 Parts taken to form Tahoe precinct in 1902 and part of Stites precinct in 1901. ii Organized in 1902. ■ 2 Incorporated in 1901. '3 Deer Creek and Joseph precincts organized from parts of Forks precinct in 1900 and 1906, respectively. '* Dewey precinct organized from part of Mount Idaho precinct in 1904. 15 Organized since 1900. n> Organized from part of Pollock precinct in 1900. " Organized from part of Grangeville precinct in 1904. " Incorporated as a city in 1903. 19 Organized from part of Stuart precinct in 1902. ■■". Organized In 1908. o form Goff precinct Clarks Fork, Cocolalla, Granite, Hope, Kootenai, Lakeview. Markham, Naples, Northside, Priest Lake, Priest River, Sandpoint, Seneaguoteen, Spirit Valley, and Valley precincts, taken to form Bonner County; and population (93) of Elk Moun- STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IDAHO. 97 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Kootenai County— Continued. La Crosse precinct » . d'Alenecity.. Coeur d' Aleve cilij {part of).. it precinct Mica Bay precinct. . Post Falls to I 'rail ie precincl Rathdrum precincl , including Itai aim k SI. Maries precinct, including St. Maries town... St. Maries town « Sanders precinct 7 Santa precinct 8 Sherman precinct,' comprising part of ward 1 of Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation. . Latah County 18,818 n East and West Gen- Total for Genesee esee precincts Last. Mns.'ow pii'i met,' 4 including part of M ciiy (part o/).. Gold Hill precinct 12 Kendrick precinct, including Kendrick village. Moscow city (part of) North Troy precmct," including part of Troy village Troy village (part of) Totalfor troy lilhuj, in Xorlh and South Troy precincts Palouse precinct > 5 Pine Creek precincl Potlatch precinct '' Southeast Moscow pnvin< r,is including part of Moscow citv • ■ ■/..■> '■■/ ■ ■ South Troy precinct," including part of Troy Troy village (part of) Southwest Moscow precinct, 18 including part of Moscow city Moscow city (pirt of) Thorn Creek pneiaci MINOR CTVIL D Latah County— Continued. West Genesee precinct," including part of Gene- Genesee city (pari of) . . West Moscow precinct, 19 Moscow- city Moscow cili/ (/>«(■/ of).. White Pine precinct including part of Lemhi County. . city... Salmon city (part of) Total for Salmon cily in ISiooLlyn and Salmon City precincts I lai men precinct -■> Fort Lemhi precinct 2S i illc pre. inct 2 ' Iron Creek precinct 2< Junction precinct I ,ei 'si 1 1 1 r;> precinct 28 Mineral Hill precinct 2 » Nicholia precincl.. Noble precinct 30 I 'ah imari precinct 31 Salmon City precinet, 33 including part of Salmon Salmon city (part of).. Singiser precinct 32 i l\ iscs precinct 20 Lincoln County.. Accquia preciiu Bliss precinct. . Burns precinct. Clear Lake prec. Clover Creek precinct. i iooding Hagerman precinct. including Gooding village Jerome precincl, including Jerome villaee . Jerome village » Minidoka precinct, including Minidoka village. Richfield Rupert precincl.. including Rupert village. Rupert village " precinct, including Shoshone village. . Shoxhonr village 35 ndell precinct, including Wendell village Nez Perce County 38 Ahsahka precinct.. i old Springs precinct, including Ilo village and 398 193 150 156 65 39 155 1,311 398 29 " Organized from part of Troy precinct in 1902. 18 Organized from part- [ iscow precincts in 1900. « Parts taken to form parts of Southeast and Southwest Moscow precincts in 20 County total includes population (480) of Lemhi Indian Reservation, parts annexed to Fort Lemhi and Yeariaiu ille precincts since 1S0O. *i No compari if population for 1890 can be made; information as to changes Mountain precinct annexed it 9 Organized from pa' ' ' jr civil divisions incomplete. hanged from Gold Stone h " No population reported ii 1900. r- d'Alene precinct in 1906; part taken to form 2 « Organized from part of Salmon City precinct in 1900. 2* Organized from part of Salmon City precinct in 1900; part taken to form part of Noble precinct in 1902. n 1890) of Genesee precinct, 2,; Pari of Lemhi Indian Ikseix ation annexed in 1909. 27 p ar t taken to form part of Noble precinct in 1902. 28 Name changed from California Bar in 1900. rts of Southeast and 29 Ulysses precinct organized from part of Miner a I Hill precinct in 1900. 3" Organized from parts of Carmen and Gibbonsville precincts in 1902. 31 Patterson precinct organized from part of Pahsi man 32 Rabbit Foot 1 " ecinct in 1906. 33 Parts taken to form Brooklyn, Carmen, and Iron Creek precincts in 1900. 31 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted since 1900. as Incorporated in 1909. 3 « Incorporated in 1904. ■ Incorporated in 1906. * Part of Shoshone County annexed in 1906. » Incorporated in 1907. precinct, taken to form East, South, and West 'tween 1890 and 1900. 12 Boulder Creek precinct organized from part of Gold Hill precinct in 1904. 1 3 Organized from part of Genesee precinct in 1900. u Parts taken to form North Moscow precinct in 1902 and parts of Southeast and Southwest Moscow precincts in 1900. is Potlatch precinct organized from parts of Gold Creek and Palouse precincts in i« Organized from part of East Moscow precinct in 1902. 2S407— 12 7 98 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IDAHO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. Nez Perce County— Continued. Culdesac precinct, including Culdesac town . . Culdesac town > Deer Creek precinct •. Fords (reek precinct.. Gi ford village'. O ilbert precinct Greer precinct H:il\\ai precind, including part of ward 2 of Lewiston city Lewiston city {part of) Total for Lt toiston city, ■ nmpii^rni l., ,, is/mi 1, comprising part of Lewiston precinct X ward 1 of Lewiston Lewiston precinct No. 2, comprising parts of words 1 and :; ol Lev is I on cii v. . ward 3 of Lewiston city. . Lewiston city (part of) . . Mason precinct M.-lrosc precinct , including part of loi'nio I'i'ci me Orofino villa. Peck precinct, including Peck tc Peck town* Pierce precinct Rimrock Drecinct Oneida County.. Reservation. . JLL li.^Ol. Clifton and Weston precincts and part of Fail __ ' Arbon precmcc or.':in:/.'d iroin pjo.rt ol \moricati trills precinct in 1900. is in Bannock and Rindiani Coimtiesonly. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. o form part of Winder precinct in mm. 1900. » Landing preemd orsaiir/.ed ti oni part of Rockland precinct In 1909. is Part taken lo iorm Riverdale precinct in 1900. 16 Pleasantview and Pocatello Valley precincts organized from parts of San precinct in 1902 and 1908, respectively. l " Organized from parts of i lift on and Riverdale prcoi population (36 in 1890) of War Eagle precinct, part taken to form part of Rock Creek honey precincts In 1900. Oneida County— Continued. Curlew precinct"! .. Daniels precinct" .. Dayton precinct' 2 .. 3 including Franklin village.. Mn lad village. . Mink i 'reck pivcinol. n. . Idoasant.N iew precinct ic I'rin u precinct a ... Castle Creek precinct. . De Lamar precinct Dewey precind -'■'■ . .... i Rand View precind . . King Hill precinct 2 ' Murphy precinct 28 Oreana precinct Pleasant Valley precinct a Reynolds precinct Riddle [ iin-t , ;:l including part of Duck Val- ley Indian Reservation Duck Valley Initial, lUsu eahonn (part of).. oil\er Cil v precind Three Creek precinct ^ Wioka honey precinct 30 Wilson precinct 33 Shoshone County 34 Enaville precinct 39 Gem precinct Government precinct ™ 342 Littlefie'ld precinct Mace precincts' -. 23 Florida precinct annexed in 1909. 21 Organized from pails of llomedale and Wilson precincts T changed from Rock Creek '- '"' 26 Organized from part of Wilson precinct u part taken to form part of iy precinct between 1890 and 1900. !S Name changed from Guffey ir 20 Dairy precinct annexed in 190o. 30 Organized from paM". ol Rum can and Three Cod, r aancs in 1900. 31 Returned in 1900 as in Elko County. Nevada, only. Total population for Duck Vallcv Indian Reservation in Owyhee County, Idaho, and Rlko County, Nevada, m 1910, 488, and in 1900, 439. 34 Name changed from hie Hat in 1900 I'arls taken to form parts of Riddle and Wickahoney precincts in 1900. 33 Parts taken to form Homedale precinct in 1900 and part of Enterprise precinct in 1906. 3 < Part annexed to Nez Perce County in 1905. 33 County totals include population (1,414 in 1900; 394 in 1890) of Lolo, Orofino, Pierce City, and Woippe precincts, annexed p. N'e/. Reive Count y: population (50 in 1900; 56 in 1890) of Ride precinct, annexed to Murray precinct, since 1900; popula- ' I in ii noi i hat part of county not located bv piooinds in man, population (157 in 1890) of Caibmi pieciud, annexed to Delta precinct between 1890 and 1900; population (91 :f in isaii) . . I Wallace precincts No?. ) and 2, given as Wallace pre- cinct; and population (858 in 1890) of Wardner precincts Nos.l and 2, given as Wardner precinct, in 1890. 86 Organized from part of Elk Prairie precinct in 1908. 3i Mace precinct oicmii/.eil i'loni part ol Km kc preemef in RIDS 38 Parts taken to form Big Creek and Marble precincts in 1908. '■■■■• I'fnav die iui'i nrijaiii/ed i i i ol I in- -a on precinct in 1908. *o Government precinct organized from part of Kellogg precinct in 1908. u Incorporated in 1907. « Organized from part of Mullan precinct in 190S. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IDAHO. 99 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Shoshone County— Continued. 29 708 534 1,191 1, 133 500 177 934 804 3,000 804 714 70S 777 1,152 1,01S 579 406 777 785 785 1,S69 385 400 584 722 584 13,543 Twin Falls County— Continued. 230 337 307 GO 2, 068 1,858 5,218 1,762 1,500 1,230 911 1,279 11,101 Morning precipe!, = including pari, of Mullun Total for Mullun iWiujc* in Morning and Twin Kails precinct No. i, including part ol 1,217 818 Total for Ttr'in l;iHs ,-iiij j in. Twin Falls 302 303 59 1,274 1,200 2,265 450 259 Twin 1 ill p 1 o iiu hiding part of Wallace precinct No. I, 6 including ward 1 of Yam I'all'i precinct Nil. :;, including part of Total for 1! ull.icc ci/ii. mm i>risiu,j U'uIIuk 878 Twin rails pieoinet' ;■,,,,. p including part of 6,882 \\ allace prccincl X,i. '_'," i n.-liir 1 mi; ward 2 and 1,211 141 349 31 1,249 312 121 223 1,093 197 2,600 354 356 64 100 478 486 986 1,214 106 80 493 295 1,494 466 Cambridge precinct, 11 including < unliridg< vil- Wallace precinct No. 1,5 comprising ward 4 of (iiuiiiiipi ' m liih nod village 810 482 1,018 1 isf W'eiser precinc i,' pi ludin part of Weiser •1,081 1,364 ncr precinct No. 1 and part of Wardntr Total for 11 n,, ,iui in In , Midrib unit 362 164 356 390 Middle Weiser precinct, 20 including part of 2,408 630 555 152 1, 203 214 409 900 037 ;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 127 175 921 127 1,462 798 \\ i -i V, ei . i pin mi i including part of Weiser i 1 Organized from part of Elk Prairie precinct in 1908. 2 Organized from pan m Mullan precinct in 1908. 3 Incorporated in 1904. * Parts taken to form Larson and Morning prec-incls ii 5 Eagle precinct 6 Wallace preciiT 1 and 2 in 1908. Incorporated ir :s Nos. 3 and 4 organized hum parts of Wallace prcein 11 County total includes population (203) of ( 'nine precinct, taken to form Lower ...ud r ppi 1 i 1 . ■ ■ 1. ■ pre, -in.'!.,, and pi, pn Up ion r.i.vj) m \\ ci.-,ci precipe ml -a, ,,, 101 n. East and West Weiser precincts, between 1890 and 1900. '- ( pprnni and l.andore precincts organized fiom parts of Hear precinct in 1908. 13 Organized from pari oiSaluhria preeinci m mi 1 I 'ot I on 001 1 prei a mi 1 If 1 1 1 M 1 1 a I md Rut.hburg precincts 1908. 1 '■ Incorporated in 1903. ir ' Organized from parts of Lower 1 rain- and. Saluhria pircinots m 1908. ,r Part taken to form part of Middle Y\ eisei piccinct in I'.ios - ' >rganized from pai i of '\ e.l \\ eiser picanct in 190S. ''' t'art taken to form piart of Dixie precinct in 1908. '' i Ireanized from 1 ciris of Kasl and West Weiser precincts in 1908. 1 -hanged En m Middle Valley in 1908. 1 n-l s en to form 1 1111 1 I 1 | n id p u i Hi m I ill 1908. 23 Parts taken to form Eaton and Hale precinct < and pari of Middle Weiser pre- 100 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IDAHO. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGB. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Cassia 392 953 214 322 502 281 200 702 2,202 539 17,358 1,071 3,543 349 130 338 7,291 555 312 436 1,351 214 534 742 410 153 800 1,444 1,534 1,231 932 215 262 '209 353 970 324 1,273 543 301 6,043 346 321 1,303 298 294 306 179 Meridian village 019 45 1,924 3,670 1,411 1,667 4,205 274 599 911 384 1,038 Amnion village Arco village Ashton village Bear Lake 1,444 2,484 529 Basalt village Bellevue city Blackfoot city Bin ham Nam acit Can on 799 347 356 892 Bear Lake Boise city 5,957 349 2,311 Bear Lake Twin Falls rnrkcv village 997 779 Washington 1,948 123 236 187 9,110 058 2,110 248 725 1,893 158 555 192 297 1,238 869 1,434 366 '537 1,155 501 885 907 300 391 543 5,258 279 332 3,000 1,369 2,600 482 398 614 Custer Peck town Nez Perce 508 491 230 4,046 Washington Emmettcit Can on Twin Fails 407 1,081 435 731 282 Bear Lake 411 1,132 540 398 Harrison village Kootenai 702 Hope village Bonner Idaho City village 390 1,262 Idaho Falls city Bingham Ilo village Nez Perce 428 287 Latah 490 283 2,425 Twin Falls 849 2,265 1,050 Washington 1,364 Fremont ILLINOIS. Table 1.- [The word "precinct," where used, i -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. footnotes; for those between 1! minor civil nivisioN. Adams County.. ip, including Camp Point Camp Point village I'lai inn low usliip, including Clayton village... Clayton village . ... . - Columbus township, including part of Colum- n Columbus and i.'unooi d lownship. _ Kllingmu ura nship fall ciocU township Gilmer lownship, iueluding part of Columbus Coatsburg village. . usivo of part of Quincy Mendon township, including .Men. Ion village Mention village Km i in ust township, including Golden and La Payson township, including I'avsonand Plain- ville villages Payson village Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 WardS Ward 6 Ward 7 Richfield township Riverside township, exclusive of part of Quincy Alexander County Beech Ridge precinct Cache precinct Cairo precinct, coextensive with Cairo city . . Cairo city Wardl WardS Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 WardS Ward! Clear Creek precinct i. Deltaj — '- East C _ Elco precinct 3 ■"-■■ i ;land precinct 4 . Sandusky precinct &. Santa Fe precinct Tamms precinct, 8 including Tamms village.. Burgess township, including Pocahontas vil- : -.'- Li'l, 1 p I llici llnlii \ 'I,:-- Millersburg village, (part of) (Pierron P.O.).... Total for Millersburg village 8 in Burgess ; township, Bond County, and Saline town- ! :jii,r»s7 5,276 B,0S6 6,231 minim; civic division. 1 Part taken to form part of Delta precinct in 1900. » Organized from parts of Clear Creek and Elco precincts in 1900. • Parts taken to form parts of Delta and Tamms precincts In 1900 and 1906, respectively. 4 Olive Branch precinct organized from parts of Goose Island and Unity pre- Bond County— Continued. Wardl WardZ WardS Lagrange township. . Grove village.. Mulberry Grove village Old Ripley township, including Old Ripley Old Ripley , Pleasant Mound lownship, including Smith- Grisham townships, Montgomery County.. !■,,:■■, ;n! , ,//,,„, .., .,;. Total for Panama village 9 in Shoal Creek township, linnd Count ij, and Grisham iiumu-.ltip, Maiilgohury < uuuly h'i lit:; pari village ( part of) Total for Keyesport village in Tumult;' u. B oone C ounty videre township, including Belvidere city.. liilvithre ci/g Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 WardS Bonus township.. T> ~-ne township, i .rt of Poplar G._ Capron village Poplar Grove village (part of)... Total for Poplar Urate til/aae in Boone and Caledonia townships Caledonia lownship, including nart of Poplar Grow village Poplar Grove village (part of) . . Ploia lownship Le Roy township Mancllest. i low nship Brown County Buckhorn township Cooperstown township Elkhorn township) Lee township, including Mound Station tc \fout,,l Station tnivn Missouri township. . Mount Stirling ci!g ..... Karri/ WardS WardS I ea Pidgc lownship Ripley lownship, including Ripley town.. Bureau County Arispie township, including part of Tlskilwa township^ Maiden village . . • Organized from parts of Elco and Sandusky precincts in 1906. 7 Incorporated in 1905. 8 Returned in 1900 as in Bond County only. 9 Incorporated in 1906. 10 Returned in 1900 as in East Fork and Grisham townships, Montgomery C (101) 102 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ;e footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, s MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 191 ) 1900 1890 Bureau County— Continued. 735 611 2,554 887 1,009 896 w 646 1,006 12, 493 949 1,910 m 1,S70 7,035 642 1,188 733 2,913 1,559 1,093 431 '555 654 534 743 912 218 741 1,018 349 1,267 542 1,353 527 5,227 1,131 1,320 785 1,061 965 2,418 1,339 1,420 763 1,991 370 1,048 343 . 1,665 872 8,610 761 705 2,965 873 L076 210 921 766 1,123 9,844 779 792 2,759 993 ' 190 847 499 946 Carroll County— Continued. Rock Creek township, including Lanark city . . . 1 849 176 .«,: 436 406 498 862 357 691 176 295 221 '.127 633 :,.si 794 334 630 483 487 372 2,093 1,306 2,144 1,296 ; , ., :,,■, Salem township, including parts of Chad- 1,657 Pout Unvuship inrluding part, of Dover village. 956 3,938 3,325 ' ■ ' i: ■ i..i.n' ,■ -I : 3,445 Wardl / nul Seatonville villages and Spring Wards / Shannon township, including Shannon village.. 1,066 678 687 914 1,442 633 1,487 467 17,222 1,324 909 6,214 536 3,837 V, • S.,S II1U ;i • dp lllCludlll" V ij I : •■ i a lllr 1 i p ward * :.!.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: York township, including rhonison village 1 1401 374 Indlantown township, including part of Tis- 1,271 469 1,345 576 715 545 793 1,277 439 1,312 516 556 363 731 810 La Moille township, including La Moilie > iliage. Vrenzvillo precinct, including Arenzville village. 1 222 518 452 096 U2-1 274 884 163 684 107 722 123 935 401 361 368 630 546 275 S54 501 547 497 457 423 829 1,263 462 1,629 1,201 669 '940 l',S41 4,827 1,135 Leepertown township, including Bureau vil- Arid !",.( pr'cnini including Vshhnai villa"!' 1 1,477 1,045 Chandlerville precinct, including Chandlerville niius village 731 1,258 339 1,224 516 1,322 461 4,886 4,023 792 905 188 1,209 542 1,197 364 3,396 : .»■■'' '•'•< •■■'• ' : '»'/. .: ,.,; eh icluding parts of wards 1 and 2 of Beardslown city 2 Mineral township, including Mineral village M05 Neponset township, inrluding a eponset village. -'<"'.'"' / ./■ ':..,,,.'■. . . .• city in East and West Wardl 1 Princeton township, including Princeton city .. . Ward 4 1 408 387 725 633 335 898 1,600 Selby township, including Depue and Holloway- 1,662 4.88 207 1,501 791 1,118 400 1,565 455 i 2,534 Walnut township, inrluding Walnut village 1,368 1,224 436 Ward 1 Ward2 West Beardsto.'n precinct including wards 3 and 4 and parts of wards 1 and 2 of Beardstown 3,877 3,486 47,622 '902 8,917 405 1,510 670 7,652 Ayers township, including Broadlands village 929 16 865 1,234 513 1,052 506 458 1,143 335 1,091 654 1,833 ' 300 18,035 1,366 634 773 330 1,217 308 954 1 49 2 ' 270 1,359 360 18,963 1,168 548 580 172 613 962 Crater precinct, including Kampsville village . . . Total for Alltrhm nil :,;, ' in .1 i/trx tmrnshiii, Chant imiijn Count,/, ami Sidell township, Hamburg precinri , i nc h nl lug II amburg village. . 480 860 353 421 805 964 990 423 997 718 soo 5. r )7 6S9 737 596 418 530 305 523 384 IU >Y, n n... r ■ d,. 1,1 .; idui: i : Inn • ill'l V 1 1,544 614 9,966 9,098 Hardin precinct, including Hardin village 807 311 1,741 228 1,203 Champaign township, including Champaign Point precinct, including Brussels village Richwoods precinct, including Batchtown vil- 18,320 794 431 1,278 519 589 323 1,797 897 1,759 874 1,373 505 505 631 1,951 1,009 1,965 506 1,146 901 1,576 777 820 1,113 750 610 427 1,060 306 1,122 421 2,977 1,836 1 i II mi lu In. 1 i II i 1 Totalfor Mount Carroll city in Mount Car- roll and Salem townships Total for Uauhnt! lil/na, •■■> in Ludlow and Rantoul townships / 1,207 1,074 ' Incorporated in 1903. >t returned by precincts in 1890*. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. 103 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where used, i K CIVIL DIVISION. Champaign County— Continued. Mahomet township, including Mahomet village Mahomet village Newcomb township Ogden township, including Ogden village. riiii.i i.-v ii i] iii- 1 ; i . ■ ■. riiii Philo village Rantoul township, in. haling Thomasboro vll- clmlill;; LollJV ii'V. vil- and Sadorus \ illa.ut's . n Sadorus town- ship, Champaign County, and Bement township, Piatt County Sadorus village (part ot) Total for Sadorus village in Sadorus and St. Joseph township, including St. Joseph vil- Sadorus village (part of) Tolono village Urbana township, 5 including U \Uird I.. Ward 3. '. Ward 4-- WardS.. Christian County.. Assumption township, including Assumption Assumption city 6 . Hard i Ward i WardS Bear Creek township, including Palmer town. . . Buckhart township, including Edinburg village. Edinburg i illag; Kin-' township, including part of Harvel vi g township, Christian County, and Harvel township, Montgomery County Locust township, including Owaneco village. . . Ward 4.. Wardo... Prairieton township. , Ricks township, incluc t Morrisonville village.. 1 Incorporated in 1906. ' Incorporated in 1900. s Incorporated in 1903. * Returned in 1900 as in Champaign County only. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Ward I Ward 2 WardS Darwin township... Dolson township... Douglas township.. Parker township.. ( lav «'n\ loiMiship, including Clay City village. Ward 1 WardS WardS Hoosier township, including part of S il Total foi .Si; i .i .;, . tag in Uoo.iier and Pixley townships Larkinsburg township Louisville township, including Louisville village. Louis* illr village Oskaloosa township Pixley township, including part of Sailor Sprin gs village Sailor Springs village (part of) Songer township . .. si, mion] township Xt.nia township, including Xenia village Clinton County.. Brookside township, including parts of wards 3 Wardl Ward 2 WardS Clement township, including Huey village Huey village Kasi Full: iouaiship th rinaiitown township, including German- ... Irishtown township, including part of Keyes- LookiriL' Class township, including New E and New Memphis villages New Baden village.. St. Rose township Santa Fe township, including Bartelso village. Bartelso village 104 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.— POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. >e footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, s MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Clinton County— Continued. Sugar Creek township, including Aviston village 3,079 897 1,694 62S 610 661 1,414 34,517 3,000 887 1,706 2,761 881 1,384 Cook County— Continued. Calumet township, including parts of Blue Island, Morgan I'ark.and Hi \ erdale villages. . 8,881 3,669 8,043 S,494 3, 694 587 917 2,185,283 29,628 42, 801 49, 650 57,131 90,423 65,810 51,707 57, 66 ^ 91,621 58, 721 62, 770 60,438 65, 223 70,099 26, 137 58,023 61,708 47,906 49,824 44,320 62,428 99,696 112,793 68, 183 81,985 61,808 78,671 70,408 70,841 67,769 69,647 14,557 1,302 690 1,649 408 228 25,976 4,050 4,426 2,415 2,609 S,769 6,343 3,364 4,296 2,284 2,813 683 418 11,289 782 2,186 4S0 6,282 1,804 1,A88 64 1,702 314 SS4 949 898 905 6,162 2,601 e, m 2,167 2,329 320 558 1,698,575 9,021 Total for Bin, Islam! ti'li/gc in Culuiiict and Total for M,,,,/,,//' furl: villini? in Calumet and Worth townships Wade township, including Beckemeyei village.. 681 746 1,027 797 34,146 820 30,093 Total for L'timda/e nillugc in Calumet and 1,099,850 1,831 611 6,902 6,884 1,S09 1,070 1,006 946 1,565 2,067 1,159 1,699 S66 1,611 1,220 12,401 11,456 1,410 1,617 1,678 1,809 1,632 1,988 1,042 1,643 868 1,840 S91 2,403,233 2,081 476 6,760 6,488 2,101 446 5,450 4,136 :::;; 1 Bast Oakland township, including Oakland 2,403 1,198 1,761 819 1,984 1,246 9,622 2,243 995 1,732 279 2,180 1,276 7,790 6, 833 Humboldt ir. ling Humboldt Mattoon township,-' iiu-luding Mattoon city 1,165 1,848 900 1,914 1,501 1,838,735 1,046 1,822 1,062 1,935 Pleasant Grove township, including Lerna Cicero township ',<, to •- iih Cicero town. 16,310 1,208 18, 721 1.657 360 187 22,438 1,191,922 1 ' ' '■' im '-'Op Mrl'l Ml i: . 1 !•■! i ■ '.,' and parts of wards 3 to 5 of Elgin city 1,501 Barrington township, including part of Bar- 1,953 9S9 1,444 5,841 916 1,039 1,604 2,382 18,339 14,625 S,879 2,692 2,188 4, ISO 681 174 713 652 919 2,161 1,898 809 S4S 309 1,814 770 1,162 1,742 686 848 Total Joi l i a i t In) Cook County, and Elgin township, Kane '.'■.!,'•■,/ /'.,/ I'.nm ntuinrt tiling? in flfiyr, miiiitt township, Cook County, and Cuba town- Berwyn township,' coextensive with Berwyn Wards Berwyn city:* Lemont township, iii'/Uniing I.ri'mnt village' 4,441 2,449 2,270 483 338 8,350 481 1,111 196 '961 951 1,651 Li 'lento* n kip i m hiding Franklin Park and ."■" " ,i. !!'■ II ilii'.ign !:'!■■ Ins city, Glenwood and South Chicago Heights villages, and parts of Homewood and Steger 7,120 6,100 1,514 1 ', .;,|- ,.'.:,.■, .... '■',■. 1 1, .!'. ' i , Grange, and Summit villages, and parts of III ,ol.l';rld, 1 ;, mi ., I'j. ,'i i
  • ;//.,,;;• •„ /', ,:, . mill ,'. II , ,. Bremen tov.-u ■-.:■ miev Park vil- lage and part of Posen village 1,453 Totalfor^/ 1 inLyoniand 878 647 662 Total for Posen village w in Bremen and II ,■.':;. ; ,1 .' ,',,.', /;."■■ nh'A'-v 1 ymi W!i:< and Proviso townships 451 Tinley Park village 300 :::::::::: 461 n part of Cicero township in 1902. is in Thornton township only. Part of Bloom township ai 12 Part taken to form part of Ridgeville township in 1905. '3 Cart (il Kluin township. Kane ( oi.ini \ , an ■?'■■' in I'.iu:. '< Part taken to form part of Stickney township in 1901. » Name changed from Grossdale in 1905. «• Returned in 1900 as In Lyons township only. a 1902 and part of STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. 105 Table 1.- [Tbe word "precinct," where used, -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, s Cook County— Continued. Maine township, Including Des Plalnes, Edison Park, and Riverview villages, and Park Ridge New Trier townsMip,- in. Indium < iLni ,>,■, : :.... Point, Kenilworth, Wilmette and Winnetka villages Glencoe village Otoss Point village Kenilworth i HI ,,,<■ Wilanltr village Winnetka village Niles township," im-lii, in.-: Urn mil Grove,Niles, Niles Center, and TessvilL i illages Morton Grove village Niles village Niles Center village Tessville village 3 Northfield township, including Glen View and Shermerville villages Glen View village Shermerville village * Norwood Park township oak Park township/ coextensive with Oak Park Orland townsini in...,.)... i rla.ul I u l liliagi I//,. j/,. .' irl : ./■' : Palatine township, including Palatine village. . . Palatine village Palos township, including part of Spring Forest ■■. m: ■/..: ■■ .',.'■/,.,■ I .■•■,./ Proviso tnw.isi.iii. in. hiding i '.ell wood, Forest Park, Hillside, La G rniuie Lark, ilayuood, Melrose Park, and River Forest villages ana parts of Brookfield and Western Springs vil- Forest Park village » Maywood village . . Melrose Park village River Forest village II ii a a luge (part of).. Rich township, including Matteson village... Wardl.. Word .'.. Ward J.. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward6 Ward 7 i,' I i !■[-... I, ;.■,.,:■:.,. : In. [Ml;- :' ' in.-' Schauml erg l.m n m. Stickney township 12 I'n..) dm i,i.--)i :,i; . ; . irln Im- I'.ii nli mi I >..ii Bolton village.. Harvey city Ward'! Ward 2. Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Homewood village (part of).. j mining tillage 24,978 3,618 4,49S e,oss 657 ■t.'J'fi p, inciuaing Arlington Heights and Wheeling villages 3, 845 Arlington Heights village Wheeling village 1 Incorporated as a city in 1910. ' Part taken to form part of Ridgeville township in IS > Incorporated in 1910. 'Incorporated in 1901. 6 Organized from part of Cicero township in 1902. 6 Incorporated in 1902. • Name changed bom Harlem in 1907. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Cook County— Continued. and parts of Blue Island and Morgan Park villages Blue Island village (part of) Evergreen Pail, ullage . Oak Lawn village '*.. Crawford County.. Honey Creek township, including part of Flat Rock village Flat Rack village (part of) Total for Flat Rock village in Honey Creek Rock village I III, iV;>:7: la.'lain pa,, ,,, , Oblong township, including Oblong and Stoy Ward 1 WardB Wards Southwest township. . Cumberland County.. Cottonwood township Crooked Creek township Greenup township, including Greenup village. . Greenup village Neoga township, including Neoga villi: ; Neoga village Spring Point township township, including Toledo town Toledo town Union township Woodbury township, including Jewett village . Jewett village Dekalb County. . Waterman village . Cortland township, including Cortland village. . ( art I a lid vi/lll::. Dekalb township, including Dekalb city Dekalb city Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 I ' I" ' . n I 11, Mi 11 . ill Ward I .' Ward 2.. Ward 3. . 8S4 «• Incorporated in 1905. 11 Organized from parts of Evanston, New Trier, and Niles townships and made coextensive with Evanston city in 1905. 12 Organized from parts of Cicero and Lyons townships in 1901. is Incorporated in 1907. « Incorporated in 1909. « Prairie township organized from parts of Hutsonville and Licking townships in 106 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where used, r MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 1,448 1SS SOS 694 1,023 704 1,442 661 4,785 1,021 868 1,103 934 724 18,906 1,526 1S6 287 687 1,080 630 728 1,390 587 4,509 S,65S 1,439 /;/ 264 502 3,842 468 711 1,314 496 3,929 2,987 33,432 28,196 Addison township, including Addison, Ben- senville, and Uasca villages, and part of Elm- Shabbona township, including Shabbona vil- 2,652 578 m 168 2,380 333 1,483 462 7,384 2,601 790 614 715 682 2,461 2,892 1,626 3,449 1,081 1,246 1,123 6,352 1,763 S,42S 1,048 1,034 U341 2,848 1,823 1,157 3,753 2,378 8S2 723 823 4,911 2,194 27,336 2,518 691 374 Totalfor I In/ 1) A ddison villain' - '486 Total for El mini ml tii ni in Addison and York townships Itasca village liliKiiniiigdeie mwn.-.hip, including lilooming- dale village 1,728 256 1,521 235 7,007 2,103 Somonauk township, including Sommiauk vil- 1,060 Sipiaw drove township, including Hinckley 463 Downers Grove Sown-. hip, including Downers Grove and Hinsdale villages Sycamore township, including Sycamore city... 2,678 2,127 1,044 2,629 1,684 747 18,972 769 17,011 i 1 1. ,u, n n,|i 1 1, In In 1,1 1 ,,l | 11 1. , Total for Napi ill ■■■., in '.isle and Naper- Dewitt County Wardl 962 B.414 5,165 1,387 1,477 1,011 1,290 1,022 863 220 805 1,077 521 492 '681 311 1,408 570 1,198 498 ' 546 571 19,591 5! 496 4,462 1,205 3,463 2,698 i^ards] ";;;;;;";;;; ;;;;;:;;;; ;;;.;;;; ■ .!■.']■ ;■ leu rship, including Clinton city "'.Minll iOtt p, including l.llei, Pllvn i plage and Wheaton city 4,103 793 2,345 2,895 Ward! Olen Ellyn village Wheaton city 1,6*2 Wards Ward 4 Ward2\\V..\Y^\V^V^\\\\V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Creek township Dewitt township, including Dewitt village 1,144 942 25S 935 1,144 636 538 2,427 1,664 1,214 1,031 265 992 1,087 prill irr , l,l| 111 linlill I , '_' 1 1 |, , i of ward 3 of Naperville city 2,635 1,585 1,138 3,399 1,877 2,470 A.iperrillf r,lu , ;,e,/ »/ i 1,481 e ni,ie!,l imui ;hip including Wesl Chicago city 2,181 1,367 Farmer City Ward /....; ". Ward2 Ward 2 Wards York township, including Lombard village eel part of Elmhurst city 3,748 '690 28,273 800 1,496 684 1,151 m 1,200 528 010 19,097 861 1,521 497 1,122 371 1,134 368 612 17,669 iowuship, including Kenney village. Lombard village 615 ■ . ; l'. Mi 1 .'•',. ,i"! '. ,11' •'' > 1' 1 '. Hi .1 Wapella village 26,787 \\ ;i\ nesville townsnip, including Waynesville Brouilletts Creek township Buck township, including part of Redmon town. Redmon town (part of) Total for Redmon town » in Buck and Embar- rass townships 940 708 14S 240 1,320 1,312 1,877 97 '824 '945 8, 737 7,664 1,671 1,654 1,784 1,353 1,202 900 1,971 ;, 193 S86 401 406 1,093 1,095 287 1,243 2,056 672 449 10,049 1, 165 1,064 282 282 1,641 1,466 2,022 613 i 3,326 2,100 700 600 800 1,953 519 1,080 1,788 498 2,974 S2S 1,828 1,954 290 915 2,004 1,264 S71 407 486 1,036 3,641 2.4SS 874 667 911 3,440 1,995 3,198 1,788 Grandview township 1,645 884 1,999 1,049 7,305 6,105 Kansas township, including Kansas village ,•.,,,,, 1 ,,n i, ■ ,, ie, ling, el :v p:n i : i nil:, 1,942 1,760 S43 1,335 1,665 261 538 1,896 288 1,445' .-///; Douglai i>unty, and Lowe township, Bowdre township [ncluaing 1 [indsboro village.. Ward4 Camargo township, including Camargo and 984 1,687 90S 1 ' ii n hp, , i, In In i ,1 i a in in Garrett township, in, hiding (iarrett village and part of At wood village 2,125 295 698 '210 630 1,314 1,259 305 1,561 2,277 598 429 10,345 .;'-/ ,; i i , i i ,i i a nun mi a a „ Douglas County, and Unity township, Stratton township, including Vermilion village. 1,301 Symmes township Young America township, including Hume and 1,176 2,110 1,166 1,035 2,026 990 Newman town i includj ewmancity 9,444 1,261 3,948 2,569 1,319 3,201 1,897 Tuscola township, including Tnseolaeity 2,195 1,281 S97 898 2,407 Wardl Wards WardS » Incorporated in 1904. « Incorporated in 1903. » Returned in 1900 as in York township only. * Incorporated as a city in 1906. » Returned in 1900 as in Buck township only. « Part taken to form part of Ellery precinct in 1902. 'Incorporated as a city in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. 107 Table 1.- [The word "precinct," where used, 1 -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Edwards County— Continued. Bone Gap precinct, including Bone Gap village. Bone Gap village Browns precini i .including Browns village Browns village Dixon precinct ' filler) precinct '- French Creek precinct, including ward 1 ol Srayvilleci! y Grayville city (part of) Total for Urn iirill, cry in French Crick pre- cinct, Edwards County, and Gnu/ imi-nxhtp, White County Ward 1 Ward2 WardS Salem precinct, including West Salem town. . . Effingham County.. Banner township, including sluiinwav village. Shumway village ISishop township, including Dielerich village.. Dieterich village I >ouglas low nslup, including Kllingham city... Egm Wardl.'. Wards WardS Ward 4 Tackson township Liberty township, including Beechcr City vil- lage... Beecker City village Lucas township Mason township, including Edgewood and Mason* ■ '< <>••- ' >, ' '' • i.i M i '. i A Itamont town St. Francis to bip,incl ag Montrose village Montrose village Summit township Teutopolis township, including Teutopolis vil- Union township Watson town,,' u, ndi, Watson village... Watson village West township Fayette County. . Avena township, including St. Elmo city St. Elmo city > '. Bear Grove township Bowling Green township Carson township Ulinii J! ) '. i I ' ' M j , i , I. I ... :"m Bingham village Kaskaskia township, including Shobonier vil- St. Peter village ' Loudon township Otego township, including Brownstown village Browmtown village * Pope township Ramsey towns!,,,, including Ramsey village.. Ramsey village Sefton township Seminary township Sharon township Vandalia town -nip, including Vandalia city... Vandalia city WardS.. Wheatland towni_. r . Wilberton township . . Brenton township, including Piper City village. Piper City village Button township i' 1 ,,,,', c, I,, , ' Elliott village * 1 Part taken to form part of Ellery precinct in 1902. " Organized from parts of Albion and Dixon precincts in 1902. » Incorporated as a city in 1903. * Incorporated in 1909. • Incorporated in 1903. 1,621 2,787 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Ford County— Continued. Drummer township, including Gibson city. . Gibson city.. Wardl WardS WardS Lyman township, including Huberts village. . . Roberts village Mona township, including pan of Kempton vil- lage.. Kempton i illmji (/,„,,' ,,/ , . . Total for Ke in pin ii ullmj, in \l,,nn n ml ling- ers townships 1 'at ton low nship, including I'avlon city Paxton city Ward I Wards WardS Ward 4 Peach Orchard township, including Melvin vil- lage Melvin village Pella township Rogers township, including parts of Cabery and Kempton villages Cabery village (part of) Total for Oiling eillngr in Rngin, Inn ii-.-.hi p , Ford Cou niy, mni \oriDii township, Kan- kakee County Kempton riling, I part of). ... . . Siillii, am township, in, hiding Sibley village Sibil u village Wall township Franklin County.. Barren township.. n Benton and Brown- ardl WardS WardS Browning township, including part of ward 2 of Benton city Benton city' 1 ' (pari >■/') . . . i 'm\c lownship, in, hiding Thompsonville village Denning township, including ward 3 of V Ward 1 . WardS WardS Eastern township, including Akin village . . En irig village [•'rani, tori township, iiicludinc wards 1 and 2 of West Frankfort city West Fraiil; - -; - Goode township, including Scsscr village Sesser village '• ' Northern township, including part of Macedonia Macedonia t-lllanc , pmi ni Total for Mnclaniu alloy, in Xorthern town- ship, Franklin i-nnniij, ami Kniglii Fraine township, llnniillmi < 'nil nig Six Mile township, including Royalton village . . . Royallon village » Tyrone township, including Christopher village. Christopher village 5 Fulton County Astoria township, including Astoria tc Astoria town Banner township.. Ward-':.. Ward 4-. WardS.. ' Returned in 1900 as in Benton township only. ' Incorporated in 1906. 8 Incorporated in 1901. 108 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. ie footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, s MINOR CIVIL D Fulton County— Continued. Farmer township, including part of Table (irove. village ! ,'..-■.. l-.i.,,- ' ■ . n ./ I Total for Table Groue village > in Farmer and Vermont townships I Farmington township, includ iny FarmingUm Norris village (pa.rt of). . Marietta vi.. Isabel township . . . Joshua township.. Kerton township.. f.ivorpool township. . . r _ m villa-je L'utman township, including Cuba city.. Cuba city Union township, including Avon village. Total for London ' Hickory township ' ' Chestnut township, Knox County Gallatin County.. \sbury township.. , ! .■ Wardl.. Wards.. Greene County.. Kane township, including Kane village Kane village Linder townshi p Patterson township, including Hillview and Wilmington villages [ II ill 'view village ' Wilmington tillage Roekbridgeto , Greenfield city '" ■■'■'• ■■ ■ Greenfield city ■. Wardl Wards Ward 3 Rockbridge village 1 Returned in 1900 as in Farmer township onl; 1 Incorporated in 1909. >r civil divisions incomplete. village. Neiv Haven village North Fork township Omaha township, including Omaha village Omaha village J Ridgway township, including Ridgway village. Hi lytray village.. 1 , 97.-. m 1,118 1,257 101 1,425 3,198 3,515 3,246 8,318 8,604 l,hi iS 1,200 1,176 1,058 1,268 1,289 1,753 1,843 11$ 667 2,835 2,131 2,136 1,198 1,114 1,501 1,509 1,486 1,768 688 905 1,603 1,765 661 991 1,385 2,460 1,086 2,737 688 336 R CIVIL DIVISION. Greene County— Continued. Wardl WardZ Wards Itijhienn ioe oship. . Walkerville township.. \\ lute Hall township, including White Hall city. Ward 1 Ward 8 WardS Woodville township. . Wrights township . . Grundy County.. Aux Sable township, including Minooka village. Minooka t illagi liracovillo township, inch I'lii I. 1 / I Ira ceville village, ( 'antral Cite, ana parts of Coal City and Dia- mond ami Codiev \ illagos.. Hraeei ille village Central City . . Coal City (part of) . . Diamond ullage (part of).. __ __ Total for Diamond village in Braces ill; <, mi Felix townships.. Grundy County, and Reed township, Will County Krienna h.wn Tip . Felix township, including Carbon Hill and Eileen villages, and parts of Coal City and I'm n hi 'iilii i put of) Eileen village » Garfield township, 9 including Gardner village. . . Kinsman village... Wmdl .. Ward '.. Ward.].. Ward >.... Hamilton County . . Beaver Creek township Crook townshi] Crouch township, including Belle Prairie vil Utile I'rair'h tiling, . Ma. .-T.aia \ llh i . Macedonia village I pa [For total, see Northern township, Franklin County.l McLeansboro township, including McLeans- boro city McLeansboro city . Wardl WardS WardS Mayberry township, including Broughtou vil- 6 Townships returned as precincts in 1900. 2,579 ........ . 1,013 174 341 . 1,176 447 . 4,328 4,813 n part of Greenfield township in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. 109 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where used, means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc, between^ hint) ami ItilO, see footnotes; for thoso between 1890 and 1900, s R CIVIL DIVISION. Hancock County.. Appanoose township Augusta township, including \ugusta village... A ugusta village Hear Crock I own- hii>, including I'.asoo \ illago. . - Basco village Carlhage township, including Cm I huge town... Carthage town Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Chili township, including Bowen village Bowen village Pallas township, including wards 2 and 3 of Pallas City Dallas City (part of) Total for Dallas < lig in Dallas ton nship, Hancock County, and Lomaz ton n ship, Henderson County Wardl ».. Ward 2 Ward S Durham township Fountain G rcen township Hancock township Harmony township, including Bent ley city Bentley city i.a Panic tow ndiip, including La llarpc city... In Ha r pi cili/ Wardl Ward2 WardS Mould. olio township, including Hamilton cit\ and part of Fl vast on village, Elvastnn villagi ' (pari •,/ , Total lor ElntsPm iillmji ' in Manlihella and Prairie townships Hamilton ciiy Wardl Wards WardS o township, including Nauvoo city Nauvoo city.. Wardl. Wards WardS Pilot Grove township Pontoosuc township, including Por Pontoosuc ullage Prairie township, including part of Elva village El vast an i ill nil [■part of) Rock Creek township, including Ferris vill Ferris village. West Point village St. Mary township, including Plymouth vil Plymouth village Sonora township Walker township Warsaw township, coextenshe with War Warsaw town Wilcox township Wythe township Hardin County.. village Elizabcthtown village.. le precinct . . Henderson County . . Bald Bluff township Biggsville township, including Biggsville vi Biggsville village Henderson County— Continued. Lomax township, including ward 1 of Dallas Total for Slrnni/hursl i Ulnar in Malii and Stronghurst townships Oquawka township, including ' > , illnn, Pigeon Grove township, including Cissna Park village Cissna Park village Prairie Green township Ridgeland township, including Thawville vil- Thawville village*. Stockland township. . Jackson County.. t city and Wardl Wards Wards Campbell 11 ill i ilio n- Carbondale township, including Carbondale city : ,,. •. „■,/„ ,,..„■ Wardl Ward2 Wards. Ward 4. Elkville village Fountain Bluff township. Grand Tower township, including Grand Tower city Grand Tower city Kinkaid township Le van township Makanda township, including Makanda v Makanda village > Exclusive of population of Watseka city. 2 Incorporated in 1902. 3 Incorporated In 1903. * Incorporated as a city In 1901. » Returned in 1900 as in Murphysboro township only. • Incorporated In 1907. 1,086 S9S 1,002 1,999 951 741 2,145 994 1,267 27,809 2,427 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Jackson County— Continued. Murphysboro township, Including wards 1 , and 3 to ."i, and pat i ol waid J of Mm physboro city.. Murphysboro city (part of).. Ward 1 . . Wont -J.. Wonts.. Ward 4.. Sand Ridge township, including Ford yce villlage. Murphysboro city . . Mnrplris'.ioni cttn - • pad nf ) Vergennestownship.includingVergennes village. Vergennes village.. Jasper County.. Rose Hill village . (liamh iile township ' . North Muddy township, including Wheeler SU\ Marie low us' lip, including Sic. Marie \ illage. Ste. Marie village.. Small w ood township. . Wardl WardS , WardS Willow Hill township,' including Willow Hill Jeflerson County.. Casner township, including part of W r oodlawn village Woodlawn village (part of) , | .rand 1'rairie township. . Mct'lellan township... WardS Ward 4 Wards Pendleton township, including Belle Rive t( Shiloh township, including part of Woodlawn 872 1,643 406 1,221 1,258 7,262 5,S16 SSO Weber township Jersey County Elsah township, including Elsah village. . . Elsah village English township Fidelitv township, including Fidelity towr Fidelity town ' Hunt City township organized from parts of Crooked Creek, Grandville, and Willow Hill townships in 1901. 8 Incorporated in 1900. 9 Incorporated in 1901. 10 Name changed from Liberty In 1901. Returned as a town In 1900. 1,154 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Ill Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where used, means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between itiiui and P.I10, see footnotes; for lliosi; between 1890 and 1900, si MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Jersey County— Continued. 5,0-15 4,113 1,067 1,074 1,001 971 1,011 857 1,004 41 596 1,486 1,116 368 387 361 843 m 522 553 22,657 3, 617 4,346 3,207 91,862 78,792 Aurora township, including \urora city, Mont- gomery village, and part of North' Aurora Jersey township, including Jersey ville city 34,163 29,807 4,301 3, 763 6,604 s, m 2,964 3,767 6,388 571 316 352 5,251 4,436 988 1,363 954 1,131 36U 919 1.399 613 930 282 1,037 4,864 1,406 1,380 25,753 680 3,634 2,451 1,052 931 468 1,524 697 834 1,014 47 135 1,169 268 88 5,627 4,046 1,088 1,564 1,394 1,366 389 40,752 27,506 24,147 1,139 1,198 208 1,120 54 660 1,416 988 1,046 1,190 173 1,274 45 742 1,333 927 I'iasa township, including pat L el' 1 '.ris/Ji (mi vil- 360 Je T sey County, and Brighton township. Total fur AW//1 Auitmi iilinye' 1 in Aurora Quarry township, including Grafton city I! at a \"ia tow led up, including Pa lav ia city and 4, 642 3,87/ 3,643 971 259 659 24,533 1,031 292 640 25,101 879 1,420 606 920 Blackberry tou nship, including Milium village 1,290 Burlington township, including Burlington 808 681 391 315 646 1,446 1,253 1,482 918 4,835 918 720 949 1,176 1,245 703 636 1,441 614 724 251 746 202 563 802 388 1,843 1,096 658 360 435 1,723 1,331 4,051 3,917 834 14,331 935 676 483 371 717 1,364 1,146 1,613 922 6,005 950 572 561 429 743 1,282 1,910 1,128 5,635 1,040 1,002 1,1,17 1,348 23. 6C0 22,246 616 3,106 Dundee township, including Carpent rs\ ille, East Dundee, and West Dundee villages Dunleith township, including East Dubuque Elgin township includin - ni h Elgin village and wards 1,2.0, and 7, and parts of cards East Galena to\vn>hip including ward 1 of [For total, see Hanover township, Cook County.] Total/or Gait iiu city ni ! 'c.7 mid II y < ei/ece Geneva township, including Geneva city 1,692 Warilf Hampshire township, including Hampshire vil- '760 818 1,144 Elizabeth township, including Elizabeth town.. 1,429 659 1,640 785 670 312 855 207 577 915 778 418 1,804 946 748 400 1,801 1,327 4,232 4,083 893 15,667 1,283 496 933 1,666 743 744 851 309 859 488 1,067 686 Hanover township, including Hanover village. . Plato township, including part of Pingree Grove Totalfoi 1 ni," , 1 1 fi'm '. in 1 Intnnnd Rutland town ihip inclu hue itil e, , ■ h ; , 1,178 222 Scales Mound township, including Scales Mound St. Charles township, including St. Chai Icscily 3, 706 2,678 1,352 379 955 507 404 1,587 1,172 4,683 4,507 897 18,013 Ward2 „ Thompson township 823 'S91 37,154 Virgil township, including Maple Park village. . Warren township, including Warren village ", 1 II : | II 1 ,1 28,732 Aroma township, including Waldron village 1,009 261 3,556 611 1,942 1,251 230 342 1,761 776 2,201 776 949 476 17,654 13,986 2,426 1,533 2,237 1,8S1 1,845 2,536 1,678 '295 3, 093 595 1,518 1,765 621 385 1,564 681 2,026 Bourbonnais loundiip, including Bourbonnais Johnson County Bradley lillun, Belknap township, including Belknap village. . . 1,204 404 1,215 1,672 369 1,167 311 1,347 1,795 654 l!l99 161 1,246 2,178 i,m S51 402 371 1,111 372 1,463 2,008 468 907 1,086 358 1,600 2,205 696 783 Essex township.includingClarkeCityand Essex Belknap village Bloomfield township Burnside township, including New Burnside village Ganeer township, including ward 1 of Momence Cache township, including Cypress village Cypress village 2 Total for Momence city in Ganeer and Mo- E 1 ■. Ira i ownship 1,256 2,114 406 1,534 1,511 187 1,457 2,306 1,217 1,026 1,494 1 '" die mil ii, ni.-lnd inn Dii.'Unghani ul- lage and parts of Cabery and Reddipk Milages 1,496 St. August/ in: uh'u-ir Cabery village (part of) 140 239 261 1,321 173 135 Krio-; l.o-.t nslnp, including Past (hdesbm'g vil- [For total, see Rogers township. ]\,i,| County. 1 Reddick village (part of) East Galesbi.i.j , ,li,e,.- 1 75. l,81t 71i 53 575 673 1,187 472 1,252 685 300 289 791 1,416 686 1,102 444 1,194 1,047 238 '528 90,132 2,677 Knoxvilh alij 1,728 .'..I,.. !,../,,!, ,,', ns.iiin. Kankakee County, and Round Oto <> ■ ship. Livingston County Ward 2 Wards Lynn township Maquon township, im-hiding Vp on \ iliage.. Maquon village 719 1,250 475 1,405 Otto township, nr l n, int.; Invin village and part '142 1,330 •■•■ I ■ ■•• ' ii i i i, i |> i, County.] Irwin village l Ontario towinhip, inrludine < hi idaeitV... Oneida citi/ . . . 1,337 Wardl Pembroke township Pilot township. Including Herscher village 512 1,434 384 850 1,870 1,000 964 165 .782 1,605 44S 11,467 246 1,292 224 941 1,433 718 953 150 918 1,545 340 12,106 Orange township 759 1,579 1,298 645 1,129 447 1,126 273 '633 87,776 --■ Persifer township Rio township St. <\.nne tov i in ! i, Vnne village. 1 . 11 J illi : 1 11,1 , ,ll.,i,, 1,677 Salina township, including Bonrield village Sparta township, in, hide is Vi a taga village Wataga village 1,293 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 Yellowhead township including Grant Park 1 " ">' 1 '" " Inn 1 n'lll .■ im m ' village Walnut Grove township, including Altona vil- Big Grove township, including Newark village ' 101 406 1,136 394 142 223 1,318 431 1,005 2,220 S2S 508 '600 747 46,169 1,411 1SS 279 410 1,070 427 1,178 190 286 1,365 413 1,087 146 2,360 1,634 1,461 Total for J • n a Grove and Lis- 390 1,211 Bristol township, including Bristol vii! ■ Adams township, including Leland village. ... 1,278 545 956 370 812 14,486 13,635 14,253 2,040 2,037 1,785 2,001 1,674 2,080 2,636 644 827 750 1,715 618 1,816 1,059 1,817 545 483 416 1,068 403 915 673 1,622 254 754 1,174 458 17,239 l\l77 1,174 1,864 1,901 1,741 8,194 1,453 634 922 825 14, 529 13,449 14,079 1 328 Fox township, including part of Millington vil- 1,168 212 301 1,322 375 1,112 Allen township m hidin 1 m m d 1 >e ' • h, , i'i >, hi, ,,,, in '■,, , , i n hi r Kendall County, and Mission township , La 1 1 n 1 1 ,,l 1 i i i) ii Total for Sln,Um cilg in Bruce and E'u/ie Lisbon township, including part of Lisbon vil- 11,414 WardS Little Rock township, including Piano city 2,728 1,825 Ward6 726 1,532 618 738 » 43,612 736 1,538 641 830 » 38,752 800 851 814 2,478 1,004 680 1,957 1,122 Oswego township, including Oswego village 11 1 h 1 1 Cedar township, including wards 1 and 2 and parts of wards 3 and 4 of Abingdon city 2,543 1,832 2,464 710 '449 393 748 18 799 96 334 619 23,118 22, 089 2,103 . 2,484 . 8,717 . 3,740 . 3,247 . 3,214 ■ 3,584 ■ 2,220 1,376 2,022 1,574 799 1,321 Eden township, including Cedar Point and h,,;i,i ,,,, I hi, i.i.l, i.i niii in Ii, on ulni 497 406 1,119 1 1,039 1,986 810 1 1,351 480 13,361 10,446 478 Farm Ridge township, including Grand Ridge village 1,110 Chestnut townjlnr m inlm part of London 877 919 [For total, see Young Hickory township, Fulton County.] Copley township, including part of Victoria vil- 923 329 725 18,607 910 775 •708 15,264 Groveland township, including Dana and Rut- 1 , ■' 1,601 ttl Hip. in 1 ,1 11 , .is III Ini 1 t 1 • 11 > hi ■ 1,054 ' iim , i ictona village in Copley and Vic- La Salle townshi] includi -alle and Port- lan.l ,',,,. w;.; „ Oalesburg town lop loeluding f.alesburg city. . Ward 2 ; Ward 4 Wards Ward6 Ward? Portland city e 1 Ward! 1 Incorporated in 1902. 2 County totals include population (18,607 in 1900; 15,264 in 1890) of Galesburg — J as coextensive with Galesburg city In 1900 and 1890. « Incorporated in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. 113 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890- Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. La Salle County— Continued. Tolul far Marseilles city ir, Hard /.. Ward 2.. WardS. Grove townships.. Ward 1 . . Ward 3 Hard J Ward 4 Meriden township. . .1 part of Millinglon \ illage. . Millington pillage (, [For total, r * County.] : township, Kendall North \ ille I own, hip Ophix township Usage township, including East Wenoii;i village. Oil. urn city [pari of) - Total for Ottawa city in Ottawa and South Ot- tawa tow ash ips Ward5 WardB Wardl Otter Creek township l'eru township, including Peru city... Peru city... Ward, Wards , WardS Wardi WardS Itiehland township, including Ceonore village. South utiawa lowuship, including ward 1 of Ottawa city Oi'a" a city {pari of) . . ! mm ■■■'., ■ ■ . n i =<■■■: '-:"-■ i ..'■,,<■,.. Wallace township. . Lake County Antioch township, including Antioch village and part of Lake Villa village Antioch village Lake Villa i'_ .... Total for Lake Villa village "- in Antioch and A von townships Avon township, including < 'ra\ ;l,,ke, Ilaines- ville, and Round Lake village ■■. i mm ... 1 Incorporated in 1908. 1,11)0 1,105 t,£10 Lake County— Continued. Cuba township, inrluding part of Barrington part of ward 2 of Ward I.. WardS.. Ward,!.. Highwood city ■ Ward 1 WardS Wards Lake Forest cit v i ( part of) . Total for Lair Fares! ciig" in Deerfield, "—-"wo tour"" - " Hhithts, and West Deerfield townships... Ward t „.. WardS Wards Ela township, including Lake Zurich village. feller village Rockefeller I i liana I pari of) Total for lco, I., i. II, i rillagr : in Fremont and Fox Lake Libeil yvillo town-hip, including Libertyvllle village and pari at Uockclcller village Lihtrlgi ill, ullage ... Rockefeller village {part of) Xi'wpori iow'isliip Shield township, including Lake lil mi >■. a..; ! :, i.! ,, ,i .■.,,.: I'm est. oil y and ward 3 and part of ward 2 of Lake Forest city {pari of) V a-th Chicago ail g i pari ,. Total for North rriraga, Waukegan townships.. Ward 1 . Wards.... Wards.... Vernon township. . and ward I and pari of ward 3 of \orth Chicago Ward I.. War ,13.. WardS.. Ward ; WardB West Dcciiicld township, including Deerfield village a: nl p trf. of ward 3 of Lake Forest city... Lawrence County.. Birds village Bridge i >nr l i ownship, including Bridgeport city. I'.ndg, port dig '■'. Ward 1 WardS Wards Christy township, including Sumner city Sit m tier citg Ward 1 WardS WardS Petiisou low usliip, including -'a I mho;! Pie ,S7. I'tonci senile city 1 *.... Wardl WardS WardS s Incorporated as a city it 2,806 t,16S 1,676 | 461 2,216 : 1,203 1,243 1,296 1,086 1,065 638 511 2,148 '< 1.694 864 6S0 3,625 490 . 2,216 I • Returned 7 Incorporated 8 Incorporated in 1906. in Shields township only. n 1904. Incorporated as a city in 1902. 28407—12 8 i- Exclusive of population of Bridgeport town. " Incorporated as a city in 1908. M Incorporated as a city in 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ie footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Lawrence County— Continued. Lawrence town-Inn, inrlnhin:; l.-n.v iviiervillo city Lawreneeiille city Russell township, inch) Russellvillt i ill.nje . . Russellville villag Alto township, including Steward village Steward village ' Amboy township, includiug Amboy city A mboy city.. . Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ashton township, including Ashton village Ashton village Bradford township Brooklyn township, including Compton and West Brooklyn villages Compton village West Brooklyn village China township, including Franklin Grove village , Franklin Orove village , Dixon township, i ncluding Dixon city Dixon city Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Ward 6 East Grove township Hamilton township Harmon township, including Harmon village... Harmon village 2 Lee Center township Marion township May township Nachusa township Nelson township Palmyra township Reynolds township. Sublette village Viola township reek township, including part of Lee Lee village ("part of) ■>! h-.,i !,..■• i ■ County.) Wyoming township, including Pawpaw village. Pawpaw village Livingston County ity township, ii Cornell village Avoca township Belle Prairie township Broughton township, including parts of Campus and Emington villages Campus villagi l part <>; ) , Total Jor Campus village in Broughton and Round Grove townships Eminr/ion > •!!■< .a ( i»ir; <>/ ) i Total for Emington village in Broughton and Union townships Charlotte township Chatsworth township, including Chatsworth Ward Ward 2 WardS Long Point township, including Long Point 1,315 681 h,12S 7,917 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Livingston County— Continued. Nebraska township, including Flanagan village. 1,498 690 732 679 1,692 1,035 703 690 085 7,073 6,090 1,460 1,279 1,891 1,460 1,713 890 1,895 192 1,031 42 1,154 SS7 1,437 679 825 681 57 839 30,216 1,468 609 818 809 1,792 1,000 758 778 727 7,048 4,266 1,481 ' 1 !•' innin '. i m,: I' ■, . . 4,066 1,875 1,020 1,484 212 and parts of Campus and Reddick villages 983 1,258 360 1,480 456 844 943 28,680 [For total, see Norton township, Kankakee County.] Saunemin township, in.-lucliii." I'.aunemin village .. ' . ' ■. ''I!-. 1,283 Union township, including part of Emington 841 25,489 949 1,849 1,367 421 488 458 811 246 808 1,454 751 6,770 5,883 1,902 S,548 2,080 1,356 su 418 1,010 542 n 1,059 438 399 2,878 1,511 444 619 448 903 1,624 400 411 350 896 11 V US 1,094 S87 5,808 5,009 999 1,781 1,270 Atlanta towns hmta city 1,698 Broadwell township, including Broadwell vil- 775 202 837 1,138 Corwin towns s i ileton village.. 1,032 Isisi, t, in. sit,-! tfiwusiiin.J 'mclnding wards 1, 2, ■■. ■ : ,.i . ,. . ■■ ,S ! .... S , . 5, G41 4,623 8,962 4,480 Total for Lincoln city 3 in East and West Lin- Elkbart township, including part of Elkhart 1,378 471 653 1,136 556 St 1,123 • 4S9 430 3,013 1,643 1,400 . ■., 414 Hurlbut town I part of Elkhart 532 Laenna township, inehi'l'mg isithani village 964 £66 438 iing Mount Pu- 2,606 948 'sso 330 984 943 Orvil township, including Hartsburg village and 1,503 Total for Emden village in Orvil and Prairie Prairie Creel; township, in' huhug parts of Em- 1,035 63 479 1,117 S58 5,192 4,SS9 city in 1901. " " ■ " .■■■' . township, Logan County, and Allin Grove 307 Sheridan township, including New Holland 968 West Lincoln township, including ward 4 and 4,086 3,215 » Part of East Lincoln township annexe STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.- [Tne word "precinct," where used, -POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, h MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 26,887 28,412 •27,467 McHenxy County— Continued. Mcllcnry township, hioludin;; McIIenry village 2,679 1,031 2,702 • 1,936 647 70S 2,110 689 1,472 654 822 1,023 26 68,008 2,073 1,013 2,859 2,006 972 1,584 987 2,901 2,619 998 87/, 747 787 2, 092 1,446 42s 439 681 798 913 933 95 1,450 580 854 5,774 1,378 1,587 1,123 1,686 1,048 273 1,051 1,072 719 1,107 243 361 160 819 851 m 914 118 32,509 1,130 1,710 917 995 2,496 1,222 '784 877 2,712 2,314 2,655 Blaudiusvillo township, including part of Blau- Marengo towns ii ip, including Marengo city 1,445 Tolal for Blainlinxvitlc village in Itlumliiis- Bushnell township, inch.i.l N inula town:,! Tip, ha-ha ling Nur th Cryslal Lake village, ami pari ol Crystal Lake village 1,963 150 604 1,498 676 869 1,635 891 2,505 1,643 Kiehiiiouil lov. uship, including lUclunond \ il- iich, , , . ■ ii.'ii .ii.i ■ -.' '. l.'i .... . 915 1,105 tSeiieca. lowuship, including pari, of Union village 880 1,001 1,011 78 1,504 468 1,015 5, 375 1,037 1,148 93 1,419 4S2 1,096 4,052 McLean Count 67,843 Hire township, including purl of Blandinsville Allin township, including Stanford village L19J 525 932 1,013 366 1,167 S94 24,032 22,007 25, 768 S,690 3,815 4,082 3,987 S,454 3,467 S,S73 1,170 332 1,557 805 2,117 l,S14 SS3 617 464 531 1,022 1,543 693 1,235 1,278 903 2,635 1,702 670 669 47S 791 1,833 760 1,095 375 755 2,211 1,318 488 490 340 1,601 965 753 1,486 707 3,761 4,024 946 '681 1,210 404 999 864 1,302 601 957 1,081 317 1,241 356 23,528 2/, 278 23,286 Industry township, including Industry village. Arrow smith township, including Arrowsinith Macomb City township,'- coextensive with Bellflower township, including Belltlower vil- Bloomington township, 9 including wards 1 to 4, and 7 and parts of wards 5 and 6 of Bloorn- 1,186 368 387 1,014 19 1,168 1.142 818 1,304 300 430 2S8 808 1,033 327 948 ISO 29,759 1,221 426 447 1,145 1,155 1,214 812 •1,031 Tolal for Jil «>. ,nu //■■» anr in hl' ib>'n Total for Bardotpk villain * in Macomb and Blue Mound township, including Cooksville vll- 1,158 Sciola township including Sciota village and Cheney Grove township, including Saybrook 1,723 879 2,219 1,512 Total for Good Hope village in Sciota and W'al- S6S 238 1,017 SIS <781 Cheima township, im hiding ( la uoacity Walniii i :v i\ c township, including pari, of 544 1,003 1,760 607 1,275 1,330 1,218 1,629 Danvers township, including Danvers village. . . 26,114 1,026 3,075 642 679 975 1,242 451 172 203 4,101 3,008 1,018 1,092 1,432 406 432 5,335 4,331 1,430 961 737 '849 '773 908 905 1,430 644 1,015 3,048 660 S98 800 950 400 1,014 2,512 1 :,,,.■■ ,.. Algonquin to , Iponquin and Cory > iliages nn 1 part of Crystal >ake village. 654 781 296 916 1,836 716 1,277 S78 840 2,498 1,415 ■■ '.••.....,...' Gridley township, including Gridley town 1,699 Burton township, im !m liny p >rl of Spring Grove IJudson low us! op, in hiding 11 nelson town 1,269 Total for Spring Grove village s in Burton and Lexingion township, including Lexington city. . 2,174 3,8i4 2,602 3,057 1,967 Martin township, including Colfax village 1,911 1,153 843 1,361 532 2,008 3,795 970 1,891 68S 1,242 467 1,035 607 919 Coral township ■ '■■' i Union village.. 1,451 322 322 2,602 1,354 882 Mount Hope township, including McLean vil- 2,796 1,68S 1 . ..■■ pans of > ml . hi 1 1 111 1 hi . uugton city Randolph township, including Ueyworth vil- 859 1,484 606 901 874 1,430 611 919 1,437 960 1,167 Towanda township, including Towanda village . Hebron village Yates township 1,017 total includes population (368) of Good Hope village, returned independ- 1 : ■■ .. . 1 ! . • ..; as late a date to permit of a change In the population of Bardolph. « Exclusive of population of Good Hope village. » Incorporated In 1902. « Returned in 1900 as in Coral township only. » Name changed from Nunda in 1908. 8 Parts of Bloominj ton township annexed to Bloomington city in 1900, 1902, 1904. and 1905. • Incorporated in 1901. 6 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. b ward "precinct," where used, means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between L900 and 1910 see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, s MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 54,186 44,003 38,083 Macoupin County— Continued. Mount 1 Hi v.- township, including Mount Olive, 5,058 S.501 445 421 1,390 399 401 783 1,524 298 408 873 722 1,113 301 881 1,334 150 392 910 2 1,536 180 465 5,837 5,048 1,650 1,263 1,3S2 80S 4,573 4,000 994 1,038 889 1,079 775 89,847 3,481 2,936 712 1,049 35,739 si, 140 2,974 3,483 4,650 4,894 4,379 6,358 4,402 1,506 808 1,060 1,198 504 1,109 2,004 1,160 1,270 685 969 1,604 '683 914 990 50,685 765 1,265 20, 754 733 1,183 18,684 16,841 Decatur city ' _ Milwnoil township, including part of Nilwood 1,341 420 424 846 1,600 299 375 813 867 1,293 S64 950 1,484 160 396 1,104 4 1,519 143 438 3,385 2,786 Total for Nilwood village in Nilwood and Friends Creek township, Including Argenta 799 1,021 1,246 503 2^066 1,213 543 '370 1,243 654 1,020 1,479 714 1,431 705 969 995 42,256 1,561 North 1'ulinyra (mnislini, including Modesto 797 1*185 Total for 1'almii/a tillage in North and South 1,353 1,164 632 1,334 : , i: • , 11, !,, 1 1 1 < ! , ■ 1 ■ 1 i . ill, . ill •, Shipman township, including Shipman viliage 410 1,104 Qtic village 1,259 639 1,070 1,392 696 1,675 819 1,015 1,046 40,380 . mil, oh 1 to r t hip 1,1 | U tine; part of Nil- Pleasant View township, including Blue Mound .s-.iilh Palmyra township, including parts of 1 527 Staunton township, including Staunton city . .. 2,209 Ward 4... 2,909 2,280 1,046 117 306 775 1,388 554 746 2,126 1,046 562 484 3,978 1,912 693 2,241 914 688 4,443 3,616 1,061 998 759 1,386 384 29/, 444 918 50 102 3,075 52 1,548 2,580 1,891 847 445 599 908 874 1,186 116 '60S 845 2,516 1,088 Total for Hettick village in Ban and South 917 64,694 873 '697 849 2,748 1,269 Hrighiou to nui| ini hiding part of Brighton \ Hi inihra township, including Alhambra village. [For total, see Piasa township, Jersey . County.) 1,216 4SS 17,528 2,666 2,187 2,681 2,356 768 10,607 7,478 1,S60 1,198 1,611 1,439 1,880 729 8,705 6,014 888 1,298 1,486 1,342 1,220 1,067 US 447 1,093 90 1,787 68 1,078 3,247 2,234 2,676 1,117 874 684 1,245 S68 15,241 14,210 1,122 203 1,108 236 1,171 ■ ■ , , ■ 1 ■,:-.,! i ■ ■ i Chouteau township Collinsville township, including Collinsville 875 5,812 4,021 Total for Gtl/ei:,,:< en a * in < 'nlio!;ia arid Gittes- 873 948 3,498 Caidinville township, including Carlinvilie city. 3, 502 4,226 S,29S Ward 6 Kdwaidsvillc township, including Edwardsville 6,907 4,157 4,844 8,561 Chesterfield township, including ( :■ 1,433 449 913 24 1,498 374 337 470 1,049 42 104 1,775 948 2,139 1,524 Total for ilenorn eilltge hi ("iiixti'ifuht alij 1,348 1,214 126 477 ' ISO 1,666 29 1,103 3,060 1,970 Fori Up 'lit urn hip, including part of Beth- ■ a ship iluding partofDorches- 1,284 468 . ■■:' ', ■;. <, , ,::a Tolalfnr liini'l'i >:, i villain in Dorchester and Foster i,iiMiship, H inriudins Foslerburg town... 1,318 Gillespie township, including part of village and wards 1 and 3 and part of ward 2 of 1,716 (<) 873 2,223 1,661 110 Godhcy township, including Godfrey village.. 2,040 228 1,205 i icl\ clia towns hip, in 1 dud in 2 parts of wards 1 to3of Highland city 3,162 Total for Highland city in TLlvtlin and Snliiti 1,867 Waril., Ward 2 WardS 1,025 837 1,020 Honey Point township 1 Parts of Decatur township annexed to Decatur city in 1901, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1907, and 1909. a Incorporated in 1904. -9 in Gillespie township only. Incorporated as a city in 1907. & Incorporated in 1907. • Part of Alton township (North Alton village) annexed to Alton city in 1907. ' Incorporated in 1902. » Returned as Fosterburg In 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. 117 TABLE 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. whore used, means election precinct. l''or changes in boundaries, etc., between mini and 1!)10, see footnotes; for those between 18U0 and 1900, si Madison County— Continued. n Leef and Saline town- Mariuo low nship, including Murine village Marine village Moio low nship ,■.,.' i ,,, j . .. 2 and 3 of Granite city ami part of Madison Craiulv cinj { pari in ) Point for (I run He city ' in ,\a nitolti it ml Vi nice 1 1, ir n ships WardU Wards it»/-./ [.. Total for tillnge- in Xmmnfi anil Venice townships 'sow I "ouglas town-hip, including Xriv Douglas Livingston village '. Mil rik n village Tin 0:>k iownship St. .lacol) township, including St. Jacob village. St. Jacob village ... Saline township, including parts of wards 1 to 3 of Highland city and parts of Millers- burg and Saline villages Highland city (j ' ' County.] e city, and wards 1, 4, and 5, and parts of wa 3 of Granite city, and part of Madison vil- lage.. Granite city i part of) Madison tillage (part of) Venice city Wardl Ward 2 Wards Wood River township, including Iienhnw City. './ Fast Wood Bi Upper Alton city TT W River village ' Marlon County.. Carrigan township Centralia township, including Central City vil- lage and wards 1, 2. and 4, and parts of wards i. ::..,.. .. ! .... : ,, Centralia city (part of) [For total, see Brookside township, Clinton County.] Foster township Haines township Iuka township, including Iuka village Iuka village Kinmundy township, including Kinmundv city. Kinmundy city WardS Meacham township Odin township, including Odin village Odin village Omega township Patoka township, including Patoka and Vernon 2,834 i 1,558 1,315 3,122 I in Granite city failed ing to a local census, about e00 persons were thereby omitted from the but the omission was discovered at too late a date to permit a change Id the aecord- popula- MINOR CrVlL D Marlon County— Continued. Salem township, Including 6alem city Salem city Wardl Ward S WardS Sandmal low nship, im hiding Sandoval village. Tonti township.. Marshall County.. M ■'■ .. ■■ O.olo.i., I : Oh, La Hose village Bennington township, including Toluca city.. Wardl WardS WardS Evans township, including \\ cnona city Wenona city Henry township, including Henry city Henry city Hopewell township J. aeon low nship, including Lacon city Lacon city East ward North ward South ward I .a I'rairio township Richland township Roberts township, including Varna village Varna village Saratoga township Steuben township, including Sparlaud \ illage. Sparland village Whitefield township Mason County.. Allen Grove township, including part of San Jose i illage Son Jose village (part of) [For total, see Prairie Creek township, Logan County.] Bath township, including Bath village Crane Creek township Forest City township, including Forest City village Forest City i Hinge Havana township, including Havana city Havana city Ward 1 WardS WardS Kilbourne township, including Kilbourne village. Kilbourne village 8 Lynchburg township Maniio township including \;:>niio village Manila village Mason City township, Including Mason City Mason Citg Ward i Ward 2 WardS ■ Quiver township, including Topeka village Topeka village Salt Creek township Sherman town ion village — Easton village Massac County.. Benton precinct Brooklyn precinct, including Brookport city.. Brookporl city 9 Ward 1 WardS.. Ward S Georges Creek precinct Grant precinct.. fetropolis city . . ll,/,,; / Ward 2. WardS Ward 4 ion precinct.. < Incorporated in 1907. i. Bond County, only. Incorporated as a city in 1903 118 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 Or |Tlie word "precinct," where used, i l turned. those between i«90 and moo, s?f MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Menard County.. Ward I.. WardS.. Wards.. Fancy Prairie precinct Greenview precinct," including Greenview Oakford precinct, including Oakford village... Oakford village - precinct, including Petersburg city. Petersbu rq cilu Wardl WardS WardS Roel I Ireek precinct Sandridge precinct Mercer County.. Abington township, including Seaton village. Seaton village 6 Duncan township E liza township Greene township, including Viola village Keithsburg township, including Keithsburg Kiillmbiira fit ij Wardl WardZ WardS Mercer township, including Aledo city . . Ward 1 WardS Ward S Millersburg township, including Joy village. . a township, including New E North Henderson township, including part of Spring (irore huenrlii/), Wnrrrn Ciivnly. Ohio Grove township Perryton township, including part of Reynolds village Reynolds village 9 (part of) Total fur i, ship, Rock Island County (in township Richland Grove township, including Cable, Sherrard, and Swedona villages Cable village Sherrard village ■.;::■■ Alexis village (part oj Monroe County.. Including Columbia tc Columbia l Columl Harrisonville precinct Mitchie precinct, including Maeystown village. New Design precinct, Including Burksville vil- ' Returned rlnl906. Part taken t clnct in 1900. • Incorporated in 1907. 1, S76 '""159 1,247 13,608 13,847 12,948 777 2,129 2,076 892 1,077 S8A 566 1,322 187 527 2,157 1,197 606 ■ 1,079 821 2,108 1,267 1,016 1,451 677 1,087 617 674 form part of Irish Grove pre- iz township, Mercer County, and Spring Grove t< ' Returned in 1900 as In Edgingtou township, Rock Island County, only. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Monroe County— Continued. Prairie du Long precinct, including Heckcr vil- , including Waterloo ciij, . . Ward 1.. WardS.. Wards.. Montgomery County.. Butler village. . . ... East Fork township, in'-niding CoiVcen and Schram City villages, and part of Donnellson ! Schram City village 6 Fillmore township, including Fillmore village.. Fillmore village Grisham township, im hiding p.n is of Donnellson County.] I ■, ■ Taylor Springs village Hillsboro city Taylor Sprain, i a!,, iji n hi in-.; lownship, including Irving village I In iriij i Wage Nokomis township, including Noiioniiscify and pa' I of Wil I \ illage Nokomis city Wardl WardS WardS Will 1 i/layr 1 purl of) Total for Witt village in Nokomis and Will i North and South n township, im hiding Waggoner village.. Raymond fi'linn ... 1.1, S01 nil Liichn:>l,l inuiiship, including wards 1 and -'of Lilohheldeity Litchfield city (pnrlofh . \\ nlshvillo lowir-hip, including Walshville vil- Morgan County.. 10 Incorporated in K __. » Incorporated in 1904. 1,343 1,696 676 S98 657 262 723 S46 4,608 2,948 2,691 '678 '675 1,546 630 2,918 1,871 2,132 1,371 2,186 1,S05 2.170 m 4,344 4,536 3,587 5,918 "1,039 5,971 5,811 1,007 268 1,574 906 919 1,533 724 1,642 841 842 3,191 3,102 S,S31 ISO 1,230 15 894 870 169 2,919 994 167 1,057 514 I- » Incorporated in 1904. '» County total includes population i.",M 1 1 of idle h held cji \ , leiumed independ- ently in 1890. '3 Incorporated in 190(1. U Incorporated in 1909. 15 Exclusive ol papulation of Litchfield city. n County toial include- population (1,411) of Yatesvllle precinct, Pi ken to form Prentice and Sim laii premoets and parted Lileiliein preciuci hei « ecu tyjOand hum. 17 Organized from parts of Franklin and Waverl y precincts In 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. 119 Tablk 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Tho word "precinct," where usod, means election procinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900_and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, ten MINOR CIVIL MVISION. Morgan County— Continued. city... Jacksonville city. . Ward Wardg Wards Ward 4 Literberry precinct Lynnville precinct, including Lynnvllle village. Lijn n ville village \l ;ir I; ii:un precinct Meredosia precinct, including Meredosia village. . Ward WardS WardS Woodson precinct, including Woodson village. Moultrie Comity.. Dora township, including Dalton City village. Allenville village 3 . County.] Marrowbone township, IncIudingBethany village Bethany village Sullivan township, including Sullivan city. Sullivan city Wardl Wards WardS Whitley township, including Gays village. . Oays village * Ogle County.. Brookville township Buffalo township, including Polo city. . . Polo city Byron township, including Byron city... Wardl WardS WardS i lenient township, including Creston village... Wardl WardS , WardS Forreston township, including Forreston village. i iownship,ineludingLeafRivervillage Leaf River village Lincoln township Lynnville township Marion township land (ownship, including Adeline village. A deline village Monroe township Mount Morris township, including Mount Mor- ris village f. Mount Morris village Ward I . . WardS.. Wards.. l.lfiS 392 2,712 1,543 507 1.04.3 1 Part taken to form part of Centerville p: 2 Returned as a town In 1900. 3 Incorporated in 1906. * Incorporated In 1905. Ogle County— Continued. Rockvalc township. Peoria County. Akron township, including part of Princeville village Princeville > Mage f /itirl nf) Wardl.. Ward S. WardS. North Chillicothe village Elmwood township, including Elmwood town. Elmwood town Hallock township. Hollis townshi] Limestone township, including Bartonville vil- Sartonville village Logan township townshi; Ward WardS. Ward S. Ward A. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward8...... i iship,9 including part of ward 5 of I'cii! h fity Peoria city (part , . Princeville t< ■urt of Prince- ville village. Princeville Radnor township Richwoods township, 10 including A very ville and Peoria Heights villages, and part of ward " -* 6 Incorporated a: • Incorporated in iwu< » Organized in 1907. Trivoli township Perry County. Beaucoup precinct Cutler precinct, including Cutler village Cutler village ™ , Duquoin precinct, including Duquoin city and St. John village. Duquoin city. Ward I . Ward 2. WardS. Ward Ward St. John village i-'cinct Pinckneyville precinct, Including Pinckneyville city Pinckneyville city. Ward 1 . Ward S. Wards Southwestern precinct, Including Wlllisville village Willisville village " Incorporated in 1907. 120 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: H) 10, 1900, AND ] (The word "precinct," where usod, ri MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Perry County— Continued. Swanwick precinct Tamaroa precinct, including Tamaroa v Tamaroa village Ward 1 Wards Bement township, including Bement village and part of lvesdale village Bement village IvvsJale i illvje ' (part of) .. ip, including Cerro Gordo □.eluding De Land village De Ln nil viU me .'.... . Mnnticello township, including Monticellocity.. Montkello " ingan including B immond village and part of Atwood village Atwood village (part of) [For total, see Garrett township, Douglas County.] Hammond village Willow Branch township, including Cisco vil- lage. Cisco village.. Barrv township, including Barry city. . Barry city WardsV.\'.'".'.'.'.V.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.\'. Ohambersburg township Cincinnati township Derrv township, including El Dara vills derhook villages.. Levee township Martinsburg township ci township, including Milton village Milton village Newburg township New Salem township, including Baylis and N'ew Salem villages Perry milage Pittsfield township, including Pittsfield citv.. . Pittsfield city Pleasant Hill township, including Pleasant Hill village Pleasant Hill village Pleasant Vale township, including New Canton Pope County Alexander precinct Columbus precinct Eddyville precinct, including EddyviUe village ;..'„, ,,■;. - i/i m ... . tiolconda precinct, including Golconda town... Golconda town Ward 1 Ward3 WardS Grand Pier precinct Pope County— Continued. Jackson precinct, including Hamletsburg village. Hamletsburg village Jefferson precinct 1 ,ogan precinct Monroe precinct Polk precinct Union precinct Washington precinct Webster precinct Ikirkviilc precinct, including Mounds city.. Pulaski County.. America precinct. -'— : 'le precin- '.mis city Ward 1 . Ward 2. Wards Grand Chain precinct, including New Grand Chain village. . New Grand C md City preei. Man ml I ',11/ .. Ward 1 Wards WardS Ohio precinct, including Olmsted village 01 rush i] tillage Pulaski precinct, including Pulaski village.. I 'ulaski village UUin precinct, including Ullin village Putnam County. . ■ ■ ■ "■■ ' " I', ■!• i ,:■ ; !. ; . and Standard villages Granville village Marl: village * .- Senachwine township. . Randolph County.. n pieeinct, including Baldw: Bremen precinct. . ; Ellis Grove r:/!is Crave village Evansville precinct, including Evansville tc Evnnsville town : , . :. '::■:, u l" ■ ! Kaslcaskia village Palestine precinct Percy precinct, including Percy village.. Percy village Prairie dii Rocher precinct, including Prairie du Rocher village Prairie dlt Rocher village Redbud precinct, including Redbud city Redbud city Rockwood precinct, including Rockwood village RoekWOOel villain' — Ruma precinct, including Ruma village. . Ruma village Sparta precinct, including Sparta city Sparta city Ward 1 WardS.. Wanl.i.. 6 Incorporated in 1907. « Returned as Florence in It ' Incorporated in 1904. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Tabu I. -POPULATION OF MINOR 'CIVIL DIVISIONS: L910, L900, AND 1890 Continued. B CIVIL DIVISION. Richland County.. is township.. . towi township, including Claremout Claremont town Decker township Denver township German township Madison township, including Parkersburg Parkersburg town Is'oMe lownship, including Noble village Noble village ill Hi IJ filth. Ward I... WardS... WardS... Ward 4... Preston township Rock Island County Andalusia township, including Andalusia vil- Andtlusia village... f.lackhawk lownship, including Milan village.. Canoe Creek . Coal Valley township, Otnl'Va'lliy'vilitge'. " e township. tcluding Coal Valley ordova township, including Cordova village. Kdgingron township, including part of Rey- nolds village Reynolds village (ptrt of) [For total, see Perryton township, Mercer County.] Hampton township, including Carbon dill, Hamptc- "' Carbon Cliff village*. South Moline ton- nshi />.-■. . :c fit i ■' in Hampton and Ward 1 . WardZ WardS Hampton vill-ige Rapids City village. . Ward I WardS WardS , Ward 4 .* WardS Ward 6 Wardl Port Byron township, including Port I Wardl : ' WardS WardS Ward 4 WardS Ward 6 Ward7 Rural township South Moline township.* including wards 1 and 2 and part of ward 3 of East Moline city East Moline city (part of) South Rock Island township, including Sears 1,374 1,456 sse 1,318 SIINOI: CIVIL DIVINI'lN. St. Clair County.. Belleville township, coextc e with Belleville Ward 1.... WardS.... Wards.... Ward 4.... lage. . Caseyville village. . I Vnlta \ file lownship Kast Si. 1 is township, St. Louis city East St. Lou « citn: " Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward 4 Ward 8 Knglciiiaiiii tow nship Fayotievillo lownship, Including Fayetteville St. Libory tillage . Freeburg township, including Frceburg village. Freeburg village Lebanon lownship. Including Lebanon city and Summerfield village Lebanon city Ward 1 WardS Wards Summerfield village L'uzburg low nship, including Len/.burg \ illago. Lenzburg village Marissa township, including Marissa and Old Maris si villages Afarissn. tillage. . . . . .. Old Marissa village Mascoutah township, including Mascoutah city. Mascoutah city Ward 1 WartlS WardS Millstadt township, including MUlstadt village. . Millstatli t Hinge Xew Mhcns lownship, including New Athens village " New Athens village OTal'di I own -;uip. including '■ >' ballon village... 0' Fallon village Prairie du Long township St. Clair township," including Swansea village. Sim it tea tillage Shilol. Valley lowirbip, including Sluloh Val- ley village Shiloh Valley village * Sniii lilon low n :hip. including Sinithton village. Stnifhton rillnoi township, comprising Brooklyn and d die v i'.ro'ikhin tiling, Xntioml < ii'i village 3. Stookey township " 1 ' wnship, including Dupo and East Carondelet villages Dupo village » East Carondelet village Saline County Brushy township Carrier Mills township, including Carrier Mills village. East Eldorad ding Eldorado city Eldorado city Wardl WardS WardS 21,122 4,491 L 61S 1,940 58,547 | 4,W 7,661 S,405 7J.79 6,5S0 9,67S 8,310 1,006 463 3,140 1,457 S8S SS0 2,193 2,051 1,765 876 3,239 3,276 S,03S 2,960 2.952 1,186 1,616 856 2,550 1,267 3|899 735 1,400 6S4 2,113 865 1,105 2,741 1,414 1,286 1,791 405 1,753 ill - 1,1« 1.019 793 e township arm I v in 1905, 1908, and 1910. of part of Rapids City village. 7 Parts of Centerville, St. Clair, and Stookey townships annexed in 1906. _ S annexed tc annexed to Belleville city in laue. Parts of Centerville township (including Winstanley Park and Edgemont STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890- Continue.]. (The word "precinct," where used, moans election precinct. l'"or changes in boundaries, etc., be.Lwi ■■ ■ n I'lOU and 1910, sec. footnotes; for tliose between 1800 and 1900, s lioports of the Twelfth Census: 11)0(1, Vol. 1, Tables.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Saline County— Continued. (ialatia township, including Galatia village Oalatia village Harrisburg township, including Doirisvillo, Gaskins City, and Ledford villages and Harrisburg city Dorrisvillc village ' Gaskins City village " Harrisburg city Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Wards Ledford village 3 Independence township Long Branch township ■ . .. ... I ling] Irish village Raleigh village Rector township Stonefort township, including part of Bolton luge (part of).. Sangamon County.. Ward 1... WardS... WardS... Thayer village Ball township with Springfield Wards'.'.'.'.'. WardS Ward4 Ward Ward 6 Ward! Cartwright township, including Pleasant Plains village Pleasant J'ln in-: 1 1 Una/: ■ 'lial I id in iott ii:-:l;i|>, including Chatham village. Chatham village Clear Lake township, including Riverton and Spaulding villages Curran township Divernon township, including Divernon village. Divernon village ' Fancy Creek township, including Cantrall vil- Gardner township Loami township, including Loami village. . .!■ ■ II ■■ .■•. Dawson, ami ilechaniosburg villages Buffalo village Dawson village Mechanksburg village New Berlin township, including New Berlin 2, 881 821 ' Incorporated In 1905. 3 Incorporated in 1906. 3 Incorporated In 1907. * Incorporated as a city in 1905. 6 Incorporated in 1901. 6 Parts ot Won. hide I own diip iniue-.;,-.] iii 1904, 1908, and 1909 and parts of Spring- field township (including Ridgely and East Springfield villages) annexed in 1907 1,504 652 1,192 1,787 1,714 885 1,431 1,778 1,407 S96 1,185 3.150 "i',m LOOi'i 92S 1,227 1,094 * CIVIL DIVISION. Sangamon County— Continued. Schuyler County.. nship.. 1.095 481 1,542 SSS 2,393 2,073 476 'bss 1,191 4X8 1,081 494 1,404 1,278 1,332 589 3,769 896 500 4,702 923 Browning town Buena Vista township, Including parts of wards 1 and 3 of Rush ville city Rushville city (part of) Total for Rushville city in Buena Vista and Rushville townships Wardl I WardS WardS i Camden township I Frederick township Hickory township Huntsville township Littleton township Oakland township Rushvilletowulni n linlin i rd 2 and parts .. ! i : ■■:.;,. Rushville city (part of) Woodstock township Scott County.. village... Alsey precinct Bloomfielcl precinct incl, including Bluffs village Exeter precinct, including Exeter village Exeter village i : l;i.s;'iiiv preci.ii i , including Glasgow village Glasgoio village Manchester precinct, including Manchester village Manchester village i-'i.e, Naples precinct, including Naples town Naples town "ill c I " In !■'■■!. n| ;■■ : p..| I. wards 1 anil 2 of Winch 'sici city Winchester city (part of) '. Total for II iuchcu, r city in North and South Winchestir ni,<:t,>ar. Wardl Ward S WardS Oxville precinct Point Pleasant precinct ■ . . c; ■■■ in ■■■,■!, i. -i iii. in -in ■ ■,■ ,,.i ;; and parts el .. hi ■' m _m >< inchesterclty... Wincluslt r city (part of).. Shelby County.. Grove township... '1 pia township, including Moweaqua Moweaqua village Oconee township, including Oconee village. . Oconee village Okaw township, including part of Findlay Fimthui tiling, i n,ni if) Total for Findlay village in Olcaw and Todd Point townships l'enn township Pickaway township 8 Parts annexed to Springfield city in 1907 and 1909. ■' Incorporated in 1904. 10 I 'arts annexed to Springfield city in 190-!, cms. and 1909. » County total includes pnpnb ( 2.0:;i ) of I lie In die nl. v, rel.unied j ndepei id- entity in 1S90. '- Exclusive of population of Rushville city, i s Not returned by precincts in 1890. 14 County total includes population (3,162) of Shelbyville city, returned inde- pendently in 1890. 157 1,478 1,252 STATISTICS OF POPULATION -ILLINOIS. Tamle l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where used, means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those betwee 128 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Shelby County— Continued. ie township, including Stewardson town.. Strasburg village . I: id go low nsliip . - illecity.. Vol, 1 1 ior sli.'lhijull, ulii i, fill, hitcnships Wardl Wards Rose and Shelby- Sigel township, including Sigel village. . wnship, including '. Ward 2 WardS I'l^iien township, including Lafayette village Toulon to.. .. , r Total for Toulon to townships n Goshen and Toulon Ward 1 Ward2 WardS Osceola township, including Bradford village.. Toulon town (part of) . . . Wyoming city (part of) . . Valley township West Jersey township Stephenson County hiekeyc township, including p Erin township Florence township . Freeport township,' vi!V village. . Cedarville village (part of) Jefferson township '. Kent township Lancaster township, r nv. hiding part of Cedar- ville village.. | Cedarville r, llagr t pari .■>/' > . i.eran township, including I'eail City village Pearl City village Oneco township, including Orangeville village Orangcvillc village Kidott township, including Baalton and Ridott Ridott village 1 Exclusive of population of Shelby ville city. 2 County hv i ion (10,189) of Freeport city, returned as in Lan- i, * Part annexed to Freeport city in 1908. < Not returned separately In 1890. « Parts of Harlem (including West Freeport village) and Silver Creek town- ships annexed in 1907 and that part of Freeport township outside of Freeport city and part of Lancaster township annexed in 1908. 17S l iJ2 MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. Stephenson County— Continued. Silver Creek township « Waddams township West Point township, including Lena town . . Winslow township, including Winslow village. . Tazewell County.. Boynton township. . • 'ineiiiiial i township Deer Creek township, including Deer Creek vil- lage Deer Cral. ullage Oelavan lowaiship, including Pelavan city. Delavan city . Ward 1 WardS WardS [ Dillon township.. Elm Grove township, including part of Tre- 1 mont village Tremont village (part of) Total for Tremont village in Elm Grove and lliltle lownship. including Annhiglon village. . Armington village 8 Hopedale township', including Hnpcdale. village. village Minirr village Mackinaw township, including Mackinaw town. Wardl.. Ward 2. . Ward.!.. Ward {.. Ward .-;.. Ward 6.. Sand Prairie township Spring Lake township Tremont township, including part of Tremont village Tremont village (part of) Washington township, including Washington TJnlon County.. ict, including Anna city. . Wardl Warit WardS Wardi Cobden precinct, including Cobden village — Cobden village Dongola precinct, including Dongola village.. Dongola village Jonesboro precinct, including Jonesboro city Joncsboro city Wardl WardS WardS Lick Creek precinct.. Mill ( ive].; prei Inct.ini ill 'reek village. Mill Creek village.. i Isenheimer precinct.. Preston precinct. . . Stokes precinct Union precinct Western Saratoga precinct f Part annexed to Freeport city in 1907. 7 Incorporated in 1907. 8 Incorporated in 1904. 1,396 686 | 1,429 1,883 . 87S \. 1,058 . 1,221 . 2,186 1,597 2,S95 )) of Hess precinct 124 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. 1'1'Iip word "precinct," where used, i -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e footnotes; for those between is MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Vermilion County.. Blount township.. ■ii V ' ■!:":- »--■■■=->■-■ ^ lM. "c Rankin village. . . including Iudianola village.. . Carroll t< Indianola vi.. „_ . Callin township, including Catlin village... Damille township,' including Brookville, Hil- Icrv, 'l'ilton, and parts of Belgium and W'est- ville villages and wards 1 to and part of ward 7 of Danville city .. Brookville village" (Grape Creek P. 0.).. Newell townships . . Ward 1.. Ward?.. Wards.. Ward 4- ■ Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward? /, lent village Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Wards.. Jt in In iih mi ill ' . lakwood n.M ii dm, including Fithian, Muncie, and Oakwood v__. Fithian village.. Muncie village.. Oakwood village • Pilot township.. Ross township, including Alvin, Henning, and Rossville villages A Ivin village , Henning village "'. . [For total, see Ayers township, Champaign County.] Sidell village. . Wabash County tkdhnont precinct, 12 including Bellmont i Bellmonl village ' oiTee precinct, l2 including Keensburg v !diends\ illc precinct . . Mount Car.nel precinct, including Mount ear- lier,/;.. Wards.. 2,307 2,577 It, 434 16,354 16,354 2,141 1,995 3,318 2,873 324 1,549 3,879 1,585 3,129 1,435 1,884 879 o Danville city in 1906, 1907, and 1909 and part annexed ti Parts of Danville I ip (including Germai i n South Danville vil- ?) annexed in 1906, 1907, and 1909 and part of Newell township annexed in 1907. 5 Incorporated in 1907. 6 Love township organized from part of Elwood township in 1902. ' Incorporated as a city in 1909. 8 Part annexed to Danville city In 1907. Berwick township i oldbnmk township... I township Flo; d township (Ire'enbush tow uship. . ! late township Kelly township Monmouth township, in: 'ml oil; Monmouth oit.\ Monmouth cihj Wuril /.. WiritLK. Ward J.. Ward ,',.. Wards .'.'.' Point Pleasant township Koseville township, including Roseville village. Little York village.. Swan township Tompkins township in -hiding Kirk wood village. Washington County. . , MYiiv.-hifi low J including ] m den village New Minden village (part of).. Total for New Minden village in Covington U \ ington tow nmip including Ii e ington village. Irvington village Johannisburg township okawville townsliin, i-.icludiii" Okawville vil- lage and part of Addieville village I Addieville village (part of) Total for Addieville village" 1 * in Okawville and ■'In e: !['■;, he .,- :S,'c, , , Okmevi'le pillage Pilot Knob township I"- .,- : till ■, ,1-hi ■, ■:.--,■,, ,-i , .,;■;■'■■■ \ ille village Adilii villi village m (part of) e ,, yd! :;■■■ Richview village Venedy township, including Venedy village. TV ncdij village Wayne County.. and 3 of Fairfield city. . rnirfnld rifg (part of) Total for Fairfield city in Big Mound and Grover townships. Wardl Wards WardS Elm River township. . Four Mile township . . c harden Kill t< nship.. » Incorporated in 1903. w Incorporated in 1904. u Incorporated in 1902. !2Compton precinct icii lined v> t (.1 1 Fell moid, and Co dec precincts in 1900. 'a Incorporated in 1906. '< Returned in Fionas in Okaw yille township only. I , en n.'.d HI. lode , p, |,i:l;: I .1,11 .'I I. I'm i ! ice i ":■ II due llll.el! form r.'aiden Hill and Orchard townships bet w n I:- 1 in and 1900. 16 Berry township organized from part of Arrington township in 1905. " Incorporated in 1909. '» Part taken to form part of Keith township in 1906. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 125 [The word "precinct," where used, l d 1910, sec foolnote;; for thou- In n 1890 and 1900, s ft CIVIL DIVISION. Wayne County— Continued. Indian Prairie townsuii villi' village Johnsonvilit ,-illugi . . Jasper township Miami Krie lowndup, including Mount Eric diehard (ownship ( del township, including Wayne City village. . . White County.. Burnt Prairie township Carmi township, including Carrui city Car mi city Wardl WardS Wards Enirna township, including Maunie village. Ma unit i iltatjc 3 Fniield township, including Erifteld town. . wards 2 and 3 of Whiteside County.. , i ... ... .:. . ■,, 'I: ■ hi:- ■, Albany village Clyde township Coloma township, including Kock Falls city. Rock Fall* eilg _ . Wardl WardS Wards Erie township, including Erie village Erie village. Ward 1 Wards WardS Garden Plain township.. Genesee township Hume township.. ownship, including Lyndon village. . Lyndon village Mom morency township Mount Pleasant (ownship, including wards J Wardl. Ward 2 Wards Newton township . . ' Part taken to form part of Keith township in 1906. 2 Organized from parts of Bedford and Indian Prairie townships in 1906. 'Incorporated in 1901. Whiteside County— Continued. Portland township Prophelslown township, including Prophets- tow u \ i I lage Prophetston a 1 1' lug. . - . - . Slcrling low n-,h in, in. I inline Sterling city Sterlingcity Ta in pirn i Hinge . . , I 'uion Grove l.ov. nship, including part of ward ;; of Morrison oil v. Morrison city ■ i part of) Csl ie I; I ownship Will County Channahon township, including Channahon village Channahon village Crete township, including Crete village and part of Steger village Crete village Steger village (part of) [For total, see Bloom township, Cook County.] Custer township Dupage township, including part of Romeoville Romeoville village (part of) Total fur Hume ,i illc liltnie in Dupage nrnl I, : '■II,.; - - Florence unvm-hip. in< liniue; Synierton village. Symerton village « ». Frankfort townsliip, including Frankfort and Mokcna villages Frankfort village Mokena village Green Garden township Homer township Jackson township, in< hiding Klwood village Elwood village Joliet township, including Joliet city and Pock- dale s illage Jul id city Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Wards WardS Ward 7 Rockdale village ' Lockport township, including Lockport city and Lockport city 6 Wardl Wards WardS Romeoville village (part of) Manhattan township, including Manhattan vil- lage Manhattan village Monee township, including Monce village Monee village New Lenox township I 'col one township, including Peotone village Peotone village P la infield low mhip. i m -In ding I 'lainfield village. Plain field ullage Peel lownslnp, including Braidwood city, To- rino village, and pari of Godlcy village Hnwlicood city Wardl WardS Wards Ward 4 Godley village (part of) [For total, see Praeeville 1 ownship. Grundy County.] Torino village 9 Troy low nship Washington township, including Beecher vil- lage Beecher village Wesley township - , ! Il| Will township « Incorporated in 1904. 7 Incorporated in 1902. 8 Incorporated as a citj ' Incorporated in 1905. 6,769 ,;,'W; 3,192 S,879 1,101 5,095 1,019 2,841 1900 1890 1,562 281 1,051 1,155 m 40, 537 S9,SS3 1,048 364 1,003 1,067 1,180 243 27,43S 2.1,264 4,973 2,659 4,088 S,449 S4 1,131 S93 1,216 462 1,204 1,810 1,003 1,793 920 3,811 S,S79 1,061 SS7 1,309 445 1,164 1,569 717 1,779 852 5,208 4.641 126 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 1.- (The word "precinct," where used, i -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 2,036 1,460 411 666 48S 791 45,098 2,065 1,420 2,293 1,676 63,153 47,845 Wilmington township, including Wilmington 581 1,069 433 1,114 627 1,298 709 466 500 909 560 1,590 1,022 48,405 45,401 8,348 11,246 8,861 9,600 7,946 2,253 841 1,100 948 1,212 415 20,506 658 1,014 849 1,256 671 1,042 695 550 577 761 667 1,045 33,818 Cherry Valley township, including Cherry Val- Durand township, including Durand village 921 987 • 1 27,796 « 22,226 UluirsvilK' township, including Bush, Hurst, ami Kiv\'es \ illagvs, and parts of wards 2 and 5,718 87 6,861 1,760 1,986 1,968 1,148 $46 668 4,841 1,971 1,378 1,698 446 1,210 1,469 2,022 986 * 4,631 8,065 7,093 1,908 2,120 1,229 1,836 S3 227 249 1,163 10,873 270 386 6,774 1,665 3,248 16 353 3,599 1,683 194 338 1,516 1,561 261 6,495 4,028 1', mini, ' low n hi), in, 1 niin 1 , , dim , il- 1 796 :■'", l.i"i 1 lOU'll ■,lii|i, 'Ill, ling Unrhinnl Clly. :,,:,• '.. / • .„ 1,559 Rockton township, including Ko>l:t,in villain:.. Rockton village 1,561 936 811 1,022 520 1,216 405 21,822 I, i i :i;, i, ■■ .; .i ,i .in In, hi,' .V.flrri ill,' c'\i.\ 1,749 969 Winnebago towns!) ip, iin-luding Winnebago vil- 290 Creal Springs township, including Creal Springs Cazenovia township, including Washburn vil- 940 639 1,662 777 1,228 370 1,470 649 453 468 142 751 348 '°C94 2, 867 2,070 803 676 691 951 2,200 1,626 608 489 630 1,055 358 108 377 2,237 1,311 326 119 868 '70S '367 439 2,149 U441 h'layion township, in, haling Denson village.. . 2,510 1,338 KlJ'aso township, in, 'In, ling Kl Paso city and 176 424 871 1,653 758 3,595 2,646 S$8 ■i ■ ,''.!! ,.| ■ .. ..' ■.!■ ,11 1,710 , ards 2 and 3 of Herrin city and part [11 1 1 jnkcity . : yfw 993 2,251 1,661 787 Palestine township, including Secor village 'S7S 1,023 148 1,930 342 128 944 Lake Creek township, including pai i ston city and of Pittsburg and White Ash Panola township, in, -In, ling i'anola village 971 Roanoke town:; hip, in, hiding i'nanoke village.. Spring Bay township, inrhnluig Spring Buy Stonefort tov part of Bolton 240 276 [For total, see Stonefort township, Saline County.) West Marion township, including part of Ford- ville village and wards 1 and 2 of Marion city. . ■ Township organization adopted in 190S. No comparison of populatio: be made. 2 Incorporated in 1905. 3 Incorporated In 1904. < Incorporated in 1909. n 1903 and 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 127 CITY, TOWN, OE VILLAGE. Abingdon city Addieville village.. Addison village Aledocity Alexis village Algonquin village.. Alhambra village.. Allenville village... Allerton village Alma village Alpha village Altaraont town Alto Pass village... Alton city Altona village Alvin village Andover village. . . Anna city. . Arlington village Arlington Heights village. . Armington village Arrowsmith village Cook Tazewell.. McLean . . . I Douglas... Assumption city.. Astoria town Athens city Atkinson village.. Atwood village.. Auburn city Augusta village.. Baldwin village.. Barrington village. . . Barry city Bartelso village Bartlett village Bartonville village. . . Basco village Lata via city Batchtown village.... Bath village Baylis village Beardstown city Beaverville village. . . Beckemeyer village . . Beecher village Belle Rive town.. Benld village Bensenville village.. Benson village YVlhlesMe.. K.lwards... Mercer Vermilion Marion Christian.. Fulton Menard . . . .Mi Fulton... Cook Peoria . . . . Hancock Mason St.. Clair.. .McLean. . Wabash.. Cook Piatt Madison Macoupin.. 1900 1890 2,022 190 591 21(1 1,321 117 485 256 629 1,162 2,081 611 937 1, 601 915 562 550 418 1,335 518 14,210 633 368 1,044 10,294 654 1,826 326 2,618 428 2,257 281 259 2,295 522 576 1,995 462 525 303 572 1,733 356 400 1,380 436 1,424 317 858 536 429 1,201 476 756 300 1,045 1,035 446 1,702 1,684 1,535 762 1,270 1,076 1,357 944 534 1,178 698 530 1,281 1,149 24, 147 984 874 1,077 '807 1,573 387 809 383. 692 381 298 387 447 1,162 848 1,643 274 3C0 1,354 263 318 3,871 360 330 327 3,543 384 340 4,827 395 4,226 410 342 340 372 129 370 358 17, 484 356 15, 301 487 6,937 3,867 1,484 1,129 374 367 295 338 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Bluffs village Bolton village Bone Gap village. . Bourbonnais village. . Bowen village Bracevllle village Bridgeport city... Brighton village... Brimfield town.... Clinton Lawrence . . (Jersey Broad well village.. Brooklyn village Brookport city Lrookville village (Grape Creek HuVl.-inghain village... Buckley village.. Buda village BuiTalo village... Bunker Hill city. Bureau village.'.. Burnham village. . Bush village Bushnellcity Butler village Byron city Cabery village Cable village Cairo city Camargo village < 'amUi.lec v ill.v;e ( mm.). I'nint village Campbell 1 till village. .. Campus village Canton citv ■: 'apron village Carbon Cliff village Carbon Hill village Carbondale citv Carlinville city Carrier Mills village . . .McLean. Cook.... Macon. . \Willlamson... Edwards Kankakee Kankakee Hancock Grundy Kendall. . Champalg Vermilion.. Hamihon. . Schuyler.. . Calhoun Fulton Kankakee... S;.m;anion.. Macoupin.. . Williamson.. MeDonough.. Adams Jackson Livingston.. Grundy Jackson Livingston.. Macoupin... Hancock McHenry Clark St. Clair Vermilion Hardin 128 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— ILLINOIS. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY. TOWN, OR V Champaign city.. I'hon \ Valley \ iilage... Cisco village Cisne village Cissna Park villag Claremont town.. In:, I City Coal Valley village. . Coatsburg village.... Cooksville village.. Cordova village Cornell village Cortland village — Crescent City village.. fYeston village ii<]n..i'.i city Durand village 1 iwkdit \ iilage Earlville city Last, \ll.on village Fa ;t Iboeklyn village Fast ' arondelet village.. East Dubuque city East Dundee village East Galesburg village. . . East Moline city East Peoria village East St. Louis city East Wenona village East Wood River village. Easton village E> iit Id township, Dekalb County, and Steuben township, 22,194 23,364 5,042 4,410 1,675 700 1,421 714 1,271 425 1,007 281 618 976 970 261 5,490 697 S,9S0 1,163 744 926 478 620 553 1,464 1,460 m 430 844 18,793 357 5,218 3,645 425 5,371 423 520 4,132 8,896 Union township, including Auburn city Clay township, Including Dillsboro town 1,341 465 980 304 681 1,085 1,250 369 5,472 473 4,326 1,413 439 1,047 320 731 1,203 1,441 5,517 435 4,m Harrison township, ine 1 ^ Wilmington to ,n 1 n, m. hiding Butler town. 3,297 2,063 49,624 3,868 Delaware Count [Joint population of West Harrison town in ,■■<,.,.:■ Ind., and Harrison village in township, Hamilton County, Ohio, In 1910, 1,649; in 1900, 1 760; and in 1890,2,010.] Center township,* including Muncie city and 32,195 24,006 4,068 1,887 2,073 2,722 7,310 5,955 1,122 863 2,354 l'263 1,782 1,738 350 1,419 2,483 870 1,070 1,804 2,505 1,428 1,931 232 241 165 19,843 28,537 20,942 ,■!,',, ' . . LawTencebui ling Greendale 868 "Delaware iownship, including Albany town. . . 2,116 1,307 2,106 1,643 1,579 2,041 ■ : 1 615 631 1,488 875 1,425 338 456 935 19,518 772 1,776 938 1,484 432 814 19,277 1,595 2,367 1,032 1,119 •2, 822 1,667 2,005 1,925 Sparta township, including Moores Hill town Union township, including Eaton town Washington township, including Gaston town. 1,863 1,851 1,508 169 641 1,328 'ill 1,670 211 1,228 341 2,370 676 205 191 279 6,420 1,072 1,163 2,134 1,051 Washingtc ulllu.'.ed id Concord to 1,867 1,503 211 641 1,538 1,477 162 1,794 266 1,532 451 2.562 614 1,942 1,681 231 699 1,605 1,562 m 2,038 224 1,733 Dubois Count 20,357 20,253 Bainbridge township, including Jasper town . . . 3,333 2,196 1,033 1,482 1,302 1,890 827 1,025 1,283 l'69S 439 1,245 870 3,649 2,464 680 823 961 acie city in 1 3,060 1,863 1,186 1,509 1,386 1,752 2,385 Jackson tow n rest Hill town.. 1,281 1,256 ii... 1,436 1,239 Salt Creek township, including NTewpoint town. Ferdinand township, including Ferdinand town 1,787 Sand Creel; to > estport town . 2,499 462 1,287 1,211 1,144 1,953 476 1,289 3,692 2,527 1,019 1,297 !<■ I i c, i . 1 2,113 419 Washington township, including Greensburg 6,604 6,034 5,518 3,696 1,166 939 I 'at ok a township, including 1 1 untingburg city. 4,210 3,167 1 Part of Washington township annexed tc 2 Part of Center township (Cochran town) ' Spencer township organized from part of * Incorporated In 1906. 6 Incorporated in 1902 n city in 190 Aurora city I vnship in 190 i. a 1907. 9. • Parts of Center township annexed to Mti ' Incorporated In 1903. ' Incorporated In 1907. » Incorporated in 1904. » Incorporated In 1905. 901, 1903, anc 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION—INDIANA. 137 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND J 890— Continued. |For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; tor those between 1890 ami twin, „or imports or t hr Twelfth ( onsus: 1900, Vol. I, Table 6.] Elkhart County.. Baugo township nship, including part of Hillersburg Millersburg town (.part of) Concord to- M iids2 to ti and part of ward 1 of Elkhart city n Concord and Osolo Ward 1.. WardS.. \l„rd ',.. WardB WardS Elkhart township, including Goshen city. . Goshen city.. Wardl.. Ward 2. . Ward 3. . Ward 4. . Ward 5 Harrison township . Jackson township... Jefferson to awnship, including part of Nappanee township Middlebury township. Including Middlebury Middlebury town Olive tow nship, including Wakarusa town Wardl.. Ward 2. . Ward 3. . Ward 4. ■ Osolo township, including part of ward 1 of Elkhart city Elkhart city (part of) . wnship, including part of Nappanee Nappanee town (part of) . . • mi township, including Bristol town. Fayette County.. i :ii|. of Connersville city. . Ward Ward Wards Ward4 East Connersville town lirview township, including part of Glenwood Glenwood toton (part of) ? Total for Glenwood town 5 in Fairview and Orange townships, Fayette County, and Union township, Jlvsh County .. V city (part of).. 2,483 3,273 4,889 £,761 8, SI 4 ■2,1 -U 1,17:; Orange township, including part of Glenwood Glenwood town (part of) Posev township Waterloo township Floyd County Franklin township i 727 1 727, 771 • County total includes population (12,S53) of Elkhart city and Nappanee town, returned independently In 1890. » Part of Concord township annexed to Elkhart city in 1900. « Exclusive of population of Elkhart city. * Exclusive of population of Nappanee town. 6 Incorporated in 1905. ' Incorporated in 1902. 7 Incorporated in 1900. » Incorporated as a city in 1900. ' Incorporated in 1909. •o Incorporated in 1903. 11 Incorporated as a city in 1910. Floyd County— Continued. Georgetown township, including Georgetown 1910 1,632 SSI 69 66 66 64 97 ' m 25, 275 20,629 S,S46 s,m 1,826 i,S27 2,832 S,Stl 6,692 78S 20,439 1900 1,837 S60 1890 i.reon villi' low i. ?:.,;. is-l-onr- <; renin i lie town. 1,401 S09 1,577 24,576 20,628 1,415 Uifavcllo township .Nov. All. iniy township, in<-luiling Xew Albany 1,440 698 21,446 Cain township, including Hillsboro town 1,403 628 702 1,105 1,139 116 3,871 S,SS5 901 1,006 1,428 1,987 636 1,904 S72 3,050 2,069 3,241 1,767 1,049 15,335 1,537 600 773 1,330 1,322 1,509 Jackson towns! . ,, .. it lace town 1,407 3,536 3,005 Mill Creek township, including Kingman town. 2, 145 1,974 Richland township, including Mcllott town 1,869 1,981 1,121 3,366 2,21S 3,271 L176 16,388 Trny township, including Co\ ington city 2,968 Van Buren township, including Veedersburg Bath township 604 651 3,891 2,169 876 553 1,161 186 77 65 53 1,209 60S 693 713 2,017 966 92 672 88 68 S6 699 1,118 142 1,150 16,879 557 653 2,037 1,073 601 1,317 '.'rod, \ illc t.ov nship, including Brookville town. 4,270 1,509 Lanrd township, including Laurel town 1,412 600 712 810 2,122 957 1,760 Ray township, including Oldenburg town 2,244 ::::::::::":::::::::: 849 1,130 153 1,154 17,453 Springfield lownsliiii, including Mount Canncl 1,224 Whitewater township 1,241 2,754 1,799 296 1,107 1,209 5,600 S,S64 1,107 1,074 1,188 1,826 7*8 1,343 1,351 2,532 1,765 i,"234* 5^835 S,421 Liberty towns ion town n eluding Rochester city.. 5,063 Ward 1 Union township, including Kewanna town 1,948 646 1,500 1,919 1,410 138 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1010, seo footnotes; for those between 1800 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Gibson County.. Barton township Center township, including Francisco town . nship, including Oakland City WardS.. Ward 4.. WardS n township.. Wardl.. WardS.. WardS.. ton township.. Ward I WardS WardS Ward 4 WardS township, including Fairmount and 3 and o of Marion city.. including Matthews and Matthews town 7 . Ward /.. WardS.. Wind .',.. Ward 4. WardS. .. Liberty township .Mill tn'ivnship, including Gas City and Jonesboro S t'illl.. Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 WardS Jonesboro town... Monroe township Pleasant township... Van Buren township, including Van Buren Van Buren town Wardl Ward S WardS Washington township, including part of ward ] Minimi city s (part of).. Greene County . . WardS... WardS... Center township.. 2,061 6,770 i Incorporated in 1906. a Parts annexed to Marion city in 1902 and 1909. ' Returned in 1900 as in Center township only. Parts of Center and Franklin townships annexed in 1902 and part of Center township annexed in 1909. « Incorporated in 1903. R CIVIL DIVISION. Greene County— Continued. Highland township.. Bloom field town... Ward 1 WardS Wards Taylor township Washington township, including Lyons to East ward North ward South ward Wright township, including Jason ville town. . Hamilton County.. Adams township, including Sheridan town. . Sheridan town - Clay township, including part of Carmel towi Carmel to.. .. %r Total for Carmel town in Clay and Delaware townships. . < 'a rnirl town (part of) Fishers Station town * Fall Creek township Jackson township, including Arcadia, Atlanta, and Cicero towns A tlanta town Noblesvilletownship, including Noblesvillecity. Noblesville city . . WardS.. WardS Washington township, includingWestfield town. Westfield to Hancock County.. Brown township, including part of Shirley Total for Shirlnj inn n in Drown township, Hancock County, and Greensboro town- ship, Henry County Buck Creek township Center township, including Greenfield city. ( it ten fit Id city Wardl WardS WardS Green township. 1'iiricillc In Ward 1 . . WardS.. WardS.. Harrison County. . 14,379 j. Blue Kiver township.. Boone township, including Laconia town Laconia town Franklin (ownship, iiiHuilhu; Lanesvllle town Lanesville town Harrison township, including Corydon town.. Corydon town. . including Mauckport town 1,611 | n S79 I s Part annexed to Marion city in 1902. '■ Kci.urned in 1900 as in Center township only. ' Incorporated in 1902. « Incorporated in 1908. » Incorporated in 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION-INDIANA. 139 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 Continued. [ For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, sop footnoto.s; for those between 1S90 and 1900, see Keporls of the Twelfth < "crisn ;: 1900, Vol. 1, I . . 1 , 1 ■ ■ ., ; r crvn, division. Harrison County— Continued. Jackson township, including Crandall town.. Crandall town Morgan township, including Palmyra town.. Palmyra town.. >sey township, including Elizabeth t< Elizabeth to Scott township Spencer township 1 l'a\ lor township Washington township, including New Amstor- ■ . < I ■■„■:..■.■:■ ..i' ■; . Webster township, including New Middletown U, lawn town.. Hendricks County.. Brown township Center township, including Danville tow n. - Danville to- — North Salem town Wardl WardS Ward S I Franklin township : Cuiliord township, including ITainfield town.. Plain field to Clayton town > Lincoln township, including Brownsburg town. Brownsburg town Wardl ! Wards j Wards Marlon township.. Middle township, including Pittsboro town.. Henry County.. Blue R iver township , including Mooreland town . nship, including Middletown Lewisville to .. Greensboro township, including Greensboro and Kennard towns and part of Shirley town Greensboro to Kemvird town Shirley town (.part of)... Harrison township, including Cadiz town Cadiz town ITenry township, including New Castle city.. New Castle city \ Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 1 WardS I WardS ! Ward! I Jefferson township, including Sulphur Springs town - Sulphv T S ; . ■ ■ ■ . Wardl WardS WardS Liberty township Prairie township, including Mount Summit town Mount Summit towns Spiceland township, including Dunreith and Spiceland towns Knightstown town. . 1,867 669 1,986 1,905 699 606 1,007 ;>,iss 1,247 2,707 1,199 2,609 1,603 878 2. 452 2,578 1,474 676 1 , 452 6SS 1,046 1,584 408 1,106 SS4 1,666 1 1,644 ; 1,097 1,837 1,239 1,362 1,6S6 1,489 1,511 1,890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 ^Incorporated in 1910. Howard County 33,177 | Center township/ including Kokoiuoeity 19,600 Kokomocity 1 17,010 Wardl 1,958' WardS S.SS0 WardS 1.9S9 Ward 4 S, 986 Wards S,598 Ward 8 S.S09 Clay township 1, 050 Ervln township 1,700 Harrison township 958 Honey Creek township 1,137 Howard township 1,084 Jackson township 909 Liberty township, including Greentown town.. 2,843 Greentown town /, 766 Monroe township 959 Taylor tow nship 1 , 832 Union township 1, 099 Huntington County 28,382 Clear (reck township 1,237 Dallas township, including Andrews town 1,575 A ndrews town 95? Ward 1 1 S68 WardS SS7 Ward S I S6S Huntington township,* including College Park town and Huntington city 12,483 College Park town s , 10S Wardl 16 Ward S S8 Ward S SS Ward4 14 Ward 6 IS Huntington cili, * - /"...', ' Ward 1 1,917 WardS S,6SS WardS 1.6S5 Ward 4 Wards Jackson township, including Roanoke town Roanoke town Jefferson township, including part of Mount Mount Etna town (part of) Total for Mount Etna town in Jefferson, Lancaster, Polk, and Wayne township*. . . . Lancaster township, including part of Mount !sfount Etna tn.r n ( p rrt of i Polk township, including part of Mount k'.tna Mount Etna town (part of) 1! oelc t reck: township, including' part of Markle Markle 'town '(pari of)'. .... '. '. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. Total for Markle town"' in Rock Creek town- ship, Iliintiimioi, Count a. and Rock lurk township, Wells Count u __ Salatnonie township, including Warren town. .. Warren town CJnion township \\ anvil township Wayne township, including part of Mount Etna Mount Etna town ( pnt of) Jackson County Brownstown township, including Brownstown Brownstown ton n Carr township Drill v, ood township Grassy Fork township Hamilton township Jackson township, including Seymour city Seymour city Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 Owen township Redding township Sail creek township Vernon township, including i rothersvilletown.. Crolhersville town Washington township 7 Parts of Center township annexed to Kokomo 8 Parts of Huntington township annexed to Hun 1905, 1908, and 1909: parts of Huntington city annc in 1901, 1903, and 1906. 9 Incorporated in 1908. i" Returned in 1900 as in Rock Creek township, 1,706 1,973 1,846 556 1,948 1,433 1,500 1 , 610 S7 U 42 148 176 1,468 1.611 1,811 9S 118 1$4 787 874 1,010 IS 18 S6 1,992 2,070 2,081 746 7S9 670 8S0 7S9 670 2,605 3, 152 2,346 1,189 1,6SS 1,1S0 1,314 1,427 1,552 1,100 1,084 1,267 955 900 1,047 24,727 26,633 24,139 3,132 3,535 3,306 1,49S 1,685 1.4S2 1,659 1,706 1.651 1,111 1,157 1,066 1,021 1,197 1,147 2,031 1,858 7,607 7,640 6,502 6. SOS 6,445 5, SS7 1,699 1,261 1,052 1,404 1,795 2,031 1,722 1,533 1,577 1,423 1,935 2,538 2.466 2,358 2,268 2,099 1,0S8 765 699 862 953 899 1904, 1907 and 1909. city in 1900, l'Jnu. 1904. lexed to Huntington township Huntington County, only. 140 Table 1.- [For changes In boundaries, eta STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ,, between 1900 and 1010, sec footnotes; for those between 1X0.0 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 minor crra DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 13,044 14,292 11,185 Johnson County— Continued. Franklin township, including Franklin city 5,490 4,602 1,526 1,279 1,288 3,425 1,608 S4S 70 162 1,298 2,064 39,183 5,060 4,005 1,640 1,360 1,393 3,410 1,608 384 liarkley township Carpenter township, including Remington 1,074 1,968 982 609 432 637 711 3,692 2,S9S 531 1,281 655 762 557 24,961 1,303 2,198 1,120 753 480 771 472 764 3,483 2,256 396 558 1,319 909 366 26,818 1,093 2,058 940 622 479 631 413 492 2,568 1,455 259 585 747 687 551 4,873 1 lonsley i ownship Needham township (iillam township - \l:iiion township, including Rensselaer city Wardl Ward2 Ward 3 1,360 2,095 32,746 ...,.■■ n i Wheatfield town 28,044 23,478 Busseron township, including Oaktown town. . Jav County 2,202 608 1,328 3,224 630 2,624 1,201 1,727 5,860 2,794 445 129 162 164 17,654 14,895 1,645 2,S45 1,684 1,901 2,727 4,693 1,596 1,767 27,936 2,136 1,729 1,821 469 1,333 1^99 723 1,264 169 1,067 1,844 800 1,423 5,428 2,871 1,714 1,020 6,459 5, ISO 1,046 1,668 1,200 1,217 20,483 1,791 384 1,449 1^424 873 1,313 168 1,200 2,063 773 1,498 6,310 3,187 2,206 1,114 6,161 4,798 1,843 1,327 3,601 688 2,522 1,364 4,095 Harrison to v. n :. .. onroe City town. Monroe City town 3,244 1,714 1,547 1,787 956 1,435 160 2^010 697 1,646 2,785 1,024 922 1,155 5,274 3,725 Johnson township 1,967 ■ i wmship Palmyra township 1,241 1,355 3,428 Knox township Madison township, including Salamonia town. . . Salamonia town Vigo township, including Bicknell and Sand- Xoble township Wardl Ward 2 wards 1 and 2 and part of ward 3 of Dunkirk Vincennes tov. vincennes city. Vincennes city 6 12,816 10,249 10,704 8,853 Ward4 Wabash township Washington township 1,480 1,719 29,109 1,556 Widner township 1,820 22,913 24,607 Clay township, including Claypool town 1,246 408 ISO 77 201 1,110 431 142 197 1,219 205 728 1,900 523 1,177 1,237 1,190 493 802 1,320 401 929 990 1J302 2,398 1,879 S62 37/ 646 1,856 814 199 816 800 1,817 817 176 898 249 6,190 4,430 1,670 1,802 1,458 1,320 399 1,366 1,213 1,029 S66 1,229 10,013 6,984 760 1.SS6 1,246 768 1,114 . 1,248 485 1,394 160 '871 1,479 1,330 14,203 1,186 1,037 377 1,279 11,761 7,836 1,184 1,082 469 1,272 13,027 8,936 Ward 2 Ward S Etna township, including Etna Green town Uanover township, including Hanover town 1,229 420 Madison to .'i n'lison city Wardl Ward 2 Wards Franklin township, including part of Mentone 1,357 234 767 2,117 628 1,328 1,341 1,358 504 1,406 890 1,027 1,193 1,582 1,420 2,037 928 i.'ssi' 90S i'/'i/ ;■■ ,',: , ', mi. ■; ■ ■-,,,■; / ,.<, ■ V/iMi. . Harrison township, including part of Mentone 1,785 149 1,267 859 1,488 1,441 810 15,767 1,871 120 1,267 872 1,482 1,583 867 I nil ■ ■ , i i | Lake township, including Silver Lake town — hi] in ting Leesburg town 1,354 1,035 3,844 2,916 938 1,067 910 1,000 1,656 779 827 759 819 1,347 1,305 453 20,394 996 1,281 3,751 2,823 929 1,268 2,860 2,012 mting North Vernon city.. Turkey Creek township, including Syracuse i,"l95" 1,839 804 1,000 778 992 1,584 1,537 657 20,223 1,244 1,831 849 979 722 1,039 1,410 1,477 613 Van Buren township, including Milford town... 1,731 Washington township, Including Plerceton town 2,130 88e _ 2,210 Vernon township,' Including Vernon town 5,496 5,887 6,250 Blue River township, including Edinburg town . 2,815 2,040 1,209 1,820 1,316 2,792 2,031 1,295 Clark township Wards :.: i Part of Madison township (West Madison town) annexed to Malison city in * Incorporated in 1909. y In 1903, 1905, and 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. 14 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 19)0, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.| minor civil DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 minor crvn. DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 La ran e County 15,118 15,284 1*,615 Laporte County— Continued. 758 599 613 386 254 1,225 627 19,584 19,027 f,410 2,190 4,289 4,897 5,241 1,567 1,055 626 240 673 891 505 ^657 681 30,625 342 709 766 451 242 925 607 15,367 14,860 Bloomfleld township, Including Lagrange town. 2,705 l,77t 408 408 S80 S58 218 1,015 1,480 1,370 913 1,220 S24 627 1,107 1,776 1,634 1,043 985 82,864 2,722 1,708 2,966 1,784 1,180 1,536 1,311 924 1,357 345 659 1,171 L697 990 1,009 37,892 1,306 1,509 1,138 1,018 1,468 Michigan lownship, i" including Michigan Cily ward 1.. :::::::::::::::::::::::: Johnson township, including part of Wolcott- Wolcottville town (part of) - Total for Wolcoltville town In Johnson town- ship, Lagrange County, and Orange town- ship, Noble County Lima township New Durham township, inHuding Westville 1,629 468 1,015 613 1,314 1,132 1,608 1,051 1,105 23,886 ownsnip 702 l|l73 Lake County a . ■ .. : , . .1,1; ' Calumet township,' including Gary city and Gri (nth town ie',802 2,8S4 4J24 \'M 1,S6S 623 2,312 1,235 3,602 2,626 717 1,029 3,729 161 484 1,763 6S8 105 48,361 19, 098 1,918 4,142 l,4H 2,202 1,609 3,278 20, 925 2,736 2,617 2,728 1,461 2,S79 1,819 2,074 1,890 1,035 1,786 304 643 6,687 1,464 1,978 1,797 1,853 1,434 1,766 545 1,306 626 45,797 1,408 944 Lawrence County 25,729 19,792 Wardl Ward 2 Bono township 1,095 823 1,056 2,379 6,482 3,438 1,228 1,206 1,005 2,125 717 1,769 12, 480 8,716 2,486 2,099 2,269 1,079 1,699 197 69,224 1,060 880 1,295 2,356 3,869 1,021 781 1,083 1,891 5 Guth rie township Indian Creek township 3,663 1,583 Cedar Creek township, including Lowell town.. 2,407 1,276 3,372 2,836 597 1,185 2,718 1,691 761 2,894 1,907 647 985 2,197 1 Wardl.. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Crown Point town Ward 3.. Hanover township Hobart township, including Aetna, East Gary, Hobart, Miller, and New Chicago towns Perry township 810 2,004 9,436 6,116 692 and Oolitic town Bedford citv 5,506 3,351 Hobart town 1,890 1,010 Ward 2 Ward 8 North township,« including East Chit mond. and Whiting cities, and Highland and Munster towns 21,020 8,411 9,631 1,266 OoUtkTown'u Spice Valle\ 1 Huron town.. Huron town »« Madison County Adams township 2,165 1,843 Wardl.... y ...\ 70,470 WardS 1, 552 25, 187 22,476 8,108 6,956 7,417 1,166 1,006 2,776 1,293 '322 1,080 2,254 104 9S6 7,945 6,096 1,872 1,022 2,202 420 14,104 11,028 8,821 3,684 4,023 882 930 2,302 1,045 937 286 2,807 1,387 1,738 22,611 20,178 Anderson township, including Anderson city Anderson city . 12,517 Ward7 Hammond cili/ 6 . Wardl Ward2 12,376 6,428 Ward2 WardS Boone township 1,338 1,271 1,612 1,534 642 1,234 2,381 1,336 Ward 4 Duck Creek township 1,325 FallCreekto aidletontown.. Pendleton town 2,544 Ward 7 1 Green township , including Ingalls town 1,008 1 Jackson township 1,299 Lafayette township, including part of Frankton Frankton town ' 5 (part of) 3,983 1,408 Total for Frankton town ' 6 in Lafayette and Pipe Creek townships 1,464 11,187 7,221 620 Monroe township, including Alexandria city and Orestes town Alexandria city 716 1,542 1,765 1,427 Wardl St. Johns township, including Dyer town WardS Wards 1,173 705 38,386 1,201 34,445 778 16,809 '■'|.< ■ ■ '. ! ' > .,'.:.'.. :.■■•....■ . ' Laporte County Wardl Cass township '. 1,349 11,445 10,525 2,386 1,754 2,170 2,890 1,836 ■ 637 1,425 1,457 8,501 7,118 1,442 8,561 7,126 Center township, including Laporte City 1,484 957 2,304 869 909 Stony Creek township, including Lapel town... 1,740 Ward2 Union towns i, | rfield town... 897 Van Buren township, including Summitville 2,977 1,432 1,406 760 1,012 Cool Spring township ■ ■■■,.■... /:' 762 1 Part annexed to Gary citv in 1910. 'Incorporated in 1900 and part of Calumet township (Tolleston town) annexed 1910. « Incorporated in 1904. * Incorporated in 1907. * Incorporated in 1908. ' Parts of North township annexed to Hammond city in 1906 and 1907; part of Hammond city annexed . ' Incorporated in 1910. B * Incorporated as a city in 1903. orth township in 1906. 9 Prairie township organized from part of Hanna township in 1904. '• Part of Mi v in 1907. 11 Washington township organized from part of Union township in 1904. 12 Incorporated as a city in 1907. '» Incorporated in 1903. m Incorporated In 1901. ' 5 Returned in 1900 as I « Part of Elwood city 17 Incorporated in 1902. 142 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. | For chances hi boundaries, -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. c., between 1900 and I'.ilO, see footnotes; for those between 18'JO and 1900, sec lie], oils of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1S90 MmoKam™, 1910 1900 1890 263,661 197,227 141,156 12,950 » 14,711 , Center township,' including Woodrullaiul part 218,497 151 568 214,864 283,660 20,012 14,808 14, 104 22,985 10,782 9,958 18,015 11,297 28,807 20,140 W, 617 19,576 10,943 18,223 833 246 290 297 1,594 2,337 3 3,295 194 4,091 899 352 1,944 6,093 8,606 5,679 770 1,004 20, 131 206 14,776 24,175 167,970 117,328 804 1,059 1,384 339 1,016 2,101 676 l'087 3*036 2,154 700 680 774 899 29,350 1,058 1,188 1,094 1,220 1,519 10 to 13, and parts of wards 4, 9, 14, and 15 of Center township," including part of Shoals town. Total for Shoals town » in Center and Haibert 688 2,098 683 1,415 1,356 1,496 2,503 1,382 Haibert 1 ownship,' including part of Shoals town 1,881 163,502 169,164 105,436 105,436 Perry township, including Loogootee city 1,109 28,^44 Miami C ounty Ward 11 25,823 Allen township, including Macy town Butler township 1,093 1,087 1,086 1,119 476 1,118 2,492 521 1,164 1,641 1,310 12, 365 10,910 1,948 2,276 1,960 1,744 440 210 123 92 152 1,194 797 1,943 23,426 1,113 314 1,235 1,216 1,202 576 1,220 2,853 402 1,415 1,824 1,361 10,465 8,463 WardU Ward 15 316 1,344 Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 1*556" 2,178 1,555 2,256 Deer Creek township Erie township 1*284 678 Franklin township, including part of Beech Grove town Jackson township, including Amboy and Con- 2,313 Beech Grove town (pari of) 2,' 372" 199 2,825 2, 367 Con verse town Jefferson township 1,957 Perry township, including Southport and University Heights towns, and part of Beech 2,448 Peru township, 10 including Peru city and Ridge- Peru city 1° 7,028 286 324 Wardl '■■■.■'■.. Ward 2 2,006 3,942 1,999 2,854 Grove town and part of ward 9 of Indianapolis ^Be'ech Grove town '(.part 'of) Pipe Creek township, including Bunker Hill 1,567 668 Indianapolis city (part of) Washington i Broadripple 3,238 487 2,400 WardS Ward 3 Wayne towns: mont town and 11, 146 7,949 Richland township 1,282 860 1,570 495 20,873 1,343 25,119 Union township 960 23,818 Y< n\!iin;_;|oii Pe.vnslnp including South Peru 1 443 Bourbon township, including Bourbon town. . . 2,676 1,168 351 342 470 5,934 8,838 i,m 1,266 1,351 3,910 2,008 819 622 849 318 1,017 1,575 1,842 1,222 2,464 810 107 373 sso 2,238 1,088 318 ill 1,297 2,844 1,187 2,946 1,064 Bean Blossom township, including Stinesvllle 1,761 497 962 7,354 5,952 8,838 3,007 1,945 2,886 1,713 860 365 4,970 2,886 1,054 1,578 676 m 160 282 1,153 771 1,466 288 1,114 5,899 4,494 6,460 Center township, Including Plymouth city 5,903 3,666 5,66i 2,728 , ■ ■ : 1 ■ 3,806 1,671 3,077 1,076 Total for B, nmiiiiiion cm, in Bloominglon 1,072 1,936 2,004 1,402 2,049 505 1,172 1,956 1,949 1,465 1,958 1,618 927 3,443 1,966 1,103 1,565 708 Perry township, including ward 3 of Blooming- Riehland to 1 Ellettsville town Walnut township, including Argos town 2,646 1,307 2,611 1,101 927 1,210 1,095 West township 1,457 i,683 Washington township 1,112 in 1902, parts of < enter township enncxcil m I'di: 1 ,. pio-l.and 1908, parts of Center, Warren, and Washington tow nslups onnexoej in 1906, part of Warren township an- nexed in 1907, and parts of Center and Wayne townships annexed in 1909, to Indianapolis city. » Incorporated in 1906. • Incorporated in 1907. * Incorporated in 1903. ' County totals include population (865 in 1900; 899 in 1890) of Columbia township, annexed to Center, Haibert, and Lost River townships since 1900. 9 Part of Columbia township annexed in 1904. • Incorporated as a city In 1903. ts of Peru township annexed to Peru city in 1900, 1901. 1905, 1 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. 14 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 -Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for (hose between L890and 1900, sec Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol.1, Tables.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Mont omer County 29,296 29,388 28,026 Noble County— Continued. 1,728 1,742 303 3,078 2,173 '620 138 203 179 1,540 776 6,056 4,981 1,477 1,132 1,198 1,174 873 4,329 1,520 1,964 314 3,272 2,231 1,533 2,240 89 SS4 676 188 ISO 208 2,231 1,148 2,290 M 446 1,928 780 1,428 656 1,070 209 1,004 102 903 12,931 9,S71 2,166 1,886 2,682 2,748 US 1,552 296 1,719 734 21,182 2,377 (') 2,390 1 443 Orange lownship, including part of Wolcott- New Market town (part of) [For total, sec Johnson township, Lagrange County.] I'i'ir.v township, i no] in ling Ligonicr city 648 60S 3, 500 Spuria Low nship, including Cromwell town t',176 2,353 357 457 '727 1,591 1,305 241 1,135 11,467 6,649 2,273 857 2,159 Coal Creek township, including New Rich- Ward 2 mond and Wingate towns WardS 1,691 819 4,419 3,354 Franklin township, including Darlington town. 1,935 461 1,142 * ' i i including kendaliville city... 6 1,191 Vadison low nsliip, jucluding Linden town Riplev township, including Alamo town 1,402 272 1,220 901 4,724 1,080 11,103 6,089 4,955 Union township, including Crawford-; Cass townshi 591 472 2,812 1,613 454 17,192 615 548 2,984 1,548 577 16,854 Randolph township, including Rising Sun city. . 3,056 162 1,656 284 1,900 757 20,457 1,677 270 1,638 576 18,643 14,678 French Lick township, including French Lick Wayne townsh ip, includh Wayi ictown town . . 4,935 1,803 746 1, 167 1,331 835 794 665 2,371 2, 785 1,278 1,416 893 14,053 3,237 260 1,869 1,383 1,415 905 878 739 2,323 1,236 3,047 1,186 1,840 1,027 15,149 1,372 1,139 1,061 2,452 1,608 1,542 672 907 987 330 1,647 1,074 799 1,324 1,062 409 6,426 4,629 1,906 1,183 1,430 10,504 1,276 '511 1,669 974 1,315 1,200 1,122 569 1,586 891 1,409 Brown township, including Mooresville town. . . ■■'.:■.' ... . h c. ' 1, 865 1,030 1,073 392 1,644 1,008 961 345 1,586 i,'ooi Jackson township, including Horgantown town. 15,040 1,144 803 1,402 1,140 41S 5,860 4,038 1,024 773 1,438 1,032 993 1,376 409 537 1,643 445 582 1,331 525 724 735 3, 413 2,150 696 855 700 1,340 293 228 255 22,214 1,172 1,470 404 584 1,982 452 732 1,642 571 706 792 2,026 Ray township, including Paragon town 4,590 1,943 10,448 8,803 Washington town hi, in indm -| icereil 3,124 1,524 927 297 1,762 '465 228 1,828 1,067 834 231 1,954 '489 701 227 24,009 1,000 920 271 1,716 1,205 1,052 397 128 1,624 Wayne towns;! port town 1,244 726 23,000 Iroquois township, including Brook town 1,590 913 1,003 Jackson township, including Mount Ayr town... 947 Adams township, including Rockville city 3,360 1,943 3,200 1,'009 473 1,157 1,513 1,393 628 2,821 1,070 2,224 1,537 680 948 1,955 1,481 141 SSI 3,637 2,045 3,466 865 1,077 611 1,442 1,895 1,336 506 1,816 1,006 489 760 299 994 23,533 1,875 918 518 178 1,016 < 23,359 Florida township, including Rosedale town Penn township, including Bloomingdale town. . . 1,260 431 1,702 Raccoon town tmond town... Albion township, including Albion town 1,213 372 406 435 1,792 679 1,312 1,168 986 1,403 1,324 1,298 1,229 Reserve towns itezuma town.. i,898 1,172 830 1,173 1,273 ' 186 Wards 2,147 658 1,440 1,320 1,104 1,962 576 1,531 1,436 1,179 ., Judson and Jefferson township Marshall town 2 1 Not returned separately In 1900. " Incorporated in 1907. • Incorporated In 1904. • County total includes population (2,960) of Kendaliville city, returned i pendently In 1890. * Exclusive of population of Kendaliville city. 8 Incorporated in 1901. » Incorporated- in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Kor changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 6. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Perr Count 18,078 18,778 18,240 Pulaski County— Continued. Monroe township, including Winamac town 2,681 1,607 5S1 2S4 166 263 414 747 1,362 729 1,123 260 40 155 1,413 1,401 710 206 216 289 20,520 2,830 1,684 1,540 2,391 75S 1,735 1,824 8,398 2, ISO 788 745 597 '973 1,100 1,296 510 1.432 19,684 1,847 2,616 868 1,907 2,272 7,778 *, 188 1,990 2,432 1,992 2,315 1,991 i hi k township Troy township, inrhiiiiie; ('■umcllon city, Tell rannelton city 689 1,207 596 1,181 261 Salem township, including Francesville town. . . 1,000 403 Tippecanoe township, including Monterey town. 2, 680 2,094 ::::::::::::"::'::' 1,490 20,486 554 1,616 18,544 1,456 1,384 White Post township, Including Medaryville 1 1,049 2,425 1,879 1,278 798 1,337 2,037 4,253 932 185 377 370 2,170 20,540 1,403 821 7,971 6,987 1,670 761 1,683 2,873 894 881 812 564 1,424 959 1,000 1,069 610 1,1,00 524 21,670 1,257 2,792 2,144 '908 1,749 3^926 536 1,178 2,474 2,220 1,226 825 1,729 2,240 3,095 - 21,478 842 1,727 624 884 1,927 849 5,578 3,790 864 1, 106 i,m 657 1,208 861 896 1,248 452 1,311 449 1,221 US 746 1,619 29,013 1,904 445 984 2,257 942 5,292 3,661 ' 1 i\ 1 11 tu\ 11 1 in In i 11 1 ^erdale town. . ■, Franklin township, including Roachdale town. . 1,815 428 Greencastle township, including Greencastle Washington township, including Petersburg 4,153 1,751 19,175 1,373 794 7,222 3,557 1,494 18,052 1,357 6,062 5,090 1,342 1,015 953 1,257 545 1,312 431 1,192 298 895 1,670 28,653 1,029 Boone township, including Hebron town Center township, including Valparaiso city 1,414 Russell town: ■■.:■■ rllville town.. 938 877 884 634 1,209 1,014 1,075 938 556 2,455 788 1,009 855 830 596 984 954 1,121 985 670 2,629 931 Franklin township, including Ridgeville town... 1,987 1,746 1,205 2,069 907 800 1,542 300 124 261 1,114 1,875 410 2,562 9/7 4,772 3,209 984 1,476 760 1,557 137 6,999 4,266 1,423 1,126 1,718 19,452 1,867 1,098 1,095 2,086 1,323 2,792 870 909 1,475 177 88 221 1,116 1,835 .. , . . Monroe township, inc-linlin^ farmland and 22,333 21,529 Nettle Creek township, including Bronson town Bronson town (Losantville P. O.) Modoc town (part of) Total for Modoc town in Nettle Creek and 851 8,234 5,563 1,582 1,384 1,257 1,340 1,042 2,168 1,229 1,297 2,008 1,164 2,042 780 1,502 1,362 610 232 188 190 13,312 769 768 Black townsbj 1 1 Vernon city . 7,991 7,907 4,705 , , 1 .!,■, II, <:,■;■ , ,..!■..., 1,902 ',.-.! : 1 ■ 1 , . ■ 1 , ; 2, 500 705 4,372 2,716 11 tiip, including Union City 1,169 2,443 1,341 1,382 2,199 1,404 2,109 628 1,641 1,226 602 1,044 2,304 1,197 1,471 2,066 1,086 2,072 1,638 1,173 Wards [Joint population of Union City in Wayne township, Randolph Countv, Ind., and Union Citv vil!.-i"i' in .L.rl -on township, Darke Countv, Ohio, in 1910, 4,804; in 1900, 3,998; and in 1890 3,974.] West River township, including part of Modoc 1,670 1SS 6,462 3,705 lading Posey ville town While River township, including Winchester 14,033 11,233 19,881 772 583 697 871 993 669 1,069 678 643 913 1,136 847 818 594 462 842 1,027 475 Adams township, including Sunman town 2,066 S5S 1,771 2,024 1,169 2,208 370 1,809 2,030 1.0SB Center township, Including Osgood town Osgood town Jefferson township 841 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Forchangos in boundaries, etc., between 1900 anil 1010, see loolnoles; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, 'I able 5 Ripley County— Continued. i (elaware township. Franklin township, including Milan town .larkson township ,loh i non Ion m ,hip, including \ ersailles town... Versailles loan Lauuhen low ushi|i, including batcsvllle oily. . BatesvUteciiu ' Ward I Ward 2 Wards Oil or Creek township Shelbi township Washington township Rush County Anderson township Center township Jackson township Noble township, Orange township - hose, township. hi, h tow ii I i i'm ! 1. 1 in i li i_< town Carthage torn . husln ille ion n nip, inch ding husln illeeily.. . Rushuilte cih) Wardl Wardi Wards Union township, including part of Glenwood Qlenwood town 1 (pari a/ 1 [For total, s-e Fairview township, Fayette Walker township Washington township St. Joseph County Center township Clay township C.eniiaii tow uship 3 Greene township Harris township Liberty township, including North Liberty North l.ihi riii lo't-n Lincoln township, including Walkerton town... Walkerton town Wardl Ward 2 WardS Madison township Olive township, he he line; New Carlisle town Neiv Carlhli totc/i Ward 1 Penn townshij i I pi Mi i imp ml part of River hark town Misha train city Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward 4 WardS River Park Par a i narl of) Total for River Park town « in Penn and Port- i i i i i .■ i ■ inii and part of River Park town River Park town (part of) South Bend city 6 Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 WardS Warde Ward 7 Union townshi , n< imb" , I leville town Lakeville town » Wardl WardS Ward S Warren township Scott County Finley township Jennings township Johnson township Levin vt on township Vienna township, including Scottsburg town. . . Scoltsburg town 1 Incorporated as a city in 1909. 2 Incorporated in 1905. 8 Parts annexed to South Bend city in 1904 and 1905. * Incorporated in 1900. 6 Parts annexed to South Bend city in 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1907, and of South Bend city annexed in 1908. 1910 1900 !890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 1,095 1,722 1,142 2,066 486 2,151 787 77S 1,645 2,182 856 19,349 1,214 1,929 422 1,183 2,232 501 1,884 1,214 1,755 1,218 2,041 4*1 2,101 1,169 26,802 26,491 Addison township, including Shelby vllle city . .. 10, 665 9,600 2,06S 1,448 1,939 1,8J,0 2,213 1,331 1,791 622 171 S61 1,344 970 1,465 767 1,438 1,394 1,133 864 997 1,137 1,306 20,676 8,671 7, 189 O.'.IU'I 6,451 1,358 1,865 665 Hanover township, including Morristown town. 1,559 2,387 871 20,148 1,605 2,365 925 19,034 1,705 1,140 1,420 1,636 1,576 1,251 1,100 1,300 1,692 22,407 Marion township - 1J544 659 1,012 1,084 1,382 718 '875 6,282 4,925 1,SS8 1,401 2,186 1,202 211 1,173 84,312 1,481 1,753 706 992 1,102 1,495 2,118 6! 027 4,541 1,579 1,071 789 1,034 1,050 1,708 2,174 482 5,101 3,475 Noble township 1,650 2,065 683 2*221 624 2,355 735 1,975 538 1,357 1,037 383 2,930 5,454 2,736 1,044 861 841 10,567 2,133 624 1,353 2,294 613 2,800 822 2,021 525 1,612 1,173 464 3,088 5,933 ...v > . ion o.ship, vi ho ir.. . : '-!,.■ 1,315 1,299 Hammond township, including (Irandviow 1,361 1,031 58,881 1,334 1,033 42,457 i is, 1 1 .011 low ,1 .h,p, l.ll-ip.l 1 .' 2,167 Jackson township, including Gentryville town.. 1,158 I iuce tow nship 2,907 1,376 794 794 501 '681 1,477 1,003 SU 275 2,081 1,820 612 S22 15,410 11,886 2,772 1,727 S.SSO 2,072 2,085 1,458 1,505 54, 737 47 63, 684 8,S95 8,917 5,306 6,1,63 5, 080 9,212 10,311 1,614 m 1,030 8,323 608 1,150 536 772 481 1,843 504 1,599 1,037 735 1,133 513 845 486 1,733 Ohio township, including bo -kport city 5,571 10,431 972 2,407 1,644 444 320 440 440 990 427 579 220 977 1,109 152 957 974 1,961 1,143 476 600 167 14,274 949 2,264 1,648 885 2,204 1,998 697 2,055 2,111 607 Davis town hip 1" 1 nil 1 1 mil, , 1 793 282 4S2 340 1,217 1,035 150 1,045 1,092 1,696 944 430 '' li', ,:.:.■..' ., , 8,117 5,560 5.67S 3,371 Oregon township, including part of Hamlet 773 846 V 1 n 1 n 1 p in. 1 id Hi Tudson town. Wardl 36, 896 22, 858 15,219 14,478 55,999 £1,819 Steuben County 342 1,316 694 925 645 933 1,232 3,517 2,610 1,019 1,019 572 630 1,351 223 390 167 105 118 317 1,402 709 1,021 690 873 1,332 3,235 2,141 Fremont townsl 1, ini remont town ... 1,029 691 934 1,733 1,768 Pleasant township," including Angola city 2,971 1,840 944 8,307 894 7,833 687 1,624 297 568 Salem township, including wards 2 and 3 of 1,070 1,363 969 1,855 3,066 1,669 1,243 1,206 1,037 1,960 2,861 1,274 1,226 1,142 1,127 2,195 2,143 618 Total for Hudson town in Salem and Steuben Scott township 953 1,166 ' Incorporated in 1902 » Returned as Shelbyville In 1900. 9 Incorporated as a city in 1907. 28407—12 10 146 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., betwoon 1900 and 1910, soo footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 1,731 280 167 754 32,439 2,256 542 261 829 26,005 1,596 6,260 6,748 844 l',S38 549 652 594 1,254 432 77,438 967 l',449 595 691 1,284 S92 '71,769 2, and 3 of Ashley town and ward 1 of Hudson ( Vnlri 1 ci wn: ;h i 1 1, i u< hiding Liberty town 2,544 964 21,877 County.] ' 1 i 1 : i ' . ' ' < , . >.!li Sullivan County 4,759 i,m 5,300 1,116 8,055 1,206 2,482 621 '860 7,206 4,115 4,385 1,515 465 SOO 750 2,199 1,039 9,914 2,819 2,356 Armstron townshi Curry (buildup, including Farmersburg and 2,871 625 523 1,348 2,598 478 3,342 699 5,480 8,118 3,653 2,443 301 378 1,258 2,272 412 3,005 503 2,222 1,176 2,318 1,171 69,647 9,825 4,816 6,600 16, 229 10,590 13,691 10,496 1,454 847 3,995 6,256 6, SSI 59,875 69,845 1,496 18,865 1,201 8 1,823 1,238 Center towns '• ■ i of ward 5 of Evansville city « 1,286 Total for Emu :nll< <■,,» • in ( enter, German, Knight, Perry, and Pigeon townships 69,007 50, 756 Haddon town- M sle town Hamilton to • ■ ilivanclty — '.!'■ ""■ ' in ' , ■:■..., ,i ,:■.;,. 1 ■ .., 1,588 1,953 1,941 11,840 1^876 12,514 Knight towns! iudi arts of wards 6 8 2, 561 Perry township,' including part of ward 4 of '2,934 8 995 1,259 1,466 2,713 1,256 487 893 426 1,568 1,633 S40 1,275 40,063 1,345 1,931 3,350 1,588 1,401 1,980 3,491 1,663 Pigeon township, 7 including wards i to 3 and parts of wards 4 to 7 of E vansville city Jefferson township, including Vevay city 1,577 915 15,252 :::::::::: Pleasant township, including Moorefleld town. . 1,762 113 1,953 408 1,499 38,659 1,784 115 2,253 434 1,605 35,078 Posey townshi Lot town Clinton township, 9 including Clinton city and 9,391 6,229 2,426 992 997 1,814 630 2,112 911 3,543 748 1,845 1,974 732 87,930 5,193 2,918 1,866 Fairfield township,' including Lafayette city... 21,619 20,081 3,365 1,268 3,100 2,766 2,087 3,845 3,650 860 2,234 463 1,110 776 1,247 1,837 US 652 8,867 1,095 1,007 944 17,459 19,798 18,116 17,766 16, 243 Eugene township, including Cayuga town 2,038 882 3,799 898 2,133 'eio 62,035 1,664 township including Newport town . . 924 2,546 639 1,307 842 1,206 1,662 2,017 150 657 2,302 1,248 1,238 1,012 19,116 1,048 2,194 1 .!■,..'!.■ ,:. ■ '■•;! ! :■' .1 1,468 786 1,375 1,453 2,232 456 673 2, 503 1,242 1,325 l|047 18,157 1,821 61,305 68,157 7,797 8,799 7,629 8,693 8,616 6,636 10,088 1,603 1,396 3,302 1,188 3,729 2,845 1,421 1,552 849 1.476 6,631 '617 601 662 849 654 1,831 40, 430 86,678 Harrison township," including Terre Haute 1 ,., ■■ .1. ' . mi; I'l Wabash township, including West Lafayette 1,479 1,594 2,056 n : " I: ^ . <'!', 1: ■ ic..:. . 1,738 4,294 1,842 1,550 1,672 881 1,608 2,798 661 6,802 4,075 2,394 600 2,035 2,361 1,014 2,253 899 276 100 267 6,755 3,764 2, 600 0,010 2,697 2, 665 2,274 2,814 1,942 2,671 957 2,205 2,703 2,191 '561 Sucar Creek 1 m;; West Terre ■[!■■; Ward4 Ward 5 ation (59,007 in 1900; 50,756 in 1890) of Evansville 10 Incorporated in 1905. 1! -I. 8 Exclusive of population of Evansville city. 9 Part of Clinton township annexed to Clinton city in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. >r changes in boundaries, etc., between 1(11)0 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between I son mid 1900, see Reports of tho Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table :,.] MINOR CrVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1000 1890 26,926 28,235 27,126 43,767 38,970 Chester township, including North Manchester 4,910 2,428 845 689 894 3,173 46S 1,857 683 256 187 240 11,363 8,687 1.769 2.566 2, 131 2,221 1,819 U7 2,070 10,899 5,214 5,438 575 774 122 2,348 1,019 873 480 1,019 909 4,243 2,237 704 302 167 1,818 936 1,188 US, 69f 1,416 601 26,509 22,324 3,023 1,935 2,549 3,675 4,806 2,417 i,S19 122 525 22,418 064 811 184 1,929 7X5 973 522 1,121 156 804 420 3,821 1,754 698 305 163 1,720 862 1,166 465 684 22,166 18,226 Boston tow nship, inch id in ■•, Ho:. Ion town 146 Center lownship, including Ceo 1 cm lie town 864 t agro tort nsf'i p, including Lagro town 3,519 456 1,782 4.024 549 Dalton township Franklin luwndhp, including \\ hilcw aler low n. Whitewater town Greene township 1 1 ai risou lownship Jackson township, including ( .inibridce Cily, Dublin, Fast C.ennanlowti. and Mount Au- 1 W- Liberty township, including La Foutaine town. 123 N'ohle lownship, including Wabash city 11,447 8,618 . 8,750 6,105 144 Jciforson lownship, including 1 lagerslowa iowo. 2. 133 631 2.191 1,949 11,371 2,294 582 ?,474 2,312 10,955 .N'cw Harden township, including Fountain W.isliingion lownship, including Uillnn luwn . . . 1-740 Wayne lownship,' including Richmond city 945 352 ISO 124 98 540 194 1,408 1,039 642 712 792 875 1,076 1,632 1,24S 21,911 279 792 16,608 615 174 1,365 637 509 1,107 688 851 826 997 1,270 1,618 1,245 22,329 577 629 201 1,239 700 515 1,043 644 876 763 1,027 1,312 1,482 1,027 21,161 Kent township, including State Line city US 561 23,449 Chester township, including Keystone town 1,929 242 6,742 4,848 4,987 1,269 2,022 'll2 308 133 2)617 661 2,371 139 1,846 196 2,219 1,442 74 168 189 1,474 SI 17,602 2,345 250 6,548 4,419 4,479 1,937 Ilanisou lownship, including \ era Cruz town, wards 2 and 3 and pari of '.'.aid t of Blutlton 3,589 919 3, 934 800 1,427 771 1,322 1,518 438 1,907 297 911 3,237 1,097 1,157 1,519 2,197 371 17,445 958 6,408 2,849 990 5,452 1,881 Total for Blufftoncily * in ilarrison ami. Boon township, including Boouville city 7/ 332 199 2,237 2,455 629 Total for Poneto town in Harrison and Lih- 1,445 1,427 1,421 1,731 2,470 Hart township, including Lynnville town 2,114 2,073 ■ nship, iueluding ( issiantown 1,111 3,473 1,37/ L737 2,242 302 19,409 1,242 3,311 1,046 1,475 1,878 2,111 Lancaster township, including part of ward 1 ol Liberty low nship, in- ■hiding p:u t of Poneto town '261 2,654 1,560 Skekon e crash i p. including Tennyson town Koitingha.u township Look Creek township, including parts of Markle 2,284 18,619 [For total, see Rock Creek township, Hun- tington County.] Brown township, including Campbellsburg and 1,592 666 162 1,165 'm 902 707 1,240 749 807 1,136 246 1,035 1,311 264 878 4,573 2,283 1,713 207 1,343 1,697 224 1,180 779 1,450 911 200 1,086 1,018 1,422 418 Total for Uniondale town 3 in Rock Creek and Union township, including part of Uniondale 1,505 1,313 1,680 1,640 19,138 '766 1,448 949 194 1,041 1,048 Big Creek township, including Chalmers town. . 1,080 613 946 1,165 S77 1,812 489 1,011 2,363 1,184 1,292 462 1,215 1,170 393 1,990 1,266 2,441 1,160 1,111 1,497 210 1,072 4,552 91.9 1,324 211 138 1,013 1,975 Honey Creek township, including Reynolds Jackson township, including BurneUsville hum W ish 1 i 1 sxlem town... Monon township, including Monon town Monon town 1,960 1,064 1 Incorporated in 1904. • Incorporated as a city in li 3 Incorporated in 1907. * Incorporated in 1900. » Returned as SaltiUoville ii 8 Incorporated in 1903. » Parts of Wayne township annexed to Richmond city in 1904 and 1909. 8 Returned in 1900 as in Harrison township only. 9 Returned in 1900 as in Rock Creek township, Huntington County .only. 148 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 White County— Continued. 1'rairio township, including Brookston town 2,181 907 2,158 87S 3,336 S,168 922 16,892 2,325 949 '825 890 3,307 2,107 900 17,328 'iff 1,465 246 779 1,618 905 17,768 Whitley County— Continued. Columbia township, ind uoing Columbia City... Coin inblu C'iiii . . . . Wardl WardS Wards 4,637 3,448 1,498 1,060 890 465 1,357 1,282 2,065 870 1,291 763 1,004 1,347 4,304 2,976 4,39G S,0S7 Princeton township, including \\ olcotl (own. Round Grove township Union township, inrlmliug Mnntieello city 535 1,468 1,490 1,956 884 1,338 847 1,043 1,513 Smith township, including < Imrubn.sro town. . . 2,060 1,322 945 Cleveland township, including South Whitley 1,176 2,774 1,11S 2,510 720 1,520 1 Incorporated as a city in 1909. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND ] CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Boone 416 161 209 l]213 5,096 161 349 359 521 22,476 957 2,610 990 876 3,335 3,919 4,410 579 449 2,151 443 8,716 508 1,316 2,794 439 2,069 528 3,' 934 122 814 9,340 2,008 535 770 300 1,067 572 150 907 2,169 876 1,492 668 489 1,818 209 2,237 557 666 300 2,130 493 850 626 873 194 911 Cedar Grove t 185 1,019 513 864 1,400 524 870 990 463 2,743 1,213 408 380 497 205 210 6,229 624 472 801 103 3,448 8,813 7, 7.38 1,164 318 1,703 2,069 133 9,371 520 1,038 2,526 810 610 583 748 1,640 7S0 4,471 2,161 1,070 425 704 1,226 } 3,031 181 609 19, 098 706 484 302 1,428 2,040 438 238 350 19,282 676 11, 028 431 600 785 462 915 517 Montgomery 241 2,116 1,324 7,221 238 272 571 1,229 715 277 Albion town Noble 888 M di 788 513 884 1,603 539 2,370 1,503 399 110 Dekalb 438 402 20,178 746 2,141 1,413 1,307 1,040 1,000 3,005 3,396 3,645 658 431 1,384 150 0,115 293 402 10,741 1,390 1,840 670 1,101 869 631 Miami Hamilton Tippecanoe Huntington 1,692 Hamilton Kosciusko Clark Hendricks Marion Bartholomew Vermilion Putnam Hendricks (Dekalb Hamilton 233 2,918 445 2,320 3', 929 576 473 1,169 456 3,351 Dearborn 767 ■ 1 iii rark town Huntington 2,975 8,130 6,836 1,415 Tippecanoe Lawrence Columbus city Bartholomew 1,037 544 Harrison Fountain 1,610 2,213 137 6,649 476 505 6,460 4,479 2,849 134 824 1,187 432 7,786 1,671 546 487 177 677 419 1,229 431 4,018 ljssi 146 558 1,064 467 5,905 1,076 535 Crandall town Parke Montgomery 6,089 765 2,336 505 502 624 1,802 727 4,142 2,135 1,907 Culver town Marshall Benton Spencer ■ Vermilion Hendricks Montgomery Brazil city 3,142 i'Ple town P. rmi -.mi inwii (Lo lantviUeP. O.). Randolph Dearborn 465 698 Brooklyn town Dublin tow Jefferson 149 949 2,037 676 1,685 384 568 497 2,063 253 1,754 120 447 '623 1,422 Brooksburg town Dunkirk city (Blackford 3,187 205 Dunreith town Hendricks B anttowi Ja 563 3,411 556 538 479 2,521 307 1,782 305 1,567 1,820 338 Cambrid e Cit Wa Delaware 2,031 Washington 672 280 2,188 951 699 498 1,028 199 832 418 276 1,991 521 503 471 482 urg town Cannelton city 271 407 15,184 708 908 12,950 649 420 267 Bartholomew 430 11,360 712 Carmel town Carthage town Hamilton 2,284 Crawford Kosciusko 423 Cayuga town Vermilion Etna Green town 411 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— INDIANA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OE TOWN. County. 1910 1900 i 1890 Evansville city Vanderburg 09, 047 2. 500 030 1,115 907 59, 007 3,205 50,756 1,402 Uftgtotr™ , Wabash 083 82 1,148 20,0X1 1,772 463 227 290 1,045 10,525 503 3,930 090 5,474 401 440 1,338 2,173 550 5,906 195 197 224 19.TI50 2,154 1,235 917 297 993 320 6, 934 19,359 } 820. 334 4,529 279 710 372 728 521 19, 027 395 600 1,174 557 169 814 638 428 le 601 3,438 261 1,184 334 630 910 260 1,537 2,168 2,786 455 424 1,608 667 927 622 167 231 142 148 193 24^005 543 2,260 354 20, 629 134 612 1,176 18,110 1,703 450 Harrison Montgomery Tippecanoe Lagrange Vermilion KuriiMM-shurg town 025 301 770 Randolph 1,784 Ferdinand town Hamilton Lai I'villc (own Lancsvillo town 1,380 111 1,182 63, 933 1,174 448 1,491 293 729 407 8, 034 4,502 936 271 694 1,803 290 658 4,149 10,802 3.224 638 1,140 383 331 1, 10.5 8,514 776 735 3,790 697 4,448 250 5,420 1,166 227 1,608 275 523 930 579 20.025 356 254 0,187 358 048 821 304 528 1,753 1,223 390 2,464 10,272 197 1,515 233,050 322 090 3,295 2,196 10,412 1,573 213 000 4,981 449 1,209 728 242 535 699 2,008 1,081 17,'010 1,209 152 849 45,115 1,000 455 1,429 124 748 35, 393 085 492 1,285 324 7,113 4,326 055 4,405 390 1,449 2,231 572 3,071 224 200 Laurel town Franklin Dearborn 3,082 Kosciusko 590 403 420 7,100 4,005 1,404 281 709 200 5,919 3,781 520 211 672 Montgomery Washington Washington Washington Hendricks 104 Orange 10,204 1,275 705 3,910 2,767 761 Randolph 518 3,622 145 Delaware 1,070 350 748 314 7,835 700 17,337 729 Madison cit Jefferson 256 /Fayette Marion city 1,205 7,810 726 822 3,001 473 4,489 284 5,034 1.287 309 1,503 0,033 720 694 4.390 435 3,100 318 3,590 721 313 862 Markle town /Huntington Mor an 4,038 2 680 290 Dearborn Fountain Kosciusko 757 478 14,850 417 572 1,801 422 211 905 780 Floyd 851 i.Tiilith town Wayne 432 12,370 377 210 5,912 439 758 794 873 Kosciusko Hammond citv 5,428 459 138 2,287 008 1 089 481 265 394 Washington Blackford Bartholomew Hartford City ii;irisvi!lp town 682 5,560 1,772 221 1,160 St. Joseph Lawrence Randolph 3,371 1,583 Hi. ii dtown Fountain 500 1,390 LOSS 558 2,527 9,491 1,064 1,010 1,009 nf:M.:l]ougla.s lownsliip, including Carbon town.. Carbon town 3 Total for Corning city 4 in Jasper and (>v incy townships Wardl WardS WardS Lincoln township Allamakee County . . Center township Fair view township Franklin township French Creek township New A Ibin to Jefferson township Lafayette township Lansing township, including Lansing city.. Ludlow township Makee township, including Waukon city : Waukon cili/ G - - . . Wardl WardS WardS I Paint Creek township ■■....i ... i . . Postville town ! Taylor township, including Harpers Ferry town . Harpers Ferry town » ' » Incorporated in 1905. * Returned In 1900 as in Guthrie County only. 'Incorporated in 1903. « Incorporated as a city in 1902. Total for Mystic to townships Nit ma low n I /niii of) . i Bellair and Walnut Tolal for Mima loirn'J in Bellair and Lincoln lownshijis ■ 'a lo well I mi a ship, including L dine town Exline town 10 Center township, nxwleusr, o with ( Vulei'villc city Cinlerrille all/ Wardl Ward 2 WardS Chat: I on lownsliip, Taylor township, including .Mora via d in. 'lulling part of Moul- Moulton town {part Total for Moulton t Wells townships... ; Washinqlon and Audubon County.. Ural/ton town. . y township. . Sharon towns;.; nballton town.. Benton County Belle Plaine township, coextensive with Belle Belle Plaine city: Word! WardS Cedar township, including Mount Auburn tc 'Incorporated in 19:H." 8 Returned in 1900 as in Walnut tc ' Incorporated*'! n 191 )9. 'o IncorporatedMn'lOre. i Iowa and Leroy 1,739 1,0S6 i,sss 1,014 3,215 152 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., botweon 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Benton County— Continued. Jackson township, in. ■hiding' , n up ii. ludiii 1 mi. in un u u 1 1,327 636 656 1,582 690 612 6,043 3, 656 884 Des Moines township, 3 including Boone city . . . Boone city' 10,665 8,880 7,919 6,620 Aurora town (part ofjYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Lamonttown Ward2 .dlilc del iclu township ■ Newton township 765 11(717? /, Perry township, including Jesup town M?» Wardo Dodge township, including part of Frazer town. Frazer town (part of) 1,995 1,330 \\ ashinglon tow nship, including Independence Total for Frazer town * in Dodge and Yell independent city . . .. 3,163 Douglas township, including part of Madrid 1,463 955 1,021 991 66 1,068 SS8 566 912 27 WardS Total for Madrid town in Douglas and Gar- Ward 4 Ward6 ■ \\ esi burg township 16,975 13,548 Barnes township, including Rembrandt town.. ships, Polk County, and Palestine town- ship, Story County 179 1,071 128 468 1,054 795 585 716 i 'ooii tow nship 614 ' Part of East Waterloo township annexed to Waterloo city in 1904. « Incorporated in 1903. » Part of Des Moines township annexed to Boone city In 1901. ' Incorporated in 1904. s Returned in 1900 as In Polk and Story Counties only. •Incorporated in 1905. 1 Sumner No. 2 township organized from part of Sumner township in 1904. " Incorporated in 1902. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. 153 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Buena Vista County— Continued. Grant township , Hayes township Lee township Lincoln township Maple Valley township Newell township, including; > Poland township, including Marathon tow; Marathon town Providence township Scott township. . Stonn Lake township, including Storm Lake city Storm Lake city 1 Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 1 Washington township Butler County.. A Ibion township, including part of Parkersburg Parkersburg town "(part of) . . Beaver township, including New Hartford New Hartford town Benneze tte township Butler township, including part of Clarksville Clarksville town (pari of) Totalfor Clarkm-ill? imr ,i in I hitler and Jack- Jackson township, including parts of Allison n Jackson and West Clarksville town (part of) JetTerson township Madison township Monroe township, including Aplingto and part of Parkersburg town '■'■;' ■ c ''■-.. I'ii ' id :■'■'■ ■ : u ■ ii i • ■ ' ' i : . i ■ ■ 1 1 1 i " vi i and part of Bristow town Point townships. . n Pittsford and West Shell Rock township, including Shell Rock S ell -'in/ oil wnship. Point township, including p: (pari 'of )'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. (panof) and Bi Allison t Bristow Calhoun County... Butler township, including parts of Jolley and Jolley town (part of) Totalfor Jollm io„ n in Rntlcr and Twin Lakes townships ;"'• ' /■/■,.'.'..': Totalfor Pomeroy town in Butler and Sher- ■ / i ■ Calhoun township Cedar township, including Somers town Somers town* Center township, including part of Rockwell City town Rockwell Cit 'i town ' < jw .' of ) Total for Rockwell ritt loint 1 in Center and . . .■ .• . , • . ■ Elm Grove township, including Yetter town. . . Yet ter town s iui Garfield township , 705 ; 722 4; i Incorporated in 1900. 2 Incorporated as a city in 1902. 8 County total includes populati c and Clarksville towns, turned independently in 1890. • Exclusive of population of Clarksville town. • Exclusive of population of Bristow town. Calhoun County— Continued. Greenfield township, including Knierim t< Knierim Jackson township... Lake City township, Reading township, Pomeroy town i port of).. Twin Lake, town.. hip, including parts of Jolley and Rockwell City towns Carroll County.. Arcadia township, including \ i eadia town A rendia town Carroll to wnship, '"comprising wards 2 and :> and parts of wards I and ( ofCarroli city i Carroll and Gra townships.. Wardl... Wards.. WardS.. , >■ ii-aup. including < didden and Ral- Gliddcn tc Ralston ft.... .. Grant township, including pari- "I wards 1 and 4 of Carroll city and part of Lidderdale tc — Carroll city (pari of) ' ' ■ n (part of). .. Kiehland township.. I.'oscllc fow-ushin, including Halbur tc HnVmr town 6 Sheridan township, including part of Lidder- dale town Lidderdale town (part of) Union township, including Coon Rapids tc t "oon Papif!.: town Warren township, including Manning towi Wheatland Low usliip, including Breda town.. Atlantic township, with Atlantic Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward 4 Bear Grove tow nship.. Edna township I'lini lin township, including Wio Grove township. . Lincoln township 6 Incorporated 7 Returned in I 8 Incorporated 9 Incorporated S, o20 S,64S a Lakes township only. 1,013 168 1.536 ■o Maple River township organized from part of Carroll township in 1907. 154 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Cass County— Continued. Massena township, including Massena town Massena town Noble township Pleasant township, including Griswold town... Griswold town Pymosa township Union township, including Cumberland town .. Cumberland town Victoria tow nship \\ ashing! on township > Cedar County Cass township ■ . . ■:.■,!, .1 - I, . Tipton city Wardl Payion lownsliip, including Clarence town Clarence town Fairfield township Farmington township, including Durar.t town. . Durant town Fremont township, including Stanwood town and part of Mechanicsville town Mechanics: hi, - tow.-* I /mil <■/) Total/or Michmnrn illc lonn in Fremontand Pioneer townships Stanwood town flower township Inland township, including Bennett town Bennett town V Iowa township Linn township : i ■ i - . . Pioneer township, including part of Mechanics- ville town Mechanicsville town {part of) Red ( »ak township Rochester township Springdale township, including West Branch West Branch town Springfield township, including Lowden town.. Lowden town Sugar Creek township Cerro Gordo County Bath township clear Lake township, including part of Clear Lake town Clear Lake town (part of) Total for Clear Lake town in Clear Lake and Lake townships Dougherty township, including Dougherty Dougherty town 3 ■ ' ■ ' ■ ■■ Falls towns Plymouth town 4 Rock Falls town Geneseo town I .-11 town. . . Rockwell town Grant township Grimes township, including Meservey and Thornton towns Meservey town Thornton town Lake township, including part of Clear Lake Clear Lain town (part <>[) Lime Creek township Lincoln township Mason township Mason Citv tov. nship, enc- huci- <■ u il h M ison City Mason City Wardl Ward f Wards Ward 4 Mount Vernon township Owen township Pleasant Valley township, including Swaledale Swaledale town Portland township Union township 1 County total includes population (405) of ently in 1890. 2 Exclusive of population of Lowden town. 3 Incorporated in 1901. 1 Incorporated in 1900. Cherokee County.. Marcus townships . . Cedar township, including Larrabee tc II-.,,/ /'. Ward '. Wards Diamond township. Grand Meadow township Liberty township I Marcus township, including part of Marcus Aurelia to Rock township Sheridan township, including ('leghorn and Mtriden town. Iver township. . . iring township . . nship, including Quimby and Chickasaw County Bradford township, including Nashua tc Dayton township Deerfield township Dresden township Fredericksburg township, including Fredericks- hup; town i Fn ill ricksha rg Inan I Jar]; sonville township New Hampton township, including New Hampton city ! New Hampton city 7 Wardl Wards Ward 3 Ward 4 Richland t ownship Stapleton township, inch.idiii", I awlertown ! Lawler town Ctica Ion nship Wellington tuv.-iiship, including AltaVista and North Washington towns Alia Vista town North Washington town » Clarke County Doyle township, including Hopeville town Hopeville town Franklin township Frcinni-ii k>u nship Green Bay township ■i '■!;■ il • il. !.,,.■ Madison township Osceola township Osceola City township, coextensive with Osceola city Osceola city: Wardl Wards Ward S Troy township, including Murray town Ma rra y town Ward township Washington township s Returned in 1900 as in Marcus township only. « Incorporated in 1906. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. If Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. LFor changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 12,766 13,401 9,309 Clinton County— Continued. Camanche township, including Ciinianche town. 1,029 629 874 25,577 7,409 2,694 2,835 6,141 2,150 2,959 867 110 2,735 1,634 943 253 1,170 51 714 ~022 106 531 1,183 987 428 1,251 523 1,247 539 385 678 1,067 356 782 69 20,041 1,183 713 995 22,698 22,608 C l township 781 72S 256 023 ISO G31 527 399 610 385 792 019 965 480 496 3,005 8,005 95t 916 1.1S8 669 25,576 686 618 784 658' 627 591 548 227 1,240 freeman low M-iliip, including Pickens town Center township Clin Inn township, coextensive u it h Clinton city. 1,024 14,058 "■■, " '" '■■■■<: '■'• oh ■• " ■ ■ Ward 1 632 412 671 451 844 468 313 567 202 520 Lone Tree township, including Everly town Deep Creek township, including Goose Lake 979 570 1,073 621 543 513 3,095 3,095 474 739 525 Peterson township, including Peterson town. . . . Dewil 1 township, including 1 icwilt city 2,022 1,383 1,076 318 1,253 2,437 Hden 1 owns hip, including Low Moor town Spencer township, coextensive with Spencer 2,293 1,813 Elk Liver township, including Andovertown... 1,209 774 695 Liberty township, including Toronto town '668 463 27,750 480 241 26,733 550 1,296 287 1,036 355 1,170 Olive tow nsliip. including Calamus town Orange low nsliip, including Grind Mound (own. 866 Sharon township, including Cost Xatioii town.. 1,817 1,181 460 162 1,777 1,052 715 145 992 166 968 250 806 342 847 697 2,740 1,873 26 1,184 297 555 1,017 11 934 2,817 1,259 861 384 614 588 800 1,752 792 669 1,037 416 1,183 210 131 857 45,394 2,096 1,321 434 1,683 745 311 Etkader town r. Spring Rock township, including Wheatland 1,169 475 384 782 1,224 265 Vista town spring \' :il lev township 409 Cass township, including strawberry Point 1,776 1,012 763 1,690 947 848 Washington township Watorlord township, including charlotte town.. 1,152 Strawberry Point town ',"■■ eioei luv 0. ion . 1 ■. ' - ■■ , lion town 843 916 21.685 Cox Creek township, including Littleport town. 1,110 1,046 1,130 968 143 894 1,189 977 Boyertollshi ^^ Farmersburg town-bin, including Farmersburg 497 1,313 784 3.715 3, 133 973 876 1,285 543 000 706 560 703 611 912 010 1,678 876 1,390 207 465 694 638 102 754 1,296 462 731 87 1,466 631 367 564 23,628 514 1,491 772 3,646 2,771 Charter Oak township, including Charter Oak Farmersburg town 5 1,051 1 'cm urn ice, risiup icch,,ic, . iciiison eity Denison city 2,503 1,782 G'n iw.riU.i lo wn < Grand Meadow township 830 677 2,609 1,620 793 2,140 1,160 Wardl II ighland township Jefferson township, including Guttenberg 629 807 952 659 1,085 686 821 Osterdock town (part of) Total for Osterdock town 6 in Jeferson and 921 655 950 Lodomillo township, including part of Edge- wood town 1,395 340 665 1,156 1,305 Milford to 1 1 hi ti 1 1 ioil town 836 1,655 773 1,187 89 283 788 653 Total/or Edgewond town in LodomtUo town- Msiinabotny township, including Manilla town Manilla town 1,222 626 Mallnrv township, inch; - ' i J i j; part of Osterdock 1,269 Otter Creek township, including Kiron and 901 Kiron town Marion township and North McGregor town 986 3,114 1 498 993 2,864 Paradise township Soldier township, including i; ieketls town R icketts town 3 619 687 Wardl :. Ward 2 Union township, including Arion and i)ow City 1,408 192 462 793 1,078 WardS North McGregor town 616 881 1,728 674 792 1,207 444 1,200 326 609 936 1,475 804 Washington iuunsiiip, including Cuck Grove Monona township, including Monona town 706 Monona town Westside township, including Vail and West- 1,518 S96 636 23,058 1,658 Volga township, including Elkport and Garber 1,288 443 602 V, aimer township, including St. Olaf town 887 124 43,832 970 8 41,199 20,479 786 2,770 1,289 769 777 692 714 1,018 2, 691 1,213 625 811 718 812 840 Adel township, including Adel and Dallas Cen- ter towns 2,240 607 1,325 548 820 732 1,460 592 911 693 1,413 518 925 Bloomfield township, including Delmar town . . 775 756 Colfax township 851 is township, annexed to Clinton 1 Returned as Windsor in 1900. 'Incorporated In 1904. 7 Incorporated in 1904. Name changed from East Elkport in 1907. " Incorporated in 1906. 156 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVrSION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 898 276 2,308 lit 858 721 983 315 5,334 4,6S0 1,475 t,70S 1,455 1,182 388 2,376 767 659 1,535 S56 1,001 340 693 13,315 908 1,099 17,888 19,185 Adams township, including part of Ryan town. . Pallas township, im-liuling Dawson town 916 370 611 927 282 1,124 271 3,437 2,768 879 1,104 776 1,040 376 1,123 383 768 141 994 258 753 1,564 652 826 1,653 36,145 868 640 IK'S Moines township, including Woodward 1,463 550 '328 758 Total for Ryan town 6 in Adams and Hazel 968 990 ■•■'I- town Collins Grow township, including Masonville Masonvillc tnwn '■■ Colony township, inrhidingi olesburgtown 785 1,109 314 4,858 3,986 766 966 1,183 274 3,680 Spring Valley township, including Perry city... 3,739 2,880 Pelaware township, including Manchester 1,183 317 2,240 1,678 345 407 1,080 292 841 15,620 1,016 1,030 DelhiTownK S 1,937 607 397 1.772 467 1,039 240 754 15,258 1,270 488 857 Hazel Green township, including part of Ryan Ryan town (pari of) Honey Creek township, including part of Edge- wood town Van .Meter township. including Dc Solo and 1,152 226 731 908 1, 673 618 873 '767 648 35,989 Walnut township, including Waukee town [For total, sec l.odomiilo township, Clayton County.) '-.<'ii li 1 '(,, 1 hum :!i'V 1 ) : m ■ i- ' : 1 ion n !ii| a liediv !■ ail II I .■■•: a 817 1,554 Bloomfield township, coextensive with Bloom- 2,028 746 702 795 490 249 728 091 774 969 792 496 /98 S82 847 841 913 746 1,031 16,347 2,105 1,913 Richland tov. nship South Fork township, including Hopkinton 787 1,703 941 503 238 986 822 984 1,168 938 779 302 446 1,091 1,034 1,118 857 1,255 18,115 871 617 SOS 1,074 718 926 1,179 903 645 731 DraUesville ti.nvn.diip, uiehidina Dral.csvillc 35,324 394 809 25, 120 24.324 3,821 3,898 445 900 24, 099 23,201 1,020 Burlington township, including Burlington 23,301 22, 665 471 1,106 910 1,095 927 1,172 15,613 3. 129 2,933 3. 334 3, 830 1,111 2. 416 '826 772 183 680 1,047 827 1 , 960 85S 8,137 DanyiMe township, includinc Danville town 1,185 1,228 Flint River township, including West Burling- 2,346 1,044 900 270 848 1,249 845 1,918 725 7,995 2,188 632 1,028 304 734 : s~ti 806 1,967 1,541 308 1,332 611 452 769 1,991 705 497 789 1.156 461 528 614 185 1,029 SSS 723 726 1,264 401 617 796 1,093 367 1,050 2,025 1,540 578 1,462 594 594 615 890 215 1,048 1,215 Uurrell township, including part of Davis City 135 912 1,236 Total for Davis fitii i,,,rn in Hnrrell and New Vellinv Sprinas l.iwn -hip. inepidrn: Mediapoir- Decatur township, including Decatur City 489 Fayette township, including Lamoni town 4,328 CeuterGrove tow nship, including Arnolds Park town and part of Spirii, Lake town I i in Mm io in- hip mi lading \\ eldon town 903 1.919 1,180 1,162 286 614 253 762 210 575 949 462 ■ 894 552 448 105 32 1.901 251 1.191 1.219 268 427 314 751 205 485 280 490 830 541 445 92 28 1,287 (.at den (trove township, including Garden 1,344 651 1,213 554 782 Total for Spirit fnl:r lovn in Cinlir drove 782 562 814 164 799 1,905 800 Hamilton township, including Pleasanton 124 146 210 766 1,422 Leon township, coextensive with Leon town. . . Millord township, in-hiding; part of Milford 500 Total fo, Mli, II nin Milford and Oko- Long Creek township, including Van Wert 1,150 306 786 216 1,287 326 886 994 Okoboji township, including pari, oi Milford 504 To 253 including part of Pavis Silver Lake township, inehnling Lake Park 263 Richland township, including Grand River 1,096 837 i.'i 1' 1 ■'.-,■■■ ■■■ i,» nela 1, 1 ■ ' -i lea' 394 Woodland township Spirit T.tiY.e 'own i r nri of) . .. . ... .. » Incorporated In 1902. * Incorporated in 1904. « Incorporated in 1901. « Incorporated in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. 157 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: L910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Dickinson County— Continued. Superior township, including Superior town... 542 154 495 57,450 578 187 533 56,403 250 Fayette County— Continued. Eden township, including Waucoma town 1,222 4SS 1,461 1,112 998 232 1,083 S8S 1,037 253 7,006 l',27S 1,499 1,750 1,606 860 1,271 564 720 v 579 685 1,652 530 574 648 814 1, 231 510 17,119 1,402 640 1,824 888 1,315 1,080 260 1,205 495 1,104 170 0,076 6,142 1,381 245 49,848 Fairlield tow iisliip, including Arlington town... Fayette township, coextensive with Fayette Fremont low nsliip, including West gate town.. Cascade township, including part of Cascade 1.179 583 1,268 1,046 960 14s 979 29 676 314 1,517 688 1,200 38, 494 5,454 6, $40 6,6V 7,719 IS, 454 806 724 1,511 188 848 735 95 973 ' 520 647 812 46 69 1,080 533 9,816 1,250 584 1J210 1,049 115 1,062 1,196 514 955 1,165 1,005 Harlan township, including Maynard town 1,062 Ill> ria low nsliip, including Wadena town Total for Cascade town in, , water townships, Dnhnnne County, and Jefferson township, including 1 telweincity 1,511 I'mc-ord township, including Holy Cross town. . Dodge township, including Wortbington town 1,048 961 1,507 635 783 674 771 753 1,935 Pleasant. Valley township, including Elgin town. Total for i \> and Taylor SIS 1.510 738 1,300 36,297 582 1,484 703 1.491 West Union township, coextensive with "West linn n ii ii i . ■. hlil I Dubuque city: West Union citu: :::::::::::::::::::::: 95,8 'sis 17,754 '\ i,,.i .0. i ,■ : 1, :.,.i 1 : ; . ,. 955 942 2,724 '245 976 872 US 951 1,884 549 513 853 737 940 814 2.579 1,272 , ." n .inp. including Dyersville and 514 5,892 lfsio 1,888 1,611 1,583 959 SS2 651 559 865 1,551 985 1,516 916 829 1,329 574 076 1,204 480 14,780 4,227 1,020 Charles (.'ii y low nsliip, cocxi en-ive wIHi ( lisrles dharles City: 1,068 1,606 S48 582 882 749 Taylor township Including Epwortli town and 1,138 S5S 791 650 1,100 1,845 1,209 1,662 1,080 'S81 '674 899 1,482 67S 14,996 '!■ Ii-' : > ■■ ■■:■■: Total for Z mingle town- in Wisinnaton town- ship, Dubuque County, and Otter Creek Rock Grove township, including Nora Springs Whitewater township, includingpartof Cascade 1,093 534 9,936 984 441 4,274 1 "■ 1 ■' " ' ■ i'. : • ■■■ i ■ 1 : .. ■ 1,581 1,635 Ulster township 993 moo .,,■. , ■.,.'.;, ■. . 1,425 Armstrong Grove township, including Arm- 532 907 SIS 375 3,858 3,404 1,237 998 1,169 615 337 396 396 107 382 499 27,919 1,391 907 573 761 293 Franklin County 283 261 1 '■■ : ■>■■■ i i. ! '.. .■'■■! : i i ' ' ■ . Ringsted town* Clinton (township, coextensive with Sheffield 824 775 199 612 588 S 19S 665 562 1,176 195 S78 1,076 207 892 534 827 200 748 626 596 694 803 262 783 610 I'.lKw mi h township 3,713 3,237 293 1,713 1,475 fli'tii'va township, including Geneva town 733 Fsi.lion till' In", n iliip, ini'iiiili ■):_■ I'.sthervillecity. (Irani township 699 615 694 Ward I Hamilton township, including part of Coulter 591 WardS High Lake tow nsliip 293 441 342 412 67 212 78 Total for Coulter town « in Hamilton and r 1 1 g h a 1 11 1 wnsh ip 676 920 671 Dolliver town » Marion township. Including Latimer town and 612 489 29,845 210 23,141 Coulter town (part of) Morgan township, including part of Dows town. i',m 192 818 547 840 820 Total for Dows town in Morgan township, Franklin County, and Blaine township, ' 1S8 715 667 806 1,211 510 1,013 1,256 1,192 Oakland tow n opejoy town.... 785 768 826 in 1,314 513 1,168 668 855 890 i,'320 488 1,214 779 659 613 770 .-i.i.i' 1 nder town A leiander town 8 Dover township Incorporated in 1901. « Incorporated In 1902. 158 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION'. Franklin County— Continued. Washington township, coextensive with Hamp- ton city ! 2,617 Hampton city: Ward 1 ' 539 Ward 2 681 Ward 3 712 Ward 4 685 West Fork township 532 Wisner township 525 Fremont County 15,623 Benton township 704 Fisher township, including Farragut town 1,176 Farragut town 431 Franklin township, coc.-. tensive with Ham- burg city 1, 817 Hamburg city: Ward 1 667 Ward 2 763 Ward 3 SS7 Green township S73 Locust Grove township j 583 Madison township 715 Monroe township, including Imogene town i 980 Imogene town 341 I'rairie uwvnship 471 Riverside town hip in ImUu;.' Randolph town. 902 Randolph town. sol Riverton township, including Riverton town. . . 1,000 Riverton town 583 Ross township, coextensive with Tabor town. . . 909 Scott township, including Thurman town 1,257 Thurman town 330 Sidney township, Includin y to-, ., ;i Sidney town 1,019 Walnut township 481 Washington township i 864 Greene County '. | 16,023 Bristol township , 740 Cedar township 1 583 Dawson township ! 650 Franklin township ! 814 Grant township ; 506 Greenbrier township j 622 Hardin township 614 Highland township, including Churdan town.. 1,055 Churdan town 667 Jackson township ; 620 Jefferson township, coextensive with Jefferson city ! 2,477 Jefferson city: Wardl 909 Ward 2 1 751 Wards : 817 Junction township, including Dana and Grand Junction towns 2, 312 Dana town 1 183 Grand Junction town \ 1,012 Kendrick township j 659 Paton township, including Paton town 1,070 Paton town 358 Scranton township, including Scranton town.. 1,433 Scranton town ! 845 . ■ . i :i|.i> ■■. im. n 1 '-'"'■ Rippey town 407 Willow township I 570 Grundy County 13,574 Beaver township 906 !■>„ ii i .:.:.n Reinbeck town T 1,205 Clay township, including Beaman and Conrad towns 1, 374 Beaman town 220 Conrad town 549 Colfax township, including Holland town 868 Holland town 168 Fairfield township 759 Felix township ' 589 German township 862 Grant township, including Dike town 859 Dike town' 286 Lincoln township 627 Melrose township 579 Palermo township, including Grundy Center Grundy Center town 1,354 Pleasant Valley township 706 Shiloh town:; i burg town. . . 1,023 Wcllsburq tow,,. 288 \\':i illinium in'., n hip, includingMorrison town.; 616 Morrison town ' 1 73 1 Incorporated in 1907. ' Incorporated in 1900. • Incorporated in 1901. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Guthrie County.. Baker township.. Bear Grove towns Beaver township, Menlo town . . Cass township, i Panora town Yale town (part of) Total for Yale town » in Cass a townships Dodge township, including I'.aglcy Bagleyto Grant township Highland lounship, including liavard l< Seely township f'luiirt township, including wards 1 and 2 of Stuart city County.) on township A alley township, including Guthrie Center to Guthrie Center Victory township.. Hamilton County. . Blairsburg township, including Blairsburg Blairsburg town 2 Boone township, cm , icjish c wii'h \V< Webster City: Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward4 Wards Cass township Clear Lake township, including Stanhope t( Stanhope town Ellsworth township Freedom township Fremont township Liberty township . Lincoln township, including part of Ellsworth Ellsworth ton n < part of) Total for Kltxa-orth town in Lincoln and Lynn loirn\li i/r: Lynn lowuslnp, in -hiding Jewell townaud part Jewell to Marion township, including Stratford town.. Stratford town Hancock County. . Amsterdam township,including Kanawha town Kanawha town ' . . ... Avery township, including part of Goodell town Total for Good,!! town " in Arm/ aatlTun Lakes townships Bingham township, including Woden town... Total for Corwith town in Boone an tow nships Brltt township, including Britt town.. Brittlown Concord township, including Garner tc Crystal Lake to Ell township, Including Klemme town. . Klemme town < Incorporated in 1902. * Returned in 1900 as in Avery township only. » Incorporated In 1904. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. 159 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. >r changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Hancock County— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. I'Mlingion township.. German township Madison huvnship _ Magor township, including partofCorwith town. Corwilh town (-part of) Orthel township Twin Lakes township, including part of Goodell Hardin County Aldcn township, including Alden town. . liuokoye township, including Buckeye town Clay township, including Steamboat Rock town. >■ ■ • '■'■■ '■■ : Concord township ' ; ,. i ■■■•:■ 11 i. .1 hiding Eldora city. E/dora city Ward 1 WardS WardS Wardlt Ellis township... Grant township . . "ardin township, _ Iowa Falls city. . Hardin township, including Iowa F Jackson township Pleasant township Providence township, including New Provi- dence tc New Providence town Sherman township, including Radcliffe tc 2,277 2,717 Baltimore township. . Canaan tow ie hip, incl Mount Pleasant city. . Wardl Wards WardS Wardl, Jackson township. . '■• in Jefferson l<>- .. ship, Henry County, Walnut township, Jefferson County, and Marion township, Waxhinqtnii County Wai/lu ml town i New London township, including New London New London ioirn Solon low nsliip. including Solcin town Salem town Srolt low-iMdp. in. 'hiding Will field town Win field town I ipptvanoi' inwn ■■hip, inclndin;; Rome town.. Trenton township '■■■■■■":■•' '■■ I Howard County.. Afton township, including part of Elma town.. Total for 1 townships Albion township ('hosier lownshin, including Chester town. . 1910 18,640 Harrison County.. isn i >.. i Clay township Douglas township Harrison township, including Dunlap town Dunlap town Jackson township, including Pisgah town. . Pisgah town * Jefferson township, including Logan town.. Logan to ■ township.. ■ ■ i city Missouri Valley city i Wardl ! WardS WardS ; Taylor township, including Modale town Modale town Union township Washington township, including Persia town... ] i Returned in 1900 as in Avery tow: 2 Incorporated in 1901. » Incorporated in ' ""' Limesprings hum . I l;,v -,td i,,v i hi, ■■■si ■ , ■ ... Elma town (part of) , Howard Center township Jamestown township, including part of Rice- ville town Riceville town {part of) Totalfor Riceville. town in Jamestown tc ship, Howard County, and Jenkins tc ship, Mitch II < ountu . ... New Oregon township, including Protivin town. Protivin town Oak Dale township Paris township Nam logo township Vernon Springs township, including Crosro ci Cresco city Wardl WardS WardS Humboldt County Avery township, including Bradgate town. . Bradgate town Beaver township Corinth township Dakota township, coextensive with Dakota el;ni:i (or Bode to Grove township Humboldt township, including Livermore town. Livermore town Lake township Norway township, Including Thor town. . ' Incorporated in 1909. 6 Incorporated in 1902. ted in 1900. » Incorporated in 1908. 160 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For ohanges in boundaries, etc., between L900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] IIINOI! Hill. HIVISIO\. Humboldt County— Continued. Vernon township, including Keuwick town and part of Luverne town i 1, 050 Luvtrne town (part of) 117 Total for Luverne town in Vtruon township, llnmboldi Connlij, and Luverne township, Kossuth County , 601 Renwick town 372 ■ rn mi. M Ottosen town ' U7 Weaver township, including Pioneer town and pari of (iihnore City town 1,129 Gilmore City town (part of) 474 Total for Gil more Ciiti town in Weaver town- ship, Humboldt Con uly, mid Lake town- ship, Pocahontas Con ill a 689 Pioneer town' 92 Ida County 11,296 Battle township 608 "■ 1 A rlhur town tlB Oorwin township, including Ida Grove city 2,405 Ida Grove ciiti- 1,87 J, Wardl 570 Ward 8 675 WardS 629 Douglas township 638 tialva township, including Galea town 931 Galva town ; S57 Garfield township j 624 Granl township 580 Griggs township, including liolstein town 1 1,589 Holstein town 936 Hayes township I 700 Logan township ! 589 Maple townshi e Creek town. . . 1,198 Battle Creek town ; 527 Silver Creek township : 556 '■ Iowa County '. 18,409 Amana township ; 1 , 729 Cono township i ] 93 Dayton lownship 728 English township, including North English town I 1,916 North /?».//•,'. in, 1 11 ... 8. ii Fillmoro township, including Parnell town 1,233 Parnrlltown S69 Greene township 968 Hartford township, including parts of Ladora and Victor towns | 1 , 521 Ladora town (part of) ; 22S Total for Ladora ion-it in I In rl lord and Sum- ner township* 260 Victor town (part of) 5S9 Total for Victor town in Hartford township, Iowa County, and War, n township, Foiv- eshiek County 6!fi Hilton township 691 Honey Creek township 791 Iowa township 851 Lenox township 302 Lincoln township 709 Marengo towns! dp, i. 1 u ■ J 1 1 1 i i ; i <- Marengo city ! 2.34S Marengo ci'm / . 786 Ward 1 67,2 Ward 2 60S Ward S , .536 Pilot township ' 766 : Sumner township, including part of Ladora [ town ! 608 Ladora town (part of) 37 Troy township, iiieliaibc Williamsburg town.. 1,782 Willia mshura town 1,060 Washington township 466 York township 747 Jackson County | 21,258 Bellevue township, including Bellevue city 1 2,623 Bel lei at city : 1,776 Wardl j 950 Ward 2 . 826 Brandon township j 862 Butler township C99 Fairfield township ' 656 Farmers Creek township I 907 Iowa township, inohidina nan of Miles city i 1,017 Miles city (part of ) 290 Total for Milts rii,/ m loan and Van Buren townships : 334 Jackson township, includiir sgiriiigbronlr p,wn. 820 Sprinqbrook town I 217 ' Incorporated In 1909. 2 Incorporated as a city in 1906. . '■M.,,- I m i ■: '.':■, ie city, returned independently in 1890. * Exclusive of population of Maquoketa city. » Incorporated In 1900. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Jackson County— Continued. Son ih rr,>rk townships.. Wardl Ward2 WordS Wardi Monmouth township, including Baldwin and Monmouth towns Baldwin town Monmouth town 1 Otter Creek township, including part of Zwingle n in Prairie Springs and Richland townships. Richland township, including part of La Motte Tetedi Union township, including Sabula city Sabula city .,i ilnivi' io ' n hip. 1:11 bathe.: Pie- m . :, Jasper County Buena Vista township Clear Creek township Des Moines township, including Prairie City Prairie 'city'iown ".'.'. ..'.'.'.'..'/..'..'.. Elk Creek township Fairview township, including Monroe tow: Monroe town Hickory Grove township 1 iele em! :!(■(• inj e.lnu 1,1 pi. !;.!•.: ['■;) ir: ; ' i u n. Baxter town Kellogg township, Including Kellogg town.. Kellogg town Lynn Grove township, including Lynm ille and Sully towns Mariposa township. . Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Palo Alto township Pot ihlek township, including Mingo town q and Maquoketa Wardl Wardi WardS Jefferson County. . Blackhawk township Buchanan township WardS.. Ward 3.. WardJ^.. 8 Incorporated ir • Incorporated ir 10 Incorporated a: STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. 161 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for llioso between IMM) ami I'.ioi), see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Jefferson County— Continued. Locust O rove township, including Kala\ ia (own Batavia town Penn township, including Pleasant Plain town ,-nship, including part of Coppock County.] Johnson County.. e Jefferson township, Henry e township, including Solon town.. East Lucas township Fremont township, including Lone Tree tc Lone Tree town Graham township I laidin township.. Jefferson township Liberty township, including Hills town... Hills, Lincoln township Lucas township, - Iowa City: Ward 1 . . Ward2.. WardS.. Ward 4-. with Iowa City . Ox tun I louusiiip, including Oxford t< Oxford town Penn township I'leasant Valley town-ship Scott township Union township ... - .. Washington township West l.u. as town- hip. including Coralville town. Ward -2 WardS Ward 4 C.reotifiHd ton nship, including Nhirtclle town. Monticello city. . Ward I Ward 2 WardS Madison township, including Center Junction town and parts of Onslow and Wyoming towns. t'mttr Junction hum . Onslow town ( part of). Total for Onslow i Wi/ommg tow ii ill ins Wiiumiih! town (part of) . Total for Wyoming ioicn Wyoming township? tford township, *--"- Madison ami including Oxford .lunction Cascade town ( part of: [For total, s'v Cascade fowrish County.] Rome township, including Olin town.. Olin tow~ Scotch Gro\ Washington Wayne township Wyoming township, includin and Wyoming towns Onslow town (part of) Wyoming town (part of)... ' Incorporated in 1902. MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. Keokuk County.. Hedrick Clear Creek township l/incaslcr Louusiiip 8 C.nglish nicer town ship, including South Eng- Websterlown" German township Jackson township, including Ollie town. . Prairie township, including Thornburg town. . . Thornburg town :: id i la nd tou nsliip. i a. -I ud in;- t.'ichland town. . Richland town Sigourney township, including Sigourney city . . Sigourney city ...'.. Steady Run township, including Mariinsbuig Martinsburg Delta Washington township, including What Cheer city What Cheer city Wardl Ward 2 Ward S West Lancaster township 8 Kossuth County.. Algona township, coextensive with Algona city Algona city: Wardl Ward 2 Ward S Ward 4 Buffalo township, including Titonka town Fenton to Garfield township. . German township. . Grant township.. Hebron township. . Oermania to Ledyard tow Lincoln township. . >n township, Humboldt ), taken to form [For total, s County.] Plum Creek township Portland township Prairie township Ramsay township Riverdale township Seneca township Sherman township Springfield township S wea township Union township Wesley township, in. -hating \< csley town Wesley town Whittemore township, including Whittemore Whittemore town Denmark township » Exclusive of population of Onslow and Wyoming towns. ' County totals include population (1,282 in 1900; 1,221 in 1890) of Lancaster township, taken to form East and West Lancaster townships since 1900. s Organized from part of Lancaster township in 1904. 28407—12 11 162 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ;s in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, seo Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 799 1,290 337 138 744 614 15, 446 14,008 1,616 2,788 2,167 1,746 2,168 8,588 007 8,900 1,373 948 1,898 2,126 '746 62 1,780 708 613 910 1,342 570 60,720 1,004 1,397 210 898 735 16,243 14,641 1,061 1,457 Louisa County 12,855 13,516 Columbus C'lly township, including Columbus 2,794 375 1,185 620 981 389 496 1,522 374 433 475 544 1,591 897 462 608 529 2,233 1,326 13,462 2,757 388 1,099 828 873 1 " '■ 1 ' 2,595 459 833 835 15,511 14,101 F.linl township, including; < >ak\ ille town ■■"i lev ill:., .'■ u I'n I ! I'll i 576 1,397 (hand '. iow low chip, including ( Irmuli jew ami 887 608 608 1,761 948 562 653 546 2,347 1,398 16,126 .tiorniin; Sun township, including Morning Sun 796 9,278 894 7,901 Madison township, coextensive with FortMad- Wapcllu i.iw ii-hip nciii lie, \ . II. i en ' 1,009 Marion township, including St. Paul town 861 65 1,813 748 795 876 994 1,550 654 55,392 980 1,788 752 878 863 1,426 498 45,303 587 658 3,794 1,231 1,151 1,412 768 l;274 59 666 755 736 677 799 873 826 653 1,225 612 663 14,624 631 735 3,989 Chariton township, eo en n n i w nh Chariton Chariton city: West I'oinl township, including West Point 854 2,792 202 1,132 908 746 756 1,002 899 Jackson town 1 i leveland and 618 896 187 1,637 588 426 1,779 S76 796 920 1,002 611 3,040 846 1,532 1,190 517 1,254 471 1,564 558 6,225 4,400 1,065 1,175 1,160 1,000 1,091 903 161 32,811 32,811 2,439 1,550 4,227 3,143 2,974 8,702 3,017 3,498 2,831 2,362 834 1,495 802 987 861 988 1,848 493 1,676 518 504 1 Ml, HI 11" II 111,! Illl 'II lll[ ' i 1 |].l h>w 11 726 1,342 686 746 13,165 283 1,004 917 1,067 624 136 996 1,070 1,110 622 V\ Inn i iii n n hip 111, hullo 'nil i ii , Franklin township including Lisbon and 3,381 956 1,629 '505 1,363 498 860 1,790 6,081 4,102 2,904 1,079 1,259 1,149 Allison townshi 350 456 561 621 1,472 581 827 471 609 653 1,071 434 244 731 32 606 556 653 402 1,207 595 577 166 2,005 2,207 1,839 516 1,155 574 340 395 571 555 1,370 249 545 744 488 621 1,040 450 225 648 Grant township ini-hi'iin::- Walker town Doon township, including Alvord and Doon 1,198 905 1,696 467 5,157 3,094 Maine township including Central City town... Elgin townshi) i, mehnljng Little Rock town 297 Larch wood tow I- nip, including Larchwoodand 1,328 897 1,251 843 943 Libera] township including part of George Total for George town i in Liberal and Wheeler 394 505 543 385 1,041 477 455 122 1,766 2,059 1,644 449 956 894 Rapids low nsliiji," coextensive with Cedar 27,081 25,656 18,939 18,020 Richland township, including Inwood town.... Riverside township, including part of Rock Total for kink lln/nils tmi n in laursitb nnd Pool, iuw I 1 i 1 1,006 1,615 674 959 1,532 615 Washington township including Center Point Wheeler town: hip, including part of George 619 Center Point ton n George town (part of) n 1905 and part of Clinton township « Incorporated in 1903. & Part taken to form Cedar township in 1905. e Incorporated in 1902. i Returned in 1900 as in Wheeler township oi STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. li Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table S.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Madison Count 15,621 17,710 15,977 Marion County— Continued. Polk Lou nship 693 952 750 425 830 30,279 600 824 1,218 940 406 553 1,043 29,991 Center township, coextensive with Winterset 2,818 1,516 1,302 707 w 730 703 197 648 497 1,459 749 649 940 310 781 1,194 399 595 1,135 37/ 687 29,860 3,039 2,281 659 Wintirsit city: Summit township - 1,137 830 163 899 900 235 600 798 1,424 737 958 830 1SS 937 749 804 593 811 1,061 302 771 866 Crand River township, including Macksluug 25 842 537 968 448 1,362 127 430 771 457 953 179 1,385 338 879 199 976 944 354 1,079 423 732 971 13,374 2,927 3,031 3,441 '927 213 1,537 446 675 787 15,811 626 1,126 476 1,421 I'Mi'ii township, inch 1,1 in-,- !•;, i.-n ville town Edcnville town (Rhodes P.O.) Crecnenslle touiiship, i 1 1 r ■ 1 e i . 1 1 1 1 u. I'ergiisnn ami 465 807 440 473 Iowa township, including \p,i,m (own 384 1,007 765 960 1, 445 412 770 '252 837 34,273 773 974 1,196 794 Jefferson township, including Laurel town "ii, h <"•: " "",'. I", -In li" ' , ' ; ' ' i"i! 'I Le Grand township, including [,c Crand town . 1,712 408 975 174 1,087 1,039 SSS 1,099 366 811 893 11,544 1,744 Liberty township, including SI. Aid holly town. 760 28,805 Liscomb township, including Liscomb town.. . Lngan tiiu usihp, including Mid bourne town 948 825 780 870 1,318 S01 629 1,904 ess 1,103 207 2*585 415 760 799 9,466 9,466 1,051 2', 554 1,977 1,595 990 285 1,980 1,122 1,051 846 1,474 917 22,995 674 1,449 542 1,983 3,128 953 3,129 m 1,230 969 10,136 866 1,038 759 1,013 1,164 Marshall lira iiship, coextensive wilh Maishail- Mnishullloirn ciii/: b 1,831 2,722 570 2,068 Minerva township, inch a line ( 1, irons town 904 815 745 '764 1,070 illi/i. Valni;:l,it (',,/,,;///, ,1,1.1 Colli Hi Inn Stale Center township, including Slate Center 1,646 1,008 497 1,165 738 916 16,764 1,550 9,212 6,558 Anderson township, including I lenderson town. 1,103 240 743 80 626 4,682 4,052 2,344 994 714 1,629 478 393 1,037 416 646 1,154 1,157 983 501 864 162 429 596 13,435 1,195 244 1,000 244 704 3,728 3,040 Cenler inward) ip. including 1 1 illsdalc town Pleasant Grove township, including part of 1,104 274 2,146 1,252 1,213 942 1,430 460 1, 024 253 24,159 909 Glenwood township, including (lieu wan id ciiy ... / in li i 1 /',', I I in. 2,044 1,026 1,356 978 1,706 974 385 1,449 200 23,058 Indian (deck inwuship, including Kmerson and 1,691 502 404 1,171 438 915 1,166 1,421 732 1,046 276 490 687 6 14,916 Ingraham township, uicludms silver idly I nun. 1,081 Rose Hill town Malvern township, coe\tensi\e wilh Malvern rialtville inwuship, including Pacific .Tuiiclimi 1,321 346 980 631 775 5,626 3,190 1,273 642 1,275 4,648 3,021 881 786 812 542 2,998 991 319 351 1,460 691 1,264 1,125 1,140 789 995 3, 131 1,066 822 1,000 5,616 2,632 Knoxville township, including Knoxville ciiy. . Wards 548 845 645 359 1,132 69 487 491 619 40 387 622 4,461 2,623 4,621 2,408 'in' m in n lip 1m. p nls of Mclntire 1,081 Liberty township, including Bussey, Hamilton, 2,431 560 638 322 553 1,594 738 1,423 Total for Mclntire town* in jnil.iic •mil 427 455 617 [For total lam in hip 11 v- ard County.] Lil icrts 1 ou nship, including part of Meyer town. 348 510 1,495 610 Total for Mcjii hum:' in Liberty, Stacy ville, ttn:i II •illn. mil H '-;;>. Pleasantville town n 1890) of Lincoln township, • Parts of Linn township annexed to Marshalitown city In 1901, 1902, and 1903. 164 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] s CIVIL DIVISION. Mitchell County— Continued. Mitrhell township, including Mite-hell and West Mite-hell towns Mitchelltown West Mitch, 1/ ion a Newbury township, inch id in- Carpenter town.. St. Ansgar township, in. -hiding St. Ansgartown. St. A nsgar town Stacyville township im-lrn lin - parts of Meyer an'd Stacyville towns Meyer town (part of) Total for Stacyville town in Stacyeill, -mil Wliviic township, in -Indue- Hailoy town and parts of Mclntire and Mover towns Bailey town' Mclntire town (part of) Meyer town (pari of) West Lincoln township *. .: Monona County. . Ashton township, including part of Whiting \Vhi~lii>o'l»i> : i'i\'piri~«f)'.~.'. Total for Whiting town in Ashton and West Forte townships Belvidere township, including Turin town Fairview townshij Franklin townshij Grant township, u : :,,v. ,1 Castana town.. Lake township Lincoln township . . . Maple township Mapleton township, Mapleton town Onawa township, coextensive with Onawa tc Onawa town Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 St. Clair township, including Ute town Vie to ■'b'-. >" !<■■. " ■ i 1 1 1 : • : lin-- I '.I,- - iu\\ II Blencoe town Sioux township Soldier township, including Soldier town Soldier town' Spring Valley township, including Moorhead Monroe County. . Bluff Creek township liuilford township. Jackson township, in. -hiding Melrose town.. Monroe township, including F Troy township, including Albia city.. A Ibia city Wardl Ward2 WardS Ward/, Union township, including Lovilia tov 4 Incorporated In 1900. 1,100 2,02fi 2,026 Montgomery County las township cfort township, including part of Stanton Frankfort and Scott Stanton town 6 (p Total for Stanton townships. Coburg to Jackson township, including Villisca city.. I 'illiscu city Red Oak city.. Wardl.. Ward 2.. WardS.. Scott township, it Stanton town xl Sherman township, including Elliott tc Muscatine County.. Bloomington township Fulton township m. hidin - n.cktontown Stockton town 6 Goshen township, including Atalissa town A talissa town ' Lake township Montpelier township Moscow township Muscatine township, coextensive with Musca- Mnscatinc city: Wardl WardS WardS Ward4 Orono township, including Conesville town O'Brien County.. Carroll township, including Archer town Center township, in. -hiding part of Primghar flillHllliu ion II • /'Mm .../ I Total for Priwghni .'..»'» in ''enter, Dale, and Sn imnn ioirimhl/ls Dale township, including part of Primghar Wardl Ward 2 WardS 1'iaiikhn township, in. -hiding Sanborn town. Sanborn town . . . Grant townshi; Hartley ip :hip nichi.Inia, I lartley town Ha rl ley town I highland township I.iberl v tow nshi]), including Calumet town Calumet town Lincoln township Onicgii township", in. hiding ', ion eta town Moneta town ' Snmniil township, including part of Primghar fiininlmi inn II I ,,nni ..-/ i Union township, including Paullina town )f Onawa town, returned as In Franklin township in 1890. » Incorporated In 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. >r changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 n» «»«*«,. 1910 1900 1890 8,956 8,725 5,574 Palo Alto County— Continued. Silver Lake township, including Ayrshire town . 979 337 454 1,201 1,199 23,129 981 329 545 1,015 388 1,216 538 22,209 Allison township 470 792 195 560 239 1,164 518 607 534 2,515 1, 330 399 1,098 695 441 370 21,002 344 615 684 linker tow nship. including \Idvin town 380 Fairvicu township, including 1 1 arris town 536 217 1,208 SIS 647 662 2,378 '374 1,098 470 393 24,187 193 Wall ml. lownsliip, inrli 1. 1 iug ( ; 1 ncll iugcr town.. . i ; ilninii low nship, including Axhton town 903 550 303 1,807 1,090 198 563 West Bend township, inrluiling West Bend 325 1 lolinan township, including Sibley town 19,568 A iiu'rioa township, including Le Mars city Ocheyedan township, including Ociieyedan 4,797 4,167 1,666 1,476 1,047 327 591 565 1,557 9J7 730 242 524 871 329 626 562 639 725 94 651 582 1,067 520 1,674 1,130 594 1,765 1,076 577 625 599 656 863 143 14,808 4,806 4,146 4,754 409 268 21,341 Elgin i n u nship, iiH piling Struble town 172 591 681 1,305 219 571 752 1,311 63 283 832 220 ' m 625 752 805 5,566 4,976 1,289 1,808 1,879 925 245 1,174 591 536 453 6,297 3,832 1,163 913 1,039 717 194 228 1,377 776 751 34 772 197 13,845 1,397 1,225 Amity township, 2 including College Springs town and part of Braddvville town Garfield lown.ship, including K ingsley town h 6% Braddyvtlletnivn (part of) Total for Braddyvillc town' 1 in Amity and 236 693 1,065 236 1,191 700 960 954 4, 336 3,673 175 491 982 175 1,170 432 754 931 1,040 3,130 2,440 1 iaiiooel, township 150 IliingiTford luuiiship. including Hinton town.. Buchanan low usiup, including part of Braddv- 537 618 673 754 Braddyville town (part of) ('olio . low nship, including Blanchard town ' in M.I 1,1,1 11 hip, iin-liidiii : 1 ,, i-i i,w ,1 738 Douglas township East River township Meadow lownsliip 662 922 389 1,584 1,029 599 1,560 835 558 725 649 611 777 659 ( ,111,1 I'll 'Up, III llll.ll il 1 III. Ill ill ill . Shenandoah city Perry township I'lvn h low nship, iiu'lndine 'u'on ill lown 5S6 Portland township, including \ kron town 936 494 Ward 2 Harlan township, iurlii.lun.ij Shambaugh town.. Shambaugh town 3 Lincoln township, including Coin town i,'220" 1,047 1,042 Preston townsniu Remsen township, including Remsen in, 1 Remsen town 1,271 680 354 Morton township 624 701 5,840 3,276 704 629 4,732 3,262 Stan i on 1 ownship Union township 775 part of Yorktown town West holdinwiiship, nirliid in.:- s\ estfield town.. 455 15,339 Ward 2 9,553 Bellville township, including Palmer town 916 177 1,559 978 1,073 987 954 954 S07 629 794 183 573 651 734 215 609 563 662 882 477 624 1,419 817 293 241 110,438 801 Yorktown toion (part of) 160 170 1,339 710 938 10 1,003 118 806 576 Total for Yorktown town in Nodaway and Cedar township in 1ml n 1 mi la town 1,770 l|l71 1,731 994 765 1,069 1,276 564 938 ' r .--'•'. ■':.'.".'. ('enter lownship, m including Pocahontas town.. 506 Tarlrio township, including part of Yorktown Clinton township , , 1 ■ 1 ■ hi IP n Rolfetown 1.077 di ii ii i i| u hiding Hepburn town 945 790 Washington township, including Northiboro" 658 804 474 Dover township inrludhni Vsiinatown Varina town '' 552 14,354 '9,318 Garfield township" 695' 776 204 660 604 455 Lake township, including part of Gilmore City 493 507 1,730 1,279 2,S?5 559 654 625 487 769 129 562 131 1,534 1,046 580 1,228 655 592 634 343 1,040 161 331 488 505 1,786 1,254 2,381 240 338 <*457 [For total - 1 1 > u nip Humboldt County ] Emmetsburg township including wards 2 and 396 624 1,684 420 629 1,661 853 1,012 397 82,624 Swan Lake township, iiiehniing Laurens town.. Fairfield township, including Cylinder town 843 659 147 1,567 1,107 565 1,453 787 652 663 347 1,069 607 Washington township,' 2 including Havelock 413 Freedom township, including wards 1 and 4 of 5 337 Allen townshl 436 1,121 295 399 275 680 548 1,363 869 2,441 1,465 428 1,126 438 2,055 446 641 1,352 768 1,570 Highland township, including Ruthven town. . . 1 1 l> 1 1 is II ,|l, ,11 1 1,236 Camp township, 1 h n • lis town Rush Lake township, including Curlew and Clay township, including Altoona town 1,014 328 1,010 925 Crocker township, including Ankeny town A nkeny town 8 Mallard town 292 ::::::::: 1 1 Incorporated In 1900. * Part of Amity township annexed to Braddyvill « Incorporated In 1902. < County total includes population (1,584) of Em pendently In 1890. * Exclusive of population of Emmetsburg olty. . ' Incorporated In 1908. aetsburg city, returned inde- 7 Incorporated in 1909. 10 Roosevelt township organized from part of Center township in 1905. 11 Garfield township organized from part of Clinton township in 1905. a Cummins township organized from part of Washington township In 11 166 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1.— POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. >r changes in boundaries, etc., between 1901) and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) Polk County— Continued. Dts A/nines and Lee townships. . Ward I.. Ward .'.. WardS.. Wan! ;.. Ward S Ward 6 Ward 7 Douglas township, including part of Bondurant Bondurant town (part of) Total for Bondurant town in Douglas and Franklin townships. • . ,i : : ' : , i , i • , . <■ 1 1 Franklin lownsliip, including part of Bondu- Lincoln township, including part of Sheldahl Sheldahltoivn(partof) [For total, see Garden township, Boone in • -h ' I M ' i H Polk City town Sheldahl town (part of).. Savior township.. Valley township,' Junction city Valley Junci no, a,/ Ward 1 Wards Wards i . . : 1 1 i i ii r . ■- ■. . I. ii'. township, including part of Grimes Grimes town (part of) Pottawattamie County. Belknap township, including Oakland (own " iklar ' ■ Oakland Boomer township Carson township, i Hardin township, i i s i ■ 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1; McClelland (own. Council Bluffs city.. Ward 1 . Wards. WardS.. Ward J, . . Wardd.. Ward 6.. Keg Creek township. . iship, Including Ave Layton township, including Walnut town Walnut town Lewis township , Lincoln township i'jwii -.hip. including Macedonia town. Treynor to > Incorporated in 1904. 2 Returned in 1900 as in Webster township » Valley township organized from part of V I Incorporated In 1906. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Pottawattamie County— Continued. Valley township, including Hancock town Poweshiek County. . i'.ear Creel; tow nslup, nielii'liie: Brooklyn town.. Brooklyn town Chester township Deep Liver township, including Deep River Gjinncll township, including Grinnell city. Grinnell citti Wardl | Ward 2 WardS [ Wardi Jackson township inch'hhe; Montezuma town and part of Barnes City town Barnes City town (part of) [For total, see Pleasant Grove township, Mahaska County.] Montezuma town i Jefferson township. Scott township shod' '■ m township Sugar Creek township, including Warren townsh i ini [tiding part of Victor town. Vktor toion (part of) [For total, see Hartford township, Iowa County.l Washington township ! Ringgold County.. Athens township, including Kellerton town. Kellerlon town Benton township, including Maloy town a: Benton town (part of) Total for Benton town in Benton and Rice townships Grant township, including part of Clearfield Total for Clearfield town 10 in Grant township, Ringgold County, and Grant township, Taylor County Jon township, inclmline Know lion (own and parts of Diagonal and Shannon City towns Diagonal town" (part of) Total for Diagonal i am" in Jcffirsoy and Washington townships Knowlton town Shannon City ton- n (pari of) Total for Shannon Ciin loim in J< i.rrson township, ItinggoU! '< aunty, and Grant township, Union County Liberty township Lincoln township hoi Is i 'reek township ■ Pile I ill '. I .-, ,1.'.'V||> . .... Monroe township, including Beaconsiiold town Beaconsfield town Mount Ayr iownship, cae-ciensive with Mount Ayr town Poe township Rice township, including part of Benton town.. n town, returned independ- 8 Incorporated in 1901. i° Returned in 1900 as in Grant township, Tavlor County, only. 11 Returned in 1900 as in Washington township only. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. 167 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Sac County Boyer Valley township, including Early town.. Early town Cedar township Clinton township Cook township Coon Valley township Delaware township Douglas township Eden township Eureka township, mrUMin^ s. Imller town Schallcr town Jackson township, including Sac City Sac City ' Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Wardl, Levey township, including part of Wall Lake Wall Lake town (part of) Total for Wall Lake town in Levey and Viola townships Richland township, including Odebolt town... Odebolt town Sac township, including Auburn and Grant City towns A uburn town Grant City town Viola township, including part of Wall Lake Wall Lake'to'irnipnrf of') '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Wall Lake township, including Lake View town. Lake View town Wheeler township Scott County Allen Grove township, including Donahue town and part of Dixon city Dixon city (part of) Total for Dixon city 1 in Allen Grove and ......... Donahue town 2 Blue Grass township, including Walcott town and part of Blue Grass town Blue Grass town (part of) Total for Blue Grass town 8 in Blue Grass and '.'<<» in . ;;...';. ■ . . Walcott town Buffalo township, including Buffalo town and part of Blue Grass town Blue Grass town I pan 0/ < Buffalo town Butler township, including McCausland town.. \l,-l 'nllrinnii inn < >i i<" - Gilbert to " Lincoln township, including Zearing town.. Zearinglo ; 'ford towns 'ada towm ... L v. ,.,./,, .., ..■ Ward 1 Ward? WardS Wardi New Albany township, including Colo town. . Colo to * Part of Davenport township annexed to Davenport city li 6 Incorporated in 1900. • Incorporated In 1904. 168 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1.— POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CrVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Story County— Continued. l'aleslhu' township, inoliniinM Huxley ami Slater townsand pan's of Kelle\ and Isheldalil 1,819 336 94 est 74 47s 699 563 1,328 696 1,023 S09 5,169 4,223 1,363 9S4 137 22,166 1,662 1,436 Taylor County— Continued. Jefferson township, including Athelstan and 1,292 148 648 1,105 283 181 638 786 1,952 1,274 694 658 '475 16,616 1,642 255 704 1,169 348 •57 187 426 656 1,521 667 1,030 Maishall Iowa/ship, inch/dim; Conway aaid Total for Kill, 11 hum in I'alisiinc mil n'nsh- 1 200 '379 Sneldahl town (part of) [For total, see Garden township, Boone 807 1,129 1,913 1,014 825 679 1,512 549 19,928 County.] 588 561 1,219 432 666 706 790 Union tow ihIimi in. hoi/ ii'; (.'a m bridge town. . . NA'a-ainvdoi) |„w nxluj. inelml ma Gravity town.. \\ irrento\ n \k ( III tm ' • iuw .iviiiji iiuau, I ii ir. \ mes ri1 y am! 3,471 2,422 2,409 1,276 16,900 Creston township, coextensive with Creston city. Creston city: 6,924 1,627 1,637 1,206 1,043 1,512 603 743 208 879 198 626 1,214 646 733 168 552 710 156 580 1,014 15,020 7,752 7,200 WardS Ward 4 Kelley town (part of) ISO 8 24,588 21,651 792 784 208 1,062 S24 '394 771 1,284 687 895 599 Douglas townsh 1 unwell town 537 1,138 m 1,392 906 611 611 547 666 1,197 383 107 289 790 760 186 736 1,283 607 1,255 507 1,543 2,543 2,290 682 881 727 2,281 1,626 653 382 591 1,177 336 16,312 547 1,320 470 794 1,462 902 711 695 521 673 629 763 « 1,269 502 1,044 i a rll on inwn a.ip, in. Hiuioa, < lurwin town Grant township, including part of Shan am. < in, 768 1,338 725 656 610 622 706 1,128 1 11 1 n 1 mi 1 In, 1 1 1 11 County.] 597 785 •loi 1 1, ' 11 lii . 1 II New Hope tow 1 d] 1 < I orimor town . . . town and part of Sac and Fox Indian Reser- 738 757 Sand Creek tov u lud ig Arispe town... 621 ; ,, 1 , . ' ,1 , 1 ill 1 II ,, HI i. S85 794 757 2,134 1,178 17,354 744 773 1,045 Oneida township ineiudiny. « In tier town 817 2,074 1,458 1,277 419 1,603 842 * 2, 782 903 1,652 1,014 707 1,065 S18 1,376 556 1,926 Bonaparte township, including Bonaparte town. 991 697 918 265 752 769 1,684 1,165 697 398 2,128 US 913 980 64 672 1,305 608 15S 1,935 755 232 504 141 37,743 1,380 938 Sylf iiit iow nslup, including Chelsea town — Cedar township, including part of Stockport Total for Stock-port town* in Cedar and Union 797 895 1,981 1,332 837 503 2,142 356 849 1,063 Farmington township, including Farmington 2,649 1,741 Toledo township, including Toledo city and part * 2, 572 2,393 Jackson township, including Cantril and Milton Sac and Fn, Hi .1 ,1 uiinn (partof) 1,941 1,836 643 Lick Creek township, Including part of Birming- York township, including Elberon town 1,429 344 18,784 1,267 Toinl lor llli unn.ilnnii m/r/m in l.icl, I'YiW. 622 1,498 16,384 Union township, including parts of Birmingham 545 Bedford townsh ip, including Bedford city 2,029 1,883 625 830 431 1,558 673 527 1,148 619 604 675 473 2,255 1,977 1,895 1,643 Van Buren township, including Keosauqua 2,241 1,11 861 ' 11 1 ni M. 1 11 In 1 11 'iiiini 1 inn 453 645 1,724 600 605 1,304 776 784 562 463 632 1,291 320 1,022 1,169 452 791 811 542 1,525 693 S54 35,426 Dallas township, including New Market town. . . 1 ' ig Bentonsport Grant township, including part of Clearfield [For total, see Grant township, Ringgold County. 1 Adams township, including Blakeshurg town. . 1,114 344 322 1,155 1,183 Agency township, including Agency town A gency town 1,085 408 Jackson township 44* 1 Incorporated in 1903. 1 Incorporated in 1901. ' County total includes population (385) of Sac and Fox Indian Reservation, not 6 Incorporated in 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. 169 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOB CIVIL DIVISION. 191 ) 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Wapello County— Continued. 430 181 921 012 645 S04 860 664 478 629 042 508 878 813 411 689 899 641 739 709 086 897 024 mi ess 780 194 503 216 20,350 18, 197 551 214 15,954 14,001 Washington County— Continued. 658 1,214 4,380 758 1,826 1,210 1,086 16,184 685 1,006 4,255 ( 'filter township,' including < >t 1 uuiwu city 24 \\ ashinglou City township, coextensive with 3,235 WashiwjtDii city: 17,491 1,768 1,056 466 822 1,015 840 989 916 1,709 402 2,972 1,850 1,557 815 760 454 828 920 640 929 865 1,910 714 2,903 1,725 527 580 427 2,187 1,186 168 J.78 600 389 876 602 10 456 1,511 1,006 850 274 726 2,950 2,21)0 1,407 862 763 747 34,629 726 696 503 2,113 1.477 1,405 189 218 690 577 980 823 29 572 1 , 573 945 [For total, see Harrison township, Mahaska Cor yi Ion township, in -hiding ( orydon town Grand Ki\ or township, including Lineville Total for ('I'm /<<■< " in tiin ml lHoir and Jtf- '. ,,- :! ::. i,.\ .l-hll. 1 I l< ' 1 1 1- 1 1 . 1 '. 1 irk- 1 1 li- ia\, n 1 Jefferson towns'un, inclu ho- par ( of Clio town Kielnnan low nshln. i a -hiding llnmesloii tow n.. 20,376 18,269 Smith Fork township, including Promise City Allen township, including Carlisle town 1 064 227 428 519 030 723 787 570 119 189 S15 684 91 730 800 675 683 120 034 283 758 n,j 822 471 2.56 517 925 1,050 553 1,468 534 585 1,084 898 I'nion township Walnut township, including Seymour town 720 2,430 1,703 1,037 S94 938 31,757 826 1,812 Belmont, township, including part oi \] ho town. 1 1,288 318 1,081 Warren toy, nship, inclu. ling '-, herton town 1,017 1,005 1,955 134 1,256 287 848 61 1,042 906 783 898 1,030 993 1,809 Badger township, including Cadger town Lincoln ton nu eludin 1 lihi.own... 1 681 628 570 32 418 1,265 1,678 717 574 682 137 1.318 795 829 350 839 154 979 34 247 215 1,096 640 976 321 972 684 15,543 3,625 4,271 3,987 3,660 1,262 386 644 m 329 911 240 659 739 670 350 803 1,814 753 603 663 793 849 Linn township, including Norwalk town 1 1,031 Otter township, including part oi Milo town 856 SS 895 1,101 769 792 Colfax to u nship, including part of Duneonibe 541 Total/or Diiiic'im'i, Imcn in Colfax and Wash- Union township, including Sandyvilie town.. 1 'ay! on low -nship, im 'hiding 1 > . yton town Virginia township, including New Virginia 1,010 887 Washington township, coextensive with Indi- 3,261 2,254 Fulton tow nslnp. in. hilling Uooc land town Indianola city: Gowrie township, including part, of Cowrie 1,261 681 681 992 374 708 176 876 Total for Gotrric Inirn c ;, ( Gmvrii and 601 1,401 496 20,718 1,147 301 18,468 Whitebreast township, including Lacona town. . 1 Clare town Johnson township, including Barnum town 640 Lost Grove township, ineludin : llarcourt town 776 354 031 S22 712 603 466 787 222 636 474 652 .71 032 724 22 207 706 807 687 1,118 268 817 1,783 530 819 702 1,603 698 748 2,013 654 1,039 543 861 581 Brighton City township, coextensive with 192 829 163 946 870 1,151 399 828 556 806 12,162 Xcwa.ik township, including \ neent town Kola nd tow i chip, including Callender (own ... . 1,505 211 757 English River township, including Kalona Sumner township, including part of Lehigh Franklin township, including Westchester Total for 1 ,i,< >li n i i n ner and Web- Wahkonsa township, coextensive with Fort 676 1,495 608 760 1,615 ' ■ ! " o ' In iin i i-. ill li i,» n ! Fort Dodge city: 1 Marion township, including part of Coppock 985 Washington township, including part of Dun- 1,302 323 T22 251 360 [For total, see Jefferson township, Henry County.] 1,231 m 1,130 Webster township, including part of Lehigh 905 Yell township 405 1 Part of Center township annexed t- ' Incorporated as a city in 1907. • Incorporated in 1901. Ottumwa city in 1903. y In 1907 and 1908. 170 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] M.OKCrv*™*, 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 191 1900 1890 Winneba o County 11,914 12,786 7,325 Woodbury County— Continued. 966 268 144 254 941 :;„ .,7.7 463 666 709 853 ■■■ m 647 04i ; 472 762 875 245 605 220 525 950 1,099 396 1,296 349 237 1,048 368 33,111 1,251 753 1,843 i,m 572 2,521 ' 188 586 1,053 600 636 163 561 553 90 no 952 701 685 30 21,729 1,353 876 2,299 1,293 551 l',768 216 614 935 450 628 152 247 Rock township, including c.usiiing town and Center township, including Lake Mills tow 11 1,493 604 246 1,690 895 Forest township, including Forest City and Rutland township, including I'icison town 850 218 219 V I"'''"' 1 ''-,. Thump.- inu n ... 283 624 569 408 424 1,232 643 1,064 445 825 984 284 661 1,160 (') 10,887 449 Total for Sam iiirn-tni - in i.egt. n mitt Xtim-ay Union township, including part of Correctlon- 1,049 701 816 944 508 740 Norway township, Including part of Scarville '■ II. C> I.... ,1 hip iurl Mil- ! !..( ,-■!■:, i„v. ii 717 23,731 22,528 Woodbury township, including Sargent Bluff 887 939 230 C61 1,918 849 320 826 4,341 3,692 778 493 685 1,197 639 874 619 871 823 785 638 160 364 754 1,583 749 550 886 935 748 1,357 289 67,616 1,038 1,005 686 825 2,207 1,003 366 961 4,708 3,246 728 731 2,074 si's 607 128 698 703 70 129 510 895 207 69 576 264 855 w 39 ■:■■■■ 653 940 183 951 699 876 757 731 Danville township, including part of Hanlon- 861 4,119 2,801 Taitil for Hanlontown town* in Danville and 660 982 Fertile township, including Fertile town and Grove town orthwood town... 1 1,747 1,271 659 1,009 469 1,082 359 662 '166 18,227 901 671 737 1,053 371 802 1,656 670 594 961 1,057 790 1,350 264 54,610 913 641 1,035 849 808 764 Kensett towns! tip includii 1 i i tt town Lincoln township, including Manly town Jackson township, including Jackson Junction Union township, including Grafton town Lincoln township, including Ridgeway town . . . 965 675 1,611 558 863 1,087 806 1,435 480 <■ 55,632 >p line < c-i-iii i.n-, n Belmond township, including part of Behnond 775 160 224 440 ns5 504 hi j a 923 387 714 679 6 618 484 878 586 230 612 590 744 716 064 554 556 517 864 785 158 1,234 1,413 626 554 1,475 1,476 653 4,129 3,657 Total for Belmond city in Belmond and Pleas- .' ■ : •■.. Ill | III III llll 1 HI 1 , i 1. in mi PhmX- inc. usillp including pari cl" )>0«s (Own 1 865 [For total, see Morgan township, Franklin County.] Clarion township, coextensive with Clarion city. 2 744 1,161 662 772 138 651 776 367 "697 1,200 636 120 893 351 1,201 390 1,255 668 969 334 660 83 604 592 1,109 507 644 833 295 459 including I aglegrove city Banner township, including Lawton town 615 650 493 784 1,215 437 437 141 935 1,414 387 1,394 480 1,206 436 661 478 475 343 684 927 wardi .:::.::::::::::::.': Kedron township, milii li.i.' parts of Anthon 8 628 474 787 Total for ( ilearove and 166 869 749 1,168 646 1,335 620 679 756 1,807 1,076 687 612 512 923 m Liberty township, including part of Goldfield Liberty towns] iir>. including ' 'nlix town I'l. ■■1,1 ■ .III..! !.)■■ 1 1,099 423 968 476 11 i hiding part of Belmond Little Sioux township, including Smilhland Miller township. including part ,<>l Anlhon [own. 693 572 661 495 ■c muI i'-'ct iic ■"■ i I, iu< I id in-; v> in dstock city.. i Incorporated in 1908. » Incorporated in 1904. • Incorporated in 1901. < Part of Decorah township (West Decorah town) annexed to Decorah city in 1902 if Sioux City township STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 171 Marshall Butler Buena Vista. . Chickasaw Sioux Polk Clinton . . .Jael sun.. Boone... Woodlnm . Butler Carroll O'Brien Crawford . . . Fayette Emmet Osceola MnscaiiiK'.. Taylor Audubon.. . Cherokee — Buchanan. . Jackson Kossuth (Mahaska (Poweshiek.. Webster.... Chickasaw. . Jefferson Jasper Guthrie... Malm ska . . Ringgold.. Grundy... Taylor.... Wright Cedar Ringgold VanBuren.. Dubuque Scott Van Buren.. Hamilton... Benton Wapello Humboldt.. VanBuren.. Polk Sioux Page 1,029 494 440 709 2,359 384 512 2,911 9,0 2.008 807 801 179 1,009 328 219 2,422 2, 891 708 708 320 1,270 2,078 273 333 90S 095 405 427 403 192 251 102 513 593 309 255 254 839 227 057 533 307 3S7 494 953 177 348 570 liristow tow Brill town. Brooklyn tc Buffalo town Buffalo Center to' Burlington city . . Calamus town.. Callender town. Calmar town... Calumet town.. Camanche town Cambridge towr Casey town Castaliatown Castana town Cedar Falls city.... Cedar Rapids city.. Cenier Junction town. . < niirr Point town Centervillc city. . Central City town.. Charlotte towr Charter Oak tc Chatsworth to Chelsea town . Chester town Chillicothetown.. Churdan town Cincinnati town... Clare town Clarence town.. Clarindacity... Clarion city Clermont towi low Clin tun city.. College Springs town. Collins town Colo town Columbus City town. Columbus Junction t< Conesville tc Conrad towi ( («ia:i\ tow Coulter town Council Bluffs ci , Crawfordsville tc 1 Crescocity Butler Hancock Poweshiek... Crawford Hardin Scott Winnebago... Kossuth Marion Clinton Webster Winneshiek.. Carroll Pottawattamie. . Dubuque Floyd Clinton Crawford.. Tama Cherokee. Howard... Wapello. . . Webster. . Cedar Page Wright . . . Butler.... Cerro Gordo.. (Ringgold".... (Taylor Cherokee Marshall. Clinlon . . W,i\ ne. . Taylor.. Carroll . . Johnson Adams Woodbury.. Franklin Pottawattamie.. Washington 356 350 '632 1,266 568 2, 44S 391 955 452 355 199 802 '558 3,794 255 674 5,256 623 210 615 3,668 467 3,122 5,892 4,227 2,802 734 772 567 507 419 318 4,884 3,865 3,441 181 667 1,355 216 626 1,212 214 377 432 299 374 675 3,276 1,475 849 662 3,832 2.005 629 3,262 744 735 145 2,014 625 1,706 1 , 130 452 186 510 59 25,577 513 202 22,698 218 488 807 13,619 177 164 498 574 274 2,053 60 2,524 957 626 693 540 391 1,099 491 463 375 1,185 261 459 953 347 549 1,084 483 348 1,017 157 151 1,702 893 455 1,669 125 2,145 935 651 1,477 173 1,082 869 347 962 29,292 25,802 268 2,806 7,752 21,474 2,658 6,924 2,018 7,200 172 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . CUT OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Cromwell town Union 208 143 552 254 129 391 769 183 558 263 43,028 489 275 356 311 3,592 355 467 375 548 208 728 3,133 224 326 86,368 1,634 767 509 255 107 64 337 581 171 462 \ 892 249 38, 494 550 418 276 1,155 720 1,511 906 '749 323 552 500 371 \ 1,085 448 \ 555 336 2,024 1,995 217 564 1,181 132 210 528 205 400 807 161 478 2,325 520 776 3,404 392 787 660 618 4,970 676 259 1,165 208 246 591 Calhoun 332 431 1,112 211 127 207 332 789 '289 15, 543 8,900 276 537 558 149 501 357 131 611 342 1,028 438 425 199 006 436 235 430 869 4,052 850 618 240 110 829 556 183 1,012 428 333 374 225 162 400 475 148 128 1,150 1,379 733 5,036 949 1,354 143 1,337 1,873 147 1,817 391 2,617 250 129 247 2,570 232 .297 239 1,106 346 393 241 2,107 510 978 240 110 195 80 329 168 348 514 1,315 137 Palo Alto Woodbury Palo Alto Humboldt 237 118 362 625 Worth Floyd Pocahontas Winnebago Winneshiek Flo d town 353 1,180 853 1,758 12, 162 9,278 205 210 353 445 Woodbury Des Moines 480 423 ?5,2.-.-l 617 2«,S72 594 Fort .\,cdison city Foster town Finn: lin town Webster Dallas Decatur Winneshiek Carroll Poweshiek 753 345 367 3,246 374 403 387 669 328 215 2,801 273 291 323 Lee Boone Chickasaw 565 170 542 456 Decatur 651 592 518 Hancock 1,288 482 470 691 2,771 102 409 1,782 Franklin 394 384 1^383 795 50,093 607 465 687 842 3,040 733 628 254 /Humboldt \Pocahontas Seott 270 545 Cerro Gordo 681 156 1,113 355 326 462 818 238 36, 297 433 350 217 1,355 560 1,323 902 3,557 630 340 618 579 252 1,230 476 565 344 1,850 '207 635 1,321 451 Palo Alto 932 303 30,311 Dubuque Dunkerton town Blackhawk 249 351 549 180 488 1,088 505 1,272 775 1.881 302 Durant town Dyersville town Dubuque Audubon Eaglegrove city Wright Green Island town Jackson ■ H. Shelby (irciine town Butler 1.192 1,300 186 3,860 900 845 1,048 Earlville town Delaware 569 277 Madison Poweshiek Cass Grundy Poweshiek 815 752 Eddyville town Edenville town (Rhodes P. 0.).. 1,193 1,037 Edgewood town (Delaware Wa ello 1,725 1,577 2,079 538 2,727 276 745 Pottawattamie. . . Hit 192 2,422 269 326 516 242 319 976 Montgomery Ringgold Hamilton 317 1 1M. i own Allamakee . 217 1,000 Linn tlaru'v town Marion KiriTnH iliiir-i'iiy Palo Alto Dubuque 2,361 549 710 3,237 1,584 348 564 1,475 1 hixi 111-5 town Mills Pocahontas 404 397 1,810 518 500 1,035 244 118 322 744 Buchanan Audubon Appanoose Buchanan 851 575 592 HeDderson town Mills 201 644 '513 143 1,332 448 3,391 582 He burn t Pae 75 Dubuque 244 Plymouth Grundy Farminpton town Van Buren 1,002 Holland town 175 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 173 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OE TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Ida Dubuque Clarke Delaware Woodbury 936 143 797 245 581 568 372 658 1,809 1,006 336 1,874 341 3,517 3,283 595 298 10, 091 2,797 631 278 100 379 269 2,477 697 941 250 406 262 398 503 610 231 360 158 376 14,008 1,009 988 412 271 977 142 180 299 306 220 193 3,190 288 1,233 517 260 2,043 1,214 552 '571 268 1,542 158 378 179 817 601 138 690 338 4,157 185 222 928 188 1,274 1,991 244 433 603 114 498 315 870 115 145 767 284 415 676 359 626 1.474 945 539 I ineville town Wayne 600 846 354 390 166 578 1,453 674 782 645 523 552 253 584 666 130 \ 501 160 370 „309 134 1,259 487 357 197 1,191 311 377 331 127 1,154 2,758 875 346 1,434 1,236 1,100 3,570 532 480 896 1,786 4,400 266 13,374 178 285 319 11,230 282 490 118 290 754 382 55 817 858 423 459 195 382 246 520 193 387 334 575 519 913 388 423 246 3,187 231 869 387 420 221 792 800 1,172 2,043 383 690 956 338 399 427 606 Linn Marshall 668 H Hardin Blackhawk 452 Humboldt 618 1,377 597 600 587 566 1,075 642 Calhoun Humboldt H m ton town Lorimor town Lost Nation town 1,967 3, 261 477 306 7,987 2,840 545 295 171 1,563 279 3,103 2,254 318 544 1,132 Buchanan indtonol oit Chickasaw /Humboldt 534 169 347 7,016 1,796 412 Sioux Winneshiek Pottawattamie... 311 2,601 690 947 266 530 223 1,498 295 235 1,021 1,875 573 414 Pottawattamie... Buchanan Hamilton Washington Hamilton 211 Poweshiek Palo Alto Ringgold 404 292 458 653 187 459 277 700 1,166 '773 359 1,169 1,424 1,099 3,777 659 573 718 2,007 4,102 410 11.544 158 332 322 6,746 Delaware Crawford Mannin town 14,641 1,117 996 405 136 14, 101 831 777 kc.1 1. | i>... 11 Van Buren Buena Vista Benton Audubon Plymouth 720 132 203 402 89 262 649 Shelby 714 8,914 Martelle town Miiri ms burg town 322 267 3,131 272 1,419 496 239 2,703 1,293 541 591 1,540 636 Miisuti City Cerro Gordo Delaware 4,007 2, 632 154 1,052 301 1,160 604 Blackhawk 475 94 280 810 495 Matlock town Iowa M Fa ett 1 1 , 1 1 371 I -»lc Mills town Winnebago Dickinson Scott *.. Lake Park town 703 725 366 400 612 366 Des Moines 9 Buchanan Melvin tow Osceola Allamakee 1,438 450 125 1,668 Mcn-li'ii town Merrill town Meservey town 428 432 193 Cherokee Plymouth Cerro Gordo Mitchell Pocahontas Chickasaw Woodbury 853 046 318 385 485 849 317 328 m! „.l Dickinson I awton town Milton town Minburn town Van Buren Dallas 643 997 408 4,146 906 Plymouth 4,036 Minden town Mingo town Ml isonti \';llli>\ i.'ii v.. Mitchell town Mitchellville town Pottawattamie... 287 s uth 257 806 215 1,014 1,905 225 387 613 4,010 245 768 383 384 870 704 Delano! town Winnebago Taylor 706 1,422 257 Leon town Decatur L on Monmouth town Monona town Monroe town nnia town 281 674 917 1,210 2,104 502 Cla ton Louisa Cass Carroll Howard Dallas 325 579 Poweshiek 1,062 1,938 409 605 314 550 Linden town Montour town Tama 174 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OB TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Lee 708 366 137 682 173 1,233 228 1,646 3,874 232 195 1,532 552 796 16,178 2,663 1,102 926 2,138 2,275 482 93 673 246 1,122 396 728 4,616 396 323 162 848 588 132 197 1,264 315 479 659 1,105 389 595 6^028 1,298 165 659 2,026 207 1,374 373 105 2,445 2,416 9,466 749 97 268 147 22,012 614 822 94 501 264 177 208 369 358 147 796 3,021 4,630 358 480 416 347 92 212 288 174 748 200 778 Decatur 200 691 358 310 815 200 347 952 764 187 426 642 733 379 274 163 394 268 70 660 163 175 123 304 382 227 4,830 269 659 1,205 128 1,076 372 } 844 613 102 354 313 407 652 87 2,005 1,198 916 700 1,528 131 163 641 954 155 269 256 296 428 612 655 212 511 918 2,201 747 199 399 138 170 501 390 1,174 120 525 129 646 455 845 226 2,290 245 ]• 292 ' 181 824 1 586 164 738 Cerro Gordo Pocahontas Appanoose Louisa Grundy Appanoose 632 948 176 1,420 311 881 165 769 625 438 910 Franklin 316 984 808 1,729 4,109 1,205 3,997 Allamakee Van Buren Adams 446 593 814 456 1,629 507 949 14,073 1,758 1,268 921 2,472 543 '570 1,259 666 11,454 875 1,240 917 1,662 411 1,314 Woodbury Muscatine Appanoose Chickasaw Pottawattamie. . . 130 302 Buchanan Allamakee Chickasaw 106 645 Winnebago 1,003 600 268 1,252 245 580 320 117 373 270 Ta lor Appanoose 1,026 Dubuque Montgomery 4,355 311 509 1,203 UcMiml' uia n Buena Vista 762 3,682 398 540 2,564 237 dS 11 ::::::::: Muscatine Buena Vista Plymouth Humboldt (Howard 835 350 804 534 1,209 846 .... i .i Iowa° n 616 509 Chickasaw Winneshiek 371 1,271 287 533 859 395 698 687 124 1,766 1,054 1,080 830 'l47 173 557 994 255 253 . Washington 401 Appanoose Pottawattamie. . . 560 Oakland town . . r 913 686 Cerro Gordo Lyon Oakville tow Rock Rapids town 1,394 542 599 1,432 5,142 993 Rockford town Rockwell town Rockwell City town Rodman town Hod' 1,122 830 Cerro Gordo Old Palo Alto Monona 692 238 1,933 263 1,457 359 92 2,734 2,505 9,212 070 519 Rodney town Story 1,358 237 1,246 130 Pocahontas 529 Sioux 200 Dickinson Rudd town 381 1,913 2.120 6,558 609 787 Palo Alto Humboldt Delaware Winneshiek Ryan town Ototown Woodbury Humboldt Wapello 396 §47 osen own 18, 197 664 780 14,001 515 752 S:il>i'l;i city Jackson 2,079 698 174 412 Ottumwa city Oxford town Johnson Madison Plymouth 732 284 744 Clayton 124 548 387 1,247 Pocahontas Lee. 551 221 958 1,164 318 328 163 617 3|986 361 521 358 315 379 809 760 Woodbury 1,075 Woodbury Winnebago 425 245 133 510 2,408 661 983 263 1,703 Pellacity Perry city Dallas Searsboro town Poweshiek 153 Peters on Town 371 Seymour town Wayne 1,058 Pierson town Woodbury Pilot Mound town ShaTnTn^Ttln /Ringgold 380 Pioneer town Pisgahtown Humboldt Sharpsburg town Taylor Franklin Shelby 320 280 Sheffield town 688 692 610 Jefferson Shelby town STATISTICS OF POPULATION— IOWA. Table 2— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . 175 CITT OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 (Boone I 202 2,941 741 527 4,970 1,330 1,019 2,032 416 1,004 47,828 473 547 334 450 169 338 3,005 320 1,162 94 217 407 281 653 511 898 378 265 138 2,428 1,387 554 1,052 327 ■ 1,826 282 1,404 154 664 235 292 402 909 2,290 278 253 198 500 271 233 271 336 176 380 2,048 278 1,626 106 1,283 122 755 310 154 186 271 540 179 2,282 839 511 3,573 1,289 1J952 438 810 33,111 1,005 426 643 435 306 490 631 2,573 386 401 183 } 640 2,039 215 3,336 416 253 416 517 561 950 1,326 4,380 „ 410 26,693 433 340 2,025 3,205 550 150 5,208 127 724 288 69 457 679 643 1,206 1,666 126 570 1,652 222 143 232 367 1,720 539 576 518 219 457 1,060 1,157 934 2,818 529 239 162 1,538 420 712 264 314 733 273 107 228 461 }■ 69 407 578 1,700 407 306 484 '733 408 2,440 1,090 1,523 324 '650 Osceola Pocahontas 612 2,211 163 3,499 170 362 505 659 878 1,398 4,255 431 '540 292 2,153 3,177 394 \ Poweshiek Montgomery Vincent town \ inloii city VoI.l'o City town Wadena (own Walcott town Walker town \\";ill Lake town Uabiul (own \\ api'llo city "Washiiijrliui cil\ Washta town \\:i( ci loo city \V:i noma town \\ ankee town Waukon city Wavcrl y city \\ :» land (own Webb town Wcb.lerCity Webster town Wcldon (own Wollma.11 town \Yol Is burg town • Welton town Wesley town West Bend town Wcsi. ('ranch town West Burlington (own IV'-J Liberty town West Mitchell town West Point town West Union city Westchester town Westfield town Westgate town ■ 1 , 1 1 . ... What Cheer city... Win .iland town Wbii inn town Whittemore town Whittentown Y\ iiii ins town Williamsburg town \\ ilion town Winfieldtown Wini ci set city * I'll iinvn ™'.;;;::;;::;;:;;;;; \\ mien (own Woodbine town Woodburn town Woodward town Wool lock- city Woi ibington town Wyoming town Yale town Yettertown Yorktown town Zearing town Zwingle town Woodbury Buena Vista 2,865 Woodbury Woodbury 449 369 397 353 Pottawattamie. . . 319 3,095 356 1,219 Washington 3,235 1,813 Winneshiek Dickinson Blackhawk 782 107 599 490 297 404 415 1,008 410 Allamakee 518 Hamilton Montgomery 399 302 854 367 Hamilton 4,613 2,829 Hardin Washington 654 203 Van Buren Buena Vista 2,169 1,197 458 1,012 172 2,079 1,682 536 730 538 647 1,044 1,690 207 654 1,935 209 Palo Alto Stratford town Hamilton 474 836 1,268 947 Des Moines Muscatine Plymouth /Adair 2,052 Bremei 1,437 187 722 240 406 322 934 2,649 321 217 394 450 274 267 299 409 861 Sumner town Fayette 1,676 Dickinson Washington Plymouth Fayette 490 Cerro Gordo 260 396 2,746 475 572 522 217 500 1,100 1,233 820 3,039 618 218 419 Crawford Kossuth • 448 3,246 503 1,741 269 Dickinson Hamilton Winnebago Humboldt Muscatine 1,212 461 Cerro Gordo Fremont 395 Thurman town Buchanan 370 2,513 224 1,941 295 1,599 1,255 467 550 274 794 Tama 1,836 1,458 1,014 Dubuque Pottawattamie. . . 655 Madison Monona Appanoose Pottawattamie. . . 170 1 ,, II ,,,>,. ,i fDubuque 589 514 KANSAS. Table 1 — POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1000 and 1010, see footnotes; for those between 1800 and 1000, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1000, Vol. I, Table 5.] 3 Incorporated in 1909. * Incorporated in 1902. ■ Incorporated in 1903. 8 Part of Walnut township annexed to Atchison city in 1905. (176) » Returned as Lake in 1900. 8 Returned as Sun in WOO. ' Incorporated ir MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 ' 1890 27,640 19,507 13,609 Barber County 9,916 6,694 7,973 Carl; le township 836 418 1,508 1,627 IW 257 1,281 m SS6 556 2,548 6iS 758 568 579 524 9,032 1,140 1,881 1,551 1,695 1,496 819 2,211 415 '600 225 461 794 634 945 559 1,288 765 13,829 676 796 555 1,565 1,759 712 847 545 2 877 1,445 133 135 284 319 429 692 815 1,855 144 1,229 309 303 1,059 350 226 214 593 222 17,876 67 337 85 208 253 267 498 US 765 206 116 274 338 196 116 139 191 229 Klsmoiv lounsliin, iucHiclins; Klsmore and 11 l/l Ihlll 111 11 llip Mil lllillli II , J lint ill) 696 J l hi i hi . n up iii In, In In, i , ,i Wardl Wards '•1 I.'i'l : i 1' mp HI, null.,. ,, mi ■ Lodge city 585 1,402 635 1,361 Wardl Wards Ward 4 >-'> " , n hip ,'H 1 n |i ,,,,1, ii 461 5,791 480 1,706 Wardl Wardl Wards Ward 4 13,784 1,495 1,037 13,172 610 ( 2 ) 341 720 372 265 670 976 293 391 353 4,622 617 1,704 1,191 534 2,449 1,975 554 674 376 851 458 440 334 718 415 24,007 315 366 377 628 312 374 715 760 329 334 362 2,470 i«rti..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ward 2 487 1,027 464 986 848 13,938 556 '463 1,006 825 14,203 2,334 645 497 544 909 765 806 687 1,117 5S0 650 1,142 1,155 426 473 801 492 599 700 1,147 28,107 2,078 2,191 463 1,200 Homestead township, including Hoisington 598 851 777 916 859 ' 488 590 1,231 1,202 364 508 676 894 610 798 1,176 28,606 713 794 864 767 1,021 474 1,243 1,160 284 570 831 514 752 1,201 26,768 Independent in, - m in nn c ' ih i 770 484 497 553 210 448 308 5 4l 24,712 Pawnee Rock iu,\ n.hjp, unhiding Pawnee i i n i i i i i i l ii . 1 i > 'i ' i . .in Indins,' ( rttl ntv . .. 1,348 10,463 1,662 2,164 1,872 2,189 1,207 1,174 416 230 2,184 595 266 1,018 956 968 940 1,805 713 769 1,424 10,322 16, 429 1,214 3,846 1J925 674 1,352 1,719 491 961 1,499 200 1,223 1,929 1,070 15, 722 13,963 1,316 1,306 424 Freedom town In nn h m I nli i i Benton towns!) i| m Imli l 1 hi i. linn diy... 1,967 6S4 1,424 1,773 462 1,109 1,994 200 292 1,403 2,020 1,194 1,696 861 1,546 '624 1,123 1,665 Minimi lowiiNliip mvlmhm; HinDsm) ruid 2,298 298 1,2-43 1,050 1,088 Grasshopper township, including Muscotah SU i hi. i i in ii hip mi li 1 i run, n mil ' ni- 1,405 2,131 1,297 1,834 986 • 810 Walnut township 8 '■■'•- ilmii. ii.nvivihip 889 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. 177 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 21,314 > 22,369 20,319 Chase County -Continued. Falls township,' including Cnltonwood Falls 1,421 899 633 1,043 752 947 11,429 2,939 84S 784 Hamlin Iownship, including Hamlin city 1,133 208 2,974 781 837 722 SS4 1,500 3,600 1,192 1,000 6S8 740 1,139 107 2,485 188 1,390 398 821 48 1,951 481 216 1,405 492 1,595 1,321 436 23,059 1,317 258 2,829 1.207 216 2,486 2,913 Strong township,'' inch 11 ling Sluing city 1,128 968 11,804 1,739 3,398 1,601 3,316 Belleville township. Including Chautauqua 1,916 348 575 792 948 508 655 31* 473 1,211 508 38,162 1,371 Irving township, including pm 1 of Sac and Fox 2 950 1,000 1,039 932 592 793 1,067 876 550 1,005 449 ' 187 1,441 400, »842 ervation hi Irvingand Padonia torrnxhi/ii. Brown Cniimi/, ■ah! Itnru Itiiniishi//, Duni- 2,597 wiinxah,.. . " ::::::: Mori ill ura n.ship, including Mm rill city 1,355 308 531 1,067 525 791 665 10 42,694 l'luiiiiiiii. township, in. hiding part of Sac and Indian Reservation and Powhatan city •1,563 666 237 1,496 493 1,785 395 1,412 23,363 1,494 1,273 1,598 1,574 3,064 959 678 646 640 241 859 6,096 1,426 1,878 1,318 886 1,300 1,080 811 1,016 1,506 1,182 1,126 7,703 1,770 396 980 2,233 764 ess 914 1,033 1,386 1,326 '675 392 631 691 4,248 1,641 2,295 2,310 1,611 U :rshiil-iOII iu\\ ll-:]|i>i, illflpililiL' l'!\ ei'e-d.en ', . 1,451 478 24,055 Wardo Com fool P iv, nship . . 949 10, 155 885 1 lalena city" 2,490 1,235 567 810 240 488 642 573 270 618 657 506 3,129 664 1,033 447 621 665 395 676 473 494 557 365 268 1,203 618 530 628 679 249 759 724 395 592 660 738 745 275 736 S64 661 7,527 1,197 601 801 1,343 636 849 Wardl Ward 2 , ,,"11 ;,|,!,,, ;|. |U;| 'I;, '> 1. 1 '| ..- " II,,, , -\ . ■ Benton city s Ward 4 Bloomington township 527 677 623 297 538 755 572 3,466 565 765 558 370 590 737 584 3,339 Garden township 2,"797" 1,155 1,543 1,106 >» 1,554 1,188 1,128 2,761 i,"267 Lola township 1,304 Lowell township 1,671 Lyon township 1, 070 .11 morel low nship i'- Neosho township 1,159 1'lee.sani \ lew iownship 1, 198 Ross township, including Mineral and Rose- Mineral city 1 * Roseland cit Liberty township Lincoln township, including Norcatur city... Norcatur city s Logan township 9 Lyon township Oberlin city O ! ipi'lin township Olive township Pleasant Valley township Prairie Dog township Roosevelt township ' Sappa township » Sherman township Summit township Dickinson County.. Abilene city Wards Ward 4 Banner township. . Buckeye township... Center township, including Enterprise city.. Enterprise city Cheever township Flora township, including Manchester city.. Manchcf: Fragrant Hill township Garfield township G rant township Hayes township Wardl. Wards Wards Ward 4 Holland township Hope township, including Hope city Hope city Jefferson township Liberty township, including Woodbine city... Woodbine city* Lincoln township, including Solomon city Solomon city Logan township Lyon township w Newbern township Noble township, including Chapman city Chapman city .' Rhinehart township Ridge township Sherman township Union township Wheatland township Willowdale township 14,755 S,17B 3,795 3,181 421 1 Parts of Baker township annexed in 1906 and 1907. > Name changed from Midland in 1900. 'Included part of Frontenac city in 1900. * Exclusive of population of Frontenac city. 'Incorporated in 1909. • Incorporated in 1906. 7 Roosevelt township organized from part of Harlan township In 1907. 8 Incorporated in 1901. » Sappa township organized from part of Logan township In 1902. w Herington city made independent of Lyon township in 1903. Doniphan County.. Burr Oak township Center township, including Troy city . . Troy city... [For total, see Irving township, Brown County.] White Cloud city [ Marion township Union township, including Deuton city Denton city Washington township, including Elwood and Wathena cities Elwood city Wathena city Wayne township, including Doniphan city. . Douglas County.. Kanwaka township . . Lawrence city >< Wardl. Ward S. . Ward 3. . Ward 4.. Wards.. Ward 6. . Lecompton township, including Lecompton Lecompton city . . Willow Springs township.. 1,357 3,071 1,017 Edwards County.. B elpre township, including B elpre city B elpre city e Brown township Franklin township Jackson township Kinsley township, including Kinsley city. . Kinsley city Lincoln township l.o-aii iownship - Trenton township . . "1= Elk County Elk Falls township, including Elk Falls city. . . Elk Falls city Greenfield township, including Grenola city. .. Grenola city Howard township, including Howard city. . Howard city Liberty township Longton township, including Longtoncity Longton city Oak Valley township Painterhood township Paw Paw township Union Center township Wild Cat township, including Moline city. . Moline city Big Creek township w Buckeye township Catharine township Ellis city Ellis township Freedom township Hamilton township ionization of Herington citv. ind Fox and Iowa India I'm, i . :;ii"i, 1907,1908,190! and 1910. > 5 Not returned separately in 1900. 180 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] R CIVIL DIVISION. Ellis County— Continued. Hays city i llerzog township 2 ! ookout township Pleasant 1 1 ill Urn nship .. Victoria township.. Ellsworth County.. Ash Creek townships.. Black Wolf township.. Carneiro township ■ lownship.. I, , Kanopolis city. Empire township < Garheld township «. Valley township, including Holyrood city.. Finney County.. Garfield township. . I vanhoe township Pierceville township Pleasant Valley township.. Bloom township Bucklin township, including Bucklin city.. Bucklin city 7 Concord township Ward I WardS WardS Ward 4 Dodge township > ! ni 1 |iiim i" '11 ! up » Royal township Sod ville townshi p Kpeai villi' lowu-.liip, including Npearvillo city. Franklin County.. Cutler township.. Harrison township.. Ottawa city Ward! Ward 2 Wards Wardi 1 Made independent of Big Creek township in 1909. e Returned as Garden in 1900. ' Incorporated in 1909. 6 Enterprise township organized from part of Dodge township In 1908. > Incorporated In 1908. Franklin County— Continued. Pomona city Loiiiona township I'ollawiiloinic low nship including Lane city.. w iliianisliurg township, including \\ illiams- Blakely township Jackson township.... Jefferson township... Junction city Ward 1 Wards Wards Ward 4 Liberty township.... Wingfield township.. Baker township, including Quinter city. . Gove township,!' including Gove city .. • Jrahiiii'M lownsliip, including Lrainliold ril.y. Grainfield city Grinnell township u Jerome township Larabee lownship Graham County.. Gettysburg Graham township ilappv lownship 1 1 ill ( it v township, including Hill city.. f liliciti/ 1 1 a liana township Millbrook township Morlan township Nicodemus township Pioneer township.. Solomon township, Mnrla:nl city 12 . . . . Wild Horse township. . Grant County.. Cimarron township, including Cimarron city.., Cimarron city Foote township Hess township [ngalls i ownship Logan i ownship Montezuma township : Greeley County.. I Samson lownsliip , Tribune lownsliip. including Horace and Tribune cities Horace city Tribune city " Incorporated in 1906. "County to" 1-1 '- ' annexed to Sul to Sherman township, between li "County total include poind township between 1890 and 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. 1} Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1010, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MLNOi; civil. DIVISION. Greenwood County.. Bachelor township lie (ou iisl:l|i, including Hamilton city, i im\ us.iip, including Madison oily. . . . Salt Springs township, includi Shell Rock t Spring Creek tovvnsli acluding Coolidgo oily . . Kendall township.. Lamont township. . Liberty township . . . Medway township. . Harper County.. Anthony city Wardl WardS Wards Anthony township Atliea city Eagle township, including Waldron city. . Green township Harper city Wardl Wardg WardS Ward4 Harper township.. Lake township «... Lawn township . . . Silver Creel; I owns! ii p. including Freeportcity. Free-port city Spring township.. Harvey County.. \IUi lou nship Ijiirrlon city Burrton township Darlington township Emma township Garden township Halstead city Halstead township Highland township 1 Newton city.. Ward 1... Ward2... Wards... Ward J,... not returned separately ir_ _ » Incorporated in 1908. 2,001 2,259 707 901 1,009 1,081 1,353 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Harvey County— Continued. Pleasant towns! Richland towns Sedgwick city. . Haskell County . . Dudley township Haskell township Lockport township Hodgeman County.. Marena township North Roscoe township... - >n In iownship.. Jackson County.. i Cedar and Gar- Total for Denison field townships . . Douglas township Franklin township Garfield township, including part of Denison city Denison city Grant township Holton city Wardl WardS WardS Jefferson township, including Circleville city.. •.lavei ta city 8 Netawaka township, including Netawaka city. Netawaka city Soldier township, including Soldier city.. Soldii r city Straight Creel; township Washington township Whiting township, including Whiting city Whiting city Pottawatomie Indian Reservation Jefferson County... Ozawkie township . . Union township . . Jewell County.. Allen township Athens township Browns Creek township Buffalo township, including Jewell city... Jewell city Burr Oak township, including Burr Oak city . . . 8S9 7S6 1,435 Oak city.. Calvin township Center township, including Mankatocity Mankato city 1,156 6 Mayettacity incorporated from part of Cedar township in 1902 and made Is pendent in 1906. 7 Incorporated in 1904. » Winchester citv incorporated from part of Jefferson township in 1903. 9 Perry city, in Kentucky township, not returned separately in 1890. "> Meriden city, in Rock Creek township, not returned separately in 1890. L82 STATISTICS OF POPULATION KANSAS. Table 1.- POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISION8: L910, 1900, AND 1890 -Continued. I l''m rli. m-,' . in I ,oinc la i ics, cl, , hel» hull) anil lull), si'i' foofuoles; for I host- between I SDH :iih] I '.HID, sec Reports u[ I In' Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Tabic 5.] MINOR CIVIl, DIVISION. Jewell County— Continued. Erring township I'sbon township, including Ksboncity.. Esbon city ' Grant township, Including Fonnoso city. Ionia township Jackson lownship Limestone township. . Monlana township. . . Richland township Sinclair township Vicksburg township... uiwnship Washington Johnson County.. Aubry township.. . ! Edgcrton city?-. > -vnship WardS Olathe township.. Oxford township. . Kearny County.. Kendall township.. Southside township.. Kingman County... Allen township Belmont township Bennett township, including Norwich city.. Dale township Dresden township, including part of Cunning- ham city Cunningham city i pari m > Total/or Cn .niiiuiliti m c'Hii '■ in Dresden and Rural townships > Eagle lownship !•; i u oka I • iwnship - - - Evan township Galoshiip; lownship Tloosier township K o ron an city Wardl Ward 2 Ward S Ward 4 Ivingrrian township Liberty township ■: i 1 1 1 ies( a h township Peters township Richland township city.. Cunningham ci Union township... Valley township... Vinita township . . White township . . . 17,385 1,157 ■ De Soto city incorporated from part of Lexington township in 1902. < Lenexa city incorporated from part of Shawnee township in 1907. R CIVIL DIVISION. Kiowa County.. rsrenham township Ihi t ler township Ceil I ev I uwnship Garfield township Click township ( ircciisbiug city Haviland city » Kiowa township Lincoln township Marl in lownship, including Mullinville city. . Mn Hi it it lie city It ler township Union township Insula lo« nship Labette County.. Wardl WnrdS WardS Elm Grove township, includin Edna city Fairview township. . Howard township . . Montana township... Mound Valley city . . \\ nship, including Alta- Osage township... Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward It Richland township.. Walton township Alamota township... Cleveland township Dighton township, including Dighton city.. Dightoncity... Leavenworth County.. Easton township, including E Easton city '» Fairmount township High Prairie township Kickapoo township Leavenworth city Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS WardA WardS WardS Reno township.. Sherman township, including Linwood city — Linwood city Stranger township Tonganoxie city Tonganoxie township 6 Incorporated in 1907. ' Incorporated in 1908. « Haviland eitv incorporated from part of V 9 Not returned separately in 1900. 10 Incorporated in 1903. """827"" 1,030 1.003 1,531 1,487 SA9 SOS 1,160 1,102 848 673 1,391 1,362 ellsford township in 1906. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. 183 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Lincoln County.. Battlfi Creek township Beaver township, including pai [ el Lincoln city Lincoln eiln (/):;/■/ ii/ ) - . Total/or Lincoln villi in licacir, Klklinrii, Indiana, inn! Marion loicaships Klkhoro township, including part of Lincoln Lincoln city (part of).. Franklin township Golden Belt town Grant township.. i township, including part of Lincoln Marion township', including part of Lincoln Lincoln villi (pari of) Orange township ["'lea, ant. i.ownslup, including Sylvan Grovecity Sylvan Grove city Salt Cieek i.oM uslup, including part of Barnard Barnard city (part of) Total for Barnard ciiif- in Halt Creek and Scott tow iish ip.i Scott township, including part of Barnard city. Blue Mound township, including Blue Mound Blue Mouna van Centerville township Liberty township., including Barker city Parker city Lincoln township, including i -acygne city Lacygne city City township, including Mound City. Mound City Paris township. Prescott ci . Stanton township. Valley township. . Logan County.. McAllaster township Monument township ' !k!ee ih.wushl.p IU.-I hi '':'!... h > \ ies City township, including Allen city A lien city 3 -'—— township, including Americus city.. Ward 1 . . Wards.. WardS.. Ward 4.. Emporia townships. Fremont township... 1M97 ui 7,551 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Lyon County— Continued. Jackson township 6 Neosho Rapids eily l; Olpecity' Bike township Reading township, including Reading city... McPherson County.. Battle Hill township Bonaville township ('anion township, including Canton city.. Castle township, including Windom city... IViiiihnn city Delmore township Empire township, including Galva city Haifa city.. Harper township . . Hayes township Jackson township King City township I hndshogg city 7 Ward 1 Ward2 WardS WardJf Little Valley township. . Lone Tree township McPherson city Wardl Wards WardS Ward4 McPherson township Marquette town slop, hieludue: Marquette city. Marquette city.... ' .' Mound township, including Moundridge city Moundridge city New 1 lot i land Pe.vnship Smoke it ill township ' Sou h sharps Creek township Marion County.. Blaine township ». Bat tin low j 1 -. i 1 i u, inch id ing part of Peabody city. Clark township.. Doyle townskiip including Florence city.. Grant, township Lehigh city « Lehigh township " . . Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Menno township . . . Milton township "> . . Moore township . . Beahody lownship, including part of Peabody Peabody city (part of) 3 Incorporated in . iv incorporated from part of Center township 11 s Part of Emporia township annexed to Emporia city in 6 Neosho Rapids city Incorporated from part of Jackson township ir 1 Peabody township only. " incorporaieu in lyiu. '■' Durham city incorporated from part of Dmi p in 1906. ,■',;.. - I.,'.. ...,,.;■■., ,".,.; is Lost Springs city incorporated from part of Lost Springs township in 1904. !4 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [ For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1X90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5. J Marlon County— Continued. Rlsley township, Including Hillsborocity Marshall County.. ISaldri'MMi township Ulue. Kapuls toun>hip, including- Irving oil y. - Irring city nine Kapids City township, including Blue Clear fork township. . Clew-land low ichip. . . ('ullage II ill i iv. ii hip . Kim ( 'reel; tow nship. . Wardl Ward2 WardS Ward4 Marysville township Murray township, including Axteil city... Richland township, including part of Sum- Total for Summer field city ir St. Bridget townships Rock township.. Meade County.. •aiertiila township O dee township.. Miami County.. Marysville township. . . Wardl Ward2 Wards Wardi Osawatomle township Paolacity Wardl Wardl WardS Ward4 Paola township Richland township Stanton township Sugar Creek township Ten Mile township Valley township Wea township, including Louisburg city.. Louisburg city Creek and Mertilla townships between 1890 and 1900. » Incorporated in 1908. 4 Not returned separately in 1900. ■■ Incorporated In 1907. Mitchell Connty.. Wardl Ward 2 Wards I'llnh township Bioomfield township. . Wardl ... Ward 2 ... WardS ... Ward 4... Center township. . Custer township.. Lulu township, including Scottsville city . . Scottsville city * Pittsburg township Plum Creek township Round Springs township Salt Creek township Solomon Rapids township Turkey Creek township Walnut Creek township Montgomery County.. Wardl Ward2 WardS Ward J, Caney township, 6 including Havana city and part of Tyro city Havana city 8 Tyro city (part of) Total for Tyro ciiy in enney and Fawn ( Iherokee township Cherry township Cherryvale city Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Coffey ville city Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 Drum Creek township Fawn ('reel; lownship, including Dearing city and part of Tyro city Dearing city w Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward4-.-- WardS Independence township .■ ' township, including Liberty city. . lily rin at. i . . Parker township Midland low nship. . . Sveaniurr township \\ est ('hern township Morris County.. Ward 1 . . Ward 2 WardS Council Ciovc tew nship. Diamond Valley low oshi I hinlsp city Clin Creel; township 3,597 681 1,218 Grand view township Highland township Neosho township 6 Caney city made independent ofCaney township ii 7 Exclusive of population of Caney city. 8 Incorporated in 1910. ■ Incorporated in 1906. 10 Incorporated in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. 185 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [ Kor changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, 'ladle .0.) Morris County— Continued. no low nslnp, including I' Utvighl city ' ii kri lownship, mi lndiici, l-iuk.rcUl, din. Morton County . . Nemaha County.. Ada ii is township Berwick township Capioma township , Center township '•> Clear Creek township * Gilman township, including Oneida city... Oneida city Granada township Harrison township, including Goffs city . . . Goffs city ! . , I;. ,-i Centralist city Illinois township, including Corning city . . Corning city i i ownship ' Mitchell township Nemaha township Neuchatel township Red Vermilion township Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. WardS.. Ward If.. Wardl.. WardS.. Wards ion township.. Neosho County.. Big Creek township . Wardl Ward2 Ward 3 1 Ward 4 Chetopa township, including Thayer city . . Mission township, including St. Paul city. . Ness County.. Eden township Forrester township ii i ■ o ■ . . 1' i ! i :■■ '■.'■■..- ' Johnson township Nevada township, including Ransom city . . Ohi< Uarmom cilij i. m 490 W aring I ownship ' Incorporated in 1905. 2 No comparison of pomi! aii >p ran be made; nmnlv redislrieted bet and 1900. s Organized from parts of Home and Marion townships in 1903. 4 Part annexed to Marion township in 1905. 6 Part taken tr *— • Part taken tc annexed in 1905. Alumna city Alio. aia township Ill 111' I 'I II ' hill II' I.Jii . . i ■■!,,. i ,, unship i'la\ ion low nsliip m ( a \ :,l ul township Kniiiin i. lownship Canii'ld lownship (Irani, township Harrison township Highland township I.cnora city Lenora township Lroia imvnshipi' Lincoln lownship Modell township. . Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Orange township Rock Branch township.. West Union township. . city... Including Burlingame Burlingame city.. Dragoon township. . . Elk township Fairfax township Grant township Junction tr *■ Olivet township.. Wardl Ward 2 WardS Wardl, Ridgeway township, including Carbondale Osborne County.. Grant township Hancock township Hawkeye township Independence township. . Jackson township Kill Creek township Lawrence township Liberty township... Ward 1 Wards\\\\\\\\\\\V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Penn township Ross township, including Downs city.. Downs city... i Part of Richmond township annexed to Seneca city in 1910. 8 Sabetha cil c made in' ie pen lent of Rock Creek township in 1907. » Exclusive of population of Sabetha city. 10 Galesburgcity incorporated from part of Centerville township in 1 n Stark city incorporated finm pari of (Irani lownship in 1910. u Clay ton township o an id from part of Leota township in 1901- " Incorporated in 1907. M Incorporated in 1906. L86 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MrNOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Osborne County— Continued. 349 987 M 472 302 378 247 11,811 758 287 484 383 331 323 11,182 264 853 SS8 512 338 317 323 12,581 Phillips County— Continued. 458 291 380 17,522 498 281 341 428 18,470 415 Sumner township, including Alton city 280 328 17,722 761 673 852 365 549 485 885 412 573 354 759 246 1,402 774 915 484 205 2,029 '588 396 325 506 321 2,237 1,714 11,156 863 814 458 581 381 989 4S7 662 400 749 973 3S6 1,221 915 1,098 620 347 561 2,155 1,390 670 504 366 596 369 2,111 1,618 7,085 Bennington township, including Bennington 757 386 404 343 429 800 326 109 603 468 336 223 553 506 1,895 885 m 269 349 1,250 767 364 379 8,859 799 S89 396 372 422 435 667 800 890 437 419 394 506 498 635 Grant township, in< iii'lim; l;i\ unsville city. . ' it city .-.■-■■ i ■■■ ■ . - . 184 620 483 275 270 468 522 1,727 672 256 518 405 555 1,756 697 Mill Creek township, including Onagn cii\ .... kock Vnvk township, including Westmore- Morton town ottcity St. Marys township, including St. Marys city. 2,163 275 339 1,122 648 411 434 5,084 390 417 1,146 661 544 510 5,204 Sheridan town iphos city Spring Creek township 427 Vienna township . . . . \\ inn i. in' n inn in. ilium wiiiio in 1,473 Pratt County 8,118 Ash Valley township . . 471 213 sss 606 2,911 749 991 722 449 587 304 517 505 371 284 325 14,150 163 300 76 483 180 265 67 Banner township, inclu ding part of Cullison cit v Cullison city (part of) 399 ■ 105 266 464 334 303 386 497 269 839 278 818 228 435 346 389 512 3,302 383 151 148 285 547 6,380 256 281 Gardeld township, including Garfield city Total for CiiUir.,,,; <■■,;, in lunula and lack- land townships 202 177 1,583 177 1,861 Carmi township 395 260 298 192 379 Center township. . . . . . . . Elm township Gove township 277 Grant township, including Coats city 345 Coats city i Haynesville township, including Preston city. . Preston city ' 723 773 474 196 264 208 440 305 495 172 319 179 439 279 Iuka township,' including Iuka city 734 815 Logan township 246 199 369 543 • 343 1,213 313 278 McClelland township 318 Jr 'n Hi il ll'i 421 213 14,442 227 13,661 Naron township » 540 ■' township, including part of Cullison 447 431 534 355 425 346 401 413 485 602 387 1,024 626 1,026 714 902 291 436 1,302 557 255 846 S47 191 326 540 531 556 458 389 528 513 493 491 422 691 426 1,007 S86 763 449 1,007 414 410 372 516 426 499 328 592 471 1,180 701 S90 877 Saratoga township i ' ■ I ■ ' . 1 , . ■. ■ ■ ! 1 S' h 1 | i 107 199 309 5,241 Belmont township. Achilles townshi 133 944 680 166 471 585 194 120 718 273 168 290 174 310 159 214 295 258 142 306 135 695 486 300 282 347 391 206 115 542 1 \\ 1 1 \ ] 1 1 1 hill 1 \ III Kinoin city Celia township || :■ • in; si ip Herndon township, including LTerndon city. . . 462 1,008 '494 265 819 539 992 '641 173 705 Jefferson township < 156 248 138 314 108 163 302 120 157 i ui'iin luivnship 627 656 E ichland township Rotate township Union township 335 327 679 Solomon township 199 1 Incorporated in 1909. 2 Incorporated in 1905. 3 Incorporated in I9in T& Valley Center 1903. * Incorporated in 1904. organized from part of Pleasant Valley township ir 8 Incorporated in 1906. 9 Lincoln township organized from parts of Iuka and Naron townships ii 10 Incorporated in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. 187 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ■ changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 11)00, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5. | R CIVIL DIVISION. Arlington city... Wlinglon low nship.. Castleton township Center township, including Partridge city. . Partridge city'' Clay i ownship E ii i erprlse township ti rant township drove township Iiaven tow nship, including Haven city Haven city* : Iht\ cs towns!] ip I luulsville township Butchinson city Wardl WardS WardS Wardl, Wards Ward6 Langdon township Lincoln township Little River township Loda township Medford township Medora tc Wardl WardS WardS Ninnescah township Salt Creek township. Westminster township.. Republic County.. Albion township, including Narka city Narka city Beaver township Belleville city Ward 1 WardS WordS Belleville township Big Bend township, including Republic city.. Republic vitij Courtland township, Court land <-M v. . Courtland city Elk Creek township N township, including Munden city JehVrson township Liberty township Lincoln township Nor w:i y township Kiehiaii'l township, including Cuba oil v. . . Cuba city Rose Creek township Scandia township, inclodin ; Scandia city... Rice County Atlanta township Center township Eureka township, including Frederick city. . Frederick ciltji ' .. Farmer township, including Bushton city. .. Bushton city'- Gait township Harrison township I i h ■',: ,.■■:■ ' .■■! « Incorporated in 1907. • Not returned separately In 1S90. 'Incorporated in 1906. •Incorporated In 1901. •Incorporated in 1905. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Rice County— Continued. Wardl Ward 2 WardS Word 4 Mitchell township. . liooU illc. LOW lislliji Sterling township, including Sterling city Sterling city i nion township, o ii hiding Little River city.. Little River city Vallip township.. Victoria township, including Geneseo city.. Wilson township . . Manhattan city Wardl Word# WardS Ward 4 Manhattan township Mayday township Ogden township, including Ogden city . . Ogden city Riley city ' Sherman township Swede Creek township Wild Cat township Zeandale township Rooks County Alcona township Ash Rock township Belmont township Bow Creek township Corning township Farmington township Greenfield township Hobart township Iowa township Lanark township Logan township Lowell township, including Woodston city. . Paradise township . . Fairview township Garfield township Hampton township Illinois township La Crosse city La Crosse township Lone Star township McCracken city Pioneer township 9 Riley city incorporated from part of Madison township In 1903. 188 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [ For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1U10, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Russell County.. Big Creek township i ■ 1 1 1 . ■ i i ' : ■ ■ " ; ■ ■ ■ ■ : : . i : i i ! i '. ■ i i ., Bmikerhill city Fairfield township Fairview township, inch! < line; Lucas city Lucas city Grant township ■• Lincoln township :l Luray township, » including Luray city Luray city * Plymouth township, including Dorrance city. Dorrance city 5 Russell township, including Russell city Russell city Waldo township ■ Winterset township Saline County Elm Creek township Eureka township, including Gypsum city Gypsum city Falun township Glendale township Greeley township Gypsum township Liberty township Ohio township , Pleasant Valley township Sallna city Ward! War&S Ward S Ward 4 Ward 5 Smoky Hill township Smoky View township, Including Assaria city . Assaria city Smolan township Solomon township Spring Creek township, including Brookville Brookvilic city . .. , Summit township Walnut township Washington township. . Scott County.. Beaver township Isbel township Keystone township Valley township. . Sedgwick County Afton township Attica township, including Goddard city. . Ooddard city Delano township Eagle township Grant township, including part of Valley Center city Valley Center city (part of) Total for Valley r mice city i , i Grant and Valley Center townships Greeley township, including Mount Hope city. Mount Hope city Kechi township Lincoln township Minneha township Morton township, including Cheney city... 1,133 200 2,024 1,088 709 580 1,134 637 1,096 1,332 1,148 1,159 961 MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. Sedgwick County— Continued. Payne township. . /:,'/ fuse, city 1 tUcrhy />. O.) Muloane city (part of) Total for Mblruuicitij in Itucl.funl tun nshi/i, Sedgwick County, and Gore township, Sumner County Salem township siieniiMi iowu ,hip including Andale city A ndale city 11 . oli a toy ushlp, including Colwich city Viola Waco towns'! Ward 1 Wards Wards Ward4 Wards Ward6 Wichita township w Seward County . . Liberal township. . Seward township.. Shawnee County.. Auburn township . ... M 11 in li '] i <> \illeut\ Rossville city Silver Lake township, including Silver Lake Ward >'.. Wards.. Wards.. Ward 6 Topeka township " Williamsport township. . . Sheridan County.. Adell township Bloom field township Saline township Sheridan township, including Selden city.. Selden city < 5 Solomon township Spring Brook township Sherman County. . Goodland city Ward 1 WardS Wards Grant township Iowa township 228 ' Incorporated In 1903. i" Parts of Wichita township annexed to Wichita city in 1904, 1905, and 1907. " No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 1890 and 1900. i" n ■ mm ,.;i pi -I ., I :ll | '.Ill " Parts of Topeka township annexed in 1900, 1901, 1902,1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, and 1909. " Part taken to form Oakland citvin 1904 and parts annexed to Topeka city in 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, and 1909. > 5 Incorporated In 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] t CIVIL DIVISION. Sherman County— Continued. Llanos township Logan township Vd'hi'ison township. . . . shenuam ill!' ton uship . Smoky township State Line township Union township Smith County.. Garfield township.. Houston township Lane township... Lebanon city Valley township.. White Rock township.. Stafford County . . Cooper township Hoimlss i owns! lip Fairview township Farmington township, including Macksville Macksville city Hayes township, including Hudson city Hudson city" Lincoln township Ohio township Putnam township Richland township Rose Vallev township St. John township, including St. John city.. St. John city I ownship Stafford township, including Stafford city. ., Stafford city... Stanton County . . Stanton township. . Stevens County Center township, including Hugoton city Voorhees township. i Incorporated in 1900. 2 Incorporated in 1908. • No comparison of populatio townships, annexed to H Niagara townships, annexed to Voorhees township, MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Sumner County.. Belle Plainecity.. Bluff township Caldwell city Wardl Ward 2 Wards Caldwell township. . . Chikaskia township. . Contrail Spiinyx ally ( purl of) Total for Can may Springs city in Conway anil S/iriitydale townships Crook township Dixon township, including Argonia city. . A rgonia city Downs township Eden township Falls township Gore township, including part of Mulvane Mali a ne city {pari nf) (For total, see Rockford township, S — *-'- County.] Guelph township... Harmon township. . Illinois township Oxford township, including Oxford city. . Oil anl city Palestine township Ryan township, including Milan city Soitlh ilawn township, including Hunnewell Sovth Hai f n city Springdale township, including part of Con- way Springs city Conway Springs city (part of) Sumner township Yalvrde township Walton township, including Geuda Springs Want I Warde. Ward". Ward 4 Ward5 Wellington township.. Thomas County.. Lacey township Menlo township >... Morgan township K Randall township >. Trego County.. Glencoe township ( l-';,|];,ii i oWIlship Kivcr idc township IVakeenoy township, including Wakeeney city i can be made; county redistricted between 1890 and 1900. * County total includes population (200) of Cleveland and Lincoln townships, annexed to Center township; population (-1,4, ol Pin,,ot. Moscow, and Woodsdale township: and population (222) of Lafayette and 190 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MIN.ii; CIVIL DIVISION-. Wabaunsee County Alma township, including Abna city A Ima city Farmer township (dnlield township, including Alta Visla city. . A Ua Vista city* Kaw township i I ownship, including Maple llilleih Maple Hill city 2 Mill Creek township ■ 1 . • m ' . . . Newbury township, including McFarland city. McParland city » Plumb township, including Harveyville city. . Barveyvilh aiu ' Koek Creek township Wabaunsee township ton township Wilmington township, including Eskridge Eskri'dge city Wallace County , Harrison township Morton township North township Sharon Springs city - ., ... ■,■■!■; ■ ■■ ;!; 1 1 a t ownship Wallace township Weskan township Washington County Barnes township, including Barnes city Barnes city Brantford township !i township Clifton township, including parts of Clifton and Vining cities [For total, see Mulberry township, Clay County.] Vining city (part of) [For total, see Mulberry township, Clay County.] Coleman township ; hi township Franklin township Grant township Greenleaf city Greenleaf township . .' Haddam township, including Haddam city Haddam city Hanover city Hanover township Highland township Independence township Kimeo township Lincoln township Linn township Little Blue township Logan township Lowe township Mahaska city s Mill Creek township Sheridan township Sherman township Strawberry township Union township 6 Washington city Washington township 1 Incorporated in 1905. MINOE CIVIL DIVISION. Wichita County.. Wilson County Cedar township, including Altoona city... Buffalo city. Colfax township i:,! .,■,■■ ,,,■.•, I, n ; . Fall River township, including New Albany New Albany city » Fredonia city ' Guilford township, including Benedict city Benedict city "• Neodesha city " Neodesba township " ivnship Pleasant Valley township Prairie township I illi 1 ...I township Verdigris township, including Coyville city Coyville city > Webster township Woodson County. . Belmont township Center township " Eminence township E verett to wnship Toronto township, including Toronto city. . Wyandotte County.. , .,'. 1 .-,■ 1. a 1 1 City Kansas City " . . Ward 1 . . Wards.... WardS.... Ward 4.... Wards.... WardS.... Ward 7.... Prairie township... 19,810 16,621 16,286 2,404 998 1,006 um ■ m 165 955 8 765 »915 671 753 817 1,415 1,030 1,009 843 1,008 511 569 559 100,068 I 1* 73,227 9,021 51J18 S8,S16 1,187 2,810 3,270 1,042 1,997 2,276 :::::::;:::: WardS Ward4 wnee township Wyandotte township 8 Exclusive of population of Fredonia city. u Neodesha city made independent of Neodesha township in 1903. 12 Exclusive of population of Neodesha city. 13 Yates Center city made independent of Center township in 1904. « Exclusive of population of Yates Center ci*- ships; and population (105) of Sumner and Yates townships, annexed ti woman township, between 1890 and 1900. ' Fredonia city made independent of Center township in 1905. i 6 Not returned st r " Part of Quindaro township annexed in 1905and Argentii 18 Part annexed to Kansas City in 1905. ■cityannexedinl910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 191 CITY. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY. County. mo 1900 1890 Abilene city Agra city Allen city Alma city Dickinson 4,118 347 1,010 702 GOG 414 '451 237 2, 6G9 4GG 7,508 327 910 246 16,429 330 737 680 1.235 748 ' 425 454 249 415 1,598 497 2,224 3,082 485 215 386 240 335 190 596 1,756 307 1,462 595 280 696 807 242 424 1,422 2,180 74G 222 2, 205 3,597 684 461 870 948 665 9, 272 781 2G3 34S 734 1,452 4, 304 1, 548 587 265 554 3,438 191 569 } 614 1,057 269 12,687 1,130 684 3,507 3,547 Anderson 530 3,064 258 4,415 1,292 145 411 899 2,545 227 466 256 326 395 773 337 250 152 767 295 337 512 370 3,214 134 281 657 1,427 333 268 298 310 674 235 3,129 659 271 976 1,404 2,041 253 216 636 9,058 518 1,300 347 797 640 2,333 436 386 '246 205 453 10,463 473 1,426 151 3,040 161 3,396 416 6,096 183 322 3,171 296 514 333 2,334 1,281 308 566 254 2,446 720 565 225 483 2,310 225 3,401 714 288 425 842 2,265 286 2,160 Colwich city Concordia city Conway Springs city Coolidge city Corning city Col lonuood Calls city Council drove city 1 'mil 1 land city Coyvillc city Culia city Wabaunsee 966 491 1,125 366 Alta Vista city Altarnont city Altoona city Americus city Andale city Anthony city Arcadia city Wabaunsee 546 287 454 338 265 Nemaha Chase Republic '538 6,140 312 1,806 518 376 8,347 Republic 445 Culvor ,-ilv Arkansas City Arlington city / Kingman Curranville cit 493 214 15, 722 459 180 13, 963 Montgomery Assaria city 648 Atlanta city Cowley Denison cit Attica city 311 486 1,197 553 450 1,343 Doniphan 247 380 194 1,942 196 Atwood city Rawlins Augusta city Butler Cloud 1,763 Axtell cit 651 1,017 643 935 Doniphan city Doniphan Donanco city Russell Washington 383 Ponalass city Butler 755 938 400 737 Downs city Osborne 938 1.641 551 1,833 1,248 648 2,455 Leavenworth 310 374 634 Kl la so city (Derby P. 0.) 389 390 3,466 709 Montgomery 760 932 1,549 88 738 '200 292 164 145 194 Blue Mound city Blue Rapids city Marshall Bluff city Wyandotte Elwood city Doniphan 623 8,223 181 798 1,111 345 Emporia city Lyon 7,551 himh'woo.l cilv. .. . - - Clark 175 299 Eric city Neosho 1,176 157 508 1,472 2,239 1,436 2,418 Wabaunsee 612 640 ■ 2,091 502 395 371 1,178 237 548 Kicloia city 618 • Greenwood 478 G71 627 597 695 Greenwood Caldwell city 1,574 493 625 816 932 655 4,208 627 1,642 542 847 640 534 2, 826 435 Montgomery McPherson Formo< Carbondale city Mitchell 10,322 11,946 Chautauqua Nemaha 1,167 Ficdonia city 1,650 83 1,805 424 10, 155 Chapman city Dickinson 1,515 138 Chase city Chautauqua Springs city Chautauqua Sedgwick 429 1,326 3,472 2,019 237 223 304 1,087 2,104 2,265 Cheney city 2,496 dales!, ur K city Montgomery McPherson Finney 300 1,590 < iaidcn city 1,490 215 Garden Plain cilv Gardner city Johnson 475 515 3,069 2,802 Pawnee 2,078 368 609 1,157 408 622 1,137 Gascitv Allen /Clay Gaylord city Smith 302 466 218 2,473 509 481 225 314 \ Washington Geneseo city Rice 399 Pratt 2,541 Montgomery 4,953 641 263 2,282 516 480 Coldwater city Comanche God dard city Sedgwick 210 192 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. -POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1 Great Bend city.. Greeley city Hartford city Harveyville city.. Havana city Haven city Havensville citj Haviland city.. Hays city Hope city Horace city... Horton city... Howard city.. Hoxiecity Jamestown city . . Junction city Kanopoliscity... Kansas City Kensington city.. La Crosse city.. Laeygnecity... Laharpecity... Lakin city Lancaster city.. Lebocity Lecompton city Lehigh city Lenexacity Lenoracity Leon city Leonardville city.. Ni ilia. Sherman . Barton... Anderson Clay Wasl Elk..." Saline Washington... Harvey Greenwood... Washington... Harper Lyon Wabaunsee... Montgomery . . Reno Pottawatomie. Ems..'."!;;:; Barber Crawford Dickinson Rawlins Brown Doniphan Graham Marion Barton Jackson Ellsworth Dickinson Greeley Brown Elk Sheridan Stafford Stevens Allen Sumner Atchison Montgomery . . McPherson.... Allen Marshall Pratt...";;:::: Cloud Decatur Hodgeman — Geary '. Ellsworth Wyandotte... Smith Anderson Kingman Edwards Barber Phillips Rush Alien."."."."::::: Atchison Franklin Pawnee Butler Douglas Coffey Leavenworth . Smith Coffey Marion Johnson Norton Butler Riley Wichita 1,402 233 136 1,361 168 9,379 4,851 8,682 3,127 5,791 366 1,706 375 400 372 Lewis city Liberal city Liberty city Lincoln city Lindsborg city Linwood city Little River city.... Logan city Long Island city Longton city Lost Springs city . . . Louisburg city Louisville city Luray city Lyndon city Lyons city McCracken city McCunecity McFarland city McLouth city McPherson city Macksville city Madison city Mahaska city Manchester city Manhattan city Mankatocity Maple Hill city Mapleton city Marion city Marquette city Marysville city Mayettacity Meade city Medicine Lodge city Melvern city Meridencity Milan city Miltonvale city Mineral city Minneapolis city Minneola city Moline city Moran city Morganville city Morland citv Morrill city". Mound City Mound Vailey city. . Moundridge city Mount Hope city... Mulberry citv Mullinville city Mulvane city Mundencity Musco tah city Narkacity Natoma city Neodeshacity Neosho Falls city... Neosho Rapids city . Ness city Netawaka city New Albany city... Newton city Nickerson city Niotaze city Norcatur city Norton city Nortonville city Norwich city Oakland city Oakley city Oberlin city Ogden city Oketo city Olatliecity Olpecity Onagacity Oneida city Osage city Osawatomie city Osborne city Oskaloosa city Oswego city Edwards Seward Montgomery. . McPherson . . . Leavenworth.. Rice Phillips Phillips Elk Marion Miami Pottawatomie. Russell Russell Osage Rice Rush Crawford Wabaunsee. . . Jefferson McPherson... Stafford Greenwood... Washington... Dickinson Riley Jewell Wabaunsee... Bourbon Marion McPherson Marshall Jackson Meade Barber Osage Jefferson Sumner Cloud Cherokee Ottawa Clark Elk Allen Clay Graham Brown Labette McPherson Sedgwick Crawford fSedgwick Republic". Atchison Republic Osborne Wilson Woodson Jackson Wilson Harvey ('liaul;iuf|iia .. Decatur Norton Jefferson Kingman Shawnee Decatur Riley Marshall Johnson Lyon Pottawatomie. Nemaha Miami'.'."."::::: Osborne Jefferson Labette 349 457 449 306 340 390 564 624 665 336 277 760 382 1,004 1,736 312 657 935 1,754 700 529 2,996 248 683 311 3,172 623 3, 438 890 '800 1,824 489 2,006 2,047 1,913 326 917 469 433 457 1,095 461 396 591 1,727 1,756 695 464 350 527 463 233 400 533 557 327 888 545 443 241 667 724 462 258 524 1,772 763 1,528 505 330 267 1.038 5,605 1,662 1,202 700 311 1,074 301 937 232 347 3, 451 176 976 173 334 3,294 598 279 2,792 4,191 1,075 978 423 311 3,469 2,662 1,174 773 2,574 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KANSAS. Table 2 POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 193 CITY. County. 1910 1900 1890 «T. County. 1910 1900 1890 Ott w cit 7,650 624 279 3,207 157 12,463 246 458 1,416 400 575 1,302 14,755 1,090 1,373 523 304 249 216 191 3,302 255 278 327 390 556 450 265 325 455 204 289 232 450 53 343 492 5,960 396 672 1,692 82 1,768 492 1,785 1,397 927 '257 2,233 579 918 248 770 1,211 626 297 1,806 383 608 350 440 260 211 6,934 567 6,248 665 1,292 358 949 483 387 576 252 605 1,927 191 2,133 1,317 762 554 464 634 1,126 256 421 542 1,018 43,684 627 - 275 158 940 572 603 330 250 381 1,129 366 \ 191 156 514 262 639 357 1,714 1,547 704 777 751 2,289 7,034 648 333 4S4 483 506 1,119 426 52, 450 399 188 981 456 176 6,700 250 299 2,024 1,142 302 817 411 225 157 134 580 1,068 3,144 306 146 2,943 Parkerville d ty Morris 202 6,736 .!•, 210 1,369 464 204 1,474 cit Jefferson 2,002 1,030 1,128 505 319 220 460 641 Chautauqua 1,008 10,112 378 1,097 547 992 6,697 347 1,139 466 Marshall Lincoln PI Linn Hamilton 237 542 848 '695 Prairie View cit Leavenworth 1,213 298 1,418 241 31,007 62 947 Comanche Doniphan Montgomery 682 643 282 293 343 1,078 362 245 268 372 239 305 Bourbon Sedgwick Jefferson 304 Redfieldcity Bourbon /Clay \ Washington Sedgwick 241 Republic city Republic 61 164 394 322 493 3,270 ~"~~2,~276 Wyandotte 603 174 1,618 1,575 610 798 2,977 4,245 447 Shawnee 555 1,143 420 961 117 1,368 Pottawatomie Washington 1,646 Stafford 869 1,390 1,047 6,074 865 1,174 1,097 6,149 Weir city Pottawatomie 2,138 \\ t'lhm'.lon city 4,391 Wcllsv riiv 392 Cherokee Republic Scott 1,549 212 748 653 229 Pottawatomie Nemaha Morris 620 434 532 713 267 384 24,671 Scammon city Scandia city Wetmore city White city 391 Scranton city Chautauqua 1*099" 1,067 622 ""i',572 970 652 stricts6and6. District G, Owingsville,'" including part of 763 Owingsville city (part of) 1 Not returned by 'Magisterial districts = ['arts of disinei m , ■■..-• - Incorporated in 1909. 1 County toial includes populate 1 90 and 1900. 6 District 6 organized I « Incorporated in 1902. district 6 in 1907. of old district 6, annexed to districts 1 and in 1900. Distiict 1, I'inecille, including Pineville town. . 4^802 2^578 7,433 2, 619 1,589 9,420 3,235 2,072 2,270 2,219 L926 4,162 4JS2 i,k-; ■', . l,:irv ; r . District 3, River " DM a a ( , Middlasboro, including Middlesboro 11,170 District 1, Burlington, including Burlington 1,857 172 1,425 S9S 1,263 1,036 1,894 208 650 1,945 250 17,462 2,214* ' ■: 1 . :. !:■■-, 1 , . .. . ,■,■:■'! 1,821 60S 1,559 1,400 2,052 Disti id i ' altor Qcludi lg 1 ■ rona andWal- 638 2,124 258 18,069 District6, l 7 loi ,, 0. ' nenee town... 1 istri 11, Paris, coextensive with Paris city. . . 5,859 5,859 1,769 2,222 1,908 799 2,010 2,058 S90 1,407 1,191 1,548 1,481 23,444 4,603 4,603 7,113 ■ 1 . , 2,433 862 1,927 2,075 434 1,422 1,295 1,969 2,345 18,834 1,445 District 1 , Catlettsburg, including Catlettsburg 4,517 3,520 1,162 1,064 527 767 2,001 2,706 5,231 2,814 8,688 1,296 1,618 2,101 S,77S 5,874 14,668 s',081 2,520 2,522 4,312 2,868 6,800 District 4, Lower Ashland, including wards 1 . ■ ./ 4,195 District 5, Upper Ashland, including wards 3 5,392 3,942 13,817 " 12,948 lHsiiiet 1, including part of Perryville town... 2,326 273 ' 134 1,209 1,869 2,041 747 5,420 6,420 2,180 367 241 1,161 544 627 2,038 268 431 2,151 163 1,159 2,006 2,178 817 4,285 4,285 3,191 199 a,..,-;', . I'isiri'.-t 2, including part of Perryville town... 436 1,043 237 1 iji.lrici 1, including- .1 Mia 1 City town 1,581 ; ' ' ■ ■ c, 1; ,.'■.':, ilk el, Ward 6 nbe made: county redistricted between 1890 11 Name changed from Toms Creek in 1908. - Part taken to form part of district 7 form part of district 7 . Part taken to form district 8 in >< Organized from parts of districts 3 and 4 In 1908. * ' *" 1908. e made: precincts Incorrectly reported In n (3,766) of Danville city, returned independ- 1890 as magisterial districts. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KENTUCKY. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Bracken County liriHiksnilU h . of l.enoxburg tc .. _.. Foster town I Lenozbu rg town {part of) Total for Lenoxburg town in district 2, Bracken County, and district S, Pendleton County Lriet 3, Augusta, including Augusta city Central East ward Wi si ward District 4, German town, including part of Ger- man town town German/own town I part >>' > Total for Germpntoirn /.>«.';/ in dixit irt ), District 5, iUilford Dislricl (,, .lulmsville.. District 7, Berlin Districts, Chatham. . . Breathitt County District 1, Jackson, including Jackson town... Jackson town Dista let 2, Frozen Dislricl :l, Crawford District 4, Crocket tsville I'l ■"' '.:'!>' C< • I-.I.IMI ii District 6, Lewis Fork j l.)i-;hii'i 7, Spring Fork District S, K lliotsville ! Breckinridge County District 1, Hardinsburg, including Hardins- iliirilinsburg town District 2, Cloverport. including Cloverport city. Cloverport city . . .' Bullitt County District 1, Shepherdsville, including Shepherds- Butler County District 1, including Morgantown and Wood- Morgantown town Huntsville town Rochester town District 4 District 5 Caldwell C ounty District 1, Princeton, including Princeton tc Princeton town ' Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Caldwell County— Continued. • No comparison of populat District 2, Donaldson.. I lisliirt A, Hucksnorl. . Harmony.. District 5, f'redonia, including Fredonia Fredonia town.. 19,867 17,633 District I, Murray, including durray city 4,032 B,089 2,463 2,301 2,134 2,750 2,640 260 2,947 395 69,3*9 4,292 1,822 2,367 1,934 2, 041 2,385 2,360 221 2,254 4,094 Dislricl t\ \\ adcsli.iro, including Dexter town 1,882 Di .diet 7, Hazel, including Ila'.el town 54,223 Hi., ,,-i ' .. ,„,. :' ,n ii'.': :,■ but exclusive of part of Newport city 2,138 627 14,746 6,683 1,053 1,639 2,262 1,839 6, 919 1,283 1,735 1,989 5,818 3,077 353 1,648 248 1,033 30, 309 5 Ml 4,751 6,124 6,336 3,974 5,884 9,04.8 937 I'll .1 ' Ml ' i,.c! ill 'II 'I 13,400 6,332 6, 104 3,790' 3,592 359 2,032 292 2,111 28,301 District .7, Alexaudiia, including Alexandria Dislricl it.'r, including California town... Newport cil \ , coin ) iri -in" district 2 end 1 1 ■ i r t. of dislricl. 1 ._ 24, 918 10,195 Disliict I, liardwell, including Hard well town.. Bonlwdl town, I i i imingham Milburu ' Jisl.riel 4. \ Burkley tc Burkley town Carroll County . . District 4, Wurthville," including Woi lliville Sunders town Disliict ;:,. < ihetit, 8 including Client town Ght nl town District 7, Carrollton,' including Carrollton Carter County riot l . Grayson, including Grayson to- Grayson town District 2, Buffalo, including Carter town Carter town' District 3, Olive Hill, including Olive District 4, Upper Tygarl n be made; county redistrieted between 1890 » Number changed from 2 in 1905. s X umber changed from 5 ir » Number changed from 6 ir 10 Not returned by magisterial districts ir 196 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KENTUCKY. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Oontinued. :e between 1890 and 1900, 868 Reports of the Twelfth ^OBcrm,™. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Carter County— Continued. 3J675 177 2,813 1,255 15,479 1,572 '578 3,353 1,317 15,144 8,153 7,871 District 1. Albany, including Albany town District 5, Pleasant Valley District 0, MaddoV including Willard town. 1,964 679 1,752 1,591 1,543 1,303 13,296 1,899 234 1,584 L644 1,200 15,191 2,073 431 lllwill District 5, Hays Crittenden County 975 Casey County 3 11,848 1,153 13,119 District 1, Liberty, including Liberty town 'sso 1,897 1,597 1,766 2,091 ' m 1,184 2,126 38,815 3,140 460 2,068 L719 2,002 1,517 139 1,108 1,874 182 207 37,962 District 1, Marion, including part of Marion city Marion alii i imri ->/]..... Total for Mil rni a nlij in iln iricts 1 and 2 District 2, Mari n, including pari of Marion city 1,900 724 1,627 '90S 1,718 920 2,150 852 1,263 1,592 9,846 1,979 468 1,064 '696 2,024 219 1,109 2,081 ==■•■ 136 3,977 840 840 ,, ! 1. ■,,,... , 136 District:.!, Dycusdurg, including Dyetislnug District 8, Middleburg, including Middleburg ' District-:, 1 niun Dim rid. "., Hurricane, including Tolu town 1,072 2,460 146 307 a 34,118 Yosemite town District ii, funis t'ci n 1,107 1,551 8,962 1,063 District 8, Piney 1,531 District 1, North Hopkinsville, exclusive of 1,578 1,840 4,449 28 108 403 731 4,986 328 3,215 266 3,023 157 4,756 187 402 5,579 216 9,419 574 642 1,527 748 S,S70 1,336 1,222 17,987 1,445 1,612 26 61 368 654 5,973 286 3,811 3,679 142 5,209 126 278 4,920 162 7,280 District 'J. South Hopkinsville, exclusive of District 1, Burkesville, including Burkesville 2,010 817 1,236 1,134 1,429 1,199 872 1,115 851 1,509 District 3, Pem parts of Fair- 42 183 1,180 1,135 1,277 1,186 712 902 1,061 38,667 :u- .;, M 1m i i> District 4, Carvers 1 list i let .">, Spears i-.. I listrict 6, Cary District7, Leslie - District 8, Marrowbone 466 !■;.,, 1 : ■! ■ ,.o- ,1 Lafayette town 215 •33,120 District 1, coextensive with Owensboro city. . . 16,011 16,011 2,148 5,669 3,464 4,730 3,792 2,979 2,412 235 192 4,322 2,755 462 4,292 4,457 10,469 11,528 District 7. 15 m 1 n in Imlm p il of 1 iof- Wardl WardS Crofton town (part of) Total for Co/in,; ,,,,, ,, in districts 7 and 8... 428 District 8, Crofton, including part of Crofton Ward 4 n 4,195 3,116 2,927 227 210 5,060 2,920 449 4,228 209 10,080 • i ' .:,i,i <> ,;i, ■ .: i n..i 5,833 341 District 5, Vanover District i',, \\ "liitPsvilic, including YV'hitesville Ward7 398 16,694 3 15,434 District 7, Knoii ill n,l knot isrillc 215 District 8, Upper Town " 3,349 702 1,247 1,275 2,118 2,842 7,156 7,166 1,614 80S 710 2,615 1,616 17,789 2,883 731 1,253 1,292 2^920 5,964 6,964 381 s 8,005 District 1, Brownsville, 11, including Brownsville 1,700 313 2,171 1,960 61 138 1,423 1,737 1,478 9,814 1,854 234 1,486 2,187 ifo 1,492 66 1,417 1,644 10,387 Districts 6 and 7, coextensive with Winchester city 4,519 ! "isirict :;. ;-'iii r i ;,,,,,■,!■-. ,,. I.c .■■ ,. • „■! ■ ip.ii ,,... ,. Wardl.. V . Total for Rocky Bill ton ii in :l< nn;, , i in' District 4, Parker, including part of Rocky Hill 15,364 » 12,447 MS ', 1 , , 1 District 1, Manchester, including Manchester 3,586 626 2,531 2,017 2,691 2,812 2,186 1,966 3,823 398 2,693 L336 1,769 1,942 2,418 » 9,214 District 1, including Martinsburg town Martinsbu ru io-n » i;:r>iiil« I look P. O.) Dislrici '_' . . . .. District:'!, including Newfoundland town Newfoundland town U-,li ici '■! ... District 2, Driii io ,,i,r -.- : 'igpon Roost 4 . 2,904 160 3,049 2,050 72 1,811 3,091 148 3,315 1,876 42 2,105 151 District4, Uig i reel. and Dpppr l,vd Bird hi:;iricf fi, Sextons Creek and Burning Spring K District 7, Oneida and Bull Skins 1 Returned as Deer Creek in 1900. s .. ,....,. I ........ 'S 3 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 1890 1 1900. * Returned as Cornett ■ Returned as Allen ir « Returned as Otter Creek in 1900. ' Returned as Sextons Creek in 1900. • Returned as Laurel Creek and Bull Skin ir 9 County total includes population (591) of district 6, annexed to districts 3 and I between 1890 and 1900. i° Incorporated ii 11 Returned as Ci 12 Returned a? K„ i» Parts of districts 2 and 8 (comprising parts o Owensboro city) annexed to dis- STATISTICS OF POPULATION- -KENTUCKY. TABLE I. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 Continued. s magisterial district. For changes in boundaries, etc., between limn :ui 96 1 District '2, ineludite', Poplar i lains town 229 175 \ District 4, including Flemingsburg town 1,172 1S1 ' 212 . 164 111,256 District 5, including Grange and Hillsboro District 6, including Elizaville and Nepton District 1, including Prestonburg town 2,778 1,120 1,898 2^414 2,153 3,324 2,872 1,696 21,135 1,538 409 1,635 1,460 2,684 1,872 2,493 2,325 1,545 20,852 305 121,267 District 1, Frankfort, coextensive with Frank- 10,465 10,466 2,966 4,178 S,S21 Z,1W 2,379 2,431 14,114 9,487 9,487 7,892 2,736 3,202 3,242 2,185 11,546 i 10,005 nisiricT 1 Fulton, including Fulton town 3,710 2, 575 6,246 g,7S6 1,876 4,697 3, 585 2,860 2,685 4,156 l! 120 5,163 U818 clickman, including Hickman town. 1,652 District 4, Sassafras Ridge and Madrid Bend. . 4,611 363 2.044 900 ' 556 107 isr 535 1,990 786 1.324 555 571 1.750 676 1.372 206 District 2 '■'• i arsaw town... Warsaw town District 4, Sparta, including Sparta town District 5, Glencoe, including Glencoe town Olencoe town 759 226 712 District 1, including Water Valley town .. Water Valley town District 2, including Lynnville town inc! Fancy Farm town and and 3 and part of ward 1 of May- field city Fancy Farm town Mayfield city (part of) Total for Mayfield city in districts 5 and 6. . Wardl Ward 2 Wards District 6, inclm Inn; lhe|. or\ < :>ove town and [I'll H (.-I, ■! i ,1 ./C.'.ilcM • !! Grayson County . . District 1, Leitchfield, including Clarkson town and part of Leitchfield town . . i farhion town* Leitchfield town (part of) District '2, Caneyvjjlt, including Caneyville Caneyville to Green County.. District 1, Greensburg, including Greensburg town and part of Summersville town . . . Greensburg town . . ■■ Total for Summersville iown in districts 1 District 2, Brush Creek, includmi: pari of .Sum- mersville town Summersville town (part of) District 3, Gresham District 4, Donansburg Greenup County.. District 1, Greenup, including Greenup tc Greenup town District 2, Alcorn District 3, Schuitz District 4, Springville 1 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 1890 and 1900. » ■ No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1901. • Not returned by magisterial districts in 1890. • Incorporated In 1900. d separately in 1900. 2,740 86 2,396 7,221 271 S,575 6,916 2,440 - ' No comparison of population c 2,734 . 1,038 2,310 . be made; county redistricted in 1905. i tw made; county redistricted in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KENTUCKY . Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 -Continued. s magisterial district. For changes in boundaries, etc., between L90Q aud L91Q, S e Reports iii the I welftn Hancock County riot 1, Hawesville, includin strict 2, Lewisport, including Lewisport Lt ivispart town Hardin County . . District 2, including Sonoia and Upton towns. Sonora town Upton to District 3, including Eastview town Eastview town ' ' ' t4, including part of Elizabethtown cil> . Vine rare town West Point town i. including part of Elizabethtown ci Fliz'iheihluirn city (pari of). . Harlan County . . I lislrict 1, Mount Pleasant, including A rieasani town Mount Pleasant town (Harlan P. 0.). District 2, Yocums Creek District 3. Upper Poor Fork Disiriel n. Lower Martins Fork.. District 7, \\ allins Creek District 8, Foresters Creek Harrison County . . Total for Cynthiana districts 1 and 2 Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS I ii;,irii--t 2,( 'vn i Idana, comprising wards 3and of Cynthiana city District 3, Sylvandell District 4, Lcesburg I >i :l.rict ii, Tricum Districts, TCiddand. . District 5, Priceville, including Bonnieville Bonnieville town Henderson County . . 11 CIVII, DIVISION. Henderson County— Continued. District 3,Hebbards villi and Niagara, including I lisli id l, I ' |i|)cr I li'uili',".:on,3 including wards ratal /or Header:, Ward 1 . . Wards.. Ward S. . Ward '.. i c.ily : < in districts }«)?(/,'/. Hisiricl a, Loucr lie iicloi i)ii,s including wards District (i, Robard, including Robard t< don towns. . Cairo to Corydon to District S, Walnut Bottom.. Henry County .. Turners Station town Di lor, [fcthli'lido. and 1'leasureville district, including Itcililahctn, Defoe, North Pleas- 16,873 j 18,570 1 16,914 1,980 1,725 3,257 s.ow 711 ' 3,136 . 2.872 . 2,121 . 2,597 . Lock-port town Xcw i'asilr and Sultan district, including New Castle and Sulphur towns X'-in Castle town Port Royal and 1- 1 an;. Inn on di,inn . lncludnig District 3, _ _ oc District 4. McAlister.... I >isi rict a, Moscow. . - District 0, Spring Hill.. Hopkins County .. Xariavri/li imrn' - St. Charles town White Plains town District 2, Earlington, including Barnsley town and Earlington city id 3. Court H Madisonville city.. Madison vi-Hc ciitj ( ;>"> I icluding part of Tola) foi \fudisoi eille city in districts S and? . District 4, Hanson, including Hanson tow; Dawson Springs to 7, 348 2^454 1 Nocomparison of population '• and 1900. 2 Incorporated in 1902. l be made: county rcdistricted between 1890 ,1 ratlisonvillc city (part of) ' Parts of districts 4 and 5 annexed ti * Incorporated in 1905. Henderson city in 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KENTUCKY. Tawb 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 Continued. J 99 s magisterial district For changes in boundaries, ric. between 1900 and 1910, m in. law, i'.it l:.-|,ni-l:,i.f Hi)' I wi'Klli District 1, Met Kenton County— Continued. District 3, Disl rict ■!, II District 5, Ca .. . District 6, Covle Jefferson County District 1, including Ancboragf Anchurui/e town District 2, including Jcffersonti Fort Mitchell town" District 5, including Indcpenden Independence town District's, including Highland Park arid Oak- d rue!: town Oakdale t District 4 Districts 5 to 8, city Louisnille city Ward 1 . . WardS.. Wards.. Ward 4.. Wards.. Ward 6.. Ward 7.. ~ dS.. with Louisville ' Ward It Ward 11.. 2,073 10, 662 223.92S ■;'.'.;. 9:2$ is,. an; ""m,7si ""isi'isb 18,890 11, 099 9,776 .u.uw ■',0,717 Jessamine County District 1, Nicholasville, coextensive District3, Keene District 4, Marble (.'reck District 5, Piaquemli 11,925 io 11,248 Johnson County District 1, including Pai Paintsville' District 2 District3 District. -1, including Flat Gap Flat Gap town Dist Kenton County District 1, comprising wards 1 and 2 of Coving- Wardl.. WardS.. Ward 4.. M Ward 5 "'WardS District 2, including wards 5 and 6 of Coving- city (part of).. d wards 3 and 4 of 53,270 4°. 938 37,371 6,643 , j S6.819 city (part of) .. Ludlow tc Wardl.. Ward 2.. 543 s,S34 2,419 1,606 1,767 Knott County . . District 1, farboun ilic, including part of B Total for Barbourville .town in districts and 8 District J, Artcmus District 3. Flat Lick Disl rict 4, C pper S tinking Creek District f,, Clirdler District 6, Grays, including ward 1 of Corbi County, and dint, h WardS .... District 7, Indian Creel: District S, Poplar Creek, including partof B hour ville town Barbourville town (part of) Larue County District 1, Hodgensville, including Ilodgens- | r!u,!ij, list ilh toicn Disl rict •_', [in r.-'a, inclmliii-' Pnjalo to n Bllfl In to, r n . . District 3, Athertonville District I, Magnolia Laurel County .. District 1, including part of London town — London to/en i p'.rt of) Total for London town in districts 1 and 2. District 2, including part of London town.... London town (part, of) District 3 District 4 District 5, including Lil\ town Disirici (i -- - 1 n'si i ict 7, including East Bernstadtand Pitts- burg towns j Lawrence County.. District _> District.3 Disirici I, including part of Blaine t< ■ o (part of).. 2,905 ... 900 700 ""big '.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 46S \ IBS \ 2.01)2 ... 193 | 3,131 . 347 2,31s . 2 460 1,356 1.009 , 834 2,786 . ! 124 1S6 I:::::::::::::::::::::: 1S4\ 12 1 Not returned bv magisterial districts in 1890. - Part of district 5 annexed in 1902. :i Part taken to ti 6 in 1902; p... . _. * Part taken ■■ ■ ■ I and 4 in 1902. 6 Organized lie, : ricts 4 and 5 in 1902. '• Mo comparison of copulation can be made: conni.v re/list rioted in 1909. ■ Not returnc i s 'pant"lv in lam'. ' 'neoroorated in 1904. s Parts of disl own) annexed in 1900and 1901; parts io County total includes population (532) or district 0, annexed to districts 2 and 5 between 1890 and 1900. . I .... o. • O 12 Part of district 3 annexed in 1903 and parts of district 4 (comprising Central Covington and Latonia towns) annexed in 1906 and 1909, respectively. ' 3 Incorporaied ' '" 200 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KENTUCKY. Table 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [District means magisterial district. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnoles, for flmse hetweon iX'.m and l '.it in. sit Hejiorts .if tlie Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CrVTL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 1 1910 1900 1890 Lawrence County— Continued. 2,739 2,189 134 3,518 986 9,531 Logan County— Continued. District 2, Adairville, 6 including Adairville 2,681 683 2,006 4,618 3,817 631 2,278 2,964 43 9,423 5,191 . 720 . 4,799 . 5,650 . 2S9 I 159 District 8, including lower ward of Louisa town. I'l .. ic .d" District 4, Lewisburg," including Lewisburg '7,988 •6,205 224 District 5, Auburn, including Auburn town 697 ! 9,319 | District 1, Beattyville, including Beatlyville 2,101 '856 1,042 151 706 762 1,320 1,347 797 US 8,976 1 > i -i.ri.-i 7, <: iii-.i.insN ill", 1 ' including Gordons- 696 District 3, St. Helens, including St. Helens 170 District 4, Fincastle 1 list] id 1 , liddyville, including Eddyville city. 3,770 uw 3,532 889 2,121 35,064 3,822 1,210 \ 3,736 868 1,761 28,733 District 2, Kuttawa, including Kuttawa town. . District 8, Proctor, including Proctor town... 587 217 2 6,753 277 2 3,964 District 3, Brandon (south of the river) 321,051 District 1, Hyden, including Hyden town 1,678 S16 885 985 '994 1,974 752 10,623 Districts 1 to 4, coextensive with Paducah city. 269 80 22,760 22, 760 3,076 5,220 4,198 5,439 3,153 1,674 2,205 3,684 3,064 3,351 13,241 19,446 . 19,446 !, Big Creek 12, 797 Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward4 WardS Ward 6 9,172 3 6,920 L976 L 2,467 . 3,557 . 12,448 District 7, Massac District 8, Woodville District 1, Whitesburg, including Whitesburg 2,704 S21 1,937 2,044 1,109 1,575 1,254 16,887 2,124 194 1,869 1,802 1,014 1,419 944 17,868 District 2, Millstone 9,887 District 3, Rockhouse District 1, Rumsey, including Rumsey town. . . Rumsey town ' 2, Sacramento, including Sacramento 2,201 413 '438 2,563 1,220 1,904 476 742 1,720 208 1,600 647 1,546 267 26,951 1,735 ■283 1,728 4S4 2,324 1,969 459 631 '»2,286 * 14,803 1 278 District 3, Livermore, including Livermore 2,045 l\lli5 3,097 2,089 2,033 1,583 1,871 17,897 2,449 200 4,264 1,161 2,965 364 2,054 2,287 1,852 1,997 17,059 1,722 ibis Livermore town 622 District 4, Vienna, including part of Calhoun 1,110 Calhoun town I part of).. . 437 279 Total for Calhoun loin, n districts 4 and 7 . . District 5, Beech Grove, » including Beech 637 ■i .11 i 1 (Oil ' i : III 1 II ' 1. 1 996 1,410 172 "25,607 315,962 Lincoln County District 7, Calhoun, including part of Calhoun 1,312 200 5,391 1,532 ' 467 4.235 4,530 384 10,627 5,453 1,651 3.481 385 3,702 4.423 425 11,354 1,886 .. Ciab i i li ml im 111(11111' < i ill District 1, comprising wards 1 and 2 of Rich- mond city Total for Richmond city, coextensive with 453 5,S40 1,676 1,110 1,067 1,588 2,655 2,669 2,722 3,815 5,255 1,510 3,376 3,774 13,654 District 4, Hust.onviHe, including Hustonville 4,65S 5,073 435 9,474 Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 rid 2, comprising wards 3 and 4 of Rich- District 1, Smithland, including Smithland 2,082 557 2,315 1,509 320 L934 298 400 794 24,977 1.995 57.9 2,310 1,744 208 1,906 2,038 278 852 25,994 1,547 541 1,016 1.453 , , , ,,--i ; ; .1 . ..■ District 4, Union . Vi .-., Yates District 6, Glade, including Berea town ;:;: District 3, Salem, including Salem town 762 1.739 2.231 240 254 823,812 District 7, Kirksville , including Carrsville town "12,006 ■ i" : ■'< • District 1 includin Sal ersville town 2,148 310 2,593 3,339 2,388 3,186 265 District 1, Russellville, including Russellville Ruaselivitte city 6,613 3,111 6,303 2,691 2,25S District 5 1 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1907. "- No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1909. J No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 1890 12 No comparison of population can be made: county redistricted in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION KENTUCKY. Tablf. 1 . -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1000, AND 1890— Continued. magisterial district, I'm chances in I t>i 1 1 m I: i rif -s. etc., hctuccn I'll ml I'.Hil, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and 1900, see liepoit nl Ho 'I \w-|Nh Census: 1900, Vol. t, Tables.] MrNOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 16,330 16,290 1 15,648 6,153 6,818 District 1. Haysville 1,652 1,657 SSO 3,499 1,844 3,077 2,913 i,m 1,479 79 1,603 182 1,340 154 2,187 156 15,771 1,705 1,750 S01 2,976 1,400 3,043 3,354 1,643 1,362 i"678' 140 1,300 1,391 1,787 179 1,824 172 1,007 907 1,414 941 14,063 2,180 210 1,040 1,134 1,468 990 14,426 Lebanon city :.::.:.:.: Total/or Lebanon city in districts S urn! !,..... 2,816 ::::::::::: 1,807 i,'657 i,'iii Lebanon city 2,093 1,938 2,413 2^604 679 3,147 3,147 677 1,244 569 667 10,453 2,306 2,217 2,357 2, 163 2,507 70S 2,876 2,876 St. Mary town District ii, coextensive with Uarrodsburc cit v. - 2,165 903 13,692 * 11,287 Marshall County Metcalfe County 9,988 2,464 4,447 349 77 458 3,176 184 2,867 824 2,817 368 7,291 2,151 3,812 291 107 2,611 127 2,560 664 2,558 240 3 5,780 2 9,871 District 2, Birmingham and Brien eluding Birmingham, Briensburg, and Gil- 3,781 3,422 3,250 13,663 3,474 3,507 3,007 13,053 27$ 87 District 3, Summer Shade i 'istriot 3, Calvert mid sharp, including Calvert District 1, Gum, including Fountain Run town. 1,787 188 1,550 1,322 1,833 2,131 216 2,418 w 1,188 1,434 12,868 1,770 142 S44 1,599 1,315 1,902 1,903 120 366 1,919 246 1.106 1,539 12,834 District 3, Brush District 5, Darnall and Smith, including Har- District 5, Easi ton ,1 in cille iui Initio p u 1 1 :'!;. . . ( 6 ) 3 4,209 Total for /'<>/» ;) / />/\ ith nm n in districts 6 District 6, \\ • 1 It, ipkinsville, including 1,241 SSI 1,078 1,221 831 867 1,064 18,611 '"".""412 309 Edentown(InezP.O^) 20,446 2 20,773 1 list ■ ict 1, coextensive with Mount Sterling city. 3,932 3,932 1,018 1,20S 1,167 664 1,400 2,253 2,200 86 1,759 ,1,324 16,259 3,561 3.661 Mason County District 1 , comprising wards 1 to 3 of Maysville city. Total for Maysville city, coextensive with districts lands Wardl 2,514 6,W 807 1,001 706 1,209 1,188 1,230 'S86 154 2,038 142 '433 2,550 308 261 1,754 2,391 9,783 2,939 6,423 OWrioi 2.... 1,511 2^280 84 1,551 « 12,792 5,358 Jefersonville town District 5 : WardS Ward4 District 6 Ward 6 s 11,249 3,484 2,476 879 105 2,377 168 1,966 676 2,733 SS7 257 1,940 2,531 10,633 District 1. including West Liberty town West Liberty town *. comprising wards 4 to 6 of Maysville city .* District 3, including Dover and Minerva towns. 2,730 442 SS2 110 2,250 128 1,162 2,150 174 1,965 2,353 2,210 1,439 28,598 206 284 Dover town 515 Ward 2 .. District 4, including part of Germantown Ezeltown 149 124 . . .a ',■■■. [For total, see district 4, Bracken County.J including Washington town Washington town District 6, including Mays Lick and Sardis towns District 4, in. ce town 99 42 629 S62 266 Sardis town Muhlenberg County ' 20,741 District S a 9,484 District 1, Central City, including Central City 8,476 2,546 S66 5,475 1,126 1S8 91 68 6S 1,318 452 District 1 2,214 2,382 482 168 2,064 1,662 1,461 2,391 2,743 218 District 2, Paradise, ini Dunmor, Paradise, Penrod, and Skilesville District 2, including Brandenburg and Ekron Brandenburg town 496 228 77 107 80 87 District 3 1,928 1,919 1,552 Skilesville town q be made; countj redistricted between 1890 and 1900. 3 No comparison of population can be made, county redistricted In 1906. * Incorporated in 1B&7. separately in 1890. 7 Incorporated in 1908. s No comparison of population ei 202 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KENTUCKY. Tahi.k 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is magisterial district. l<'or Hunt:, is in boundaries, etc., bettt n I'.iih .1 I'.IIO, see footnotes; for those footworn I Will ;mist rid 3, including i ■art of Bardstown city Bardstown city (part of) Fairfield town District 5,' including Bloomfield and Chaplin Nicholas County.. District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4. including Carlisle t< Owen County— Continued. District 3, including New Columbus town. . . New Columbus town District l. including tirnUund Montereytown Owsley County i District 1, Booneville, including Booneville j .District :;, Island Creek.. I M'strid, 4, Cow Creek District 5, Buffalo Districts Bui District 7, Wild Dog "... 1,875 1,776 236 1,165 1,359 Pendleton County.. rg town (part of) "— '-' see district 2, Bracken County.] District ■!, Sandsuck. Grassy Creek, i Mstriel ii, Hughes'" Ohio County 27,642 627,287 6 22,946 District 1, Hartford, including Hartford city 4,101 976 3,573 762 163 4,360 530 658 2,987 300 3,414 103 166 3,062 2,643 649 3,502 75 7,248 785 ui, including Beaver Dam 552 225 District 3, Rockport, including McIIenry and 550 525 n, including Centertown 201 426 ■■ ■ Rosine, including Horse Branch 302 ( 4 ) 224 586 ■ : : ■ , ■..,■ ,■:.-.,; 365 7,078 894 1,144 1,701 '700 1,682 590 537 14,248 977 1,075 '646 906 1,515 464 999 tg La Grange 1 . i 17,553 District 1, including New Liberty town and 3,728 m 1,024 4,120 47 260 5,281 1,014 [For tot 1 iii .ml County.] Oiaenton town 847 District 6, Lent ".' •<••> District 7, Forked Mouth. . District 8, Lost Creek Pike County District 1, including Pikeville t( .' '';'::( utile town District 2 District 3, including Hellier tow Helliertown" District 4 District 5 District6 District 7 Districts Powell County District 1, including Clay City tc Clay City town District 2, including Stanton tov Pulaski County District 1, including Ferguson town and Som- 4 823 1,280 508 456 2,946 5,448 i 3,048 52 5 .. 1 No comparison of population c 3 as magisterial districts. 2 Returned as district 5 in 1900. 1 Returned as district 4 in 1900. < Not returned separately in 190C '< No comparison of population c i be made; precincts incorrectly reported in and 1900. 6 No comparison ofpopulat 7 Returned as Belrose in 19 > District 7 organized from parts of districts 3, i be made: county redistrk led betwe' be made; county redistricted in 1909. Ward 1.. Ward 2.. io Returned as Short Creek in 1900. 11 County total includes population (1,991) of districts 3 separately in 1890. 12 Returned as Leatherwood in 1900. '3 Returned as Troublesome In 1900. >« Returned as Hazard in 1900. '5 ReturnsB as Mason Creek in 1900. i« Not return;-. ■ !: ids in 1890. " Incorporated In 1907. > District 7 organized from parts of districts 2 and 6 in 1902. '« Incorporated in 1906. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- KENTUCKY. Table I. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1010, 1900, AND 1890 Continued, i magisterial district. (Tor changes in boundaries, etc., between 190 d L91Q, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports ol tl »— 1910 1900 1890 1910 1900 1890 Pulaski County— Continued. ja Shelby County— Continued. 1,474 3, 153 184 159 2,384 21 167 254 1,635 11,460 1,827 ' 190 162 2,574 2,012 District 5, Chrislian-ihiini, including Bagdad district li, Harrisonville, including Waddy 4,121 4,900 '4,684 2,478 Total jot I'm/ a (i a " » / i" n ill nin i, Shelby County, and district 2, Spencer 168 1,671 " 11,624 District 1, Mount Olivet, including part of 889 195 S21 943 m 14,473 1,071 $52 1,100 131 997 1,078 654 * 12,416 Waddy town Total for M< tin Hi i ioi n in i 1 ' iritis i District 2, Mount Olivet, including part of 327 District 1, East 2,716 2,677 1.147 3,063 3,221 1,916 2,846 7,567 2,926 "1,917 Pisinct 2, Smith franklin, including part of > 9,841 Total/or i'mnlJin i-in/ in thai rids 2 and 3 l>is!.ncl. :!. Xorth I'raniJin, including part of 2,166 1U,540 2,324 District 1, including part of Mount Vernon ' m 930 2,784 3,566 3,075 7,406 Mount TV /')'HH /().'/■/' ( iiifi "f) 12 6,760 Total for Mount Vernon town in districts 1 422 District I, Taylors- illc, including Tavlnr,^ illc town 1,809 622 1,186 136 934 1,031 11,961 1,363 111 1,242 1,326 1,065 1,056 11,075 Pislriet 2, including pail of Mount Vernon Disiricf, :!, Mount laden, including part of »isiii 18,229 3,501 741 154 4,368 179 1,500 3,595 443 4,368 2,084 5,142 449 1,098 490 31,982 4,086 ;. 669 626 . 4,956 . 198 \. 1,477 4,285 . 683 2,923 . 1,286 3,847 L 24S \. 460 ' 546 District 1, Morganfield, including Morganfield city District ', Uniontown, including Uniontown 5,441 B,m 3,029 1,S56 1,953 242 2,302 4,138 1,467 'su 30,679 5,024 2,046 3,510 1,632 2,691 District 2, Sebree, including Poole and Sebree 1,094 city ' 1' ll'K 1 1 •' i. ). MM 1 Ml .1,1) . , I..M 1 1,037 i eluding Henshaw town . . 493 District 4, Providence, including Providence District 4, Casevville, including Cusevvilio 2,181 217 4,342 1,258 301 MM.. ..... II. • I'M ' .-. . .11 ... ... Ml 327 323 District 6, Waverly, including Waverly town.. 3,578 29,970 « 25,016 241 1 30,158 Warren County 4,076 2,376 1,739 5,652 1,735 3,936 3,647 '546 5,789 2,004 9,864 i 2,702 3,564 726 2, 946 257 5,804 9,1,3 6, 870 2,676 2,617 3,394 13,940 2,794 3,497 411 3,138 District 1, Greeneastle District 2, Elk Spi nigs, including smiths Grove District 4, including wards 2 and 3 of ( orhiu Vmiihs Grove town 1,033 . District 3, Bristow, including Oakland town . . Oakland town s [For total, sec distn, 1. n. "Knox County.] District 4. Bowling Green,' including ■ pai i oi 5,421 8,226 5,948 4,454 2,709 226 2. 634 3.S29 14,182 Bowling Green city Bowling Green city (part of) Total for Bowling Gain <■//.;/ « in iHstricm ', 322 . 7, SOS II,. ,1,1 . M, 111, Mi . '. ■" ■,,, I..," , i, ■ 1,495 8,764 Bowling Green city BowlinqGreen city (part of) 9 7,180 ■ •■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ .' <>■■ < ; '••' < mm.: Dislri, 1 1, Lee City, including Lee City town.. 2, 133 1.284 257 1.957 326 232 1,041 918 1,307 682 12,671 1,505 . 1,103 . 1,356 . 119 1 lisi.rict .', Hazel Green, including Haze! On en ni, it,, i r, Goshen District S, Stallard Springs 218 • 13,632 D^t'M 1 ' ',11 mi 11 Imlii ( mi, ton a \ n 2,022 2,215 2,274 190 2,851 807 2^331 157 2,247 365 17,518 2,475 2^328 171 2,563 638 1,016 2,370 175 2.119 303 ' 14,892 Ward 2 1) is t tic l ) , Torrent 1,414 . 1,109 . 732 . 649 . 13,134 District 4, inclndm:' pi, .,, -p.mgfield town... Springfield town ( pari, of) Total for Springfield town in districts 4 to 6... . ... i, • '.,,,. M. Id ,.,-..■. M 642 Woodford County 12,380 :,..,., . I M ' Disltici. 1, Midway, including Midway city 2,526 1,327 2,995 1,301 2,268 967 1,301 2,843 967 1,552 2,684 ! 1,045 1,122 3,024 1,132 \. 2,337 . 2,660 ' 12,852 District m, Court House, including ward 2 of 2,739 1,338 .622 716 2,967 2,007 l|562 1,860 546 413 / , i> '. . 1 1 in 1 District 4, Mat: . ■ ■ ■■•ling ward 1 of 3,016 . 1,205 \. 1,766 1,522 1 No comparison of population ca 11900. 2 Incorporated in 1900. » Incorporated in 1908. i Mot returned separately in 1900. 1 be made; county redistricted between 1890 » Not returned ■■ i 1 ial friers in 1890. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KENTUCKY. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND ] 205 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 County. 1910 1900 1890 Clinton Campbell Todd. Jefferson Carlisle Boyd Fayette Logan Bracken Shelby Ballard 579 353 555 'l97 631 1,787 337 1,633 2,126 1,087 532 357 270 1,360 762 6,683 824 1,510 339 349 449 136 229 132 257 236 9,173 330 482 254 77 477 819 492 313 85 298 679 817 183 172 1,117 426 1,005 121 742 248 124 1,206 163 430 131 1^906 298 259 230 3,520 645 299 2,545 272 170 155 37C 1,098 581 1,497 1,403 1,022 970 213 252 720 234 359 430 421 584 6,800 186 697 1,718 190 205 1,010 1,711 1,512 Henderson 942 53, 270 467 189 402 163 159 235 3, (103 5, 420 1,350 6,979 75 141 260 741 386 1,120 143 125 138 m ■* 3,931 77 1,442 381 168 1,970 135 94 1,228 900 1,274 700 182 128 292 \ 108 134 1.180 271 427 136 404 68 1,219 250 702 649 158 188 10,465 3,063 421 2,575 4,533 287 87 421 458 2,316 237 43 157 106 213 735 450 680 1,604 1,096 300 509 366 737 3,147 1,002 537 395 782 42,938 385 199 278 225 162 3,257 4,285 935 (i, 104 365 122 221 569 879 777 426 574 4,195 173 1,447 Shelby Daviess Harrison Boyle Dawson S rin s town 148 1,162 1,524 578 Campbell Ohio Calloway Carlisle Ballard Hopkins Henderson Lee Ohio Trimble McLean Campbell Marshall Madison Harrison Marshall Webster Lawrence Ballard Nelson Henderson Hart Owsley Warren Marion Dixon town 540 380 Muhlenberg 696 552 307 274 250 99 iS 219 3,012 463 127 1,210 412 Muhlenberg 82 6,332 664 762 250 66 291 243 134 277 385 3,163 344 Crittenden 273 I'M,. ri town (Inez P. O.) 1,861 199 87 1,123 519 1,018 453 372 270 251 8,226 301 218 180 107 543 565 234 347 703 7,803 179 495 149 206 61 159 1,134 Muhlenberg Marshall Rockcastle Kenton Bracken Edmonson Garrard Mercer Cumberland Carlisle 87 330 266 214 303 Pendleton 341 118 Fer uson town 106 1,268 258 731 184 Pulaski Pendleton Trigg Henderson McLean Campbell Marshall Taylor'.".;;;;;;;;;; Wolfe 506 881 155 631 292 127 191 1,341 276 560 890 209 637 316 142 342 1,018 317 148 9,487 2,1(56 196 210 2,860 3,823 407 126 569 (Bracken 294 246 1,377 2,205 278 273 229 1 Mason 1,081 1,720 240 Carroll....."....;;; Livingston Carter Glasgow city 2,019 224 226 117 142 143 246 606 564 711 1,051 807 426 549- 240 2,876 785 1,041 2,051 ii i.wn™ Barren 217 3,081 538 201 1,348 190 301 1,374 362 79 1,144 Ohio Muhlenberg Trigg Nelson Marion Grayson Grange town town town ral City town Owen ■, ni ;■::■. 155 Chicago town Muhlenberg 450 585 1,462 1,656 654 1,235 200 1,544 331 323 1,065 1,347 1,527 Hamilton town (Render P. O.). in H ii- Cloverport city Hickman Breckinridge Adair Hickman i Hardinsburg town Marshall Breckinridge Mercer 68i 873 188 Hartford city Corbintown 1 Whitley Grant Perry Calloway i Corinth town 1 Hazel town 200 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KENTUCKY. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY OR TOWN. Count,. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Bt town Wolfe 257 525 11,452 242 2,736 148 1,977 182 370 179 9,419 103 881 118 384 316 153 272 665 647 1,346 177 345 86 546 } 150 747 304 200 212 889 426 1,152 266 1,507 1,723 3,077 807 269 1,053 } - 253 596 35,099 330 161 154 1,220 685 153 L356 223,928 'll8 530 146 190 4,966 626 109 1,627 160 5,916 6,141 98 7,305 937 207 799 355 154 260 1,338 1,105 2,725 569 1,266 81 | 157 321 657 225 218 Mount Sterlin cit Montgomery Rockcastle Hart Calloway Hopkins Fleming 3,932 930 475 '298 235 468 118 405 240 214 79 30, 309 2,935 390 235 254 2,073 257 1,132 16,011 '942 22, 700 942 91 'l04 731 68 407 1,280 2,101 934 522 179 190 152 1,120 102 3,015 143 2,084 242 285 5,340 115 437 058 138 106 233 413 1,038 104 3,111 438 467 151 154 320 45 532 310 250 257 1,327 1,500 410 ' '318 253 185 53 443 557 726 3,561 422 440 1,822 237 293 462 129 350 260 3 629 ernon town Henderson 10,272 8,835 1,589 250 993 227 331 178 7,280 i,652 145 2i2 i94 542 5,833 37 598 90 435 80 I on town Nelson Owen Hodgensville town New Liberty town .'sew Market town Newfoundland town ii ■ Nicholasville cit.\ . - . iliddletown town Moiism-evilliUown Marion Elliott Campbell Jessamine Bourbon Hopkins Hart 867 120 425 193 200 385 28, 301 2,393 434 228 50 24,918 H i to ill tow Lincoln 2,157 Breckinridge Warren Daviess 291 13, 189 1,014 958 19, 446 107 4,603 145 654 431 464 508 2,072 941 186 9,837 847 763 154 348 Montgomery 84 322 168 817 Bath McCracken 648 I';ir;nlise town Muhlenberg Bourbon I'.'ili:- city 4,218 126 209 858 103 215 5S7 Pellville town Hancock 119 Da i Knottsville town Muhlenberg Boyle 72 430 646 199 670 215 oidhami.'.";!;;;;;; Russell 450 Lairsville town (Rowena P. O.). Pineville to 1,040 1,253 3,043 599 171 914 81 26,369 450 2^816 Webster Fleming Flovd Carroll 272 198 174 409 228 2,556 217 '250 364 140 4,053 399 431 525 82 224 198 2S3 743 Grayson 821 /Bracken \Pendleton 224 435 21, 567 136 Lewisport town Hancock I exin ton cit Fa ette Providence town Webster t'i'>oisburg town Graves 227 526 869 605 166 1,147 1,099 204, 731 3,334 550 106 3,628 398 104 1,064 4,081 237 6,423 182 4, 162 1,045 862 324 105 370 546 1,100 2,046 587 885 111 352 Lewis 622 K:i\--. ick town Marion Rockcastle Livingston town 152 119 Henderson Butler Ohio 082 834 161, 129 2,469 510 ■135 Kenton Rocky Hill town Edmonson Muhlenberg 463 Washington 2,212 Clay 83 840 151 2,909 352 5,358 145 3,271 1,185 297 850 458 2,591 434 532 753 170 Crittenden Elliott Martinsburg town (Sandy Hook P. O.). Hopkins Tavlof tOD 208 64 Silt !, ick town Bath Magoffin 205 218 257 824" 1,477 3,016 277 251 203 87 S83 S79 Sanders town 277 Mill town Pulaski Owen 312 413 491 1,094 250 548 175 193 327 Sobi.'o town Webster Bath Shelby Bullitt Fleming 959 h II 1 il 2,679 251 Ho kins 194 290 ! town Muhlenberg Webster Livingston Warren Robertson Harlan 493 Mount Pleasant town (Harlan P. 0.). Q rove town STATISTICS OF POPULATION— KENTUCKY. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued 207 CITY OR TOWN. County. Somerset city Pulaski Hardin Muhlenberg Gallatin..'."."!"" SpirhiUv'V"™ Spottsville town Springfield u>\vn Henderson Washington Scott Stepheusport town Sturgis town Powell Breckinridge Green Taylorsville town Tiltontown Tolu town Toinpkinsville town Trenton town Fleming";:.'::::::: Crittenden Todd Turners Station town Tyrone (own Anderson Upton town Hardin Vanceburg town Hardin Woodburn towi Woodburv towi Worthville towi ai vE££" hi':; g££ i lark.". waiT-n':: 1 !. ' ' T , ■ 1 1 ' ) , 1 . :\ 104 449 59 398 1,495 959 431 1 , 370 217 C13 5,964 418 21" i 573 4,519 173 107 223 207 194 203 307 LOUISIANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [The word "ward," except as applied to wards of ci ), see footnotes; for those botwi MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 laoo 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Acadia Parish 31,847 23,483 13,231 Bossier Parish 21,738 24,153 20,330 Wardl Ward 2, including Benton tow nam! Horsier (ii v village 5,030 2,247 3,739 5,661 481 4,993 769 3,262 544 S2S 2S7 7,181 5,099 1,827 752 1,686 8S4 1,975 23,887 3,782 1,007 2, 617 5,051 278 3,530 4,502 569 2,118 3,347 4,432 5,478 $18 4,789 0,715 463 Ward 2 0,492 Bossier City 1 i/l-ne '•'. 1,751 '474 1,562 4J304 249 58,200 '258 1,874 2,241 5,206 194 44,499 Ward 5, including Estherwood, Mermenton, 2,558 1,513 Ward 4 1,679 Ward 6, including Faugh ton village 5,939 4,214 420 31,555 8,180 3,235 3,460 29, 972 1,866 2,6S2 2,665 2, $22 $,648 2,588 4,276 4,189 $,840 3)ll9 1,772 4,812 62,767 6,992 2,370 24,142 19,545 3,459 18,380 16,01$ 3,664 1,771 4,090 1,751 2,967 1,704 4,181 3,759 24,128 5,214 1,585 4,105 2,363 3,157 1,531 2,900 3,287 21,620 4,222 1,527 3,121 2,182 2,713 1,272 2,021 2,487 619,629 Ward8 Ward9 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 3,807 3,093 1,994 4,404 30,428 2,941 3,316 3,400 2,377 2,728 1,131 4! 877 1,201 3,643 3,806 34,102 2,376 1,725 1,468 1,487 4,091 4,073 945 2,722 3,678 29,701 Ward 3 20,176 Ward 1, Hickory Flat, including Oberlin village 8,892 593 635 232 4,727 1,260 13,949 11,449 2,903 t,21S 1,971 4,783 2, 55S 9,914 2,100 3,805 2,951 2,728 8,460 $,925 1,093 8,593 4,815 .■ii 723 Ward 7 Total for Kinder village 13 in wards 1 and 2 21$ 1,987 '25,112 ■ part of Kinder village 3,170 5^ 124 1,076 2,559 695 2,345 1,174 3,005 300 728 3,214 5,230 428 380 4,679 866 299 4,933 1,765 21,776 1,843 4,181 837 2,182 408 1,830 996 2,768 ( 7 ) 540 144 (') ( 7 ) 2,034 320 8,285 6,680 Ward 2~ in'e'l iY lY Y "\YiY ,: Yille YoYvn U Mil i, T il t ( 1 nli 1 11 lu 1 i Lake Charles city Lake Charles city 16 Ward 1 Wards WardS Ward 4 L104 2,644 1,406 Total for Moreauville town 8 in wards 6 and 8. . '■■■ii'i ■ ■ ■ • De Ridder towns 4,720 2,983 4,832 Ward 8, incliiditi'.' I'lauclieville town and part 1,220 Ward 7, Sugartown Ward 8, Barnes Creek Ward 9 Ward 10, including Jennings and Lake Arthur 2,791 1,248 1,541 3,411 1,689 Ward 9, including Cottonport and Evergreen 4,621 505 322 3,267 87$ 17,588 3,628 1,64 j 3,011 299 14,108 6,917 5,814 Ward 1 including Arcadia town 4,103 1,073 4,341 2' 056 606 4,518 2,254 2,940 1,564 $46 4,109 924 3,151 558 1,867 263 3,313 2,406 2,742 3,722 2,514 866 740 858 2,807 500 852 263 404 386 714 703 1,013 574 620 1,559 382 304 500 182 573 694 1,136 Ward 2 Ward 3 649 384 1,123 858 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward-, Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 755 3,085 1,798 2,131 237 506 126 476 422 1 Ward 7 organized from part of ward 3 in 1908. s Incorporated in 1902. * Incorporated in 1901. * Incorporated in 1906. * Incorporated as a city in 1903. No comparison of population can be made; no wards in 1890. ' Parish total includes population (8,024) of wards 1 t 8 Incorporated in 1905. 9 Ward 7 organized from part of ward 5 •° Incorporated in 1907. " Incorporated in 1904. returned by police jury 5, not returned separately STATISTICS OF POPULATION— LOUISIANA. 209 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ward," except as applied to wards of cities, me For changes in 1 oundarles, etc., I etween 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1910 1900 18% minor crro division. lit 10 1900 1890 Cm P rl h 4,283 599 1 , 006 1,407 874 402 10,415 3,962 1 . 323 515 s 16,351 2,828 « 12,002 11,637 11,373 12,362 TO ■!■'' I '' < j° W d Chart" 1,988 3) 023 1,668 911 1,682 811 20,055 2,088 3,211 3,154 1,256 2.176 Ward 3. imliidar. La!,.; Providence town 642 2,017 1,635 Wvrt -. J:l:::s,n, liayc.t Ward om."""'.'."!!!!!!!."!)I! "!."!!!!"!"!"!*! 20,443 1,774 751 1,458 2, 900 1,931 25,050 905 2,018 1,166 1.9S1 1,396 3,363 17,903 Wardl includin Slau htert( "'287 4!497 2, 146 2,824 762 2.758 918 1,507 1,-898 1,572 11,989 '259 1.75S 4,843 2.012 2,875 2,557 960 L802 1,473 8,890 359 23,029 23,312 2,480 1,015 2,528 2,705 '663 1,817 2,793 614 2,335 5,099 1,855 2,248 1.000 100 396 14,278 2.314 2,576 3,981 3,072 2,683 3,375 « "^.': ;: '': Unjj-Hayncsville village 6,900 1,943 2,241 1.984 2, 536 1,207 1.478 1,001 1.013 1,065 1,246 2.738 880 1,301 15,958 915 1,300 1,103 976 967 567 1,035 2.426 4.415 1,157 2.277 850 116 389 13,559 2,243 4,508 1,132 2,851 Homer city Ward 9. inc! rwliii^ part of .1 = i : n-i ;.- hi City Junction City (port of) Total for J iincli;,i Ci: i, in -• ::d :>, Clnilmnu 555 812 12,902 [Joint populai ion oi Ji.-n - 1 •". .11 City in ward 9. Claiborne Parish, an 1 ward '■',. t'nion Parish, Louisiana. and .li::>..-i inn City, in Henderson township. I.'nion Count v, Arkansas, in 1910, l,4i.l. and in 1900, l,i;;u ] 14,871 'i 8,270 3,724 1.049 '675 1,521 940 2,845 1.275 2, 234 2, 700 190 3,851 637 1,353 947 1,060 1,213 1.700 158 863 1.174 993 1,345 1,283 2,338 577 2,018 1.307 1,231 27,689 449 1.220 2,087 1.022 1,300 1,712 1.3v, 1,087 993 1,053 2,420 821 2,031 1,813 Ward 4 Ward 7,1- including Montgomery town and 144 Verda village " ( .Y< w V, rda P.O.) 29,015 1.937 1,464 1,205 25,063 1,584 1)050 19,860 2. 106 2,523 1 , 034 3.581 5)934 7.499 1.722 849 1,381 1.811 3. 610 92 308 5,373 2,206 30,954 2,148 2.110 1,700 3.527 Ward -1, Fausse I'oinlc, including i.oreauville 3,.628 3,401 3,909 5,209 2, 405 3,865 486 3,328 1,884 420 34,580 3,148 3,342 3.284 4,484 847 2,347 3,3L2 385 3,093 2,003 688 31,153 2.7.-M 2,538 3,038 3.005 908 1,632 3,207 351 2,120 901 25,922 1,938 9.011 6,815 J*|£J| Ward 4 Ward 7, Petite Anse, including part of Del- catabre village.* ; 3,235 2,171 Total for H.a-a mhrv liil'iac" in m:rd ;, Iberia Purixli, and Kurd 1, Vinnilion Ward 1, comprising ward 1 of Baton Roup? oil v. Total for Baton Rouge city, coexl 9,017 4! 148 4, 623 2, 053 2. 097 1.204 1,625 5, 781 11,269 3] 982 '466 1,900 1,883 1.573 1 ! 372 5,951 10,478 4,527 2,313 4,880 5.340 1,905 27,006 Ward 2, comprising ward 2 of Baton Rouge cit y . 21,843 Wards i,3so 1,403 855 1,'293 1,187 8.840 2.289 3,830 585 4,955 8, 107 3)S11 Ward 2. includin 1 : pari of 1 '!■■ uuemine town 3,304 Ward 9 Total for I'lm/ucn'ine loii'ii,' 6 rmnprisinij ward 3 and paiis-n/ ir.nd.i .' and 8 3.590 Ward 10 S, 222 1 Returned as Big Lake in 1900. ■- Tan la!:en to form La Salle Parish in 1910. :: Paii-h total includes population (3.C53) of v 1 In< 01 1 1 1 in l 11 " 1 ' Incorporated in 1902 8 Incorporated in 1905 irds 4 and 5, taken to form part e; parish partially redistricted 1 1ncorporated as a town in 1902. i» Ward organized from parts ol ' u • ■'•■ ■ I . . : 1 , , 1 .>■ 1/.. 11 Parish total in, dud. s population ( .',942 ; of wards 2 and 3, not returned sepa- rately in!890. 12 Part of ward 7 annexed to ward 6 in 1906. ]ii Incorporated in 1907. total includes population (339) of old ward 8, Avery Island, annexed tween 1890 a--' *~ lorated in 191 '« Returned in 1900 a< 210 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— LOUISIANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "ward," except as applied to wards of cities, means police Jurj ward. For changes In boundaries, etc., I churn 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those bi Iberville Parish— Continued. ■d 3, comprising part of Plaquemine town.. Ward !), including Maringouin village... Maringouin village 2 Jackson Parish.. \\ anl 2, including Jonesboro town. . . Jonesboro town * 11 'id ' ■: ■' ! iu:\. . 'II. ..'' Ward 5, including Chatham village. JeSerson Parish . . Wardl.. Ward 2.. Ward 3.. Ward 4.. Ward 5.. Ward 6.. Ward 7'. Ward 8.. Ward 9'. La Salle Parish ■ Ward 2.. Ward 3 Ward 4, including Jena village.. Lafayette Parish.. Total for Scott village'' in wards 1 and S. Ward 2 Ward 3, including Lafayette town Ward 5, including Broussard tc Carencroto Ward 7 Ward 8, including part of Scott village.. Scott village (part of) . . Lafourche Parish . . Thibodaux if, . Ward 3 Ward 4, including Lockport village. . Lockyort villa it Ward5 Ward Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 1 Returned In 1900 as in ward 3 oi 2 Incorporated in 1907. 3 Incorporated in 1906. ' Incorporated in 1903. 1,650 "i',m 1,785 returned as independent in 1900 and II ' Part of ward 9 annexed to ward 7 in 1908. » Organized from part of Catahoula Parish in 1910. 8 Incorporated in 1902. 3,139 792 1,531 1,443 ); 953 in 1890) of Kenner city, Lincoln Parish.. Ward l, 12 Including Ruston tc Haul.!.. Ward:;.. Ward',.. Ward 1 '.'..'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Ward 5 '■'■■■ ■.'.' ' -iii'lin." i 'nil.;. I \ ill";.. Livingston Parish.. Ward 3... U.I' Ward 5... WardO... Ward 7... Wards... Ward 9... Ward 10. . Madison Parish.. Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4, including Tallulah v Tallulah village 9 Ward 5 Ward 6" Ward 7 Wards" Morehouse Parish.. Wardl n I Ward 3 Ward 4, including Bastrop town. . Collinston village >■' Ward9 Ward 10, including Bonita village. . Bonita village " Natchitoches Parish.. " ' ng Natchitoches tc i i ing Marthaville tc 1,139 999 1,079 38,455 7,132 t,SSH 1,519 684 4,498 m 1,775 4S8 2,059 tea 809 6, 559 3,803 Is 6 and 7, returned as ward mi li.puin.ii.'l in i;:n,j. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— LOUISIANA. 211 -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Contihued. ry ward. For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between ts of the Twelfth lonsus: lura, Vol. 1, Table 5.] Orleans Parish.. New Orleans city, coextensive with Orleans Ward 1... Ward 1... Ward A... Ward 4... Ward 5... WardB... Ward 7... Ward*... Ward 9... Ward 10.. Ward 11.. Ward /.'.. Ward 13.. Ward 11,.. Ward to.. Ward 16.. Ward 17.. Ouachita Parish.. Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3, including wards 4 ward 3 of Mo Monroe citu i pari ,./ 1. '"-■■ tcity Total for Mon Ward 1 . . Ward :> .. Ward 8 . . Ward 4 ■ . in wards 3 and 10. . Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 4 Ward 5, including West Monroe town West Monroe town Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10, including wards 1 and 2 and part of ward 3 of Monroe city Monroe city Opart of).. Plaquemines Parish.. Wardl... Ward 2... Ward 3... Wfird-1.. Ward 5. . . Ward 6. . . Ward 7... Ward 8... Ward 9... Ward 10.. Pointe Coupee Parish.. Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4, including Morganza village. . Morganza village • Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8... Ward 9, inclvrding New Roads town.. Rapides Parish.. 2,567 2,154 8,908 Ward 1, Alexandria, including Alexandria city. Alexandria city ' Wardl Wards Wards Ward4 Ward 2,Lamourie, including I hi vii; Echo village 3 Ward 3, Chenewille, including Cheneyville vil- 1 Incorporated in 1908. ' Incorporated as a city in 1901. 8 Incorporated in 1905. 4 Incorporated in 1901. 6 Incorporated as a town In 1904. 17,076 15,359 15,J,71 1,822 '941 1,700 1,412 "'2.317 Rapides Parish— Continued. Ward 4, Spring Hill Ward 5, llineston W anl li, ; 'aleasicu - \\ anl 7, Colile, including Boyce towi \\ ard 'J, I'iiic.N illc, including, l'inc\ ill c > ton n . Pineville town \\ aid 1(1, Uigolcllo, including Tioga village. Tioga village 8 Red River Parish.. Ward 1, including Coushatta t( Cnushatta town Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Richland Parish . . Waul:;.. Ward 4 Ward . r ), including Maugham \ illagc. . Mangha m village s Ward 6 Ward7 Sabine Parish... Wardl, Middle Creek.. V aid J, Toro --- Ward 3, Negreet.. Ward. J. Many, including Many lown Many town Ward 5, Bayou Scic Ward r., San Tail ice, including part of Noble Ward ,, Iiayou .Sail Miguel, including I'lcasant Zii idle town Ward 9 Ward 111, including paid of Noble village.. Noble village {part of). . St. Bernard Parish.. Ward I.. \\ ard ':'.'. Ward ■!.. Ward •,.. Ward li.. Ward 7. . St. Charles Parish.. Wardl.. Ward 3. . Ward 4.. Ward 5. . St. Helena Parish Wardl Ward 2, including Greensburg tc Oreensburg town Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 « Incorporated in 1902. » Incorporated since 1900. 2,172 2,119 942 S37 950 667 1,011 569 450 449 218 200 ; 222 368 290 11,207 9,072 7,737 2,443 2, 762 2,506 2,340 2,760 2,199 2,761 1,233 1,229 1,271 2,008 1,088 865 9,172 8,479 8,062 1,516 1,642 1,722 ■ 2,391 1,937 815 2,130 1,290 1,616 1,676 1,971 1,098 1,142 939 1,071 727 1,065 1,115 665 212 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— LOUISIANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "ward." ovrepl. as applied to wards of oitios, i: 1UIWI ..... MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MZNOKCIVn.P.V,,,,.. 1910 1900 1S90 h 23,009 20,197 15,715 29,160 17,625 Ward 1, including Kentwood and Tangipahoa 5,748 1,909 2,489 1,529 1,901 4,205 3,581 1,647 14,338 4,387 1,881 2,133 1,540 2,171 3,207 3,455 1,417 12,330 5,215 ' 'S94 1,830 1,677 2,840 1,919 6,094 1,004 6,382 2,942 1,055 405 17,060 2, 642 1,313 297 1,583 3,177 1,547 1 2 2 771 879 I.IH 993 618 567 Ward 6 Ward 3, including \ mil c and Ko-oland low ns. . 2,898 11,359 Ward 4 Ward 5.. 1,704 1,515 1,993 1,800 1,262 1,795 1,395 2,052 2,370 4^041 66,661 1,900 1,565 1,782 3,282 2,450 1,351 52,906 2,055 1,425 1,675 2,267 2,648 1,289 1 40,250 Ward 7, including 1 lamiuond and Ponchatoula towns 4,500 1,611 711 445 19,070 2,430 Ward 8 Wardl.. 2,156 2,755 424 4,878 740 931 1,225 3,011 446 2,104 28,320 3,596 2,760 12,578 4,628 5,909 392 377 5,759 279 8,040 1,093 9,558 1,528 3,744 'cos 11,186 1,684 23,070 9,151 2,951 5,306 521 1,672 Ward 2, including Grand Coteau town and 4,869 7i7 1,072 1,285 3,243 2,245 24,464 4,745 473 333 Ward 4 Ward 5.. 1,345 '327 6,979 8,970 1,197 3,324 8,244 163 6,165 316 18,940 Water jiroof town Ward 7 361 1,064 Wardl Ward 1 .'... 2,782 2,792 6,024 3,869 1,483 1,709 2,321 3,789 1,461 1,233 20,451 2,751 3,168 4,559 3,212 3,584 1,128 2,329 1,855 2,314 1,570 1,206 18,520 2,530 14,884 St. Martin Parish Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 710 2,012 1,758 1,719 Ward 1, including St. Martinsville village 6,015 2,318 1.734 4,0G7 466 5,546 5^708 39,368 5,608 1,926 1,192 3,024 5,052 1,814 2,975 Ward 4, including Breaux Bridge village 4, 771 654 4,285 34,145 4, 031 654 2,587 22,416 2,001 698 2,346 226 4,609 296 3,611 781 2,272 2,165 848 1,751 848 26,390 2, 643 458 3,880 4,4G3 3,479 10, 709 3,857 3,393 5,315 2,998 7,376 6,477 1,355 3,278 2,183 18,917 4,004 3,457 9,543 2,692 4,034 4,810 2,571 2,855 6,019 2,127 2,643 3,399 Ward 3, inrludini: part of Junction City 3,958 3,065 2,821 [For total, srf v. ard !i, < lailiornc Parish.] 3, 290 1,078 3,400 Ward 6 Patterson town ■ 6,689 2, 332 1,548 4.929 2,291 Vermilion Parish Ward 1, Lake Peigneur, including Erath town and part of liolrainbre village 20,705 713 13,335 769 10,160 3,805 216 'l42 97 229 5, 609 .?, .907 5| 755 SIS 2,010 1,081 2,785 1,946 1,628 1,898 5,163 365 ■ 2, 601 425 1,947 1,166 1,130 934 874 1,382 277 3,643 2,188 1,543 77,9 1,512 3,000 1,132 574 949 [For total, see Maid 7, [beria Parish.! '215 ii In- 1 1 ■ . I., in- a i:l I . i i.i. a. Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 1,206 976 2,299 4,382 1,536 2, 025 2,309 3,080 1.733 1,029 700 665 611 1,494 1,597 1,012 577 879" 670 1,053 2, 7:i7 Ward 1, Bioiissard Cove 1,231 Ward 0, Spring Hill, including Kaplan town.... 2, 123 1,702 376 1,818 2,017 1,129 920 364 Ward s, Cnrvdan, including i.'ueydan town Gueydan town Slidell town 1 No comparison of population can be made; parish redistricted between 1890 . 1900. - Incorporaled in 1908. > Incorporated in 1907. * Ward 8 organized from part of ward 6 in 1902. 5 Returned as a city in 1900. 1,1 Part of ward 1 annexed to ward 3 in 1900. n Ward 7 organized from pari ol ward 1 in 1905. " Ward 8 organized from part of ward 2 in 1905. " Incorporated in 1909. " Ward 9 organized from part of ward 5 in 1905. 10 Incorporated in 1902. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— LOUISIANA. 213 Table 1 — POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e footnotes; 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 17,384 10,327 5,903 West Baton Rouge Parish— Continued. 1,536 1,241 903 6,249 1,298 908 4,374 £,043 2,564 459 1,292 3,342 325 4, 670 1,238 1,136 18,886 2,027 1,148 1,881 737 1,059 3,685 1,158 2,944 1,299 714 3,748 1,145 934 M38 1,610 898 823 13,449 961 880 571 783 484' 15,994 1,172 9,628 1,160 6,700 1,490 2, 029 3,948 814 7,432 319 3,387 846 19,186 2^222 '236 1,702 1,413 1,296 1,642 97 1,081 16,062 \\ aril 1, including Bayou Sara and St. Francis- 1,918 S 1,215 1,819 1,043 1,346 331 2, 543 78.5 1,000 1,419 18,357 1,059 1,864 1,801 1,308 1,693 295 "'704 1.53S 1,625 9,648 Ward 4, including; Ilii l.-.n ils'mlovvn and Rio 2,000 1,268 15,125 12,466 3', 240 2,321 8,195 8,002 2,482 13,636 2^406 2,430 5,422 2,' 066 10,285 2,439 1,615 2,205 4,379 1,298 1,828 8,363 Ward 1 s ineludin Winnfleld town 4,401 2,925 1,354 1,565 1,012 1,007 2,506 811 3,041 846 1,894 317 600 1,386 i,i82 1,499 840 1,319 863 i,"23l' 1.328* 090 1,064 1,832 890 1,707 1,874 2,419 1,252 1,591 958 1,443 .1 /Inn/a villagi "• 1,894 1,422 1,860 1,159 1,685 2,104 Ward 4 3 Incorporated in 1909. « Incorporated in 1908. 6 Ward 8 organized from parts of wards 2 and 3 » Incorporated in 1902. 7 Not returned separately In 1890. 8 Ward 9 organized from part of ward 1 in 1! 9 Incorporated in 1900. m Incorporated in 1907. 11 Incorporated in 1901. 12 Ward 10 organized from part of ward 8 in Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. tY, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. Collinston village.. Alexandria city Rapides Amite town Tan gipahoa. . Angle village Washington.. Baton Rouge city East B Bayou Sara town West Felic Benton town Bossier Bernice town Union Berwick town i St. Mary.. i Point town.. . Acadia . East Feliciana.. 5,648 1,547 2, S01 1,510 924 862 11,269 755 10,478 608 713 769 832 654 30i 054 873 299 445 289 278 De Ridder town Delcambre village Delhi village neiihara Springs village.. Dodson village L>oii::idsnnville town J Mtli:u-li village Duson village Evergreen town. . Fullerton town Gibsland town Grand Cane village. . Caldwell Avoyelles 866 Red River 564 St. Tammany 2,601 Acadia 5,099 Calcasieu 715 Calcasieu I 2,100 (venuViion .'::::::!} 308 Richland | 685 Livingston 574 Winn I 845 Ascension ! 4, 090 Lincoln | 714 Lafayette : 120 Rapides 238 Vermilion ! 575 Jackson 898 Acadia 544 St. Landry 1,684 Avoyelles I 299 Union i 598 Concordia 577 St. Mary l 3,857 Washington [ 814 Vemon I 1,238 Bienville I 1,005 DeSoto 485 St. Landry | 392 St. Helena 268 4,214 420 507 4,105 3,121 322 458 472 2,692 236 2, 127 97 558 385 521 315 351 333 214 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— LOUISIANA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Parish. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Parish. 1910 1900 1890 Gue dan town Vermilion Tangipahoa Catahoula 1,081 "'361 249 063 1,855 5,024 1,004 769 2,146 2,206 3,925 1,134 287 } 396 315 3, 609 635 6,392 1,093 11,449 1,568 1,058 2,043 420 291 1,028 1,166 470 1,799 695 683 447 1,076 1,093 323 3,002 10,209 728 5,477 290 237 1,201 2,532 7,499 339,075 1,352- 424 370 1,511 303 194 .siibli' village Sabine West Carroll Morehouse 453 398 332 232 260 4,623 466 2,998 277 1,212 474 4,955 380 442 675 1,055 262 215 425 2,247 1,079 319 265 438 586 325 3,377 966 740 2,318 346 239 28,015 282 287 2,188 377 847 394 '633 182 1,345 603 826 592 1,528 445 1,250 1,127 2,289 762' 2,925 821 419 973 692 359 305 ( ):ll, town 1 iin'iiiu village 348 213 M:lii-.hl»l l villas Claiborne Claiborne 1,157 1,132 Opelousas town Parks \ Mage I'al li.-rson town 1 carl kivcr village rimnillotown Plain Dealing town Plaquemine town St. Landry St. Martin St. Mary St. Tammany.... Rapides Bossier Iberville Avoyelles Sabine Grant Tangipahoa Natchitoches 2,951 Terrebonne Tangipahoa 3,212 1,280 617 258 3,590 Ja kson t East Feliciana... 2,012 1,905 1,276 1,309 Calcasieu 1,539 412 300 637 711 246 Catahoula (Claiborne Jonesville village Prov ncal town 389 J mill ion City Vermilion Tangipahoa Calcasieu Lafayette St. Tammany 1,313 1,007 Lafa ett( 3,314 2,106 Washington Washington Natchitoches Tangipahoa L256 3,442 642 464 East Carroll 1,148 401 1,324 1,059 717 1,926 Lafourche St. Francisville town West Feliciana... 950 281 473 ;-i Martin Mil- \ illage St. Martin 1,814 St. Tammany St. Tammany.... Richland 779 1,029 574 1,012 Lafayette 16,013 847 408 354 908 144 133 East Feliciana... St. Tammany. . . . St. Landry 259 1,129 Avoyelles Tangipahoa Lafourche 297 3,253 Avoyelles Natchitoches St. Landry Morehouse 837 228 517 465 540 361 Verda village (New Verda P. O.). Concordia St. Landry 1,022 163 821 vol.. I'lattetown 1,561 5,428 15S 1,298 3,256 144 Monroe city Ouachita Livingston St. Landry 1,197 298 320 775 1,850 470 1,064 Avoyelles , M 'J,j ' v ,j Calcasieu 2,332 2,291 Pointe Coupee.. 945' 2,388 6,815 287, 104 770 723 1,820 3,447 242,039 Assumption Natchitoches East Feliciana... Winnsboro village Orleans Pointe Coupee.. Lafayette East Baton Rouge 200 465 276 MAINE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. indarics, etc., between Ulili) ;\n, \ 'til. I. Tiible ■'>.] Androscoggin County A ubi ini fit v Wardl Wards Wards Ward 4 Wards Durham (own Kasi l.i\ ermore lown Leeds town Lewiston city Ward 1.. Wards Wards Ward 4 Wards Ward G Mr, h., in- i'alis u,v.n.. '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.". Minol town I'ohm.l lown Turner town Wales town Webster town Aroostook County A Uagash plantation Ashland town ' Bancroft town Benedicta town lirhlgrwater town Caribou l own civile u iii'iown s" !".!!".!!"! I ".!""!"" I III 1 1 1 ! Caswell plantation i hapman plantation Connor plantation Crystal town « Cvr plantation Dyer Brook town K plantation (Twp. K. R. 2) Kagle Lake plantation Easton town Fori l-'airlifM town. hit-hiding Fort Fairlh-ld village Fort Fairfield village Fori Kent town French ville lown •Jar field plantation (lien wood plantation Cranil Isle town Hamlin plantation Hammond plantation Hi', in'- vi lie town Horsey lown Hodgdon town Houlton town Islam 1 falls town Limestone town Linneus town Littleton town Ludlow town M lewahoe plant a t ion Madawaska town Mapli'inii lown Mars Hill town Masardis town Merrill plantation Moli ml: ns lownship Man ict'llo town Morn plantation N i-b- a Mr plantation New Catania plantation Now Limerick town New Sw etlen town Oakfield town Orient town ' i x l io v. plan tation I Vrhain i own I'onago Lake, town^ I'resque Isle town, including I'resque Isle vil- lage Presque hie village Reed plantation St . A ga I ha town St. Francis plantation St. John plantation Sherman town Silver Ridge plantation bounty totals include population (433 in 19 ship, annexed to Ashland town since 1900. 2 Sheridan township annexed in 1901. 3 Organized as a town in 1903. * Organized as a town in 1901. MINllR I IVll, DIVISION. 221 in 1890) oi Sheridan town- Aroostook County Continued. Stockholm plantat Wallagrass plantat \\ intci \ i Hi- plantation. . Township C, range 2 'I'own.-lnp I', range 2 Tou'iisinp 1, range 1 (North Yarm fiiiy giant.) Town: hip I, range .1 Township 7, range 3. . Township 8, range 3. . Township 8, range 4. . Township 8, range 5. . Township 11, range 4. Town-hip !'i. range 1.7. . Township I I. range li. Township 14, range 1< Township 15, range 11 Town -hip 17, ranee I Towii-i i;i IV, range .7. . 1 own-hip Is, range in. Cumberland County.. Cumberland town Falmouth town Freeport town, including Freeport village. Frn par: village Gorham town Gray town *. . Harpswell lown New- Cloucesici town.. North ~i a mouth tow n I'tiislh ' i lown I'onlami en \ Ward 'J.. Ward:,.. Ward':,'.'. Ward 6.. Ward :.. Ward 9 Pownal town Raymond town Scarborough town. . South Portland ci Ward 1 Wards Ward 3 Ward 4 Westbrook city... Ward 1 Ward2 WardS Ward 4 WardS Windham town . . Yarmouth town.. 112,014 100, 216 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MAINE. Table I.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between PJOO ami 1010, see footnotes; for those between INK) and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1000, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Franklin Count 19,119 ilM-J ' 17,053 Hancock County— Continued. ( 2 ) 2 2 31 14 10 62,863 75 380 292 C27 81 166 508 3,210 1.240 334 2,987 27 927 173 204 (2) 955 543 1,423 '695 7 181 78 720 403 23 574 2,143 ( " i 12 48 13 35,575 ■118 709 70 172 436 3.288 t,m 397 553 2,758 320 4 946 584 63 '674 901 sea 113 195 037 394 20 738 1,647 8 c 2 ) 3 5 < 2 ) ( 2 > 35 37,241 ■i:;o 770 184 U243 1,541 51 49 441 1,004 660 94 1,394 616 KSSL.":. -••' ' p.nnpkin Maiel'-^. .V. ..'..'. ". YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Kennebec County Albion town 30 .'■'iirmiiiijlon village 59,117 57,012 ICinglield town Lang plantation 922 13,211 1,8*1 1,330 8,616 m £,866 1,499 638 1,037 1,194 3,216 1,297 1,268 823 533 5,311 816 816 629 1,106 2,864 924 496 '304 964 601 '898 2, 257 83 1,017 996 927 56 2,077 403 11,458 1,629 1,432 1,203 1,427 1,664 2,100 2.103 595 2,709 2,114 28,981 11,683 1,042 10,527 Madrid town IJ';;;:;; •; i,i-,\ ii. lnetii'iui'! Phillips village 1,058 1,097 3,092 1J398 560 5,601 Kaiucley liiwu. ineluding llangeley village lien, mi town ' 1,130 218 45 470 885 1,622 Farmingdale town iV-'.nh-.i' Yi iYy YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. 29 2,714 YYYYYYYYYY. " 9 25 37,312 Litchfield town Manchester town 1,057 1,230 1,913 1,177 2,044 I*i t ■ -1 on Io'aii. idiag ''a-. I'ilM ::> village.. 275 1,402 93i» 1,176 2,216 933 399 353 1,946 213 3', 549 1,0S7 870 m S01 797 1*349 843 482 197 171 1,569 1,224 115 985 14 19 54 909 147 2,038 1,132 734 749 '354 229 182 590 1 13 ( 2 ) 17 17 384 152 2^339 925 374 327 2,047 4,379 4,297 375 175 1,980 1,046 1,310 2,921 366 3,422 246 4J804 1,077 994 420 1,068 50 2,062 406 9,477 3i in ■> town'.'.'.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Vassa,ihoroto\\nYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Vienna town £00 Ellsworth city Ward 7 Wavne lawn \ est G trdinertown Wards Ward 4 707 093 782 30,406 853 1,201 182 594 174 218 1,600 1,251 152 1,156 902 117 i . 264 1.709 1,190 206 132 271 1,355 1,390 239 1,313 50 63 112 1,012 town 842 3,0)5 535 776 179 535 8,174 '864 1,496 1,240 1,529 1,327 630 2,022 2,201 1,438 2.205 1,233 2,334 1,812 814 2, 825 47 604 814 599 257 184 72 8,150 M : r i-ii. us I-.Ih pi mi .n .11 1,648 1,034 900 758 2,010 459 234 192 571 ( 2 ) 10 12 1 . 379 2.030 528 323 242 2, 314 ' 2, 206 1,426 2,088 1,248 2^069 1,019 28 25 Tot aship32 ■ ■ ' 1 i 1 ,v 1,230 i2 in 1890) of Greenvale planta- mvale plantation annexed 5 Not within the li STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MAINE. 217 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between L900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Lincoln County 18,216 19,669 21,996 Penobscot County Continued. 5,667 839 717 980 1,142 1,989 370 1 , 050 472 864 349 217 1,237 1,034 3,530 757 247 923 011 45 970 523 -888 817 457 50 485 l!210 609 494 403 481 590 96 748 707 1,167 259 12 517 489 967 '227 694 1,747 6,317 694 2,508 1,436 1,068 611 3,555 1,219 445 1,406 590 472 86 459 577 480 14 557 103 655 125 75 7 208 15 21 11 12 6 ■26 11 ( 3 ) 320 19,887 4,835 457 1,700 2,021 550 2,415 771 513 1,030 409 2, 656 284 1,056 1,287 36,256 1 . 766 1,926 2,572 876 882 607 1,155 94 1,075 810 374 527 3,145 330 1.150 1,273 32,238 512 1,718 '842 2,821 '749 1,391 90 1,282 947 453 : 533 3,505 451 1,215 1,733 1 30,586 Caiwftown ^ 394 932 487 842 363 236 1,170 1,042 2,941 843 120 Edgecomb town 1,006 663 1,062 527 879 857 461 52 160 2,182 1,183 602 519 430 1,144 423 936 574 129 789 1,731 300 527 297 410 757 '834 933 1,087 187 1,013 1,056 ' 640 14 233 664 196 603 945 307 668 3 97 60 2,065 204 271 21 3,002 1^221 4^s 3,436 262 746 'll 10 311 253 224 762 85,285 538 727 173 1,835 1,019 1,139 204 946 634 1,052 1,376 5.50 15 340 81 741 214 494 1,015 73 693 67 816 286 22 2,902 2,034 1,331 491 3,225 1,457 ( 3 ) 21 13 238 3,770 2,595 284 270 802 282 242 917 816 12 w 76,246 045 740 2,209 783 1,134 1,200 l!m-iJk'lii iiuvn. iin ledum Muckliold village. . . . 2,484 180 1,303 755 988 1,418 495 34 98 727 212 689 600 1,063 59 853 3 79 80 355 211 343 ( 2 ) 2.665 1,737 1,455 Frvchuia low n. includim: Ki vclnirg village Lincoln lown, including Lincoln village Lynchtown to v. nship i low nship :,, ranee -1) Maaallowa\ plain at ion (low nship 5, range 1). .. 299 734 1,533 5,763 1,188 Norway town, including Norway village l'aris iow 1], unhiding l'aris Hill and South 3,156 3,257 1,266 409 1,172 658 502 96 532 347 5 37 555 688 160 ( 3 ) 49 ( 3 ) 7 S ( 3 ) ( 3 ) 1 5 ( 3 ) ( 3 ) 269 s 16,949 1,164 1'arkTtown township i low nship 5, range 3) 692 1.015 ( '\3 222 898 Kic-liur. i sum own low nship: low nship 4, range 1). Sine, wile planl a lion Romford town, includim.; Id. mi. ml Falls villa -■■ 322 291 901 232 1. 001 TJjpton town Township \ ( weal of 1 lopkins Academy granl ). . Township 5, range 6 * 72,865 Township '-', ranae a, N. W. P C 2 ) '■C457 4,23 4 3,507 2,855 "2,680 4,744 634 314 320 348 263 19,103 .. 6 954 682 1,215 705 716 495 Bradley town 605 1 County total in Fern and Kumford ti and Wesl \ndover sun ■luses, nol returned separately. 2 Not returned separately in 1890. 3 No population reported. * County total nirlu les p. ... iilat iuu 1 1 1 oi in. ha n I n aaisi 1 ip, taken to form Indian township No. 3 and Indian township No. 4 between 1S90 and 1900; and population (250) of Stacyville plantation and township 3, range 7, not returned separately. ■' Fasl Millinoiki'l lown oraani/.oil from part of township A, range 7 L. S. in 1907. " Mdliiiockcl low 11 iiraani/.cd I'lotu pa 1 i of Indian low nship Xo. 3 in 1901. ■' Relumed as a lown in 1900. s County totals include population (i:tl in rani); 77 in l.saui of Lia Squaw Moiin- . East Coll ;t and west) between 1890 a: 218 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MAINE. Table I.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between [000 aflfl 1910, see footnotes; for those between L890 and 1600, see Reports, of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. MlN< in CIVIL DIVISION. Piscataquis County— Continued. I '.ow or bank (own 2 Brov aville low n i liesuueook kiw nsliip ( low nship .">, range 111). . Days Academy grant i miiI ion 1 town Kahihilin Iran Works loviisllip (lownship li, range 9) KiiH'o township * Kin -sin ii \ pin n I ;il ion Luke View pkiniaiion I.ilv Hay low nsliip i low nsliip A, range 14)'tleSqiiaw Moimlaiii low nsliip' ( township li, range 5) Wei 1 loi 1 1 town Milo town Monson town Xonheast (any low nsliip i iownship3, range 15) i (rneville town Parkman town Sangerville town Sebee town Shirley town Wellington town W illiamsi uirg town Williniantio town Township A , range 11 Township B, range 11 Township 1, range 9 Township 1, range 10 Township 1, range 11 , Township 1, range 14 Somerset County— Coj i Hnued in I in in l own . . ighton plantation Cain hriil go town Canaan Imvn Cam I unk planlalion Carrying I 'lace plantation Concord lown Cornvillo (own Dead River plantation Dennislow n planlalion Detroit town Embden lawn ImiiuYld limn, including Fairfield vil Madison unai, including Madison village Madison i illniii . Mavlicld plant al ion -' e gore Moose Ki\er planlalion Moscow lown New Portland town \ori id gey ock town I 'alluvia lown knave I 'in id low nship 1'illslielil lown, i 1 1 - ■ 1 1 1 < I i 1 1 ■ • I'iilslield villaae.. Pitlsfuld rillugr T'iilstoii township.. Skowhegan '._ „. Sniithfield town Starks town ...... '.V. '.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'. '. '. Taunton and Raynham Academy grant.. Township 3, range lc Township 5, range 1( Deer Island « Moose Island 5 Sugar Island 6 Sagadahoc County.. Arrowsic town Bath city Ward 1 Wards Wards Wards'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. Ward 6 Ward 7 Bowdoin town Bowdoinham town Georgetown town i.%\ Township 1 iwi'Sl of Squaw- Mountain) Township 1, range 1 (north of Taunton and R.ivnham Aeademy grant) Tow nship I , cinv '_' i '! oniliegau) Townsliip I, range.",, 10. K. It. (Moxie gore) Township 1, range 7, W. K. R. (Sapling) Township J, range I. 10. K. R. (East Moxie).... Township j, range il, W. K. R. (Purlin I'oudi. Tow nship .', range 7, W. lv. R. (Misery) Townsliip ::, range I (Long I'oiid) Towns! ii) i :i, range 1, W. Iv. K Township 4, range .". ( Raid Mountain) "' iw nsliip I, range i',, W. K. R. (Hobbstown). . iwnship4, range IS Township , r i, range 1 (Attean) low nship :,, range :', (S:md\ Ray) Township 6, range 1 (I-IoleS) Waldo County Belfast cit v Ward) Ward WardS Ward 4 Ward 6 , Belmont town Brooks town liniiihaiii town Frankfort town Freedom town Islesboro town Jackson town I ,i I icrf v t own I .inrohiville town Monroe town Mojilville town Morrill town Northport town Somerset County... Bigelow plantation. . Searsmont town . . . Searsport town Stockton Springs tc Waldo town Winterport town 3 No population reported. ' Returned as Mount Kineo in 1900. • Not within the limits of an organized t< STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MAINE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, L900, AND 1890— Continued. 1 For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1(11)0 and 1010, see footnote. ; for those jetween 1890 and loan, see Reports ol the Twelfth Census: 1000, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. J910 19(H) 1890 Washin to Count 42,905 45,232 44,182 Washington County— Conl inued. 401 023 102 172 308 258 C 1 ) 12 C 1 ) 7 48 7 68,526 163 550 135 399 424 (>) 2 ( l ) 7 2 18 64,885 \ddison ton-n 374 1,137 228 6, 116 80S 865 ' ~9i;o 439 91 69 504 003 114 585 1,295 I 1 ) 1 , 392 l',S50 1,109 1,441 'oio 290 1,020 94 519 2,074 104 3,363 lj218 178 124 1,550 81 1,378 ' 82 6 81 1,091 091 105 890 100 259 1,059 333 215 231 285 7, 055 1,022 337 220 273 429 7, 290 485 Tm\ Qship l. range l _ Township ( west of < trand Lake) Township 6, range l 91 315 1,859 08 510 509 207 112 1,092 73 482 30 1 , 521 5,311 381 1,787 72 587 204 140 002 1,003 70 452 1,'037 4,908 Columbia Fails town 603 890 '687 3, US 2, 002 2,548 2, 436 2, 057 3,004 1,075 395 1,530 1,284 3,099 2,130 3,533 1,310 905 980 015 020 1,777 1,057 1,433 832 811 '475 936 9, 049 2, 935 997 2^802 778 937 W, 145 1,838 984 473 1,458 1,274 3,228 2, 123 2,872 1,335 874 1,001 070 1,748 964 1, 131 0,122 2,030 492" 1,165 87 000 2,124 113 3,005 2,082 1,218 95 227 154 1,921 126 1,652 1,245 77 15 86 1,094 844 168 901 93 282 395 287 404 1,150 88 024 1,917 2,009 2,035 1,437 90 299 150 'l43 945 112 30 81 1,027 787 982 112 375 C.rand Lake Stream i II i n 1-: U\ ) planlal inn 6,075 •1 llh-1,1- ,,n II , Ward 6 l 0,078 847 3,188 2' 007 2,008 2,444 1 No population reported. 220 STATISTICS OF POPULATION MAINE. A. CITIES ANI> TOWNS OF 2,500 IXU VISITANTS OR MORE. CITY OR TOWN. Androscoggin. . . Kennebec. . I'ennhseot.. . Sagadahoc. . Biddeford York Brewer Penobscot .... Calais Washington.. Kaslnort Wash ingl on. . Gardiner Kennebec Hallowell Kennebec Lewiston Androscoggin . . South I 'ortland Cumlin land. . . Waterville Kennel ice. Westbrook Cum I lerland. . . Bridgton Brunswick. . Camden Caribou Chelsea Dexter Fast Livernn Cumberland... Cumberland... Aroostook Kennebec Penobscot Androscoggin. . 5,491 3,181 21,701 to wns— continued . Eden Hancock Fairfield Somerset Fanning: on Franklin Fori. Fairfield Aroostook Fort Kent ' Aroostook Gorham Cumberland. . . Houlton Aroostook Jay Franklin Keunebunk York. .' Kittery York Androscoggin . . Norway Oxford. . I'll I Slicld SOIIHMSCI . . . I'res<|in- Me Uooslook.. Rumford Oxford South Berwick Van Buren Waldoboro Wiiislow Kennebec York York. York Aroostook.. Lincoln.. B. INCORPORATED VILLAGES. VU^ GE . Town. County. 1910 1900 1890 , «**«. Town. County. 1910 1900 1890 Bethel Bridgton Brunswick Buckfield Pittston Fairfield Farmmglon. . Fort Fairfield. Freeport Fryeburg Lincoln Oxford Cumberland .. Cumberland . . Oxford Kennebec Somerset Franklin Aroostook Cumberland .. Oxford Penobscot 834 5J341 357 83 2,801 l!hL>0 965 540 1,167 722 1 , 552 5. 1' 10 379 783 Madison Madison Norwav Oxford". Somerset Oxford Oxford Oxford Franklin Somerset Aroostook Franklin Oxford Oxford 2,408 2,215 473 262 2,231 2,l«s 5. 127 1,542 1,850 2,(134 674 2,208 1 , 256 563 2,595 Phillips Pittsfield Presquc Isle... Rangeley Rumford 2,238 1,251 1,469 750 550 868 2,130 i'resuue Isle MARYLAND. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. is (Unction district. For changes in houudai ios, etc., between Willi ami I 'Jill, see luol.uul.c:;; I'm i hose between I Sill an. I I'.IIHI, ;ec Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 62,411 53,694 41,571 Baltimore County— Continued. 2,280 1,702 3,165 5,635 16, 363 2,416 4,815 25. 983 8,576 8,310 10,831 558,485 2.412 2,121 3,313 6, 100 10,776 2,746 5,017 14,925 5,406 4,404 7,121 508,957 855 1,020 950 9,340 7,140 8,668 S, 198 2,804 6,503 4,859 4,032 3, 568 842 2,702 1,550 2,233 490 1,653 1,508 769 6,028 1,408 896 3,037 2,081 2,439 1,068 739 2,953 1,178 1,296 1,182 478 2,730 2,301 2,029 2,052 687 1,924 '696 1,966 1,636 1,271 1,060 39,553 954 1.108 6,566 6,068 17, 128 910 871 1,524 2,343 2,843 12JW9 2,381 2,285 5,957 7,977 2,838 (i and part ol ward j ol' Cumberland City Totalfor Cumberland n / ,, n , t ,,,,, ,h n>, t 14, and pari:, ,,/ districts ',, a, U, .'.', arid d.J. . Wardl 17,279 4,173 District 5, Wills Cicrk, including ward 3 and 4,661 4.204 3,037 2,545 897 3,258 1,998 1,640 2,757 1,248 2,181 1,312 674 5,274 2,090 1,620 2,645 3,277 933 515 819 3,625 3,480 2,204 2,204 762 2,401 1,626 2,242 2,763 22,841 22,887 22,317 16,834 20,319 28,073 26, 579 32, 161 22, 953 21,431 20,570 27,610 25, 559 22, 130 30,079 25, 564 20,718 20,047 22,882 27, 751 20,260 17,609 18,168 23, 143 10,325 [>i (net li ( iimli il 1 m 1 liii 1 mi ludiug u ml 1 in In. 1 s \\ hi up.ii 1 in. India \\ n 1 ipta 1 1 Mi) 1 .in 1 mi 1 in In pal 1 "i 1 Total for /,' a,/ iuivn in districts 10 1 ii.a 1 ici 11,1. lam;, including am i ni tinsi 3,565 2,582 3,804 1,572 1,222 1,978 2,146 3,056 Totalfor It m . 1 , , < . . i>i 111.1 l'2 1 1.1 ilang,- including part of Frost- District 14, C11111I. .1 aid i mill, 3 comprising parts of wards 2 and 4 of Cumberland city District 15, Lonaconing, 1 including part of Lona- 10,223 District 1 , Solomons Island , including Solomons 'S18 2,828 3,257 19,216 4,265 553 822 1,379 3,978 l'l 11 11 1 1- 11I an Ill li 1 did aid urn 11. 2, 958 3,000 16,248 2, 979 1,146 '438 2,049 1,695 1,818 1,533 1,658 791 3,526 i,062 796 152 1,567 1,234 1.800 1,372 1,478 I nn a 1 .'.' 1 an. 11 '- 1 1 . . 1 , in. Ilidni ■ p 1. 1 ni 1 District 1, Henderson, ineludingiloldsborotown. ''201 2,711 19 609 3,481 1,481 2, 562 288 2,359 1,050 1,909 209 2,361 948 1.728 33,934 1,937 District 2, CiernsUa.aicli, including Bridae- 2,374 50 641 2,519 900 2,126 192 1,739 5.39 1,796 196 1,928 1,829 33,860 Disliiel.3, Denlnii, including i >enton town 1 1 11 11 1 i. 1 .. 1 lili in. ludin. pin .1 1 ... 1 641 District 4, 1 'lost mi, including I'reston town v.a./ ■ m, ;. . ..... . 2,085 1 U .i.i I'm . le.'i'i a a. mm .... I .• 1 odeml ' Im District 28, Frostburg,' including part of Frost- 2,191 543 2,036 District 6, Ilillshoto, including llillsl.oro [own.. Dislriol. ::■_', i" including pari ol Frnslluirg low 11 . . District 7, Itidgoh .including l; idgely town 39,620 34,094 3,833 5,437 5,095 4,486 7,767 2,1 73 2,431 4,005 4,326 122,349 4,138 4,309 4,567 3,638 Di trid !, including Yrundel-on-the-Bay town.. District 1, Taneytown, including Taneytown 2,653 824 2.149 1,911 2,634 3,465 565 3,221 523 0,509 3,295 2,273 555 2,678 665 2,409 2,112 2,864 5,126 4,729 9,017 8,525 4,594 4,624 5,165 7,604 District 6, coextensive with Annapolis city I ii i in t r , 1 H ( dmn ' im India m 1 ■ i dlt lim il District li, Manchester, including Manchester 3,440 609 6,408 3,199 2,213 480 1,311 3,776 90,755 3,902 72,909 Dislriot 7, Wesi miiisim nieludiuo Westmin- ster city 10,620 4,711 11,780 5,102 9,408 4,370 7,656 4,974 7,217 4,561 5,473 4,479 District 8, Hampstead, including Hampstead Distrii 1 1 In in, i a 1 In, 1.369 00; part taken to form district 32 e 1900; part taken to form part of district 27 ir 6 Incorporated in 1902. '• Name changed in an i'.mdm, si mil since 1900. » District 28 organized from part of district 26 in 1904. s Organized from parts of districts 10, 15, and 18 in 1904. 10 Organized from part of district 12 in 1910. 11 Incorporated in 1906 ' 2 Part taken to form district 14 in 1910. » Incorporated in 1904. (221) STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MARYLAND. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Carroll County— Continued. Windsor tc New Windsor town District 12, Union Bridge, including Unioi District i . < v t -ii i oi i. including (Veil ton town.. peake City tc Chesapeake Cilii imrn District 3, Elkton, including Elkton town . . Elkton town District 1, Fnir Hill.. I>i'.iv'u-I .'., \oilli Fdm., inc in-.: ('harlestown and North East towns Charlestown town North East town District (i, Rising Sun, including Rising Sun District 9, Calvert (Brick Meeting House). . Charles County District 1, LaPlata, 2 includingLariata town.. District 3, Cross K District 8, Bryan town.. District 9, Patuxent Dorchester County.. District 1, Fork.. District 3, Vienna, o including Vienna town .. District 7, Cambridge, including Cambridge Cambridge town Wardl WardS WardS Wardi Wards District 8, Neck District 9, Church Creek District 10, Straits District 11, Drawbridge • District 12, Williamsburg District 13, Bucktown Hurlock to District 16, Mi District 17, Sa Frederick County District 1, Buckeystown, including Point of Rocks town Point of Rocks town District 2, Frederick, including Frederick city.. 2 Name changed from Port Tobacco si > Not returned separately in 1900. * Name changed from Nanjemoy since ! 226 ( ?.705 1 , 901 2,445 2,187 1 . 757 1,479 1,522 ""946 1,740 1,298 7,346 2.047 4U 1,485 1,249 2,661 1,787 2,579 MINOR CIVII. DIVISION. Frederick County— Continued. District 3, Middletown, including Mlddletown Miiltllt/niril loirn I)isl rid I, Crengerslown District ">, Eimnilshurg, including Emmitsburg District li, Catoctin District 7, Urbana Distrid s, Liberty District 9, New Mai ket , including New Market Ntw Murkil loir a District 10, Hauvers District II, Woodsboro, 8 including Woodslioro Wmiilximrn loir H District 12, Petersville '» District 13, Mount. Pleasant 8 District ll, Jefferson District. 1."), Meehunicstown, including Thur- I tislrict in, Jackson.. . . Distrid 17, Johnsville... District 18, Woodville, including part of Mount Mount Airy tow n ( pa tt of )... ,: -'- : -t 13, Car District 20, Lewistown I >isl rid 2 1 , Tuscan >ra District 22, Iturkittsville, including Burkitts- villetown Burkittsvillc town District 23, Ballenger District ' I - iddo I District25, Brunswick,'»coextensivewith Bruns- Brunswick town Wardl.. Ward 2 Wards District 26, Walkersville, 8 including Walkers- Garrett C ounty District 1, Swanton District 2, Friendsville and Selbysport, in- cluding Friendsville town Friendsville town ' District 3, Grantsville, including Grantsville , including Bloomington District o, Accident District 0, Sang Run I'M, id ! ;-; laLim I nclii Inid ,\ Jin Loch Lynn Heights District 12, Bittinger District 13, Kitzmillersville, including Kitz- millers ville town Kit;ini/lrrsi:il/i I own » District 14, West Oakland, including part of Oakland town Oakland town {part of) Harford County District 1 , Abingdon District 2, Halls Cross Roads, including Aber- deen town Aberdeen town Dhlnci 3, Bel Air, including Bel Air town.. Bel Air town District 4, Marshall Dislrici 5. Dublin Distrid 6, Havre de Grace, coextensive with Havre d'e Grace city.. ' Incorporated in 1904. 5,180 4,212 i STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MARYLAND. 223 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [District means election district. For changes in boundaries, etc., bethel! L90 1 L910, sec footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: MINOR CIVIL LHV1.NIUN. Howard County.. District 4, Lisbon.. Kent County District 1, Masseys, including Galena and Mil- lingt Galena town Millington town Disl del 2, Kenuedyville District 3, Worton or Betterton, Including Bet- Rock Hall to I m-:( i'K-t 0, Fairlee.... District 7, Pomona.. Montgomery County. . District 1, Laytonsville, including Laytonsville il II Hi I si on I District 3, l'o<'lcs\ illc, including l'oolesville Poolesvillc lon-n District 4, Rockville, including Rockville town and part of Garrett Park town i;„n.:ii ,",./■/ nn, :i I,,,,,; ../> Totalfor Garrett Park town * in districts 4 and 7. Rockville toivn District 5, Colesville District 6, Darnestown 1 u ,i i u-i : ! '-ci ho :■!:; luchnliu ! i di-n I olio -itnl Somerset luwiisaml |>ari cl (iari'otl I'ai !. I own . Garrett Park town * {part of) Glen Echo town* Somerset town 2 District 8, Olney, including Brookeville town... Brookeville town District 9, Gaithersburg, including Gaithersburg Takoma Park town (part of).. Prince Georges County.. "District 5, Fw 1 \ 1 on In 1m I i-a il i i village Piscataway village District 6, Spalding District 7, Queen Anne 1 District 8, Aquasco I 2,826 835 2,623 5,107 1,159 2,192 1,812 1,190 1,SS1 2,233 3,082 2,118 3,981 2,1(12 3,022 1,488 2, o:',2 1,812 2,655 1,677 2,152 1,218 Laurel tc Wardl ] 710 Wardi ! 805 Ward 3 I 900 District 11, Brandywine I 1,427 'Returned in 1900 as in Baltimore and Howard Counties. Charter for that part of city (population 165 in 1900; 155 in 1890) in Baltimore County repealed in 1904. 'Incorporated in 1906. ' Incorporated in 1908. "~ — *n district 4 only. Prince Georges County— Continued. District. 13, Kent ' District 14, Bowie nisirici i">, Mellwood District 10, U vail ;\ illc, including 11 yal,ls\ illc 4 Returned iL __ » Incorporated ii « Parts taken to form district 16 in 1901 and part of district 17 in 1905. ' District 18 organized from part of district 13 ir ■""" n 1910. WardS Wards District 1 , Chillum/' including Mount Rainier Ward 1 . . Ward -2.. II 'en/.;.. W h i ' imblm District 5, Mount Vernon Distiiel ii, Fairmount Di in. i 7 i ushcld nn hiding Crisfieldtc Crisfield town District 8, Lawsons I u 1 1 1, i i,liiH jr., including parts of wards 1 and 5 of Hagerstown city (part of).. Wicomico County.. District 1, Barren Creek lii-,lri,-l . '.', Oiiiiiitico .. District 3, Tyaskin » Dislrid 4, Pittsburg," including Pittsville l'itlsnllctown™ District 5, Parsons, including part of , .. ■',■.;.„,„ ,,,,, „ ' ;,,,,,; , , Total for Salisbury town in district? 6, Delmar OiMl'Irl 12, Xauiicnke ' District 13, Camden,' 2 includingpart of Salisbury !'i ;ni: i M, M r.i ', - Worcester County District 1, Coston, including Pocomoke City n districts S and 9.. District 6, Colbournes District 7, Atkinsons i i i . Stockton, including Girdletree town. 3,411 1,867 . 4,277 .■ ,,i ,i-i in nr ; ,!,...! ijcly in 1890. 6 Name changed from East Hagerstown since 1900. » County total includes population (2,905) of Salisbury ti pendently in 1890. 8 District 12 organized from part of district 3 in 1902. s District 14 organized from part of district 4 in 1906. 10 Incorporated in 1900. n Exclusive of population of Salisbury town. 2,849 2,205 I 2,13fi 469 , 408 n, returned inde- STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MARYLAND. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 225 CITY, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Harford Anne Arundel Anne Arundel 616 8,609 558,485 1,005 1,317 308 262 460 372 759 19 835 3,721 228 6,407 518 1,435 274 1,016 2,735 306 521 3,468 228 21,839 170 988 959 1,481 280 3,083 2,487 1,151 1,054 1,050 10,411 466 ''568 625 262 185 325 203 201 248 609 16,507 555 893 4,212 209 516 98 1,917 367 865 600 8,525 I aural town Prince Georges... Montgomery St. Marys 2,415 133 526 216 1,553 523 692 \ 622 1,242 335 320 974 1,366 476 1,191 635 73 300 175 1,394 288 1,006 279 943 416 781 1,181 1,517 '409 960 481 1,844 318 173 247 565 | 1,242 824 903 273 804 361 332 582 2,702 3,295 1,571 2,079 148 463 215 2,181 609 665 1,984 7,604 :.!,.■.. Arundel-on-tlie-Bay town 5US,'.)f.7 961 1,246 43-1, 4311 1,416 974 Loch Lynn 1 li'inlits town Harford Worcester Allegany Berlin town 273 667 Frederick Allegany Bisho p ville town Worcester Prince Georges. . . 243 463 395 700 50 158 2,471 229 5,747 447 1,231 244 1,172 3,008 368 474 3,165 207 17,128 148 293 659 900 3,074 2,542 1,331 849 9,296 275 503 295 766 \l Miami town Millington town Kent 406 549 485 Washington Caroline Montgomery Frederick Frederick Dorchester {Frederick!!!;;;;; Prince Georges... Bridgetown town Uimi, > \ i lie town Mountain Lake Park town 260 360 430 969 1,170 365 1,243 770 95 Frederick 423 414 Burkittsville town 4,192 485 1,309 228 . 1,155 2,632 596 North East town Queen Annes Worcester Chestertown town Kent Penyville town Cecil Prince Georges... Wicomico Worcester Frederick Montgomery 344 Queen Annes Washington Clr;w S|niilg town 1,565 I'or-omoke City town 2,124 Queen Annes 12,729 Poolesville town 236 1,575 192 854 374 713 382 Montgomery 179 Wicomico 641 Dorchester Queen Annes 2,939 2,318 1,488 844 543 8,193 u'M-k Hall town Frederick Montgomery 1,110 1,043 4,277 410 1,030 462 1,596 St. Michaels town 1,329 Wicomico Dorchester Washington Wicomico Washington Worcester Frederick Secretary town 5,274 559 547 251 175 336 3,804 Washington Montgomery 266 Montgomery Worcester Montgomery Caroline Montgomery Queen Annes Glen Echo town Goldsboro town - 1 1. Mr T Mill' \ 111 1 I' 221 125 175 641 13,591 480 824 3,423 196 280 81 1,222 426 477 Takoma Pa^Ttown (Montgomery \Prince Georges . . 756 665 868 279 663 449 902 10,118 521 815 3,244 174 Washington Taneytown town Thurm< Frederick Washington Dorchester Montgomery Prince Georges. . . Washington Montgomery Prince Georges.. . Dorchester Frederick Allegany 1,509 420 359 1,998 3,199 1,472 1,526 2,903 Washington Frederick 116 MASSACHUSETTS. Table 1.— POPULATION OP 1 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. n boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5. M I8S OH C1 V,n.V W11 «. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1,978 34, 259 3,634 3,368 3,204 4,652 6,024 3,779 3,767 7,031 2,928 4,504 1900 1,645 31,036 1890 27,642 27,826 29,172 Bristol County— Continued. 4,076 2,474 631 1,564 1,919 518 3,144 2,115 270 1,077 '655 1,022 1,420 105,259 4,364 1,657 829 1,749 2,333 502 3,500 2,334 303 1,123 4,247 1,448 95,667 4,023 1,442 1,003 1,954 2,899 002 2,567 2,734 298 1,219 4,642 1,819 919 1,291 1,760 81,108 25,448 2,890 4,561 2,599 Yarmouth town 1,191 162 152 1,084 1,196 437 436,177 324 1,209 173 164 l'l49 442 357,030 Edgai town town 1.156 Gay Head town 139 13,026 275 1,508 1,207 3,568 605 5,926 405 1,116 947 4,106 3,060 110 92 1,124 22,019 8,123 2,98$ 2,357 4,130 2,941 2,742 3,744 494 237 32, 121 4,671 6,828 4,435 4,121 4,148 6,425 3,493 650 566 503 1,817 1,933 277 1,271 3,708 404 318,573 11,134 272 994 1,221 943 3,014 758 390 5,854 451 1,485 780 3,596 2,942 455 122 107 24^200 9,213 297 946 1,308 884 '845 436 4,612 506 1,739 1,018 3,785 '495 148 125 16,' 074 Gosnold town 135 1 lafc Bluffs town 2 1,080 Tisbury town 1,506 \\ est '1 isljury town 8 299,995 Amesbur town 9,894 7,301 18,650 4,304 2,892 3,454 3,422 2,682 1,896 718 9,407 1,621 1,958 24,398 2,716 4,779 2,047 3,938 3,423 1,965 1,553 2,253 1,749 44,115 2,766 2,905 4,067 4,804 14,902 8,219 6,463 5,777 85, 892 14, 186 IS, 671 14,236 13,681 16, 180 14, 138 89,336 2,454 6,464 18,063 16,047 19,211 23,537 4,660 911 2,673 7,338 2,202 11,448 1,129 1,184 14| 949 2,568 2,355 2,705 2,016 2,329 2,986 5,529 15,721 4,211 1,368 43, 697 6,463 6,449 6,386 6,017 14,079 6,313 9,473 6,813 10,821 704 8,642 1,663 1,900 26,121 7,454 24,651 476 253 21,766 305 17,281 2,376 1,614 37,175 679 661 506 1,804 2,081 386 1,158 5,013 507 252,029 796 1,954 2,132 412 434 1,492 4,221 612 186,465 62I559 68,513 1,692 16, 215 999 4,378 2,235 5,139 5,122 119, 295 20, 491 12,247 16,249 12,312 11,876 17,110 6,048 9,860 14,112 1,471 5,183 96,652 28, ISt 11,285 8,423 13,785 26,772 9,562 2,544 1,725 2,001 2,397 2,798 1,221 11,335 949 1,'802 4,837 3,567 104,863 1,027 7,577 894 3,122 4)493 2,919 74,398 888 2,522 7,582 2,131 7,512 839 1,152 1,601 14, 478 8,202 13,947 1,394 4,006 62, 442 1,417 3,432 40, 733 4,243 11,523 4,592 1,391 35,956 3,742 10, 158 30,801 7,253 1,826 1,540 1,840 1,673 2,241 6,727 1,785 1,340 1,786 1,317 2,106 Somerset town Ward6 1) of Bradford town, annexed STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MASSACHUSETTS. 227 Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] minor crvn, DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Essex County— Continued. 1,658 8,047 6,204 1,174 1,010 1,473 43,600 1,558 5,084 4,648 1,030 847 1,558 41,209 1,316 3,673 3,198 1,022 886 1,796 38,610 Hampshire County— Continued. 761 452 1,999 1,986 1,473 354 19,431 2,778 2,942 3,971 2,488 1,860 467 406 320 4,894 870 8,774 423 2,132 569 669,915 761 491 1,789 1,500 1,475 410 18,643 1,246 455 959 741 - 1,573 1,001 1,741 1,230 2,209 1,148 942 10,427 424 346 728 363 246 6,866 1,642 '456 1,498 267 1,047 477 502 846 231,369 955 792 1,446 1,094 1,749 1,458 1,969 973 1,015 7,927 429 441 744 379 305 6,150 807 1,966 5,520 549 1,508 382 771 619 492 769 175,603 1,025 770 1,570 972 1,671 1,451 2,910 972 960 5,252 515 503 702 407 282 6,296 856 1,869 4,568 541 '453 663 565 505 779 135,713 462 404 380 4,526 1,012 8,263 469 1,926 675 565,696 435 4,261 477 2,057 431,167 2,136 11, 187 2! 797 1,231 5,542 2,789 317 591 104,839 7,285 6,642 11,407 11,070 9,066 13,016 11,398 8,662 9,321 7,182 9,900 551 5,010 6,421 3,461 408 33,484 4,370 6,817 8,943 4,149 4,097 6,108 12,948 2,155 2,711 2,452 6,743 4,918 1,175 1,229 106,294 9,601 14, 326 11,690 9,971 10,089 21,001 9,890 9,476 10,351 6,240 6,091 6,307 6,674 6,927 8,677 14,579 2,119 2,073 2,459 2,559 1,766 1,619 1,994 6,390 2,120 '876 1,525 2,446 1,208 2' 775 316 593 91,886 5,629 825 2,148 1,092 2,098 2,380 325 617 70,028 3,501 717 866 1,377 25,401 8,841 £,684 4,050 3,720 2,602 4,545 1,553 781 645 145 57,730 9,379 10,709 8,906 8,904 6,220 7,758 6,854 1,084 4,948 '217 8,610 965 88^926 16,274 10,825 6,369 7,960 9,366 14,258 16,724 180 345 9,224 16.044 2,332 63,327 2,536 836 941 1,450 19, 167 2,352 871 1,096 1,295 14, 050 480 5, 652 3,253 427 24,336 4,427 1,187 1,050 782 169 45,712 1,996 1,061 831 201 35,637 11,068 11,302 2,052 2,598 2,623 5,454 3,831 1,127 1,179 94, 969 9,239 2,619 81 i 3,536 3,402 7,801 793 1,040 62,059 2,183 1,939 3,650 266 6,520 879 44, 179 33,664 275 773 7,105 12,310 1,595 58,820 393 700 5.077 9,805 1,814 51,859 13,609 13,805 5,112 2,054 536 637 8,524 874 279 5,028 2,292 611 748 l|036 316 4,512 2,120 787 4,395 952 297 Goshen town .,.,..., 3,142 2,700 2 Part annexed to Norfolk County in 1907. Boundary line between Cambridge city, Middlesex County, and Boston city, Suffolk County, changed in 1910. > Boundary line between Arlington town and Somerville city changed in 1910. 4 Parts of Watertown town and Cambridge city annexed in 1903 and 1906, respectively. 6 Part annexed to Belmont town in 1906. Boundary line between Cambridge city, Middlesex County, and Boston citv, Suffolk County, changed in 1910. « Part of Tewksbury town annexed in 1906. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MASSACHUSETTS. Table 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 5,480 1890 Middlesex County— Continued. 23, 150 2,826 3,626 2,696 3,969 4,848 % 892 1,496 15, 715 1,816 2,262 1,799 2,122 2,606 2,612 9,866 39,806 5,364 7,261 6,400 4,261 3,307 1,059 2,953 5,818 1,428 2,139 77,236 10,398 13,023 7,7S8 7,623 11,246 14,456 12,853 7,090 1,115 1,120 3,750 1,761 829 11,404 27,834 4,m 4,140 4,080 3,904 S,5S5 4,743 \2, 875 2,206 2,851 2,106 1,858 9,309 15,308 2,708 3,014 2,668 2,626 1,478 2,056 860 2,962 18,244 11,079 Norfolk County— Continued. 8,014 32! 642 6,967 6,199 6,727 6,631 4,288 4,301 2,310 6,316 5|413 1,266 12,895 1,743 144,337 3,733 23,899 16,723 12,962 8,519 3,993 2,060 5,442 3,572 5,072 1,112 11,324 2,720 113,985 3,946 1,634 2,604 3,600 331587 9,118 24,379 Ward 2 92,700 WardS Plymouth County Ward 4 5,455 56^878 8,124 6,660 8,640 10,311 8,087 3, 363 550 1^854 4,965 2,103 2,445 1,141 1,460 1,738 1,233 8,214 1,410 1,330 12,141 561 1,090 6,928 4' 102 2,231 7,292 731,388 4,489 5,806 40,063 4, 260 Bridfe.vater"to™::;::::::::::::::::::::;:::;: Ward 6 27,294 Ward 7 ^ard"^".""."".".".'."."";""."!""!;"" Pepperell town 3,701 4,969 1,483 6l| 643 3,127 4,088 1,381 1,191 40,152 Reading town Sherborn town Shirley town Somerville city J Ward I 1,104 2,075 3,025 2,152 1,455 5,059 1,703 1,955 958 902 1,810 1^560 1,240 9,592 488 5,327 2,470 3,432 (>' 155 611,417 Ward 2 1,908 2,911 562 Ward 3 Ward 4 I [anover town I I ansi ui town Ward7 * 4,564 Stoneham town 6,197 1,002 1,150 1^804 773 23J481 0,155 903 1,197 2,515 1,750 6,982 18,707 Stow town 1,659 935 Sudbury town Al;' nmi town 1 ifieldtown Tyngsborough town 1,148 6,065 1,635 Wakefield town Waltham city Wardl Ward 2 7,314 597 1,012 5,213 2,318 3,451 1,917 WardS Ward 4 Ward 6 Ward 6 Ward 7 Watertown town < 9,706 2,303 2,624 l!596 7,248 14,254 7,073 2,060 2,250 1,664 1,213 4,861 13, 499 V\ u> land town 484,780 670, 585 29,676 28,812 16,339 13,294 12,811 35,758 14,913 32,430 26,427 25,320 27,444 24,294 21,661 23, 684 25,633 26,426 22, 735 SI, 714 55, 720 30,611 29,975 30,668 37, 749 26,575 32, 452 10,074 4,347 5,487 6,604 18,219 10, 132 560,892 3,006 3,268 2,962 187,506 3,006 151,539 3,268 118,950 2,013 1,696 8,066 27,792 4,797 2,585 9,284 798 5J641 2,816 15,507 3,466 2,696 1,399 7,924 '960 1,384 1,334 4,848 12,103 4,538 2,448 7,123 727 4^831 2,474 10,193 1,493 2,985 4,278 3,035 913 1 19 2 7 5 2 13 2 2 935 584 759 457 656 266 017 229 244 '.i.'i, 761 053 578 34,072 27,909 10,395 6,058 Norfolk town '§80 U 111 .pl'i'.vn. .. 2,726 ' Part of Newton city, Middlesex County, annexed to Brookline town, County, in 1907. 2 Boundary line between Arlington town and Somerville city changed ir » Part annexed to Lowell city in 1906. md Cambridge city, STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MASSACHUSETTS. 229 Table 1 .—POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. mges in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 399,657 346,958 280,787 Worcester County— Continued. 8,807 552 3,361 416 757 426 818 792 1,743 1,946 1,745 12,592 6,740 1^957 3,078 3,756 2,071 4,671 4,188 11,509 1,270 1,327 5,446 1,353 5,678 145,986 14,273 17,646 18,7U 16,071 18,325 15,049 12,941 10,921 11,637 10,509 7,036 588 2,677 459 853 975 958 1,334 1,626 1,921 10,025 7,627 1,420 2,058 3,328 3,489 1,937 3,599 4,417 8,804 2,314 1,448 5,400 1,327 5,001 118,421 2,107 8,536 2,420 2,957 904 '764 714 2,204 2,032 13,075 736 2, 152 4,267 5,527 11,718 3,715 7,128 5^705 3,524 1,034 2,147 2,188 • 1,073. 2,464 3,237 l'393 880 13,055 4,740 464 3,075 1,713 7^061 1,621 1^03 5,721 770 1,364 3,062 1.S60 13,667 790 2,113 3,553 31,531 2,074 6,319 1,532 2,239 884 6,138 827 3,352 1,847 10,424 700 1,908 2,944 22,037 2,616 1,030 2,114 7,655 8,747 2,074 7,031 10,813 4,869 3,203 1,139 2,464 2,087 1,227 2, 478 3,416 l'332 911 11,376 4,460 500 4,587 2,164 8,424 5,002 2,922 1,095 ljl76 1,346 2,201 3,120 l)l46 919 8,780 4,428 573 3,871 1,952 Table 2.— POPULATION OF CITIES AND TOWNS HAVING, IN 1910, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 CITT OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITT OR TOWN. County. 1910 19 DO 1890 CITIES. 18,650 670,585 56,878 104,839 32,452 25,401 33,484 119,295 37,820 24,398 44.115 57,730 106] 294 89,336 44,404 14,579 23,150 15,715 96,652 14,949 39,806 •2:3.019 19, 431 32, 121 32,642 43,697 77,236 88,926 34,259 16] 308 145,986 5,455 13,026 3,501 9,894 5,112 7,301 11,187 8,536 16,215 2,797 13,884 5liii.s!)j 40, w« 34] 072 19* 167 24,336 104, 8! :;', 31,531 26,121 37, 175 45,712 62,559 94,909 68,513 33,664 18! 244 12,962 62,442 14,478 24! 200 18, 643 21,766 23,899 35,956 61, 643 62,059 31,036 23,481 14,254 118,421 4,489 11,134 2,536 9,473 5,028 6,813 7^061 11,335 2,446 10,821 448, 477 27,294 70.028 27,909 14,050 11,008 74,31ft; 22,037 24,651 27,412 35,637 44,654 77,696 55, 727 23,031 13,805 11,079 8,519 40,733 13,947 24,379 16,074 14,990 17,281 16,723 30,801 40, 152 44, 179 25, 448 18,707 13, 499 84,655 9^213 2,352 9,798 4,512 6,142 5,629 6,319 7,577 2,148 towns— continued. Barnstable Barnstable Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Norfolk 4,676 4 2,957 2 5,542 3 2,789 2 5,648 5 8,066 5 27^ 792 IS 4, 797 4 5,010 3 13,075 13 6J421 5 3,568 3 9,407 8 4,378 3 9,284 7 3,461 3 4,267 3 3,363 3 8,524 5 5, 139 4 5, 122 3 3,144 3 3,863 3 12,948 11 5,641 5 14,699 10 5,705 4 5,926 5 10,427 7 3,524 3 4,965 5 2,816 2 2,711 2 6,743 5 15, 507 13 5,777 4 4,106 3 3,237 3 3, 060 2 17,580 12 4,918 3 4,948 3 364 059 929 775 721 981 806 935 984 667 759 652 014 542 669 457 253 553 025 603 837 567 500 302 017 813 869 854 927 203 1)5'! 454 244 658 596 416 942 831 551, 522 4,023 2,239 Plymouth Middlesex Belmont 2,098 B illerica Blackstone 6, 138 Hampden Middlesex Braintree 4,848 Bridgewater Plymouth Norfolk 4,249 Brookline 12, 103 Worcester Canton Norfolk 4,538 Chelmsford Middlesex Worcester Norfolk 2,695 Essex Clinton 10, 424 Hampden Cohasset 2,448 Concord Middlesex Berkshire 4,427 Middlesex DaltOn 2,885 Dan vers 7,454 ynn.. Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Dartmouth 3,122 Dedham Norfolk 7,123 Dracut Middlesex Worcester Plymouth Hampshire 1,996 Dudley 2,944 East Bridgewater 2,911 Easthampton 4,395 Middlesex Berkshire Hampshire Berkshire 4,493 2,919 Barnstable Norfolk 2,567 2,933 . Framingham Middlesex Norfolk 9,239 4,831 Middlesex Hampden Worcester Worcester Berkshire 8,424 5,002 Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Plymouth Berkshire Hampden Worcester Plymouth 2,922 4,564 TOWNS. Middlesex Middlesex 4,670 10,193 4,439 Berkshire Worcester Berkshire Worcester Middlesex Hampden 3,785 Hampshire 3,120 2,889 Middlesex Worcester 3,197 1,939 Ayer Middlesex Manchester 1,789 230 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MASSACHUSETTS. CITY OE TOWN. County. 19 19 18!) CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 towns— continued. Bristol ] 5 183 4 338 7 390 3 696 2 448 7 055 11 740 4 924 6 758 3 866 6 962 3 866 9 026 4 529 4 562 7 075 4 807 7 544 1 014 ' 5 282 5 361 2 610 7 721 11 953 3 141 9 369 4 301 3 818 4 219 10 928 5 211 4 006 3 926 1 761 2 512 4 885 6 376 8 460 4 578 4 402 3 150 6 006 3 016 3 243 3 253 6 036 4 826 1 480 3 520 4 677 2 801 6 523 10 701 3 592 7 247 4 993 3 969 4 395 5 327 5 592 4 riii'i 493 985 814 065 780 ,|-_>S 278 650 296 268 lis 035 742 727 871 .785 733 568 616 158 127 314 642 946 668 213 0.S7 to wns— con tin u ed . 047 5 798 2 894 | 4 592 , 10 740 7 090 6 316 i 5 078 1 3 204 : 4 756 | 3 750 3 671 3 404 • 9 892 j 3 774 ! 8 102 1 3 188 1 4 875 i 9 509 8 413 5 224 7 446 5 044 12 928 2 292 6 708 5 678 5 309 7 132 6 084 3 241 2 526 4 025 7 627 8 197 6 442 4 328 3 548 3 489 2 683 2 599 3 572 2 263 7 432 3 417 4 706 7 804 7 072 3 105 5 400 5 310 9 024 2 890 2 324 10 155 4 013 4 001 4 248 4 058 2 Middlesex | 6 i: - . :: Norfolk 2 Hampshire 4 \\ oivcster 12 Worcester 6 Middlesex 7 Stoneham Plymouth 8 Worcester 13 Worcester 4 Won ■!-. lor 3 \\ 3 Middlesex 3 W one ier 4 Middlesex 11 Hampden 4 Tewksbur N'uiihifket 2 Middlesex 9 Hampshire 8 Plymouth 4 Worcester 4 Middlesex 12 Worcester 11 North indover Worcester 3 V, oriisliT 8 Hampden 9 Worcester 5 Hampden 16 Middlesex 2 Woieeslcr 3 Hampden 8 Middlesex 2 Plymouth 12 ! 'in i I ' ; ' ' . i Plymouth 7 Berkshire 3 Worcester 5 didd'esex 9 Middlesex 5 Plymouth 6 MICHIGAN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. n boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. Alcona County.. Curtis township.. Mikado I I'm nshii'i, iurlu Wardl WardS Wards Standish city" Wardl ' WardS Wards Standish township Turner township, including part of Twining vil- Baraga County.. Baraga township, including Baraga Baraga village Covington township L'Anse township, including L'Anse village.. Assyria township. Baltimore towns'- Barry township iship, including part of Freeport Carlton Freeport village (part of) Total for Freeport village ' in Carlton and Irving townships Castleton township, including part of Nashville village Nashville village (part of) Total for Nashville village in Castleton and Maple Grove townships Hastings city 1,S46 4,383 1,236 1,274 1,074 1,266 1,221 Ward 1 1 WardS 1,126 . WardS.. Ward 4.. ' Parts of Alpena township annexed to Alpena city in 1905 and 1907. 8 Incorporated in 1900. 9 Omer city incorporatei t° Au Gres city incorpora " Standish village, returned with Lincoln township in 1900, incorporated a 6 Exclusive of population^ Allegan village. 232 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Table t. POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: J9I0, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. | For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table, 5.J Barry County— Continued. Irving township, including part of Freeport vil- Freeport village (part of) ,- i '■i|. Thornapple township, including -Middleville Middleville village Woodland township, including Woodland v lage Woodland village Yankee Springs township Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. Ward.;.. Ward 4-- Wards.. Ward 6.. Ward 7.. Ward 8.. Ward 9.. Beaver township . . Garfield township . . including Essexville vil- Merritt township.. Monitor township Mount Forest township. . Pinconning township , including Pinconning vil- VVilliams township . . Benzie County.. Almira township, including Lake Ann village. Benzonia village. . \ ilia villMw. . )Vflilnn townships Crystal Lake imvnshiu. including Frankfort village Frankfort village (lil.iioro township, including South Frankfort village South Frankfort village lioinoslcad township Inland township Joyfield township Weldon township, including part of Thompson- trflle village - Thompson i illi mi, in. tpmiftf) Berrien County.. I.'.i'iiiun I fai I .or oil y ' Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Berrien township, including part of Eau Claire Total for linn Claire tillage in Berrien and Pipestone townshivs Bertrand township. : iri :■."■!! ■. ■ , ,i >. M liciiu? I . I I - -I ; : J ■ I : n ill lage /; ncha rin n village MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. n 1901; West Bay City annexed in 1905. Berrien County— Continued. Galien village i [agar township Lake township, including liuvoda village Baroda village ■> Lincoln township, including Stevensville village. Wardl.. Ward 2. . Ward 3. . Ward4 Niles township.. Eau Claire villagt ( pari a!). Royalton township s t J: isi ■ p h city Wardl I Ward 2 WardS St. Joseph low n- i ■indnr; [I ifltop village. . Hilltop village > Thru Oaks villa,!' Wales vli.4 township, including Coloma and Water vliet villages Coloma village Watervliet villagi Weesaw township Branch County.. Bethel township ip, including Bronson village. . Butler township. . Wardl Ward 2 Ward S Ward 4 Coldwater township . . Gilead township Matteson township . . Noble township Sherwood village.. Calhoun County.. \lliiou city . Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. WardS.. Ward 4 Albion township.. Battle Creek city.. Wardl.. Ward 2.. Ward 3. . WardS Battle Creek township . . I'.cdioid township.. Burlington village. . Convis township Eckford township Emmett township Fredonia township * Part of Benton township annexed tc s Incorporated in 1907 « Incorporated in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890- Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Calhoun County— Continued. Homer township, including Homer village 1,803 1,008 880 1,046 1,029 '84S 1,01S 1,896 984 684 856 1,124 826 1,407 573 20,624 1,948 1,097 l|023 4,370 2,032 1,063 1,117 1,165 1,110 3,968 Cheboygan County— Continued. 394 1, 647 433 706 671 697 425 543 1,238 765 794 650 153 321 290 29 24,472 379 1,589 Inverness township k'oehler township '■> ■Mackinaw township, including part of Macki- 1 ,ce i o\\ nship 600 466 664 463 418 967 Mackinau i ';/// i ilimj, : ,>. Total for Ilubbardston village in LJmiii>ii Wardl township, Clinton County. and North Plains township, ' ■ . ■ oi n. ,i ....... . Ward2 WardS 0\ ill inwnship, including Ovid village Ovid village 2,835 1,423 1,277 3,127 1 Ihester 1 ownship 1,243 '959 2,103 1,420 nship St. Johns city * Wardl Ward2 Kap.m township ..... '.'.'".'. 1*084 •• a.1.011 Kspids citv Wardl Ward 2 .....'..'.'.'.'...'.'. 1,970 Victor township Vi -liri hin n luv: ii-.!:u. ij township, including Westphalia village 999 " 1,334 1,557 374 2,943 1,041 1,505 1,699 360 3 2,962 Eaton Rapids township Grand Ledge city Wardl i',m 2,161 1,'256 1,606 Westphalia village Hamlin township 1*428 1,187 1,598 1,224 1,591 Oneida township Roxand township. in< In.iinv v iilliken village... Miil/il.-i 11 village * 1,731 347 770 2,087 1,775 259 30,108 316 228 1,716 170 1,558 - -I . S ! , ! ill Sunfield township, including Sunfield viliage tin n field village 1,979 451 1,755 684 1,900 800 1,497 1,891 Grayling village * Vermontville low nshin, tu. lu.lhp; Vermontville village 1,881 South Branch township 199 '■> 23,881 106 * 15,330 Vermont! dii < ilimu - Walton township including Olivet village 730 1,995 Delta County Windsor township, including Dimondal" - iJbge 1,718 Baldwin township > 753 1,209 550 516 13, 194 734 U47 1,790 040 531 1,148 1,268 497 4,211 775 1,567 949 753 2,109 1,256 1,466 20,524 1,075 469 385 706 478 15,931 Bear Creek township 1,630 694 847 126 441 600 487 1,055 473 2*120 1,089 759 4,778 1,203 1,S2S 1,018 1,234 429 600 780 737 336 64,555 '704 561 544 369 877 9,549 6,808 Bliss township Carp Lake township, including part of Macki- Machiiiair < rn i il/m/i (;iu,i,if) [For total, see Mackinaw township, Cheboy- gan County.] Center township 792 298 1,386 1,234 466 3,380 724 740 837 '468 1,337 Littlefield township, including Alanson village. . ■1 .. - . ■ :■ ", lii '■■ . Little Traverse township, including Harbor 2,152 1,64S 354 1 488 McKinley township,' 5 including Pellston village. Pellston village > 6 516 5,285 2,872 2,203 17,890 241 924 697 Wardl WardS 341 479 752 344 41,804 808 920 773 9,216 i,m 1,346 1,867 1,915 4,974 1,647 1,055 1,372 1,764 262 30,499 532 1,074 400 9,242 8,599 821 1,120 1,059 1,547 673 3,667 2, SSI 38,550 13,235 6,190 4,906 2,614 7,746 L051 2,075 938 927 1,199 1,145 1,227 1,768 751 3,843 2,408 54S 13,103 1,256 4,170 !:-, .;, . . ' ! 466 ::::::::: | Fenton township, including Fenton and Linden 1,230 715 1 31,668 32,094 1,961 930 1,363 430 2,344 1,074 1,517 496 2,084 914 1,537 605 \ 1,172 2,132 900 Benton township, including Potterville village.. Potterville village ill ■ ' . ' , 1 ■■■■■""; 1 1 i Flushing village 2,444 966 > Not returned separately in 1890. . 2 Returned with Bingham township in 1900; incorporated as a city In 1904. 3 County total includes population (95) of Ball township, annexed to South Branch township; population (.".!) oi lilainc h. unship, annexed to Grayling and Maple Forest townships; population (202) of Center Plain township, annexed to Beaver Creek township; and population (204) of Grove township, annexed to ■1.1 . In 1 1 ., :,!■ h !•, 11, hip h I ... . ,1 I an : l'.;ii!l. < Incorporated in lf"° 5 County totals incl „ annexed to Fairbanks township since 1900. 6 Parts taken to form parts of Brampton and Cornell townships in 1902 and 1903, respectively. 11 West Branch township from parts of Breen and Felch townships i 2 Part of Breitung township annexed to Iron Mountain city in 1907. 1 3 Incorporated in 1906. M Incorporated in 1905. is Name changed from Egleston in 1903. " Incorporated in 1907. » Parts annexed to Flint city in 1901, 1907, and 1910. i8 Parts of Burton township annexed in 1901, 1907, and 1910 and parts of Flint, Genesee, and Mount Morris townships annexed in 1910. i» Part annexed to Flint city in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, 235 Genesee County— Continued. Forest township, including Olisville village.. Otisville villat, Gaines township, including (i:iines village Gaines village Genesee township,' including part of Mount Morris village Mount Morris inlhgr i /«(/■< of) Gladwin County.. Beaverton city s Wardl Wards Wards Beaverton township 2 . Bentley township BUlii : township Bourret township Buckeye townships.. Butman township Clement township WardS Ward4 1} lad win township.. Gogebic County.. Ward 1 . . Ward2.. Ward S. . Ward 4.. WardS.. WardS.. Ward 4-. Ward 5. . Ward 6.. Ward 7.. Iron wood township s i Wakefield township, including "Wakefield vil- Grand Traverse County.. Garfield township' Grant township Green Lake township. Long Lake township. Mayfield township Paradise, township, including Kingsley village.. Kingsley village. Peninsula township Traverse City WardS Wardi WardS Union township Whitewater township . . 2,946 — ™«™ 1910 1900 1890 28,820 29,889 28,668 2,757 t,oso 553 1,087 1,477 1,703 513 1,348 1,706 SS8 855 2,012 1,876 1,357 1,206 1,112 1,240 1,524 1,342 1,940 -S58 487 537 558 L384 1,322 2,059 695 29,673 2,047 1,655 8 1,442 1,091 1,895 617 1,461 1,797 330 904 2,179 2,020 1,497 1,329 1,251 1,331 l'253 l'.lh:i n>u nsiiiD, including Ashley village 1,756 1 Hi i 1 i\ ii hi! i ii In hi 1 i mill in \ill i 1,914 Ilhiieo township, inriii'liiiv, U haca village 1,768 1,340 2,246 1,403 1,544 1,404 1,322 1,538 1,640 Wheeler town hi > mil I'm i x'rkenridge vil- ' 29,865 Adams township, including North Adams vil- 1, 493 1,018 1,275 1,965 S92 362 1,947 1,396 5,001 1,216 1,183 1,360 1,242 447 1,557 1,641 956 1,503 1,091 2,104 1,102 895 1,131 1,097 1,157 2,142 435 88,098 1,522 422 1,328 1,137 1,355 1,926 S76 1,773 604 1,236 1,498 Camden township, including Camden and Fayette township, including Jonesville village. . 1,941 1,367 4,151 1,833 447 1,601 1,617 645 1,090 1,537 1,215 2,163 1,096 957 1,216 1,195 1,318 2,149 i ni ludmg Litchfield village. 1,714 1,403 1,989 Reading township, including Reading village. . . 1,343 2,246 Wright town.-'" il Iron village.. . 66,063 Adams township, including South Range vil- 8,419 1,097 32,845 8,537 4,211 '865 1,073 5,679 8,981 2,1S9 S,0S8 351 690 7,775 8,599 5*113 1,507 3,253 1 4-5 Calumet township, including Laurium and Red 25,991 5,64S 4,668 l|316 532 5,418 4,050 3,073 "1,945 658 7,615 5,019 S,S59 1,667 ■ - oil tiling Houghton village.. 3,531 Quincv township 1,258 i Tobacco townships 10 Incorporated in 1906. 11 Incorporatcnx lillni/e in Ionia and Lyons 887 244 1,145 1,149 808 1,100 448 834 769 315 1,133 1,046 923 333 532 Leeiie township Lyons township including siuir and Pewamo \ dlages and part of Lvons village 2,437 Lyons village (part of) 612 Pewamo villnm: 384 Lincoln Pnyn.diip, including pan of kinde vil- North Plains township, including part of Hub- 360 [For total, see Lebanon township, Clinton County.] Odessa township, including Lake Odessa village. 1,231 '471 1,614 922 692 Oliver township, including MM on village 2,251 6S5 1,680 Orange township 1,311 lull. Anxini township, ' including Port Austin 1,449 507 1,075 319 12 1,282 2,500 1,243 1,011 1,719 1,058 '919 2,109 1,469 1,199 393 "1,242 1,810 1,318 '679 1,279 < 1 1 11 < 1 1 1 ii i ill 2,620 1,678 Rubicon township, including Port Hope village. 1,416 Iosco County - i) tin to ii Imi iiielinlnn; Sebewaing vil- " 15,224 Alabaster township 533 648 213 335 100 599 312 632 1,452 442 699 411 325 1,130 864 821 358 436 1,061 330 472 259 900 218 100 118 328 15,164 464 1,116 4,328 "Winsor township, including Pigeon village Au Sable township 752 349 743 1,736 170 39,818 37,666 Ingham County Wardl 955 1,163 1,412 802 1,002 349 2,786 4, 846 5,516 5,263 5,016 1, 760 1,297 349 2,014 1,032 1,045 1,742 972 770 L031 1,172 1,387 920 1,287 1,'012 1,504 1,349 1,109 330 364 280 1,228 Oscoda township,^ including Oscoda village Ingham low nship, including 1 Wnsvillc village.. 1,155 374 16, 485 1,232 13,102 980 Lansing township ' 3 here, tow nship, including \\ cliherville village.. 1,353 1,441 346 2,220 1,114 1,248 1,828 1,422 1,572 404 2,337 1,058 1,265 1,875 268 » 8,990 icp ,• i ip, including Leslie village is 4,432 573 3,775 70S 1,824 1,248 402 3,231 1,625 1,264 1,720 1,392 Onondaga Iownship WardS • County total include-, population (335) of White Rock township, annexed ti I.i ! v c I i .so and I '.11 III. « Bad Axe village, returned with Colfax and \ porated as a city in 1905. 5 Incorporated ir """ r iurned with Sand Beach township in 1900, i wnship in 1903; part of Huron town- " County total includes population (55) of Thompson township, annexed to ' ' . .. "I, i. I ., I I' I ''.. I ' ''1 is Whittemme city Meorpoia led from part of Burleigh township in 1907. i'Cc is County total includes population (414) of Felch township, taken to form part of Dickinson County between 1890 and]1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. 237 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For chauges in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] minor civil DIVISION. Iron County— Continued. Crystal Falls low nship Hematite township. Iron Riv "" village. ihip,' including Iron Rive Mastodon township.. Stambaugh village.. Isabella County.. BroomOeld U Chippewa township Coe township, m. ■ 1 1 ■ ■ I i • i -.-. Shepherd village.. Shepherd village Cold w a I or low nship Deerfield township Denver township Fremont township Gilmore township Isabella township Lincoln low nship Mount Pleasant city Ward 1 WardS WardS Nottawa township Holland township Sherman township I.,, ;. M 10 Jackson County.. Blackman township... Concord township, including Concord v: llano \ or township, including Hanover village. . Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward 4 WardS Warde Ward 7 WardS Leoni township Liberty township. . Napoleon township.. .■:'., Parma villa Spring Arbor township Springport township, including Springport village Springport village Waterloo townslpp. . Kalamazoo County.. village. . Vicksb, Total,.. . Schoolcraft townships. . Charleston township, including parts of Au- gusta and Galoshur" \ illagos ' A ugusta village (part of) Total for A n, hi -in villagt m Charleston and Ross townships Galesburg village (part of) . Total for Galesburg village in Charleston and Comstock townships Climax township, i noli a (int. ('Umax village Climax village 1,084 938 681 1,176 MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. Kalamazoo County— Continued. Comstock township, including pari of Gales- WardB Kalaocr.o >\\ nship. I i::hloou> township liichland village Rosslow nship, niche ting part of Augusta village. * ugusta village (part of) . . Kalkaska County.. Cold Springs township K.\< vlsior township Garfield township Kalkaska township, including Kalkaska village. Kalkaska village Oliver township Orange township Rapid River township Springlieli I township Wilson township Township L'5, range 5 2 Township 25, range 6 Township 26, range 5 Township 27, range 5 Township 28, range 5 Kent County i'Iiiii! ii. h! Imr nski [is . . Byron township.. Cannon township.. Cascade township Courtland township. . Gaines township Grand Rapids city . . . Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 Warde Ward 7 WardS WardS ■WardlO WardU Ward IS (Jraii'l lia.pids township, including East Grand ■ East Grand Rapids village G ra don township Lowell township, including Lowell \ ilbge. . Lowell village Nelson township, including Sand Lake village Solon townships Sand Lake village Oakfield township Paris township Plainfleld township, including part of Rockford village Rockford village (part of) Solon township, including part of Cedar Springs Cedar Springs village (part of] 10,41)1 . IS, 663 . 16,031 . l,SS9 2,147 58 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) Kent County— Continued. Sparta township, including Sparta village and part of Lisbon village Lisbon village (part of) Total for Lisbon village in Spnrlu /<>«':;.;////>, Kent County, and Chester township, Ot- tawa County (tj Sparta village S pe near ( ownship Tyrone township, including Kent City village and part of Casnovia village. Grandville village... Keweenaw County... Dover township. Eden township Elk township <> Ellsworth township, including part of Luther village Luther village (part of) Total for Luther village in Ellsworth and Newkirk townships Lake township Newkirk township, including part of Luther Almont township, including Almont village. . . A Imont village Arcadia township A i tica t ownship I .,:. I ■ ' ii ■. 'ii. ■! Ii ■ i Cliiiui.l village Burnside township Deerfleld township Dryden township, im Imiina Dryden village... Dryden villa gi __ Elba township ' , i )( .)- 1 1 ; 1 1 1 d to wnship Hadley township Imlay township, including Imlay City village. Imlay City i illng, Lapeer city Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Lapeer township - Marathon township, including Columbiaville and Otter Lake villages Columbiaville village Otter Lake village 1,016 1,706 1,110 1,21 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Leelanau County.. ), including Empire village . . . 1 .eland i ownship. .. .. Solon township Suttons Bay township, including Suttons Bay Buttons Bay village.. Lenawee County.. Adrian city 7 Wardl WardZ Wards Ward 4 WardS Ward 6 Adrian township d village.. ;d viliage. Clinton village. Deerfleld township, including Deerfleld village.. Deerfleld village Dover township, including part of Clayton vil- Fairfield township Franklin township 1 Eudson city Wardl WardS WardS Hudson township, including part of Clayton i 'loi/imi milage (part of).. Macon township. Madison township. Medina township.. Ogden township... Palmyra township. Raisin township. . ™eway towns 1-1 Iritton villag Riga township Rollin township, including part of Addison vil- ddison village (part of), "olalfor Addison village stock townships __ Jtownship Seneca township, including Morenci village.. Tecumseh village Woodstock township, including part of Addison Addison village (part of) Livingston County.. Cohoctah Conway township . . . Deerfleld township . . Genoa township Green Oak township. Hamburg township. w "ndy township, in Fowlerville villat Hartland township Handy township, including Fowlerville \ illage. Howell township, including wards 1, 3, and and part of ward 2 of Howell village lion ill i illage (part of). Totalfar E~— n 'County total Includes population (58) of Copper Harbor township, annexed to Eagle Harbor and Grant townships between 1890 and 1900. 3 Not returned separatelv. 7,830 McMillan township, including Newberry vil- 3,128 508 920 274 558 791 41,239 Macklnac Count Onckama township, including < i uekaiua village 1,082 219 632 876 1,186 441 490 714 490 475 838 2,118 SOS 648 629 638 402 32,606 236 377 313 001 727 1,090 665 445 1,046 173 2,271 750 . 310 452 762 171 2,704 1,009 852 2,402 604 12,448 »11 1,722 2,012 1,330 1,516 895 945 1,034 895 587 11,503 2,684 1,613 1,949 2, 020 2,637 155 846 8,460 1,618 1,421 1,037 2,225 2,169 157 736 2,420 911 159 546 1,150 202 306 304 21,832 1,707 662 303 595 341 13,255 1 1 uinboldl, township Ward 1 WardS... WardS 185 33,244 130 31,813 Ward 4 Armada township, including Armada village 1,718 748 '976 1,787 1,881 899 920 1,856 60 2,225 170 600 2,251 478 600 1,277 1,560 7,707 2,4S5 2,306 1,240 2,171 337 667 777 1,497 Slfi 496 1,675 154 2,445 297 '811 '863 1,789 849 1,580 2,093 895 922 1,825 41 252 2,440 721 2,351 489 390 L677 6,576 1,770 2,021 938 2,121 865 865 1,819 Ward 10 Bruce township, hie in:.' pari oi UoilH'n \ illage 360 10, 058 Total for Romin rillnnc in firucc anld township, including part of New Total for i\ i 1 > / in ( 1 1\ • i field township, Hncoiiib i , „nnty, and Ira 200 1,143 6,935 Clinton township, including part of Fraser vil- Total for Fmsi i cill'itii in Clinton and Erin Erin township, including | 2,449 94 695 2,385 606 1,074 4^748 2,293 892 192 1,448 141 Lenox township, including New Haven village and part of Richmond village 1,132 Total for I 1 I il in Lenox and Turin township 100 282 18,885 2,275 350 686 743 1,726 360 662 1,915 202 2,567 350 1,993 731 1,404 2,486 688 783 1,653 S84 563 2,038 179 2,423 Richmond k>v. parts of Mem- 964 409 1,287 277 815 1.162 673 345 282 9,132 1,767 i,8se 1,803 1,809 ' 87 845 1.456 » 1,062 "1,254 269 1,112 569 293 Custer lownslup, l(l including Custer village Totalfor Memphis village in Rich mom/ ion-n- ship, Macomb : ;■<, ni n , ami llilcy township, - ; ■ ' ' ■■• ■ Total for 1 i I n- 1 II t, and Sterling 7,iG6 ■ Warren town-' ren village :::::::::::::::::::::: 2,080 749 965 1,488 Romeo village (part of) Riverton township 1,203 1 County totals include population (658 in 1900; 586 in ' J ' >i g -ed iron ( V ! . : r a o [ .- I ci i., ' I '■ ■ , 8 Hudson township organized from part of Hendricks township in 1907. and Michigamme townships in 1904. 8 Wells township organized from part of Forsyth township in 1903. 9 County total iuclud"s population U7i 1 of Lincoln iownsiiin, annexed t< Hamlin, and I'cre \iaipneiic townships between 1890 and, 1900. i" Included pari of Scottville village in 1900 18 Meade township organized from part of Freesoil t< 240 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Mason County— Continued. Wardl Wards Sheridan n- . , Shotanan low nsliip. Mecosta County.. Aetna township, including part of Morley vil- fteld townships Austin township . . . Big Rapids city Wnr.t /. WardS Wards WardA Wards Rapids township., jpewa townshirj . . . x township . . Deerfield township, including part of Morley Morley village (part of) Fork township, including Barryton village Barryton village 2 Grant township Green township Hinton township Martiny township Mecosta township, including Stanwood village.. Menominee County.. Cedarville township. . Harris township « Holmes township Menominee city . . Ward 1 . . 'Ward >.. WardS.. Ward5 WardS Ward! Menominee township. . Meyer township Stephenson township, including Daggett and Stephenson village. . up.. Midland County... Coleman city s , Wardl WardS WardS Edenville township Geneva township, Greendale townst Homer township. Hope township Ingersoll township. Jasper township... Jerome township. . Wardl Wards WardS Ward4 Midland township.. 1,061 84 1,216 i Returned with Amber and Custer townships in 1900; incorporated as a city 907. 2 Incorporated in 1907. 3 County total includes population (12,310) of Breen and Norway townships 6 Incorporated In 1902. MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. Missaukee County... Enterprise township s. Lake City village (pa tl of) Total for Lake City village in Lake and Reeder jk-liaiu city ■'. ' Wardl... WardS... Norwich township Pioneer township ownship, including part of Lake City Monroe County.. Ash township Bedford township. . Berlin township.. Ida township. . La Salle township. . London township. . Washtenaw County.. Monroe city. Ward 1 . . WardS.. WardS.. Ward 4.. Monroe township. . Whiteford township.. Montcalm County.. Belvidt liliioinci' inn ii.|ii)i including ; arson City village Carson City village . .!)■■ Richmond township, including Reed City vil- Reed City village . . Sylvan township.. Oscoda County.. Dig Creek low nship. . Clinton townships.... Comins township 8 . . . Miner township Otsego County Bugle;, township, including part of Caylord vil- trl of). . 1,312 SIB 1,250 1,253 ' '■ ' ' ., | ,,|,' ' i. I ''.'. : I'l I '.in. .,1 II: lexed to Foster and Hose townships: and population (2TI in lMl'J) ol ■nship, annexed to West Branch township, between 1S90 and 1900. 2 Mills township annexed in 1903. ' Hose City incorporated from part of Rose township in 190,".. < West Branch village, i i- i.'a'ke wuship, city in l'.Ki,-,. led with Wes )f West Branch village. '■ Stannard to unship o,.wini/wd from part, ol MeMillan township it 'County (olnl includes nopulalion (307) of .Uhei'lon, llaiinon Hindu I ) i hip , inn I i ig ( 'reel: town hip p ipul tt i i I I ) townshii . .. annexed to Mentor township, between . . i Clinton tow m ship organized from part of Comi » Incorporated in 1901 Kim r tow nship; and population (218) of Long L wnship ir Otsego County— Continued. Ehnira township. . Otsego Lake township.. Ottawa County.. Allendale township Blendon township Chester township, including part of Lisbon vil- Wards Wardi Grand Haven township... Holland city Ward 1 WariS Wards Ward 4. a township.. Coopersville village.. _.. jinson township '':■■■'■ i village and pa i ( ol '.-iiutoorf village ; Fniii port village (part of) j [For total, see Frultport township, Muske- gon County.] : ' ■ I ownship Wrigh t township Zeeland city i° Wardl WardS Zeeland township 10 Presque Isle County.. Belknap township. . Miller sburg villages. Krakow township . Wardl WardS WardS Posen township, 18 including Posen village.. I'oxi ii village » Presque Isle township Roscommon County.. Backus township 2 > Denton township 21 Gerrish township Higgins township, 2 '- including Roscommon v 1,291 246 493 511 385 267 465 1,681 1,259 137 219 '1,767 I ; Roscommon township Zeeland village, relumed with I iollaiiii and /'.eelam! townships in 1900, incor- led asa. oit.v in 10(17. n of'/eelan.! village. " Included Onaway village ir Part taken to form North A a city in 1903. i* Htila.wski low nsliip oi'.'enizeil from part of Posen I ownship 'in 1903. is Incorporated in l'ji)7. 2 « County totals include poonlalion ( l.O'J in Paiiij; sr,7 in l.v.HDol SI. Helen i. ship, annexed to 1 1 iggi.ns and Hu'lmeld tow n.-.hips since 1900. 21 Backus tow 1. :lup 01 gani-:ed from part of Denton township in 1910. 22 Part of St. Helen township annexed in 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 89.290 81,222 82,273 St. Clair County— Continued. Port Huron city— Continued. Ward 4..... 2,780 2,426 2,337 1,631 2,680 1,176 930 1,296 1,934 1,324 220 '981 826 827 1,366 1,348 1,223 329 376 618 35,499 1,095 1,422 1,481 1,453 237 1,162 1,704 3,737 2, 128 757 2,529 i,ses 2,014 1,149 607 1,337 BOB 840 788 1,382 641 1,676 50, 510 3,280 2,166 2,692 2,620 2,407 2,649 2,092 2,888 2,755 2,643 2,321 2,SB8 2,194 2,734 1,864 1,988 1,687 1,908 S,84S 3,610 1,454 3,064 1,481 532 573 1,616 1,162 1,736 741 52,341 913 1,430 1,458 1,504 231 1,286 1,873 3,585 1,952 855 2,540 t,m 2,063 1,553 1,420 1, 469 1,190 1,813 2, 998 2,075 6S1 2,361 1,066 1,815 township lineua Vista township 1,666 1,462 236 2,543 luiosaiung township, including Chosaniiig vil- Riley township, including purl of Memphis vil- 1 60- 217 I'iih iuMisliiji, including Franken- | l'"or total, sec Iticliiuond in-.-, i .hip, ;': comb County.] 2,353 Fremont to .vnship 1,141 610 1,316 489 872 710 1,610 810 1,630 42,345 812 1,105 412 863 543 1,703 582 1,221 46,322 James township Jonesfield township, including Morrill village... 1,554 1,432 1,125 Kochville township '937 Maple Grove to .vnship Ma n on i o vnship Wichland to.aiship St. Joseph County 23,889 Wards Burr Oak township, including Burr Oak village. liuir Onl; , ill, mi: 1,559 1,712 863 1,910 1,244 783 521 651 954 1, 154 1,600 768 494 1,511 613 824 3,635 1,420 987 1,228 498 5,072 1,600 1,944 601 1,250 667 33,930 1,698 744 1,842 1,738 Ward 6 Colon township, including Colon village 1,515 Ward 8 Constantino township, including Constantino 1,919 1,226 526 665 1,048 1,269 731 1,776 777 493 1,577 648 891 765 2,465 Ciiiixhiiilni, /,7/c.yr 1,346 Iviliiiis township 1,035 1' :i wu 1 : iver township 602 [• Inrcncc township 791 Flowerfield township.. 1,184 Lconhhis township 1,452 Lockport township 741 dciidon township, including Mendon village Mi nilini rill age 1,893 Mot (.villi- township 545 1,244 2,925 1,817 585 1,723 1,185 1,576 55,228 1,340 Xottaua township, including Centrevillc \ illage. 1,910 St. Charles township, including St. Charles Park township 1,095 Sherman township 1,048 516 493 1,579 1,200 1,581 1,963 * 52,105 2,489 Ward) S turgis township 488 3,550 500 Three Itivers city 3,131 White Pigeon township, including While 1,348 70S 35,055 1,214 953 455 1,413 1,189 2,182 1,204 791 964 1,070 327 1,005 292 597 810 1,040 21 1,171 1,151 818 3,770 1,178 1,003 1,889 1,743 761 18, 863 1,226 1,211 1,302 1,267 6 1,200 532 1,722 1,318 2,462 1,216 948 1,054 1,130 257 1,155 268 774 923 1,236 1,304 1,264 1,437 859 3,829 1,237 6 1, 300 572 1,811 1J681 961 Clay township, including Algonac village 1,203 966 1,207 80 401 690 1,112 1,380 470 397 613 1,052 1,516 234 1,320 274 833 1,094 955 1,043 842 1,043 1,641 619 1,019 1,107 1,010 1,327 100 400 603 606 1,015 1,014 1,158 1,054 294 1,251 " ■ ■:■..,,, .," -I : ■ Kaist. i 'In na township Total for Cm<,, in illt i ilium in Jlritlgrln: m pl,,ii 774 1,142 1,457 1,495 ira township, including part of New Baltimore '3 1,051 2,042 282 1,539 [For total, see Chesterfield township, Ma- 1,202 1,356 857 3,268 Delaware township, including Forestville village 2,178 l',002 1,003 1,049 909 1,062 893 1,036 1 5 2, 047 619 i« 1, 143 WardS 1,617 647 19, 158 1,683 Capac village Port Huron city' 13,543 Lexington township," including Lexington vil- lage Lerington village Maple Valley township 10 WardS "1,155 1 Incorporated in 1905. i ■■ . i.r, ,■■;,: 1,, ■.,.,, , e. I a Returned as Thomastown in 1900. < County total includes population (2,832) of Fort Gratiot city, annexed t< Huron city between 1890 and 1900. 6 Yale village, returned with Brockway township in 1900, incorporated as • Incorporated in 1904. 9 Not returned separately in 1890. 10 Browu City village, returned with Maple Valley township in 1900, Incorporated as a city In 1907. n Croswell village, returned with Lexington township In 1900, Incorporated as a city in 1905. 12 Included part of Sanilac Center village (no 1 to 1900. is Exclusive of population of Sanilac Center village (now Sandusky city). " Incorporated In 1903. 16 Exclusive of population of Croswell village. '« Exclusive of population of Brown City village. 244 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, otc, between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) Sanilac County— Continued. Marlon township, including Deckervllle village. Deckerville village Uarlcl u- township, including Marlette village... Marlette village Minden townshlp.includingMlndenCity village. Minden City village Moore township Sandusky city ' Sanilac township, including Port Sauilac village. Port Sanilac village Speaker township, including Melvin village Melvin village " Schoolcraft County.. Cusino township ? Doyle township 8 Germfask township 8 . . Hiawatha township ». . Inwood township Manistique city " Wardl WarM Wards Ward/, Manistique township & Thompson township 13 Shiawassee County.. Antrim township. . . Bennington township Burns township, including Byron village.. Byron village Caledonia township Corunna city Wardl Ward 2 Wards Fairfield township Hazelton township . Middlebury township New Haven township Ward 1 . . 11',./,/ .'.. WardS.. Ward 4.. Perry township, including Morrice and Perry Laingsburg village.. Venice township Vernon township, including Durand and Ver- Tuscola County.. Unionville village. . Oagetown village • Name changed from Sanilac Center ii Watertown townships in 1900; incorporated : 2 Incorporated in 1907. 1,755 628 2,438 1,463 432 L510 1,28-1 e 5,818 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1905. Returned with Custer e Tuscola County— Continued. 'grove township, including Fairgrove v, ship, including part of Kingston Kingston village (pan ' '■>. hno <>■•■■• I lo.iiir' |. o ! I ! village h'linjxtuii nlhlij, i purl of).. . Millington township, including Milllngton vil- Van Buren County.. Almena township Antwerp township, including Lawton village. . . Lawton village Arlington township, including part of Bangor village Bangor village (part of) Total for Bangor village in Arlington and Bangor townships Bangor township, including part of Bangor vil- Hnnijor lillnge (part of).. omingdale township, ilc \ illago and part of Bloomingtiuh ullnj, . ijolni I ill, , lllilll,. I vmi Total for Gobleville vi . and Pine Grove townships. . i 'uiiiuiiiia tow nsliip. : 'ree'dsvdl, i Umj :luding Breedsville vil- Geneva township llloiiilmri lira r i s 1 1 1 1 > i on] n><, u I i 1 1 », i no! m I'idl' 1 1 urtford village. Lawrence township,) nolo i (m- J. uwrence village. Lawrence village I'uw I'au towns! 1 1. including Paw Paw village. Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS South Haven township I5 Waverly township Washtenaw County.. Ann Arbor city l!"rt/(//.. H'unU.. Ward J.. Ward 4.. Ward 6 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ann Arbor township. . .nrnh'i'uaioi lownship Dexter township Freedom township Lima township, including part of Chelsea vil- l'.W j 2,164 942 1,440 1,591 2S6 1,728 1,036 1,383 1,739 1,769 1,011 1,084 696 702 1,013 1,134 u County totals include population (517 in 1900; 422 In 1890) of Harrisor unnexed to Hiawatha and Thompson townships since 1900. ' Organized from par* - ' " a Part of Harrison township annexed in 1907. " Incorporated in 1901. " South Haven village, returned with South Haven township Is 1900, inoorpo- ted as a city in 1900. '« Exclusive of population of South Haven village. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. 245 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: J 910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table '..] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Washtenaw County— Continued. )di township, including part of Saline village. . . Sail lie village 1 (part of) / ,. .; ... ...... • .< , ... Manchester township, including Manchester vil- lage .1/ audit sit r i illage Saline iillim. ' (par salem inwnship.. Saline low nship, including run. ol Saline village. Saline village (part of) U>i\ nsliip, including I >ex lev village Saline tillage (pi "uclu .... ullage. Sharon township, i- nihil jon township iperior township. Ivan township including part of Chelsea vil- lage Chelsea village {part of) Saline villages. . Milan villain (pari >-/ !.. [For total, see Milan County.] Salint village 1 ipm-l of). Ypsilanti city Wardl Ward2 WardS Wardi WardS Ypsilanti township township, Monroe Wayne County.. M row ns I own township Can i o I ownship Dearborn township, including Dearborn village Dearborn village Detroit city 2 Wardl Ward2 Ward S Ward 4 Wards Ward6 Ward 7 WardS WardB Ward 10 , Ward 11 Ward IB WardlS Ward 14 WardlS Ward 16 Ward 17 WardlS K corse township,"' including Ecorse, Ford City, Oakwood, and River Rouge villages i township,* including part of High- land Park village Highland Park village (partof).. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Wayne County— Continued. Crosse labile low nship,' including Crosse I'ninl.c ' all < I" ■, i. ■ . . . illagcs, and partof St. Clair Heights village I'm nil i i/laiit . . 348,793 j 257,111 35,704 j 205,876 (Irossi 1'oinle harm* . . .. Urosve Pointe I 'ink villagt • /,,,■ ..... . .,/,■,,. i, ■ , I lainl.ramck township,' including I lain Camel. \ illage and part of Highland Park village Ha intra mck village » Highland Park village i pari of) Huron township village Nankin township, including Wayne village Wayne village Northville township, including N'orthville vil- lage \iirih villi: villain Plymouth I ownship, including Plymouth village I'hl niuulli i illage ... i. i.i... . ii. . : ... .... I... ■■ Redford village 8 Sumpter township.. Wardl.. Ward .'... Ward.:.. Ward 4.. Wexford County.. ilmr/jliii villa, ... i imri m i Total/or Harrietta village in Boon and Slagle townships ' adill i ( ii -. .... Wardl Ward % WardS Ward 4 Cedar Creek township, inelu. ling Man Ion village, Manton village Cherry Grove township Clam Lake township Col fa -. Inwnship ' Greenwood township Hanover township, me u: I'.iiekley village Sherman i a'/a,/, \ nan nf\ . li.ii.Y. s..n», Hailing township ! !j Henderson township j j [ Liberty township || Selma township 1,748 ! Slagle township, including part of Harrietta village I .:;.; . .'!,...,', ■..,.•■ i South Branch township Springville township, including Mcsick village and part of Sherman village Mesick village 9 2,360, 2,465 , Sherman r,ll„„v i pari of) 245 t | Wexford township, including part of I village 427 : j Sherman village (part of) 8,375 2,S3S . 2,446 ■ i Returned in 1900 as in Saline township only. .■ i . , ■ - s i , ■ ,.iin ,i ... ; i c. ., ,..,;: ., j township (including Dei re > s illage) annexed in 1906, and parts of Grosse Pointeand i i i "ii 3 Part of Ecorse township (including Glenwood village) annexed to Wyandotte 6 Parts annexed lo Detroil.oic in ion.} mid inn; 7 Parts annexed to Detroit city in 1907. 8 Incorporated in 1907. 9 Incorporated in 1901. 10 Part annexed to Detroit city in 1906. 11 Incorporated in 1905. 246 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. V OR VILLAGE. Addison village Leu Adrian city '< Len Ahmeek village.. Ann Arborcity , Washtenaw.. Applegate village Sanilac Armada village Macomb. . Ashley village Gratiot. Athens village Calhoun Au Greseity Au Sable city Aususta village Bad Axe city Baldwin village Bancroft village Bangor village Baraga village 'I mi !( ( liladwin. . Bellaire village... Belleville village. Bellevue village. . Berrien Springs village. . Bessemer city Big Rapids city Birmingham village Bllssheld village Ui'nzie. . . Mecosta Oakland Lenawee Van Buren.. Kalkaska Charlevoix.. ■■:.■' I.I'M.IW'.'I' Buchanan village Berrien . Buckley village Wexford . . . Burlington village Calhoun Burr Oak village j St. Joseph... Byron village Shiawassee.. Cadillac city I Wexford Caledonia village Caro village : Tuscola Carson City village Montcalm.. Carsonville village Sanilac Caseville village.. Casnovia village {* Charlevoix city... Charlotte city.... Cheboygan city.. Clare city Clarkston village Clayton village.. Clinton village Coldwater city Coleman city Coloma village Colon village Columbiaville village.. . Concord village Constantine village Coopers villa village . Tuscola . Cass , Kent Antrim t. Joseph.... . Charlevoix . . . Cheboygan .. . Clare . Oakland.. . Lenawee.. Kalamazoo . Lenawee.. . Genesee... . Berrien... 1,021 1,185 904 18,563 27,628 13, 197 27,839 3,282 1,157 1,074 6,50L! 484 914 3,692 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Tabs* 2. -POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: J910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. Y OR VILLAGE. Imlay City village... 11 on- 1 Hon.. Lenawee . . . Lapeer Jackson Hillsdale.... K:llnm:UOD.. Kalamazoo city k llkasfa i lllegc ■ Kent City village K( Linden village Genesee... Lisbon village {ou aVva" ' Litchfield village Hillsdale'. ! Lowell village Kent Ludington city ' Mason c Island city. . . Lake . Missaukee . Montcalm .! Mackinac Mackinaw City village ( C £^; ; ; ; ; Mancelona village Antrim Manchester village Was'nlena.v Manistee citv '. Manistee Manistique city Schoolcraft Marion village Marlborough village.. Marlette village Marquette city Marshall city May bee village... Mayville village.. Mecosta village... Mendon village . . Menominee citv.. Merrill village Mikado village.. Milan village Milford village.. Sanilac Marquette. . Tuscola. . . Mecosta... Sanilac. . . I Macomb . . St. Joseph . . Menominee. - Midland.. Alcona /Monroe . . . CITY OR VILLAGE. Millcrslmrg village •'.Million villaeo Mindon City village Mull ikon viikco Munising village ■•Inal e.s 1 v County. Alger Muskegon Muskegon 1910 | 623 i 332 6,893 942 ! 7,707 513 J 3,1)72 463 312 2, 1)52 24,062 1,690 1,346 8,460 } „ 92 ° 52S 478 1,207 1,182 5, 156 717 352 524 1,665 4.974 237 7S1 627 2, 702 324 1,964 717 377 864 312 2,812 273 1,078 285 9,639 1,191 509 1,643 274 l'l29 720 490 4,778 1,83 687 477 677 1,493 1,671 14, 532 • 533 344 18,863 216 1,832 263 430 1,347 1,102 4,211 328 1,690 465 278 1,277 4,163 1,516 843 1900 1890 ■ 408 5,043 998 1,334 33 1 0,576 IP, 3.f,r,2 5B6 .•en ■'< '':'* J.24X 4,748 351 2,701 490 "LOT 2 1,164 6,935 922 629 489 L015 654 22,702 Marquette (Macomb \St. Clair New Baltimore village 865 Newaygo Muskegon Leelanau Dickinson ".'.".""' Sagmaw Xoillivillo village Norn ;i\ city 1 >akle\ villa. v 1 hlvii odd \ illagc. 4] 170 231 1,573 299 800 Ar n t Presque Isle 1,204 274 Ontonagon 1,267 756 1,109 291 2,073 212 Otisville village Shiawassee 8,696 1,172 420 1,465 Van Buren 330 641 468 5,285 215 Perrinton village i'rrri \ illage. Gratiot Shiawassee Montcalm 215 Livingston 500 729 1,318 9^769 507 319 19,158 314 Pinoonning village Plymouth village 1,172 6,200 1'ari Anslin Milage 393 [lac village 'oscn i illage - Potterville village .uiiiicy village heading village rted Jacket village Redford village ... Presque Isle 495 1,563 1,096 4, 608 505 Houghton 3,073 2,051 416 312 1,133 1.748 1,535 711 1 Richland village 3 ichmond village : Jiver Rouge village : Rochester village Rockford village | Tuscola Kalamazoo Macomb Wayne Oakland Kent | 293 1,074 900 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MICHIGAN. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY OR VILLAGE. Roscommon village. . St. Louis city Saline village Sand Lake village. . ill:,;;.:.. 1- ■ .1!,;;. Macomb Roscommon. . Ogemaw Clinton Berrien Gratiot Washtenaw.. Kent Sanilac Allegan.. Sault Ste. Marie city Chippewa. . Schoolcraft village t Kalamazoo. Scottville city \ Mason Sebewaing village Huron Oivaiia... . South Frankfort village Benzie South Haven city Van Buren... South Lyon village Oakland Stan wood village Mecosta. . village j Menominee. . Stevensville village Berrien 1910 1900 1890 705 1,787 425 542 1,071 50,510 1,451 2,633 1,252 2,118 3,154 5,936 1,940 816 370 993 845 621 12,615 816 891 1,347 '835 436 260 346 3,577 615 i 1,097 1,203 802 584 1,322 1,012 185 527 243 663 3,635 544 1,580 465 431 1,687 511 468 42,345 1,317 2,543 46,322 2,353 2,271 3,388 5,155 1,989 584 326 578 768 10, 538 859 554 1,243 1,081 635 437 366 4,009 657 2,704 3,127 3,733 2,246 706 386 403 790 799 5,760 836 147 719 994 469 447 1,924 707 1,126 696 559 829 1,234 904 1,168 407 1,352 395 250 677 2,465 451 497 2,489 Suttons Bav village Leelanau . i., ,,, Tecum :eh village Lenawee.. Tei>.>ii:,lia village Calhoun... Thm ,, | >::,.),, \ Mir village Benzie 1 M; village ; Huron... ■ i.i ..:.■, ill I. . Unionville village Tuscola . . Vermontville vill Vicksburg village. . Wakefield village.. Walkerville village. . Warren village Watervliet village. Way land village. . Webberville village. . Whitehall village... Whittemore city . . . Woodland village.. Wyandotte city Yale city Ypsilanti city Ala, .i.i.lj. . Ml. ,, Shiawassee. . Kalamazoo.. Gogebic Hillsdale.... Oceana Macomb Berrien Allegan Clinton Newaygo.... St. Joseph... St. Clair Washtenaw.. Ottawa MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOB CIVIL DIVISIONS L916, 1900, AND 1890 [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1010, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Aitkin County. . \ township Aitkin village 1 • li 11 Mull' township.. Clark township 3 (T. 48, R. 22)... Qship ' ' m towuship * (T. 47, R. Dick township « (T. 44, R. 22). Davidson towi 6(T. 47, R. 24).. Esquagamah township » (frac. T. 49, R. 27). . Kiiriii Island township Fleming township < ilrii l o wnship ii hi i .1 iouuship ■ ( r. in, i;. J_'i .. Hazelton township. .. 52, R. 27), including Hill City village.. Hill City village » Idun township ,J (T. 4:i, R. 21)... Jevne township 3 (T. 48, R. 24).. Jewell township 3(T. 45, R. 24). Kimberly township'siile township Lee township « (T. 46, R.24).... Lihhv township' ( V. .in, 1;. 21).. Logan township » (T. 49, R. 25).. . McGregor township, inel piling McGregor village. McGregor village '» Macvllle township s (T. 51, R. 26)... Morrison toy Nordland township I'equadna township < (T. 52, R. 25 Pliny township » (T. 44, R. 23). . . Rice River township Salo township 9 (T. 47, R. 22) M'ju'i township »(T. 44, R. 24). . Shamrock township ' (T. 49, R. 23).. Spalding township » (T. 4" " 17, R. 23).! Spencer township Verdon township 3 (T. 51, R. 241... ship i '"' ' \ho township.. Workman township 9 (T. 49, R. 24).. . Township 45, range 23 . . Township 50, range 23 Township 50, range 26 Fractional township 50, range 27.. Fractional township 51, range 27 Anoka County.. Burns township Centerville township Columbia Heights village.. Columbus township Fridley township 10 and 1900. • Organized in 1905. » Organized in 1902. « Organized in 1909. 7 Organized in 1903. 9 Incorporated in 1910. Anoka County— Continued. St. Francis township " . Becker County.. >. ■ ■ 1 1 1 . , . , ■ , , i ... , . Ward 1 Ward f WardS Detroit township " Erie township • Iran. I I'arlc township Green Valley township Hamden township Height of Land township.. Lake Park township. . id township.. ' ■ Tg township.. Silver Leaf township Spruce Grove township. Toad Lake township Two Inlets township 18 . . Wciil Lake township. . 141 and 142; Rs. 37, 38, 39, and 40) Total/or ' ; .nervation™ in Becker, Clearwater, and Mahnomen Coun- Beltrami County 22 Alaska township « (S. | T. 150, Rs. 34 and 35) . . Battle township 3 (T. 152, R.31, and T. 152, R. 32, part of) Baudette township 2 * (frac. T. 161, R. 31) Ward 2.. WardS.. Benville township » (T. 156, R. 38).. Birch township 2 (T. 148, R. 30) Blackduck township 28 Blackduck village 29 Eckles township 2 u Bethel village incorporated from parts of Bethel and St. Francis townships n 1900; 1.510 in 1S90) of Detroit village, 1890 and 1900. u Organized from part of White Earth Indi form Callaway village In 1907, Incorporated from part of Callaway township In 1907. - Incorporated from part of Detroit village In 1903. w Organized from part of Detroit village In 1902. Eland township * (T. 153, R. 30) Farley village K changes made between " Incorporated from part of White Earth township ir 18 Savannah township organized from part of Two In — .. 19 Organized from part of White Earth Indian Reservation in 1906; part taken to form Ogema village in 1907. "-" Part of White Earth Indian Reservation opened to settlement since 1900. 21 Not returned by counties in 1900. » Part taken to form Clearwater County in 1903. "County p i i ion (4,131) of territory taken to form Clearwater County and populai iwa Indian Reservation (part of), opened to settlement, since 1900. 2< No comparison of population can be made; not returned by townships in 1890 25 Baudette I in 1904; Baudette village incorporated from irt of Baudette township in 1908. 28 Incorporated as a citv in 1905. 2 ' Part taken to form Nymore village in 1905. 28 Part taken to form pari ige in 1901. 29 Incorporated from parts of Blackduck and in 1901. 3« Organized in 1907. " Organized in 1906. »2 Part taken to form Wilton village in 1906. 33 Incorporated from part of Port Hope township in 1900. i Reservation In 1906; part taken to 250 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 1. POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [ For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Beltrami County— Continued. Frohn township I- unkley village' "- t Valley township... Gudrid township - (T. 160, R. 30).. Ilagali townshirj. '(T. 155, R. 37).. ,,.,■:. : R.34) i.aiiinicrs township, including Solv.s U '..unship ; (T. in, R. 33) Maple 1 i i < I tr < - township, including Fowlds vil- li. 3(11. Northern township. N j 1 1 tore village' Fort Hope township 9 '.'inisnv township' (T. 151, R.32, part of) S edby village >° Roosevelt township » (T. 149, R. 35) shotly town-hip (i'lav ■ . I i.-,, R. 31, and frac. T. 153, R. 32, part of) Spooner township 12 (T. 160, R. 31) Spooner village » Spruced rove fownsliip-'(T. 15(1, R.37) ■ ■■ ■ io.wi tup's, r i.-,-,, |;.:;i.i. ■ hi limit township" (T. IW, K. 30) Taylor township ■' (T. lis, R.:n) , . , , .,,.,,,..,. i . ' ,. I ■: , ,-, ,1 ' Wabanica township M T. nil, 11.32)... U alballa i.uwnsliip' 7 (T. 160, R.32).... W iltoii village '3 Zippel township a (T. 162, R. 33) To wnsh 1 1 > 143, range 30 Township 146, range 31 ■ ■ . ■■ rnwnship 1.30 range 32 Township 151, range 30 Township 154, range 30 Townsl i i p 155, range 30 Township 155, range 31 I IV. II .In i i ..■ e Township 155, range 35 Township 156, range 30 Township 156, range 34 Township 156, range 35 Township 157, range 31 Township 157, range 32 Township 157, range 38 -*- ""8, range 3C l ur, nship 1.58, range 38.. I'mvnsbip 159, range 32.. I'mrnslnii 159, range 33. . Township 159, range 34.. Township 159. range 35. . i mi ...ship 159, range 36.. 1 W. of Lake of the 232 59 52 97 165 33 45 119 114 Hi" 17 42 3 68 177 100 21 o 2 Organized in 1907. ■'• Kclliher township .wganised ii of |-.e|lilr ■ tO li hi] I'" 6 Incorporated ii ""' of Spooner township ^OB CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 ! 1900 1890 Beltrami County— Continued. 14 . 11,615 12 1,459 9,912 Total far Red T,,ii,,,> •■« m Beltrami ami Clear/mlrr Counties 982 710 1,033 I 71fi 590 262 495 838 1 .503 262 132 1,180 10,600 2,229 !. 1,678 . 1,614. 1- S.09B 1. set .. 819 .. 809 \. 728 267 , 1,745 268 9,367 784 22 1,110 644 474 279 507 877 "669 537 232 156 913 8,66S 566 .' /■" ■' •' ' ■:•<,, ,,. ';, ,.■„„,: h, .him,, 7 686 750 191 1,391 226 8,731 5,722 558 446 462 481 371 452 384 102 .. 266 987 192 .. 293 192 454 235 1,716 1,774 168 345 695 512 524 374 320 346 ;■•-- — ■ 856 355 ~ 330 452 204 1,191 1,247 176 379 Total for On,, a, ill, ai,j m ,<„, >,i„iu mnl Lai Otre^ township 290 Blue Earth County.. Beauford township. Butternut Valley to\ Cambria township. . . Ceresco township Eagle Lake village 29 . 994 1,011 918 774 505 458 861 695 1,215 824 1,437 1,576 650 610 586 458 •t of Red Lake Tndian Reservation In 1906. r township organized in 1904; Spooner village incorporated from part wnship in 1908. >s Organized In 1908. '« Part taken to form part of Blackduck village in 1901. .1: -tin- a.nvn township. . Judson township Lake Crystal village. .. Le Ray township -■' '5 Incorporated from part of Port Hope township in 1903. ' c Incorporated from part of Port Hope township in 1902. » Organized in 1906. 18 Incorporated from part of Eckles township in 1906. 19 No population reported. 20 In Beltrami and Red Lake Counties in 1900. Returned in L9JJ0 as in Bel- trami County only. Parts taken to form Redby and Island Lake villages in 1906 and 1907, respectively. 2i Folev village returned ..villi Cilmanlon I own ship in 1900. =2 Kxclushe of population of Foley village. 23 Ronneby village returned with Maywood township in 1900. ■a 1 \1-i11 i 1 e oi popnl 11 inn ot iioiiiirby village. » Parts annexed to Haven township. Sherburne County, and St. Cloud town- ship, Stearns County, ir """" STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. 251 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table . r >.J Blue Earth County— Continued. Ward I .'. Ward e. . Ward ■',.. Ward If.. Ward 5. Ward 6 Mankato township. . Maplcloll low llship. . Pleasant Mound township.. Kapidan lownship St. Clair village 1 Shclbv township .South Bend township Sterling township Vernon township Vernon Center village Brown County... Albin township Kashaw lownship 2 Ilurnxiown township Cobden village' Coml'ivv village 2 Cottonwood township... Kden lownship K\an villages Hans!;:! village* I lome lownship Lake Hanska township ■'. Leavenworth township. . Linden lownship Vilini.l lownship Mulligan township Now Ulm city Wardl WardS WardS \orih star township I'rairieville township 3 ... Sigcl lownship Sleepy Eye city' Wardl Ward 2 Springfield village Stark township Stately township Carlton County.. Mark hoof township " .. Wardl WardS WardS Cromwell village n . . Ragle township >« .. Holyoke township " Lakeview township ,8 . . 4 Hanska village incorporated from part of Lake ITanska township in 1901. Carlton County— Continued. Mali Iowa lownship J 1 ' lied { lover township ■• Thomson village Twin Lakes township K Wrenshal! township 2 « Township 48, range 17 (part of) . . Township 48, range 18 (part of) . . Township 48, range 19 (part of) . . Township 49, range 19 (part of) . . Carver County.. Benton township - Benton village Camden township,™ including New Germany Ward! Ward H WardS Chaska township.. Norwood village.. Watertown villag Young America burg village. including Ham- Cass County.. Ansel township v (T. 137, R. 32) Becker township Bena village ® Beulah township & (T. 139, Rs. 25 and 26).... Birch Lake township a« (T. 140, Rs. 29 and 3i including Hackensack village Hackensack village® Bungo township Byron township Cass Lake village Deerfield township 36 (T. 139, R. 31) Gould township u (T. 143, Rs. 27 and 28) ... . Hiram township 38 (T. 140, R. 31) Loon Lake township « (\V. i T. 130, R. 29). . McKinley township <° (T. 138, R. 32) Maple township « (T. 136, R. 30) May township « (Tps. 133 and 134, R. 31).. 16,532 1,175 2i Exclusive of population of Moose Lake village. 22 Parts taken to form Eagle and Lakeview townships in 1902 and part of Crom- well village in 1903. i. iporatedfro ind Twin Lakes townships in 1902. m Orgae.' • ante i lips in 1904. » Parts taken to form Wrenshall, Holyoke, and Blackhoof townships in 1902, 1903, anil 190.-1, respectively, and part of Scanlon village in 1902. 26 Organized from part of Twin Lakes township in 1902. 27 Not returned separately. 28 Mayer village incorporated from parts of Camden and Waconia townships part of Knife i all „ o,-. nship annexed in 1904. of Cromwell n, opened to settlement si n part of Chippewa Indian Reservatio in 1902 and part annexed to Cloquet city in 1904. " Exclusive of population of Cloquet village. i> Organized from part of Red Clover township in 1902; part taken to Besemann township in 1905. '» Part taken to form part of Skelton township in 1904. » Moose Lake village returned with Moose Lake township in 1900. "Organized In l "():;. s' Organized in 1906. S3 Organized in I9fii. ■" Organized in 1908. "Organized in 1901. « Organized in 1902. >2 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 1 — POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: L910, J900, AND 1890— Continued. C For changes in boundaries, etc., between WOO and 1910, soe footnotes; for those between 1800 and 1000, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1000, Vol. I, Tabic 6.] Cass County— Continued. Meadow Brook township .. Moose Lake township ' (T. I'dlnger village 2 . 3 (T. 138, It. 30, a .138, R.29) e IJiY.T vilklgC< . to Cake township»(T. 139, R.29). Wahnena township 6 (Tps. 1-13 and 1 14, II. ;'.., part of) VValden township * (T. 137, R. 30, and W. i T. Tow nship inn, rouge T, . . township 141, range 25. . how nship 141 . range 27.. Tow nsliip 141, range 28. . Tow nsliip 141, range 2'.i - . Township 141, range .-In. . Township 142, range 31, ini Inning \\ alker village. Walker cilhige Township 143, range 20 Township 143, range 31 Township 144, range 26 Township 144, range 28 Township 144. range 31 Chipp lian Reservation (part of) Total for Chippewa Indian Cass and Hubbard Counties. Leech Lake Indian Reservation. Chippewa County.. Big Bend township Clara City village Crate township Grace township Granite Falls city (ward 2) Total for Grualie l),llr, e/Hi i n . Chippewa and Yellow Coiniiie-.. Wardl WardS Granite Falls township Havelock township i Mandt township . .' Maynard village '» Wardl WardZ WardS i.'Invli.Tland township.. Sto neham township 13 Tunsberg township . . . Chisago County.. Center City village".... Chisago City village " . . Chisago County— Continued. .ako township " e township.. Franconia tow nsliip. . Fish Lake tow nship. Rushseba township... Shafer township Sunrise township Taylors Falls village.. Wyoming township " Wyoming village 18 . . . Alliance township . . Barnes ville city Wardl.. Ward 2 WardS Km no::\ ille township. ( nmiweh low nsliip, . Is.slo.i lownship Elkton township i huuooil Lownship... i i low n !«' ti In] Glyndon village. . Hawley township . . . Bum ld1 tovvnship... Kurtz township. . WardS Ward/, Moorhead township.. Parke township.. -piing hi lirie township.. Viding township... Clearwater County '" \. Copley township M - '■'■•'■■ i ... -I M] i i .ii, r:. 37, partof).... 631 ,. Hangaard township (T. 151, R. 38, part of) Minerva township k (T. 145, R. 37).. MoOSe ( 'reel, township Nora township as (T. 146, R. 37) I Pine Lake township part of Walden township in 1901. i 1901; Pine River village incorporated from ' Incorporated ii 8 Organized ir " » Organized ii 8 Organized in 1904. Chippewa Indian Reservation opened settlement si returned separately in 1890. Maynard village made independent of Stoneham townshipi n 1901. \ min Hi i i I i i f i i >\ nship in 1902. Q for 1900 made by minor civil divisions whereve a Bagley village made independent of Copley township in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. 253 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Clearwater County— Continued. Shevlin township '. \\ iiisur township Township 143, range 30. . township I i:t, range 37. . Colvill township « (Irae. T. 01, lis. 2 and 3 E., I and Tps. 02 and 63, R. 2, and W. J, R. 3 E.). . . Grand Marais iu» nship ; (hac. V. 00, Rs. 1 and 2 W., frac. T. 61, R. 1 W., sees. 16 to 21 and 25 to :i4, T. 01, U. 2 W., excepting sees. 1 and 12, Tps. 02 and 63, R. 2 W., sees. 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, and 31, T. 61, 11. 2 W., see. 31, T. 64. R. 3 W., sees. 31 to 36, T. 64, R. 4 W., and frac. Tps. 0,1, 00, and 67, K.4W.) Grand Marais village > Ho viand township •? (E. h frac. T. 62,_R._3 E., T. 64, R. 3 and part of R. 4 Rs. 2 and 3 E. ) i ■!! ... ,i ,.,wn ip« frac, Tps. 59 and 60, R. 3 E., and Tps. 61, 62, and 63, R. 3 E.) Maple Kill township io (T. 61, R. 1 E., sees. 1 1 \\ -.)... md SW. J of SW. ',, fiae.T.01, It. 1 W., sees. 7 to n. I : :., I ,, I: m .'!. m Lntsen and Schroeder townships organized from parts of Tofte township in 1905. >° Part taken to form part of Rosebush township in 1908. . . . i ....'. 12 Population of Grand Portage (Sheep) Island only. '» No population reported. Cottonwood County— Continued. Crow Wing County.. Brainerd city. . Ward 1 Wards WardS Ward 4 WardS Crow Wing township Daggett Brook township " Dean Lake township 2 - (frac. T. 136, R. 25) . . Emilv township* 2 (T. 138, R. 26) Kaiiiicld township- (T. 137, R. 26) Fort Ripley township 21 (frac. Tps. 43 and 44, Jenkins township * s (E. J T. 137, R. 29), includ- ing Jenkins village Jenkins village 26 Klondyke township '-■ (T. 10, K 29, frac. T. 4t, R. 30, sees. 1 to 13, and frac. T. 47, Rs. 29 and 30) . Lake Edwards township « (T. 135, R. 28) . . Oak Lawn township (frac. T. 45, Rs. 30 and 31 and frac. T. 46, R. 30, sees. 23 to 36) Pelican township a> (T. 136, R. 28) Perry Lake township -< ('I'. 130, R.26) .'.''' ■ '..,.": J labial Lake township 2 & (frac. T. 47, R. 28)... Roosevelt township 23 (T. 43, R. 28) Ross Lake township 2 > (T. 137, R. 25) St. Mathias township Sibley township -■( h. i T. 136, R. 29), including Pequot village Pequot village™ Smiley township 22 (E. £ T. 135, R. 29) Vv atertown township ^ (T. 137, R. 27) Fractional township 134, range 27 Township 134, range 28 E. 1 township 134, range 29 Fractional township 135, range 27 Fractional township 136, range 27 Township 138, range 28 E.J township 138, range 29 Dakota County.. bnrnsville township Castle Rock township. . . Douglas township ownship Farmington village lie township... I lampion township... Hampton village 11 Word J.. 884 Word 2 323 ! I WardS 407 I -Wordl 310 1 Invergrove township 3" 263 J Invergrove village 3° . . 272 Lakeville township i« Bingham Lake \illa::e made independent of Lakeside township in 19 " Exclush lingham Lake village. 18 Westbrook village incorporated fi part of 'Westbrook township ii 19 No comparison of population for 1890 can be made; information as to in minor civil divisions incomplete. ■-'i organized in 1904. 22 Organized in 1900. 23 Platte Lake and Roosevelt townships organized from parts of Daggett Brook 17 Organized in 1901. 254 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, yol. I, Table 5. Dakota County— Continued. M arshan lownship Meudota township Mendota village.. \ hunger township 214 182 314 238 254 4,510 1,064 2,774 672 909 161 282 2,660 740 1,569 S51 12,094 309 292 276 Kaudolph village i 259 625 182 247 2,322 Kose mount township Rosemount village 198 . .,,i!l..|. I'.r , 830 100 1,830 780 \Y aterford township 352 13,340 580 726 576 275 861 957 646 586 586 410 975 395 848 855 584 649 17,669 671 860 666 317 942 654 665 439 '599 602 1,095 456 939 1,053 635 696 17,964 . [ 2 704 1,024 633 Concord township Dodge Center village Westfield township 581 3,001 620 69S 500 670 518 678 719 632 276 557 167 474 389 160 492 729 244 850 610 674 634 552 150 417 157 418 623 924 1,013 602 513 19,949 2,681 672 892 675 597 589 483 761 561 910 207 859 709 672 690 399 763 456 703 815 917 622 673 616 22,055 Total for Osi yug'las and Todd 529 2,319 905 969 576 2,900 WardS Crock township < To I- i..v. 11 hio, including Wells village Weill village Delavan township, includinc liolavan village Delavan village '. Dunbar township... l':imorePuviiship,ioehi* Scclv low d' hip, including Bricelyn village -.. Walnut Lake inebago City township, including t Fillmore County. . Amherst township... Bloomfleld township .. Total for Chatfield city in Fillmore and Olm- sted Counties . : i , 1 ill 1 hi] Fountain village.. Holt township Jordan township Lanesboro village .. . Mabel village Newburg township . . Pilot Mound township. . . Preble township Preston township , '•'1 esion \ illage 'iishiui'l cii \'.... Rushford village 16 Spring Valley township. . illey village Wardl Ward2 sninner lownship 1 Randolph village incorporalcd from part of Randolph township in 1906. ' Not returned separately in 1890. » Incorporated as a city in 1909. 4 Nelson village incorporated from parts of Alexandria and Osakis townships 1905. <■ Carlos village incorporated from part of Carlos township in 1904. 6 Forada village incorporated from port of Eudsos township in 1905. ' Garfield villa:;. ■ intoi poraled fro n pa] i oi Ida tow n ;liip in Pin:.. " Millerville village incorporated Pom part of "dillerville township in 1903. Freeborn County. . Albert Lea city Ward 1 Ward2 WardS Albert Lea township Aldon io.vnship 13 Exclusive of population of Winnebago City village. 14 County total lnclr J -- ■ .ushford village betwe is Peterson village ii - Rushford township i '• Returned with Nunda township ir STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. 255 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., betweon 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 18U0 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Tables.! minor crvn, DIVISION. Freeborn County— Continued. Geneva township ■ Mem illi' village i . . . . Uartland township.. London township '.Utuchosier low nship. Uanslicld township. . vfunda township' Oakland township Pickerel Lake township. . Kieelaod township Shell Rook township ' Goodhue County. . ■! township.. Central Point township... Cherry Grove township... Dennison village 6 Featherstone township. . . Goodhue village Play Creek township. . Holden township. Kenyon township. .. Kenyon village Leon township Minneola township.. Pine Island townshit Pine Island village.. Red Wing city WardS.. Wards.. Ward If.. Roscoe township. Stanton township sa township . . :/, run l.rot a lownship. . /.iiniiiiuta village Elbow Lake township. . Herman village. . Lawrence township. . North Ottawa township Pelican Lake township Pomme de Terre township. . Roseville township 527 609 Hennepin County Bloomington township Brooklyn township Champ'lin township Corcoran township Crystal Lake township Day I on lownship '» Dayton village '» Deophaven village " Eden Prairie township Edina village Excelsior t ownship 12 10 \celsi. ir village Golden Valley village Greenwood township lhinowr \ illage (purl, of) Total for Ijuiimn- liilmjt in lit iriic/iiu unit Wright Counties 1 1 assan township Independence township Long Lake village ' 3 Maple Grove township Medina township Minneapolis eitv Ward! Wards WardS Ward 4 Wards Wards , Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 WardlS Minnefonka township '" M irinelunl.-a Bosch village Minnetrista township, including St. lionifnoius village St. Bonifacius village "> Orono township i« Plymouth township Richfield village " Robbinsdale village St. Anthony township St. Louis Park village Tonka Bay village w Way zata village West Minneapolis village Houston County. . Black Hammer township Brownsville township, includin village. . Caledonia village.. Crooked Creek township Hokah township, including Hokah village, llnhnh village Houston township Houston village Jefferson township La Crescent township i» La Crescent village" May ville township Money Creek township Mound Prairie township Sheldon township --"-- Grove township Wendell village s. 1 Glenville village made independent of Shell Rook township in 1908. 2 Included Emmons village in 1900. 3 Exclusive of population of Emmons village. < Exclusive of nville village. 6 Incorporated as a city in 1905. 6 Dennison village incorporated from part of Warsaw township in 1904. 7 Norcross village incorporated from part of Gorton township in 1904. 8 Wendell village incorporated from part of Stonv Brook township in 1904 9 Countv totals include population (1,537 in I'.mn; l>;t in PtiO) of Richfield snip, taken to form Richfield village since 1900; and population (1,074 in tson) of Crystal village, pr _i "~ Robbinsdale villa •> Spring Grove village.. >. I'nion lownship I Wilmington township.. Winnebago township... Yucatan township SS,SSS . is, m . 1,325 ""276" 1,648 . 10 Dayton village incorporated from part of Dayton township in 1901. > 2 Parts taken to 1901 respectively. >3 Incorporated from part of Orono township in 1906. " Part taken to form part of Deephaven village in 1900. " Incorporated in 1904. " Parts taken to form Long Lake village in 1906 and part of Tonka Bay village t annexed to Crystal Lake township and part taken to form a Crescent village incorporated from part of La Crescent t( 256 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table S.] minor crvn, DIVISION. Hubbard County.. Crow Wing Lake toi Farden township . . . Fan-is village Cuthrie township ' (T. 1 Hendrickson tow nship " (T. Lake Alice township s (T. 143, R. 35). . I.ukc Kin ma township LakeCoorge township <• (T. 143, R. 34)... Nevis township ' Nevis village » i: W'liiio ( >ak township.. ■1' total, sit Cass County.] Athens township... Bradford township. Braham village 12 .. Dalbo township. . Maple Ridge township North Branch township... Oxford township Spencer Brook township.. opihivvule township Stanchfield township 12 Stanford township Wyanett township Itasca County" Bass Brook township (T. 55, R-26), including Cohasset village Cohassel villi qr " Bass Lake township is (T. 56, R. 26) Bearville township » (Tps. 60 and 61. R. 21 "igfork township 2 (T "* T R.27),lnc! Bigfork Village® .. ;, Carpenter township is (T. 62, R. 22) ■■ . -.,,:■,,;,. frac T. 57, R. 27, and N. \ frac. T. 56, R. 2 1,295 926 737 258 604 266 1,161 798 minor crvn. DIVISION. Itasca County— Continued. Deer River village M Goodland township & (Tps. 54 and 55, R. 22) . Marble villaqe s« Harris township 21 (T. 54, R. 25) Tron Range township (T. 56, R. 24), including Bovey, Coleraine, Holman. and TacoDite vll- bovey village » Cohraine village 2 « Holman village ® Taconite village 2 « Lake Jessie township » (Tps. 147 and 148. R. 25 L Marcell township 8 (Tps. 59 and CO, Rs. 26 and 27) . 2 1902. 3 Organized in 1905. '>, mixed in 1900. ... R. 23) Sand Lake township i* n'p,. ) r, aiid 1 IS, !; l'i'o . Third River township'' (T. U<, R.29)... Trout Lake township (T.55, R. 24).... i . • , . i i i i . . , : Tov. ii .hip 54, range 26.. Township 55, range 27 onal township 56,range 27.. Township 57, range 26 Township 58, range 22 Township 58, range 23 Tow nsliip 58, range 26 i 58, range 27 Township 59, range 22 ", ' o w n ; 1 1 i p 59, range 23 : - r " range 24 Township 60, range 2< I, ll||> i ouii'.hjp 02, range 2? n be made; information as to changes Township 140, range 25.. ■. ■ '.i -i,. Township 147, range T, Township 147, range 28.. f ■ . ■. i i i , i i» Organized In 1906. n part of Nevis township in 1902. d Itasca Counties only. " Returned in 1900 as in Beltrami, C 12 Rraham village incorporated from part or Stanchfield township in 1901. ' ! ■. 'il I'Mi »" r-.i ii.n.i p-i',-1 i i, i. !.. ; . "HI " Part taken to form Koochiching County in 1906. i 6 County total i H ludes population (327) of townships and part of Boise Fort Indian Reservation, taken to form mty; population (521) of ™ Incorporated in 1909. " Incorporated in 1906. » Incorporated in 1903. •9 Population of part of T. 53, R. 23. i0 Returned as Swan River in 1900. » No population reported. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between L890 and I not), see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 14,491 14,793 8,924 Kandiyohi County- Continued. 4, 135 841 1,24-1 1,219 830 491 9,669 3, 409 397 223 033 474 638 531 803 564 1,907 513 442 924 580 508 523 494 399 430 95 543 6,461 411 209 714 560 453 688 520 478 589 928 572 1,756 597 517 862 570 506 773 491 593 419 ^525 4,614 233 1,825 588 477 441 328 202 491 496 359 720 465 454 275 374 225 481 319 316 327 311 144 12 522 7,889 Arveson township u (T. 159, R. 45) ! Icron Rake village Hinder lownship ins 101 108 385 200 188 230 385 225 910 264 200 379 138 232 204 106 307 132 162 299 355 423 186 598 328 205 342 202 237 534 38 41 6,431 114 39 17 174 309 293 Kim ha 11 low nship Caribou township i> (T. 103, K. 15, and frac T. K,l. R. 45) , clow 1 1 iwnsbip 1 ,ake(ii ■]< I village Mil 1 ■ lli- lull lownship M inneola lownship Petersburg township 130 340 21253 805 349 256 96 Sioux YaIlo\ lownship Wisconsin township ' 270 3 1,579 158 McKinley lownship l! (T. Is:;, II. Hi. and frac. 10 236 159 276 391 2< 463 256 247 334 185 25 246 .503 500 2 12 (27) Ann Lake township * (T. 40, R.25) 548 924 825 S05 189 134 387 270 469 892 199 226 319 18,969 478 630 771 124 .155 Si. .lo'-rph lown hip i 1'. 10.; I.'. 17, and frac T. 436 141 785 63 160 105 18,416 13,997 Koochiching County 26 Bannock township (Tps. 157 and 158, R. 26). . . . Rear River township (T. 07, li. 20, and frac. T. 600 491 471 582 508 651 SS4 360 550 606 528 685 635 185 482 436 605 977 418 544 501 189 228 593 504 485 600 485 282 420 629 870 607 764 709 429 523 443 585 46 56 338 3W 149 288 149 168 . 53 53 94 134 104 1,594 1,18? 49 . 51 Colfax township Beaver lownship i'1'ps. 07 and o> , K. 2:;> Rig KallsiewichipiT. 154, R.25), including Big Edwards township, it eluding Raymond \ i 1 lr i ^, • . 132 473 618 710 655 136 540 807 32 Cingmars township (Tps. 67 and (is, R 24) Pinner Creel; lowadiip (Tps 1 Viand 151. K. 20). Engelwood township (T. 151, R. 2M, including Holland township 523 535 513 651 855 363 708 465 548 525 509 473 677 608 519 211 667 183 463 312 7 11. n,\ township ( 'I.e. 20,, and I'rac T.oo.R 27) Jameson town-hip (T. OS, R. 25), including JVt u: London village Knooliiohing iow tidtip, liiehiilin::; Int ernal ioiial 133 Rindionl kiwudiip (T. 157, R. 25, and frac. '!'. Maniton township (T. 159, R. 20. and frac. T. Spicer village 8 Whit eft eld lownship 542 509 Medina; townsh it. (Tps. 07 and OS, R. 22) 1 Alpha village returned wilh \\ isconsin low nship in 1900. •' Exclusive of population of Alpha village. 3 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between II « Incorporated in 1902. 7 Pomroy township organized from part of Kroschel township in 1903. 8 Spicer village incorporated from part of Green Lake township in 19114. 5 Kandiyohi village incorporated from part of Kandiyohi township in 1904. '» Tnooiporated in 1903. 11 Willmar village, returned with Willmar township in 1900, incorporated a ;y in 1901. . !. • • .• ' I 13 County total includes population (1,001 ) of townships lying to the east of I ast line of range 45, not returned separately in 1891. is Organized in 1904. it part of Percy township in 1905. t- Karlstad village i' 1 l.a Heave; \ illtiue ine n-poraled from pari ol i oat mile township il 2" Hallock village returned with Hallock township in 1900. a F.xelu.-W e of populai ion of ! hillock villar" 2" Organized from part: of Itasca. County i 27 Comparison of population for 1900 made by possible. linor civil divisions wherever 258 STATISTICS OF POPULATION- MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 -Continued. (Fofehangos m boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOS CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 206 27 18 190 25 27 95 175 181 80 444 01 106 241 22 9 17 54 8 46 10 95 9 179 137 84 55 23 6 9 17 20 75 67 139 15,435 Lake County 8,011 4,654 » 1,299 Beaver Ba townshi « 284 430 541 491 481 4,990 1,080 1,488 1,181 1,263 343 451 18,609 399 :::::::::::: 150 7 59 Sih it i reck township i* 3,278 m 1.-:" K"''i icwmshlp' (T. 09, Rs. 23 and 24) Keedv township (T.d9, I!. 20, frae. T. 69, R. 27, Ward J i WardS Wards Ward J, 13 i i '■ . ■ i Watrous township (Tps. 158 and 159, R. 25, 827 Waldo township I6 Le Sueur County 20,234 640 212 869 986 846 345 863 700 208 1,105 1,755 9S3 8SS 741 L267 694 S73 854 640 1,654 640 914 426 861 877 284 1,273 712 561 737 9,874 1,027 1,151 1,102 ■8 903 459 114 1,020 764 20 901 245 1,189 1,937 1>| II 11 .in low 11 hip Ileidclhnre; village. Kilkenny village '» Ward i Wards 478 1,397 979 II irdl Mnnlaonierj ton nship „ 1,054 523 1,228 5 Total for Xar Ptmnie cily in Le Sueur and Wardl Wards 461 1,073 1,030 295 1,260 Sharon township Washington township Ward 1 WardS 14,289 10,382 872 401 509 384 585 431 498 036 1,318 407 452 483 470 787 1,811 534 HO 531 298 338 52G 331 213 58 513 540 535 463 418 543 499 3 348 712 380 335 458 634 902 427 409 458 457 471 858 552 317 246 676 442 97 460 424 412 369 406 765 484 844 372 518 524 561 337 614 025 15,722 423 461 413 422 415 757 475 727 418 149 292 497 718 If 11 111' ill H>\ M Up 436 Hope township 677 397 890 416 509 493 643 396 515 531 14,591 1.336 625 Marsh ii "|il township 593 239 438 134 56 550 517 530 8 455 592 486 138 Tyler village 251 169 400 434 551 288 585 Amiret townshi 444 364 395 525 770 472 410 407 209 365 672 549 467 581 406 [For total, see Big Stone County.] Balaton village 245 < HI lull VOdd ill I 'e V allow 1 sank low n 2 Page township " (Tps. 39 and 40, R. 27) . . . Agram township... Buckman village 18 liuli township Clotigh township. . . . rn slum; lownship. . . I >adi ig township '". . Elmdale township.. . 360 1,204 75 1,102 404 222 55 1,078 1,319 201 15 22,891 1,555 24,053 816 13,325 292 1 686 | 632 300 705 541 221 605 302 848 ; 1,023 679 699 244 868 253 675 1,574 ! 1,425 932 a townships in 1901. ■■■ Truman village nmile independent, of \\ oslfoni township in 1900. .r 1890 can be made; information ai ncomDlete. ' Organized in 1901. ■i ■.' ■■.■■ .o". i ; i i; .... ,„,„. .,.,( in inn; i » T. 41, R. 25, annexed in 1909. 1" Name changed from Robbins in 1907. » Organiza-d in inni ami T. 41, It. 27, annexed in 1909; part taken to form part of " in 1908. 12 Incorporated from parts of Onarnia and South Harbor townships in 1908. '» Organized in 1901 and T. 40, R. 27, annexed in 1909. " Part taken to form part of Onamia village in 1908. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Morrison County — Continued. Ward 1 . . Ilu/i/i'.. Ward S. . Want /,.. Motley township 22 Mol Icy \ illage Mount Morris township... Parker township Pierz township 20 Pierz village Pike Creek township Platte township Pulaski lownship 23 Kails Pi aide township Randall village 2 « Richardson township 23 . . . Ripley township Hosing lownship 22 Koviihoii \illage Scandia Valley township. . Swan River township Swanville township Sunn whin village Two Rivers township " . . . Mower County. . Adams township Wardl Ward2 Ward S Austin township Bennington township. . Bro d idale village Clayton township Dexter township . V .,,■! ilhlgl-.. . Elkton village » Grand Meadow village. . Lansing township Le Roy township Le Roy village Lodi lownship Lyle township Lyle village Marshall township 25 Nevada township Pleasant Valley township. . Rose Creek village.. Bondin township Cameron township Clianlaiainhis Urn nship 2? ( 'hair; tin- village 28 run ic v illage 2 » Des Moines Rivci U> .\ nslnp 15 County total includes popula 1 hiding lownship and Randall village si a (709) of Randall township, taken to form 1 3 I', nek man village hvoi pm a led from 1 .an ol liuckman township ir ''' Organized fi mn pari of Randal I lownship : -- "" -'" (Iranil.e and Hitman townships 01 — ' .„ zed from parts of Pierz township in 21 Lakin township orwuuzi'd from pan 01 Mom ill Imi nsliip in 1903. -- Rosing lownship organized from part of Mol lev toe nship in 1902. -3 Rirhardsi.n I nwnslup 01 g;u lized liom pan of Pulaski lownship in 1908. 21 Incorporated from pai I of Randall township in 1900. '1. IMI, inn v illirs- 111101 poiaiisl hum pari oi Mai shall low nship in 1906. 21 Sargcanl village innn pin afed from part of Sni geani lownship in 1900. n part of Murray township STATISTICS OF POPULATION- MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Murray County— Continued. Dovray township. . Ellsboro township. Fenton township ' . Fulda village Lake \\ ilsoil < dingo e . Leeds township ■-' I. imp !.;iko township. . I.owvillo township. . . . Mason township Moulton township '. . . Murray township* Shelek township. . Skanriia township. . Slayton township. . Slay ton village Nicollet County. . Conn land [n» nship. i oiiriland village Granby township Lafayette ton nship ». . Lafayette village 5 Lake Prairie township New Sweden township N'ioillcl. iownship it Newton township . . Nobles County.. Bigelow village 6 .. Bloom township . . Brewster village.. Dewald township ' Dundee village Horse township... ._ Indian Lake township . . . Kinbrae village Larkin township Leota township Lismore township 8 Lismore village 3 if tie Dock township Lorain township Olney township Ransom township Round Lake village Rushmore village r Seward township Summit Lake township. . \\ est sine township MINOR i I VII. DIVISION. Norman County " .. Ada city " Anthony township . . . Bear Park township.. Halstad villi Hegne township Hendrum township llondrnm \ illage 1 -' Iloino Lake lownsliip Lake Ida township Lee township io Lnrkhar! township McDonaldsville township.. ilar\ iownship.. Perlev village is.. stielh village" Sliclv iownship" Spring (reek iownship. . Strand township'! Simdal iownship I'win \ allev village Winchester low nsliip. . Olmsted County.. Byron village ( asea d < ■ to w nship Chatfield citv (pari. oh. , . [For total, see Fillmore County.) Dover township is Dover village! 8 KLmira, township. Eyota township Kyoi.a village tell mingi'im low nship Haverhill township High Forest township. 559 558 324 497 148 436 438 310 613 699 329 •-',:«;, 2,380 1,164 1,251 Wnrthinefun ,.j lv u> Wardl ". Ward2 Worthington township i Part taken to form part of Chandler c 2 Hadlevvi!' d fiom part of Leeds townshi] ' 1'ie II '. ■■ mi i,i t , , ii ., I , 1 1 ; ,,, ... n a,,,,, men '■ ide'lnv. vill '.:,' ineoi unrated limn p^rl ui i >. i a, > tow township in 1900. 7 Rushmore ( village incorporated from part of ite'.vald lownsliip in 1900. 8 Lismore village incorporate] horn part of Lismore Iownship in 1902. 9 Wilmont village incorporated from part of Willmont township in 1900. 10 Incorporated as a city in 1909. u That part of While Karih (ndian Lose, vm ion m \onnan Count \ taken form Mahnomen Countv in 1906. Ne w H aven to wnsh ip Orion township Oronoco township Pleasant Grove township.. Quincy township Rochester eity Wardl Ward 2 Wards Rochester township Rock Dell township Salem iou nship Stewartville village Otter Tail County.. Aastad township Amor township Aurdal township ...... Battle Lake village. Blowers township BlufTton township, including Blufffon village. . Carlisle township 333 Clitherall township 499 Clitherall village 187 i 167 12 County total is exclusive of population of White Earth Indian R, not relumed s"paiah'h bv enmities in 1900. " Incorporated as a citv in 1908. 11 (iary village incorporated fioni pai i. of Si rand iov nship in 1901. ■ 5 Hendrum village inenrpnraied Irom part of I'mndnnn township in I'. '6 Perlev village monrpm aiml I run i pari ni Lee I mi nship in 1906. is Shelly village in™- p »r I frmn part ol Sliel \ lownsliip in 1900. 18 Dover village incorporated from part of Dover township in 1908. 19 County totals include population (1,033 in 1900; 624 in 1890) of Pelic village, returned as independent in 1900 and 1890. 29 Incorporated in 1903. 21 Part taken to form part of Vergas village in 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL E Otter Tall County— Continued. Dane Prairie lownship. . Dead Pake lou-nship Doer Crook township Erhards Grove township. . •Hscity Gorman township, including Luce village. . Luce village 3 Henning township Henning village Hobart township * Homestead township Inman township. . Leaf Lake township Leaf Mountain township . . Maine township Maplewood township New York village 5 Newton township Nidaros township « Norwegian Grove township Oak Valley township Orwell township Oscar township Otter Tail township 7 Ottertail village ' Otto township Paddock township Parkers Prairie township 8 Parkers Prairie village 8 Pelican township, including Pelican Rapids village Pelican Rapids village Perham township Perhara village Pine Lake township St. Olaf township.. Pennington County u Clover Leaf township '« (T. 154, K. 41) Deer Park township u (T. 152, R. 40, sees. 1 to Goodridge township '« (T. 154, R. 40) Hickory township n,T P5'J, 11. :;'.), High Landing township '* (T. 153, R. 40).. Kratka township '« (T. 153, R. 41) Mayfield township ir ' (T. 152, R. 41, sees. 1 tc Norden township (T.154.R.44) North township " (T. 154. U. 45) Numedal township (T. 154, R. 45) Polk Centre township (T. 152, R. 45, sees. : 24) Reiner township " Rocksburv township 20 (T. 153, R. 43) . . Si Hilaire ullage township (T. 153, R. 44) i ■ ■ ■ a .: I Smiley lownship '■' (T. 153, R. 42) .. Ward /.. Ward .'. Wards.. Wyandotte township 21 (T. 152, R. 42, se Pine County. . ship- -■ _. A . (T.41, R.2 Birch Creek township Bremen township m (T. 44, R.2 I;. ..ol. Pari: iou ns.hip . Bruno village 28 . . Cliengualona tov. nhip 29 rimer tow us hip an (']'. 11, Ks. 16 and 17, parts of; T.41, Rs. 18 and 19) Crosby township »» (T. 40, Rs. 18 and 19, parts Dell Grove townshi, Dosey township ^ (T. 43, Rs. 16 and 17).. Pinlavson township ■'■'< Pinlaysoii village m Plemine township •« (T. 43, R. 18) Hinckley township 3« Organized from part of Red Lake Indian Reservation in 1905. is Organized from part of Red Lake Indian Pmian alion in 1908. is Organism. 1 ". :•■-.: 1 . > < hidisa l:e-.M \ ai nm in 1 '. m' .. « Part of T. 154, R. 43, (part of Red Lake Indian Reservation) annexed in 1905. 18 Exclusive of population of Indian Reservation. i» Organized from part of Red Lake Indian Reservation in 1907. 20 Part of T. 153, R. 4?, (part of Red Lake Indian Peaa-yaiion 1 annexed in 1905. 21 Part of T. 152, P. 42, (pan ol lied Lake Indian Rosorxanon ) annexed in 1905. "County total Includes population (517) of Sandstone village, returned as inde- pendent in 1890. Norman township 26 (T. 44, R. 19).. laniri.i-o township " (T. 43, R. 19).. Pi 10 ' ' unship Piueniv village Pine Lake township Pokegaina township. . Pock Creek township Rovalton township Organized fi 0111 pari of 1 1 in. k P \ lownship in 1901. -'■ On-mixed fro n pari of Uefile 'imcr lownsliip in 1 '.Kin •-.' Organi/.od from part of l-Cetlle Pivor lownship in 15(15 "' Incorporated in 1903. ■" n-ni.5 I ■: 'ro-Pi iou a ■ ' . ■'■ ■' ' 1 T. ,.i|-.i ION . ,,■..!..... ■Ti Oi-L'ani'.ed from pan 01 lIinol;li'\ iounship in 1505. 31 Organized from part of Sandstone township in 1904. ■■- ( irgani/.ed from p -- i -' 1,442 377 350 85 533 993 323 590 1.030 786 255 535 461 mmwalana township 'rom part of Plan mm lownship in 1909. 3 Parts taken to form Parlr'nlae ami Phaiiine townships in Panning ami Finlavsun villa-jos in 1901 and 1905, res.pecliveh township in 1909. «' Organized from part of Finlayson township in 1901. STATISTICS 0¥ POPULATION- MINNESOTA. Table I .—POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, seo footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5 J MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Pine County— Continued. Sandstone township, 1 including Sandst .■.I.MLHNMI Lakevill „ Sturqeon Lake v'dlaqe 2 \\ ilma township 3 ( T. 42, Hs. 16 and 17) .. Windemere township Pipestone County. .. Aetna township Utona township Burke township Ivlcn township'uer township Fountain I'rairie township. . Orange township Ward 1 Wardi ick township. . Woodstock village.. Andover township... Angus township Badger t Brandt township 7 (T. 153. 15.46).. Brislet township Byglanil township Chester township Ward : Ward .: . Ward -!.. Ward i . . Wards WardG Ward! Ward 8 Crookston township. . . . East Grand Forks city.. Ward 1 Wardi WardS Wardi len township. . Euclid township... Fairfax township. . Fanny township... Farley township... Fishor town-hii'. including Fisher village. . Fisher village Fosston village Garden township Garfield township Gentilly township e Park tc . Gully township 7 (T. 1.7). R.39K. Hammond township Helgoland township w Higdem township Hill River township. 1 Parts taken to form Danforth and Wilma -Incorporated in 1901. ' Organized from part of Sandstone townshi township in 1910. * Incorporated p in 1907; part taken to fc , i.hi ■! . :.;. ■ • ■ hi, 1,. i,,i in County between 1890 and 1900. MINOi: I'lVIL DIVISION. Polk County— Continued. Keystone township King township Knute township. . Lengby village 8 .. Rhinehart township. . Roome township Rosebud township. . . Russia township Sandsville township. . Scandia township Sletten township. Sullivan township.. Tynsid township Vineland township . . Winger township Woodside township. Bangor township Barsness township Bon Wade township " . . . . Blue Mounds lownshiji. . Chippewa Falls townshi]). . 1 iienwood township I iienwood village Grove Lake townshi]). . . . I I oil" township Lake Johanna, township . Langhei township'H township Low rv village M intU'Waska townshi]).. New Prairie townshi]). . . . Rolling Fork townshi]). . Starliuek village Villard village Walden township. . . Westport township. . White Bear Lake township.. Ramsey County. . Mound- View townshi]!. Now Brighton village.. . . Now Canada township. . St. Paul oil v. . Wardi.... Ward 2.... WardS.... Wardi,.... 420 473- — 378 484 485 410 2,161 1,116 627 314 392 403 443 513 350 410 358 522 581 512 386 443 371 252 260 .. . 170,554 139,796 wnships in 1904 and 1907, respec- Ward6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Wardlfl Ward 11 i 11,868 Ward It ] 10,9X1 White Boar township 1.422 1.01 8 White Bear Lake villasre ' 1,505 1,288 6 Beltrami village incorporated from part of 1;ei- low nship in 1901. 7 Organized in 1901. « Lengby village incorporated from part of Columbia townshi]) in 1901. 9 Mentor village uieorpoiated (nun part of Grove I'ark townshi]) in 1902. "> Returned as Hegland in 1900. 11 Farwell village incorporated from part of Ben Wade township in 1905. 264 STATISTICS OF POPULATION-MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Red Lake County K Black River township* (T. 152, R. 44, si to 30) Deer Park township' (T. 152, R. 40, sees Kminh ille township 6 . . . Equality township ttarness township Gervais township Luke Pleasant township.. Lambert township Lonisx ille township . . Poplar River township. . Plummer village 8 Red Lake Falls city Ward / . . Ward I.. WardS.. Redwood County.. Belview village' Brookville township i D township 10 .. Delhi village " Gales township Granite Rock township M Honner township, including North Redwood North Redwood village '"« Johnson ville township Kintire township 9 , Lamberton township Lamberton village Lucan village >« Milroy village " Morgan township Morgan village New Avon township North Hero township' 8 Paxton township Redwood Falls city Ward! Redwood Falls township Revere village 18 Sanborn village '» Seaforth village 19 Sheridan township » Sherman township Springdale township Sundown township Swedes Forest township Three Lakes township 12 Underwood township Vail township so Vesta township Vesta village Wabasso village so Walnut Grove village Wanda village s2 Waterbury township Westline township " Willow Lake township ss 401 ; Camp' Renville County. . Bandon township Heaver Kails township... I ■ i i ill ( oolo\ township.. Inrd 1 - 1 : i m < I low nship -' . Hi n.l Island village"-' .... Boon Lake township I'.rookln'ld Inn nsliip. . . ( aim low nsliip, illellldin Fair/ax village Kinniett township I- lieson township i-'loia iownship I- rant I ii i village I lawk Creek township I I ector township •* 1 1 eel oi \ illagess Henri \ ille low nship.... Kingman township ilai mi .hurg township.. Melville township Mm ion village Am loik iownship i ih\ hi i iilage s» i fseeola township iciuding Buffalo Lake o Lake village.. lli'lH ille oil \ "' . Sacred Heart township ss Sacred Heart village ss Troy Iownship. including Danube village.. I>« a a in i iilage "> Wang townsliip ■•' -" : ngton Iownship.. \\ inhehl Rice County.. Bridgewater township. . Cannon City township... Dundas village I- rin iownship i'aiiiianlt. city Ward 1 Wards WardS Ward 4 Forest township Morristown township Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Northfield township. . Richland township... Shieldsville township. Veseli village Walcott township Wheatland township, including Lonsdale village Lonsdale village '■ Wheatland village Wheeling township Rock County Battle Plain township ' Hea\ er rivek tow nsliip Beaver I Ireek \ iilage.. unite Rock township in 1904. Itocksbury, and Sander-; lownshins, and T. 1.1:1, I;'. 42, St. Ililaire village, and n County since 1900. 3 COI ' possible. Comparison of population for 1890 made by rr. " V ha -.,., -ilk ■• rei ii: in . i .nil , ail he-, a hip I. " ] Exclusive of papnlai ion oi Waha ;so \ iilage. -- Wanda village incorporated from part of Willow L * Exclusive of population of Indian reservation. 8 Belview village returned wn h tintire township in 1900. io Sanborn village returned with Charlestown township in 1900. <> Exclusive of population of Sanborn village. 12 Clements village incorporated from part of Three Lakes township in <» Delhi village incorporated from part of Delhi township in 1902. n of Sacred Heart village. STATISTICS OF POPULATION MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: L910, 1900, AND 1890 Continued. [For changes in boundaries, otc, botweon 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those botweon 1890 and 1900, sec Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Rock County— Continued. I louver township l Ivanaranzi tow nship. - e Fipeslone I ounty.] North ward South ward Luverne township Magnolia township, including Magnolia' Springwater towi Vienna township Roseau County.. Algoina township' 7 (T. 11.3, R. 37, and frac. T. 11.4, R.37) V nca township 7 (T. 101, R.37) Badger village' liarnet! township " t.T. ItiO, R. 42) Barto tow nship . . . I'.lo ing \':illo\ township '"• { V. 103, R. 44, an. I frac. T. 104, R. 44), Codarhend township <• . V n.'.'. I: ::> - . Clear River township 1 r township in 1900. 3 Hills village incorporated hoin pari of Martin < Not returned separately in 1890. » Incut ponded as :, , ii ..- i., ]•':< !. '"■< >i'gar.i/;ed iu 1902. 7 Or: anized in 1903. v Lodger village made hide: on. lent of Skagen 11 Organized in 1900. '-' Or-auized in 1907. 11 Organized in 1900. 11 Creenbush village incorporate. I from part of Herein' 1 ( hganized in 1905. "■' Roseau village returned with Jadis township in 191 17 Inclusive of population of Roseau village. '" Laona to-. In 1902; Roosevelt village Incorporated from part ■"I o : .lii, hi IOO , 19 Organized in 1904. 2° Exclusive of population of Badger village. St. Louis County .. Alburn townshi Allen township Angora township 17 ' ( I'. 1 neatly tow nship' 3 (Tps. 03 a Breitung township.. Canosia townsfiip 28 . Chisholm village 29 Clinton township, ineluding Iron Junction vil- lage Iran .1 11 mi inn village Cotton township •' (T.51, Us, 10 and 17) Culver township, including I'.rook.ston village. . . Brookslon villagi DuJuthcity Wardl Wards WardS Ward 4 Ward 7 Ward8 Duluth township. - Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Kinliat ras low nship '•"' ( T. 1 Fvcletb city 3 ' Ward f Ward:.. Wuril :;.. Flood w I low nship, including Floodwood vil- Flondwood village.. Uugler lownship'" 1 T. 61, R. "J , Falo'woo.l iou nship'' iT. 51, R. 13, part ol).. 224 118 331 185 7*. 400 52,909 33,115 i;.:s,j> 358 3.572 194 3,717 901 49 2,752 1,016 62 310 745 4S1 107 I o..l .-, io mi Uipc il',..,'..::„liv , - Mc Davit I low nship McKinlcv village"' 7 Meadow Lands township ' (T. 53, Us. IXand 19).. Mesaha lowtislup, nu lodir/g village Mr saba village Midway township . . and part of Boi iervation opened to settlement si 23 No compel .-no hi popiil oii.iii for 1 sun can be made; information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. u No population reported. 25 Incorporated from part of T. 68, R. 15, in 1903. 26 Mwabii . . . uiation of Pdwaiik and McKinley villages. 28 Fredenlerg township organized from part of Canosia township in 1904. in ... , ,; 1 part of SI. unlz township in 1901. ■"> Incorporated in 1007. 31 Returned with .Viissal.e Mountain township in 1900. Incorporated as a.atv in 10(12 ami parts of Faval and Missal. e Mountain townships annexed In 1910. io e incorporated from part of Morse township in 1906. ".0.0.0 ,1 ■ " »« Incorporated in 1901. i ''I 'I: « Included Eveleth village in L900, Fart annexed to Eveleth city in 1910. « Exclusive ol population of Eveleth village. 38 Incorporated in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION-MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, seo Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. St. Louis County—Continued. Nirhols township, ineludin Costin village ' Noi ii id nil low nship : i I'ps. 52 aid 5;i, It. 13).. N'orlhlan 1 township* !T. 53, 11. 17) fikv township! (T. till, K. Ill) Prairie Lake towi hip 1 . • :.- '<> i Proctor knot i \ illago It ice Lake township St. Louis township^ I'. 5S.R. 13) So I way township Ward J Ward.: Wardo Ward 6 \\ hiio township '■ { I'ps. 57 , 5\, an Wouri lownship' J (T. 59. R. 17).. I uwnship at, ran;;i' 1! Township 52, lanp 1 I! I mi nship 53, range If low nship at, range- in. . Township 54, range 2( Township 5a, range hi. . I owiisliip 55, range 21.. I'ownship 56, range 16.. l'ownshi|) 5(i, range 17 Township 57, range i: Township 57, i mgr l 1 . i ownship 51i, rangr 21. . Township Of hownship i.i Township 01 ., , i ownship no, range 19.. Township 61, r „ Town ■■.hip 01, range 17. . Township 61, range 19. . Township 02, range hi. . Tow nsliip nM, range I ■! . . Township 03, range 19.. Ton nsliip 04, range ].' Township (14, range 17. . Township Township 05, range 15. . I'ou nsliip 05, range If _ r .3, range 20.. Township 00, range 21 . . Township 07, range 17. . Township 07, range 18. . Township 07, range 21 . _ Township OS, range 17. . 8 Organized In 1905. •hisive of population of llibhing village. 7 6 86 89 12 2 12 27 37 X 9 14 22 37 58 40 o form Chisholm St. Louis County— Continued. I-' r:i( I ional township 69, range 17. . To-.-, nsliip 01). range. 21 .. I- notional township 70, range 211 . Boise Fort Indians ■ ' Scott County.. Belle Plaine borough » | Belle Plaine township " Blakely township I'edar Lake township , Credit River township Eagle Creek township Glendale township, including Hamilton village. Hamilton village Ward 1 . . Wards.. i oiiis\ illi- r . > \s nsliip. . New Market villnae. New Prague city (ward 2). . [For total, se- T " ' SI. Lawrence toi Sand Creek township. . shakopee. city.. Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Spring Lake township village including Prior Lake Sherburne County. . Becker township, including Becker village. . ... iha ... ownship Clear Lake township, including Clear Lake vil- Elk River village.. Palmer township.. Santiago township.. . Cornish township. . Grafton township Green Isle townsr. Green Isle village. .' .,..- 1 1 . ■■ 1 1 . > i New Auburn township " . . Sibley township Transit township Washington Lake township. . Winthrop city' 9 8,136 7,281 5,908 588 416 285 1,012 898 758 564 .531 574 229 177 1. 358 413 280 701 637 562 263 222 \. 548 515 859 831 547 596 379 " Not locate. 1 l\ !-.» nsliips and ranges. '2 Belle Plaine borough returned with Belle Plaine township in 1! « Exclusive of population of Belle Plaine borough. h Incorporated in 1904 '5 Part of St. Cloud city annexed to Haven township in 1908 " Incorporated '- '" " New Aubun " Incorporated Wa city in 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- MINNESOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND L890 Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table ■">.] Stearns County Albany township. Albany village.. . Ashley township Avon township 3 Belgrade village. Broekway township Brooten village Cold Spring village Coll. Seville townshi. Crow Lake township. Crow River township Eden Lake township . . Kden Valley village (part of) [For total, see Meeker County.] Fairhaven township. Farming township. Freeport village. Getty township Grove townshi" Holding Holding , Kimball Prairie vilb.go Krain township Lake George township. 1 ,al.e I leniv I o\\ nship Le Sauk townships. . . Luxemburg township Lynden township Maine Prairie township. Moire « Irove village. Melrose city, Ward • Ward Melrose township. Millwood townshi Munson townshi Vow Munich vil.„,,_ . , North Fork township. Oak township I'ayncsvillc town ■-: 1 1 1 [ . Paynesville village ". Raymond township , Richmond village.. Rockville township Rockville village 7 . . St. Augusta township. St. Cloud city 8 (wards 1 , [For total, see Benton County.] St. Cloud township 8 St. Joseph township St. Joseph village St. Marlin [oun.ship St. Martin vill"" St. Wendel to Sartell village Sauk Center c: Ward Ward... Sank ( 'outer township spring Mill li nshii Blooming Prairie township Blooming Prairie village Clinton Falls township, Decrfield townshi] Ellendale village Havana township I Countv total includes population (4S5) of New Pavnesville village, annexed Paynesville township and Paonoseillo \ illage since 1900. » Avon Mi ndent of Avon township in 1900. 3 Exclusive of population of Avon village. « Not returned separately in 1S90. 5 Sartell villa , whip in 1907. 6 Part of New Paynesville village annexed in 1904. ille township in 1903. 8 Part of St. Cloud city annexed to St. Cloud township in 1908. s Spring ITill \ illaco i, rpnratcd ir p • ■ . :..■■■ 1 1 ill n-wnship in 1900. 10 Ellendale village incorporated from part of Berlin township in 1901. II Donnelly village le independent of i IP. township in 1900. '- Exclusive of population of Donnellv village. 13 Incorporated as a city in 1903. b Part taken to form Little Elk township in 1900. 268 STATISTICS OF POPULATION -MINNESOTA. Taiw.k 1. POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, L900, AND L890- Continued. [For changes in boundaries, ete., between 1000 and 1010, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1000, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1000, Vol. I, Table 5.] Todd County— Continued. k township... Uo'uncl I'r.iirie lownship.. Ward'!.. Ward 2. . Staples township.. ii icm nship «. n village < . Traverse County.. I .:ikc \ alloy lownship Tintah township . . Wabasha County.. Chester tc ownship Gillford township i ilasL-ow township Greenfield township. . Hammond villa gc . . . Kellogg village Lake City Wardl WardS Lake township Mazeppa township. . Minneiska township. Minneiska village. . . Ward! Ward 2 WardS Watopa township West Albany township Wadena County.. Aldrich township. Huntersville tow nship. Leaf River township. . . MINOR CIVIL D Wadena County— Continued. Lyons township. . North Germany township.. Oiton low nship Red Eye township I look wood lownship Shell River township Thomastown townshi Verndale village Wing Mivor township. . Waseca County.. tun nship .. ___ ling Grove * Byron township. Blooming Grove township. . Freedom tc Iosco township Janes ville township.. Xew Richland lownship.. New Richland village Otisco township St. Mary township Vivian township Wardl Ward 2 WardS Wilton township Woodville township.. Washington County.. Afton township Bay town lownship Cottage Grove township.. Denmark lownship Forest Lake township Forest Lake village wX\ ille \ illago ")... Rosendale township si. James city Ward 1 Wardt si. .Tames township South Branch township.. ' Hugo village incorporated from part of Oneka ' 8 Incorporated in 1900. 13,313 1,042 ,„. , jf Marine township, taken to form May and NewScandia townships between 1890 and 1900; and population (1,091) of New- port township and Newport village, not returned separately In 1890. n Odin village incorporated from part of Odin township in 1902. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- MINNESOTA. 269 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. . 1910 1900 1890 ^oBcrvo.*™. 1910 1900 1890 9,063 8,080 4,346 Wright County— Continued. 485 766 311 1,314 7 IS 804 1,031 1,462 401 168 1,494 1,281 160 626 833 522 1,132 1J052 858 284 983 54 1,086 287 1,015 287 002 1,259 460 15,406 563 1,421 684 870 967 1 , :<49 305 366 189 267 572 68S 649 217 482 185 303 345 173 212 372 206 238 185 158 168 231 94 202 403 294 343 277 277 642 33,398 402 255 332 286 527 330 498 Clem water township, including Clearwaler Frankfort tow n U", including si Mil -hurl vil- lage met pan of SI. Michael Mai ion village.... S48 363 5114 l!r:>nclrii]i town-hip, including 1'oran village. . IWvckenridge city - 1,282 655 1,148 Breckenridge tow nship 3 256 433 301) ( nmphell ton nship. m.-li h lin.u I'omiey \iIhi:; L ' . . l'„l,il u.i SI. \h. Inn 1 SI, tlini, tillage* in Campbell village. - 239 260 208 1,531 1,294 170 737 944 470 1,332 1,412 990 818 305 1, 105 1,189 Connelly township 341 265 147 | For total, see Hennepin County.] Foxhoine township, including Foxhomc i illeee 899 Ken1 village 6 275 190 149 194 270 241 152 1,300 890 214 212 425 249 296 225 380 450 35,686 Otsego township, including part of St. Michael 283 204 174 Roberts township 10 1, 144 340 973 Tanberg township 324 657 Wol verton township 33,797 900 1, 475 1,160 542 1,134 12 14,602 Winona County Viclor township 1,159 200 301 174 512 151 666 421 812 473 211 556 879 548 728 362 559 205 1,159 557 572 805 172 770 548 851 5,604 S,649 3,704 5, 726 322 575 28,082 \\ averly village 370 323 495 198 747 773 541 1,009 371 242 526 776 845 290 527 202 1,304 60S 644 828 204 808 670 945 19,714 525 Yellow Medicine County 645 Elba village 12 9,864 Fremont township 798 818 549 867 Burton township 518 1,528 390 456 682 572 430 398 1,140 603 1,079 275 498 554 525 430 584 660 512 253 565 472 763 586 517 583 398 524 292 479 1,100 Canby city >a Ward 1 Ward2 Wards 545 803 776 791 252 923 Echo township 525 334 286 356 969 437 948 543 278 477 helm \ illage, Friendship township, including ClarklicM \ il- ( 'lurk field village 1,178 661 724 968 Cram to Falls city (ward 1) St. 1 lVJl'll'S township [For total , see Chippewa County.] Hazel Kim township, including Hazel Kim vil- 837 706 1,013 18,208 493 538 683 552 196 553 619 j 666 1 509 536 416 566 1 264 ' \\ hmna township 282 641 29,157 275 611 24,164 1,206 977 1,227 1,419 481 830 1,040 1,373 211 719 600 i Incorporated in 1907. ■' Incorporated as a city in 1907. 3 Neilson township organized from part of Creckeni idgc township in 1904. * Incorporated in 1901. 6 Incorporated in 1902. f Kent village incorporated from part of McCauleyville township in 1904. orporated from part of Sonthside annexed to Stony Hun township since I'jnn. is Incorporated as a city in 1905. ' i ■,, I;,,., :, ■...;,, ' |. p '■;., I; 36 in 1890) of Otis township STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. \. Irian village Nobles Wtkin village Aitkin Albany village | Stearns Ubert Lea city Freeborn.. Uden village." Freeborn.. Ue\an.lriaeity I'ouglas.. . \ liilia \ illage Jackson. . . Annandale village.. Marshall Kin.' Kartli.. Wright Lincoln . . . Marshall. . Sibley si. l.ouis.. Mower Murrav Banning village.. Cass Roseau Clearwater. . Pine.'."."!!!!. .. Hay... Harnuni village I Carlton. i larrel I village Grant. . can. village Big Stone Battle Lake village Otter Tail. Baudette village liear.lsley village Beaver Creek village. . Bemidji city. . Bena village... Rock Sherburne.. Stearns Polk I : eii woo- 1. . Beltrami. .. Bethel village.. Swift.... ( arvcr. . Todd.... \noka . Bingham Lake village.. Blue Earth city.. Bowlus village... Boyd village Braham village.. Brandon village Breckenridgecity.. Brewster village — Nobles . . Cottonwood.. Renville... St. bonis... Beltrami. . . Steele Kuril. aull... Otter Tail.. Morrison Bronson village Kittson... lirooksioii \ illage St. Louis.. Brooten village Stearns.. Brownton vL__„__ Bruno village Buckman village.. Buffalo village Wright .... Uufbilo l.n! <■ \illa»o Renville.. Buhl village St. Louis.. Byron village Olmsted. . Caledonia village Houston. . Callaway village Becker 3,769 1,184 4, 252 994 712 279 349 306 417 231 429 159 5,474 338 162 3,901 170 164 248 209 1,326 391 237 1,069 417 420 449 186 232 450 1,121 380 306 814 166 254 2,183 1 , 525 52 277 877 39 177 311 846 1,299 441 855 2,900 308 1,509 335 7,524 272 '234 166 5,703 225 655 259 466 721 453 86 498 282 1,040 606 332 347 1,175 291 927 737 25S CITY, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. Campbell village .. Wilkin I Canby city ] Yellow Medicine . Cannon balls city i Goodhue Carlton village Carver village Cass Lake village. Center City village Ceylon village Chaska city Chatfieldcity Chisago City village. . Clara City village.. Clearwater village. . Carver (Fillmore. . . \Olmsted... Chisago St. Louis... Stevens Chippewa. . Clitherall village j Otter Tail . Cobden village Brown . . . Cohassft village Itasea Cokat.o village Wright. . ("old Spring village Stearns. . Coniirev village .". Brown Cirri-;] v illage. Big Stone. . Col toii wood village | Lyon. . Nicollet.. . Carl I on.. . Polk . Murray. . 1 lanube village I Renville. . Danvers village I Swift... Darfur village I Waton\ De Graff village Swift. . Deer Creek village... Deer River village. . Dennison village.. Dent village Detroit city Dexter village Dodge Center village.. I MoaMson village 1 iirinellv village Dresbacb village.. Duluthcity Dumont village... Dtmdas village Dundee village.... Echo village Eden Valley villag Edgertop village.. Otter Tail.... Crow Wing.". Redwood . . . . loo. lime. . . Otter Tail... Beeker Mower Dodge Kittson... Stevens Wilkin Olmsted Winona St. Louis.... Traverse Martin Todd nine ICmili. Polk Faribault Yellow Medicine. [Meeker (Stearns Oiler Tail... Sherburne.. Mower STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLAGES: 1910, 1900, AND L890- Contii 271 CITY, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. County. 1910 1900 1890 Ellendale village Steele 261 530 795 3,572 345 324 112 7, 03li '423 815 2,958 420 9,001 43 1,024 143 149 6,887 18G 328 481 710 06 540 204 1,075 321 39 206 439 1,645 450 138 743 59 160 251 610 140 182 210 533 1,700 1,788 368 2,161 295 692 419 408 987 355 552 2,230 } 1,454 189 256 274 378 351 84 130 910 215 153 271 241 190 524 275 310 292 655 673 227 3,983 800 586 121 866 111 753 1 1 cndi icks village llendrum village lienning village I lennan village Heron Lake village Hewitt village llililiing village 1 Ugh I'orest \ illage Hill Citv village Hills village Hinckley village Lincoln Norman Otter Tail Jackson Todd St. Louis Olmsted 400 355 603 004 803 322 8,832 127 220 398 673 391 400 276 293 626 - 264 2, 368 1,487 200 300 316 41 484 1,907 1,173 } 704 130 192 1,151 185 138 700 932 095 294 372 232 244 238 1,237 432 208 137 491 372 48 195 844 3, 142 1,055 175 740 219 924 385 652 204 987 140 1,755 741 167 420 473 218 522 268 2,333 6. 07S 104 161 1,250 271 88 252 98 139 2,540 552 126 634 411 454 924 3,717 459 179 150 258 488 901 348 Faribault St. Louis Le Sueur Freeborn Polk Brown Douglas St. Louis Hennepin 545 550 928 311 2,481 139 Emmons villa e 483 2,752 717 642 3,040 377 351 1, 205 Rock- Pine Excelsior villas 459 270 530 191 255 Houston St. Louis Pipestone 7,808 3 : 52C Houston 542 737 733 135 657 Washington McLeod Koochiching Dakota Murray St. Louis 2,495 Felton villa e International Falls village Otter Tail 6, 072 587 3, 772 273 358 118 410 224 172 48i ::::::::: Floodwood villa e St. Louis Benton 1,756 1,254 559 Washington Mille Lacs 263 864 294 ::::::::: 287 207 248 Jasper village (Pipestone Cottonwood Crow Wing Big Stone 439 1,000 313 284 1,270 Becker Kandiyohi Faribault 764 1,112 886 348 Douglas Norman Sibley Freeborn Clay Sibley.".".'."*!^!!!; St. Louis McLeod Freeborn Pope Clay Hennepin Blue Earth Goodhue Big Stone Martin Kelliher village Wabasha 228 158 207 608 218 38? 119 545 282 1,202 411 Faribault 1,780 351 1,116 250 680 505 241 856 309 1,649 245 327 137 627 275 509 Houston 88 Nicollet Lincoln Wabasha Blue Earth Sherburne 508 890 2,744 1,215 i . mmala village.. . 477 1,428 1,214 373 Grand Rapids village 570 (Chippewa \Yellow Medicine. Lake Wilson village Jackson 862 373 624 Grasston village 25S 202 275 219 1 aTiil.erton village Redwood Kittson Greenbush village Grey Eagle village Todd 313 316 1 :il). -si. OH) \ illage 1,102 Grove City village Meeker Cass Murray Kittson Swift Norman 349 Hubbard n'k village 1,937 478 Hadlev village -illage Hallo\vay village 805" 136 179 238 196 415 278 259 302 Polk 772 371 I. osier Prairie village McLeod "i village Hammond village Hampton village Scott Wabasha Dakota Stevens Watonwan 385 '!.:■-■.■ 218 I itchfield villa e 2,280 5,774 1.899 Yellow Medicine. /Hennepin \Wright Rock Fillmore Chisago Freeborn Dakota..." Clay bellow Medicine. Renville Morrison Koochiching Hennepin 2,354 Hanover village 1,385 6 259 517 710 317 3,811 536 439 654" 114 904 , in.. .,. i village Hayfleld village Hazel Run village tillage 504 "'3,~705 270 354 Lac qui Parle 260 Lucau village Luce village Luverne city Lyle village Redwood Rock Mower 2,223 488 1,466 306 ■ l< village M.i. inlev villaee Polk St. Louis 569 Henderson city Sibley 909 272 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, VILLAQE, OR BOROUGH. Mabel village • Fillmore Madelia village Watonwan. . Magnolia village Rock.. Mahnomen village j Mahnomen.. Mapleton villain. . . . Marietta village i illage Marshall city Mayer village Maynard village a village rove village.. Melrose city Menahga village Millerville village... Monterey village.. Morristown villa Morton village.. Motley village. . . Murdock village. . . Nary village Nashua village Nashwauk village Nassau village Nelson village Nerstrand village Nevis village New Auburn village. . New London village. . . New Market village New Munich village New Prague city New Richland village. . _ je Earth Itasca Lac qui Parle... . Wadena . Dakota . Polk . St. Louis.... . Marshall . MilleLacs... . Chippewa... . \\abasha... . Redwood... . Clav . Carlton Kanabec Redwood . Stevens . Rice Renville Morrison St. Louis . Cottonwood Swift Hubbard Wilkin . Itasca Lac qui Parle . . Douglas loiii'livohi . . Scott . Stearns /Le Sueur . . . \Scott . Waseca . Dakota . Brown Nicollet village Norcross village North Branch village North Mankato village. . . North Redwood village. . North St. Paul village. . . Northfield city i jtuce Northome village ' Koochiching . . Norwood village j Carver Nymore village ! Beltrami Odessa village j Big Stone Nicollet.... Redwood . . Ramsey... 494 1,272 '300 176 273 852 625 10,599 602 470 1,008 8,838 460 607 144 562 2,088 679 1,203 245 556 165 1,768 413 282 780 248 62 1,204 396 404 149 202, 718 372 777 242 518 101 164,738 340 275 323 130 350 355 211 136 CITY, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. Ogili ie ( illage ' Kanabec Olivia village | Renville Onamia village ' Mille Lacs 0rmsb y vuiage {wato^wan::::: Otonviltadty (Elc^Parie:: usajns village l\Todd Oslo village Marshall .' '. Osseo village I'ark iuipids village 1'a.rkers i'rairie \ illage. . Paynesville village iviiran Kapids village.. Pennock village Proctor knott village. . Randolph village.. Red Lake Falls city.. Redwood Falls city . . Rollingstone village. . Round Lake village. . I( n-.-rll i ill;.::.' I.'ni hi. .11 village l:ui ledge \ ill:).::.' -1 1, mil j. hi 1 II 1 St. Clair village St. Cloud city St. Hilaire village.. St.. Michael Stalion \ illage. . Hubbard... Otter Tail... Stearns Oti.I I 111 Kandiyohi.. Crow Wing. . Otter Tail... Norman Fillmore Morrison Wabasha McLeod Red Lake Yellow Medicine. Fillmore Kanilh .ihi. Red Lake... Goodhue lh-llrami .. Redwood.. Renville... Redwood.. Benton SI earns.... (Hier Tail.. Hennepin. . \\ inona. Benton... Koscail... Mower . . . Roseau... I.iaknla Noble-;. . . Fillni. in:, .I' . Nobles Blue Earth... [Benton ^ Sherburne. .. 970 263 1 247 346 353 5,561 3,849 373 1,033 352 624 1,182 761 993 832 535 548 2,536 1,038 232 1,232 130 1,319 816 1,885 7,525 774 6,294 1,661 1,075 1,238 413 6,843 5,321 182 296 198 174 664 1,062 582 707 968 323 1,304 1,178 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MINNESOTA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 273 Sargeant village... Sartell village Sauk Center city.. Seaforth village Sebeka village. Sedan village... Sherburne village . . Slay ton village Sleepy Eye city Solway village South Haven village. . South St. Paul city... South Stillwater village. . Spicer village Spooner village Swanville village. . Taconite village... Taopi village Taunton village... Nicollel. Renville... Redwood.. Pine Mower Stearns Stearns Carlton Redwood... Wadena Pope Scott Norman Martin Clearwater.. McLeod Murray Brown Beltrami Wright Houston . . Stearns... McLeod Olmsted Washington.. Itasca... Mower.. Lyon . . . i. ,....-„ Wilkin. . Carlton Tintah village Traverse . . . Tonka Bay village Hennepin. . Tower city St. Louis... Tracy city Lyon Triumph village Martin . . Two Harbors city , Lake Tyler village I Lincoln.. Ulen village ' Clay 28407—12 18 12,318 11,260 535 567 1,819 191 1,366 1,911 1,110 1,400 515 317 137 463,065 133,156 4,302 3,671 538 327 1,189 517 2,220 1,391 1,695 1,185 2,047 1,757 891 316 2,046 380 1,513 2,322 1,422 2,242 1,304 491 394 CITY, VILLAGE, OB BOROUGH. Utica village Vergas village Vermilion village Verndale village Vernon Center village Veseli village Vesta village Villard village Vining village Virginia city Wabasha city Wabasso village Waconia village Wadena village Waite Park village Walker village Walnut Grove village V :ilins village Waltham village Wanda village Warren city Warroad village Waseca city Watertown village Waterville city Watkins village Watson village Waubun village Waverly village Wayzata village Welcome village Wells village Wendell village West Concord village West Minneapolis village. West St. Paul city West Union village Westbrook village U htihi.n village Wheatland village Wheaton village While l;ear Lake village. v ii'l<-i village \\ ilium cii , Willow River village Wilmont village ,,,. hi-.. Windom village \\ iunebago City village.. Winona city Winsted village Winthrop city Wood Lake village Woodstock village Worthington city Wykofi village Wyoming village Young America village. . . Zumbro Falls village Zumbrota village Winona Otter Tall... Dakota Wadena Blue Earth. Rice Redwood . . . Otter Tall".!! St. Louis.... Wabasha... Redwood... Wadena Stearns Cass Redwood... Faribault... Mower Redwood . . . Marshall Roseau Waseca Le Sueur Meeker Chippewa. . . Mahnomen.. Wright Hennepin. . . Martin Faribault... Grant Dodge Hennepin... Dakota Todd Cottonwood. Fillmore Rice Traverse Ramsey .laekfoil Kane" Pine. Nobles Beltrami Cottonwood Faribault Winona McLeod Sibley Yellow Medicine Pipestone Nobles , Fillmore Chisago Wabasha Goodhue 100 672 311 249 214 249 635 182 203 2,962 2,528 178 728 1,620 317 500 447 2,487 441 895 127 150 1,276 3,103 490 1,260 250 167 648 2,482 362 937 2,017 "■■635" 1,648 1,944 1,816 19,714 MISSISSIPPI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1000 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. 1, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Adams County.. Total for Natchez city in beats 1 and 4.. 6,763 l,7tS IS, 820 2,123 1,999 10,445 7,748 2,645 18,159 3,225 1,898 12,364 8,608 2,886 14,987 Beat 1, including wards 1, 2, and 5, and parts 5,690 3,378 'sos 1,779 1,614 4S0 894 2J583 434 4,C65 1,642 193 2,420 22,954 4,432 2,650 3,661 Total for Corinth city in beats 1 and 4 2,111 2,540 2,135 230 l',6ll 162 2,187 20,708 1 5,427 666 4,312 81 865 6,3S6 1,486 3,743 3,086 28,851 4,999 S92 4,479 Beat 2, inch" i ■ llle town 3,4S3 Total for (\>;i, rni He iim-ri '' hi hen. 690 4,660 1,661 3,583 2,987 26,248 Beat 1, Kosciusko, including Kosciusko city. . . 7,256 2,385 4,618 w 4,402 6,407 247 6,168 10,245 0,342 2,078 4,081 SI 7 4,304 6,168 196 5,353 10,510 1,894 Beat 2, Liberty Chapel, including McCool Beat4,Newpo .village 5 ') 7 66 Beatl 1,851 75 64 2,338 146 1,350 1,767 261 48,905 2,033 3,156 70 70 2,478 162 1,213 1,630 204 35,427 2 121 Beat 2, including Lamar and Micbij 095 29,980 8,614 284 9,457 515 645 16, 476 369 1,001 241 637 1,103 6,796 412 444 7,562 871 7,749 172 8,469 477 Beat 2, including Gunnison and Shelby towns. 6,817 Beat 3, including Beulah, Cleveland Bayou, and Rosedale towns and Merigold 9,173 479 3,645 Beat 4, including Benoit and Boyle towns 4,159 638 6,391 422 6,916 201 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Calhoun County .. r.eai.i. i 1 1 > J 1 1 < ! i ) i • ■ J ianner village.. winding Derma and Vardarnan towns. Carroll County.. rollton towns . . i ■anolltnn town North Cnrrollton town it 5, including Vaiden town. . 6,753 608 302 6,163 Chickasaw County Beat 1, including Houston town.. Woodland village 9 Choctaw County.. Beat 1, including Chester and Fentress villages. Beat 2, including Reform village... Beat 5, including Ackerman town.. Claiborne County.. Beat 2 Beat 3 Beat 4, including Hermanville tc Clarke County Beat 1, Quitman, including Quitman tow Quitman town Beat 2, Shubuta, including Pachuta village and Shubuta town Pachuta tillage Shubuta town Beat 3, Enterprise, including Enterprise t 5,506 2,252 1,710 Enterprise t r>eat 4, Energy... Beat 5, Maxvi'lle. . hiding l .\ est Point city. . West Point city Ward 1 Ward2 WardS Ward4 ' No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 1890 and 1900. J Returned in 1900 as in Wilkinson County only. (274) ' Incorporated in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSISSIPPI. 275 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, otc, between 1900 and 1010, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. f , Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Coahoma County 34,217 26,293 18,342 • 15,193 13,678 10,424 Beat 1, Including Knoxvilie and Roxle villages. 3,240 160 5,797 876 5,949 367 14,107 4,079 22s 5,058 35,914 2,502 174 4,931 750 4,843 171 317 9,854 1,773 166 4,163 34,395 2,480 4, 121 168 294 2,710 234 3,321 260 2,860 163 2,181 6,599 4,303 200 214 2,416 222 2,643 4,450 674 3,908 Be:.l :.:. including •• 'oalioma village and Jones- 4,743 781 2,169 2,147 2,755 30,233 2,498 797 851 752 1,435 328 1,063 6,050 Beat 1, including Gallman village and Hazle- 9,136 188 2,056 600 300 706 450 6,490 240 2,024 538 498 435 553 5,075 171 5,590 9,623 1,34S 16,909 7,730 189 1,579 6,237 6,795 3,906 Beat 1, Leakesville, Including Leakesville town. 1,640 466 890 170 363 1,787 379 1,354 15,727 1,358 584 Beat2, includfc llage and Wes- 6,907 338 3,279 6,530 Beat 2, State Line, including part of State Line 1,397 210 379 1,415 1,676 949 14,112 Beauregard village 3,168 Total for State Line town in beat County, and beat 1, Wayne County Ward 2 957 Ward/, Beat 3, including Barlow village 4,579 4,659 Grenada County 6,595 8,584 1,093 313,076 5,426 38,299 Beat 5, including Crystal Springs town 14,974 Beat 1, including Elliott village and Grenada 6,556 161 2,814 1,383 1,431 3,239 1^280 1,982 166 2,670 152 11,207 5,735 5,653 2,568 2,416 Beat 1, Seminary, including Gandsi village and Seminary town 2,830 232 526 2,444 5,345 2,581 462 3,944 1,077 2,346 23,130 Beat 2, including Graysport town 2,738 3,405 Graysporl town Beat 3 1,469 'l45 2,311 1,916 Beat3, Collm; i imim i oil i^ city and Ora Beat 4, including Hardy Station village Hardy Station village 2,058 Collins citij'^ Beat 5, Including Holcomb village 1,942 Beat 4, Mount Olive, including Mount Olive Hancock County " "11,886 Mount Olive town 5 " 8,318 24,751 24,183 Beatl 1,866 486 1,527 1,946 3, 388 1,262 1,144 335 554 57 170 180 m 34,658 Beat 5, Bay St. Louis, including Bay St. Louis 5,846 221 4,179 182 4,865 3,029 5,211 660 108 122 20,722 6,438 198 4,394 230 5,339 3,303 5,277 563 131 192 5,960 199 4,247 2,872 1,974 4,819 5,674 602 WardS Ward 4 Beat 5, includi . ■■ town and Love 620 152 21,002 15 12,481 8,699 8,049 2,547 1,347 2,101 2,064 12,848 6,386 1,472 842 1,508 2,564 1,026 6,186 5,467 6,304 11,733 2,917 2,670 2,212 S,9S4 2,962 7,896 5,429 2,103 1,429 4,175 1, 172 Ward 4 Beat 2, Missis! ling Gulfport city and Handsboro and Long Beach towns . 4,848 1,060 Ward 4 fl Ward"l" 840 Beat 5 Long Beach town* 1 Incorporated in 1906. 2 Part taken to form part of Jefferson Davis County in 1906. 3 No comparisoi ., :i <>■.:■ imvli>; i-onni v iviliMriclcd in i r, :lii. * Incorporated in 1905. 6 Incorporated in 1902. « Returned as Love in 1900. 7 Organized from part of Perry County in 1908. 8 Incorporated in 1908. sv located within the beats to which they belong. 270 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSISSIPPI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Harrison County— Continued. Beat 3, Pass Christian, including Pass Chris- tian city _ 6,581 536 627 266 980 1,904 63,726 3,622 2,028 4,646 3,654 1,706 1,317 Jackson County— Continued. Beat 4, Southwest, including Ocean Springs 4,784 1,472 478 18,498 4,246 1,266 973 15,394 3,466 1,148 Heal, 4, including Bond, Mcllenry, anil Wig- Ocean Spnuor <"» n Beat 5, Northwest ' "^J^J"' 1 ' ,11U1U u "''»' Jasper County McHenry town* . 14,785 Wiggins town* Beats i,'766" 62,577 927 39,279 Beat 1, Center, including Gilford village 3,052 166 2,874 '623 427 5,157 8S6 5,153 477 18,221 2,916 3,048 2,781 1,575 Beat 3, Northwest, including Louin and Mon- 19,910 11,807 21,262 2, 90S 2,662 4,643 4,668 4,384 2,260 9,427 6S2 7,988 572 9,498 1S4 579 10, 903 9,465 473 39,088 8,340 364 6,711 Louintown'" Beat 4, Southwest, including Bay Springs 3,364 1 2,940 Total Jui si and 6 7,816 6,920 Stringer village '<> Beat 5, Southeast, including Heidelberg town. Heidelberg town 4,758 228 21,292 Jefferson County Ward6 18,947 Beat 2, including Bolton and Edwards towns. . . 9,926 600 9,205 640 9,663 138 483 15,443 7,816 481 36,828 8,624 3,725 4,225 5,311 776 S6S 2,380 2,580 SS8 12,860 ^ 664 6,248 604 286 3,058 4,260 US 6,327 370 5,453 119 Beat 3, including Fayette town and Harriston Beat 4, including Learned village and Ray- 2,825 r, ,. . ■ ■ i 12,164 5,920 Jefferson Davis County" Jackson city (pari of) erry town 30,970 Beat 1 including Prentiss town 4,340 640 1,967 2,616 W 1,865 2,072 29,885 2,428 7,166 1,881 276 6,850 ISO 603 619 6,582 64 10, 101 2S1 478 10,660 7,948 1,616 6,789 1,766 196 6,462 170 442 604 6,639 46 8,990 6,127 5)813 1,259 Jones County 17,846 ,.■.'■: • ! ■■ ;, 3,679 127 354 8,333 Beat 1, Ellisville, including Ellisville city 5,167 2,446 14, 109 8,466 2,291 2,154 2,008 2,012 162 3,967 604 2,127 383 4,515 S28 631 241 20,348 3,613 6,936 3,193 Goodman town Beat 4, including Thornton village 6," 881 t'.eai. :>, Laurel, including Laurel city and Soso Thornton village Beat 5, including Cruger village and Tchuia 8,470 Wardl. ........... Tchulatown S98 10,400 WardS 12,318 1 1 LiM II- 1 '.'I ill 1 1 ' 357 1,052 1,944 1,521 1,117 2,185 186 3,793 14,626 1,713 1,675 1,435 2,091 3,486 13,544 2,253 1,402 1,958 2,534 Beat 4, Southeast, including Ovett town Beat 5, Southwest, inc-lin lins: MIktI mi and E.Mnbulciik' hiwns and Moselle village 3,456 200 400 4,171 11,708 Itawamba County 20,492 17,961 2,907 3,587 161 2,827 2,232 2,973 194 16,451 3.091 3,216 2,843 2,578 Beat 1, Scooba, including Scooba town and 4,506 322 3,245 4, 237 3,624 21,883 5,105 286 2,435 2,109 ' 171 s 16,513 2,113 1,916 2,258 172 8 11,251 3,892 3)686 3,111 22,110 Beat 5, Dekalb 3,398 Lafayette Count 1,036 9,153 819 3,054 526 681 1.022 3,379 969 1,442 664 304 1 1,057 7,679 SSI 755 5,228 .: I. I, ,■'.,,' ' Beatl'includin Oxford cit 6,199 2,014 2,245 5,041 243 3,930 147 4,468 140 137 151 6,122 1,826 2,429 5,217 265 3,753 101 'l24 105 119 708 [ 1 i il mi Iia'in, I il ,\< In Sj i in 1 ills Ward 4 Tula village 1 Incorporated in 1901. * Incorporated in 1900. » Incorporated in 1902. « Part of beat 5 annexed to boat 1 in I '.Hi;,. 6 Incorpoia! 6 icity i , I'.im 6 Returned as \ *.cii to form part of (icoiy, Chum >, ■ : in, r iiiun; ,in,l | ,(i|, 1 1 la i ion i. •■, in l: ad) of Horn Island, annexed lo beat 3 between 18'JO and 1900. " Incorporated in 1909. 1,150 in 1890) of beat 1, taken STATISTICS OF POPULATION MISSISSIPPI. Table 1.— POPULATION OK MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. hangcs in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. ' 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 11,741 Leflore County 36,290 23,834 16,869 Beatl 2,099 2,910 2,122 794 1,255 2,046 46,919 6,413 7,172 10, 565 6,836 269 6,826 1,427 5,314 391 28,597 5,000 4,497 6,239 3, 026 3,241 3,537 664 287 Beal :;, ineludiue i.i»'inm,)d city and Null h 1,509 3,954 1,066 4,461 416 3,637 148 21,552 38,150 29,661 Lauderdale Count 29, 832 23, m 5,341 6,823 3,948 2,166 2,679 3,328 4,472 327 4,412 4*804 13,080 21,422 1 4,050 16,925 10,624 Beat I, including Brookhaven city and Pearl- 9.377 5,293 1,168 1,269 2,029 827 499 4, 580* 16 3,772 35 841 (18) 170 5,659 806 19 889 5,209 30,703 6,493 2,678 2,142 4,448 288 4,100 3,345 4,835 -15,103 3,571 822 3,341 2,610 3,214 612,318 2,330 1 ,!:■■' ■,■:,■., .' . < ',■,'■! Beat 3, including parts of Bogue Chitto town 3,567 $£ 682 Total for 1 i l n ,, , ,,i b 11/ , nuil ' 2,208 460 2,648 114 ISO 2^013 191 3,188 298 644 18,298 'I'nliil A,r ./■).'/ ii.'lnu Siiiiion rillinii in bulls S and /,. hinnihi Cuiiuly, mid brat .(, I'ike Beat"!, including Norfield town, and parts of Bogue Chitto town and Johnston Station 4,471 660 Beat -1, including \ ; e\vliel>L\iii village 347 4,691 29,095 Oakvale village • 17,360 14,803 Beat 1 includin Caledonia villa e ' 137 10,543 '790 638 2,681 2, 80S 934 1,142 4.117 5,084 396 6,732 180 33,505 4,026 4, 259 4,715 315 2,260 2,290 4,774 199 28,894 3,939 4,394 416 2,544 2,210 4,273 207 21,956 3,4i,r, 3,390 322 2,270 1,9S0 3,692 166 20,040 7,847 6,484 4,087 5,781 389 6,754 848 1S9 32,493 5,580 Beat 5, including Artcsia town and Mayhew 4,866 346 787 243 143 193 208 330 4,288 306 8,779 220 3,881 886 600 928 1,567 5,552 165 668 5,409 352 733 564 4,111 268 560 3,641 6,764 and parts of wards 2 and 4 of Baldwyn town. Mayhew viJlane 818 Total for Baldwyn town in beat 1, Lee County, and beat S, Prentiss County Beatl Includin Canton city 10,723 3,929 1,400 2,529 5,073 747 7,542 168 4,185 5,982 15,599 10,208 8,404 325 3,380 209 5,622 ::::::::::: 3,015 5,095 5,077 304 6,749 Beat 3, Livingston, Including Ridgeland vil- 2,118 1,477 4,269 6,190 "13,501 :::—, Beat 4, include pillage and Ve- 4,389 187 456 4,454 264 670 m 4,053 465 4,236 Beatl Beat 5, including Shannon town and part of 1,840 2, 735 2,973 3,582 4,469 2,029 County, and beat 5, Monroe County Shannon town 329 507 1 Organized from parts of Marion and Pearl River Counties in 1904. 2 Incorporated in 1903. » Parts of beat 1 annexed to Meridian city in 1900, 1905, and 1909. « Part taken to form part of Jefferson I >avis 1 'ounty in 1906. B No comparisons of population for 1900 and l.S'.io can be made: information a: changes in mini, 1 ci\ i] ,!n j, ions incomplete. 9 Incorporated in 1906. 7 Incorporated in 1905. 8 Incorporated in 1904. 9 Name changed from Leighton in 1909. Incorporated in 1904. '» Incorporated as a city in 1901. be made; county redistricted between 1890 u No c and 1900. 12 Incorporated as a town In 1903. isNo population reported. "County total includes population (14,703) of beats 1 to 3, not returned sepa- rately in 1890. « Incorporated in 1900. '« Part taken to form part of Lamar County In 1904. 278 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSISSIPPI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, otc, betweon 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR crvn, DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Marshall County 26,796 27,674 26,043 Oktibbeha County 19,676 20,183 17,694 8,255 ' '549 726 421 497 4,443 ISO 5,763 611 4,757 3,578 ste 35,178 8,521 2,816 7,859 2,246 Beat 1, including Longview village and Stark- 6,109 190 2,698 2,492 3,726 406 3,079 321 4,270 31,274 5,942 5,429 1,986 3,046 3,621 282 282 3,165 3,174 2,685 4,198 139 5,904 760 5,265 3,786 306 31,216 4,135 'm 4,797 3,726 Mount Pleasant village Total for Maben town ' in beat 3, Oktibbeha County, and beat 4, Webster County 2,385 4,409 29,027 4,021 30,730 26,977 Beatl includin Como town 8,716 906 5,076 368 4,020 304 163 67 5,432 8,030 774 1,408 10,593 7,809 475 5,323 6,508 7,145 2,122 179 3,851 4,325 155 12,264 3,708 271 S4S 788 eu 775 160 7,593 381 17,706 5,024 1,211 150 3,278 3,930 111 12, 154 3,434 4,253 739 Beat 3, including Courtland town and Pope 3,823 282 172 114 5,357 6,715 666 1,002 10 6,697 3,285 4,374 12,576 3,449 Beat 5, includi 1 ' 1 iii< 11 1 -.ardis towns.. 1,044 Beat 1, including Orvisburg village and Pop- Beat 5, including part of Nettleton town 6,830 306 16,536 6,242 1,659 187 1,272 1,531 l',818 4,381 348 846 7,685 [For total, see beat 5, Lee County.] 14,459 435 990 Montgomery County Beat 3 Beat L Winona, including Winona city 2,512 3,139 499 2,747 2,877 380 188 2,044 6,290 2,455 2,957 242 2,571 2,583 227 165 2,135 1,648 2,661 332 2,128 2,098 Beat 5, including Nicholson and Picayune !;■:;■,■:.,.!■. i.n. ! nil ,.,,■..; . Nicholson town u is 14,682 ■■ : : ■ ' \ <:■■:. is 6,494 Beatl 1,505 1,144 2,814 1,260 1,297 925 37,272 2,090 11,146 Beat 4 Beat 1, Philadelphia, including Philadelphia 5,358 1,209 2^831 23,085 2,873 2,390 27,545 1,625 2,699 3,732 1,797 19,708 1,427 2,345 3,408 1,576 16,625 7*147 795 4,237 13,240 161 6,237 1,872 2,001 2,364 1,471 8,019 1,823 824 19,688 4,244 3,950 3,006 10,247 Newton Count , ■. .... i,i ,.iiii,ii ,,,,), ,i, ,1 4,035 3,460 253 693 3,857 152 6,647 1,878 5,086 280 600 28,503 3,530 3,157 [For total, see beat 3, Lincoln County .] 4,477 3,025 2,758 hiding Conehatta village and part 3,439 149 3,362 1,499 6,098 1,038 784 18,274 Beat 5, including Magnolia and Osyka towns. . . 4,997 637 4,717 4,107 Beat 5, including Chunky village and Hickory 3,241 Beat 1, including Ecru and Sherman towns. . . . 3,108 476 S5S 3,008 US 4,765 162 2SS 4,876 1,277 3,931 152 86 y in 1904; p county red ; county ret 2,450 626 30,846 27,338 300 3,304 Beat 3, including Randolph arid Toccopola 4,323 162 249 4,402 1,010 3,795 7,000 3,846 6,248 2,024 5,460 636 5,949 850 n 1906. ktibbeha Co 7,854 4,455 6,225 2,057 6,070 600 6,242 612 unty only. 7,684 5^509 1,566 4,809 601 4,803 424 ';■'." ; ' ; '" il" 1 "•> !:■•, '',',;, :,1,H '1 ,,. - ill:V.',i 144 irt of Hancc strlcted in 1£ istricted in 1 Incorporated in 1908. * Incorporated as a town » Incorporated in 1906. « Incorporated in 1901. 6 Incorporated in 1905. 6 Returned in 1900 as in O ' Incorporated in 1902. s Incorporated in 1904. 9 Part taken to form part of Lamar Count annexed in 1908. "> No comparison of population can be made u Incorporated in 1907. i 2 Part taken to form Forrest County in 1908 is No comparison of population can be made ck County 09. 908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- MISSISSIPPI. 279 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 M.NORCIVU. DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Prentiss County 16,931 15,788 13,679 Sunflower County 28,787 16,084 « 9,384 11 t - 4,066 1,SS7 2,801 4,201 441 181 3,015 148 2,848 11,593 3,568 1,050 2,939 3,716 292 2,710 748 2,823 3,303 4,890 221 5,555 192 163 506 1,098 7,273 6,780 278 148 451 29,078 1,700 Beat 2, including Baird and Holly Ridge vil- 4,208 500 Beat 3, including \\ hivlor villagv and ward L and pails of wards 2 and 4 of lialdwyn town.. [For total, see beat 1, Lee County.] 487 3,342 680 4,130 2,704 195 2,756 2,401 249 2,809 5,435 2,442 8,286 •rew and Rome villages and 226 19,600 Beatl 2,375 'l9S '670 2,408 180 1,736 573 23,944 1,133 2,237 177 1,225 184 700 Tallahatchie County Beat 3, including Marks town Beat^includiU"" viri oV Vane '■'village" 912" 443 Beat 1, including Enid village 2,326 5,36a 1,884 6,001 85 '207 7,758 364 410 90 292 19,714 2,349 180 3,281 4,892 166 5,044 2,497 Total for Vance ullni i > < • Incorporated in 1904. 17 Incorporated in 1910. t returned by beats in 1890. STATISTICS OF POPULATION -MISSISSIPPI. Table J POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. I For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports ot the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) n» ««***». 1910 1900 1890 MXNOBcrvn.nms^. 1910 1900 1890 Union County 18,997 16,522 16,606 Webster County— Continued. Beat 4, Including Hathiston town and part of 3,109 183 676 2,484 143 222 18,075 2,413 2,625 3,612 m 255 6,966 2,032 3,624 167 53 2,170 37,488 2,536 2,929 2,482 2,972 Beat 2, Including Ingomar and Myrtle villages. 165 5,202 1,033 3,991 198 89 1,864 40,912 [For total, see beat 3, Oktibbeha County."] 170 2,314 4,431 648 4,064 Beat 5, including Dancy and Mantee villages. Beat 4, Including Blue Springs and Poplar 21,468 1,657 33,164 17,592 5,923 1,233 3,762 183 4,974 784 1,123 17,139 5,938 1,043 5,378 Beat 1, coextensive with Vicksburg city 20,814 5,473 2,681 3,951 4,712 3,997 5,001 4,428 4,050 3,195 48,933 14,834 13,373 I i In I'n i 1 ' i mi m illi ni» ii . 5,931 690 1,515 2,691 14,124 4,649 [For total, see beat 2, Amite County.) 10,208 5,557 5,391 4,922 49,216 8,286 4,311 3,508 40,414 12,089 Beat 1, Louisville, including Louisville town. . 3,855 1,181 3,972 3,499 ' 104 2,845 311 21,519 '60S 3,398 3,172 1,014 Washln ton Count Beat 4, Northeast, including Highpoint village. 974 Beat 5, Plattsburg, including Noxapater town. 3,051 2,499 5,145 3,507 13,049 9,610 15,497 512 1,547 11,735 1,059 481 478 14,709 6,915 7,920 12,966 7,642 12,766 4,403 8,121 8,902 6,668 14,520 19,742 Beat 4, including Areola and Leland towns 4,057 421 4,708 1,959 4,275 654 1,493 i,m 1,004 5,377 2,316 4,099 361 165 163 3,278 46,672 3,861 467 3,979 1,665 3,813 762 8,649 263 826 485 4,468 465 Beat 5, including Bel/,t !i>ii .ntaine village... Benoit town Beulah town liiloxicitv Black Hawk village... Blue Mountain town. . Booneville town... Boyle town Brandon town. Braxton village Brookhaven city.. Brooksville town.. Burnsville town... Byhaliatown Caledonia village. . Cascilla village Cedar Bluff village. . Centerville town Charleston town Chester village Chunky village Chirks'iiai r. iiut town Fulton village Gallman village.. Gandsi village... Gattman village.. Greenwood city.. Grenada city Gulfport city Hamburg village lla.iiiUluiro town Ibifilv Sial ion i illago . ilai [m i villi - ilhiL'i' . . Heidelberg town. . Hiwannee village . . Holcomb village . . . Holly Springs city.. Independence village . r ndianola town ngomar village Itabona lown ackson city ohnston Station village . . Lambcrl low Lauderdale 1,( Laurel city. . Leakesville town.. Learned village . . . Leland town Lexington city Liberty town Louise village.. Louisville town Tallahalohic. Clarke Jones Webster i 'hoe taw Madison Rankin Scott Wilkinson. . Choctaw Coahoma Itawamba . . Tallah Leflore Grenada. . I larrison . . Bolivar. .. Franklin.. Harrison.. Grenada. . Scott Sunllowrr. . . Marshall. . .. Chickasaw . . Chickasaw . . MonlL'omerv. . Franklin Attala Alcorn Lafayette Quitman Lauderdale Greene Hinds Washington. . Harrison Oktibbeha.. Jasper I. in inn village Franklin.. kola Tillage I Coahoma.. Lumberton city | Lamar.. Lyon village 724 432 304 228 761 547 259 750 171 267 674 172 1,661 1,142 442 354 7,642 3,026 2,568 6,658 1,055 2,416 840 1,021 130 138 4,175 1,172 216 563 602 204 293 2,815 104 677 2,246 99 893 630 249 882 7,816 1,019 5,920 317 286 200 2,078 162 91 1,394 2S8 322 138 762 1,516 119 4S5 1,075 505 484 166 282 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSISSIPPI. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 (3,237 422 027 } 539 2,024 085 1,823 161 146 670 151 576 185 180 260 606 23, 285 241 328 54 321 450 427 506 374 241 3,054 537 1,077 130 255 11,791 122 } 733 2,032 191 1,878 348 } 130 889 302 269 311 351 298 1,472 2,584 221 462 187 824 383 2,014 187 186 137 3,379 2,458 499 943 1,209 846 619 241 249 165 182 1,277 163 53 1,272 2,252 312 160 640 724 950 162 579 114 1,250 158 434 4,477 317 2,383 246 Ri le town 767 338 148 1,103 294 451 247 306 604 1,406 162 187 255 ' 165 322 526 1,275 564 871 645 353 198 1,168 636 391 341 544 175 179 162 2,698 } 363 188 137 267 321 1,471 364 2,046 147 478 473 143 64 163 212 233 57 19S 85 151 555 3,881 410 795 693 572 713 } 180 439 558 20,814 107 199 171 4,275 554 652 175 292 220 2,024 276 4,864 181 980 2,512 156 1,233 6,796 653 448 574 1 Webster 282 2,057 l i i/sciiale (own Bolivar 622 226 195 209 357 1,002 172 146 376 1,565 Simpson Pike Itawamba Webster 1,038 676 Quitman Claiborne Webster Issaquena Lowndes Franklin Simpson 151 170 250 76 Yalobusha 146 286 106 Covington 1,156 434 422 329 201 Meridian city Lauderdale Bolivar 14,050 10,624 Merigold village Pontotoc 300 Benton 70 129 Michigan City village Smith 600 148 589 Jasper 437 200 Yazoo 189 150 287 Covington Oktibbeha 1,986 379 165 139 165 12, 210 192 570 1,033 110 State Line town io,ioi 152 Montgomery /Lee 548 Oktibbeha New Albany city ■-!' ,',„',,,' ,,y,i 1 ; 499 1,587 Newhebron village Lawrence Tallahatchie Newton town ; Newton 537 Nicholson town Pearl River fLawrence 101 Ta lorsviUe tov Smith (Lincoln 347 189 Norfl Id t L' 1 1 (own Holmes 398 481 Hinds North Greenwood village Leflore on village Pontotoc Noxapater town Winston Yalobusha 209" 327 Yalobusha Tishomingo 115 1,255 2,177 198 1,148 2,099 199 249 114 87 119 485 2,118 142 190 Chickasaw Webster Covington Pearl River Pike 435 784 Orvisburg village Osyka town 742 Ovett town 1,477 1,825 131 1,546 Tallahatchie Pike Tylertown town Paden village Tishomingo Lafayette Paris village 105 708 2,028 540" 474 370 533 Pascagoula city Jackson Pass Christian city 1,705 ai en own {Tallahatchie."."."".". 326 300 139 456 14,834 465 Pearl River Warren 13,373 504 Simpson 207 170 3,813 520 436 254 187 230 1,010 172 89 990 2,113 306 Yalobusha 535 Panola Tallahatchie 128 91 3,279 196 3,193 Poplar Springs village Poplarville town Pearl River Claiborne 232 1,524 Port Gibson cltv 3,168 Potts Camp town West Point city Clay Jefferson Davis 564 498 162 287 395 Prentiss \\ ; nun a city Montgomery 2,455 1,648 Ea ond town Hinds Choctaw Chickasaw 1,043 4,944 950 3,286 Alcorn 230 MISSOURI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. * changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotos; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Tables.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MBTOB CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 22,700 21,728 17,417 Audrain County— Continued. Prairie township, including ward 1 and part of ward 2 of Ladduuia city ' 601 1,441 8,981 5,939 1,350 1,230 1,865 2^387 23,869 2,052 619 1,440 8,188 Kenton township, including Kirksville city Ku-ksviUe city 6,347 1,341 1,684 i,SSS 1,709 1,185 1,490 4,677 652 l',0t» 689 1,100 770 ' 458 954 'm 15,282 7,826 5,966 5,455 3,610 2,112 620 Salt River township, including Mexico city 8,358 4,789 2,207 1,285 1,985 2,226 2,019 1,208 1,472 1,409 in h i i hip ii ii ii 2,791 25,532 • 22,943 1,307 884 1,624 401 1,112 1,272 168 17,332 1,200 850 1,544 316 918 1,342 651 1,021 729 -901 375 2,147 781 818 1,291 1,197 857 4,573 4, 177 1,098 1,117 1,26? 700 504 653 656 860 2,347 469 961 1,017 219 824 16,747 830 535 1,501 733 1,056 438 2,291 702 872 947 1,392 1,370 1,146 3,547 3,115 •-'ill Mm limiiMiiiM'H liflin- Urashear village. Kxeler township, including Exeter village 1,069 i nship, including Gibbs village . :■•! • . . ■ 2,762 16,000 Benton township, including Bolckow and Ro- 2,002 S76 359 971 8S4 1,237 m 1,421 1,614 456 1,025 170 2,902 1,583 718 865 1,489 1,737 13,604 2,336 378 US 1,033 1,167 1,425 225 1,448 1,748 407 1,173 2,235 405 288 1,114 1,128 1,347 261 1,274 '282 1,153 Monett township, including Vonett city : .. . : 530 836 824 1,166 2,063 434 1,042 1,075 169 18,253 Lincoln township, including Amazonia \ illume. . \limm i \ i iii l i ii i i o bj village ■ 3,396 2, 670 1,288 Shoal Creek tow n-'hip, including l'urdy village . 2,357 i a lil nii ii 'mi H in]i lie hmui iHiburnvillage 1,712 1,894 16,501 l's96 15,533 ( s ) 328 569 2,478 666 329 337 1,928 1,053 654 499 573 894 1,887 333 701 245 1,164 2,650 '97S 432 97 21,687 694 792 2,495 666 693 773 2, 273 329 1,065 645 1,561 882 230 307 345 3,516 2,316 693 690 459 674 854 802 932 698 654 2,006 249 800 48 591 1,234 1,276 543 681 25,869 855 1,110 719 1,608 875 Golden City i ; Golden City . . ii" '.>■' a;i i > i'n hiding Rockport city 2,277 1,080 2, 176 934 4,066 2,737 690 1,461 2,093 SOS 854 233 2^845 1,901 692 1,540 1,945 216 898 238 2' 061 i .■•'■■■ I '■'■..:■: Nishnabotna township, b ■■ 784 912 772 2,282 ■ ■ : ' ■■ ■ : Liberal city, and part of Minden Mines city. . . Templeton township, including Phelps City 671 167 21,160 792 22,074 532 Total for Minden Mines city'' in Ozark SS5 1,430 1,185 335 791 30,141 including part of Minden 4,122 305 1,596 720 875 1,110 IS 614 315 168 1,735 233 436 3,820 247 1,168 3,919 272 979 Linn township, -ill village and 1,230 1,349 791 847 1,489 846 929 610 657 532 67 905 946 1,376 629 629 780 704 560 U '■''■■' 619 620 Deer Creek township, Including part of Adrian Adrian city (part of ) : Total for Adrian city' in Deer Creek and 181 1,639 116 SAB 210 1,632 109 276 Grand River to A Itona village. A Itona village Martinsburg village 1 Incorporated in 1904. 1 Incorporated in 1901. « Incorporated in 1905. « Incorporated as a city in 1908. « Returned In 1900 as in Prairie township only. • County total includes population (1,637) of Shell Knob and White River town- ships, not returned separately in 1890. ' Part of Ozark township annexed to Minden Mines city In 1903. 1 Returned In 1900 as in Deer Creek township only. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes ill boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR crva DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Bates County— Continued. Homer township, including Amoret village 948 307 1,335 614 166 963 669 569 744 83 3,744 2,894 664 86$ 676 792 836 3,585 2,765 1,S12 1.44S 936 495 87 922 666 347 219 708 934 84 581 1,436 S18 159 697 196 841 162 14,881 972 216 '•640 156 1,148 854 608 725 1,016 Boone County— Continued. Columbia township, including Columbia city . . . 13,251 9,662 4,014 2,269 1,567 1,822 2,619 91 434 2,152 146 2,134 196 93,020 9,142 6,651 7,298 4,000 1,479 486 267 1,209 841 623 614 Missouri low nslii|i, including If untsdale village 3,171 693 2,444 .■' Mr I'.,',. i,.;li I,: <:: indue- ! ! 1 e Inn: - disc 3,951 3,168 3,831 2,812 Rocky Fork township, including Hallsville vil- 2,467 157 121,838 2,594 Buchanan County 1,182 5,497 4,053 2,863 5,314 4,008 .'!■'■ ■ 70,100 Agency township, including Agency village 888 429 1,445 391 1,231 1,153 593 147 1,607 225 794 1,472 566 865 81,777 77, 403 8,900 7,910 8,619 8,022 8,070 12, 056 6,792 7,137 2,628 1,048 20,624 907 380 1,498 362 1,377 1,323 604 1,742 227 1,006 1,468 412 1,104 109,375 102, 979 Wards Pleasant Gap township Prairie township, including i'apinsville village. 1,101 589 142 1,002 580 1,246 710 i 11 i i > i 'i i lage 1,357 Km 1, ville township, including Rockville town. 1,013 664 Center township North ward Craw ford fov. iislup Jackson township Shawnee township Spruce township, including Johnstown village. . Johnstown village 794 1,066 76 694 1,468 S47 US 250 142 16,556 735 1,002 Lake township Marion township, including Easton village Easton village 212 1,791 Summit township Walnut township, including Foster and Wor- 849 2,020 513 1 o ii hip iii. iii lii lii iiville town Rushville town 1,653 Tremont township 1,237 Worland village Washington township, 8 including St. Josephcity 57, 762 62,324 ,\ est Boone ton n dip, including llerwin village. 780 Ward 1 West Point township, including Amsterdam 822 WardS Ward4 14,973 Benton County Ward 7 l',118 1,454 2,199 824 SSI 49S 947 1,745 2,710 105 SS6 '910 476 434 14,576 1,824 1,325 1,972 2,336 74S 1,730 1,394 1,624 2,097 700 Ward 9 Ward 10 W ayne township 16,769 1,031 Lindsey townsl n p i i " -i n< l i u g >\'arsaw city 1,254 2,081 2,631 1,115 1,940 2,543 2, 560 2,033 201 1,233 226 610 450 1,315 241 10, 749 6,916 1,090 1,386 S,06S L186 14,605 lm Ill ,,,■■■.,! , ! mi,: .l.hi ] .1111 1..I, Beaver Dam i<>\\ n..iiip, en-hid iug ilai \ iell village 400 997 495 S67 3,133 648 Williams township, including Cole Camp city. . 2,530 610 1,207 114 8,466 4,321 Neely township, including Neelysville village --- 14,650 13,121 Bollin er County Poplar Bluff township, including Poplar Bluff 4 796 2,187 1,517 1,024 1,372 1,958 72 3,366 106 661 SIS 1,100 2,878 197 1,361 30,533 1,473 1,222 1,455 2,274 1,455 767 1,484 2,666 673 16,656 Lorance township, i n<-i n< iin;- (ilenallen and Marble Hill villages and Lutesville town 3,355 3,175 625 295 1,096 2,273 235 257 967 1,145 Breckenridge township, including Breckenridge 1,728 1,025 438 687 1,841 1,027 609 418 727 798 1,265 626 2,432 1,761 990 1,159 306 1,768 1,012 Waynetownshi ma town....... 1,502 28,642 1,462 26,043 Davis township, including Braymer city Braymer city Wardl Ward 2... 1,934 767 1,340 Bourbon township, including Sturgeon town . . . 2,502 ess 5,260 341 175 2,615 2,116 590 867 659 2,914 708 6,128 401 2,856 713 5,704 373 850 1,002 1,340 639 2,622 1,804 Cedar township, including Ashland and Harts- Li Nil illl! PI' lllp. ll'li.lU!.! I'olll ■ Hamilton township, including Hamil ton city — Hamilton city North ward South ward Kidder township, including Kidder village Kidder village ...■ i entrain township, including Central ia city 2,376 1,722 2,122 1,275 1,641 1,371 S67 WardS S22 is In Deer Creek township only. 6 Incorporated in 1906. 6 Incorporated in 1910. • County total includes population (1,093) of Harviell township, annexed t Beaver Dam township between 1890 and 1900. w Incorporated in 1902. » Coon Island township organized from part of Gillis Bluff township in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Zbb Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MIMilt. CIVIL DIVISION. Caldwell County— Continued. Kingston township, including Kingston city Kingston city Ward! WardB Lincoln low nship, iin-Jin 1 in- Cow'gill village Cowgill village Mlrabile township New York township Rockford township Callaway C ounty Au.xvasse township Bourbon township Caldwell township i lalwood township Cedar tow nship Cleveland low nship Cote sans Desscin township Fulton towns! lip. including I'nlton city Fulton city Wardl Ward S Wards Ward 4 Guthrie township Jackson township, including Auxvasse village.. A uxvasse village Libert \ township' Met redie tow nship Nine Mile Prairie township Round Prairie township St. Aubert township, including Mokane town.. . Mdkane town Shamrock township Summit township, incl inline < edar City village. Cedar City village Camden County Adair township Auglaize township Jackson township Jasper township Osage township, including Linn Creek village... Linn Creek village Russell township Warren township Cape Girardeau County Apple Creek township, including Appleton and Oak Ridge villages A ppleton village dill Rhhn Byrd township, including Jackson city Jackson city Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 ( ape Girardeau township, including cape Girar- deau city Wardl Ward2 Wards Ward 4 Hubble township, including Allenville. Leiav, Gordonville, and Whitewater villages ... Allenville village Deray village^ Gordonville village Whitewater village Kinder township, including Burfordville village. Burfordville village Liberty township Randol township Shawnee township, including Pocahontas vil- lage Pocahontas village Welch township Whitewater township, including Willctsvillc village Millersville village * Carroll County Carrollton township, including Carrollton city . . Carrollton city Wardl Wardi WardS Ward4 Cherry Valley township C ombs township 1,124 "i,'6l9 Carroll County— Continued. Wardl WardS •pt low nship, including Norborne City. . Hurricane township, including Hale city.. Prairie townsh ip Ridge township, including Bosworth city.. Bosworth city Wardl WardS WardS Rockford township Trotter township TT an Horn township, including Bogard village.. Bogard village.. Carter County.. Johnson township . . Kelly township Pike township I '<>!; .' . i' in p I eh ■ ; , c. ! . Freeman village Everett township Grand River township, including Harrisonville city Harrisonvillt riii; Ward 1 WardS Index township, including part of Garden City. Garden City {part of) Mount Pleasant township, including Belton city. Belt on city.. Raymorevillane-- i',: , t, .. i ,,,c. ,: I...-,, r li ........... Creighton village ~'~a township including Cleveland village.. Cedar County Benton township, including Jerico Springs city. Eldorado Spriinis rh'ii . . Ward 1 Cedar township Jefferson township Linn township, including Stockton city. . 1,184 884 2, O-'o 1,931 666 1,010 '•■"< . i - 1 1 j i i : ion township.. 286 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] minor civrr. DIVISION. Chariton County.. Cunningham township, including Sumner vil- Sh ii> ner village Keytesville township, including Keytesville city. Keytesville city Mendon township, including Mendon village Mendon village ■ ■■'■■ i ■ ! ; ownsnip J.-,.. > . 1... . Salisbury -"" Tripl... .. Dean /, Triplctt village... Ward 1 Word* , Qship, i i .eluding Prairie Hill village Prairie Hill village 2 Yellow Creek township, including Rothville village Rothville village ' Christian County.. Benton township Finley township,* including Ozark city Ozark city Lincoln township, including Clever village . . Clever village « Linden township s Linn township ' Logan township en township <• North Galloway township 8 ■ , ■ ' .-''i;.... Polk township, including Billings city Billing? city Porter townshi ludin lixa village Nixa village - Som h i.i alio way township 8 ..■:■• :. ■■....■■. , ' 1 1 Sparta townshin,i> hielu.lina ,-i.arta \ illa^e . Sparta village Clark County ._. Folker township. . East ward West ward L to unship Sweet Home township, including Revere village. 1 including Luray and Wyaconda villages Luray village Wyaconda village Wardl WardS Clay County Fishing River township, including Excelsior Springs city and Missouri City Excelsior Springs city 3, Ma 1,40S 1,303 1,216 745 2,928 1,818 951 775 593 635 516 411 641 ( 9 ) 2,643 2,236 70S m 1,477 1,057 Clay County— Continued. Fishing River township, including Excelsior • Springs city and Missouri City— Continued. Wardl \ Wards j Wards Wardlt ! Callaiiu t.i ;.. risiiip. including Birmingham and Clay County, and Jackson township, Clinton County , Kearney city Liberty township, including Liberty city. . . Libniii (ill/ Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Platte township, including Smith ville city.. Smithville city 10 .. Clinton County.. Atchison township, including Gower village Gower village Clinton township. . Concord township, including Plattsburg r-ii r - - Plattsburg city Ward 1 . WardS Ward 3 Ilrinlin l"v. n-.hi|i. including Trimble village.. County.] Uifaycllc township 1 ,: ■ ' ,,.:,,-!, Turney village . . . Lathropcity Wardl WardS Turney village Platte township. i.iH 1- 1 in: 'pari c !'< »sborn village. Osborn village (part of) Total for Osborn village in Platte towr, Clinton County, and Colfax township kalb County Shoal township, including Cameron city. . Cameron city Clark township, including Eugene village Eugene village 1 '■'•■ 1 ' ■" ' ', in.n..,, I n. ■ Jefferson CUv Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4. Liberty township Marion township, including Centertown village. Blackwater township, including Blaekwater Blackwali 1 iilh-.yi . . 6 Incorporated ii 'Incorporate! in 1007. 4 County totals include pm.-nlaii. >ti (".', 11:,:: ui lonn: i.r/nin l:;90] .-,: ( : : . ! i . , .. i,,,vn- ship, taken to form parts of North an. i . ., !!.■■■, m:. n-:lnp.s since 1900; and population (1,237 in 1890) of North and South Marion townships, not returned sepa- North' and South a-n.ii n in, n hips between 1890 and 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. 287 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR crvn. DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Cooper County— Continued. Boonville township, including Boonville city . . . Boonville city 5,428 4,262 em 848 1,015 1,717 1,196 1,136 1,891 788 898 1,133 707 1,182 45S 1,265 1,589 664 184 1,257 119 673 13,576 5,801 4,377 5,714 4,W Dallas County— Continued. 1,172 1,550 1,390 1,033 984 745 577 1,365 1,253 17,605 1,351 1,559 1,321 1,059 1,199 831 739 1.434 1,252 21,325 Ward.', 1,423 1,408 1,420 (.'loai Ciecl low u ■!!;>, i.ii hiJin ■, 1'leasant Green village . Daviess County Kelly township, including Buncetoncity Lamine township 2,127 856 1,000 1,259 762 1,088 384 1,534 1,712 631 1,000 196 1,533 1,932 493 1,146 1,252 20.466 Lebanon township Benton township, including Pattonsburg city . . Pattonsburn r.i/// Wardl...'. Ward 2 Colfax towns; 1 i on village Winston vilhuir 2,054 U % 661 1,082 257 1,316 358 467 1,366 255 1,372 611 932 1,077 270 633 1,132 723 1,111 S49 791 2,769 1,826 1,035 790 780 12,531 2,386 1,065 2,198 ':■■'' ' i:i.'"> . il-.i'p . .:,;■■ i'il.': . ill 1,326 439 1,744 1,788 1,051 532 Pilot Grove tow n-iiii[v,ii\cli!i!i ig Pilot Grove city 1,314 467 1,469 SS6 687 1,601 246 1,422 728 1,137 1,274 288 809 1,506 1,023 1,408 S90 1,075 3,227 1,780 1,330 470 •■'<- ■■■ .'■■■■■■..: ii ■•In ini:.. 1 i in !:■ : Jim: Grand River township, including Jameson vil- 1,668 429 ■■ . ' ..-;!!, 1,489 I M ] 111 til 1 up 111. lull { 01 1 1,558 753 12,959 212 11,961 ■■ ■ ■ 1,446 Crawford County Libertj :■> m Itamont village.. Benton township, including Cuba city 1,514 619 240 244 1S5 1,638 382 1,590 657 1,534 2,059 773 290 48S 1,335 1,862 1,387 16,613 1,547 662 1,222 Lincoln township 831 Marion township 1,550 1,012 Salem township, including Salem village Salem village ' ( Coffeyburg P. O.) Sheridan township 1,133 Boone township, including Bourbon village 1,536 1,271 1,026 ( UlU-'Uiis township 1,439 700 1,446 1,598 580 1,240 2,175 691 Union township, Includin ■ A 2,878 Meramec town- i i I i , -i elvillecity Washington township 987 14,418 925 Oak Hill township 1,432 1,522 1,448 3 18,125 1,330 1,046 1,499 s 17,826 14,539 Osage township Adams township, including Weatherby village. 1,172 171 2,213 173 1,051 1,147 936 1,085 1,169 1,478 S88 1,315 2,016 416 543 13,245 1,438 228 2,282 Bade County Camden township, including Amity village and 1,086 2,611 1,4*4 835 599 490 701 '961 649 412 513 859 634 1,194 1,555 622 234 288 1,161 496 614 1,032 401 201 200 680 274 13,181 1,257 2,668 1,406 1,508 2,383 925 1,265 273 1,120 1,207 1,377 1,779 L39 1,631 2,319 SS4 616 12,986 717 Greenfield city Ward 1 Colfax township, iin linl ' • ■ i of Osborn vil- 273 ].'■.: ■! ' .:;■:. County.] 576 786 1,361 749 Grant township 1,274 ess Lockwood township, including Lockwood city.. Lockwood city Polk township, including Union Star 1,731 272 1,755 Marion township 548 1,052 575 1,413 .■':.:, 2,251 146 Pilgrim township » Polk township « 1,609 1,987 630 1,572 1,884 1 it 1 i mi mi n i up, including Everton city. 12,149 Sao township 1,515 592 926 1,626 582 931 661 1,169 407 501 712 913 1,245 814 218 656 137 201 87 131 667 1,915 682 1,806 South Morgan n i > » hiding Dadeville 365 561 794 573 1,334 456 331 466 438 •A ■■■■::::: in ,■.■,!.;;;, ■;,■.,!:,,!;■!■■ ,i.i ,i i :,,\ ,, field village.. 991 297 13,903 1,108 430 12,647 Sinking township, inolihliu:; wards 3 and 4 of 402 Dent Count ii, ami Cur roll township, Sey- Benton township, including Buffalo city 3,106 820 235 293 292 3,158 757 3,208 861 WardS Ward4 ,| 1 Incorporated in 1901. 2 Incorporated in 1907. 3 County t 1 I 1 1 in 1890) of Morgan town- hli.. i....r 1 .. ■■: 1. '! ■ .. 1 A") < Part of North township annexed to Center township in 1908. 6 Organized from part of Morgan township in 1908. 6 Pilgrim township organized from parts of Polk, South , and Washington town- ships in 1906. » Returned as Coffeyburg in 1900. 8 Gladden Vail- township or-piiz.-.i horn part of Franklin township in HHis. 9 Incorporated in 1908. !8S STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those botween 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Dent County— Continued. Wards... WardS... vis township. . Douglas County.. Benton township, including Ava city. . Brown township.. Cass township i himpion township.. Clay l.ownship.. Clinton township. . . Findley township. . Jackson township. . ' Washington township. . Wood township Dunklin County.. Buffalo township, including I aid well city Cardwell cit>i A - - Clay township, including Hornersvillc \ illagc. . ' J lorn i rsiill, rilhui, . ...... Cotton Hill tnw i-i-.liii., including Maiden city and Spoonen illc \ diaee Maiden city-' Spoonerville village Freeborn township, including < larkton city Clarkton ciiu - - Holcomb township,' including Gibson, Hol- comb, and Manley villages Gibson village 7 Holcomb village Manley village 8 Independence in,:nsliip, im hiding Kennettcity. Kennett city - Wardl Wards Salem townshm, hicludinc Hollywood village and Senath city Hollywood village Senath city » North ward South ward Union township, including Campbell city Campbell city 9 . Franklin County.. Wardl Wards Boone township, including Gerald village. . Moselle village .. . St. Clair village.. yon township.. Ward Wards New Haven township, Haven city New Haven city: Wardl WardS Prairie township St. Johns townsnip. . 2,073 1,446 l]'s09 2,695 2,891 1,473 1,851 1,770 3,254 3 Not returned separately in 1900. < Incorporated as a city in 1904. s Incorporated as a city in H MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Franklin County— Continued. Washington township, coextensive with Wash- ington city II urli/ut/ion ■ c,/ Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 (iasconade County.. Boeuf township Boulware township Bourbois township " Brush Creek township Canaan township, including O wensville town Owensville town i'-' Clay township," including Bland village Bland village 7 Richland township, including Morrison village . Morrison village Roark township, including Hermann city. Hermann city " Wardl WardS Third Creek township « . . Gentry County.. Athens township, including Albany city. . WardS Wardl, Bogle township, including Gentry village Gentry village Cooper township, including Darlington village and Stanberry city Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Howard township . . Huggins township. . Miller township, including McFall city . . Mc Fall city Wilson township Greene County.. Boone township, including Ash Grove city . . Ash Grove city Brookline township. . Campbell township, including wards 1 4 of .'.;;„-, i, ■lfl. ill ■ !■■/ I :-■■, Of) . . . Total for Springfield city in Campbell and North Campbell townships Wardl Wards WardS Ward4 WardS Ward 6 Wardt Ward 8 Cass township Center townsnip Clay township Franklin township Jackson township Murray township North Campbell township, including wards 5 to 8 of Springfield city Springfield city (part of) Pond Creek township Republic township, including Republic city Republic city Robberson township Taylor township Walnut Grove township Washington township Wilson township Grundy County Franklin township, including Spickardsville city Spickardsville city s Incorporated in 1908. » Incorporated as a city in 1900. >° Incorporated in 1907. " Clay township organized from parts of Bourbois and Third Creek townships In 1902. « Incorporated in 1900. is Incorporated as a city in 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. 289 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between WOO and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 minor crvn. DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Grundy County— Continued. 410 539 932 1,372 1,062 810 778 649 396 104 6,646 5,656 US 1,461 1,606 1,846 385 1,380 758 20,466 507 654 1,080 1,521 582 1,249 966 1,143 695 446 534 619 1,089 1,551 653 1,185 1,170 1,179 686 440 Henry County— Continued. 1,826 684 869 S25 777 1,050 W too 284 3,241 S,t41 8,741 1,806 661 1 1 1 km lv lownship, including Gait city 840 580 446 White Oak township,* including Urichcity Wardl Ward2 Windsor township, including Windsor city Taylor township, including P>rinisou village . . . 2,501 1,602 9,985 Trenton township, including rrenton city 6,396 6,242 6,039 Wardl 9,453 Wards Hickory County WardS 949 1,282 1,226 772 1,149 835 1,28-5 347 1,243 14,639 1,201 1,442 1,495 1,050 1,197 1,067 1,155 274 1,378 17,083 1,137 Ward/, ■ ■■.'. i '■" ! 499 1,009 24,398 462 1,157 1,375 1,040 \\ ilsini 1 owns 1 iip, ! m ■imliug Lurodo city ip 21,033 1 '832 Harrison County Weaubleau township, including Weaubleau 1,078 629 67 2,765 1,931 1,076 855 829 918 1,191 345 749 1,313 694 841 796 855 1,538 378 509 1,180 330 147 570 1,367 637 111 1,023 350 800 735 1,208 466 27,342 856 US 3,101 2,093 756 Adams township, including Blue Ridge village. . 1,327 Bethany township, including Bethany city 1,105 Benton township, including Mound City 1,014 1,124 1,275 315 956 830 1,323 676 648 1,050 1,041 1,138 1,643 743 1,130 1,115 1,147 2,606 1,676 413 370 792 670 166 1,513 736 290 446 1,094 1,241 634 213 321 819 1,959 1,002 429 573 933 263 860 705 1,543 621 428 193 15,653 2,980 1,681 1,193 Colfax township, including Blytnedale village. . 818 945 752 1,107 351 351 869 898 813 1,437 418 Bigelow township, including r.igelow village ... 827 195 1,810 806 Grant township, including part of Ridgeway 1,561 484 Total for / . inclthluiu' Leeton village.. . 1,775 M27 6,251 4,724 1,380 1,055 6,096 4,706 Washington township, including Mayview vil- 3,625 423 31,602 ■ Washington tuwndiip, including Knob Noster '673 13,479 3,294 861 13,501 5,257 4,148 1,296 1,403 1,449 2,391 1,272 692 389 291 780 1,359 343 1,079 3,566 1,161 272 261 311 317 1,711 3,740 478 2,043 662 650 422 910 1,547 446 1,431 1,960 82 648 271 277 15,514 7,721 6,191 Buck Prairie 1 ting Marionville 2,504 1,290 648 701 769 1,562 m 672 519 675 858 217 1,378 379 440 686 ' 322 1,093 395 1,264 232 941 17,363 734 788 773 1,605 791 833 1,456 Center township, coextensive with Ediim city. Edina city: 839 1,004 1,315 148 1,409 3,770 1,206 i it village 857 1,108 265 1,375 241 502 775 1,345 322 1,199 365 1,401 267 1,017 914 1,388 266 571 795 '248 1,138 288 1,392 i . -.1. , ,■ . n Mount Vernon township, including Mount 782 Lyon township, including Hurdland village 2,029 3,789 1,842 Myrtle township, including Knox City \ illage... 1'icrce tow 11, h ■ 2,161 1,082 14,701 1,090 1,034 1,700 1,748 706 4,043 2,430 461 1,238 735 698 2,425 394 1,485 30,154 1,047 918 1,617 '652 3,711 2,125 1,231 751 856 2,101 272 31,679 1,143 Spring River . ' : i > iing Verona vil- 1,032 1,838 1,322 1,252 1,209 3,930 2,218 432 1,026 725 799 1,759 217 1,104 30,184 1,713 2,699 Yiiicyaid township, including Bowers Mill vil- 1,931 902 16,724 Union township, including Conway village 15,935 3.217 2,218 432 414 351 621 600 1,362 283 1,953 327 2,568 1,017 674 US 405 996 1,505 204 2,916 1,360 619 S66 476 3,596 2,365 2,936 n 146 558 4,176 2,628 1,016 3,656 649 214 457 3,113 166 931 456 476 3,290 3,192 132 520 4,833 2,306 2,791 106 446 2] 315 2,342 Dickcrson township, including Monticello vil- 1,540 287 1,790 li iglil:i.nd township, including E wing village Total for Higginsville eily in Denis and Iionr La Belle .township, including La Belle city 2 « 3,878 538 2lfi 486 3,260 3,051 1,145 358 1,224 1, 656 221 1,129 3,153 1,607 200 Reddish township, including Williamslou n 27 2,991 Union township ; including La Grange city 2,864 889 716 Ward* WardS STATISTICS OF POPULATION—MISSOURI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol.1, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 17,033 18,352 18,346 13,539 13,574 Bedford township, ' including Troy city 2,209 1,110 685 535 1,178 m 1,793 1,141 3,076 1,018 668 460 836 2,659 251 422 662 417 676 1,595 276 m 791 25,253 2,901 1,163 1,772 721 S76 346 973 ljl62 1, 662 1,110 483 286 198 1,036 665 30,868 1,200 971 Ward 1 1,220' i,"3l6 1,252 1,075 1,048 1,253 531 1,699 '691 2,084 2,078 Klk Horn township Klk K i\ it township Erie township.... ,., i ,.,, ,.; , • i > . ■ ! ". .in 1 . M ..II 1 3,200 816 2,798 Mount :iin township 438 liniK low nsliip 11 in,-; Southwest city Southwest cili/ Wardl Ward 2 2,764 986 2,579 1,049 949 33,018 White Rock township 440 848 871 '210 1,009 972 1,855 151 Union township, including Silex and Whiteside B -ertownshi includin Bevier 4,726 1,900 515 532 318 540 1,276 526 2,009 230 651 778 811 58 148 4,492 3,684 1,170 647 774 726 694 322 2,273 1,605 700 905 869 1,311 387 1,271 528 242 281 827 578 1,030 905 728 735 790 741 1,134 612 300 212 1,191 423 11,273 4,471 1,808 923 25,503 1,139 24,121 1,227 498 2,013 230 799 851 996 1,452 485 337 6,536 6,749 1,319 1,814 1,538 1,078 1,661 790 441 349 1,068 404 774 1,151 1,740 740 324 416 1,776 470 412 4,572 1,241 929 950 1, 486 580 681 19,453 1,166 1,497 567 726 229 5,484 1,108 '4W 527 Benton township, including Purdin village and Chariton township, including College Mound ■ ■... . ■ ■ ,," . ,.. ■ 11 . . .., 5,458 4,647 5,156 4,068 Bucklin township, including Bucklin city 1,663 642 1,700 711 858 875 1,345 1,251 421 825 1,325 1,942 770 1,340 518 937 1,649 1,842 688 La Plata township, including La Plata city 960 1,914 852 1,260 Lingo towns h u Cambria village. LofllSl 1 loo 1 ('. H li|| "I lll'll i i (M 1,917 878 'sis 3,271 2,638 2, 638 1,977 976 608 1,216 794 763 887 908 871 931 236 1,134 '760 112 22,302 978 1,690 1,058 20,668 'A ihi'M 1 i\ui hip ' on I'xlui, tinier town 1,116 White township, including Ethel village 1,342 397 9,975 1,032 1,007 7,575 1,612 1,774 1,619 1,285 384 1.105 1,081 1,508 536 992 205 909 919 9G0 1.264 8. 531 6,905 1,036 7.024 5,717 1 illlllro lie ii.'.l ll.slllp, Including I llillli'lll 111' . ! i » 9,268 651 758 343 1,045 1,300 1,158 678 3,922 2,632 763 744 968 m 656 874 fleam Kirli'i' J'l'.viriiiip, ineludiii" 1 'hula villiif 1,318 282 1 . 368 1 . 201 792 1,879 641 1,008 1,034 German township,' including Marquand village. 1,555 1,509 1J189 1,048 1.904 606 1,099 734 1 'oi 1 Ini. iifhip _ 878 519 3,968 1,677 ( B ) 626 81. Michael loWMship, i" including Krcdenck- town city 3,438 Mooresville township, including Mooresville 917 Wardl Ward2 WardS 1,134 1,059 1,067 1,171 1,027 township i ■:■'.■ 1 1 '■ i .', 11 'i.i " 1,447 i,050 t township organic f Bedford, Clark, and 1'ia 10 Central township organized from part of Twelvemile township in 1909. u Incorporated in 1906. >» Mine La Motte township organized from part of St. Michael township in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. 293 Tabus J..— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. (For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, seo Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. f, Table S.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Maries County.. I >ry Creek township. Jackson township .1 i-llei son township ' . . Spring Creek township.. Marlon County.. Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Mason township,- including Hannibal eily . Wardl.. WardS.. WardS.. Ward ',.. Round Grove township South River township Union township, including Philadelphia Mercer County.. n township, including Modena village.. South Lineville village.. Mercer town South Lineville i Hinge ■ Medicine township.. Nonk ward South ward Ravanna township, including Ravanna village. Ravanna village Equality township, including Tuscumbia vil- Jim Henry township. . n and Spring Garden villages. . city 6 ... ; >/, ii a railage Spring Garth n villain- ■ Mississippi County.. 30,572 26,331 ; 26,233 1,642 3,321 '791 868 18,807 18, S41 8,577 2,S47 2,14S S,202 S,7SS S,SS9 1,825 2,S2S 3^377 2,515 13,851 1 12,780 13, 72tl 12, 857 :::::::::::::::::::::: 1,530 285 1,718 1,628 641 1,477 ippity township, including Charleston city. . 'harL xiail villi Wolf Island township »_ I 3 Part of Mason township annexed to Hannibal city in 1909. 1,581 2S0 2,348 MLNOR CIVIL DIVISION. Moniteau County.. "Hi , ■, : i.„, ,,, Jamestown village.. Lupus village » ( iarksburg dig. Pilot Grove township \\ alker township, including California city Call fur a lu villi , Wardl Ward? WardS Willow Fork township, including Vortuna village Monroe County.. Clay township Indian < reck township Jackson township, including Paris city Paris city Ward 1 Ward 2 .tcllcrsou low nsiiip, i . n iudi -a; KlmitsviUc \ illago Ward 1 Ward 2 Monroe township, including Monroe City WardS... ...........:... South Pork township Union town dap, including Middle Grc lage Middle Oriivv 1 illage Washington township Woodlawn township Montgomery County.. Bear Creek township, including Jonesburg vil- v Florence village. . On 11 1 iili lawn v Finn nvi 1 Ulnar . . Loutre township, in-hiding McKittrick and ■ 1 villages Me Killnvk 1 Hinge * Rhine la nd villn ;v . . . Mntiigninerv lownsliip, including Monicoincrv City Montgomery Cilij Ward I Ward 2.. ... ic township, including Middle) Middlilturii rillnai Fpper Loutre township, including Wellsville city Wellsville city Wardl Ward 2 Morgan County.. HawC Stover village' 1 Mill Creek township, including Syracuse village.. Versailles city.. Barnett village*.. Versailles city East ward . . . West ward . . . Osage township Richland township . . «, Incorporated as a city Ued in 1900. 8 Incorporated in hint. s Incorporated in 1902. '^Incorporated in 1906. 1,644 193 4,589 1,832 175 3,874 1,918 187 3,816 1,598 i 1,240 1,211 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . a boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twolfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5. MINOR CIVIL DIVLSION. New Madrid County.. Anderson township,' including Gideon town.. Big Prairie township, including Matthews vi'l- Wardl Warilg '. New Madrid township,' including New Madrid city.. New Madrid city Portage township, including Portage ville city.. Portageville city 9 Ward I Wardg St. John township West township, including Canalou village and Morehouse city 10 Newton County.. Buffalo township.. Dayton township w Granby township, including Granby city . . Ward t Wards Marion township Neosho township, including Neosho city . . Ward 1 WardS Ward S Newtonia township, 12 including Newtonia vil- West Benton township ".. Nodaway County. . Atchison to wnship,includingClearmontvi Quitman village Hopkins township, including Hopkins city... Hopkins city Ward 1 Ward 2 lage.. :e township, including Parnell vil- lage.. 4$2 MINOR CrviL DIVISION. Nodaway County— Continued. Jefferson township, including Clyde and New < '.i.iuei jlii.ui villages Clyde milage New Conception villagt Lincoln lownslhe ; - ■■' Elmo village ' Monroe township, including Skidrnore Skidmore city lc Ward I i WardS ! Nodaway township, inelndin;; Luiiington Junc- tion city Burlington Junction city. Lincoln township, including Elmo village.. Ravenwood village ' Anderson township organized from part of Como township in 1900. 2 Incorporated in 1909. s Incorporated in 1907. * Incorporated in 1906. * Hough town b p organized from part of East township in 1903. 8 Incorporated in 1910. 7 Lewis township organized from part of New Madrid township in 1906. 8 Incorporated as a city in 1910. s Incorporated as a city in 1903. w Incorporated as a city in 1900. 11 West Benton township organized from part of Benton township in 1907. « Berwick township organized from parts of Newtonia and Van Buren ' hips in 1902. '» Five Mile township organized from parts of Dayton and Shoal in 1904. " Incorporated In 1902. > 6 Incorporated in 1904. 18 Incorporated as a city in 1901. » County total includes population (3,184) of Lynn township, taken t Thayer township and part of Big Apple township between 1890 and 1900. WardS Ward 4 Unci town-hip iiiclinlini', Pickering village. .. Oregon County Big Apple township, including Koshkonong Johnson township 19 King township Woodside township. . . Osage County.. Benton township, including Chamois city. . Chamois city Crawford iu\i chip, including Linn t Westphalia village 22 ;g Creek township.. Lick i 'reel, iown-'hip '-"' . 7,333 4,762 7,740 4,577 7, 102 4,037 1,329 1,645 1,559 1,285 1,334 1,434 1,144 1,244 87 1, 552 \ol! ineli ill iowchip 2 » I 419 . Pine Creel, town-hip so \ ■ 679 . Kichland township si 1,799 Spring ('reek township M I 514 '. > 8 Myrtle townsl up ne'e ufeed From parts of Jobe and Oak Grove townships in « Ozark township organized from part of Johnson township in 1908. 20 Incorporated as a city in 1908. 2 ' Incorporated in 1908. 22 Incorporated in 1905. *» Part taken tr ' 24 Part taken t< 2 & Parts taken to form pails of Pino Creek, Lick Creek, and Noll hvehill h '" """Rj and 1909, respectively. I 1906; part taken to form part 1 Oi on id noio parts of Barron Fork, Bridges, Marion, and Noble townships .STATISTICS OF POPULATION -MISSOURI. Table 1 .—POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. i boundaries, otc, between 1900 and 1910, seo footnotos; for thoso between 1890 and 1900, seo Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol.1, Tables.] R CIVIL DIVISION. Pemiscot County., (ggadocio township (eluding 1 layli city , ' including Holland town . . .nddp includin™ Carutiicr- Perry County Bruin township, inehidiu Claryville vil- Brazeau t. ., [lit nlmn) * III'/,: . Ill tn uherg village.. '.'ntra! township, including IVnyv I'mii! illr city War! /.'. WardS Cin.quH Homines township.. lship. including Prewerville and Elk Fork township Flat Creek township : Green Ridge township, including Green Ridge Green Ridge village Tin i in an tiling II ughes ville township Lake Creek township Lamonte township, including Lamonte town .. Lamonte town Longwood township Prairie township Sedalia township, including Sedalia city Sedalia city Ward 1 WardS Wards ■n ... Sniilhlnn village Washington township Phelps County 1,347 S89 1,506 1,032 696 11, MS Ward 1 WardS Cold Spring township. . Dawson township Dillon township Liberty township ne.\,r:i v township Ward 1 Wards Wards I Holland township organized from parts of Coutro and Virginia townships in 1904. 2,059 1,450 1,470 9SS 481 668 408 624 :::::;;; 988 1,162 1,137 771 732 621 1,678 1,874 1,747 565 535 475 1,194 l.tlSli 1,035 955 3,00(1 2,590 2,513 S,S61 1,600 1,59S 664 7S6 MTOOR CIVIL DIVISION. Phelps County— Continued. Ward I Wards Wards Spring Creek township. . ncluding Louisiana city.. Wurdl Wards WardS Ward 4 i 'ah i met low 11..I11 p. including Clarksville city . . Wardl.... Wards.... Wards.... Cyrene village.. Peno township, including Frankford city.. wardi ...;;;. Ward S Prairieville township, including Knlia Ullage... Platte County.. Carroll township, including Platte City. . Tracy village d'rccii township, including Camden Point and New Market villages and 1 varborn city Camdi 11 Point village Dearborn city New Market village Lee township, 1 11c hiding I'ark-v village I'l'fltiili fit u. Wardl WardS Preston township, including Wardl'.. WardS Waldron township. . eluding Weston city . . Jackson township. . Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward 4 Mooney township Union township, including Aldrich village.. Aldrich village « Incorporated as a city in 1905, 5 Incorporated in 190S. 1,640 91S 2,379 1,055 2,508 1,553 791 2,385 1,469 4?1 :..i:io 1,976 1,672 407 5,202 1,869 2,351 4,333 1,485 634 l.s-ll 1.2S5 2,045 1,486 1,826 296 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5. J MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 11,438 10,394 9.387 Ray County— Continued. 1,875 1,428 435 1,734 60/, 7,670 443 239 3,664 1,467 690 671 836 9,592 2,242 '391 2,077 635 8,373 385 Cullen township, including Waynesville village. 2,091 267 2,719 884 316 336 m 1,040 980 2,143 2,465 716 14,308 1,986 1,668 2,268 Orrick township, including Orrick village 2,704 736 2,477 563 2,159 Richmond township, inHmliji;: Henrietta ami 8,009 929 842 1,796 2,137 600 16,688 829 1,665 2,035 404 15,365 3,478 Ward4 Reynolds Count 8,161 2,468 820 757 1,165 1,633 862 264 874 654 2,544 1,731 2,000 847 1,163 1,036 269 1,495 12,913 2,901 716 939 1,581 2,248 895 292 1,041 874 3.057 2,050 2,755 644 1,035 1,540 1,917 949 6,803 Black Pivart-wnshir 976 2,357 338 l!l94 2,346 1,496 13,099 730 1,463 ' irroll low nsliip including wards 1 and 2 of | 1 IT ii.l1 li l ' Sill' JT.' !■' Ml.vlil 1 T iT County .1 776 1, 231 2,343 1,618 13,186 993 892 2,102 1,118 1,118 in. ling ward 1 and part of 1,781 ■ ,;/,■' 1 son toivnships Ripley County 1 8,512 796 2,834 1,225 623 602 1,095 888 618 802 409 673 832 1,228 406 1,167 851 906 24,695 781 3,052 1,608 Wilson township, 3 including part of ward 2 of Unionville city Unionville city {part of) 775 865 Doniphan township, including Doniphan city. . Doniphan city 1,557 609 "i ork township 12,287 12,294 Ward 2... 1,297" 910 370 1,014 587 771 798 716 202 1,364 492 1,034 24,474 ----- 1,464 640 296 244 1,055 1,615 1,437 2,170 895 406 489 3,075 2,097 942 472 470 26,182 1,407 SOO 1,226 165 1,566 1,807 1,704 2,075 624 1,698 2,004 1,728 1,849 316 Iiuiin: ... . ,, . li.. ■ • 1 ■ ■ Salt River township, including Perry city Ward 2 1,460 2,268 881 1,422 2,367 Callawa townshi Spencer township, including New London city. . 1,469 3,226 53.9 270 269 3,619 269 2,240 11,939 9,437 2,202 2,177 2,377 2,681 12 16,412 1,779 3,286 619 1 66 r '. 'in ■ ||. Wentzville cil'i ' Ward 1 457 24,442 24,893 Dardenne tow 1 hij 1 1 1 i it of St Peters 4,104 1,025 220 1,287 778 727 200 1,871 1,215 2,126 300 213 757 2,247 496 632 771 348 1,070 12,098 10,923 2,498 2,361 2,457 3,607 604 21,451 1,183 173 1,565 788 786 195 1,949 1,151 '223 196 890 3,378 1,805 1,334 Total for SI. I'd. r< , ilhyi f - in Danhn . . Wellston city ^ . town and Ferguson and F Bridgelon town. Ferguson city . . total includes population (1,777) of Kirkwood city, returned independ- 2,709 6,480 8,753 12,976 684 2,613 4,171 1,249 24,051 17,347 2, 497 2, 184 4,015 i 837 2,953 "j',894 18.055 <9,541 1,660 1,783 4,108 9,717 3,858 8,399 Waul 1. Ward 2. ■•. ■'-'■ ■ W aid :. Ward 9. Ward 1C Ward 11 ■W aid 12 Waul l:; Ward 14 ■Ward 15 Ward K Ward 17 Ward I- Ward 19 \\ ard 2C ■■ W ard V Ward 23 Waul J I w ard -1 Ward 27 Ste. Genevieve County.. Ward _ Wards. Jackson township • ■ • ' 11 11 M11 i.i'.oSt eeiiv.. Ste. Genevan- 1 it a Wardl Ward 2 WardS Saline township Union township Saline County.. Wardl Wards Blackwater township Cambridge township, including Gilliam village and Slater city Gilliam village Slater city Wardl WardS WardS ( Hay io... nship Elmwood township, including Blackburn and Mount Leonard villages Blackburn village. village. . Malta Birr: nwnship.. Ward S WardS Salt Fork township Salt Pond township, including Sweet Springs Schuyler County.. 1,227 1,186 4,254 3,992 1,707 t,S86 5,354 4.223 347 : SSI 2, 60S ! 1,400 2,196 2,527 7,969 i,yr,i> 8,376 6,086 7.87l'i 4,S97 2. cm 431 3,416 581 3, CM 647 730 2, 302 1,12-2 i,6io 2,585 1 1,080 1 1,025 2,843 1,1S7 .140 s Incorporated in 1900. • Incorporated in 1909. 7 County total includes population (1,503) of Jefferson township, annexed to Cambridge township between 1890 and 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION -MISSOURI. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, otc, between 1900 and 1910, soo footnotes; for thoso between 1890 and 1900, soo Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol.1, Tables.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Schuyler County— Continued. Glenwood township. Including Glenwood vil- 375 1,155 1,718 964 645 419 2, 063 701 S40, 275 11,869 1,074 434 1,455 1,943 980 1,221 451 1,694 2,009 811 Shannon County— Continued. 545 520 208 476 721 1,486 444 213 14,864 339 626 Newton township l.ihcrly township, including Lancaster city 047 1,521 495 Winona low nship, including Winona city 1,916 2,435 770 2,377 377 Queen City 16,167 Salt River townsliip, including Green Top 1,088 284 13,232 1,164 238 12,674 Polled township, including !ii Ihcl village 1,168 236 1,973 2,316 1,322 641 681 1,662 406 174 232 137 1,156 645 3,259 2,174 1,016 1,282 1,059 27,807 1,471 225 2,232 7,184 lilack Creel; township, including She| !, ; , ville 2 001 tilidbi/tillt cmi - 486 1,612 84 746 475 3,418 1,984 1,067 917 633 756 768 1,137 418 1,046 131 525 1,184 790 22,372 1,293 87 319 1,220 South Gorin city South Gorin city ,'lai l-.sou township, including Hunnewell and 1,835 473 :::::::::::: 1,412 658 3,000 1,733 3,995 2,196 4,276 1,780 758 1,016 879 1,091 292 1,268 169 722 1,345 865 13,092 755 1,126 1,276 1,286 .-ali. "ivei tog nst up, inch e ling shell tina city . . . Sand Hill township, including Rutledge village. 1,221 122 M00 24,669 . . . 1,514 11,828 17,327 Castor township, including Bloomfieldcity 4,966 1,147 3,897 ISO 814 1,857 7,759 742 316 2,717 548 11,559 5,117 1,475 3,172 229 413 1,119 6,426 333 3,728 221 100 2,123 163 9,892 Commerce township, including Commerce 1,479 544 6,327 1,209 190 2,129 320 120 2,579 494 5,672 1,396 422 1,023 144 5S7 86 267 11,443 1,593 588 1,804 1,577 ' : , 1 ; ',■!,. ,,i | ,|, ..!,■• \ ill i ■( Kelso townshl] fee and Illmo 1,118 Chaffee city ' Liberty low nship. 10 including Bemieand Dex- Moreland township, including Benton and New Hamburg villages 1,834 fit 1,808 202 i il-e township, including Advance ciiy and Morley townsliip. including ('nra-ilor, Motley, 1,223 AY// City t Ulnar.. Kit-bland township, int hiding Essex town 437 395 Stone County Richland 1 own -Nip. including Si Lesion cii y Sikestoncity Sandy Woods' township, including Blodgett 2,511 1,077 1,311 209 1,661 497 2,216 636 1,112 7,090 342 953 898 1,385 495 682 156 150 1,581 1,002 450 504 1,133 872 1,085 353 163 710 18,698 924 997 1,307 510 Svh-ania townsliip, including Orancity 1,308 271 i lOgan township '■'.. 1,310 Tywappity township, including Dlehlstadt village Diehhtadt village 826 166 11,247 866 Crane city ' 590 460 560 758 1,307" 20,282 8,898 Shannon County Washing! on 1 own ship, including Galena village. (hit/ nn tillage *.. S34 205 415 1,101 497 299 198 323 375 354 598 236 1,524 555 367 1,759 Birch Tree township/ including Pitch Treecify. 1,688 Sullivan County Ward 1 19,000 284 " 365 573 548 470 1,121 385 207 264 Uow man township, including numphreys and '292 204 1,211 '395 261 1,854 393 Bowlan township . 327 i ;i ;to township 362 325 920 520 297 836 1,461 1,606 356 291 Clay township includit karri and Newtown Mori tier township ' Newtown milage 303 '■'■ Incorporated in 1902. * Incorporated in 1903. - -' a city In 1904. 10 Part of Liberty t low nship in 1902. 11 Incorporated as a p (including Dudley village) annexed to Duck Creek STATISTICS OF POPULATION MISSOURI. 299 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of tlio Twelfth Census: 1900 Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Sullivan County— Continued. Duncan township, including Cora village and part of Browning city j Browning city (part of). . [For total, seo Benton township, Linn County.] Cora village^ Jackson township Liberty township Morris township Penn township, including Civcncastle village aud Green City Greencastle village ' ii y, i ii.. North ward South ward I' Hill township Polk township, including Milan city . Milan citg Taylor township Union township Taney County. . Reaver township Big Creek township. . . . Branson township - Cellar Creel, township. . Oliver township, in el inline, Ilollister village Hollister village 3 Scott township Swan township, including Forsyth and Taney- Taneyvillc village • . Texas County.. Boone township Burdine township, including Cabool city Caltool city * Wardl j Wards ! Carroll township Including Summersville village Summersville i Cass township , Clinton township... Current township... Date township Jackson township . . Lynch township lllage. Houston city . . Wardl Wards Wards Roubidoux township Sherrill township, including Licking village .. Licking village . . Upton township Vernon County. . North ward South vara" Badger township Blue Mound township Center township, including Nevada city.. Nevada city.. Ward 1 WardS Wards Ward 4 Wards , Clear Creek township Coal township, including Clayton village Clayton village I ' ■. , I. I.I I , , ::■ i. ,il,, : r: |c' I and part of Mound ville village Deerfield village Moundville village* (part of).. 8 Incorporated it . * Incorporated as a citv In 1906. 6 Returned in 1900 as in Moundville township 01 1,046 1,242 847 925 580 872 707 867 349 2,554 381 1,875 21,458 j 23,193 930 818 8,625 7,461 963 8,427 7,S6S ::::: 943 711 932 852 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Vernon County— Continued. Drywood township. Including Milo village and Sheldon cii Milo village. .Sheldon ri'i/. Ward 1 . WardS Harrison township... Metz township, including Metz village. Metz village. . icluding li iclianis \ iliagc . Ward 1 WardS Washington township. . Charclte lev. uship. including Trcloar \ iliagc. Treloar village « Elkhorn town- hip, including \\ arreniori ci! y. - Wardl Warde Hickory Grove township, including Wright Washington County.. Belgrade township Relic iew township, includingCaledonia village. Caledonia village Breton township, including Mineral Point vil- lage and I'oiosi ehy Mini rul Point village 1 '■•citg . . Ward 1 Wards (uncord township, including Irondale village. . Walton township.. Win,! I . WardS Black Ri\ ci lownxhip. . Cedar ( 'reel, township. . Cowan lownship - . Jefferson township Logan township , including V.'il Webster County.. rag Seymour city.. i : iow nship.includ Nartlninv nllai.i * . Hazclwood township. . « Incorporated ir 1 Incorporated ii 2.479 2.494 G3S BOO 1,189 1.270 riship, taken to form STATISTICS i)V POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table l: -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued, [lor changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1010, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.J MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1000 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Webster County Continued 1,009 1,328 746 3,093 1,193 611 582 1,490 939 1,207 1,073 8,007 OH!) 1,349 2, 747 364 1,026 1,168 367 2, 530 18,316 17,519 14,484 1,206 780 1,377 937 1,660 507 150 1,555 447 1,544 3,232 1,722 1,845 477 250 227 1,317 1,240 1,137 778 1,232 1,762 Maligna Imvitship ^ Hartville city Union township 1,558 972 1,190 1,077 9,832 i , 450 842 Total for Hartville city '- in Gasconade and 446 Wardl 963 8,738 Hart township, .m /a,.; i and 2 and part 1,605 445 1,461 2,640 1,004 1 430 Mountain Grove township, "including Mountain 1,207 607 700 759 876 1,194 243 1,738 409 1,799 2,442 1,406 1,186 ■ ! ■ 1,014 1,513 971 798 1,383 494 1,300 1,107 1,521 1 'nam um uship, in. hiding Sheridan village 2,075 | 1,774 S4T ' Incorporated in 1906. 2 Returned in 1900 as in Hart township only. > Incorporated in 1903. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY, TOWN, OK VILLAGE. County, 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Adrian cit Bates 929 621 429 1,922 225 243 257 270 279 67 450 307 162 721 160 1,018 98 289 246 176 336 1,075 295 341 523 166 4,148 135 411 713 379 338 118 74 922 320 742 346 1,931 235 1,900 629 221 2,025 189 613 Bi elow villa e Holt Christian Shannon Clay St. Francois Saline Cooper Henry Gasconade Scott 156 760 497 136 848 371 359 422 1,147 67 561 345 316 376 1,975 4,252 767 382 1,585 458 1,027 1,025 181 129 104 263 5,749 } 629 348 1.606 410 820 788 } 556 114 249 942 73 2,894 789 887 220 128 684 2,154 526 195 702 Buchanan 1,334 708 4,58 285 291 All ndale vill Blackburn village 372 Cape Girardeau.. 148 248 288 24 407 173 179 Bland village 183 Blodgett village 209 1,475 123 468 315 276 378 1,869 4,377 401 Bates i;iui< ;;i villa.'.' Harrison Jackson Harrison Carroll Andrew Polk Cooper Carroll Crawford Lawrence Pike Adair Caldwell Caldwell Perry 215 McDonald 195 1,133 99 205 285 690 Mississippi 1,081 96 122 408 278 Cape Girardeau... lill village 1,902 401 767 1,012 78 178 1.564 316 399 763 Nodaway Brewerville villa e 461 35S ',312 401 248 350 1,350 Grundy Vernon /Linn \Sullivan Chariton Jackson Dallas Cooper 190 5,484 726 407 1,403 642 234 757 856 373 527 Brownington village St. Charles Lafayette Lawrence 238 291 i ■ i-i i i is wick city 1,748 '900 337 3, 4S2 421 348 427 Bucklin city 711 Buckner village 164 Callawa Bunker town Baring village - Barnard village 241 362 \Reynolds Cape Girardeau.. Nodaway Morgan 99 Bate? City village Lafayette Burlin ton Junction cit Nodaway 759 72 3,158 471 743 173 166 561 2,181 498 Bell ntv village. 100 1,005 234 116 333 266 2,093 225 1,808 Bell, in eil< Scott '.. 988 202 109 rnip u Randolph Washington Henry Moniteau Macon Mississippi 221 1,105 Macon 876 Callao to wn 371 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table 2 POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 301 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Camden city Ray. Camden Point village Platte Cameron city Clinton Campbell city Dunklin Canalou village ; New Madrid Canton city Lewis Cape Girardeau city Cape Girardeau . Cardwell city Dunklin Carthage city Jasper... Carulliersville city Pemisco Cassville city ' Barrv. . . Cedar City village i own village.. Charleston city Chilhowee village . . Chillicothe city Clarence city Clark village Clarksburg city Clarksdale village.. Clarksville city Clyde village Cole Camp city College Mound village. . Columbia city.. Commerce town Concordia city.. Conway village.. Cora village Corder town Corning village.. Cosby village Creigh ton village... Cro wder village Cuba city Curry ville village .. Dadeville village . Dexter city Diehlstadt village.. Dixon city Dongola village.. Johnson Livingston.. Livingston.. Moniteau.. Dekalb Pike Benton... Macon Laclede Sullivan Lafayette . . Pemiscot . . Caldwell... Holt 1 Pike Pike Dade Jefferson.. Chariton.. Vernon Buchanan Cape Girardeau . Carroll Stoddard.. Scolt Stoddard... Harrison Cass Buchanan. . Platte Miller... Cedar... Macon . . CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. 300 155 1,722 1,275 726 1,893 769 1,381 6,905 5,717 1,184 223 1,078 194 334 843 145 76 348 102 246 5,061 4,737 5,651 4,000 889 715 272 217 240 1,145 176 775 503 360 308 552 271 497 302 466 5,611 3,960 567 1,201 222 239 1,102 180 650 1,862 413 633 792 500 404 1,508 609 501 406 292 305 534 1,605 482 1,456 2,137 1,543 Fxeter village Fair Haven village.. Fail' Play village Fairfax city Farber village Fillmore village. Flat River city. Florissant city.. Freeman village Fulton city Gainesville village . . Galena village Gideon town . . . Gifford village . . Gilliam village. . Gower village Graham village Grain Valley village . . Green Ridge village.. Greenville city... Guilford village.. Hale city Harrisburg village . . Harrisonville city . . . Hartsburg village . . . Hartville city Harviell village Harwood village Hawk Point village . . Hayti city Henderson Mound village Henrietta village Hermann city Hibbard city (East Prairie P.O.). Higginsville city.. Hillsboro village.. Holcomb village . . Vernon Polk Atchison Audrain Platte St. Francois.. Floward St. Francois.. St. Louis St. Louis Jefferson Andrew St. Francois.. St. Louis Lincoln Holt Lawrence . . • 'alia way. . SUmu '.'.'.'.'.'. Daviess Grundy . . . Franklin. . Adair Dunklin.. Macon Saline Harrison . . Howard . . Wright.. Butler... Vernon.. Lincoln . . e Dunklin.. Johnson . . 2,315 846 1,406 302 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITT l TOWN. OR VILLAGE. . County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OE VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Holland town 135 202 111 } 336 909 390 644 349 013 292 91 2,247 322 428 976 o. sat 105 721 2,105 200 358 611 305 664 11,850 395 84 456 32,073 1,758 631 190 3,033 963 306 235 966 535 6,347 4,171 670 395 452 1,017 1,360 1,605 740 614 137 2,316 684 964 758 261 1,038 604 2,430 1,455 420 66 405 5,242 800 2,980 351 484 336 532 435 882 98 255 961 158 4,454 264 164 163 551 385 127 3,584 638 Maillaud city Maiden city Malta Hand village Manli v village Manslield city i\ i a | > 1 1 • v. o o d c i t y nil village Maiceline ell.y Mariimville city Marquand village Marshall city ■ i ■ ' \ Marston village Martinsburg village Vary \ ill cli \ .. .M a. II 1 1 • • ws vi llage Maa/s\ die city Mayview village Meaih ille ( at\ Melbourne village Memphis city 736 2,116 399 100 477 4,976 313 3,920 1,272- 339 4,869 1,193 258 436 4,762 237 1,051 580 111 1,984 408 533 195 399 240 '431 80 323 2,191 252 343 99 128 591 290 10, 923 646 122 L949 146 1,789 283 667 157 205 1,636 494 257 360 395 148 1,575 247 167 350 1,161 '552 146 406 528 241 4S0 3,661 7,176 132 424 794 120 456 855 942 1,882 120 217 932 293 261 276 1,241 78 232 1,711 805 1,462 431 585 254 34 339 907 240 514 307 1,055 393 473 Dunklin Wright /Clay 259 846 494 age.. Nodaway Dunklin St Louis Hopkins city 295 2,638 1,290 1,977 1,159 .155 278 486 327 427 Lawrence Pettis Polk 5,080 964 ; liuiiphn \ s villain Uunneweil village Shelby./.".'.!!:;:: Boone Randolph Miner!::::::::::: Scott Jackson Benton Washington ("ape Girardeau. . Randolph Daviess New Madrid lluulsdale village 322 264 248 Nodaway New Madrid Dekalb 4,577 4,037 925 423 760 129 2,195 252 340 250 717 Lfnn y6tte 6,974 6,380 Harrison Ir ndale village 1 780 797 1,658 195 335 728 344 627 9,664 443 75 407 26,023 1,818 163,752 621 965 941 106 429 313 400 6,742 limes ortcitv Vernon 159 5,099 581 Moniteau Cole i . Springs city Middle Grove village 133 375 1,757 Montgomery Montgomery 437 9,943 1,425 132,716 588 1,234 Lawrence Cape Girardeau... 148 Jackson cit 335 1,509 1,127 357 212 905 655 5,966 2,825 673 365 213 966 1,507 1,345 770 619 302 819 322 182 465 317 3,510 1,777 851 288 Washington 398 8,012 Randolph 331 L929 157 2,026 287 613 184 966" 437 276 1,830 St. Louis Johnson Oregon Montgomery 702 1,250 520 .Maui,, 1 1 ut village Moon sville village Livingston New Madrid Gasconade Lamar cit 2,737 637 980 286 2,860 811 141 1,681 287 Lathro cit 1,118 635 2,125 1,453 1,082 520 2,218 412 1,206 1,004 Lawrence Lafayette 132 374 468 2,725 7,461 352 Naylor village 358 4,190 532 2,407 193 200 4,537 546 2,558 Lafayette 2,198 7,202 New Madrid 357 491 340 878 93 246 749 108 5,131 467 292 Nodaway Montgomery 424 1,156 110 261 881 1,489 182 481 355 291 Linn Perry 813 212 Dade New Madrid 5,090 Moniteau 194 525 544 246 235 NK-a villa e 1,189 Montgomery 4,068 538 3,371 486 267 Madison city Monroe Novinger city Adair STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Jackson 641 250 1,531 1,023 1 , 002 1,012 1,114 204 453 077 813 2, HIS 87 1,474 765 905 438 1,044 1,708 97 199 264 1,154 2,043 654 763 1,650 68 2,065 125 99 526 6,916 218 987 772 113 184 1,385 994 337 459 814 701 231 123 251 341 218 239 298 213 884 196 190 2,755 303 884 3,664 841 110 434 1,053 566 2,261 182 359 245 168 566 335 418 127 9,437 397 1,100 77,403 687,029 702 269 1,967 1,796 40S 252 497 1,032 '-',07;: 391 1,037 Salem village (Coffeyburg P. O.). Daviess 349 1,834 71 1,311 562 17,822 1,029 981 590 2,174 528 409 3,327 276 86 562 '346 "" 148 274 77 483 271 638 241 156 60 35,201 2,121 333 773 543 590 159 548 315 386 180 663 934 236 394 1,122 193 124 1,966 1,613 304 1,273 176 43 5,656 473 1,120 212 285 934 2,000 2,417 484 1,595 110 364 4,689 795 824 219 3,670 245 777 384 257 171 347 11,817 7,080 558 7,312 1,194 154 390 1,847 Cape Girardeau.. 111 1,272 Jasper^ Saicoxie city Savannah city 1,126 668 15,231 241 1,043 527 1,733 777 474 347 1,077 210 561 2,502 420 427 Oran city Scott 948 373 Vernon Pettis Dunklin Newton Holt Ray Seymour city 388 St. Clair 1 691 Slielhy\ (lie citv Shelby 480 ' >tterville village Cooper 384 439 Sheldon city Vernon 39b owvnsville town Gasconade 830 " 1,213 2,32:; 142 1,397 931 490 1,184 2,515 Sikeslon citv Scott 636 l'-u-i'ic it" Franklin Silex village 151 1'almvra eity rapine ilk> village Nodaway '769 Shiloreity 2,400 Smithton village 369 New Madrid Nodaway 432 1,065 104 624 1,275 167 211 267 532 319 297 316 875 203 230 McDonald Christian Grundy Dunklin 691 300 584 140 156 Nodaway 858 2,151 631 455 744 1,878 2,511 560 757 706 1,634 Lawrence 23,2(17 2,654 Pilot Knob town Pemiscot 616 555 154 902 196 2,002 100 153 539 4,321 242 427 638 2,217 Cape Girardeau.. New Madrid 137 415 2,187 Lawrence Mor an St. Charles New Madrid Washington 708 714 187 477 1,080 175 599 196 1,575 Chariton 286 1,410 Morgan 187 229 434 413 770 356 295 285 271 325 212 377 332 1,901 1,276 1,337 209 Oregon Nodaway Moniteau 348 Nodaway Grund 5,396 Triplett village Chariton 342 1,153 186 225 744 2,050 Randolph 196 856 161 153 4,053 198 736 3,478 648 147 593 1,080 580 1,600 181 448 isi" 412 295 292 112 7,982 189 575 102,979 575, 238 576 437 381 Clinton Miller Franklin Dekalb Putnam St. Louis-. Audrain Scott Lawrence Morgan 163 238 Montgomery 272 4,008 553 2,895 351 207 631 934 554 '159 288 210 445 1,168 312 979 1,240 329 ' 4,724 770 743 169 3,015 233 722 127 Carroll Vernon Johnson Warren Benton Franklin Atchison Lafayette Clark Pulaski Dekalb Hickory St. Louis Lafayette St. Louis Montgomery Newton Buchanan Russell ville village Watson village 238 Linn St. Charles city , St. Charles 6,161 208 467 52,324 451,770 446 228 274 9,201 1,895 520 """ijieo" 238 Buchanan S,043 G roves city Wellington town 1,783 Ste. Genevieve . . St. Charles Ste. Genevieve... Dent 1,707 1,481 l!31S Wellsville city Wentworth village 1,138 Salem city 304 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MISSOURI. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OK VILLAGE. .... St. Charles.. .... Howell [ Atchison w estline village ! Cass.. Weston city. . Westboro village.. w liiteside village Lincoln.. Whitewater village Caw (lira \\ luting village. Willow Springs city. Windsor city Winfield village Winona city Winston village Wittenberg village. . Wooldridge village.. Worland village Wright City village . W yaconda village . . . Zalma town Howell 1,401 Henry i 2,241 Lincoln 422 Shannon 444 Daviess • 257 Perry j 87 Cooper 119 Bates 159 Warren i 377 Clark i 480 Bollinger j 197 1,078 1,602 1,635 1,427 495 457 114 602 470 133 336 383 MONTANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910. 1900, AND 1890. [The words "district" and "precinct,' footnotes; for tl ., between 1900 and 1910, see MIHOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 6,146 •5,615 » 4,665 Carbon County— Continued. 158 209 94 119 137 117 130 104 127 102 100 103 49 148 133 113 92 62 170 91 28,833 A.rgenta township Itunnock tun nship 99 229 191 180 290 198 395 182 2,239 1,835 947 616 100 20 444 506 340 125 409 332 3,491 106 418 297 180 118 100 141 143 115 1,721 1,630 1 I , il 1,012 Wardi Warit 260 185 230 323 631 122 131 366 6 2,641 '0 25,777 Broadwater County District 1, Great Falls, including Great Falls District 1, Radersburg 425 72 94 69 135 101 74 125 42 184 93 384 96 80 134 04 45 155 51 13,982 17,130 13,948 3,062 3,311 3,750 3,825 364 103 115 100 970 117 78 415 199 97 69 109 72 52 170 60 73 146 192 102 139 21 116 80 72 73 2,090 1,158 439 89 52 107 59 323 B68 6i 137 69 71 120 271 35 72 63 57 93 153 86 73 85 85 1,600 106 151 43 64 145 59 119 140 14,980 3,979 i i i n ■ . , Confederate Ill ' V II 1 ) i is 1 1 1 . i " , Canton District 7, Townsend, including Townsend um n Townsend town 446 245 1 >:■ i : i. i! .1 i .-..>:ii i \ ill 'V . District 10, Winston i > i ■■. r , ii i Hi i Uountain District 11, Beaver Creek ) 'I s'rii f. 1,- \li. '."i i .l.'i; District IS, Three Forks 1 Msfrii-t ■_'H, i ils, in in i 1 I'l'-I ; H " • . » 7,533 District 1, Red Lodge, including Red Lodge city. 5,404 i,S51 1,735 1,774 103 136 071 514 177 96 545 389 138 £51 101 119 131 99 139 54 39 105 108 113 122 125 251 313 167 86 73 80 160 131 765 618 2,152 624 ! I i, ,i i : ill - il ' i 'I 1 , 1 i In II M :,"., Neihart, including Neihart town 8SS ......... i ..,. . ■ ... Ristri< i 51, Bear Creek, including Bear Creek Total for joint district 37 in Cascade and ■ -'...ii ,.■■■ Bear Creek town* 1 County total includes population (22) of Pioneer township, annexed to Wisdom township since 1900. "- "inparison of population can be made; not returned by townships In 1890. » Name changed from Fox in 1902. * Pioneer township annexed in 1902. • No comparison of population can be made; 1 28407—12 20 t returned by districts in 1900. 1900 and 1890. t returned by districts In 306 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MONTANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. did," where used, mean school district and c fool; fnr those lid \wvn IN'.m and 19111), s MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 mmmammmm. 1910 1900 1890 17,191 ' 10,966 ! 1 4,741 Custer County— Continued. District 17, Sadie 1 ! i l: ' ni'-i mi District 19, Douglas 62 448 250 137 224 250 331 2 104 236 200 213 63 12,725 District 1, Fort Benton, including Fort Ben- 1,004 256 SOB 177 165 53 177 33 155 1,060 780 327 S8S 291 314 114 3,878 3,624 634 1,807 i,m 173 132 112 286 522 101 217 112 232 50 156 87 78 157 750 108 69 110 128 83 60 940 46 148 47 70 569 56 30 98 562 120 10 67 21 365 1,194 7,0*4 624 Wardl I'isi.iiH 21, Bradshaw i v.iiii-i 2i; Brandenburg Did lid 2!), Slacev 1 >isl .i id. :;o, Fallon Didrid :;i, Knowlton District 32, Ashland ■2,443 District 12, Harlem, including Harlem town l 2,056 District 1, Glendive, including Glendive city... 2,600 2,428 Ward 1 - .■ >> i 1,SSS 257 173 497 $45 1,0SS Disirid ). Newlon Disl i in 5, Sidney, including Sidney town Sidney town • District!), Wibaux, including Wibaux town 487 357 353 151 200 339 102 340 181 524 273 292 98 89 257 232 301 209 Disbi, -i 7, Tokna Districl 8, Hodges '1 :,,, I U ! v:>u IVillh ! » 1 -: ■ I 1 ■ I HI, I'.iKl Rollle Disl rid 11, liurne '■ : 1 ' • i.'ld '.d IV, ! District 20, Glendenning 1'iisi rid 27, Collagen 200 95 178 99 91 257 156 91 86 562 213 178 65 118 85 12,988 Disl iid 29, Heaver I'i .iii.-i ::u l: uiiicju I > i d r- i . ■ t 31. Ililuor Total for joint district 36 in Chouteau and [For total, see joint district 37, Cascade County.] Fort Assinmboine Military Reservation > 17,393 1,312 i 15,156 District 1, Dry Cottonwood District 2 Disiri. , ; ' able Distrii ; i. Warm Springs 40 30 188 866 164 14,123 ' 7,891 i 5,308 6,240 4,697 1,137 1,724 171 145 158 775 249 146 699 143 78 427 832 100 305 294 177 1,9S8 956 District 7, Modest v 119 277 94 10,579 10,134 1,633 1,W 923 1,436 2,008 2,891 189 68 212 24 District9, Stuari District 10, Anaconda, including Anaconda city District 2, Carlyle 9,463 3,976 District 5, Terry Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 District 9, Miz i nisi.i.-i r: t ;■ :. id ,-,, i District 14, Strickland • :::::::::::;: :: llofkett District 21, Quinlaii 17 1 No comparison of population can be made; not returned by districts in 1900 and 1890. •Incorporated in 1901. •Incorporated In 1°'" * Part, including Nt. ... dlan Reservation, taken t< » Part annexed to district 10 In 1904. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MONTANA. 307 [The words "dlslriet'' ami "pre hint.," where used, inr'iti school district footnotes; for thosi between 1890 and and election precinct, respectively. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see 900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVI8ION. 1910 1900 1890 17,885 ' 6,937 i 3,514 Flathead County— Continued. Kalispell township, including Kalispell city 8,786 6,649 2,000 1,626 1,924 1,958 1,479 260 649 570 1,178 S,6SS 14,079 4,486 1,626 District 1, Lewistown, including Lewistown 2,992 1,000 1,001 991 132 131 66 362 390 81 79 441 81 163 1,176 213 83 212 199 47 63 391 286 70 72 345 120 100 140 160 180 196 95 204 128 43 47 912 123 40 58 394 75 81 644 271 82 41 102 128 2,069 1,513 614 586 SIS 113 296 103 61 159 108 173 54 95 58 81 23 18,785 1,096 Whiteflsh town:, hip,' inrliidin,", Whitefishtown. 13 2,142 > 9,653 Total for Fhiilnud latUmi Reservation in Flathead, Missoula, and Sanders Counties. . Gallatin County Istricl 12, Stanford > 6,246 Mi I 11 ,m , ,, 1 ml .. 481 23 s 207 100 5,436 5,107 1,116 1,43$ 861 1,694 115 125 117 59 333 74 129 (10) 135 139 180 113 708 674 62 116 136 75 101 123 78 207 176 40 101 194 169 106 73 24 187 677 561 288 273 35 126 91 12 261 45 67 44 66 100 59 54 52 60 42 53 164 District 7, Bozeman, including Bozeman city. . . $,419 Wards WardJf iloli'ri .'11, ,-pihu H.ili ■ - District 24, Three Forks, including Three hi !1 Miiiin (in lii 'iii 'inure town I'Mim "," l, iinicii.p mi lii ling Roundup District 44, Belgrade, including Belgrade town. . . [For total, see joint iliim o County.] « 9,375 Columbia township,' including Columbia Falls 2,046 2,117 2,100 1,192 683 1,575 Jocko township !!..,.:,■::.■.'.,..■':.! i No comparison of population can be made; not returned by disl it Columbia township in 1903. townships, taken to form Lincoln County since 1900. 11 Incorporated In 1906. 308 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MONTANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890- iiii-l," when- usi'tl. mean school disuioi, :i 1 1< 1 e footnotes; for those between 18'JH ami mini, s MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Gr nlte County 2,942 '4,328 Lewis and Clark County— Continued District 6, College Place Dislricl 7, Kiiuiiii 119 99 1.139 63 403 685 1,105 161 383 155 55 53 376 8 65 632 671 1,109 62 43 102 716 538 5,601 147 285 302 Garnet precinct, East Selena District hi, Rohner l Hsi tiii ii, Augusta i lisirii i 12, Marysville District i:;. Cartersville i>i-.hiri ii, Mountain 1,079 ; ; ! 288 i u , [ii (in. 1 mi hiding part of 796 660 996 127 57 143 121 112 212 73 40 62 40 169 107 81 60 129 84 96 82 249 51 3,638 Total )or r'u 1 :• bin iviiij hi North and South 1,058 Disuioi is, lMiiton | DMnci -II. 1 nmnwlle .. Histiirl 21. Milehell in. iiiii J2, Dearborn.. 74 54 20 Ihsiriri 24, Baxcndalc 1 listri.-l 25, Craig - i i 'hilipsburg precinct, 10 including part of 861 446 148 12 5,330 District 29, Willard - Disuioi 30, Longview '2 6,026 Insliii 1 :;3, York Hishiri :u. Canyon Ferry 103 66 75 718 417 137 38 27 17 35 76 90 50 11 25 22 23 16 134 30 27 $8 155 73 376 745 516 33 24 130 728 19 21 509 20 106 72 58 21,863 UMiin ::."), Brewer i'i-. I.i ' I'm !.!-. r, :,, 1 N., R. 4 W. (frac), including Disirici 38, Lincoln District 39, Flesher 1 1 isi ric i 10, Beaver Creek District 41, Barrett District 1 , Troy 69 District 4, Libby, including Libby town Libby town i« 830 eso 250 200 180 136 198 314 117 106 50 117 795 60S 142 183 278 155 (") 130 (") 7,229 Ward 2 Wards District 5, Phillips Creek District 7, Warland ■ I i District 13, Kiirckn. mclii.lni'j huivka town is 7,696 Adobetow 186 243 109 47 43 128 70 374 10 214 104 170 229 92 35 200 158 345 73 709 m Township 9N,E.4W. (frac.) "19,171 » 19,146 District 1, Helena, including Helena city 12,987 12,616 1,840 1,181 i,m 1,450 1,728 2,405 '828 195 142 1,402 ' "'"' . .... District 4, Trinitv District 5, Harmony Ward 2 WardS 84 ' County total includes population (125) of Bi Metallic precinct, annexed to South Philip.- 1 ii 11 ■■ ... - -inci population m. oi i;iihisp\ piooiiioi, annexed to Granite precinct; popubiion '33) <>1 lie;.. I of Gold Ooek mid Koval precincts, annexed to ' - jpulation (104) of Combination and Sunrise precincts, » Returned with North and South Phillpsburg precincts i: form Porter precinct in 1906. « Part taken to form part of Hall precinct in 1905. to Moose Lake and R ock Creek precincts returned w ith North and South Philips- i.o.,.. incciiicis 01 [ ( .:ii.j Bi > i c 1 .me precinct annexed in 1905. " Returned as Stone Station in 1900. Part taken to form part of Hall precinct in 1905; Sunrise and Combination preciiiol. .iiihm. I in moo and 1902, respectively. 12 No comparison of population can be made; not returned by townships and ranges in 1900 and 1890. '» Incorporated in 1904. n No comparison of pop. dn lion crm lie made: no! relumed In districts in 1900 1900. Part taken and 1890. " Organized from part of Flathead County in 1909. '• Incorporated in 1909. " No population reported. 18 No comparison of population can be made; not returned by preoincts In 1900 and 1890. '» Incorporated in 1901 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MONTANA. 309 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. n school district, :uil election precinct , respectively. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Madison County— Continued. 31 271 102 1 723 S99 Z 285 407 467 236 148 45 73 100 4,190 Park County— Continued. 94 195 149 122 41 72 33 Shrihl;in precinct, incliiiliiu' Sheridan town — 581 207 Solllll I'-dllhlor pIVeillCt Twin Bridges precinct, including Twin Bridges District, 21, Hoffman District 2.",, Kleclric District 26, I'lamer 236 568 675 28 45 82 35 87 170 54 75 75 89 146 42 96 112 350 49 7 73 50 20 00 54 91 77 5,904 Virginia Cily precinct, coextensive with Vir- ginia City Wigwam precinct 3 2,526 2 4,749 82 195 137 113 107 611 417 102 215 31 250 17 52 204 1,009 139 | H9 ■ 382 31 97 299 8S 23,596 District is, Killran U6 ' 640 Powell County 8 District 12 District 13 .'.'.......'. Cottonwood township, including Deer Lodge 3,300 2,570 482 550 1,538 76 730 448 433 917 11,668 District Hi, Ilarlowton, including Ilarlowton 1,324 • 7,822 5 13,984 5 14,427 D is; rir-t 22 , Woodward Corvallis township, including Victor town 2,769 374 1,530 550 2, 706 796 4,099 2,240 718 844 678 7,985 Missoula County * 136 1,268 ! 1,442 17,810 i IB, 869 2,306 \ 8.576 4', ess 3,755 j 2,031 1,045 ! 10,731 1,508 ' 1,540 1,249 51fi Cedar township « sk-aiu-nhn township Stevens township, m'-hiding >t<", ensville town. . Frenchto wn t ownship Hell Gate town-hip, inciiehn : .'.Ii-seu • > .>'... 7,751 4,366 5, 433 8,426 346 Wind township, including Hamilton town Wardl 1,257 Ward2 Ward 3 Wardi [For total, see Flathead County.] 2 7,341 2 6i 881 District 1 Decker 225 147 145 1,769 1,398 55 Gl 102 600 1,452 209 132 52 370 139 07 110 84 100 1 5,610 5,359 g,085 ! 1,758 1,516 87 346 . 109 ! 59 ! 66 79 75 440 121 . 46 i. i District j, Forsyth, including Forsyth city ^ District 4, Livingston, including Livingston 2,778 2,850 Districts, Lam- part of Tongue Fiver Northern Cheyenne Indian Reserva- Tongue River Northern Cheyenne Indian District 7, Gardiner Total for Tongue River Northern Cheyenne 1,464 ee;Iee District 15, Rock Creek District 14, Glenn and 1890. s Incorporated in 190S. < Fart taken to form Sanders County In 1! • Saltese township organized from part of Cedar township In 1906. ' Part taken to form part of Sanders County In 1900. 8 Organized from part of Deer Lodge County in 1901. taken to form Flathead and Ravalli Counties between 1890 and 1900. 310 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MONTANA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. s In boundaries I. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Rosebud County— Continued. Distriel 15, Lyndes 45 281 272 208 1 Sweet Grass County— Continued. 111 I,,,.; , ,,i .,i I'.MI.f I .. River North. 'i,i cii<-\ fiuif iinli:in Kesci iiii.ion Tongue River Northern Cheyenne Indian 98 151 167 57 62 80 18 56 107 51 120 66 192 76 78 43 112 87 140 13 35 20 17 30 103 67 59 9,546 District IS, McKay, including part of Tongue River Norths ndi m Keservation. Tongue Rictr Xiallicni Clnijcnnc Indian 121 18 731 700 1,780 2,306 3,713 District D x 4, m. liMmi; i Kiit ui Tongue River Northern Chey. > Indian lirservation Tongue River Northern Clui/cnne Indian Total /or Crow Indian Reservation in Rose- 2,660 1,517 481 llfi 125 211 450 1,422 325 133 102 324 56,848 » 5,080 Thompson township, including Thompson District 1 Choteau 1.078 394 100 110 336 495 266 91 1,505 81 275 56 232 246 736 2,519 2,519 [For total, see Flathead County.] 1 47,636 i 23,744 !: ,.,, , ■ : ;,n ,,,. Ml In, lull ' ,.,,:',,! 1 . . v. , I Precinct 1, including ward 1 and part of ward 3 1,554 1,275 2,491 610 Total Joi 1 / 2,621 i,7iS District 10, Brady Districts 9 and 13, comprising Blackfeet Indian Ward 3 l'reciiict '.', cnu'iiii' i.",' wan! _' and part of ward 3 of Walkerville city 1,126 2,256 1,114 1,040 1,262 997 816 1 r i mi l.i ilism >i mn m 1 niiedtv Precinct 0, exclusive of part of Butte city : .'.'■■,.. 'in ,i,i' ..<.'■'. i", " and part of Fort Peek Indian Rtservn i ion . . . Fort Peck Indian lUm read ion (part of) Total/or Fort Peck Indian Reservation. . ant- prising district 9 and parts of districts ,'. .5. 3,256 Precinct 34, exclusive of part of Butte city Precinct 35, exclusive of part of Butte city 111 208 437 1,328 168 1,173 57 '208 1,480 257 131 69 125 39,165 2,264 6,026 4,068 8,104 S,997 4,238 6,714 8,764 i.-i .'• . rli.' i. .' i i..l iii.i lc .in 549 609 751 433 292 442 2,413 270 613 403 405 1,025 511 114 186 i a : ■' li ■■ :.'■ I ": '1 " '■•■■- Precinct 45, exclusive of part of Butte city District 5, Pederson, including part of Fort Peck Fort Peck Indian Hrsn ration (part of) Butte city, 8 • i incts 7-10, 12-33, and 37 and parts of 5, 6, 34, 35, 39, and 45 30, 470 10,723 Di i,i, i i I i, .1 ii , .1 u[,n in |. art of Fort Peck Ward* f 434 238 264 '528 S69 140 » 3,086 District 17, (.'nlUalMin, including Culbortson town and partof Fort Peck Indian Reservation. 1,183 1,022 27 69 170 Big Timber town "> ?.'",.,, f.-rk .' Ild',1,,1 IV, , ii.iiiir.n r/l'ul <>i ' District 5, Melville Distric hi, Antelope ' No population reported. 1 Not returned by counties In 1900. » Organized from part of Missoula County in 1906. i Incorporated In 1907. • Incorporated in 1910. • Part annexed to Deer Lodge County In 1903. • No comparison of population can be made; not returned by precinct g in 1900 » Parts of precincts 6 and 34 annexed in 1902 and parts of precincts 35, 37, and 45 annexed in 1908. 9 No comparison of population can be made; not returned by districts in 1900, STATISTICS OF POPULATION— MONTANA. 311 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The won Is "district" and "precinct," where used, mean school district, and election precinct . respective! \ . for changes in boundaries, etc., bet footnotes; for those between IS'jo and WOO, see Keports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) veen 1900 a, d 1910, see MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Yellowstone County 22 914 i 6,212 ' 2,065 Yellowstone County— Continued. 87 120 834 186 101 335 209 591 371 132 178 160 265 429 1,746 232 255 62 526 '■in,; ''in . in, hi -iliin M h M 3,221 836 Wardi 2,286 :::::::::::: :::::::::: Districts, Park City. 903 District 6, Columbus, including Columbus \ 3 1,252 District 7, Laurel, including Laurel (own 1,348 Ward 2 2!fi [For total, see Rosebud County.] ' No comparison of population c and 1890. 3 Not returned separately. i; not returned by districts in 1900 a Incorporated in 1907. • Incorporated in 1908. < Not returned by counties In 1900. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. Columbia Falls t( Columbus town.. Conrad town Culbertson town . Deer Lodge city. Great Falls city.. Hamilton town . . Harlem town Harlowton town. Deer Lodge Carbon Gallatin Cascade Sweet Grass Yellow-stone Gallatin Carbon Silver Bow Chouteau Flathead Yellowstone Teton Valley Powell Beaverhead Lincoln Rosebud Chouteau Valley Dawson Cascade Ravalli Chouteau Meagher Chouteau Lewis and Clark.. Carbon Flathead 1910 1900 1890 ' 10. 134 9, 453 3,975 10,031 5, 107 39, 165 3,221 3,419 '36,476' 830 2,143 ! """16,723 2, 570 1,835 603 1,324 1,463 1,012 1,004 1,024 624 13,948 14,930 1,257 3,979 3,624 12.515 1,033 10,770 "13,834 i 5,549 2,526 Lincoln . . I'ark Valley... Moore town Fergus Neiiiart town Cascade . . . Philipsburg eity : Granite... Plains town Sanders . . . Pony town Madison . . Red Lodge eity j Carbon . . . Townsend town Broadwater Walkerville city Silver Bow \\ hiic Suiphin Spring.. I. Whileiish lown \\ hileludl town \Vil.;nr\ town Flathead.. . Jefferson . . . ' Dawson . . . 1,090 ""2," 778' i, .in 5,359 "'"2,856 4,l»97 12, 869 1,938 4,366 950 3,426 833 995 1,109 1,058 4,860 2,152 624 345 581 346" 207 446 245 136 2,621 107 2,491 417 075 1,743 040 NEBRASKA. Table 1.— POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 3 ts of the Twelfth Census: MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Adams County Ayr township, including part of Ayr village.. Ayr village (part of) Total for Ayr village in Ayr and Zero town Blaine township Cottonwood township, including Holstein vil- lage.. Wardl.. Ward 2. . WardS.. Ward 4-. Highland toi ■ ■ i ' Juniata village Kenesaw township, including Kenesaw village. Kenesaw village Little Blue tou mid p.. Logan township Roseland township, including Roseland village. Roseland village Silver Lake township Verona township, including Prosser village... Prosser village i Wanda township West Blue township />v,i township, including part of Ayr village.. Ayr village (part of) Antelope County.. Bazile township Blaine to Burnett village. including part of Tilden ■■"■■■ Clearwater township, including Clearwater vil- lage Clear waU Crawford township f'uslrr township Eden township Elgin township.. Logan township, including Elgin village. . Elgin village N'eligh city Wardl Nellgh township Oakdale township, including Oakdale village. . Oakdale tillage Ord township Royal township Sherman township Stanton township Verdigris township Willow township Banner County. . MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Blaine County. . Brewster precinct Purdum precinct.. Boone County. . Ashland precinct Beaver precinct, including St. Edwards village. St. Edwards village . . Bonanza precinct Boone precinct Cedar precinct, including Cedar Rapids village.. Cedar Rapids village Dublin precinct, including Primrose village Primrose village 8 hesterr----*- Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. Midland precinct.. Roselma precinct. . Boxbutte County.. Wardl Ward 2 Boxbutte precinct Boyd precinct Mor*i>\ iirecirici., including Hemingford village.. Hemingford village Lake precinct Boyd County "> Basin township,' 2 including Naper village . . . Naper village Bristow township, including Bristow village . . flrixtow tillage >* Bush township, including Monowi village... Monoivi village 2 Butte township, including Anoka and Butte Anoka village 2 fi vile n!l,;ge Lynch township, is including Lynch village. ■.,, ,,■■ ;,■■.!, |. ,. ■ ■ I... !■. life. I'll ■ I!""/ Gross village Mullen township i» Spencer township, including Spencer village.. Spenrcr village Brown County.. Lone Pine precinct Long Springs precinct « Wright precinct ' Incorporated in 1907. 2 Incorporated in 1903. 'County totals include population (124 in 1900; 59S in 1890) of Banner and Pumpkin Creek precincts, annexed to Long Springs precinct since pint): population (342 in 1890) of I deepen, pmoirc-t, anne aid io Wiedu procincl; papulation (278 in 1890) of Hull precinct, annexed to Cube Rock prccincl ; and population Cfi6 in 1890) of Lorainc precinct, annexed to Long Springs precinct, between 1890 and 1900. * Part of Gabe Rock precinct, anno ..o. I to I'lonerfield precinct in 1907. » Pumpkin Creek and Banner preen i 1 i l in n I in i p tnrh • County total includes population (50) of Rankin precinct, annexed to Edith precinct betwei I 91 nd mo 7 Llardscrabble and Lucy precincts organized from parts of Dunning precinct i n 1906 and 1907, respectively. Ainsworth precinct, including Ainsworth vi Incorporated In 1905. North Branch precinct organized from part of Shell Creek precinct in 1903. Precincts reorganized as (uwushins in 1904. No comparison of population can be made; not returned by minor civil ._ in 1890. Organized from Homo and r u'tlc pre ancts in 1904. ci includes popnl dioo of I oils pi'i'eluc! '-' fncoi -pointed in 1900. annexed to Chester precinct between 1890 and 1900. (312) STATISTICS OF POPULATION NEBRASKA. 313 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1800 and 1910. see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Brown County— Continued. Garfield precinct .. .. Johnstown precinct-. Lakeland precinct ». . Moon Lake prechv' ' je precinct, including Long Pit I.odi) fine village ne Glen precinct Buffalo County. . Beaver township . . Khn Creek township, including Elm Creek village "' n Creek village Gibbon tillage. . . Grant township, including Amherst village Amherst tillage Harrison township Kearney township, coextensive with Kearney WarH Logan township Loup township, including LLasaiiloii village. . Pleasanton village Odessa tow nship I'lei le township.. Riverdale township. . Rusco township :, | IVC-illcl .. ,. precinct, ir Ciaig i ilhi-it ■raig precinct, including Craig village . . Ward Ward 2 Decatur precinct, including Decatur villi Decatur village Everett precinct, including Lyons village. . . Lyons village e;l po .■in- i ii.-i.i.'ii ■■ : On t/« ml city Wardl Wards 1 k precinct. . Butler County.. Butler County— Continued. Hrainaril villagi uii ve township Platte township, including Linwood village Linwood village Plum Creek township Read township, including Surprise village.. skull ('reek township, including Bruno village.. Cass County.. Avoca precinct, including Avoca village.. A voca village Leu ter i ireeinct Eight Mile Grove precinct '. Elmwood precincL im hiding Uurdock town Murdock town 9 Greenwood precinct Liberty precinct, including Union v Union village ' Louisville precinct, including Louisville village. Louisville village Mount Pleasant precinct.. Nche.ivka precinct Plattsmouth city Wardl Wards WardS Ward- 4 Ward 5 Plattsmouth prceinci Rock Bluffs precinct Salt Creek precinct, including Greenwood village Greenwood village South Bend precinct, including South Bend village "— " Bend village.. S39 462 290 2.069 ... 782 ""800 593 865 847 532 1,073 1,008 807 1,524 1,697 i,m 718 Ward 2 WardS Weeping Water precinct.. Cedar County David City: Wardl 6S6 Ward2 1 727 Ward 3 814 ' Smith precinct organized from part of Chester precinct in 1904. 2 Part taken to form part of Moon Lake precinct in 1000; part of Lakeland pre- cinct annexed in 1907. ' Part taken to form part of Moon Lake precinct in 1909 and part annexed to Johnstown precinct in 1907. * Organized from parts of Johnstown and I akelnnd precincts in 1909. 6 No comparison of population can be made; county vedistricted in 1906. 8 Incorporated in 1904. 7 Incorporated in 1902. s Incorporated in 1901. 9 Incorporated in 1905. 10 Comparisons of population for 1900 and 1890 made by minor civil divisions wherever possible " Organized from parts of old precincts 2 and 13 in 1908. » Organized from parts of old precincts 3 and 13 in 1908 Precinct 1," including St. Helena village . St. Helena village Precinct 2 12 Precinct 3 " Precinct 4 « Precinct 5, 15 including Wynot village Wynot village '« Precinct 6 « Precinct 7 18 Precinct 8 I9 Precinct 9, 2 ° including Hartington city . . . Hartington city ward eYYYY.YYYYYYYYYY.YYY.Y.Y.YY. Precinct 10 2' Precinct 11 » Precinct 12 » Precinct 13 2 « Precinct 14 M Precinct 15 " 635 1,046 Hi '297 1,156 SOS 901 1,067 1,350 438 248 15,191 797 1° 12,467 823 10 7,028 608 148 365 466 397 161 189 1,413 971 1 487 13 Organized from parts of old precincts 3, 6, and 13 in 1908. >< Organized from parts of old precincts 2, 5, 6, and 13 in 1908. is Organized from parts of old precincts 1, 2, and 5 in 1908. 1* Incorporated in 1S0S. « Organized from parts of old precincts 1 and 11 in 1908. is Organized from parts of old precincts 4, 7, and 11 in 1908. 1 9 Organized from parts of old precincts 4, 5, and 12 in 1908. so Organized from parts of old precincts 5, 6, 12, and 21 in 1908. 2i Organized from parts of old precincts 6 and 21 in 1908. a Formerly precinct 9. »» Formerly precinct 20. « Formerly precinct 16. » Organized from part of old precinct 7 in 1908. "Formerly precinct 8. STATISTICS OF POPULATION NEBRASKA. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ;e Reports of the Twelfth Census: Cedar County— Continued. Wardl.'. Wards I'reemei 20," including Belden village.. Chase County.. Champion precinct . . Chase precinct Enterprise precinct - - Logan precinct Macedonia preeine! . . Pearl precinct Pioneer precinct Cherry County.. I '..'i rley precinct Buffalo Lake precinct '» Calf Creek precinct '» Cleveland precinct « Cody precinct, 12 including Cody viliage. . Cmhi tillage" ! German precinct " a precinct.. nedy precinct !■,■■■■■ Ke\v;!iiee precinct Morriman preeine L nicl,i,ime Mernnian village Vether I. 'ike precinel. . Reeves precinct 19 . . Russell precinct 16 Schlagel precinct Sharps Ranch precinct. . " — :s precinct Steen precinct 19 . Table precinct Valentine precinct, including Valentine village. icluding Wood Lake vil- Wood Lake village 4 1 Formerly precinct 10. 2 Formerly precinct 19. 3 Formerly precinct 17. « Incorporated in 1903. 7 Formerly precinct 18. 8 Name changed from Fisher in 1906. ' No comparison of population can be made; Cheyenne County » ideep'il! hmlgi , 4,551 « 5,670 " 5,693 339 164 314 314 131 742 BAB 151 242 307 118 79 526 30(1 240 208 G70 Sidney to ... Trognitz precinct « Union Valley precinct, 1 " including Dalton village n„,;l I Ward t Eldorado township. . East ward West ward Glenville town-hif , ... ludin , Glenvflle village.. Glenoille village Il.-irvaiil lo\rn-;l)ip, I ueluding Harvard city Harvard city Wardl Wards Inland township Total ji„- Ctnii Ci niir eillngi -i :-■■: - ;,.,.,;. .', 1,1 ' ,. -I,''.'!, : it -i village 29 Lone Tree township, including part of Clay Cen- Clay Center 'tillage (pari of)'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'.'.... Lynn township, including part of Clay Center Clay Center tillage < pari nf ) eluio! I ,ee! ,.,,„ ,, ! I,| tin ; p:in ,,[ \< ,,,l Colfax County. . Colfax precinct. Grant precinct Lincoln precinct, including Howell village. 607 1,776 688 36 1,926 1,203 740 1,903 762 ! 304 i 1,716 1,102 810 246 1,502 849 772 1,736 1,076 564 ! 694 i 726 701 735 690 818 1, 06B 830 590 722 390 707 changes made between Buffalo Lake precinct in 1909, 1908, and 1909, respectively. 11 Evergreen precinct organized from parts of Cleveland and Dewey Lake pre- cincts in 1909. « Name changed from Boiling Springs in 1907. 13 Incorporated in 1900. i* Name changed from Minnechaduza in 1908. •* Goose Creek and Elsmere precincts organized from parts of Pleasant Hill precinct in 1900 and 1908, respectively. >« Russell precinct organized from part of Enlow preciDCt in 1909. 21 County totals I | on (2,074 in 1900; 1,728 in 1890) of Bayard, Camp ;•■<■.:. . on of part of I " Returned in 1900 as in Fairfield and Lone Tree townships. » Returned in 1900 as in Lone Tree, Lynn, and Marshall townships only. " Incorporated In If" STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. 315 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1:101) and I '.Ho, see footnotes; lor those between LxOOaud I'MO, sir Reports ol the Twelfth Census; MINOR CIVIL D Colfax County— Continued. Schuyler precinct, Including Schuyler city. . Schuyler city Wardl Wardt WardS Shell Creek precinct Stanton precinct, including Leigh village . . . Cuming County. . Beemer township, including Beemer village . . Cleveland township.. Nellgh township. . West Point city.. Wardl.. Warde WardS Wisner township, including Wisner city . . Custer County.. Berwyn township Broken Bow township, including Broken Bow Hard I.. Ward 2. . Ward S. . Comstock township, 3 including Comstock vil- lage Comstock village * Custer townships Delight towns In id a way town Callaway to )uglas Grove _ost Custer tov._ Elim township.. _ Mr township.. Garfield township Grant township Loup township Myrtle township i Sargent township,' including Sargent village — Sargent village Triumph township Victoria township, including Anselmo village. . . A nselmo village Wayne township West Union township Westerville township Wood River township, including Oconto village. Oconto village 4 Dakota County' South Sioux City.. 870 3,435 2,260 752 2,433 1,375 ! 930 2, 619 1,647 682 560 056 726 1,405 765 886 | 179 .. 879 869 406 815 927 752 234 766 t township in 1907. 8 Comstock township organized from * Incorporated in 1905. 6 East Custer township organized from part of — _. » Part of Union County, South Dakota, ceded in 190S. 7 Includes population of territory ceded by South Dakota in 190: 9 Not returned separately In 1890. ' Returned in 1900 as in Dakota and Dixon Counties only. 10 No comparison of population can be made; county ^districted ii u Incorporated in 1902. Dakota County— Continued. Emerson precinct, including part of Emers Total for Eimtstn < i/i,, Returned in 1900 as in Bloomington township only. 11 Incorporated as a city in 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 317 n I890and L900,see Reports of the Twelfth I en u I Franklin County— Contin including part of Fr: I',;, nhh, i rill/ ( /wrl ul l North Franklin Clllllpblfl villill/l Oak drove township, including part of Bloom- ington village Bloomington village^ i/wr. • Jackson township . . . Lake township. . Martin township M;t\ tield luwn.snip, including part of Cairo v ■ ■II ,.n I 'Up Wood River township, including Wood River Wood River village Hamilton County.., Aurora precinct Beaver precinct Bluff precinct Cedar Valley precinct. . city C""'^ :t, coextensive with Aurora city. . Wardl.. Ward 2. . Wards.. Deep Well precinct. . Orville precinct, including Stockham villas Stockham village Otis precinct 1^ ■ nii'i, including Phillips village l'h iliips village | Scovill precinct I South Platte precinct, including Marquett | Marquett village ' County total include- papulation (26) of Ashby precinct, annexed to Hyannis, precinct between 1890 and 1900; and population (211) of Collins and Whitman pre- cincts, not returned separately in 1890. 2 Not returned separately in 1890. ' Incorporated in 1902. * County total includes population (461) of Freeman Valley and Leo Valley pre- cincts, not returned separately in 1890. minor crvn. DIVISION. Hamilton County— Continued. Union precinct, including Huntington village. II u nliuniiMi i ilhu/e \ :.iilc\ pricinct, including Hampton village.... Hampton village Harlan County.. Alma city. Ward 1 Wards WardS Antelope township, including part of Ragan A ntelope and Scan- Totalfor Ragan w.._„. dinavia townships Eldorado township Emerson township Fairfield township Mullally township Orleans township, including Orleans city . . Orleans city Wardl WardZ WardS Prairie Dog tc Antelope precinct... Blackwood preeinct. Estell precinct Fairfield precinct... Galena precinct Harrison precinct Hayes Center precinct High Ridge precinct.. Highland precinct Hopewell precinct Logan precinct Swan Lake precinct. . Hitchcock County . . Beverly precinct Blackwood precinct. . lage Culbertson village Driftwood precinct Eden precinct Freedom precinct Grant precinct Logan precinct I'ali-ade precinct, inoludiuc I'ali-ade village Palisade village Pleasant Hill precinct Pleasant View precinct Ridnour precinct, including part of Trenton village I • Trenton village (part of) Total for Tr, ulna rill-nj, in Mainour and Tren- ton precincts Riverside precinct Starkey precinct Stratton precinct, including Stratton village Stratton village > t:\cliiviw ofpopulalion of part of Doniphan village. s Returned in 1900 as in Doniphan and South Platte townships. » Includes population of part of Doniphan village. 10 Returned as Republican in 1900. 11 Incorporated in 1907. 142 104 121 218 333 123 104 150 248 108 243 13G 207 226 281 124 152 4,409 5,799 164 246 266 289 217 287 645 654 m 160 134 131 182 224 155 291 145 212 133 243 321 176 108 178 241 223 323 91 76 SS9 267 232 123 334 232 583 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. 319 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 19)0, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Preolnot means election precinct. For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 aaAJUOO^see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Hitchcock County— Continued. Trenton precinct, including part of Trento Atkinson township, including A Atkinson town Chambers township Cleveland township Conley township Deloit township Dustiu township 1910 1900 1890 Fairview township . . Francis township ' n township . . Wardi.. Ward 2.. WardS.. Steel Creek township. . V'it.Ul'iis township V l ale township.... Wyoming township Hooker County.. Howard County.. Dannebrog precinct, including Dannebrog vil- Loup Fork precinct, including Howard City village Howard City village (Boelus P. O.) Posen precinct, « including Posen village Posen village ' St. Libory precinct. . "" "~ul precinct '~~ Paulcily. Wardl WardS Spring Creek precinct Warsaw precinct « Jefferson County. . 12,224 : i 13,672 173 143 1,107 1,226 479 526 192 184 218 370 211 406 245 456 241 312 349 ( 2 ) 449 456 307 374 1,194 382 1,015 245 445 ! ........... 827 I Reynolds village Slfi Cub Creek precinct, including Jansen village 985 1 Jansen village 308 I i County total includes population (250) of Turtle Creek township, annexed t.< Cleveland and Dustin townships between 1890 and 1900; and population (1,521) c Atkinson and Sheridan townships, not returned separately in 1890. 1910 1900 Jefferson County— Continued. North ward . . South ward.. Gibson precinct.. Jefferson precinct. . :m'Ivioh pi.-, i . i < ■ I . lurhidhia; ;- If < :it.\ \ ill.'ii',!' Steele City nillagi Pleasant precinct, including Diller village.. 1'ly month tillage. I; ii-lilii'iid precinct Rock Creek precinct. . . Washington precinct. . Johnson County.. ;.,.:■' ! , Ml I WardS Ward 3 Spring Creek precinct, including Cook village. . . < i)0/; village Sterling precinct, including Sterling village Western precinct, including Crab Orchard vil- lage ." Crab Orchard village Kearney County. . Eaton township.. 1 „i,l i„ i ,l,,i,u n ■ily in Hayes and Lincoln Minden city (-part of).. Logan township .... I . - :'.ii|> "-j tov — l -*- aget Axtell village Newark township Oneida township, including Wilcox village. . Wilcox village. Sherman township Keith County Ogalalla p Logan nrecinct Lonergan precinct Paxton precinct, including Paxton village Paxton village 10 Vail precinct West Ogalalla precinct, including part of Oga- lalla village Ogalalla village {part of) Whitetail precinct precinct between 1890 and 1900. ' County total includes popute and West Ogalalla precincts between 1890 and 1900. io Incorporated in 1909. is in 1901. o Helena ;o form East 320 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. Table 1.- is election precinct. 1 -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. or changes in boundaries, etc., between I 'inn ami l'.Hii,:;rr fin il mites; lor those lie I wren I sal) ami I '.inn, see. Hi porlsul I lie Twelfth Census; 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Keyapaha County.. Springvit u (.lorfield precinct Holt precinct Eeyapaha precinct McGuire precinct Kimball County.. Antelope precinct, including Kimball village... Kimball villain Bushnell precinct 3 Dix precinct i Johnson precinct 2 Union precinct , Bohemia township.. Central township. . . Cleveland township. Columbia township. Creighton township, including Bazile lage and Creighton city Bazile Mills village Creighton oil:/ * Ward! Wards Dolphin tow nship. . Crofton village Harrison township. Herrii i township Hi 11 township Jeii erson township Lincoln township, including Wausa village Wausa village Logan township Miller township including Winnetoon village. . . Wi nneloon village o Morton township, including Bloomfield city Bloomfieldcitir - Wardl WardS Niobrara township, in: ludina Niobrara village... Niobrara village P eoria townshi p .. Raymond township, including Verdel \ illagc. . . Verdel village* S an tee township S pa de townshi p Sparta township Valley township, including Center village Lancaster C ounty Buda precinct, including Hallam village. . Denton precinct. . College View village Highland precinct Lancaster precinct/: including Bethany, Have- lock, and University Place villages Wardl Wards Wardl , Wards WardS 1 County total includes population (47) of South Divide precinct, annexed to Antelope pre- 10 and 1900. 3 Johnson precinct organized from part of Bushnell precinct in 1908. 3 No comparison of population can be made; noi rdurned In- townships in lSim * Incorporated as a city in 1907. s Incorporate'! in loot;. « Incorporated in 1904. 1 1ncorporated as a city in 1903. « Incorporated in 1903. • Returned as a town In 1900. w Incorporated in 1901. 11 Parts annexed to Lincoln city in 1906 and 1910; part of Lincoln city annexed in 1901 and 1906. '2 Part annexed to Lincoln city in 1906; parts of Lincoln city annexed in 1900 and 1906. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Lancaster County— Continued. WardS Ward 4 WardS Ward6 Ward! Little Sail precinct .! .'.',..■: ;i> 1 ■ ■ ■ i 1 1 1 1 N'ih ill Blnll' pi-ecinei - oak precinct, including Raymond village Raymond village Olive Branch precinct Panama precinct, including Panama village Panama village 8 Bock Creek precinct KaltilJo pi eci nc 1, including I ! iekman and Roca Roca village South I'ass hiecinet, inelii'iii!- J-'irth village Firth village Stevens Creek precinct : Stockton precinc 1 Waverly precinct, including Waverly village. . . Waverly village West] inciiln precinct," including West Lincoln West Lincoln village \\ e .■ ■ ,'.:■ pie, in: Yankee Hill precinct ' 5 Lincoln County.. Antelope precinct.. Cottonwood precinct. . ■ >'\ precinct I'eei ( reel; precinct . . . Hooker precinct.. i ,e : ■ -1 - 1- " 1 . I . 1. ■ r 1 I ■ . i . I ■ ' : , l!:i North Platte city: Wardl. Ward 2... WardS... Nowell precinct.. Sunshine precinct Sutherland precinct, 21 including Sutherland vil- Sutherland village ' a " alke, |iri 1 ilici . . . . '''■ 'I: ■ liici. Iiir 11 \\ :ill . e , ill: r Wallace village Well precinct... 600 515 762 750 650 596 1,291 1,352 495 474 524 501 849 734 200 '.. 802 779 971 814 877 961 1,297 1,266 382 j w 1,257 1,249 soi ! 560 616 077 802 584 ' 723 4,793 3,640 3,055 2,141 1,S89 212 214 295 2(13 105 193 290 100 127 66 212 69 406 224 96 206 173 154 236 198 976 W 93 245 242 48 190 225 305 490 ISO 145 117 115 334 549 176 805 193 131 160 97 155 Whittier precinct. . Willow precinct... » Parts annexed to Garfield precinct in 1901 and I'.nu, I mcaster precinct in 1900 and 1906, West Lincoln precinct, in p.«r.:, Paul, :ni,l I'.iun. I Vankee If ill precinct in "•'■■ -■- '■"IB and Wf 1, part of Lancaster precinct ankee mu precinct in iy"" J citv annexed in 1903. 19 1 5 Part annexed tt . . '» Count',' totals i.icl ide papn'ai io:i ( I ill) in I'.m; _'.' 1 iii I -JO) c,l Fair\ iew pre. ■■ ' '0 Sut hci 1 1,1.1 pi 1 in p lool 11110 (j; in ivpi 11I If irnsoi STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890- Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, sec footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: Logan County. . Little York precinct » Madison Square precinol*. Sawyer precinct 4 Stroh! precinct Taylor precinct McPherson County.. Hall precinct 9 Lemley precinct K., Thune precinct 10 ... Madison County.. Battle Creek precinct, including part of Battle Creek village Battle Creel: tillage (part of) Total for Battle Creek village" in Battle Creek and Highland precincts Emerick precinct Enola precinct » Kaimew precinct Green Garden precinct Grove precinct. Creek village Battle Creek village ' 3 (part of) Jefferson precinct, 15 including part of Tilden vil- illage (part of) [For total, see Burnett township, Antelope County.] ' Meadow drove precinct,'* including Meadow Ward 1 . . Wards.. Wards.. Ward 4.. h Deer Creek precinct a .. Union precinct " Valley precinct.. 9,101 i "16,976 Warnerville precinct... Merrick County.. Chapman village Clarksville township, including Clarke village . Clarks village Lone Tree township, including Central City. . . Central Citn Ward 1 Ward t Wards * Name changed from Sawyer in 1910. & Name changed from Newton in 1910. 6 No comparison of population can be i and 1900. 7 Organized from part of Brooking precinct in 190fi. 8 Parts taken to [arm Rraden iv • -met and part of Thune precinct ir ;s of Tryon precinct in 1'!:):;. ->r precincts in 1900. 11 I 'art lak-an la farm part of Thune precinct in 1900. 12 County totals include population (437 in 1900; 415 In 1890) of Deer Creek pre- '- ' — n North and South D< iei since 1900. Merrick County— Continued. Loup township, including Palmer vill Palmer village « Mead township •im; :,■, , ...lap. 'rairie Creek township. Morrill County 2 < Bayard precinct, including Bayard village. . Bayard village - "■ > " ' ! ' ■ Camp Clarke precinct, including Bridgeport vil- Bridgeport village 2 « Court House Rock precinct .. Eastwood precinct (iilchrist precinct Nance County. . Beaver township Cedar township Cottonwood township Council Creek township Fullerton city Wardl Wards WardS Fullerton township Genoa township, including Genoa village. . . Genoa village Loup Ferry township Newman township Prairie Creek township South Branch township Timber Creek township, including Belgrade i lage Belgrade village » 1900 1890 940 785 539 585 704 122 554 503 702 91 745 191 729 Nemaha County.. \spmw all precinct i'.u'll'or.i precinct Ward 1 Wards Douglas precinct, including Auburn city . . A uburn citv Wardl WardS Wards Glen Rqckpreciian ■ i. ■ .: . London precinct... Peru precinct, including Peru village Pe'u village St. Deroin precinct Washington precinct, including Johnson village. 15 Meadow Gro.. ,,.. 16 Made independent of Madison and Union precincts in 1909. 17 Madison city made independent of Madison precinct ir ' w Exclusive of population of Madison city. '.; county redistricted between 1890 form Enola precinct in 1908. m Incorporated in 1905. 24 Organized from part of Cheyenne County in 1909. s of population for 1900 and 1890 made by precincts wherever 27 Incorporated in 1900. 322 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. :e Reports of tho Twelfth Census: Nuckolls County.. Ward S. . Wards.. Blaine precinct.. Elkprec.-— Oak village '... Garfield precinct Hammond precinct... Hardy precinct, including Hardy village... Hardy village , Highland precinct Liberty precinct. Nelson precinct, including Nelson village. . Nelson i Ward I.. Wards Noraprecinct St. Stephen p Lawrence village.. Otoe County... Belmont precinct. . Four Mile precinct lien Incks pro ■met, including Douglas village. Don glas village cWill n is precinct, including Lorton and Tal- mage villages Lorton village > Talmage village Nebraska City Ward I Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 North Branch precinct Osage precinct Otoe precinct Palmyra precinct, including Palmyra village. . Palmyra village Rock Creek precinct Russell precinct, including Unadilla village Unadilla village South Branch precinct, including Burr village. Burr village' Syracuse precinct, including Syracuse village. . Syracuse village W y oming precinct Pawnee County.. Creek precinct, including Steinauer village. rillmji in Miles and Plum Pawnee precinct, including P Wardl Ward 2 tn Creek precinct, including part of Burchard Burchard village (pari of) Sheridan precinct South Fork precinct, including Dubois village. village. . Table Rock village Turkey Creek precinct, including Lewiston vil- lage Lewiston village 6 West Branch precinct 1 Incorporated in 1902. 1 Incorporated in 1905. * Incorporated in 1904. * Incorporated in 1901. * Incorporated in 1910. •County total includes population (145) of Harrison precinct, and precinct between 1890 and 1900. 'Incorporated in 1908. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Perkins County... Eckery precinct G race pi ccinct Highland precinct I.iiieit \ precinct, including Grant village.. .Madrid precinct, including Madrid village.. Mail ml ullage Marvin precinct Phelps County. . Anderson township Cen t i'i township Cottonwood township i>i\ ide tow n hip - Garfield lnwndiip, including part of Bertrand village Bertrand village (part of) Total for Bertrand -village in Garfield and Union ton n sin/is Iloldrogc township, coextensive with Holdrege Wardl WardB Industry Low usliip. including Atlanta vi Prairie township.. Union township, including part of Bertrand village '■•'■ mniiil liilar: < r -,r, ■, \ \ i ■ s 1 1 1 ) a i ■ k t o wn sh i p Williamsburg township Pierce County.. Cleveland precinct 10 Clover Valley precinct '■ Dry Creek precinct , including I "lain view village Plainview village.. 11 in Foster village 5 \a pneinct Mills precinct Pierce precinct, including I'icn <■ e ; t ■, Thompson precinct.. Willow Creek precinct. ■' Platte County... Bismarck township... Burrows low n hip, including 'J arnov village.... Tarnov villa ic - Butler township Col 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s | o w I isl i i p Columbus City township, coextensive with Columbus city Columbus city: Wardl Wards WardS Wardl, Creston township, including Creston village Creston village . md Prai~'" '"' mville 1 and pail .phrey village.. Cor nli a tillage ' 1 1 ii m ph mi ullage (part of).... 1,624 1,S00 1,047 1,856 1,195 1.850 8 Incorporated ii " "•— nty total it eparately i. eland precinct organized from parts of Blaine and South Branch precincts annexed to High- » Clover Valley precinct organized from parts of Foster and Willow Creek pre- cincts in 1906. '2 Incorporated as a city in 1906. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. 323 Table 1 POPULATION OB 1 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., Iu'lumi I'.iooand I '.Ho,. sec footnotes; for those between LS'JUand !:«)(),. see Reports of the Twi'lfth Census: Platte County— Continued. Humphrey township, including part of Hui eluding Platte Center >e township ' Oconee township. ' ine-li id iml; Monroe village. . Monroe village St. Bernard township, inehi'liiig Lindsay vi Stromsburg precinct , including Stromsburg city. Redwillow County. . Alliance precinct.. Coleman precinct.. Danbury precinct Driftwood precinct East Valley precinct, 3 including Bartley v. Indianola preci i Ludln parts of wards 1 Ward! Wards Lebanon precinct, including Lebanon village.. Lebanon village 8 i Ridge precinct dlev precinct Richardson County. . East Muddy precinct,® including Shubert village , including Dawson village. . 511 307 307 174 126 5 867 509 626 220 237 97 809 561 681 199 173 1,303 579 579 42s 554 538 333 191 327 276 382 265 362 247 117 297 263 2,844 2,446 282 420 282 243 253 253 4,322 S,765 226 197 2,588 2,S46 1,764 17,448 7 19,614 » 17,574 811 1,441 959 1,955 147 1,023 1,670 SOS 3,833 S,022 4,131 S,255 urn 2,908 2,102 007 ' 340 1.712 751 1,161 S22 1,970 1,218 669 905 15S 1,928 i,U4 551 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Richardson County— Continued. Nemaha precinct Ohio precinct Porter precinct Rulo precinct, including Kulo village Rulo village Ward I WardZ precinct, including Salem village... it'll n< i I limit . X precinct, including Bassett village.. Pewaukee precinct ' s . . Selden precinct '= Thurman precinct ' 2 . . Atlanta precinct. . Crete precinct, including Crete city. . Wardl Ward2 Wards Dewitt precinct, including Dewitt village.. lage Dorchester village Friend precinct, including Friend city.. I''nc ml city Wardl Ward2 Lincoln precinct : • ■ ■■ S wanton village. . Bellevue villag Fort Crook village Fairview precinct Forest City precinct, including Gretna village... Plattford precinct Richland precinct Springfield precinct, including Springfield vil- i Oconee township organized from parts of Lost Creek and Monroe township Valley precinct in 1901. * Exclusive of population of part of Bartley village. 'Includes population of part of Bartley village. mnexed to Pewau- ct, taken to form East ai 324 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Con tinned. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: Saunders County.. Ward/ Wards Bohemia precinct Cedar precinct, including Cedar Bluffs village... Cedar Bluffs village Center precinct, including Colon village and part of ward 3 of Wahoo city Colon village Wahoo city ' (.part of) Total for Wahoo city 1 in Center and Stocking precincts Wardl Wards Ward 3 Chapman precinct, including Weston village.... Weston village Chester precinct, including Prague village Prague village ClearCreek ].' Memphis village. Memphis village 2 Douglas precinct Elk precinct Greene precinct Leshara precinct^ including Leshara village Leshara village J Marble precinct Marietta precinct, including Mead village Mead village Mariposa precinct, including Malmo village Malmo village Morse Bluffs precinct, including Morse Bluffs village Morse Bluffs village Newman precinct Oak Creek precinct, including Valparaiso village. Valparaiso village Pohocco precinct » Richland precinct, including Ceresco village Ceresco village Rock Creek precinct Stocking precinct, including wards 1 and 2 and part of ward 3 of Wahoo city Wahoo city {part of) Union precinct, including Yutan village Yutan village Wahoo precinct, including Ithaca village Ithaca village « Scotts Bluff County.. Fanning precinct, 7 including Mitchell village. Mitchell village 8 Field precinct 9 Ford precinct, l0 including Morrill village Morrill village " Funston precinct 12 Gering precinct, including Gering village Kiowa precinct Mitchell precinct Rose precinct Roubedeau precinct Tabor precinct, 6 including Minatare village. . Seward County.. Precinct A Precinct B, including Bee village Bee villige* Precinct (.', including Staplehurst village. . Stapleliurst village Precinct D Precinct K, including Utica village Tamora village.. 1 Returned in 1900 as in Stocking precinct only. " Incorporated in 1903 » Leshara precinct organized from part of Pohocco precinct in 1909. * Incorporated in 1909. « Incorporated in 1904. « Dewey precinct organized from part of Tabor precinct in 1900. 7 Organized from parts of Ford and Winters Creek precincts in 1900. 8 Incorporated In 1902. 9 Field precinct organized from part of Highland precinct in 190G. i» Part taken to form part of Fanning precinct In 1900. " Incorporated in 1907. W Organized from part of Winters Creek precinct in 1906. MINOB CIVIL DIVISION. Seward County— Continued. Precinct G Precinct II, hid ml inc. ( Jen mm town village Oeniiniiltnr n i Hinge Precinct I, including part of Pleasant Dale vil- lage I'lrnsiinl Duh rill it/e ( i»ni tif) Totalfor J'lcnxonl j>aU ii/lni/c ' in nitriild>: IandP Precinct J Precinel K Precinct L I'recind .\|, including I Va \ or ( Tossing and Cor- dova villages Beaver Crossing nlhnji Cordova village Precinct N Precinct O, inclnd'mc Uilioid village Milford village Precinct P, including pari oi rioasant Dale vil- lage Pleasant Dale village (part of) Seward city Wardl ! WardS Sheridan County. . Box Butte precinct. . Extension precinct. i s . . ... Gordon precinct,' 9 including Gordon village Gordon village 1 ; r an1 precinct Hay Springs precinct, 20 including Hay Springs Lakeside precinct " . , Milan precinct Mill precinct White Clay precinct " Sherman County. . Ashton township, including Ashton town . . A shton town Bristol township Loup township, including Loup city . . Rorkvilleto.. ._. Scott township > iii i I ov n hip is Antelope and Valley precincts annexed in 1903. 20 Elkhorn prooinel and |i:n I sol I .ibei i v and Shori. accords annexed in 1903. »i Kinkaid precunei oraaime.l i pari of Spring Lake precinct in 1907. »* Alcove precinel annexed in 190:',. 23 Douglas and Jesse) pmemels i pans of Libel fv and lier n , precincts annexed in 1903, Logan precinct annexed in 1905, and part of Larrabee precinct annexed in 190S. " Spring Creek precinct annexed in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. 325 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between rum an, I p.) 10, ace foot notes; for those between 1890 and 1000, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) Andrews precinct Antelope precinct Eowen precinct, including Harrison tc Hat Creek precinct. . M precinct 3 Running Water precinct.. Sheep Creek precinct 5 Snake Creek precinct 6 White River precinct. . Stanton County . . Butterfly precinct Dewey precinct Dimick precinct Elkhorn precinct Haymow precinct Kingsburg precinct ' Maple Creek precinct Pilger precinct, 8 including Pilger village. . Thayer County. . Alexandria precinct, including Alexandria vil- ;.■.■■.;.■:,■/,'.■ !-■'■ Belvidere precinct, 9 including Belvidere village. ■'.■■.■■. ..■■■■.. Bruning precinct,' including Bruning village. . . Byron precii , Byron village '» Carleton precinct, 9 including Carleton village. . Carleton village Chester precinct, including Chester village Chester village Davenport precinct, including Davenport vil- "■«" Davenport village Gilead pracincl d village Oilead village " Hebron precinct, including Hebron city Hebron city Wardl WardS WardS Hubbell precinct, including Hubbell village. . . Thomas County Corner precinct ls Dismal precinct 13 Natick precinct 11 Norway precinct 16 Teneca precinct '» Shedford precinct 16 ' County total includes population (127) of Bodarc precinct, annexed to Hat Creek precinct; and population (237) of Five Points precinct, part taken to form part of Sugar Loaf precinct and part annexed to Hat Creek precinct, between 1890 and 1900. ' Organized from part of Snake Creek precinct in 1908. » Organized from part of Sheep Creek precinct in 1907. < Not returned separately in 1900. * Parts taken to form Roosevelt and Townsend precincts in 1907; part of Snake Creek precinct annexed in 1908. 8 Part taken to form Lowell precinct and part annexed to Sheep Creek precinct ' Part annexed to Pilger precinct in 1907. » Name changed from Humbug in 1907. Part of Kingsburg precinct annexed in 1907. • Bruning precinct organized from parts of Belyldareand Carleton precincts In 1907. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Thurston County.. Rosalie village " Flournoy precinct, l8 including Thurston village . Thurston village l « Merry precinct " Omaha precinct, including Wal thill village. . U-nllhilt nilluge '■■> render precinct, including Pender town Winnebago precinct, including Winnebago vil- lage Winnebago village 21 Enterprise toy iMlieka imvnship Geranium township . . Michigan township N oble township North Loup township, including North Loup Washington County.. Arlington township, including Arlington village. Arlington village.. Blair township.. Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward 4 Cuming City township . . Do Soto township.. Fontanelle township. . i Calhoun township, 22 including Fort Cal- Wardt. Grant township Herman township, including Herman village. . . Herman village Lincoln township Richland township, including Kennard village . Wayne County.. Deer Creek precinct, including Carroll village Carroll village 23 Garfield precinct j Hoskms village.. Hunter precinct <■" Incorporated in 11 Incorporated in 12 Organized from t„. . 13 Organized from parts of Natick, Norway, Seneca, and Thedford precincts in 1901. *~ "* ~nd part of Dismal precinct in 190* icinct in 1901. t of Blackbird precinct in 1909. '» Merry precinct organized from parts of Flournoy and Perry precincts ii 19 Incorporated in 1906. »• Returned in 1900 as in Dakota and Dixon Counties only. 21 Incorporated in 1907. 32G STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. )0 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Wayne County— Continued. Leslie precinct • Logan precinct I 'In in (reek precinct Sherman precinct "ccinct Wayne precinct, coextensive with Wayne city... Wayne city: Wardl Ward2 Wards Wilbur precinct Winside precinct, coextensive with Winside village Winside village Webster County ' Batin precinct Beaver Creek precinct Catherton preciuet Elm Creek precinct Garfield precinct Glenwood precinct, including Bladen village — Bladen milage ■ Guide Rock precinct, including Guide Rock village Guide Rock village Harmony precinct . ■ ■ k precinct Pleasant Hill precinct Potsdam precinct, including Blue Hill village. . . '■'■'■' Red I lloud prei □ elu li i Red Cloud city... Red Cloud city Wardl Wards Stillwater precinct Walnut Creek precinct Wheeler County Bartlett precinct Buffalo precinct Caldwell precinct MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Wheeler County— Continued. Mud Creek precinct.. Hays township, including part of McCool Junc- Total for McCool Junction village in Hays and McFadden townships Henderson township, including Henderson and Lushton villages Henderson village Lushton village s Leroy township i ownship McFadden township, including part of McCool Junction village Mc Cool Junction village (part of) Morton township, including Benedict village . . . I ii i M hip in< hiding Gresham village... ■ . ■ / Thayer township Waco township, including Waco village Ward e.. WardS.. Ward 4.. * Precincts returned as townships in 1900 and 1890. i Incorporated in 1900. 8 County total includes population (50) of Cedar precinct, annexed t precinct between 1890 and 1900. • Gritta Ridge precinct organized from part of Ericson precinct in 1907. <• Incorporated in 1907. ' « Returned in 1900 as in Baker, Leroy, and New York townships. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Abie-rill Butler 210 647 1,045 1,584 447 371 3,105 1,066 256 145 351 700 901 618 645 231 1,379 404 810 250 2,729 2,630 249 394 142 742 118 228 511 597 9,356 975 Beaver Crossin villa e Seward 542 207 494 247 400 596 397 475 336 538 457 276 3,170 196 643 948 494 2,584 1,264 554 761 712 359 308 465 541 175 434 2,260 457 353 245 278 315 113 915 359 605 1,369 332 236 2,535 923 183 Seward Cuming Cedar Nance 733 926 455 197 527 410 458 292 296 495 229 510 150 344 Boxbutte 905 Buffalo Boyd Custer Furnas Valley Washington Custer Saunders Sherman Holt 357 Anselmo village 145 468 374 579 Lancaster Douglas Bennington village 734 429 412 Douglas Bethan villa e Lancaster Arnold village Ashland village 1,477 251 595 1,601 Washington 2,970 078 488 786 365 Atkinson town 701 Nemaha 2,664 1,921 255 329 141 733 147 250 307 270 506 1,537 1,862 166 262 173 344 Hamilton Cass Kearney 384 Brid e ort villa e Morrill Cuming Richardson Bancroft village Bristow village Brock village Broken Bow city Brownville city Bruning village Tfninu \ illage Brunswick village . ... Burchard village Burr village Burwell village 543 1,375 718 255 191 Redwillow Rock Madison Morrill Knox Gage Furnas 220 Bassett village 352 Battle Creek village Bayard village Bazile Mills village 297 460 ' 201 Beatrice city '■' ■ ''I ' 'll 7,875 911 13, 836 763 Garfield 378 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 327 Cedar Rapids village. . Chappell village Chester village Clarks village Clarkson village Clatonia village Clay Center village.. Clearwater village... Cody village College View village. . Colon village Columbus city Comstock village.. Concord village . . Merrick . . - Saunders.. Saunders... .... Platte Custer Cook village..". i Johnson Cordova village I Seward Creston village . ...!............! J Platte". ! Crete city | Saline.. Danbury village Dannebrog village. . Darr village Davenport village. . Doniphan village.. Dubois village... Dunbar village. . Dundee village.. Edison town.. Elba village... Elgin village.. Emerson village.. Fairfield city... Fairmont city.. Falls City Hitchcock.. Frontier.... Dakota Chovenne... Howard.. Dawson.. Thayer... Gosper Dakota Dixon Thurston . . Jefferson . . . Frontier... Holt Fillmore... Fillmore Richardson.. Dawson 1910 1900 1890 550 184 364 765 1,029 573 393 382 500 576 119 2,428 296 2,687 266 329 560 605 647 233 1,065 414 185 535 1,508 160 5,014 323 198 201 90 364 1,096 274 339 1,323 1,373 338 2,404 610 580 613 207 268 380 32 484 2,177 340 220 782 609 075 506 217 399 305 339 216 1,023 184 360 254 1,080 334 302 606 240 291 620 635 464 I 838 204 403 440 916 5,294 1,054 921 3,255 462 350 224 406 840 368 309 252 371 559 234 510 458 181 1,571 1 , COS 209 '211 1,867 439 344 407 147 590 198 390 215 471 865 193 3,522 315 3,134 278 149 390 739 258 462 731 909 337 2,199 509 542 229 290 571 822 200 2,310 422 435 521 460 378 219 301 280 446 1,845 322 189 800 258 399 157 554 413 521 253 307 208 400 513 'l53 593 75i 126 ; 338 437 540 316 297 101 1,040 1,105 257 451 347 299 544 377 617 234 232 275 673 3,140 1,203 784 3,022 218 216 325 357 303 373 256 145 348 754 2,630 1,029 2,102 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. 1'illev village I'n'ili Milage MoriMiee city I ni 1 Calhoun Milage. . fort village. . . . Foster village Cenevn city ilcuoa \ illage 1 ,'enng village ( icniiaiilow 11 \ illage . . Gilead village Glenville village.. Gordon village Gresham village.. Gretna village Gross village Guide Rock village... Hemingford village. . Gage Lancaster Douglas Washington.. Saline Nance Butler Fillmore Nance Scotts Bluff. . Seward Buffalo Shan, l;m Dawson. . . Fillmore.. Lancaster Hamilton Nuckolls cedar!;;;;;;;!!! Adams Lancaster.. Sheridan... Thayer Boxbutte.. York Furnas... Herman v illage Washington.. ! Icrshey village.. Holbrook town . . Holdrege city Holstein village.. Hooper village ■. Howard City village (Boelus P.O.) Hubbell village. . Lebanon village. . Leigh village Leshara village Lewiston village . . Lexington city Liberty village Linwood village Litchfield town Lodgepole village. . Long Pine village.. Howard... Colfax Dakota... Kichurdson . Platte Hamilton Red willow... Saunders Dakota Kimball. . . . Cedar Nuckolls Redwillow.. Pawnee.. Dawson.. Platte Butler Sherman... Cheyenne.. 346 646 750 7,241 1,200 1,404 556 6, 747 1,347 1,534 913 433 194 660 1,580 793 142 646 246 542 819 287 535 466 255 336 367 345 168 849 7,188 1,480 345 1,511 133 208 430 343 1,076 13,584 378 1,502 321 319 382 249 341 141 258 626 159 579 339 271 352 308 234 543 5,634 528 8,074 254 193 439 249 328 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Loorals village Phelps Lorton village Otoe Louisville village Cass Loup city Sherman.. Lushton village York.. Lynch village.. Lyons viliase.. McCookcity.. '"lion village.. Martinsburg village. Mason City village . . Maxwell village Maywood village Boyd Burt Ileihvillow .. York S;Miiiders.. . IlilllllltUll . - Custer Lincoln Frontier... Saunders.. Meadow Grove village... Memphis village ' Saunders . . Merna village ! Custer Merriman village '■ Cherry Miller village Bufialo iflage ! Fillmore Minatare village Scotts Bluff. . Minden city ; Kearney tillage. je village Franklin_ Nebraska City : Otoe ' Nellghcity Antelope.. Nelson village Nuckolls. . Nemaha village j Nemaha. . Newcastle village Dixon Newman Grove village Madison . . Oak village Nuckolls.. Oconto village.. Odell village. Ogalalla villas Orchard village.. Holt Clay Ulage Furnas-. . Palisade village Hitchcock. . Palmer village Merrick — .... Keith Pender town Thurston. . . Peru village , Nemaha.... Petersburg village ] Boone Phillips village Hamilton. . Ity ! Pierce ?r village ' Stanton Plattsmouth city Cass... 210 261 241 330 324 542 323 555 328 283 184 1,238 1,380 214 177 94 7,380 1,135 978 400 331 696 208 11,941 1,209 913 330 585 1,008 630 807 359 355 319 102,555 1,107 494 369 140,452 1,226 1,372 656 882 1,208 812 947 SZ6 176 428 102 594 600 1,550 943 429 624 186 CITY, TOWN, OR STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEBRASKA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OK VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 ntine villa e Cherr 1,098 810 560 162 403 406 154 293 2,168 861 175 810 199 402 327 G04 297 2,140 1,067 811 534 614 Lancaster 200 1,770 499 432 1,219 385 399 220 450 99 1,081 5C3 198 796 2,613 258 6, 235 353 220 1,890 412 426 1,054 266 296 441 378 515 Saunders 200 340 207 253 V d villa e Richardson 250 310 2,100 755 130 278 2,006 Thurston Saunders 400 Wallace villa e Lincoln Thin-ston 963 345 181 441 266 2,119 1,156 272 Cherry Hall 589 2,626 Knox 2 4^0 Wavnf er .:::::::: 1,178 1,350 York Saunders 5,132 263 N EVADA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: ]910, 1900, AND 1890. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, el MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Churchill County.. Copperried precinct Kaii-view precinct Hazen precinct Huxley precinct p precinct New River precinct, including Fallon city.. Fallon city * Wardl Wards Wards St. Clair precinct Sand Springs precinct ter precinct u .i,r II. ■■.!,',.'..;,. ■ YV onder precinct Clark County*. ille precinct... Las Vegas precinct. . Moapa precinct, including Moapa Indian R St. Thomas precinct.. Wardl Wardg WardS Fort Mojave Indian Reservation.. Douglas County.. East Fork precinct • . Mottsville precinct. . Columbia precinct. . Contact precinct '» Edgemont precinct " . . Lamoille precinct" . . precinct Montello precinct is 129 Vallev Indian Reservation. . . . Duck Valley Indian Reservation " (part of) North Fork precinct 1 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted ii 2 Not returned by precincts ' ""' » County total includes population (13) of Hobart precinct, annexed to Cave Rock precinct since 1900. • Buckskin precinct organized from part of East Fork precinct in 1906. ' Hobart precinct annexed in 1901. s County total includes population (58) of Ploasaui \'v precinct, annexed to Lamoille precinct since 1900; and population (439) of Duck Valley Indian Reserva- » Returned a since 1900 (330) . 1900. Pleasant Valley precinct annexed Elko County— Continued. North Ruby precinct.. Spniccninnl precinct . . Starr Valley precinct. . I'ccoma precinct > 6 Toano precinct >' 1'iiM-ai'i.ia precinct h . . Weilands precinct '•■< ell- pirei.iet White Rock precinct " Esmeralda County.. Cambridge precinct. . Candelaria precinct. . Columbia precinct. . . Cuprite precinct.. Diamondfield precinct Douglass precinct. . . I ish Lake precinct Goldfield precinct 1, comprising part of Gold- field town Total/or Goldfield town,x>coexten$ivewithpre- S 1 to?:. Goldfield precinct 2, comprising part of Gold- field town Goldfield precinct 3, comprising part of Gold- Goldfield precinct 4, comprising part of Gold- Hawthorne precinct. . Marietta precinct.. Palmetto precinct. . Seine ■ pro. mm a , including Walker River Indian i i ervation Walker River Indian Reservation 1 1 >-■ 1 : c: inci . Sodaville precinct Valcalda precinct. . Eureka County. Garrison Mine precinct. Mineral Hill precir-'- Talisade precinct. Prospect precinct. Ruby Hill precinct.. Lynn district 25 . " Midas precinct organized from part of Tuscarora precinct ir is Montello precinct organized from part of Tecoma precinct in 1904. ' i < in in in |. 'In i"" "i in. i r ill i ri.. i.i.i " Returned in 1900 as in Elko County, Nevada, only. Total population for Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Owyhee County, Idaho, and Elko County, Nevada, in 1910, 488, and in 1900, 439. '8 Shatter precinct organized from part of Toano precinct in 1908. « No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1910. 29 Not incorporated. 21 County total includes population (188) of Fish Creek Valley and Whites Rancli |ia a '.. ahull .ill .i sill. 'i I'HIII 22 Returned as Pine Station in 1900. 23 Returned as Diamond Mine in 1900. 2 < Includes population (92) of Antelope Valley and Spring Valley settlements, in Eureka precinct, incorrectly reported as precincts in 1900. B Not attached to any precinct. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEVADA. 331 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, el e Reports of the Twelfth Humboldt County.. ISarllei I Creek precinct 3 . Jackson Creek precii Norths Ranch preciu, Rosebud precinct * Rye Patch precinci Tip Top precinct 9 Union ville precinct Vernon precinct 6 Willow Point precinci . . Winnemucca precinct. . . Lander County.. Tenabo precinct 12 .. Lincoln County 15 Caliente precinct.. Jackrabbit precinct. . Panaca precinct.. Pioche precinct... Mound House precinct. . Plummer precinct In ..■■■i:i"i ' . Silver Citv precinct. City precinct; and population (22) of Sulphur Mine precinct, taken to form Red Butte and Rosebud precincts, since 1900. - Not returned by precincts in 1890. •Jackson Creek precinct organized li-mii part of Bartlett Creek precinct in l'.iOO. ■ Name changed from Humboldt [louse in 1909. r ia an( j y enlon precincts organized from parts of Lovelock precinct since 1900. 6 National precinct organized from part of McDermott precinct in 1908. » Central precinct annexed in 1904. 8 Organized from part of Sulphur Mine precinct in 1904. MINOI: civil. DIVISION'. Beatty precinct. . Currant precinct... Golden precinct.. Phonolite precinct. . Silver Bo^ precinci. . Smoky Valley precinct Springdnlo precinci Tonopah precinct No. 1, comprising part of Tonopah city /■.,/,// (m I i.iififiuli : Tonopah prrviarh-, X Como Mining precinct annexed in 1908. 22 Parts taken to precinct and part of Morningstar precinct in 1908. *3 Incorporated in 1907. 2< Organized from parts of Buckskin and Mason Valley precincts in 1908. ■-'■'■ Organized from part, of Stitro precinct and Churchill precinct annexed in 1908; | ci | I. i.iI.eD !■: i.M ,11 ( ''ill I | ■, i , : C! ; "C 26 Part taken to form Puckskiu oicemci in i"i„ 27 Organized from part of Mason Valley precinct in 1908. 28 Part taken to form Ramsey precinct in 1908. 12 Tenabo precinct organized from p ■3 Lewis precinct annexed ir """' 11 No population re •> County total includes population (570) of Glendale precinct, part taken to form Sparks precinct and part annexed to Reno city; and population (5,07fi) of Reno precinct, taken to form Reno precincts Nos. 1 to 7, since 1900. a« Organized from part of Salt Marsh precinct in 1909. 17 No comparison of population can be made: county redistricted fa. 18 County total includes population (43) of Churchill precinct, annexed to Ramsey precuict^and population (15) of Como Mining precinct, annexed to Dayton precinct, „anlzed from part of Smith par of Morningstar precinct in 1908, 35 Returned as Pyramid in I'.siiD. 3« Returned as Browns In 1900. 87 Organized from part of Washoe precinct in 1908. 3s Organized from part of Wadsworth precinct in 1902. 332 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEVADA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, « e Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVit DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 1,911 2,310 2,168 1,687 1,551 890 199 2,918 2,600 874 1,104 522 543 212 103 491 7,441 ' 1,961 42 365 738 2,055 625 814 616 107 104 253 1,904 64 138 73 176 43 182 967 36 137 25 32 Reno precinct No. 4, 1 comprising part of ward 4 414 Reno precinct No. 5,' including ward 5 of Reno Ely City precinct, 12 coextensive with Ely city '» ■■ad Xo. 6, 1 including part of ward 1 of 221 Hi-no privinrl No. 7.' i rn-l 1 1 ■ lot;; part of ward 4 279 131 91 176 400 1,309 124 705 144 1 Organized from part of Reno precinct in 1908. 4 Incorporated in 1905. » Part taken to form Olinghouse precinct in 1902. « Part taken to form Jumbo precinct in 1908. 7 County total includes population (525) of Ely precinct, taken to form East Ely, Ely City, Lane City, McGill, Riepetown, and Ward precincts; and population (259) of White River precinct, taken to form Lund and Preston precincts, since 1900. " Name changed from 18 Ruby Mountain precinct organized from part of Newark precinct si 19 Organized from part of Tippetts precinct in 1908. 10 Parts taken to form Melvin precinct ii Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITT OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Carson Cit Ormsb 2,466 2,055 741 10,867 2,100 3,950 Searchlight city 387 337 2,500 White p"ine 307 4,500 3,563 Ly0D NEW HAMPSHIRE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 21,309 19,526 20,321 Coos County— Continued. (2) 137 305 448 1,128 844 ( 2 ) 4 41,652 4 087 137 283 733 1,150 968 220 18 61 2, 157 40,844 1,348 1,081 1,390 420 744 968 10,183 1,133 2,031 9S6 t',m 2,258 '821 850 1,866 16,316 1,500 1,072 1,294 422 661 1,100 8,042 1,372 1,264 1,142 479 3,585 1,211 6,143 1,002 1,128 1,713 852 1,926 16,895 1,642 935 1,027 1,521 18,124 Alexandria town 571 1,412 978 219 1,201 187 1,478 .845 1,408 241 226 46 1,448 504 641 319 2,075 1,340 3,498 213 652 526 5,718 1,278 2,460 4,069 3, 059 64 374 1,007 429 176 799 2,200 850 553 701 10 595 1,083 126,072 630 L006 209 1.261 244 1,600 999 '308 249 107 1,845 655 748 346 1.884 Undue water (own 1,197 209 3,413 380 558 542 85 452 507 783 1,354 993 612 1,543 30,659 210 1,013 ,296 267 3,154 365 600 594 624 529 901 1,479 1,077 1,050 663 1,645 2,390 31,321 377 1,247 349 329 2,331 514 720 630 187 579 554 1,034 1,630 1,303 1,025 767 1,528 3,020 29,579 1,524 Canaan to wn i'Niii'M town Groton town 1.817 Haverhill town 3,414 214 662 500 4,965 541 2,221 4,066 2,545 1 1 rln mi town 245 1,: ii ill ail' town Lebanon town 3,763 Littleton villus 191 426 1,080 545 213 890 637 1,972 837 552 799 50 617 112,640 711 770 571 1,148 470 623 1,673 1,895 1,971 1,974 1,526 1,699 1,478 425 231 706 66 257 213 1,656 1,331 2,668 758 2,282 30,753 799 981 620 987 590 791 1,933 1,891 9,165 870 1,046 1,122 643 748 2,258 1,469 7,446 543 Lyme town 1,154 478 Piermont l own I'lv luoi till town 1, 852 Tlim n Ion town Warren town 875 Walerville town Hillsboro Count 1,524 488 295 459 855 100 367 287 250 1,570 1,527 2,693 875 2,274 29,468 1,695 584 332 476 129 400 337 270 1,600 999 2,163 2,584 i 23,211 93,247 Amherst i 1,060 1,235 1,110 690 353 2,579 1,374 042 2,168 935 1,344 255 660 70, 063 3,508 6,642 8,427 7,614 6,663 1,864 7, 353 10,831 7,158 325 1.039 3,939 413 26,005 2,678 2,149 3,487 1,517 1,932 1,549 3,687 5,086 982 1,231 L148 667 505 2,528 005 1,608 642 2,254 910 1,261 243 56, 987 \ I k i n -on and Gilmanton Academy grant Berlin city 11,780 4,033 4,597 3, 150 5 569 ( 2 ) 271 1,90.5 619 ( 2 ) 475 7 33 12 292 211 2,155 1.061 3,054 3 12 2,184 ( 2 ) 8,886 3,729 Ward$ : 17 710 ( 2 ) 307 1,876 690 10 592 13 (2) 15 349 305 ' 13 1,080 47 3,190 1,135 31 813 15 325 1,736 605 459 1.234 3,739 453 23,898 596 11 455 178 1,710 30 1,062 19,311 3,373 5 1,029 62 1,350 ::::::::::: 1,002 911 ll' M,l |.| ,1 New Ipswich town 969 'County total includes population (2s ) of ('rawfoid e;i.mi . annexed lo Carroll * No population reported, s Incorporated in 1901. 334 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW HAMPSHIRE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For ohanges iu boundaries, otc, between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] o.«« iW -». 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CrVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Hillsboro County— Continued. 284 1,325 1,490 24 53,335 875 2,527 122 313 1,553 1,696 38 52,430 791 2,507 137 342 1,550 1,850 62 49,435 Rockingham County— Continued. Newington town 296 3,348 962 783 1,059 iS 11,269 2,710 S,3SS s,m 1,560 1^203 1,014 2,117 1,425 279 002 656 38,951 390 2,892 924 812 1,304 638 1,027 10,037 l)064 1,085 9,827 1,457 1,201 1,240 070 695 680 606 21,497 1,964 683 1,138 3,843 2,612 4,195 3,667 1,258 2,137 592 513 725 6,132 1,429 2,654 2,049 1,395 556 1,528 1,578 838 402 805 1,474 3,062 2,222 478 098 1,226 445 614 52,188 1,496 1,179 1,455 617 805 821 598 19,632 1,475 1,090 1,487 725 810 661 17,004 1,100 1,142 2,041 400 1,497 297 718 041 39,337 • 900 13,247 2,458 3,386 2,427 3,584 1,392 823 2,621 479 331 291 1,542 523 8,868 1,176 1,235 1,555 2,043 987 1,872 1,836 6, 704 1,120 1,186 1,200 2,200 786 19,337 1,208 13,207 654 771 5,846 524 815 4,085 2,265 300 1,507 603 1,665 1,652 960 424 768 3'l83 2,129 604 776 1,358 653 51,118 1,385 548 1*817 1,000 487 799 1,115 3,172 2,605 849 '564 840 49,650 1,701 440 759 993 818 517 917 5,123 413 1,649 4,897 622 575 796 1,215 552 417 1,015 1,533 624 442 682 957 1,057 861 615 1,162 3,583 496 1,641 4,922 749 607 823 '560 524 1,132 1,408 581 647 483 631 967 1,108 958 666 1,220 2,604 461 1,721 4,284 726 647 860 1,330 622 547 1,120 1,220 488 855 1,040 18,009 536 1,496 7,529 1,005 329 286 340 383 3,765 987 422 1.071 1,473 6,498 962 372 345 374 339 391 3,126 1,114 439 946 572 464 CITY, TOWN, OR V Berlin Coos Concord Merrimack.. Dover ... Strafford.. - Franklin Portsmouth... Rochester Somers worth.. Hillsboro Hillsboro Rockingham. . Sullivan Carroll Rockingham.. 1910 1900 1890 11,780 8,886 3,729 21,497 19,632 17,004 13,2-17 13,207 12, 790 6, 132 5,846 III, 01 is 9,165 7,446 10, 183 8,042 6,143 70, 063 56,987 44, 126 19,311 11,269 10,037 9,827 8,868 8,466 7,396 6,704 7,023 6,207 7,529 6,498 5,565 3,413 3,154 2,331 5,123 3,583 2,604 1 4, 897 4,922 4,284 TOWNS— continued. I'": ■ 1 nun-ion Strall'oi'il. - (.uiMmvn Hillsboro.. I Iini'i hill Grafton Lancaster I Coos Lebanon Grafton . . I,il II. 'lull. . Milfoiit Newmarket.. 1 Part of Hanover tc ncorporated as Hanover village precinc ■ Grafton Hillsboro Rockingham.. . Sullivan Merrimack . Cheshire 2 Part of Littleton t< 2,623 3,172 2,163 NEW JERSEY. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 C untv 71,894 46,402 28,836 Bergen County — Continued. 564 568 970 4,512 Mil 1,401 1,667 966 5,416 736 450 7,045 483 3,047 2,082 2,750 4,076 273 3,448 100 1,870 470 1,043 66,565 781 387 394 46, 150 9,910 8,841 12,825 14,674 67 2,723 2,181 '232 2)271 5,088 602 118 129 811 866 448 418 4,390 405 247 SS7 491 899 138,002 530 501 269 ' 86Q 644 870 27, 838 13, 055 J ', ,',, ' , ' ' h' Ul Ward 4.. 99 1,646 1,808 1,863 1,299 1,439 3,027 584 2,685 561 hidgouond i„»ii hip, I' roextenshe with liidge- Folsom borough «. 2,469 3*481 495 80 69 880 2,208 1,612 3,833 530 4,411 415 1,954 768 1,746 1,590 326 1,812 782 329 582 58,241 Margate City ».. 697 2,182 308 191 972 ' 78,441 538 8 47,226 Bass River townshi 685 2,140 2,337 4,250 1,882 1,407 608 8,336 1,639 2,319 2,373 2,005 1,220 5,069 1,130 l'031 508 1,408 480 4,731 1,768 1,526 1,903 1,573 948 696 5,652 2,801 797 1,679 4,011 1,788 1,778 '487 597 564 562 475 142,029 800 1,950 1,804 4,110 937 377 1,991 1,125 3,807 3,394 1,483 550 1,005 560 1,783 4,275 2,655 767 9,924 1,972 2,140 3, 164 2,668 410 2,441 4,472 1,954 10,213 1,055 377 2,155 588 1,072 488 1,881 1,486 2,541 4,138 693 1,480 2,001 522 14,050 4,052 2,724 2,544 2,689 1,541 437 694 729 337 2,574 968 488 7,392 1,549 486 746 527 1,061 4,420 1,143 1,078 890 584 1,429 459 1,955 1,624 1,518 1,969 1.644 1,827 643 2,640 1,006 6,253 218 1,003 2,139 '613 3,224 1,028 5,168 2,300 771 1,493 2,581 1,332 910 1,904 1,382 5,376 1,255 891 2, 610 804 1,240 1,917 448 536 1,298 1,348 416 781 617 507 673 398 107,643 \Y o- 1 1 1 a 1 11 ] 1 1 1 in to wi iship New Barbadoes township, coexi :- • 9,443 6,004 1,343 94' 538 8,325 4,842 4,545 9,432 75,935 Word 1 Wards\YY\\\\\\\\VY\\\\\YY'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. N oi Hi V i HiiL' ( on borough 290 Wards a parts of Egg Harbor township « Incorporated as a city in 1902. 'County total includes population CU0) of Bergen township, annexed to Carlstadt borough, and population (2, 0V.M of Kidgefield township, taken to form Fort __, JJ 1903. " i '■••< i'i .n -h - miii. :,■:■.: in ,i,i 11 Incorporatr.l [nan [..arts of Harrington and Palisades ti n Name changed from Undercliff in 1900. "Emerson borough incorporated from pari oi \\ ashington township in 1903. M Incorporated from Ridgefield townshi i o 15 Oakland borough incorporated from part of Franklin township in 1902. M Glen Rock borough, formerly comprising part of Ridgewood township, no " Parts taken to form Alpine and Closter boroughs and part of Demarest borough in bin;;. Ilaninglon I 'ark and 1 la wan ih I nig Its in bin I m. I Norwood borough in 1905. isincorpoiahd bnm pari of lianim/imi inuu-.bip in 1904. "Rivervale township organized fimn pal I ol IlilNdale low n-hip in 1906. 2 °Hohokus borough incorporated fioiu pai I ol ' < )r\ il low ip in 1908. 21 Ramsey borough incorporated from part of Hohoktts township in 1908. - 1 --'- '-a 1910. to Ocean County, and population (302) of Randolph township, annexed to Wash- in -ion lownship, between 1890 and 1900. 26 North Hanover township organized from part of New Hanover township in 1905. 27 Tabernacle township organized from parts of Shamong, Southampton, and Woodland townships in 1901. 28 County total includes popnl ilion(fi,415) of Stockton township, part annexed to Camden city and part taken to form Pensaukeu township between 1890 and (335) 336 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW JERSEY. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc, between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Camden County — Continued. 7,979 14,578 8,74* 6,98* 8, IS* 5,990 6,49S 3,200 246 2,794 4,795 1,706 9,462 8,879 6,58S 2,380 1,465 1,452 4,142 1,996 653 l)l74 1.484 2,919 500 19,745 Essex County — Continued. 2,409 34,371 4,301 6,S8S 9,248 6,726 9,718 442 3,260 11,877 s',738 4,740 1,025 3,720 21,550 7,476 4,604 4,6S0 4,840 347,469 18,919 18,736 36,910 18,756 17,970 20,944 22,474 20, 166 16,805 24,480 22,408 19,789 18,951 36,828 19,622 SO, 761 595 6,009 1,858 2,156 1,996 29,630 7,673 4,754 7,122 8,779 486 2,979 6,014 1,675 10,980 3,205 2,681 2,081 1,018 2,100 37,368 (") 21,506 C) 2,192 283 1,834 1,960 5,255 1,633 1,679 6,840 539 1,457 6,564 1,412 2,837 13,962 2,437 4,018 2,012 ■ 3,091 2,776 1,608 2,502 1,225 246,070 3,145 2,161 2,392 2,421 2,408 13,201 11,268 Ward 8 230 2,471 162 1,751 1,901 1,188 2,974 833 1,950 994 956 551 238 SIS 7 1,483 844 898 103 2,399 55,153 93 2,257 153 2,778 569 1,141 2,191 161 1,307 Ward 10 2,136 167 1,707 217 1,156 2,368 161 452 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward IS Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 North Caldwell borough 297 Nutley town ls (") Ward 1 Ward 2 340 766 Wards ea ward\ y .. ""!"";;;;";;"!";";"!"!" ^Xff 24,141 18,844 1,351 696 150 Ward 2 '757 WardS Ward 4 ' '' '"!.: ■ I Wards Wildwqod Crest borough » South Orange township ' 1,630 (")' 1,078 Cumberland County 51,193 45,438 Verona borough w , 3 '. 106 Brldgeton city Wardl Wards 14,209 2,S9S 8,145 S,4S5 8,071 *,165 2,604 3,311 1,519 1,629 1,145 1,818 6,435 1,746 2,124 12,451 8,866 *,W 8,641 *,797 5,282 512,886 13,913 11,424 West Orange town Wardl WardS 6,889 (") Ward 4 Wards 3) 066 1,833 1,911 1,283 1,807 4,721 1,658 2,132 2,' 344 2,614 1,793 l)l73 1,743 3,855 1,729 2,279 10,002 Ward 4 WardS Gloucester County 20 31,905 Clayton borough 21 1,926 2,524 1,406 1,022 2,603 2,821 874 1,682 l)529 3,015 325 2,121 1,950 694 1,477 1,396 645 2,057 4,642 1,108 2,192 i,m 1,136 1,951 2,114 1,323 997 2,252 2,677 2,252 1,569 1,444 1 apt! .rd township 1,081 Hopewell township . 1 ,1 ,'IIU i,-l inv iship Elk township.... 1,259 Lawrencetownship Franklin township Glassboro township 2» 2,642 ■ elt^...Y?!!...?))!)!!."."))!!)!!")"!I" Wardl Wards Greenwich township ^ Harrison township Logan township 1,900 1,545 1,523 WardS Ward 4 Sto we Creek township 934' 4,370 a 359,053 972 3,822 " 256,098 Monroe township National Park borough ** 2,402 l!945 Vineland borough 706 1,252 498 1,951 4,087 1,155 15) 070 5,608 4,547 5,015 2,236 704 5,907 3,487 (") 3,911 1,367 1,619 i n in/.' 3,638 Woolwich township » 2,291 2,035 ' Clementon township organized from part of Gloucester township in 1903. 2 Parts taken to form Audubon, Haddon Heights, Oaklyn, and Woodlynne boroughs in 1905, 1904, 1905, and 1901, respectively. a Incorporated from part of Haddon township in 1904. * Incorporated from part of Haddon township in 1905. ' Woodbine borough incorporated ft s township in 1903. ship, annexed to Irvington town and Newark city: population (2,139 in 1900) of Verona towrisliin \:>Mcn i.o form Cedar 1: rove township and Verona borough; pop- ulation (2.779 in 1900; 780 in 1890) of Vailsburg borough, annexed to Newark city; population (3,682 in 1900; 2,007 in 1890) of Franklin township, incorporated as Nutley town, since 1900; population (7,708 in 1890) of Bloomfleld township, taken to form Bloomfleld town and Glen Ridge borough; population (13,282 in 1890) of East Orange township, incorporated as a city; population (8,656 in 1890) of Montclair township, incorporated as a town; and population (4,358 In 1890) of West Orange township, Incorporated as a town, between 1890 and 1900. Part of Clinton township annexed in 1902. W Roseland borough incorporated from part of Livingston township in 1908. » Vailsburg borough and part of Clinton township annexed in 1905 and 1902, respectively. is Formerly Franklin township; incorporated as a town in 1902. 19 Incorporated from part of Caldwell township in 1904. 2» County totals include population (38 in 1900; 492 in 1890) of Clayton township, annexed to Clayton borough sf""° 1t,n " » Swedesboro borough incorporated from part of Woolwich township in 1902. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW JERSEY. 337 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 637,231 386,048 1 275,126 Mercer County— Continued. 1,073 3,171 2,522 722 5,136 1,178 96,815 6,356 4,901 5,958 10,371 10,413 3,863 4,986 6,694 8,367 9,602 11,818 5,166 6,558 8,863 1,090 1,342 114,426 980 3,360 1,555 733 3,899 955 73,307 55,545 11,457 13,729 9,501 11.113 9,746 3, 163 5,647 14, 498 3,967 2,279 3,026 5,226 70,324 11,667 10,145 15,802 13,513 267,779 20,754 22, 025 16,793 19,515 17,570 22.6 V! 30,858 27,346 27,154 18,659 6,697 4,173 4,229 15,662 6,062 5,128 4,472 4,740 5',S18 5,946 9,569 11, 228 2,505 3,144 6_,679 10,408 13,141 11,854 13,560 3,010 3. 660 33,569 32, 722 19,033 3,422 Trenton cit°^ DShiP 2,500 3, 825 10, 596 ( ?,947 8,338 59, 364 43, 648 206, 433 163,003 1,157 1,279 79,762 Middlesex County Wards 61,754 If 'ard ? Cranbury township 1,424 1,990 1,602 661 1,517 2,075 1,621 2,138 1,584 1,723 23,388 3,468 3,712 3,733 8,959 4,606 '990 32, 121 3,554 3,031 3,432 7,234 5,837 9,033 3,523 2,707 5,786 5,783 7,007 1,843 1,794 1,581 2,443 4,772 623 8,948 94,734 1,428 1,239 2,423 447 1~422 1,060 2,642 1,063 1,671 1,786 561 1,899 20, 006 10, 896 (') New Brunswick township, coextensive with 9, 213 5,715 New Brunswick al'j : 1,026 15, 187 10, 643 847 17,699 5,325 1,943 Perth Amboy lira uship, eoexionsivc v. itli Pert 1 1 Perth Amb-.Hj city : 23', 094 (') 5,267 2,628 2,801 34,507 2 35,355 4,155 6,349 3,509 South Amboy township, coextensive with 1,045 980 600 836 2,108 1,740 1,203 1,099 984 914 1,545 1^265 4,657 1,354 1,216 2.087 2,179 4,003 2,693 2,569 005 1,742 930 866 125,657 1,045 1,634 1,250 South Air.b nj i-ily : 816 2,296 1,953 1,327 1,258 1,020 998 1,377 1,052 1,304 4,637 3^037 1,375 1,287 1,023 2,337 2,792 7,631 12 82,057 Monm uth Count 12 69,128 1,704 1,424 4,142 Allenhurst borou h 306 634 10,150 6,965 3,195 1,205 1,645 426 1,433 1,807 273 2,076 468 416 3,233 lj386 1,058 2,703 3,554 165 695 4,148 4', 037 2,145 2.670 590 '918 839 96,365 2,337 3,798 1.977 2,813 1,410 1,383 Raritan township, including l'lemington village. 902 982 70 3,021 410 2,034 1,134 866 79,978 2,953 2,934 2,234 1,228 1,190 3,103 3,413 2,932 2,165 941 1^879 894 1J749 3,129 4,163 1,875 I [ in h t si i u,n 1 Mjri.ii i u . i i Keyport borough " 3,411 annexed to Union town; and population (11,665) of \\'est Hoboken township, incorporated as a town, between 1890 aud 1900. 1 County total includes population (1,935) of High Bridge township, part taken to form High ISridu'e borough owl pw.'s annexed 10 < Union awl Lelia 1 town- K: is between 1890 and 1900. 3 Bloomsbury borough incorporated < Name changed from Junction in It • Highland Park borough iw-oi pointed how pari ol' Karitan township in 1905. 8 Part of East Brunswick township annexed in 1902. » Roosevelt borough incorporated from part of Woodbridge township in 1906. 108. )) of North Spring 13 Part of Neptune township annexed in 1907. 14 Incorporated from part of Neptune City borough in 1900. " Part taken to form West Long Branch borough in 1908. 18 Farmingdale borough incorporated from part of Howell township in 1903. 17 Incorporated as a borough in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW JERSEY. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those bel ween I 190 and I'.nia, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOl: C1V1I. DIVISION. Monmouth County— Continued. Long Branch city '. Ward I.. Ward 2.. Ward J. . Manasquan borough Marlboro township Matawan 1 >orough Mat a wan township MM. lli>town township Millstone township Monmouth Beach borough -. Neptune township 3 Red Bank borough «_ Hum-,. ,ll borough 7 .. . " 'iright borough.. Upper Freehold township Wall township West Long Branch borough 9 . Morris County Butler borough 13 Chatham b i-o... Chatham township. . Chester township Florhaai Park boroitch.. Mendham borough " . Montville tow n?l! if... Morris township Morristown h Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Mount Arlington borough. itoekawuy borough 1 :>■■';. ■.'.•:] ■, ...v. .>-'■ T i .■ 1'. . Koxbiiry township Washington township. . Wharton borough » Ocean County Barnegat City borough 16 ... i, .|..:l :i. Beach Haven borough.. . Berkeley township Brick township Dover township.. Island 1 Ieighls borough. . .bid son township Lacey iownship .-..>. ii J. 1 1 1 . Point Pleasant Beach borough.. Seaside bark borough Stafford township Surf City borough Tuckerton borough '» 5,551 488 1,377 1,310 to'.;! Passaic County uackanonk township.. iromdi wn.-hip n borough 21 1.5.-..S lit)]:; 2,3117 15,974 Ward 2.... Wards.... Ward {.... I'atorson city.. Wards. . . Ward I). .. Ward 111.. I'ompton bakes borough.. I'rosp.'ot Park borough ->. Totowa borough.. Wayne tc ugh... ship.. \\ rd Mbl'on! low nsldp. . Elsinboro township. . •s Creek township . . Oldmans township. . . Pennsgrove borough.. Pilesgrove township.. Pittsgrove township.. East ward... West ward.. . Upper Penns Neck township.. Somerset County.. Bridgewater township East Millstone town.. Franklin township. .. Moo: gotnerv township. . . . Nonh idvaii'r Id borough. . North P'ahili 1,1 township. Uo.ri; ;::: inwn Rocky Hill borough. Sussex County.. Andover borough =■> . . . Andovcr towndiip -'• . . Branchvillc borou.di.. . > Part annexed to Asbury Park city in * Part taken to form Avon borough in 1900. 6 Part annexed to Long Branch city in 1904 and part taken to form Monmouth township, taken 1 isrdv .'on Stanhope borough 2 Incorporated from part of E n part of Shrewsbury township in 1907. • I ., |; i,| I!", ade independent and parts of Boonton and " Part annexed 12 Kxelusive of 13 Butler borouj. " Mendham bore igh incorporated from part of Mendham township " Name changed from Port Oram in 1902. c township in 1901. 50 Incorporated from part of Manchester township in 1! 21 Incorporated from 'part oi Manchester township in 1! -2 Incorporated as a borough in I'JO'.I. =» Incorporated as a borough in 1007. 24 Incorporated from pari of \udovor lowai so, . " Organised from parts of Andover, Green, Hampton, and Stilly STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW JERSEY. 389 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; Tor those between 1S90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5. J ion. am .mm,. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Sussex County— Continued. 796 1,212 1,675 2,077 140,197 1,108 1 . 300 '371 2,217 3 99,353 1,296 » 72,467 Union County— Continued. Roselle borough 2,725 3,138 1,240 7,500 3,604 3,896 3,419 0,420 l,S49 1,097 1,532 1,542 43,187 1,052 Sussex borough 2 Vernon township \\ alpack township Wantage township 1.073 5,302 959 ( 3 ) Union Counts 4,315 ( 3 ) 2,846 ■109 3,041 73,409 7,667 5,303 6,122 6,286 6,800 ins 5, 129 4,836 5,475 471 1,010 1,118 779 010 1,988 362 873 520 ~S, 039 5, 07S 4,4H 7,394 9,337 2,072 2,411 1,772 374 2,854 52, 130 367 1,717 37, 704 37,781 36,553 iBwl:: : 642 1,764 1,718 1,'074 904 2,715* 405 1,490 '867 1,556 706 1,238 '205 13, 903 2,583 2,170 2,4H 1,984 2,295 2, 460 3,202 3,567 1,023 588 1,784 1,570 1,280 797 909 2,474 400 1,080 1,144 S05 1,210 1,962 1,324 3,095 257 10,052 2,417 399 1,200 ( 3 ) Harmony township 1,305 ( 3 ) 1,332 402 019 367 565 409 15, 309 930 125 4,002 839 11,267 7,935 7,105 ward i. ::.':::::. :.:.:::.:::.:.:.:.:. :::::': 2, 215 3,580 Washing [on township 1 Part taken to form part ol i'redon iownship - Xauie changed from I lockoi town in 1902. ' : County totals include population (4,328 in township, taken to form AN eM field t 2,739 in 1890) of Westfield part of Garwood borough since 1900, ~~Mp, incorporator! as a oily between — _ .-it (3,502 in lt.90) of Summit 1890 and 1900. 1 Parts taken to form parts of Garwood and Kenilworih boroughs I907, respectively. 5 Part of Union township annexed ii s Incorporated from part of Union township in 1901. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY, TOWN, ' Absecon city Allendale borough borough Allentown borough Alpine borough . . Andover borough Asbury Park city Al laul'ic City.. .' Atlantic Highlands borougl Audubon borough A valon borough Avon borough Barnegal City borough Bay Head borough Bayonne city Beach Haven borough Belmar borough Belvidere town Bergen fields borough Beverly city Bloomfield town Bloamsbury borough Bogota borough Boon ton town Borden town city Boundbrook borough Bradley Beach borough... Branehville borough Briilgeton city Brigantine city Burlington city Butler borough Caldwell borough Camden city Cape May city Atlantic Bergen Monmouth.. Monmoiil ii. . Bergen Momnoul h. . '.ionmoutli. . Camden Cape May. . . Monmouth. . Ocean Hudson Ocean Monmouth.. W arren Bergen Burlington.. Hunterdon. Bergen Morris Burlington.. Somerset Monmouth.. Cumberland Atlantic Burlington.. Morris Camden Cape May... 13,913 11,424 7,392 7,264 75, 935 2,257 58,313 2,136 Cape May Point borough. ( aiisiadi, borough ( 'halbaiii borough 1 hosdhiirst borough Clayton borough ( lit j si , lo Park borough ( 'Union borough Closter town 1 olliugsuood borough 1 'ressi.dl borough Deal borough I icllord borough I Vinarusl borough Dumont borough Duneilen borough i-hisi Millstone town Past, Newark borough Kasi 1 "range city East Rutherford borough. Edgewater borough Cgg I larbor city ■ Klizabeih city Klmer borough Emerson borough Englewood city lCnglewood 1 iifls borough. !-;uglislilown borough Kssex Pells borough Pairview borough Fan wood borough Panniiigdale borough Pieldsboro borough Flemington village Florham Park borough .. . Cape May. . Bergen Morris Camden.... Gloucester. Bergen. ... I iimterdon Bergen ( amden Bergen Monmouth. Bergen Be; gen Morris Bergen Middlesex.. Somerset . . . Hudson Bergen Bergen At tan lie... Salem Bergen Bergen ' Bergen Monmoul b. P.111 lingloii. I I uulordou. Morris 1,951 968 816 1,807 1 , 033 70 746 539 527 5,938 643 1,239 447 2,500 21,506 2,640 1,006 1,808 52,130 1,140 1,000 1,439 37.70-1 842 6,2.53 218 410 444 1,003 399 459 2,145 1,977 340 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW JERSEY. -POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. Folsom borough Fort Lee borough Freehold town Freuclitown borough Garlield borough Garwood borough (.; leu liidge borough Glen Rock borough Gloucester city Guttenberg town Hackensack town 1 bickelistowu town Haddon Heights borough... lladilon;ield borough Haledon borough Hammonton town Hampton borough Harrington Park borough. . Harrison town Harvey Cedars borough. . . . Hasbrouck Heights borough 11a worth borough Hawthorne borough I lebnetta borough High Bridge borough Highland Park borough Highlands borough Hightstown borough Hoboken city Hohokus borough Holly Beach borough Hopatcong borough Hopewell borough Irvington town Island Heights borough Jamesburg borough Jersey City Kearny town Kenilworth borough Keyport borough Lambertville city Lavallette borough Leonia borough Linden borough Lin wood borough Little Ferry borough Lodi borough Long Branch city Longport borough Madison borough Manasquan borough Margate City Matawan borough Maywood borough Mendham borough Merchantville borough Mel nchcn borough Midland Park borough Millstone borough Milltown borough Millville city Monmouth Beach borough. Montclair town Montvale borough Moonachie borough Morristown town Mount Arlington borough. . Mountainside borough National Park borough Neptune City borough Netcong borough New Brunswick city New Providence borough. . . Newark city Newton town North Arlington borough... .\ T orth ('iddwell borough North Haledon borough " 'i-.iniii 1. 1 borough . . North Wild wood borough.. Northfield city Norwood borough Nutleytown Oakland borough Oak] yn borough Mointioiil h . . I lunterdon.. Bergen Bergen... \Y linen. . Camden.. Camden.. Passaic Middlesex.. . Hunterdon.. I I ImIm.I1. . Bergen... Mercer. . Middlesex.. Hudson Hudson 1 1 unlerdon.. Ocean Bergen Bergen Bergen Cnmdon.. . Middlesex . Bergen Morris Gloucester. . Monmouth.. Somerset. . Cape May. . Atlantic Bergen Bergen Camden 1,055 9,462 5,647 9,443 2,474 6,004 2,417 2,770 2,502 3,481 3,833 io,:,ui; 8,338 2,096 1,377 1,749 59,364 1,875 43,648 569 217 316 1,063 •juii, 433 271 887 103,003 3,413 4,637 3,411 4,142 804 3,754 1,500 1,511 536 2,469 1,506 1,491 1,608 1,786 '200 561 10,5S3 1,225 770 10,002 13,9112 416 11,267 275 367 8,156 1,009 941 20,006 565 246, 070 4,376 290 297 18,003 181,830 3; 003 5,009 161 161 Ocean City O Id Tappan borough Orange city Palisades Park borough Park Ridge borough Passaic city Paterson city Paulsboro borough Pemberton borough Pennington borough Pennsgrove borough Perth Amboy city Phillipsburg town Pitman borough Plainfleld city Pleasant ville borough Point Pleasant Beach borough. Pompton Lakes borough Port Republic city Princeton borough Prospect Park borough Rah way city Ramsey borough Raritan town Red Bank borough Ridgefleld borough Ridgewood village Riverside borough Ri verton borough Rockaway borough Rocky Hill borough Roosevelt borough Roseland borough liosolle. borough Roselle Park borough Rumson borough Rut her lord borough Saddle River borough Salem city Sea Isle City Seabrighl borough Seaside Park liorough Secaucus borough Somers Point city Somerville borough South Amboy city South lioumibrook borough... South ( ape May liorough Sou Ih ( (range village South River borough Spottswood borough Spring Lake 1 lorough Stanhope borough Stockton borough Summit city Surf City borough Sussex borough Swedesboro borough Tenafly borough Totowa borough Trenton city Tuckerton borough Union town Upper Saddle River borough. . Ventnor city Verona borough Vineland borough Wallington borough Washington borough Wenonah borough West Caldwell borough West Cape May borough West Hoboken town West Long Branch borough . . . West New York town West Orange town Westfieldtown Westwood borough Wharton borough Wildwood borough Wildwood Crest borough Woodbine borough Woodbury city Woodclifl borough Woodlynne borough Woodridge borough Woodstown borough Passaic Gloucester.. Burlington.. Middlesex.. . Warren Gloucester.. I , - in . . A I . . Mercer... be. -en. . Hereon. . iiuilinyic Mill 1 is. .. Somerset. . . Middlese v .. Monmouth.. Ocean Hudson Middlesex.. Somerset — Cape May. . Middlesex... Monmouth.. Hunterdon.. 211,6311 l)401 4, 60S 3. bin 526 590 5,302 9 1,300 993 1,746 502 73,307 1,046 57,458 15,187 326 10,643 4,370 1,812 3,580 498 3,822 2,834 383 696 23,094 757 5,207 828 2,069 150 4,087 329 3,911 24,141 18,844 27,777 105,171 78J347 771 733 1,826 834 588 17,699 10,052 9,512 8,644 15,369 11,267 3,899 3,422 7,935 7,105 3,244 5,428 2,556 4,145 2,685 1,047 1,332 1,075 1,652 996 4, 415 2,293 5,811 340 5,516 760 1,626 NEW MEXICO. Table 1.-P0PULATI0N OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. (Precinct moans election precinct. For changes in boundaries, ei ) Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 lill C nt 1 23,606 2 28,630 2 20,913 Colfax County— Continued. Precinct 12, Springer, including Springer village. 1,289 550 3,119 22 220 34 548 395 224 2,276 2,253 335 275 1,070 120 187 569 11,443 558 Precinct 1 San Jose 1,433 312 479 1,134 1,497 1,085 348 372 347 5,711 11,020 2,024 3,122 2,472 3,402 2,143 292 349 346 5,309 '428 437 S21 16,850 100 328 187 31 271 232 1,298 1,240 487 118 217 965 Precinct li, l.os 1 'a- ! il Uts. incln.iiiig Islcta | Ho 1,050 1,059 198 Precinct '_'(), Kasl Katiin," inclmiing wards 1 and f and pari of ward 3 of Raton city 629 Precinct 12, Alliiiquotqiie (new), comprising ward 4 ami parls of wards I and 2 of Albu- Total for Allim/in ,■■,/»< <";'// (m r ), c,u xii nxlr, 6,238 3.785 WardS Precinct 1, C'lovis, including Clovis city 4.259* 3,255 860 645 1,140 620 1,577 764 737 1,521 592 782 12,893 I'reeincl "li, Allmqucrque (new!, comprising ward 3 and pans ol v. ar'.s i an,! 2 of Allui- 1 'reel lie: J [ , |i o lln ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] _, 1 i V1CO town Prceinet 3-1, Chilili.... < 4,773 Chaves County 3 Precinct 1, Roswell, inoluoing wards 1 and 2 and 3,763 2,773 6,172 1,339 1,104 1,417 1,086 1,226 4,020 3,399 498 1 , 068 242 1.057 449 1,042 344 530 2,329 1,287 356 16,460 2 10,187 Totalfor Rnsinll c ,■'(//•• in pneincts 1 and 2 2,049 343 185 830 1,819 1,734 3,836 783 1,271 196 211 640 270 489 69 249 306 595 887 398 2,381 2,102 402 12,400 Precinct 3, Pas Cruces. including part of Las Totalfor La:; (.'runs loun-" in. precinct:: :, Precinct 2, South Kosweil, including wards ::, and 4 and part of ward 5 of R oswell city Precinct 4, Mesilla (Upper) Precinct 5, Mesilla (Lower) Precinct I, l>e.\1er, including Dexter town Trecinct 5, Hagerman, including llagennan Precinct 9, Miller Precinct 10, Lucero. - - - - I'rocinct (i, Lake Arthur, including Pake Precinct 1", Santa Teresa Pre, m, , . . .:., ' I, >:u Precinct 14, Anapra Precinct l;i, San \ln.'iiel ( Par Ilia in) Precinct Hi, Colorado Precincl 18, Anthony Precinct 19, Rincon Precinct 20, Las Cruces, including part of Las 10,150 9 7,974 2 3,229 229 158 940 791 103 798 2,437 4,539 1,347 1,390 925 208 196 493 197 18 577 111 363 338 132 335 Precinct :!, Cimarron, including Cimarron village Precinct 1, Carlsbad, including Carlsbad city 3,047 1,736 517 1,084 417 729 967 2,966 1,883 280 152 917 333 402 499 135 60 2,450 2,300 3,540 123 363 1,481 963 Precinct 6, Raton, including ward 2 and part of Pieeinet Hop inr hiding Hope village Totalfor Raton city in precincts 6 and 20 1,255 Precinct 6, Artesia, including Artesia town Precinct 7, 1 'avion, including Dayton town 184 216 389 152 83 377 97 112 310 164 Prciinci 10, Vermejo'3 Precinct 11, Brilliant " I'reeincl 12. Roberts 1 Parts taken to form Sandoval County and part of Guadalupe County in 1! pari of MeKiiilcy County in 1901, and part of Torrance Coimty in 1905. = No comparison of population can be ma es made since IS 3 Part taken to form part of Roosevelt County in 1903. « No com i i,m can be made; county redistricted since 1900. n, - poi iieii i city in 1903. 6 Incorporated in 1909. 7 Incorporated in 1905. 8 Incorporated in 1908. 9 County total includes population (140) of old precinct 14, taken to form p of Union County between 1890 and 1900. 10 Incorporated since 1900. « Returned as Elkins In 1900. Part of precinct 23 annexed since 1900. a Returned as C" ' u Returned as 18 Returned a: 19 Returned as Maxwell City in 1900. M Returned as Raton in 1900. 21 Returned as Mesa in 1900. 25 Returned as Dorsev in 1900. Part annexed to precinct 5 lt > Part taken to form part of Luna County in 1901. !6 Incorporated In 1907, 17 Returned as Eddy I: 342 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW MEXICO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 i 1900 1890 Grant County > 14,813 2 12,883 2 9,657 Luna Count « 3 913 Precinct 1, Deming, including Deming village .. 1,137 393 3,659 5,217 357 378 649 281 374 678 721 294 1,951 135 250 57 153 02 120 1,323 78 974 308 193 10,927 1,008 1,118 2,971 S,7S5 486 329 851 1,015 2,268 2,101! 530 334 2,757 I'r.H iiu-l :.!, SilverCilv m. i ■■■*"•: ■ ■ . 'lx'< : u . Sili-cr Citij ' Precinct 4, Dwyer 4 231 182 375 195 93 351 190 238 129 12,963 295 1,874 186 81 79 96 352 133 Precinct 1 Clarkville 170 124 17 Precinel :-!, Gallup, exclusive of part uf <.; allu p 70 Precinct 1, Gallup. e\du ;ive ul' part of (lallnp 45 796 100 172 314 165 232 195 17 432 Precinct 5, Cata.lpa 496 "" 366 Precinct 8, Guam 291 1,775 1,712 530 2,204 5,527 8,599 12,611 Precinct, in, Ziini, including /.uni Indian Reser- 15 5,429 1,625 2,946 29733 2J80 3i 10,304 244 519 261 360 295 545 442 1,031 341 399 227 871 361 438 287 122 1,224 448 283 451 333 431 634 Totalfirlli l io Indian Reser- vation s0 i a \h-Kinh ii, Sun Juan, and San- Precinct 0, Cuervo si 10,618 Precinct 1, Mora 817 585 447 255 461 290 880 633 270 212 '316 697 170 403 336 172 1,293 331 394 7,069 I 'rcci not 2, < Ieveland Precinel 12, Sunnyside Precinct pi, Los Tanos 4,953 « 7,081 1,024 760 621 319 229 189 178 471 567 290 284 337 700 1,082 482 1,065 325 345 183 242 122 804 670 348 165 300 1 ii i mi i ' li-anjo a 4,791 Precinct 1 , Alamogordo,33 including Alamogordo 2,315 1,948 414 1,022 190 765 437 1,524 752 143 »157 554 I'ii i i.ii t i Mi in iii hug Mescalero i< in. ' .1 lis.illi I'll 1 iii III ll •' I /.' Ill - o precinct 22, sinci rganized from parts of precinct 10 in 1907. 19 Returned as Las Tablas in 1900. -" Precinct Hi omani/.od from part ol piecinct 7 in 1909. =i Parts taken to form precincts 13 and 14 in 1902 and 1906, respectively. 2= Returned as Gray in 1900. ■ uumi/ed from part of precinct Sin 1902; part taken to form part of Torrance i; part taken to form precinct 15 n 1900. Part of old precinct 6 annexed in 1907. lillo, old Guadalupe, and Valencia (m , lai is of old Guadalupe taken to form parts of Quay and Roosevelt Counties in 1903. " Population of old Guadalupe County. » Part taken to form part of Torrance County ii » No comparison of population can be made; and 1900. " Returned as Agua Azul io 1900, \;iy :1 )o Omnlies, u'mma: Mel uiley. Samlm al, urn! S;m Juan Counties, New Mexico- and San Juan County, tliah, in mill, 18,031, and in 1900, 8.897. 3' \"o compare mi of population eon lie made; numerous changes made since 1900. 3- County tolal includes population (554) of Mescalero Apache Indian Reserva- tion, returned as independent in 1900. i 1905. 33 p ar t taken to form precinct 13 in 1908. county redistricted between 1890 3« Not incorporated. 86 Exclusive of population of Mescalero Apache Iudia STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW MEXICO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Prooinct moans election precinct. For changes in t>> nutamim. 1!>10 I90O 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1000 1890 Otero County -Continued. 249 185 408 204 170 180 514 Rio Arriba County— Continued. 312 559 335 260 \','^'l\ lr \ ;>,\ i ; , -\ l l " ",,•;< Precinct 13, Camp s 14,912 | Count '» 85 3,349 2,5*6 859 384 817 466 210 095 140 312 000 481 307 188 441 827 293 293 234 193 172 231 355 270 235 142 109 295 171 530 357 127 494 241 507 518 16,624 12,064 Precinct 1, Porlales, including Portales town. .. 2, 601 Precinct J, I-'.lida, including Hilda town 209 801 020 667 175 377 340 876 103 634 555 308 278 345 420 394 233 8,504 4,828 Precinct 1 Pine River 270 975 434 393 1,674 785 31G 450 376 358 179 2,693 22,930 166 458 Precinct 2, Aztec, including Aztec village 221 548 Precinct 5, Farmington, including Farmington 336 240 230 318 175 1H3.777 1311,534 702 734 608 633 271 544 813 813 310 ■ Rio Arriba, including pail of San 1,7-:: [For total of that part of the Navajo Indian Reservation in New Mexico, see McKin- ley County.] Total for Sun .nam pinhlo in /irccincts J, S, 465 406 Precinct 4, Chimayo i"! Hi ! '■ 1 ' i 13 22,053 ''24,204 Precinct 1 San Mi uel 426 471 807 770 3,179 770 927 823 Precinct 3, South Las Vegas, including ward 1 ' Total for Las Vamr. luirit in precincts 3, 5, 2,767 : 2,385 Precinct 11, Al'iquiu 497 399 379 421 963 900 733 394 1,264 878 278 438 Precinct 5, North Vegas, including ward 4 and 1.250 Precinct 0, Central Pes Vegas, in< Hiding ward 2 1,159 ' ! Precinct 21, Lumlierlon, including Jicarilla In- 1,159 280 365 700 333 ! 829 Precinct 9, Pecos Precinct 10, Chaperito Precinct 23, Canoncs 1 Returned as Fresnal in 1900. 2 Parts taken lo lor n, precincts 1 1 and 12 in 1904 and of precincts 10 and I i in Ivnti and '"■, .■.■■■. : respectively, and parts 1900.' Part taken to form part of precinct 10 * Returned as JariJla in 1900. 5 Organized from parts of precincts 7 and 8 in 1900. 6 Organized from part of precinct 7 in 190' taken to form part of precinct 14 7 Organized tct 7 in 1908; part taken to form part of precinct 14 in 1908. 8 Organized from part of precinct 1 In 1908. » Organized from parts of precincts 7, 11, and 12 in 1908. io Organized from parts of old Guadalupe and Union Counties in 1903; part taken to form part of Curry County in 1909. ii Incorporated as a city in 1908. ' 2 Part taken to form part of McKinley Comity in 1901; part of Santa Fe County annexed in 1902. 13 No comparison of population can be made; numerous changes made since 1900. 14 Organized i, nid old iluadalupe Comities m l" l;l ■■; part taken "o form part of Curry County in 1009. 1 5 Incorporated in 1909. io Incorporated in 190S. 1 7 Part taken to form part of McKinley County in 1901. '8 Incorporated in 1905. 19 Precinct 11 organized from part of precinct 4 in 1908. 20 Incorporated In 1901. 21 Part taken to form part of Torrance County in 1905. 344 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW MEXICO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. © Reports of the Twelfth minor crra DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1.S90 San Miguel County— Continued. 562 358 267 285 303 284 248 196 169 264 450 448 544 341 181 186 278 417 3,813 8,755 825 m 1,228 979 244 301 344 379 211 392 350 306 105 290 194 237 227 201 230 177 248 149 613 170 216 307 327 591 8,579 Santa Fe County » 14,770 « 14,658 , 13 J6a Precinct l,Pojoaque, including Pojoaque pueblo. 487 12 305 84 5,072 1,390 1,598 'S32 1, 698 459 253 674 448 715 363 128 433 349 501 259 496 1,199 1,152 1,181 427 353 450 744 108 225 24 3,536 ii Precinct 2, Tesuque, Including part of Tesuqui' Totalfor Th-.ikiih /..,,/,/,,,„ ,„,nncis '.' mid J. ; . Precinct 3, Santa l-'e, inclinl'mi/ ward 1 of Santa Fe city 80 Total for Santa Fe city in precincts 3, 4, 17, 5,603 Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Precinct 4, Santa Fe, including ward 2 of Santa ' nfiht 1 i niil i mill i,i'\ Precinct 5, Agua Fria Precinct 6, Cienega Precinct 7, Cerrillos Precinct 8, Galisteo Precinct 9, Ildefonso, including San Ildefonso Precinct 29, East Las Vegas, including Las ..:.::::. :..\ 1 ■" >' i 8,662 2,312 i 137 148 Precinct 10, Stanley ::::::::::::;::::::::: Precinct 17, Santa Fe, including ward 3 of Santa i ,1 ; ,: ii -/i . i, III v.; ;i .; : ol l| Precinct 22, Nim.hi , u» liniirr Wambe pueblo.. ... i '. ' ■, 1 ■ . "■ 81 Precinct 23, Rio del iiedio, including part of « 3,158 Precinct 1 LakeValle 125 400 123 320 574 87 156 232 130 529 66 175 234 110 14,761 215 557 284 225 200 391 172 66 142 105 Precinct 1, Bernalillo, including part of Sandia 1,000 9S lie 467 22 357 359 369 603 397 315 its 181 704 see 128 1,743 S4B 809 116 1,078 492 m 113 270 379 Total for Sandia pueblo ii Precinct 2, Corrales, including part of Sandia 86 140 350 219 3 12,195 Precinct 8, Sao ling Zia pueblo ue 106 Precinct 10, Jemez Springs, including Jemez Precinct 1, Socorro, and precinct 24, New So- 1,560 1,560 355 302 655 248 458 309 344 345 67 434 147 103 364 1,015 I 1,226 456 428 1,612 Precinct 12, Pena Blanca, including Cochiti Ward2 WardS Ward 4 ! Precinct 2, Lemitar Precinct 3, Polvadera Precinct 4, Sabinal 295 772 268 671 Precinct 14, Algodones, including San Felipe 516 : 654 228 ! 253 Precinct 7, San Antonio Precinct 8, Contadero Precinct 9, Paraje i Precinct 10, Alma [For total for that part of the Navaio in'!. i County.] in mi'i 1" u:n;o ili'll: . . 1 Organized from part of Bernalillo County in 19i 2 Part taken to form part of Torrance County i; Arriba County in 1902. i No comparison of population Ci n be made; numerous changes made since 1900. ♦County to i of precincts 10 and 11, not returned separately in 1900. !. » County total includes population (151) of old precincts 6 and 11, annexed to 1905 and part annexed to Rio precinct 10 md populatloi (33) ol old precinct 14, annexed to precinct 3 between 1890 and 1900. Precinct 14 organized from part of precinct 15 in 1900. 7 Part taken to form part of Torrance County in 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW MEXICO. 345 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundiines, elc, between Pint) and loto, see. foolnnles; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 liMM) 1890 «««««««"■ 1910 (900 1800 Socorro County— Continued. 500 587 118 132 134 189 231 342 .153 85 59 255 225 12 250 519 559 67 142 779 323 148 105 99 448 214 200 170 231 12,008 Torrance County— Continued. 609 564 732 376 859 571 Precinct 11, Finns Wells Union County '« 11,404 >■ 4,528 Precinct 1, Clayton, including Clayton town Precinct 2S Precinct -" Precinct ::| Precinct 32 Precinct 33 Precinct 34 Precinct ::' Precinct 37 Precinct 38 Preemci :','. Precinct 40 Precinct 41 Precinct 42 Precinct 43 Precinct 44 Precinct 45 970 982 w 265 434 359 999 225 354 197 229 150 373 204 404 423 358 758 379 640 475 13,320 i Santa Rita Precinct3,, including Polsom town Folsom town ''■' 1 10,889 9,868 Taos 1,830 SSI 551 755 623 571 651 837 651 106 545 57 465 117 154 ( n ) 95 584 320 571 128 10,119 1,644 w 607 1,407 685 772 485 584 907 704 985 98 392 631 383 87 119 22 20S 1,487 S09 838 1, 165 729 803 611 583 677 737 641 Taosp Precinct 2, Precinct !, Precinct 5, Precinct 6, Precinct 7, Valencia County 20 "13,895 719 1,733 750 756 m 1,68$ 309 259 414 500 403 512 312 237 , ROO 313 1.342 910 828 292 357 220 608 272 375 552 Precinct 9, Chamisal Precinct 10, Penasco, 6 including Picuris pueblo. Picnris pueblo Precinct 11 , Cerro • Precinct 12, Costilla Precinct 13, Ojo Caliente Precinct 5, Oubero, including part of Lagnna 490 415 82 322 Total for Lnqvrtn pueblo, comprising precinct 1,077 Precinct 17, Twining '° Precinct 18, Red River 1 '- Precinct 19, Talpa "- Precinct 22 Precinct 1, Precinct 2, Precinct 4, Precinct 19, comprising port of l.nguna pueblo . Precinct 20, Rincoiec | ;1 , incp id uig A coma pueblo. 783 755 247 632 1,113 1,317 sir 491 Torreon Manzano Cienega Punta Willard -'Precinct 19 organized from part of nreeincl 1 in 1007. s Returned as Plaeita in 1900. * Precinct 20 organized from parts of precincts 5 and 6 it s Returned as Cuesta in 1900. > Precinct 21 organized from pa , i eel ■ -vd in 1907. 8 Name changed from Upper <\>0P! . in 1002. Part taken t< In 1909. 9 Number changed from 19 in 1907. «> Number changed from 23 in 1907. 11 No population reported. " Number changed from 27 '3 Organized from part of prt n Organized from parts of Bernalillo, Lincoln, San Miguel, Sanla Fe, Socorro, and Valencia Counties in 1905. is Incorporated ir changes made since 100 346 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW MEXICO. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County 1910 1!H)0 1800 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Ubu uer uecit Bernalillo 11,020 l , 883 509 1,730 791 070 3,255 280 1,804 242 327 517 785 484 2,204 6,238 3,785 Haeerman town Cbaves Eddy Chaves San Miguel Saa Miguel Roosevelt Colfax Chaves 449 417 344 3,830 3,755 3, 179 .! 1,292 .; 4,539 0,172 5,072 3,217 1,500 550 409 2,526 Lis ('Mires town. ............... I, as Vega:-; ri 1 y (East Las Vegas 903 278 2,767 2,312 Union I'm hi Irs town Raton city !lm« rll city Santa Fc city Silver City SornlTu city Luna.::::::::::: 3,540 2,049 5, 603 2,735 1,512 1,255 Roosevelt Grant 2,102 Colfax Curry McKinley 2,940 Tllrailiisili riiy - NEW YORK. Table t.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: L910, 1.900, AND L890. oundarles, etc., between I900and 1910, see footnotes; for those between L890and L90D,see Reports of the Twelfth Can us L900, Vo] I, I ible5 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 19(H) 1800 Count 173,666 165.671 78,809 69,149 62,973 Albany city loo, ■>.•,:' 6,827 5,SS7 5, 781 4,979 5,854 4,278 5,085 5,004 8, 785 4,055 5,057 6,074 94,151 'l,o_':t 948 48,443 7,878 2,623 4,966 3,093 4,040 2,125 1,049 2,609 4,829 5,367 "'675 1,237 2,415 J50 832 437 1.050 852 1.429 329 1,363 536 2,980 1,144 1,864 1,600 744 9,486 3,775 1,544 1,618 2,495 637 65,919 1,072 39, 047 847 1,372 2,773 946 728 879 1,171 918 1,710 392 1,534 666 3,514 1,298 2,051 1,727 807 5,707 1, 1(H) 35,005 ::: 5, 103 4,083 7,123 J, 304 7,834 1,753 4,413 4,252 24,709 5,371 4,202 4,014 5,097 3,011 3,014 4,737 4,737 3,333 674 1,007 2,834 533 1,609 15,074 1,826 1,283 1,737 1,582 1,603 1,804 1,944 1,859 1.307 41,412 i'947" 4,226 3,952 23,910 2, 273 4,187 3,669 22, 509 Conklin town Dickinson town, including Port Dickinson vil- 345 1,280 Sanford town, including pari of Depn-il village.. Deposit village < part of) Total for Di/iosit rillage in Snnfnnl /mm, Broome (Panly, and Deposit tnun, ftela- 3,265 964 7,035 4,770 3,530 689 1,244 '554 1.795 14,321 . C 1 ) 4,463 3,006 liivrn 1-land town, coexten.-ive with Green Green ;«'/■ '• . . . . Trianglo town, including Whitney Point village. 1,879 Union town, including Endioott, I.evlcrsliire, 1,411 3,207 3,111 982 1,850 2,967 739 65,643 2,112 12,967 Windsor town, including Windsor village Allegany town, including Allegany village 3,398 1,286 1,557 1,516 387 1,627 684 898 US 1,098 185 593 1,710 1,093 475 229 2,067 985 948 T.568 1,159 2.236 461 1,125 626 803 859 1,905 1,368 603 1,529 912 741 1,166 3,692 1,645 2,035 650 1,833 732 1,030 240 1,224 198 644 l]l38 571 207 2,038 886 1,043 2,514 1>9 1.697 200 1,218 1,003 1,616 1,557 2,372 1,882 1 , 632 41,501 1,949 43,240 ('ari'ollton town, including Lime-lone village and part of Allegany Indian Reservation Allegany In,!. ,111 Ueseri n';.,n (pari of) Total for Mliqar.n In, Inn, /,',-■.« rralinn in Carrollton, < 'old Spring, I'M.,,, e; t ,al Val- ley, Red House, Salamanca, and South 1,884 1,590 759 598 973 1,297 2,071 1,094 1,990 1,136 1,056 1,773 2,282 1,318 1,524 754 1,354 131 781 794 2,431 1,556 2,100 1,218 1,105 708 1J202 852 1,260 1,196 496 5,663 4,382 458 993 1,209 451 1,615 756 655 1,182 1,436 2,216 1,190 1,869 954 1,639 978 2,035 1,208 1,424 685 1,310 1,699 786 717 1,509 1,419 1,990 950 Cold Sprint.* tow 11. including 11:111 of Allegany Allegany Indian Rese rial ion • i„i,i ,,f Conewauco town, im hiding pari, of East Ran- Andover town, including Andover village ^^c« town^meiuding Angelica villa-- 1,749 953 1,500 2,233 Totalfor East Randolph rillage in ( uneu ango liulivai town, including lioiivar village Elko town, including part of Allegany Indian I'.uins town, including Cma.-craga village ' 6.5.9 1,639 Allinnng In,!, 'in '\ sere nil,,,) ' part of) Lllioottville town, including Ellicottville vil- Caneadea town, including Oran: '1 \ iilage 2,369 1,502 2,136 l',052 800 S12 1.749 1,280 926 1^281 547 4,981 3,556 l!l63 843 911 891 1 386 l!076 954 1,913 1,249 1,355 1,391 567 4,765 8,485 649 1,206 1,219 374 l-'rani-linville (own, including Franklinville i Ati-a town, in: 1 1 1 1 1 i ! i " Cuba village 2.224 1- "rioiidship iii'fii, including Prion Mini village. Friendship village Croat Vallcv town, including pari of Allegany Granger town Allegany Ineliin lusere ■'!!,, n ipartof) 1,312 Independence town 1,194 Little Valley town, including Little Valley 698 ■:.■<< 677 1.022 Xcw Albion town, including Cai c Cattaraugus village 1,858 Richburg village 878 Bingbamton city in 1908. tween 1890 a 348 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND ] 890— Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., between L90Oand 1910, see footnotes; for those between I890and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: L900, Vol, i, Tabic 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 . MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Cattaraugus County— Continued. 14,743 1,51/1 1,100 2,985 2,347 1,816 1,962 922 1,184 ISO 1,374 1,349 2,012 2,371 758 2,486 408 1,298 781 168 6,760 122 6,792 530 97 1,563 67,106 •9,402 7,358 105,126 88,314 843 2,136 664 1,564 1,258 476 54S 3,515 1,122 1,380 606 1,164 17,221 6,669 S,S99 3,852 4,401 429 1,695 4,371 619 2,141 1,235 882 1,155 67 5,670 69 721 918 2,192 674 1,684 1,406 489 677 3,590 943 1,745 701 1,229 11,616 Hinli lown, including Lakewood village 2,089 charlotte lown. including part of Sinclairville Total for Sinclairville ullage in 1 -haih/ile and 4,854 1,105 1,216 149 1,343 1,940 1,475 2,143 2,319 748 2, C05 446 973 263 5,174 100 '483 713 17 S 1,738 66,234 4,149 1,042 1,123 Chautauqua town, including Mayville \ illagc. . . 3,259 Perrysburg town, including part of Cattaraugus Cherry Creek town, including Cherry Creek vil- 1,481 Perrysbvrg Imm, Cattaraugus County, Hanover ton it, cimniaugt/a cminly. and 9,416 Persia hra n, i i n - 1 1 1 . 1 i i t ■_■ pari of (towanda \ illagc. 1,506 454 1,628 3,118 606 1,136 1,330 1,014 1,198 88 4,778 31 623 1,944 2,988 359 22,892 taraugus Count//, /aid CnH/ns //>//■ :/, Erie !.';.■■■ 1 in 1 in, , ,!,■,,:, ., 1 ,.■,.,:, villages — Port villo Iowa, including I'orla illu village 2,339 2,448 1,201 1,150 1,746 Gerry town, including pari ol .sinclairville \ it- K illngr i in l>an ncnhnii 3,248 3,572 527 2,372 8,434 3,046 3,467 Deposit town, including part of Deposit village . [For total, see Sanford town, Broome County.] 1, ;■, ,. . : h 1 2,356 7,010 Hancock town, including Hancock village Harpersfield Iown, including pail, of Stamford 3 3,178 3,463 '2,490 3,'496 Saranac town, including part of Daimemora '....■ Sclnnlci Kails town 1,665 1,456 own 1,397 1 Incorporated in 1901. 2 Plattsburg village, returned with Plattsburg I city and part of Plattsburg town annexed in 1902; pi to Plattsburg town in 1903. a Exclusive of population of Plattsburg village. 350 STATISTICS OF POPULATION—NEW YORK Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [for changes in boundaries, elc, I .el wren I '.mo and 111 10. see foolnolcs; for I hose between I Kill) and I'.llKl, see Ueportsof 1.1 ic Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Delaware County— Continued. 1,393 3,802 2,104 4,148 2, 607 2,113 W 684 2,127 5,088 3,103 87,661 1,508 3,619 640 2,134 4,023 2,331 1,997 653 2,482 4,869 2,811 81,670 1,555 3,313 616 2,272 3,122 1,358 1,940 562 2,626 4,543 77,879 Erie County -Continued. Buffalo city— Continued. 13,636 21,522 17,219 18,870 13,804 12,136 16,479 19,016 7,650 750 3,921 2^991 4,568 4,391 2,246 2,636 2,526 2,130 3,124 914 6,059 849 2,134 7,745 ~2. 295 1, 936 9,603 3,171 1, 382 63 497 2,424 1.044 N. 290 3, 426 1,827 2, 175 1,020 4, 005 33,458 Middletown town, including Margarclvillc Stamford town, including llobarl village and 1 ,■' 11 ■;>( ' 1: ■ '. 11 . I.,.,; ■ 5,156 669 3,379 2,948 1,260 3,753 878 608 4,080 2^350 2,308 2,202 2, 795 712 1,030 4,073 415 1,683 1,434 Total for Di/nn lillugi in l.ti/kloivaga ami 2,123 827 1,278 2,01(1 2,226 13,858 616 3,902 6, 727 3,019 1,350 893 2,110 868 1,927 848 1,420 1,358 w 27,936 4,781 4,441 3,679 4,448 3,703 3,417 3,467 ~924 3,705 960 1,034 3,532 1,548 1,520 1,097 3,813 2,271 i,136 528,985 2,374 1,071 1,370 1,959 1,970 13,016 3,673 6,807 2,806 1,304 950 2,047 802 1,921 781 1,203 1,483 2.362 1, 113 1,426 1,803 11,840 74:) 3,617 4,278 2,821 1,403 1,020 2.020 638 1,949 630 1,308 1,531 Collins town, including pans of Cattaraugus Indian Peservniioi 1 Cow anda village Cattaraugus Indian t.'escriuiinn (part of) 2,302 [For total, see Persia town, Cattaraugus County.) Concoid town, including Springville village I'isbkill lown. including I'i-hkdi. cishkdll and- ing, and Mai lea wan \ illagts 3,881 2,288 Iiti' tuv n 1 tn lii \n i i . u i ' Null lleaU loV. 1 , . : 11 , 1 : : d 1 1) g Mlllcllnn Village Hamburg lown, including Blasdell and Ham- Flasdell village IJuwhurg village Holland town.... Lai kawanna oil v 2 Ward 1 Pawling town, in. hiding Paw hug village 3,802 lMea-anl \'alle\ lown. ill: lulling i I. a.gui Will, y 1,595 24,029 22.200 Wards Lancaster town, including Lancaster village and part of Depew village 2,720 3,750 3,884 1,585 142 488 l'54S 7,421 3,902 Fain-asur i illngr Manila town Ncwstcad town, including Akron village and pari of Tonawanda Indian P 'nation A l:ron village Toiiauailda Java:;; Fir: n .illov l/i.iri of) . Total for Taaai. r.nda Indian Ft .-, , i a, ion' in Kin-stead ion a, Eric County, and Ala- bama and F< inhroki loirus, Giniscc County. p $|pg ; ^ 6, 820 3,504 3,895 857 1,153 3,472 1,494 1,624 945 4,319 2,627 3,032 1,027 433,686 4,782 976 . 3,718 4,388 i.64" 1,859 1,033 4,575 2,742 2, 700 693 322.981 3,721 Total Jo W(i}i/-ii:airxFulh iniagc in Foi-gh- Kn! llouk lown. including bed Honk :md Tivuli Sardinia town Phineheck lown, in. hiding lilnnebeok village. 7, 145 Wappinger lown, in haling pat' vl Wappi'c.ors 'Poiiawaaila town, 4 including Kenniore village . 6 1,205 318 1,220 5,363 30,707 521 \Vasl:i'u:ion nova. Preluding Millhmok village.. Cliestci field town, including part of Keescville 2,748 828 4,629 1,105 2,781 1,535 2,424 299 540 423,715 9,129 16,505 12,644 11,848 14,462 32,474 20, 157 14.711 22,872 24,642 9,925 11,907 19,385 21,901 '607 4,223 906 4,015 2,005 262 352,387 2.304 533 4,014 1,829 1,108 505 2, 231 1,227 937 848 6.754 '509 3,890 1,682 1,019 4,983 434 740 SS2 67 1,013 '992 2,112 1,131 491 1,333 1,744 1,394 l]052 4,447 '507 1,986 Amherst town. including Willi uus\ ille village. . [For total, see Ausaide town, ( Union County.] Aurora lown, including Easi \urora village 3.200 1,582 1,278 1,396 town. i.ncludiM.a Klizabethtown Brant town, including Karnliam village and part of Cat tar;. ii -jus Indian Hc^a vd :o:i Cattaraugus Imli.ii: Fe mi iiinn ■ n a.' of). ... [For total, see Perrysburg lowa, Catlarau- gus County.] 1,399 255, 664 Movia'i town, i a. hiding I'on IPairv village Port Henry village Ninth | lown." including Lake Placid vil- I.nlu Fhn-.d lillngi ; Sarannc Lai:: i ili"ni i ■/> ni of) Total for Sara nuclide village'- in .\oilh Film and SI. Ain and tonus. Fss, x County, and Harriet si oun loan, Franklin County.. 2,694 544 709 768 SI 'rmand lown." including blooming, inle village and pa; I of Sa' tare bake village Bloomingilai, ..:<■.,. • 033 SO 1,272 Ward 16 1,474 ' Incorporated in lira. 2 Lackawanna eitv i" " 3 Returned in 1900 Genesee Count v. onlv K.vrlusive of ponulaliou of Tonawanda village. Pans of North Elba and St. \rmahd towns annexed to Saranae Pake village returned with Tonawanda tt n 1900, incorporated a STATISTICS OF POPULATION- NEW YORK. 351 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, ] 900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between IflOOand 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1880 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. t, Tables.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Essei County— Continued. Tieonderoga low n, including Tieonderoga village Ticoiuli ruga tillage West port, town incliitl in.t; West port village 4,940 %,w '692 1,580 573 45,717 5,048 1,911 1,727 iiso'i Genesee County-Continued. 1,462 2,301 413 W 2 30,214 1,542 2,425 401 Pembroke town, ineludm" (.alii village and part of Tunav. anda Indi n 1 V . 1 > a lion Corfu village .. Stafford town Greene County 2,679 1,522 634 43,853 1,568 678 38,110 1,338 31,478 Franklin County 31,598 A 1 trillion t town, i ii"ln- 1 ••>■_; k upper Lake \ illago.. 4,691 8,067 1,946 2,341 2,58S 1,249 872 741 1,772 2,840 1,01,5 1,323 1,609 300 2,028 877 1,447 4,753 3,897 10,154 6,467 2,846 675 2,170 44,534 3,045 Ashland towi 040 2,720 1,956 1,841 9,066 5,296 3, 620 2,4U 1,475 1,556 331 2,699 408 660 1,057 1,054 1,936 781 1,438 4,373 692 2,891 2,171 2,176 8,566 5,484 4,102 2,735 1,036 1,651 350 2,788 431 1,028 1,153 2,283 775 1,387 4,947 787 2,876 2,024 2,191 8,263 4,920 3, 773 Amicus town, including Alliens village Bangor town 2^414 2,742 1,253 938 706 1,936 2,723 973 1,206 '312 2,043 822 1,501 3,390 2,248 10,009 6,935 2,484 580 1,615 42.842 2, 445 2,263 1,496 l!ouiba\ low n,' ini Inning St. Regis' Indian Kc's- Cairo town t'atskill low 11, including ( alskill village Cat-skill i illagv t'n vacl.ic low 11, mcluui'-g ( '0- ."'1 !■' , ill ice. 892 480 2,072 2, 965 1J439 1,664 421 2,207 1,345 1,582 Brighton town Surice town Cliat.cnir.MV low n.uc lildlll. . Iini - : ■-.'■..■ ' '.ilia '. Durham town Green; tile town 1,925 1,951 Chateaugati villagi ville villages - Hunter village 2,436 699 tori Cm inglon imiii, including 1 oil 1 o\ in ■■Ion Fori Coring/on villagt 2,455 Ilarrietstown town, 3 including part of Saranac 1,503 Saranac Cake i illigc 3 ( pari of) [For total, s.v North Klba town, Ks-. -x County.] Malone town, including Malone village 8,991 4,986 2, 512 1,690 37,650 4,762 232 143 258 1,045 458 1,149 149 742 56,356 247 299 463 1,219 Santa ( lara town Indian Lake town 469 '319 908 51,049 1,298 500 1,845 441 1,312 20,642 4,658 2,626 S,S40 3,774 2. 894 S,S50 10,447 2,462 2,960 2,126 2,511 2,065 2,228 1,241 175 2,685 695 607 37,615 603 1,946 470 1,566 18, 349 816 2,021 624 1,864 13, 864 Herkimer County 45,608 1,071 941 1,305 357 3,303 10,160 6,588 7,520 12,273 3,633 2,320 2,522 3,798 638 3,355 2,510 1,490 268 583 79 332 642 527 1,772 358 253 1,468 '897 1,071 1,250 465 178 1,386 1,268 1,043 1,390 361 667 4,472 2,664 8,663 6, 138 2,02S 6,748 5,555 931 10,381 Fairlicld town, including pan of Middleviilc Middle villi ullaiu (pari nf) Total for Miiiillivillc allay, in Faii'iild and I'rankioi'l tow 11, including l'i nl.ioii \ il; ice . Ward 5 i6,'is6" 7," 768 Johnstown oily ... 3.9SS Herman Mais (own, including Ilion and Mo- haw k villages 4,057 2, 136 2,226 1,046 1,258 108 1,915 667 830 34,581 3,191 2,181 Mohawk village Herkimer town, including Herkimer village. .. . Mayfield town, including Mayfield village 4,666 Nortl'.ainpion town, including \'orlh\ille vil- 1,992 792 1,563 Oppcn ; ci':i i"wn, including part ol Dolgoville Wards Total for Diilguilll iiliagl ill /I'll I'b, in. If, it il, liillnll Intillll/, Ulld Mnillullil Inifll, 769 997 33,265 Little Falls towns Manheim town, including part of Dolge\ ille vil- lage Dalgi villi lilfigf 1 p-iri nj > [For total, see Oppenheim town, Fulton County.] Xewpcri lowii. including Xe'.i.urt village and parts oi Middlcville and Poland villages 718 2,648 1,807 1,613 306 610 100 370 060 2,025 460 2,078 Alabama town, including part of Tonawanda 2, 231 434 1, 362 212 13, 830 11,613 1,631 637 1,270 i:779 1,384 351 3,77~1 2,115 1,236 1, 957 346 1,503 11,430 9,180 ' 624 1,330 1,512 1,887 1,526 8,144 1,589 714 1,654 Poland villain (pari nf Total/or 1'nland tiling, in AV ie pari and 7,'w.v- Tu nun a, Ida Indian L'i v ri.i/i .» ( pari of). . [For total, see Newstead town, Eric ( onni v.] Alexander own, including Uexender village. 1,587 Xorv.ay lown 818 Balax ia low il' including Batavia village' 9,341 7,221 1,830 623 1,517 1,578 l)746 428 4,722 2,743 1,441 578 Kiesia. lown, including 1 ol 1 ia'c.:. \ iila,"e an 1 Bergen village 270 1,426 1,365 1,030 1 , 240 920 Salisbury town Elba town, including Elba village .,,;.,,, • mi, eeii,, . ; . ' ■ . Lci-'Hi village : Oakfield town luding c un, . ■ ■ : 353 1,475 771 Winfield town, including West \V infield village West Winfield village 1,625 741 1 Part of Batavia town annexed to Batavia village in 1903. 6 Returned in 1900 as in Newstead town, Erie County, and Genesee County, only. 1 1910. Alabama t 8 Part of Little Falls town annexed to Little Falls ei 9 Incorporated it "> Incorporated it 352 STATISTICS OF POPULATION- NEW YORK. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] R CIVIL DIVISION. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Jefferson County Adams town, including Ulams village A daws village Alexandria town, including Alexandria Bay Brownvilh ii;ln-H . Dexter village t!li a furl; vilhuji - (.'ape Vincent lawn, including Cape Vincent vil- KllMiuig town, including Belle ille, Kllislmrg, and Mannsx ille > iliac Belleville villain . . Ellisburg village.. Sacketts Harbor village. . l, including part of Black River vil- Rutland towns . . Lorraine town Lyme town, including ( 'I amnion; village Chavmovt village I ) i leans town Philadelphia town, including Philadelphia vil- Philadelphia village.. Theresa town, including Theresa village. . Ward 6.. Ward 6.. Walerlown U New York city (part of) comprising Brooklyn l-U-iiiikhjn ISunmiili Assembly Disinri i . . Assembly Disirk-l ?.. Assembly y;e,„-/ :... Assembly District 6. Assembly District 9. . I, -.:;(■ mhl'y District 12... Ass, in I, hi Dhirirl /.•;... Assembly District .?/.._ A ssernbly District 23 [For total population of Mew York city, s< New York County.] Lewis County. . Ti il'ii I for Croi/liiiii tillanr ' Copenhagen village. . Diana town, including ITarrisville village. . Harrisville village i Incorporated in 1906. 2,704 1,S9S 4, 1 US 1,266 2,S76 2,200 7S8 2,367 l.r,:t-l.:f.M SO, 071 2,175 62S 2,196 Lewis County— Continued. High Market town.. Totalfor fori l.riidni rillmji in Leyden and Lyonsdale towns Low \ ille (own, including Low ville village Totalfor Lyon x Falls lilhuu in Lyonsdale and Martinsburg town. . jw Bremen town, including part of Croghan village , Croghan village (part of) , Watson town We i 'I uriii io\\ a, including ' :oirdali!.iw illc village and part of Lyons Falls village Livingston County.. Groveland town Leicester town, including Moscow village. . Moscow village*. l, including Lima village. Mount Morris town, including Mount Morris 1/ I in 1; II I North Han w Hie town, including l>ajis\ die vil- Dansi ill' i iilaiii Nunda town, including Nunda village. . Nunda village Ossi an to wn Portage town Sj iai 1 a low n Madison County t'azeiwvia town, including Cazenovia village. Morrisville village.. Fenner l ieorgetown town I la mil inn Imni, including Hamilton village and par! of Karlville village Kit rl villi village (part of) [For total, see Sherburne town, Chenango County.] Hamilton village Lebanon town Bene; town, including Cauasl.ota and Wamps- \ ille villages i 'anaslnla village Wampsvilb i iiiny, - - Lincoln town Mad o low n. melodic Madison village ; Madison village.. Ward /.. Ward:!.. Ward:,.. Ward/,.. Wards Ward 6 Smithfield town 3tockbridge town i, including riiilicnaugo village.. 3,875 &,9Jfl 1,007 3,432 a, oss 2,248 Cliittenango village. . * Oneida village made coextensive with Oneida town and incorporated a ty in 1901. s Population of Oneida town in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK. 353 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see lteports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Monroe County 283,212 217,851 189,586 Nassau County— Continued. Hempstead town— Continued. 1,200 928 1,225 4,836 4,964 3,667 17,831 297 1,981 21,802 1,667 1,694 2,762,522 739 3,998 2,071 1,549 4,862 7,777 1,938 2,184 1,972 2, 754 1,169 3,143 1,000 2,954 6,566 1,473 2,398 3,112 3,634 925 1,205 1,853 5H5 218,149 2,760 4,583 5,821 10, 188 8,300 8,240 15,291 7,261 12, 064 12,346 15,566 U,Wt 8,339 16,701 17, 781 17,546 10,319 1,582 6,184 2,150 4,885 3,679 3,755 1,032 2,453 57,567 3,815 1J581 3,468 5,579 1,400 2,188 2,062 2,863 2,760 1,176 2,616 715 2,814 486 2,857 4,703 4,533 2,109 1,741 2,910 5,145 930 2, 135 2,415 2,991 1,128 2,571 695 2,912 487 2,845 4,450 Total for P'ltnnl fail riling, • in 11, in /isuail 2,612 3,682 668 1,887, 12,048 4,831 Mciiiliiii (own, including 1 loneoye Fulls village nn 1 ! lleni|isie.i.| mw n, .11, In, ' , 1'arma (own, ineln liu.: 1 ! illuii i illage Oyster Bay (own, including larmingdale and 16,334 13,870 1,668 2,050,600 pari of Ivasl Uneliosler \ ilia. 1 -'.' New York city (part of) comprising Bronx and 2,373 2,552 2,129 2,762,522 430,980 24,707 131, 248 80,711 106,030 89.284 I!,, i>',! 75,878 88,002 99, 721 67,341 99,228 62,483 109, 107 64,496 100, 929 62,833 78,010 52,290 63.879 72,031 61,415 63,348 74,594 82,407 66,821 73,446 64,135 119, 799 86, 109 64,282 82,542 65,203 89,802 65,300 92,276 64,327 4,766,883 92,036 2,050,600 200,607 1,515,301 1,000 1,864 162,608 2,031 493 133,896 Kigu (own, ineln, line i Inn eh ulle village 1,860,093 1,491 4,743 3J299 1,695 3J42 3,139 Sweden town, n I I „ i ,„, n village 1 -::.,' mlilu ,'r-,-inr, Yv 1 i i 1 ii in In 1] i Webstei ill i 2,071 47,488 2,400 45,699 Assembly district SO (part of) 31,267 3,768 3,030 3,914 8,227 2,379 4,019 mi 3,074 600 875 2,273 900. 1,904 2,002 812 4,645 2,762 2,488 1,100 2,517 737 1,512 3,369 2,536 83,930 20,929 17,336 1 ,' ■: . ,. ,1 , , : Total for New York , ////, em Uinsne villi Kings, Nen );>rl;, (inu us and Richmond 3,437,202 74,961 Ward 2 Niagara County Wards 62,491 Ward 7 1,7*9 2,638 121 1,530 3,263 713 417 17,970 2,615 2.491 2,437 2,929 4.341 3,157 2,399 4,060 30,445 2,921 4,495 3,285 2,639 4,662 3,187 3,472 3,848 1,648 2,728 141 1,431 3,221 697 337 16,581 Amsterdam town, 6 including Akin and Haga- 3,202 2,948 Haitian,! town, including part of Middleport village 2,843 Mid 'He purl 1 illage (part of) Total for Middleport village in Hartland and Hagaman village 646 3,888 2,101 1,052 2^281 977 4,541 2,444 1,145 2,569 634 360 1,653 2,674 1,873 65,448 596 4,267 1J174 2,296 2,648 1,122 5,198 2.864 2,839 2,871 721 1,217 2,577 | an.ijoliane low n, r, i.-TskIui;; ( ;nm,oluine\ illage. Canajoharie village Lev, istoti low 11 n in ln,i ioi: islnn v illage anil Tusouroi'a Indian Reservation Florida town Lewiston village 16 038 Ward2 Mohawt- [own, in, lading Fonda village Ward 4 Palatine tov, n i i in 'm. n and Palatine WariB 2,585 3,248 19,457 1 ■mi. , ..'. :■■■ -.1,1, : Him 3,170 St. Johnsville town, inclnnin- n, ■-,,-,,,.- 2,081 1,263 Ward 1 Wards 44.297 27,066 23,756 Ward 8 _ ville Center villages and part of Floral Park Niagara town, including l.a -alio village La Salle villaae i,066 661 10,979 1 Parts annexed to Rochester city in 1901, 1905, and 1908. 2 Part annexed to Rochester city In 1907. « Incorporated in 1906. * Parts of Brighton town (Including Brighton village) annexed in 1901, 1903, and 1908 and parts of Gates aud Irondeqtj, •■; I ,,,.., ,• ed in 1907. 6 Incorporated In 1905. 28407—12 23 6 Part of Amsterdam town ' Incorporated in 1909. 8 Comparison of populati (Rockton village) annexed to Amsterdam city in 1901 . in for 1890 made by minor civil divisions wherever 354 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For cnanges in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MTNOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Niagara County— Continued. 11,955 3,423 3,646 4,886 1,267 2,655 656 4,956 1,409 2,260 W 1,792 2,979 6BB 154,157 9,069 4,793 Oneida County— Continued. Whitestown town. Including Whltesboro and 7,798 2,376 691 200,298 6,235 1,958 5,155 1,663 1,364 2,235 647 4,797 1,290 1,923 1,514 2,210 490 4,632 168,735 Porter town, inclinling Younwlown village Royalton town, including part of Middleport Camillus town, including Camillus village 2,642 763 2,475 2,431 7,422 3,274 810 2,980 462 978 1,557 m 5,959 5,139 1,601 188 665 4,509 1,865 3,099 6,016 1,481 1,314 '917 6,340 1,066 2,093 3,208 1,388 4,274 1,616 1,064 137, 249 7,015 8,401 9,134 5,962 6,169 6,367 4,925 9,099 6,624 8,137 9,696 6,649 6,945 7,364 6,829 8,052 9,737 1,386 661 3,200 1,234 52,286 2,453 567 2,611 2,578 5,435 2,609 341 ''649 1,118 1,686 3, 493 1,892 214 630 1,812 5,374 1,304 1,219 2,581 689 5,580 316 1,202 2,546 3,745 1,133 4,205 1,495 1,159 108,374 2,678 1,902 1,926 2,881 612 132,800 4,015 2,978 182,922 D<> Will lown, including East Syracuse and Elbridge town, including Elbridge and Jordan 1,449 1,959 892 3,191 1,794 832 245 3,426 2,1110 1,660 936 697 1,100 607 4,333 1,236 1,379 1,301 1,744 242 1,410 5,947 1,19B '649 1,087 S9S 421 20,497 3,066 S,B64 S,SS6 2,631 1,910 2,48S 1,168 785 2,402 337 278 289 74,419 1,391 6,674 3,225 S,20? 3,312 2,646 6,980 14,471 6,237 3,24S 6,471 4,676 4,253 4,843 3,790 3,197 393 461 3,456 108 1,904 169 1,355 1,995 1,744 '811 706 3,332 1,745 931 3,745 2,370 1,756 1,207 785 1,562 2,068 1,984 625 860 3,509 1,613 1,073 Augusta town, including Oriskany Falls village. Boonville town including Boonville village La Fayettt t 1 , it of Onondaga Bridgewater town, including Bridgewater vil- Onondaga Indian Reservation [pari of) ■<'<.;,■! 1,1. : -i-Hiilniii, i'l.hmi U/servationinLa Camden town, including Camden village 3,391 1,902 1,954 1,489 920 1,519 Lysander town, including part of Baldwinsville Total for Ihihhi in 1. << ■ nn,h 1 Forestport town, including Forestport village... i mils!: iiiun iiicludiiii; I'iiwiieviUe and Man- Kirkland town, including Clinton village 4,545 1,340 1,571 1,398 1,804 238 1,571 5,230 1,007 2,626 568 1,208 389 15,343 4,852 1,269 1,845 1,213 2,145 290 2,024 5,005 912 3,211 843 1,099 SB8 368 14,991 \I.11 mImi- ii- ,' 1 Mi-lnil ni'. 'M: 1 i-i IIP II- 1- Marshall town, including part of Waterville vil- Onondaga town,' including part of Onondaga Total for Waterville village in Marshall and _ Onondaga Indian Reservation (part of) New Hartford town,s including New Hartford Mill mi town,' in. ln.Iing Liverpool village 3,490 Skaneateles town, including Skaneateles village. Remsen town including part of Remsen village. Total for Remsen tillage* in Remsen and Sangerfield town, including part of Waterville 2,440 ■1,333 902 'SB2 333 3,017 1,734 1,005 2,709 406 peet, and Trenton villages and part of Remsen 1,465 674 3,297 1,180 49.605 298 56,383 284 44,007 498 Van Buren town, including part of Baldwins- Uardl 48,453 Ward 7 1,247 559 9,405 7,217 1,675 1,244 1,860 2,538 1,892 1,568 12,446 1,879 2,466 2,916 1,068 2,163 1,966 1,086 1,310 674 8,284 6,161 Canandaigua town, including Canandaigua vil- Wardli 2,784 291 380 3,875 177 2,218 3,016 S17 S77 4,535 1,940 1,607 10, 433 Verona town, including New London village Vienna town. Including Sylvan Beach village 2,220 1,621 2,192 1,817 2,313 Westmoreland town Geneva town i,09i 1,320 'Special charter, 1901. ,0 Syracuse city Id 1908 and STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK. 355 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. Li boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL D Ontario County— Continued. bam town, including part of Rushville vil- Pnsluillc villain (pari of) Total for Pushvillr village in Gorham town, Ontario County, and Potter town, Yates id Phelps to if a nchisler village Shortsi'ille village Naples tow n, including Naples village. . West Bloomfield (own.. Orange County.. Blooming Grove town, including Washington- ville village Washingtonville village Chcslci I own. i Hi hi ding Chester village a, including Highland Falls vil- ' / / ah ■ i. Middletowncity.. Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward J, ilhn-'iiik low o, in, hiding Unionville village.. ornery town, including Montgomery and Walden villages l/'fli'v :' ' ' ■/ .... >.'e \v 1 1 1 1 1 ch city Ward 1 WardZ Wards Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 X mi' 1 hi i gh town Xi«.v Windsor town Port Jervis citv 2 Ward /...". Wards Wards Ward 4 Tuxedo town WalUill (own Warwick town, including Warwick v: Warwick village Orleans County '• II !'■■■■■ ■•■■■ OIC in- il'l ni > : I. hi l .I!.' .I Albion village (part of) Total for Albion village in Albion and Gaines Barre town Carlton town Clarendon town Gaines town, including part of Albion village . . . Albion village (part of) I 'C ' 'II 0,1 l Murray town, including Holley village Holley village 4,003 S,S47 4,221 L. 11.15 2.277 2,727, 6,403 1,046 1,297 '2,156 5,021 2,907 5,061 H024 2. 13.' 2,17,4 2,374 1,731 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Orleans County— Continued. Total for Molina Vila, gem Kofi, wag anil Shelby towns i, including part of Medina village. . Oswego County Albion town, including Altmar village. . Altmar village Amboy town Constantia toi- n n. ici , i , land village. . Cleveland village Fulton city 6 New Haven t( Orwell town. I tSlVCS'o cit.\ . Ward 2'.'. Wards.. Ward 4.. Wards.. WardS.. Ward 7.. Parish village.. Pulaski village Sandy Creek town, including Lacona and Sandy Creek villages Lacona villa ye Sandy Creek village Scliio, |ijicl Ion li, melodic:; i'lioeiii ■; village. . . Phoenix village ' "I'K'i towns Otsego County.. Ha rUviek to wn . ? Laurens town, including Laurens village... Milford tc Milford village Morris town, including Morris village.. ,1 fon is village New Lisbon town Oneon ta city "> Wardl Ward2 Wards Ward4 Wards Ward 6 Oneonta town >° Otego town, including Otego village... 2,425 . S,620 . 2,937 . 2,985 . 2,671 1,255 1,311 S,145 4,716 2,259 689 '8,206 1,249 1,408 1,149 3,012 1,532 2,480 8 Exclusive of population of Port Jervis village. * Incorporated in 1906. • Incorporated in 1903. « Fulton and Oswego Falls villages, returned with Volney and Granby towns in 1900, consolidated and incorporated as Fulton city in 1902. 1,803 685 597 1,703 1 . in 1 1 ..I . 1 m ( 1011 of Oswego Falls villa; 9 Exclusive of population of Fulton village. 10 Oneonta village, returned with Oneonta town in 1900, incorporated a 909. " Exclusive of population of Oneonta village. 356 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Otsego County— Continued. Otsego town, Including part of Cooperstown 4,287 844 2,212 1,603 1,468 2,376 2,185 14,665 4,497 2,326 1,101 897 2,526 1,537 1,031 1,762 2,601 1,172 910 2,409 13,787 4,917 Rensselaer County— Continued. Troy city— Continued. 6,213 3,620 6,198 3,900 85,969 1,218 1,025 2,699 l|l90 1,726 2,723 1^023 2,741 14,849 town, iucluding Richfield Springs 67,021 New York city (part of) comprising Richmond 85,969 86,969 46,873 67,021 1 ng Unadilla village Richmond Bamuih: [For total population of New York city, see New York County.] 38,298 35,162 2,610 968 1,536 5,345 2,649 765 3,282 i,m 284,041 2,598 1,026 1,644 4,642 $,067 624 1,034 2,843 1,192 152,999 2,912 1,147 1,402 4,113 Clarkstown town, including Upper Nyack vil- 7,980 591 9,335 6,669 14,370 368 4,619 2,068 11,537 1,090 2,353 2,663 3,651 89,005 6,305 616 9,874 5,935 2,079 10,456 Phillipstown Id Springs and 3s ei : i w town, including Ilaverstraw and 1,193 4,082 Southeast town, including Brewster village Orangetown town, including Grand View-on- Hudson, Nyack, Piermont, and South Nyack 128,059 4,275 1,163 1,601 7,502 824 New York city (part of) comprising Queens 284,041 68, 128 68,623 93, m 74,171 122,276 152,999 1,496 Ramapo town, including Hillburn, Spring 5,910 1,619 4,161 89,083 [For total population of New York city, see New York County.] 1 121,697 i 124,511 85,048 2,179 6,151 2,701 420 1,674 1,499 2,516 307 907 1,387 476 2,234 1,655 6,020 4,128 1,745 404 1,526 587 1,469 1,676 2,981 1,492 1,168 1,457 4,806 2,961 '640 1,993 15.933 3,039 4,066 2,602 6,336 2,235 1,785 770 1,628 816 8,725 1,932 4,036 981 1,842 2,614 1,888 731 2,703 6,387 2,757 330 1,382 1,678 2,723 331 936 1,340 373 1,694 1,716 5,915 L764 1,615 2,832 1,350 1,019 8,315 6,632 1,031 1,616 1,651 1,234 2,115 529 1,293 1,238 2,920 700 835 1,078 10,711 1,319 1,187 1,124 1,306 896 1,631 981 1,371 896 2,128 2,780 765 135 4,780 1,396 1,289 76,813 3,928 4,302 2,044 4,624 4,327 6,010 6,476 3,894 4,628 6,252 3,469 4,518 6,610 1,677 3,513 2,036 1,136 8,631 5,671 1,704 3,654 2,171 1,457 10, 471 7,014 342 Hoosick town, including Hoosick Falls village.. Dekalb town, m i. ■■■. .■■>■■ ' i lie village 2,840 336 1 Hi 1 1 I" 1 III 111. I 1 . II 2,073 418 4,719 1,449 3,236 2,273 356 4,768 1,461 4,056 Gouverneur to\ n i in Ii ;mi n i I 3,458 Hammond to\i i m JiMm M nimond village.. * n II 1,542 603 2,521 5^255 1,621 1,374 3^904 2,032 1,798 466 1,911 68 1,714 12,633 1,832 1,362 7,466 1,602 7.301 *' s iu i» i iii. iii ii i ■ , in village ''""i .' 11 "I- 1 nun .mi i i .:...', il . Mi Norfolk town, including part of Norwood vil- 2,299 2,631 1,061 2,555 3,059 1,258 1 , . ; u ■J,' •,;■■;■: i 1,463 • . 1 . : 4,334 1,214 1,545 60,651 1,121 1.764 60,956 2,368 1,885 902 9,054 1,656 3,843 1,136 2,067 2,001 767 I'olsilum town, in -hiding Potsdam village and 'A m i.'i" i ii 1 ■"'. 1 I.". . 1 2,209 Ward 13 ) ,i,:.ii,iiih\\ (own, including part of Watkins village... Total foi III i I I 1 Total for Mnlkiiis villui//: in Dir find Konlimi Monlonr (own, including Monlour Kails village. Rending low 11, including |> u i of Watkins village. 28,227 Covert town, including Interlaken village 1,947 693 2,593 668, 3,931 663 1,898 1,470 957 1,408 3,355 648 2,803 7,407 6,588 1,624 1,970 1,416 1,678 900 1,173 4,429 3,368 83,362 1,897 Fayette town, including ward 1 of Waterloo 2,711 655 4,256 644 Total for Waterloo village in Fayette and 4,350 .Unreal, low n, inch], line South CM,- ip : 1,053 1,636 3,734 624 2,895 7,305 6,519 1,134 1,694 torv Mills villages 3,651 2,852 Saratoga brings town, including Saratoga Seneca Falls town, including Seneca Falls vil- 6,961 6,116 954 1,270 4,659 3,601 82,822 1,388 Slillwnlei lnu-i hH-lii'hii;;S(il[n;)ler ullage :ind 1,600 1,007 6,157 3,146 989 46,852 3,868 789 747 Waterloo town, including wards 2 and 3 of 4,681 3,706 Steuben County ■■. .:. ,. ! !■ ... .., :,..,!, ill , .,. Waterford village 81,473 29,797 Addison town, including Addison village 2,509 2,004 2,140 1,067 8,554 3,884 687 613 1,066 1,204 3,441 2,259 1,078 2,926 8S8 13,730 2,125 1,409 2,068 2,262 1,461 2,697 2,391 1,303 2,211 1,224 860 1,111 651 870 13,617 2,934 2,078 1,886 2,076 2,247 2,397 2,047 1,461 1,264 1,153 1,834 684 1,316 * 917 840 1,712 1,006 1,254 2,836 1,392 643 2,637 2,080 1,\2h 1,006 8,437 4,m 611 771 1,353 1,467 3,432 2,077 1,345 3,197 879 11,061 2,908 2.166 Schenectady County Avoca town, including A voca village 2,242 963 Duaoesburg town 2,211 5,201 2,957 1,907 684 5,406 72,826 4,718 6,611 6,161 4,444 4,872 6,093 6,074 8,816 6,055 2,793 6,194 6,605 23,855 2,428 3,010 i'327" 2,557 2,468 i,"646 Bath town .including Bath and Sa vo 1 1 7,881 Glenville town, including Scotia n Savona village Bradford town 669 765 1,564 1,533 3,629 2,071 Princeto wn town Rotterdam town J Schenectady city 2 Wardl 691 7,711 31,682 732 3,098 19,902 Campbell town Canisteo town, including Canisteo village Cani.iteo village Wards WardS Wards WardS Ward 7 Ward 8 Conoctoii ice. n ton village Cohorton village Coming city Wardl Ward 2 WardS 3,444 8,' 550 Ward 9 Ward 10 Wardl' Ward IS Ward IS 26,854 29,164 Ward 6 Ward 6 Ward 7 Corning town Dansville town Erwin town, including Painted Post village. . . . i,937 1,417 1,851 776 1,033 1,129 787 959 11,918 1J559 1,884 688 1,047 616 933 1,024 3,579 2,088 708 977 26S 1,450 1,467 2^553 1,114 1,430 699 2,526 996 1,419 1,825 469 1,105 963 1,222 330 768 1,153 1,225 3,973 2,327 793 1,096 290 1,998 1,448 1,409 2,738 1,135 1,719 651 2,700 1,006 1,404 2,058 567 1,217 1,155 951 1,367 1,349 3,443 1,822 929 1,232 274 2,316 1,718 1,469 3,007 1,139 1,917 66S 2,944 1,028 1,626 2,202 622 1,399 1,295 1,398 757 1,011 10,996 •'H I- ill i n in I i iin >. hi, dull village Cobhskill village Esper.ance town, including Esperance village. . . Gilboa town 1^704 1,430 1,306 2,197 71S 1,590 1,059 1,017 2,015 1,301 2,692 2^984 1,307 1,939 Jefferson town 1,938 Middleburg town, including Middlebui 1,690 1,537 Richmondville town, including RichmondviUe village Prattsburg town including Prattsburg village.. 2,170 607 1,769 1,269 Schoharie village 1,113 2,174 i' " '■ :: ' 'idol - :,,,,,- 1,438 Sharon Springs village Summit town Urbana town, including Hammondsport village. 2,590 ling Wayland village Catharine town, including Odessa village 679 Wayne town 889 kayuna an : 358 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.J M1NOE CIVIL DIVISION. Steuben County— Continued. West Union town Wheeler town i' ling Woodhull village Woodhull village Suffolk County Babylon town, including Amityville and Baby- lon villages Amityville village Babylon village Brookhaven town, including Bellport and Patchogue villages Bellport village > Patchogue village Easthampton town, including part of Sag Har- bor village Sag Harbor milage (part of) Total for Sag Harbor village in Easthampton and Southampton towns Huntington town, including Northport village. . Northport village Ri verhead town Shelter Island town Sraithtown town Southampton town, including Southampton village and part of Sag Harbor village Sag Harbor village (part of) Southampton village Southold town, including Greenport village Greenport village Sullivan County Bethel town Callicoon town Cochecton town Delaware town Fallsburgh town Forestburg town Fremont town Highland town Libertv town, including Liberty village Liberty village Lumberland town Mamakating town, including Wurtsboro village. Wurtsboro village Neversink town Rockland town Thompson town, including Monticello village... Monticello village Tustentown Tioga County Barton town , including Waverly village Waverly village Berkshire town Candor town, including Candor village Candor village > Newark Valley town, including Newark Valley Newark Valley village Nichols town, including Nichols village Nichols village * Owego town, including Owego village Owego village Richford town Spencer town, including Spencer village Spencer village Tioga town Tompkins County Caroline town Dryden town, including Dryden and Freeville villages Dryden village Freeville village Enfield town Groton town, including Groton village Groton village Ithaca city Ward 1 WardS Wards War^i 4 Wards Lansing town Newfield town, including Newfield village New field village Ulysses town, inclufiing Trumansburg village. . . Trumansburg village » Incorporated In 1908 > Incorporated in 1900. • Incorporated in 1903. * Incorporated In 1901. » Incorporated In 1906 16,737 419 S.824 18,346 5,345 1,064 2,240 2,509 10,577 7S7 2,102 14,802 2,572 2,476 7,112 S,0S8 2, 157 12,545 l|066 5,863 10,371 947 2,289 8,301 2,866 2,113 33,830 1,938 1,449 3,785 2,013 3,462 1,016 4,123 3, 074 3,572 1L079 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Ulster County.. Waal /.: Ward 2.. Wards.. Ward ',.. Wards. Ward 6. Ward7 Ward8 Ward9 WardlO Ward It Ward 12 Ward IS Kingston town.. Lloyd tc Marlborough village ». Olive town.. Plattekill to Rochester to town, including Rosendale village.. Saugert Shandaken town, including P Pine Hill village Ellcnt illt. Tillage... i, including Ellenville village. Warren County. . Lake George village'. Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Wards Hague town Horicon town Johnsburg town Queensbury town 6 Stony Creek town Thurman town Warrensburg town Washington County Argyle town, including Argyle village Argvle village Cambridge town, including part of Cambridge village Cambridge village (pin of) Total for Cambridge village in Cambridge and White Creek towns Dresden town n, including part of Greenwich village icli villi. - ° ■■ Greenwich to.. FbW Ann town, including Fort Ann village Fort Ann village Fort Edward town, including Fort Edward vll- Fori Granville villa, Greenwich town, including part of Greenwich village Greenwich village (part of) Hartford town Hebron town Jackson to wn Kingsbury town, including Hudson Falls vil- lage Hudson Falls village 9 6,189 Putnam town 504 Salem town, including Salem village 2,780 Salem village « Glens Falls village, returned with Queensbury town In 1900, Incorporated ai a city In 1908. 7 Exclusive of population of Glens Falls village. « Returned in 1900 as in Greenwich town only. • Name ohanged from Sandy Hill in 1910. i,r>34 2,24s 1,485 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK. 859 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOE CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Washington County— Continued. White Creek town, including part of Cambridge 2,342 1,066 4,917 60,179 2,496 1,092 5,295 4,377 48,660 2,690 1,163 5,402 4,434 49,729 Westchester County— Continued. 1,522 1,258 12,828 11,480 2,998 1,311 681 862 725 19,652 2,286 12,809 3,964 1,300 1,228 15,045 18, m 79,803 8,268 6,596 6,730 11,037 12,272 12,568 9,939 3,661 6,138 3,694 3,020 31,880 1,471 1,133 10,895 < (j inbridije village ( part of) Ossinlng t!!;... i, . . 1 < ' 1 1 1 ' I III-. V . .!--■•--.-. ! >.)i .1 ■- 15,564 404 2,888 2,002 2,231 4,770 670 7,899 11,613 Gainesville town, Including Gainesville and 2,166 Tarr'vtown villages, and parts of wards 1 and 2 667 658 1,770 1,406 1.005 3, 862 2,512 1,277 458 1,801 4,341 3,048 927 20.318 740 2,083 1,466 2,299 3,562 223 4,042 1,824 1,781 1,148 Perry town, incln. line part of Perry village 2,928 1,528 • •■■ - : . ,//.„.,. 1,443 483 2,059 Warsaw town, including Warsaw village 4,468 3,120 1,032 Yates County 2,048 1,311 3,849 946 (») (?) 8,698 1,485 1,417 2,385 Mamaroneck town, including Larchmont vil- 21,001 Barrington town 1,044 2,032 211 4,697 693 868 696 935 868 641 861 2,444 1,122 6,088 4,386 1,495 339 2,638 1.M8 1,018 346 1,249 2.179 t09 4,660 1,393 Benton town, including parts of wards 1 and 2 Totalfor M man in MamaToneck 2,291 222 '"" :•:■.-!■; '. . -i'iIi I'ur- 5,844 / ■■ - ' ■' ■ ■■ Pi an izn i i '" iii Benton and 4.B54 lages, and part of Briar Cliff Manor village Total for I ■ Huge"- in Mount 4,m 1,204 3,179 1,094 2,775 1,282 6,318 4,W 1,520 188 2,836 1,291 1,065 308 1.206 21,228 10,830 2,957 1,387 ..hlc, i,,\MI . IM, .,,,,.!, 6,028 Penn Yan villaqe (part of) Potter town, including part of Rushville village. 4,032 1,680 2,401 621 14,720 2,110 463 9,057 322 [For total, see Gorham town, Ontario County] Starkey town, Including Dundee village 2,862 1,200 1,197 348 1 County total includes population (10,029) of Westchester t( New York Countv between 1890 and 1900, 1 Incorporated in 1902. • That part of Mamaroneck village In Mamaroneck town not returned separately in 1900 • Incorporated In 1906. • Incorporated in 1904. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. Chatham village. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 361 CITY OR VILLAGE, ( ieno\a city Gilbertsville Glen Park village Goshen village Gouverneur village. Gowanda village Grand-View-on-lIudson village Granville village. Liverpool village Livonia Station village Lock-port city Lowville village Lyndonville village 913 24,535 903 21,261 388 333 3,750 1,692 233 558 3,144 255 626 2,743 097 1,700 949 732 633 734 1,003 CITY OR VILLAGE. Malone village Mamaroneck village. Manchester village . . Manlius village . . Mannsville village. .. Margsirelville \ illagc. . Mayvillo village.. Millbrook village. Millerton village . . Mineola village.... Mohawk village... Monroe village Montgomery v" Mn'il ii i'lln village Mo'Mnur Falls \ illggr. . Mourn Morns \ illage... i Estimated population in 2,352 of present New York city. Newport village Niagara Falls city N'icliols village \oi I h l vihaiu village — No! f h Tarrvloun \ 1 1 hi •_•.'' Norlh Tonawanda city. . Northport village Olean city Onei la 3, Alamance County, and Rock Creek town- Township 5, Faucette Township 6, Graham, 2 including Graham town. Graham town Township 7, Albright Ton nship S, Xewlin Township !), Thompson Township 10, Melville, 2 including part of Me- bane town Mebane town (part of) . . Township 12, Burlington, including Burlington Burlington city . . Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward 4 Alexander County.. Ellend-ile township Gwaliueys township. .. Little River township . . Sugar Loaf township Taylorsville township, including Taylorsville Alleghany County.. Cherry Lane township ('ran berrv township Gap Civil township, including Sparta t< -s Creek township.. Whitehead township.. Anson County.. Ansonville township, including Ansonville town A nsonvillt loan I'.'o usvillo tow nship Gulledge township. Lanesboro tow — ^ Polkton tow Peachland iship, including Peachland and McFarlan town Morven town Wadesboro township, including South Wades- . I ■ '. i • i ■ South Wadesboro town Wadesboro town White Store township Helton township . . Piney Creek township . . 25,065 18.271 Beaufort County.. Chocoiriiii/ii town ' Lou i' Acre low nslnp, including I'inci own low n. j 'inetown town'-' . . . I'anlego tow n-hip. includine I'.clhaven, Leach- \ ille, and I'anlego I owns Belhaven U Liiichvillc town Pantcgo town Richland low nship, including Aurora and Ed- Bertle County.. Cc derail i township, including (olerainand Pow- ells s ■ille towns Coleraintown PowillxtUlc town finikin 'A mills Inwuship ■ •174 Whiles township;. Windsor low nship, including Windsor ti 1,196 1 Returned in 1900 as in Rock Creek township, Guilford County, only. > Township 13 organized from parts of townships 6, 10, and 11 in 1903. " Returned in 1900 as in township 10, Alamance County, only. * Incorporated in 1903. * Incorporated in 1907. « Incorporated as a city in" 1903. A Illicit -bm f lowiiship, including AbbotMmrg .ibbolls-hnrii town < I -'■! lid iownshlp. IMadenboro lowiiship, including Bladenboio ISInili nimrn town > I'.row u Mai .h I ownship, iiichalingClarktontown Council to Central township ». Colly township.. Lake (.reck township Turiibull township White Oak township. ... Whiles Creek dm nship. . Brunswick County.. Lockwood Folly township, including Shallotte Ward! WardS WardS Town Creek township . . Waccamaw township. .. Buncombe County .. Asheville town \sheville city and Biltmore, and South Biltmore towns A sheville city w Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 WardS Biltmore town... South Biltmore to 1,572 945 1,279 1,370 1,190 1,633 1,551 • Central and Elizabethtown townships returned as Elizabcthtown township in 1900. io Part of Asheville township (including Montford town) annexed to Asheville city in 1905. (363) 364 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MIMHt CIVIL DIVISION. Buncombe County— Continued. tv Creek t( unship, including Black Flat Creek lii\vnslii|i, including Jupiter town. .. French Broad lownship, including Alexander Alexander town ' I \ y township I.eicesler township, including Leicester town... Leicester town Limestone township, including Arden town Lower 11 oiti in v township Rectus Creek township, including Wcaverville Burke C ouuty Icard township, including Uildebran town. . Loveladv lownship, including Rutherford Col- lege town Rutherford Colleqe Murgankm township, including Morganton Morganton Glen Alpine town Smoky (reck low nship. . Cabarrus County... Township 1, Rocky River.. Township 2, Poplar Tent. . . Township 3, Deweese... Townships, Mount Pleasant, including .Mount Pleasant town Mount Pleasant town Township 9, Smiths Caldwell County.. i dohe township * I ! cison to Aiisliip, including Hudson town Hudson town ' Johns River township,' including Collettsville Coilrltsiille i.wu Kings Creek township ' "Mr township, including pai 1. of Lenoir town Lenoir town (part o) i Lenoir and Lower and Rhodhiss Granite Falls i ,iru Rhodhiss town 5 Lower Creek township, including part of Lenoir 122 1,625 Patterson ton n* 86 . l Creek township, 1 including Mortimer town 917 . Mortimer town' r"adkin Valley township ' Incorporated in 1905. 2 County total includes population (408) of Upper Creek to Upper Creek township between 1890 and 1900. J Part taken to form part of Lee County In 1908. 2,415 17,699 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Camden County.. South Mills township, including South Mills South' 'mOi's 'town »'.".".!!"."!".".".".!."!!"!!!".! Carteret County 2,139 « 14,939 1,736 1,401 1,470 Mnrchrad City town Township 3, Newport, including Newport town. Newport town Township -1, I '.cantor I , including Beaufoi i, (own Beaufort town Township 5, Straits Ian tic town.. Atlantic towni Township 8, Portsmouth. . Township 9, Merrimon Caswell County Anderson township Da 1 1 IMver township Ilighiouers iu.vuMiip , Leasburg township Locust Hill township Mihoii lownship, including Milfoil ii Yanceyville lownship, including Yanceyville Yanceyville town i Catawba County.. Bandy township Caldwell township Catawba township, including Catawba town. . , Catawba low. Cllnes township, including Claremont town Clarernoul Imrii Hickory township, including Brookford, Hick- ory, Highland, Longview, and West Hickory Jacobs Fork township. . and Newton tc Conover to Mn'nU ll 10 Newton to Chatham County'. Albright township.. No. 2, a Johns Rive Cape Fear township, 9 including Merry Oaks town and part of Bonsai town Bonsai town (part of ) Total for Bonsai town,' in Cape Fear town- ship, Chatham County, and Buckhorn town- ship, Wake County Merry Oaks town 10 Ccnler lo-Aoshio ii including Pittsboro town Pittsooro town Gulf township, Including Goldston town Goldston town « Hadley township " Haw River township, rs including Haywood and Moncure towns Bay wood town ' Moncure town ' , Hickory Mountain township Matthews township, Including Ore Hill and Siler City towns Ore Hill town' Siler City town New Hope township « Oakland township » William township 8 County total Includes population (568) of Rock Rest township, annexed to ter and Hadley townships since 1900. 9 Parts taken to form part of Lee County in 1908 and part of Haw River ti ship In 1909. ic Incorporated In 1909. » Part of Rock Rest township annexed In 1909. " Organized from parts of Cape Fear and New Hope townships in 1909. 13 Part taken to form part of Haw River township In 1909. 2,105 5,921 2,330 2,154 w 2,761 2,242 2,725 2,623 1,045 1,018 i, 598 2,293 2,897 i 94 1.. 2,248 2,222 1,848 STATISTICS OF POPULATION-NORTH CAROLINA. 365 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] i Incorporated in 1905. 2 Incorporated in 1903. » Bolton township organized from part of Ransom township In 1909. I South Williams township organized from part of Williams township in 1901. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. li)10 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Cherokee County 11,136 11,860 9,976 Craven County— Continued. Township 3, including Cove City and Dover 3,501 308 737 1,694 878 1,988 11,405 9,961 508 1,408 913 1,031 3,497 2,644 1,248 35,284 2,689 1,673 808 4,708 977 1,798 1,936 3,213 936 11,303 1,755 860 3,727 604 1,660 1,853 2,005 1,355 775 2,889 80S 1^739 1,523 1,913 Murphy i.m uslnp, including Murphy town Township 5 Township 6 Tow oship 7 1,477 986 2,021 10,724 9,090 1,424 746 Valley Town township, including Andrews 2,259 9,343 Newbern city' Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward4 Ward 5 Ward6 Township 9 7,843 10,258 9,167 5,948 S,789 2,363 1,615 1,377 3,909 5,289 3,046 2,087 1,556 1,326 4,532 4,227 2,205 2,002 1,469 1,469 4,197 1,691 29,249 1,968 Yeopim township Bcaverdam townshi 1,222 2,242 W2 2,075 3,093 8,216 7,045 1,101 909 1,602 350 272 '659 1,141 3,353 1,635 504 2,361 2,350 680 3,205 300 964 5,028 7,693 1,170 1,903 mack River township, including Godwin town. 1,487 Brasstown township 719 1,511 537 647 495 29,494 783 1,655 614 838 642 25,078 716 1,557 779 565 20,394 1,925" 3,081 5,926 4,670 2,097 lle\ csville township Hi wassee township Shooting Creek township Cross Creek township, 8 including Fayetteviile 6,012 4,222 Tusquittee township " 726 2,238 2,246 4,511 209 t,m 2,218 ' 185 6,560 3,127 2,791 297 198 2,360 3,206 608 1,285 28,020 624 1,943 2,030 3,570 m 1,281 2^000 160 4,439 1,874 2,378 108 w 2,169 3,467 531 1,753 1,649 2,327 128 429 429 2,017 105 3,570 1,394 2,063 i . : ' i ,,:■.!■■ •• 2,415 1,602 628 1,491 1,907 Total for Kiimr. Mou nitiiit Uiu-n in tmrn-liip 4, Cleveland County, and Crowdcr Mmiii- Quewhiffle township including Raeford town. . . 1,448 Township 5, Warlick, including Waco town ... Rockiish low usliip including Cum lierland and 3,273 843 881 3,928 6,529 I'ownsliipi slicli)i H In i ii Shelby town Shi Ihii town....! Township 7, Sandy Run, including Lattimore 197 1,700 2,717 Atlantic townshi 473 2,514 673 1,409 2,624 4,841 393 2,122 770 1,312 1,932 4,757 1,156 1,242 21,274 1,074 993 17,856 1,910 Chicamacomico and Kennekeet township 1,649 944 1,380 2,945 1,242 3,077 323 W 1,874 1,575 418 3,233 790 1,124 1,015 638 4,014 1,808 2,303 w 25,694 1,707 1,399 644 539 548 1,041 2,069 408 29,404 842 544 500 987 1,884 312 23,403 793 376 1,491 1,563 248 2,272 123 828 1,822 1,992 78 1, 264 943 156 1,878 129 £43 1,422 1,820 122 397 Chadbourn township, including Chudbourn Nags Head town hip. including Manteotown — 1 i no Gordo and 21,702 969 1,133 1,453 1,009 1,886 320 209 9S6 692 6, 862 l\ 640 710 1, 028 879 '945 1,023 6, 342 3, 877 1,525 302 130 1,294 §6 1,239 1,538 1.374 1,395 South Williams township,* including Tabor Tatoms township, including Boardman and '604 1,359 Emmons townshi]), including IVntontown 1,298 225 886 705 4, 635 1,036 1,235 549 2,750 634 2,575 963 1,301 587 2,549 372 2,371 l.cviiiaton low ii hin, includinv Lexington town. 1 " ' 'I! - mi '■ •:: : '. : ' Williams township, * including Clarendon 1,213 897 991 1,307 488 210 24,160 20,533 Tliniuas\ ill,-, township, including Thoinas\ iile 3,402 392 1,478 348 3,300 291 1,272 1,910 Yadkin CoMclv Iown-ldii, including Yadkin 970 Bridgeton lown ■ Yadkin College town 366 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL D I'.ilaliahi low nship Chi ks\ ill,' low nship Farmiugton tow nship. . Fulton lownship Jitus ih-in lownship. . . . Mocksvillo low nship. int .uding Mocks vllletc Kelson low nship, including l-'nison town Faison town Glisson lownship Island Creole township, including Teachevs and \\ allaee towns Ti nchcys town i Rose Hill to Smith township ■Warsaw township, including \\ arsaw to Wolfsorape township Durham County.. Lebanon township. . . Mangum township. . . Oak Grove township. Patterson township... Edgecombe County.. Township 1, Tarboro. 4 including Princeville and Tarboro towns Princeville town Tarbnro town* Wardl Ward2 WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Township 2, Lower Conctoe, including Conetoe Conetoe town Township 3, Upper Conetoe Township 4, Deep Creek... Total for Whiinl :( rs :< Township 7, Swift creek, including part of Bat- tle boro to wn Battleboro town (part of) Total for Batlleborn town in township 7, /'./,/,- ■ i •!,'■! ■ .]■,;■, 27,606 18, HI 1,022 2,661 Township 14, Upper Town Creek. . Forsyth County 1 Disincorporated between 1890 and 1900; reincorporated in 1903. Forsyth County— Continued. Bethania township. . Kernersville town Lewisville township. Middle Fork townshi Old Richmond town O Id to wn to wnship Salem Chapel township South Fork township Vienna township. U'iiiMOM iowut-.hip, including Salem town and Winston city Winston city Franklin County.. „ i Creek tc : I ownship Franklinton township, including Franklinto i.oui; iuug lownship, including Louisburg town Youngsville township,' including Youngsville Youngsville lawn Gaston County Cherryville township, including Cherryville ( ! ov, del Moimiain low nship, including I mer City and East Kings Mountain towns part of Kings Mountain town i dl i io I] n| i i< hniii I ill is \nd Hirdin Mills towns Dallas town Hardin Mills town" (Worth P. O.). . Casfouia lownship, including Gastonia Oastonia to.. .. Ward 1.. WardS.. WardS.. Ward 4.. jr Bend township, including Mountain land, Mount Holly, and Stanley Creek towns. Mountain I sin ud town Mount Holly town Wardl WardS WardS Warii Stanley Creek South Point lownship, including •' Lowell, mid McAd.enville towns Belmont town Lowell town McAdenville town Gates County Gatesville township, including Gatesville tc Gutesrillc town Hall township Haslett township Holly Grove township Hunters Mill township Min tonsville township Reynoldson township Graham County Cheoah township,' 2 including Robbinsville town. Riilihinsnille town Stekoah township Yellow Creek township ' Returned as Cypress in 1900. s Name changed from Freeman in 1906. • Incorporated in 1907. i° Returned as Hardin Factory in 1900. " Returned as Stanley in 1900. » Returned as Robbinsville in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. 367 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, eto., between 1900 and 1910 see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Granville County.. 1 1 raasfleld township Dutchvillo tow nsh ip, inch id inr.i'reedmoor town. Creedmoor loirn ' ! ■ I'l.i > '■■ '' • !'" Oak Hill lounship Oxford township, including i >\ford town Oxford town Salem township Sassafras Fork township, including Stovall Greene County i, including Contentnea town . Bull Head Contentnea Carrs township Hookerton township, including Hookerton town Hookerton town Jason township, including Jason town. Olds township Ormondsville township Guilford County.. Deep River township Fentress township Friendship township Gilmer township, including wards 2, n Gilmer and More- Ward 1 . . WardS.. WardS.. Ward 4.. Ward . . . WardB.. Greene township High Point township, including High Point city. High Point cilii Jamestown township Jefferson township Madison township Monroe township Morehead township, including wards 1, 4, and 5 of Greensboro city Greensboro city (part of) Oakridge township. 1; ding siokesdale town. Stokesdale town 2 Creek township, including part of Gibson- [Fortotal rnaneeCounty.] Sumner township , Washington township Halifax County.. Brinkleyville township, including Ringwood Ringwood town Butterwood township Conocanary township, in ' Tillerytown Enfield township, including Enfield town Enfield town Faucett township Halifax township, including Halifax town Halifax town Littleton township, including part of Littleton '■■".■■ ship, Halifax County, and River towns-hip, 1 Incorporated in 1905. 2 Incorporated in 1907. » County total includes population (3,317) of pendently : - "" xt — , cnangea r isive of not parately in 1900. 2,956 "2.' it'll')' 5,598 4,163 1,578 1,351 J '2,760 1,217 1,143 MINOR CIV1I, DIVISION Halifax County— Continued. Palmyra township, including lluhgoodand Pal- myra towns Ilnbt/imd Roseneath township ■■■'■ 'i '.cck township, including Scotland Hail hnid Nick Weldon township,' including Weldon Harnett County Anderson Creek township \ wrvshoro Low uship, 8 including JJuuii Barbecue township lilack River township, including Angier liiickhorii township. Duke township 8 drove township, 8 including Coats Hectors Creek low lis!, pi. Johnsunville township Lillington township, including Lillington J.illinijtou iniru . Neills Creek township, including Buies Creek Buies Creek Stewarts Creek township Upper Little River township. Haywood County. Beaverdam township, including Canton town. Canton town. . . North ward South ward. Cataloochee township. Pigeon township Hazelwood t . Waynesville White Oak township. Henderson County. Blue Ridge township. Clear Creek township. Crab Creek township Edneyville township . . . "-- township... llenuersorn die ioviiship, including Hender- son ville town Hendersonrille town. Hooper Creek township Mills River township, Hertford County. Ahoskie township, is including Ahoskie town . Harrellsville Manny s Neck township Murfreesboro township, including Mapleton and Murfreesboro towns Mapleton tow ' ' Murfreesboro St. Johns township," including Union city, returned inde- 9 Incorporated in 1902. 10 Incorporated in 1904. 11 Cecil township organized from part of Pigeon township in 1902. is Incorporated in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5J R CIVIL DIVISION. Lake Landing township Ocracoke township Swan Quarter township, including Swan Quar- i Iredell County.. Chambersburg township Coddle Creek township, including Mooresville Mooresville town Concord township Cool Spring township Davidson township Eagle Mills township Fallstown township, including Troutman tc Statesville city . . Wardl Ward2 WardS Ward 4 Turnersburg township Union Grove township. . . Jackson County. . . Barkers Creek township.. Canada township . . Dillsboro to Dillsboro town Greens Creek township , Hamburg township Mountain township Qualla township, including part of Whittier Wltitticrt Total for Wltillitr town* in Qualla township, Jackson County, and Charleston town- n (part of)., ittier town 3 County, an ship, Swain County . . Webster township, including Webster town. . . Webster town * Johnston County Banner township, including Benson town Four Oaks to ... Meadow township O'l leal ; township Pine Level township," including Pine Level Pine Level tou-n Pleasant Grove township Selma township, 6 including Selma town Smithfidd to . . i, hip Wilson Mills township. . Jones County i Township 1, White Oak, including Maysville ifaysi illc town i Incorporated in 1903. 2 Incorporated in 1905. » Incorporated in 1907. * Incorporated in 1908. ' Name changed from Jerome in 1906. 2,315 1,220 2,07.:, 2,220 B9S 1,412 1,294 11,853 1,012 32,250 Jones County— Continued. Township 2, Polloksville, including Polloks- ville town 1 •ot/oksiille town Tow nsliiji.--;, 1 rcnliiii, including Trenton town.. 2,302 1,080 1,530 2,650 218 2,654 2,053 62 2,088 2,276 2,862 650 1,464 Lee County 7 Township 1, West Sanford, including S Ward 1. Ward 2.. WardS.. Ward 4.. Tun nsiiip 5, Deep I liver I'own-iliip (i, ('ope leer, including Broadway Broadway town 8 Township 7, Greenwood Lenoir County Kinstonto Wardl Ward2 WardS Mosely Hall township, including Lagrange to i ill! Hill fowir-hii.. in Pink Hill town'... Sand Hill township.... township... Woodington township Lincoln County Catawba Springs township, including Denver Denver'town liowe'dst 'reel; I .owi i ship, including Crouse town McDowell County Brackett township Broad River township Crooked Creek township Dysartsville township Li. iii HiiMi hip iin hiding Glenwood te Old Fort township, including Old Fort town. . Old Fort town Macon County Franklin township, including Franklin t< 1,490 . 149 . 1,071 . 22,769 1,411 . t< , 1,177 762 1,512 1,179 Smiths Bridge township... Sugar Fork township « Pine Level township organized from part of Selma township in 19 ' Organized from n:n n. 01 1 'Jmllinui and Moore Counties in 1908. 8 Incorporated In 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. 3e Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] id Upper Laurel i Foster Creek township organized from parts of Grapevine : townships in 1901. 2 Incorporated in 1905. 3 Incorporated in 1909. < Name changed from Conoho in 1905. '■ Incorporated in 1903. 6 Part of township 1 anno -<1 io charlotte citv in 1907. "-"—sin 1900. tion (1,20s in 1000; 921 in 1890) of Hollow Foplar uuvYitouip, uaiscu luiuud Lradshaw and Cuplm townships since 1900. ' Name chained hom Lower lucidc in I ou . O, ca ui/.ed hum parts of Linville and Toe River townships since 1000. io Name chanted from Upper Poplar in ton!). Oreanized from part of Hollow ' ■ : !.■.,..! ■:■■..■ 11 Part taken to form nait. of Wtnmool low nship since 1900. 12 Name changed from Lower Poplai io lotu. Organized from part of Hollow i'oi.lar lownsinp since 1900. is County totals include population (2,891 in 1900; 1,793 in 1890) of Hill and 1 io. n ips, takei I o form Biscoe township since 1900. » Organized from Hill and Hold, ps in 1910. 28407—12 24 uroomLntwar. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 County 20,132 20,644 17,805 Mecklenburg County —Continued. Township 15, llunter.sville, including Hunters- 1,790 691 17,245 1,743 633 "15,221 814 963 1,007 645 1,757 44s 1,060 8.59 S01 715 1.611 630 1,597 1,400 1,123 17,797 835 934 1,113 541 801 1,954 iliapiw hie town-duo i 1,424 1,720 445 1,179 4,071 337 1,118 1,496 870 3,841 203 s 12,807 l lot Springs low ndiip. including lloi. Springs C ° U ^ y 735 2,231 416 829 2,361 S77 458 1,853 1,319 2,504 254 410 512 705 748 1,360 1,230 14,967 It i,kers\ ill. tow n hippie ludin llaket \ illi town 2,219 611 1! lOnel id 1 2, 642 Marshall township, including Marshall and Wal- I'.radshaw tow nship "> Marshall town Crunhoirj township, including 1 'ark town. 2,073 498 497 1,437 1,417 2,198 219 542 1,842 313 11 'uln at town 2 Mars Hill loir a 289 1,786 748 1,522 1,552 1,123 793 15,383 ( Irassv 1 reek township 1,196 deadov Foil, oi SpungGiecl-; i ownship 812 1,565 788 l'l77 705 854 15,221 Lin v ill. do w nship, n including Montezuma lown Mtiitleztt inn low it 1,410 Sh lion 1 ii i re 1 low ushlp Spring Creek township il.'.l 11 ill township 559 700 1,060 1,311 is 14,197 701 1; oaring (deck township Beargrass township, including Beargrass town.. 1,023 56 1,402 146 2,077 251 855 1,733 w 90 2,370 398 992 3,077 use 272 616 947 3,321 1,674 67,031 873 764 Biscoe township," including Biscoe, Candor, ami Star towns Cross Roads township, including Everetts town. 1,263 127 2,013 115 798 1,645 493 1,052 3,410 697 160 239 768 960 3,094 728 573 798 1,174 2,734 1,055 736 17,010 Goose Nest township, including Oak City town. 2,206 Candor tow a n> ... 847 2,247 781 Star town 915 710 2,758 395 650 792 1,207 2,478 878 1,028 1 illou township, "including Hamilton and luiile Kivor township .Mount Gilo-ad townsliii), including Mourn' kuuesvill. i omi ,hi", in, Indin. lamesvilletown. 2,025 235 805 2,612 124 336 275 875 2,474 912 55,268 2,200 346 1,904 Robersonville ! mg Gold Point, 228 842 2,279 751 42,673 ig Williamston i» 20 479 Township 1, Carthage, including Carthage town. 3,152 863 2,006 2,248 1,489 1,101 1,330 25b 2,054 220 64* 273 2,038 794 170 1,592 33,727 '605 2,127 2,170 1,575 2,252 218 22 1,614 176 517 2 '485 Townsliii' 1,( harlo tie, 'including!, hat lot te city. 37,471 34,014 6, 604 5,846 4,181 3,789 2, 784 2,283 1,231 2,349 1,789 1,336 1,822 2,101 2,295 1,788 2,074 1,847 194 3,367 2,377 2,692 833 1,056 1,427 1,846 2,219 '688 26,312 18,091 15,304 11,667 Township (',, Greenwood.-' including Cameron Township 7, Melvodls,-' including Manly ,, soul h- Ward 9 Township s, Sand Hill,"' in. hiding Aberdeen, 2^2,207 559 180 2.0S5 L736 2,339 1,781 192 3,216 2,400 2,103 1,756 2,152 2,160 2,499 1,786 1,349 25,478 Township 1'., Clear ■ ore!,, including Mint Hill * 20 707 Baileys township," including Baileys town 2,970 1,972 1,197 1,600 195 1,089 2,423 2,019 467 1,530 1,974 1,829 4,099 1,246 2,761 1,691 1 ■ ' I. ' ' ,,,,,■!,. Castali;) iowuslup, including Castalia town 1,191 163 2,077 1,202 904 1,475 1,951 2,194 '378 1,385 586 481 1,741 1,925 1,938 2,184 1,340 Dry \\ .-lis low nship.- including Middlesex (own L941 1.595 3,104 666 2, 460 479 Township 13,. Morning Star, including Mall hows Manning- low -nship, including Spring Hope town 2,522 Township l-l, 1'inociiic, uwludhie I'imw illelown Pint I ilk lotcn .' Nashville township,- 8 including Nashville town. Nashville town 2,225 401 Cape Fear, and Sanford t lation (1,475 in 1900; 1,301 _ _ of Lee Countv and pail annexed It. Deep Liver township, si 19 Returned as township 12 in 1000. I'art of Pocket lownship annexed in 1908. 20 Returned as township 7 in 1900. Part taken to form part of Lee County In 1908. " Southern Pines town returned as in township 7, McNeills (formerly town- 1 tp 10 in 1900. n (3,172) of Whitakers township, taken to fc n part of Red Oak township in 190^' '0 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 -Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOKCIVn.1,™, 1910 1900 1890 Nash County— Continued. 2,311 397 0,531 4,044 121 'ill 2,952 480 48 32,037 160 9,966 8,046 Township 1 Norll) \\ 'hilakors township, including part of 1,515 2,120 161 2,498 370 296 1,004 2,829 646 16,693 1,465 1,768 168 1,967 292 l'658 [For total, see township 0, Edgecombe County.) Township 3, including Bayboro, Holly villo, and 1 803 Kooky Mount township,'-* including Sharpsburg ■> 3, 944 1,256 1,981 489 Ihlll, /I ill, li'ir O 1 (CI,::'' I'llllUr .' II.; 169 1,877 SOO 13,660 Township 4 _ County.] 1,590 120 &2,075 605 1,745 Elizabeth City township, including Elizabeth 9,364 8,412 1,483 1,248 1,385 806 S54 1,626 1,610 1,372 1,533 1,957 761 1,706 15,471 6.796 6,348 [For total, see township 7, Edged County.] , , ■.!,,::i;i Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 Ward 7 Mount Hermon township 25,786 24,026 :::::::::::::::::::::: 1,196 1,495 1,961 700 1,512 13,381 1,246 1,708 3,151 64 25,748 . 9. 160 2,069 2,797 2,526 9,206 22,323 1,212 534 2,393 22 670 20, 976 1,166 440 1,734 Federal Point township Harnett township, including YVrightsx ill.' Nixonton township Providence township 1,818 675 Pender County Burgaw township, including Burgaw town 20, 056 Wilmington i.. ive with Wil- 2,867 956 737 1,208 115 1,484 841 1,448 1,085 1,462 2,168 2,171 169 11,054 1,730 S87 805 1,105 Caswell township, including Atkinson town 1,350 797 1,264 1,083 1,734 M26 21,150 21,242 2,572 982 627 3,027 62 2,450 169 762 4,109 357 S12 2.S41 SOS 2,094 'J07 14,125 3. 02,3 Ul 3.526 86 2,694 269 I; sis 750 2,924 Union townslt i] lb . t own Jackson township iin.-ln<) ii iji .lackson town 10,091 Kirby township, including Pendleton town 2,229 2,134 1,530 3,194 1,841 2,147 2,049 289 17,356 2,218 1,400 2,575 1,382 1,924 1,974 222 16,685 . Rich Square township, in. -hiding Rich S.piare 3,740 'm 2,229 287 2,837 m 11,940 4,125 643 . . : . . ■ I i ■ . ■. . i . Roanoke township, including I.asker town ille townshi Seaboard township,' including Seaboard town.. 2,407 201 2,016 10,303 1,867 l'346 1,592 1,584 1,373 1,781 4,706 1,425 1,518 36,340 2,115 1,535 1,281 1,674 1^603 1,755 3,648 1,021 30,889 Seaboard town 1,703 1,390 \\ lccacanee township, including Margarelsvdlc Cunningham township Khl River township It. .11 >\ ii low ii hip Roxboro township, including Roxboro town 3,2.35 60S 3,840 US 3,089 2.276 390 1,085 15,064 2,492 S09 ' 160 2,089 265 1.835 14,690 ' ' 170 2,758 198 2,058 1,806 ess 1,750 14,948 Woods.! ale township 1,503 l;ii '1.1: i lid Mow i i-l.ip, inch id in." Kiel .lands tow n. 1,350 1,299 2,215 469 1,932 57 79 4, 013 SSO S16 5,704 990 250 291 484 ' 1SS 189 1,312 1,342 2,279 467 1,004 Swansboro township, including Swansboro I'.eihcl township, iu.'ludiiig ivi Pel town Carolina tov. nship, including < >.-ikley and Stokes Clued iownship, including ( tiiinoslaud and 3,721 277 1,804 2.504 4,159 1,149 1,762 SO 1,043 2.548 867 1.244 2J265 4.399 1,099 1 , 905 2,549 4,070 1,017 Chapel Hill township, including Chapel Hill Shilirn nliih hunt ■ Cont.'utnca township, including Ayden and ■\Vinlervihe iowns and nai 1 oi '< : rift on lown.. . . 4,047 557 229 24S 2,139 1S9 Checks township, ; including part of Mebane Total fur Gn/htii hum mt niltnlneaand Swift [For total, see township' 10, Alamance 4.122' 707 1,921 4," 160 662 2,204 Imio 1 uwnship io '. nvnship," including Hillsboro town. Falkland township, including Falkland and 61 I>i tile River township I2 Fountain tnivn '■• ■ Organized from parts of Griffins, Nashville, South Whilakers, and Stony Creek townships in 1909: ' Exclusive of population of Rocky Mount Mill c Incorporated in 1908. ' Pleasant Hill township organized from parts of Gaston and Seaboard townships STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. 31 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. >r changes in boundaries, etc., betwoon 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table B-] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Pitt County— Continued. FarmvJlle township, including Fariiiville and 3,072 816 m 4,wi 493 '494 1,945 141 154 3,057 7,640 2,361 262 7,323 2,565 1,981 140 92 5,079 Robeson County— Continued. 1,649 3,167 165 5,034 881 2,230 231 3, 531 1,321 214 1,225 219 1,935 258 769 3,290 1,089 899 2,899 179 419 2,810 1,534 '787 3,971 730 1,063 36,442 1,594 3,290 181 2,567 Lumber Bridge township, m including Lumber Creen villi; low nshi /, including i irocnvillc town. Lumlii'iton township, including Kast Lumber- ton, Lumbotou, mid Wesi lauubcrton towns. 2,420 849 Maxton ton uslii|>, including \la\ton town 3, 180 935 I'aclolus iownship, including Maupiu and Pae- 1,679 1,768 Orniiii township," including Orram town Parkton town hip, 1 idiu I'arkton town.. 62 3,082 29 7,004 W5 2,631 u 5,902 Swift Creek iownship, including part of Grifton Pembroke township,' including 1 'cm broke town 676 2,578 858 1,020 2,189 133 bed Springs township, including Red Springs Columbus township, including Columbus town. . 930 m '877 235 1,664 700 1,248 29,491 1,246 334 1,057 1,582 1,035 St. Paul township, 111 including Rennert and 969 1,432 -..'. :l i ;.,-.. -, 2,247 1,948 4,889 367 2,695 432 1,096 33,163 211 1,869 324 1,250 28,232 Tryon township,'' including Tryon town 1,310 Thompson township, including Rowland town. 3,750 1,156 25,195 White House township, including Fairmont Rockingham County Asheboro township, including Asheboro town. . 2,544 1,865 1,198 662 1,102 1,585 2,980 1,022 1,232 2,521 938 ' m 1,086 1,387 416 1,113 2,981 1,950 393 1,305 1,487 1,974 145 332 1,100 19,673 1,513 992 1,245 1,109 1,060 1,079 510 1.281 1,076 1,095 25,363 liuiilsville township 1,793 8,554 1,127 3,921 1,033 874 2,071 404 2,362 916 0, 969 4,828 3,512 1,846 2,734 1,764 37,521 1,818 5,422 3,515 813 904 1,917 (IS) '857 6,446 3,262 4,040 1,970 2,795 2,014 31,066 Lcaksvillo iownship ii a -hiding keaksville town. Leaksvillc to ion Madison town, hip. including Madison and Ma y- odan towns 2,965 Columbia township, including Bamseur town.. 2,542 769 1,379 2,560 970 1,564 304 1,066 1,382 1,541 1,145 3,350 2,190 467 1,148 1,591 1,981 182 274 1,086 15,855 1,854 1,952 Conroid township 1,332 1,978 1,410 S66 1,180 1,347 1,537 1,040 2,527 1,754 328 953 1,711 1,873 224 380 942 « 23,948 Madison town 450 i/auklinsx ilk' iownship Mayo township, includuc.- siuuevilie town 2,460 Lim fill town Keidsvillc iownship, including Reidsville town. Hi idsi'illi town R. Tiffin iownship Wcnl worth Iownship 2,622 \\ illiamsbiu-g township 5,564 Rowan Count Atwell township, including Enochsville town.. Trinity township, including Archdale and 2,317 81 ' 852 437 1,229 426 1,560 2,429 304 363 249 1,925 352 1,079 1,495 1,237 2,159 16,059 1,729 7,153 1,824 1,655 1,782 1,915 1,093 895 1,115 187 2,197 93 2,520 887 2,198 China, Cro wvnshjp, including China Grove Cleveland 1 o\\ n-hip, inch id big Cleveland town. . 1,124 198 1,686 1,938 514 Beaverdam township, including Hoffman town. l,05O 175 813 3,843 . 2, 173 1,414 6,306 422 2,155 2,518 3.729 279 51,945 1,372 184 1,234 1,317 4,948 1,062 Gold Hill township, including Gold Hill, Gran- 1,393 1,504 1,416 336 .:.;;.;-' 1- i i ,;,'.,:. ,;■ i : ' ; 1,266 3,374 1 i 1 ii. ■! io\, n hip, including Faith town 1,638 1,214 1,357 1,109 1,987 11,261 1,507 2,162 2,733 2,123 2,298 Salisbury township, including East Spencer town and Salisbury and Spencer cities Wolf Pit township, including Lewarae town . . 6,411 40,371 31,483 6,277 Robeson County Alfordsville township 3,069 3^582 1,552 1,355 2,270 1,968 2,441 1,846 1,877 2,206 1,730 1,784 1,607 1,915 1,189 963 1,611 951 r.urnt Swamp township/ including Buie town Unit\ tow ml i i i i illoiftown iVoodleaf town u 944 s Part annexed 4 Organic-. 6 Part taken to :V, annexed in 1903. 6 County total includes population (10,905) of Laurel 1 Coleridge township in 1903; part of Brower township _. .-.11, Stewartsville, and 11 1 1 County between 1890 and 1900. ' Pembroke i . i from parts of Back Swamp, Burnt Swamp, and i Sterlings Mill townships n Incorporated in 1901. 12 Incorporated in 1907. 11 Incorporated in 1909. 14 Name changed from Union City is Not returned ■ -ep-iraicl v in mm). ' 6 Name changed from Woodside i 1 1ncorporated in 1903. 1903. Incorporated in 1901. 372 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1909 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, sec Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 6.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Rutherford County.. Camp Creek township," including Union Mills Union Mills town * Chimney Hock township Colfax township, including Ellenboro tc Duncan Creek township . . (.'ilke\ township ' Golden Vallej township. . Green Hill township ' Sampson County.. Little Coharie township, including Autryville and Roseboro towns Autryville town Newton Grove township, including Newton Newton Grove town North Clinton township, including part of Clin- Clinton ton a i purl of) Total for rliiiion I, urn in North and South Clinton ton- iis'Ii i in; Pinev Grove township South Clinton township, including part of Clin- Scotland County.. Laurel Hill township.. Spring Hill lownship Williamsons lownship Albemarle lownship, including A 1 ben i alio lawn Big Lick township, i Harris township, including New London and R id i field towns New London town Richfield town If idi'ii hour tow nship Tyson township Stokes County Beaver Island township Danl mry township Meadows township, including Germanton town. Germanton town Peters Creek township Quaker Gap township 3,901 3,797 > Gilkey township organized Irom parts of Camp Creek and Green Hill town- ships in 1905. » Incorporated in 1907. 3 Comparison of population lor is'Jb made by minor eiwl divisions wherever possible. 3,457 1,707 86 . 2,044 2,485 1,211 MINOR CIVII. I) Stokes County— Continued. Sauratown township, including Wal Walnut Cove 7.77. 7.7.'.' ." . 77 .7 . Snow Creek township Yad kin I ownship n township, including Dobsi Lb, in township, jii« lie bo.< I'll I in town I'llintown ! ' mo,. bo Low nship Long 1 1 ill lownship Marsh township Mount Airy township, including Mount Airy Pilot Mountain loan . . Rockford township Shoals township Siloam township Stewarts Creek township . . . Westfleld township Swain County.. Charleston township, including Bryson b and part of Whittier town [For total, see Qualla township, Jackson County.] Forneys Creek township Nantahala township, including Almand town . Transylvania County. . Ros oinn town 6 Dunns Rock township Eastatoe township Gloucester township Hogback township Little River township Tyrrell County Alligator township Columbia township, in. hiding Columbia tc Coin mbin town Gum Neck township Scuppernong township South Fork township Union County.. biiionl lownship...... Wazhaw to Lanes Creek township Marshville township, including Marshville to Marshville to — nroe townshi, . Icemorlee and Wingate t( Ward 1 Ward 2 , WardS War&i Winnnle town'-' New Saltan lownship Santiv Ridge township, including Mineral Springs town Mineral ;<;n,uo:. ion n -. Vance township, including Indian Trail and Stouts towns Indian Trail town 6 Stouts town 6 v * Name changed from Scotland in 1909. Incorporated it 6 Incorporated in 1905. » Incorporated in 1909. 2,742 480 2,375 3,587 STATISTICS OF POPULATION -NORTH CAROLINA. 373 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., botwcon i'JOO and 1910, sco footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, seo Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. 1, 'I abh ."..] Vance County Halmey township Henderson township, iiulu. Henderson i III mil r.son town l',SU 1,S94 5S0 1,215 2,910 1 \ 380 63,229 WardS 2)956" 168 ' 169 1)443 54,626 killrell lownship, n. -.1 Itu. k in. 'II imvn 3,066 Middleburg township, including Middleburg Middii'biirf/'liiwii'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'- 1,970 49,307 Barton Creek 1 ownship Buckhorn township, including New Hill lown 2.258 1,186 78 95 1,498 S83 1,204 2,250 set 2,510 3,498 287 483 3,096 759 2,213 1,199 2,184 997 22)405 19, £18 4,018 3,397 6,340 5,463 2,814 284 2,182 2,225 4 890 '% 437 1.44S 2,000 1,083 1,543 [For total, see Cape tear township, Chat- ham County.] 1,470 333 1,086 100 1,827 2,484 2,627 142 Holly s pi nigs township, including J lolly Springs l.inle kiver township, including Wakefield ■:■■':,■ , " i.l ■ ■. 2,223 1,924 1,872 1,202 1,981 998 1,671 19,479 13,643 Raleigh town-! [eigh city 16,784 St. Marys township, including Garner town 2,736 2,680 1,933 2,043 3,687 155 Wake Fores lownship, including Forosi ville, Kolesville, Koyall Col Ion Mills, and Wake 823 2,224 349 While Oak township, including Apex town 1,843 Warren County.. township, including parts of Littleton and sri^:::::::::::::::::::::: ittleton township, Halifax Vaughan Lillldun lot [For total, : County.] Mi tit/hart, town (part of , Boanoke township 10.1 Sandy Creek township j 1,463 ; Shocco township j 1,249 Sixpound township, including Macon town 1,677 Maco 11 town 1 189 Smith Creek township 1, 588 Warrenfon (ownship. including Warren ton town ' 3,734 1 Incorporated in 1907. 'Incorporated in 1903. • Incorporated in 1909. 1 Tart of Raleigh township annexed to Raleigh city ii 1,191 1.050 1,716 mi.v.i: CIVII. DIVISION. Washington County Lees Mills township, including koper Hopir town ' I'l\ mouth (ownship, including l'l\ 1110 ' Plymouth town .'... Scuppeiimng township, including Cherry and Watauga County.. Bald Mountain township.. lieaverdain township ISeooh Mountain township. . lilowing Hock township, including Blowing Boone to.... . < ove > reck township. . Elk township . . North Cork township . . Shan uechaw lira nship. . stony Fork township . Watauga township Wayne County. . Brogden township, including Dudley and Mount Olive towns Dudley 1" Fork township. 1 ioldsboro I owns! iip, including 1 Ioldsboro cily . Cttldxboro eittj Ward 1 Word >.. Word 3. Word .',.. (I ran I hams lownship < I real Sw amp lownship Indian Springs lownship, incl ng Whitehall Eureka town Fremont town New Hope lownship riko villo lownship,; inch id my I'ikevillc lown.. Stony Creek township. . Aril inch township Beaver Creek township Boomer township Brushy Mountain township. . Edwards township Flk low nship .Tolis Cabin township Lewis Fork township Lovelace township Moravian Falls township Mulberry I ownship North Wilkesboro township, including North Wilkesboro town North Wilkesboro town Reddies R iver township Rock Creek township Somers townsh ip . . . Trap Hill township Wilkesboro township, including Wilkesboro Wilson County Black Creek township, including Black Creek 3,510 " '3,'592' 3,900 1,011 1,S12 2,314 , 2,279 224 \ 202 1,192 1,103 13,417 10,611 1 , 007 1,495 31,356 2,204 1,436 2,001 1,003 1,100 1,959 1,724 2,052 1,535 1,004 1,579 877 374 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. Table 1 — POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, sec Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. 1, Table B. Wilson County— Continued. i; irdner township, including Bridgersville and Wilhanks towns Bridgersville town , Wilbanks town ' low II .ill!. Saratoga township, including Saratoga town Springli ill' township Stantonsburg township, including Stantons- burg town Stantonsburg town ' Tavlor township Tolsnot township, including Toisnot town Toisuol town ( Elm City P.O.) Wilson township, including Wilson town Yadkin County.. Boonville township, including Boonville town. Boonville town Buck Shoal township Deep Creek township, including part of Yadkin- Yndkinrill, torn, i i/mri ,,f) Total for Yadkin, ,11, town in />,,/, fi,[ in-s low n. . Mocksville town Moncure tc . Johnston... /Cleveland.. Xorthamplo . Cleveland... Scotland . Cleveland... Beaufort. .. . Rockingham . . Richmond . Davidson . Randolph . Harnett . Lincoln (Halifax • 1 Warren . Catawba . Franklin . Gaston . Wilson . Robeson . Robeson . Gaston . Anson . Warren . Rockingham . . Hertford Northampton.. McDowell I Uamanoe . ■ilOrange . Chatham... .. Johnston.. . ;j Nash..".'.";;.' . Caswell Monroe city Union . . . Montezuma town. . Mooresville town Mni'ohoad City lown. . . Mor-ranum town Morrisville town Morlimor town Mo] von (own Mom, \irytown Mount Gilcad town Mount. Holly town Mount. Olive lown Mount Pleasant town.. Mountain Island town. Murfreesboro town Mitchell.... Cleveland . . Iredell Cabarrus.. Gaston Hertford . . Murphy town Cherokee 750 Nashville town Nash 170 Nebotown McDowe 346| New Hill town Wake... i New London town Stanly.. 1,127 153 3,364 126 1.296 720 073 " 279 262 4,163 474 386 163 1,234 304 213 373 '366 222 2,413 65 828 957 1,775 i,178 667 876 290 236 181 849 1,144 165 2,230 983 584 157 813 454 614 189 1,033 653 664 450 460 264 220 408 176 312 192 1,519 123 1,116 799 225 301 802 499 111 289 337 349 378 92 203 335 1,321 874 345 935 904 98 694 693 218 61 169 117 419 490 705 192 745 4,082 2, 427 1,800 198 3,400 2,039 2,712 219 144 1,533 1,379 1,938 107 886 1,064 1,557 151 100 149 498 j 3,844 723 447 2, 680 "i,'768 526 1,071 753 630 017 450 (557 472 393 376 074 977 750 479 803 312 1 299 1 376 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH CAROLINA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLAGES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Newborn city Craven 9,961 321 2,310 73 1 , 902 028 251 778 645 214 3,018 154 94 324 67 219 272 86 232 628 258 62 210 652 394 92 211 412 688 58 502 2,165 287 227 75 354 627 580 19,218 l! 950 1,089 'l79 370 367 210 445 147 1,670 122 422 616 2,155 249 \ 8,051 480 170 819 304 183 145 787 1,425 491 437 229 1,062 419 5,533 7,153 235 2,282 136 1,726 280 1,331 139 121 3,127 315 308 895 9,090 328 75 918 663 115 7,843 218 1,038 63 Smlthfleld town Snow Bill town S i Kill.inoretown South Mills town Johnston Greene Buncombe Camden 1,347 450 238 390 764 405 312 283 Ni'v.-Um drove town Sampson Wilkes Noi th \\ ilkeiboro town Southern Pines town Southporl city Spuria lown Spencer city Spi in.; Hope town Stanley Creek town s'lanlotisuurg town Slur lown si:ii<" ville city Sli.lci':-; lown 542 1,484 1,915 1,246 321 201 239 '79 159 404 161 82 305 185 390 698 418 4.129 662 154 3,877 269 590 331 332 230 1.055 43 139 155 392 296 273 185 2,376 1,443 287 444 215 480 127 723 6,211 169 2,008 442 227 1,999 759 846 231 46 } 755 179 ' 1,368 \ 216 799 1,574 25.748 6,717 CS4 353 17, 167 624 312 187 '54 130 432 338 431 483 517 1,336 501 Brunswick Alleghany McDowell 253 249 666 441 Pamlico 300 Oriental town Wilson Granville Pitt Halifax Beaufort 2,059 52 131 253 57 2,907 105 114 151 Montgomery 211 3,141 Pitt Guilford aneg ° Rockingham 115 168 Parkton town Robeson I'.n mrlo lown Martin 336 156 58 Swansboro town Onslow 265 281 Richmond Robeson Northampton °33 Columbus Edgecombe Alexander 86 168 710 266 2,499 413 Johnston Teacheys town 264 Davidson 751 258 560 338 Edgecombe Toisiioi lown (Kim City P.O.)... Wilson Mecklenburg 585 Randolph Iredell Montgomery Polk Hertford Hertford Rutherford Craven Pamlico Moore Warren Cleveland Anson Wake Wake Duplin Madison Stokes Tioul man lown 424 1,011 276 198 281 552 Trov lown 878 324 Washington 1,212 247 143 T in lis low n 176 102 Vaneeboro lown 291 169 248 428 90 Princeville town Edgecombe Cumberland Raeford town 13,643 769 2,190 858 'l33 12,678 Waco town 160 1,546 142 218 Randolph Randolph 1,754 Rockingham 2,969 336 320 Northampton 232 73 160 98 1,009 643 Warren Duplin Beaufort Pender 836 576 4,842 198 92 3.545 Watha town Waxhaw town Union 752 1,307 Richmond \\ ;i\ nesville town \\ caver ville town Haywood Buncombe Jackson Halifax Wake Catawba Robeson 455 275 1,507 228 Richmond 1,433 Rockwell town (Edgecombe ^Nash 2,937 605 155 816 213 Rocky Mount Mills town 150 1 Edgecombe -Wayiss.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Columbus 388 634 Washington 63 Transylvania 357 1,021 227 72 421 \Swain 46 635 Bertie Willi- l,oro town Williams town Williamston town Wilkes 336 Royall Cotton Mills town Martin New Hanover.... Wilson Bertie. Forsyth Pitt Hertford Northampton Rowan Randolph New Hanover Davidson Yadkin Caswell Franklin Wake 912 20, 976 3.525 222 Rutherford 880 20,056 '"...■ i ■. ■, i \\ ni'lsor town Winfall town 2,126 3,642 6,277 211 1,044 123 1,348 287 816 149 2,711 4,418 city Rowan 10. 00s 243 688 242 Sanford town 367 102 778 201 527 W dl town Seaboard town Northampton 467 22 210 292 Shallotte City town Brunswick Cleveland 1,874 1,394 345 Slier City town 440 254 ' Combined population of Winston-Salem in 1910, 22,700; 1900, 13,650; and 1890, 10,729. NOKTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 'Changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, sec fool.nnles; [or I hose between IS'.X) :m (T. 143, R. 56) Grand Prairie township « (T. 142, R. 57) .. Green township Greenland township Lake Town township " (T. 143, R. ( Meadow Lake township s (T. 138, R. 61).. Norma township » Oakhill township « Oriska township Pierce township Potter township Raritan township is Rogers township 16 (T. 142, R. 59). . Rosebud township i 2 Sanborn village Sibley Trail township 3 (T. 143, R. E Skandia township Spring Creek township 12 a Stewart township ' (T. 141, R. 59) . i Organ d from part of She k Cnunly in 1907. 2 Comparison of population for 1900 made by townships wherever possible. MINOR CIVIL 1) Barnes County - Wurd'l.. Hard:?.. lie,,/ 5.. Ward/,.. 'I'ownsliip 139, range :",s . . Town:. hip 140, range 58. . Tow n -.lii)) 111, 5.S . . Township 142, range 5S. . Benson County . . Albert township. . Heaver township-' CT. 155, R. 69) . . Eldon township » i T. 153, U. o> Porl Toilen township 2 ' (school) (T. 152, R. (15, and T. 153, K.ib, part ol'.i Free Peoples lownsliip -' (school) (T. 152, R. 63, Maddock village ss. . i i i i) i i i r :i). 67, part of) . . Pleasant I, alee townships 9 (T. 150, R. 71).. Rich Vallev township™ (T. 152, R. 71).. Rio. .in n.riKhiii:*:'!' 1M "R fifUnnrt. . Roe!; lownship32 (T. 151, R. 66).. South Viking township" (T. 151, R. 69)... Twin Lake township « (T. 155, R .70) Warwick township*' (T. 151, R. 63) West Antelope township" (T. 151, R. 08).. West Bay township =s (T. 153, R. 07) Weed Lake township" (T. 151, R. 04) Wood Lake township 2 ' (school) (T. 152, R. 63 { part of i, T. 152. R . 64, and T.153, R. 64. partof). York township (T. 156, R. 69).. 20 Organized from parts of Minnewaukan and West Antelope townships (school) in 1903. « Organized from I '.envoi low nship (srliool i in ionl. lb in . . ,,i : )<■■ in ■,..,.,. i- 1 . ; ;' . ' i\r^- >nd Impark town bins organized from Medell township (school) In 1902 220 315 i° Organized in 1007 11 Organized in 1901. 12 Litchville \illage iueoi porated from parts of Rosebud d'omasl . .iuo.,h and Spring Creek townships in 1904. is Nome village incorporated from parts of (larilan and Thonl.enskjold town- ships in 1907. i ■ , : !■■! »s Name changed from Oakville in 1904. is Organized in 1904. ■' County b mi ii i i in Reservation, opened toseftlenien i in hiu-l.aod iaken to form Fort Totten, Free Peoples, Lone Tree (part of), and "' -a':, and Labia. Lock, \\ arwick. Wood (school), taken to form Broe and Impa I mlation (504) of Viking to^ ship (school), taken to form North and South Viki ipulation (382) of , . I : , . i ■ : . ■ . I I ' . . 15 ... .... I '. ri, I. .ii !■■■■.■ to form West Antelope township and part of Aurora township; and population (32> of T. 151, R. 65 (part of), taken to form part of Lone Tree township (school), since 1900. is No comparison of population can be made; numerous changes made between 1890 and 1900. '» Hesper and Arne townships organized from Fairview township (school) in 1904 and 1906. respectively. 5 Esmond to u hip . i mi/ d from Harmony township (school) in 1904; Es- mond village incorporated from pari o> a ... '-'.:*. 27 Returned as a pari, of Devils bake Indian Reservation in 1900. 28 Organized from Iowa township (school) in 1904. '■■.ii ■■■.■...■: i . ii . ■ ';■ ■ ..,!■'■. si Organized from Lake Ibsen tow; 106. s 2 Organized in 1910 from territory returned as part of Devils Lake Indian Reservation in 1900. 33 Incorporated as a city in 1903. si Returned as T. 151, R. 65 (part of), and part of Devils Lake Indian Reservation in 1900. oeorpora lipin 1908. si Organized from Gallinger township (school) in 1904. = 7 Organized in 1900 from Atineo township (school) and territory returned as p- in li ' '..■, b-. I ■ ■ i e. i i '■a; I .aiiO ss Organized from part of \ iking township (school) in 1904; part taken to form Maddock village in tons. s 9 Organized from Pleasant 1 a fa- township : ;. liool) in 1904. 40 Organized from Pleasant Valley towns! ii p ■:■■.,■:. ,■'■,■'' a ■'■:,■ I"' ■'- Organized from Twin Lake towndiip i school i in 1901. « Organized in 1908 from territory returned as part of Devils Lake Indian Reservation in 1900. « Organized from part of West Antelope township (school) in 1903. (377) 378 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (lor enanges in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.J MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Boach township 3 (Tps. 139 and 140, Rs. 105 and ; and-106) _ Mannarth village ' Mineral spring-, lownship^ {,'V. i:;:;, li. ion;.. i " Peaceful Vallcv lownship- iT. 13ti, R. 100).. e township » ('1 Wood berry lownship ' ( I'. Towns hip'133, range 101 . . Township 133, range, 102. . Township 133, range 105 7 . Township 134, range 106. . - 130, range 98.. Township 137, range 102.. Township 138, range 100. . 1 38, range 103.. Township 139, range 104. . Township 140, range 102. . Township I' Township 141, range 1( Township 141, range 10z. . Township 141, range 103. . Township 141, range 104. . Township 142, range 98. . . Township 142, range on... Township 142, range 100. . Township 143 )t returned by townships i: and 1890. 3 Beach town hip ri'..';uiiH-i : 1 1 1 ■ I l!r:«ii village i iieiirpor: 1 1 C" I lYnm parts of Beach township (school) in 1907. s Organized in 1910. ;o form Whitby an ] '■■« - ■' ■ population (W) oi x. ion, R. 79, now in Stone Creek and Tacoma townships. " No com pa i iam nl' population ean lie made; ni micro! is changes made between 1890 and 1900. 12 Organized from Annie lownship f school) in 1910. 13 Antler township organized in 1005, \nllercdy incur) mi :itc1 in Organized from Willow Vale township (school) in 1910. n part of Billings County in 1907. Old Bowman County ai n 1897. " Organize 1 in i " ;ehooll (1 . 162, it. 94)... Portal township" (school; (T. 163, K. 92, and Iran. T. 164, R. 92) Portal village 23 Richland i.cwi.ahiir". ieh..O:,(T. 163, I:. an, and frac. T. 164, R. 90) Roseland township (school) (T. 160, R. 90) Short Creek township 21 (school) (T. 163, R. 93, T. 164, R. 91).. Vale township (school) (T. 162, R. 92).... Ward township (school) (T. 161, R. 90).. Burleigh County . . Wards Wards Ward4 WardS Wards d township (T. 138, R. 78).. Burnt Creek township (school) (T.J 10, II. s Crop p.wnship ~> (T. Ml. R. 7!)) .. Cromwell lownship -- ( T. [41. It. ).m Driscoll township™ (T. I3'i, i,\ 75) Ecklund township (T. 142, R. 79, and E. J, T. Fori Rice township (school) (T. 137. R. 80).. Frances township (school) (T. 140, R. 78).... Ghvlin township »> (T. 142, R. 78) Gil ibs township (school) (T. 139. R. 79) Glenview township t T. 141 , It. 80, and T. 141 , 81, part of) Grass Lake township s- (T. 143, R. 79) Harriett township (school) (T. 142, R. 75). . . llawkeve township (school) (T. 144, R. 79).. Ilav Creek township (school) (T. 139, R. 80). Hazel Grove township 1 (T. 144, R. 75) Lincoln township (school) (T. 138, R. 80).. Logan township-- 1 (T. 133, R. 77). . .. . I ong Lake in n hip ' iT 137, R. 70) Mi ouri town h p I T. 1 17 R 7a i 117 103 Painted \', cm. Is township (T. ! 12, R. 81 (part oP,, and W. .'., T. 142, R.S0) Phoenix townshin (School) (T. t )3, R. 73) Pleasant View township (school) (T. 144, R. 78). Richmond township (school) (T. 143, R. 76). . 21 Columbus village incorporated from part of Short Creek township (school) in 1908. f, •';■'.-. v. 'esota.and North Star townships (school) (population 459) not returned separately in 1900. ,.-,, .ratc.l from pa.rt ..I Rorfal iownship (school) in 1905. 24 County total includes population trr_>) of Lone Lake township (school), taken to form Lone Lake and Wild Rose townships: and population (142) of Driscoll and Ghvlin townships .school) and IM38, It. 75 ('pari of., taken In form Pri-ooll. Est he r- ville, Ghvlin, an 1 1'hcima lownships since 1900. '-'"• No comparison of population can b- made; numerous changes made between 1890 and 1900. -■>• Organized in 1937. n ■■!;■■■ , 1905. nship (school) in 1904; part U 28 Organized ii '-' Organized from Driscoll t. Thelma townshin in 1908. 3" Organized in Pan? from T. 143, R. 78, the south half of v as part, of Ghvlin township (school) ir iship (school) in 1908: part taken to form par _..„ _nl910. n for 1933 mi ele he i > ■ nmips wherever possible. 19 Bowbells yill lohool) in 1903; i.icorporal. 1 a.s a city in 1906. - 11 Flirt. >n village incorporated from parts of Carter and Richland townships (school) in 1904. Organized from part of Long Late township (sehooll ir ;,:i Organized from McKenzie township (school) in 1910. 36 Organized from Manning township (school) in 1907. & Organized from Morton township (school) in 1908, 380 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. I tor changes in boundaries, clc, between Pino and 1910, sec; for those between 1890 and 1000, sec Reports of the I welfl.h Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] R CIVIL DIVISION. Burleigh County— Continued. Rivervieu low nsliip (school) pTps. 139 ami l R. 81 , part of) Schrunck township (school) (T. III. E. 77) .. Siblev Butte township ' (T. 110, K. 77) ' -rUng township'- , I'. 130, K. 70) nship a (T. his, K. 7li) Taft I'elfer township (T. 137, R. 78). Thelma township* (T. 138, R. 75) A'ing township « (T. 142, R. 76) . Cass County.. Iddisoc township Amenia township Arthur township Avr township Panics township iT. 139, R. 48 (part of), and T. 139, R. 49) Bell township j lierlin township i Buffalo township i tin halo \illage Casselton city Ward 1 : Ward2 1 Ward S C:\ssflion township ('lift on I ownship Cornell township Davenport township Davenport village Dows township j l uir bin township ' Eldred township Empire township ! Erie township "" ;t township Ward2 t Ward 3 1 Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 Ward! Fargo township Gardner township I Gill township Gunkel township 7 Harmony township Harwood township Kinyon township... Maple River township. . Normanna township".. Pleasant township. . Rochester township Walburg township. . Warren township . . . Watson township. . iVheatland town :iiip " ! er township 1 Organized in 1907. 2 Organized from Eallvillo tow nship : < liooli in i')n r ; ' Organized from \\ iiit.e Low nship (school) in 1908. < Organized ^in 1H08 from T. ITs, li. 75, the north half of which a 1910. i- .if populai ion of 1 1 mi t it village ._ _ langed from Norman in 1904. 1 Page village incorporated from part of Page township i 271 1.83 180 137 213 1,207 840 270 162 99 138 82 103 q- 11 182 249 202 261 174 234 316 9,589 5,664 236" 162 435 291 206 224 161 144 482 261 299 217 210 190 157 9 231 '162 194 475 310 89 354 223 370 338 226 191 119 300 869 503 205 657 638 313 211 275 283 391 337 130 194 84 259 223 876 704 '3 149 408 309 461 407 290 168 518 386 300 225 Cavalier County . . Alma township '* '0.. R. 64) l!>. township e' (T. If.::, R. i.::. and frac. T. 164, R. 63) Cypress township ''■' ( I . 103, R. 04, ami Irar. T. 164, R, 04) Dresden I ownship Easby township East Alma township Elgin low nship - u (T. 101, R. 60) Fremonl township C-Ieuila township (T. 102, R. 04) Gordon I ownship (Irev iownship.. Ward I.'. Ward?.. WardS.. Eii i i i tup ( 1 160, R. 61)... Minto township » (T. 162, R. 62) Montrose township 2? (T. 159, R. 57). . Moscow township Mount C 1.1 inel Inn nship I, R. 59).. Dickey County . . Albion township . . Wardl WardS WardS Ellendale township Elm tow nship Porbos village " l-'iillorloii village i5 Grand Valley township 32 (T. 130, R. 65) .. Mm Eon iownship James River Valley township i Kentner township Keystone township so Eudden village 1 518 422 changes made between '< No comparison of population can be made; 1 1890 and 1900. >* Osnabrock village incorporated from part of Alma township in 1903. Merricourt village ® Monango village s» 2» Elgin township organized from part of Langdon township in 1900. 21 Harvey and Manilla townships returned as Harvey township in 1900. ''" Hay township organized from part of Loam township in 1905. •'e 1 iiopi township organizi I from part of Hope township in 1909. 2* Organized in 1900. » Minto township organized from part of Linden township in 1902. 26 Loma township organized from part of Perry township in 1907. 2' Osford township orvani/.cd frooi part of Montrose (ownship in 1906. 28 Organized from part of Billings township in iniio: pari taken to form Nekoma village in 1906. 2" Incorporated from pit >m 1 n nship in 1906. ' A Incorporated from part of S :,s Merricourt village inooi ated from part of Merricourt township in IS STATISTICS OF POPULATION- NORTH DAKOTA. 381 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. |For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between l.s'JO and l'joo, sec Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Dicker County— Continued. Porter township ' Ri verdale township Spring Valley township 2 (T. 130, R. (16) . . Valley township. . \ an Meier township . . Vorktown township Divide County*. Ambrose township < (T. 163, R. 99, and frac. T. 164, R.99) Ambrose village* Blooming Prairie township 5 (T.1G3, R. 98, and Border township 1 ' ( r. h>l, U. 'Xo . Burg township ' (T. 161, R.99) Coalfield l o\vnshi|i"(T. 162, R. 95) Crosby village 9 l>aue\ Hie township ' (T. 161, R. 102 and frac. T. 161, R. 103) Fillmore lownshiii " (T. 163, R. 97, and frac. T. 164, R. 97) Frazier township* (T. 161, R. 97) Goose Neek township e (T.163, R. lOO.andfrac. T. 164, R. 100) Ilawkeve township io (T. 1G2, R. 97) Hayland township « (T. 160, R. 96) Kennil village 1' Long Creek township '» (T. 163, R. 96, and frac. i, K.ys).. Troy township" (T. 162 Township 161, range 101. . ... ii-: , li,_'. . : i,i •: in.: Township 163, range 101 Township M3, laiige 102.. Fractional township 163, range 103.. Fractional township 164, range 103.. Township 141, range 93 (part of) . . :e townships in 1909. of Ambrose tc 5 Organized in 1908. « Organized in 1909. ' Organized in 1910 s Coalfield low n-'i of Coalfield township ii » Fillmore township organized i of Fillmore township in 1907. t 1900 made by townships wherever possible. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Dunn County— Continued. Township 141, range 94. . Township 141, rango 95. . Township 141, range 96. . Township 141, range 97. . Township 142, range 91 . . Township 142, range 92. . ■ ii inp 142, range 93.. Township 143, range 91 . . Township 143, range 92.. Tow nship 143, rango 93.. Tow nship 143, range 94.. Township 143, range 95 _ . Township 143, range 96. . Town-hip 143, range 97. . Township 144, range 95. . Township 144, range 96. . Tow nship 144, range 97.. Township 145, range 91 . . Township 145, r „ Township 145, range 97 Township 146, range 91 (part of) . . nship 1 46, range 94 Town ihip 146, range 95 Township 146, range 96 Township 146, range 97 Township 147, range 93 (part of) Township 147, range 95 Township 147, range 96 Township 147, range 97 Township 148, range 96 Township 148, range 97 Fort Berthol d in " ; (part of)... ■' ■mil /,„• ;■• ■ ' : .,„!,• -■„;•„„ ., ■ in Dunn, McKenzle, McLean, Mercer, and Mountrail Counties Cherrv Lake township" (school) (T. lis, H. 63). : Col >. in tou nship-" (T. 149, I,'. i;_") Gates township^ (T. 150, R. 66) . Hillsdale township 25 (T. 150, K i;n . .. Munster township -« (T. 1 19, R. 67) New Rockford township" (T. 149, R. 66) Paradise township "■* (T. 148, R. 02) Pleasant Prairie township » (T. 14S, H . i;,i ) Rocky Mountain township (school) (T. 150., R. 1906; Crosby village incorporated from part floseOeh I township io (T. 148, R. 67) Smith township (school) (T. 149, R. 65) Superior township si (T. 148, R. 66) Tiffany township 25 (school) (T. 149, R. 64) . Washington township 21 (school) (T. 149, R. K w That part of Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in Dunn County returned with Mercer County In 1900. " County total includes population (212) of Anderson township (school) taken to form Colvin and Freeborn townships since 1900. is No comparison of population can be made; not returned by civil townships in 1890. 19 Name changed from Greb since 1900. Part taken to form Paradise township in 1905. no Organized from part of Anderson township (school) in 1908. 2i Eddy township organized from part of Was! in townsl school) in 1908. ■ " : part of Anderson township (school) in 1909. ' d from Sheyenne township (school) in 1906. ii Mentor township organized in 1904; Kermit village incorporated from part of n 1908. Old Dunn County 29 Organized from Plainview iownship (schoo , "> Organized from Guler township (school) in 1906. "i Organized from Superior township (school) in 1906. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. I lor changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) Emmons County ISakker township (school) lUichanan township (school) tiurr Oak township (school) I'l.cvry dove township ischool) ( hi vl on township (school) i ilenavon township (school) Hague \ illage * Linton \ illage L ' — - Logan township (school) Marie township 2 (school) Odessa township (school) Omio township - (school) Selz township * (school) Strasburg township 6 (school) Strasburg village 6 Ward 1 Wards Ward S hnioii township (school) Wells township - (school) i T. 132, R. 75) Williarasport township ■'■ (school) Winona township (school) Foster County Birtsell township (school) (T. 147, R. 07) Bordulac township 8 (T. 145, R. 05) Bueephalia township 9 (school) (T. 145, K. (it).. Campbell township (school) (T. 140, R.63) Ward 1 Wards Ward S Carrington township" ('!'. 14''., R. 06) Ka am -hi township'- (T. 1 15, K. 02) iottiishipi.-.eliooh fT. 147, R. 06) Glenfield township « (T. 146, R. 62) Haven township (»• T. 110, R. 64) Larrabec to, L47, Rs. 63 and 64) McHenry township » (T. 147, R. 62) McIIenry village » McKinlev township " (school) ( T. 145, R. 63).... Melville township'- (T. i 15. It. 00) Nordmore township is (T. 147, R. 65) Pleasant Vail. \ km iishi p (sehuol i (T. 145, K. 07) Rose Hill township « (T. 140, R. 05) Wyard township " (T. 146, R. 67) Grand Forks County Americus township. . Arvilla township Avon township Bentru township Blooming township. . tnt township.. Elm Grove township. Fairfield township Falconer township Ferry township 2 ° . . . Gilby township Grace township Grand Forks city Wardl Wards Wards 136 173 134 ,. i I '.;.. ■ •• ■!• i! ■: I..' ■ I," 1890 and 1900. 2 Dakem, Marie, Oniio, ami Wells townships (school) ship (school) in 1900. 5 changes made between a crviL division. Grand Forks County— Continued. Grand Forks city— Continued. Ward J, Wards Ward 6 Ward 7 Grand Forks township Inkster township »i ... Johnstown township. Lakeville township. . . Larimore city Wardl Wards WardS Larimore township . . . 370 244 372 176 260 191 233 244 207 ,224 553 343 360 1,235 411 316 308 553 S59 Logan Center 1 1 Loretta township Mekinock township Michigan township ■ i ■ 1 1 -." Wardl Wards Wards Northwood township.. ' ':! ciile township... Traill Counties.. Ward 1 . . WardS.. Turtle River township.. Wheatfield township. . Griggs County.. nrship 25 (T. 1' n 1900; 209 in 1890) of Carrington town- ship (school) ' oneity I Carrington township since 1900. 8 Organizi 'I ir I, a he I teorge I own clip (school) -•- "" Couperstow ii city ' iT Wardl WardS WardS fun: . r.hown township... Dover township Orecnhchl township 28 ... Hannaford village 28 I'ilot Moil, i:l township ' 2 Romnes township ..." 2 I (ovinia! township -'"(T. 148, R. 61) ] 2 township ! 3 i I ■ : .:,' ... ■■ "'.) I ' ill'.' i ' V\ ilhnv township 1 " Organized from Melville township (school) in 1907. m Organize! from \"oi e iou nship (school) ir 1 "'" n 1900; 85 in 1890) of Harvey township, ; i inkster city hicorporaict from parts of Inkster and Strabane townships in 1902. 22 Name changed from Logan in 1906. ' ' icorporated from part of Niagara township in 1907. 194 92 127 60 137 71 648 368 226 120 223 115 388 173 -( Name changed from Oakwood ir 25 Addie township organized ir '" Vddie township in 1900. 26 Organized in 1900. 1900; Binford village incorporated from p i 2 Organized from E n township fsdiool) in 1900. village incorporated from part of McHenry township in 1903. STATISTICS OP POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. |For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Hettinger County 1 . Aldeu township > (T. 138, R. 95) IScery lownship 3 (T. 134, R. 92) ISIack Hulle township* (T. 135, R. 95} Chilton township » (T. 133, R. 94) Kinue township- (T. 130, II. 97)-. Madison township ' (T. 130, li. 94) Mow England township 3 (T. 135, R. 97).. Rille township 3 (T. 130, R. 95) St. Croix lownship 3 (T. 135, R. 94) Strehlow township 3 (T. 134, R. 97) Township l.TJ, range 91 Township 13'.', range 92 Township 132, range 93 Towns iiip 132, range 94 Township 133, range 91 Township 133, range 92 Township 133, range 93 Township 133, range 9fi Township 134, range 91 Township 134, range 93 Township 134, range 94 Township 134, range 90 Township 135, range 91 Tow nshi p 135, I a n go 92 Township 135, range 93 Township 135, range 96 Township 130, range 91 Township 130, range 92 Township 136, range 93 Township 136, range 90 Kidder County.. nship (school) (T. 143, R. 73). . Baiter township (school i I ' L37, R. 74) Belden township (school) (T. 137, R. 72) Buckeye township (T. 141, R. 71).. ,.. hooT) (T. 141, R. 74) Clear Lake to ■'. 142, R. 73)... Crystal Springs township (school) (T. 139, R. 70). Excelsior township a (T. 140, R. 74) Fisher township (school) (T. 140, R. 71) Frettem township (school) (T. 143, R. 71) German township (school) (T. 137, R. 70) Grant township (school i ( T. 137, R. 71) Havnes township * (T. 141, R. 73) Horning township (school) (T. 143, R. 70) ■ ■ ■ ; ■ Lakeside township (school) (T. 142, R. 70). Liberty township (school) (T. 138, R. 72).. to a ihip (Tps. 137 and 138, R. 73).... Merkel township (school) (Tps. 143 and 144, R. 72) Northwest township (school) (T. 144, R. 74) . .. Norway township (school) (T. 142, R. 74) Pleasant Hill lownship (T. 139, R. 74, and T. 138, R. 74, part of) Pleasant Hill lownship (school) (T. 138, R. 74, part of) I lOOl) (T. 141, R. 72) nship (school) (T. 144, R. 70) Sibley township (T. 139, R. 72) Steele city Stewart inr nship (school) (T. 144, R. 73) Tanner township - (T. 138, R. 70) Tappen township (school) (T. 139, R. 71) Cnioii township (school) ( T 142, R. 71) Vallev township (school') (T J3S. R. 71) Vernon township (school) (T. 140, R. 72) Wallace township (school) (T. 144, R. 71) Woodlawn township (T. 139, R. 73) 100 I 84 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Lamoure County.. lilack Loam lownship Bluebird township 10 Cottonwood township (school).. 130 Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Gladstone township Glen township 12 Glenmore township " Golden Glen township Grand Rapids township " ... Grand view township Greenville township ''» lionrictla township 9 Jud village l0 Kennison township " Kulm city 17 Lamoure city w Wardl WardS WardS Lamoure township (school).. Traino lov, nship... Raney township (school) . Ray township 21 Saratoga township 23 . . Verona village 20.. \\ aoo township Willowbank I ou 1 ishij > . . Logan County... Township 2, Foster (school) (Tps. 134 and 135, 71).. Township 5, Wentz (school) (Tps. 135 a 1 E. i T. 136, R. 72) . Township 6, German (school) (Tps. 135 and 15 R.70) I'ownsbip t, I.elir (school) (T. 133, R. 69)... luun-lons, Mill si, org (school) (T. 134, R. 6 and K. .', T. 131, R.70) ...... Tor, nship 9, Miller (school) (T. 130, R. 09) . . Township III, Waldorf (school) (T. 130. P. OS' T.oa n.ln |Hl, Fir, o (school) (N.J T. 134, R. 6 Township 16, Red Lake (school) (W. J T. 134, Township IS, Ko!i-rh.ig(sohool)(T. 135, 1.'. 09) ) Township 20, Nathan (school) (T. 134, R. 68) . . 1 Organized from part of Stark County in 1907. - Comparison of population for 1900 made by townships wherever possible ■■:-, an < Organized in 1909. 5 Organized in 1910. « County total includes population (203) of T. 144, R. 71, and that part of county it returned by townships in 1890. ' Organize'd from Banner township (school) in 1908. 1 from Lakeview township (school) in 1908. » Berlin village incorporated from pa) ship in 1906. 10 Bluebird township organized from Bluebird township (school) in 1905; Jud llage incorporated from part of Bluebird township in 1909. " Dickey village incorporated from part of Roscoe township in 1907. 6,168 I " 1,625 township (school) in 1908. 16 Organized from 17 Incorporated as a city in 1906. 18 Incorporated as a city in 1905. 22 Organized from Russell township (school) in 1909. 23 Organized from Saratoga township (school) in 1907. 24 No comparison of population can be made; changes made since 1900- STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OK MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] McHenry County township ' (T. 151, R. 75). . Aiianuuiso village '. Balfour township 2 (T Kalfour village 2 ' nship»(T Sllip 4 (1 ..t Bank township (school) (T. 157, R. 7 t'ottonwood Lake township '- (T. T' " Deep River townshi " ""' Deerlng township ' 1 < ionium township (school) (T. 155, R. 76)..: 'dittos township s (T. 158, R. 80) Kottke Valley township « (T. 156, R. 80) Lake George township " (T. 153, R. 76) Lake Hester township * (T. 153, R. 78) Land township s (T. 151, R. 77) Layton township « (T. 158, R. 78) Lebanon township '"('P. 13.4. It. 79) Little Deep township & (T. 158, R. 79) Meadow township " (T. 159, It. 78) Newport township (school) (T. 156, R. 76) I ; . . , .: North 1'rairio township « ('I'. 154, It. 80) Norwich township 6(T. 155, R. 80) Odin township 6 (T. 152, R. 78) Olivia township " (T. 151, R. 79) Poplar Grove I Pratt township « (T. 159, R. 80) J °-~ss township (school) (T. 157, R. 75) Smoky Lake township (school) (T. 154, R. 75) .. Spring Grove township 8 (T. 151, R. 76) Strege township ■ (T. 152, R. 76) Towner city » Upham village " Velva city « Ward 1 Ward e WardS Velva township '•(T. 15::, Voltaire township 5 (T. 152, R. 79) Wager township (school) (T. 157, R. 77) Walters township (school) (T. 154, R. 79) Willow Creek township :«■ i (T 159, :t.7t>) .. Township 154, range 77 Township 154, range 78 , Township 155, range 75 Township 155, range 77 Township 155, range 78 Township 157, range 76 Mcintosh County.. School district No. 2 School district No. 3 (T. 131, R. 71).... School district No. 4» (T. 129, R. 73) . . School district No. 5 (T. 131, R. 68).... School district No. 6 (T. 131, R. 73).-.. net No. 7 (T. 130, R. 73).... , s> : ::• School district No. 9" (T. 130, R. 69) .. School district No. 10>« (T. 132, R. 69) . School district No. 11 (T. 130, R. 71)... 33 25 33 20 96 186 15 7 30 66 27 80 85 216 12 179 149 8 "101 80 48 24 50 77 36 30 37 60 19 1 6 100 6 105 177 331 211 199 22 213 64 269 98 27 43 178 41 116 R CIVIL DIVISION. Mcintosh County— Continued. School district No. 12 (T. 129, R. 71).. S.4100I district No. 13 (T. 129, R. 72) School district No. 14 (T. 130, R. 72) School district No. 15 (T 131, It. 72) School didrioi No. hi (T. 132, R. 72) .■I .. 5 ,, I s ' t -,, ■ itrictNo. 19" (T. 132, R. 71) School district No. 20 (T. 129, R. 67) School district No. 21 (T. 129. R. 70) .,.,..,,, ., . ; School district No. _<:; (T. I. 31), If. 67) : ■ i i ;.' s 7o, . , ,o di !■, ... ■ ■ i i:: ..■■;.. McKenzle County 2' A I. 'Sander precinct (Tps. 149, 150, and 151, Rs. 101 and 102) telnet (Tps. 145 and 146, R. 102 (part of); T. 147, It. 100 (part of), R. lot (pari of), sod if. 102; an. IT. 148, Rs. 98 to 102) ■inct (T. 152, Rs. 97 and 9S; T. 153, Its. 90, 97, aod K.'.i.s. (pari, of); and T. 154, R. 96 (part of), and R. 97 part of) iters precinct .CI'. 151, It. 95 (part of), R. 96, and R. 97 (part of), and T. 152, Rs. 95 (part of) and 96. part of) Canwrniil pieciiict (Tps. 149 and 150, R. 103; j T. tit). It. 104: and T. 150, R. 104, part of) ' ailin in c. in, 1 cr. 149, Its. 95 (part of) and 96, and T. 150, Ks. 95 .on oi, sod 96) Charlsoo precinct (T. 152, Its. 95 (part of) and 96 i pod of;, T. 153, R. 95, and T. 154, R. 95, part of). Kefleler precinct (Tps. 1 3 148, Rs. 103, 104, frac. T. 145. R. 105, frac. T. 146, R. 105, frac. T. 147, R. 105, and frac. T. 148, R. 105) KinuitiL' precinct id' 151. Us. 99 and 100, T. 152, Rs. 99 and 100 (part of), and T. 153, R. 99, I'oe preon, of ,"!'. [,v\ its. pit sod lie, and T. 153 s io i d; ns in ' p:, !-■.',., Rhoades precipe! (Tps. 145 and 146, Its. 98 to lOl.and 102 (nan of) and T. 147, is ■ io 98, and T. 151, Rs. 97 (part of) ai .'.... S ! .') Butte township ™ (T. 150, Rs. 79 and 8( township org » Organized in 1907. i i ilia > incorporated from part of T. 151, R. 75, in 1905; Anamoose Wardl WardS WardS IMiislas iowpship-'' (T. 150, R. 85). Economy township "" "" Emmett township K Garrison village ; 2 Wardl Wardg WardS Greatstone township a° (T. 149, R. 81) Heaton township '- (T. 144, R. 80) • • V. hi!'.' '■'.' o I, II, I MD Linder township 33 (T. 147, R. 82) m No comparison of population can be r t returned by school districts mized in 1900; Balfour village incorporated fi ed in 1902. 7 Deering township organized in 1906; Deering village incorporated from part 1 IVishek village incorporated from part of school district No. 19 In 1907. 2»Zeeland \ disss' iucoi pora led Id on i pan ol school disnici No. 4 in 1906. 2' Organized fiom paitsof Sillioss and stark Counties in 1905. Old McKenzie am i . ■ ,c I :. i , : 1 1 sooty in 1897. "Comparison o populolion fm lono node by precincts wherever possible. of Granville township in 1907. i° Organized in 1909. 11 Meadow township organized in 1902; Upham village Incorporated from part Meadow township In 1P"° l » Exclusive of populat 13 Organized in 1905. organized in 1908. » Organized in 1904; part taken to form Ruso village in 1909. so Organized in 1910. si Dogden township organized in 1907; Dogden village incorporated from part Dogden township In 1908. •» Incorporated from part of T. 148, R. 84, in 1907. 83 Organized In 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. 385 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. McLean County— Continued. Longfellow township ' (T. 146, R. 83) Mediums township'- (T. MO, It. St) Malcolm township 3 (T. 148, R. 82) Max village 4 Mercer township ' (T. 140, R. 79) Platte township '-(T. 149, R. 85) Etuso \ Illage e St. Marv township ' ( T. I IS, K. S5) i Turtle Uke township S (T. 147, K. 81) Underwood township* (T. 140, It. 82) Underwood village 5 Victoria township ■' (T. 147, R. 83) | Washburn city 9 W ill oi i \ illage i° \\ ise !owiiship 3 (T. M7, It. 79) Township 143, range SC '" Township 144, range 82 '•' (pari of,. . Tow nsliip 146, range Si Township 14a, range SI Township It'-, range 84 (part of). . Township 147, range si; (part of.. . Tow nshjp M7, range 87 (part of). . Tom lisllip its, lallge 79 'nship 148, range 83.. Tow nsliip 140, range si Mercer County " Tow nsliip 141, range 90. . Township 1 I;",, range 00. . 3, range 84 (part of).. Township 146, range 86. . Mercer County— Continued Morton County Blue Grass township (Tps. 139 and 140, Rs. and 87) Classen township ls (Tps. 139 and 140, Its. Wardl Ward 2 WardS New Salem village Sehnllze township i (Tps. 130 and 131, Rs. 86 and 87). Sims township Sims village 20 Stevenson township 3 (T. 133, Township 1 il , range 8 4 ( part of) Township 147, range 85 (part of) i Organized in 1909. 2 Organized in 1905. 3 Organized in 1910. * Incorporated from part of T. 150, R. 83, in 1907. 6 Organized in 1908. 6 Incorporated from part of Butte township in 1909. 1 Organized in 1904. 8 Underwood township organized in 1904; Underwood village incorporated train pari of Underwood township in 1908. 9 Washburn city incorporated from part of T. 144, R. 82 (part of), in 1907. 10 Wilton village" incorporated from part of T. 143, R. SO, in 1904. 11 No population reported. " Part taken to form Garrison village in 1907. 13 Part taken to form part of Dunn County in 1908. 1 "■' ■!■.-■■■ ■!■: 1 1 : ;'!.■.' ' hi i ■ ... -in Counly since 1900 and population (40) of that part of Fort Berthold Indian Reser- vation now in Dunn and Mercer Counties. Township 130, range Township 131 .range 84 (part of) Township 131, range 85. Township 131, range 90. . . Township 132, range 83 (part of). Township 132, range 84 I >w n Inn I ,' l in i 7 Tow u sin,, 132, range "° Township 13', range. Town .hip 133, range St Town, hip 133, ranges;, Township 133, r Township 133, r „. Township 134, range 79 (part of). Township 134, range 80 (part of). t'ow n Tip 13!, range S3 I on nsliip 131, range 84 Tow nsliip 134, range 85. Tow nsliip 134, tango Si'», Tow nsliip 134, range 87, I us ii inn hi Township 131, range 89. Township 131, range 90 Township 135, range 79 (part of) Township 135, range"" 4'ow ii'sjin 135, range Town Tip 135. range 82. Town ship 135, range 83. Township 135, rang" "' Township 135, range Township 135, range Township 135, range S7 Tow ir.hip 135, range "" Tow o Tip 135. range ,o Township 135, range 00 Township 136, range 79 (part of) Township 136, range "" Township 136, range Township 136. range Township 136, range Township 13,6, taiige SI, Tow nsliip 13,., range s5. Township 136, range S6. Township 136, range 87 Township 136, range ss Township 136, range so Township 136, range 90. is No comparison of population ranges in 1890. " County total includes populati be made; not returned by townships and 19 Organized from T. 137, Rs. 88 and 909. 20 Incorporated since 1900. ), and part of Glenn Ullin township S9, and part of Glenn Ullin township 28407—12- -25 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOE crra DIVISION. 1010 1900 1890 MINOE CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 9 1890 Morton County— Continued. 50 149 245 230 107 134 132 134 213 200 48 172 182 81 237 193 233 92 184 224 265 140 31 177 328 220 184 137 8,491 23 32 164 32 77 Mountrail County— Continued. 84 91 26 121 101 109 90 89 10,140 18 10 71 74 104 116 100 60 103 46 205 152 96 94 178 188 207 24 123 127 122 205 276 Fort Berthokl In li hi 1 i u mm (part of) [For total, see Dunn County.] "7,316 305 654 288 219 298 201 231 237 370 268 202 1,023 401 S6S esg 206 442 148 310 264 449 369 219 298 310 375 271 353 264 234 207 209 181 194 3,577 226 188 239 195 250 164 148 254 355 203 286 175 576 J4 241 297 96 180 216 207 211 150 217 281 139 186 164 198 112 260 184 162 198 141 167 194 143 177 224 218 169 178 148 288 208 518 116 177 225 188 105 167 116 264 125 61 65 25 19 62 33 20 209 309 *>291 200 295 633 278 243 215* 217 183 10 29 119 53 150 138 990 Oliver County Myrtle township " (T. 156, R. 94) 24 464 89 142 242 217 143 188 241 50 148 172 209 210 210 262 20 111 159 133 167 229 142 45 48 14,749 47 48 73 93 62 133 17 42 51 26 82 37 32 58 38 31 1 36 8 35 20 17,869 21 19 36 1 35 3 Spring Coulee t< L53, R. 88) 48 2 15 8 30 43 21 2 Pembina County Township 152, range 91 (part of) 14,334 Advance township *» 354 405 328 208 482 584 641 "5 300 14 838 377 ■•..-■-,,.., Bathgate township" »*226 1 Returned as Custer township In 1900; civil township organization dissolved In 1906. 2 Not returned by counties In 1900. » Organized from part of Ward County In 1909. * Comparison of population for 1900 made by townships wherever possible. in 1905; Tagus village Incorporated from part of Michigan City and Petersburg townships since 1900. a 2 MeVille village incorporated from part of Hamlin tc , ' ! <>la i illagi returned with Lakota township in 1900, incorporated as a city in 1905. « Exclusive of population of Lakota village. 25 Name changed from Lake In 1905. 26 Name changed from Melrose in 1905. ■■■■ ;'. iimed with Michigan township in 1900, Incorporated as a city in 1906. 28 Returned as Michigan township in 1900. Part of T. 152, R. 58, annexed since 1900. 29 Exclusive of popul lion oi ■■■. Ichigan village. m Name changed from Norway in 1905. 31 Part of T. 152, R. 58, annexed to Petersburg township since 1900. Peters- burg village incorporated from part of Petersburg township in 1906. 8 2 Name changed from Rochester in 1905. 33 Name changed from Avon in 1904. ** Bathgate town, incorporated as a city and made Independent oi Bathgate township In 1907. » Exclusive of population of Bathgate town. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. 387 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] ■ MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1010 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Pembina County— Continued. 410 115 421 652 680 376 335 587 161 212 224 318 237 566 558 213 404 331 369 298 418 971 628 308 717 196 291 230 503 1,144 513 722 437 592 m 234 w 9,740 474 98 600 671 2 922 385 461 738 Ramsey County— Continued. 457 185 419 279 218 5.157 ££ 1,200 1,144 234 344 296 235 454 221 160 119 299 406 366 293 179 197 207 215 341 227 235 265 222 204 219 249 148 246 282 121 144 334 10,345 264 151 300 94 326 508 2 902 195 1,729 846 594 318 11-.//...:::::::::::..::.:::::::::::::::::: Ward 2 221 181 364 313 761 224 522 420 342 578 1,205 682 350 929 349 372 715 700 257 412 225 211 515 174 157 107 552 150 512 167 108 231 206 74 225 219 233 100 180 142 145 10 1 iatuillim luwnship, itieliuli";; I lainillmi \ Wage. 293 520 761 314 432 670 Xeche township, including Neche village Minnewaukan township 21 (T. 154, R.63) 399 138 138 583 1,160 661 814 752 5 452 377 598 1,131 477 742 759 5 516 • ■■•'■ ml .. • ,.■.'. 1 I.::, :■ ,:.■•) . South Minnewaukan township 21 (T. 153, R. 63). 457 168 72 235 6,919 4,765 «905 345 288 300 202 262 228 320 413 325 128 1,630 515 544 350 263 475 382 289 133 178 187 192 294 297 205 246 233 311 201 219 196 15,199 347 32 243 2" 32 200 142 42 487 ill town mp8(T 152, E. 74) 284 235 210 277 126 364 1,540 w. S85 662 574 221 360 276 279 1,758 645 692 621 319 347 293 359 187 183 241 358 413 301 209 7,840 185 114 117 180 311 107 636 402 215 190 163 278 1,046 154 165 50 406 55 24 109 31 189 157 209 110 245 193 137 161 132 36 147 9,198 287 336 213 304 71 175 318 271 142 167 77 (SB) 4,418 Brandon township 29 (school) (T. 161, R. 84) Callahan town-hip (school) (T. 159, R.85) Clay township (school) (T. 100, R. 84) Cuiqnhani] township-" (.-vhools (T. 163, R. 85, andfrac. T. 164, R.85) 359 120 204 186 153 1 266 208 207 312 187 48 iS7 62': 116 i\ 1 ill. in n i | ' 1 )D 2 Exclusive of nmvilalion of Cavalier town. 3 Name changed from Liberty in 1904. * Walhalla \1II1 ii< m In h Wil ! 1 n^hip in 1900. "Brocket Tills pari of 1 Ulenofl township in 1907. 19 Crary village incorporated from part of Stevens township in 1904. " Fancher township organized in 1901; Edraore village incorporated from part 7 Organized in 1904. 8 Organized in 1906. 9 Barton township organized in 1905; Barton village incorporated from part of Barton township in 1906. "Organized in 1905. «» Organized in 1903. " Organized in 1902. » Organized in 1907. » Name changed from Bear Creek in 1904. 25 No population reported. ■ Organized from part of Ward County in 1910. 2* Comparison of population for 1900 made by townships wherever possible. 388 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Renville County— Continued. Eden Vallev township (school) (T. 103, R. 84, andfrac. T. 164, R. 84) Ensign township' (school) (T. 158, R. 82) Fairbanks township (school) (T. 101, R. 87).... Glenburn village ■ (.irassland township (school) (T. 100, R. 85) G rover township (school) (T. 102, R. SO) Hamerlv township (school) (T. 102, R . 85) Illlinil'l lOllll: hip(schnol) (T. Pit, R. 85) Hurley township (school) ( r. PL', R. 84) Ivanhoe township (school) (T. 159, R. S6) Look wood township i school i (T. 159. K. 84) .... Mr Kinney township 2 (school) (T. 161, R. 86) .. . ushjp (school) (T. 158, R. 84) I'lain iownship (school) (T. 158. 11.85) PTescott township isrhooDt I'. 158 I. :-.n Prosperity township (school) (T. 10::, H.8h,;iinl frac. T. 164, R. 86) I . : I !0.\ K 8, I.. . ,....:■... ■'...... . ' hi), :;. : :, Sherwood village * Staftord township (school) (T. 163, R. 87, and frac. T. 164, R.87) Tolley village" Van Buren township (school) (T. 158, R. 83).... White Ash township (school) (T. 158, R. 86) Richland County .. Abercrombie township «.. Abercrombie village 6 Antelope township Barney township ' Barrie township Belford township Brandenburg township «. . Colfax township Danton township. . . DeVillo township.. Dexter township... w nship Elma township Fairmount township . . Fairmount village Freeman township "> . . Garborg township Mooreton tow nsliip. . Moran township Ward 1 . . WardS.. Ward 4.. Hi Wards S16 > Glenburn village incorporated from part, of Kir i-n township ( school) in 1904. ■ i l : . ■:!.,: -i ,1 , ... , I ,,■> . ,. .■'■' 3 Incorporated from part of Brandon township (school) in 1908. « Incorporated from part of Colquhr "~ ' 5 County total includes population l (school), not returned separately in 1890. » Abercrombie village incorporated from part of Abercrombie township in 1902. ' Name changed from Garfield in 1906. s Great Bend irilla ■ tncoi porated from part of Brandenburg township in 1908. » Name changed from Park in 1900. : Illli'ili I - ic. i ic ,■, ii .hip l. chunl ) ill Kill!) " Name chang "1 from < Jr-'fiifiela in 1900. ' 2 Name changed from Liberty in 1900. 11 Incorporated as a city in 1901. " Nam Rolette County .. I'.mw ii township (school) (T. 161, R. 71) I'arpcuter low nship i'-' (school i ( T. 16::, k. 72, and frac. T. 164, R. 72) t'urrie tow nshi p -" l :,,' I, i T lc|, k. ;:(;., .. Dewey township (school) (T. 1511, R. 72) I iiinscn h city 21 Kliswoilh township-- echo. hi (T. loo, It. 611) . kainiew township (T. 163, K. 69, and frac. T. L64, k. 69) Cilhcil township 2 ) (T. 162, k. 7.')) Hillside low nship '" .school, ,T. p,j, k. 72) .... I i i ltd i ii iso ii iow n hip -ii (i\ i ( ;;{, k. 71, and frac. T. 104, R. 71) Man. I Lake low nship (school) (T. 159, R. 70, part of) , k ohhncirr t ownship " (T. 160, R. 73) I.eoiaud low nship-' (school. ( T. 160, R. 71) ... ■M.u-\-\ ill.' township (school) (T. 161, It. 70) Mounlaintov. nship''' (school) (T. 163, R. 73, and Mylo village 22 Northern tow nship (school . p ;l c T. lot. I;. Tin. Oxford low nship (school. (T. 161, R. 69) ' Pleasant Vallev township (school) (T. 159, R. Russell township- 7 (school i (T. 161, R. 72) St. John township'" .school. .0 103, R. 70) St. John village » Scotch Plock township (school) (T. 159, R. 70-, part of) South \ allci. low nship (school ; Thorne village - ! . . I lie tow 11 hip I-' 'il.c.ii .' en ! .0 \\ oil (reek township (school. I'h. 160, R. 72)... Sargent County.. Wardl WardS Wards Denver township. . Dunbar township. . ■Hum [ownship ( school) in 1900. rated from part of Wvndmere township in 1905. lat ion (750) of Dun cuii l. uwns'h n (school), taken to ountain township: (school) since 1900. on can be made; numerous changes made between Harlem township... Havana village 31 ... Herman township. . Jackson township. . Milnor town Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Milnor township Ransom townships* . . Rutland township &.. Rutland village s» Sargent township s0 . . Shuman township Southwest township. . Taylor township Vivian township Weber township 31 o hiic in,,' Itht iowio.hi, 403 20! Willey township I 289 1 114, « Organized from part of Dunseith township (school) since 1900. 20 Civil towm-hip oicahi/.iii hi dissolved since 1900. 21 Dunseith cit.v iurorporair.d from pari of eplhc.rt township in 1907. ~ Mylo village i ncoi cioraicl ho.u pen .0 KM s.vori I, township (school) in 1907. « Organized in 1908. ' .ged from Cleveland ir '""' .. . -lage incorporated fron . ^.^nized from O- Creek township (school) it " ■ 'I 'h.,1 .;c \ illa'.'c in,'.., paaic'! ! 1 pai I oi kir-rll lowilship (school) in 1907. 28 St. John village incorporated from part of St. John township (school) in 1903. ■ ■' Incorporated Pom parts of k'iai'sioi) sad kansoiu townships in 1909. # 30 Cogswell villa "c i ip.iraied from part o! tar you I i ,«,.■. ).. 1905 31 Havana villa t I ■■! ioen p iri of \\ ,' township 111 1 9IH. 32 Part taken 1 , f.inn pari of Cavii-a village in 1909. 33 Name chanced fro.,. Lake in 1903. M Parts taken to form parts of Rutland and Cayuga villages in 1908 and 1909, respectively. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. 3* Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL D MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Sheridan County ' Berlin township (school) (T. 149, R. 74) Boono township (school) (T. 147, R. 74) Pran^x l (,ehool) ( T. 149, R. 76).. Fai'iw iew (o\\ nship (sclio.,1 ) i T. 148, R. 74).. Holmes township (school) (T. 148, R. 78). . Lament township-' ( T. 1 41',, ];. 71,).. McClusky village 8 . Ward 1 WardS WardS Martin township (school) (T. 150, R. 74). . Mauch township (school) (T. 145, It. 74).. •i u ■,, ... ' n . ,i-!;i|, , lioo 1 I ! , I and 78) New Germautnu n nm nship isehool) (T. 149, It. 75) Pickard township (school) (T. 146, R. 78) Rosenfield township (school) (T. 150. U 7i',!.. ■. ■> > ■ ' i: > Schiller township (school) (T. 148, R. 75). . Township 149, range 77 . . Steele County.. Carpenler township '* Colgate lownship Finley village" Wardl WardS WardS Wardi WardS Franklin township 18 Golden Lake township. . Greenview township Hope city i» Wardl WardS WardS Hugo township 20 Melrose township Newburg township Primrose township Iti\ erside township Sharon township *' ™ aron village 22 Wardl WardS WardS Wardi Wards Sherbrooke township UYsUield township Willow Lake township. . Wardl WardS WardS Wardi WardS Ward 6 Rader township < (T. 138, R. 95).. Richardton village 12 Township 137, range 95. . Stutsman County Ashland townships (T. 142, R. 6 Bloom township (T. 140, Rs. 63 and 04, part of). "-- hanan townships (T. 141, R. 64) ... an township? (T. 139, R. 02) I'lneatio township* (T. 139, R. 08) ■ oie-ii io-.-. ns,, ,. i '- i 11, R. 02) Corwin township * (T. 138, R. 63) Courtenay township 2 * (T. 143, R. 62).. Courtenay village 2 * Cusator township* (T. 138, R. 66).. Township 137, range 95 Township 138, range 94. . Township 138, range 98. . Township 138, range 99. . Township 139, range 91 . . Township 139, range 92 12 Township 139, range 93. . Township 139, range 94. . Township 139, range 95. . Township 139, range 96. . Township 139, range 97. . Township 139 Township 139, range 99. . Township 140, range 91 . . Township 140, range 94 Township 140, range 99 Township 141, range 91 (part of) . . Township 141 1 1 1 50 I ("') Township 141, range 93 (part of) 54 | (") » Organized from part of McLean County in 1909. 2 Comparison of population for 1900 made by low nships wherever p 3 Organized in 1905. * Organized in 1908. 6 Organized in 1909. 6 Goodrich village incorporated from part of Goodrich township (school) in 1906. In 1906. 9 Parts taken to form Adams and Eettingeil bounties in 1007 and parts of McKenzie and Dunn Counties in 1905 and 1901 -' ; -cli- J - - c __ of (239) of T. 141, Rs. 91 to 93, now in Dunn and Stark Coue..._. » County total includes population (389) of that part of county not r< townships and ranges in 1890. » Richardton village incorporated from part of T. 139, R. 92, In 1906. Glaeier township* (T. Ill, R. 07).. Griilin lownship* (T. 137, R.67)... Homer township* (T. 130, II. o:i; . Iosco township* (T. 141, R. 68). ... J; .loWll eii V Wardl WardS WardS Wardl Ward t WardS Lippert township * (T. 139, R. 65' T n township ■ ( T. 1 '■:;_, R. 01.. ston I Medina vi Midwav iovMishiri (T. 140, R. 64, part of) .. . Moinpelier iov irliip ' 1 V. i::7 1:. 0:11. . . Newbury township « (T. 138, R. 69) ... ,0. o, 1. : :', o ' ; ;. Paris township* (T. 142. R. 67) Pingree township* (T. 143, R. 65) Pipeslem \ ailev lownsliip-' ( I'. 143, P. ti(i).. Plainview Lownsliip* ( T. I lli, R. 05) township* (T. 141, R. 62) Shadow township * (T. 137, R. 65) 13 Not returned separately In 1900. '< Name changed from Norway in 1904. '* Name changed from Hope in 1904. '* Name changed from Highland in 1904. Part taken to form Fin In 1903. w Incorporated from part of Finley township in 1903. ■ XT — le changed from Bergen in 1904. "No comparison of population can be made; not returned by civil townships ii 1900 and 1890. 2 *Courtens ;•■! I'rom pai I of (' euav Urn nship in 1902. * Kensal village incorporated I township in 190S * Incorporated from part of T. 140, R. 68, in 1906. 390 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MIHOK CTVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Stutsman County— Continued. St. Paul township ' (T. 139, R. 69) 187 208 204 190 218 135 315 112 241 172 148 252 437 135 76 158 191 93 155 165 120 207 160 205 143 169 156 224 249 8,963 Traill County— Continued. 380 238 366 450 547 666 171 sua IBS 218 1,237 £20 m BBS 225 1,070 SSS SIS m 666 368 375 422 561 253 701 420 317 19,491 413 258 430 438 512 430 Valley Spring township' (T. 141, R. 67) 1,172 264 288 1,106 703 384 465 524 216 740 [Fortotj] mi i.i tin] I oil s County.] 373 20,288 6,491 s 1,450 272 192 444 213 1,332 138 259 266 129 S9 234 258 174 228 187 278 195 160 221 198 190 194 24 408 265 244 227 318 266 310 133 109 217 241 266 194 48 12,545 205 170 32 8 378 334 338 467 271 343 184 203 249 300 140 358 472 352 233 420 316 2,229 674 BS3 S01 666 384 175 386 315 302 341 329 373 701 196 230 276 421 303 1,008 268 207 SSS 323 312 516 620 265 296 248 369 346 526 359 Bryan townshii - !i Frao, T. if,!. 182 1,061 199 237 200 552 298 291 216 148 457 307 286 Crocus township i (T. 160, R. 66) 4 170 180 206 138 149 296 151 191 95 543 379 252 553 346 2,378 5 Mount Pleasanl : L62, R. 65) 22 10 73 Picton township (school) (T. i63, R. 68, and 161 197 80 609 403 322 359 [For total, see Cavalier County.] Sidney township l (T. 163, R. 67, and frac. T. 165 433 175 102 150 161 300 211 150 268 200 152 102 29 13,107 69 198 430 22fi 860 36 157 81 127 49 7 5 10,217 ■ ■ 312 564 326 1,088 363 Ward. 1 WardS WardS 245 132 567 663 430 500 219 353 340 178 283 314 343 251 462 668 424 506 586 032 393 309 1,110 ! 993 576 418 119 1,021 933 49 . - Silvesta township 271 i Organized in 1908. » County total includes population (313) of that part of county not returned by townships in 1890. » Organized in 1905. 4 Organized in 1902. s Bisbee village incorporated from part of T. 159, R. 68, in 1900. 6 Incorporated as a city in 1901. 7 Organized in 1906. » Victor township organized In 1906; Egeland village incorporated from part of Victor township in 1906. » Returned as Greenfield in 1900. M Organized In 1900. » Organized in 1909. Ia Incorporated since 1900. •» Rook Lake township org? part of Rock Lake township Ir 16 Organized in 1907. 19 Stavanger township organized from part of Buxton township in 1908. 2" Parts taken to form Herberg and part of Bingham townships in 1909. 21 Incorporated as a city in 1905. - ' irganized from part of Caledonia township in 1909. 2s Name changed from Logan in 1904. " Adams village incorporated from part of Adams township In 1906. » Falrdale village incorporated from part of Kinloss township In 1907. »« Lanldn village incorporated from part of Norton township in 1908. » Incorporated as a city in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. 3< Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Walsh County— Continued. Tiber township.. Vernon township Vesta township.. IlLUlru lOUllshiplsrhool) I I' I.V.I, II. SS) Berthold township* (school) (T. 156, R. 86).... Berthold village s Brillian township (sclu,;,l)i l\ 152, R. 81) Burlington township ;s, hoc]) (T. 155, R. 84)... Burt township (school) (T. 154, R. 84). Cameron township » (school) (T. 151, R. 85).... Carbondalc townslii|W (school) (T. 158, R. 87). Donnybrooi Wardl Wards Wards Douglas village ' Elmdale township (school) (T. 160, R. 89).... Eureka township (school) (T. 156, R. 83) Evergreen township (school) (T. 15 5, It. s7l... Foxholm township (school) ( T. 156, K. s»5).... Freedom township (school) (T. 153, R. 83).... ■I in hi township o (school) (T. 155, R. 83).. Iota Flat township (school) (T. 151, R. 82)... Kenmare city w Wardl Ward2 Wards Kenmare township '» (school) (T.160.R. 88).. Kirklie township (school) (T. 156, R. 84) , Mandan township (school) (T. 155, R. 86). .. . Margaret township (school) (T. 157, R. 81)... Maryland township (school) (T. 156, R. 81).. Mayland township' (school) (T. 157, R. 85) .. Minot city Wardl WardS Wards Ward 4 WardS WardS Newman township (school) (T. 152, R. 82) ;. ml. HINOE CIVIL DIVISION. Ward County— Continued. 428 Tatman township (school) (T. 157, It. s 356 Tolgan township eel ) (T. 154, It. 8( Itolliin; Uii-en I.".' n-lii;: (school) i T. 154, J: -.5 Rushville township" (T. 151, R. 83) Ryder township « (school) (T. 151, R. 86) Ryder village ia St. Marvs township (school) (T. 157, R. 84).... Sauk Prairie township (school) (T. 160, R. 87). Saw ver village " Shealey township <(T. 154, R. 87) 1 Parts taken to form Mountrail County in 1909 and Burke and Renville Counties in 1910. i I 'il ion (3,100) of territory taken to form Mountrail, Burke, and Renville Counties since 1900. 3 No comparison of population can be made; not returned by townships in 1890. < Organized in 1909. 6 Berthold village incorporated from part of Berthold township (school) in 1903. 6 Douglas village incorporated from part of Cameron township (school) in 1908. ' Donnybrook village incorporated from part of Carbondale township (school) in 1903. 8 Carpio village incorporated from parts of Carpio and Mayland townships (school) in 1906. •North Minot village incorporated from part of Harrison township (school) Township 152 ran Township 152, rancc. s ■* i' up 15.: Hi- Township 154, range 82. . Bowdon village ls .. Wardl WardS Ward 3 Bremen township (school) (T. 149, I!. 6S)... ■• unship (school) (T. 146, R. 73) ownship m (school) (T. 147, R. 69) Cathay village " I ''.I I on woo. I iiv.i. ii:-.hip (school I i T. 147, R. 70). Crystal Lake township (school) (T. 147, R. 73).. Uc1;:im- township" (T. I 17, K. 72) Knn-I.o. township school) ■■ (school) ! !'. 146, R. 71)... Hamburg township (school) (T. 149, R. 6"' Harvey city » Wardl WardS WardS Hawks Nest township (school) (T. 145, R, Hillsdale township (school) (T. 150, R. 73) .. Johnson township (school) (T. 145, R. 69)... Lincoln township (school) (T. 145, R. 71) Ontario township (school) (T. 147 ,'R. 71). Oshkosh township m (school) (T. 14S, R. 70;. . . Pioneer township (school) :T. it!), R. 73) Pony Gulch tounship (school) (T. 148, R. 73). Itnsi .iihl township i school) (T. 148, R. 72) Speedwell township 2 < (T. 146, R. 70) Sykeston township » (school) (T. 146, R. 69).. I,.. Ward 1. WardS WardS Valhalla township (school) (T. 150, R. > 2 Ryder village incorporated from part of Ryder township (school) in 1907. "Sawyer villa rom part of T. 153, R. 81, in 190S. « No comparison of population for 1890 can be made; information as to changes minor civil di\ Ision is Bowdon village incovpoKiloci iioic pnioi iCCi-.i township (school) in 1907. '• Cathay villa aship (school) in 1907. 17 Organized from Eddy township (school) in 1908. >2 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CJVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Williams County > 14,234 » 1,680 Williams County— Continued. Round Prairie township! (T. 154, R. 103) 175 143 136 354 239 238 203 173 181 330 3,124 1,051 925 1,118 220 31 121 249 61 113 143 57 102 185 41 200 152 119 172 197 43 104 124 59 114 162 240 51 141 157 235 346 198 191 176 178 245 196 127 222 South Moa.low township* (T. IIS, K.%) Slimy Civi'k township" dps. 152, 153, R. 100 Tm : . a township n { T. h">7, 1!. '.>.',) :::::::::::::::::::: Ward J Golden Valley township:' (T. 157, R. 96) Township l.'it, range 09 191 213 196 96 86 218 222 300 100 436 174 i Tow uship 157, range 103 Tow nsh i|) 158, range 100 .... ',.,; 1 1 I..' !, >.., Tow osliip 150, range 100 low uship I5ii, range 101 1 8 Organized in 1905. orporated from part of Table 2.— POPULATION OP INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. rT, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Abercrombie village... Adams village Ambrose village Beach village Berlin village Berthold village... Binford village Bisbee village Bismarck city Bottineau city... Carringtoncity.. Richland . . Walsh Divide IVnil'ina. Billings. .. Towner... tvoibhia. Ward Cass...... Wells Pembina. . Sargent Ramsey... Columbus village , Burke Conway village Walsh Cooperstown city Griggs Courtenay village Stul sman . Crary village ' Ramsey.., 271 298 214 328 641 377 5,443 1,331 3,319 2,186 145 241 213 1,061 98 177 200 1,553 i,207 840 671 264 216 648 l.tilti 368 279 Crosby village Crystal city Davenport village. . . Dazey village Deering village Devils Lake city Dickey village Dickinson city Dogden village Donny brook village. Douglas village Drake village Drayton city Dunseithcity Eckman village Edgeley village Edinburg village Edmore village Egeland village Ellendale city Enderlincity Esmond village Fairdale village Fairmont village Fargo city Fessenden city Finley village Flaxton village Forbes village Forest River village. Forman town Fullerton village Gardena village Garrison village Glenburn village Glenn Ullin village.. Goodrich village Grafton city Grand Forks city... Granville city Ramsey... Lamoure. . Stark McLean. . . Ward 252 . 257 352 178 2,229 12,478 456 2,378 ! 7,652 1,594 4,979 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NORTH DAKOTA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 393 CITY, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 ilia e 191 183 213 1,503 340 1,443 C66 387 597 766 1,237 175 909 365 353 ' 99 1,437 456 108 330 181 645 1,023 929 1,214 341 456 1,224 182 1,019 044 1,758 484 109 517 398 310 374 3,873 207 790 285 240 1,070 343 78 449 641 410 510 6,188 701 493 238 98 528 120 621 102 157 218 153 ■ 769 Oakescity. 1,499 332 253 182 479 177 1,008 717 221 353 312 224 491 561 430 198 | 412 647 194 408 587 '1,630 141 161 224 338 513 390 | 346 327 214 304 358 267 518 246 500 273 276 105 105 203 250 209 452 422 296 4,606 837 235 2,467 592 657 592 264 3,124 437 571 432 439 193 608 Bottineau Pembina 224 713 257 1 isniihrorlc village Page village Palermo village I'u i-l. K i ver city I'emliiiia city . Mountrail AValsh 430 1,088 929 534 Pembina 670 1 '<'.ii.ii village Petersburg village I'iscK \ iliage I'laxa village Towner Nelson ngerv Traill 1,172 174 606 407 715 132 Mountrail 1 liiopk' village Walsh Steele 238 194 524 307 1 1 ii fijcr \ illage Grand Forks Stutsman Reeder villa e Adams 2,853 2,296 Revnolds city (Grand Forks 389 Ward Stutsman 400 487 Bottineau ■463 576 457 1,188 227 291 Bottineau Sargent Ryder village Walsh St. John village Rolette Bottineau Grand Forks St. Thomas eilv Pembina 661 259 477 '349 553 227 fCavalier Mcintosh Richland ga " \Towner 585 Lidgerwood city 1 mi.,, Emmons 1,046 935 Ransom 318 Barnes Sims villa M rt n Bottineau Mountrail i' ' ■ 185 1,658 322 119 Strasbur villa-e Emmons Cass Mountrail Bottineau 1,106 657 Tolle villa e Renville Stutsman 468 331 309 322 384 432 1,277 860 Mc Henry 279 202 U ham villa e McHenry Ben 2,446 1,089 575 467 McHenry Wahpeton city Richland 2,228 377 Rolette '■ i. n: M.-nclty McLean '■■■'. Nekoma village Pembina Cavalier 682 314 Mountrail Williams Bottineau McLean Barnes Mcintosh Richland Mcintosh , i i : i !.';.■ i • 229 763 476 Newborg village Bottineau Grand Forks 226 Grand Forks 697 268 1 OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I R CIVIL DIVISION. Adams County.. Bratton township Franklin township Green township, includi '< '■ I tei township, in Peebles village Monroe township Oliver township. - Si mi i t t o unship Sprigg township inp, including W'osl Union village. West Union village Wayne township ...'. Winchester low n.hiu, including Winchester vil- Spi Tif lage. Wi Inchester village.. 'dis 1 and 2 of Delphos city Delphos city (part of) Total for Delphos city, in Mnimn inn nship, Wardl Ward 2 . . ■ ■ Monroe township, including West Cairo village West Cairo , illant Ottawa township, coextensive with Lima city. Lima citu l Wardl Ward 2 Wards Perry township . • .■. , : - ' - i I ■. . ■ I I .:■. .. Beaver Dam village Bluff ton village Shawnee township r township, Including Speneerville vil- lage... Ashland County. . Clear Creek township, including Savannah vil- Total for Loudonnllt ,,lh, liri;i township St. Mans touuslii|i, including St. Marvs city .. II '../■,/ / Ward .' it ■,!/•,; .; Salem lownshm. including kossulh village-.. Kossuth village Vi n ion township, i, id ml nig U niopolis village .. Uniopolis village . . New KnoxvilU tiling, . . iy no iov. nship, iiioliul' Waynesficld village.. Belmont County. . Colerain township I- I;.. 11 ■ :, • :,■;, on o,,|i I ii'-O.ov .1111- Holloway villages lcluding part of Pah-view ship,Btl> ii i i ij Guernsey I 'on. nig Pease township, including Bridgeport and Brookside villages and Martins Ferry city Bridgeport village Wardl WardS WardS Broolside village Martins Ferry city . . Wardl. Wards WardS Ward 4 Pultney township, 2 including Bellaire city.. Ward4 Richland township, including St. Clairsville village. -, I , I i iihi'i Union feransi i n i j 'h> i 1 n i ill _, Morristown village » ■ ■ ■ ■ , , I'ain. ':'■■',.,,'.' Wardl Ward 2. WardS. Ward 4. nship.. Powhatan Point village. . Brown County. . Byrd township.. Hamersville village.. Green township, including Mount Orab village.. Mount Orab village Huntington township, including Aberdeen vil- lage Aberdeen village Higginsport village . . 3,974 1,811 1,486 2, lit ess "2, in 2,251 2,142 MINOS CIVIL E Brown County— Continued. 1'leasanl township, iiioluding Georgetown vil- Sterling township... a-IudingSorilinia village Butler County. . Wardl.. WardS.. WardS.. Ward 4.. Utird :, WardS Hanover township Lemon township. including Monroe viDage Monroe eill'ur". t ,il>"i i,y township Mm! hum township, including 'fronton village. . Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 -Mil i< PL". I toe nship, including Soioerville village.. 1 1: mill mi 11 1 i,i mi 1 Mine Oxford Mil ige md part of College Corner village College Corner village (part of) Totalfor Oil U ye 1 'orm i i iiluy in Oxfordto ship, Butler County, and Israel township, Preble County Ofim-il :. illage Reily township I; oss tow nship St Clair tow Psion, - including [,;.rt of Seven Mile Wayne townships . . Seven Mile village (part of) . . Carroll County.. and part of Minerva village Mali tni village Mint VI it I Hinge I pur! 11/ ) Totalfor Mini 1 in i illagi in lirnu-ii loiviiship, Carroll County, and Pavis loivnsliip, Shut: County ('eoiei tow nsiiip, ne-lnduig IVinslltnii village. Carrollton village Eas1 1.0. nship Loudon township Monroe township, including Dellroy village and port of '-. r I < -r I - ;< i 1 ''" Delimit village Shcrrotlsi ille i illagi ( /iuvI of ) . . Total for Slierroilsville village ii Orange townships Perry township. . Carroll Conn:!/, and Sandy township. Stark County* Union township. . * Incorporated ir 2,413 S23 . 1,073 3,072 spart of Warren township annexed to Barnesville village in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, seo Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Champaign County.. Adams township Concord iownship Cosl leu low nship, including Mocha nicsburg vil- Mccha nicsburg village j Harrison township, n hiding Springhills village. Spi inghills i illmjc Jackson township ' ' Johnson township. 1 including M. I'aris \ . SI Pnrix rillaae. ' St. Paris village >. Woodstock village... Salem township . . "lion township, i Mutual village. -bana townshi- Urbana city. Crhana township, including Urbana city.. WariS.... Ward 4 Wayne township . . Clark County. . Donnelsville village. . Creche I owi is! lip. including pari t.l Chiton village. Clifton village (part of) ' Total for C/iJioi: village in (l"< ne township, Clark Count ij. ami Mm mi iotvnship, S;,-< ne County Harmony township, including Vienna village. - . Vienna villain- - ( San It, Vi, nnn P. O.) Mad_River township, including Enon village. . . Moorefield townshiii. . Pike township Pleasant township, including Calawba village. Clermont County.. Batavia township, including Batavia village and part of Amelia village A rnelia village (part of) Tntul fur A nulia village in Batavia and Ml: .,■■!, I'M Hi'' ' Miami township, including parts of Loveland .,..,;. ... ;.,,,,■■',.;, Clermont County, Sy mines ton- nship, Ham- ilton County., a ml liu milp.n iownship, Wnr- Clermont County, and Columbia township, Hamilton County Tate township, including Bethel village. . 3,190 Owensville village * ite township, i n -'-- ,: - Bethel village.. Union township.. 1 Thatpartof St. Pari , \ illagc situated in Jackson township annexed to Johns township in 1906. Clermont County— Continued. Washington township, including Moscow and Way no township, including Now I on ;\ illc village acluding Williams- Williamsburg village. . Clinton County. . Adams township.. Liberty township, including I oil William Port William i iilu-.n . .. alarum Iownship including I'dancl.csler villagi . Wilmington village.. Wardl.. Ward 2.. WardS.. Ward .'.. Vernon township, including .'Uuksville village Clarksi illi i ii/aai \\ ash in-: ion inwnsinp W a\ ne mwnship \\ ilsoii township. ... Columbiana County. . Butler township. . Columbiana village.. Hanoverton villain Knox township . .... Liverpool township,* including East Liverpool [St Liv< rpool villi 6 . Wardl Wards Ward 4-. Rogers village . . pen y iov, nship, iueludin Salt in villi Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 t. Clair township Salon iaw uship, including !,.',•! ana village and part of Washingtonville village Total for Washingtonville village in Salem township, Coin mliinnn County, and Green township, Afnlini'llia County. Washington township, including Salineville Ward I .. Ward '... Ward.:.. 2,. ,33 2,648 1,813 1,788 L',li:Mi 2,770 1.31.', 1,481 6,215 5,423 2,202 . 2,192 ,. 1,536 1,907 2, 353 17, 553 16, 485 2, 034 11,988 10, 956 930 2,084 970 2,150 8,706 7,582 7,209 5,780 6 Parts of Liverpool township annexed to t' ast Liverpool city in 1900, 1901, lri02, * Name changed from Boston in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. 397 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 190(1, Vol. 1, Table r,.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Coshocton County. . I 'i- m. I ikIihv , i ■:!,';, . . . Franklin township Jackson township, including Itoseoe village.. iship, including Nellie and Wa Nellie village-.... % West Lafayette '.',■.■■ /.■/,,/ •,.■ > ./.'■■- • lain ■ i .■. .. : ii. i ■■,'■. I'lainfield village Mill Creek township Monroe township i, i... . Oxford township.. Perry township Pike township Tiverton township Tuscarawas township, including Coshocton ci Coshocton city Wards WardS WarH ia township lgton township.. Crawford County.. Auburn township, including Tiro village. . . Tiro village Bueyrus township,' 1 including ward 3 and p of wards 1, 2, and 4 of Bueyrus city llucyrus city (part of). Total for Bin- urns dig Bueyrus, Holmes, Wardl WariZ WardS Ward 4 Chatfield township, including < did del d village ton village A" .(' Washington village.. Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward4 mm hi. .. Bueyrus ci' n " (part of) Jackson township, including Crcsl line vilhn.-e. . Crestline village.. Roads v village. . . Leesville Cross Roads village ■ i /'..'. I ■'..,;..■;. Total fn) 7\ n > i i Jcffi Lykens township.. 29,337 26,703 737 10,797 9, 60S 876 8,339 6,47S 909 4,728 S,672 1,675 3,572 1,000 631 87G 1,207 748 1,033 1,343 794 1,048 34,036 33,915 31,927 1,161 1,174 1,244 8,715 7,803 7,587 6,660 6,988 6,974 8.122 6,560 6,974 2,040 1,129 270 1,304 1,201 1,819 889 409 7,214 1,819 824 465 7,282 1,662 704 430 2,572 1,551 2,106 1,506 1,500 1,423 4,236 S,807 3,670 3,282 3,248 2,911 802 115 n 913 178 S8 . 1,009 20S 42 155 1,342 805 476 774 722 200 1,566 930 '569 516 926 267 l)058 874 615 539 974 952 1,473 44 1S1 1,661 1,793 162 215 Texas township.. . . n village ''■■■■ ■ ■ .. - . North Robinson village (part of) ' Incorporated in 1902. 2 Incorporated in 1903. » Incorporated in 1900. t Part annexed to Bueyrus city in 1910. s Returned in 1900 ■>' '" n "" annexed in 1910. « Returned in 1900 as in Bueyrus township only. 'County I o l.i I hum ides pomdmioi! imam > ol ( Mmiville township, part taken to form Brareiiahl township and part annexed to C!e\ ohm! eiiv: ami population (3,639) of Collin wood township, annexed to I ' Mali! town-hip and Cleveland city, Bueyrus township only: part of Bueyrus township ind South Newburgh townships in )4. n 1904 and part of Collin wood town- 9 Parts taken 1004; part of Newburgh township annexed >° Organized from part of Glenville township ship annexed in 1907. " Incorporated in 1904. 12 Part taken to form part of Brooklyn Heights township in 1903 and parts annexed to Cleveland city in 1904 and 1905. » Incorporated in 1910. " Organized from parts of Brooklyn and Independence townships in 1903. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Cuyahoga County.. ... ..ithBrateu- alil village 11 lireek.m ille township Brook I > n tow nship, e- including I, in in lain village. I : rook I \ n I lei elds low it ;1 dp, 1 '■ coextensive w ii li village Chagrin Falls village Cleveland township, coextensive with Cleveland Ward;!... Ward .',... Ward 5... Wardd... Ward 7. . . Ward 8. . . Word 9... Hard 10. . Ward 11 . . Ward 1 J.. Hard l.i.. Hard l.' f .. Ward 16.. Ward 16. . Hard 17. . Ward 18.. Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 Ward 26 Not returned by wards Cleveland I leigh Is low nsldp, oe\ I n: e .- •., m, Cleveland Heights village 1 Dover township " Fast Cleveland iownship," coextensive with Cast ( 'loveland city East Cleveland city Kuclid township, in. hiding Idiclid and Notting- ham V illages Euclid iHlay, 2 Nottingham village Gold wood township Middle! hi i'gh township, including I'.eiea village />'( rea village New burgh low nship,-' WardS Ward4 Xewliurgli Heights tow nshii >,'-"• coextensive with New imigh I \ illaee ll Xorth Olmsted I .ow n -hi p,-J coextensive with North Olmsted village 2 « Olmsted township, 25 including Olmsted Falls village Olmsted Falls i i/lag: . . Orange township low nship, "*' coextensive '439,120 309,970 82,922 17, 361 41,803 0,011 U),ilV 2,000 1,586 381,708 1,564 1.S4S 261,353 2,233 3,985 2,757 3,573 1,978 5,773 3,780 939 1,263 849 5.035 2,510 5,909 1,973 790 4,939 2,533 2,761 :;:;: 1,944 330 1,826 342 1,174 . 1,174 1,116 Roy altoh township Solon township 11 Corlett township (organized from part of Newburgh township in 1007) annexed in 1909; parts of Glenville township annexed in 1902 and 1905; parts of Brooklyn township (including South i'.mnklvn villaee) annexed in 1904 and 1905; part, of Newburgh Heights township annexed in inn"; and part of Collinwood township , Cleveland and YVarrensville townships in 1900. .. . taken to form I'm ■■. im. nship in L901 and pari of Nori h l diusted township in 1908. i« Part taken to form pat I of Cleveland lleiahm I mv nship in 1900. 19 Organized from part of Rocky River township in 1910. -o Part taken to form part of Brooklyn Heights township in 1903. 21 Part taken to form Corlett township in 1907 and part annexed to Bedford township in 1904. 22 Organized from part of Bedford township in 190-1; paid, annexed to Cleveland city in 1905. " Organized from parts of Dover and Olmsted townships in 1908. 2 < Incorporated in l'jOS. mm ip in 1908. 25 Rockporf and Rockv River townships i turned as Rockport township in 1900. "Returned with Rockport township in 1900. Part taken to form Goldwood township in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, soe footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] ' Organized from part of Bedford township in 1904. » Incorporated ir """' » Part taken to f 1 ■>'■ "■ ' :■>"'. • Incorporated in 1907. 6 Incorporated in 1908. ' Incorporated in 1902. s Returned as Rossville in 1900. 'J Incorporated in 1909. M1NOB CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOE CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 3,441 2,396 1,380 1,433 1,094 767 39 1,250 1,448 1,485 298 27,182 1900 1890 Cuyahoga County— Continued. South Newburgh township,' coextensive with 1,273 2,954 479 221 62 3.179 42,933 Defiance County— Continued. Hicksville township, including Hicksville vil- 3,773 2,620 l',685 1,104 888 78 L514 1,554 289 26,401 1,178 1,634 1,410 Noble township, including rn.uf ward 3 of De- 42,532 42,961 ■■ township, including Ney village... 1,449 Adams township, including Gettysburg village 2,835 669 1,844 320 l',826 86 236 258 261 1,944 656 'lit 1,469 'tie 9,263 6,237 1M1 1,798 1,766 1,332 2,064 287 628 2,968 lj539 240 1,091 1,632 214 182 1,070 2,925 1,361 181 100 1,300 1,225 2)954 1,580 902 24,498 2,692 492 1,254 246 1,901 2,660 477 1,338 274 1,796 Berkshire township, including Sunbury village. 1,611 485 976 930 1,579 10, 072 8,076 2,207 2,885 2,045 1,939 856 925 555 1,377 405 954 '706 659 1,082 1,650 431 684 38,327 1,602 464 1,043 1,056 1,305 8,940 Total for Bradford vilhnji in AJuinn town- ship, Darke County, and Newberry toion- 476 Allen townshi i I \ t u n 1 Rossburg villages and part of Burkettsville ,1,1 ,'..,■■ ..! ■!., ...,,, r, ■ 9,372 8,224 Total for '::>. Allen town- ship, Darke County, and Granville town- .. I 922 1,005 1,379 397 976 1,374 700 738 1,133 1,595 401 709 729 37,650 251 '676 1,659 254 2,036 676 1,679 Brown town-- iuia village Butler towns! . village Oxford townsin i. deluding '.ii ley village 1,635 1,586 210 8,441 5,501 1,731 1,794 8," 497 5,473 German town- sime village.. ': i i .< i -i Scioto township, including Ostrander village. . . 1,655 Harrison toy q: illansburg and 2,077 275 2,798 1,282 1,402 1,509 157 1,033 1,699 224 1,996 478 2,927 1,293 1,552 1,339 i,"036 1,712 . 242 Berlin township, including Berlin Heights vil- 1,933 564 1,105 740 2,387 1,756 1,017 1,017 2,662 1,847 696 961 3,534 19, 989 3,987 6,965 4,233 2,152 1,369 39,201 1,926 1,096 2,434 1,708 1,174 2,751 1,869 663 950 3,063 19, 664 ■,■.,!.,, . . ■ . , , i ■ , '. ; ; ■ [Joint population of Union City village, in and Union C'iiv, in Wnvue luwnsliip. Randolph County, Indiana, in l'.nn, i, :..)■;, and in 1900, 3,998.] 1 ' ■ • ■ ■ '■ '• ''■'■■ ::' ' I ■■: ■ . 2,185 Kelleys Island township, coextensive with Kel- Monroe township, including Pushing village tta township Milan township, including Milan village Patterson township, including Osgood and Portland township, coextensive with Sandusky 1,217 2,786 1,225 177 113 1, 486 1,334 1,343 i',m 942 26,387 1,176 2,826 1,134 Twin townshi i mm, Gordon, Sandusky city: 1S5 1,504 1,286 1,485 2,903 1,S85 1,026 25,769 Vermilion township, including Vermilion vil- 1,937 1,184 84,259 ■ ■mil Amanda township, including Amanda village. . 1,774 m 2,363 368 1,827 331 1.697 1,7Q2 284 2,919 13,093 4,816 3,061 2,893 2,324 1,807 1,907 :.',:■! 11 i. ;,,;,,;■!, ,.i | 'S60 'S58 1,810 '223 2,313 8,991 1,150 7,288 7,327 2, 332 1,852 1,146 1,997 1,735 566 1,202 1,336 8,418 7,501 7,679 1,399 8,518 7,694 7,694 Bloom tow nsli ill 11 i 1 Greenfield township including Carroll village... Lancaster township, coextensive with Lancaster Lancaster city: Wardl WarH Delaware township, including Sherwood village. 455 1,325 Farmer township 1,301 Ward 4 Name changed from Arnettsville in 1909. 11 Incorporated in 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. 399 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the TwelUh Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOB CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Fairfield County— Continued. Liberty township, including Baltimore and 2,703 651 604 995 1,931 60S 1,292 ne m 2,483 925 ' 310 2,656 149 21,744 2,812 3,055 605 Franklin County— Continued. Marion township," including Bexley and Han- ford villages and parts of wards 1 to 5 of Co- lumbus city 7,673 682 4,039 361 ' 406 294 172, 207 1,524 310 1,790 1,077 215 1,932 286 l)951 HI 2,078 431 1,114 239 23,914 5,513 3,391 1,127 2,032 S01 1,374 251 161 1,775 466 1,080 263 2,513 180 134 21,725 2,113 S82 621 1,456 291 195 1,635 m 1,955 290 2,459 189 22,309 .. n:.l\i(>, including pari, of I'leasanl- Hanford village® Millliii town .-hip/ including Gahanna village 2,293 1,873 Total Jui 1 ' 1 < t m Pleasant 216 125,560 1,481 S16 1,676 1,163 224 2,115 241 1,582 1,799 US 1,864 339 1,239 216 22,801 IJicIdand township, including IJushville and Montgomery lowuship, >• pri ing wards 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 and parts of wards 1 to 5, 7, and 88,150 N'onvieh lownship, including 1 lilliard village — 1,443 ,;u :!i die 1 i'i.. ; in .. , ; ■■ , 338 1,490 \ ii 1 i i up in In ling Pickerington village. Plain township, including Xov Vlbsny village.. 1,163 223 Walnut ln[ liiiimln. \\ oalem village Plea-sud. Id unship, including II u'ridiurg village. 2,232 211 1,775 iow uslup, including Worthington village 1,665 341 Truro tonn 1 ip h i il Kburg village 'S93 \ 1 1 1 1 UK 1 1 III] 1 '1 1 1 11 ill 1,266 713 694 1,590 187 2,718 716 1,233 949 132 804 2,079 610 930 9,402 7, mi 2,643 1,126 1,410 1,498 1,436 221,567 733 701 1,770 201 123 '790 1,317 932 132 824 2,291 1,037 8,308 5,161 735 746 1,982 mship, including Milledgeville and 22,023 Amboy township, including .MHamora village.. 1,590 416 1,010 2,650 '964 1,637 493 1,058 1,082 2,174 915 1,099 1,272 408 2,415 665 3,137 1,689 25,745 1,423 263 1,078 3,934 2,148 1,171 1,138 1,693 465 881 '958 2,218 1J198 1,450 Jefferson township, including Jeffersonville vil- 3,092 Clinton township, including ihmscon village... 3,898 S, 060 Madison township 1,429 1,009 145- 683 2,325 638 1,102 8,283 6,142 Marion township, including part of New I-Iol- 1,119 [•dili.vii iownship, including part of .Swanlon Ne w Holland village (part of) Total for New Holland village in Marion tin. ■:■ .■'.•/. ' ■ '; ■;/ t'tnii ton iisnn>, Totalforf u n m 1 1 i I'nlion an s / i , Paint township, including Bloomingburg village . ; ■ ■'•'.■■ German township, including Arehbold village 3,103 Gorham towns otte village — 2,144 890 Union towns! l ■ hington Court :... ! . 1,142 - m \'\ ek township, including part of Swan- 2,303 422 2,509 1,230 27,918 Wards 1,547 164,460 1,606 124,087 2,629 1,132 27,005 Blendon township, including Westerville vil- 2,825 1,903 727 9,132 4,446 181,611 19, SSI 16,130 17,911 13,281 9, 154 10,016 10,285 SO, 443 12, 156 14,884 22,604 991 4,220 413 88 1,696 SOI 2,591 831 1,118 3,419 140 643 ad 1910 and p 2,360 1,462 800 4,385 2, 322 1,329 852 2,179 1,143 1,775 1,298 209 7,199 'l,111 1,213 1,065 2,166 1,107 977 1,742 295 1,191 1,498 S24 960 1,445 1,004 1,253 143 1,609 1,484 14,670 1,338 1,851 1,276 169 6,945 6,432 1,330 1,824 Clay township iburg village. 1,409 :.. Ii.. ■.,., .... ■ village and part of ward 12 of Columbus city. 192 ■ Ilipoliscity... 5,359 4,498 1'0'lli /it Crl-'n ; . , . ■".■ ; '.. i .,■ . ■' . gomery township and parts of Clinton, Franklin, Marion, an c< U ih.i i< /> 125,660 88, 150 1,257 1,253 2,141 284 1,285 1,581 304 l)580 1,177 1,471 198 1,844 1,087 14,744 1,306 1,371 Guyan townshp a City village.. 2,355 235 1,257 Huntington township, including Vinton village. 1,651 318 1,415 1,450 1,184 '■:• '.■ . ..i ii '. .. ■■: . 1,594 215 Heights and Marble Cliff villages and part of 2,686 4,625 1,735 Geauga County i 13,489 Hamilton township, including Lockbourne vil- 1,474 1,507 Auburn township 743 747 1,216 650 2.149 1,642 794 702 579 800 in 1909 and 729 758 1,361 727 1,924 1,360 716 764 603 809 1910. 654 Curtnn iuwic-hip, including Purton village 1,213 Jackson township, including Grove (.'■ ''666 964 3,217 662 619 arts of Clintc '272 1,076 3,357 6SS 633 Chardon township, including Chardon village. . 1,666 1,084 Madison township, including Canal 620 785 606 1 Incorporated in 1906. 2 Name changed from Allentown in 1902. » Part annexed to Columbus city in 1910. * Parts of Marion township annexed in 1909 a lin, and Mifflin townships annexed in 1910. « Incorporated in 1908. n, Frank- 6 Incorporated in 1901. » Incorporated in 1909. 8 Parts annexed to Columbus city » Incorporated in 1910. '» Incorporated in 1900. 400 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., betwoen 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Geauga County— Continued. Middleficld township, including Middlefleld Middl, field village K Montville tc Munson township . . . New iuir\ Lou tisliip. . Thompson township. . Greene County.. Bath township, including Fairfield and Osboru villages Fuirfteld village Osborn village Hoover Crook township Caesar Creek township Cedar \ file township, including Cedarville village Cedarville village. . Clifton tillage (part of). [For total, see Greene township, Clark County.] Yellow Springs village New Jasper township i : i iss ti i w i [ship Silver Creek township, including Jamestown Spring Valley i Hinge . . Sugar Creek tow iiship.ui'diiuing Bellbrook village Bellbrook village Xenia township, including Xenia city Xenia city. Ward 1 . . Ward I.. Ward ;>.. Ward 4.. Guernsey County.. "'■ ■ Wardl Ward 2 WardS Wardl, Center township, including part of Lore City vil- lage Lore City village (/,ar, i./).. Total for Lore Cil'i uilaq. - in ■' . use,, llteii land, and Wills townships Jackson township, including Byesville village. . . Byesville village Jefferson township Knox township.. Monroe township. . including part of Fairview Fairview < ; ■ ■ ,»■ /../!.. [For total, see Kirkwood township, Bel- mont County.] Kichlrui'i township, in. ■hiding Senecaville vil- lage and part of Lore City village Lore City village (pari of) Senecaville , ilium - Spencer township, including Cumberland vil- lage.. Westland tc Wheeling township. . Wills low nship, inch i Incorporatcl in 190] . MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 6 Incorporato( 'Parts of Del (including Bond Hill and Wi Hamilton County.. Anderson township 1 , including MoimLVN a .! ling- ton and Newtown villages Mount Washington village Ward I..'. War,!:;... hard !,'.'.'. Ward a... Wardli... lined;... Wards... Ward II... Ward III.. Ward 11.. Ward 1 !.. Ward LI.. Ward I',.. Ward la.. Ward 16.. Ward 17.. Ward IS.. Ward in.. Ward :».. Ward .'I.. Ward $3.. Ward .'.;.. Ward :>.',.. city. Kennedy Height'-, Oakley, Pleasant and 4 of Norwood c: .„ _ _ _ 1\, am dy Heights i iilagi . . Madisonville city.. ? .Miami township, Clermont Ac, j i,i,d city i. /ia ii al i Ward 1 . . Ward 2... Wards... Ward 4... Oakley village. t< yea attire lownshijis. ' i'ark villages, and part, i.i Fenihauk village. Delhi village Fernbank village (part of) J:. //,,.' ' : ,,,„!,,! . :,,i;-l '.'./, a, I ,■■ 1.1 townships Saylor Park village " Creep township, including Cheviot village and pari i if Mount Mi v village Cheviot village./. Mount A try i Hhu/e i pa ri al ) Total for Mount Airy village in Green and Millcretk townships Harrison township, including !I;i r riam yd] age. Harrison villagt [Joint population of Harrison vil'age, in Harrison township, Hamilton County, Ohio, and Wexi Harrison town, in Harri- son township, Dearborn County, Indiana, in 1910, 1,049, and in 1900, 1,760.] iaiami i..,wiis'ii|i, including \ddvston, Cleves, and North Bend viUages, and part of Fern- bank village A ddyston village (Sekitan) Cleves village. oily, Klmwood "l'laee village, and pai- — Cahliage, College Hill, and Mount, Airy vil- lages, and wards I and 3 of Norwood city Carthage village (part of) <',./,' : i/ ! ,,; I, '.n (It i.ic : t "t, lei, i I. , ' Springfield townships Total for College Hill village in Hill* ml; ami Springfield townships , Elmwood Place village Mount Airy village (part of) Norwood city (part of) St. Bernard city of Delhi township annexed ia I'j'Cand I'.lO'.i; parlsuf Milk-reek township and part of Anderson township annexed in 1909. Since April 15, 1910, the following pises, wiili a combined pnpuhl ion of : l.h.'O, ha -, e been minted to Cincinnati: Carthage, College Hill, Delhi, Madisonville, Mount Airy, Mount Washington, and Saylor Park. Including the population of these places the population of Cincin- nati in 1910 would be 377,611. ' Parts anno.\ od to Cincinnati city In 1903. ' "urned separately in 1890. e I iioorpuiailod in bin'). )2 and 1909. a part of Evanston village) annexed in 1! 12 Parts annexed to Cincinnati city in 1902, 1903, 1904, and 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Tabus 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, L900, AND L890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, seo Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Hamilton County— Continued. __ ;s of Arlington Heights, Carthago, Col- lege Hill, and Lackland villages Arlington Heights village (purl of) Total for Arlington Heights village in •Spring- field and Sycamore townships Carthage village {part of) College Hill village (part of) Glendale village Hartwcll village Lockland village (part of) Total for Loci, la ml tillage in ;>' pii ng/n Id and Sycamore townships Mount Healthy village Wyoming village. Sycamore township, including Reading village Reading village Silverton village (part of) Symmes township, including part of Loveland In I I ! ,....., [For total, see Miami township, Clermont Hancock County.. Li man Ridgt i illag, . . Delaware township, including Mount lilan- Pleasant township, including MeComb village. Union township, including Mount Cory and f.niidari toirmihipx, Seneca County.. Ward 1 . . WardS.. Ward 4.. Hardin County 'nship, including Dunkirk village. Blanchard Dunkirk village. Buck township, including pai Is of wards 1 and n Buck and Pleasant Ward 1... WardS... WardS... Ward 4... Cessna township.. 9,934 158 1,574 3,S9S 3,842 9,597 2,934 1,545 2,604 2,514 8,453 103 1,S87 3,076 1,210 366 1,156 1,108 1,287 1,433 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. ' Parts of Findlay township aj , and 'Cov In 1890. 28407—12 26 Hardin County— Continued. Hale township, including Mount Victory village t Victory village . Ridgeway village (pad nj) Talal far Ridgeauy tillage in Hale township, Jackson lounsliip, including I'aiesl and I'atler- Forest village Ward 1 . . Ward 2. . WardS.. Lynn township... Harrison County.. 1 a." man township Green township, inch a ling 1 inpcdale village... Hopedale village Manioc lav. nship. including llawersion villa!"'. North township, including Scio village. . Short (reck- township, including llarrisvillc village Harrisville village Henry County.. ownship, including Deshler village.. Harrison township, including part of Napoleon village Na pair on village 1 part of) Total for Napoleon village in Harrison, Lib- erty, and Napoleon townships . .a i •■ !■■ village and part of Napoleon village Liberty Center village Napoleon village (part of) Marion township including Marnier village Hamler village Monroe township, including Malinta village Malinta village Napoleon township, including part of Napoleon village Napoleon village (part of) Pleasant township, including Holgate village. . . Holgate village ' ; ie 1 1 1 1 a 1 , 1 township 1 1 ii Igeville township Washington township Highland County.. __, _inexed to Liberty and Marion townships in 1902, 1903, and 1905. • County total includes population (5,557) of Kenton city, returned independently including Sinking '"^JS.\\V ".'.'.' '.'.'.'.'. 1,126 3 Exclusive of population of Kenton city. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] u CIVIL DIVISION. Highland County— Continued. Concord township ... Dodson township, including Lynchburg \ illage. Lynchburg village Fairfield township, including Highland and Lusburg rillayi . Jackson township. Liberty township, Hillsboro vtilagi Madison township, including Greenfield Greenfield village Marshall township.. uding 1 1 illsboro village... \\ ashing! in i township White Oak township, including Mowrystown Mowrystown village 2 Hocking County.. n township.. Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward 4 Good Hope township.. i in'on township l,:i ' ir-'i township Holmes County. . Berlin township German township Hardy township, including Millersburg village. Knox township, including part of Nashville vil- '/,- village (pari, of). Total for Nash i ill < tillage in 'I'uax awl Wash- ington tow nshipi Mechanic township.' . i'raKie loivu-'hip, including Uolmesville village. GUenmont village.. Walnut Creek township Washington township, including part of Nash- Huron County. . Bronson township ii Id township Fail-hold to-' nslup Fifohvillc township, including Fil.chville v '"••■■■ Greenfield township Greenwich township, including Greenwich vil- lage (frit nivich i illage ficllei ue villi (pari of) Total for Bellevue city in Lyme township, Huron County, and York township, San- dusky Count;/".. New Haven township, ?ago Junction and PI: Chicago Junction i illage {pari of) Total for Chicago Junction village i Haven and Richmond townships. . . MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Huron County— Continued. Total for Plymouth village in New Haven township, If, iron County, anil j'lyiuoulh township, Richland County.. •w I ondon tow nship, including New London Wardt WardS Ward S Wardt Norn ich township Peru township lljcliniond town hip, including part of Chicago Ridgefield township, including Mom illc village Mou voi villc village Ripley township Sherman township Townsend township Wakeman township Jackson County.. Coalton village Franklin township Hamilton township Jackson township Jefferson township, including part of Oak Hill ■7 village (part of). Total for Oak 11,11 villa Madison townships. illage in Jeffersi 1,301 1,549 3,181 ! Liberty township. . , : ! :, on. ■ I ■- ; i r I ) ha loo', y, .1 :, I, ,.,i Jackson city Wardl WardS Wards Ward 4 Madison township, including part of Oak Hill Oak Hill village (part of) Milton township Scioto township Washington township Wcllsion township, m s tensive with Wellston WJI-tov all/.. Ward 1... iron! J?... WardS... Ward 4... Jefferson County.. Brush Creek township.. . . Cio^s Crock township, including New Alexan- dra viillage ' Kew Alexandria village Island Creek township, including part of To- 1,233 32,330 1,394 31.949 824 1,051 1,116 926 1,143 1,138 061 186 706 748 163 797 1,461 849 793 1,516 881 867 3,618 2,033 4,101 3, OSS 3,162 1,963 2,274 1,139 £,S48 1, „ . i island Creek and Enor townships Knox township, including Finpire village and part of Toronto village, Empire village Toronto village (part of) Mount Pleasa m low nslup, including Dillonvale and Mount Pleasant villages Dillonvale village > Mount Pleasant village Ross township Salem low 1 1 -■, 1 1 j duoine, I. ici aid village. Richmond village Saline township Sniilhlield lowiKliip, including Adena and Smithfield villages Adena village 2 Smith Held viliaac Springfield township, including Amsterdam and I'.ergholz villages Amsterdam village ' Bt rgholz village 8 Steubenville city ward I."!!".!!!!!!]!;;!!!!!"!!!"!"!!!!" WardS Ward 4 1,353 7,007 , 6,468 . 28,408 1,122 1,041 650 1, 709 1,091 623 1,847 2,806 M,909 S,6S6 4,389 S,S4l S,6S6 5 2,193 441 2,327 6S6 617 1,459 373 2,264 1,937 644 660 1,621 444 1,773 60S 1,078 639 922 14,349 13,394 :::::::::::: STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued, n boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Jefferson County— Continued. nship, including Mingo Jui Stetibenville tion village. Mingo Junction village Warren township, including (I rover village Orover village Way nc township, im 1 u . 1 1 1 v ■ r.luomlield village . Bloomfield village Well-! township, including Brilliant village Brilliant village Brown township 1'. utter township Clay township, including Mai linsburg ullage.. Marti nsburg village Clinton low uslnp, including Mount Vernon city. Mount Vernon city Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 College township, including (iambier village Gambier village Harrison township Hilliar township, including Centerburg village. . Ccnterburg village Howard township Jackson township. Jcll'i'ison lownship Liberty township M iddlebui y township.. M i Moid lownship Morgan townshi Morris towns]"*" town i illagi Morris township, including part of Frederiek- and Wayne ton nxhi/ts . > 'nion lownship, in> hid log jit ink Haven, Buck- Buckeyc Ci:y , •ling: . Danville village Wayne township,' including part of Frederick- town village Fredericktown village (part of) Kirtland township... Paincsville city — Wardl WardS Ward 3 Ward 4 Richmond village.. Lawrence County. . Decatur townshi]) Elizabeth lownship Fayette township, including part of South Point South Point village (par; of ) Total for South Point tiling, in Fayette and Perry townships Hamilton township, including Hanging Rock Hanging A' Lawrence township S,S6S 5,501 1.3U5 . 3,8,54 S,954 2,:ii;t MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Lawrence County— Continued. Koine township, including Athalia village and i of Bollcfontaiue city Union township, including Chesapeake and Froctorville villages Chesapeake village? •— ■■••"f villi. lip, i and Ironton city. Coal Grove village. Ironton city . Wardl Wards Wards. Ward4 \\ sshingiou Low u ship Windsor township. Licking County Burlington township Eden township. Etna township Fallsburg township. Franklin township (irancillo town-, hip, including (.Danville villa gi Granville village . .. .■■ ic .i ,;,■, n;. a::., i ! 1 Hanover villagi Ilaiii-.on lownship, including Kirkersville vil- Hopewell township. Jersey township Liberty township. I iokiug low nship. Lima township, including Pataskala village. I'liluxkula village. McKean township. Madison township. Mary Ann township Monroe township, including .l.ihns'ow. n ullage Johnstown village Xewark township,!) including Newark city Newark city f Ward 1 . WardS Ward S Ward 4 Xewlnn lownship. including St. Louisville village St. tilt t til tin . Terry township St. Albans township, including Alexandria village Alt rant! i in village Union township, including Hebron village. Ihbron village 'i\ iishingl ni nship, including I ![ ica village Vtica village . Logan County y and West Mansfield Ridgeway village (p'irl of) [For total, see Hale township, Hardin Hen// Wnnl !. Her,/.; Lake iciW i. i 1 1 1 • nodi i.l ic wind. iid " ni parts of -wards :; and ! of Bellefontaine city.. Bellefontaine city (part of) Liberty township, including West Liberty village TIVs/ Liberty village McArthur township, including Iluntsville vil- « Returned in 1900 a: 404 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table , r >.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Logan County—Continued. Total for De Graff village ' in Miami Pleasant townships Quineij nil luge Monror township Terry township, including part of West M Hold vil I age West Ma nsjield village (part of ) Pleasanl township, including part of De Graff village De Graff village > (part of) Richland Um includinc Hello Center village Belle Center village Rushereek township, including Kushsvlvania R nslisiilva nia village Stokes township including Lakoview village. Laki view village Union township Washington township Zane township Lorain County Black River urn nship, including Lorain City.. Loraincity Wardl Ward 2 Carlisle township.. i olumljia lownship.. township Elyria township, including Elyria city Elyria city ' Wardl Ward2 WardS WardJt i irafton township, including part of Grafton vil- Graflon villagi ( purl .f). . Henrietta township Huntington tow nship. . Lagrange *— " Penfield tc PiUsfield township... Ridgeville township.. Rochester township, including Rochester village Rochester vil lag* Russia township, including Oberlin village. . Wellington village.. " Lucas County. . Adams township* .Jerusalem towndup. . . Monclova township. . . ! iregon township Sponeoi i ownship Springfiolri Inn nship Swanton township Sylvania township, including Sylvania village.. Si/li nui'i village d'olodo city Ward'1 Ward S WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 WardS Ward 7 WardS Ward9 Ward 10 Wardl! Wardl? Ward IS I 1,012 | 1,084 2,153 962 2,460 1,100 873 1,510 1,090 1,255 4,082 890 2,655 Lucas County— C \\ nslnngton township. . W'nti r villi iitlutji Wlii'iiiiinsi tiling, Wayneshold township, coextensive with Mau- Wurd I.. Wind ,!.. Ward 3. . 1,552 1,109 • 4,376 939 2,633 153,559 i 102,296 Madison County. . Ihuhy lownship, including part of 1'lain City rim. i i ill/ i ilium i pm! in • Total for Flu in lii/i i itlugi in Duiluj imvn- Monroe tow nship oak Hun township I 'a in I lownship kike lownship Pleasant township, includiiis Mount Sterling village Mount Stall mi > ilium . . . . . ltangc low nship, including Midway village Mid ivni/ village SI ok i ; lownship including Soul h, Solon vi Micro. . South Solon village Sum rdonl lownship Union township, including London village London villugi Ward l WardS WardS Ward4 Mahoning County Ausiininwn township, including part of Min- eral I; idee \ illnge Mine ml l:idm villaiji i pari nf) Total for Mineral Ridge villain in ■insti/itowv township, Miiliiiniiiii rmiii/g, and Wcuthers- field township, Trumbull County Beaver township Berlin (ownship Knanlinnn I . Wardl....'... WardS WardS Ward 4 WardB WardS Ward7 » Not returned separately in 1890. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. 405 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. >r changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, soo footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Marlon County.. ISig Island township. Howling Green low n- Claridon township, ii Caledonia village. Grand township Marion township,' including Marion city . . WardS Ward4 inery township, including Larue and New Bloointngton village- Larue tillage New Bloom inn I un villain Pleasant township Prospect township, including Prospect village. Richland township Scott township Tully township Waldo township, including Waldo village. . Waldo village » Medina County.. Guilford township, including Seville village.. 1 lomer township l.afavette township Litchfield township Liverpool township Medina township, including pa it of Medina vil- Midiwi village (pari e/i Total/or Medina villain in Midi na and Muni •""-'lunships.. Montville township, including part of Medina village Medina village (part of) Sharon township spencei township... Total for Western Star inliuji in Wathnorth township, Medina County, and Norton a ■ ill : :.. ,:■ . ' . /. . Westfield township, including Leroy village Leroy village 6 York township Bedford township... Chester township Columbia town ship. . Lebanon town ship. . Letart township Olive township Orange township Rutland township... Middleport village. . Ward 1 Wards Wards WarH Wardl.. Ward 2. . Ward S. . Ward 4. . . Scipio township.. 1900 1890 \ 28,678 24,727 1,342 978 1,752 682 !l093 1,717 757 502 4110 1,131 S69 13,222 1,147 9,158 8,327 2,322 2,243 9^8 MINiili CIVIL DIVISION. Mercer County. . vnship, including Rock ford Ullage "I village own-hip, including Uoule/uuia \ Mnnlizii urn i illagv . ... .... lihsoii township, including part ol Fori Ueoov- ery village Furl IUrinirij i/lliii/r (partof).. 1,016 1,798 1,216 2,086 990 2,303 1,506 9, 659 2,799 1,087 2,042 1,324 2,051 1,021 2,201 1,551 10, 218 S,lll 4,689 4,726 3,' 544 S27 1,491 3,750 Total for Fort Recover// milage in Gibson and Recovery Ion mJii/:; Gram illc low nship, including SI I halt \ \ 1 liege and part of liui let l.s\ illc village' St. Hi nnj i illuge '• Hiirke/tsiilli ii/iiii/i i i pml ni' i . . [For total, see Allen township, Darke County.] I InpoUoll lowildlip .Icll'cfson low uship, including ( 'clina. \ illage.. Celina village Win, I I Ward i> Ward 3.. Ward4 Libei iy township Marion township, including Chickasaw village. Union township, including Mendon village. . Miami County.. Tin II Villi.. Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Elizabeth township I.osl Greek low nship, including (assiown villag'e Casstown village Monroe township, including Tippecanoe City village Tippecanoe < mi i iHmji .Newberry township, including Covington vil- lage and p:nl ol r.radfoid \ illage llrudfiird village (part of) [For total, see Adams township, Darke County, j Covington village New/ion township, inducing .e.asant Hill vil- lage Pleasant Hill village Spring i red, t,,v nship Staunton township Cnion township, including Laura, New Leba- non, and West Milton villages Laura village New Lebanon village West Milton, iilliig< Washington township, including Piqua city Piguacity. A da ins township Benton township Bethel township (eiiier township, including Woodsfield village.. Green township Jackson township Lee toyvnship "-'--atownsh. nsburg village 1 Part of Marion township annexed to Marion city in 1902. 1 Incorporated in 1904. > County total includes population (2,073) of Medina village, returned independ- Miltonsburg village.. 1,930 490 1,539 2,625 S,49S S74 679 996 1,144 1,738 2,728 1,955 621 1,504 4,282 2,816 3,962 1,733 2,678 S10 L39G 386 2,238 1,487 2^525 ' 463 2,001 400 1,017 45,047 43,105 39,754 1,550 1,518 S76 7,341 6,122 1,596 1,631 S76 7,187 6,881 1J664 5," 926 4,W 1,266 1,420 1,078 1,135 265 1,124 1,146 262 1,178 1,244 292 2,038 2,931 1.70S 2,718 1,465 5,126 1,175 '762 4,915 S61 1,848 1,791 1,778 2,566 571 1,342 1,034 2,537 667 1,422 1,184 2,680 621 2,184 1,255 4,459 S02 227 1,207 14,676 1S,S88 4,309 , S78 i m 904 13,169 12, 172 4,178 796 10,127 9,090 406 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [ I'm changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those betwoeu 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Monroe County— Continued. < iiiio township IVrn (ownship. ini'ln-lm.; Aniioch village 1,521 1,127 169 1,720 784 1,095 87 963 1,586 664 6S 919 1,461 166 1,016 163,763 1,750 1,538 212 2,000 905 1,296 114 865 170 1,713 564 1,039 1,818 174 1,251 130,146 1,891 1,270 Salem low nsliip, including rial in- Ion village .. . 1,975 762 1,329 135 861 iii|i including Calais \ illage Summit tow nshi p. including l,ew im ille \ ill; i-e Lewisville village Sunshiny lowiisluo including lieallsville vil- 1,729 512 1,154 1,730 1,175 100,852 Bcallsville village Sw it/erlaiid 1 ownship Washington township, including Graysville vil- . Butler township, including Vandalia village 2,021 m 3,790 1,187 S4S 116, 577 5,256 7,049 16,451 14, 180 1%, 719 18,877 9,545 16,871 3,403 1,778 3,912 2,271 437 123 m ' 348 1,927 8,368 4,271 1,495 1,701 1,075 1,285 2,222 79 2,276 4,082 368 1,708 353 951 16,097 1,960 284 3,408 869 1,957 265 3,095 618 Clay township, including Brookville and Phil- 85,333 61,220 German township, including German town vil- 3,360 1,702 3,837 2,352 440 96 145 7,465 2,337 2,989 1,437 2,565 2,472 472 117 149 7,001 2,173 Harrison township 3 ... hi. .. ,i Total for New Lebanon village in Jackson and Madison township, including Trotwood village. 2,310 7,791 3,941 1,987 5,704 2,952 Miami township, including Miamishmg and 987 2,250 49 2,075 2.957 360 2,153 2,096 2,815 Perry township, including part of New Lebanon Van Buren township, 6 including Oakwood vil- Washington township, including Center ville 1,670 1,041 17,905 1,568 1,057 576 951 664 1,244 1,703 971 486 1,592 410 846 2,106 1,831 938 1,048 1,919 438 1,215 m 869 1,085 953 839 1,426 1,670 845 585 1,913 480 1,078 2,182 1,825 1,007 1,272 2,121 376 154 Malta township, including Malta village 1,714 Marion township, inch id jug Chester Mill , illage. 1,807 Morgan township, including McConnclsville vil- Windsor township, including Stockport village. 2,327 York township, including Deavertown village.. Deavertown village 939 > Parts annexed to Day * Incorporated in 1900. » Part annexed to Dayton city In 1908. 1902, 1905, and 1909. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Morrow County.. Bennington township, including Marengo vil- lage Marengo village Canaan township ('aldington township, including (aldington ( 'ardinglon i illagi (. I) aster tou ii'. hi p. including < 'I irslerville village. Chcsterville village Congress t ownship Franklin township ililcad township, including Edison and Mount < ; dead villages Edison village Mount Gilead tillage . Harmony * Perry township... Peru I ownship South Bloomlield touixnip, including Sparta Westfield township. . Muskingum County. . Brush Creek township, including Cannelville hiding part, of Rosevillo village Tniiloisrillt rillage Hi; '.dam! township Eopewell township Jackson township, inch a line Frateysburg village Fiazi gsbnrg milage Jefferson township, inch; iiu:: Ihvsdcn village... Dresden village - - .\ Licking township Madison township Meigs township Monroe township Muskingum township Newton township, including I nioiitown village. Adamsville village. . Norwich village Washington township 9 -. . . . Wayne township ,anes\ illc low ns hi p,ooe\ icre.i \ e w ithZanesville city ' Zanesville city:" 1 Ward 1 Ward2 Ward 3 Wa.rH - Noble County Beaver township, including Batesville village.. Bah si ill/ j illage Brookfield township Buffalo township Center township, inchi'lmg Saiah \ ille \ illage . . Sarahsville village Elk township Enoch township Jackson township, including part of Dexter City \ illage Dexter City village (part of) Total for bane din villagi hi Jackson and Jefferson townships 1 Incorporated in 1901. 2 Parts of Harrison township annexed in 1902, 1905, and 1909; parts of Van Buren township annexed in 1907 and 1909; and part of Mad River township annexed 5,616 . 6,180 . 10,852 . 6,879 . ) Washington township in 1905; part of Palls township an- STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. 407 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Tabjr .V] Noble County— Continued. Jefferson township, includin Citv village Dexter City villa ie < pari „l Marion township, including Belle Valley village ]. Stock township, including ( arlisle village.. Carlisle village Wayne township MINoli CIVIL DIVISION. Perry County— Continued. Monroe township, including < 'orningaud Keud- ' ville villages > Corning village 1U nil villi village : Pike township, including New Lexington village., .\< it I., iiiighii: i illaq. ... I'lcasanl township . Reading township, including Somerset village. . I Somerset village ( Salt Lick township, including Hemlock and I Shawnee villages i Hemlock village ; I Shawnee village Thorn township, including Thornville village... I Thornville village 2 22,360 22,213 1,832 532 "'Slfi 1,727 486 1,977 811 2,971 i,m 000 2,088 4,041 3,007 808 259 2,870 1,559 22,730 1,613 508 2, 755 m 1,734 1,975 824 2.084 9,97 3,333 2,450 1,040 317 3,148 1,631 27,528 ■!■>'"! !' ' ' " I-" '.''•■.■ (.'lav inwiHiiip, including licima village Genoa village Danbury township, including Marblehead vil- 2,151 839 lianis township, including Vlmore village Elmore, village Portage township, including Port Clinton vil- 2,330 Pnrl Clinton i ilium Put-in-Bay township, including Put-in-Bay Put-in-hmi rilhvn Salem Imrn ;hii>, including ( »ak Harbor village . Oak Harbor village 1,051 282 3,054 1,681 \u"laize township 971 1,025 276 1,207 1,739 193 472 2,305 S17 496 2.344 1,187 1,341 1.025 2,053 931 1,713 195 2,134 676 3,762 S39 2,081 1,718 35,396 1,143 2,392 319 1,336 ' 186 203 547 2, 425 383 342 2,518 1.206 1,649 326 1,159 2,814 1,017 2,158 226 2,556 655 '*44 2,080 2,131 31,841 Benton township, including part of Payne vil- lage 2,145 Total for Payne village in Benton and llarri- Blue Creek township including llaviland vil- lage and part of Scott village 1,1*6 2,243 Total for Scott villi'T '" Hint Creek township, Paulding County, and Union township, Van Brown township, including Melrose and Oak- Carryall township, including Witwcrp village. . . 2.038 lading part of Payne vil- lage 2,252 Jackson township, including Broughton village. B roughton village Laity township, including Grover Hill village.. 2,266 2,'6i6 township, including Latty and Pauld- Bearfleld township Clayton township Coal township, ire indue ,c -iraitsville village 1,223 1,341 3,027 2,2*2 5,634 3,028 91$ 2,274 741 923 3|l39 2,302 2,817 324 1,245 1,671 W 651 868 985 1,721 3,747 Harrison township, including Crooks. and part of Roseville village Crooksville village 1,771 [For total, see Clav township ' County.] Jackson township, including Junction City vil- Monday Creek township 1,090 Pickaway County.. Ward2 WardS Ward4 Darby township Deer Creek township, including Williamsport Harrison township, including Ashville and Sou Mi I'.looinfield villages Ashville villaqe Muhlenburg township, including Darby ville village Darbyville tillage Perry township, including part of New Holland Pike County.. Beaver township, including part of Beaver vil- 7,207 I 6,744 2,014 ■ 1,564 - 1,332 . 1,834 ■ 2,177 234 1,385 i Incorporated in 1005. Camp (reek township. . Scioto township Seal township, including Piketon village. . Piketon village Sunflsh township Union township Portage County Atwater township Aurora township Brimfleld township Charlestown township Franklin township, including Kent village . . Kent village Freedom township Garrettsville township, coextensive with Gar- rettsville village c.nship, including Hiram village.. Hiram village.. * Returned as Thorn in 1900. 5,455 1,401 790 3,147 1,561 3,083 15,723 18,172 17,482 750 897 862 153 1 IBS 262 1,001 1,178 1,202 995 1,659 2,021 1.962 1,145 1,363 659 . 1,511 74S 794 1,224 3,501 734 1,046 1,130 "^366 408 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. 1, Table S.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Portage County— Continued. Richland County— Continued. Ravenna township, including Ravennacity.. Ravenna city oo1 ow ii township Windham village.. Preble County.. Harrison town. incli linj wishing village Lewisburg village Israel township, including part of College Corner College Comer village {part of) [For total, see Oxford township, Butler County.] Jackson township Jefferson township, including New Paris village. New Paris village Lanier township, including part of West Alex- andria village West Alexandria village (pari of). . . Total for West Alexandria village h and Twin townships . . Monroe township, Eldorado villae, . . . Somers township, including Camden village.. Camden village Twin township, including part of West Alex- Washington township, including Eaton v Eaton village Wardl Wards Wards Putnam County Blanchard township, including Gilboa village. . Gilboa village Greensburg township Jackson township Jennings township, including Fort Jennings vil- li ira "iilugt ... Franklin township Green township, including Kingston village. . Kingston village Ilarrison township Huntington township Jefferson township Liberty township Ward 1 . '. Ward 2.. WardS.. Ward 4... Springfield township. . Twin township, 3 ir~'~' Bourneville vil Union township . . West Leipsic village Monroe township, including Continental village. Continental village Monterey township, including Ottoville village. . Glandorf village Ottawa villain Palmer township, including Miller City village. . Miller City village Perry township, including Cloverdale and Du- Colu mbus Grove village Riley township, including Pandora village. . icluding Kali'ln,iaa milage Van Buren township, including Belmore and Leipsic villages Belmore village Sandusky County.. Richland County.. Cass township, Including Shiloh village Shiloh village Franklin township Jackson township Jefferson township, including Bellvllle village .. Bellville village jont township, coextensive with Fremont Fremont city: Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Green Creek township, including Clyde village ; and part of Greenspring village Clyde village | (.-/■(( ns print/ tillage (part of) , Total for Greenspring village in Green Creek township, Sandusky County, and Adams township, Seneca County Jackson township, including part of Helena Tillage ; lit it i, a tillage (part of) .',,„/ ,<„ :t,/< „a ,;lla,n ■:, .Itnt.tfit •tan I .< ://. ■•:;. ■. /..'J •. it'll) . Madison township, including Gibsonburg village Gibsonburg village Rice township Riley township Sandusky township Scott township Townsend township ! Washington township, including Lindsey vil- lage and part of Helena village | Helena village (partof) , Lindsey village ; Woodville township, including Woodville vll- „. rtof Bellevuecity. Bellevue city {part of) [For total, see Lyme township, Huron STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. 409 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, sec Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] a CIVIL DIVISION. Scioto County. . Stnilli II '< hslcr village I U rush Creek louusliip, Including i Hway village .. Otway village... (day louuship. Including Now Boston village .. New Boston village ' Green township... Harrison township.. Morgan township Nile township Porter township Rarden township, including Rarden village.. Harden village Rush township Union township Valley township Vernon township Washington township Wayne township, coextensive with Portsmout Wardl.. Ward 2. . WardS.. Ward 4-. Seneca County.. Adams township, including part of Greenspring (ireenspring i illage (part of) pig Spriug'tawuisiiip, including New Kiegelvil- New Riegel i Mug. Bloom township, including Bloomy ille v illage. . . Bloomvillf villain Clinton township im ha hug ...aids 1 and 4, and parts of wards J and :.l :>f idilin city Tiffin city (part of) Totalfor Tinni cilii in Cliiiiuu and llannvdl townships. Wardl Ward it Ward S Ward 4 Eden township Hopewell townsliip, including parts of wards 2 I ■: '.:•'.'. iid i | . ' ■ u.i ;■■■. p.. i i a -ii : ! ■■! Fostoria city i part of) [For total, see Washington township, Han- cock County.] srty townshi- "- Bettsville fill „ . Loudon township, includi igwards ; ■■■.. i ■■ part of ward 1 of Fostoriacity Fostoria city (part of) Reed township .. ,. < ...... : . a Republic village •>■'•■'. Shelby County Clinton township, including Sidney city. . Cynthlan township Dinsmore township, including Botkins village and part of Anna village A nna village (part of) Totalfor A nna village inDinsmore and Frank- lin townships Botkins village Franklin township, including part of Anna vil- vittage(partof).. 1,233 2,194 10.315 10,989 l r 062 222 1,061 MINOR CIVIL D Shelby County— Continued. Loramie township McLean township, including Loramie village... Loramie village Orange township Perry township Sale ni 1 1] u nsliip, including I'm a J el lei sun village. Pott Jefferson nllng, Turtle Creek township Van Buren township, including Kettlerville vil- la *&-:: Canton citu (par Totalfor Cantor, townships Canton city: Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 WardG Jackson township.. | city'' in. ('anion and Plain Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward, 4 Limaville village. . Nimishillen townsliip, including Louisville vil- Louisville tiling, i i Mia I ana lew uishin, un -hiding < > unhuug village On iitthnrg village Pans township, including pari of Miueiaa vil- Mim mi i illttgi i par! un [For total, sea lirown Inwuship, Carroll County.] Plain lov,-i'S , aip 1 6 including New Perlin \ illage, and parisof wards 1 and 2 of Canton city Canton city '• i ear, ul • . New Berlin village ' Sandy township, including Waynesburg village and part of Magnolia village Magnolia village (part of) township, Carroll county .j Waynesburg village eek township, including Beach City and Witmot villages. Beach City village.. Wilmot vi : as township. ■ ; i. . i -. , 7,458 » 7,877 1S,S71 8.SSS Summit C ounty Akron city,' comprising Middlebury township an,; nark of Coventry, Portage, Springfield, and i'allinudgc townships Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 WardS Ward 6 Ward 7 Bathtownship Boston township, including Peninsula village.. Peninsula village • Returned in 1900 as in Canton township only. Part of Plain township a nexed in 1905. • Part annexed to Canton oity in 1908. ' Part of Portage township annexed In 1903. 410 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. boundaries, etc, between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Summit County— Continued. Copley township.. Cuyahoga Falls village Kianklin low nslup. including i iiuloo village. Clinton village * ii'ieen township Hudson township, including Hudson village... Hudson village Macedonia township 3 Northampton township Northfield townships ._. Barbcrton city. Western Star village (part of) [For total, see Wadsworth township, Medina County.] Portage township,* exclusive of part of Akron lage, but exclusive of part of Akron city Mogadore village Stow township Tallmadge township, exclusive of part of Akron city Twinsburg township Trumbull County.. Bloomfield township Braceville township Bristol township Brookfield township Champion township Farmington township, including West Farm- ington village ." West Farmington village Fowler township Greene township Gustavus township Hartford township, including Orangeville vil- lage Orangeville village Howland township, 5 including parts of wards 2 and 4 of Warren city. WarH Hubbard township, including Hubbard village. Hubbard village Johnston township Kinsman township Liberty township, including Girard village Girard village , . Lordstown township Mecca township Mesopotamia township Newton township, including Newton Falls vil- lage Newton Falls village Southington township Vernon township Vienna township Warren township, 6 including wards 1 and 3 and parts of wards 2 and 4 of Warren city Warren city (part of) Weathersfield township, including Niles city :■ ' 1 ' ... Ward 2. WardS. Tuscarawas County Auburn township Bucks township, including Baltic village Baltic village'' Clay township, including Gnadenhutten village. Onadenhutten village 1 Incorporated in 1908. 1,973 1,070 11,081 10,011 10, 708 8,S61 2,765 2,SS9 2,S02 1,790 1 2,309 3,186 2,024 l)957 1,002 1,(140 983 . 1,911 1,797 1,143 S. CIVIL DIVISION. Tuscarawas County— Continued. Dover township, including Canal Dover city.. Canal Dover city . . Ward 1.. Ward 2. Ward S. . Ward 4 Fairfield township Franklin township, including bi rasburg village. Strasburg village Goshen township, including New Philadelphia city, and Barnhill and Roswell villages. Barnhill village New Philadelphia city Wardl Ward 2 WardS Wardl, Roswell village ' ( Jefferson township, including Stone Creek vil- lage.. Mill in", nship, including Dennison and Uhrichs- New Comer stown village. . I Salem township, including Port Washington and Sugar Creek villages.. 1,195 1,170 850 771 8,529 5,973 2,671 1,2S0 753 1,248 4,225 3,520 1,438 792 1,331 3,631 722 789 720 n township ■•;n iuwiHhip .victc township, inohidiu l/ldlinond tl'lagl IVuby in.vudiip, including I. 'nionville Center village Uninniillc Ci utir village Dover township .lackson township Jerome I own ;hip, inch id nig pari, of Plain City village Plain City village (part of) [For total, see Parbv township, Madison County.] !..,.,■ :.e i- ;.,. ceaeiue "' ! uc e Si oh.: village Ma 'in < lie Springs village Liberty township ViiM 1 : 1,1-, n .id,, o-. ,p inehl ho '. , ill ■ ■ I I.:':' Marijsvilh village Ward I Union township, including Mjiford Center \\ a hoodoo niwii lnp. . Van Wert County.. Jackson township < Returned in 1900 as in Warren township only. Parts of townships annexed in 1900 and 1907. 11,913 506 8,542 9,781 811 6,21S 7,640 969 4,456 928 1,210 1,574 1,715 290 9,894 S,76S 4,582 3,510 7,932 2,926 3,842 2,319 1,747 1,040 243 707 796 809 2,044 1,448 4ie S91 784 908 1,132 1,318 1,027 1,278 Howland and Warren Akron city in 1903. to Warren city in 1900 and 1907. - 1 oeori oralcd in Pan:;. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- OHIO. 411 Table 1. POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Van Wert County— Continued. I inntncin rilltUK (ntlli nj Liberie, low nxhip, including Ohio City village. . parks of wards 1 and ■! of Van Wert city.. Ridge townships.. I J'lcasanl and Ward WardS WardS Wardi I; idgc low i] ship, i ne India;; pal Is of welds I and Tully township, incduding Convoy village. . X village. Scott village (part of) [For total, see Clue Creek low udiip, Pauld- ing County.] Washington township, including Middlepoint -*"- -;e and wards 3 and 4 of Delphos city Delphos city (part o]) . Midtll, ■pnin! villain Willshire township, including Willshiri Wren villages part of Venedoei i < illage. Elgin ullage Vcnedocia milage (part of). . Vinton County.. Elk townstui i lit. I i ■ i >h i ilini \ ill I/, I ■,'.', ■ ' , nil Harrison township i a el. son township Wilkesville village. . Warren C ounty Clearcreek township, including Springboro vil- lage Springboro village Deerfield township, including Mason village Mason village Franklin township, including Franklin village.. Franklin village Hamilton township, including Maineville village and parts of Loveland and South Lebanon villages Loveland village (part of) [For total, see Miami township, Clermont County.] Maineville village South Lebanon village (part of) Total for South Lebanon village? in Hamilton and Union townships Harlan township, including Butlerville village.. Butlerville village Massie township, including Harveysburg village. Harveysburg village sot Salem township, including Morrow village 1 , 611 Morrow village. SSi Turtlecreek township, including Lebanon vil- lage 4,93i Lebanon village 2, 691 Union township, including part of South Leb- anon village 1, 07; South Lebanon village (part of) 54i Washington township 98* Wayne township, including Corwin and Waynesville villages 2, 361 Corwin village m ii / ■■■ s i 1 Returned in 1900 as in Pleasant township only. 2,016 1,934 626 2,217 MINOR CIVII, DIVISION'. Washington County.. Adams township, including Lowell village... , including Macksburg vil- Decatur township. . . Dunham township. . Fairfield township... Ludlow township... Wardl Wards Wards Ward 4 ngum ;..i\, nship Salem township, including Lower Sal; : Lower Salem village Warren township Uaierlon! township, including Bevorlj village. Wesley township.. Wayne County.. iS:.eS:„ "i a ,.;■. :■■■!■ ::: .el Is n; shaheille ne] oiu die villages, and < 'hi pptica townships . "in tile railage (part of) Total for Orr nil t tiling, in Itnnghman and part of Burbank village.. . linrhanl; tillage (pari (if) Total for Burbank village in Canaan a Cret •Congress townships... 1,420 1,048 2,519 877 59 1,912 1,016 2,937 1,057 62 i',04S 2,279 2, 407 Chester township Chippewa luwnsliip, including Iloyle.slown vil- lage and pan of \PushaU\ ille village Doylestown village Marshalh. .minding Wooster city Woostrr city Wardl Williams County ady township, including West Unity village. West Unity village la i C c ne :.'..,.■ .Is "-"ir township 6 County total includes population (1,765) of Orrville village, returned independ- )f Orrville village. 794 939 1,027 2,478 2,832 ; 2,466 711 817 590 1,251 1,632 1,611 1,458 1,726 1,799 1,270 1,461 1 1,556 1,049 1,237 J 1,218 16,013 15, 764 9,944 r.uM IS, 348 8,273 .;,-5W 2,561 1,394 1,204 1,192 2,180 2,564 2,405 621 614 541 1,458 1,500 1,571 190 1, 813 1,456 1,709 2, 13X 2,269 2,370 720 712 795 1,339 1.348 1,363 1,118 1,323 1,361 412 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL D Williams County— Continued. Blakeslce village.. Madison township, including Pioneer village.. Alvordton village.. Edgerton village Springfield township, including Stryker village. Stryker village Superior township, including Montpelier village. Montpelier village Wood County.. Bloom township, including Bairdstown, Bloom- dale, and Cygnet villages, and part of Jerry City village Bairdstown village B loomdale village Cygnet village Jerry City village (part of) Total for Jerry City village in Bloom and Portage townships -*-*- including wards 1 and 2 of Bowling Green city Bowling Green city (part of) Freedom township, including Pemberville vil- Pemberville village Grand Rapids township, including Grand Rapids village. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Wood County— Continued. t Millgrove vil- lage West Millgrove village Perrysburgtown hm iinliiilin.u I 'errysburg vil- lage 1 '( i ri/sbii rg village Pluiu township, in. -lading wards 3 and 4 of Bow- ling Gre city Bowling Green city (part of) Portage township, including parts of Jerry City mill I'oi-lagi- vilhigi-s Jerry City village (part of) ; Portage village (part of) Ross township Troy township Washington township, including Tontogany village Tontogany village Webstei township Weston township, including Weston village Wyandot County.. i township, including part of Nevada S, 467 ' Crawford township, including Carey village . . £,478 j 2,192 '\ 1,642 | 404 ! 2,313 y villages Harjister rillagt n - Little Sandusky village >■ "I " ., , '•••!' Ii i-liuinr.- \ i:n inn ■ nl:i'.-i- Wharton villag- l.'iil-.-n township. . Salem township : Sycamore town: ;nn including Sycamore village. Center villag Custar village Milton Center village. . i Not returned separately in 1890. Wardl. WardS.. Wards.. Ward 4.. 2 Incorporated in 1904. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 413 Aberdeen village Ada village Adamsville village Addyston village (Sekitan).. Alvordton village... Amesville village.. Amherst village. . . Amsterdam village Andover village... Arcanum village.. Arlington Heights village.. Ashland city Ashley village Athalia village.. Athens city Attica village — Barnes ville village.. Bates ville village.. Beaver Dam village Brown Hardin Muskingum Hamilton .lelVerson. Summil . . Licking. Stark Y\ illiam :. Fairfield . Lorain Jefferson Aslilalmla . - Shelby Slonn»\ . . . Paulding.. Wayne Fulton Hancock.. . Hamilton. . Ashland . . . Delaware... Ross Wood Tuscarawas. . Belmont Tuscarawas . . Fairfield Clermont Noble Stark... Monroe . Pike Allen Bellefontaine city.. Bellville village Richland... (Huron ' \Sandusky.. loll illage Mahoning.. ll.'' V. I ■ liUi Benton Ridge village Hancock . . Korea v illage ' Cuyahoga . Bergholz village ! Jefferson... Berlin Heights village Bethel village Bettsville village Beverly village Bexley village Bloomdale village. . Bowling Green city.. Bradford village Bradner village Williams Clinton Wood Jefferson Fayette Seneca Allen Tuscarawas. . Shelby Ross Harrison Greene Wood /Darke \Miaml 1910 1900 1890 42,728 548 420 462 8,974 482 '471 290 7, 607 1,758 1 , 648 815 451 676 212 733 Brooklyn lleighls \ illage. . . ... Cuyahoga.. Buekland village.. 298 347 460 505 3,721 811 3,207 969 1,029 312 953 327 554 512 1.331 Cadiz village Harrison.. Caldwell village.. Caledonia village. ; Cambridge city.. . Canticld village.. Cannel ville village.. Canton city Cardington village.. Catawba village. . < Vn!en ille village Cctilci ville village 1 hagrm Falls village... . ~ 1 ll.ershuig village.. Chatfield village . . Chesterville village. . Clarksville village.. Cleveland Heigh Is \ illage. . Cleves village Clifton village College Hill village Columbiana village Columbus city Columbus Grove village. . Monroe.. Marion Guernsey Tuscarawas. . Stark Muskingum .. Stark Morrow Fairfield. . . I lamillou Miami.... Lawrence . . Morgan Morrow Huron.. ( h.ol. .:•:>„ 1 r 1 1 : 1 ■ ■ . • Meiccr . '. lullicothf CO'. . Cincinnati city Hamilton Circleville city Clarington village . . Clarksburg village. . 11 ami I Lou . . /Clark (Greene Summit Putnam . . . Lawrence Jackson Mercer /Butler \Preble Hamilton Columbiana.. Franklin Putnam 249 869 226 3,131 1,187 618 3,641 1,180 1. 3,068 269 247 6,560 325 215 8, 122 > 351 ! 5,974 331 0,217 ! 30,667 j 223 293 1,271 1,228 2,559 2,257 231 272 326 348 1,355 2,815 2,702 706 588 198 215 290 252 ^IfiQ 1,243 298 480 230 229 268 2,950 2,348 310 12,976 325,902 1,299 14,508 363,591 11,288 296,908 6,744 558 425 560,663 6,991 905 465 381,768 6,556 762 378 261,353 2,955 1,423 1,328 1,227 239 262 270 2,815 1,759 1,111 869 2,515 1,191 1,625 627 2,327 506 1,459 1,979 1,582 181,511 1,802 1,104 125^560 1,935 1,112 88,150 234 164 8,319 1,074 245 198 7,133 1,104 266 229 3,241 895 414 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Van Wert 741 370 1,664 612 9,603 1,848 3,807 970 526 '295 609 345 4,020 699 599 373 233 116,577 223 187 7,327 1,082 9,076 872 373 \ 5,038 4^008 1,515 1,519 202 ,877 1,549 1,109 334 9,179 20,387 3,537 479 4,972 3,187 1,072 387 678 321 129 937 3,423 14,825 509 249 1,953 292 2,263 } 346 437 915 370 305 'l37 234 868 1,285 33(5 1,193 | 9,597 734 2,659 614 507 1,021 624 733 9,939 294 7,214 5,560 315 1,401 620 131 6,473 1,791 3,282 893 581 835 284 618 293 3,186 89b 298 250 85,333 154 256 7,579 1,150 7,940 829 400 4,517 1,230 1,628 278 500 330 1,551 697 Gambler village Knox 537 1,001 2,496 817 1*580 1,778 320 140 1,864 345 3,736 558 1,741 2,527 560 181 955 574 1,394 410 \ 833 4,228 '876 837 643 366 676 1,019 276 35,279 596 662 331 317 239 1,368 304 474 410 2,823 359 391 233 077 305 452 2,395 417 272 370 4,296 422 1,095 287 786 320 391 L021 328 1,756 221 13,147 100 5,468 685 55 l',133 1,461 716 259 314 458 242 917 751 1,145 '824 1,529 1,702 246 660 1,046 2,194 839 1,473 Perry Trumbull Ashtarmla Coshocton 3, 672 1,778 2,911 584 465 Germantown villa e Montgomery Sandusky 1,791 346 2,630 749 1,545 209 2,155 547 177 1,098 549 585 Trumbull Gallia Guernsey 235 601 329 2,614 670 610 292 257 61,220 Hamilton 1,444 C »net villa Tuscarawas 478 Pickawav Montgomery Grand vie w Heights village Deaver ,wd villa e Lickin 1,425 375 174 369 816 3,979 5,501 849 656 519 242 23,914 574 1 366 7,694 1,076 531 4,516 1,132 2,925 1,114 217 Delaware Hamilton 1 Sandusky Highland \Van Wert 881 Tuscarawas Deshler villa e Jefferson Vinton 200 1,057 1.600 275 1,222 370 2,757 16,485 2,493 243 1,131 1,247 296 1,220 531 17,565 Dresden villa e Muskingum Henr Lawrence 314 399 Cuyahoga Columbiana Columbiana Cuyahoga Mahoning Columbiana Wyandot Franklin Hamilton E t Liver 1 it 10,956 1,816 247 1,456 250 370 414 '435 449 186 332 455 l.osi Voungstown village 3,155 1,043 347 740 358 208 1,025 2,532 8,791 509 • 295 2,934 967 345 601 365 Williams Hamilton Williams Preble Van Wert Allen 1,198 Ashland Ottawa 415 ...,!! 1 IH' , ,|| ,.-,' Hamilton Lorain Sandusky I.lvri:i c-il v 5,611 581 2,520 650 265 376 4,535 659 1,237 275 1' mi lire village Jefferson 2,141 Enon village li 1 ■."•'insport village Cuyahoga 312 2,073 291 440 695 310 17,613 1S6 375 270 1, 155 322 1,097 7,730 2,724 730 890 690 815 8,439 276 7,282 5,432 310 1,171 322 472 )! :::lihnd village Highland 210 Mil'i:,,,: . ;.'■:•■:■ . 338 Highland 3,620 \Guernsey Montgomery Henr Clermont Hamilton 367 18,553 163 304 365 431 1,230 983 408 W Trumbull Miami 288 528 1,126 280 1,186 7,070 667 2,729 010 600 847 072 ""7,'i4i 207 4^98 Forest village Hardin Cuyahoga Lawrence I ronton city * 11,868 113 4,672 644 77 1,047 1,205 1,319 790 237 308 555 245 743 10,939 Mercer /Hancock 1 Seneca -11 W 79 Muskingum 727 Greene Ashtabula 1,104 1,346 Freeport village Wood Hancock Sandusky 301 530 112 ! Gallia '■■■■•■ 1 1 village Harrison STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 415 CITY OR VILLAGE. Johnstown village. . ! 1 1 1 ii- 1 ion Oily village. . kalhla village ko'loys Islaiul village. . Kriimorc village Kennedy Heights v ki 1. 1 1 >t>l I on village Guernsey. . k inuslon village Ross k nl.v village Wyandot.. k i: kcrsville village Licking. . . Lafayette village ,. I Allen Lagrange village • Lorain Lakeview village I Logan Lakewood city Cuyahoga. . Lancaster city Fairfield. . . Leroy village Medina.. Lewisburg village. Lev-. is\ iile village Lexington village Liberty Center village. . Linndale village.. Lisbon village. . Lithopolis village.. . Columbiana . Fairfield... . Wyandot.. Franklin... Lockington village Shelby Lockland village : Hamilton.. Preble Monroe.... Richland.. Stark Franklin... Sandusky.. Cuyahoga.. London village , Madisc Lowell village Washington.. Lowellville village , Mahoning Lower Salem village Washington... Lyons village Fulton. . . . McArthur village : Vinton. . . . MeClure village Henry Met. o-rib village Hancock. . McConnelsviUe village Morgan . . . Madison village j Lake.. i Ii orjville city Hamilton \l igneia -j mi., linage ; Union Magnolia village ; ggg ; ; ; Maineville village Warren . . S Ealint a village : Henry . . . Marblehead village. . Marion city | Marion. . 1... IXI 13,093 3,355 8,991 ""'7,' 555 772 997 444 378 450 2, 867 948 594 457 266 3,050 828 115 2, (Ho 1,773 783 269 178 2,744 1,726 617 373 203 2,826 1,353 672 291 654 647 560 170 448 486 432 500 30, 508 136 21,723 156 'l72 501 614 458 3,084 331 3,330 358 181 2,278 369 166 210 170 3,439 1,015 4,850 3, :.3ll 2,695 846 3,480 3,511 16,028 2,474 568 3,119 3,313 4,863 4S9 444 457 1,804 1,678 1,581 1,374 L323 1,421 1,260 1,153 569 1,592 187 272 923 381 1,137 190 306 907 441 762 763 408 1,107 547 941 660 332 CITY OR VILLAGE. Mai I insburg village Ki Marlins Kerry eity Jit Martinsville village Clinton iMnry.M ille village i Union Mason village "' Mendon village i Mercer. ,\1 en I or village i Lake. . Mei a mora village Fulton M ianiisl.iirg \ illage Monigoiner, Middlefield village. Middletown city. Butler Midland village : Cli Midway village Madi Mifflin village. Milan village.. MilfordvlllaBe |{ffi^: Milford Center village | Union. Millersburg village. .. Milton Center village. Miltonsburg village. Mineral City Mineral Ridge village .... \7f~ ;,;,-,, Minerva village fcf Mingo Junction village \ Jefferson Minster village ! 4 — Butler Monroeville village Huron. Montezuma village Mercer Montpelier village Williams. Mount Mount, Gilead village ' Morrow. Mount Healthy village Hamilton Mount Orab village Brown Mount Pleasant village JeiTersoD Mount Sterling village Madison. Mount Vernon eity Knox . Mount Victory villa Nashville village. Navarre village. Nellie village... Nelsonville city. Nevada village 1 n,. .in New Athens village. New Berlin village. New Bloomington village. New Boston village.. New Bremen village. New Carlisle village.. New Comerstown village New Concord village. New Holland village New Knoxville village Auglai: STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ProctorviUe village Prospect village... Put-fn-Bay village.. Quaker City village. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OHIO. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 417 CITY OR VILLAGE. CITY OR VTLLAQE. Stockport village Stone Creek village Scrasburg village Strutliers village Stryker village Sugar Creek village Suy'i < : ■ i ■ >. ;■ ' ill:'-;'. . . Siiuutu tiieUl village Sunbury village Swanton village Sycamore village Syl vania village Tarlton village T;u lorsville village Terrace Park village Thornville village Tiffin city Tippecanoe City village Tii'.' Milage Toledo city Tontogany village Toronto village Trenton village Trimble village Trotwood village Troy city Tuscarawas village Union City village Union town village Union ville Center village Uniopolis village Upper Sandusky village Urbana city Utica village Van Buren village Vandalia village Vanhn? village Van Wert city Venedocia village Vermilion village Versailles village ■. ■. M P.O.). Vinton village Wadsworth village Waldo village Wapakoneta city Warren city Warsaw village "/.-(on village , Washington Court House city. . . Washington ville village Waterville village Morgan Tuscarawas.. Tuscarawas. . Mahoning Tuscarawas. - Fairfield Noble Delaware Fulton Miami Crawford.. Wood Jefferson Butler Athens Montgomery . . Miami Tuscarawas . . . Tuscarawas . . . Muskingum... \\ yaudot. . Hancock... Van Wert.. Wauseon village U avjrly village Wayncsburg \ illago. . ' Wellington village.. 275 Wellstoncity 582 Wells ville city .1, : '.'..' I ' Ml 503 I West Cairo village 722 ; West Carrollton village. . . 374 10,989 1,703 | 405 10, 801 1.465 131,822 '[ 3,526 81,434 283 2,536 . 625 440 West West West Lafayette village. Ellctonv „ Farmington village. . Jefferson village Leipsic village Liberty village Manchester village. . Milton village Rushville village.. Salem village Union village Unity village Western Star village. . 356 6,422 199 352 5,512 1,478 1,385 304 1,764 318 1,574 278 3,915 8,529 458 151 3,616 5,973 376 374 5,751 546 5,742 1,092 703 586 Wilmington village. . Wilmot village .5,512 Winchester village... Wyoming village Xenia city Yellow Springs village.. Lorain Jackson Columbiana.. Preble Allen Miami Fairfield.. V, ayne.. . Medina . . . Summit .. Vinton Clermont... Pickaway. . Clinton... Stark Adams. . . Portage.. Hamilton Darke Mahoning Vinton Muskingum.. OKLAHOMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890. [Figures for 1907 are derived from a special census of Oklahoma and Indian Territory taken etc., between 1900 and 1910, BE minor crvn. DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 Adair Countvi 10,535 9,115 Atoka County— Continued. 766 3)341 1,734 13,631 575 1,684 2,665 1,613 13,364 841 1,026 782 511 734 1,188 1,039 105 $04 £10 m 122 1,507 936 802 217 135 115 us 187 1,169 18,138 667 1,056 917 422 554 948 Stringtowu township Wilson township Beaver County 17 Balko township 1 9 "3,051 n 779 1,393 1,103 98 42 48 138 1,562 1,195 1,845 1,168 502 958 725 829 1,343 535 147 19,699 Beaver township 1,073 271 161 112 Beaver City town Ward 1 1,620 524 624 Ward 2 Ward S 296 Ward 4 Benton township 1,475 1,006 1,844 142 242 Blue Grass township Etmwood township Floris township ' 9 Garland township 460 774 820 3,394 1,379 668 200 W 17,758 271 100 163 200 960 16,070 Gate township Logan township 303 566 405 135 1,002 186 399 199 2,016 561 m 583 438 1,037 495 786 940 320 760 S86 185 190 839 253 365 874 631 127 875 852 728 1,226 850 584 13,808 272 466 629 Pleasant View township 2J 83 Beckham Count ■ Bettina townshi 193 708 977 1,282 265 973 3,165 BIS 1,067 739 846 1,848 915 233 413 1,296 1,041 1,297 1,318 1,881 351 446 870 714 '361 1,247 17,960 958 1,523 797 2,195 964 1,725 686 484 818 1,075 183 521 1,171 1,052 L381 1,119 ::::::::::::::::::: 825 301 213 835 501 2,069 1,452 17,227 10.658 13 1, 004 909 718 1,253 816 664 12,113 Blaine County Round Grove township 423 722 469 703 895 374 574 748 1,076 554 1,452 400 377 423 Saline township' 3 m 757 1,184 Stella township * 1,375 . 660 478 708 1,068 797 1,438 1,565 615 1,022 909 688 '600 S81 618 469 1,237 295 105 99 91 2,884 1,660 ■ ' :; (wards 1 and 2 and parts 1,031 Total for Geary city in Blaine and Caney township i« 2,596 Ward 4 n 1907. ihip in 1908. n Incorporated from part of Byron township in 1903 ; 8 Lambert tc 9 Ingersoll town Incorporated from part of Driftwood township si '•Goltry town incorporatpd from pari oi 1 atoma township ! - " ■ Name changed from Beulah in 1910. Incorporated from part of Poarch town- '< Part of Salton township at -'-— to form Carter i from part of !1 Part taken to form Texola town since 1907; part of Salton township annexed since 1907. 1 > ■■:..■ ( ■■ 1 . ::.'■■> I'" ■■■ 'O " ' «s Organized from parts of Canadian township and Wichita Indian Reservation in 1909. »< Parts taken to form Liberty township since 1900 and part of River township Optima townships, taken t 1 Cimarron County and part of Texas County and 1909, respectively. form part of Texas County in ly07. ;o form Canton and Longdale towns hi 1907 and part of Carlton ._ ./nsnip in iauo. *> Organized from parts of Cantonment and Flynn townships in 1900; returned as part of Cant.onon'ijf 1 )• l\ mi townships in 1907. » Part taken to form O'Keene town in 1902. Part taken to form part of Carlton township in 1900. « Incorporated from part of Canadian township in 1901. (418) STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Figures for 1907 are derived from a special census of Oklahoma and Indian Territory taken as of July 1, 1907, by order of the President. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910 see footnotes.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 191 » 1907 1900 1890 Blaine County— Continued. 275 941 463 598 930 998 708 296 920 m 311 1,723 265 4S8 S86 6S4 842 530 29,854 198 975 435 677 968 1,048 780 Caddo County— Continued. 822 57* fiN-1 818 893 306 (i.;s 382 71)0 997 5S2 617 803 686 562 638 7.77 •si: 719 655 676 217 001 555 660 7711 657 752 857 .774 598 791 857 501 1,476 551 669 760 691 687 303 694 462 604 897 567 488 506 532 524 692 981 605 729 775 324 1,608 031 792 561 27,865 1,579 634 MoKinlcv inv, nsliip 1 737 629 732 587 655 840 594 634 550 593 710 769 *> 20,110 5,330 928 1,404 1,611 1,887 2,377 1,781 2,942 1,943 1,160 2,493 2,555 1,311 2,049 513 148 104 1S4 w 535 162 184 US 126 1,143 228 208 227 275 205 336 152 575 35,685 4,510 2,969 Sickles township Tonkawa township 20 Ward2 Waconda township -' WardS Washington township 2,152 1,525 1,643 2,279 l|202 1,806 427 \V est Mo kinle v township White Bread township Willow township Canadian County w 23 15,981 Calumet township 30 734 (1.71, 632 \T> 510 246 (>'<-': 065 369 126 116 716 703 lr,ii C2_> 212 402 255 960 960 832 033 582 779 018 8(7! 35? 756 Cement township J1 617 East Walnut township j2 El Reno city 7 5,370 3,383 285 Wardl 1 Ward 2 2 WardS * Ward4 « El Reno township 1 1,399 1,032 127 685 852 1,028 565 245 414 1,163 980 613 Frisco township 1 Gearv city" (parts of wards 3 and 4). . [For total, see Blaine County.] Maple township 680 671 984 365 Mathewson township s< 1,280 930 Mustang township 1 Oak township Okarche town *'■> (part of) Wards Total for Okarche town in Cana- 1 .,•■/.■ .:..■,■ .,..''' Piedmont town m ^ T i i 368 180 P) 30,241 221 246 575 Prairie township Reno township 780 944 857 607 1,045 1,386 1,002 1,030 985 Rock Island township » Union township 1 830 805 26,402 675 3,439 561 667 1,486 776 950 621 779 280 601 428 354 835 661 770 702 2,190 1,690 Ward/,. els S'M 210 1,1:7 221 378 66 70 86 72 84 2,160 8,759 481 804 257 400 462 5,681 378 276 Caddo township 600 491 618 :::::::::::::::::::: Cement town is Ward 5 » Doyle township organized from part of Tonkawa township si 1 Organ!, Dadi n 'ieservat 5 Incorporated from part of Cantonment township in 1907. s Incorporated from part of Cimarron township in 1902. 7 Organize | aships in 1905. s Incorporated from part of Watonga township in 1901. 9 Parts taken to form I.e. ■.•ion iov.-e.ship since 1900, Watonga town i part of River township In 1905. !0 Organize i fro pa ■ ■ saw and Choctaw Nations in 1907. n Incorporated since 1900. !2 Not returned separately in 1907. 13 Organize'] ; ■ 1 a and Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indian Res- en ations in 1901; part taken to form part of Grady County in 1907. " Apache town incorporated from part of Abilene township in 1902. 1 3 Incorporated from part of Fern township since 1900. •« Incorporated from part of Waconda township in 1902. 17 Carnegie town incorporated from part of Lathram township since 1900. is Cement town incorporated from part of Cement township In 1906. i' Returned as North Cobb in 1907. Organized from part of Fort Cobb township - Partstaken I city in 1902 and Ilinton town since 1900. -" Part of Wichita Indian Reservation annexed in 1901. ^Countv total includes popnlal ion 1 1 , 111 1 of Walnut township, taken to form Okarche town incorporated from part of Rock Island township in - Parts taken to form Geary city in 1901 and part of Calumet township since 1800. art of Yukon township in 1901. -s Organized from part of Chickasaw Nation in 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA . Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. s of Oklahoma and Indian Territory taken as of July 1, 1907, by order of the President. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes.] 420 [Figures for 1907 are derived from a special ci minok crvn. division. 1910 1907 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 3,040 1900 2,225 1890 Carter County— Continued. 2,501 3,318 2,830 222 1,210 2,550 3,075 . 2,921 241 1,437 Cleveland County— Continued. 3,724 980 610 1,112 1,022 2,491 716 15,817 215 2,070 2,241 16,778 14,274 15,585 Ash Flat township (township 7) Boone township, coextensive with 2,0G9 2,466 1,741 2,304 2,596 1,106 1,342 2,891 S77 1,119 2,487 1,628 1,876 1,702 2,253 1,107 1,086 219 1,916 1,777 665 S66 S87 1,333 3,255 92S 749 7S7 8^6 957 936 1,197 1,553 1,185 680 677 1,661 2,188 1,500 Lehigh city: 1,482 Bryan township" (township 2) 1,612 2,921 2,614 Hanraty township (township 0) Haskell township (township 3) Jackson township (township 1) Jefferson township (township 4) Murray township u (township 5) 867 1,040 1,626 1,192 650 856 K 31,738 t « 21,862 17,340 Boswell town 5 209 SSO 2,363 697 1S1 m US 160 416 4,582 1,066 i,m 1,069 2,811 2,336 1,654 1,501 4,441 836 WardB WardS I i illij> (o i In] n (township8) r. vet i< lae lownship 2,241 745 u»eo Ward 1 Comanche County » 41,489 WardS Wardi Beaver township "> 751 1,658 1,196 317 1,792 768 471 til US 107 1,202 1,189 178 215 i,643" Grant town <• Hugo city 5 Wardl 440 ' 2,676 Bryan township Cache town > 8 Cache township 19 Chandler township Chattanooga town "> 462 312 1,717 443 362 Wardi Hunter township 2,"065' 2,069 1,562 1,197 296 3,213 Ward e'.. '.'.'.'.'.'...'... Word .? 2,"i90" Oakes township Bevol township a Soper town <> Elgin town » Wilson township 4,553 5,927 374 186 2,179 220 2,056 P) 770 569 1,105 5,562 1,301 1,082 2,170 18,843 1,681 1,266 1,029 1^201 7,788 1,584 1,666 1,679 761 2,108 1,119 1,518 1,077 1,406 1,103 811 574 169 110 1S7 158 ." 6,605 18,460 16,388 2,430 512 7C8 no 165 171 192 2,076 631 1,568 225 1,149 403 117 2,613 1,392 836 2,156 1,391 861 223 890 969 1,090 1,011 825 2,047 577 1,623 163 1,093 457 1,860 671 1,-358 129 937 349 1S6 2,150 Noble township 2.549 2.210 'Si.' 1 , ling lown v . . 276 219 » Incorporated si ■ ■■ ;■■ 'in !:".' i ' ' i i i.i l' •:. . ' Willow Bar township organized from part of fde\ eland lownship since 1900. 8 Taylor township orgam/ed from pari nl Case township in 1909. ..■■■;. ... .,.■;. ,..::,••,....;. i.. . ;.•>. i , . '» Part taken to form Tupelo town in 1910. i' Part taken to form part of Phillips town in 1909. 12 Incorporated from parts of Murray and Phillips townships in 1909; returned as incorporated In 1907. '» Incorporated from part of Bryan township in 1910; returned as incorporated In 1907. " Organized from part of Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indian Reservation in 1901; parts taken to form Tillman County and parts oi Grady, Jefferson, and Stephens Counties in 1907; part taken to form part of Swanson County in 1910, butby a decision of the Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Aug. 9, 1911, the creation of Swan- son County was declared illegal, and the territory embraced in said county has re- verted to the parent counties, Comanche and Kiowa. ■ Cache [own incorporated from part of <;nanah township ir i- 1 Part taken io form Temple town in 1902. 2 ° Chattanooga and Faxon towns incorporated from parts of Mangan township in 1904 and 1909, respectively. ' Parts taken to form (,'erommo (own in pun; ami . bicoln township since 1907. 22 Organized lion part of Jcii'crson township in 1909. '■'■> Fletcher and Elgin towns incorporated from parts of Richards township In J and 1909, respectively. * Incorporated from part of ■'■ No l relumed separately ii. asindiahoma town ineoi ponded from part ol Indialmma lownship in 190',. n Devol township ai * Incorporated from part of Jefferson township in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. 421 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued.. [Figures for 1907 are derived from a special census of Oklahoma and Indian Territory taken us of July 1, 1907, by order of the President. For changes in boundaries, minor civil DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 1,103 852 BSS 136 184 2,607 1,377 762 915 799 17,404 1,867 739 Custer County » 23,231 18,478 '» 12,264 713 soo soo SIS 1.000 3; 282 2,213 2,781 91S 674 595 600 '854 SS5 S88 2,409 2,201 1,371 607 S74 490 3,190 2,118 859 Slfi 617 11,469 610 253 849 2,976 2,044 •1,278 1,524 2,003 1,468 2,168 1,243 698 932 372 14,955 1 '.., i ;i!l J r i i , . . . :;,■.,',, : .i i,.n 843 552 Townshlo 1 1,901 1,269 981 2,159 2,146 4,082 1.S48 877 1,0SS 1,233 2,054 508 m SIB US 387 119 US 165 684 186 S06 S9S 26,223 1,772 1,287 876 1,887 2,020 3,157 Township 2 Township 3 Door ■ rook township 1 5 (irant, township" 1,974 2,002 Township 4 Township 5 Wardl Township 6, coextensive with Vinita 2,339 WardS '.'.'.'.'.'.?.'.'.'.'. ° V^iniia city: Washita township ■ Weatherford city 1,315 1,017 Ward£ WardS Wardl Township 7 935" 1,708 427 Ward4 9,876 Blue Jacket town 303 Wardl WardS 1,261 1,809 1,309 1,302 2,695 '888 154 Sll 18S SOS 138 14,132 1,152 1,523 937 1,112 2,496 1,962 694 WardS Centralia town » 405 Wardl WardS WardS Welch town 481 334 314 Wardl WardS Wards 18,365 WardS 13,329 8,819 1,667 479 524 1^657 871 982 1,197 m 27$ 145 S6S 1,257 1,391 1,503 1,638 8,283 1,476 S.1S4 S,S47 034 1.47S 2,675 1,071 1,134 1 626 563 164 874 700 458 441 579 702 630 650 306 859 500 199 64 66 352 596 841 983 468 743 552 696 553 667 798 692 494 409 1,059 840 2,388 1,559 1,064 1,011 553 627 641 770 1,034 2,397 1,060 976 675 2,012 1,400 1,187 333 farm. ;;.*..::. ::::::::::::::::: 984 867 430 786 1,276 2,176 906 lulu 11 hip 36 Webb township" Sunny Slope township 792 1 Parts taken to form Walters city and Beaver township in 1902 and 1910, respec- 2 Incorporated from part of Cache township in 1902. 3 Incorporated from part of Strauss township in 1902. 4 Organized from part of Cherokee Nation in 1907. 6 Incorporated in 1900. 'mi part of r reek Nation in 1907. 1 Euchee town hi oi in 'I El >ra part of Bristow township in 1908. « Mounds aivi K iofoi low us incorporate! from parts of Mounds township in 11107 and 1909, respectively. 9 Part of Wichita fndiin KVs'n'vation annexed in 1901. io County total includes population (64) of Independence town, returned as inde- pendent in 1900. 1'ii" incel900. « Incorporated from part of Clinton township in 1904. « Organized from part of Arapaho township since 1900; part taken to form Clin- ton city in 1904. « Custer town Incorporated from part of Grant township in 1903. " Thomas town Incorporated from part of Deer Creek township in 1902. >« Organized from parts of Cherokee Nation and Seneca Indian Reservation in 1907. " Organized part oi Harrison township since 1900. is Organized from part ol si' lr township since 1900. 19 Organized from part of Cleveland township since 1900; part taken to form Grant township since 1900. 20 Parts taken to form Clark, Haddon, and Webb townships since 1900. "Organized from part oi i lark town;.lh|> since 1900. Grant and Trail townships returned as Grant township in 1907. 22 Organized from part of Cleveland township since 1900. " Organized from part of Lincoln to '« Parts taken to form Rainier, Dawson, Dewey, and Pal' era tow in hips since 1900. *> Organized from part of Simpson township since 1900. » Organized from part of Little Robe township since 1900; part taken to form Harper township in 1909. 27 Part taken to form Lincoln town nee ™ Organized from part of Simpson township sin. io formSeiling township in 1909. 29 Incorporated from part of Side township in 1909. a .:■ i,.,. in 1907. si Organized from part of Marion township in 1909; part taken to formSeiling town in 1909. s J Parts taken to form Boyd township since 1900 and Oakwood town in 1909. » Parts taken to form Johnson and Marion townships since 1900. »< Incorporated from part of Talosa township in 1900. s 5 Organized from part of Harrison township since 1900; part taken to form Taloga town in 1906. 38 Organized from part of Grant township in 1906. returned as part of Grant township in 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. : 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is of July 1, 1907, by order of the President. For changes in boundaries' MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 MINOlt CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 | 1890 75 13,978 Garfield County-Continued. 531 671 583 569 533 165 15S 74 70 633 26,545 505 G75 590 106 m 1SS 89 ;,::s 612 587 341 US 81 lit 924 US ;:<-■' S77 647 379 :':;;■; 717 (127 544 •1U1 614 501 630 231 sss sso sss 121 m J50 578 Union township Washington lira nsliip 624 ! Wards 570 1 688 '..'.'.'. 1,030 Dav township! (T. IS N., Ks. 23 and Ward S Ward 4 Ward5 557 641 22,787 755 Wardl Brady township (township 8 ) 4,296 3,361 1,156 Sit S19 S51 196 179 858 476 185 151 140 2,682 239 2,689 646 8S8 60S 60S 685 207 187 1S8 16S 2,446 3,190 2,199 2,002 855 618 611 418 30,309 '276 2,765 1,102 1,460 334 627 836 192 Elmore township (township 9) 1,395 436 1,276 1,646 1,545 1,009 .Lindsay luv nsliip i' (township 4) 759 308 oli . .'.■ . ■!,■ ' : !■,.■. o-.llip ■; 2,255 2,157 234 1,467 28,300 22,076 Wards 445 493 .",78 487 434 183 S9 49 132 82 5S 48 799 218 290 104 252 8S5 577 442 382 709 446 718 773 253 555 27.", 553 601 561 520 •: 73 128 581 563 492 557 638 31). I 830 480 397 528 524 396 133 782 600 648 537 Stratloni (.ownship" (township 5) .. . . . '....:;,. i, i. ,| ■ 1,, , ... Wliilobea'l township (township 3) ... 2,219 2,657 2,060 2,032 1,907 108 10,087 3,444 23,420 1,156 1,398 '975 805 10, 320 8,164 3,171 1,825 1J275 1,763 766 788 706 1,150 823 1,793 892 794 164 SSS 197 996 725 524 1,296 903 637 1,244 743 657 7,862 792 411 334 690 454 474 710 254 631 273 533 273 403 567 525 430 109 558 475 478 600 709 483 760 570 559 570 631 589 3,209 Wards _ Ward 4 - 527 674 1,574 581 683 725 *588 1,427 Kremlin township '* 559 510 571 529 579 523 205 573 576 591 .569 540 592 637 Logan township « 518 613 Osborn township I:::::...:::!.:::::::..: i 626 703 312 754 Reed township Skeleton township WaMron iown-liiii 1 Organized from parts of Day and Woodward Comities in 19(17. 2 Arnett town incorporated from part of Benton township in 1909 3 Murdock township organize:! 1,0111 pari, ol Ai hens lownshi p in ] * Day township organized from pari "I CraiH lown.-liip in 1909. » Fargo town ineurniw'aled from pari, of < >]eia township : " "" L_ ! - "orporated from part of Rock towns'" ' ' 10 Covington and Douglas towns incorporated from parts of Otter township ii u Hunter town incorporated from part of Noble township since 1900. .' 1, ■ •• '. : . ... ; ,.1 . ■ . ' . ,. hip " ( irganizod horn pari of Chietrasa w Nalion in 1907. '■"' l.imlsav eifv ineorporaleh 1V0 o part of Lindsay township since 1900. is Maysville town incorporated from pari of Mavsxilla inwnship since 1900. I .■ ' 'il-M lll„il|,.ll'h.i >0 Ill U ,1 ,1.1]) .illO P « Organized from puis of htHo sm.M'oni am -he ( '011:1 1 irs and part of Chi ck as ration in 1907. is Part of Union Imvn hip siimommI h, \111ber township in 1909. <"> Part of Ninnekah township annexed to Chlckasha township In 1909. 21 Incorporated since 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOM A. 423 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Figures for 1907 arc derived from a special census of Oklahoma and Indian Territory taken as of July 1, 1907, by order of the President. For changes In boundaries, etc., botwcen Pino and mil), see footnotes.] MINOR crvn, DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 «"«»»« 1910 1907 1900 1890 18,760 17,638 17,273 Har er Count •» 8,189 8,089 Adams township 434 508 477 1,013 160 1,059 73G 596 704 780 281 635 593 271 73 9S 100 868 '228 288 n 208 506 348 1,113 277 28S 161 29S 99 544 207 485 1,013 '520 405 903 522 16,449 468 830 479 1,009 2,164 282 1,104 1,921 1,071 18,875 1,992 723 1,366 1,995 1,120 893 16,865 930 143 '702 1,011 1,263 894 744 753 298 474 1,075 249 818 817 300 2,025 1,661 2,379 200 118 89 19S 282 1,785 1,326 526 94 97 179 n 2,215 3,133 1,583 656 469 458 862 498 93 82 118 94 24,040 1,584 1,527 2,357 1,232 1,277 158 802 848 551 1,319 '1,006 528 404 167 1,155 625 822 Wards 2,225 2,676 579 159 930 1,042 532 388 766 1,078 M 23,624 129 946 464 237 978 1,173 578 992 1,065 " 17,922 Wards 19,945 5,338 2,780 1,754 570 15S 111 1S6 78 1,391 579 201 222 156 1,401 305 48 78 88 91 1,437 2,296 697 446 480 67S 1,450 2,648 1,633 1,190 204 297 2S2 188 2,428 231 1,947 2,018 1,176 389 1,296 1,229 618 169 24S 2,112 1,190 3,667 1,048 1,SS7 641 641 '408 2,362 1,090 11,328 1,105 1,026 Calvin town a>? , 1,977 1,144 2,672 1,330 511 Wards Ward 4 i,io3 317 1,188 1,051 1,848 1,072 1,159 1,868 749 Coralea township 762 1,482 1,045 420 169 102 121 IBS 2,206 1,427 1,941 1,501 1,412 524 1,146 966 Wardl Wards 1 ""•; i 1,996 300 1,851 Martin township Yeager township » 1 Reno township organized from part of Berry township since 1900. 2 Organized from part of Lamont township in 1909. 3 Deer Creek town incorporated from part of IHrigo tow irhip since 1900. 1 Gore township organized from part ol Ware township in 1909. 5 Incorporated from pan of Lunoni township since 1900. « Parts taken to form Lamont town since 1900 and Bryan township in 1909. 1 Nashville town incorporated from part of Prairie township since 1900. s Wakita town hnvrpuraiod iYoui pari of Wakiln township since 1900. 9 Parts taken to form ITarmon County in loop nod .PioCmo County and part of Beckham County in 1907; part of Beckham County annexed in 1910. 10 County total includes population (S.496) of Drvden, llollis, Loonev, and Madge townships, taken to form part of Harmon County; population (1,085) of Coralea township, part talon to form pari of Harmon County and put annexed to Tilly township: and population (9.501 of Francis township, part taken to form part of 1 1 ami an County and pat i anno : ---------- Ward?, 284 1 . . iin ion iv-d'iii.. . . ._ 1 Organized from part of Greer County in 1907. 5 Incorporated in 1901. . - 1 1 i- : ..1 o -IP .Pi., in I'.i;.. . ' ■ •• :'i "' i'H'il I'll! I >>i i'.l.iiil'il'lo lon'llSnip I'l 'HI- 1 . ' mi incorporated fro ipa ; I - 1 i nship in L907, n incorporate! from |iari. <>! Oinsler; township in 1905. 10 Ineorpor: 11 Terral town [nnorpnaiiod frm: par! n!' '.'way loivnship in 190 '» Organized from parts of Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations ii w Kansas (Kaw) Indian Reservation and part of Ponca India annexed in 1904. : 1 ii ■-mi ti! iinln pari nl 1 :::-,.:! ::.'■' 1 ■i.ii. .1 ! 1 ■ ■ ■;<>. Ml I I- .1 1 . inkon In i'ii. an iT:i id v town ir - J '-mpart ncorporated from i arl. nf l.otipwood township in ! !,:.!■■ i ,■.,. .,i . i. I. in I i', .■.. ,". i .! i !■!:'... . n Pp. ' ■' ' 19 Organized from part of Ponca Indian Resvrvnl ion sin. a 1900. ,rt of Renfrow township ir " a> Nardi -i Ciishic. .. » Part taken to form Okarche in i !>' I 'Up ; '" ' : '' " i ".' 'i !H" I" i' 1 " 1 STATISTICS OF POPULATION- OKLAHOMA. 425 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890- Continued. [Figures for 1907 are derived from a special census of Oklahoma and Indian Territory taken as ol July \, 1907, by order of the President. For changes in boundaries, MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 MIN0 K CIVIL D IV>,0 N . 1910 1907 1900 1890 Kingfisher County— Continued. 190 487 590 453 430 408 589 522 27,526 109 533 559 424 408 549 503 703 22,247 Le Flore County— Continued. Heavener town— Continued. 195 189 2,153 1,229 100 99 200 864 1,700 1,136 725 655 871 136 379 310 109 106 848 1,830 506 433 485 406 1,121 843 1,173 195 185 139 203 249 202 1,210 1,270 491 841 498 174 248 76 021 34,779 [Fur l.oial.see Canadian County.] 508 634 395 676 714 656 764 '735 599 626 854 1,134 1,198 683 666 143 192 290 1,932 100 3,846 740 1,347 3,845 1,004 1,076 91S 852 2.582 2,219 677 145 w 449 3,343 855 375 268 212 1,712 2,314 298 1,122 379 312 431 11,321 1,714 122 2,990 539 983 3,136 650 1,726 2,060 1,952 337 1,182 Total for Manitou town in Kiowa 394 381 3,027 791 658 731 543 1,223 1,999 173 679 1,153 1,060 416 551 410 9,340 792 1,834 759 1,799 1,987 398 1,475 2,277 232 425 355 S08 369 588 29,127 Wister township 629 37,293 742 1,378 1,164 2,595 277 1,733 1,451 Lincoln County Degnan township Agra town 20 882 260 2,024 794 483 368 379 1,166 1,322 2, 136 394 175 85 48 248 66 91 91 1,257 2,010 1,181 1,060 349 78 s Bryan township 21 i 'arum' (own 22 2,234 1,430 Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Chandler township 1,269 « 1,433 2, 144 512 946 1,909 24,678 301 483 150 100 50 83 100 1,188 1,600 206 1,373 378 1,370 780 132 54 210 124 Ward 4 321 1 1,674 ' 1,511 183 316 1 , 446 L270 1,227 320 1,187 2,090 1,545 887 i,, 1,009 98 1,218 Ward S North Choclav, iow Hup '■"■'. . . . i° 1 , 53(i 961 .:,■,■! 1,, ■,! ■ I i . - ;■ .1 ! >,: 1 '■■■ !,,.•.■■!..:■..■ I ■ ■ . lounlies, Comanche and Kiowa. ' ~n incorporated from part of Cooper township rted to the parent „. _ 1903. Lone Woll to \ 1 in u ( 1 1 i 1 i in ml 1 I I in! 1 n-lup in 1902. 11 111 II ! 1 11] .,;.,■ v!j ,,' ' 1 I. . .-iior [<■ ': ,1:0 1, 1 '.' : . ■ ' .■,.■■; p , ' . i. el 1 iw Nation in 1907. 11 Buffalo township organized from part of Damon township since If > 5 Not retu '6 Incorporated from part of Shady Point township in 1909; returned a porated in 1907. " Part taken to form Panama town in 1909. 18 Talihina town incorporated from part of Talihina imrn lip in 1905. 19 County total includes population (1,9431 of Fox ; iwiKliip. lakon to form Nor and South Fox townships; and i>"pn!aii m (2,1 1 1 ) ol Seminole township, ta!.en 10. 'oi I'.'n! iii '.m ' 'mil ,, .■ , •,„■■ ' • ■ , 20 Incorporated from part of Osage township in 1904. 21 Bryan township organized from part of Kiekapoo township in 1902. 22 Incorporated from parts of Cimarron and Otoe townships in 1900. Popnlal i (310) not returned by townships in 1907. 2 3 Parts taken to form Tryon town in 1909 and part of Carney town in 1900. 24 Includes popnlalion of p:n i of Carney town. ~> Part taken to form Prague town in 1902. 2« Incorporated from part of South Fox township in 1906. 27 Incorporated from part of Tohee township in 1905. 28 Incorporated from pari of Smith Clio. -law iown-hip in 1904. 29 Part taken to form part of Sparks town in 1903. 5° Includes population of part of Sparks town. 426 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 Lincoln County— Continued. 1,209 1,053 1,177 1,402 980 1,451 972 1,025 461 276 1,133 1,267 1,103 954 421 11 164 186 1,220 296 298 144 294 188 79 58 1,053 590 873 31,740 1,202 3 1,551 1,278 1,516 6 1,264 1,263 998 Logan County— Continued. 663 611 648 764 10,236 784 749 714 793 11,134 .■, ,..,' ,: .:,.., 639 637 924 1,525 1,048 1,196 512 Woodland township Burne townshi 2,959 'l97 1,546 219 450 SS9 197 841 15,659 3,329 3,475 232 1,391 1,132 1,450 1,165 960 906 221 842 804 (19) 2,707 12,888 222 1,313 800 2S8 85 114 100 487 111 108 71 1,429 1,272 1,137 1,701 742 669 1,202 2,740 S8S 701 1,036 621 1,181 '332 1,113 20,681 987 211 880 994 30,711 750 26,563 537 12,770 890 740 C61 584 1,097 413 127 250 S6 903 180 149 195 S12 948 11,654 2,8S6 2,012 2,911 2, SHI 1,674 1,205 1,046 777 339 219 82 S8 908 220 622 199 441 165 187 695 119 480 778 340 41 47 672 731 159 787 918 581 833 735 004 577 1,690 1,533 875 1,255 1,360 465 1,043 2,553 2,277 715 139 994 822 198 760 13,198 1,011 11, 652 856 10,006 5,333 Ward! Wards Mccurtain County Wards 1,667 1,987 5,261 3,893 2,513 2,254 957 28S S84 290 1,493 S9S 405 168 161 656 20,961 1,260 1,296 4,030 2,665 1,740 1,062 Wardi Ward5 Guthrie township w 1,045 1,151 735 274 821 950 251 ! Iowa township Iron Mound township Langston town Wardl Wardi Wards La wne township 771 (IS) 514 443 703 :::::::::: 726 Lo veil town > 3 Marshall township 2 ° 737 Meridian town 21 Mulhall town 564 Wardl Wardi 419 17,975 747 (19) 364 830 262 764 609 300 1,535 1,899 '452 431 249 S76 176 1,468 1,406 1,524 805 616 749 163 737 668 Seivard town 2J Wards 1 Organized irom part of Fox township since 1900. 2 Organized from part of Seminole township mh:v r.'iofi; pari laken to form part of Sparks town in 1903. 8 Includes population of part of Sparks town. « Part taken to form Agra town in 1904. 5 Part taken to form part of Carney town in 1900. 8 Includes]!' f Carney town, ' Incorporated from part of Creek township in 1902. 8 Part taken to form Meeker town in 1904. 9 Organized from part of Fox township since 1900; part taken to form Davenport "> Organized from part of Seminole township since 1900. "Incorporated from parts of North Clioi-lou and North Seminole townships in 1903. Population (503) not returned by townships in 1907. 1S Incorporated from part of Cimarron township ir 17 Parts of Guthrie township 18 Lovell town incorporated f 19 Not returned separately ix 11 • 'ima'm >. ,, I "Mi i ",i in, i ■■! ; ■ !■ , !i ,!1 inl I 1 • : 1 1 i J ■! 'il I'iii'S 21 Incorporated from parts of Rear Cieek ami Cimarron townships in 1902. "Incorporated from mi of Hewaid loumship in 1903. ' i '!■■ ■ : ■ ■ ' ' ■'<■■ 24 Seward township and Seward town returned as Seward township in 1900. Part taken to form f !a\ m- i >■.. ?) m lee: ' ■ '■'■.:> ' i ' ■■■ • 'ii:-i ■' '■ "' ■: i ' '■' '■< ':') "" lilanohard town incorporated from part of Goldsby township in 1907. "' Incorporated since Kino. s Incorporated from parts of township 4 in 1906 and ts of Cherokee and Creek Nations in 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890- Continued. 427 m^cv^™, 1910 1907 1900 1890 M^oBcvn.,,™. J910 1907 1900 1890 Mcintosh County— Continued . 2,422 1,765 1,307 352 499 466 2,255 307 1,137 411 8S 47 m w 37 948 2,223 116 39 S5 42 2,542 411 15,248 2,050 1,639 974 Mayes County— Continued. ''4OO 434 SS7 356 1,278 1,534 12,744 1,113 495 767 2,'ios" 344 F. 1 1 la u la 1 o wnship 1,050 1,372 627 11,948 Murray County u Allen township 863 1,172 1,416 177 270 367 394 278 350 1,303 1,145 1,348 73 3,6S4 378 1,178 1,191 165 507 52,743 845 1,047 1,340 ( \> vie 1 ou nship 908 1,908 1,346 Ward 1 Wardg Wards Ward 4. Wards 2,386 375 14,307 I >oi igherty town 276 ~ 468 1,322 1,198 1,413 610 (») 2,935 437 262 Wild Cat town 2 (Grayson P. 6) Morgan lownship .... 1,683 1,436 425 664 1,192 1,327 2,020 668 294 348 810 1,109 1,142 69 994 445 271 125 106 763 826 11,619 1,654 1,343 405 708 1,100 972 '887 1,198 Ward 1 Ward2 WardS Ward4 494 37,467 Agency township w (township 2) Hips Hi. -11 t'JWn 19 178 144 201 259 1,212 966 1,075 1,344 355 499 490 1,292 857 132 105 166 211 1,387 1,827 1,962 2,013 1,302 324 25,278 4,042 4,888 7,294 8, 454 548 173 132 67 1.407 1,224 1SS 2,316 213 1,074 393 1,172 ( 9 )' 1,032 640 225 Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Braggs |pp\vn-o 330 1,808 807 1,361 1,063 Biewer township -" (township i.i Brown township 21 (township 9).. .. Darling township 22 (township Hi) Fori, (iiipson town 864 13,144 617 WardS Harris township » (township 3) liaslc -II town 21 3,044 720 2,424 439 1,564 274 293 176 355 340 126 366 US 79 139 2,203 2,162 2,072 389 13,596 3,841 477 1,587 Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 MeLain township (lownship 11) Mail in township i township 13) Moore township 2 - 1 i lownship 1) Nash township (township 5) 1,376 1,424 l',480 815 2S6 14,418 445 701 Ogli- township (township 7) 1 ' township.: (township 4), coex- tensive with Muskogee city Muskogee city: Hard 1 4,254 2,514 2,240 1,650 390 WardS 11,064 393 376 1,240 1,057 1,274 483 87 83 116 86 996 1,110 1,506 1,133 1,102 344 1'orum township 2 -') (township It) Sn lion iov. iisliip « (lownship 8) 1,304 1.007 857 1,290 Vann township (township 12) 1,628 Mazie township \\ eiilpiTs Falls town 332 211 Rentiesville town incorporated from part of Checotah township in 1907. Wild Cat and Hoffman towns incorporated from parts of McDaniels town- , ""' and 19011, respectively. n Incorporated from part of Simpson township in 1908. Stidham Organized from part of Woods County in 1907. Cleo town incorporated from part of Cleo township is Sulphur Springs in l!)ii;i. i 1900; part of Harris township annexed 6 Incorporated from part of porated in 1907. ' Part taken to form Fairview city in ' township in 1909; returned i is Incorporated from part of Sutton township in 1910; returned a 1900. wn incorporated from part of Meno township » Not returned separately in 1907. 10 Eingwood town incorporated from part of Van township in 1901. 11 Organized from part of Chickasaw Nation in 1907. 12 Incorporated since 1900. 13 Organized from parts of Cherokee and Creek Nations in 1907. » Incorporated from part of Choteau township in 1909; returned as Incorpo- rated In 1907. -0 Bragg-; town ineorponiie.l I'loin pirl of Brewer township since « Wain wright town incorporated from part of Brown township 22 Oktaha town incorporate.! horn pari of i 'ailing township in 1903. =3 Part annexed to Agency l:>\\ n -hi n since 1900. 2 < Haskell town incorporated from part of Moore township in 1905. 2 ' Porum town incorporated from part of Porum township in 1906. 26 Part taken to form Boynton town in 1910. 27 Incorporated from part of Agency township since 1900.. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Figures for 1907 are derived from a special census of Oklahoma and Indian Territory taken as of July 1, 1907, by order of the President. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. liHO 1907 l'JOO 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 Noble Count ' 14,915 14,198 2 14,015 Oklahoma Count 85,232 55,849 25,915 11,742 Boone townshi 751 524 380 G48 413 431 552 247 327 628 500 1,085 3,133 276 664 1,148 1,04s 378 m 157 100 575 663 647 639 530 14,223 683 802 444 326 624 353 508 351 677 521 2, SSI 754 921 406 759 696 349 205 142 616 242 684 963 1,111 978 2,090 536 547 636 372 716 982 1,300 356 168 68 ISO 163 fl 56 620 310 119 59 132 1,008 750 64,205 6,642 8,320 12,705 6,SS6 7,876 9,400 8,196 4,7S2 1,803 705 488 873 21,116 746 Black Bear township ::;:.... 622 773 597 752 750 1,020 994 616 976 608 612 1,015 538 805 706 640 635 694 3,351 314 694 1,111 3,121 782 866 550 002 736 598 546 494 12 10,453 695 736 669 609 599 680 423 679 1,332 2,041 1,618 412 1,051 3,672 734 1,169 S62 007 1,198 1,010 196 56 SO 46 64 745 19,995 108 1,054 673 32,452 1,031 715 10,037 331 154 4,151 2,223 498 3,112 821 548 1,137 14,362 729 568 900 201 Watova township 15,595 Bald Hill townshi 2,566 1,334 1,624 294 156 46 787 1,746 1,114 971 'S16 235 158 316 S64 2,188 1,126 419 1,737 1,229 1,471 2,209 824 1,007 855 223 126 276 230 824 545 2,171 2,497 1,671 277 516 328 214 336 1,322 4,176 1,430 8S2 823 1,091 695 720 603 249 1,069 1,979 1,051 850 618 935 1,027 Morse township Ward 4 1,114 493 2,105 1,124 272 3,155 1,020 1,396 ■■•■<■ .-II l.lll . Weleetka city » Weleetka township "' Ward4 1 Parts of Otoe and Missouri, and Fonca Indian Reservations annexed in 1904 and part of Payne County annexed in 1907. - ' mini • nun iii' i .'!:• ' implilnii ed from part of Otoe and Missouri Indian Reservation in IE taken to form Red Rock town in 1904. 6 Warren Valley township returned as part of Lowe township in 1900. I ., ., : ' ' ,'■.,. 1 ii " Incorporated in 1905. •» Incorporated from pa rl oi 1 astle township in 1910. 19 Organized from part of Paden township in 1908; part taken to form Castle town in 1910. 20 Okemoli ' 'i incorpoialoil inno 0;" ( il.cnuih township since 1900. 21 Incorporate 1 nom pari of I'mieti ion o.hip since 1900. 22 Parts taken to form Boley and Castle townships in 190S and Paden town since 1900. '.,.., e: : ! : .'I, ■. i , p. I I I' mil i " , :■!. , i . i i, 'I: ii. ' I IP o 2 < Britton town iuenrporalod from purl of I'.iiilon iownship in 1909. 2 & Choctaw town i.n . »r i .. n . 1 1 . -. i hum purl ol Ohoeiaw iownship in 1904. 2 6 Part annexed to Oklahoma City in 1910. 2i Harrah town incorpor.o eil from purl oi ifll; iownship in 1908. 28 Parts annexed p, I ski luiiim < ii v in loo:, and 1910. » Jones town incorporated from pari ol s printer township in 1909. 3» Luther town ir.ei.rpo,' He.l horn inri ol l.nlhrr Iownship in 1905. 81 Part of Creole v lownslii r ,o\n.i in ilifin, pari i inelm line Cn pit ol J J hi tow in annexed in 1910, p;h Is of i H-Jshomn low oship annexed in 1905, 1906, and 1908, and part of Council Crmo l.ou nship annexed in 1910. 82 Parts annexe! in Oklahoma Citv in 1905, 1906, and 1908. s» Beggs city incorporated from pari of IV'.Tgs iownship in 1902. " Incorporated since 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- OKLAHOMA. 429 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Figures for 1907 are derived from a special census of Oklahoma and Indian Territory taken as of July 1, 1907, by order of the President. For changes In boundaries, MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 Okmulgee County— Continued. 1,686 1,429 1,710 1,356 920 1,390 401 15,332 Pawnee County— Continued. 361 380 883 993 273 229 838 ' 764 642 : 630 224 ! 272 337 i 299 20,101 307 1,464 Ward/ 620 618 604 WwrdS ! 67 WardS 5,333 6,017 819 415 isi 4,087 4,359 470 l-'airfax inwn' 120 166 111 136 119 34 Wardl Wardl WardS 155 277 760 157 166 SS7 2,776 931 488 462 895 3,674 15,713 468 ! Wardl Wardl 849 902 2,408 23,735 22,022 2' 20,909 7,215 Payne County Ward 4 705 1,448 646 1,159 568 1,072 319 116 341 1,332 67S 873 373 45 86 124 118 762 898 863 926 1,285 912 603 ISO 186 156 1,083 79 150 39 777 'bis 1.411 769 1,400 641 1,259 633 826 813 1,082 677 1,119 578 226 Strike Ax township » 3,303 12,827 Ottawa County 10 1,279 1,038 1,707 569 109 1,071 1,015 1,366 521 606 Af ton town Afton township (township 6) Council House township" (townships) — - Wards Wardl '736 797 '740 856 Kim Grove township Ward 5 89 Wardl 813 1,893 1,527 Glencoe town M Wardl Wardl WardS 906 682 506 1,143 1,118 135 2,359 2,033 255 1,170 17,332 WardS Wardi Karcissa township '- (township 3) Ottawa township » (township 8) 1,230 Glencoe township --' .. *> 1,080 856 623 845 1,287 922 670 994 902 172 584 1,134 1,007 719 Henry township 201 144 Indian township Mound township Paradise township Pawnee township Peoria township Quapaw township ' 5 (township 2) 2,493 1,319 321 1,397 17,112 IVtUns town Wardl 224 Ward2 Wyandotte township 18 (township 4) . . WardS 18 12,366 Ward 4 1,103 346 882 474 Ripley town Wardl 623 335 765 713 1,295 1,310 267 197 275 271 629 682 147 902 624 330 762 662 1,282 1,441 Wardl WardS Rose township =» >o 861 2,577 800 2,431 Stillwater city 480 Wardl 211 Wardl WardS 851 668 960 Ward 4 Siillwau-r township 969 1,090 1,050 Union township. 1,315 1,174 647 654 391 1S1 163 House Creek township i» S47 WardS ' Parts taken to form Foraker and Fairfax towns 5 Parts taken to form Bigheart and Hominy towns 6 Incorporated from part of Big Hill township in 1909; returned as incorporated of Strike Ax township in 1907. 10 Organized from Modoc, Ottawa, Peoria, Quapaw, Shawnee, and Wyandotte Indian Reservations and parts of Cherokee Nation and Seneca Indian " — Quapaw township si ffld Wyandotte townships in 190S. " Part of Otoe and Missouri Indian Reservation annexed in 1904. '8 No comparison of population can be made; numerous changes made between 1900 and 1907. 19 Organized since 1900. 20 Blackburn township organized in 1900; Blackburn town incorporated from part of Blackburn township in 1900. _n 1900. =3 Jennings and Hallett towns incorporated from parts of McElroy township in 1901 and 1910, respectively. 2< Lagoon township organized since 1900; Maramec town incorporated from part of Lagoon township in 1904. 25 Skedee township organized since 1900; Skedee town incorporated from part of Skedee township In 1903. 26 Part annexed to Noble County in 1907. « County total includes population (1,490) of Rock and Walnut townships. annexed to Noble County between 1900 and 1907. »s Yale tow 11 incorporated mmi part of Eagle township in 1903. =9 Gl"ncoe town incorporated from parts of Glencoe and Rose townships in 1 000. so Includes population of part of Glencce town. 430 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 Mn.oBcivn.m™, 1910 1907 1900 1890 Pittsburg County i 47,660 » 37,677 Pontotoc County— Continued. 1,044 216 212 185 211 220 494 3,154 43,595 1,079 780 m m m 116 1,630 1,238 1,586 481 128 118 2,273 6, 140 2.024 2,963 629 786 1.142 406 481 2,363 1,021 SI! 265 268 277 2,774 2,884 625 6?9 700 9S0 12,954 4,598 3,010 1,532 1,846 876 1,293 697 148 400 149 2,217 1,064 1,536 24,331 517 ::;: 2, 382 2,056 1,433 401 530 3,128 43,272 26,412 522 Pottawatomie County Ward 4 381 1SS 128 121 4,050 2,735 2)942 2,130 178 126 84 2,061 2,900 2,217 166 638 503 249 122 132 2,491 12,474 1,880 2,528 1,712 2,016 1,371 1,626 382 U6 S86 413 677 10,118 465 2,188 582 3,845 1,452 2,435 4,210 2,677 2,898 2,731 3,194 2,172 387 2,321 2,453 2,661 2,424 2,165 1,187 [ Tartsti.i: nr > il\ - 2,352 Ward4 307 1,654 803 1,982 2,929 2,170 207 784 575 1,851 2,278 1,967 Fun-si. lownsliip 2,187 1,508 Krebs city 6 498 MeAlestorcity 8,144 M,125 2,576 10,955 1,952 1,621 1,193 1,803 2,054 Ti township '5 739 8,295 23,057 Yntlers town » 1,273 305 251 345 145 227 2,312 1,203 992 1,715 2.623 12,861 862 Ada city 9 4,349 1,027 1,250 1,266 645 69 281 245 1,638 4,320 2,281 931 182 315 187 247 1,358 2,457 3,257 (10) 2,465 950 557 1,225 2,236 13,239 2,465 3,813 "872 a 6,190 BarXtownshto"* 636 1,351 1,147 .468 1,730 l!843 1,256 288 1,816 1,706 1,881 1,320 Midland township 2,534 Kiowa township K . .r township, annexed to Cana- dian and Quinton townships: and popnhiion ri.-J7i',' of ilailevville and Hartshorne townships, annexed to Dow township, since 1907. 3 Part of BiKkluoksy township annexed to Alderson township in 1909. 4 Part annexed to Indianofa township in 1909; part of Bower township annexed r to i\-n incorporated from part of Avoca township since 1900. >'■ McComb . '6 Earlsboro '■ V'. .V'f I I ir. 11 n:iri (,f 1 i! 1] el i fiiivr hi] siDCe 1900. incorporated from part of Earlsboro township since 1900. — * of Eason township since 1900. > Ineorpofated since 1900. 10 Not returned separately in 1907. 11 Part of Bower to wnshi'p ■ ! 1 be made; numerous changes made between isaliilated with 1900 and 1907. M Organized since 1900. .'..-, . ! - , I , I ■ I I ■ . ' . ' ; returned as incor- * Part taken to form Cheyenne town in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. as of July 1. V ie footuotes.j 431 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 Roger Mills County— Continued. 1,176 1,508 1,085 229 17,736 1,835 1,127 1,550 1,098 15,485 Sequoyah County— Continued. 797 351 032 34 60 35 84 103 1,354 1,937 1,864 342 651 671 181 204 1,907 ' 1,466 1,187 343 1,040 1,533 2,479 sss 432 860 279 739 295 ! 136 2,085 1,053 2^404 980 906 828 804 494 92 151 161 1,350 272 220 162 228 468 2,866 773 718 743 6S2 1,324 218 256 458 2S5 405 255 80 52 57 340 132 62 166 19,964 1,981 915 1,012 2,109 886 1,161 518 :::: :::::::::: 1,157 1,946 1,714 292 620 618 1 241 831 1,744 1,282 -1,177 287 1,249 566 1,158 1,468 1,698 965 2,064 855 414 1,075 376 S79 385 794 762 22,252 345 617 645 20,148 296 Stephens County 15 324 349 3 ° 8 . Wardl S^rdf Brown township is 1,780 1,301 SSS &02 566 2.477 706 713 512 548 1,544 2,258 3,418 1,965 400 780 S9S 3,420 1,010 954 2,125 14,249 Comanche city Wardl 1,410 547 Talala towns 307 Ward2 2,451 1,164 14,687 Ward2 Wards 2,207 3,861 761 261 m 256 3,022 2,054 1,779 2,446 241 99 72 70 476 1,022 362 276 385 2,095 25.005 1,476 3,021 620 2,591 2,279 3,021 1,648 Econtuehka township 9 . . : Konawa town 6 Kins* township " ; Wardl Ward2 >.::. 1 '■■■.■!■ -. 1,016 WardS Konawa township 2,270 1,367 1,774 1,314 237 Lincoln township Ward 4 Parks township 3,891 Sasakwa town 6 Wardl 2,857 21 16,448 206 794 1,608 22,499 600 539 391 269 242 1,416 1,402 Brent township 953 658 Grand Valley township 503 1 Part taken to form part of Bowman township in 1909. - Parts of Washita and Wilcox townships :n;iv> erl in 1909. a Part taken to form part of Bowman township and part annexed to Streeter township in 1989; own ship annexed in 1909. * Parts annexed to Stvecner and \\>-hiUi iov.nships in 1909 '- Organized from parts of Cherokee and Creek Nations in 1907. s Incorporated since 1900. 7 Organized from Seminole Nation and part of Creek Nation in 1907. ■ Wewoka town incorporated from part of Brown township in 1907. 9 Part taken to form Seminole town in 1908. >° Incorporated from part of Econtuehka township in 1908; returned as incor- porated in 1907. u Organized from part of Cherokee Nation in 1907. i 1910. Incorporated from part of Campbell 13 Organized from part of Wall township since 1907; part taken to form Richland -° Organized from part of Beaver County in 19 21 No comparison of population can be made; < y redistricted since 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ~™. 1910 190J 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 Texas County— Continued. 1.342 48S S77 m 801 434 340 525 m 68 1,063 362 991 790 279 678 515 525 372 1S1 135 106 521 342 18,650 839 Tulsa County— Continued. 18,182 7,298 1,390 WardS ! '6,099 662 718 448 Wagoner County 20 22,086 2119,829 Ward 2 WardS Hooker township - Nabisco township Optima township > 'I,." .,i '• 1,'V i ... ! . r ■ J | : Adams Creek township a I'llU' Mound h,n n.ship ( township 5). ( laiksyillo town 23 Coweta city 7 Wardl 1,123 1,456 388 1,187 40S S96 309 1,275 3,102 1,910 637 L379 1,089 778 1,542 4,018 1,269 607 1,124 1,018 17,484 i,"378" 334 1,105 Sledge ville township Stratton township Tepee township Texhoma town 3 Wardl 262' Ward2 Ward 3 Coweta township *« ('reek township (township 4) Calcsville township (township S) Lone Star township « i,'265" 2,353 WardS Texhoma township 3 -,,.!■<■ !<■:■ .hi.-- '.I, .. :l ,,'..! tfaahan township a 1,642 Turney township 12,869 Shannon township 25 Stone Bluff township a (township 1). Tullahassee township "(township 7). 1,'326" 2,131 2,950 TiUman County < •■■■-••••• Alfalfa township '■> Carr township 1,345 1,495 361 3,027 928 614 82S 830 1,612 875 561 SvardlJ. '. ! Ward2 Davidson town e Frederick city ' 2," 036' Ward4 Washington County « B artlesville city 12,813 WardS Grandfield town s Haskell township 536" 6,181 1,239 1,006 1,408 4,215 698 Hazel township Holton township 1,543 1,564 1,455 1,336 WardS WardS Manitou town » (part of) [For total, see Kiowa County.] Red River townships 267 259 2,432 : 2,556 Ward5 l',S65 307 923 1,344 SS8 305' 713 748 Copan township Stephens township Tipton town 9 1,112 441 w 142 135 510 Dewey city » Wardl Ward 2 WardS 29S 20S 260 1,626 2,756 599 836 786 550 725 312 539 25,034 | Tulsa County 10 34,993 21.693 Jackson township 1,561 425 691 873 359 873 175 564 22,007 Bixbytown'i Ward 1 WardS 384 206 18 100 2,771 865 1,576 S29 m S89 434 2.044 942 290 530 2,175 373 1,187 350 m 104 123 283 •wnship 28 Madison township Ochelata town 28 WardS Bixby township « Bowles township 1^434" 903 1,383 Vera township » "15,001 L950 767 488 4S4 261 2,396 240 3,636 525 1S1 205 189 2,357 2,806 1,626 1,687 752 465 821 2,426 379 930 397 Wardl * 2,004 3,498 540 606 | 342 505 459 3,765 2,755 * Organized from port ofCoinanohe County in 1907. ■'• 10 11 incorporate.! from pari 01 Alfalfa township in 1909. * Davidson town incorporated from part of I ted hi via township in 1909. 12 Part taken to form B *r County annexed in 1909. orporated from part of Jenks township in 1907. Tulsa County in 1909. MClarksville 1900. ■' Organized from part of township 2 in 1907. » Shannon township organized from part of Tullahassee township in 1910. ss Part annexed to Tulsa County in 1909. 2? Organized from part of Cherokee Nation in 1907. - 8 Ochelata town incorporated from part of Lincoln township in 1905. ■' West Tulsa town annexed in 1909. 31 No comparison of population can be made; 1900 and 1907. f Dill city incorporated from part of Elk township in 1908. w Part taken to form part of Seger township in 1907. « Part taken to form Rocky town in 1908. changes made between STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 433 [Figures for 1907 are derived from a special census of Oklahoma and Indian Territory taken as of July 1, 1907 by order of the President. For changes in boundaries, • etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1907 1900 1890 1910 1907 1900 1890 Washita County— Continued. Woods County— Continued. 441 1,160 176 258 218 416 94 709 465 467 16,692 Seger township ' 2,576 857 400 S17 140 351 3,358 1,275 17,567 3,191 2,884 ' 15,517 » 34,975 14,595 is 7,469 3,688 6S9 7S7 1,18$ 1,149 797 170 315 513 196 443 146 726 997 1,262 577 402 434 984 300 '854 2,800 1,499 562 752 1,275 1,729 493 757 264 512 355 98 174 83 169 595 1,354 2,720 '769 768 512 657 2,359 721 1,346 2,217 274 ,673 148 136 647 1,527 2,711 2,018 2,277 1 Incorporated from part of Rainey township in 1908. 8 Organized from parts of Oakdale and Union townships in 1907. '.., i.! ;'..'!■ :. : -.IimV ' Organized from part of Union township in 1908. s Parts taken to form Texas township in 1908 and part of Seger township in 1907. " Parts taken to form Alfalfa and Major Counties in 1907; part of Woodward County annexed since 1900. ' No comparison of population can be made; county redistricled since 1907. » Avard town incorporated from part of Avard township in 1909. • Dacoma town incorporated from part of Belle township in 1907. 10 Capron town incorporated from part of Driftwood township in 1910. " Wavnoi. iieo poratedfn rtol SVaynoka township in 1910. > 2 Parts taken to form Harper County and part of Ellis County in 1907 and part annexed to Woods County since 1908. * population can be made; numerous changes made between n 1906; returned as part of Supply » Incorporated from pa ri is incorporated in 1907. 2i Incorporated from part of Supply township in 1906. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1907 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1907 1900 1890 Ada city Pontotoc 4,349 376 493 1,279 366 786 303 645 4,821 3,439 1,273 950 713 8,618 511 381 1,968 170 6,181 326 855 513 378 307 524 280 384 335 3,266 508 508 535 483 3,257 340 383 1,071 517 272 1,334 828 679 259 339 428 1,667 696 1,576 282 135 487 317 1,143 570 206 481 703 196 883 835 260 294 770 387 2,024 882 471 1,083 1,350 2,016 824 836 393 330 300 462 1,134 268 Muskogee Muskogee 606 249 Alderson town Pittsburg Bridgeport city 626 Oklahoma 1,927 2,800 2,190 862 610 8,759 Broken Arrow city Buffalo town Burlington town Byarstown Byron town Caddo town 1,383 1,499 Pushmataha 537 193 312 389 183 401 253 5,681 Comanche 930 Pottawatomie 465 1,660 Cameron town Canadian town Caney town Canton town Capron town 316 522 Pittsburg Bartlesville city Washington 4,215 271 720 427 378 698 112 Beaver City town 708 491 310 Okmulgee 276 Beckham Kingfisher Noble 444 257 283 330 2,644 406 256 Billings town Catoosa town Rogers 303 618 405 2,234 1,232 362 1,524 1,249 964 241 ■ M (Offll Pawnee Centralia town Craig ' Chandler city Lincoln 1,430 Chattanooga town Comanche Mcintosh 427 613 303 805 566 Bokoshe town Le Flore 153 Cherokee city Alfalfa 434 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY OB TOWN. County. 1910 1907 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1907 19(Jb 1890 Cheyenne town Roger Mills Grady 408 10,320 242 483 2,806 425 1,310 2,781 3,255 1,324 1,301 100 307 1,950 489 183 1,187 378 413 903 220 529 1,072 854 146 394 361 1,416 166 602 1,344 240 278 132 2,477 5,330 579 2,090 7,872 926 178 3,165 206 13, 799 915 1,307 819 509 2,020 248 215 374 415 382 1,344 525 931 *924 351 382 957 | 1,452 186 373 320 316 740 830 '416 305 11,654 1,342 2,024 147 101 356 2,963 857 288 '230 344 2,064 334 405 1,441 1,278 2,921 1,075 1,410 122 305 1,393 469 133 1,105 351 305 715 209 582 826 552 727 270 780 760 1,665 1,671 350 686 275 3,845 307 2,296 964 760 525 538 4,582 341 • 562 1,493 188 481 253 405 290 361 365 163 595 336 273 1,197 216 2,538 439 1,021 761 2,884 275 127 635 339 7,788 1,880 412 • 197 768 1,156 677 296 217 220 310 12,954 166 526 638 1,564 271 3,667 (• 412 515 224 342 1,546 1,965 503 476 1,110 349 69 199 2,907 438 626 706 225 493 327 701 449 855 560 212 473 521 1,573 1,051 468 532 198 3,136 344 '524 468 448 599 2,676 254 524 726 ■ 3,209 Oklahoma Ileavener town 234 855 Hennessey city Kingfisher Okmulgee 1,367 262 211 ck town 2,614 376 547 Mcintosh ] [ni.lrin illc city Hollistown 749 Washington 307 626 i town 272 McCurtain Comanche Pittsburg 139 300 Indiahoma town Indianola town 307 301 298 465 380 213 Pittsburg 226 300 Woods Tulsa Davenport town 512 jettwi. ::::::::: 1,340 143 108 748 1,346 Oklahoma Kaw City town 486 229 Delaware town Nowata Br an 221 Washington Keystone town Dougherty town 276 108 4,' 510 511 387 1,833 5,370 916 437 162 2,214 477 803 620 1,508 273 273 Kingfisher 2,301 Duncan cit 1,164 2,969 Pittsburg Seminole Pittsburg Pottawatomie Oklahoma 965 3,383 294 285 El Reno cit Comanche Beckham 474 274 5,562 2,188 331 232 1,102 241 337 2,195 276 10,087 974 470 521 321 Langston town 251 192 3,444 Comanche "nid eitv 1,500 154 221 861 Beckham Mcintosh 757 Lexington town Cleveland 499 Ma-or Lone Grove town Lone Wolf town Carter 215 Comanche Comanche 220 237 462 1,063 745 540 872 2,036 755 279 334 Oklahoma Pittsburg Pottawatomie 423 8,144 207 528 784 1,587 249 2,672 394 529 272 292 1,391 1,648 575 308 802 4,125 Muskogee 6i7 iiccuriiiin town Pottawatomie 498 Francis town Madillcity Manchester town 158 Gans town Sequoyah 136 Garber City town Mannsville town Maramec town 198 McCurtain fBlaine Pawnee 1,565 Comanche Sequoyah 842" 1,016 358 183 539 Pottawatomie Gore town Sequoyah ,;i..,,. 551 1,026 694 317 11,652 839 1,452 314 Miami cit Ottawa 1,893 416 644 163 274 351 675 381 791 1,527 10,006 5,333 Mill 1 rii'k town Haileyville town Pittsburg Cleveland Woodward 129 Moori'liiiid town 101 Oklahoma Pittsburg Muskogee Hartshorne city 2, 435 720 2,352 a Park town ... Mountain View town .. Haskell town STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OKLAHOMA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1907, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 435 CITY OB TOWN. County. 1910 1907 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1907 1900 1890 Muldrow t Sequoyah 671 441 25,278 264 277 348 119 480 1,992 403 3,724 128 3,672 366 199 550 \ 402 920 1,389 64,205 4,176 324 850 255 249 373 419 310 239 2,689 2,776 2,161 135 603 3,133 255 2,521 1,113 637 548 1,830 1,025 1,798 2,740 355 C97 597 725 574 556 350 398 378 207 411 271 378 1,044 298 823 1,207 2,479 8,283 241 73 352 476 857 159 618 443 14,418 465 564 4,254 Shattuck town 1,231 12,474 152 289 606 1,122 196 421 1,173 276 575 116 1,583 3,444 1,039 494 685 1,220 321 'l69 352 2,891 340 491 468 498 1,626 852 573 372 361 1,371 441 1,408 1,776 176 18,182 387 794 656 312 524 794 4,082 4,018 213 405 1,377 677 286 948 1,723 533 332 1,160 2,118 380 684 1,229 590 802 1,190 1,022 2,277 411 498 2,696 255 2,002 685 231 1,018 1,009 10,955 180 277 342 679 296 Pottawatomie 3,462 246 Muskogee Woodward 238 167 Nashville tow 364 1,778 457 3,040 109 2,223 445 South Cofleyvllle town. 1,754 349 2,225 205 498 701 503 962 219 Cleveland Cleveland 543 it 787 Comanche 575 Mcintosh 1,001 2,577 948 530 445 1,313 237 2,935 - 136 250 1,916 307 416 430 464 1,621 739 583 262 2,431 779 Washington /Canadian \ Kingfisher 359 414 775 1,027 32,452 2,322 286 552 349 262 Stonewall town i ikaivhr town O'Keene town 800 Okfuskee Oklahoma Okmulgee Muskogee Oklahoma City 10,037 4,151 1.198 Woodward Muskogee T;ihle(iuah city 1,482 308 300 222 Le Flore Orrtiv 379 272 290 2,157 2,408 1,943 219 201 670 2,881 650 237 1,193 Okfuskee Pottawatomie Comanche 234 1,467 Paul* Valley city Garvin Beckham 1,464 925 144 719 3,351 Tishomingo city 1,300 1,238 211 7,298 289 613 419 175 31-2 617 3,157 2,950 Perkins to P 707 i,390 2,529 1,155 448 393 1,726 998 1,113 2,553 148 2,528 822 Pond Creek city Grant McCurtain Washington Muskogee 1,182 Sequoyah 296 2,339 2,372 l'ryor !""ieek town Ma es 495 2,277 i, Muskogee Woodward Pittsburg '739 201 789 1,608 570 096 198 Comanche Pottawatomie 587 873 Ramona town Washington Comanche : !:a town 690 397 '277 314 159 128 lukomis City town.. 688 129 Mcintosh v. " it herfbrd city \> I'blnTs Falls town... 1,315 332 481 1,020 669 624 966 794 1,451 375 410 390 2,018 321 2,032 439 300 830 1,017 211 334 Ringwood town 225 346 Muskogee 474 Rocky town Okfuskee 1,079 296 Sequoyah \\ e :i i [lie town Wetumka town 173 588 1,115 1,698 4,259 237 1,119 Rush Springs town Ryan city 518 Wilburton City Wild Cat town (Gray- son P. 0.) Latimer Salltsaw town Sequoyah 965 891 313 Woodville town Woodward city Wyandotte town Wynnewood city Marshall Sayre city Beckham Woodward 224 1,907 333 206 351 163 Canadian OKEGON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Baker County '. Ward 1 , Ward 2 WardS Ward!, met No. 2,« including parts of wards 2 and 3 of Baker City Baker City (partof) Baker precinct No. 3, 6 comprising part of ward 3 of Baker City Baker precinct No. '. Baker City.. comprising ward 1 of lcluding Bourne town.. Bourne precinct, Bourne town • Bridgeport precinct Cleary precinct Clifford precinct, 10 including Whitney town Whitney town" Connor Creek precinct Copper Butte precinct ' Cornucopia precinct ' Depot precinct, including ward 4 and part of ward 3 of Baker City Baker City (partof) '.. Eagle Valley precinct/ including Richland Richland town ' 2 . East Eagle precinct 13 Elkhorn precinct ■«... including Greenhorn including Copperfield Copperfleld town " McE wen precinct North Sumpter precinct, including part of Sumpter city Sampler city (part of) Total for Sumpter city" in ;\mih -inrl Smith Sumpter precincts Pine precinct No. 1." including part of Halfway Halfway town (part of) Total for Halfway town " in Pine precincts Nos. 1 and 2 Pine precinct No. 2,™ including part of Halfway Halfway town (part of) Pocahontas precinct Rock Creek precinct i« Rye Valley precinct South Baker p ini ,« part of ward 3 of Baker City Baker City (partof) South Sumpter precinct, including part of Virtue precinct 21 .. Benton County Precinct 1, Corvallis, including parts of wards 2 and 3 of Corvallis city Corvallis city (part of) Total for Cm nig precincts Nos. 2 and S and parts of precincts Nos. 1 Wards Precinct 2, Corvallis, 23 comprising parts of wards 2 and 3 of Corvallis city. . • ■,■■ ■ i,Li precinct.... ■ ■■,;■; _ n (538) of Parker precinct, parts taken to form Clifford and Greenhorn pc-mcis ami part annexed to Greenhorn precinct since 1900; and population i chimed independently in .... .. • ■ . 1 I ..,:,■. I ' .pi. i precinct, 81 coextensive with Mil- waukee town... Milwaukee tou Molalla precinct. . Needy precinct... New Era precinct. Oak Grove precinct ■' . . ^-egon City prew'-- 4 - " with Oregon Cit Oregon City.. Wardl.. Ward 2. . Ward S. . 13 Taken from Union County in 1902 and Sanger precinct, formerly in Unio County, annexed in 1907. « Name changed from Willows in 1907. " Incorporated in 1903. 18 Part of North Powder precinct annexed in 1907. " Incorporated in 1909. 18 Not returned separately in 1900. ' I CM >.■..;.. <'i' , in I'"' changes made between 20 Organized to 1903 from part of Pine Valley precinct, taken from Union County 4 returned as Baker precinct No. 1 in 1900. Part taken to form part of Big Creek precinct In 1902. » Exclusive of population of Baker City. * Baker precincts Nos. 1 to 4 returned as Baker precinct No. 1 In 1900. i Taken from Union County in 1902. 8 Organized Irom parts of Baker precinct No. 1 and Virtue precinct and part of territory tal inty, in 1902. 9 Incorporated in 1900. ad Greenhorn precinct ; s of Parker precinct in . ' I : i|.,. : , : 11 Incorporated in 1901. 1J Incorporated in 1904. Greenhorn precinct in 1907. In 1902. 21 Part taken to form part of Big Creek precinct In 1902. 22 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 1890 and 1900. 23 Parts of precincts Nos. 2 and 3 annexed to Corvallis city in 1903. 24 Precinct Nc in orccni. >-,' fmin part of precinct No. 11 in 1908. 25 County total includes population (1,583) of Macksburg, Marquam, and Needy precincts, not returned separately in 1890. 2 « Returned as Seivers in 1900. 27 Harmony precinct organized from part of Clackamas precinct in 1905. 28 Returned as Garfield In 1900. 28 Incorporated in 1905. 30 Killin precinct organized from part of Marquam precinct In 1901. 81 Oak Grove precinct organized from part of Milwaukee precinct in 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OREGON. 437 Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. fl'ivciiicL iiiRiiia fled inn prrriiict. For changes in boundaries, etc., be! ween 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 19U0,see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Tabic 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Clackamas County— Continued. Tualatin precinct.. West Oregon City precinct, including Willa- mette town Willamette town ' Clatsop County.. Astoria precincts,' Nos. 1 Astoria city A stotia ctty Wardl Wards Wards Wardi Chad well precinct Clatsop precinct, including Clatsop t< Clatsop town Clifton precinct No. 1 ' Clifton precinct No. 2 ' Elsie precinct Jewell precinct John Day precinct No. 1 • John Day precinct No. 2 ' Knappa precinct :o 7, coextensive with New Astoria precinct, coextensive with New Olney precinct Push precinct Seaside precinct, including Seaside and West Seaside towns Seaside town West Seaside town » Svensen precinct Warrenton precinct, including Warrenton city. Warrenion city Westport precinct Youngs River precinct 8 Columbia County.. Apiary precinct Auburn precinct, including Vernonia town Vernonia town , Beaver Falls precinct Clatskanie precinct, including Clatskanie city.. Clatskanie city Deer Island precinct Goble precinct Marshland precinct Nehalem precinct Oak Point precinct. . Rainier precinct, including Rainier city Rainier city Scappoose precinct Union precinct, Including Houlton town and St. Helens city Bandon precinct, including Bandon tc Coaledo precinct, including Beaver Hill tc Beaver Bill town Coos City precinct « MINOB CIVIL DIVISION. Coos County— Continued. j Coos River precinct. ! Deer Park precinct. j Dora precinct. 291 ' East Coquille precinct, n including part of Co- » East and West Coquille -precincts | Empire precinct, " including Empire city Em i lire city Enchanted Prairie precinct Four Mile precinct Lake precinct Lee precinct '» Missouri precinct 10 Myrtle Point precinct, including Myrtle Point Myrtle Point city " i recinct North Bend precinct, l * including North Bend • ■inct," including part of n North and South Norway precinct ' I . mi Prosper precinct South Marshii uling Eastside town and part of Marshfleld town Eastside town J Marshfleld town (part of) !■■■■', .■;,.■.. Sumner precinri... Ten Mile precinct West Coquille precinct, >s including part of Co- quille city Coquille city (part of) Crook County . , Black Butte precinct. . Breese precinct Camp Creek precinct. . Haystack precinct.. Howard precinct. . . Ireland precinct.. Madras to Laidlaw precinct. . . Lamonta precinct. . Maury precinct Mill Creek precinct Montgomery precinct Newsom Creek precinct Powell Butte precinct Prineville precinct, coextensive with Prlnevllle ? redacts Nos. 1 and 2; an of population (167) of John Day precinct, taken to form ohn Day precincts Nos. 1 and 2, since 1900. • No comparison of population can be made; numerous changes made between 1890 and 1900. • Astoria precincts Nos. 1 to 7 organized from old Astoria precinct in 1905. • Organized from part of Clifton precinct in 1905. • Organized from part of John Day precinct in 1905. » Incorporated in 1905. • Returned as Youngs Bay in 1900. Willow Creek precinct Warm Springs Indian Reservation (part of) Total for Warm Springs Indian Reservation in Crook and Wasco Counties 1890) of Marshfleld precinct, taken to form North and South Marshfleld precincts between 1890 and 1900. 10 Lee precinct organized from parts of Burton Prairie and Missouri precincts » Incorporated as a city in 1901. » North Bend precinct organized from parts of Empire and North Marshficld precincts in 1904. » Incorporated in 1904. " No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1906. w Incorporated In 1910. 438 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OREGON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. R CIVIL DIVISION. EckleyWecinct . . Jerrys Flat precinct... t precinct . i. precinct... Quosaten precinct.. Austin precinct, including Austin town A ustin town" ear Valley precinct 14 .'. Canyon City precinct," including Canyon City Canyon City town Forty-nine precinct 16 .' > 'i: ,''■ ■' - ■ " ■■■ " Granite town Hamilton precinct John Day precinct, including John Day city Douglas County .' Bohemia precinct * -i i precinct, including Oakland city.. • Oakland city Camas Valley precinct Cimyonville precinct,' 1 including Canyonville Canyonville town 6 Civil Bend precinct Coles Valley precinct 7 Comstock precinct Cow Creek precinct Days Creek precinct 6 Deer Creek precinct, including part of Roseburg Gardiner prcchiH ."including Gardiner town. Gardiner town Glendalc piccinei including Glendale city.. Glendalt city g Kellogg precinct Lookingglass precinct Monument town 18 . . Quartzburg precinct 19 . . Ko clmd precinct Harney County. . Alvord precinct , Burns precinct, including Burns city Burns city Catlow precinct Cold Springs precinct » Crane Creek precinct w Curry precinct Diamond precinct Drewsey precinct, including Drewsey town Pass Creek precinct, including Drain towi Perdue precinct I.'iddlc precinct, including Riddle town.. Riddle town Roseburg precinct, including part of Roseburg Lake precinct Pine Creek precinct Poison Creek precinct Pueblo precinct Saddle Butte precinct Silvies precinct Warm Spring precinct Wild Horse precinct Hood River County 22 Umpqua precinct, including part of Roseburg city Roseburg city (part of) '■■•■■ '■■■ ' c : . ' i'-u '■'"'•■ burg city Roseburg city (.part of) Wilbur precinct Yonealla precinct, including Yoncalla city. . Yoncalla city 8 Gilliam County Arlington precinct, including Arlington city Arlington city Blalock precinct Condon precinct, including Condon city. . Condon city » Ferry Canyon precinct precinct ek precinct Trail Fork precinct Willow Creek precinct. . Hood River city. . r "" J ^liver city (; for Hood ', Hood River Center, and West Hood ir precincts.. Falls precinct Hood River Center precinct, including part of West Hood River precinct, including part of Hood Rivercity Hood River city (part of) Jackson County Antioch precinct Applegate precinct Barron precinct Big Butte precinct Central Point precinct, including Central Point town Central Point town Climax precinct ™- ~'e Point precinct i No comparison of population can be made; numerous changes made between 3) of Lake precinct, annexed to Gardiner 1 890 and 1900. 2 County total includes population ( . nun • County to! id.ion (734) of Coles Valley and Wilbur precincts, III 'I I [ \\ II I II II III .'..,.......!.. ■ • ,,., ,.,.. .,■,■■ , , 1S90 and 1900. " Incorporated it it returned separately in li ■ L Lake precinct annexed in 1! n Rock, and Rowe 390 and 1900. " Counfy totals include population (177 in 1900; 52 In 1890) of Olive Creek pre- 18 Incorporated in 190.5. precincts in 1902. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OREGON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in 439 Jackson County— Continued. Wardl WardS .' Wards ■ i, .nil. ■ ... , ... i; precinct > lading Gold Hill town... North Medi'oni precinct, Including ward 3 and part of ward 1 of Medford city ■■ ■ i ' ','..,',■ , >;. ,.'.,,,, ■ !■.,■■ ■.', : Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward S Phoenix precinct, including Phoenix town Ashland city : . - /.',', South Jacksonville precinct, including part of Jacksonville ei I \ Jacksonville city (part of) South Medford precinct, including ward 2 and part of ward 1 of Medford city Medford city (part of) Sterling precinct Talent precinct Trail precinct Union precinct Watkins precinct West Ashland precinct, including ward 2 and part of ward 1 of Ashland city Ashland city (part of) Willow Springs precinct Josephine County .. Kerby precinct Leland precinct * Lucky Queen precinct '. c-oinct precinct North Grants Pass precinct, including ward ; and part of ward 1 of Grants Pass city Grants Pass city (part of).. ^otalfor Gran" »»••«**•«*•. West Granti Ward 1.. Ward 2 Ward S Ward 4 riacer precinct 6 Selma precinct 6 Slate Creek precinct South Grants Pass precinct, including ward 3 and part of ward 4 of Grants Pass city Grants Pass city (part of) Waldo precinct ™ r ~.t Grants Pass precinct, including parts of Klamath County.. 1.71S 5,020 4,676 8,840 2,687 S.S84 31.1 221 Langell Valley precinct 1 Incorporated as a city in 1909. 'County total includes population (115) of Mount Reuben precinct, annexed to Leland precinct since 1900. « No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Klamath County— Continued. Llnkville precinct, including Klamath Falls Klamath Falls town Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward S Ward 4 : , Ward B , Lost River precinct Odell precinct ? Tule Lake precinct . . Cogswell Creek precinct.. Crooked Creek precinct. .. Drews Valley precinct Lakeview town. . Total for Lakeview town, coextensive with North and South Lakeview precincts.., Blue River precinct I0 precinct Coyote precinct Creswell precinct, iac\\u\)<\u, Creswell town... Creswell town » East Cottage Grove precinct, including parts of wards 1 to 3 of Cottage Grove city Cottage Grove city (part of) Total for Cottage Grove city in East and West Cottage Grove precincts Wardl Ward2 WardS Elmira precinct Fairmount precinct," including part of ward 1 of Eugene city Eugene city (part of) Total for. K rig North and South Eugene precincts and part of Fair- • :' .' i. 'J U Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward S Ward 4 Fall Creek precinct Five Rivers precinct Florence precinct, including Florence town. Florence town Gate Creek precinct Glentena precinct Goshen precinct Hazel Dell precinct .' Heceta precinct Hermann precinct Irving precinct Jasper precinct Lake Creek precinct Lane precinct Long Tom precinct Lost Valley precinct Mabel precinct Mapleton precinct Middle Fork precinct Mohawk precinct " Mound precinct North Eugene precinct, comprising wards 2 and 3 of Eugene city 3,515 1,072 . 8 County total includes population (83) of East Warner precinct, annexed to North and South Warner precincts; population (775) of Lakeview precinct, taken to form North and South Lakeview precincts; and population (69) of New Pine Creekprecinct, taken to form part of I ict, between 1890 and 1900. ' Countv total includes population (43) of McKenzie precinct, annexed to Blue River precinct since 1900. io McKenzie precinct annexed in 1903. a Incorporated In 1909. w Part of Fairmount precinct annexed to Eugene city in 1905. » Part taken to form Wendling precinct in 1901. 440 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OREGON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, e B CIVIL DIVISION. Lane County— Continued. North Junction precinct, including part of Junc- ( City in North and South Pleasant Hill preciuct. . Siuslaw precinct. . Junction City {-part of) Spencer precinct Springfield precinct, including Springfield town. Springfield town Thurston precinct Wallace i precinct Walton precinct : r, West Cottage Grove precinct, including parts of ■ ■ i , ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ i ;. Cottage Grone city (pari of) Willamette precinct, including Coburg city.. Coburg city 2 Z um alt precinct Lincoln County.. Five Rivers precinct . . Little Elk precinct Newport city Siletz precinct Tidewater precinct Toledo precinct, including Toledo city. . Toledo city Yaquina precinct Linn County— Continued. city ,,.... Total for Scio city in North mid South Scio precincts Orleans precinct Price precinct, including part of ward 3 of Al- bany city Albany city (part of) ! Rock Creek precinct Santiam precinct Shedd precinct | Shelburn precinct » Sodaville precinct, including Sodaville town Sodaville town South Brownsville precinct, including part of Brownsville city. Brownsville -•''* South Harrisbi Harrisburg ci v Harrisburg city (part of). South Lebanon precinct, including part of Lebanon city Lebanon city (part of)... South Scio precinct, including part of Scio city.. Sweet Hometown.. Syracuse precinct Tallman precinct Waterloo town West Albany precinct, 6 including ward 1 and part of ward 2 of Albany city . . Albany city (part of)... Malheur County Barren Valley precinct 8 Big Bend precinct > Bully precinct," 1 including Westfall town.. Westfall town" Carlile precinct Castle Rock precinct Crowley precin' ' " Albany precinct,' comprising part of ward 2 of Albany city :.',■,'; , ,/,■■,; i,f, I lt,nn)j ami Ward 1 . . Wards Ward S Center precinct Crawfordsville precinct East Albany precinct,' comprising part of ward 3 of Albany city. . Foster precinct... Fox Valley c North Brownsville precinct, including part of Total for in North and ■ North Harrisburg precinct, including part of Harrisburg city Harrisburg city ( part of) '. ig city in North and South Harrisburg precincts : rorth Lebanon precinct, including part of Leb- anon city Lebanon city (part of) . . 688 Total for Lebanon rliij in North and South Lebanon precincts 1,810 1 Organized from part of Mohawk precinct In 1901. 5 Incorporated In 1906. » Kern precinct organized from part of Morris precinct in 1901. North Ontario precinct, 1 * including part of Ontario town Ontario town (part of) Total for Ontario town in North and South Ontario precincts North Vale precinct," including part of Valecity. Vale city (part of).. Total for Vale city h precincts. . Owyhee precinct 18 . Red Butte precinct. l be made; county redistricted between 1890 • Nt comparison of populatio and 1900. « Albany, East Albany, and West Albany precincts returned as West Albany precinct in 1900. » Kingston precinct organized from parts of Jordan and Shelburnprecincts inl905. precinct; and population (61 in 1890) of Mormon Basin precinct, annexed to Malheur precinct, between 1890 and 1900. s Parts taken to form parts of Hoodoo and Crowley precincts In 1905 and 1907, North and South Vale South Ontario precinct, 16 including part of Ontario town Ontario town (part of) South Vale precinct, 1 ' including part of Valecity. Vale city (part of ) Star precinct l5 - Stone precinct Summit precinct Three Forks precinct Marlon County Brooks precinct Butteville precinct, Including Buttevllle city. .. Butteville city a Champoeg precinct 9 Organized from part of Owyhee precinct in 1905. 10 Part taken to form part of Hoodoo precinct In 1906. " Incorporated in 1905. » Organized from parts of Barren Valley, Hoodoo, Owyhee, and Star precinct in 1907. « Organized from parts of Barren Valley, Bully, Junction, and Vale precincts In 1905; part taken to form part of Crowley precinct in 1907. » Crooked Creek precinct annexed in 1910. " ! ., .':.!,;,:• ! i ,-<),] [■. ri W I Pili'H Ml p-.i-rlll i I ' I'll! 16 Organized from part of Vale precinct in 1910. 17 Incorporated in 1903. ■« Parts taken to form Big Bend precinct in 1905 and part of Crowley precinct In 1907. u Part taken to form part of Crowley precinct in 1907. M No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted since 1900. » Incorporated In 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OREGON. 441 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. election precinct. For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910. sec footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: I'.llll'p, Vul. I.Tai.'le., [ B CIVIL DIVISION. Marlon County— Continued. I'heniawu piccinel. . l-aiiiield precinct (icrvais precinct, including Gervais town Gcrvais town Qoreb precinct Howell precinct .... Hubbard cihj Jefferson precinct, including Jefferson city.. . Mount Angel precinct, including Mount Mount A ngi I town Norlh Kil union precinct Roscdale precinct St. Paul precinct, including St. Paul city St. Paul city ' Salem precincts 1 to 7, coextensive with Salem Wardl.. WardB.. Wards.. Ward It . . Ward6 Ward 7 Seel is .Mills preeinei . . n precinct, coextensive with Silverton Silverton city South Silverton precincl Stayton precinct, including Stayton town Stayton town Sublimity precinct, including Sublimity town. Woodburn precinct, including Woodburn city. Morrow County. Dairy precinct, including Hardman town.. i-, i \ . Heppner precinct, including part of Heppnor Heppner city (part of) Irrigon precinct 8 Lena precinct Lexington precinct, including Lexington city... Lexington city 8 Matteson precinct, including part of Heppner Heppner city ' (part of) . . MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Multnomah County . I'reeiiiets l\'os. I I... Nil, 9."., arid 90, comprisii wards 1 to 0, 9 and 10, and parts of 7 and 8 Portland city.. 213 406 243 (») 82 264 si* ; S12 m 110 81 ■ Total for lone city in North and South lone precincts Pine City precinct. South lone precincl lone city (part c, , . . . Wells Spring precinct 8 . • Incorporated 1 Incorporated in 1905. 6 County totals include population (587 in 1900; 339 in 1S90) of lone precinct, taken to form North and South lone precincts since 1900; population (63 in 1890) of Castle Rock precinct, annexed to Wells Spring precinct between 1890 and 1900; and popu- lation (441 in 189 md Wells Spring precincts, not returned separately cincts Nos. 92 to 94, and 97 . . Wardl Ward 2 WardS Wardlt WardB WardG Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward9 Ward 10 'rcciiicl No. 90, St. Julius, comprising part of St. Johns city.. Total for St Johns city,- with pre- cmcis ivos. vv and 91 rceinct, Xo. 91, St. Johns, comprising part of Precinct No. 92, Columbia, including part of ward 8 of Portland city Portland city (part of) Precinct No. 93, Russellville, including part of ward 8 of Portland city Portland city (part of) Precinct No. 94, Woodstock, including part of ward 8 of Portland city Portland city (part of) Precinct No. 97, Arleta, including part of ward 7 of Portland city Portland city (part of) Precinct No. 102, Troutdale, including Trout- dale city Troutdale city » : Precinct No. 108, Holbrook Precinct No. 109, Linn ton Precinct No. 114, West Portland... Buena Vista precinct Douglas precinct East Dallas prei 1 rd 1 and parts of wards 2 and 3 of Dallas city Dallas city (part of) Total for Dallas city in East, North , and South Dallas precincts Wardl Wardi WardS ! Eola precinct Falls City precinct, including Falls City toi Falls City town McCoy precinct North Dallas precinct, including part of ward 3 of Dallas city.. Independence precincts. . . 2,072 . 2,991 . 1,160 ' 2 Precincts 95 and 96 and parts of precincts 92, 93, 94, and 97 annexed in 1909, parts of precincts 90 and 93 annexed in 1905, and parts of precinct 92 annexed in 1907 and 1908. >* Incorporated in 1908. " Incorporated in 1907. « County total includes population (367) of Middle Independence precinct, an- nexed to North Independence precinct since 1900. 16 County total includes population (1,532) of Dallas precinct, taken to form East, North, and South Dallas ton (1,061) of Independence precinct, taken to form Middle, North, and South Independence precincts; and population (666) of Monmouth precinct, taken to form North and South Monmouth precincts, between 1890 and 1900. t »'«i- * f- 6 t. tt w Middle Independence precinct annexed in 1901. ' 8 Exclusive of population of that part of Independence city In Middle Inde- pendence precinct in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OREGON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, eto., between lOOdand 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.J MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Polk County— Continued. North Monmouth precinct, Including part of Monmouth town Man mouth town (part of) South Monmouth precincts.. Rickreall precinct Rock Creek precinct Salt Lake precinct.. South Dallas precinct, Including parts of wards 2 and 3 of Dallas city :e precinct, Including part of South Monmouth precinct, including part of Monmouth town Monmouth town (part of) Spring Valley precinct Sherman County.. ainct i ireclnct Grant precinct • Grass Valley precinct, including Grass Valley city Grass Valley city 2 Kent precinct Monkland precinct Moro precinct, including Moro city Moro city Ru Hedge precinct i met, 1 including Wasco city Wasco city Tillamook County.. Beaver precinct.. Hoquarton precinct, including wards 3 and 4 and part of ward 5 of Tillamook city Tillamook precincts.. Ward 1 . . Wards Wards Wardi Wards Little Nestucca precinct Nehalempi Ualemtown.. "chalcm Netarts precinct.. South Pralni Sand Lake MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Umatilla County Adams precinct, Including Adams town. . A dams town Alba precinct — ^-, r j n g S precinct Cottonwooc . East Pendleton precinct, 7 comprising ward 1 of Pend leton ci ty Total for Pendleton cm- dleton, East, North, and South Pendleton precincts Ward I Wardi WardS Wardi East Weston precinct, including part ol \\ ,'sloii city Weston city (part of) Total for Weston city in East Weston and ■'■.■,„,,,■.,■■,:,,.■ Echo precincts including Echo city Echo city • Encampment precinct V: , j r \- 1 r w p recinct '» Ferndale precinct " Fulton precinct Gilliland precinct i net, including Helix city Helix city la Henniston precinct,* including Hermiston city. Hermiston city 1 3 Hogue precinct . :i;!mi ..1 |n : n, i • . Juniper precinct « McKay precinct ■ Mountain precinct l0 - North Athena precinct, including part of Athena city. Total for Milton town in North and South '■■'■■ 'i .',•'■■ ■: •■ North Pendleton precinct,' comprising ward 2 of Pendleton city .. dleton city 1 : .',,: I ,,■ ,-,, . Pilot Rock at ij if. .. ■•.,!,■!■" . Riverside precinct « Ruddock precinct South Athena precinct, including part of Athena city Athena city (part of) 1 South Milton precinct, 8 including part of Milton Milton town '(pari of h .'.."."-'-.'..-.'.'.....'. South Pendleton precinct, 7 comprising ward 4 of Pendleton city ■i '■''.■ ■; cinct " iMaon'Vlu )•• ■•( ■mrt. s including Stanfield city Stanfield city 20. Tillamook city (part of) 695 Union precinct 1 214 1 1 Biggs precinct returned as part of Grant and Wasco precincts In 1900. * Incorporated in 1900. » County total includes population (137) of Onion Peak precinct, annexed to Nehalem precinct between 1890 and 1900. * County total includes population (1,397) of Umatilla Indian Reservation, taken to form Resei a North and South Reservation precincts) since 1900. » No comparison of population can b< made; numerous changes made between cincts in 1905. 7 Pendleton precinct returned as part of East, North, and South Pendleton pre- oincts In 1900. • Hermisl"ii ■ i ' '.'"I aa n |> n >''- •'< < • hu nr, cinri in 1909. 'Incorporated in 1904. Van Sycle precinct Vinson precinct l'."i ' i-" ■ < •■ im nmil ' ' - 'nan city Weston city (part of) Willow Springs precinct * 18,049 » 13,381 1,010 525 173 393 102 395 536 164 918 70S 1,554 495 m 804 701 t>44 1,652 813 77 281 107 1,095 64S 1,043 :::::::::::::::::::::: 410 191 452 402 143 m 200 167 :::::::::: ;s of Mountain and Weston precincts n 1905. « Incorporated in 1( Organize.! i - i.^a ,1:; i» Part taken to form part of Holdman precinct in 1903. 16 Incorporated in 1902. vatlon ) in 1905. is Name changed from Alta in 1902. " Organized from part of Union precinct in 1902. 20 Incorporated ir 21 Incorporated in iaoo. 82 Parts taken to form Prospect precinct In 1902 and part of Holdman precinct STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OREGON. 443 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. Union County ' Camp Carson precinct Cove precinct, including Cove Karachi precinct ° Pa Grande precinct No. 1 La Grande city.. Per,.' I Her./ C. Wards. Ward 4.. including ward 1 of I a Grande precinct ,<>. pp. umpn'smgwanl 'Jul La Grande city la Grande precinct No. 3, 9 including ward 3 of La Grande city La Grande precinct No i, 1 » tin lading ward 4 of La Grande city La Grande city (part of) a Grande precinct No. ". North Elgin precinct, including part of Elgin city... Elgin city (part of)... Total for Elgin city n precincts. . North Powder precinct, including North Pow- der town North Powder town l " Perry precinct South Elgin precinct, 4 including part of Elgin merville precinct,' including Sui ■' ■"'... Union precinct No. 1, including part of Union city '.',■■.■■/,,,■■.■■■'.>) Total for Union city in Union precincts Nos. Union precinct No. 2, in. ■'■. city Union city (part of) Wallowa County.. Enterprise precinct, including Enterprise town. Joseph precinct, including Joseph city . . Joseph city '8 Leap precinct •» Lostine precinct, 19 including Lostlne tov 177 ^ taken to form La Grande precinct No. precinct No. 5 in 1905. 8 Exclusive of population of La Grande city. 9 Part taken to form part of La Grande precinct No. 1 >« Organized from part of La Grande precinct No. * '~ " Organized from parts of La Grande precincts Nos in hiiVi. 1902. 1, 2, and 3 in 1905. » Incorporated in 1902. « County total includes population (151) of Three Buck precinct, taken to form Divide and Park precincts between 1890 and 1900. » Butte precinct organized from part of Pine Creek precinct in 1905. 15 Organized from parts of Lost Prairie and Paradise precincts im 1903. '• Part taken to form part of Mud Creek precinct in 1903. Wallowa County- Continued. I 'rah ic Creek precinct . . Promise plcemel •'« . . Trout Creek precinct. . \\ allow a precincl .-' iridic line, \\ allowa town... Wasco County » Wind I Ward2 WardS Boyd precinct ( 'olumbia precinct , . Diu'ur precinct, including Dufur town 1 including parts of wards 1 Eight Mile precinct. . 1. ingsley precinct Mountain 1 ireeinct Oak Grove precinct Ramsey precinct ' - md ,' : < including Shaniko town Shaniko town -' South Dalle 1 part of ward 2 of The Dalles city The Dalles city (part of) Treviii piccinci, i-Din 1 >ri- in'- pari s of wards 1 and 3 of The Dalles city — *■ Valley precinct ic precinct Dalles precinct, including parts of wards 1 auu 3 of The Dalles city The Dalles city (part of) I"' • ' ■: 11 [For total, see Crook County.] Washington County.. East Butte precinct. . East Cedar precinct 32 Gales Creek precinct. . Gaston precinct'" Pittsburg precinct 17 Powwatka precinct u 1 Part annexed to Baker County in 1902. 2 County total includes population (2,721) of Bed Rock, Copper Butte, Cornu- copia, Eagle Y'i 1 ton Dyke, Pine Vallev, Sanger, and Sparta pre- cincts, annexed to Dal cr Count \ since 1900; md popnlition (2,991) of La Grande city, returned independently in 1900. » No comparison of population can be made; numerous changes made between viUe precincts in 1906. • Incorporated in 1904. • Kamela precinct organized from part of Hilgard precinct in 1! Mountain preciud North Forest Grove precinct, including part of Forest Grove city Forest Grove city (part of) Total for Fun si Gruu city hi North and South Forest Grin, precincts. . North Hillsboro precinct, including part of Hillsboro city HiHshtifi riin 1 /mrt nf) Total for Hillsboro city in North and South Hillsboro precincts " Pittsburg precinct organized from part of Imnaha precinct in 1905. is Incorporated as a city in 1908. is Leap precinct organized from part of Lostine precinct in 1905. 20 Incorporated in 1903. 21 Parts taken to form parts of Flora and Mud Creek precincts in 1903. 22 Organized 110111 t 11 1 oi m md f 1 i. Prairie p . mcts in 1903. taken to form Hood River County si: 2 ' Shaniko precinct organized from part of Ante!.. p 28 South tidies prccmci 01 pa ni/c< 1 from part of East Dalles precinct In 1907. 2'J Incorporated in 1901. so No comparison of population can be n eted between and 1900. 3i Name changed from Dairy in 1908. Name changed from East Cedar Creek in 1906. Sherwood town returned 1 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OREGON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . ietwcon 1800 and 1800, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: Washington County— Continued. Reed ville precinct South Forest Grove precinct, including part of Forest Grove city Forest Grove city (.part of) South Hillsboro precinct, including part of Hillsboro city Hillsboro city (part of) , South Tualatin precinct , Washington precinct West Bu tte precinct . West Cedar precinct, ' including Sherwood town. Sherwood town > Wheeler County Bridge Creek precinct Clarno precinct Fossil precinct, including Fossil town Lost Valley precinct Mitchell precinct, including Mitchell town. Mitchell town Mountain precinct Rock Creek precinct Shoo Fly precinct* , Spray precinct s Twickenham precinct Ward precinct Waterman precinct Winlock precinct Yamhill County Amity precinct, including Amity town Baker Creek precinct, includingpart of ward 2 of McMinn ville city McMinnville city (part of) Total for McMin Baker Creek, Fairlawn, and North and South McMinn- ville precincts Ward I WardS WardS Bellevue precinct Carlton precinct, 8 including Carlton city Carlton city Checowen precinct, 8 including part of Yamhill Yamhill city (part of) Total for Yamhill city 9 in Checowen and North Yamhill precincts i Name changed from West Cedar Creek in 1906. 2 Exclusive of population of Sherwood town. a Returned as in East Cedar Creek precinct in 1900. e 13,480 1 10,692 667 I 743 Yamhill County— Continued. Dundee precinct, including Dundee town... Dundee town East Dayton precinct, including part of Dayton city Dayton city (part of).. Total for Dayton city in East and West Dayton precincts Fairlawn precinct, Including parts of wards 1 and 2 of McMinnville city McMinnville city (part of) Grande Ronde precinct, 10 including part of Grande Ronde Indian Reservation Orande Ronde Indian Reservation (part of) .. [For total, see Polk County.] ifayette precinct, including Lafayette city Lafayette city Moores Valley precinct 8 North McMim icluding ward 3 and part of ward 2 of McMinnville city McMinnville city (-part of) North Newberg precinct, including parts of wards 1 to 3 of Newberg city. . Newberg city (part of). . . Ward 2. . WardS North Sheridan precinct, Including part of Sheridan city Sheridan cflj i North Yamhill precinct, Including part of Yam- hill city Yamhill city (part of) South McMinnville precinct, 11 including part oi ward 1 of McMinnville city McMinnville city (part of) South Newberg mi ludtng parts of South Sheridan precinct, including part of 418 370 « Returned as Waldron in 1900. & Name changed from Wagner in lyui. s County total includes population (250) of part of Grande Ronde Indian Reser- , . „ -. -.., , .-.■ ) 1,007 677 1,738 Willamina precinct, 10 including Willamina city. to form North and South Newberg precincts; and population (718) of Sheridan pre- cinct, taken to form North and South Sheridan precincts, between 1890 and 1900. 8 Moores Valley precinct organized from parts of Carlton and Checowen pre- cincts in 1905. 9 Name changed from North Yamhill in 1908. vation, returned independently in 1900. ! County total includes population (986) of Dayton precinct, taken to form East in 1905. and West Dayton precincts; population (1,268) of East Chehalem precinct, taken " Incorporated lr STATISTICS OF POPULATION— OREGON. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND ] 445 CITY OB TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OB TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Ad 205 4,275 407 175 317 5,020 9,599 586 190 144 6,742 1,803 69 281 149 386 536 77 919 904 49 364 386 761 747 240 613 1,009 250 '459 4,552 1,834 433 367 2,124 453 335 82 523 196 252 400 1,120 147 1,242 405 9,009 204 969 311 1,772 421 532 391 276 646 423 89 3,897 342 540 423 186 337 191 58 453 109 880 647 2,016 2,331 347 283 680 1,160 239 166 785 415 258 725 759 2,758 4,843 412 263 3,149 292 249 2,634 8,381 703 122 Lake 1,253 1,820 185 70 86 230 2,400 364 2,980 8,840 1,280 800 210 493 119 378 545 429 836 119 .. 957 2,260 721 2,078 455 449 467 1,248 4,287 4,460 505 250 197 207,214 348 1,042 1,359 216 334 187 4,738 742 4,872 103 14,094 295 1,121 495 1,021 115 1,588 110 '318 703 138 237 643 202 4,880 1,352 309 191 198 1,483 992 69 793 83 149 140 499 55 317 376 1,616 325 233 701 922 3,079 356 1,784 6,184 495 123 Vshl.-nn! city Jackson Clatsop 1,420 1,368 Athena city Umatilla Aurora city Marion 1,391 1,791 804 1,461 6,663 645 2,604 219 Clackamas Tillamook Clackamas 203 119 249 135 606 Washington Crook 335 537 189 530 59 ■ I '.I . Bourne town 698" 547 580 264 - ogel town Marion Tillamook Clackamas 372 345 304 945 256 145 322 311 176 534 212 Columbia Nyssatown Malheur 230 1 ' ii 1 1 ,1. 1 in v. . Douglas 368 445 3,494 4,406 343 339 .... Oregon City Clackamas Umatilla 3,062 728 246 1,819 974 494 Pendleton city 2,506 Washington 1,527 Union Multnomah 90,426 213 656 522 1,271 193 848 304 Prineville city Crook Harney Columbia Diewsey town Redmond town Dufur town Wasco 336 124 Riddle town Douglas 131 1,690 258 Roseburgclt Douglas 1,472 603 185 396 227 252 242 Columbia Multnomah 4,258 346 191 Clackamas I'Ui^'in" city 3,236 253 F ' "e 't - Multnomah 269 222 1,096 wasco..".".'..:::.. Yamhill 466 111 656 178 353 299 Washington 668 153 Washington Marlon Silverton city till 511 286 224 229 Sodaville town 66 Springfield town 371 Stanfield city Umatilla 385 245 2,290 Stayton town Marlon 324 381 Granite town M ' iss city Josephine Sherman 1,432 184 280 Grass Valley city Greenhorn town Gresham city Multnomah 3,542 834 302 3,029 Tillamook 294 270 Multnomah 82 502 240 413 Union city Union 937 127 62 243 322' 1,146 675 604 131 Washington Hood River Columbia Marion 980 766 213" vernoniatown....:.::;..:::::::: Columbia 201 ii7 Warrenton city Wasco city Clatsop Sherman Houlton town Hubbard city Independence city Polk 909 223 Waterloo town West Seaside town Clatsop 59 1 1 v town Jacksonville city 653 273 282 237 506 447 2,991 359 743 307 211 249 626 Jefferson city John Day city Clackamas 364 '365 828 254 y PENNSYLVANIA. Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MrNOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 34,319 34,496 33,486 Allegheny County— Continued. 4,583 2,124 1,7 $4 725 893 1,115 15^727 7,396 A 4,151 " 4,180 3,702 . 2,118 ~ 5,615 1,6S5 1,735 2,2AS 2,596 1,229 2,311 7,410 1,510 5,830 1,680 2,197 1,953 576 1,720 4,484 778 5,540 477 2,989 2,074 984 1,143 1,641 867 6,687 'l66 1,848 18,713 3,202 7,585 3,329 2,277 2,320 1,120 2,037 6,771 651 1,331 5,651 569 1,904 822 58 987 14,702 42,694 3,107 3,600 4,663 2,032 3,396 6,417 7,674 4,911 2,009 2,626 2,461 769 8,076 7,861 2,653 2,623 2,585 1,927 383 355 332 568 386 1,243 1,542 1,520 672 373 1,948 476 733 4,030 1,501 1,135 1,394 667 1,509 411 1,307 1,082 768 1,347 1,724 769 955 1,511 1,804 1,187 996 1,095 1,392 921 900 299 1,018,463 393 342 345 532 370 381 551 622 1,450 1,181 1,520 668 395 2,090 516 1,027 3,495 1,377 888 1,583 595 9,036 Duq nf r n /?. OT . 0Ugh .'.'.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2,426 561 954 3,221 1,955 873 2,883 630 1,598 491 1,543 1,150 1,118 1,490 651 1,831 1,552 1,244 761 991 1,139 1,866 5,886 958 5,384 527 3! 215 726 1,643 2,006 1,368 663 918 1,228 1,425 1,007 1,076 352 2 775,058 1,598 M92 585 905 1,368 1,641 1,050 1,128 340 2 551,959 905 678 1,513 772 6,320 458 2,592 4,317 1,912 901 1,501 8,230 2,301 1,366 2,656 Mil 3,134 1,697 1,437 19,357 8.025 4, 183 3,772 S,S77 739 10^009 4,960 5,049 6,117 5,250 317 3,326 4,211 5,252 1,284 1,429 l,US 1,094 616 1,231 2,130 510 12,554 804 8,212 3, 416 4,860 1,418 1,058 4,219 3,194 1,205 3,511 1,912 2,143 829 6G3 694 4,431 1,034 6,352 34,227 4,302 15,654 8,561 Ward 2 553 7,230 7,330 2,998 7,808 3,728 2,555 2,961 962 799 12,366 6,736 11,144 WardA WardS 1 Biglerville borough incorporated from part of Butler township in 1903. ■.. I'll* impulsion ii,v.::i; in r.Kin; 2,0-15 in 1890) of Sterrett town- •■■■]• :.'i.l •■. !!.;!..■, ! ii-:h. -.,,.■ . i-M" ' ' ' !l " ! " ; ; " ; '" " '" " : : ' "' I' ■:'!■ " ' "" V ' ; ""' ' ■ !' ' " ^nilii", ir.. I '"Part of Xofi ii Versailles ;.iu-ji\hip :>i Carnegie borough, and Reynoldton annexed to McKeesport city, between 1890 and a Parts taken to form Haysville borough in 1902 and p township In 1903. * Part of < ' i i t nnexedirj t of Sewickley Heights ' Parts taken to form Carrick borough in 1904 and part of Hays borough in 1901. « Part of Ross township annexed in 1907. , ■ ■ : ■ • .pi i i'i ! ' . ' ; en li I.I s Parts Mine ; borough in 1903 and 1907 and part annexed tr dgewood borough in 1905. » Incorporated from part of Upper St. Clair townshiD in 1901. io Part of Scott township annexed in 1908. n Incorporated from part of Baldwin townsl 1' Part taken to form Ingram borough in 191 ighinl901. u Incorporated from part of Springdale township In 1902. " Incorporated from part of Jefferson township in 1902. '» Heidelberg borough Incorporated from part of Collier township In 1903. (446) 2i Incorporated from part of Aleppo township in 1902. « Parts of Mifflin township annexed in J 901. 1907, and 1908. 26 Incorporated from part of Chartiers township in 1902. 2' Parts taken to form Clairton and Wilson boroughs in 1902 and 1907, respec- -srely. 28 Organized from part of Stowe township in 1902. 2» Parts taken to form Edgeworth and Leetsdale boroughs in 1904 and part of Sewickley Heights township in 1903. so Part taken to form S1 l lairb ugl i part annexed to Mount Oliver borough in 1904. 8i Part of Stowe township annexed in 1907. 82 Parts of Versailles township annexed in 1901, 1903, and 1904, and parts of North Versailles lon-nship annexed in 1903 and 1904. 88 Parts taken to form West Homestead borough in 1900, Munhall and part of Hays boroughs i 1 1 ton], Dravo.sOnre; iioruugli in 1903, iutaker borough in 1904, and parts annexed to Homestead Imrough in 1901, 1907, and 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. 447 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIV1I, DIVISION. 1910 190O 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Allegheny County— Continued. 1,526 4,241 5,185 634 11,824 3, 480 8,741 4,085 4,435 1,353 3,436 3,917 398 425 3,210 6,207 4,975 533,905 11,623 14,886 28,462 25,055 24,495 26,261 13,263 18,204 17,795 21,205 17,066 22,842 24,080 13,074 20, 141 20,833 25,213 17,994 23,482 18,648 22,506 16,716 21,799 17,854 16,037 15,291 23,580 2,349 1,978 6,042 2,024 1,235 3,129 3,812 5,640 5,737 1,371 2,295 1,449 Allegheny County— Continued. (.9) 1,959 4,995 l'3H 2,849 1,437 1,568 1,962 2,206 841 3,009 1,626 1,547 18^924 6,466 6,369 6,109 6,133 l,jL08 67,880 TutalfiiT Traljurd borumjli ■'> in AllenUenij ami 758 6,535 353 3,262 2,' 693 1,904 870 1,468 3, 619 4,882 1,147 2,323 3,101 735 2,370 3,407 658 2,601 8 451,512 2,688 1,225 747 1,678 3,402 661 221 2,173 2,932 746 2,427 11,886 Wardl 8 343, 904 4,179 Armstrong County 52,551 Ward 4 46,747 WfrAg 3,006 1,461 1,655 300 191 952 878 2,696 833 4,428 809 1,850 285 4,850 2,248 2,334 207 662 2,845 4,311 1,665 2,646 1,103 3,624 2,318 1,725 3,195 545 1,120 1,244 639 605 963 595 867 1,531 72 1,384 2,079 763 798 439 '790 452 1,135 1,384 871 589 2,775 436 2,924 Wardl 122 153 891 893 2,697 431 1,860 293 2,870 1,754 1,875 241 2,620 3,902 Ward 1 2,142 3^775 3,095 946 2,341 2,671 1,682 1,396 2,459 1,604 1,457 '453 1,089 1,070 2,941 815 1,242 2,202 3,975 3,568 2,651 2,776 Wardl.. Ward 2 2,827 1,662 169 773 5,154 8,153 1,971 8,761 417 1,100 1,999 667 8,145 7,381 7,414 2,474 2,254 2,686 230 572 656 369 1,495 69 2^289 334" 359 3,494 6,842 831 5,548 728 1,015 4,969 4,898 766 2,484 720 875 183 1,305 885 539 1,207 1,461 965 1,007 2,852 1,716 5,472 997 3,716 4,627 Thornburg borough io Won hiinrion b.ircmgh 398 246 1 Part of Lower St. Clair township annexed in 1904. 2 Incorporated from part of Mifflin township in 1901. s Part taken to form Wall borough in 1904, pai I annexed to Traflord borough in 1905, and parts annexed to L902, and to McKeesport city in 1903 and 1904. 1 Parts annexed to Aspinwall borough and Pittsburgh city in 1905 and 1909, is Part taken to form Kennedy township in 1902 and part annexed to McKees Rocks borough in 1907. is Not returned separately. Incorporated from parts of North Huntingdon and Penn townships, West- :t taken to form part of Sewickley Heights township in 1903. ixed to rraflord borough in 1905. "' ' 1 borough and Sterrctt township ? Elliott borough annexed ii inexed in 1906, Allegheny city (to which part of Spring Garden borough ' annexed in 1900) and Montooth and Sheraden boroughs annexed in 1907, West Liberty borough annexed in 1908, and parts of O'Hara and Union townships annexed in 1909. s Includes population (129,896 in 1900; 105,287 in 1890) of Allegheny city. • Part taken to form Glassport borough in 1902. 1° Thornburg borough incorporated from part of Robinson township in 1909. 11 Part taken to form Westview borough in 1905 and part annexed to Bellevue borough in 1907. 1 2 Incorporated from part of Lower St. Clair township !_ ""' 23 Parts annexed to .MY'lIiv^mrl i-li v in 1901, 1903, and 1904. 24 Incorporated from part of North Versailles township in 1904. 25 Incorporated from part of Mifflin township in 1900. 26 Incorporated from part of Ross township in 1905. ^ Incorporated trorn j tup in 1904. ".;f: -. -ii. !■• .-."i 1 ... ! i'l'i : . ■..:: 29 Parts of R il mazed in 1903, 1904, 1907, and 190S and parts of Braddock township annexed in 1903 and 1907. 30 Incorporated from part of Jefferson township in 1907. 3i Rural Valley borough incorporated from part of Cowanshannock township in 1900. id part annexed to Carnegie 13 Part taken to form Dormont borough irough in 1908. m Organized from parts of Aleppo, Leet, Ohio, and Sewickley townships in 82 West Kittanning borough incorporated from part of East Franklin township 900. 33 Johnetta borough incorporated from part of Gilpin township in 1904. ; iiiiii-i. inexed to Allegheny city iL >* Incorporated from par t ol iship in 1906. " Parts taken to form Cheswick and Springdale boroughs in 1902 and 1906, respec- tively. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.1 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVII. DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Beaver County 78,353 56,432 1 50,077 Bedford County— Continued. 590 1,261 1,164 1,040 792 706 1,574 410 1,260 830 341 1,640 1,446 194 191 203 101 1,195 314 728 1,667 1,056 491 1,781 838 255 809 183,222 482 1,394 1,242 1,195 826 1,292 469 1,441 905 312 1,830 1,663 205 218 219 102 937 312 734 1,525 1,123 484 1,958 861 226 871 159,615 1,743 5,205 2,276 1,678 SS7 1,014 601 3,456 1,246 1,U4 1,096 12, 191 2,218 2,126 2,089 1,022 2,66S 2,073 1,442 639 1,562 755 494 1,787 1,483 311 1,137 699 718 322 860 555 935 3,060 714 1,251 1,095 203 1,005 911 119 250 '588 704 331 1,244 3,376 1,04S 2,161 8,329 1,988 1,855 2,418 453 1,482 1,820 984 434 367 805 718 5,903 1,300 1,715 1,312 1,676 1,227 735 365 633 1,396 38,879 620 1,356 1,056 427 2,348 390 1,552 1,332 1,611 10,054 9,735 '612 1,347 687 527 890 1,497 409 1,177 773 571 270 '533 254 1,137 256 1,062 549 128 810 1,783 1,029 541 180 734 704 1,224 762 1,356 417 1,682 308 1,775 2,930 1,707 1,22S 2,433 840 845 1,280 111 1,394 4,422 541 1,123 874 2,745 1,394 1,359 2,301 1,128 1,173 1,891 1,066 745 2,360 2,271 758 4,006 1,941 1,007 1,914 1,536 785 3,200 626 l)243 1,010 1,737 738 96,071 S,94S 7,415 4,380 2,S69 3,250 9,156 3,936 3,364 5,504 5,054 5,769 7,114 11,957 6,830 9,468 6,558 1,316 826 1,372 381 1,929 344 1,931 2,264 (? ! m 271 172 l)031 650 259 1,346 610 664 274 218 1,111 1,213 513 297 1,447 932 618 413 2,261 1,709 946 959 1,313 1,395 5,772 651 1,028 909 2,503 978 1,470 2,315 1,436 1,418 2,008 1,494 WardS 1,095 ^6,820 1,092 5,616 Warll . '"" 1,611 1,202 800 1,328 144 2,507 1,157 l)639 1,162 2,407 1,357 New Galilee borough 327 '939 433 272 728 814 4,688 1,922 1,154 1,072 529 Patterson township ( 7 ) 2,876 Pulaski township.... g 1,196 1,012 3,649 Raccoon township ■ Wards v Wards 2,069 736 2,115 1,142 1,164 '806 78,961 Rochester township * 1,661 930. 925 491 1,040 39,468 38,614 2,235 1,208 1,027 2,114 673 3,752 311 869 996 l'l22 1,725 677 2,167 2,242 2,361 761 3,003 348 921 1,082 1,552 1,150 1,864 810 2,561 913 2,370 272 1,045 1,108 1,475 1,148 1,679 804 Cumberland Valley township Harrison township Ward 16 ' County total includes population (411) of St. Clair borough, annexed to Freedom borough between 1890 and 1900. > Ambridge borough incorporated from part of Harmony township in 1905. 3 Conway borough incorporated from part of Economy township in 1902. < East Rochester borough incorporated from part of Rochester township in 1908. > Woodlawn and South 1 [eights boroughs incorporated from parts of Hopewell township in 1908 and 1910, respectively. « Midland borough incorporated from part of Industry township in 1906. it Let'sport borough in 1901. n 1907 and 1908, respec- 10 Part of Maxatawny township annexed to Kutztowu borough in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. , between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between I890and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: i9oo, Vol. I, Table 5.] 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Berks County— Continued. 1,078 2,459 1,100 1,099 1,427 2,796 1,000 809 1 , 520 1,010 1,074 2, 004 581 1,301 985 108,858 1,727 2,475 1,240 1,212 1,916 Bradford County— Continued. 651 326 714 709 403 1,118 413 591 920 595 1,127 858 222 684 6,426 1,597 {,729 1,053 1,343 740 1,1)84 1,067 603 217 1,047 4,281 1,224 1,391 1,288 1,227 956 871 738 711 1,184 724 580 1,114 1,190 76,530 810 375 980 959 385 1,377 425 714 1,092 055 l'l74 233 868 5,243 ll .».-■- ::'-:ii \,n\ : .^\,r,,^'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. lI'lSCOIilbllKUIl.l l.»VM.ship ].cK:iy>vil!c IinhbijIi LiM^I'Ml'nuiVii'ii;.'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Monroe borough 374 1,003 941, ^;; ;';•;:;;;: ; ; -;;:!;- ljo03 542 1,764 1,006 1,737 2,544 '500 1,972 ; 1,317 989 1,194 2,173 ' 1.596 \"Mllh Tmvml.l:, loanship Rome borough Koine low ii ship 694" 1,136 1,141 85,099 1,154 1,600 900 1,215 1,267 703 203 1,302 935 1,082 2,055 52,127 4,177 6,164 3,822 4,857 6,665 8,035 3,584 6,639 3,357 3,770 1,686 1,571 2,658 2,277 1,134 1,071 1,263 1,939 1,321 917 1,507 3,734 809 5.',1 950 644 1, 056 5,285 1,309 691 587 9,730 920 380 1.337 1,903 2,458 1.315 7.176 957 946 1,082 1,300 970 1,062 859 1,056 1,523 2,129 54,526 1,841 38,973 2,850 30, 337 1,000 1,450 1,455 1.208 927 1,061 970 698 1,444 860 525 1,199 1,244 71,190 1,357 l)545 1,043 712 1,512 1,609 1,114 809 1,427 2,998 2,000 1,146 1,279 513 1,505 1,140 867 1,319 2,975 514 3|l05 613 9,256 1,967 1,684 1,451 1,736 2,418 1,992 2,269 303 3,304 1,177 966 1,161 1,854 1,171 1.113 1,851 848 '468 247 170 1,275 1,239 2,235 2,002 1,022 980 1,309 1.083 1,675 713 1,127 1,441 2,779 1,360 1,023 396 1,998 3,801 852 1,737 1,212 1,963 562 377 2,244 3,046 731 7,104 2,385 1,145 1,709 1,391 6,553 612 9,089 590 350 1,477 1,344 2,010 1,384 5,847 684 7,688 588 335 1,651 920 2,011 1,116 4,705 1,397 2,506 2,544 3,034 1,764 1,624 1,055 1,856 967 2,915 454 WardS Ward! 1,119 935 1,537 59,403 1,239 801 222 1,152 1,383 2,631 1,371 2,112 59,233 Bradford County '292 761 ' ' 8,19 900 1,230 1,562 926 142 662 1 , 637 1,646 976 450 804 1,363 375 883 3,749 163 1.433 4(i0 1,043 1,617 1,218 1,463 715 1,204 1,522 1,803 Ward ! WardS Ward /, 1,556 452 170 830 1J867 1,222 587 4,748 1,436 166 946 1,393 1.835 1,245 626 1.224 2,119 3,014 Ward 2 Richland township Richlandtown borough '285 6 Chalfont b „ ' Part of Doylesiou u low nsliip amidol l.> Pnyloslouu borough in 190.S. s incorporated from part of \Varnihi-ii;>r lowiiship in 1904. 9 Part taken to form Trumbauersville borough in 1908. 28407—12 29 450 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Taui.i: 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [For changes in boundaries, etc., beiivwn P.ioo and I'M". see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1000, see Reports of the Twelf,h Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.1 Bucks County— Continued. 8ellers\ ille borough yiheidalo borough Tully town borough Upper Malceiield km iishiji Warminsler tow nship-'... Warriuglon lownship Warwick township West Rockhill township.. . o, i ' ;. Yardley borough. Butler County.. Adams township «. Allegheny township lie,,/ /.. II«,'J:'.. Ward 4.. Ward 5 Butler township. . Callery borough « . Center township. . Clinton township.. Connoquenessing tc • ■. borough... tain iew township.. Forward township... Franklin township. . Harmony borough. . . • ■ i Jackson tow nship Jefferson township. . . Karns Cil \ , '. ,, 1 . ,,,n Muddycreek township.. Oakland township Parker township ° Penn township i'rtrolio Porough Summit township. . \'.' Osliirr. I m iow nship. . 1,212 20,728 4,047 1,121 10,853 1,131 8,734 s',m i;,2:;:, 1,591 1,297 963 113 1,021 1,005 1,433 1,455 1,712 1,814 350 546 196 190 361 ! 343 307 ; 993 448 1,013 1,247 1,200 1,287 1,342 1,147 1,508 J 1,351 254 1 238 1,395 1,087 837 963 1 639 ville borough and Mercer Zelienople borough ' Incorporated from part of Milford towns] : i p i n 1 :>i is. 2 Part taken to form Ivy land borough in 1904. 3 County total includes popnial ion (1,083) of Harr township, not relumed separately in 1890. ■I Callery borough incorporated from part of Adams township in 1900. 6 West Liber! i boioiv.'b meorporaled from pi n of bisoly township in 1903. 6 Bruin and Eau Claire boroughs incorporated from parts of Parker township n 1909. Cambria County.. Blacklick township " Casxmdia borough '■'■ . . . Chest io\\ nship <'h<\-i Spioigs borough... Ciearlii'ld township Conemnu. h lownship.... ( lesson Porough '< ! lesson lownship » ( io\ le lownship I loisvpiw n borough Ebensburg borough... Center ward East ward Westward E lder township Gallitzin borough... Gallitzin township.. Hastings borough... Jackson township " War,! 1... in,,,/:.'... ir,,,,/j... Ward .',... He ,7/o... WurdG... Ward 7... Wards... Ward')... Ward ID.. Ward it.. Ward /?.. Ward 13.. Ward I',.. Ward 15. . Ward 16.. Ward 11.. Hard /:;.. Waul l!).. Ward 10.. Ward 21.. Lilly borough... Loretto borough.. Munster township.. Patton borough . . lie,,/ ; Ward 2. . Portage borough.. Sa ikei low n borough H orolp bevel borough... :-'o',ih fork borough... Ward t. Spongier borough Sioni ereek lownship ' 8 1,100 1.069 2,284 1,226 790 634 202 508 255 1,135 1,205 778 764 246 2,765 1,270 240 2,194 915 236 4,290 405 429 2,651 400 2, 954 4,614 2, 103 816 3,01.8 2,980 1,378 1,810 2,235 920 450 2,035 4,592 2.S94 1,295 2,700 1,616 1,275 591 704 1,898 1,788 3,842 4,266 C61 602 1,160 n 1901. » Cherry Valley b uid Sankerlown boroughs incorporated from ports of ( snip in iMuu. > 5 Roxburv annexed ill 1901 , pari s of bower and Upper ships annexed' in Mind, and part of Slonyercck low nship annexed in ii"-.od in i pj ei 5 Oder town ship in 1901. 16 Part taken to form Brownstown borough in 1908 and part anno STATISTICS OF POPULATION -PENNSYLVANIA. 41 Tablk J. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890- Continued. ii boifftdartes, etc., between' 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth census: 1900, Vol. I, Tabtus.j MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Cambria County— Continued. 928 1,-110 i , 321 1*468 599 314 7,644 943 1 , 325 Center County— Continued. Potter township Rush township Snou Shoe boroiiL'.h- Slum ;-.hiM' l<>'\ 11:.! lip •• 1,471 3,763 643 2, 166 434 3,075 1,425 493 343 '754 109,213 1,765 2,430 2,"786' 497 2,921 851 564 846 300 1,270 732 95,695 1,764 'vi"'' 1 !-':'-'!';,- '°. , ;',*.;'; ; V l Vi; ;:::::::::;;:;::;::::;: 1 , 336 1 , 206 499 264 7,048 1,662 1 , 277 2,397 690 7,238 Cameron County Taylor tow nship Union tow nship. . ..... 577 820 I niii wood borough 517 2, 916 947 884 1,085 1,075 673 654 143 52,846 509 2,463 628 2,147 W'orl h township . . 840 Gibson township 822 696 568 246 1,744 44,510 948 784 907 226 1,598 38,624 540 668 398 954 723 11,014 3,326 1,606 '837 685 1,094 2, 501 613 1,211 1,277 731 l)290 ' 563 643 818 581 1,130 136 1,195 2,049 502 1,730 582 1,332 1,125 '063 659 1,975 2, 390 "'55S 656 10,743 1,574 S, iOS 7,913 1,638 1,225 813 427 2,880 571 514 1,019 192 4,017 910 685 570 1,464 690 1,056 1,093 1)009 l)261 1,057 912 725 999 973 663 1,483 404 640 917 737 5,721 2, 133 Shippi'Il 1 :>\\ Iisllip Hanks township Reaver MimiI.iw In.; iii!;li East Mauch Chunk borough 4,719 1,530 3,548 1,485 1,298 765 944 2, 336 427 SJ45 1,964 2,612 263 491 5,316 1,941 1,242 2,133 4, 131 2,378 3,952 1,311 2,101 640 4,358 717 417 4,209 774 1,929 684 840 2, 501 785 493 739 484 638 43,424 4, 113 1,378 3, 458 4,461 915 739 231 1,148 1,847 053 1.280 728 1,318 706 l)273 1,910 609 1,268 182 1,144 '607 '648 1,366 975 1,924 696 633 1,664 2,032 '608 709 9,196 2,772 l-ia.-l 15] an lyvi i:i'- township . 995 '210 2,342 1,109 KaM Siil.' boron t:h 2,040 992 4,004 242' 619 4, 629 136 565 2,959 2,507 2,501 4,029 1,726 4J101 '684 723 2.9S6 2,448 665 605 627 2,816 2,126 1'i'iin l'.ii''-'i lov. n.-liip H'ardS 914 2,471 933 2, 961 I'hi»'!;i\', iili' I'oiouvii uW/ ° Ward2 Wards 601 42,894 456 43,269 478 942 1,220 421 2, 566 Center County 493 4,1-15 1,768 1,662 715 1,215 1,565 356 500 1,135 740 1,558 1,635 1,176 562 759 667 709 674 1,226 486 1,303 626 907 856 3,585 4,216 3,946 Bonner township IJogas township 1J899 537 1,140 543 1,512 2,098 1.400 624 826 563 819 750 1.100 536 1,347 924 3.266 2,042 530 441 1,748 l'.490 748 554 910 1,244 611 1,438 714 700 1,045 978 3.245 232" 2,926 1,063 716 596 1,079 683 1,217 1,408 766 1,201 9,524 1,059 1,095 929 1,157 904 1.025 820 1,034 1,046 694 1,413 251 Center Hall borough ' ; regg township 1 iaines township Harris township I(0\\ !I'i| lOV. nship Wes1 Chester borough. .._. 8,028 West Cox'uv township West i;r,r. e borough. ._. Marion township ! 'all "ii tow nship I'l'im township West Sail-'biiry township 774 West W] itelan 1 towi ship Wards 1,382 1,308 Ward S W 1 ! 1 i - • w 1 1 i w 1 ;s h i 1 1 1.390 3 Part taken to form Cassandra borough in 1908. 452 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [l'"or clun^rs in boundaries, etc., between loan and l'UO, sir lool noli s; for those between 1X91) ami l'.'im, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: nil id, Vol. I, Table 1 ).] R CIVIL DI.VISION. Clarion County.. Ashland township. . mi) township.. Hawthorn borough ' Highland township Knox township Madison township. . New Bethlehem borough.. Paint township Perry township Porter township.. Rimer: burg borough St. Petersburg borough.. Washington township.. Clearfield County.. Beccaria township Bell township Bigler township Burnside borough . . Burnside township. Chest township Ward 1 Ward 2 WariS.. Ward 4 Coal port borough.. Cooper township... Covington township. . . Curwensville borough.. Ward t.. Ward 2.. Decatur township . . Dubois borough Wards Ward4 Ferguson township Girard township Glen Hope borough . . . Goshen township Graham township Grampian borough 'treenv.'ood tow nship.. (iulieh township Knox township Lawrence township Lumber Oity borou, Pike township. . . Pine township... Ramey borough. . Wallaceton borough . . 1,026 600 1,706 West over borough. Woodward township i Name changed from West Millville in 1903. 3 County total iivlii'les p ipulition (Oil) of West Clearfield borough, anr Clearfield borough between (N9n and 1900. a Avis borough incorporated from part of Pine Creek township in 1908. Clinton County.. Mhsoii township A \ i: borough 3 Hold !■ agle lownship. . . I'.eech Creek borough. .. township.. Beech Castanea townshi,. . Chapman township Flemington borough. . Grugan township. . Lock Haven ciiv. . . Wardl Wards Wards Ward 4 Logan township Loganton borough. . Mill Hall borough.. Noyes township . . Pine Creek township » . Curler lownship ; voovo borough East ward.. _ . Middle ward West ward South benovo borough .. Woodward ''-™ nship . . Columbia County.. Beaver township.. Benton borouj- 1 " igh. nship.. Corw iel: borough Bloomsburg town.' Briar Creelc township 4 . Catawissa borough Calawissa township.. . Center i ownship ( i uiialia borough Wardl Wards ( lowland township.. . < on- nghaui low uship. e'ehine Creel, lounshit ! daiikiin township Croon w ood. i ira nship.. Miiliin lownship Millville borough Montour township Mount Pleasant township . . < 'Mange lownship Orangey die borough Sen i lownship.. Sliliweu r borough Sugarloaf township West Berwick borough*. Crawford County.. f 'andiiidge township. . Conneautville borough. ( ussewago township lai.i ('"airfield township cast Fallow field township... Geneva borough Greenwood township.. 1,508 663 7,210 857 1,252 3,916 2,701 6,170 4,635 1,292 2,023 1,018 1,131 1,244 1,367 177 728 090 ) , 495 912 260 274 655 1,477 1,559 343 291 1,264 1,408 544 572 1,199 831 841 215 293 1,320 1,465 riarCreek township in 1902. , n 1890) of Vallonia borough, e 1900; and population (i 616in I 190) of Mead town- STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. 453 Tablk 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for thoso between 1890 and 1.900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Crawford County— Continued. 1 l\ Motown horoiigh.. lanosville borough... Mouth ille city ' Wardt Wards Ward 4 Wards North Shenango township.. Oil nook township Riceville borough... H:i, — tl :-,! ow n l.oiotojh. Sp;il iailshllrg boiollojl. . Steuben township. . Ward 4 Townville borough . . Troy township Union township Wayne township West Fallowfield township . . West Mead township West Shenango township — Cumberland County.. Camp Hill borough. . Wards WardS Ward4 Cooke township Dickinson ten i ihi] War,! I.. Ward 2.. Hard,}.. Ward 4 Ward 5 Middlesex township Monroe township Mount Holly Springs borough. . Newton township Newville borough Northward South ward North Middleton township.. Middle ward West ward Shippensburg township . . Silver SpriL ... South Middleton township.. Southampton township Upper Allen township Upper Mifflin township West Pennsboro township Wormleysburg borough 3 , 1 Vallonia borough annexed in 1904. 2 County tot: : im li des pi p tlation (1,388) of Mifflin township, taken to form Lower and Upper Mifflin townships between 1890 and 1900. s Wormleysburg borough incorporated from part of East Pennsboro township • Lemoyne borough incorporated from part of Lower Allen township in 1907. 6 Includes population (l,'.i7:;i of Carlisle Indian School, returned as in North on township ' ""' Dauphin County. . riorrysburg borough Conewago township. heist. I limine! iou nsliip. . Ward /.. II anil.. Ward J.. I'.ard I... Ward a.. Ward/:.. Hard',.. Wards Ward9 WardW Wardll IT'nrd IS Ward IS Highspire borough 8 Hummelstown borough. . . Jackson township Jefferson township 1, out lout lorry township Lower l';>\toit low nsliip.. . Lower Swatara township ,J . Lykens borough East irard West ward I.ykeiis township UHdIe I 'ax-ton township. . Middletown borough Hard I.. Ward .'. . Ward .1.. Mifflin Millersburg borough.. Penbrook borough — South Hanover township.. Steelton borough 10 township 12 ..' Uniontown borough I pper l'axion toy nsliip. \\ illiains township V do ;■■.■>.,!.. Delaware County.. .'. Ithtn Imrough \slon township hiothoi township I '.ill chain township.. Hard /.. Ward 2.. Ward.:.. Ward ;.. 4, 150 S, 799 5,047 !,„;r>:, Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward9 WardW Wardll Che-|.a' township ('lillon 1 ieiclllS 1). cli . . 1 'ollinc tale borough Colwyn borough Wards i i Darby township I 1 8 Incorporated from part of Lower Swatara township in 1903. 9 Part taken to form Highspire borough and part annexed to Steelton borough ii Parts annexed to I lorrNburg city in l"t>7 IMS, and 1910. 12 Parts annexed to Steelton borough in 1903, 1904, and 1909 and part annexed to Harrisburg city in 1910. population (7,07ti) of South Chester borough, annexed to , „nd 1900; and populati ai i l,:,2'.n of i.dh-sfone and Ridley 1907, 1908, and 1910 and part of Park boroughs and Ridley township, not returned separately in 1S90. 454 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and (900, see Reports of (lie Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Delaware County Continued, lidily stone borough Spi nigh, -Id towu.siup Su ail In ■(• hiiKMii'ii I'liornbury township. Upper Providence township.. Yeadon borough oil ■■'"',, r Jones township Millsionc ton nship. Kidgway borough... Ward 3 WardJ, Wards i ■ . , ; ■ -■ i i i i i St. Marys borough Spring Creek township. . Concord township Conneaut township Corrycity Ward I Ward 2 WardS Wardi East Springfield borough 3 . Edinboro borough Elgin borough Elk Creek township Erie city * Ward 1.. Ward >,.. WardS.. Ward 6. Fairview borough . . . Fairview township. . Franklin township. . ' irec i field township... I In i I ion-reek township Le Boeuf township. .. McKean township — \! ; . 1 ■ ? 1 1 ■ 1 .01-0 borough.. Mill Village borough. s Returned as Springfield in 1900. ' I'arl of Mi] lt-i ■■• k own ;hip> annexsd In lino el i v in l'jil?. , i i : i .,.■! ,.,:. i .■. mn ; 1,305 2,294 3,221 1,415 2,733 2,951 849 2,204 1,232 1,241 1,295 761 963 i.ii;-. 954 626 _', ;jij 2,126 2,280 1,294 1,406 1,511 857 1,001 1,432 2,074 1,687 918 1,079 1,215 1,182 1,247 1,330 207 207 195 321 320 4,994 3.891 3,279 2,672 2,068 1,538 1.110 Erie County— Continued. North East township Platea borough '■> Springfield township Ward I WardS Venango lownship \\ aslii-'glon lownship. . \\ no ! ioi.l borough V. alorlord lownship.. . Wat I -lung borough Wa> ne lownship Ward I.. Ward J.. Ward 3.. Ward .',.. WardS Wardd Ward7 (onnoil-.\ illo low nship. . Daw -on borough lumbar borough Fairchance borough. . Georges township. . Jefferson township . . Masontovvn borough .'.isnnllcn lownship Niehols, iwnship N'orth I nion lownship. . ' iliiopvf- borough ferry iow nship I'oiul I'.in ion borough. . . Smithfield borough l-'oul h ISro-.vnsville borough ] " Soulh Union lownship Ward 1 . . Ward 2. . WardS.. WardJ,.. Timor Tvron Barnett township . . I lannonv township I liotor\' lownship Kingsley township. . . Franklin County.. Antrim township t b;n"h: rsburg borough". Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Wardi Ward 5 Fannett lownship Greencastle borough 'New n.iven borougli annexed in 1909. 8 Vandcrbili borough iuroi pn rated from ini 9 Everson b.iroiiffh in^ormral.ed from out o io Name cl u Parts of township annexed in 1908. 1,457 351 1,081 167,449 6 110,412 « 80,006 2, 372 1,901 1,147 2,32? 1.552 : 1,417 865 291 3,881 4,120 3,519 12,845 7,100 5,029 1,662 1,381 13,733 10,503 1.219 1,092 1,595 931 2,817 1,008 4,295 3,478 5,154 1,208 1,311 1,656 2,360 2. 153 1,155 1.849 210 466 391 2,079 1,762 1,258 7,344 ■54,902 51,433 I! and part of Hamilton STATISTICS OF POPULATION—PENNSYLVANIA. it Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those botwoen 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Tabll 5.] Franklin County— Continued. Greene township i .'nillonl township ' I lamillon township-' l.cttorkcnrn township... Liir^an township Meiveisdmrg borough •>.. . Metal township... Montgomery low nsliip ■:. borough Orrstown borough . . Wairen tow nsliip Fulton County. . Ayr township Belfast township Bethel township Brush Creek township Dublin township Licking Creek township. . . McConnellsburg borough . . Taylor township Thompson township Todd township Greene County. . Aleppo township I wd township.. East Waynesburg borough 6 . Franklin township 6 . (livens bom borough. . Mount Morris borough... Perry township 11 ires Landing borough '. Biehliill township North ward So a Hi ward Whitely township Huntingdon County Alexandria borough Barree township Birmingham borough I !ra< 1 v t ow'iiship ' Broad Top City borough Carbon township 9 Cass low nsliip Cassville borough Clay township Coa'lmont borough Cromwell township Dublin township Dudley borough Franklin township Henderson township Hopewei 1 township Huntingdon borough Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Wardi Jackson township Juniata township Lincoln township > Parts annexed to Chambersburg borough in 1902 and 1903. « Part annexed to Chambersburg borough in 1908. 3 Mercersburg borough returned with Montgomery township in 1900, now inde- pendent. < Exclusive of population of Mercersburg borough. • Clarkesville borough incorporated from part of Morgan township in 1909. • East Waynesburg borough incorporated from part of Franklin township in 1901. ' Rices Landing borough incorporated from part of Jefferson township in 1903. 10,137 1,331 MINOR CIVII. Huntingdon County— Continued. Logan township Ma plot on borough Ma.rkdosbiirg borough Mill Creek borough » Miller township Morris township Mount Union borough Ward I Wardi orbiMMiia borough'.!!."!!!"!!"!!!"!"!! I'enn tow nsliip Pel ers I ii i rg borough . . , I'orler township Itoekhi 1 1 borough Sail il to borough Shade (lap borough Shirley lov r.hi.l.w dm Wood township Indiana County Armagh borough . . Armstrong township . Banks township Blackliek township. Blairsville borough . Wardl WardS Wards Bru.dis alley low nship Uulliugioii iow nship. Burrell township. Canoe township . . Center township. Cherryhill township Cherrytree borough Clymer borough" . Conemaugh township Creekside borough 12 Kast Mahoning towiu__ r . Last \V heal held low nship 1 lien Campbell borough. Grant township. Green township . Homer City borough Indiana borough . Ward 1 . Hard 2. WnrdS. Ward If dark -onville borough. Marion Cooler borough Meelr.iniesburg bo gli Montgomery township. North Mahoning low nsliip 1'ioe township Plumville borough Rayne township. . Saltsburs borough. Shelocta borough . . Sinirksburg borough. .Sou Ih .Mahoning low n ship Washington township" ... West Mahoning township. Young township Jefferson County Brockwayville borough. ' .... , : Clover township. Corsica borough Gaskill township. » Mill Creek borough incorporated from part of Brady t( 9 Wood township organized from •o County total includes populatio Indiana borough beiween ls'.m and 1900. " Clymer borough incorporated a .; ■ pari of Cherryhill township ir 1- Creekside borough incorporated from paid ol Y\ ashington township ii STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between istie and moo, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5. J MINOli CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Jefferson County— Continued. 1,756 1,60 J, um 1,660 1.015 1,500 325 1,316 2,007 4,7S5 1,417 1,711 1,162 575 L190 1,982 1,796 609 1,750 531 1,250 2,813 15,013 2 6,746 -- 4, 194 Lackawanna County- Continued. 3,662 1,031 2,012 619 l',078 802 783 1,301 650 '319 11,324 1,199 2, 159 2,422 1,302 788 3,454 8,505 2,300 i,227* 325 1,041 1,255 5,121 1,455 1.545 1,102 053 592 . 3,435 1,037 2, 117 380 732' 1,563 3,810 774 0,435 r C^ 16,054 236 1,024 1,360 1,031 1,362 1,228 1,347 016 L004 1,830 2,011 338 803 1,507 2,043 3,' 493 176 4,557 16,655 Ward 3 Ward 4 i,'2si' 362 5,630 1,059 North \ Mm.: Ion township Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Kiuggold low nship '. Ward6 0,180' d hip 2.806 2,140 849 235 1,290 129,807 10,962 10,529 4,161 7,969 9,322 894' 213 1,255 102,026 l; oar in.'. Iln.ok low nship Scott, township 650 Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 ■■-■ Ward5 Ward 703 1.009 447 1,117 1,177 1,011 885 535 728 531 203 048 1.267 1,417 259,570 895 1,133 ' 850 503 1,208 953 1,204 '817 540 7S2 001 273 1,442 1,392 5 193,331 932 1,144 1,755 509 1,221 877 1,270 1,092 519 .935 097 291 1,370 1,490 5 142,088 2,490 5,675 5,524 . 5, 557 3, 376 4,294 6,122 S,649 6,831 2, 729 9,222 7,705 2,612 1,987 439 9,060 1,903 1,119 1,593 1,400 923 2,062 5,133 985 515 216 5,280 694 2,194 2,392 167,029 Ward8 Ward 9 Ward 12 Tnsrarora township 1,612 458 4,215 Lackawanna County Sprin - Bi i. i.: ■ i> ■!:• Taylor borough » 756 7,194 4, m 1,006 '807 5. 345 i,m 1,802 17,040 3, S70 !?, 102 2,827 2. 4*3 l',635 203 9, 331 3. 702 2,008 3,531 17, 015 4,433 4,209 3.338 442 603 4,500 379 4,353 319 84 590 633 3,158 1,094 913 1,151 2,756 258 119 640 5,396 4,032 i,'024' 3,915 1,052 2,452 2,204 705 489 219 3,425 'i3,S36" 10,233 159,241 1,440 200 794 0S1 4,948 1,784 172 884 675 1,093 1,687 1 , 465 934 1.635 1,326 11,454 1,311 927 1.213 1,622 1.471 1,408 '936 1,2L6 1,593 1 , 084 933 1,118 2,280 2,259 2,972 ?! 487 597 653 1,154 1,834 1 . 406 828 1,031 1 , 559 12,310 3, 110 Clay to., nship ('oloraio i.,.,.. i! ,':ip . 1 , 558 12,583 8,315 444 2,404 307 93 681 750 2,567 443 1.154 290 141 673 696 2,650 1,787 1.639 1.358 2,327 2,921 3,275 1,270 3,360 3.108 5,623 274 129 1,242 8,061 253 146 1,257 East Prui township Ma-lison township ' Ea ,1 llc-ipti-M ■ ■■■■..■' ■■!;> 3,154 e changed from Punxsutawney in 1907. Clayville borough annexed n Falls Creek borough in 11)00. • County total.; include population (15 in 1911O; ■l.l'.'Jin 1S90) of Old Forge town- ship, annexed to Taylor borough since 1900. » Parts annexed to Taylor borough and Scran toncityin 1901 and 1904,respectively . ' Moscow Mirou :h iiv-o - Pail of Lackawanna 1 9 Old Forge township ai n Terre Hill borough in 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION --PENNSY I ,VANI A. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR- CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1010, 1900, AM) 1X90 Continued. [For Changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 111 Ml. see footnotes; for llioso lirlv oon I sou Mini II see I : !■ pi it Is of II)'- TwollMi ( 'rii :ii:,; I'.inii, \ ol. I, I mIiI'' . "C^^, 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION 1910 1900 1890 Lancaster County— Continued. 2, 595 002 920 2, 587 3, 192 2,505 1,521 47, 227 1,07S 8,665 S.'i'l? 2,519 750 937 1,473 2,451 2,390 1,674 41,459 2, 603 1 . 229 1,012 1,218 :v_\'oil Lawrence County -Continued. 2, 425 1,347 551 1.228 2,626 980 503 2,910 870 59,505 2,806 1 , 420 2,004 1,548 Washingloiitown 'hip! [V^'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. avne i unmip" Lebanon County i^;; 1 ;;;: 1 ;:,^;:'!;""':^:::::::::::::::::::::: 571 2,055 120 816 480 3,108 53,827 1,371 1,445 Oaneaster'cliV. '.''. '..'." Ward /..' 534 1 , 737 inns » 48,131 8. 736 y,m 5,979 2,195 1,998 2,082 ■1, 202 7A0 1,040 422 3,750 4,597 2.079 669 778 2,108 2, 100 1,039 2,222 1, 100 2,319 2,157 1,240 1,512 739 3.42! 909 3,557 885 277 317 291 '882 2. 233 4,011 245 315 2,140 1,254 2,205 2,020 1,927 70,032 \\!' rd ,^ 1,'geo 1 ', 31 5 2,239 1,244 Q03 19,240 2,'i05' 1,539 2,'370 3,820 571 17,628 2^274 | ,!.';.' : .''i' 11 ; , , n , ',i',' i ' 1,782 2,122 1 \ 454 2,019 1,177 L494 ■1, 0711 ('oriin nil township Easl Hi vi' I..", h ! 'i ... Heidelberg tow n..iiip. . . . .loin'-low n burn!' !i . 2, 1ST I 1 i i .| 1 , 1 l '. , , l : :, l i ", ,i .; i . , l : , y," 3,830 Ward* Wards 3,111 4, 766 2I4O2 1,896 2.203 L_'l 1 1.787 70S 3,538 1,364 1 , 559 703 1,093 118,832 2,'8li' 2,578 1.585 J, Olid 1,909 2', 405 1,831 2,018 1,828 1,848 North 1. 'hi in in township North Londonderry tov, n lno . . . 2, 252 2,258 l.Si 2,882 1,117 1,041 1.599 1,140 93,893 902 2, 128 1,261 1,080 565 3,342 1.023 3.548 2.008 2,216 1,299 1,856 3,608 3! 751 918 51,913 4. 125 3.622 2, 531 2, 100 5.077 3,566 7.168 4.260 7, 290 4,!)H7 1.874 1.857 4,472 12,837 1,384 2.SS9 1,863 2.729 1.615 1,703 1,164 5, 250 2,022 2,436 792 2,670 3! 907 1, 238 ii.'bsb 2,178 3,580 1,73.', 1,309 1.4U 35, 116 1,748 1,872 2,130 3,501 577 3! 153 562 Ward 7 2, 255 1,341 2,275 3,002 1,870 57,04.2 2, 238 1,295 2, 267 3,704 1,847 -37,517 3,405 10, 758 Total fit: i'.ni,!,h:m hiuuvvh in Lthigii and Northampton 1 'ouniits 9, 521 1,287 3,902 1,610 1.225 354 l,'l91 056 L213 36,280 1,488 2,243 1,047 305 855 023 2,617 2^079 2s) 339 11,' GOO ' :il ^ l i ^' / ib " r " i - l:H - ;:;;;;:;: 3,963 3.704 Hazel Poll iiorough " ■ 1 ii'K-ni v l.iv. usiiip. : j j; ■■. , ;': 1 """ 1 ' -•- 556 1,581 1,408 1,214 3,324 1,411 L233 715 "'692 3.280 3i 773 Lynn township. . '.'. '.'. '.'.'. '. '.'. '.'. V. '.'. '.'. '.'. 1 1 11 1 11 ip .'..'.'.'..'...'.. ''' Ward /."..°!... "V/"///////""/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Ward 2 Ward 3 Wards 4,384 1.437 %£** 5.458 4,068 2,881 4,288 6, 393 758 2.377 899 Ward8 yew V'illmington borough Xorlh Heaver township Perry township i 'in ill ( iroee In ■'.'.' nsliip Pulaski township Scott township 2.245 847 1 . 007 845 2, IS 644 2,847 4.100 2, 710 1 Returned as Marticville - Ini-orpiiriile'l from part c_. 3 Incorporated from part of K lleinpiii'M .lie borough in 13 s Counly total ineliules poi illation Vow Castle cilv between 1800 and ,; III '. I P ■!! 1. irougli i no up. .I';", l-.l i in 1907. and part annexed to Columbia st New Castle borough, annexed rom pari of Wavn ' lownshipin 1901. lexi'd lo Now Castle city in 1900. porated from part of Shenango township it 'Cniinlvl .1 "I iio'lit'los populalion ■ 2.070 of Londonderry townshi] n North and South Londonderry townships between 1890 and 1900 ■o Vnm ill" township oi-:';mi."- in lbyO) of Clarks- ville borough and Pymatuning township, not returned separately. 1 -I., .soil 1, S' ; , ,! ' ^■::::::::::::::::::::i: ,.j: M . Men ill, oi Snvtll Mill (', eel; aid .. owns slli'li.'. ','!'■;,' :.■ tov *.„....... niter free l'errv low; I'in, loun l'\'i>'.in:ni! ,-al-in .,.« Siteh In- S.mdv led, ish'ip".".'.*!'.".!"!!!!"."!!!""" Ward. 1 46,863 l.iss 10,514 ';■;:-;'; .v_'% 2,944 2, 119 2, 877 1,773 1,090 1,913 ] -771 1,694 2,174 936 978 1,109 1,185 1 , 043 2, 429 1 , 972 1 , 853 1,230 598 1,057 948 1,8)7 1 , 020 1.701 1,454 1,150 1,959 77,699 '57.387 I 55,744 .'it; 220 ( 5 ) 9 4.814 3.074 H 1,599 1,100 33 ,:■: 4.865 984 951 3, 639 1,226 269 276 834 232 819 923 9S2 754 751 937 003 081 885 537 007 2,026 1,804 2.13S 617 714 821 164 185 263 566 1 043 720 369 ! 428 488 845 1 970 1,125 2,139 1.909 1,846 1,828 ( 5 ) 470 1 499 540 505 017 074 039 632 1,012 1,118 5.270 8,916 7,459 S,725 3.21.1 S.SSo ■ 460 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes iu boundaries, etc., betwoen 19U0 and 1910, see footnotes; for thoso between 1S90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twolfth Census: 1990, Vol. I, Table 5.J MINOli CIVIL DIVISION. Mercer County— Continued. sharpsville borough Springfield township Sioueboio borough Sugar Grove township V. rs| Middlesex borough. West Salem township \\ heallaud borough \\ ihningion township Wolf Creek township Worth township Mifflin County Derry township Granville township. Lewistown borough Ward 1 . Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Wards McVeytown borough Menno township. Jackson township.. Middle Smithfield tc Paradise township. . Pocono township... Polk township Sm i i hlield lownsliip . . Slroiid tnwiismp Slroiidsbin g borough . . Tobyhanna township. . Tnnkhannoek townshi] Montgomery County.. binglon lownship Lndgepurl borough . . Colleg.'ville borough Conshohoeken borough . . Ward 1 Ward2 Wards WardJ, WardB Douglass lownsliip Lasl Greenville borough . . Last Nornlon lownsliip*. Lranoonia lownship 3,800 3 ," 007 " m 8 'r,''t i% 4,740 7,480 5,470 1,(128 1 , 235 1 , f!50 894 1,057 539 R CIVIL DIVISION. Montgomery County— Continued. Jenl.illmw II boKMIL'h... Wind 1 Ward2 Ward 3 l-aiisilalo borough Limerick township Lower Gwynedd township ... Lower Merion township Lower i'ottsgrove township.. Lower Providence township.. Lower Salford township Moreland tc Narberth borough New Hanover tow nsli ij> . . Xoi risiow n borough 6 II « nil. Ward :?. Ward 3.. Ward J,.. Ward 6.. Ward 6.. Ward ;.. WardlO Ward 11 \oi 111 \\ all's boi'oueli.. Plymouth township. . Pottstown borough. . . I.BAB 1,312 1,380 1,678 1,340 1,547 2, 29o 1,421 064 879 3,073 488 1,423 550 612 722 381 1,277 1,875 2,994 1,160 2,936 1,516 1,644 3,910 2.827 773 2,202 6.37 790 775 812 1,507 3,359 1,528 1,433 14,868 512 2,607 789 1,248 1,077 2,400 1,095 324 1,933 1,328 1,997 3,480 450 2,574 876 1,958 1,360 Spriieo'icld township 1,892 ( 5 ) 1,869 534 3,350 1,442 1.397 15,526 ( 5 ) W e-i I'elforu boiough Win nana! di iow uship L565 15,645 Anthony township 815 320 7,517 1,951 1,400 t,4AS 1,714 051 562 2,781 215 659 183 283 905 339 8, 042 962 680 989 020 2,319 242 831 212 347 i ibeil v township Limestone iov nship 1,081 198 v. a iiinaioni ille borough 171 390 n part of Hickory tow fjpper, an 1 West Potl Igrove townships, r.dmT ail 1 popul ilion (•>:; >7 iii IX. rj} of Uwvnedd t Uppsr Gwynedd townships between 1890 and 1 s Led Hill borough ineorpoi ab'd from part of Upper Hanover township in STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. 461 Table 1.— POPULATION OF .MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890- Continued. (For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 101 C, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and WOO, see Reports Of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. 1, Table:,. I MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 127,667 99,687 i 84,220 Northumberland. County— Continued. 7, 400 974 1,104 2,053 1,664 1,665 3,370 3,946 5,644 4,673 0,700 3,517 1,200 1,394 923 1,247 1,180 429 1,009 882 i,T42 2,621 1,323 4,632 2,419 1,414 839 1,178 1,127 1,304 288 13,770 1,145 1,653 ~l',148 1,756 1 , 242 1,290 1,623 703 365 1,001 782 1,950. 915 1,055 443 1,065 2,428 24,136 0,175 822 5, 309 i,m 1,075 1,593 1,433 1,057 8, 305 1 ', 50 1 l!l86 28,523 1,653 1,823 2,957 3,267 2, 287 4,262 1,302 2, 730 2,162 1,533 1,132 807 823 403 915 3,175 1,890 3, 855 2,357 3,978 1,420 2,030 8,729 1,304 i445 1,037 3,059 3, 967 1,843 2,453 649 19,973 3,110 3, 170 3,878 5,806 4,009 426 512 2, 857 1,605 1,039 3,532 1,648 832 111,420 0,541 4,100 3,474 2,509 731 7, 293 3,090 1,586 1,137 25,238 723 6, 702 2,397 1,644 392 1,101 804 14,481 Miami Caiaiu'l horongh 13,179 8,254 'i,' i i : ! l | '\ i ii!',,''r!wi'i : i'iii» 4,321 2,748 2,744 !■.■!, I Bangor boiough 703 1,104 418 1,053 882 18,202 14,403 '596 704 3,709 1,335 1,034 4,141 2,293 2,304 ;:::::;:!::! :::::::::::: 2," 051" 2,784 2, 042" 490 13, 241 200" 2,446 730 1,189 615 907 440 708 3,570 1,322 930 3,913 2,544 1,318 ::::::::::: ::::::::::: 2," 396 2,108 2,"521 676 1,400 276 9,810 5,930 Ward6 Ward8 757 390 803 891 775 2, 157 373 1,076 1,746 1,355 Ward 1 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Tatamy borough 3,106 550 326 762 479 1.053 912 1,474 754 322 756 794 252 596 628 1,344 1,093 417 549 135 2,009 1,015 990 554 1,405 1,179 702 326 772 576 1,213 1,040 1,661 802 338 981 878 653 678 1,508 1,463 580 555 171 1,734 955 1,380 080 1,490 1,280 852 Hull a In tow a 'nil .... 2,014 1,000 1,819 711 90,911 2,523 2,676 12 74,698 318 821 16, 105 1,517 1,013 528 473 620 673 873 928 349 732 1,507 209 1,362 12, 473 1,581 805 492 479 8,616 1,864 1 i i eron inwii hip Fa-' ( "a illisquaquc township 356 594 Jackson township >- ; 1,277 886 1,030 697 1,653 208 1,046 914 1,151 327 830 1,750 262 Newpoi i bo gli I'enn township. . Bye township S. 1 villi? township 1,905 710 1.542 1,340 851 Lower Augusta township Lower Mahanoy township . ! ■ . 1 . 1 ■' 1 .,■■.,., Toboyne township 1 County total includes population (5,016) of South Easton horough, annexed to Easton city between 1890 and 1900. 2 Farts taken to form Northampton and North Catasauqua boroughs in 1902 and •Northampton Heights borough incorporated from part of Lower Saucon town- li > Incorporated from pari of Forks lownship in 1900. 8 Incorporated from pari of Mian (own-hip in 1907. 9 Incorporated as Alliance iinromdi from pan of Allen township in 1902. Name changed ir in ™» 10 Inco , Fart annexed to E .. _ '- Coimiv total hi'tud->- population t 1,034) of Cameron township, taken to form it and West Cameron townsnios; and population (1,007) of Chillisquaque town- ■t Chillisquanne townships, between 1890 and 1900. ,i porated from part of Jackson township in 1902. gh ineorporaled from part of }Jount Carmel township i! East and VT 462 STATISTICS OF POPULATION PENNSYLVANIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes Jo beundarteSj Bto., between 1900 and L01Q, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of tho Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Tat MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Perry County— Continued. 595 1,397 377 GUI 1,549,008 747 1,447 407 712 1,293,697 762 1,562 396 779 1,046,964 Potter County— Continued. 504 463 255 447 l!046 1,598 717 278 655 487 1,074 872 508 207,894 1,584 537 270 l|l27 1,443 V\ nits township. . . '528 577 891 1,022 844 < 172,927 483 1,549,008 47, 712 40,536 25, 747 17,006 6,374 27,425 5,071 19,426 11,619 15, 152 19,477 47,273 16,175 n, m 27, 134 52,283 45,356 35,406 70,245 32, 133 54,370 42,510 54,842 49, 242 30,217 29,209 30,863 40,293 49,575 10,484 61,379 23,110 48,939 54,393 41,820 15,640 23,610 43,260 39,449 26,234 38,459 SO, 002 3,033 1,293,697 1,046,964 wZH "."'." Wards 6,855 1,411 1,364 1,401 1,599 1,080 921 2^405 1,559 3,900 4,579 5,154 2,451 1,333 1,370 1,837 921 916 1,540 1,159 694 2,578 1,201 801 3,118 1,208 1,160 750 905 5,401 2,361 1,155 4|396 1,659 1,935 802 1,185 2,727 987 1,839 268 3,389 6,256 15,936 5,606 2,369 1,434 1,640 4,888 1,100 7,240 3,152 1,237 1,538 1,313 335 1,554 2,512 266 2,035 1,156 1,167 1,801 1,873 917 956 1,352 2,995 2,678 491 3,387 20,236 2,153 um 3,176 3,543 4,900 2,979 1,741 6,438 845 1,080 1,749 1,250 2,642 1,738 1,278 '586 2,553 1,168 2,594 2,520 933 4,373 3,666 1,165 2,177 932 2,692 244 2, 122 6,214 13,504 8,766 9,412 Iliihlc\ township 968 375 550 427 893 1,193 668 158 562 545 352 29,729 721 481 1,022 1,259 658 351 799 491 1,114 1,547 742 Ward 3 638 53 701 1,731 30,621 793 158 810 1,558 22,778 Middleport boiough 540 4,815 Ward 2 252 1,300 1,326 228 2,163 1,242 770 1,518 1,707 1,317 240 706 675 2,941 748 259 3,100 1,463 1,637 1,218 4,027 1,700 2, 3m 980 '658 817 176 714 579 382 928 2,300 911 414 3,217 636 '877 290 1,530 1,290 1,084 2,534 2,168 478 2,890 15,710 1,215 2,415 1,268 1,976 1 ) 826 915 1,134 784 619 910 1,784 876 1,180 891 382 459 Harrison township Hebron township o unship ' ■ ... Ward 7 1 Matamoras borough incorporated from part of West full township in I'.kj.j. '< Oswavo t>or< 1 ii'-' 1 1 i 1 iron km :i l"i I I ro 1 11 purl of < >-v, s vd Imvriship in 1901. » Shingle House borough incorporated from part of Sharon township in 1902. ); 916 in 1890) of Yorkville bor- 6 Yorkville borough annexed in 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. 463 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . rehtmges In boundaries, etc., between i«oo and 1910, sou footnotes; tor those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports ol the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. 1 MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MI N OK CIVILLY, 1910 1900 1890 Schuylkill County—Continued. 258 2,115 723 1,343 730 6,455 1,772 2,118 B,S65 4J747 1,808 1,277 1,S0S 25,774 6,827 1,697 4,1SS '676 9,462 2,661 1,866 2,672 2,264 2) 067 1,218 849 695 1,087 795 511 1,342 1,422 1,023 5,230 2,134 16,800 2,938 1,266 2,648 1,715 Somerset County— Continued. 2, 612 4,318 465 1,758 355 3, 000 1,079 338 193 8,013 J,, 050 3,963 11,293 1,834 3,324 404 1,824 306 2,805 '423 158 SomcrsH township '719 4,038 1,264 706 715 3,654 530 3,088 12,134 20,321 15,944 Cherry township 2,816 1,998 1,464 813 184 847 633 109 059 558 245 568 399 37,746 2,703 1,926 1,714 884 312 975 813 152 538 442 465 524 40,043 785 7,267 876 6,054 2, 167 1,947 2,064 740 1,642 785 542 1,338 1,450 1,158 4,864 2,292 17,304 771 1,310 732 569 l|533 4)743 2, 256 17,651 307 520 1,432 1,130 954 344 961 861 150 5,749 2,698 3,061 619 527 103 925 815 1,538 1,230 604 537 364 793 504 771 614 1,109 632 156 519 1,914 617 567 730 654 1,110 915 414 975 582 1,021 '910 778 1,114 676 322 450 355 42,829 396 650 1,669 1,305 984 366 1,134 847 159 4,279 667 809 899 914 1,328 677 531 768 1,315 1,119 1,024 1,473 1,049 1,095 1,238 1,190 704 67,717 707 832 1,030 1,087 1,286 719 513 734 1,215 1,263 1,150 1,326 1,123 1,109 1,412 1,038 700 49,461 036 858 1,060 1,219 '730 420 750 1,279 1,201 1,287 1,315 1,208 1,233 1,500 999 752 37,317 787 110 963 836 1,000 1,404 1,488 1,008 620 326 849 596 821 735 1,304 785 213 665 1,827 Lenox township. .... 1,847 796 1,336 1,113 1,878 • 3,117 890 2,651 556 848 717 990 852 4,130 109 641 910 923 '728 785 106 656 999 3,140 2,406 1,300 885 1,211 180 1,296 970 249 1,030 843 1,400 1,403 912 738 715 1,206 1,003 542 1,105 673 1,088 3,813 1, 931 150 1,585 2,982 565 488 849 1,637 96 784 870 3,024 702 835 201 105 705 1,704 Oakland township Rush township 1,529 444 1,902 Springville township Ward 1 Ward 2 619 866 1,099 95 735 309 480 351 « 49,086 933 1,847 660 859 185 104 784 151 « 62,313 2,035 2,303 003 1,041 843 971 340 878 736 2,493 1,343 453 1,175 3,231 2,423 862 1,781 1,046 1,119 450 1,067 964 2,919 1,467 630 1,109 1,208 6,835 1,376 685 1,289 178 1,451 1,453 553 1,299 883 3,081 So rfield borough Kll. hi id borough 1,006 ' Part taken to form Coaldale borough in 1906. 1 Ringtown borough incorporated from part of Union township in 1909. 3 Boswell borough incorporated from part of Jenner township in 1904. • Paint and Windb er boroughs Incorporated from parts of Paint township in 1900. • Part of Laporte borough annexed to Laporte township in 1907. « County totals include population (215 in 1900; 211 in 1890) of ™ ~ annexed to Rutland township since 1900. 464 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For plumbs in boundaries, ok-., between bmo and l'.UO, soe footnotes; for thoso between l«9u and 1900, see Ileports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Tables.] —«■-«. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Tioga County— Continued 172 689 793 2,402 1,310 840 819 549 253 1,073 1,045 1,280 1,039 448 591 1,302 083 1,030 1,309 208 3,183 1,694 1,489 1,207 940 16,249 825 1,187 2,375 1,704 679 1,017 441 Venango County— Continued. 387 1,025 '648 1,097 858 1,010 3,903 265 270 495 39,573 1,134 1,745 516 847 1,047 783 2,835 208 272 329 38,946 890 1,300 2,209 1,591 862 1,000 486 203 1,254 1,847 1,549 1,811 542 00 093 1,490 838 1,290 524 1,251 1,586 2, 954 1,755 1,702 1,658 1,849 540 Warren County 37,585 838 1,040 800 732 1,405 557 1,424 1,870 442 2,901 221 1,052 214 933 340 872 2,891 402 558 770 583 77 873 1,018 1,894 290 517 408 1,215 1,246 1,258 563 3,520 709 '459 1,085 1,324 531 11,080 1,862 978 1,120 1,848 1,525 1,917 710 1,620 1,400 143,680 275 *440 1,092 334 905 2,710 646 711 964 814 81 982 1,187 1,712 '362 1,490 1,424 1,481 749 2,580 959 1,351 511 1,259 1,237 737 8,043 bl'tkell.MiaW 1. oV, Ii-'ilip 1,062 Eldred town ■■■;• L-: 1 1-: lownsl 'P. im-luding Cornplanter Indian Reser ration 1,720 1,180 1,115 17,592 1,128 1,261 17,820 941 1,027 1,117 839 100 1,305 1,127 700 3,081 1,352 761 730 1,559 797 527 045 913 56,359 1,718 1,144 896 237 1,047 1,080 890 3,457 1,694 1,107 904 201 1,712 1,108 1,017 3,248 2,202 864 1,430 844 1,417 016 656 1,092 * 49,648 017 l!907 * 46,640 836 8 92,181 1,071 1,010 335 181 2^770 1,110 9,707 4,061 3,188 2,518 1,027 1,278 592 568 820 15/657 2,255 1,097 1,432 2,401 1,632 1,617 1,494 2,776 1,153 577 1,132 702 923 2,000 405 1,225 916 243 1,200 3,321 1,190 7,317 530 959 1,246 835 253 290 2, 457 3,275 o!221 Allen townshi 1,014 1,816 407 1,922 600 910 1,268. 2,230 3,891 2,298 1,693 2,657 5,242 4,395 1,413 9,615 4,721 1,045 816 1,302 1,364 477 1,558 8,174 1,929 1,031 3,408 1,300 944 1,677 1,848 613 687 1,040 961 2,009 2,714 bin ;vM stown borough 1,024 943 '854 574 1,029 13,204 ( 5 ) 1,396 843 602 1 . 003 10,932 West ward 2,177 2,626 3,771 746 5,930 2,141 856 742 2,285 1,041 856 428 1,424 1,568 1,255 071 1,017 1,037 852 1 , 234 928 1,042 CO 790 1,185 2,071 1,051 850 Polk borough bhu borough "• ''il in 1908. bar! bikcn 1o form Fall Brook borough ill 1909. Is inr-lude population (92 in 1900; 106 i annexed to township and Polk borough it: returned separably. County total im-hides population (1.6.>4> of Ft -nklin township, taken to form Nora and Sooth. Frarb-lin 1 >wu:imts ami parts of South and West Washington boroughs between ISOOand 1900. 10 Part annexe:; to Washington borough in 1902. a Donora borough incorpoi-dc-d ( pan oi 1 an oil township in 1901. i 2 Part of West 1'ikv bun township annexed in 1903. " Part taken to form part of Houston borough in 1901. 14 Incorporated from pans of Somerset and West Bethlehem t< 1 5 Part annexed to West Brownsville borough in 1908. ington boroughs, annexed to Washington borough s STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table J.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Washington County— Continued. 2,084 1,206 1,389 793 1,411 893 273 2,543 1,363 941 7,598 2,600 2,526 2,472 920 l|008 876 1,950 852 1,654 2,196 1,450 4,225 1,048 1,697 607 2,237 761 468 3,721 18,778 1,506 2,964 1,506 1,727 2,190 4,084 S,129 426 2, 036 1,206 274 2,056 29,236 Westmoreland County 231,304 ' 2 160,175 300 3,133 1,818 683 1,262 '618 409 1,201 2,954 875 1,220 859 11,002 147 1,231 10, 126 1,852 1,774 4,279 13,012 2J76 1,710 1,018 1,805 2,265 1,231 1,761 847 16,926 315 2,376 1,425 1,449 1,297 1.6S0 8,777 1,878 1,403 1,654 1,773 1,132 937 1,575 3,596 124 1,598 989 813 421 1,039 11,775 4,505 4,856 2,414 5,812 1,613 2,001 $,198 12,997 505 717 7,707 3,S62 2,558 1,787 424 1,522 ' 7,800 646 2,578 1,048 7,650 7,974 725 4,075 184 3,175 1,426 630 790 486 674 1,175 2,347 801 447 1,753 602 1,084 1,757 788 Arona borough A vonmore borough 772 776 273 2,475 899 825 Bolivar borough 410 Cook township 1,226 1,698 Ill c 5,173 4,096 wardi .;//.;:::::::::::::;:::::::::: 9,495 157 1,341 10,587 7,163 163 1,319 8,109 WardS WardS Morris township 1,000 1,551 425 880 1,278 1,179 1,596 2,087 1,354 1,484 1,130 610 1,333 369 731 136 3,109 7,670 1,076 1,487 Mount Pleasant township North Charleroi borough 1,805 2,719 6,508 1,757 1,754 1,492 1,087 1,225 1,820 Greensburg borough is Wardl Ward 2 WardS 1,592 1,273 Ward 4 WardS South Canonsburg borough Ward 6 South Franklin township 3,' 079 Ward 8 9,256 312 2,452 5,865 3,621 7,063 Wardl WardS Ward 6 4,014 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 West \ lexander borough 462 1,794 742 1,352 241 860 30,171 444 1,890 735 1,525 235 898 31,010 ■ , 1,-h .■: i , ■ ,• !, ,, '■ West Brownsville borough '« 1,259 2,934 175 1,019 707 2,790 I .ovalbumin town , hip 930 1,035 130 818 660 1,176 2,287 647 2,018 2,945 1,188 446 547 965 1,424 722 1,331 263 1,101 803 976 381 586 4,443 412 1,100 130 1,082 485 677 954 2,408 720 1,925 2,864 '548 1,190 '410 757 522 1,464 258 1,281 1,101 1,039 404 672 3,951 432 1,005 134 1,087 496 673 863 2,442 712 654 1,968 2,816 1,189 541 355 1J640 452 588 1,317 269 1,416 1,147 1,067 431 710 4,409 438 Madisun borough 684 2,197 201 Damascus township 4.745 Dreher township Dy berry township Hawlev borough Honesdale borough Lake township Mount Pleasant township New Alexandria borough 10,228 304 800 4,665 7,788 338 Lehigh township Manchester township New Kensington borough Ward 1 Ward2 381 810 7,438 403 1,791 763 5,321 6,231 1,122 2,587 7,125 Waymart borough S;ll(>m i,.w tisliip 2,395 1 Incorporated from part of Somerset township in 1900. ' Incorporated from parts of Chartiers and North Strabane tovi ashipsin 1901. a Incorporated from part of West Bethlehem township in 1910. •Midway borough hii-m p< »r :! I ,-•< 1 from pai I - ...[ CoIhumjU: n Parts taken to form Marianna borough in 1910 and part of Cokeburg borough n 1906. 10 Part of East Pike Run township annexed in 1908. 1890) of Ludwick borough and population i l,i;:u in pimp of falsi ami Saut hea^i i ; iv<"iO, U rg boroughs, annexed to Greensburg nnroiigb since 1000; and population (v.i; in pain oi Hill borough, annexed lo (irccn-hurg b'oioiigh bet ween 1890 and 1900. 13 EastVamlei gi ih borough ineorporale.1 irompartof Allegheny township in 1901. 11 Part annexed to Latrobe borough in 1900. 1 ' i .1 'I ' ,'■■:, h'U-.. i .0:1 V I i. old ■'. il , ■ M ' M ■■. : ' 1905. ^ Part taken to form Youngwood borough in 1902. » Parts of Derry and Unity townships annexed in 1900. 18 McMahan borough ineoi poiui I i'ioih part of Rostraver township in 1904. 19 Part taken to form part of Tralford borough in 1904. 20 Part taken to form Seward borough in 1904. G STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. T.\m i: 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Oontiraied. [For ctiangtvs in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, sec footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Fawn Grove borough 3 Smithton borough incorporated from part of South Huntingdon i in 1901. ' .' ■ ' ,' •• i -...;' i '.ii " I '■ I ■ .'loll :."'! IV, 111 In.VI J|i[is I! * Part annexed to Launij? Iioroiixliin I 1 Youngstown borough. ___ ve of population (453, Unity township, returned in 1900 ' I I' I 1 II' '!• ' ',..:;. ' . .Mi ' \ I ,1 ' , ! I ',,11, .'I' " I (.Lilian) |,:)>oll';,l in,-., I ; Ml' .1 I c-.i in, -u pari of I I Clio In low n--.'iio il "Part annexed to STorl cityinl900. " Part taken to form w es1 5 nils borough in 1901 and parts annexed to York city in 1900 and 1909. - in, .,. ,- -i ii,-, i i -,. i ni ,\ :-.-, linn : .. ic, iw-, i ■ . . ; 1 1 1 in ini.i-i h Windsor borough incorporated ' 16 Part of Spring Garden townshi] township annexed in 1900 and 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION -PENNSYLVANIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 467 Akron borough.. Alba borough Albion borough.. Ambler borough.. Al>l><'\\old borough.. Archbald.borough. . Arendlsvilie borough.. Ashland.borough. . . t 6 Ashley borough Ashville borough Aspinwall borough.. Atglen borough Athens borough Avalon borough.. Baden borough... Bangor borough Barnesboro borough... i::n h borough i i\ i Ui idow borough.. Bellwood borough... n Avon borough ndersville borough... nson borough Berwick borough Bethany borough Bethlehem borough. . Big Run borough BiglervlUe borough... iiiuJi.l.ioro borough... i-u m:n sham borough.. Blain borough blub -Mile borough ! ;J;i :-ol\- borough Bloomfield borough Westmoreland . . Lancaster Lancaster Bradford Montgomery . . Beaver Armstrong Adams Indiana Westmoreland.. Westmoreland.. Schuylkill Luzerne Allegheny Clinton Luzerne Chester Westmoreland.. Beaver Northampton.. Cambria Northampton.. Washington Clinton.. I i i i Allegheny... Adams Soaiersci Washington Columbia... Somerset Berks Dauphin Jl'Ml'IXMl . . Adams Berks Indiana Lackawanna . . Perry Blossburg borough. . Bolivar borough Boswell borough I'rmMoct- borough Alb Bradford city McKean Bridgeport borough Montgomery . . Bridge ville borough j Allegheny . Beaver . Clearfield . Huntingdon . . . Jefferson . Jefferson . Cambria . Fayette lb id - '.'. in I 'hi, oil ll.. Brisbin borough Bristol borough Broad Top City borough. . Brockwayville borough . . . Brookville borough Brownstown borough Brownsville borough Brain borough 154 695 163 360 406 438 35,416 38,973 1,884 2r,,22S 30,337 1,073 2,924 2,156 5,396 4,032 131 162 6,438 4,046 393 7,346 3,192 . 404 3,749 377 397 3,274 Cm', BOROUGH, OR TOWN. California borough . . Callensburg borough Callery borough Cambridge Springs borough. . Canton borough ' ,:i limiilale city ( 'aibslo borough i Vniiin'iiuels borough.. Carnegie borough Carrick borough Carrolltown borough . . ( ll.y.Jllib'a ]>OrOUgh I ' bni'uue.ll Cassville borough i iuiisiiiiqua borough. . i 'aiau isso. borough (Viiic.v ;iall borough.. i Viiba'poi L bdiougl).. . Centerville borough . . . Centerville borough :. cniiaba borough Chalfont borough ( luiml >ei'sburg borough. . Chapman borough i 'luii lerui liorough ('hem Valley borough... rherrvhee borough.. Clarendon borough. . Clarion borough Clifton Heights borough.. riuifimville borough Clymer borough Coal Cciiior borough Coaldale borough Coalport borough Coatesville borough. . . Cochranton borough.. Columbia borough . . Columbus borough. . Colwyn borough Confluence borough.. Conneaut Lake borough.. Conncautyille borough . . . Crafton borough Creekside borough Cresson borough 1 1] esso : i liorough Cross Roads borough. . Curllsville borough Clarion Curwensville borough Clearfield . . Daisy town borough Cambria . . . Dale borough Cambria... Dallas borough Luzerne . . . Crawford Cumberland . . Washington... Bradford Lackawanna.. Cumberland... Greene Allegheny Lehigh Columbia. . Berks Crawford... Butler In. liana.. . Cambria. . . 1 (Haw an'. . Clarion Greene Mercer Wasliuicicii.. Clearfield Chester Crawford Washington Westmoreland. . Montgomery Lancaster.. Warren Delaware.. Somerset... Crawford... Luzerne... Lobigli.. .. Venango . . Potter Luzerne... Allegheny... Indiana Cambria 11,800 253 9,615 11,454 346 1,58-1 790 634 150 168 3,963 2,023 637 141 260 746 2,048 185 3,704 441 133 274 2,761 8,864 319 5,930 7,863 392 12,:3S 256 14, 481 1.574 776 704 1,139 1,202 751 616 691 5,165 850 1,107 3,284 CITY, BOROUGH, OR TOWN. Fall Brook borough Falls Creek borough Fallston borough Fawn Grove borough Fayette City borough Felton borough Ferndale borough Finleyville borough Fleetwood borough Flemington borough Ford City borough Forest City borough Forksville borough Forty Fort borough Fountain Hill borough Frackville borough Frankfort Springs borough Franklin borough Franklin city Franklintown borough Fredonia borough Freedom borough Freeland borough Freemansburg borough Freeport borough Friendsville borough Galeton borough Gallitzin borough Garrett borough Gaysport borough Geneva borough Georgetown borough Gettysburg borough Gilberton borough Girard borough Girard ville borough Glasgow borough Glassport borough Glen Campbell borough Glen Hope borough Glen Rock borough Glenburn borough i . . Glendon borough Glenfield borough Glenolden borough Goldsboro borough Gordon borough Goul dsboro borough Grampian borough Grand Valley borough Gratz borough Great Bend borough Greater Punxsutawney borough . Greencastle borough Greenlane borough Greensboro borough Greensburg borough Greentree borough Greenville borough Grove City borough Halifax borough Hallam borough Hallstead borough Hamburg borough Hanover borough Harmony borough Harrisburg city Harrisville borough Hartleton borough Hartstown borough Hastings borough Hatboro borough Hatfield borough Hawley borough Hawthorn borough Hays borough Haysville borough Hazel Dell borough Hazleton city Heidelberg borough Hellertown borough Herndon borough Highspire borough llollidayslmrg borough Homer City borough Homestead borough Honesdale borough Honeybrook borough Hookstown borougn Hooversville borough Jefferson Beaver 1,204 555 2,005 Washington Berks 644 1,394 Armstrong Susquehanna 4,850 5,749 2,353 1,388 3,118 Lehigh Schuylkill Northampton Armstrong Susquehanna 867 2,248 103 Crawford Schuylkill 5,401 Lackawanna Northampton 319 Schuylkill Lackawanna 1,185 84 Dau hin Susquehanna Jefferson Franklin Montgomery Greene Westmoreland Allegheny 9,058 1,919 372 442 13,012 1,143 5,909 3,674 745 472 1,53S 2,301 7,057 Mercer Dauphin York Susquehanna Berks York Dauphin 64, ISO Cambria Montgomery Montgomery 963 705 Allegheny 166 1,848 915 620 Northampton Northumberland . Alle hen 18,713 2,945 Beaver Somerset 250 990 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 2. -POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 469 Hopbottom borough . . Hopewell borough Hopewell borough Houston borough Houtzdale borough Howard borough llughi'sville borough HuliiHM ille borough Hummelstown borough.. I ly.lei.own boioiigh. Hyn.luiaii borough.. Indiana borough Jacksonville borough. Jennertown borough . . Johnetta borough Johnsonburg borough. . Joh nstown city Jonestown borough Juniata borough Kane borough Earns City borough Kennett Square borough. . Kingston borough Kittanning borough Knoxville borough Knoxville borough Kutztown borough Lacey ville borough Laflih borough Lancaster city Landingville borough . . Landisburg borough Lansdale borough Lansdowne borough Laplume borough Laporte borough Larksville borough Latrobe borough Laurel Run borough Lawrenceville borough.. Le Raysville borough. . Lebanon city Leechburg borough Leetsdale borough Lehigh ton borough Lemoyne borough Lenharts ville borough... Lewisberry borough Lewisburg borough Lewistown borough Lewis ville borough Liberty borough Ligonier borough Lilly borough LinesviUe borough Lititz borough Little Meadows borough. . Littlestown borough Lock Haven city , Loganton borough Loganville borough Long Branch borough... Lumber City borough Luzerne borough Lykens borough Mc Adoo borough McConnellsburg borough.. .Susquehanna.. Bedford Chester Washington... i, scorning . Dauphin Westmoreland . . Crawford Bedford Indiana Clearfield Westmoreland Mercer Mercer Westmoreland Luzerne Greene Somerset Lackawanna.. Lycoming McKean Butler Chester Luzerne Armstrong. . Susquehanna 771 Montgomery 3,551 Lackawanna 258 9,288 8,777 Westmoreland 19,240 3,624 Armstrong 5,316 1,393 Cumberland Westmoreland 1,575 Susquehanna 156 1,347 124 Westmoreland 7,772 Washington 273 Luzerne 5, 426 2,037 800 2,886 McDonald borough : Washington MeKwensyille borough Northumberland Me Keys Hooks borough ; Allegheny I McKeesportcity j Allegheny I McMahan borough i Westmoreland... Mahanoy City borough Schuylkill... Malvern borough ' Chester Alanclicsicr borough j York Manor borough Westmoreland.. Manorville borough. . . Maiisbi'M borough . . Marianna borough Muri.uia borough Marion Center borough.. Marion i 1 eights borough. . Marklesburg borough Markleysburg borough Mars borough II U Mil bill Imtuli li MarysvlUe borough Masontown borough Tioga Huntingdon.. Delaware Lancaster Indiana Northumberland. Huntingdon Fayette Butler Blair Perry Fayette Matamoras borough j Pike Maiirh chunk borough ; Carbon Mayfield borough Lacka i, anna. . Mead \ ille city Crawford Mechaniesburg borough Cumberland.. . Mechanicsburg borough j Indiana Media borough Delaware Mercer borough \ Mercer Mereersbnrg boioiigh ' Franklin Meshoppen borough Wyoming 3,511 | 1,723 Meyersdale borough Somerset 862 679 Middleboro borough , Erie 1,328 1,59a Middleburg borough Snyder Middleport borough Schuylkill 254 231 i Middletown borough Dauphin 41,459 32,011 Midland borough Beaver " ' 'ii • i ■ e .n I, \\ ■ .1 ; ;■ 300 318 ! Miiliinburg borough Union !..::;.': -i.'iii-l il iiibui..-. -n mo; 821 876 | Milesburg borough Center Milford borough.. Ai iiictsbarg borough. . Millerstown boiough. . i .;■ i • , , 'U ill o-OH'. ' Millvale borough Millville borough Milton borough Miners Mills borough. Monaca borough.. Dauphin.. Butler Perry Columbia Northumberland. Luzerne Schuylkill Beaver Westmoreland. . Washington Morton borough Moscow borough ; Lackawanna Mount Carbon borough | Schuylkill Mount Carmel borough j Northumberland.. Mount Joy borough Mount Morris borough Mount Oliver borough Mount Perm borough Mount Pleasant borough... Mount Union borough Sui 2,543 209 i-i,; 02 3,952 3, 662 12,780 470 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Coa tin ued. Nelson borough . . New Alexandria borough . . New Buffalo borough \>\v Cattle city New Centerville borough New Columbus borough New Cumberland borough . . New Galilee borough.. New Salem borough... New Salem borough New Washington borough... New Wilmington borough... .Vewburg borough \ewbure borough Newport borough Newry borough Newton Hamilton borough.. Norristown borough North Bellevernon borough. . North Charleroi borough. . North East borough. . North York borough Northampton borough Northampton Heights borough Northumberland borough Oakmont borough. . Orange ville borough. . Orbisonia borough Osburn borough.. Parry ville borough. . Patterson Heights borough.. Penbrook borough . . Petrolia borough Philadelphia city Philipsburg borough Phoenixville borough. . . Picture Rocks borough.. I -a wrenee Somerset Luzerne Cumberland . . Westmoreland. . York Beaver Westmoreland . . Mercer Susquehanna.... Westmoreland . . York Clearfield Lawrence Clearfield Cumberland - - Perry Mifilin Cumberland. . Wyoming York Northampton Northampton Northumberland. Delaware Luzerne Allegheny Susquehanna Potter.... Chester Somerset . . Chester Westmoreland . . Carbon Luzerne Juniata Beaver Cambria Northampton . . 27, 875 1,522 1,734 350 384 1,463 1,655 893 22,265 810 6,535 2,748 2,744 1,003 955 '423 13,264 5,630 6,180 1,678 " 10," 932 4,083 653 2-15 1,518 362 968 262 1,290 221 2,030 1,730 2,032 1,711 1,707 1,070 • 1,788 1,791 723 1,424 1,317 1,514 516 605 2,529 817 272 2,651 2,784 2,412 826 2,108 864 763 1,032 *781 931 627 458 555 3,266 9,196 Pine Grove borough Schuylkill.. .■■.:'■.! , I'li.u.linrgh city | Allcghcii', . I limn illc borough I'lyuiuuili borough Point Marion borough... Port Carbon I'orl. ciinron borough.. Port Royal borough — Port Vue borough Portland borough Pottstown borough... Pottsville borough Prompton borough I'rosjHvi borough Prospect Park borough.. Quakertown borough.. Quarryville borough. . Rainsburg borough.. Ramey borough. . . . . Rankin borough . . Reynoldsville lmrougi'. . Ridgway borough. . Roaring Spring borough.. Rutledge borough '. bo.|.:U'.;li St. Clair borough St. Clair borough . . : i :■,, on ! 1 mi, s .ike borough.. Saukertown borough. . Saxonburg borough . . Scottdale borough.. Scran ton city Sellnsgrove borough.. Seward borough... i-'.lianmidn borough ■ borough Sharon Hill borough. . .:,,>!( burg borough.. Sharpsville borough. . . Venango iiclCeaii .-■•rlinvll.ill.. Selmylkill.. Allegheny Butler..'.".'.!!!! Northampton.. Montgomery . . . Uutler Delaware.. Greene < 'rawi'ord. . Lebanon.. Delaware Clarion Schuylkill Northumberland. Blair Beaver liimliii'.;doji.. Delaware... Crawford.. . Allegheny. . Indiana Mercer Cambria . . . Butler Bedford. . . Bradford.. < 'aniline . Bedford. . . Westmoreland Lackawanna York..'!!!!!!!!!!! Westmoreland . . . Allegheny Huntingdon Northumberland. Mercer Delaware Allegheny 504 3,014 2,169 69 213 219 123 201 247 3,775 78,961 58,661 1,337 4,082 3,435 524 ' 4, 154 2,789 207 245 3,515 1,903 487 360 657 3,073 763 .. 523 712 5,640 !.. (i, 420 5,243 1. 450 j. 312 1 314 281 4.747 3,654 | 3,088 5, 450 ■-'II.S07 1,473 4,261 | 102.020 1,326 2,693 75,215 1,315 1,572 1,247 ' 428 . 794 4.-170 143 3,568 138 2,776 19,588 15,270 18,202 8,916 1,058 j. 6,842 2,970 1 14,403 7,459 ..... 3,034 4,898 2,330 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 471 Tidioute borough 472 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PENNSYLVANIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, BOEOUQH, OR TOWN. W estover borough Westvlew borough Wheatland borough Whitaker borough White Haven borough Wickboro borough Wilkes-Barre city Wilkinsburg borough Williamsburg borough Williamsport city Williamstown borough Wilmerding borough Wjlmore borough Wilson borough Wind Gap borough Windber Dorough Windsor borough Winterstown borough Winton borough Womelsdorf borough Woodbury borough County. Clearfield Allegheny Allegheny Luzerne Armstrong Luzerne Allegheny Blair Lycoming Dauphin Allegheny Cambria Allegheny Northampton. Somerset York York Lackawanna. Berks Bedford CITY, BOROUGH, OB TOWN. 655 575 1,517 1,634 51,721 11,886 935 37.718 4,662 Woodcock borough Woodlawn borough Wormleysburg borough. . Worthington borough Crawford Beaver Cumberland . . Armstrong.... Worth ville borough | Jefferson . . g borough Luzerne. Zelienople borough. . Westmoreland . . Warren Westmoreland.. Butler 2,051 580 3.010 433 414 33,708 20,793 352 318 836 340 486 667 RHODE ISLAND. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of tnc Twelfth Census: J900, Vol. I, Table 5. J MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 17,602 13,144 11,428 Providence County— Continued. 15,808 1,124 1,404 5,935 9,825 5,407 5l|622 8,841 8,462 8,728 8,693 7,339 224,326 20,908 19,626 27,730 19J0S 21,813 21,869 18,225 23,830 28,451 22,071 3,493 2,739 38, 125 7,323 8,474 4,970 7,145 10,213 24,942 12, 138 1,151 1,462 4,305 8,937 3,016 2,422 39,231 2,452 8,565 6,585 36,378 1,135 6,901 5,108 29,976 5^478 4,489 26,764 20,355 North Smithfield town 5,848 3,420 26,629 481 39,335 5,279 2,775 21,316 32,599 5,068 3,127 17,761 798 28,652 27,633 i75,597 132, 146 1,175 1,276 1,708 1,314 27,149 4,319 7,977 4,860 4,362 6,661 2,681 4,032 424,353 1,091 1,132 1,457 1,396 22,441 707 1,128 1,154 1,320 19,457 - - Ward 9 3,361 2,107 28,204 3,174 2,105 2,977 328,683 1,949 2,837 255,123 7,878 22,754 4,668 6,956 3,444 6,069 3,717 21,107 4,044 7,669 6,728 10^107 6,317 18,167 5, 49*2 24,154 Wardl Wardt Ward 4 1,037 778 2,324 1,250 4,048 1,633 5,176 8,696 975 841 2,602 4)l94 1,506 4,972 7,541 915 Ward 5 13,343 8,099 Wardl Wards Ward 4 8,925 8,090 1 City charter became effective April 16, 1910. 2 Formerly Narragansett district; organized a; Table 2 — POPULATION OF CITIES AND TOWNS HAVING IN 1910 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITIES. Providence Providence 22,754 21,107 27, 149 224>2V, 38,125 S,565 7,878 5,848 10,107 3,420 15,808 18,167 13,343 22,441 .'((l,2.Hl 17,', 597 28, 204 6,901 6,317 5,279 8,925 2,775 12,138 towns— continued. Providence Providence Washington Providence Providence 5,935 9,825 4,048 5.407 2. 699 3^493 2,739 5,176 4,032 6,585 s!696 4,305 8)937 4,194 3,016 2.422 2,105 3,361 2,107 4,972 2,977 5,108 21,316 7,541 8.099 19,457 27,633 132,14(1 20,830 5,478 5,492 5,068 8,090 3,127 8,422 Providence Providence Providence North Smithfield TOWNS. Providence Providence Washington ",50H Bristol Providence Tiv rton Providence Providence Washington (473) SOUTH CAROLINA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for thoso between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5] minor civil n Abbeville County. . Ward /'. . Wards.. WardS.. Ward.;.. I '.inde;] iix township, including McCormick town. AfcCormick tow n c.lhoun uiwnsliip, including Mount Cannel and Willington towns Mount Carmel town WilliiH/ton town Cedar Springs township Due West Indian Hill to Long Cane township Lowndesville township, including Lowndes- Lowndesville Magnolia Calhoun Falls toi Smithville township. , including Calhoun Falls Aiken township, including Aiken city A iken city Chinquepin township, including part of Mo- Monetta town {part of) Total ]or Monctta town a in Chinquepin township, Aiken. County, and township 7, Langley township * McTier township Millbrook township Rocky Grove township, including Salley tt Schultz township, including North Augusta Silverton township, including Ellenton tc Tabernacle township. . Anderson County.. Anderson township, coextensive with Anderson A nderson city: Wardl.... WardB WardS.... Ward 4--.. Brushy Creek township... Wardl WardS Ward S Ward 4 Fork township, including Townville town Townville town* Garvin township Hall township : . . . Honea Path township, including Honea Path Honea Path town Hopewell township Martin township 1.6S2 2,495 2,163 SS9 3,081 2,535 2,265 3,197 S6S 2,518 "2, 638 1890 and 1900. » Incorporated in 1908. » Incorporated in 1905. •Langley township organized from part of Gregg township in 1906. ' Incorporated in 190R. • Not returned separately in 1900. (474) Anderson County— Continued. r.Mi.llrlon township, including Pendleton town. 1 V ndleton town Rock Mills township ,S; 1 v: mi in 1 1 township, including part of Starr town. ,-Jinrrinwn (/..if/ <>/')... n Savannah and Va- :, vim.': 11. m 11: l.i;> i.i.', .■ |.'.i 1 .,, 1 Starrtown (part of) 1 ill im inn nship, inrl.i.liii" \\ ill i.m Williarnston town Bamberg County Bamberg township, including Bamberg and Olar ti Govantown Olartown Fish Pond townshi] Midway township, i Midway tc lcluding Midway t( Barnwell County.. Total for Seiglingville town in A llemlole mid Baldoc townships ■ I ....... ... ■. !' mi. 1,1 ' ,...' '... :.... II :.:... part of Seiglingville town !-:rv 1 . . . '1 . . 1. 1 1 1. 1, : 1 ; ! : ■. ,■!! ,. lilm-lcvillc township, including Blackvilletc Four Mile township . . HI11K1-: It, ten I" (pari of i Total for Ulmcrs toivn 1° in Great Cypr Sycamore ton inhi/is ..1 in!; lownsliip, including Snelling tc Elko town Witlixion town Beaufort County.. Beaufort township, including Beaufort and Port Royal towns Beaufort town Wardl WardS Ward S Ward4 Ward 5.. Ward 6.. Port Royal to Bluffton township, including Bluffton t( Blufton lownu Coosawhatchie township, including Ridgeland Ridgeland town '" Hilton Head township St. Helena township Sheldon township, including part of Yemassee Yemassee town (part of) Total for Yemassee town'' in Sheldon town- ship, Beaufort County, and Pocataligo town- 3,219 i,ss4 2,716 2,327 2,157 68 3,478 2,994 1.SS9 9S7 2,877 2,284 4.003 4,240 lyllS 962 2,293 2,198 1,797 1,917 1,399 2,378 1,047 I 2,541 I 36,495 34,119 8,034 2,486 10, 343 4,110 S, 942 S,587 294 496 S6S 601 2,617 BS4 2,903 2,267 2,535 2,423 1,995 6,487 5,394 2,235 5,465 2,369 7,747 5,979 minor civil divisions wherever 'County total includes population (11,491) of Bamberg, Buford Bridge, Fish Pond, Midway, and Three Mile townships, taken to form Bamberg County between 1890 and 1900. i» Returned In 1900 as In Sycamore township only. 11 Incorporated in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH CAROLINA. 475 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, seo Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. f, Tables.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION 1910 1900 1890 23,487 2 30,454 2 65,428 Chester County— Continued. ('hosier township, including Chester city and 9,537 4, 764 691 1,446 'S4S 1,485 2,058 3,243 204 'lis 246 2,229 26,301 4,075 First St. Jiiinr:; (loose Crook loc. iiship First St. Johns Berkeley township, including 1,003 3, (160 use 2^728 1,057 4,906 S41 3,998 3,184 408 16,634 Ward 1 Ward2 Ward S Ward4 202 iis First St. Stephens to \ nship St. Dennis and si. Thomas io.- nship St. James Santee township Second St. James (loose Creek township, in- 2,737 2, 905 2, 894 1,894 2,326 3,507 126 4,944 240 2,009 20,401 1,896 400 388 Lonclsfor.l low nship, including I'ort Lawn town. Second St. Join is 1 '.!■! ki-lo tO.OSllhl Second St. Stephens township, including St. Lewisville township, including lsdgemoor and 256 ( 4 ) 230 Calhoun Count « Chesterfield County 18,468 Amelia township, including Fort Motte and ; 5,298 1,877 3,944 4,463 1,987 942 88,594 4,990 308 758 4, 661 279 524 Alligator township, including McBee town 2,160 J87 2,873 1,843 '618 2,668 390 3,377 194 3,234 2,261 32,188 1,801 1,436 ■■ lieiav. iov .'slop, lUotllilin-; ! hem.W 11V. 11 3,822 l',384 3,923 Caw Caw township j Lyons township, including Cameron town 1 3,413 320 3,026 < 'oli- 11,1! 101 11 h .. 1 11 1' in 11 ' 101 u Patrick town ' 1,138 2,426 Court House township, including Chesterfield 3,553 308 2,466 88,006 59,903 1 < i • 1 ' : 'H" > '1 2,340 Mount Croghan township, including Ruby 2,~S77* 58.833 2,941 2,324 3,849 4,957 4.201 4,493 4,885 6,891 9,805 5,142 6,351 1,346 3,234 3,147 4,279 2,856 473 2,540 1^047 2,585 26,179 55,807 54,955 Old Store township, including Pageland town . . . 2,143 28,184 Brewington township, including Foreston town . 556 2,733 175 its 4U 2. 231 449 678 1,391 3,295 229 2,035 306 853 3,827 1,854 1,190 1,148 1,162 2,096 2,128 587 1,508 2,148 2,431 35,390 692 224 2, 554 755 Calvary township, ii.irlnii.iii;: ports of Paxville 2,038 Christ Church township, including Mount 6,644 2,252 3,586 2,570 5,293 4,495 546 2,046 2,341 1,437 2^704 21,359 Total for Fuivilk U>wn v in Calvary unit 1,138 97 97 1,515 140 236 1,099 3,132 96 1,178 Total for Pin; wood town'" in (Julr.ary una 2,915 Concord township, including part of Summer- St. Andrews township, including Maryvillo 4?.l Total for Summcrlon it, inn m ('uncord and St. James Santee township i,'059 974 ft i, ■Oilskin inn isiiin, lOiRnliii:: pun. i>i ''hi fufon town ship, including part of Pinewood Cherokee County , ^ 813 "l,430 1,052 924 1,095 R964 743 1,546 1,892 854 Cherokee township, Including Blacksburg town. 5.55S 1,119 1,870 10^775 4,767 1,096 582 823 7S0 978 559 3,242 2,187 29,425 4,800 LS29 2,145 8,112 3,937 ,, :;'liini„ . V nship, hi.- ■',,.; '> 1 : 1 , • 1 i i . . r ■ ■ -n 2,134 Blacksburg town 1,245 1,681 Limestone township, including Gahney city Gaffney city Ward 1 Ward g 1,308 Sammy Swamp iui.ushn . Including part of Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 717 2,737 33,452 Morgan township 2,375 28,616 26,660 5,726 3.025 224 3,087 3,916 718 1,530 54 4,966 3.007 4 609 2,516 123 3,250 2,626 141 181 3,538 2,602 108 138 3,658 3.059 Broxton tov m 1 1 1 h.i i Lodge town 1.995 44 Fairfield County rissii- iownslii|i. including .Incksonboro town. . .l,icl;sonhnfo iairn 'si wherever possible. 5 Incorporated in 1907. « Incorporated in 1901. 7 Incorporated in 1900. 8 Incorporated in 1902. 9 Incorporated ir 'o Returned in 19i "County total in Givhans, and Km or townships, taken to form part of Dorchester County between 1890 and 1900. >»Name changed from Danville in 1905. Incorporated in 1900. 476 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH CAROLINA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. * in boundaries, otc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between Ism) and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Tabic 5. J MINOR C1VI1. I'lYJsloN. Colleton County— Continued. Glover township, including part of Cottageville Colhnjtril/e town (part of).. Total for Cottmjinllc loan Sheridan townships... lleyward township, including lioiidersonville Hendersonville town 2 Lou mles township Sheridan township, including part of Cottage- Darlington County s. Darlington township, including Darlington town; Hartsvilletown... Wardl Wards Wards Ward 4 ■ High Hill township Lamar township, ineindinr. ; .a.-nar town Lamar town Leavensworth township, including Dovesville Meehaniesville township... Society Hill township... Bethea township, including Bingham and Mallory towns Bingham town » Mallory town " Cannichael township Harleesville township, including Little Rock Little 'Rock town'.'. [['.'..'..'...'.'....'.'.'...'.'..'.. Manning township, including Dillon town Dillon town.... 7 Township 1, including Kemper and Pages Mill towns Lotto to Township 4 Dorchester County . . Cams township, including part of Harleyville Harleyville town (part of) Total for Harleyvilie town™ in Cams and Giv- hans townships Collins township Dorchester township, including Summerville ville towns Grover town Reevesville town Edgefield County . . Hlbler township.. 2,760 I 2,409 ! 22,615 j 557 1,721 : 1,050 2,448 2,098 1,615 1 1,243 2,039 | 1,778 5.481 1,491 : 1,171 2,688 : 2,154 1,922 1,613 1,458 1.380 6,210 5,119 4,112 3,789 3,028 2,389 4,508 2,565 1,913 2.S6S 704 342 m 799 651 2,441 3,614 2,027 a CIVIL DIVISION. Edgefield County— Continued. Johnston township, including Johnston ./ oh iision town Meriwetl ler township Moss township. Pickens township, including part of Edgefield Edgefield town (part of) Tolalfor Kilni in hi loom ni I'lcVaix and II /.<< townships Plumbranch township, including Plum Branch Parksville Modoc town Parksville town _ . Wise township, including part of Edgefield town ■"./,;, mhl town (part of).. Fairfield County . . ie Blaekstock township, Chester Township 4 . . Township 5.. Township 6 Township i. inc'iidjng part of Ridgeway town.. Ridgeway town (part of) ■■■ : - townships" and 8. Township 11.. --*--'- 12.. Township 13 Township 14, including Winnsboro city. . Winnsboro city Wardl WardS WardS Ward4 Florence County 16 ille township, including Cartersville Cartersville town " Ebenezer township. Word I"-. Ward 2.. WardS.. Word 4-. Jeffreys township . . Motts township, including Olanta tc Olanta town"' Fee Dee township " Tans Bay township. . monsville township, including Timmons- Georgetown County .. p 2, Gourdin Township i tw'on.'e.f.own including George- -ufy. » Incorporated in 1901. » Incorporated in 1909. • Part taken to form part of Lee County in 1902. * County totals Include population (1,695 in 1900; 1,686 in 1890) of Cypress town- ship, taken to form part of Lee County; population (2,569 in L900; 2,121 in 1890) of Stokes Bridge township, parts taken to form part of Clyde township and part of Lee County and part annexed to Lydia township, since 1900; and population (596 in 1890) of Back Swamp township, annexed to Florence County between 1890 and 1900. » Organized from parts of Hartsville and Stokes Bridge townships in 1905. « Parts taken to form part of Lee County In 1902 and part of Clyde township in , a ' Part of Stokes Bridge township annexed in 1905. '5, Pee Dee.. Township 6, Collins Township 7, Waccamaw... "> Incorporated in 1907. » Incorporated in 1910. Incorporated in 1903. I'll - '.i ; i ■!' I >l "en ;■■■! >o r i i : Gregg township, annexed to Meriwethn lev, e in,, population ( :j,44G) of Mobley township, taken to form part of Johnston township and part of Saluda County; and population (2,822) of Pine Grove township, taken to form part of Elmwood township and part of Saluda County, between 1890 and 1900. is Incorporated in 190S. '« Part of Williamsburg County annexed in 1905. 17 Incorporated in 1900. > 8 Hannah township organized from part of Pee Dee township in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH CAROLINA. 477 Table 1.— POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (For changes ill boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and IIKIO, see Reports of the Twelflh Census: 1900, Vol. I MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1000 1890 ~,„u»,, 1910 1900 1890 68,377 53,490 3,136 573 648 871 2,764 5.' f 241 3,401 497 2,214 1,467 17,357 44,310 2,557 'S20 951 2,269 Horr Count 26,995 23,364 Ba -boro town hi Austin township, including Simpsonville 3,717 l',864 1,673 607 2,664 IS 182 4,192 2,206 1,320 28,800 IS, 7 41 ■ 4,8'0 2,068 1,953 1,865 3,217 4, 089 2,329 2,104 2,832 1,827 34,225 2,301 2,769 ' 1,228 205 90 278 1,675. 948 2,006 2,060 2,142 2,405 3,129 229 1,572 27,094 2,045 2,833 4,015 70S ( 'win ay township, including Con way town Co}, way town 1! ales low li si up Chick Springs township, including part of Greer 677 Ward\V.'.~.V.V.\V.~.V.'.Y.'.'.'.'.'.'.V. '..'..'.'.'.. Gmr town (pari of) Total for Greer town in (hick Spiiwis lawn- ship. Grit in il/e ( XlUlllii. a ;.. . . '■ > ... . /;/. township, Sparlantinr.j t'ounty 1 . 425 742 2,369 1 , 760 1,674 1,908 3,008 InmklMi township, including part of I'rincelon Total for 1'iiiiaitmi town in Ihiiil.lia tn'an ship, Guanine Con illy. Hint Sn/liriins 195 2,587 212 1,879 1,515 11,039 Simpson Creek township, including I. oris town. 2,746 l'air\iew township, including Fountain Inn 1 , 555 24,696 22,361 Buffalo township," including liethune town Glassy Mounlain low nship - Greenville (ownship, including Green, die 4,490 317 344 950 3, 569 '350 832 563 254 463 ' 107 6. 040 116 26,650 4,410 3 565 Greenville eil a 117 1,002 9,862 2,441 Totalfor Krishna Inn 11 in /in/iiiln Inn nship, Kershaw Cnnnty.nml Flat ( ',t 1,853 Wardl Highland township ' Ward 4 .'.'.'-'.'.'.'-'-'. . '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'....'. 1 'a ns Mountain township Saluda township Fiat Rock township, ioeliidiii 1 W'cslville lown 5,292 123 5, 132 5,479 Greenwood County \\ aierae township, including Blaney town 4, 698 Bradley township, including Bradley town Bradley town 1,312 279 1,565 1,372 290 1,266 199 6,614 814 780 470 1,551 1,532 1,467 1,319 266 1,320 1,089 3,034 758 1,399 1,350 283 1,130 2,753 925 25,126 1,332 239 915 1,340 1,421 394 1,401 236 1,467 4,824 Lancaster County 24,311 20,761 Brooks township i ' al 1 i son i ownship Cokesbury township, including Cokesbury 2,532 2,843 2,102 3,738 338 7,530 2,098 1,652 4,771 452 1,482 41,550 2,088 3,201 2,066 4,153 610 5,350 1,477 1,658 '''266 375 1,450 37,382 Cedar Creek tow nship 1,900 355 Flat. Creel: township, including part of Kershaw l ,,1,111 ■ira iuw nship, including ( 'oionaca low 1 A'irsliwr In, mi [ (vrl of).. 165 Fellowship township Greenwood township, including Greenwood [For total, see Buffalo township, Kershaw County.] Gills Creek township, including Lancaster town. 3,578 1,326 1,094 I'leasant. Hill low nship, inch id in,: Ilea 111 Springs 3, 649 Heath Sprimjs imav 1,572 Hodges township, including Hodges town 1,322 257 1,069 . 1,158 2,395 4U 1,156 1.265 233 L356 676 23,738 255 31,610 i '10s i i ill chip, iucludiir . ,si ,.■ 1 1 ill 1,, ,-. 3,397 558 4,865 284 8,541 451 427 818 980 150 2,686 9,924 4,818 315 671 1,345 1,157 839 491 2,490 2,715 3,253 191 3,679 3,638 459 4,857 181 5,649 1,869 2,973 a." a, ail . OH : •. -a Dials township, including Gia> Court town 3,917 Ninety Six town 44S 311 Hunter township, including Clinton and Troy township, including Troy town Troy town Verdery townsh ip Walnut Grove township ; 20,544 Yeldell township 120 2,543 8,549 4,029 2,729 5,163 460 194 4,402 189 'ew 748 542 1,782 21S 4,111 2,553 4,242 3,376 Goethe township, including Estill and Luray Laurens township, including Laurens town 6,291 tsi 5,271 4,719 Ward 4 Wards Peeples township, including Branson, Hamp- 6,578 342 SS6 372 1,993 5,128 470 S18 653 1,917 2,495 2,560 187 3,575 189 3,516 2,377 Sullivans .including part of Princeton Pocotaligo township, including part of Yemas- [For total, see Dunklin township, Green- ville County.] Waterloo township, including Waterloo town. . [For total, see Sheldon township, Beaufort 3.101 3,101 3,669 x , onngs township 2,816 ' Incorporated in 1905. ! Reincorporated in 1904. 3 Incorporated in 1906. 'Incorporated in 1904. • Part taken to form part of Lee County in 1902. 7 Incorporated in 1901. s Incorporated in 1907. 478 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH CAROLINA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Lee County > Bishopville township, including Bishopville Wardl r" Wardg WardS y. Ward It Cypress township. . Lynchburg township, including Lynchburg St. Charles township. . Purkcy Creek inw iisliip. including Lueknow Lexington County ' Black Creek township Boiling Springs township . '■".' •-■''"' '.''li ■hue I h:'| 'eel and White Rock towns Chapintown Peak town White Rock town Bull Swamp township, including Swansea town . Swansea town Chinquepin township, including part of Bates- burg town Batesburg town (part of) Total for Batesburg town & in Chinquepin township, Lexington County, and inn nslup 2, Saluda County iJongan'o iuv. ir.iiip, ii;rl"; id popi il u i hi ( 7 I I in 1 Kin 3,31:; in jsao ) ni < 'aw » aw township. parts tc ''— - form part of Calhoun County and part of Limestone tc » Organized from parts of Branchville, Cow Castle, and Middle townships ii STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH CAROLINA. 479 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between ls(;0 an. I moo, see lieporls of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. 1, Table 5.] MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. Orangeburg County— Continued. Elizabeth township,' including North and Woodford towns North town Woodford town Klloree township,-' inclinlmy. Klloreeand Parler EUoree town Parler town Eutaw township, 3 including Eutawville t( Hebron township, including Livingston and Neeses towns Livingston town Holly Hill towns.. Bowi/cr town ' llollij Uill to Liberty township, including Bolen t< Union township, including Cope town "'- ^s township, including Vanees town.. IHhip.. Pickens County .. Township 3, Central,includingCalhoun,Central, and Norris towns Calhoun town Central town ■ nip i . , ;. Township 5, Pickens, including Pickens town.. Pickens town Township (',, Dacusville Township 7, I'umpkintown ' Richland County . e. ,, .■■-, ; i.h,,. :,.,,■, ,, Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. Wards.. Ward If.. Ward Eau Claire Total for Eau Claire townships i Columbia and Upper township, including part of Eau Claire ington County.] iquepin township, Lex- 37,550 26,S19 5,622 4,692 4,741 i Part taken to form part of Limestone township in 1909. |2 Organized from c.nodhvs aiel I'oplar low m.hips , i.po [« Organized from part of territory taken from Berkeley County ir * Incorporated in 1903. i 6 Returned as Pecks in 1900. ' Incorporated in 1908. 7 Organized iro, ,. , Elizabeth, and Orange to form part of Limestone township in 1909. io Part of Columbia township annexed to Columbia city In 190S. >' Returned in 1900 as In Columbia township only. Saluda County— Continued. Township 4, Including Saluda town. . ;e Spring and Wards mil part of Monet ta 1< Moneltu town 'H/mrtuf) | I'm iolal, see < 'li im p lepin low nship, Aiken County.) Ridge Spring town Spartanburg County.. Inman towns.. Duncans town (freer iown {part of) [For total, see Chick Springs township, Greenville County.] [union town (part of) Lund rum town Cherokee 1 ownship Cross Anchor township Glenn Springs township, Cowpens town (part of) Total for Cowpens town in Pacolet and Spar- tanburg townships Spartanburg city. . Word l. Ward J.. Ward 3. . Ward 4.. Ward 5. Ward 6 Walnut Cro\ e I ownship '« Woodruff township, including Woodruff town.. Word ! Ward 2 Ward:: Sumter County 17 .. Concord township | Manchester township Mayesville township," including Mayesville Mum svil'le town Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Middleton township Privateer township | Providence township " reek township i Shiloh township >' S tatesburg township Sumter township, including Sumter city Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. WardS.. 1910 1900 1890 2,720 2,427 989 2,392 2,751 3,133 56 ',.. 692 S43 6,009 162 23,810 4S2 11,395 4,938 156 13, 61fi 5,544 2,106 2,727 696 1,847 2,409 380 38,472 1851,237 "43,605 785 653 2,811 , 2,720 761 ! 706 2,338 2,251 3,174 ! 2,697 2,809 2,333 2,813 '' 2,715 3,002 1 2,501 3,752 I 3,120 8,884 6,572 5,673 S,866 | 12 Incorporated in 1907. is Returned in 1900 as in Chinquepin township, Lexington County, only. '« Incorporated in 1905. -j opuiauon to,u»») 01 ijimesconer id normlation (3.3621 of White ^ Pacolet and Spartan- air Forest in 1903. 1 7 Part taken to form part of Lee County in 1902. " County totals Include population (18,347 in 1900: 15,722 in 1890) of Bishopville, Carters Crossing, Lynchburg, Mount Clio, Spring Hill, and Swimming Pens town- ships, taken to form part of Lee County since 1900. 10 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH CAROLINA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOIl CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 | MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 TJnlon County . 29,911 25,501 Kishdam' township, including Carlisle tc Carlisle to Goshen Hill township Jonesville township, including Jonesville tc Keltontown wiship Union township, including Union t< Union tc Ward 1 . . Ward I.. WardS.. Ward 4. . Williamsburg County 2 . Township 1, Hope, including Greeleyville t Greeley ville town Township 2, Laws Tow nship 3, Penn.. Trio to Township 7, Kings Township 8, Turkey Township 9, Mingo Township 10, Ridge,** including Cades town Township 1 1, lll.lillli . Township 12, Johnson Township 13, Lee,' including part of Scranton ' 26,363 Williamsburg County— Continued. 1,443 l,"tU5 3,087 "2,"743 2,795 2,445 '685 1,539 168 3,390 2,719 2,708 '664 1,708 2, 225 1,951 694 1,107 1 . 7:12 3,113 2,874 2,090 2,360 2.701 m 3J350 1,314 197 SOS 2,129 3,395 1,932 2,232 3.049 3,253 1,538 1,886 2,299 2,113 2,745 1,413 153 208 2,055 1,919 2,485 993 1. 595 1,074 S76 : t ! drove, Sharon, and Smyrna tc Wardl Ward2 WardS Ward 4 Ebenezer township, including Ebenezer t< h-uri Mill h< Ward 1 . . Kings Mountain township, including Clover Tirznh l<„r„<- VurUilU Inn- Ward 1 . . Ward 2. . WardS.. Ward 4.. 47,718 41,684 ' 38,831 3,222 5, 135 3,315 5,013 3,017 4,741 3,199 285 2,677 289 150 48 3,123 " 10, 065 6,486 2,070 134 3,279 12,583 7,216 1,417 2,078 2,876 845 4,593 190 3,968 1,616 231 660 S81 464 4,914 1,207 6,825 128 2,S26 516 507 299 45S 3,604 6,678 2,744 " 3, 143 SSI 3,850 1,894 2,795 3,244 689 4,098 961 '3 0,400 1S1 2,012 '287 5,267 1,653 rt annexed to Florence County ir 3 Parts taken to form township OJ and part of township 1,7 ii * Organized from pari of township C ir ' n (73li!l of Cherokee townshi 10 and 1900. i" info; perated in 1906. " Includes population (66) of Catawba Indian Reservation, n part of Cherokee Cqunfv betwc • Part taken tc ' Part taken t County in 1905. pendent in 1900. "Includes pnpubi'ion of firzah town. 1, taken to fc form part of township 15 in 1906 and part annexed to Florence Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. aTTOHTOW. County. 1910 1900 1890 CBTO.TOW*. County. 1910 1900 1890 Abbeville city Abbeville 4,459 3,911 1,453 9,654 156 1,937 1,324 \ 1,995 2,486 1,652 2,646 317 196 1,659 } 192 1,278 116 577 160 327 50 279 1,471 900 610 144 215 296 3,766 3,414 1,030 5,498 1,696 3,569 421 255 367 294 345 150 58,833 2,873 4,754 618 3,272 780 1,207 290 26,319 *174 199 418 1,101 558 3,789 1,075 1,757 268 169 672 190 2,983 237 2,441 320 203 358 3,533 Spartanburg Anderson 3,018 1,533 1,329 971 4,110 826 1,929 696 937 528 3,587 494 978 349 187 Chapin Lexington Newberry Charleston Chesterfield /Lexington \Saluda 55,807 1,151 4,075 308 1,869 508 961 394 21,108 705 80 236 54,955 Beaufort town Belton town Anderson 2,703 Chesterfield ['•ei'mne town Kershaw 1,021 Bingham town Dillon 1 ; is 1 ville town 715 1,285 181 1,116 422 1,245 138 962 287 355 Blacksburg town Cherokee Greenwood Blackville town lil.:iMc\ town Blenheim town Bluffton town Orangeburg Greenwood 176 95 Orangeburg Orangeburg Orangeburg Greenwood Orangeburg Lexington Hampton Williamsburg Pickens Abbeville Spartanburg 692 459 3,028 724 1,015 229 147 631 149 903 Bowman town Bradley town Branchville town 134 289 1,101 1,089 342 09 Darlington 2,389 732 Abbeville Darlington Abbeville Spartanburg Brookland town (New Brookland 470 209 Calhoun Falls town K:\: oner town Richland STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH CAROLINA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 481 OTYOB.OW. County. 1910 1900 1890 CYOETOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Eau Claire town Richland 1,234 190 113 315 114 3fi7 540 460 7,057 115 134 204 1,616 392 979 4,767 5,530 178 111 284 630 15,741 6,014 } 1, 673 67 748 295 2,365 452 425 319 285 266 342 1,763 474 207 894 54 390 943 969 92 02 \ 950 166 1,372 199 1,074 592 '449 1,358 4.818 162 706 1,058 341 440 99 108 263 229 350 343 139 194 466 187 1,628 279 613 244 96 1,854 3,844 473 751 96 108 232 122 264 1,346 150 1,832 143 5,028 714 331 1,775 Marion Greenwood 118 758 180 561 1,136 315 230 350 5,906 410 300 157 197 139 98 175 183 822 179 897 424 145 238 - 363 } 182 737 205 177 245 505 330 300 370 7,216 194 224 957 1,377 408 139 311 610 189 308 113 458 1,313 795 374 521 109 338 17,517 438 273 678 2,355 87 8,109 523 99 225 1,708 128 255 257 198 233 190 5,623 97 542 362 1,595 1,677 183 191 370 328 1,576 107 1,045 1,957 365 624 73 1,754 190 1,880 250 2,326 195 82 414 57 I'.clL'rheltl town Edgefield 1,168 Orangeburg 368 215 208 413 100 138 311 Elko town Barnwell Norwa town Orangeburg 218 Orangeburg Orangeburg Barnwell 196 4,455 365 Orangeburg Spartanburg Chesterfield 2,964 305 301 4,647 224 •224 Fairfax town '282 Clarendon Edgefield Orangeburg Chesterfield Clarendon Lexington Anderson 143 126 1,394 308 497 3,937 4,138 187 113 181 252 4,824 648 59 536 243 704 266 269 279 212 2,' 895 138 156 568 76 449 97 Greenville Georgetown Spartanburg Clarendon Edgefield Newberry Williamsburg... Greenville Greenwood /Greenville \Spartanburg .Dorchester Hampton Dorchester Darlington Newberry 601 241 592 137 162 240 411 8,607 1,326 320 /Greenville Newberry Dorchester Spartanburg Greer town 109 Grover town R efdviUe town™ 318 342 Dorchester 250 334 5,485 252 481 2,744 289 257 256 617 294 193 134 255 814 365 134 Orangeburg Chesterfield Greenwood Orangeburg Anderson Spartanburg Lexington Anderson Colleton Chesterfield Edgefield Diiion;;;;;;;;;;; /Kershaw llnilv Hill town Dorchester 576 758 256 629 241 289 44 58 SiUudn town Saluda 865 76 827 sci)hi! (own Hampton Williamsburg SiTiiiimn town 208 134 sellers town !!!!!!!;:!!::!!: 920 Kershaw town 1,002 Shandon town Richland Newberry Williamsburg Barnwell Williamsburg Darlington Spartanburg Dillon......... Greenville York ,. 195 48 760 93 375 220 1,477 453 4,029 538 173 806 368 400 283 90 79 539 Lake City town Spartanburg Orangeburg Anderson Clarendon Dorchester Lexington. 11.395 344 5,544 Lancaster town 1,094 155 236 2,420 2,245 229 115 342 211 388 Leesville town Lexington Lexington Lexington 5,673 239 79 200 861 131 3,865 Lexington Lexington town Lincoln ville town Florence 516 Little Mountain town Newberry Anderson Edgefield Williamsburg Greenwood Orangeburg Colleton 266 168 263 150 5,400 81 372 192 1,307 1,491 135 189 346 289 857 123 71 131 991 361 617 T town 311 Lowndes ville town Abbevilie 241 Lowryville town 122 131 Orangeburg Hampton Hampton Chesterfield McBee town McColltown 1,311 1,171 McConnells town York Abbeville 237 Wellford town Spartanburg Clarendon 1,430 1,831 546 701 138 77 202 1,069 1,640 421 706 Manning town Marion town Mary ville town Charleston Lexington Newberry Anderson Abbeville Whitmire town Bamberg Edgefield Berkeley Aiken 102 113 Modoc town Moncks Corner town Monetta town Windsor town Aiken 51 Mount Carm el town.. . Abbeville Charleston Laurens 1 Marion j Orangeburg i Newberry 318 2,252 120 828 Orangeburg Spartanburg Beaufort Hampton 205 596 1,138 Mount Pleasant town Yemassee town { 242 Neeses town Yorkville town 2,012 1,553 Newberry town 4,607 3,020 1 28407—12 31 SOUTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. e footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Armstrong County «. Aurora County... Aurora township.. I'wllor.l township Bristol township Center township Cooper township Crystal Lake township Dudley township 2 Eureka township Firesteel township dales township H opper township Patten township t'tinl. in 1 on city Wardl Wardi Ward S Plankinton township Pleasant Lake township Pleasant Valley township.. hi township.. White Lake city Beadle County.. Belle Prairie township.. Burr Oak to' Carlyle township Custer township.. Foster township. . Wardl WardS WardS Ward4 Iowa township Iroquois town 3 (part of). . n Beadle and Kings- Kellogg township Lake Byron township Liberty township Logan township ' Mil ford township Nance township Pearl Creek township Pleasant View township . . Richland township Sand Creek township Theresa township Valley township Vernon township Wessington town * Wardl WardS WardS Ward4 Bennett County ■ 1 5 96 I ' Unorganized; within the limits of Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. » Stickney town incorporated from part of Dudley township in 1906. > Iroquois town returned as a part of Logan township in 1900. « Wessington town inror i 01 i m 1 from pari, of \\~e invli hip in 1906. 'Unorganized; formed in 1909; within the limits of Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian Reservations. • That part of county within the limits of Rosebud Indian Reservation; Pine Rtdge Indian Reservation not returned by counties. Total population for Rosebud Indian Reservation, comprising Mellette, Todd, and parts of Bennett and Washa- baugh Counties, in 1910, 3,960, and in 1900, 6,201. Bonhomme Connty.. Albion precinct (T. 94, R. 60 A von city 8 - Wardl WardS. Ward 3 Avon precinct (T. 95, R. 61) lion I ii ii 1 1 ii io preciml iT. ;>:;, It. r,c, part of, and T. 93, R. 59, part, of) Franklin precinct (T. „„, .. Hancock precinct (T. 93, R. 61 and T. 93, 1 Running Water precinct (T. 92, R. 60, and T.9S Wardl WardS Wards Scoil'iihl |iuvii)i-i. f'l". '.)(.; li 5.SI I ■ .. ward «i"!"!;;;;;";!"".i"""""iiii"; Ward S Springfield precinct (T. 93, R. 59, part of, and Tabor town 9 . Wards'.'.'. 'I'lllHHlll'-ilV Wardl WardS WardS Washington precinct (T. 96, R. 59). . Brookings County.. Ward / WardS Wards Ward 4 Brookings township Elkton township Elk-tun village Eureka township Lake Hendricks township Lake Sinai township Laketon township Mclary low nship Oak Lake township Oatwood township, including Bruce tc Oslo township I'ornell township Preston township Richland township Sherman township Sterling township Trenton township >° Brown County.. Aberdeen city Wardl Wards WardS Ward4 Aberdeen township ■\ Mison lownship Path lownship 7 Comparisons of population for 1900 and 1890 made by minor civil divisions wherever possible. 8 Incorporated fi » Incorporated ft— , >° Aurora village incorporated from parts of Aurora and Trenton townships in 1900. " Incorporated in 1903. > 2 Incorporated as a city ir STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. 483 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where used, means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, si Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] ' Claremont village made independent of Claremont township in 1907. - Exclusive nf population ni '.'■■■ ■. s Columbia city returned with Columbia township in 1900. 1 Exclusive of population of Columbia city. 6 Verdon town incorporated from part of Garden Prairie township in 1903. 6 Pukwana town incorporated from part of Pukwana township in 1902. n Buffalo County only. 8 CIVIL DIVISION. Buffalo County— Continued. Elvira township (school) . . G rant townsh i p (school) Crow Creek Indian Reservation (part of).. Belle Fourche city 10 Wardl Wards Wards Belle Fourche township (school) (T. S part of, and T. 9, R. 2, part of) Blaine township (school) (Tps. 8, 9, 10, a R. 5, T. 10 R. (>, part of, and T. 11, R. ( llilcn iov.oship (school) ( T. N, It. li, part of, T.O.R.ii.andT. in, R.0, part of) Middle Creek township (school) (T. 8, R. 2, part of, T. 9, R. 2, part of, T. 10, R. 2, and T. 11, R. 2) Minnesela township (school) ('!'. 7, R. 2, part m °, R. 3, part of, Mnn-iu township (school) (Ts. 12, 13, and 14, Rs.l to9,inchisi\c) Vale township, (school) (T. 8, R. 6, part of) \\ 1 1< • : i la*nl iowoship (si 1kk.iI j (T. ... T. 8, R. 4, T. 9, Rs. 3 and 4, T. 10, Rs. 3 and 4, andT. 11, Rs. 3 and 4)... Campbell County.. Township 5, Blessing (school). . Township 8, HillsMc (school i. . Township 14, Fremont (school).. Towi.ship 1(1, 1'osthal (school ) i T'".\ osliip _M. MeK inlcy (school).. Township 29, Garfield (school) .... :'■■■■ H .: m ..■ , .i. Township 31, Ci-'l- (school) '■•. . Townshin 32, Vanderbilt (school).. • : ■■■ Wardl Wards Wards Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Charles Mix County Castalia township (school) Choteau Creek township Darlington township Forbes township Geddescity 20 Ward 1 Ward? Wards Organized from Auburn and Center townships (school) in 1909. Combined population ol (school). icld and Posthal townships (school) returned as Posthal township 61 90 159 94 306 282 287 234 102 91 214 170 280 196 170 79 182 147 7 Returned in 1900 as 8 Parts taken to form Harding and Perkins Counties in 1909. 9 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1909. 10 Incorporated as a city in 1903. » Comparisons of population for 1900 and 1890 made by minor civil divisions wherever possible. m Incorporated from part of Jackson township in 1900. 484 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. * footnotes; for those between 1890 Bud 1900, ! MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Charles Mix County— Continued. 805 136 357 464 851 352 920 220 410 392 300 816 417 81 1,115 w 391 300 413 423 476 453 414 964 276 491 198 546 666 10,901 633 128 Clay County— Continued. 121 263 453 375 545 580 476 429 532 2,187 725 657 473 4S2 398 14,092 79 569 457 647 618 504 482 '3 542 2,183 Total for lr, in iillnijrni. vluy, Turner, and 277 709 259 153 426 228 Lone Tree township 6 610 456 .. , ,, 472 220 8,770 489 207 431 395 518 610 453 209 270 74 75 373 450 277 315 441 301 682 209 193 239 333 273 274 335 207 7,010 1,678 1,622 2,125 373 2,929 562 497 174 722 428 6,942 376 404 276 191 155 294 178 171 183 199 6,728 Henry village 194 (14) 150 372 323 351 188 64 1,220 m 382 324 220 309 330 329 219 447 304 285 352 228 207 279 294 256 748 453 US 175 133 304 241 313 274 341 283 437 m 150 ns 256 8,711 71 280 296 66 246 310 Kranzburg township 465 Lake township 123 Leola township " Pelican township 219 Phipps township 155 Rau ville township 268 Richland township (") 684 592 Sheridan township 144 South Shore town 17 Wallace town i& Watertown citv 3,352 2,672 289 454 157 236 321 251 80 290 188 160 214 267 269 118 365 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Waverly township 313 336 Corson Count ■ School district No. l,Dc Roekbraine(Tps. 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, Ks. 21, 22, 23, and 24, and 592 139 798 409 222 63 54 115 4,458 208 167 273 .109 107 198 273 217 444 171 185 213 281 158 190 232 296 Si'! 1 disiiii i \o. 2, Duncan (Tps. !N, 19, 2(1, 21, ami 22, Rs 17 (') 1.';, in, and 2n, and Iran. T. 23, Us. 17 (pari of). Is, pj, and 20) distri. , \i>. :■;, Vm ;,,\i an (dps. is, id, 2ij, 21, and 22, lis. 2."., 2ii. and 27; frac. T. 23, Ks. 25, 2a, and 27; Tps. 21 and 22. It. 2s, one! frac T. :.■..■ ,,o ■<•-'!. | i In h i ■ .• ii i i 244 282 School district so i.Snir.'! I'ps. is;, pj. ;nnl 20, R. 28; Tps. 18, 19, 20, 21. and 22, R. 29; fr*. T. 23, R. 29; frac. Tps. 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, R. 30, and frac. Tps. 18, 20, and 21, R. 31) 148 189 230 140 210 165 126 240 20 2,728 Warren township a 4,891 Willow Lakes town 280 752 126 118 326 26 100 119 145 99 Custer tounsiiip (school), including Custer city. 714 599 118 (23) (23) (23) 139 162 (23) 178 9,316 138 7,509 445 597 650 597 517 655 672 420 585 630 649 Glenwood township School disti iii' Xn. n i Highland township organized from part of Wahehe township in 1907. ! Part taken to form Oeddes city in 1900. * Lake Andes town incorporated from part of White Swan township in 1905. * Wagner city incorporated Pom pari of Lawrence township in 1900. * Lone Tree township ci-oni/i'd from pari o) House township in 1909. 6 Part taken to form Bryan township in 1906. ' Incorporated in 1910. 8 Platte city incorporated from part of Platte township in 1900. 9 Bradley town incorporated horn pni of < 'oi lonv/nml township in 1902. i° Garden City town incorporated from part of Eden township in 1909. "Raymond village irieoi-pciinicd from Kavinnnd township since 1900. 11 County total includes population (425) of Kampeska and Richland townships, not returned separately in 1890. lo Wallace town lucnrpoialod from pori of Ivion lownship in 1908. '« Florence tow n incorporated fiom pai I. oi fuller township in 1907. 17 South Shore town in, orporafcd fioio port, of Leola township In 1902. i 8 Organized in 1909 from Ural part oi standing Rock Indian Reservation in South Dakota. i* Incorporated in 1909. ■o County total includes popnlaii .vis) of school districts Nos. 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, and 18, not refnine I separalelv in 1900. » No com pan mi a population can be made; not returned by school districts in 1890. 22 Buffalo Gap town incorporated from part of school district No. 4 in 1909. 13 Not returned separately in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where usi 485 Custer County— Continued. School district N'o. 10. including lien Ward I.. 11 '«)■,/ :!.. Ward:-,.. \Y»rd >,.- School dist School distriei No. VI. . school dish ici \o. I::. School distriei \u. II.. School ilisili'h 'mi. I... - School district No. hi .. School lUshict No. 17.. School dislrii i N o. I-.. . School district No. 1!).. Schiiul district No. -0. . School district No. '.'I.. School district No. 22. . School district No. 2:1.. School district No. 24 2. Davison County.. Wardl Wards WardS Mount Vernon township . . Andover township. . Andover village Bristol township Bristol village Wardl Wardg WardS..; Wardi Butler township' Egeland township Farmington township Grenville township Highland township Homer township Independence township.. Kidder township Kosciusko township Liberty township Lily village 6 Lynn township M orton township Nutley township Oak Gulch township Pierpont village 7 Wardl WardS WardS Racine township Karitan township Rusk township Scotland township Troy township nship in 1902. n part of Butler township in 1906. 6 Lily village hi ■i-roiiraiod from part of York township in 1902. 7 Pierpont village incorporated from part of Union township in 1900. 8 Altamont town incorporal -d from part of Altamont township in 1903. 9 Brandt town incorporated from part of Norden township in 1902. 10 Incorporated as a city in 1900. 11 Goodwin to. vo o part of Goodwin township in 1903. 12 Unorganized; within the limits of Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. Day County— Continued. Altamont town 8 Altamont township 8 Antelope Valley township.. Blom township feeity 10 Wardl WardS WardS ' Lowe township Norden township 9 .. Portland township.. Toronto town.. Dewey County 12 Douglas County.. Berlin township Chester township " Clark township Corsica town " Delniorit town is East Choteau township ' 9 . . Holland township 2 » Jqubert township.. Walnut Grove township.. Edmunds County Adrian township " (T. 124, R. 6 Belle township Bowdle township Bow die village I'ortUindl township..! Cottonwood Lake township. . Fountain township Glen township Glover township Harmony township 1 lillsidc township Hosmer township ** Hosmer village 22 Hudson township Huntley township » County totals include population (399 in 1900; 347 In 1890) of Belmont town- ship (school), taken in fi.rm Ivimont town and Belmont township since 1900; and population (171 in 1890) of that part of low nship '.in. rune hi. in Douglas County, taken to form pari oi Chehoi iowushin isohunl) helween 1890 and 1900. u Incorporated as a city in 1904. • 5 Organized from part of Belmont Ism ndiip (school) in 1906. "Organized from ('hosier iownship (school) in 1906. ' incorporated from part of Grand View township in 1906. 486 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where used, means election precinct. .For changes in homidai irs, etc., between linn) and I'.HO, sit littitnolcs; for those between ls!M) and 1900 sea " < -i ■ i- ■ '"■ -Si, I, I .,,. ■ hi \ ,,l I t.h« 1 1 w ' '"''' MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Edmunds County— Continued. 810 sis S19 166 217 109 110 ISO 191 162 143 150 267 168 357 220 291 230 174 • 35 7,763 397 539 Grant County— Continued. 131 551 327 376 187 387 360 403 321 377 357 575- 2,015 687 670 768 411 332 404 292 190 080 13,061 590 346 412 232 304 405 343 357 319 591 1,426 471 273 42 157 109 93 272 59 172 100 194 138 92 72 246 64 92 26 » 3,541 70 164 40 227 83 283 429 371 Liberty township Mad ison ( owuship Lura township 11 a disnn township. Mazeppa township Montpelier township Odessa township . . 266 108 234 194 114 61 503 1,207 397 187 250 300 447 284 144 127 161 249 311 2 4,478 "i'ii. iii. 615 8 2,211 a r( jmore town 3 140 143 689 254 215 510 816 338 SW 168 2,140 8S5 666 492 247 259 58 1,607 160 134 132 660 6,716 Gregory County Burton precinct •. 8 295 Bentz precinct 563 SOS 135 225 548 Sll 770 1,277 631 296 461 230 411 601 389 274 998 600 173 240 87 173 1,142 310 43S 299 751 412 319 307 273 317 355 381 363 308 304 214 164 254 7,475 Bonesteel city ' 479 Wardl WardB Ward S Bonesteel precinct 1,319 1,423 Burke precinct, including Burke town i '. l ti n h i i ( 1 i i " uid73) Dallas city 5 Wardl WardS Wards , ■ ■ ,'!,,,' II .■; M Dixon township io (Tps. 99 and 100, R. 73) 2 3,547 » 4,062 ict, including Fairfax town Faulk C ounty Wardl 117 138 113 320 129 67 w 240 85 133 162 192 146 802 S16 BOO 215 180 70 233 115 196 368 172 190 79 449 321 267 246 362 191 594 286 109 85 49 34 10,303 rick town ! ■ j Fairview township ! 539 462 St. Charles township m (T. 90, R. 70, and the W. WardS WardS Irving township (school) Lafoon township [ 5,945 Orient township 1 4,625 Pulaski township ° Uny 450 645 174 sso '41 594 229 180 186 228 525 405 419 509 ISO 180 199 436 232 559 405 Seneca township, including Seneca village 1 Seneca milage 3 Sherman township Tam worth township (school) 430 Zell township, including Rockhain village Ward I 171 566 230 348 357 350 WardS Township 119, range 71 9,103 6,814 535 678 528 671 527 635 374 100 336 Alban township Florence township 132 6 Incorporated in 1909. » Albee village Incorporated from pa ship in 1902. ' Twin Brooks village incorporated from part of Twin Brooks township in 1902. 8 No comparison of population can be made; not returned by minor civil divisions In 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. 487 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND ] 890 -Continued. e word "precinct," where used, means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between^ 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between II Hamlin County— Continued. Kayti township.. Ward l.. Ward S. . Wards.. Oxford township . . Bates township.. Como township.. Gilbert township. . Highland township — Holden township Howell township Hulbert township Linn township Logan township Midland township in: Wardl Wards WardS Millei township Mondandn lownsliip. . Riverside township. . Rockdale township Rose Hill township St. Lawrence town' Wardl Wards WardS St. Lawrence township.. Spring township Spring Hills township. . . Spring Lake township... Wheal on township York township Hanson County.. Alexandria city Beulah township Edgerton tow nship. i illage Wardl Wardg WardS Fairview tov, nship. Hanson township. . . Pleasant township. . Worthen township... Harding County 4 . Buffalo township (T. 19, Rs. 4 and 5).. 4.228 J SO Buffalo precinct (T. 18, Rs. 3,4,5, and 6,T.19, Rs. 3 and 6, and T. 20, Rs. 3, 4, 5, and 6) Camp Crook precinct (frac. T. 17, R. 1; frac. T. 18, R. 1, T. 18, R. 2, T. 19, R. 1, T. 19, R. 2, T. 20, R. 1, and T. 20, R. 2), including Camp Crook village Camp Crook village* > ■ Incorporated from part of Brantford township in 1903. » Lake Norden town incorporated from part of Norden township in 1910. part of Raber :. between 1890 and 1900. ' Butte township organized from part of Raber township (school) in 1907. i Organized from Be Grey township (school) in 1907. Harding County— Continued. Cave Hills precinct (T. 21, Rs. 4 and 5, T. 22, Rs. 4 and 5, frac. T. 23, Rs. 4 and 5) Davis precinct (T. 15, Rs. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, T. 16, Rs. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, and T. 17, Rs. 5, 6, and 7) Ilnnfin- pr.vinci (line. T. 15, R. 1, T. 13, Rs. 2, 3, and 4, frac. T. 16, R. 1, T. 16, Rs. 2, 3, and 4, T. 17, Rs. 2, 3, and 4) . Lndlou picniui ( T. 20, R. 7, T. 21, Rs. 6 and 7, T. 22, Rs. 6 and 7, and frac. T. 23, Rs. and 7) Palph pnvim-l CI'. 20. Rs. 8 and 9, T. 21, Rs. 8 and 9, T. 22, Rs. 8 and 9, frac. T. 23, Rs. 8 and 9) Scott precinct (frac. T. 21, R. 1, T. 21, Us. 2 .•mil .".; I'rac.T. 22, R. 1.T.22, Rs. 2 and 3, and frac. T. 23, Rs. 1, 2, and 3) Slim Buttes precinct (T. 17, Rs. 8 and 9, T. 18, Rs. 7, 8, and 9 and T. 19, Rs. 7, 8, Hughes County... Blunt township (school). . Butte tc Byron township Canning township (school).. WardS Logan township (school).... Mentor township (school)... Peoria township WardS Wardl, Plea ;an! Valley township.. Raber township f -ichonl i ■ . Webster township . . Hutchinson County.. Clayton precinct (frac. T. 100, R. 58, and T. 99, It . 58, part of) f'ros-: Plain, imvndiip f i'rae. '!'. 100, R. 60) Fit inn precinct ( T. 99, R. 56, and T. 98, R. 56, , part of) Freeman t own. .-. Ward 1 WardS German prccind >"!'. OX, R. fib)... tow-" I, and T. 98, R.56, and T. 90, R. 58, part of) Molan precinct (T. 97, R. 5 OakHolloVpfecincr(¥.'9>\R\6iVandT.98\R\6i)! oiivel precinct (T. 07, R. 58, and T. 98, R. 58). Din. a town Wardl Wards WardS Parkston city " Ward 1 WardS Wards Sharon precinct (T. 97, R. 59, and T. 98, R. 59). . . Silver Lake precinct(frac.T.100,R.56,andfrac. T.100.R.57) Starr township (frac. T. 100, R. 61). . Susquehanna township (T. 99, R. 61) Tripp precinct (T. 97, R. 60) o Returned in 1900 as in Buffalo County only. '"'Comparisons of population for 1900 and 1890 made by minor civil divisions possible. 11 Parkston city returned with Liberty township in 1900. u Exclusive of population of Parkston city. '3 Exclusive of popuation of Menno town. » Exclusive of population of Olivet town. » Exclusive of population of Tripp town. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 -Continued. e footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, s MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Hutchinson County-Continued. Iripp town Wardl 150 146 75 145 74 86 463 3,307 366 226 Kingsbury County— Continued. 296 1,007 S66 S48 294 489 507 090 355 547 874 557 10,711 222 706 WardS Ward 1 Ward2 WardS WardS Ward 4 305 540 475 839 587 9,137 Miiiu-hi'slcr lowmliin Mm hews lownship ' ilillioin \ illage. 516 1,492 567 1,860 512 850 117 78 59 63 80 98 114 29 1,084 184 500 400 174 174 74 54 136 71 111 95 159 103 78 72 9,120 64 76 53 40 63 19 376 63 90 106 33 Lake County < i wnship 7,508 Dewey township ' 1 louglas township 406 552 377 339 361 382 472 456 498 3,137 866 961 676 6S5 526 355 312 68 99 145 534 495 313 329 110 160 300 243 324 19,694 451 344 304 350 389 392 306 514 2,550 53 116 435 Chester township ( larno township 1 'urn i iir.' Ion township Wardl Franklin township 263 Le Roy township 47 95 66 12 50 66 7 39 71 55 85 21 79 127 90 33 Madison city Wardl Ward2 Ward S Ward 4 Nunda township 475 316 172 Spring J.:iki> lov. nsliip Valley township. 79 37 67 77 55 WardS WardS Rutland township 482 426 311 181 Crow Creek In. Inn lirsei \ ;>i inn ■> (part of) [For total, see Buffalo County.] 2,798 3,605 WardS WardS 274 417 197 334 200 205 235 224 294 105 n 115 87 95 189 225 297 1,093 622 SS9 267 12,560 236 153 116 287 104 100 52 133 241 138 422 Wen tworth township 319 417 Winfred town " 200 376 151 158 162 135 405 184 Winfred township « 394 12 17,897 369 12 11,673 296 3,653 600 1,008 886 1,280 109 1,678 1,042 2,676 1,380 875 318 1,130 666 SSI JE 390 70 302 396 79 172 131 116 21 93 48 113 591 126 70 203 21 91 45 115 149 125 22 89 3,498 2,366 Harmony township Lane village 6 100 84 135 148 251 320 132 138 303 281 291 6,210 ::.:::::::: :::::: i lea .mi township St. Onge township (T. 7, R. 3— school dis- 200 9,866 267 8,562 1,166 Terry township (school districts 75 and 76).... 791 229 212 S50 835 726 136 22S S3 69 1,063 298 S77 SS8 599 230 94 48 88 640 749 500 314 270 311 1 ii ' ". ', < ii.-li 752 807 706 057 ' ' '-■ ":-.'i>;. ' ■)■■■ i 1 1 1 - ■ :.■; i-Mi.l \ ill. 1,061 665 ' i ii.i.'l i -in. n 1 , II i <'■ In .i'iin-1 749 541 School district No. 15, Lower Whitewood 405 131 363 739 276 547 183 School district No. 21, Box Elder (Bench mark) . [For total, see Beadle County.] '- ■ ' ■ 'i ' i '■ ol:;i' l.;.ii inn | » Lane village incorporated from part of Franklin township in 1907. » Bancroft village incorporated from part of Le Sueur township ir 9 Returned as a town in 1900. >° Incorporated as a city in 1906. 11 Winfred town incorporated from part of Winfred township ii '2 No comparison of population or - v — w Incorporated in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. 489 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where used, means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, eh-., between moo and lull), see footnotes; for those between is'JO and 1900, si Lawrence County-Continued. School district No. 39, Crow I'eak.. School district No. 49, M_ School dishici \o. all, M i.l.ll.- I'slse Bottom.. School disiiiei mi : , L , Chicken Creek School dish id \o .",-}, Roubaix (Perry) i trict No. 55, Nemo School . U-.i i H i \'o. 57, Asbui v.. School disii iei No. 72, Renvoi (Crow Creek).. Lincoln County.. Counties.. Wardl Wards WardS Brooklyn township. . Canton city Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward 4 Canton township Dayton township Wardl WardS WardS Fairview low nship '-'. 'Irani township Hudson town Wardl WardS WardS ha Valley township ■>. Wardl Wards Ward 3 Lincoln township... Lynn township. . Lyman County. . "- Annin township ' (T. 106, R. 77, part of) Ranner township '(T. 2 N., R. 29) Brule township 8 (T. 107, R. 77, part of) Buffalo township' i T. 2 S., It. 29) Butte township' ( -r. in::, lis. 73 and 74, parts of; Tps. 104 and 105, Rs. 73 and 74; and . T. 106, Rs. 73 and 74, part, of) Capa township 8 (T. 2 N., R. 26) Draper town '" 1 1 L'hlnnd township llilmoe township s (T. 104, R. 78.) Iona township '(T. 101, R. 72 and Rs. 71 and 73, parts of; T. 102, Rs. 71, 72, and 73, parts of; and T. 103, lis. 72 and 73, parts of) kenneliee h Wardl WardS Ward S Kennebec township u (T. 105, R. 75 and T. 106, 119 Liberty townships (T. 104, R. 77) .. Lincoln township ' (T. 1 S " ' Lund township ' (T. 106, 1 Tea town incorporated from part of Delapre township in 1900. 2 Fairview town incorporated from part oi 1-airmow township in 1901. 3 Harrisburg town incorporated from part of La Valley township in 1902. Lyman County— Continued. Moore township ' (T. 105, R. 78) Mullen township ' (T. 3 S., R. 28, part of, ai T. 4 S . , R . 28, part of ) Wardl Wards WardS Murdo township" (T. 2 S., R. 28) Oacoma town '3 Wardl WardS Ward S Okaton township' t T. 2 S., R. 27, part of, and ™ " S., R. 27 part of) Presho city W Wardl WardS WardS I'icslio lownsliip ' (T. Iu5, I!. 77) lihii \ 'idles lownships ifrae. T. 1 N., R. 31).. ip' ( and T. 104, R. 7!,.. South Creek township' (T. I N., R. 2 Stony Butte townships (T. 107, It. 71 ip 7 i Vivian township'-' I Tps. lur, and 11)0, R. 79). . \\ ar Creek townships No comparison of population can be made; not returned by school townships 2 Leola town incorporated from part of Leola township (school) in 1907. '■> Organized from Liiici u« n hop i a hnol) in 1908. * Organized fioin Wschlor lousi hip (school i in 1910. 5 County total includes population (015) of Newport and Weston townships not returned separately in 1890. e Incorporated as a city ir """" ' McKinley township org; • Veblen village incorporated from part of Veblen township in 1902. » No comparison of population can be made; not returned by school dis; i° Not returned separately in 1900. u "Unorganized: formed in 1909; vsh hin i.lic linnc ni l,s clmd : we n . si Tola! popnlalion lor Wosebml Indian Ucscrx oiion, comprising Mellette, Todd, and parts of Benncll and \\ a- lialsmsli Coon lies, in lain, a/.iiin, ami in 1900,5,201. 12 Incorporated as a city in 1910. "Incorporm l n . o ,. n m 'all ihini .ml . i d rup townships in 1907. i» Part taken to form part of B p annexed in 1902,1905, and 1909; parts annexed STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. 491 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The word "precinct," where used, means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between^ 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, s MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Minnehaha County— Continued. Sioux Falls township ' . . . South Sioux t''alls town.. Split Rock township Svcnlrup township- I'aopi township'. Wellington township.. Wardl WardS WardS Klaiidreau township.. Fremont township tlrovana township Jefferson township Lone Rock township. J -van township Pennington County Big Bend precinct (T. 1 N., R. 6, and T. 2 N., R. 6, part of) Cedar Butte township ' (T. 2 N., R. 15) Conata townships (T.3 S.,R.16,and T.4 S., R. Flat Butte township '° (T. 2 Huron to^ 'i 2 " I! If,) Lake Creek township ' (T. 1 N., R. 17) Lake Flat township' (T. 1 N., R. 15) Lake Hill township ' (T. 1 N., R. 16) Limestone precinct (T. 1 N., Rs. 1 and 2, and 2 N., Rs. 1 and 2, parts of) Moon precinct (T. 1 S., Rs. 1 and 2, and T. 2 Rs. 1 and 2, parts of) New Underwood I — ' Owanka precinct R. 13, part of) Pactola precinct (T. 1 N., R. 5, and T. 2 N., R. 5, part of) Peno township ' (T. 2 N., R. 17) Quinn township ' (T. 1 S., R. 17) Rapid City Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 Rochford precinct Rockcrrilte precinct (T. 1 R. 6, part of) Scenic township ' (Tps. 2 and 3 S., Rs. 13 and 14). Sheridan precinct (T. 1 S., R. 5, and T. 2 S., R. N., R. 11, part of) • met «(T. 1 S., R.16) Wasta precinct (T. 1 N., R. 14, and T. 2 N., 14, part of) . . White precinct (T. 3 N., R. 17) Township 1 north, range 7 ' Parts annexed to Sioux Falls city i city annexed in 1902 and 1906. Pennington County— Continued. Town i, range 12.. i, range 7.. i, range '.). . i, range 10.. i, range 11.. l, range 12.. 1 Township i souwi, , Township 1 south, I Township 1 south, 1 Township 1 south, i Tow nd hp 1 south, range 14 Township 1 south, range 15 Town, hip '_' noi 1h, range 7 (part of). Tow usliip 2 i until . range S (pari of). Township '.' norlli, range 9 (part of). Township 2 noilh, range ill (pari old Township 2 north, range 12 (part of) Township 2 south, lange 7 (part old. Township '.' south, lange in (part of) Tow nsliip 2 south, raaige 11 (part of) Tow usliip a south, range 12 (part of) Tow usliip 2 south Township 3 north Township 3 north Township " — Township 3 south, Township 3 south, Township 3 south, Township 4 north, Township 4 north, Township 4 north, Township 4 south, Township 4 south Township 4 south Township 4 south, Township 4 south, Township 5 north, Township 5 north Township 5 north Township 6 north i Township P north range 15 (part of) . . range 16 range 12 (part of) . . range la. . range 17.. range 15 (part of) . . , range 14 (part of).. range 15 (part of) . range 17 (part of).. range 15 (part of).- range 16 (part of) . . ., range 17 i, range 15 (part of).. range 17 (part of).. Perkins County ' 5 | Allen precinct (Tps. 18,19,20, and 21, R. 10 and T. 20. Rs. 11 and 12) Barthold precinct (Tp-a 10 and 17. Rs. 15 and 16; Tps. 10, 17, and IS, R. 17 (parts of), N. i T. 15, R. 16, and N £ T. 15. R. 17, part of). .7. Bison township (Tps. 17 and IS, Rs. 13 and 14). . Bixby township (Tps. 13 and 14, Rs. 13 and 14) ['.rerfenndge precinct (Tps in and 20, Rs. 13 and 14) Tsurdick township (T. 21, R. 14) Daviston towirhip 585 431 " 10,581 11 oven lownship 3 Wi 78 207 146 111 34 21 173 130 78 165 99 187 144 31 51 220 430 tn 1S1 82 565 193 252 270 184 206 293 592 200 154 ess 215 150 290 164 SOO 117 195 408 m its 154 252 197 223 171 239 213 381 189 442 276 259 472 494 392 668 196 205 3,060 m 802 880 226 170 172 182 307 214 240 214 14,976 170 274 Lshton city 359 Wardl Wards 356 170 153 174 276 125 90 204 195 Pleasant View mu uslnp (school) Itchnoni low nship 217 Benton township 235 Beotla township 279 Buffalo township 159 12,216 » 1,997 ( ' 1 i 1 1 on I o wnship 218 204 273 227 312 46 472 579 421 400 642 478 232 294 670 172 372 630 361 192 300 1,397 461 401 535 349 323 337 545 333 501 525 427 83 181 6,607 406 137 210 297 216 265 316 36 442 445 301 390 377 664 484 123 235 599 148 269 562 521 167 Wardl Conde township 159 93 250 235 254 104 Crandon township Doland cit v 16 216 WardS Wards Exline township 148 198 108 Frankfort city 186 Wardl Ward2 WardS Frankfort township 209 151 116 91 174 136 284 148 304 163 198 354 437 243 515 177 145 1,015 236 243 Oreat Bend township 139 < ; i'o v eland township 131 250 166 207 121 160 268 276 241 928 1,009 181 356 360 240 237 288 563 170 556 352 796 ;;;;;;;;;; 113 58 93 406 277 126 190 150 138 145 443 4,464 4,610 235 583 257 442 293 190 197 367 402 299 215 298 281 295 299 210 339 275 233 255 209 103 219 130 197 200 207 195 191 269 256 251 221 199 276 136 292 94 " 1,341 113 \rtesian village Stanley County Butler township i» 1,028 '' "CI IOC p. 210 344 181 100 151 129 128 81 130 287 Bel videre town land 24) Big Buffalo township (T. 2 S., R. 19) Jackson township.' Letcher township Logan township. Oneida township Ravenna township 215 209 239 241 207 184 I>, reives ('took township (T. 4 N., R. 19) Cedar township (T. 2 S., R. 18) Ccnlcr township (T. 1 N., R. 24) Cherrv township (T. 2 N., R. 22) Cottonwood township (T. 1 S., R. 18) i rnion low nship 2 Incorporated from part of Hov< . 3 Organized from llovcn own hip i -;chool) in pins; pari taken to form Hoven town in 1910. * Tolstoy town incorporated from part of Logan township (school) in 1909. 6 Organized from Rnv lo.vishm (school) in 1908. 6 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted between 1890 and 1900. i Peever town incorporated from part of Lawrence township in 1901. 8 Ortley town incorporated from part of Ortlcv township in 1907. ' Incorporated as a city in 1901. U Incorporated as a city in 1909. " Unorganized; within the limits of Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. of Ashton citv, part annexe; p. < 'lid on township ami pari taken in for in perl of Jefferson town- ship: and population (129) of T. 118, R. 61. part annexed to Athol township and part i ■ ! i . . '-c •. ii n i ■.: ii hi . .in , ■ '!,i,, i,,., .i ;,, ,, i .pi, : i,. | priil u No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1907 and 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. 493 -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. i 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between ls'.tu and 1'JOO, s MINOR CIVTL DIVISION. Stanley County— Continued. Ferguson township (T. 4 N.. R.21) n Inn (school), coextensive with Fort Pierre city Wardl WardB WardS Grandlield t.ownship(T.5N.,R.24,andT.6N., R. 24).. Hanover township ( F. ti N., R. 23). i! ;liip ( r. 5N, R. 26) Indian Creek township (T. 1 S..R.23) Interior township (T. 3 S., Rs. 18,19, and _'H, ami T. 4S., Rs. is. 19, and'.'!), parts of) Iownship (T. 3 N., R. 23) Jewett township (T. 1 s., R. 22) Kadoka town ' Wardl Ward 2 WardS Kadoka [Dwnsl.ii i ( i'. 2 S., Rs. 21 and 22) Riser township (T. :! N., It. 24) I.iitlc I'.iillali) !owns,ii|i (T. 2S., R.20) Lone Tree township ( F. 2 \., R. 25) Marietta township I I'.JS., Us. 19 and 20) •< niison lown-iiiipl 1'. -1 N., R. 23) Veers township ( F. 5 \., R. 2S) ■.'I U own^ Midland township (T. 1 N.. R. 25) i township (T. 6N..R. 20) Nowlin township (T. 1 N., R. 23) Philip cltyi ■ nship (T. l X., Rs. 20 and 21, and T. 2N., Rs. 20 and 21) Pleasant township (T. 2 \\, It. 24) iv township (T. 2 N., R. 23) Plum Creek township (T. 4 N., R. 25) Rea township (T. 3 N., R. 27) Riille township i'F 3 N.,R. 25) Riverside township (T. 1 S., R. 19) Stamford township (T. 2 S., R. 25) Tolton township (T. 8 N., R. 27). . 'Fncker Smith township (T. 3 N., R. 21) . Township 1 south, range 24 Township 1 south, range 2.5 Township 3 south, range 21 (part of) Township 3 south, range 22 (part of) Township 3 south, range 23 (part of) Township 3 south, range 24 (part of) Township 1 north, range 18 Township 1 north, range 19 Township 1 north, range 22 Township 2 north, range 19 Township 3 north, range 18 Township 3 north, range 20 Township 3 north, range 22 Township 3 north, range 26...: Township 3 north, range 28 Township 3 north, range 29 Township 3 north, range 30 Fractional township 3 north, range 31 Township 4 north, range 20 Township 4 north, range 24 Township 4 north range 26 Township 4 north, range 27 Township 4 north, range 28 Township 4 north, range 29 Townsh ; p 4 north, range 30 Fractional township 4 north, range 31 Fractional township 4 north, range 32 Fractional township 4 north, range 33 Fractional township 4 north, range 34 Township 5 north, range 18 Township 5 north, range 21 Township 5 north, range 22 Township 5 north, range 23 Township 5 north, range 25 Township 5 north, range 27 Township 5 north, range 29 Township 5 north, range 30 Fractional township 5 north, range 31 Township 6 north, range 18 Township6 north, range 19 Township 6 north, range 21 Township 6 north, range 22 Township 6 north, range 25 Township 6 north, range 26 Township 6 north, range 27 Township 6 north, range 28 Fractional township 6 north, range 29 Fractional township 6 north, range 30 Fractional township 6 north, range 31 Township 7 north, range 18 (part of) 3 Returned in 1900 as in Lyman County only. * Unorganized; within the limits of Cheyenne Riv 5 Not returned separately in 1900. 6 County total includes population (23) of that part of 1 County, taken to form part of Little Bend township (school) b Stanley County— Continued. Township 7 north, range 19 (part of) I ...I ii hip 7 north, range 2D (part of) Township i iioil I). r;m:;e 21 ( pari of) Township . north, range 22 (part of) Tow nship "i iioi ill, range 23 Tow ii hip ; uorili, range 24 Township 7 north, range 25 Township ; noi Ih, range 26 Township 7 north, range 27. Township 7 north, range 28 ITeeliiiiia! low nship 7 nor' h, range 29 t'laclional low mhi| i 7 norih. range 30 Tow nship s north range 22 (part of) Town ;liip s niinli range 23 (part of) i ,, ,i .la,. . ., ,■,,,■. Township 8 north, range 25 'Few ii ship s north, range 26 Township 8 north, range 28 fractional township S noi Ih, range 29 Township 9 north, range 21 (pari of) Tee, i hip ii noi i h, range 25 ( part of) Township '.I north, range r, i part of) Township '.) norih. lange 27 I part of) Rraelional iownship 9 norih, range 2s i pari of i. iMaclional township 9 norih. range 29 low nship ins i Mil ill, ranee 77 ( part of) Tow nship i n\ inn ih, range 78 (part of) Township his norih, range 7'i ■: nart of) Township inn n„ r Hi, range 77 ( part of) Township | nil north, range 78 Township 109 north, range 79 Lower Brule Indian Reservation 3 (part of) [For total, see Lyman County.] Sterling County 4 . Fairbanks township (school) Fairview township (school) Farmington township (school).. Garner township ? Good water township Grandview township (school)... Harrison township (school).. Ilarl lord Iownship (school). . Iowa towr- 1 -'- Lake tow Lincoln t< lallle Rend low nship (school) Llewellyn Park township (school).. Milioid low nship '. ■ I I , , I 1 o ■ ■ ■ , I , , ■'■,., , "1 ■•■:' i .... : Ward 1 Ward2 WardS Pearl township Pleasant township (school) Rich Valley township (school) Summit township (School) i'n" l ,w U'T.ii i Fort Sully Military Reservation Tripp County 10 Augusta precinct (T. 95, Rs. 75 and 76, and T. 96, R. 75) Colonic precinct (T. 97, Rs. 74 and 75, T.98,Rs. 74and75,andT.99,R.74) Dog lair precinct (Tps. 97, 98, and 99, R. 77) ... Muggins precj.ici. (T. 95, Rs. 77 and 78, frac. T. 95, R. 79, and T. 96, R. 77) Ideal precinct (frac. T. 100, R. 77, Tps. 101 and 102, R. 76, and T. 103, R. 76, part of ) .lordan pie, and (Tps. 98 and 99, R. 78 an .a I P ■■.,.,.,.: a. i • ■ Lahaye precinct (Tps. 95 and 96, R. 74) 1 Returned as a school township in 1900. 8 Onida village incorporated from part of Onida township in 1909. 9Unorga-'- J Total popul 494 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. I The word "precinct," where used, means election precinct. I'm changes in boundaries, etc., hel.v.een Minn and lalO, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, £ Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 6.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Tripp County— Continued. Lamro precinct (T. 98, R. 70, and T. 99, Rs. 75 914 537 077 427 472 405 13,840 Union County— Continued. 407 189 147 US 8 554 401 695 722 582 6,488 364 McNcclev precinct (Tps. 90 and 97, It. 70) Ros-lami precinct (frac. T. 1(H), Rs. 74 and 75; 939 Rowan pii'cinci time. P. 100, R. 7a. Tp< la! and UVJ, R. 78; T. ins, R. 7S, part of; frac. Tps. 799 1,114 648 3,839 pivci.ici (frac. T. 100, R. 70; Tps. 101 and 102, R. 75; and T. 103, R. 75, part of).. >, ,„,i ,. . ■ in ' n.a ■■'. in:' i : T|' 'ai and 102, R. 77; and T. 103, R. 77, part of) ... \\ i- i •_-. 1 1 1. precinct (Tps. 90 and 97, R. 7x, and 114 191 160 191 176 182 223 158 275 229 91 473 17S 166 145 149 210 11 258 90 1,200 S01 584 S15 53 86 10 558 225 137 209 95 123 144 (*) <*) 13,135 386 12 Akaska township" (T. 121, R. 77), including 13,175 1 10,256 Akaska town"- Brotherfield township Centerville city Wardl Ward 2 WardS Chancellor village 2 404' 894 S57 $20 623 160 507 605 613 m 599 375 506 148 SS6 440 142 473 402 558 438 169 539 1,224 S5S S54 S18 541 548 598 574 568 629 410 165 100 145 10,676 456 S71 558" 723 Blue Blanket township (school) Brown township (school) Corson township (school) > 8 Flora township (school) ' 9 Glenham town 2 » Glenn township (school) Hiddenwood township (school) " IR'hla.n.1 i„.'.Yii'.iHji (school) 150 145 280 149 2l6" 233 325 Daneville township i Davis village Dolton township, including Dolton town Dolton town « Gerrnantown township 2 Hurlev city ' 6 037 151 550 670' 358 444 344 Hilde township (school) Hoven township (school) Java town 18 Wardl WardS WardS Kennedy township (school) Le Beau town 2 > 272 104 iis WardS Ward S "''"""'449' Lowry township 22 (T. 121, R. 76), including 43 ... I For total, see Clay County.] Marion village — - 132 420 Mobridge town " Wardl WardS WardS Monroe township » Monroe village 8 Norway township 585 893 River township (school) Ryan township (school) » Scranton township (school) 21 60 Wardl WardS Spring Lake township (school) Spring Valley township (school) 254 112 127 67 231 WardS Parker township Rosefleld township 529" 587 050 618 •671 222 ...'...■ Salem township * Walworth township (school) 20 133 Turner township V iborg city 9 (27) 12,649 WardS 11,153 9,130 Ga le tQmi „, , Icester township 645 409 710 547 593 1,200 m 410 835 720 485 680 858 285 713 1,057 680 1,081 110 257 m 464 279 93 76 111 564 718 103 1,497 18 244 404 304 [For total, see Clay County.] Lesterville township (T. 95, R. 57) [For total, see Lincoln Countv.] 594 Big Springs township Ward 1 WardS WardS townships»(T. 95, R. 54) 938 6 619 466 511 711 .■■'.. .-■, . 965 1,863 Emmet township w Jefferson township 442 5S9 461 Volin town 8 « 1 No comparison of population can be made; r__ 2 Chancellor village incorporated from part of G 3 Returned as a school township in 1900. < Irene village made indepandent of Daneville township in 19( 6 Exclusive of population of Irene village. « Incorporated in 1909. ' Incorporated as a city in 1905. « Monroe village incorporated from part of Monroe township ii 9 Incorporated as a city in 1903. 15 Akaska township organized from Liberty township (school) since 1900. '« Incorporated in 1903. "Selby citv iiK.-oi'iiai-aicl Ort.-rn .11.1'i: of r.aii-air :"-)<] I Ciddanwood townships (school) in 1901., " Unorganized; within the limits of Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian Reserva- 95 No population reported for that part of county within the limits of Rosebud Indian Reservation Pine Ridge Indian Reservation not returned by counties. Total population for Rosebud fa lian uprising! lette, Todd, and parts of Perm in 1910, 3,900, and in 1900, 5,201. 28 Unorganized; within the limits of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. 27 Not returned separately. 28 Countv total includes population (799) of Ts. 93 and 94, R. 57, not returned separately in 1890. 29 Incorporated from part of fractional i . a:. '; 31, in 1901. 30 Made independent of Marindahl township in 1901. i> No population reported. m Incorporated from part of T. 94, R. 54, in 1901 . STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 495 [The word "precinct," where used, i e footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see minor crra DrvisiON. 1910 1900 1890 MrNOB CIVIL »,_ 1910 1900 1890 Yankton Comity— Continued. 463 3,787 UB 698 1,186 1,658 12 458 210 229 613 410 425 4,125 376 3,670 Yankton County— Continued. 430 539 367 6,607 397 495 367 6,827 Pine Ridge Indian Reservation s 43 689 309 780 271 784 509 552 230 176 (<) 438 («) 1,766 1,220 788 906 963 964 1 Organized in 1906. « Not returned separately in 1890. s Comprises the unorganized counties of Shannon and Washington and parts o the unorganized counties of Bennett and'j.h, not returned separated . Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. ^ CITY, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Brown Walworth Hanson Jerauld Da,j.. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Fall River Kingsbury Douglas Sanborn Spink Brookings Bonhomme Minnehaha Kingsbury 10,753 114 131 409 955 417 110 146 791 583 236 451 278 136 1,352 } MH 551 566 563 351 158 934 901 "'262 645 280 311 162 120 409 311 2,103 554 594 408 971 296 1,275 100 294 1,220 704 362 407 235 592 286 320 602 1,277 164 1,063 L367 4,087 3,182 369 147 211 268 816 46 516 1,200 742 446 230 509 312 901 500 107 802 1,484 270 792 408 433 615 109 304 477 701 936 1S2 145 1,142 1,108 164 230 648 229 462 114 414 412 223 1,084 271 259 217 2,140 209 1,026 404 506 5,791 810 203 578 473 235 216 381 680 153 Minnehaha Fall River 232 479 503 1,081 578 247 131 357 225 232 399 \ re 1 more town 314 912 339 274 270 482 250 359 Brookings 331 Artesian village Kingsbury 210 Davison McPherson 901 552 Fairfax town Lincoln 451 1,046 590 246 622' .539 1,244 462 509 Beresford city 404 353 \Union Codington Stanley Brown Hutchinson Lawrence Clark Minnehaha 395 198 251 525 Blunt village 281 Bonesteel city Bowdle village Edmunds Clark Bradley town 691 519 2,346 410 199 514 1,518 Bridgewater city 500 345 341 ' M.I • ,I!:V'. Marshall Brookings Brookings Hamlin Charles Mix Potter Walworth... Gregory Brown Lincoln Hughes Minnehaha Hamlin Codington Campbell Gregory Kingsbury Pennington Beadle Edmunds Fall River Bryant city 405 172 Glenham town iwn Gregory Butler village 700 Camp Crook village Harding i 'aiiisfota town Mccook Harrold village 57 423 ' 'union city Lincoln 1,943 265 430 98 S71 1, 101 200 ilrni foul village I'uriliage village 160 191 Castlewood town Hamlin 194 Cavour town Centerville citv Turner 723 Central ' 'ity town Lawrence Brule Brown ' h'.onl-.eriain citv 874 939 162 376 Highmore city •. HillCitv town 435 Olaremont village 120 684 213 121 592 147 ■ city Deuel Moody Minnehaha Brown i: town 135 Oolman village 1,319 1,423 Colton town Columbia city 143 195 400 Miner 588 400 2,793 397 229 276 town Lincoln n urle y city. .- Huron citv 599 ' 790 Ipswich city Edmunds 151 749 3,498 1255 Kingsbury Lawrence". Minnehaha (Beadle \ Kingsbury Walworth' o 366 1 Ire Deli Rapids citg '993 Java town 496 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— SOUTH DAKOTA. Table 2 POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 ■ 1890 County. 1910 1900 1890 Union 407 222 252 713 920 202 1,007 294 403 210 8,392 1,255 745 484 279 402 175 90 409 3,137 472 621 210 2,015 1,202 6,515 1,200 169 442 222 614 372 134 392 235 150 355 133 319 192 1,224 970 259 578 314 3,656 712 1.115 304 635 164 312 3.854 81 241 3,060 332 364 229 Faulk Edmunds 286 357 167 305 1,097 1,102 558 321 138 14,094 1,397 335 132 1,130 506 675 310 1,739 545 273 134 142 424 675 240 190 1,107 103 331 136 2,187 410 453 568 286 964 167 207 72 7,010 803 1,713 329 576 '468 507 368 390 437 427 243 436 1,027 179 3,787 92 50 115 741 964 453 593 Charles Mix Lake Nordeu to Bonhomme Walworth 1 083 Kingsbury 700 337 239 198 Minnehaha Minnehaha Walworth Lawrence 10,266 928 10, 177 Lead cit 6,210 2,581 Codington Minnehaha Lawrence 591 303 114 1,166 332 525 McPherson 244 130 Letcher villa e Sanborn S rin field cit Bonhomme Walworth 1,100 237 2,550 338 354 556 1,736 Bonhomme Marion villa e Turner Tea town 241 413 Hutchinson 447 366 Hutchinson 1,426 544 4,055 1,207 536 2,217 Bonhomme 1,167 Walworth Minnehaha 388 375 rri t( Verdon town Brown 222 127 2, 183 222 171 396 Pennington 243 Brookings Volin town Fall River Kingsbury Hutchinson Charles Mix 222 156 220 105 Pennington Codington Ortle to' Ward villa e 596 728 262 Codington 3,352 430 1,506 181 Hutchinson Da Wessin ton town Beadle 2,306 465 3,235 604 320 454 264 170 311 210 352 Brookings Charles Mix Campbell Preshocitv Lawrence 443 172 1,342 Pennington Charles Mix 2,128 122 648 213 4,t25 1,015 187 796 TENNESSEE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. 1 No. 14 organized from part of No. 5 in 1900. 1 Incorporated in 1909. ' Incorporated in 1905. I No. 15 organized from parts of Nos. 3, 5, and 10 in 1901. 6 Incorporated in 1903. 6 No. 16 organized from part of No. 9 in 1902. ■i ..I- I '-... . ad 12, taken to form Nos. 3 a 8 Organized from old Nos. 8 and 9 in 1906. 9 Organized from old Nos. 1 and 7 in 1906. 10 Organized from old No. 5 and part of old No. 6 in 1906. II Organized from old Nos. 3 and 4 in 1906. « Organized from old Nos. 2 and 11 in 1906. " Organized from old Nos. 10 and 12 and part of old No. 6 in 1906. M Incorporated in 1907. 15 Organized from old Nos. 1 to 6 and 13 and that part of No. 14 outside ol ind city, in 1905; part annexed to Cleveland city in 1909. 2S407— 12 32 '« Incorporated as a city in 1903; part of No. 1 anne: »' Organized from old Nos. 9 to 12 in 1905. 18 Organized from old Nos. 7 and 8 in 1905. i» Organized from old No. 6 and that part of No. 1 in 1905. 2 ° Organized from old Nos. 5 to 8 in 1903. « Organized from old Nos. 9, 11, 12, and 13 in 1903. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 17,634 1890. 15,128 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Anderson County 17,717 Blount County— Continued. No. 6 911 971 1,148 2,852 1,626 2,381 323 650 153 419 336 1,258 1,085 788 1,151 1,204 1,705 626 736 8J2 1,520 755 16,336 920 822 1,260 2,312 736 991 1,348 1,942 2, 143 M 347 1,872 127 700 757 811 798 511 1,466 2,448 1,042 22,667 898 1,074 871 1,333 3,408 858 918 808 1,165 2,561 No. 7 1,047 No. 9, including wards 1 to 3 of Maryville 2,841 2,106 1,111 1,957 1,198 Total for Munji tile Ion n ' ' in. Nos. 9 and 19. . . No. 7, Including part of Oliver Springs town. . 1,244 1,421 1,325 1,385 972 1,324 1,200 1,152 709 485 505 1,037 Total for Oliver Springs town* in No. 7, Andti- son County, and No. 2, Roane County 856 810 907 575 1,013 2,539 898 897 710 544 766 1,382 No. 1-1 No. 19, including wards 4 and 5 of Maryville 23,846 24,739 Bedford County 15,759 No.l 974 2,124 659 1,896 466 620 915 4,453 2,869 720 660 163 1,120 1,239 1,078 672 853 675 690 820 1,086 1,311 12,462 945 2^308 642 2,037 665 773 893 3,755 2,236 795 663 180 1,241 1,411 1,149 772 885 062 800 952 1,327 1,280 11,888 985 1,372 2,723 686 2,164 715 850 926 2,906 1,823 677 723 No. 1 , 15 including part of ward 3 of Cleveland city. 5,281 264 6,549 1,612 2,468 2J931 2,028 6,096 27,387 5,868 No. 4, including liellbuckle town Totalfor Cleveland ■ ity u fa Nos. 1 and A 3,868 2,863 No. 2".... 3,408 2,074 4,409 No.3i8 ; No.8 No. 4, 19 including wards 1 and 2 and part of No. 9, including I.ongview town 1,286 1,708 1,308 713 1,030 752 912 1,057 1,460 1,187 11,230 17,317 No. 11 13,486 7,013 2,816 2, 760 4,604 834 4,329 8,681 1,802 10,825 3,126 366 2,706 3,537 2,778 5,170 1,283 12,121 2,622 374 No.421 804 1,002 570 559 2,056 692 030 627 1,534 961 995 349 596 354 482 379 494 6,329 1,215 765 618 1,752 S99 717 1,326 1,086 741 1,730 330 730 539 1,383 628 473 481 668 907 1,424 604 547 758 745 1,024 964 606 672 398 23,971 800 546 572 787 1,486 468 684 835 793 1,254 994 704 752 521 405 » 24,250 No. 4 No. 3 No. 4 878 No.5 800 No. 6 No. 7 No.7 No.8 No.9". . 1,308 428 441 405 580 '812 298 470 440 537 No. 10' 1,138 1,138 No. 11 No. 12 No. 14 No.l6« '6,626 1 6,134 28 23,630 1,332 '622 1,613 853 1,322 1,118 933 592 424 570 519 2,700 1,112 541 1,296 1,795 612 1,536 168 1,266 1,139 632 460 625 556 1,329 1,332 536 No. 1» 1,120 926 1,567 910 634 1,172 20,809 1,097 859 1,162 876 1,769 No.2» No.3i° No. 1. including pari of town 1,051 782 1,028 682 1,054 N0.51* Total for McKenzie town in Nos.4and22 No. 6" 19,206 17,589 791 No. 1 1,288 522 279 953 970 '469 853 971 1,164 403 308 691 1,008 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No.5 No. 12 504 comprising Cleveland city, 498 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. . Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer to civil districts. For changes in boundaries, etc., between Kino :m.l is) mi, see footnotes, lot lino; bchimi i.s'ju and l'.)iin,s;ee Kcpoits of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 23,604 1900 20,896 1890 1,188 781 1,103 605 624 659 842 1,305 4C9 905 1,042 19,838 986 768 1,137 636 612 745 810 924 1,219 498 965 16,688 1,084 930 741 1,135 764 602 592 '961 1,234 112 760 13,389 15,103 2,929 886 2^094 3,042 2,432 'S47 2,253 2,553 1,611 9,009 2,761 No.2? 2,695 2,141 2,933 2,559 3,826 No. 6," including Cumberland Gap town No. 7" 1,805 1,976 No. 22, including part of McKenzie town No. 8" 8,421 7 260 1,694 2,338 2,572 467 2,405 19,399 2^387 2,341 1,044 2,007 1,704 978 1,079 1,057 1,071 577 8,478 80S SSS 470 852 L021 823 1,324 1,048 644 2,161 1,601 1,120 561 10,540 1,711 '966 1,059 1,110 717 1,825 1,212 906 1,216 916 1,550 No. 2 2,139 19,153 1,931 No. 5 16,523 No. 7. im-luding parts of wards 1 to 4 of Eliza- bethton town 2,285 2,139 2,665 1,793 3^714 2,00S 868 1,262 3,050 15,625 2,161 2,008 2,923 1,809 1,894 3,222 1,630 749 1,120 3,267 15,574 2,007 F.luabelhtontoun (part of) Total for Ku :.'!>■ .'/,/■■« iu.-.-i? : in Nos. 7 and 15. Wardl 1,856 1,955 Ward I Wards 902 1,218 2,465 No. 8 734 962 701 1,032 991 447 976 630 1,123 916 607 1,011 760 No. 9 No. 12 13,827 ' 0U1Xty No. 14 592 620 676 2,397 96S 811 469 724 1,164 655 887 3,550 8,049 616 546 486 16,076 671 777 1,076 526 2,473 613 bethton town Elizabithton town (part ;fi No. 16 840 527 391 10,112 515 1,567 No. 18 8,845 790 385 663 1,060 742 1,004 3,061 2,684 620 619 484 15,867 663 341 608 1,796 641 251 202 188 1,303 560 668 445 422 587 333 717 434 412 640 397 372 9,090 1,408 1,143 Wardl WardS 1,352 665 769 833 458 600 310 630 815 352 312 700 1,004 660 957 638 315 482 262 604 447 680 347 363 609 334 No.:< No. 6 15,146 No. 8 1,224 1,203 823 1,988 75S 1,280 894 850 801 2,190 841 1,005 1,027 793 464 9,327 1,169 710 1,273 647 1,858 758 1,274 824 931 795 1,950 978 971 1,021 886 8,311 No. 11 No. 12 1,706 1,235 No. 16 3 9,896 9,069 743 1,662 No. 11 925 567 652 549 760 2,141 1,087 375 964 448 495 512 409 741 552 818 2,520 1,076 644 576 894 823 1,985 1,031 No. 14 725 462 Cumberland County No. 6, including Henderson city 5,376 378' 956 485 526 428 600 544 321 492 420 449 506 No. 1 "Including Crossville and Pleasant Hill 2,895 76 596 76S 227 2,450 1,259 Total for Ci /, Cumberland County, and No, IS, White County No. 13 Pleasant Hill town « n parts of Nos. 5 and 7 in 1901. ' Organized from old Nos. 12 and 14 in 1903. 8 Organized from old Nos. 10 and 11 in 1903. » Organized from old Nos. 7 and 8 in 1903. >" Organized from old Nos. 5 and 6 in 1903. from old Nos. 3 and 4 in 1903. from old Nos. 2 and 13 in 1903. from old Nos. 1 and 15 in 1903; part taken " Organized o form No. 9 in H Organized from part of No. 8 in 1907. ' < ii pmi/.ed from old Nos. 9 and 10 ir ' Organized fr ' < ( Itani -cl fr ' Oi Mtn/i d from old Nos. 11 and 14 in 190 " Organized fr 18 Organized fr is Organized fr old Nos. 6 and 7 in 1903. old Nos. 8 to 11 in 1903. old Nos. 2 and 3 in 1903. m old Nos. 8 and 15 it » Organized from old Nos. 12 and 13 in 1903. 11 [zed from old Nos. 2 and 5 in 1903. « Incorporated In 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. 499 Table J.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1S90 - Continued. IThe numbers refer to civil districts. For changes in boundaries, etc., betweon moo and lorn, sec footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth ' ('vnsus: looo, Vol. I, TabloS.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1U10 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1H90 Cumberland County— Continued. No. 2,i including Isollne and Mayland towns... 1,980 25S 19S 2,295 2,157 149,478 1,036 794 Dekalb County— Continued. 780 269 262 290 876 629 708 235 19,965 650 370 599 350 857 729 461 2,408 2,417 •122,815 2,123 1,200 •108,174 18,635 No. 1, coextensive with Nash villi' city 110,364 4.9S8 4,107 1.107 3,241 3,974 4, SOS 6,038 S.807 3,048 2,626 5,201 5,262 5,568 4,323 4,758 6,468 5,587 S,W 2,543 2,625 S.116 5,411 3,058 3,100 1,848 1,871 5,296 3,278 5,415 1,667 2,894 3,590 2,754 2,226 2,117 10,093 80,865 76,168 13,645 No 1 \Vard2 869 853 695 1,512 4,204 1,850 2,103 186 828 2,242 1,686 618 1,160 1,232 419 598 449 906 27,721 782 951 615 1,255 3,491 1.S6S 2,739 WardS : 633 Ward5 1 2,171 938 1,856 Ward9 957 2,378 1,549 683 1,197 1,080 705 1,545 758 510 Ward 12 WardlS 899 Ward 16 Wardn 584 374 399 266 WardlS Ward 19 Dyer County 23,776 No.l 844 1,446 571 6,371 Hf 6 1,273 809 1,131 2,500 3,180 1,602 1,698 1,213 1,427 1,199 S04 1,153 964 638 752 997 556 1,588 890 290 30,257 821 1,369 456 5,413 3,647 3,048 2^199 2,148 2,620 2,752 2,075 2,099 1,150 No.3 No. 4, including Dyersburg city 4,191 Dyersburg city 8,009 Wardl Ward 2 Wards 1,653 2,896 1,517 2,866 Ward A No. 5 1,913 3,346 1,4SS 1,562 1,116 1,410 979 1,819 No. 6, including Newbern town 3,075 Newborn town 2,337 1,905 10,439 2,113 1,446 8,995 No.7 752 No. 8 1,163 No. 11. ..f 838 911 493 449 1,035 733 715 822 1,538 745 1,440 678 522 477 691 791 15,434 799 841 971 1,475 825 1,105 580 510 751 979 746 857 16,460 751 796 771 1,463 671 } » 1,456 331 571 585 820 780 15,650 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No.7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 878 390 397 29,701 No. 12 2,814 1,. 187 1,409 1,599 2,574 2,099 1,520 2,008 2,758 1,969 2,359 14S 1,710 2,076 211 2,443 S08 1,553 1,366 2,305 777 1,196 1,376 2,686 2,091 1,931 2,013 2,474 1,995 2,395 Dekalb County 1,468 2,750 1,959 2,180 No. 1 1,104 458 694 746 775 759 604 622 2,653 463 321 359 403 870 1,134 466 922 722 720 733 843 647 2,833 602 343 450 422 679 922 1,156 565 869 698 600 806 548 2,113 650 405 505 413 521 846 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 2,443 No. 6 No. 7 ■■'- No. 8 1,701 2,017 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 2,471 555 1,575 1,415 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No.14 No. 15 1,603 1,266 > Incorporated in It... 4 Organized from old Nos. 3, 4, 8, and 11 in 1903. m Organized from old No. 11 and part of old No. 10 ir 14 Organized from old No. 12 and part of old No. 13 ii 16 Organized from old No. 14 in ., ...J; 5,752 in 1890) of old Nos. 8, 11, 12,19, and 21, taken !<• i.n m p.n K of Nos. 6, 7, 8, 11, and 12; and population ( lo.os:; in 1900; 8,766 in 1890) of old Nos. 9, 10, 13, 17, and i-:, parts taken to form parts of Nos. 6. 7,8,11, and i ,,,. I ,,■,.,. -, ,,.■ • I . .0. ,1!,. , :: ■ 7 Parts of old Nos. \i, 10, 13, 17, and is annexed in 1906 and part of new No. 11 aunexed in 1907; part annexed to new No. 6 in 1907. 8 Organized from old Nos. 3 and 5 in 1906. » Organized from old Nos. 2 and 15 in 1906. " Organized from old Nos. 4 and 16 in 1906. » Organized from old Nos. 6 and 7 in 1906. " Organized from old No. 8 and part of old No. 9 in 1906 and part or NashyllU City Maexed In 1907. n 1906; part annexed ' 1 1 irned separately in 1890. « Incorporated in It . _ . 17 Incorporated in 1901 "Incorporated in 1902. 500 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers reter to civil districts. For changes in boundaries, c :c Reports of the Twelfth ^okcvh,,™, 1910 1900 1800 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 F«ntr«ss Count 7,446 1 6,106 1 5,226 Giles County— Continued. 1,208 1,329 2,928 1,001 1,188 179 807 1,307 1,100 918 1,929 2,470 696 1,015 942 1,201 1^056 610 13,888 1,207 1,500 4,960 2,838 1,045 1,504 1,308 1,447 1,647 2,090 954 20,491 1,334 1,432 1,134 1,325 1,635 840 20,392 672 18,929 852 1,373 '959 1,718 2,424 3,083 1,351 1,191 1,031 992 351 452 606 1,523 1,518 487 943 373 607 576 581 1,141 1,236 345 1,635 1,022 424 41,630 4,138 1,SS8 1,030 1,406 1,799 955 396 421 559 1,517 1,647 682 1,187 301 600 722 554 950 1,308 320 3,514 1,S1S 1,045 1,108 1,677 899 422 423 901 1,365 1,901 937 412 605 626 386 821 1,334 899 815 941 1,598 1,388 1,093 1,385 1,313 "515,512 3,229 3,124 2,269 2,548 2,718 31,083 3,678 3,576 2,374 30,596 39,408 35,859 26,814 Gibaon County 1,400 1,385 5,290 s,ue 580 1,219 1,945 2,402 2,322 1,656 766 1,390 m 815 1,278 1,309 4,033 161 1,605 682 345 678 1,396 872 1,112 801 1,652 2SS 1,270 2,910 1,166 291 226 651 811 901 281 33,629 1,346 1,404 2,862 1,176 1,206 2,974 575 1,075 1,163 874 3,561 1,920 1,074 846 1,419 1,757 1,768 ' 26 164 3, 457 129 1,047 1,133 1,463 1,201 8,322 2,677 1,052 1,130 '572 743 1,046 1,066 819 3, 168 1,817 768 913 2,576 524 764 1,065 769 781 No. 2 1,300 4,492 2,866 591 1,317 1,588 4,444 2,328 2,606 1,406 677 1,224 (") 1,223 3,367 1,8S7 684 1,193 1,415 3,696 1,693 2,162 1,468 636 No. 5 Humboldt town No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 Trenton city 1,779 No. 8 No. 9, Including Rutherford town 1,967 1,943 1,824 1,745 38 158 3,463 120 1,105 803 1,250 1,225 7,802 No. 10, Including part of Kenton town 1,569 1,556 Total for Linion tnu-n rn No. 10, Gibson 396 1,266 1,322 3,672 _ 1. 1 ■ 1 1, ' i,'i , , , 1 , , 1 1,265 1,263 3,893 Total for h In 1 1 1 ^nt 14 and 16.. No. 15,2" including part of Rheatown town 3,253 ■us and Milan towns 1,006 835 1,345 1,044 1,682 1,646 WardS 1,409 796 1,039 906 1,317 i,098 919 1,066 854 1,146 6,345 Grundy County 1,015 2,092 1,237 3,978 13,650 1,233 1,093 1,342 4,134 12,728 1,029 No. IS, Including Gibson town Gibson town" 1,055 3,455 No. 19 1,233 2,929 1,204 1,138 2,082 606 11,418 No. l, s4 including wards 1 and 2 of Morristown 3,559 2, 170 4,007 1,084 1,086 867 970 2,805 3,153 1,837 737 3,511 1,914 2,973 WardS 2,989 1,231 660 673 850 253 33,035 731 988 34,957 Total for Morristown town in j\ T os. 1 and 4-.. No. 23 No. 24 No. 25 2,835 3,019 2,590 '773 1,408 l)735 1,692 1,300 1,849 1,720 1,530 1,445 2,057 1,999 1,337 :mHii.| ■■.;.. 11. 1 m nl 1 No 2 and 17 ir s Organized from old Nos. 8 and 16 in 1901. 9 Organized from old No. 14 in 1901. 111 Organize-! fnini oil Nos. G and 7 in 1905. " OrgmiiiM from eld Xi«. 4 and 5 in 1905. ■o i " Organized from old Nos. 1, 9, and 10 in 1905. 11 Incorporated in 1901 Oo") old Xo'7. 11 and 17 in 1905. 11 Organized from old Nos. 8, 12, and 1" in ion;,. ii i front old Nos. ]:>■ a.od 18 in 1905. 18 Organized from old No. 15 in 1905. 1 from old Nos. 14 and 16 in 1907. parison of population can be made; c " Organized from old Nos. 11 and 12 in 1903. » Organized from old Nos. 2, 3, 13, 17, and 19 in 1903. »« Organized from old Nos. 10 and 20 in 1903. » Organized from old Nos. 8 and 9 in 1903. »; county redistricted In 1903 and 1905. 32 Organized from old Nos. 3 and 21 in 1903; part taken to form part of No. 15 in .3 and 14 in 1903; part taken to form part of No. 15 In » Organized from old Nos. 8 and 19 in 1903. inty redistricted between 11 502 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. [The numbers refer t< -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ie footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOK CIVIL nrVISION. 1910 1900 1890 6,224 6,476 6,390 Johnson Count 13,191 10,589 8,858 842 348 622 1,997 94S 415 754 624 13,908 763 324 2,270 875 426 449 1,635 1,933 '692 1,121 1,490 1,273 499 861 1,161 1,273 985 771 94,187 1,217 1,800 (15) 1,125 1,163 1,095 1,092 1,535 249 479 516 810 632 13,398 490 537 443 535 11,720 785 828 1,059 644 923 735 " 74,302 870 1,455 1,192 til 1,873 U7 481 280 m 442 953 724 1,264 440 641 799 999 393 593 16,036 717 956 1,535 891 994 635 928 1,424 705 763 '6 69,567 No. 1, comprising wards 1 to 9 of Know ille oil \ Total for Knoxcille city, comprising Nos. 1 24,864 SB, 846 2,743 1,606 864 2,298 2,347 6,334 2,186 6,216 4,477 7,006 23,412 7,006 1,436 6,126 742 766 686 998 618 744 284 398 5,149 2,579 1,919 3' 159 13,399 2,391 2,366 2,288 1,986 4,477 2,500 2,325 1,871 8,704 32,637 ,■,..,/ ;' 1,620 7S6 1,418 455 963 725 1,212 495 760 526 1,026 No. 10, Including part of McE wen town 567 910 836 518 499 16,039 470 765 803 472 530 13,326 No. 2, 17 including Mountain View and I'arl; City town:- and ward 11 ol Know ill.' ■ - ; i > '810,358 3,886 2,262 408 985 793 960 1,500 584 838 1,353 784 1,264 973 1,022 823 366 6,210 2,187 2,157 926 876 872 1,605 523 586 738 1,504 '961 899 925 - 417 5,407 878 769 817 1,513 384 558 730 1,092 677 1,322 795 822 811 5,911 4,349 2,992 1,822 1,310 8,143 2.453 2,095 2,232 No. 12, M compri-iiig >-, aid I" ol K mm illcc-ii y. . 4,903 Lake Count 7,368 355 330 611 515 565 537 516 390 274 1,117 17,766 371 318 848 615 617 462 500 362 278 1,036 418,690 515 356 779 550 1,358 363 703 279 so 6,304 No 1 658 '843 1,166 995 2,156 519 804 1,215 221 21,105 1,300 822 861 1,530 1,062 232 33 21,971 « 16,478 (50) Lauderdale Count *> 2,678 447 1,607 1,977 2,932 1,328 956 1,620 2,498 l|l07 2,812 2,696 1,933 2,212 2,061 2,015 1,651 4,549 2.011 2,429 682 526 670 1,094 1,753 1,435 3,980 1.640 2,181 \ oi iii no i j nicy town No. 3, including Henning town Henning town ** 3,380 1,974 1,081 1,643 873 1,469 830 1,143 1,222 1,818 l'23S 1,789 1,073 No. 9 " No.7 1,890 4,502 in 1890) of old Nos. 7 to 9 'o Organized from old Nos. fi •1 Organized from old Nos. 7 12 Organized from old Nos. 3, 17, and 19 it ' 5 Not returned separately In 1900. i' J Organized from old Nos. 13 to 15 and 21 in 1903; part taken to form No. 14 1 1908. «o Organized from old Nos. 16, 17, 22, and 23 in 1903; part taken to form No. 15 1 1908. » 1 (rganized from old Nos. 4, 5, and 18 in 1903; part taken to form part of No. 13 1 1908. -2 ■ n . iinuod [ rom old Nos. and 20 in 1903. 2-1 I 'art of No. S annexed in 1908. :■' wrjaoized from old N'os. S and I'J in 1(103; poii annexed to No. 7 in 1908. 25 Organized from old Nos. 9 and 19 in 1903. 2« Number changed from 24 in 1903. )t returned separately Knoxville citv between 1890 and 1900. ? Orea'iiz'd'roinoM M-> '...: and 3 i n lol3; part taken to form part of No. 13 In 1908. " Exclusive of population of Knoxville city. 32 Part annexed U 33 County total ii , , Mississippi River, annexed to the state of Arkansas since 1900 3* Incorporated in 1901. 35 Part taken to form part of No. 17 in 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. 503 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Conlinued. [The numbers refer to civil districts. For changes in boundaries, e MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MmoKcva^iON. 1910 1900 1890 Laudsrdale County— Continued. 702 474 1,428 984 1,439 882 754 1,102 642 908 m 17,569 1,727 525 1,866 975 2,125 S95 317 1,109 603 1,606 311 1,612 1,335 1,394 441 95 No No No No No Loudon Count 13,618 10.8S8 9,273 No No No Ni Nc No 3,281 995 6,379 3,S92 2,266 790 896 21,046 3,238 876 3,130 942 10 2,605 900 959 19,163 2,464 167 15,103 204 12,286 No No 2,572 3,856 961 2,264 378 ill 628 •^48 5,609 1,686 3,740 1,303 2,924 2,345 16,356 2,836 3,372 719 1,849 2,570 2," including wards 1 and 3 and parts of 1,257 2,058 1,324 820 920 951 735 2,635 1,687 691 144 736 726 1,425 1,084 400 69 96 66 379 424 729 2,102 370 6,033 1,156 1,506 1,170 559 1,443 815 510 1,834 82$ 1,219 1,062 1,022 454 527 1,213 618 No No No No 3,228 8, including Lawrenceburg city 2,935 4," including ward 4 and parts of wards 2 3,441 1,130 3,513 2,773 17,760 mrd /...„.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4,662 567 1,236 1,378 538 1,020 902 No No 10 i» 15,510 794 1,508 231 767 739 1,863 629 608 553 1,624 1,645 615 532 476 1,009 1,154 366 555 343 974 14,359 624 1,543 138 750 784 2,575 688 727 554 1,467 . 1,400 672 642 692 1,150 1,391 374 924 449 1,004 12,881 No No No No No No No No No n<> No No 300 404 747 218 231 528 1,777 No No 4,455 2,555 1,053 J 170 263 1,764 254 756 S60 422 499 62 454 726 433 714 25,908 201 198 1,143 257 250 157 100 306 306 342 5, including part of Gordonsburg town No No I No No Total for Gordnnsbvrg town 6 in Nos. 6 and 6. . 6, including part of Gordonsburg town 641 536 No 369 825 257 314 26,304 301 507 10,878 '° Unty 2,729 678 935 1,133 870 1,836 1,357 435 1,328 1,184 718 481 39,357 2,120 1,579 10 27,382 1,161 811 944 796 1,557 1,223 497 1,109 650 1,226 787 No No No No Nc No No No No NN No Lincoln county j 818 712 949 1,462 925 898 4,952 S,4S9 710 1,416 S79 467 1,052 914 751 851 982 1,261 1,101 1,254 517 672 503 781 657 815 621 729 1,204 1,678 1,053 1,081 4,015 8,708 1,521 4U 553 1,008 948 906 843 1,187 1,159 1,028 1,213 592 705 570 644 679 974 646 1,157 1,864 1,236 1,125 3,814 2,410 1,427 290 626 1,040 1,053 896 1,225 912 439 976 No 2 3 7 842 No 8, including Fayetteville town 36,333 Petersburg town 11 12 13 No j 814 915 759 1,344 771 937 1,049 3,373 762 1,612 995 1,406 828 771 902 1,471 954 1,730 1,192 840 1,003 1,807 714 1,729 1,189 1,519 827 767 No No 15 16 1,035 1 No 1,293 ' No 1,117 '• No 1,172 No 773 I No 861 i: No 425 j No 760 i No 654 1 No 753 ll No 19 23 24 25 No 762 No 14 836 1 Part taken to form part of No. 17 In 1901. 5 Organized from parts of Nos. 7 and 12 in 1901. 8 Incorporated as a city in 1901. < Incorporated in 1907. ' Incorporated in 1903. ■ '■• nlzed from old Nos. and 10 in 1903. j to 8 in 1903. 2 and 3 in 1903. s. 1, 2, and 4 in 1907. s. 5, 6, and 18 in 1907. " Organized from old Nos. S to 10 in 1907. is Organized from old Nos. 15 to 17 in 1907. " County total includes population (1,93<0 of Nos. I a Tart taken to form part of No. 1 )t returned separately 504 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer t< MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 ' 1910 1900 1890 Madison County— Continued. 18,505 15, 779 £,671 8,604 6, £49 4,255 1,153 1,222 786 1,355 18,820 16,554 14,511 11,742 10,089 Monroe County— Continued. No. 10 No. 11 1,425 472 965 677 2,556 1,190 1,107 479 799 1,500 761 33,672 1,199 980 868 1,398 1,091 1,106 667 888 1,038 724 36,017 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 Word 4 1,245 1,253 637 1,175 1,298 No. 17 No. 17 No. 18 589 17,281 « 15,411 Marion Count 29,697 967 3,133 2,607 1,993 1,447 5,191 65S 824 £,106 3,079 403 16,872 950 3,621 1,917 2,250 1,883 3,627 '876 1,645 l|063 1,036 1,264 948 1,356 799 950 9,882 8,548 628 146 691 289 1,060 1,188 498 684 £,013 1,616 807 469 1,179 1,165 '900 1,248 1, 123 760 953 4,800 2,526 1^503 2,090 1,400 1,320 1,432 1,391 832 976 10,518 9.4S1 No. 6, 8 lnclu.: .nib. Pittsburg 1,789 2,617 416 18,763 1,479 18,906 2,841 2,834 5,096 1,880 2,581 £90 3,520 10,456 3,252 3,115 4,787 3,581 3,239 4,209 No. 3, 15 incl'i.: . hburg towns. 1,421 3,148 681 3,294 4,461 42,703 38,112 832 556 1,231 2,008 1,337 810 1,295 1,092 727 3,619 3,071 3,639 3^411 6,675 1,978 2,212 9,706 6,754 1,833 1,929 2,492 6,131 3,370 3,568 3,697 3,610 2,732 3,871 3,508 3,371 3,828 7,772 8,007 4,226 9,363 6,052 3,790 3,622 4,057 3,240 466 4,331 5,870 6,706 No. 7, M including Mount Pleasant town No 1 includin L nchbur t 1,044 408 404 353 339 343 412 245 439 405 427 339 11,458 1,006 4/7 504 425 509 297 424 319 758 550 472 382 9,587 no. 2 "......"......"."v.".:::::::::::::::::::::: 7,491 6,930 322 1,078 1,564 2,018 166 1,471 20,716 1,366 1,993 2,361 1,187 2,015 2,221 1,771 18,585 1,507 15,329 1,782 2,253 858 978 988 1,104 797 798 217 255 1,161 814 311 971 1,776 1 ..... . ...... : ■ :, , .■. ,, 3,089 1,850 518 386 469 390 315 1,123 1,380 1.115 2,709 1,716 616 519 346 1,092 1,319 1,624 879 532 415 442 287 445 964 1,196 769 811 910 1,141 881 721 341 678 740 310 590 No. 9 No. 12 379 and 1900. 3 Organized from old Nos. 1 and 2 in 1905. « Organized from old Nos. 3 and 15 in 1905. ,nd 8 in 1905. _nl905. . ! from old Nos. 8 to 10 in 1905. Ized from old Nos. 6, 7, 11, and If " w Organized from old Nos. 13, 14, and 17 in 1905; part annexed to No. 3 in 1909. 18 Incorporated in 1901. « Organized from old Nos. 1 to 4 and 18 in 1905. M Organized from old Nos. 1, 17, and 18 in 1903. n Organized from old Nos. 19 and 20 in 1903. 82 Organized from old Nos. 22, 23, and 25 in 1903. « Organized from old Nos. 3, 4, 21, and 24 in 1903. « Organized from old Nos. 5 and 6 in 1903. » Organized from old Nos. 7, 8, and 11 in 1903. ■•< Organized fn.m »ld ^ I'. 1 rind 13 in 1903. « Organized from old Nos. 2, 10, and 14 to 16 in 1903; pari lake in 1905. I ,,,..,, ;-,.., I .;..;..,;. ,,, ...... « Organized from part of new No. 8 in 1905. 30 Organized from old N'os. :> and 3 in 1905. a Organized from old Nos. 4 to 6 in 1905. 32 Incorporated in 1905. 83 No. 22 organized from part of No. 16 in 1900. s* Incorporated in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. 505 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND ] [The numbers refer to civil districts. For changes in boundaries, e1 —Continued. e Reports of the Twelfth 1 Incorporated in 1905. 2 Incorporated in 1907. 3 Not returned separately in 1900. ' Incorporated as a city in 1909. r • . , i . . • ■ i,,;'v 6 Organized from old Nos. 1, 2, and 11 in 1903. 7 Organized from old Nos. 3 and 4 in 1903. 8 Organized from old Nos. 5, 6, and 9 in 1903 and >xed in 1909. 8 Organized from old Nos. 7, 8, and 10 in 1903. 10 County totals include population (90 in 1900; 09 it 18 Incorporated in 1903. " Incorporated In 1901. 15 No comparison of population for 1900 a t of Wayne County a i0) of old No. 9, annex) 3 be made; county red is- MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR Civn. DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 29,946 1 , 150 ' 468 1,882 2.S07 Btd 1,511 1,455 S74 2,355 54S 1,155 5,713 4,389 1,120 1,638 1,203 3,931 1,391 15,854 28,286 27,273 Putnam County— Continued. No. 4, Including part of Havenscroft town 1,179 48 481 632 843 1,081 316 895 900 517 912 1,659 1,107 S27 % 259 922 712 772 694 166 1,241 836 15,410 950 1,225 1,090 1,519 1,263 1,304 l',ST4 1,198 798 Total/or It unis-rn/ihjii n ' ■ in No. 4, Putnam Cnitnni, and \i>. 13, ii'hiti r„iuili, 606 672 709 968 265 736 931 632 865 760 1,724 1,325 592 2,656 416 1 , 635 1,318 (') 1,934 627 766 4,785 3,407 1,294 1,348 1,034 4,150 455 13,353 2,679 S94 1,799 'm 1,621 649 766 1,044 s'.ifi 1,265 916 _ 660 12,039 021 840 746 992 700 No. r;, including Bloomington Springs town. .. 700 770 647 u 14,318 Rhea County No. 1 826 1,165 2,115 670 796 3,147 1,421 1,007 919 2,070 1,291 1,848 8,815 867 1,890 810 856 2,262 766 918 1,724 690 685 1,976 « 12,647 No. 1 2,181 3,476 1,039 5,071 1,163 1,991 4,682 828 22,860 No. 2, including Spring City Spring City ls 64O 598 Dayton city ( part •>/ i Total for Dm/inn ri;.; in A'es. 3 and 4 1,089 1,067 863 1,926 8,800 736 837 958 1,760 7,785 2,004 2,719 No. 4, including part of Oavton citv Dayton city {part of) a 22,738 6,115 8,061 3,206 57S 3,154 824 3,191 7,194 3,660 25,466 S,4A2 3,356 No. - i i h | i I ' Mi it Springs !o\vn . . 2,060 2,301 2,203 2,251 5,087 2,084 2,308 1,929 2,479 '» 5,366 1,843 1,925 1,911 2,106 io 4,736 [For total, sec \'o. 7, Anderson County.] 3,639 S48 3,440 2,899 25,029 t,S05 Robertson County 469 512 410 354 1,105 656 723 444 414 14,116 505 467 307 456 1,172 735 726 433 475 11,357 426 594 574 677 721 469 377 8,361 20,078 2,790 2,042 'bj» 2, 842 2,115 3,090 522 191 179 152 43 2,919 1,990 4,822 2,085 33,199 2,880 2,354 3,040 \ 1 1 111 V 1 1 II 1 1 2, 073 2,033 3,176 No. 6, 50 including Green Brier and Ridgetop 1,487 1,704 1,083 1,375 485 552 943 3,019 1,098 2,116 254 20,023 1,018 1,638 1,162 963 202 580 2,172 600 1,820 319 16,890 992 1,614 1,064 825 296 952 612 568 487 500 13,683 Ward 2 3,158 2,128 3,587 1,732 33,543 1,87* 555 2. 035 1,391 1,373 L443 655 740 l|l96 860 1,255 1,610 2.132 1,309 Putnam County 3,967 1,848 800 2,728 2,003 498 875 590 1.119 No. 3 No. 9 1, 623 " County total Includes population (12,303) of old Nos. 0,7, 12, 13, and 16, taken to form Nos. 1 and 5 since 1900. 18 No comparison of population can be made; numerous changes made between 1S90 and 1900. 1 9 Organized from old No. 10 and part of old No. 7 in 1903. 20 Organized from old Nos. 1, 5, 14, and 15 in 1903 21 Organized from old Xos. I io '■', and 18 in 1903. « Organized from old Nos. 8 to 11 and 17 In 1903. ■ 3 Organized from old Xos. 6, r>, !:■;, and part of old No. 7 in 1903. ' •■ . ; v : iroin old Xos i from old Nos incorporated in 1905. 506 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers refer to civil districts. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 3,236 81 3,642 802 3,058 247 2,920 3,205 6,496 4,788 2,093 907 6, 850 1,673 1,212 131,105 3,908 2,745 t,S64 7,549 4,353 7,676 6,153 7, 233 4,863 6,777 3,297 7,887 3,789 4,125 3,312 5,642 6,110 7,886 1,521 3,970 2,676 3,467 5,593 6,842 2,975 3,575 1,520 1,238 18,848 1900 3,141 1890 No No \\ No Rutherford County— Continued. 1,071 1,419 1,319 6,993 4,679 735 9J,6 848 785 715 826 703 793 1,300 783 1,596 863 881 1,127 958 666 12,947 1,185 1,642 1,568 5,531 1,217 1,629 1,782 5,327 3,739 Shelby County— Continued. No No No No 3,518 829 2,807 270 2,562 3,365 2,555 3,184 1,848 1,433 4,184 382 1,546 102, 320 Murfretsboro city 12 ' Ward 6 No No 820 900 912 1,271 869 1,536 1.171 700 1,327 1,057 738 11,077 930 1,027 856 879 1,480 850 1,563 1,090 731 1,379 1,279 844 9,794 No 15 18, 6 including Binghamton town but ex- > 239 1,258 2,568 601 625 896 732 '454 967 237 406 867 4,202 376 1,128 2,300 466 435 920 713 1,875 546 549 200 459 649 461 3,326 369 1,894 2,065 489 253 713 548 '575 442 203 550 3,027 ..:::::::::: 422 641 260 1,678 1,166 298 512 275 116 22,296 403 462 255 828 393 248 304 849 19,026 No 18,404 315 623 300 140 22,021 553 243 146 18,761 2,718 904 2,837 3,271 1,984 1,928 2,621 245 3,189 14,860 2,644 No 2,607 3,098 2,459 2,047 2,739 2,367 No No No No No 3,075 2,504 No 1,772 1,386 1,405 1,296 2,861 675 902 1,029 1,233 1,122 1,869 2,020 746 1,185 1,104 742 646 978 191,439 1,715 1,377 1,385 1,362 2,592 1,600 1,583 1,324 1,095 1,955 3,432 16,224 3,255 12,193 851 1,273 1,335 1,216 1,984 1,716 873 967 1,018 763 602 992 183,557 674 1,232 1,300 1,114 1,676 1,325 693 905 364 769 552 925 1,638 1,608 1,507 1,428 2,216 1,789 1,122 1,078 827 356 366 28,120 1,160 1,571 1,480 1,611 1,396 2,449 1,837 1,114 1,048 835 348 375 24,988 706 No No No • ro No No 1,333 1,329 1,058 1,408 1,535 920 796 714 927 266 No No No No No No '112,740 20,879 3, 717 564 3,100 1,739 3,661 240 391 3,039 263 68 3,084 477 3,499 3,691 1,109 717 924 830 1,721 928 878 717 1,129 691 997 877 935 857 1,091 498 713 832 1,415 966 966 838 950 745 972 721 884 846 No No ... No No No . No No No No 567 3,192 1,891 3,656 279 186 2,689 200 793 1,329 6, including Raleigh and Thomastown 817 822 139 701 7, including Bartlett and Ellendale towns.. 680 1,049 755 2,476 830 Arlington town * 14 812 1 be made; information t ' Organized from old Nos. 1, 14, and 20 In 1909. '< Organized from old Nos. 8 3, and 22 In 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. 507 -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. g footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of tho Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOKCIVn.nlVZS.ON. 1910 1900 1890 SulllTan County— Continued. 1,298 2,024 540 8,150 7,148 912 794 741 449 442 25,621 1,118 2,080 548 0,056 B,m 978 582 770 411 503 26,072 1,069 1,890 GOV S,S24 953 418 796 Unicoi County— Continued. 421 586 11,414 314 499 12,894 < 11,459 [Bristol town in chil liiMrirl. >!,>. IT, Sul- livan County, Tenn., and Bristol city, Va., adjoin, and to all Intents and pur- poses are one place. Joint population in l'.>lii,i:;.:;'.i..;hi i ■ ior, ■),:-. ,o :m,l hi i :-;■ n ) r,,'."> | .1,471 1,985 1,859 1,797 1,457 1,743 1,102 2,784 1, 843 2,115 2,112 2,101 1,643 l! 150 3,126 23,668 2,863 No.l 216 466 580 16,534 382 225 391 493 212 320 665 1,105 456 3,292 2,399 833 1,490 682 1,145 1,080 1,521 1,717 2^796 298 1,407 2,200 2,' 334 579 29,459 1,266 498 3,398 2,409 835 '760 1,288 1,120 1,599 1,906 1,871 2,707 } '1,761 3,042 2,078 865 1,765 740 1,105 1,049 1,536 1,567 1,930 2,217 438 16,410 14,413 No 1 includin MeMinnville town 4,790 2,299 509 652 534 646 670 801 967 m 1,174 149 1,159 700 661 806 769 757 28,968 4,456 '584 611 498 786 651 702 1,287 3,572 1,521 1,968 1,693 1,490 1,587 1*654 No. 16, including Portland town 29,273 24,271 Tipton County 946 No. 1, including Covington town Covington town 2,990 917 1,391 1,815 2,480 2,344 329 2,482 2,688 1,792 241 S91 1,475 452 1,519 '447 1,102 5,874 6,947 2,787 798 1,306 1,606 2,454 2,175 4,470 1,067 878 1,177 1,422 1,753 1,933 1.080 751 842 819 588 12,604 ■ i in inilm i nun i 1 ■...■ii 2,512 2,633 1,821 285 448 1,573 168 990 1,270 1,533 480 1,175 6,001 2,212 2,139 1,822 149 252 1,478 103 539 1,271 1,426 764 987 5,850 No. 9, including part of Mason town Mason town (part of) 1,122 920 751 1,103 996 767 676 1,506 11,890 8,502 1,604 2,476 1,099 1,141 912 804 1,177 2,002 806 496 783 823 12,062 1,019 1,009 796 1,078 918 1,235 697 1,280 5,474 4,645 No. 10, including part of Mason town !/ I J, 1,1 /■'/' ■■/ ( />■' '• il/' 1 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 1,284 No. 14 4,161 484 509 605 80 254 156 7,201 510 955 600 475 708 1,794 279 177 5,851 511 828 580 627 584 1,720 78 247 171 4,619 1,019 1,096 887 828 1,250 2,025 854 506 776 711 12,936 No. 14 No. 8 No. 10 « 11,471 No I'" includin Wa esborot 420 692 471 723 1,610 1,149 133 240 718 340 847 346 615 281 798 176 436 585 614 833 1,948 357 1,679 1,421 1,976 1,296 1,109 490 1.256 1,377 1,989 1,577 639 1,951 1,963 1,381 1,300 342 665 350 844 103 172 644 775 No. 7 No. 8 1,456 1,319 No. 10 N0.8" 1 Not returned separately in 1890. 'Incorporated in 1903. • Incorporated in 1905. 08 nparison of population can S rh;jni>r, i:>-iil,.: belwi'f 5. 2 and 3 in 1904. 3. 7, 8, and 15 in 1004. i. 9 and 12 in 1904. i. 10 and 16 in 1904. is Incorporated in 1907. " Organized from old Nos. 4 a Organized from old Nos •t annexed to Perry County in 1909. 508 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TENNESSEE. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [The numbers rotor to civil districts. For chances in boundaries, etc. between I'.mo :md 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 W akl 31,929 i 32,546 » 28,955 24,213 26,429 26,321 1,268 3,798 2,228 1,256 522 1,252 812 2,814 708 '608 18!) 58 19$ tee 2,992 1,616 417 S68 SiS 1,18 1,166 1,241 S88 902 1,313 1,081 814 660 969 886 1,014 1,006 808 1,087 257 1,284 1,159 15,420 1,455 2,043 1,730 1,441 1,348 894 2,901 1,130 2,640 2,147 1,341 1,299 1,679 1,127 1,077 537 751 3,789 2,924 676 6S3 60S 1,013 812 1,170 641 895 887 563 999 847 475 800 581 560 25,394 2,038 l', 180 1,111 699 853 3,857 2,180 1,379 908 1,874 1,183 3,621 1,855 2,765 955 1,320 724 975 1,128 1,380 1,124 1,100 500 980 605 529 27,078 2,960 2,800 1,225 1,329 1,454 1,916 Total for Gleason town' 1 in Nos. 11 and 23 1,383 '847 1,165 967 1,112 1,008 872 894 1,143 m 564 1,026 1,812 1,506 931 882 1,023 594 550 770 4,876 3,659 1,002 841 798 1,018 626 733 462 553 1,081 1,772 517 896 724 826 796 750 791 815 1,137 793 1,796 1,039 916 1,178 1,203 659 572 804 3,687 1,956 1,273 1,132 14,157 12,348 3,347 1,409 675 1,175 1,014 1,181 1,041 791 523 559 538 983 1,074 1,911 620 SS4 4ss 608 617 2,435 896 600 1,200 1,001 1,280 1,425 772 684 - 449 992 1,191 469 2,340 712 684 1,226 788 1,198 '723 577 694 411 1,012 1,120 253 Sparta town 7S6 813 646 617 1,324 1,734 astland town and parts of Clifty and Rat n oft I 1,159 828 848 1,037 864 1,150 895 [For total, see No. 1, Cumberland County.] 1,098 Jtavenscroft town 6 (part of) [For total, see No. 4, Putnam County.] 1,079 991 ■ Incorporated in 1903. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITYORTOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Adams town Robertson 542 490 477 641 2,264 263 110 466 753 380 1,673 166 540 1,070 517 7,148 2,882 858 499 161 692 234 Cartha e town 904 j. 467 . 1,097 . 236 1. 44,604 8,548 5,549 711 } 596 j. 1,090 1,102 . 5,754 1,848 L 290 . 215 . 2,990 763 . 347 L 447 |. Cheatham 1,849 200 2,224 Hamilton Montgomery Bradley Wayne fCumberland 30,154 9,431 3,858 29,100 7,924 Clarl-svillecit 665 758 715 690 Clifty town Binghamton town 382 Clinton town Coal Creek town 1 elliei \ nie town Cokiinlim city Cookeville town Corners ville town Cottage Grove town .< ii - . . . Portland town Pulaski town Puryear town Raleigh town Ravenscroft town. . Rheatown town.. Richard Citv Ridgely town .... Ridgetop town . . . Rockwood town... Rogersville town.. Sevlerville town.. Sharon town Shelby ville town. South 1'iitsburg town.. TIptonvllle tov l ! on ion city. . Maury JolllHOO.. Ti[.ioo Lincoln Cumberland.. Greene Marion Robertson... Lauderdale... Obion Hawkins.. Fayette... Hamilton... Obion Henderson.. Bedford Fayette Marion White Van Union. . Rhea Maury Robertson... Lawrence... Monroe Claiborne .. . Shelby Viola town War Wartrace town Watertown town White Bluff town... Whiteville town Winchester town Woodbury town Dickson I laidenvm . . Franklin.... 640 598 1,732 1,372 1,716 879 241 2,328 254 1,693 2,684 3,407 394 2,439 3,441 642 686 468 1,338 468 209 1,313 576 Table 1.- [Prociact, except as otherwise stated, mean TEXAS. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Anderson County 29,660 28,015 20,923 Bandera County 4,921 i 5,332 '. 3,795 13,556 10,488 2,093 4,SSB 1,988 2,066 4,283 2,219 3,583 3,988 2,021 975 17,705 12,043 8,297 9,021 6,838 1,387 384 1,317 545 701 587 25,344 4,055 2,543 3,317 4,320 87 13,481 1,866 2,029 3J792 1,527 24 6,306 26,845 20,736 3,712 1,707 6,2r.2 3,167 2,781 5,506 1,707 1,957 1,865 lj398 8,411 4,740 2,146 6,257 2,577 3,236 4,659 1,634 2,143 2,044 2,113 1,653 3,052 2,154 1,577 7,200 '964 2,728 2,305 1,061 2,268 414 765 2,106 5, 169 l|958 1,852 490 585 374 1,136 1,716 1.245 529 1,306 1,325 996 255 372 590 1,821 2,907 2,029 1,265 1,215 1,158 12,090 1,387 303 434 928 Precinct 5 "> 7,720 1,382 734 648 303 75 54 6,525 1,279 1,1 S3 1,175 1,069 5.937 1J160 ' 156 294 1,813 719 1,071 49,186 4,238 Wards 212 106 119 2,508 211 190 248 2,101 973 347 253 879 344 Precinct 4 1,264 598 636 894 692 403 1,044 994 2,682 506 458 45,535 353 268 229 430 230 333 159 > 1,205 183 279 624 311 246 4. 164 1,416 1,312 1,437 2,827 5,880 619 1,815 778 7,727 1,275 2,804 4,510 3,679 2,365 4,410 1,265 1,460 119,676 6,931 3,700 5,818 3 944 3,213 'S68 957 678 6,459 664 14, 390 7,065 I'lvciii. 1 ::, including Holland town and part of Armstrong County Bartlettcilu ■ ;>■,,; »/ ) Precinct 1 408 '692 429 10,004 Total for Jinrtlilt ciit/>* 6,459 WardS Wards 2,788 1,409 1,717 1,224 672 1,377 757 17,699 1,604 1,091 '605 585 1,319 644 20,676 1,411 ( 6 ) 913 579 606 8 17,859 2,520 4,415 780 1,914 69,422 Precinct 7 Precinct 1, coextensive with San Antonio city. . San Antonio city: Wardl 96,614 10,132 14,864 11,766 16,569 7,773 14,885 14,787 6,838 2^567 3,184 4,137 4,116 2^503 53,321 37,073 4,844 1,034 3,390 206 1,711 2,337 1,874 1,026 1,483 312 5,845 1,373 2,657 241 1,960 3,287 2,442 1,408 1,704 4 1^397 1,960 177 1,916 3,085 2,462 1,609 771 WardS Ward 5 Ward6 Ward 7 Ward8 Precinct 2 1,382 1,768 2,458 3,197 2,270 3,490 1,536 634 1,140 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 2,016 Bailey County « 2,490 2,030 2,016 1,267 ' Organized from unorganized county of Andrews in 1910; not returned by ;incts. 2 Incorporated in 1910. a County total includes population (2,950) of precincts 2, 6, and 7, not ret arately in 1890. 8 Unorganized; not divided into precincts. ' No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted In 1909. (510) 1890 and 1900. » Precinct 8 organized from parts of precincts 1 is Incorporated in 1908. changes made bet\v> d 5 in 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. 511 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL D Blanco County. . Borden County.. Precinct 1 Precinct ! Precinct ; Precinct - Precinct I Bosque County.. Walnut s r Precinct 5. Precinct 6 I uvMici 7, in, iM.liMv- \ :•! l,-\ Mill ; ioun. Bowie County. . Commissioner's precinct 1, including Texarkana Texarkana city Wardl Ward2 WardS Ward4 [Joint populiliiMi >'i "IV .,;)i I iinacity in Gar- land township, Miller County, Ark., and Texarkana city in Commissioner's pre- cinct 1, Bowie County, Tex., in 1910, 15,445; in 1900, 10,170, and in 1890, 6,380.' Commissions pi i cii ci Commissioner's precinct 3. Commissioner's precinct 4. . Brazoria County.. Precinct 1 Precinct2 Precinct3 Precinct Precinct Alvv Precinct £ Precinct ■; Precinct £ i , . i , , ■ . i \ i .. 1.677 571 3,956 ' 4,649 1,316 Brown County.. 2,246 "2,571)' ' 766 1,779 6,850 . 5,318 . 3,225 . Wardl.. Wards WardS Precinct 2 PrecinH. 3 Precinct 4 Precincl 5 Precinct <;, including Bangs town. . Burleson County Precinct 1, including Caldwell t< Caldwell town Precinct 2 Precinct3 Precinct 4 9 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 9 Burnet County Precinct 1, including Burnet town Burnet tow n Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Marble Falls town. . Precinct 6 Precincl 7 Precinct 8 Caldwell County Precinct 1, including Lockhart town . . Precinct 3. . Precinct 4.. Precinct 5.. Precinct 6.. Precinct 7.. Precinct 8.. Calhoun County.. I, including Port Lavaca city... Precinct 5 Precinct i 1,378 2,070 2,213 Brazos County.. Callahan County.. Precinct 1 Precinct i Precinct i Precinct 4 Precinct I Precinct ( Precinct i melii'ling Bryan city.. Brewster County.. 2,350 6,802 4,132 Prtvini'l. '. Precinct i Precinct - it 5, including Clyde tc Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 1 County total includes population (570) of precinc t G . annexed toprecinct 3 between 1890 and 1900. 2 Unorganized in 1890. 3 Precinct 5 organized from part of precinct 1 in 1908. < Incorporated as a city in 1906. 6 Incorporated in 1902. 8 No comparison of population can be made; not returned by commissioners' precincts in 1890. Precinct 6.. Precinct 7.. Precinct 8.. Cameron County Precinct 1 Precinct 2, including Brownsville city . . Browiixnth cili/ Ward 1 WardS Ward 3 Wardi Preeinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 1,478 1,502 391 1,565 718 1,250 "i,4si' ' 582 . 7 Not returned separately in 1900. 8 Incorporated in 1909. 9 Precinct 8 organized from part of precinct 4 in 1900. '"Incorporated in 1910. 11 Incorporated in 1907.' »No comparison of population can be made; county redistri 1890 and 1900. 512 [Precinct, except a; STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Camp County 9,551 9,146 6,624 Coke County 6,412 3,430 > 2,059 4,996 1,916 1,746 1,428 1,381 2,127 5,004 1,783 1,050 1,315 1,177 1469 3,427 1,203 1,326 904 967 1356 1^58 635 970 1,030 921 845 22,618 834 582 397 616 483 518 10,077 1,208 182 162 575 27,587 ... 5,445 3,046 3|348 2,420 1,392 2,564 4,633 1,453 877 49,021 1,362 1,107 22,841 22,554 ' 1,172 924 1,524 2,054 Precinct 6 6,094 2.974 4,993 4,084 sss 1,970 1,948 4,230 1,604 1,850 5,371 316 2, 139 4,542 3,379 1,546 3,230 l'032 <400 '444 1 , 085 3,986 3.076 672 1,985 1,546 4,277 t.764 971 69 Precinct 7, including Santa Anna town 444 50,087 Precinct 3 4,714 1,380 1,002 1,421 911 6,688 1,848 4,614 4,262 724 6,300 1,258 620 3,253 332 4,492 510 3,759 5,224 15,614 4,34^ B,489 Castro Count !-'.'i mci'. j.i, ■::■■!;. !, :!■;.■■ 7,400 1,856 4,591 4,185 5,461 3,894 1,159 123 291 271 4,234 Precinct 5, inch din 1 1 10 od \ In to n 6,606 1,304 773 3,308 842 3,046 2,241 4,331 356 4,052 1,233 3,340 737 509 730 713 323 700 522 29,038 750 665 400 525 59 147 25,154 420 502 373 366 84 22,975 6 357 Collingsworth County Precinct 6 2,118 576 805 1,446 S55 18,897 571 Precinct 7 243 191 228 Precinct 1 including Rusk town 6,105 1,558 3,993 672 8,703 2,875 3,347 2,724 1,758 727 1,681 9,538 5,907 846 3,063 7,178 1,383 2,670 19,512 Pnriiu-l '1. iiirln-lhiL,' Alto town Minim, u- 3,436 2,430 1,131 3,431 906 2,642 892 657 4,278 1,717 8,434 3,799 2,572 1,623 4,675 1,337 3,469 1,139 929 3,997 1,107 7,008 3,865 6,053 1,568 2| 538 1,841 777 1,642 2,138 4,468 970 2.668 2,111 2,150 672 1,058 e 1,175 1,212 Eagle Lake city 769 Comal County Precinct 1 , including Childress city 4, 686 8.818 739 600 720 1,759 2,097 018 203 1,934 17,043 893 692 6,398 Wardl Precinct 1, including New Braunfelscity 3,433 3,165 631 430 653 851 700 1^108 624 1,557 223 27,186 2,443 2,097 1,954 Wards 1,608 Wards 411 296 3S7 9,231 Ward3 1,121 1,046 875 1,523 1,348 7,503 460 Precinct: 5 1,309 Precinct 1 , including Henrietta town 3,509 2,104 3,106 517 1,811 1,121 2, 535 1,657 1,765 1,539 65 2,104 1,614 1,026 2,496 2,100 407 23,009 15,608 in 1 1 in ludin Comanche tov 726 580 233 947 6,817 2,766 1,965 2,340 1,016 3,952 1,831 903 5,534 2,070 1,700 2,331 1,634 6,327 807 3,637 1,270 576 1,295 1,770 1^276 502 25 995 1,141 638 2,631 862 Cochran County > 651 ■ 'Med in 1909. 6 Unorganized in 1890. n be made; not returned by precincts in 1900. 9 No comparison of populatioi i0 and 1900. 10 Incorporated in 1907. *' n No comparison of populatioi changes made between • No comparison of population can be made; not returned by justices' precincts In 1890. 1 Incorporated in 1910. •Unorganized; not divided into precincts. 1 be made; county red istricted between 1890 and 1900. 12 Precinct :s oi-oor/cl from i>fui.oi i-rccinct 1 in 1905. <■• Incorporated in 1906. » Incorporated in 1908. • '6 Precinct 6 organized from part of precinct 4 in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. 513 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct, except ai 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 6,664 1,427 > 1,065 Dallas County— Continued. Precinct 1— Continued. Dallas city— Continued. 6,828 9,620 16,741 10,865 10,707 10,126 4,235 3,848 8,391 804 6,436 687 5,503 1,116 2, 750 17,781 603 10(425 994 3,248 2,320 1,004 1,'631 1, 994 26,603 350 200 450 427 27,494 373 } «470 85 24,696 11,074 7,624 1,886 1,489 2,001 1,576 1,228 1,613 2,227 1,565 3,032 2,801 2,292 1,999 21,703 11,346 7, 874 9,435 6,594 3,374 8, 790 819 4,907 406 5,400 1,045 2,540 8,149 478 1,953 3,120 1,675 2,815 2,425 2,739 1,415 21,308 2,374 3, 135 2^878 1,849 2,859 928 16,873 741 Precinct /,'■■ including (Vnicni city and Grand Prairie town ;m.l ward '.) oi Dallas city 2,800 37 Cor ell County 5,520 1,929 964 975 1,587 2,593 2,996 2,436 1,789 1,800 2,982 4,396 5,500 1,865 4,069 1,375 789 453 485 320 273 23,501 3^190 2,394 1,667 3, 056 1,236 1,651 2,144 1^242 1,881 2,417 '240 " 21,311 Precinct 7 6,542 3,109 877 1,489 743 1,646 5,054 1,180 1,835 4^070 1,793 4.657 1,793 981 1,883 1,731 3,942 3,422 2,442 Wnrdl Ward2 2,431 1,350 1,035 497 433 331 1,296 617 Wards Precinct 2 171 155 59 51 1 1,591 'l.-ll : I..'... ; Yorktown town 846 522 Precinct 4 15 1194 I'recinci li, including ward 1 of Yoakum town .. Yoakum town (part of) 1,603 3,499 767 Total/or Yoakum town in precinct 6, De Witt County, and precinct 7, Lavaca County Wardl 1,745 953 96 147 100 1,765 Wards Precincts 843 788 8 346 2,598 1,760 581 294 469 14,566 463 645 417 570 133 4,001 218 62 169 146 199 31 150 15,249 U12 Delta County 475 3,128 2,643 2,680 967 681 764 288 200 198 135,748 107 11 4,708 1,618 2,289 1,994 2,117 826 1,972 1,486 31,258 1,518 2,220 2,570 2,224 Precinct 2, including wards 1 to 3 and part of Cooper town 629 Precinct 2 Total for J > mi and Hartley 1,372 1,636 Precinct 4, including Enloe town Precinct 5 1,709 1,658 n 28,318 1,127 Precinct 6 794 13 15 82,726 67,042 10,307 4,732 864 1,091 1,691 3,616 3| 039 3,835 9,263 4,187 Precinct 1,'" including wards 1 to 8, and 10 of 87,791 81,979 92,104 4,632 4,691 14,766 46,766 42,638 42,638 41,647 38,067 Total/or Dallas cityu in precincts 1 and 7... I'recincr ■•;'« including Pilot Point town 6,039 4,498 2,664 3,282 2,500 Precinct 4 1 County total includes populati between 1890 and 1900. a Not returned separately In 1890. ' Part of precinct 7 annexed to precinct 2 in 1909.J (137) of precinct 5, annexed to precinct 4 ■ I sed in 1890. 6 Incorporated in 1910. « Unorganized; not divided into precincts. 7 No comparison of populatio: mparison of populatio: 12 Incorporated as a city in 1909. >s Part annexed to Dallas city in 1903. 14 Incorporated as a city in 1908. » Incorporated in 1909. 16 Organized from unorganized county of Dawson In 1905. » No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1903. 18 Incorporated in 1906. 19 County totals include population (1,202 in 1900; 1,047 in 1890) of old preclnrt 7, v precinct 7 in 1908. 28407—12 33 514 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. ;c, between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR' CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Denton County— Continued. 1,904 2,634 2^434 3,092 1,434 2,519 1,553 2,061 53,629 50,059 31,774 14, 473 6,S05 t,m t,Wi 2,036 7,350 1,SSS 605 14, 889 6,669 74S 1,571 1,7*9 1,6S6 3,803 766 3,011 3,765 868 2,771 3,567 1,149 32,095 11,806 4,215 8,519 . 1,915 1,151 582 3 295 Precinct ■>, including Ferris and Palmer towns.. 7,570 904 480 14,041 4,919 4,440 SU Palmer town 484 719 1,590 299 3,460 365 274 71 1,106 8,172 Wards 1,049 ' 65S 2,758 3,975 832 2,539 3,718 1,061 29,966 2,060 2,153 1,212 565 1,394 5,284 762 93 171 80 2,756 573 156 * 1,056 2,261 Donle Count Erath County 542 1,946 1,780 379 8,964 199 1,912 Precinct 1 , Including Stephenville city 7,987 £.661 176 498 1,495 S9S 5,579 S,651 995 676 880 3,444 3,069 1,578 2,C21 5,505 2,912 35,649 7,729 1,902 StepTienville city 909 377 268 8,483 WardZ 7,598 5,092 S,S70 4,328 2,026 2,967 1,960 1,314 856 1,181 686 23,421 3,043 1,902 874 657 1,343 664 17,971 3,963 I 6 3,635 10,373 3,386 2,917 1,454 1,734 4,459 3,195 33,342 3,286 2,506 1,148 2,290 Eastland County 3,022 855 '368 2,201 4,884 96S eUio 3,492 640 1,703 1,178 2,083 696 1,581 1,961 3,947 1,367 20,706 Precinct 1, including Marlin city 8,203 8,875 1,321 705 1,85S 2,454 3,928 5,490 1,0S1 6|344 l,47t 1,810 44,801 6,869 S,092 985 325 921 1,806 Martin city 2,068 Wardl Precinct 5, including Carbon and Gorman towns. WardS 2,662 4,177 5,495 6I4 4,719 2,230 5,432 2,459 Precinct 3 l',5U 2,815 1,920 1,063 1,668 Precinct 4, including Lott town 1,904 Precinct 5 3,147 1,513 9 381 1,381 8 224 P recinct 6 1,414 2,602 1,758 51,793 1,188 251 320 268 339 3,768 38,709 Precinct 1, including Bonham city and Ector 9,780 4,M 937 1,66S 722 924 404 2,621 328 8,369 990 650 5,855 1,29S 6,868 2,300 188 874 460 788 3,138 4,380 280 3,790 10,690 6,042 3,108 1,970 Wards WardS ' 1,455 796 204 578 363 372 52,599 1,255 750 429 471 430 611 465 301 163 Ector town™ Precinct 2, including Savoy town 3,375 S4S 9,184 750 420 6,820 1,409 8,387 2,483 2,868 S44 Precinct 3, including Leonard and Trenton Precinct 6 l ° 7,461 24,886 15,678 Leonard town 5,001 765 5,858 41,677 39.279 2,379 1,179 hW 1,592 583 484 1,462 3,243 16. 607 15,906 1,771 (13) 933 1,416 11,031 10, SS8 1,528 801 801 1,397 Precinct 5, including Honey Grove city Precinct 4, including S:n> Klixurio village 3,461 '290 4,488 S69 627 488 2,721 [ «921 3,561 SSS ['nvinft 8 Doddtown ' Part taken to form part of new precinct 7 in 1908; old precinct 7 annexed in 1908. 2 Organized from parts of precincts 1, 2, and 6 in 1908. 3 Unorganized in 1890. ' No comparison of population can be made; not returned by precincts in 1890. 5 Incorporated in 1908. 6 Not returned separately in 1890. 1 1ncorporated in 1905. 8 Incorporated In 1902. 9 No comparison of population can be made; not returned by precincts in 1900. 'o Precinct (', or-:jni?ci] Imm pari d precinct 3 in 1907. u Part annexed to El Paso city in 1""" '2 Wards abolished and part of preel "Not returned separately in 1900. "Incorporated in 1906. « Incorporated as a city '« Incorporated In 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. 515 -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Fa ette Count 29,796 36,512 31,481 Frio Count 8,895 4,200 3112 5,907 1,850 437 428 60S 3,990 m 4,005 ise 1,667 3,288 3,999 886 m eso 297 177 2,171 4,769 1,091 12,596 6,765 2,392 5,738 1,626 3,825 1,799 1,072 1,358 2,182 458 1,255 1,065 701 706 731 337 55 4,886 ( 4 858 'l69 2,261 4,734 4,938 1,210 4,210 4,561 238 3' 302 4,681 1,304 Precinct 1 Seminole Precinct -i 868 202 185 44,479 44,116 Precinct 1, coextensive with Galveston city $6,981 2,943 1,810 2,42S 2,505 3,228 4,553 2,616 2,609 2,468 2,515 2,352 '669 2,438 244 2,174 274 710 1,995 37, 789 37,789 2,723 5,377 1,149 3,708 2,547 4,619 816 2,996 2,300 1,751 i',m 1*309 4,638 1,004 691 879 667 496 818 543 591 635 380 2,020 529 1,576 1,359 747 352 1,347 190 756 185 Floyd County 1,555 664 2,165 760 457 461 5,726 595 102 Floydada town'* Precinct 2, including Lockney town 735 195 304 1,568 145 87 Precinct 1 Foard County 779 547 141 528 9,447 Precinct 1, including Crowell town 3,291 1,341 '822 552 18,168 800 224 244 300 16,538 8,229 Precinct 4 7,056 10,586 3,330 934 885 '406 1,307 1,098 1,143 2,964 1,656 1, 606 500 835- 2,424 Precinct 1, including Richmond and Rosenberg 3,662 1,371 1,198 2.833 1,798 3,244 2,052 2,691 1,047 841 9,331 3,074 1,837 2,652 2,257 2,375 2,096 2,096 '758 • 8,674 914 1,574 1,904 1,827 1,583 758 6,481 286 Precinct 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 7 406 119 337 281 9,909 69 53 111 53 8,310 Precinct 8 Precinct 4 1*246 706 1,550 1,182 829 236 1,741 975 20,557 2,631 1,145 ( j ) ( 8 )' ( 8 ) 1,872 625 1,343 1,445 1,196 3,023 1,766 1,489 1,963 1,233 435 28,055 3,018 1,318 1,826 2,148 Precinct 6. including pai 1 of >> Innsboro town .. Franklin County, and precinct 4, Wood 899 ( 8 ) 18,910 S88 28,882 15,987 Precinct 1 includin Gonzales cit 7,141 8,189 1,656 1,488 3,123 4,070 2,690 3.371 2,153 2,430 3,077 7,362 4,297 2,976 2,634 2,054 813 3,751 899 6,242 s,m 651 1,436 3, 813 2,637 1,997 904 3,725 3,452 2,312 1,523 931 2,811 1,641 3,425 5,082 2,991 3,383 1,810 2,750 2,079 3,312 2,858 764 1,758 614 1,486 Precinct 8 Precinct 8 1,773 1 Not returned separately in 1900. s Precinct 6 organized from part of precinct 2 in 1908. 'Incorporated in 1908. * Precinct 7 organized from part of precinct 5 in 1908. 6 Incorporated in 1909. 8 Incorporated in 1907. 7 Incorporated in 1902. 'County total incin . uo) of precincts 3 and 7, turned separately in 1900. ' Returned in 1900 as Id Wood County only. 10 Incorporated in 1910. 1 1, ,, ., ..... 12 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted 1 H Unorganized in 1890. > 6 Precinct 6 organized from part of precinct 2 in 1909. Precinct 5 organized from part of precinct 3 in 1903. 516 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. minor crvn. DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 3,406 480 203 Guadalupe County— Continued. 2,073 2,092 2,317 2,230 7,566 2,241 2,255 1,840 1,757 1,680 471 963 221 1,750 6SS 65,996 1,918 1,352 1,422 Commissioner's precinct 4, including McLean 63,661 53,211 4,423 2,829 904 970 637 632 8,279 750 17, 397 12412 2.077 i,6S8 2,374 1,841 4,482 19,457 115 496 IS, 632 2,651 4,268 3,848 7,676 381 288 1,663 6,123 681 1,441 5,902 791 797 4,812 2^193 2,436 SIS 14,140 15,443 10,243 11,764 7,335 319 266 229 116 1,670 Wardl 1 ,.'. IM. ■ ■ . •.:. ! . . 17,249 n 474 11,807 16,067 165 10.968 Precinct 1 "> includin Mem his cit 2,946 1,936 286 615 811 205 2,556 1,596 597 584 16,315 900 349 Wardl 230 458 82 90 Precinct 3, including Tom Bean and Wbite- 8,787 400 299 1,804 6,746 531 1,940 '666 7,162 264 13,520 880 5,484 284 737 2,774 332 9,313 Precinct 1 in Iudin HanTlton it 1,648 1,390 3,564 1,437 1,278 994 1,284 1,590 1,430 935 2,625 1,765 1,459 3,509 1,480 1,313 800 979 1,475 1,360 "167 i = 1 1 ins ville and Tioga to wns. l)984 649 5,059 1,24S 2,627 2,918 400 12,343 4,362 1,170 3,106 2, 492 286 9,402 372 222 180 161 11,213 Precinct l t * including Longview city 6,611 6,166 1,726 1,014 1,234 1,181 1,491 1,390 1,157 1,352 1,256 21,205 5,519 3,691 3,475 8,034 Wardl 3,634 Ward4 12 3,904 1,375 870 1,140 1,222 1,048 1,169 26,106 1,123 1,292 1,052 899 1,178 21,312 Precinct 1 includin Ouanahcitv Precinct 3 3,127 3,229 1,207 201 lii 293 1,658 12,947 2,074 1,651 235 976 1,411 4,925 2,359 5,262 3,284 667 679 493 1,445 2,450 1,066 1,507 2,229 1,407 24,913 5,804 2,455 6,890 3,857 5,186 1,990 5,616 349 5,049 1,293 1,096 1,214 2,843 2,949 1,254 1,309 115,693 968 1,179 1,016 802 1,084 ^377 2,216 1,987 1,589 21,385 2,034 1,360 2,074 1,753 ' 15,217 63,786 Precinct 1 , 17 including Houston city and Houston 7,782 S,116 1,136 396 676 3,892 2, 860 1,667 5,784 2,421 5,675 1,716 94,984 78,800 6,954 7,67$ 24,705 16,772 16,854 6,943 46,232 44,633 27,551 3,298 3,032 1,178 2,120 1,230 (') Precinct 4 Ward6 1 Organized from unorganized county of Gray In 1902. * Incorporated in 1909. 3 Part of precinct 1 annexed to Sherman city in 1909. * Part of precinct 2 annexed to Denison city in 1908. 5 Incorporated in 1906. 6 Part of precinct 1 annexed ti mparison of population can be made; not returned by precincts in 1890. returned by precincts In 1900 changes made between " No comparison of population can be made; and 1890. IS No comparison of population can be made; 1890 and 1900. 13 Part taken to 14 Parts taken tc '5 Organized from pari ; of preeinoi , I ami 4 in 1909. "Organized fn 11 11 pari oi precinct 4 in 1909. " Part annexed to Houston city in 1903; part of precinct 8 (Houston Heights town) annexed in 1904. w Part of precinct 1 annexed in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. 517 Table 1.- [ Precinct, except as otherwise stated ■POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. een 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for thoso between 1890 and 1900, see MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1,651 3,985 1890 Harris County— Continued. 6,984 2,503 8,360 2,121 6,247 678 2,619 4,234 1,037 1,481 2,138 2,353 37,243 800 Henderson County— Continued. 2,137 2,600 1,480 1,528 2^140 13,728 2,814 1,674 1,155 2,208 6,837 1,092 3,621 537 3,109 1,531 1,652 1,586 1,310 4,745 31,878 1,928 1,350 835 1,105 1,557 1,216 1,701 26,721 3,017 1,209 677 2,271 3,009 1,795 1,062 1,022 875 46*,760 1,828 1,285 492 469 874 526 440 41,355 1,790 2,700 3,190 17,661 11,462 4,2S8 3,881 3,333 5,248 1,493 2,632 1,859 2,460 1,298 3,183 4,861 7,855 3,095 3,635 11,591 12,566 6,115 1,528 675 2,566 1,356 6,785 1,356 3,356 4,754 766 7,793 1,843 3,408 2,551 5,547 401 137 10,008 11,739 6, 346 7,200 2,541 4,215 1,697 2,054 1,944 4,056 1,416 1,806 1,122 377 252 1,277 2,770 4,392 548 1,573 16,219 [For total, see precinct 2, Dallam County.] 2,637 1,665 1'ivciru't 5, mdiKliii',' Ilubbtv.l city and Mount 6,317 3 600 '894 3,517 1,630 4,602 467 44 9,146 2,920 4,335 2^450 779 907 2,302 3,844 2,411 891 15,518 1,630 975 382 274 227 398 187 10 14,142 11,352 2,765 1,336 1,232 888 940 875 1,824 456 1,281 203 31,038 4,601 1,410 904 892 969 694 3,285 1,164 6,768 4,071 1,467 1,110 676 818 3,048 742 968 1,254 1,846 370 1,264 3,170 5,291 2,292 5,320 2,336 1,030 525 187 240 27,950 "(23) 2,819 2,390 795 1,214 1,458 364 1,653 "815 982 1,509 263 Precinct 1 , including Sulphur Springs city 10,531 6,161 1,681 1,558 2,636 3,241 4,113 2,249 3,986 1,657 2,625 29,564 8,957 3,636 6,910 3,038 13 519 1,806 1,648 797 349 437 475 452 20,131 2,460 2,802 3,726 2,344 3,070 1,787 2,804 25,452 1,884 1,514 2,627 1,611 2,369 WardS « 19,970 » 12,285 9,464 3,947 1,876 4,565 7,028 2, 010 3,057 5,434 1,445 6,558 2,261 894 6,653 4,044 Precinct 2 1,080 767 Precinct 3 2,340 1 Part of precinct 3 (La Porte town) annexed to precinct 2 in 1903. 2 Part annexed to precinct 1 in 1904. 3 Precinct 8 organized from part of precinct 2 In 1901. * Not returned by precincts. * Incorporated in 1904. 6 Precincts 5 and 6 organized from parts of precinct 1 in 1905. t returned by precincts in is No comparison of population can be 1900 and 1890. " Incorporated in 1908. is County totals include population (1,564 in 1900; 1,117 in 1890) of old precinct 5. annexed to precinct 7 since 1900. is Incorporated in 1901. 1? Precinct 5 or^ani/e'l I'mm iiart of precinct 4 in 1907. u Incorporated in 1905. u Precinct 7 annexed In separately in 1890. 518 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 5,572 4,367 1,551 1,030 1,139 8,881 5,463 4,071 1,565 816 1,442 • 2,528 4,718 3,002 1,544 877 14,000 7,138 5 592 3,290 3,710 3,171 1,204 698 562 418 1,678 863 3,184 2,361 730 2,566 1 1,210 Howard County Precinct 8 9 Commissioner's precinct 1, including part of 2,056 1,078 4,102 1,778 759 1,900 1,153 3,147 1,112 48,116 1,150 1,394 Total for B ig Spring city 2 in precincts 1 to 4 .. oner's precinct 2, including part of Precinct 1 851 137 84 606 950 55 62 Big Spring city (part of) oner's precinct 3, including part of Commissions s hiding part of Big Spring city Big Sprmg city (part of) 47,295 31,885 23,717 20,640 7,590 6,61S 6,537 8,215 7,663 4,404 824 2,435 662 400 902 975 2,707 1,004 34,460 11,944 9,427 ."..,,■■ .,/.■,,.,'/ S',296 Precinct 1, including Greenville city and Peniel 15,075 8,850 2,91S 2,907 S.OSO 467 6,131 821 5,468 100 3,043 4,566 1,402 7,436 2,818 729 1,015 1,074 3,814 5S7 2,583 766 13,509 6,860 8,772 4,SS0 WardS Wardl Precinct 2, Port Arthur," including Port Arthur Port Arthur city 1,395 15S WardS Wardl WardB 6,600 671 5,685 3,' 27l' 4,867 260 4,053 2," 754 Ward S Precinct 3, Sabine Pass, including Sabine Pass Sabine Pass town Precinct 4 15 900 363 Clinton village ' Precinct 4 ! ncluding Wolfe City town Wolfe City town Precinct 6, including Commerce city 5,346 1,549 6,806 1,800 3,629 867 4,217 810 Precinct 6 « Precinct 7 " Johnson County 33,819 WardS 22,313 t7 including Quinlan village 3,774 S62 2,304 496 303 1,762 Precinct 1, including Cleburne city 15,459 10,364 2,705 S,267 s',ui 3,032 1,713 3,799 1,166 3,617 1,018 2,163 3,098 495 1,579 24,299 14,429 7,493 7,760 1,831 44* 58 Wardl 1,945 2,068 5,373 1,342 4,521 71S 2,086 2,120 1,601 1,521 154 145 404 189 1,283 Precinct Precinct 4, including Alvarado city 4,587 ■' ■'■ "I ' : - 2,938 848 870 1,615 78 91 291 11,817 697 21 41 89 10,224 613 95 60 102 9,740 Precinct 8 1,277 7,053 4,514 1,842 6,741 S,902 2,080 3,714 3,970 1,978 '913 1,129 14,942 2,059 1,480 1,821 909 1,171 793 1,022 1,480 1,232 6,471 3,046 l!745 897 932 736 779 1,162 927 6,094 2,253 751 1,672 962 1,052 1,647 900 1,254 1,676 1,430 1,020 3,281 8,681 2,855 721 1,543 558 916 436 2,812 598 1,127 1,545 165 348 Precinct 1 * 2,622 1,300 1,502 2,994 1,147 795 800 1,245 1,476 1,003 554 743 480 Precinct 5 Kenedy town « 1 No comparison of population can be made; not returned by precincts in 1900 M Part taken tc is Organized from part of precinct 1 16 Organized from pari; of jnccincl. 1 ii between 1890 and 1900. u Parts taken to form precincts 4 and 5 in 1901, p cinct 7 In 1902, and part annexed to Beaumont city in [, annexed to precinct 1 ct 6 in 1908, part of pre- n 1904 and 1909, respectively. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. 519 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . [ Precinct, except as otherwise stated, means justice precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see MINOE CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Karnes County— Continued. 2,852 1,557 1,112 1,003 35,323 2,103 1,040 865 357 33,376 578 658 9,625 2,322 Precinct 5 1,027 1,113 1,141 1,910 2,397 1,647 9S6 390 4,747 346 318 291 417 301 649 21,598 Kaufman C ounty Precinct 1 including Kaufman city 4,733 4)355 1,114 11, 112 7,060 2,031 3,346 1,674 3)326 1,865 3,641 2,392 4,517 2,378 4,601 3,768 1,282 3,546 2,303 is 2,139 y. 1,880 198 1,091 47 863 262 46,544 1,216 L'lviiiirl 3, including Terrell city 9,726 6,330 5,304 2,988 Terrell city 57 540 264 198 48,627 Precinct 3 a Ward 2 WardS Precinct 4 3,886 2,809 1,916 3,069 2,171 4,103 3,156 l)907 1,625 626 3,826 37,802 18, 191 11, 269 2,467 2,046 2,896 3,861 7,313 4,069 4,491 871 3,123 2,611 4,921 1,825 540 17, 909 9,368 14, 453 8,264 '886 335 915 240 318 2,655 1,371 1,455 Wards Ward4 504 806 843 300 279 899 329 785 '225 8,165 4,542 4,839 874 3,625 2,901 4,427 2,219 31 5,826 2,316 <324 3,350 1,401 348 1,318 814 192 148 146 238 265 5,505 174 314 4 '° Unty Jayton town* 362 133 20 25 9,532 Precinct 3 123 61 227 Precinct 4° Precinct 5 6 8,625 ' 4,980 1 4,462 3,236 2,119 625 736 768 783 2,601 1,541 495 876 26,418 3,275 2,107 2,408 2,472 1,843 974 519 1,540 3,261 1,832 1,423 895 411 2,503 1,503 1,044 815 567 275 2,243 763 1,484 1,394 745 964 28,121 1,014 188 384 232 570 354 295 810 774 162 317 235 193 350 300 172 490 651 204 365 159 75 385 268 136 U73 21,887 Lavaca County 6,622 2)848 4,268 1,096 2,354 1,170 2,947 2,864 946 13,132 7,000 1,457 3,244 5,558 846 3,148 1,497 2,978 3,587 1,896 1,109 14,595 Precinct 4 1,011 3,193 4,078 340 2,599 Precinct 5 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 7, including wards 2 and 3 of Yoakum 351 239 147 3,401 314 30 75 71 2,447 Yoakum town (part of) 078 [For total, see precinct 6, DeWitt County.] 1,026 1 u 3,781 11,952 3,308 778 1,111 2,344 1,492 994 1,095 2,010 3,443 906 2)560 1,869 1,107 1,175 2,124 2,213 195 255 447 180\ 111/ 1,570 250 200 250 12177 2,775 Precinct 6 1 Part annexed to precinct 1 in 1904. 2 Incorporated in 1910. 3 Incorporated in 1909. 4 Unorganized in 1890. 5 Precinct 7 organized from part of precinct - Precinct 6 organized from part of precinct 5 1908. 1903. 1900; 1,117 ii 8 Precinct 7 annexed in 1904. 9 Precinct 8 annexed in 1904. >° Precincts 5 and 6 annexed in 1904. 11 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted betwee )) of precincts 5 and 7 County totals include population (1,0(53 in 6, annexed to pre' inn 1 ;.... 100; 185 in 1890) of precinct 7, annexed to precinct 1; and population (247 in 1900) of precinct 8, annexed to precinct 3, since 520 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. ; 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1000, t MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 VMM 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 IS90 lit 16,583 18,072 13,841 1,713 17 Precinct 1 Precinct 1 2,064 2,298 1,117 2,659 586 2,306 2,599 906 1,762 1,778 10,686 2,271 3,001 1,335 3,119 1,926 2,341 1,368 2,122 661 273 271 263 ,245 13,405 2,273 2,418 1,788 3,960 is 3,217 1,800 1,855 8,102 1,3.53 1,536 4,230 5,408 2,669 1,039 623 L484 190 1,354 779 73,250 1,222 745 9S7 835 655 818 278 y 2,216 2,196 1,580 2,182 496 1,234 782 34,621 2,442 865 644 1,254 1,658 392 770 942 32,573 1,198 () 725 379 422 782 498 452 327 551 21,678 59,772 39,204 37,360 26,425 5,140 6, $67 6,554 2.985 2,080 7, 351 2,939 7,902 1,645 4,190 5,188 1,864 897 188 779 4,509 98S 3,089 616 3,661 1,091 31, 924 20,686 20,406 14,445 6,333 1, m 6,751 2,287 8,694 425 2,633 764 1,117 3,599 3,915 678 2,634 6,183 1,462 5,578 2,793 6,776 'S82 2,878 1,323 3,287 3,844 663 2,277 1,836 5,472 1,674 Precinct 4, including Mexia and Tehuacana 4,036 3,018 5,388 861 3,984 4,330 1,435 2,531 647 1,316 2,939 77/, 3,755 2,846 4,048 790 '632 2,822 us 3,240 1,024 2,341 873 550 328 485 1,271 769 3,442 206 102 174 308 1,038 Precinct 1 633 201 51 206 10,318 652 173 49 150 10,432 691 2,268 2,055 94 1,055 382 447 337 115 269 364 260 213 6,520 848 141 341 336 210 147 245 789 252 273 422 99 220 Precinct 2 8,512 ,ounty Precinct 4 8 4,314 2,195 1,914 10,472 2^464 1,799 2,143 10,754 3,047 1,964 1,560 1,941 Precinct 6 7,301 6,772 10 86? 547 1,804 3,769 2,515 456 861 7S2 466 1,863 1,248 1,241 1,549 5,683 561 1,371 4,972 2,850 2,727 1,687 671 900 568 400 305 566 383 249 3,624 2,519 2,008 Precinct 3, im 5,025 936 1,320 624 427 450 646 379 33 997 890 992 620 446 479 340 12 33 Jefferson city Ward 1 WardS WardS Ward4 Precinct 4 1,737 1,077 1,036 332 5,573 Lubbock Count Mason County 5,180 Precinct 1, including part of Lubbock city 1,208 72S 1,988 635 SS7 602 194 1,179 684 2,223 568 155 331 233 1,075 729 1,071 532 190 364 1,414 321 940 741 1,601 Precinct 2, including part of Lubbock city 345 237 679 Precinct 3, pi. i.i.ock city Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 1,225 Precinct 4, in bock city Lubbock city {part of) 415 274 i Incorporated in 1903. * Incorporated in 1907. • Incorporated in 1905. • Incorporated in 1908. *- > « No comparison of population can be made: not returned by precincts in 1890. rately 8 Incorporated as a city in 1910. ' Precinct 8 organized from parts of precincts 1 and 5 in 1908. » Precinct 9 organized from part of precinct 4 in 1908. • Incorporated in 1901. 'o Unorganized; not divided into precincts, u No comparison of population can be made; not returned by precincts In 1900. 12 Unorganized in 1890. w Incorporated in 1909. I! ( ir-iuii/.c'd (i 'Mi i niioi ganized county of Lynn in of precincts 3 and 4, is precinct 1 in 1900. w Precinct 8 organized from part of precinct 4 in 1907. '* Precinct 7 organized from part of precinct 5 in 1907. Part of precinct 1 annexed to Waco oity in 1909. Incorporated in 1902. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. M1NOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 da Count 13,594 6,097 3,985 Montague County 2§,123 24,800 18 863 Precinct 1 includin Uonta ue town 1,297 1,533 3,879 S,158 1J9G9 239 2,038 1,S89 740 5,151 705 1,806 1,648 655 1,424 774 3,082 284 3,570 822 1,848 7,346 2,874 1,172 804 898 1,890 181 1,165 l',SS8 2,593 15,679 3,797 679 3,242 825 2,712 6,524 2,600 1,100 778 740 392 3,645 1,486 Ward'l 4,066 3,698 1,532 305 1,846 2,541 17,067 1,711 2,479 1,500 381 1,083 Precinct 1, Including part of Eagle Pass town. . . 2,377 1,374 S,SS6 2,355 2,162 207 212 13,415 2,805 I «2,817 Totulfor Eagle Pass town' inprcci- Precinct 2, including part of Eagle Pass town . . . 642 477 82 7,783 } <881 5,730 4,275 ^760 1,367 4,817 535 1,874 725 561 4,064 1,234 1,014 5,456 925 646 3,354 3,547 3,111 891 1,877 1,229 3,914 1,04S 1,287 425 2,707 1,648 } <2,190 866 2,173 899 < 1,522 745 1,568 374 277 629 912 84 332 59 98 72 10,439 37 45 47 2,011 1,215 985 313 348 358 321 3,464 751 149 221 583 307 418 97 391 309 6,580 2,351 1,005 2,710 2,427 1,178 924 1,022 2,396 1,951 831 2,001 1,582 1,663 1,741 1,033 901 954 1,257 t',m 204 227 197 36,780 1,540 849 Motley County Precinct 2 56 36 80 24,773 "139 Precinct 3 666 889 364 477 27,406 353 295 252 357 24,663 Nacogdoches County 6,209 S,26S 6,600 3,681 6,896 2,073 4,180 2,429 3,474 3,311 9,694 5,642 S,S41 6,974 4,295 9,429 S,S15 5,409 1,894 3,124 7,851 2,987 1,608 5,065 3,209 6,651 1,605 3,151 854 1,230 1,626 5,493 Precinct 1, including Nacogdoches city 10,120 S,S69 1,141 2^127 2,303 2,319 627 3,201 2,362 47,070 9,929 1,827 1,130 1,830 2,440 1,544 3,313 6S0 2,018 2,459 43,374 Precinct 2 1,057 Precinct 3 1,533 Precinct 4 2,081 Precinct 5 1,223 Precinct 6, including Garrison town 1,960 Precinct 1, including Goldthwaite town i',m 2,225 1,780 773 1,483 748 8,956 2,412 1,282 1,766 2,044 689 940 1,408 1,364 '557 720 17,198 9,749 2,924 1,897 2,644 2,284 5,235 5,957 945 4,154 80S 7,730 90S 702 3,268 1,707 1,821 16,921 9,313 10,687 6,285 Precinct 4 Precinct 6 9 2,855 1° 2,059 4,527 5,694 7S6 2,776 3,019 3,889 1,840 418 359 484 2,287 6SS 832 687 2,019 2,069 653 114 69 Precinct 5, including Blooming Grove and Frost 6,957 685 621 3,177 2,097 1,225 3,094 1,710 Precinct 7 " Precinct 8 932 1 Incorporated In 1902. s Precincts 6, 7, and 8 organized from parts of precinct 5 in 1903. 3 Incorporated in 1909. 4 Not returned separately. 6 Precinct 8 organized from parts of precincts 2 and 3 In 1901. ' Incorporated in 1904. 7 Precinct 6 organized from part of precinct 4 since 1900. 8 Incorporated in 1906. » Precinct 6 organized from part of precinct 3 in 1905. '» No comparison of population can oe made; not returned by precincts in li » Precincts 5 and 7 organized from parts of precinct 1 in 1906. 12 Incorporated in 1907. " Precinct 6 organized from part of precinct 2 in 1906. 14 Unorganized in 1890. is Incorporated as a town in 1900. ' 6 Parts of precinct 1 annexed to Corsicana city in 1903, 1907, and 1908. " Incorporated as a town in 1901. 522 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is otherwise stated, means justice precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Newton County 10,850 " 7,282 4,650 20,424 21,404 14,328 Precinct 1 2,905 2,032 1,687 2,147 1,446 11,999 846 2,148 607 603 660 723 2,611 1,178 1,718 453 933 4,961 3,968 2,196 1,642 1,592 1,356 2,560 2,149 26,331 9,196 5,074 1,011 1,681 1,262 1,220 4,942 2,431 3,562 l|l60 1,421 1,016 1,555 6,643 4,350 2,373 1,820 1,398 1,133 2,293 2,394 25,823 8,769 4,786 2,878 3,186 2,246 1,367 1,130 833 786 1,902 Precincl 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4' Precinct 5> Precinct 6 < 1,673 4,819 4,176 l,'l27 651 2,829 941 100 107 202 SSB 485 974 21,955 771 670 463 720 361 296 21,682 614 7,188 3,369 Wardl Ward 2 WardS Ward 4 5, 033 2,281 3,804 2,773 1,099 1,505 559 34 4,704 1,701 2,808 2,174 1,319 10,439 8,093 '539 Precinct 1, including Corpus Christi city 9,726 8,222 1,246 682 2,261 1,7 SI 2,S02 586 2,273 4,179 3,936 2,136 274 658 1,602 5,745 4,70S 4,387 Precinct 1 855 503 197 2,071 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 M 2,360 578 954 650 2,111 1,199 567 739 980 Precinct 1 980 138 598 17,459 Precinct 3 281 120 Precinct 4 14,447 267 198 15 10,332 4,965 2,145 1,492 1,251 1,328 2,737 1^656 12,424 3,756 1,068 1,646 1,593 1,404 2,254 1,499 1,227 1,820 2,204 Ochiltree County Precinct 2 Precinct 1 748 307 218 812 84 47 73 10 349 62 26 69 10 270 Precinct 3 (15) 1,067 908 Precinct 2 Precinct 4 Precinct 8 Oldham Count 76 52 647 37 9,528 Precinct 1, including Amarillo city 11,822 9,957 262 57 5,218 1,554 t,m 75 120 71 3,673 Precinct 2 5,905 4,770 6,399 6,527 1,679 2,418 1,680 1,213 605 494 817 19,506 4,418 S,8S6 3,674 3,173 Orange city 1,730 215 48 700 1,192 549 71 713 6,787 930 350 250 . 600 1,037 127 313 66 6,127 Wardl Ward 2 Wards Precinct 2 W 780 337 370 530 339 227 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 " 12,291 8,320 1,450 1,836 3,325 2,605 6,338 3,950 1,478 1,048 1,424 554 317 3,081 1,194 1,174 932 2,344 853 726 1,907 3,105 600 887 1,547 648 3,312 2,739 527 739 1,641 481 963 1,868 2,048 1,749 1,746 677 Precinct 5, in 'I. Uscity Precinct 1, including Canyon City town j 1,400 S08 557 636 594 352 252 1,682 280 188 871 \\'tndl V . Ward 2 | WardS ! Lyra town :::::::::::! ::::::::: 1 Precinct 7 annexed in 1909. 3 Precinct 8 annexed in 1909. * No comparison of population can be made; n t returned by justices' precincts » Incorporated in 1907. « Precinct 8 organized from part of precinct 4 in 1909. • Incorporated In 1910. "> No comparison of population can be made; not returned by precincts in 1900 and 1890. 11 Precinct 5 organize. 1 i'iuui iiarisof inoeluel.s I. ami 2 in 1903. 12 Organized from utmii/aim/ed eoimh of I 'aimer in 1907. is Pail: taken to form Terrell County in 1905. « No comparison of i>opohi , m I" in el, unim u ui [i i< l< d in 1905. is County total includes population (3,881) of precincts 3, 6, and 7, not returned separately in 1S90. i n b e ma d e . no t returned by precincts in 1890. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct, except as otherwise stated, i MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOS' CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Randall County— Continued. Precinct 2 400 495 531 144 125 100 21 62 47 Runnels County— Continued. 2,149 1,31,7 2,528 1,302 1,105 26,946 701) 998 682 278 191 84 55 28,561 26,099 29,893 21,452 6,540 2,220 5,072 4,811 2,848 1,283 1,766 2,406 8,582 6,045 2,506 4,601 4,570 1^273 1,755 2,468 6,394 5,011 1,827 2,396 3,316 2,168 7,714 2,065 499 449 w 666 3^342 3,867 3,943 1,964 2,444 3,395 4,392 8,460 2,069 1,688 1,079 1,756 2,267 3,675 4,114 2,987 1,818 3,247 3,325 2 1,847 1,590 2,817 1J508 2,625 2,145 2 1,247 4,969 1,696 700 2,019 1,216 468 1,284 291 11,264 1,432 641 700 1,144 811 350 930 8,434 Precinct 7 Commissioner's precinct 1, including part of Pecos city. 1,234 957 1,856 1,269 1,052 556 1,333 899 2,811 San Augustine County 6,688 • '.' "■: ,"''■■■■ ■•■.'■ "■ / and4 6S9 393 Precinct 1, including San Augustine town Son A ugustine town 4,352 1,204 1,533 1,844 1,252 1,204 1,079 9,542 ' 2,803 261 1,217 1,702 960 652 1,100 10,277 2,513 m Precinct 2 1,911 i pre hum ' mi Imling part of Precinct 5 521 1,641 1,239 Refugio County San Jacinto County 7,360 Precinct 1, including Refugio town 922 773 644 186 348 501 213 950 600 590 Precinct 1 1,813 2, 719 571 1,723 848 7,307 2,115 3^259 498 1,239 1,230 2,372 1,666 Precinct 2* 175 185 393 181 189 183 96 326 2,714 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 \ «2,098 Precinct 5 San Patricio County Roberts County 620 » 1,312 803 60 57 30 27,454 478 63 41 31,480 107 87 70 26,506 1,615 433 453 '881 1,585 1,197 459 11,245 218 227 393 681 396 235 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 6, including Aransas Pass town ----» 222 7,569 6,887 2,679 5,444 2,352 1,902 1,325 3,477 4,031 2,961 1,427 8,072 8,178 3,322 2,129 1,671 1,641 4,174 5,799 2,832 1,347 8,531 7,752 2,632 4,644 San Saba County Precinct 2, including Hearne town 4,714 l|356 756 1,893 3,412 2,155 1,369 633 515 1,474 1,364 4,845 4,790 1,637 5,972 Rockwall Countv 921 344 325 303 10,924 1,186 1,436 1,287 1,803 1,210 825 20,858 3,014 1,245 1,606 1,621 2,290 60S 2,178 848 1,045 1,311 1,438 299 4,158 4,003 2,614 1,644 1,887 1,067 '641 1,247 5,379 3,193 525 1,335 352 345 354 393 7,424 2,237 1,128 1,412 Bollinger city Precinct 6 1 Organized from part of Tom Green County in 1903. s No comparison of population can be made; not ret precincts in 1900 and 1890. 3 Incorporated in 1909. « Precinct 6 organized from part of precinct 2 in 1910. » Precinct 5 organized from part of precinct 4 in 1901. 8 Not returned separately in 1890. 7 Precinct 7 organized from part of precinct 6 in 1908. » Organized from unorganized county of Schleicher in 1901. 1* Incorporated in 1907. 524 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. Table l.-POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is otherwise stated, means justice precinct. For changes In boundaries, etc., between_1900 and 1910, see footnotes; lor those between 1890 and 1900, s 1 Incorporated as a city in 1903. > Incorporated in 1900. 3 Incorporated in 1909. 4 Not returned separately in 1900. » No comparison of population can 1 « Incorporated in 1907. 7 Incorporated as a city in 1907. » Incorporated in 1904. 1010 1900 1890 MINOE CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Shackelford County 4,201 2,461 2,012 5,320 w 2,183 10 1,024 '230 1,367 679 26,423 1,514 188 628 131 20,452 1,173 197 550 92 14,365 1,385 936 539 1,467 1,569 Sutton County 1,727 Precinct 1 , including Center city 6,557 1,684 4,440 2,046 2,599 2,401 40! 1,803 476 5,234 1,518 1,343 1,376 4,485 3,084 1,001 169 226 173 4,012 995 220 1,227 3,521 2,126 1,855 2,353 2,509 1,729 1,331 1,656 Precinct 2 "100 1,289 986 Swisher County l'tie 200 259 329 550 560 156 108,572 265 3,725 ( 4 ) 1,098 104 2,329 618 741 (■34 'rw'/J 'ri,',;' U ' " lia lll> Tim-pson city 144 248 130 202 238 Precinct 8 139 373 718 620 41,746 60 9 12 23 52,376 Precinct ip including Port Worth city 37,370 28,324 87, 209 73,312 4,107 6,841 7,664 5,653 6,864 6,805 8,230 7,723 4,207 1,268 6,770 S,S61 4,966 1,794 409 sss 616 AS6 4,521 681 3,479 1,459 1,353 1,658 3,927 627 26,293 32,188 26,688 25, 922 23,076 Smith County 13,842 10,400 2,801 2,832 2,426 2,841 7,089 1,126 3,855 2,078 3,522 4,295 658 4,176 3,931 11,022 6,908 Precinct 1, including Tyler city Tyler city i Wardl Ward2 WardZ Ward 4 Precinct 2, including Troupe town 7,175 724 2,984 2,381 3,452 4,317 4,999 466 1,648 1,951 2,953 2,700 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 3,830 1,079 2,848 664 including Lindale town Lindale town* Precinct 7 3,151 3,498 2,052 2,733 3,419 Precinct 8 4,436 3,614 1,517 1,184 1,639 3,968 694 10,499 2,017 659 473 782 13,151 1,951 394 525 11,469 '805 497 478 10,749 Starr County Taylor County 6,957 3,132 1,934 922 535 3,563 1,408 1,118 539 7,980 4,133 2,528 643 735 970 1,043 1,417 4,430 2,784 1,078 996 650 811 . . 12,512 9,204 1,740 2,382 2,980 3,479 1,066 1,654 5,253 2,008 1,535 794 1,430 5,175 3,411 4,114 3,194 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 ■ Precinct 4 » Precinct 5 » Precinct 6 Precinct 7 1,268 490 645 2,428 Precinct 8 9 348 6,466 4,926 493 1,642 773 327 588 l)717 790 454 1,493 1,369 815 389 442 1,372 1,039 630 410 1,127 1,017 434 334 1,130 519 474 350 Terrell County 1 5 1,003 191 135 101 1,474 48 21 Precinct 1 643 219 314 317 460 158 282 227 628 196 294 356 Precinct 4 Precinct 4 Precinct 8 organized from parts of precincts 4 and 5 in 1908. No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1905. Unorganized in 1890. it returned by precincts in 1890. 12 Part of precinct 1 annexed « Incorporated in 1906. m Organized since 1900. > Fort Worth city in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. 525 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. rPrecinct except as otherwise stated, means justice precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see L v Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 6.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 km 4,563 1,760 902 601 48 62 ' 2,113 223 1,196 1,031 16,422 752 221 280 491 12,292 429 163 222 8,190 198 85 118 100 11,233 Titus County Uvalde County 4,647 3,804 Precinct l, 1 including Mount Pleasant city 7,507 S,137 1,185 653 1,830 1,756 1,207 1,335 17,882 5,387 3,082 Precinct 1 ,"> including Sansom and Uvalde to wns. 5,445 478 3,998 3,224 1,640 602 407 276 548 731 87613 2,238 1,923 1,750 599 1,873 1,491 1,192 1,328 399 1,544 1,044 793 1,889 986 1,266 1 is 827 Precinct 5 509 231 395 292 298 464 5 6,804 6 5,152 Tom Green County < 5,263 12,435 10,321 2,560 1,053 1,073 761 55,620 5,744 1,379 584 427 180 25,651 } «4,436 375 154 243 55 25,481 13 2,298 205 148 47,386 36,322 T 2,445 5,984 30,507 28, 150 29,860 1,710 2,861 4,964 6,266 6,053 4,146 3,870 3,653 3,519 1,274 8,152 436 632 668 12,768 4,094 4,874 22,505 20,816 22,268 2,455 5,354 18,120 14,576 14,575 Precinct 2 5,625 2,591 4,696 1,398 4,230 1,065 1,718 1,922 2,527 2,342 14,990 2^579 4,811 1,347 3,605 I'rennc! 3,1 inrluciin,:; wards 2 to , 0! \tistin city. 1 Ward 2 1,737 1,983 2,334 1,943 13,678 1 456 Ward4 Wards 054 Ward 6 3,735 3,586 1,070 7,151 372 663 778 10,976 1,448 2,930 Precinct 5, including part of ward 1 of Austin 8,737 9,358 3,673 1,419 646 710 898 1,225 1,298 1,712 1,397 16,061 8,709 4,010 4,582 3,046 Precinct 7 632 795 7,648 Precinct 8 1,298 819 1,695 1,157 15,813 4,543 2,115 1,450 2,800 614 303 943 10,250 3,242 l',545 2,198 . 532 431 1,048; 11,899 2,108 2,327 1,159 2,054 5,244 2,072 687 787 698 1,752 1,356 2,597 2,145 2,455 512 12,138 2,485 10,877 1,671 922 2^115 2,221 905 14,246 Precinct 3 2,612 1,647 1,086 551 1,621 834 617 1,282 19,960 1,937 2,299 1,565 1,093 1,976 '986 960 16,266 1,391 2,042 1,161 1,086 1,521 1,924 827 925 12,695 Precinct 4 1,744 Precinct5 1,649 Waller County 10,888 3,689 849 1,141 2,158 2,885 1,416 2,389 1,219 378 542 250 4,620 1,325 1,816 2,573 2,270 1,642 1,451 1,054 222 175 1 2 Precinct 3 XU 6,114 1,484 1,483 2,807 1,620 1,599 1,972 2,646 1,719 4,831 3,411 1,151 3,183 1,412 1,450 859 2,253 1,127 1,082 1,776 1,100 1,361 1,171 1,917 877 Precinct 8 Precinct 4 '» > Precinct 7 organized from parts of precincts 1 and 4 in 1903. ' Incorporated in 1900. 3 Precinct 8 organized from parts of precincts 3 and6 in 1903. 8 No comparison of population c: and 1890. 8 Incorporated in 1903. ' Part of Austin city annexed to precinct 3 not returned by precincts in 1900 l 1901; part of precinct 3 annexed 8 Incorporated in 1902. 9 Organized from unorganized county of Upton in 1910. i° Precinct 7 organized from parts of precincts 1 and 5 In 1903. 11 Incorporated In 1908. 11 Incorporated in 1906. is Not returned separately. i' Incorporated as a city in 1909. is Unorganized In 1890. is Precincts 2 and 4 returned as precinct 2 in 1900. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— TEXAS. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MrNoaavn. division. 1910 1900 1890 25,561 32,931 29,161 Williamson County— Continued. 13,200 5,314 2,077 1,946 1,291 1,814 5,116 17,066 11,975 4,211 4,839 4,149 11,055 5,968 4,219 4,130 10,141 5,209 6,226 S 4 l 2 2 294 Mr, ;is SSI M9 r,;tt 806 !CJ7 ;,X7 Precinct 7 1,635 5,453 13,961 4,351 3,403 4,204 2,246 3,035 21,851 1,992 3,950 2,093 2,636 i 14,842 22,503 5,060 1,398 1,625 2,111 1,950 1,550 1,362 2,331 1,077 442 26,450 3,936 1,104 1,761 1,850 1,251 1,540 '839 60 27,116 2,824 1,211 1,582 IS, 429 U 4 4 s 2 2 855 862 251 110 6S2 7;V 425 11,819 SJ294 - 5,794 1,697 2,233 2,148 1,146 16,942 '598 977 21,123 i 7,584 5,156 1,651 602 400 649 3,140 2,292 3,139 2,565 1,996 6,195 2,000 1,967 23,417 5,422 1, 562 5,263 1,746 5,769 3,982 2,487 3,242 2,611 2,800 4,170 2,402 21,048 2 1 5 505 267 571 745 2,987 1,292 1,116 3,454 2,489 498 2,121 153 1,454 729 5,258 891 550 5 636 5 778 3,647 5,201 1,706 1,516 6,010 1,505 2,158 1,559 2,284 1,042 602 3,486 4,856 1,725 1,315 5,410 899 2^009 1,306 1,135 Wheeler County 1,555 975 1,967 16,094 Precinct 4, including part of Winnsboro town . . | ! 1', .-il/l '.' |;!,'. I L\ 1 1 I'.i. !i <) 6 5,806 6 4,831 Precinct 1, including Wichita Falls city 10, 016 8,200 2,448 603 244 1,594 640 1,792 12,000 2,480 1,987 Precinct 1 188 135 91 188 13,657 6 6,540 5,759 7,092 6 5,049 Commissioner's precinct 1, including Graham 4.052 1^775 4,829 1,095 3.001 3,809 4,511 S,19B 1,363 275 1,562 1,562 1,336 1,391 42,228 2,780 1,998 384 719 531 607 364 38,072 2,857 492 1,157 920 535 385 Graham, city 878 667 Commissioner's precinct 2 Commissioner's precinct 3, including Olney city. Commissioner's precinct 4 Zapata Counts 4,760 25,909 Precinct 1 1,090 1,035 1,067 617 1,889 1,784 1,304 1,177 495 792 \ .< ■, 00c 7,296 S,096 1,196 1,708 3,252 2,144 7,269 2,790 4,042 589 841 3,146 2,326 2,226 5,211 2,447 2,415 206 261 2,756 2,307 1,497 i ranger city and part of [For total, see precinct 3, Bell County.] 580 300 215 385 251 106 50 1 No comparison of population a * Incorporated in 1! 8 Incorporated In 1910. be made; county redistricted between 1890 > precinct 1 in 1908. in be made; not returned by commissioners' n be made; county redistricted in 1902. 9 Incorporated as a city in 1902. >° Incorporated as a city in 1904. " County total includes population (1,944) of precincts 2 and 5, not returned ;■:<'! i;n,' 1 H\ hi LS'lil. 12 Organized from unorganized county of Winkler in 1910; not returned by precincts. ™ Organized ['nun mii>iv;:i;ii:-,ii : -Ii.ji'o town Grayson 400 1,651 286 1,477 672 ',i:ii)it;jll City Hardeman Collingsworth McLennan 851 Hunt 362 290 1,243 1,804 237 Wliin'u-righttown Grayson Fort Bend w luliiev town Hill Rockdale city 2,515 1,153 1,245 664 1,505 1,069 843 Wichita 2,480 1,347 1,987 Aranss Wills Point city Van Zandt /Franklin 1,025 Rockwall 388 iWood Hunt 1,549 867 Rosenber town Fort Bend Freestone 773 3,499 846 169 503 238 299 Yoakum town Yorktown town UTAH. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. a precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1000, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Beaver County.. East ward . . . West ward... Grampiou precinct ' . Star pleelliel, ineUldile; \1 i I ioi a (i Milford town 2 Sulphurdale precinct Boxelder County . . Bear River precinct, including Bear Rive Beaver Pain precinct 6 . Collinston precinct 5 . Malad precinct, including Corinne city . . Tremonton to.. .. . Mantua precinct Park Valley precinct Plymouth precinct" Portage precinct '< Promontory precinct Rawlins precinct Riverside precinct 15 Sunset precinct, 16 including Garland town. Garland town " Terrace precinct Three Mile precinct Willard precinct, 18 including Willard city.. Willard city . . Clarkston precinct, including Clarkston town. 1,701 562 215 525 ' 437 215 209 463 279 576 of Grouse Creek precinct in is 12 Lucin precinct organized from 13 Incorporated in 1900. 11 Returned as Portage and West Portage in 1900. 15 Organized from part of Sunset pi ecini 1 1 i aken to form part of East Garland precinct In 1909. '• Parts taken to form Riverside precinot in 1903 and part of East Garland pre- *> Incorporated in 1901. 28407—12 34 MINOR CIVIL D Cache County— Continued. Leuision precinct," coextensive with Logan city.. : 1 1. ,■. :,. A/aiUon city Millville precinct, including Millville town. Newton . . Par.nli ;e preeinei . includinc Paradise town Paradise town » I ': ■ (i-rsl inro precinct Provide preeinei .including 1'iovidencetown Providence t'j'rn Wardl Ward 2 Pichmoud precinct, including Richmond city. Carbon County.. (:uli01l\ die prceilX I. ''■ Castlegate precinct - 1 . . i lean-reek precinct... Price precinct," including Price town.. Bountiful precinct, including Bountifuleity. . . Bountiful city lie precinct Farmington precinct, including Far city Farmington city Kaysville precinct, including Kaysvillecity Kaysville city & Layton precinct South precinct ■■■ i • e ■■' South \ Veber precinct Syracuse precinct West precinct Emery County.. Castle Dale precinct, 88 including Castle Dale Castle Dale town 1, 7 Of, S48 4,657 »' 8,076 718 1 Newhouse precinct organized from part of Grampion precinct in 1900. ' Incorporated in 1903. 3 County total includes population (252) of Salt Lake and Union precincts, annexed to Willard precinct since 1900. * No comparison of population can !"■ ; • -.made between 1S90 and 1900. 6 Beaver Dam precinct organized from part of Collinston precinct in 1905. •Returned as Uovlder and I't igham in 1900. ' Returned as Calls Fort, Uonevx iile.and i/al.-eside in 1900. 8 Returned as qov ill .■■■>■,. > Organized from parts of : liver dde. and Sunset precincts ir SOS a > Cornish precinct organized from part of Trenton precinct in 1909. 22 Mountain Home precinct organized from part of Coveville precinct In 1906. 23 Incorporated in 1902. 2 < Wheeler and Stephenson precincts organized from parts of Lewiston precinct 1 1902 and 1910, respectively. 25 Incorporated in 1904. 26 Incorporated in 1907. « Organized from parts of Price and lincts in 1905. 28 Part taken to form part of Kenilworth precinct in 1908. 2 9 Name cnanj itaud in 1905. 30 Organized from part of Price precinct in 1909. 31 Organized from parts of Castlegate, Helper, and Spring Glen precincts in 190S. 32 Parts taken to form B lonville precinct in 1905. 33 Parts taken to form parts of Carbonville and Kenilworth precincts in 1905 and 1908, respectively. w Exclusive of population of that part of Kaysville city returned as in Layton precinct in 1900. s» Returned - - " Includes cinct in 1900. 37 County total includes population (2,210) of Brook, Castlegate, Price, Scofleld, Springdale, Spring Glen, arid Wellington precincts, taken t~ r ~~ between 1S90 and 1900. « Part taken to form part of Clawson precinct in 1901. n Carbon County 530 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— UTAH. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— (Jontiuued. is election prcclnot. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of tl Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MDJOR CIVIL DIVISION. Emery County— Continued. Ferron precinct,' including Ferron t( Orangeville precinct,' including Orangerille Woodside precinct. . Garfield County.. Grand County . . Dolores precinct " ma - ■ ■ ■ '' Moab precinct No. 1, including part of Moab Total/or Moabtown* in Moab p: rt (:■■ Moab precinct No. 8, including part of Moab Richardson precinct " Thompson precinct. Westwater precinct.. . Cedar precinct, 18 including Cedar city.. Cedar city Enoch precinct Gold Springs precinct 13 Kanarra precinct Lund precinct" Modena precinct 13 Paragoonah precinct Parowan precinct," coextensive with Parowan r'i .1) Springs precinct.. Levan ".hwiiiiioili precinct, including Mammoth city. Mammoth city " Silver City precinct M Kanab precinct, coextensive with Kanab tc Millard County... Black Rock precinct.. . Burbank precinct Hinckley precinct.-'' including Hinckley tc Hinckley town ™ Holden precinct Kanosh precinct.^including Kanosh town Leamington precinct 3 ° Lynndyl precinct 3i Meadow precitict, including Meadow town. . Oak Creek precinct 'so Oasis precinct Scipio precinct, including Scipio town Smithville precinct Morgan County.. Peterson precinct. . . Junction precinct. . Marysvale precinct » 506 26 G7 C61 472 665 363 536 239 169 343 344 nexed in 1904. > Incorporated in 1901. ■' — *o form partofClawson precinct in 1901. 6 Incorporated in land. 7 Incorporated in 19(13. 8 Incorporated in 1902. i (35) of that part of county not located by i» Modena and Gold Springs precincts organized from parts of Cedar precinct in 1902 and 1907, respectively. « Lund precinct organized from pari, of I'aroe, an precinct in 1908. " County total includes population (264) of Diamond precinct, annexed to Silver City precinct since 1900. o comparison of population can be made; i be made; informaLon a o form part of Lynndyl precinct in 1908. « Organized from parts of A bra.ham, Leamington, and Oak Creek precincts in 1908. 3i Part annexed lo So; ier Conntv in 1902. ssCounty totals include population (400 in 1900; 232 in 1890) of Koosharem pre- cinct, annexed to Sevier County; population (59 in 1900) of Wilmot precinct, part taken to form Greenwich precinct and ' agston precinct, since 1900; e between and population (1,768 In 1 urgess, Fremont, Graves Valley, Greenwich, Kane, Loa, 11 k, a le, and Tlun i in lafren to form Wayne County between 1890 and 1900. '* Organized fr STATISTICS OF POPULATION— UTAH. Table 1.- s election precinct. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 1,883 1,946 1,627 Sanpete County— Continued. Moroni precinct, 18 including Moroni city 1,342 1,223 2,803 2,280 1,187 1,100 299 335 294 9,775 1,451 iM 2,816 2,372 1,235 1,136 335 331 132 218 11 701 ess 126 367 131,426 212 245 100 821 249 321 145 472 Mount ricasml, pnrin.-l., Including Mount 2,254 2,254 1,044 1,044 Randolph precinct, 1 including Randolph town. Spring City precinct, including Spring City 81 487 l 77,723 340 Salt Lake County --' 8,451 Sevier County >9 Precinct 1, including Forest Dale town 3,748 1,649 3,177 3,935 4,720 4,067 951 1,000 9 M 1,011 3,884 2^045 1,037 1,425 4,724 1,760 8,060 £,881 92, 777 29,311 BS, 778 16, 726 12,708 11,254 2,377 » 6,199 Forest Dale town 6 Annabella precinct 331 409 98 240 184 869 666 393 369 443 127 287 1,553 1,227 569 547 2,602 2,659 1,186 1,082 231 8,200 378 385 244 291 280 2,496 3,302 •. , 306 Precinct 4, including Murray city Central precinct 196 '. mi! precinct" 1 .1 .niiiic ,■!. :,ii', . .,,■ 1 i . ■ 1 . . ■ lii Ehinore town 775 625 549 422 626 590 Ward 4 Glenwood precinct, 22 including Glenwood town. 496 Precinct 5 Joseph precinct, 21 including Joseph town 436 1,951 1,030 1,409 Koosharem precinct 24 400 1,379 1,057 482 461 1,998 1,969 1,007 847 232 Monroe precinct, including Monroe town Monroe town 880 Redmond precinct, including Redmond to wn . Redmond town 332 iciciilield jiiviih-l.-- including Richfield city.. Richfit Id city 1,531 W:ilm;i [ ■!-<-. ■nil I , iiirliiilinu ^: i.l ma town 628 53, 531 44,843 \ enice precinct '-- 275 9,439 Summit County WardS is 7,733 Wardlf Castle Rock recinct 131 1,445 976 144 184 413 418 128 249 3,643 3,439 155 263 116 247 169 127 7,924 160 1,252 808 179 9 1,023 9 365 < onlville |iii-( inr! , mrl iii ling i nalville city 348 400 440 187 335 4,325 3,769 399 324 147 303 179 461 7,361 1,552 493 385 26 39 375 16,704 "315 160 190 Navajo lmivui Ki-iir'niiijii •- (part of) •iccinet Park City precinct, including Park City 53 97 180 16,313 115 '5 13,146 841 495 279 2,389 2,296 1,054 1,242 1,654 1,218 209 969 876 124 1,045 950 127 2,437 2,423 1,150 1,273 485 163 270 2,203 2,086 259 1,917 3,700 Ephraim precinct, including Ephraim city 188 137 256 1,489 1,164 187 179 263 1,094 1,047 53 283 264 138 340 268 2,841 2,763 365 183 166 353 1,267 1,058 ! 1 I , ■ v . • Hi! ii. 1 . ■!'..! I • 1 !' i 1 1 • », I i 1 - 1,530 1,119 290 909 755 1,263 844 305 796 677 < i ii \ill Hi • includm" Grantsvilleclty 979 220 2,507 2,361 192 295 1,717 829 119 2,425 2,408 845 148 2,022 1,950 194 443 Stockton precinct, including Stockton town 84 1,261 1,200 196 . : 1 ■.•■■■ 469 337 Milburn pn cura 213 -pj"" Vernon precinct 249 1 Argyle and Randolph precincts returned as Randolph precinct in 1900. 2 Incorporated in 1905. s County redistricted in 1904. Comparison of population for 1900 made wher- ever possible. * No comparison of population can be made; iinnu ■ions changes made between 1890 and 1900. 6 Incorporated in 1902. 6 Incorporated in 1909. 7 Incorporated in 1904. 8 Parts of precinct 1 annexed in 1902, 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1910 and parts of precinct 2 annexed in 1906 and 1910. .."■ in-. ■ 1 ...,a:.. :.■■ |i. r ujainm i irn ,ii : : it; in l-'ni i of ArcElmo precinct, annexed to Bluff precinct; population (32 in 1900) of Verdure precinct, annexed to Monticello precinct, since 1900; population (160 in 1900) of part of Navajo Indian Reservation, returned independently in 1900; and population (44 in 1890) of Bueno 10 Part taken to form Grayson precinct in 1906; McElmo precinct annexed in 1903. 11 Exclusive of population of Navajo Indian Reservation. 12 Total population for Navajo Indian Reservation in Apache, Coconino, and Navajo Counties, Arizona; McKinley, Sandoval, and San Juan Counties, New Mexico; and San Juan County, Utah, in 1910, 18,031, and in 1900, 8,897. 11 Organized from part of Bluff precinct In 1906. » Verdure precinct annexed in 1902. ' s County total includes population (176) of Milburn and Thistle precincts, n returned separately in 1890 '« Centerfield precinct organized from part of Gunnison precinct in 1905. " Incorporated ar - -"■ Freedom precir " Part of Piute County annexed in l< so County totals include I 112 in L890J of Gooseberry precinct, annexed to Salina precinctprior to 1900, but are exclusive of population (400 in 1900; 232inl890)ofKooshaw ; <-. 1 ken from Piute Coimty since 1900. KNocompari >n for 1890 can be made; information as b in minor civil divisions incomplete. « Francis precinct organized from part of Woodland precinct in 1902. " Iosepa precinct organized from part of Grantsville precinct in 1909. 532 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— UTAH. Tabus I. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 -Continued. [Preolnct means election precinct. Kor changes In boundaries, etc.. between 1900 and 1910, sec footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.1 MINOR CIVII. DIVISION. Llnwood precinct.. Naples precinct... Vernal city. . Vernal city (.part of). Total for Vernal cili, ... _. West, South East, and South West Vernal Total for Vernal viiii in Forth East, Forth North West Vernal precinct, including part of Vernal city Vernal city (part of) i ley precinct.. city (part of)._. Utah County.. Alpine precinct, including Alpine city Alpine city American Fork precinct, including American Fork city American Fork city Wardl Wardl WardS Ward 4 Benjamin precinct Colton precinct.. Goshen to Highland precinct Lakeshore precinct Lakeview precinct ;■■!(.,- i ! LehiCity Wardl Wards... Ward 4.. Ward/,.. Pleasant Grove city Pleasant View precinct Provo precinct, coextensive with Provo city .. Wardl.. Ward t.. WardS.. Wardl,.. WardS.. Ward 6.. Ward 8 Provo Bench precinct. Salem ! including Salem town.. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. taken to form White Rock precinct and 1890 is impracticable, ;« narajro . 2 Organized from part of Uinta Indian Reservation ' County tc*" 1 '- I >:>'] p ■! ' - ''■ .; ' a ' "' changes have been made. •"—'-, 1906. Utah County— Continued. Santaquiu precinct, including Santaquin tc Santaquin town Spanish I- oi I; picciacl im Iodine Spanish Fork city.. H/i-i.iixIi r'm': riiii Wardl Wardl WardS Ward/, Spring Lake precinct '' :•■' < ■ii'ci., inclndine ;- pringville city. Springville rim. Wardl Wardl WardS Ward/, Wasatch County.. Boneta precinct 7 . Charleston precinct, including Charleston to t, including Heber city. . Midway precinct, including Midway tc Midway town My ton precinct 2 Wallsburg precinct . . Woodland precinct. . Washington County.. Bloomington precinct Central precinct l2 Enterprise precinct a Grafton precinct Gunlock precinct Harmony precinct Hurricane precinct u La Verkin precinct " .' Rockville pn rim si. Ceivge precinct, including St. George city. St. George city '-'a 1 1 1 a. i 'Li.i a i .recti let Springdale precinct Toquen ille precinct " Virgin precinct 15 Washington precinct, including Washington Shebit Indian Reservation.. Wayne County.. Fruita precinct >« . . Giles precinct 17 G rover precinct Judespopali' en i ( l!)j)ol Ala no ina Drecinct, annexed to Fairfield precinct, and population (153) of Mount Nebo precmct, annexed to Goshen precinct, since 1900. * Manning precinct annexed in 1908. * Mount Nebo picciacl annexed in 1906. 6 County tola i include-, papulation (I (0) of ilia I, pari, oi (Jin I a Indian Reset' ca- tion (rcl nrned as Uinta Valley and Uneornpahyre in W00) in Wasatch County taken to form Myton, Roosevelt, Stockinore, and Theorlorc precincts since 1900. '' O'ysni/.c I bom pan ,,i I ' i . i bi (mil.. , i. ■ ■■ , aim - . ■ l ■ pa, i ia.l.i a in f, . n Boneta precinct in Way. " County to i a Is include population (100 in 1900; 79 in 1S90) of Hebron precinct, annexed to'Enterpi ise precinel since tana po|,nlal.ion (.■;:, in isoOiof Bellcvue pre- cinct, annexed to Toquen ill ■ ■ precinct ; popnlalion (-17 in 1 .'.Ml i of Duncans bclrcat precinct, annexed to Virgin rity precinct: popnlalmn i."n in i saoi of Shunesburg precinct, annexed to Uoekville prccincl; and population (177 in 1890) of Silver Reef precinct, annexed to Leeds piccinct. belween isuoand 1900. "Central precinct orcmiu'il bom part or bine Valley precinct in 1909. if Hebron precinct annexed in 1907. " Returned as Virein ( ii,v precinct in 1900. 16 Name chansed bom .'I unci ion in 1900. " Name changed from Burgess in 1902. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— UTAH. 533 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 6.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Wayne County— Continued. 52 188 212 142 35,179 259 2G1 Weber County— Continued. Ogdcn City precinct, coextensive with Ogden city Ogden city: Wardl Wards 26,680 6,067 4,120 S,628 6, £76 t,m 779 387 146 353 447 356 178 433 823 727 16,313 14,889 26,239 22,723 Weber County Ward 4 Ward6 440 423 333 395 823 900 137 275 359 879 272 395 304 319 886 1,022 251 274 250 850 829" 359 - • ■ 521 Pleasant View precinct 336 Farr West precinct 715 778 1,158 248 282 183 400 302 276 822 650 489 Slaterville precinct 336 228 Liberty precinct Warren precinct 223 758 722 493 3 Randall precinct organized from part of North C Table 2 — POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 496 2,797 463 1,899 2,881 1,677 '693 1,705 495 283 564 976 231 656 525 2,296 846 3,416 1,218 1,231 651 1,191 1,549 875 600 359 470 1,154 628 950 2,031 816 553 800 699 1,833 127 733 513 887 2,964 722 989 7,522 1,771 2,423 534 485 331 459 1,047 520 2,732 302 1,701 466 1,760 838 1,014 353 591 615 1,227 756 1,223 2,280 4,057 2,759 515 '254 648 1,338 620 l',156 2,397 1,618 1,021 1,020 8,925 533 547 2,559 1,562 1,737 693 1,082 92,777 1,037 915 546 746 1,865 3,464 1,100 3,356 258 2,753 303 358 836 294 424 358 1,195 577 719 437 1,442 2,859 559 1,425 2,139 303 967 1,057 600 1,224 2,372 333 958 2,254 234 2,208 429 16,313 2,034 808 323 625 1,166 Emer 2,086 883 3,085 1,119 968 1,733 844 3,759 2,636 2,460 539 877 6,185 2,850 Davis 2 135 1,037 755 677 6,159 Sevier 422 645 1,058 451 1,969 1,111 1,600 894 847 53,531 1,030 889 578 642 1,494 2,735 1,135 3,422 298 Washington Gunnison city Heber city Helper town Hinckley town Huntington town Hyde Park town Hyrum city San etc 1,534 Salem town 527 i,538 44,843 653 513 Cache 1,652 ::::::::: .:::::::: 710 409 Spring City 1,708 2,719 648 Kaysville city LehlClty 1,200 Lewiston town Treinonton town Cache 5,451 4,565 Logan city Mammoth city Manticltv | 664 2,408 1.950 Washington 529 Wellington town 908 580 494 2,361 VERMONT. Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 51 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 ^OECm^ON. 1910 1900 1890 Count 80,010 21,912 28,277 Chittenden Count 42,447 39,600 86,889 790 848 2,005 '789 1,433 212 464 287 479 980 2,848 '724 1,161 1,065 345 421 1,098 835 1,483 202 494 348 21,378 851 956 900 1,018 1,828 469 16 20,468 2,670 3,766 3,451 2,875 3,414 1,163 6,450 4,520 1,366 2,543 2,714 1,245 1,042 760 1,307 1,648 634 1,419 828 , 109 '927 1,004 854 1,000 7,384 486 20 18,640 850 1,619 544 253 509 1,152 3,045 1,897 912 1,107 1,150 409 525 692 1,193 902 1,753 264 518 361 21,705 927 1,501 311 637 562 1,255 2,793 1,762 847 1,224 1,265 382 568 740 1,240 1,070 1,773 255 543 355 20,448 Goshen town 1,254 5,352 3,783 Colchcolcr (own, including V. iuooski village... Middlebury town, including Middlebury vil- 1< 1 ■. town, m. ludiu h i him lion \ Wage "l,14l 1,216 11,11 1 11 n>, 1 [in 1 nun. 1 1 1111 Inn • \ 111 -i 728 1,373 1,804 1,585 Richmond luwn, including Richmond village.. 1,057 '971 1,176 8,056 1,300 1,161 1,307 6,211 828 1,210 1,177 941 354 519 1,182 42 1,472 1G0 2,044 1,599 1,252 835 825 142 1,650 510 494 366 187 26,031 1,193 8,033 5,666 1,352 6,391 3,971 i li ii l i i i i Bennington Center, and North Bennington Averill townshi 15 ( 4 ) 496 2,013 1,673 1,080 339 194 213 95 445 138 m m 175 200 m 29,866 18 16 564 2,023 i'ii. in. m me 1 mi lulling Island Pond village.. 106 934 1,129 1 .. 11 in 1 1 11 on 'ii h 1 on. 1 id village 216 670 1,477 48 225 1,955 171 41 182 455 204 968 692 321 18 30,198 1,696 181 220 1,907 Manchester town, including Manchester vii- 373 1,976 1,139 668 482 161 1,857 677 518 449 279 24,381 445 1,919 910 Readsboro town, including !;■•:. d ;boro \ 11- 861 587 173 1,652 645 523 353 23,436 29,755 1,079 1,286 2,212 1,153 1,318 1,778 737 1,108 1,090 1,758 1,721 2,907 1.948 6, 381 842 1,461 837 1.109 1,363 1,617 1,246 3,628 1,236 3,761 1,158 1,326 2,054 954 1,338 1,830 1,145 1,280 1,980 1,876 2,421 1,513 6,239 no hlo u 11 1111 In ll u 1 in -hill _' 1 ..lis \l'- 1,523 l,'l83 1,564 915 3,201 2,094 297 3,204 259 1,573 415 777 1,194 373 8,098 6,693 691 711 739 629 500 1,763 1,184 1^059 2,466 1,334 350 2,956 232 1,274 500 794 995 1,897 1,198 1,784 1,040 1,547 1 1 11I 1 nd wllagt Hardwick town, including liaidwiek village... 355 2,619 Lyndon town, including Lyndon Center and 606 536 892 1,126 1.168 4,462 Ryegate town, including South Ryegate vil- 1.365 Swanton town, including -'wanton village 3. '-'.'< 1 1,878 St. Johnsbury town, including St. Johnsbury 7,010 5,666 724 222 764 705 567 6, 567 3,867 750 239 746 810 734 596 3,843 1,311 510 496 605 1,474 851 508 712 917 1,390 793 551 Wheelock town .'Hi III! \o . . ... 559 o Starksboro town in 1908. « Incorporated in 1909. (534) ' No population reported. * Incorporated in 1900. • Incorporated ^1904. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— VERMONT. 535 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (For changes in boundaries, etc, between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 6.) Mmonavn.m™. 1910 11)00 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 12,585 12,289 12,831 Rutland County- Continued. 13,546 1,108 1,292 1,088 616 1,656 1,728 1,748 1,286 1,110 1,098 988 1,311 409 751 415 410 1,719 509 363 3,427 41,702 11,499 '695 553 1,453 1,520 est l',446 1,991 see 485 1,049 18,703 -1,606 571 1,689 (.'am bridge low n, including ('am bridge village. . 738 550 1,472 422 1,391 2,583 1,262 1,926 500 1,060 19,313 851 593 1,633 Il 1. ' . . -I IU !,■ '■ ; !.'■■:■ Johnson town, including Jehu .en village 1,462 Morristown town, including Morrisville village. 2,411 Stowe town, including tdowe \ illage 1,886 Rutland town 1,109 402 935 474 404 1,575 606 355 2,914 36,607 11,760 577 1,158 19,575 1,733 Bradford town, including Biadl'o I'd village 1,372 631 760 1,008 1,074 1,005 438 2,035 412 60S 3,191 1,787 1,182 918 918 448 762 446 1,726 23,337 1,338 614 776 996 1,070 978 438 2,125 1,429 610 854 996 1,230 1,027 2,080 3,680 ■ ■■.vu, including Ni'ii bury and Wells 10, 734 1,698 1,660 2,826 1,906 1,902 1,248 4,194 1,079 1,116 227 1,042 648 985 452 1,011 858 7,856 1,868 1,843 1,257 1,083 1,062 1,24S 3,226 1,918 785 S88 615 709 3,273 1,377 824 584 8,448 665 598 3,141 1,540 1,000 1,249 1,117 641 820 531 1,610 22,024 626 3,232 1,673 932 1,287 1,187 '754 820 561 1,188 22,101 Randolph town, including Randolph village. . . 3,346 1,021 1,126 226 1,101 778 1,061 466 1,032 6,266 1,074 920 3,346 1,880 1,131 760 993 1, 119 3,639 816 890 1,109 932 931 722 513 "1,086 463 3,684 2,548 '771 613 331 48,139 2,790 1,050 677 748 1,025 728 1,251 3,274 297 809 918 891 874 939 530 510 3,113 1,8U 1,467 562 646 390 44,209 995 '778 799 1,058 879 1,271 2,900 Barton town, including Barton and Orleans 902 2,855 1,608 716 341 826 2,810 1,697 862 636 26,660 Northfield town, including Northficld village 2,628 I'lainlicld town, including i'laiubeld village... Derby town, including Derby, Derby Line, and Waterbury town, including Waterbury village. 970 918 878 641 1,178 520 3,047 1,730 1,673 600 763 395 45,397 Newport to^n n luding < port village 201 7,541 6,517 137 377 643 729 769 635 716 962 442 820 186 788 6,207 4,883 27 86 817 606 559 1,327 969 212 1,229 4S0 345 180 6,640 6,297 171 503 726 804 782 662 800 448 905 Troy town, including North Troy village Brattleboro town, including Brattleboro village 6,862 813 2,712 1J885 563 857 1,001 3,095 2, 554 455 321 716 871 289 1,959 402 2,479 3,644 1,474 2,871 2,766 844 2,759 ( 3 ) 2,089 621 915 964 2,999 2,470 350 392 746 999 494 1,731 435 1,866 3,108 880 3,310 1,617 2,396 730 928 1,084 2,791 Brandon town, including Brandon village 952 969 5,809 4,887 67 271 578 637 1,295 1,042 Rockingham town, including Bellows Falls vil- ,-..■, Fair Haven village 3,092 506 421 570 786 1,214 436 1,745 468 1,775 3,031 i.sonville vil- Poultney town, including Poultney village Wilmington town, including Wilmington vil- 1.221 410 356 1,106 Proctor town, including Proctor village Proctor village 2,136 2,018 1,758 ■'■ un town 379 1 Incorporated In 1904. » Name changed from Barton Landing in 1900. 8 Not returned separately In 1900. « Incorporated in 1900. 6 County total includes population (15) of Harris gore, pi field town and part annexed to Caledonia County between If • Incorporated in 1906. 36 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— VERMONT. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Windsor Cc Yndover town.. . Baltimore town. . Barnard town. . . Bethel town Bridgewater town Cavendish town.. Chester town, incli Chester villaqc > Hartford town Ilartland town. . . Ludlow village Norwich town Plymouth town.. Pomfret town Windsor County— Continued. Reading town Rochester town Royalton town Sharon town Spriirjliolil [own. incluilmg ,Spi iiciIioM \ il!;i;;c. ,1/iring/H Id village Stool I ridge town fl eathersfield town u eston i own \\ esl V. indsor hum. . \\ 1 1 ii I si, i imin. ijirlinliii:; \\ imh.or village Windsor village \\ o(j.I..-iuci Ic ii. iin-lu.liii- \\ loci, viilutc Woodstock village 1,(192 569 2, 407 1 Incorporated in 1900. Table 2.— POPULATION OF CITIES AND TOWNS HAVING IN 1910 OVER 2,500 INHABITANTS AND OF ALL INCOR- PORATED VILLAGES: 1 1910, 1900, AND 1890. A. CITIES AND TOWNS OF OVER 3,500 INHABITANTS. CUT OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1S90 CITY OK TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITIES. Washington Chittenden Washington 10,734 20, 408 7,850 13,546 6,381 4,194 3,346 8,698 2,712 7,541 6,450 3,039 3^095 3,201 8,448 18,640 ll| 499 6,239 3,346 2,790 8,033 2,759 6,640 5,352 3,274 2J999 2,466 4,146 14,590 4,160 towns— continued. 4,179 3,204 2,848 3^684 3,226 3,644 2,871 3,191 2,907 6,207 8,098 4,784 3^273 3,427 2,545 3,817 2,956 3,045 3J113 2,855 3,108 2,136 3,141 2,421 5,809 7,010 3,432 3,745 2,810 2,914 2,557 Caledonia Addison Orleans Washington Washington 2,666 2,217 6,391 3,310 6,862 5,143 2,900 2,013 2,791 1,547 2 628 K:l|l(lolph Bennington 2,196 Caledonia Windham Chittenden 3,231 2,232 3,680 Chittenden Washington Caledonia B. INCORPORATED VILLAGES. ■ VILLAGE. Town. County. 1910 1900 1890 VILLAGE. Town. County. 1910 1900 1890 Barton Rockingham.. ISenningfon. . - nenninglon.. - Bradford Brandon Brattleboro... Bristol Orleans Windham Bennington... Bennington... Orange Rutland Windham Addison Washington... Lamoille Windsor 1,330 e' 2ii 42 631 1,608 6,517 1,180 227 595 666 339 316 390 1,153 1,245 2,554 2,094 242 423 1,573 212 651 1,621 259 1,573 478 1,860 634 1,050 4,337 5,656 215 "5," 297' 778 3,092 3,971 610 1,617 5,467 Morristown. . . Newbury Newfane Newport Bennington... Lamoille Orange Windham Orleans Bennington... Orleans Washington... Orleans Washington... Rutland Rutland Orange Bennington... Franklin Chittenden.... Caledonia Caledonia Windsor Lamoille Franklin Addison Washington... Orange Orleans Windham Windsor Chittenden.... Windsor 1,445 412 136 2,548 663 771 1,918 1,131 1,474 2,756 1,787 835 1,948 828 '373 3,250 566 1,236 1,483 1,377 608 1,109 430 1,906 4,520 1,262 '.••nnincton Center 1,S74 670 562 1,508 677 341 North Bennington Northfield Barton Plainfield Poultney Proctor Randolph Readsboro Richford Richmond St. Johnsbury. Ryegate Springfield. . . . Swan ton! '.'.'.'.'. Orleans 226 199 Cambridge Chester Concord Derby Enosburg 950 Proctor 2,013 1,540 658 1,513 Orleans Orleans Franklin Chittenden Rutland Caledonia Chittenden Lamoille 297 309 954 1,141 2,470 1,334 974 5,666 Fair Haven. .. Hardwick Hinesburg Hyde Park.... Brighton Whitingham.. Johnson Ludlow Lyndon Lyndon Manchester Middlebury... Milton south Ryegate 2,040 500 1,168 1,753 1,597 565 913 410 1,056 3,783 1,284 422 1,878 V. indham Lamoille Windsor Caledonia Caledonia Bennington... Addison Chittenden Waterbury Newbury Wilmington... Windsor Colchester Woodstock 1,454 232 1,274 "i.osi 606 1,384 1,897 1,762 1 Includes Vergennes city. VIRGINIA. Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. i magisterial district, For changes in boundaries, eto., between L900 and 1910, see footnotei . for those betwei d 1890 and 1900, ee Reporl of the 1 welfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Ac mac Counti 3«,650 32,670 27,277 Augusta County " 32,445 32,370 18 30,030 Beverl Manor < >triot« 8,273 3,295 'A19 9,681 1,001 698 0,707 8,694 296 4S5 29,871 7,320 2,743 5,904 2,145 4,346 5,807 221 106 4,456 4,219 4,825 359 8,792 1,632 1,389 6,538 6,190 5,851 197 124 4,093 3,789 4,778 ("> 7,669 1,270 856 6,595 Chincoleaguc district, i uu-kulin- riiiin-uleaguo Middle River district, including Mount Sidney 304 district, including Onancock and Tangier 9,247 7,889 Kiverhead district , including deem ille town .. 6,133 7,127 331 5,122 6,217 Pungoleaguo district, including ISc.Ile Haven Smith liiver district, incli m ! i j j >; Ikisic City and 046 28,473 5 26,788 6,237 1,515 5,826 5,728 6,399 254 283 4,166 15,329 5,241 1,603 5,749 5,189 6,645 349 384 4,046 14,528 3,978 1,359 '362 362 3,624 14,339 2,472 1,448 1,360 1,258 29,549 1,761 1,487 1,109 30,356 \V aim Springs district Scottsville district, including part of Scotts\ ille Scoitsville total (part of) 31,213 Total for Scottsuille town in Scottsnllc il/s- Bellevue district //'/.'/, Mhcuhiii, ° 16,965 1,509 1,076 23,043 Bermuda district 2,554 2,148 2,053 7,594 4,640 2,310 7,468 2,105 2,592 1,826 5,590 4,355 2,336 7,927 2,044 Clover Hill district 2,410 23,256 3 21,378 6,710 4,080 604 3,833 5,157 3,263 16,696 7,374 3,348 5,226 3,662 Clarke County Kalling Itiver disLiict, including Brookneal 3,798 5,403 3,333 16,709 3,832 5,477 3,181 16,681 Battletown district, including part of BerryvUle 2,485 812 876 2,079 1,660 1,244 64 6,748 2,555 877 9S8 2,279 1,696 1,397 61 (») di strict 2,610 Caroline County Long Marsh districts Bowling Green district, including Bowling 6,318 433 3,641 3,428 194 3,209 21,116 6,131 458 3,702 3,576 193 3,300 19,303 6,083 511 3,840 3,091 2S6 3.667 15,497 Long Marsh district, including part of Berryville 1,413 BerryvUle town (part of) Port Royal dish " i , inch '.ding 1'ort Royal town.. (12) Wardl Carroll County 2,403 2,270 1,075 4,711 2,983 4,967 113 3,759 55 4,323 122 755 53 5,084 67 5,253 2,810 5,061 2,272 3,932 Ward 3 Laurel Fork district, including pari of llilhvillc 4,293 Total foi I '/ I i iid J 1 Pine Creek, Piper Gap, and Sulphur 1,149 2,630 932 13,472 2^024 1,008 14,123 3,454 3,120 Culpeper County '']"■"' ; • ■!' ! ' ' "he i , : s 1: J • mi! 3,654 2,973 13,233 Catalpa district, including Culpeper town 3,575 1,795 2,515 2|427 2,916 9,196 3,495 1,618 2,562 2,378 2,601 3,087 8,996 i ■',-■;■-,.■■ . ,u r d,-.;,ii ' son Count// 1 i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 2,183 2,264 2,570 2,855 Hillsville town (part of) - i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 r s ; m • igs 1 1 !■- i rii-t, including part of Hills- 4,324 3,200 Stevensburg district Cumberland Count 5,040 5,066 Hamilton district 3,368 2,934 2,893 19,020 3,191 2,961 2,844 16,520 3,276 2j 112 1,819 16,785 1,272 2,042 1,726 15,313 1,250 2,036 1,780 15,077 Danville city > 3 Charlotte County 10,305 Bac di t ' t ' 3,246 1,954 70S 3,420 m 329 1,309 3,295 84 2,561 432 101 3,497 3,704 3,037 2,702 3,204 3,626 3,049 3,402 9,199 :.-.!. ;arts of Bacon, Roanoke, and Walton districts 904. 8 Incorporated in 1903. 13 Part of PittsVlMinii nun nniexe'd in 1907. « Part of Sand Lick district annexed to Willis district in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— VIRGINIA. 539 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. I : nngi ;liiri:ll ■ 1 i-if.J id I'', il <-Ii:in.".0'; in I .. > 1 1 r H ( : 1.1 in:. ■■.!(■ , lid won I I III lli :i nil I Kill, : it fool in , for I he r lii'.l tnii IX'.Mi ami I'll 1(1, Gee B '■perls (i| the T Weill ll Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 «mwnL«mm. 1910 1900 1890 Dinwiddle Count 15,442 15,374 13,515 Franklin County— Continued. Rocky Mount district, including Rocky Mount 4,123 967 2,790 3,888 12,787 3,465 612 2,691 3,437 13,239 3,507 4,132 4,690 3,113 21,225 3,336 4,843 4,461 2,734 19,460 2,961 4,350 3,919 2,2S5 16,168 2,459 12,684 i 'h>vsa[>eakt dial rid ', including Fort Monroe and 11,020 1,804 2,394 5,505 4,700 9,105 12,046 9,815 Back Creek district 2,018 2,393 3,406 48S 1,821 3, 149 5,874 2, 179 2,538 3,312 423 490 2,015 3,195 5,068 2,094 2,764 4,650 9,701 CMi"<|uon (li-.irict, incliiilin- Middletown and 2,513 3,840 10,047 3,068 410 US i '. 'final did i id,, iiii'liali'ii; I appahannock town. 3,042 478 2,696 3,367 20,536 3,176 564 2,948 3,577 18,580 3,226 462 3,140 3,681 16,655 4 528 i Iccupacia district 3,107 2,767 11,623 1,257 4,899 975 470 2,808 2,659 12,477 Rappahannock district 10,793 9 090 1,322 4,043 1,424 2,969 Centreville district, including c liftontown Clifton town ■' 2,311 204 3,779 80S 70 4,076 867 1,909 3,343 5,118 MS 80 678 2,167 2,127 1 t ^1 111 li iin 1 irrliihrv Narrows and Ue district, including Hemdon and 3,841 692 61 3,935 825 1,681 3,033 3,923 373 64 S17 23,374 2,994 795 464 2,644 2,784 12,832 341 2,051 2,646 Falls Church district, including part of Falls 3,257 792 2*673 3,935 11,653 andria County.] 5,962 2,935 9,237 6,131 2,851 3,850 9,519 Lee district 2, .173 3,770 9,958 Providence district, including Fairfax and Vienna towns and part of Falls Church town. . Fairfax town 2,946 2,594 3,697 19,856 3,277 3,047 3,195 16,853 22,590 Cedar Run district 3,148 5,527 1,427 4,476 mi 4,817 4,558 296 14,092 3,190 5,442 1, 627 4,298 198 5,412 5,032 S76 15,388 2,683 5,106 1,346 4,212 14 394 Elk Creek district Warrenton town , 5,372 6, 293 1,776 633 8,191 431 6,937 6,121 5,486 3,400 Lee district, including Remington town Old Town district, including Fries town and . 5,601 Scott district, including Upper ville town [For total, see Piper Gap district, Carroll County.] Wilson Creek district, including Troutdale town. 7,045 Floyd County 14,405 5,508 1,424 2,179 '$69 2,431 2,407 2,882 8,323 1,780 2,449 2,958 402 2,479 2,643 3,079 9,050 1,721 2,365 2,735 2*012 6,214 Burks Fork district 6,622 Court House district, including Floyd town Monroe d istrict. . ._ Indian Valley district 2,094 1,931 2,912 11,890 1,920 1,882 82,412 9,758 1,714 Locust Grove district Fluvanna C ounty 2,622 2,950 9,508 Stanardsvillc district Greenesville County ' 2,114 8,230 district, including Columbia town 1,837 167 2,179 19 2,614 1,693 26,480 2,268 216 ' 35 2,677 2,309 239 2,378 Belfleld district, including part of Emporia 5,405 1,165 2,018 4,228 737 2,257 116 40,044 3,708 529 1,027 3,819 498 2,231 ville town Total for Emporia tun ,11 /;.-/ <;i Kmporia town... 595 2,025 37,197 34,424 Blackwater district 3,012 1,725 2,862 3,345 2! 027 946 3,141 1,918 2,890 3,532 1,730 1,962 1,187 2,332 2,314 2,332 3,505 1,752 1,892 1,246 Banister district, including Houston and South Boston towns 8,020 516 3,516 4,967 4,370 6,678 687 1,851 4,859 4,016 6,604 •k district Little Creek district Long Branch district Maggodee district Iliilfl.l iiii 4! 476 1 Parts of Chesapeake and Wvthe districts a: •Not incorporated, s Incorporated a; d to Hampton district in 1908. 'Incorporated in 1902. dependent. » County total is exclusive of population (5,196) of Winchester city, j 6 Incorporated in 1904. 7 Incorporated in 1906. 8 Includes population of McMullan precinct, returned • Returned in 1900 a: McMullan district in Belfleld and Hicksford districts only. 540 STATISTICS OF POPULATION -VIRGINIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . is magisterial district For changes in boundaries, e e Eeporls oi the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 ■j, US 2,572 2,597 7,536 258 6,839 17,200 3,013 2, 563 200 7,879 400 5,703 17,618 2,710 2,015 2,250 9,762 8,949 7,191 Meadsville district.. . 2,158 3,215 4,379 23,840 2,013 4)047 19,856 Uedlniuk disiik-i. mriu.l m- \ itgiiina town 2,804 l-'oanokc disn ici, in,-lu:!in L '. ( h<\ <-\ iown . . 6,791 422 4,674 17,402 18,216 Jonesville district, including Jonesville town ... 5,577 383 0,427 79$ 3^561 4,227 21,167 5,205 4,731 Hanover County I,i 1 i v 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 11 mil Gap town 4,041 399 4,150 3,422 3,038 21,948 3 257 6,141 1,8% 5,227 23,437 5,788 1,147 5,702 6,128 30,062 5,241 948 5,744 6,417 2 22,006 Ashland district, including Ashland town Ashland town. ... Rose Hill district 3, 762 Beaverdam district 2,922 Henrico County ' Brookland district,' including Barton Heights and Highland Park towns 10,068 1,S88 1,817 6,708 3,311 3,350 18,459 7,555 5,347 Broad Bun district Jefferson dislni 1 > ' n i ilisboro, Round 3,470 3,147 138 379 331 4,006 1,697 3,032 192 3,533 263 3,979 315 16,578 3,309 3,106 131 318 383 4,299 1,613 3,104 97 4,010 296 4,120 364 3,463 3,307 156 207 S85 4,246 1,660 3,210 Barton Heights town Highland Park town* Fairfield district ' 13,075 6,196 3,230 19,265 9,028 4,875 2,756 18,208 Leesburg district, : icluding i leesburg town ,\>i ina district 1 Lovettsville district, including Lo\ etisville Henry County 1 01 It 1 1 n Horse Pasture district 4,840 1,627 2,413 4,989 3,S68 2,034 2,556 393 5,317 5,274 1,972 4,697 2,384 1,947 '332 5,647 2^324 3,768 linn district, including Middleburg town 4,570 429 )'" 1 1 ' 1 '1 r!| HI! '' 1 II lll.llll. 1 1 llll I| III Mil, : ul-.ll :a 4,478 407 i 1 : I'll ii \l ii 1 "I , Hi 16,517 1,874 2,429 236 6,352 1 II \ il 3)252 3,219 3,533 318 3,342 260 12,780 4,753 3,700 3,355 4,709 261 Highland C ounty . 1,734 1,835 240 1,748 1S9 14,929 1,765 1,855 U6 ' 136 13,102 1,762 1,571 Monterey district, including Monterey town l"l ' ' II ' ll'l 1 .' 1 '1,1 . Stonewall district, including McDowell town. . . 2,019 11,705 11,313 Browns Store district, including Kenbridge 3,257 196 228 1,636 2,356 xMi 1,989 1,706 29,494 2,515 5,139 5,580 1,278 4,210 328 6,338 4,819 4,409 1,225 3,874 4,081 3,792 3,440 \ ..!.: , i-l ■■'!' i •' .'■ rriill: I'J.l i.oW ii Total/01 I / , 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ui 1 1 1 ,1 hi 1 n"i ' 1 i in' !u ling Windsor town 6 5,732 6,643 1,655 1,787 James City County Lewiston district, including part of Victoria 975 1,613 1,036 2,714 9,576 1,172 1,526 990 '2,044 9,265 1,254 1,536 1,022 1,831 9,669 1,854 2,022 1,872 18,891 Rehoboth district Sin and Queen Count Lynchburg 2,796 3415 6,378 3|236 3,390 6,918 2,829 3,178 3,662 6,641 9,103 9,692 10,699 10,055 Madison County 10,216 Potomac district 2,' 070 2,015 8,547 2, 673 2,012 8,380 2,485 2,030 2,126 9,605 3,545 2,467 4,043 8,922 3,624 2,592 4,000 8,239 7,584 2,595 2,291 3,661 US97 2,678 2,360 3,342 1,307 2,672 4, 522 2,018 Chesa eake district 2,649 3,078 3,195 2, 456 2,671 3,112 West Point town Iw'm )!'■' 'Ii.- irii'l . 2,939 ) of Richmond cit epenaent. s Returned as Northside in 1900 (unincorporated). Incorporated in 190S '- Trii'onxiiatod in 1902. ' Miintv mm ,i ,,) n.i | i H ii ,,i \ iijiamsburg city, returned a ii ' i i 1 1 i i i i in i ' i i ii > if Purcellville town) annexed to Mount Gilead district in 1909. » Incorporated in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— VIRGINIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [District means magisterial district. For changes in boundaries, dc, between 19(W at 541 orts ot the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1891) * 28,966 26,551 25,369 16,672 13,770 10,313 Capeville district, Including Cape Charles town. . Bluestone district. Coydlou district , including IJoydton town 2, 229 4,915 m 3,384 5,000 1,662 '794 3,232 S81 2,163 3,241 732 8,862 2,390 5,334 627 2,797 3,647 642 4,526 72S 2,834 2,303 5,467 6,628 l , 948 4,958 S22 5,086 10,777 1,040 4,618 SIS 4,166 9,846 3,668 .I' wile disl lied, including Casi\ i lie town 3,812 Buckhorn disl rict ' - Chase City di-ai ici . including Chase City town.. 2,«2 3,419 618 4,517 666 2,635 Clarksville disli id , including Clarksville town.. [,a Crosse disl rid ,- including i,a Crosse town ... Fairfield district 2,341 2,6S2 2,114 2,492 3,995 2,249 2,465 2,068 13,462 3,482 2,155 2,309 1,900 12,366 2,313 South Hill district,* including Son lit Hill town . 2,073 8,220 7,458 1,509 Middl Nottoway County . . 1 2,113 3,442 3,297 475 17,268 1, 512 4,108 2,600 1,948 2, 863 2,647 11.582 I'ine To;> district.. ... Saluda district, including (Jrbanna town Bellefonte district, including Blackstone town.. lilnrl.nlnur loir u 4,798 um ^,015 2,927 66S 2,722 1,802 13,486 4,256 685 2,916 2,767 610 2,427 1,329 12,571 3,554 680 15,852 6 17,742 C (ladnkah district, including Burkeville town. .. Burlevilh mini 4,761 404 \\ iiminghain disl net, including Crewe town Crewe town 3,899 2,933 4,989 876 5,447 ess 1,568 26,886 3,642 2,949 4,373 768 3,787 2,911 3,769 887 Id id Imi ilisin, . including Blacksburg town. Cbristiansbui g Cambria and 5,215 2,448 2,390 4.312 664 674 4,336 14,147 2^88 3,860 60S 636 4,255 13,794 23,078 1,878 19,692 Madison district, including Gordonsville and Orange towns Gordonsvilh: intra 4,129 962 4,938 5,641 13, 042 m 7,008 3,265 16,821 4,605 ' 1SS 3, 154 16,075 3,700 4,209 8,759 4,787 Page County Holy Neck dis dland and Suf- 3, SB 4 3,024 15,336 Luray district, including Luray town 3,985 1,218 3,362 118 4,105 1,431 2, 695 17,195 3,674 1,147 3,370 Mail nil tiuiii ineliidin -imleytown Stanley ton- n (;- in men/on !' O.) Shenandoah Iron Works district, including Shenandoah town 3,073 4,102 1,220 2,648 15,403 6,277 4,536 6,008 4,682 4,899 5,584 5,592 4,866 5,903 5,186 4,157 5,511 3,875 Shenandoah town 761 Springfield district 2,407 958 1,629 1,080 1,015 20,205 1,042 1,661 1,212 950 19,635 1,278 1,708 1,424 1,101 Dan River district, including part of Stuart town Stuart town (part of) 6,313 1&6 388 5,949 262 4,933 24,127 5,5S5 165 371 4,830 216 21,810 Total/or Stuart town in Dan River and Mayo River disl r in <,• Mayo River district, including part of Stuart 5,025 Stuart town {(inn »/'). 264 4,024 5,761 • 6,217 4,203 67,432 Smith River district 4,563 Petersburg city 46,624 34,871 Ward 1 3,979 4,006 3,791 3,514 4,816 4,021 50,709 7,428 8,674 6,614 13,795 8,300 11,003 3,950 7,688 62,744 Ward 6 46,894 is 49,636 4,275 4,804 8,269 1,113 119 SSO 7.877 4,337 5, 362 15, 785 4, 146 4,482 8,113 918 60,780 "28,899 Chalham distill i. including Chatham, Dry 7,394 1,913 4,078 3,513 18, 716 10,528 13,996 1,821 3,454 2,974 13,077 11,515 17,939 2,163 3^084 4,966 6,507 9,590 7,720 4,384 4,692 13,357 Westeni Branch district I3 Tunstall district » 15,403 ' c ■■ ndariescha igedin 1908. 2 Name changed from South Hill in 190S. Boundaries changed in 1908. 3 Incorporated in 1900. * Name changed from Flat Creek in 1908. Boundaries changed in 1908. 5 Incorporated in 1902. » County total includes population (2,060) of Radford town, made independent between 1890 and 1900. i Incorporated in 1906. • Part of Norfolk County annexed in 1902 and part (Berkley town) annexed in 1! Part annexed tc 13 Part annexed to » Part annexed tc >5 County total is exclusive of population (10,305) of Danville pendent. >« Incorporated In 1901. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— VIRGINIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. s magisterial district. Kor changes in boundaries, e MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 33,190 17,427 13,268 127,628 85,060 81388 2,244 5,654 3,275 5,972 5,017 5,329 5,699 6,099 22, 550 14,999 16, 196 16,297 18 j 021 14,565 10, 370 7,415 6,824 6,791 Powhatan County Richmond County 7,088 7,146 Huguenot district 1,967 2,230 1,902 14,266 3,807 4,202 2,971 2,257 1,735 2,265 7,848 2,212 2,719 1,893 15,045 4,211 3,971 2,471 2,940 1,748 2,175 7,782 2,102 2,785 1,904 14,694 4,002 3,684 2,404 2,945 2,051 2,012 7,872 1 '; ) i a i i i a 1 1 1 d i s t ric t 1,419 1,997 1,441 2,558 34,874 1,300 2,035 1,473 2,280 21,495 1,616 2,088 1,406 -Men II ,,, ,, i,i 10,166 9,538 6,586 8,584 19,623 Roanoke County 15,837 Leigh district ' 13,942 Big Lick district, including Vinton town 6,420 1,928 836 4,249 8,118 3,849 21,171 3,974 1,438 863 3,994 7,006 3,412 21,799 3,203 Prince George County cuv >, , | ,, , ,, , 807 3,222 6,710 1,694 1,583 1J726 12,026 1.734 1,550 1,314 1,507 1,647 11,112 1,633 i,m 1,517 1,248 9,805 1 ii di hi i ii , iinling Salem town 2,617 2,238 4,378 2,931 4,182 407 4,096 3,660 165 34,903 4J292 3,203 4,054 Prince William Count Lexington district, including Lexington town. . Lexington town ai M,al ii: el a ;r nciiidin. ill ■_.:,. i,e 4,418 1,699 1,415 1,723 158 2,609 162 3,381 1,217 1,199 246 11,526 1,549 1,265 1.457 160 2, 565 1,419 1,214 1,091 4,304 3,857 253 33,627 Dumfries distrua . Deluding 1 >i mil lies town V. |l' 1 > , ' II 1 i | , 'II 'III 1 Ml II |l 3,255 Gainesville district, including Iie.\inai ket town. 2,571 31,299 Mamis-as district, ineluding Manassas town 3,006 817 1,270 297 11,192 2,287 630 '1.97 9,510 Ashby district, including Bridgewater, Dayton, 7,888 859 228 8,810 4,879 3,816 6,693 416 240 7,696 873 456 23,474 7,989 384 425 330 7,571 8,521 4,058 108 6,457 400 173 7,452 i )e, oi|iian di-iiiiei, ineliiding < a oqiian town Occoquan town Princess Anne County Central district, including Harrisonburg town. . . 6,569 Kempsville district 4,461 2,929 '820 17,246 3,713 2,836 4,643 3,193 2,605 3,712 Linville district, including Singers Glen town... 4,210 Plains district, including Broadway and Tim- I e ..,.-■,■..., i el! ion u 6 223 Virginia Beach town < 497 14,609 12,790 Pulaski Count Stonewall district, including Elkton and Shen- 6 764 3,390 350 3,388 3,170 160 7,298 4,807 1,121 1,098 1,800 1,288 4,202 3,558 7,253 881 18,031 Hiawassie district 2,849 3,240 152 4,962 2,813 2,605 2,932 16,126 Newbern district, including Newbern town ,ounty 6,125 2,060 1,899 2,270 2,786 866 1,736 6,598 869 23,814 3,381 [ Mia:!;j disiriel. including Pulaski town Cleveland dM in i m indui M. \ -land town... Cleveland ton a ? .; Pulaski town Wardl '. 2,112 WardS Ward 4 Elk Garden district Lebanon district, including Lebanon town 2,406 2,417 325 1,753 4,730 295 22,694 2,167 2,86^ 810 3,344 ( 6 ) New Garden d' n In mm 1 lonaker town.. 4,822 East ward 2,200 2,002 8,044 21,694 Westward 8,843 8,678 3,738 4,704 1,763 2,884 2,908 4,239 3,578 252 122 3,409 4,319 621 1,533 2,858 2,778 4,428 3,369 183 98 Ra ahannock Count 1 nil, ill ill in en Mlii , ,i Hampton district, including Washington town. 1,708 235 1,063 1,475 1,533 1,057 1,208 1,884 SOO 1,083 1,561 1,617 1,216 1,482 1,860 1,130 L569 1,197 1,434 Taylor district, including Clinchport and Duf- Wakefield district Dufficld town 1 Part of Norfolk County annexed in 1909. * Incorporated ii • Included in population of Montgomery County in 1890. « Manchester city (population 9,715 in 1900; 9,246 In 1890) and part of I County (Including Fairmont town) annexed in 1910 and 1906, respectively. 7 County total is exclusive of population (16,159) of Roanoke city, now inde- pendent. 'County total includes population (1,044) of Buena Vista city, made independ- ent between 1890 arjd 1900. » Incorporated in 1910. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- VIRGINIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (Dislricl. mean:; iitagi-ilerial disl.ricl.. i-'or change:: in Imundarie::, nlc, between I'lui^au. I I'Ho, ::,-,- I,„, limit-: ; In, IIh, .. Peluecn IS 1 m .ii.l I'.ioo, ■(■!■ I;,.|i,,il ■ MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 minor crvn. mvision. 1910 1900 1890 Shenandoah County 20,942 20,253 19,671 Tazewell County 24,946 23,384 19,899 Aanbj dlstrld . Including Mount Jackson town.. 3,855 479 3,888 762 2,668 473 urn 3,328 638 3,368 674 3,835 841 20,326 3,817 472 3,359 690 2,602 391 1,069 3,331 684 3,347 612 3,797 678 17,121 3,734 Clear Fork district, including Graham and Po- 10,718 1,917 2,462 6,484 342 1,230 7,744 743 8,689 9, 690 1,564 2, 7S9 6,995 320 1,096 6,693 476 8,837 ■: ill- li '.'1 iim-Iii. !ni" :-'.ii:.-.:l.iu- i'om .1 2,940 646 2,401 348 3|406 697 3,332 512 3,858 720 13,360 Strasburg town 2,953 Johnston district, including part of Woodstock Joffersonville district, including North Tazewell Woodstock town (part of) ■; ., -- - .,; « ; ■ ... ,. , lull,, .,...- ./..,../ Maiden Spring district, including Kicldands Lit district., including Nlcw Market town New Market town Madison diui n- [ , in, -I cling lldinliurg town Warren County Stonewall district, including part of Woodstock 8,280 Woodstock town (pun of) 1,977 1,344 3,293 1,133 1,975 6,041 2,205 1,256 3,270 1,005 2,100 4,888 Front l.'oyal di-.lrict, including Front Royal 9,599 2,727 6,844 1,314 1,628 26,302 7,935 2,046 5,787 878 1,051 3,399 22,848 6,090 1,661 4,502 Rich Valley district, including part of Saltville Saltville town (part of) 6,660 ■ ■ Denbigh district ington County 4,443 618 32,830 . 632 3,581 675 28,995 588 20,078 Stanley district. : 673 ' 26,118 4,726 297 6,513 505 239 3,239 5,209 2,271 3,265 283 3,350 9,935 4,205 3,858 Abingdon district, including Abingdon town 7,120 1,757 3,575 324 5,811 5,765 '1,299 3,918 2,999 3,642 314 9,313 5,569 1,306 3,490 304 4,846 3,593 5,506 Boykins district, including Boykins and Branchville towns B oykins town 5,099 224 3,949 173 < dad" Spring district, including Uladc Spring 3 310 Branchville town > Drewrvville district 2,851 3,805 1,143 3,381 288 3,507 9,239 2,498 '876 3,142 Franklin disiricl, including Franklin town Franklin town ilol.slon di-iliicl, including 1 gunaseus town 2,485 Jerusalem district, including Courtland town... 4,438 3,349 3,710 173 9,243 3,214 3,109 2,993 * 9,705 Saltville 'li ill id , including pari ni Sail villa town. Saltville In u u (part of) [For total, see Rich Valley district, Smyth County.] Westmoreland County Spotsylvania County 2,175 2,129 2,622 3,009 8,070 2,042 2,014 2,229 2,954 8,097 2,344 2,033 2,439 2,889 7,362 Chancellor district 8,399 Livingston district 2,' 033 3,347 721 5,864 3,789 2,129 3, 325 453 5,161 - Stafford County Montross districl Washington dislricl, including Colonial ll.adi 2,032 2,652 2,122 1,840 1,456 10,604 2,800 1,863 1,917 1,517 7,289 2,356 1,887 1,726 1,393 6,975 Rock Hill district Wardl 2,735 3,129 34,162 4^269 9,715 19,653 8,469 8,256 Gladeville district, including Gladeville, Nor- 10, 527 806 1,866 734 677 555 169 8,200 305 646 12,319 1,090 2,690 397 3,110 5, 136 611 654 2,800 186 Blackwater district, including Dendron town . . Dendron town * 3,486 1,653 3,' 001 630 13,664 2,582 2,050 Gladeville town (Wise P. "6')". .'. '. Cobham district 3,208 2,679 665 12,082 3,195 3,011 189 11,100 Guilford district nonttown Claremont town 247 5,032 295 295 6,936 Lipps district, including Bond Town and Coe- 2, 410 2,234 2,155 670 2,309 1,064 2,157 1,967 2,172 2,502 1,768 2,073 1,991 2,176 2,468 • «2,392 Uichmond .ii.--.tric 1 , including Appalachia, Big Stone Gap, and East Stone Gap towns 2,484 ■.;,., 1,617 349 2,549 Waverly district erlytown Waverly town 1,516 493 Roberson district 1,075 1 Incorporated in 1908. 2 County total is exclusive of population (4,51 pendent. s Part of Augusta County annexed in 1905. * Incorporated in 1906. ) of Fredericksburg city, now inde- s Incorporated in 1902. e Not returned separately in 1890. ? County total is exclusive of population (2,902) of B 8 Incorporated in 1904. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— VIRGINIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900-, AND 1890— Continued. s ma^isteiial ilKrirt. Kor rliangps in boundaries, e MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 W the Count' 20,372 20,437 18,019 York County 7,757 7,482 7,696 4,137 3,382 4,472 3,336 5,045 s,0S4 4,003 3,819 4,957 5J000 3,003 3,466 2,847 4,' 989 2,510 1,825 1,895 1,131 136 2,906 1,784 1,588 1,377 161 2,733 1,810 Ni'Uiii ilisl.rii.-l., im -hiding \ ml iown town . '' |. 1 . .-:',.■ ... Table 2.-P0PULATI0N OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Abin don town Washington 1,757 15,329 618 1,090 1,324 1J632 2,508 296 876 2,590 875 1,486 305 433 421 505 239 859 6,247 416 504 3,245 653 535 1,948 6,765 1,113 1,419 1,568 630 794 252 204 5,748 252 342 258 645 721 157 283 4,234 L795 1,299 19,020 516 1,653 703 350 122 158 322 574 330 873 2,018 413 } 1,128 1,306 14,528 1,674 Prince Edward.. Botetourt 2,971 479 369 2,271 5,874 1,775 1,133 } 755 599 806 407 564 165 1,917 359 264 315 5, 505 4,879 162 1,817 138 288 236 809 516 600 297 196 432 281 1,733 1,597 '318 192 1,218 29,494 139 1,217 2,727 263 363 260 240 479 221 975 106 638 160 20,205 67,452 342 1,860 246 1,001 074 168 470 2,471 652 402 1,143 5,068 Amherst Southampton 1,147 763 1,270 2,416 331 938 1,617 768 585 295 458 527 224 948 Barton Hei htsto< Henrico Gra son 1,005 2,897 Galax town 521 304 511 Wise Washington Gladevilletotfn(WiseP. O.) Montgomery Nottoway 580 Rockbridge 603 253 1,554 511 Rockbridge Mecklenburg Southampton Southampton Rockingham 173 Buchanan 200 304 2,764 3,521 384 4,579 400 2,902 497 Elizabeth City... Rockingham Prince William... Rockingham Campbell Botetourt 692 716 '510 802 1,044 404 Nottoway Montgomery Northampton 131 Nansemond 133 295 687 392 1,040 96 6,449 542 918 5,591 618 757 Mecklenburg Pittsylvania Alleghany Southampton Kenbrid e town Lunenburg Montgomery 659 505 723 656 82 Mecklenburg Mecklenburg Brunswick 760 325 1,513 '261 97 1,147 18,891 136 817 2,045 2,384 423 Leesbur town 3,579 1S3 255 400 295 453 216 2,950 1,329- 1,618 1,792 Rockbridge Dickenson 422 L nchbur cit Westmoreland . . . Fluvanna Southampton Alleghany Nottoway 239 Highland Prince William... 704 887 1,620 Midi II. 'burg town Loudoun 429 Washington Middletown town Frederick 410 16,520 425 10,305 Rockingham Highland Rockingham Shenandoah Augusta 246 330 472 197 Davton town Mount Crawford town "don 11! Jackson town Pittsylvania Mount Sidney town N T ui rii.vs town Giles 98 160 349 313 512 124 684 152 19,635 46,624 320 654 297 938 536 Shenandoah N Dumfries town Prime William... Wise East Stone Gap town Northampton Shenandoah Pittsylvania Rockingham Greenesville 34,871 Edtnburg town 512 Occo 1 Prince William... 1,027 373 1,007 1,088 (Alexandria \Fairfax 792 PampIIn City town Appomattox Giles 294 Pearisburg town 464 341 STATISTICS OF POPULATION -VIRGINIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLAGES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 545 CITY OE TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OE TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Pennington Gap town Lee 792 24, 127 2,394 2,452 194 33, 190 559 4,807 4,202 251 743 127, 628 393 34,874 967 379 3,849 | 283 1,431 456 110 1,278 3,516 732 218 10,604 483 762 399 21,810 2,094 2,789 193 17,427 388 7,008 169 698 478 1,230 240 431 296 475 682 578 1,928 270 320 485 570 1,427 235 331 1,064 '1,389 1,397 70 2,714 5,864 328 1,314 3,054 136 371 3,827 247 22,680 Nansemond Wise Accomac Elizabeth City . . . 2,953 236 Port Royal town 554 1,096 173 Tazewell Rockingham Grayson Fauquier Middlesex Lunenburg Fairfax Roanoke Alexandria 2,813 2,112 376 3,344 198 475 85,050 332 21,495 612 318 3,412 1,051 384 1,220 381 108 1,225 1,851 2,060 Remington town Fauquier 317 1,438 200 81,388 236 16, 159 628 207 3,279 Princess Anne... Rocky Mount town Fauquier Rappahannock. . . 1,627 300 493 856 1,307 51 2,044 5,161 1,346 \ Washington J Albemarle \Fluvanna 362 751 Rockingham Rockingham Isle of Wight King William.... Fairfax Wiehletown 891 1,789 James City Mecklenburg 5 196 Stanley town (Stanleyton P. 0.). Isle of Wight Shenandoah Wythe York 7,289 490 690 6,975 443 646 1,069 3,003 151 Frederick Shenandoah 28407—12 35 WASHINGTON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. iProeinct moans election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Ooncio. innn \T^l T Tohb i; 1 Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Adams County . . Cunningham precinct No. 1 German precinct. . Hatton precinct No. 2, coextensive with Hat- Lantz precinct Lind precinct No. 1. Lind precinct No. 2 Palouse precinct. . ;xtensive with Ritz- Ward 1 . . War iS.. WardS.. Tabor precinct.. Asotin County .. Asotin precinct, including Asotin town A sotin town Bly precinct Clarkston precinct,' coextensive with Clarkston Grouse precinct 9 . Benton County 11 .. East Prosser precinct. . Expansion precinct Finley precinct Horse Heaven precinct. . Kennewkk town 12 . . . Kiona precinct North Prosser precinct. . WardS R attlesnake precinct Richland precinct Wellington precinct West Prosser precinct White Bluffs precinct 1 No comparison of population c: 2 Incorporated in 1908. • Incorporated as a city in 1906. Chehalis County.. Aberdeen precinct, coextensive with Aberdeen W'urdl.. Ward 2.. WardS.. Cuius !,;rn.|m." pH'CIHCl Cosmopolis town . . Grand Forks precinct . . 117/,,/ /.. Ward 2. . Ward::,.. Ward It.. Johns River precinct. . \U,ui< ,,", p. III. Ill Ill "I III' IU ,li Oakville precinct, including Oakville to Chehalis Indian Reservation (Ml:iilletnwn» Chehalis Indian /,'■, .■< nuiian Ocosta precinct, including Ocosta towr Wilderness precinct Wilson precinct Wynooche precinct Quinaielt Indian Reservation . . Chelan County.. Blewett precinct 15 I Cashmere precinct, 1 ' including Cashmere town. j Cashmere town li Chelan precinct, including Chelan town Chelan town* ; j Chelan Falls precinct" | Chiwaukum precinct Colockum precinct 18 i. Columbia precinct, 1 ' including part of We- 1 natchee city Wenatchee city w (part of) Total for Wenatchee city 20 in Columbia and Wenatchee precincts 3,71,7 1,638 -', 1 1 ; 2,148 1,132 1,004 287 1.6S2 894 Sib 8,355 8,171 2,608 1,302 :-\ 48$ 1,194 7,63? 166 173 ; : including Lakeside town.. i be made; county redistricted si i 1900. Part taken t< a Vineland precinct Entiatp: Lakeside preci Lakeside to„ .. Leavenworth precinct, including Leavenworth Leavenworth town " Malaga precinct »» « Incorporated as a city in 1909. n Incorporated In 1905. >» Name changed from Culver in 1900. is Name changed from Mission in 1904. Part taken to form part of Monitor pre- cinct in 1906. " Chelan Falls precinct organized from part of Lakeside precinct in 1908. 18 Part taken to form part of Malaga precinct in 1908. 19 Organized from part of Wenatchee precinct in 1903; part taken to form part of Malaga precinct in 1908. 1901 Returned in 1900 as In Wenatchee precinct only; incorporated a Incorporated in 1906. i city ir " Organized from parts of Colockum and Columbia precincts in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WASHINGTON. 547 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, e MTNORcrvn.r,,™. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Chelan County— Continued. 70 525 2,930 S,BS1 73 1,091 6,758 Clarke County— Continued. 839 687 9,300 9,S00 1,666 2,540 1,817 4S6 702 726 i,m 696 1,181 456 601 927 436 7,fA2 654 356 3,126 3,126 88 Vancouver precinct, coextensive with Van- \\ onalcliee precinct,-' including part of V\ eunP .... 1,157 451 355 s 5,603 •8,771 Clallam County 314 277 58 87 30 630 205 117 74 131 34 29 108 33 426 su 79 21 67 2,286 373 451 223 377 396 466 351 26 263 183 96 776 33 (18) 77 26,115 101 115 148 41 105 76 455 103 93 41 90 146 9 Was'iougal precinct, including Washougal 738 . .': II, ri recinct |l ii :< I . 434" Clallam Bay precinct 8 cinct, s 8 including Yacolt town De Fuca precinct s 7,128 Edgewood precinct •6,709 '° Unty Forks precinct 129 933 2,389 688 933 768 303 162 96 292 192 128 140 204 633 143 383 1,011 761 768 174 155 12,661 187 868 2,216 Brooklyn precinct, comprising ward 2 of Day- Hoko Falls precinct Totalfor !>., rire with Brook- lyn, Dayton, and Touchet precincts 30 12 18 371 46 26 2,321 ..■'' , I :.,.,. , ' : . • ' ! ; ' ■ 1 I i , Reservation 1,880 Makah Indian Reservation Ozette precinct.' 3 including Ozette rndinn Hiiinly precinct 3C0 427 1.348 264 280 413 130 185 124 261 187 650 574 547 1 mvp in prrviuct '"' cninpiisiipj. ward 1 of Dayton city Port Angeles precinct, coextensive with Port Aneeles city Port Angeles city Wards WardS Ward 4 Wards Ward6 Port Crescent precinct 293 22 "60 202 190 323 42 Pvsht precinct Quillarute precinct, including Quillayute Starbuek precinct, including Starbuck town.. Touchet precinct,'-* comprising ward 3 of Day- Rena precinct Sequim precinct 10 164 Shu wah precinct •3 7,877 Weaverprecinct 13,419 •5,917 •11,709 559 16 92 2,039 31 975 384 307 238 487 353 300 998 803 446 816 32 60 (34) 59 545 752 417 441 488 1,667 1,1 So 459 452 843 810 544 288 1,333 601 297 704 425 667 187 350 353 298 581 682 Ko!:odpy, : "iii Moiiiiccllo. Xoi'lh Kelso, South Lancaster prccinc l . including '-'. oodland town. Columbia prec oi as town 228 90 754 337 322 507 772 709 North Castle : eluding part of Total for < ■astir Loci: Hum in North and 750 914 North Kalama precinct, 87 including part of .......... """ 399 Total for Kalama touv in \.< Kalama precincts 654 Pollock precinct 140 325 1 Merritt precinct organized from part of Wenatchee Lake precinct in 1906. 1 Organized from parts ! I \ if hee prenncts in 1900. « Parts taken to form Columbia and West Wenatchee precincts in 1003 and 1906, respectively. * Organized from part of Wenatchee precinct in 1906; part taken to form part of Monitor precinct in 1906. • County total includes population ( 1C0 of Dickey and Soleduck precincts, annexed *.o Beaver preeln 1 precinct, annexed to Ozette precinct, 26 Part taken t< 21 Part taken ti 22 Parts taken to form parts of Yacolt and Mountain View precincts in 1901 and 190S. respectively. 23 Incorporated in lODfi. 2 < Vancouver Heights precinct organized from part of Harney precinct in 1906, 25 Incorporated in 1909. 26 Organized from parts of Cathlapoodle, Cedar Creek, Chelatchie, and La Center precincis in 1908. 27 Incorporated in 1908. 28 Organized from parts of Alpine and Cedar Creek precincts in 1901. Pi 1 1 I I 1 ill) HI I llll I rt t ll II III 1, 101 * I'll 1,11 III I 1 1 in 1 1 oinet in 1900 '•Lost Mountain and ___,_ 11 Name changed from La Push 12 Exclusive of population of Makah Indian Reservation. 11 Norman precinct annexed in 1904. 14 Exclusive of population of Ozette Indian Reservation. " Falrholme and Wineton precincts annexed In 1906. « Exclusive of population of Quillayute Indian Reservation. " Organized from Clallam Bay precinct In 1908. »• No population reported. 18 Organized from part of De Fuca precinct in 1900. »i Tumalui 82 Incorpor a County total includes population (1.071) of Castle Rock precinct, taken to form North and South Castle Rock precincts; population (945) of Kalama precinct, taken to form North and South Kalama precincts; and population (990) of Kelso precinct, taken to form North and South Kelso precincts, since 1900. " Returned in 1900 as in Kelso precinct only (population 694). Incorporated W Organized from part of Kalama precinct in 1908. 548 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WASHINGTON. Table 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. (Precinct means election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and 1900 see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Cowlitz County— Continued. 598 485 691 304 295 1,207 698 459 371 522 197 068 97 9,227 5,153 7486 North Kelso precinct, 1 exclusive of part of 104 778 252 316 400 m 164 366 242 2,303 2,083 228 4,199 Connell precinct ■ .lii-i . 300 317 483 135 182 Eltopia precincl. Kahiotus prei 1 1 Imlin I hlutu town Owl Creek precinct St. Helens precinct i .i ., -i ■ i . . . ,:.',,., m : ,.:), I ! '4 3,897 East Pomeroy precinct, including part of 224 124 1,072 1,605 33 472 457 176 202 270 389 195 115 837 533 8,698 785 685 953 20 556 553 157 W esi Ivelso precinct, 6 exclusive of part of Total for Pom,, ;, mi, ,:> East and West 52 '3,161 Douglas County « Pataha precinct, including Pataha city Barry precinct 358 w 418 322 19 406 384 255 334 189 421 545 597 84 233 156 123 238 368 65 105 253 31 95 1,253 950 615 ' 4,800 Bridgeport precinct, including Bridgeport 276 400 150 564 268 West Pomeroy precinct, including part of Coulee City precinct 251 475 440 276 711 S2S 311 752 237 142 358 138 267 330 697 264 458 221 188 191 166 94 98 739 592 117 563 w 106 4,704 Coulee City precinct, including Coulee City Ephrata precinct, including Ephrata town Hartline precinct, including Hartline town m m Quincy precinct, including Quincy town 9 4,562 161 407 297 877 611 301 1,759 198 395 563 450 307 142 587 388 250 241 Total for 7, i ,h, ,u ,n Fust and West 2,050 Wilson Creek precinct, including Wilson Creek Total for < i m . , , ,,„ , » prising Keller and Meteor precincts, Ferry County, and Nespelem and parts of 1,477 1,870 167 371 1,050 310 351 • 469 1,097 154 282 252 511 ' nun i i in |i ii I ,i i ,i| i[|i Coupeville precinct, including Coupeville town. 495 73 447 97 131 167 460 . i !.._ . i i ■' n hiilin |i ii i. i "'■■I no, : in . Utsalady precinct M 1 Organized from part of Kelso precinct in 1908. ' Stella pir i i i | i met in 1908. 3 Organized from part of Castle Rock precinct in 1908. 4 Organized from part of Kalama precinct in 1908. 6 Organized from part of Monticello precinct in 1908. 6 Grant County organized from part of Douglas County in 1909. ' No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted since 1900. 8 Incorporated in 1910. 9 County total includes population (3,318) of Republic precinct, taken to form East and West Republic precincts; and population (753) of part of Colville Indian Reservation, taken to form Keller and Meteor precincts since 1900. i° Returned as Nelson in 1900. " Organized from part of Republic precinct in 1900. " Organized from part of Colville Indian Reservation in 1900. Incorporated in 1907. County total includes population (614) of Columbia Center precinct, taken t( Peola and Scoggin precincts since 1900. returned by precincts in 1890. n be made; is Name changed from Grand in 1904. » Name changed from River in 1901. i 8 Organized from part of Columbia Center precinct in 1904. 1 9 Name changed from Meadow in 1901. *> Incorporated in 1909. 21 Incorporated in 1903. m Camano precinct organized from part of Utsalady precinct in 1908. * Clinton precinct organized from part of Skagit Head precinct in 1908. « Holmes Harbor precinct organized from part of Useless Bay precinct in 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- WASHINGTON. 549 Table 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. Jefferson County. . Brinnon precinct.. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. King County— Continued. I 'In nine uin precim-l 229 184 172 | l'.M'i <,!<■< n [iiim in, I « ! 53 463 ' 477 471 104 102 484 140 72 24 SB 236 121 639 399 4, 181 3, 443 4,181 , S,44S 304 239 :::::::::: 5i3 258 5,677 4,658 Norton precinct Pacific precinct, 8 including Hoh River Indian Reservation Port Townsend precinct, coextensive with Port Townsend city Port Tow- ■ -Hi ::::::::::: 483 j 324 274 90 i 37 73 79 284,638 j iU10,053 Woodman precinct "63,989 Aaron precinct ::::::::::: Auburn precinct, coextensive with Auburn 957 957 i 489 HO i> i 2,051 ' 519 Boise precinct Bothelltown™ Cedar Falls precinct iVilar Mmmfam pivcinct er precinct 93 ! 1 156 ! | 522 635 : 355 ' I 145 ; ' 585 , ; 357 1 ' 170 ! ; 304 . ' ■ ■■ . .. Knumclaw precinct Fall City precinct 119 ' 1,129 j ! Franklin precinct Oilman precinct Greenwood precinct Issaquah precinct, coextensive with Issaquah 628 1 700 Kentjirecinct, coextensive with Kent city 1,908 755 85S Krain precinct Lake precinct alej precinct 498 May wood precinct Meadow Gardens precinct.. Medina precinct Meeker precinct 1 County total includes population (49) of Queets precinct, taken to form Evergreen precinct and parts of Castile and Clearwater precincts since 1900, and population (35) of Hoh Ki pendent in 1900. 2 County i.>: recinct, annexed to Hadlock precinct between 1890 and 1900; and population (38) of that part of county not located by precincts in 1890. 3 Organized from parts of Pacific and Queets precincts in 1906. < Returned as Central in 1900. 5 Organized from parts of Pacific and Queets precincts in 190S. 8 Organized from part of Queets precinct in 1906. ' Irondale and Nordland precincts organized from parts of Hadlock precinct in 1902 and 1906, respectively. 8 Parts taken to form parts of Castile and Clearwater precincts in 1906 and 190S, respectively. » Exclusive of population of Hoh River Indian Reservation. 10 Returned as Ludlow in 1900. a Organized from unorganized part of county in 1908. 11 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted since 1900. North Bend precinct. including NorthBend to North Bend town " Novelty precinct Oak Lake precinct Orillia precinct Osceola precinct Palmer precinct Renton precinct, coextensive with Renton Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Wardll Wardlt Ward IS Wardl4 Sherwood precinci Snoqualmieprecinct, including Snoqualmietown Snoqualmie town >» South Fork precinct Sprague precinct Springbrook precinct Squak precinct Star Lake precinct Stossel precinct Stuck precinct, including Pacific town Stiise Creek precinct Sunnydale precinct... Tanner precinct Tolt precinct Tukwila precinct, coextensive with Tukwila Union precinct Valley precinct, including Muckleshoot India Reservation Muckleshoot Indian Reservation Vashon precinct Vincent precinct Wabash precinct Webster precinct Wellington precinct White River precinct Wilberton precinct Woodinville precinct Yesler precinct Kitsap County Bremerton precinct, 2 Coextensive with Bremer- '-mcity Bremerton city: 2 Wardl WardS WardS Charleston precinct, 23 including Charleston town Charleston town^.. Colby precinct »« Incorporated in 1909. is Part of Fulton precinct annexed in 1905, Ballard city, Columbia town, West Seattle precinct, and parts of Dunlap and Duwamish precincts annexed in 1907, and Georgetown city annexed in 1910. '» Incorporated in 1903. 20 No population reported. 21 Incorporated in 1908. 22 County total includes population (139) of Port Madison Indian Reservation rel amed as independent in 1900. 23 Bremerton precinct organized from part of Charleston precinct in 1900. 24 Incorporated in 1901. » Name changed from Port Orchard in 1903. 28 Parts taken to form Harper precinct in 1908 and part of Waterman precinct in 1906. 550 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WASHINGTON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. I Preoinot means election preoinot. For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] R CIVIL DIVISION. Kitsap County— Continued. Harper precinct ' . . dian Reservation . . Port Madison Indian Reservation. . olalla precinct Pearson precinct * Port Blakely precinct Port Orchard precinct, 5 including Port Orchard Poulsbo precinct, » including Poulsbo tc Silverdale precinct 7 Waterman precinct « United States Navy Yard u Kittitas County.. Cle Elum precinct, 15 cc Wardl WardS Columbia River precinct 1 ' East Kittitas precinct 17 Wardl WardS WardS Liberty precinct Manastash precinct w Mountain pri Roslyn to Ward 1 WardS South Ellensburg precinct. . Swauk precinct. . West Kittitas precinct. . Klickitat County 22 Alder Creek precinct.. Alderdale precinct Appleton precinct Bingen precinct.. Centerville precinct.. . Columbus precinct Dead Canyon precinct. . Fruit Valley precinct. . . Pleasant precinct . . 2 Organized from part of Seabeck ; 3 Exclusive of population of Port Madison Indian Reservation. * Organized from parts of PouM«> ;j n . l Srah.vk precincts in 1908. 5 Part taken to in nan precinct in 1906. '■■ In. i,i porated in 1907. '"Incorporated In ?(»<, R CIVIL DIVISION. Klickitat County— Continued. Sand Ridge precinct. . Trout Lake precinct White Salmon precinct, Big Bottom precinct... Wardl.. Ward S. . Ward 3. . Ward 4.. Wardo WardS. Chehalis precinct, coextensive v East ward South ward.. West ward . . . Cinebar precinct Claquato precinct Clarke precinct Coal Creek precinct. . Cowlitz precinct Eagleton precinct... Hanaford precinct ■ Klickitat precinct. . Kopiuh precinct 28 I jnrnin Creek precinct 2I .. Liiile Kalis precinct, 2 " — >1| 1 11 U IU ' II i 'III Morton precinct.. Pe Ell precinct, 31 coextensive with Pe Ell Randle precinct Sallnim precinct Salmon ( reek precinct Salzer precinct ■ ■ •■ > l i ■ ■ i :■ si illu a Pa- precini-f. -'-' Sulphur Creek precinct | i Mini Hi ■ in.,- Toledo precinct, coextensive with Toledo town.j Verndale precinct... 342 68 103 1,070 261 203 172 75 285 276 n 1908. Part taken to form part of Pearson w Columbia River and Tunnell precincts organized from part of East Kittitas - : I Oil.' 18 Martin precinct annexed in 1904. I'Umtanum precinct organized from part of Manastash precinct in 1902. " ■■ • : ii ; i"i if' ,,.;■.-.:, ,n .'.a in ,--> i 21 No population reported. ikento in in l iart of Benton County in IE 2 * No comparison o inty redistricted between 1890 25 la, I'. preciiK-t ur'janizi'.l Pom part of Prvnl jirccinct in 1904. 26 Returned as Eden Prairie in 1900. 2 ' Greenwood precinct organized from pari of I .inciln < H'i'1- precinct in 1902. 28 Kopiah prccinrl nivainzi'il ii'inn pari of I , analnrd prei 29 Stillwater precinct organized from part of Little Fall » [ncoi'iioraled in 1906. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WASHINGTON. 551 Table 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. MINOR CIVU, division. Lincoln County.. Uuura precinct, Including Almira tc Crab Creek precinct Creston precinct, including Creston t( Total for Davenport town in East, North, and West Pumiprhi er.. nicts Edwall precinct Govan precinct Grand Coulee precinct Harrington precinct, including Harrington city. Harrington city '. Indian Creek precinct Irby precinct Lamona precinct Lapray precinct Larene precinct Layton precinct Miles precinct Mohler precinct Mondovi precinct Moscow precinct \lomii a in View precinct North Davenport precinct, including part of Davenport town Davenport town (part of) North Sprague precinct, including part of Sprague city Sprague city (part of) Voiol i.u ''/);., in, : i, ; ni \oiih n in! . ;..«//. Sprague pi, mucin North Wilbur precinct, including part of Wil- bur town Wilbur town {part of) Total for Wilbur town in Nortli and South Wilbur precincts Odessa precinct, including Odessa town Odessa town * Peach precinct Reardan precinct, including Reardan town Reardan town* Rocklynpreein. r Sedalia precinct erman precinct South Sprague precinct, including part of Sprague city Sprague city {part of) South Wilbur precinct, including part of Wil- bur town Wilbur town (part of) Waukon precinct Welch Creek precinct West Davenport precinct, including part of Wilson Creek precinct. . Yarwood precinct. . Mason County. . Arcadia precinct, including Squaxon I Cloquallum precinct Dayton precinct Detroit precinct » Dewatto precinct Eells precinct » Hartstine precinct Hoodsport precinct » Karailche precinct Lilliwaup precinct Matlock precinct Pickering precinct Potlatch precinct 8 Satsop precinct 'No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted since 1900. [".".".'.'.'.'. 228 1 699 i,m 1,000 S96 ""! :::: ::::::::::::: 489 w 1,110 696 1,689 m 767 695 410 627 078 719 47S 673 Blfi 324 184 5,166 3,810 »2,826 •>26 109 108 140 86 55 393 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Mason County— Continued. Shelton precinct No. 1, comprising part of Shel- comprising Shelton Shelton ton • n I pur! of) Skokomish precinct,' including Skokomish Indian Reservation Sl.ol.-niiirr.h trillion J,'t::,;~t i m ion Union City precinct Okanogan County Anglin precinct Beeman precinct Bodie precinct Brewster precinct, including Brewster town . . ■ I i illi'v precinct Golden precinct Havillah precinct Kipling precinct limine ; . • :', ' \'<: ii. '.'ii . Molson precinct x a I" I' 1 HM.-itioi . compi i.-;iiH! |i:u i 1. 1 ( ' < , I \ i I h ■ Indian Reservation [For total, see Keller precinct. Fern County.] Okanogan precoma, amin.pim i ikanogan town and part of Colville Indian Reservation Colville Indian Reservation (part of) , Okanogan town '< Omul, precim!, incliniiiig part ul Collide Indian Reservation i oli ill, hull, in i; ix, notion {part of). oroville preeinet, including Oruxille ' Oroville town 10 I "arailise | irecinct Pateros precinct Pine Creek precinct Riverside precinct Silver preeinct Simllkaii n preeinet Spring ( '(in)ee preeinet Squaw (reel. ] irecinct Tonasl el preeinel Tunk Creek precinct Twisp precinct, including Twisp ^"auconda precinct Winthrop precinct Pacific County llwaco to Knappton precinct. . Lebam precinct" .ni i ., in. ! . ,,: .', HI ;■ ca.'M. | : . i i. .ml ■>..-. in. ' in. ii. i.. i, , ,-,,.,, South Bend city.. Bend precinct No. 1 and part of South Bend precinct No. 2 11 Incorporated In 1907. 12 Incorporated in 1909. 's County total includes population (12) of Elk Creek precinct, annexed to Plu- vius precinct since 1900. be made; not returned by precincts in 1890. » Name changed from naif Moon in 1908. Part taken to form part of Menlo pr< - 8 Potlatch precinct organized from part of Hoodsport precinct in 1904. 15 Organized from parts of Lebam and Willapa precincts in 1902. " Elk Creek precinct annexed in 1906. " Name change.) from r;i\-r-,.]p in 1904. " Returned in 1900 as in South Bend preciDct No. 1 only. 552 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WASHINGTON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between L0O0 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Pacific County— Continued. South Rend precinct No- 2, 1 including part of South Bend city South Bend city * (part of) Alderton precinct.. Breckon precinct Dupont precinct 9 . Fairfax precinct* Fox Island precinct. . Gig Harbor precinct. . : precinct apps precinct .. Long Brancn precinct . . ■ i precinct 15 — McNeils Island precinct. . Milton precinct," including Milton town. . Milton town " Minter precinct Ohop precinct,'-' including Eatonville tc Wardl WariS Wards Regents Park precinct 21 .. R eservat ion precinct «* Nlsqually Indian Reservation.. Hoy town 24 Nisqually Indian Reservation (part of).. Total for Ninqually Indian Reservation ii Ruston precinct, 23 coextensive with Ruston South Prairie precinct, 7 including South South Prairie town™ Spanaway precinct. . Steilacoom precinct, 21 including Steilacoom m 1 Name changed fron 5 Returned in 1900 as ' Part taken to form part of Mpnlo precinct ir MINOR CIVIL D Pierce County— Continued. Sumner precinct, including Sumner town Sumner town Tacoma precinct, coextensive with Tacoma city Ward I.- Ward 2.. liar./.}.. Ward J,.. WardB. Wards Ward! WardS Tan wax precinct 1J .. San Juan County. . Lopez precinct No. 2. San Juan precinct No. 2, including Friday Har- Shaw precinct.. Stewart Island p_ . . Waldron precinct... Stewart Island precinct.. Skagit County. . Wardl WardS Ward S onjprecinct w precinct.. Belfast precinct.. Cullum precinct, including Concrete town. . East Mount Vernon precinct, including part of '.-'•linl ir.f iVom.i },:')/:>■)> i/iii ill 'ol.-v' \iTil> South, and West Mount Vernon precincts. Ferry precinct Indian Reservation Swinomish Indian Reservation . . Fir precinct Fredonia precinct Hamilton precinct, including Hamilton t< La Conner precinct, including La Conner town. Lyman tc McMurray precinct, including McMurray t< Mc Murray town^ Mansford precinct Montborne precinct Mount Baker precinct i I- :■, ,i I I ill |.ir, in . i... i f. .,..'. .. 111, hi |i:,r: in I u 111'"' m S9S SOS 664 S98 .:.:.:'.'.'.'..: « Part annexed to Tacoma city In 1909. " Organized from part of Edgewood ]iimiioi ii 18 Incorporated ir o Roy precinct, since 1900. jan be made: county redistricted between 1890 and 1900. « Organized from part of Junction precinct i: 12 Holz precinct organized from parts of Ohop and Tanwax precincts in 1908. j» Home precinct organized from part of Orting precinct in 1902. 21 Regents I'o ! i. o m -i . mi cl from pari o.i Soiincoom precinct in 1909. 21 Part taken to form Earle precinct in 1908 and part annexed to Tacoma city in 1907. m Part taken to form McKenna precinct in 190S; Mountain View precinct an- nexed in 1902. 21 Incorporated ir 25 Returned as Si " Incorporated iL 2 ' Exclusive of population (731) of Western Washington Hospital for Insane, returned in Steilacoom town In 1900. 13 Part of Besei ration precinct annexed in 1907, parts of Hunts Prairie precinct STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WASHINGTON. 553 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, ANT) ] [Precinct moans election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1 'J 10, see footnotes; for those betwer 590 — Continued. 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Skagit County— Continuod. n North and South Burlington precincts ". North Mount Vernon precinct, including part of Mount Vernon city Mount Vernon city (part of) Perley precinct Pingree precinct Point Williams precinct ,- Prairie precinct Samish precinct ■• ■'■ Wardl WardS Wards Sinclair precinct. . ! irecinct, including part of Mount Vernon city Mount Vernon city {part of) Skamania County.. Cape Horn precinct a . t'rts.M.les precinct Chenowith preeinol - . St. Helens precinct 8 . Stevenson town l . Underwood precinct Wind Mountain precinct. . Wind River precinct Snohomish County. . ■ '.extensive with Arlington jng precinct. . Hear Creek precinct. . t 'ellien ille precinct. . Wardl. Ward 2. Wards. 1,114 24,814 Wardl, Ward5 Wari6 Wardl -. Fernwood precinct Florence precinct Galena precinct Getchell precinct Gold Bar precinct Granite Falls precinct, coextensive with Gran- ite Falls city « Gregory precinct Hartford precinct Hazel precinct Index precinct, coextensive with Index city «. . Irving precinct Lake precinct Lake Goodwin precinct ; Lowell precinct Lud wig precinct Machias precinct I Maltby precinct 1 Incorporated in 1902. » Not returned bv precincts in 1890. 3 St. Helen? edfrom parts of Cape Horn and Skve precincts in 1904. * Incorporated in 1907. Snohomish County -Continued. Milton precinct. Monroe precinct, Monte Cristo precinct Mnkilleo precinct Norden precinct Port Susan precinct. . Richmond precinct. . . Robe precinct Roosevelt precinct. . . Sexton precinct Shorts precinct.. with Monroe city ' Shoultes precinct.. I ! Silvana precinct.. Silverlun prei-inci.. . . . Skykomisn precinct. . Snohomish precinct, c ixtensive with Snoho- Wardl WardS WardS South Snohomish precinct. . Reservation.. Tulalip Indian Reservation.. precinct \\ haleback precinct.. Wood precinct Spokane County.. m ! Blanchard township. . township Chattaroy township. . Coulee township. . Deer Park township. . ley township. . Fairfield town 9 Fairfield township. . . Five Mile township.. Freeman township. . Hillyard city «. Latah town Latah township.. Meadow Lake township. . Medical Lake town Mica township. Milan township. . Moran township.. Mount Carleton township. . Mount Hope township Nine Mile township. . Pioneer township. . 1910 1900 1890 349 1,239 1,139 312 1,146 1,552 31 256 545 233 232 185 344 392 251 512 943 99 S57 3,244 s,m 1,088 1,011 1,14S 280 559 544 576 460 511 372 630 781 677 561 589 860 110 104 728 262 ■■;•; :::::::::::: 2,101 1,993 ::::::::::::::::::::::: 468 781 647 253 232 516 617 :::::::::::: • No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted since 190C 6 Incorporated in 1903. 7 No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1909. 8 Incorporated In 1908. • Incorporated in 1905. 554 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WASHINGTON. Table 1. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1000, AND 1890 —Continued. s election precinct. For changes in boundaries, etc., botwc.en l'JOU and 1010, see footnotes; for those, between iwhi and I'.ion, :«• Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1810 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Spokane County— Continued. 405 Stevens County— Continued. 495 533 S51 332 249 270 123 643 209 181 103 211 189 596 17,581 327 663 584 499 104,402 S5, ISO 18,964 18,44* SI, 911 S4,976 474 421 585 318 428 629 531 1,184 Springdale precinct, including Springdale 433 644 331 303 36,848 19,922 WardS Ward 6 Yocum preeinel 589 •9,927 '9,675 Black Lake precinct Wayside township 177 855 366 267 394 260 1,125 53 230 367 6,996 6,996 1,089 664 1,445 1,611 1,413 3 646 831 342 480 1,424 . 1,038 1,064 490 733 605 u 3,285 141 700 502 223 279 143 510 West Spokane township .„■,., , ] , • i " . 25,297 3 10,543 ^4,341 Addy precinct 608 407 212 327 167 320 267 91 267 Little Rock precinct Arden precinct Bars tow precinct MeLane precinct Maxfield precinct 250 128 333 4,082 3,86S Beglin precinct Blue Creek precinct Mud Bay precinct Olympia precinct, coextensive with Olympia Boundary precinct Olympia city " 4,698 i, ]■<■■■> in, 1, , . Calispel precinct Camden precinct Chewelah precinct, including Chewelah town. . Chewelah town* WardS 1,7$ 8SS Ward 4 Ward5 . . . . Columbia precinct Colville precinct, including Colville city 505 579 2,218 1,SSS 437 477 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'."'. Peninsula preeinei. " . . 292" 189 202 373 341 594 jio 1 ! Rochester precinct 9 Wardl WardS , South Union precinct Tenino preeinei ,'" inch nine iVine ,., i, Tenino town u 258 322 252 119 115 158 Daisy precinct Dalkena precinct Tumwater precinct, including Tumwater 637 Deer Trail precinct . ::::::::::: '■■"-■ i ; Yelm precinct, including part of Nisqually Ind ian Reservation 521 Doyle precinct 321 123 145 126 209 108 132 345 186 '321 '634 "125 Nisqually Indian Reservation (part of) [Fortotal,see Roy precinct, PierceCounty.] Wahkiakum County "2,819 Flat Creek precinct '2,526 Forest Center precinct 188 231 788 352 94 111 409 165 289 . 641 31,931 477 (13) 1 Sili 'in ' ;■■-,■, iH ,.' ' ■.. ■ ■ ' i ,n, ei 96 297 241 300 (IS) 197 542 is 18,680 Deep River precinct Kettle Falls precinct, including Kettle Falls S77 175 245 188 531 413 481 238 663 306 119 1,640 1,199 27 692 476 338 334 116 87 94 297 Baker 'dnct" 1,357 625 1,094 699 218 525 499 375 249 593 333 183 120 227 502 BOS 2,073 737 521 283 544 313 246 229 237 Newport precinct, including Newport town 1 , . : . ' ' ■■'■ ■ 787 146 77 231 657 I'M ,:, ,,, 1 |, 1 illl 1 ' , , , 1,11 , nil i M Ruby preotnct i Ritz precinct is 1,310 1 Parts of Five Mile, Marshall, Mead, Moran, and Opportunity precincts an- nexed in 1907. 2 Incorporated In 1907. » No comparison of population can be made; county redistricted in 1906. * Incorporated in 1903. * Incorporated in 1910. * County total includes population (81) of Meadow precinct, annexed to Grand Mound and Rochester precincts since 1900. " Not returned by precincts in 1890. n Peninsula precinct organized from part of Olympia ) of Cathlamet and Puget Island pre- parts of Chambers Prairie and South B * Woodland precinct organized precincts in 1902. • Part of Meadow precinct annexed in 1907. i° Mcintosh precinct organized from part of Tenino nrecinct in 1908. annexed to Walla Walla city In 1907. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- WASHINGTON. 555 Table 1.- -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890 -Continue.!. S Meotion prooinot. For changes in boundaries, el MINOR CIVIL D Walla Walla County— Continued. 11 Creek precinct I'm; K i vers precinct Waitsburg precinrt, inriiriKivr with \\ aiis- burg city 1 1 '•utsburg city Walla Walla city, coextensive Willi t." l.-i.i- U • - . Fremont, Green Park, Lewis, Mullan, Pine, Sharpstein, Sims, smploe, stevens, Thorn, ■alia Walla Ward 1 . . Ward t.. WardS.. Wardi.. Wallula precinct > Washington precinct.. Whatcom County, Bellingh Wardl , Wardi WardS Ward^. WardS Ward6 Bennett precinct Kirch Bay precinct. . Blaine precinct, coextensive with Blaine city. Blaine city WardS Cedar precinct Chuckanut precinct Clearbrook precinct ( toluml lia Valley precinct Crescent precinct Custer precinct land precinct.. Kendall precinct. . Lake precinct Laurel precinct Licking precinct. . North Lynden precinct, including part of Lynden town Lynden town (part of) . . Total for Lynden tt Lynden precincts Park precinct Point Roberts precinct Prairie precinct Roeder precinct Rome precinct Saxon precinct Semiahmoo precinct Slate precinct \ South Lyndon precinct, including part of Lynden town Lynden town (part of) Sumas precinct, including Sumas city Su-mas city Ten Mile precinct , i North and South Wahl precinct . . Whitman County.. Almota precinct . . Clinton precinct. . MINOR CIVII, DIVISION. Whitman County— Continued. t'ollurr.vood precinct... I (Min.iml precinct i Mislv precinct.. Elberton precinct... Farmington precinct. .. Hooper precinct . . Lone Pine precinct. . Palouse precinct. . Pine City precinct Pullman precinct Rock Creek precinct. . Rosalia precinct Russell precinct St. John precinct Thornton precinct. . Precinct 33, coextensive with St. John town '. Precinct :ls, comprising ward 2 of Colfax city.. Total for Colfax city, coextensive with pre- cincts S6, 46, and 5, Ward 1 Ward 2_ WardS.. Precinct 37, c< Tekoa town Precinct :w, coextensive with Rosalia towi Rosalia town Precinct 39, coextensive with Union town tt with Tekoa town . . Precinct 10, coextensive with O Oakesdale town Precinct 41, comprising ward 1 of Pullman eil v . Ward 1 WardS WardS Precinct 42, coextensive with Garfield town 1 Garfield town ! Precinct 43, coextensive with Farmington Farmington town. Precinct 44, East Palouse, comprising part of Palouse city Precinct 65, coextensive with Endicott town 8 . Precinct 66, coextensive with Maiden town ». . Precinct 67, coextensive with Albion town '• . Yakima County ".. Belma precinct, including Grandview city. . East Sunnyside precinct, including part of 7 Incorporated in 1904. 41,709 "13,462 ' Falrhaven and New Whatcom cities consolidated under the m city In 1903. ' Incorporated la 1907- n be made; county redistricted in 1907. 556 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WASHINGTON. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910. 1900, AND 1890— Continued. s elrellon precinol.. l''or i-lmngrs in 1 ndiu ics, c\l.i\, between I'.iun mul lull), :it; foi Mm. r bel.wecn IK90 and 1'JOO, .see Reports o[ the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR C1VII. DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Yakima County— Continued. 166 1,275 258 1,261 46S 981 463 902 41 1,437 177 1,100 14,082 14,082 2,476 2,163 2,867 2,646 1,769 2,281 Yakima County— Continued. 683 823 1,524 181 2,694 1,698 769 1,164 400 454 1,555 SS8 137 269 979 1,830 Granger precinct, including Granger city 1 "!■!' ' 1"' ''"»■' "" ''!•>"<: <■>!>!• Mabton preeincl, including Mabton town i id inccinci in. luding Wapato town West Sunny,." pi [hi luding part of | orth Yakima city *. . . . Yakima City precinct, coextensive with Yaki- 287 2,219 > Incorporated in 1909. • Incorporated in 1905. » Incorporated in 1907. « Incorporated in 1908. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CIT.OR.OW,. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 ' 1890 Aberdeen city 13,660 276 368 4,168 1,476 820 957 24,298 2,289 599 2,993 296 431 1,272 1,302 1,125 625 998 352 7,311 1,062 4,507 682 1,207 1,257 2,749 2,783 393 1,533 357 945 1,132 276 310 308 153 '875 754 1,114 330 4,209 1,532 474 323 24,814 308 489 691 400 932 1,203 320 453 3,747 1,638 Granite Falls city Hamilton town Harnivrioii rit.T .' - nn ,. Hatton town Snohomish Skagit Lincoln 714 405 661 237 161 3,276 8,171 664 417 634 132 816 2,039 1,219 1.908 377 532 288 222 339 1,551 831 631 441 1,148 377 666 798 1,239 1,730 448 2,488 2,381 1,199 299 14,082 476 882 465 127 885 611 6,996 495 799 413 1,549 'l76 1,605 2,286 682 4,181 364 Whitman 392 1,476 1,131 Snohomish Adams Spokane Chehalis Pacific Snohomish Stevens King Franklin Cowlitz Cowlitz Benton King Stevens King Clarke Skagit 1 470 489 11,062 1,592 200 740 8,135 1,563 Hoquiam city 11 waco town Index city Issaquahtown Kahlotus town Kalama town Kelso city Kennewick town Kent city Kettle Falls town Kirkland town La Center town La Conner town Lakeside town 1 Latah town ...... ■■!!'■. HI II Little Falls' town'. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. Lyman town Lynden town ■ ; - '■ ■ i"rt n Mabton town Maiden town MarysvlUe city '.: ! :■!,' i.'i. Milton town Monroe city Monif"-:!)',.! ,-ii.r. . - ... Mount Vernon city Newport town North Bend town North Yakima city Northport city ... ■.. .■...,■, n Oakville town Ocosta town Odessa town < >k;inoi<:in town Olympia city Orovilletown Orting town Pacific town 2,608 584 700 . Breme, 554 694 1,014 755 297 . 853 Chelan 750 681 564 398 Wahkiakum Centralia city 1,600 197 1,775 2,026 Kitsa 253 1,309 781 647 365 Skagit Yakima 2,121 251 594 1,649 Whitman Snohomish 728 516 539 Snohomish Chehalis Skagit 1,194 1,120 1,004 287 1,632 3,154 787 . 928 i,666 2,216 396 166 . Snohomish Whitman 474 297 1,737 894 2,768 345 3,863 Elmatown Okano 728 Snohomish 7,838 254 . 157 . I'usi o (.own I'niaba citv Pe Ell town Pomeroy city Port Angeles city Port Orchard town Port Townsend city Poulsbo town ; i . 434 418 Garfield Clallam Kitsap Jefferson Kitsap 953 2,321 . 254 3,448 Whitman Klickitat Yakima Yakima 697 738 317 702 226 Grandvlew city Granger city...;...: : STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WASHINGTON. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 557 CITY OB TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Prescott town Walla Walla 502 1,298 "2,602 4,544 264 2,450 527 2,740 999 297 1,859 663 767 3,126 315 780 421 237, 194 2,129 1,163 238 3,244 279 3,023 264 299 104, 402 1,110 251 544 761 430 Stevenson town HumascUy. ''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. SllirilltT lOWTl Sunnyside city Tacomacity Tekoatown Skamania Snohomish 387 576 902 892 1,379 83, 743 1,694 1 , 038 375 1,598 301 490 227 426 9,300 1,237 19,364 400 456 300 950 .. 318 4,050 682 757 405 1,140 384 435 263 229 1,308 1,884 1,732 319 531 Yakima.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. Whitman Ra mond cit 37,714 717 285 36, 000 2,050 'I'uppenish city Tukwila town Adams 433 379 2,786 King 270 ' 644 248 1,484 Twisp Inwii 3,120 1,011 10,049 Vancouver city Clarke Walla Walla Walla Walla Yakima Clarke Adams Douglas wn Pierce 817 80,071 885 833 42,837 Wapato town VVashougal town Washtucna town \\ :iiei Wile town Waverly citv Wenatcheecity 648 482 Snohomish 2,i6l i 1,993 Chelan 451 ■in ! \\ illmr lim n . Wilson Creek town Lincoln Pierce Grant Cowlitz Clarke Yakima 595 Spokane 331 36,848 695 303 655 Snohomish 287 284 270 WEST VIRGINIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [District means magisterial district. For changes in boundaries, etc.,^bet\veenl900 and T 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 15,858 14,198 12,702 46,685 29,252 28,695 Barboursville district, including Barboursville Barker district, ineliidini; Junior town and 2,675 7Ag 1,481 425 311 101 m 435 1,770 723 1,286 l',0S8 250 250 288 250 2,050 1,696 2,006 739 21,999 2,400 430 430 1,725 2,840 907 4,266 837 33,208 1,702 31, 161 5,685 5,712 8,779 10,985 3,174 3,197 11,258 2,118 429 3,825 682 17,322 1,450 11,923 1 838 Total/or Bdiiiiilou cat/' in llmlurmid Valley 648 Guyandotte district, 1 " including Guyandotte 13,545 1,602 10,108 335 1,894 874 1,535 2,769 665 '912 1,517 2,443 378 •iliiet, iucluding Philippi city 2,763 3,224 10,266 Warff.. :::::::: :: Ward 4 Center district, including Grantsville town 1,951 1,280 1,495 1,620 1.171 1,328 1,784 282 3,104 1J924- 3,008 10,233 1,577 225 2,761 1,401 1,919 2,608 8,248 Valley district, including wards 1 and 2 of Bel- '. l,lrl Sherman district Washington district 19,469 18,702 1,928 1,844 2^433 2,596 328 1,908 2,d/,8 1,401 2,031 1,415 1,571 1,591 10,331 2,089 1,244 2,552 2,812 342 7,564 1,820 1,188 2,549 2,904 US 7,226 4,659 Buffalo district, including Ivydale town 1,904 236 3,034 392 l|938 1,494 12,672 1,034 r. . -,.,.:,■■.,, 2,781 339 1,194 1,750 1,489 13,689 ! : . :■: :. 'i! .',,,,■.■, h \< 1 i-i 0>, OttefdisTricT" Imrg city:* Pleasant districi . . . . 825 Ward 5 1,530 1,678 8,194 1,276 1,739 6,885 1,075 609 2,067 1,398 1J295 069 2,659 779 51,903 1,294 843 2,150 3^080 1,588 943 2,095 623 31,987 Mi't'lcllim district 1,466 1,896 2,673 295 1,619 2,677 23,023 1,503 1,295 1,751 l!l31 1,403 New Milton disiiii i 1,592 West Union district, including West Union 1,596 2,049 18,904 1,522 1,640 13,928 20,542 Falls district 0, 775 20, 605 671 761 730 1,153 494 764 210 1,533 697 7,790 1,888 413 4,489 1,030 399 no 3,388 3,331 315 11,379 1,597 '413 Birch district, including Frametowntown ' 163 5,242 166 284 994 1,121 2,356 6,955 ' 127 4,148 770 118 11,098 3,673 2,717 1 iv in Ml 11 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 In Jean, Hill Top. Kikvilie, Macdonald, Mount Hope, Oak lliH. o-den Cilv., and Holly district, including parts of Flat Woods 4,489 2,450 Total/or F/m U'i,i„1:< i„,e u "in Holly and Salt Hill Top town 263 747 864 2,557 4,974 276 276 2,468 3,662 Total for Sutton town in Holly "and Otter dis- Mount Hope town 351 Oak Hill town" Otter district .. iy town and 3,211 Kanawha district, including Montgomery and 6,078 1,594 4,235 1,090 : i: ill i'H.'ii 2,631 Powellton town 491 .;.:■■ 1, . ..■, : 7,219 6,660 5,123 109 3,180 3,360 3,648 Buffalo district, including Bethany village 2,316 433 4,593 2,031 4,189 924 911 1,036 1,318 2,003 245 2,628 2,347 Cross Creek 3,347 2,145 3,193 2,336 Ward A ! "• !'"-ill' district.. 1,974 » Returned In 1900 as In Barker district only; incorporated as a city in 1905. • Incorporated as a city in 1905. » Part annexed to Martlnsburg city in 1909. * Incorporated as a city and parts of Arden and Opequon districts annexec (558) STATISTICS OF POPULATION -WEST VIRGINIA. 559 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. e Reports of the Twelfth Gilmer County— Continued. Glenville district, including Glenville and I ,ayopolls towns GUnville town Lavopolis town 1 Trov district, including Troy town Grant County.. Union district, including Bayard t< Greenbrier County.. I'Mliicj Spring district , including Falling Spring konceverte city Ward 1 Ward 2 WardS Ward!, Irish Comer district. . . Lewisburg district, including Lewisburg town.. Lewisburg town Meadow I'.hlM ,1, arid.. White Sulphur district, including White Sul- phur Springs town '■■ ' . ■■/ ■ . \v illianishurg district , inch id iic: Wdhanisljurg Williamson Hampshire County Bloontery district, including part of Capon Capon Brni.n town i pun ,>i ,. Total for Capon Bridgi town in Htimmaij mi, I I ,inuil ilixiiid-:.. . Capon district, including Watson town and part of Capon Bridge tc~~ Capon Bridg- ' Watson town Mill Creek district Romney district, including Romney town Romney town >hi 'i man district Springfield district, including Springfield town. Hancock County.. Hardy County Capon district, including Wardensville tow Wardensville town Lost River district Moorefield district, including Moorefield t< Moore field town South Fork district 1 Incorporated in 1901 . 2,461 763 2,313 MINOR CIVIL I.IVIMMN. Harrison County.. (lark district, including Slc;ilo\ Height:; town and wards 2 and 5, and parts of wards 1,.'!, and 1 of Clarksburg city _..„ i Clark and Coal districts Ward l WardS Wards Ward/, WardB Stealey Heights town '■> ( lay district, including Shinnston town 2,978 ' 2," 257 Kngle district', including I uinberport town Lumberport town ' Eli disiiiet Grant district, including part of West Mil lord n Grant and (hi km districts is district ison district, including Bridgeport town Union district, including part of West Milford West 'Milford town (pari of) Jackson County.. Ravenswood town Ripley district, including Ripley tc Jefferson County Charles Town district, including Charles Town. . Charles Tmr n Harpers Ferry district, including Bolivar and Harpers Ferry towns Shcphordstown district, including Shepherds- Shepherdstown town Kanawha County Big Sandy district, including Clendenin town.. Clendenin town lf > Cabin Creek district, including Cedar Grove, Eastbank, and Pratt towns Cedar Grov, town " Eastba nk town Pratt town*...- Charleston district, 1 * including wards 1 to 9 of Charleston city Charleston city (pari of) Total for Charleston city 13 in Charleston and Loudon districts Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward8 Ward9 Ward 10 4,060 S,00H SSS 4,508 ■J, OS, 408 2,802 1,'ses 2,515 2, 123 1,321 1,727 1,470 1,650 3,751 740 2,281 3,757 5,487 15,935 15,853 6 Incorporated in 1903. ' Incorporated in 1907. 8 Returned in 1900 as in Union district only. 9 Incorporated as a city in 1905. 10 Incorporated in 1904. 11 Incorporated in 1902. 12 Part annexed to Charleston city in 1907. -""" is in Charleston district only; part of Charleston district 560 STATISTICS OF, POPULATION— WEST VIRGINIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is magisterial district.. For changes in boundaries, e e Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Kanawha County— Continued. 6,391 3,841 1,209 5,718 713 3,803 4,090 3,949 2,944 18,281 5,665 3,545 816 4,427 4,374 3,270 Marion County— Continued. Lincoln district, including Farmington and Worthington towns and part of Monongah 6,278 519 1,046 292 8,050 2,672 '782 190 5,171 2,147 2,391 32,388 4,082 Jefferson district , im hniin.u Si. Albans town 2,982 3,343 city 662 3,364 3,818 3,842 1,849 16,980 3,707 3,038 3,266 1,636 15,895 Mannington disi.iict., including Mannington city 7,350 1,681 2,636 Paw Paw 'district, including Fairview and 2,311 Lewis County Kiiv.willctown Union district, including ward 1 of Fairmont city 164 3,337 1,316 3,127 26,444 3,068 5,177 950 2,213 766 US 492 522 'ess 3,522 327 6S0 1,231 20,491 3,200 4,721 1,931 2,660 3,015 2,319 Marshall County Cameron district, 12 including Cameron town Total for I. ri House, Free- man! Or. 2,143 20,735 3,442 1,862 949 8,918 2,509 3,606 1,632 1,371 1,655 1,874 1,527 1,066 10,001 4,976 £,921 9,656 7,969 1,305 23,019 2,350 964 1,807 801 6,362 2,047 :.■:.'■ mi. i,| i ■■,■; ,!■, ;., Freemans Creek district, including parts of 4,564 26S 2,951 4,122 4,533 1,702 wards 1 and 2 of Weston town Total/oi 1/ 111 j 11 // Hackers Creek district, including Jane Lew 2 688 town and parts of wards 2 to i of Weston Jane Lew town 2 376 1,544 15,434 2,143 1,596 11,246 1,957 L580 1,300 7,688 4,511 1,466 6,986 4,661 1,479 24,142 1,979 Lincoln C ounty Sand Hill dislrirl 1,272 Carroll district 3,609 3,952 2,446 1,819 2,224 3,164 1,445 1,832 14,476 3,282 2,279 2! 364 1,327 1,365 6,955 2,702 1,523 1,455 999 943 1,559 981 1,084 » 11,101 Union district, including Benwood and Mc- 4,872 2,934 427 Washlngton di udslto3,and 3,136 2,013 1,614 Mason County Logan County 22,863 3,606 9,614 1,640 1.256 47, 856 2,531 3,272 m 1,152 18,747 2,000 2,746 Arbuckle district 2,365 3,841 286 1,567 240 2,085 1,780 358 '452 2,045 900 2,217 2,607 784 38,371 2,485 4,049 SO.', 1,760 260 2,480 1,987 616 2,518 2,628 i',9S4 2,117 Logan district, including Logan city Logan city * Clendenin district, including Henderson town. . Henderson town 3,124 Triadelphia district McDowell County 1,524 7,300 Leon village Cooper district Graham district, including Hartford City town. 242 2,385 2,124 9,221 4,791 17,018 2,047 1,630 1,526 7,240 5,642 600 165 426 3,944 42,794 Hannan distriri 2,236 Big Creek district 1,393 5,751 1,088 1,271 Lewis district, including North Point Pleasant Browns Creek district, including Keystone city, Kimball and Welch towns Keystone city e North Point Pleasant village* Point Pleasant town i',853 Kimball town 2 Welch town 44* 5,467 2,896 4,'i95 Union district Waggener district, including Mason town 2,452 2,769 904 23,023 2,316 3,362 Beaver Pond district, including Bluefield city . . . . 3,240 32,430 1,834 20,721 14,817 11,188 1,547 1,232 610 876 1,619 1,272 1,803 1,SBS 6,096 278 3,027 1,122 2,764 575 13,572 1,468 Cameron dls 8,221 4,W 11,780 656 7,564 9,711 2,147 2,145 1,083 2,603 1,733 4,885 1,039 2,084 uly. Hardee, Lee, 00. orporated as jrn district i 7,034 3,228 4,340 6,655 1,023 1,023 Total for Fairmont city in Fairmont and East River district, including Oakvale town 3,499 3,082 1,214 2,318 Grant district, including part of Monongah town. Monongah town (port of) Totalfor Monongah town in Grant and Lincoln 4,864 1,124 1,786 and Magnoli a city in 190 a 1904. 2,085 Plymouth district . iuHiniiir.' ' (liens town 1,848 i 1 in. 1 itn 1m ling Bramwell town 7,771 826 rict In 1905. 5,523 1 Returned in 1900 as In Charleston district o • Incorporated In 1907. • County total includes population (4,831) of taken to form Mingo County between 1890 and 1 < Name changed from Aracoma in 1907. Inc 6 Adkin district organized from part of Elkh a districts, r. 7 Incorporated In 1902. » Incorporated In 1908. • Incorporated In 1901. l » Incorporated in 1906. » Incorporated as a city in 1905. " Part of Liberty district annexed to " Incorporated In 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WEST VIRGINIA. 561 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. is magisterial district. For changes ii MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVn^IVlSION. 1910 1900 1890 16,674 12,883 12,085 57,672 1° 48,024 1° 41,557 Center district, comprising ward 5 and part of Total for H'/.< -Urii <•'////, <■„„, pilsm,/ train. Clay, Madison, Una, a, .>„,/ \i',hrl,r dis- tricts and pails nj Riidiii and Wastii nylon Cabin Run district Klk did riri . inr Indium 101k ilai dun town Elk Card, n town Frankfort district - New Creek district, including kevser and South 884 3,825 438 2,538 0,040 ■•8 827 2,597 1,807 4,038 2,5S6 815 3,294 1,488 3,337 2,165 4,992 41,61,1 6,742 4,582 3, 097 4,iSS 2,631 8,228 6,173 6, 755 5, 034 1,479 6,173 3, 392 7,947 6, 755 8, 759 1,455 'IjU 713 346 261 831 5, 508 7,701 1,038 6,652 5,867 9,349 (10) 38,878 (10) 34, 522 2,051, 19,431 2,814 2,115 800 11,359 2,230 915 ( 2 ) , ,!| .i ■ ■,■ ,.,■;,,■;;■■!,,, i (10) 1,385 (10) 1,737 » 707 l!306 2,940 5,077 1,302 2,090 2.301 3,020 2,490 831 Madison dislriel , comprising ward 7 of Wheeling Magnolia district, including Matewan city (10) Richland district - - l!l87 3,501 24,334 2,040 Kit! hie district, including ward 8 of Wheeling Triadelphia district, im hiding i .dgewood, Elm Grove, Leal liei wood. I'ai u a am, l'leasant, Vallev, Triadelphia and \\ lsdale towns. .. 4,782 19,049 15,705 3,404 768 123 694 2,270 1,173 2,797 m 2,415 2,495 11,031 9,150 965 2,235 1,750 2,700 1,500 S18 1,553 13,055 2,700 1,444 3,149 180 2,551 2,152 5,350 2,452 1,495 2,827 180 2,352 2,118 2,973 1,011 'anion district, comprising ward 4 and part of (10) Mm gen dish id .<• including Morgan town cil vand (10, Washington disirici . iucliidine 1' nllon lown and ward 1 ami part oi ward 'J of Wheeling city U ebster district, cuinprising part of ward 6 of (10) 9,167 1,637 13,130 1,488 12,429 1,149 1,521 1,701 200 1,646 1,478 1,854 8,074 1,121 1,491 1,605 205 1,651 1,434 1,865 9,345 Monroe County ( in 1, all u hi( t 1,370 Red Sulphur district, including Peterstown 3,043 257 1,754 2,292 2,137 1,901 298 1,928 7,848 3,148 167 1,072 2,323 2,005 2,104 256 1,818 518 7,294 2,845 i'r.inkli't district, including Franklin town 1,545 1,568 1,352 1,575 2,183 , 1,755 2,030 348 6,744 1 limn dislriel. including Cnioii town 7,539 Wolf Creek district, including part of Alderson 959 1,190 791 1,123 1,005 2,406 1,358 14,740 1,214 1,415 953 1,281 1,901 2,581 815 8,572 1,066 Washington district, including St. Marys city. St. Marys city l:i 1,296 520 1,148 '864 2,312 725 773 713 022 17,699 1,088 1,815 781 2.187 693 710 710 11,403 1,529 id , including Berkeley Springs town. . 6,814 I'M ray district, im hiding Marlinton town ilarliulon loim h 4,150 1,045 6,128 496 390 1,407 o,055 181 190 26,341 2,678 171 2,496 Cacapon district, including Taw Faw town 2,070 772 812 576 874 9,309 Greenbank district, including Cass and 1 >ui bin 1,177 2,221 204 Little Revels district, including Hillsboro vil- 1 leaver district, including Richwood town 0, 356 3,061 1,155 2,048 2,055 2,820 1,462 201 1,803 2,205 1,085 1,110 2, 106 1 , 235 1,516 1,452 1,247 1,787 | 991 1,360 1,274 i.'scs 22,727 20,355 Grant district, including Brandonville and Summersville district, im hiding Summersville 2, 123 96 116 2,090 80 2,193 Wilderness district Bruceton town South Morgantown towns) annexed in 1901. 28407—12 36 8 Incorporated in 1907. s Incorporated in 1901. 10 County totals include population (38,878 in 1900; 34,522 in 1890) of Wheeling cite, returned independently. 11 Exclusive of population of Wheeling city. ' 2 Incorporated in 1902. is Incorporated as a city in 1901. 562 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WEST VIRGINIA. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [District means magisterial district. For changes in boundaries, ei Preston County— Continued. Total for Tunnelton towni in King and Reno districts Lyon district, including Newburg town.. Pleasant district Portland district, including Terra Altatc Itcno district, including Hon lesbian (own and part of Tunnelton town Rowlesburg town Tunnelton town^ (part of) Union district Vallej ih-.tri-.-t. including Ma si m I own town and Reedsville village Masontown town 2 Reedsville village 3 Putnam County.. Union district , Raleigh County.. Clear Fork district Marsh Fork district Richmond district Shady Spring district... Randolph County.. Tucker County. Whitmer town ■:■,.■ J:. and Mill Creek towns Huttonsville town Mill Creek town ' Leadsville district, 10 including Elkins city and Harding village Elkins city" Wardl Wards Ward 3 Ward 4 New Interest district, including Montrose village Montrose village Roaring Creek district, including Womelsdorf Womelsdorf town Valley Bend district Ritchie C ounty Clay district, including Ellenboro and Penns- Ellenboro town'' Pennsboro town 2,766 S64 3,409 840 3,248 2,334 1,060 3,357 1,411 17,670 2,135 1,629 B CIVIL DIVISION. Ritchie County— Continued. 1I1 aid, district, including Cairo town. 1 11 id and Pullman tc Harrisvillc town . . :., including Auburn, Harrisvillc, Roane County.. Walton district.. Summers County.. Hinton city.. Hinlon city '•' .. WardS Wardl, Green Sulphur district Jumping Branch district... Taylor County... Booths Creek dial rid . . district mid parts of Court h WardS Ward 4 WardS Fetterman district,'* including part of ward 1 of part of ward 1 of Grafton city. . 1,172 I Knottsville district. . Tucker County... Black Fork district, including Parsons city and WardS Closer district Davis dish ict . including Davis tc e Dry Fork district, Randolph Thomas tc Licking districi St. George district, including St. George town.. 2,871 2,430 I S00 I. 2,737 7, BBS S,6B0 S,1B9 2, 982 1 2, 585 2,495 1,647 i,707 4,672 4,346 1,293 ' 1,303 1,119 3,159 « Incorporated as a city and part of Leadsville district (South Elkins town) ai 9 Incorporated in 1903. a town) annexed to Grafton city in 1903. STATISTICS OF POPULATION- WEST VIRGINIA. 563 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890—Continued. is magisterial district. For changes in boundaries, e e Reports of the Twelfth MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 1910 1900 1890 Tyler County 16,211 18,252 11,962 Wetzel County— Continued. Granl dislric i , including Pino Grovound Smilh- 6,872 4U 765 3,119 4,897 627 2,176 2,304 9,047 5,901 Centreville district, including Centreville town.. 1,372 US 3,424 546 5,425 2,684 1,442 217 16,629 1,720 150 '408 5,829 2,979 3,607 1,877 1,626 253 14,696 1,445 3,184 Ellsworth disiricl, including iliddleboume 3,442 3,750 3, 702 632 1,089 2,987 10,284 2,461 Lincoln .lisirici , in, hull ii- SiMcrsx illc city 1,796 469 2,363 1,533 Magnolia disuici , including Brooklyn and New Union disiricl , including Friendly town 12,714 1,705 901 1,959 674 627 1,490 1,"201 1,164 38,001 1,873 1,054 2,238 657 686 1,639 1,290 1,504 34,452 3,508 4,507 2,225 681 2,623 2,321 1,201 2,409 24,081 3,201 l',SS9 2,577 2,542 1,403 isnckhaiiiiiiii disiricl, including Buekhannon Irii/.abeth diUrict, including Elizabeth town... 2,193 2,316 2,115 1,239 2,336 23,619 2,124 1,941 1.418 2,112 18,652 1,517 1,762 1,796 2,794 20, 361 17,842 1,955 2,505 S,662 3,189 3,060 782 1,278 1,511 1,002 1,891 2,083 1,731 1,760 2,821 10,392 2,147 2,171 2,904 14,903 11, 703 Butler district, including Cassville town 4,907 457 4,428 1,215 549 666 992 2,025 4, 693 3,458 4,570 SS4 9,680 4,888 4,453 Parkersburg district, 6 including Parkersburg Ceredo district, including Ceredo and Kenova 4,681 1,279 '923 10, 697 8,408 863 1,972 3] 060 4,692 407 8,862 1,589 3,144 2,015 3,847 361 4,783 I men disii id. indihlinc Fairview town 1,163 2,295 1,994 2,396 2,287 2,192 Webster County V\ alker districl Williams district, including Williamstown 2,253 Fort Lick district, including Addison town Addison toirn ( Hito'n Sprtuas P. 0.) Glade district, including tauulen-on-Gauley 2, 397 600 3,991 263 SIS 1,490 1,802 23,855 1,856 297 3,874 1,416 1,460 8,380 Camden-on-Gauley town ' 257 1,588 1,544 22,880 1,094 813 16,841 Baileysville district 1,119 1,698 2,122 334 1,227 807 1,764 129 1,655 945 1,196 1,794 Marl, crs 1 1 ii Ige district (.'cntei di-liici, including 1'ineville town 867 1,404 1,158 744 1,652 187 891 Cciilcr disiricl, including Wiley ville town 2,489 m 2,529 557 1,645 712 2,526 2,472 Church district, including Hundred town 2,29i 261 1.723 2,240 i Incorporated in l '."mo. * Incorporated in 1903. 7 Incorporated In 1901. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910. 1900, AND ] CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 Adamston town Harrison 1,200 1. 500 | i H 229 . 1,030 575 . 199 . 1,432 1. 655 . 2,161 1,481 '864 433 438 j 204 11,188 687 ! Bram well town Mercer 1,458 96 577 627 : 116 J 2,225 384 500 : 770 ! 668 263 1,660 ! 213 . 496 457 679 113 1,215 2,662 22, 996 825 68 464 632 80 1,589 364 Addison town (Webster Springs 297 518 (Greenbrier \Monroe Roane 603 1,090 Mercer Ritchie Summers Cabell Marion Raleigh I"""!!! r.uil"alo village Putnam 238 ::::::::: McDowell Braxton liiirusville town 429 . 540 . 342 430 . 4,511 781 . 245 1. 464 180 . 4,644 781 ! Bayard town 964 BocklcN- city 158 Hampshire Pocahontas Wayne Kanawha Tvler Wayne Jefferson Kanawha Belington city Barbour Marshall Morgan Brooke Randolph Monongalia Mercer Jefferson Cass town § ,,,, ..,.,". , , Cassville town Cedar Grove town 156" 1,279 2,392 11,099 343 "i'J75 804 Bolivar town Charleston city 6,742 5(54 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WEST VIRGINIA. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY, TOWN, OK VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 3,184 1C5 9,2C1 815 312 2, 015 390 1,455 674 438 5,200 204 9',7U 782 384 270 671 284 2,031 163 102 200 217 1,038 1,086 281 330 7,563 282 1,702 1,300 105 766 608 358 120 640 761 181 3, 050 557 31,161 422 251 236 327 190 992 3,705 2,047 730 1,630 800 } JJ 144 240 712 1,640 656 2,921 561 1,153 295 2,672 1,045 '784 520 546 740 837 2,084 Montgomery town 1,888 112 646 9,150 8,918 494 1,807 2,176 823 452 425 764 278 129 210 17,842 1,780 713 725 930 257 1,038 2,054 474 334 346 2,045 413 306 3,027 230 1,081 208 313 3,061 591 190 1,112 2,157 936 1,209 245 1,358 2,169 1,533 190 1,070 1,224 '765 681 1,224 135 318 511 697 204 1,121 1,126 2,354 315 261 144 792 298 123 11 1,526 4,189 212 779 2,213 41,641 338 650 134 120 3,561 1,139 291 665 831 292 1,594 Clark town" McDowell Webster... 257' 2,391 057' 581 2,010 Randolph Hardy Monongalia Clarksburg city CU'iuli'iiiii town Coweu town 3, 008 Moorefield town : Morgantown cii.v „ Moundsvilleeity ni * Mount Hope town -: • New burg town ^ 460 1,895 351 2,198 1,080 751 495 1,011 Davis town fi-il'in town East bank town Foeahontas Kanawha Ohio Hancock ""•/.mh 778 Elizabeth town Wirt Mineral 723 McDowell Elkinscity - Klh'iibiiro town Elm Grove town Fairmont city Randolph 0:1k Mill town 70S 5,655 594 1,023 Marion Wyoming 187 11,703 618 407 361 ■ Greenbrier 693 738 167 665 2,115 Favette 413 Braxton Braxton Greenbrier Pendleton Tvler Ohio Braxton Randolph Favette Gilmer Taylor Calhoun Cabell Tucker Randolph Randolph 138 205 253 Wyoming 180 1,934 503 1,853 1 'on ill ton town Kanawha 398 5,050 1,450 3,159 1,074 ■ . ■ .■ 1,502 300 579 164 580 968 652 816 152 825 746 dllage 896 472 515 109 342 304 317 3, 703 261 11,923 240 958 361 446 Hampshire Greenbrier Ritchie Kanawha 448 Pleasants Pocahontas Hillsboro village (Academy P. 0.) Pocahontas Summers 166 2,570 i,184 535 2,979 1,515 10,108 207 Randolph 737 143 Hampshire Monongalia Randolph 335 2,536 1,088 2,165 223 864 616 2,126 McDowell McDowell 700 /Randolph 148 479 256 152 18 442 187 623 2,560 38, 878 Ohio 123 250 509 444 242 Greenbrier Watson town (Capon :-> O.). Hampshire McDowell 2,235 1,465 427 Doddridge Marion 1,681 171 7,564 904 908 While Sulphur Springs town Greenbrier Randolph Pocahontas Berkeley 7,220 1,029 Greenbrier Preston Mingo Tyler Randolph Cabell Marion Williamstown town Wiufield town WomcNdorf town Wood'.dale town Worthington town Putnam 338 403 Randolph 582 1,786 548 WISCONSIN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [For changes In boundaries, etc.. between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Adams County.. liig Flats ti CoTOlllll t„< Jackson town. Leola (own. . . kichlicld to Ashland County.. Ward.5 Ward 6 Ward7 WardS Ward 9 Ward 10.... Ashland town *. Butternut villag Gordon town . . . Jacobs town '... La Polnte town Marengo town 8 . Mellen citv 9 Wardl Ward 2 WardS Morse town "> . . Sanborn town " Shanagolden to\ White River tov La I'ointe India Barron County.. Barron town Bear Lake town " Cameron village.. Cedar Lake town ' Chetek citv Ward 1 Ward 2 Chetek town 21,965 20,176 2 20,063 016 11,594 1,346 1,417 1,294 736 1,002 1,155 1,225 1,223 1,031 1,165 555 717 330 1,408 193 500 1,833 684 648 601 193 325 239 1,982 29,111 13,074 9,956 709 1,507 1,210 231 1,270 292 1,277 :::::::::: 1,023 1,270 627 23,677 15,416 1,081 874 1,449 713 1,493 829 US 915 864 400 394 707 531 340 829 531 406 950 1,079 819 692 1,209 1,322 479 n 1890 and -t of Butternut town i ' Tarts taken to form Marengo t of Morse town annexed in 1909. s Parts taken to form Butternut village in 1903 -and V-emla 6 Incorporated from part -* " ' Shanagoldf ~ '— 1908 and part of Mellen city in 1907: in umn and r f Butternut tc n urga.iized I mm part of Jacobs tc n port of Ashland t< 6 Organized fr 9 Incorporated from parts of Ashland and Morse towns ir city in 1907 and par t taken t om part of Sanborn t< i and Prairie Farm to ii part of Oak Gro '5 Part taken '« Organized " Parts take 1902, and 1900. respectively. n parts of Clin vn organized fi_ ■ganized from part of Cedar Lake town in 1! form part of Arland town in 1905. 28 Organized fr ,.. 29 Organized from part of Port Wing tc 30 Parts taken to form Cable town in 190-i ami part of Barnes town in 1903. ' : ' < . :■ ■ ' ■ : i.i '■' .... |. town in 1909. s 2 Organized from part of Iron River town in 1907. 3! Parts taken to I man Orient ;i ami On hi (owns in 1904, Hughes town in 1907 parts of Port Wing and Barnes towns in 1901 and 1903, r '8 Dallas village incorporated from part of Dallas town in 1902. | led from part of Cumberland town in 1906. 21 Parts taken to form Prairie Farm village in 1900 and part of Arland town in 1905. B Incorporated from part of Prairie Farm town In 1900. !, respec Pratt t< n in 1904. s taken to form Eileen town and Washburn citv in 1904 and Barksdale ra in 1907. |" County totals include po] rtofOneida (565) 566 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.) MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Brown County— Continued. Glenmore town.. Green Bay city.. Ward 6.... Ward ;.... WardS.... Hobart tc Holland town How aid town town Lawrence town New Denmark town Pitt, field town 2 Preble (own 1'ulaski \ illage - (part of) Total for Pulaski viUmji and Shawano Ojunlin Rockland town Buffalo County.. Alma city Ward. I Wardg WardS Alma town Belvidere town. Buffalo city Buffalo town... Canton town... Cross town Dover town Fountain Citv.. Ward 1. .'.... Ward? Gilmanton town Glencoe town... Maxville town.. Milton town Modena town... Mondovi city... Wardl WardS Mondovi town.. Montana town.. Naples town Anderson town 3 Blaine town « Daniels town s Dewey town » Grantsburg town ' Grantsburg village Harrison town 8 Jackson town 9 La Follette town " .- Lincoln town « Meenon town 12 Roosevelt town 6 Rusk town 6 Scitt town 8 Swiss town " Trail!- Lake lawn West Marshland town " Wood River town '& 1 Organized from Oneida Indian Reserve 2 Pulaski village incorporated from part ' Organized from part of (iranlsbnrg tow * Organized from part of Meenon town ir 9,026 ' 7,478 4,393 09G 1,414 801 505 1,088 1,447 is organized from parts of Rusk tt Calumet County.. II ilbert village New Holstein town "'• New Holstein village ' Rantoul town Stock-bridge town " . . Stockbridge village" . Woodville town 1,400 1,424 1,350 2,022 497 .. 1,893 1,349 1,987 " " i ," 735 1,299 1 , OSti 1,948 Chippewa County IS Auburn town 2 ' Bloomer town Bloomer village Boyd village Cadott village Chippewa Falls city.. Wards'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Wards Ward 4 WardS Ward e Ward 7 WardS Ward9 Ward 10 Cleveland town Colburn town " Delmar town *-* Holcombe town 20 Howard town m Lafayette town Now Auburn village 21 Ruby t( Clark County. A bbottsford village. Beaver town. . 1,398 1,986 1,282 1,019 1,797 1,514 911 2,387 098 1,413 1,860 1,313 1,400 West ward. Colby town Dewhurst town *s . Dorchester village 2 Eaton town Fremont town Grant town Green Grove town. Greenwood city. . . Hewett town II ix ion 1 pari of) in 1908. PitUiHd town in 1910. 3 in 190.5. 1903; part taken to form Swiss town in '•> Organized from part 01 Daniels town in 1901. " Name changed fiom '.lar:;l land in Pin:-;. Pari taken lo lor m West Mmslilajid wnlnl905. » Parts taken to form Blatne and Jackson towns In 1903. 1 5 Organized from parts of Daniels and Grantsburg towns i: village incorporated from part of V — T village incorporated from pail of Slur f inn 1 miu< (now Rusk I Countv ii '» County totals include population 1 l.:isi in I'.inii: 1,381 in 1890) of Big Bend, Dewev, flambeau, Lawrence, and Strickland m,vn:s. iakento form Rusk County since 1900. so Holcombe town organized fro. a pari of Arthur town in 1905. a New Viikurn village incorporated from part of Auburn town In 1902. ss Ruby town organized from p.n i of '. 'oil an n I own in 1900. 23 Delmar town organized frr nl of town in 190:1. rom part of M _„ .. " Parts laken to form Withee and Owen villages In 1901 and 1904, respectively. Incorporated from part of Mayville It STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. 567 Table 1.— POPULATION OP MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changos in boundaries, etc., botweon 1900 and 1010, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Clark County— Continued. Longwood town... Loyal town Loyal village Lynn town May ville town 2 ... Mead town Mentor town Neillsville city Wardl Ward 9 WardS Owen village 8 Pine Valley town.. Reseburg town Seif town «. Sherman town . Sherwood town Thorp town . . . riioi'i> \ iii:L','f'.. Unity t( "-tyv Toll , thon Counties.. Warner (own Wcsion town * Wilheo town \\ it hoe village 7 Columbia County.. Arlington town Caledonia town Cambria village Columbus city Wardl Ward 2 WardS Columbus to wn Courtlaud town Dekorra town Doylestown village 8 Fall River village » Fort Winnebago town Kilbourn City village. . Leeds town Lewiston town Lowville town Marcellon town Newport town Portage city Wardl Ward? Ward S Ward 4 WardS l'oy nette village Randolph town ." Randolph village (west ward) Toltl for Randolph pillage in Columbia and Dodge Cov nties East ward West ward Bio village Scott town Springvale town West Point town Wyocena to\ MINOR CIVIL D Wyocena village 10 i Part taken to form Dewhurst town in 1902. 2 Pait taken to form Dorchester villaee in 1901. 8 Incorporated from part of Hixon town in 1904. ■,.■:■■ ; ',-■'. .■ s Returned as Sherwood Forest in 1900. ■' ! in . \ illaei i i li- : »>i n i" I innn | 'i, , , ;' ' ..■ 'Incorporated from part of Hixon town in 1901. "Doylestown villaee incornorated from part of Otseco to' 9 Fall River village incorporated from part of Fountain l'n i" Wyocena village incorporated from part of Wyocena to' : lllo.e |'( •' ' l pel ■■Mir 1 Crawford County. . 310 Bell Center village " Eastman village « ... 084 Freeman tow n . - Gays Mills village u Lynxville villaee \l.-irie.iia town " I'rairie (in Chiencity.. Uticatown 28 : Wauzeka town... ; Wau/eka village.. Black Earth town 2I Blael; Karlb village!:' Blooming drove town - 2 Blue M ounds town Bristol town Brooklyn village 28 (part of) Total tor Brooklyn village in Dane and Green Counties Burke town Cambridge village 21 Christiana to wn « Cottage Grove town ( Iross I ' I a ins town De Forest village » Deerfleld town Deerfield village Dunkirk town lie,,/ 7.. Ward 2.. WardS.. i Viui' 4. . { Wards. Ward 6 Ward! WardS Ward 9: Ward 10 Madison town 28 Marshall village « . . 274 870 3,149 322 1,262 3,232 243 1,300 3,131 520 797 1,115 -607 595 1,004 1,200 680 602 1,079 1,197 (18) 1,400 513 1,548 576 471 69,435 1,389 916 77,435 59,578 1,474 422 924 372 1,590 385 934 796 1,516 319 1,003 742 1,520 943 1,120 1,119 1,048 1,268 999 1,449 1,093 1,236 1,230 1,129 1,643 1,306 1,243 830 2,401 1,307 1,206 933 280 2,379 1,305 1,103 1,161 991 533 1,396 1,145 1,104 515 1,536 1,155 1,235 338 1,406 1,113 971 25,531 1,1 'Si 2,77S 1,489 2,407 1,004 19,164 958 13,426 4,840 2,640 2,601 2,4S8 1,092 1,705 1,567 919 460 917 929 954 493 902 1,484 1,550 448 1,034 1,393 1,433 829 1,048 888 712 1,037 1,313 737 997 864 881 697 1,050 1,453 817 932 841 595 996 1,501 889 1,073 1901, respectively. s taken to form parts of Gays Mills and Bell Center villages In 1900 and village in Clayton town n Middloton town 28 Middleton village » Montrose town Mount Iloreb village - Oregon town Oregon village Pleasant Springs town Primrose town Roxbury town '5 Incorporated from part of Eastman town in 1909. " Incorporated ironi paris of Clarion and Ciica towns ia 1900. i ; Part taken to lorm part of Bell Center village in 1901. 18 Part taken to form pi Bin 1900. I.e ill ■■■!. : , ..... ., , . . .,i i ■ ■' ■ 11 ! ol !■>' o.i ■.. i i ,,a'i -i •■:< 'Oil: . ■. .':■. ■■■ ■ ■ !'■ '■" Black I i led from part of Black Earth town 2- Fair Oaks village incorporated from part of Blooming Grove town made independent in 1907. 28 Incorporated from part of Rutland town in 1905. -' Cambridge village incorporated from part of Christiana town in 1! -■'• Incorporated from part of Windsor town in 1903. 28 Part of Madison town annexed to Madison citv in 1903. - ; Marshall \ illage incorporated from part of Medina town in 1905. 28 Middleton village incorporated from part of Middleton town in 1! 568 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1310 1900 1890 MINOKCim™*, 1910 1900 1890 Dane County— Continued. 1,052 1,010 1.039 4,701 1,049 1,297 1 1,050 1,108 3,431 1,222 1,120 1,111 2,470 Dodge County— Continued. 2,217 '496 \. 1,067 \. 2,067 3,185 Total /or H'aupun city in Dodge and Fond Springfield town Ward 1 Wards Ward 1 Vermont town Verona town Vienna town Waunakee village.. Dodge County.. Beaver Dam city.. Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. Ward 3. . Ward ',.. in,,-./,;.. Ward 6.. Ward ,'.. WardS. Beaver Dam toi Burnett town. . Calamus town . Chester town . . Olyman town. . l'Yix Lake U Herman tow - WardS Hubbard town Hustisford town Hustisford village. . Juneau city Lowell town Lowell v ill age May ville city , Ward! WardS WardS , Neosho village 3 , , Oak Grove town Portland town Randolph village (east ward) [For total, see Columbia County.] Reeseville village Rubicon town » , Shields town Theresa town Theresa village Ward 5.. Ward 6. . Westford town.. 1; Williamstown to 1,329 Baileys Harbor tc 1,303 1, 433 355 1,429 2,170 8,437 1,761 1,304 2,30,", 1,472 2,249 8,765 604 959 WardS Ward 6 Ward 7 1 Part taken to form Brooklyn village in 1905. 2 Pari taken lo form De Forest village in 1903. 3 Neosho village incorporated from pari ol [,'ubieon town in 1902. * County totals include population (2,271 In 1900; 554 in 1890) of Nebagamon town, taken to form Bennett, Haw li.nnie, Highland, and Solon springs lowns, and Lake What:, moo village since 1900. ■' Organized from part, of IJrulc town in Kin;; pail laken lo lorn-, Lakeside town in 1910. « Organized from part of Wliagamon (own in 1907. ' Parts taken to form Amnieon lown in mm; and ','aple town in 1907. 8 Parts taken to form Wascott town in 1910 and part of Summit town In 1907. * Incorporated from part of Nebagamon town in 1907. 1,410 581 1,031 1,423 902 1,119 876 1,529 1,301 1,578 4,262 1,503 673 1,106 527 641 903 47,422 1,287 557 1,364 785 1,185 913 1,550 1,349 1,607 3,372 1,085 609 Claybanks town .laid; son poll lown 817 Nasewaupee town Sevastopol town 1,057 1,313 Ward4 585 863 t 36,335 620 643 560 448 159 483 188 613 451 463 271 40,384 3,059 2,517 4,782 7,747 4,m 6,136 5,152 2,062 3,392 2,413 515 25,260 1,125 403 31,091 Ward 4 1,445 Dunn C unt- 25,043 732 701 319 1,173 1,314 653 302 413 752 5.036 1,081 953 1,163 1,839 1,083 Liow niiig village I8 1,410 1,347 812 501 Lucas lown 885 5,655 705 5,491 >o Organized from part of Amnieon town it ii Organized from part of Brule town in 19( '2 Organized from part of South Range tow " organized from part of Superior town I n in 1910. Colla-- •, iilage llieoiporaled from pari ol Collax lown ill 1 "> Lieorporaied Irorn pai i ol 1 ilfaiiv lown in 1909. '■' Llk Mound villa';c meorpoialed from pari of Elk Mound ti 2 » Incorporated from part of Stanton town in 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. 569 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Dunn County— Continued. Menoinonie New Haven Oiler Crock Peru Alto town. . Ashford town Auburn Byron town Calumet ton Camphellsport village Eden town Kldnrado Empire Fond du Lac city. Wardl Wards Wards Wardi Ward 5 WardS MINOR CIVTL DIVISION. Fond du Lac County— Continued. Fond da Lac city— Continued. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward IS. Ward IS. Ward 14. Ward IS. Ward 16. Fond du Lac Lamartine Marshfleld town Metomen North Fond du Lac village Oak-field : . Oak-field village Osceola tow Ripon city. Wardl WardS Ward S. Forest County 9 . Caswell town 12 Crandon city l3 Crandon town 1 - :asli\ ille town " North Crandon town 18 Wabeno town 12 Ward /.'. WardS.. Ward 4.. Boscobel tc Cassvilie town Cassville village Castle Rock town Clifton town Cuba City village Ellenboro town Fennimore town Fennimore village Glen Haven town Harrison town Hazel Green town Hazel Green village... Hickory Grove town. Jamestown town Lancaster city M Ward 1 . . Ward S. . WardS.. Ward 4.. Liberty tc Little Grant town. . Marion town 6,782 ■o 1,396 » 1,012 21G 1,833 440 706 370 351 557 1,877 39,007 ■9 38,881 " 36,651 1,006 1,207 1,257 031 630 587 620 611 587 1,637 1,570 864 416 400 S46 152 2! 138 21122 602 643 569 890 979 886 674 681 1,031 1,055 1,074 967 636 682 828 814 766 795 807 1,159 1,035 616 772 819 883 839 992 1,020 1,264 1,160 1,123 621 442 426 ♦ 668 686 798 948 978 961 2,329 489 S69 2,403 1,543 6S8 643 825 870 881 922 1,051 1,040 522 566 668 545 566 573 12 Organized from part of Cavour tc - ^n 1903. n 1901; part taken to form part of Laona 6 North Fond du Lao village incorporated from parts of Fond du Lac and Friendship towns in 1902. 7 St Cloud \ illase inenrpnraled from pari i.i' MarsliTiold 13 Incorporated from part of Crandon town in 1909. 11 Parts taken to form Norlh Ciandon, 1 1 iles, and Nashville low ns in 1901, 1903, and 1909, respectively, and Crandon city in 1909. « Organized from part of Crandon town in 1903. 16 Organized from parts of Caswell and Wabenn towns in 1903. 17 Organized from part of Crandon tow n in 1909. 18 Organized I'nini pari oi < randon tow n in 1901. "County totals include population (1,059 in 1900; 1,746 in 1890) of that part of Lancaster toTi outside of Lancaster city, taken to form North Lancaster and South Lancaster towns since 1900. 20 Boscobel city made independent of Boscobel town in 1906. 21 Exclusive of population of Boscobel city. 22 Made independent of Lancaster town in 1901. 570 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. Table 1 — POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued . u boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 M, N R C.V ILD ,™. 1910 1900 1890 251 558 709 714 440 798 580 762 4,452 i,4U 1,268 968 80S 851 1,241 464 877 924 846 734 749 433 976 21,641 268 627 671 793 454 743 197 467 640 779 555 605 22,497 1,315 317 1,036 642 230 1,791 640 708 54S '603 1,462 1,096 265 1,250 580 1,282 2,925 794 928 616 1,076 1,024 1,269 436 329 745 437 621 731 8,306 23,114 1,363 22,117 1~479 1,435 1,341 610 1,865 1,722 Wardl 792 660 3,340 778 690 2,740 WardS 1,540 997 1,642 913 956 Ward!, 3 879 1,568 434 923 3 947 4 2, 110 w 1,295 1,353 543 1,564 2,991 1,399 462 2,' 694 966 854 438 918 22,719 934 488 913 495 786 82,732 1,131 1,142 1,368 406 I'ulaski town, ii including A\oca village 1,239 1,126 990 811 619 669 1,517 711 806 812 272 222 1,057 1,128 561 802 1,121 900 4,410 1,134 1,005 1,165 1,106 671 099 627 708 859 726 088 876 15,491 854 699 797 1,584 851 1,461 722 791 6,616 Wardl 1,188 1,205 219 1,277 73 '311 1,825 893 2,449 17,075 Brooklyn village 5 (part of) [For total, see Dane County.] 246 1,240 1,226 650 917 1,184 966 3,927 1,363 1,507 1,319 685 915 1,278 1,101 3,768 1,631 2,934 17,466 Albion town 1,613 869 417 1,917 475 441 328 673 895 333 822 650 705 706 714 853 862 280 864 403 731 1,029 984 34,306 1,723 1,192 942 559 761 1,245 966 407 841 1,180 isi 1,938 2,261 1,021 909 768 1,036 15,797 1,135 906 818 1,009 15,163 812 323 898 706 715 785 775 899 878 342 696 1,532 739 408 Berlin city (wards 1, 3 to 5, and par! of ward 2) Total f or Bi. Ii» nlij ,:i Grim Like and Waa- 4,636 825 1,276 940 683 912 779 956 1,153 563 741 8S8 997 712 975 1, 269 516 4S4 4,448 4,489 4,118 4,U9 1,026 928 34,789 801 8 953 1,288 450 770 912 1,001 706 872 1,123 1,202 626 645 767 8 1,076 1,343 204 816 l'024 475 812 1,167 986 751 585 ];■■ \ ill;}-'- '-' 998 516 1,026 3,' 877 947 90S 1,147 1,313 606 1,236 1,853 3,043 Mar W m village Marque! (c town Fort Atkinson city Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 1 Organized from part of Lancaster town in 1! 6 Ne V GlaruS vill:r.'< i... : ,! .,, in r.ul ; fireen l/i'-p village nm le i'id<';>endonr of I'.rooklvn town in 1900. 8 Exclusive of population oi Unvii Lake village. 9 Name changed from Dartford in 1907. Made independent of Brooklyn town '6 Anderson t< ,; Organized from part of Vaughn town ii i* Organized from part of Vaughn town ir STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. 571 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Jefierson County— Continued. 1,231 2,582 646 649 694 693 1,728 425 1,332 1,672 482 607 683 1,195 1,147 1,198 724 649 1,214 489 880 1,220 6,524 1,368 19,569 1,069 1,374 2,584 1,060 1,491 2,287 Kewaunee County— Continued. 1,347 1,125 1,402 l)235 1,441 402 1,430 (174 1,352 1,367 43,996 1,402 1,334 1,482 1,773 1,250 1,693 1,216 1,181 Luxemburg town « Ward 4 1,729 1,766 1,547 748 1,307 1,622 42,997 1,475 1,387 1,499 1,053 1,331 1,271 1,287 789 716 1,239 555 965 1,137 6,267 1,563 20,629 1,054 1,439 1,168 790 567 1,323 539 976 862 6,506 1,091 17,121 38,801 Bangor town Bangor village 682 692 510 1J63 959 1,778 657 1,300 1,053 30,417 1,554 1,297 1,507 1,571 1,192 1,*84 1,547 2,723 1,455 1,656 1,293 1,002 1,180 1,557 1,494 1,007 2,087 1,961 1,202 1.056 692 1,146 346 542 258 986 1,020 793 840 20,075 659 633 548 1,076 1,078 '729 1,427 1,090 28,895 639 499 670 Sullivan town". 1,810 Y\ atertown city (wards 1 to 4, and 7) La Crosse city Ward 1 25,090 714 473 463 312 1,729 800 929 98 901 565 502 234 1,091 991 543 468 275 418 1,701 714 987 1,810 1,054 1,074 635 608 829 745 959 1,277 789 32,929 801 432 531 377 354 225 274 Ward 3 Ward J, WardB :: ;;; Ward 7 1,413 Ward 8 201 956 609 939 1,174 1,036 576 572 Wardll 744 510 648 211 1,075 957 444 495 Ward 1 2 Ward IS Ward 14 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 418 1,718 391 1,343 1,368 1,587 Ward 1 Nceedah town, including Necedah village 1,821 1,209 1,014 2,242 1,708 990 Onalaska town 1.041 1,084 764 725 20,959 1,030 Shelby town Washington town 1,003 561 867 812 1,015 1,407 811 21,707 469 829 697 980 1,211 619 15,581 \\ e! t Salem village Ar letowni 858 054 532 931 052 482 643 1,808 855 953 1,117 843 1, 120 308 273 903 705 1,003 496 567 079 1,121 265 954 1.580 1,419 762 509 848 546 4S9 573 838 1,215 21,371 1,62 L 1,741 6,084 3,718 S,964 1,312 1,608 2,320 3,217 950 1,820 1,788 861 16,784 850 1,151 11,006 926 1,071 6,532 J .!■'■ '■] Pen Ion village 414 1 1 n '111 l\ ill ill 1 t Ward 4 Ward 1 WardS 9 1 > 156 837 1,217 335 685 507 313 1,122 779 1. 250 818 1,776 784 1,846 2,044 832 17,212 871 1.046 658 1,493 1,632 752 16,153 Gratiol village 783 1,393 2^082 461 1,382 239 1,196 1,738 1,384 1,015 11 7S6 1,200 337 1,678 1.170 Willow Springs town WardS :::::::::::::::::::::: • Incorporated from parts of Aztalan and Farmington towns in 1903. » Incorporated asacity in 1905. ' Lyndon Station village incorporated from part or Kildare town in 1902. « Parts of Pleasant Prairie town annexed to Kenosha city in 1902, 1900, and 1908 and parts of Somers town annexed in 1901, 1902, 1906. and 1908. » Parts of Pierce and West Kewaunee towns annexed to Kewaunee city In 1907. a Darlin, ._.. '-' Kxelusi\e of populaiion of Darlington city. 10 Shullsburg city made-independent of Shullsburg tc " Exclusive of population of Shullsburg city. 572 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS:, 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued, n boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 17,062 12,553 1 9,465 Manitowoc County— Continued. 1,578 550 1,255 '575 4,850 832 676 1,339 1,110 1,125 55,054 1,770 428 1,248 1,385 632 3,784 867 7,190 1,09S 1,572 987 1.750 '475 012 1.060 1,115 1,050 525 1,041 366 190 19,064 582 374 1 726 5, 145 4.-124 1,556 607 2,870 'Iwo i:i\erscity Wards 1,120 352 144 117 173 793 700 571 '301 161 16,269 175 Ward4 ; WardS Two Rivers town Marathon County Alliens village "> 1,087 43,256 153 502 30,369 904 654 1,005 408 444 458 1,165 689 252 1,053 865 758 746 779 894 220 267 043 985 463 1,298 1,096 901 592 570 1,063 130 1,145 857 656 441 1,147 1,322 942 1,118 560 889 760 1,153 763 '254 16,560 2,128 1,255 1,113 2,686 1,877 2,639 2,088 1,635 1,134 741 1,419 444 233 085 270 552 1,078 599 310 12,008 1,034 1,060 213 821 987 735 478 568 786 [For total, see Hark County.] 816 417 583 430 199 8,689 1,019 695 1,004 1,953 759 1,213 535 926 964 292 2,907 584 659 974 295 44,978 567 339 347 8,537 6,809 I-Ymvouii village 1n.V 2 Incorporated from part of Pound town in Kic.'i. 3 Incorporated from part of Peshtigo town in Minj. s taken to form 1 city in 1903 and Athelstane, Beaver, and Lake n in 1903. Part taken to form Coleman village in " Parts of Greenfield town annexed in 1903 ai .■,!■■> ,, 1 ,. ,'.,■!,. annexed in 1900, 1902, 1900, 1909, and 1910. ■> Part taken to form East Milwaukee village in 1900 and part annexed to Mil- e Name chaneed from Crivitz in 190.5. 7 Montello village incorporated from part of Montello to? '■ - village incorporated I'roni part of Neshkoro tc " Part taken tc . . waukee city in 1903 and 1910 . li Part annexed to Milwaukee city in 1908. 18 Incorporated I'm in p " County total inelud ?turn?d separately ir '"" 20 Part taken tbfo 2i Breed town orgs. '-"- 1'arts taken to form Morgan lown in 1H02 and Pulaski village in 1910. " Oillett village incorporated from part of Gillett town in 1910. M Organized from part of Chase town in 1902. 574 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. Table 1 — POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] s CIVIL DIVISION. Oconto County— Continued. Oconto and Shawano Counties.. Oneida County*. i 'assign (own s Crescent town' Enterprise t( Hazelhurst town » Little R ice town i° Minoequa town, 12 including part of Lac du of).. Total for Lac iln J-'lamluan lndia-i lUsnui- tionin Ondda and Vilas Counties Monico town " New I lold town Pelican town " I 'ioiii (own is Pine Lake town is U hinelander city Herri /.. WurdJ.. Wards.. Ward -'-.. Wards Ward6 Sohui'pke towns'. Sugar Camp town is. . Three Lakes town ".. \\ oD.ll.ioro town is Woodruff town i" Outagamie County.. Appleton city Ward 1 . '. Ward 2.. Hard;;.. Ward 4.. Wardo Ward6 Black Creek Imrn =' . Black Crook \ iiiagc, "■' Bo vina town 22 Buchanan town ivnir-i town Dale town Deer Creek town 2* . . Ellington town Freedom town Grand Chute town... Greenville town Hortonia town Hortonville village... Kaukauna city Little Chute village... Mnino lown Maple Creek town ' Oconto Falls vi u 2 Incorporated from part ol _. .._ si irganizod from pari of \ rmsl , 010; l< 1,154 494 1,768 1,585 897 868 MINOR CIVIL D Outagamie County— Continued. Waupaca Counties.. ■> Organized from parts of I '.■] i.nn and \\ oodboro towns in 1903. s Enterprise town organized from nart of Sehoopke town i " "" ' ~ "o form parts of Cassian and Minocqua to respectively. 'o Organized from part of Lynne town in 1909. » Organized nam point \\ oodboro town in 1902; part taken to form Little Rice town in 1909. » Organize"] Pom pari of I (azi-linusl iown and territory taken from Vilas County in 1905; pari la I an I o form \\ oodi oil I own in 1905. •a Organized from parts of Pelican and Three Lakes towns in 1900; part taken to WardS Oneida town » Osborn town Seymour city Ward 1 Wardt Shiocton village ~ . . Ozaukee County.. Belgium town Cedarhurg city Cedai lung town Fredonia town Grafton iown (..rail. m village Meipioii iown i'ori \\ ashington city Ward I . Ward 2 . . Ward 3 . . Ward 4 . Port Washington town. . Saukville town Ward 1 Ward 2 Durand town Frankfort town.. Lima town Pepin town Pepin village Pierce Count 22,079 23,943 252 476 1,226 1,005 1,004 L171 210 1,038 337 1,155 748 305 936 351 283 302 1,797 1,991 194 818 435 544 506 1,481 1,052 1 li ami', v 'li." < 670 1,084 1,378 1,182 447 1,187 1,277 1,201 1,002 1,850 2,008 Total Jar Rim; Full- aiij in fiaxc and Si. 1,783 Ward 4 1903 and 1905, 1900. is Organized from parts of Monico and Three Lakes towns in 1908. " IMne Lake low, gnni/ed i,mo pari of Sugar < amp lown in 1905. | ; Name changed from (Pigen in 1909. Parts taken to form parts of Monico and d parts of Cassian and Crescent "Organized from pari 01 A! inoeipai lown in 1905. 20 County total- include population ( I .mi'.,' in P.11K1; 92:) in IS'.ini of that part of Oneida Indian Reservation in Oulagamie County, taken to form Oneida town since 2 ' Black Creel: village incorporated from pail of Black Creek town in 1904. -- Shioololl village me li pnmieii iiom pari of I'm', ina I own in 1903. incorporated from part of Deer Creek t( r n organized from part of Kaukauna *"' '-"' ' M gani/cd from Oneida Indian Keen ait ion (pari of) ii. ■'■ i-'oM <•!.- hull 1 1 \ill- Pioniporaied from part of Stockholm t< 27 Bay City village inc., mm si. d from part of Isabelle town I 29 Incorporated from pari of spring I al e iown in 1905. 29 Incorporated from part ol Union town in 1909. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. 575 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1S90 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Pierce County— Continued. River Falls town Rook Elm town Salem town Spring Lake town ' Spring Valley \ illage. . itt )ple River town „ alsam Lake town 3 . . Balsam Lake village 3 .. Beaver Black Brook town.. Bone Lake town Clayton village 6 Clear Lake town Clear Lake village.. Farmington town.. Frederick village 8 .. Garfield town Georgetown town.. Johnstown town Laketown town Lincoln town Lorain town Luck town 7 Luck village 7 McKinley town St. Croix Falls town*... ■ ' Sterling town West Sweden town 6 Portage County.. Amherst town Amherst v illage Belmont to wn Buena Vista town Carson town Dewey town Eau Pleine town , Grant town Hull town Lanark town Llnwood town New Hope town Pine Grove town Plover town Rosholt village 10 Sharon town Stevens Point city Wardl WardS WardS Ward 4 Ward 5 Stockton town 1 Part taken to form Elmwood village in » Part taken to form Plum City village ii ' Balsam Lake village incorporated from part of Balsa °* "-oix Fa it Sweden ti 7 Luck village incorporated from part of Luck town in 190.1 8 Millto'vn village ii part of Milltown t< 1,001 809 1,580 962 565 ! 1,611 885 399 1,274 2,218 8,692 2, 225 9,524 1,940 7.896 :;::::: ;:::: 1,991 1,899 1,698 Lake town in 1905. 5 population (895) of Stever MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. Kennan village 's . . Knox town Lake town 17 Ogema town Ward 1 WardS WardS Prentice town... Prentice village.. Racine County.. Burlington city.. Wardt, Ward 2.. Wards. Ward 4 Burlington town.. Caledonia town... Corliss village' 9 ... Dover town Mount Pleasant t( Norway town Racine city Wardt Wards WardS Ward 4 WardS WardS Ward 7 Wards'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Ward 10 Ward 11 Raymond town... Richland County. . Akan town Bloom town Ikienu Vista town Ca/.enovia village 2 ' 371 373 249 219 105 857 157 191 520 96 709 972 775 1,820 Henrietta town Ii hat a lown Lone Rock village Marshall town crinii inwn ■ 1 i Center city.. Wardl Wardt Wards R ich wood town 1 3 Organized from part of Lake town in 1902. " Harmony town organized from part of Georgetown town in 1907. "" -~d Kennan village inl< 1,261 1,361 1,104 797 1,006 1,119 1,003 1,1, V! 833 1,151 1,140 1,143 916 1,193 . .j-n in 1910. s Point, town, annexed to Carson, Eau Pleine, Hull, ami Linwood towns between 1S90 and 1900. "■» Rosholt village incorporated from part of Alban town in 1907. 576 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes In boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] Richland County— Continued. Rockbridge town.. Sylvan town... Viols ■" Counties . . Westford town i . Willow town... Wards Beloit town Bradford town... Center town Clinton town Clinton village... Edgerton city. .. Wardl Ward 2 Wards Evansville city.. Wardl WardS Wards Fulton town Harmony town. . Janesville city... Wardl Wards Wards Wardlt Ward 6 Janesville town.. Johnstown town. La Prairie town. Magnolia town... Milton town K... Rock town.!!^ Spring Valley t( Atlanta town Big Bend town... Bruce village 5 Dewey town Flam beau town.. Hawkins town Ingram village 6 ... Ladysmith city 5 .. Lawrence town... Marshall town Rusk town Strickland town.. Triieruwn ■ .ion town v. eyei liauser village 7 . Willard town.. St. Croix County.. 1,417 1,112 13,185 1.235 976 1,422 St. Croix County— Continued. Erin Prairie town.. Forest town Glen wood city Wards Glenwood town Hammond town Hammond village.. Ward 1. WardZ Wards Hudson town i .iimicUimic town .Neiv Uielj Lie! cli \ Wardl WardS WardS Pleasant Valley town '■■ H'll .:<:::. mil River Falls city (ward 1) [For total, see Pierce County.] Rush River town Stanton town 8 Star Prairie town s. . Star Prairie village s. Troy town Ward 1 . Ward ' Ward 3. Bear Creek tow Dellona town. . Del ton town... Excelsior town. Fairfield town. Franklin town. Freedom town . Honey Creek town Ironton town LaValletown La Valle village Merrimac town Me i> •■ illaye ortl i reedom village.. :• in .'.«■ in\. I' . . Prairii du Sac village Reedsburg city Wardl Wards I, 'mi it n -ii \ village \\>.HIieM in vUnfieM lev Woodland tc Sawyer County.. Lenroot town " r adisson to wn " Reserve town is including Lac Court d'Oreilles Indian Reservaiiim Ijir i ■u'./i .' ■ fill, ■■ '; e//"e ):< o. ' .' Sand Lake town Is Weirgor town u Winter town ' 5 820 440 844 190 758 844 404 3,259 1,656 890 388 2,885 849 679 1,631 593 614 1,408 426 720 158 529 826 181 2,225 "i,'204" ' 8 3,593 i "1,977 a Orfordville village i r * Name changed from Gates in 1901. 5 Incorporated in 1901. » Incorporaied in 1907. in 1905. Organized fr "Parte tal - n i. i ii i , i li mi Iuhim i- m« 1 1 ike, and Winter tc and Lenroot town in 19(10. '3 Organized lion pari of i lav ward town in 1909. » Organized from pai I ol I layward town in 1905; parts taken to fori and Weirgor towns in 1907. " Organized from part of Hayward town in 1905. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. 577 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Shawano County 31,884 27,475 19,236 Taylor County— Continued. 452 167 402 429 1,478 203 1,846 670 480 696 1,408 137 782 1,018 572 210 1,173 22,928 394 333 389 308 1,331 855 '660 274 1,067 816 678 351 368 1,140 1,314 350 1,497 1,138 713 1,234 '868 710 479 971 197 911 627 2,923 1,161 1,075 728 1,072 1,044 947 1.090 1,583 538 54,888 700 1,200 567 307 785 475 463 680 086 1,028 731 1,758 923 308 1,169 1,037 792 131 1,026 784 1,394 112 1,698 1,094 1,442 1,111 1,469 1,111 1,814 1,379 853 620 749 1,400 1,060 23,114 413 930 400 243 816 18.920 785 2,587 1,212 486 866 332 963 495 319 2,159 1,395 973 1,553 664 835 548 1,203 1,655 719 899 535 1,042 703 28,116 1,126 2,641 1,273 438 938 345 963 495 2,488 (For total, see Brown County.] 1,105 515 1,128 350 1,505 723 1,322 940 1,242 846 1,969 '862 1,773 630 786 472 1,209 '767 1,152 609 600 28,351 Hale town 1,566 '798 1,255 376 50,345 658 726 Menominee In. linn Uis<>r\ :ii inn (part of) [For total, see Oconto County.] 1,811 42,489 1,584 498 499 1,599 1,913 2, 175 1,847 1,742 969 884 380 3.094 1,997 1,415 408 1,183 444 1,331 26,398 3,708 2,0^5 1,602 4,271 8,156 1,875 4,044 5,697 ljea 1,630 1,489 13,641 327 464 1,689 1,940 2,551 1,949 1,732 974 1,690 1,998 2,874 1,921 1,697 1,012 25,111 810 1,318 1,177 1,184 291 269 1,205 1,249 '848 1,101 906 1,076 804 1,462 831 654 437 304 515 813 1,177 343 794 245 2,059 670 655 734 1,787 1,129 902 571 829 1,184 1,264 1,214 1,324 2,257 1,503 300 1,250 1,237 1,077 1,027 1,070 1,108 1,182 785 1,548 874 488 539 298 403 907 1,187 [For total, see Crawford County.] 1,398 1,356 '437 1,432 22,962 1,612 439 1,473 16,359 Sheboygan city 1,400 [For total, see Monroe County.] 2,181 1,690 1,301 1,S13 1,078 11,262 1^677 1,118 1,736 1.044 9 6,731 sunk town 849 195 1,950 !■"• Mi-- ■ ■■, :,•; : i:md County.] 583 528 611 305 918 195 106 787 231 775 230 613 1,862 1,123 524 914 1,092 573 Goodrich town » ■ 863 : in 1910. 2 Eland village incorporated fiom pari of Bimamwood town in 1904. s Cecil village incorporated from part of Wasliin. 1 * Gresham vilb'.v mccpnraleil from part of Herman town in 190S. * Mattoon village incorporated from part of Hutchins town in 1901. Wescott town organized from part of Richmond town in 1901. 7 Oostburg village incorporated from part of Hoi 8 Random Lake village incorporated from part of Sherman town in 1907. * County total includi 1 1 of Pine Creek town, taken to form E « Goodi" ', . ., .!.'■! . , ,. ;■■■ I . independent in 1902. 15 Organized from part of Aurora town in 1905; part taken to form Taft t< 28407—12 37 578 STATISTICS OF POPULATION-WISCONSIN. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 6,019 J 4,929 23,784 23,689 1,502 237 1,141 161 1,101 617 864 934 79 29,614 1,618 1,632 1,272 1,086 1,263 1,805 2,982 1,804 1,178 1,278 1,660 765 1,352 1,615 538 1,432 1,239 2,462 824 8S5 778 37,100 1,810 1,260 1,200 1,461 1,937 1,632 1,356 1,501 2,026 ra ' Ling part of Lac du .■...',- ■..■." .■■-'.■ . i .: ■ ' : i / . V ■ TFor total, see Oneida County.] 661 1,354 1,760 851 679 1,554 1,617 549 1,572 1,391 2,119 29,259 27,860 432 776 1,249 2,450 778 916 903 925 673 1,707 664 668 686 1,142 709 894 779 3,079 948 775 1,356 1,201 1,261 686 1,050 879 1,007 917 928 '755 . 3,224 1,888 1,030 722 8,196 1,314 1,371 2,244 1,197 1,218 2,038 1,513 677 1,406 843 35,229 1,731 1,447 Brookfield towi 2,132 1,346 734 1,432 728 2^384 919 1,572 831 615 1,318 1,584 3,054 663 1,431 '925 934 1,800 749 1,185 1,231 8,740 1,857 l',S81 1,018 1,330 968 32,782 2,174 1,250 744 324 1,481 629 1,510 2,178 687 1,530 1,263 1,303 1,191 1,073 924 2,585 933 844 2,297 1,443 2,058 1,082 1,298 1,127 945 1,126 931 1,018 2,003 854 '799 1,160 878 L004 972 1,372 1,349 1,579 2,880 2,729 1,330 883 1,708 714 1,275 1,307 7,419 3,405 4,359 2,077 806 12 5,521 849 12 2,926 457 245 220 298 141 124 352 536 581 349 902 1,453 413 302 166 435 904 394 1,015 31,615 Bear Creek town 1,200 869 1,747 842 992 283 1,743 465 305 632 671 839 1,257 904 1,653 891 1,013 270 1,522 425 263 453 518 804 238 118 406 1,575 734 1,087 575 145 Trego town ™ :::::::::::::::::::::: Iolatown 1,315 1 Part annexed to Oneida County in 1901 : pai i of E 'orest County annexed in 1905. 2 County total includes p.ipuhiion i l,:i.V>> ••; \liii,„.',p];, town, par; annexed to Oneida County and part taken to form Flambeau town since 1900. 3 Part taken to form part of Presque Isle town in 1907. 4 Organized from part of Eagle River town in 1907. * Parts taken to form Conover, Farmington, and State Line towns in 1907 and part of Hackley town in 1905 and part ounrxc.J lo Pips, pie I sir lawn in 1909. ■";'■■' : ' ' | ,M ,1 , im, PI If I ,,;,,, ,.,! rr '1,1 i ,,i i and territory taken from Forest n 1902; parts taken to form " Organized from p:>,i <>l Spring Crook town in 1904. a part of Shell Lake tc Organized from parts of Arbor Vitae and Flambeau t( " Parts taken to 'orm Barronettand Evergreen ti tively, and part of Chicog town in 1902. "• Organized from part of Chicog town in 1904. n 1907 and part of ' ■ ,»'., I il ..II lli, LI . I P I l! !,"> 'I Dl M a Parts taken to form Spooner village in 1903 and parts of Chicog and Trego awns in 1902 and 1904, respectively. 25 Incorporated as a village from part of Spooner town in 1903; incorporated as a ity in 1909. 26 Name changed from Veazie in 1904. Parts taken to form Gull Lake and Stin- ril l.uwnsin 1904. 2' Organized from part of Spring Brook town in 1904; part taken to form Stone n 1905 and 1910, respec- 28 Organized from part of Stinnett town 29 Name changed from Mills in IP"" ' towns in 1904. 3° Mukwonago village incorporated from part of Mukwonago made Independent In 1905. from parts of Chicog and Spooner STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. 579 Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. [For changes in boundaries, etc., between 1900 and 1910, see footnotes; for those between 1890 and 1900, see Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Vol. I, Table 5] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Waupaca County— Continued. 850 1,321 869 1,010 1,248 820 798 880 906 2,563 1,323 1,187 • 924 355 1,186 2,789 810 70S 688 688 941 967 648 18,886 558 1,398 939 1,096 1,421 744 602 867 956 2,202 1.272 '921 320 1,309 2,912 Winnebago County— Continued. 1,016 1,285 33,062 1,480 2,430 1,700 2,237 2,823 3,111 2,029 2,129 3,477 2,202 3,265 4,694 1,920 662 1,427 855 97J. 704 940 865 30,583 1,163 1,358 28,284 1,430 932 1,016 1,137 350 470 860 1,040 1,198 1,004 1,142 Wardl ^. [For total, see Outagamie County.] 1,153 2,127 1,812 742 1,652 1,018 1,041 746 1,042 970 s 25,865 960 579 911 497 15,972 964 546 706 1,030 13,507 e 18,127 936 50 1,131 977 404 710 510 742 972 011 716 784 723 976 1,521 555 785 808 1,408 696 964 551 62,116 1,025 41 1,256 827 543 656 1,163 934 31 1,278 723 573 453 660 Arpintown' 811 1,055 297 243 282 123 302 6,521 649 964 671 912 1,056 723 677 1,056 856 149 Si 783 1,192 471 1,068 1.445 709 -849 1,184 1,570 450 272 96 82 513 758 419 717 701 1,035 559 449 651 1.470 595 [For total, see Green Lake County.] 959 241 4,493 826 654 658 826 921 728 1,046 731 623 707 799 459 912 591 823 827 653 848 1,000 573 577 541 796 704 825 1,128 5,240 Warren town".. """i:: '.".".' "V." 3,450 Wautoma village < Wild Rose village 3 58,225 60,097 881 1,025 745 634 701 S90 071 1,125 6,081 l',4S9 973 1.982 _ 654 i,ste ~'sso 519 908 840 778 1.161 5,589 757 837 1,170 4,581 1,161 _ 646 095 708 571 823 1,040 416 976 618 1,483 1,118 Ward 4 j 533 990 939 538 1,028 908 1 Hancock village incorporated from part of Hancock town in 1902. - Redgranite village incorporated from part of Wan 3 Wild Rose vill i;,'>- inci'rporati'd from parts of Rose and Springwater a 1900 and made s Part of Oshkosh town annexed to Oshkosh citv in 1906. 6 County totals include population (774 in 1900; 322 in 1890) of Vesp o form Arpin and Hansen towns since 1900; and population (1,435 ir ralia city, annexed to Grand Rapids city between 1890 and 1900. 7 Organized from part of Vesper town in 1901. s Cameron town organized from part of Marshfield city in 1903. 1 'I rimui'.l ". ,-,..,■.■.,!...,.:.:..,,,., ,,■..■ form Hiles town in 1902. 12 Organized from part of Dexter town in 1902. IV.ii:; M.', ' in 1903. Incorporated from part of Port Edwards tc 15 Part taken tt 16 Part taken tc » Parts taken to form Cary t< n and part of Dexter town in 1901. 580 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR VILLAGE. County. 1910 1900 1890 dTVOBVXLL.OE. County. 1910 1900 1890 947 444 2,082 1,011 417 487 824 659 274 7,196 16,773 1,212 603 11,594 904 297 1,405 436 584 279 692 '317 1,449 252 6,758 216 422 532 15, 125 652 678 516 479 1,917 643 1,204 620 1,525 527 684 998 1,517 458 } 362 222 565 255 3,212 717 765 657 507 473 650 568 890 392 351 498 1,777 301 829 1,530 8,893 220 498 897 1,747 230 436 701 2,523 291 525 1,833 967 3,691 1,445 443 430 797 1,738 1,201 Dallas village Barron 342 290 1,808 431 4,477 } 331 533 2,450 1,791 319 259 1,503 339 707 673 233 18,310 746 2,513 308 319 302 499 1,707 '585 1,729 283 2,061 891 678 360 1,159 220 18, 797 3,877 1,031 851 511 305 276 973 557 709 610 954 818 6,521 721 368 25. 2oli 563 665 350 408 510 2,982 728 621 1,096 572 804 265 1,881 863 2,810 615 664 360 850 13,894 2,582 425 1,003 4,717 477 184 21,371 625 1,839 1,244 1,170 413 332 698 1,015 1,428 1,808 Lafayette Kewaunee 4,038 387 515 2,244 1,865 Alma Center villa e De Soto village (Crawford Eau Claire 721 905 558 367 5,145 15,085 1,273 805 451 438 Walworth Shawano Downin villa e Langlade Outagamie Trempealeau Lafayette 4,424 11,869 659 Columbia 1,458 324 Waukesha Milwaukee Walworth 13,074 9,956 Marathon 241 1,256 406 631 1,187 278 482 Eau Claire Eau Claire Marathon 17,517 478 2,192 El-nd villa e Shawano La Crosse 633 5,751 499 4,605 Trempealeau Sheboygan Walworth 464 1,052 1,493 829 5,128 4,222 '270 1,864 509 10, 436 546 475 319 378 6,315 4,149 Waupaca Lafayette Fair Oaks villa e Dane Lafayette /Green Lake \ Waushara Eau Claire Eau Claire Columbia 947 1,035 Black Creek villa e Outagamie Fenwo d villa e Marathon Fond du Lac 15,110 3,043 1,031 890 1,938 438 573 811 611 1,637 674 663 855 1,584 2,261 Trempealeau Lafayette Chippewa 631 587 1,570 545 660 582 1,461 Frederick villa e 263 Chippewa Fond du Lac Trempealeau 862 Brillion villa-e Genoa Junction village Walworth Marathon 1,789 478 4,493 612 335 18,684 450 708 i lion \ illage Ozaukee 434 246 1,702 Rusk 410 Lafayette Buffalo city 254 2,526 2,043 Green Lake Chippewa Columbia 840 561 524 Cambridge village 1 ,;.,■ . . St. Croix Waushara Washington Waukesha 404 388 Cameron village. Barron 432 225 • 1 city 1,632 629 442 497 785 1,296 Fond du Lac Hartland village C h 11 510 979 426 886 751 Richland 461 Sheboygan 327 1,626 1,361 Dod-e 1,376 913 3,259 540 630 Outagamie 531 1,460 8,094 1,424 8,670 Chippewa Polk Trempealeau i, .... Polk 527 871 1,653 558 13,185 2,584 1,466 10,836 Waupaca /Clark 667 " 891 5,115 460 (Marathon Marinette na city Outagamie Monroe 4,667 Kendall village Columbia 2,349 1,977 Kenosha city Kenosha 11,606 679 1,773 1,134 6,532 3 villa e Ra in Washington Kewaunee Manitowoc Columbia 557 1,216 636 1,366 1,328 497 Milwaukee Barron 961 Cumberland city i,2i9 Knapp village STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. 581 County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR VILLAOE. County. 1910 1900 1890 La Crosse clt La Crosse 30,417 654 421 2,352 3,079 1,072 483 2,329 580 1,354 1,044 529 497 318 677 383 402 275 274 130 25,531 337 820 13,027 656 14,610 798 892 459 5,783 1,701 2,282 1,846 1,833 6,081 919 5.036 625 312 679 250 833 373,857 2,925 1,325 4,410 1,104 558 671 482 1,048 615 798 1,054 5,734 1,957 1,570 304 • 379 364 708 839 1,074 \ 3,383 1,988 1,960 647 1,860 502 522 3,054 1,427 1,285 1,146 380 712 449 634 33,062 548 28,895 488 38G 25,090 745 649 987 1,972 397 1,975 749 1,948 450 723 4,452 305 3,094 758 3,792 5,440 464 656 3,149 699 „368 606 936 1,269 | 436 38,002 } 937 408 515 1,521 2,015 550 352 329 5,637 1,018 3,968 '437 704 3,739 } 1,991 383 309 569 867 355 538 1,109 879 2,923 26,398 1.630 902 536 '667 6,092 3,973 362 1,453 730 972 2,675 253 237 8,692 328 204 343 4,761 763 l|ll9 40,384 345 741 728 3,419 2,907 535 442 4,850 616 716 788 333 Columbia Walworth 2,585 1,387 2,297 1,053 407 Marinette Waukesha 714 1,820 634 728 3,340 2, 403 543 1,068 492 512 333 645 1.543 462 380 736 Outagamie Columbia AVaushara Grant 304 Sheboygan 2,257 3,010 5,459 434 633 3,232 656 Luck villa e Porta e cit Columbia 5,143 Kewaunee Columbia Crawford Marathon 322 200 19, 164 304 744 11,786 528 16,195 602 706 243 13,426 343 350 7,710 258 11,523 470 475 Prairie Farm villa e Barron 939 1,002 1,202 Waupaca Manitowoc Marathon Marinette Waupaca Green Lake Green Lake 29,102 738 Racine Randolph village (Columbia 5,240 3,450 Sheboygan 403 1,718 1,815 902 1,758 1,343 1,165 1,034 1,193 Waushara 2,225 428 393 Manitowoc Winnebago Waukesha 5,589 687 5,655 8,537 739 350 4,581 422 5,491 6,809 639 4,998 Rib Lake villa Tavlor 3.002 2,321 Columbia Fond du Lac 479 3,818 2,008 Ri on cit Polk Milton village Rock 1,783 Milwaukee city Milwaukee 285,315 2,991 1,208 3,927 204, 468 2,694 503 \St. Croix Fond du Lac Polk 622 810 320 549 745 Marquette 876 627 559 657 864 467 407 427 Waupaca Washington Marathon Outagamie Walworth Montfort village 432 Marathon Seymour city 1,026 945 1,863 22,962 1,301 733 Sharon village Waukesha 743 1,209 5,954 2,104 745 605 1,708 L936 Sheboygan Sheboygan Washburn Outagamie Lafayette 16,359 1,118 Necedah village Juneau Winnebago Clark Shiorton village Neillsville city ekoosav age ''''I'Uii'ir" en \- 3,392 3,555 1,393 Neosho village Milwaukee Monroe Marathon Washburn Neshkoro village Marquette Chippewa S encer villa Juneau (Outagamie \Waupaca St. Croix Fond du Lac Sauk Milwaukee Monroe Fond du Lac Waukesha 1,014 2,742 1,631 990 2,050 1,408 621 1,021 2,387 Chippewa North Fond du Lac village 485 1,049 357 316 9,524 7,896 Norwalk village ~ ~ Vernon '""2,'880" 5,646 "5," 729 5,219 3,431 2,470 Marathon 3,372 938 31,091 355 723 2,840 2,291 326 3,784 520 704 Omro village Winnebago La Crosse Monroe 1,358 1,368 389 1,232 1,587 11,983 Onalaskacity Ontario village 'Huge Clark 723 Oostburg village Sheboygan ' : r Shawano ---g-j-- 697 595 T In Rock Polk Winnebago Trempealeau Trempealeau 466 28,284 472 22,836 Manitowoc Racine Oaseo village Union Grove vlliage 432 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WISCONSIN. 2, POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLAGES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890— Continued. CITY OK VILLAGE. Walworth village... Washburn city Waterford village . . Waterloo village Watertown city — Wausaucity Wautoma village.. Wauwatosacity.... Wauzeka village... Welcome village... lUnlield. . Havine .ll'lliTSOil . . Waukesha... Waupaca.... Marathon . . . Waushara... Milwaukee.. Crawford Outagamie.. Weyau wega village Waupaca Weyerhauser village... Hum WliitclMi I lav village Milwaukee Whitehall village , Trempealeau.. Whitewater city Walworth V. iimeeoilnc \ ilia", t" - Wiliuelia'ju... Withee village Clark Wittenberg village ; Shawano Wonewoc village j Juneau \\ riajiisiown village I Brown Wyocena village Columbia 1910 1900 1890 2,462 1,458 840 2,119 725" 524 • 1,296 542 .967 911 7011 600 3,405 703 3,224 4,359 510 940 400 1,042 '""i,'086 1,090 525 425 798 811 420 726 619 476 WYOMING. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. MINOR Cmi DIVISION. 1910 > 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Alban Count 11,574 | 1 13,084 » 8,865 Carbon County— Continued. 1,892 117 229 93 80 620 557 270 172 811 421 49 891 190 49 6,294 1,050 634 634 315 District 1 , Sherman District 2, Tic Siding 115 j ! 200 1 110 1 1 1,943 1 ! 8,237 8,207 6,388 District 7, Carbon," coextensive with Carbon District 4, comprising ward 1 of Laramie city . . Total for Lara ink' citij coiiti iisict with dis- 1,140 Disl lict <\ Elk Mountain, including Elk Moun- 3,276 3,018 171 135 924 Disl ricf 5, comprising ward 2 of Laramie city. . Distrirl.o, compii ang ward 3 of Laramie city. . Dislrict 1 1 , Saratoga., including Saratoga town. . 3,018 141 194 264 60 240 123 47 23 114 62 123 57 87 154 224 145 153 53 130 150 109 203 28 138 248 959 Dlslriel 1 1, l olli!is,l'i including tnlr pin. ui District 11, Rock River, including Rock River 635 57 38 13,337 "1 Douglas district, including Douglas town 2,929 2,246 672 1,674 671 596 1,432 414 666 6,492 District L9, Sybtlle ::::::::::::::::::::::: 734 491 180 3,137 ! i ■ i < ■ i ■ ; . M ■ . ■ : 1 1 . ■ , i i . . « 2,338 Precinct 1, Sundance, w coextensive with Sun- 281 281 420 311 226 151 171 560 216 220 163 158 54 953 328 418 448 383 163 109 158 14 53 37 178 108 11,822 294 294 424 199 117 198 49 522 8,886 14,328 274 234 296 154 335 1.419 763 258 868 207 194 99 317 157 274 74 419 400 964 699 672 574 547 W i:. .. r,.ii 179 55 261 140 136 100 151 112 86 :■.,-, in 17 Districl 29, including Byron town Precinct 26, Moorcroft, 30 coextensive with 82 5,357 '- 2,463 11,282 » 9,689 2 6,857 District 1, coextensive with Lander town 1,812 1,812 250 286 1,833 S19 588 2,232 1,614 4,474 ! 2,880 4,266 ' 2,317 127 128 699 437 195 1 96 737 2,235 Districl 2 Districl .",, Medicine Bow, including M'edicine 373 ' 286 127 1 District 6, including Thermopolis town ThermopoJis town Medicine Bow town* 299 'No comparison of population can be made; county since 1900. 2 Not returned by districts in 1890. 3 Incorporated in 1909. and 27 and parts of districts 12, 13, and 21 taken Snake River, since 1900. i° Returned as district 7 in 1900. u Returned as district 6 in 1900. 12 Incorporated in 1900. 13 Returned as district 14 in 1900. " Returned as district 12 in 1900. 15 Incorporated in 1901. is Precincts 1 ami 2. Sundance, relumed as Sundance precinct in 1900. i» Preeinct 21, Cold Springs, organized from part of precinct 4, Inyan Kara, in 1902. »> Precinct 7, TTay Creek, and precinct 8, Deep Creek, returned as Hay Creek precinct in 19(10. a Returned as part of precinct 7, Hay Creek, in 1900. Part taken to form pre- cinct 27, Colony, in 1909. » Returned as part of precinct 12, Keystone, in 1900. Part taken to form part of precinct 24, Bertha, in 1904. » Precinct 11 , Horse Creek, precinct 12, Keystone, and precinct 20, Trail Creek, returned as Keystone precinct in 1900. Part taken to form precinct 25, Croton, in 1906. *« Precincts 16 and 26, Moorcroft, returned as Moorcroft precinct in 1900. Part taken to form part of precinct 24, Bertha, in 1904. » Precincts 17 and 18, Gillette, returned as Gillette precinct in 1900. »« Returned as part of precinct 17, Gillette, in 1900. Part taken to form precinct 23, Felix, in 1904. "Organized from part of i.rec me t I* . ulette, in 1904. M Organized from parts of precinct 20, Trail Creek, precinct 11, Horse Creek, and precinct 16, Moorcroft, in 1904. "Organized from part of precinct 12, Keystone, in 1906. *> Returned as part of precinct 16, Moorcroft, In 1900. 81 Organized from part of precinct 8. Depp Creek, in 1909. 85 No comparison of population can be mStfe; Cot returned bv districts in 1900 and 1890. (583) 584 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WYOMING. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890- 1110:1 n olcclion district and olection for those botw. 'en Us 1 . HI anil l'.mo. see. Reports of the Twelfth Census: 11)011, Vol. 1, Table a.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Fremont County— Continued. 1,459 ISO 6O4 112 483 1,202 1,565 3,453 Park County 36 4,909 292 2 133 409 207 87 178 2,003 1,132 155 228 154 16,324 Lost Cabin town 1 : :..: Districts (part of) District 13 (part of), including Meeteetse Wind River Indian Reservation' 1,961 2,361 « 2,357 Cody town* District 24 District 25 Precinct 1, Piney 181 205 739 1,868 629 116 98 138 65 92 107 12 74 103 103 93 35 50 96 26,127 173 236 361 710 349 132 116 116 90 197 100 150 70 38 Precinct 2, Lower French Creek ' Precinct 3, North Buffalo, comprising part of Sheridan County District 1, comprising ward 1 of Sheridan city. . Total for Sheridan city, cnu/fiisit'f with u'/.i- 88 5,122 Total for Buffalo toicn, cot rioisir, will, ,\m/ii Buffalo and South Buffalo precincts Precinct 4, South Buffalo, comprising part of 1,087 " 1,972 2,708 8,408 2,708 2, 245 1,272 2,183 2,245 1,272 2,183 1,290 151 325 620 1,900 760 200 100 313 539 423 462 706 11,575 Precinct 6, Oli vcr : Precinct 7, Muddy 1,559 m WardS WardS Di fi» t J, urn I'hm 1^ u id -'01 Sheridan city.. Dish hi :j, comprising ward 3 of Sheridan city.. iHsiiiei I, comprising ward 4 of Sheridan city.. Precinct 16, Powder River" District 6 District 7 Greub" Precinct 19, Pumpkin Creek 15 District 9 Precinct 20, Barber " Precinct 21, Lower Powder River " 20,181 « 16,777 H. .:, : , 1 :■.,■ m hi. ! . in" ... . District 1, including ward 1 of Cheyenne city . . 3,868 3,776 11,820 8,776 2,981 4,563 3,127 2,981 8,150 1,,563 1,597 796 1,081 235 322 274 1,115 155 6,867 246 4,766 6,846 '.. .. •• , , ':, '■■,..'■' .',,,■/: ;< .; 14,087 11,690 8,455 District 2, including wo rd 3,930 Cheyenne city (part of) 401 140 1,584 1,313 1,902 1,863 5,778 4,213 220 8,915 298 3,037 16,982 436 300 1,891 1,861 5,040 1 including ward 3 of Cheyenne city . . 4,687 ' ireen River town 662 District4, 39 including part of Rock Springs city. 776 Total for Rock Springs city in districts 4 4,S8S District 6« including Guernsey town 3,406 ng Gunn town and part of District 7 » including Torrington town 120 Torrington town ™ 3,160 Rock Springs city (part of) Pine Bluff town 1 '81,785 » 1,094 788" « 12,223 255 1,874 1,770 2,689 1,073 869 139 206 'so 777 199 » 7,414 District 2, 80 including part of Casper town District 1, coextensive with Evanston town 2,583 2,588 78 749 696 924 848 1,178 847 Total for Civi/in town in Districts 2 and 8... "' '■■ ' • '■■' i ' >'.,..;,■ i' 883 544 2,110 1,995 Diamondville town 72 240 159 71 Districts 84 Sublett town < 2 8 Returned as Shoshone Indian Reservation in 1900. * Not returned by precincts in 1890. 6 Precinct 2, Lower French Creek, and precinct 17, Upper French Creek, turned as precinct 2 in 1900. < Part taken to form part ui pi 10 and 13 in 1904. ' Part taken to form part of p: 8 Part of precinct 8 annexed 1 1904 and parts annexed to precincts n 1904; part annexed to precinct 16 in 1904. "Organized from part of distriot 5 in 1900. >« Incorporated in 1902. a Returned as Torrington precinct in 1900. 16 Incorporated in 1908. 27 Organized from Areola, Ariosa, Badger, Bori 1 CI u ir, Egbert, Fort Laramie, Glendo, Granite Canon, Gram Hu tain, Islay, La Grange. Lakeview, Little Bear, Little Horse Creek, Macfarlane, Patrick, Phillips, Pine Bluff, Rawhide, Salem, Upper Horse Creek, and Uva precincts in 1908. ■ ■ . . . ■ 1... • ;n : ,. 1 ■.,..■!. i'.i : i r precincts, taken t lized from part of precinct 15 in 1904. 17 Not returned by districts in 1890. ' 8 Part of district 3 annexed to Cheyenne city in 1909. 18 Returned as Wheatland precinct in 1900. M Incorporated in 1905. J1 Returned as Hartville precinct in 1909. Part taken to form district 6 in 100. » Incorporated in 1900. 2 and 3; and 1 1 1 fin 1 1 < > n fh tr ml r<>\\ h rRi form district 8, since 1900. 29 Returned as Muddy precinct in 1900. 80 Organized from part of Casper precinct in 1904. 81 Returned as Bessemer precinct in 1900. 82 Returned as Freeland precinct in 1900. 88 Returned as Johnstown precinct in 1900. nil 1 "n: 88 Organized from Lone Bear and Powder River precincts in 1904. 86 Organized from districts 1,11, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27, and parts of districts 12 13, and 21 of Bighorn County in 1909 (organization effective Jan. 1, 1911). 87 Incorporated in 1901. "No com 1 1: H ' ' 'lie; county redistricted in 1910. 89 Districts 4, 5, and 6 returned *o Returned as old district 5 in j « No comparison of population « Incorporated in 1910. district 4 in 1900. n be made; county redistricted In 1908. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— WYOMING. 585 Table 1 POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 19 10, 1900, AND 1890- Continued. The words "district" and "precinct" for those between I Sill I and I'.illl), si MINOR CIVIL DIVISION 1910 1900 1890 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. 1910 1900 1890 Uinta County— Continued. 519 570 429 379 224 1,192 276 188 270 941 '317 2,554 669 371 334 4,960 3,203 2 2,422 166 520 210 204 244 273 179 300 975 975 1,002 280 607 619 154 427 District 7, coextensive with Afton town 1 145 246 163 61 166 756 756 962 123 District 5, Upton, « coextensive with Upton District 7, O. S District 'J. New easile, cne-Uonsive with New- 369 1 Incorporated in 1902. 2 Not returned by districts 1 •• Number changed from 4 ii 1902. Part taken to form part of district 3, Gre » Number and in 12, Nolan, in 1910. ' Incorporated ir ic changed from (i, Merino, in 1902. Part taken tc Mountain, in 1902. reen " Number changed bom 3 in 1902. 'i Number changed from 10 in 1902. » ! Organized from part of district 5, Upton, in 1910. Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 CITY OR TOWN. County. 1910 1900 1890 Afton town 570 763 '442 117 2,639 11,320 1,132 574 313 696 2,246 421 *448 258 1,313 220 235 319 843 1,812 Laramie city Albany 8,237 130 699 414 127 207 178 975 246 4,256 49 123 5,778 557 8,408 604 347 1,524 155 244 796 265 8,207 6 388 710 1,087 180 634 883 14,087 1,140 544 11,690 Carbon Natrona Crook 756 2,317 D u las town 734 491 Sweetwater 4.363 2,110 151 1,995 1,559 Shoshone town Fremont Sweetwater 1,361 723 294 299 Sweetwater 737 525 ALASKA. -POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. [District, except as otherwise stated, means recorder's district.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISION. First Judicial District Juneau district, including Douglas, Juneau, and Treadwell towns and Alike and KUlisnoo vll- Aukc village Douglas loir,: (inenrparahd) Juneau town (incorporated) Treailuili i<> t • • > < , including Bethel, Kashunuk, and Napakiak villages and Nuni- vak Island Bethel village Kashunuk village Napakiak ( Napahaiagamute) village Nunivak Island Total for Kuskokwim district in Judicial Dis- tricts 2, 3, and J, Noatak-Kobuk district, including Barrow, Kot- zebue, Noatak. and ;-',Iiiin:ni;>! villages, Point Barrow, and Point Hope Barrow village Kotzebue village Noatak village Point Barrow e&Point Hope - Shungnak village Port Clarence Capo Prince of Wales, Fuller villa.™, and King and Littlo Diomede Islands Cape Prince of Wales Fuller village King Island i St. Lawrence Island district, including Gam- bell village Gambell village St. Michael district (part of), including St. Michael village St. Michael village Total for Si- \fiel,atl diehie; ;,-, Jad,e,al Dis- tricts 2 and 4 Third Judicial District Aleutian Islands district, including Iliuliuk vil- lage and St. George and St. Paul Islands Iliuliuk ( Unalaska) village St. Qcorge Island St. Paul Island 1 Not returned separately i (586) Third Judicial District— Continued. j Bristol Bay district, including Kanakanak, Kteinal; (Quinltagnk I ullage]. Ii'nik village Susitna village - Copper cenlei district, including Copper Cen- Scward villages.. Karluk, Kodiak, and Wood Island villages. Afognak village .4 khiol; ( A chiok) village Karluk village Kodiak village Wood Island village i . a [For total, see Judicial District 2.] Nabesna disti iei - in ■ HI, i, n -;..,, ml .ii , Unga Peninsula district, including Chignik ' ', :ni.l l I- '■;■ Cliia nil: Boy village Unga village hi i mil in hiding Valdez town, Ellamar and Tatitlek villages, Fort Liscum, and Tiekel Railroad Station Ellamar village Fort Liscum Tatitlek village Fourth Judicial District I Chandalar district i id, including Circle village and Fort ' /,•-, tallage Fairbanks dlstrii ; hena and Fair- banks towns, and Chatanika, Chena (native). Dome, Esther, Garden Island, Graehl, and Nenana villages . . Chatanika village. . , Graehl village Nenana village Fort Gibbon dis Mission of Our - Tanana villages Hot Springs village Kantishna district Koyukuk district, including Arctic village. . Arctic village.. Nulato district tag, Kokrines, Koyukuk, and Nulato villages Kaltag village Kokrines village Koyukuk village 1910 1900 1890 "n 145 201 324 53 109 268 118 Hi 173 250 173 5$4 2,448 318 290 149 264 99 307 409 549 438 470 341 229 1,123 495 1,303 108 175 159 156 149 90 315 144 242 156 383 7,675 47 3,541 398 186 lbs 141 ISO 281 118 W n vessels in port, census having been taken during the rush STATISTICS OF POPULATION ALASKA. 587 lb I. POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: L910, 1900, AN 1: [District, except as otherwise stated, means recorder's district.) Fourth Judicial District— Continued. Otter district, including Otter and Richmond Oiler village Richmond riH.'./c - Wainpart di-.inrl. i 1 1 . ■ I m . i i n <_: Kampart, Ram- part (native), and Stevens villages Rampart village Rampart (native) village Stevens village Fourth Judicial District— Continued. St. Michael diUrict (part of), including Anvik, Koscrefsk v, ami I .'nab 1. 1 i I, v i Mages [For total, see Judicial District 2.] .1 n nil: village Knserefslcy village Unalaklik ( Unalakleet) village Tanana district | 151 IOC 191 SSI 135 131 »7 w ttd Table 2.— POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. DISTRICT. 1910 1900 1890 ™. DISTRICT. 1910 1900 1890 Judicial, i Recorder's. Judicial. Recorder's. Chena town Fourth Fairbanks Third , Cordova First ; Juneau 138 i. 1,152 . 1,722 178 1 3,541 . 445 1,644 Ketchikan town.. Nome town Petersburg town.. Skagway town Treadwell town.. Valdez town Wrangell town First Second First (Ml'St First Third First Ketchikan Cape Nome. .. Wrangell Skagway Juneau Valdez Wrangell 1,613 2,600 585 '810 743 459 12,488 40 383 402 Eagle town 3,117 522 315 868 Fourth Fairbanks First j Skagway First Juneau 85 1,864 Juneau town 1,253 316 HAWAII. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. District means election district. The fignres given for 1890 are derived from the census taken as of December 28, 1890, under the direction of the Hawaiian Government.] MINOK CIVIL DIVISION. 1010 1900 1890 M W OK CI V, DI ™. 1910 1900 1890 Hawaii County i 55,382 2 46,843 2 26,754 Honolulu County— Continued. 1,958 35 785 1,008 9,037 4,078 12, 941 ?,soe 6,745 5,398 3,377 6,834 9,604 4,439 922 3,191 82,028 6,919 3,854 5,002 2,577 903 1 ■■:.!. ■ ' ,■:." .i.ll 1 ,. II. \\ 11 1 1,177 ( 8 ) Total for Ilih> lt»r n ill \orfh mid South llilo Kalawao County 785 23,952 1,177 20,734 4,366 3,819 5,128 4,303 1,753 834 11,859 Soulh 1 1 iln -Ms i ii-l . in/liKiiu;: |i;ii i «.J II ilo Icv.'n. 2,457 2,580 5,709 4,951 8,195 29,762 2, 630 3,220 4^434 » 26,743 2,472 600 2,372 58,504 538 1,812 31,194 2,792 2,739 52! 183 3,204 3,251 6,770 39! 306 2,372 2,844 3,285 2,155 22, 907 l|286 3,241 4,918 8,855 1,006 11,742 5,276 4,951 7,236 13 2,113 5,260 7,953 6,708 n 1900; 9,935 in 1890) of Hilo disl ie changed to "city i 2 County total includes population (2,826) of Molokai and Lanai Islands, not n 7 Population of that part of Molokai Island in Kalawao County. PORTO KICO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MUNICIPALITIES AND BARRIOS: 1910 AND 1899. [The figures given for 1899 are derived from the census taken as of November 10, 1899, under the direction of the War Department.] MUNICIPALITY AND BAEEIO. 1910 1899 MUNICIPALITY AND BAEEIO. 1910 1899 16,954 19,484 14,407 13,311 Anasco town, cnirlinisinr villi (lie barrios of Caarttl I'ri- mero, Cuarttl Nn/iimlo, Cnarlil Tcrcira, and I'vaiiil Cuarlo 1,406 1,400 1,241 1,204 899 639 690 713 803 510 1,012 1,269 1,067 1,843 620 861 1,575 11,587 1,963 1,963 1,266 1,425 1,055 } 1,275 1,019 } 1,235 ' 1,075 1,521 1,271 2,098 752 1,159 1,710 660 10.581 3,064 606 974 271 1,213 211 791 746 620 578 677 321 361 252 550 286 360 444 381 785 474 381 484 488 1,090 42,429 2,483 ( uartel Primero \ 1 1 149 Cuartel Segundo Anasco Abaio Ca "1,281 Aguada town, coextensive with the barrios of California and 909 443 350 466 287 912 586 663 562 530 934 520 788 386 282 581 793 614 872 1,018 31,419 [ 11,135 } 1,162 } 1,195 | i 1,010 843 1 1,533 } 723 753 558 923 17,830 Arecibo town, coextensive with the barrios of Cruz, Mon- 1^804 4,265 918 2,025 1,383 '715 673 1,107 2^787 1,139 1,338 3)236 2,908 1,795 1,643 3,669 1,655 6,940 1 8,008 J M :.' [pa 50 1,228 676 931 Naranjo 6,135 1,122 943 1,582 1,358 1,130 440 816 1,511 1,012 625 2,341 2,070 386 686 700 1,084 1,111 754 831 917 8,292 6,425 } 1,756 1,537 1,502 1,630 \ 1991 1,271 } 1,158 943 1,633 } 1,033 784 905 633 700 716 7,977 Aguadilla town, coextcniivr iriih tin ha runs m limn, i/, Hato Arriba Hato Viejo : ■'. l.:>'!,.i|., . . . 1,751 2,588 2,498 1,416 Nuevo.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !■: i :. i, ;.:ir> 4,867 Arroyo town, coextensive with the barrios of Cuarlo CniUs, Pueblo Estc, anil I'm bin inste 3, 220 1,106 1,347 767 242 319 481 1,634 1,044 11,644 i uarto Calles ) Guerrero Pueblo Oeste i ' ' J 1,333 Municipality Aguas Buenas Municipality Barceloneta 9,357 1,166 1,166 577 808 712 950 622 573 798 1,098 10,815 1,309 1,309 } 1,099 765 856 1,029 } 1,183 752 984 8,596 Barceloneta town ' t b " 1,504 2,357 1^772 1,316 10,503 2 67" Barceloneta .' 1,459 2,002 Bairoa Jagueyes I larrochales 1,058 - Municipality Barranquitas 8,103 r.vtranqniias iown. cor.<-l,-n.ii:r with Pueblo 772 1,462 984 1,177 1,304 1,530 1,356 1,918 15.028 Barrancas Canabon Helechal Honduras Palo Hincado 3 Quebrada Grande 692 1,485 862 Aibonito town, cocxtcmive with the barrios of Pueblo Norte S,1SS 1,188 676 964 1,055 656 1,083 776 1,171 2,281 2,085 } "1,226 X « 1,245 1,027 } 1 1,459 1,554 1,051 Municipality Barros 14.845 Barros town, coextensive with Pueblo 1,008 1,008 629 918 845 Pueblo Plata Barros 987 1 Returned as Palo Lincado in 1899. 590 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PORTO RICO. Table I.— POPULATION OF MUNICIPALITIES AND BARRIOS: 1910 AND 1899— Continued. [The ligures given for 1899 are derived from the census taken as of November 10, 1899, under the direction of the War Department.] MUNICIPALITY AND BARRIO. 1910 US,, MUNICIPALITY AND BARRIO. 1910 1899 Municipality Barros— Continued. 1,729 70S 705 1,214 1,085 931 4(52 790 780 379 798 29,986 1,003 \ '1,331 1,317 891 [• 11,588 839 876 1,037 19,940 Municipality Carolina— Continued. 764 521 1,628 813 878 709 564 17,711 637 1,245 Bermejales 14,442 Cayey town cor. itenxirc willi the barrios of Pueblo Norte 4,498 2,555 1,943 395 433 268 380 488 692 244 168 275 406 1,201 651 354 324 1,979 1,397 925 445 514 18,398 6,272 5,272 4,78(i 1.081 1, 046 012 '901 1,436 1,079 4,050 382 741 1,203 ?" 19,562 2,218 2,218 1,028 620 2,331 845 851 763 837 681 405 1,358 926 1,000 1,123 1,492 406 480 1,100 087 16,154 [ '1,043 1,246 } 11,390 { im 18,115 dales town, coextensive with Pueblo Pueblo 8 C-ialitos Cordilleras Fronton Hal') Viejo Jaguas Toro Negro Municipality Cidra Cidra town, coextensive with Pueblo Pueblo I'.oalriz tfonte J. hiii" ( Rio Abajo Homlnr.-.s Toita Rabanal Salto U incon Municipality Coamo Coamn tov:n, coextensive with Pueblo Pueblo 9 Coamo Arriba Palmarejo Hayales '« Uanos Pasto ivdro liareia I'iilf:ii'!lns San [ldefonso Santa Catalina Municipality Comerio Comerio town, coextensive with Pueblo.. Pueblo Cedrito Dona Elena Narailio Pinas...".".!!!!;!!!!!i;!!I!!!!l!!!!I!!!iI"I!I!!I!"m!l \"i>-;i 1 : ciloncla » Rio Hondo Municipality Cabo Ro1o 1,683 2,247 1,961 3,367 2,077 1,434 1,065 2,705 10,595 1,356 2,522 1,425 Cubo Rojo town, coextensive with the barrios of Pueblo Norte 3,847 2, 207 1,040 1,337 1,931 1,446 1,246 3,097 2,093 2,233 2,332 27,160 2,7U \ 1 2, 744 1,218 1,185 1,074 867 2,976 5! 019 2,060 19,857 1,800 |. ,:,„., 7,552 1,535 1,535 771 528 745 820 620 S51 577 1,413 837 887 542 17,129 Munici alit Ca 1,034 10,354 10,354 2.994 "990 1,396 1,492 1,299 735 1,594 1,909 2,148 11,342 5,450 5,450 } '».g 1,309 1,400 1,336 1,605 l',557 10,887 J \ '1,100 | '901 15,144 Municipality Camuy 3! 869 1,106 725 1,008 1,047 1,284 1,701 l!048 1,568 2,004 11,170 1,14S 1, 581 1,412 789 719 941 731 908 452 895 031 804 918 15,327 *718 1,420 769 895 718 419 1,213 657 794 833 11,965 1,223 \.bra Honda j '1,397 989 1,697 8,849 1,908 770 460 1,837 973 1,260 1,137 1,089 1,736 1.191 3,244 3,244 1,706 1,535 473 1,745 2,177 2,177 1^25 367 950 60 815 1,091 } 1 1,373 1 .mo Returned as Cangrejos in 1899. 7 Returned as San Antonio in 1899. 8 Returned as Ciales in 1899. » Returned as Ermita, Este, and Oeste in 1! ' ' K.iumod as Cayales in 1899. » Returned as Vega in 1899. STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PORTO RICO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MUNICIPALITIES AND BARRIOS: 1910 AND 1899— Continued. [The figures given for 1899 are derived from the census taken as of November 10, 1899, under the direction of the War Department.] 591 MUNICIPALITY AND BABEIO. 1910 1899 MUNICIPALITY AND BARRIO. 1910 1899 12,978 11,508 Municipality Guayanilla— Continued. Boca 579 411 457 946 612 679 577 563 758 467 1,235 784 11,139 Corozal town coextensive with Pueblo 1,301 1,301 1,314 1,126 752 1,005 503 1,246 993 890 1,182 1,187 1,479 1,315 1,067 1,057 1,183 1,096 585 909 849 1,133 818 840 901 770 1,367 704 } 4 782 Concejo } 4 1,102 Jagua-Pasto <,>ui>br:i(la-Honda | 4i )467 } 4 977 Negros 1,276 787 Municipality Gurabo Gurabo town coextensive with Pueblo 2,230 2,230 1,236 1,866 962 416 927 728 792 629 1,353 10,630 1,309 384 1,315 4,885 ^206 704 3,804 | 4 1,270 m 776 1,166 876 529 592 21,135 937 737 764 169 377 16,782 Navarro } 4 1,093 10,449 599 l|547 967 1,068 1,105 80 739 8S1 1,037 26,678 Municipality Fajardo Aibonito 1,606 Fajardo town, comprising the barrios of Norte, Sud, and 2, 558 2,314 1,244 1,214 789 427 920 920 565 760 121 1,031 408 591 431 784 804 597 1,159 506 458 1,243 632 964 1,340 17,379 s,4U \ 4 3,414 Bayaney 1,016 Oeste, 5 including part of Fajardo town Demajagua \ « 1,168 | n,214 [■ ^1,109 \ 4 1,099 \ <820 \ '1,029 903 )• 4 999 1,103 Municl alit Humacao " Ceiba village « Humacao town, vnexh naive iriili ilu Imrrins of San Fran- . . 5. 169 948 761 1,661 1,789 1,165 404 394 394 984 1,023 1,073 884 529 971 401 1,167 1,234 1*784 988 2,423 753 2,041 16,852 4,428 ' 1,169 Quebrada Vueltas Anton Ruiz Sabana Las i'ii'(lr:v-:.M <■'><■ -cii'iiNivc wii h Las Piedras village '72b '!■■, .:.:•!, .: ( 4 1,528 Puerto Real, 8 coextensive with Playa Fajardo village .. . 1,747 12,749 Candelero Arriba Sll Catano \ 41,179 Guayama town, coextensive with Pueblo 8,321 S.321 79S 749 859 1,109 711 1,359 1,725 594 1,154 10,354 5,334 5,334 603 834 784 1,360 1,186 1,20.0 9,540 l'unhi il," ;-. ■ o with Plava Humacao 646 Caimital 704 14,888 1,268 1,268 1,706 1,040 745 1,370 1,567 1,282 881 1,141 1,141 481 664 973 973 } 4 1.154 833 Bajura Bejueos Barrero , Macana Galateo Uto 1,063 * Estimated. 4 Not returned separately in 1899. 6 Barrio Oeste organized from parts of barrios Florencio and Quebrada 9 Returned as Rio Abajo and Rio Arriba in w Returned as Hatillo in 1899. » Municipality Piedras annexed in 1899. >- Municipality toial includes population (8,6021 of Municipality Piedras. com- prising the barrios of Arenas, Las Piedras, Boqueron, Collores, Montones, El Rio and Tejas, annexed in 1899. L'cl llllir.l I :,'llchl ,.; : . \ ,, i.i ». 1 , ' I I I . ■ I ;. . ■ l"l ■ iru ■ '4 Returned as Pueblc i. Iras in 1899. , !,::.,: : '■. i ,n I.-. 1 1 li , :• Il i 6 Returned as Montones A'bajo and Montones Arriba in Municipality Piedras ir i' Returned as Playa in 1899. 18 Organized from barrios Rio Abajo and Rio Arriba in Municipality Piedras ir d Vegas Abajo in Municipality Piedras in 1899. » Returned as Tejas Alto a 592 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PORTO RICO. Table 1.— POPULATION OF MUNICIPALITIES AND BARRIOS: 1910 AND 1899-Continued. [The figures given for 1899 are derived from the census taken as of November 10 1S99, under the direction of the War Department. municipality an, bakiuo 1910 1899 MUNICIPALITY AND BARRIO. 1910 1899 875 779 887 1,571 1,648 1,096 1,018 29,157 705 818 753 1,551 1,564 972 936 27,896 Municipality Las Marias 10,046 11,279 Lux Maria* law it, cam iirisi in/ the barrio of Puebw and part 26S 1,413 ISS 130 432 1,074 666 1,056 385 561 442 568 930 665 747 13,317 *29G | 11,235 AltoSano^ 1,251 1,120 864 J nana Diaz town, coextensive with the barrios of Este, 2,092 726 438 518 410 1,243 778 360 1,800 1,627 1,678 1,036 2,899 365 7S6 2,610 965 1,458 699 572 1,294 975 1,801 1,454 2,665 11,692 2,246 } 1941 | '1,305 1,010 }■ 1936 1,558 2,200 1,338 2^835 } 1,005 2,034 991 1,496 \ 1938 1.066 990 1,841 1,363 2,917 8,429 iMiniins Jacaguas 12,622 1,021 1,021 2,327 1,208 3,100 1,376 1,334 1,518 712 721 17,240 Capitanejo 833 13,989 Manati town, coextensive with the barrios of Pueblo Poniente 4,459 1,964 2,475 1,550 1,198 2.739 2,650 2,041 1,770 853 7,168 4,494 Juncos town, coextensive with the barrios of Pueblo Norte i,m 2,382 1,759 521 978 966 1,377 590 1,067 754 346 11,071 2,026 \ 12,026 \ 11,295 \ U,408 \ U,679 815 } U,206 8,789 Bajura Afuera 739 Coto 2,110 Rio Arriba Poniente ■ 1,862 8,312 7S2 732 1,454 1,092 778 748 1,417 937 7,106 720 2,070 1,277 523 '660 896 894 •677 587 1,251 22,650 *483 1,385 1,008 \ U,256 1,152 \ U,160 875 \ i 1,015 20,883 Municipality Maunabo 6.221 i ■ i town, coextensive with Pueblo 952 952 822 1,379 369 538 887 949 436 42,429 1,277 Plata Municipality Lares Quebrada Arenas Lares town coextensive with Poblacion barrio 2,75 i 2,751 1,961 1,430 2,351 1,199 2,256 2,156 1,215 1,159 2,529' 1,575 2,068 2,264 2,264 2,035 1,449 2,152 1,148 1,954 2,008 1,027 1,010 2,455 1,450 1,931 Talante 1 M'ui;utjucr Ian v. cam prix; up ibc humor a/' C'n ridelaria, Car- cel, Marina Septentrional, Eio, and Salud, and part of 16,663 2,549 5,442 2,468 2,440 28 Marina W part of Mayaguez town R io Prieto Island of Mona i Not returned 198 Jagual | 2 1,018 Kin C:>n;is \riib i \ E gozcue 8 }• 2 1,189 1,013 823 Salv.uos Sabanetas | 2 1,075 1,080 1,585 1,585 1,196 906 1,032 859 1,594 1,197 1,025 1,396 1,457 12,446 1.470 1,067 601 1,008 954 1,552 1,062 966 663 902 1,267 11,309 Penuelas town, en: .-iensiir wiih Pueblo . 1,042 1,042 731 509 400 612 1,015 897 1,070 1,958 962 974 1,055 63,444 1,129 Pueblo 1,129 ' 971 1, 068 1,024 822 766 605 976 649 1,137 1,428 936 920 567 767 786 14,366 1.064 1,064 854 716 695 466 821 487 1,314 1,124 841 884 572 643 10,873 Ponce city, comprising the barrios of Primero, Sequndo, Tcrccro, Ciiarto, Quinto, and Sexto, and part of the bar- 35,005 2,385 10,637 1,563 3,730 4,221 7.310 5,181 16 6 5,159 1,067 603 729 2,935 1,537 552 1,899 1,672 1,552 1,840 1.583 1, 752 998 , 825 1,592 Playa. comprising Caja da Muertos and Cardenas Islands Anon Bucana | 2 1,315 3, SOS 3,303 1,207 1,474 783 1,036 1,648 1,367 533 981 2,033 1,812 1,812 756 1,238 826 1,060 1,280 1,064 \ 2902 1,935 1,884 1,171 Rio Blanco « Montes Llanos 1 Formerly in Municipality Hormigueros. 2 Not returned separately in 1899. 2 Estimated population in 1899, 235. * Returned as Morovis in 1899. s Returned as Santiago Luna in 1899. 6 Returned as Rio Blanco Abajo and Rio Blanco Arriba ii ' Returned as Loina in 1899. 28407—12 38 s Name changed from Guayabote si le Muertos Tsland and population (766) of insti- 1J Name changed from Cantera since 1899. 594 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PORTO RICO. Table 1. -POPULATION OF MUNICIPALITIES AND BARRIOS: 1910 AND 1899— Continued. [The figures given lor 1S99 are derived from the census taken as of November 10, 1S99, under the direct ion of (lie War Department.] MUNICIPALITY AND BARRIO. 1910 1899 MUNICIPALITY AND BARRIO, 1910 1899 Municipality Ponce— Continued. 1,090 1,434 1,197 1,103 1,030 8,152 1,050 547 1,440 1,005 963 1.217 1,878 7,432 Municipality San German 22,143 20,246 San Girninii loir 11, on .'■.'. limit r 111II1 the inmins nj J'ndilv Portuguese. l! 450 1,035 2,514 457 712 1,715 1,014 952 595 950 1,203 885 1,014 638 676 2,013 885 920 1,175 48,716 3,954 1,493 ' 821 I'ucblo Oriental 811 Qucbradillas town, cotjtntsiu with the barrios of Pueblo 1,224 393 1,223 397 '702 '725 789 7,275 1,166 1,066 330 978 666 1,760 779 6,641 i.'i ■■' i..' i'i "hi . . . Maresua Tuna Minfflas Retiro Rosario Alto Guajataca San Antonio 1,657 983 1,047 Munici alit San Juan 6 32,048 SOS 1,224 467 910 741 758 624 1,239 728 13,948 *'S71 1,074 \ ! 1,157 708 770 674 576 1,006 676 12,365 San Juan cilu 1 < m n u u'< ' » maim/ tij San Juan... Pueblo 48,716 1,400 4,331 2,605 4,441 10,836 3,170 3,782 17,338 651 156 14,278 32,048 B arrero ■ii: .■■..; <■ . ■ ' 1 .;■...■ 2,497 Calvaebe rrsenada I'll 1 I « 1 1 11 11 1 i 1 Illdi 1 Willi Mil! 5,453 J aguey 5,840 13,433 i,m 1,843 679 1,047 1,406 1,494 217 1,974 1,068 '824 509 1,204 18,880 1,285 1,285 \ '1,610 1,378 1,047 221 1,773 [ 5 2,543 717 600 1,191 13,760 San Lorenzo town coextensive with Pv bio 2,663 2,663 829 1,840 1,612 799 1,033 1,159 919 1,645 1,069 18,904 2,084 Ca uas Cienega Baja Guzman Abajo } "■«"'' Espino Mameyesl Zarzal Quemado 1,255 San Sebastian tun n . rmrii niuoc ir-ith the Imrrios of Norza- 3,084 3,084 1,934 2,109 537 877 2,646 940 1,782 878 717 2,849 527 11,523 2,249 2,249 1,706 1,834 562 683 1,324 636 1,295 716 651 1,644 460 10,560 1*136 784 1,116 399 548 584 610 886 601 811 976 589 653 938 425 616 785 '817 514 622 578 1,156 6,959 Hato N uevo TJrrejola Aibonito Alto Sano Sonadora Bahomamey 1 luatemala. i';i!;i ba ins Cibao 1 1 ' lap 1 :10:1s 993 } -862 Quebrada Arenas Rio 746 | '1,169 Sabana Grande town, coextensive with the barrios of Pueblo 2,636 1,271 1,365 1,603 1,257 1,595 1,438 1,132 978 884 11,403 2,531 } ' 2 <- 999 1,244 1,222 921 Santa Isabel town -xtensive with Pueblo 1,290 1,290 290 876 1,196 1,260 541 824 682 1,857 1,857 3,996 2,732 387 623 1,808 1,191 1,192 1,291 1,019 \ '981 1,248 Boca Velazauez \ 1 1,033 } 1 1,130 Patinas Rio Jueyes | '1,553 > Not returned separately In 1899. 4 Municipality total includes population (3,307) of Caleta barrio, annexed to Cate- dral barrio, and population (2,592'; of Teatro barrio, annexed to San Francisco barrio, since 1899; and population (2,652) of military and naval reserves, not returned separately in 1899. i4't 1 "" I 1 | • Caleta barrio annexed since 1899. » Teatro barrio annexed since 1899. STATISTICS OF POPULATION PORTO RICO. 595 Table 1. -POPULATION OF MUNICIPALITIES AND BARRIOS: 19J0 AND 1899— Continued. I The figures Riven for 1899 are derived from the census taken as of November 10, lS'jn, under the direction of tlio War Department.] MUNICIPALITY AND BARRIO. Municipality Toa Alta Municipality Toa Baja. Candelaria Media Luna Palo Scco, 1 including Palo Seco village. Palo Seco village 2 Municipality Trujillo Alto msive with Pueblo. . Trujilli) Alio Pueblo Carraizo Cuevas Dos Bocas... Quebrada Negrito Municipality TJtuado . . ( :rith J'lubht. . Caguanas Caniaco Oaonillas Abaio. Jayuya Arriba, including Jayuya v: Jayuya village Las Palnias Mameyes Abaio. - . Mameyes Arriba. . Roncador Sabana Grande.. Salto Abajo Salto Arriba Santa Isabel Municipality Vega Alta with Pueblo.. 692 645 1,163 } . 6,345 5,683 573 lJ025 1,052 955 1,042 | 3 1,487 41,054 43,860 3, MS 3, 679 3,20S 3,619 2,593 2, 456 1,537 1,577 2,492 2, 555 568 631 '902 1 3 2, 378 778 929 1, 733 636 771 3,082 3,597 4,746 5,700 750 *901 609 647 963 857 i 1,535 ,2,451 \ 3 4 ( 268 1,317 • 1,272 1,235 970 1.130 875 1,053 836 ' 1, 076 855 823 626 1,390 1,591 L253 is Sabana Seca in 1899. 5 Cieneguetas and Mavilla returned as barrio Novillo in 1899. ' Part taken to form Mi in lity total excludes population (704) of Culebra I municipality in 1905. 6,107 1,081 Municipality Vega Baja. Vega Baja t Yeguada... Municipality Vieques «. Puerto Diablo.. Puerto Ferro — Punta Arenas .. Puerto Real 8 ... Municipality Yabucoa. . Calabazas Camino Nuevo . . Guayabota Municipality Yauco 'ico town, coextensive with the barrios of Pueblo Norte \ *:■.!■ i : ! Caimito Collores Diego Hernandez 10 cludin > Guanica village. i mi I. ' h Rio Prieto.. Rubias Sierra Alta. . Susua Baja ' s 2,342 10 Returned as Ciego Hernandez in 1899. 596 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— PORTO RICO. Table 2.— POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES: 1910 AND ] CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Municipality. 1910 urn UTY.TOWH.OKV.L,.^, Municipality. 1910 1899 1,406 909 6,135 1,166 2,153 3,064 9,612 3,220 772 1,008 5,272 3,847 10,354 1,148 3,244 4,786 4,498 920 1,535 3,869 1,908 1,301 384 946 6,086 8^321 1,141 2,230 599 348 5,159 750 2,092 '720 1,963 Larestown '. . . . Lares 2,751 263 394 1,021 1,159 4,439 732 952 16, 563 1,585 1,063 0, 769 645 1,042 632 35,005 1,224 308 1,843 3,084 2,636 1,857 4,999 48, 716 2,663 1,920 1,290 905 1,759 573 3,208 1,667 3,082 3,158 2,816 2,264 ■296 '728 833 903 4,494 1,179 1,277 15, 187 1,470 U;u:l>lll iOWU Uu nlilhi town Las Marias Humacao Fajardo Manati Maricao Maunabo Mayaguez Morovis Naguabo Naranjito 6,425 1,309 2,085 2,483 8,008 2,137 •672 606 962 2,218 2,744 5,450 1718 2*331 3,763 1753 1,356 1,034 3,244 1,191 1,057 1206 937 3,414 U,363 5,334 1,309 669 1235 4,428 1901 2,246 i'483 Aguas Buenas Vnasco town Anasco Arecibo Arroyo Barceloneta Barranquitas Uarceloneta village Itarrauquitas town Morovis town !'■■' '. '■ « 11- - - - . - 1,812 014 Cabo Rojo Caguas town Camuy town 1,590 1,129 Carolina Catafio village i Vvey Imvn 27,952 Quebradillas Cidra tm 127 Sabana Grande 2,531 Culebra village Doradc San German town San German 3 954 Guanica village Ouayama town fiuayanilla town Fajardo San Lorenzo San Sebastian Santa Isabel Guayanilla 991 Trujillo Alto TJtuado town 3,619 Ja u a villa e TJtuado Vega Baja town Yabucoa town Yauco town Ve a Ba-a 2 288 Juana Diaz Vieques Yabucoa 1,838 1 Estimated. o 1885 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADD0Q7Qfl e HbE7