c J ^ ^//// BOTTOM JDF 49 //'/>))))/ 143 m Figure 7. — Typical subsurface mooring containing Aanderaa current meters suspended below a 1,000-lb subsurface float. 2.2 Energy Distribution Currents in the Strait of Juan de Fuca were found to be highly time dependent. Current fluctuations were measured over a broad range of time scales, from 15 min to 100 days. Across this band of motions, current energy fell naturally into three principal categories: long-term mean circulation, tidal oscillations, and long-period subtidal fluctuations. The division of fluctuating energy can be seen clearly in representative east-west (solid line) and north-south (dashed line) power density spectra of currents at 4-m depth for mooring sites A and G (fig. 9). Black horizontal bars at the top identify the subtidal (<0.025 cph), diurnal (0.033- 0.043 cph), and semidiurnal (0.076-0.085 cph) frequency bands that contained most of the cur- rent variance. At 4-m depth, at sites A and G, 86% and 83%, respectively, of the total current variance were contained in these three bands . Table 3 summarizes the variances in other selec- ted current records from the eastern Strait. The vertical distribution of variance in these bands is illustrated in fig. 10 for sites A and G during winter and summer conditions. Subtidal current variance was greatest near the surface and decreased rapidly with increasing depth in the upper 30 to 40 m of the water column. In the lower layer, subtidal variance represented only a small fraction of total variance. The distribution of tidal variance was more constant with depth and represented most of the total current variance. Characteristic power density spectra of computed winds off the Washington coast (Bakun, 1977, personal communication) and measured shore winds in the Strait at Race Rocks for winter 10 4 m 10m 20 m Miller Swivel VACM 0418 |/2" Galvanized Chain VACM 0368 85 m ^I35m VACM 0374 T 1/2" Galvanized Chain Miller Swive Acoustic Release 0113 I 1/8" Chain Anchor 3050 lb Figure 8. — Typical surface mooring containing vector-averaging current meters (VACM' s) suspended below a toroidal surface float. Mounted on the surface buoy tower was a vector-averaging wind recorder (VAWR) . and summer conditions are shown in fig. 11. The spectra are red, with 85% to 95% of the vari- ance energy at frequencies below 0.025 cph. At Race Rocks, the total wind variance was nearly the same during winter and summer; however, during winter, it was divided approxi- mately 2:1 between the east-west and north-south components, whereas during summer nearly all the wind variance was contained in the east-west component. Off the coast, wind vari- ance was 88% greater during winter than summer and was divided about equally between com- ponents . Although all spectra had an energy peak at time scales of 3 to 6 days , the peak was generally not significant at the 95% level. During summer the east- west components of both coastal and Strait winds had a significant peak at the diurnal frequency, reflecting the influence of the sea breeze effect. 11 Table 2. — Summary of cruises on which CTD data were collected Cruise Vessel Dates No. of stations 0PR509MA76 PR509MA76E Strait-DI Snow Goose Strait-DI Strait-DI Strait- SG SG-2 Strait-OC Strait-OC Snow Goose Strait-SG Strait-DI Strait-SG Strait-SG Strait-MC MacArth MacArth Discove Snow Go Discove Discove Snow Go Snow Go Oceanog Oceanog Snow Go Snow Go Discove Snow Go Snow Go MacArth ur ur rer ose rer rer ose ose rapher rapher ose ose rer ose ose ur 23 Feb - : L5 Apr 76 28- •29 Oct 76 3- •4 Nov 76 17- •19 Nov 76 15- ■17 Feb 77 18- ■21 Jun 77 19- -22 Jul 77 23- ■26 Auq 77 22- -29 Sep 77 16- ■19 Dec 77 16- -20 Dec 77 12- -17 Jan 78 19- •21 Mar 78 11- -15 Apr 78 20- ■23 Auq 78 31 Oct - : L Nov 78 141 16 33 34 39 53 65 73 163 35 89 133 28 48 42 15 1000 io 5 10' -■ 10' - 10 z 10' 10° PERIOD (HOURS) 100 10 1 U — v SITE A/4m (5Nov-l4Feb77) 95 PERCENT 4J, .001 .01 .1 1 FREQUENCY (CYCLES/HOUR) 10 1000 PERIOD (HOURS) 100 10 1 10*- 10 4 - -;: io*. UJ to 10'- 10* 10' - — 95 PERCENT U — V SITE G/4m (16 Jul-I70ct78) -IX .001 .01 .1 1 FREQUENCY (CYCLES/HOUR) 10 Figure 9. — Density spectra of east-west (U, ) and north-south (V , J current components at 4-m depth for sites A and C. Black horizontal bars at top identify subtidal (< 0.025 cph) , diurnal (0.033-0.043 cph) , and semidiurnal (0.076-0 .085 cph) frequency bands. 12 Table 3. — Summary of variances in selected current records Mooring Depth (m) Record length (days) Total variance (cm 2 /s 2 ) Low-freq. (<0.025 cph) Diurnal (0.033-0.043 cph) Semidiurnal (0.076-0.085 cph) Remainder Total ST-8 4 44 109 725 2124 185 3143 10 70 105 694 1954 251 3004 20 119 61 510 1882 181 2634 ST- 9 4 109 114 334 691 269 1408 10 46 101 300 738 \39 1278 20 68 101 369 688 181 1339 ST-10 4 119 158 236 1070 307 1771 10 119 112 226 1054 223 1615 20 77 75 248 873 146 1342 ST-11 4 41 134 576 1452 467 2629 10 41 88 537 1545 441 2611 20 41 54 440 1474 293 2261 ST- 12 4 39 63 223 1642 256 2184 10 39 55 232 1562 225 2074 20 106 41 153 1124 183 1501 ST-13 4 94 160 353 1381 577 2212 10 94 95 318 1331 269 2013 20 94 45 268 1209 186 1708 JDF-40 31 46 43 443 680 66 1232 61 55 26 581 665 57 1329 131 120 64 285 621 161 1131 JDF-41 29 121 27 267 540 145 979 59 121 28 225 639 106 998 JDF-42 30 121 28 208 698 50 984 60 121 19 207 666 47 939 120 121 19 219 607 104 949 JDF-43 43 98 67 1863 9718 265 11913 68 60 191 1231 3633 374 8795 JDF-48 23 121 155 993 2504 155 3807 53 121 44 1005 3012 77 4138 93 36 29 1626 2887 72 4614 136 121 30 814 1825 213 2882 JDF-49 32 121 23 763 2720 11 3517 62 121 18 690 2495 69 3272 112 26 92 422 1052 498 2064 13 VARIANCE (cm 2 /s 2 ) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 100 200 £ 250 1 -* 1 i__ — »i 1 — 102 l02 "A /SUBTIDAL \ /diurnal ♦ f 44 SITE A WINTER SEMIDIURNAL] \ - / /TOTAL 1 X «44 I / i / • • uii iii i ii mil inn n / / 1/ ii/i/ii /////////// 250 rf^42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 / 150 200 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 100 150 200 " 250 SITE G SUMMER U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 / Figure 10. --Vertical distribution of variance in subtidal , diurnal, and semidiurnal frequency bands at sites A and G during winter and summer conditions _, 2.3 Mean Flow Mean flow in the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca is driven by several forces: The pressure gradient field maintained by freshwater input from continental runoff, resulting in seaward flow in the upper layer and landward flow in the deep layer. This results in the classic two-layer estuarine circulation. Nonlinear interaction of tidal currents with local bottom and lateral topography such that, at the completion of a tidal cycle, a residual flow has occurred. Wind stress in a given direction over a period of time, resulting in net wind-driven flow. The observed total mean flow reflects interaction of these separate modes. Cannon (1978) showed that the two-layer estuarine flow component constitutes a significant portion of total mean circulation in the western Strait of Juan de Fuca. Observations from current meters at 4-, 10-, 20- and 30-m depths at moorings 49, 40, and 42 (winter) and mooring 52 (summer) indicate that motions in the upper 30 m were vertically highly coherent. Therefore the 30-m records are assumed to represent upper layer flow and are used in the following discussion of flow patterns . It must be noted that net speeds rapidly decreased with depth in the upper layer as a result of the vertical shear maintained by the density field. Table 4 lists vector mean speeds and directions from those moorings in the upper layer where vertical comparison between records was possible. Vertical profiles of net currents near the Strait entrance at site A and in the eastern Strait at site G illustrate the strong two-layer estuarine flow throughout the system (fig. 12). 14 10000 10 4 PERI00 (HOURS) 1000 100 10 10» 10« x & £ 10' -j o UJ to \ z: ior -J lo-*- io- .0001 Computed Coastal Winds at 48°N, I25°W Winter (19 Dec-l6Apr78) 95 PERCENT ■ . M .l , .001 .01 .1 FREQUENCY (CYCLES/HOUR) 10000 10 4 +— 10'- 10' X £ 10' : 10° 10" 1 - lff 4 PERIOD (HOURS) 1000 100 10 ' I'l l .0001 Race Rocks Winds Winter (19 Dec-16 Apr 78) 95 PERCENT J.I.I. , ■ ■ .001 .01 .1 FREQUENCY (CYCLES/HOUR) 10000 10 4 10* 10' V 10' 10° 10' • Iff* PER 1 00 (HOURS) 1000 100 10 Computed Coastal Winds at 48°N, I25°W Summer (16 Jul-29 Oct 78) — 95 PERCENT -LU^ .0001 .001 .01 .1 FREQUENCY (CYCLES/HOUR) 10000 10 4 10'- 10* X Q- C-J -„ 10' 10° - io- io- PERIOD (HOURS) 1000 100 10 Race Rocks Winds Summer (16 Jul-29 Oct 78) — 95 PERCENT J.J.I,, .0001 .001 .01 -1 FREQUENCY (CYCLES/HOUR) Figure 11. — Density spectra of east-west (U , ) and north-south (V, ) wind spectra at 48°N, 125°W, computed by Bakun (1977) and at Race Rocks during winter and summer conditions. 15 Table 4. — Vector mean speed and direction for currents in near-surface layer Mooring Depth (m) Recording Record length Latitude Longitude Vector mean interval (days) (N) (W) Speed (cm/s) Dir.(°T) ST-9 4 12/19/77 - 4/ 6/78 10 1/19/78 - 3/ 5/78 20 12/19/77 - 2/24/78 109 46 68 48°23.3' 123°01.5' 15.3 14.4 13.4 324 329 331 JDF-40 31 12/18/77 - 2/ 3/78 47 48°23.2' 123°03.2' 7.9 013 ST-8 4 10 20 1/ 2/78 12/19/77 12/19/77 2/14/78 2/26/78 4/16/78 44 48°14.6' 123°15.4' 20.1 70 19.9 119 19.1 243 251 246 JDF-49 ST-10 32 4 10 20 12/17/77 - 4/17/78 12/19/77 12/19/77 12/19/77 4/16/78 4/16/78 3/ 5/78 122 48°15.0' 123°16.5' 12.5 119 48°13.0' 122°57.2' 22.1 119 19.4 77 12.5 240 319 317 315 JDF-42 30 12/18/77 - 4/18/78 ST- 13 4 7/16/78 - 10/17/78 10 7/16/78 - 10/29/78 20 7/16/78 - 10/29/78 122 48°13.8' 122°58.3' 2.1 309 94 48°14.1' 122°57.4' 26.7 296 106 25.8 295 106 19.9 299 JDF-52 30 7/13/78 - 10/ 4/78 84 48°14.6' 122°58.9' 6.4 298 The flow during winter is illustrated by 35-h filtered currents (figs. 13-15) that show upper (30-m) and lower (130-m) layer flow was well developed along the axis of the eastern Strait, particularly at moorings 48, 49, and 42. Numbers around roses indicate percent of observations in that direction, and the length indicates the mean. At moorings 48 and 49, upper layer flow was seaward 60% to 70% of the time at about 15 cm/s. At mooring 42 to the east the seaward flow tendency had decreased to about 50% of the observations, and speeds had slowed to about 5 cm/s. The mid-depth (60-m) records at these three moorings showed a confused pattern because the level of no net flow was near that depth. Consequently, the 60-m mean speeds were smaller than those nearer the surface at moorings 48 and 49 (5-10 cm/s) and also showed a southerly cross-channel trend not present in the upper layer. At mooring 42 the 10 to 15 cm/s mean flow at 60 m was primarily landward (eastward) rather than seaward. Apparently the depth of no net flow was shallower than 60 m at that mooring, whereas it was deeper than or near that depth at moorings 48 and 49. The 130-m depth records indicated landward flow. Mean speeds were about 5 cm/s at mooring 48 and were greater (20 cm/s) to the east at mooring 49. At mooring 42, mean speeds were about 10 cm/s. The record from 48, the westernmost mooring, showed the most directional scatter. From these observations we conclude that the central eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca was characterized during winter by a two-layer mean flow regime with a level of no net motion at about 50 m, which became slightly shallower toward the east. 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SIOBB-T 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 sionn-T NET CURRENTS (cm/s) NET CURRENTS (cm/s) FLOOD Figure 12. — Vertical distribution of mean along-strait currents and density at sites A and G during winter and summer conditions . Near-shore mean currents at 4-m depth measured from surface moorings are shown at top. Moorings 40 and 41, situated off the entrances to Haro and Rosario Straits, respectively, showed the influence of flow through those channels . Flow at mooring 40 was northward into Haro Strait at 30 m and had mean speeds of about 10 cm/s. At 60 and 130 m, flow was more variable and had a marked easterly rather than northerly component. Mean speeds at 60 m were about 5 cm/s, whereas at 130 m mean speeds were about 10 cm/s or comparable to the upper layer values. The observations from mooring 41 off Rosario Strait indicated a weak (5 cm/s) southerly flow in the upper layer and a great deal of directional variability. The 60-m record indicated a primarily eastward flow at about 10 cm/s. The flow patterns at these two locations were markedly different from those observed farther south along the axis at the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The two-layer flow regime was not well defined, and, presumably, the circulation in this region is more complicated because of large-scale eddies, bottom topog- raphy, and residual tidal flows. The horizontal mooring spacing was not sufficient to resolve large-scale features, and therefore the details of circulation in the northern portion of the eastern Strait are unknown at this time. The northerly upper layer flow just off Haro Strait was unexpected since freshwater input from sources to the north (the Fraser River) should drive a mean two-layer circulation in Haro Strait. Recent current measurements by Canadian investigators show a well developed two-layer circulation with out-strait flow near the surface in Haro Strait (Webster, 1977). Southerly upper layer flow off Rosario Strait, however, agreed qualitatively with such a pattern. We hypothesize that northward flow into Haro Strait at the mooring sites reflects a tidally driven residual flow caused by flood (northward) tidal currents (see section 2.4). These measurements illustrate that local effects near the mouths of connecting straits may cause complex and often confusing circulation patterns . 17 Figure 13. — Current roses for 35-h filtered data at 30-m depth during winter. Figure 14., — Current roses for 35-h filtered data at 60-m depth during winter. 24' 18' 12' 06' 123° 54' 48' 42' 48 42 Figure 15. — Current roses for 35-h filtered data at 130-m depth during winter. Figure 16. — Record-averaged currents at 30-m depth during winter. 18 Figure 17. — Current roses for 35-h filtered data at 30-m depth during summer. Figure 18. — Current roses for 35-h filtered data at 60-m depth during summer. The tendency for mid-depth and deep currents to have easterly or cross-channel flow components was apparently due to a clockwise circulation cell in the eastern Strait, particu- larly well shown at 30 m during winter 1977-78 (fig. 16). This rotational flow tendency was present at moorings 42, 40, and 41 throughout the water column, and also during the summer at stations 50 and 51 (see current roses in figs. 17 and 18); no data were obtained from station 52. The constancy of this pattern with depth and season suggests that it may be driven by the tides, a mechanism that would tend to force a barotropic, seasonally independent flow. The regional topography is such that ebbing tidal currents from Rosario Strait would tend to form a strait- wide clockwise eddy in the eastern Strait, which might be further abetted by ebb tides from Admiralty Inlet. This eddy would tend to disintegrate during flood tides, but the net effect over several tidal cycles would be a mean clockwise circulation . A test of this hypoth- esis awaits further analyses of the tidal model developed by Crean (1978). Currents at the single mooring in Admiralty Inlet, mooring 43, were heavily influenced by the waters of the Puget Sound system to the south (figs. 13, 14, and 18). Strong cross- channel flow at 30 m reflected local topographic influences, whereas a 20 cm/s inward flow at 60 m reflected the estuarine flow regime driven by freshwater input into the Puget Sound sys- tem. Because of high peak current speeds (2 to 3 m/s) encountered during ebb and flood tides in Admiralty Inlet, the mooring was subject to considerable drag and consequent heeling. Therefore the middle and upper layer observations are probably not as reliable as the deep layer observations. The upper layer record, moreover, was shorter than the deep layer record because of upper current meter malfunction. Continuity arguments dictate that mean upper and lower layer transports should be similiar since net precipitation (including runoff) minus evaporation was much smaller by comparison. Thus, a mean outflow would be expected in the upper layer, but none was apparent from our records. Summer current records from the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca were far less complete than the winter records because of instrument malfunctions and gill net fouling. The 35-h filtered current roses constructed from available summer data indicate the same qualitative flow patterns at 30 and 60 m in the eastern Strait as observed during winter (figs. 17 and 18). There was no statistical difference between winter and summer current speeds . This contrasted 19 w *£*• -,.\\^ %:■ Vrt-'* nSSo? /fVJ- \\ V.. SITE #11 \ X --X CARDS 050 1-0600 ^}f/ .'. + 5 £':'■ \ Y" LAT. 48- 16.0 N \ y LON. 123-03. 8W \ %.:.■ DATE 14 APRIL 976 V/^ iS^S C? \ V:: RETURNED 49% £^kM \%.t ■•'••'' Figure 19. — Examples of drift card recoveries for cards deployed in the eastern Strait (from Pashinski and Charnell , 1979) . with the western extreme of the Strait where the mean two-layer flow showed summer speeds about double the winter speeds (Holbrook et al. , 1979), a result of coastal forcing (see section 2.5.4). Further evidence for minimal seasonal variation in surface flow in the eastern Strait is provided by results of a drift card study conducted in 1976 and 1977 (Pashinski and Charnell, 1979). These results are in agreement with basic estuarine circulation in the Puget Sound- Strait of Juan de Fuca system as defined by our current observations. The cards released in the eastern basin show the greatest dispersion and on the average were in the water for 3 days or longer before going aground (see fig. 19). However, since winds are the dominant factor in distribution, most cards can be grounded in a short time by very strong winds. Therefore, effective prediction depends on knowing forcing factors in near-real time. The two-layer estuarine flow is driven by freshwater input, which is reflected in the salinity distribution. Salinities and temperatures recorded during CTD cruises in February, April, October, and November 1976, and in December 1977, were examined for along- strait var- iations . A consistent change in the horizontal salinity and temperature fields occurred near the sill zone south of Victoria. Separate averages were made for the water masses lying east and west of this natural division. Most average salinity values in the east were lower than those in the west. Two excep- tions were February 1976 and December 1977, when water in the top 100 m in the western Strait had a lower average salinity than water at comparable depths in the eastern Strait. Salinity in the water column increased from top to bottom throughout the system. Surface- to-bottom differences in average values were smaller in the eastern Strait than in the western Strait. For example, in December 1977, the average value in the western Strait was 5.0°/ oo , whereas in the eastern Strait it was 1.8°/ 00 . Horizontal variations in temperature from west to east were typically 1° to 2°C. In the eastern Strait the lowest average temperatures occurred in February and increased throughout the year to December when the highest values were reached. As might be expected, tempera- ture decreased from top to bottom, but even this variation was minimal. In December and February, the differences in temperature between the surface and water at 150 m were 0.13°C and 0.17°C, respectively. In April and November, the difference was less than 0.5°C. 20 124°W Figure 20. — M 2 tidal current ellipses at 10- to 30-m depth. 2.4 Tidal Currents Tidal currents in the Strait of Juan de Fuca constitute both a navigational hazard and a primary mechanism for dispersal of spilled pollutants . A summary of existing information on tidal heights and currents in the Strait, along with a brief analysis of tidal wave behavior, has been presented by Parker (1977). In his analysis, he used the results of an intensive current and sea level monitoring program carried out from 1973-75 by the National Ocean Survey of NOAA and included previously available data. Crean (1978) numerically treated the problem of barotropic tidal behavior in the Strait, and his results give considerable insight into this complex system. Our current observations substantiate the results of earlier analyses. Tides in the Strait of Juan de Fuca behave as a progressive wave that propagates eastward from the open ocean and whose interactions lead to semidiurnal mixed tidal currents in the eastern Strait. We present tidal currents in the form of ellipses for the entire Strait to illustrate west-east continuity (figs. 20-23). Only the major semidiurnal and diurnal components, M 2 and K x , are shown because they contain the most energy and behave similarly to the other components . A tabulation of the five major components, M 2 , K 1; S 2 , N 2 , and 1} is presented for comparison (table 5). The constituents were computed using the first 29 days of each record listed, so they represent only the first portion of the series. Analysis of selected records in the eastern Strait has revealed that the tidal characteristics vary slightly with time over the duration of the mooring, and the values given may therefore be considered representative. The ellipses provide a summary of tidal characteristics. We also present graphs depicting major axis amplitudes and phases for the major constituents as a function of distance landward from the mouth of the Strait (fig. 24). The M 2 currents were generally about 10 to 20 cm/s stronger than the K 1 currents throughout the entire Strait. The difference was greatest at the constriction just south of Victoria, where M 2 current speeds were about 60 cm/s and K x speeds were about 40 cm/s. Speeds for four major constituents were about the same at the inner and outer ends of the Strait. The highest speeds observed occurred in Admiralty Inlet (not shown) where the M 2 component had an amplitude of about 120 cm/s. High speeds at that location are caused by the constricted channel, which must feed a large tidal prism to the Puget Sound system to the south, and actual instantaneous current speeds at that location have been ob- served as high as ~300 cm/s. Throughout the region, the elongate nature of the tidal ellipses reflects the constraining influence of the lateral boundaries; in several instances the cross- channel components represented by the minor ellipse axes were of the same order as noise in 21 124°W Figure 21. — M 2 tidal current ellipses at 120- to 170-m depth. the current records . The only instance of appreciable rotary motion was in the near-bottom M 2 constituent south of Victoria. The increase in phase of the M 2 and K x constituents with distance up-strait demonstrates the progressive nature of the tidal wave (fig. 24). Tidal constituent amplitude increased with distance up-strait to approximately Race Rocks and de- creased further eastward. Our observed tidal currents compare favorably with those that Crean (1978) obtained with his numerical model (fig. 25). His streamlines aid in interpreting the ellipses presented SAN V JUAN^ A / \ 124°W Figure 22. — iCj tidal current ellipses at 10- to 30-m depth. 22 Figure 23. — Ki tidal current ellipses at 120- to 170-m depth. earlier by providing better spatial resolution. For example, the on-offshore orientation of the M 2 and K x ellipses just south of the San Juan Islands at Strait-9 (shown in figs. 20-23) occurs just before the streamlines curve sharply and enter Haro Strait. Of particular interest is the formation of eddies south of Victoria, at the entrance to Haro Strait, and east of New Dungeness Spit. Ebbesmeyer et al. (1979) have summarized the historical oceanographic data in Port Angeles Harbor. Results from this study and hydraulic tidal model runs demonstrate the im- portance of forcing by exterior flows and local wind. Their combined effects yielded a resi- dence time of several days to a week for near-surface water in the harbor. Net near-shore flow between New Dungeness Spit and Ediz Hook was shown to be consistently eastward or up- s trait. 2.5 Subtidal Fluctuating Flow Estuarine circulation is composed of both tidal and nontidal currents. Gravitational convection, an aspect of the nontidal portion, has been a topic of extensive research during past decades, since it drives the two-layer mean flow normally associated with an estuary (Officer, 1976). Between the quasi-steady-state gravitational convection and the tidal oscilla- tions exists a broad range of time scales over which energetic motions may also occur. For this report, subtidal flow is considered to encompass current fluctuations with periods of 2 to 100 days. Studies in other estuaries have shown that winds, atmospheric pressure, and river runoff can cause these intermediate scales of estuarine motion. For example, in Narragansett Bay, longitudinal currents with periods of 2 to 3 days were highly coherent with longitudinal winds , with currents lagging the winds by 3 h (Weisberg and Sturges, 1976). In contrast, forcing of subtidal currents in Chesapeake Bay was relatively complex (Elliott, 1978; Wang and Elliott, 1978; Wang, 1979). For time scales longer than 10 days, a significant proportion of the fluc- tuations was generated at the Bay mouth by along-shore coastal winds. At time scales of 4 to 10 days, both coastal and local lateral winds were important; at time scales shorter than 4 days, a longitudinal seiche motion was thought to occur. Elliott et al. (1978) found that flow near the head of Chesapeake Bay was determined by the size of the Susquehanna River discharge. 23 Table 5. — Mi, S2, #2' ^1 / ^1 constituents for current records Latitude (N) Longitude (W) Approx. water depth (m) Current meter depth (m) Series length (days) Beginning of series Samples per h Type current meter M 2 S 2 Station no. Major dir. (°) Speed (cm/s) Greenwich phase Rot. Major dir. (°) Major Minor JDF 1A S 48°11.4' 123°39.8' 126.2 12 42 2-25-76 6 A -84.1 59.05 2.60 'l26.6 C -89.5 JDF 2A M 48°14.6' 123°39.1' 166.4 15 41 2-26-76 6 A -80.9 67.69 9.04 131.8 C -80.7 JDF 3A N 48°18.0' 123°38.5' 184.0 15 41 2-26-76 6 A -68.0 63.53 9.34 122.5 C -61.9 JDF 13 48°19.5' 124°12.0' 205.6 40 47 10-29-76 3 A -60.7 44.66 0.31 114.5 C -59.5 JDF 1A S 48°11.4' 123°39.8' 126.2 121 42 2-25-76 6 A -86.7 44.26 13.66 93.5 CC -68.4 JDF 2A M 48°14.6' 123°39.1' 166.4 161 41 2-26-76 6 A -80.0 38.95 18.82 105.0 CC -55.3 JDF 3A N 48°18.0' 122°38.5' 184.0 179 41 2-26-76 6 A -94.9 40.20 14.58 105.8 CC -95.8 JDF 11 48°26.0' 124°30.9' 235.9 170 44 12-14-76 3 A 113.8 45.51 3.57 59.2 C 111.7 ST-1 48°14.4' 123°40.8' 170.0 10 81 2-13-76 8 V -73.5 58.94 4.04 124.6 C -62.4 ST-2 48°15.0' 123°44.4' 170.0 10 101 11-06-76 8 V -78.8 59.93 7.25 115.7 C -79.1 ST-3 48°26.4' 124°33.0' 250.0 10 101 11-06-76 8 V -62.5 41.89 2.74 105.8 CC -46.1 ST-4 48°19.8' 124°09.6' 190.0 4 101 11-06-76 8 V -58.7 51.89 4.54 107.0 C -71.3 MESA W 48°25.9' 124°31.2' 237.7 76 45 6-18-77 3 A -71.9 45.93 2.06 137.7 C -74.2 MESA S 48°18.4' 124° 14.1' 191.0 159 45 6-20-77 3 A -65.7 40.71 2.51 109.5 CC -75.2 MESA E 48°14.8' 123°44.0' 169.0 157 44 6-21-77 3 A -78.5 39.36 16.36 100.0 CC -50.3 MESA W 48°25.9' 124°31.2' 237.7 11 45 6-19-77 3 A -55.4 45.11 0.68 104.1 C -45.9 MESA S 48°18.4' 124°14.r 191.0 13 45 6-20-77 6 Plessey -60.9 44.16 2.93 115.2 C -48.1 MESA N 48°22.4' 124°09.4' 165.0 30 45 6-20-77 3 A -64.2 17.60 0.63 102.9 C -70.5 MESA E 48°14.8' 123°44.0' 169.0 12 42 6-21-77 3 A -77.8 9.54 0.16 42.8 CC 114.7 ST-5 48°15.0' 123°46.6' 170.0 10 97 6-21-77 8 V -72.7 62.75 16.54 114.6 C -70.4 ST-6 48°26.4' 124°33.6' 250.0 10 73 6-21-77 8 V -53.5 42.30 1.04 96.1 C -41.2 ST- 7 48°20.4' 124°13.2' 210.0 10 97 6-21-77 8 V -58.2 29.15 0.91 100.8 c -49.6 JDF 40 48°23.2' 123°03.2' 144.0 131 122 12-18-77 3 A -123.5 30.32 3.84 122.5 CC 42.5 JDF 41 48°23.0' 122°46.6' 80.5 59 122 12-18-77 3 A -100.1 28.47 1.18 115.3 CC -3.7 JDF 42 48°13.8' 122°58.3' 133.0 120 122 12-18-77 3 A -86.8 32.53 0.31 107.7 CC -74.1 JDF 43 48°08.7' 122°42.4' 79.0 68 63 12-17-77 3 A -56.1 36.63 0.60 117.8 CC -53.9 JDF 48 48°11.6' 123°31.1' 146.3 136 123 12-17-77 3 A -84.1 51.19 11.87 118.3 CC -97.5 JDF 49 48°15.0' 123°16.5' 125.0 62 122 12-17-77 3 A -93.0 63.35 2.57 127.1 C -94.7 JDF 40 48°23.2' 123°03.2' 144.0 31 122 12-18-77 3 A 34.7 33.99 1.31 -42.5 CC 38.5 JDF 41 48°23.0' 122°46.6' 80.5 29 122 12-18-77 3 A -135.9 27.63 2.09 129.4 CC 25.6 JDF 42 48°13.8' 122°58.3' 133.0 30 122 12-18-77 3 A -87.9 33.75 3.82 129.6 c -81.3 JDF 43 48°08.7' 122°42.4' 79.0 28 101 12-17-77 3 A -47.5 121.97 3.50 119.2 c -43.6 JDF 48 48°11.6' 123°31.1' 146.3 23 123 12-17-77 3 A -88.3 64.75 2.52 125.0 c -97.4 JDF 49 48°15.0' 123°16.5' 125.0 32 122 12-17-77 3 A -95.0 65.64 1.70 127.8 c -94.0 ST-8 48°14.4' 123°15.6' 130.0 10 119 12-19-77 8 V -102.0 57.41 1.17 116.9 CC -101.2 ST-9 48°23.4' 123°01.8' 150.0 10 23 12-19-77 8 V 37.4 34.32 3.77 -51.2 c 42.8 ST-10 48°13.2' 122°57.0' 120.0 10 119 12-19-77 8 V -91.1 40.48 5.54 116.5 c -97.3 JDF 51 48°22.9' 122°46.8' 84.0 30 85 7-11-78 6 A 52.3 37.55 1.-61 -30.3 CC 50.4 JDF 52 48°14.6' 122°58.9' 133.5 30 84 7-13-78 6 A -85.7 40.74 3.64 124.0 c -75.4 JDF 53 48°08.7' 122°42.3' 77.0 45 82 7-11-78 6 A -47.4 71.44 1.16 135.4 c -50.7 ST-11 48°13.2' 123°05.4' 130.0 10 41 7-16-78 8 V -74.8 46.30 1.28 110.2 c -86.0 ST- 12 48°20.4' 122°58.2' 110.0 10 39 7-16-78 8 V -114.2 45.08 19.27 117.1 c -110.1 ST-13 48°14.4' 122°57.6' 140.0 10 106 7-16-78 8 V -83.3 41.74 8.65 113.5 c -74.0 JDF 51 48°22.9' 122°46.8' 84.0 60 69 7-12-78 6 A -85.1 30.70 2.03 93.3 c 50.1 JDF 52 48°14.6' 122°58.9' 133.5 60 84 7-13-78 6 A -84.4 36.12 2.59 126.5 CC -88.2 JDF 53 48°08.7' 122°42.3' 77.0 60 72 7-11-78 6 A -52.2 55.73 3.29 132.1 c -52.5 24 Table 5. — M^, S^, N 2 , K\ , 0\ constituents for current records (continued) S 2 (cont.) N 2 K x Oj Speed (cm/s) Greenwich Rot. Major Speed (cm/s) Greenwich Rot. Major Speed (cm/s) Greenwich Rot. Major Speed (cm/s) Greenwich Rot. phase dir. phase dir. phase dir. phase Major Minor (°) Major Minor (°) Major Minor (°) Major Minor 13.75 2.91 143.6 C -103.0 15.62 4.25 116.6 CC -83.7 46.73 4.08 17.5 CC 88.2 18.64 0.76 177.2 CC 17.05 1.79 155.5 C -76.8 20.11 0.73 104.6 c -80.8 43.80 3.55 30.0 C -81.7 23.39 0.42 16.9 CC 18.70 0.51 132.2 cc -32.8 13.86 0.39 103.7 cc -78.9 32.70 3.76 50.0 C -73.2 26.52 2.38 30.0 CC 11.39 0.82 149.2 c -45.2 4.24 0.22 78.8 cc -64.5 30.00 1.19 13.3 C -64.0 17.18 1.37 -4.3 C 11.35 4.94 114.3 cc -45.4 6.59 1.32 61.7 c -89.4 27.28 0.31 16.1 CC 45.2 12.75 0.79 154.6 C 8.88 6.98 108.9 cc -73.2 7.42 3.69 58.1 cc -99.4 33.03 3.17 22.2 CC 84.8 18.80 1.57 160.3 CC 9.56 3.79 138.3 cc -84.5 6.55 1.52 65.9 cc 78.3 36.57 7.24 187.2 CC 85.6 20.50 3.32 145.8 cc 14.36 1.71 88.0 c -65.0 13.76 0.89 -19.3 c -63.1 26.42 2.62 112.5 C -61.8 17.68 1.68 7.5 c 15.55 1.58 129.9 cc -54.1 16.14 1.53 73.1 cc -82.4 38.60 2.41 25.7 C -86.6 23.05 5.53 20.1 c 12.27 1.91 151.9 c -58.7 14.99 0.95 81.8 c -75.9 38.71 3.41 17.1 C -75.5 18.43 2.36 4.8 cc 8.57 1.95 136.2 c -107.2 5.26 4.31 116.7 cc -66.2 31.86 0.18 11.6 C -65.1 16.96 0.00 -10.2 cc 9.63 1.09 136.4 c -43.8 10.63 0.10 82.8 cc -68.7 33.59 2.71 8.6 C -59.0 20.02 5.85 -9.1 c 11.86 1.89 149.1 c -79.1 9.86 0.15 126.5 c -64.4 28.68 1.74 14.6 C -65.7 16.76 2.79 25.8 c 10.28 0.01 137.4 cc -64.0 7.44 0.10 73.7 cc -68.1 24.76 0.18 12.5 CC -63.7 12.69 0.31 -7.1 cc 8.78 4.41 95.8 cc -93.9 7.01 3.93 81.1 cc -87.3 27.28 2.61 12.4 CC 100.2 15.34 3.81 162.0 cc 12.80 2.92 124.6 c -44.3 9.27 0.51 70.6 c -66.9 26.63 1.34 15.0 CC -57.3 11.76 3.98 -4.1 cc 8.97 0.27 137.8 cc -61.3 8.77 1.68 73.0 c -65.7 26.95 0.30 18.8 c -60.6 17.79 1.78 -10.2 c 4.93 1.36 -18.8 c -63.2 14.80 0.68 137.7 c -70.4 10.68 0.09 10.5 c -59.2 4.80 0.19 21.7 cc 28.94 6.95 41.8 c -74.8 6.12 2.96 95.7 c 111.5 6.29 1.38 108.0 cc 98.1 8.01 2.91 43.4 cc 16.72 6.60 139.8 c -69.5 12.23 5.33 89.7 c -64.9 34.86 6.87 18.0 c -83.3 20.32 1.55 24.8 c 10.76 1.45 127.2 c -51.6 8.40 0.66 60.5 c -65.0 24.10 1.86 5.7 cc -60.9 11.72 3.05 -25.0 cc 2.14 1.31 189.9 cc -56.0 9.98 0.08 100.3 c -64.0 17.18 0.22 8.9 cc -49.0 10.40 2.15 16.8 c 9.76 2.62 -14.0 cc -164.2 5.18 0.45 82.6 c 54.7 20.91 0.68 191.6 cc 26.8 12.90 6.28 147.9 c 4.96 1.34 29.2 cc -107.6 6.72 1.18 98.7 c 62.7 18.90 1.34 194.5 cc 54.0 12.53 2.00 156.1 c 10.76 2.51 128.4 c -94.2 7.90 1.94 79.1 cc -84.4 18.40 0.98 1.6 c 93.7 12.58 0.80 155.8 cc 42.06 1.28 143.9 c 122.5 35.64 2.47 133.2 c -54.1 20.73 1.28 -24.6 c -46.4 14.13 1.90 2.9 c 12.03 1.84 146.3 cc -85.2 11.02 0.02 82.8 c -97.0 37.60 2.67 13.5 cc 82.8 22.32 2.64 174.3 c 16.48 0.25 155.6 cc -96.9 12.84 0.76 91.5 c -88.9 36.94 2.27 18.1 c -83.7 16.69 0.55 -0.3 c 7.03 1.55 -21.1 cc -140.8 7.48 2.48 113.8 cc 37.9 25.14 1.60 213.9 cc 23.8 11.59 2.30 207.6 cc 7.17 2.49 -20.8 c -130.0 6.11 1.22 105.2 cc 66.4 22.04 1.38 189.4 cc 93.0 12.27 5.55 139.9 cc 6.65 1.15 163.6 c -93.4 5.43 0.44 89.2 c -82.3 19.16 3.73 34.9 c -87.1 12.06 1.23 28.9 cc 44.26 3.56 113.0 c -45.3 20.07 1.65 137.8 cc -44.9 57.05 4.07 10.0 cc -35.2 35.71 8.50 -3.0 cc 17.63 0.68 162.0 cc -92.5 13.63 0.08 91.8 cc -87.1 43.97 2.90 29.6 c -85.2 27.29 1.05 4.7 c 16.85 0.04 152.1 cc -101.3 15.10 1.01 94.7 c -96.0 39.46 0.04 25.7 cc -95.3 19.55 1.38 7.4 cc 16.96 1.15 146.4 c -119.9 12.78 0.32 86.4 cc -107.2 33.05 2.52 19.3 cc 71.7 15.79 4.91 173.3 cc 9.80 0.63 190.6 cc 26.7 7.61 0.69 -61.9 cc 48.7 22.50 3.24 204.6 cc 49.8 11.87 0.11 183.8 cc 7.95 1.50 152.1 c -81.3 6.95 1.40 107.3 c -89.1 18.97 1.32 24.9 c -74.2 13.96 3.07 17.1 c 8.77 1.28 -0.4 c -113.9 5.95 0.80 120.0 c 66.3 26.06 3.60 188.7 cc 84.7 15.02 5.32 177.5 cc 10.61 2.06 144.3 c -83.0 7.37 0.57 99.3 c -85.9 19.39 2.47 24.8 c -89.1 9.87 1.46 19.7 c 20.27 1.44 137.8 c -48.8 13.09 0.16 114.3 cc -46.9 29.50 0.56 9.3 cc -42.6 15.15 1.70 20.7 c 13.02 2.30 146.8 cc -76.8 10.30 1.57 78.3 cc -93.6 28.84 2.34 25.1 c -85.2 17.63 0.64 4.7 cc 11.30 3.30 151.0 c -108.8 11.15 4.57 89.4 c -91.1 15.68 4.93 27.6 c 61.5 13.26 2.64 180.8 c 16.26 2.12 157.2 c -80.3 8.99 0.84 84.3 c -80.1 25.54 7.95 31.6 c -82.8 14.69 0.56 0.2 cc 8.13 1.65 -35.2 c -97.5 4.59 0.73 57.4 cc 70.4 16.16 4.29 178.4 cc 55.1 11.65 2.40 138.0 c 7.80 0.56 137.9 cc -83.0 7.37 0.57 99.3 c -85.9 19.39 2.47 24.8 c -89.1 9.87 1.46 19.7 c 16.73 0.28 139.4 cc -47.5 9.17 0.44 113.9 c -45.9 25.71 0.58 16.4 c -44.3 11.29 0.52 28.1 cc 25 60 - 50 < 40 o ^ 30 u. o Q 20 SURFACE MOORING ID 4 5 2-1 _| U_J 11 10,13 LEGEND o — o WINTER d-d SUMMER J I I 20 80 1 00 I20 I40 I40 I20 I00 40 20 / I60 ^ I20 E „„ Ld 80 oo < o-|40 x 20 40 DISTA 60 80 I00 NCE UP-STRAIT ( km) I20 I40 Figure 24. — K-± tidal current amplitudes (M 2 , K\, 0\, N 2 ) and phases (M 2 , K L ) for the major constituents (as computed from selected current records) as a function of distance landward from the mouth of the Strait. Results in this section demonstrate the importance of coastal wind forcing and the rela- tive lack of influence by local winds and river runoff in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. One of Cannon's (1978) principal findings was that large- amplitude, long-period current flucuations occurred in the western Strait particularly in winter. These motions caused the net seaward estuarine flow in the surface layer to reverse for periods up to 10 days, causing eastward intrusions of coastal ocean water as far as 90 km from the mouth and retention of surface water within the system,. These events were related to coastal storms and followed periods of strong southwesterly winds off the Washington coast (Holbrook and Halpern, 1977; Holbrook et al. , 1980). They penetrated the eastern basin to an undetermined extent. 2.5.1 Subtidal current observations In the eastern Strait, the spatial distribution of subtidal current variance did not vary appreciably with season in contrast to the vast difference in subtidal variance between winter and summer measured in the western Strait (Holbrook et al. , 1980). The vertical and horizon- tal distribution of subtidal current fluctuations can best be seen by examining currents measured at locations A and G (see fig. 2). Examples of subtidal along-strait current fluc- tuations during winter and summer at sites A and G are contrasted in fig. 26. Throughout this section, tidal and higher frequency fluctuations have been removed by applying a A|s A 2 4 Godin low-pass filter (Godin, 1973), which has a half-amplitude frequency of 0.0143 cph. The largest current fluctuations occurred at 4-m depth at site A near the mouth 26 Figure 25. — Typical flood and ebb currents computed from barotropic tidal model, showing locations of surface current moorings . of the Strait during winter, where subtidal current reversals accounted for 35% of the fil- tered record, lasted from 3 to 10 days, and had maximum up-strait speeds of 25 to 55 cm/s. During winter 1977-78 at site G, three periods of up-strait flow were measured that lasted from 2 to 7 days and had maximum up-strait speeds of 5 to 30 cm/s. Between June and August at site A, the along-strait components of near surface and lower layer currents exhibited less variability than during fall, winter, and spring. No reversals occurred at sites A or G during these months. During September at site A, quasi-steady-state summer conditions ended, and three reversals occurred. The longer period fluctuations were generally 180° out of phase between the surface and deep layers. The amplitude of the deep layer currents was much smaller than that of the near- surface currents. The longitudinal distribution of subtidal current variance in the near- surface and deep layer is shown in fig. 27. Subtidal variance decreased with depth in the near-surface layer, especially in the western Strait during winter when the variance was primarily confined to the upper 40 m of the water column. During summer in the western Strait and throughout the year in the eastern Strait, subtidal variance below 50-m depth was less than 50 cm 2 /s 2 . Thus, the estimated subtidal rms amplitude about the mean estuarine flow in the deep layer was less than 7 cm/s throughout the system. Fluctuations in the surface layer were larger and were related to meteorological events (see discussion of wind forcing in this section). Horizontal coherence between mooring sites in the eastern Strait was weak. For example, coherence squared estimates over the most energetic region of the spectrum (centered at 0.00323 cph) between 4-m currents at ST-8 and ST-9 and at ST-8 and ST- 10 were 0.57 and 0.55, respectively. Over the entire subtidal frequency range approximately 19% and 18%, respectively, of the variance was coherent between these pairs, with all the coherent vari- ance occurring in the east- west component; no estimate for the north- south components was significant at the 95% level. In contrast, over the tidal frequencies, 85% and 95% of the variance were coherent. Vertical coherence was much higher than horizontal coherence at all mooring sites, with 85% to 95% of the subtidal variance significantly coherent in the upper layer. For example, coherence estimates over the most energetic region of the spectrum (centered at 0.00323 cph) between 4 and 20 m at ST-9 and ST- 10 were 0.93 and 0.94, respectively. In summary, the distribution of subtidal variance in the eastern Strait may be character- ized as less intense than in the western Strait, with weak horizontal and strong vertical 27 -30 e: LOWER- LAYERU59m) SITE A SUMMER CURRENTS FLOOD 21 25 301 5 JUN JUL 77 77 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 RUG 77 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 SEP 77 10 15 20 25 E 130 25 30 1 5 DEC JHN 77 78 10 15 20. 25 30 1 5 FEB 78 10 15 20 25 1 5 MAR 78 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 APR 78 60 30 : - -30 - -60 NEAR-SURFACE (4m) L0WER-LAYER(60m SITE G SUMMER CURRENTS 16 20 25 30 1 5 JUL AUG 78 * 78 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 SEP 78 10 15 20 25 301 5 OCT 78 EBB FLOOD 10 15 Figure 26. — Along-strait subtidal currents at sites A and G during winter and Tidal and higher frequency fluctuations have been removed by applying an A\ Godin (1973) low-pass filter. Up-strait flow is negative. summer . 5 A 2k coherence in the near- surface layer. The low level of horizontal coherence is not necessarily surprising, since bottom and lateral topographic features are extremely irregular. Also, the appropriate horizontal scale for internal motions as defined by the internal Rossby radius of deformation was estimated to be between 2 and 10 km, which was less than the horizontal spa- cing of the moorings . 2.5.2 Wind observations Over-the-water and coastal wind measurements were made during winter 1977-78 and summer 1978 in conjunction with current observations in the eastern basin of the Strait. Over-the-water winds were measured and recorded by vector-averaging wind recorders 4 m above the water from surface buoys located at sites 8 through 13 (fig. 6). Winds were measured and recorded onshore by Aanderaa wind recorders at Smith Island, New Dungeness Spit, and Tatoosh Island. Winds measured at permanent weather stations operated by the U.S. National Weather Service and Environment Canada were used to supplement the time series data. The coastal wind field was estimated from a 3° by 3° atmospheric pressure grid centered at 48°N, 125°W, 25 km off the Washington coast (Bakun, 1978, personal com- munication). Surface frictional effects were approximated by rotating the wind vectors 15° counterclockwise and reducing speeds by 30%. 28 TISOm 20 40 60 80 100 120 DISTANCE UP- STRAIT(km) 1000 800 600 400 200 - ■ JUN-AUG 77 ■ JUL-AUG 78- SUMMER UPPER LAYER 4m l0m Figure 27. — Longitudinal distribution of subtidal variance during winter and summer. Subtidal variance was pri- marily confined to the upper 40 m of the water column. 20 40 60 80 100 DISTANCE UP- STRAIT (km) 120 140 During the winter experiment, winds along the Washington coast were predominantly south- easterly, reflecting offshore cyclonic activity. The maximum computed wind was 24.7 m/s to- ward 333° TN on 9 February 1978. Winds measured at the buoy sites and shore stations in the Strait were easterly, with the exception of brief periods of strong westerlies associated with frontal passages. The strongest winds were recorded on 5 January, with maximum shore wind speeds of 21.9, 19.1, and 14.4 m/s at Race Rocks, New Dungeness, and Smith Island, re- spectively. Coincident maximum over-the-water winds were 19.8, 17.9, and 17.3 m/s at ST-8, 9, and 10, respectively. During this storm, a winter 1977-78 maximum atmospheric pressure difference of 8 mb was observed between Bellingham and Quillayute airports . In the eastern Strait, westerly winds generally decreased in strength with distance eastward as a result of orographic effects . In the regions east of the buoy sites , southerly winds from Puget Sound influenced the local wind field. During the summer experiment, coastal winds were northwesterly, reflecting the offshore Pacific high. Winds in the Strait were westerly and had an additional superposed 5 to 10 m/s afternoon sea breeze on most days . The amplitude of the sea breeze was least in the eastern Strait. By late August storm activity had increased, and between 23 and 26 August a low pressure system centered 500 km off the Washington coast generated southerly winds of more than 13 m/s for several days. This storm occurred during a 4-day study period when surface currents were intensively monitored (see section 2.5). Statistical comparisons between winds measured at the buoy sites and at the National Weather Service remote shore locations revealed that winds throughout the region were similar at any given time. Over-the-water winds were significantly correlated with coastal winds at the 95% level, with east- west components having higher correlation coefficients (R = 0.6 to 0.8) than north-south components (R = 0.4 to 0.6). Over-the-water wind speeds were weaker, 29 typically 60% to 80% of the coastal wind speeds. Uncorrelated fluctuating wind components had root-mean-square amplitudes of 2 to 3 m/s . The correlations between over-the-water winds and different nearby coastal winds were similar. For example, correlation coefficients between the east-west components of winds measured at ST-8 and New Dungeness and Port Angeles were 0.62 and 0.56, respectively. 2.5.3 Local wind forcing The near- surface current response to the local wind field was weak but statistically significant at the 95% level. The squared coherence between the over-the-water winds and the near-surface currents (at 4-, 10-, 20-m depth) at ST-8 was 0.46 at periods longer than 8 days for east-west winds and currents and between 0.52 and 0.72 at periods of 1.4 to 2.9 days for east-west winds and north-south currents. In all, 18% of the subtidal current fluctuations at ST-8 at 4-m depth were related to the local winds . Poorer coherences were computed for ST-9 and ST- 10 during winter. Although the current response nearer the surface was undoubtedly more dramatic, measurements in this study showed a weak relationship between the local winds and near-surface currents. The strongest local winds of the winter occurred on 5 January, when westerly wind speeds exceeded 15 m/s for several hours. These winds caused the verti- cal mean shear between 4 and 10 m at ST-8 and ST- 10 to decrease from 1 cm/s/m to approxi- mately zero. However, the net flow remained westward at all measured depths in the near- surface layer. Similar fluctuations in the vertical shear were recorded during other strong westerlies. This response decreased with depth, and the vertical shear change between 10- and 20-m depths was smaller. This lack of local wind forcing may be due in part to the limited duration (usually a few hours) of strong winds in the Strait. 2.5.4 Nonlocal meteorological forcing A principal result of experiments conducted in the western Strait was the finding that the near-surface and deeper subtidal current fluctuations were highly coherent with coastal winds (Cannon, 1978; Holbrook and Halpern, 1977; Holbrook et al. , 1980). This relationship can be reviewed by examining time series of coastal winds and along- strait currents in the western Strait during winter, as shown in fig. 28. Vertical lines are drawn at times of maxi- mum near-surface up-strait current reversal at site A. Maximum near-surface current rever- sals at site C lagged those at site A by 47 h, indicating an up-strait propagation velocity of 37 cm/s . Periods of deceleration in the along- strait flow before maximum reversal are coinci- dent with south-southwesterly coastal winds and rising sea level near the Strait entrance at Neah Bay and Port Renfrew. These data suggest that an Ekman flux mechanism was responsible for the generation of these reversals, which then slowly propagated up-strait. Maximum up- strait reversals were accompanied by a reversal in the vertical current shear making them near-surface baroclinic phenomena. No phasing was observed in the deeper layer, which also responded to coastal winds, suggesting that the barotropic response in the near-surface layer was masked by the larger amplitude baroclinic response. An important characteristic of coastal forcing is the directionality of the offshore winds, which generates the response. Figure 29 shows squared coherence spectra between computed coastal winds and along-strait currents at sites A and C. Contours of squared coherence are drawn as a function of wind direction (positive axis represents direction toward which wind blows). Maximum squared coherence was found over the most energetic portion of the spectrum (periods of 12 days) when the winds were along a 020° to 200° TN axis. The squared coher- ence estimates (95% confidence interval) were 0.90 (0.70 to 0.96) at site A and 0.73 (0.34 to 0.88) at site C. The current response lagged (±95% confidence interval) the coastal winds by 39 (±6) h at site A and by 91 (±23) h at site C. Totals of 71% and 44% of the along-strait subtidal variability at sites A and C, respectively, were attributed to coastal winds along an 020° to 200° TN axis. Table 6 summarizes other statistics between the records shown in fig. 28. It is noteworthy that coastal winds from the southeast (toward 350° to 300° TN) did not generate a strong current response in the Strait over the long-period time scales. Although the impact of coastal forcing on circulation was less dramatic in the eastern Strait than in the western Strait, it still represented a principal driving force of subtidal current reversals. As in the western Strait, the frequency and strength of up-strait flow reversals in the eastern Strait decreased with distance eastward. Representative time series of near-surface currents in the eastern Strait at sites D (JDF48) and G (ST-10) as well as 30 ' 'lb 15 ' ' ?0 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 10 IS 20 25 30 1 5 10 15 JJ £ SITE A\ aI ALONG-STRAIT VERTICAL SHEAR /U(4tn) -unomi A , ii\ a rr\ L a ft\ / )\ £*fl \_/-SITE C^ N_^sy- |, 5 10 15 20 25 301 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 10 wnu nFr JHN ~s-P CORRECTED SEA LEVEL PORT RENFREW JD 1010 E I ** .LOW-PASS FILTERED | ^UNFILTERED ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AT OUILLAYUTE 5 10 15 20 25 3q 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 NOV DEC JHN F|B 76 76 77 77 5 10 15 20 25 301 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 10 15 NOV DEC JRN FEB 76 76 77 77 Figure 28. — Low-pass filtered time series of local winds, near- surface and deep currents, vertical current shear between 4 and 10 m, computed geostrophic coastal winds, corrected sea level at Port Renfrew and Neah Bay, and atmospheric pressure at various sites. Vertical lines indicate times of maximum up-strait (negative) current flow at site A. Periods of deceleration in the along-strait direction, before maximum current reversal, are coincident with SSW coastal winds and rising corrected sea level at Port Renfrew and Neah Bay. 31 PERIOD (H) PERIOD (H) 002 03 04 FREQUENCY (CPH) 02 003 FREQUENCY (CPHI Figure 29. — Squared coherence spectra (above) for 6-h values of computed geostrophic coastal winds (Bakun, 1977) and 6-h average along-strait currents and density spectra (below) at sites A and C. Maximum subtidal coherence occurred with coastal winds directed along a 020° -200° axis. local and computed coastal winds are shown in fig. 30. Vertical lines are drawn at times of maximum up-strait reversal at site D. Seven periods of reversed currents at 23-m depth at site D accounted for 16% of the subtidal record, lasted from 2 to 4 days, and had maximum speeds of 6 to 18 cm/s. At 4-m depth at site G, 44 km up-strait, three reversals accounted for 14% of the subtidal record, lasted from 4 to 6 days, and had maximum speeds of 6 to 27 cm/s. Although all seven reversals at site D occurred after periods of southerly coastal winds , the direction and duration of these winds played an important role in both reversal strength and up-strait penetration distance. As seen in fig. 29, the response to southeasterly coastal winds was weak whereas south-southwesterly winds generated the largest coherencies. During winter 1977-78, coastal winds were predominantly southeasterly with only brief periods of southwesterly flow. Consequently, reversals in the eastern Strait were not as large as might be expected during other winters . Three reversals at site G followed periods of south- southwesterly winds . Although some of the strongest southeasterly winds occurred on 7-8 January, the induced reversal was not measured at site G, despite the additive effects of a strong up-strait wind stress. One of the clearest examples of coastal forcing occurred in March, when southerly coastal winds of more than 15 m/s blew for several days (6-8 March) and were preceded and followed by periods of relative calm. The maximum reversal was meas- ured at site D on 10 March, nearly 4 days after commencement of southerly coastal winds. The relative effects of wind strength are seen during periods of southerly winds that vary in strength on 15-17 and 23-27 March. Although coastal low pressure systems with southwesterly winds occur more frequently and persist longer during winter than during summer, occasionally a low pressure system will sit 32 Table 6. — Squared coherence and phase between local and coastal winds, currents , vertical current shear, corrected sea level, and atmospheric pressure shown in fig. 28 Along-strait currents (cm/s) Current (cm/ shear 5) Corrected sea level (cm) Atmospheric pressure (mb) A/4 m A/181 m B/4 m B/178 m C/4 m A (4-10 m) C (4-10 m) Port Renfrew QA BA-QA Record length (days) 102 41 51 42 102 102 102 102 102 102 Computed coastal wind along 020°-200° at 48°N, 125°W (Bakun) Variance 1 % total 2 Phase lag 3 (h) 95% conf. 553 71 39 6 41 70 20 5 2 1 4 41 78 -3 9 207 44 91 23 8.0 40 29 30 5.3 36 88 29 5.1 15 -12 13 3.0 7 O 6 2 0.48 27 12 3 Along-strait local wind at site B Variance 1 % total 2 Phase lag 3 95% conf. (h) 121 11 124 11 52 9.2 16 21 56 22 11 46 -3 8 4 -34 -5 4 -28 21 10 3 13 5 15 39 7.7 52 -33 27 6 3 5 2 1.7 4 13 2 1.7 94 -9 5 1 Subtidal variance (cm 2 /s 2 , cm 2 , mb 2 ) coherent at 95% level. Percent of total subtidal variance coherent at 95% level. Phase lag (with 95% confidence interval) of estimate containing most coherent variance. Positive phase means winds lead coherent series. Up-strait winds lead maximum out-strait currents in lower layer by indicated phase lag. Up-strait winds lead high water at Port Renfrew by 3 h. Northward coastal winds occur at the same time as low pressure at Quillayute. off the coast long enough during summer to generate a response in the Strait. Such a system was observed during 20-27 August 1978 (fig. 31). South- southwesterly winds associated with this system generated a near- surface, up-strait current reversal that was observed 4 to 6 days later in the eastern Strait. In fig. 32 a vertical line is drawn at the time of arrival of the maximum reversal at site D to illustrate the phase lag of this response relative to the coastal winds and currents farther up-strait. The reversal was measured at site F 39 h later than at site D, giving an up-strait phase velocity of 21 cm/s in the eastern Strait. The currents at site G did not reverse (Holbrook et al. , 1980). Before and during up-strait propagation of the storm-induced reversal, an intensive 4-day study period was carried out, during which surface currents were monitored using the Coastal Ocean Dynamics Analysis Radar (CODAR) and surface drifters. In this study NOAA, Environ- ment Canada, and MESA-contracted scientists investigated in greater detail the near-surface circulation in the Strait to provide an intercomparison of direct and remote sensing techniques for measuring near-shore currents, and to provide observational data for testing the Puget Sound surface circulation model. The CODAR system, which consisted of two shore-based, transportable HF Doppler radars, remotely mapped hourly surface currents over a 900-km 2 area with a spatial resolution of 1.2 km (Barrick et al. , 1977). Measurements were made between Point Wilson and New Dungeness for 3 days and between New Dungeness and Port Angeles for 1 day. Although analysis of this data set is continuing, preliminary comparisons between the near- surface currents measured by VACM's at the three surface mooring sites and the CODAR data show good agreement for both the mean and tidal flows. The 3-day average (23-25 August) flow (fig. 33) showed net seaward velocities of 20 to 40 cm/s throughout the eastern Strait. Examples of typical flood and ebb surface currents as measured by the CODAR system are shown in fig. 34; because of the additive effects of estuarine circulation, the ebbs are stronger and floods weaker than those computed from Crean's model (fig. 25). This pattern was consistent with most of the near-surface current data during this period. The sub- 33 Figure 30. — Low-pass filtered time series of near-surface currents at sites D and G, and unfiltered local and coastal winds during winter. Vertical lines are drawn at times of maximum up-strait reversal at site D. Extent to which coastal winds affected flow in eastern basin depended on their strength, duration, and direction. sequent 24-h average CODAR current map in fig. 35 corresponded to the time of arrival of the reversal between Port Angeles and New Dungeness 3 days later. The core of the east- ward flow was located near mid- strait, with shoreward components on either side. In the convergence zone near the reversal front, the seaward estuarine flow was diverted southward with an eastward recirculation north of New Dungeness Spit. This CODAR map dramatically illustrates the complexity of current reversals and suggests their potential effect on the movement of foreign material transported by surface currents . Surface drifter trajectories tracked by Canadian investigators (Ages, personal communica- tion, 1979) also showed a net seaward drift before the storm's effects and a landward (east- ward) drift as the reversal propagated through the western Strait (fig. 36). Up-strait excursions of more than 35 km over a 24-h period were observed. Other surface drifter studies (Cox et al. , 1978) showed an intensification of the flood tidal flow north of the New Dungeness Spit on 26 August, which was associated with the reversal. In summary, the field observations demonstrated the role of nonlocal meteorological forcing in modifying circulation in an estuary opening onto the Pacific continental shelf. Winds conducive to coastal downwelling (southwesterlies) generated a current response in the Strait that was larger than the net gravitational circulation and led to current reversals that 34 Figure 31. — Surface pressure maps showing stationary low pres- sure system centered 300-400 km off the Washington coast between 23 and 25 August 1978. propagated up- strait. Although the current variance associated with coastal wind forcing de- creased with distance up-strait and with depth, the effects of coastal storms were observed as far as 135 km up-strait. Since southerly coastal winds occurred with lower frequency and intensity during summer, subtidal current reversals were rare between June and August. In contrast, local along-strait winds were weakly coherent with subtidal current fluctuations and can be considered secondary to coastal forcing in modifying the near-surface circulation. It should be noted that the moored current measurements were not made at depths shallower than 4 m, and therefore the effects of local winds on surface currents may be greater. 35 COMPUTED COASTAL WINDS AT , 48° N. 125° W (BAKUN) NORTH I "^fPf ^"WW^W ^'"^^ ^ fajkJfiAL ' WS W 16 20 25 30 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 5 10 15 20 25 301 5 10 15 JUL AUG SEP OCT 78 78 78 78 60 ALONG- STRAIT CURRENTS/ SITE D I EBB FLOOD ALONG -STRAIT CURRENTS /SITE F I FLOOD 60 ALONG- STRAIT CURRENTS /SITE G EBB Figure 32. — SSW coastal winds associated with the offshore low-pressure system (fig. 31) generated an along-strait current reversal at sites D and F. A vertical line is drawn at the time of arrival of the reversal at site D and illustrates the phase lag of this response relative to coastal winds and currents farther up-strait. 3- DAY NET CURRENTS 23-25AUG 1978 Figure 33. — Three-day averaged surface currents as measured by CODAR. Aster- isks mark locations of the two shore- based HF Doppler radar units. The pattern of new seaward velocities of 20-40 cm/s was consistent with near- surface current measurements. 36 "^ FLOOD 1400 23AUG78 123° 00 Figure 34. — Typical flood and ebb surface current maps as measured by the CODAR. 2.6 Freshwater Effects on Currents Although freshwater runoff from the Fraser River (which was assumed to represent the regional river discharge) varied widely with season (fig. 6), the induced net circulation varied little between summer and winter. As an example, the vertical distributions of mean currents at site G (shown in fig. 12) were nearly identical in winter and summer. Nearer the coast at site A, the upper layer outflow reflected the additional effects of coastal forcing discussed earlier in this section. This lack of direct response to variation in river runoff can be addressed by applying steady-state gravitational circulation theory (Hansen and Rattray, 1965; Officer, 1976). Holbrook and Halpern (1980) have used this theory to show that the 123° 00' 24 -HOUR AVERAGED NET CURRENT 26 AUG 1978 I23°00 Figure 35. — Twenty-four hour averaged surface currents on 26 August measured by CODAR. This period corresponds to time of arrival of current reversal shown in fig. 32 in this area. The core of the reversal (eastward flow) was located near mid-strait with shoreward components on either side. In the convergence zone near the re- versal front, the seaward estuarine flow was diverted southward with an eastward recirculation north of New Dungeness Spit. 37 Figure 36. — Surface drifter trajectories tracked by Canadian investigators during the period following the coastal storm shown in fig. 31. direct effects of river runoff on the sea surface slope are insignificant (~10 " 2 smaller) when compared with the indirect effects of runoff on the salinity distribution and therefore, the longitudinal density gradients. Thus, only the indirect effects of fresh water on the internal mass field are important. Efforts to measure seasonal changes in the longitudinal density field using CTD survey data and to relate them to subtidal current fluctuations were not successful, due in part to tidal aliasing and the limited number of cruises. In general, gradients were larger during summer than winter; however, the statistical confidence limits were too large to allow meaningful conclusions . 3. CONTINUING STUDIES A major result of the study described by Cannon (1978) and this report (section 2.5) was the discovery of large amplitude (25 to 55 cm/s), low-frequency current fluctuations that over- shadowed the net circulation in the Strait during much of the year. These low-frequency motions were manifested in the near-surface layer by prolonged reversals in the estuarine circulation, during which intrusions of coastal oceanic waters propagated eastward at 20 to 30 cm/s throughout the Strait. The intruded waters were relatively warmer and fresher during fall and winter months and contained coastal species of zooplankton and phy toplankton . These current fluctuations are well correlated to coastal atmospheric forcing off the Washington coast (see section 2.5.4). Our knowledge concerning spatial and seasonal distribution of the reversals is limited by the relatively short records (compared with the observed 10- to 100- day oscillations) that have been collected near midchannel and by the lack of any near- shore time series current measurements. Historical wave and tide height records also suggest that our moorings in the western Strait were deployed during an atypical winter when storm activity was unusually quiet, and therefore, the magnitude and extent of the reversals may be much greater during normal seasons. It is unknown whether the coastal winds directly force the along-strait, low-frequency fluctuations through an Ekman flux mechanism near the mouth or indirectly through coastal sea level fluctuations induced by either (1) Ekman dynamics on the continental shelf, i.e., downswelling; (2) partial blockage by Vancouver Island of the northward flowing Davidson Current; or (3) northward propagating free and/or forced conti- nental shelf waves . Concurrent coastal and Strait time series measurements are necessary to examine and sort out these generating mechanisms. 38 In early 1979, scientists from the Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS) at Patricia Bay, Vancouver Island, began an extensive oceanographic study off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Three lines of current moorings are being maintained normal to the coast to contin- uously monitor the upper, middle, and bottom layer currents for a period of 1 to lh yr. This is the first major current survey conducted off the Canadian west coast. Physical oceanogra- phic features that will be studied include the following: (1) continental shelf waves, (2) inter- nal baroclinic tides, (3) prevailing ocean currents, (4) surface tidal currents, (5) water pro- perties and oceanic fronts, and (6) ocean turbulence. B. Hickey, University of Washington, also investigated atmospheric forcing of continental shelf circulation along the Washington coast. In "concert with the Canadian and University of Washington studies, PMEL (with MESA support) began in March 1979 a 15-mo cooperative experiment to examine the seasonal and spa- tial distribution of the low-frequency, near-surface currents in the western Strait of Juan de Fuca, and to relate them to continental shelf circulation along Vancouver Island and the Wash- ington coast and to sea level and sea level gradient fluctuations within the Strait. Portions of this study will be conducted jointly with scientists from IOS and will take advantage of the extensive set of concurrent oceanographic measurements from the continental shelf. Analysis of the CODAR data set is continuing, in conjunction with the other physical measurements obtained in August 1978. Expected analyses include (1) a comparison between near-surface currents measured by the CODAR system, current meters, and surface drifters, (2) a spatial analysis of tidal currents, and (3) a study of the effects of local wind forcing on surface currents . 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Cannon (1978) summarized research results accumulated during the past 15 yr for the Strait of Juan de Fuca. His discussion primarily focused on the western basin, the region where most measurements had been made up to that time. Winter and summer experiments were subsequently conducted during 1977-78 in the eastern basin. This report describes the principal water motions that were identified and observed. It was found that over time scales of 4 to 25 h, tidal currents dominated water motions throughout the Strait of Juan de Fuca. From 58% to 99% of the current variability can be explained by tidal oscillations in the Strait. The four principal tidal components in the eastern basin were M 2 , K x , O l5 and N 2 . Amplitudes varied from 40 to 60, 20 to 35, 15 to 20, and 8 to 14 cm/s, respectively (fig. 24). Canadian numerical tidal model studies have shown the complexity of these currents as they flow across the irregular bottom topography and through confined passages (fig. 25). The tidal currents can exceed 200 to 250 cm/s (4 to 5 kn) in the more restricted passages of the San Juan Islands and in Admiralty Inlet. Around near- shore and over- shoal regions, eddies and tidal fronts can become locally important; how- ever, they have received little study, and circulation details remain undetermined. Superposed on the tidal motions are the estuarine and wind-driven currents which, over time scales longer than 1 day, play a principal role in transporting surface trapped and sus- pended pollutants . The effects of these motions in modifying the tidal ebb and flood currents are apparent when outputs from Crean's barotropic tidal model and the CODAR surface current maps are compared. The estuarine circulation consisted of a well developed two-layer pattern, with near- surface velocities directed seaward at 20 to 40 cm/s and deep layer velocities di- rected landward at 10 cm/s. The level of no net motion varied between 40- and 60-m depth. The surface manifestation of this estuarine pattern was a broad westward transport of surface water, which supports the commonly held concept that surface trapped material should move seaward. However, the daily ebbing and flooding tidal currents greatly complicate this pic- ture. Eddies, fronts, and complex recirculation patterns make the prediction of trajectories difficult and limited in accuracy. Results from drift card studies illustrate this, since landings are distributed on beaches peripherally throughout the entire eastern Strait. Local winds had a minimal role in generating near-surface currents. Although the winds were coherent with and helped to maintain the vertical current shear, only a small percentage of the current fluctuations at 4-m depth were directly related to measured, over-the-water winds. The surface currents are undoubtedly affected to a greater degree, but moored cur- rent measurements in this study do not allow a simple extrapolation to the surface. 39 One of the most significant findings of this study was the effect of coastal storms on circulation in the eastern basin. Moored current meter observations during winter 1977-78 showed that seven current reversals leading to up-strait subtidal surface flow occurred for 2- to 6-day periods, with maximum speeds of 20 cm/s. These reversals occurred subsequent to south- southwesterly storm winds along the coast and were associated with rising sea level at the mouth of the Strait. The extent to which coastal winds affected flow in the eastern basin depended on their strength, direction, and duration. Reversals were observed as far as 135 km from the Strait entrance at site G . Although coastal low pressure systems with southwesterly winds occurred more frequently and persisted longer during winter than summer, occasionally a low pressure system dominated the coast long enough during summer to generate a response in the Strait. Such a system was present between 23 and 25 August 1978, during an intensive study period. South- southwesterly coastal winds generated a near-surface current reversal that was observed 4 to 6 days later in the eastern Strait. The 24-h averaged CODAR current map corresponding to the time of arrival of the reversal between Port Angeles and New Dungeness dramatically showed the reversal of normal seaward flow of surface water. Complexity near the reversal front was evidenced by the diverted southward estuarine flow that appeared to recirculate eastward off New Dungeness Spit. Surface drifters showed first a net seaward drift before the storm's effects, and then a land- ward (eastward) drift as the reversal propagated through the western Strait and into the east- ern Strait . These field observations demonstrate the major role that nonlocal meteorological forcing can play in modifying circulation in an estuary opening onto the Pacific continental shelf. Observations presented in this report imply that a spill resulting from a tanker accident within the Strait could impact the ecologically sensitive near-shore zone and beaches before flushing into the coastal ocean . Intrusions of coastal water generated by coastal winds are common during winter and have been observed year-round; therefore, an oil slick could have an eastward trajectory well into the eastern basin region. Because of the complex pattern of eddies, fronts, and shore- directed current components, the potential for oil slick beaching increases with eastward distance into the system. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding for a majority of these studies was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to NOAA and managed by NOAA's Puget Sound Project Office of the Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) program. This support is gratefully acknowledged. In addition, these funds were supplemented by the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) . The National Ocean Survey (NOS) provided ship support for many of the PMEL field activities, and assistance by the officers and crews was invaluable. Special thanks are due Patrick B. Crean, Richard E. Thomson, and W. Stan Hugget of Environment Canada's Institute of Ocean Sciences of Patricia Bay, and Donald. E. Barrick and A. Shelby Frisch of NOAA's Wave Propagation Laboratory at Boulder, and Andrew Bakun of NOAA's Pacific Environmental Group at Monterey. Many discussions of their work as well as assistance in the field have greatly aided us in our efforts. 6. REFERENCES Barrick, D. E., M. W. Evans, and B. L. Weber (1977): Ocean surface currents mapped by radar. Science 198:4313. Cannon, G. A., ed. (1978): Circulation in the Strait of Juan de Fuca; some recent oceano- graphic observations. NOAA Tech. Rep. ERL-PMEL 29, 49 pp. Cannon, G. A., and N. P. Laird (1978) (Unpublished manuscript.) Circulation in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 1976-1977. 40 Cox, J. M., C. C. Ebbesmeyer, and J. M. 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