C s^.a \ ai NIPA. H,sl„riv„l Stalls- ins ICC. NIPA, ('I'll'. Hist,,r- NIPA. CAB. P&E ICC. NIPA Educational services NIPA. CPIP. TA. SOI NIPA, TA, P&E Pipelines, except nal gas. ical Statistics Transportal ion servi t'S NIPA, ICC, (IMP. Ulmer. ICC. NIPA.TA TA Boddv& (ion CAB Census Chawm DOK U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Annual Survey of Manufactures (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, annual). Rayford Boddy and Michael Gort, "Capital Expenditures and Capital Stocks." Annals of Economic and Social Measurement 2/3 (1973); and The Derivation ol Investment Expenditures and Capital Stocks." 1968. (Typewritten.) Civil Aeronautics Board Air Carrier Financial Statistics (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, annual) (published by the U.S. Department of Transportation beginning in 1984). Unpublished data from the Bureau of the Census. Lowell -I. Chawner. "Capital Expenditures for Manufacturing Plant and Equipment — 1915 to 1940," SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 21 (March 1941): 9-15; "Capital Expenditures in Selected Manufactur- ing Industries." SURVEY (December 1941): 19-26; and "Capital Ex penditures in Selected Manufacturing Industries, Part II." SURVEY 22 (May 1942): 14 23. U.S. Department of Commerce. Business and Defense Services Admini- stration, Construction Statistics 1915-1964: A Supplement to Con- struction Review (Washington. DC: U.S Government Printing Office, 1966). U.S. Department of Energy. Energy Information Administration. Sta- tistics of Privatoh tinned Electric Utilities in the United States; and Statistics of Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States (Washington. DC: U.S. Government Printing Office annual) (combined into a single publication, Financial Statistics of Selected Electric Util- ities, beginning in 1982.) l' S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. Enterprise Sta- tistics ( Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, quinquen- nial). Federal 1 )eposit Insurance Corporation. Assets and Liabilities — Com- mercial and Mutual Savings Hanks (Washington. DC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, annual) Robert E Gallman. "Commodity Output. 18.39-1899." and Marvin W, Towne and Wayne D. Rasmussen, "Farm Gross Product and Gross Investment in the Nineteenth Century." both in Trends in the Amer- ican Economy in the Nineteenth Century. Conference on Research in Income and Wealth: Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 24 (Prince- Ion. NJ: Princeton University Press for National Bureau of Economic Research. I960). Historical Statistics ICC Kuznets NIPA Oil & Gas SOI TA 1 Imi'i U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Sta- tistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970. 2 volumes (Wash- ington. DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1975). Interstate Commerce Commission, Transport Statistics in the United States (Washington. DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, annual). Simon Kuznets. Capital in the American Economy: Its Formation and Financing (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, 1961 ). For 1929-82, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Anal- ysis, The National Income and Product Accounts of the United States, 1929-82: Statistical Tables (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Print- ing Office, September 1986); and for 1982-85, SURVEY 66 (July 1986). See the following tables: Current-dollar expenditures, tables 5.4 and 5.6; constant-dollar expenditures, tables 5.5 and 5.7; price indexes, tables 7.12 and 7.13. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. Annual Survey of Oil and Gas (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, annual). George R. Green and Marie P. Hertzberg, "Revised Estimates of New Plant and Equipment Expenditures in the United States, 1947-77." SURVEY 60 (October 1980): 24-59; Michael J. McKelvey, "Constant- Dollar Estimates of New Plant and Equipment Expenditures in the United States, 1947-80." SURVEY 61 (September 1981): 26-41; and Eugene P. Seskin and David F. Sullivan. "Revised Estimates of New Plant and Equipment Expenditures in the United States, 1947-83." SURVEY 65 (February 1985): 16-47. William H. Shaw, Value of Commodity Output Since 1X69 (Princeton. NJ: Princeton University Press for National Bureau of Economic Re- search. 1947). U.S. Department of the Treasury. Internal Revenue Service. Statistics of Income: Corporation Income Tax Returns; Statistics of Income: Partnership Income Tax Returns, and Statistics of Income Nonfarm Proprietorship Income Tax Returns (Washington, DC: U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, annual). Trade association data (unpublished). Melville J. Ulmer. Capital in Transportation, Communications, and Public Utilities. Its Formation and Financing (Princeton, NJ: Prince- ton University Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, I960). U.S. Department of Agriculture. Farm Income Statistics; Annual Sta- tistical Report — Rural Telephone Borrowers; and Annual Statistical Report — Rural Electric Borroieers (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, annual). Xll ning in 1947, it was necessary to derive control totals for investment flows in new nonresidential capital by indus- try, beginning in 1921 for equipment and in 1900 for struc- tures. Also, to derive stock estimates by major industry group for 1925-46, it was necessary to derive investment control totals for farms, manufacturing, and nonfarm non- manufacturing going back into the nineteenth century. The data sources used to derive both of these sets of in- vestment flows are given in table A. The procedures used to derive the industry investment control series are ex- plained below. Investment controls by industry. — The industry in- vestment control totals were derived from several sources; some provided information for selected benchmark years, and others provided information for post- 1947 interpola- tions between and extrapolations from the benchmark es- timates. Because many of these sources began in 1947, other sources were used to extrapolate the control totals prior to 1947. Wherever possible, the industry investment estimates were based on capital expenditures data collect- ed from the industry; where capital expenditures data were not available, investment estimates were derived from industry balance sheet data — as the change in net stocks plus depreciation. For years where neither capital expenditures data nor balance sheet data were available for a particular industry, the investment estimates were interpolated and extrapolated by related series. Wherever possible, these related series consisted of expenditures for the types of capital goods purchased by the industry. The source data for each industry were adjusted so that the control totals conformed to the concepts desired. The adjustments related to industrial classification, establish- ment basis, central administrative offices and auxiliaries (CAO's), ownership basis, and employee-owned autos. 1. Industrial classification. Establishment-based source data not on the basis of the 1972 SIC were converted to this basis. 2. Establishment basis. Where necessary, the P&E se- ries and the series published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in Statistics of Income were adjusted from a company basis to an establishment basis. 3. Central administrative offices and auxiliaries. For the mining, construction, and manufacturing indus- tries, the capital expenditures data from the econom- ic censuses were adjusted to include capital expenditures by CAO's, using data from the Census Bureau's Enterprise Statistics. 4. Ownership basis. To derive industry stocks by estab- lishment industry on an ownership basis rather than a use basis, several conventions were adopted. First, assets owned by one industry and leased to another industry were classified in the stock of the establish- ment industry owning the assets. Second, for assets used in establishments of multi-industry companies where the legal owner of the assets was the parent company, the assets were classified in the industry of the establishment where they were used. Third, as- sets owned by manufacturers' sales branches and of- fices were classified in the wholesale trade industry. Finally, assets owned and used by nonprofit institu- tions serving individuals were classified in the real estate industry; this convention was adopted to maintain consistency with the NIPA classification of these assets. 5. Employee-owned autos. The basic source data for each industry did not include expenditures for autos owned by individuals and used wholly or partly for business purposes; therefore, the expenditures at- tributable to business use were calculated and in- cluded, as discussed later in the section on privately owned autos. The derivation of the industry investment control to- tals for equipment and structures is described below. After these controls were initially estimated, they were ad- justed judgmentally so that the all-industry totals for equipment and for structures were equal to the equipment and structures totals of the NIPA's. In this process, BEA assumed in general that the data from the economic cen- suses were the most accurate. Controls for census-covered industries were not adjusted unless they differed signifi- cantly from the totals implied by the NIPA estimates for asset types owned by these industries. The remaining dif- ferences were allocated to the remaining industries so that the individual industry totals for a particular year were consistent with the NIPA totals for the types of assets owned by these industries. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. The farms industry investment estimates were available from the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture (USDA) for the years beginning in 1910. These data were extrapolated by the estimates of Robert E. Gallman and those of Marvin W. Towne and Wayne D. Rasmussen for the years prior to 1910. The es- timates for the agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries industry for the years beginning in 1947 were the P&E se- ries. For the years prior to 1947, these series were extrapo- lated by the estimates for the farms industry. Mining. Estimates of capital expenditures for estab- lishments with payroll were available from the census of mineral industries — separately for 1954, 1958, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, and 1982, and for equipment only for 1939. The estimates used for structures were the total of capital expenditures for plant, capitalized drilling and explora- tion costs, and expensed drilling and exploration costs. The estimates for the oil and gas extraction industry were adjusted to include establishments without payroll, using data on the value of shipments from the Census Bureau's annual survey of oil and gas. The estimates for other min- ing industries were not adjusted for establishments with- out payroll, because no applicable data were available; investment by these establishments was considered to be very small. The census estimates for all mining industries were adjusted to include investment by CAO's, using in- vestment data from the Census Bureau's Enterprise Stat- istics. The estimates for the census years were interpo- lated and extrapolated for the years beginning in 1947 using the following series: For structures in the oil and gas extraction industry, the NIPA series on investment in pe- troleum and natural gas exploration, shafts, and wells; for structures in other mining industries, the P&E series and the NIPA series on investment in other mining explora- tion, shafts, and wells; for equipment, the P&E series and the NIPA series on purchases of mining and oilfield ma- chinery. For equipment for the years prior to 1947, the fol- Xlll lowing series were used as extrapolators: Data on the value of shipments of mining and oilfield equipment from the census of manufactures for 1925, 1927, 1929, 1933, 1935, and 1939, and annual data on the value of mining produc- tion by industry from the Census Bureau's Historical Statistics of the United States. For structures in the oil and gas extraction industry for the years prior to 1947, the following series were used as extrapolators: For 1929-46, the NIPA series on investment in petroleum and natural gas exploration, shafts, and wells; for 1900-28, data on the value of petroleum production from Historical Statistics of the United States. For structures in other mining in- dustries for all years prior to 1947, the data on value of mining production by industry from Historical Statistics of the United States were used as extrapolators. Construction. Estimates of capital expenditures for es- tablishments with payroll were available from the census of construction industries for 1967, 1972, 1977, and 1982. These estimates were adjusted to include establishments without payroll, using receipts data from the censuses, and to include CAO's, using investment data from Enter- prise Statistics. The census estimates for subdividers and developers were excluded, because these establishments are classified in the real estate industry in the 1972 SIC. The estimates for the census years were interpolated and extrapolated for the years beginning in 1947 using the fol- lowing series: For structures, the P&E series; for equip- ment, the P&E series and the NIPA series on purchases of construction machinery and construction tractors. For the years prior to 1947, the estimates of Rayford Boddy and Michael Gort were used as extrapolators for equipment. For structures prior to 1947, the following series were used as extrapolators: For 1921-46, the estimates of Boddy and Gort; for 1900-20, the F. W. Dodge series on the value of construction contract awards from Historical Statistics of the United States. Manufacturing. Estimates of capital expenditures for establishments with payroll were available from the cen- sus of manufactures for 1947, 1954, 1958, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, and 1982. No adjustment was made for establish- ments without payroll, because no applicable data were available; investment by these establishments was consid- ered to be very small. The census estimates were adjusted to include CAO's, using investment data from Enterprise Statistics. For the motor vehicles and equipment indus- try, the equipment estimates prior to 1972 were adjusted to include investment in special tools and dies, which was excluded from the pre-1972 census data. For the machin- ery, except electrical, industry, the equipment estimates were adjusted to include the value of computers owned by the manufacturer and leased to other industries. The es- timates for the census years were interpolated and ex- trapolated for the years beginning in 1947 using capital expenditures data from the annual survey of manufac- tures. For the years prior to 1947, the estimates were ex- trapolated using the following series: For equipment for 1921-40, the estimates of Lowell J. Chawner, Simon Kuz- nets, and William H. Shaw; for equipment for 1941-46, the NIPA series for purchases of the types of equipment used in manufacturing; for structures for 1929-46, the NIPA estimates of investment in industrial buildings; for structures for 1915-28, estimates of the value of new con- struction put in place for industrial buildings from the Commerce Department's Construction Statistics 1915-1964; for structures for 1900-14, balance sheet data from the census of manufactures for 1900, 1904, 1909, and 1914, and the F. W. Dodge series on the value of construc- tion contract awards from Historical Statistics of the United States for other years. Railroad transportation. For investment in structures, the NIPA series on investment in railroad structures was used for the years beginning in 1929. For replacement track for the years prior to 1929, the series was based on data published by the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) in Transport Statistics in the United States. For structures other than replacement track for the years pri- or to 1929, the following series were used: For 1915-28, the series on value of new construction put in place for rail- roads from Construction Statistics 1915-1964; for 1900-14, data from a study by Melville J. Ulmer. For equipment, the estimates were based on capital expendi- tures data from Transport Statistics in the United States and from the American Association of Railroads, and the NIPA series on purchases of railroad equipment. Local and interurban passenger transit. For invest- ment in structures, the estimates were derived separately for two categories — electric railway and trolley, and other. For electric railway and trolley, the following series were used: For years beginning in 1959, balance sheet data from Transport Statistics in the United States and the P&E series; for 1915-58, the series on value of new construction put in place for local transit from Construction Statistics 1915-1964; for years prior to 1915, data from Ulmer's study. For the "other" category, the following series were used: For years beginning in 1940, capital expenditures data from Transport Statistics in the United States and the P&E series; for years prior to 1940, data from Ulmer's study. For investment in equipment, the estimates were derived separately for four categories — buses, electric rail- way and trolley, taxicabs, and all other. For buses, the es- timates for the years beginning in 1940 were based on capital expenditures data from Transport Statistics in the United States, capital expenditures data published by the American Public Transit Association in Transit Fact Book, and the P&E series; estimates for 1921-39 were based on data from Ulmer's study. For electric railway and trolley equipment, the estimates for the years beginning in 1940 were based on capital expenditures data from Tran- sit Fact Book and the P&E series; estimates for 1921-39 were based on data from Ulmer's study. For taxicabs, the estimates for the years beginning in 1929 were derived as percentages of the NIPA series on purchases of new autos, based on information from the International Taxicab As- sociation and the P&E series, and those for 1921-28 were based on data from Ulmer's study. For all other equip- ment, the estimates for the years beginning in 1940 were based on capital expenditures data from Transport Stat- istics in the United States and the P&E series; estimates for 1921-39 were based on data from Ulmer's study. Trucking and warehousing. Estimates of investment by the regulated portion of the industry for the years begin- ning in 1940 were based on balance sheet data from Transport Statistics in the United States These data were adjusted to include the nonregulated portion of the industry based on information from the census of whole- sale trade and the census of transportation. For the years xiv prior to 1940, the estimates were extrapolated using the following series: For 1929-39, the NIPA series on pur- chases of trucks, buses, and truck trailers; for years prior to 1929, data from Ulmer's study and from the American Trucking Association. Water transportation. For structures, the estimates be- ginning in 1940 were based on balance sheet data from Transport Statistics in the United States, and those pri- or to 1940 were extrapolated by data on the number of ships built from Historical Statistics of the United States. For equipment, the estimates were based on the following series: For years beginning in 1940, balance sheet data from Transport Statistics in the United States and the NIPA series on purchases of ships and boats; for 1929-39, the NIPA series; for 1921-28, data on the num- ber of ships built from Historical Statistics of the United States. The series for equipment includes the value of ships and boats owned and leased to other industries. Transportation by air. The estimates beginning in 1965 were based on balance sheet data published annually by the Civil Aeronautics Board (and, beginning in 1984, by the Department of Transportation) in Air Carrier Finan- cial Statistics, the P&E series, and the NIPA series on purchases of aircraft. Estimates for the years prior to 1965 were based on the following series: For 1929-64, the NIPA series on purchases of aircraft; for years prior to 1929, data on air carrier operations from Historical Statistics of the United States. Pipelines, except natural gas. For investment in struc- tures, the following series were used: For years beginning in 1929, the NIPA series on investment in petroleum pipe- lines; for 1915-28, the series on value of new construction put in place for petroleum pipelines from Construction Statistics 1915-1964; for 1900-14, data on petroleum pro- duction from Historical Statistics of the United States. For equipment, the following series were used: For years beginning in 1942, data on capital expenditures from Transport Statistics in the United States; for 1921-41, data from the same sources as those for structures. Transportation services. The bulk of investment in this industry consists of establishments engaged in freight for- warding and those engaged in rental of railroad cars. For the years beginning in 1945, the estimates were based on balance sheet data from Transport Statistics in the Unit- ed States, trade association data, and the NIPA series on purchases of railroad equipment. For the years prior to 1945, the series were extrapolated by the investment flows for the railroad transportation industry. Telephone and telegraph. For investment by rural tele- phone cooperatives, USDA data were used. For invest- ment in structures by private business other than by cooperatives, the following series were used: For years be- ginning in 1929, the NIPA series on investment in tele- phone and telegraph structures; for 1915-28, the series on value of new construction put in place for telephone and telegraph from Construction Statistics 1915-1964; for 1900-14, data from Ulmer's study. For investment in equipment by private business other than by cooperatives, the following series were used: For years beginning in 1947, industry reports to the Census Bureau; for 1921-46, data from Ulmer's study. Radio and television broadcasting. For the years begin- ning in 1947, the P&E series were used. For the years prior to 1947, these series were extrapolated using data from Boddy and Gort's studies. Electric services. For investment by rural electric cooperatives, USDA data were used. For investment in structures by private business other than by cooperatives, the following series were used: For years beginning in 1929, the NIPA series on investment in electric light and power structures; for 1915-28, the series on value of new construction put in place for electric light and power from Construction Statistics 1915-1964; for 1900-14, data from Ulmer's study. These series were adjusted from a "value-put-in-place" basis to a "when-completed" basis, as described in the following section. For investment in equipment by private business other than by cooperatives, the following series were used: For years beginning in 1937, Department of Energy data; for 1921-36, data from Ulmer's study. Gas services. For investment in structures, the follow- ing series were used: For years beginning in 1929, the NIPA series on investment in gas structures; for 1915-28, the series on value of new construction put in place for gas from Construction Statistics 1915-1964; for 1900-14, data from Ulmer's study. For equipment, the following se- ries were used: For years beginning in 1946, industry re- ports to the Census Bureau; for 1921-45, data published by the American Gas Association in Gas Facts. Sanitary services. For the years beginning in 1947, the P&E series were used. For the years prior to 1947, these series were extrapolated using data from Ulmer's study. Wholesale trade. Capital expenditures data were avail- able for merchant wholesalers from the capital expendi- tures survey taken as part of the census of wholesale trade for 1958, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, and 1982. These series were adjusted to include nonmerchant wholesalers using the following census data: For investment in equipment, employment; for investment in structures, inventories. For equipment, the series was adjusted to include the val- ue of computers owned by manufacturers' sales branches and leased to other industries. The census estimates in- cluded CAO's and establishments with payroll. No adjust- ment was made for establishments without payroll, because no applicable data were available; investment by these establishments was considered to be very small. For the years beginning in 1947, these series were interpolated and extrapolated using the P&E series. For the years prior to 1947, the series were extrapolated using the estimates of Boddy and Gort. Retail trade. Capital expenditures data were available from the capital expenditures survey taken as part of the census of retail trade for 1958, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, and 1982. These data covered all of retail trade, including es- tablishments with payroll, those without payroll, and CAO's. For the years beginning in 1947, these data were interpolated and extrapolated using the P&E series. For the years prior to 1947, these data were extrapolated using the following series: For 1915-46, the series on value of new construction put in place for stores, restaurants, and garages from Construction Statistics 1915-1964; for years prior to 1915, the F. W. Dodge series on the value of con- struction contract awards from Historical Statistics of the United States. xv Finance and insurance. For the years beginning in 1947, the estimates were derived from the following series: Balance sheet data from IRS Statistics of Income, the P&E series, data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration, and trade association data. For the commercial and mutual banks and the credit agencies other than banks industries, the estimates include adjustments for the value of capital goods owned by these industries and leased to other industries. For the years prior to 1947, these series were extrapolated using balance sheet data from Statistics of Income and data on activities of the fi- nance and insurance industries from Historical Statistics of the United States. Real estate. For the years beginning in 1947, the esti- mates for both equipment and structures were derived from the following series: For nonprofit institutions serv- ing individuals, the series described for the services indus- tries; for IRS Schedule E filers, data from Statistics of Income on investment for 1977 and depreciation for 1960, 1961, 1967, and 1973; for sole proprietorships, partner- ships, and corporations, balance sheet data from Statis- tics of Income and the P&E series. For the years 1915-46, these series were extrapolated using the following series on value of new construction put in place from Construc- tion Statistics 1915-1964: For nonprofit institutions serv- ing individuals, total of religious, educational, hospital and institutional, and amusement and recreational build- ings; for the remainder of the industry, commercial build- ings. For 1900-14, the structures series were extrapolated using the F. W. Dodge series on the value of construction contract awards from Historical Statistics of the United States. Services except health, legal, educational, and other. Capital expenditures data were available for equipment and structures separately for 1972, 1977, and 1982, and for the total of equipment and structures for 1958, 1963, and 1967, from the capital expenditures survey taken as part of the census of service industries for these years. The es- timates included CAO's, establishments with payroll, and establishments without payroll. The estimates for certain industries were adjusted to include the value of certain types of equipment owned by these industries and leased to other industries, as follows: Autos, trucks, and trailers in the auto repair, services, and garages industry; aircraft, furniture and fixtures, construction machinery (except tractors), and computers (other than those leased by the manufacturers or by manufacturers' sales branches) in the business services industry. Estimates of investment by nonprofit institutions serving individuals were derived us- ing census data and reclassified from the amusement and recreation services industry to the real estate industry. For the years beginning in 1947, the census estimates were interpolated and extrapolated using the P&E series. For the years prior to 1947, the series were extrapolated using balance sheet data from Statistics of Income. Health, legal, and other services. For the years begin- ning in 1947, the estimates were based on the P&E series. For the years prior to 1947, these series were extrapolated using balance sheet data from Statistics of Income. For the health services and other services industries, estimates of investment by nonprofit institutions serving in- dividuals were derived using trade association data and reclassified to the real estate industry. Educational services. For structures, the estimates were derived from the following series: For years begin- ning in 1929, the NIPA series on investment in education- al buildings; for 1915-28, the series on value of new construction put in place for educational buildings from Construction Statistics 1915-1964; for 1900-14, balance sheet data from Statistics of Income. For equipment, the P&E series was used for the years beginning in 1947; for the years prior to 1947, this series was extrapolated using data from the same sources as those for structures. Esti- mates of investment by nonprofit institutions serving in- dividuals were derived from trade association data and reclassified to the real estate industry. Investment controls by type of asset. — For the years beginning in 1929, the flows for investment in new non- residential capital by type of asset were derived from the NIPA series on the nonresidential fixed investment com- ponent of gross private domestic investment. For the years prior to 1929, the NIPA flows were extrapolated back into the nineteenth century based on data from var- ious public and private sources. s The NIPA investment series for electric light and power structures was modified to produce stock and depreci- ation estimates consistent with the availability of the capital asset to contribute to income and output and with the timing of tax depreciation. The NIPA flows were modified from a "value-put-in-place" basis — i.e., the value of new construction put in place in a particular year, for both completed plant and plant under construction in that year — to a "when-completed" basis — i.e., the value of plant actually completed and put into service during the year. NIPA flows for other types of structures were not modified, because the value of uncompleted plant has been both small and stable relative to the value of com- pleted plant. For electric light and power structures, how- ever, the value of uncompleted plant has been large and has been rising sharply relative to the value of completed plant over the past two decades. Distribution by type of asset and industry. — The NIPA flows for investment in new nonresidential capital by type of asset were distributed by industry using data from BEA's capital flow tables for 1963, 1967, 1972, and 8. William H. Shaw, Value of Commodity Output Since 1869 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press for National Bureau of Eco- nomic Research, 1947); U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Commerce, Construction Volume and Costs 1915-1956: Statistical Supplement to Construction Review (Washington, DC: U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1958); Simon Kuznets, Capital in the American Economy: Its Formation and Financing (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Uni- versity Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, 1960); U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, Farm Income Situation, July 1965 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965); Robert E. Gallman, "Commodity Output, 1829-1899," and Marvin W. Towne and Wayne D. Rasmussen, "Farm Gross Product and Gross Investment in the Nineteenth Century," both in Trends in the American Economy in the Nineteenth Century, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth: Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 24 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univer- sity Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, 1960). XVI 1977. 9 However, because the capital flow tables provided the distribution of assets on an 1-0 industry classification basis and on a use basis, they were modified as follows. First, investment by nonprofit institutions serving in- dividuals was reclassified from the services industries to the real estate industry, and force-account construction was reclassified from the construction industry to the in- dustry performing the construction. Second, the distribu- tions were converted from a use to an ownership basis, using unpublished data from the 1-0 studies. The two modifications yielded the detailed type of asset by indus- try distributions for equipment and structures for 1963, 1967, 1972, and 1977. For years not covered by capital flow tables, the NIPA investment flows by type of asset were distributed by in- dustry as follows. As a first approximation, each type of asset was distributed by industry based on modified capital flow distributions: For 1962 and all prior years, the 1963 table; for 1964-66, interpolations between the 1963 and 1967 tables; for 1968-71, interpolations between the 1967 and 1972 tables; for 1973-76, interpolations between the 1972 and 1977 tables; for 1978 and all subsequent years, the 1977 table. Second, the asset types allocated to each industry were summed to totals for equipment and for structures within the industry; these totals were then adjusted to equal those for the industry controls. Third, the industry estimates by type of asset, from the previous step, were summed by type of asset and then adjusted to equal the NIPA totals for each asset type. Finally, these last two steps were repeated until the asset investment to- tals equaled the NIPA asset totals and the industry in- vestment totals for equipment and for structures were as close as possible to the industry control totals derived from independent sources. Fixed private capital — new residential investment For the years beginning in 1929, the flows for invest- ment in new residential capital by industry were derived from the NIPA series on the residential fixed investment component of gross private domestic investment. For the years before 1929, the flows were based on data from var- ious public and private sources. 1 " In the distribution of residential investment flows by industry, investment in farm and nonfarm structures was allocated between owner occupied and tenant occupied; other nonfarm residential structures (dormitories, frater- nity and sorority houses, nurses' homes, etc.) were grouped separately. Investment in farm residential struc- tures was allocated between owner occupied and tenant occupied — separately for l-to-4-unit structures and mo- bile homes, using USDA data. All owner-occupied farm residential structures were included in the farms industry; tenant-occupied farm residential structures were distrib- uted between those owned by farm operators, included in the farms industry, and those owned by nonfarm land- lords, included in the real estate industry. Investment in nonfarm residential structures was allo- cated between owner occupied and tenant occupied — se- parately for l-to-4-unit structures, 5-or-more-unit struc- tures, and mobile homes, using information from the following Census Bureau reports: Census of Housing (decennial), Annual Housing Survey (annual), Charac- teristics of New Housing (annual), Residential Alter- ations and Repairs (quarterly), and Housing Vacancies (quarterly). All nonfarm residential structures were in- cluded in the real estate industry, as was all residential equipment. Fixed private capital — transfers of used assets Next, the value of transfers of used assets was added to the flows of new investment by industry. Data were avail- able only to adjust for transfers among different types of owners (private business, governments, households, and foreigners). These data were based, for the most part, on modified NIPA flows for net purchases of used assets. Data were not available to adjust for transfers among in- dustries or among legal forms of organization. Nonresidential investment. — The largest transfers of used nonresidential capital assets between private busi- ness and other types of owners involve sales of used autos by private business to households, exports of used equip- ment, purchases of government surplus assets, and gov- ernment purchases of privately owned public utilities. For autos, annual data were available on stocks and unit val- ues of autos by type of owner; therefore, it was not neces- sary to make explicit adjustments for net transfers of autos among types of owners. In the NIPA's, exports of used equipment and pur- chases of government surplus assets by private business are valued at secondhand sales prices. For the stock es- timates, however, these exports and most of the govern- ment surplus assets were valued at estimated original acquisition prices, so that the transferred assets were val- ued consistently with those remaining in the stock of the original owner. Government surplus assets built during wartime with special characteristics that added to their 9. BEA's capital flow tables are described in the following sources: 1977 table, Gerald Silverstein, "New Structures and Equipment by Using In- dustries, 1977," Survey 65 (November 1985): 26-35; 1972 table, U.S. De- partment of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, New Structures and Equipment by Using Industries, 1972: Detailed Estimates and Methodology, by Peter E. Coughlin and Albert J. Walderhaug, BEA Staff Paper No. 35 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980); 1963 and 1967 tables, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Eco- nomic Analysis, Interindustry Transactions in New Structures and Equipment, 1963 and 1967, 2 volumes (Springfield, VA: National Tech- nical Information Service, 1975). 10. U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Commerce, Construction Volume and Costs 1915-1956: Statistical Supplement to Construction Review (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Of- fice, 1958); David M. Blank, The Volume of Residential Construction, 1889-1950 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press for National Bu- reau of Economic Research, 1954); and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colo- nial Times to 1970, 2 volumes (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Print- ing Office, 1975). XV11 cost but that were of no use to their new owners in peace- time were valued at estimates of the prices that private business would have paid for new assets of equal produc- tivity designed for the uses to which the surplus assets would be put." After the estimates of exports of used equipment and purchases of government surplus assets were revalued, they were distributed — in the years of transfer, by type of asset — to the industries involved, us- ing data from the Census Bureau's foreign trade statistics and surplus property reports from the General Services Administration and the Department of Defense. A similar revaluation was performed for purchases by State and local governments of privately owned railroads, transit systems, electric utilities, and water systems. An- nual estimates of the original value of assets purchased by government were derived for each type of public utility, separately for equipment and for structures; these assets were transferred from the stock of the selling industry to the State and local government stock in the year of pur- chase. The estimates were based on data from the follow- ing sources: For railroads, Moody's Transportation Manuals; for local transit, Moody's Transportation Man- uals and the American Public Transit Association; for electric utilities, Moody's Public Utility Manuals and two Department of Energy publications, Statistics of Private- ly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States and Statistics of Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States; and for water systems, Moody's Public Utility Manuals. Residential investment. — The largest transfers of used residential capital among private business and other types of owners, and among industries, involve purchases of pri- vate housing by State and local governments, conversions of Federal military housing to private ownership, and transfers of farm housing to nonfarm ownership. The es- timates of transfers between private business and govern- ment were derived from the NIPA flows; the estimates of conversions of farm housing were derived from data from the census of housing. Net transfers of existing residential structures between government and private business consist primarily of State and local government purchases of private housing to acquire land for new roads or buildings. In the NIPA's, these transfers are offsetting in government purchases and private fixed investment and are valued at sales prices. In the stock estimates, however, these transferred structures were treated as permanent losses from the housing stock rather than as shifts from the private to the public stock; the housing involved in these purchases was removed from the stock of the real estate industry in the year of government acquisition. World War II Federal military housing converted to private ownership after the war was estimated using NIPA data and transferred from the Federal Government stock to the stock of the real estate industry in the year of conversion. 11. The derivation of the modified investment flows for exports of used equipment and business purchases of government surplus assets is ex- plained in more detail in Robert C. Wasson, John C. Musgrave, and Clau- dia Harkins, "Alternative Estimates of Fixed Business »Capital in the United States. 1925-1968," Survey 50 (April 1970): 18-36. An important type of transfer that enters the industry stock estimates, but not the NIPA estimates of invest- ment, is the post-World War II shift of farm housing in urban fringe areas to nonfarm housing. Estimates of the value of these transfers were derived from the census of housing and moved from the farms industry to the real estate industry in the year of transfer. Fixed private capital — investment by legal form of organization The estimates of investment in new and used assets for each industry were distributed by legal form of organization — corporate, sole proprietorships and part- nerships, and other private business; these terms are de- fined in chapter 4. These investment flows were then used to derive stock estimates by legal form for each industry. This procedure did not take account of shifts of existing assets from one legal form to another (for example, when an unincorporated enterprise incorporated), because the information necessary to account for these shifts was not available. Nonresidential investment. — Investment in non- residential capital was distributed annually by legal form of organization within industries by subtracting estimates of investment by other private business and then distrib- uting the remainder between corporations, and sole pro- prietorships and partnerships. For other private business, investment by tax-exempt cooperatives was estimated from USDA data for the tele- phone and telegraph and the electric services industries and from the census of wholesale trade for the wholesale trade industry; investment by entities required to report rental income on nonresidential property in IRS Schedule E was derived from data on investment and depreciation from Statistics of Income; and investment by nonprofit institutions serving individuals was derived from Census Bureau data on the value of new construction put in place and from trade association data. For industries covered by the agriculture and economic censuses (farms, mining, construction, manufacturing, wholesale trade, retail trade, and selected services), the legal-form percentages for corporations and for sole pro- prietorships and partnerships for the census years were based on distributions of capital expenditures from the censuses; for noncensus years, the percentages were based on distributions of expenditures interpolated by depreci- ation data from Statistics of Income. For other industries, the percentages for all years were based on the distribu- tions of depreciation data by legal form from Statistics of Income. Residential investment. — For the farms industry, in- vestment in owner-occupied residential capital was as- signed to sole proprietorships and partnerships, and investment in tenant-occupied residential capital was dis- tributed by legal form of organization using data from the census of agriculture. For the real estate industry, invest- ment in owner-occupied residential capital was assigned to other private business, investment in tenant-occupied residential capital was distributed by legal form using data from the Census Bureau's survey of residential fi- XVlll nance, and investment in other nonfarm residential struc- tures (dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, nurses' homes, etc.) was assigned to other private business. mond W. Goldsmith, A Study of Saving in the United States, 3 volumes (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1955). Government-owned fixed capital The investment flows for the years beginning in 1929 were derived from the NIPA series on government pur- chases of goods and structures, modified for revaluation of used asset transfers as described in the section on fixed private capital transfers of used assets. For the years prior to 1929, the flows were extrapolated by data from Ray- Durable goods owned by consumers The investment flows for the years beginning in 1929 were derived from the NIPA series on personal consump- tion expenditures for durable goods. For the years prior to 1929, the flows were extrapolated by data from William H. Shaw, Value of Commodity Output Since 1869 (Prince- ton, NJ: Princeton University Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, 1947). xix Chapter 3. Derivation of Stock Estimates Service lives The service lives used to derive the stock estimates are shown in table B. In the perpetual inventory calculation, separate service lives were used for each type of asset — the same asset detail for which annual data are available from the NIPA's. For the estimates of fixed private capital, sep- arate service lives were also used in different industries for certain types of assets. Ideally, the service lives should reflect actual exper- ience as closely as possible. Due to data limitations, the lives used to derive the BEA estimates of fixed private capital fall short of this ideal in two ways. First, separate lives should be used for each industry in which a particu- lar type of asset is purchased; however, such lives could be computed only for those types of assets and industries so indicated in table B. Second, service lives should be varied over time to account for changes in business conditions and technology; however, except for mining exploration, shafts, and wells, each service life by type of asset and in- dustry was held constant over time, because the informa- tion necessary to estimate such changes was not available. The book value comparisons referenced in footnote 3 sug- gest that the use of constant service lives has not produced any systematic bias in the BEA estimates of fixed private capital for the comparison period (1959-81). In the case of the BEA estimates of fixed government capital, it was pos- sible to vary some of the lives over time while others had to be held constant, as indicated in table B. The lives used to derive the BEA estimates of durable goods owned by con- sumers were held constant over time, because the infor- mation necessary to estimate changing lives over time was not available. Private equipment. — Except for nuclear fuel, railroad equipment, and autos, the stock estimates for private equipment were based on service lives obtained from in- dustry studies conducted during the 1970's by the former Office of Industrial Economics (OIE) of the Department of the Treasury. 12 The OIE results were particularly useful for manufacturing industries, because they provided sepa- rate industry estimates of service lives for production- type equipment — metalworking machinery; special industry machinery, n.e.c; and general industrial, includ- ing materials handling, equipment. The service life for nu- clear fuel was derived from annual reports submitted by electric utilities to the Department of Energy, and the ser- vice life for railroad equipment was derived from special information submitted by railroads to the ICC as part of their 1983 annual reports. The derivation of stocks of autos did not require an explicit service life assumption, as explained in the section on privately owned autos. Private nonresidential structures. — For farm struc- tures, the average service life was derived from USDA data. For telephone and telegraph, electric light and pow- er, gas, and petroleum pipelines structures, the service lives were derived by comparing book value data provided by regulatory agencies with various perpetual inventory estimates calculated using alternative service lives. For railroad structures, the lives were derived from the same source as those for railroad equipment (see previous para- graph). For mining exploration, shafts, and wells, the lives were based on data from the Census Bureau's annual sur- vey of oil and gas for 1979-82. For other types of nonfarm structures, the tax service lives in the 1942 edition of Bulletin "F" of the Department of the Treasury were used with two major modifications. I:i First, because Bulletin F lives apply only to new struc- tures and the NIPA investment flows include additions and alterations to existing structures as well as new struc- tures, the Bulletin F lives were shortened 20 percent for manufacturing structures and 7 percent for nonfarm non- manufacturing structures. Second, to account for the fact that actual service lives for nonresidential structures were probably shorter than Bulletin F lives, the lives were shortened another 15 percent. Residential structures. — The average service lives used for most types of residential structures were taken from a study by Raymond W. Goldsmith and Robert Lipsey. 14 These lives are 80 years for l-to-4-unit structures, 65 years for 5-or-more-unit structures, and 40 years for other non- farm residential structures (dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, nurses' homes, etc.). Additions and alter- ations were assumed to have lives one-half as long as these. (Unlike nonresidential structures, separate invest- ment flows for residential structures are available for new structures and for additions and alterations to existing 12. The OIE data are unpublished, except those for the textile indus- try, which are available in U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Industrial Economics, The Textile Industry: A Study of Capital Invest- ment, Technology and Other Factors Affecting Prescribed Capital Re- covery Allowances of Textile Machinery, by Stephen J. Hudak and Paul T. Bohnslav (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976) 13. U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Internal Revenue. Bulletin "F" (Revised January 1942) — Income Tax, Depreciation, and Obsolescence, Estimated Useful Lives and Depreciation Rates (Washington. DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1942). 14. Raymond W. Goldsmith and Robert Lipsey, Studies in the Na- tional Balance Sheet of the United States, Volume 1 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, 1963). XXI Table B.— Service Lives Used to Derive BEA Wealth Estimates Type of asset and industry Life (years) Type of asset Life (years) Type of asset Life (years) Private nonresidential equipment Household furniture and fixtures Other furniture Nuclear fuel Other fabricated metal products Steam engines and turbines Internal combustion engines Farm tractors Construction tractors Agricultural machinery, except tractors Construction machinery, except tractors Mining and oilfield machinery Metalworking machinery (see below) Special industry machinery, n.e.c. (see below) General industrial, including materials handling, equipment (see below) Office, computing, and accounting machinery Service industry machinery: Wholesale trade; retail trade Other industries Electrical transmission, distribution, and industrial apparatus Communication equipment: Business services Other industries Household appliances Other electrical equipment Truck, buses, and truck trailers: Local and interurban passenger transit Trucking and warehousing; auto repair, services, and garages Other industries Autos 1 Aircraft: Banking; transportation by air; business services Other industries Ships and boats Railroad equipment '..... Instruments Photocopy and related equipment , Other Metalworking machinery; special industry machinery, n.e.c; general industrial, including materials handling, equipment: Nonmanufacturing industries Manufacturing industries: Durable goods: Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Other transportation equipment Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Nondurable goods: Food and kindred products Tobacco manufactures Textile mill products Apparel and other textile products .... Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and allied products Petroleum and coal products Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products Leather and leather products 12 14 6 18 32 16 12 27 28 12 9 11 12 14 19 27 24 25 14 14 17 11 20 21 L6 15 16 15 16 22 14 15 Private nonresidential structures Industrial buildings Mobile offices Office buildings Commercial warehouses Other commercial buildings Religious buildings Educational buildings Hospital and institutional buildings Hotels and motels Amusement and recreational buildings All other nonfarm buildings 2 Railroad replacement track Other railroad structures Telephone and telegraph Electric light and power Gas Local transit Petroleum pipelines Farm Mining exploration, shafts, and wells: Years before 1973 1973 and later years Other* Residential capital (private and government) l-to-4-unit structures — new 4 l-to-4-unit structures— additions and alterations l-to-4-unit structures— major replacements 5-or-more-unit structures—new' 1 5-or-more-unit structures — additions and alterations 5-or-more-unit structures— major replacements Mobile homes Other structures 5 Equipment , Durable goods owned by consumers Autos 1 Other motor vehicles Tires, tubes, accessories, and other parts Furniture, including mattresses and bedsprings Kitchen and other household appliances 6 China, glassware, tableware, and utensils Other durable house furnishings 7 , Radio and television receivers, records, and musical instruments Jewelry and watches Ophthalmic products and orthopedic appliances , Books and maps , Wheel goods, durable toys, sports equipment, boats, and pleasure aircraft 31 16 36 40 34 48 32 30 38 38 54 40 40 40 38 40 38 16 12 40 HO 40 25 65 32 20 16 40 11 Government nonresidential equipment Federal Military 8 Aircraft Missiles Ships Electronic equipment Vehicles Other Nonmilitary Government-owned, privately operated 8 Department of Energy Department of Defense Maritime Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration Enterprises 8 Alaska Railroad Commodity Credit Corporation St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation U.S. Postal Service All other Other Industrial plant equipment 8 All other , State and local (including enterprises) . Government nonresidential structures Federal Military facilities 9 Nonmilitary Government-owned, privately operated 6 Enterprises 8 Commodity Credit Corporation U.S. Postal Service All other Other Industrial buildings All other buildings, "other" structures 10 All other State and local All buildings, "other" structures 10 Allother 50 1. The estimating methodology for stocks of autos owned by private business and consumers does not require an explicit service life assumption; the 10-year life is only used to calculate net unit values of used autos. 2. Consists of buildings not elsewhere classified, such as passenger terminals, greenhouses, and animal hospitals. 3. Consists of streets, dams and reservoirs, sewer and water facilities, parks, airfields, etc. 4. Includes brokers' commissions on sales of structures. 5. Consists of dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, nurses' homes, etc. 6. Consists of refrigerators, freezers, cooking ranges, dishwashers, laundry equipment, stoves, air conditioners, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, and other appliances. 7. Includes such house furnishings as floor coverings, comforters, quilts, blankets, pillows, picture frames, mirrors, art products, portable lamps, and clocks. Also includes writing equipment and hand, power, and garden tools. 8. Service lives for these categories were varied over time, and the lives shown are those used for investment that had not been discarded prior to 1986. 9. Includes troop housing; family housing for the Armed Forces is included in Federal residential capital. 10. Consists of electric and gas facilities, transit systems, airfields, etc. XX11 structures.) The lives for residential major replacements were based on industry estimates for items replaced dur- ing the 1970's. Mobile homes were assigned a life of 16 years based on trade association data. Government-owned fixed capital. — For government- owned residential capital, the service lives used were the same as those for privately owned residential capital. For fixed nonresidential government-owned capital, the ser- vice lives were derived by either of two general methods. Where book value data from the agencies owning the as- sets made it possible to infer the years of discard for the assets involved, the service lives were varied over time. The lives shown in table B are those used for recent years for investment that had not been discarded prior to 1986. For other assets, the lives shown in table B were used for all years and were based on data from government agen- cies, comparisons with similar privately owned assets, and the assumptions of Raymond W. Goldsmith. 1 ' Durable goods owned by consumers. — For durable goods owned by consumers, the average service lives were based on the assumptions of other researchers, on several USDA studies, and on the age distribution of the stock of various consumer durables reported in the 1960-61 and 1972-73 BLS surveys of consumer expenditures. lt; Retirement patterns Except for autos, the service lives in table B are aver- ages; therefore, to account for the retirement of assets at different ages, patterns were calculated based on modifi- cations of the following curves developed by Robley Win- frey.' ' For fixed nonresidential private and government- owned capital, the Winfrey S-3 was modified so that retirements start at 45 percent and end at 155 percent of the average service life; for residential capital, the Winfrey S-3 was modified so that retirements start at 5 percent and end at 195 percent of the average service life; for dura- ble goods owned by consumers, the Winfrey L-2 was modified so that retirements start at 25 percent and end at 215 percent of the average service life. These retirement patterns are given in table C. The modified S-3 curves are bell-shaped distributions centered on the average service life of the asset. The modified L-2 curve is an asymmet- rical distribution with heavy discards before the average service life is reached and a tapering pattern thereafter. This curve was used for durable goods owned by consum- ers because it appeared that many of these goods are dis- carded after a few years, while others remain in use far beyond the average service life. 15. Raymond W. Goldsmith (ed.). Institutional Investors and Corpo- rate Stock, A Background Study (New York, NY: Columbia University Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, 1973). 16. Lenore A. Epstein, "Consumers' Tangible Assets," Studies in In- come and Wealth, Volume 12 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, 1950); Raymond W. Goldsmith, The National Wealth of the United States in the Postwar Period (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, 1962); Marilyn Doss Ruffin and Katherine S. Tip- pett, "Service-Life Expectancy of Household Appliances: New Estimates from USDA," Home Economics Research Journal, March 1975; and U.S. Price indexes The price indexes used to derive the stock estimates in constant-cost and current-cost valuations were the same as those used in deriving constant-dollar GNP. Except for additions and alterations and major replacements to resi- dential structures, price indexes for private structures and government nonmilitary structures were based on various construction price and cost indexes and were described in "Revised Deflators for New Construction, 1947-73," SUR- VEY 54 (August 1974, Part I): 18-27. 18 Price indexes for major replacements to residential structures were based on Consumer Price Indexes, published by BLS; and price indexes for additions and alterations to residential struc- tures were based on an average of the price indexes for residential new construction and residential major re- placements. Except for nuclear fuel, computers, autos, air- craft, and ships and boats, price indexes for private equip- ment were based on Producer Price Indexes (PPI's), published by BLS, and were described in "Improved De- flation of Producers' Durable Equipment," SURVEY 55 (July 1975): 20-23, 28. Price indexes for nuclear fuel were based on data from the Department of Energy. Those for computers were based on industry data and were de- scribed in David W. Cartwright, "Improved Deflation of Purchases of Computers," SURVEY 66 (March 1986): 7-9. Those for autos were based on Consumer Price Indexes, published by BLS. Those for aircraft and for ships and boats were based on data from the Department of Trans- portation. Price indexes for military equipment and struc- tures were based on Department of Defense data, PPI's, and information from defense contractors, and were de- scribed in U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Eco- nomic Analysis, Price Changes for Defense Purchases in the United States (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce, March 1979), and Abner Sachs and Richard C. Ziemer, "Implicit Price Deflators for Military Construc- tion," SURVEY 63 (November 1983): 14-18. Price indexes for other government equipment were based on PPI's. Privately owned autos Numbers and ages of autos in use were available each year from State registration data tabulated by R. L. Polk and Company. The procedure for deriving estimates of the stocks of autos owned by private business and consumers took advantage of the availability of this information. As a result, it was not necessary to assume an estimated service Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Survey of Consumer Expenditures, 1960-61, Expanding Ownership of Household Equipment," BLS Report No. 238-7, November 1964, and "Consumer Expenditure Survey Series: In- terview Survey, 1972-73. Inventories of Vehicles and Selected Household Equipment, 1973," BLS Report No. 455-5, 1978. 17. Robley Winfrey, Statistical Analyses of Industrial Property Retirement, Bulletin 125 (Ames, IA: Iowa Engineering Experiment Sta- tion, Iowa State College, December 1935). 18. For investment in electric light and power structures, the NIPA price indexes were modified, in accordance with the NIPA investment data, to reflect price changes in the value of completed plant. XX111 Table C— Modified Winfrey Retirement Patterns Percent of average service lite Nonresidential S-3' fid.. 65.. 70. 80 MS 90 95 100 105 ltd 115 120 125 mo 135 140 145 150 155 Mure than 155 . Residential structures S-3 40. 45. 50 . 55 . 60. 65 . 70. 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 mo K15 140 145 151) 155 160 1(55 170 175 180 185 190 195 Mure than 195 Cumulative percent of original expenditures discarded i.: 2.. 4.: r>.: 9.' 13.' 18.' 24.1 3i.: 38. 46. 53. 61. 68. 75. 81. 86, 90, 93, 95 97 98 100 100 .1 .3 .5 .7 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.5 5.0 7.2 10.2 14.1 19.0 24.8 31.3 38.4 46.1 53.9 61.6 68.7 75.2 81.0 85.9 89.8 92.8 95.0 96.5 97.3 97.9 98.3 98.7 99.0 99.3 99.5 99.7 99.9 00.0 00.0 Durable goods owned by consumers L-2' ■>5 1.5 3.6 7 2 13.2 2 1 .0 31.4 41.6 51.2 59.8 67.3 73.7 79.2 83.9 87.9 91.1 93.7 95.7 195 97.2 98.2 101). I) 100. 1) life or retirement pattern for autos or to make explicit ad- justments for sales of used autos from one type of owner to another. The first step in deriving estimates of stocks of business and consumer autos involved the calculation of the total stock of autos in use, regardless of ownership. This stock was calculated as follows: (a) The number of new autos entering the stock each year was estimated from trade as- sociation data; (b) survival rates were obtained from an- nual Polk tabulations for each year of original registration; and (c) these survival rates were applied to the new autos series to derive annual estimates of the total stock of autos in use by year of original registration. Second, the total stock of autos was separated into stocks of consumer and business autos, based on Polk tab- ulations of registrations by businesses and by individuals and on BLS and Census Bureau data on autos owned by individuals but used wholly or partly for business pur- poses. 1 '' Autos owned by businsses were assigned to the business stock, and autos owned by individuals that were used exclusively for personal purposes were assigned to the consumer stock. Autos owned by individuals that were used wholly or partly for business purposes were allocated between consumer and business stocks on basis of infor- mation on the amount of business usage of these autos from the sources cited in footnote 19; the portion of these autos allocated to business stocks provided the estimates of employee-owned autos discussed earlier. Third, the average unit values for business and consum- er autos in each year of original registration were derived from BLS data and then deflated by the price indexes for the new autos components of producers' durable equip- ment and personal consumption expenditures, respective- ly, to obtain the average unit values in 1982 prices. The annual constant-cost gross stocks of business and consum- er autos were obtained by multiplying the number of busi- ness and consumer autos in each year of original registration by the corresponding deflated unit values. Finally, total business stocks of autos were distributed by industry using data from BEA's capital flow tables ad- justed to the NIPA industry classification and to an own- ership basis. 1 Private nonresidential structures and equipment (except autos). private residential equipment, government nonresidential structures and equipment. 2. Except autos. • 19. The data on business usage of household- owned autos were derived from U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Survey of Consumer Expenditures (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964); U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Con- sumer Buying Indicators, 1971 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972); and unpublished Census Bureau survey data for 1973-74. XXIV Chapter 4. Introduction to the Tables Explanation of Terms The following explanation of terms will help to clarify the titles used in the tables. These terms are grouped as follows: Definitions and classifications of wealth esti- mates; valuation; gross investment and discards; and gross stock, depreciation, and net stock. Definitions and classifications of wealth esti- mates. — Fixed reproducible tangible wealth consists of fixed private capital, fixed government capital, and dura- ble goods owned by consumers. Fixed private capital con- sists of equipment and structures owned by private business, including owner-occupied housing and nonprofit institutions, and located in the United States. Fixed gov- ernment capital consists of equipment and structures owned by Federal and State and local governments, in- cluding government enterprises, and located in the United States (except in the case of military equipment, where coverage is worldwide).'" Durable goods owned by con- sumers are goods with a life expectancy of at least 3 years purchased by households for their nonbusiness use." 1 Wealth estimates for fixed private capital are further classified by legal form of organization, as defined for the purposes of the NIPA's. Corporate business consists of the domestic activities of all entities required to file Fed- eral corporate income tax returns; mutual financial insti- tutions; private noninsured pension funds; cooperatives subject to Federal income taxes; nonprofit organizations that primarily serve business; Federal Reserve banks; and federally sponsored credit agencies. Sole proprietorships consists of all entities that would be required to file IRS Schedule C (Profit or Loss From Business or Profession) or Schedule F (Farm Income and Expenses) if the propri- etor met the filing requirement, together with farm hous- ing owned by farm operators. Partnerships consist of all entities required to file Federal partnership income tax re- turns. Other private business consists of all entities re- quired to report rent and royalty income on the individual income tax return in IRS Schedule E (Supplemental In- come Schedule) if the individual met the filing require- ment; tax-exempt cooperatives; owner-occupied nonfarm housing; and buildings and equipment owned and used by nonprofit institutions serving individuals. 20. Military fixed capital consists of equipment and structures owned by the Department of Defense, with the following exceptions, which are considered nonmilitary fixed capital: Family housing for the armed forces, civil works construction by the Army Corps of Engineers, indus- trial facilities, military hospitals, and the Soldiers' Home. 21. For private business and government, equipment is defined as goods with a life expectancy of at least 1 year. Stock estimates for residential capital also are classified by tenure group. Tenant occupied consists of rental hous- ing, including all government-owned residential capital. Owner occupied consists of housing occupied by private owners. Estimates for fixed private capital also are presented by industry. The classification underlying the industrial dis- tribution is based on the 1972 SIC and on data collected from "establishments" rather than from "companies." Es- tablishments, as defined for purposes of the SIC, are eco- nomic units, generally at a single physical location, where business is conducted or where services or industrial oper- ations are performed. Companies are one or more estab- lishments owned by the same legal entity or group or affiliated entities. In addition, the corporate stock estimates are presented with the following special groupings of SIC industries. Fi- nancial industries consists of the following SIC indus- tries: Banking; credit agencies other than banks; security and commodity brokers, and services; insurance carriers; regulated investment companies; small business invest- ment companies; and real estate investment trusts. Non- financial industries consists of all other private industries. In the distributions of stocks by type of owner, legal form of organization, and industry in this report, leased capital assets are classified on an ownership basis — that is, they are recorded in the stock of the lessor rather than that of the lessee. The ownership basis is used in order to be consistent with the NIPA's and because the data neces- sary to compute capital stock estimates on a use basis are not available. Valuation. — The stock estimates in this report are computed on three bases of valuation. Historical-cost valuation measures the value of fixed assets in the prices of the periods in which the assets were purchased new. Constant-cost valuation measures the value of these as- sets in constant prices (in this report, 1982 prices). Current-cost valuation measures the value of these assets in the prices of the given period, which are yearends for gross and net stocks and annual averages for depreciation and discards. Gross investment and discards. — Gross investment is the value of purchases of new fixed capital assets. For a given type of owner, it also includes net purchases of used assets from other types of owners. Discards are the value of gross investment that is retired. XXV Gross stock, depreciation, and net stock. — Gross stock is the value of the stock of fixed capital before deduction of losses in value through physical deterioration, ob- solescence, accidents, and aging. Gross stock equals cumu- lative gross investment less cumulative discards. Depreciation is the value of past investment lost through physical deterioration, obsolescence, accidents, and aging. The depreciation estimates in this report are based on the straight-line formula, where annual depreci- ation for a fixed asset is equal to its gross value divided by its service life. Net stock in historical-cost and constant-cost valu- ations is the value of the gross stock less cumulative depre- ciation on the items in the gross stock. Net stock in current-cost valuation is the value of the items in the constant-cost net stock reflated to the prices of the cur- rent yearend. Guide to The Tables This section also presents a tabular guide to the tables that constitute the balance of this report and identifies the pages on which specific series are located. The tables are grouped into two parts. Part. A. which in turn consists of 20 tables, contains capital stocks and related measures. Part B, which consists of 13 tables, contains the invest- ment series. Part A. — Capital Stocks and Related Measures Note. — Each table in part A contains estimates of gross and net stocks, depreciation, discards, and average ages of gross and net stocks. Tables A1-A3.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, 1947-85 Page Constant-cost valuation Total Equip- ment Struc- tures Table A2 Current-cost valuation Total Equip- ment Struc- tures Table A3 Histori- cal-cost valuation Tota Page Table Al Constant-cost valuation Total Equip- ment Struc- tures Table A2 Current-cost valuation Total Equip- ment Struc- tures Table A3 Histori- cal-cost valuation Total All industries, total 1 Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries Farms' Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries Mining Metal mining Coal mining Oil and gas extraction Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels. Construction Manufacturing 1 Durable goods Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment. Motor vehicles and equipment Other transportation equipment Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Nondurable goods Food and kindred products Tobacco manufactures Textile mill products Apparel and other textile products. Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and allied products Petroleum and coal products Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products Leather and leather products Transportation and public utilities Transportation Railroad transportation Local and interurban passenger transit 163 1 164 163 1 165 6 166 T 1 165 190 191 60 193 61 61 62 63 64 64 65 66 er 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 73 74 75 76 76 77 78 79 79 190 191 55 55 192 192 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 59 59 59 60 60 60 193 194 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 63 64 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 69 70 70 71 71 71 72 72 72 73 73 74 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 79 79 80 80 I 217 109 217 109 109 110 110 110 110 218 111 111 111 111 112 112 112 112 113 113 113 114 114 114 114 115 115 115 115 116 116 116 116 117 117 117 Transportation — Continued: Trucking and warehousing Water transportation Transportation by air Pipelines, except natural gas Transportation services Communication Telephone and telegraph Radio and television broadcasting.. Electric, gas, and sanitary services Electric services Gas services Sanitary services Wholesale trade ... Retail trade .....V. Finance, insurance, and real estate Banking Federal Reserve banks Commercial and mutual banks Credit agencies other than banks Security and commodity brokers, and services Insurance carriers Insurance agents and brokers, and services Real estate Holding and other investment companies Services Hotels and other lodging places Personal services Business services Auto repair, services, and garages Miscellaneous repair services Motion pictures , Amusement and recreation services ... Other services Health services Legal services Educational services Other- 90 91 91 92 93 94 94 95 96 97 97 98 99 100 100 101 102 103 103 104 105 106 106 107 108 98 99 100 101 101 102 103 104 104 105 106 107 107 99 99 100 101 102 102 103 104 105 105 106 107 108 108 Hi 118 118 118 118 119 119 119 119 120 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 122 123 123 123 123 124 124 124 124 125 125 125 125 126 126 126 126 1 These series are shown in tables A6, A7, and A8. 2. Consists of social services, membership organizations, and miscellaneous professional XXVI Tables A4-A5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, 1925-85 Tables A6-A8.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, 1925-85 Equipment Information processing and related equipment: Office, computing, and accounting machinery Communication equipment Instruments, and photocopy and related equipment Industrial equipment: Fabricated metal products Engines and turbines Metal working machinery Special industry machinery, n.e.c General industrial, including materials handling, equipment Electrical transmission, distribution, and industrial apparatus Transportation and related equipment: Trucks, buses, and truck trailers Autos Aircraft Ships and boats Railroad equipment Other equipment: Furniture and fixtures Tractors Agricultural machinery, except tractors Construction machinery, except tractors Mining and oilfield machinery Service industry machinery Electrical equipment, n.e.c Other Structures Industrial buildings Commercial buildings Religious buildings Educational buildings Hospital and institutional buildings Other nonfarm buildings ' Railroads Telephone and telegraph Electric light and power Gas Other public utilities z Farm Mining exploration, shafts, and wells Other 3 Page Table A4 Constant- cost valuation 132 133 137 127 128 130 131 131 133 134 135 135 136 136 127 128 129 129 130 132 134 137 138 138 139 139 140 140 141 141 142 142 143 143 144 144 Table A5 Current- cost valuation 150 151 155 145 146 148 149 149 151 152 153 153 154 154 145 146 147 147 148 150 152 155 156 156 157 157 158 158 159 159 160 160 161 161 162 162 n.e.c. Not elsewhere classified. 1. Consists of hotels and motels, buildings used primarily for social and recreational activities, and buildings not elsewhere classified, such as passenger terminals, greenhouses, and animal hospitals. 2. Consists of petroleum pipelines and local transit structures. 3. Consists of streets, dams and reservoirs, sewer and water facilities, parks, airfields, etc. Tables A9-A11. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, 1925-85 and Tables A12-A14. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, 1925-85 Page Table A9 Table AID Table All Table A12 Table A 13 Table A14 Con- stant- cost valu- ation Cur- rent- cost valu- ation Histori- cal-cost valu- ation Con- stant- cost valu- ation Cur- rent- cost valu- ation Histori- cal-cost valu- ation Legal form of organization 226 226 230 230 234 234 238 238 243 243 248 248 239 240 240 241 241 244 245 245 246 246 249 227 227 228 228 231 231 232 232 235 235 236 236 250 Sole proprietorships and 250 Other private business: 251 251 Industry 229 229 233 233 237 237 242 242 242 242 247 247 247 247 252 252 252 252 1. Because no residential capital is allocated to financial corporations or to tax-exempt cooperatives, the estimates of fixed private capital for these entities are the same as the corresponding estimates of fixed nonresidential private capital in tables AH, A7, and AS. 2. Consists of buildings and equipment owned by nonprofit institutions serving individuals, 3. Consists of owner-occupied nonfarm housing and buildings and equipment owned and rented by entities required to report rental income on IRS Schedule E Page Legal form of organization Total Corporate Noncorporate Major industry group Total Finan- cial Nonfi- nancial Total Sole propri- etorships and partner- ships Other private ousiness Non- profit institu- tions ' Per- sons 2 Tax- exempt coop- eratives Table A6 (Constant-cost valuation) All industries, total 163 163 164 164 165 165 166 166 167 167 168 168 190 190 191 191 192 192 193 193 194 194 195 195 217 217 218 218 169 169 170 170 171 171 172 172 173 173 174 174 196 196 197 197 198 198 199 199 200 200 201 201 219 219 220 220 175 175 176 176 177 177 178 178 179 179 180 180 181 181 182 182 183 183 205 205 206 206 207 207 208 208 209 209 210 210 222 222 223 223 184 184 185 185 186 186 187 187 188 188 189 189 Nonfarm Table A7 (Current-cost, valuation) All industries, total 202 202 203 203 204 204 211 211 212 212 213 213 214 214 215 215 216 Structures 216 Nonfarm Table A8 (Historical-cost valuation) All industries, total 221 221 224 224 225 225 Nonfarm non- 1. Consists of buildings and equipment owned and used by nonprofit institutions serving individuals 2. Consists of buildings and equipment owned and rented by entities required to report rental income on IRS Schedule E. Tables A15-A16. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Croup, and Type of Equipment and Structures, 1925-85 Type of owner Total Private l Government: Federal State and local Tenure group Owner-occupied nonfarm Private tenant-occupied nonfarm Owner-occupied farm Tenant-occupied farm Type of equipment and structures Equipment Structures: Nonfarm: l-to-4-unit 5-or-more-unit Mobile homes Other 2 Farm: l-to-4-unit Mobile homes Page Constant- cost valuation 253 '_■_'(; 253 254 254 255 255 256 257 257 258 258 259 259 Table Al« Current- cost valuation 2611 230 2(10 261 261 262 262 263 264 264 265 205 266 266 1. These series are given in tables A9 and A10. 2. Consists of dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, nurses' homes, etc XXV11 Tables A17-A18.— Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, 1925- 85 Tables A19-A20.— Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, 1925-85 Page Table A17 Table A18 Constant- cost valuation Current- cost valuation Total 267 267 268 268 269 269 270 270 271 271 272 272 273 Motor vehicles ': 273 Other 274 Furniture and household equipment: 274 275 275 276 Radio and television receivers, records, and musical instruments Other: 276 277 277 278 Wheel goods, durable toys, sports equipment, boats, and pleasure 278 1, Includes tires, tubes, accessories, and other parts. 2. Consists of refrigerators and freezers, cooking ranges, dishwashers, laundry equipment, stoves, air conditioners, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, and other appliances. 3- Includes such house furnishings as floor coverings, comforters, quilts, blankets, pillows, picture frames, mirrors, art products, portable lamps, and clocks. Also includes writing equipment and hand, power, and garden tools. Page Table A19 Table A20 Constant- cost valuation Current- cost valuation Federal Total 279 279 280 280 281 281 282 282 283 283 284 284 285 285 286 286 287 287 288 288 289 289 290 290 291 291 292 292 293 293 294 294 295 295 296 296 297 297 298 298 299 299 300 300 301 301 302 302 Excluding military Military Structures Industrial buildings Educational buildings Hospital buildings Other buildings ' Highways and streets Conservation and development Other structures 2 Military facilities State and local Total Structures Educational buildings Hospital buildings Other buildings ' Highways and streets Conservation and development Water supply systems Other structures 2 1. Consists of general office buildings, police and fire stations, courthouses, auditoriums garages, passenger terminals, etc. 2. Consists of electric and gas facilities, transit systems, airfields, etc Part B. — Investment Series Table Bl.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, 1947-85 All industries, total l Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries Farms ' Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries. Mining Metal mining Coal mining Oil and gas extraction Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels Construction Manufacturing ' Durable goods Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electric and electronic equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Other transportation equipment Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Nondurable goods Food and kindred products Tobacco manufactures Textile mill products Apparel and other textile products Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Chemicals and allied products Petroleum and coal products Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products Leather and leather products Transportation and public utilities Transportation Railroad transportation Local and interurban passeneer transit Page 303 333 303 303 304 304 304 305 305 305 305 306 306 306 306 307 307 307 307 308 M 308^f 308 308 309 309 309 309 310 310 310 310 311 311 311 Transportation —Continued: Trucking and warehousing Water transportation Transportation by air Pipelines, except natural gas Transportation services Communication Telephone and telegraph Radio and television broadcasting Electric, gas, and sanitary services Electric services Gas services .., Sanitary services Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate ..... Banking Federal Reserve banks Commercial and mutual banks Credit agencies other than banks Security and commodity brokers, and services Insurance carriers Insurance agents and brokers, and services Real estate Holding and other investment companies Services Hotels and other lodging places Personal services Business services Auto repair, services, and garages Miscellaneous repair services Motion pictures Amusement and recreation services Other services Health services Legal services Educational services Other 2 Page 311 312 312 312 312 313 313 313 313 314 314 314 315 315 316 316 316 316 317 317 317 318 318 318 318 319 319 319 319 320 320 320 320 1- These series are shown in tables B5 and B6. 2 Consists of social services, membership organizations, and miscellaneous professional services. XXV111 Tables B2-B3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, 1832-1985 Tables B6-B7.— Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Industry, 1820-1985 Equipment Information processing and related equipment: Office, computing, and accounting machinery Communication equipment Instruments, and photocopy and related equipment Industrial equipment. Fabricated metal products Engines and turbines Metal working machinery Special industry machinery, n.e.c General industrial, including materials handling, equipment Electrical transmission, distribution, and industrial apparatus Transportation and related equipment: Trucks, buses, and truck trailers Autos Aircraft Ships and boats Railroad equipment Other equipment: Furniture and fixtures Tractors Agricultural machinery, except tractors Construction machinery, except tractors Mining and oilfield machinery Service industry machinery Electrical equipment, n.e.c Other Structures Industrial buildings Commercial buildings Religious buildings - Educational buildings Hospital and institutional buildings Other nonfarm buildings ' Railroads Telephone and telegraph Electric light and power Gas Other public utilities 2 Farm Mining exploration, shafts, and wells Other a Page Table B2 Constant- cost valuation 321 323 323 321 321 321 321 321 323 323 323 323 323 323 321 321 321 321 321 321 323 323 323 323 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 Table B3 Historical- cost valuation 327 329 329 327 327 327 327 327 329 329 329 329 329 329 327 327 327 327 327 327 329 329 329 329 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 n.e.c. Not elsewhere classified. 1. Consists of hotels and motels, buildings used primarily for social and recreational activities, and buildings not elsewhere classified, such as passenger terminals, greenhouses, and animal hospitals. 2. Consists of petroleum pipelines and local transit structures 3. Consists of streets, dams and reservoirs, sewer and water facilities, parks, airfields, etc. Page Table B6 Table B7 Constant-cost valuation Historical-cost valuation All series 353 355 Tables B8-B9. — Private Residential Capital, by Tenure Group and Type of Equipment and Structures, 1820-1985 Page Constant-cost valuation Historical-cost valuation Tables B10-B1 1.— Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, 1900- 85 t'agi Table BIO Table Bll Constant-cost valuation Historical-cost valuation All series 361 362 Tables B12-B13. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, 1850-1985 Page Table B12 Table B13 Constant-cost valuation Historical-cost valuation Federal 363 365 367 369 Tables B4-B5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, 1832-1985 Total Corporate Financial Nonfinancial Noncorporate Sole proprietorships and partnerships Other private business: Nonprofit institutions ' Persons 2 Tax-exempt cooperatives 1. Consists of buildings and equipment owned and used by nonprofit institutions serving individuals. 2. Consists of buildings and equipment owned and rented by entities required to report rental income on IRS Schedule E. XXIX FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annua) totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries — equipment and structures 121,083 131,245 141,228 151,087 159,742 167,334 173,539 178,217 182,991 185,223 186,463 188,671) 191,203 191,727 192,605 194,384 197,126 200.657 205,942 212,401 62,333 71,312 79,367 86,672 92,019 95,861 98,323 99,433 101,081 100,801 100,435 101,594 103,379 103,409 103,965 105,489 107,888 110,804 115,198 120,165 6,215 6,994 7,877 8,749 9,544 10,201 10,726 11,138 11,445 11,630 11,624 11,621 11,66.3 11.624 11.539 11,515 11,592 11,766 12,068 12,505 5,627 5,670 5,790 6,069 6,115 6,329 6,795 7,441 8.151 8.977 9.865 10.392 10.733 10,946 11.025 11,043 11,022 10,969 10,957 10,772 14,67 13.49 12.57 11.83 11.34 11.00 1080 10.71 10.61 10.65 10.70 10.68 10.63 1068 10.71 10 69 10 62 10.54 10.39 11122 8.19 7.27 6.71 6 38 6.26 6.26 6.34 6.48 6.57 6.75 6.92 6.97 699 7.12 7.22 7.26 7.25 7.23 7.14 7 , 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971. 1972 1973 1974 1975 . 1976 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 219,791 226,481 233,509 242,699 251.618 259,958 272,415 284,895 295.608 307,864 321,765 334.639 349.093 357,353 361,805 360.058 356.627 351,466 345,611 125,510 129,520 133,433 138,933 144.051 1 18.277 156.731 164,537 170.419 177.632 185.825 192.691 2(111 777 202.924 201.556 195.283 188,194 1-1 130 174.961 13.027 13.513 13.975 11.192 15,041 15,639 16,553 17.103 17,773 18,438 19.253 211,072 20,932 21,679 21,772 31.1,7,3 i 1,098 20 510 19.889 10.724 10,586 1O.017 10,570 10 088 11.323 13.333 13.313 12,722 13,184 13,365 13,910 14,395 15,395 15,760 16,947 17,572 18.372 19.037 10.07 10.01 9.97 9.89 9.85 9.87 9.73 9.66 006 9.64 9.61 9 63 II 02 9.77 10.03 10.41 10.83 11.24 11.65 6.98 7.00 7.03 6.99 6.98 7.02 6.86 6.79 6 81 6.79 6.75 6.77 6.74 6.91 7 18 7 7,8 7.99 8.38 8.73 Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries — equipment 55,819 1,700 73,472 82,064 89,7,08 95,837 101,028 104,767 108,666 109,928 110.340 111.601 112,357 111,394 110,655 110,401 111,242 112,783 115,914 120,039 32,768 39,765 45,997 51,465 55,222 57.305 58.436 58.350 58,940 57,583 56,366 56,670 56,858 55,709 55.044 55.072 56,122 57,747 60.749 64,270 4,567 5,306 6,151 6,986 7,743 8,362 8,850 9,231 9,509 9,663 9.627 9,595 9,503 9,504 9,370 9.290 9,308 9,424 9,664 10,037 3,176 3,281 3,17,1 3.737, 3.840 4,084 4,602 5.276 6,031 6,902 7,846 8,156 8,844 9,133 9,252 9.355 9.289 9,325 9,317 9,192 5.17 4.80 4.63 4.57 4.67 4.86 5.09 5.36 5.57 5.86 6.10 6.23 6.34 6.50 6.60 6.64 6.61 6.53 6.37 6.20 3.35 3.07 3.02 3.09 3.26 3.48 3.70 3.93 4.06 4.26 4.40 4.40 4.39 4.48 4.51 1 18 1 38 4.27 4.11 3 08 1967 1968 1969 1970 1071 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 108 1 1982 1983 1984 1985 124,413 128,291 132,466 138,115 143,738 149,358 158,169 165,974 171.656 178,711 187,187 194.309 203.254 207,333 208,667 205,293 200,621 194,893 188,791 67,605 70.01o 72.252 75,612 78,787 81.853 88.057 92.751 95.307 99,050 103,736 106,772 111,443 111,404 109,108 103,166 97.238 91,446 86,675 10,182 10,885 1 1 .2178 11,696 12,151 12,643 13,360 13,930 14,469 14,990 15,667 16,335 17,029 17.596 17,659 17,437 16,893 16,287 15.642 9.185 9,169 9,086 9,175 9,451 0,888 10,538 10,633 11.124 11,466 11,697 12.098 12.586 13,309 13,838 14.692 1 7 0,8 15,988 16,737 6.06 5.99 5.94 5.88 5.85 5.84 5.72 5.70 5.75 5.77 5.77 5.83 5.84 5.99 6.19 6.49 6.78 7.05 7.27 3.90 3.91 3.94 3.91 3.91 3.92 3.80 3 80 3 89 3.93 3.93 4.00 4.00 4.15 4.34 4.63 4.88 -,08 5.19 Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries — structures 65.264 66.545 67,756 69.023 70.144 71,498 72,511 73,451 74,326 75,294 76,122 77,069 78,846 80,333 81,950 83,983 85,884 87,874 90,028 92,362 29,565 31,546 33,370 35,207 36,797 38.557 39,887 41.084 42.142 43,218 44,068 44,924 46,521 47,700 48,921 50,417 51,766 53,057 54,449 55,895 1,648 1,688 1,726 1,764 1,801 1>39 1,876 1,907 1,937 1,967 1,997 2,026 2,069 2,120 2,169 2,225 2,284 2,342 2.103 2,469 2,451 2,380 2.3,3,8 2,334 2,269 2,246 2,192 2,165 2,120 2,075 2,019 1,936 1,889 1,812 1,773 1,687 1,732 1,644 1,640 1,581 22 79 21.95 21.19 20,47 1986 19.23 18.76 18.34 17.98 17.63 17.36 17.12 16.74 16.49 16.26 16.02 15.83 15.69 15.56 15.45 13 55 12.55 11 80 11.19 10.77 10.39 10.21 10.11 1007 10.07 10.14 10.22 10.16 10.22 10.28 1030 10.36 10.45 10.52 10.59 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 95,379 98,189 101,042 104.584 107.879 110.600 114.246 118,921 123,952 129,153 134,578 140,330 145,840 150.020 153,130 154,765 156.006 156,573 156.830 57.905 59.505 61,181 63,321 65,2(71 66,424 68,674 71,787 75,112 78.583 82,090 8.7,018 89,335 91,519 92.448 92,116 91,256 89.984 88.285 2.545 3.628 2.707 2.796 2.890 2,996 3,193 3,172 3.303 3,449 3,585 3,736 3,903 4,083 4,112 1,215 4,205 4.223 4,246 1,539 1,417 1,531 1,395 1,5.37 1.434 1.794 1.610 1.598 1,718 1 ,668 1,813 1,809 2,086 1,923 2,255 2,104 2,384 2,300 15.31 1 5 28 15.24 15.19 15.18 15.31 1.5.28 15.18 15.09 15.00 14.95 14.88 14.88 15.00 15.26 15.61 16.03 16.45 16.93 1057 10.63 1O0O 10.67 10 00 10.84 10.79 10.65 10.52 10.40 10.31 10.20 10.17 10.28 10 7,3, 1089 11.30 11.74 12.20 Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries — equipment and structures 1947 5,590 5,998 6,390 6,718 7,096 7.7,7,0 7,768 8,043 8,721 9,052 9,434 10,164 10,339 10,670 10,964 11,383 11,585 12,285 12,805 13,124 3,034 3,373 3,668 3,885 4,134 4,436 4,488 4,601 5,096 5,234 5,424 5,935 5.873 5,978 6,045 6,246 6,234 6,734 7,052 7,148 237 266 296 320 344 370 386 398 425 457 478 513 543 558 577 599 618 653 702 738 189 196 198 209 213 210 226 233 242 262 284 292 304 331 348 379 403 450 498 513 15.21 14.35 13.71 13.28 12.85 12.37 12.36 12.26 11.66 11.60 11.49 11.04 11.26 11.27 11.34 11.26 11.40 11.04 10.87 10.89 9.50 8.73 8.26 8.06 7.84 7.59 7.78 7.85 7.34 7.42 7.42 7.05 7.39 7.48 7.60 7.53 7.71 7.29 7.13 7.21 1967 13,512 14,082 14,547 15,699 16,449 17,125 17,907 18,442 19,035 20,258 21,528 23,320 25,157 26,744 28,163 28,814 29,419 30.047, 30,814 7,330 7,680 7,923 8,803 9,263 9,649 10,133 10.340 10.630 11,512 12,356 13,610 14,810 15,641 16,249 16,078 15,943 16,002 16,339 770 811 855 922 998 1.060 1,131 1,191 1,246 1,334 1,456 1,620 1.818 2.002 2.160 2,265 2,318 2,356 2,395 561 589 628 644 701 760 817 846 921 967 1,003 1,059 1.156 1,221 1,321 1,417 1,551 1,744 1.916 10.83 10.62 10.51 10.00 9.80 9.66 9.48 9.47 9.40 9.06 - -ii 8.42 8.11 7.96 7.90 8.07 8.22 8.32 8.36 7.19 1948 1968 7.02 1949 . 1969 6.96 1950 1970 6.45 1951 1971 6.34 1952 1972 6.30 1953 .. 1973 6 21 1954 1974 6 30 1955 1975 6 32 1956 1976 6 04 1957 . .. 1977 ., 86 1958 . . 1978 5.57 1959 1979 5 39 1960 1980 5 38 1961 1981 1962 1983 5 74 1963 1983 5 96 1964 1984 6 06 1965 1985 6 04 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries — equipment 1947 2,540 2,954 3,350 3.688 4,072 4,527 4,764 5.053 5.680 6,012 6,380 7,040 7,224 7,532 7,8(15 8,177 8,335 8,930 9,363 9,627 1,629 1,965 2,257 2,473 2,718 3.002 3,070 3,182 3,616 3,742 3,909 4,340 4,282 4,359 4,402 4,553 4,499 4,895 5,135 5,184 161 190 220 245 268 294 311 323 350 380 401 435 464 479 497 518 536 569 615 649 109 110 116 121 129 121 140 144 155 174 198 204 221 245 267 295 322 368 420 432 6.04 5.62 5.45 5.48 5.52 5.59 5.93 6.22 6.16 6 47 6.70 6.68 7.13 741 7.70 7.86 8.19 8.05 8.04 8.19 4.13 3.86 3.84 4.00 4.12 4.21 4.58 4.84 4.65 4.90 5.06 4.91 5.33 5.52 5.71 5.74 5.98 5.65 5.56 5.67 1967 9,888 10,348 10,710 11,660 12,257 12,772 13.428 13,865 14,359 15,376 16,521 18,189 19,905 21,389 22,706 23,242 23,722 24,101 24,529 5,254 5,509 5,670 6,373 6,711 6,971 7,367 7,519 7,755 8,481 9,251 10,440 11,574 12,367 12,935 12.716 12,522 12,407 12,479 679 717 757 820 892 950 1,017 1,074 1,126 1,210 1,327 1,489 1,683 1,864 2,019 2,122 2,171 2,205 2,236 485 509 553 567 626 685 743 771 845 892 927 987 1,077 1,147 1,243 1,342 1,471 1,665 1,834 8.27 8.17 8.14 7.75 7.62 7.54 7.39 7.40 7.33 7.03 6.78 6.42 6.15 6.02 5.99 6.17 6.33 6.46 6.53 5.72 1948 1968 1949.... 1969.... 5 52 1950 1970 5.04 1951 1971 4.95 1952. ... 1972 4.93 1953 .... 1973 4.82 1954.. . 1974 4.87 1955. .. 1975 4.85 1956 1976 4.58 1957.. .. 1977 4.37 1958.. .. 1978 4.09 1959 1979 3.93 1960 1980 3.94 1961 1981 4.00 1962 1982 4.27 1963 1983 4.47 1964 1984 '. 4.58 1965 1985 4.58 1966 Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries — structures 1947 3,050 3,045 3,040 3.030 3.024 3,029 3,004 2,990 3,040 3,040 3,054 3,123 3,115 3,137 3,159 3,206 3,250 3,355 3,442 3,497 1,404 1,409 1,411 1,412 1,416 1,433 1,419 1,419 1,480 1,492 1.515 1,594 1,591 1.620 1.643 1,693 1,735 1,839 1,917 1,964 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 75 76 76 77 78 79 79 80 81 82 84 87 89 79 85 82 87 85 89 86 89 86 89 86 87 83 86 81 84 80 82 78 81 22.85 22.82 22.82 22.77 22.71 22.51 22.56 22.46 21.93 21.75 21.50 20.86 20X1 20.54 20.33 19.94 19.64 19.00 18.57 18.34 15.73 15.51 15.33 15.16 14.98 14.68 14.71 14.60 13.92 . 13.76 13.53 12.87 12.94 12.76 12.65 12.36 12.18 11.64 11.35 11.29 1967 3,623 3,734 3,837 4,039 4,192 4,352 4,480 4,578 4,675 4,882 5,007 5,131 5,252 5,354 5,457 5,572 5,697 5,944 6,285 2,076 2,172 2,252 2,431 2,552 2,678 2,766 2,821 2,874 3,031 3,105 3,170 3,235 3,274 3,315 3,361 3,421 3.595 3,859 91 94 97 101 106 111) 114 117 120 124 128 132 135 138 140 143 146 151 159 76 80 75 77 74 76 75 75 75 75 77 73 79 74 79 75 80 79 82 17.82 17.42 17.15 16.50 16.16 15.85 15.72 15.73 15.75 15.46 15.46 15.51 15.56 15.71 15.85 15.99 16.09 15.89 15.50 10.91 1948 1968 10.69 1949 1969 10.60 1950 1970 10.13 1951 1971 9.98 1952 1972 9.87 1953 1973 9.93 1954 1974 10,11 1955 1975 10.30 1956 1976 10.14 1957 1977 10.28 1958 1978 10.45 1959 1979 10.61 1960 1980 10.86 1961 1981 11.08 1962 1982 11 27 1963 1983 11.41 1964 1984 11.19 1965 1985 10.77 1966 Mining — equipment and structures 1947 138,203 143,930 149.192 156.27s 163,925 173,926 185.085 197,029 210,600 224,331 236,794 246.664 256,732 265,807 275,221 284,329 291,970 301.476 310,726 318,806 71,820 76,039 79,546 84,731 90,221 97,524 105,601 114,104 123,762 132,546 139,566 143,733 147,839 150,720 153,874 1571)84 159,T)78 163.275 167.640 171,269 8,470 8,813 9,212 9,650 10,154 10,760 11,486 12,276 13,138 14,060 14,932 15,660 16,302 16,890 17,423 17.947 18,430 18,931 19,478 19,987 7,198 7,259 7,405 7,707 7,957 8,022 8,341 8,792 9,170 9,066 9,439 9,897 10.280 10,635 11,099 11,977 12,709 13,562 14,520 15,455 9.55 9.28 9.09 8.83 s 59 8.31 8.04 7.79 7.55 7.41 7.35 7.40 7.45 7.56 7.66 776 7.89 7.96 8.02 8.08 6.09 5.84 5.70 5.48 5.32 5.11 4.94 4.83 4.72 4.70 4.76 4.91 5.05 5.20 5.31 5.40 5.50 5.52 5.52 5.54 1967 323,941 328,026 332,315 334,308 335,154 336,277 339,296 344,920 353,471 363.544 378.479 396,160 416,536 441,241 475,766 503,891 519,496 537.622 550,510 172,328 172,933 174.345 173.830 172.637 172.189 173,852 177,726 183,939 190,745 201,120 212,783 225,573 240,992 264,425 279,742 282,461 288,84(1 290,517 20,382 20,651 20,894 21,075 21,167 21,263 21,601 22,283 23,218 24,350 25,777 27.537 29,494 31,718 34,490 37,321 39,267 40,740 42,075 16,218 17,082 17,925 18,472 19,019 19,592 20,127 20,419 20,740 20,933 21,075 21,384 21,752 22,267 23,213 24,327 26,196 28,709 30,579 8.20 8.31 8.38 8.49 8.60 8.68 8.69 8.64 8.52 8.39 8.18 7.97 7.77 7.56 7.26 7.14 7.20 7.21 7.28 5.64 ru- 1968 5.73 i'i i'i 1969 5.77 1950 1970 5.87 1951 1971 5.98 1952 1972 6.04 1953 1973 6.03 1954 1974 5.95 1955 1975 5.81 1956 1976 5.69 1957 1977 5.49 14.,- 1978 5.31 1959 1979 5.15 1960 1980 4.98 1961 1981 4.71 1962 1982 4.65 1963 1983 .v. 4.78 1964 1984 4.82 1985 4.91 1966 .... Mining — equipment 1947 23,940 24,984 25,778 26,540 27,201 28.648 30.048 31.170 32.422 33,890 35,398 36,268 37,275 37,698 38,481 39.195 40,506 42,453 44,766 47,512 13,057 13,527 13,844 14,161 14,336 15,267 16,151 16,829 17,614 18,478 19,430 19,724 20,119 20.016 20.304 20.613 21,516 23,095 24,985 27,105 2,081 2,169 2,257 2,328 2,391 2,491 2,621 2,736 2,842 2,974 3,110 3,207 3,281) 3,333 3,372 3,418 3.497 3,635 3,823 4,055 1,450 1,550 1,727 1,841 1,866 1,885 2,094 2,248 2.319 2,324 2,503 2,570 2,608 2,746 2,814 2,941 3,014 3,207 3,328 3,348 5.86 5.87 5.91 5.94 6.01 5.94 5.87 5.84 5.80 5.77 5.71 5.76 5.79 5.90 5.96 6.00 5.97 5.83 5.68 5.53 3.95 3.97 4.02 4.06 4.12 3.98 3.88 3.85 3.81 3.77 3.74 3.84 3.90 4.03 4.07 4.09 4.01 3.86 3.73 3.65 1967 49,920 51.979 54.026 55,984 .-,8,636 61,056 64,861 68,852 73,032 77,301 82,984 89,023 96,079 101,504 106,670 109,168 107,193 104,184 100,318 28,715 29,799 30,768 31,486 32,824 33,914 36,362 38,878 41,533 44.146 47,908 51,714 56,133 58,595 60,566 59,956 55,483 50,923 46,479 4,294 4,492 4,683 4,865 5,067 5,304 5,589 5,941 6,316 6,702 7,173 7,735 8,358 8,940 9,404 9,717 9,674 9,350 8,942 3,406 3,429 3,512 3,529 3,644 3,874 4,114 4,353 4,651 4,894 5,110 5,368 5,564 5,812 6,023 6,424 6,990 7,515 8,079 5.47 5.48 5.52 5.61 5.65 5.72 5.68 5.65 5.61 5.59 5.50 5.44 5.37 5.44 5.54 5.78 6.20 6.62 7.03 3.67 1948 1968 3.78 1444 1969 3.89 1950 1970 4.01 1951 1971 4.04 1952 1972 4.10 1953 1973 4.01 1954 1955 1956 1974 1975 1976 3.94 3.90 3.89 1957 1977 3.82 14 .- 1978 3.78 1979 3.74 1980 3.84 1981 3.95 1982 4.19 1983 4.63 1964 1965 1984 1985 5.03 5.38 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Mining — structures 114,263 118,946 123,414 129,738 136,724 145,228 155,038 165,859 178,177 190,441 201,396 210,395 219,457 228,108 236,741 245,134 251,464 259,023 265,960 271,294 58,763 62,512 65.702 70,570 75,885 82,257 89,450 97,275 106,147 114,068 120,136 124,009 127,720 130,704 133,570 136,471 137,563 140,180 142,654 144,164 6,389 6,644 6,955 7.322 7,763 8,269 8,864 9,540 10,297 11,086 11,822 12,454 13.022 13,557 14,051 14,529 14,933 15,296 15.655 15,932 5,747 5,709 5,678 5,866 6,091 6,137 6.248 6,544 6,851 6,742 6,936 7,327 7,672 7,889 8,285 9,036 9,695 1(1,355 11.192 12,107 1033 10.00 9.76 9.42 9.11 8.78 8.46 8.16 7.87 7.70 7.64 7.68 7.73 7.83 7.94 8.05 8.20 8.31 8.41 853 6.56 6.24 6.05 5 77 5.54 5.32 5.14 5.00 188 4.85 4.93 5 08 5.23 5.37 5.50 5.59 5.74 5.79 ;, 83 5.90 1007 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 197'' 1980 1981 1982 198.1 1981 274,021 276.047 278.290 278,324 276,517 275,220 274,435 276,067 280,439 286,243 295,495 307,137 320,457 339,737 369.096 394.723 412.303 433.438 450,192 143,613 143,134 113.577 142,344 139,813 138,274 137,490 138,847 142,406 146,600 153,212 161,068 169,440 182,397 203,860 219,786 226,978 237,917 244,038 16.080 16.159 16,212 16,210 16,100 15,960 16.012 16.342 16,902 17,648 18,604 19.802 21.136 22.778 25.086 27.604 29,503 31.390 33.134 12.812 13,653 14,413 14.943 15,376 15,718 16.013 16,066 16,089 16,038 15,965 16,016 16,188 16.455 17,190 17,904 19.206 21,194 22,501 8.70 8 84 8.94 9.07 9.23 9.34 9.41 9.38 9.27 9.14 8.93 8.71 8.49 8.19 7.76 7.51 7.46 7.35 7.34 Metal mining — equipment and structures 10,063 10,055 9,842 9,741 9,894 10,144 10,435 10,603 10,853 11,193 11,332 11.368 11,517 11,822 12,161 12,565 12,839 13,290 14,118 14,784 4,445 4,515 4,403 4,406 4.631 4,938 5.286 5.496 5,776 6,111 6,253 6,277 6,412 6,707 7,024 7,382 7,603 7,972 8,689 9,184 522 531 534 534 545 565 585 598 610 627 640 640 640 645 653 663 673 685 715 752 607 609 634 637 616 621 641 639 639 622 641 627 625 634 629 616 618 602 603 580 15 43 14.94 14.71 14.32 13.65 12.91 12.19 11.70 11.18 10.66 10.38 10.26 10 06 9.78 9.54 9.32 9.25 9.13 8 83 8.73 8.76 8.38 8.36 8.13 7.57 7.01 6.53 6.33 6.12 5.92 5.96 6.13 6 19 6.14 6.10 6.09 6.21 6.24 6.06 6.11 1067 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 15,467 16,160 16,860 17,572 18.434 19.182 20,225 21.568 22.089 24,549 25,940 27,388 28,917 30,004 30,753 31,361 31,659 32,032 32,020 9,642 10,068 10,468 10.823 11.280 11,592 12.137 12.938 13,752 14.594 15,212 15,812 16,468 16,670 16,557 16.390 16,025 15,876 15,483 783 815 850 890 940 998 1,063 1,155 1,265 1,386 1,510 1 ,627 1,745 1,845 1,914 1,961 1,986 2,000 2,002 556 8.71 546 8.74 549 8.81 529 8.94 532 9.03 559 9.19 562 9.26 610 9.21 653 9.17 664 9.14 732 9.18 775 9.25 867 9.28 954 9.44 1,044 9.69 1,178 9.94 1,318 10.23 1,466 10.44 1,610 10.71 Metal mining — equipment 2,836 2,940 2,986 3,070 3,246 3,425 3,532 3.580 3.672 3,794 3,811 3,746 3,702 3,637 3,581 3.564 3,480 3,467 3,703 3,868 1,534 1,567 1,557 1,592 1,712 1,826 1.885 1,887 1,932 1.996 1,974 1,879 1,821 1,767 1,734 1,748 1,708 1,753 2,037 2,210 239 248 255 260 272 28!) 301 307 312 322 328 324 316 309 301 295 289 283 290 306 151 175 198 211 215 223 252 261 264 263 288 292 301 319 323 324 331 340 336 312 6 49 6.61 6.78 6 84 6.70 6.60 6.58 6.66 6.67 6.65 6.75 6 99 7.13 7.27 7.37 7.35 7.44 7.32 6.74 6 48 I 59 4.63 4.76 4.74 4.49 4.32 4.31 1 12 1 11 4.37 4.50 4.76 4.89 4.99 5.02 4.92 4.99 4.85 127 4.15 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 4,070 4,237 4,443 4,658 5,077 5,416 5.957 6.663 7,430 8,354 9,105 9,903 10,589 11,010 11,300 11,476 11,421 11,359 11,008 2,308 2,527 2,677 2,808 3,107 3,302 3,665 4,155 4.655 5,242 5,606 5,98(1 6,214 6,191 6,070 5,904 5,617 5,434 5,157 317 328 341 358 385 420 460 519 589 669 749 824 894 944 972 987 984 970 301 6.24 288 6.16 282 6.09 272 6.09 261 5.97 272 5.98 279 5.88 299 5.72 319 5.61 327 5.51 358 5.58 394 5.67 436 5.83 494 6.12 554 6.45 637 6.77 746 7.13 839 7.40 921 7.69 Metal mining — structures 1947 7,227 7,115 6,856 6,671 6,648 6,719 6,903 7,023 7,182 7,399 7,521 7,622 7,815 8,185 8,580 9,001 9,359 9,823 10,415 10,916 2,910 2,949 2,846 2,815 2,919 3,112 3,402 3,608 3,844 4,116 4,279 4,399 4,591 4,940 5,290 5,634 5,895 6,218 6,652 6,974 283 283 279 274 273 277 284 291 298 305 312 317 324 336 352 368 385 403 425 446 456 434 436 427 401 398 389 378 375 359 353 336 324 314 306 292 287 262 267 267 18.94 18.38 18.17 17.76 17.05 16.13 15.05 14.26 13.48 12.72 12.22 11.87 11.45 10.90 10.45 10.10 9.92 9.77 9.57 9.52 10.96 10.37 10.32 10.05 9.37 8.58 7.76 7.33 6.97 6.68 6.64 6.71 6.71 6.55 6.46 6.45 6.56 6.63 6.61 6.73 1967 11,398 11,924 12,417 12,914 13,357 13,765 14,269 14,904 15,559 16,194 16,835 17,485 18,328 18,994 19,453 19,885 20,238 20,673 20,922 7,244 7,541 7,792 8,014 8,173 8.290 8,473 8,783 9,096 9,352 9,606 9,832 10,254 10,480 10,487 10,486 10,409 10,441 10,326 466 487 509 532 555 578 603 636 676 717 760 804 852 902 942 974 1,002 1,030 1,054 254 258 267 258 271 286 283 311 334 338 374 381 430 461 490 541 572 627 690 9.59 9.66 9.78 9.97 10.20 10.45 10.67 10.77 10.87 11.01 11.13 11.28 11.27 11.36 11.58 11.77 11.98 12.12 12.31 6.90 1948 1968 7.04 1949.. . 1969 7.22 1950 1970 7.42 1951 1971 7.65 1952 1972 7.89 1953 1973 8.04 1954 1974 8.06 1955 1975 8.08 1956 1976 8.13 1957 1977 8 17 1958 1978 8.22 1959 1979 8.10 1960 1980 8 12 1961 1981 8 28 1962 1982 8.41 1963 1983 8.55 1964 1984 8.56 1965 1985 8 66 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Coal mining — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 12.304 12,636 12,510 12,335 12,147 11,923 11,549 11,072 10,629 10,419 10,139 9,819 9,548 9,478 9,718 9,903 10,264 10,396 10,502 10,855 5,823 5,994 5,747 5,504 5,273 5,028 4,769 4,474 4.272 4,297 4,321 4,293 4,279 4,448 4,856 5,118 5,483 5,567 5,604 5.845 831 869 892 871 851 819 784 762 751 733 716 709 723 748 778 806 818 838 673 707 770 820 838 849 965 999 1,024 996 1,053 1,024 972 946 890 823 781 757 747 724 13.54 13.07 13.03 12.99 12.94 12.91 12.92 12.99 12.94 12.61 12.25 11.93 11.54 10.95 10.09 9.47 8.80 8.48 8.23 7.91 7.39 7.08 7.24 7.34 7.39 7.40 7.39 7.42 7.27 6.77 6.34 6.06 5.82 5.42 4.91 4.69 4.47 4.53 4.63 4.57 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 11,389 11,918 12,477 13.139 14,260 15,377 16,566 17,929 19,753 22,492 26,388 29,961 33,404 36,519 40,214 42,472 43,307 43,640 43,675 6,237 6,596 6,995 7,465 8,357 9,167 9,987 10,881 12,163 14,222 17,206 19,621 21,733 23,382 25,468 26,050 25,366 24,438 23.522 875 917 955 997 1,066 1,159 1,256 1,363 1,497 1,687 1,967 2,283 2,567 2,824 3,087 3,296 3,372 3,361 3,314 731 7.53 744 7.27 793 7.01 801 6.80 833 6.43 846 6.21 879 6.03 885 5.91 942 5.71 994 5.42 1,042 5.06 1,112 4.97 1,221 4.98 1,345 5.10 1,462 5.18 1,605 5.47 1,839 5.90 2,074 6.34 2,338 6.77 Coal mining — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 6.984 7,523 7,649 7,692 7,682 7,627 7,392 7,069 6.765 6,667 6,544 6,273 6,071 5,976 6,152 6,236 6,555 6,647 6,671 6.M67 4,016 4,272 4,151 4,000 3,824 3,629 3.384 3,128 2,938 2,961 3,021 2,932 2,878 2,934 3,195 3.302 3,581 3,602 3,539 3,634 631 675 705 709 707 700 683 654 621 6(12 593 577 558 548 556 572 595 618 625 636 337 391 456 515 540 560 672 719 734 722 775 758 705 697 640 593 554 547 536 532 498 5.03 5.31 5.58 5.84 6.13 6.40 6.64 6.81 6.75 6.57 6.52 6.42 6.18 5.78 5.60 5.35 5.35 5.46 5.47 3.43 3.47 3.77 4.03 4.25 4.42 4.59 4.74 4.75 4.43 4.13 4.10 4.05 3.89 3.59 3.57 3.43 3.57 3.76 3.77 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 7,236 7,525 7,744 8,100 8,906 9,694 10,579 11,516 12,838 14,733 17,533 20.039 22,258 24,198 26.218 27,019 26,985 26,522 25,907 3,880 4,036 4,139 4,371 5,022 5,590 6,196 6,775 7,675 9.039 11,123 12,723 13,909 14,739 15,588 15,240 14,255 13,123 12,167 664 696 720 746 965 1,054 1,165 1,321 1,549 1,807 2,033 2,225 2,402 2,519 2,531 2,478 2,396 539 5.38 560 5.38 601 5.40 619 5.35 641 5.07 655 4.91 678 4.79 686 4.73 731 4.60 777 4.39 820 4.13 890 4.10 985 4.20 1,101 4.37 1,217 4.54 1,353 4.90 1,565 5.35 1,783 5.79 2,029 6.18 Coal mining — structures 1947 5,320 5,113 4,861 4,642 4,465 4,296 4,157 4,003 3.864 3,752 3,595 3,546 3,478 3,502 3,565 3,667 3,709 3,749 3,831 3,988 1,807 1,721 1,597 1,503 1,449 1,399 1,385 1,346 1,334 1,336 1,300 1,361 1,401 1,514 1,660 1,816 1,902 1,965 2,065 2,211 200 194 187 180 175 171 168 165 162 160 157 157 158 161 167 175 183 188 194 202 336 316 314 305 298 289 293 281 290 274 278 267 267 250 250 230 227 210 211 192 24.79 24.90 25.17 25.26 25.15 24.95 24.52 24.21 23.68 23.04 22.59 21.51 20.48 19.09 17.51 16.04 14.91 14.03 13.04 12.11 16.21 16.04 16.25 16.16 15.66 15.12 14.23 13.64 12.82 11.95 11.48 10.30 9.47 8.39 7.43 6.72 6.43 6.30 6.11 5.87 1967 4,153 4,393 4,733 5,039 5,353 5,683 5,987 6,412 6,915 7,758 8,855 9,922 11,146 12,321 13,996 15,453 16,322 17,118 17,768 2,357 2,559 2,856 3,094 3,334 3,577 3,791 4,106 4,489 5,182 6,084 6,897 7,824 8,643 9,880 10,810 11,111 11,315 11,356 211 221 235 251 265 278 292 309 332 366 417 476 534 598 685 778 841 884 918 192 184 192 182 192 191 201 199 211 217 222 222 237 243 245 252 274 291 309 11.27 10.50 9.63 9.14 8.70 8.43 8.23 8.02 7.79 7.37 6.92 6.72 6.54 6.53 6.39 6.47 6.81 7.20 7.64 5.72 1948 1968 5.52 1949 1969 5.25 1950 1970 5.19 1951 1971 5.19 1952 1972 5.22 1953 . 1973 5.33 1954 1974 5.34 1955 1975 5.32 1956 .. 1976 5.06 1957 .... 1977 4.80 1958. .. 1978 4.75 1959 . . 1979 4.73 1960 1980 4.83 1961 1981 4.77 1962 1982 4.91 1963 1983 :.-.... 5.32 1964 1984 5.73 1965 1985 6.17 1966 Oil and gas extraction — equipment and structures 1947 109,830 114,762 120,114 127,224 134,614 144,373 155,470 167,668 181,417 194,800 207,287 217,604 227,922 236,995 245,834 254,092 260,772 269,252 276,865 283,037 58,354 62,014 65,782 71,104 76,471 83,655 91,602 100,204 109,798 118,035 124,753 129,055 133,126 135,701 138,055 140,323 141,376 144,681 147,642 149,783 6,712 6,966 7,304 7,720 8,196 8,771 9,486 10,292 11,182 12,102 12,963 13,716 14,394 15,008 15,541 16,031 16,458 16,896 17,362 17,756 5,649 5,653 5,674 5,894 6,137 6,161 6,280 6,658 6,977 6,915 7,149 7,648 8,094 8,455 8,999 9,977 10,764 11,666 12,645 13,653 8.53 8.35 8.21 8.00 7.81 7.58 7.37 7.17 6.98 6.90 6.91 7.01 7.11 7.28 7.45 7.61 7.79 7.90 8.00 8.10 5.77 5.56 5.40 5.18 5.04 4.85 4.71 4.61 4.53 4.55 4.64 4.80 4.95 5.12 5.27 5.38 5.51 5.53 5.55 5.59 1967 286,232 288,410 290,773 290,915 289,184 287,756 287,892 290,054 294,572 299,567 308,558 320,544 335,047 354,838 384,172 408,753 423,488 441,210 454,519 149,490 148,911 149,180 147,721 144,954 143,073 143,099 144,897 148,601 152,123 158,660 167,066 176,639 189,956 211,126 225,765 230,120 238.064 241,552 18,024 18,171 18,294 18,356 18,294 18,192 18,313 18,740 19,369 20,124 24,087 22,358 23,851 25,655 28,045 30,582 32,437 33,958 35,394 14,457 15,336 16,121 16,674 17,166 17,657 18,108 18,286 18,442 18,532 18,519 18,672 18,797 19,049 19,733 20,493 21,909 23,954 25,348 8.25 8.39 8.48 8.60 8.74 8.84 8.86 8.81 8.69 8.57 8.37 8.13 7.89 7.61 7.22 7.02 7.02 6.96 6.98 5.69 1948 1968 5.79 1949 1969 5.83 1950 1970 5.92 1951 1971 6.05 1952 1972 6.12 1953 1973 6.11 1954 1974 6.02 1955 1975 5.88 1956 1976 5.76 1957 1977 5.56 1958 1978 5.35 1959 1979 5.15 1960 1980 4.90 1961 1981 4.55 1962 1982 4.44 1963 1983 4.52 1964 1984 4.52 1965 1985 4.58 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Oil and gas extraction — equipment 1947 10,454 10,402 10,728 11,105 11,341 12,534 13,909 15,272 16,756 18,028 19,550 20,927 22,359 23,299 24,132 24,705 25,667 27,325 28,980 30,759 5,266 5,181 5,524 5,884 6,050 7,069 8,166 9,156 10,156 10,810 11,622 12,248 12,893 13,065 13,200 13,234 13,717 14,973 16,238 17,547 903 898 914 951 982 1,053 1,178 1,314 1,452 1,590 1,719 1,845 1,964 2,062 2,128 2,172 2,226 2,335 2,482 2,640 829 825 884 897 877 843 845 903 919 929 964 1,040 1,124 1,239 1,374 1,568 1,681 1,879 2,027 2,098 6.50 6.55 6.32 6.11 6.04 5.62 5.29 5.08 4.95 4.97 4.98 5.05 5.14 5.32 5.51 5.69 5.75 5.62 5.50 5.40 4.30 4.38 4.13 3.96 3.96 3.55 3.30 3.22 3.21 3.32 3.37 3.48 3.55 3.72 3.86 3.98 3.94 3.74 3.62 3.55 1967 32,150 33,366 34,616 35,796 36,874 37,713 39,623 41,430 43,009 43,963 45,727 48,099 51,775 54,470 57,121 58,751 57,402 55,526 53,211 18,409 19,006 19,564 19,943 20,216 20,321 21,563 22,695 23,656 24,062 25,263 26,993 29,796 31,363 32,666 32,880 30.308 27,627 24,926 2,792 2,911 3,031 3,145 3,242 3,327 3,445 3,602 3,743 3,844 3,962 4,153 4,435 4,732 4,967 5,150 5,136 4,944 4,711 2,184 2,215 2,259 2,264 2,344 2,512 2,682 2,836 3,014 3,176 3,287 3,404 3,438 3,471 3,471 3.5X6 3,765 3,914 4,099 5.37 5.40 5.45 5.53 5.65 5.79 5.75 5.75 5.76 5.83 5.79 5.70 5.52 5.50 5.55 5.70 6.12 6.56 7.01 3.61 1948 1968 3.72 1949 1969 3.82 1950 1970 3.94 1951... 1971 4.05 1952. .. 1972 4.16 1953 1973 4.05 1954 1974 3.98 1955 1975 3.97 1956 1976 4.05 1957 1977 4.01 1958 1978 3.92 1959 1979 3.76 1960 1980 3.80 1961 1981 3.88 1962 1982 4.06 1963 1983 4.55 1964 1984 5.00 1965 1985 5.42 1966 Oil and gas extraction — structures 1947 99,376 104,360 109,386 116,118 123,273 131,839 141,561 152,396 164,662 176,772 187,736 196,677 205,562 213,696 221,701 229,387 235,105 241,926 247,885 252,278 53,089 56,833 60,259 65,219 70,420 76,586 83,436 91,048 99,642 107,225 113,131 116,807 120,233 122,636 124,854 127,090 127,659 129,707 131,404 132,236 5,809 6,069 6,390 6,769 7,214 7,718 8,308 8,978 9,730 10,512 11,244 11,871 12,430 12,946 13,413 13,859 14,231 14,561 14,881 15,115 4,819 4,828 4,790 4,997 5,261 5,317 5,436 5,755 6,058 5,986 6,184 6,607 6,970 7,215 7,625 8,409 9,083 9,787 10,619 11,555 8.75 8.53 8.40 8.18 7.98 7.77 7.57 7.38 7.18 7.10 7.11 7.21 7.33 7.49 7.66 7.81 8.01 8.15 8.29 8.43 5.92 5.67 5.52 5.30 5.13 4.97 4.85 4.75 4.66 4.67 4.77 4.94 5.10 5.27 5.42 5.53 5.68 5.74 5.79 5.85 1967 254,082 255,045 256,157 255,119 252,310 250,043 248,269 248,624 251,563 255,604 262,831 272,445 283,272 300,368 327,051 350,002 366,087 3X5,684 401,307 131,081 129,905 129,616 127,778 124,738 122,751 121,536 122,201 124,944 128,062 133,397 140,072 146,843 158,593 178,459 192.885 199,813 210,437 216,626 15,232 15,259 15,263 15,211 15,052 14,864 14,868 15,139 15,625 16,280 17,125 18,205 19,415 20,924 23,078 25,432 27,301 29,013 30,683 12,273 13,121 13,862 14,411 14,821 15,145 15,426 15,450 15,429 15,356 15,233 15,267 15,359 15,578 16,262 16,907 18,144 20,040 21,249 8.62 8.78 8.89 9.03 9.19 9.30 9.35 9.32 9.19 9.04 8.82 8.56 8.33 7.99 7.51 7.24 7.16 7.02 6.98 5.98 1948 1968 6.09 1949 1969 6.13 1950 1970 6.23 1951 1971 6.38 1952 1972 6.45 1953 1973 6.47 1954 1974 6.40 1955 1975 6.24 1956 1976 6.08 1957 1977 5.86 1958 1978 5.62 1959 1979 5.43 1960 1980 5:il 1961 1981 4.68 1962 1982 4.50 1963 1983 4.52 1964 . . . 1984 4.46 1965 1985 4.49 1966 Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels — equipment and structures 1947 6,006 6,477 6,726 6,979 7,270 7,486 7,632 7,686 7,701 7,920 8,037 7,873 7,745 7,511 7,509 7,769 8,095 8,538 9,241 10,131 3,197 3,516 3,613 3,718 3,846 3,903 3,944 3,931 3,916 4,103 4,239 4,108 4,022 3,864 3,940 4,260 4,616 5,055 5,705 6,457 405 446 482 507 531 552 564 566 563 569 579 571 552 528 507 506 521 545 583 641 269 291 327 356 365 391 455 496 530 534 595 598 590 600 581 561 546 537 524 499 10.18 9.55 9.29 9.05 8.82 8.71 8.62 8.61 8.61 8.40 8.24 8.37 8.45 8.62 8.55 8.23 7.95 7.65 7.25 6.90 5.74 5.36 5.36 5.34 5.28 5.30 5.31 5.38 5.43 5.23 5.15 5.40 5.59 5.88 5.83 5.52 5.29 5.10 4.84 4.66 1967 10,852 11,537 12,206 12,682 13,276 13,962 14,613 15,370 16,157 16,937 17,593 18,267 19,167 19,879 20,626 21,304 21,043 20,739 20,296 6,959 7,358 7,701 7,821 8,047 8,357 8,629 9,010 9,423 9,806 10,042 10,284 10,733 10,984 11,275 11,538 10,949 10,462 9,960 700 748 795 832 867 915 968 1.025 1,088 1,153 1,214 1,269 1,331 1,394 1,445 1 4X2 1,471 1,421 1,365 474 456 462 468 489 530 579 639 703 742 782 826 867 919 974 1,052 1,129 1,215 1,282 6.80 6.82 6.91 7.14 7.33 7.48 7.65 7.76 7.84 7.93 8.07 8.20 8.24 8.35 8.45 8.55 9.01 9.41 9.83 4.74 1948 1968 4.91 1949 1969 5.10 1950 1970 5.41 1951 1971 5.61 1952 1972 5.73 1953 1973 5.85 1954 1974 5.89 1955 1975 5.91 1956 1976 5.95 1957 1977 6.06 1958 1978 6.14 1959 1979 6.09 1960 1980 6.15 1961 1981 6.16 1962 1982 6.17 1963 1983 6.62 1964 1984 6.96 1965 1985 7.29 1966 Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels — equipment 1947 3,666 4,118 4,415 4,673 4,931 5,113 5,216 5,249 5,230 5,401 5,493 5,323 5,143 4,786 4,615 4,689 4,803 5,014 5.412 6,018 2,241 2,507 2,613 2,685 2,750 2,743 2,716 2,658 2,589 2,712 2,813 2,666 2,527 2,250 2,174 2,330 2,509 2,766 3,170 3,714 308 348 383 408 430 449 459 460 456 461 470 461 441 414 387 379 386 400 427 473 133 159 189 219 234 259 325 366 402 410 476 481 478 491 477 456 447 442 429 405 5.21 5.18 5.35 5.54 5.72 5.97 6.19 6.42 6.63 6.60 6.54 6.76 6.95 7.33 7.43 7.17 6.90 6.56 6.12 5.67 3.61 3.58 3.76 3.94 4.08 4.26 4.41 4.55 4.67 4.44 4.30 4.56 4.78 5.27 5.32 4.89 4.57 4.27 3.95 3.68 1967 6,464 6,851 7,223 7,431 7,779 8,233 8,702 9,243 9,755 10,251 10,619 10,982 11,456 11,826 12,031 11,921 11,386 10,776 10,101 4,027 4,229 4,389 4,363 4,479 4,701 4,938 5,253 5,547 5,803 5,916 6,018 6,214 6,303 6,241 5,932 5,304 4,739 4,229 521 557 591 616 639 676 719 767 818 868 912 951 996 1,040 1,064 1,062 1,023 957 887 382 365 371 375 397 434 476 532 587 615 645 680 705 745 782 848 915 979 1,029 5.54 5.57 5.66 5.92 6.09 6.16 6.25 6.27 6.28 6.32 6.42 6.53 6.57 6.67 6.87 7.17 7.69 8.18 8.64 3.76 1948 1968 3.95 1949 1969 4.16 1950 1970 4.50 1951 1971 4.65 1952 1972 4.67 1953 1973 4.67 1954 1974 4.61 1955 1975 4.59 1956 1976 4.60 1957 1977 4.72 1958 1978 4.82 1959 1979 4.82 1960 1980 4.88 1961 1981 5.01 1962 1982 5.29 1963 1983 5.82 1964 1984 6.27 1965 1985 6.65 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels — structures 2,340 2,359 2,311 2,306 2,339 2.373 2.416 2.438 2.470 2,518 2,544 2.550 2,602 2,726 2,893 3.079 3,292 3,524 3,829 4,112 957 1,009 1,000 1.033 1.096 1,160 1,228 1,273 1,327 1,391 1,427 1,442 1,495 1,614 1,766 1,930 2,107 2,290 2.534 2,742 96 98 99 99 101 103 105 106 107 108 109 109 11(1 114 120 127 135 145 156 168 137 132 137 137 131 133 130 130 128 124 119 118 112 109 104 105 99 95 96 93 17.96 17.17 16.81 16.16 15.37 14.60 13.87 13.35 12.80 12.27 11.93 11.73 11.41 10.87 10.33 9.86 9.48 9.20 8.85 8.70 10.72 9.79 9.55 8.98 8.29 7.75 7.31 7 11 6.93 6.77 6.81 6.96 6.95 6.72 6.46 6.28 6.16 6.10 5.96 5.99 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19X3 1984 1985 4,389 4.686 4,983 5,251 5,497 5,730 5,911 6,127 6,402 6,687 6,974 7,285 7,711 8,054 8,595 9,383 9,657 9,963 10,195 2,932 3,128 3,313 3,457 3,567 3,656 3,692 3,757 3,877 4,003 4,127 4,266 4,519 4,681 5,034 5,605 5,646 5,724 5,731 179 191 204 216 228 239 249 258 270 285 301 318 335 354 381 420 448 464 478 93 8.65 91 8.65 91 8.71 93 8.87 92 9.10 96 9.37 103 9.72 107 10.02 115 10.23 127 10.40 137 10.58 146 10.73 162 10.71 174 10.82 192 10.66 204 10.30 215 10.56 236 10.75 253 11.00 Construction — equipment and structures 27,827 31,766 33,984 37,080 40,588 43,705 45.896 47,537 49,753 50,577 51,218 51,287 51,650 51.771 51,496 51,828 53,429 56.000 59,100 62.445 16,538 19,463 20.305 21,741 23,378 24,371 24,586 24,476 25,450 25,360 25,550 25,523 25,967 26,258 26,183 26,758 28,442 30,778 33,232 35,620 2,457 2,859 3,207 3,499 3,847 4,213 4,486 4,672 4,841 4,995 5,047 5,062 5,072 5,080 5,042 5,005 5,077 5,272 5,561 5,8X1 1,879 1,858 1,891 1,958 2,046 2,268 2,674 3,165 3,699 4,244 4,679 5,007 5,209 5,318 5,275 5,158 5,105 5,034 4,913 4,844 5.63 5.25 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.46 5.68 5.91 5.96 6.10 6.15 6.19 6.15 6.11 6.11 6.03 5.85 5.65 5.49 5.37 3.54 3.33 3.54 3.64 3.67 3.78 3.95 4.11 4.01 4.07 4.04 4.04 3.97 3.96 4.00 3.94 3.78 3.63 3.55 3.52 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 64,924 67.868 71.637 75,207 78,145 81,161 87,173 93,217 95,949 98,081 100,904 106,410 111,049 113,137 115,384 110,987 106,531 103,073 100,698 36,947 38,545 40,816 42,788 44,258 46,009 50,693 55,177 56,218 56,714 57,974 61,828 64,691 65,140 65,9X6 60,719 56,134 53,114 51,654 6,151 6,368 6,653 6,941 7,160 7,358 7,710 8,199 8,516 8,612 8,723 9,034 9,428 9,624 9,697 9,444 8,840 8,299 7,886 4,882 5.36 4,887 5.36 5,035 5.34 5,267 5.37 5,609 5.44 5,999 5.49 6,278 5.38 6,550 5.31 6,725 5.45 6,873 5.62 7,068 5.76 7,295 5.76 7,549 5.84 7,875 6.04 8,172 6.22 8,449 6.74 8,585 7.25 8,558 7.67 8,620 8.00 Construction — equipment 1947 25,973 29,842 32,011 35,052 38,497 41,545 43,689 45,294 47,428 48,123 48,658 48,648 48,901 48,875 48,281 48,203 49,180 51,329 54,008 56,700 15,520 18,404 19,229 20,640 22,246 23,199 23.401 23,281 24,205 24,011 24,124 24,045 24,408 24,586 24,222 24,437 25,550 27,541 29,656 31,492 2,405 2,805 3,150 3,441 3,786 4,151 4,422 4,606 4,773 4,923 4,972 4,982 4,988 4,992 4,947 4,898 4,953 5,131 5,405 5,706 1,858 1,834 1,866 1,930 2,018 2,234 2,643 3,126 3,661 4,200 4,633 4,954 5,156 5,264 5,211 5,099 5,036 4,970 4,838 4,772 4.86 4.52 4.60 4.65 4.70 4.87 5.10 5.35 5.41 5.56 5.62 5.64 5.60 5.55 5.56 5.50 5.35 5.16 5.00 4.90 2.94 2.80 3.04 3.17 3.23 3.37 3.55 3.71 3.62 3.69 3.66 3.65 3.59 3.58 3.64 3.60 3.48 3.32 3.23 3.20 1967 58,295 60,428 63,143 65,511 67,280 69,095 73,579 77,615 78,499 78,715 80,022 84,086 87,358 88,337 89,673 84,532 79,383 75,255 72,264 32,054 32,989 34,378 35,351 35,888 36,706 40,164 42,992 42,585 41,614 41,847 44.784 46,841 46,766 47,311 41,923 37,290 34,247 32,826 5,951 6.141 6.398 6,653 6,836 7,000 7,312 7,750 8,009 8,049 8,111 8,380 8.733 8,894 8,938 8,662 8,039 7,480 7,050 4,800 4,809 4,950 5,181 5,522 5,908 6,183 6,452 6,619 6,759 6,944 7,166 7,416 7,729 8,022 8,292 8,428 8,385 8,441 4.93 4.94 4.94 4.98 5.06 5.10 4.96 4.88 5.01 5.17 5.24 5.15 5.14 5.25 5.31 5.73 6.11 6.39 6.53 3.31 1948 . 1968 3.36 1949 .... 1969 3.36 1950 . .. 1970 3.40 1951 .... 1971 3.47 1952 1972 3.49 1953 .... 1973 3.31 1954 .... 1974 3.25 1955 1975 3.45 1956 1976 3.65 1957 1977 3.72 1958 1978 3.56 1959 1979 3.52 1960 1980 3.64 1961 1981 3.69 1962 1982 4.20 1963 1983 4.62 1964 1984 4.84 1965 1985 4.81 1966 ... Construction— structures 1947 1,854 1,924 1,973 2,028 2,091 2,160 2,207 2,243 2.324 2,454 2,560 2,639 2,749 2,896 3,215 3,625 4.249 4,671 5,092 5,746 1,018 1,058 1,076 1,101 1,132 1,172 1,185 1,195 1,246 1,349 1,425 1,478 1 ,:V,X 1,672 1,960 2,322 2,891 3,236 3,577 4,128 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 71 75 79 83 88 95 106 123 141 156 175 21 24 25 28 28 34 31 39 38 45 46 53 52 55 64 58 69 64 75 73 16.44 16.44 16.66 16.77 16.86 16.83 17.04 17.23 17.11 16.61 16.34 16.22 15.95 15.52 14.30 13.13 11.61 11.08 10.65 9.98 12.81 12.51 12.47 12.36 12.17 11.91 11.92 11.95 11.59 10.86 10.46 10.29 9.99 9.55 8.44 7.50 6.47 6.29 6.24 5.96 1967 6,628 7,441 8,493 9,696 10,866 12.066 13,594 15,602 17,450 19,367 20,881 22,324 23,691 24,800 25,711 26,455 27,148 27,817 28.434 4,893 5,556 6,438 7,438 8,370 9,303 10,529 12,186 13,633 15,100 16,126 17,044 17,849 18,374 18,676 18,796 18,844 18,868 18,828 200 227 255 289 324 358 398 449 507 563 612 654 695 730 759 782 801 819 836 82 78 85 86 87 91 95 98 106 114 124 129 133 146 150 157 158 173 179 9.18 8.80 8.33 7.96 7.81 7.75 7.63 7.40 7.40 7.46 7.73 8.05 8.42 8.87 9.40 9.98 10.58 11.16 11.76 5.61 1948 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 5.55 1949 5.42 1950 5.34 1951 5.40 1952 5.53 1953 .... 5.55 1954 ... 5.46 1955 .... 5.57 1956 ... 5.71 1957 6.04 1958 6.39 1959 6.77 1960 7.23 1961 7.74 1962 8.30 1963 . .. 8.85 1964 9.38 1965 9.91 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net G ross Net Durable goods manufacturing — equipment and structures 167,511 175.4XX 178,445 1X3,312 193,789 205,472 215,867 225,392 235,xi9 251,960 266,793 274,142 2x0,0.50 290,189 297,849 306,153 315, inn 32X.X34 348,558 374,1X4 92,215 98,445 99,536 101,957 109,967 118,693 125,918 132,078 138,792 151,006 161,507 164,058 165,945 171.042 174,05] 177,876 182,812 191,102 205,599 225,350 7,15!) 7,729 K.KI4 X,3X9 x X32 9,417 9,993 10,553 11,098 11,7X3 12,512 13,014 13,323 13. CXI 14,1142 14,369 14,755 15,258 16.032 17.001 5.474 12 57 5,836 12.15 6,056 12 10 5,873 12 00 6,277 1 1 54 6,344 11 13 0.654 111X4 7.1103 10 04 7,235 10.48 7,717 10 11 8,028 9 X7 8,028 9 :is 8,506 11) 10 9.066 10 12 9,185 10.23 9,654 10 30 9,979 1(134 10.136 10.30 10.009 10 10 11.082 9 xi) 7 58 7.30 7 44 7 17 7 14 6 86 6.74 6 Til o r,i; 42 6 33 50 o 80 X!l 7 06 7 19 , 26 7 2 ! 98 ox 100,7 1968 1900 1070 1071 1072 107:; 107 1 1975 1070 1077 197- 1070 10X1) 1981 1982 10X3 19x1 10X7, 398,496 419,950 442,258 40, 1.2 is 475,705 400.1171 5111.27s 535.843 553,415 570,307 589 000 0,10,544 044,505 674,149 71)3,413 721,714 731,683 750,854 770,534 243,012 257,073 271,301 281,697 287 195 293,433 303,307 318,689 325,678 331,703 340,478 355.201 37 1 .958 389,198 405,046 110,190 407,330 414,135 421,760 1X.235 10.20,2 20.304 21.295 22.094 23.553 23.975 24.994 20,130 27,029 28.244 29.394 21,37s 32.721 34.521 25,975 36.816 27,779 30,212 11.323 9 63 11.601 9 58 11,996 9 55 12,491 9.61 12,835 9 70 14,613 9 93 13,988 10.01 14,461 9 99 1.5,138 11) 14 15,730 10 29 10,967 10 39 17,371 10 39 19,489 10 30 19.921 10 32 20 595 10 33, 22.223 10 48 22,. 470 10 73 24.002 10X4 20.407 10 92 Durable goods manufacturing — equipment 98,699 100.0.47 110,386 115,314 123,205 131,900 140.204 148,392 150,0,20 107,50X 177,720 1X2.012 1X7.X05 193,887 198,108 203,. 109 20S 75S 217,535 229.X22 245,148 5X.9X7 04.920 66,477 0X.922 74.141 79.097 84,828 89,474 94.175 101.341 107,542 108,696 109,00 1 112,054 112.732 114,358 116,622 122.104 130.X 19 142.175 5,011 5,500 5,950 0,250 0,054 7,144 7.032 8.131 8,612 9.171 0,730 10,111 10,352 10.021 10,864 11.070 11.330 11.700 12.20,0 13,023 3,37(1 3,400 3,586 3,698 3.X02, 3.977 1.229 4,525 1.935 5.251 5.021 5,890 0.20X 0,7X0 7.115 7,101 7,707 8 209 S.591 S.920 9 30 8 89 s ss 8 84 8 63 r II - 34 8 30 8 29 X 19 8 10 :-' 3;- 8 60 8 7 5 s 96 9 13 9 26 9 20 13 s 9 I 5 0!) ,01 5 02 5.88 12 I, 20 47 i, 60 6.67 5s 30 II 100, 100S 100,0 10,0 1971 1972 1973 1974 10 75 10,0 1977 197X 1970 1980 [0,-.! ;o- ; 21-,". 198 1 1985 250.S3.4 273,649 288,270 301), S97 310,980 322.502 33,7 20 1 350,531 309,99!) 382,87 1 398,696 419.709 4 11,595 105,315 4X8,947 503,125 510.000 525 523 54 1 ,398 153,0,55 161,719 171,138 178,224 1X2,555 1XS.277 190,009 20X.X97 220.005 228,739 211.012 255.044 283.181 286 040 390, SOS 297 284 ■■ 1 1,558 1 5.34 1 10.090 10.7 IX 17.031 IX. 253 19,184 20.100 2(1,924 21,91 I 23 020 24,505 25,970 27,501 28 SS3, 'oi,; . 30,407 31,823 0,357 0,540 0,011) 10,314 10.051 11.551 11.501 1 1 .855 12.530 13.075 13.831 14.523 15.078 10.244 17.037 IS. 305 19.442 20.533 21.023 - ■-; s 75 8 71 :-• 7., K 86 s 93 '- 03, S S5 S 03 9 03 S S.5 - o,, 19 9 26 033 Durable goods manufacturing— structures 1947 19 lr 68,812 68,841 0S.O59 07,998 70,494 72.572 75.003 77.000 79.199 84,393 X9.007 91.23(1 92,791 90,302 09,741 102,984 106,861 1 I 1,3.00 IIS, 730 129,030, 33 " 33,535 33,050 3,3,024 35,825 38,996 41.000 42,003 44,618 49,665 53,90.5 55.303, ~,x,'.im 01.319 03.5 IX 00,190 68,998 74.7X0 S3. 174 2.14X 2,109 2,154 2,138 2.179 2,273 2,301 2,422 2,485 2,012 2,782 2 903 2.97 1 3,000 3,170 3,293 3.410 3.55X 3.703 4.068 2.104 2.437 2.471) 25474 2.300 2J538 2.30(1 2,400 2,407 2.13X 2.20S 2.2X0, 2,070 2,249 2,212 1 ,928 2,100 2,102 17 27 17 21 1 7 22 17 30 10 05 1 5 01 15 48 15 1:5 14 XII 15 03 13 2X 13 10 13 14 12X7 12 73 12 59 12 43 ; ■ .; , 1 1 97 1 1 44 11 14 10 98 11 ox 11 02 10 10 9 41 o no X91 S72 SOX 7 75 7 90 s 1.3 X 10 X 10 S 25 8 20 S 32 s 07 7 07 1007 loos 1000 10711 1071 1072 1072 1974 1975 1970 1977 1978 1979 19X0 19S1 138,602 146.301 153 9SS 100.331 101.724 1 OX. 109 173.073 179.513 183.416 1S7.490 101.270 1 96.835 202,909 208 X24 21 lloo 219,288 221.0S3 325 322 229 150 00,3.57 05,35 1 100 103 103,473 104,040 105,150 106,758 109.793 110,527 111,15s 111.75!) 1I3.77X 116,915 119.000 121 .800 123.552, 1 33,7s 1 123.268 131,170 1.409 1,705 1 005 5,10!) 5.377 5,'. 132 5.S10 5 070 6.105 0,5511 0.372. 6,813 0.7:51 0,95 1 7 095 7,100 7,283 ; 500 1.966 2,001 2.0X5 2.170 2.1X4 3.002 2, 127 2,005 2, COS 2,655 3,, 1,30 2.S4S 3,812 3.577 3.558 3.9.5X 4.034 4,12s 4.784 11 16 11 11 11 11 1 1 25 1 1 55 1 1 SO 1 2 1 2 12 20 12 S!) 13 17 15, :;■- 13 47 13 00 13 77 13 95 1 5- 14 53 14 09 7 50 7 50 1949 1950 7 05 7 85 1051 S 31 S 53 1953 x 7s 19.51 s 90 9 20 1950 9 47 1957 9 71 9 SI 1959 9 7S 1900 1901 9X2 9 XX 1903 19S2 9 9S 1963 19X3 10 25 1964 190.5 1900 1984 1985 10 40 10 40 Lumber and wood products -equipment and structures s 420 9,249 9,047 10,272 10, 97S 11,415 II. 7S0 12,291 13,0.50 13,093 13,814 14.068 14.43,4 14,800 I 1,946 15,187 15.519 15.910 16,738 17.4X3 ■I S29 5.42X 0.300 0,427 0,500 0,739 7,238 7,037 7,524 7.000 7, si 12 S.077 8,045 8,175 8,399 8,686 9.3X1 9,954 I S3 5 19 602 1 , 09X 743 so:; X40 X92 915 922 93S oi,: 071 07 1 9S4 1.000 1.041 1.09X 2X2 III 10 210 9 54 32!) 9 4.5 354 9 23 394 S 97 434 S97 471 9 02 533 S92 5X3 X71 055 X57 OS!) S 7,5 740 8,82 772 s so S05 S7I 849 SS7 S.50 xsx 872 X 85 X92 XXI 903 s 50 931 s 10 12 5 71 5 85 5 78 5 00 5 79 5:-:; 5! 15 5 92 5.87 6.04 0(17 03 190' 1908 1969 lo,o 19' ! 1972 10,5 1074 10,5 1976 1977 ;o7- 1970 1980 1981 1982 10S5 19X4 19X5 17,042 10,191 1 S.5 14 10.50.5 19,513 1 1 1)50 19,949 11,530 20,935 1 1,930 22.220 12 7X0 23.413 13,515 25 202 14,70s 20 304 15,290 27,102 15,507 28,525 10,314 20.01 1 17.047 31,204 17,727 22.102 17.948 32.3X7 17 509 31,988 16.694 31,329 15,711 30 95X 15 200 30,821 15,1)72 1,142 1,1X2 1,23!) 1 20 I 1 ,355 1.445 1 .51 1 1.050 1,774 1.X40 1.933 2.045 2,150 2,2.32 2,259 2,229 2,104 2, 1 1! 17 :- 15, X 45 s 55 s 37 s 2!) - : ; - 07 7 85 7 SO s 1)3 7 99 - 13 8 42 x S2 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Lumber and wood products — equipment 1947 4,396 5,193 5,616 6,191 6,791 7,189 7,510 7,919 8,478 8,931 9,017 9,143 9,369 9,577 9,506 9,568 9,531 9,690 10,169 10,609 2,808 3,367 3,517 3,810 4,104 4,189 4,217 4,360 4,675 4,889 4,775 4,760 4,857 4,954 4,822 4,823 4,740 4,878 5,310 5,669 356 420 473 516 566 608 636 664 701 741 760 765 776 792 795 793 794 799 830 876 161 178 197 231 258 293 339 395 454 500 557 619 644 676 731 729 743 775 778 791 4.36 4.24 4.50 4.64 4.77 5.05 5.33 5.50 5.54 5.63 5.90 6.06 6.13 6.18 6.33 6.40 6.50 6.44 6.20 6.03 2.98 2.90 3.20 3.33 3.44 3.69 3.91 3.98 3.89 3.89 4.12 4.23 4.21 4.20 4.36 4.37 4.45 4.32 4.01 3.86 1967 10,845 11,215 11,739 12,113 12,812 13,685 14,572 15,921 16,808 17,374 18,526 19,615 20,674 21,367 21,382 20,955 20,250 19,774 19,491 5,793 6,020 6,377 6,544 1 6,993 1 7,582 1 8,150 1 9,109 1 9,577 1 9,720 1 10,412 1 11,014 1 11,563 1 11,734 1 11,309 1 10,558 1 9,673 1 9,195 1 9,040 1 912 944 992 038 091 169 254 359 464 529 608 710 806 880 900 86X 802 733 688 794 796 819 824 832 876 923 955 1,025 1,086 1,125 1,202 1,271 1,331 1,429 1,512 1,590 1,680 1,766 6.01 5.93 5.80 5.79 5.67 5.53 5.43 5.24 5.24 5.34 5.30 5.29 5.31 5.43 5.69 6.03 6.39 6.61 6.69 3 90 1948 1968 3 88 1949 1969 3 80 1950 1970 3 85 1951 1971 3 75 1952 1972 3 63 1953 1973. 3 57 1954 1974 3 40 1955 1975 3 47 1956 1976 3 63 1957 1977 3 59 1958 1978. . . 3 59 1959 1979 .. . 3 62 1960 1980 3 75 1961 1981 4 02 1962 1982 4 35 1963 1983 4 69 1964 1984 4 78 1965 1985 4 67 1966 Lumber and wood products — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 4,024 4,057 4,031 4,081 4,187 4,226 4,276 4,373 4,572 4,762 4.797 4.925 5,065 5,283 5,440 5,619 5.988 6.220 6.569 6.875 2,021 2,062 2,048 2,092 2,202 2,238 2,2X4 2,379 2,562 2,737 2,749 2,840 2,946 3,123 3.223 3.352 3.659 3,808 4,071 •1,2X5 127 129 129 130 132 135 136 139 144 151 155 158 163 169 175 181 190 201 211 222 121 138 142 123 137 132 132 137 129 136 132 121 128 128 118 130 129 117 125 130 16 50 16.32 16.34 16.20 15.76 15.64 15.49 15.15 14.58 14.09 14.10 13.94 13.74 13.38 13.29 13.11 12.59 12.51 12.22 12.06 10.49 10.30 10.40 10.22 9.78 9.73 9.66 9.41 8.92 8.58 8.80 8.78 8.73 8.53 8.57 8.55 8.16 8.20 8.04 8 02 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 7,097 7,300 7,603 7,837 8,123 8,535 8,842 9,281 9,496 9,728 9,999 10,299 10,590 10,795 11,005 11,034 11,079 11,184 11,330 4,397 4,485 4,672 4,786 4,937 5,207 5,365 5,658 5,719 5,787 5,902 6,033 6,163 6,213 6,260 6,136 6,038 6,011 6,032 231 238 246 255 264 275 287 300 310 317 325 335 344 352 358 362 362 364 368 121 12.14 123 12.27 130 12.24 136 12.35 128 12.43 134 12.34 138 12.43 154 12.34 156 12.58 153 12.81 169 12.97 166 13.12 184 13.25 196 13.47 195 13.70 209 14.13 219 14.51 232 14.77 243 14.96 Furniture and fixtures — equipment and structures 1947 3,775 3,863 3,858 3,923 3,957 3,963 3,986 4,005 4,098 4,202 4,271 4,288 4,299 4,319 4,338 4,415 4,531 4,640 4,906 5,271 2,028 2,065 2,013 2,028 2,019 1,985 1,976 1,978 2,055 2,150 2,216 2,223 2,234 2,264 2,284 2,369 2,483 2,574 2,815 3,132 196 208 213 216 220 222 223 225 227 232 235 237 237 237 237 237 242 248 258 274 145 156 162 164 175 179 188 205 209 220 230 223 234 242 234 242 235 225 229 222 11.40 11.30 11.45 11.43 11.44 11.54 11.56 11.52 11.32 11.05 10.87 10.88 10.84 10.76 10.73 10.50 10.24 10.10 9.66 9.17 7.03 7.04 7.33 7.35 7.44 7.58 7.60 7.57 7.27 6.96 6.80 6.85 6.88 6.86 6.89 6.75 6.58 6.53 6.18 5.82 1967 5,694 5,962 6,233 6,573 6,791 7,271 7,787 8,222 8,362 8,526 8,882 9,267 9,614 9,894 10,081 10,229 10,397 10,647 10,844 3,485 3,662 3,827 4,052 4,136 4,468 4,818 5,068 5,021 5,008 5,183 5,384 5,551 5,668 5,690 5,692 5,720 5,839 5,911 296 316 331 349 366 387 417 445 462 469 484 506 526 543 554 562 570 582 599 221 218 219 227 222 231 239 248 261 276 288 309 332 364 372 399 414 424 448 8.74 8.66 8.62 8.53 8.66 8.50 8.37 8.38 8.70 8.99 9.08 9.15 9.24 9.38 9.61 9.84 10.04 10.13 10.27 5.55 1948 1968.. .. 5.63 1949.... 1969... 5.74 1950 1970 5.78 1951 .... 1971 6.01 1952 1972 5.90 1953 1973 5.82 1954 1974 5.89 1955 1975 6.29 1956 1976 6.60 1957 1977 6.65 1958 1978 6.66 1959 1979 6.71 1960 1980 6.81 1961 1981 7.01 1962 1982 7.21 1963 1983 7.35 1964 1984 7.36 1965 1985 7.42 1966 Furniture and fixtures — equipment 1947 1,924 2,037 2,072 2,135 2,182 2,221 2,239 2,258 2,302 2,328 2,360 2,361 2,349 2,327 2,301 2,280 2,318 2,355 2,451 2,598 1,151 1,205 1,181 1,190 1,182 1,172 1,147 1,136 1,157 1,165 1,188 1,183 1,170 1,157 1,141 1.133 1,179 1,217 1,308 1,434 137 150 156 159 163 166 168 169 171 173 175 175 175 173 171 170 171 174 180 190 86 88 94 103 106 115 122 136 145 152 164 164 170 179 178 178 174 172 171 164 5.64 5.73 6.03 6.20 6.42 6.62 6.85 7.02 7.07 7.14 7.14 7.22 7.29 7.32 7.34 7.32 7.14 7.00 6.75 6.46 3.67 3.82 4.18 4.37 4.58 4.74 4.92 4.99 4.89 4.85 4.74 4.76 4.79 4.82 4.85 4.86 4.66 4.55 4.31 4.07 1967 2,796 2,908 3,008 3,215 3,312 3,571 3,820 4,054 4,110 4,164 4,349 4,544 4,682 4,790 4,841 4,885 4,928 5,057 5.183 1,601 1,667 1,713 1,857 1,882 2,061 2,217 2,345 2,296 2,257 2,352 2,457 2,507 2,549 2,533 2,526 2,530 2,620 2,715 204 217 226 239 252 268 289 309 321 325 336 352 366 376 382 387 391 399 414 168 165 165 169 171 178 185 191 202 217 230 249 262 295 298 319 334 335 355 6.13 6.09 6.11 5.96 6.06 5.90 5.83 5.83 6.09 6.32 6.34 6.34 6.41 6.46 6.58 6.66 6.71 6.63 6.53 3.84 1948 1968 3.91 1949 1969 4.03 1950 1970 3.94 1951 1971 4.11 195'? 1972 3.97 1953 1973 3.92 1954 1974 3.94 1955 1975 4.22 1956 1976 4.43 1957 1977 4.37 1958 1978 4.29 1959 1979 4.31 1960 1980 4.32 1961 1981 4.42 1962 1982 4.47 196:! 1983 4.49 1964 1984 4.35 1965 1985 4.23 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Furniture and fixtures — structures 1,852 1,826 1,786 1,788 1,775 1,742 1,747 1,748 1,796 1,874 1,911 1,926 1,950 1,992 2,038 2,135 2,213 2,285 2,455 2,673 876 860 832 X3X 837 812 829 842 X9X 985 1,028 1,040 1,065 1,106 1,143 1,236 1,304 1,356 1,507 1,698 17 39 17.50 17.74 17.67 17.61 17.82 17.58 17.34 16.76 15.90 15.47 15.37 15.12 14.77 14.55 13 90 1349 13.29 12.57 11.80 11.45 11.55 11.80 11.58 11.46 11.67 11.32 11.04 1033 9.46 9.18 9.22 9.16 9.00 8.92 8.49 8.32 8.31 7.80 7.30 1967 1968 1969 1970 r.ivi 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X1 19X5 2.X9S 3,1)54 3.225 3.35X 3,4X11 3,701) 3,968 4,168 4,252 4,362 4,533 4,724 4,932 5,105 5,240 5,345 5,469 5,590 5.661 1.8X4 1,995 2,115 2,195 2,254 2,407 2,601 2,722 2,725 2,750 2,831 2,928 3,045 3,119 3.157 3,165 3,190 3,218 3,196 92 99 in. | no 111 120 128 136 MO 144 148 151 161 167 172 175 179 183 1X5 53 11.27 53 11.10 54 10.97 57 10.99 51 11.13 53 11.01 54 10.81 56 10.86 58 11.23 59 11.53 58 11.71 60 11.85 69 11.93 69 12.13 74 12.41 80 12.75 79 13.04 89 13.30 93 13.68 Stone, clay, and glass products — equipment and structures 19.044 19.373 19.398 19,676 20,240 20.530 20,815 21.145 22,248 24,151 25,642 26,228 26,999 27,807 28,716 29,515 30,046 31,025 32,492 34,421 9,644 9,924 9,887 10,022 10,454 10.554 10,673 10,894 11,834 13,554 14,804 15,042 15,480 15,954 16,448 16,857 16,987 17,532 18,5X9 20,042 X96 923 91 1 982 1,020 1,043 1,063 1,104 1,191 1,286 1,344 1,380 1,420 1,463 1,510 1,545 1,584 1,649 1,739 775 843 855 796 847 826 872 949 936 1,002 1,041 988 1,041 1,080 1,041 1,113 1,136 1.144 1,232 1,253 13.70 13.45 1339 13.25 12.87 12.75 12.60 12.38 11.84 10.97 10.43 10.40 10.27 10.15 10.08 10.01 10.05 10.01 9.80 9.52 8.30 x 10 8.18 x n 7.82 7 XI 7 77 7.66 7 M 6 39 6.09 6.25 6.32 6.39 6.45 6.54 6.72 6.74 6.59 6.37 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 197;; 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 1981 1982 19X3 19X4 19X5 35.138 36,074 37,362 38,451 39,366 40,772 42,526 44,260 45,424 46,275 47,234 49,158 50,855 52,705 53.513 55,663 5.3,0X7 52,915 52,746 20,197 20,597 21,343 21,892 22,273 23,131 21.301 25,427 25,928 26,016 26,166 27.184 27,911 2X.709 28,157 27,676, 26.344 25,662 25.200 1,800 1,828 1,877 1,927 1,965 2,019 2,101 2.201 2.296 2,373 2,457 2.592 2,757 2.920 3,044 3.1(10 3.097 3.0X0 3.092 1,227 9.66 1,281 9.72 1,320 9.71 1,370 9.77 1,410 9.88 1.449 9.88 1.490 9.82 1.564 9.77 1,598 9.85 1,572 10.03 1,611 10.17 1,652 10.13 1,745 10.13 1,824 10.11 1,935 10.29 2,120 10.56 2,290 10.93 2,493 11.16 2,721 11.33 Stone, clay, and glass products — equipment 1947 8,629 9,178 9,494 9,965 10.63.-i 11,091 11,533 12,015 13,003 14,336 15,523 16,103 16,808 17,421 18,109 18,758 19,029 19,808 20,808 22,137 5,148 5,543 5.671 5,920 6,315 6,464 6,608 6,813 7,524 8,551 9,387 9,581 9,891 10,116 10,405 10,644 10,523 10,945 11,597 12,538 521 572 608 638 681 724 752 776 818 891 971 1,022 1,056 1,090 1,125 1,165 1,192 1,222 1,275 1,345 415 413 413 411 402 413 447 494 535 580 615 629 655 696 719 748 792 858 918 949 7.45 7.21 7.21 7.15 7.04 7.14 7.27 7.37 7.20 6.94 6.83 7.03 7.17 7.34 7.48 7.64 7.92 7.96 7.91 7.78 4.48 4.49 4.72 4.84 4.84 5.03 5.18 5.26 5.01 4.69 4.59 4.82 4.97 5.14 5.26 5.39 5.66 5.63 5.50 5.30 1967 22,408 23,058 23,948 24,688 25,310 26,427 27,833 29,245 30,243 30,873 31,626 33.222 34,665 36.252 36,903 37.068 36,567 36,482 36,447 12,399 12,669 13,187 13,572 13,865 14,649 15,705 16,720 17,270 17,366 17,531 18,451 19.119 19,844 19,632 19,022 17,924 17,460 17,210 1,387 1.403 1,440 1,478 1,505 1,549 1,622 1,710 1,798 1,869 1,947 2,074 2,230 2.38.-, 2,504 2,559 2,558 2,546 2,562 966 1,011 1,054 1,106 1,154 1,194 1,246 1,285 1,315 1,297 1,322 1,363 1,414 1,479 1,591 1,735 1,912 2,090 2,270 8.04 8.13 8.15 8.21 8.30 8.22 8.08 7.97 7.99 8.12 8.22 8.12 8.08 8.04 8.19 8.43 8.76 8.93 9.03 5.57 1948 196X 5.63 1949 1969. ... 5.58 1950 1970. .. 5.59 1951 1971 5.64 1952 1972 .... 5.51 1953 1973. ... 5.33 1954 1974 5.23 1955 1975 5.30 1956 1976 5.49 1957 1977 .-. 5.63 1958 1978 5.53 1959 1979 5.52 1960 1980 5.48 1961 1981 5.67 1962 1982 5.93 1963 1983 6.28 1964 1984 6.36 1965 1985 6.33 1966 Stone, clay, and glass products — structures 1947 .... 10,416 10,195 9,904 9,711 9,605 9,439 9,281 9,130 9,245 9,815 10,119 10,125 10,192 10,386 10,607 10,757 11,017 11,217 11,684 12.285 4,496 4,381 4,216 4,102 4,139 4,089 4,065 4,081 4,311 5,003 5,418 5,461 5,589 5,838 6.043 6,213 6,464 6,587 6,993 7,504 328 324 315 306 301 297 291 287 287 299 315 322 324 330 338 345 354 362 375 394 361 430 442 384 445 413 425 454 401 422 426 360 386 384 323 365 344 285 314 304 18.88 19.07 19.32 19.51 19.33 19.33 19.23 18.98 18.36 16.86 15.96 15.77 15.39 14.85 14.52 14.15 13.74 13.63 13.15 12.65 12.67 12.68 12.83 12.82 12.37 12.20 11.97 11.67 10.86 9.32 8.69 8.76 8.72 8.54 8.48 8.50 8.45 8.58 8.39 8.16 1967 12,731 13,016 13,414 13,763 14,056 14,345 14,693 15,015 15,181 15,402 15,608 15.936 16,190 16,453 16,609 16,594 16,521 16,433 16,300 7,798 7,928 8,155 8.320 8.408 8,482 8,596 8,706 8.658 8,650 8,634 8,733 8,792 8,865 8,825 8,654 8,421 8,202 7,990 412 425 437 450 460 469 480 490 498 504 510 518 527 535 540 541 539 535 529 260 270 266 265 256 255 244 279 283 275 289 289 332 345 344 386 379 403 451 12.51 12.53 12.51 12.58 12.74 12.93 13.11 13.26 13.57 13.86 14.13 14.32 14.51 14.68 1 1 95 15.31 15 73 16.12 16.47 8.21 1948 1968 8.43 1949 1969 8.55 1950 1970 8 73 1951 1971 8 97 1952 .. . 1972 9.21 1953 .. .. 1973 9 39 1954 1974 9 55 1955 1975 9 86 1956 1976 10 11 1957 1977 10 33 1958. . 1978 10.40 1959 1979 10 49 1960 1980 10 56 1961 1981 10 74 1962 1982 1105 1963 . 1983 11.42 1964 1984 11 74 1965 1985 12 03 1966 10 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Primary metal industries — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 19fi() 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 52,596 54,249 54,262 54,406 57,299 61,408 63,711 64,857 66,337 70.274 75,403 77,862 79,032 82,137 83.951 85,457 87,817 91,468 96,445 102,756 25,237 27,301 27.680 27,979 30.993 35.027 37,115 37,879 38,874 42,228 46,579 47,967 48,082 50,080 50,656 50,889 51,980 54,212 57,728 62,391 1,840 1,909 1,965 1,987 2,063 2,221 2,365 2,454 2,519 2,639 2,823 2,976 3,047 3,129 3,223 3.282 3,355 3,469 3,635 3,850 2,251 2,281 2,287 2,106 2,150 2,110 2,098 2,035 1,987 2,017 2,001 1,854 1,941 1,970 1,931 1,948 2,022 1,998 2,113 2,133 16.47 15.70 15.44 15.23 14.32 13.29 12.79 12.62 12.44 11.87 11.26 11.21 11.34 11.23 11.35 11.52 11.59 11.54 11.36 11.11 9.96 9.17 9.07 9.02 8.25 7.49 7.32 7.45 7.54 7.24 6.90 7.07 7.41 7.46 7.72 8.01 8.15 8.11 7.93 7.66 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 109,090 115,315 120,387 124,726 127,333 129,323 131,994 136,963 141,371 145,284 148,783 152,540 155,868 159,133 162,651 163,732 163,453 162,854 162,072 66,908 71,156 74,076 76,244 76,641 76,539 76,941 79,749 81,945 83,500 84,619 85,897 87,102 88,045 88,966 87,762 85,477 82,986 80,604 4,092 4,326 4,540 4,713 4,832 5,137 4,992 5,144 5,348 5,537 5,828 5,905 6,276 6,258 6,435 6,559 6,586 6,569 6,545 2,201 10.93 2,278 10.82 2,317 10.87 2,475 11.00 2,596 11.28 3,054 11.59 2,679 11.86 2,944 11.89 3,092 11.98 3,138 12.12 3,411 12.28 3,390 12.43 4,101 12.54 3,878 12.69 3,769 12.84 4,203 13.13 4,506 13.49 4,588 13.87 4,857 14.22 Primary metal industries — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 31,863 33,621 34,012 34,415 36,554 39,562 41,383 42,489 43,679 46,474 49,922 51,573 52,524 54,543 55,658 56.849 58,461 61,194 64,617 69,121 16,056 18,017 18,570 19,015 21,079 23,874 25,349 25,942 26,599 28,731 31,409 32,135 32,147 33,215 33,339 33,481 34,090 35,788 38,131 41,425 1,195 1,266 1,330 1,363 1,430 1,556 1,673 1,751 1,810 1,905 2,039 2,148 2,200 2,258 2,320 2,361 2,415 2,500 2,622 2,779 1,491 1,429 1,447 1,369 1,321 1,309 1,274 1,202 1,230 1,201 1,226 1,172 1,209 1,255 1,276 1,251 1,349 1,413 1,480 1,501 14.95 13.88 13.47 13.14 12.28 11.34 10.92 10.82 10.72 10.35 9.95 10.02 10.25 10.29 10.53 10.78 10.93 10.91 10.79 1058 8.48 7.64 7.56 7.56 7.04 6.50 6.46 6.67 6.85 6.69 6.49 6.73 7.10 7.22 7.53 7.80 7.95 7.84 7.64 7.33 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 73,632 78,227 81,945 85,199 87,146 88,933 91,291 95,494 99,276 102,763 106,133 109,702 113,114 116,432 119,881 121,291 121,580 121,563 121,598 44,674 47,886 50,120 51,876 52,348 52,681 53,482 56,142 58,374 60,158 61,662 63,369 65,028 66,419 67,704 67,132 65,682 64,046 62.509 2,958 3,133 3,296 3,428 3,518 3,666 3,660 3,796 3,979 4,153 4,385 4,512 4,759 4,873 5,054 5,186 5,232 5,239 5,242 1,623 10.41 1,678 10.29 1,742 10.33 1,864 10.44 1,972 10.69 2,159 10.94 2,051 11.14 2,214 11.11 2,385 11.12 2,409 11.19 2,483 11.30 2,615 11.36 2,956 11.41 2,888 11.51 2,822 11.63 3,133 11.89 3,419 12.22 3,530 12.57 3,582 12.92 Primary metal industries — structures 1947 . 20,734 20,628 20,250 19,991 20,745 21,846 22,328 22,368 22,658 23,800 25,481 26,289 26,508 27,594 28,294 28,608 29,356 30,274 31,828 33,635 9,181 9,284 9,110 8,964 9,915 11,153 11,766 11,937 12,274 13,498 15,170 15,832 15,935 16,865 17,318 17,408 17,890 18,424 19,597 20,965 645 644 635 624 633 665 693 703 709 735 784 828 847 871 902 921 940 969 1,013 1,071 761 852 840 737 830 802 824 833 757 816 775 682 732 715 655 697 673 585 632 632 18.81 18.66 18.74 18.85 17.90 16.82 16.26 16.04 15.75 14.85 13.84 13.54 13.50 13.08 12.97 13.00 12.88 12.83 12.51 12.20 12.54 12.16 12.17 12.14 10.82 9.60 9.17 9.16 9.04 8.41 7.75 7.75 8.04 7.94 8.09 8.41 8.53 8.64 8.48 8.30 1967 35,459 37,087 38,442 39,527 40,187 40,390 40,703 41,469 42,096 42,520 42,650 42,838 42,753 42,700 42,770 42,442 41,873 41,291 40,474 22,234 23,270 23,957 24,368 24,293 23,858 23,458 23,607 23,572 23,342 22,957 22,528 22,074 21,626 21,262 20,629 19,795 18,940 18,095 1,133 1,193 1,244 1,285 1,314 1,471 1,332 1,348 1,369 1,384 1,443 1,392 1,517 1,385 1,381 1,373 1,354 1,330 1,303 578 600 576 611 624 895 627 730 707 729 928 775 1,145 990 947 1,069 1,087 1,058 1,275 12.02 11.95 12.03 12.21 12.58 13.01 13.46 13.70 14.00 14.37 14.74 15.17 15.53 15.90 16.25 16.67 17.17 17.68 18.14 8.22 1948 . . 1968 8.25 1949.... 1969 8.41 1950 1970 8.65 1951 1971 9.06 1952 1972 9.50 1953 1973 9.96 1954 1974 10.15 1955 1975 10.39 1956 1976 10.69 1957 1977 11.00 1958 1978 11.33 1959 1979 11.57 I960 1980 11.85 1961 1981 12.06 1962 1982 12.40 1963 1983 12.83 1964 1984 :.-. 13.26 1965 1985 13.67 1966 Fabricated metal products- -equipment and structures 1947 15,431 16,061 16,621 17,574 18,621 19,650 20.927 22,258 23,728 25,327 26,667 27,496 28,392 29,327 30,060 31,129 32,230 33,890 36.156 38,946 9,525 9,861 10,121 10,721 11,415 12,056 12,940 13,850 14,851 15,937 16,739 17,001 17,351 17,741 17,894 18,393 18,933 20,016 21,544 23,529 614 662 693 731 778 826 878 937 998 1,064 1,124 1,169 1,202 1,238 1,269 1,301 1,343 1,397 1,485 1,589 313 349 372 362 409 422 459 499 507 531 566 578 632 669 663 702 753 795 854 894 10.40 10.46 10.55 10.46 10.31 10.23 10.05 9.89 9.77 9.64 9.65 9.88 10.06 10.22 10.48 10.60 10.71 10.67 10.53 10.31 6.52 6.67 6.86 6.83 6.76 6.76 6.66 6.59 6.52 6.46 6.55 6.83 7.05 7.24 7.50 7.60 7.68 7.55 7.37 7.12 1967 41,966 44,551 47,663 49,881 51,597 53,570 56,452 59,459 61,878 64,274 67,016 70,195 73,221 76,296 79,525 80,573 81,329 82,892 84,182 25,741 27,431 29,581 30,806 31,496 32,435 34,224 36,055 37,340 38,568 40,093 42,007 43,752 45,480 47,312 46,953 46,321 46,562 46,561 1,702 1,812 1,934 2,046 2,126 2,212 2,324 2,454 2,569 2,669 2,776 2,900 3,028 3,155 3,287 3,374 3,404 3,451 3,518 914 936 1,028 1,106 1,121 1,190 1,238 1,285 1,386 1,449 1,511 1,593 1,700 1,760 1,835 1,915 1,965 2,049 2,148 10.09 10.05 9.93 10.02 10.21 10.35 10.34 10.33 10.41 10.50 10.55 10.55 10.59 10.64 10.68 11.01 11.37 11.59 11.83 6.87 1948 1968 6.82 1949 1969 6.71 1950 1970 6.85 1951 1971 7.07 1952 1972 7.23 1953 1973 7.20 1954 1974 7.18 1955 1975 7.27 1956 1976 7.36 1957 1977 7.40 1958 1978 7.38 1959 1979 7.40 1980 7.43 1981 7.45 1982 7.81 1963 1983 1984 8.17 1964 8.35 1965 1985 8.55 1966 .. . FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 11 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Fabricated metal products— equipment 1947 . 10,375 10,986 11,529 12,302 13,111 13.914 14,830 15,908 16,928 17,952 18,943 19.49:, 20,128 20,709 21,133 21,768 22,462 23,534 25,058 26,905 6,848 7,172 7,417 7,866 8,332 8,774 9,331 10,018 10,029 11,209 11.745 11,844 12,045 12,198 12,192 12,403 12,696 13,380 14,375 15,639 455 500 531 566 605 646 687 736 785 833 877 910 935 959 979 999 1,026 1,063 1,128 1,204 187 194 213 224 246 269 303 328 353 369 402 434 478 507 525 546 595 657 702 730 7 92 8 10 832 8 40 847 856 8 59 8 58 863 8 73 8X5 9 17 9 42 9 67 10 00 10.22 10 38 10.35 11)25 10 08 5 35 5 57 5X4 5 93 6 02 6 12 6 15 6 12 6 15 6 21 6 30 6 61 6 83 7 04 7 32 7 44 7 49 7 3:! 7 14 6 90 1967. . 28,899 30,674 32,728 34.301 35,517 36,986 39,204 41.424 43,270 45,026 47,239 49,668 52,080 54,664 57,349 58,257 58,943 60.4117 61,476 17.09:! 18,264 19,663 20.571 21.112 21.X92 23,3X0 24,7X1 25.X51 26,821 28,197 29,741 31,240 32,849 34,497 34,350 33.986 34,427 34,." 1,283 1,363 1,453 1,537 1 .599 1.669 1 ,76'.' 1.800 1,962 2,042 2.131 2,234 2,341 2,451 2.567 2,644 2.672 2.718 2.781 764 77X 853 925 944 992 1,040 1,058 1,137 1.205 1.247 1,307 1,382 1,427 1.475 1.537 1,570 1,616 1 Tor, 9 86 9 79 9 67 9 70 9 84 9 90 9 78 9 72 9 73 9 76 9 7:; 9 OX 9 66 65 04 94 10 26 1044 10 07 6 62 1948 1968 6 52 1949 1969 . . 41 1950 1970. . 48 1951 1971 6 65 1952 1972 6 74 1953 1954 1973 1974 62 58 1955 1975 6 61 1956 1976 . 1977 1978 1979 1980 6 68 1957 6 00 1958 63 1959, 62 1960 6 62 1961 1981 62 1962 1982 96 1963 1983 7 32 1964 19X4 7 47 1965 19X5 7 67 1966 Fabricated metal products — structures 5.05., 5,074 5,092 5,272 5,509 5,735 6,097 6,351 o.xoo 7, :(7 5 7,724 8,001 8,265 8,618 X.927 9,361 9,768 10,356 11,098 12.041 2,078 2,689 2,704 2,855 3,0X3 3,2X2 3,609 3,832 4.222 4.728 4,994 5,157 5,306 5,543 5.702 5 9911 0.257 0,030 7,109 7,890 158 162 163 100 175 181 191 202 21 I 231 24 1 258 26S 278 290 302 317 334 356 385 126 15 51 1 55 15 56 1 59 15 59 138 15 26 163 14 69 153 14 28 157 13 00 171 13 19 154 12 58 162 11 80 164 11 61 144 1 1 61 154 11 02 161 1 1 52 1 10 11 60 156 11 50 157 11 48 13X 1 1 39 1 53 11 10 164 10 83 9 53 9 60 •i 66 9 28 8 78 8 17 ? 98 7 83 , 16 7 05 7 II 7 33 7 57 7 08 7 90 7 95 S 00 8 00 7 83 7 50 1967 [968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 13 13 1 I 15 10 16 IT ix ix 19 19.777 20,527 21.142 21.631 22.170, 22.317 22.385 22.485 22.700, 8,648 9,167 9,918 10.255 10,384 10,545 10.844 11,274 11,4X9 11, TIT 11,895 IT .'00 12.512 12.031 12.X 15 12 603 12.:!:!.", 12.135 12,00,1 118 149 181 509 527 543 0X7 ,01 720 730 T::. ; .:;:; ! "id i 58 1TI 181 176 198 198 228 250 244 264 287 318 334 5 ,'l 378 395 433 142 II ou n Bl n HI 071 1 05 I 37 : on 1 T2 1 98 T 93 X 25 - 13 8 51 - 74 - 91 9 15 9 20 II 33 'l 5 1 10 XT 11 OT Machinery, except electrical— equipment and structures 1947 22.574 24.17X 25,069 20,092 27. XXII 29.077 31,718 33.531 35,090, 37,170 39,314 40,403 11.424 42.6X3 43.745 44.934 46,205 47,823 50.271 53.X30 15.101 10.0X2 16,279 16,5117 17,533 IX, 54 7 19.76X 20.771 21.502 22.775 24,085 24,309 24,506 24,948 25,203 25.745 26,317 27,214 28.930 31.751 894 9X0 1,045 1.095 1,150 1,232 1,51 1 1,395 1,460 1,540 1 ,624 1 .689 1 .728 1.709 1,809 1,845 1,8X7 1.941) 2.021 2.140, 20X 302 334 30,1 421 469 519 592 0,50 749 790 X23 901 960 1.054 1.127 1,175 1,212 1.2X1 1.381) X 00 8 80 9 IX 9 57 9 04 9 72 9 70, 9 X0 10 00 100X 10 11 1041 10 73 10 95 11 IX 1 1 35 I 1 50 I I 57 11 44 11 10 no 22 6 62 7 111 7 03 7 05 7 03 T OX 7 Ix 7 15 7 43 771 7 xx 8.06 X 17 X 24 X21 7 97 7 53 1907 190X 57,940 60,831 63 ooo 00.170 07.979 69,417 71.920 75.994 79.317 82.420 86.151 91.0,37 97.X32 10 1, 00,5 111.893 118,212 122.59X 128,380 134,394 . 1! |5 36,959 38,707 40.148 40.840 11.5X0 12,897 45,749 47,741 49.422 51,759 6IUH3 05 001 69.424 73 1120 74.247 77.079 79.828 ,' 309 2.457 3 696 2,7X1 3,0X0 3.118 3,095 :U29 3.701 3.X0O 1.377 I, ,90 5,511 5,889 0.292 6,794 1,429 1,450 1,1X5 1 ,37 1 001, 2.128 2.001 1.820 1.XT1 1 ,'.):!'.) 2.219 2 lux 2.5TI 2,50 1 2.457 2 696 2,835 3.015 3.102 in 73 III 0T 10 05 1071 10 XX 11 01 1 1 02 10 xo, 10 85 10 X'.l 10X3 loot 111 38 111 14 10 01 00 10 13 10 10 10 13 1948 T 00 1919 1950 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 7 10 7 20 1951 7 11 1952 1954 7 41 1955 1950 1975 1970, 1977 197X 1979 198(1 19X1 1982 1983 1984 1985 T 12 7 49 1957 1958 1959 7 15 7 05 1960 1901 l, 85 Ts 190.J 82 190,:! 7 00 1904 7 14 1905 191,0, 7 20 Machinery, except electrical— equipment 1947 15,393 10,091 17.408 IX.20X 19,500, 20,059 22.131 23.513 24,809 20,, 224 27.490 28,234 28,897 29,01'.) 50,100 30,795 31.575 32,483 35.932 2,5,491) 10,510, 11,255 11.406 11.009 12,212 12.719 13,5117 14.310, 14.908 15.70.X 10.419 10.541 10,014 10,700 16,813 10,, 997 17,335 17,810 1X.X33 19.901 009 747 79X 843 892 9 IX 1,011) 1.074 1.134 1,193 1,251 1 .295 1 .323 1.350 1.373 1,392 1,418 1.151 1.50 1 1.579 171 1X0 210 247 29 1 541 3X2 449 514 5X7 0,42 071 730 7X0 X72 930 903 1,011 1.003 1.127 7 38 7 60 X 1)5 X 40 X71 x '.13 9 05 9 IX 9 30 9 40 '10,0 9 93 10 24 10 51 1077 10 97 11 11 11 19 11 OX 10 93 5 49 5 00 OOX 49 0,01 0, 73 72 0, 74 0X1 XI) XO 7 13 7 38 7 88 7 91 7 88 7 03 7 41 1907 1908 1900 1970 1971 1972 1973 37,846 39 379 41.091 12,424 i.; no 14.408 10,1m, 48,869 51,132 53,170 55.974 ,0,002 64.466 09 958 75,310 80.272 83,979 X'.l 0)5 94,118 21,871 22.XT3 23.974 24,666 2.5.059 ' 189 30,00 1 28.636 30,088 31.258 33.159 50,000 39,300 43,256 46,788 19.0X0 51.110 53,753 56,205 1.079 1.774 1 ,857 1,933 1 9X0 3,152 2 193 i486 2X13 3 1X0 5 877 1 285 4,1133 ■,.015 5. 1X7 1.189 1,191 1,202 1,259 1,2! IT 1 .525 1 ,557 1 151 1,483 1,549 1.713 1.705 1,846 1 ," 1 1 1,959 2,128 2 202 2, 105 2 7 10 10 57 10 51 1045 10 19 10 59 10 00 10 50 10 34 11125 10 22 10 05 9 TT 9 48 9 IT X 97 X 87 X 115 X91 8 91 9X 194X, '.15 1919 1950 XX 05 1951 T 10 1952 7 20 1953 T 00 1954 1974 XT 1955 1975 1970 82 1950, XI 1957 195X 1977 197X 19T9 73 50 1959 0, 20 1900 19X0 1 1901 19X1 5 95 1902 19X3 5 0T 190,3 19X3 10 190,1 19X4 19 190,5 1900 19X5 3 1 12 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Machinery, except electrical — structures 1947 194X 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 7,181 7,487 7,661 7,824 8,384 9,018 9,587 10.018 10.288 10,946 11,824 12.228 12.527 13.06,4 13.580 14,139 14.630 15,339 16,339 18.340 4,644 4,827 4,873 4,898 5,320 5,798 6,201 6,454 6,534 7,007 7,666 7,828 7,892 8,188 8,451 8,748 8,9X2 9,403 10,104 11,790 224 239 247 252 264 284 304 321 332 347 372 394 405 419 435 453 469 489 517 568 97 116 118 114 127 128 137 143 142 162 153 152 171 177 182 191 211 201 217 253 11.41 11.48 11.76 12.09 11.81 11.53 11.39 11.46 11.75 11.58 11.29 11.53 11.84 11.94 12.08 12.18 12.34 12.36 12.19 11.42 7.35 7.51 7.88 8.25 8.00 7.76 7.69 7.83 8.17 8.03 7.77 8.06 8.41 8.51 8.64 8.73 8.87 8.84 8.59 7.75 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 20,094 21,452 22,600 23,753 24,538 25,009 25,734 27,125 28,185 29,250 30,177 31,735 33,367 35,007 36,578 37,940 38,419 39,335 40,276 13,153 14,087 14,793 15,481 15,780 15,898 16,203 17,113 17,653 18,164 18,600 19,545 20,707 21,745 22,636 23,341 23,137 23,326 23,623 631 683 725 763 795 958 925 868 908 943 1,028 1,017 1,197 1,125 1,178 1,226 1,256 1,278 1,307 240 11.04 259 10.96 283 11.03 298 11.11 308 11.39 603 11.64 504 11.84 387 11.80 388 11.94 389 12.11 537 12.26 403 12.26 726 12.12 523 12.10 498 12.16 568 12.27 574 12.69 550 12.98 662 13.19 Electric and electronic equipment — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 11,583 12,469 12,918 13,419 14,296 15,160 16,235 17,125 17,878 19,007 20,008 20,415 21,064 21.983 22,992 23,985 25,067 26,494 28,831 32.175 7,335 7,868 7,967 8,110 8,645 9,127 9,858 10,388 10,808 11,608 12,263 12,354 12,659 13,322 13,999 14,660 15,384 16,348 18,160 20,879 616 685 725 752 787 829 877 933 975 1,022 1,066 1,091 1,108 1,141 1,182 1,223 1,272 1,332 1,427 1,572 262 3111 338 366 417 420 491 543 604 661) 686 733 723 843 805 842 863 827 851 892 8 05 7.98 8.19 8.38 8.33 8.34 8.23 8.25 8.34 8.25 8.26 8.50 8.66 8.65 8.67 8.70 8.72 8.72 8.47 8.07 5.06 5.12 5.45 5.71 5.69 5.72 5.61 5.66 5.76 5.69 5.72 6.01 6.19 6.20 6.23 6.28 6.33 6.31 6.04 5.65 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 35,618 38,659 41,955 44,929 47,343 49,540 53,222 57,296 59,320 61,600 64,188 67,988 72,781 78,797 84,473 90,522 96,028 104,388 112,908 23,523 25,627 27,855 29,622 30,733 31,817 34,002 36,451 36,803 37,419 38,387 40,516 43,654 47,928 51,691 55,776 59,108 65.059 70.809 1,746 1,910 2,079 2,248 2,391 2,746 2,698 2,919 3,087 3,194 3,316 3,482 3,711 4,011 4,339 4,667 5,007 5,455 6,036 915 949 981 1,022 1,582 1,135 1,234 1,345 1,459 1,632 1,757 1,996 2,209 2,361 2,641 2,772 2,951 3,171 7.83 7.78 7.75 7.84 8.05 8.19 8.24 8.26 8.59 8.87 9.08 9.14 9.07 8.89 8.81 8.72 8.73 8.54 8.40 Electric and electronic equipment — equipment 1947 7,717 8,441 8,792 9,158 9,651 10,123 10,790 11,355 11,829 12.428 12,869 12,983 13,307 13,729 14,096 14,576 15,084 15,864 17,315 19,222 5,054 5,455 5,487 5,545 5,737 5,889 6,286 6,566 6,803 7,176 7,393 7,338 7,467 7,789 8,010 8,353 8,708 9,264 10,441 11,999 497 558 594 618 644 672 707 750 782 815 841 851 858 877 899 921 952 992 1,061 1,166 183 204 239 280 316 325 394 436 507 557 582 640 622 735 708 735 748 727 736 761 5.29 5.44 5.81 6.14 6.36 6.60 6.66 6.80 6.94 6.99 7.12 7.37 7.53 7.52 7.59 7.58 7.58 7.52 7.22 6.87 3.70 3.88 4.28 4.60 4.77 4.93 4.88 4.91 4.97 4,94 5.02 5.27 5.37 5.35 5.41 5.40 5.41 5.33 5.00 4.68 1967 21,233 23,027 25,184 27,082 28,730 30,563 33,333 36,426 37,952 39,647 41,577 44,441 47,947 52,456 56,519 60,646 64,820 71,473 77,959 13,544 14,767 16,246 17,361 18,148 19,185 20,923 22,844 23,174 23,686 24,467 26,166 28,498 31,770 34,476 37,192 39,800 44,685 49,023 1,292 1,411 1,540 1,672 1,785 1,978 2,053 2,243 2,388 2,478 2,580 2,720 2,913 3,167 3,444 3,714 4,000 4,399 4,919 766 781 802 829 856 1,133 956 1,011 1,123 1,222 1,368 1,501 1,678 1,871 2,023 2,240 2,373 2,538 2,675 6.64 6.58 6.50 6.56 6.71 6.79 6.76 6.75 7.04 7.28 7.46 7.48 7.41 7.24 7.18 7.13 7.12 6.91 6.80 4.51 1948 1968 4.54 1949 1969 4.53 1950 1970 4.65 1951 . 1971 4.85 1952 . 1972 4.93 1953 1973 4.89 1954 1974 4.85 1955. ... 1975 5.15 1956 1976 5.36 1957 1977 5.48 1958 1978 5.41 1959 1979 5.25 1960 .. 1980 5.02 1961 1981 4.96 1962 1982 4.94 1963 ... 1983 , 1984 4.97 1964 4.79 1965 1985 4.75 1966 Slectric anc electronic equipment — structu res 1947 3,866 4,028 4,126 4,261 4,646 5,037 5,445 5,770 6,049 6,579 7,139 7,432 7,757 8.254 8.896 9,409 9,982 10,630 11,516 12,952 2,281 2,413 2,480 2,565 2,908 3.238 3,573 3.X22 4,005 4,431 4,870 5,016 5,192 5,533 5,990 6,307 6,676 7,084 7,719 8,881 120 127 131 135 144 157 170 183 193 207 225 240 250 264 283 302 320 340 366 405 79 97 99 si; 101 96 97 107 97 103 104 93 101 109 97 107 115 100 115 131 13.57 13.30 13.26 13.21 12.42 11.84 11.35 11.11 11.07 10.65 10.31 10.48 10.60 10.52 10.39 10.44 10.46 10.51 10.36 9.86 8.06 7.93 8.04 8.11 7.51 7.14 6.92 6.93 7.09 6.89 6.77 7.10 7.36 7.40 7.33 7.46 7.54 7.59 7.45 6.97 1967 14,385 15,632 16,772 17,848 18,613 18,977 19,889 20,870 21,369 21,952 22,611 23,547 24,834 26,341 27,954 29,876 31,207 32,915 34,949 9,979 10,860 11,609 12,260 12,585 12,632 13,079 13,607 13,629 13,733 13,920 14,350 15,157 16,158 17,214 18,583 19,308 20.373 21,786 454 499 539 576 607 768 645 675 699 716 736 762 798 844 895 953 1,007 1,056 1,116 119 134 148 152 166 449 180 223 222 237 264 256 318 338 338 401 399 413 495 9.60 9.55 9.62 9.78 10.12 10.46 10.71 10.90 11.35 11.75 12.07 12.27 12.26 12.18 12.12 11.95 12.07 12.07 11.95 6.72 1948 1968 6.72 1949 1969 6.82 1950 1970 7.00 1951 1971 7.34 1952 1972 7.67 1953 1973 7.89 1954 1974 8.04 1955 1975 8.48 nr.o 1976 8.83 1957 1977 9.10 1958 1978 9.19 1959 1979 9.05 1960 1980 8.84 1961 1981 8.66 1962 1982 8.40 1983 8.46 1964 1984 8.40 1965 1985 8.23 1966. . . FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 13 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Motor vehicles and equipment— equipment and structures 17.11111 18,402 18,964 19,973 21,516 22,229 25,049 27,579 29.720 32,384 34,215 35,077 35,953 37,110 37,976 40,449 42,474 45,753 48,726 9,824 10,760 10,901 11,448 12.494 13,645 14,809 16.616 17.925 19.681 20,559 20.456 211.122 20. 708 20.921) 21,319 22.163 23.587 26,225 28.490 91X 1.037 1,109 1.169 1.259 1,368 1,490 1,647 1.807 1,966 2,111 2,198 2,252 2,313 2,369 2,416 2,485 2.586 2.727 2.916 552 611 66,5 689 744 778 816 906, 950 1,038 1,135 1 ,205 1,316 1 ,506 1 ,597 1,754 1 ,852 1 ,958 2,062 2.172 9 73 9 38 9 45 9 33 8 99 8 69 8 13 8 02 7 87 7 63 7 65 , 89 8 09 :-: is 8 24 8 40 -' 37 8 26 7 94 7 75 5 91) 5 66 5 86 5 83 5.60 5 10 5 26 5 no i 95 I 84 4 96 5 29 5 56 5 68 5 84 5 90 5 83 5 66 5 ;-;n 5 11 1967 1968 l' no 8 06 8 35 8 62 8 70 8.60 8 53 8 49 8 29 8 55 9 00 6 33 9 35 5 20 5 31 5 54 5 41 5.51 5 62 5 7 s 5 83 6 13 6 37 6 35 6 11 5 91 5 85 5 58 5 89 6 43 6 1,5 6 67 Motor vehicles and equipment — equipment 11.061 12.444 13.139 14,166 15,540 16,949 13.781 21.086 23,014 25,223 26,975 27,858 28,775 29,761 30,427 31,153 32,314 33,825 35,821 37,820 7.047 8.016 S.265 8.827 9,669 10.486, 11,647 13,193 14,285 15,575 16,373 16,316 16,324 16,555 16,522 16,654 17,269 18,277 19,742 21,185 73! 849 925 988 1,075 1,176 1 .293 1,447 1 ,599 1,747 1,883 1,968 2.023 2,0X1 2,131 2,169 2,227 2,315 2.434 2.574 390 111 456 503 525 567 595 668 738 808 906 1,002 1,097 1,289 1,404 1,542 1,648 1,786 1.871 1 ,98.3 5 37 5 26 5 I!) 5 57 5 57 5 61 5 58 5.50 5 58 5 64 5 83 6 16 6 16 6, 67 6.91 7 09 , 1 I 7 10 6 98 6 Hi 3 42 3 43 3 75 5 'HI 3.94 1 00 3 96 3.87 5 94 3 !>:- 4 13 1 16 4 71 1 86 5.04 5 1 I 5.07 I 92 471 I ,-. 1967 1968 1969 19711 197! 1972 1975 19,1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1 9X0 1981 1982 198.3 1984 1985 39.240 40.618 42.251 44.376 46.417 48,563 50,065 52.323 52,981) 53.798 55.728 58.954 61.879 64,542 69.331 69,223 67.325 67.083 67.6,08 22,064 22.835 23,931 25,241 26,46 1 27 590 28,051 29 188 28,721 28,519 29.483 31.736, 35,647 35.294 38,891 37.579 34.6,58 35.6,80 33.584 2 69 7 2.797 2,913 3.05 1 3,207 3,364 3.498 3.63,4 3,737 3,785 5,384 4,078 1,311 4,525 4,317 5,004 4.925 1.844 1.866 2.117 2.154 2.258 3,383 ! ,-,, 2.337 2.46,8 2.56,1 2,707 2.865 3.057 5,248 5,158 3.570 3.748 3.850 4.024 4.159 i, 87 1,89 6 84 6 78 i, 75 6 76 6,87 1,91! 7 15 7 3,5 7 18 7 25 J i; 7 12 6 88 7 14 7 56 7 75 7 82 1 i,li 4 6,5 I I,.", I 61 4 65 1 6') I 83 I si ., 1 1' i 5 is 4 93 I 79 I 73 I 46 1 so 5 3 1 5 19 , 19 Motor vehicles and equipment —structures 6,000 5,958 5,826 5,806 5,975 6,290 6,26,9 6,493 6,706 7.161 7,240 7.219 7.17X 7.349 7.549 7.851 8,125 8,649 9.933 10.906 2.777 2.744 2,636, 2,621 2,825 3,159 3,16,1 3,423 3,641 4.107 4.186 4,140 4,088 4.244 4.398 4.665 4.895 5.310 6.483 7.305 I 88 188 ISI 1S1 1 84 192 197 3111) 208 219 228 2.30 229 253 238 247 258 27 1 3113 342 162 19; 209 186 219 211 220 238 2 I 2 330 229 703 21!) 216 193 212 30 1 173 193 19: 17 77 17 98 IX 38 18 51 17 90 16 98 16 96 16 23 15 71 14 6,5 14 46 14 58 14 65 14 32 14 08 13 60 13 26 1277 11 41) 10 77 12 19 12 18 12 48 12 34 11 29 10 05 10 06 9 35 3 92 8 21 s 33 8 85 881 8 60 8 52 8 19 7 111 6 76 1967 1968 1969 19 3, 19,'l 1972 1973 1974 19,., 19,6 19, , 1978 1979 1980 i 'is: 1982 1983 1984 19£ i 11.531 11.957 12.6,03 12.962 13.184 13.402 13.803 14.188 11,295 14,341 14,514 14,915 15,464 15.982 16.331 16,86,1 16,860 17,058 17,103 7,720 7,945 8.36,3 8.476 8.441 8.398 8.525 8.652 8.490 8.31,:, 8.193 8,538 8,636 8,923 'I 1133 9,303 9,068 9,041 s 935 369 3:- i 1116 423 433 IHl 1 5i I 163 1,0 172 475 ISI 199 516 !i, 'i 176 !7S 178 20.. 201 200 229 277 295 316 327 393 111 68 10 79 10 77 11 02 11 42 11 83 12 09 12 32 12 82 13 37 13 75 13 96 13 9,8 14 02 14 24 14 50 14 77 15 07 15 39 6 S3 7 19 I 3,.' 7 7ii s is s 65 891 9 15 9 66 in 22 10 56 1061 10 43 10 3.0 10 39 10 26 10 70 10 86 11 10 Other transportation equipment —equipment and structures 1947 9,881 10.083 9.970 9,904 10,455 11.168 11,656 12,246 12.906 14.424 15,736 16,235 16,696 17,179 17,787 18,591 19 420 20,257 21,317 23.891 4,630 4,861 4,785 4,727 5,297 5,987 6,432 6,965 7,521 8,903 10,013 10,250 10,456 10.663 10.972 11.479 11,968 12,4 IX 13,114 15,247 398 411 4 l'.t 41X 432 46,2 492 524 560 615 6X2 726 750 772 797 X2X 866, 904 946, 1,028 387 42.3 436 410 436 424 125 451 435 460 462 442 173 473 473 504 497 493 15 7X 15 35 15 37 15 41 14 49 13 54 12 99 12 39 11 88 10 77 1009 10 09 10 10 10 12 10.12 10 02 9 97 1000 9 90 9 28 10 28 9 69 9 77 9 80 871 7 78 7 39 7 02 6.74 5 99 5 70 5 97 6 25 6 51 6 69 6 75 6 84 6, 95 6 95 6 33 196,7 1968 196,9 26, 295 28.189 30,290 31,590 52.187 33.104 3.4.163 .35.374 56.548 37,830 38,880 40,595 42,724 44,860 46,791 48,615 50.192 ,3 1,'-., 54.791 17.112 18.400 19,804 20 382 20.257 20.428 2. "27 21.18!) 21.577 22.086 22,362 23,226 24.490 25,734 26,727 27,6,03 28,211 29,6,77 30,760 1.143 1.242 1 .338 1.416 1.453 1,483 1 ,537 1.580 1.6,39 1,704 1,767 1,846 1.955 2.078 2.203 2.317 2.414 3,5.37 2,683 572 607 614 670 705 720 749 81!) 839 917 979 9X1 1.069 1,164 1.238 1,339 1,415 1.474 8 93 8 84 8 78 8 97 9 36 9 66 9 93 10 12 10 34 10 52 1074 10 82 10 78 10 75 10 79 10 85 10 96, 10 39 1089 6 06 1948 6 1)7 1919 6 119 1950 1970 6 36, 1951 1971 6 83 1972 1973 7 16 1 953 7 42 1954 1974 7 5!) 1956 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 7 77 7 83 1957 8 1)5 1958 8 1)0 7 83 I960 1980 1981 7 70 196,1 7 66, 1962 1982 7 65 1963 1983 1984 771 1964 7 54 1965 1966 1985 7 49 14 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Other transportation equipment — equipment 1947 3,696 3,981 4,037 4,080 4,402 4,719 5,058 5,547 6,030 6,855 7,610 7,971 8,282 8,578 8,898 9,330 9,747 10,255 10,740 11,940 2,081 2,309 2,306 2,293 2,546 2,772 3,019 3,390 3,747 4,417 4,976 5,117 5,212 5,286 5,385 5,601 5,780 6,047 6,309 7,252 210 225 237 241 252 272 292 321 351 392 438 469 487 504 521 540 564 590 616 664 146 150 159 169 168 166 176 187 204 217 223 227 248 258 276 296 298 326 366 377 8.15 7.86 8.06 8.27 7.99 7.83 7.68 7.41 7.22 6.79 6.59 6.80 7.04 7.29 7.50 7.62 7.78 7.87 7.96 7.62 5.62 5.31 5.58 5.85 5.49 5.30 5.15 4.89 4.75 4.39 4.31 4.61 4.93 5.23 5.47 5.57 5.69 5.72 5.75 5.29 1967 13,072 14,151 15,334 15,964 16,254 16,833 17,508 18,369 19,211 20,177 20,937 22,238 23,634 25,242 26,760 27,959 28,894 30,555 31,838 8,087 8,830 9,627 9,862 9,769 9,953 10,229 10,686 11,107 11,655 11,981 12,790 13,650 14,697 15,606 16,172 16,460 17,432 17,970 734 797 863 913 934 954 986 1,027 1,076 1,131 1,185 1,253 1,344 1,447 1,558 1,656 1,734 1,833 1,953 405 432 448 495 526 542 569 613 641 699 737 747 789 863 922 995 1,055 1,108 1,171 7.43 7.34 7.27 7.47 7.81 8.01 8.16 8.23 8.32 8.34 8.46 8.41 8.35 8.24 8.20 8.25 8.39 8.33 8.39 5.08 1948 1968 5.01 1949 1969 4.97 1950 1970 5.22 1951 1971 5.62 1952 1972 5.83 1953 1973 5.96 1954 1974 5.98 1955 1975 6.02 1956 1976 5.99 1957 1977 6.08 1958 1978 5.94 1959 1979 5.82 1960. ... 1980 5.66 1961 1981 5.60 1962... . 1982 5.67 1963 1983 5.82 1964 1984 5.72 1965 1985 5.77 1966 Other transportation equipment — structures 1947 6,186 6,102 5,933 5,824 6,053 6,449 6,598 6,700 6,876 7,569 8,126 8,264 8,413 8,600 8,890 9,261 9,673 10,002 10,577 11,952 2,549 2,552 2,479 2,434 2,751 3,215 3,413 3,575 3,774 4,486 5,037 5,133 5,244 5,378 5,588 5,878 6,188 6,371 6,805 7,996 188 186 182 177 179 190 199 204 209 224 245 257 262 269 277 288 301 314 330 364 241 273 277 241 267 258 249 264 232 243 239 214 224 215 197 208 199 168 189 180 20.34 20.23 20.35 20.41 19.21 17.71 17.07 16.52 15.96 14.38 13.38 13.26 13.11 12.95 12.75 12.44 12.17 12.18 11.87 10.94 14.09 13.66 13.66 13.52 11.69 9.91 9.37 9.04 8.71 7.56 7.07 7.32 7.56 7.76 7.87 7.89 7.91 8.11 8.02 7.27 1967 13,223 14,039 14,955 15,625 15,933 16,271 16,654 17,006 17,337 17,653 17,943 18,357 19,090 19,619 20,031 20,657 21,298 22,130 22,953 9,024 9,570 10,177 10,520 10,488 10,475 10,498 10,503 10,469 10,431 10,381 10.437 10,839 11,037 11,121 11,430 11,751 12,245 12,790 409 445 475 502 519 529 540 552 563 573 582 593 611 631 645 661 680 703 729 167 176 165 175 179 178 180 206 198 218 242 234 280 301 316 345 359 366 451 10.41 10.35 10.32 10.50 10.94 11.37 11.77 12.16 12.59 13.01 13.41 13.74 13.79 13.98 14.26 14.36 14.45 14.44 14.35 6.93 1948 1968 7.06 1949 1969 7.15 1950 1970 7.43 1951 1971 7.96 1952 1972 8.43 1953 1973 8.84 1954 1974 9.23 1955 1975 9.63 1956 1976 9.99 1957 1977 10.33 1958 1978 10.53 1959 1979 10.37 1960 1980 10.42 1961 1981 10.55 1962 1982 10.46 1963 1983 10.36 1964 1984 10.13 1965 1985 9.89 1966 Instruments and related products — equipment and structures 1947 3,161 3,408 3,534 3,701 3,927 4,105 4,320 4,600 4,894 5,288 5,632 5.832 6,131 6,528 7,018 7,465 7,716 8,080 8,629 9,430 1,798 1,970 2,017 2,101 2,236 2,320 2,444 2,629 2,823 3,117 3,349 3,435 3,617 3,893 4,254 4,564 4,673 4,890 5,281 5,900 173 191 206 217 230 243 255 271 289 309 329 344 358 378 401 425 443 458 483 518 109 113 122 130 137 146 159 174 185 204 214 224 237 253 268 282 296 305 319 331 9.72 9.38 9.40 9.34 9.17 9.14 9.03 8.83 8.66 8.35 8.21 8.30 8.25 8.11 7.91 7.80 7.93 7.96 7.85 7.60 6.36 6.06 6.17 6.17 6.03 6.04 5.95 5.76 5.61 5.35 5.27 5.44 5.45 5.36 5.23 5.21 5.44 5.53 5.46 5.25 1967 10,493 11,456 12,246 13,148 13,788 14,357 15,359 16,556 17,379 18,043 18,677 19,530 20,714 21,952 23,309 24,804 25,928 27,512 29,408 6,751 7,459 7,963 8,550 8,843 9,051 9,665 10,442 10,821 11,026 11,210 11,585 12,292 13,030 13,844 14,759 15,253 16,185 17,334 566 618 666 713 754 790 838 906 967 1,012 1,052 1,096 1,158 1,235 1,321 1,420 1,515 1,620 1,762 345 354 370 386 391 411 425 457 487 515 565 586 648 704 745 810 857 912 960 7.27 7.14 7.18 7.20 7.41 7.65 7.69 7.67 7.85 8.11 8.36 8.53 8.54 8.55 8.55 8.51 8.62 8.59 8.50 4.98 1948 1968 4.94 1949 1969 5.07 1950 1970 5.16 1951 1971 5.42 1952 1972 5.70 1953 1973 5.72 1954 1974 5.67 1955 1975 5.85 1956 1976 6.09 1957 1977 6.32 1958 1978 6.41 1959 1979 6.33 1960 1980 6.27 1961 1981 6.19 1'ir," 1982 6.11 1963 1983 6.21 1964 1984 :.- 6.13 1965 1985 6.00 1966 Instruments and related products— equipment 1947 1,846 2,068 2,185 2,332 2,482 2,599 2,747 2,940 3,112 3,322 3,489 3,600 3,792 3,979 4,148 4,362 4,430 4,633 4,905 5,230 1,112 1,269 1,314 1,388 1,457 1,491 1,557 1,669 1,758 1,884 1,966 1,994 2,099 2,203 2,291 2,420 2,407 2,530 2.717 2,945 131 149 162 173 185 196 206 219 233 248 262 272 284 298 312 327 337 347 364 386 78 80 87 96 101 110 119 135 147 160 173 184 193 211 226 236 250 262 273 284 5.58 5.41 5.56 5.63 5.72 5.89 5.99 5.98 6.03 6.02 6.09 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.28 6.25 6.41 6,37 6.27 6.15 3.63 3.52 3.74 3.86 3.98 4.16 4.22 4.15 4.16 4.09 4.14 4.28 4.24 4.22 4.23 4.19 4.38 4.32 4.19 4.05 1967 5,685 6,099 6,509 6,913 7,216 7,516 8,104 8,829 9,289 9,704 10,041 10,539 11,216 12,046 12,918 14,005 14,821 16,092 17,551 3,293 3,575 3,838 4,074 4,194 4,305 4,685 5,179 5,393 5,552 5,645 5,883 6,298 6,848 7,405 8,139 8,557 9,405 10,339 415 448 480 512 540 566 602 655 703 739 769 803 851 913 984 1,069 1,153 1,249 1,380 299 308 323 333 340 359 369 395 422 443 489 510 556 602 636 687 726 770 799 5.93 5.84 5.79 5.78 5.89 5.99 5.91 5.78 5.85 5.97 6.10 6.16 6.10 6.00 5.91 5.76 5.78 5.64 5.53 3.85 l 1 1971 9.93 l'lV 1972 10.07 1953 1973 10.16 1974 10.38 1955 1975 10.78 I'r.i, 1976 11.22 1977 11.56 1978 11.81 1979 11.96 1980 12.11 1961 1981 12.09 1962 1982 12.17 1963 1983 12.50 1984 12.89 1985 13.07 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 35 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Gas services — equipment 2,863 3.492 4,161 5,13* s.Dii:) 6,914 8,457 9,209 10,21)0 11,441 12,803 14,140 15,451 10.253 17.081 17,704 17,969 18.310 18,669 19,146 1,72!) 2,341 2,919 3,717 4,273 4,859 5,958 6,273 6,701 7,423 8,241 9,001 9,720 9.945 10,194 10,250 9,977 9,830 9,764 9,852 17V 228 2X5 353 430 504 000 683 740 81 I 904 990 1,074 1,139 1,187 1,231 1,257 1,273 1,301 1,346 235 211 193 174 155 145 1 50 186 237 295 360 413 482 562 607 664 718 792 871 950 7.17 5.71 4.89 4.27 4.17 4.22 4.11 4.47 4.77 4.94 5.09 5.26 5.45 5.79 6.10 6.45 6.89 7.24 7.53 7.72 3.21 2.76 2.71 2.67 2 89 3.10 3.06 3.45 3.71 3.80 3.85 3.95 1.06 4.36 4.59 4.86 5.24 5.48 5 04 5 00 1967 1908 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19.83 1984 1985 19,355 19.784 20,355 20.729 20,950 21.359 22.323 22.778 22,8-19 22,685 22,650 22,880 23,120 23.274 24,190 24,793 24.723 23.809 23.280 9,090 9,791 10,035 10,115 10,128 10,350 11,176 11,539 11,610 11,465 11,499 11,791 12,028 12,117 12.915 13,321 13,030 11,979 11.205 1.391 1.438 1.503 1,559 1,593 1,029 1,095 1,761 1,790 1.789 1,786 1,804 1,833 1.852 1.895 1.950 1,972 1,921 1,847 1,026 7.96 1,103 8.05 1,175 8.04 1,263 8.07 1.379 8.09 1,454 8.01 1,549 7.72 1.669 7.58 1.787 7.51 1,806 7.51 1,852 7.43 1,858 7.28 1,826 7.14 1,789 7.08 1,771 6.84 1,754 6.76 1,746 6.90 1,716 7.27 1,714 7.57 Gas services— structures 44,083 45,022 47,723 50,509 53,7X4 55,022 57.813 59.479 61,773 64,291 66,785 08,832 71,415 73,469 75,799 77,617 79,399 81,505 84.340 87,823 23,099 24.200 25.895 28.283 31.010 32,389 33.9X3 35,176 36,840 38,844 40,637 42,115 43,934 45,355 40,845 47,964 48,840 50,178 52,020 54,019 1,106 1,144 1.189 1,251 1,329 1,395 1,446 1,495 1,546 1,608 1,673 1,732 1,792 1,853 1,911 1,905 2,013 2,005 2,131 2,215 047 771 718 853 781 930 849 1,022 916 1,094 971 1,163 1,029 1,220 1,070 1,200 1,106 1,298 1,143 1.320 19.34 19 09 18.70 18.06 17.41 17.22 17.02 16.91 16.72 16.43 16.25 16.13 15 99 15.89 15.85 15.84 15.93 15.88 15.80 15.56 14.03 13.46 12.75 11.85 11.04 10.84 10.61 10.55 1039 10.18 10.07 10.07 10.02 10.08 10.13 10.27 10.46 10.55 10.55 10 43 1907 1908 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 1983 19X4 19X5 91,196 95,000 99,532 102,529 104,005 107.176 109.052 111,462 112,137 112,493 113,240 114,135 115.637 117,179 118,970 120,440 120,702 121,328 122,522 50.803 00.214 02.X43 04,599 05,245 66,464 07,428 07,799 00.933 65,847 65,113 04,0113 04,081 04,834 05,240 05,307 04,409 03,751 63,822 2,3(10 2,410 2,521 2,612 2.079 2,740 2,800, 2,801 2.891 2,902 2,913 2,931 2,959 2,995 3.034 3,072 3,090 3,090 3,112 1,176 1,357 1,218 1,371 1,249 1,3X8 1,294 1,422 1,350 1,459 1,433 1,520 1,534 1.000 1,055 1,722 1,81 1 1,871 1,990 1540 15.16 15.00 15.07 15.30 15.41 15 59 15 83 10 28 16.72 17.14 17.50 17.78 18 03 18.25 18.50 18.91 19.20 1!) 19 Sanitary services — equipment and structures 14,475 14,270 14,116 14,039 13,883 13,782 13,730 13,091 13,070 13,676 13,512 13,513 13,511 13,394 13,370 13,3X3 13,438 13,480 13.470 13,670 0,429 6,320 0,295 0,315 0,273 0,202 0,310 6,357 0,120 6,510 6,436 6,513 6,585 0,549 0.5X0 6,651 0,719 0,840 6,869 7,108 436 42X 121 415 410 404 400 390 393 391 385 384 382 378 377 376 377 379 379 384 568 529 544 513 524 494 499 482 483 469 46] 459 457 4 10 432 434 419 429 412 421 2257 22.47 22 23 22.00 2182 21.67 21.41 21.22 20.99 20.77 20.77 2058 2039 20 30 20 25 20.10 1990 19.69 19.59 19.17 15.12 15.11 1493 14.65 14.53 14.35 14.05 13.79 13.50 13.21 13.18 1293 12.73 12.66 12.56 12.40 12.22 12.07 12 03 11.68 1967 190X 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 19X0 19X1 19X2 19X3 19X4 1985 13.5X3 13,700 14,074 14,321 14,561 14,916 15,259 15.399 15,576 15,755 15,962 10,328 10,792 17,191 17,703 18,103 18,048 19,342 20,349 7,065 7,270 7,592 7.X50 X.099 8.429 8.724 8.831 8.930 9,032 9,163 9,421 9,747 9.972 10,200 10,407 10,001 11,015 11,029 385 389 396 404 111 422 43,5 444 152 459 514 549 591 634 079 737 818 416 19.15 416 18.78 404 18.31 415 17.92 406 17.57 397 17.16 386 16.84 394 16.71 380 16.63 375 16.58 370 16.48 377 16.28 376 16.04 374 15.90 365 15.74 380 15.63 386 15.55 395 15.35 422 14.95 Sanitary services — equipment 1947 2,793 2,758 2,731 2,710 2,672 2,642 2,623 2,594 2,569 2,539 2,508 2,475 2,435 2,398 2,360 2,325 2,291 2,265 2,238 2,218 1,605 1,520 1,455 1,405 1,346 1.299 1,268 1,242 1,220 1,197 1,173 1,151 1,126 1,098 1,068 1,045 1,026 1,011 994 988 144 140 137 133 128 124 121 117 113 110 108 105 102 100 98 96 96 95 95 96 83 91 97 104 108 107 109 119 116 118 114 115 117 109 106 109 110 106 105 110 10.21 10.89 11.50 12.06 12.63 13.15 13.59 14.00 14.37 14.71 15.05 15.35 15.63 15.92 16.22 16.42 16.55 16.64 16.73 16.69 7.99 8.66 9.21 9.63 10.10 10.45 10.65 10.80 10.90 10.98 11.08 11.14 11.23 11.34 11.46 11.49 11.46 11.40 11.35 11.16 1967 2,189 2,156 2,135 2,099 2,078 2,078 2,089 2,081 2,051 2,033 2,077 2,220 2,449 2,778 3,184 3,533 3,947 4,512 5,298 975 950 939 919 920 933 954 961 942 924 968 1,100 1,306 1,577 1,889 2,115 2,370 2,733 3,264 96 95 95 94 94 96 99 103 . 105 106 111 123 145 175 214 255 298 353 428 111 102 106 109 116 109 109 117 116 106 110 112 120 116 119 130 137 147 172 16.67 16.77 16.74 16.74 10 53 16.24 15.89 15.56 15.39 15.30 14.70 13.52 12.05 10.65 9.43 8.68 8.02 7.38 6.67 11.06 1948. . 1968 11.09 1949 1969 10.94 1950 1970 10.90 1951 1971 10.61 1952 1972 10 22 1953 1973 9.79 1954 .. . 1974 9.54 1955 1975 9.55 1956 1976 9 54 1957 1977 8 93 1958 1978 7 79 1959 1979 6 62 1960 1980 5.65 1961 1981 4 97 1962 1982 4 75 1963 1983 4 55 1964 1984 4 27 1965 1985 3.91 1966 36 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Sanitary services — structures 1947 11,682 11,512 11.384 11,329 11,211 11,140 11,107 11,097 11,101 11,137 11,004 11,038 11,076 10,995 11,010 11,058 11,147 11,220 11,232 11,452 4,824 4,805 4,840 4,910 4,927 4,963 5,042 5,116 5,207 5,313 5,263 5,362 5,460 5,451 5,513 5,606 5,722 5,835 5,875 6,120 292 287 284 283 281 280 279 279 280 281 278 279 280 278 279 280 282 284 284 289 485 438 447 409 416 387 391 363 367 351 347 344 339 332 326 325 309 324 307 314 25.52 25.24 24.81 24.37 24.02 23.69 23.25 22.91 22.52 22.16 22.08 21.75 21.44 21.33 21.12 20.87 20.59 20.30 20.15 19.65 17.49 17.15 16.65 16.09 15.74 15.37 14.91 14.51 14.11 13.71 13.64 13.32 13.04 12.92 12.77 12.57 12.36 12.18 12.14 11.76 1967 11,394 11,610 11,939 12,222 12,482 12,838 13,170 13,317 13,525 13,722 13,885 14,109 14,343 14,414 14,519 14,630 14,702 14,830 15,051 6,091 6,327 6,653 6,931 7,179 7,496 7,770 7,870 7,994 8,107 8,194 8,320 8,441 8,395 8,371 8,353 8,291 8,282 8,364 289 294 301 310 316 326 336 341 347 353 357 363 369 374 376 379 382 385 389 306 314 298 306 290 288 277 277 264 269 260 265 255 258 246 250 248 248 250 19.62 19.15 18.59 18.12 17.74 17.31 16.99 16.89 16.82 16.77 16.74 16.71 16.72 16.92 17.12 17.31 17.57 17.77 17.87 11.87 1948 1968 11.57 1949 1969 11.19 1950 1970 10.95 1951 1971 10.76 1952 1972 10.57 1953 1973 10.49 1954 1974 10.59 1955 1975 10.74 1956 1976 10.89 1957 1977 11.01 1958 1978 11.14 1959 1979 11.29 1960 1980 11.64 1961 1981 11.95 1962 1982 12.23 1963 1983 12.56 1964 1984 12.79 1965 1985 12.87 1966 Wholesale trade — equipment and structures 1947 23,281 24,845 25,816 27,162 28,420 29,253 30,534 31,913 34,004 35,755 37,488 38,719 40,257 42,403 44,267 47,268 50,976 55,625 61,008 66,454 12,565 13,954 14,700 15,740 16,519 16,649 17,309 18,077 19,561 20,707 21,848 22,538 23,586 25,218 26,512 28,849 31,727 35,260 39,312 43,060 1,469 1,590 1,695 1,787 1,887 1,983 2,065 2,177 2,294 2,430 2,506 2,543 2,570 2,638 2,731 2,862 3,088 3,369 3,711 4,092 1,272 1,279 1,317 1,366 1,301 1,258 1,336 1,529 1,610 1,786 1,869 1,917 2,006 2,067 2,102 2,116 2,182 2,230 2,324 2,347 9.27 8.89 8.77 8.56 8.48 8.62 8.61 8.58 8.42 8.36 8.32 8.40 8.41 8.32 8.32 8.16 7.95 7.72 7.48 7.36 6.36 5.92 5.86 5.73 5.73 5.97 5.98 5.95 5.72 5.64 5.59 5.68 5.69 5.61 5.65 5.52 5.37 5.22 5.10 5.08 1967 71,620 77,871 84,358 90,692 97,066 104,387 115,320 124,154 129,542 135,601 142,888 151,581 160,526 167,548 175,989 184,086 198,030 218,912 240,939 46,247 50,191 54,019 57,411 60,753 64,912 72,471 77,608 79,824 82,811 87,045 92,534 97,913 101,274 106,009 110,363 119,934 135,472 150,822 4,478 4,907 5,444 5,944 6,373 6,863 7,549 8,267 8,699 9,097 9,627 10,282 10,998 11,590 12,119 12,739 13,702 15,338 17,327 2,433 2,556 2,774 3,003 3,320 3,746 4,200 4,621 5,114 5,585 6,155 6,674 6,952 7,409 7,823 8,402 8,727 9,111 9,761 7.33 7.27 7.24 7.29 7.36 7.39 7.21 7.24 7.43 7.56 7.62 7.61 7.64 7.75 7.81 7.89 7.77 7.47 7.25 5.17 1948 1968 5.19 1949 1969 5.25 1950 1970 5.36 1951 1971 5.46 1952 1972 5.50 1953 1973 5.31 1954 1974 5.35 1955 1975 5.56 1956 1976 5.69 1957 1977 5.73 1958 1978 5.72 1959 1979 5.72 I960 1980 5.85 1961 1981 5.89 1962 1982 5.96 1963 1983 5.79 1964 1984 5.44 1965 1985 5.24 1966 Wholesale trade — equipment 1947 15,641 16,744 17,324 18,191 19,022 19,766 20,547 21,264 22,625 23,568 24,157 24,052 24,275 24,980 25.601 27,180 29,492 32,037 35,242 38,501 8,073 9,124 9,608 10,306 10,797 10,976 11,287 11,536 12,468 12,972 13,172 12,751 12,738 13,204 13,568 14,831 16,682 18,542 20,874 22,956 1,258 1,368 1,460 1,540 1,626 1,716 1,790 1,886 1,983 2,098 2,146 2,149 2,139 2.167 2,223 2,317 2,504 2,736 3,017 3,337 1,178 1,179 1,212 1,254 1,182 1,128 1,210 1,381 1,478 1,620 1,714 1,747 1,828 1,872 1,908 1,919 1,966 2,030 2,087 2,112 6.33 5.94 5.77 5.56 5.49 5.58 5.61 5.68 5.59 5.62 5.72 5.94 6.04 6.03 6.05 5.87 5.62 5.43 5.23 5.14 3.73 3.44 3.47 3.45 3.53 3.72 3.81 3.88 3.72 3.72 3.81 4.03 4.11 4.05 4.04 3.82 3.57 3.46 3.34 3.34 1967 41,620 46,187 51,087 54,983 58,497 62,888 70,132 75,008 77,146 80,756 85,211 91,154 96,526 99,897 104,593 109,339 119,878 135,706 150,433 24,677 27,543 30,430 32,092 33,338 35,406 40,192 42,395 42,465 44,181 46,802 50,787 53,960 55,051 57,551 60,066 67,861 80,027 89,893 3,663 4,040 4,532 4,976 5,331 5,739 6,331 6,941 7,271 7,587 8,041 8,619 9,248 9,741 10,168 10,690 11,560 13,078 14,893 2,200 2,297 2,505 2,743 3,042 3,461 3,899 4,320 4,789 5,252 5,789 6,258 6,569 6,941 7,383 7,865 8,215 8,531 9,143 5.13 5.02 4.97 5.07 5.20 5.26 5.11 5.18 5.33 5.35 5.29 5.17 5.10 5.15 5.12 5.09 4.86 4.53 4.38 3.41 1948 1968 3.35 1949 1969 3.34 1950 1970 3.46 1951 1971 3.59 1952 1972 3.61 1953 1973 3.41 1954 1974 3.48 1955 1975 3.62 1956 1976 3.60 1957 1977 3.51 1958 1978 3.37 1959 1979 3.32 1960 1980 3.39 1961 1981 3.37 1962 1982 3.36 1963 1983 3.13 1964 1984 .'.".. 2.85 1965 1985 2.79 1966 Wholesale trade — structures 1947 7,640 8,101 8,493 8,970 9,399 9,487 9,987 10,649 11,379 12,187 13,331 14,667 15,982 17,422 18,666 20,088 21,484 23,589 25.766 27,953 4,491 4,831 5,091 5,434 5,721 5,673 6,023 6,541 7,092 7,735 8,676 9,787 10,848 12,014 12,944 14,018 15,045 16,718 18,438 20,104 211 222 235 247 260 267 275 291 311 332 359 394 431 470 508 545 584 633 694 755 94 101 104 112 120 130 125 147 132 166 156 170 178 195 194 197 216 201 237 235 15.29 14.98 14.88 14.65 14.55 14.96 14.78 14.38 14.05 13.64 13.04 12.42 12.00 11.59 11.44 11.26 11.16 10.83 10.56 10.41 11.07 10.59 10.37 10.05 9.89 10.32 10.04 9.59 9.22 8.84 8.31 7.82 7.55 7.33 7.34 7.32 7.37 7.18 7.08 7.08 1967 30,000 31,685 33,271 35,709 38,569 41,499 45,187 49,146 52,395 54,845 57,677 60,427 64,000 67,651 71,396 74,747 78,153 83,206 90,506 21,571 22,647 23,589 25,319 27,415 29,507 32,278 35,213 37,358 38,630 40,244 41,747 43,953 46,223 48,458 50,297 52,073 55,446 60,929 815 867 912 968 1,043 1,124 1,217 1,326 1,429 1,511 1,585 1,663 1,750 1,849 1,951 2,048 2,142 2,260 2,434 233 259 268 261 278 286 301 302 325 333 367 416 382 468 441 536 512 579 618 10.40 10.54 10.73 10.71 10.64 10.61 10.48 10.39 10.51 10.82 11.05 11.30 11.45 11.59 11.76 11.99 12.25 12.26 12.02 7.18 1948 1968 7.43 1949.. .. 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 7.72 1950 . 7.76 1951 7.74 1952 7.76 1953 7.67 1954 7.61 1955 7.76 1956 8.08 1957 8.32 1958 8.57 1959 8.67 1960 8.78 1961 8.89 1962 9.08 1963 9.26 1964 9.19 8.84 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 37 Table AI. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Retail trade — equipment and structures 89,995 92,158 93,540 96,437 97,602 97,582 99.640 101,601 105,073 106,951 108,687 110.8(19 114,140 117,249 120,474 124,076 128,310 133,641 141,175 149.390 39,151 41,455 42.892 45,596 46,427 45,955 47,680 49,407 52,434 54,260 55,856 57.901 61,038 63.856 66.667 69,774 73,312 77,731 84,057 90,711 3,769 3,953 4,145 4,362 4,581 4,723 4,876 5,080 5,28(1 5,478 5,588 5,677 5,810 5,975 6,140 6,312 6,525 6,780 7,136 7.590 3,8X5 3,928 4,025 4,074 4,187 4.227 4.446 4,824 4,694 5,268 5,370 5,485 5,573 5.637 5.650 5,715 5.691 5,773 5,818 5.900 18.31 17.77 17.39 16.80 16.50 16 39 15.94 15.49 14.92 14.52 14.17 13.77 1328 12.87 12.48 12.09 11.72 11.32 1083 10.40 12.55 11.60 11.01 10.23 9.94 9.93 9.47 9117 8.50 8.21 8.0(1 7.78 7.48 7.29 7.15 7.03 6.92 6.78 6.55 6 39 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 157,061 165. 625 174,734 183,188 191,346 200,628 211,784 222,679 232,071 241,131 248,684 261,649 275.516 285.086 297.921 309.301 323,393 340.530 359.521 96.304 102.551 108.715 113,930 118.583 121.226 131,809 138,151 143,256 147,767 150,925 159,108 168,314 173,209 180,502 186,847 195,482 206.331 218,481) 8.058 8.514 9.047 9,551 10,122 1(1,881 11,476 11,856 12.358 12,905 13,492 14,061 15,155 15.837 16.(1(19 16,915 17,713 18,300 19.456 5.828 6.075 5.993 6.216 6.485 7,165 7,811 7,216 1.634 7,885 8,644 8,836 9,99(1 10,616 9.83(1 11,251 11.623 11.039 11,645 10.12 9.83 9 03 9.52 9 19 9.41 9.24 9.23 9.30 9.40 9.55 9.52 9 11 9 51 9.58 9 o i 9.64 9.63 9 60 Retail trade —equipment 1947 24,075 26,030 27,601 30,231 32,507 34,131 36,356 38,083 40,671 42,068 42,894 43,583 44,929 46,386 47,443 48,920 50,544 52,573 55,436 59,118 13,003 14,617 15,692 17,616 18,925 19,313 20,493 21,174 22,745 23,392 23,442 23,447 24,133 24,934 25,305 26.093 27,044 28,325 30,357 33,031 1,921 2,118 2,311 2,528 2,760 2,944 3,123 3,324 3,503 3,678 3,762 3,810 3,885 3,989 4,088 4,188 4,321 4,479 4,705 5,010 1,615 1,611 1,641 1,727 1,731 1,664 1,981 2,257 2,347 2,769 2,908 3,011 3,182 3,285 3,327 3,397 3,512 3,638 3,761 3,876 6.18 5.78 5.58 5.30 5.24 5.38 5.38 5.46 5.43 5.49 5.64 5.77 5.80 5.83 5.91 5.93 5.94 5.91 5.81 5.67 3.72 3.49 3.48 3.37 3.42 3.62 3.64 3.73 3.64 3.69 3.84 3.96 3.98 3.98 4.04 4.03 4.00 3.93 3.81 3.67 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 61,901 65,340 68,995 71,875 74,627 79,045 84,489 88.101 91,351 95,261 99,481 104,614 110,867 113,646 117,742 122.084 129,632 137,857 145,360 34,646 36,724 38,777 39,888 40,829 43,321 46,750 48,209 49.743 51,997 54,513 57,819 62,056 62,750 64,903 67,227 72,510 78,291 82,992 5,325 5,620 5,984 6,313 (1.582 6,957 7,450 7,888 8,207 8,568 8,978 9,437 9,993 10,427 10,708 11,078 11,618 12,340 13,100 4,002 4,138 4,272 4,449 4,641 4,963 5,647 6,055 6,439 6,821 7,167 7,457 7,779 8,127 8,418 8,701 8,925 9,320 5.64 5.58 5.55 5.60 5.67 5.63 5.53 5.58 5.59 5.56 5.51 5.43 5.32 5.38 5.38 5.37 5.25 5.14 5.09 3.68 1948 3.67 1949 3.68 1950 3.76 1951 3.84 1952 3.78 1953 3.66 1954 3.72 1955 3.71 1956 3.66 1957 3.61 1958 3.53 1959 3.43 1960 3.54 1961 3.55 1962 3.56 1963 3.44 1964 3.35 1965 3.33 1966 Retail trade — structures 1947 65,920 66,128 65,939 66,206 65.094 63,451 63,284 63,518 64,402 64,883 65,793 67,226 69,211 70,863 73,030 75,156 77,766 81,069 85,738 90,273 26,148 26,838 27,201 27,979 27,502 26,642 27,188 28,233 29,688 30,868 32,414 34,454 36,905 38,922 41,361 43,681 46,269 49,405 53,700 57,679 1,847 1,834 1,833 1,834 1,821 1,779 1,753 1,756 1,776 1,800 1,826 1,866 1,924 1,986 2,051 2,124 2,204 2,302 2,431 2,580 2,270 2,317 2,384 2,346 2,456 2,563 2,465 2.56.8 2,347 2,499 2,462 2,474 2,390 2,352 2,323 2,318 2,182 2,136 2,056 2,025 22.74 22.50 22.34 22.04 22.13 22.32 22.01 21.50 20.91 20.37 19.73 18.96 18.14 17.48 16.75 16.10 15.48 14.83 14.08 13.49 16.94 16.02 15.36 14.54 14.43 14.51 13.87 13.07 12.23 11.63 11.01 10.37 9.77 9.41 9.06 8.83 8.63 8.41 8.10 7.95 1967 95,160 100,285 105.738 111.314 116,719 121,583 127,295 134,578 140,720 145,869 149,203 157,036 164,649 171,440 180,179 187,217 193,760 2(12.673 214,161 61,659 65,827 69,938 74,043 77,754 80,905 85.(159 89,942 93,513 95,771 96,411 101,289 106,257 110,459 115,599 119,620 122,972 128,040 135,497 2,733 2,894 3,063 3,238 3,540 3,924 4,026 3,969 4,151 4,337 4,513 4,624 5,162 5,410 5,302 5,837 6,095 5,960 6,357 1,825 1,937 1,721 1,768 1,844 2,202 2,483 1,569 1,579 1,446 1,823 1.669 2,533 2,838 1,703 2,833 2,922 2,115 2,325 13.03 12.60 12.29 12.06 11.93 11.87 11.70 11.62 11.70 11.91 12.24 12.25 12.22 12.24 12.33 12 12 12.57 12.69 12.67 7.87 1948 1968 ... 7.82 1949... 1969.. .. 7.83 1950 1970 7.88 1951... . 1971 .... 7.97 1952 1972 8.09 1953 1973 8.10 1954 1974 8.15 1955 1975 8.33 1956 1976 8.61 1957 1977 9.01 1958 1978 9.01 1959 1979 8.96 1960 1980 8.99 1961 1981 9.03 1962. .. 1982 9.10 1963 1983 9.21 1964 1984 9.26 1965 1985 9.15 1966 Finance, insurance, and real estate — equipment and structures 1947 187,587 190,887 194,772 202,064 208,815 213.631 220,879 230,067 242,315 253,959 264,804 275,219 289,428 302,763 317,337 333,916 348,493 366,349 388,689 411,257 87,994 9(1.588 93,787 100,082 105,815 109,257 115,106 122,582 132,851 142,230 150,652 158,637 170,303 181,038 192,791 206,353 217.772 232,077 250,271 268,090 5,587 5,749 5,977 6,304 6,705 7,032 7,373 7.830 8,373 8,989 9,501 9,906 10,390 10,945 11,442 11,938 12,418 12,965 13,689 14,526 4,946 4,997 5,233 5,285 5,622 5,596 5,840 6,059 6,394 6,755 7,080 7,430 7,784 8,273 8,532 8,805 9,116 9,322 9,473 9,751 20.76 20.58 20.31 19.75 19.25 18.99 18.54 17.98 17.27 16.69 16.22 15.84 15.30 14.86 14.44 14.01 13.72 13.38 12.97 12.65 15.73 15.18 14.58 13.63 12.90 12.53 11.96 11.33 10.60 10.10 9.76 9.51 9.14 8.90 8.69 8.48 8.41 8.29 8.11 8.02 1967 432,456 456,248 483,574 509,252 536,771 566,550 599,483 625,986 645,625 664,488 689,182 718,480 754,300 789,168 825,580 863,529 905,879 960,982 1,024,743 283,769 301.388 321,623 339,157 357.641 377,245 399.007 412,915 419,728 425,079 435,894 450,308 470,193 488,316 507,016 526,749 549,536 584,385 625,031 15,396 16,303 17,402 18,565 19,706 20,998 22,510 24,066 25,367 26,511 27,835 29.570 31.709 33.871 35,897 38,043 40,518 43,814 48,065 9,784 9,9811 10,084 10,155 10,299 10,529 10,930 11,046 11,803 12,188 13,173 13,924 14,840 16,114 17,041 18.669 19,782 21,800 23,180 12.45 12.23 12.00 11.88 11.77 11.69 11.60 11.68 11.90 12.15 12.28 12.36 12.36 12.39 12.43 12.46 12.46 12.30 12.10 8.04 1948 1968 8.03 1949. 1969 8.00 1950 1970 8.07 1951 1971 8.13 1952 1972 8.19 1953 1973 8.22 1954 1974 8.42 1955 1975 8.74 1956 1976 9.07 1957 1977 9.25 1958 1978 9.35 1959 1979 9.34 1960 1980 9.36 1961 1981 9.37 1962 1982 9.37 1963 1983 9.32 1964 1984 9.09 1965 1985 8.84 1966 38 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Finance, insurance, and real estate — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 14.383 16,585 18,781 22,284 25,773 28,065 31,845 35,158 39.973 44,436 47,850 49,773 53.826 56.515 58,663 60,299 61,541 64,643 68.254 72.996 7,958 9,700 11,308 14,003 16,386 17,325 19,708 21,361 24,324 26,763 28,106 28,130 30,406 31,406 31,994 32,269 32,433 34,540 37,102 40,702 1,144 1,324 1,536 1,814 2,148 2,428 2,715 3,073 3,457 3,893 4,226 4,437 4,684 4,970 5,166 5,301 5,408 5,588 5,870 6,225 772 818 891 984 977 1,013 1,184 1,355 1,603 1,892 2,151 2,489 2,840 3,189 3,509 3,813 4,187 4,500 4,720 4,970 5.81 5.40 5.15 4.76 4.58 4.73 4.65 4.74 4.72 4.80 4.99 5.27 5.29 5.42 5.57 5.73 5.86 5.80 5.72 5.57 3.50 3.20 3.13 2.93 2.92 3.17 3.15 3.26 3.22 3.27 3.44 3.70 3.65 3.74 3.84 3.95 4.03 3.89 3.75 3.59 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 78,038 84,329 91,923 99,274 106,834 115,822 127,873 140,026 150,335 160,600 173,766 191,405 212,023 229,192 246,237 262,844 284,429 314,296 348,450 44,403 49,056 54,698 59,559 64,233 69,899 78,132 85,714 91,263 96,382 104,010 115,391 128,983 138,417 147,292 155,323 167,579 187,301 209,133 6,654 7,120 7.722 8,374 9,001 9,739 10,677 11,751 12,744 13,668 14,736 16,170 17,954 19,673 21,198 22,795 24,707 27,384 30,881 5,155 5,317 5,527 5,594 5,743 6,093 6,428 6,756 7,246 7,710 8,414 9,152 9,994 10,925 11,883 13,060 14,206 15,477 16,790 5.44 5.29 5.12 5.05 5.04 5.01 4.91 4.90 4.96 5.05 5.07 5.01 4.94 4.99 5.06 5.14 5.15 5.05 4.96 Finance, insurance, and real estate — structures 1947 1948 1949 1 95(1 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 173,204 80,036 174,302 80,888 175,991 82,479 179,780 86,079 183,042 89,430 185,567 91,932 189,034 95,398 194,909 101,221 202.342 108,527 209.523 115,467 216,955 122,546 225,446 130,507 235,603 139,897 246,249 149,632 258,674 160,797 273,617 174,084 286,952 185,339 301,706 197,537 320,435 213,169 338,261 227,387 4,443 4,425 4,441 4,489 4,556 4,605 4,657 4,757 4,915 5,096 5,275 5.470 5,705 5,975 6,276 6,638 7,010 7,377 7,819 8,301 4,174 4,179 4,342 4,301 4,644 4,583 4,656 4,705 4,792 4,862 4,928 4,942 4,944 5,084 5,024 4,992 4,930 4,821 4,753 4,781 22 01 22.02 21.93 21.61 21.32 21.15 20.88 20.37 19.75 19.21 18.70 18.17 17.58 17.03 16.46 15.83 15.41 15.01 14.52 14.18 16.95 16.61 16.15 15.37 14.73 14.29 13.77 13.03 12.26 11.68 11.21 10.77 10.33 9.99 9.66 9.32 9.18 9.06 8.87 8.81 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 1984 19X5 354,418 371,919 391,651 409,978 429,938 450,728 471,611 485,960 495,290 503,888 515,415 527,075 542,278 559,977 579,343 600,685 621,450 646,686 676,294 239.366 252,331 266,925 279,599 293,408 307,346 320,875 327,200 328,464 328,697 331,885 334,917 341,211 349,900 359,724 371,426 381,957 397,084 415,899 8,742 9,182 9,680 10,191 10,705 11,260 11,833 12,314 12,623 12,843 13,098 13,400 13,755 14,198 14,700 15,248 15,811 16,431 17,184 4,628 13.99 4,663 13.80 4,557 13.61 4,561 13.53 4,556 13.45 4,437 13.41 4,502 13.41 4,290 13.64 4,557 14.01 4,478 14.41 4,759 14.72 4,772 15.03 4,846 15.26 5,189 15.42 5,157 15.56 5,609 15.66 5,577 15.80 6,322 15.82 6,390 15.77 Banking — equipment and structures 1947.. 1948.. 1949.. 1950.. 1951 .. 1952 1953.. 1954. 1955 .. 1956.. 1957 .. 1958. 1959 1960 1961. 1962 1963 1964. 1965. 1966 20.512 20,299 20,092 20,077 19,941 19,541 19,694 19,938 20,620 21,077 21,705 22,395 23,277 24,072 24,980 26,446 27,435 29,0X4 30.974 32.XXX 7.889 7,845 7,836 7,992 8,111 7,936 8.306 8,790 9,664 10,322 11,110 11,923 12,874 13,728 14,660 16,054 16,945 18,385 20,002 21,576 618 612 60X 608 609 605 607 623 646 676 703 734 769 806 843 890 941 995 1,070 1,157 745 766 789 765 850 816 803 850 820 860 847 837 818 843 846 794 818 767 771 787 22.59 22.62 22.59 2237 22.13 22.22 2169 21.00 19.96 19.15 18.27 17.41 16.55 15.78 15.04 14.16 13.62 12.94 12.29 11.76 17.30 16.80 16.25 15.40 14.69 14.54 13.48 12.42 11.10 10.30 9.56 8.98 8.46 8.14 7.88 7.50 7.46 7.25 7.08 7.00 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 34,529 37,214 39,875 42,328 45,041 48,201 52,085 56,227 59,894 63,300 67,064 72,746 79,325 86,293 93,056 99,378 107,024 117,270 130,130 22,733 24,856 26,787 28,396 30,109 32,095 34,640 37,160 39,077 40,519 42,222 45,633 49,627 53,743 57,267 60,182 64,012 70,109 78,103 1,249 1,365 1,510 1,648 1,787 1,957 2,170 2,419 2,671 2,906 3,152 3,496 3,961 4,490 5,031 5,564 6,186 7,052 8,215 730 11.48 763 10.96 733 10.60 750 10.41 720 10.26 719 10.12 755 9.91 722 9.80 832 9.81 847 9.94 996 10.01 1,130 9.87 1,253 9.69 1,500 9.54 1,636 9.49 1,997 9.50 2,204 9.45 2,665 9.21 3,110 8.87 Banking — equipment 1947 1,092 1,161 1,208 1,249 1,328 1,382 1,508 1,590 1,739 1,899 2,096 2,247 2,428 2,607 2,753 2,966 3,155 3,466 4,035 4,693 526 592 642 682 753 787 898 951 1,068 1,185 1,327 1,412 1,521 1,614 1,677 1,800 1,901 2,110 2,566 3,086 78 82 87 92 97 104 112 125 136 151 165 180 194 208 222 236 252 270 302 346 61 64 73 75 76 71 75 82 85 93 93 94 101 103 117 122 137 148 163 178 7.49 7.21 7.01 6.87 6.57 6.48 6.05 5.94 5.65 5.44 5.25 5.25 5.23 5.29 5.42 5.45 5.53 5.48 5.15 4.88 5.12 4.54 4.27 4.15 3.93 3.94 3.66 3.69 3.52 3.44 3.38 3.50 3.56 3.67 3.84 3.85 3.92 3.81 3.45 3.23 1967 5,681 ■ 7,111 8,585 9,909 11,504 13,500 16,309 19,383 22,368 25,062 28,034 33,062 38,903 45,183 51,016 56,461 63,447 72,761 84,774 3,893 5,073 6,213 7,125 8,230 9,621 11,688 13,828 15,724 17,181 18,786 22,243 26,224 30,322 33,634 36,330 40,207 46,004 53,778 406 490 595 695 797 931 1,107 1,322 1,547 1,761 1,985 2,308 2,753 3,263 3,783 4,291 4,894 5,740 6,881 189 200 213 229 240 261 290 313 371 428 523 642 770 944 1,105 1,383 1,620 1,984 2,403 4.52 4.15 4.02 4.10 4.17 4.21 4.15 4.19 4.34 4.60 4.82 4.77 4.74 4.75 4.88 5.07 5.15 5.10 4.97 2.97 1948 1968 2.74 1949 1969 2.74 1950 1970 2.92 1951 1971 3.04 1952 1972 3.11 1953 1973 3.07 1954 1974 3.12 I'f,", 1975 3.26 1956 1976 3.48 1957 1977 3.66 1958 1978 3.53 1959 1979 3.45 I960 1980 3.43 1961 1981 3.54 1962 1982 3.71 1963 1983 3.74 1964 1984 3.64 1965 1985 3.49 1966 .... FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 39 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Banking— structures 19,421 19,138 18,885 13.827 18,613 18,159 18,1 W 18,348 18,881 19,178 19,609 20.148 20,848 21,466 22,227 23,480 24,280 25.618 26.939 28.195 7.363 7,253 7,194 7,310 7,359 7,149 7,408 7,839 8,597 9,136 9,783 10,511 11,353 12,113 12,983 14,253 15,044 16,276 17,436 18,490 541) 530 521 516 512 501 495 499 510 525 538 554 575 597 621 655 689 725 769 811 684 702 716 690 775 745 727 768 735 767 754 743 717 740 729 672 6X0 618 608 609 23.44 23.55 2:: ;,x 23.40 23 25 23.42 22 9'! 22 31 21.28 20.51 19.66 18.77 17.86 17.06 16.24 15.26 14.67 13 95 13.36 1290 18.17 17.80 17.32 16.45 15.79 15.71 14.67 13.48 12.04 11.18 10.40 9.72 9 12 8.74 8.40 7.96 7.90 7.70 7.61 7.63 1907 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 1984 19X5 28.X4X 30.103 31.290 32.419 33.537 34,701 35,776 36,844 37,526 38,238 39,030 39.6X4 40,421 41,110 42,040 42,917 43,578 44.509 45.355 18,839 19.7X3 20,574 21,271 21.879 22.474 22.952 23,332 23,352 23.339 23,436 23,390 23.403 23,421 23,633 23,852 23.805 24.106 24.325 843 875 915 953 990 1,027 1,06,3 1,096 1,123 1,144 1,167 1,188 1,208 1,227 1,248 1.272 1,292 1.312 1.335 540 12.86 563 12.57 519 12.41 521 12.33 480 12.36 458 12.41 465 12.54 IH9 12.75 461 13.07 419 13.44 472 13.75 488 14.11 483 14.46 .-,56 14.80 531 15.08 i,l 1 15.34 584 15.71 682 15.92 708 16.16 Federal Reserve banks — equipment and structures 1947 417 414 414 441 458 479 501 510 527 568 639 671 701 738 755 753 753 752 758 769 217 210 208 231 245 262 280 285 298 336 400 424 446 474 483 471 462 452 448 451 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 20 22 23 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 11 10 11 11 12 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 15 16 16 16.37 16.93 17.25 16.59 16.29 15.94 15.56 15.54 15.33 14.45 13.19 12.93 12.78 12.53 12.67 13.11 13.50 13.91 14.19 14.37 12.02 12.47 12.62 11.41 10.86 10.30 9.83 9.84 9.64 8.81 771 7.67 7.71 7.67 7.97 8.58 9.15 9.71 10.10 10.35 1967 790 801 814 848 913 957 1,021 1,104 1,201 1,284 1,344 1,365 1,399 1,473 1,545 1,641 1,708 1,821 1,881 463 463 467 490 543 572 621 684 760 819 853 845 851 895 934 994 1,018 1 0X5 1,093 26 26 27 28 29 32 34 37 40 43 47 49 52 55 60 67 74 83 91 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 20 21 23 25 27 30 30 37 38 14.37 14.59 14.75 14.58 13.97 13.79 13.39 12.91 12.38 12.14 12.17 12.56 12.82 12.72 12.67 12.45 12.51 12.24 12.39 10.36 1948 1968 10.62 1949 1969. . 10.80 1950 1970 10.55 1951 1971 9.79 1952 1972 . 9.60 1953 1973 9.18 1954 1974 8.68 1955 1975 8.19 1956 1976.... 8.01 1957 1977 8.11 1958 1978. . 8.58 1959 1979 8.89 1960 1980 8.80 1961 1981 8.77 1962 I'lS" 8.58 1963 1983 8.71 1964 1984 8.48 1965 1985 8.72 1966 Federal Reserve banks— equipment 1947 38 37 36 36 37 38 Hi 43 41 41 43 44 44 43 45 47 47 47 47 47 18 17 17 18 19 19 22 24 22 21 23 24 23 22 24 26 25 25 25 24 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7.02 7.02 7.05 6.73 6.49 6.28 5.88 5.59 5.89 5.94 5.77 5.68 5.81 5.97 5.69 5.50 5.59 5.70 5.79 5.89 4.56 4.64 4.74 4.33 4.10 3.94 3.60 3.42 3.88 3.97 3.78 3.69 3.89 4.08 3.73 3.54 3.69 3.82 3.89 3.96 1967 48 48 54 57 68 79 89 95 107 121 140 166 186 228 268 330 397 475 521 25 26 31 34 44 53 60 62 69 77 90 107 118 148 174 217 261 310 323 4 4 5 5 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 19 23 29 36 44 52 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 18 5.82 5.78 5.21 5.07 4.41 4.15 1 in 4.34 4.40 4.46 4.40 4.32 4.44 4.21 4.18 3.99 3.93 3.89 4.16 3.84 1948 1968 3.75 1949 196,9 3.17 1950 1970 3.14 1951 1971 2.68 1952 1972 2.64 1953 1973 2.76 1954 1974 3.10 1955 1975 3.20 1956 1976 3.25 1957 1977 3.16 1958 1978 3.05 1979 3.17 1960 1980 2.91 1961 1981 2.90 1962 10X2 2.73 1963 1983 2.71 1964 1984 2.71 1965.: 1985 3.01 1966 Federal Reserve banks — structures 1947 379 377 379 405 421 441 460 467 485 527 596 626 657 695 710 706 705 705 710 722 199 192 191 213 226 242 258 261 276 314 377 401 424 453 459 446 436 427 424 426 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 18 19 20 20 21 20 20 21 21 7 6 8 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 17.31 17.91 18.21 17.48 17.15 16.76 16.40 16.45 16.12 15.12 13.73 13.44 13.24 12.94 13.11 13.61 14.03 14.46 14.75 14.92 12.70 13.18 13.30 11.99 11.41 10.81 10.35 10.43 10.09 9.14 7.95 7.90 7.91 7.84 8.19 8.87 9.47 lo or, 10.46 1071 1967 743 753 760 791 845 878 932 1,008 1,094 1,163 1,204 1,199 1,213 1,245 1,277 1,311 1,311 1,345 1,360 438 438 436 456 499 519 560 621 691 742 763 738 733 747 760 776 757 775 770 21 22 22 23 24 25 27 29 31 33 35 35 35 36 37 38 38 39 39 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 13 15 15 16 16 16 18 18 20 19 22 20 14.92 15.15 15.42 15.26 14.73 14.66 14.28 13.72 13.16 12.94 13.07 13.70 14.10 14.28 14.45 14.58 15.11 15.19 15.55 10 74 1948 1968 11.03 1949 1969 11.35 1950 1970 11 10 1951 1971 10 42 1952 1972 10 31 1953 1973 9 87 1954 1974 9 24 1955 1975 8 69 1956 1976 8 51 1957 1977 8 69 1958 1978 9 39 1959 1979 9 81 1960 1980 9 97 1961 19X1 10 12 1962 1982 10 22 1963 1983 10 77 1964 1984 10 79 1965 HX5 11 11 1966 40 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Commercial and mutual banks — equipment and structures 1947. 1948. 1949. 1950 1951 1952. 1953. 1954 1955. 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964. 1965 1966. 20,09:, 19,885 19,678 19,636 19,483 19,062 19,194 19,428 20,093 20,509 21,066 21,725 22,576 23.335 24,225 25,693 26,6X2 28,332 30,216 32,119 7,672 7,635 7,629 7,761 7,867 7.675 8,026 8,505 9,367 9,986 10,710 11,499 12,428 13,253 14,177 15,582 16,483 17,934 19,553 21,125 004 598 595 593 594 589 591 606 629 657 683 713 746 782 819 hOC, 916 970 1,045 1,132 735 756 778 755 839 805 790 837 807 846 833 822 804 828 831 779 802 751 756 771 22.72 22.73 22.70 22.50 22.27 22.38 21.85 21.14 20.09 19.28 18.42 17.55 16.66 15.89 15.12 14.19 13.62 12.91 12.24 11.69 17.45 16.92 16.35 15.52 14.81 14.68 13.61 12.51 11.14 10.35 9.63 9.03 8.49 8.16 7.88 7.47 7.41 7.19 7.01 6.93 1967 1968 I960 197,, 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 198(1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 33,739 36,414 39,061 41,480 44,128 47,244 51,064 55,124 58,693 62,016 65,720 71,381 77,925 84,821 91,511 97,737 105,316 115,449 128,249 22,270 24,392 26,319 27,906 29,566 31,523 34,019 36,477 38,317 39,701 41,369 44,788 48,776 52,848 56,333 59,189 62,994 69,025 77,011 1,223 1,339 1,483 1,621 1,757 1,926 2,136 2,382 2,631 2,862 3,106 3,447 3.909 4,434 4,971 5,497 6,112 6,968 8,124 714 747 716 734 703 703 738 705 814 828 976 1,109 1,231 1,475 1,609 1,967 2,174 2,629 3,072 11.42 10.88 10.52 10.32 10.19 10.04 9.84 9.74 9.76 9.89 9.97 9.81 9.63 9.48 9.44 9.45 9.40 9.16 8.82 Commercial and mutual banks — equipment 1947 1,053 1,124 1,172 1,213 1,291 1,344 1,468 1,547 1,697 1,857 2,053 2,203 2,385 2,564 2,708 2,919 3,108 3,418 3,987 4,646 508 575 625 664 734 768 876 927 1,046 1,164 1,305 1,388 1,498 1,593 1,653 1,775 1,875 2,085 2,541 3,062 75 79 84 89 94 100 109 121 132 147 162 176 190 204 218 231 247 265 297 342 57 60 70 72 72 68 72 79 82 89 90 90 97 99 113 118 134 144 160 174 7.51 7.22 7.01 6.87 6.57 6.48 6.05 5.95 5.64 5.42 5.24 5.24 5.22 5.28 5.41 5.44 5.53 5.47 5.14 4.87 5.14 4.54 4.25 4.14 3.92 3.94 3.66 3.70 3.52 3.43 3.37 3.49 3.56 3.67 3.84 3.86 3.93 3.81 3.44 3.23 1967 5,634 7,063 8,532 9,852 11,436 13,421 16,220 19,287 22,261 24,941 27,894 32,896 38,717 44,955 50,748 56,131 63,049 72,286 84,253 3,868 5,047 6,182 7,091 8,185 9,568 11.628 13,765 15,655 17,104 18,696 22,136 26,106 30,174 33,460 36,113 39,946 45,693 53,455 402 486 590 690 792 924 1,100 1,314 1,538 1,751 1,974 2,294 2,737 3,243 3,759 4,262 4,858 5,695 6,829 185 196 209 225 236 258 287 310 367 424 519 637 764 937 1,097 1,373 1,609 1,969 2,385 4.51 4.14 4.01 4.10 4.17 4.21 4.15 4.19 4.34 4.60 4.82 4.77 4.74 4.76 4.89 5.07 5.16 5.11 4.98 2.97 1948 1968 2.74 1949 1969 2.74 1950 1970 2.92 1951 1971 3.04 1952 1972 3.12 1953 1973 3.07 1954 1974 3.12 1955 1975 3.26 1956 1976 3.48 1957 1977 3.66 1958 1978 3.53 1959 1979 3.45 1960 1980 3.44 1961 1981 3.55 1962 1982 3.71 1963 1983 3.75 1964 1984 3.65 1965 1985 3.49 1966 Commercial and mutual banks — structures 1947 19,042 18.761 18,506 18,423 18.192 17,718 17,726 17,881 18,396 18,651 19,013 19,522 20,191 20,771 21,517 22,774 23,574 24,913 26,229 27,473 7,164 7,060 7,003 7,097 7,133 6,907 7,150 7,578 8,320 8,822 9,405 10,110 10,930 11,660 12,524 13,808 14,608 15,849 17,012 18,063 529 519 510 505 500 489 482 486 497 510 522 537 556 578 601 634 669 704 748 790 677 696 708 682 766 737 718 758 725 756 743 732 707 729 718 661 669 607 596 597 23.56 23.66 23.69 23.53 23.39 23.58 23.16 22.46 21.42 20.66 19.84 18.94 18.02 17.20 16.34 15.31 14.69 13.93 13.32 12.85 18.32 17.93 17.42 16.58 15.92 15.88 14.83 13.58 12.10 11.26 10.50 9.79 9.16 8.77 8.41 7.93 7.86 7.63 7.54 7.56 1967 28,105 29,351 30,529 31,628 32,692 33,823 34,844 35,836 36,432 37,075 37,826 38,485 39,208 39,865 40,763 41,606 42,267 43,164 43,996 18,402 19,345 20,138 20,815 21,380 21,955 22,391 22,711 22,661 22,597 22,673 22,652 22,670 22,674 22,873 23,076 23,048 23,331 23,555 822 853 893 931 966 1,001 1,036 1,068 1,092 1,111 1,132 1,153 1,172 1,191 1,211 1,234 1,253 1,273 1,295 528 551 507 509 467 445 451 395 447 404 457 472 467 538 512 593 565 660 687 12.80 12.50 12.34 12.26 12.29 12.36 12.49 12.72 13.07 13.45 13.77 14.12 14.47 14.81 15.10 15.36 15.72 15.95 16.18 7.89 1948 1968 7.97 1949 1969 8.13 1950 1970 8.34 1951 1971 8.59 1952 1972 8.83 1953 1973 9.10 1 '!.",. 1 1974 9.40 1955 1975 9.83 1956 1976 10.24 1957 1977 10.55 1958 1978 10.88 1959 1979 11.15 1960 1980 11.41 1961 1981 11.54 1962 1982 11.64 1963 1983 11.84 1964 1984 :.: 11.85 1965 1985 11.88 1966 Credit agencies other than banks— equipment and structures 1947 6,247 6,265 6,290 6,321 6,5(17 6,781 7,152 7,485 8,007 8,445 8,813 9,178 9,742 10,308 10,534 11,183 11.670 12,953 14.438 15,703 2,439 2,498 2,590 2,685 2,933 3,224 3,629 3,935 4,433 4,806 5,101 5,387 5,871 6,359 6,514 7,085 7,497 8,654 9,983 11,062 232 240 250 262 276 296 323 366 405 448 470 487 509 536 557 574 599 634 694 754 187 205 229 257 271 247 253 268 288 305 314 309 328 357 379 378 400 407 417 429 20.06 19.93 19.69 19.42 18.61 17.69 16.58 15.73 14.61 13.81 13.20 12.68 11.99 11.35 11.16 10.60 10.26 9.44 8.74 8.34 15.43 14.56 13.58 12.70 11.33 10.10 8.86 8.13 7.25 6.77 6.52 6.34 6.03 5.83 5.98 5.80 5.82 5.43 5.13 5.10 1967 17,157 19,697 22,099 24,281 27,007 29,555 33,382 37,971 42,360 47,174 52,341 56,871 61,524 65,513 69,941 74,550 80,307 88,844 100,655 12,271 14,468 16,398 17,994 20,007 21,672 24,431 27,607 30,324 33,172 36,065 38,032 40,016 41,361 43,178 45,219 48,321 54,091 62,373 819 911 1,048 1,178 1,314 1,491 1,733 2,075 2,448 2,838 3,268 3,698 4,086 4,405 4.719 5,106 5,615 6,374 7,522 419 408 404 408 384 408 427 430 494 566 696 846 1,066 1,379 1,676 2,101 2,516 2,946 3,329 8.00 7.40 7.09 7.00 6.89 6.93 6.79 6.66 6.67 6.70 6.76 6.95 7.13 7.38 7.57 7.72 7.74 7.52 7.15 5.09 1948 1968 4.83 1969 4.81 1970 4.94 1971 4.99 1972 5.17 1953 1973 5.12 1954 1974 5.07 1955 1975 5.14 1956 1976 5.21 1977 5.28 1958 1978 5.47 1979 5.61 1980 5.81 1981 5.90 1982 5.94 1983 5.84 1984 5.49 1985 5.06 1966 . . FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 41 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Credit agencies other than banks— equipment 1947 1,242 1,362 1,471 1,638 1,809 1,981 2,208 2,425 2,746 2,984 3,180 3,278 3,492 3,682 3,734 3,943 3,965 4,489 5,215 5,963 578 708 849 1,039 1,207 1,338 1,545 1,677 1,922 2,049 2,126 2,111 2,223 2,318 2,293 2,442 2,421 2,881 3,549 4,226 93 105 117 133 149 168 191 230 264 301 316 327 339 355 366 374 384 400 436 475 30 39 60 87 79 61 67 75 95 111 114 114 137 157 184 194 217 235 257 265 5.86 5.31 4.72 4.10 3.75 3.64 3.32 3.37 3.26 3.40 3.60 3.89 4.01 4.14 4.37 4.37 4.55 4.27 3.93 3.73 2.68 2.22 2.01 1.94 2.02 2.18 2.20 2.34 2.30 2.42 2.57 2.79 2.82 2.88 3.07 3.01 3.15 2.83 2.55 2.48 1967 6,896 8,309 9,865 11,297 13,099 15,229 18,503 22,588 26,667 31,251 36,120 40,388 44,679 48,373 52,425 56,669 62,103 70,255 81,713 5,059 6,298 7,590 8,672 10,028 11,573 14,091 17,103 19,850 22,819 25,765 27,821 29,804 31,192 32,987 35,006 38,123 43,824 52,061 524 591 697 803 913 1.070 1,296 1,623 1,984 2,366 2,788 3.210 3.590 3,900 4,205 4,583 5,083 5,834 6,972 270 258 261 268 252 284 303 318 370 443 568 709 931 1,212 1,518 1,921 2,323 2,722 3,088 3.57 3.40 3.36 3.49 3.60 3.73 3.70 3.72 3.84 3.98 4.16 4.45 4.72 5.04 5.28 5.47 5.54 5.38 5.11 2.47 1948 1968 2.43 1949 1969 2.51 1950 1970 2.72 1951 1971 2.87 1952 1972 3.01 1953 1973 2.99 1954 1974 3.00 1955 1975 3.12 1956 1976 3.23 1957 1977 3.37 1958 .. 1978 3.60 1959 . . 1979 3 79 1960 1980 4.01 1961 1981 4.14 1962 1982 4.22 1963 1983 4 17 1964 1984 3.92 1965 1985 3 62 1966 Credit agencies other than banks — structures 1947 . 5,006 4,903 4,819 4,683 4,698 4,800 4,944 5,060 5,261 5,461 5,633 5,900 6,250 6,626 6,800 7,239 7,704 8,464 9,223 9,740 1,862 1,790 1,742 1,646 1,727 1,886 2,084 2,258 2,511 2,757 2,976 3,276 3,648 4,041 4,220 4.643 5,076 5.773 6,434 6,836 139 136 132 129 127 128 132 136 141 147 153 160 170 182 191 201 215 235 258 278 157 166 168 170 192 186 187 193 193 194 200 194 191 199 195 184 183 172 160 164 23.59 23.99 24.27 24.78 24.33 23.49 22.51 21.66 20.53 19.50 18.62 17.57 16.44 15.36 14.89 13.99 13.21 12.19 11.46 11.16 19.39 19.44 19.21 19.50 17.83 15.72 13.79 12.44 11.03 10.01 9.34 8.63 7.99 7.52 7.57 7.28 7.10 6.72 6.56 6.72 1967 10,261 11.388 12,235 12.984 13,908 14,325 14,880 15,384 15,693 15,923 16,221 16,482 16,844 17,139 17,516 17,881 18,204 18,589 18,942 7.212 8,170 8,808 9,323 9,979 10,098 10,340 10,504 10,474 10,354 10,300 10,211 10,212 10,169 10,191 10,213 10,198 10.267 10,312 295 320 351 375 401 421 436 452 464 472 480 487 496 505 513 523 531 540 549 149 151 142 140 132 124 124 112 125 122 128 137 135 167 158 180 194 224 241 10.98 10.32 10.10 10.06 9.99 10 34 10.62 10.99 11.48 12.04 12.55 13.07 13.53 14.00 14.43 14.84 15.27 15.61 15.95 6 94 1948 1968 6 68 1949 1969 6 78 1950 1970 7 00 1951 1971 7 13 1952 1972 7 64 1953 1973 8 02 1954 1974 8.44 1955 1975 8.99 1956 .... 1976 9.57 1957 1977 10.07 1958. 1978 10.56 1959 .. 1979 10.93 1960 1980 11.31 1961 1981 11.59 1962 1982 11.83 1963 1983 12.07 1964 1984 12.20 1965 1985 12.32 1966 Security and commodity brokers, anc services — equipment and structures 1947 1,488 1,446 1,416 1,391 1,362 1,339 1,329 1,320 1,347 1,390 1,387 1,365 1,383 1,401 1,438 1,467 1,509 1,606 1,697 1,745 653 619 597 582 564 554 559 562 600 652 655 643 669 694 738 771 815 909 993 1,029 55 53 51 50 49 47 46 46 48 50 51 51 51 52 54 56 58 62 67 70 59 60 58 59 59 58 59 ,-,K 58 57 57 58 57 59 59 59 58 57 57 57 18.44 19.04 19.52 19.86 20.20 20.44 2(139 20.35 19.74 18.94 18.79 18.85 18.37 17.88 17.17 16.62 15.99 14.92 14.10 13.72 14.13 14.58 14.77 14.77 14.82 14.67 14.14 13.68 12.51 11.33 11.12 11.21 10.67 10.22 9.61 9.27 8.88 8.14 7.69 7.70 1967 1,839 1.985 2,136 2.245 2,331 2,402 2,523 2,606 2,669 2,746 2,859 2,937 3,036 3,176 3,337 3,547 3.H02 4,088 4,396 1,110 1,239 1,370 1,452 1,509 1,545 1,626 1.664 1,681 1,708 1,769 1,795 1,839 1,921 2,016 2,149 2,309 2,480 2,652 74 78 85 90 95 100 105 111 116 121 128 133 138 147 160 176 199 227 258 59 58 61 61 61 62 61 62 66 69 73 79 81 86 90 95 100 108 117 13.05 12.21 11.51 11.18 11.05 11.05 10.89 10.96 11.10 11.23 11.21 11.36 11.46 11.42 11.37 11.19 10.98 10.73 10.53 7.44 1948 1968 7.01 1949 1969 . 6.72 1950.. .. 1970 6.76 1951 1971.. . 6.94 1952 1972 7.21 1953 1973 7.27 1954 1974 7.53 1955 1975 7.86 1956 1976 8.12 1957 1977 8.22 1958 1978 8.46 1959 1979 8.60 1960 1980 8.57 1961 1981 8.50 1962 1982 8.31 1963. .. 1983 8.07 1964 . . . 1984 7.84 1965 1985 7.67 1966 Security and commodity brokers, and services — equipment 1947 . . 274 252 238 226 208 197 186 195 221 229 235 222 233 244 272 286 303 335 363 386 117 107 104 102 91 88 83 97 125 132 135 120 128 136 159 168 178 202 220 230 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 15 17 19 20 20 20 21 23 24 26 28 31 33 33 31 28 26 24 21 21 19 18 17 16 16 15 16 16 17 18 17 19 18 8.50 8.44 8.21 7.92 8.01 7.89 7.79 7.06 6.04 5.78 5.70 6.07 5.86 5.69 5.29 5.25 5.21 5.03 4.97 5.09 5.18 5.27 5.13 4.95 5.25 5.15 5.11 4.23 3.33 3.31 3.44 4.02 3.85 3.75 3.39 3.45 3.48 3.34 3.34 3.48 1967 397 417 440 462 483 509 540 566 593 621 667 672 700 773 853 990 1,163 1,362 1,602 230 238 250 261 271 285 301 313 323 335 363 351 365 421 479 583 708 839 990 35 36 :is 41 43 46 49 53 57 60 65 69 72 79 89 103 124 149 178 21 21 25 26 27 31 31 35 36 42 45 50 54 58 64 67 72 76 85 5.31 5.42 5.45 5.47 5.51 5.49 5.47 5.46 5.49 5.45 5.29 5.45 5.37 5.01 4.71 4.29 3.95 3.74 3.58 3.71 1948 1968 3.77 1949 1969 3.75 1950 1970 3.73 1951. . . 1971 3.73 1952. 1972 3.68 1953 1973 3.61 1954 1974 3.60 1955 1975 3.60 1956 1976 3.57 1957 . 1977 3.41 1958 1978 3.61 1959 1979 3.51 1960 1980 3.13 1961 1981 2.91 1962 1982 2.61 1963 1983 2.44 1964 1984 2.38 1965 1985 2.35 1966 42 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Security and commodity brokers, and services — structures 1947 1,214 1,194 1,178 1,165 1,154 1,142 1,144 1,125 1,126 1,161 1,152 1,143 1,151 1,157 1,167 1,181 1,206 1,270 1,334 1,359 536 512 493 480 473 466 475 465 475 519 520 523 541 558 579 603 637 707 772 799 34 33 33 32 32 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 33 34 36 37 27 30 30 32 36 36 39 39 40 40 41 42 42 43 43 42 41 40 38 39 20.68 21.28 21.80 22.18 22.40 22.60 22.44 22.65 22.42 21.54 21.46 21.33 20.90 20.45 19.93 19.38 18.69 17.53 16.58 16.17 16.08 16.54 16.80 16.85 16.66 16.46 15.72 15.64 14.92 13.37 13.12 12.86 12.28 11.80 11.32 10.89 10.39 9.51 8.93 8.92 1967 1,442 1,567 1,697 1,783 1,848 1,893 1,983 2,040 2,076 2,124 2,193 2,266 2,336 2,403 2,484 2,557 2,639 2,725 2,794 880 1,001 1,120 1,191 1,238 1,260 1,325 1,351 1,358 1,373 1,407 1,444 1,474 1,500 1,537 1,566 1,601 1,641 1,662 39 42 46 50 52 54 56 58 59 61 62 64 67 69 71 73 75 78 80 38 37 36 34 33 31 31 27 30 27 28 29 27 28 27 29 28 31 32 15.19 14.02 13.08 12.66 12.50 12.55 12.36 12.49 12.71 12.92 13.01 13.11 13.28 13.49 13.66 13.87 14.07 14.23 14.51 8.41 1948. 1968 7.78 1949 1969 7.38 1950 1970 7.42 1951 . 1971 7.64 1952 1972 8.00 1953 1973 8.10 1954 1974 8.44 1955 . . 1975 8.87 1956 1976 9.24 1957 1977 9.46 1958. ... 1978 9.64 1959 . 1979 9.86 1960 . 1980 10.09 1961 . 1981 10.24 1962 . 1982 10.42 1963 . 1983 10.55 1964 1984 10.64 1965 1985 10.83 1966 Insurance carriers — equipment and structures 1947 3,469 3,619 3,751 3,919 4,050 4,155 4,323 4,575 4,925 5,303 5,580 5,829 6,132 6,374 6,681 7,031 7,354 7,847 8,436 8,921 1,588 1,725 1,844 1,998 2,111 2,182 2,329 2,540 2,846 3,161 3,365 3.538 3,769 3,944 4,190 4,480 4,749 5,165 5,656 6,023 129 139 149 160 169 179 190 210 232 256 271 282 292 301 308 316 326 343 370 394 91 100 106 121 130 122 134 144 156 167 170 171 186 198 211 216 229 232 231 229 17.53 17.05 16.69 16.16 15.77 15.57 15.05 14.38 13.49 12.72 12.29 12.00 11.63 11.40 11.11 10.80 10.58 10.22 9.85 9.69 12.81 11.67 10.85 10.01 9.52 9.27 8.76 8.14 7.43 6.91 6.76 6.71 6.60 6.63 6.58 6.51 6.53 6.41 6.29 6.37 1967 9,598 10,284 10,952 11,566 12,166 12,757 13,401 14,016 14,627 15,124 15,737 16,463 17,260 18,315 19,351 20,349 21,711 23,664 26,541 6,556 7,064 7,532 7,930 8,294 8,635 9,001 9,301 9,575 9,715 9,949 10,261 10,631 11,199 11,704 12,100 12,802 14,029 16,022 420 446 476 502 526 557 592 629 667 702 742 796 863 952 1,052 1,155 1,278 1,451 1,722 226 218 224 232 231 254 255 258 262 275 296 320 361 384 431 464 526 590 703 9.42 9.25 9.18 9.21 9.31 9.44 9.58 9.77 9.99 10.28 10.51 10.67 10.77 10.76 10.76 10.83 10.73 10.39 9.80 6.31 1948 1968 6.34 1949 1969 6.43 1950 1970 6.60 1951 1971 6.79 1952 1972 7.00 1953 1973 7.18 1954 1974 7.41 1955 1975 7.63 1956 1976 7.93 1957 1977 8.13 1958 1978 8.24 1959 1979 8.29 1960 1980 8.19 1961 1981 8.15 1962 1982 8.17 1963 1983 7.99 1964 1984 7.54 1965 1985 6.87 1966 Insurance carriers — equipment 1947 690 760 830 915 988 1,068 1,160 1,291 1,450 1,591 1,667 1,703 1,761 1.795 1,767 1,771 1,773 1,913 2,074 2,148 349 418 491 571 627 678 746 835 950 1,035 1,050 1,026 1,034 997 974 968 971 1,106 1,256 1,312 54 61 69 77 85 94 104 121 138 156 165 169 173 174 174 172 171 178 194 205 33 34 41 49 46 41 45 54 62 74 75 77 88 98 113 121 130 139 141 140 5.77 5.25 4.76 4.34 4.17 4.13 3.97 3.90 3.78 3.82 4.05 4.35 4.54 4.83 5.03 5.16 5.21 4.92 4.64 4.58 2.79 2.47 2.33 2.32 2.46 2.59 2.64 2.63 2.56 2.61 2.82 3.07 3.17 3.38 3.47 3.46 3.41 3.03 2.79 2.83 1967 2,228 2,330 2,425 2,507 2,654 2,864 3,144 3,393 3,633 3,813 4,143 4,600 5,118 5,892 6,647 7,425 8,498 10,052 12,538 1,366 1,426 1,476 1,507 1,612 1,767 1,984 2,143 2,279 2,342 2,534 2,820 3,147 3,683 4,145 4,566 5,215 6,280 8,109 215 224 236 246 255 274 298 324 352 377 409 455 514 595 688 784 901 1,064 1,325 139 131 140 143 152 167 176 178 181 188 205 221 248 278 305 337 386 441 533 4.53 4.51 4.50 4.56 4.48 4.37 4.20 4.18 4.21 4.32 4.30 4.24 4.16 3.98 3.91 3.90 3.83 3.63 3.34 2.87 1948 1968 2.91 1949 1969 2.95 1950 1970 3.01 1951 1971 2.93 1952 1972 2.83 1953 1973 2.71 1954 1974 2.74 195 5 1975 2.80 1956 1976 2.93 1957 1977 2.90 1958 1978 2.81 1959 1979 2.73 191,11 1980 2.56 1961 1981 2.54 1962 1982 2.57 1963 1983 2.52 1964 1984 .-.-. 2.35 1965 1985 2.12 191.9 Insurance carriers — structures 1947 2,779 2,860 2,921 3,004 3,062 3,087 3,163 3,284 3,475 3,712 3,912 4,127 4,371 4,609 4,914 5,259 5,582 5,935 6,362 6,773 1,239 1,307 1,353 1,426 1,483 1,504 1,583 1,705 1,896 2,126 2,315 2,512 2,734 2,946 3,215 3,511 3,778 4,059 4,400 4,711 76 78 80 82 84 85 86 89 93 100 106 112 119 126 135 145 155 165 177 189 58 65 65 73 83 81 89 90 94 93 96 94 98 100 98 95 99 93 90 89 20.45 20.18 20.08 19.76 19.51 19.52 19.11 18.49 17.53 16.53 15.81 15.16 14.49 13.92 13.29 12.70 12.28 11.92 11.55 11.31 15.63 14.61 13.94 13.09 12.51 12.28 11.64 10.85 9.87 9.01 8.54 8.20 7.89 7.73 7.52 7.35 7.33 7.33 7.29 7.35 1967 7,369 7,954 8,527 9,060 9,512 9,893 10,257 10,623 10,994 11,311 11,594 11,863 12,142 12,423 12,704 12,923 13,213 13,612 14,003 5,189 5,639 6,057 6,422 6,683 6,868 7,016 7,159 7,296 7,374 7.415 7,441 7,485 7,516 7,559 7,534 7,587 7,749 7,913 204 222 239 256 271 283 294 305 315 325 334 341 349 357 364 371 377 386 397 87 87 84 90 78 87 79 81 81 87 91 99 113 107 126 127 141 149 170 10.90 10.64 10.51 10.50 10.66 10.91 11.23 11.56 11.90 12.29 12.72 13.16 13.55 13.97 14.35 14.81 15.16 15.39 15.59 7.22 1948 1968 7.21 1969 7.28 1950 1970 7.44 1951 1971 7.72 1952 1972 8.08 1953 1973 8.45 1974 8.80 1975 9.14 1956 1976 9.52 1957 1977 9.91 1958 1978 10.30 1959 1979 10.63 1960 1980 10.95 1961 1981 11.22 1962 1982 11.56 1963 1983 11.75 1964 1984 11.75 1995 1985 11.74 1966 . . FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 43 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Insurance agents and brokers, and services — equipment and structures 1.522 1,548 1,601 1 ,675 1,729 1,793 1,704 1,799 1.835 1,926 2,1)42 2,135 2,398 2,613 2,782 2,951 2,9X7 3,020 3,110 3,148 osi; 723 782 -■19 891 934 918 911 941 1,029 1,133 1,209 1,436 1,599 1,79(1 1,798 1,769 1,752 1,812 l ,835 71 71 78 85 91 98 100 100 Mil 196 1 II 160 175 186 190 1X9 189 188 x.-, xl 78 :•< 75 7 'J 77 84 X!) 98 99 101 99 1(11 101 108 117 i 33 150 163 16 24 15 95 15 43 14 79 14 36 13 94 13 97 13 97 13 79 13 06 12 36 11 88 HI71 19 02 9.66 9 39 9 57 9 74 9 69 9 79 11.41 1(1(1(1 9,77 8 99 8.60 8.27 x 46 x 53 x. 26 7 60 7.04 6.78 5 95 ,", 611 5 6(1 5 68 6 09 ii 13 6 I, 6 65 1967 1968 1969 19711 197 1 1973 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X11 19X1 19 S3 19X3 1984 1985 1,911 1 ,9X5 2.931 2.139 2.216 2.225 2.277 2.325 2,349 2.392 2.439 3,527 2,611 2712 2.X1X 2,878 2,902 2 955 :■:, ; 183 178 175 173 173 173 173 179 184 192 202 216 334 25 1 377 '399 317 333 3 ,11 172 9 73 167 9 74 167 9 83 154 9 78 117 9 84 141 1(1 11 135 19 26 129 19 42 '37 10 64 1 22 Ki 80 125 1(197 1 26 19 96 129 11 1)1 135 11 (III 145 1(199 16(1 1107 173 1 1 25 199 1 1 34 3 IX 11 45 6 63 I, 6X 6,84 6.81 6 9.3 7 26 7 45 7 66 7 93 X 13 X 33 8 33 ." 3 I X30 8 38 "- 5 ! Insurance agents and brokers, and services — equipment 1947 522 551 5X5 641 6X5 740 727 715 721 797 X97 9X0 1,1 15 1.275 1,372 1,444 1.42X 1.435 1,454 1,413 24X 290 339 378 406 4.3X 402 375 370 441 526 5XX 717 796 X39 X39 769 739 713 792 43 46 51 57 6.3 69 71 71 70 75 84 93 197 124 136 144 146 144 143 140 6(1 53 52 45 43 41 43 51 54 64 64 67 65 66 67 74 85 101 120 132 7 04 6 32 5 69 5 17 4 94 4 XII 5 12 5 49 5 52 5 11 4 75 4 58 1 24 4 19 4 32 4 54 4 99 5 29 5 42 5 69 3.86 3 32 3 1)7 2 93. 3 01 3 08 3 57 3 91 .3 95 3 36 2 99 2 91 2 68 2 76 2 9X 3 22 3 68 3 89 3 87 4 91 19(17 1 968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1 ,323 1,259 1.290 1,151 1.122 1.064 1,078 1,0X6 1.112 1.153 1,204 1,318 1,137 1,583 17 19 1 .888 1 9911 3.131 3.247 633 595 57(1 5-19 547 513 546 565 593 636 659 740 817 ! 1.009 1.970 1.095 1,15 1 1.312 131 121 115 109 105 101 Kill 102 1116 11.3 121 133 1 19 168 189 209 240 143 138 137 127 118 115 108 104 99 96 96 94 mo 1112 113 121 137 1 55 176 6 04 6 25 6 37 6 47 6,43 6 55 6 26 6 04 5 28 4 94 1 68 4,47 I 3,1 4 29 I 31 4 36 4 35 4 34 194X 4 41 1949 4 38 19511 4 30 1951 4 11 1952 . . 4 lx 1953 1954 3 61 1955 1956 1975 1976 1977 3 15 333 1957 3 2(1 195X 1978 3 04 1959 1979 3 93 1969 1980 1961 1981 3 Ii. 1962 1982 19X3 19X4 19X5 2 81 1963. 2 92 1964 3 88 1965 1966 Insurance agents and brokers, and services structures 1.001 996 1.01(1 1.034 1 ,044 ! ,053 1,068 1.1184 1.115 1.129 1,145 1.155 7 ,3 1.338 1,41(1 1.507 1.559 1 .585 1 ,656 1,736 438 433 45.3 472 isl 191, 51(1 536 ill 588 608 630 719 8(13. KKl 959 1.909 1.013 1.0119 1.131 21 04 21 28 21 03 20 7 1 20 54 20 36 19 99 19 63 18.98 1X67 18 31 18 98 16.63 15 57 14 86 14 03 13 76 13 77 13 45 13 13 15 69 15 5(1 14 61 15X4 13 30 12.85 12 27 11 76 11 06 10 79 10 54 10 45 9 31 X 5.3 X 3 1 7 S3 791 x 3 7 x 28 8.27 1967 196X 1969 1971) 19, 1 1972 1977, 1974 1977 1976 1977 197.-. ,.,;,, 19X0 19X1 19X2 19X3 19X1 198 i 1.995 2.045 2 146 2.312 2.432 2.52(1 2.5X6 2 1.66 2.7 13 3,775 2X35 2.901 3,96.3 3.1136 3,0X7 3.137 3.191 3.234 3,374 1.278 1.390 1,461 1.599 1.669 1.712 1.731 1.759 . ... 1.765 1,771 1.7X7 1.794 l.xo.3 1.X09 1.808 1.807 1.801 1.790 1 61 X lx 1 92 S61 3 3 1 2 63 '• 17 101 3 38 10 22 3 7(1 10 52 in-. 10X4 11 12 4 78 11.39 5 15 1 1 67 5 54 1 1 93 5 91 12 19 6 32 12 45 Real estate— equipment and structures 1947 153,185 156,472 160,300 167,287 173,762 178,517 185,032 193,370 204,003 214,248 223.709 232.702 244,761 256,141 268,948 2X2,746 395,291 309.412 327.280 345.902 74.135 76,509 79,405 85,198 90,390 93.609 98.535 105.015 1 13.559 121,471 128,497 135,099 144.721 153,634 163,795 174,866 1X4,56,3 195,622 209 948 224,536 4,431 4.573 4.776 .7,067 5,430 5,721 6,015 6,391 6 850 7,363 7.804 8,142 8,542 8,999 9,409 9.814 10, 198 10,630 11,176 11.831 3,733 3,742 3,9.31 3,965 4,192 4,234 1,462 4,594 4,914 5,188 5.509 5.870 6.206 6,628 6,850 7.168 7,412 7,643 7,765 8,001) 20 73 2(1 53 20 25 1961 19 12 18 86 18 44 17 91 17 24 16 70 16 28 15 94 15 45 15 06 14.66 14 27 14 01 15 73 12 37 13 06 15 74 15 21 14.64 15 66 12 94 12 59 12 07 11 17 10 79 19 32 10 00 9 79 9 43 9 20 8 97 8 77 8 69 8 60 8 44 8 34 1967 1968 1969 362,986 380,386 401,5.31 421,342 442.176 465,12 1 489 026 5115,615 516,072 525,744 540,300 558,1147 581,273 603,319 636,579 651,540 677,929 710.966 745.766 237,033 249,116 36 1,953 292,268 307,522 333,1 17 330,738 132 396 333,131 53XX31 347.264 560,5711 372. 21X 384.550 39X 3,3.4 412.833 133,868 455,527; 12,51.3 13,179 13,956 14.805 15,622 16.508 17,500 18,392 19 nun 19.452 20,025 20.X93 23 073 23,24 1 24.241 25,274 26,388 27 763 29,391 X.092 X.279 8,409 8,464 8,670 8,856 9,20-1 9,349 9.917 111.196 10,857 1 1 ,276 11,784 12,450 12.867 13,648 14,045 15,059 15.442 12 88 12 74 1 2 54 13 11 12 37 12 37 12 21 13 31- 13 69 1,301 13 21 13.35 13 38 13-14 1 3 52 13 56 12 6(1 1 3 53 13 17 X 36 1948 8 41 1949 X 39 1950 1970 x -16 1951 1971 1952 1972 X 59 1953 1973 X 65 1951 197 1 X 93 1955 1977, 1956 1976 1977 1978 9 7 1 1957 9 98 1958 10 15 1959 1979 10 13 196(1 1980 1981 10 18 1961 10 22 1962 19X2 19X3 1984 10 22 196.3 10 21 1961 1965 10 06 9 93 1966 44 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Real estate — equipment 11147 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 10,211 12,076 13,948 17,042 20,112 22,010 25,339 28,218 32,390 36,253 39,122 40,703 44,113 46,276 48,(189 49,196 50.222 52,295 54,361 57,643 5,936 7,316 8,561 111,854 12.XX6 13,575 15,617 17,029 19,531 21,593 22,644 22.580 24,468 25,212 25,712 25,685 25.826 27,124 28,355 30,740 828 976 1,152 1,387 1,679 1,914 2,154 2,441 2,764 3,125 3,414 3.589 3,794 4,029 4,185 4,288 4.365 4.503 4,696 4,955 526 572 613 677 686 752 904 1,035 1,243 1,477 1,730 2,060 2,369 2,687 2,949 3,227 3,542 3,801 3,962 4,174 5.50 5.16 5.01 4.65 4.51 4.73 4.67 4.79 4.79 4.89 5.10 5.41 5.43 5.58 5.72 5.90 6.03 6.01 6.00 5.86 3.45 3.22 3.20 2.98 2.95 3.24 3.21 3.32 3.29 3.35 3.54 3.83 3.77 3.86 3.96 4.10 4.16 4.05 3.98 3.80 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 60,771 64,160 68,641 73,101 77,007 81,568 87,059 91,661 94,521 97,161 101.931 109,578 119,317 125,279 131,150 136,584 143,866 153,777 16(1.883 32,829 5,271 35,037 5,587 38,191 5,968 40,969 6,401 42,976 6,797 45,482 7,213 48,758 7,706 50,950 8,191 51,651 8,552 52,203 8,832 54,961 9,199 60,412 9,813 67,590 10,684 70,675 11,457 73.610 12,001 76,023 12,536 80,118 13,132 86,703 13,936 90,044 14,763 4,331 4,508 4,687 4,740 4,890 5,169 5,451 5,736 6,110 6,426 6,874 7,315 7,755 8,183 8,619 9,065 9,492 9,910 10,294 5.76 5.67 5.50 5.42 5.41 5.38 5.33 5.36 5.44 5.53 5.49 5.32 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.15 5.12 5.02 5.05 Real estate — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 142,974 68,198 144,396 69,193 146,353 70,844 150,245 74,344 153,650 77,504 156,506 80,035 159,693 82,918 165 152 87,987 171,612 94,029 177,996 99,878 184,587 105,854 191,998 112,519 200,649 120,253 209,865 128,422 2211,858 138.083 233,550 149,180 245,069 158.737 257.116 168,498 272,920 181,593 2X8.259 193.795 3,603 3,597 3.623 3,679 3,751 3,807 3,861 3,950 4,0X6 4,238 4,390 4,553 4,748 4,970 5.225 5.526 5,833 6,127 6,480 6,876 3,208 3,170 3,318 3,287 3.505 3,482 3,558 3,559 3,671 3,711 3,779 3,810 3,838 3,942 3,901 3.941 3,870 3,842 3.803 3,826 21.82 21.81 21.70 21.34 21.04 20.85 2062 20.15 19.59 19.11 18.65 18.18 17.66 17.16 16.61 16.03 15.64 15.30 14.83 14.50 1681 16.48 16.02 15.22 14.60 14.17 13.74 13.04 12.35 11.82 11.39 10.98 10.58 10.25 9.90 9.57 9.43 9.33 9.13 9.06 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 302,215 316.226 332,889 348,242 365,170 383,556 401,967 413,954 421,551 428,583 438,369 448,469 461,957 478,040 495,429 514,956 534,063 557,189 584,883 204,205 214,379 226,761 237,410 249,292 262,040 274,389 279,788 280,745 280,928 283,871 286.852 292,980 301,543 310,939 322,311 332,715 347,164 365,479 7,243 7,593 7,988 8,404 8,825 9,295 9,794 10,201 10,447 10,619 10,826 11,080 11,389 11,787 12,240 12,738 13,256 13,827 14,528 3,761 14.31 3,772 14.18 3,723 13.99 3,724 13.91 3,781 13.82 3,687 13.74 3,753 13.71 3,613 13.94 3,808 14.31 3,770 14.71 3,983 15.01 3,961 15.31 4,029 15.51 4,267 15.63 4,247 15.74 4,583 15.79 4,554 15.89 5,149 15.87 5,148 15.78 Holding and other investment companies — equipment and structures 1947 1,163 1,237 1,320 1,394 1,464 1,505 1,553 1,580 1,579 1.569 1,569 1,615 1,736 1,854 1,973 2,093 2,247 2,429 2,754 2,950 604 668 732 778 815 818 831 829 808 790 790 838 964 1,080 1,194 1,300 1,433 1,589 1,878 2,031 50 57 65 73 81 87 90 93 92 90 86 85 87 91 96 101 106 112 122 132 45 44 43 44 46 47 53 62 70 79 84 85 88 86 87 83 82 83 82 86 14.86 14.17 13.54 13.10 12.72 12.68 12.54 12.57 12.77 12.99 13.08 12.81 12.00 11.37 10 85 10.44 9.98 9.53 8.78 8.61 9.89 9.05 8.44 8.13 7.96 8.11 8.11 8.23 8.50 8.70 8.69 8.21 7.25 6.69 6.34 6.17 5.97 5.81 5.37 5.48 1967 3,119 3,379 3,634 4,026 4,495 4,927 5,402 5,798 6,177 6,473 6,843 7,197 7,485 7,942 8,479 9,141 9,925 10,795 11,735 2,154 2,359 2,553 2,867 3,239 3,551 3,886 4,120 4,326 4,441 4,628 4,795 4,899 5,161 5,483 5,886 6,357 6,854 7,356 138 144 153 168 189 212 237 261 281 299 318 338 355 379 417 468 535 615 707 86 86 87 85 87 88 92 96 104 114 129 147 165 180 196 203 216 233 260 8.60 8.43 8.37 8.13 7.88 7.84 7.81 7.97 8.18 8.51 8.75 9.01 9.35 9.48 9.55 9.53 9.45 9.36 9.29 5.69 1948 1968 5.72 i:i i'i 1969 5.83 1950 1970 5.74 1951 1971 5.64 1952 1972 5.72 1953 1973 5.81 1954 1974 6.06 1955 1975 6.33 1956 1976 6.71 1957 1977 6.96 1958 1978 7.21 1959 1979 7.53 1960 1980 7.60 1961 1981 7.59 1962 1982 7.51 1963 1983 7.37 1964 1984 .•: 7.25 1965 1985 7.15 1966 Holding and other investment companies— equipment 1947 352 423 501 572 644 686 716 725 707 684 653 640 654 665 676 693 696 711 752 750 204 268 331 377 416 421 417 397 359 328 299 292 315 332 348 366 366 378 413 406 28 34 42 50 58 64 67 69 68 65 61 58 58 59 61 62 64 65 69 71 28 25 24 23 23 25 30 39 45 55 60 62 65 62 63 59 58 59 58 62 5.57 4.73 4.24 4.10 4.12 4.40 4.72 5.12 5.64 6.08 6.50 6.69 6.53 6.42 6.25 6.07 6.02 5.87 5.58 5.60 2.91 2.55 2.48 2.64 2.84 3.20 3.54 3.92 4.40 4.73 5.00 4.86 4.33 4.02 3.81 3.66 3.71 3.66 3.45 3.62 1967 741 743 767 847 964 1,087 1,241 1,349 1,441 1,540 1,667 1,787 1,871 2,107 2,396 2,827 3,362 3,967 4,693 392 389 408 475 570 657 764 813 842 877 943 1,004 1,036 1,215 1,428 1,744 2,114 2,498 2,938 71 71 73 79 91 104 120 135 147 157 170 182 193 211 243 287 347 420 505 62 63 63 62 64 65 69 72 79 88 103 120 136 149 160 166 176 189 211 5.68 5.68 5.54 5.16 4.75 4.52 4.31 4.36 4.48 4.58 4.60 4.63 4.72 4.47 4.25 3.97 3.77 3.67 3.61 3.82 1948 1968 3.88 1949 1969 3.74 1950 1970 3.32 1951 1971 2.97 1952 1972 2.85 1453 1973 2.76 1954 1974 2.91 1975 3.08 1956 1976 3.19 1957 1977 3.17 1958 1978 3.17 1'lVl 1979 3.25 1960 1980 2.97 1961 1981 2.78 1962 1982 2.59 1963 1983 2.49 1964 1984 2.48 1965 1985 2.47 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 45 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Holding and other investment companies — structures 810 814 819 822 821 819 836 855 872 886 916 974 1,0X2 1,18!) 1,297 1,400 1,552 1,718 2,001 2,199 400 400 400 401 399 397 414 432 449 462 491 546 649 748 845 934 1,067 1,211 1,465 1,026 IX yo 19.07 19.24 19.35 19.46 19.61 19.23 1X89 1X5.-, 18.32 17.77 16.82 15.30 14.13 1324 1260 11.76 11.05 9.98 9 04 1346 1342 1336 1329 13.30 13.32 12.72 1220 11.78 11.52 10.94 10.00 8.67 7.87 7.38 7.15 6.75 6.48 5.91 5 94 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 19X1) 19X1 19X2 1983 19X4 19X5 2,378 2.636 2,867 3,179 3,531 3,840 4,161 4,449 4,736 4,933 5,176 5,411 5,614 5,835 6,083 6.314 6,563 6,828 7,042 1,762 1,970 2,145 2,391 2,669 2,893 3,121 3,307 3,4X3 3,564 3,685 3,791 3.863 3,947 4,055 4,142 4,243 4.356 4,418 98 108 117 126 135 142 148 155 162 168 175 181 1X8 196 202 21 9.51 23 9.21 23 9.13 23 8.92 23 8.74 21 8.78 24 8.86 24 9.06 24 9.30 26 9.73 26 10.08 27 10.46 29 10.89 31 11.29 36 11.64 37 12.01 40 12.36 44 12.67 50 13.07 Services — equipment and structures 71,058 32,192 72,480 33,550 73,599 34,646 76,206 37,041 78,783 39,203 82,052 41,761 86,367 45,216 91,262 48,891 97,478 53,757 103,8X7 58,515 110,344 63,069 116,295 66,987 123,427 72,010 131,142 77,587 138,792 83,034 147,010 88,996 156,595 96,207 166,341 103,281 177,357 111,372 189,483 120,092 2,832 2,979 3,106 3,288 3,531 3,822 4,180 4,624 5.095 5,623 6,081 6,4X8 6,895 7,338 7,770 8,192 8,688 9,226 9.X43 10,583 2,676 2,757 2,888 2,972 3.018 3,012 3,097 3,2X7 3,514 3,812 3,991 4,186 4,543 4,938 5,270 5,594 5,954 6,274 6,563 6,745 16.88 16.65 16.44 15.94 1546 14.91 14.23 13.56 1280 12.14 11.58 11.17 10.71 10.27 9.92 9.60 9.27 9.01 8.76 8.54 12 03 11.38 1089 10.12 9.54 8.97 8.34 7 XI 7.23 6.82 6.54 6.38 6.18 6.01 5.91 5.82 5.72 5.68 5.63 5.61 196,7 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 201,334 215,431 231,944 246,573 261,200 279,943 301,615 318,505 329.032 341,847 358,195 374,286 391,984 408,150 425,608 441.728 464,776 496,068 525,216 128,066 137,637 148,857 157.53X 165,743 177,350 191,137 199.38X 201,332 205,652 213,342 220,585 229.324 236,617 245.251 252,490 266,237 287,61.16 305,463 11,387 12.229 13.292 14,355 15,319 16,529 17.960 19,263 20,16,6 20,949 22,046 23.286 24,543 25,742 26,830 27,9X1 29,450 31,656 34,235 7,001 7 169 7,415 7,775 8,158 8,713 9,292 9,877 10,702 11,515 12,509 13,605 14.552 15,757 16.750 17.839 18,873 19,850 21,055 8.40 8.24 8.09 8.06 8.07 8.01 7.94 8.03 8.29 8.48 8.59 8 70 8.79 8.x;i 8.97 9.07 9.04 8.87 8.79 Services— equipment 14,489 16,066 17,268 19,711 22,404 25,934 30,0X4 34,420 39,632 44,449 49,132 52,6,96 57,065 61,239 64,814 68,674 72,863 77,262 83,107 90,397 7,416 8,944 10.036 12,137 14,167 16,661 19,604 22,314 25,775 28,513 30,957 32,260 34,329 36,290 37,7X9 39,674 41,967 44,407 48.278 53,370 1,129 1,2X9 1,425 1,612 1,860 2.162 2,527 2.964 3,414 3,904 4,311 4,653 4.979 5,319 5.628 5,913 6.252 6,617 7,065 7,645 1,042 1,0X2 1,119 1,167 1,098 1,028 1,098 1,220 1,432 1,664 1,886 2,123 2,435 2,845 3,255 3,596 3,998 4,376 4,737 .",.014 6.15 5.63 5.33 4.87 i 60 4.40 4.22 4.21 4.16 4 25 4.39 4.61 4.76 4.90 5 06 5.18 5.25 5.32 5.28 .-, 18 3.42 3.03 2.98 2 81 2.81 2.79 2.78 2.85 2 8.7 2.96 3.09 3.30 3 40 3.50 3.62 3.67 3.69 3.71 3.63 3.52 1967 1968 I960 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1981 19X5 97,652 106,694 117,230 125.835 134,853 146,991 160,979 171.512 178,048 187,035 199,760 212,076 224,929 235.826 247,786 258,325 275,507 299,786 322,103 5X.125 64,202 71,2-:; 75.977 80,817 88, 254 97,057 101,8X4 102,852 106,442 113,658 120,262 127,377 132,581 138,770 143.889 155,013 172,034 1X6.900 8.299 8,9811 9,879 10,756 11,540 12,561 13.772 14,862 15,612 16,282 17,274 18,410 19,545 20.601 21,533 22,529 23,842 25.864 28 244 5.291 5.489 5,840 6,214 6,621 7,182 7,803 8.409 9,163 9,948 10,886 11,866 12,775 13,795 14,708 15,648 16,508 17,324 18,202 5.14 5.06 1 9X 5.03 5.08 5.05 5.01 5 11 5.31 5.42 5.43 5 16 5.48 5.54 :, 57 5.62 5.54 5.35 5.26 Services — structures 1947 56,569 56,414 56,331 56,495 56,379 56,118 56,283 56,842 57,846 59,438 61,212 63,600 66,362 69,903 73,978 78,336 83,733 89,078 94,250 99,086 24,776 24,606 24,610 24,904 25,037 25,100 25,611 26,577 27,982 30,002 32,112 34,727 37,681 41,297 45,245 49,323 54.240 58,874 63,094 66,723 1,703 1,690 1,680 1,676 1,671 1,660 1,653 1,660 1,681 1,719 1,770 1,834 1,916 2,018 2,142 2,278 2,436 2,609 2,778 2,938 1,634 1,676 1,768 1,805 1,921 1,984 1,999 2,067 2,082 2,148 2,105 2,062 2,108 2,093 2,014 1,998 1.957 1,898 1,826 1,730 19.63 19.78 19.85 19.80 19.78 19.77 19.58 19.22 18.72 18.03 17.36 16.60 15.82 14.97 14.18 13.48 12.76 12.21 11.82 11.60 14.60 14.41 14.12 13.68 13.35 13.07 12.59 11.97 11.27 10.49 9.86 9.24 8.72 8.22 7.82 7.55 7.28 7.16 7.16 7.27 1967 103,682 108,737 114,714 120,739 126.347 132,953 140,636 146,992 150,984 154,813 158,435 162.2111 167,055 172,324 178,023 183,403 189,269 196,282 203,113 69,940 73,435 77,574 81,560 84,927 89,096 94,080 97,504 98,481 99,210 99,684 100,323 101,947 104,037 106,481 108,601 111,224 114,972 118,563 3,088 3,241 3,413 3,599 3,779 3,967 4,187 4,401 4,554 4,667 4,772 4,876 4.998 5,142 5,297 5,452 5,608 5,791 5,992 1,710 1,680 1,575 1,561 1,537 1,531 1,488 1,469 1,540 1,567 1,624 1,7.39 1,777 1,963 2,043 2,192 2,365 2,526 2,753 11.48 11.37 11.26 11.22 11.27 11.29 11.29 11.45 11.80 12.18 12.57 12.94 13.24 13.48 13.71 13.95 14.14 14.26 14.38 7.44 1948 1968 7.60 1949 1969 7.70 1950 1970 7.83 1951 .... 1971 8.03 1952 1972 8.15 1953 1973 8.21 1954 1974 8.41 1955 1975 8.81 1956 1976 9 10 1957 1977 9 57 1958 1978 9.91 1959 1979 10.12 1960 1980 10 27 1961 1981 10 36 1962 1982 10 48 1963 1983 10 53 1961 1984 10 18 196,5 1985 10 45 1966 46 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Hotels and other lodging places — equipment and structures 1947 25,186 24,932 24,697 24,468 24,134 23,716 23,571 23,511 23,588 23,886 24,301 25,023 26,150 27,653 29,622 31,435 34,000 36,527 38,961 41,259 10,746 10,487 10,310 10,144 9,953 9,733 9,775 9,943 10,272 10,826 11,459 12,327 13,617 15,243 17,201 18,945 21,345 23,608 25,642 27,398 878 866 854 843 833 820 812 819 831 855 883 918 965 1,027 1,104 1,186 1,283 1,396 1,506 1,615 795 838 887 887 956 998 970 1,026 1,055 1,089 1,076 1,036 1,098 1,121 1,063 1,082 1,082 1,102 1,070 1,034 18.18 18.53 18.80 19.05 19.27 19.48 19.47 19.29 18.95 18.41 17.78 17.03 16.01 14.88 13.77 12.89 11.92 11.15 10.62 10.28 14.26 14.25 14.10 13.92 13.76 13.63 13.14 12.52 11.78 10.92 10.15 9.35 8.48 7.69 7.03 6.67 6.27 6.07 6.03 6.11 1967 43,379 45,539 47,998 . 50,315 52,617 55,611 58,835 61,074 62,078 62,989 63,952 65,351 67,501 69,783 72,516 75,371 79,310 84,636 90,279 28,914 30,355 31,944 33,306 34,557 36,425 38,411 39,306 38,999 38,607 38,251 38,343 39,168 40,122 41,509 43,010 45,565 49,400 53,408 1,723 1,827 1,943 2,056 2,155 2,268 2,397 2,512 2,579 2,616 2,656 2,711 2,792 2,880 2,969 3,074 3,217 3.433 3,700 1,073 1,062 1,024 1,052 1,047 1,093 1,105 1,120 1,215 1,261 1,293 1,369 1,424 1,509 1,576 1,674 1,790 1,877 2,000 10.05 9.90 9.79 9.77 9.82 9.78 9.79 10.01 10.42 10.85 11.29 11.63 11.85 12.04 12.16 12.26 12.20 11.96 11.75 6.27 1948 1968 6.45 1949 1969 6.61 1950.. . 1970 6.81 19.")] 1971 7.03 1952 1972 7.12 1953 . 1973 7.21 1954 1974 7.49 1955.... 1975 7.97 1956.. . 1976 8.43 1957.. . 1977 8.85 1958.. 1978 9.14 1959. 1979 9.22 1960 1980 9.26 1961 1981 9.20 1962 . 1982 9.12 1963... . 1983 8.86 1964 . . 1984 8.43 1965 1985 8.08 1966 Hotels and other lodging places— equipment 1947 1,565 1,557 1,517 1,510 1,513 1,503 1,554 1,668 1,847 2,098 2,377 2,596 2,845 3,117 3,379 3,662 4,059 4,436 4,857 5,322 687 725 740 781 811 818 879 972 1,126 1,323 1,522 1,647 1,786 1,933 2,060 2,199 2,442 2,649 2,901 3,191 135 135 133 133 134 136 140 155 172 197 222 246 269 294 320 345 378 415 453 494 157 158 163 160 142 132 121 112 121 120 119 123 130 139 153 166 187 216 247 278 6.54 6.30 6.11 5.78 5.53 5.37 5.02 4.75 4.37 4.09 3.94 3.97 4.01 4.07 4.18 4.29 4.29 4.37 4.39 4.39 4.02 3.62 3.44 3.26 3.20 3.26 3.12 2.96 2.72 2.55 2.51 2.63 2.74 2.83 2.95 3.02 2.97 2.99 2.98 2.96 1967 5,818 6,320 6,898 7,293 7,651 8,053 8,532 8,973 9,108 9,324 9,566 10,018 10,469 10,680 10,941 11,320 12,083 13,288 14,638 3,498 3,787 4,136 4,293 4,415 4,584 4,837 5,043 4,981 5,032 5,124 5,422 5,717 5,761 5,868 6,088 6,661 7,616 8,611 542 589 643 690 723 759 798 837 861 874 892 922 964 993 1,011 1,040 1,095 1,195 1,329 309 330 366 402 430 477 518 556 611 657 699 734 763 785 809 836 861 832 909 4.39 4.41 4.41 4.53 4.66 4.76 4.80 4.87 5.07 5.18 5.25 5.21 5.17 5.26 5.30 5.30 5.14 4.88 4.69 2.95 1948 1968 2.98 1949 1969 2.98 1950 1970 3.10 1951 1971 3.22 1952 1972 3.29 1953 1973 3.28 1954 1974 3.31 1955 1975 3.49 1956 1976 3.55 1957 1977 3.58 1958 1978 3.48 1959 1979 3.42 1960 1980 3.52 1961 1981 3.56 1962 1982 3.54 1963 1983 3.37 1964 1984 3.12 1965 1985 3.00 1966 Hotels and other lodging places — structures 1947 23,621 23,375 23,179 22,958 22,621 22,213 22,017 21.842 21,741 21,788 21,924 22,427 23,305 24,536 26,243 27,773 29,941 32,091 34,105 35,936 10,059 9,762 9,569 9,363 9,142 8,915 8,«l« 8,971 9,146 9,503 9,936 10,681 11,831 13,310 15,142 16,746 18,903 20,958 22,741 24,207 743 731 721 711 699 684 672 665 659 658 661 672 696 733 785 841 906 981 1,053 1,121 638 680 724 726 814 866 849 914 934 969 957 914 968 981 910 916 895 886 822 756 18.95 19.34 19.63 19.92 20.19 20.44 20.49 20.40 20.19 19.78 19.29 18.54 17.48 16.25 15.00 14.03 12.95 12.09 11.50 11.15 14.96 15.03 14.92 14.81 14.70 14.59 14.13 13.56 12.90 12.09 11.32 10.38 9.34 8.40 7.59 7.15 6.70 6.46 6.42 6.53 1967 37,561 39,219 41,100 43,021 44,965 47,559 50,302 52,101 52,970 53,665 54,386 55,333 57,032 59,104 61,574 64,052 67,227 71,348 75,641 25,415 26,568 27,808 29,013 30,142 31,842 33,574 34,262 34,017 33,574 33,126 32,920 33,451 34,361 35,641 36,922 38,904 41,784 44,796 1.181 1,238 1.300 1,365 1.432 1,509 1,599 1,674 1,718 1,743 1,764 1,789 1,829 1,887 1,958 2,034 2,122 2,237 2,371 764 733 659 650 616 616 587 564 605 605 595 636 661 725 767 838 929 995 1,091 10.93 10.78 10.69 10.66 10.69 10.63 10.63 10.89 11.34 11.84 12.35 12.80 13.08 13.27 13.38 13.49 13.46 13.28 13.12 6.72 1948 1968 6.94 1949 1969 7.15 1950 1970 7.36 1951 1971 7.59 1952 1972 7.68 1953 1973 7.77 1954 1974 8.10 1955 1975 8.62 1956 1976 9.16 1957 1977 9.67 1958 1978 10.07 1959 1979 10.21 1960 1980 10.23 I'm; ! 1981 10.13 1962 1982 10.05 1963 1983 9.80 1964 1984 .'.: 9.39 1965 1985 9.06 1966 .... Personal services — equipment and structures 1947 5,760 5,988 6,197 6.518 6,813 7,207 7,705 8,145 8,641 9,102 9,574 10,063 10,629 11,179 11,683 12,255 12,685 13,289 13.968 14,671 2,911 3,115 3,286 3,531 3,722 3,982 4,327 4,596 1,9111 5,200 5,481 5.774 6,133 6,465 6,751 7,093 7,295 7,655 S.088 8,536 244 265 283 304 329 360 400 444 484 525 562 601 644 691 736 780 819 856 908 965 222 223 226 211 211 210 224 256 288 330 352 381 416 450 494 524 561 591 633 676 15.65 15.21 14.84 14.32 13.91 13.41 12.82 12.40 11.98 11.63 11.33 11.04 10.72 10.47 10.27 10.06 9.97 9.80 9.60 9.41 10.56 9.92 9.50 8.97 8.66 8.26 7.79 7.53 7.25 7.07 6.93 6.80 6.64 6 ;").") 6.52 6.45 6.52 6.45 6.35 6.26 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 15,097 15,867 16,650 17,278 18,047 19,019 19,939 20,946 21,466 21,900 22,408 22,866 23,370 23,485 23,764 23,952 24,052 24,272 24,542 8,700 9,230 9,742 10,102 10,595 11,234 11,785 12,354 12,429 12,401 12,500 12,586 12,773 12,660 12,797 12,907 12,961 13,155 13,378 1,004 1,044 1,108 1,164 1,215 1,290 1,370 1,449 1,509 1,541 1,570 1,595 1,614 1,612 1,590 1,572 1,554 1,542 1,545 704 760 788 838 873 896 933 951 999 1,015 1,107 1,178 1,236 1,322 1,380 1,427 1,441 1,421 1,403 9.44 9.24 9.11 9.06 8.96 8.81 8.73 8.67 8.82 9.02 9.15 9.30 9.42 9.65 9.80 9.95 10.13 10.24 10.34 6.39 1948 6.26 1949 6.18 1950 6.20 1951 6.16 1952 6.07 1953 6.05 1954 6.04 1955 6.26 1956 6.50 1957 6.64 1958 6.76 1959 6.81 19. ,11 7.01 191',] 7.05 1962 7.11 1963 7.20 1964 7.21 [9(;"j 7.22 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 47 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Personal services — equipment 1,2X9 1,437 1,560 1,749 1,947 2,250 2,626 2.939 3.279 3.593 3,932 4,278 4,701 5,(199 5,457 5,867 6,063 6,444 6,921 7,396 731 876 978 1,111 1,220 1,406 1,648 1,804 1,992 2,147 2,321 2,497 2,744 2,961 3,136 3.360 3,370 3,569 3,801 4,151 lis 136 152 170 191 219 257 297 332 369 401 435 475 517 557 596 628 658 704 753 114 115 111 S7 99 123 1 5!) 192 218 243 277 313 349 383 415 454 493 532 ■1 63 4.13 3.87 3.69 3.71 3 69 3.65 3.80 3.88 3.99 4.08 4.15 4.16 4.20 4.27 4.30 4.48 4.51 4.47 4.45 2 24 2.16 2.30 2.41 2.58 2 59 2.55 2.66 2.70 2.77 2.81 2.85 2.82 2.85 2.92 1 93 3.11 3.10 3.02 2.97 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19X3 19X4 1985 7,530 X.02X X.527 8,867 9,337 9,9X3 10,608 11,277 11,598 11,844 12,155 12,367 12,539 12.303 12,115 11,869 11,653 11,530 11,493 1.111 4,451 4.784 4.959 5.264 5,700 6,087 6,472 6,492 6,431 6,477 6,165 6,478 6,164 6,002 5,842 5.756 5,783 5.X72 784 815 .-Til 917 959 1,023 1,094 1,163 1,215 1,241 1,265 1,282 1,293 1,281 1,247 1,216 1,1X6 1,165 1,159 571 4.62 613 4.54 654 4.48 695 4.50 7 '.'7 4.45 753 4.37 790 4.32 sis 4.30 849 4.43 870 4.60 946 4.71 1.014 4.84 1,074 4.94 1,140 5 1 1 1,204 5.24 1,236 5.32 1,250 5.34 1,220 5.28 1,190 5.20 Personal services — structures 1947 4.471 4,551 4,637 4,769 4,866 4,957 5,079 5,206 5,362 5,509 5,641 5,785 5,928 6,080 6,226 6,388 6,622 6,845 7,047 7,275 2,180 2,239 2,309 2,420 2,502 2,576 2,679 2,792 2,925 3,053 3,159 3,277 3,389 3,504 3,616 3,734 3,924 4,086 4,224 4,384 126 129 131 134 137 140 144 147 152 156 161 165 170 174 179 184 190 198 205 212 108 108 115 113 123 123 124 133 128 138 135 139 139 138 144 141 146 137 140 145 18.82 18.71 18.53 18.22 18.00 17.82 17.56 17.25 16.93 16.61 16.39 16.14 15.92 15.72 15.53 15.35 15.00 14.78 14.63 14.45 13.35 12.96 12.55 11.98 11.63 11.36 11.01 10.69 10.35 10.09 • 9.95 9.82 9.73 9.67 9.64 9.61 9.44 9.38 9.39 9.38 1967 7,567 7,839 8,122 8,411 8,709 9,036 9.331 9.669 9.868 10,056 10,253 10,499 10,832 11,181 11,648 12,083 12,399 12,743 13,050 4,589 4,779 4,958 5,142 5,331 5,535 5,697 5,883 5.936 5,970 6,024 6,121 6,296 6,196 6,795 7,065 7,205 7,372 7,506 220 229 238 247 256 266 276 286 294 300 306 312- 321 331 343 356 367 377 386 133 147 134 143 147 143 144 133 149 145 162 164 162 182 176 191 191 201 213 14.24 14.05 13.96 13.86 13.79 13.72 13.74 13.77 13.97 14.22 14.42 14.56 14.61 14.61 14.53 14.49 14.63 14.73 14.86 9.30 1948 1968 9.28 1949 1969 9.30 1950 1970 9.32 1951 1971 9.35 1952 1972 9.37 1953 1973 9.46 1954 1974 9 52 1955 1975 9 78 1956 1976 10.05 1957 1977 10.26 1958 .. 1978 10.39 1959 . 1979 10.38 19611 1980 10.34 1961 1981 10.16 1962 1982 10.05 1963 1983 10.14 1964 1984 10.18 1965 1985 10.26 1966 Business services — equipment and structures 1947 7,309 7,341 7,316 7,794 8,217 8,862 9.666 10,395 11,399 12,637 13,744 14,631 15,654 16,626 17,434 18,156 19,702 20,667 22,411 25,059 3,221 3,328 3,387 3,913 4,313 4,847 5.463 5,926 6,589 7,418 8,061 8,464 9,006 9,530 9.922 10,277 11,471 12,046 13,372 15,468 326 335 341 370 421 483 563 646 732 843 948 1,032 1,106 1,176 1,233 1,277 1,364 1,459 1,562 1,744 386 387 397 397 378 350 343 358 363 408 458 518 593 696 784 873 974 1,037 1,105 1,144 17.47 17.18 1694 15.65 14.68 13.55 12.46 11.69 10.85 10.02 9.50 9.22 8.92 8.70 8.58 8.51 8.09 7.99 7.64 7.14 11.54 10.94 10.57 9.08 8.28 7.49 6.83 6.50 6.07 5.64 5.46 5.45 5.37 5.31 5.32 5.36 5.03 5.05 4.83 4.49 1967 29,178 33,957 39,133 43,807 48,351 54,481 60.766 64,281 66,493 69,797 75,170 80,218 86,434 92,302 98,319 103,597 111,978 122.855 132,821 18,793 22,443 26,130 28,977 31,452 35,177 38,770 39,186 39,098 40,040 43,151 46,007 49,990 53,619 57,274 60,067 65,504 72,893 78,724 2,032 2,393 2,810 3,240 3,645 4,135 4,677 5,072 5,273 5,465 5,828 6,273 6,747 7,252 7.732 8,217 8,867 9,852 10,948 1,180 1,197 1,238 1,313 1,450 1,603 1,831 2,115 2,484 2,894 3,362 3,880 4,265 4,740 5,062 5,419 5,605 5,886 6,335 6.49 6.01 5.70 5.63 5.65 5.57 5.57 5.84 6.19 6.39 6.39 6.42 6.36 6.32 6.30 6.32 6.21 6.02 5.94 4.06 1948 1968 3.82 1949 1969 3.72 1950 1970 3.81 1951 1971 3.94 1952 1972 3.93 1953 1973 3.97 1954 1974 4.27 1955 ... 1975 4.61 1956 1976 4.74 1957 1977 4.62 1958 1978 4.55 1959 1979 4.41 1960 1980 4.35 1961 1981 4.31 1962 1982 4.36 1963 .... 1983 4.24 1964 . . . 1984 4.07 1965 1985 4.04 1966 Business services — equipment 1947 . . 2,266 2,364 2,430 2,977 3,476 4,224 5,078 5,826 6,782 7,951 8,997 9,811 10,756 11,640 12,355 12,967 14,342 15,137 16,733 19,221 1,103 1,232 1,326 1,866 2,288 2,867 3,479 3,906 4,474 5,182 5,724 6,017 6,452 6,865 7,147 7,384 8,403 8,822 10,016 11,976 188 199 207 238 292 356 438 522 608 716 819 901 972 1,039 1,094 1,134 1,216 1,306 1,404 1,582 196 207 208 210 194 166 164 178 191 231 289 348 430 536 629 721 822 898 962 1,007 6.13 5.81 5.58 4.58 4.13 3.78 3.61 3.70 3.78 3.84 4.01 4.28 4.47 4.64 4.84 5.03 4.92 5.03 4.90 4.64 3.67 3.31 3.20 2.54 2.47 2.41 2.45 2.65 2.75 2.79 2.92 3.14 3.24 3.33 3.46 3.58 3.38 3.48 3.34 3.11 1967 23,155 27,712 32,599 36,908 41,033 46,684 52,430 55,445 57,312 60,289 65,387 70,016 75,685 80,985 86,281 90,858 98,698 108,992 118,413 15,149 18,620 22,070 24,619 26,750 30,087 33,262 33,613 33,023 33,796 36,793 39,396 43,022 46,267 49,411 51,735 56,879 63,941 69,494 1,863 2,218 2,628 3,047 3,441 3,917 4,444 4,823 5,012 5,194 5,548 5.983 6,443 6,932 7,393 7,857 8,489 9,458 10,538 1,045 1,065 1,107 1,188 1,322 1,477 1,719 2,001 2,368 2,781 3,243 3,756 4,149 4,605 4,931 5,292 5,474 5,748 6,191 4.27 4.06 3.99 4.11 4.28 4.36 4.47 4.82 5.21 5.44 5.46 5.50 5.47 5.45 5.44 5.47 5.35 5.17 5.10 2.83 1948 1968 2.73 1949 1969 2.76 1950 1970 2.94 1951 1971 3.14 1952 1972 3.20 1953 1973 3.28 1954 1974 3.60 1955 1975 3.93 1956 1976 4.04 1957 1977 3.89 1958 1978 3.81 1959 1979 3.68 1960 1980 3.62 1961 1981 3.60 1962 1982 3.65 1963 1983 3.53 1964 1984 3.37 1965 1985 3.36 1966 48 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Business services — structures 1947 5,043 4,977 4.SK6 4,817 4,741 4,638 4,588 4,569 4,617 4,686 4,748 4,820 4,899 4,986 5,080 5,189 5,360 5,530 5,677 5,838 2,118 2,096 2,061 2,047 2,026 1,980 1,984 2,021 2,115 2,236 2,337 2,447 2,554 2,665 2,775 2,893 3.068 3,224 3,357 3,492 138 136 134 131 129 127 125 124 125 127 129 131 134 137 140 143 147 153 158 163 190 181 189 187 184 184 179 180 172 178 170 169 162 160 156 152 152 139 143 137 22.57 22.57 22.59 22.49 22.42 22.46 22.25 21.87 21.25 20.51 19.89 19.27 18.71 18.17 17.68 17.20 16.58 16.09 15.70 15.36 15.63 15.42 15.31 15.04 14.85 14.85 14.50 13.95 13.11 12.27 11.67 11.15 10.74 10.39 10.13 9.90 9.56 9.36 9.28 9.23 1967 6,023 6,244 6,534 6,899 7,318 7,797 8,336 8,835 9,181 9,509 9,783 10,202 10,749 11,317 12,038 12,740 13,280 13,863 14,408 3,644 3,823 4,060 4,359 4,702 5,090 5,508 5,873 6,075 6,244 6,358 6.611 6,969 7,351 7,863 8,332 8,625 8,952 9,230 168 175 182 192 204 218 233 248 261 271 280 290 304 321 339 360 378 394 410 135 132 131 125 129 126 112 114 116 113 119 124 116 135 130 127 131 138 143 15.01 14.66 14.23 13.76 13.29 12.83 12.47 12.26 12.32 12.44 12.65 12.68 12.63 12.57 12.42 12.38 12.53 12.66 12.84 9.18 1948 1968 9.10 1949 1969 8.94 1950 1970 8.72 1951 1971 8.50 1952 .... 1972 8.29 1953 . . 1973 8.12 1954 1974 8.09 1955 1975 8.31 1956 1976 8.56 1957 1977 8.87 1958 1978 8.98 1959 1979 8.97 1960 1980 8.95 1961 1981 8.82 1962 1982 8.78 1963 1983 8.94 1964 1984 9.06 1965 1985 9.22 1966 Auto repair, services, and garages — equipment and structures 1947.. 1948. 1949. 1950.. 1951 1952 1953. 1954 1955. 1956. 1957. 1958 . 1959 . 1960 1961. 1962. 1963 1964. 1965. 1966 3,678 4,133 4,403 4.809 5,548 6,733 8,173 10,029 12,272 13,910 15,554 16,672 18,123 19,674 21,010 22,410 23,531 25.047 26.958 29.716 2,078 2,506 2,756 3,117 3,749 4,718 5.878 7,296 8,994 9,951 10,832 11,147 11,796 12.545 13,116 13,791 14,220 15,057 16.298 18,302 232 275 304 330 375 460 574 72.', 899 1,068 1,193 1,293 1,383 1,489 1,593 1,688 1,778 1,871 2,001 2,186 152 163 187 210 196 170 182 209 253 301 338 380 470 577 712 831 950 1,082 1,198 1,279 7.28 6.65 6.38 6.03 5.52 4.98 4.55 4.28 4.08 4.25 4.47 4.83 5.09 5.31 5.55 5.75 6.00 6.13 6.15 6.02 3.97 3.58 3.61 3.59 3.41 3.17 3.03 2.94 2.90 3.15 3.39 3.77 3.98 4.13 4.31 4.43 4.61 4.64 4.58 4.37 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 31,112 33.369 36,205 38,004 39,992 42,798 46,787 50,215 52,046 55,036 58,845 62,706 66,189 68,736 71,583 73,920 77,925 85,354 91,543 18,890 20,274 22,154 22.932 23,909 25,615 28,419 30,465 30,879 32,421 34,615 36,718 38,375 39,121 40,234 40,942 43,424 49,342 53,690 2,349 2,480 2,691 2,877 3,013 3,220 3,509 3,819 4,043 4,251 4,563 4,912 5,237 5,493 5,683 5,870 6,112 6,587 7,199 1,369 6.20 1,427 6.22 1,540 6.17 1,645 6.32 1,756 6.42 1,894 6.41 2,060 6.27 2,183 6.26 2,322 6.45 2,474 6.50 2,635 6.48 2,849 6.48 3,035 6.53 3,281 6.67 3,485 6.76 3,771 6.88 4,111 6.83 4,373 6.51 4,650 6.36 Auto repair, services, and garages — equipment 1947 2,811 3,154 3,305 3,557 4,163 5,220 6.510 8,200 10,260 11,720 13,195 14,136 15,407 16,778 17,934 19.145 20,023 21,315 23,016 25,540 ' 1,508 1,835 1,980 2,207 2,728 3,595 4,638 5,926 7,483 8,309 9,075 9,272 9,805 10,445 10,911 11,474 11,746 12,450 13,578 15,449 208 248 273 295 336 417 526 673 841 1,004 1,124 1,218 1,303 1,404 1,502 1,591 1,674 1,760 1,884 2,061 135 147 170 194 179 154 166 192 237 285 323 365 455 562 695 812 932 1,062 1,177 1,255 5.57 5.08 4.90 4.64 4.19 3.73 3.40 3.25 3.17 3.42 3.69 4.10 4.38 4.61 4.86 5.06 5.31 5.42 5.42 5.27 2.85 2.57 2.67 2.73 2.56 2.35 2.27 2.25 2.27 2.55 2.81 3.19 3.39 3.53 3.69 3.79 3.95 3.97 3.87 3.66 1967 26,706 28,707 31,294 32,840 34,578 37,123 40,830 43,994 45,632 48,440 52,071 55,735 58,979 61,290 63,832 65,888 69,691 76,904 82,899 15,913 17,152 18,898 19,542 20,389 21,961 24.609 26,526 26,879 28,374 30,518 32,547 34,094 34,725 35,660 36.210 38,614 44,437 48,709 2,218 2,341 2,545 2,723 2,852 3,052 3,333 3,635 3,852 4,055 4,362 4,705 5,025 5,275 5,457 5,636 5,872 6,341 6,948 1,345 1,399 1,508 1,612 1,714 1,853 2,010 2,133 2,263 2,414 2,563 2,766 2,951 3,184 3,386 3,658 3,994 4,247 4,518 5.43 5.43 5.36 5.49 5.58 5.55 5.40 5.38 5.55 5.59 5.56 5.56 5.62 5.76 5.86 5.98 5.92 5.61 5.47 3.82 1948 1968 3.80 1949 1969 3.70 1950 1970 3.84 1951 1971 3.91 1952 1972 3.86 1953 1973 3.68 1954 1974 3.68 1955 1975 3.88 1956 1976 3.90 1957 1977 3.84 1958 1978 3.82 1959 1979 3.85 1960 1980 3.96 1961 1981 4.00 1962 1982 4.06 1963 1983 , 3.93 1964 1984 3.55 1965 1985 3.44 1966 Auto repair services, and garages — structu res 1947 867 979 1,098 1,252 1,384 1,514 1,663 1,829 2,012 2,190 2,358 2,536 2,716 2,896 3,075 3,266 3,507 3,732 3,941 4,175 570 671 775 910 1,021 1,123 1,241 1,370 1,511 1,642 1,757 1,875 1,991 2,100 2,205 2,317 2,473 2,607 2,720 2,854 23 27 31 35 39 43 48 53 58 64 69 75 80 86 91 97 104 111 118 124 17 16 17 16 17 16 16 16 16 17 16 16 16 15 17 19 18 20 21 24 12.81 11.71 10.84 9.99 9.54 9.29 9.06 8.87 8.74 8.72 8.82 8.95 9.12 9.34 9.58 9.81 9.93 10.13 10.41 10.63 6.92 6.36 6.02 5.69 5.68 5.78 5.86 5.94 6.02 6.18 6.42 6.64 6.88 7.14 7.40 7.62 7.71 7.88 8.10 8.25 1967 4,406 4,662 4,911 5,164 5,413 5,675 5,958 6,221 6,414 6,596 6,774 6,971 7,210 7,446 7,751 8,032 8,234 8,450 8,644 2,977 3,123 3,256 3,389 3,520 3,654 3,810 3,939 4,001 4,048 4,097 4,171 4,281 4,396 4,573 4,732 4,810 4,906 4,981 131 139 146 154 161 169 176 184 191 196 201 206 212 219 226 234 240 246 251 24 28 32 33 42 41 50 50 60 61 72 83 83 97 98 112 116 126 132 10.88 11.08 11.32 11.56 11.79 12.03 12.21 12.45 12.81 13.19 13.54 13.81 14.01 14.18 14.24 14.32 14.54 14.71 14.91 8.42 1948 1968 8.53 1949 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 8.67 1950 8.81 1951 8.94 1952 9.06 1953 9.12 1954 . . 9.25 1955 . ... 9.51 1956 . 9.78 1957 10.02 1958 10.18 1959 10.23 1960 10.27 1961 10.17 1962 10.13 1963 . 10.26 1964 10.34 1965 10.46 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 4!) Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock. Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Miscellaneous repair services — equipment and structures 1,568 1,610 1,653 1,730 1,826 1,946 2.0X5 2,264 2,452 2,652 2,844 2,1)03 3,158 3,320 3,483 3,651) 4,006 4,207 4,351 4,505 715 768 820 900 990 1,094 1,208 1,353 1,406 1,639 1,764 1,841 1,927 2,014 2,084 2,163 2,424 2,519 2,563 2.610 63 66 70 75 81 89 99 111 124 137 149 160 169 179 189 198 214 232 243 2:,:; 72 Til 71 72 69 67 66 70 71 73 76 79 81 XII 96 100 108 118 133 144 16.89 16.28 15.69 14.87 14.05 13.20 12.42 11.58 10.92 10.36 9.98 9.82 9.68 9.57 9.54 9.50 9.07 9.07 9.18 9.25 11.11 10 22 9.52 8.70 8.02 7.42 6.94 6 16 6 15 5.94 5.86 , llll 6.03 6 119 6.20 6.26 5.88 5.98 6 16 6.30 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 10X0 19X1 1982 l!ix:i 1984 19X5 4.90X 5,192 5.541 6.061 0,033 7,215 7,732 X.232 8,577 9,000 9,466 10,007 19.539 10,053 11,209 11.617 11.919 12.263 12,659 2,914 3,077 3.291 :j.60x 4.069 4,458 4,770 5,049 5,177 5,389 5,661 5,993 6.301 6.493 6,633 6,727 6.X06 6.914 7.153 275 301 325 357 395 436 171 50 1 525 543 564 500 617 640 655 00? 6X0 691 715 153 8.88 5.92 167 8.78 5.89 180 8.62 5.78 197 8.26 5.49 2119 7.96 5.27 228 7 75 5.15 251 7.67 5.17 268 7.66 5.23 291 7.80 5.43 318 7.88 5.53 .357 7.90 5.57 36X 7.91 5.57 379 7.95 5.61 103 8.09 5.75 433 8.26 5.92 427 8.47 6.11 441 8.69 6.29 466 8.85 6.38 504 8.94 6.41 Miscellaneous repair services — equipment 1947 566 606 646 716 809 929 1,061 1,229 1,398 1,580 1,755 1,885 2.030 2,181 2,314 2,455 2,772 2,941 3,055 3,175 283 327 369 435 515 611 714 842 960 1,081 1,186 1,242 1,307 1,374 1.424 1,481 1,707 1,777 1,799 1,829 35 39 42 47 53 61 70 82 94 107 119 129 137 147 156 164 180 196 206 215 37 36 36 37 34 31 32 36 37 39 42 46 49 54 64 70 77 89 103 114 8.17 7.51 6.99 6.37 5.85 5.44 5.15 4.91 4.84 4.86 4.98 5.23 5.48 5.72 5.98 6.21 6.07 6.29 6.57 6.81 4.95 4.38 4.07 3.73 3.50 3.35 3.30 3.25 3.31 3.41 3.57 3.86 4.09 4.27 4.48 4.62 4.32 4.48 4.71 4.88 1967 3,537 3,775 4,071 4,528 5,020 5,499 5,906 6,303 6,567 6,888 7,254 7,704 8,156 8,485 8,721 8,935 9,159 9,417 9,736 2,095 2,223 2,40.3 2,729 3,071 3,378 3,605 3,812 3,889 4,036 4,243 4,521 4,790 4,937 5,012 5,046 5,094 5,196 5,375 235 260 283 313 349 386 419 445 466 482 500 522 547 568 580 589 599 611 629 126 138 152 169 183 201 224 243 263 292 328 338 350 371 402 393 407 431 466 6.56 6.59 6.53 6.29 6.09 6.00 6.02 6.08 6.27 6.39 6.45 6.47 6.52 6.67 6.86 7.09 7.30 7.44 7.50 4.50 1948 1968 4.51 1949 1969 4.43 1950... . 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 4.18 1951 ... . 4.02 1952 3.98 1953 4.06 1954 4.17 1955 4.39 1956 4.50 1957 4.55 1958 4.54 1959 4.56 1960 4.69 1961 .. .. 4.87 1962 5.07 1963. .. 5.22 1964 5.29 1965 5.28 1966 Miscellaneous repair services — structures 1947 1,002 1,005 1,007 1.014 1,017 1,018 1,024 1,035 1,054 1,072 1,089 1,108 1,128 1,148 1,169 1,195 1,234 1,266 1,296 1,330 432 441 451 465 474 483 495 512 535 558 578 599 620 640 660 682 717 742 765 790 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 35 34 35 35 35 35 34 35 34 34 34 33 32 32 32 30 31 29 29 30 21.81 21.57 21.27 20.87 20.57 20.28 19.95 19.50 18.97 18.47 18.03 17.61 17.23 16.89 16.56 16.26 15.81 15.53 15.32 15.09 15.16 14.56 13.99 13.35 12.93 1 2 58 12.19 11.75 11.23 10.83 10.55 10.31 10.12 9.99 9.91 9.82 9.61 9.56 9.58 9.57 1967 1,371 1,417 1,470 1,533 1,613 1,716 1,826 1,929 2,010 2,111 2,211 2,303 2,383 2,468 2,578 2,682 2,760 2,845 2,923 819 854 891 938 998 1,080 1,165 1,236 1,287 1,353 1,418 1,472 1,511 1,556 1,621 1,681 1,712 1,749 1,778 39 41 42 44 46 49 53 56 59 61 65 67 70 72 75 78 81 83 86 27 29 27 28 27 27 27 25 28 26 29 30 29 32 31 34 34 35 37 14.87 14.62 14.39 14.10 13.79 13.35 12.99 12.81 12.79 12.73 12.68 12.71 12.86 12.98 13.02 13.09 13.31 13.51 13.73 9.55 1948 1968 9.49 1949 1969 9.43 1950 1970 9.31 1951 1971 9.12 1952 1972 8.81 1953 1973 8.57 1954 1974 8.50 1955 1975 8.60 1956 1976 8.61 1957 1977 8.65 1958 .... 1978 8.76 1959 1979 8.95 I960.. . 1980 9.11 1961 1981 9.14 1962 1982 9.22 1963 1983 9.45 1964 1984 9.62 1965 1985 9.83 1966 Motion pictures — equipment and structures 1947 2,506 2,543 2,586 2,648 2,695 2,758 2,844 2,928 3,040 3,154 3,247 3,346 3.470 3,625 3,774 3,931 4,093 4,315 4,513 4,679 1.147 1,180 1,220 1,279 1,322 1,377 1,457 1,530 1,629 1,728 1,801 1,873 1,969 2,090 2,198 2,314 2,427 2,586 2,713 2,797 92 96 99 103 107 112 118 125 132 141 148 155 162 170 179 188 197 210 228 242 86 90 93 98 100 102 108 110 116 123 125 125 130 132 134 142 143 145 152 154 16.27 16.15 15.97 15.64 15.40 15.08 14.61 14.19 13.66 13.16 12.80 12.46 12.06 11.63 11.31 10.99 10.75 10.44 10.24 10.17 11.53 11.04 10.54 9.97 9.59 9.18 8.69 8.34 7.93 7.61 7.48 7.38 7.23 7.05 6.96 6.89 6.86 6.75 6.75 6.86 1967 4,924 5,225 5,547 5,926 6,293 6,695 7,109 7,469 7,747 8,042 8,356 8,687 9,077 9,348 9,600 9,822 10,021 10,307 10,624 2,946 3,137 3,335 3,566 3,775 4,000 4,221 4,381 4,450 4,545 4,665 4,814 5,018 5,116 5,201 5,265 5,320 5,465 5,640 259 281 307 338 370 405 441 473 500 523 546 572 604 634 655 673 691 714 746 157 164 176 180 201 218 236 263 280 311 344 383 411 452 480 507 539 561 592 9.99 9.77 9.57 9.38 9.25 9.12 9.04 9.04 9.17 9.27 9.34 9.37 9.36 9.43 9.51 9.61 9.69 9.69 9.64 6.82 1948 1968 6.72 1949 1969 6.63 1950 1970 6.51 1951 1971 6.46 1952 1972 6.40 1953 1973 6.36 1954 1974 6.41 1955 1975 6.57 1956 1976 6.67 1957 1977 6.70 1958 1978 6.68 1959 1979 6.59 1960 1980 6.64 1961 1981 6.69 1962 1982 6.75 1963 1983 6.80 1964 1984 6.73 1965 1985 6.62 1966 50 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Motion pictures — equipment 1947 230 123 17 17 6.13 3.39 1967 1,547 896 146 87 4.84 3.19 1948 258 149 21 17 5.45 2.99 1968 1,734 1,019 165 94 4.67 3.03 1949 287 173 24 16 5.00 2.86 1969 1,950 1,160 188 104 4.51 2.91 1950 322 200 27 16 4.68 2.82 1970 2,219 1,340 214 116 4.34 2.79 1951 353 219 31 16 4.58 2.93 1971 2,487 1,505 244 130 4.25 2.77 1952 405 254 35 16 4.40 2.88 1972 2,794 1,695 275 147 4.18 2.75 1953 472 301 41 18 4.19 2.78 1973 3,082 1,857 308 170 4.17 2.80 1954 527 332 47 20 4.25 2.89 1974 3.327 1,964 336 188 4.26 2.93 1955 600 380 54 25 4.19 2.87 1975 3,517 2,011 360 206 4.42 3.10 1956 676 427 61 30 4.19 2.90 1976 3,706 2,066 380 234 4.55 3.21 1957 741 462 67 34 4.29 3.03 1977 3,925 2,157 400 264 4.64 3.24 1958 803 491 73 35 4.45 3.18 1978 4,178 2,287 424 294 4.67 3.21 1959 860 513 78 40 4.64 3.35 1979 4,504 2,493 454 325 4.62 3.11 1960 912 530 82 45 4.84 3.50 1980 4,715 2,585 482 355 4.69 3.17 1961 968 553 87 50 4.99 3.58 1981 4,875 2,633 501 380 4.79 3.26 1962 1,017 571 92 57 5.14 3.66 1982 5,012 2,666 516 404 4.88 3.34 1963 1,074 597 98 62 5.24 3.67 1983 5,173 2,728 532 426 4.93 3.37 1964 1,190 678 107 69 5.08 3.42 1984 5,413 2,870 555 444 4.90 3.30 1965 1,317 765 121 76 4.93 3.25 1985 5,695 3,050 585 471 4.83 3.21 1966 1,399 801 133 81 4.99 3.33 Motion pictures — structures 1947 2,276 2,285 2,299 2,326 2,342 2,353 2,372 2,402 2,440 2,478 2,506 2,542 2,611 2,714 2,wm; 2,914 3,020 3,125 3,195 3,280 1,025 1,032 1,047 1,080 1,103 1,123 1,156 1,198 1,249 1,301 1,339 1,383 1,457 1,560 1,645 1,742 1,830 1,908 1,948 1,996 75 75 75 76 76 77 77 77 79 80 81 82 84 88 92 95 99 103 107 110 69 73 76 82 84 86 90 90 91 93 92 90 91 88 84 85 81 76 76 73 17.30 17.36 17.34 17.16 17.03 16.91 16.68 16.37 15.99 15.61 15.31 14.99 14.50 13.92 13.49 13.04 12.71 12.48 12.43 12.38 12.50 12.20 11.82 11.29 10.91 10.60 10.24 9.85 9.46 9.16 9.01 8.87 8.60 8.26 8.10 . 7.95 7.90 7.93 8.12 8.28 1967 3,376 3,491 3,597 3,707 3,806 3,901 4,027 4.143 4,230 4,336 4,431 4,509 4,572 4,634 4,725 4,810 4,848 4,894 4,928 2,050 2,118 2,175 2,226 2,270 2,305 2,364 2,418 2,439 2,479 2,508 2,527 2,525 2,531 2,568 2,598 2,592 2,595 2,590 113 116 120 123 127 130 133 137 140 143 146 149 151 152 154 157 158 159 160 70 70 71 64 71 70 67 75 74 77 81 89 86 97 100 102 113 117 121 12.35 12.30 12.32 12.40 12.51 12.66 12.77 12.89 13.12 13.30 13.51 13.72 14.02 14.26 14.39 14.55 14.78 14.98 15.18 8.41 1948 1968 8.49 1949 1969 8.61 1950 1970 8.75 1951 1971 8.91 1952 1972 9.09 1953 1973 9.16 1954 1974 9.24 1955 1975 9.44 1956 1976 9.54 1957 1977 9.67 1958 1978 9.83 1959 1979 10.03 1960 1980 10.19 1961 1981 10.21 1962 1982 10.24 1963 1983 10.41 1964 1984 10.52 1965 1985 10.64 1966 Amusement and recreation services— equipment and structures 1947 13,724 14,031 14,304 14,740 15,048 15,374 15,757 16,109 16,440 16,736 17,002 17,176 17,563 18,023 18,403 18,785 19,505 20,056 20,590 21,051 5,799 6,061 6,264 6,586 6,755 6,926 7.202 7.432 7,725 7,988 8,237 8,444 8,833 9,294 9,683 10,057 10,720 11,167 11,554 11,827 526 563 600 645 689 725 760 798 833 871 903 927 956 990 1,020 1,045 1,081 1,125 1,168 1,207 583 602 608 647 658 682 757 781 855 922 962 1.004 1,028 1,050 1,064 1,070 1,056 1,055 1,051 1,024 18.24 17.89 17.57 17.05 16.69 16.31 15.81 15.37 14.89 14.44 14.01 13.62 13.09 12.56 12.11 11.69 11.17 10.82 10.54 10.37 12.84 12.03 11.42 10.71 10.30 9.91 9.41 9.03 8.58 8.24 7.96 7.75 7.44 7.14 6.95 6.83 6.57 6.52 6.52 6.59 1967 21,552 22,146 22,906 23,620 24,350 25,203 26,412 27,540 28,443 29,286 30,118 31,101 32,465 33,567 34,385 34,862 35,281 36,060 37,158 12,125 12,471 12,935 13,334 13,725 14,222 15,036 15,702 16,102 16,417 16,680 17,044 17,762 18,205 18,414 18,350 18,321 18,762 19,526 1,243 1,282 1,330 1.382 1,431 1,489 1,572 1,665 1,750 1,825 1,899 1,983 2,084 2,175 2,237 2,274 2,294 2,329 2,394 1,027 1,019 1,017 1,048 1,070 1,113 1,155 1,184 1,223 1,274 1,311 1,346 1,415 1,493 1,603 1,708 1,821 1,953 2,023 10.20 10.05 9.89 9.79 9.72 9.64 9.47 9.37 9.40 9.44 9.50 9.54 9.48 9.49 9.59 9.75 9.90 9.90 9.82 6.64 1948 1968 6.67 1949 1969 6.65 1950 1970 6.66 1951 1971 6.69 1952 1972 6.67 1953 1973 6.53 1954 1974 6.49 1955 1975 6.55 1956 1976 6.64 1957 1977 6.73 1958 1978 6.77 1959 1979 6.66 1960 1980 6.65 1961 1981 6.71 1962 1982 6.85 1963 1983 :.-. 6.94 i i 1984 6.84 I'M,". 1985 6.65 1966 Amusement and recreation services — equipment 1947 2,315 2,797 3,244 3,835 4,332 4,860 5,438 5,948 6,409 6,846 7,269 7,577 8.006 8,392 8,732 9,007 9,440 9,872 10,342 10,727 1,218 1,604 1,906 2,272 2,504 2,738 3.034 3,253 3.495 3,707 3,929 1,091) 4,340 4,577 4,784 4,928 5,217 5,482 5,766 5,951 166 210 253 305 354 398 440 485 525 567 603 631 661 692 718 739 766 801 839 874 188 199 187 195 198 216 262 300 365 426 479 527 551 601 622 642 655 667 681 681 7.25 6.50 6.18 5.94 5.99 6.06 6.05 6.14 6.15 6.19 6.21 6.22 6.20 6.16 6.14 6.17 6.13 6.12 6.12 6.17 4.24 3.69 3.61 3.60 3.78 3.92 3.93 4.03 4.01 4.05 4.07 4.12 4.11 4.13 4.15 4.24 4.22 4.24 4.26 4.33 1967 11,101 11,494 12,065 12,596 13,154 13,837 14,841 15,814 16,644 17,400 18,172 19,119 20.117 20,860 21,395 21,666 21,890 22,388 23,156 6,126 6,301 6,636 6,923 7,233 7,666 8,398 9,037 9,509 9,871 10,215 10,677 11,164 11,382 11,443 11,305 11,204 11,483 12,028 906 938 979 1,024 1,067 1,119 1,195 1,283 1,363 1,437 1,509 1,592 1,687 1,766 1,817 1,847 1,860 1,887 1,943 693 704 726 762 797 851 899 929 983 1,019 1,061 1,089 1,154 1,218 1,318 1,412 1,510 1,631 1,682 6.22 6.28 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.24 6.08 6.00 5.99 6.02 6.06 6.08 6.09 6.19 6.32 6.51 6.66 6.67 6.59 4.38 1948 1968 4.43 1949 1969 4.36 I'l'ii 1970 4.34 1951 1971 4.32 1952 1972 4.24 1953 1973 4.06 1974 4.00 19 .", 1975 4.03 I'll. 1976 4.11 1957 1977 4.18 1958 1978 4.20 19". ' 1979 4.21 | | 1980 4.30 1961 1981 4.41 1962 1982 4.57 1963 1983 4.66 1984 4.58 1965 1985 4.42 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 51 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Amusement and recreation services — structures 11,408 11,234 11,060 10,905 10,717 10,514 10,319 10,162 10,031 9,890 9,734 9,599 9,556 9,630 9,671 9,778 10,065 10,183 10,247 10,324 4,582 4,457 4,358 4,315 4,251 4,187 4,168 4,178 4,230 4,281 4,308 4,354 4,493 4,718 4,899 5,129 5,502 5,685 5,789 5,876 360 353 347 341 334 327 320 313 308 304 300 296 295 297 301 306 315 324 329 333 395 403 421 453 460 465 495 481 491 496 483 477 477 449 442 429 401 388 369 343 20 47 20,72 20,91 20 96 21.01 21.06 20.95 2078 2048 20.15 19.83 19.47 18.87 18.14 17.49 16.78 15.89 1538 15.01 14.73 15.12 15.03 14.84 14.45 14.14 13.83 13.40 12.92 1236 11.87 11.51 11.16 10.65 10.06 9.68 9.31 8.81 8.71 8.77 8.88 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 10,452 10.652 111.840 11,023 11,196 11,367 11,571 11,726 11,799 11,886 11,946 11.982 12.34X 12,708 12.990 13,196 13, 392 13.672 14.1)02 5.999 6,170 6,299 6,410 6,492 6,555 6,638 6,665 6.593 6,546 6,465 6,368 6.598 6.823 6,971 7,045 7,117 7,278 7.498 338 344 351 358 364 37(1 377 383 386 388 390 391 397 409 420 428 434 442 452 333 14.43 315 14.12 291 13.93 286 13.81 273 13.76 263 13.78 255 13.80 255 13.92 240 14.20 254 14.44 250 14.74 257 15.06 261 14.99 275 14.93 285 14.97 296 15.09 310 15.20 323 15.21 341 15.15 Other services — equipment and structures 1947 11,326 11,902 12,443 13,500 14,503 15,455 16,568 17,879 19,647 21,810 24,078 26,392 28,680 31,034 33,384 36,388 39,074 42,234 45,606 48,543 5,573 6.105 6,605 7.569 8.400 9,085 9,905 10,815 12,136 13,766 15,435 17,116 18,730 20,405 22,078 24,356 26,306 28,644 31,141 33,144 471 513 556 618 696 773 854 956 1,060 1,184 1,294 1,402 1,510 1,615 1,716 1,829 1,952 2,078 2,228 2,371 380 384 419 449 450 433 448 476 513 565 603 661 726 825 923 972 1,081 1,145 1,221 1,289 15.85 15.26 14.74 13.76 13.02 12.49 11.92 11.37 10.70 10.04 9.52 9.14 8.88 8.67 8.52 8.30 8.21 8.10 8.01 8.05 11.17 10.21 9.52 8.46 7.85 7.52 7.16 6.85 6.40 5.97 5.69 5.53 5.46 5.44 5.47 5.41 5.47 5.50 5.55 5.71 1967 51,184 54,136 57,965 61.563 64.917 68,920 74,035 78,748 82,182 85,797 89,880 93,349 96,408 99.975 104,143 108,587 114,289 120,321 125,589 34,783 36,649 39,322 41.653 43.662 46.218 49.727 52,644 54.199 55,832 57,818 59,080 59,936 61,283 63,187 65,222 68,336 71,645 73,944 2,502 2,621 2,777 2,942 3,094 3,286 3,523 3,771 3,988 4,184 4,418 4,651 4,847 5,055 5,309 5,633 6,035 6.505 6,989 1.338 1.373 1,452 1,502 1,552 1,668 1.719 1,793 1,887 1,968 2,100 2,232 2.387 2,557 2,732 2.907 3,125 3,313 3,548 8.17 8.27 8.28 8.37 8.52 8.62 8.62 8.73 8.99 9.23 9.44 9.71 10.01 10.26 10.43 10.59 10.63 10.64 10.74 5 94 1948 1968 6 12 1949 1969 6 19 1950 1970 6 32 1951. . 1971 6.51 1952... 1972 6.62 1953. . 1973 6.62 1954 . 1974 6.73 1955 1975 7.00 1956. 1976 7 24 1957 1977 7 41 1958 1978 7.66 1959 1979 7.92 1960 1980 8.10 1961 .. 1981 8.18 1962 1982 8.24 1963 1983 8.17 1964 1984 8.07 1965 1985 8.10 1966 Other services — equipment 1947 3,446 3,893 4,279 5,045 5,810 6,543 7,346 8,082 9,058 9,986 10,867 11,610 12,461 13,122 13,675 14,553 15,089 15,928 16,865 17,616 1,764 2,196 2,564 3,266 3,881 4,373 4,910 5,279 5,865 6,336 6,737 7,004 7,383 7.606 7,774 8,277 8,483 8,980 9,589 10,022 262 301 341 397 468 540 614 704 788 883 956 1,021 1,085 1,144 1,195 1,251 1,313 1,374 1,456 1,533 198 203 227 256 246 225 237 258 297 342 384 436 503 595 694 745 848 922 996 1,067 5.96 5.34 4.91 4.31 4.03 3.97 3.92 4.06 4.11 4.27 4.46 4.68 4.85 5.05 5.22 5.25 5.37 5.37 5.33 5.33 3.21 2.74 2.60 2.40 2.44 2.60 2.73 2.93 2.98 3.08 3.20 3.35 3.41 3.52 3.63 3.56 3.63 3.58 3.50 3.51 1967 18,258 18,923 19,824 20,583 21,592 23,019 24,750 26,3X0 27,670 29,143 31,230 32,938 34,479 36,509 39,425 42,779 47,160 51,853 56,074 10,337 10,649 11.196 11,571 12,191 13,183 14,403 15,417 16,066 16,836 18,130 18,946 19,620 20,760 22,740 24,997 28,077 31,308 33,761 1,605 1,663 1,744 1,827 1,906 2,030 2,182 2,339 2,483 2,619 2,797 2,979 3,132 3,304 3,528 3,829 4,208 4,652 5,113 1,115 1,146 1,221 1,271 1,319 1,423 1,474 1,540 1,620 1,681 1,783 1,876 2,008 2,137 2,277 2,415 2,585 2,721 2,874 5.36 5.39 5.35 5.37 5.32 5.21 5.07 5.02 5.03 5.04 4.98 5.02 5.07 5.06 4.96 4.86 4.71 4.58 4.57 3.55 1948 1968. 3.58 1949 1969 3.54 1950 1970 3.55 1951 1971 3.50 1952 1972 3.38 1953 1973 3.27 1954 1974 3.25 1955 1975 3.31 1956 1976 3.35 1957 1977 3.30 1958 1978 3.34 1959 1979 3.40 1960... . 1980 3.37 1961 . 1981 3.24 1962 1982 3.15 1963 1983 3.04 1964 1984 2.97 1965 1985 3.01 1966 Other services— structures 1947 7,879 8,009 8,164 8,455 8,693 8,912 9,222 9,797 10,588 11,824 13,212 14,782 16,219 17,912 19,708 21,835 23,985 26,306 28,741 30,927 3,810 3,909 4,041 4.304 4,518 4,713 4,995 5,536 6,271 7,430 8,698 10,112 11,347 12,799 14,303 16,079 17,823 19,664 21,552 23,123 209 212 215 221 227 233 240 252 271 301 339 382 425 470 521 578 639 703 772 838 182 181 192 193 204 208 211 218 216 223 219 225 223 230 229 227 233 223 225 222 20.18 20.08 19.89 19.40 19.04 18.74 18.29 17.40 16.34 14.91 13.69 12.63 11.97 11.32 10.82 10.33 10.00 9.75 9.59 9.60 14.85 14.41 13.91 13.07 12.50 12.08 11.53 10.58 9.60 8.44 7.63 7.04 6.80 6.58 6.47 6.35 6.35 6.38 6.46 6.66 1967 32,926 35,212 38,141 40,980 43,325 45,901 49,285 52,368 54,512 56,654 58,650 60,411 61,929 63,467 64,718 65,808 67,129 68,468 69,515 24,446 26,001 28,126 30,082 31,472 33,035 35,324 37,227 38,133 38,997 39,688 40,134 40,316 40,523 40,447 40,225 40,259 40,337 40,183 898 959 1,033 1,115 1,188 1,257 1,341 1,432 1,505 1,565 1,621 1,672 1,714 1,751 1,782 1,804 1,827 1,853 1,875 223 227 230 231 233 244 246 252 267 287 317 356 379 420 455 492 540 592 674 9.73 9.82 9.80 9.88 10.12 10.33 10.41 10.60 10.99 11.39 11.81 12.26 12.76 13.24 13.77 14.31 14.79 15.23 15.72 6.94 1948 1968 7.16 1949 1969 7.24 1950 1970 7.39 1951 1971 7.68 1952 1972 7.92 1953.. .. 1973 7.99 1954 . .. 1974 8.17 1955 1975 8.55 1956 1976 8.91 1957 1977 9.29 1958 1978 9.69 1959 1979 10.13 1960 1980 10.52 1961 1981 10.96 1962 1982 11.40 1963 1983 11 74 1964 1984 12.04 1965 1985 12.37 1966 52 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock. Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Health services — equipment and structures 1947. 1948. 1949 1950 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955.. 1956. 1957 ., 1958 1959 . 1960 1961 1962. 1963 1964 1965 1966. 4.522 4.738 4,927 5,513 11,089 6,645 7,203 7,792 8.681 9,853 11,019 12.2911 13.593 14,693 15,815 17,385 1S.K42 20,741 22,895 24,732 2,373 2.558 2,722 3.261 3,745 4,153 4,545 4.908 5,553 6,425 7,258 8,179 9,101 9,827 10.580 11,757 12,815 14.268 15.933 17,238 192 212 228 257 301 345 389 438 490 559 621 681 742 798 847 906 975 1,053 1,152 1,248 132 141 157 175 173 162 168 175 197 217 244 279 309 370 422 450 511 554 599 644 14.95 14.55 14.25 13.00 12.09 11.47 10.97 10.61 10.00 9.32 8.88 8.51 8.26 8.19 8.16 7.97 7.89 7.73 7.56 7.57 10.93 10.27 9.81 8.42 7.65 7.24 6.98 6.82 6.38 5.89 5.62 5.42 5.31 5.38 5.46 5.37 5.41 5.35 5.30 5.42 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X1) 19M 1982 1983 1984 1985 26.429 28,340 30,812 33,067 35,110 37,221 39,626 42,052 43,988 46,045 48,323 50,232 52,337 55,069 58,959 63,296 68,185 73,043 76,822 18,350 19,615 21,391 22,869 24,083 25,292 26,704 28,029 28.804 29,642 30,617 31,178 31,941 33.332 35,833 38,620 41,798 44,799 46,542 1,338 1,425 1,535 1,655 1,766 1,902 2,058 2,221 2,372 2,513 2,677 2,837 2,974 3,132 3,352 3,651 3,996 4,367 4,711 672 7.67 697 7.75 751 7.72 786 7.81 833 7.98 905 8.15 958 8.28 1,018 8.44 1,089 8.70 1,163 8.93 1,252 9.14 1,370 9.40 1,489 9.62 1,634 9.72 1,786 9.65 1,922 9.55 2,104 9.42 2,244 9.34 2,410 9.42 Health services — equipment 1947 1,483 1,661 1,782 2,200 2,614 3,021 3,438 3,770 4,309 4,862 5,338 5,782 6,247 6,584 6,867 7,341 7,727 ■\29ti 8,940 9,463 753 923 1,042 1,437 1,783 2.070 2,350 2,492 2,827 3,134 3,349 3,536 3,735 3,832 3,903 4,167 4,364 4,726 5,169 5,480 117 136 150 177 217 257 298 342 386 440 484 523 561 594 620 652 692 737 796 853 79 87 102 118 114 102 106 114 134 153 180 213 242 300 352 378 438 483 524 569 5.57 5.07 4.77 3.98 3.63 3.55 3.53 3.75 3.80 3.94 4.16 4.37 4.57 4.79 4.99 5.04 5.10 5.05 4.97 4.95 2.97 2.56 2.50 2.15 2.16 2.32 2.49 2.76 2.80 2.87 3.01 3.14 3.23 3.38 3.50 3.44 3.44 3.34 3.24 3.25 1967 10,000 10,549 11,325 12,055 12,966 14,250 15,750 17,178 18,384 19,710 21,445 22,792 24,105 25,733 28,406 31,472 35,040 38,708 41,535 5,784 6,072 6,576 6,995 7,575 8,474 9,518 10,397 11,014 11,696 12,712 13,288 13,840 14,712 16,585 18,706 21,169 23,592 24,976 908 960 1,028 1,104 1,180 1,290 1,426 1,565 1,693 1,816 1,965 2,112 2,234 2,371 2,565 2,837 3,154 3,499 3,821 595 618 669 702 744 811 862 913 981 1,043 1,124 1,223 1,329 1,457 1,588 1,713 1,869 1,988 2,112 4.94 4.95 4.87 4.86 4.79 4.65 4.53 4.50 4.55 4.60 4.59 4.70 4.80 4.83 4.71 4.59 4.48 4.41 4.49 3.27 1948 1968 3.30 1949 1969 3.22 1950 1970 3.22 1951 1971 3.16 1952 1972 3.04 1953 1973 2.95 1954 1974 2.97 1955 1975 3.07 1956 1976 3.14 1957 1977 3.13 1958 1978 3.23 1959 1979 3.30 1960 1980 3.29 1961 1981 3.12 1962 1982 3.00 1963 1983 2.92 1964 1984 2.90 1965 1985 3.03 1966 Health services — structures 1947 3,039 3,077 3,145 3,313 3,475 3,624 3,765 4,021 4,372 4,991 5,682 6,508 7,346 8,109 8,948 10,043 11,115 12,451 13,955 15,269 1,619 1,635 1,680 1,824 1,962 2,083 2,195 2,416 2,725 3,291 3,909 4,643 5,366 5,994 6,676 7,590 8,451 9,542 10,765 11,758 75 76 77 80 84 88 91 96 105 118 137 158 182 204 226 253 283 317 356 395 52 53 55 56 60 60 62 62 63 65 64 66 67 69 70 72 73 72 75 75 19.53 19.67 19.62 18.99 18.45 18.07 17.77 17.05 16.11 14.57 13.31 12.18 11.39 10.95 10.59 10.11 9.84 9.51 9.22 9.20 14.64 14.62 14.35 13.37 12.63 12.13 11.78 11.00 10.10 8.77 7.86 7.15 6.76 6.66 6.60 6.44 6.43 6.34 6.28 6.43 1967 16,429 17,791 19,488 21,013 22,144 22,971 23,876 24,874 25,604 26,336 26,878 27,440 28,232 29,336 30,553 31,824 33.145 34,335 35,287 12,566 13,543 14,815 15,874 16,507 16,818 17,185 17,631 17,790 17,946 17,904 17,890 18,101 18,620 19,248 19,914 20,629 21,206 21,566 430 464 507 551 586 611 633 657 679 697 712 725 740 761 787 814 842 868 890 77 80 82 84 89 94 96 105 108 120 128 148 160 177 198 209 235 257 298 9.33 9.41 9.38 9.51 9.85 10.32 10.76 11.16 11.68 12.18 12.76 13.31 13.74 14.01 14.24 14.45 14.64 14.89 15.22 6.69 1948 1968 6.87 1949 1969 6.94 1950 1970 7.13 1951 1971 7.52 1952 1972 8.02 1953 1973 8.46 1954 1974 8.84 1955 1975 9.33 1956 1976 9.80 1957 1977 10.34 1958 1978 10.83 1959 1979 11.15 1960 1980 11.27 1961 1981 11.31 1962 1982 11.33 1963 1983 11.33 1964 1984 '.: 11.41 1965 1985 11.59 1966 Legal services — equipment and structures 1947 3,177 3,283 3,364 3,455 3,550 3,630 3,750 3,899 4,050 4,174 4,362 4,460 4,680 4,853 4,962 5,250 5,327 5,504 5,640 5,809 1,374 1,494 1,587 1,683 1,773 1,841 1,947 2,071 2,189 2,276 2,416 2,465 2,633 2,751 2,813 3,1)48 3,077 3,201 3,286 3,403 122 127 135 141 149 157 165 176 187 198 207 216 225 236 244 255 263 268 276 284 138 132 137 137 136 136 139 143 143 151 149 154 162 169 184 187 200 203 212 217 18.75 18.07 17.52 16.97 16.45 16.04 15.48 14.86 14.32 13.92 13.40 13.19 12.68 12.35 12.19 11.66 11.62 11.40 11.29 11.13 13.16 11.87 11.02 10.31 9.75 9.39 8.91 8.45 8.10 7.91 7.60 7.61 7.30 7.19 7.24 6.91 7.09 7.07 7.14 7.15 1967 5,816 5,850 5,929 6,016 6,082 6,150 6,371 6,559 6,618 6,744 6,870 6,921 6,947 7,119 7,183 7,202 7,618 8,380 9,349 3,363 3,350 3,390 3,441 3,468 3,511 3,694 3,843 3,861 3,928 3,996 3,961 3,906 3,973 3,925 3,833 4,114 4,722 5,477 288 286 287 288 288 289 293 300 303 307 315 322 327 337 348 353 371 414 480 223 224 232 237 234 254 243 251 252 236 246 228 235 221 222 228 222 241 249 11.28 11.40 11.42 11.45 11.54 11.63 11.48 11.42 11.60 11.70 11.80 12.06 12.37 12.45 12.74 13.09 12.80 12.04 11.24 7.49 1948 1968 7.76 1949 1969 7.89 1950 1970 8.00 1951 1971 8.16 1952 1972 8.29 1953 1973 8.11 1954 1974 8.06 1955 1975 8.30 1956 1976 8.43 1977 8.55 1958 1978 8.88 1979 9.23 1980 9.27 1961 1981 9.56 1982 9.93 1983 9.36 1984 8.32 1985 7.40 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 53 Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Legal services — equipment 779 87(1 939 1,008 1,103 1,187 1,279 1,391 1,501 1,596 1,728 1,797 1,934 2,040 2,097 2,265 2,227 2.300 2,339 2.375 395 489 555 613 687 741 801 869 930 971 1,041 1,048 1,126 1,170 1,178 1,293 1,213 1,246 1,252 1 ,259 56 62 69 75 82 90 98 108 118 128 136 143 150 159 165 173 178 170 185 189 59 55 54 56 53 52 54 56 59 64 64 OS 79 86 103 107 121 127 137 144 6.92 6.13 5.71 5.43 5 19 5.11 5.03 5.00 5.04 5.18 5.26 5 54 5.59 5.74 5 94 5.85 6.24 6.31 6.42 li 49 3.93 3.31 3.17 3.18 3.18 3.31 3.40 3.47 3.56 3.70 3.72 3.94 3 88 3.95 4.10 3.91 4.32 4.31 4.37 I in 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 198(1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2,317 2,262 2.224 2,185 2,166 2.148 2.169 2,177 2,173 2,208 2,303 2.394 2,444 2,639 2.707 2,777 3,047 3.503 4,175 1,180 1,112 1,068 1.036 1.023 1,033 1,073 1,108 1,181 1,178 1,283 1,352 1,387 1,537 1,554 ! ,563 1.756 2.110 2.631 19(1 185 183 180 177 176 175 176 176 17- 184 191 198 209 220 226 243 279 337 152 6.78 155 7.02 162 7.17 172 7.27 169 7.28 192 7.19 182 7.01 193 6.82 [92 6.65 178 6.45 183 6.08 162 5.92 171 5.84 152 5.61 155 5.68 152 5.81 153 5.60 159 5.22 168 4.78 Legal services — structures 1947 . . 2,398 2,413 2,424 2,447 2,447 2,444 2,472 2,508 2,549 2,578 2,635 2.663 2,747 2,813 2,864 2,985 3,100 3,204 3,301 3,434 979 1,004 1,032 1,069 1,086 1,100 1,146 1,202 1,259 1,305 1,374 1,417 1,508 1,581 1,635 1,755 1,864 1,955 2,034 2,144 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 68 69 70 71 73 75 77 79 81 85 89 92 95 80 77 82 81 83 84 85 87 85 87 85 86 82 84 81 80 79 75 74 72 22.59 22.37 22.09 21.72 21.53 21.34 20.88 20.32 19.79 19.33 18.74 1 s 35 17.68 17.14 16.77 16.06 15.48 15.06 14.73 14.34 16.89 16.04 15.24 14.39 13.91 13.49 12.76 12.05 11.45 11.05 10.54 10.33 9.85 9.59 9.51 9.12 8.90 8.83 8.84 8.77 1967 3,500 3,587 3,706 3,831 3,917 4.0112 4,202 4,382 4,445 4,536 4,567 4,528 4,503 4,480 4.476 4,425 4,571 4,877 5,173 2,183 2,238 2,322 2,405 2,445 2,478 2,620 2,735 2,731 2,751 2,713 2,609 2,519 2,437 2,372 2,270 2,358 2,612 2,847 98 101 104 108 111 114 118 124 127 129 131 131 130 129 128 127 128 134 143 71 69 70 65 65 62 61 57 60 58 62 66 64 69 67 76 70 82 81 14.26 14.17 13.97 13.84 13.90 14.01 13.78 13.70 14.01 14.26 14.68 15.31 15.91 16.49 17.01 17.67 17.60 16.93 16.44 9 01 1948 1968 9.18 1949 1969 9.24 1950 1970 9.32 1951 1971 9.57 1952 1972 9 83 1953 1973 9 68 1954 1974 9.66 1955 1975 10.06 1956 1976 10.35 1957 1977 10.83 1958 . 1978 11.55 1959 1979 12.21 1960 1980 12.81 1961 1981 13.30 1962 1982 13.98 1963 1983 13.52 1964 1984 12.30 1965 1985 11.44 1966 Educational services — equipment and struct j res 1947 712 766 820 887 956 1,030 1,118 1,233 1,339 1,447 1,541 1,642 1,731 1,821 1,922 2,041 2,151 2,254 2,355 2,447 339 394 446 504 557 607 668 747 812 875 920 970 1.006 1,045 1,096 1,168 1,231 1,287 1,343 1,392 31 35 40 46 53 59 67 76 86 95 103 110 117 124 131 139 147 154 161 167 35 32 34 34 33 32 34 37 40 45 49 54 60 67 76 85 93 103 110 117 16.10 14.82 13.72 12.66 11.82 11.12 10.43 9.72 9.26 8.91 8.73 8.58 8.53 8.49 8.41 8.26 8.17 8.11 8.06 8.05 10.00 8.59 7.69 7.00 6.58 6.30 6.01 5.67 5.52 5.43 5.46 5.45 5.52 5.55 5.51 5.39 5.34 5.33 5.32 5.35 1967 2,514 2,576 2,604 2,604 2,597 2,592 2,576 2,552 2,524 2,496 2,496 2,461 2,430 2,456 2,466 2,518 2,612 2,723 2,919 1.418 1.441 1,435 1,404 1.374 1,350 1,321 1,287 1,255 1,229 1,231 1,201 1,178 1,211 1,224 1,273 1,353 1,435 1,585 172 175 177 177 175 173 172 170 169 168 169 170 170 173 179 186 198 214 236 124 129 136 139 146 149 153 155 160 163 167 170 172 174 176 176 177 177 180 8.11 8.18 8.34 8.57 8.79 9.00 9.20 9.43 9.62 9.79 9.82 9.96 10.06 9.91 9.82 9.59 9.25 8.92 8.42 5.46 1948 1968 5.56 1949 1969 5.76 1950 1970 6.02 1951 1971 . ... 6.25 1952 1972 6.43 1953 1973 .... 6.61 1954 1974... . 6.80 1955 1975 6.95 1956 1976 7.06 1957 1977 6.99 1958 1978 7.11 1959 1979 7.17 1960. ... 1980 6.90 1961 1981 6.78 1962 1982 6.51 1963 1983 6.15 1964 . 1984 5.85 1965 . . 1985 5.40 1966 Educational services — equipment 1947... . 263 319 376 445 517 590 678 787 888 988 1,078 1,171 1,254 1,334 1,426 1,531 1,628 1,718 1,807 1,881 141 194 245 301 353 399 456 527 584 636 676 717 747 777 820 879 931 977 1,024 1,058 19 23 28 34 41 47 54 64 73 82 90 97 104 110 117 124 132 139 146 152 18 16 17 17 17 16 18 21 25 31 35 40 46 54 63 72 81 90 98 105 6.25 5.20 4.58 4.19 4.03 4.05 4.05 4.07 4.20 4.37 4.61 4.83 5.08 5.30 5.44 5.50 5.58 5.66 5.72 5.81 8.40 2.71 2.53 2.51 2.62 2.79 2.90 2.95 3.09 3.23 3.41 3.55 3.71 3.83 3.86 3.82 3.82 3.85 3.88 3.94 1967 1,927 1,967 1,978 1.965 1,947 1,931 1.910 1,884 1,858 1,830 1,831 1,798 1,768 1,795 1,803 1,851 1,942 2,051 2,244 1,068 1,074 1,056 1.019 986 957 930 902 879 859 870 848 832 872 888 938 1,021 1,105 1,255 156 158 160 159 156 155 153 151 150 149 150 151 151 154 160 167 179 195 218 112 117 124 128 134 137 141 144 148 151 154 158 160 161 162 162 163 162 165 5.96 6.10 6.29 6.53 6.74 6.92 7.08 7.23 7.33 7.38 7.29 7.30 7.25 6.96 6.75 6.42 6.02 5.67 5.23 4.08 1948 1968 4.20 1949 1969 4.38 1950 1970 4.60 1951 1971 4.77 1952 . 1972 4.88 1953 . 1973 4.95 1954 1974 5.00 1955 1975 4.99 1956 1976 4.95 1957 1977 4.74 1958 1978 4.72 1959 1979 4.65 1960 1980 4.32 1961 1981 4.16 1962 1982 3.91 1963 1983 3.62 1964 1984 3.43 1965 1985 3.16 1966 54 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Al. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Educational services — structures 1947 449 447 445 442 439 440 440 446 451 459 463 471 477 486 496 510 523 536 548 566 198 199 201 203 204 208 212 220 228 238 244 253 259 268 277 289 300 310 319 334 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 17 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 21.87 21.69 21.45 21.17 20.99 20.61 20.26 19.71 19.22 18.66 18.34 17.89 17.63 17.26 16.94 16.55 16.23 15.98 15.79 15.49 14.71 14.34 13.98 13.65 13.45 13.05 12.70 12.16 11.74 11.30 11.14 10.84 10.75 10.55 10.40 10.19 10.05 9.98 9.96 9.82 1967 587 609 627 639 650 661 666 667 666 666 664 664 661 661 664 667 670 672 676 350 367 378 385 388 393 391 385 377 369 361 354 345 339 336 334 332 330 329 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15.18 14.89 14.81 14.85 14.95 15.05 15.29 15.63 16.03 16.41 16.80 17.18 17.59 17.93 18.18 18.39 18.62 18.85 19.01 9.67 1948 1968 9.54 1949 1969 9.60 1950 1970 9.78 1951 1971 10.02 1952 1972 10.23 1953 1973 10.59 1954 1974 11.03 1955 1975 11.53 1956 1976 11.97 1957 1977 12.42 1958 .... 1978 12.83 1959 1979 13.25 1960 1980 13.56 1961 ... 1981 13.71 1962... 1982 13.80 1963. ... 1983 13.90 1964 1984 13.97 1965. . . 1985 13.93 1966 Social services, membership organizations, and miscellaneous professional services — equipment and structures 1947 2,915 3,115 3,332 3,645 3,907 4,150 4,496 4,956 5,577 6,335 7,156 7,999 8,676 9,668 10,685 11,712 12,753 13,735 14,715 15,556 1,488 1,660 1,850 2,122 2,325 2,485 2,745 3,089 3,582 4,190 4,841 5,502 5,989 6,783 7,589 8,383 9,184 9,888 10,578 11,111 126 138 153 173 193 213 234 265 296 332 364 396 425 457 494 530 567 602 639 672 75 80 92 104 108 103 108 121 132 151 162 174 196 219 241 250 277 285 300 311 14.03 13.48 12.92 12.14 11.66 11.35 10.83 10.23 9.52 8.84 8.32 7.96 7.86 7.57 7.38 7.29 7.26 7.33 7.45 7.66 9.96 9.02 8.25 7.42 7.04 6.88 6.51 6.10 5.60 5.16 4.90 4.77 4.87 4.80 4.82 4.90 5.03 5.24 5.47 5.77 1967 16,424 17,370 18,619 19,875 21,129 22,957 25,463 27,584 29,053 30,512 32,191 33,734 34,695 35,331 35,535 35,571 35,874 36,175 36,500 11,652 12,243 13,106 13,940 14,738 16,065 18,008 19,485 20,278 21,033 21,975 22,739 22,911 22,767 22,205 21,496 21,071 20,689 20,339 704 736 778 823 865 922 999 1,080 1,144 1,196 1,257 1,323 1,376 1,413 1,431 1,444 1,470 1,511 1,561 318 323 333 340 339 360 366 369 386 405 436 464 491 528 548 581 622 651 708 7.88 8.09 8.19 8.33 8.52 8.52 8.38 8.46 8.77 9.09 9.35 9.66 10.13 10.67 11.31 12.00 12.56 13.09 13.58 6.05 1948 1968 6.31 1949 1969 6.43 1950 1970 6.57 1951 1971 6.75 1952 1972 6.71 1953 1973 6.51 1954 1974 6.56 1955 1975 6.84 1956 1976 7.12 1957 1977 7.32 1958 1978 7.57 1959 1979 7.98 1960 1980 8.47 1961 1981 9.09 1962 1982 9.74 1963 1983 10.23 1964 1984 10.65 1965 1985 11.02 1966 Social services, membership organizations, and miscellaneous professional services —equipment 1947 922 1,043 1,181 1,392 1,576 1,745 1,951 2,134 2,361 2,540 2,723 2,860 3,026 3,164 3,285 3,416 3,506 3,620 3,779 3,897 474 589 722 914 1,058 1,163 1,303 1,392 1,524 1,595 1,670 1,703 1,775 1,827 1,873 1,937 1,975 2,031 2,145 2,224 71 81 93 111 129 146 165 189 211 233 246 258 269 281 292 301 311 319 330 340 41 45 54 64 63 55 59 67 79 94 105 115 136 155 175 188 209 222 237 248 5.69 5.13 4.60 4.06 3.87 3.90 3.84 3.99 4.06 4.28 4.47 4.71 4.86 5.02 5.15 5.22 5.30 5.36 5.31 5.30 2.95 2.54 2.35 2.23 2.36 2.57 2.68 2.87 2.93 3.07 3.18 3.32 3.36 3.43 3.49 3.49 3.53 3.54 3.45 3.44 1967 4,014 4,146 4,298 4,378 4,514 4,690 4,921 5,140 5,256 5,395 5,651 5,955 6,162 6,342 6,510 6,679 7,131 7,592 8,120 2,304 2,391 2,496 2,521 2,606 2,718 2,880 3,010 3,043 3,102 3,265 3,458 3,560 3,640 3,714 3,790 4,130 4,501 4,899 351 359 373 385 392 409 428 447 463 477 498 525 550 571 583 599 632 679 738 256 256 266 270 272 283 289 290 299 309 322 334 349 367 372 388 401 413 429 5.28 5.27 5.23 5.30 5.29 5.27 5.19 5.18 5.25 5.29 5.24 5.19 5.21 5.23 5.25 5.26 5.09 4.88 4.70 3.43 1948 1968 3.42 1949 1969 3.40 1950 1970 3.48 1951 1971 3.47 19.V 1972 3.45 1953 1973 3.37 1954 1974 3.37 1955 1975 3.45 1956 1976 3.47 1957 1977 3.39 i:» 1978 3.31 1959 1979 3.32 1960 1980 3.33 1961 1981 3.34 1962 1982 3.34 1963 1983 ,. 3.16 1964 1984 2.99 1965 1985 2.87 1966 Social services, membership organizations, and miscellaneous professional services —structures 1947 1,993 2,072 2,151 2,253 2,332 2,405 2,545 2,822 3,216 3,796 4,433 5,139 5,650 6,504 7,400 8,297 9,247 10,115 10,937 11,659 1,014 1,071 1,128 1,207 1,267 1,322 1,442 1,697 2,058 2,595 3,171 3,799 4,214 4,956 5,716 6,446 7,208 7,857 8,433 8,887 56 57 60 62 65 67 70 76 86 100 118 138 156 176 202 229 256 283 308 331 34 35 38 40 45 49 49 54 53 56 57 59 61 63 66 62 68 63 63 63 17.89 17.68 17.48 17.13 16.93 16.77 16.20 14.96 13.52 11.89 10.69 9.76 9.47 8.82 8.38 8.15 8.00 8.04 8.19 8.45 13.23 12.58 12.02 11.34 10.95 10.66 9.98 8.75 7.57 6.45 5.80 5.42 5.51 5.31 5.25 5.33 5.44 5.68 5.98 6.35 1967 12,410 13,225 14,321 15,497 16,615 18,268 20,542 22,444 23,797 25,116 26,540 27,780 28,533 28,990 29,025 28,892 28,743 28,584 28,380 9,348 9,852 10,610 11,419 12,131 13,347 15,128 16,476 17,235 17,931 18,710 19,281 19,351 19,127 18,491 17,706 16,941 16,188 15,441 353 376 405 439 472 513 571 633 681 720 759 798 826 842 848 844 838 831 824 62 67 67 70 68 77 77 79 87 96 114 130 142 161 176 193 221 238 280 8.72 8.97 9.08 9.19 9.40 9.36 9.15 9.22 9.55 9.91 10.23 10.62 11.19 11.85 12.67 13.55 14.42 15.28 16.12 6.70 1948 1968 7.01 1969 7.14 1970 7.26 1971 7.45 1952 1972 7.37 1953 1973 7.11 1954 1974 7.14 1955 1975 7.44 1956 1976 7.75 1957 1977 8.00 1958 1978 8.33 1959 1979 8.84 1960 1980 9.45 1961 1981 10.24 1982 11.11 1963 1983 11.95 1964 1984 12.78 1965 1985 13.61 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 55 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries — equipment and structures 24.521 28,181 30,640 34,5x3 38,871 41,520 43,037 44,306 47,103 49,993 51,584 52.910 53.864 54.326 55,018 56.342 57,947 59,959 63,367 67,756 12,5(17 15,221 17,202 19,828 22,371 23,767 24,401 24,742 26,(154 27,272 27,841 28.489 29.103 29,256 29,657 30,545 31,702 33,(196 35.446 38,352 1,190 1,479 1,726 1,95(1 2,293 2,540 2,698 2,8(19 2,914 3,107 3,235 3.313 3.399 3,411 3,411 3.452 3,512 3,609 3,780 4,028 1,079 1.21)6 1,266 1,351 1,483 1,579 1,711 1,866 2,075 2,410 2,749 2,953 3,123 3,200 3.242 3,2X9 3,315 3,340 3,410 3,451 14.91 13.58 12.41 11.74 11.32 10 96 1068 10.55 10.54 10.62 10.57 10.43 10 33 10.33 1036 10.36 10.31 10.24 10.11 10.00 8.33 7.30 6,61 6.31 6.23 6.22 6 26 6.38 6.51 6.71 6.82 6.81 6.79 6 89 6 99 7 02 7.02 7 01 6 9 1 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197s 1979 19X0 19S1 1982 19X3 19S4 19X5 71,757 77.682 84,713 91,743 99.955 110,243 122,910 152.6X2 168.135 188,203 212,319 248,913 281,077 319.232 353.707 365,736 3X0.823 3S8.39S 3S6.337 40,9X8 44,469 48,4X7 52,633 57,405 63.098 70.948 88.374 97,053 108,676 122,740 143,826 161,935 181,476 197,160 198,172 201,170 200,512 195,742 4,300 4,600 4,977 5.3S4 5.703 6.392 7,008 8,110 9,682 10,756 12,162 13,718 15.686 18,211 20,301 21.652 22,141 22,319 22.018 3,526 3,585 3,757 3,902 4.126 4.585 5,170 5.748 6,887 7,665 8,421 9,473 10,732 12,8X4 14,670 16.947 18,460 19,9X7 21,043 9.85 9 ss 9 93 9.96 10 08 10.12 10,08 9.88 9.77 9.69 9.67 9.89 9.73 9.84 10.07 1035 10X0 11.25 11.70 Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries — equipment 1947 10,933 13,720 16,203 18,930 21,761 23,793 25,282 26,406 28.033 29,534 30,812 32,173 32,826 33,127 33,144 33,582 34,240 35,272 37,177 39,596 6,352 8,367 10,092 11,843 13,395 14,206 14,633 14,727 15,238 15,525 15,814 16,402 16,689 16,668 16,598 16,882 17,414 18,189 19,605 21,311 865 1,109 1,356 1,576 1,860 2,086 2,233 2,348 2,439 2,582 2,683 2,768 2,849 2,848 2,837 2,855 2,888 2,958 3,092 3,293 596 683 765 856 936 1,025 1,168 1,343 1,554 1,857 2,191 2,433 2,620 2,718 2,772 2,837 2,842 2,883 2,941 2,980 5.10 4.75 4.58 4.52 4.60 4.79 5.01 5.28 5.49 5.76 5.99 6.12 6.22 6.38 6.48 6.52 6.49 6.42 6.28 6.12 3.26 3.00 2.95 3.02 3.19 3.42 3.63 3.86 3.98 4.16 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.37 4.40 4.37 4.28 4.18 4.04 3.92 1967 42,086 44,803 48,156 51,269 54,355 60,303 66,947 85,436 95,809 108,310 122,094 137,465 160.334 182.905 202,177 210.990 215,149 214,493 209,033 22,975 24,543 26.352 28.128 29,819 33,108 37,309 47,773 53,217 60,062 67,702 75,590 87,959 98.297 105.861 106,068 104,266 100.586 95.929 3,521 3,759 4,030 4,342 4,533 5,087 5,503 6,439 7,778 8,694 9,854 11,073 12,615 14,663 16,392 17,437 17,785 17,728 17,262 3,055 3,131 3,222 3,382 3,503 3,961 4,324 4,899 5,965 6,638 7,348 8,190 9,309 11,072 12.842 14.692 16,280 17,394 18,466 6.00 5.93 5.90 5.83 5.80 5.82 5.73 5.71 5.76 5.77 5.77 5.84 5.85 5.99 6.19 6.50 6.77 7.03 7.26 3.86 194X 1968 3 87 1949 . 1969 3 90 1950 1970 3 87 1951 . 1971 3 88 1952 .. 1972 3 90 1953 1973 3 80 1954 1974 3.81 1955 1975 3.90 1956 1976 3.93 1957 1977 3.93 1958 1978 4.00 1959 1979 4.00 1960 1980 4.15 1961 1981 4.34 1962 1982 4.63 1963 1983 4.87 1964 1984 5.07 1965 1985 5.19 1966 Agriculture, forestry, anu fisheries — structures 13,588 14,461 14,437 15,653 17,110 17.727 17,756 17,899 19,069 20,460 20,772 20.736 21,038 21,199 21,874 22.759 23,707 24.688 26.190 28.160 6,155 6,854 7,110 7.9X6 8,976 9,560 9,768 10,015 10,817 11,747 12,027 12,087 12,414 12,5X8 13,059 1.3,663 14,289 14,906 15,840 17,042 325 371) 370 374 434 454 465 461 476 524 553 545 550 564 574 596 624 651 687 735 483 524 501 194 546 555 543 523 520 553 559 521 502 481 469 452 473 457 469 471 22 79 21.95 21.19 2046 19.86 19 23 18.75 18.33 17.96 17.62 17.36 17.12 16.73 16.49 16.26 16.02 15.83 15.68 15.56 15.45 1355 1255 11.80 11.18 10.77 10 39 10.21 in 10 10.07 10.06 10.14 10.22 10.16 10.21 1028 10.30 1036 10.45 10.52 10.59 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1970 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 29.671 32.879 36.557 40,474 45,600 49.939 55.963 67,246 72,327 79,892 90,225 111,447 120,743 136,327 151,231 154,747 165,674 173,905 177,304 18,013 19,925 22,135 24.505 27,585 29.991) 33.638 40.601 43,836 48.614 55.038 08,230 73,977 83.179 91,299 92,105 96,905 99,925 99,813 ;79 84 i 947 1,04.3 1,170 1,305 1.505 1,671 1,904 2,062 2,307 2,644 3,071 3,548 3.909 4,215 4.350 4,591 4,756 471 15.31 453 15.28 535 15.24 520 15.19 622 15.18 025 15.31 846 15.28 849 15.18 921 15.08 1,027 15.00 1.073 14.95 1.283 14.88 1,423 14.88 1,812 15.00 1,827 15.26 2.255 15.61 2.180 16.03 2,593 16.45 2,577 16.93 Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries — equipmen and structures 1947 1,099 1,238 1,304 1,432 1,619 1,754 1,810 1,883 2,138 2,380 2,564 2,788 2,846 2.972 3,075 3,260 3,370 3,620 3,862 4,117 589 685 740 821 931 1,016 1,036 1,072 1,244 1,370 1,470 1,622 1,616 1,667 1,697 1,792 1,816 1,989 2,133 2,248 43 53 60 65 77 85 90 93 101 117 130 141 152 157 164 172 181 193 212 229 34 39 40 42 47 49 53 55 59 7(1 80 84 89 96 101 110 119 134 150 158 15.90 15.07 14.12 13.55 13.28 12.78 12.61 12.30 11.67 11.65 11.49 11.02 11.07 11.05 11.14 11.08 11.24 10.89 10.74 10.78 10.00 9.23 8.54 8.26 8.13 7.86 7.95 7.90 7.38 7.48 7.44 7.05 7.30 7.38 7.49 7.43 7.62 7.20 7.05 7.14 1967 4,390 4,807 5,257 6,028 6,630 7,151 8,014 9,960 10,940 12,436 14,216 16,959 20.497 24,024 27,630 29,246 31,103 32,517 33,671 2,388 2,630 2,878 3,405 3,764 4,063 4,567 5,629 6,139 7,087 8,181 9,914 12,098 14,079 15,958 16,307 16,842 17,279 17,846 248 273 301 344 392 432 477 567 675 779 919 1,102 1,355 1,659 2,014 2,265 2,432 2,542 2,612 180 196 219 236 270 303 337 395 496 563 630 719 864 1,000 1,229 1,417 1,621 1,878 2,093 10.72 10.52 10.45 9.97 9.83 9.76 9.69 9.75 9.61 9.15 8.88 8.68 8.36 8.14 7.95 8.03 8.13 8.22 8.38 7.12 1948 1968 6.94 1949 1969 6.91 1950 1970 6.41 1951 1971 6.34 1952 1972 6.35 1953 .... 1973 6.34 1954. . 1974 6.48 1955 1975 6 46 1956 1976 6 10 1957 1977 5 92 1958 1978 5 75 1959 1979 5 58 1960 1980 5.52 1961 1981 5.48 1962 1982 5 71 1903 1983 5 89 1964 1984 5 99 1965 1985 6 06 1966 56 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 195* 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 452 557 651 759 886 1,008 1,083 1,176 1,389 1,573 1,740 1,943 2,028 2,153 2,238 2,391 2,470 2,682 2,868 3,061 291 371 438 507 588 663 692 735 X77 973 1,060 1,191 1,198 1,244 1,262 1,334 1,336 1,475 1,579 1,655 109 121 131 137 143 151 159 170 187 203 18 20 22 24 27 27 32 34 39 47 57 60 66 74 79 87 97 111 128 135 5.89 5.52 5.38 5.44 5.50 5.59 5.96 6.26 6.21 6.52 6.76 6.73 7.16 7.45 7.71 7.86 8.19 8.06 8.03 8.17 4.10 3.85 3.84 4.01 4.13 4.23 4.62 4.87 4.69 4.94 5.10 4.94 5.34 5.55 5.72 5.73 5.98 5.65 5.54 5.65 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 3,255 3,571 3,888 4,465 4,890 5,236 5,837 7,204 8,032 9,344 10,803 12,860 15,739 18,764 22,161 23,694 25,207 26,263 26,622 1,737 1,911 2,075 2,464 2,705 2,887 3,224 3,924 4,345 5,164 6,063 7,381 9,153 10,851 12,634 12,958 13,306 13,505 13,519 220 243 268 306 350 385 425 503 601 702 834 1,006 1,241 1,528 1,874 2,122 2,285 2,386 2,438 156 171 193 207 240 271 303 354 450 517 580 666 798 931 1,151 1,342 1,540 1,796 2,003 8.24 8.13 8.09 7.69 7.57 7.52 7.43 7.49 7.42 7.07 6.81 6.50 6.22 6.04 6.00 6.16 6.26 6.38 6.50 Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 647 681 653 673 733 746 727 707 749 806 825 845 818 819 837 869 899 938 994 1,056 298 314 303 314 343 354 344 337 367 397 410 431 418 423 435 459 480 514 554 593 22.89 22.88 22.83 22.72 22.69 22.49 22.52 22.35 21.79 21.66 21.47 20.88 20.77 20.51 20.31 19.94 19.64 19.00 18.57 18.33 15.77 15.57 15.35 15.12 14.97 14.66 14.68 14.51 13.82 13.71 13.51 12.87 12.92 12.75 12.64 12.36 12.18 11.64 11.36 11.30 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 1,135 1,237 1,368 1,563 1,740 1,915 2,177 2,756 2,908 3,093 3,412 4,100 4,758 5,260 5,469 5,553 5,896 6,254 7,049 650 719 803 941 1,058 1,176 1,343 1,705 1,794 1,923 2,118 2,534 2,945 3,228 3,324 3,350 3,536 3,774 4,327 28 30 33 38 42 47 52 64 73 77 84 96 114 131 140 143 147 156 174 23 17.82 26 17.43 26 17.16 29 16.50 30 16.18 32 15.88 34 15.73 41 15.65 46 15.67 47 15.43 50 15.44 53 15.51 66 15.45 70 15.62 77 15.83 75 15.99 81 16.11 82 15.95 91 15.51 Mining — equipment and structures 1947 . 19,304 20,984 21,530 23,831 26,675 28,718 30,311 32,096 35,830 40,475 43,206 44,689 48,279 48,400 50,527 52,293 52,731 55,707 59,682 64,944 9,821 10,859 11.266 12,691 14,424 15,844 17,053 18,341 20,806 23,675 25,278 25,922 27,771 27,498 28,428 29,181 29,153 30,750 32,954 35,822 1,060 1,220 1,271 1,340 1,581 1,707 1,846 1,951 2,114 2,439 2,708 2,803 2,998 3,093 3,145 3,296 3,321 3,447 3,635 3,938 928 1,034 1,057 1,104 1,276 1,312 1,383 1,440 1,528 1,629 1,784 1,838 1,949 2,012 2,060 2,243 2,324 2,479 2,694 2,983 10.73 10.41 10.09 9.76 9.50 9.15 8.78 8.47 8.18 7.98 7.85 7.84 7.78 7.85 7.90 7.97 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.11 6.75 6.45 6.23 5.97 5.78 5.53 5.29 5.13 5.00 4.95 4.96 5.07 5.16 5.28 5.37 5.44 5.54 5.53 5.51 5.53 1967 68,488 73,415 78,722 82,980 88,978 94,962 104,121 136,415 156,466 175,364 208,796 253,765 296,701 358,006 462,702 508,413 439,770 435,274 437,922 37,491 39,915 42,661 44,601 47,359 50,170 54,948 71,709 82,666 93,087 111,764 136,966 161,332 196,022 257,203 282,209 238,839 232,805 229,570 4,187 4,467 4,769 5,097 5,344 5,744 6,192 7,663 9,719 11,057 13,179 16,148 19,662 23,687 30,804 37,321 34,078 32,494 32,909 3,235 3,550 3,889 4,213 4,491 4,945 5,383 6,670 8,358 9,211 10,554 12,378 14,384 16,523 20,697 24,327 22,765 23,047 24,294 8.20 8.30 8.38 8.52 8.67 8.79 8.84 8.78 8.60 8.48 8.28 8.13 7.88 7.64 7.27 7.13 7.41 7.55 7.71 5.62 1948 . 1968 5.73 1949 1969 5.80 1950 1970 5.95 1951 1971 6.11 1952 . 1972 6.21 1953 .. 1973 6.23 1954 1974 6.13 1955 1975 5.95 1956 1976 5.82 1957 1977 5.61 1958 1978 5.47 1959 1979 5.26 1960 1980 5.06 1961 1981 4.72 1962 1982 4.64 1963 4.97 1964 1984 5.12 1965 1985 5.28 1966 Mining — equipment 1947 3,273 3,690 4,055 4,542 4,912 5,278 5,767 6,205 6,757 7,582 8,300 8,777 9,275 9,484 9,793 10,170 10,620 11,359 12,227 13,441 1,763 1,981 2,181 2,444 2,616 2,836 3,144 3,409 3,732 4,187 4,620 4,869 5,121 5,162 5,318 5,525 5,824 6,362 6,997 7,828 261 297 333 367 418 437 481 529 564 631 708 754 790 820 839 867 898 954 1,023 1,110 181 209 250 287 320 322 371 418 444 478 553 581 603 646 666 708 729 792 836 864 6.42 6.36 6.30 6.29 6.34 6.25 6.13 6.05 6.02 6.02 5.94 5.94 5.94 6.02 6.02 6.02 5.96 5.82 5.67 5.55 4.32 4.26 4.22 4.22 4.29 4.14 4.00 3.93 3.90 3.90 3.85 3.89 3.94 4.06 4.06 4.06 3.99 3.86 3.75 3.70 1967 14,684 16,136 17,354 18,753 20,216 21,894 24,304 31,205 38,543 43,796 50,963 59,885 71,043 85,772 103,085 111,790 108,859 106,322 102,919 8,633 9,447 10,092 10,738 11,478 12,330 13,823 17,778 21,988 25,042 29,440 34,816 41,572 49,554 58,547 61,375 56,282 51,888 47,654 1,223 1,344 1,458 1,573 1,702 1,853 2,026 2,391 3,125 3,633 4,208 4,955 5,881 7,055 8,543 9,717 9,774 9,458 9,144 925 982 1,046 1,096 1,177 1,314 1,444 1,702 2,267 2,633 2,992 3,433 3,913 4,588 5,473 6,424 7,074 7,628 8,289 5.48 5.50 5.53 5.65 5.72 5.78 5.73 5.70 5.71 5.68 5.58 5.49 5.39 5.44 5.54 5.78 6.22 6.66 7.09 3.72 1948 1968 3.82 1949 1969 3.93 1950 1970 4.08 1951 1971 4.14 1952 1972 4.18 1953 1973 4.07 1954 1974 4.01 1955 1975 4.00 1956 1976 3.98 1957 1977 3.89 1958 1978 3.82 1959 1979 3.76 1960 1980 3.84 1961 1981 3.95 1962 1982 4.19 1963 1983 4.66 1964 1984 5.07 1965 1985 5.43 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 57 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Mining — structures 16,031 17,294 17,475 19,289 21,764 23,441 24.545 25,891 29,073 32,893 34,906 35,912 39,004 38,916 40,735 42,123 42,111 44,348 47.455 51,503 8,058 8,878 9,085 10.247 11,809 13,008 13.909 14,932 17,074 19,488 20,658 21,052 22,650 22,335 23,111 23,656 23,329 24,388 25,958 27,994 798 922 938 973 1,163 1,269 1,364 1,422 1,550 1,807 1,999 2,049 2,208 2,274 2,306 2,430 2,423 2,493 2,612 2,829 748 826 807 816 956 990 1,011 1,023 1,083 1,152 1,231 1,257 1,346 1,366 1,395 1,535 1,595 1,687 1,858 2,119 11.62 11.27 10.97 10.58 10.22 9.80 9.41 9.05 8 68 8.43 8.31 8.30 8.21 8.30 8.36 8.44 8.60 8.66 8.71 8 78 7.29 6 91 6 71 6.39 6.11 ;, 8.3 5 59 5 i 1 5.24 5.17 5.21 5.35 5.43 5.57 5.67 5.76 5.92 5.96 5.99 6.04 1967 196* 1969 19711 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 198.", 53,804 57,279 61,367 64,227 68,763 73,068 79,817 105,209 117,923 131,568 157,833 193,879 225,658 272.233 359,617 396.(123 330.910 328.952 335,002 28.858 30.467 32 569 33,803 35.880 37.839 41,125 53.931 60,678 68,045 82,324 102,150 119.760 146.468 198,656 220,834 182.557 180,917 181,916 2.964 3,123 3,311 3,524 3.641 3,891 4,166 5,272 6,594 7,425 8,971 11,193 13.781 16,633 22,262 27,604 24,305 23.036 23,766 2,310 8.94 2,567 9.09 2,842 9.19 3,117 9.35 3,313 9.54 3,632 9.69 3,939 9.79 4,968 9.69 6,091 9.55 6,579 9.41 7,562 9.15 8,945 8.95 10,471 8.66 11.934 8.33 15.224 7.77 17,904 7.51 15,691 7.80 15,419 7.84 16,005 7.90 Metal mining — equipment and structures 1,909 1,991 1,943 2,053 2,217 2,306 2.383 2,446 2.635 2.889 2,982 2,999 3.056 3,132 3,265 3,437 3,579 3,783 4,151 4.544 823 875 857 918 1.023 1,111 1,203 1,271 1,408 1,584 1,657 1,673 1,720 1,795 1,908 2,042 2,140 2,286 2,565 2,828 96 97 99 113 118 125 129 135 150 162 162 164 168 171 178 185 193 207 226 109 119 122 123 134 137 142 141 143 150 162 158 157 161 160 159 162 162 167 169 16 53 15.97 15.57 15.13 14.53 13.73 1283 12.19 11.64 11.10 10.72 10.50 10.24 9.89 9.61 9 35 9 25 9.12 8.83 8.75 9 50 9.04 8 89 8.63 8.09 7.46 6.85 6.54 6.31 6.12 6.11 6.21 6.24 6.16 6.10 6.07 6 19 6.22 6.07 6.14 1967 1968 1909 197n 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 198 1 1983 1983 1984 1985 4,882 5,445 6,025 6.640 7,454 8,189 9,220 11,392 12.935 14,676 16,787 20,435 22,795 26.397 30,105 31,633 33.080 34,559 34.996, 3,046 3.394 3,747 4,095 4,561 1,948 5,525 6,814 7,719 8,700 9,820 11,760 12,964 14,662 16,209 16,529 16,749 17,137 16.934 343 264 292 318 356 398 448 537 672 782 918 1,084 1.284 1,511 1,772 1,961 2.031 2,098 2.145 172 8.72 180 8.79 191 8.91 193 9.08 205 9.26 226 9.46 237 9.59 284 9.52 349 9.38 377 9.34 448 9.37 518 9.52 640 9.46 782 9.54 966 9.72 1,178 9.91 1,345 10.30 1.529 10.57 1,711 10.85 Metal mining — equipment 1947 405 447 482 539 595 639 692 732 790 876 929 949 970 971 974 998 996 1,023 1,120 1,215 218 236 251 279 311 339 370 391 420 464 489 489 494 491 495 515 513 539 629 701 31 34 38 41 47 50 55 59 62 69 75 77 78 79 78 79 80 81 86 93 19 24 29 33 37 39 45 49 51 55 65 67 71 77 79 81 84 89 91 89 7.58 7.64 7.70 7.75 7.66 7.49 7.39 7.33 7.34 7.37 7.41 7.55 7.62 7.65 7.63 7.51 7.52 7.37 6.83 6.64 5.45 5.43 5.44 5.38 5.16 4.91 4.78 4.76 4.76 4.77 4.85 5.01 5.10 5.14 5.09 4.95 5.01 4.91 441 4.35 1967 1,338 1,451 1,530 1.642 1,804 1,967 2,229 2,986 3.880 4.668 5,508 6,553 7,674 9,188 10.905 11,748 11,567 11,549 11,333 793 868 927 994 1.104 1,201 1,374 1,861 2,425 2,920 3,384 3,953 4,504 5,168 5,858 6,043 5,684 5.516 5,256 100 108 113 120 131 146 163 203 283 353 429 516 615 730 878 987 992 976 963 94 98 98 96 95 101 103 120 157 175 208 249 302 383 501 637 752 846 938 6.43 6.39 6.33 6.40 6.33 6.33 6.22 6.01 5.89 5.75 5.77 5.80 5.91 6.14 6.44 6.77 7.17 7.47 7.81 4.29 1948 1968.. .. 4.39 1949 1969.. . 4.47 1950 1970 4.65 1951 1971 ... 4.62 1952 1972 . 4.70 1953 1973 4.60 1954 1974 4.41 1955 1975 4.34 1956 1976 4.22 1957 1977 4.29 1958 1978 4.32 1959 1979 4.42 1960 1980 4.66 1961 1981.... 4.90 1962 1982 5.14 1963 1983 5.45 1964 1984.. .. 5.58 1965 1985.. .. 5.78 1966 Metal mining — structures 1947 1,503 1,544 1,460 1,514 1,622 1,666 1,691 1,714 1,846 2,013 2,053 2,050 2,086 2,161 2,291 2,439 2,583 2,760 3,031 3,330 605 640 606 639 712 772 833 880 988 1,119 1,168 1,183 1,226 1,304 1,412 1,527 1,627 1,747 1,936 2,127 56 62 60 58 66 68 70 70 73 81 86 85 86 89 93 99 105 112 121 133 90 95 93 91 97 98 97 92 92 96 98 90 86 84 81 78 78 73 76 80 18.94 18.38 18.17 17.76 17.05 16.13 15.05 14.26 13.48 12.72 12.22 11.87 11.45 10.90 10.45 10.10 9.92 9.77 9.57 9 52 10.96 10.37 10.32 10.05 9.37 8.58 7.76 7.33 6.97 6.68 6.64 6.71 6.71 6.55 6.46 6.45 6.56 6.63 6.61 6.73 1967 3,545 3,99:, 4,495 4,998 5,650 6,222 6,992 8,406 9,055 10,008 11,279 13,883 15,120 17.209 19,200 19,885 21,513 23,009 23,663 2,253 2,520 2,821 3,102 3,457 3,747 4,152 4,954 5,294 5,780 6,436 7,807 8,459 9,494 10,351 10,486 11,065 11,621 11,678 143 156 178 198 225 252 285 335 389 428 489 568 669 781 894 974 1,039 1,121 1,182 78 83 93 96 110 125 134 164 192 202 240 269 338 399 465 541 594 683 773 9.59 9.66 9.78 9.97 10.20 10.45 10.67 10.77 10.87 11.01 11.13 11.28 11.27 11.36 11.58 11.77 11.98 12.12 12.31 6.90 1948.. .. 1968 .... 7.04 1949 1969 7.22 1950 1970 7.42 1951 1971 7.65 1952 1972 7.89 1953 1973 8.04 1954 1974 8.06 1955. .. 1975 8.08 1956 1976 8.13 1957 . 1977 8.17 1958 1978 8.22 1959. .. 1979 8.10 1960 1980 8.12 1961 1981 8.28 1962 1982 8.41 1963 1983 8.55 1964 1984 8.56 1965 1985 8 66 1966 58 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Coal mining — equipment and structures 1947 194X 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1,982 2,136 2,129 2,233 2,342 2,336 2,308 2,251 2,274 2,397 2,410 2,374 2,335 2,340 2.429 2,517 2,645 2,730 2,832 3,040 872 947 932 960 980 956 937 904 914 989 1,027 1,044 1,058 1,112 1,229 1,316 1,427 1,477 1,525 1,650 113 129 137 141 156 156 158 156 154 162 170 170 169 170 176 184 194 206 214 225 107 121 131 139 158 162 185 194 203 212 239 235 226 222 210 198 190 188 190 1X9 16.36 15.77 15.12 14.71 14.82 14.71 14.32 14.01 13.84 13.51 13.04 12.59 11.90 11.21 10.32 9.71 9.04 8.67 8.41 8.10 9.11 8.64 8.40 8.28 8.38 8.31 8.05 7.86 7.63 7.12 6.65 6.28 5.92 5.48 4.96 4.73 4.53 4.58 4.69 4.65 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 3,288 3,657 4,052 4,509 5,148 5,847 6,701 8,740 10,708 12,994 16,540 21,203 25,700 31,707 39,160 43,124 44,640 45,882 46,507 1,814 2,040 2,296 2,587 3,040 3,514 4,079 5,352 6,619 8,232 10,802 13,937 16,786 20,358 24,824 26,414 26,204 25,827 25,218 243 268 295 323 363 414 472 573 757 922 1,165 1,482 1,841 2,272 2,829 3.296 3,426 3,462 3,474 200 214 240 254 279 298 325 368 475 543 619 723 877 1,080 1,337 1,605 1,868 2,126 2,430 7.72 7.42 7.17 7.00 6.67 6.44 6.29 6.15 5.86 5.53 5.16 5.08 5.09 5.17 5.20 5.46 5.91 6.36 6.82 Coal mining —equipment 1947 857 999 1,085 1,192 1,253 1,269 1,288 1,283 1,292 1,370 1,411 1,391 1,387 1,387 1,448 1,496 1,594 1,651 1.695 1,807 491 565 588 620 624 604 591 570 564 611 655 657 665 690 764 804 884 907 911 965 73 85 96 103 114 113 116 116 114 118 125 126 125 125 129 135 143 152 157 163 41 50 62 75 87 90 113 127 134 141 163 163 155 156 144 136 128 129 129 132 5.18 5.20 5.45 5.71 5.97 6.25 6.51 6.74 6.91 6.86 6.68 6.59 6.48 6.22 5.79 5.60 5.33 5.33 5.45 5.47 3.54 3.56 3.84 4.10 4.33 4.50 4.66 4.78 4.80 4.50 4.19 4.12 4.06 3.90 3.57 3.55 3.40 3.55 3.76 3.80 1967 1,971 2,171 2,323 2,538 2,884 3,292 3,767 5,042 6,597 8,153 10,567 13,311 16,318 20,376 25,314 27,678 27,358 26,975 26,456 1,067 1,174 1,254 1,379 1,632 1,908 2,223 2,980 3,947 4,999 6,701 8,451 10,204 12,414 15,052 15,608 14,434 13,319 12,399 177 196 211 228 255 293 334 409 564 702 895 1,144 1,418 1,748 2,176 2,519 2,556 2,504 2,447 141 155 173 185 201 215 231 263 351 412 475 565 689 868 1,104 1,353 1,584 1,811 2,085 5.38 5.37 5.40 5.36 5.10 4.92 4.78 4.72 4.62 4.42 4.15 4.11 4.20 4.37 4.54 4.90 5.35 5.81 6.20 3.67 1948 1968 3 66 1949 1969 3 69 1950 1970 3 64 1951 1971 3 36 1952 1972 3 23 1953 1973 3 15 1954 1974 3.16 1955 1975 3.11 1956 1976 2.96 1957 . .. 1977 2.76 1958 1978 2.80 1959 1979 2.94 1960. ... 1980 3.14 1961 1981 3.30 1962. ... 1982 3.65 1963 1983 4.08 1964 1984 4.47 1965 1985 4.74 1966 Coal mining —structures 1947... . 1,125 1,136 1,044 1,041 1,084 1.068 1.020 969 982 1,027 999 984 949 953 981 1,021 1,051 1,079 1,137 1,233 382 382 344 341 356 352 346 334 350 378 372 387 393 422 465 511 543 569 615 685 40 43 41 38 42 43 42 41 40 44 45 44 44 45 46 49 52 54 57 62 67 70 69 64 71 71 72 67 69 71 76 72 71 66 66 62 62 59 61 57 24.88 25.06 25.16 25.02 25.01 2475 24.19 23.64 22.95 22.37 22.03 21.08 19.84 18.47 17.01 15.73 14.69 13.78 12.84 11.97 16.28 16.16 16.20 15.89 15.49 14.87 13.87 13.10 12.19 11.34 10.99 9.95 9.08 8.07 7.22 6.60 6.36 6.23 6.06 5.85 1967 1.317 1,486 1,729 1,971 2,264 2,556 2,934 3,698 4,110 4,841 5,973 7,892 9,382 11,331 13,846 15,446 17,282 18,907 20,051 747 866 1,042 1,208 1,408 1,606 1,856 2,372 2,672 3,233 4,102 5,486 6,582 7,944 9,772 10,806 11,770 12,508 12,819 66 72 84 95 108 121 137 164 193 221 270 338 424 524 653 778 870 958 1,026 59 59 68 69 78 83 95 106 123 131 144 158 188 213 234 252 283 315 345 11.22 10.42 9.56 9.12 8.66 8.39 8.22 8.10 7.86 7.39 6.94 6.73 6.64 6.62 6.40 6.46 6.78 7.14 7.63 5.72 1948 1968 5.51 1949 1969 5.24 1950 1970 5.19 1951 1971 5.18 1952 1972 5.21 195:! 1973 5.33 1954 1974 5.38 1955 1975 5.37 1956 1976 5.08 1957 1977 4.81 1958 1978 4.76 1959 1979 4.81 1960 1980 4.90 1961 1981 4.78 1962 1982 4.91 1963 1983 5.30 1964 1984 5.69 1465 1985 6.17 1406 Oi and gas extraction — equipment and structures 1947 14.414 15,734 16,267 18,218 20,657 22,547 24,023 25,749 29,177 33,274 35,794 37,296 40,862 40,954 42,830 44,225 44,273 16,7x7 50,028 54,317 7,616 8,449 8,851 10,115 11,657 12,981 14,080 15,307 17,578 20,090 21,506 22,122 23,908 23,543 24,208 24,627 24,276 25,528 27,184 29,378 802 926 960 1,015 1,212 1,329 1,453 1,552 1,709 2,001 2,239 2,333 2,530 2,622 2,669 2,803 2,804 2,901 3,053 3,305 668 744 746 779 913 936 966 1,006 1,073 1,150 1,245 1,306 1,426 1,486 1,551 1,748 1,837 1,995 2,203 2,493 9.12 8.93 8.75 8.53 8.34 8.07 7.81 7.58 7.37 7.26 7.22 7.27 7.31 7.45 7.60 7.74 7.92 7.98 8.05 8.12 6.19 5.95 5.76 5.52 5.36 5.14 4.96 4.83 4.73 4.72 4.77 4.91 5.02 5.18 5.31 5.42 5.55 5.54 5.54 5.57 1967 56,953 60,513 64,421 67,209 71,272 75,305 81,972 108,578 123,891 137,694 164,192 198,882 233,292 282,538 373,331 412,066 340,087 332,534 334,292 30,444 32,028 33,923 35,036 36,631 38,308 41,626 54,995 63,104 70,354 84,690 103,783 123,199 151,385 205,171 227,588 184,442 178,555 176,518 3,495 3,705 3,924 4,172 4,314 4,589 4,891 6,106 7,729 8,711 10,363 12,742 15,566 18,769 24,871 30,582 27,115 25,444 25,829 2,733 3,024 3,315 3,614 3,838 4,227 4,600 5,747 7,178 7,883 9,019 10,598 12,244 13,920 17,499 20,493 18,399 18,127 18,792 8.26 8.40 8.50 8.64 8.84 8.97 9.03 8.96 8.80 8.69 8.49 8.29 8.00 7.69 7.23 7.01 7.22 7.27 7.36 5.68 1948 1968 5.79 1949 1969 5.86 1950 1970 6.00 1951 1971 6.19 1952 1972 6.31 1953 1973 6.32 1954 1974 6.21 1955 1975 6.02 1956 1976 5.91 1957 1977 5.69 1958 1978 5.50 1959 1979 5.25 1960 1980 4.97 1961 1981 4.56 146'' 1982 4.43 1963 1983 4.69 1964 1984 4.77 1965 1985 4.88 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 59 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Oil and gas extraction — equipment 1947 1,497 1,632 1,789 2,008 2,175 2,430 2,781 3,136 3,567 4,105 4,635 5,104 5,588 5,871 6,140 6,397 6,704 7,269 7,855 8,631 744 811 929 1,082 1,184 1,385 1,651 1,900 2,183 2,478 2,778 3,028 3,277 3,360 3,446 3,533 3,698 4,100 4,515 5,033 119 130 143 159 182 197 228 267 298 348 401 442 481 513 534 555 574 614 664 721 104 113 131 146 156 149 155 174 182 198 221 242 267 299 331 381 410 466 509 539 6.93 6.88 6.56 6.31 6.21 5.82 5.46 5.23 5.10 5.15 5.13 5.16 5.20 5.35 5.49 5.62 5.66 5.54 5.42 5.34 4.55 4.49 4.16 3.97 3.97 3.63 3.37 3.27 3.25 3.38 3.42 3.47 3.52 3.68 3.78 3.88 3.85 3.68 3.58 3.55 1967 9,375 10,285 11,082 11,983 12,749 13,604 14,976 18,928 22,860 25,107 28,284 32,562 38.499 46,141 55,244 60,157 58,236 56,587 54,534 5,499 6,000 6,416 6,822 7,125 7,474 8,318 10,509 12,648 13,796 15,669 18,314 22.209 26,597 31,605 33,651 30.722 28,138 25,581 794 871 946 1,023 1,098 1,176 1,265 1,469 1,872 2,106 2,345 2,680 3,140 3,748 4,518 5.150 5,184 4,992 4,808 588 628 666 696 750 846 937 1,105 1,469 1,713 1,929 2,184 2,426 2,748 3,157 3,586 3,808 3,963 4,189 5.31 5.34 5.38 5.50 5.64 5.77 5.73 5.75 5.81 5.88 5.84 5.73 5.53 5.51 5.54 5.70 6.15 6.59 7.06 3.59 1948 1968 3.70 1949 1969 3.80 1950 1970 3.94 1951 1971 4.07 1952 1972 4.17 1953 1973 4.04 1954.... 1974 4.00 1955 1975 4.03 1956 ... 1976 4.11 1957 1977 4.06 1958 1978 3.95 1959 1979 3.77 1960 1980 3.80 1961 1981 3.88 1962 1982 4.06 1963 1983 4.57 1964 1984 5.03 1965 1985 5.46 1966 Oil and gas extraction — structures 12,917 14,102 14.478 16.209 18,482 20,118 21.242 22.614 25,610 29,168 31,159 32,192 35.274 35,083 36,6911 37,828 37.569 39.518 42,173 45,686 6,872 7.637 7.922 9,033 10,473 11,597 12.429 13,407 15,395 17,612 18,728 19,094 20,632 20,183 20,762 21,095 20.578 21.428 22,670 24,345 684 796 816 855 1,031 1,133 1,226 1,285 1,410 1,653 1,838 1,891 2.049 2.109 2,135 2,248 2.230 2,287 2.389 2,584 564 631 615 633 757 787 810 833 891 951 1,024 1,064 1,159 1,187 1,220 1 .367 1,428 1,529 1,693 1 ,954 9.37 9.17 9.02 8.80 8.59 8.35 8.12 7.91 T(W 7.56 7.53 7.61 7.65 7 81 7.95 8.10 8.32 8.43 8.54 8.65 6.37 6 11 5.94 5.71 5.52 5.32 5.17 5.05 4.94 4.91 4.97 5.14 5.26 5.43 5.56 5.68 5.86 5.90 5.93 5.98 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 47,578 50.228 53,340 55,226 58,523 61,701 66,995 89.6511 101.031 112,587 135,908 166.320 194,794 236,397 318,087 351,909 281,850 275,947 279,758 24,946 26,1)27 27,507 28.215 29,506 30,834 33,31)8 44,487 50,456 56,558 69,021 85,470 100,990 124,788 173,566 193.937 153,721 150,417 150,937 2,701 2,834 2,978 3,150 3,216 3,413 3,626 4,637 5,857 6,605 8,018 10.062 12,426 15,021 20,353 25.432 21,930 20,452 21,021 2,144 2.396 2,650 2,918 3.1188 3.382 3,663 4,642 5.709 6,170 7.090 8.414 9.818 11,172 14.343 16,907 14.591 14,164 14,603 9(12 9 1 1 9.33 9 53 9.68 9.77 9.64 9,47 9.32 9.04 8 80 8.49 8.12 7.52 7.24 7.44 7 II 7.42 Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels — equipment and structures 1,000 1,124 1,190 1,327 1,459 1,529 1,597 1,650 1,743 1,916 2,019 2,019 2.026 1,975 2,003 2,114 2.234 2.406 2,671 3,043 509 587 626 698 764 796 833 859 906 1,012 1,089 1,083 1,084 1,047 1,084 1,196 1,310 1,459 1,68(1 1,965 58 69 77 85 99 103 109 113 116 126 137 138 136 133 129 131 138 147 161 182 44 51 57 63 72 77 90 99 108 117 137 140 140 144 140 138 135 135 134 131 11 86 11.05 10.45 10.08 9.85 9.62 9.33 9.15 9.12 8.90 8.64 8.66 8.68 8.81 8.69 8.33 8.03 7.73 7.35 7.05 6.75 6.20 5.98 5.87 5.79 5.73 5 63 5.60 5.65 5.49 5.35 5.54 5.69 5.96 5 88 5.34 5.16 4.93 4.79 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 3.365 3,799 4.223 4.622 5,104 5,621 6,228 7.704 8.932 10.001 11,277 13.245 14.914 17.363 20.106 21,589 21.963 22.299 22,127 2,186 2,453 2,695 2,882 3,127 3,400 3,717 4.548 5.224 5,801 6,451 7,486 8.383 9,617 10.999 11,679 11.444 11,286 10,900 206 230 259 283 311 343 380 446 561 642 732 839 971 1,135 1,333 1,482 1,506 1,491 1,462 131 6.94 132 6.98 142 7.08 153 7.34 169 7.60 194 7.77 221 7.98 270 8.06 356 8.05 408 8.12 467 8.23 539 8.41 623 8.34 740 8.40 894 8.46 1,052 8.54 1,153 9.04 1,265 9.48 1,361 9.91 Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels— equipment 1947 513 612 698 803 889 940 1,005 1,055 1,108 1,231 1,325 1,333 1,331 1 ,255 1,230 1,280 1,326 1,416 1,557 1,789 310 368 413 463 497 508 532 548 565 634 699 695 685 621 613 673 728 816 942 1,129 39 48 56 63 74 78 83 87 89 97 106 109 107 103 97 97 101 107 117 132 17 22 28 34 40 44 58 68 77 84 104 108 110 115 112 110 108 108 107 103 6.07 5.94 5.96 6.11 6.29 6.50 6.66 6.79 7.01 7.03 6.91 7.09 7.25 7.62 7.66 7.33 7.04 6.71 6.28 5.89 4.19 4.07 4.14 4.29 4.45 4.60 4.68 4.74 4.87 4.72 4.54 4.74 4.96 5.44 5.44 4.98 4.68 4.42 4.13 3.90 1967 2,000 2,230 2,419 2,590 2,778 3,031 3,331 4,249 5,206 5,869 6,604 7,460 8,552 10,067 11,622 12,207 11,698 11,210 10,596 1.274 1,405 1,496 1,544 1,618 1,747 1,909 2,429 2.968 3,326 3,686 4,099 4,655 5,376 6,031 6,073 5,442 4,915 4,418 151 169 187 203 218 239 263 310 406 472 539 614 708 829 971 1,062 1,041 986 926 103 103 110 118 132 152 173 213 290 332 379 436 496 589 712 848 931 1,008 1,077 5.77 5.80 5.87 6.15 6.34 6.41 6.47 6.46 6.50 6.51 6.56 6.61 6.59 6.65 6.85 7.18 771 8.22 8.73 3.98 1948 1968 4.15 1949 1969. 4.34 1950 . 1970 4.71 1951 1971 4.88 1952 1972 4.89 1953 1973 4.87 1954 1974 4.79 1955 1975 4.80 1956 1976 4.78 1957 1977 1 85 1958 1978 4.89 1959 1979 4.83 1960 1980 4.86 1961 1981 5.00 1962 1982 5.30 1963 1983 5.85 1964 1984 6.32 1965 1985 6.75 1966 60 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels — structures 1947 487 512 492 523 571 589 592 595 635 685 694 686 695 720 773 835 909 990 1,114 1,254 199 219 213 234 267 288 301 311 341 378 389 388 399 426 471 523 581 643 737 836 19 21 21 21 24 25 26 26 26 29 30 29 29 30 32 34 37 40 45 50 27 29 29 29 32 33 32 32 31 33 33 32 30 29 28 28 27 26 27 28 17.96 17.17 16.81 16.16 15.37 14.60 13.87 13.35 12.80 12.27 11.93 11.73 11.41 10.87 10.33 9.86 9.48 9.20 8.85 8.70 10.72 9.79 9.55 8.98 8.29 7.75 7.31 7.11 6.93 6.77 6.81 6.96 6.95 6.72 6.46 6.28 6.16 6.10 5.96 5.99 1967 1,365 1,570 1,804 2,032 2,325 2,590 2,896 3,456 3,726 4,132 4,673 5,785 6,362 7,297 8,483 9,383 10,265 11,089 11,530 912 1,048 1,199 1,338 1,509 1,653 1,809 2,119 2,256 2,474 2,765 3,387 3,729 4,241 4,968 5,605 6,001 6,371 6,482 55 61 71 81 92 104 117 136 155 170 194 225 263 307 362 420 465 505 536 28 29 32 35 37 42 49 56 66 76 88 103 127 151 182 204 223 257 284 8.65 8.65 8.71 8.87 9.10 9.37 9.72 10.02 10.23 10.40 10.58 10.73 10.71 10.82 10.66 10.30 10.56 10.75 11.00 6 09 1948 1968 6 19 1949 1969. 6 34 1950 1970.. . 6 55 1951 1971 . ... 6 81 1952 1972.. . 7 09 1953 1973 7 43 1954 1974 7 69 1955 1975 7 80 1956 1976 7 89 1957 1977 7 97 1958 1978 8 01 1959 1979 7 84 1960 1980 7 85 1961 1981 7 58 1962 1982 7 11 1963 1983 7 36 1964 1984 7 54 1965 1985 7 77 1966 Construction — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 195(1 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 4,675 5,741 6,427 7,513 8,662 9,448 10,049 10,601) 11,644 12,551 13,385 13.867 14,336 14.626 14,688 14,962 15,759 16,813 18,136 19,702 2,749 3,492 3,855 4,455 5.022 5,289 5,417 5,512 6,021 6,337 6,751 7,006 7,323 7,553 7,610 7,877 8,524 9,337 10,253 11,256 580 656 794 884 953 1,009 1,073 1,182 1,266 1,327 1,374 1,405 1,417 1,424 1,470 1,565 1,683 1,824 289 314 339 362 409 461 554 67] 810 996 1,167 1,296 1,386 1,430 1,429 1,406 1,407 1,429 1,434 1,470 605 5.57 5.51 5.47 5.51 5.66 5.85 6.05 6.10 6.28 6.28 6.26 6.20 6.11 6,09 6.00 5.81 5.63 5.49 5.41 3.83 3.53 3.64 3.70 3.79 3.92 4.07 4.19 4.10 4.20 4.12 4.06 3.99 3.94 3.97 3.90 3.75 3.63 3.57 3.56 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 21,183 23,265 25,466 28,109 30,491 32,657 36,937 47,386 54,326 59,297 66,269 77,783 88,472 100,322 112,046 113,248 111,437 110,451 109,184 12,069 13,238 14,576 16,090 17,433 18,735 21,773 28,318 31,956 34,419 38.203 45.579 51,722 57,875 64.162 61,833 58,792 57,129 56,251 1,953 2,121 2,295 2,492 2,706 2,869 3,100 3,668 4,577 4,983 5,463 6,165 7,078 8,055 8,975 9,444 9,070 8,697 8,406 1,538 1,631 1,740 1,890 2,110 2,319 2,489 2,884 3,586 3,955 4,402 4,949 5,633 6,564 7,547 8,449 8,818 8,967 9,175 5.40 5.41 5.39 5.42 5.51 5.57 5.47 5.36 5.49 5.65 5.78 5.81 5.86 6.05 6.23 6.72 7.27 7.73 8.08 Construction —equipment 1947. . 4,277 5,302 5,978 7,012 8,102 8,855 9,443 9,981 10.967 11,806 12,595 13,053 13,487 13,737 13,714 13,885 14,484 15,384 16,541 17,843 2,526 3,242 3,600 4,170 4,704 4,953 5,077 5,168 5,645 5,918 6,300 6,537 6,828 7,029 7,012 7,186 7,657 8,348 9,135 9,925 366 475 567 641 776 865 933 988 1,051 1,158 1,239 1,299 1,345 1,374 1,384 1,389 1,430 1,518 1,631 1,765 285 309 333 356 402 453 546 662 801 984 1,153 1,281 1,371 1,413 1.409 1,388 1,387 1,408 1,410 1,446 5.13 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.82 5.00 5.22 5.45 5.51 5.70 5.73 5.73 5.68 5.60 5.59 5.50 5.34 5.17 5.03 4.96 3.09 2.91 3.09 3.20 3.31 3.47 3.63 3.76 3.68 3.79 3.73 3.69 3.63 3.59 3.63 3.58 3.47 3.34 3.26 3.26 1967 19,003 20,663 22,263 24.241 25,820 27,155 30,233 38,525 44,099 47,234 52,180 60,034 68,829 77,799 86,668 86,793 82,637 79,604 77,149 10,466 11,305 12,165 13,141 13,849 14.504 16,591 21,413 23,985 25,037 27,348 32,034 36,946 41,200 45,728 43,037 38,789 36,182 35,014 1,884 2,041 2,198 2,376 2,569 2,710 2,909 3,428 4,282 4,642 5,063 5,697 6,527 7,417 8,253 8,662 8,241 7,811 7,476 1,510 1,604 1,708 1,855 2,073 2,278 2,442 2,830 3,523 3,883 4,318 4,853 5,524 6,432 7,403 8,292 8,657 8,786 8,983 4.99 5.00 4.99 5.02 5.09 5.13 4.99 4.90 5.04 5.19 5.26 5.15 5.13 5.24 5.31 5.73 6.11 6.40 6.55 3.36 1948 1968 3.40 1949 1969 3.39 1950 1970 3.43 1951 1971 3.49 1 952 1972 3.52 1953 1973 3.33 1954 1974 3.27 1955 1975 3.47 1956 1976 3.67 1957 1977 3.73 1958 1978 3.56 1959 1979 3.51 1960 1980 3.63 1961 1981 3.69 1962 1982 4.20 1963 1983 4.63 1964 1984 4.85 1965 1985 4.84 1966 Construction — structures 1947 398 439 449 501 561 593 606 619 677 745 790 814 849 889 974 1,077 1,275 1.429 1.596 1,859 223 249 254 284 318 336 340 344 377 419 451 469 495 524 598 691 867 989 1,119 1,332 11 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 29 31 33 35 40 46 52 59 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 10 11) 12 14 15 15 16 19 18 21 20 24 24 15.97 15.70 15.71 15.60 15.57 15.50 15.60 15.70 15.61 15.40 15.02 14.77 14.45 14.09 13.27 12.46 11.09 10.59 10.25 9.70 12.20 11.61 11.41 11.12 10.90 10.69 10.66 10.66 10 39 10.04 9.55 9.30 8.96 8.65 7.90 7.19 6.23 6.07 6.05 5.83 1967 2,181 2,602 3,203 3,869 4,672 5,502 6,705 8,861 10,227 12,064 14,089 17,748 19.644 22,523 25.378 26,455 28,799 30,847 32,034 1,603 1,934 2,412 2,949 3,584 4,231 5,182 6,905 7,971 9,382 10,855 13,545 14,776 16,675 18,433 18,796 20,003 20,947 21,238 69 80 98 116 138 160 191 240 295 342 399 468 551 637 722 782 829 886 929 27 27 32 35 38 41 47 53 63 72 84 96 109 131 144 157 161 182 192 8.96 8.65 8.23 7.91 7.79 7.75 7.63 7.41 7.40 7.46 7.73 8.05 8.42 8.87 9.40 9.98 10.58 11.17 11.77 5.51 1948 1968 5.50 1949 1969 5.39 1950 1970 5.32 1951 1971 5.40 1952 1972 5.53 1953 1973 5.55 1954 1974 5.47 1955 1975 5.57 1956 1976 5.71 1957 1977 6.03 1958 1978 6.39 1959 1979 6.76 1960 1980 7.22 1961 1981 7.74 1962 1982 8.30 1963 1983 8.86 1964 1984 9.39 1965 1985 9.92 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 61 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Durable goods manufacturing — equipment and structures 1947 31,256 34,839 36,338 40,238 45,562 49,384 52,290 55,336 61,469 70,637 77,125 79,835 83,597 86,997 89,539 93,352 97,482 103,407 112,637 126,563 17,091 19,470 20,315 22,462 25,939 28,621 30,613 32,514 36,278 42,455 46,843 47,938 49,548 51,310 52,302 54,149 56,285 59,881 66,145 75,892 1,297 1,537 1,675 1,798 2,117 2,315 2,505 2,667 2,871 3,320 3,736 3,928 4,098 4,302 4,442 4,589 4,801 5,057 5,460 6,045 966 1,140 1,211 1,216 1,462 1,516 1,637 1,762 1,872 2,181 2,404 2,421 2,606 2,843 2,912 3,095 3,297 3,462 3,794 4,111 12.68 12.17 11.94 11.82 11.38 10.96 10.65 10.44 10.29 9.92 9.65 9.73 9.82 9.81 9.93 10.00 10.04 10.00 9.81 9.51 7.71 7.34 7.35 7.37 7.04 6.76 6.62 6.59 6.56 6.32 6.21 6.42 6.64 6.73 6.90 7.01 7.08 7.02 6.80 6.50 1967 139,337 154,582 168,884 185,278 200,475 213,669 234,446 287,742 324,221 354,356 397,126 463,187 520,163 604,862 687,398 731,960 756,683 791,774 819,296 84,513 94,125 103.265 112,886 120,881 127,864 139,585 171,416 191,061 206,447 229,571 267,421 300,423 349,233 395,811 416,038 420,854 435,839 447,005 6,742 7,492 8,100 8,798 9,517 10,431 10,946 12,532 15,096 16,597 18,592 21,022 24,534 28,113 32,542 35,975 36.931 38.311 39.937 4,422 4,787 4,987 5,323 5,661 6,565 6,432 7,284 8,736 9,624 11,090 12,303 15,086 17,020 19,364 22,323 23.710 25,282 27,448 9.32 9.30 9.34 9.43 9.66 9.85 9.97 9.94 10.06 10.22 10.32 10.40 10.32 10.30 10.33 10.46 10.83 11.02 11.18 6.34 1948 . . 1968 6.36 1949 1969 6.41 1950 1970 6.54 1951 1971 6.79 1952 1972 6.98 1953 .. . 1973 7.08 1954 1974 7.04 1955 ... 1975 7.16 1956 .. 1976 7 30 1957 1977 7 37 1958 1978 7.38 1959 1979 7.26 1960 1980 7.20 1961 1981 7 19 1962 19X2 7.34 1963 1983 7.69 1964 1984 7 82 1965.. .. 1985 7.91 1966 Durable goods manufacturing — equipment 1947 16.943 19.901 21,842 24,802 28,362 31,138 33.768 36,548 41,114 47,683 52,809 55,294 58,822 61,573 62,908 65,444 67,989 72,132 78,085 87,206 10,179 12,195 13,274 14,963 17,197 18,950 20,546 22,119 24,811 28,946 32,111 33,045 34,529 35,737 35,930 36,935 38,017 40,493 44,384 50,523 873 1,062 1,214 1,344 1,592 1,753 1,920 2,081 2,260 2,623 2,965 3,147 3.308 3,489 3.600 3,706 3,869 4,067 4,383 4,833 551 606 683 755 866 931 1,036 1,148 1.306 1,522 1,738 1,846 1,995 2,235 2,364 2,492 2,693 2,926 3,191 3,467 8.81 8.38 8.37 8.37 8.19 8.04 7.99 8.02 8.05 7.99 7.98 8.20 8.42 8.55 8.75 8.90 9.00 8.98 8.85 8.65 5.37 5.17 5.37 5.53 5.46 5.40 5.43 5.50 5.56 5.50 5.50 5.76 6.00 6.13 6.32 6.44 6.50 6.39 6.18 5.92 1967 96,213 105,571 113,140 123,233 130,797 137,657 149,640 186,610 217.472 238,483 268,976 306,901 352,714 415,659 475,720 512,672 521,034 540,990 560,143 56,412 62,181 67,006 72,842 76,618 80,333 87,274 109.493 126.734 137.751 154,706 177,081 203,968 240,870 275.529 292.484 290,335 298,642 306,222 5,393 5,987 6,362 6,859 7,340 7,845 8,245 9,475 11,660 12,953 14,521 16,516 19,185 22,267 25,965 28,883 29,466 30,381 31,653 3,821 4,127 4,257 4,511 4,776 5,230 5,286 5,913 7,236 8,039 9,074 10,289 12,094 13,922 15,987 18,365 19,527 20,787 22,085 8.49 8.46 8.46 8.52 8.65 8.74 8.75 8.69 8.83 8.92 8.95 8.88 8.83 8.80 8.80 8.98 9.27 9.39 9.55 5 77 1948 1968 5 74 1949 1969 5 74 1950 1970 5 82 1951 1971 5.98 1952 1972 6 06 1953 1973 6 07 1954 . 1974 5.98 1955 1975 6.12 1956 1976 6 22 1957 1977 6.24 1958 1978 6 14 1959 1979 6.07 I960.. .. 1980 6.03 1961. . . 1981 6.02 1962. .. 1982 6.22 1963 .... 1983 6.54 1964 1984 6.63 1965 1985 6.74 1966 Durable goods manufacturing — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 14.313 14,939 14,497 15,436 17,201 18,246 18,523 18,7X8 20,354 22,955 24,315 24,541 24,775 25.424 26,631 27,909 29,494 31,275 34.552 39.356 6,911 7,275 7,041 7,499 8,741 9,671 10,067 10,395 11,467 13,509 14,732 14,893 15,019 15,573 16.372 17,213 18,268 19,389 21,761 25.36X 423 475 461 453 525 562 5X6 586 611 697 771 7X1 790 814 842 XX3 933 989 1.076 1.212 41-1 534 529 461 596 585 601 614 566 658 667 575 611 608 549 603 604 536 603 644 17.27 17.21 17.32 17.36 16.65 15.94 15.48 15.15 14.80 13.92 13.28 13.19 13.14 12.87 12.73 12.59 12.43 12.35 11.97 11.44 11.14 10 98 11.08 11.03 10.16 9.41 9 06 8.91 8.72 8.08 7.75 7.90 8 13 8.10 8.16 8 25 8.29 8.33 8.07 7.67 1967 196S 1969 197n 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 1982 1983 1984 1 1185 43,124 49.011 55.744 62.044 119,678 76,013 84.806 101,132 106,748 115,873 128,151 156,287 167.450 1X9.204 211,678 219,288 235.649 250,7X3 259.153 28,101 31,944 36.259 40,044 44,263 47.530 52,311 111.923 64,327 68,695 74.865 90,340 96,455 108,363 120.2X1 123,553 130,519 137,197 140,783 1,349 1,505 1,737 1,939 2,178 2,586 2,701 3,056 3,436 3,645 4,070 4,506 5,349 5,846 6,577 7,093 7.465 7,931 X.2X4 602 11.16 7.50 660 11.11 7.56 730 11.11 7.65 812 11.25 7.85 884 11.55 8.21 1,335 11.86 8.53 1,145 12.12 8.78 1,370 12.26 8.90 1,499 12.57 9.20 1,585 12.89 9.47 2,016 13.17 9.71 2,014 13.38 9.81 2,992 13.47 9.78 3,097 13.60 9.82 3,377 13.77 9.88 3,958 13.95 9.98 4,183 14 28 10.25 4,496 14.53 10.40 5,363 14.69 10.46 Lumber and wood products- —equipment and structures 1947 1,570 1,812 1,907 2,162 2,454 2,582 2,679 2,834 3,180 3,568 3,705 3,796 3,959 4,103 4,159 4,284 4,463 4,650 5,039 5,536 887 1,049 1,091 1,232 1,400 1,445 1,471 1,549 1,760 1,986 2,018 2,051 2,139 2,227 2,234 2,302 2,410 2,535 2,824 3,157 83 102 116 126 152 163 172 180 196 224 244 249 258 269 273 277 285 296 315 346 50 62 68 71 88 96 108 123 139 163 187 203 215 227 240 244 253 264 274 290 10.82 10.10 9.82 9.58 9.34 9.35 9.30 9.14 8.89 8.71 8.80 8.81 8.72 8.62 8.75 8.77 8.73 8.69 8.44 8.26 6.52 6.04 6.06 5.98 5.87 6.01 6.10 6.02 5.77 5.65 5.86 5.91 5.87 5.79 5.97 6.01 5.99 5.93 5.67 5.54 1967 5,864 6,425 7,074 7,700 8,559 9,430 10,604 13,391 15,101 16,585 18,852 22,268 25,147 28,800 31,729 32,352 32,873 33,587 34,071 3,334 3,651 4,050 4,383 4,892 5,450 6,142 7,862 8,786 9,496 10,796 12,714 14,274 16,081 17,215 16,879 16,490 16,507 16.662 377 411 450 492 543 599 661 790 980 1,092 1,224 1,413 1,638 1,885 2,122 2,229 2,214 2,211 2,227 301 318 341 361 380 414 450 526 652 735 817 941 1,103 1,284 1,524 1,721 1,854 2,019 2,181 8.24 8.27 8.25 8.32 8.34 8.28 8.27 8.01 7.93 8.05 8.01 8.16 8.06 8.16 8.43 8.79 9.30 9.64 9.81 5.61 1948 ... 1968 5.70 1949 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 5.71 1950 5.83 1951 5.84 1952 5.75 1953 5.75 1954 5.50 1955 5.51 1956 5.68 1957 5.64 1958 5.74 1959 5.67 1960 5.79 1961 6.08 1962 6.47 1963 6.97 1964 7.20 1965 7.20 1966 62 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Lumber and wood products — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 733 931 1,049 1,235 1,433 1,534 1,632 1,767 2,005 2,273 2,396 2,471 2,607 2,708 2,706 2,761 2,811 2,902 3,127 3,439 467 602 655 758 863 890 912 969 1,102 1,242 1,268 1,287 1,352 1,402 1,374 1,394 1,400 1,465 1,639 1,850 58 74 88 99 120 130 138 147 161 183 201 207 215 224 227 229 233 240 255 280 26 32 37 45 55 64 75 90 107 127 151 170 181 193 209 210 218 232 238 251 4.34 4.22 4.47 4.62 4.77 5.05 5.34 5.51 5.55 5.64 5.90 6.05 6.12 6.16 6.31 6.37 6.46 6.38 6.12 5.93 2.96 2.88 3.18 3.33 3.44 3.68 3.92 3.98 3.89 3.89 4.11 4.21 4.20 4.19 4.34 4.35 4.42 4.28 3.96 3.79 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 3,657 3,980 4,322 4,667 5,123 5,572 6,272 8,156 9,574 10,573 12,152 14,090 16,410 19,019 20,867 21,318 21,096 21,138 21,257 1,967 2,149 2,358 2,531 2,804 3,097 3,514 4,671 5,457 5,920 6,842 7,924 9,189 10,452 11,037 10,742 10,071 9,817 9,839 307 335 364 397 436 479 526 632 801 903 015 176 368 580 .782 868 839 815 815 264 279 295 310 328 355 385 445 563 643 709 823 959 1,114 1,339 1,512 1,627 1,767 1,908 5.89 5.82 5.71 5.70 5.60 5.47 5.39 5.22 5.25 5.34 5.28 5.28 5.30 5.43 5.69 6.03 6.39 6.61 6.70 Lumber and wood products — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 837 880 859 926 1,022 1,048 1,048 1,067 1,175 1,295 1,310 1,325 1,352 1,395 1,452 1,523 1,653 1,748 1,912 2.097 420 447 436 475 537 555 560 580 659 745 750 764 786 824 861 908 1,010 1,070 1,185 1.307 1650 16.32 16.34 16.20 15.76 15.64 15.49 15.15 14.58 14.09 14.10 13.94 13.74 13.38 13.29 13.11 12.59 12.51 12.22 12.06 10.49 10.30 10.40 10.22 9.78 9.73 9.66 9.41 8.92 8.58 8.80 8.78 8.73 8.53 8.57 8.55 8.16 8.20 8.04 8.02 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2,207 2,445 2,752 3,033 3,436 3,858 4,332 5,235 5,527 6,012 6,700 8,178 8,737 9,781 10,862 11,034 11,777 12,448 12,814 1,368 1,503 1,691 1,852 2,088 2,354 2,629 3,191 3,329 3,576 3,954 4,790 5,085 5,629 6,178 6,136 6,419 6,690 6,823 71 76 86 95 107 120 136 158 178 189 209 237 270 305 340 362 376 396 412 37 12.14 39 12.27 46 12.24 51 12.35 52 12.43 58 12.34 65 12.43 81 12.34 90 12.58 91 12.81 108 12.97 117 13.12 145 13.25 170 13.47 185 13.70 209 14.13 227 14.51 252 14.77 273 14.96 Furniture and fixtures — equipment and structures 1947 695 755 767 839 905 923 933 949 1,029 1,130 1,178 1,187 1,210 1,222 1,236 1,276 1,334 1,391 1,516 1,707 367 399 398 432 461 462 463 470 517 580 613 617 630 640 651 684 730 770 867 1,011 33 39 41 43 50 51 52 53 55 61 66 67 69 70 70 71 74 77 83 91 25 30 32 33 39 41 44 48 51 59 65 63 67 71 69 71 71 70 74 75 12.11 11.85 11.76 11.67 11.69 11.78 11.68 11.57 11.34 11.02 10.75 10.69 10.57 10.43 10.41 10.20 9.94 9.80 9.39 8.91 7.47 7.36 7.48 7.46 7.55 7.69 7.64 7.56 7.25 6.92 6.71 6.71 6.69 6.65 6.69 6.56 6.39 6.34 6.01 5.66 1967 1,898 2,107 2,320 2,586 2,837 3,169 3,624 4,465 4,860 5,269 5,946 7,080 7,845 8,928 9,904 10,314 10,865 11,469 11,803 1,157 1,289 1,422 1,594 1,731 1,955 2,255 2,765 2,923 3,101 3,479 4,136 4,543 5,122 5,594 5,734 5,976 6,287 6,418 103 115 125 138 152 167 187 220 262 283 314 359 411 467 524 562 577 602 627 78 81 84 90 93 99 106 121 147 166 185 216 255 309 350 399 421 441 475 8.47 8.43 8.48 8.41 8.63 8.54 8.45 8.43 8.68 8.95 9.04 9.22 9.24 9.38 9.62 9.82 10.12 10.29 10.48 5.39 1948... . 1968 5.50 1949 . 1969 5.65 1950 1970 5.70 1951. ... 1971 5.99 1952 1972 5.92 1953 .... 1973 5.87 1954 1974 5.92 1955 .... 1975 6.26 1956 1976 6.57 1957 1977 6.61 1958 1978 6.71 1959 1979 6.71 1960 1980 6.81 1961 1981 7.02 1962 1982 7.19 1963 1983 .v. 7.42 1964 1984 7.49 1965 1985 7.60 1966 .. Furniture and fixtures — equipment 1947 310 359 387 433 472 491 505 523 568 620 657 669 690 696 692 697 723 749 802 892 185 212 221 242 257 260 260 264 286 312 332 337 346 348 346 349 370 389 429 493 22 26 29 31 36 37 39 40 42 46 49 51 52 53 53 53 55 57 60 66 14 15 17 20 23 25 28 32 35 41 46 47 50 54 54 54 55 55 57 57 5.55 5.60 5.87 6.04 6.25 6.45 6.68 6.86 6.93 7.01 7.00 7.06 7.13 7.15 7.17 7.13 6.94 6.80 6.55 6.27 3.55 3.68 4.03 4.23 4.44 4.60 4.77 4.85 4.77 4.73 4.62 4.63 4.66 4.68 4.72 4.71 4.52 4.41 4.18 3.94 1967 997 1,084 1,152 1,287 1,365 1,496 1,680 2,114 2,385 2,574 2,909 3,330 3,776 4,304 4,732 4,970 5,052 5,247 5,400 571 621 657 745 778 867 980 1,230 1,337 1,401 1,582 1,812 2,031 2,296 2,478 2,569 2,585 2,705 2,803 74 83 88 97 106 115 126 149 181 198 218 250 285 323 361 387 391 403 420 62 64 65 69 72 76 81 92 113 130 148 173 201 250 280 319 338 344 371 5.94 5.91 5.95 5.82 5.93 5.78 5.71 5.72 6.03 6.24 6.25 6.25 6.35 6.43 6.57 6.67 6.76 6.72 6.69 3.72 1948 1968 3.81 1949 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 3.93 1950 .... 3.84 1951 4.01 1952 3.87 1953 .... 3.83 1954 . 3.85 1955 4.17 1956 4.37 1957 4.29 1958 4.22 1959 4.25 1960. ... 4.30 1961 .. 4.41 1962 4.48 1963 4.53 1964 4.42 1965 4.35 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 63 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Furniture and fixtures — structures 1947 385 396 380 406 433 432 428 426 462 510 522 518 521 526 544 578 611 642 715 815 182 187 177 190 204 201 203 206 231 268 281 280 284 292 305 335 360 381 439 518 12 13 12 12 14 14 14 13 14 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 19 20 22 25 12 15 15 13 17 16 16 17 16 18 18 16 17 17 15 17 17 15 17 17 17.39 17.50 17.74 17.67 17.61 17.82 17.58 17.34 16.76 15.90 15.47 15.37 15.12 14.77 14.55 13.90 13.49 13.29 12.57 11.80 11.45 11.55 11.80 11.58 11.46 11.67 11.32 11.04 10.33 9.46 9.18 9.22 9.16 9.00 8.92 8.49 8.32 8.31 7.80 7.30 1967 901 1,023 1,167 1,299 1,472 1,672 1,944 2,351 2,475 2,696 3,037 3,751 4,069 4,625 5,172 5,345 5,813 6,222 6,402 586 668 766 849 953 1,088 1,275 1,535 1,586 1,700 1,897 2,324 2,512 2,826 3,116 3,165 3,391 3,582 3,615 28 32 37 41 46 52 60 71 81 86 95 109 126 144 163 175 186 199 208 16 17 19 21 21 23 26 30 34 36 37 42 54 60 70 80 82 97 104 11.27 11.10 10.97 10.99 11.13 11.01 10.81 10.86 11.23 11.53 11.71 11.85 11.93 12.13 12.41 12.75 13.04 13.30 13.68 7.01 1948 1968 7.07 1949 1969 7.13 1950 1970 7.33 1951 1971 7.60 1952 1972 7.56 1953 1973 7.45 1954 1974 7.58 1955 1975 8.03 1956 1976 8.38 1957 1977 8.54 1958 1978 8.65 1959 1979 8.69 1960 ... 1980 8.85 1961 ... . 1981 9.09 1962. . 1982 9.40 1963 1983 9.62 1964 1984 9.81 1965 1985 10 12 1966 Stone, clay, and glass products — equipment and structures 1947 3,611 3,891 3,938 1,268 4,696 4,844 4,918 5,050 5,620 6,531 7,139 7,358 7,697 7,949 8,269 8,614 8,906 9,339 10,081 11,161 1,798 1,968 1,992 2,156 2, 1113 2.465 2. 19S 2,579 2,966 3,646 4,108 4,205 4,398 1,542 4,714 4,894 5,003 5,245 5,732 6,464 155 180 191 199 231 246 255 260 278 325 371 395 413 429 444 462 480 499 531 581 141 171 176 166 198 199 214 234 239 279 305 294 313 327 319 342 358 372 413 437 14.15 13.78 13.52 13.38 13.01 12.88 12.66 12.37 11.81 10.89 10.26 10.15 9.97 9.83 9.78 9.72 9.78 9.75 9.55 9.29 8.62 8.31 8.24 8.18 7.89 7.86 7.79 7.65 7.12 6.34 5.98 6.11 6.17 6.22 6.29 6.38 6.57 6.58 6.44 6.23 1967 11,700 12,662 13,744 14,914 16,117 17,301 19,186 23,463 26,313 28,568 31,600 36.976 41,258 47.445 52,454 54,281 54.739 55,654 55,847 6,681 7.192 7,832 8,482 9,122 9,835 10,992 13,529 15,015 16,100 17,581 20,533 22,714 25,890 27,910 27,984 27,089 26,860 26.456 620 658 699 749 802 854 922 1,071 1,299 1,441 1,605 1,854 2,164 2,516 2,882 3,100 3,097 3,115 3,125 446 485 510 545 585 618 650 752 890 941 1,031 1,151 1,340 1,550 1,819 2,120 2,321 2.570 2,837 9.43 9.53 9.59 9.68 9.85 9.91 9.89 9.79 9.81 9.97 10.08 10.15 10.10 10.09 10.29 10.55 11.07 11.41 11.69 6.45 1948 1968 6.59 1949 1969 6.64 1950 1970 6.72 1951 1971 6.88 1952 1972 i; on 1953 1973 6.83 1954 1974 6.73 1955 1975 6.79 1956 1976 6.97 1957 1977 7.10 1958 1978 7.10 1959 1979 7.05 1960 1980 7.03 1961 1981 7.24 1962 1982 7.52 1963 1983 8.04 1964.... 1984 8.30 1965 1985 8.45 1966 Stone, clay, and glass products — equipment 1947 1,445 1,679 1,829 2,063 2,352 2,503 2,644 2,822 3,244 3,861 4,377 4,634 4,976 5,207 5,437 5,699 5,866 6,187 6,681 7,415 863 1,017 1,094 1,225 1,394 1,451 1,502 1,584 1,858 2,285 2,629 2,736 2,906 3,001 3,100 3,210 3,219 3,394 3,697 4,175 90 109 124 134 158 173 182 190 207 245 284 308 327 341 354 369 383 398 424 463 70 76 81 84 91 97 109 124 141 166 187 197 211 225 233 245 264 292 323 347 7.05 6.81 6.83 6.83 6.72 6.84 7.01 7.15 7.02 6.77 6.66 6.84 7.00 7.18 7.31 7.46 7.72 7.77 7.72 7.60 4.23 4.23 4.48 4.64 4.64 4.83 5.02 5.13 4.89 4.56 4.46 4.69 4.86 5.03 5.15 5.26 5.52 5.49 5.37 5.17 1967 7,740 8,302 8,888 9,588 10,171 10,818 11.986 14.994 17,477 19,049 21,143 24,322 27,901 32,539 36,060 37,687 37,178 37,364 37,412 4,256 4,536 4,880 5,262 5,566 6,001 6,780 8,618 10,007 10,755 11,796 13,599 15,461 17,859 19.200 19.329 18.138 17,731 17,420 494 522 546 581 616 649 696 813 1,013 1,140 1,277 1,487 1,751 2,053 2,369 2,559 2,539 2,532 2,531 366 399 417 446 482 507 535 605 727 777 846 947 1,080 1,251 1,493 1,735 1,928 2,131 2,332 7.85 7.96 8.00 8.06 8.17 8.10 7.96 7.83 7.92 8.02 8.03 7.98 7.98 . 7.99 8.17 8.45 8.87 9.11 9.33 5.44 1948 1968 5.51 1949 1969 5.48 1950 1970 5.49 1951 1971 5.55 1952 1972. ... 5.42 1953 1973. ... 5.24 1954 1974 5.13 1955 1975 5.24 1956 1976 5.40 1957 1977 5.51 1958 1978 5.42 1959 1979 5.43 I960.... 1980 5.44 1961 . .. 1981 5.66 1962.. .. 1982 5.95 1963. .. 1983 6.38 1964 . 1984 6.52 1965 1985 6.59 1966 Stone, clay, and glass products — structures 1947 2,166 2,212 2,109 2,204 2,344 2,341 2,274 2,228 2,376 2,670 2,763 2,724 2,721 2,742 2,832 2,915 3,041 3,152 3,400 3,747 935 951 898 931 1,010 1,014 996 996 1,108 1,361 1,479 1,469 1,492 1,541 1.614 1,684 1,784 1,851 2,035 2,289 65 71 67 65 73 73 72 69 71 80 87 87 86 88 90 93 97 101 107 117 71 94 95 81 107 102 105 110 99 113 118 97 103 102 85 98 94 79 90 91 18.88 19.07 19.32 19.51 19.33 19.33 19.23 18.98 18.36 , 16.86 15.96 15.77 15.39 14.85 14.52 14.15 13.74 13.63 13.15 12.65 12.67 12.68 12.83 12.82 12.37 12.20 11.97 11.67 10.86 9.32 8.69 8.76 8.72 8.54 8.48 8.50 8.45 8.58 8.39 8.16 1967 3,959 4,360 4,856 5,326 5,946 6,484 7,200 8,468 8,835 9,518 10,457 12,653 13,357 14,906 16,393 16,594 17,561 18,290 18,435 2,425 2,656 2,952 3,220 3,557 3,834 4,212 4,910 5,039 5,346 5,785 6,934 7,253 8,031 8,710 8,654 8,951 9,129 9,037 126 136 153 168 186 205 226 258 286 301 328 366 414 463 513 541 559 582 594 80 86 93 99 104 111 115 147 163 164 186 204 260 299 327 386 393 439 505 12.51 12.53 12.51 12.58 12.74 12.93 13.11 13.26 13.57 13.86 14.13 14.32 14.51 14.68 14.95 15.31 15.73 16.12 16.47 8.21 1948 1968 8.43 1949 1969 8.55 1950 1970 8.73 1951 1971 8.97 1952 1972 9.21 1953 1973 9.39 1954 1974 9.55 1955 1975 9.86 1956 1976 10.11 1957 1977 10.33 1958 1978 10.40 1959 1979 10.49 1960 1980 10.56 1961 1981 10.74 1962 1982 11.05 1963 1983 11.42 1964 1984 11.74 1965 1985 12.03 1966 64 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Primary metal industries— equipment and structures 1947 9,583 10,547 10,823 11,736 13,284 14,599 15.334 15,860 17,272 19,754 21,897 22,799 23,641 24,606 25,151 25,883 26,836 28,376 30,636 34,093 4,638 5,364 5,603 6,129 7,279 8,417 9,023 9,343 10,195 11,939 13,594 14,105 14,430 15,028 15,185 15,410 15,864 16,795 18,305 20,667 327 375 399 418 490 541 591 620 651 748 848 901 938 980 1,007 1,031 1,067 1,117 1,193 1,306 370 419 428 408 473 476 489 480 486 548 581 546 582 604 597 608 645 657 715 751 16.19 15.35 14.98 14.78 13.90 12.92 12.42 12.26 12.12 11.59 10.99 10.93 11.05 10.95 11.10 11.28 11.36 11.32 11.17 10.92 9.91 9.06 8.87 8.81 8.06 7.31 7.15 7.29 7.39 7.10 6.77 6.93 7.28 7.34 7.60 7.89 8.02 7.99 7.81 7.54 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 37,286 41,466 45,077 49,236 52,765 55,456 59,680 72,489 82,629 90,015 99,625 113,364 124,597 141,845 158,507 166,376 170,027 173,414 175,179 22,822 25,540 27,698 30,059 31,717 32,793 34,757 42,188 47,933 51,787 56,714 63,765 69,567 78,416 86,654 89,226 88,854 88,229 86,973 1,442 1,591 1,730 1,873 2,012 2,213 2,231 2,522 3,052 3,370 3,794 4,165 4,831 5,306 6,021 6,559 6,696 6,827 6,939 808 874 912 1,008 1,102 1,338 1,215 1,461 1,772 1,914 2,220 2,387 3,151 3,290 3,531 4,203 4,592 4,780 5,180 10.75 10.66 10.76 10.89 11.21 11.55 11.84 11.86 11.92 12.07 12.23 12.46 12.54 12.69 12.85 13.12 13.53 13.94 14.32 7 38 1948 7 30 1949 7 40 1950 7 56 1951 7 89 1952 8 22 1953 8 49 1954 8 45 1955 8 47 1956 8.57 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 8.69 8.86 8.90 9.00 9.09 9.35 9.75 10.13 10 45 1966 Primary metal industries — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 5,271 6,071 6,509 7,198 X.222 9,182 9,864 10,402 11,449 13,280 14,941 15,727 16,563 17,321 17,597 18,131 18,734 19,869 21,374 23,834 2.728 3.349 3,662 4.094 4,860 5.652 6,140 6,430 7,041 8,268 9,453 9.846 10,175 10,576 10,561 10.692 10,927 11.618 12,603 14,273 200 234 263 285 337 377 420 450 477 552 631 679 712 748 768 7*4 810 847 904 987 221 232 248 251 273 278 284 279 299 330 366 363 387 414 423 421 461 494 534 563 14.04 12.90 12.48 12.21 11.44 10.61 10.29 10.27 10.27 10.00 9.66 9.76 10.01 10.06 10.29 10.54 10.70 10.68 10.58 10.37 7.20 7.12 7.16 6.68 6.19 6.20 6.44 6.65 6.52 6.34 6.58 6.96 7.08 7.39 7.65 7.79 7.69 7.51 7.20 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 26,258 29,042 31,161 33,939 35,766 37.200 39,735 49,101 58,130 63,737 71,050 79,351 89,326 103,158 116,293 123,935 125,516 127.457 129,403 15,907 17,744 19,026 20,629 21,441 22,009 23,262 28,874 34,214 37,362 41,332 45,878 51,356 58,823 65,668 68,596 67,812 67,149 66,508 1,095 632 10.22 1,209 682 10.11 1,294 710 10.19 1,394 780 10.30 1,480 849 10.57 1,572 947 10.83 1,602 919 11.03 1,813 1,077 10.99 2,265 1,366 11.05 2,544 1,479 11.12 2,867 1,623 11.22 3,180 1,839 11.30 3,640 2,252 11.37 4,107 2,433 11.48 4,711 2,632 11.62 5,186 3,133 11.90 5,293 3.465 12.23 5,379 3,628 12.59 5,479 3,750 12.97 Primary metal industries— structures 1947 4,313 4,476 4,313 4,538 5,062 5,418 5,470 5,458 5,823 6,474 6,956 7,072 7,078 7,285 7,554 7,753 8,102 8,507 9,262 10,259 1,910 2,015 1,940 2,035 2,419 2,766 2,883 2,913 3,154 3,671 4,141 4,259 4,255 4,452 4,624 4,718 4,938 5,177 5,703 6,394 127 141 136 132 152 164 172 170 174 196 217 223 225 232 239 247 257 269 290 319 150 187 180 156 200 198 204 202 186 218 215 184 195 190 174 187 184 163 181 188 18.81 18.66 18.74 18.85 17.90 16.82 16.26 16.04 15.75 14.85 13.84 13.54 13.50 KIDS 12.97 13.00 12.88 12.83 12.51 12.20 12.54 12.16 12.17 12.14 10.82 9.60 9.17 9.16 9.04 8.41 7.75 7.75 8.04 7.94 8.09 8.41 8.53 8.64 8.48 8.30 1967 11,028 12,424 13,916 15,297 16.999 18,256 19,944 23,389 24,500 26,278 28,575 34,013 35,272 38,686 42,214 42,442 44,511 45,957 45,776 6,915 7,796 8.672 9,430 10,276 10,784 11,495 13,314 13,719 14,425 15,381 17,887 18,211 19,593 20,986 20,629 21,042 21,080 20,465 347 382 435 479 532 641 629 709 787 826 928 984 1,191 1,199 1,311 1,373 1,404 1,449 1,461 177 192 201 228 253 390 296 384 406 435 597 548 899 857 899 1,069 1,127 1,152 1,429 12.02 11.95 12.03 12.21 12.58 13.01 13.46 13.70 14.00 14.37 14.74 15.17 15.53 15.90 16.25 16.67 17.17 17.68 18.14 8.22 1948 1968 8.25 1949 1969 8.41 1950 1970 8.65 1951 1971 9.06 1952 1972 9.50 1953 1973 9.96 1954 1974 10.15 1955 1975 10.39 1956 1976 10.69 1957 1977 11.00 1958 1978 11.33 1959 1979 11.57 1960 1980 11.85 1961 1981 12.06 1962 1982 12.40 1963 1983 12.83 1964 1984 13.26 1965 1985 13.67 1966 Fabricated metal products — equipment and structures 1947 2,799 3,121 3,352 3,844 4,374 4,733 5,084 5,488 6,227 7,154 7,767 8,061 8,547 8,935 9,179 9,662 10,143 10,873 11,902 13,375 1,703 1,896 2,034 2,343 2,680 2,902 3,141 3,408 3,893 4,498 4,875 4,985 5,219 5,390 5,443 5,678 5,916 6,369 7,022 7,991 112 133 147 162 194 212 230 247 269 312 349 366 384 406 420 436 461 490 535 591 58 72 79 80 101 108 121 134 144 164 184 188 208 227 230 248 277 305 344 378 10.59 10.51 10.40 10.26 10.09 9.98 9.78 9.63 9.51 9.40 9.39 9.59 9.74 9.88 10.14 10.26 10.34 10.29 10.17 9.98 6.58 6.64 6.70 6.65 6.58 6.57 6.47 6.42 6.36 6.31 6.38 6.65 6.86 7.04 7.30 7.39 7.44 7.31 7.16 6.93 1967 14,836 16,488 18,164 19,920 21,495 22,988 25,500 31,458 35,699 39,293 44,624 52,136 58,767 68,554 77,693 81,812 84,467 88,027 90,734 8,974 10,018 11,175 12,226 13,076 13,912 15,467 19,080 21,548 23,581 26,693 31,197 35,115 40,877 46,220 47,683 48,086 49,391 50,109 656 727 781 847 909 967 1,045 1,207 1,454 1,599 1,791 2,035 2,334 2,698 3,094 3,374 3,446 3,561 3,707 412 449 476 509 523 556 577 650 793 871 976 1,118 1,309 1,504 1,727 1,915 1,994 2,124 2,274 9.78 9.79 9.75 9.87 10.10 10.27 10.30 10.30 10.38 10.47 10.52 10.58 10.58 10.62 10.68 11.00 11.41 11.67 11.94 6.70 1948 1968 6.69 1949 1969 6.63 1950 1970 6.77 1951 1971 7.02 1952 1972 7.19 1953 1973 7.19 1954 1974 7.18 1955 1975 7.26 1956 1976 7.35 1957 1977 7.38 195X 1978 7.41 1959 1979 7.40 1960 1980 7.42 1961 1981 7.45 1962 1982 7.80 1963 1983 8.21 1964 1984 8.42 1065 1985 8.64 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 65 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Fabricated metal products — equipment 1,748 2,020 2,267 2,648 3,030 3,311 3.590 3,9311 4,479 5,148 5,658 5,908 6,341 6,600 6,796 7,126 7,447 7.963 8.673 9,702 1,146 1,312 1,458 1.695 1.927 2,088 2,257 2,473 2,808 3.212 3.512 3.598 3.X02 3.927 3,921 4.054 4,194 4,506 4.935 5,585 112 127 152 167 183 199 217 251 281 297 313 332 344 355 374 397 433 476 31 38 44 51 62 70 83 93 106 120 139 149 167 1M 193 206 234 267 30(1 329 7.64 7.76 7.92 8.00 8.06 8.14 8.19 8.2.3 8.31 8.44 8.55 8.85 9.09 9.32 9.63 9.81 9.92 988 9.80 9.65 5.15 5.32 5 53 5 6 1 5 72 5.82 5 88 5.89 5.94 6.02 6 in 6.38 6 60 6.80 7.06 7.16 7.19 7.02 6.87 6 66 1967 196X 1969 1070 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 1984 19X5 10.772 11,839 12.758 13.X91 14.693 15.492 17.040 21.2X6 24.X69 27,398 31,373 35.838 41,325 4X.956 55.X05 59.495 60,671 63,001 65,054 6,2X4 6,947 7,5X5 8,264 X.6S4 9,146 10,153 12,721 14,862 16,321 18,724 21,457 24,793 29,433 33,571 35,0X0 34,974 35,885 36,46.x 528 583 613 657 695 731 780 899 1,105 1,226 1,376 1,565 1 70., 2,0X8 2.410 2,644 2,6X7 2,763 2.XX2 366 300 415 442 452 470 483 530 650 725 807 916 1,059 1,215 1,386 1,537 1,584 1,052 1,779 9.47 9.46 9.43 9.50 9.66 71 9.65 9 62 9.68 9.72 9.69 9.64 9 62 9 61 9 63 9.94 10 29 Kl 18 10.74 6.42 6.37 6.30 6.38 6 56 6.64 6.54 6.51 6.59 6.66 6.63 6 59 6.59 6.59 61 6.97 7.34 7.50 7.73 Fabricated metal products — structures 1,051 1,101 1,085 1,197 1,344 1,422 1,494 1,550 1,748 2,006 2,109 2,152 2,207 2,275 2,384 2,537 2,696 2,910 3,230 3,673 557 584 576 648 752 814 884 935 1,085 1,286 1,363 1,387 1,417 1,463 1.523 1,623 1.721 1.86.3 2.086 2,406 31 36 35 35 42 45 47 49 53 62 68 69 71 74 77 81 86 93 102 115 15.51 15.56 15.59 15.26 14.69 14.28 1360 13.19 12 58 11.86 11.61 11.61 11.62 11.52 11.60 11.50 11.48 11.39 11.16 10 83 9.53 60 9.66 9.28 8.78 8.47 7.98 7.83 7.46 7.05 7.11 7.33 7.57 7.68 7.90 7.95 xno 8.00 7.83 7.56 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981 19X2 1983 1984. 1985 4,064 4.649 5,406 6,029 6X02 7,496 8, 152 10,172 10.830 11,895 13,251 16,298 17,442 19.59X 21, XXX 22.317 23.796 25,026 25,6X0 2,690 3,071 3,590 3.961 4.393 4.765 5.313 6.359 6.6X6 7,260 7,970 9,740 10,323 11,444 12,649 12,603 13,112 13,506 13.641 128 144 168 190 21 I 237 265 3118 349 371 415 170 539 610 684 730 759 798 825 16 10.60 7.36 51 10.61 7.42 61 10.49 7.33 68 10.71 7.58 71 11.05 7.93 86 11.37 8.25 93 11.60 8.43 120 11.72 8.51 143 11.98 8.74 146 12.22 8.91 170 12.51 9.15 203 12.66 9.20 250 12.86 9.33 289 13.14 9.54 341 13.36 9.68 378 13.80 10.10 no 14.27 10.53 472 14.67 10.87 495 14.98 11.07 Machinery, except electrical — equipment and structures 4.132 4,746 5,109 5.756 6,602 7,206 7,771 8,339 9.285 10,584 11,546 11,965 12,591 13,154 13,533 14,172 14,837 15,730 17.138 19.367 2.753 3,141 3,309 3,634 4,143 4,498 4,835 5,149 5,677 6,479 7,074 7,210 7,441 7,662 7,778 8,061 8,371 8,866 9,778 11,344 16X 206 229 251 206 325 354 379 407 465 518 544 56X 602 624 647 686 727 794 60 70 78 88 113 130 152 177 203 245 274 283 312 347 383 119 465 507 570 645 8 65 8 68 8.94 9.29 9.34 9.39 9.41 9.52 9.73 9.76 9.77 10.04 1032 10.49 10.71 10.85 10.93 10.95 10.76 10 36 5.98 6 07 6.40 6.79 6.80 6.80 6.78 6.85 7 00 6.96 6.92 7.16 7.43 7.58 7.75 7.85 7.88 7.80 7.52 7 05 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 1984 1985 21,868 24,192 25,926 28,222 30,203 31,7X9 34,623 42,588 47,872 52,658 59,542 70.653 X0.351 94,902 109.647 119.634 124.099 131.010 136,284 13,120 14,559 15,674 17,02.3 18,110 18,938 20,674 25,6:)] 28,896 31,656 35,834 12.908 49,325 58.760 6X.031 73.X97 75,244 78.5X5 XO.X42 1.035 1.195 1.259 1,334 1,426 1,587 1,631 1,801 2,104 2,313 2,643 2,9X7 3.6.35 4.0X3 4.X.35 5,511 5.691 5,0X3 6.244 714 785 779 802 859 1.099 1,082 1,074 1,207 1,298 1,576 1,606 2,094 2.087 2,342 2,606 2.760 2.904 3,193 9.89 9 86 9 08 10.08 10 30 10.49 10.55 10.44 10.50 10.55 10.53 10.42 10.22 10.08 9.99 9.97 10.34 1054 10.76 6 6(1 6.60 6.70 6 82 r,o6 7.23 7.26 7 12 7 i; 7.25 7.25 7.13 6.92 6.80 6.77 6.82 7 22 7 II 7.62 Machinery, except electrical — equipment 1947. . 2,638 3,122 3,477 3,980 4,556 4,970 5,422 5,894 6,641 7,607 8,318 8,675 9,246 9,705 9,907 10,340 10,799 11,419 12,383 13,773 1,787 2,094 2,271 2,522 2,845 3,060 3,315 3,575 3,998 4,573 4,981 5,104 5,334 5,501 5,522 5,690 5,892 6,224 6,838 7,748 124 153 177 198 233 255 279 301 325 372 415 438 460 491 509 526 558 591 646 725 40 44 53 64 82 99 118 142 168 202 231 242 267 299 335 368 407 451 507 570 7.08 7.23 7.61 8.04 8.23 8.43 8.56 8.72 8.93 9.04 9.18 9.47 9.76 9.98 10.21 10.35 10.40 10.41 10.21 9.94 5.23 5.35 5.73 6.14 6.25 6.35 6.36 6.41 6.51 6.52 6.56 6.80 7.04 7.21 7.39 7.48 7.46 7.36 7.06 6.72 1967 15,619 17,006 17,745 19,040 19.913 20,485 22,014 27,290 31,469 34,582 39,324 45,455 52,823 63,186 73,545 81,693 83,259 87,230 90,731 9,030 9,840 10,319 11,032 11,435 11,752 12,735 16,039 18,622 20,431 23,372 27,389 32,241 39,059 45,690 50,556 50,649 52,623 54,125 842 977 1,005 1,050 1,104 1,169 1,194 1,344 1,582 1,750 1,982 2,268 2,695 3,109 3,717 4,285 4,389 4,592 4,779 641 702 680 691 734 836 844 871 984 1,065 1,231 1,320 1,524 1,634 1,869 2,128 2,175 2,305 2,451 9.44 9.39 9.49 9.58 9.73 9.86 9.81 9.67 9.74 9.74 9.65 9.40 9.23 9.07 8.93 8.90 9.20 9.32 9.54 6.24 1948 1968 6.24 1949 1969 6.30 1950 1970 6.39 1951 . . 1971 6.56 1952 1972 6.67 1953 1973 6.59 1954 1974 6.42 1955 1975 6.47 1956 1976 6.52 1957 1977 6.45 1958 1978 6.25 1959 1979 6.09 1960 1980 5.97 1961 1981 5.92 1962 1982 5.99 1963 1983 6.33 1964 1984 6.47 1965 1985 6.69 1966 66 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Machinery, except electrical — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 v.m 1964 1965 1966 1,494 1,625 1,632 1,776 2,046 2,236 2,349 2,444 2,644 2,977 3,228 3,289 3.345 3.449 3,626 3,832 4,038 4,310 4,755 5,594 966 1,047 1,038 1,112 1,298 1,438 1,519 1,575 1,679 1,906 2,093 2,106 2,107 2,162 2,256 2,371 2,479 2,642 2,940 3,596 44 52 53 53 64 70 75 78 82 93 103 106 108 111 115 121 128 136 MS 169 11.41 11.48 11.76 12.09 11.81 11.53 11.39 11.46 11.75 11.58 11.29 11.53 11.84 11.94 12 08 12.18 12.34 12.36 12.19 11.42 7.35 7.51 7.88 8.25 8.00 7.76 7.69 7.83 8.17 8.03 7.77 8.06 8.41 8.51 8.64 8.73 8.87 8.84 8.59 7.75 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 6,249 7,186 8,181 9,192 10,380 11,304 12,610 15,298 16,404 18,076 20,218 25,198 27,528 31,716 36,102 37,940 40,839 43,780 45,553 4,091 4,719 5,355 5,991 6,675 7,186 7,939 9,652 10,274 11,225 12,462 15,519 17,083 19,701 22,342 23,341 24,595 25,962 26,718 193 219 254 285 322 418 437 456 522 563 661 719 939 974 1,118 1,226 1,302 1,391 1,465 73 11.04 83 10.96 99 11.03 111 11.11 125 11.39 263 11.64 238 11.84 203 11.80 223 11.94 232 12.11 345 12.26 285 12.26 570 12.12 453 12.10 473 12.16 568 12.27 595 12.69 599 12.98 743 13.19 Electric and electronic equipment — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 2,514 2.X36 3. (Mix 3,334 3,754 4,030 4,326 4,5X9 5,030 5,721 6,189 6,367 6,674 6,942 7,256 7,644 8,048 8,636 9,604 11,164 1,576 1,772 1,845 2,012 2,270 2,432 2,635 2,7X9 3,050 3,506 3,806 3,866 4,019 4,209 4,419 4,675 4,937 5,325 6,041 7,231 131 154 168 181 208 222 238 255 269 305 337 348 360 376 389 405 427 453 495 561 55 67 79 89 111 113 132 149 168 197 219 232 234 277 265 276 289 283 299 325 X.07 7.97 8.06 8.24 8.21 8.22 8.10 8.12 8.22 8.14 8.12 8.33 8.46 8.42 8.45 8.46 8.48 8.47 8.24 7.X6 5.12 5.15 5.39 5.64 5.62 5.64 5.54 5.59 5.69 5.62 5.64 5.90 6.05 6.04 6.07 6.11 6.15 6.13 5.87 5.50 1967 196.8 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 12,753 14,569 16,428 18,511 20,537 22,282 25,151 31,356 35,505 39,054 43,826 51,595 58,732 70,173 82,297 91,951 99,665 110,425 120,185 8,394 9,623 10,879 12,174 13,306 14,293 16,057 19,954 22,035 23,755 26,264 30,830 35,256 42,634 50,337 56,665 61,342 68,757 75,247 647 738 831 933 1,039 1,229 1,252 1,473 1,802 1,991 2,212 2,511 2,914 3,430 4,067 4,667 5,053 5,557 6,128 338 7.62 367 7.60 389 7.62 417 7.73 453 7.99 706 8.18 532 8.27 626 8.28 787 8.55 910 8.81 1,082 9.01 1,252 9.16 1,545 9.05 1,876 8.89 2,207 8.82 2,641 8.70 2,813 8.81 3,034 8.70 3.294 8.64 Electric and electronic equipment — equipment 1947 1,710 1,962 2,129 2,367 2,620 2,781 2,992 3,182 3,475 3,932 4,240 4,368 4,603 4,763 4,881 5,094 5,293 5,649 6,252 7,214 1,102 1,248 1,317 1,429 1,560 1,629 1,760 1,856 2,021 2,300 2,477 2,517 2,632 2,748 2,820 2,966 3,095 3,335 3,795 4,523 107 126 140 152 173 183 195 211 222 250 274 284 293 305 314 324 339 358 390 440 39 46 57 71 86 89 108 123 144 169 191 207 207 248 239 248 258 255 267 286 5.48 5.60 5.91 6.21 6.39 6.59 6.65 6.80 6.94 7.00 7.12 7.35 7.49 7.46 7.51 7.48 7.45 7.39 7.10 6.76 3.85 3.98 4.33 4.63 4.77 4.89 4.85 4.92 4.98 4.96 5.03 5.27 5.36 5.33 5.36 5.33 5.33 5.25 4.94 4.63 1967 8,279 9,332 10,357 11,604 12,664 13,704 15,406 19,585 23,068 25,488 28,676 32,899 38,244 46,308 54,707 62,076 66,492 73,790 80,658 5,291 5,985 6,677 7,429 7,983 8,583 9,648 12,280 14,103 15,268 16,938 19,436 22,752 27,995 33,346 38,081 40,818 46,082 50,608 508 578 642 718 793 894 948 1,118 1,400 1,563 1,739 1,972 2,287 2,699 3,217 3,714 4,009 4,408 4,877 302 324 338 360 385 510 447 509 659 768 913 1,071 1,296 1,583 1,886 2,240 2,398 2,584 2,739 6.56 6.51 6.45 6.51 6.66 6.75 6.73 6.70 7.04 7.25 7.40 7.39 7.32 7.19 7.16 7.14 7.19 7.03 7.02 4 49 1948 1968 4 52 1949 1969 4 51 1950 1970 4 63 1951 1971 4 82 1952 1972 . 4 90 1953 1973 . 4.87 1954 1974 4.82 1955 1975 5.14 1956 1976 5.32 1957 1977 5.42 1958 1978 5.33 1959 1979 5.18 1960 1980 4.98 1961 1981 4.95 1962 1982 4.95 1963 1983 , 1984 5.02 1964 4.88 1965 1985 4.91 1966 Clectric and electronic equipment — structures 1947 804 874 879 967 1,134 1,249 1,334 1,408 1,555 1,790 1,949 1,999 2,071 2,179 2,375 2,550 2,755 2,987 3,351 3,950 474 524 528 582 710 803 875 932 1,029 1,205 1,329 1,349 1,386 1,461 1,599 1,709 1,843 1,991 2,246 2,709 24 28 28 29 35 39 42 44 48 55 62 64 67 70 75 81 87 95 105 121 16 21 21 18 24 24 24 26 24 27 29 25 27 29 26 29 31 28 33 39 13.57 13.30 13.26 13.21 12.42 11.84 11.35 11.11 11.07 10.65 10.31 10.48 10.60 10.52 10.39 10.44 10.46 10.51 10.36 9.86 8.06 7.93 8.04 8.11 7.51 7.14 6.92 6.93 7.09 6.89 6.77 7.10 7.36 7.40 7.33 7.46 7.54 7.59 7.45 6.97 1967 4,474 5,237 6,071 6,907 7,873 8,578 9,746 11,771 12,437 13,566 15,149 18,696 20,488 23,865 27,591 29,876 33,173 36,635 39,527 3,103 3,638 4,202 4,745 5,323 5,710 6,409 7,674 7,932 8,487 9,326 11,394 12,504 14,639 16,991 18,583 20,524 22,675 24,640 139 160 189 215 246 335 304 355 402 428 473 538 627 731 850 953 1,044 1,150 1,251 36 43 52 57 67 196 85 117 128 142 169 181 249 293 321 401 414 450 555 9.60 9.55 9.62 9.78 10.12 10.46 10.71 10.90 11.35 11.75 12.07 12.27 12.26 12.18 12.12 11.95 12.07 12.07 11.95 6.72 1948 1968 6.72 1949 1969 6.82 1950 1970 7.00 1951 1971 7.34 1952 1972 7.67 1953 1973 7.89 1954 1974 8.04 1955 1975 8.48 1956 1976 8.83 1957 1977 9.10 1958 1978 9.19 1959 1979 9.05 1960 1980 8.84 1961 1981 8.66 1962 1982 8.40 1963 1983 8.46 1964 1984 8.40 1965 1985 8.23 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 67 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Motor vehicles and equipment — equipment and structures 3,002 3,448 3, 67 3 4.190 4,838 5,351 :,.sih; 6,496 7. 483 8,808 9,623 9,1)53 10,531 11,019 11,291 11,767 12.304 13,147 14,516 16,148 1,688 1,980 2.097 2.397 2,809 3,148 3,445 3,928 4,536 5,383 5,820 5,848 6,028 6,215 6,257 6,462 6,766 7.321 8.326 9,444 147 182 204 226 274 306 340 380 431 516 590 622 653 690 712 733 761 803 871 961 90 111 125 135 164 174 187 208 227 273 316 337 377 442 474 526 562 605 655 715 10 59 10.08 9.85 9 64 9.27 8.91 8.58 8.12 7.92 7.64 7.60 7.81 7.95 8.01 8.19 8.25 8.24 8.14 7.85 7.66 6 18 6.08 6.08 5.98 5.73 5.49 5.33 5.05 198 4.85 4.95 5.26 5.49 5.59 5.76 5.82 5.77 5.60 5.26 5 10 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 197-1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 198IJ 1984 1985 17.345 18.905 20,501 22,529 24,404 26.095 28.264 34.670 38,553 41,369 46,631 54,328 61.907 72,470 83,647 87.533 87,057 88,680 90,360 10,170 11,064 12,059 13,260 14,315 15,203 16,247 19,779 21.351 22,360 25,041 29,518 33. 8>7 39,829 46,80(1 47,661 45,207 45,018 45,286 1.050 1.140 1.229 1,352 1,470 1,581 1,694 1,924 2.328 2,505 2,775 3,164 3,675 4,307 5,031 5,547 5,507 5,505 5.648 782 7.65 5.15 832 7.70 5.28 896 7.71 5.33 952 7.72 5.40 1,000 7.81 5.53 1,038 7.93 5.68 1,099 8.11 5.87 1,244 8.14 5.90 1,520 8.39 6.16 1,704 8.65 6.40 1,963 8.71 6.35 2,259 8.69 6.18 2,663 8.54 5.95 3,186 8.47 5.83 3,612 8.29 5.58 4,043 8.53 5.87 4,202 9.07 6.48 4,453 9.35 6.71 4,772 9.50 6.79 Motor vehicles and equipment — equipment 1.754 2,155 2,432 2.872 3.380 3,791 4,270 4,912 5,760 6,860 7,646 8,011 8,615 9,079 9,276 9,639 10.0. ,9 10,717 11,626 12,821 1,111 1,385 1,535 1,802 2,120 2,364 2,671 3,093 3.600 4,266 4,677 4,735 4,936 5,095 5.082 5,198 5,415 5.829 6.440 7,215 110 141 164 188 229 258 292 331 380 458 527 560 592 628 649 667 691 728 784 859 81 96 111 122 1 32 151 175 211 252 282 318 385 423 469 506 557 600 659 5.49 5.33 5.50 5.56 5.55 5.59 5 57 5.50 5.59 5.65 .-, 83 6.17 6.46 6.67 6.91 7.07 7.12 7 09 6 96 6 80 3.50 3.45 3.73 3 88 3.92 3 99 3.97 3.89 3 96 100 4.16 1 18 4.73 4.87 5.05 5.14 5.08 4.93 4.72 4.58 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 13,761 14,899 15,939 17,512 18,827 20,037 21,50 1 26.668 30.234 32,507 36,907 42.485 49.1 19 57.990 67,526 70.671 69,134 69.694 71,017 7,769 8,403 9,032 9,979 10,743 11,407 12,069 14.899 16.410 17,252 19,552 22,906 26.762 31.744 37,8!.;, 38.357 35,567 34,956 35,194 937 1,016 1,086 1,194 1,295 1.390 1,481 1,680 2.057 2,223 2,470 2,822 3. 284 3.860 1,529 5.004 4.936 4,904 5,026 731 775 82,4 886 928 961 1.017 1.136 1.405 1.584 1,815 2,105 2,461 2.940 3.349 3,7 18 3.874 4,097 4,332 r, so 6.87 6.83 6.77 6.74 6.75 6.86 6.89 7 17 7.36 7.38 7.23 7.13 7 08 6.87 7.15 7.59 7.79 7.90 1 62 4.67 4.66 4.64 4.65 4.69 4.82 4.83 5.11 5.26 5.17 191 4.75 4.69 1 15 4.81 :, 33 5.52 5.55 Motor vehicles and equipment — structures 1.248 1,293 1,241 1,318 1,458 1.560 1,536 1.584 1,723 1,948 1,976 1,942 1,916 1.940 2,016 2,128 2,245 2,430 2,890 3,326 578 595 561 595 689 783 775 835 936 1,117 1,143 1,114 1,092 1,120 1,174 1.264 1,351 1 ,492 1,887 2,228 37 11 39 38 44 47 49 48 51 58 63 62 61 62 63 66 70 75 87 L02 17,77 17.98 1838 18.51 17.90 16 98 1 6 96 16.23 15.71 14.65 14.46 14.58 14.65 14.32 14.08 13.60 13.26 12.77 11.40 10.77 12 19 12.18 12.48 12.34 11.29 10.05 10.06 9.35 8.92 8.10 8.21 8.57 8 93 8 85 881 8.60 8.52 8.19 7.10 6.76 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19,85 3.583 4,006 1,562 5,016 5,577 6,058 6,764 8,002 8,319 S.S62 9.725 11,842 12,758 14,480 16,121 16,861 17,923 18.08,-, 19,343 2,401 2,662 3,027 3,280 3,572 3,796 4,177 1,880 4,941 5,108 5,489 6,612 7,125 8,085 8.905 9.303 9,639 10,062 10,092 113 121 142 158 175 192 212 243 270 282 305 342 392 117 502 543 571 60 1 621 52 10.68 6.89 56 10.79 7.19 62 10.77 7.32 66 11.02 7.70 72 11.42 8.18 77 11.83 8.65 83 12.09 8.91 108 1 2 32 9.15 116 12.82 9.66 120 13.37 10.22 147 13.75 10.56 154 13.96 10.61 202 13.98 10.43 247 14.02 10.30 263 14.24 10.39 295 14.30 10.26 328 14.77 10.70 356 15.07 10.86 439 15.39 11.10 Other transportation equipme nt — equipment and structures 1947 1,989 2,148 2,150 2,297 2,603 2,838 2,969 3,138 3,494 4,182 4,676 4,848 5,059 5,208 5,411 5,726 6,051 6,421 6,924 8,111 926 1,034 1,041 1,113 1,337 1,540 1,659 1,803 2,055 2,598 2,992 3,077 3,180 3,237 3,336 3,527 3,711 3,917 4,234 5,148 76 87 91 94 109 120 130 140 152 182 212 228 239 250 259 271 288 306 328 368 73 88 92 89 105 105 107 114 113 130 138 133 144 148 151 164 170 177 205 216 16.02 15.43 15.19 15.15 14.24 13.27 12.67 12.06 11.57 10.48 9.77 9.72 9.69 9.69 9.73 9.64 9.61 9.64 9.58 8.98 10.47 9.72 9.57 9.53 8.49 7.59 7.20 6.85 6.59 5.87 5.56 5.81 6.06 6.30 6.49 6.55 6.64 6.74 6.74 6.15 1967 9,201 10,413 11,652 12,783 13,736 14,663 16,026 19,282 21,444 23,510 26,175 30,849 34,610 40,308 45,793 49,191 52,196 56,132 58,926 5,945 6,751 7,580 8,206 8,610 9,029 9,712 11,545 12,652 13,726 15,062 17,662 19,851 23,132 26,159 27,932 29,308 31,555 32,992 427 487 539 590 631 664 705 800 947 1,040 1,157 1,316 1,528 1,787 2,077 2,317 2,429 2,592 2,765 233 258 264 293 318 336 356 426 493 567 645 700 831 996 1,164 1,339 1,432 1,519 1,702 8.63 8.59 8.60 8.83 9.28 9.65 9.96 10.14 10.32 10.49 10.71 10.88 10.77 10.73 10.80 10.83 11.06 11.08 11.14 5.89 1948 1968 5.93 1949 1969 5.99 1950 1970 6.29 1951 1971 6.80 1952 1972 7.17 1953 ... 1973 7.46 1954 . 1974 7.62 1955 1975 7.75 1956 1976 7.86 1957 1977 8 02 1958 1978 8.06 1959 1979 7.83 1960 1980 7.68 1961 .. . 1981 7.66 1962 1982 7.64 1963 1983 7.79 1964 1984 7.68 1965 1985 7 67 1966 68 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Other transportation equipment — equipment 1947 .... 702 824 886 974 1,126 1,238 1,352 1,503 1,727 2,123 2,457 2,625 2,812 2,937 3,037 3,216 3,381 3,611 3,846 4,466 395 480 513 560 666 742 823 931 1,085 1,378 1,617 1.696 1,780 1,817 1,844 1,934 2,003 2,127 2,253 2,709 39 46 52 57 66 73 81 91 100 122 145 159 169 179 186 194 206 219 233 260 25 28 33 38 41 41 45 50 56 66 72 75 84 91 99 109 115 131 151 162 8.10 7.72 7.84 8.01 7.71 7.54 7.42 7.22 7.08 6.70 6.52 6.72 6.95 7.17 7.37 7.46 7.59 7.67 7.75 7.39 5.62 5.19 5.36 5.59 5.26 5.09 4.99 4.79 4.68 4.37 4.29 4.58 4.88 5.15 5.37 5.46 5.55 5.58 5.61 5.14 1967 5,089 5,711 6,238 6,736 6,997 7.308 7,865 9,691 11,354 12,600 14,153 16,273 18,860 22,534 26,023 28,534 29,556 31,501 32,967 3,139 3,545 3,896 4,135 4,174 4,294 4,568 5,621 6,559 7,280 8,107 9,375 10,909 13,132 15,182 16,501 16,817 17,926 18,527 301 344 373 403 421 433 450 509 623 698 783 897 1,048 1,241 1,465 1,656 1,724 1,826 1,948 182 202 206 227 246 258 271 318 379 437 489 534 612 736 864 995 1,060 1,121 1,196 7.19 7.13 7.10. 7.33 7.69 7.92 8.08 8.14 8.31 8.32 8.42 8.33 8.26 8.17 8.17 8.27 8.46 8.45 8.61 4.95 1948 1968 4.91 1949 . 1969 4.89 1950 1970 5.16 1951 1971 5.56 1952 1972 5.78 1953 1973 5.91 1954 1974 5.92 1955 1975 6.01 1956 1976 5.97 1957 . . . 1977 6.04 1958 1978 5.87 r.i59 1979 5.74 I960 1980 5.60 1961 1981 5.58 1962 1982 5.68 I'HiH 1983 5.87 1964 1984 5.82 1965 1985 5.94 1966 Other transportation equipment — structures 1947 1,287 1,324 1,264 1,322 1,477 1.599 1,616 1,635 1,767 2,059 2,218 2,223 2,246 2,270 2,374 2,510 2,670 2,811 3,078 3,645 530 554 528 552 671 797 836 872 970 1,220 1,375 1,381 1,400 1,420 1,492 1,593 1,708 1.790 1,980 2,439 37 41 39 38 43 47 49 49 51 60 68 69 70 71 73 77 82 87 94 108 48 60 59 51 64 64 62 64 57 65 66 58 60 57 52 56 54 47 54 54 20.34 20.23 20.35 20.41 19.21 17.71 17.07 16.52 15.96 14.38 13.38 13.26 13.11 12.95 12.75 12.44 12.17 12.18 11.87 10.94 14.09 13.66 13.66 13.52 11.69 9.91 9.37 9.04 8.71 7.56 7.07 7.32 7.56 7.76 7.87 7.89 7.91 8.11 8.02 7.27 1967 4.112 4,703 5,414 6,047 6,739 7,354 8,161 9,591 10,090 10,910 12,022 14,575 15,749 17,775 19,771 20,657 22,640 24,631 25,959 2,807 3,206 3,684 4,071 4,436 4,735 5,144 5,924 6,093 6,446 6,955 8,287 8,942 10,000 10,976 11,430 12,491 13,629 14,466 125 143 166 187 210 231 255 290 324 342 374 419 480 546 612 661 706 766 817 51 56 58 65 73 78 85 108 114 130 156 166 220 260 300 345 373 398 506 10.41 10.35 10.32 10.50 10.94 11.37 11.77 12.16 12.59 13.01 13.41 13.74 13.79 13.98 14.26 14.36 14.45 14.44 14.35 6.93 1948 1968 7.06 1949 1969 7.15 1950 1970 7.43 1951 1971 7.96 1952 1972 8.43 1953 1973 8.84 1954 1974 9.23 1955 1975 9.63 1956 1976 9.99 1957 1977 10.33 1958 1978 10.53 1 9.19 1979 10.37 1960 1980 10.42 1961 1981 10.55 1962 1982 10.46 1963 1983 10.36 1964 1984 10.13 1965 1985 9.89 1966 Instruments and related products— equipment and structures 1947 592 684 732 829 943 1,009 1,070 1,154 1,300 1,503 1,645 1,713 1,848 1,994 2,155 2,342 2,480 2,661 2,936 3,352 335 395 421 473 539 572 606 658 748 883 976 1.007 1,086 1,181 1,293 1,412 1,473 1,574 1,748 2,037 31 38 43 48 57 62 67 71 78 90 102 107 115 126 135 145 157 167 183 203 19 22 25 27 32 36 41 46 51 61 68 71 76 84 90 97 107 118 132 148 10.06 9.54 9.31 9.19 9.03 8.98 8.81 8.59 8.44 8.12 7.93 7.96 7.85 7.66 7.50 7.38 7.49 7.51 7.43 7.22 6.55 6.11 6.05 6.02 5.90 5.91 5.81 5.62 5.47 5.20 5.10 5.22 5.20 5.09 4.98 4.97 5.18 5.26 5.21 5.02 1967 3,837 4,374 4,809 5,410 5,974 6,447 7,298 9,127 10,254 11,281 12,650 14,950 16,920 19,851 22,870 25,066 26,791 28,971 31,087 2,387 2,764 3,071 3,478 3,811 4,070 4,612 5,780 6,385 6,895 7,595 8,897 10,055 11,791 13,589 14,909 15,744 16,999 18,242 231 263 283 309 339 364 396 469 569 629 699 790 912 1,069 1,250 1,420 1,516 1,634 1,779 167 187 188 192 195 203 207 240 287 321 375 421 507 606 701 810 862 929 992 6.92 6.86 6.98 7.02 7.27 7.56 7.65 7.63 7.77 8.03 8.28 8.57 8.53 8.54 8.56 8.48 8.74 8.82 8.81 4.78 1948 1968 4.77 1949 1969 4.93 1950 1970 5.03 1951 1971 5.32 1952 1972 5.63 1953 1973 5.69 1954 1974 5.64 1955 1975 5.78 1956 1976 6.03 1957 1977 6.26 1958 1978 6.46 1959 1979 6.33 I960 1980 6.26 1961 1981 6.20 1962 1982 6.09 1963 1983 6.30 1964 1984 6.31 1965 1985 6.25 1966 Instruments and related products— equipment 1947 318 393 445 518 591 635 684 749 842 968 1,060 1,113 1,223 1,321 1,389 1,501 1,573 1,692 1,852 2,071 192 243 271 312 349 366 388 424 474 548 598 619 680 735 769 831 848 911 1,002 1,136 23 29 34 39 46 50 54 59 64 74 83 88 95 104 112 119 128 136 149 164 13 15 17 20 24 27 31 36 41 49 56 60 65 73 79 85 95 106 119 134 5.36 5.13 5.24 5.31 5.41 5.59 5.70 5.74 5.81 5.81 5.86 5.99 5.99 5.96 5.97 5.92 6.06 6.04 5.97 5.87 3.40 3.27 3.47 3.62 3.76 3.94 4.02 3.99 4.01 3.95 3.97 4.08 4.04 4.01 4.03 3.99 4.17 4.12 4.02 3.90 1967 2,342 2,579 2,732 2,997 3,194 3,355 3,743 4,769 5,545 6,127 6,864 7,812 9,084 10,876 12,613 14,267 14,985 16,261 17,677 1,311 1,463 1,578 1,745 1,845 1,925 2,172 2,811 3,226 3,512 3,867 4,369 5,110 6,190 7,234 8,289 8,626 9,453 10,330 185 209 218 234 252 266 285 338 417 466 517 583 671 790 930 1,069 1,141 1,230 1,350 153 172 172 172 174 180 180 207 250 279 326 368 435 518 599 687 726 774 812 5.69 5.64 5.62 5.60 5.69 5.79 5.72 5.61 5.75 5.86 6.01 6.07 6.04 5.97 5.90 5.77 5.84 5.75 5.70 3.73 1948 1968 3.70 1969 3.71 1970 3.75 1971 3.88 1972 3.99 1973 3.88 1974 3.75 1975 3.88 1976 3.99 1977 4.12 1978 4.13 1979 4.05 1980 3.94 1981 3.86 1982 3.77 1983 3.87 1984 3.81 1985 3.78 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH (59 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Instruments and related products — structures 1947 274 143 8 6 15.54 10.80 1967 1,495 1,076 46 14 8.85 6.06 1948 291 287 152 150 9 9 7 8 15.51 15.62 10.65 10.71 1968 1,795 2,077 1,301 1,493 54 65 15 16 8.62 8.77 5.98 1949 1969 6.22 1950 311 162 9 7 15.67 10.65 1970 2,413 1,732 75 20 8.77 6.32 1951 353 190 11 9 15.09 9.85 1971 2,780 1,966 87 21 9.08 6.67 1952 374 206 12 9 14.75 9.42 1972 3,092 2,145 98 23 9.48 7 10 1953 386 217 12 10 14.34 9.00 1973 3,555 2,440 111 27 9.68 7.31 1954 405 234 13 9 13.87 8.56 1974 4,358 2,969 132 33 9.84 7.44 1955 458 274 14 9 13.25 8.00 1975 4,709 3,159 152 37 10.15 7.73 1956 535 335 16 12 12.29 7.26 1976 5,154 3,383 164 42 10.60 8.15 1957 585 377 19 11 11.66 6.88 1977 5,786 3,728 182 49 10.98 8.48 1958 600 388 19 11 11.63 7.04 1978 7,139 4,528 207 54 11.30 8.70 1959 625 405 20 12 11.49 7.13 1979 7,836 4,945 241 72 11.42 8.69 1960 673 446 21 11 11.00 6.86 1980 8,975 5,601 279 88 11.66 8.83 1961 766 524 24 11 10.26 6.38 1981 10,256 6,355 319 103 11.83 8.86 1962 841 581 26 12 9.99 6.37 1982 10,799 6,620 351 123 12.07 8.99 1963 907 625 29 12 9.98 6.56 1983 11,806 7,118 375 135 12.41 9.24 1964 969 663 31 12 10.09 6.84 1984 12,710 7,546 404 155 12.74 9.45 1965 1,084 746 34 13 9.92 6.81 1985 13,410 7,912 429 180 12.90 9.47 1966 1,281 901 39 14 9.40 6.44 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries — equipment and structures 1947.. .. 770 852 879 983 1,110 1,269 1,400 1,439 1,550 1,702 1,759 1,789 1,841 1,865 1,898 1,981 2,0X0 2,183 2,345 2,549 420 472 483 541 617 740 837 837 881 957 966 967 979 979 992 1,045 1,104 1,164 1,267 1,398 34 41 45 49 58 65 76 81 84 93 98 100 102 105 106 109 116 123 132 142 24 29 31 30 37 38 42 48 52 62 68 72 79 90 93 97 99 105 114 130 12.47 11.97 11.72 11.46 11.10 10.17 9.52 9.64 9.80 9.81 9.96 10.07 10.15 10.24 10.33 10.20 10.07 9.98 9.77 9.58 7.52 7.22 7.25 7.13 6.88 6.07 5.65 6.01 6.30 6.41 6.68 6.82 6.97 7.09 7.14 6.97 6.83 6.73 6.53 6.37 1967 2,748 2,980 3,188 3,457 3,757 4,049 4,489 5,454 5,991 6,754 7,656 8,989 10.029 1 1 586 12,x5x 13,450 13,905 14,405 14,819 1,528 1,673 1 ,X2 1 2,001 2,189 2,388 2,670 3,244 3,506 3,990 4,512 5,262 5,836 6,701 7,302 7,470 7,514 7,650 7,776 154 168 173 182 194 207 222 255 300 332 377 430 492 565 639 690 704 723 747 142 150 149 153 152 159 157 164 186 199 220 252 287 331 388 436 451 509 549 9.34 9.33 9.37 9.35 9.44 9.44 9.41 9.37 9.50 9.35 9.36 9.56 9.54 9.58 9.81 10.04 10.48 10.77 10.95 6 20 1948 1968 6.22 1949 1969 6 24 1950 1970 6 26 1951 1971 6 38 1952 1972 6 40 1953 1973 6.41 1954 1974 6.43 1955 1975 6.63 1956 1976 6.46 1957 1977 6.48 1958 1978 6.65 1959 1979 6.65 1960 1980 6.68 1961 1981 6.91 1962 1982 7.15 1963 1983 7.56 1964 19X4 7 70 1965 1985 7.88 1966 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries — equipment 1947 315 386 432 513 580 703 812 856 926 1,010 1,059 1,092 1,148 1,176 1,190 1,238 1,304 1,374 1,469 1,579 204 253 275 325 357 447 518 521 539 563 566 570 585 588 591 618 654 696 753 817 20 26 30 35 41 48 57 63 65 71 75 77 80 82 84 86 91 97 104 112 11 12 14 15 17 19 23 28 33 41 46 53 59 70 75 77 80 87 95 109 5.53 5.31 5.48 5.50 5.73 5.38 5.34 5.79 6.25 6.69 7.11 7.40 7.67 7.90 8.02 8.00 7.93 7.83 7.69 7.58 3.46 3.47 3.82 3.93 4.19 3.78 3.73 4.20 4.64 5.03 5.37 5.50 5.61 5.71 5.68 5.51 5.30 5.11 4.92 4.83 1967 . .. 1.697 1,798 1,848 1.973 2,082 2,188 2,390 2,956 3,368 3,849 4,425 5,045 5,814 6,789 7,550 8,026 8,096 X,3(I6 8,566 XX7 949 999 1,090 1.166 1,253 1,392 1.730 1.937 2,250 2,595 2,936 3,364 3,888 4,228 4,382 4,276 4,315 4,401 121 i:;i 131 135 142 148 156 179 215 241 276 316 362 417 473 513 520 529 546 122 130 126 127 126 129 124 124 140 152 168 192 216 249 292 332 353 384 416 7.40 7.35 7.32 7.21 7.14 6.98 6.82 6.79 7.00 6.84 6.80 6.88 6.95 7.08 7.30 7.56 7.88 8.06 8.20 4.72 1948 1968 . 4.71 1949 I960 4.66 1950 1970 4.60 1951 1971.... 4.60 1952.... 1972.. .. 4.55 1953 1973 4.51 1954 1974 4.55 1955 1975 4.80 1956 1976 4.63 1957 1977 4.61 1958 1978 4.71 1959 1979 4.77 1960 10SO 4.87 1961 1981 5.08 1962.. . 1982 5.31 1963 .. 1983 5.61 1964 1984 5.70 1965 1985 5.73 1966 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries — structures 1947 . 454 466 447 470 530 566 588 583 624 692 700 696 693 690 708 743 776 809 876 969 216 219 208 216 260 293 319 317 342 394 400 397 394 391 401 427 450 468 515 581 14 15 14 14 16 18 19 19 19 21 23 22 22 23 23 24 25 26 28 30 13 17 17 15 19 19 19 20 19 21 22 19 20 20 18 20 20 18 19 21 17.29 17.50 17.74 17.97 16.98 16.11 15.29 15.27 15.07 14.36 14.26 14.25 14.26 14.25 14.22 13.86 13.66 13.63 13.28 12.84 11.35 11.54 11.79 11.94 10.58 9.55 8.78 8.97 8.90 8.38 8.55 8.73 8.97 9.18 9.29 9.09 9.06 9.13 8.88 8.55 1967 1,051 1,183 1.340 1.483 1,675 1,860 2,099 2,498 2,623 2,905 3,231 3,944 4,215 4,797 5,307 5,424 5,809 6.099 6,253 641 724 825 912 1,023 1.134 1,278 1,514 1,569 1,740 1,917 2,325 2,472 2,814 3,073 3,088 3,238 3,335 3,375 33 37 42 47 52 58 66 76 85 91 101 114 130 148 166 177 185 195 201 20 21 23 26 27 30 33 40 46 46 52 60 71 82 96 105 98 125 132 12.46 12.33 12.19 12.20 12.30 12.33 12.35 12.43 12.69 12.68 12.86 12.99 13.11 13.12 13.38 13.71 14.11 14.47 14.72 8.23 1948 1968 8.20 1949 1969 8.14 1950 1970 8.25 1951 1971 8.40 1952 1972 8.45 1953 1973 8.48 1954 1974 8.59 1955 1975 8.89 1956 1976 8.84 1957 1977 9 02 1958 1978 9.11 1959 1979 9.21 1960 1980 9 17 1961 1981 9 43 1962 1982 9 77 1963 1983 10.13 1964 1984 10 49 1965 1985 10 69 1966 70 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nondurable goods nanufacturing — equipment and structures 1947 38,498 42,679 44,464 48,761 53,600 55,967 57,957 60,162 64,751 71,274 75,380 76,933 78,874 80,475 82,453 85,194 88,433 92,332 98,839 109,291 21,699 24,368 25,345 27,519 30,138 31,245 32,204 33,287 35,552 39,224 41,598 42,065 42,656 43,388 44,429 46,043 47,954 50,408 54,999 62,303 1,736 2,044 2,207 2,330 2,686 2.811 2,943 3,047 3,182 3,509 3,805 3,908 3,996 4,101 4,174 4,282 4,459 4,660 4,950 5,404 1,203 1,413 1,494 1,522 1,817 1,875 2,005 2,207 2,326 2,668 2,916 2,967 3,185 3,330 3,385 3,571 3,730 3,784 4,040 4,307 11.36 11.00 10.81 10.84 10.81 10.81 10.73 10.68 10.76 10.69 10.58 10.65 10.73 10.73 10.77 10.74 10.69 10.62 10.39 10.05 7.07 6.85 6.84 6.98 7.03 7.09 7.11 7.13 7.22 7.17 7.10 7.20 7.33 7.34 7.34 7.31 7.26 7.16 6.91 6.59 1967 117,889 129,784 141,769 155,315 169,638 181,562 199,776 244,821 276,752 305,091 339,831 395,837 440,193 503,219 565,962 601,414 627,025 653,325 673,161 67,969 75,296 82.774 90,951 99,028 105,763 115,741 142,106 160,219 176,025 195,346 226,231 250,423 284,654 317,541 335,157 343,798 353,963 361,719 5,952 6,519 7,076 7,694 8,383 9,282 9,776 11,251 13,643 15,301 16,973 19,194 22,031 24,985 28,455 31,221 32,436 33,405 34,562 4,479 4,747 5,041 5,347 5,619 6,512 6,427 7,382 8,787 9,692 10,797 11,937 14,475 16,504 18,791 21,574 23,281 24,607 26,339 9.85 9.78 9.74 9.71 9.80 9.88 9.96 9.86 9.77 9.78 9.81 9.96 9.91 9.95 10.04 10.08 10.36 10.57 10.71 6 45 1948 1968 6.44 1949 1969 6.45 1950 1970 6.49 1951 1971 6.62 1952 1972 6.72 1953 1973 6.83 1954 1974 6.76 1955 1975 6.73 1956 1976 6.74 1957 1977 6 78 1958 1978 6 90 1959 1979 6.86 I960.. .. 1980 6.91 1961 .. . 1981 6.99 1962. .. 1982 7.03 1963.. .. 1983 7.30 1964.. . 1984 7.47 1965 1985 7.57 1966 Nondurable goods man ufacturing — equipment 1947 19,427 22,577 24,736 27,693 30,740 32,490 34,451 36,433 39,411 43,786 47,134 48,702 50,684 52,044 52,992 54,684 56,723 59,110 62,816 69,336 11,962 14,017 15,184 16,716 18,312 19,019 19,840 20,651 21,970 24,220 25,958 26,421 27,074 27,553 27,916 28,847 29,989 31,495 34,109 38,568 1,170 1,402 1,577 1,706 1,973 2,073 2,192 2,304 2,415 2,660 2,901 3,012 3,099 3,191 3,246 3,322 3,460 3,616 3,832 4,174 713 785 862 963 1,103 1,174 1,281 1,461 1,631 1,857 2,088 2,235 2,403 2,550 2,664 2,781 2,915 3,051 3,231 3,428 6.58 6.44 6.53 6.71 6.83 7.01 7.21 7.41 7.66 7.82 7.95 8.17 8.40 8.54 8.64 8.67 8.67 8.62 8.43 8.18 4.29 4.28 4.48 4.73 4.89 5.08 5.25 5.41 5.60 5.67 5.70 5.86 6.01 6.07 6.08 6.02 5.95 5.83 5.60 5.34 1967 74,963 81,553 87,351 94,908 101,534 107,433 117,723 147,652 174,224 193,655 216,924 247,117 281,759 325,870 368,412 397,462 408,373 422,038 435,173 42,101 46,036 49,546 53,994 57,540 60,924 66,622 84,133 99,539 110,639 123,987 140,831 159,795 183,984 206,181 220,977 223,145 228,131 233,460 4,614 5,049 5,396 5,827 6,284 6,758 7,179 8,325 10,373 11,795 13,127 14.923 17,080 19,517 22,341 24,605 25,476 26.098 26,967 3,651 3,848 4,029 4,245 4,464 4,813 4,965 5,647 6,901 7,755 8,511 9,656 11,412 13,161 15,262 17,416 18,845 20,103 21,258 8.05 7.98 7.92 7.88 7.89 7.88 7.87 7.78 7.78 7.75 7.71 7.70 7.73 7.78 7.88 7.97 8.16 8.30 8.42 5.26 1948 1968 5.24 1949 1969 5.23 1950 .. . 1970 5.24 1951 .. 1971 5.30 1952 ... 1972 5.31 1953. ... 1973 5.33 1954 1974 5.24 1955 1975 5.24 1956 1976 5.22 1957 1977 5.19 1958 1978 5.19 1959 1979 5.22 1960 1980 5.27 1961 1981 5.38 1962 1982 5.47 1963 1983 5.67 1964 1984 5.79 1965 1985 5.88 1966 Nondurable goods manufacturing — structures 1947 19,071 20,102 19,728 21,069 22,860 23,477 23,506 23,729 25,340 27,488 28,246 28,231 28,191 28,431 29,461 30,510 31,711 33,222 36,023 39,954 9,738 10,351 10,160 10,802 11,826 12,225 12,364 12,636 13,581 15,004 15,640 15,644 15,582 15,835 16,513 17,196 17,965 18,913 20,890 23,735 565 642 630 624 713 738 751 743 767 849 904 897 897 910 928 960 999 1,044 1,118 1,230 490 628 633 558 715 701 723 746 695 811 828 732 781 780 721 790 815 733 809 879 16.23 16.13 16.17 16.27 16.15 16.06 15.90 15.69 15.58 15.24 14.96 14.91 14.92 14.75 14.60 14.46 14.32 14.19 13.80 13.30 10.47 10.33 10.38 10.46 10.33 10.23 10.08 9.93 9.86 9.59 9.42 9.47 9.63 9.56 9.48 9.46 9.45 9.38 9.04 8.63 1967 42,926 48,230 54,418 60,407 68,103 74,129 82,052 97,169 102,528 111,436 122,907 148,719 158,434 177,350 197,550 203,952 218,652 231,287 ' 237,988 25,868 29,260 33,228 36,958 41,488 44,838 49,119 57,973 60,680 65,385 71,359 85,400 90,629 100,670 111,361 114,180 120,653 125,832 128,259 1,338 1,470 1,680 1,867 2,099 2,524 2,597 2,926 3,269 3,506 3,846 4,271 4,951 5,468 6,114 6,616 6,959 7,307 7,595 828 899 1,012 1,102 1,154 1,699 1,462 1,735 1.886 1,937 2,286 2,281 3,063 3,343 3,529 4,158 4,437 4,504 5,081 12.98 12.81 12.65 12.59 12.65 12.78 12.96 13.02 13.16 13.32 13.51 13.71 13.79 13.93 14.06 14.19 14.46 14.72 14.91 8.39 1948 1968 8.33 1949 1969 8.28 1950 1970 8.31 1951 1971 8.45 1952 1972 8.64 1953 1973 8.87 1954 1974 8.98 1955 1975 9.17 1956 1976 9.32 1957 1977 .... 9.54 1958 1978 9.71 1959 1979 9.76 I960 1980 9.89 1961 1981 9.96 1962 1982 10.06 1963 1983 .".: 10.31 1964 1965 1966 1984 10.52 1985 10.65 Food and kindred products- —equipment and structures 1947 12,840 14,010 14,427 15,616 16,780 17,012 17,113 17,326 18,267 19,482 20,002 20,101 20,432 20,599 20,832 21,365 22,091 22,852 23,946 25,800 6,851 7,587 7,824 8,397 8,931 8,8X2 8,817 8,873 9,303 9,906 10,173 10,189 10,358 10,471 10,592 10,979 11,482 11,987 12,717 13,932 589 682 726 751 844 860 866 867 881 940 985 987 997 1,007 1,012 1,028 1,064 1,107 1,158 1,235 472 552 576 570 674 690 727 805 816 918 983 946 972 988 954 984 1,001 989 1,049 1,107 12.36 11.97 11.72 11.74 11.79 11.95 12.01 12.02 12.12 12.17 12.13 12.16 12.12 12.07 12.10 11.97 11.81 11.69 11.52 11.27 7.49 7.25 7.21 7.34 7.49 7.75 7.91 7.99 8.08 8.13 8.14 8.17 8.15 8.10 8.09 7.93 7.76 7.62 7.47 7.26 1967 27,294 29,452 31,610 34,103 36,873 39,387 42,884 51,561 57,285 62,439 68,815 79,990 88,397 100,425 111,992 118,292 123,793 129,276 133,584 14,871 16,114 17,408 18,909 20,533 22,136 24,028 28,928 32,138 35,001 38,619 44,853 49,425 55,985 61,871 64,971 67,071 69,344 71,234 1,331 1,433 1,528 1,632 1,757 1,879 2,008 2,280 2,698 2,967 3,251 3,657 4,148 4,713 5,332 5,800 6,037 6,256 6,501 1,129 1,206 1,276 1,332 1,401 1,489 1,519 1,763 2,042 2,160 2,389 2,541 2,925 3,355 3,725 4,133 4,381 4,637 4,947 11.09 11.03 10.99 10.91 10.91 10.84 10.90 10.84 10.75 10.73 10.70 10.79 10.73 10.72 10.82 10.84 11.06 11.23 11.31 7.14 1948 1968 7.15 1969 7.15 1950 1970 7.13 1951 1971 7.16 1952 1972 7.13 1953 1973 7.24 1954 1974 7.24 1975 7.22 1956 1976 7.23 1957 1977 7.25 1958 1978 7.32 1959 1979 7.29 I960 1980 7.32 1961 1981 7.43 1962 1982 7.46 1963 1983 7.68 1964 1984 7.83 1965 1985 7.87 1966 . FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 71 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Food and kindred products — equipment 6,776 7,668 8,256 9,071 9,787 9,995 10,269 10,591 11,232 12,110 12,656 12,899 13,315 13,551 13,675 13,983 14,487 14,926 15,503 16.6611 4,091/f 4,642 4,932 5,322 5,605 5,546 5,556 5,633 5,903 6,320 6,557 6,633 6,815 6,911 6,952 7,132 7,453 7,725 8.081 8,798 410 481 530 559 627 640 047 657 669 712 750 760 772 783 787 797 826 859 895 952 278 30] 326 355 394 423 456 520 559 630 678 6X9 702 717 719 721 737 765 798 840 7.09 6.97 7.06 7.25 7.48 7.80 8.11 8.39 X 05 8 88 9 10 9.30 9.47 9.61 9.72 70 9.71 9.67 9.61 47 4.49 4.54 4 7s 5.07 5.36 5.72 6.01 22 38 6.50 6.61 6.70 6.75 6.77 6.78 6.69 6.53 6.42 6.31 6.14 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1 984 19X5 17,655 18,762 19,674 20.906 22,086 23,282 25,103 30,645 35.293 38,493 42,351 47,958 54,376 02.423 09.879 75,105 77,550 80.544 83.6,85 9,383 9,965 10,462 11,163 11,860 12,721 13,709 16,795 19,439 21,222 23,444 26,629 30,139 34,558 3X3752 41,067 41.799 43,0X6 44J43- 1,030 1,107 1,159 1,225 1,301 1.378 1,455 1,651 1,996 2,222 2,431 2,737 3,105 3.540 4.024 4,403 4.575 4,712 1.904 893 9.37 6.06 948 9.35 6.08 986 9.34 6.09 1,038 9.26 6.05 1,094 9.18 6.00 1,138 8.98 5.81 1.169 8.97 5.85 1.316 8.93 5.84 1,566 8.91 5.84 1,705 8.85 5.84 1,825 8.77 5.79 2,004 8.70 5.74 2,250 8.68 5.76 2,558 8.68 5.77 2,916 8.76 5.89 3,199 8.79 5.92 3,381 8.93 6.07 3.598 9.01 6.14 3,816 9.06 6.15 Food and kindred products — structures 6.064 0.342 6,171 6,546 0,993 7,017 0,845 6,735 7,035 7,371 7,346 7,202 7,117 7,048 7,157 7,383 7,604 7,920 8,443 9,140 2,760 2,944 2,802 3,074 3,326 3,330 3,261 3,240 3,400 3,586 3,616 3,556 3,543 3.560 3,640 3,846 4,029 4,262 1,030 5,134 179 201 195 192 217 220 218 210 212 228 235 227 224 225 225 230 238 248 262 283 19 1 251 251 215 28 1 267 270 285 250 280 305 257 269 271 235 20,3 264 224 251 267 IX 25 1X02 17.95 17.95 17.81 17.86 17.86 17.73 17.68 17.57 17.36 17.28 17.09 16.80 16.64 16.16 15.80 15.48 15.02 14.55 11.95 11.52 11.36 11.26 11.07 11.11 11.13 11.07 11.04 11.01 10.92 10.91 1085 10 08 10.60 10.23 10,05 9.79 9.48 9 17 1907 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 10X5 9,639 10 001 11.936 13,197 14,787 16,104 17,781 20,916 21,992 23,946 26,464 32,032 34,022 38,002 42.114 43.187 46,243 48,732 49,898 5,488 6.149 0.946 7,745 8,073 9,415 10,319 12,133 12.699 13,779 15.175 18.224 19,287 21,427 23,539 23,904 25.271 20,258 20,591 301 326 369 107 456 501 553 629 702 745 820 920 1,044 1,174 1,308 1,397 1,462 1,543 1,597 236 14.24 8.97 258 13.98 8.87 290 13.72 8.76 294 13.52 8.68 307 13.49 8.76 351 13.53 8.92 350 13.64 9.10 147 13.63 9.18 476 13.70 9.32 456 13.75 9.39 564 13.80 9.50 537 13.93 9.62 675 13.99 9.68 798 14.08 9.80 810 14.24 9.94 934 14.41 10.12 999 14,63 10.35 1,039 14.89 10.59 1,131 15.09 10.76 Tobacco manufactures — equipment and structures 442 470 471 496 518 522 525 528 552 606 629 644 672 690 723 762 813 867 939 1,038 221 236 235 243 249 250 254 257 20,9 306 324 336 356 370 394 422 457 493 541 607 14 00 13.80 13.65 13 83 14.04 14.05 12 80 13.63 13.59 13.03 12.63 1230 11.85 11.50 11.16 10.77 10.37 10.09 9.77 9.46 845 8.34 8.37 8.64 8 92 8.94 8.71 8.60 8.55 7.98 7 72 7.50 7 21 7.05 6.81 6.61 6.43 6 29 6.14 ii hi 190,7 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 198 1 1985 1,117 1.206 1,294 1,30,0, 1,490 1,030 1,878 2,333 2,651 2.905 3,275 3,927 4,421 5,249 0.542 7,355 8,065 8,777 9,572 652 703 70,4 797 875 973 1,147 1,436 1.620 1.748 1,967 2.370 2,065 3,200 4.175 4.740 5.198 5,035 0,140 59 63 65 67 To 76 84 101 122 130 151 174 201 234 284 335 369 403 139 40 51 53 51 52 52 51 58 0,0 To 7s 90 106 124 143 163 174 180 203 9.35 9.44 9.51 9.80 9.87 9 75 9 10 9 30 9.32 9 51 9.52 9 19 9 50 9.31 8.65 8.46 8.50 8.57 8.55 6.05 21 6.33 6.69 6.77 6.63 6.34 6.26 6.36 6.60 6.61 6.53 6.54 6.33 5.67 5.56 5.67 5.80 5.85 Tobacco manufactures— equipment 190 214 227 241 252 257 268 281 299 332 363 380 408 425 451 485 526 569 619 687 111 124 129 133 131 135 142 149 159 ixo 200 209 227 235 253 275 300 328 359 401 7.53 7.57 7.75 8.11 8.46 8.60 8.60 8.64 8.73 8.63 8.45 8.44 8.31 8.33 8.13 7.91 7.74 7.57 7 11 7.35 4.73 4.83 5.10 5.55 5.95 6.07 5.97 5.91 5 94 5.74 5.51 5.50 5.39 5.45 5.26 5.09 5.00 4.90 4.85 4.83 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 717 801 837 876 910 965 1,095 1,376 1,645 1,823 2,048 2,383 2,765 3.313 4,024 4,598 5,020 5,435 5,990 434 463 490 507 520 557 010 816 979 1,07.3 1,201 1,405 1.034 1.988 2.484 2,876 3,163 3,418 3.780 17 51 51 51 53 55 00 72 89 102 113 129 149 174 210 217 272 297 325 37 7.36 4.93 41 7.49 5.10 42 7.64 5.24 40 7.92 5.55 41 8.20 5.86 10 8.20 5.81 39 8.00 5.54 42 7.96 5.47 48 7.98 5.48 54 8.10 5.60 59 8.13 5.59 70 8.07 5.47 82 8.08 5.43 96 7.94 5.24 112 7.60 4.91 129 7.44 4.81 138 7.35 4.77 110 7.36 4.85 159 7.31 4.87 72 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock D 7i r oT a - discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Tobacco manufactures — structures 1947 252 257 244 255 267 265 256 247 253 274 267 264 263 265 271 277 287 299 320 351 110 112 106 110 115 115 112 107 111 127 124 126 129 135 141 147 157 165 182 206 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 9 12 12 10 13 12 12 12 11 13 13 11 11 12 9 11 11 9 10 11 18.86 18.98 19.12 19.25 19.30 19.33 19.25 19.31 19.32 18.38 18.32 17.86 17.32 16.58 16.19 15.78 15.20 14.89 14.28 13.60 12.18 12.22 12.36 12.39 12.37 12.31 12.19 12.32 12.32 11.15 11.29 10.81 10.40 9.83 9.58 9.46 9.17 9.04 8.69 8.31 1967 370 406 456 491 580 666 784 958 1,006 1,081 1,227 1,545 1,656 1,936 2,517 2,757 3,045 3,343 3,576 218 240 274 290 354 417 501 619 641 675 766 972 1,032 1,218 1,691 1,865 2,034 2,217 2,360 12 13 14 16 18 21 24 29 33 35 38 44 51 60 74 88 97 106 115 9 10 11 11 11 12 13 16 18 16 19 20 24 28 31 34 36 40 44 13.38 13.28 12.94 13.15 12.48 11.98 11.49 11.23 11.50 11.88 11.85 11.69 11.86 11.66 10.32 10.15 10.39 10.54 10.63 8.29 1948 1968 8.43 1949 1969 8.29 1950 1970 8.68 1951 1971 8.10 1952 1972 7.73 1953. ... 1973 7.36 1954 1974 7.29 1955 1975 7.71 1956 1976 8.19 1957. . 1977 8.22 1958 1978 8.07 1959 1979 8.29 1960 1980 8.10 1961 1981 6.78 1962 1982 6.72 1963 1983 7.06 1964 1984 7.27 1965 1985 7.42 1966 Textile mill products — equipment and structures 1947 5,022 5,565 5,736 6,222 6,681 0.70X 6.755 6,746 7,047 7,458 7,544 7,373 7,344 7,318 7,270 7,264 7,331 7,485 7,832 8,669 2,291 2,714 2,875 3,126 3,362 3,366 3,301 3,233 3,315 3,468 3,456 3,2X6 3,235 3,219 3,193 3,245 3,331 3,512 3,861 4,596 217 254 278 295 339 346 352 353 361 385 404 400 395 397 394 392 397 405 422 455 239 277 277 260 318 310 319 344 344 383 422 418 445 459 458 513 515 505 541 564 15.50 14.43 13.72 13.46 13.26 13.20 13.09 13.02 13.06 12.97 12.87 12.99 12.91 12.73 12.72 12.50 12.26 11.92 11.34 10.44 9.45 8.26 7.77 7.66 7.61 7.71 7.86 8.06 8.20 8.23 8.30 8.52 8.51 8.34 8.22 7.95 7.70 7.27 6.73 5.99 1967 9,214 9,955 10,788 11,605 12,610 13,638 15,234 18,658 20,565 22,139 24,115 27,690 30,344 33.916 37,177 38.158 39,199 40,523 40,957 5,033 5,535 6,144 6,677 7,290 7,970 8,903 10,820 11,636 12,234 13,114 14,831 15,946 17,573 18,922 19,007 19,234 19,830 19,847 499 541 577 620 669 724 789 922 1,098 1,190 1,274 1,411 1,579 1,752 1,945 2,053 2,072 2,120 2,169 545 560 562 560 547 538 547 625 716 785 875 994 1,189 1,414 1,614 1,800 1,931 2,054 2,145 9.97 9.70 9.43 9.28 9.22 9.08 9.02 8.97 9.10 9.34 9.53 9.81 9.94 10.11 10.34 10.57 10.86 10.99 11.15 5.78 1948 1968 5.78 1949 1969 5.73 1950 1970 5.81 1951 1971 5.93 1952 1972 5.93 1953 1973 5.99 1954 1974 6.10 1955 1975 6.36 1956 1976 6.64 1957 1977 6.83 1958 1978 7.05 1959 .... 1979 7.17 1960 1980 7.29 1961 1981 7.46 1962 1982 7.66 1963 1983 7.88 1964 1984 7.88 1965 1985 7.97 1966 Textile mill products — equipment 1947 2,080 2,590 2,931 3,324 3,666 3,798 3,937 4,074 4,337 4,698 4,899 4,878 4,973 5,052 5,029 ,-.,04X 5,127 5,221 5,443 5,965 1,200 1,604 1,829 2,048 2,219 2,226 2,215 2,196 2,258 2,373 2,392 2,287 2,275 2,277 2,242 2,274 2,338 2,450 2,673 3,122 132 162 191 213 248 256 265 272 282 302 322 323 323 327 326 325 330 337 350 375 114 116 119 126 145 147 156 174 197 218 249 279 300 316 342 382 392 407 426 456 6.82 6.06 5.93 6.01 6.14 6.43 6.79 7.18 7.52 7.83 8.16 8.56 8.82 9.00 9.17 9.16 9.12 8.92 8.55 7.98 4.22 3.68 3.75 3.99 4.25 4.60 5.00 5.40 5.70 5.90 6.11 6.40 6.48 6.42 6.35 6.12 5.91 5.57 5.15 4.68 1967 6,370 6,823 7,260 7,742 8,312 8,927 9,996 12,469 14.085 15,221 16,541 18,625 20,851 23,416 25,655 26,490 26,840 27,534 27,706 3,435 3,735 4,058 4,373 4,721 5,139 5,757 7,089 7,761 8,168 8,715 9,650 10,600 11,743 12,624 12,766 12,778 13,160 13,137 412 447 470 501 538 579 628 737 891 974 1,039 1,149 1,286 1,427 1,586 1,674 1,681 1,709 1,746 451 456 458 458 439 427 436 488 577 650 720 841 1,002 1,199 1,387 1,556 1,669 1,780 1,840 7.64 7.45 7.25 7.11 7.01 6.85 6.82 6.93 7.22 7.47 7.65 7.82 8.03 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.76 8.77 8.87 4.54 1948 1968 4.56 I'.'l'i 1969 4.56 1950 1970 4.62 1951 1971 4.68 1952 1972 4.61 1953 1973 4.66 1954 1974 4.82 1955 1975 5.14 1956 1976 5.35 1957 1977 5.46 1958 1978 5.54 1959 1979 5.65 1960 1980 5.72 1961 1981 5.84 1962 1982 5.97 1963 1983 6.02 1964 1984 .'.'. 5.92 1965 1985 5.95 1966 Textile mill products — structures 1947 2,942 2,974 2,806 2,898 3,015 2,970 2,818 2,672 2,710 2,760 2,645 2.494 2,371 2.265 2,241 2,216 2,204 2,264 2,389 2,704 1,091 1,110 1,047 1,079 1,143 1.140 1,085 1,036 1,057 1,095 1,064 999 959 942 951 972 993 1,062 1,188 1,475 85 92 87 83 91 90 87 81 79 82 82 76 72 70 68 67 67 68 72 80 125 160 158 134 173 163 163 170 147 165 173 139 145 142 116 131 123 98 115 109 21.64 21.71 21.87 22.00 21.91 21.86 21.90 21.93 21.92 21.73 21.59 21.66 21.48 21.05 20.69 20.10 19.57 18.82 17.69 15.88 15.20 14.88 14.80 14.61 14.16 13.79 13.70 13.69 13.55 13.30 13.23 13.38 13.33 12.99 12.63 12.23 11.93 11.20 10.30 8.77 1967 2,844 3,132 3,529 3,863 4,297 4,712 5,238 6,189 6,480 6,918 7,574 9,066 9,493 10,500 11,523 11,669 12,359 12,989 13,251 1,598 1.800 2,086 2,305 2,570 2,831 3,146 3,731 3,875 4,066 4,399 5,182 5,346 5,830 6,298 6,241 6,456 6,670 6,710 87 94 107 118 132 145 161 185 207 217 235 261 293 325 359 379 391 410 423 94 104 104 103 108 111 111 138 139 134 155 153 187 214 227 245 262 274 305 15.18 14.59 13.91 13.63 13.48 13.30 13.23 13.09 13.20 13.47 13.65 13.91 14.15 14.39 14.65 15.01 15.41 15.69 15.94 8.44 1948 1968 8.31 1949 1969 8.02 1950 1970 8.08 1951 1971 8.24 1952 1972 8.32 1953 1973 8.45 1954 1974 8.53 1955 1975 8.81 I'l ,r, 1976 9.23 1957 1977 9.54 1958 1978 9.86 1959 1979 10.17 1960 1980 10.45 1961 1981 10.73 1962 1982 11.12 1963 1983 11.54 1964 1984 11.76 1965 1985 11.92 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 73 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Apparel and other textile products — equipment and structures 827 898 911 981 1,042 1,045 1,035 1,030 1,072 1,131 1,171 1,175 1,189 1,192 1.208 1,291 1,469 1,592 1,732 1,953 440 475 470 498 524 515 504 504 536 579 617 623 637 642 650 724 878 964 1,054 1,202 49 58 60 63 70 69 70 69 69 72 75 76 77 77 77 79 89 109 121 10 59 10,41 10 38 10,42 10.52 10.71 1076 10.71 10.69 10.56 10.22 10.11 9.94 9 84 9.85 9.36 8.51 8.24 8.(17 7 80 I, 56 (148 6.61 6.70 6.78 6 98 7.04 6.94 6.76 6.59 6.29 6 28 6.24 6 25 6.34 5 8 8 5.16 5.07 5.08 4.98 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19.80 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2.188 2.507 2.845 3.187 3,577 4.024 4,527 5,583 6,176 6,764 7,612 8,902 9,823 11,118 12,319 12,691 12.98] 13,290 13,405 1,361 1,559 1,773 1,972 2,203 2.508 2,811 3.436 3,731 4,031 4,523 5.239 5.685 6,330 6.859 6,857 6,822 6,856 6,827 138 159 178 198 220 243 266 310 367 401 445 507 577 651 731 778 780 782 782 76 7.51 81 7.39 90 7.34 103 7.38 115 7.48 133 7.41 1 53 7.52 181 7.58 224 7.76 255 7.95 276 8.02 311 8.28 367 8.41 409 8.60 168 8.87 540 9.19 567 9.67 611 10.05 679 10.34 Apparel and other textile products — equipment 1947 463 520 544 592 623 625 623 618 633 664 708 715 729 727 731 794 945 1,035 1,121 1,253 266 293 295 313 322 313 306 302 318 343 383 388 398 396 396 452 584 644 693 769 38 46 48 51 57 56 57 56 56 58 61 62 63 62 62 64 73 83 91 100 21 25 30 35 42 45 51 55 58 62 63 61 60 57 54 52 52 53 54 57 5.13 5.21 5.43 5.58 5.75 5.95 6.10 6.20 6.14 6.05 5.79 5.79 5.78 5.84 5.91 5.58 4.98 4.93 4.99 5.04 3.27 3.37 3.65 3.81 3.93 4.09 4.18 4.16 3.98 3.83 3.58 3.67 3.75 3.90 4.02 3.66 3.12 3.19 3.35 3.48 1967 1.424 1,607 1,780 1,986 2,192 2,456 2,724 3,421 3,852 4,202 4,736 5,357 6,034 6,851 7,551 7,760 7,651 7,580 7,471 879 972 1,061 1,167 1,276 1,457 1,600 1,997 2,196 2,359 2,667 2,978 3,305 3,694 3,962 3,916 3,705 3,569 3,458 115 132 146 161 177 195 211 245 293 321 356 405 460 519 582 617 611 601 592 61 65 72 84 95 112 130 153 194 225 241 275 321 356 410 473 494 532 591 4,97 5.08 5.20 5.31 5.42 5.33 5.47 5.59 5.87 6.03 6.03 6.15 6.28 6.42 6.62 6.91 7.24 7.49 7.66 3.44 1948 1968 3 58 1949 1969 3 67 1950 1970 3 74 1951 . . 1971 3 77 1952 . 1972 3.59 1953 1973 3.72 1954 1974 3.80 1955 1975 4.08 1956 1976 4.23 1957 1977 4.17 1958 1978 4.26 1959 1979 4.36 1960 1980 4.42 1961 .... 1981 4.56 1962 . 1982 4.81 1963 . . 1983 5.04 1964 1984 5.11 1965 1985 5.11 1966 Apparel ana other textile products — structu res 1947 364 378 367 389 419 421 412 413 439 467 464 460 461 465 476 497 524 558 611 700 174 182 175 185 202 202 198 202 218 236 234 234 23." 246 254 272 294 320 361 434 11 12 12 11 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 19 21 11 13 13 12 15 14 15 16 14 17 17 15 16 16 14 16 16 14 16 16 17.53 17.55 17.70 17.79 17.64 17.79 17.80 17.47 17.25 16.98 16.98 16.83 16.53 16.09 15.91 15.40 14.87 14.38 13.72 12.73 11.56 11.48 11.60 11.59 11.33 11.46 11.47 11.09 10.80 10.59 10.72 10.60 10.39 10.04 9.95 9.59 9.22 8.85 8.39 7.66 1967 763 901 1,065 1,202 1.385 1,568 1,804 2,162 2,325 2,562 2,877 3,545 3,789 4,267 4,769 4,931 5,330 5,710 5,933 482 588 711 805 928 1,051 1,211 1,440 1,535 1,672 1,855 2,261 >;.»> 2,636 2,897 2,941 3,116 3,288 3,369 23 27 32 37 42 48 55 65 74 80 89 102 117 132 149 160 169 181 190 15 16 17 19 20 21 24 28 29 30 35 36 46 53 57 67 73 78 88 12.24 11.50 10.93 10.80 10.74 10.67 10.60 10.73 10.88 11.09 11.30 11.50 11.79 12.10 12.42 12.76 13.15 13.44 13.71 7.41 1948 1968 6.97 1949 1969 6.68 1950 1970 6.80 1951 1971 6.95 1952 1972 7.05 1953 1973 7.13 1954 1974 7.40 1955 1975 7.65 1956 1976 7.92 1957 1977 8.19 1958 1978 8.40 1959 1979 8.71 1960 1980 9.03 1961 . . . 1981 9.32 1962 1982 9.64 1963 1983 9.98 1964 1984 10.18 1965 1985 10.34 1966 Pap sr and allied products- -equipment and structures 1947 3,781 4,240 4,490 4,986 5,562 5,852 6,163 6,561 7,293 8,437 9,304 9,679 10,140 10,442 10,740 11,175 11,657 12.265 13,241 14,821 2,353 2,640 2,772 3,033 3,357 3,478 3,627 3,848 4,269 5,009 5.571 5,712 5,904 6,011 6.127 6,348 6,601 6,965 7,653 8,754 166 198 216 232 272 288 306 326 351 407 462 489 510 532 545 563 588 618 661 728 86 103 112 117 142 147 158 178 196 229 256 276 310 334 354 378 406 425 462 494 9.46 5 96 1967 16,160 17,702 19,284 21,010 22,522 23,614 25,753 31,688 36,606 40,456 45,056 52,146 58,874 68,454 77,252 82,818 86,346 90,344 94,307 9,624 10.494 11,427 12,381 13,060 13,532 14,594 17,994 20,853 23,073 25,712 29.785 33,820 39,552 44,251 47,136 48,467 50,231 52,180 811 890 967 1.053 1,135 1,292 1,268 1,459 1,794 2,012 2,225 2,521 2.890 3,338 3,841 4,226 4,420 4,612 4,834 526 559 615 669 710 949 806 962 1,179 1,315 1,464 1,653 1,971 2,272 2,550 2.874 3.043 3,221 3,384 9.12 9.18 9.20 9.28 9.54 9.73 9.88 9.80 9.70 9.68 9.69 9.74 9.59 9.51 9.63 9.68 9.91 10.06 10.11 6 13 1948 9.30 9.25 9.39 9.43 9.57 9.60 9.54 9.53 9.29 9.11 9.27 9.40 9.51 9.65 9.71 9.75 9.74 9.53 9.24 5.96 6.11 6.35 6.46 6.65 6.73 6.70 6.66 6.39 6.21 6.40 6.55 6.68 6.78 6.82 6.83 6.78 6.52 6.22 1968 6.23 1949 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 6.28 1950 6.40 1951 6.68 1952 6.86 1953 7.00 1954 6.88 1955 6.75 1956 6.70 1957 6.67 1958 6.68 1959 6.53 1960 6.45 1961 6.59 1962 6.67 1963 6.90 1964 7.04 1965 7.07 1966 74 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock. Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Paper and allied products — equipment 1947 2,306 2,694 2,975 3,363 3,785 4,035 4,346 4,694 5,281 6,183 6,917 7,268 7,695 7,957 8,143 8,454 8,820 9,273 9,955 11,119 1,547 1,799 1,955 2,163 2,396 2,499 2,646 2,820 3,154 3,716 4,166 4,293 4,467 4,545 4,590 4,731 4,918 5,187 5,666 6,461 122 149 168 184 217 230 248 267 290 338 386 412 432 452 463 477 499 524 559 615 52 60 68 79 94 98 108 126 147 172 198 224 254 278 300 320 346 369 401 426 5.90 5.96 6.18 6.48 6.69 6.96 7.20 7.38 7.51 7.51 7.54 7.82 8.06 8.26 8.44 8.55 8.60 8.60 8.43 8.20 4.14 4.26 4.54 4.88 5.08 5.34 5.52 5.61 5.63 5.49 5.42 5.65 5.84 5.99 6.11 6.14 6.12 6.05 5.80 5.54 1967 12,121 13,146 14,140 15,350 16,228 16,902 18,372 22,969 27,399 30,523 34,119 38,941 44,801 52,769 59,905 65,038 67,351 70,322 73,815 7,082 7,624 8,186 8,845 9,193 9,463 10,200 12,839 15,463 17,345 19,493 22,381 25,950 30,879 34,784 37,531 38,380 39,770 41,571 686 751 808 876 939 1,016 1,037 1,196 1,500 1,701 1,885 2,141 2,459 2,854 3,303 3,652 3,821 3,981 4,181 462 488 533 580 615 724 691 817 1,023 1,150 1,278 1,460 1,708 1,978 2,244 2,491 2,658 2,818 2,898 8.15 8.22 8.21 8.25 8.43 8.56 8.63 8.53 8.48 8.41 8.35 8.26 8.16 8.06 8.18 8.28 8.43 8.53 8.57 5.51 1948 1968 5.60 1949 1969 .... 5.62 1950 1970 5.68 1951. .. 1971 5.88 1952 ... 1972 6.00 1953 1973 6.03 1954 1974 5.87 1955... 1975 5.77 1956 1976 5.66 1957 1977 5.59 1958 .... 1978 5.50 1959 1979 5.41 1960 1980 5.34 1961 1981 5.51 1962 1982 5.64 1963. ... 1983 5.84 1%4 1984 5.96 1965 1985 6.00 1966 Paper and allied products — structures 1947 1,475 1,546 1,514 1,622 1,777 1,817 1,817 1.867 2,011 2,254 2,387 2,411 2.444 2,485 2,597 2,721 2,837 2,992 3,286 3,701 806 841 818 870 961 980 981 1,028 1,115 1,293 1,405 1,418 1,437 1,466 1,537 1,617 1,683 1,778 1.987 2,294 44 50 49 48 55 58 58 58 61 69 76 77 78 80 82 86 90 94 102 114 34 43 44 39 49 49 50 52 49 57 58 52 56 57 53 57 60 55 61 68 15.03 15.13 15.29 15.43 15.29 15.36 15.33 14.98 14.85 14.19 13.66 13.64 13.61 1.3.52 13.43 13.31 13.31 13.25 12.87 12.36 9.45 9.61 9.86 10.02 9.88 10.01 10.01 9.68 9.59 8.97 8.56 8.65 8.77 8.80 8.79 8.79 8.92 8.90 8.57 8.13 1967 4,040 4,556 5.143 5,660 6,294 6,712 7,381 8,719 9,207 9,933 10,938 13.205 14,073 15,685 17,347 17,780 18,995 20,022 20,493 2,541 2,870 3,241 3,536 3,867 4,068 4,394 5,155 5,390 5,728 6,219 7,404 7,869 8,673 9,467 9,606 10,087 10,461 10,609 126 139 160 176 196 275 231 262 294 311 340 380 431 484 538 574 599 631 653 64 71 81 89 95 225 115 144 156 165 186 194 263 295 306 383 386 403 486 12.02 11.95 11.93 12.08 12.39 12.67 13.00 13.13 13.31 13.59 13.85 14.10 14.16 14.37 14.62 14.82 15.14 15.44 15.64 7.87 1948 1968 7.91 1949 1969 7.97 1950 1970 8.21 1951 1971 8.59 1952 1972 8.87 1953 1973 9.24 1954 1974 9.38 1955 1975 9.55 1956 1976 9.82 1957 1977 10.06 1958 1978 10.25 1959 1979 10.23 1960 1980 10.39 1961 1981 10.55 1962 1982 10.70 1963 1983 10.96 1964 1984 11.17 1965 1985 11.27 1966 Printing and publishing — equipment and structures 1947.. 1948.. 1949 1950. 1951 19.72 1953 1954 1955 . 1956. 1957 . 1958 . 1959 . 1960 1961 1962 1963 . 1964 1965. 1966. l.«53 2.10* 2,287 2.584 2.866 2,966 3,059 3,202 3,485 3,884 4,147 4,358 4,583 4,815 5,042 5,311 5,641 5,931 6,380 7.161 1.078 1,250 1,371 1.553 1,70* 1,729 1,748 1,806 1,951 2.176 2,321 2,447 2,566 2,707 2,846 3,011 3,215 3,384 3,674 4.218 98 116 L30 144 168 175 181 189 2D1 223 245 257 271 285 298 311 330 349 372 407 66 75 83 88 101 106 113 123 135 154 174 181 194 211 222 232 254 267 278 305 9 1)1 8.65 8.33 8.24 8.29 8.49 8.62 8.68 8.76 8.72 8.69 8.62 8.61 8.55 8.54 8.51 8.45 8.46 8.38 8 13 5.62 5.40 5.28 5.31 5.47 5.77 5.99 6 09 6.15 6.07 6.02 5.91 5.90 5.82 5.80 5.77 5.75 5.78 5.72 5.49 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 7,904 8,816 9,744 10,742 11,889 12,908 14,451 17,624 19,400 21,021 23,351 27.715 31,060 35,682 40,301 42,921 45,496 48,703 51,551 4,719 5,279 5,866 6,466 7,143 7,752 8,624 10,376 11,178 11,887 13,154 15,566 17,544 20,175 22,691 24,064 25.359 27,233 29.029 457 511 558 609 667 723 787 917 1,086 1,186 1,298 1,483 1,716 1,972 2,263 2,496 2,617 2,787 2,975 322 7.92 343 7.93 366 7.96 385 8.02 408 8.14 439 8.25 469 8.37 557 8.48 674 8.65 759 8.89 850 8.97 969 9.09 1,148 9.00 1,343 8.99 1,533 9.04 1,720 9.04 1,831 9.21 1,924 9.22 2,079 9.15 Printing and publishing — equipment 1947 1,111 1,312 1,490 1,714 1,889 1,931 2,022 2,144 2,336 2,602 2,803 2,959 3,135 3,309 3,426 3,582 3,797 3,958 4,216 4,709 640 778 899 1,038 1,122 1,104 1,128 1,175 1,266 1.401 1,502 1,587 1,675 1,774 1,836 1,925 2,054 2,142 2,306 2,641 76 90 105 117 137 142 147 155 165 183 201 213 224 236 246 256 271 286 303 331 51 57 63 71 79 85 91 100 113 128 148 157 169 185 197 205 224 239 247 269 6.10 5.83 5.68 5.65 5.81 6.13 6.34 6.51 6.65 6.74 6.82 6.84 6.91 6.90 6.92 6.90 6.83 6.81 6.70 6.47 3.87 3.69 3.64 3.72 3.96 4.35 4.56 4.68 4.72 4.71 4.69 4.62 4.61 4.56 4.55 4.51 4.46 4.47 4.39 4.20 1967 5,209 5,740 6,206 6,733 7,254 7,740 8,643 10,719 12,124 13,160 14,603 16,910 19,447 22,487 25,503 27,613 28,913 30,855 32,601 2,968 3,278 3,556 3,847 4,119 4,406 4,909 6,008 6,653 7,100 7,893 9,209 10,631 12,354 13.999 15,194 15,874 17,088 18,174 372 416 447 484 524 562 605 708 852 939 1,025 1,175 1,362 1,565 1,804 2,000 2,093 2,225 2,376 288 305 320 334 353 375 401 466 573 659 726 836 987 1,140 1,313 1,477 1,554 1,627 1,747 6.29 6.26 6.26 6.28 6.34 6.33 6.36 6.49 6.68 6.82 6.81 6.75 6.73 6.70 6.69 6.65 6.67 6.60 6.54 4.09 1948 1968 4.12 1969 4.16 1950 1970 4.22 1971 4.29 1952 1972 4.28 1953 1973 4.30 1954 1974 4.42 1955 1975 4.60 1956 1976 4.71 1957 1977 4.62 1958 1978 4.49 1959 1979 4.42 1980 4.36 1981 4.35 1982 4.33 1983 4.36 1984 4.28 1985 4.24 1966 .... FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 75 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Printing and publishing— structures 1947 742 796 438 472 22 26 15 19 13.37 13.29 8.19 8.24 1967 2,694 3,077 1,751 2,001 85 95 35 38 11.07 11.04 7.46 1948 1968 7.48 1949 797 473 26 19 13.29 8.39 1969 3,539 2,310 110 46 10.96 7.46 1950 870 515 26 17 13.32 8.51 1970 4,010 2,620 125 51 10.93 7.49 1951 977 586 31 21 13.07 8.36 1971 4,635 3,024 143 56 10.96 7.54 1952 1.035 625 33 21 12.89 8.29 1972 5,169 3,346 161 64 11.12 7.74 1953 1,037 620 34 22 13.06 8.60 1973 5,808 3,715 181 68 11.36 8.00 1954 1,058 631 34 22 13.08 8.73 1974 6,904 4,368 209 91 11.58 8.25 1955 1,149 685 35 22 13.06 8.79 1975 7,276 4,525 234 102 11.93 8.63 1956 1,282 776 40 25 12.75 8.54 1976 7,862 4,788 248 100 12.34 9.03 1957 1,344 819 44 26 12.59 8.47 1977 8,748 5,261 272 124 12.59 9.26 1958 1,399 860 45 24 12.37 8.29 1978 10,685 6,357 308 133 12.80 9.40 1959 1.448 891 47 25 12.31 8.31 1979 11,613 6,913 355 162 12.80 9.30 1960 1,506 933 49 26 12.16 8.22 1980 13,195 7,821 407 202 12.90 9.34 1961 1,615 1,010 51 25 11.97 8.07 1981 14,797 8,692 460 219 13.09 9.46 1962 1,730 1,087 55 27 11.84 8.00 1982 15,308 8,870 496 243 13.36 9.67 1963 1,845 1,160 59 30 11.79 8.03 1983 16,583 9,485 524 276 13.62 9.88 1964 1,973 1,241 63 28 11.77 8.05 1984 17,847 10,145 562 297 13.76 9.91 1965 2,164 1,368 68 31 11.66 7.96 1985 18,951 10,855 599 332 13.65 9.66 1966 2,452 1,576 76 36 11.31 7.66 Chemicals and allied products — equipment and structures 7,206 8,013 8,447 9,404 10,713 11.663 12,434 13,127 14,231 15,946 17,193 17,878 18.451 18,971 19,719 20,467 21,339 22.613 24.758 27.991 4.602 5.037 5,212 5,694 6.499 7.0X3 7.501) 7,821 8,317 9,265 9,971 10,243 10.352 10.589 11,046 11,418 11,914 12,753 14,354 16,688 337 402 435 463 548 595 648 688 724 813 897 939 971 1,003 1.032 1,071 1,119 1,179 1,277 1,427 145 179 199 220 271 287 322 370 413 483 549 5X9 662 709 736 773 822 849 920 9x:i 8.53 Xlil 8.70 8.90 ks:i 8.75 8.75 8.84 9 in 9.15 9.15 9.28 9.52 9.59 9.60 9.68 9.70 9.60 9.28 8.92 5.46 5 Ox 5.92 6.18 6.11 6.04 6.08 6 20 6.46 6.49 6.45 6.56 6 82 6.85 6.77 6.82 6.80 6.64 26 5 90 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 HITS 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 30,536 33.XX0 37,132 41,179 45,144 48,066 52.617 65,404 76.00X 85,122 '16.2X11 111,879 124,193 141,906 159,633 169.295 174,626 179.X4X 1X2.609 IX. 365 20,467 22.466 24.945 27,162 2X.591 31.019 38,847 45.290 50,743 57,293 65,932 72,2X4 81.514 90,390 94,503 95.240 96,2X1 96,202 1 ,594 1,751 1.904 2.0X4 2.2X5 2.546 2.700 3.071 3,825 4,455 5,041 5,721 6,643 7,3119 8,419 9,276 9,5X6, 9,6,29 9,787 1,045 8.78 5.82 1.110 8.75 5.84 1.200 8.78 5.92 1,286 8.79 5.98 1,385 8.94 6.16 1,676 9.15 6.40 1.718 9.30 6.55 1,887 9.16 6.40 2,253 9.00 6.26 2,574 8.95 6.21 2,835 8,93 6.20 3,120 9.10 6.36 4,039 9.14 6.43 4,448 9.27 6.57 5,153 9.45 6.73 6,169 9.60 6.87 6,972 9.96 7.23 7,304 10.28 7,51 7,865 10.56 7,74 Chemicals and allied products— equipment 4,305 4,9.33 5,388 6,090 6,996 7,694 8,365 8,953 9,707 10,959 11.995 12,611 13,131 13,515 13,946 14,454 14.952 15,790 17,144 19,300 2,850 3,187 3,390 3.740 4.282 4,686 5,033 5,290 5,5X4 6,233 6,806 7,061) 7,177 7,328 7.5X0 7,836 8.094 8,653 9,682 11,210 251 303, 336 364 432 470 517 555 586 657 729 770 800 827 850 879 917 964 1,042 1,161 93 111 131 158 193 209 240 285 332 386 452 501 565 609 640 670 710 743 803 845 5.54 5.80 6.10 6.41 6.47 6.56 6.73 6.96 7.31 7.50 7.60 7.80 8.09 8.22 8.24 8.29 8 32 8.21 7.90 7.59 3.93 4.22 4.54 4.83 4.82 4.83 4.93 5.10 5.39 5.47 5.44 5.56 5.82 5.87 5.78 5.77 5.75 5.58 5.22 4.93 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 19X1 19X2 19X3 19X4 1985 20.990 22.895 24.600 27,149 29,280 30,896 33,616 42,773 51.994 58,939 67,273 76.526 86,313 99,167 112,238 120,457 122,284 124,470 125,624 12 263 13,3X9 14,374 15,913 17,058 17,822 19,266 24,921 30,647 34,948 39,979 .15.050 19.950 56,467 63.023 66.650 65,880 65,780 65,231 1,297 1,417 1,517 1,649 1,794 1,943 2,063 2,381 3,058 3,603 4.105 4,704 5,381 6,079 6,940 7,649 7,868 7,871 7,959 912 7.51 4.92 965 7.48 4.96 1,023 7.48 5.02 1,003 7.44 5.02 1,178 7.49 5.13 1,311 7.61 5.27 1.380 7.66 5.33 1,533 7.49 5.13 1,870 7.38 5.02 2,144 7.28 4.93 2,324 7.22 4 88 2.639 7.26 4.95 3,263 7.39 5.11 3,721 7.56 5.28 4.400 7.72 5.42 5.235 7.91 5.59 5.913 8.19 5.89 6.343 8.44 6.12 6,764 8.69 6.34 Chemicals and allied products — structures 1947 2,900 3,080 3,060 3,315 3,717 3,969 4,069 4,174 4,524 4,987 5,198 5,267 5,320 5,456 5,773 6,013 6,387 6,823 7,614 8.692 1,752 1,850 1,822 1,954 2,217 2,397 2,468 2,531 2,733 3,032 3,165 3,183 3,176 3,261 3,466 3,582 3,820 4,099 4,673 5,478 86 100 99 99 116 125 131 133 139 156 169 169 171 176 183 191 202 215 236 267 52 67 68 61 78 78 82 85 81 97 97 88 96 100 96 103 112 106 117 138 12.98 13.10 13.29 13.47 13.25 12.99 12.89 12.87 12.93 12.79 12.72 12.83 13.03 12.99 12.89 13.01 12.92 12.82 12.39 11.86 7.95 8.19 8.49 8.75 8.60 8.41 8.41 8.51 8.65 8.59 8.61 8.78 9.07 9.06 8.94 9.11 9.01 8.88 8.40 7.89 1967 9,546 10,985 12,532 14,030 15.864 17,170 19,002 22,630 24,014 26,182 29,017 35,353 37,880 42.739 47,396 48,838 52,342 55,379 56,984 6.101 7,078 8,091 9,031 10,104 10,770 11,753 13,926 14,643 15,796 17,314 20,882 22,335 25.0 16 27,367 27,853 29,359 30,501 30,971 297 334 388 435 491 603 638 690 767 852 936 1,017 1.262 1.320 1,478 1,627 1,718 1,758 1,828 133 145 176 193 208 365 338 353 383 430 511 481 776 727 753 933 1,059 961 1,101 11.56 11.39 11.34 11.39 11.61 11.93 12.21 12.31 12.49 12.70 12.91 13.09 13.13 13.25 13.53 13.76 14.08 14.41 14.66 7.63 1948 1968 7.51 1949 . .. 1969 7.54 1950 1970 7.66 1951 1971 7 91 1952 1972 8.27 1953 1973 8 56 1954 1974 8 68 1955 ... 1975 8.88 1956 . 1976 9.06 1957 1977 9 26 1958 1978 9 41 1959 1979 9.38 1960 1980 9 48 1961 1981 9.74 1962 1982 9.93 1963 1983 10.22 1964 1984 10.50 1965 1985 10 68 1966 76 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Petroleum and coal products — equipment and structures 1947 194K 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 4,942 5,615 5.860 6,438 7,183 7,758 8.388 9,010 9,905 11,071 11,919 12,156 12,315 12,473 12,749 13,102 13,405 13,706 14,456 15,521 3,017 3,471 3,589 3,872 4,280 4,642 5,096 5,502 6,001 6,715 7,256 7,291 7,227 7,206 7,282 7,399 7,454 7,506 7,918 8,524 181 217 237 249 292 317 348 373 401 448 492 505 509 517 518 524 537 545 562 593 82 94 105 117 132 150 168 175 202 253 263 291 322 331 359 376 404 412 432 467 10.90 10.70 10.82 11.13 11.30 11.21 10.89 10.75 10.89 10.89 10.81 11.07 11.43 11.70 11.97 12.22 12.52 12.83 12.92 12.94 8.22 7.84 7.88 8.15 8.22 8.02 7.60 7.40 7.51 7.49 7.38 7.65 8.05 8.30 8.52 8.73 9.02 9.30 9.25 9.18 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19S2 1983 1984 1985 16.393 18,150 19,911 21,871 24,287 25,933 28,298 34,119 38,009 42,207 46,649 54,630 60,063 68,585 78,674 86,005 91,756 96,007 98,931 9.048 10,157 11,242 12,464 13,897 14,763 15,973 19,398 21,875 24,479 26,838 30,987 34,222 39,003 45,086 50,117 52,829 54,198 55,016 628 680 746 810 896 1,053 1,046 1,206 1,446 1,625 1,822 2,057 2,353 2,713 3,145 3,577 3,853 4,059 4,203 500 525 543 598 609 814 707 806 938 996 1,116 1,204 1,459 1,623 1,833 2,144 2,245 2,401 2,639 12.90 12.79 12.78 12.68 12.68 12.82 12.98 12.81 12.50 12.30 12.37 12.62 12.42 12.36 12.15 11.74 11.91 12.20 12.39 Petroleum and coal products — equipment 1947. . 1,320 1,614 1,794 2,011 2,291 2,591 2,937 3,247 3,538 3,897 4,253 4,350 4,476 4,487 4,436 4,505 4,523 4,561 4,650 4,918 739 972 1,091 1,213 1,396 1,618 1,859 2,053 2,185 2,350 2,547 2,531 2,530 2,458 2,360 2,365 2,313 2,286 2,303 2,443 71 87 104 114 135 151 173 192 206 225 246 255 257 260 254 252 255 254 256 264 57 63 68 73 81 86 91 103 116 137 157 173 188 204 213 222 233 238 250 263 9.45 8.48 8.24 8.24 7.98 7.54 7.27 7.20 7.48 7.81 7.95 8.35 8.75 9.16 9.58 9.83 10.18 10.52 10.77 10.87 6.15 5.23 5.17 5.36 5.25 4.95 4.81 4.86 5.23 5.63 5.77 6.22 6.65 7.08 7.48 7.62 7.92 8.15 8.22 8.08 1967 5,164 5,814 6,207 6,795 7,327 7,669 8,396 10,769 13,495 15,542 17,708 20,190 23,857 28,582 33,927 39,284 41,734 43,418 45,315 2,566 3,092 3,409 3,828 4,190 4,396 4,862 6,433 8,334 9,744 11,114 12,586 14,997 17,973 21,356 24,986 26,143 26,455 26,997 277 302 323 346 377 402 428 510 672 805 929 1,074 1,254 1,492 1,786 2,102 2,295 2.415 2,506 283 298 290 290 297 306 309 345 417 454 498 559 629 718 841 975 1,074 1,179 1,256 10.99 10.38 10.18 9.96 9.80 9.80 9.64 9.16 8.69 8.36 8.22 8.19 7.96 7.88 7.82 7.62 7.78 8.10 8.39 8 01 1948 1968 6 99 1949 . 1969 6 63 1950 . 1970 6 35 1951 1971 6.22 1952 . . . 1972 6.28 1953. .. 1973 6.17 1954 .... 1974 5.77 1955 1975 5.43 1956 1976 5.27 1957 1977 5.30 1958 1978 5.41 1959 1979 5.29 1960 .... 1980 5.30 1961 1981 5.29 1962. 1982 5.16 1963 1983 5.37 1964 1984 5.74 1965 1985 6.04 1966 Petroleum and coal products — structures 1947 3,622 1,000 4,066 4,427 4,892 5,167 5,451 5,764 6,367 7,174 7,666 7,806 7,838 7,985 8.314 8,597 8,881 9,145 9,806 10,603 2,278 2,499 2,498 2,659 2,884 3,024 3,237 3,449 3,816 4,364 4,708 4,760 4,696 4,749 4,922 5.035 5,141 5,220 5,615 6,082 110 130 133 135 157 166 175 181 194 223 246 250 252 257 264 273 282 290 306 330 25 30 37 44 51 64 77 72 85 116 106 119 133 127 146 154 171 174 182 205 11.43 11.59 11.96 12.45 12.85 13.05 12.85 12.76 12.78 12.56 12.40 12.58 12.96 13.13 13.24 13.48 13.72 13.99 13.93 13.90 8.89 8.85 9.07 9.43 9.66 9.66 9.21 8.92 8.81 8.49 8.25 8.41 8.80 8.93 9.02 9.25 9.51 9.80 9.68 9.62 1967 .... 11,229 12.336 13,703 15,076 16,960 18,264 19,902 23,350 24,514 26,665 28,942 34,441 36,206 40,002 44,747 46,721 50,021 52,588 53,616 6,482 7,065 7,833 8,636 9,707 10,367 11,111 12,965 13,541 14,736 15,724 18,401 19,225 21,029 23,730 25,131 26,687 27,743 28,018 351 378 423 464 519 651 618 696 774 820 893 983 1,099 1,221 1,360 1,475 1,558 1,644 1,697 217 227 253 307 312 508 398 460 521 543 618 645 830 905 992 1,169 1,171 1,223 1,383 13.78 13.92 13.95 13.90 13.92 14.09 14.38 14.50 14.60 14.60 14.91 15.22 15.36 15.56 15.43 15.20 15.36 15.58 15.77 9.46 1948 1968 9.61 1949 1969 9.61 1950 1970,. ,. 9.57 1951 1971 9.56 1952 1972 9.69 1953 1973 10.03 1954 1974 .... 10.12 1955 1975 10.19 1956 1976 10.12 1957 1977 10.45 1958 1978 10.73 1959 1979 10.83 1960 1980 10.97 1961 1981 10.66 1962 1982 10.32 1963 1983 10.45 1964 1984 :. 10.63 1965 1985 10.81 1966 ... Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products — equipment and structures 1947 1,114 1,259 1,331 1,500 1.695 1,827 1,937 2,081 2,315 2,634 2,833 2,937 3,113 3,344 3,535 3,816 4,037 4,360 1,863 5,580 638 727 759 850 967 1,044 1,105 1,189 1,313 1,500 1,604 1,637 1,717 1 .869 1,990 2,181 2,299 2,513 2,871 3,374 58 70 77 84 100 109 118 126 138 159 178 187 196 211 224 239 256 273 301 340 39 46 51 55 65 69 74 83 89 104 120 124 137 153 162 174 183 195 208 227 9.52 9.22 9.12 9.03 8.85 8.69 8.54 8.36 8.33 8.16 8.10 8.16 8.15 7.95 7.86 7.68 7.68 7.55 7.29 7.01 5.78 5.64 5.75 5.76 5.67 5.59 5.55 5.47 5.50 5.39 5.41 5.52 5.56 5.35 5.27 5.11 5.17 5.06 4.83 4.62 1967 6,275 7,209 8,186 9,205 10,120 11,172 12,836 16,325 18,411 20,291 22,782 26,899 30,652 35.230 39,102 40,802 41,603 43,330 45,006 3,851 4,474 5,129 5,749 6,228 6,867 7,915 10,028 11,012 11,896 13,128 15,496 17,560 19,881 21,672 22,093 21,889 22,656 23,569 387 441 498 562 619 677 755 904 1,116 1,231 1,363 1,551 1,800 2,076 2,342 2,514 2,533 2,587 2,701 247 269 292 316 340 369 402 479 622 697 827 956 1,162 1,396 1,634 1,887 1,991 2,117 2,245 6.80 6.69 6.62 6.67 6.89 6.96 6.96 6.95 7.16 7.39 7.59 7.73 7.75 7.92 8.15 8.40 8.82 9.00 9.07 4.51 1948 1968 4.48 1949 1969 4.49 1950 1970 4.62 1951 1971 4.88 1952 1972 4.96 1953 1973 4.95 1954 1974 4.96 1955 1975 5.21 1956 1976 5.43 1957 1977 5.61 1958 1978 5.66 1959 1979 5.62 1960 1980 5.76 1961 1981 5.96 1962 1982 6.20 1'if, ; 1983 6.61 1964 1984 6.68 1985 6.61 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 77 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products — equipment 674 403 800 483 882 521 1,011 590 1,157 674 1,265 736 1.375 794 1,512 871 1,699 965 1,958 1,111 2,142 1,204 2,237 1,231 2,403 1,304 2,598 1,422 2,733 1,500 2,954 1,646 3,112 1,719 3,340 1,860 3,707 2,112 4,231 2,463 45 56 63 70 83 91 Km 108 119 138 155 164 174 187 199 212 227 241 265 298 29 32 37 43 49 54 58 66 73 86 101 108 119 135 147 156 165 179 190 207 5.68 5.59 5.77 5.87 5.87 5 xx 5.92 5.95 6.08 6.11 6 20 6 38 6 5(1 6 45 6.44 6.32 6.38 6.32 6.12 5 93 3.61 3.60 3.87 4.03 4.04 4.06 1 in 4.11 4.21 4 19 4.25 4.41 4.49 4.37 4.33 4.19 4.27 4.21 4.01 3.86 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 l'.IS] 19X2 19X3 1984 l'.ix;, 1,755 5.3X6 6.I13X 6,727 7,265 7,898 9,031 11,631 13,372 14,739 16,471 19,048 22.036 25.416 2X.125 29,449 29.36X 3(1,223 31,3211 2.XIIX 3.2(10 3.619 4,0(15 4.240 4.593 5.2X1 6.7X7 7,587 8,189 8,961 10.36X 11,968 13.603 14,792 15,141 14,5X4 14,977 15,664 340 386 431 4xfi 530 575 (,37 763 952 1,055 1,166 1.323 1,534 1.768 1,995 2,140 2,139 2,167 2.259 229 5.79 3.79 248 5.72 3.79 268 5.65 3.77 290 5.69 3.88 312 5.85 4.07 338 5.88 4.09 36X 5.83 4.02 436 5.86 4.02 572 6.10 4.27 648 6.28 4.41 768 6.46 4.55 890 6.48 4.47 1,080 6.52 4.44 1,295 6.66 4.54 1,523 6.80 4.65 1,762 6.99 4.83 1,844 7.27 5.10 1,957 7.31 5.03 2,066 7.26 4.87 Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products — structures 1947 440 459 450 489 539 561 562 569 616 676 691 700 710 746 802 861 925 1,019 1,156 1,349 234 243 237 260 293 309 310 318 348 389 400 406 413 447 490 534 580 653 758 911 13 15 14 14 17 18 18 18 19 21 22 22 23 24 25 27 29 32 36 41 10 14 14 12 16 15 16 17 16 18 19 16 17 18 16 17 18 16 18 20 15.41 15.56 15.69 15.56 15.26 15.03 14.95 14.75 14.51 14.13 13.98 13.86 13.75 13.15 12.71 12.32 12.04 11.58 11.03 10.38 9.52 9.69 9.86 9.70 9.41 9.23 9.26 9.21 9.06 8.83 8.88 8.88 8.94 8.48 8.15 7.95 7.84 7.50 7.12 6.68 1967 1,520 1,823 2,148 2,478 2,855 3,274 3,805 4,694 5,038 5,552 6,311 7,850 8,616 9,814 10,978 11,352 12,235 13,106 13,686 1,043 1,273 1,511 1,743 1,988 2,275 2,634 3,241 3,425 3,707 4.167 5,127 5,592 6,278 6.XX0 6,952 7,306 7,679 7,906 47 55 66 77 89 102 118 141 163 176 197 228 266 307 347 374 393 420 442 18 20 24 25 28 32 34 44 50 49 59 66 81 101 111 125 148 160 179 9.98 9.55 9.37 9.34 9.53 9.56 9.62 9.65 9.97 10.33 10.55 10.77 10.89 11.18 11.59 12.04 12.53 12.91 13.19 6 45 1948 1968 6.22 1949 1969 6.21 1950 1970 6.31 1951 1971 6.61 1952. .. 1972 6.72 1953 .... 1973 6 83 1954 ... 1974 6 93 1955 . 1975. ... 7.30 1956 1976 7.67 1957 1977 7.88 1958 1978 8.06 1959 1979 8.13 1960 1980..... 8.40 1961 1981 8.77 1962. ... 1982 . 9.18 1963 19X3 9.63 1964 1984 9.91 1965 1985 10.06 1966 Leather and leather products— equipment and structures 1947 470 501 503 535 559 554 549 550 585 627 636 632 634 632 636 642 650 662 691 7.57 209 232 237 253 261 256 253 254 276 300 305 301 304 304 310 316 324 333 356 407 21 24 25 26 29 29 29 30 31 34 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 38 39 42 26 29 29 28 32 32 33 33 33 37 40 38 40 41 40 40 42 40 41 42 15.73 14.95 14.32 14.01 13.90 13.83 13.51 13.16 12.72 12.32 12.04 11.88 11.63 11.41 11.23 11.03 10.85 10.69 10.38 9.84 9.02 8.38 8.06 7.96 8.09 8.23 8.18 8.03 7.65 7.40 7.34 7.32 7.24 7.16 7.1)1 6.91 6.85 6.76 6.52 6.07 1967 .. .. 810 905 976 1,045 1,127 1,190 1,298 1,527 1,641 1,747 1,885 2,177 2,366 2,655 2,969 3,075 3,160 3,228 3,240 445 513 555 592 636 670 727 842 886 931 999 1,166 1,271 1,436 1,624 1,669 1.691 1,698 1,668 46 51 56 60 64 68 72 81 92 97 103 112 123 137 154 166 168 170 171 42 44 45 47 50 51 55 63 74 81 88 98 111) 121 137 145 147 151 153 9.47 9.08 9.07 9.10 9.17 9.29 9.35 9.49 9.66 9.82 9.97 10.10 10.06 10.07 10.02 10.11 10.45 10.79 11.11 5 xc, 1948 196X 5.60 1949 1969. 5.71 1950 1970.. .. 5.88 1951 1971 .. . 6.05 1952 1972.. .. 6.21 1953 1973 . . 6.34 1954 1974 . 6.57 1955 1975 . 6.81 1956 1976 .. . 7.00 1957 1977 7 13 1958 1978 7.14 1959 1979 7.06 1960 1980 7.02 1961 1981 6.93 1962 1982 7.07 1963 1983 7.44 1964 1984 7 80 1965. ... 1985 8 15 1966. .. Leather and leather products — equipmen t 1947 202 231 250 277 295 299 308 319 349 382 399 405 417 422 422 426 434 438 457 495 115 134 143 156 162 158 159 162 178 195 201 201 205 208 208 211 216 219 234 261 13 16 17 19 21 21 22 22 24 26 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 32 34 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 25 26 27 30 30 30 32 32 32 33 6.44 6.25 6.34 6.44 6.68 6.97 7.19 7.38 7.35 7.42 7.56 7.68 7.77 7.81 7.83 7.81 7.75 7.69 7.50 7.23 4.09 4.03 4.21 4.39 4.68 4.98 5.16 5.27 5.08 5.04 5.12 5.17 5.18 5.17 5.15 5.10 5.05 5.02 4.81 4.59 1967 528 580 609 643 680 701 750 880 966 1,013 1,075 1,179 1,279 1,446 1,606 1,668 1,662 1,657 1,639 283 317 331 345 363 372 393 448 480 492 520 575 622 724 824 851 839 827 798 37 41 44 47 50 53 55 62 70 74 77 83 90 99 112 120 120 120 119 34 35 37 37 40 42 43 50 61 67 72 83 91 100 114 119 119 123 121 7.05 6.83 6.85 6.90 6.90 6.93 7.01 7.24 7.46 7.62 7.67 7.66 7.73 7.55 7.39 7.42 7.50 7.58 7.76 4 50 1948 .. 1968 4 34 1949 1969 4.45 1950 1970 4.57 1951 1971 4.61 1952 1972 4.65 1953.. .. 1973 4.73 1954. .. 1974 4.95 1955 1975 1956 1976 5 26 1957 1977 5 22 1958 . 1978 5 09 1959 1979 5 08 1960 19X0 4 79 1961 1981 4 63 1962 . 1982 4.74 1963 1983 4 88 1964 1984 5 04 1965 1985 5 30 1966 78 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Leather and leather products — structures 1947. 1948. 1949. 1950. 1951. 1952 1953. 1954 1955 1956. 1957. 1958 1959 1960 1961. 1962 1963 1964 1965. 1966 269 270 253 258 263 255 241 231 237 244 237 227 218 210 214 216 217 224 234 262 104 10(1 98 96 102 106 108 114 122 146 22.70 22.40 22.18 22.11 22.00 21.85 21.60 21.15 20.62 19.98 19.59 19.37 19.01 18.64 17.95 17.40 17.06 16.57 16.02 14.76 15.02 14.33 13.93 13.77 13.67 13.52 13.30 12.87 12.32 11.77 11.63 11.64 11.57 11.45 10.82 10.51 10.47 10.11 9.80 8.72 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 282 325 366 402 447 490 548 647 676 734 810 998 1,087 1,209 1,362 1,407 1,499 1,570 1,601 162 196 224 246 274 298 335 394 406 439 479 591 649 711 800 818 851 871 870 8 14.02 9 13.10 8 12.77 10 12.62 10 12.62 10 12.66 11 12.55 13 12.54 13 12.79 14 12.87 15 13.02 15 12.99 19 12.80 21 13.08 23 13.12 26 13.30 27 13.73 29 14.18 32 14.54 Transportation and public utilities — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 19.30 1951 1952 1958 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 150,908 162,598 170,066 1X3,364 196,363 205,601 213,437 219,138 233,194 253,674 268,491 276,488 2M.331 288,927 291,456 296,493 302,349 310,952 324.823 342,857 68,1,78 75,958 81,242 89,124 96,854 102,706 108,389 112,160 120,248 132,641 142,063 147,046 152,041 155,254 156,802 160,067 163,553 168,726 177,345 188,937 3.973 4,547 4,852 5,220 5,837 6,193 6,555 6,827 7,121 7,886 8,602 8,991 9,357 9,665 9,875 10,133 10,504 10,879 11,435 12,168 4.530 5,079 5,194 5,299 5,722 5,946 6,075 6,393 6,526 7,153 7,649 7,966 7,990 8,197 8,237 8,286 8,182 8,714 8,804 9,233 24.62 24.00 23.39 22.93 22.51 22.10 21.51 21.14 20.82 20.31 19.85 19.54 19.25 18.97 18.77 18.50 18.26 17.99 17.67 17.24 15.99 15.16 14.47 13.96 13.54 13.18 12.72 12.52 12.33 11.99 11.70 11.59 11.47 11.36 11.33 11.23 11.14 11.07 10.90 10.66 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 366,305 397,790 433,353 476,962 523,244 565,894 628,721 776,021 878,707 955,861 1,041,022 1,157,079 1,291,382 1,464,466 1,626,937 1,726,295 1,804,274 1,889,103 1,962,468 202,983 222,069 243,949 269,836 296,188 320,940 358,693 445,620 501,823 542,486 589,363 656,537 734,394 832,314 922,173 970,856 1,007,268 1,049,484 1,087,549 13,079 14,322 15,662 17,271 19,174 20,964 22,961 26,741 32,223 35,981 39,483 43,842 49,221 55,510 63,579 69,942 73,768 77,417 81,228 9.463 10,350 11,073 11.730 12,745 14,180 15,125 17,302 21,238 24,088 26,664 29,737 33,011 37,940 42,988 47,769 51.523 54,287 56,743 16.90 16.57 16.26 16.00 15.87 15.70 15.50 15.21 15.11 15.05 14.97 14.85 14.72 14.58 14.44 14.41 14.44 14.44 14.43 Transportation and public utilities — equipment 1947 .. 33,370 37,327 40,693 15.476 50,019 53,689 57,649 60,569 65,990 74,846 82,669 87,429 92,384 96,535 99,958 104,913 109,822 115,458 122,561 132,951 17,315 20,481 23,039 26,354 29,492 31,988 34,633 36,235 39,509 45,122 50,132 52,629 55,527 57,937 59,68(1 62,533 65,170 68,175 72,414 78,860 1,517 1,785 2,022 2,251 2,603 2,832 3,048 3,259 3,438 3,893 4,355 4,659 4,916 5,167 5,382 5,648 5,985 6,313 6,716 7,255 1,577 1,743 1,745 1,736 1,939 1,968 1,949 2,184 2,350 2,539 2,889 3,102 3,164 3,236 3,438 3,482 3,572 3,846 4,099 4,331 12.95 11.93 11.29 10.76 10.22 9.82 9.55 9.43 9.31 9.16 9.03 9.06 9.04 9.04 9.05 9.02 9.04 9.07 9.02 8.93 7.12 6.44 6.16 5.96 5.84 5.80 5.78 5.94 6.03 6.02 6.03 6.21 6.29 6.33 6.41 6.42 6.44 6.49 6.43 6.32 1967 145,906 160,466 176,309 196,205 215,244 233,939 257,317 313,653 368,170 406,426 448,841 500,876 564,627 652,593 745,182 808,278 847,371 892,808 938,528 86,452 95,166 104.778 116,198 126,507 136,661 150,673 183,019 212,131 230,682 253.863 284,243 321,746 371,312 421,967 452,379 469,591 492,406 518,022 7,949 8,800 9,708 10,746 12,009 13,170 14,433 16,538 20,113 22,811 25,351 28,302 32,085 36,236 42,258 47,400 50,297 53,153 56,044 4,521 5,112 5,597 5,965 6,779 7,510 8,342 9,485 12,103 14,317 16,364 18,643 21,295 24,335 28,627 32,722 35,451 37,902 39,689 8.93 8.87 8.83 8.84 8.88 8.92 8.86 8.96 9.16 9.28 9.30 9.25 9.18 9.18 9.20 9.27 9.34 9.35 9.29 6.29 1948 .. 1968 6.21 1949 1969 6.15 1950 1970 6.14 1951 .. . 1971 6.17 1952 1972 6.19 1953.. . 1973 6.10 1954 . 1974 6.12 1955 1975 6.31 1956 1976 6.45 1957 . 1977 6.43 1958 1978 6.34 1959 . . 1979 6.23 1960 1980 6.23 1961 1981 6.27 1962 1982 6.38 1963 1983 1984 6.46 1964 6.47 1965 1985 6.38 1966 Transportation and public utilities — structures 1947 117,539 125,271 129,373 137,8X9 146,344 151,913 155,788 158,569 167,204 178,828 185,822 189,060 191,947 192,392 191,497 191,581 192,527 195,494 202,262 209,906 51,363 55,477 58,203 62,770 67,362 70,718 73,756 75,924 80,739 87,519 91,932 94,417 96,514 97,317 97,122 97,534 98.383 100,551 104,931 110,076 2,456 2,762 2,831 2,969 3,234 3,361 3,507 3,568 3,683 3,993 4,246 4,332 4,441 4,498 4,493 4,485 4,518 4,566 4,718 4,914 2,953 3,336 3,449 3,563 3,783 3,979 4,126 4,208 4,176 4,614 4,761 4,864 4,825 4,961 4,799 4,805 4,610 4,868 4,705 4,902 27.94 27.60 27.20 26.94 26.71 26.44 25.94 25.62 25.36 24.97 24.66 24.39 24.16 23.96 23.84 23.70 23.52 23 26 22.91 22.51 18.97 18.38 17.76 17.32 16.91 16.53 15.98 15.66 15.42 15.06 14.79 14.58 14.45 14.36 14.35 14.31 14.26 14.17 13.99 13.77 1967 220,399 237,324 257,044 280,756 308,000 331,955 371,404 462,368 510,537 549,435 592,181 656,202 726,755 811,873 881,755 918,017 956,903 996,295 1,023,940 116,531 126,903 139,171 153,638 169,682 184,278 208,020 262,600 289,691 311,804 335,500 372,294 412,648 461,002 500,206 518,477 537,677 557,078 569,527 5,131 5,522 5,954 6,525 7,165 7,793 8,529 10,203 12,110 13,170 14,132 15,540 17,136 19,274 21,321 22,542 23,471 24,264 25,184 4,942 5,238 5,476 5,766 5,966 6,671 6,782 7,818 9,135 9,772 10,301 11,094 11,716 13,605 14,361 15,048 16,071 16,385 17,054 22.19 21.78 21.36 21.00 20.75 20.48 20.10 19.45 19.40 19.31 19.26 19.12 19.03 18.92 18.87 18.94 18.95 19.01 19.14 13.59 1948 1968 13.33 1949 1969 13.07 1950 1970 12.85 1951 1971 12.72 1952 1972 12.58 1953 1973 12.38 1954 1974 12.10 1955 1975 12.17 1956 1976 12.21 1957 1977 12.28 1958 1978 12.30 1959 1979 12.31 1960 1980 12.34 1961 1981 12.37 1962 1982 12.49 1963 1983 12.65 1964 1984 12.77 1965 1985 12.86 1966 . .. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 79 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Transportation — equipment and structures 105,316 111,132 113,778 120,036 125,914 129,397 130,744 130,993 130,024 143,783 148,611 149,004 149,363 148,747 147,286 146,802 146,112 146,713 149,287 I ,2,590 44,769 47,984 49,806 52,853 55,888 57,738 58,826 58,854 61,095 64,919 67,615 67,579 67,694 67.399 06,577 66,427 65,9X2 66,417 68,016 70,112 2.670 3,000 3,109 3,281 3,567 3,724 3,841 3,878 3,971 4,274 4,554 4,655 4,737 4,796 4,808 4,860 4,936 5,003 5,157 5,364 3.589 3.976 4,058 4,022 4,355 4,442 4,524 4,640 4,731 4,998 5,390 5,437 5,431 5,378 5,479 5,313 5,209 5,468 5,511 5,574 27.27 2691 26.51 26.35 26 16 25 96 25 58 25 44 25 32 25.03 24.70 24.61 24.48 24.33 24 21 23 99 23 84 2358 23 23 22 81 17 94 17 58 16.88 16.65 16.38 16.16 1583 15.81 15.76 15.53 15.25 15.25 15.20 15.11 15.10 14.91 14.81 14.62 14.31 13 94 1967 1968 1969 1970 107! 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 198.1 1985 159.463 169,654 180.383 192.520 204,966 216,444 236,298 281,183 312.616 338,332 360,95!) 403,886 447,218 501,248 513.1138 559.649 560, 30!) 580,147 599,407 73,720 79,183 85,271 91,001 96,523 101,969 112.607 135,248 150,346 163,567 178,439 199,476 223,801 253.033 274.630 280,423 282,226 288.712 296.774 5.597 6,050 6.462 6,940 7.493 7.943 8.554 9,892 11.612 12,734 13,969 15,610 17.465 19.590 22,378 23,829 24,447 25,335 26,220 5.706 6,128 6.642, 6.732 7,288 7,961 8,354 9,208 11,340 12,318 13,612 14,791 16.28!) 18.647 20,752 22.213 23,702 24,417 25,105 22 45 22.11 21.71 21.56 21.58 21.47 21.08 20 12 20.18 19.78 19.39 18.87 1835 17.87 17.54 17.50 17.35 17.23 17.25 13 63 13.30 121)3 12.83 12.86 12 80 12.45 12.07 11.98 11.73 11.51 11.11 1073 10.49 10 38 10.50 10.59 10.60 10.68 Transportation— equipment 25.247 27,406 29,239 31,617 33,875 35,381 36,828 37,483 39,689 43,567 47,116 48,611 50.080 51,545 52.650 54,512 55,800 57,700 60,635 64,214 12,113 13,846 15,252 16,785 18,388 19,415 20,297 20,497 21,691 23,951 26,227 20.85!) 27,656 28,148 28.932 29,952 30,403 31,426 33.223 35.36!) 1,099 1,249 1,371 1,485 1,667 1,774 1,858 1,917 1,982 2,190 2,395 2,521 2,615 2,702 2,774 2,881 3.001 3.107 3,269 3,481 1,346 1,496 1,471 1,430 1,595 1,614 1,539 1.711 1,786 1,865 2,089 2.209 2.159 2,125 2,244 2,212 2,169 2,332 2,449 2,521 1442 1355 12.96 12.55 11.96 11.56 11.34 11.27 11.13 10.96 10.71 10.71 1066 10 63 10.61 10.53 1059 10.53 10.37 10.24 8.18 7 51 7.17 ;oi 6.79 6.75 6.77 7.00 7.11 7.09 6.99 7.19 7.25 7 28 7.37 7.35 7.41 7.35 7 18 7.02 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 68.876 74,280 81,463 88.358 94,092 100,442 110,936 137,140 155,094 170,815 188,501 213,152 245,113 281,582 311,912 325,075 331.222 340,791 350,448 37,96!! 41.239 45.677 49,167 51,804 54,967 61,339 75.281 83,706 91,156 100,239 114,769 133,476 153.766 169,531 173,814 174,677 178,666 181,923 3,718 4.044 4,376 4,774 5,175 5,508 5.990 6.970 .8201 9,142 10,162 11,466 13,185 14,855 17,292 18.590 19.154 19,975 20,786 2,541 2.883 3,124 3.239 3.610 3,881 4,210 1798 5,935 6,785 7,696 8,734 10,09!) 11,486 13,471 14,991 15.880 16,967 17,464 1020 10.07 9.97 1004 10.17 10.25 10.06 10.24 10.49 10.54 10.51 1030 10.11 10 02 9.99 10.12 10 22 10.24 10 28 6.91 6.74 6.61 6.67 6.79 6.85 6.64 6.75 6.98 7.07 7.03 6.78 6.59 6.52 6 16 6 ;.; 6 93 6.98 7.05 Transportation — structures 80,069 83,726 84,538 88,419 92,039 94,016 93,916 93,510 96,335 100,217 101,495 100,394 99,282 97,201 94,636 92,290 90,312 89,014 88,652 88,370 32,656 34,138 34,553 36,06!) 37,499 38,323 38,529 38,358 39,405 40,968 41,388 40,719 40,038 38,951 37,644 36,475 35,578 34,991 34,793 34,743 1,571 1,751 1,738 1,797 1,901 1,950 1,982 1,961 1,988 2,084 2,159 2,134 2,122 2,094 2,034 1,978 1,935 1.897 1,888 1,883 2,243 2,480 2,587 2,593 2,760 2,828 2,985 2,929 2,945 3,133 3,301 3,228 3,272 3.253 3,235 3.101 3.040 3,136 3,061 3,053 31.32 31.28 31.20 31.29 31,39 31.38 31.16 31.13 31.16 31.15 31.20 31.34 31.45 31.59 31.77 31.94 32 03 3204 32 03 31.94 21.56 21.38 21.17 21.13 21.08 20 93 20 60 20 52 20 53 20.46 20.48 20.57 20.69 20 84 2103 21.13 21.13 21.15 21.12 20 98 1967 1968 1909 1970 1971 1972 1975 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 90,587 95,374 98,91!) 104,163 110,874 116,003 125,362 144.044 157,522 167,518 178.458 190,734 202,105 219,665 231,126 234,574 235,077 239,356 248,959 35,752 37,943 39.595 41.835 44,719 47,002 51.268 59.967 66,581 72,411 78,291) 84,706 90.325 99.266 lll.i.l)!)!) 106,609 107,549 110,046 114,851 1,879 2,006 2,087 2,160 2,319 2,435 2,564 2,922 3,351 3,592 3,808 4,144 4,280 4,735 5,086 5,239 5.293 5.360 5,534 3,162 3,245 3,519 3.493 3,678 4.079 4.144 4.500 5.405 5,534 5,916 0.057 6,190 7,161 7,281 7,222 7,822 7,450 7,641 31.76 31.48 31 38 31.32 31.27 31.20 3082 30.12 2972 29.20 28.78 28.43 28.33 27.92 27.72 27.73 27 3!) 27.18 27.05 20 78 20 43 20 22 20.07 19 88 19.75 19 59 18.74 1 - 28 17.61 17.26 16,96 16.84 16.62 16,53 16.61 16.54 16,18 16.44 Railroad transportation— equipment and structures 1947 .... 80,325 84,056 85,765 90,135 93,987 96,202 96,631 96,348 99,402 103,839 106,367 106,503 105,667 104,180 101.972 100.207 98,853 98,014 97,806 97,420 32,755 34,759 35,948 37,934 39,736 40.945 41,520 41,350 42,539 44,542 45,868 45,571 44,829 43,861 42,528 41,485 40,675 40,310 40,232 39,953 1,737 1,912 1,934 2,038 2,168 2,235 2,289 2,291 2,329 2,455 2,577 2,607 2,610 2,603 2,551 2,517 2,489 2,477 2,482 2,482 2,482 2,767 2,762 2,831 3,001 3,096 3,102 3,159 3,127 3,293 3,468 3,462 3,480 3,403 3,478 3,337 3,214 3,399 3,344 3,334 30.15 29.89 29.55 29.52 29.55 29.43 29.10 29.07 29.08 28.94 28.73 28.79 28.88 28.93 29.04 29.14 29.16 29.07 28.98 28.94 20.60 39 03 19.46 19.26 19.08 18 82 18.43 18.43 18.46 18.31 18.08 18.25 18 14 18.57 18.78 18.88 18.90 18.80 18.66 18.62 1967 100,271 104,571 108,819 114,124 120,298 125 166 134,322 154,947 171,546 180,823 191,129 202,725 217,671 237,633 248,561 251,316 248,582 249,671 257,277 40,983 42,513 44,299 46,112 48,341 50,263 54,087 63,127 70,179 74,158 78,910 85,445 93,135 103,204 108,346 109,060 107.886 108,664 112,384 2,498 2,637 2,729 2,836 2,998 3,120 3,257 3,658 4,319 4,613 4,864 5,254 5,527 6,126 6,577 6,739 6,735 6,690 6,812 3,379 3,579 3,914 3,939 4,121 4,667 4,768 5,135 6,347 6,801 7,337 7,565 7,788 9,192 9,330 9.418 9.973 9.905 9,862 28.84 28.85 28.78 28.92 29.09 29.16 28.99 28.27 27.93 27.80 27.58 27.16 26.83 26.31 26.19 26.28 26.11 26.03 26.02 18.58 1948 1968 18.61 1949 1969 18.49 1950 1970 18.60 1951 1971 18.65 1952 1972 18.68 1953 . 1973 18.43 1954 1974 17.81 1955 1975 17.55 1956 1976 17.41 1957 1977 17.18 1958 1978 16.54 1959 1979 16.08 1960 1980 15.69 1961 1981 15.62 1962 1982 15.78 1963 1983 15.82 1964 1984 15.83 1965 1985 15.85 1966 80 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Railroad transportation — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1 '.t:,s 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 12,979 13.953 15,046 16,104 16,849 17,386 17,961 17,966 18,726 20,284 21,911 22,441 22,643 22,97.3 23,073 23,229 23.5111 23,951) 24,491 24,775 5,553 6,487 7,454 8,267 9,009 9,589 10,107 10,108 10,537 11,458 12,563 12,687 12.600 12,598 12,437 12,415 12,439 12,662 12,968 12,967 460 497 537 588 635 659 691 708 718 778 915 917 926 937 955 978 992 748 809 762 775 846 814 725 761 745 706 762 786 740 657 738 708 637 690 732 727 17.47 16.30 15.34 14.77 14.04 13.42 1299 12.88 12.78 12.60 12.27 12.40 12.56 12.71 12.92 13.01 13.14 13.13 13.10 13 29 10.35 9.07 8.22 7.89 7.54 7.35 7.29 7.58 7.85 7.95 7.86 8.30 8.71 8.98 9.35 9.49 9.56 9.48 9.37 9.50 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 25,613 26,329 27,993 29,316 30,726 32,174 33,869 42,620 49.833 52,993 56,181 62,335 69.008 77,685 81,281 81,031 80,049 78,717 77,515 13.186 13,298 14,067 14,449 14,996 15.482 16,403 20,636 23,947 25,248 26,659 30,532 34,232 38,787 40,191 39,119 37,771 36,494 35,344 1.017 1,052 1,089 1,148 1,199 1,246 1,306 1,458 1,844 1,999 2,127 2,319 2,581 2,871 3,118 3,179 3,159 3,099 3.082 669 787 881 916 979 1,091 1,228 1,270 1,723 2,043 2,288 2,388 2,626 3,079 3,248 3,366 3,403 3,667 3,523 13.54 13.83 13.98 14.32 14.52 14.78 14.77 14.88 15.06 15.21 15.32 14.91 14.73 14.65 14.78 15.11 15.39 15.62 15.84 Railroad transportation — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 67,346 70,103 70,719 74,031 77,138 78,815 78,670 78,382 80,676 83,556 84,457 84.062 83,024 81,207 78,899 76,979 75,352 74,064 73.315 72,645 27,203 28,271 28,493 29,666 30,727 31,355 31,413 31,242 32.002 33.084 33,305 32.885 32.229 31.264 30,091 29.070 28,235 27,647 27,265 26,986 1,277 1,415 1,397 1,450 1,533 1,576 1,598 1,583 1,611 1,677 1,731 1,722 1,712 1,687 1,6.33 1,591 1,551 1,522 1,503 1,490 1,734 1,958 2,000 2,056 2,155 2,282 2,377 2.398 2,383 2,587 2,706 2,676 2,740 2,746 2,740 2.629 2,577 2.709 2.612 2,607 32 59 32.60 32.57 32.73 32.93 3296 32.78 32.78 32.86 32.91 33.00 33.17 33.33 33.52 33.76 34.00 34.16 34.23 34.29 34 28 22 70 22.55 22.40 22.43 22.47 2233 2202 21.95 21.96 21.90 21.93 22 09 22.24 22.43 22.68 2290 23 02 2307 2309 23 00 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 74,657 78,242 80,826 84,809 89,572 93,292 100,452 112,327 121,713 127,830 134. 140 148 159 167 170 168 170 179 27,798 29,214 30,232 31,662 33,345 34,780 37,684 42,491 46,232 48,910 52,251 54,914 58,903 64,417 68,155 69,942 70,115 72,171 77,041 1,480 1,585 1,639 1,689 1,800 1,874 1,951 2,200 2,475 2,614 2,737 2,935 2,946 3,255 3,458 3,560 3,576 3,591 3,730 2,710 2,792 3,033 3,022 3,142 3,576 3,541 3,865 4,623 4,757 5,048 5,177 5,162 6,113 6,082 6,051 6,569 6,238 6,339 34.09 33.91 33.90 33.97 34.09 34.12 33.79 33.36 33.20 33.02 32.68 32.61 32.44 31.98 31.73 31.60 31.20 30.82 30.41 Local and nterurban passenger transit — equipment a nd structures 1947 7,009 7,448 7,502 7,627 7,649 7,590 7,405 7,199 7,297 7,593 7,663 6.8 18 6,674 6,319 6,082 5,527 5,362 5,234 5,229 5,215 2,777 2,957 3,021 3,068 3,107 3,050 2,977 2,889 2.948 3,044 3,065 2,744 2,637 2,488 2,388 2,163 2,190 2,156 2,152 2,168 203 231 239 242 252 250 250 244 241 254 263 246 242 232 226 213 214 215 217 222 382 377 437 394 453 396 449 397 420 405 432 413 369 378 347 351 325 320 308 325 24.46 24.35 23.96 23.78 23.40 23.42 23.19 23.01 22.73 22.68 22.57 21.93 21.96 21.91 21.84 21.46 20 59 20.24 20.16 19.75 14.74 14.67 14.48 14.53 14.47 14.76 14.92 14.99 15.00 15.23 15.35 14.55 14.82 14.80 14.80 13.99 12.94 12.73 12.69 12.45 1967 5,123 5,123 5,101 5,140 5,345 5,327 5,479 6,441 6,957 7,170 7,530 8,169 8,578 9,332 9,903 9,668 9,696 9,632 9,563 2,131 2,132 2,128 2,127 2,218 2,209 2,268 2,599 2,810 2,955 3,153 3,449 3,676 4,019 4,318 4,141 4,129 4,120 4,121 226 233 233 232 244 248 254 277 321 345 368 401 436 477 523 541 540 545 548 293 323 316 304 298 322 311 345 406 434 461 484 547 558 590 668 602 651 632 19.36 19.22 19.17 19.16 19.12 19.07 19.08 19.61 19.38 18.67 18.17 17.97 17.39 17.04 16.44 16.18 15.97 15.65 15.29 11.91 1948 ... 1968 11.71 1949 ... 1969 11.70 1950 1970 11.75 1951 1971 11.57 1952 1972 11.36 1953 1973 11.25 1954 1974 11.58 1955 1975 11.25 1956 1976 10.66 1957 1977 10.23 1958 1978 10.00 1959 1979 9.63 1960 1980 9.38 1961 1981 8.98 11162 1982 9.14 11163 1983 '.: 9.04 1961 1984 8.85 1965 1985 8.59 1966 Local and interurban passenger transit— equipment 1947 1,368 1,541 1,638 1,743 1,841 1.843 1,864 1,888 1,996 2,117 2,219 2,206 2,202 2,099 2,084 2,106 2,238 2,269 2,312 2,393 787 894 933 967 1,006 970 959 957 1,011 1,055 1,101 1,068 1,040 995 993 1,022 1,158 1,184 1,209 1,257 75 88 96 101 110 111 111 113 115 123 129 130 129 125 125 125 133 140 144 151 49 54 63 69 79 79 86 99 103 112 122 126 126 133 141 136 144 144 149 150 8.22 8.12 8.35 8.66 8.80 9.20 9.48 9.66 9.75 9.98 10.12 10.39 10.69 10 58 10.61 10.45 9.77 9.62 9.51 9.33 5.45 5.33 5.60 5.95 6.12 6.55 6.80 6.96 6.93 7.12 7.14 7.31 7.55 7.00 6.94 6.68 5.92 5.88 5.90 5.87 1967 2,519 2,534 2,561 2,627 2,767 2,807 2,910 3,374 3,794 4,114 4,471 4,881 5,320 5,950 6,531 6,499 6,599 6,654 6,705 1,326 1,335 1,351 1,362 1,447 1,469 1,522 1,727 1,934 2,106 2,298 2,527 2,761 3,073 3,373 3,234 3,231 3,234 3,261 160 169 170 170 181 187 192 209 245 270 295 326 359 397 441 463 466 472 479 147 159 169 151 157 169 158 156 224 220 239 268 309 321 358 410 392 417 442 9.17 8.95 9.03 9.21 9.11 9.06 9.04 9.34 9.36 9.21 9.12 8.94 8.76 8.76 8.61 8.75 8.79 8.78 8.65 5.82 1948 1968 5.54 1949 1969 5.68 1950 1970 5.86 1951 1971 5.76 1952 1972 5.69 1953 1973 5.63 1954 1974 5.78 1955 1975 5.81 1956 1976 5.67 1957 1977 5.53 1958 1978 5.36 1959 1979 5.31 1960 1980 5.29 1961 1981 5.21 1962 1982 5.55 1963 1983 5.59 1964 1984 5.53 1965 1985 5.41 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 81 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Local and interurban passenger transit — structures 5.640 5,907 5,864 5,884 5,808 5,747 5,541 5,311 5,301 5,476 5,444 4,642 4,471 4,220 3,997 3,420 3,124 2,965 2,917 2,822 1,991 2,063 2,088 2,101 2,101 2,079 2,019 1,933 1.937 1,990 1,964 1,675 1,597 1,493 1,395 1,140 1,032 973 943 910 128 143 143 141 142 139 138 131 126 132 134 117 112 107 101 87 81 74 73 71 333 323 374 325 374 317 30.3 298 316 293 310 287 243 245 206 215 181 176 159 175 28 40 2859 28.33 28 L'6 28 03 27.98 27.80 27.75 27 62 27.59 27.65 27.42 27.52 27.54 27.70 28,25 28.35 28.38 28 (iO 28 59 18 42 18.72 1845 18.48 18.48 1800 18.77 1897 19.21 19.53 19.95 19.17 19.56 19.99 20 38 20 54 20 82 21.07 21.39 21.55 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2.605 2,5X9 2.540 2,514 2.578 2.519 2,569 3,067 3,164 3,056 3,059 3.288 3.258 3,382 3,372 3,169 3,097 2.978 2.858 805 797 777 764 771 740 746 872 876 849 855 922 914 945 945 906 899 880 800 117 29.20 21.96 164 29.26 22.06 147 29.39 22.14 153 29.55 22.26 141 29.87 22.48 1 53 30.21 22.61 152 30.45 22.71 189 30.90 23.07 182 31.39 23.27 214 31.39 23.07 221 31.39 22.86 216 31.37 22 72 237 31.48 22.70 237 31.61 22.69 232 31.59 22.43 258 31.42 21.97 210 31.26 21.48 234 31.01 20.98 190 30.87 20.62 True king and warehousing- —equipment and structures 1947 4,899 5,545 5,919 6,754 7,719 8,086 8,263 8,488 9,319 10,311 10,954 11,355 11,658 11,859 12,329 12,953 13,448 14,044 14,817 15,777 2,732 3,165 3,406 3,931 4.465 4.489 4,427 4,390 4,808 5,349 5,692 5,885 6,111 6,282 6.600 7,030 7,290 7,616 7,955 8,453 278 338 385 425 510 566 585 598 633 712 775 817 853 866 895 942 985 1,033 1,090 1,166 231 244 255 253 278 287 329 376 444 559 656 720 785 775 783 777 790 815 868 932 10.96 10.53 10.16 9.86 9.71 9.95 10.13 10.34 10.31 10.23 10.09 9.99 9.88 9.78 9.65 9.48 9.45 9.39 9.40 9.39 8.08 7.54 7.20 6.89 6.78 7.11 7.33 7.52 7.30 7.03 6.81 6.69 6.51 6.37 6.25 6.06 6.08 6.05 6.13 6.13 1967 16,208 17,455 18,993 20,747 22.697 24.752 28,364 34,695 37,753 42,491 48,571 57,464 65,522 75,701 84,772 88,006 94,053 103,326 108,953 8,518 9,194 10,168 11,150 12,335 13,695 16.239 19,971 21,279 23,870 27,239 32,648 37,280 42,432 40,580 47,326 50,161 56,252 58,995 1,203 1,276 1,365 1,477 1.631 1,770 1,972 2,356 2,780 3,089 3,555 4,149 4.800 5,643 6,502 7,003 7,344 7,973 8,551 988 1,078 1,151 1,232 1 370 1,434 1,553 1,731 2,054 2,267 2,594 2,996 3,470 4,067 4,891 5,447 5,990 6,444 6,940 9.51 9.54 9.45 9.38 9.32 9.18 8.75 8.52 8.49 8.33 8.18 8.15 7.87 7.86 7.95 8.08 8.17 7.99 7.98 6 32 1948 1968 6.31 1949.. .. 1969 6 17 1950.. .. 1970 6 13 1951 . 1971 6 09 1952. 1972 5 94 1953 1973 5 58 1954 1974 5.50 1955 1975 5.68 1956 1976 5.64 1957 1977 5.59 1958 ... 1978 5.54 1959 1979 5.38 1960 1980 5.47 1961 1981 1962 1982 5.83 1963 1983 5.91 1964 1984 5.62 1965 1985 5.64 1966 Trucking and warehousing — equipment 1947 2,581 1,458 220 210 5.29 2.93 1967 11,311 5,866 1,080 876 5.45 3.78 1948 3,095 1,846 272 220 4.80 2 75 1968 12,042 6,214 1,145 960 5.48 3.77 1949 3.419 2,054 319 226 4.63 2.86 1969 12,969 6,788 1,217 1,018 5.42 3.64 1950 4,011 2,453 357 225 4.39 2.85 1970 14,124 7,382 1,314 1,096 5.43 3.63 1951 4,628 2,777 430 241 4.41 3.03 1971 15,244 8,019 1,448 1,209 5.39 3.57 1952 4,955 2,828 483 248 4.65 3.35 1972 16,498 8,852 1,565 1,287 5.27 3.42 1953 5,149 2,802 502 283 4.93 3.61 1973 19,102 10,715 1,741 1,361 4.96 3.14 1954 5,353 2,773 517 329 5.23 3.84 1974 23,684 13,353 2,088 1,546 4.89 3.15 1955 5,958 3,077 549 391 5.30 3.71 1975 26,204 14,339 2,479 1,829 5.07 3.39 1956 6,675 3,471 620 498 5.33 3.59 1976 30,029 16,407 2,770 2,049 5.03 3.38 1957 7,244 3,775 678 587 5.37 3.55 1977 34,812 19,021 3,203 2,358 4.99 3.35 1958 7,637 3,962 721 652 5.44 3.59 1978 40,860 22,769 3,753 2.742 4.84 3.20 1959 7,900 4,154 757 708 5.39 3.55 1979 48,023 26,939 4,412 3,183 4.79 3.16 1960 8.063 4,293 768 703 5.32 3.51 1980 56,292 31,092 5,142 3,765 4.87 3.28 1961 8,443 4,556 796 699 5.24 3.46 1981 63,455 34,273 5,946 4,540 5.00 3.43 1962 8,916 4,885 840 697 5.13 3.40 1982 66,224 34,930 6,411 5,120 5.15 3.60 1963 9,244 5,028 879 699 5.16 3.48 1983 70,856 37,166 6,726 5,591 5.19 3.60 1964 9,740 5,307 923 723 5.14 3.47 1984 78,760 42,682 7,318 6,095 5.01 3.35 1965 10,332 5,548 977 766 5.23 3.57 1985 83,651 45,119 7,867 6,507 5.07 3.41 1966 11,018 5,886 1,047 826 5.27 3.59 Trucking and warehousing — structures 1947 .... 2,318 2,450 2,500 2,744 3,091 3,130 3,113 3,135 3,361 3,636 3,710 3,719 3,758 3,796 3,886 4,037 4.205 4.305 4,485 4,759 1,274 1,319 1,352 1,478 1,688 1,661 1,625 1,617 1,731 1,878 1,917 1,923 1,957 1,989 2,044 2,145 2,262 2,309 2,407 2,568 58 66 66 67 80 83 83 82 84 93 98 96 96 98 99 102 106 no 113 119 21 24 28 28 38 39 46 47 54 60 69 68 78 72 84 80 91 92 102 106 17.27 17.75 17.73 17.87 17.65 18.33 18.75 19.06 19.19 19.22 19.29 19.35 19.31 19.24 19.24 19.08 18.87 18.99 19.02 18.95 13.98 14.25 13.79 13.59 12.94 13.52 13.75 13.83 13.67 13.39 13.23 13.06 12.81 12.55 12.45 12.14 11.86 11.97 12.02 11.95 1967 4,898 5,413 6,024 6,623 7,454 8,254 9,262 11,010 11,549 12,462 13,759 16,604 17,499 19,409 21,317 21,783 23,197 24,566 25,302 2,651 2,980 3,380 3,769 4,317 4,842 5,523 6,618 6,940 7,463 8,218 9,879 10,341 11,340 12,313 12.396 12,994 13,571 13,877 123 131 148 163 183 205 231 268 302 320 352 396 448 502 556 592 618 654 683 112 118 133 136 167 147 192 185 226 218 236 255 286 302 351 327 399 348 433 18.90 18.55 18.12 17.79 17.36 17.01 16.57 16.31 16.26 16.27 16.25 16.27 16.35 16.54 16.73 17.00 17.29 17.53 17.63 11.95 1948 1968 11.62 1949 .... 1969 11.27 1950... 1970 11.03 1951 1971 10.78 1952 1972 10.54 1953 1973 10.32 1954 1974 10.24 1955 1975 10.41 1956 1976 10.61 1957 1977 10.77 1958 1978 10.94 1959 1979 11.17 1960 1980 11.49 1961 1981 11.80 1962 1982 12.14 1963 1983 12.54 1964 1984 12 77 1965 1985 12.87 1966 82 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Water transportation — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 i9i;n 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 5.6X9 5,997 5.9XX 6,229 6,611 6,919 7.29X 7,375 7,575 8,255 8,814 8,943 9,103 9,426 9,326 9,600 9,752 10,023 10,297 10,791 2,796 3,019 3.002 3,063 3,279 3,497 3,752 3,795 3,996 4,325 4,735 4,892 4,999 5,180 5.106 5,227 5,240 5.349 5,488 5.73X 215 245 259 261 285 296 ■MX 313 310 332 358 370 372 388 387 392 401 111!) 119 435 255 318 321 246 300 342 306 365 373 354 386 385 303 330 337 322 312 339 361 359 15.30 14.82 14.70 14.79 14.44 14.00 13.68 13.60 13.52 13.32 12.91 12.55 12.43 12.35 12.29 12.30 12.49 12.57 12.62 12.71 8.50 8.33 8.60 8.89 8.78 8.59 8.38 8.57 8.73 8.62 8.34 8.16 8.10 8.14 8.27 8.40 8.61 8.73 8.76 8.78 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 1984 19X5 11,451 12,233 13,332 14,544 15,648 16,878 19.28X 24,352 26,6X3 29,726 33,760 38,746 45,390 50,947 60,013 63,331 64,854 66,166 67,029 6,038 6,506 7,207 7,931 8,579 9,399 11,053 14,066 15,699 17,666 20,326 23,562 27,802 31,266 37,146 38,931 39,025 38,841 38,339 519 562 606 655 729 869 1,012 1,116 1,252 1,442 1,672 1,961 2,267 2,462 2,548 2,629 2,653 346 12.88 402 12.82 441 12.66 415 12.55 484 12.50 509 12.28 539 11.84 613 11.71 747 11.40 778 11.23 832 11.00 915 10.82 1,082 10.68 1,145 10.62 1,343 10.43 1,329 10.50 1,404 10.83 1,517 11.21 1,567 11.61 Water transportation — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 5,596, 5,909 5,897 6,135 6,511 6,819 7,202 7,282 7,479 8,152 8,707 8,834 8,996 9,319 9,217 9,490 9,641 9,911 10,181 10.669 2,751 2,973 2,959 3,019 3,233 3,452 3,708 3,754 3,863 4,278 4,685 4,839 4,946 5,126 5,051 5,172 5,185 5,293 5,430 5.676 213 243 256 259 282 293 306 310 307 330 356 367 370 385 384 389 398 406 416 432 252 315 318 244 297 339 303 362 370 351 382 382 300 327 334 319 309 336 358 356 15.19 14.70 14.58 14.68 14.31 13.87 13.55 13.48 13.39 13.20 12.79 12.44 12.33 12.25 12.19 12.20 12.39 12.48 12.53 12.62 8.41 8.23 8.51 8.50 8.29 8.49 8.64 8.54 8.28 8.10 8.05 8.09 8.22 8.35 8.56 8.68 8.72 8.73 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 19X1 19X2 19X3 19X4 1985 11.326 12,099 13,188 14,391 15,484 16,707 19,103 24,133 26,452 29,482 33,493 38,427 45,039 50,554 59,588 62,893 64,397 65,696 66,541 5,974 6,438 7,134 7,854 8,498 9,315 10,963 13,960 15,584 17,543 20,190 23,398 27,617 31,056 36,915 38,69(1 38,776 38,587 38,077 452 481 515 558 602 651 724 864 1,006 1,110 1,245 1,435 1,663 1,951 2,256 2,450 2,537 2,617 2,641 343 12.80 398 12.73 437 12.57 411 12.47 480 12.42 504 12.19 534 11.75 607 11.63 741 11.32 772 11.15 825 10.93 908 10.74 1,073 10.61 1,137 10.55 1,332 10.37 1,320 10.45 1,393 10.77 1,508 11.16 1,555 11.56 Water transportation — structures 1947 93 96 92 94 100 100 96 92 96 103 107 108 107 107 109 110 111 112 116 122 45 46 43 44 46 45 43 41 43 47 51 53 53 54 55 55 55 56 58 62 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21.82 22.18 22.39 22.53 22.86 23.11 23.32 23.45 23.35 22.95 22.17 21.65 21.19 20.85 20.71 20.79 20.85 20.72 20.63 20.41 14.06 14.46 14.71 14.93 15.31 15.64 15.93 16.16 16.01 15.34 14.25 13.59 13.19 12.89 12.85 13.05 13.25 13.22 13.21 13.03 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 .'.'. 1984 1985 125 134 144 153 163 171 186 219 231 244 266 319 351 393 425 438 457 471 487 64 68 73 77 81 84 90 106 115 123 136 165 185 210 231 241 249 254 262 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 10 11 11 12 12 12 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 9 8 11 9 11 10 12 20.40 20.23 20.28 20.49 20.73 20.98 21.12 21.26 20.72 20.40 20.09 19.87 19.50 19.12 18.71 18.38 18.56 18.78 18.85 13.08 1948 12.99 1949 13.14 1950 13.47 1951 13.85 1952 14.23 1953 14.41 1954 14.58 1955 13.88 1956 13.47 1957 13.15 195- 12.89 1959 12.58 1960 12.18 1961 11.79 1962 11.48 1963 11.83 1964 12.14 1965 12.40 19611 Transportation by air — equipment and structures 1947 1,010 1,100 1,229 1,393 1,520 1,710 1,880 2,132 2,373 2,876 3,395 3,737 4,459 5,009 5,670 6,499 6,677 7,081 8,132 9,572 681 717 796 872 917 1,038 1,134 1,275 1,375 1,698 2,053 2,228 2,780 3,164 3,598 1.096 4,072 4,265 5,003 6,048 60 70 77 86 100 108 122 138 152 181 216 241 279 320 358 403 444 457 509 586 34 34 36 38 45 46 52 59 70 88 100 116 139 162 172 193 233 266 271 300 5.49 5.81 5.84 6.16 6.51 6.42 6.47 6.54 6.86 6.71 6.48 6.62 6.16 6.02 5.98 6.04 6.37 6.48 6.26 6.00 3.49 3.99 4.15 4.57 4.97 4.79 4.78 4.79 5.08 4.77 4.44 4.55 4.06 3.97 3.98 4.09 4.48 4.63 4.38 4.11 1967 11,520 14,087 16,557 18,855 20,023 21,590 24,637 28,404 30,882 34,654 38,381 43,284 51,184 60,374 68,457 75,555 76,071 77,216 81,817 7,494 9,449 11,112 12,413 12,680 13,260 14,916 16,613 17,347 18,590 20,234 22,598 27,277 32,969 37,547 41,179 41,317 41,451 44,026 700 850 1,003 1,157 1,272 1,352 1,484 1,721 1,880 2,108 2,333 2,577 2,982 3,151 4,044 4,558 4,717 4,875 5,064 343 377 403 461 520 547 640 797 967 1,171 1,439 1,742 2,145 2,303 3,023 3,679 3,936 4,085 4,180 5.69 5.36 5.39 5.61 6.04 6.37 6.54 6.92 7.33 7.77 7.98 8.16 8.03 7.87 7.86 7.94 8.03 8.17 8.17 3.84 1948 1968 3.59 1949 1969 3.69 1950 1970 3.97 1951 1971 4.44 1952 1972 4.76 1953 1973 4.86 1954 1974 5.21 1955 1975 5.57 1956 1976 5.94 1957 1977 5.98 1958 1978 5.97 1959 1979 5.60 1960 1980 5.26 1961 1981 5.18 1962 1982 5.25 1963 1983 5.36 1964 1984 5.55 1965 1985 5.54 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 83 Table A2.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Transportation by air — equipment 1947 944 1,028 1,155 1,314 1,431 1,613 1.778 2,024 2,255 2,737 3,238 3,569 4,270 4,799 5,434 6,235 6,398 6,776 7,776 9,144 635 669 746 819 859 974 1,066 1.203 1,296 1,604 1,945 2,113 2,646 3,012 3,425 3,903 3,870 4,044 4,741 5,726 59 68 75 84 98 106 119 135 149 178 212 237 274 315 352 396 437 449 500 575 34 34 36 38 45 45 52 58 69 87 99 115 138 161 171 192 231 264 269 298 5.06 5.37 5.44 5.77 6.10 6.03 6.10 6.21 6.54 6.41 6.21 6.36 5.94 5.82 5.79 5.86 6.17 6.29 6.08 5.83 3.10 3.60 3.80 4.24 4.63 4.47 4.48 4.53 4.82 4.53 4.22 4.35 3.89 3.81 3.83 3.94 4.32 4.48 4.23 3.96 1967 11,023 13,477 15,805 17,889 18,949 20,386 23,163 26,589 28,964 32,613 36,106 10.541 48,067 56.846 64,601 71,557 71,718 72,601 76,880 7,117 8,979 10,526 11,648 11,847 12,339 13,785 15,256 15,946 17,129 18,635 20,711 25,169 30,618 35,004 38,584 38,525 38,541 40,969 688 835 985 1,134 1,245 1,321 1,448 1,676 1,829 2,054 2,275 2,510 2,904 3,061 3,943 4,451 4,604 4,754 4,934 341 374 400 458 516 543 634 791 959 1.163 1,430 1,732 2,131 2,287 3,004 3,659 3.912 4,058 4.149 5.52 5.21 5.24 5.48 5.89 6 22 6.39 6.74 7.13 7.58 7.77 7.91 7.76 7.57 7.56 7.64 7.70 7.81 7.76 3.70 1948 1968 3.46 1949 1969 3.56 1950 1970 3.86 1951 . 1971 4.31 1952. 1972 4.61 1953. 1973 4.71 1954 1974 5.01 1955 1975 5.35 1956 1976 5.71 1957 1977 5.71 1958. ... 1978 5.64 1959 . 1979 5.24 1960 1980 4.88 1961 1981 4.80 1962 1982 4.88 1963 1983 4.97 1964 1984 5 12 1965 1985 5.10 1966 Transportation by air — structures 1947 66 71 73 79 89 98 102 108 118 139 157 168 189 210 236 263 279 306 355 429 46 48 50 53 58 65 68 72 79 94 108 115 135 152 173 193 202 222 262 322 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 I) [) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 11.52 12.16 12.23 12.59 13.11 12.92 12.92 12.78 12.95 12.60 12.12 12.11 11.19 10.73 10.46 10.36 10.75 10.69 10.25 9.64 8.90 9.44 9.35 9.61 10.00 9.62 9.48 9.24 9.34 8.87 8.33 8.30 7.47 7.12 6.96 6.97 7.42 7.44 7.11 6.65 1967 497 610 753 965 1,074 1.204 1,474 1,815 1,918 2,041 2,274 2,743 3,117 3,528 3,856 3,998 4,353 4,614 4,937 377 470 586 765 833 921 1,131 1,357 1,401 1,462 1,599 1,886 2,107 2,351 2,543 2,595 2,791 2,910 3,057 12 15 18 23 28 31 36 45 51 53 59 66 78 91 100 107 113 121 130 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 7 8 8 10 10 14 16 19 20 24 27 31 9.37 8.87 8.53 7.99 8.58 8.97 8.87 9.60 10.23 10.76 11.24 11.81 12.26 12.62 12.87 13.25 13.56 13.96 14.43 6 52 1948 1968 6.19 1949 1969 6.01 1950 1970 5.65 1951 1971 6.31 1952 1972 6.75 1953 1973 6.70 1954 1974 7.45 1955 1975 8.09 1956 1976 8.62 1957. .. 1977 9.09 1958 1978 9.63 1959 1979 9.99 1960 1980 10.26 1961 1981 10.41 1962 1982 10.69 1963 1983 10.87 1964 . . 1984 11.16 1965 1985 11.48 1966 Pipelines, except natural gas — equipment and structures 1947 4,489 4,988 5,197 5,514 5,763 6,095 6,385 6,516 6,864 7,432 7,780 7,881 7,920 7,853 7,697 7,682 7,469 7,522 7,774 7,971 2,082 2,377 2,518 2,737 2,908 3,155 3,404 3,519 3,710 3,996 4,167 4,191 4,179 4,107 3,986 3,983 3,928 3,949 4,063 4,139 113 131 138 144 156 164 176 181 187 208 224 229 232 230 227 224 224 222 234 245 155 175 185 183 193 188 199 187 195 197 223 211 232 213 231 205 223 193 220 195 22.95 22.41 22.06 21.51 21.08 20.44 19.71 19.29 19.16 19.15 19.11 19.12 19.23 19.35 19.51 19.43 19.08 19.07 19.13 19.17 14.23 13.64 13.38 12.91 12.65 12.16 11.62 11.46 11.62 11.88 12.11 12.35 12.69 12.97 13.32 13.28 12.95 12.98 13.14 13.22 1967 8,245 8.899 9,215 9,771 10,777 11,344 12,280 16,616 20,021 23,036 25,427 28.WI4 30,852 34,849 36,848 36,834 37,713 38,393 38,714 4,339 4,732 4,903 5,193 5,796 6,065 6,560 9,047 11,549 14,155 15,758 17.673 18,755 20,997 21,942 21,490 21,756 21,771 21,627 256 280 296 316 346 370 395 469 589 679 747 849 930 1.1131 1,136 1,153 1,179 1,232 1,276 224 203 241 220 277 264 327 347 481 470 556 577 684 706 830 812 861 850 898 18.77 18.44 18.32 18.22 17.92 18.01 18.00 17.73 16.49 14.97 14.74 15.04 15.24 15.46 15.69 16.15 16.37 16.70 16.93 12.82 1948 1968 12.42 1949 1969 12.37 1950 1970 12.26 1951 1971 11.95 1952 1972 12.02 1953 1973 12.06 1954 1974 11.60 1955 1975 10.28 1956 1976 8.85 1957 1977 8.84 1958 1978 9.24 1959 .. 1979 9.62 1960 . 1980 9.95 1961 .. 1981 10.33 1962 1982 10.92 1963 1983 11.26 1964 1984 11.69 1965 1985 12.04 1966 Pipelines except natural gas — equipment 1947 159 163 164 187 219 231 238 266 315 364 386 398 390 386 377 387 414 446 503 575 77 78 78 98 122 128 129 149 181 208 209 203 189 185 176 188 217 247 293 342 16 16 17 18 21 24 25 27 31 37 41 43 43 42 41 41 43 46 52 60 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 21 23 27 31 37 40 41 43 46 48 46 45 5.66 5.66 5.62 5.13 4.75 4.73 4.80 4.60 4.37 4.36 4.60 4.88 5.12 5.19 5.35 5.19 4.83 4.51 4.19 3.99 3.88 3.98 3.95 3.32 2.97 3.05 3.20 2.99 2.80 2.83 3.15 3.44 3.68 3.64 3.71 3.38 2.98 2.77 2.63 2.60 1967 649 736 826 932 1,025 1,080 1,183 1,387 1,457 1,558 1,715 1,931 2,176 2,450 2,642 2,621 3,022 3,433 3,967 384 431 482 532 572 586 635 725 736 764 848 1.002 1,166 1,317 1,391 1,334 1,665 1,970 2,366 68 78 87 MX 111 119 125 142 157 165 178 197 222 247 274 281 299 343 391 44 47 50 55 67 78 89 108 132 150 173 198 216 236 259 272 270 274 280 3.95 3.98 3.98 4.10 4.23 4.39 4.46 4.62 4.81 4.97 4.97 4.76 4.61 4.60 4.71 4.89 4.49 4.27 4.06 2.68 1948 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2.76 1949 2.76 1950 2.86 1951 2.94 1952 3.05 1953 3.05 1954 3.17 1955 3.32 1956 3.43 1957 3.32 1958 3.03 1959 2.91 1960 2.98 1961... . 3.18 1962 3.46 1963 2.96 1964 2.77 1965 2.62 1966 84 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Year Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Years End of year Average age Net Year Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross Pipelines, except natural gas— structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 4,329 4,824 5,1132 5,326 5,544 5,863 6,147 6,249 6,549 7,068 7,394 7,483 7,531 7,467 7,320 7,294 7,055 7,077 7,271 7,396 2,004 2,299 2,440 2 639 2.786 3,027 3,275 3,370 3.529 3.788 3,958 3,9X8 3,990 3,922 3,810 3,795 3,711 3,702 3,770 3.796 97 115 121 127 135 140 151 154 156 171 183 186 189 188 186 184 181 175 182 1X5 139 157 167 165 175 169 180 168 174 175 196 180 195 174 190 162 177 145 174 150 23.59 22.98 22.60 22.09 21.73 21.06 20.28 19 92 19.87 19.91 19.87 19.88 19.96 20.08 20.24 20.19 19.92 19.99 20.16 2035 14 63 13.97 13.68 13.27 13.08 12.55 11.95 11.84 12.07 12.37 12.58 12.81 13.11 13.41 13.76 13.77 13.53 13.66 13.96 14.18 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 7,597 8,163 8,390 8,839 9,752 10,265 11,097 15,229 18,565 21,479 23,712 26,873 28,676 32,399 34,205 34,213 34,691 34,960 34,746 3,954 4,301 4,421 4.661 5,225 5,479 5,924 8,322 10,813 13,391 14,910 16,671 17,589 19,680 20,551 20,156 20,090 19,801 19,261 189 201 209 218 235 252 270 327 432 513 569 651 708 783 862 872 880 888 885 180 20.03 156 19.75 191 19.73 165 19.71 211 19.36 186 19.44 239 19.44 238 18.92 349 17.41 320 15.69 382 15.44 379 15.78 468 16.05 469 16.29 571 16.54 540 17.01 591 17.40 576 17.92 618 18.40 Transportation services — equipment and structures 1947 1,895 946 64 51 15.31 9.91 1967 6,644 4,218 259 132 10.03 6.33 1948 . 1,999 2,178 991 72 62 15.43 9.93 1968 7,287 4 657 290 166 9 90 6 33 1949 1,115 77 62 14.91 9.23 1969 8,365 5,455 319 178 9.61 6.16 1950 2,385 1,249 85 77 14.57 8.83 1970 9,339 6,076 360 162 9.66 6.29 1951 2,665 1,475 97 85 13.65 7.88 1971 10,178 6,573 396 211 9.82 6.56 1952 2,795 1,565 105 86 13.38 7.77 1972 11,087 7,078 427 218 10.05 6.88 1953 2,883 1,612 111 86 13.30 7.86 1973 11,928 7,484 462 217 10.35 7.23 1954 2,936 1,635 114 96 13.28 8.04 1974 15,728 9,825 543 240 10.42 7.31 1955 3,196 1,810 119 102 12.93 7.87 1975 18,774 11,484 711 338 10.77 7.73 1956 3,477 1,964 132 102 12.90 8.00 1976 20,431 12,172 785 397 11.18 8.21 1957 3,639 2,034 141 124 12.99 8.33 1977 22,161 12,819 851 394 11.65 8.69 1958 3,738 2,067 145 129 13.09 8.68 1978 24,694 14,101 939 511 11.84 8.85 1959 3,882 2,159 149 122 12.92 8.63 1979 28,022 15,877 1,058 574 11.96 8.89 1960 4,101 2,316 158 116 12.60 8.36 1980 32,411 18,145 1,201 675 12.17 9.02 1961 4.211 2,371 164 131 12.59 8.50 1981 34,485 18,744 1,331 745 12.62 9.46 1962 4,335 2,443 170 127 12.49 8.50 1982 34,939 18,295 1,372 860 13.20 10.06 1963 4,550 2,587 179 113 12.25 8.26 1983 35.340 17,952 1,384 936 13.68 10.51 1964 4,795 2,773 191 137 11.89 7.97 1984 35,744 17,612 1,393 965 14.16 10.90 1965 5,232 3,124 207 138 11.26 7.40 1985 36,054 17,282 1,416 1,026 14.57 11.21 1966 5,843 3,613 229 128 10.57 6.77 Transportation services — equipment 1947 1,619 1,725 1,920 2,124 2,396 2,533 2,636 2,702 2,961 3,238 3,412 3,526 3,680 3,907 4,022 4,149 4,364 4,609 5,040 5,640 852 899 1,028 1,161 1,383 1,473 1,525 1,552 1,725 1,875 1,949 1,987 2,081 2,239 2,294 2.366 2,507 2.690 3,035 3,515 57 65 70 79 90 99 104 107 113 125 135 139 144 153 159 165 174 186 202 224 37 46 48 62 69 70 70 81 87 88 109 116 110 104 120 117 103 127 130 119 13.34 13.58 13.25 13.00 12.12 11.96 12.01 12.10 11.85 11.91 12.11 12.31 12.23 11.99 12.03 11.98 11.78 11.46 10.86 10.21 8.99 9.07 8.47 8.12 7.23 7.19 7.34 7.57 7.44 7.62 8.00 8.38 8.36 8.12 8.28 8.30 8.08 7.80 7.24 6.62 1967 6,436 7,064 8,122 9,079 9,897 10,790 11,606 15,352 18,391 20,027 21,722 24,177 27,480 31,805 33,814 34,250 34,591 34,930 35,189 4,115 4,544 5,329 5,939 6,425 6,922 7,315 9,624 11,280 11,959 12,588 13,830 15,592 17,822 18.383 17,924 17,542 17,158 16,788 253 284 313 353 389 419 453 533 700 774 839 926 1,044 1,185 1,313 1,353 1,364 1,371 1,393 124 158 170 153 202 209 207 230 327 386 383 499 560 661 729 843 918 948 1,008 9.70 9.59 9.33 9.40 9.56 9.81 10.13 10.23 10.61 11.03 11.51 11.70 11.83 12.06 12.52 13.11 13.60 14.10 14.53 6.19 1948 1968 6.20 1949 1909 6.04 1950 1970 6.18 1951 1971 6.45 1952 1972 6.77 1953 1973 7.13 1954 1974 7.23 1955 1975 7.66 1956 1976 8.15 1957 1977 8.62 1958 1978 8.78 1959 1979 8.83 1960 1980 8.97 1961 1981 9.41 1962 1982 10.02 1963 1983 .Y. 10.48 1964 1984 10.90 1965 1985 11.23 1966 Transportation services— structures 1947 276 274 258 261 270 262 247 234 235 239 227 213 203 194 190 186 187 186 193 203 94 93 87 88 93 91 87 83 86 88 85 -ii 78 77 77 77 80 83 89 98 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 13 16 14 15 16 16 16 15 14 14 15 13 12 12 11 10 10 10 8 9 26.83 27.09 27.24 27.39 27.22 27.10 27.04 26.88 26.60 26.28 26.13 25.96 25.54 24.95 24.50 24.00 23.17 22.48 21.71 20.73 18.24 18.30 18.11 18.09 17.53 17.18 17.00 16.79 16.40 16.07 16.14 16.19 15.83 15.30 15.00 14.73 13.98 13.52 12.86 12.11 1967 208 223 243 260 281 298 322 376 384 405 439 517 542 606 671 689 749 814 865 103 113 125 136 148 156 169 201 204 213 231 270 285 323 360 372 410 454 494 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 22 23 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 13 13 15 16 17 18 17 18 20.05 19.62 19.07 18.69 18.64 18.64 18.45 18.10 18.19 18.30 18.29 18.37 18.22 17.93 17.73 17.59 17.30 16.86 16.32 11.66 1948 1968 11.53 1949 1969 11.23 1950 1970 11.12 1951 1971 11.33 1952 1972 11.56 1953 1973 11.62 1954 1974 11.40 1955 1975 11.72 1956 1976 11.99 1957 1977 12.12 1958 1978 12.35 1959 1979 12.27 1960 1980 12.02 1961 1981 11.86 1962 1982 11.77 1963 1983 11.52 1964 1984 11.07 1965 1985 10.55 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 85 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Communication — equipment and structures 11,907 13,807 15,138 17.000 18,918 20,462 22,149 23,854 20,2113 29,556 32,142 34,1129 36,730 39,435 41,748 44,442 48.384 51.808 56.645 62,985 7,012 8,480 9,451 10.691 11,840 12,803 13,894 14.898 16,405 18,668 20,380 21,424 23,066 24,909 26.440 28,272 311.895 3.3,050 36,233 40,360 411 505 594 673 790 873 953 1,054 1,136 1,291 1,442 1,545 1,646 1,770 1,907 2,0.34 2.236 2.4.34 2.650 2.929 205 226 242 271 296 326 350 424 477 580 651 722 797 891) 951 1,016 1,094 1,199 1,279 1,405 14.55 13.46 12.87 12.48 12.34 12.11 11.85 11.74 11.60 11.17 10.88 HI'-! 10.84 10.69 1053 10 32 10.18 10.06 9.97 9.86 9.55 8.50 8.07 7.85 7.85 7.74 7.59 7.58 7.51 7.20 7.04 7.12 7.17 7.08 7 01 6.91 6.85 6.84 6 82 6.79 1967 1968 [969 1970 197 1 1972 1973 1974 197., 1976 1977 1978 1979 1989 1981 1982 19-:: 1984 1985 69.888 78,810 88,335 101,741 115,744 128,444 142,092 172,283 195,649 217,979 236,244 265.287 302,111 346,425 401,734 447,956 192,580 535.903 559,781 44.615 50.123 56,181 64,812 73,382 80,846 89 153 108.419 121,564 134,148 144.853 163,399 187,574 214,656 247,845 273.802 298.080 321.904 333.514 5,278 3,694 4,175 4.728 5,408 6,100 6,700 7.565 9,031 10.222 11,219 12,335 14,038 15.878 18,603 21,547 23.949 20.01,7 28.100 1.508 9.78 6.81 1.698 9.72 6.82 1.889 9.68 6.81 2,124 9.60 6.76 2,393 9.54 6.76 2.796 9.60 6.85 3,101 9.63 6.86 3,536 9.77 6.96 4,317 9.76 7.02 5,122 9.94 7.19 ,.1:5 l 9.98 721 6,384 10.01 7.18 7,087 10.01 7.12 8,031 9.98 7.10 9.394 9.92 7.07 11,066 9.89 7.08 12,489 10.03 7.22 13,837 10.10 7.29 14.917 10.08 7.26 Communication — equipment 3,379 4,328 5,159 6.236 7,187 8,071 9,104 10,019 11,217 13,095 14,775 15,902 17,213 18.679 20,339 22,352 24,779 27,042 29,620 33,197 2.314 3.1166 3,674 4,428 4,990 5,515 6,165 6,634 7.329 8,526 9,531 10,0.32 10,737 11,703 12.802 14,175 15,810 17,150 18,796 21,049 202 272 342 411 496 561 624 709 767 880 1,004 1.088 1,158 1,248 1.352 1,474 1,638 1,803 1,974 2,182 78 80 9 1 111 124 134 158 213 263 335 110 162 537 604 667 721 802 880 962 1,046 5.38 4.83 4.69 4.66 182 1 92 5.01 5.22 5.40 5.48 5.62 5.88 6.04 6.04 601 5.96 5.89 5 96 5.95 5.95 3.03 2 8', 2.97 3.13 3.39 3.53 3.62 3.82 3.94 3.95 4.05 4.27 4.38 4.32 1 27 4.20 4.15 4.24 4.24 4.27 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1970 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 37.542 12,999 48.127 55.191 63,553 70,300 76,577 90,221 107,266 118,873 130,337 144.863 163,257 190,397 227,639 202.557 289.109 318,063 341,824 23.614 26,871 29 9> 34,242 39,006 12 166 46,046 54,025 63,424 69,512 76,325 85,798 98,369 114,912 137,299 156,962 171,477 187,350 200,229 2,466 2,801 3.188 :: 569 4.119 4,644 5,079 5,608 6,803 7,734 8,519 9.370 10,627 11,972 14,238 16.809 18.909 20.793 22,529 1.148 1,293 1,478 1,632 1 -92 2,219 2,506 2,795 3,531 4,196 4,702 5.273 5.874 6.567 7.838 9 248 10,611 11,712 12,731 6.03 6.07 6.09 6.11 6.19 6 35 6 11 6.48 6 64 6.76 6.77 6.68 6.52 6.51 6.51 6.58 6.64 6.68 6.72 4.35 I 39 4.39 4.39 4.45 4.57 4.58 4.59 4.71 4.78 4.72 4.57 4.38 1 38 4.40 4 19 4.57 4.61 4.65 Communication — structures 8.528 9,479 9,979 10,764 11,731 12.390 13,045 13,830 15.046 16,462 17,367 18.126 19,524 20,756 21,108 22,091 23.005 24,767 27,025 29,788 4,698 5,414 5,777 6,263 6,849 7.289 7,730 8,264 9,077 10,142 10,849 11.392 12.329 13,207 13,637 14,098 15.085 15,899 17,436 19,311 209 233 252 262 295 312 328 345 369 111 138 457 488 522 556 560 598 631 676 747 127 146 118 160 172 192 192 211 215 245 241 260 261 286 281 294 292 319 316 359 18.18 17.39 17.10 17.01 16.95 16.79 16.63 16.45 16.22 15.70 15.35 1520 15.07 14.87 14.82 14.75 14.68 14.54 14.37 1422 12.76 11.71 11.32 11.19 11.09 10.92 10.76 10.60 10.40 9.93 9.66 9.63 9.60 9.52 9.59 9.64 9.68 9.65 9.59 9.54 1967 1908 1969 L970 1971 1972 1973 1951 1975 1976 1077 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 32,346 35.812 40,208 10,550 52.191 58,145 65,515 82,061 88.3.-3 99,106 105,907 120.424 138,853 156.029 174,094 18.7.399 203,171 217,900 217,957 21.001 23,253 26,203 30,570 34,377 38,380 43,406 54,394 58.141 64,636 68,528 77,601 89,205 99,744 110,547 116,840 126,602 134,554 133,285 812 893 987 1,159 1,289 1,457 1,622 1,957 2,229 2,487 2,700 2.905 3,412 3,906 4,365 4,738 5.040 5,274 5,571 360 14.15 9.57 405 14.11 9.63 412 13.97 9.57 192 13.74 9.42 501 13.62 9.37 578 13.54 9.36 594 13 10 9.28 741 13.37 931 786 13.55 9.54 926 13.76 9.79 952 13.94 9.99 1.111 14.02 10.07 1.213 14.10 10.13 1.463 14.22 10.24 1.556 14.39 10.38 1,817 14.58 10.56 1.878 14.87 10.81 2,126 15.10 11.01 2,186 15.34 11.19 Telephone and telegraph — equipment and structures 1947 11,103 12,899 14,187 15,971 17,804 19,300 20,945 22.610 24,914 28,011 30,445 32,234 34,823 37,378 39,549 42,045 45,723 48,916 53,442 59,372 6,554 7,948 8,893 10,095 11,197 12,130 13,191 14,166 15,597 17,710 19,298 20,266 21,818 23,541 24,964 26.649 29,074 31,080 34,055 37,913 376 464 550 628 741 823 901 1,001 1,082 1,230 1,374 1,473 1,569 1,686 1,818 1,936 2,125 2,309 2,510 2,771 184 204 217 244 264 293 313 384 434 534 601 673 750 841 901 968 1,043 1,144 1,221 1,338 14.76 13.62 13.00 12.56 12.40 12.15 11.88 11.75 11.61 11.19 10.89 10.87 10.88 10.74 10.58 10.38 10.25 10.12 10.03 9.93 9.67 8.59 8.13 7.88 7.86 7.75 7.59 7.59 7.52 7.21 7.06 7.14 7.20 7.12 7.05 6.95 89 6.88 6.85 6.82 1967 65,790 74,182 83,206 96,001 109,294 121,327 134,212 162,856 184,953 206,202 223,173 750.103 285,399 327,183 379,394 423,460 465,947 507,158 529,207 41,847 47,030 52,776 61,041 69,198 76,291 8 1.17' 102.531 11 1,90,2 126.972 136,968 154,296 177,557 203,164 234,535 259,293 282,427 305,077 315,743 3,095 7,18 1 3,943 4,476 5,127 5,792 6,365 7,189 8,580 9,723 10,663 11,710 13,324 15,062 17,645 20,445 22,735 24,741 26,670 1,436 1,615 1,802 2,030 2,284 2,687 2,973 5.394 4,142 4,910 5,414 6,096 6,754 7,639 8,935 10,526 11,849 13,148 14,152 9.85 9.78 9.72 9.63 9.56 9.61 9.62 9.75 9.74 9.91 9.94 9.96 9.95 9.93 9.86 9.83 9.98 10.05 10.02 6.84 1948 . 1968 6.84 1949 1969 6.82 1950 1970 6.76 1951 1971 6.74 1952... . 1972 6.83 1953 1973 6.83 1954 1974 6.93 1955 .... 1975 6.98 1956 ... 1976 7.16 1957 .... 1977 7.17 1958 1978 7.14 1959 1979 7.08 1960 1980 7 06 1961 1981 7 03 1962 1982 7.04 1963 1983 7 19 1964 1984 7.26 1965 1985 7 24 1966 86 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Telephone and telegraph — equipment 1947 2,885 3,787 4,598 5,646 6,568 7,441 8,458 9,365 10,533 12,319 13,913 14,979 16,235 17,648 19,260 21,178 23,432 25,548 27,961 31,304 2,010 2,734 3,339 4,090 4,645 5,168 5,810 6,278 6.954 8,084 9,018 9.472 10,139 11,061 12,123 13,424 14,917 16,159 17,693 19,789 175 242 310 378 461 526 589 673 732 841 961 1,041 1,109 1,195 1,296 1,413 1,567 1,721 1,881 2,077 65 66 78 93 103 112 133 183 232 302 373 427 503 568 631 687 764 840 918 994 4.92 4.37 4.22 4.20 4.38 4.50 4.61 4.86 5.05 5.17 5.34 5.63 5.82 5.84 5.83 5.79 5.77 5.84 5.84 5.86 2.62 2.49 2.65 2.83 3.11 3.27 3.38 3.60 3.74 3.77 3.89 4.13 4.26 4.21 4.16 4.10 4.07 4.17 4.18 4.21 1967 35,298 40,473 45,392 52,135 60,159 66.582 72,540 85,390 101,441 112,401 123,172 136,884 154,248 179,842 215,019 248,140 273,679 300,871 323,259 22,115 25,199 28,175 32,246 36,813 40,092 43,500 51,009 59,803 65,522 71,926 80,890 92,790 108,363 129,458 148,060 161,812 176,825 188,915 2,341 2,654 3,029 3,399 3,931 4,439 4,860 5,368 6,510 7,399 8,143 8,948 10,144 11,420 13,576 16,027 18,032 19,827 21,477 1,091 1.226 1.409 1,559 1,807 2.136 2,412 2,691 3,401 4,038 4,523 5,062 5,642 6,288 7,511 8,862 10,151 11,223 12,189 5.95 . 6.00 6.01 6.03 6.12 6.27 6.33 6.39 6.55 6.66 6.67 6.58 6.41 6.40 6.40 6.48 6.54 6.58 6.63 4.30 1948 1968 4.34 1949 1969 4.33 1950 1970 4.33 1951 1971 4.39 1952 1972 4.51 1953 1973 4.51 1954 1974 4.51 1955 1975 4.63 1956 1976 4.70 1957 1977 4.63 1958 1978 4.48 1959 1979 4.29 1960 1980 4.28 1961 1981 4.31 1962 1982 4.41 1963 1983 4.49 1964 1984 4.53 1965 1985 4.57 1966 Telephone and telegraph — structures 1947 8,218 9,112 9,590 10,326 11,236 11,858 12,487 13,245 14,381 15,692 16,532 17,255 18,588 19,730 20,289 20,867 22,292 23,368 25,4X1 28,069 4,545 5,214 5,554 6,005 6,552 6,963 7,381 7,888 8,643 9,626 10,280 10,793 11,678 12,480 12,841 13,225 14,157 14,922 16,362 18,123 200 223 241 249 280 296 311 328 350 389 413 431 460 492 522 523 558 588 628 694 120 138 139 151 162 181 180 200 202 232 227 246 247 273 270 280 279 304 303 344 18.22 17.47 17.21 17.14 17.09 16.94 16.80 16.63 16.41 15.91 15.57 15.42 15.30 15.12 15.09 15.04 14.97 14.80 14.63 14.46 12.79 11.79 11.42 11.32 11.23 11.07 10.91 10.76 10.56 10.10 9.83 9.78 9.76 9.70 9.77 9.84 9.86 9.81 9.73 9.67 1967 30,492 33,710 37,814 43,866 49,134 54,745 61,672 77,466 83,512 93,801 100,001 113,220 131,150 147,340 164,375 175,320 192,269 206,287 205,948 19,732 21,830 24,601 28,795 32,385 36,199 40,971 51,523 55,158 61,450 65,043 73,406 84,767 94,800 105,077 111,233 120,615 128,252 126,828 754 830 914 1,077 1,196 1.353 1,505 1,821 2,076 2,324 2,520 2,762 3,180 3,643 4,069 4,418 4,702 4,913 5,193 344 389 394 471 477 552 562 702 741 872 891 1,034 1,113 1,351 1,424 1,664 1,698 1,925 1,962 14.38 14.33 14.18 13.91 13.77 13.66 13.50 13.45 13.61 13.81 13.98 14.05 14.12 14.23 14.39 14.58 14.87 15.10 15.34 9.68 1948 1968 9.74 1949 1969 9.66 1950 1970 9.48 1951 1971 9.42 1952 1972 9.39 1953 1973 9.30 1954 1974 9.32 1955 1975 : 9.54 1956 1976 9.79 1957 1977 9.98 1958 1978 10.07 1959 1979 10.13 1960 1980 10.24 1961 1981 10.38 1962 1982 10.56 1963 1983 10.82 1964 1984 11.02 1965 1985 11.21 1966 Radio and television broadcasting — equipment and structures 1947 805 907 951 1.029 1,114 1,162 1,204 1,244 1,349 1,545 1,696 1,795 1,913 2,056 2,199 2,397 2,661 2,892 3,204 3,613 458 532 558 596 643 673 703 733 808 959 1,082 1,159 1,248 1,369 1,476 1,623 1,822 1,969 2,177 2,447 36 41 43 45 50 51 52 53 54 61 68 72 77 83 90 98 111 125 140 158 20 22 25 27 32 34 37 40 43 47 50 49 47 49 50 48 51 55 58 66 11.54 11.05 10.98 11.25 11.42 11.45 11.44 11.44 11.38 10.94 10.55 10.36 10.16 9.76 9.56 9.32 8.99 8.96 8.86 8.80 7.81 7.20 7.17 7.45 7.56 7.55 7.51 7.48 7.40 7.00 6.71 6.67 6.63 6.40 6.39 6.33 6.17 6.30 6.32 6.37 1967 4,098 4,628 5,129 5,739 6,450 7,117 7.880 9,427 10,696 11,777 13,071 15,184 16,712 19,242 22,340 24,496 26,633 28,805 30,574 2,768 3,094 3,405 3,771 4,184 4,554 4,981 5,887 6,602 7,176 7,884 9,103 10,017 11,492 13,310 14,509 15.652 16.827 17.771 183 210 231 252 281 308 335 376 445 499 556 624 714 815 958 1,101 1,214 1,326 1,429 72 84 87 94 108 109 127 142 174 212 239 288 333 392 459 540 640 689 765 8.66 8.77 8.93 9.08 9.28 9.52 9.77 10.04 10.19 10.40 10.64 10.90 10.90 10.96 10.94 10.93 11.01 11.07 11.10 6.31 1948 1968 6.48 1949 1969 6.64 1950 1970 6.80 1951 1971 7.00 1952 1972 7.19 1953 1973 7.38 1954 1974 7.54 1955 1975 7.62 1956 1976 7.75 1957 1977 7.87 1958 1978 7.98 1959 1979 7.88 1960 1980 7.85 1961 1981 7.77 I'ii;-' 1982 7.71 1963 1983 7.76 1964 1984 7.75 1965 1985 7.74 1966. ... Radio and television broadcasting — equipment 1947 494 541 561 590 619 630 647 654 684 775 862 923 978 1,030 1,080 1,174 1,347 1.494 1,659 1,893 304 332 335 338 346 347 354 356 375 442 512 560 598 642 679 750 893 991 1,103 1,259 27 30 32 33 35 35 35 36 35 39 43 46 49 53 56 61 71 82 93 106 13 14 16 18 21 22 25 29 30 33 36 35 33 36 36 34 38 40 44 52 8.07 8.11 8.52 9.15 9.55 9.85 10.15 10.44 10.70 10.46 10.07 9.90 9.80 9.50 9.26 8.90 8.12 7.91 7.69 7.52 5.77 5.77 6.21 6.86 7.20 7.39 7.52 7.65 7.70 7.23 6.73 6.55 6.51 6.28 6.18 5.94 5.34 5.31 5.24 5.22 1967 2,243 2,526 2,735 3,056 3,394 3,718 4,037 4,831 5,825 6,472 7,165 7,979 9,009 10,554 12,620 14,417 15,730 17,192 18,565 1,499 1,671 1,803 1,996 2,192 2,374 2,546 3,016 3,620 3,989 4,399 4,908 5,579 6,548 7,840 8,902 9,665 10,525 11,314 125 147 159 170 188 205 218 240 293 336 376 421 482 552 662 782 876 965 1,052 56 68 69 73 84 83 95 103 130 158 179 211 232 279 327 386 460 489 541 7.27 7.30 7.35 7.44 7.50 7.64 7.82 8.07 8.23 8.34 8.46 8.47 8.41 8.39 8.34 8.38 8.35 8.34 8.37 5.07 1948 1968 5.19 1949 1969 5.29 1950 1970 5.41 1951 1971 5.53 1952 1972 5.65 rivi 1973 5.79 1974 5.94 1975 6.03 1956 1976 6.09 1977 6.12 1978 6.08 1979 5.95 1960 1980 5.92 1981 5.88 1982 5.92 1983 5.93 1964 1984 5.91 I'ii,'. 1985 5.95 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 87 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Radio and television broadcasting — structures 310 366 389 439 495 532 557 590 665 770 834 872 935 1,026 1,119 1,223 1,314 1,399 1,544 1,721) 153 2(10 223 258 297 326 349 371, 433 517 569 .■.99 650 727 797 873 929 978 1,074 1,188 17.0,-, 15.39 14.52 14.08 13.75 13.34 12 92 12.54 12.08 11.43 11.04 19 85 10.53 10.03 9.85 9.73 9 88 10.07 10.11 10.21 11,86 9.57 8.61 S21 7.98 7.73 7.50 7.33 7.14 6 ,xi) 6.69 6.79 6.74 6.51 6.57 6.67 i; 9« 7.30 7.43 7.59 191,7 1908 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 197!) 19X0 1981 19X2 1983 19X1 1985 1,854 2,102 2,394 2.0X4 3,057 3,399 3,843 4,595 4,871 5,305 5,906 7,205 7,703 x,i;xx 9,720 10,079 10,903 11,613 12,009 1 ,209 1,422 1,002 1,775 1.992 2,181 2,435 2.871 2,9X2 3,187 3,485 4,195 4,437 4,944 5,470 5,607 5,9X7 0,302 0,457 57 63 73 82 93 104 117 135 153 163 ixo 203 232 203 296 320 338 361 378 16 10.34 7.77 16 10.55 7.99 18 10.74 8.17 22 10.96 8.37 24 11.25 8.63 26 11.57 8.87 33 11.82 9.04 39 12.11 9.23 44 12.53 9.55 54 12.92 9.84 61 13.29 10.07 77 13.58 10.21 100 13.82 10.30 112 14.08 10.40 1.32 14.33 10.48 153 14.58 10.57 180 14.86 10.71 200 15.12 10.82 224 15.32 10.88 Electric, gas, and sanitary services — equipment and structures 33.0X5 37,659 41,150 46,328 51,531 55,743 00,544 64,290 70,907 80,334 87,738 93,455 9X.232 100,746 192.422 105,249 107,853 112,431 118,891 127,2X1 16.897 19,494 21.9X6 25,5X0 29,127 32,165 35,669 38,407 42,747 49,054 54,069 58,043 61,281 62,94.'. 63,786 65,368 60,676 69.259 73,096 78,465 892 1,043 1,149 1,266 1,479 1,596 1,762 1,896 2,015 2,321 2,606 2,791 2,974 3,099 3,160 3,240 3.332 3.442 3,628 3,875 736 877 895 1 ,006 1,071 1,178 1,201 1,329 1,318 1,574 1,609 1,808 1,761 1,929 1,8117 1,1158 1,879 2,047 2,014 2,255 1993 19.30 1X63 17.90 17.32 16 80 16.27 15.88 15,60 15.21 14.91 14.63 14.43 14 32 14.31 14.30 14.34 14.35 14.35 14.22 13 48 12.59 11.75 10.96 10.41 10.00 9.60 9.39 9.29 9.13 9.02 8.97 8.96 9.05 9 19 9.35 9.51 9.67 9.75 9.73 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 136.954 149,325 104,635 1X2,701 202,53.1 221,006 250,332 322,555 370,442 399,550 437,820 487,900 542,053 616,793 682,165 718,689 745,385 772,994 803,2X0 92,763 102,496 114,023 126,2X3 138,125 156,633 201,953 229,912 244.772 266,071 293.662 323.919 364.626 399,098 416.631 426.963 43X.X69 457,261 4,204 4,57X 5,024 5,603 6,272 6,920 7,708 9,2X4 11,580 13,025 14,295 15.897 17,718 20,042 22,597 24.567 25,372 26,910 20,8118 2,249 2,524 2,541 2,874 3,904 3,423 3,670 4,559 5.581 6,648 7,398 8,562 9,635 11,262 12.842 14,491 15.332 1)1933 16.721 14 08 1390 13.83 13.71 13.70 13.59 13.56 13.58 1364 13.83 13.95 14.16 14.36 14.50 14.64 14.83 15.13 I .', 30 15.35 9.67 9 5.x 9.54 9.49 9.52 9.46 9.44 9.47 9.60 9.85 9.98 1018 10.37 10.48 10.59 10.76 11.00 11.16 11.02 Electric, gas and sanitary services — equipment 1947 4,743 5,593 6,295 7,623 8,957 10,236 11,716 13,008 15,084 18,185 20,778 22,915 25,091 26,311 26,969 28.949 29,243 30,717 32,306 35,540 2,887 3,570 4,113 5,141 6,114 7,058 8,171 9,105 10,490 12,645 14,374 15,737 17,134 17,786 17,946 18,407 18,957 19,599 20,395 22,442 215 265 309 355 440 497 565 634 689 823 956 1,050 1,143 1,218 1,256 1,292 1,346 1,404 1,473 1,592 153 107 180 196 221 220 252 261 301 339 391 431 469 507 527 549 001 634 687 764 10.51 9.49 8.97 8.32 7.97 7.07 7.44 7.40 7.45 7.50 7.62 7.76 7.87 8.05 8.30 8.54 8.77 9.08 9.29 9.34 5.94 5.37 5.23 4.97 4.96 4.95 4.96 5.10 5.28 5.41 5.60 5.79 5.93 6.13 6.39 6.61 6.80 7.07 7.21 7.15 1967 .... 39,489 43,187 46,719 52,657 57,599 63,198 69,805 86,292 105.810 116,739 130,003 142,862 156,256 180,614 205,630 220,640 226,730 233.951 246,256 24,870 27,056 29,123 32,790 35,697 39,229 43,288 53,713 64,942 70,014 77,299 83,676 89.900 102,634 115,138 121,603 123,437 126.391 135,871 1,764 1,956 2,144 2,402 2,715 3,018 3,365 3,960 5,050 5,934 6,670 7,466 8.274 9,409 10,727 12,001 12,234 12,386 12,728 830 936 996 1,094 1,277 1,410 1,626 1,981 2,637 3,336 3,966 4,637 5,322 6,281 7,318 8,482 8,961 9,224 9,494 9.47 9.58 9.67 9.69 9.74 9.68 9.63 9.51 9.74 10.02 10.09 10.30 10.50 10.70 10.96 11.24 11.48 11.67 11.43 7.18 1948 1968 . 7.23 1949 1969 7.23 1950 1970 .. 7.16 1951 1971 .... 7.15 1952 1972.. 7.03 1953 1973 6.94 1954 1974 6.78 1955 1975 7.01 1956 1976 7.31 1957 1977 7.35 1958 1978 7.54 1959 1979 7.73 1960 1980 7.86 1961 1981 8.07 1962 1982 8.28 1963 1983 8.43 1964 1984.. .. 8.50 1965 19X5 8.04 1966 Electric, gas , and sanitary services — structures 1947 28,942 32,066 34,855 38,705 42,574 45,506 48,828 51,223 55,823 62,150 66,960 70,539 73,141 74,435 75,453 77,200 78,610 81,714 86,585 91,742 14,009 15,924 17,873 20,439 23,013 25,106 27,498 29,302 32,258 36,408 39,694 42,305 44,147 45,159 45,840 46,960 47,719 49,660 52,701 56,023 677 777 840 911 1,039 1,099 1,196 1,262 1,326 1,498 1,650 1,741 1,831 1,881 1,904 1,947 1,985 2,039 2,154 2,284 583 710 714 810 851 959 948 1,068 1,017 1,235 1,219 1,376 1,292 1,422 1,281 1,409 1,278 1,413 1,328 1,491 21.47 21.01 20.37 19.78 19.29 18.86 18.39 18.04 17.80 17.47 17.17 16.87 16.68 16.53 16.46 16.40 16.41 16.33 16.24 16.11 15.03 14.21 13.25 12.47 11.86 11.42 10.98 10.73 10.59 10.42 10.26 10.15 10.14 10.20 10.29 10.42 10.58 10.69 10.74 10.76 1967 97,466 100,139 117,916 130,044 144,934 157,808 180,527 236,263 264,632 282,811 307,816 345,044 385,797 436,179 476,535 498,043 518,654 539,039 557,024 59,778 65,707 73,373 81,233 90,586 98,896 113,345 148,240 164,970 174,757 188,772 20)1,9X7 233,119 261,991 284,561 295,029 303,526 312,478 321,390 2,440 2,622 2,880 3,201 3,557 3,902 4,343 5,324 6,53(1 7,091 7,624 8,431 9,444 10.633 11,870 12,566 13,138 13,630 14,080 1,419 1,588 1,545 1,780 1,787 2,013 2,044 2,577 2,944 3,312 3,433 3,926 4,313 4,981 5,525 6,008 6,371 6,809 7,227 15.95 15.66 15.48 15.33 15.27 15.16 15.08 15.06 15.20 15.40 15.58 15.75 15.93 16.07 16.22 16.42 16.72 16.96 17.09 10.71 1948 1968 10.54 1949 1969 10.46 1950 1970 10.43 1951 1971 10.45 1)152 1972 10.43 1953. ... 1973 10.40 1954 1974 10.44 1955 1975 10.62 1956 1976 10.87 1957 . 1977 11.06 1958 1978 11.24 1959 1979 11.39 1960 1980 11.51 1961. 1981 11.61 1962 . . 1982 11.78 1963 1983 12.05 1964 1984 12.23 1965 1985 12.27 1966 88 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Electric services — equipment and structures 1947 21,305 23.725 26.236 29,779 33.128 36.007 39.516 42.502 47.001 53,210 58,133 62.297 6.-,.392 67,103 67,989 70,152 73,172 70.884 81,184 87,264 10,619 12,271 14,047 16,464 18,731 20,897 23,485 25,733 28,753 32.990 36,419 39,374 41.492 42.684 43.095 44.362 46,134 48,272 50,849 54,712 565 650 721 800 940 1,006 1,113 1,214 1,295 1.492 1.671 1.790 1.907 1.988 2,019 2,073 2,152 2,263 2,385 2,553 458 545 566 654 710 775 803 882 882 1,029 1,046 1,153 1,117 1,201 1,119 1.188 1,155 1,247 1,219 1,343 20.12 19.38 18.67 17.98 17.44 16.81 16.24 15.76 15.47 15.06 14.73 14.43 14.25 14.11 14.12 14.11 14.13 14.15 14.16 14.06 13.37 12.34 11.45 10.73 10.26 9.77 9.36 9.10 9.03 8.90 8.81 8.77 8.81 8.89 9.08 9.24 9.39 9.57 9.67 9.69 1967 95,142 103,788 116,052 130,508 145.640 160,397 183,687 235,534 273,751 300,100 331,002 366,857 410,265 467,923 521,969 554,282 577,049 601,465 628.448 59,858 65,523 73.346 82.766 92.428 102,129 117,087 150,497 173,576 187,796 205,672 225,815 249,641 282,448 311,634 326,926 336,643 348,521 366,126 2,808 3,067 3,410 3,865 4,395 4,915 5,542 6,732 8,482 9,725 10,847 12,042 13,464 15.274 17.249 18.905 19.544 20,070 20,784 1,345 1.492 1,511 1,708 1,838 2,060 2,251 2.822 3.500 4,352 4,982 5,828 6,686 7,976 9,196 10,634 11,312 11,883 12,365 13.88 13.72 13.67 13.50 13.43 13.27 13.21 13.14 13.13 13.31 13.39 13.56 13.81 13.93 14.13 14.37 14.67 14.88 14.82 9 60 1948 1968 . 9 53 1949 1969 .... 9 50 1950 1970 9 40 1951 1971 9 36 1952 1972 9 24 1953 1973 9 20 1954 1974 9 12 1955 1975 9 20 1956 1976... . 9 44 1957 1977 9 53 1958 1978 9 70 1959 1979 9 93 1960 1980 10 04 1961 1981 10 20 1962 1982 10 42 1963 1983 10 65 1964 1984 10 78 1965 1985 10 59 1966 Electric services — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 19(12 1963 1964 1965 1966 3.659 4,316 4,848 5.862 0,879 7,874 8,925 10,017 11,575 14.005 15,981 17.596 19,223 2(1,222 20.691 21,562 22.65* 23,980 25,336 28.136 2,252 2,782 3,195 3,990 4,758 5.533 6,349 7,172 8,315 10,071 11,434 12.502 13,584 14,187 14,313 14,749 15.3X3 16.048 16,804 18,669 119 184 213 244 299 333 375 421 455 547 635 693 751 802 828 851 894 943 997 1.083 90 101 114 130 152 151 179 176 199 211 234 251 259 275 282 285 319 327 346 381 11.27 10.16 9.63 8.94 8.52 8.14 7.94 7.80 7.79 7.81 7.95 8.10 8.23 8.38 8.67 8.90 9.08 9.39 9.59 9.61 6.23 5.62 5.50 523 5.18 5.14 5.21 5.29 5.46 5.61 5.84 6.08 6.24 6.42 6.72 6.93 7.07 7.34 7.47 7.40 1967.. 1968.. 1969.. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974 1975 1976. 1977 1978 1979 1980. 1981. 1982 1983 1984. 1985. 31,797 21,038 1,224 35,047 23,045 1,376 38,122 24,902 1,526 43,437 28,311 1.738 47,934 31,045 2,001 53,138 34,372 2,270 58,902 37,858 2,573 73,292 47.158 3,063 91,224 57,579 3,987 101,249 62,237 4,791 113,281 68,853 5,439 124,624 74,291 6,110 136,017 79.322 6,770 157,478 90,459 7,709 178,957 100,712 8,751 191,862 105,915 9,790 197,153 107,587 9,922 204,230 111,067 10,029 216.222 120,751 10,362 411 9.70 475 9.82 499 9.91 545 9.91 650 9.95 736 9.88 897 9.88 1,126 9.76 1,568 9.99 2,181 10.31 2,695 10.40 3,257 10.67 3.851 10.94 4,691 11.18 5,550 11.53 6,598 11.87 7,027 12.14 7.261 12.31 7.478 11.98 Electric services — structures 1947 19 I'- ll: j..i 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1961 19',., 1966 17.64(1 19.409 21.388 23,916 26,249 28,133 30.590 32.485 35.426 39,205 42,151 44,701 46,169 16,881 47,298 48.590 50,514 52.904 55,848 59.128 8,367 9,489 1(1.852 12,474 13.973 15.365 17.136 18.560 20 138 22,919 24,985 26,873 27,908 28,497 28,782 29,613 311,751 32,224 34.045 36,043 116 466 5(18 557 641 673 739 793 840 945 1,036 1,097 1,157 1,186 1.191 1,222 1 ,258 1,320 1,388 1,470 367 444 452 524 558 624 624 707 683 818 812 902 858 926 837 903 836 921 872 962 21.96 21.43 20.72 20.19 19.78 19.24 18.66 18.21 17.98 17.65 17.30 16.92 16.75 16.57 16.50 16.42 16.39 16.32 16.24 16.18 15 29 14.30 13.20 12.50 11.99 11.43 10.90 10.57 10.48 10.34 10.16 10.02 10.06 10.12 10.25 10.39 10.55 10.68 10.76 1088 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 63.344 68,741 77,930 87,071 97,706 107,258 124,785 162,242 182,527 198,851 217,721 242,233 274,249 310,445 343,012 362.420 379,896 397,235 412,226 38,820 42,478 48,444 54,456 61,383 67,757 79,229 103,339 115,997 125,558 136,819 151,524 170,319 191,989 210,922 221,011 229,056 237,454 245.375 1.584 1.692 1,884 2,127 2,394 2,646 2,969 3,669 4,495 4,934 5,409 5,932 6,695 7,566 8,498 9,115 9,622 10,040 10,422 934 15.98 1,017 15.71 1,011 15.51 1.163 15.29 1,188 15.13 1,324 14.94 1,354 14.78 1,696 14.66 1,932 14.69 2,171 14.84 2,288 14.95 2,571 15.05 2.836 15.23 3,2X5 15.33 3,646 15.48 4,036 15.69 4.284 15.98 4,622 16.20 4,887 16.31 Gas services — equipment and structures 1947 9,371 10,819 11.934 13,477 15,105 16,401 17,747 18,575 20,542 23.468 25,881 27.399 29.160 30,020 30,810 31,420 30,916 31,727 33,784 35,865 4,959 5,861 6,623 7,744 8,917 9,762 10,683 11,187 12,415 14.324 15,877 16,859 17,998 18,492 18,910 19,178 18,650 19,046 20,244 21,590 236 295 333 376 440 489 548 584 624 725 826 892 958 1,005 1,035 1,061 1,071 1,068 1,130 1,204 160 209 203 239 232 276 270 325 316 418 431 524 514 604 567 647 604 675 673 782 18.60 18.17 17.64 16.81 16.09 15.80 15.41 15.26 15.04 14.72 14.50 14.32 14.14 14.09 1 1 118 14.09 14.19 14.22 14.24 14.07 13.28 12.54 11.77 10.81 10.05 9.84 9.52 9.50 9.37 9.17 9.05 9.02 8.96 9.06 9.15 9.32 9.54 9.68 9.74 9.64 1967 37,506 40,942 43,548 46,630 50,851 54,069 59,309 77,928 87,033 89.420 95,910 108,120 116,811 132,207 142,528 146,247 149,181 151,467 152,952 22,548 24,810 26,432 28,2114 30,490 32,293 35,332 46,186 50,763 51,217 54,128 60,366 64,629 72,477 77,821 79,239 79,390 78,964 78,711 1,272 1,379 1,473 1,583 1,709 1,821 1,964 2,311 2,821 3,009 3,134 3,497 3,826 4,259 4,770 5,028 5,152 5,207 5,202 771 892 886 1,008 1.060 1,192 1.242 1,530 1,856 2,062 2,171 2,462 2,643 2,947 3,292 3,476 3,631 3,743 3,914 14.04 13.84 13.77 13.79 14.03 14.14 14.26 14.56 14.94 15.27 15.59 15.93 16.11 16.32 16.36 16.48 16.85 17.26 17.54 9.66 1948 1968 9.53 1949 1969 9.50 1950 1970 9.61 1951 1971 9.89 1952 1972 10.05 1953 1973 10.16 1954 1974 10.47 1955 1975 10.88 1956 1976 11.28 1957 1977 11.61 1958 1978 11.92 1959 1979 12.04 196(1 1980 12.18 1961 1981 12.12 1962 1982 12.15 1963 1983 12.49 1964 1984 12.87 1965 1985 13.03 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 89 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Gas services — equipment 555 737 910 1,203 1,497 1,773 2,196 2,456 2,875 3,474 4,042 4,547 5,094 5,335 5,569 5,807 5,905 6,053 6,2X9 6,707 339 499 641 871 1,072 1,244 1,542 1,654 1,879 2,244 2,589 2,877 3,192 3,253 3,310 3,350 3,266 3,240 3,283 3,456 64 81 109 132 159 182 204 244 287 322 357 382 395 410 421 42S 444 475 42 42 41 38 38 37 41 50 67 91 119 141 169 194 209 228 247 273 305 346 6 90 5.47 4 69 4.14 4 06 4.11 104 4.41 4.73 J 90 5.04 5.22 5 4 1 5.75 6 05 6.39 6.82 7.16 7.42 7.58 3.06 2.64 2.62 2.61 2.83 3.04 3.02 3.41 3 os 3.77 3.82 3.91 4 03 4.32 4.55 4.82 5.19 5.42 5.54 5 53 1967 1968 1969 1070 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 19X1 19X2 19X3 19X4 10X5 6,955 7,387 7,816 8.387 8,799 0,162 9,965 11,942 13,358 14,162 15,283 16,5X4 1X.2S9 20,653 23.558 25,205 25,642 25,286 25,039 3,400 3,675 3,872 4,109 4,261 4,444 4,990 6,049 6,7X8 7,166 7,767 8,555 9,521 10,755 12,570 13,546 13,500 12,663 12,0X0 504 543 580 624 672 704 7 14 844 999 1,073 1,153 1,263 1,3X8 1,549 1,773 1,056 2,010 2,016 1,971 379 421 455 50-1 577 626 1,005 1,0X8 7.79 7.88 7.89 7.94 7.99 7.95 7 67 7.57 7.57 7.53 7.44 7.26 7.13 7.07 6.83 6.77 6.89 7.25 7.53 5.63 5.57 5.43 5.37 5.34 5.18 4.79 4.67 4.71 4.77 4.77 4.69 4 60 4.70 4.51 4.52 4.73 5.19 Gas services — structures 8,817 10,082 11,024 12,274 13,607 14,629 15,552 16,119 17,667 19,994 21,839 22,852 24,067 24,6X5 25,241 25,614 25,011 25,674 27,495 29,157 4,620 5,363 5,9X2 6,873 7,846 8,518 9.142 9,533 10,536 12,080 13,288 13,982 14,806 15,239 15,599 15,828 15,384 15,806 16,960 18,134 202 247 260 295 331 357 389 402 420 481 539 570 600 623 640 651 050 640 680 729 118 167 162 201 195 240 228 275 249 327 313 383 345 410 358 419 357 402 368 436 1934 19 09 18.70 18-06 17.41 17.22 17.02 16.91 16.72 16.43 16.25 16.13 15.99 15,89 1 5 85 15.84 15 93 15.XX 15.80 15 56 1403 13.46 12.75 11.85 11.04 10.84 10.61 10 55 10.39 10.18 10.07 10.07 10.02 10.08 10,13 10.27 10.46 10.55 10.55 10.43 1067 1068 1060 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1970 10X0 19X1 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 30.551 33,556 35,732 3X -4.3 12,051 44,907 40,343 65,0X5 73,674 75,258 80,627 91,536 98,523 111,554 118,970 121,043 123.539 126,1X1 127.913 19,040 21,135 22,301 24,095 26,229 27X48 30,343 40,137 43,975 44,051 46,360 51,812 55.108 61,722 65.246 65.604 05X00 06,301 00,030 768 830 892 959 1,037 1,118 1,220 1.468 1 .822 1,936 1,981 2.234 2,138 2,710 2,991 3,072 3.133 3,191 5,231 392 15.46 10.40 471 15.16 10.22 431 15.06 10.20 503 15.07 10.33 483 15.30 10.63 500 15.41 10.82 503 15.59 11.04 730 15.83 11.35 851 16.28 11.84 973 16.72 12.34 974 17.14 12.76 1,163 17.50 13.11 1,264 17.78 13.32 1,454 18.03 13.49 1,635 18.25 13.59 1,722 18.50 13.73 1,836 18.91 14.08 1,929 19.26 14.33 2,066 19.49 14.40 Sanitary services — equipment and structures 1947 3,009 3,116 2,980 3,072 3,298 3,334 3,281 3,214 3,364 3,657 3,724 3,758 3,679 3,622 3,623 3,677 3,764 3,820 3,923 4,153 1,319 1,362 1,315 1,371 1,478 1,506 1,501 1,488 1,579 1,740 1,773 1,809 1,791 1,769 1,782 1,828 1,892 1,941 2,004 2,164 90 97 95 90 99 101 100 97 95 104 110 109 109 107 106 106 109 111 113 119 118 123 126 112 129 127 128 121 119 127 132 131 130 124 121 123 121 125 123 130 22.66 22.59 22.20 21.89 21.79 21.62 21.29 21.03 20.76 20.55 20.53 20.34 20.08 20.07 20.00 19.86 19.67 19.44 19.34 18.91 15.17 15.17 14.89 14.56 14.48 14.28 13.95 13.65 13.35 13.07 13.04 12.81 1 2 58 12.51 12.42 12.26 12.07 11.91 11.87 11.51 1967 4,306 4,595 5,035 5,563 6,043 6,540 7,336 9,094 9,659 10,030 10,908 12,929 14,976 16,663 17,667 18,159 19,155 20,061 21,880 2,243 2,430 2,718 3,053 3,365 3,703 4,214 5,270 5,573 5,759 6,272 7,482 8,749 9,701 10,243 10,465 10,930 11,384 12,423 124 132 142 155 169 184 201 241 277 291 313 357 428 509 577 634 676 738 822 133 141 144 159 166 171 176 207 225 234 245 273 305 339 354 380 389 407 443 18.89 18.55 18.14 17.78 17.45 17.05 16.72 16.53 16.50 16.49 16.40 16.24 15.98 15.91 15.75 15.61 15.65 15.53 15.37 11 60 1948 1968 11 38 1949 1969 11 06 1950 1970 10 86 1951 1971 10 67 1952 1972 10 47 1953 1973 10 34 1954 1974 10 36 1955 1975 10 52 1956 1976... . 10 70 1957 1977 10 74 1958 1978 .. . 10 73 1959 1979... 10 65 1960 1980 10 73 1961 1981 10 69 1962 1982 . 10 70 1963 1983 10 85 1964 1984 10 82 1965 1985 10 72 1966 Sanitary services — equipment 529 540 536 557 581 590 595 594 634 700 755 772 774 754 709 680 679 685 681 696 200 289 277 280 284 282 281 279 296 331 352 359 358 346 323 309 309 310 308 317 9.05 9.67 10 20 10.85 11.45 12.04 12.54 13.00 13.52 14.03 14.50 14.85 15 00 15 30 15.42 15.44 15.47 15.51 15.47 1526 7.05 7.68 821 8.69 9.18 9.59 9.83 10.03 10.25 10.44 10.64 10.74 10.79 10.84 10.82 10 70 10.57 10.49 10.35 10 04 1067 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 1081 19X5 736 753 781 833 866 897 937 1,058 1 ,228 1,328 1,439 1,654 1,951 2,4X3 3,115 3,579 33135 4,438 1,005 333 337 349 370 390 413 441 506 575 611 680 831 1,057 1,42(1 1,850 2,142 2,340 2,661 3,040 30 3X 38 40 42 45 48 54 03, 70 78 93 116 ; 52 204 292 340 395 10 15.35 10.08 40 15.48 10.16 12 15.63 10.14 1,, 15.81 10.20 50 15.61 9.90 4 s 15.31 9.46 49 14.86 8.98 55 14.23 8.55 64 14.69 9.02 66 14.82 9.18 74 14.22 8.58 81 13.07 7,47 92 11.51 6.28 97 10.40 5.51 111 9.40 4.95 130 8.69 4.76 139 8.20 4.66 149 7.66 4.45 168 6.92 4.10 90 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Sanitary services — structures 1947 1948 1949 195U 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 195G 1957 lo.ix 1959 196(i 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 2,479 2,575 2,444 2,515 2,717 2,745 2,6X6 2,619 2,730 2,950 2,970 2,9X6 2,905 2,868 2,914 2,997 3,085 3,135 3,242 3,456 1.022 1.072 1,038 1,092 1,195 1.223 1,220 1,210 1,283 1,409 1,421 1,451 1,433 1,422 1,459 1,519 1,584 1,630 1,696 1,847 97 99 100 25 56 25.30 24.82 24.33 24.00 23.68 23.23 22.85 22.44 22.11 22.06 21.76 21.41 21.32 21.11 20.87 20.59 20.30 20.15 19.65 17.52 17.20 16.66 16.07 15.74 15.36 14.89 14.48 14.07 13.69 13.64 13.32 13.03 12.92 12.77 12.57 12.36 12.19 12.14 11.77 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197x 1979 1981) 1981 1982 198:! 1984 19X5 3,571 3,843 4,254 4,730 5,177 5,643 6,398 8,036 8,431 8,702 9,469 11,275 13,026 14,180 14,553 14,581 15,220 15,623 16,885 1,909 2,093 2,369 2,682 2,975 3,290 3,773 4,763 4,999 5,147 5,593 6,651 7,692 8,280 8,393 8,324 8,5X0 8,723 9,384 94 104 115 127 139 153 187 213 221 235 265 312 357 374 379 383 398 427 94 19.62 101 19.15 103 18.60 114 18.12 116 17.75 123 17.33 127 17.00 152 16.83 161 16.76 168 16.74 171 16.73 192 16.70 213 16.65 243 16.87 243 17.11 250 17.31 250 17.58 258 17.77 275 17.87 Wholesale trade — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 5,688 6,513 6,890 7,660 8,534 8,951 9,352 9.767 10,737 11,932 12.763 13.261 13.822 14.413 15.058 16.180 17,763 19,648 22,006 24,976 3,066 3,671 3,951 4,481 5,004 5,140 5.348 5,553 6,1X9 6,917 7,416 7.643 7,989 8,439 8,871 9,726 10,900 12.26:; 13,946 15.900 370 438 490 525 604 654 689 737 771 866 933 963 989 1,016 1,050 1,103 1,206 1,340 1,498 1.699 302 330 359 383 399 393 427 494 534 628 687 715 764 789 806 815 857 902 964 1,017 8.56 8.08 7.85 7.68 7.64 7.75 7.72 7.74 7.67 7.63 7.59 7.64 7.65 7.57 7.60 7.45 7.25 7.06 6.87 6.78 5.74 5.24 5.11 5.04 5.09 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.18 5.13 5.09 5.17 5.19 5.11 5.16 5.03 4.88 4.76 4.68 4.69 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19X3 19X4 19X5 27,832 31,734 35,503 40,011 44,656 49,399 57,756 71,613 78,797 88,028 99,872 118,485 133,366 152,262 173,198 185,312 202,855 226,574 247,346 17,584 20,036 22,415 25,051 27,745 30,655 36,386 44,869 48,594 53,822 60,922 72,782 81,610 92,165 104,412 111,001 122,589 139,578 153.XXX 1,923 2,209 2,479 2,762 3,084 3,371 3,781 4,547 5,313 5,898 6,665 7,697 8,889 10,139 11,544 12,739 13,693 15,245 16,857 1,111 1,246 1,356 1,485 1,687 1,898 2,116 2,529 3,086 3,559 4,180 4,887 5,497 6,385 7,406 8,402 8,855 9,339 10,006 6.75 6.75 6.83 6.92 7.09 7.20 7.08 7.12 7.26 7.37 7.45 7.59 7.57 7.72 7.81 7.88 7.94 7.79 7.68 Wholesale trade — equipment 1947 4,099 4,755 5,081 5,623 6,241 6,599 6,905 7,168 7,812 8,618 9,124 9,316 9,555 9,814 10,074 10,737 11,834 13,019 14,508 16,450 2,132 2.623 2,866 3,247 3,608 3,733 3,873 3,957 4,366 4,813 5,047 5,010 5,093 5,268 5,415 5,927 6,748 7,565 8,580 9,768 329 390 439 473 541 588 620 666 695 777 834 857 874 891 915 957 1,047 1,164 1,299 1,474 283 308 337 359 370 361 396 458 501 584 644 669 716 737 754 763 798 846 896 947 5.95 5.54 5.35 5.16 5.09 5.18 5.22 5.33 5.28 5.32 5.42 5.62 5.71 5.69 5.69 5.52 5.28 5.13 4.97 4.90 3.41 3.10 3.12 3.14 3.24 3.42 3.52 3.61 3.50 3.50 3.58 3.78 3.84 3.78 3.77 3.56 3.35 3.26 3.18 3.19 1967 18,502 21,119 23,459 26,191 28.342 30,642 35,614 43,895 48,303 54,134 61,228 70,506 80,566 90,970 102,731 110,566 119,778 133,966 144,984 10,876 12,449 13,876 15,252 16,148 17,318 20,570 25,009 26,851 29,949 33,959 39,634 45,349 50,287 56,585 60,705 67,236 77,867 84,977 1,674 1,932 2,159 2,401 2,662 2,881 3,207 3,849 4,492 4,996 5,646 6,522 7,515 8,538 9,693 10,690 11,472 12,785 14,129 1,039 1,163 1,262 1,388 1,574 1,774 1,974 2,370 2,899 3,360 3,944 4,592 5,197 5,980 6,988 7,865 8,325 8,708 9,314 4.91 4.85 4.83 4.92 5.06 5.11 4.96 5.05 5.21 5.21 5.18 5.06 5.02 5.11 5.10 5.10 4.95 4.70 4.62 3.27 1948 1968 3.24 1949 1969 3.23 1950 1970 3.33 1951 1971 3.46 1952 .... 1972 3.48 1953 1973 3.28 1954 1974 3.37 1955 1975 3.53 1956 1976 3.49 1957 1977 3.42 1958 1978 3.29 1959 1979 3.26 1960 1980 3.36 1961 1981 3.36 1962 1982 3.37 1963 1983 3.19 1964 1984 2.96 1965 1985 2.93 1966 Wholesale trade — structures 1947 1,589 1,758 1,809 2,036 2,293 2,353 2,447 2,598 2,924 3,315 3,639 3.945 4,267 4,600 1.984 5,444 5,930 6,628 7,498 8,526 934 1,048 1,084 1,233 1,396 1,407 1,476 1,596 1,823 2,104 2,368 2.633 2,896 3,172 3,456 3,799 4,153 4,698 5,366 6,132 42 49 50 52 63 66 68 70 76 89 99 106 115 125 135 146 160 176 198 225 19 22 22 24 29 32 31 36 32 44 43 46 47 52 51 53 59 56 68 70 15.29 14.98 14.88 14.65 14.55 14.96 14.78 14.38 14.05 13.64 13.04 12.42 12.00 11.59 11.44 11.26 11.16 10.83 10.56 10.41 11.07 10.59 10.37 Kill.-, 9.89 10.32 10.04 9.59 9.22 8.84 8.31 7.82 7.55 7.33 7.34 7.32 7.37 7.18 7.08 7.08 1967 9,330 10,614 12,044 13,819 16,315 18,758 22,142 27,718 30,494 33,894 38,644 47,979 52,800 61,292 70,468 74,747 83,076 92,608 102.362 6,708 7,587 8,539 9,799 11,597 13,337 15,816 19,860 21,742 23,873 26,963 33,147 36,261 41,878 47,828 50,297 55,353 61.711 68,911 249 277 319 361 422 490 575 697 822 902 1,019 1,176 1,374 1,601 1,851 2,048 2,221 2,461 2,728 71 83 94 97 113 124 142 159 187 199 236 294 300 405 418 536 531 631 692 10.40 10.54 10.73 10.71 10.64 10.61 10.48 10.39 10.51 10.82 11.05 11.30 11.45 11.59 11.76 11.99 12.25 12.26 12.02 7.18 1948 1968 7.43 1949 1969 7.72 1950 1970 7.76 1951 1971 7.74 1952 1972 7.76 1953 1054 1973 7.67 1974 7.61 1955 1956 1975 7.76 1976 8.08 1957 1977 8.32 1" ■ 1978 8.57 1959 1979 8.67 ! 1980 8.78 1961 1981 8.89 I'll. ■ 1982 9.08 196 : 1983 9.26 l'n,; 1984 9.19 1965 1985 8.84 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 91 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Retail trade — equipment and structures 1947 . 20,367 22,081 22,438 24,686 26,785 27,297 27,893 28,533 30,762 33,009 34,036 34,611 35,751 36,442 37,577 38,950 40,899 43,213 46,521 51,263 9,089 10,256 10,664 12,072 13,132 13,218 13,704 14,166 15,587 16,953 17,655 18,183 19,157 19,838 20,720 21,795 23,218 24,934 27,466 30,871 899 1,041 1,117 1,190 1,388 1,464 1,530 1,606 1,677 1,836 1,946 1,982 2,043 2,105 2,151 2,212 2,301 2,433 2,580 2,811 861 954 985 1,010 1,155 1,183 1,272 1,384 1,395 1,672 1,784 1,823 1,881 1,916 1,920 1,948 1,974 2,045 2,099 2,192 17.17 16.48 15.91 15.36 15.13 15.02 14.50 14.07 13.68 13.37 13.00 12.58 12.10 11.72 11.45 11.16 10.85 10.52 10.16 9.79 11.50 10.46 9.80 9.14 8.95 8.97 8.52 8.20 7.78 7.56 7.37 7.16 6.88 6.72 6.64 6.56 6.47 6.36 6.19 6.05 1967 55,221 61,568 68,547 75,805 84.076 92,242 104,176 126,704 138,103 152,463 169,692 203,778 226,901 258,114 292,845 311,499 340,962 372,145 399,696 33,519 37,753 42,329 46,839 51,907 57,056 64,872 78,574 85,132 93,317 102,908 124,231 138,727 156,884 177,505 188,061 206,168 225,631 242,985 3,073 3,377 3,732 4,087 4,540 5,030 5,528 6,299 7,327 8,061 8,992 10,161 11,934 13,686 15,138 16,915 18,277 19,419 21,080 2,256 2,444 2,523 2,707 2,952 3,343 3,775 3,853 4,558 4,963 5,777 6,388 7,842 9,143 9,275 11,251 12,022 11,721 12,632 9.52 9.35 9.26 9.21 9.29 9.30 9.20 9.18 9.19 9.30 9.46 9.59 9.44 9.51 9.60 9.61 9.68 9.72 9.70 6.03 1948 1968.. .. 6.05 1949 1969 6.12 1950 1970 6.24 1951 1971 6.42 1952 1972 6.51 1953 1973 6.49 1954 1974 6.57 1955 1975 6.65 1956 1976 6.79 1957 1977 6.99 1958 1978 7.07 1959 1979 6.92 1960 1980 7.01 1961 1981 7.07 1962 1982 7.08 1963 1983 7.10 1964 1984 7.08 1965 1985 7.01 1966 Retail trade — equipment 6,656 7,731 8,393 9,657 10,902 11,561 12,388 13.035 14,210 15,361 16,074 16,528 17,272 17,734 18,078 18,583 19,436 20,433 21,572 23,729 3,650 4,432 4,870 5,721 6,422 6,611 7,043 7,277 7,957 8,557 8,806 8,915 9.303 9,562 9,676 9,958 10,448 11,051 11,839 13,279 535 639 725 801 949 1,024 1,096 1,181 1,240 1,356 1,440 1,480 1,531 1,577 1,607 1,643 1,700 1,793 1,885 2,043 413 447 475 513 563 550 660 763 818 1,005 1,102 1,158 1,245 1.291 1.304 1.327 1,379 1,452 1,511 1 ,588 5.71 5.32 5.16 4.95 4.94 5.09 5.11 5.24 5.26 5.33 5.47 5.60 5.63 5.65 5.72 5.73 5.74 5.72 5 63 5.50 3.41 3.16 3.18 3.13 3.23 3.43 3.47 3.58 3.52 3.57 3.70 3.82 3.83 3 83 3.88 3.86 3.83 3.78 3.67 3.54 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 25,627 27,972 30,270 32,727 34,704 37,286 41,802 50,803 56,204 62,315 69.725 79.092 91,066 102,790 115,009 124,282 134,995 146,570 157,480 14,343 15,701 17,011 18,185 19,017 20,487 23, 193 27,846 30,708 34,131 38.313 .13.808 51.065 56,808 63,408 68,441 75,449 83,123 89,738 2,237 2,451 2,660 2,879 3,107 3,319 3,628 4,212 4,940 5,472 6,090 6,891 7.881 9,000 10,107 11,078 11,957 12,928 13.954 1,697 5.48 3.57 1,824 5.44 3.57 1,921 5.42 3.58 2,048 5.47 3.66 2,205 5.55 3.75 2,383 5.53 3.69 2,603 5.46 3.60 3,028 5.54 3.68 3,650 5.55 3.67 4,100 5.51 3.62 4,605 5.48 3.58 5,208 5.41 3.51 5.853 5.30 3.42 6,685 5.37 3.53 7,658 5.37 3.54 8,418 5.37 3.56 8,992 5.27 3.45 9,418 5.17 3.36 10,026 5.13 3.36 Retail trade — structures 1947 13,711 14,350 14,045 15,029 15,883 15,736 15,505 15,498 16,551 17,648 17,961 18,084 18,479 18,708 19,499 20,367 21,463 22,780 24,950 27,533 5,439 5,824 5,794 6,351 6,711 6,607 6,661 6,889 7,630 8,396 8,849 9,268 9,854 10,275 11,043 11,838 12,770 13,883 15,627 17,592 364 402 392 389 439 439 435 425 437 481 506 502 512 528 544 569 602 640 695 769 447 508 510 497 592 633 611 621 577 667 682 665 636 626 616 621 596 594 588 603 22.74 22.50 22.34 22.04 22.13 22.32 22.01 21.50 20.91 20.37 19.73 18.96 18.14 17.48 16.75 16.10 15.48 14.83 14.08 13.49 16.94 16.02 15 36 14.54 14.43 14.51 13.87 13.07 12.23 11.63 11.01 10.37 9.77 9.41 9.06 8.83 8.63 8.41 8.10 7.95 1967 29,595 33,596 38,277 43,078 49,372 54,956 62,375 75,902 81.899 90,147 99,966 124,686 13., .835 155,325 177,836 187,217 205,967 225,575 242,216 19,176 22,052 25,317 28,654 32,890 36,569 41,679 50,728 54,424 59,186 64,596 80,423 87.662 100.076 114,097 119,620 130,720 142,508 153,247 836 926 1,072 1,208 1,434 1,711 1,900 2,087 2,387 2,589 2,902 3,269 4,052 4,685 5,031 5,837 6,320 6,490 7,126 559 620 602 659 747 960 1,172 825 908 863 1,172 1,180 1,988 2,457 1,616 2,833 3,030 2,303 2,606 13.03 12.60 12.29 12.06 11.93 11.87 11.70 11.62 11.70 11.91 12.24 12.25 12.22 12 2 1 12.33 12.42 12.57 12.69 12.67 7.87 1948 1968 7.82 1949 1969 7.83 1950 1970 7.88 1951 1971 7.97 1952 1972 8.09 1953 1973 8.10 1954 1974 8.15 1955 1975 8.33 1956 1976 8.61 1957 ... 1977 9.01 1958 1978 9.01 1959 1979 8.96 1960 1980 8.99 1961 1981 9.03 1962 1982 9.10 1963 1983 9.21 1964 1984 9.26 1965 1985 9.15 1966 Finance, insurance, and real estate — equipment and structures 1947 40,727 43,485 43,945 48,743 54,220 56,455 58,213 60,757 67,206 74,579 78,736 81,202 85,477 89,017 94,168 100,321 106,556 114,047 124,795 138,384 19,241 20,848 21,464 24,561 27,917 29,264 30,771 32,765 37,193 42,029 44,957 46,772 50,166 52,908 56,678 61,221 65,558 71,062 79,005 88,633 1,241 1,415 1,481 1,587 1,905 2,051 2,185 2,335 2,535 2,900 3,207 3,332 3,510 3,741 3,922 4,130 4,377 4,656 5,048 5,559 1,064 1,185 1,231 1,249 1,479 1,505 1,597 1,655 1,794 2,053 2,263 2,375 2,520 2,724 2,854 3,018 3,247 3,449 3,665 3,973 20.15 19.88 19.45 18.82 18.34 18.08 17.52 16.91 16.28 15.76 15.26 14.87 14.29 13.85 13.51 13.15 12.91 12.60 12.25 11.96 15.14 14.50 13.77 12.79 12.13 11.81 11.19 10.59 9.96 9.53 9.19 8.98 8.60 8.37 8.22 8.06 8.02 7.90 7.75 7.66 1967 149,735 168,272 188,966 210,948 238.922 265,406 301,082 361,906 388,244 423,387 472,472 567,430 625,339 716,088 812,293 868,377 946,928 1,033,561 1,102,755 96,327 109,082 123,920 138,838 157,673 175,465 199.428 237,867 251,533 270,115 298,406 35., .805 390,124 443,431 499,026 529,531 573,978 627,322 670,597 6,140 6,839 7,572 8,351 9,346 10,336 11,522 13,562 15,689 17,177 19,108 21,909 25.489 29,493 34,012 38,043 40,803 44,616 48,547 4,257 4,632 4,811 4,949 5,240 5,522 5,849 6,466 7,510 8,097 9,188 10,385 11,908 13,981 16,081 18,669 19,986 22,379 23,844 11.72 11.60 11.50 11.43 11.44 11.46 11.43 11.52 11.68 11.93 12.11 12.39 12.32 12.38 12.45 12.42 12.60 12.59 12.54 7.65 1948 1968 7.69 1949 1969 7.72 1950 1970 7.80 1951 1971 7.93 1952 1972 8.05 1953 1973 8.12 1954 1974 8.31 1955 1975 8.59 1956 1976 8.91 1957 1977 9.12 1958 1978 9.37 1959 1979 9.30 1960 1980 9.35 1961 1981 9.39 1962 1982 9.34 1963 1983 9.44 1964 1984 9.33 1965 1985 9.19 1966 — 92 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Finance, insurance, and real estate — equipment 1947 1948 1949 19r>(l 1951 1952 !'<".:■: 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 19i;il 1961 19112 1963 1964 19(15 1911(1 4, (153 5,589 6,441 7,983 9.574 10,449 11.928 13,267 15.295 17,644 19,531 20,546 22,604 24,029 25.118 26,171 27.352 29.279 31, 5115 35,239 2.579 3,275 3.891 5,035 6,101 6,468 7,406 8,085 9,326 10,636 11,508 11,662 12,824 13,413 13,751 14.044 14,402 15.560 1(1.982 19,295 365 445 529 637 808 914 1,031 1,185 1,328 1,541 1,747 1,861 1,993 2,152 2,259 2,351 2,463 2,605 2,812 3,086 241 267 298 340 362 373 444 518 621 760 901 1,047 1,205 1,375 1,524 1,680 1,901 2,109 2,306 2,549 5.66 5.25 5.00 4.62 4.46 4.59 4.51 4.61 4.61 4.70 4.87 5.14 5.15 5.27 5.41 5.54 5.68 5.64 5.57 5.46 3.42 3.09 3.01 2.84 2.84 3.08 3.06 3.17 3.14 3.21 3.35 3.60 3.55 3.62 3.72 3.82 3.90 3.78 3.65 3.52 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19.85 39,492 43,713 47,237 52,287 57,145 61,817 70,044 87,324 99,434 111,767 126,974 148,855 176,626 207,439 240,211 267,755 286,871 315,048 338,1176 21,873 24,572 27,326 30,633 33,624 36,648 42,237 52,952 59,955 66,821 75,918 89,824 107,654 125,477 143.786 158.149 168,338 186,235 200,3(12 3,465 3,901 4,186 4,550 5,012 5,430 5,942 7,077 8,417 9,499 10,680 12,427 14,668 17,158 20,042 22,795 24,424 26,752 29,298 2,841 3,140 3,218 3,248 3,396 3,590 3,726 4,206 4,883 5,419 6,126 7,008 8,098 9,478 11,183 13,060 14,207 15,500 16,683 5.38 5.30 5.15 5.07 5.06 5.03 4.91 4.88 4.95 5.01 5.02 4.95 4.88 4.96 5.04 5.15 5.24 5.21 5.21 Finance, insurance, and real estate — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 195- 1959 19(10 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 19C6 36.074 37,896 37,503 40,760 44,646 K1.0II5 46.285 47,490 51,911 56,935 59,205 60,6.56 62,873 64.988 69,050 74,150 79,204 84,769 93.229 103.145 16.662 17,574 17,573 19,526 21,816 22,795 23,365 24,680 27,867 31,393 33,449 35,110 37,342 39,495 42.927 47,177 51,156 55,503 62,023 69.339 876 971 952 951 1,097 1,137 1.155 1,150 1,207 1,359 1,460 1,471 1,517 1.589 1.663 1,779 1,914 2,051 2.236 2,473 824 918 933 909 1,117 1.132 1.153 1,137 1,172 1,294 1,362 1,329 1,315 1,350 1,330 1,338 1,346 1,340 1,359 1,424 2202 22(11 21.94 21.60 21.32 21.14 20.87 2035 19.72 19.19 18.69 18.17 17.58 17.03 16.45 15.83 15.41 15.00 14.52 14.17 16.96 16.63 16.15 15.36 14.72 14.29 13.77 13.02 12.24 11.67 11.20 10.77 1(1 33 9.99 9.66 9.32 9.18 9.06 8.87 8.81 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972 1973 1974. 1975 . 1976. 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981. 1982 1983 1984 1985. 110,243 124,560 141,728 158,661 181,776 203,589 231,039 274,582 288,810 311,620 345,498 418,576 448,714 508,649 572,082 1100,622 660,057 718,513 764,678 74,454 84,510 96,594 108,205 124,048 138,817 157,191 184,915 191,578 203,294 222,487 265,981 282,471 317,954 355,240 371,382 405,640 441,087 470.235 2,675 2,938 3,387 3,801 4,334 4,906 5,581 6,485 7,271 7,678 8,428 9,482 10,822 12,335 13,970 15,248 16,379 17,864 19,249 1,416 1,492 1,593 1,701 1,844 1,932 2,122 2,261 2,626 2,677 3,062 3,376 3,810 4,503 4,898 5,609 5,780 6,879 7,161 13.99 13.80 13 61 13.53 13.45 13.41 13.41 13.63 14.00 14.41 14.72 15.03 15.25 15.41 15.56 15.66 15.80 15.83 15.78 Banking — equipment and structures 1947 4,358 4,514 4,407 4,696 5.024 5,020 5,029 5,085 5,538 6,019 6,266 6,418 6,684 6,908 7,260 7,861 8.4(111 9,120 10,118 11,341 1,682 1,758 1,741 1,896 2,077 2,075 2,163 2,279 2,630 2,985 3,247 3,450 3,724 3,954 4,256 4,745 5,139 5,684 6,425 7,300 131 144 142 142 162 166 170 175 184 209 229 238 251 270 286 309 344 378 425 484 157 178 181 174 215 210 209 218 215 246 253 246 242 253 260 254 281 286 315 350 22.23 22.19 22.07 21.84 21.56 21.59 20.97 20.27 19.28 18.43 17.49 16.59 15.67 14.85 14.16 13.28 12.69 12.04 11.40 10.88 16.95 16.35 15.68 14.84 14.10 13.92 12.83 11.85 10.63 9.84 9.10 8.54 8.03 7.70 7.48 7.12 7.05 6.86 6.67 6.58 1967 12,416 14,247 16,000 17,955 20,468 22,957 26,558 33,039 36,476 41,081 46,922 57,788 66,342 78,293 91,235 100,437 107,983 118,083 127,524 8,004 9,314 10,597 11,912 13,563 15,201 17,590 21,776 23,771 26.290 29,554 36,213 41,546 48,768 56.124 60.858 64,287 69,855 75,236 555 650 724 802 914 1,034 1,179 1,462 1,735 1,975 2,273 2,736 3,335 3,936 4,802 5,564 5,994 6,678 7,350 369 425 417 423 429 433 452 478 570 600 738 902 1,071 1,328 1,564 1,997 2,153 2,583 2,901 10.48 10.09 9.94 9.82 9.79 9.75 9.62 9.51 9.51 9.61 9.72 9.78 9.56 9.50 9.51 9.47 9.77 9.81 9.76 6.58 1948. 1968 6.50 1949 . 1969 6.56 1950 . 1970 6.67 1951 .... 1971 6.80 1952 ... 1972 6.89 1953 1973 6.88 1954... . 1974 6.85 1955 1975 6.95 1956 1976 7.10 1957 1977 7.22 1958 .... 1978 7.20 1959 1979 6.95 1960 1980 6.86 1961 1981 6.84 1'H'," 1982 6.81 1963 1983 6.99 1964 1984 6.92 1965 1985 6.77 1966 Banking — equipment 1947 318 361 385 422 483 517 574 608 686 803 913 998 1,118 1,241 1,325 1,498 1,699 1.921 2,279 2,742 150 184 208 236 282 302 348 366 421 500 576 623 693 756 79(1 883 987 1,111 1,352 1,661 25 28 31 33 38 43 48 54 58 69 80 89 98 111 122 134 156 176 205 242 23 24 27 27 29 26 29 32 35 41 44 46 51 56 67 74 96 114 141 169 6.92 6.56 6.24 6.06 5.73 5.65 5.27 5.26 5.09 4.92 4.75 4.76 4.76 4.78 4.87 4.88 4.89 4.89 467 4.52 4.52 3.90 3.61 3.54 3.38 3.44 3.23 3.32 3.23 3.15 3.08 3.19 3.25 3.33 3.46 3.45 3.45 3.41 3.16 3.02 1967 3,445 4,162 4,673 5,409 6,282 7,272 9,028 12,259 14,636 17,450 20,772 26,279 32,994 41,047 49,742 57,520 61,660 68,545 76,228 2,145 2,686 3,149 3,680 4,308 5,043 6,343 8,616 10,180 11,867 13,852 17,642 22,238 27,548 32,798 37,006 38,983 43,025 47,724 297 370 404 446 513 587 677 886 1,089 1,292 1,522 1,896 2,387 2,874 3,617 4,291 4,654 5,249 5,854 204 245 235 228 235 234 233 264 304 350 435 557 691 847 1,060 1,383 1,547 1,840 2,107 4.29 4.09 3.94 3.97 3.99 4.00 3.95 4.01 4.20 4.43 4.65 4.60 4.60 4.70 4.86 5.09 5.31 5.39 5.44 2.84 1948 1968 2.71 1949 1969 2.67 1950 1970 2.79 1951 1971 2.87 1952 1972 2.92 1953 1973 2.90 1954 1974 2.96 1955 1975 3.14 1956 1976 3.35 1957 1977 3.51 1958 1978 3.39 19 ,9 1979 3.34 1960 1980 3.39 1961 1981 3.52 1969 1982 3.72 1963 1983 3.86 1964 1984 3.87 1965 1985 3.84 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 93 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Banking— structures 1947 4,039 4,153 4,022 4,274 4,542 4,504 4,456 4,477 4,852 5,217 5,353 5,420 5,567 5,667 5,935 6,363 6,701 7,199 7,839 8,599 1,532 1,574 1,532 1,659 1,796 1,773 1,815 1.913 2,209 2,485 2,671 2,827 3,031 3,198 3,466 3,863 4,152 4,573 5,074 5,639 106 116 112 109 123 124 123 121 126 140 149 149 153 159 165 175 188 202 220 242 135 154 153 146 187 184 180 186 181 205 209 200 191 197 193 180 186 172 174 181 23.44 23.55 23.58 23.40 23.25 23.42 22.99 22.31 21.28 20.51 19.66 18.77 17.86 17.06 16.24 15.26 14.67 13.95 13.36 12.90 18.17 17.80 17.32 16.45 15.79 15.71 14.67 13.48 12.04 11.18 10.40 9.72 9.12 8.74 8.40 7.96 7.90 7 70 7.61 7.63 1967 8,972 10,085 11,327 12,546 14,186 15,685 17,530 20,780 21.840 23,631 26,150 31,509 33,347 37,245 41,493 42,917 46,323 49,538 51,297 5,859 6,627 7,448 8,232 9,255 10,158 11,246 13,159 13,591 14,423 15,702 18,571 19,308 21,219 23,326 23,852 25,305 26,830 27,512 258 280 320 356 401 448 502 577 646 683 750 840 948 1,063 1,185 1,272 1,339 1,429 1,496 165 180 182 194 194 200 219 215 265 250 304 345 379 482 504 614 606 742 793 12.86 12.57 12.41 12.33 12.36 12.41 12.54 12.75 13.07 13.44 13.75 14.11 14.46 14.80 15.08 15.34 15.71 15.92 16.16 7.96 1948 1968 .... 8.04 1949 1969 8.20 1950 1970 8.40 1951 1971 8.63 1952 1972 . 8.86 1973 9.12 1954 1974 9.40 1975 9.80 1956 1976 10.18 1957 1977 10.49 1958 1978 10.83 1959 1979 11.11 1960 1980 . 11.36 1961 1981 11.49 1962 1982 11.60 1963 1983 11.80 1964 1984.... 11.82 1965 1985. . 11.85 1966 Federal Reserve banks— equipment and structures 1947 91 94 93 105 117 125 130 132 143 163 184 190 198 206 214 219 225 231 241 257 47 48 46 55 63 68 73 74 81 96 114 119 125 131 136 136 137 137 140 148 3 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 15.82 16.37 16.64 16.00 15.72 15.39 14.94 14.83 14.73 13.95 12.76 12.49 12.34 12.09 12.17 12.50 12.79 13.12 13.36 13.53 11.62 12.06 12.17 10.98 10.46 9.93 9.41 9.38 9.30 8.55 7.51 7.46 7.50 7.47 7.72 8.24 8.74 9.24 9.62 9.88 1967 272 293 315 346 404 448 516 640 716 813 922 1,099 1.171 1,342 1,525 1,644 1,767 1,922 1,976 155 166 179 199 240 268 314 396 453 518 .-,s;, 681 713 816 922 996 1,048 1,136 1,140 11 11 12 13 14 16 18 21 25 28 32 38 43 49 58 67 73 81 86 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 12 12 14 16 19 22 25 30 30 37 38 13.47 13.80 14.11 14.05 13.52 13.43 13.08 12.64 12.17 11.93 11.96 12.42 12.68 12.66 12.66 12.43 12.79 12.77 13.12 9.86 1948 1968 10.18 1949 1969 10.37 1950 1970 10.18 1951 1971 . 9.46 1952 1972 9.34 1953 1973 8.95 1954 1974. 8.51 1955 1975. 8.05 1956 1976 7.87 1957 1977 ... . 7.97 1958 1978 8.48 1959 1979 8.79 1960 1980 8.76 1961 ['.181 8.77 1962 1982 8.57 1963 1983 8.93 1964 1984 8.89 1965 19X5 9.27 1966 Federal Reserve banks — equipment 1947 12 12 12 14 15 15 17 18 18 19 21 22 22 23 25 28 31 33 35 37 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 11 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 15 16 17 17 18 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 6.28 6.29 6.32 5.96 5.71 5.50 5.08 4.85 5.21 5.31 5.19 5.12 5.24 5.35 5.05 4.81 4.86 4.97 5.10 5.27 407 4.13 4.20 3.75 3.54 3.42 3.11 3.01 3.52 3.62 3.44 3.34 3.51 3.66 3.29 3.10 3.24 3.40 3.55 3.70 1967 41 41 40 40 47 51 59 72 79 94 116 147 170 214 265 334 373 424 439 19 19 21 22 29 33 39 46 50 60 74 95 108 140 172 220 243 274 269 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 10 13 15 18 23 29 33 39 41 5 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 8 10 11 13 15 5.32 5.43 5.00 4.83 4.16 3.89 3.83 4.09 4.16 4.21 4.19 4.13 4.30 4.16 4.16 4.01 4.12 4.20 4.61 3.65 1948 1968 3.65 1949 1969 3.05 1950 1970 2.96 1951 1971 2.49 1952 1972 2.47 1953 1973 2.59 1954 1974 2.94 1955 1975 3.02 1956 1976 3.05 1957 1977 3.00 1958 1978 2.90 1959 1979 3.07 1960 1980 2.87 1961 1981 2.88 1962 1982 2.75 1963 1983 2.84 1964 1984 2.92 1965 1985 3.31 1966 Federal Reserve banks — structures 1947 79 82 81 92 103 109 113 114 125 143 163 168 175 183 190 191 195 198 207 220 41 42 41 48 55 60 63 64 71 85 103 108 113 120 123 121 120 120 123 130 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 17.31 17.91 18.21 17.48 17.15 16.76 16.40 16.45 16.12 15.12 13.73 13.44 13.24 12.94 13.11 13.61 14.03 14.46 14.75 14.92 12.70 13.18 13.30 11.99 11.41 10.81 10.35 10.43 10.09 9.14 7.95 7.90 7.91 7.84 8.19 8.87 9.47 10.05 10.46 10.71 1967 231 252 275 306 358 397 457 569 637 719 806 952 1,001 1,128 1,260 1,311 1,394 1,497 1,538 136 147 158 176 211 235 275 350 402 458 511 586 605 676 750 776 805 862 871 7 7 8 8 10 11 13 15 18 20 22 25 28 31 35 38 40 42 44 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 9 9 1(1 11 13 16 17 20 20 24 23 14.92 15.15 15.42 15.26 14.73 14.66 14.28 13.72 13.16 12.94 13.07 13.70 14.10 14.28 14.45 14.58 15.11 15.19 15.55 10,74 1948 1968 11.03 1949 1969 11.35 1950 1970 11.10 1951 1971 10.42 1952 1972 10.31 1953 1973 9.87 1954 1974 9.24 1975 8.69 1956 1976 8.51 1957 1977 8.69 1978 9.39 1979 9.81 1960 1980 9.97 1961 1981 10 12 1962 1982 10.22 1963 1983 10 77 1964 1984 10 79 1965 1985 11.11 94 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Commercial and mutual banks — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 19lil) 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 11166 4,267 4.420 4,314 4,590 4,907 1,896 4,900 4,953 5.395 5,856 6,083 6,227 6.487 6,701 7,045 7,642 8,175 8,889 9,877 11.084 1,634 1,710 1,694 1,841 2,015 2.006 2,090 2,205 2,550 2.889 3,133 3,331 3.599 3,823 4,121 4,610 5,002 5,547 6.285 7,152 128 140 139 139 157 162 166 170 179 203 222 231 244 263 278 301 335 368 415 474 155 175 178 171 212 207 205 214 212 241 249 241 237 248 255 249 276 280 308 343 22 37 22.31 22.19 21.97 21,70 21.75 21.13 20.41 19.40 18.55 17.63 16.72 15.77 14.94 14.22 13.30 12.69 12.01 11.35 10.81 17.11 16.47 15.77 14.95 14.22 14.06 12.95 11.93 10.67 9.88 9.16 8.58 8.04 7.71 7.48 7,09 7.00 6.80 6.61 6.51 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 12,145 13,954 15,685 17,609 20,064 22,509 26,042 32,399 35,761 40,268 46,000 56,689 65,171 76,951 89,710 98,793 106,216 116,161 125,548 7,849 9,148 10,418 11,713 13,323 14,933 17,276 21,379 23,318 25,772 28,969 35,532 40,833 47,952 55,202 59.862 63.239 68,719 74,096 544 639 712 789 900 1,018 1,161 1,441 1,710 1,947 2,240 2,699 3,292 3,887 4,744 5,497 5,921 6,597 7,265 361 416 408 414 419 424 443 469 558 588 724 886 1,052 1,306 1,539 1,967 2,123 2,545 2,863 10.41 10.01 9.85 9.73 9.71 9.68 9.55 9.44 9.46 9.56 9.67 9.73 9.50 9.44 9.45 9.42 9.72 9.76 9.70 Commercial and mutual banks — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 19 i- 19 ,9 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 306 349 372 408 468 501 557 590 668 783 892 976 1,995 1,218 1,300 1,470 1,668 1,889 2,244 2,705 144 178 202 230 274 294 339 356 411 490 565 611 681 745 777 868 971 1,094 1,334 1,643 24 26 29 32 37 41 16 52 56 67 78 87 96 109 119 131 153 173 202 239 21 23 26 26 27 25 27 31 33 39 43 44 19 54 65 72 93 111 138 165 695 6.56 6.24 6.06 5.73 5.65 5.27 5.27 5.09 4.91 4.74 4.75 4.75 4.77 4.87 4.88 4.89 4.89 167 4.51 4.54 3.89 3.59 3.54 3.37 3.44 3.23 3.33 3.22 3.14 3.07 3.18 3.25 3.32 3.46 3.45 3.46 3.41 3.15 3.01 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 3,404 4,121 4,633 5,369 6,235 7,221 8,968 12,187 14,557 17,356 20,657 26,132 32,824 40,833 49,477 57,186 61,287 68,120 75.789 2,126 2,667 3,128 3,657 4,279 5,010 6,304 8,570 10,129 11,807 13,778 17,547 22,130 27,409 32,626 36,787 38,739 42,751 47,455 293 366 400 442 508 582 672 879 1,082 1,284 1,512 1,884 2,372 2,856 3,595 4,262 4,621 5,211 5,813 199 4.27 239 4.07 230 3.93 224 3.97 230 3.99 230 4.00 230 3.95 261 4.01 301 4.20 347 4.43 430 4.65 553 4.60 685 4.60 840 4.70 1,052 4.86 1,373 5.09 1,536 5.32 1,827 5.40 2,092 5.45 Commercial and mutual banks — structures 1947 3,961 4,071 3,942 4,182 1.439 4,394 4,343 4,363 4,728 5,073 5,190 5,251 5,391 5,483 5,745 6,172 6,507 7,001 7,633 8,379 1,490 1,532 1,492 1,611 1,740 1,713 1,752 1,849 2,138 2,400 2,568 2,720 2,918 3,078 3,344 3,742 4,032 4,454 4,951 5,509 104 114 109 107 120 121 120 117 122 136 144 144 148 154 159 170 183 196 214 235 133 152 152 145 185 182 178 183 178 202 206 197 188 194 190 177 183 169 170 178 23.56 23.66 23.69 23.53 23.39 23.58 23.16 22.46 21.42 20.66 19.84 18.94 18.02 17.20 16.34 15.31 14.69 13.93 13.32 12.85 18.32 17.93 17.42 16.58 15.92 15.88 14.83 13.58 12.10 11.26 10.50 9.79 9.16 8.77 8.41 7.93 7.86 7.63 7.54 7.56 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 : 1984 1985 8,741 9,833 11,052 12,240 13.829 15,288 17,074 20,212 21,204 22,912 25,344 30,557 32,347 36,118 40,233 41,606 44,930 48,041 49,759 5,723 6.481 7,290 8,056 9,044 9.924 10,972 12,809 13,189 13,965 15,191 17,985 18,703 20,543 22,576 23,076 24,500 25,968 26,641 251 273 313 347 391 437 489 562 628 663 728 815 920 1,031 1,150 1,234 1,300 1,386 1,452 162 176 178 190 189 194 213 208 257 241 294 334 367 466 486 593 586 718 770 12.80 12.50 12.34 12.26 12.29 12.36 12.49 12.72 13.07 13.45 13.77 14.12 14.47 14.81 15.10 15.36 15.72 15.95 16.18 7.89 191- 7.97 1949 8.13 1950 8.34 1951 8.59 1952 8.83 195 . 9.10 1954 9.40 1955 9.83 1956 10.24 1957 10.55 1958 10.88 1959 11.15 I960 11.41 1961 11.54 1962 11.64 1963 11.84 1964 11.85 1965 11.88 1966 Credit agencies other than banks — equipment and structures 1947 1,477 1,602 1,625 1,742 1,953 2,094 2,205 2,294 2,532 2,844 3.020 3.183 3,406 3,606 3,724 4,025 4.289 4,795 5,412 6,072 587 665 715 805 958 1.073 1,201 1,279 1,467 1,671 1,792 1.898 2,068 2,222 2,283 2,510 2,681 3.086 3,583 4,083 59 69 76 82 95 109 121 142 151 178 195 206 221 237 249 260 281 303 335 369 41 51 61 72 80 74 78 83 89 103 112 111 124 139 155 161 185 203 227 254 18,34 17.70 17.03 16.67 15.78 14.90 13.82 13.16 12.42 11.76 11.20 10.64 10.01 9.47 9.37 8.92 8.69 8.13 7.68 7.42 13.65 12.20 10.85 11)111 8.91 8.04 7.09 6.64 6.09 5.78 5.58 5.41 5.15 4.99 5.16 5.02 5.09 4.82 4.64 4.65 1967 6,858 8,117 9,277 10,597 12,258 13,796 16,467 21,807 26,059 31,003 36,931 44,525 51,440 59,870 68,650 75,596 81,429 89,748 98,526 4,668 5,702 6,669 7,647 8,879 9,943 11,911 15,749 18,616 21,811 25,455 29,735 33,469 37,869 42,421 45,817 48,738 54,009 59,994 415 482 538 598 680 768 899 1,174 1,540 1,894 2,310 2,814 3,344 3,880 4,477 5,106 5,546 6,194 7,011 277 307 284 279 261 272 270 294 345 402 511 658 883 1,215 1,582 2,101 2,507 2,941 3,300 7.10 6.73 6.61 6.60 6.63 6.78 6.68 6.54 6.47 6.48 6.57 6.93 7.07 7.36 7.58 7.69 7.94 7.92 7.77 4.61 1948 1968 4.46 19.19 1969 4.51 1959 1970 4.68 1951 1971 4.82 1952 1972 5.06 1953 1973 5.02 1954 1974 4.96 1955 1975 4.99 19 ,6 1976 5.03 1957 1977 5.13 1958 1978 5.45 1959 1979 5.56 1960 1980 5.79 1961 1981 5.90 1962 1982 5.91 1963 1983 6.01 1964 1984 5.83 1965 1985 5.55 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 95 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Credit agencies other than banks — equipment 436 538 598 679 807 90-1 994 1,059 1,180 1,359 1,482 1,596 1,737 1,857 1,90* 2,064 2,163 2,417 2.728 3,101 -Oil 277 344 432 537 on;, 0911 728 821 921 979 1,017 1,094 1,156 1,156 1,252 1,280 1,464 1,711 1.99K 32 39 48 55 64 78 89 109 116 138 153 163 176 188 198 200 223 237 261 -80 10 14 25 36 34 28 31 36 42 52 57 58 74 86 ln:< 112 135 155 181 205 5 81 5.24 4.61 3.97 3,65 3.58 3.24 3.26 3.13 3.31 3.49 3.75 3.84 3.92 4.11 4.10 4.25 4.14 3.96 3.85 2.51 2.04 1.84 1.79 1.91 2.11 2.13 2.25 2.20 2.34 2.45 2.63 2 03 2.66 2.82 2.76 2.89 2.72 2 55 2.49 1907 1908 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 3,007 4,302 1,848 5,573 0,375 7,321 9,176 13,131 10,925 21,163 26,064 31,438 37,543 44,342 51,301 57,716 02,07!! 69,058 77.102 2,425 2,905 3,480 4,039 4.058 5.379 0.845 9.825 12,520 15,413 18,554 21,627 25,044 28,650, 32,302 35,005 37,897 42,582 48,332 325 379 415 458 518 585 693 936 1,273 1,612 2,002 2,470 2,955 3,443 3,990 4,583 4.995 -,,606 6,390 231 258 234 227 207 218 212 235 273 329 428 561 777 1,071 1,432 1,921 2,306 2,6,97 3,030 3.73 3.54 3.41 3.47 3.54 3 61 3.56 3.59 3.77 3.90 4.09 1 38 4.68 5.04 5.28 5.47 5.66 5.62 5.50 2.46 2.40 2.43 2.60 2.72 2.87 2.80 2.86 3.04 3.14 3.29 3 53 3.75 4.01 4.14 4.22 4.28 4.12 3 92 Credit agencies other than banks — structures 1,041 1,064 1,020 1,063 1,146 1,190 1,211 1,235 1,352 1,485 1,538 1,587 1,669 1,749 1,816 1,962 2,126 2,378 2,6,84 2,971 371 374 421 468 511 551 645 750 812 881 974 1,007 1,127 1,258 1,401 1,622 1,872 2,085 23.59 23,99 24.27 24,78 2433 23 49 2251 21.00 20.53 19.50 18.62 17.57 16.44 15,36 14 89 13 99 13.21 12.19 11.46 11.16 19 39 19.44 19.21 19,50 17.83 15.72 13.79 12.44 11.03 10.01 9.34 8.63 7.99 7.52 7.57 7.28 7.10 6.72 6 56 6.72 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 197!) 1980 1981 1982 1983 198 1 1985 3,191 3,815 4,429 5,025 5,883 6,475 7,291 8,076 9,134 9,840 10,868 13,087 13.897 15,528 17,288 17,881 19,350 20,689 21,424 2,213 2,737 3,188 3,608 4,221 4,564 5,067 5,921 0,090 6,399 6,901 8, ins 8,425 9,213 10.05s 10,213 10,841 11,427 11,063 90 102 123 140 162 184 206 238 267 282 308 345 380 437 487 523 551 46 10.98 6.94 48 10.32 6.68 50 10.10 6.78 52 10.06 7.00 54 9.99 7.13 54 10.34 7.64 58 10.62 8.02 59 10.99 8.44 72 11.48 8.99 73 12.04 9.57 83 12.55 10.07 97 13.07 10.56 106 13.53 10.93 145 14.00 11.31 150 14.43 11.59 180 14.84 11.83 201 15.27 12.07 243 15.61 12.20 270 15.95 12.32 Security and commodity brokers, and services — equipment and structures 326 331 322 337 352 351 346 345 373 409 413 402 410 418 438 458 489 541 6,00 664 144 113 137 143 147 147 147 150 171 196 200 192 201 210 228 243 206, 307 351 380 17.79 18,35 18.67 18.96 19 38 1962 19.53 19.33 18.60 17.83 17.57 17.61 10.99 16.35 15.50 14.97 14.24 13.10 12.27 11.75 13 53 1395 13 08 13.92 14.06 1393 13 59 12.76 11.49 10.47 10.24 10.41 9.82 9.31 8.67 8.35 7.94 7 20 6 79 6.71 1067 1068 1069 1970 1971 1972 1073 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 198,-, 740 854 948 1,055 1,175 1,259 1,416 1,674 1,736 1,893 2,112 2.472 2,020 2,929 3,306 3,547 3,795 4,077 4,227 439 519 596 673 752 S05 on; 1.063 1,087 1,172 1,302 1,505 1,582 1,771 1,998 2,148 2.295 2.456 2.523 52 56 62 67 71 8.1 90 97 106 118 127 138 156 176 185 202 211 30 10.98 6.44 34 10.37 6.13 37 10.08 6.01 37 9.83 6.03 40 9.81 6.22 41 9.97 6.54 40 9.90 6.65 46 10.02 6.91 50 10.29 7.31 54 10.42 7.55 60 10.49 7.69 69 10.91 8.14 75 11.12 8.36 81 11.28 8.46 SS 11.34 8.47 95 11.20 8.31 94 11.50 8.49 98 11.64 8.56 00 11.88 8.72 Security and commodity brokers, and services— equipment 1947 74 72 71 73 71 68 66 70 84 93 99 95 103 112 127 138 156 184 212 249 32 32 32 34 32 31 31 36 49 55 58 52 57 62 74 80 90 109 126 146 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 12 13 15 17 20 24 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 8 9 11 12 14 14 7.90 7.81 7.56 7.27 7.34 7.19 7.07 6.39 5.42 5.20 5.17 5.56 5.35 5.19 4.83 4.79 4.73 4.51 4.38 4.40 4.76 4.81 4.64 4.46 4.71 4.60 4.53 3.76 2.97 3.01 3.18 3.76 3.57 3.45 3.10 3.15 3.17 2.99 2.96 3.01 1967 291 329 333 365 393 404 444 524 527 580 643 673 693 752 854 990 989 1,044 1,066 165 184 190 212 228 235 258 301 297 324 360 358 366 412 481 582 593 630 643 28 34 35 37 41 44 45 54 56 61 66 73 75 78 89 103 107 117 122 19 22 24 24 26 27 26 32 32 37 42 49 54 57 63 67 65 64 64 4.50 4.55 4.56 4.48 4.47 4.49 4.53 4.62 4.75 4.76 4.74 5.02 5.09 4.90 4.67 4.32 4.22 4.11 4.07 3.16 1948 1968 3.15 1949 1969 3.09 1950 .... 1970 2.99 1951... 1971 2.98 1952 1972 2.99 1953 1973 2.99 1954 1974 3.06 1955 1975 3.14 1956 1976 3.14 1957 1977 3.06 1958 1978 3.35 1959 1979 3.34 1960 1980 3.06 1961 1981 2.88 1962 1982 2.63 1963 1983 2.57 1964 1984 2.55 1965 1985 2 57 1966 96 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Security and commodity brokers, and services — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 195:! 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 253 259 251 264 2X2 283 280 275 289 316 315 308 307 305 312 .121) 333 357 112 111 105 109 115 116 116 114 122 141 142 141 144 147 155 164 176 199 225 244 20 68 21.28 21.80 22.18 22.40 22.60 22.44 22.65 22.42 21.54 21.46 21.33 20.90 20.45 19.93 19.38 18.69 17.53 16.58 16.17 16.08 16.54 16.80 16.85 16.66 16.46 15.72 15.64 14.92 13.37 13.12 12.86 12.28 11.80 11.32 10.89 10.39 9.51 8.93 8.92 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 448 525 614 690 782 856 972 1,150 1,208 1,313 1,469 1,799 1,927 2,177 2,451 2,557 2,806 3,033 3,160 274 335 405 461 524 570 649 762 790 942 1,147 1.216 1,359 1,517 1,566 1,702 1,826 1,880 12 15.19 12 14.02 13 13.08 13 12.66 13 12.50 13 12.55 14 12.36 14 12.49 17 12.71 16 12.92 18 13.01 20 13.11 21 13.28 24 13.49 25 13.66 29 13.87 29 14.07 34 14.23 36 14.51 Insurance carriers — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 816 909 948 1,056 1,182 1,249 1,305 1,385 1,554 1,781 1,895 1,976 2.0X9 2,163 2,269 2,413 2,5X2 2.859 3.232 3,640 379 443 482 559 639 6X0 729 792 918 1,077 1,148 1,193 1,265 1.303 1,375 1,475 1,592 1,819 2,113 2,395 116 121 126 133 136 140 149 163 189 21X 97 106 122 134 142 148 16.08 15.36 14.71 14.19 13.77 13.47 12.86 12.25 11.60 10.94 10.59 10.32 9.99 9.82 9.69 9.49 9.31 8.83 8.37 8.14 11.44 10.16 9.19 8.48 8.07 7.84 7.35 6.87 6.38 5.98 5.91 5.90 5.82 5.89 5.92 5.89 5.90 5.61 5.38 5.41 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19X3 1984 19X5 4,184 4,751 5,097 5,610 6,215 6,680 7,462 8,892 9,431 10,301 11,502 13,797 14,950 16,939 19,182 20,364 21,557 23,322 24,844 2,765 3,126 3,362 3,694 4,090 4,408 4,933 5,842 6,144 6,587 7,252 8,597 9,220 10,374 11,608 12,105 12,648 13,690 14,703 256 304 315 326 351 369 387 454 498 539 594 686 786 892 1,029 1,155 1,193 1,298 1,411 156 7.71 166 7.69 167 7.97 174 8.12 188 8.38 208 8.67 204 8.86 224 9.07 222 9.33 230 9.64 250 9.91 285 10.26 334 10.40 361 10.60 421 10.73 464 10.83 495 11.27 535 11.36 596 11.27 Insurance carriers — equipment 1947 238 288 326 374 435 483 530 584 661 771 826 866 922 947 957 988 1.041 1,192 1,381 1,574 121 159 194 235 278 307 341 376 430 498 516 517 535 525 516 524 550 679 832 958 19 23 28 32 38 44 50 59 65 78 86 90 95 99 101 101 107 118 139 161 11 12 16 19 19 18 21 26 30 38 40 43 50 60 70 80 95 108 116 122 5.47 4.96 4.46 4.04 3.89 3.87 3.72 3.68 3.58 3.62 3.84 4.12 4.29 4.56 4.74 4.85 4.90 4.50 4.11 3.97 2.55 2.24 2.12 2.14 2.29 2.44 2.47 2.48 2.43 2.47 2.68 2.90 2.98 3.17 3.25 3.24 3.18 2.71 2.44 2.49 1967 1,892 2,086 2,011 2,104 2,192 2,209 2,436 2,901 3,032 3,311 3,734 4,377 4,933 5,684 6,643 7,441 7,512 8.172 9,007 1,151 1,237 1,169 1,208 1,263 1,304 1,495 1,804 1,898 2,030 2,284 2,688 3,045 3,564 4,148 4,571 4,583 5,065 5,754 193 233 232 230 241 245 248 294 317 345 379 444 512 583 684 784 801 877 966 130 138 137 140 157 170 167 182 176 178 191 215 245 268 302 337 349 373 405 3.85 3.92 4.08 4.17 4.18 4.13 3.96 3.93 3.92 4.04 4.06 4.03 4.01 3.91 3.88 3.93 4.00 3.89 3.69 2.54 1948 1968 2.69 1949 1969 2.82 1950 1970 2.85 1951 1971 2.78 1952. ... 1972 2.69 1953 .. 1973 2.54 1954 .. 1974 2.56 1955 . .. 1975 2.61 1956 1976 2.75 1957 1977 2.75 1958 .. 1978 2.68 1959 1979 2.63 1960 1980 2.52 1961 1981 2.53 1962 2.59 1963 1983 2.60 1964 1984 2.46 1965 1985 2.27 1966 Insurance carriers — structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 195:: 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 196.-1 1964 1965 1966 578 621 622 682 747 765 775 801 893 1,010 1,068 1,110 1,167 1,217 1,312 1,425 1,541 1,668 1,851 2,066 258 284 288 324 362 373 3xx 416 487 578 632 676 730 778 859 952 1,043 1.141 1,280 1,437 20.45 20.18 20.08 19.76 19.51 19.52 19.11 18.49 17.53 16.53 15.81 15.16 14.49 13.92 13.29 12.70 12.28 11.92 11.55 11.31 15.63 14.61 13.94 13.09 12.51 12.28 11.64 10.85 9.87 9.01 8.54 8.20 7.89 7.73 7.52 7.35 7.33 7.33 7.29 7.35 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 1984 19X5 2,292 2,665 3,087 3,506 4,024 4,472 5,026 5,991 6,399 6,990 7,768 9,419 10,017 11,255 12,539 12,923 14,045 15,150 15,837 1,614 1,889 2,192 2,486 2,827 3,104 3,438 4,037 4,246 4,557 4,968 5,908 6,175 6,810 7,461 7,534 8,065 8,624 8,949 63 71 84 95 110 123 139 160 181 194 215 241 274 309 346 371 391 421 445 27 10.90 28 10.64 29 10.51 33 10.50 32 10.66 38 10.91 37 11.23 43 11.56 46 11.90 52 12.29 59 12.72 70 13.16 89 13.55 93 13.97 119 14.35 127 14.81 146 15.16 162 15.39 191 15.59 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued 97 Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Insurance agents and brokers, and services — equipment and structures 383 415 438 498 5.55 595 596 596 628 705 775 824 969 1,112 1,221 1,371 1,489 1,593 1,746 1,867 178 204 227 269 301 322 31(1 301 317 378 437 477 594 689 741 807 819 836 903 918 21 24 27 '31 37 41 13 43 43 48 55 61 71 88 101 113 129 137 L50 160 26 2:, 25 23 24 25 27 33 37 45 47 49 47 51 52 6(1 76 103 138 173 1 1 25 13 69 12.83 12.09 11.72 11.31 11.36 11.47 11.46 10.79 9.97 9 in 8.20 7.46 7 23 7.03 7.20 7.35 7.34 7.49 9.61 8.68 7.73 7.05 ii m; 6.64 6.96 7.18 7.09 6.32 5.66 5.35 4.60 4.34 4.44 4.54 4.96 5.21 5.19 5 31 1967 196* 19(19 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1.988 2.(116 1.878 1,915 2,01)1 1,990 2,149 2.497 2,565 2,795 3,063 3.645 3.887 4,290 4,802 5.1122 5,1)85 5,240 5,239 993 1,032 1,017 1,091 1,182 1,189 1,310 1.531 1.570 1.701 1.844 2.191 2.313 2.527 2.8110 2,875 2,845 2,880 2,846 167 174 1 52 137 136 129 125 143 150 161 175 Jim 22 1 244 273 299 .-in 291 284 215 7.56 5.46 245 7.79 5.60 213 8.21 5.89 175 8.33 5.91 153 8.52 6.06 132 9.04 6.57 110 9.20 6.70 111 9.40 6.89 105 9.69 7.19 100 9.83 7.36 105 10.09 7.63 113 1031 7.80 122 10.49 7.94 128 10.79 8.17 1 13 10.94 8.26 160 11.09 8.39 159 11.89 9.03 174 12.39 9.38 174 12.93 9.73 Insurance agents and brokers, and services— equipment 175 198 222 264 301 334 334 332 341 398 463 513 635 759 844 963 1,059 1,148 1,264 1,338 87 110 131 162 183 199 183 170 171 218 271 310 402 477 509 547 543 551 592 603 16 18 21 25 30 34 36 36 36 40 47 53 63 79 91 102 117 125 137 145 21 19 19 17 17 17 19 25 28 36 38 40 38 42 43 51 68 94 129 164 6 15 5.42 4.82 4.38 4.25 4.22 4.61 4.97 5 1 1 4.72 4.34 I 1 I 3.76 3.68 3.83 4.07 1 54 4.86 5.02 5.26 3 2:; 2 7> 2 62 2.55 2.69 2 811 3.30 3.65 3.68 3.05 2.67 2 61 2.39 2.48 2.72 2.98 3.45 3.63 3.57 3.67 1967 IOCS 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 198,5 1.395 1,331 1,102 1,021 973 851 881 994 986 1,080 1,165 1,342 1,442 1,548 1,756 1,885 1,693 1,641 1,536 596 566 188 476 176 116 462 538 548 610 657 772 833 894 1,015 1,067 924 884 821 151 156 131 113 11.18 98 90 102 105 113 123 141 158 169 189 209 195 191 179 206 5,55 3.91 235 5.68 3.92 2(12 5.70 3.83 165 5.60 3.63 141 5.45 3.41 12(1 5.60 3.57 97 5.30 3.19 98 5.14 3.08 88 4.98 3.00 85 4.77 2.92 86 4.71 2.95 91 4.50 2.81 99 4.42 2.79 99 4.38 2.78 111 4.27 2.75 121 4.32 2.83 121 4.58 3.02 127 4.67 3.02 127 4.76 3.01 Insurance agents and brokers, and services— structures 208 216 216 235 255 261 262 265 286 307 313 311 335 353 377 408 430 445 482 529 91 94 96 1117 118 123 126 131 147 160 166 167 192 212 232 260 276 285 311 345 21.04 21 28 21.03 20.74 20 54 20 36 19.99 19 63 18 98 18.67 18.31 18(18 16 63 15.57 14.86 14.03 13.76 13.77 13.45 13.12 15 69 15.56 14.64 1384 13.30 12 85 12.27 11.76 11.06 10.79 10.54 10.45 9.21 8.53 8.21 7.83 7.94 8.27 8.28 8.27 1967 1968 I960 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981) 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 593 685 777 895 1.029 1,139 1,267 1.504 1,579 1,715 1,89V 2,303 2,445 2.742 3.047 3.137 3,392 3,599 3,702 397 466 529 615 706 774 <48 992 1,022 1.091 1,187 1.419 1,480 1,634 1,785 1,808 1,921 2,005 2,025 16 .^ 21 24 28 31 35 1" 45 48 52 59 67 7., 84 90 94 101 105 1230 11.88 11.77 1143 11.41 11.61 11.92 12 21 12 65 13.01 13.38 13.70 14.08 14.42 14.78 15.15 15.54 15.91 16 32 7.78 7.65 7.80 7.68 7.85 8.18 8.61 8.96 9 15 9 84 10.22 1052 10.84 11.12 11.39 11.67 11.93 12.19 1245 Real estate — equipment and structures 1947 33,081 35,388 35.844 39,997 44,679 46,646 48,211 50,520 56,037 62,261 65,810 67,837 71,313 74,159 78,558 83,427 88,449 94,171 102,524 113,466 16,119 17,451 17,951 20.61.5 23,520 24,690 25,941 27,689 31,419 35,449 37,863 39,279 41,986 44,158 47,380 50,975 54,535 58,729 64,885 72,666 969 1,107 1,156 1,243 1,507 1,620 1,727 1,842 2,016 2,305 2,555 2,652 2,786 2,953 3.085 3,238 3,395 3,586 3,844 4,206 790 877 909 919 1,088 1,125 1,203 1,232 1,352 1,542 1,724 1,841 1,968 2,132 2,228 2,377 2,519 2,657 2,768 2,961 20.21 19.96 19.54 18.84 18.37 18.13 17.59 16.99 16.38 15.91 15.45 15.12 14.59 14.21 13.88 13.58 13.37 13.13 12.84 12.56 15.24 14.66 13.98 12.97 12.32 12.02 11.44 10.83 10.23 9.83 9.52 9.34 8.97 8.76 8.58 8.43 8.39 8.31 8.18 8.08 1967 122,029 136,566 153.935 171,693 194,279 215,903 243,759 290,048 307,810 331,730 366,814 439.084 479.610 546,438 616,718 654,264 717,181 782,337 831,121 78,499 88.292 100.481 112,384 127,451 141.941 160.476 189,171 197,494 209,483 229,601 273.539 297.783 33,7,369 378,644 399,838 436,832 477,613 508,261 4,605 5,061 5.669 6.302 7.050 7.796 8.674 10.018 11.436 12,257 13,377 15,050 17,343 20,048 22,866 25,274 27,096 29,402 31,695 3,134 3,364 3.604 3,776 4,083 4,352 4,691 5,221 6,122 6,603 7,399 8,209 9,255 10,693 12,089 13,648 14,382 15,845 16,561 12.37 12.30 12.17 12.11 12.12 12.11 12.12 12.29 12.53 12.88 13.12 13.43 13.39 13.46 13.54 13.53 13.64 13.62 13.60 8.09 1948 1968 8.17 1949 1969 8.18 1950.. .. 1970 8.26 1951. .. 1971 8.39 1952 1972 8.49 1953 1973 8.59 1954 ... . 1974 8.86 1955.... 1975 9.23 1956 1976 9.64 1957 1977 9 91 1958 1978 10.18 1959.. . 1979 10.13 1960 1980 10 19 1961 1981 10.24 1962 1982 10.19 1963 1983 10 24 1964 1984 10 13 1965 1985 10 02 1966 98 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Real estate — equipment 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 3.296 3,982 1.653 5,941 7,204 7,848 9,115 10,291 12,023 13,902 15,441 16,178 17,773 18,776 19,604 20,135 20,804 21,933 23,121 25,572 1,919 2,416 2,857 3.783 4,613 4,846 5,634 6.238 7,277 8,296 8,971 9.008 9,889 10,262 10,518 10,547 10,721 11,386 12,051 13,573 258 318 378 465 603 680 770 887 1.013 1,176 1,340 1.427 1,523 1,632 1,701 1,757 1.802 1.883 1,991 2.158 157 180 195 224 246 265 322 373 455 556 680 817 948 1,086 1,196 1,321 1,462 1,589 1,681 1,822 5.49 5.14 5.00 4.65 4.50 4.70 4.63 4.74 4.75 4.85 5.05 5.36 5.39 5.53 5.68 5.86 6.01 6.00 6.00 5.90 3.51 3.23 3.20 2.98 2.95 3.22 3.17 3.28 3.25 3.33 3.51 3.80 3.74 3.84 3.93 4.07 4.15 4.04 3.98 3.82 1967. 1968 1969 1970 1971. 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981 1982 1983 1984. 1985. 28,021 30,663 33,479 36,923 39,899 42,676 46,846 56,077 61,916 66,648 72,937 82,922 97,162 112,023 127,459 139,371 150,017 163,434 169,828 14,980 16,496 18,426 20,506 22,064 23.603 26,063 30,997 33.689 35,709 39,283 45,722 55,103 63,226 71,554 77,571 83,536 92.IW8 95,051 2,389 2,631 2,875 3.168 3,478 3,746 4,056 4,644 5,415 5,907 6,410 7,207 8,378 9,801 11,230 12,536 13,367 14,373 15,424 1,984 2,157 2,303 2,387 2,553 2,746 2,922 3,316 3,926 4,348 4,836 5,406 6,086 6,988 8,054 9,065 9,663 10,243 10,792 5.86 5.82 5.63 5.53 5.54 5.51 5.44 5.44 5.52 5.59 5.53 5.34 5.11 5.10 5.11 5.15 5.14 5.05 5.09 Real estate — structures 1947 29,786 31,406 31,190 34,055 37,475 38,798 39,096 40,229 44,014 48,360 50,369 51,659 53,540 55,382 58,953 63,292 67,644 72,239 79,402 87,894 14,199 15,036 15,095 16,862 18,907 19,845 20,308 21,451 24,141 27,153 28,892 30,271 32,097 33,896 36,862 40,428 43,814 47,343 52,834 59,093 711 789 777 779 903 940 957 955 1,003 1,130 1,215 1,225 1,263 1,321 1.384 1,481 1,592 1,703 1,853 2,048 634 697 714 695 843 860 881 859 897 986 1,044 1,024 1,020 1,046 1,032 1,056 1,057 1,068 1,087 1,139 21.84 21.84 21.71 21.32 21.03 20.84 20.61 20.12 19.56 19.09 18.64 18.18 17.65 17.15 16.60 16.03 15.64 15.30 14.83 14.50 16.82 16.49 16.02 15.22 14.60 14.17 13.73 13.03 12.34 11.81 11.38 10.98 10.58 10.25 9.90 9.57 9.43 9.33 9.13 9.06 1967 94,008 105,903 120,457 134,770 154,379 173,227 196,914 233,970 245,894 265,082 293,877 356,162 382,449 434,415 489,259 514,893 567,163 618,903 661,293 63,519 71,796 82,055 91,878 105,387 118,339 134,413 158,174 163,805 173,773 190,318 227,818 242,680 274,143 307,090 322,267 353,296 385,526 413,210 2,216 2,430 2,794 3,135 3,573 4,050 4,618 5,373 6,021 6,350 6,967 7,842 8,965 10,247 11,636 12,738 13,729 15,029 16,272 1,151 1,207 1,301 1,389 1,530 1,605 1,769 1,905 2,195 2,255 2,563 2,803 3,169 3,705 4,035 4,583 4,719 5,602 5,769 14.32 14.18 13.99 13.91 13.82 13.74 13.71 13.93 14.30 14.71 15.01 15.31 15.49 15.61 15.74 15.79 15.89 15.88 15.78 9.11 1948 1968 9.19 1949 1969 9.20 1950 1970 9.31 1951 1971 9.39 III.",'' 1972 9.46 1953 1973 9.56 1954 1974 9.89 1955 1975 10.36 1956 1976 10.85 1957 1977 11.20 1958 1978 11.53 1959 1979 11.70 1960 1980 11.78 1961 1981 11.84 1962 1982 11.82 1963 1983 11.85 1964 1984 11.74 1965 1985 11.54 1966 Holding and other investment companies — equipment and structures 1947 285 327 362 417 474 499 521 531 544 560 558 562 605 651 698 766 858 968 1,162 1,333 153 185 211 245 274 277 281 276 271 273 270 283 328 372 415 465 526 600 745 852 14 18 22 26 33 36 38 40 39 39 39 37 38 41 44 48 55 62 74 87 13 13 13 13 15 16 20 25 31 38 42 43 43 43 43 40 41 45 50 61 13.17 12.19 11.19 10.64 10.35 10.37 10.22 10.33 10.77 11 15 11.34 11.16 10.38 9.71 9.25 8.79 8.35 7.94 7.26 7.12 8.46 7.48 6.72 6.44 6.41 6.65 6.70 6.92 7.38 7.67 7.74 7.30 6.34 5.77 5.49 5.32 5.20 5.05 4.63 4.72 1967 1,520 1,722 1,830 2,123 2,525 2,820 3,272 3,948 4,167 4,583 5,127 6,119 6,490 7,330 8,400 9,147 9,898 10,753 11,273 959 1,096 1,199 1,438 1,756 1,977 2,300 2,736 2,850 3,071 3,398 4,025 4,211 4,753 5,431 5,889 6,333 6,809 7,033 102 120 121 130 153 173 187 227 239 254 274 305 330 356 408 468 499 551 584 75 91 90 85 87 84 82 92 97 107 124 148 169 176 194 203 197 203 213 6.97 6.97 7.15 6.92 6.72 6.83 6.89 7.15 7.53 7.89 8.22 8.66 9.09 9.38 9.52 9.53 9.88 10.13 10.43 4.81 1948 1968 4.91 1949 1969 5.10 1950 1970 4.94 1951 1971 4.85 1952 1972 5.03 1953 1973 5.16 1954 1974 5.49 1955 1975 5.89 1956 1976 6.28 1957 1977 6.58 1958 1978 6.96 1959 1979 7.34 I960 1980 7.51 1961 1981 7.57 1962 1982 7.51 1963 1983-. 7.74 1964 1984 7.88 1965 1985 8.09 1966 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 116 150 187 231 274 296 316 322 320 319 308 300 316 337 352 386 130 485 579 662 Holding and other investment companies— equipment 70 98 126 154 177 179 179 171 156 147 136 136 155 175 189 212 231 260 319 356 4.87 4.10 3.68 3.60 3.69 4.03 4.37 4.79 5.32 5.73 6.12 6.21 5.89 5.59 5.32 5.05 4.96 4.83 4.54 4.56 2.49 2.21 2.21 2.39 2.61 2.98 3.29 3.66 4.12 4.40 4.61 4.37 3.74 3.39 3.23 3.13 3.22 3.18 2.92 3.02 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 1982 1983 19X4 19X5 7S1 839 792 892 ,032 ,085 ,233 439 ,410 ,535 659 823 858 043 395 ,833 ,921 ,154 ,309 411 436 422 512 627 670 771 871 822 868 929 1,015 1,024 1,178 1,428 1,747 1,823 1,960 2,036 81 97 93 97 113 126 132 160 162 169 179 196 203 210 242 287 304 338 357 68 4.58 84 4.61 81 4.55 76 4.16 77 3.81 74 3.72 70 3.63 79 3.82 83 4.05 92 4.22 108 4.34 129 4.43 145 4.59 149 4.42 160 4.22 166 3.99 155 3.97 156 3.99 157 4.07 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 99 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Holding and other investment companies— structures 1947 169 177 174 187 200 203 205 209 224 241 250 262 289 314 346 379 428 483 582 671 83 87 85 91 97 98 101 105 115 126 134 147 173 198 226 253 295 340 426 496 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 12 13 15 18 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 5 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 18.90 19.07 19.24 19.35 19.46 19.61 19.23 18.89 18.55 18.32 1777 16.82 15.30 14.13 13.24 12.60 11.76 11.05 9.98 9.64 13.46 13.42 13.36 13.29 13.30 13.32 12.72 12.20 11.78 11.52 10.94 10.00 8.67 7.87 7.38 7.15 6.75 6.48 5.91 5.94 1967 740 883 1,038 1,230 1,493 1,736 2,039 2.509 2,756 3,049 3,468 4,296 4,632 5,287 6,004 6,314 6,976 7,599 7,965 548 660 776 926 1,129 1,308 1,530 1,865 2,027 2,203 2,469 3.010 3.187 3.576 4,003 4,142 4.510 4,848 4,997 20 23 28 33 40 47 55 66 78 85 95 110 127 145 166 181 195 213 227 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 19 23 27 34 37 42 48 56 9.51 9.21 9.13 8.92 8.74 8.78 8.86 9.06 9.30 9.73 10.08 10.46 10.89 11.29 11.64 12.01 12.36 12.67 13.07 6.10 1948 1968 6.08 1949 1969 6.22 1950 1970 . . 6.22 1951 1971.... 6.21 1952 1972.. .. 6.38 1953 1973 6.56 1954 1974 6.83 1955 1975 7.12 1956 1976 7.58 1957 1977 7.93 1958 1978 8.28 1959 1979 8.68 1960 1980 9.02 1961 1981 9.29 1962. . . 1982 9.58 1963 .. 1983 9.81 1964 1984 9.99 1965 . 1985 10.27 1966 Services — equipment and structures 1947 . ... 15,970 17,230 17,486 19,336 21,492 22,857 24,080 25,530 28,486 32,193 34,980 37,126 39,645 42,113 44,900 48,165 52,109 56,210 61,503 68,640 7,295 8,113 8,457 9,710 11,037 11,981 12,990 14,039 16,040 18,414 20,266 21,598 23,261 24,93* 26,762 28,959 31,704 34,487 38,152 42,985 654 762 813 878 1,047 1,166 1,294 1,447 1,597 1,872 2,121 2,293 2,471 2,648 2,814 2,995 3,228 3,487 3,797 4,209 602 676 715 749 831 835 869 921 1,005 1,180 1,300 1,372 1,519 1.683 1,831 1,979 2,174 2,357 2,560 2,752 16.05 15.65 15.22 14.67 14.23 13.68 12.94 12.29 11.69 11.12 10.53 10.07 9.63 9.23 8.98 8.74 8.47 8.27 8.08 7.89 11.27 10.46 9.79 9.05 8.57 8.08 7.48 7.02 6.59 6.26 5.97 5.81 5.64 5.49 5.44 5.38 5.30 5.27 5.24 5.22 1967 75,242 84.454 94,971 106,227 118,508 131,699 150,365 181.802 197.942 218.797 246,083 288,332 321.617 367,817 416,60(1 446,982 483,952 529,132 563,218 47,233 53,264 60,407 67,405 74.904 83,321 95,288 113,760 120,943 131,476 146,575 170,320 188,416 213,373 240,138 255,416 276,949 306,050 326,451 4,697 5,257 5,850 6,513 7,263 8,030 8,961 10,483 12,127 13,332 14,916 16,948 19,369 22,011 25,255 27,981 29.858 32,5X6 35,451 2,996 3,233 3,413 3.643 3,968 4,302 4,676 5,406 6,488 7,375 8,497 9,903 11,448 13,432 15,741 17,839 19,207 20,595 22,153 7.74 7.69 7.64 7.66 7.78 7.82 7.82 7.95 8.15 8.33 8.47 8.77 8.78 8.90 8.99 9.04 9.13 9.06 9.05 5.23 1948 .. 1968 5.29 1949. . 1969 5.33 1950 . . 1970 5.44 1951 . 1971 5.61 1952 1972 5.68 1953 1973 5.70 1954 1974 5.86 1955 1975 6.12 1956 1976 6.30 1957 1977 6.38 1958 .. 1978 6.60 1959 .. 1979 6.56 1960 1980 6.62 1961 1981 6.64 1962 1982 6.63 1963 . . . 1983 6.61 1964 1984 6.43 1965 1985 6.35 1966 Services — ?quipment 1947 4,191 4,970 5,4X3 6,524 7,740 8,944 10.299 11,681 13,648 16,044 18,277 20,014 21,938 23,665 25,153 26,936 28,997 31,182 34,081 38,425 2,138 2,767 3,213 4,061 4,929 5,757 6,718 7,562 8,861 10,262 11,503 12,254 13,206 14,039 14,685 15,592 16,733 17,945 19,794 22,638 319 392 452 523 645 756 884 1,046 1,185 1,414 1,631 1,800 1,962 2,112 2,247 2,384 2,563 2,761 3,002 3,334 280 308 336 367 368 345 374 421 494 608 718 818 959 1,127 1,298 1,444 1,640 1,829 2,038 2,237 5.98 5.42 5.07 4.61 4.38 4.22 4.06 4.08 4.05 4.16 4.29 4.49 4.63 4.76 4.91 5.00 5.05 5.10 5.06 4.97 3.21 2.79 2.72 2.62 2.66 2.69 2.70 2.79 2.79 2.90 3.01 3.20 3.29 3.38 3.47 3.52 3.52 3.53 3.46 3.37 1967 42,992 48,035 53,457 59,502 65,11X2 71,634 81,463 98,803 109,968 123,083 139,902 159,524 183,593 211,502 240,854 263,587 2X2.X26 310,811 333,519 25,479 28,668 32,333 35,841 38,991 43,067 49.194 58,711 63,566 70,141 79,769 90,656 104,195 119,011 135,021 146,820 158,752 178,156 192,366 3,752 4,220 4,656 5,170 5,733 6,301 6,985 8,167 9,506 10,544 11,846 13,499 15,442 17,552 20,226 22.529 24,045 26,282 28,736 2,472 2,695 2,862 3,061 3,346 3,635 3,974 4,632 5,602 6,438 7,452 8,672 10,051 11,729 13,801 15,648 16,756 17,847 19,069 4.93 4.90 4.83 4.87 4.92 4.91 4.88 5.01 5.23 5.35 5.36 5.40 5.43 5.51 5.56 5.62 5.57 5.42 5.38 3.34 1948 196X 3.32 1949 1969 3.27 1950 1970 3.33 1951 1971 3.39 1952 1972 3.37 1953. .. 1973... 3.34 1954 1974 3.47 1955 1975 3.69 1956 1976 3.77 1957 1977 3.71 1958 1978 3.70 1959 1979 3.68 1960 1980 3.72 1961.. .. 1981 3.74 1962 . 1982 3.78 1963 .. . 1983 3.70 1964 1984 3.52 1965 1985 3.49 1966 Services — structures 1947 11,779 12,260 12,0113 12,812 13,752 13,913 13,781 13,849 14,838 16,149 16,703 17,112 17,708 18,447 19,747 21,229 23,112 25.D2X 27,422 30,215 5,157 5,345 5,243 5,649 6,108 6,223 6,272 6,476 7,179 8,152 8,763 9,343 10.056 10,899 12,078 13.366 14,971 16,542 18,358 20,347 336 371 360 355 403 410 410 402 413 458 490 493 510 537 567 611 665 725 794 875 322 368 380 382 462 490 495 500 511 572 582 555 561 556 533 536 534 528 522 515 19.64 19X0 19.85 19.79 19.78 19.76 19.58 19.21 18.71 18.02 17.35 16.61 15.82 14.97 14.18 13.48 12.76 12.21 11.82 11.60 14.61 14.42 14.12 13.67 13.34 13.07 12.59 11.97 11.27 10.49 9.86 9.24 8.71 8.22 7.82 7.55 7.28 7.16 7.16 7.27 , 1967 32,250 36,418 41,514 46.726 53,425 60,065 68,902 82,999 87,974 95,714 106,181 128,807 138,024 156,315 175,746 1X3,395 201,126 218,320 229,699 21,754 24,596 28,075 31.564 35,912 40,253 46,093 55,049 57,377 61,336 66,806 79,664 84,221 94,361 105,117 108,597 118,197 127,894 134,085 945 1,037 1,194 1,342 1,530 1,729 1,976 2.316 2,621 2,788 3,069 3,449 3,927 4,458 5,030 5,452 5,813 6,303 6,715 523 538 551 582 622 667 702 773 887 937 1,045 1,231 1,397 1,703 1,940 2,192 2,451 2,749 3,085 11.48 11.37 11.26 11.22 11.27 11.29 11.29 11.45 11.81 12.18 12.57 12.94 13.24 13.49 13.71 13.95 14.14 14.25 14.37 7.44 1948 1968 7.59 1949 .. 1969 7.70 1950 1970 7.83 1951 1971 8.02 1952 1972 8.15 1953 1973 8.21 1954 1974 8.41 1955 1975 8.81 1956 1976 9.19 1957 1977 9.57 1958 1978 9.91 1959 1979 10.12 1960 1980 10.27 1961 1981 10.36 1962 1982 10.48 1963 1983 10.53 1964 1984 10.48 1965 1985 10.45 1966 100 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dolla Years End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals End of year Deprecia- tion Average age Net Year Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross Hotels and other lodging places — equipment and structures 5.41.5 5,003 5,468 5.768 6,107 6,102 6,009 5.978 6,302 6,769 6.954 7,106 7.405 7.766 8.404 9,038 9.949 10.861 11.945 13.230 2,314 2,368 2,301 2,417 2,551 2,540 2,534 2,572 2,790 3,120 3,336 3,556 3,904 4,317 4,899 5,451 6,236 6,993 7,825 8,743 205 200 198 219 222 222 223 228 254 274 283 298 318 341 369 in:, 447 491 544 172 199 208 209 248 262 256 264 275 305 313 295 311 318 3111 313 321 336 339 345 17.79 18.10 18.31 18.55 18.76 18.95 18.89 18.69 18.39 17.82 17.14 16.34 15.32 14.23 13.20 12.39 11.47 10.77 10.29 9.98 13.90 13.82 13.60 13.40 13.24 13.10 12.58 11.97 11.29 10.45 9.67 8.89 8.07 7.35 6.76 6.45 6.08 5.91 5.89 5.97 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 198" 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 14,218 15.966 18.018 20,088 22,673 25,379 28,927 34,606 36,459 39,267 43,101 51,434 55,594 63,181 71,449 75,586 83,937 93,305 100,912 9,427 10,591 11,949 13,256 14,862 16,608 18,884 22.267 22.883 24,049 25,774 30,213 32,275 36,333 40,906 43,125 48,214 54,424 59,631 596 659 746 830 926 1,024 1,146 1,330 1,507 1,597 1,736 1,931 2,189 2,487 2,809 3,074 3,317 3,667 4,028 371 386 401 432 457 500 531 593 713 776 850 974 1,109 1,297 1,487 1,674 1,846 2,004 2,186 9.75 9.65 9.60 9.61 9.72 9.73 9.77 9.98 10.37 10.80 11.25 11.69 11.86 12.04 12.17 12.24 12.23 12.04 11.85 Hotels and other lodg ng places — equipment 1947 502 531 531 556 588 594 614 648 714 843 968 1,073 1,182 1,288 1,397 1,511 1,686 1,843 2,021 2,270 222 249 263 292 321 329 354 383 439 535 623 683 745 803 856 913 1,019 1,104 1,208 1,359 41 45 46 47 51 53 55 62 66 78 91 102 113 123 133 143 157 174 190 210 46 50 53 55 52 49 45 43 45 47 48 49 53 57 63 68 77 90 104 120 6.49 6.22 5.99 5.67 5.39 5.21 4.87 4.63 4.29 4.03 3.89 3.93 3.97 4.02 4.13 4.22 4.23 4.31 4.35 4.36 3.95 3.49 3.29 3.14 3.08 3.13 3.01 2.89 2.68 2.52 2.48 2.60 2.69 2.78 2.89 2.96 2.91 2.95 2.95 2.94 1967 2,537 2,827 3,140 3,439 3,652 3,882 4,279 5,221 5,6.30 6,102 6,663 7,499 8,543 9,633 10,675 11,534 12,475 13,894 15,362 1,522 1,691 1,882 2,028 2,112 2,215 2.433 2,943 3,084 3,300 3,579 4,074 4,678 5,202 5,728 6,202 6,859 7,919 8,967 235 263 291 320 346 366 391 449 519 556 602 667 753 853 951 1.040 1,116 1,230 1,370 137 152 170 190 208 231 254 296 366 415 468 525 590 670 759 836 883 920 963 4.36 4.40 4.40 4.50 4.64 4.74 4.79 4.86 5.06 5.17 5.24 5.19 5.16 5.25 5.30 5.30 5.18 4.95 4.79 2.93 1948 1968 2.96 1949 1969 2.96 1950 1970 3.08 1951 1971 3.20 1952 1972 3.27 1953 1973 3.26 1954 1974 3.30 1955 1975 3.48 1956 1976 3.54 1957 1977 3.56 1958 1978 3.46 1959 1979 3.41 1960 1980 3.51 1961 1981 3.55 1962 1982 3.54 1963 1983 3.39 1964 1984 3.17 1965 1985 3.07 1966 Hotels and other lodging places — structures 1947 4,913 5,072 4,937 5,211 5,520 5,509 5,394 5,330 5,588 5,926 5,985 6,033 6,223 6,478 7,007 7,526 8,264 9,018 9,924 10,961 2,092 2,118 2,038 2,125 2,231 2,211 2,180 2,189 2,350 2,585 2.713 2,873 3,159 3,514 4,043 4,538 5,217 5,889 6,618 7,383 146 160 154 151 168 169 167 161 162 176 183 181 185 195 208 225 247 273 301 334 126 149 155 154 196 214 211 221 230 259 265 246 258 261 241 245 244 246 235 225 18.95 19.34 19.63 19.92 20.19 20.44 20.49 20.40 20.19 19.78 19.29 18.54 17.48 16.25 15.00 14.03 12.95 12.09 11.50 11.15 14.96 15.03 14.92 14.81 14.70 14.59 14.13 1356 12.90 12.09 11.32 10.38 9.34 8.40 7.59 7.15 6.70 6.46 6.42 6.53 1967 11,681 13,138 14,878 16,649 19,020 21,496 24,648 29,385 30,828 33,165 36.439 43.934 47,051 53,548 60,774 64,052 71,462 79,411 85,550 7,904 8,900 10,066 11,228 12,750 14,393 16,451 19,324 19.798 20.749 22.195 26,139 27,597 31,131 35,178 36,922 41.355 46.505 50,665 361 396 455 509 580 658 755 881 988 1,040 1,134 1,264 1,436 1,634 1,858 2,034 2,201 2,436 2,658 234 234 231 242 250 268 277 297 348 361 382 449 519 628 728 838 963 1,084 1,223 10.93 10.78 10.69 10.66 10.69 10.63 10.63 10.89 11.34 11.84 12.35 12.80 13.08 13.27 13.38 13.49 13.46 13.28 13.12 6.72 1948 1968 6.94 1949 1969 7.15 1950 1970 7.36 1951 1971 7.59 1952 1972 7.68 1953 1973 7.77 1954 1974 8.10 1955 1975 8.62 1956 1976 9.16 1957 1977 9.67 1958 1978 10.07 1959 1979 10.21 I960 1980 10.23 1961 1981 10.13 1962 1982 10.05 1963 1983 9.80 1964 1984 : 9.39 1965 1985 9.06 1966 Personal services — equipment and structures 1947 1,326 1,461 1,511 1,691 1,893 2,051 2,201 2,336 2,576 2,864 3,086 3,281 3,499 3,687 3,924 4,184 4,390 4,731 5,166 5,711 681 776 821 937 1,053 1,153 1,258 1,338 1,483 1,653 1,785 1,900 2,038 2,152 2,286 2,442 2,536 2,748 3,023 3,367 59 72 78 85 101 114 129 144 157 179 201 219 240 259 278 300 319 341 376 416 52 57 58 55 60 61 67 77 89 108 121 132 146 159 176 189 205 221 244 271 14.56 13.97 13.44 1298 12.67 12.16 11.51 11.10 10.84 10.57 10.18 9.79 9.43 9.15 8.97 8.78 8.76 8.55 8.36 8.16 9.62 8.90 8.42 8.01 7.81 7.44 6.95 6.73 6.56 6.43 6.23 6.04 5.85 5.73 5.70 5.64 5.74 5.62 5.50 5.40 1967 6,008 6,588 7,234 7,876 8,619 9,375 10,368 12.320 13,261 14,354 15,651 17,884 19,385 21,345 23,405 24,062 25,143 26,188 26,903 3,491 3,854 4,246 4,607 5,052 5.524 6,113 7,253 7,662 8,104 8,706 9,842 10,586 11,503 12,605 12,963 13,565 14,216 14,676 450 480 523 568 616 665 722 822 938 1,011 1,088 1,181 1,289 1,405 1,512 1,572 1,591 1,609 1,640 293 326 351 388 425 450 487 540 626 673 775 879 993 1,156 1,314 1,427 1,473 1,473 1,482 8.22 8.20 8.23 8.29 8.38 8.41 8.45 8.49 8.55 8.76 8.97 9.37 9.39 9.63 9.80 9.93 10.21 10.41 10.52 5.55 1948 1968 5.54 1949 1969 5.58 1950 1970 5.68 1951 1971 5.78 1952 1972 5.80 1953 1973 5.87 1954 1974 5.91 r 1 55 1975 6.07 1956 1976 6.31 1957 1977 6.51 1958 1978 6.81 1959 1979 6.80 I960 1980 7.00 191, i 1981 7.06 196'' 1982 7.10 1963 1983 7.27 1964 1984 7.34 1985 7.35 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 101 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Personal services — equipment :i:n; 473 524 609 Tli;, 822 956 1,065 1,198 1,366 1,546 1,725 1,917 2,082 2,262 2,453 2,562 2.807 3,115 3,192 227 290 329 388 443 514 602 657 732 822 922 1,019 1,133 1.227 1,321 1.430 1,453 1.600 1,794 2,1)30 34 43 50 57 68 79 93 ins 120 138 156 175 195 213 231 251 267 286 317 353 31 33 34 31 31 31 36 45 58 72 83 94 109 1 23 138 152 165 183 204 228 4.55 4.09 3.84 3.68 3 VI 3.69 3.64 3.77 3.84 3.94 4.00 4.06 4.06 4.08 4.14 4.15 4.31 4.29 4.22 4.17 2 17 2.11 2.25 J 'is 2 55 i 77 2.53 2.62 2.66 2.73 2 7.7 2.78 2.75 2.77 2.-2 2.83 2.99 2.92 2.83 2 78 1967 i9i;x 1969 1971) 1971 197 J 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 19-11 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 1985 3,655 3,962 4,294 4,620 4,935 .7,290 5.796 6,867 7,518 8,139 8,781 9,548 10,449 11,215 11,908 11,979 11,963 12,005 12,143 2,0(71 2,253 2,451 2,616 2,797 3.023 3,321 3,935 4,207 4,415 4,670 4,981 77192 7,617 .7.-99 5,899 ,,906 6,011 6,187 383 407 439 176 512 548 792 671 769 X32 891 960 1.037 1.119 1.1X6 1.216 1,210 1,199 1,207 2 72 4.34 2X0 4.32 304 4.30 335 4.36 365 4.35 387 4.31 419 4.29 469 4.29 540 4.42 586 4.58 671 4.71 763 4.84 865 4.94 999 5.14 1.147 5.24 1,236 5.32 1,274 5.35 1,255 5.31 1,244 5.24 Personal services — structures 930 988 988 1,0X3 1,187 1,229 1.244 1.270 1.378 1.498 1,540 1,556 1,583 1,605 1.662 1,731 1,828 1,923 2,051 2,219 492 549 611 639 (776 681 752 830 862 881 90.7 925 965 1,012 1,083 1,148 1,229 1,337 18 82 18.71 IS. 72 18.22 18.00 17.82 17.56 17.25 1693 16.61 16.39 16.14 15.92 15.72 15.53 15.35 15.00 14.78 14.63 14.45 13.35 12.96 12.55 11.98 I 1 63 11.36 11.01 10 69 10.35 10.09 9 9.7 9.82 9.73 9.67 9.64 9.61 9.44 9 38 9.39 9.38 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 197; 1975 1976 197; 197- 1979 1980 1981 19'-. 1983 1984 19X5 2,3.73 2.626 2,940 3,255 3,6X4 4,084 4,572 5,454 5,743 6,214 6,870 X.336 8.936 10,130 11,497 12,0X3 13,180 II 1X3 14,759 1.427 1.601 1,795 1,990 2,2.7.7 2.7,02 2,792 3,318 3,455 3,689 4,036 4,860 5,194 5.X85 6,707 7,oi,7 7.659 -.20,7 8.1911 07 73 83 92 104 116 130 170 169 179 196 221 2.72 287 326 356 381 410 433 41 14.24 47 14.05 47 13.96 53 13.86 59 13.79 62 13.72 68 13.74 70 13.77 86 13.97 87 1422 104 14.42 116 14.56 1 21 14.61 157 14.61 167 14.53 191 14.49 198 14.63 219 14.73 239 14.86 Business services — equipment and structures 1947 1,669 741 77 87 16.45 10.74 1967 12,169 7,724 920 576 5.82 3.68 1948 1,763 809 86 97 16.06 10.07 1968 14,523 9,403 1,130 629 5.54 3.56 1949 1,769 839 89 99 15.54 9.46 1969 17,120 11,290 1,322 651 5.34 3.51 1950 2,026 1,050 100 101 14.21 8.03 1970 20,009 13,132 1,555 679 5.30 3.59 1951 2,271 1,221 125 106 13.45 7.48 1971 22,918 14,858 1,820 774 5.36 3.73 1952 2,485 1,384 144 98 12.46 6.84 1972 26,361 17,025 2,100 846 5.34 3.75 1953 2,717 1,565 170 98 11.34 6.20 1973 30,890 19,751 2,411 970 5.38 3.82 1954 2,948 1,716 197 103 10.56 5.87 1974 36,736 22,579 2,844 1,196 5.69 4.14 1955 3,369 1,980 225 106 9.91 5.56 1975 10,227 23,617 3,214 1,539 6.02 4.48 1956 3,902 2,301 271 129 9.31 5.31 1976 45,583 26,148 3,559 1,899 6.23 4.61 1957 4,383 2,593 318 151 8.69 5.04 1977 52,375 30,121 4,039 2,336 6.25 4.50 1958 4,755 2,782 356 173 8.32 4.96 1978 61.000 35,096 4,649 2,871 6.36 4.51 1959 5,156 2.9X.7 390 203 8.03 4.90 1979 71,024 41,171 5,396 3,399 6.29 4.36 1960 5,551 3,190 424 245 7.78 4.83 1980 82,732 48,098 6.109 3,993 6.30 4.33 1961 5,910 3,361 452 282 7.71 4.86 1981 95,395 55,601 7,247 4,740 6.29 4.31 1962 6,345 3,581 479 322 7.63 4.88 1982 105,828 61,326 8,217 5,419 6.32 4.35 1963 7,112 4,132 535 379 7.21 4.53 1983 113,876 66,415 8.X79 5,671 6.30 4.32 1964 7,610 4.396 590 419 7.16 4.58 1984 125.046 73,715 9,839 6,021 6.20 4.22 1965 8,530 5,029 652 473 6.86 4.39 1985 134,630 79,076 10,775 6,501 6.22 4.25 1966 9,962 6,062 753 519 6.44 4.10 Business services — equipment 1947 620 683 728 933 1,115 1,335 1,593 1,833 2,183 2,627 3,086 3,458 3,848 4,234 4,554 4,939 5,633 6,056 6,878 8,181 301 355 400 585 727 893 1,079 1,223 1,437 1,693 1,955 2,124 2,303 2.486 2,620 2,797 3,285 3,490 4,053 4,997 49 56 61 72 94 113 139 167 195 237 283 321 354 388 415 441 495 547 607 705 50 57 58 62 61 53 54 60 63 81 104 127 159 202 241 281 337 381 432 478 6.11 5.77 5.46 4.51 4.15 3.84 3.65 3.69 3.74 3.88 3.99 4.21 4.40 4.55 4.74 4.91 4.75 4.86 4.74 4.50 3.57 3.21 3.03 2.47 2.47 2.44 2.47 2.62 2.70 2.81 2.88 3.05 3.17 3.25 3.37 3.48 3.23 3.34 3.21 3.00 1967 10,296 12,431 14,755 17,339 19,822 22,837 26,805 31,753 34,882 39,707 45,820 52,900 62,157 72,479 83,514 93,088 99,760 109,616 118,334 6,591 8,123 9,820 11,445 12,869 14,724 17,053 19,267 20.0X2 22,289 25,861 29.847 35,422 41,437 47,840 52,994 57,246 63,751 68,637 869 1,075 1.259 1,483 1,738 2,005 2,301 2,714 3,064 3,398 3,859 4.444 5,157 5,832 6,925 7,857 8,487 9.410 10,315 535 587 606 633 722 791 917 1,136 1,473 1,831 2,260 2,783 3,308 3,876 4,617 5,292 5,535 5,871 6,340 4.15 4.00 3.92 3.99 4.12 4.19 4.30 4.65 5.06 5.30 5.33 5.39 5.39 5.41 5.42 5.49 5.42 5.30 5.31 2 73 1948. . 1968 2.69 1949 1969 2.69 197,0 1970 2.83 1951 1971 2.99 1952 .... 1972 3.04 1953 1973 3.13 1954 . 1974 3.46 1955 1975 3.81 1956 1976 3.93 1957 1977 3.78 1958 1978 3.72 1959 1979 3 62 1960 1980 3.59 1961 1981 3.58 1962 1982 3.66 1963 1983 3.58 1964 1984 3.46 1965 1985 3.50 1966 102 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Business services — structures 1,049 1,080 1.041 1.093 1,157 1,150 1,124 1,115 1,187 1,275 1,296 1,297 1.30X 1,316 1,356 1,406 1,479 1,554 1,652 1,781 441 455 439 465 494 491 486 493 544 608 638 658 682 704 741 784 847 906 977 1,065 22 57 22.57 22.59 22.49 22.42 2246 2225 21.87 21.25 20.51 19.89 19.27 1871 18.17 17.68 17.20 16.58 16.09 15.70 15 36 15.63 15.42 15.31 15.04 14.85 14.85 14.50 13.95 13.11 12.27 11.67 11.15 10.74 10.39 10.13 9.90 9.56 9 36 9.28 9.23 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19S5 1,873 2.092 2,365 2,670 3,096 3,524 4,084 4,983 5,344 5,876 6,555 8,101 8,868 10,253 11,881 12,740 14,116 15,429 16,296 1,133 1,281 1,470 1,687 1,989 2,301 2,699 3,313 3,535 3,859 4,260 5,249 5,749 6,660 7,761 8,332 9,168 9.963 10,439 51 56 64 72 83 95 110 131 150 162 180 205 239 278 322 360 392 429 460 41 42 46 47 52 55 53 60 67 68 76 88 91 117 123 127 136 150 161 15.01 14.66 14.23 13.76 13.29 12.83 12.47 12.26 12.32 12.44 12.65 12.68 12.63 12.57 12.42 12.38 12.53 12.66 12.84 Auto repair, services, and garages — equipment and structures 1947 994 1,212 1,322 1,505 1,837 2,235 2,648 3,176 3,955 4,757 5,469 5,976 6,528 7,047 7,512 8,023 8,475 9,054 9,885 11,220 544 715 815 971 1,233 1,547 1,880 2,276 2,864 3,364 3.770 3,948 4,204 4,454 4,654 4,912 5,102 5,430 5,965 6,902 64 82 96 107 129 163 199 250 299 376 439 486 529 565 602 638 674 713 768 853 38 45 57 68 67 60 65 75 90 114 133 150 190 230 281 325 372 424 474 517 6.82 6.16 5.78 5.43 5.02 4.60 4.25 4.06 3.91 4.08 4.27 4.61 4.85 5.04 5.28 5.46 5.68 5.81 5.84 5.74 3.58 3.15 3.12 3.14 3.06 2.92 2.84 2.80 2.78 3.01 3.22 3.56 3.75 3.87 4.04 4.14 4.30 4.34 4.29 4.13 1967 12,009 13,301 14,824 16,287 17,583 19,230 21,936 27,267 30,696 34,490 39,811 46,152 53,011 61,540 69,893 75,105 81,357 91,569 99,175 7,283 8,082 9,085 9,854 10,551 11,565 13,378 16,593 18,270 20,382 23,496 27,121 30,827 35,075 39,300 41,594 45,323 52,896 58,131 932 1,014 1,123 1,236 1,347 1,463 1,627 1,927 2,314 2,594 2,982 3,463 4,011 4,657 5,338 5,870 6,230 6,888 7,688 563 604 656 715 786 857 946 1,093 1,317 1,496 1,707 1,990 2,302 2,762 3,265 3,771 4,196 4,585 4,986 5.92 5.98 5.96 6.12 6.28 6.32 6.21 6.22 6.42 6.45 6.43 6.51 6.52 6.65 6.76 6.88 6.84 6.53 6.40 4.31 1948 1968 4.33 1949 1969 4.27 1950 1970 4.42 1951 1971 4.54 1952 1972 4.52 1953 1973 4.37 1954 1974 4.37 1955 1975 4.58 1956 1976 4.59 1957 1977 4.53 1958 1978 4.56 1959 1979 4.55 1960 1980 4.65 1961 1981 4.70 1962 1982 4.76 1963 1983 4.64 1964 1984 4.25 1965 1985 4.12 1966 Auto repair services, and garages— equipment 1947 813 1,000 1,088 1,221 1,499 1,860 2,240 2,730 3,438 4,161 4,825 5,294 5,803 6,283 6.691 7,138 7,507 8,006 8,738 9,946 425 570 650 765 984 1,268 1,576 1,942 2,476 2,918 3,290 3,444 3,673 3,899 4,065 4,284 4,420 4,697 5,173 6,031 59 76 90 100 120 152 187 237 285 359 420 466 508 542 578 612 645 682 735 816 35 42 53 65 63 56 61 71 86 110 128 146 186 226 276 320 367 418 468 510 5.49 4.98 4.69 4.37 4.00 3.66 3.37 3.27 3.18 3.42 3.66 4.05 4.31 4.52 4.75 4.92 5.13 5.24 5.24 5.11 2.64 2.33 2.38 2.44 2.39 2.29 2.26 2.27 2 27 2^53 2.76 3.11 3.29 3.41 3.55 3.63 3.77 3.79 3.71 3.54 1967 10,639 11,739 13,046 14,288 15,293 16,665 19,017 23,758 26,963 30,414 35,272 40,617 47,063 54,793 62,242 67,073 72,604 82,165 89,399 6,357 7,036 7,906 8,542 9,062 9,913 11,511 14,372 15,942 17,880 20,751 23,809 27,295 31,092 34,786 36,862 40,209 47,436 52,498 891 970 1,071 1,179 1,282 1,389 1,544 1,830 2,204 2,477 2,852 3,318 3,844 4,468 5,124 5,636 5,981 6,620 7,406 555 595 645 703 769 839 922 1,067 1,283 1,460 1,660 1.931 2,236 2,678 3,172 3,658 4,075 4,447 4,838 5.28 5.30 5.23 5.36 5.46 5.44 5.29 5.30 5.53 5.55 5.52 5.52 5.57 5.72 5.84 5.99 5.92 5.60 5.47 3.71 1948 1968 3.70 1949 1969 3.61 1950 1970 3.74 1951 1971 3.82 1952 1972 3.76 1953 1973 3.60 1954 1974 3.62 1955 1975 3.86 1056 1976 3.86 1957 1977 3.80 1958 1978 3.78 1959 1979. 3.81 196(1 1980 3.93 1961 1981 3.99 nr," 1982 4.07 1963 1983 ,. 3.93 1964 1984 3.55 1965 1985 3.44 1966 Auto repair services, and garages— structures 1947 180 212 234 284 338 375 407 446 517 596 644 682 725 765 821 885 968 1,049 1,147 1,274 119 146 165 207 249 278 304 334 388 447 480 504 532 554 589 628 683 733 791 870 5 6 7 7 9 11 12 13 14 17 19 20 21 23 24 26 28 31 34 37 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 12.81 11.71 10.84 9.99 9.54 9.29 9.06 8.87 8.74 8.72 8.82 8.95 9.12 9.34 9.58 9.81 9.93 10.13 10.41 10.63 6.92 6.36 6.02 5.69 5.68 5.78 5.86 5.94 6.02 6.18 6.42 6.64 6.88 7.14 7.40 7.62 7.71 7.88 8.10 8.25 1967 1,370 1,562 1,778 1,998 2,290 2,565 2,919 3,509 3,733 4,076 4,539 5,535 5,948 6,746 7,651 8,032 8,753 9,405 9,776 926 1,046 1,179 1,312 1,489 1.652 1,867 2,222 2,328 2,501 2,745 3,312 3,532 3,983 4,514 4,732 5,113 5,460 5,633 40 44 51 57 65 74 83 97 110 117 129 146 166 189 214 234 249 268 282 7 9 11 12 17 18 24 26 34 36 46 59 66 84 93 112 120 137 148 10.88 11.08 11.32 11.56 11.79 12.03 12.21 12.45 12.81 13.19 13.54 13.81 14.01 14.18 14.24 14.32 14.54 14.71 14.91 8.42 1948 1968 8.53 1949 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 8.67 1950 8.81 1951 8.94 1952 9.06 1953 .... 9.12 1954 . .. 9.25 1955 9.51 1956 9.78 1957 10.02 1958 10.18 1959 10.23 1960 10.27 1961 10.17 1962. ... 10.13 1963 10.26 1964 10.34 1965 10.46 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 103 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Miscellaneous repair services — equipment and structures 319 349 362 406 459 498 532 579 658 763 839 890 958 1,012 1,063 1,127 1,251 1,335 1,419 1,532 144 166 181 214 252 282 311 347 403 473 523 550 587 616 638 671 759 801 837 892 it; hi; 16.13 15,25 14.42 13,62 12,81 12,00 11.19 10.58 10.00 9.54 9.31 9.10 .Vis 8.99 8.99 mil 8 63 8.77 8.87 11.17 10.05 9.12 8.31 7.69 7.16 6.68 6.25 5.96 5.74 5.62 5.68 5.71 5.76 5 88 5.95 5.61 5.71 5.90 6.05 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1,719 1,907 2,112 2,433 2,777 3,110 3,496 4.332 4.998 5,587 6.379 7,470 8,491 9.804 11,020 11,812 12.395 13.046 13.748 1,022 1,131 1,258 1,475 1,706 1,926 2,162 2,063 3,027 3,357 3.826 4.494 5,088 5.812 6,469 6.840 7.088 7,405 7,779 loo 114 126 144 166 188 209 242 294 328 368 417 478 545 615 667 694 722 757 58 8.50 65 8.48 72 8.41 80 8.10 89 7.91 99 7.77 111 7.75 128 7.73 162 7.77 189 7.83 229 7.85 257 7.95 289 7.95 341 8.09 406 8.27 427 8.45 449 8.72 483 8.92 532 9.02 Miscellaneous repair services — equipment 1947 110 131 148 175 211 246 281 326 388 471 542 592 657 709 751 803 911 979 1,042 1,126 54 71 85 108 136 162 190 222 266 321 365 389 422 447 462 486 561 593 615 651 7 8 10 12 14 17 20 23 27 33 38 42 46 50 53 56 61 67 72 78 6 7 8 9 9 8 8 10 11 12 14 16 17 19 23 25 28 32 38 43 7.78 7.08 6.52 5.95 5.47 5.15 4.91 4.76 4.71 4.76 4.89 5.14 5.37 5.60 5.85 6.06 5.91 6.13 6.39 6.62 4.59 3.94 3.63 3.38 3.23 3.17 3.16 3.16 3.23 3.33 3.49 3.77 3.98 4.16 4.35 4.48 4.20 4.35 4.57 4.74 1967 1,293 1,432 1,580 1,840 2,095 2,335 2,601 3,245 3,828 4,283 4,897 5,642 6,524 7,568 8,475 9,130 9,461 9,879 10,442 767 845 936 1,112 1.284 1.438 1,591 1.966 2,278 2,520 2,876 3,326 3,842 4,403 4,869 5,159 5,269 5.459 5,767 88 101 111 127 147 167 184 212 261 291 326 370 423 483 543 589 610 632 661 49 56 62 70 78 87 98 115 146 173 211 236 267 313 377 393 414 445 491 6.39 6.44 6.40 6.17 6.00 5.91 5.94 6.02 6.23 6.34 6.39 6.40 6.47 6.65 6.85 7.09 7.30 7.44 7.53 4 39 1948 1968 4 41 1949 1969 4 34 1950 1970 4 11 1951 1971 3 96 1952 1972 3 93 1953 1973 4 01 1954 1974 4 12 1955. ... 1975 4.36 1956 1976 4 46 1957 . .. 1977 4 50 1958 1978 4 48 1959 1979 4.51 1960 1980 4 67 1961 1981 4.87 1962 1982 5.07 1963 1983 5.23 1964. ... 1984 5.30 1965. ... 1985 5.31 1966 Miscellaneous repair services — structures 1947 208 218 214 90 96 96 5 6 6 7 7 8 21.81 21.57 21.27 15.16 14.56 13.99 1967 426 475 532 255 286 323 12 13 15 8 9 10 14.87 14.62 14.39 9.55 1948 1968 9.49 1949 1969 9.43 1950 230 106 6 7 20.87 13.35 1970 593 363 16 10 14.10 9.31 1951 248 116 7 8 20.57 12.93 1971 682 422 19 11 13.79 9.12 1952 252 120 7 9 20.28 12.58 1972 776 488 21 12 13.35 8.81 1953 251 121 7 8 19.95 12.19 1973 895 571 25 13 12.99 8.57 1954 252 125 7 8 19.50 11.75 1974 1,088 697 29 13 12.81 8.50 1955 271 138 7 8 18.97 11.23 1975 1,170 749 34 16 12.79 8.60 1956 292 152 8 9 18.47 10.83 1976 1,305 836 37 16 12.73 8.61 1957 297 158 8 9 18.03 10.55 1977 1,482 950 41 19 12.68 8.65 1958 298 161 8 9 17.61 10.31 1978 1,828 1,169 48 21 12.71 8.76 1959 301 166 8 9 17.23 10.12 1979 1,966 1,247 55 23 12.86 8.95 1960 303 169 9 9 16.89 9.99 1980 2,236 1,409 63 28 12.98 9.11 1961 312 176 9 9 16.56 9.91 1981 2,544 1,600 71 29 13.02 9.14 1962 324 185 9 8 16.26 9.82 1982 2,682 1,681 78 34 13.09 9.22 1963 341 198 10 8 15.81 9.61 1983 2,934 1,820 84 35 13.31 9.45 1964 356 209 10 8 15.53 9.56 1984 3,167 1,947 91 38 13.51 9.62 1965 377 222 11 8 15.32 9.58 1985 3,306 2,011 96 42 13.73 9.83 1966 406 241 11 9 15.09 9.57 Motion pictures— equipment and structures 1947 554 596 605 663 726 764 794 825 902 998 1,052 1,086 1,131 1,181 1,251 1,326 1,408 1,546 1,690 1,841 259 285 296 331 366 392 418 441 492 554 590 612 642 677 722 772 826 925 1,022 1,104 21 25 27 28 33 36 39 42 45 51 58 61 65 68 73 78 83 92 105 116 19 22 22 23 27 28 30 31 34 40 44 45 47 50 53 57 60 63 69 72 15.55 15.22 14.85 14.50 14.27 13.87 13.25 12.78 12.34 11.85 11.41 11.03 10.65 10.25 9.96 9.69 9.48 9.05 8.78 8.73 1079 10.10 9.51 9 01 8.74 8.32 7.78 7.46 7.14 6.85 6.69 6.58 6.46 6.31 6.22 6.15 6.11 5.85 5.76 5.88 1967 2,010 2,236 2,519 2,841 3,204 3,546 4,006 4,696 5,089 5,604 6.153 7,194 7,869 8,676 9,517 9,803 10.239 10,668 10,974 1,208 1,349 1,521 1,719 1,929 2,124- 2,381 2,755 2,921 3,163 3,434 3,989 4,355 4,749 5,157 5,255 5.429 5,640 5,794 131 145 163 187 213 238 268 307 347 382 418 465 523 585 638 673 691 704 728 77 82 90 96 111 125 142 170 194 228 264 310 355 417 468 507 543 557 587 8.50 8.44 8.37 8.26 8.28 8.30 8.34 8.51 8.58 8.69 8.88 9.14 9.10 9.31 9.49 9.63 9.92 10.10 10.18 5.79 1948 1968 5.78 1949 1969 5.78 1950 1970 5.71 1951 1971 5 77 1952 1972 5.82 1953 1973 5 86 1954 ... . 1974 6.03 1955 1975 6.15 1956 1976 6 24 1957 1977 6.36 1958 1978 6.51 1959 1979 6 40 1960 1980 6 55 1961 1981 6.67 1962 1982 6.76 1963 1983 6 97 1964 1984 7 04 1965 1985 7 03 1966 104 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Motion pictures — equipment 81 100 11.-. 135 155 180 213 239 275 324 367 402 434 465 502 :,::t; 574 668 760 840 45 61 73 86 97 113 135 149 171 201 224 240 253 265 283 300 321 389 455 495 5.32 4.61 4.25 4.08 4.09 4.00 3.88 4.00 4.02 4.03 4.14 4.29 4.46 4.61 4.70 4.76 4.80 4.54 4.33 4.39 2.78 2.45 2.44 2.54 2.72 2.70 2.63 2.76 2.77 2.79 2.91 3.05 3.18 3.29 3.31 3.32 3.29 2.98 2.81 2.94 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 198.-, 960 1,067 1,217 1,407 1,594 1,783 2,032 2,359 2,627 2,924 3,184' 3,614 4,097 4,477 4,854 4,993 5,086 5,221 5,400 571 639 734 858 969 1,082 1,223 1,392 1,502 1,631 1,754 1,983 2,272 2,456 2.622 2,657 2,674 2,752 2,864 96 108 121 141 161 181 205 235 266 297 324 360 405 453 491 516 527 530 549 55 4.28 60 4.21 65 4.14 72 4.03 82 4.01 94 4.00 111 4.04 130 4.17 151 4.32 182 4.46 212 4.56 247 4.61 287 4.57 333 4.67 373 4.77 404 4.89 425 4.99 430 5.01 451 5.01 Motion pictures — structures 1947 473 496 490 528 571 584 581 586 627 674 684 684 697 716 749 790 833 878 930 1,000 213 224 223 245 269 279 283 292 321 354 365 372 389 412 439 472 505 536 567 609 15 16 16 16 18 19 19 19 19 21 22 22 22 23 24 26 27 29 31 33 14 16 16 17 20 21 22 22 22 25 25 24 24 23 22 23 22 21 22 22 17.30 17.36 17.34 17.16 17.03 16.91 16.68 16.37 15.99 15.61 15.31 14.99 14.50 13.92 13.49 13.04 12.71 12.48 12.43 12.38 12.50 12.20 11.82 11.29 10.91 10.60 10.24 9.85 9.46 9.16 9.01 8.87 8.60 8.26 8.10 7.95 7.90 7.93 8.12 8.28 1967 1,050 1,169 1,302 1,435 1,610 1,763 1,973 2,336 2,462 2,680 2,969 3,580 3,772 4,198 4,663 4,810 5,153 5,447 5,574 637 710 787 862 960 1,042 1,159 1,363 1,420 1,532 1,681 2,006 2,083 2,293 2,535 2,598 2,755 2,888 2,930 34 37 42 46 51 57 63 72 81 85 94 105 118 132 146 157 164 173 180 21 22 25 24 29 31 31 39 43 46 52 63 67 84 95 102 117 127 136 12.35 12.30 12.32 12.40 12.51 12.66 12.77 12.89 13.12 13.30 13.51 13.72 14.02 14.26 14.39 14.55 14.78 14.98 15.18 8.41 1948 1968 8.49 1949 1969 8.61 1950 1970 8.75 1951 1971 8.91 1952 1972 9.09 1953 1973 9.16 1954 1974 9.24 1955 1975 9.44 1956 1976 9.54 1957 1977 9.67 1958 1978 9.83 1959 1979 10.03 1960 1980 10.19 1961 1981 10.21 1962 1982 10.24 1963 1983 10.41 1964 1984 10.52 1965 1985 10.64 1966 Amusement and recreation services — equipment and structures 3.(126 3,257 3.302 3.624 3,973 4,125 4,228 4,339 1.63] 5,008 5,206 .-.,281) 5,406 5,582 5,760 5,975 (1329 6,623 6,958 7,405 1,301 1,447 1,503 1,687 1,852 1,925 2,000 2.(>r,5 2,231 2.443 2,577 2,649 2,770 2.930 3,078 3,238 3,511 3,710 3,918 4,163 116 137 147 160 193 206 218 230 243 270 294 304 315 329 341 355 373 396 418 444 131 142 143 150 168 177 197 201 225 263 290 304 314 325 332 339 341 349 357 363 17.64 17.17 16.59 15 96 15.69 15.35 14.76 14.26 13.88 13.50 13.02 12.60 12.04 11.48 11.10 10.76 10.30 10.00 9.82 9.71 12.16 11.22 10.43 9.74 9.46 9.15 8.67 8.30 7.97 7.69 7.40 7.17 6.86 6.57 6.41 6.33 6.12 6.09 6.13 6 22 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 198(1 1981 1982 1983 1984 198.-, 7,809 8,434 9,203 10,032 10,969 11,859 13,169 15,946 17,410 18,899 20,661 23,615 26,442 30,099 33,592 35,435 37,124 39,019 40,157 4,381 4,728 5,181 5,656 6,191 6,705 7,507 9,109 9,866 10,605 11,457 12,940 14,477 16,331 17,988 18,650 19,270 20,287 21,073 471 503 545 589 642 694 761 883 1,042 1,150 1,265 1,407 1,599 1,839 2,088 2,274 2,355 2,437 2,530 379 397 417 447 480 517 555 625 724 798 868 950 1,081 1,257 1,493 1,708 1,878 2,058 2,157 9.57 9.53 9.48 9.44 9.47 9.47 9.41 9.37 9.31 9.33 9.46 9.73 9.63 9.60 9.64 9.69 9.91 9.96 10.00 Amusement and recreation services — equipment 1947 641 801 942 1,161 1,363 1,522 1,708 1,879 2,082 2,336 2,557 2,694 2,866 3,047 3,184 3,325 3,550 3,765 3,981 4,263 344 474 573 711 816 888 982 1,054 1,157 1,287 1,405 1,477 1,576 1,688 1,772 1,848 1,992 2,114 2,236 2,374 44 59 73 88 112 125 139 154 168 190 212 224 237 250 262 273 287 306 324 345 52 53 51 55 58 62 74 85 105 132 157 176 187 206 215 225 232 241 252 261 6.94 6.05 5.69 5.47 5.52 5.61 5.65 5.79 5.86 5.93 5.98 6.01 6.00 5.96 5.93 5.96 5.91 5.93 5.94 6.01 3.89 3.32 3.27 3.33 3.52 3.68 3.76 3.89 3.90 3.94 3.96 4.00 3.99 4.00 4.01 4.09 4.07 4.11 4.14 4.23 1967 4,553 4,875 5,292 5,766 6,252 6,751 7,509 9,237 10,442 11,514 12,627 14,089 16,051 18,397 20,733 22,247 22,955 23,944 24,342 2,513 2,666 2,908 3,175 3,456 3,759 4,260 5,293 5,968 6,536 7,107 7,876 8,919 10,045 11,088 11,609 11,739 12,256 12,603 367 393 423 456 495 534 584 680 817 916 1,014 1,129 1,284 1,479 1,687 1,847 1,907 1,959 2,025 277 296 315 341 370 403 435 489 584 645 707 767 873 1,015 1,221 1,412 1,558 1,709 1,776 6.10 6.19 6.20 6.22 6.24 6.22 6.11 6.04 6.02 6.05 6.10 6.12 6.13 6.18 6.33 6.50 6.66 6.68 6.66 4.31 1948 1968 4.38 1949 1969 4.32 1950 1970 4.29 1951 1971 4.27 1952 1972 4.22 1953 1973 4.08 1974 4.02 1975 4.06 1956 1976 4.13 1957 1977 4.20 1958 1978 4.22 1979 4.23 1960 1980 4.30 1961 1981 4.42 1962 1982 4.56 1963 1983 4.66 1964 1984 4.60 1965 1985 4.48 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 105 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Amusement and recreation services — structures 2,385 2,456 2.360 2,463 2,(111 2,604 2,520 2,45!! 2,55(1 2,672 2,649 2,5X6 2,541 2,535 2.577 2,650 2,780 2,8.58 2,977 3.143 957 973 930 975 1,036 1,037 1,018 1,011 1,074 1,156 1,172 1.173 1.194 1.242 1.306 1,390 1,519 1,596 1,682 1,789 91 95 110 115 123 116 119 131 133 128 127 119 117 115 110 108 105 1H2 20 51 20 80 2093 20 90 21.00 21.04 20 93 20.72 2042 20.11 19.82 19.47 IX. 85 18.12 17.48 16.78 15.90 15.37 15.00 14.72 15.14 15.07 14.85 14.42 14.13 13.83 13.40 12.91 12.36 11.87 11.51 11.16 10.64 10.06 9.68 9.31 xxl 8.71 8.77 8.87 1967. 1968. 1969 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979 1980. 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 3,255 3.5CO 3,912 4,266 4,717 5,108 5.660 6,708 6,968 7,386 8,034 9,526 10,391 11,703 12,859 13.1XX 14,169 15,075 15,815 I xi;> 2,062 2,273 1,481 2,735 2.945 3.247 3,816 3,898 4.069 4,349 5,063 5.559 6,286 6.900 7,041 7,522 8,030 8,470 103 110 122 133 147 161 177 203 225 234 252 27 X 316 360 401 428 44- 478 505 102 14.44 101 14.11 102 13.92 107 13.81 110 13.75 114 13.76 120 13.80 135 13.96 140 14.23 153 14.45 161 14.75 183 15.07 207 15.05 242 14.98 27;' 14.98 296 15.08 321 15.18 349 15.16 381 15.14 Other services — equipment and structures 2.666 2.98X 3.146 3.654 4.224 4.596 4,952 5.350 6,092 7,132 7,991 8,751 9,561 10,286 11,075 12,147 13,194 14,450 15,910 17,739 1,312 1,546 1,702 2,103 2,509 2,758 3,023 3,283 3,796 4,506 5,093 5,600 6,131 6,603 7,125 7,892 8,601 9,484 10.532 11,753 118 141 1 59 1X2 226 259 291 332 365 430 490 534 581 627 666 711 768 830 903 90 100 113 127 137 132 140 151 167 199 225 250 2X2 32X 373 400 460 504 557 614 14.65 13.86 13.12 12.16 11.49 II 01 10.40 9.95 9 50 8.99 8.55 8.22 7.99 7.84 7.78 7.63 7.58 7 51 7.46 7 19 10.17 9.06 8.23 7.27 6.79 6.56 6.22 6.01 5.73 5 12 5.20 5 OX 5 02 5 02 5.08 5.04 5.12 5.15 5.20 5 53 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19X4 19X5 19,299 21,499 23,942 26,662 29,766 32.838 37,573 45.X99 49.805 55,013 61,953 73,583 79,801 90.440 102,329 109,351 119,879 130,292 136,719 12,697 1 1 126 15,877 17,706 19,754 21,845 25,111 30,540 32,697 35,670 39,761 46.626 49.637 55.472 62.112 65,662 71.645 77,467 XII, 291 1.09X 1,211 1,302 1,404 1,533 1.659 1,818 2,129 2,471 2,710 3,021 3,435 3885 4,383 5,008 5.633 6,101 6,721 7,304 680 7.55 743 7.70 ;7o 7.83 804 7.96 846 8.21 909 8.39 935 8.47 1,062 8.59 1,213 8.81 1,317 9.06 1,468 9.30 1,671 9.73 1,922 9.99 2.209 10.26 2.567 10.46 2.907 10.55 3,152 10.72 3.415 10.84 3,722 11.02 Other services — equipment 1,027 1,250 1,407 1,734 2,103 2,386 2,693 2.959 3,371 3,916 4,385 4,775 5,230 5,557 5,813 6,229 6,574 7.058 7,547 8,307 519 698 841 1.126 1.406 1,589 1.799 1.932 2,184 2.485 2,718 2,880 3,101 3,224 3,306 3,535 3.682 3.958 4.260 4,701 77 95 113 1.35 171 201 232 271 298 349 396 432 468 502 528 556 593 635 683 744 54 60 72 86 88 80 87 99 114 1 10 164 189 223 267 3 1 3 339 396 442 493 548 5.84 5.21 4.76 1 1 1 3 88 3.85 3.77 3.92 3.97 4.13 4.32 1 55 4.70 4.87 5.03 5.06 5.16 5.16 5.10 3.04 2.55 2.42 2.25 2.31 2.50 2 02 2.82 2.87 2.97 3.09 3.23 3.28 3 38 3.48 3.42 3.47 3.43 3.35 3.33 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 1983 1984 1985 9,059 9,703 10,135 10,803 11,439 12,091 13,424 16,364 18,079 20,001 22,658 25,616 28,709 32,940 38,452 43.542 48.521 5 10-7 58.01 17 5,095 5,416 5,695 6,065 0.112 6,913 7,802 9,544 10,504 11,570 13,170 14,760 16.376 1X.T59 22.191 25.438 28.849 32,572 '11-11 823 905 940 988 1.052 1,111 1,185 1.376 1 .60.5 1.776 1,978 2,253 2,539 2,866 3,318 3,829 4,207 4,703 5.202 612 5.09 670 5.13 695 5.14 718 5.15 752 5.15 803 5.07 819 4.98 929 4.96 1.059 4.98 1,146 4.99 1,264 4.94 1.419 4.99 1.624 5.04 1,845 5.05 2,135 4.95 2.415 4.86 2.592 4.75 2,771 4.65 2,966 4.66 Other services— structures 1947 1,639 1,738 1,739 1,919 2,121 2,210 2,259 2,390 2,721 3,216 3,607 3,976 4,331 4,729 5,262 5,917 6,620 7,392 8,364 9,433 792 848 861 977 1,102 1.169 1.224 1,351 1,612 2,021 2,374 2,720 3,030 3,379 3.819 4,358 4,919 5,526 6.271 7,052 41 46 46 47 55 58 59 61 67 80 94 103 113 125 138 155 174 196 221 250 36 40 41 41 49 51 52 53 53 60 61 61 59 61 61 61 64 62 64 66 20.18 20.08 19.89 19.40 19.04 18.74 18.29 17.40 16.34 14.91 13.69 12.63 11.97 11.32 10.82 10.33 10.00 9.75 9.59 9.60 14.85 14.41 13.91 13.07 12.50 12.08 11.53 10.58 9.60 8.44 7.63 7.04 6.80 6.58 6.47 6.35 6.35 6.38 6.46 6.66 1967 10,240 11,796 13,807 15,859 18,326 20.747 24,150 29.535 31,726 35,012 39,295 47,967 51,092 57,501 63,877 65,808 71,358 76,205 78,622 7,603 8,710 10.182 11 642 13.312 14,932 17,309 20,996 22.193 24,100 26,591 31,866 33,261 36,714 39,921 40,225 42.795 11,805 45,447 275 307 362 416 481 548 633 753 866 934 1,042 1,182 1,346 1,516 1,691 1,804 1,894 2.018 2,102 68 73 81 86 94 107 116 133 154 171 204 251 297 364 431 492 560 644 756 9.73 9.82 9.80 9.88 10.12 10.33 10.41 10.60 1000 11.39 11.81 12.26 12.76 13.24 13.77 14.31 14.79 15.23 15.72 6.94 1948 1968 7.16 1949. ... 1969 7.24 1950 1970 7.39 1951 1971 7.68 1952 1972 7.92 1953 1973 7.99 1954 1974 8.17 1955 1975 8.55 1956 1976 8.91 1957 1977 9 29 1958 1978 9 69 1959 1979 10.13 1960 1980 10.52 1961 1981 10 96 1962 1982 11 40 1963 1983 11 74 1964 1984 12.04 1965 1985 12.37 1966 106 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Health services — equipment and structures 1,094 1,226 1,282 1,528 1,812 2,017 2,194 2.369 2.725 3,255 3,695 4.119 4.576 4,910 5,291 5,832 6.348 7.029 7.861 8,825 569 662 715 921 1,134 1,278 1.405 1.507 1.754 2.120 2,415 2.699 2,999 3,198 3,435 3,823 4,183 4,687 5,316 5,981 50 61 6,8 78 100 117 134 153 169 202 234 259 285 308 326 348 376 407 446 492 33 39 45 53 56 52 55 58 66 78 92 106 121 147 170 183 212 233 257 284 13 63 13.01 12.49 11.33 10.54 10.01 9.49 9.22 8.83 8.33 7.96 7.65 7.45 7.43 7.47 7.36 7.35 7.24 7.14 7.18 9.84 8.96 8.35 7.14 6.55 6.27 6.01 5.95 5.67 5.32 5.12 4.96 4.88 4.96 5.07 5.02 5.08 5.04 5.02 5.15 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981) 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 9,631 10,866 12,399 14,018 15,796 17,461 19,781 24,176 26,577 29,435 33,140 39,024 42,963 49,577 57,786 63,886 71,588 79,197 83,894 6,501 7,344 8,464 9,568 10,749 11,823 13,322 16,094 17,356 18,911 20,979 24,275 26,256 30,035 35,137 38,968 43,883 48,561 50.821 542 596 661 737 822 909 1,014 1,195 1,431 1,596 1,795 2,049 2,337 2,679 3,140 3,651 4,049 4,533 4,992 310 7.26 334 7.39 361 7.43 382 7.54 412 7.78 450 8.02 478 8.21 550 8.37 664 8.55 747 8.79 845 9.03 991 9.50 1,165 9.64 1,389 9.75 1,666 9.68 1,922 9.50 2,128 9.49 2.322 9.48 2,553 9.61 Health services — equipment 1947 462 558 612 776 964 1,118 1,272 1,388 1,601 1,897 2,144 2,369 2,614 2,769 2,902 3,11(1 3.280 3,530 3.800 4,168 232 307 357 507 656 761 868 918 1,053 1,225 1,348 1.450 1,567 1,616 1,653 1,766 1,851 2,005 2,184 2,395 35 44 51 61 79 95 111 130 143 171 196 216 237 253 266 281 298 319 344 374 23 27 33 41 41 37 40 43 51 60 74 88 103 128 151 164 192 214 235 262 5.56 5.04 4.69 3.92 3.59 3.54 3.48 3.68 3.72 3.87 4.09 4.31 4.49 4.71 4.91 4.96 5.02 4.99 4.92 4.92 2.87 2.43 2.35 2.06 2.11 2.29 2.44 2.70 2.73 2.80 2.94 3.08 3.16 3.30 3.42 3.37 3.37 3.29 3.20 3.23 1967 4,521 4,906 5,345 5,886 6,429 7,078 8,082 10,147 11.676 13,160 15,131 17,236 19,672 22,999 27,630 32,062 36,354 40,982 43,985 2,593 2,807 3,101 3,425 3.766 4,222 4,901 6,150 7,002 7,821 8,983 10,071 11.323 13,165 16,139 19,054 21,955 24,958 26,430 410 447 484 532 585 643 715 850 1,041 1,180 1,337 1,537 1,756 2,020 2,393 2,837 3,176 3,587 3,994 287 309 332 351 376 409 433 495 602 676 763 887 1,039 1,236 1,478 1,713 1,884 2,043 2,219 4.93 4.93 4.85 4.82 4.77 4.64 4.52 4.50 4.56 4.61 4.60 4.70 4.79 4.83 4.71 4.60 4.50 4.44 4.51 3.25 1948 1968 3.27 1949 1969 3.19 1950 1970 3.18 1951 1971 3.14 1952 1972 3.03 1953 1973 2.94 1954 1974 2.97 1955 1975 3.08 1956 1976 3.14 1957 1977 3.13 1958 1978 3.22 1959 1979 3.29 1960 1980 3.28 1961 1981 3.11 1962 1982 3.00 1963 1983 2.94 196-1 1984 2.92 1965 1985 3.04 1966 Health services — structures 1947 632 668 670 752 848 899 922 981 1,124 1,358 1,551 1,751 1,961 2,141 2,389 2,722 3,068 3,499 4,061 4,657 337 355 358 414 479 517 538 590 700 895 1.067 1.249 1,433 1,583 1,783 2,057 2,333 2,681 3,133 3,586 15 17 17 17 20 22 23 23 26 32 38 43 48 54 60 68 77 88 102 118 10 12 12 12 14 15 15 15 15 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 22 22 19.53 19.67 19.62 18.99 18.45 18.07 17.77 17.05 16.11 14.57 13.31 12.18 11.39 10.95 10.59 10.11 9.84 9.51 9.22 9.20 14.64 14.62 14.35 13.37 12.63 12.13 11.78 11.00 10.10 8.77 7.86 7.15 6.76 6.66 6.60 6.44 6.43 6.34 6.28 6.43 1967 5,109 5,960 7,055 8,132 9,367 10,383 11,699 14,029 14,901 16,275 18,008 21,788 23,291 26,578 30,156 31,824 35,234 38,215 39,909 3,908 4,537 5,363 6,143 6,983 7,602 8,421 9,944 10,354 11,090 11,996 14,204 14,933 16,870 18,998 19,914 21,928 23,603 24,391 131 149 177 205 237 266 299 346 390 416 458 512 581 659 747 814 873 946 998 24 26 29 31 36 41 45 55 62 72 83 104 126 153 188 209 244 279 334 9.33 9.41 9.38 9.51 9.85 10.32 10.76 11.16 11.68 12.18 12.76 13.31 13.74 14.01 14.24 14.45 14.64 14.89 15.22 6.69 1948 1968 6.87 1949 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 : 1985 6.94 1950 7.13 1951 7.52 1952 8.02 1953 8.46 1954 8.84 1955.. .. 9.33 1956 9.80 1957 10.34 1958 . .. 10.83 1959 . 11.15 1960 11.27 1961 . 11.31 1962.. . 11.33 1963 .. 11.33 1964 11.41 1965 11.59 1966 Legal services — equipment and structures 1947 703 767 787 867 957 996 1,031 1,078 1,174 1,283 1.366 1,397 1,474 1,528 1,568 1,678 1,740 1,858 1,973 2,198 307 354 380 434 491 517 548 585 645 709 765 779 835 870 889 972 995 1,073 1,149 1,301 28 32 34 37 44 47 50 55 59 66 73 76 80 85 88 93 97 104 112 126 30 31 33 34 37 37 39 40 42 48 49 51 54 58 64 66 73 78 85 91 17.99 17.15 16.37 15.78 15.28 14.89 14.23 13.60 13.18 12.83 12.27 12.01 11.49 11.15 11.08 10.62 10.61 10.32 10.14 9.73 12.46 11.06 10.05 9.36 8.89 8.60 8.11 7.69 7.44 7.30 6.99 6.98 6.67 6.55 6.65 6.35 6.57 6.45 6.41 6.20 1967 2,354 2,536 2,653 2,816 3,002 3,112 3,425 4,025 4,108 4,419 4,841 5,585 5,847 6,492 7,072 7,256 7,954 8,972 10,001 1,376 1,456 1,507 1,594 1,690 1,756 1,964 2,332 2,379 2,558 2,802 3,188 3,284 3,624 3,864 3,863 4,284 5,018 5,788 144 161 164 167 174 175 176 198 207 214 229 253 276 300 332 353 374 421 480 101 111 116 125 131 149 147 172 177 171 184 185 202 199 213 228 224 248 258 9.57 9.71 10.04 10.20 10.48 10.81 10.83 10.86 11.16 11.30 11.45 11.92 12.21 12.40 12.76 13.04 12.98 12.39 1 1 ,75 6.32 1948 1968 6.63 1919 1969 6.98 19 ,0 1970 7.17 1951 1971 7.46 1952 1972 7.76 1953 1973 7.69 1954 1974 7.70 1975 8.01 1956 1976 8.15 1957 1977 8.31 1958 1978 8.79 1959 1979 9.12 1960 1980 9.23 1961 1981 9.57 1962 1982 9.88 1963 1983 9.52 1964 1984 8.62 1905 1985 7.81 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 107 Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Legal services — equipment 1947 204 243 271 311 360 390 425 466 519 581 646 681 741 786 804 869 884 957 1,013 1,150 103 136 161 191 226 244 267 292 322 354 390 398 432 452 453 496 481 524 557 648 15 17 20 23 28 31 34 39 42 48 53 57 60 65 67 71 74 79 86 98 14 14 15 16 17 16 18 19 21 25 26 28 33 36 43 44 52 57 64 70 6.71 5.91 5.46 5.16 4.92 4.86 4.77 4.79 4.84 4.97 5.06 5.33 5.36 5.48 5.66 5.55 5.90 5.86 5.77 5.54 3.72 3.10 2.96 2.97 2.99 3.14 3.22 3.31 3.40 3.53 3.56 3.77 3.70 3.75 3.89 3.70 4.08 3.95 3.83 3.60 1967 1,265 1,335 1,311 1,333 1,346 1,303 1,366 1,553 1,521 1,616 1,781 1,990 2,133 2,433 2,654 2,831 3,095 3,544 4,151 697 706 666 663 656 636 680 790 789 858 984 1,117 1,206 1,416 1,523 1,593 1,777 2,110 2,568 113 129 128 126 129 125 121 133 134 137 145 161 174 189 211 226 241 275 320 79 89 91 101 104 122 118 142 142 137 144 138 152 139 149 152 151 158 167 5.54 5.71 6.01 6.14 6.26 6.38 6.38 6.35 6.30 6.16 5.90 5.80 5.77 5.58 5.67 5.82 5.72 5.44 5.13 3.70 1948 1968 3.91 1949 1969 4.14 1950 . 1970 4.16 1951 1971 4.15 1952 1972 4.11 1953 1973 3.95 1954 1974 3.88 1955 1975 3.87 1956 1976 3.80 1957 1977 3.66 1958 1978 3.67 1959 1979 3.78 1960 1980 3.64 1961 1981 3.84 1962 1982 4.04 1963 1983 3.88 1964 1984 3.56 1965 1985 3.27 1966 Legal services — structures 1947 499 524 516 555 597 606 606 612 655 701 719 716 733 743 765 809 856 900 961 1,047 204 218 220 243 265 273 281 293 324 355 375 381 403 417 436 475 514 549 592 654 13 14 14 14 16 16 17 16 17 19 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 16 17 18 17 20 21 21 21 21 23 23 23 22 22 21 22 22 21 21 22 22.59 22.37 22.09 21.72 21.53 21.34 20.88 20.32 19.79 19.33 18.74 18.35 17.68 17.14 16.77 16.06 15.48 15.06 14.73 14.34 16.89 16.04 15.24 14.39 13.91 13.49 12.76 12.05 11.45 11.05 10.54 10.33 9.85 9.59 9.51 9.12 8.90 8.83 8.84 8.77 1967 1,088 1,202 1,341 1,483 1,657 1,809 2,059 2,471 2,587 2,803 3,060 3,595 3,715 4,059 4,418 4,425 4,859 5,428 5,851 679 750 841 931 1,034 1,120 1,284 1,542 1,589 1,700 1,818 2,072 2,078 2,208 2,341 2,270 2,507 2,907 3,220 30 32 36 40 45 50 56 65 73 77 84 92 102 111 121 127 133 146 160 22 22 25 24 26 27 29 30 35 35 40 47 50 60 64 76 72 90 91 14.26 14.17 13.97 13.84 13.90 14.01 13.78 13.70 14.01 14.26 14.68 15.31 15.91 16.49 17.01 17.67 17.60 16.93 16.44 9.01 1948 1968 9.18 1949 1969 9.24 1950 1970 9.32 1951 1971 9.57 1952 1972 9.83 1953 1973 9.68 1954 1974 9.66 1955 1975 10.06 1956 1976 10.35 1957 1977 10.83 1958 1978 11.55 1959 1979 12.21 1960 1980 12.81 1961 1981.... 13.30 196" 1982 13.98 1963.. .. 1983 13.52 1964 1984 12.30 1965 1985 11.44 1966 Educational services — equipment and structures 1947. ... 169 195 214 252 293 323 358 402 456 521 570 612 658 708 753 821 913 1,000 1,084 1,203 82 103 121 149 177 195 218 247 279 316 341 361 381 404 426 464 514 559 600 661 8 10 12 15 19 21 25 29 33 38 43 47 51 56 60 65 73 81 89 99 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 13 15 18 21 24 27 32 37 42 50 59 68 78 14.75 13.25 11.87 10.77 10.06 9.50 8.78 8.16 7.88 7.66 7.50 7.36 7.28 7.20 7.16 7.01 6.87 6.79 6.75 6.70 8.97 7.45 6.45 5.82 5.55 5.41 5.12 4.85 4.79 4.76 4.78 4.77 4.80 4.78 4.76 4.64 4.56 4.53 4.53 4.53 1967 1,331 1,414 1,388 1,402 1,422 1,412 1,484 1,695 1,686 1,774 1,909 2,082 2,140 2,281 2,435 2,540 2,549 2,597 2,639 718 754 736 734 738 730 763 862 851 890 960 1,033 1,048 1,130 1,211 1 ,282 1,298 1,331 1,375 111 123 119 11-1 114 111 108 120 124 128 136 148 155 161 174 186 186 192 196 92 108 107 104 107 104 101 112 115 119 126 139 150 157 169 176 174 172 169 6.66 6.82 7.20 7.51 7.83 8.18 8.43 8.67 8.93 9.06 9.14 9.50 9.68 9.75 9.79 9.60 9.80 9.86 9.78 4.57 1948 . 1968 4.73 1949 1969 5.03 1950 1970 5.30 1951 1971 5.56 1952 1972 5.82 1953. ... 1973 6.00 1954. ... 1974 6.17 1955 1975 6.35 1956 1976 6.41 1957 1977 6.39 1958 1978 6.71 1959 1979 6.84 1960 1980 6.77 1961 1981 6.75 1962 1982 6.51 1963. .. 1983 6.58 1964 . . . 1984 6.58 1965 .. . 1985 6.41 1966 Educational services—equipment 1947 75 98 120 152 186 214 250 293 340 396 444 485 531 579 620 683 769 849 924 1,030 40 60 78 103 127 143 166 193 220 251 274 293 312 333 352 386 431 472 507 559 6 7 9 12 16 18 22 26 30 35 411 44 47 52 56 61 69 77 85 94 5 6 6 6 7 9 11 14 17 20 24 29 34 39 47 56 64 75 5.91 4.90 4.29 3.89 3.77 3.83 3.82 3.87 4.01 4.19 4.41 4.61 4.80 4.96 5.07 5.08 5.11 5.16 5.19 5.23 3.12 2.47 2.32 2.32 2.45 2.66 2.75 2.81 2.94 3.08 3.24 3.36 3.48 3.56 3.58 3.52 3.50 3.52 3.54 3.57 1967 1,148 1,210 1,161 1,154 1,147 1,113 1,158 1,319 1,298 1,362 1,464 1,555 1,594 1,682 1,780 1,873 1,837 1,849 1,875 609 631 599 585 574 553 572 645 632 662 718 752 763 823 880 947 945 964 1,002 106 118 113 108 107 103 99 110 113 116 124 134 140 145 156 167 166 172 174 88 104 103 100 102 99 95 106 108 112 118 130 140 1 15 156 162 160 156 152 5.31 5.46 5.72 5.93 6.12 6.33 6.50 6.68 6.81 6.84 6.81 6.89 6.97 6.84 6.70 6.46 6.38 6.23 6.02 3.66 1948 1968 3.79 1949 1969 3.99 1950 1970 4.16 1951 1971 4.28 1952 1972 4.40 1953 1973 4.46 1954 1974 4.54 1955 1975 4.55 1956 1976 4.50 1957 1977 4.36 1958 1978 4.42 1959 1979 4.45 1960 1980 4.23 1961 1981 4.13 1962 1982 3.93 1963 1983 3.85 1964 1984 3.76 1965 1985 3.62 1966 108 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A2. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Educational services — structures 1947 .... 93 97 95 100 107 109 108 109 116 125 126 127 127 128 132 138 144 150 159 173 41 43 43 46 50 52 52 54 59 65 66 68 69 71 74 78 83 87 93 102 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 21.87 21.69 21.45 21.17 20.99 20.61 20.26 19.71 19.22 18.66 18.34 17.89 17.63 17.26 16.94 16.55 16.23 15.98 15.79 15.49 14.71 14.34 13.98 13.65 13.45 13.05 12.70 12.16 11.74 11.30 11.14 10.84 10.75 10.55 10.40 10.19 10.05 9.98 9.96 9.82 1967 182 204 227 247 275 299 326 376 388 411 445 527 546 599 655 667 712 748 764 109 123 137 149 164 178 191 217 219 228 242 281 285 307 332 334 353 367 373 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 21 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 11 13 13 14 16 17 15.18 14.89 14.81 14.85 14.95 15.05 15.29 15.63 16.03 16.41 16.80 17.18 17.59 17.93 18.18 18.39 18.62 18.85 19.01 9.67 19 is 1968 9.54 1949 1969 9.60 1950 1970 9.78 1951 . . 1971 10.02 1952 1972 10.23 1953 . . 1973 10.59 1954 . . 1974 11.03 1955 . . 1975 11.53 1956 .. 1976 11.97 1957 1977 12.42 1958 .. 1978 12.83 1959 1979 13.25 1960... 1980 13.56 1961. . . 1981 13.71 1962 1982 13.80 1963 1983 13.90 1964 1984 13.97 1965 1985 13.93 1966 Social services, membership organizations, and miscellaneous professional services — equipment and structures 1947 701 800 863 1,006 1,162 1,261 1,369 1,500 1,737 2,073 2,361 2,622 2,853 3,140 3,463 3,816 4,193 4,564 4,992 5,515 355 427 485 599 707 769 852 944 1,118 1,361 1,572 1,761 1,915 2,131 2,374 2,634 2,909 3,165 3,466 3,809 32 39 45 52 64 73 82 95 104 123 140 152 165 178 192 205 222 238 256 277 19 22 26 31 34 33 35 40 45 55 63 69 80 91 102 109 125 133 147 160 12.89 12.17 11.41 10.64 10.20 9.92 9.39 8.94 8.48 7.99 7.58 7.30 7.21 7.00 6.90 6.85 6.84 6.94 7.06 7.25 9.01 7.94 7.06 6.32 6.04 5.96 5.64 5.38 5.06 4.76 4.56 4.48 4.56 4.52 4.56 4.65 4.78 4.98 5.20 5.47 1967 5,984 6,683 7,502 8,426 9,546 10,854 12,883 16,004 17,433 19,385 22,064 26,892 28,850 32,091 35,036 35,669 37,789 39,525 40,185 4,102 4,572 5,170 5,810 6,577 7,536 9,062 11,251 12,111 13,311 15,020 18,129 19,049 20,684 21,900 21,549 22,181 22,557 22,308 302 331 358 386 424 464 519 616 709 772 861 985 1,117 1,242 1,362 1,444 1,492 1,574 1,637 177 190 192 193 196 205 208 228 257 280 313 357 405 465 519 581 627 673 742 7.42 7.65 7.82 8.00 8.26 8.33 8.24 8.34 8.64 8.96 9.24 9.62 10.07 10.64 11.32 11.98 12.65 13.28 13.86 5.70 1948 1968 5.97 1949 1969 6.14 1950 1970 6.31 1951 1971 6.54 1952 1972 6.56 1953 1973 6.40 1954 1974 6.47 1955 1975 6.74 1956 1976 7.02 1957 1977 7.23 1958 1978 7.54 1959 1979 7.94 1960 1980 8.45 1961 1981 9.09 1962 1982 9.72 1963 1983 10.31 1964 1984 10.83 1965 1985 11.30 1966 Social services, membership organizations, and miscellaneous professional services —equipment 1947 286 351 405 495 594 665 746 812 911 1,041 1,151 1,240 1,344 1,423 1,487 1,568 1,641 1,721 1,810 1,959 144 194 245 325 398 441 498 530 589 655 707 739 790 823 848 887 920 957 1,012 1,099 21 26 32 39 49 57 65 76 83 96 107 115 123 131 138 144 152 160 168 178 12 14 18 23 23 21 23 27 31 40 47 53 63 74 85 92 106 116 129 141 5.65 5.09 4.52 3.94 3.75 3.79 3.69 3.84 3.91 4.12 4.32 4.55 4.68 4.82 4.93 4.99 5.05 5.11 5.08 5.07 2.81 2.38 2.19 2.09 2.23 2.46 2.56 2.75 2.80 2.94 3.05 3.18 3.21 3.27 3.32 3.32 3.35 3.37 3.30 3.29 1967 2,125 2,253 2,317 2,429 2,517 2,597 2,818 3,345 3,583 3,863 4,282 4,835 5,310 5,826 6,388 6,777 7,235 7,712 8,087 1,195 1,272 1,329 1,391 1,445 1,503 1,650 1,959 2,081 2,229 2,485 2,820 3,084 3,355 3,650 3,843 4,173 4,539 4,845 194 211 216 223 232 240 250 283 317 343 372 421 469 513 557 599 623 668 713 158 169 169 166 169 172 172 187 207 222 239 265 293 325 352 388 397 413 428 5.04 5.04 5.02 5.06 5.07 5.06 5.02 5.04 5.12 5.16 5.13 5.09 5.12 5.19 5.23 5.28 5.17 5.03 4.90 3.28 1948 1968 3.29 1949 1969 3.27 1950 1970 3.32 1951 1971 3.32 1952 1972 3.30 1953 1973 3.25 1954 1974 3.27 1955 1975 3.35 1956 1976 3.38 1957 1977 3.32 1958 1978 3.25 1959 1979 3.26 I960 1980 3.30 1961 1981 3.32 1962 1982 3.35 1963 1983 3.22 1964 1984 3.07 1965 1985 2.98 1966. ... Social services, membership organizations, and miscellaneous professional services —structures 1947 414 450 458 511 569 596 624 689 826 1,032 1,210 1,382 1,509 1,717 1,976 2,248 2,552 2,842 3,183 3,556 211 232 240 274 309 328 353 414 529 706 866 1,022 1,125 1,308 1,526 1,747 1,990 2,208 2.454 2,711 11 13 13 13 16 16 17 18 21 27 33 37 41 47 54 61 70 79 88 99 7 8 8 8 11 12 12 13 13 15 16 16 16 17 18 17 19 18 18 19 17.89 17.68 17.48 17.13 16.93 16.77 16.20 14.96 13.52 11.89 10.69 9.76 9.47 8.82 8.38 8.15 8.00 8.04 8.19 8.45 13.23 12.58 12.02 11.34 10.95 10.66 9.98 8.75 7.57 6.45 5.80 5.42 5.51 5.31 5.25 5.33 5.44 5.68 5.98 6.35 1967 3,860 4,430 5,184 5,998 7,028 8,257 10,065 12,659 13,850 15,522 17,782 22,057 23,540 26,264 28,648 28,892 30,554 31,814 32,097 2,907 3,301 3,841 4,419 5,131 6,033 7,412 9,292 10,031 11,081 12,536 15,309 15,965 17,329 18,250 17,706 18,008 18,018 17,463 108 120 142 164 191 224 270 333 391 430 488 564 648 729 804 844 869 905 923 19 21 23 26 27 33 37 41 50 57 73 92 112 140 167 193 229 260 314 8.72 8.97 9.08 9.19 9.40 9.36 9.15 9.22 9.55 9.91 10.23 10.62 11.19 11.85 12.67 13.55 14.42 15.28 16.12 6.70 1948 1968 7.01 1949 1969 7.14 1950 1970 7.26 1951 1971 7.45 1952 1972 7.37 1953 1973 7.11 1974 7.14 1975 7.44 1956 1976 7.75 1977 8.00 1958 1978 8.33 1979 8.84 1980 9.45 1961 1981 10.24 1962 1982 11.11 1983 11.95 1984 12.78 1985 13.61 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 109 Table A3.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries — equipment and structures 1 4,6.70 17,362 20,162 23,007 25,804 28,442 30,837 32,844 34,870 36,372 37,784 39,431 41,244 42,488 43,771 45,324 47,134 49,154 51,757 54,742 8,662 10,959 13,158 15,228 17,053 18.566 19,782 20,601) 21,506 22,006 22,574 23,484 24,609 25,203 25,876 26,828 28,005 29,321 31,153 33,225 870 1,057 1,281 1,514 1,739 1,944 2,125 2,288 2,423 2,531 2,597 2,670 2,758 2,826 2,878 2,943 3,036 3,154 3,311 3,509 591 609 644 701 727 778 890 1,047 1,233 1,458 1,685 1,851 1 ,986 2,092 2,174 2.236 2,294 2,357 2,426 2,465 9X1, 8.65 7.85 7.32 7.02 6.90 6.89 7.00 7 09 7.28 7.43 7.52 7.57 7 72 7.85 7.93 7.97 7.99 7.94 7.88 5 64 4.79 4.40 4.25 4.25 4.35 4.51 1 73 4.90 5.12 5.31 5 40 5.45 5.61 5.76 5 83 5.88 5.91 5.86 5.81 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 198(1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 58, 085 61.299 64,891 69,442 74,062 78.998 86.046 94.358 103,540 114,543 127,774 141,843 158,930 173,732 187,106 196,089 203,978 210.670 216.598 35.483 37,435 39,594 42,522 45,403 48,444 53,482 59,395 65,879 73,749 83,166 92,756 104.621 113,600 120,694 123.433 125.362 126,548 127,634 3.738 3.958 4.185 4,447 4,730 5.055 5.518 5.945 6.496 7,156 7,997 8.935 10,015 11,140 12.002 12.686 13,104 13,467 13,769 2,523 7.82 2,570 7.83 2,628 7.83 2,707 7.78 2,860 7.76 3,054 7.76 3,391 7.59 3,444 7.43 3,678 7.28 3,903 7.11 4,077 6.92 4,362 6.81 4,686 6.66 5,201 6.68 5,590 6.80 6,311 7.08 7,009 7.38 7,768 7.69 8,732 7.98 Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries — equipment and structures 646 741 834 915 1,020 1,145 1,217 1,304 1,482 1,593 1,729 1,958 2,041 2,172 2.295 2,46(1 2,565 2,824 3,040 3,201 462 533 589 662 750 783 829 963 1,025 1,110 1,280 1,297 1,360 1,413 1,505 1,535 1,717 1,851 1.9211 30 36 43 49 55 62 67 71 78 87 95 106 116 122 130 139 147 160 178 193 19 20 21 22 24 24 28 30 33 38 43 46 49 54 58 65 71 82 94 10(1 12.22 11,07 10.30 9.87 9.37 8 90 8.95 8.92 8.42 8.42 8.34 7.94 8 22 8.32 8.45 8.45 8.66 8.39 8.3(1 8 40 7.86 6.87 6.34 6.17 5.91 5.66 5.87 5.97 5.65 5.64 5.32 5 69 5 83 5.99 5.98 6.21 5.88 5.79 5.92 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1 985 3.395 3,671 3,936 4,472 1,901 5,309 5,777 6.220 6.78!) 7,800 8,941 10,540 12.388 14,298 16,376 17,882 19,457 21,158 23,053 2.022 2.196 2,352 2,759 3.041 3.290 3,587 3,840 4.208 4,974 5,797 6,974 8,271 9,490 10,747 11,336 11,968 12.772 13,811 207 225 246 278 315 349 387 425 468 538 637 774 950 1,139 1,337 1,513 1.653 1,790 1 .933 113 8.40 122 8.24 135 8.15 146 7.64 164 7.46 185 7.36 208 7.23 225 7.19 254 7,04 278 6.59 303 6.25 337 5.83 384 5.50 429 5.34 496 5.25 576 5.42 688 5.57 854 5.66 1,036 5.71 Mining — equipment and structures 12.076 13,322 14,489 15,928 17,692 19,901 22,371 24.886 27.693 30,808 33,919 36,510 39,194 41,704 44,238 46,732 48,871 51,473 54,150 56,845 6.877 7.849 8,681 9,714 11,000 12,603 14,360 16,044 17,916 19,928 21,813 23,094 24,400 25,482 26,576 27,669 28,431 29,692 31,090 32,560 726 799 88.1 978 1,088 1,224 1,384 1,556 1,737 1,937 2,142 2,328 2,199 2,662 2,813 2,961 3.102 3,247 3,407 3,570 515 514 536 560 596 606 651 708 780 810 893 991 1,093 1,205 1,341 1,526 1,688 1.874 2,090 2.301 8 59 8.08 7.77 7.44 7.10 6.76 6.49 6.34 6 20 6.13 6.12 6.25 6.38 6.55 6.72 6.88 7.07 7.19 7 28 7.34 5 36 -1 96 4.78 4.60 4.42 4.23 4 12 1 Hi 4.10 4.11 4.18 4.36 4.52 4 69 4.84 4.96 5.11 5.16 5.17 5.19 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 198;: 1984 1985 59,036 01,226 63,744 65.810 67,882 70,376 73.822 79,253 87,700 97,915 112,383 131.146 155,048 185,224 231,425 277,954 306,172 333,094 355,072 33,552 34,577 35,989 36,973 37,983 39.397 41,699 45.684 52.212 59.793 70,625 84,431 101,725 123,267 158,031 189,803 201,320 210,805 215,1 13 3.723 3.861 4,011 4,158 4.297 4,466 4,725 5.143 5.783 6,637 7,765 9,273 11,175 13,559 16,882 20,861 24,006 26,247 28,182 2.479 2.650 2.859 3,026 3,178 3,334 3,507 3,644 3,787 3,917 4,043 4,233 4,465 4,807 5,310 6,022 7,089 8,561 10,283 7.46 7.56 7.61 7.69 7 76 7.79 7.71 7.48 7.09 6.71 6.27 5.84 5.46 5.13 4.70 1 55 1 80 5.07 5.39 Metal mining — equipment and structures 973 1,037 1,069 1,120 1,227 1,364 1,524 1.656 1,799 1,970 2,110 2,224 2,356 2,527 2,706 2,896 3,047 3,243 3,543 3,799 504 557 576 614 701 814 944 1,041 1,144 1,269 1,360 1,422 1,501 1,619 1,743 1,875 1,964 2,095 2,325 2,493 50 54 58 61 67 75 84 93 100 109 118 124 130 137 145 153 161 169 181 195 41 43 46 48 48 51 54 57 60 62 68 71 77 83 89 93 99 103 109 111 12 80 12.06 11.74 11.27 10.42 9.55 8.79 8 37 8.04 7.71 7.58 7.62 7.61 7.53 7.48 7.45 7.56 7.60 7.46 7.50 7.27 6.68 6.59 6.35 5.75 5 23 4.84 4.77 4.74 4.69 4.81 5.03 5.19 .,22 5.28 5.34 5.54 5.63 5.52 5.59 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 197 ■ 1973 197: 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 4,071 4,351 4.653 4,960 5,335 5,707 6.224 6.946 7,851 8,904 9,993 11,256 12,792 11,195 15,529 16,928 18,111 19.479 20,528 2,677 2,854 3,044 3,225 3,458 3,670 4,003 4,508 5,146 5,866 6,554 7,340 8,321 9.096 9,745 10,417 10,861 11,501 11,844 207 220 235 251 272 297 328 373 434 512 599 694 803 915 1,020 1,123 1,216 1,305 1.386 113 7.56 116 7.65 122 7.74 124 7.88 128 7.95 135 8.06 142 8.03 1 54 7.83 166 7.57 175 7.33 194 7.20 214 7.07 245 6.89 282 6.88 328 6.96 392 7.04 471 7.21 567 7.30 6,69 7.49 110 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Coal mining — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1,104 1,192 1,229 1,267 1,316 1,361 1,397 1,415 1.440 1,514 1,582 1,645 1,705 1,808 1,976 2,120 2.291 2,398 2,493 2.647 577 636 643 651 669 683 695 694 706 766 823 873 916 999 1,138 1,237 1,353 1.398 1,430 1,518 74 82 89 93 97 101 105 1(17 1119 113 120 126 131 138 149 162 175 187 195 205 51 53 58 63 66 69 81 88 95 98 109 112 113 11H 118 117 119 124 132 137 11.79 11.04 10.84 10.63 10.36 10.16 9.98 9.89 9.72 9.26 8.82 8.47 8.17 7.74 7.15 6.84 6.55 6.52 6.53 6.45 6.52 6.02 6.06 6.06 5.94 5.84 5.73 5.71 5.57 5.13 4.82 4.64 4.54 4.32 4.01 3.95 3.90 4.06 4.23 4.23 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X1) 1981 1982 198:1 1984 1985 2,860 3,084 3,343 3,637 4,104 4,620 5,200 5,932 7,072 8,848 11,502 14,256 17,300 20,488 24,737 28,014 29,999 31,585 32,949 1,658 1,805 1,986 2,193 2,557 2,940 3,356 3,881 4,757 6,170 8,296 10,322 12,446 14,522 17,426 19,166 19,580 19,677 19.696 219 235 252 272 300 340 385 438 515 637 825 1,056 1,295 1.549 1,851 2,144 2,329 2,436 2,512 146 156 173 183 194 204 216 225 244 267 289 321 366 426 496 594 745 924 1.144 6.28 6.16 6.00 5.87 5.57 5.36 5.20 5.05 4.74 4.33 3.93 3.82 3.83 3.93 3.96 4.23 4.67 5.13 5.56 Oil and gas extraction — equipment and structures 1947 9,398 10,399 11,425 12,698 14,215 16,154 18,342 20,630 23,204 25,967 28,757 31,124 33,568 35.787 37,898 39.914 41,582 43,700 45,733 47,718 5,443 6.235 6,995 7,936 9.060 10,488 12,051 13,598 15,325 17,079 18,734 19,888 21,053 21.938 22,714 23,455 23,889 24,829 25,763 26,738 563 617 685 764 858 975 1,116 1,273 1,440 1,621 1,803 1,973 2,131 2,280 2,411 2,533 2,643 2,758 2,883 3,004 404 398 408 421 452 452 475 516 572 591 648 735 827 921 1,048 1.227 1,378 1,551 1,751 1,955 7.76 7.35 7.07 6.78 6.50 6.22 6.01 5.90 5.81 5.79 5.84 6.01 6.18 6.40 6.63 6.84 7.08 7.23 7.35 7.45 5.07 4.71 4.53 4.36 4.20 4.04 3.96 3.95 3.96 4.01 4.10 4.29 4.46 4.65 4.83 4.98 5.16 5.20 5.24 5.26 1967 49,154 50,577 52,260 53,518 54,485 55,772 57,799 61,338 67,173 73,917 83,982 97,957 116,224 140,757 180,105 220,599 245,194 268,704 287,945 27,226 27,767 28,650 29,162 29,441 30,077 31,443 34,128 38,753 43,774 51,388 61,909 75,394 93,441 123,846 152,413 163,053 171,777 175,795 3,110 3,201 3,301 3,397 3,471 3,554 3,712 4,000 4,460 5,063 5,860 6,980 8,456 10,386 13,209 16,699 19,511 21,540 23,309 2,123 2,280 2,461 2,609 2,736 2,860 2,999 3,096 3,188 3,271 3,341 3.459 3,593 3,809 4,158 4,657 5,432 6,557 7,881 7.61 7.74 7.79 7.88 7.99 8.04 7.97 7.73 7.31 6.93 6.45 5.94 5.48 5.05 4.52 4.32 4.56 4.82 5.14 5.36 1948 1968 5.43 1949 1969 5.43 1950 1970 5.49 1951 1971 5.59 1952 1972 5.61 1953 1973 5.51 1954 1974 5.24 1955 1975 4.83 1956 1976 4.55 1957 1977 4.18 195s 1978 3.83 1959 1979 3.55 1960 1980 3.29 1961 1981 2.94 1962 1982 2.89 1963 1983 3.21 1964 1984 3.50 1965 1985 3.80 1966 Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels — equipment and structures 1947 601 693 766 843 934 1,021 1,109 1,186 1,250 1,357 1,469 1,517 1.565 1,582 1,658 1,801 1,952 2,133 2,381 2,680 353 121 466 513 569 618 669 710 741 814 895 912 931 925 981 1,103 1,225 1,370 1,572 1,806 39 46 53 59 66 73 79 84 88 94 102 106 107 107 108 113 122 133 147 167 19 21 25 28 30 34 41 48 54 58 68 73 77 83 86 88 92 95 98 98 8.90 8.10 7.74 7.44 7.17 7.01 6.89 6.86 6.91 6.76 6.60 6.76 6.90 7.15 7.14 6.89 6.73 6.55 6.29 6.07 5.23 4.68 4.57 4.49 4.39 4.37 4.36 4.43 4.55 4.44 4.36 4.61 4.83 5.15 5.14 4.89 4.76 4.65 4.48 4.37 1967 2,950 3,214 3,487 3,695 3,957 4,278 4,610 5,037 5,604 6,246 6,906 7,676 8,733 9,784 11,054 12,412 12,868 13,326 13,650 1,990 2,151 2,309 2,393 2,527 2,711 2,898 3,167 3,556 3.983 4,387 4,859 5,564 6,207 7,014 7,867 7,826 7,851 7,808 187 204 223 238 254 276 302 333 374 426 482 544 621 709 802 896 950 966 976 98 98 104 110 120 134 151 169 189 204 219 239 260 291 327 379 441 513 589 6.04 6.11 6.22 6.48 6.66 6.76 6.87 6.86 6.73 6.61 6.56 6.49 6.29 6.22 6.11 6.04 6.43 6.75 7.09 4.45 1948 1968 :... 4.60 1949 1969 4.76 1950 1970 5.04 1951 1971 5.20 1952 1972 5.25 1953 1973 5.30 1954 1974 5.23 1955 1975 5.05 1956 1976 4.90 1957 1977 4.85 1958 1978 4.78 1959 1979 4.56 1960 1980 4.49 l l ic, l 1981 4.37 1962 1982 4.29 1963 1983 1984 4.69 I9i;.| 4.99 1965 1985 5.28 1966 Construction — equipment and structures 1947 3,547 4,347 4,961 5,738 6,585 7,365 8,028 8,615 9,369 9,796 10.413 10,938 11,544 12,130 12,566 13.176 14,089 15,220 16,471 17,771 2,231 2,852 3,213 3,673 4,137 4.473 4,691 4,852 5,239 5,346 5,699 6,004 6,407 6,780 7,002 7,402 8,064 8,873 9,711 10,543 302 379 457 532 618 706 780 844 909 970 1,017 1,070 1,123 1,179 1,224 1,266 1,336 1,433 1,552 1,676 194 192 200 214 230 267 333 425 530 644 745 831 905 957 990 1,012 1,045 1,085 1,111 1,157 5.18 4.63 4.56 4.49 4.50 4.64 4.85 5.06 5.10 5.27 5.26 5.26 5.20 5.16 5.18 5.13 5.02 4.91 4.84 4.80 3.21 2.91 3.02 3.07 3.12 3.26 3.41 3.55 3.48 3.57 3.49 3.46 3.41 3.41 3.48 3.47 3.38 3.31 3.29 3.29 1967 18,876 20,200 21,883 23,606 25,300 27,138 30.346 34,158 37,265 40,402 44,355 50,688 57,263 62,745 69,214 69,724 70.020 71,086 72,970 11.137 11,903 12,978 14,038 15,067 16,235 18,683 21,543 23,519 25,392 27,932 32,553 37,043 40,187 44,113 42,186 40,508 40,051 40,848 1,786 1,887 2,019 2,161 2,293 2,433 2.645 2,944 3,232 3,476 3,767 4,238 4,834 5,364 5,883 6,140 6,062 6.011 6,048 1,220 1,270 1,354 1,453 1,577 1,715 1,829 1,943 2,046 2,154 2,298 2,472 2,682 2,951 3,251 3,607 3,985 4,332 4,797 4.84 4.86 4.83 4.85 4.89 4.92 4.77 4.63 4.67 4.75 4.79 4.66 4.63 4.74 4.81 5.29 5.74 6.07 6.29 3.39 1948 1968 3.43 1969 3.42 1970 3.44 1951 1971 3.50 1952 1972 3.54 1953 1973 3.39 1974 3.29 1955 1975 3.40 1976 3.54 1957 1977 3.60 1958 1978 3.48 19 ,9 1979 3.47 1960 1980 3.62 1981 3.71 1982 4.26 1963 1983 4.74 1984 5.02 1985 5.12 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 111 Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Durable goods manufacturing — equipment and structures 20,594 22.786 24,144 25,843 29,151 32,841 36,227 39,374 42,848 48,279 53,863 57,244 60,470 64,685 68,295 72,187 76,448 81,987 89,682 99,761 12,557 14,266 15,073 16,123 18,704 21,519 23,938 26,039 28,382 32,563 36,707 38.484 40,050 42,553 44,364 46,408 48,755 52,251 57,731 65,313 950 1,092 1,209 1,312 1,457 1,646 1,834 2,021 2,203 2,442 2,715 2,937 3,104 3,291 3,482 3,661 3,863 4,109 4,451 4,9119 529 574 614 628 691 728 807 917 999 1,112 1,198 1,242 1,349 1,486 1,577 1.693 1,825 1,958 2,140 2,294 10 05 9.48 9 36 9.20 8 61 8 13 7.88 7.77 7.67 7.35 7.14 7.32 7.52 7 61 7 80 7.97 8.10 8 15 81)3 7.81 6 06 5.70 5.78 5.79 5.38 5.10 5.03 5 08 5.12 4.92 4.84 5.12 5.40 5.54 5.76 5.94 6 07 6.07 5 9(1 5.65 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 761 304 ,757 ,452 868 173 578 695 507 ,182 234,449 260,813 292,061 328,232 368,193 400,726 424,955 458,460 492,358 1119 119 129 139 147 157 168 184 199 215 72,458 78,786 85,675 91,511 95,846 101,007 107,882 119,011 128,373 138,129 150,876 169,697 192,379 218,495 246,607 266.040 276,407 295,658 314,670 5,428 5,922 6,454 6.988 7,461 8,149 8,584 9,294 10,164 11,016 12,103 13,434 15,314 17,263 19,627 21,841 23,480 25,168 27,188 2,428 7.70 2,560 7.71 2,749 7.71 2,985 7.80 3,209 7.99 3,862 8.12 3,863 8.18 4,134 8.07 4,484 8.08 4,849 8.10 5,347 8.04 5,667 7.84 6,467 7.60 6,893 7.38 7,411 7.21 8,356 7.26 9,206 7.49 10,265 7.56 11,625 7.65 Lumber and wood products — equipment and structures 989 1,168 1,273 1,421 1,615 1,753 1,880 2,043 2,274 2,505 2,620 2,776 2,965 3,174 3,290 3,449 3,634 3,842 4,188 4,533 620 756 812 904 1,034 1,101 1,157 1,250 1,407 1,560 1,597 1,677 1,789 1,918 1.957 2,039 2,145 2,275 2,533 2,775 60 73 85 95 108 120 130 1 10 153 169 180 189 200 213 223 230 240 251 271 297 26 31 34 38 44 19 57 68 78 89 101 112 121 131 144 151 159 171 181 191 7.97 7.24 7.17 6.97 6 66 6 70 6.78 6.75 6 56 6.45 6.65 6.74 6 76 6.76 6 95 7.04 7 09 7.12 6.94 6 83 4.82 4.35 I 49 4.44 4.29 4.43 160 4.61 4.45 4.38 4.64 4.76 4.79 4.80 5 03 5.13 5.17 5.17 4.96 4.86 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 4,792 5,105 .',,529 5,889 6.423 7,111 7,780 8,843 9,758 10,591 11,915 13.384 15,044 16,572 17,725 13,390 18,822 19.612 20,685 2,915 3,095 3,371 3,567 3,915 4,393 4,829 5,616 6,212 6,690 7,601 8.583 9,677 10,563 11,044 11,049 10,877 11,144 11,751 320 343 372 402 436 484 536 602 680 749 835 949 1,075 1,201 1 .299 1,359 1 .388 1,417 1,472 199 6.91 207 6.94 222 6.85 234 6.90 246 6.80 269 6.63 296 6.55 319 6.26 351 6.19 381 6.23 409 6.07 448 5.95 492 5.85 540 5.87 604 6.06 675 6.39 755 6.77 850 6.97 960 7.04 Furniture and Fixtures — equipment and structures 440 471 488 517 546 569 597 624 670 725 778 813 850 890 927 980 1,046 1,108 1,218 1,363 283 300 315 324 338 354 388 432 471 492 513 538 559 596 642 633 768 9 11 8 110 8.99 8.87 8.78 8.82 8.75 868 8.40 8.07 7.84 7 86 7.86 7.83 7.88 7.79 7.67 7.66 7.38 7.05 5.56 5.48 5.71 5 66 5.64 5.73 5.70 5 66 5 39 5.11 4.99 5.10 5.21 5.29 5.42 5.40 5.35 5.38 5.14 4 87 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1,532 1,655 1,788 1,956 2,085 2,333 2,609 2,885 3.044 3,236 3,577 3,983 4,417 4,861 5,269 5,676 6,104 6.622 7.081 1,014 1,093 1,176 1,289 1,358 1,538 1,738 1,925 1,990 2,086 2,320 2,603 2.9O0 3.195 3.438 3.671 3.913 4.239 4,497 85 94 102 111 120 132 148 164 177 188 205 230 257 284 311 336 362 392 424 45 6.77 46 6.80 49 6.84 52 6.81 55 6.96 60 6.79 65 6.66 69 6.62 75 6.89 83 7.07 89 7.00 100 6.88 109 6.80 125 6.78 133 6.85 149 6.95 163 7.06 176 7.08 198 7.19 Stone, clay, and glass products — equipment and structures 2,159 2,311 2,410 2,551 2,792 2,966 3,136 3,320 3,692 4,327 4,892 5,195 5,562 5,940 6,341 6,725 7,024 7,460 8,055 1,226 1,342 1,396. 1,480 1,657 1,755 1,849 1,962 2,255 2,797 3,244 3,404 3,620 3,840 4,064 4,264 4,375 4,619 5,019 5,574 105 118 129 139 153 168 179 189 205 234 269 294 313 334 355 377 395 414 443 180 73 81 83 80 88 90 101 116 123 138 149 148 159 172 175 189 202 219 244 257 11.21 10.70 1050 10.25 9.66 9.46 9 30 9.10 8.56 7.68 7.21 7.29 7.30 7.33 7 10 7 19 7.70 7.79 7.72 7.57 6 54 6.23 6 25 6 17 5.79 5.77 5.77 5.73 5.30 4.64 4.44 4.70 4.87 503 5.18 5 36 5.62 5.70 5.62 5.44 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 9,206 9,700 10,358 10,985 11,591 12,443 13.486 14,722 15.922 17.034 18,361 20,551 22,815 25,479 27,452 28,952 29,719 30.887 31,999 5,711 5,964 6,373 6,745 7,091 7,664 8,403 9,292 10,086 10,717 11,486 13,002 14,461 16,180 17,108 17,551 17,320 17,625 17,986 508 527 555 585 613 651 704 773 855 939 1,037 1.185 1,370 1.572 1,758 1.892 1,970 2,030 2,104 262 7.81 280 7.96 298 7.99 321 8.08 342 8.19 362 8.15 385 8.05 410 7.89 430 7.83 436 7.87 456 7.85 490 7.57 538 7.39 506 7.19 676 7.26 796 7.45 931 7.80 ,100 8.00 ,282 8.17 112 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Primary metal industries — equipment and structures 1947 1948 1941) 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 6,479 6,774 7.075 8.076 9.389 10.271 10.856 11,530 12.942 14,817 15,873 16,570 17,847 18,714 19,501 20,547 22,003 23,894 26,297 3,206 3.763 4,009 4,235 5,140 6,303 6,998 7,364 7,798 8,9.39 10,482 11,142 11,429 12,271 12,671 12.972 13,518 14,438 15,761 17,532 216 240 264 281 312 364 412 448 477 523 590 650 685 725 768 799 836 886 954 1.040 189 198 205 195 204 202 209 214 217 232 239 231 251 266 274 284 305. 322 355 371 13.65 12.53 12.13 11.84 10.62 9.47 9.04 9.00 8.94 8.46 7.92 8.00 8.28 8.30 8.56 8.86 9.06 9.11 9.04 8.88 8.14 7.14 6.99 6.92 6.05 5.36 5.31 5.55 5.74 5.49 5.20 5.44 5.85 5.97 6.29 6.64 6.84 6.86 6.73 6.51 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19X3 1984 1985 28,781 31,378 33,681 35,855 37,457 38.935 40,696 43,890 47,474 51,044 54,714 58,907 63,535 68,534 74,280 78,339 81,243 83,874 86,168 19,308 21,121 22,569 23,846 24,517 25,080 25.862 28,044 30,524 32,869 35,204 37,909 41,004 44,266 48,034 50,040 50,873 51,425 51,995 1,140 1,239 1,339 1,427 1,497 1,619 1,618 1,721 1,872 2,037 2,245 2,406 2,683 2,859 3,125 3,366 3,530 3,653 3,771 394 8.78 420 8.74 447 8.83 496 8.99 541 9.30 692 9.61 613 9.87 689 9.80 743 9.70 790 9.68 888 9.67 896 9.63 1,116 9.54 1,084 9.47 1,098 9.39 1,260 9.54 1,401 9.83 1,495 10.13 1,664 10.42 Fabricated metal products — equipment and structures 1947 2,047 2,212 2,381 2,629 2,935 3,245 3,617 3,999 4,430 4,938 5,425 5,761 6,128 6,516 6,836 7,263 7,715 8,355 9,172 10,198 1,358 1.466 1,573 1,747 1,971 2,189 2,462 2,734 3,047 3,422 3,762 3,938 4,140 4,355 4,492 4,732 4,990 5,424 5,984 6,723 88 101 111 123 138 154 171 190 209 231 254 273 288 305 321 337 356 381 415 456 36 40 43 45 51 56 64 74 82 89 98 101 112 121 125 135 148 162 177 188 8.55 8.49 8.45 8.25 7.97 7.81 7.60 7.47 7.37 7.24 7.23 7.47 7.68 7.86 8.16 8.33 8.48 8.47 8.41 8.26 5.37 5.45 5.55 5.46 5.31 5.26 5.16 5.14 5.11 5.05 5.11 5.40 5.64 5.84 6.13 6.27 6.38 6.29 6.19 6.00 1967 11,327 12,370 13,671 14,706 15,604 16,664 18,148 19,882 21,664 23,571 25,897 28,801 31,962 35,594 39,823 42,202 44,319 47,336 50,178 7,553 8,261 9,187 9,820 10,299 10,924 11,936 13,146 14,377 15,683 17,340 19,492 21,812 24,493 27,634 28,820 29,684 31,407 32,887 501 546 599 649 690 736 795 867 944 1,023 1,116 1,232 1,367 1,519 1,696 1,844 1,941 2,054 2,186 199 209 231 255 268 294 315 335 365 393 418 455 497 533 570 610 645 691 753 8.11 8.12 8.04 8.17 8.39 8.52 8.49 8.42 8.37 8.34 8.24 8.06 7.92 7.78 7.63 7.89 8.21 8.37 8.57 5.81 1948 1968 5.80 1949 1969 5.71 1950 1970 5.85 1951 1971 6.06 1952 1972 6.19 1953 1973 6.12 1954 1974 6.02 1955 1975 5.96 1956 1976 5.93 1957 1977 5.83 1958 1978 5.67 1959 1979 5.56 1960 1980 5.45 1961 1981 5.35 1962 1982 5.66 1963 1983 6.00 1964 1984 6.15 1965 1985 6.33 1966 Machinery, except electrical — equipment and structures 1947 3,077 3,440 3,683 3,940 4,427 4,934 5,493 5,996 6,461 7,131 7.892 8.368 8,795 9,327 9,813 10,345 10,929 11,671 12,749 14,328 2,175 2,424 2,540 2,651 2,987 3,333 3,718 4,044 4,324 4,804 5,353 5,596 5.784 6.067 6,305 6,588 6,916 7,385 8,165 9,398 135 159 177 193 212 237 263 288 311 338 371 401 422 444 467 488 513 545 593 668 40 42 47 52 63 75 89 107 125 142 154 161 176 190 210 229 246 262 284 305 7.15 7.14 7.41 7.72 7.61 7.55 7.51 7.58 7.73 7,67 7.60 7.86 8.15 8.35 8.58 8.77 8.92 8.97 8.82 8.45 5.01 5.07 5.39 5.73 5.59 5.51 5.44 5.50 5.64 5.56 5.48 5.74 6.03 6.22 6.42 6.57 6.66 6.64 6.41 6.00 1967 16,221 17,728 19,353 20,865 22,145 23,465 25,189 27,987 30,672 33,331 36,768 41,778 48,017 55,456 63.321 71.029 76,272 82,944 89,232 10,867 11,867 12,910 13,789 14,416 15,127 16,217 18,284 20,164 21,945 24,426 28,270 33,151 38,884 44,649 49,929 52,489 56,346 59,723 769 868 963 1,057 1,135 1,276 1,348 1,423 1,575 1.717 1,913 2,128 2,516 2,870 3,358 3,852 4,249 4,612 5,004 323 336 355 394 445 633 676 660 732 799 921 930 1,108 1,109 1,192 1,355 1,488 1,687 1,978 8.07 8.02 8.00 8.07 8.25 8.35 8.35 8.12 8.02 7.98 7.82 7.50 7.13 6.82 6.63 6.59 6.83 6.96 7.15 5.63 1948 1968 5.63 1949 1969 5.65 1950 1970 5.75 1951 1971 5.95 1952 1972 6.06 1953 1973 6.04 1954 1974 5.78 1955 1975 5.68 1956 1976 5.67 1957 1977 5.54 1958 1978 5.25 1959 1979 4.95 1960 1980 4.74 1961 1981 4.66 1962 1982 4.71 1963 1983 5.02 1964 1984 5.19 1965 1985 5.39 1966 Electric and electronic equipment — equipment and structures 1947 1,812 2,034 2,182 2,343 2,617 2,898 3,238 3,528 3,793 4,189 4,590 4,819 5,124 5,531 5,949 6,383 6,825 7,388 8,259 9,493 1,213 1,364 1,437 1,520 1,712 1,899 2,147 2,337 2,504 2,797 3,085 3.196 3,374 3,659 3,936 4,218 4,499 4.871 5,528 6,512 102 117 129 139 152 166 183 202 218 237 256 270 283 301 322 344 368 394 434 490 34 39 45 52 61 63 76 91 104 118 127 134 136 161 160 168 181 182 194 210 6.41 6.31 6.49 6.65 6.53 6.50 6.38 6.43 6.54 6.46 6.44 6.69 6.85 6.87 6.94 7.02 7.12 7.18 7.01 6.69 4.16 4.18 4.45 4.65 4.55 4.53 4.44 4.52 4.65 4.59 4.61 4.91 5.09 5.13 5.21 5.31 5.42 5.44 5.24 4.91 1967 10,790 12,012 13,408 14,736 15,918 17,137 18,984 21,300 22,900 24,846 27,237 30,743 35,450 41,682 48,325 55,995 63,181 73,309 83,524 7,497 8,353 9,327 10,176 10,834 11,561 12,782 14,383 15,206 16,328 17,831 20,330 23,886 28,742 33,715 39,443 44,361 51,872 59,023 560 627 700 777 847 980 1.010 1,133 1,250 1,352 1,479 1,655 1,901 2,232 2,619 3,042 3,485 4,019 4,655 218 230 248 268 288 459 348 386 434 486 553 615 712 815 903 1,053 1,166 1,323 1,507 6.53 6.52 6.51 6.61 6.80 6.92 6.92 6.85 7.06 7.19 7.22 7.06 6.77 6.40 6.19 6.01 6.01 5.86 5.83 4.76 1948 1968 4.78 1949 1969 4.80 I'l.n 1970 4.92 1951 1971 5.12 1952 1972 5.23 1953 1973 5.21 1954 1974 5.10 1975 5.30 ]T,i, 1976 5.40 1957 1977 5.39 1978 5.17 1979 4.86 1960 1980 4.52 1981 4.37 1962 1982 4.26 1963 1983 4.33 1984 4.24 1985 4.27 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 113 Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Motor vehicles and equipment — equipment and structures 2,155 2,433 2,601 2,802 3,281 3,757 4,254 4,921 5,533 6,354 7,027 7,440 7,880 8,437 8,908 9,445 10,107 10,956 12.203 1.3,418 1,346 1,549 1,634 1,802 2,114 2,460 2,805 3,294 3,700 4,285 4,691 4,818 4,970 5,241 5.425 5,682 6.060 6.615 7.545 8.415 121 142 159 174 197 226 259 301 344 392 440 475 503 535 567 596 633 680 744 819 56 63 70 76 84 91 98 115 127 145 162 179 202 237 266 300 334 373 410 454 7.95 7.54 7.56 7.38 6.93 6.59 6.37 6.06 5.97 5.79 5.84 6.13 6.39 6.53 6.74 6.88 6.93 6.89 6.67 6.56 I 80 4.56 4.73 4.67 4.38 4.18 4.11 3.94 3.97 3.89 4.03 4.38 4.66 1 80 4.99 5.09 5.09 4.97 4.69 4.57 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 [981 1982 1983 1984 1985 373 ,315 ,507 ,789 ,091 ,448 ,661 ,399 ,548 ,894 28,261 32,032 36.250 10.946 48.104 51.123 51.839 54.477 57,793 8,997 9,531 10,292 11,089 11.852 12.607 13,183 14,232 14,651 15,257 16,829 19,666 22,764 26,135 31,608 32,694 31,473 32,262 33,720 888 949 1,021 1,105 1.195 1,290 1.378 1,477 1,576 1,663 1,798 2.(122 2.312 2.633 3,073 3,445 3.563 3.671) 3.876 495 661 4.66 523 6.69 4.77 571 6.69 4.79 602 6.69 4.82 634 6.73 4.88 069 6.79 4.95 716 6.93 5.08 764 6.92 5.04 817 7.12 5.22 S9(| 7.25 5.31 971 7.13 5.10 1,060 6.78 4.68 1,159 6.50 4.40 1,274 6.27 4.22 1.349 5.87 391 1,471 6.10 4.22 1,582 6.58 4.78 1,748 6.79 4.98 1,943 6.91 5.05 Other transportation equipment — equipment and structures 1,133 1,233 1,274 1.322 1,527 1,776 1,971 2,189 2,426 2,923 3,400 3,631 3,853 4,082 1,340 4.661 4,985 5,319 5,727 6,657 602 689 717 747 931 1,146 1,302 1,474 1,656 21185 2,473 2.598 2,711 2,823 2,959 3,155 3,343 3,530 3,789 4,547 60 63 70 81 92 105 118 137 160 178 190 201 213 226 242 258 276 309 35 39 41 41 44 11 16 52 54 60 62 62 69 74 79 87 91 99 114 1211 12 82 12.00 11.83 11.68 10.37 9.28 8.76 8.31 7.96 7 09 6.64 6.83 7.03 7.25 7.44 7.53 7.67 7.84 7.90 7.42 8.16 7.29 7.22 7 1 1 5.98 5.21 5.00 4.87 4.79 4.29 4.16 1 53 4.90 5.24 5 5 1 5.66 5.82 5 98 6.02 5 18 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 7.550 8,327 9,221 9 -1! 10,204 10,724 11,324 12,096 13,004 14,069 15,102 16,725 18,894 21,364 23.913 26,638 29.116 32,550 35,682 5,229 5,761 6,374 6,693 6,755 6,966 7.248 7,701 8,263 8,958 9,584 10,732 12,345 14.166 15.979 17.804 13313 21.686 23,652 355 397 441 478 499 519 544 576 620 674 734 813 924 1.061 1,217 1.375 1,521 1,687 1.871 128 7.20 5.26 137 7.20 5.29 146 7.20 5.30 166 744 5.56 185 7.87 6.01 200 8.17 6.29 218 8.42 6.48 250 8.53 6.52 265 8.59 6.48 297 8.57 6.39 320 8.62 6.38 328 8.42 6.11 356 8.09 5.73 337 7.80 5.44 431 761 5.29 483 7 49 5.22 533 7 51 5.28 586 7.38 5.17 670 7.38 5.21 Instruments and related products — equipment and structures 106 168 510 561 034 .71', 769 855 948 1,081 1,213 1,305 1,429 I, .186 1,767 1,940 2,052 2,206 2,417 2.719 250 2' '7 321 352 101 439 18 1 542 606 707 802 853 932 1,038 1,163 1,274 1,322 1.411 1,552 1,778 92 101 112 122 131 139 150 165 7.64 7 13 7.04 6.93 6.67 6.61 6.52 6.38 6.27 6.00 5.89 6.02 6.04 6.00 5.94 5.97 6.21 6.34 6.34 6.18 130 4.51 4.57 1 55 4.38 1 33 4.36 4.28 1 21 4.02 3.98 I 19 4.28 4.28 4.26 4.33 4.62 4.75 4.73 4.55 1967 1968 1969 1970 '.971 1972 13 ,33 1974 1975 1976 1377 1978 1373 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 3.114 3,498 3.851 1,268 1,608 4.941 5,472 6.177 6,785 7.342 7,942 8,772 0.38) 11,411 13,122 15,103 16,706 18,773 21,128 2.084 2.363 2.598 2.883 3.076 5,353 3,613 4,125 4.517 4,838 5,184 5,727 6,614 7,657 8,901 10,320 11,266 12,607 14,120 185 208 230 254 277 „,,, 537 367 410 11- 486 532 599 687 795 131, 1,054 1,187 1,349 95 99 107 115 1 32 134 143 159 I ,5 189 210 226 251 282 304 340 372 i; i 130 ,96 ,90 ,3,; 5 98 r, 16 6 36 6.35 622 6.28 6.42 655 6.54 6.36 6,18 6.00 5 > ', ,91 5.93 5.92 4.33 4.29 4.39 1 15 4.63 4 84 4.79 4 63 4.68 4.81 4.92 4.88 4.65 4.47 4.31 4.21 I 5', 4.36 1 57 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries— equipment and structures 1947 486 537 568 621 700 857 1,002 1,044 1,092 1,164 1.209 1,264 1,312 1,355 1,411 1,495 1,584 1,677 1 800 1,928 299 336 351 384 441 569 679 684 696 734 746 770 7-7 803 832 888 944 1.001 1,085 1.176 25 29 33 36 40 48 58 64 66 69 72 74 77 79 81 85 90 96 102 109 13 15 15 15 17 19 21 26 29 34 37 41 44 50 53 55 54 57 62 69 3 33 8.88 8.81 8.54 8.04 7.09 6.62 692 7.18 7.27 7.52 7.71 7,92 8 11 8.23 8.19 8.17 8.18 8.06 7.95 5.56 5.32 5.48 5.37 5.04 4.31 4.08 4.53 4.89 5.04 5.34 5.52 5.72 5,92 6,00 5.91 5.86 5.83 5.69 5.57 1967 ... 2,075 2,216 2,389 2,563 2,743 2.972 5.333 3,513 3,735 4,225 4,673 5,139 5,691 6,334 6.831 7,281 7,634 8,076 8,588 1,283 1,377 1,497 1,614 1,731 1,893 2,072 2,263 2,384 2,758 3,071 3,384 3,764 4,213 4,496 4,719 4,832 5,044 5,316 117 124 132 142 151 163 177 191 205 226 253 280 310 344 376 403 426 448 475 73 73 76 81 84 91 94 93 98 104 111 121 129 153 ,0 163 170 194 212 7,81 7.78 7.70 7.66 7.66 7 56 747 7.42 7.54 7.23 7 13 707 6.99 6 89 7.01 7 19 7.48 7.65 7.77 5 45 1948 1968 5 44 1949 1969 5 37 1950 1970 5 36 1951 1971 5 38 1952 1972 5 32 1973 5 26 1954 1974 5 23 1975 5 38 1956 1976 5 06 1957 1977 4 98 1958 1978 4 96 1959 1979 4 91 1960 1980 4 84 1961... . 1981 4 99 1962 .. . 1982 5 19 1963 1983 5 49 1964 1984 5 63 1965 1985 5 70 1966 114 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nondurable goods manufacturing — equipment and structures 1947 24,053 26,79(1 28,866 30,773 33,410 35.941 38,555 41.089 43,364 46,564 50,166 52,746 54,999 57,929 61,037 64,373 67,855 72,045 77,922 85,385 14.940 17,036 18.358 19,416 21,147 22.666 24,225 25,712 26,923 29,043 31,488 32,824 33.837 35,503 37,296 39,277 41.327 43,933 48,128 53,689 1,207 1,386 1,543 1,669 1,801 1,948 2,086 2,227 2,348 2,487 2,653 2,804 2,919 3,045 3,195 3.359 3,545 3,759 4,041 4,418 664 715 758 791 862 911 990 1,139 1,228 1,356 1,449 1,505 1,621 1,721 1,806 1,920 2,017 2,093 2,254 2,391 8.96 8.47 8.32 8.31 8.14 8.09 8.05 8.05 8.14 8.07 7.99 8.11 8.28 8.35 8.42 8.46 8.50 8.50 8.34 8.10 5.50 5.21 5.25 5.37 5.33 5.37 5.42 5.49 5.62 5.57 5.52 5.67 5.87 5.95 6.01 6.06 6.09 6.07 5.89 5.64 1967 92,373 99,481 107,291 115,455 123,325 131,647 140,519 153,730 168,685 185,293 203,738 224,629 248,240 274,105 301,741 331,397 353,726 377.867 403,597 58,453 63,055 68,134 73,319 77,976 83,012 88,232 97,423 107.839 119,291 131,812 145,871 161,974 179,361 197,447 216.689 227,984 240,895 254,994 4,830 5,219 5,639 6.081 6,516 7,164 7,5.39 8,147 8,993 9,989 11,086 12,312 13,748 15,214 16,844 18,595 20,136 21,416 22,855 2,478 2,582 2,774 2,968 3,143 3,734 3,715 3,963 4,236 4,595 4,930 5,250 5,954 6,411 6,913 7,776 8,662 9,496 10,504 8.00 7.96 7.91 7.89 7.94 7.95 8.00 7.85 7.70 7.57 7.46 7.35 7.23 7.13 7.08 7.04 7.19 7.32 7.43 5.57 1948 1968 5.56 1949 1969 5.54 1950 1970 5.55 1951 1971 5.62 1952 1972 5.64 1953.. .. 1973 5.69 1954 .. . 1974 1955 1975 5.40 1956 1976 5.29 1957 1977 5.20 1958 1978 5.13 1959 . . 1979 5.05 1960 1980 4.99 1961 .. 1981 4.98 1962 . .. 1982 4.98 1963 1983 5.17 1964 1984 5.30 1965 1985 5.41 1966 Food and kindred products- —equipment and structures 1947 7,988 8,749 9,320 9,826 10,353 10,705 11,070 11,452 11,834 12,241 12,700 13,132 13,624 14,161 1 1.6X3 15,417 16,221 17,101 18,087 19,298 4,776 5,357 5,715 5,979 6,262 6,359 6,486 6,670 6,862 7,104 7,403 7,653 7,955 8.295 8,599 9,099 9,641 10,211 10.872 11,725 406 461 506 539 567 590 605 622 637 653 669 686 705 727 751 781 822 868 920 982 253 272 287 292 317 333 361 420 437 479 500 491 503 517 512 523 531 533 563 587 9.74 9.21 9.01 8.96 8.91 9.05 9.16 9.21 9.30 9.33 9.32 9.38 9.39 9.38 9.42 9.34 9.25 9.19 9.09 8.93 5.79 5.49 5.51 5.62 5.71 5.95 6.14 6.25 6.34 6.38 6.39 6.45 6.47 6.48 6.53 6.45 6.37 6.32 6.24 6.10 1967 20,486 21,630 22,931 24,386 25,901 27,777 29,316 31,422 33,946 36,763 40,012 43,811 47,975 52,689 57,351 62,778 67,078 71,702 76,892 12,496 13,189 14,009 14,947 15,916 17,200 18,097 19,524 21,296 23,259 25,532 28,177 31,045 34,301 37,311 40,902 43.218 45,828 48,901 1,052 1,116 1,184 1,257 1,333 1,432 1,526 1,623 1,755 1,908 2,086 2,298 2,532 2,795 3,069 3,366 3,645 3,886 4,159 598 626 663 698 738 793 830 890 939 984 1,046 1,082 1,165 1,257 1,327 1,436 1,560 1,711 1,874 8.86 8.84 8.79 8.72 8.68 8.56 8.60 8.50 8.36 8.22 8.06 7.90 7.76 7.62 7.57 7.49 7.60 7.68 7 73 6.06 1948 1968 6.07 1949 1969 6.05 19511 1970 6.01 19." : 1971 5.98 19" ' 1972 5.89 195 ' 1973 5.95 1954 1974 5.87 1955 1975 5.74 1956 1976 5.64 1957 1977 5.53 1''.".- 1978 5.42 1959 1979 5.33 1960 1980 5.25 i!".; 1981 5.26 196 ! 1982 5.23 1963 1983 5.38 1961 1984 5.49 1965 1985 5.54 1966 Tobacco manufactures— equipment and structures 1947 262 275 283 287 291 300 315 327 338 369 394 421 454 484 524 565 610 660 718 784 148 157 161 161 161 167 178 186 194 221 240 259 283 303 331 360 390 425 466 513 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 20 21 23 25 26 29 31 34 36 39 42 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 13 14 15 15 17 17 18 20 21 11.06 10.77 10.70 10.82 10.90 10.78 10.47 10.26 10.13 9.49 9.12 8.88 8.57 8.40 8.17 7.98 7.82 7.71 7.56 7.42 6.47 6.32 6.41 6.64 6.84 6.77 6.52 6.42 6.37 5.83 5.66 5.57 5.43 5.43 5.33 5.28 5.25 5.23 5.18 5.12 1967 838 888 955 988 1,062 1,175 1,340 1,507 1,658 1,788 1,991 2,277 2,545 2,973 3,844 4,526 5,152 5,777 6,517 547 575 620 629 678 763 892 1,017 1,117 1,191 1,333 1,551 1,743 2,085 2.844 3.383 3,835 4,264 4,779 44 46 49 51 53 58 66 75 85 93 102 115 129 147 178 216 251 283 319 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 37 42 47 54 59 64 68 72 78 7.49 7.61 7.63 7.95 7.97 7.77 7.41 7.20 7.17 7.30 7.19 6.92 6.84 6.50 5.66 5.50 5.55 5.68 5.77 5.24 1948 1968 5.41 1949 1969 5.45 1950 1970 5.79 1951 1971 5.78 1952 1972 5.55 1953 1973 5.18 1954 1974 5.01 1955 1975 5.04 1956 1976 5.20 1'957 1977 5.11 1958 1978 4.85 1959 1979 4.80 1960 1980 4.51 1961 1981 3.82 1962 1982 3.81 1963 1983 '.: 3.96 1964 1984 4.16 1965 1985 4.30 1966 Textile mill products — equipment and structures 1947 2,925 3,334 3,590 3.800 4.041 4,210 t,30N 4,363 4,452 4,575 1,661 1,665 4,728 4,837 4,936 5.061 5,189 5,443 5,816 6,485 1,545 1,916 2,110 2,236 2,392 2,462 2,460 2,427 2,428 2,470 2,483 2,419 2.427 2.487 2.539 2,643 2,745 2,961 3,297 3,911 146 168 193 210 225 238 246 251 255 260 266 268 269 274 280 286 293 305 323 353 124 130 130 125 139 138 145 162 166 178 191 199 213 222 231 262 265 265 284 295 12.09 10.72 10.16 9.90 9.57 9.50 9.60 9.73 9.83 9.82 9.86 10.10 10.14 10.07 10.04 9.86 9.70 9.39 8.89 8.12 7.08 5.89 5.62 5.59 5.52 5.66 5.94 6.24 6.42 6.46 6.56 6.83 6.86 6.75 6.66 6.47 6.32 5.99 5.56 4.96 1967 1968 1969 '. 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 6,961 7,396 7,998 8,543 9,153 10,022 10,841 11,681 12,325 13,017 13,913 14,873 15,830 16,927 17,987 18,883 19,851 21,215 22,291 4,284 4,590 5,035 5,393 5,776 6,374 6,884 7,385 7,663 7,978 8,482 9,034 9,576 10.254 10,863 11.295 11,787 12,655 13,199 387 414 445 479 514 561 614 663 705 743 789 842 896 953 1.014 1.068 1.122 1,191 1,262 282 281 286 288 284 287 300 320 333 360 390 428 472 526 553 593 635 677 710 7.82 7.66 7.42 7.33 7.29 7.14 7.11 7.13 7.30 7.47 7.53 7.58 7.65 7.66 7.71 7.84 7.94 7.89 7.98 4.87 19 1- 4.91 1949 .... 4.86 1950 .. 4.93 1951 . 5.01 1952 . 4.94 1953 4.98 1954 5.05 1955 5.26 1956 5.42 1957 5.45 1958 5.45 1959 5.48 1960 5.45 1961 5.48 1962 5.59 1963 5.67 196-1 5.58 5.66 1966 ... FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 115 Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock ! Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net < iross Net Apparel and other textile products — equipment and structures 1:147 1948 519 568 595 628 665 685 704 731 766 799 849 875 907 938 965 1,061 1,236 1,356 1.477 1.637 3114 336 344 360 37!) 3X3 389 406 433 460 503 519 541 560 :,73 0.73 80] xx4 962 1,073 3.7 40 43 46 40 .71 54 58 60 62 64 65 66 70 7'.) 00 '.10 108 IX 21 23 20 20 32 30 41 44 48 40 40 40 4X 4X 47 4X 40 .71 X 17 7 X4 7X7 1x2 112 1 83 7 xo 7X2 7 Ox 7.74 7 2X 7 30 7 26 7 2X 737 7 01 30 20 25 13 4 00 4 7X 4 94 4 OX 4 04 .7 10 .7 10 .7 11 4 0.7 4 X.7 4 00 4 77 4 x.7 4 00 .7 11 4 7X 4 24 4 27 4 32 4 20 1007 1968 1000 10711 1071 1072 1 ,836 2,046 2.207 2.522 2.778 3.1.71 3.43X 3,764 4,034 4,350 1,822 .7, .'XI .7,740 6,275 0,7,70 7,0X9 7,358 7,659 7,041 1,212 l.:i4x 1.516 1.0,70 1 XO!) 2,078 2,2,70 2.404 2,01.7 2,809 3.13X 3.433 3.710 4,047 ! ;n:- 4.410 4.472 4.7X0 4,717 122 137 1.72 10X 1X3 204 224 242 201 270 308 343 377 117 4.71 47X 195 .700 .74 ;.); 61 70 01 107 117 132 1 Hi 1.72 162 17.7 1X5 107 218 201 298 .; mi 7 04 7 04 7 OX 7 X0 .7 0.7 601 li 17 27 20 22 6 27 1, 30 6 41 66 1 22 4 22 1949 4 IX 1950 4 27 1951 4 32 1952 4 lx 1954 1073 1074 4 29 4 36 1955. 1070 1077 4 .74 1956 4 04 1957 4 56 1958 107x 4 58 1959 1070 4 63 1960 1980 1 04 1961 10X1 4 7;i 1962 1982 1983 1 07 1963 1964 1965 1966 10X4 10X.7 .7 34 7 13 Paper and allied products— equipment and structures Printing and publishing —equipment and structures Chemicals and allied products— equipment and structures 1047 1948, 2.4X.7 2,778 3.017 3.240 3,568 3,849 4.177 4, .77 .7 .7,000 .7,0X0 0.4 IX 6,851 7.280 7.74.7 8,213 X.731 0,204 0,013 10,845 12.007 1,677 1,800 2,038 2,1.70 2,378 2.73.7 2,730 2,0X7 3.207 3,778 4,313 4,534 4,7.74 4,0X7 .7,227 .7, ,710 .7,70!) 171X7 6.X47 7,700 118 137 153 107 1X3 100 210 237 260 201 337 3.70 37X 402 125 4.70 478 .710 .7.74 012 47 .70 60 07 70 XX 00 111 120 132 1.70 10.7 183 300 210 237 201 3X7 7 47 7 20 7 2X 7 40 7 32 7 42 7 46 7 42 7 40 7 12 03 7 14 7 33 7 .72 7 00 7 82 7 94 X 00 7 87 7 66 4 77 4 73 4 xo .7 11 .7 11 7 37 5712 .7 30 .7 28 .7 00 4 83 .7 07 .7 30 .7 47 ,7 171 .7 74 .7 84 .7 X.7 ,7 66 13 1967 1U68 1969 1070 107' 1073 1973 1074 107.7 1070 1077 I07X 13.063 13,0.711 14.0X.7 15,966 16,713 17,448 18,452 20,138 22.240 24.568 27.100 30,201 33.001 38,300 11,996 46,137 40,7,70 73.7X.7 .7X.HX0 X.40X x.007 9.539 10,001 10,395 lo,7:i4 11.264 12,4411 13,997 1.7.070 17.483 10.724 22.730 27.72.7 28,100 30.70.7 32,782 3.7 100 37.832 07.7 72X 7X3 838 H84 0X0 07.7 1 0.70 1,158 1.283 1.137 1,703 1.704 'J, 0:1:1 2 266 2.403 3011, 3.20.7 301 310 35.7 388 410 .707 171 520 Olio 0110 0.73 70i; 7X3 845 X82 070 1 1)30 1 . 1 33 1.217 7 01 771 7 83 X 1 1.7 s lx :- 39 x 13 7 XX 7 00 7 33 7 07 8.7 Xli x.7 007 7 in 7 11 ,7 39 ,7 ,70 1949 10.70 7 74 7 1,7 10.71 .7 X.7 10.73 10.73 10.74 7 or, 1, 02 7 70 10.70 .7.71 .7 3 1 10.77 .7 17 10.7X .7 00 1000 1070 10X0 10X1 10X3 10X3 1984 1985 1 82 4 OX 1961 4 76 1002 1 82 1003 1 00 1004 .7 10 100.7 .7 10 1000 1047 1,242 1,418 1 ,700 1,768 1 .037 3,0,70 3,100 2,315 3,470 3,000 3.033 3,1X4 3,418 3,00(1 3.001 4.347 4,743 4. 833 7.310 .7.775 7X1 030 1,0.71 1,1 OX 1,373 1,318 1,307 1.443 1,73.7 1,0,77 1 ,825 1,000 2,130 2,314 3,4X3 3.0.77 3.X40 3,008 3,301 3.073 73 84 07 100 130 13X 13.7 144 1 .74 100 170 193 31 IX 230 272 200 310 330 40 43 40 50 50 00 08 70 84 97 10.7 110 130 133 147 17X 100 1X1 7 10 00 40 20 1; 28 49 07 7X Xli 1, 82 XI) 70 XL' 83 XO 00 04 7 02 7 00 0x1 4 42 4 10 4 OX 4 12 I 24 4 53 4 77 1 xo 1 01 4 87 4 83 4 77 1 82 I 83 4X7 4 03 4 07 ,7 00 7 0:i 4X4 1007 100X 1000 1070 1071 6,369 0,03,7 7,70.7 8,215 x 030 0.710 10.485 11.2X0 13.0.711 12.X.71 14.110 15.707 17.774 20,022 22.34X 24 860 37.330 30,11)3 33,864 4.000 4.4.72 4,872 .7,3X1) I723:i 6811 7.170 7,770 X.006 X MiO 111,0 1.7 11,707 13.120 14,697 16.350 17.X.77 19.867 22.100 376 111 440 489 .730 77X 020 070 7:10 7X4 X.7X 003 1,001 1,3 10 1,401 1,770 1.7,77 1,952 2,170 lxo 100 211 220 200 321 349 3X4 418 154 I0X 740 7X7 04 1 7ox 774 X77 00 70 07 70 li 73 li 7 1 0X0 li XX 1, 00 7 no li 'Ml li xo 77 38 3X 22 33 IX 13 4 73 1048 „ 4 70 1040 4 70 10,70 1 xo 1071 4x:i 10.73 1073 4 x.7 10.73 1073 107 1 1 01 10.74 1 OX 10,7.7 107.7 107li 1077 107X 1070 .7 00 10.70 .7 17 10.77 7 03 10.7X 4X1 10,70 1 .70 1000 10X0 4 13 1001 10X1 4 38 1003 1982 4 37 1003 1004 10X3 1084 4 43 4 40 100:7 10X7 4 30 1000 1047 104X 4,794 5J676 0,121) 0,0,73 7.X60 8,690 9,398 0,034 111,704 1 1 ,852 13.0X0 13.330 14,102 1.7,173 16,056 17.003 IX, 113 30,430 32 X03 3,3X1 3,703 3,70.7 4,031 4,638 5.3XX 5,815 0,310 6,440 11,0X7 7.003 8,139 X.310 8,808 0.4X1 0,044 10,518 11,303 12,010 14,773 344 3X1 31 )X 33.7 372 422 471 .71.7 74X 7X7 037 0X7 722 7.7X X10 863 017 0X4 1,0X3 1,313, 84 95 100 no 137 140 104 10.7 248 273 206 33,4 30,0 307 424 458 401 540 .784 77 0X1 03 7 07 84 li 00 6 70 0X2 7 00 7 13 7 11 7 27 7 .77 7 08 771 7 x.7 7 04 7 01 7 00 7 38 4 30 1 56 4 7X 4 ox 4 7X 4 07 4 73 4 XX .7 10 5 10 7 14 7 30 : 7 07 7 0.7 .7 70 5 81 .7 72 5 42 5 13 1007 100X 1000 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 .'7()o:; 27,177 29,358 31 X (.7 34.001 3.7.022 3X.3D1 42,562 47,805 53,808 60.407 67,221 73,924 81.170 88,820 00.443 101,328 106,453 111.313 16.198 17.604 IX. 003 30 .7.7.7 21,821 22.743 24.021 27.23:7 31,103 3,7,4.71 40,128 44,478 48,637 7:; 037 77,7i;:: 01.033 63,623 0.7,00,7 67,760 1,7 i:: 1.458 1,770 1.702 1.829 2.008 2,113 2,2X1 2,701) 2,000 3,423 3,852 4,340 1,777 7,331 7,743 0,127 6,3.7.7 0,030 622 0,70 731 783 XIX 1,044 1.0X3 1,100 1,170 1.30X 1.371 1,11.7 1,704 1,847 300:! 2,470 2.xxo :i 202 7,701 7 33 7 3,1 7 34 7 1.7 7 111 7 70 7 40 7 30 ox 6 81 li 7.7 71 70 li XI XX 7 14 7 37 7 00 .7 10 .7 13 1040 .7 10 1050 , ,. .7 21 10,71 7 34 10,73 7 .70 10,73 7 70 1054 .7 3'' 10.7.7 10.70 107.7 1070 1077 107X 1070 10X0 10X1 .7 or, 4 xo 10.77 4 70 107X . 1059 . 4 70 4 XII 1000 1001 4 X0 4 03 1003 1982 1983 1084 .7 00 1003 5.28 1004 7 .70 100.7 10X7 .7 70 1000 116 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Petro eum and coal products — equipment and structures 1947 2,770 3,239 3,545 3,766 4,135 4,669 5.387 6.044 6,528 7,163 7.947 8,364 8,611 8,966 9,322 9,666 9,922 10,181 10,700 11,287 1,785 2,178 2,391 2,512 2,766 3,169 3,734 4.214 4,511 4,958 5,531 5.731 5,767 5,912 6,065 6,204 6,258 6,307 6,612 6,977 111 131 152 166 181 205 236 268 291 312 340 363 373 380 389 398 407 413 425 444 52 54 59 65 65 74 82 90 103 122 129 145 161 169 184 192 202 202 210 220 9.53 8.78 8.67 8.82 8.70 8.36 7.90 7.74 7.86 7.83 7.75 8.06 8.51 8.86 9.17 9.50 9.89 10.28 10.41 10.48 6.74 5.97 5.93 6.14 6.06 5.77 5.41 5.32 5.51 5.54 5.50 5.85 6.33 6.67 6.96 7.25 7.62 7.96 7.96 7.92 1967 11,963 12,890 13,827 14,877 15,989 16,775 17,650 19.306 21,533 24,043 25,928 27,974 31,136 34,495 39,494 45,974 50,108 53,151 56,288 7,419 8,084 8,726 9,458 10,216 10,671 11,147 12,366 14,077 15,982 17,171 18,439 20,746 23,115 26,960 32.080 34,641 36,035 37,486 466 499 542 585 633 727 716 780 883 1,007 1,124 1,235 1,378 1,557 1,775 2,073 2,352 2,531 2,681 229 235 243 263 272 388 307 331 352 381 408 431 490 528 575 661 722 793 902 10.50 10.36 10.28 10.17 10.08 10.15 10.26 9.98 9.55 9.17 9.13 9.11 8.80 8.58 8.14 7.63 7.68 7.93 8.15 7.82 i:ux 1968 7.55 1 ■ i i ■- ' 1969 7.39 1950 1970 7.22 1951 1971 7.10 1952 1972 7.15 1953 1973 7.25 1954 1974 6.94 1955 1975 6.52 1956 1976 6.19 1957 .... 1977 6.23 1958 1978 6.26 1959 1979 6.02 1960 1980 5.87 1961 1981 5.51 1962 1982 5.13 1963 1983 5.28 1964 1984 5.59 1965 1985 5.86 1966 Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products — equipment and structures 1947 804 891 946 1,027 1,149 1.278 1,402 1,540 1,670 1,854 2,022 2,162 2,318 2,567 2,803 3,096 3,318 3,639 4,088 4,635 503 562 587 636 721 808 885 972 1,047 1,170 1,272 1,339 1,421 1,591 1,741 1,939 2,057 2,268 2.591 2,994 48 55 60 65 72 80 89 98 108 118 130 141 150 164 180 197 214 232 257 290 24 26 29 31 34 37 in 47 50 56 62 66 74 83 j 91 100 108 119 129 142 7.26 7.04 7.12 7.05 6.78 6.61 6.54 6.45 6.47 6.35 6.34 6.46 6.54 6.41 6.38 6.28 6.38 6.33 6.15 5.95 4.46 4.38 4.59 4.61 4.43 4.34 4.36 4.36 4.43 4.35 4.39 4.55 4.64 4.50 4.48 4.39 4.52 4.47 4.29 4.12 1967 5,225 5,885 6,635 7,334 7,923 8,790 9,866 11,089 11,982 13,047 14,230 16,016 18,038 19,819 21,563 23,027 23,991 25,893 28,219 3,413 3,874 4,395 4,834 5,137 5,692 6,418 7,243 7,711 8,317 9,016 10,261 11,674 12,780 13,785 14,480 14,657 15,762 17,223 328 368 415 463 505 553 618 693 763 827 901 1,001 1,129 1,256 1,375 1,484 1,562 1,655 1,797 153 165 182 198 214 237 261 290 331 360 410 451 508 566 617 695 752 825 897 5.82 5.73 5.65 5.70 5.88 5.89 5.85 5.81 5.98 6.09 6.17 6.07 5.97 6.01 6.11 6.29 6.60 6.65 6.64 4.04 1948 1968 4.00 1949 1969 3.98 1950 1970 4.08 1951 1971 4.29 1952 1972 4.30 1953 1973 4.25 1954 1974 4.20 1955 1975 4.38 1956 1976 4.48 1957 1977 4.54 1958 1978 4.39 1959 1979 4.28 1960 1980 4.33 1961 1981 4.44 1962 1982 4.63 1963 1983 4.95 1964 1984 4.94 1965 1985 4.85 1966 Leather and leather products — equipment and structures 1947 264 284 297 310 318 324 333 345 367 387 400 412 425 439 457 474 488 507 536 585 139 157 166 173 177 178 182 189 205 219 227 232 239 247 259 269 278 289 311 350 14 15 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 34 12 13 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 11.74 10.89 10.47 10.19 10.03 9.99 9.84 9.64 9.24 8.92 8.81 8.79 8.71 8.64 8.53 8.44 8.40 8.35 8.15 7.76 6.63 6.01 5.86 5.81 5.90 6.04 6.07 6.00 5.68 5.51 5.54 5.62 5.66 5.68 5.63 5.62 5.67 5.66 5.51 5.15 1967 629 694 740 780 826 876 929 973 1,012 1,059 1.117 1,208 1,310 1,429 1,583 1,690 1,766 1,831 1,882 382 431 460 480 505 533 562 582 598 623 660 729 807 898 1,018 1,083 1,113 1,130 1,133 37 41 45 48 51 54 58 61 63 66 68 72 77 83 92 100 105 109 112 24 25 25 27 28 30 33 36 39 42 45 49 52 54 56 57 58 60 62 7.57 7.24 7.20 7.27 7.31 7.34 7.37 7.48 7.63 7.72 7.73 7.56 7.40 7.23 6.99 7.04 7.25 7.50 7.81 5.03 1948 1968 4.79 1949 1969 4.85 1950 1970 5.00 1951 1971 5.10 1952 1972 5.18 1953 1973 5.23 1954 1974 5.37 1955 1975 5.52 1956 1976 5.58 1957 1977 5.56 1958 1978 5.33 [959 1979 5.16 1960 1980 5.00 1961 1981 4.81 1962 1982 4.95 1963 1983 , 5.23 1964 1984 5.54 1965 1985 5.88 1966 Transportation and public utilities — equipment and structures 1947 75,700 81,217 86.798 92,696 99,366 106,299 114,079 120,503 127,138 136,131 146,063 154,015 163,175 172,813 181,635 191,220 201,175 211,432 223,826 238,072 40,446 45,415 50,178 54,959 60.277 65,614 71,527 75,975 80.538 87,241 94,652 100,034 106,229 112,700 118.104 124.031 129,925 135,906 143,720 153,016 2,322 2,586 ->''.- 3,152 3,456 3,768 4,091 4,413 4,697 5,054 5,453 5,815 6,175 6,585 7.008 7,439 7,912 8,388 8,919 9,555 1,900 1,974 1,976 1,960 2.032 2,111 2,134 2,377 2,505 2,665 2,828 2,979 3,067 3.226 3,406 3,526 3,655 3,947 4,145 4,394 18.85 17.75 16.83 16.04 15.28 14.62 14.01 13.65 13.35 12.90 12.48 12.26 12.06 11.88 11.81 11.72 11.68 11.65 11.55 11.41 12.08 10.93 10.12 9.52 9.00 8.62 8.28 8.19 8.13 7.91 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.71 7.80 7.86 7.94 8.03 8.02 7.95 1967 253.383 271,447 291,726 313,165 335,177 360,290 391,344 425,353 457,788 492,581 536,422 589,396 649,840 713,454 781.038 844.659 908,352 981,437 1.067,815 162,881 175,021 188,795 203,000 217,160 233,777 255,506 279,141 300,403 323,165 353,759 391.763 435.114 479.488 525,628 565,790 604,316 650,461 707,430 10,256 11,032 11,978 12,992 14,028 15,179 16,584 18,218 19,850 21,496 23,550 26,204 29,404 32,815 36,275 39,761 43,224 47,022 51,417 4,576 4,883 5,277 5,577 5,984 6,518 7,088 7,618 8,408 9,170 10,000 10.921 11.920 13,123 14,294 15,723 17.418 19.113 20,993 11.28 11.10 10.90 10.75 10.65 10.50 10.28 10.07 9.97 9.88 9.69 9.44 9.19 9.01 8.87 8.85 8.87 8.85 8.77 7.89 1948 1968 7.77 1949 1969 7.63 1950 1970 7.54 1951 1971 7.48 19"," 1972 7.39 1953 1973 7.20 1974 7.03 1955 1975 6.99 1956 1976 6.95 1977 6.81 1958 1978 6.61 1959 1979 6.42 1900 1980 6.31 1961 1981 6.24 1962 1982 6.29 1963 1983 6.37 1984 6.39 1985 6.34 1966. .. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 117 Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Transportation — equipment and structures 1947 49,993 51,837 53,646 55,361 57,622 59,755 61,997 63,288 64,716 66,950 69,711 70,903 72,917 75,087 76,828 79,085 81,421 84,094 87,397 91,168 25,010 26.808 28,449 29,822 31,681 33,320 34,957 35,670 36,527 38,104 40,172 40,758 41,948 43,219 44,016 45,256 46,390 47,841 49,841 52,184 1,513 1,624 1,739 1,849 1,969 2,087 2,194 2,288 2,366 2,476 2,606 2,708 2,808 2,933 3,059 3,189 3,334 3,482 3,654 3,857 1,508 1,549 1,539 1,476 1,538 1,571 1,556 1,696 1,747 1,789 1,881 1,922 1,929 1,941 2,045 2,037 2,061 2,203 2,286 2,365 20.98 20.22 19.55 19.04 18.39 17.84 17.36 17.15 16.94 16.58 16.12 15.99 15.79 15.58 15.48 15.29 15.17 14.99 14.74 14.47 13.50 12.63 11.99 11.57 11.04 10.69 10.40 10.41 10.38 10.18 9.90 9.96 9.93 9.87 9.94 9.88 9.88 9.81 9.65 9.46 1967 95,113 100,099 105,636 110,100 114,729 120,041 128,048 136,235 144,676 155,150 166,577 182,834 201,358 219,865 237 903 251,828 266,433 283,860 300,597 54,587 57,917 61,689 64,174 66,741 69.887 75,506 80,925 86,571 94,019 102,144 114,553 128,563 141.915 154.123 161.760 169,700 180,070 189,074 4.075 4.320 4,629 4,915 5,173 5,474 5,897 6,3X9 6,822 7,287 7,886 8,728 9,801 10,895 11,934 12,862 13,773 14,911 16,130 2,448 2,573 2,796 2,864 3,038 3,229 3,427 3,544 3,860 4,074 4,398 4,690 5.054 5,484 5.806 6,258 6,762 7,306 7,825 14.21 13.86 13.48 13.32 13.17 12.96 12.54 12.21 11.89 11.50 11.13 10 ,78 10.07 9.69 9.45 9.44 9.43 9.34 9.33 9.28 1948 1968 8.99 1949 1969 8.70 1950., .. 1970 8.64 1951 1971 8.58 1952 1972 8.46 1953 1973 8.11 1954 1974 7.86 1955 1975 7.65 1956 1976 7.36 1957 1977 7.11 1958 .. 1978 6.70 1959 . . 1979 6.35 1960 1980 6.17 1961 1981 6.10 1962 . 1982 6.24 1963 1983 6.37 1964 1984 6.40 1965 1985 6.49 1966 Railroad transportation — equipment and structures 1947 . 36,138 37,125 38,105 38,828 39,834 40,893 41,960 42,384 42,827 43,667 44,887 45,086 45,299 45,738 45,859 46,257 46,836 47,612 48,505 49,127 17,460 18,518 19,507 20,198 21,147 22,118 23,029 23,306 23,561 24,182 25,149 25,071 24,991 25,093 24,919 25,002 25,206 25,633 26,151 26,394 910 939 980 1,018 1,054 1,095 1,136 1.171 1,191 1,219 1,256 1,283 1,291 1,306 1,320 1,333 1,357 1.388 1,423 1,452 969 990 969 965 977 989 951 998 967 966 969 970 960 929 982 958 930 993 1,000 1,017 23.61 22 9:, 22.36 21.99 21.48 20.97 20.53 20.40 20.29 20.03 19.61 19.68 19.74 19.73 19.84 19.84 19.81 19.66 19.50 19.45 15.76 14.83 14.09 13.67 13.14 12.69 12.35 12.37 12.41 12.26 11.98 12.22 12.44 12.56 12.81 12.91 12.93 12.85 12.73 12.74 1967 49,659 50,216 51,145 51,623 52,516 53,278 54,701 56,571 58,286 60,261 62,706 67,854 72,550 76,994 80,619 82,989 85,402 88.299 91,645 26,527 26,686 27,269 27,365 27,861 28,272 29,345 30,779 32,090 33,647 35,669 40.237 44.201 47,864 50,566 51,947 53,355 55,316 57,627 1,475 1,491 1,519 1,544 1,565 1,597 1,639 1,702 1,767 1,832 1,909 2,057 2,244 2,398 2,526 2,615 2,687 2,766 2,864 1,022 1,040 1,122 1,114 1,113 1,199 1,234 1,216 1,298 1,341 1,414 1,404 1,421 1,523 1,495 1,511 1,557 1,633 1,624 19.45 19.44 19.26 19.30 19.20 19.10 18.80 18.41 18.06 17.68 17.19 16.14 15.40 14.80 14.48 14.44 14.39 14.27 14.13 12.80 1948 1968 12.83 1949 1969 12.67 1950 1970 12.73 1951 1971 12.61 1952 1972 12.53 1953 1973 12.18 1954 1974 11.75 1955 1975 11.43 1956 .... 1976 11.08 1957 1977 10.66 1958 . 1978 9.70 1959 .. 1979 9.14 1960 1980 8.79 1961 1981 8.69 1962 1982 8.85 1963 1983 9.00 1964 1984 9.06 1965 .... 1985 9.07 1966 Local and interurban passenger transit — equipment and structures 1947 3,114 3,167 3,226 3,238 3,267 3,255 3,249 3,253 3,265 3,253 3,259 3,040 3.006 2,952 2,944 2,862 2,988 3,016 3,026 3,061 1,532 1,581 1,642 1,643 1,670 1,644 1,637 1,634 1,649 1,630 1,635 1,534 1,495 1,474 1,467 1,438 1,561 1,578 1,578 1,600 109 118 124 127 129 131 131 133 135 137 137 133 132 130 132 132 139 146 149 153 128 111 125 114 126 114 127 124 134 125 133 129 122 127 128 128 130 130 130 133 18.58 18.10 17.50 17.31 16.90 16.87 16.68 16.55 16.30 16.27 16.14 15.46 15.59 15.47 15.44 14.98 14.27 14.09 14.01 13.77 11.23 10.87 10.52 10.55 10.41 10.60 10.66 10.68 10.58 10.70 10.65 10.12 10.37 10.15 10.17 9.62 8.89 8.86 8.91 8.84 1967 3,057 3,036 3,051 3,028 3,118 3,131 3,187 3,243 3,372 3,533 3,707 3,932 4,132 4,363 4,649 4,670 4.843 4.997 5.167 1,599 1,589 1,589 1,552 1,613 1,626 1,658 1,682 1,779 1,897 2,026 2,190 2,330 2,489 2,691 2,630 2,714 2,806 2,908 158 161 166 165 173 179 186 193 204 218 234 252 271 290 310 323 332 345 361 124 130 135 129 130 140 138 137 149 149 163 165 180 182 183 196 193 206 211 13.44 13.19 13.08 13.16 12.83 12.53 12.32 12.13 11.70 11.22 10.75 10.24 9.81 9.43 9.02 9.09 8.96 8.77 8.60 8.51 1948 1968 8.25 1949 1969 8.26 1950 1970 8.39 1951 1971 8.07 1952 1972 7.75 1953 1973 7.56 1954 1974 7.41 1955 1975 7.01 1956 1976 6.60 1957 1977 6.25 1958... . 1978 5.88 1959 1979 5.64 1960. . . 1980 5.41 1961 1981 5.16 1962 1982 5.43 1963 1983 5.38 1964 1984 5.26 1965 1985 5.13 1966 Trucking and warehousing- -equipment and structures 1947 2,937 3,410 3,878 4,499 5,117 5,468 5,817 6,111 6,625 7,189 7,706 8,134 8,699 9,278 9,905 10,687 11,302 11,991 12,524 13,221 1,792 2,164 2,490 2,919 3,297 3,368 3,445 3,483 3,774 4,139 4,465 4,714 5,099 5,473 5,865 6,366 6,668 7,022 7,216 7,575 192 236 281 332 387 431 462 488 519 563 605 640 679 726 777 839 897 953 1,007 1,059 132 130 132 136 144 154 189 237 291 359 418 460 501 523 544 558 585 623 672 724 8.44 7.70 7.25 6.80 6.57 6.80 7.01 7.26 7.21 7.10 7.05 7.06 6.95 6.88 6.80 6.69 6.73 6.76 6.87 6.90 5.78 5.16 4.89 4.59 4.50 4.82 5.06 5.28 5.11 4.89 4.80 4.81 4.72 4.70 4.68 4.63 4.73 4.79 4.94 4.96 1967 13,570 14,288 15,330 16,253 17,471 19,129 21,705 24,033 25,530 28,150 31,373 36,197 41,290 45,705 50,060 54,195 .-)9,.-|67 68,650 74,908 7,599 8,006 8,723 9 293 10,136 11,335 13,330 14,901 15,599 17,307 19,446 22,938 26,383 28,89(1 31,166 33.082 36,116 42,538 45,827 1,101 1,140 1,212 1,292 1,377 1,501 1,691 1,912 2,075 2,261 2,533 2,914 3,387 3,832 4,231 4,611 5,038 5,711 6,419 782 840 903 962 1,025 1,073 1,138 1,187 1,254 1,323 1,423 1,555 1,708 1,890 2,112 2,349 2,654 2,976 3,372 7.09 7.09 6.95 6.91 6.76 6.55 6.15 5.99 6.06 5.93 5.78 5.48 5.31 5.32 5.38 5.49 5.50 5.27 5.34 5.19 1948 1968 5.14 1949 1969 4.96 1950 1970 4.91 1951 1971 4.77 1952 1972 4.56 1953 1973 4.22 1954 1974 4.15 1955 1975 4.32 1956 1976 4.24 1957 1977 4.13 1958 1978 3.87 1959 1979 3.77 1960 1980 3.84 1961 1981 3.95 1962 1982 4.08 1963 1983 4.07 1964 1984 3.80 1965 1985 3.88 1966 118 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock. Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Water transportation — equipment and structures 1947 3,916 4,005 3,959 3,963 4,102 4,273 4,530 4,584 4,618 4,879 5,252 5.564 5.879 6,151 6,350 6.5X9 6,793 7,042 7,351 7,720 1,950 2,082 L'.OKX 2,043 2,174 2,353 2,578 2,634 2,684 2,917 3,261 3,541 3,767 3,942 4,044 4,160 4,225 4,338 4,508 4,712 155 172 182 183 188 196 202 206 204 211 224 238 251 263 273 281 290 298 308 321 181 217 212 154 180 203 171 210 212 190 193 186 146 151 156 149 146 157 168 164 15.16 14.34 14.03 13.97 13.26 12.42 11.77 11.53 11.27 10.85 10.17 9.66 9.48 9.38 9.39 9.47 9.72 9.88 10.00 10.13 8.00 7.57 7.72 7.90 7.52 7.10 6.72 6.85 6.94 6.73 6.36 6.18 6.18 6.29 6.51 6.72 7.01 7.20 7.30 7.36 1967 8,099 8,658 9,310 10,005 10,653 11,588 13,011 14,217 15,960 17,659 19,816 22,282 24,960 27,978 32,093 35,284 37,042 38,372 39,563 4,897 5,267 5,731 6,200 6,620 7,302 8,435 9,312 10,709 12,010 13,705 15,626 17,684 19,966 23,223 25,407 26,088 26,333 26,427 335 352 378 406 435 469 519 572 629 695 773 871 981 1,102 1,248 1,398 1,499 1,560 1,608 154 172 190 180 207 217 229 241 274 285 299 314 348 351 374 373 404 444 477 10.33 10.27 10.11 10.01 9.98 9.75 9.27 9.09 8.67 8.44 8.14 7.88 7.67 7.52 7.23 7.29 7.67 8.13 8.60 7.46 1948.. .. 1968 7.29 1949 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 7.07 1950 6.91 1951 6.86 1952 6.62 1953 6.14 1954 6.02 1955 5.69 1956 5.56 1957 5.38 1958 5.24 1959 5.18 1960 5.14 1961 4.98 1962 5.14 196:i 5.59 1964 6.09 1965 6.58 1966 Transportation by air — equipment and structures 1947 751 797 904 968 1,037 1,231 1,408 1,635 1,776 2,132 2,595 2,894 3,609 4,210 4,821 5,390 5,684 6,149 7,116 8,373 540 556 628 650 675 813 927 1,067 1,121 1,377 1,721 1 ,888 2,452 2,876 3,284 3,628 3,691 3,923 4,617 5,556 46 52 58 65 70 79 92 108 121 139 166 192 226 269 308 346 374 398 444 517 22 20 20 21 22 23 27 32 39 49 54 63 77 93 103 117 138 161 167 191 4.60 4.91 4.92 5.23 5.52 5.33 5.36 5.44 5.78 5.56 5.29 5.46 5.05 4.99 5.04 5.17 5.56 5.76 5.59 5.38 2.91 3.41 3.55 3.95 4.27 4.00 3.97 4.02 4.32 4.00 3.69 3.85 3.44 3.44 3.52 3.68 4.10 4.29 4.06 3.81 1967 10,052 12,329 14,221 15,704 16,544 17,733 19,513 20,626 21,493 22,222 23,998 26,053 30,027 34,404 38,733 42,423 46,092 49,006 53,497 6,847 8,625 9,914 10,730 10,874 11,323 12,336 12,656 12,766 12,764 13,830 15,158 18,332 21,743 24,919 27,337 29,591 30,982 33,761 613 743 881 991 1,066 1,136 1,234 1,326 1,388 1,436 1,518 1,645 1,846 2,126 2,412 2,680 2,931 3,159 3,419 216 234 265 307 347 375 440 505 590 658 760 870 984 1,088 1,175 1,319 1,418 1,480 1,545 5.11 4.82 4.86 5.08 5.51 5.81 5.93 6.23 6.58 6.93 6.94 6.89 6.45 6.11 5.93 5.91 5.93 6.07 6.06 3.55 1948 1968 3.31 1949 1969 3.41 1950 1970 3.67 1951 1971 4.12 1952 1972 4.39 1953 1973 4.42 1954 1974 4.69 1955 1975 4.97 1956 1976 5.23 1957 1977 5.06 1958 1978 4.85 1959 1979 4.29 1960 1980 3.96 1961 1981 3.84 1962 1982 3.91 1963 1983 4.02 1964 1984 4.24 1965 1985 4.26 1966 Pipelines, except natural gas — equipment and structures 1947 1,946 2,107 2,229 2,409 2,570 2,815 3,119 3,336 3,465 3,586 3,716 3,842 3,932 4,035 4,098 4,280 4,538 4,701 4,825 4,990 1,073 1,223 1,331 1,491 1,626 1,837 2,101 2,267 2,343 2,402 2,472 2,532 2,563 2,603 2,609 2,727 2,922 3,010 3,059 3,131 57 60 65 70 76 84 92 101 109 116 121 125 128 131 133 137 145 153 161 170 49 48 50 50 51 49 52 51 55 53 60 59 69 67 76 72 82 77 85 76 17.97 16.79 16.09 15.16 14.53 13.64 12.72 12.36 12.38 12.48 12.54 12.67 12.89 13.11 13.42 13.41 13.16 13.29 13.49 13.65 11.43 10.25 9.71 9.00 8.64 8.07 7.52 7.47 7.74 8.06 8.33 8.61 8.98 9.29 9.71 9.71 9.48 9.64 9.92 10.10 1967 5,314 5,702 5,974 6,293 6,747 7,048 7,375 8,159 10,072 12,926 14,128 14,748 15,428 16,291 17,037 17,368 18,168 18,781 19,521 3,359 3,629 3,781 3,964 4,284 4,439 4,625 5,255 6,995 9,616 10,547 10,872 11,239 11,762 12,150 12,111 12,517 12,696 12,961 182 198 214 229 247 263 278 298 337 402 460 493 523 556 585 604 638 693 753 85 80 93 92 112 116 136 141 162 168 187 195 207 213 222 230 239 252 270 13.37 13.09 13.08 13.06 12.77 12.87 12.89 12.27 10.52 8.85 8.80 9.17 9.49 9.71 10.01 10.55 10.81 11.17 11.46 9.81 1948 1968 9.49 1949 1969 9.52 1950 1970 9.49 1951 1971 9.18 IT," 1972 9.27 1953 1973 9.30 1954 1974 8.58 1955 1975 6.90 1956 1976 5.55 1957 1977 5.69 1958 1978 6.16 1959 1979 6.58 1960 1980 6.89 1961 1981 7.27 1962 1982 7.87 1963 1983 :.-. 8.16 1964 1984 8.58 1965 1985 8.90 1966 Transportation services — ?quipment and structures 1947 1,191 1,226 1,345 1,456 1,696 1,820 1,914 1,986 2,140 2,244 2,296 2,344 2,493 2,725 2,850 3,020 3,280 3,582 4,050 4,675 663 684 785 878 1,093 1,186 1,242 1,278 1,396 1,456 1,469 1,478 1,583 1,759 1,829 1,935 2,116 2,338 2,711 3,216 42 46 50 56 64 72 77 81 86 92 95 96 100 108 116 122 132 146 162 184 27 32 30 37 39 39 38 44 48 46 54 55 53 50 57 56 50 62 63 60 12.98 12.97 12.23 11.63 10.34 10.02 9.99 10.04 9.72 9.74 9.94 10.16 10.01 9.68 9.76 9.75 9.58 9.33 8.84 8.31 8.19 8.14 7.33 6.85 5.86 5.84 6.02 6.28 6.19 6.37 6.75 7.13 7.05 6.75 6.93 6.97 6.79 6.58 6.12 5.64 1967 5,362 5,869 6,605 7,194 7,679 8,133 8,555 9,386 9,963 10,400 10,849 11,769 12,972 14,131 14,711 14,899 15,319 15,756 16,296 3,760 4,114 4,683 5,070 5,354 5,591 5,777 6,340 6,632 6,777 6,920 7,532 8,395 9,201 9,408 9,246 9,318 9,399 9,563 211 234 260 287 310 330 351 386 421 443 460 496 548 591 622 633 648 677 707 64 78 87 81 104 110 112 116 133 149 153 187 206 235 245 280 297 317 326 7.93 7.93 7.72 7.83 8.03 8.29 8.60 8.55 8.76 9.08 9.42 9.34 9.14 9.05 9.37 9.91 10.27 10.61 10.86 5.34 1948 1968 5.43 1969 5.31 1950 1970 5.46 1971 5.73 1952 1972 6.02 1973 6.35 1974 6.28 1975 6.50 1976 6.84 1977 7.14 1978 6.98 1979 6.69 1980 6.54 1981 6.84 1982 7.38 1983 7.69 1984 7.96 1985 8.13 1966.. .. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 119 Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Communication — equipment and structures 8,059 9,655 10,970 12,2X3 13,565 15,140 16,8X2 1X.4X7 20,292 22,769 25,195 27,100 29,301 32,157 35,016 38,169 41,664 45,075 49,1X0 53,664 5,105 6,471 7,484 8,430 9,277 10,350 11,531 12,532 13,704 15,503 17,187 18,314 19,708 21.716 23,647 25,789 28,168 30,341 33.095 36.0XX 293 377 461 541 619 702 796 895 986 1,099 1,217 1,317 1,413 1,540 1,691 1,854 2,044 2.236 2,443 2,6X1 115 122 129 145 152 169 191 250 300 366 422 476 542 625 691 761 X43 925 1,005 1,0X9 12.47 1098 10.29 9.83 9.56 9 24 8.96 8.85 8.73 8.43 8.27 8.34 8.36 8.24 8.18 8.12 8.06 8.06 8.00 7.95 8.14 6.84 6 111 6.19 6.13 5.99 5.87 5.89 5.86 5.66 5.59 5.73 5.81 5.75 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.84 5.83 5 83 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X11 1 9X 1 1982 1983 1984 1985 58,258 63,469 69,914 77,674 85,542 93,671 104,0X3 115,547 126,409 138,427 153,977 173,543 197.856 221,111 247,321 274,012 302.013 333.X09 367.76X 3X.99X 42.338 46,701 52,112 57.352 62,615 69.877 77,787 84,752 92,530 103,298 117,411 135.307 151,173 169.024 1X6.335 203.959 224.3. 15 245,592 2.936 3,207 3,538 3,924 4,334 4,753 5.237 5.821 6.429 7,067 7,866 8,910 10,232 11,643 13,077 14.626 16,251 18.052 20.051 1,156 7.95 1.247 7.93 1,373 7.83 1,502 7.69 1,630 7.64 1.833 7.64 2.031 7.53 2,225 7.44 2,474 7.47 2,765 7.48 3,021 7.38 3.383 7.21 3,719 6.98 4,135 6.92 4,570 6.86 5.083 6.86 5,692 6.90 6,352 6.92 7,095 6.95 Telephone and telegraph — equipment and structures 7,532 9,041 10,306 11,588 12.826 14,348 16,031 17.579 19,319 21,673 23,957 25,746 27,814 30,482 33,177 36,131 39,370 42,576 46,418 50,617 4,782 6.075 7.053 7.985 8,804 9,840 10.977 11,935 13,055 14,747 16,310 17.345 18,638 20,495 22,306 24,301 26,4X5 2X.527 31,101 33,902 269 348 429 507 584 666 758 854 943 1,053 1,165 1,261 1,351 1.470 1,614 1,769 1,946 2.126 2.321 2,544 103 109 115 129 135 151 170 226 273 33X 393 448 515 596 661 732 8 12 892 970 1,052 12 66 11.12 10 39 9 88 9.60 9.26 8.97 8.86 8.73 8.44 8.30 8.38 8.40 x 28 8.23 8.17 8.11 8.10 8 in 7.98 8.26 6.93 6.45 6.21 6.14 6.00 5.87 5.89 5.87 5.67 5.61 5.76 5.83 5 78 5.78 5.79 5.79 5 85 5.84 5.83 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 L980 l'i-i 1982 1983 1984 1985 54.849 59,742 65,826 73.215 80,712 88.429 98,39.3 109.365 119.674 131,095 145,947 164,656 187,896 210,024 234,870 2rili,167 286,696 316.851 349.074 36, ..61 39.708 43,847 49,034 54.060 59,079 66.064 73,669 80,279 87,674 97,982 111,503 128,629 143,713 160,595 176,959 193,605 212,867 233,015 2,781 3,035 3,349 3.717 1.111 4,514 4.9X1 5.544 6.127 6 734 7,496 8,493 9,757 11.102 12.463 13,931 15.473 17.182 19,079 1,116 7.98 1,204 7.95 1.324 7.85 1.446 7.69 1.565 7.63 1.764 7.61 1.949 7.49 2,137 7.40 2.374 7.42 2,652 7.43 2,895 7.33 3,240 7.15 3,560 6.92 3,953 6.86 4,372 6.81 4,858 6.82 5,430 6.87 6,066 6.89 6,770 6.92 Radio and television broadcasting— equipment and structures 1947 526 614 664 695 738 792 851 908 974 1,097 1,237 1,354 1,488 1,675 1,839 2,038 2.294 2.498 2,761 3,047 324 396 431 445 472 510 554 597 649 756 877 969 1,070 1,221 1,341 1,488 1.682 1,813 1,994 2,186 25 29 32 34 35 37 38 41 43 46 51 57 62 69 77 85 97 110 122 137 12 12 14 15 17 19 21 24 27 28 29 28 27 29 30 29 31 33 34 38 9.66 8.84 8.73 8.92 8.95 8.88 8.80 8.77 8.68 8.21 7.80 7.70 7.61 7.38 7.36 7.31 7.18 7.31 7.35 7.39 6.39 5.60 5.59 5.84 5.91 5.88 5.84 5.85 5.82 5.46 5.22 5.27 5.33 5.24 5.35 5.41 5.37 5.58 5.65 5.73 1967 3,409 3,727 4.088 4,459 4,829 5,242 5,690 6,182 6,735 7,332 8,030 8,886 9,960 11.086 12,451 13,846 15,317 16,958 18.694 2,438 2,630 2,85 1 3,077 3,292 3,536 3,813 4,118 4,472 4,856 5,316 5,908 6,678 7,461 8,429 9,375 10,354 11.448 12,577 1 55 172 189 206 223 239 256 277 302 333 371 418 476 541 614 694 778 870 972 40 43 48 56 65 69 82 88 99 113 126 143 159 182 198 225 262 286 325 7.36 7.50 7.62 7.75 7.92 8.07 8.19 8.29 8.35 8.39 8.38 8.26 8.06 7.92 7.73 7.63 7.56 7.49 7.46 5.70 1948 1968 5.85 1949 1969 5.94 1950 1970 6.04 1951 1971 .... 6.17 1952 . .. 1972 6.25 1953 1973 6.29 1954 1974 6.30 1955 1975 6.28 1956 1976 6.25 1957 1977 6.17 1958 1978 6.01 1959 1979 5.78 1960 1980 5.64 1961 .... 1981 5.47 1962 .. 1982 5.40 1963 1983 5.38 1964 1984 5.34 1965 1985 5.34 1966 Electric, gas, and sanitary services — equipment and structures 1947 17,648 19,725 22,181 25,052 28,179 31.404 35.200 38,728 42,131 46,412 51,157 56,1112 60,956 65,569 69,791 73,966 78,090 82.264 87,249 93,240 10,330 12,135 14,245 16,707 19,319 21,944 25,039 27,774 30.3116 33,635 37,293 40,961 44,572 47,764 50,440 52,986 55,367 57,724 60.785 64,745 515 586 668 763 868 978 1,101 1,230 1,345 1.479 1,630 1,790 1,954 2,113 2,258 2,396 2,534 2,670 2,822 3,017 277 303 308 340 342 371 387 431 458 510 526 582 596 661 670 728 751 819 854 939 15.72 14.55 13.47 12.47 11.68 11.09 10.53 10.22 10.06 9.80 9.58 9.44 9.38 9.43 9.58 9.76 9.98 10.20 10.35 10.41 10.59 9.33 8.33 7.55 7.02 6.71 6.43 6.38 6.43 6.38 6.35 6.39 6.48 6.65 6.90 7.16 7.43 7.70 7.86 7.93 1967 100,012 107,879 116,177 125,390 134,907 146,579 159,212 173,571 186.703 199,004 215,868 233.019 25D.626 272,478 295,814 318,819 339,906 363,768 399,449 69,295 74,766 80,406 86,714 93,067 101,275 110,123 120,429 129,080 136,617 148,317 159,799 171,244 186,400 202,481 217,695 230,658 246,076 3,245 3,505 3,811 4,154 4,522 4,951 5,450 6,007 6,598 7,142 7,798 8,566 9,371 10,278 11,264 12,273 13,200 14,059 15,236 972 1,063 1,108 1,210 1,317 1,455 1,630 1.848 2,074 2,331 2,582 2,848 3,147 3,505 3,918 4,382 4,965 5,454 6,073 10.44 10.41 10.41 10.39 10.40 10.32 10.25 10.13 10.17 10.29 10.23 10.21 10.24 10.15 10.08 10.08 10.18 10.23 10.03 7.94 1948 1968 7.90 1949 1969 7.88 1950 1970 7.84 1951 1971 7.84 1952 1972 7.73 1953 1973 7.64 1954 1974 7.50 1955 1975 7.53 1956 1976 7 65 1957 1977 7.57 1958 1978 7.54 1959 1979 7.56 1960 1980 7.46 1961 1981 7.38 1962 1982 7.38 1963 1983 7.48 1964 1984 7.52 1965 1985 7.28 1966 120 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Electric services — equipment and structures 1947 11.529 12,972 14.629 16,420 18,321 20,591 23,155 25,755 28,031 30,849 34,056 37,406 40,677 43,929 46,716 49,643 .",2.69S 55,665 59,209 63,335 6,845 8,101 9,530 11,055 12,632 14,523 16,652 18,745 20,465 22,664 25,164 27.738 30,139 32,449 34.218 36,058 37,947 39.670 41,888 44,596 333 380 434 493 554 622 698 784 862 947 1,040 1,139 1,241 1,345 1,439 1,529 1,628 1,726 1,833 1,966 165 183 191 214 219 235 251 271 290 311 318 342 347 375 380 403 422 449 465 501 15.42 14.21 13.14 12.26 11.59 10.92 10.35 9.97 9.83 9.62 9.41 9.27 9.25 9.29 9.48 9.66 9.85 10.08 10.24 10.33 10.23 8.98 8.04 7.39 6.98 6.61 6.33 6.22 6.30 6.30 6.29 6.33 6.45 6.62 6.89 7.15 7.39 7.66 7.83 7.91 1967 68,468 74,053 80,122 87,399 95,295 104,893 115,163 127,316 138,629 149,259 163,982 178,241 192,091 209,810 227,486 245,261 262,889 283,617 314,923 48,166 52,043 56,206 61,355 66,888 73,844 81,192 90,172 97,909 104,711 115,230 124,868 133,725 146,067 157,986 169,687 181,027 195,215 219,434 2,129 2,315 2,535 2,799 3,101 3,460 3,869 4,332 4,839 5,312 5,886 6,534 7,182 7,906 8,654 9,386 10,096 10,809 11,839 518 562 585 635 700 787 914 1,058 1,222 1,439 1,639 1,866 2,128 2,457 2,810 3.218 3,703 4,117 4,593 10.32 10.30 10.30 10.22 10.15 10.00 9.89 9.70 9.70 9.78 9.68 9.67 9.74 9.68 9.68 9.73 9.81 9.83 9.57 7.88 1948 1968 7.85 1949. .. 1969 7.82 1950 .. . 1970 7.71 1951 1971 7.63 1952 .... 1972 7.46 1953.. .. 1973 7.34 1954 1974 7.14 1955 1975 7.13 1956 1976 7.23 1957 1977 7.12 I95S 1978 7.12 1959 1979 7.20 1960 .... 1980 7.13 1961 1981 7.13 1962 1982 7.17 1963 1983 7.25 1964 1984 7.25 1965 1985 6.97 1966 Gas services — equipment and structures 1947 4,598 5,200 5.956 6,991 8,175 9,080 10,249 11,121 12,189 13,577 15.076 16,505 18,103 19,421 20,794 21,969 22,951 24,072 25,444 27,172 2,722 3,249 3,X97 4,797 5,799 6,492 7,403 7.998 8.761 9,825 10,954 11,983 13,133 13,984 14,848 15,500 15,928 16,501 17,301 18,445 130 153 180 215 258 300 345 387 423 470 528 586 646 701 749 795 832 866 910 967 70 77 72 81 76 88 88 111) 117 147 157 188 198 234 239 272 278 318 337 384 15.55 14.29 13.08 11.74 10.71 10.31 9.84 9.77 9.63 9.34 9.13 9.05 8.97 9.08 9.21 9.43 9.76 10.01 10.19 10.23 10.81 9.39 8.23 7.15 6.44 6.32 6.11 6.25 6.29 6.19 6.14 6.21 6.26 6.48 6.69 6.99 7.37 7.65 7.82 7.85 1967 28,753 30,893 32,926 34,667 36,068 37,869 39,950 41,897 43,432 44,812 46,601 49,010 52,145 55,657 60,556 65,040 67,754 69,952 73,113 19,396 20,883 22,204 23,210 23,857 24,893 26,177 27,313 28,024 28,559 29,481 30,959 33,066 35,434 39,053 42,081 43,262 43,907 45,563 1,030 1,100 1,180 1,254 1,313 1,375 1,454 1,539 1,613 1,674 1,743 1,843 1,971 2,114 2,305 2,529 2,693 2,776 2,845 400 446 468 518 558 609 657 728 789 827 875 909 942 966 1,021 1.068 1,155 1,216 1,333 10.38 10.34 10.41 10.57 10.86 11.02 11.13 11.27 11.54 11.84 12.04 12.10 12.02 11.91 11.60 11.47 11.69' 11.99 12.12 7.97 1948 1968 7.91 1949 1969 7.94 1950 1970 8.10 1951 1971 8.37 1952 1972 8.49 1953 1973 8.54 1954 1974 8.65 1955 1975 8.88 1956 1976 9.15 1957 1977 9.28 195X 1978 9.25 1959 1979 9.07 1960 1980 8.87 1961 1981 8.47 1962 1982 8.30 1963 1983 8.51 1964 1984 8.80 1965 1985 8.87 1966 Sanitary services — equipment and structures 1947 1,521 1,554 1,597 1,642 1.683 1,734 1,796 1,852 1,911 1,986 2,025 2,101 2,176 2,219 2,281 2.354 2.441 2,527 2,596 2,734 763 785 819 855 889 930 983 1,030 1,081 1,146 1,176 1,240 1.300 1.331 1,374 1,428 1,491 1,553 1,595 1,704 53 53 54 55 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 77 79 83 43 43 45 46 47 47 48 50 50 51 51 52 52 51 51 52 51 53 52 54 18.51 18.28 17.94 17.63 17.37 17.07 16.69 16.43 16.16 15.80 15.70 15.40 15.15 15.09 14.99 14.83 14.65 14.48 14.43 14.06 13.03 12.67 12.18 11.73 11.38 10.99 1054 10.25 9.98 9.66 9.57 9.36 9.23 9.24 9.28 9.26 9.22 9.22 9.30 9.08 1967 2,791 2,933 3.129 3,324 3,543 3,817 4,099 4,357 4,643 4,933 5,286 5,768 6,391 7,011 7,772 8,518 9,263 10,198 11.413 1,732 1,840 1,996 2,148 2,322 2,539 2,755 2,944 3,147 3,346 3,605 3,972 4,453 4,899 5,443 5,927 6,369 6,955 7,766 86 90 95 101 107 116 126 136 146 156 169 189 219 257 305 358 411 473 552 54 55 55 58 59 59 60 63 63 65 68 73 77 82 86 95 106 122 147 14.11 13.81 13.37 13.01 12.63 12.23 11.92 11.72 11.57 11.49 11.29 10.96 10.54 10.27 9.94 9.77 9.69 9.51 9.21 9.24 1948 1968 9.08 1949 1969 8.78 1950 1970 8.58 1951 1971 8.33 1952 1972 8.09 l'i .;; 1973 7.94 1954 1974 7.87 1955 1975 7.87 1956 1976 7.91 1957 1977 7.81 1958 1978 7.60 1959 1979 7.31 1960 1980 7.18 1961 1981 7.01 1962 1982 6.98 1963 1983 7.03 1964 1984 .V. 6.96 1965 1985 6.74 1966 Wholesale trade — equipment and structures 1947 3,742 4,393 4,903 5,499 6,083 6,551 7,167 7,778 8,569 9,280 10,051 10,588 11,268 12,156 12,926 14,110 15,581 17,366 19,452 21,649 2,208 2,759 3.136 3,569 3,938 4,130 4,474 l,xi:i 5,345 5,804 6,311 6,593 7,034 7,667 8,164 9,039 10,127 11.426 12.939 14.433 265 319 372 421 472 520 565 622 677 739 782 813 838 881 932 995 1,097 1,221 1,369 1,536 181 185 199 217 216 219 250 316 367 435 473 498 539 573 603 620 655 696 741 771 6.73 6.06 5.79 5.55 5.48 5.63 5.66 5.71 5.65 5.67 5.68 5.84 5.91 5.90 5.99 5.94 5.85 5.75 5.65 5.62 4.26 3.74 3.69 3.64 3.70 3.93 3.98 4.03 3.94 3.94 3.96 4.12 4.19 4.20 4.31 4.27 4.21 4.16 4.12 4.15 1967 23,798 26,589 29,629 32,697 35,971 39,894 45,883 51,488 56,057 61,640 68,614 77,580 87,701 97,242 109,266 121.674 139,098 162,885 187,105 15,755 17,565 19,458 21,239 23,149 25,592 29,932 33,638 36,402 40,048 44,833 51,205 58,205 64.200 72.254 80,209 92,400 109,936 126,673 1.712 1,914 2,176 2,433 2,669 2,948 3,344 3,794 4,156 4,565 5,110 5,815 6,650 7,458 8,310 9.313 10.618 12,465 14,516 822 879 985 1,106 1,249 1,448 1,661 1,875 2,122 2,374 2,672 2,968 3,214 3,549 3,911 4,403 4,883 5.437 6.222 5.68 5.66 5.67 5.74 5.81 5.82 5.63 5.61 5.69 5.70 5.64 5.51 5.42 5.44 5.39 5.40 5.29 5.08 5.00 4.25 1948 1968 4.26 1949 1969 4.29 1970 4.37 1951 1971 4.43 1952 1972 4.42 1953 1973 4.20 1974 4.17 1955 1975 4.27 1976 4.28 1977 4.23 I9> 1978 4.12 1959 1979 4.05 1960 1980 4.11 1961 1981 4.08 1962 1982 4.10 1963 1983 3.99 1905 1966 1984 3.79 1985 3.74 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 121 Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Retail trade — equipment and structures 10,585 5,502 11,942 6,658 13,070 7,509 14,548 8,625 15,722 9,345 16,582 9,680 18,028 10,597 19,377 11,410 21.077 12,577 22,438 13,473 23,784 14,337 25,146 15,236 26,875 16,484 28.538 17,635 30,126 18,686 31,877 19,863 33,781 21,153 36,070 22,761 39,086 25,010 42,474 27,522 556 653 757 865 975 1,065 1,159 1,269 1,372 1,476 1,552 1,619 1,698 1,789 1,876 1,963 2,064 2,180 2,334 2,525 402 414 438 466 492 515 593 707 775 932 1,019 1,090 1,170 1,229 1,277 1,316 1,369 1,433 1,492 1,555 13 08 11,84 11.10 10.31 9.91 9.79 9.38 9.10 8.74 8.54 8.39 8.26 8.06 7.93 7.87 7.80 7.74 7.65 7.48 7.32 8.38 7.06 6.48 5.91 5.75 5.84 5.60 5.48 5.24 5.17 5.15 5.16 5.10 5.11 5.18 5.24 5.29 5.29 5.21 5.15 1967 1968 1969 197(1 1 97 ! 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981) 19X1 19X2 1983 19X4 19X5 45,678 49.453 53,654 57,818 03,239 67,498 74,083 81,229 XX.766 96,666 104,512 117,134 132,406 146,110 163,838 182,113 203,715 22X.597 256,172 29.693 32,302 35,144 37,802 40,607 44,122 48,865 53.780 59.037 64,365 69,371 78,656 90,142 99,518 112,177 124,845 140,024 157,584 176,863 2,728 2,933 3,184 3.433 3,707 4,070 4,420 4,760 5,175 5,673 6,237 6,908 7,892 8,801 9,624 10,795 12,101 13,525 15,210 1.600 1,684 1,740 1.849 1.9XX 2,258 2.4X8 2.446 2,653 2,830 3,125 3,292 3,768 4,081 4.0XX 4,6,95 5,135 5,348 6,021 7.28 7.21 7.16 7 18 7 31 7.18 7.04 7.00 6.98 6.99 7.04 6.86 6,63 6.58 6.50 6.45 6.38 6.33 6 29 Finance, insurance, and real estate — equipment and structures .773 ,492 ,372 .125 ,119 ,545 ,805 ,440 .969 ,602 51,235 55,457 61,004 66.308 71,631 77,586 83,022 89,775 98,081 106.865 9,867 11,294 12,811 15,092 17,489 19,186 21,642 24,345 27,833 31,298 34,654 37,559 41,718 45,454 49,327 53,669 57,460 62,455 68,802 75.394 676 759 867 1,006 1,176 1,329 1,489 1,690 1,911 2,161 2,387 2,578 2,796 3,044 3.266 3,478 3.68;, 3,930 1.255 4.634 431 449 484 514 552 570 610 723 832 963 1,077 1,216 1,355 1,526 1,660 1,797 1,967 2,121 2,245 2.380 16.74 15.77 14.88 13.72 12.73 12.23 11.56 10 97 10.33 9.85 9 53 9.37 9.08 8.93 8 83 8.73 8.74 8.67 8.54 8.46 12.44 11.02 9.94 8.72 7.86 7.55 7.08 6.72 6.32 6.09 5.99 6.02 5 92 5.95 6.01 6.05 6 18 6.22 6.18 6.20 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 115.566 125.689 : ;- (168 150.480 164.645 180,533 199,149 216,560 231,985 248,160 269,564 296,733 331,976 370.066 413,788 462,263 514,813 581.074 654,4X6 XI, 609 88.935 98,113 106,847 116.892 128,110 141,514 152,960 162,087 171,374 185,228 203,767 229,026 255,671 286,334 320,066 355,875 403,604 455,589 3,048 5,500 6,668 6,696 7.348 8,102 8,996 9,997 10,966 11,948 13,142 14,754 16,856 19,172 21,622 24,395 27,506 31.269 35,691 2.498 8.45 2,616 8.41 2,763 8.31 2,884 8.29 3,043 8.26 3,291 8.22 3,591 8.15 3,841 8.21 1 256 8.37 4,593 8.53 5,120 8.55 5,640 8.46 6,256 8.26 7,013 8.10 7,724 7.94 8,753 7.81 9,778 7.72 11,189 7.52 12,646 7.37 Banking — equipment and structures 1.927 2,003 2,0X2 2,197 2,321 2,376 2,578 2,791 3,115 3,420 3,794 4,164 4,578 4,980 5,399 5,977 6,447 7,100 7,880 8,709 841 915 992 1,099 1,217 1,256 1,439 1,628 1,919 2,185 2,506 2,807 3,140 3,448 3,762 4,215 4,546 5,037 5,632 6,248 67 70 74 79 85 91 98 109 122 137 154 172 190 209 228 250 275 301 337 380 61 65 68 67 74 7! 72 79 83 89 93 94 99 105 113 113 124 129 139 150 19.21 1863 18.06 17.28 16.44 16.21 15.11 14.12 12.87 11.97 11.07 10.43 9.87 9 18 9.17 8.77 8.64 8.40 8.14 7.95 14 29 12.91 11.76 10.57 9.58 9.37 8.31 ; 56 6 70 6.24 5.85 5.68 5.56 5.58 .,03 5.56 5.70 5.69 5.64 5.65 1967 I9i - 1969 1970 1971 1 172 1973 1974 1975 1971 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 1982 1983 198.1 1'3- . 9.715 10,717 12,036 13,311 14,818 16,632 18,842 21,491 24,069 26,661 29,746 3 1.09 1 40,789 17,121 54,596, 61,834 69.766 79.69X 91.038 6,796 7.693 8.641 9.484 10,496 11,724 13.261 15.094 16.748 18,290 20,211 23,7X6 28,193 32,791 37 53.7 41,968 46,709 53,075 60,317 429 492 571 654 741 853 988 1,156 1,340 1,522 1,727 2.035 2,473 2.980 3,520 4,084 4,703 7, 162 6,370 153 7.91 166 7.66 176 7.49 91 7.45 210 7.40 233 7.31 274 7.17 300 7.02 367 7.00 416 7.06 506 7.06 601 6.76 704 6.46 850 6.26 962 6.16 1,176 6.14 1,364 6.16 1.686 6.07 2,052 5.99 Federal Reserve banks— equipment and structures 1947 44 44 46 53 59 66 75 xo 86 99 122 134 144 156 164 167 170 172 177 183 24 24 25 32 37 44 50 54 58 70 90 99 106 115 119 118 117 116 117 119 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13.22 13.53 13.52 12.08 11.26 10.54 9.91 9.82 9.69 8.89 7.83 7.80 7.90 7.94 8.24 8.78 9.32 9.86 10.29 10 61 9.43 9.62 9.44 7.70 6.94 6.38 5.98 6.10 6.16 5.62 4.90 5.09 5.36 5.55 5.96 6.61 7.24 7.85 8.30 8.60 1967 193 200 210 227 261 287 325 375 441 501 551 580 621 701 785 899 976 1,098 1,166 125 127 133 146 174 193 222 262 316 362 396 408 430 489 548 631 671 751 774 8 8 8 9 10 12 13 15 17 20 22 25 28 32 37 44 52 60 66 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 13 14 17 20 10.73 11.04 11.17 10.99 10.22 10.00 9.54 8.98 8.36 8.12 8.13 8.50 8.69 8.42 8.24 7.91 8.04 7.85 8.13 8.63 1948 1968 8.88 1949 1969 8.89 1950 1970 8.55 1951 1971 7.58 1952 1972 7.32 1953 1973 6.83 1954 1974 6.29 1955 1975 5.75 1956 1976 5.59 1957 1977 5.68 1958 1978 6.10 1959 1979 6.34 19110 1980 6.11 1961 1981 5.98 1962 1982 5.73 I'm, ; 1983 5.92 1961 1984 5.80 1965 1985 6.13 1966 122 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Commercial and mutual banks — equipment and structures 1,883 1,958 2,036 2,144 2,282 2.309 2,503 2,712 3,029 3,321 3,672 4,030 4,434 4,824 5,235 5,811 6,277 6.928 7,703 8.525 817 891 967 1,067 1,180 1,213 1,388 1,574 1,861 2,115 2,416 2,708 3,034 3.333 3,643 4,096 4,429 4,921 5,515 6,129 72 77 83 88 95 106 118 133 149 166 184 203 222 243 268 294 330 372 91 92 96 102 110 110 121 126 136 147 19.35 18.75 18.16 17.41 16.58 16.38 15.26 14.24 12.96 12.06 11.18 10.52 9.94 9.53 9.20 8.77 8.62 8.36 8.09 7.89 14.43 13.00 11.83 10.66 9.66 9.47 8.40 7.61 6.71 6.26 5.89 5.70 5.57 5.58 5.62 5.53 5.66 5.64 5.59 5.59 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 9,322 10,518 11,826 13,084 14,557 16,345 18,517 21,116 23.628 26,160 29,196 34,115 40,168 46,720 53,811 60,925 68,790 78,600 89.872 6,671 7,565 8,507 9,339 10,322 11,532 13,039 14,833 16,432 17,929 19,815 23,378 27,763 32,303 36,977 41,337 46,038 52,324 59,543 422 484 563 645 731 841 975 1,141 1,322 1,502 1,705 2,010 2,446 2,948 3,483 4,040 4,651 5,403 6,304 150 7.85 162 7.60 173 7.42 190 7.39 206 7.35 229 7.26 269 7.13 295 6.98 361 6.97 410 7.04 499 7.03 593 6.73 695 6.43 840 6.23 951 6.13 1,163 6.12 1,350 6.13 1,668 6.05 2,032 5.97 Credit agencies other than banks— equipment and structures 1947 . 752 821 908 1,002 1,130 1,283 1,488 1,668 1.891 2,075 2,275 2,454 2,713 2,973 3,104 3,381 3,577 4,041 4,579 5,056 347 412 494 582 695 818 989 1,120 1,295 1,421 1,554 1,665 1,855 2,043 2,107 2,317 2,449 2,833 3,288 3,675 36 42 50 60 70 81 96 117 135 155 166 178 191 207 220 231 244 261 288 314 17 20 25 33 33 29 31 39 48 59 62 64 76 88 101 106 119 130 141 149 14.62 13.56 12.40 11.36 10.22 9.28 8.28 7.73 7.13 6.86 6.65 6.57 6.34 6.18 6.31 6.18 6.23 5.95 5.70 5.62 10.04 8.39 7.02 6.09 5.29 4.74 4.20 4.02 3.79 3.77 3.79 3.88 3.84 3.87 4.15 4.15 4.32 4.15 4.02 4.07 1967 5,635 6,644 7,669 8,607 9,869 11,058 13,011 15,565 18,397 21,890 25,758 29,566 33,855 38,076 43,189 48,864 55,337 64,170 75,334 4,139 4,988 5,798 6,472 7,416 8,219 9,703 11,614 13,637 16,107 18,692 20,949 23,509 25,889 29,027 32,555 36,607 42,776 50,560 347 392 460 526 594 682 808 1,003 1,236 1,518 1,847 2,200 2,556 2,892 3,271 3,752 4,340 5,113 6,157 153 153 157 167 164 190 212 232 271 316 387 466 596 782 979 1,265 1,548 1,868 2,170 5.54 5.24 5.13 5.19 5.17 5.29 5.16 5.01 4.94 4.85 4.84 4.95 5.04 5.18 5.25 5.29 5.30 5.14 4.96 4.10 1948 1968 3.91 1949 1969 3.90 1950 1970 4.03 1951 1971 4.05 1952 1972 4.20 1953 1973 4.08 1954 1974 3.95 1955 1975 3.90 1956 1976 3.83 1957 ... 1977 3.83 1958 1978 3.93 1959 1979 3.98 1960 1980 4.06 1961 1981 4.05 1962 1982 4.03 1963 1983 4.00 1964 . 1984 3.81 1965 1985 3.62 1966 Security and commodity brokers, and services — equipment and structures 1947 162 159 159 162 163 166 173 181 202 225 236 239 257 275 301 321 346 393 440 478 77 75 76 78 79 83 90 98 117 137 144 143 157 170 191 205 224 262 298 323 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 17 18 21 24 27 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 8 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 14.96 15.31 15.39 15.28 15.31 15.14 14.64 14.07 12.81 11.72 11.44 11.58 11.07 10.64 10.03 9.75 9.41 8.69 8.22 8.06 11.07 11.24 10.98 10.53 10.33 9.87 9.11 8.41 7.22 6.41 6.41 6.77 6.49 6.32 6.00 5.98 5.89 5.45 5.26 5.35 1967 529 611 705 789 868 942 1,041 1,129 1,205 1,287 1,399 1,476 1,581 1,731 1,907 2,136 2,377 2,630 2,862 359 422 494 553 601 643 704 754 789 832 905 942 1,010 1,120 1,248 1,418 1,584 1,748 1,880 30 34 40 47 53 59 66 73 80 86 93 98 103 112 123 140 160 180 200 14 14 17 19 21 24 27 33 38 45 51 58 63 69 74 78 83 86 95 7.78 7.28 6.86 6.72 6.72 6.80 6.78 6.88 7.06 7.21 7.20 7.40 7.46 7.36 7.24 7.04 6.92 6.86 6.92 5.28 1948. 1968 4.98 1949 1969 4.75 1950 1970 4.77 1951 1971 4.91 1952 1972 5.11 1953 1973 5.15 1954 1974 5.29 1955 1975 5.52 1956 1976 5.67 1957 . .. 1977 5.65 1958 1978 5.85 1959 1979 5.86 1960 1980 5.70 1961 1981 5.55 1962 1982 5.33 1963 1983 5.24 1964 1984 .'.:... 5.22 1965 1985 5.31 1966 Insurance carriers — equipment and structures 1947 446 509 575 652 724 794 889 1,006 1,147 1,302 1,426 1,531 1,659 1,755 1,866 1,986 2,109 2,353 2,651 2,906 236 293 350 414 469 514 585 671 780 897 977 1,037 1,121 1,175 1,250 1,340 1,433 1,639 1,882 2,064 22 27 32 38 43 49 56 66 77 89 97 103 109 114 117 120 125 137 158 179 13 14 15 18 18 18 20 26 31 38 40 42 49 56 64 70 80 81 81 12.56 11.33 10.40 9.54 8.97 8.66 8.15 7.65 7.14 6.75 6.66 6.71 6.68 6.80 6.86 6.90 6.95 6.69 6.44 6.40 8.17 6.76 5.94 5.35 5.08 5.00 4.75 4.51 4.26 4.10 4.20 4.38 4.47 4.68 4.82 4.91 5.02 4.84 4.70 4.79 1967 3,266 3,638 4,006 4,375 4,763 5,153 5,604 6,100 6,619 7,043 7,609 8,353 9,233 10,370 11,525 12,650 13,961 15,671 17,791 2,328 2,578 2,808 3.030 3,269 3,508 3,805 4,128 4,459 4,678 5,017 5,498 6,082 6,862 7,597 8,233 9,001 10,129 11,583 202 228 254 278 301 328 358 393 431 466 504 560 633 728 835 941 1,055 1,189 1,370 80 79 90 104 122 149 172 189 206 220 237 258 287 316 350 383 435 490 582 6.26 6.24 6.29 6.41 6.52 6.65 6.73 6.79 6.86 7.06 7.14 7.12 7.04 6.87 6.78 6.79 6.75 6.59 6.37 4.74 1948 1968 4.79 1949 1969 4.90 1950 1970 5.03 1951 1971 5.14 1952 1972 5.25 1953 1973 5.30 1954 1974 5.34 1955 1975 5.40 1956 1976 5.59 1957 1977 5.63 1958 1978 1959 1979 5.43 1960 1980 5.22 1961 1981 5.13 1962 1982 5.14 1963 1983 5.10 1964 1984 4.89 1965 1985 4.65 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 123 Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Insurance agents and brokers, and services — equipment and structures 229 253 285 329 368 411 423 434 455 512 587 651 789 911 1,009 1,099 1,124 1,164 1,237 1.271 118 142 171 205 230 254 249 247 259 309 372 420 .-,3(1 613 661 699 676 680 726 743 16 18 21 25 29 33 35 36 37 40 46 54 64 77 X7 96 99 101 111.-, 107 in 58 9.63 8.68 7.82 7.36 7.06 7.31 7.52 7.51 6.95 6.39 6 10 5.45 5.19 5.23 5.35 5.78 6 06 6.10 2X 6.72 5.73 :,oi 4.51 4.38 ■4 31 1 71 4.98 4 91 4 36 3.94 3.86 3.47 3.45 3.65 3.87 4.36 4.62 4.58 4.74 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 1,292 1.33X 1,3X4 1,463 1,545 1,571 1,661 1,767 1,871 1,995 2,119 2.32X 2,537 2,767 3,014 3,226 3,369 3,507 3,605 756 797 837 905 90S 973 1.039 1,113 1,177 1,253 1,322 1,463 1.594 1,732 1,878 1,9X1 2,020 2.069 2,092 106 105 107 110 114 116 119 127 137 147 159 171 194 216 238 258 272 280 285 94 6.46 95 6.51 95 6.57 92 6.54 89 6.55 90 6.84 89 6.87 91 6.88 92 6.95 94 6.99 99 7.06 102 6.93 111 6,88 116 6.84 130 6.81 142 6.89 159 7.12 179 7.32 198 7.58 Real estate — equipment and structures 15,091 16,545 IX. 121 20,504 23,09(1 25,169 27,880 30,969 34,767 38,676 42,525 46,007 50,551 54,808 59,396 64,213 68,748 73,967 80,389 87,440 8,147 9,327 1(1,568 12.52S 14,590 16,045 18,067 20,357 23.24X 26,138 28,890 31,257 34,637 37,6X0 40,9X7 44,4X4 47,676 51,484 56,335 61,631 517 5X1 665 775 915 1,038 1,165 1,320 1,498 1,697 1,880 2.030 2,199 2,390 2,561 2,724 2.XX0 3,061 3,288 3,562 304 318 344 367 398 422 481 532 616 712 813 942 1,059 1,204 1,310 1.432 1.564 1,6X4 1,768 1,879 16X4 15 86 14 98 13.76 12.75 12.26 11.63 11.05 10.43 9.98 9.69 9 56 9.30 9.17 9 07 8.99 9 00 x 9X sxx 8.81 12 66 11.25 10.19 8.91 X03 7.71 7.27 6 90 6.52 6.30 6.21 6.25 6.16 6.19 6.23 6.28 6.40 6.47 6.47 6.47 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 19X1 1982 1983 1984 1985 94,220 101,484 110,841 120,235 130,743 142,820 156.2X8 167,507 176,551 185,793 199,174 216,2X6 239,722 265,039 294.3X4 327.733 363,473 408,128 455,8X2 66,451 71,560 78,526 X5.1S5 92.664 101,349 111,081 118,166 123,042 127,885 136,597 148,473 165,842 184.172 205,563 229,922 255,4X8 288,872 323,835 3.861 4,168 4.543 4.972 5.409 5.900 6.465 7,031 7.511 7,964 8,552 9,413 10,612 11,942 13,300 14,839 16,538 18,548 20,752 1,969 2,072 2,1X5 2,262 2,3X4 2,544 2,746 2,915 3.184 3,382 3.695 3,985 4,302 4,674 5,017 5,497 5,979 6,662 7,318 8.82 8.85 - 76 8.75 8.73 x 69 s 65 8.79 9.04 9.30 9.37 9.33 9 11 8.94 8.76 X 58 8.46 8.25 8.11 Holding and other investment companies — equipment and structures 167 202 241 281 321 347 374 390 391 391 392 410 457 506 556 609 672 756 905 1,006 100 130 160 186 208 215 224 224 215 210 211 231 279 325 369 410 456 519 641 712 9.37 8.09 7.20 6.70 6 42 6.54 6,63 6.88 7 28 7.61 7.81 7.67 7.08 6.67 6.40 6.26 6 1 1 5.96 5.54 5 70 4.76 4.29 4.15 4.14 4.42 4.58 4.84 5.23 5.48 5.54 5.21 4.55 4.26 4 18 4.22 4.27 4.23 3.93 .108 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 1,109 1.256 1,427 1,700 2.039 2,356 2,701 3,000 3,274 3,492 3,759 4,031 4.259 4,662 5,173 5,8311 6.530 7,271 7.974 780 886 1,008 1.219 1.477 1.693 1,921 2,090 2,234 2,329 2,484 2,656 2,795 3,104 3.497 3.9XX 4,467 1.935 5.321 72 81 93 111 136 I 63 190 214 232 246 259 27:; 284 303 335 381 138 198 557 35 5.62 38 5.56 42 5.52 46 5.27 53 5.05 60 5.06 71 5.11 82 5.30 99 5.55 120 5.87 145 6.09 170 6.29 192 6.53 205 6.53 212 6.46 211 6.34 212 6.30 218 6.32 232 6.45 Services — equipment and structures 1947 8,461 9,303 10,113 11,317 12,611 14,135 16,013 18,006 20,379 22,879 25,676 28,242 31,219 34,383 37,440 40,756 44,557 48,506 53,076 58,236 4,305 5,051 5,727 6,731 7,723 8,829 10,203 11,575 13,265 14,983 16,881 18,479 20,427 22,517 24,476 26,653 29,258 31,895 35,061 38,653 402 469 537 622 726 846 988 1.162 1,341 1,540 1,726 1,907 2.090 2,288 2,483 2,673 2,897 3,142 3,427 3,770 313 325 345 369 367 369 397 463 544 646 720 803 928 1,076 1,228 1,356 1,516 1,673 1.829 1,961 13.27 12.32 11.60 10.66 9.90 9.22 8.55 8.04 7.54 7.17 6.88 6.74 6.59 6.48 6.44 6.40 6.34 6.33 6.29 6.24 8.75 7.57 6.86 6.09 5.61 5.24 4.88 4.68 4.46 4.34 4.25 4.29 4.29 4.31 4.39 4.45 4.47 4.53 4.56 4.57 1967 63,501 69,798 77,538 84,859 92,872 103,039 114,935 125,695 134,415 145,594 160,309 176,558 196.259 217.002 242,226 268,412 301,668 343,909 384,064 42,123 46,336 51,675 56,267 61,288 68,046 76,131 82.613 86,902 93,426 103,000 113,437 126,624 140,066 157,054 173,858 196,374 226,397 252,358 4,156 4.567 5,095 5,651 6,200 6,894 7,705 8.496 9,173 9,895 10,920 12,164 13,589 15,145 16,840 18,789 21,108 24,122 27,447 2,104 2,212 2,396 2,600 2,824 3,127 3,474 3,809 4,252 4,700 5,251 5,824 6,399 7,066 7.692 8,437 9,303 10,255 11,532 6.24 6.22 6.15 6.18 6.22 6,18 6.12 6.19 6.37 6.46 6.44 6.42 6.34 6.30 6.21 6.17 6.06 5.88 5.84 4 63 1948 1968 4.65 1949 1969 4.60 1950... . 1970 4.67 1951 1971 4.72 1952 1972 4.68 1953 1973 4.61 1954 1974 4.68 1955 1975 4.87 1956 1976 4.92 1957 1977 4.86 1958 1978 4.80 1959 1979 4.69 1960 1980 4.64 1961 1981 4.53 1962 1982 4.50 1963 1983 4 39 1964 1984 4 21 1965 .. . 1985 4.20 1966 124 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Hotels and other lodging places — equipment and structures 1947 2,681 2.741 2.805 2,871 2,939 2,992 3,119 3,272 3,465 3,746 4,079 4,468 4,980 5,595 6,313 7,003 7,916 8,831 9,736 10,626 1,197 1,248 1,308 1,369 1,432 1,482 1,601 1,743 1,923 2,182 2,476 2,808 3.249 3,774 4.373 4.921 5,665 6.379 7.051 7,679 102 106 109 113 117 121 126 136 148 163 180 200 221 248 278 309 345 386 427 469 87 91 99 102 105 111 109 117 124 130 130 130 137 144 144 150 158 169 177 185 16.74 16.63 16.44 16.23 15.98 15.76 15.20 14.54 13.77 12.81 11.89 11.04 10.13 9.29 8.59 8.15 7.67 7.38 7.25 7.23 12.59 11.86 11.14 10.52 9.97 9.58 8.86 8.19 7.55 6.84 6.30 5.89 5.48 5.16 4.93 4.90 4.80 4.82 4.94 5.11 1967. ... 11,493 12.413 13,502 14,592 15,762 17,312 19,084 20,562 21,528 22,504 23,598 25,157 27,514 30,303 33,858 37,803 43.036 50,003 57,512 8.256 8.850 9,574 10,265 11,001 12,079 13,329 14,233 14,610 14,980 15,443 16,329 17,952 19,927 22,573 25,492 29,550 35,127 40,980 512 555 606 658 707 766 836 906 962 1,009 1,062 1,134 1,236 1,358 1,497 1,666 1,883 2,178 2,530 199 206 216 233 244 268 287 306 344 372 405 440 474 515 554 609 672 733 818 7.30 7.39 7.45 7.57 7.70 7.71 7.70 7.88 8.26 8.63 8.95 9.11 9.03 8.90 8.66 8.46 8.12 7.69 7.39 5 33 1948 1968 5.54 1949 1969. .. 5 68 1950 1970 5 84 1951 1971 5.99 1952 1972 5.99 1953 1973 5.95 1954 1974 6.11 1955 1975 6.47 1956 1976 6.81 1957 1977 7.07 1958 1978 7.13 1959 1979 6.92 1960 .... 1980 6.68 1961 1981 6.36 1962 1982 6.10 1963 1983 5.76 1964 1984 5.35 1965 1985 5.13 1966 Personal services — equipment and structures 1947 717 820 919 1.042 1,169 1,335 1,537 1,718 1,910 2,104 2,324 2,553 2,819 3,085 3.333 3.616 3.836 4.168 4.549 4,967 420 508 583 673 757 869 1,009 1,119 1,238 1,357 1,494 1,633 1,802 1,962 2,099 2,265 2,362 2,564 2,807 3,076 38 47 55 64 75 87 103 121 137 153 170 188 210 233 256 279 300 323 355 391 26 27 27 26 26 28 33 43 56 69 78 89 102 117 133 148 163 181 202 224 10.96 9.94 9.29 8.66 8.24 7.77 7.31 7.10 6.93 6.81 6.68 6.58 6.46 6.39 6.40 6.37 6.47 6.42 6.34 6.26 6.88 6.00 5.60 5.25 5.08 4.83 4.57 4.53 4.49 4.49 4.47 4.47 4.43 4.46 4.54 4.58 4 74 4.70 4.63 4.56 1967 5,228 5,669 6,102 6,485 6.961 7.537 8,1(14 8,787 9,297 9,784 10,379 11,042 11.858 12,504 13,434 14,358 15,197 16,161 17,152 3,182 3,468 3,735 3,949 4,253 4,632 4,990 5,434 5,689 5,902 6,223 6,603 7,134 7,503 8,170 8,820 9,379 10,054 10,721 420 448 486 520 554 599 647 698 745 783 824 868 918 962 1,000 1,049 1,098 1,151 1,213 245 270 295 322 346 370 402 426 455 471 517 556 595 643 688 727 763 782 804 6.40 6.33 6.31 6.36 6.34 6.28 6.26 6.21 6.31 6.46 6.53 6.58 6.56 6.65 6.60 6.59 6.64 6.66 6.70 4.74 194> 1968 4.66 1949 1969 4.63 1950 1970 4.68 1951 1971 4.65 19.7' 1972 4.58 1953 1973 4.56 1954 1974 4.52 1955 1975 4.64 1!) ■■■ 1976 4.78 1957 1977 4.83 1958 19> 4.85 I'l.VI 1979 4.78 1960 1980 4.84 19111 1981 4.74 196 ' 1982 4.72 1963 r.i.v: 4.77 1964 1984 4.79 196 ■ I'.'-". 4.83 1966.. .. Business services — equipment and structures 1947 878 943 ! 1109 1,210 1,390 1,635 1,934 2,223 2,578 2,967 3,418 3,807 4,209 4,621 4,975 5,315 6,035 6,485 7,276 8,445 447 511 571 754 897 1,078 1,292 1,474 1,700 1,941 2,222 2,429 2,643 2,871 3,046 3,216 3,760 4,009 4,584 5,476 49 54 60 73 91 112 138 168 199 234 271 307 339 370 398 421 467 516 568 656 45 47 47 49 46 42 44 52 58 73 90 110 137 170 203 233 272 300 331 354 12.23 11.49 10.86 9.25 8.35 7.51 6.82 6.45 6.11 5.87 5.67 5.66 5.68 5.69 5.79 5.88 5.62 5.68 5.49 5.18 7.85 6.96 6.40 5.12 4.67 4.29 4.00 3.94 3.83 3.76 3.69 3.77 3.84 3.89 4.01 4.11 3.84 3.96 3.81 3.57 1967 10,306 12,358 14,843 17,227 19,791 23,158 26,622 28,876 30,630 33,475 38,084 42,940 49.419 56,076 64,110 72.191 83.033 96.015 107.816 6,949 8,464 10,251 11,762 13,313 15,469 17,560 18,347 18,711 20,219 23,424 26,719 31,399 35,952 41,474 46,578 53,817 62,519 69,371 796 968 1,173 1.401 1,634 1,921 2,236 2,479 2,632 2,812 3,143 3,568 4,075 4,657 5.291 6,002 6.875 8,019 9,212 379 396 433 477 557 643 780 924 1,137 1,355 1,616 1,880 2,110 2,360 2,552 2,782 3,004 3,319 3,823 4.73 4.49 4.32 4.33 4.39 4.38 4.44 4.72 5.04 5.16 5.05 4.98 4.82 4.75 4.65 4.65 4.58 4.50 4.56 3.23 1948 . . 1968 3.11 1949 1969 3.05 1950 1970 3.14 1951 1971 3.24 1952 1972 3.23 1953 1973 3.28 1954 1974 3.56 1955 1975 3.84 1956 1976 3.86 1957 1977 3.63 195* 1978 3.51 19 ,9 1979 3.34 ] 'ii.ii 1980 3.29 1961 1981 3.24 1962 1982 3.28 1963 1983 3.24 1964 1984 .V. 3.18 1965 1985 3.27 1966 Auto repair, services, and garages — equipment and structures 1947 709 876 1,014 1,186 1,444 1,842 2,313 2.886 3,572 4,111 4,715 5,139 5,701 6,300 6.x 19 7,375 7,819 8,418 9.170 10,237 440 588 702 844 1,052 1,366 1,730 2,156 2,665 2,992 3,348 3,506 3,798 4,121 4,371 4.666 4.854 5.197 5,694 6,478 47 63 77 91 109 139 177 228 284 341 387 426 464 508 552 593 632 672 727 801 22 24 30 37 35 31 35 49 65 86 97 111 143 181 227 267 310 358 403 436 5.15 4.49 4.21 3.95 3.68 3.44 3.30 3.27 3.25 3.48 3.70 4.07 4.31 4.52 4.76 4.95 5.19 5.32 5.34 5.23 2.60 2.34 2.42 2.49 2.47 2.39 2.38 2.42 2.46 2.70 2.90 3.23 3.40 3.53 3.70 3.82 3.99 4.04 3.99 3.82 1967 10,806 11,770 12,998 13,852 14,911 16,365 18,396 20,449 22,061 24,568 27,884 31.647 35,593 39,380 44,087 48,758 55,278 65,692 74,982 6,739 7,361 8,208 8,646 9,275 10,236 11.708 13,080 13.939 15,604 17,887 20,402 22,910 25.097 28,036 30,759 35,141 43,138 49,448 868 925 1,018 1,104 1,177 1,288 1,439 1,612 1,772 1,956 2,225 2,553 2,904 3,249 3,602 3,996 4,470 5,204 6,091 472 492 538 581 619 675 738 791 850 925 1,004 1,111 1,219 1,361 1,494 1,684 1,932 2,167 2,465 5.41 5.42 5.36 5.49 5.54 5.50 5.33 5.27 5.36 5.28 5.14 5.04 4.99 5.03 5.01 5.04 4.95 4.64 4.57 4.00 I'M- 1968 3.97 1949 1969 3.87 1950 1970 3.99 1951 1971 4.02 1952 1972 3.94 1953 1973 3.76 1954 1974 3.71 1955 1975 3.82 1956 1976 3.73 1957 1977 3.59 1958 1978 3.51 1959 1979 3.48 I'll, ll 1980 3.52 1961 1981 3.48 1982 3.51 1983 3.41 1964 1984 3.11 1'ir,' 1985 3.09 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 125 Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Miscellaneous repair services — equipment and structures 1947 172 192 213 242 276 316 362 416 474 538 607 662 725 790 850 915 1.038 1,116 1,179 1,248 90 108 127 152 181 213 248 289 331 377 424 456 492 530 561 596 686 726 751 783 8 9 11 12 15 17 20 24 28 32 36 40 43 47 51 55 61 67 72 76 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 11 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 29 33 12.81 11.69 10.73 9.72 8.85 8.15 7.58 7.10 6.76 6.51 6.36 6.43 6.48 6.56 6.70 6.83 6.62 677 7.00 7.18 8.21 7.01 6.20 5.49 5.00 4.68 4.45 4.28 4.20 4.16 4.18 4.38 4.52 4.66 4.84 4.98 4.73 4.90 5.13 5.29 1967 1,406 1,531 1,687 1,917 2,184 2,469 2,737 3,032 3,309 3,665 4,096 4,629 5,215 5,774 6,352 6,940 7,523 8,174 8,901 899 974 1,075 1,242 1,435 1,632 1,804 1,993 2,159 2,398 2,705 3,093 3,509 3,879 4,252 4,606 4,938 5,326 5,777 85 96 107 121 138 158 176 193 210 228 251 279 313 347 379 411 445 480 521 36 40 45 50 56 63 72 80 90 102 118 126 135 148 162 166 179 198 224 6.92 6.91 6.83 6.55 6.30 6.15 6.13 6.12 6.19 6.17 6.09 5.97 5.91 5.95 6.02 6.14 6.31 6.43 6.51 4.97 1948 1968 4.96 1949 1969 4.87 1950 1970 4.59 1951.. .. 1971 4.38 1952 1972 4.28 1953 1973 4.31 1954 1974 4.33 1955... 1975 4.43 1956. 1976 4.42 1957 1977 4.35 1958 .. . 1978 4.26 1959 1979 4.22 1960 1980 4.29 1961 1981 4.39 1962 1982 4.52 1963 1983 4.67 1964 1984 4.77 1965 1985 4.82 1966 Motion pictures — equipment and structures 1947. .. 284 313 344 378 412 456 509 558 616 679 738 797 862 936 1,009 1,089 1,176 1,307 1,439 1,546 147 173 198 224 249 281 320 353 394 439 478 514 555 603 649 700 754 847 934 988 12 15 17 19 22 25 29 33 36 41 45 49 54 58 63 68 74 83 95 105 10 10 11 11 12 12 14 15 18 22 24 25 28 30 33 37 39 43 47 50 13.25 12.29 11.49 10.76 10.22 9.62 8.99 8.62 8.21 7.84 7.63 7.52 7.40 7.27 7.22 7.17 7.14 6.94 6.83 6.90 8.55 7.41 6.68 6.16 5.85 5.52 5.19 5.10 4.95 4.84 4.87 4.95 5.00 5.01 5.08 5.12 5.16 5.01 4.97 5.12 1967 1,707 1,895 2,099 2,344 2,592 2,860 3,140 3,415 3,662 3,942 4,261 4,637 5,107 5,516 5,946 6,366 6,756 7,209 7,669 1,088 1,206 1,329 1,482 1,628 1,785 1,948 2,099 2,214 2,364 2,550 2,784 3,099 3,338 3,585 3,814 4,009 4,262 4,521 117 133 151 172 195 218 243 267 288 310 335 364 402 442 476 510 542 576 614 53 59 67 75 87 102 119 136 151 173 195 219 242 266 289 312 340 367 403 6.80 6.68 6.60 6.48 6.42 6.38 6.35 6.37 6.47 6.51 6.51 6.46 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.37 6.44 6.47 6.51 5.05 1948 1968 4.95 1949 1969 4.88 1950 1970 4.75 1951 1971 4.70 1952 1972 4.66 19.".:! 1973 4.63 1954 1974 4.64 1955 1975 4 74 1956 1976 4.75 1957 .. . 1977 4.71 1958.... 1978 4.62 1959 . 1979 4.47 1960 1980 4.48 1961 1981 4.50 1962 1982 4.55 1963 1983 4.64 1964 1984 4.66 1965 1985 4.68 1966 Amusement and recreation services — equipment and structures 1947 1,537 1,701 1,851 2,036 2,223 2,416 2,631 2,836 3,054 3,285 3,529 3,750 4,024 4,325 4,603 4,874 5,243 5,560 5,875 6,155 746 888 1,002 1,136 1,257 1,372 1,507 1,624 1,762 1,908 2,065 2,203 2,387 2,593 2,777 2,947 3,205 3,399 3,579 3.717 67 80 94 109 125 140 155 171 187 205 223 240 257 277 295 312 332 355 377 397 67 67 66 71 71 76 87 96 113 132 148 163 177 193 207 217 226 237 247 253 14.82 13.62 12.78 11.92 11.26 10.73 10.19 9.82 9.44 9.10 8.79 8.56 8.29 8.02 7.85 7.73 7.55 7.49 7.49 7.55 9.57 8.12 7.36 6.73 6.35 6.09 5.83 5.69 5.52 5.39 5.28 5.25 5.17 5.09 5.09 5.14 5.08 5.15 5.25 5.40 1967 6,450 6,788 7,226 7,677 8,180 8,750 9,517 10,373 11,217 12,132 13,125 14,305 15,923 17,542 18,152 20,608 22,070 23,968 26,189 3,868 4,051 4,323 4,600 4,915 5,283 5,824 6,407 6,938 7,492 8,069 8,764 9,828 10,818 11,760 12,517 13,274 14,478 15,952 416 436 462 491 522 560 610 671 738 811 891 986 1.104 1,229 1,348 1,461 1,564 1,684 1,832 265 274 287 307 324 348 371 388 413 436 463 490 535 585 660 743 838 958 1,052 7.61 7.65 7.61 7.60 7.57 7.52 7.36 7.22 7.16 7.11 7.08 7.01 6.82 6.73 6.69 6.75 6.81 6.75 6.65 5.51 1948 1968 5.57 1949 .... 1969 5.53 1950 1970 5.50 1951 .... 1971 5.46 1952 .... 1972 5.40 1953 197:; 5.22 1954 1974 5.09 1955 1975 5.06 1956 1976 5.05 1957 1977 5.04 1958 .... 1978 4.99 1959... . 197'' 4.80 1960 1980 4.72 1961 . 1981 4.69 1962 1982 4.75 1963 1983 4.81 1964 1984 4.73 1965 1985 4.62 1966 Other services — equipment and structures 1947 1,484 1,717 1,958 2,353 2,757 3,144 3,608 4,096 4,710 5,448 6,266 7,067 7,899 8,732 9,539 10,569 11,494 12,622 13,852 15,014 818 1,028 1,236 1,579 1,900 2,168 2,495 2,817 3,252 3,787 4,374 4,930 5,502 6.064 6,600 7,342 7,972 8,775 9,661 10,457 78 95 114 141 173 205 239 281 322 370 413 457 502 547 590 636 687 740 806 874 51 52 59 66 65 62 67 83 101 124 141 163 191 225 263 285 325 359 394 426 11.02 9.84 8.96 7.83 7.13 6.79 6.44 6.25 5.99 5.76 5.61 5.58 5.60 5.67 5.77 5.79 5.90 5.96 6.01 6.12 7.27 6.02 5.34 4.57 4.24 4.18 4.09 4.07 3.96 3.84 3.79 3.83 3.92 4.04 4.20 4.26 4.42 4.52 4.60 4.76 1967 16,105 17,374 19,080 20,764 22,492 24,5X9 27,336 30,200 32,712 35,523 38,882 42,201 45,630 49,907 55,287 61,390 68,774 76,687 83,844 11,143 11,961 13,179 14,321 15,468 16,930 18,967 21,019 22,641 24,466 26,701 28,744 30,793 33,552 37,204 41,272 46,266 51,493 55,588 942 1,006 1,092 1,184 1,273 1,385 1,519 1,670 1,825 1,987 2,189 2,412 2,636 2,902 3,247 3,694 4,231 4,831 5,435 454 474 516 554 590 659 704 757 812 866 932 1,002 1,089 1,189 1,292 1,414 1,574 1,732 1,943 6.30 6.44 6.46 6.55 6.67 6.72 6.67 6.68 6 81 6.92 6.98 7.10 7.22 7.26 7.20 7.14 7.02 6.93 6.98 4.96 1948 1968 5.12 1949 1969 5.13 1950 . . 1970 5.21 1951 1971 5.31 1952 1972 5.34 1953 1973 5.26 1954 1974 5.25 1955 1975 5.38 1956 1976 5.48 1957 1977 5.51 1958 1978 5.61 1959 1979 5.71 1960 1980 5.70 1961 1981 5.59 1962 1982 5.50 1963 1983 5.36 1964 1984 5.26 1965 1985 5.31 1966 126 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Health services — equipment and structures 1947 615 709 799 1,003 1,216 1,423 1,645 1,859 2,161 2,550 2,957 3,385 3,836 4,219 4,596 5,123 5,613 6,253 6,984 7,629 353 435 511 693 867 1,016 1,170 1,300 1,512 1,796 2,084 2,385 2,698 2,942 3,182 3,562 3,903 4,377 4,930 5,384 34 42 49 62 78 95 113 133 153 178 202 225 249 272 292 316 343 373 411 448 19 21 24 28 28 26 28 34 43 53 62 74 88 108 128 139 161 180 199 218 10.04 9.09 8.43 7.10 6.34 5.99 5.76 5.72 5.53 5.31 5.22 5.20 5.23 5.38 5.55 5.58 5.68 5.69 5.69 5.80 6.96 5.94 5.40 4.39 3.98 3.90 3.88 3.97 3.87 3.71 3.67 3.69 3.76 3.95 4.14 4.19 4.32 4.35 4.37 4.52 1967 8,262 9,007 10,036 11,035 12,045 13,147 14,449 15,914 17,340 18,974 20,873 22,737 25,003 28,098 32,701 38,147 44,241 50,510 55,807 5,805 6,313 7,081 7,782 8,463 9,190 10,065 11,030 11,899 12,906 14,085 15,141 16,533 18,658 22,122 26,146 30,511 34,775 37,778 484 521 572 629 687 760 846 942 1,045 1,159 1,299 1,449 1,604 1,798 2,079 2,467 2,919 3,402 3,863 232 243 267 284 303 335 360 386 421 458 506 566 635 720 810 908 1,039 1,165 1,325 5.96 6.08 6.07 6.15 6.27 6.38 6.45 6.51 6.63 6.72 6.77 6.87 6.90 6.78 6.45 6.17 5.97 5.87 5.97 4.72 1948 1968 4.85 1949 1969 4.83 1950 1970 4.92 1951 1971 5.04 1952 1972 5.16 1953 1973 5.21 1954 1974 5.26 1955 1975 5.37 1956 1976 5.43 1957 1977 5.45 1958 1978 5.53 1959 1979 5.50 1960 1980 5.30 1961 1981 4.91 1962 1982 4.62 1963 1983 4.44 1964 1984 4.37 1965 1985 4.51 1966 Legal services — equipment and structures 1947 359 406 450 498 552 602 666 735 804 868 957 1,014 1,113 1,197 1,257 1,376 1,418 1,519 1,617 1,761 181 225 264 304 346 380 427 475 522 561 623 651 720 771 800 886 896 963 1,026 1,129 17 19 23 26 30 33 37 43 47 52 57 61 66 71 75 81 85 89 96 107 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 18 20 23 24 27 30 33 38 40 45 49 53 57 13.95 12.50 11.50 10.68 9.97 9.54 9.03 8.61 8.32 8.16 7.89 7.93 7.71 7.66 7.76 7.56 7.79 7.73 7.71 7.53 9.18 7.46 6.59 6.02 5.62 5.48 5.25 5.10 5.03 5.05 4.94 5.12 5.01 5.07 5.28 5.14 5.47 5.46 5.50 5.37 1967 1,834 1,916 2,020 2,125 2,218 2,299 2,451 2,600 2,684 2,807 2,947 3,052 3,156 3,398 3,562 3,697 4,216 5,099 6,158 1,154 1,183 1,233 1,284 1,324 1,366 1,479 1,598 1,653 1,745 1,849 1,903 1,954 2,122 2,200 2,240 2,642 3,374 4,225 117 124 132 139 145 150 154 160 163 167 173 180 187 200 214 224 246 291 356 61 64 69 79 84 104 109 124 129 129 131 124 126 119 118 119 118 125 132 7.69 7.83 7.89 7.96 8.09 8.22 8.13 8.06 8.21 8.26 8.29 8.47 8.66 8.55 8.69 8.92 8.37 7.49 6.81 5.64 1948 1968 5.85 1949 1969 5.94 1950 1970 6.01 1951 1971 6.13 1952 1972 6.23 1953 1973 6.05 1954 1974 5.93 1955 1975 6.08 1956 1976 6.11 1957 1977 6.14 1958 1978 6.35 19.19 1979 6.55 1960 1980 6.38 1961 1981 6.52 1962 1982 6.74 1963 1983 6.05 1964 1984 5.12 1965 1985 4.54 1966 Educational services — equipment and structures 1947 94 116 140 170 201 233 273 320 364 410 454 501 544 590 639 696 754 814 875 940 52 73 93 116 139 159 185 216 242 269 293 317 338 361 388 421 455 490 524 561 5 7 9 12 15 18 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 48 52 56 61 67 72 77 5 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 9 12 14 17 20 23 27 30 34 38 42 46 10.36 8.58 7.41 6.50 5.96 5.70 5.43 5.22 5.17 5.18 5.26 5.34 5.47 5.58 5.65 5.66 5.69 5.71 5.74 5.76 6.11 4.69 4.06 3.69 3.57 3.59 3.54 3.48 3.53 3.59 3.70 3.78 3.90 3.99 4.02 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.05 4.07 1967 995 1,056 1,101 1,130 1,157 1,182 1,203 1,228 1,256 1,287 1,345 1,379 1,421 1,516 1,596 1,716 1,845 1,965 2,121 588 618 633 634 637 641 644 655 670 690 732 748 771 841 893 977 1,062 1,133 1,232 83 88 93 96 98 100 101 103 106 109 114 119 123 131 140 151 165 178 193 50 54 59 64 70 76 81 86 90 94 96 98 100 103 107 111 116 121 128 5.84 5.90 6.03 . 6.24 6.41 6.57 6.72 6.81 6.86 6.88 6.77 6.79 6.77 6.55 6.44 6.23 6.06 5.97 5.83 4.16 1948 1968 4.21 1949 1969 4.35 1950 1970 4.55 1951 1971 4.70 1952 1972 4.81 1953 1973 4.90 1954 1974 4.93 1955 1975 4.91 1956 1976 4.88 1957 1977 4.72 1958 1978 4.75 1959 1979 4.74 1960 1980 4.49 1961 1981 4.41 I'm; ' 1982 4.22 I'm;:; 1983 4.10 1964 1984 '.: 4.07 1965 1985 3.97 1966 Socis 1 services, membership organizations, and miscellaneous professional services — equipment and structures 1947 415 486 569 682 788 886 1,024 1,182 1,381 1,621 1,897 2,167 2,407 2,727 3,047 3,376 3,710 4,037 4,376 4,684 233 296 368 466 548 613 714 826 976 1.161 1,374 1,577 1,745 1,990 2,230 2,473 2,718 2,945 3,182 3,383 22 27 33 41 50 58 68 80 92 106 118 130 142 156 170 183 198 212 227 241 12 12 15 17 18 16 18 23 28 36 40 45 53 61 70 75 85 91 ioo 106 10.10 9.01 8.09 7.15 6.67 6.47 6.13 5.87 5.58 5.33 5.16 5.14 5.25 5.25 5.31 5.42 5.55 5.75 5.95 6.20 6.51 5.39 4.68 4.11 3.95 4.00 3.87 3.79 3.65 3.52 3.46 3.53 3.72 3.80 3.94 4.11 4.30 4.54 4.76 5.03 1967 5,014 5,396 5,923 6,474 7,072 7,961 9,233 10,458 11,432 12,455 13,717 15,033 16,049 16,896 17,428 17,830 18,472 19,113 19,758 3,597 3,848 4,232 4,620 5,044 5,734 6,780 7,736 8,419 9,125 10,035 10,952 11,536 11,930 11,990 11,908 12,051 12,210 12,353 257 273 296 320 343 375 418 466 510 552 603 663 722 773 814 851 901 960 1,023 111 114 122 127 132 144 154 161 173 185 199 213 228 247 257 277 302 321 358 6.45 6.65 6.72 6.83 6.94 6.86 6.61 6.57 6.75 6.94 7.05 7.18 7.49 7.87 8.38 8.92 9.33 9.69 10.03 5.28 I'M- 1968 5.47 I'iI'i 1969 5.51 1950 1970 5.57 1951 1971 5.64 1952 1972 5.49 1953 1973 5.19 1954 1974 5.12 1975 5.29 1956 1976 5.46 1957 1977 5.54 1958 1978 5.65 1979 5.93 1960 1980 6.28 1961 1981 6.77 1962 1982 7.30 1983 7.65 1984 7.93 1985 8.17 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 127 Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation Millions of 1982 dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross Net Year Millions of 1982 dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Net Furniture and fixtures 1925 12,509 13,512 14,606 15,730 17,117 18,095 18,497 18,435 18,263 18,237 18,241 18,316 18,521 18,402 18,339 18,550 19,082 18,918 18,568 18,329 18,684 20,103 21,885 23,587 25,071 26,640 28,613 30,438 32,101 33,964 36,516 7,225 8,072 8.902 9,627 10,477 10,817 10,582 9,925 9,219 8,782 8,460 8,361 8,511 8,457 8,547 8,918 9,610 9,619 9,407 9,277 9,606 10,837 12,295 13,448 14,304 15,173 16,421 17,425 18,201 19,174 20,609 881 958 1,042 1,130 1,231 1,321 1,370 1,378 1,362 1,345 1,334 1,326 1,327 1,322 1,311 1,315 1,343 1,360 1,345 1,328 1,339 1,411 1,535 1,671 1,790 1,903 2,033 2,177 2,308 2,439 2,608 830 803 778 731 734 720 755 804 851 956 1,031 1,176 1,294 1,411 1,509 1,546 1,555 1,558 1,509 1,463 1,367 1,300 1,261 1,227 1,266 1,307 1,364 1,415 1,479 1,612 1,660 6.23 5.88 5.64 5.54 5.50 5.66 6.00 6.48 6.97 7.35 7.68 7.87 7.92 8.00 7.99 7.83 7,51 7.44 7.43 7.40 7.23 6.81 6.44 6.30 6.28 6.28 6.21 6.21 6.27 6.30 6.30 3.69 ■3.58 3.58 3.66 3.75 4.01 441 4.92 5.41 5.67 5.79 5.71 5.45 5.33 5.16 4.91 4.57 4.62 4.77 4.89 4.81 4.42 4.11 4.05 4.12 4.18 4.14 4.18 4.27 4.31 4.30 1956 39,161 41,419 43,522 45,484 47,325 48,822 50,432 52,388 54,425 56,951 60,023 62,953 65,552 68,621 71,339 73,457 77,015 80,972 83,994 85,471 87,250 90,461 94,141 97,994 101,816 105.508 109,347 113,636 119,305 126,190 22,098 23,127 24,000 24,785 25,525 26,042 26,716 27,791 28,977 30,586 32,696 34,555 36,029 37,892 39,282 40,007 42,062 44,394 45,649 45,538 45,851 47,645 49,930 52,413 54,868 57,130 59.544 62,270 66,103 70,837 2,797 2,974 3,128 3,271 3,403 3,519 3,627 3,753 3,897 4,064 4,270 4,493 4,700 4,913 5,134 5,320 5,539 5,826 6,089 6,246 6,361 6,542 6,796 7,074 7,357 7,635 7,915 8,219 8,595 9,072 1,800 1,896 2,028 2,203 2,387 2,611 2,763 2,927 3,099 3,224 3,393 3,506 3,669 3,789 3,890 4,024 4,144 4,304 4,440 4,657 4,895 5,125 5,400 5,704 5,990 6,205 6.490 6,655 6,760 6,921 6.30 6.39 6.50 6.61 6.70 6.80 6.86 6.86 6.84 6.78 6.67 6.60 6.58 6.53 6.54 6.61 6.58 6.53 6.59 6.74 6.84 6.83 6.78 6.72 6.66 6.62 6.57 6.51 6.41 6.29 4.30 1926 1957 4.38 1927. .. 1958 4.46 1928 . 1959 4.53 1929 1960 4.58 1930 1961 4.65 1931 1962 4.68 1932 1963 4.62 1933 . 1964 4.57 1934 . 1965 4.48 1935 1966 4.36 1936 1967 4.31 1937 1968 4.34 1938 1969 4.33 1939 1970 4.38 1940 1971 4.49 1941 1972 4.46 1942 1973 4.41 1943 1974 4.48 1944 1975 4.63 1945 1976 4.71 1946 1977 4.63 1947 1978 4.53 1948 1979 4.44 1949 1980 4.37 1950 1981 4.35 1951 1982 4.33 1952 1983 4.30 1953 1984 4.24 1954 1985 4.16 1955 Fabricated metal products 1925. . 10,241 10,613 10,880 11,120 11,537 11,838 11,976 11,875 11,716 11,608 11,531 11,534 11,596 11,463 11,397 11,445 11,624 11,731 12,015 12,468 13,180 14,560 16,569 18,318 19,623 21,094 22,978 25,233 27,641 30,223 32,456 5,618 5,891 6,048 6,166 6,449 6,587 6,564 6,308 5,996 5,770 5,601 5,532 5,543 5,390 5,335 5,414 5,634 5,785 6,122 6,611 7,320 8,616 10,425 11,846 12,714 13,652 14,896 16,376 17,876 19,421 20,513 565 587 605 620 640 661 674 675 666 657 651 647 647 642 635 632 638 645 657 679 714 778 881 995 1,087 1.171 1,272 1,395 1,533 1,679 1,819 486 488 495 499 506 499 512 520 513 539 558 575 595 623 645 663 679 689 710 715 711 694 681 666 651 638 631 621 624 642 678 8.53 8.40 8.37 8.38 8.27 8.30 8.44 8.74 9.09 9.36 9.58 9.72 9.79 9.98 10.07 10.03 9.86 9.74 9.46 9.07 8.56 7.82 7.05 6.65 6.55 6.50 6.42 6.36 6.36 6.41 6.59 5.43 5.37 5.43 5.52 5.48 5.57 5.78 6.16 6.57 6.84 7.01 7.03 6.93 7.01 6.95 6.73 6.38 6.17 5.83 5.48 5.10 4.57 4.12 4.03 4.20 4.35 4.43 4.47 4.53 4.60 4.78 1956 34,726 37,342 39,624 41,442 42,967 44,244 45,184 46,208 47,505 49,198 51,268 53,055 55,741 59,563 64,580 69,404 74,343 80,791 87,483 93,586 99,726 104,989 110,325 117,168 122,919 128,204 131,947 134,244 135,988 139,098 21,579 22,925 23.896 24,425 24,710 24,803 24,630 24,648 25,040 25,928 27,254 28,350 30,333 33,309 37,153 40,396 43,447 47,746 52,097 55,764 59,408 62,140 64,914 69,083 71,944 74,149 74,822 74,270 73,403 74,251 1,948 2,087 2,225 2,338 2,427 2,499 2,554 2,601 2,658 2,736 2,837 2,941 3,099 3,385 3,807 4,286 4,760 5,304 5,869 6,364 6,831 7,220 7,523 7,926 8,344 8,657 8,893 9.000 9,004 9,003 743 818 915 1,048 1,188 1,315 1,441 1,594 1,754 1,932 2,092 2,251 2,396 2,540 2,633 2,705 2,872 3,155 3,528 3,928 4,335 4,689 4,960 5,252 5,454 5,578 5,822 6,150 6,393 6,741 6.78 6.92 7.13 7.39 7.69 7.98 8.30 8.56 8.71 8.76 8.71 8.70 8.53 8.22 7.84 7.59 7.40 7.14 6.93 6.84 6.78 6.82 6.88 6.86 6.95 7.09 7.31 7.59 7.88 8.06 4.94 1926 . 1957 5.02 1927 1958 5.17 1928 1959 5.37 1929 1960 5.59 1930 1961 5.81 1931 . ... 1962 6.04 1932. .. 1963 6.19 1933. . 1964 6.20 1934 1965 6.09 1935 1966 5.90 1936 1967 5.80 1937 1968 5.56 1938 .... 1969 5.25 1939 1970 4.93 1940 . 1971 4.80 1941 1972 4.74 1942 1973 4.60 1943 1974 4.52 1944 1975 4.54 1945 1976 4.57 1946 1977 4.68 1947 1978 4.78 1948 1979 4.79 1949 1980 4.89 1950 1981 5.02 1951 1982 5.23 1952 1983 5.49 1953 1984 5.72 1954 1985 5.79 128 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A4.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Engines and turbines 21,815 21.488 21,009 20,:>;,:> 20,202 19,742 19,130 18,303 17,418 16,606 15,867 15,301 14,934 14,410 14,019 13,720 13,347 12,717 12,2X5 12,164 12,905 12,528 12,854 13,571 14,209 15,345 15,930 16,968 17,816 19,413 20,595 9,623 9,254 8,797 8,427 8,177 7,872 7,415 6,820 6,247 5,782 5,435 5,305 5,363 5,228 5,207 5,236 5,170 4,829 4.698 4,912 5,928 5,701 6,094 6,824 7,437 8,448 8,926 9,865 10,670 12,153 13.293 914 896 871 844 826 810 785 745 697 651 611 583 574 568 563 568 572 561 543 545 595 633 655 707 759 810 849 870 887 921 965 854 893 928 930 965 939 977 1,010 997 1,003 1,020 999 957 933 896 879 850 843 828 854 811 820 806 856 XX9 955 919 990 16.93 17.43 17.97 18.42 18.74 19.06 19.55 20.18 20.80 21.35 21.76 21.85 21.62 21.58 21.32 20.89 20.54 20.61 20.37 19.53 17.52 17.32 16.24 14.87 13.80 12.55 11.97 11.15 10.62 9.87 9.41 13.33 13.56 13.90 14.09 14.06 14.10 14.41 15.01 15.62 16.01 16.11 15.59 14.59 14.18 13.52 12.79 12.34 12.59 12.30 11.24 9.03 9.24 8.61 7.72 7.20 6.54 6.46 6.14 6.03 5.69 5.64 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 21,716 23,305 24,864 26,200 27,427 28,408 29,275 30,081 30,868 31,721 32,849 34.662 36,963 39,618 42,465 45,437 48,836 52,138 55,431 57,840 59,753 61,316 62,791 63,850 64,609 65,297 65,198 64,940 64,751 64,748 14,224 15,548 16,765 17,614 18,298 18,712 19,007 19,269 19,505 19,776 20,325 21,479 23,003 24,796 26,669 28,659 31,008 33,184 35,367 36,589 37,306 37,656 37,888 37,786 37,380 36,959 35,905 34,778 33,932 33,320 1,014 1,074 1,138 1,200 1,251 1,285 1,308 1,330 1,354 1,384 1,428 1,494 1,581 1,688 1,800 1,908 2,022 2,151 2,285 2,397 2,480 2,558 2,637 2,703 2,747 2,779 2,778 2,737 2,695 2,660 914 9.18 893 8.86 848 8.67 791 8.70 774 8.81 763 9.04 779 9.34 829 9.65 846 9.99 841 10.32 866 10.55 835 10.59 804 10.56 825 10.48 826 10.44 926 10.39 972 10.32 1,025 10.33 1,176 10.33 1,209 10.54 1,284 10.84 1,346 11.17 1,393 11.52 1,542 11.88 1,582 12.29 1,669 12.70 1,824 13.19 1,866 13.70 2,038 14.14 2,052 14.53 1925 6,204 6,704 7,275 7,644 8,054 8,456 8,562 8,192 7,474 6,935 6,696 6,959 7,622 7,937 8,338 9,225 10,895 11,487 11,296 12,435 13,559 14,001 15,696 17,818 19,909 22,377 25,235 27,928 29,976 31,097 32,851 3,357 3,578 3,943 4,139 4,394 4,568 4,458 3,938 3,200 2,778 2,779 3,325 4,188 4,598 4,927 5,528 6,664 6,597 5,822 6,502 7,248 7,316 8,582 10,339 11,879 13,492 15,189 16,390 16,942 16,593 17,059 683 744 807 865 915 967 1,001 986 916 832 777 774 832 897 948 1,033 1,191 1,325 1,339 1,384 1,509 1,592 1,715 1,926 2,190 2,480 2,800 3,141 3,419 3,596 3,743 349 465 601 692 761 740 785 836 896 949 1,018 1,057 1,033 991 877 748 657 666 755 925 1,130 1,305 1,417 1,508 1,584 1,663 1,650 1,719 1,997 2,257 2,521 4.17 4.29 4.24 4.24 4.18 4.19 4.33 4.68 5.17 5.48 5.42 4.91 4.25 3.94 3.75 3.59 3.43 3.75 4.30 4.29 4.24 4.42 4.25 3.91 3.71 3.61 3.58 3.69 3.88 4.18 4.33 2.93 2.89 2.76 2.78 2.78 2.83 3.02 3.42 3.98 4.14 3.68 2.86 2.33 2.34 2.47 2.51 2.41 2.75 3.29 3.02 2.82 2.92 2.69 2.37 2.28 2.34 2.39 2.54 2.73 3.00 3.03 1956 33,978 33,860 33,767 33,966 32,510 31,484 30,706 30,775 31,819 33,396 36,471 38,624 40,860 42,683 44,526 45,605 47,990 52,266 55,856 59,161 62,051 65,832 70,261 74,668 76,054 76,885 74,382 71,365 68,734 65,768 17,183 16,530 16,294 16,600 15,465 14,897 14,663 15,182 16,520 18,019 20.614 21,914 23,012 23,416 23,818 23,635 25,000 28,268 30,738 32,783 34,184 36,236 38,565 40,722 39,931 39,138 35,808 32,826 30,985 29,481 3,899 3,938 3,911 3,907 3,825 3,673 3,565 3,527 3,604 3,776 4,073 4,404 4,674 4,916 5,123 5,272 5,450 5,828 6,291 6,706 7,077 7,477 7,966 8,477 8,786 8,873 8,720 8,332 7,949 7,583 2,999 3,446 3,816 4,070 4,196 4,180 4,121 3,977 3,895 3,696 3,576 3,528 3,513 3,474 3,681 4,013 4,425 4,812 5,164 5,447 5,588 5,748 5,865 6,227 6,609 7,249 7,893 8,367 8,739 9,045 4.49 4.68 4.76 4.73 4.86 4.88 4.84 4.68 4.43 4.22 3.95 3.90 3.90 4.01 4.14 4.30 4.31 4.16 4.08 4.05 4.06 4.05 4.06 4.09 4.29 4.45 4.74 4.97 5.11 5.18 3.08 1926 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 .*.: 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 3.19 1927 3.18 1 92 - 3.08 1929 3.24 1930 3.26 1931 3.20 1932 3.03 1933 2.80 1934 2.67 1935 2.50 1936 2.57 1937 2.67 1938 2.81 1939 2.91 1940 3.03 1941 2.94 1942 2.71 1'U : 2.65 1944 2.67 1945 2.75 1946 2.78 1947 2.79 1948 2.81 1949 3.00 1950 3.13 1951 3.40 1952 3.57 1953 3.58 1954 1985 3.53 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 129 Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End o 7 year jje age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Avera Gross Net Gross Net Agricultural machinery, except tractors 20,74.". 21,311 21,836 22,41fi 23,134 23,669 23.D36 21,961 20,675 19,592 19,120 18,931 19,182 19,349 19,212 19,241 20,107 20,697 20.545 21,771 23,507 24,679 27,599 31,647 35,460 39,165 42,635 45,893 48,538 50,709 52.853 10,605 10.892 11,166 11,529 12,061 12,408 11,648 10,544 9,387 8,502 8,263 8,371 8,855 9,282 9,371 9,655 10,669 11,313 11,182 12,274 13,713 14,371 16,593 19,662 22,246 24,564 26,483 28,057 28,899 29,315 29.746 1,494 1,523 1,559 1.596 1,641 1,685 1,679 1,613 1,522 1,432 1,372 1,346 1,347 1,362 1,363 1,361 1,400 1,462 1,485 1,532 1,650 1,765 1,922 2.186 2,482 2,764 3,031 3,281 3,497 3,670 3,821 1,156 1,243 1,30,8 1.380 1,454 1,497 1,552 1,583 1,652 1,629 1,605 1,644 1.581 1,622 1,590 1,616 1,548 1,515 1,506 1,397 1,354 1,250 1,223 1,208 1,253 1,377 1,481 1,596 1,694 1,915 2,109 7.07 7.09 7.12 7.11 7.03 7.01 7.29 7.68 8 08 8.39 8.43 8.31 8.05 7.81 7.72 7.52 7.08 6.81 6.79 6.44 6.08 6.04 5.72 5.41 5.30 5.29 5.37 5 50 5.72 5 9 7 6 19 5.01 4.92 4.84 4.74 4.60 4.56 4.92 5.40 5.91 6.26 II 13 5.77 5.24 4.88 4.77 4.61 1 23 4.13 4 35 4.15 3.96 4.06 3.81 3.56 3.52 3.58 3.71 3.87 I 09 4.33 4.51 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 54,300 55,247 57,092 58,576 59,196 59,385 59,374 59,912 60,382 61,391 62.935 64,868 66,719 69,322 73,070 77,176 81,192 87,093 92,935 103.945 108,809 114,290 120,394 124,198 127,659 128.31-1 127,200 125,1,25 123,762 29,498 29,020 29.028 29,992 29,771 29,421 29,179 29,633 30,164 31,290 32,800 34,545 36,051 38,037 40,842 43,722 46,237 50,469 54,087 57,633 59.856 61.815 64,343 67,407 68,307 68.929 67,124 64,031 61,090 58,473 3,941 1,012 1 096 4,200 4,257 4,268 4.259 4.269 4.302 4,358 4,458 1.596 4.746 4.920 5.167 5,469 5.805 6,286 6,597 7,042 7,454 7,807 8,181 8,615 9,003 9,196 9,352 9,267 9,127 8,971 2.246 6.48 4.74 2,586 6.77 4.95 2,859 6.90 4.93 3.079 7.04 4.93 3,417 7.23 5.00 3,728 7.38 5.06 1,028 7.49 5.07 4,186 7.48 4.97 4,363 7.43 4.87 4,476 7.28 4.71 4,423 7.11 4.55 4,408 6.92 4.42 4,401 6.79 4.37 4,304 6.64 4.31 4,223 6.45 4.20 4,244 6.32 4.14 4,304 6.25 4.15 4,621 6.08 4.03 4,372 6.03 4.03 4,539 6.01 4.06 4,717 6.09 4.18 1,901 6.19 4.29 5,228 6.26 4.35 5,575 6.31 4.37 6,101 6.46 4.50 6,356 6.62 4.63 6.858 6.88 4.87 7,323 7.20 5.16 7,760 7.48 5.38 8.218 7.71 5.53 Construction machinery, except tractors 6,071 6.984 7,801 8,511 9,199 9,566 9,491 8,894 8,160 7,476 6,912 6,627 6,511 6,282 6,089 6,273 6,596 6,806 6,965 6,842 8,893 11,883 14,880 18,774 21,070 23,515 26,045 28,595 30,577 31,505 32.710 3,633 4,161 4,604 4,949 5,275 5,287 4,907 4,119 3,352 2,802 2,524 2,619 2,909 3,051 3,144 3,478 3,788 3,849 3,786 3,446 5,226 7,746 10.022 12,751 13,570 14,429 15,281 16,087 111,138 16,042 16,366 603 692 781 850 932 997 954 874 789 715 006 645 633 620 630 667 702 723 723 823 1,095 1,420 1,801 2,134 2,377 2,632 2,889 3,104 3,226 3,304 210 307 407 495 569 631 692 764 840 924 1,000 1,046 1,051 1 .004 905 781 654 553 501 505 553 625 699 757 831 924 1,059 1,301 1,636 2,065 2,523 3 00 3.99 4.09 4.20 4.28 4.49 4.85 5.42 6.02 6.48 6.71 6.51 6.05 5 65 5.27 4.75 I |o 4.39 4.55 4.96 4.15 3.51 3 28 3.21 3.55 3 85 1 12 4.39 4.70 5.05 5 20 2.79 2.75 2.79 2 88 2.96 3.18 3.56 4.20 4.84 5 19 5.01 4.21 3.43 3.12 3.03 2.87 2.86 3.06 3.31 3.73 2.62 2.11 2.08 2.16 2 57 2.86 3 00, 3.20 3.36 3.58 3 56 1956 1957. 1958. 1059 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963 . 1964. 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968 1969 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983 1984. 1985, 3.1.060 34,388 34.492 35,131 35,204 34.964 34.895 36,103 38,217 40,944 44,087 46,913 49,950 53.244 56,225 58,819 02,323 06,832 71,542 73,653 75,215 78.929 85,040 90,360 93,123 94,626 02.826 90.773 90,251 91.030 17.137 17.154 17.177 17,765 17,765 17,459 17,386 18,47,0 20,238 22,403 24,754 26,528 28,255 29,967 31,166 31,935 33,660 36,397 30,308 39,697 39,733 41,990 46,427 49,756 50,410 49,932 46,575 43,617 42,782 44.540 3,419 3,494 3,509 3.553 3,598 3,591 3,575 3,645 3,828 4,092 4,409 4,730 5,061 5,408 5,742 6,027 6,333 6,742 7,217 7,564 7,741 8,010 8,529 9,134 9,554 9,762 9,717 9,471 9.294 0.323 2,951 5.23 3.44 3. 287 5.30 3.46 : 191 5.32 3.47 3,574 5.23 3.38 3,615 5.22 3.42 3,583 5.25 3.50 3,553 5.24 3.50 3,543 5.09 3.33 3,564 4.89 3.13 3,616 4.69 2.98 3,649 4.52 2.89 3,696 4.45 2.91 3,740 4.42 2.96 3,825 4.42 3.01 3,979 4.49 3.10 4,221 4.60 3.21 4,552 4.63 3.19 4,966 4.60 3.10 5,417 4.57 3.04 5,842 4.68 3.17 6,215 4.80 3.30 6,552 4.76 3.23 6,855 4.62 3.07 7,144 4.57 3.03 7,444 4.66 3.16 7,781 4.80 3.32 8,159 5.08 3.62 8,568 5.31 3.83 8,981 5.40 3.81 9,396 5.33 3.57 130 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Mining and oilfield machinery 1925 15,954 16,635 16,989 17,410 18,135 17,919 16,991 15,853 14,783 14,009 13,632 13,890 14,054 13,608 13,445 13,783 15,288 15,536 15,763 16,553 18,726 19,643 20,559 21,873 22,344 23,022 24,171 25,337 26,048 26,378 27,390 8,424 8,704 8,736 8,895 9.405 9,057 8.100 7,113 6,266 5,787 5,797 6,458 6,959 6.831 6,918 7,336 8,759 8,760 8,642 9,027 10,680 11,012 11,301 12,037 12,025 12,270 12,936 13,533 13,810 13,765 14,414 1,465 1,506 1,547 1,576 1,625 1,646 1,588 1,487 1,379 1,289 1,232 1,226 1,249 1,240 1.217 1,235 1,334 1,426 1,452 1,500 1,639 1,781 1,861 1,963 2,043 2,093 2,175 2,282 2,366 2,409 2,468 992 1,104 1,226 1,315 1,409 1,515 1,559 1,637 1,603 1,584 1,619 1,629 1,586 1,559 1,467 1,315 1,251 1,180 1,106 1,094 1,120 1,195 1,234 1,386 1,559 1,660 1,693 1,713 1,932 2,034 2,106 5.32 5.41 5.56 5.63 5.57 5.74 6.09 6.42 6.73 6.89 6.79 6.37 6.04 5.97 5.80 5.52 4.97 5.00 5.12 5.14 4.86 4.99 5.13 5.13 5.27 5.34 5.31 5.33 5.38 5.49 5.45 3.81 3.79 3.84 3.82 3.67 3.86 4.28 4.70 5.02 5.03 4.63 3.93 3.57 3.62 3.61 3.49 3.11 3.35 3.60 3.61 3.25 3.39 3.50 3.46 3.63 3.69 3.62 3.59 3.64 3.75 3.68 1956 28,521 29,295 28,959 28,938 28,585 27,999 27,341 27,165 27,186 27,476 27,976 27,668 27,488 27,475 28,465 29,945 30,618 31,864 34,244 37,628 40,985 44,721 48,188 51,617 55,245 61,368 64,354 64,304 63,743 62,672 15,078 15,478 14,822 14,519 14,039 13,413 12,808 12,779 13,058 13,642 14,327 14,134 14,020 14,049 14,901 16,073 16,326 17,112 18,893 21,484 23,796 26,209 28,187 29,916 31,664 35,595 36,251 34,205 32,108 29,998 2,566 2,653 2,670 2,649 2,627 2,576 2,510 2,465 2,455 2,469 2,510 2,524 2,507 2,505 2,559 2,681 2,785 2,874 3,045 3,319 3,641 3,981 4,326 4,654 4,984 5,441 5,861 5,976 5,915 5,803 2,099 2,279 2,351 2,366 2,500 2,536 2,563 2,613 2,713 2,763 2,695 2,638 2,574 2,547 2,422 2,373 2,364 2,414 2,446 2,525 2,596 2,658 2,836 2,954 3,105 3,250 3,531 3,979 4,378 4,765 5.43 5.44 5.63 5.75 5.88 6.03 6.18 6.18 6.10 5.93 5.75 5.75 5.73 5.69 5.52 5.34 5.36 5.32 5.15 4.92 4.80 4.71 4.70 4.75 4.81 4.72 4.92 5.29 5.63 5.95 3.62 1926 1957 3.63 1927 1958 3.87 1928 1959 3.98 1929 1960 4.10 1930 1961 4.23 1931. ... 1962 4.31 1932 .. .. 1963 4.19 1933.... 1964 4.00 1934 1965 3.78 1935 1966 3.62 1936 1967 3.71 1937 1968 3.78 1938 1969 3.82 1939 1970 3.67 1940 1971 3.51 1941 1972 3.59 1942 1973 3.55 1943 1974 3.38 1944 1975 3.18 1945 1976 3.13 1946 1977 3.12 1947 1978 3.18 1948 1979 3.27 1949 1980 3.35 1950 1981 3.24 1951 1982 3.43 1952 1983 3.81 1953 1984 4.13 1954 1985 4.39 1955 Metalworking machinery 1925 19,411 20,372 21,287 22,612 23,998 24,760 24,991 24,690 24,340 24,192 24,519 25,323 26,498 26,620 27,102 29,364 32,654 35,606 38,193 40,187 42,893 46,244 50,470 53,336 54,452 56,864 60,365 64,086 69,104 74,681 78,657 11,325 11,834 12,249 13,043 13,866 14,031 13,665 12,817 12,005 11,463 11,466 12,012 12,964 12,896 13,256 15,385 18,472 21,043 23,175 24,537 26,507 28,876 31,928 33,417 33,109 33,983 35,916 37,974 41,210 44,915 46,919 834 888 948 1,018 1,101 1,169 1,202 1,204 1,188 1,175 1,182 1,215 1,273 1,311 1,328 1,408 1,570 1,751 1,909 2,043 2,182 2,371 2,604 2,817 2,934 3,042 3,208 3,404 3,649 3,952 4,229 410 436 447 487 539 571 606 656 727 780 859 957 1,051 1,120 1,205 1,276 1,367 1,370 1,454 1,429 1,461 1,429 1,475 1,457 1,514 1,583 1,691 1,767 1,918 2,106 2,304 10.71 10.71 10.75 10.60 10.46 10.60 10.97 11.53 12.06 12.45 12.55 12.37 12.00 12.10 11.99 11.16 10.14 9.47 9.01 8.81 8.51 8.23 7.90 7.89 8.16 8.28 8.26 8.26 8.14 8.02 8.11 7.58 7.54 7.55 7.35 7,17 7.34 7.74 8.38 8.97 9.33 9.20 8.66 7.96 7.95 7.68 6.64 5.69 5.25 5.09 5.16 5.15 5.12 5.05 5.23 5.67 5.88 5.89 5.89 5.75 5.60 5.69 1956 83,955 88,626 90,742 92,999 95,780 97,703 100,047 103,368 107,086 112,867 120,392 129,864 137,805 145,627 152,812 157,347 162,690 170,933 180,573 187,091 193,462 200,994 209,661 219,349 228,447 236,234 240,192 241,354 244,644 248,354 50,154 52,683 52,668 52,867 53,710 53,785 54,366 55,981 58,065 62,002 67,566 75,026 80,609 85,787 90,042 91,524 93,658 98,449 104,254 106,889 109,418 113,076 117,847 123,617 128,803 132,545 132,723 130,436 130,555 131,119 4,485 4,756 4,933 5,044 5,176 5,295 5,402 5,550 5,736 6,004 6,377 6,846 7,331 7,786 8,232 8,591 8,905 9,329 9,869 10,327 10,674 11,054 11,510 12,035 12,563 13,041 13,358 13,452 13,535 13,716 2,450 2,640 2,826 3,007 3,276 3,465 3,658 3,862 4,118 4,312 4,573 4,890 5,028 5,247 5,405 5,615 5,759 5,939 6,096 6,444 6,832 7,179 7,615 8,116 8,653 8,994 9.578 10,002 10,363 10,572 8.09 8.15 8.44 8.69 8.86 9.10 9.27 9.34 9.36 9.24 9.02 8.69 8.55 8.46 8.43 8.56 8.64 8.60 8.53 8.62 8.71 8.75 8.75 8.72 8.72 8.77 8.95 9.21 9.36 9.50 5.65 1926 1957 5.69 1927 1958 6.00 1928 1959 6.24 [(,2(| 1960 6.38 1930 1961 6.57 1931 1962 6.67 1932 1963 6.64 1933 1964 6.56 1934 1965 6.33 1935 1966 6.02 1936 1967 5.67 1937 1968 5.55 1938 1969 5.52 1939 1970 5.56 1940 1971 5.77 I'll! 1972 5.92 i'l 1 ' 1973 5.89 1943 1974 5.83 1944 1975 5.94 1945 1976 6.04 1946 1977 6.07 1947 1978 6.05 1948 1979 5.98 1949 1980 5.96 1950 1981 6.02 1951 1982 6.21 1952 1983 6.49 1953 1984 6.62 1954 1985 6.71 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 131 Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Special industry machinery, n.e.c. 69,461 71,007 72.07a 72,981 73,921 73,687 72,605 70,583 68,559 66,513 64,754 63,741 62.868 61.046 59,371 57,974 56,678 55,008 52,946 52,135 52,942 55,466 61,024 66,377 69,933 74,479 79,330 83,341 87,673 90,995 95,221 36,322 36,964 37,135 37,177 37,297 36,359 34,763 32,476 30,510 28,821 27,689 27,527 27.603 26,942 26,493 26,312 26,191 25,592 24,542 24,618 26,090 28,939 34,403 39,173 41,748 44,954 48,168 50,206 52,327 53,326 55,147 3,002 3,780 3,880 3,958 4,033 4,069 4,038 3,950 3,830 3,710 3,599 3,521 3,472 3,400 3,305 3,227 3,164 3,094 3,000 2,932 2,953 3,081 3,357 3,715 4,014 4,285 4,593 4,881 5,144 5,383 5.621 2,762 2,870 2,985 3,092 3,213 3,365 3.524 3,684 3.888 4,068 4,227 4,371 4,481 4,501 4.531 4,442 4,33!) 4.166 4,011 3,819 3,618 3,422 3,307 3,139 3,040 2,978 2,956 2,938 2,966 3,060 3,215 9.75 9.75 9.80 9.87 9.91 10.08 10.34 10.68 10.97 11.21 11.34 11.29 11.15 11.15 11.07 10.93 10.75 10.67 10.67 10.46 10.00 9.37 8.47 7.88 7 66 7.45 7.30 7.31 7.33 7.47 7.54 6.67 6.63 6.67 6.71 6.72 6.89 7.15 7.52 7.78 7.95 7.95 7.67 7.33 7.26 7.12 6.95 6 80 80 6 93 6.77 6.32 5.74 :,oo 4.64 4.67 4.67 4 69 1 85 1 99 5.20 5.31 1950 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1903 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 100,019 104,083 107,027 110,051 113,633 116,341 119,364 121,890 125,284 130,774 136,914 141,731 140,339 151,120 155,730 159,408 103,809 109,335 174,394 176,736 178.647 180,484 183.896 180.523 188,466 189,439 189,474 189,146 189,768 190,843 57,360 58,803 59,181 59,810 61,189 61,946 63,221 64,185 60,169 70.306 75,016 78,177 80,930 ■S3 ,8 12 86,354 87,753 89.710 92,009 95,027 94,745 94,140 93.012 94.948 95.805 96,201 95,848 94,977 94,190 94,062 95,597 5,902 6,167 6,300, 0,530 6,713 0,88 1 7,038 7,188 7,352 7,618 7,977 8,310 8.000 8,901 9,200 9,468 9,732 10,050 10,400 10,628 10,742 10,839 10,989 11,163 11,285 11,349 11,346 11,303 11,291 11,335 3,345 3,570 3,887 4,179 4,550 4,953 5,309 5,025 ,,942 6,266 6,547 0,600 6,757 0,995 7,132 7,189 7.288 7.180 7,099 8,005 8,226 8,474 8,913 9.392 9,739 10,022 10,440 10,845 11,140 11,195 7.61 7.74 7.96 8 14 8.25 8.39 8.48 8.57 8.57 8.43 8.25 8.19 8 16 8.12 8.11 8.16 8.19 8.18 8.20 8.35 8.51 8 00 8.70 8.76 8.95 9 00 9.14 9.16 9 1 1 5 37 5.48 5.67 5.79 5.82 5.88 5.88 5.90 5.60 5.41 5.37 5.37 5.38 5.41 5.52 5.57 5.57 5 00 5.76 5.92 6.04 6.02 6.03 6.05 6.10 6 18 6.23 6 19 6.13 General industrial including materials handling, equipment 1925 29,400 31,062 32,443 34,050 36,522 37,991 38,706 38,588 38,510 38,909 39,945 41,948 44,132 45,171 46,279 47,390 48,444 48,256 48,251 50,155 53,891 57,132 61,301 65,316 67,455 69,547 72,086 74,372 77,339 80,106 83,617 16,060 17,728 19,031 20,425 22,536 23,538 23,687 22,929 22,148 21,709 21,919 23,031 24,325 24,492 24,932 25,446 25,970 25,360 25,118 26,740 30,060 32,687 36,026 38,904 39,763 40,472 41,540 42,224 43,585 44,768 46,697 1,895 1,959 2,027 2,097 2,203 2,303 2,351 2,352 2,329 2,320 2,344 2,414 2.516 2,588 2,626 2,672 2,724 2,738 2,721 2,772 2,936 3,146 3,373 3,619 3,800 3,925 4,059 4,189 4,333 4,498 4,679 1,919 1,965 1,950 1,883 1,842 1,836 1,785 1,713 1,626 1,482 1,517 1,523 1,626 1,716 1,958 2,074 2,194 2,316 2,484 2,511 2,527 2,532 2,543 2,481 2,520 2,542 2,588 2,587 2,728 2,914 3,097 6 93 6.66 6.51 6.40 6.21 6.25 6.45 6.82 7.20 7.56 7.80 7.89 7.95 8.22 8.41 8.56 8.69 8.99 9.17 9.00 8.57 8.32 8.02 7.85 7.95 8.07 8.16 8.31 8.38 8.47 8.48 4.37 4.16 4.14 4.16 4.11 4.31 4.66 5.16 5.64 5.99 6.12 6.00 5.86 5.99 6.04 6.05 6.07 6.33 6.48 6.20 5.68 5.44 5.20 5.12 5.32 5.52 5.64 5.80 5.85 5.91 5.88 1956 87,523 91,195 93,430 95,689 98,304 100,403 102,835 105,976 110,121 115,023 121,055 125,826 130,102 135,406 140,559 144,785 148,336 154,376 162,000 166,929 171,633 178,569 187,505 197,081 205,658 213,346 218,721 222,307 228,654 234,745 48,873 50,841 51,501 52,301 53,529 54,301 55,427 57,289 00.08.1 63,521 67,836 70,791 73,127 76,340 79,224 81.137 82,780 86,463 91,420 93,685 95,709 99,906 105,832 112,435 117,593 121,574 123,277 123,367 126,225 128,551 4,890 5,097 5,254 5,375 5,510 5,642 5,771 5,933 6,145 6,405 6,722 7,029 7,279 7,548 7,849 8,119 8,740 8,782 9,042 9,365 9,666 10,076 10,390 11,115 11,443 11,896 12,276 12,518 12,751 13,112 3,188 3,418 3,702 3 939 4,142 4,357 4,502 4,692 4,832 4,956 5,020 5,227 5,353 5,486 5,622 5,848 6,887 6,468 6,417 6,700 6,989 7,337 7,381 8,143 8,023 8,189 8,605 9,025 9,262 9,347 8.48 8.51 8.64 8.75 8.81 8.90 8.95 8.93 8.83 8.71 8.54 8.50 8.50 8.46 8.46 8.52 8.56 8.52 8.43 8.49 8.56 8.53 8.43 8.31 8.29 8.33 8.45 8.62 8.68 8.78 5.82 1926 1957 5.81 1927 1958 5.93 1928 1959 6.02 1929 .... 1960 6.05 1930 1961 6.13 1931 1962 6.16 1932 1963 6.11 1933 1964 5.98 1934 1965 5.84 1935 1966 5.67 1936 1967 5.65 1937 1968 5.69 1938 1969 5.67 1939 1970 5.69 1940 1971 5.78 1941 1972 5.83 1942 1973 5.78 1943 1974 5.69 1944 1975 5.77 1945 1976 5.85 1946 1977 5.80 1947 . . 1978 5.69 1948 1979 5.57 1949 1980 5.57 1950 1981 5.64 1951 1982 5.79 1952 1983 6.00 1953 1984 6.05 1954 1985 6.12 1955 n.e.c. Not elsewhere classified. 132 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A4.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Office, computing, and accounting machinery 1925 lira 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 193X 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 2,155 2,221 2,305 2,425 2,546 2,550 2,466 2.308 2,139 1,989 1,895 1,859 1,906 1,932 1,999 2,140 2,359 2.461 2,453 2,534 2,699 3.248 3,957 4,712 5,335 6,004 6,730 7,399 8,052 8,538 9,045 1,111 1,179 1,240 1,318 1,372 1,312 1,186 1,025 898 826 830 889 1,004 1,054 1,104 1,187 1,321 1,328 1,246 1,275 1,405 1,867 2,430 2.968 3,275 3,570 3.865 4,108 4,364 4,519 4,766 265 274 285 299 315 322 316 298 275 252 236 229 232 239 248 263 287 307 311 314 329 376 457 553 646 731 820 906 984 1,050 1,108 274 275 262 257 248 258 274 295 316 330 334 323 300 264 231 206 202 211 238 262 293 308 327 333 340 362 404 196 603 746 863 4.14 4.00 3.90 3.82 3.83 4.04 4.34 4.69 4.95 5.05 4.91 4.59 4.14 3.91 3.77 3.69 3.62 3.80 4.09 4.15 4.03 :; 62 3.28 3.10 3.20 3.32 3.49 3.67 3.82 3.97 4.02 2.64 2.58 2.58 2.57 2.63 2.85 3.14 3.46 3.61 3.50 3.14 2.75 2.45 2.46 2.53 2.54 2.48 2.65 2.92 2.88 2.66 2.23 2.04 2.02 2.23 2.38 2.50 2.59 2.63 2.70 2 69 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 1984 19X5 9,659 10,533 11,318 12,005 12,670 13,051 13,192 13,434 13,556 13,567 13,873 13,937 13,738 14,025 14,580 15,129 16,415 18,612 21,239 23,812 27,510 32,479 39,523 49,282 61,942 78,572 94,770 121,054 159,611 205,320 5,149 5,770 6,251 6,571 6,824 6,790 6,586 6,580 6,552 6,513 6,791 6,842 6,622 6,883 7,336 7,721 8,717 10,423 12,298 13,927 16,334 19,599 24,406 31,154 39,801 51,036 60,417 78,014 104,947 135,264 1,177 1,271 1,379 1,475 1,561 1,624 1,648 1,662 1,673 1,671 1,684 1,702 1,690 1,693 1,748 1,819 1,941 2,170 2,488 2,831 3,253 3,828 4,619 5,722 7,192 9,114 11,261 14,033 18,271 23,772 969 3.98 1,033 3.85 1,090 3.80 1,130 3.83 1,184 3.90 1,262 4.07 1,355 4.27 1.479 4.40 1,595 4.51 1,711 4.60 1,771 4.57 1,802 4.60 1,786 4.71 1,760 4.64 1,739 4.53 1,744 4.46 1,765 4.26 1,793 3.98 1,841 3.76 1,887 3.63 1,962 3.48 2,125 3.34 2,381 3.18 2,711 3.02 3,178 2.91 3,720 2.83 4,444 2.92 5,345 2.85 6,648 2.74 8,379 2.73 Service industry machinery 1925 5,928 6,074 6,167 6,220 6,347 6,337 6,224 5.939 5,641 5,383 5,208 5,2X8 5,489 5,495 5,634 5,888 6,189 6,313 6,501 6,957 7,679 8,863 10,897 13,851 15,700 17,635 19,134 20,716 22,585 24,096 25,698 3,001 3,137 3,215 3,239 3,317 3,246 3,082 2,782 2,521 2,354 2,314 2,534 2,847 2,921 3,078 3,282 3,458 3,420 3,442 3,706 4,249 5,153 6,815 9,193 10,215 11,173 11,572 11,994 12,695 13,121 13,792 603 616 629 638 649 654 645 621 586 552 527 520 536 548 558 582 613 634 647 678 734 832 997 1,258 1,512 1,709 1,885 2,038 2,203 2,357 2,494 595 607 613 610 600 593 595 605 623 643 662 660 648 617 576 532 487 472 481 511 556 601 649 681 709 754 804 916 1,071 1,308 1,596 5.12 5.02 4.97 4.96 4.91 5.00 5.18 5.47 5.74 5.90 5.90 5.58 5.17 5.03 4.83 4.67 4.61 4.76 4.89 4.89 4.71 4.45 3.98 3.54 3.64 3.78 4.05 4.32 4.51 4.74 4.87 3.34 3.24 3.24 3.29 3.30 3.44 3.64 3.95 4.16 4.18 3.98 3.48 3.10 3.11 3.10 3.09 3.14 3.36 3.47 3.37 3.10 2.83 2.47 2.24 2.48 2.71 3.00 3.22 3.30 3.40 3.40 1956 27,399 28,950 29,841 30,583 31,199 31,689 32,274 32,714 33,405 34,657 36,388 37,985 39,929 42,075 44,145 46,251 48,268 50,494 52,213 52,658 53,349 54,284 55,574 57,091 58,160 58,920 59,408 59,984 61,706 63,248 14,710 15,598 15,927 16,154 16,320 16,374 16,552 16,630 16,987 17,925 19,293 20,433 21.786 23,195 24,346 25,394 26,249 27,261 27,787 27,185 27,048 27,350 28,163 29,304 30,020 30,463 30,626 30,844 32,081 32,968 2,642 2,791 2,903 2,978 3,043 3,096 3,149 3,199 3,254 3,352 3,507 3,680 3,866 4,081 4,300 4,516 4,726 4,940 5,133 5,230 5,272 5,340 5,439 5,571 5,696 5,787 5,853 5,912 6,035 6,206 1,885 2,154 2,367 2,489 2,617 2,673 2,754 2,837 2,920 3,038 3,145 3,222 3,275 3,344 3,380 3,459 3,563 3,725 3,942 4,182 4,445 4,707 4,962 5,195 5,342 5,470 5,528 5,554 5,551 5,551 4.93 4.95 5.03 5.10 5.16 5.22 5.26 5.31 5.32 5.23 5.09 5.00 4.90 4.81 4.78 4.79 4.83 4.87 4.96 5.14 5.25 5.31 5.30 5.24 5.22 5.21 5.22 5.22 5.15 5.12 3.33 1926 1957 3.29 1927 1958 3.36 1928 1959 3.44 1929 1960 3.51 1930 1961 3.58 1931 . 1962 . 3.60 1932 1963 3.63 1933 1964 3.59 1934 1965 3.45 1935... . 1966 3.30 1936 1967 3.24 1937 . 1968 3.19 1938 . 1969 3.17 1939 1970 3.20 1940 . . 1971 3.25 1941 1972 3.32 1942 1973 3.35 1943 1974 3.42 1944 1975 3.59 1945 1976 3.65 1946 1977 1978 3.63 1947 3.55 1948 1979 3.45 1949 1980 3.43 1950 1981 3.44 1951 1982 3.49 1952 1983 3.52 1953 1984 3.45 1954 1985 3.44 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 133 Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Electrical transmission, distribution, and industrial apparatus 9,156 9,802 10,401 11,097 11,869 12,509 12,947 13,008 13,115 13,251 13,523 13,917 14,645 15,054 15,620 16,583 17.630 18,160 18,613 19.859 21,422 23,681 27,141 29.678 31,896 34,606 38,007 42,131 46,466 50,968 55,341 5,851 6,291 6,677 7,150 7,693 8,090 8,279 8,158 7,971 7,888 7,941 8,114 8,623 8.801 9,137 9,853 10.629 10.889 11,067 12,029 13,245 14,973 17,786 19,789 21,414 23,463 26,101 29.355 32,677 36,1132 39,174 281 299 319 339 362 384 400 409 411 413 419 429 446 464 479 503 535 559 574 601 646 714 809 894 970 1,048 1,147 1,269 1,406 1,549 1.6X9 83 94 105 116 133 141 152 166 177 194 199 .'IIS 227 233 249 256 264 289 299 316 325 333 362 371 390 399 407 447 452 IX.", 511 11.76 11.71 11.76 11.71 11.62 11.69 11.95 12.48 13.05 13.49 13.77 13.92 13.74 13,89 13.89 13.58 13.29 13.41 13.58 13.22 128') 12.32 11.52 11.13 10.96 10.73 10 42 10.07 9.83 9 68 9.63 8.41 8.24 8.20 8.09 7.95 8.01 8.27 SX| 9 40 9.84 10.08 10.15 9.84 9.93 9 85 9.43 9tl6 9 lx 9.35 8.93 8.50 8.13 7.52 7.24 7.19 7.07 6 xx 6.68 6.59 6.59 6 65 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 1984 19X5 60,299 65,474 69.661 73.886 78,426 82,855 87.365 91,972 97,362 103,404 110,692 117,559 124,0X6 130,937 137,933 144,217 150.870 158,998 168,001 174,637 181,019 ixx.622 196.334 204,867 213,189 221,382 228.165 234,772 242,992 251,262 42.753 46.421 48,991 51.489 54,206 56,703 59,205 61,694 64,845 68,548 73,327 77,553 81,327 85,255 89,249 92 11 , 95,906 100,791 106.350 109,525 112,368 116,448 120.585 125,368 129,947 134,304 137,308 140,141 144.461 148.876 1.839 2,001 2,151 2,285 2,424 2,567 2,709 2,853 3.012 3.192 3,404 3,627 3,837 4,046 4,263 4,470 4,668 4,897 5.163 5,403 5,602 5,815 6,050 6.: 6,559 6,812 7.040 7.242 7.467 7,719 511 546 575 -,99 622 657 714 749 786 865 1,095 1.134 1,279 1,380 1,524 1,672 1,736 1,942 2,063 2,292 2,476 2,549 2,816 2,977 3,260 3,468 3.568 3,864 9.57 9.54 9.71 9.90 10.06 10.27 10.48 10.69 10.84 10.94 10.96 11.05 11.20 11.35 11.49 11.71 11.90 11.98 12.03 12.25 12.48 12.62 12.75 12.85 12.95 13.07 13.25 13.44 13.54 13.63 6.99 7.22 7.42 7.63 7.84 8.03 8.14 8.19 8.13 8.17 8.26 8.34 8.42 8.58 8.70 8.70 8.66 8.81 8.98 9li 9.11 9.12 9.16 9.21 9.35 9.49 9.52 9.55 Communication equipment 1925 3,732 4,025 4,221 4,482 4,808 5,037 5,146 ,-,,056 4,930 4,863 4,859 4,907 5,169 5,217 5,348 5,730 6,158 6,279 6,373 6,960 7,686 8,594 9.961 11,324 12,492 13,794 15,277 17,303 19,644 21,561 23,703 2,180 2,363 2,440 2,579 2,782 2,882 2,859 2,660 2,456 2,323 2,279 2,315 2,556 2,595 2,733 3,097 3,489 3,561 3,584 4,074 4,651 5,337 6,413 7,383 8,080 8,858 9,737 11,071 12,628 13,675 14,856 249 268 284 300 320 339 350 349 340 332 329 329 339 350 355 374 404 424 433 458 506 565 646 743 833 919 1,017 1,140 1,294 1,443 1,583 142 157 166 178 196 210 219 241 262 266 290 317 318 341 362 357 368 376 361 362 356 343 354 352 361 396 413 448 510 573 622 6.33 6.29 6.43 6.47 6.43 6.54 6.80 7.26 7.71 8.06 8.23 8.23 7.92 7.91 7.73 7.28 6.86 6.82 6.85 6.44 6.08 5.78 5.39 5.23 5.29 5.34 5.41 5.37 5.32 5.45 5.56 4.33 4.28 4.43 4.45 4.38 4.49 4.75 5.27 5.75 6.03 6.03 5.82 5.20 5.11 4.87 4.39 4.09 4.24 4.44 4.15 3.94 3.78 3.54 3.50 3.64 3.75 3.84 3.78 3.74 3.87 3.96 1956 26,374 29.382 31,791 34,723 38.539 43,264 IX, 68 1 53,464 58,359 64,087 70,697 77,331 84,256 92, .-,62 101,992 110,495 117,866 127,151 137,398 145,816 154,627 166,805 181,569 199.035 219,684 239,814 257,830 276.134 296,724 318,637 16,481 18,369 19,546 21,175 23,638 26,820 30,485 33,371 36,177 39,617 43,753 47,637 51,570 56,673 62,551 67,170 70,535 75,643 81,440 85,316 89,517 96,890 106.537 118,366 132,674 145,675 155.862 165,7X3 177,310 189,367 1,750 1,948 2,136 2,319 2,552 2,850 3,204 3,561 3,897 4,266 4,697 5,159 5,630 6,160 6,778 7,401 7,947 8,518 9,190 9,828 10,413 11,134 12,068 13,190 14,528 15,966 17,310 18,591 19,965 21,462 705 827 904 1,016 1,200 1,306 1,449 1,667 1,808 1,978 2,222 2,410 2,637 2,957 3,226 3,516 3,942 4,342 4,740 5,286 5,804 6,328 6,950 7,553 8,186 8,837 9,480 10,208 10,903 11,607 5.59 5.60 5.76 5.84 5.80 5.71 5.62 5.65 5.72 5.74 5.73 5.77 5.83 5.83 5.81 5.90 6.04 6.10 6.14 6.27 6.37 6.35 6.27 6.16 6.02 5.96 6.00 6.05 6.08 6.12 3.95 1926 1957 3.93 1927 1958 4.07 1928 1959 4.11 1929 196(1 4.03 1930 1961 3.91 1931 1962 3.82 1932 1963 3.87 1933 1964 3.95 1934 1965 3.98 1935 1966 3.97 1936 1967 4.01 1937 1968 4.07 1938 1969 4.05 1939 1970 4.03 1940 1971 4.10 1941 1972 4.24 1942 1973 4.27 1943 1974 4.27 1944 1975 4.37 1945 1976 4.45 1946 1977 4.38 1947 1978 4.26 1948 1979 4.13 1949 1980 4.00 1950 1981 3.98 1951 1982 4.06 1952 1983 4.15 1953 :. 1984 4.20 1954 1985 4,24 134 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Electrical equipment, n.e.c. 1925 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946 1947. 1948. 1949. 1950. 1951 . 1952 . 1953. 1954. 1955. 1,013 1,133 1,205 1,196 1,172 1,168 1,195 1,250 1,393 1,433 1,522 1,727 1,962 2,062 2,139 2,432 2,764 3,135 3,776 4,339 4,834 5,505 6,037 6,453 6,765 6,970 7,262 404 406 404 421 580 682 721 670 576 616 748 778 853 1,024 1,193 1,206 1,188 1,382 1,599 1,844 2,325 2,686 2,949 3,348 3,567 3,659 3,673 3,629 3.726 96 95 94 93 102 118 13(1 133 131 128 128 131 142 151 159 176 201 220 230 250 284 322 378 445 504 569 635 686 722 746 768 1(11) 107 111 111 109 101 96 92 92 96 106 117 131 141 144 141 136 133 136 150 169 196 217 244 271 297 322 362 425 496 573 5.42 5.39 5.33 5.12 4.24 3.87 3.84 4.14 4.53 4.83 4.96 4.94 4.57 4.56 4.39 4.03 3.82 4.00 4.26 4.14 4.06 3.99 3.72 3.68 3.75 3.75 3.90 4.13 4.38 4.63 4.75 3.73 3.52 3.38 3.17 2.42 2.34 2.54 3.02 3.48 3.72 3.63 3.34 2.82 2.85 2.79 2.58 2.53 2.82 3.11 2.89 2.74 2.65 2.42 2.45 2.59 2.63 2.79 2.99 3.18 3.34 3.32 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 7,558 7,762 7,729 7,713 7,784 7,916 8,167 8,788 9,527 10,398 11,394 12,103 12,749 13,449 14,182 14,885 15,980 17,245 18,700 19,995 21,522 24,217 26,890 29,724 32,167 34,583 37,521 39,926 43,847 47,794 3,884 3,988 3,892 3,856 3,920 4,030 4,226 4,745 5,319 5,948 6,604 6,887 7,075 7,312 7,595 7,883 8.599 9,473 10,485 11,262 12,154 14,032 15,673 17,293 18,382 19,418 20,933 21,928 24,385 26,746 797 821 829 826 829 843 866 918 998 1,092 1,201 1,300 1,375 1,449 1,524 1,599 1,695 1,825 1,979 2,137 2,300 2,544 2,854 3,168 3,468 3,740 4,039 4,335 4,687 5,131 659 721 767 805 822 820 811 816 834 850 861 874 917 985 1,075 1,183 1,316 1,434 1,536 1,619 1,666 1,726 1,822 1,954 2,114 2,360 2,617 2,925 3.223 3,546 4.79 4.82 4.94 4.98 4.94 4.78 4.54 4.33 4.17 4.06 4.13 4.25 4.35 4.43 4.51 4.45 4.35 4.24 4.21 4.17 4.01 3.96 3.95 4.04 4.13 4.17 4.25 4.19 4.16 Trucks, buses, and truck trailers 1925 21,399 22,704 23,195 23,661 25,695 26,703 26,821 25,938 24,840 24,491 24,743 25.815 26.774 26,372 27,061 28,416 30,271 28,451 26,626 25,763 27,950 31,591 36,068 41,028 44,566 49,521 55.029 58,636 61,590 63,270 66,105 11,351 11,821 11,736 11,823 13,483 14,075 13,788 12,589 11,396 11,093 11,478 12,657 13,646 13,220 13,715 14,622 15,902 13,649 11,731 11,113 13,583 16,900 20,824 24,829 26,814 29,658 32,287 32,548 32,498 31,855 32,863 2,166 2.305 2,383 2,425 2,560 2,722 2,779 2,732 2,620 2,541 2,541 2,626 2,757 2,804 2,841 2,972 3,152 3,146 2,932 2,772 2,855 3,223 3,623 4,166 4,680 5,188 5,791 6,296 6,621 6,825 7,007 1,276 1,593 1,901 2,148 2,323 2,423 2,468 2,507 2,601 2,658 2,746 2,822 2,892 2,900 2,852 2,802 2,766 2,814 2,911 3,070 3,226 3,283 3,218 3,238 3,175 3,179 3,044 3,210 3,888 4,791 5,382 4.76 4.92 5.11 5.21 4.96 4.92 5.04 5.32 5.60 5.68 5.59 5.33 5.11 5.18 5.08 4.96 4.81 5.24 5.63 5.75 5.24 4.77 4.32 3.98 3.95 3.91 3.99 4.28 4.57 4.84 4.96 3.33 3.35 3.48 3.52 3.20 3.21 3.40 3.76 4.07 4.02 3.75 3.35 3.16 3.34 3.32 3.28 3.16 3.74 4.20 4.15 3.30 2.91 2.60 2.48 2.64 2.73 2.84 3.11 3.32 3.50 3.43 1956 67,682 67,887 66,794 66,784 66,943 67,626 70,450 73,922 77,725 83,998 92,066 98,725 107,579 118,963 126,768 135,590 148,134 163,569 176,437 179,335 185,186 194,522 206,373 217,412 217,251 213,871 208,578 205,746 211,799 212,752 33,517 33,263 32,027 32,192 32,561 33,220 35,749 38,517 41,305 45,944 51,531 54,986 60,025 66,855 69,683 73,475 80,852 90,626 97,529 95,566 97,107 102,396 110,288 116,847 112,645 106,784 100,515 97,898 104,251 105,787 7,199 7,275 7,197 7,129 7.134 7,176 7,375 7,734 8,152 8,736 9,569 10,407 11,284 12,415 13,463 14,359 15,506 17,034 18,576 19,354 19,808 20,632 21,795 23,055 23,622 23,353 22,792 22,257 22,368 22,713 6,435 7,098 7,322 7,662 7,720 7,514 7,449 7,381 7,484 7,476 7,523 7,644 7,971 8,420 9,079 9,983 11,017 12,098 13,352 14,493 15,498 16,584 17,836 18,576 19,580 20,872 21,817 22,471 22,668 23,296 5.03 5.12 5.25 5.24 5.20 5.16 4.99 4.84 4.73 4.55 4.39 4.39 4.36 4.30 4.41 4.49 4.46 4.39 4.40 4.59 4.67 4.65 4.57 4.53 4.72 4.91 5.09 5.17 5.03 5.00 3.38 1926 1957 3.42 1927 1958 3.54 1928 1959 3.51 1929 1960 3.47 1930 1961 3.42 1931 1962 3.24 1932 1963 3.12 1933 1964 3.06 1934 1965 2.94 1935 1966 2.86 1936 1967 2.93 1937 1968 2.94 1938 1969 2.89 1939 1970 3.02 1940 1971 3.09 1941 1972 3.01 1942 1973 2.91 1943 1974 2.94 1944 1975 3.16 1945 1976 3.22 1946 1977 :.-.... 3.15 1947 1978 3.04 1948 1979 3.00 1949 1980 3.22 1950 1981 3.43 1951 1982 3.60 1952 1983 3.61 1953 1984 3.33 1954 1985 3.26 1955 n.e.c. Not elsewhere classified. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 135 Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annua! totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 14,21)!! 15,200 1 ;-,,!)!« 16,569 16,963 17,021 16,912 16,9f,7 17,025 17.087 17,379 17,598 17,739 17,576 17,264 16,879 10,520 16,391 10.257 15,839 15,440 19,086 22,237 24.484 26,614 30,038 31,025 32.2011 33,925 36,017 39,318 8,01)2 9,324 9,030 9,897 10,254 9,032 8,803 7,530 0.918 0,599 7,215 8,417 9,495 9,118 9,333 9,829 10,240 8,407 7,030 5,653 4,458 0,88!) 9,977 12,488 15,291 19,258 20.921 21,124 23.001 24,253 27,092 1,830 2.313 2,066 2.250 2,308 2,331 2,103 2.121 1,798 1,890 1,772 1,812 1,960 2,172 2,031 2,145 2,401 2,480 2.002 1.720 1,556 1,705 1.005 1,894 2,134 2,452 2,68!) 2,848 3,041 3.583 3,990 312 442 442 442 416 344 345 312 343 415 493 551 553 553 551 553 442 789 759 761 760 490 446 617 1,056 1,602 1,443 1,070 1,183 1,319 1.081 2 70 2.69 2.60 2 72 2 02 2.90 3.32 3.90 I 31 4.51 4.23 3.83 3.35 3.39 3.20 2.79 2.54 3.30 3.97 4.75 5.49 6 65 5.81 5.20 4.53 3.82 3.61 3.66 3.34 3.35 3.15 1.71 1 68 1.84 1 90 1.86 2.12 2 45 2.92 3.11 3.00 2.55 2.13 2.00 2 31 2.28 2.03 1 7!) 2.52 3.17 3.83 4.36 3.64 2.33 1.86 1.65 1.61 1.84 1 13 2 17 2.24 2.13 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1902 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1971 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 40.010 41,241 39.902 40.030 41,400 41,580 42,912 43.590 45,101 47,705 49,549 50.273 53.049 56,899 50,748 59,483 63.571 68.279 71,522 73,360 77,214 84,899 93.020 98,197 98,603 101,141 103,380 112.496 118,560 123,695 26.902 27,276 25.343 25.596 26,155 20,152 27,532 28,381 29.547 32,234 34,099 35.006 38,056 40,812 40.020 42,298 45,340 49,100 511,635 51,334 54,302 00,518 00,842 09,318 67,853 68,763 69.101 70,007 81,955 86,638 4,387 4,378 4,317 4,247 4,270 4,354 4,390 1,534 4,072 4,908 5,091 5,315 5,454 5.920 6,159 6,194 6,657 7.096 7,339 7,646 7,962 8,618 9.405 10,035 10,313 10,145 10.228 10.696 11.183 11.777 1,941 3.31 2.24 1,855 3.43 2.28 1,667 3.71 2.46 1,837 3.76 2.41 1,960 3.77 2.35 2,120 3.80 2.35 2,040 3.67 2.21 2,217 3.57 2.16 2,318 3.53 2.15 2,503 3.33 2 04 2,451 3.19 2.01 2,518 3.10 2.04 2,138 2.96 1.97 2,312 2.87 1.95 2,330 2.99 2.07 2,080 2.9.3 2.01 2.383 2.90 1.98 2,441 2.84 1.92 2,193 2.96 2.00 2,280 3.05 2.04 2,590 3.02 1.98 2,922 2.93 1.89 2,974 2.92 1.87 3.088 3.00 1.95 3,223 3.19 2 0!) 2,617 3.27 2.12 2.459 3.39 2.16 2.498 3.33 2.05 2,178 3.18 1.88 2,454 3.09 1.80 Aircraft 1925 93 156 274 579 942 1,079 1,220 1,229 1,299 1,445 1,510 1,555 1,723 1,828 1,998 2,315 2,544 2,489 2,377 2,312 2,654 4,102 4,891 5,076 5,537 5,779 5,995 6,751 7,434 8,316 8,726 79 134 237 514 827 896 968 890 880 940 918 882 970 1,003 1,106 1,349 1,505 1,392 1,245 1,150 1,447 2,763 3,387 3,387 3,640 3,652 3,040 4,125 4,511 4,996 5,034 5 8 14 29 51 08 77 82 85 92 99 102 108 116 124 139 157 102 155 149 162 230 298 326 348 372 388 421 468 524 562 1 1 2 4 12 20 29 44 57 66 83 104 120 119 128 134 149 141 141) 142 160 164 183 207 240 2.17 2.09 1.97 1.67 1.83 2.53 3.16 4.13 4.85 5.27 5.94 6.63 6.76 7.09 7.12 6.73 6.65 7.24 7.89 8.37 7.58 5.40 5.03 5.40 5.51 5.88 6.24 6.16 6.23 6.34 6.74 2.03 1.87 1.72 1.44 1.60 2.28 2.85 3.80 4.43 4.62 5.15 5.66 5.37 5.40 5.07 4.38 4.21 4.83 5.56 6.06 5.04 3.20 3.19 3.72 3.94 4.37 4.77 4.59 4.57 4.63 5.00 1956 10,002 11,546 12,483 15,154 17,484 19,867 21,984 22,966 25,028 28,466 33,393 40,109 50,049 57,139 62,664 65,259 69,409 75,803 79,764 82,856 84,897 87,936 91.872 98,531 106,835 112,183 115,316 118,083 119,688 123,670 5,908 7,008 7,498 9.661 11,396 13,049 14,341 14,475 15,685 18.061 21,732 26,964 34,832 39,446 42,251 42,016 43,217 46,561 47,430 47,566 46,762 47.223 1,8,883 53,358 59,452 62,601 63,912 64,976 64,950 67,188 616 705 784 902 1,065 1,220 1,369 1,471 1,572 1,757 2,036 2,423 2,978 3,543 3,962 4,230 4,447 4,789 5,124 5,339 5,483 5,622 5,820 6,140 6,608 7,034 7,289 7,463 7,592 7,771 282 314 371 431 497 508 552 630 728 705 784 886 972 1,075 1,249 1,406 1,511 1,752 2,043 2,384 2,638 3,045 3,544 3,956 4,399 ' 4,835 5,468 5,760 5,961 6,026 6.56 6.33 6.45 5.87 5.65 5.57 5.62 5.96 6.00 5.84 5.57 5.23 4.82 4.90 5.14 5.61 5.95 6.09 6.40 6.75 7.15 7.41 7.54 7.44 7.25 7.26 7.36 7.46 7.59 7.58 4.66 1926 1957 4.32 1927 1958 4.42 1928 1959. ... 3.82 1929 I960... 3.68 1930 1961 3.68 1931 1962 3.80 1932 1963 4.21 1933 1964 4.29 1934 1965 4.12 1935 1966 3.84 1936 1967 3.54 1937 1968 3.23 1938. 1909 3.38 1939 1970 3.68 1940 1971 4.18 1941 1972. . 4.48 1942 1973. . 4.54 1943 1974. ... 4.80 1944 1975 5.07 1945 1976 5.39 1946 1977 5.49 1947 1978 5.44 1948 1979 5.11 1949 1980 4.76 1950 1981 4.72 1951 1982 4.83 1952 198:! 4.94 1953 1984 5.11 1954 1985 5.10 1955 136 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A4.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Ships and boats 28.492 3(1,050 30,590 31.551 32,344 32,645 32,692 32,014 31,169 30,458 29.555 29,11* 28,746 28.778 28,126 28,401 28,774 29,081 29,890 29,641 29,822 29,504 29,725 28,710 27,902 27,587 27,574 28,170 29.228 29,314 29,087 15,988 16,818 16,817 17,020 17,134 17,030 16,713 15,736 14,702 13,769 12,766 12,268 11,821 11,905 11,407 11,661 12,229 12,832 13,688 13,663 14,205 13,965 14,459 13,958 13,683 13,491 13,725 14,626 15,665 15,821 15,709 1,057 1,107 1,129 1,164 1,190 1,194 1,200 1,186 1,152 1,118 1,084 1,054 1,036 1,027 1,011 1,002 1,013 1,025 1,046 1,057 1,056 1,055 1,065 1,048 1,013 995 993 1,011 1,050 1,077 1,075 706 713 758 749 802 789 836 887 963 897 984 993 961 1,079 1,166 979 1,208 1,320 1,093 1,281 1,418 1,133 1,347 1,579 1 ,552 1,127 1,251 1,327 1,064 1,180 1,143 12.34 12.40 12.69 12.99 13.27 13.51 13.82 14.42 15.04 15.64 16.28 16.68 17.02 17.05 17.42 17.35 17.04 16.69 16.26 16.26 15.89 16.03 15.65 15.68 15.57 15.60 15.25 14.50 13.92 13.68 13.52 8.79 9.00 9.42 9.86 10.24 10.40 10.67 11.33 12.05 12.70 13.42 13.62 13.72 13.20 13.32 12.59 11.62 10.77 9.88 9.73 9.22 9.27 8.91 9.21 9.36 9.47 9.30 8.77 8.34 8.44 8.59 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 29,663 30,543 31,095 31,760 32,150 32,304 32,675 32,998 33,429 34,042 34,897 35,942 37,269 38,615 40,046 41,191 42,813 45,574 47,623 50,376 52,907 55,526 58,073 60,583 63,176 66,516 68,811 69,603 69,903 70,079 16,052 16,837 17,428 17,838 18,068 18,098 18,211 18,137 18,226 18,493 18,849 19,280 20,141 21,152 22,096 22,844 24,044 26,298 27,746 29,946 31,819 33,666 35,341 36,996 38,593 40,909 42,008 41,612 40,794 39.864 1,092 1,120 1,147 1,175 1,197 1,210 1,224 1,239 1,252 1,272 1,300 1,335 1,377 1,425 1,478 1,527 1,579 1,664 1,757 1,850 1,953 2,053 2,154 2,253 2,353 2,468 2,578 2,637 2,657 2,664 946 13.39 1,032 12.96 1,051 12.57 824 12.47 935 12.38 964 12.33 924 12.35 842 12.55 910 12.64 957 12.71 921 12.82 877 12.96 1,016 12.88 1,109 12.70 1,004 12.59 1,151 12.53 1,177 12.34 1,178 11.90 1,176 11.73 1,297 11.39 1,295 11.18 1,281 11.02 1,283 10.93 1,398 10.85 1,357 10.82 1,445 10.68 1,382 10.78 1,449 11.10 1,539 11.48 1,558 11.87 Railroad equipment 1925 127,248 128,702 128,512 127,579 127,958 128,087 124,804 121,278 117,479 113,770 110,066 107,733 106,375 102,530 99,242 97,111 95.073 93,026 90,345 87,861 85,140 82,866 82,057 83,331 85,293 85,735 87,431 88,684 89,934 88 984 88,576 67,727 67,439 66,076 64,032 63,178 62,412 58,755 54,854 50.854 47,898 44,937 43,088 42,740 40,411 38,420 37,765 37,868 37,657 36,440 35,913 35,401 34,849 35,896 39,096 42,401 43,925 46,794 48,954 50,493 49,988 49,854 4,624 4,659 4,669 4,634 4,611 4,609 4,536 4,394 4,244 4,091 3,942 3,820 3,743 3,639 3,499 3,395 3,316 3,242 3,155 3,061 2,970 2,883 2,834 2,856 2,932 2,991 3,044 3,115 3,177 3,196 3,182 2,916 2,917 3,496 3,522 3,379 3,714 4,161 4,019 4,044 4,843 4,684 4,294 4,731 5,137 4,755 4,839 5,414 5,028 4,568 4,986 5,157 4,550 4,632 4,723 4,229 4,031 4,185 4,001 3,437 3,602 3,410 13.37 13.63 13.97 14.37 14.64 14.88 15.43 16.03 16.66 17.09 17.55 17.87 17.90 18.22 18.51 18.55 18.34 18.22 18.33 18.24 18.08 17.98 17.49 16.51 15.62 15.13 14.38 13.79 13.41 13.32 13.18 9.70 9.85 10.13 10.48 10.62 10.71 11.28 11.91 12.58 13.01 13.44 13.53 13.13 13.35 13.46 13.10 12.51 12.07 11.97 11.66 11.39 11.16 10.49 9.41 8.60 8.30 7.88 7.68 7.64 7.93 8.16 1956 89,494 91,383 90,329 89,983 90,384 89,871 90,454 91,618 94,005 96,992 99,366 102,364 103,668 106,504 108,152 109,730 110,727 112,129 114,540 116,144 116,381 117,098 118,736 122.095 124,300 123,880 121,859 119,099 116,441 114,106 50,534 52,185 50,903 50,002 49,646 48,521 48,432 48,523 50,028 52,130 53,470 55.058 55,450 57,415 57,952 58,527 58,732 59,417 60,837 61,693 61,370 61,557 62,646 65,432 67,085 65,950 63,315 60,002 57,190 54,646 3,204 3.268 3,291 3,275 3,274 3,284 3,284 3,317 3,381 3,480 3,575 3,669 3,737 3,814 3,888 3,939 3,979 4,018 4,083 4,153 4,185 4,201 4,241 4,334 4,441 4,473 4,425 4,333 4,229 4,133 2,930 2,997 3,006 2,705 2,311 2,652 2,524 2,213 2,470 2,596 2,541 2,259 2,693 2,942 2,777 2,936 3,160 3,301 3,092 3,405 3,626 3,671 3,678 3,738 3,887 3,760 3,811 3,779 4,076 3,924 13.01 12.73 12.85 12.98 13.08 13.29 13.37 13.51 13.42 13.26 13.25 13.27 13.38 13.30 13.44 13.55 13.67 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.88 13.95 13.91 13.66 13.54 13.75 14.12 14.56 14.93 15.29 8.26 1926 1957 8.23 1927 1958 8.66 1928 1959 9.02 1929 1960. ... 9.22 1930 1961 9.59 1931 1962 9.72 1932 1963 9.82 1933. . . 1964 9.63 1934 1965 9.37 1935 1966 9.28 1936 1967 9.15 1937 1968 9.18 1938 1969 9.00 1939 1970 9.05 1940 1971 9.09 1941 1972 9.17 1942 1973 9.18 1943 1974 9.08 1944 1975 9.07 1945 1976 9.23 1946 1977 9.30 1947 1978 9.24 1948 1979 8.96 1949 1980 8.88 1950 1981 9.17 1951 1982 9.65 1952 1983 10.23 1953 1984 10.72 1954 1985 11.16 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 137 Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Instruments, and photocopy and related equipment 1,763 1,854 1,945 2,026 2,165 2,269 2,307 2,276 2,245 2,227 2,251 2,313 2,495 2,565 2,713 2,784 2,829 2,752 2,816 2,893 3,449 4,299 5,513 6,775 7,927 9,231 10,704 12,299 13,896 15,053 16.520 947 985 1.030 1,078 1,181 1,246 1.250 1,185 1,128 1,090 1,097 1,150 1,318 1,368 1,494 1,535 1.542 1,428 1,453 1,490 1,982 2,711 3.726 4,686 5,430 6,237 7,100 7,079 8,7*2 0,102 0.729 151 158 166 173 182 193 190 199 196 194 193 197 207 218 228 238 243 242 241 247 276 340 435 548 660 772 899 1,038 1.180 1,302 1,415 92 105 119 139 147 153 166 166 17D 174 193 198 206 208 205 205 203 207 212 219 236 246 252 275 290 321 386 465 575 5.51 5 64 5.71 5 73 5.58 5.55 5.62 5.87 6.09 6.24 6.28 6.18 5.83 5.79 :, 58 5.56 5.62 5.91 5.91 5.92 5.19 4.49 3.92 3 60 3.72 3.79 3.90 4.05 4.24 4.57 I 70 :■; or, 3.93 3.87 3 82 3.62 3.61 3.76 4.09 4.34 4.48 4 10 4.17 3.69 3.67 3.51 3.60 3.76 4.19 4.18 4.14 3.27 2.70 2.38 2 38 2.57 2.74 2 80 3.02 3.17 3.43 3 53 1956 1057 19.78 1950 1960 1961 1062 1063 1964 1965 1966 1067 1068 1960 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 198.1 108.", 18.010 19.304 20.201 21,171 22,043 22,771 23,408 24,421 27,008 27,974 30,503 33,148 35.0117 30.102 42,974 47,208 52.308 .-,8.5(17 65,719 72,668 80,117 88,473 98,103 108,004 118,359 129,314 130.556 149,724 162,136 175,051 10,300 10.087 11,169 11,420 11,747 12,013 12,243 12,803 14,024 15,493 17,339 19,079 20,740 22,745 25,037 27,562 30,731 3473H 39,378 43,394 47,505 52,185 57,758 63 231 74,878 79,984 84,915 91,921 99,111 1,541 1,663 1,756 1 ,828 1,901 1,969 2,029 2,109 2,241 2,428 2,669 2,930 3,213 3.518 3,871 4,270 4,737 5,305 5,078 6,690 7,413 8,197 0,086 10,051 11,047 12,094 13,127 14,109 15,214 16,461 720 4.96 3.58 867 5.13 3.63 1,041 5.36 3.78 1.199 5.53 3.86 1,355 5.64 3.89 1,507 5.72 3.92 1,623 5.79 3.94 1,746 5.74 3.84 1,826 5.58 3.66 1,891 5.38 3.48 1,987 5.16 3.32 2,033 5.02 3.26 2,115 4.94 3.26 2,238 4.85 3.23 2,381 4.78 3.21 2,561 4.73 3.19 2,804 4.66 3.14 3,105 4.56 3.08 3,415 4.48 3.02 3,756 4.48 3.06 4,076 4.50 3.10 4,520 4.52 3.12 5.U20 4.52 3.12 5,624 4.55 3.13 6,341 4.58 3.16 7,137 4.61 3.17 7,991 4.68 3.23 8,871 4.75 3.28 0,8118 4.75 3.26 0,736 4.76 3.26 Other equipment 14,082 13,772 13,472 13,207 12,716 12,119 11,423 10,604 0,873 9,247 8,706 8,325 7,894 7,427 7,121 7,002 7,123 7,074 6,974 6,991 7,156 7,770 8,522 9,434 10,266 11,049 11,684 12,360 13,056 13,699 14,448 6,578 6,435 6,318 6,261 5,972 5,606 5,150 4,627 4.182 3,865 3,653 3,602 3,488 3,326 3,290 3,398 3,663 3,682 3,600 3,595 3,703 4,219 4,805 5,501 6,066 6,516 6,768 7,008 7,265 7,475 7,808 1,202 1,257 1.228 1,201 1,166 1,116 1,056 987 Oil 851 797 755 718 678 646 631 637 645 641 639 648 686 751 8311 914 992 1,059 1,121 1,184 1,245 1,306 1,411 1,425 1,410 1,409 1,367 1,347 1,296 1,283 1,219 1,140 1,126 1,085 1,035 984 916 857 782 713 659 617 591 586 585 615 646 660 675 685 745 812 891 6.23 6.24 6.24 6.20 6.27 6.35 6.49 6.66 6.81 6.90 6.91 6.79 6.71 6 Oil 6.48 6.17 5.77 7 03 7 62 5.61 5.56 5.26 5.01 1 7^ 4.68 4.66 4.76 4.88 1 00 7 11 5.19 4.27 4.22 4.16 4.08 4.15 4.27 4.45 4 68 181 4.72 1 13 1 28 1 24 4.08 3.84 3.56 3.61 3.77 3.83 3.78 3.43 3.20 3.04 3.04 3.13 3.30 3.44 3.54 3 02 3.62 1970 1957 1958 1959 1060 1961 1962 1963 100 1 1965 1066 1067 1068 1069 1970 1071 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1081 19S2 1983 1984 1083 15,183 15,878 16,703 17,840 19,089 20,486 22,116 24,016 20.1.7 28,527 31,255 33.177 33.284 37.733 40,088 42,664 45,598 49,194 52,978 55,681 58,927 63,317 07,606 72,830 76,941 80,637 84,291 86,017 80,526 91,562 8,157 8,480 8,981 9,779 10,657 11,612 12,704 13,032 13,253 16,666 18,285 19.014 19.914 21.131 22.235 23,578 25,206 27.571 20,002 31 180 32,891 35,567 38,020 41,216 43,084 44,552 46,014 46,534 47,201 47,506 1,371 1,433 1,500 1,590 1,702 1,828 1,974 2.1 15 2.336 2.5 3(1 2,790 3,(100 3.190 3.307 3,615 3,838 4,089 4,390 4,733 5,033 5,309 5,607 6,073 6,518 6,951 7,307 7,638 7.914 8,139 8.334 985 5.26 3.61 1,067 5.32 3.60 1,169 5.31 3.54 1,250 5.20 3.40 1,331 5.08 3.31 1,386 4.97 3.26 1,435 4.86 3.22 1,472 4.77 3.19 1,518 4.72 3.19 1,590 4.69 3.20 1,681 4.68 3.19 1,814 4.81 3.34 1,982 4.91 3.43 2,166 4.97 3.45 2,364 5.04 3.48 2,606 5.07 3.47 2,842 5.07 3.43 3,099 5.01 3.34 3,339 4.95 3.29 3,557 5 01 3.38 3,766 5.03 3.42 3,952 4.99 3.37 4,244 4.97 3.37 4,475 4.93 3.33 4,718 4.99 3.41 5,079 5.08 3.49 5,445 5.16 3.56 5,809 5.29 3.67 6,197 5.40 3.74 6,603 5.51 3.80 138 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A4.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Industrial buildings 146,858 151,102 154,936 159,755 166,024 168,304 167,380 164,623 163,459 162,164 160,050 159,220 160,432 158,535 156,638 156,674 160,227 158,301 154,389 151,117 150,706 156,554 1110,059 160,617 159,253 159,005 161,973 165,850 169,162 171,696 175,463 82,579 84,861 86,776 89,1593 94,011 94,353 91,630 87,287 84,666 82,115 79,090 77,446 77,912 75,378 73,167 73,022 76,255 74,357 70,680 67,496 67,813 74,395 77,968 79,212 78,636 78,555 82.202 86,337 89.939 92,835 96,411 4,816 4,916 5,045 5,184 5,366 5,505 5,520 5,447 5,371 5,320 5,250 5,191 5,189 5,170 5,097 5,057 5,111 5,131 5,021 4,889 4,820 4,908 5,066 5,134 5,118 5,090 5,138 5,258 5,386 5,493 5,606 2,883 2,954 3,126 3,282 3,415 3,566 3,721 3,861 3,914 4,064 4,339 4,377 4,443 4,534 4,783 4,875 4,791 5,160 5,256 4,977 5,547 5,642 5,134 5,821 5,906 5,258 5,816 5,516 5,676 5,854 5,417 13.86 13.91 13.98 13.96 13.83 14.02 14.46 15.02 15.43 15.84 16.26 16.53 16.59 16.95 17.25 17.33 17.04 17.29 17.74 18.14 18.09 17.32 16.95 16.79 16.81 16.82 16.40 15.97 15.59 15.29 14.98 9.74 9.70 9.70 9.60 9.38 9.57 10.05 10.70 11.12 11.52 11.96 12.17 12.04 12.37 12.61 12.50 11.85 12.03 12.50 12.87 12.58 11.32 10.72 10.51 10.56 10.55 10.08 9.66 9.37 9.21 9.03 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 181,872 189,147 193,055 195,662 201,059 206,819 212,162 217,642 225,928 240,825 260,210 277,272 291,311 305,771 318,276 326,697 330,660 338,441 347,491 355,532 361,590 366,905 376,338 387,602 395,956 406,471 415,527 419,427 423,508 427,989 102,699 109,507 112,127 113,688 117,903 121,694 125,402 128,957 134,449 146,530 162,698 175,408 184,741 194,153 201,257 203,902 202,798 204,691 208,264 210,500 210,543 210,281 213,497 219,500 222,497 227,166 230,882 229,454 228,192 228,261 5,787 6,033 6,235 6,357 6,503 6,699 6,896 7,090 7,331 7,734 8,325 8,951 9,483 9,968 10,424 10,772 11,883 11,341 11,450 11,709 11,990 12,265 12,342 13,054 12,986 13,282 13,632 13,836 13,888 14,003 5,666 14.44 5,567 13.92 4,947 13.80 5,310 13.73 5,321 13.50 4,731 13.38 5,262 13.22 5,165 13.12 4,538 12.98 4,917 12.49 5,108 11.91 4,598 11.64 4,776 11.54 4,920 11.49 5,023 11.55 5,040 11.79 6,866 12.12 5,458 12.38 5,973 12.55 5,903 12.78 5,974 13.10 6,687 13.39 6,125 13.58 7,786 13.63 7,630 13.79 7,435 13.91 8,292 14.04 8,507 14.33 8,545 14.62 9,590 14.82 Commercial buildings 1925 155,266 164,404 173,837 182,932 192,159 199,484 2112,541 202,995 201,959 201,165 200,876 201,260 202,237 201,592 200,977 200,770 200,817 197,932 193,597 189,358 185,981 188,937 188,577 189,682 189,759 191,514 191,947 190,586 192,011 195,039 201,604 94,142 100,472 107,026 113,188 119,350 123,492 123,417 120,856 117,049 113,759 110,975 109,070 107,750 105,225 102,810 100,965 99,527 95,331 90,168 85,291 81,657 84,270 83,880 84,981 85,240 87,112 88,030 87,362 89,319 93,131 100,051 4,435 4,660 4,926 5,191 5,451 5,682 5,822 5,860 5,838 5,798 5,769 5,759 5,768 5,763 5,734 5,711 5,699 5,645 5,525 5,385 5,258 5,239 5,267 5,268 5,276 5,296 5,322 5,300 5,296 5,360 5,505 1,647 1,852 2,047 2,259 2,385 2,499 2,690 2,844 3,067 3,301 3,275 3,469 3,472 3,884 3,933 4,074 4,213 4,334 4,697 4,747 5,001 4,897 5,236 5,263 5,459 5,412 5,807 5,995 5,827 6,144 5,864 13.86 13.74 13.63 13.57 13.53 13.64 14.03 14.57 15.17 15.73 16.24 16.66 17.03 17.46 17.88 18.24 18.54 19.11 19.74 20.37 20.86 20.66 20.78 20.73 20.76 20.61 20.54 20.62 20.43 20.02 19.35 10.07 9.79 9.55 9.40 9.29 9.36 9.74 10.29 10.92 11.50 12.00 12.38 12.67 13.08 13.45 13.73 13.92 14.49 15.21 15.89 16.34 15.58 15.40 14.97 14.69 14.17 13.83 13.75 13.29 12.63 11.70 1956 209,686 216,451 223,512 232,177 241,665 252,968 266,061 278,318 291,880 308,787 324,973 341,139 359,718 381,167 401,851 425,000 450,140 477,398 503,377 520,381 536,773 553,978 574,544 599,718 627,111 657,132 686,753 713,680 750,708 796,255 108,652 115,648 122,897 131,393 140,530 151,245 163,168 173,858 185,218 199,341 212,182 224,227 238,408 254,554 269,330 285,817 303,563 323,053 339,543 346,799 352,675 359,589 369,290 383,564 399,861 417,239 434,553 448,399 471,522 502,353 5,728 5,954 6,165 6,408 6,690 7,012 7,391 7,786 8,189 8,665 9,183 9,688 10,228 10,847 11,495 12,293 13,251 13,981 14,524 15,144 15,654 16,198 16,694 17,671 18,474 18,971 20,139 21,012 21,573 22,866 6,254 6,191 6,356 6,244 6,357 6,433 6,230 6,219 5,986 5,913 5,925 5,632 5,846 5,559 5,611 5,631 5,879 6,249 5,035 5,396 5,138 5,910 5,829 6,786 7,393 6,329 7,846 7,949 7,668 8,150 18.55 17.95 17.36 16.74 16.12 15.46 14.83 14.33 13.88 13.38 13.02 12.76 12.47 12.19 12.01 11.85 11.72 11.57 11.59 11.83 12.12 12.37 12.57 12.67 12.73 12.83 12.91 13.08 13.10 13.02 10.81 1926 1957 10.25 1927 1958 9.80 1928 1959 9.37 1929 1960 9.01 1930 1961 8.67 1931 1962 8.38 1932 1963 8.23 1933 1964 8.13 1934 1965 7.98 1935 1966 7.95 1936 1967 7.99 1937.... 1968 7.99 1938 . .. 1969 7.97 1939 1970 8.02 1940 1971 8.05 1941 1972 8.07 1942 . .. 1973 8.07 1943 1974 8.18 1944 1975 8.51 1945 1976 8.86 1946 1977 9.15 1947 1978 .V... 9.35 1948 1979 9.42 1949 1980 9.44 1950 1981 9.47 1951 1982 9.49 1952 1983 9.58 1953 1984 9.51 1954 1985 9.33 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 139 Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock. Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Religious buildings 18.60(1 20.228 21.886 23,441 24,804 26,134 27,074 27,569 27,730 27,849 28,050 28,308 2835 28,944 29,251 29,661 30,066 30,095 29,867 29,661 29,558 29,755 30,062 30,862 32,171 33,702 35,165 36,354 37,827 39,826 42,185 12,628 13,957 15,288 16,491 17,465 18,393 18,914 18,990 18,731 18,431 18,218 18,059 17,948 17,904 17,819 17,837 17,837 17,476 16.881 16,330 15,900 15.780 15,777 16,271 17,278 18,502 19,640 20,490 21,601 23,221 25,173 389 423 459 494 526 556 580 596 602 605 607 612 617 624 630 638 646 650 647 642 637 637 642 653 675 705 737 765 793 830 877 121 125 133 141 137 153 161 177 183 185 193 196 219 231 238 245 241 261 280 296 311 320 332 347 373 399 412 427 429 451 470 15 29 14.77 14.37 14.14 14.10 14.12 14.37 14.84 15.48 16.14 16.73 17.29 17.79 18.24 18.70 19.08 19.48 20.08 20 84 21.56 22.19 22 58 2288 2281 22.37 21.83 21.41 21.21 20 89 2034 19.70 10 43 9.95 9.62 9.47 9.51 9.59 9 89 10.41 11.09 11.78 12.40 12 95 1346 13.89 14.32 14.66 1498 15.59 16.40 17.16 17.79 18.06 18.16 17.71 16.80 15.84 15.11 14.70 14.17 13.44 1269 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 196,3 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1 97 1 1972 1973 197 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 44,712 47.333 50.006 53.008 56,241 59,425 62.653 65,671 68,581 72,421 75,785 78,780 81,439 83,542 8:,, 292 86,525 87,673 88,503 89.532 110,202 90.956 91.727 92.616 93.720 94,710 95,566 96,173 96,917 97.85(1 98,038 27.262 29.410 31,575 34,031 36,667 39,209 41,751 44,037 46,160 49,144 51,600 53,611 55,252 56,291 56,961 57,110 57,161 56.978 56,796 56.359 56.000 55.650 55,421 55,378 55,232 54,931 54,404 54.028 53,807 53.929 1.043 1,105 1,173 1,242 1,312 1,381 1,445 1,519 1,599 1,6,69 1,731 1,783 1,820 1,859 1,885 1,907 1.928 1,945 1,960 1,976 1,994 2,015 2,037 2,056 2,070 2.083 2,098 2,118 492 19.09 12.05 513 18.55 11.53 535 18.07 11.13 557 17.58 10.75 575 17.10 10.41 602 16.73 10.20 626 16.41 10.05 649 16.20 10.02 659 16.07 Hi or, 664 15.79 9.96 600 15.67 10.00 684 15.66 10.15 713 15.74 10.37 720 15.94 10.69 746 16.20 11.07 774 16.55 11.54 788 16.92 12.00 805 17.32 12.50 807 17.71 12.97 837 18.14 13.48 847 18.55 13.96 855 18.96 14.41 877 19.34 14.81 868 19.68 15.14 900 20.03 15.48 899 20.42 15.84 936 20,85 16.24 972 21.23 16.57 025 21.56 16.81 ,061 21.85 16.97 Educational buildings 11,261 12.28 1 13.283 14,301 15,460 16,682 17,866 18,566 18,70.1 18,806 18,942 19,363 19,719 20,042 20,347 20,759 21,219 21,289 21,173 21,085 21,145 21,788 22,468 23,407 24,433 25,576 26,753 27,907 29,346 31,242 32.835 7.822 8,631 9,414 10.103 11,091 12,036 12,924 13,316 13,143 12,936 12,764 12,880 12,937 12,959 12,963 13,072 13,220 12,983 12,575 12,207 11,999 12,371 12.777 13.437 14,178 15,025 15.802 16,724 17,825 19,358 2(1,50.' 236 258 280 302 326 352 378 399 407 410 412 417 426 433 439 447 456 461 460 458 457 464 478 495 516 539 564 589 617 653 000 49 50 58 62 65 75 83 91 96 101 104 112 1 26 131 138 144 144 155 168 178 189 101 202 217 231 244 254 267 279 289 302 14 26 1390 13.67 13.50 13.30 13.13 13.05 13.36 14.07 14.78 15.46 15.89 16.34 16.81 17.27 17.63 17.96 18.59 19.36 20.09 20.65 20 66 20.64 20.41 20.13 19.81 1952 19.30 1894 18.38 is OS 10.14 9.73 9.48 9.33 9.15 9.02 ooo 9.33 5 107s 11.46 11.86 12.29 12.74 13.17 13.48 13.73 14.37 15.18 15.93 16.47 16.21 15.93 15 39 14.85 14.29 13.81 13.44 12.94 12.27 11,94 1956 1057 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196s 1969 1970 1 97 I 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 108 2 10S5 19S1 1985 34.628 311,197 37.988 39.603 41,341 43,241 45,366 47,426 49,508 51,610 54,671 58,008 01,050 63.495 05,2811 67,081 68.705 69.899 70,556 70,932 71,435 71,786 72.236 72.585 73,259 73,830 74.448 75,081 75,550 76.233 21,940 23.072 24.406 25.543 26,799 28,185 29.767 31.250 32,711 34.187 36,572 39.265 41,416 43,007 43,931 44,825 45,574 45,845 45,568 45.021 44,585 44,061 43,624 43,085 42,866 42,512 42.269 42,019 11.005 41,556 527 763 800 836 872 912 955 1,001 1,046 1,091 1,148 1,219 1,289 1,349 1,395 1,434 1,472 1,502 1,522 1,533 1,542 1,550 1,558 1,565 1,575 1,588 1,599 1 612 1,622 1,632 3 1 2 327 343 55s 390 398 412 424 426 464 495 529 534 50.1 580 588 610 002 070 670 07 s 0S3 663 739 720 827 812 17.74 17.57 17.34 17 23 17.09 16.93 16.73 16.61 16.52 16.44 16.12 15.77 15.64 15.67 15.87 16.07 16 29 16 64 17.10 17.62 18.11 18.60 19 06, 19 55 19.95 20 58 20.77 21.16 21 54 21.88 11.59 11.44 11.24 11.17 11.09 11.00 10 87 10 S3 10.82 10.83 10.60 10.37 10.34 10.48 10.77 11.06 11.37 11.79 12.32 12.91 13.45 14.00 14.50 15.01 15.39 15.80 16.14 16.46 16 80 17.03 140 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A4.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Hospital and institutional buildings 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 v.m 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 9,249 10,032 11,044 12,005 13,013 14,153 14,9X6 15,422 15,503 15,551 15,608 15,745 16,001 16,293 16,532 16,782 17,143 17,288 17,245 17,312 17,456 17,872 18,264 18,665 19,418 20,838 22,360 23.730 24,779 25,932 27,041 6,429 7,039 7,868 8,626 9,413 10,313 10,893 11,067 10,885 10,676 10,477 10,362 10,372 10,419 10,414 10,419 10,530 10,427 10,148 9,987 9,907 10,103 10,272 10,449 10,982 12,171 13,444 14,543 15,298 16,144 16,932 195 211 231 253 274 298 319 333 338 339 340 342 346 351 357 362 368 374 374 374 376 382 390 398 410 434 466 497 523 546 571 90 100 106 114 116 118 126 138 146 153 162 166 175 191 203 216 225 230 240 248 14.22 13.94 13.46 13.21 13.00 12.76 12.86 13.31 14.06 14.82 15.55 16.19 16.68 17.12 17.58 18.03 18.35 18.89 19.61 20.18 20.64 20.77 20.94 21.09 20.84 19.98 19.19 18.67 18.48 18.25 18.10 10.26 9.91 9.42 9.17 8.99 8.80 8.95 9.42 10.17 10.93 11.67 12.30 12.76 13.15 13.58 13.97 14.20 14.70 15.43 15.97 16.35 16.26 16.22 16.16 15.60 14.32 13.27 12.60 12.35 12.08 11.91 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 28,069 29,693 31,634 33,475 35,441 38,018 41,357 44,770 49,049 53,712 58,315 62,314 66,828 72,622 78,969 85,594 92,410 98,598 104,210 109,277 114,448 119,031 123,224 127,185 131,275 135,881 141,158 146,859 151,974 156,250 17,631 18,904 20,474 21,915 23,446 25,563 28,381 31,221 34,849 38,773 42,552 45,626 49,153 53,828 58,952 64,223 69,549 74,133 77,994 81,233 84,465 87,018 89,092 90,838 92,671 94,908 97,740 100,901 103,402 105,000 593 622 661 702 743 932 1,017 1,116 1,218 1,313 1,407 1,522 1,656 1,800 1,950 2,094 2,224 2,343 2,456 2,564 2,661 2,750 2,839 2,934 3,043 3,163 3,282 3,384 265 18.03 271 17.63 290 17.13 302 16.79 308 16.46 333 15.94 336 15.27 360 14.73 364 14.08 378 13.51 393 13.11 389 12.97 420 12.78 403 12.47 432 12.18 447 11.97 459 11.82 489 11.83 474 11.96 514 12.17 518 12.39 533 12.69 541 13.04 537 13.43 582 13.80 564 14.13 598 14.40 624 14.63 667 14.94 705 15.32 Other nonfarm buildings' 1925 . 55,903 60,731 64,938 68,417 71,425 74,105 75,600 75,881 75,806 75,608 75,396 75,342 75,509 75,903 76,332 76,341 76,331 75,313 73,653 72,152 70,961 71,082 70,145 69,90(1 69,907 69,830 69.612 69.165 68,971 69,334 69,068 33,717 37,577 40,732 43,083 44,903 46,372 46,642 45,689 44,446 43,138 41,850 40,841 40,053 39,569 39,186 38,432 37,755 36,118 34,032 32,191 30,807 30,840 29,943 29,829 30,096 30,280 30,515 30,560 30,957 31,928 32,347 1,706 1,853 2,005 2,133 2,241 2,334 2,401 2,430 2,431 2,424 2,415 2,408 2.409 2,416 2,428 2,432 2,427 2,404 2,353 2,293 2,239 2,213 2,191 2,164 2,154 2,146 2,134 2,114 2,095 2,091 2,088 830 885 953 1,005 1,054 1,122 1,176 1,196 1,263 1,314 1,338 1,454 1,454 1,537 1,617 1,669 1,759 1,785 1,927 1,952 2,047 2,124 2,231 2,289 2,420 2,407 2,588 2,605 2,686 2,699 2,774 13.43 12.90 12.60 12.50 12.51 12.59 12.86 13.33 13.84 14.35 14.84 15.26 15.63 15.92 16.18 16.51 16.82 17.33 17.95 18.52 18.98 19.05 19.36 19.45 19.41 19.39 19.32 19.31 19.16 18.86 18.67 8.95 8.38 8.11 8.06 8.14 8.28 8.62 9.17 9.74 10.31 10.86 11.31 11.66 11.91 12.09 12.36 12.58 13.09 13.77 14.35 14.71 14.40 14.50 14.21 13.75 13.35 12.96 12.67 12 20 11.69 11.39 1956 69,221 69,477 70,796 72,975 76,178 79,824 83,371 88,007 92,516 96,538 99,876 102,634 105,076 108,327 111,578 114,752 119,339 124,523 127,649 129,040 130,418 131,818 133,442 136,014 139,196 142,586 145,753 149,722 155,087 160,866 33,195 34,142 36,022 38,757 42,374 " 46,171 49,753 54,169 58,252 61,585 63,978 65,664 66,875 68,659 70,304 71,724 74,374 77,473 78,328 77,439 76,545 75,656 75,031 75,397 76,413 77,679 78,778 80,727 84,138 87,939 2,085 2.092 2,120 2,182 2,278 2,399 2,526 2,669 2,827 2,975 3,104 3,212 3,305 3,405 3,518 3,630 3,762 3,927 4,066 4,140 4,183 4,225 4,270 4,333 4,420 4,519 4,617 4,724 4,868 5,041 2,780 2,783 2,681 2,739 2,691 2,551 2,561 2,448 2,401 2,286 2,159 2,141 2,073 1,937 1,913 1,875 1,826 1,842 1,796 1,860 1,912 1,935 2,021 2,126 2,255 2,394 2,549 2,705 2,914 3,062 18.36 18.00 17.43 16.66 15.77 14.96 14.25 13.53 12.95 12.58 12.39 12.32 12.33 12.33 12.37 12.46 12.44 12.42 12.65 13.06 13.46 13.87 14.25 14.52 14.72 14.88 15.06 15.14 15.07 14.98 10.99 1926 1957 10.63 1927 1958 10.07 1928 1959 9.44 1929 1960 8.79 1930 1961 8.29 1931 1962 7.98 1932 . . 1963 7.67 1933. 1964 7.51 1934. . 1965 7.52 1935 1966 7.67 1936. .. 1967 7.90 1937. .. 1968 8.19 1938 1969 8.40 1939 1970 8.61 1940 1971 8.84 1941 1972 8.92 1942 1973 8.95 1943 1974 9.23 1944 1975 9.69 1945 1976 10.12 1946 . . 1978 10.52 1947 10.85 1948 1979 11.00 1949 1980 11.04 1950 1981 11.03 1951 1982 11.04 1952 1983 10.92 1953 1984 10.62 1954 1985 10.32 1955 1. Consists of hotels and motels, buildings used primarily for social and recreational activities, and buildings not elsewhere calssified, such as passenger terminals, greenhouses, and animal hos- pitals. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 141 Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Railroad structures 443,894 221,439 446,382 221,074 447,412 220,177 448,223 218,853 449,571 218,089 450,146 217,333 448,148 214,025 443,491 208,376 437,944 202,132 433,245 196,636 428,103 191,230 423,259 186,560 418,718 182,372 412,507 177,139 406,569 172,487 400,940 168,203 395,573 164,476 390,628 161,068 386,296 158,534 383,156 157,336 378*850 155,931 374,897 153,428 369,554 150,619 364.076 147,861 358,079 144,918 351,791 141,586 346,102 138,697 340,590 136,208 334,767 133,671 328.104 130,504 321,575 127,176 9,056 9.092 9,129 9.146 9,165 9,179 9,156 9,077 8,959 8.840 8.729 8,618 8,514 8,395 8,263 8,139 8,021 7,912 7,819 7,754 7.702 7.629 7.532 7.428 7,317 7,195 7,077 6,969 6.859 6.736 6,605 6,174 6,238 7,203 7,010 7,052 7,849 7,846 8,084 8,262 8,043 8,46,5 8,792 8.X67 9,374 9,549 9,484 9,660 9,449 9,618 9,696 9,602 10,078 10,067 10,148 10,370 10,151 9,877 9,991 10,146 10,231 9,807 26 27 26,50 26.71 26 96 27.16 27.33 27.65 28 09 28 58 29.04 29.46 29.83 30.15 30 53 30.86 31.16 31.42 31.67 3182 31.86 31.91 3201 32.13 32 25 32.35 32.52 32 64 32.71 32.78 32.88 33.01 19 43 19.45 19.50 19,58 19.59 19.60 19.81 20 24 20 72 21.11 21.48 21.76 21.97 22.31 22.56 22.76 22 88 22 94 22.87 22.61 22.38 22 30 2226 22.21 22.19 22.23 22 20 22.10 2202 22 03 22 OS 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 196,:! 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 315.065 308,320 300,9X0 293,357 285,889 278,076 270.691 263,747 256.538 249,919 243,775 237.207 231,344 225,330 219,414 213,971 208,150 203,057 198.407 193,010 188,484 184,306 180.937 178.067 174.427 171,244 168,127 164.605 162,001 159.647 124,213 121,147 117.292 113,387 109.691 105.X21 102,110 98,776 95,714 92,917 90.55* 88,076 85,973 84,027 81,766 79,666 77,753 76,067 74,632 72,876 71,699 70.X9X 70.550 70.494 70,128 69,717 69.091 68.476 6X.400 6X.420 6,475 6,343 6,202 6,051 5.744 5,590 5,446 5,304 5,167 5,042 4,918 4,795 4.679 4,562 4,451 4.342 4.236 4,141 4,043 3.947 3.X66 3,796 3,739 3,681 3,619 3,560 3,496 3,439 3.394 10,051 9,991 9,688 9,769 9,670 9,688 9,264 9.055 9,452 8,990 8,827 9,004 8,556 8,747 8.216, 7,794 8,251 7,642 7.356 7,683 7,296 7,244 6,816 6.545 6,955 6,390 6,051 6,402 5.967 5.768 33.11 33.18 33.37 33 55 33.70 33.88 34 06 34.19 34 26 34.30 34.28 34.27 34 22 34.11 34.10 34.08 33 97 3389 33.77 33.65 33.46 33 18 3286 32 51 32.12 31.80 31 55 31.20 30.81 30.41 22 06 22.08 2224 22.42 22.57 22.77 22.94 23 05 23.10 23.10 23.00 2294 2280 22 64 22.57 22.47 22 33 22 15 21 90 21.77 21.48 21.11 20 63 20 09 19.69 19.33 1906 18 81 18.45 18 09 Telephone and telegraph structures 20.2X2 21,673 22,977 24,515 26,826 29,200 30.380 30,979 31,171 31,333 31,511 31,778 32,315 32,774 33,224 33.849 34.865 35,543 35,494 35,548 35,800 37,052 38,946 41,609 43,392 44,699 46.049 47,624 49,356 51,140 53.264 13,324 14,276 15.122 16.185 17,988 19,816 20,420 20,447 20,073 19,695 19,348 19,115 19,157 19,145 19,123 19,302 19,860 20,102 19.615 19,280 19.141 20,035 21,538 23,808 25,131 25,994 26.854 27,963 29,172 30,455 32.012 517 551 586 623 672 733 779 801 810 813 X16 830 X30 841 852 865 885 906 913 911 914 932 973 1,031 1,089 1,128 1,161 1,199 1,241 1,286 1,336 99 113 128 148 164 204 229 245 274 290 320 335 370 380 417 428 470 476 522 523 574 582 638 629 683 671 732 718 785 770 13.28 13.25 13.32 13 28 12.92 12.64 12.93 1344 14.11 14.76 15.38 15.92 16.30 16 69 17.06 17.31 17.37 17.56 18.11 18.56 18 90 18.69 1822 17.47 17.21 17.14 17.09 16.94 1680 16.63 16.41 10.10 9.89 9.80 9.63 9.14 8.79 9.04 9.53 10.17 10.80 11.39 11.89 12.18 12.49 12.78 12.92 12.80 12.88 13.41 13.82 14.07 13.58 12.79 11.79 11.42 11.32 11.23 11.07 10.91 10.76 10.56 1956. 1957. 1958 1959 1960 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964 1965. 1966. 1967 1968 1969 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983 1984. 198.5 56,444 59,469 61,845 64.320 67,110 69.484 71,956 74,804 78,155 81,932 85,837 89,1,8.' 93,379 98,219 104,195 109,920 115,741 122,6,08 128,895 133,619 137,943 142,859 148,777 155.207 161,204 167,048 172,390 176,880 181,751 186,716 34.624 36.979 38,685 40,410 42,449 43,975 45.603 47,505 19,905 52,611 55,423 58,034 60,472 63,899 68,396 72,449 76,531 81,454 85,728 88,254 90,367 92,918 96,460 100,316 103,720 106,786 109,374 110,962 112,997 114,9X5 1.406 1,487 1,557 1,621 1,689 1,757 1,821 1,891 1,973 2,067 2,169 2,2:i 2.371 2,4X4 2,627 2,7X2 2.935 3.102 3.276 3,420 3,538 3,658 3,799 3.960 4,121 4,274 4,418 4,543 4.662 4,786, 837 817 888 870 938 909 977 946 1.021 996 1,076 1,037 1,112 1 070 1,148 1,110 1 197 1,158 1 262 1,221 1,328 1,293 1,423 1,386 1,529 1,495 1,66,4 1.641 1.826 1.808 15 91 15.57 15.42 15 30 15.12 15.09 15.04 14.97 1 1 80 14.63 14.46 14.38 1 1 33 14.18 13.91 13.77 13 66 13 50 13.45 13.61 13.81 1398 14.05 14.12 14.23 14.39 14.58 14.87 15.10 1534 10.10 9X3 9 78 9.76 9.70 9.77 9.84 9.86 9 81 9.73 9.67 9.68 9.74 9.66 9.48 9.42 9.39 9 30 9.32 9.54 9.79 9 98 10,07 10.13 10.24 10.38 1056 10.82 11.02 11.21 142 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Electric light and power structures 1925 93,694 97,292 100,815 103,962 107,151 110,691 112,550 113,081 112,863 112,533 112,350 112,590 112,786 113,976 115,060 116,428 116,644 116,813 115,931 114,977 114,716 114,886 117,639 121,305 126,554 130,690 134,613 139,273 144,978 149,699 153,359 62,731 64,234 65,648 66,671 67,747 69,179 68,941 67,454 65,305 63,179 61,298 59,980 58,773 58,650 58,482 58,738 57,981 57,319 55,630 54,138 53,348 53,368 55,782 59,308 64,215 68,164 71,655 76,064 81,214 85,531 88,478 2,418 2,519 2,608 2,692 2,770 2,852 2,917 2,940 2,936 2,920 2,905 2,897 2,886 2,905 2,921 2,951 2,953 2,960 2,941 2,909 2,884 2,866 2,907 2,986 3,099 3,219 3,322 3,433 3,569 3,706 3,817 369 424 499 567 658 743 820 922 1,005 1,126 1,207 1,339 1,421 1,592 1,640 1,838 1,905 2,128 2,135 2,371 2,355 2,612 2,569 2,847 2,757 3,032 2,891 3,182 3,014 3,303 3,103 12.71 13.11 13.49 13.92 14.32 14.65 15.19 15.88 16.64 17.39 18.08 18.67 19.20 19.55 19.87 20.11 20.49 20.85 21.37 21.84 22.16 22.28 21.96 21.43 20.72 20.19 19.78 19.24 18.66 18.21 17.98 9.97 10.23 10.48 10.77 11.02 11.20 11.62 12.23 12.94 13.62 14.23 14.69 15.06 15.16 15.23 15.19 15.34 15.49 15.90 16.23 16.33 16.11 15.29 14.30 13.20 12.50 11.99 11.43 10.90 10.57 10.48 1956 157,449 162,746 168,048 172,273 176,243 179,839 183,359 187,088 190,991 195,957 200,434 207,686 216,165 225,232 234,692 244,877 255,986 268,355 279,727 290,186 298,575 308,386 318,309 327,266 337,807 347,883 356,361 363,189 371,247 381,691 92,044 96,467 101,025 104,135 107,133 109,436 111,747 113,891 116,332 119,458 122,178 127,278 133,580 140,011 146,781 153,841 161,712 170,386 178,171 184,414 188,526 193,794 199,112 203,245 208,910 213,916 217,317 218,982 221,920 227,199 3,920 4,045 4,187 4,315 4,427 4,527 4,628 4,729 4,834 4,956 5,085 5,244 5,456 5,692 5,940 6,202 6,484 6,795 7,083 7,394 7,638 7,873 8,127 8,368 8,617 8,880 9,115 9,305 9,490 9,722 3,396 3,172 3,443 3,200 3,456 3,183 3,420 3,143 3,372 3,116 3,329 3,092 3,279 3,056 3,250 3,077 3,246 3,099 3,274 3,178 3,360 3,330 3,522 3,544 3,741 3,810 4,036 4,143 4,369 4,558 17.65 17.30 16.92 16.75 16.57 16.50 16.42 16.39 16.32 16.24 16.18 15.98 15.71 15.51 15.29 15.13 14.94 14.78 14.66 14.69 14.84 14.95 15.05 15.23 15.33 15.48 15.69 15.98 16.20 16.31 10.34 1926 1957 10.16 1927 1958 10.02 1928 1959 10.06 1929 1960 10.12 1930 1961 10.25 1931 1962 10.39 1932 1963 10.55 1933 1964 10.68 1934.. .. 1965 10.76 1935 1966 10.88 1936 1967 10.80 1937. .. 1968 10.65 1938 1969 10.54 1939 1970 10.44 1940 1971 10.36 1941 .. .. 1972 10.26 1942 .. 1973 10.15 1943 .. 1974 10.08 1944 1975 10.16 1945 1976 10.35 19-111 1977 10.48 1947 1978 10.60 1948 1979 10.78 1949 1980 10.87 1950 1981 10.99 1951 1982 11.18 1952 1983 11.44 n;,:; 1984 11.62 1954 .... 1985 11.67 1955 Gas structures 1925 24,413 26,721 29,182 31,259 33,123 34,987 36,178 36,830 37,056 37,306 37,595 38,152 38,658 38,963 39,227 39,726 40,355 40,623 40,675 41,348 41,978 42,577 44,083 45,622 47,723 50,509 53,784 55,622 57,813 59,479 61,773 16,867 18,625 20,484 21,919 23,104 24,265 24,722 24,644 24,142 23,694 23,287 23,175 23,009 22,677 22,306 22,222 22,254 21,994 21,500 21,716 21,854 22,052 23,099 24,266 25,895 28,283 31,010 32,389 33,983 35,176 36,840 624 674 737 796 848 896 935 958 968 973 978 987 1,000 1,008 1,014 1,022 1,035 1,044 1,046 1,053 1,068 1,081 1,106 1,144 1,189 1,251 1,329 1,395 1,446 1,495 1,546 109 123 135 154 170 192 203 228 240 275 282 318 327 373 377 440 439 516 501 596 575 681 647 771 718 853 781 936 849 1,022 916 11.99 11.77 11.59 11.63 11.79 11.97 12.38 12.96 13.67 14.34 14.99 15.49 16.01 16.57 17.13 17.55 17.90 18.36 18.91 19.11 19.35 19.53 19.34 19.09 18.70 18.06 17.41 17.22 17.02 16.91 16.72 9.10 8.77 8.52 8.52 8.64 8.77 9.15 9.71 10.40 11.04 11.65 12.07 12.50 12.99 13.47 13.74 13.92 14.26 14.72 14.67 14.67 14.61 14.03 13.46 12.75 11.85 11.04 10.84 10.61 10.55 10.39 1956 64,291 66,785 68,832 71,415 73,469 75,799 77,617 79,399 81,505 84,340 87,823 91,196 95,600 99,532 102,529 104,605 107,176 109,652 111,462 112,137 112,493 113,240 114,135 115,637 117,179 118,970 120,440 120,762 121,328 122,522 38,844 40,637 42,115 43,934 45,355 46,845 47,964 48,840 50,178 52,026 54,619 56,863 60,214 62,843 64,599 65,245 66,464 67,428 67,799 66,933 65,847 65,113 64,603 64,681 64,834 65,246 65,367 64,409 63,751 63,822 1,608 1,673 1,732 1,792 1,853 1,911 1,965 2,013 2,065 2,131 2,215 2,306 2,410 2,521 2,612 2,679 2,740 2,806 2,861 2,891 2,902 2,913 2,931 2,959 2,995 3,034 3,072 3,090 3,096 3,112 1,094 971 1,163 1,029 1,220 1,070 1,266 1,106 1,298 1,143 1,326 1,176 1,357 1,218 1,371 1,249 1,388 1,294 1,422 1,350 1,459 1,433 1,526 1,534 1,606 1,655 1,722 1,811 1,871 1,990 16.43 16.25 16.13 15.99 15.89 15.85 15.84 15.93 15.88 15.80 15.56 15.46 15.16 15.06 15.07 15.30 15.41 15.59 15.83 16.28 16.72 17.14 17.50 17.78 18.03 18.25 18.50 18.91 19.26 19.49 10.18 1926 1957 10.07 1927 1958 10.07 ].. .v 1959 10.02 1 1960 10.08 1930 1961 10.13 1931 1962 10.27 1932 1963 10.46 1933 1964 10.55 1934 1965 10.55 1935 1966 10.43 1 , 1967 10.40 1937 1968 10.22 pr;> 1969 10.20 19,550 61,784 63,237 64,944 66,777 68,335 68,561 67,763 66,055 64,782 63,655 63,256 63,577 63,776 63,283 63,518 64,592 64,931 63,767 63,059 63,721 66,021 69,018 73,092 76,961 80,705 84,813 88,954 93,025 97,164 101,119 36.340 3X.322 41,701 43.111 44,308 46,991 48,748 50.388 52,008 54,261 55,869 57,527 58,875 61,167 61,601 61.606 62.448 62.X30 63,177 63,889 65,144 64.704 65,352 66,771 67,795 67,767 69,455 70,296 72.3X3 77,115 79,2X7 16.51 16.50 16,52 16.58 16.55 16.64 16.98 17.48 18.01 18.48 18.86 19.08 19.19 19.43 19.62 19.67 19 58 19.76 20.01 20.10 19.94 19.49 18.91 1832 17.89 17.43 16.96 16.54 16.11 15.76 15 39 11.81 11.67 11.60 11.56 11.43 11.47 11.81 12.36 12.94 13.40 13.72 13 80 13.71 1386 13.95 13.81 13.52 13.66 13.91 13.90 13.55 12.85 12 08 11.41 11.01 10.60 10.21 9.92 9.64 9.44 9.21 19.56 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19X4 19X5 2.3X1 XXI 2.454,918 2,505,160 2,565,137 2,627,924 2,688,639 2,757,550 2,831,831 2,921,966 3.041,234 3,177,020 3.306,948 3,444,410 3,595,413 3,737,836 3,870,985 4.015,782 4,197,577 4,377,936 4,513,265 4,649,321 4,813,768 5,009.405 5,222,681 5,420,007 5,624,536 5,785,663 5,932,722 6,129,786 6,344,492 1,298,574 1,349,676 1,379,293 1,417.010 1,457,803 1,495,300 1,541,430 1,590,164 1,652,960 1.741,507 1,842,386 1,931,670 2,024,276 2,125,316 2.212,245 2,286,118 2,370.198 2,485,993 2,593,342 2,654,632 2,714,085 2,799,1165 2,909,290 3.113:1.252 3,137,747 3,243,758 3,307.117 3,357,081 3,458,375 3,573,435 105,521 109.402 112,365 115.070 118,009 120,863 123,834 127,419 131,662 137,241 144.152 151,391 15S.490 166,595 174,720 182,214 191,748 200,793 210,988 220,387 228,800 238.X51 250,559 265,0X7 277.847 301,232 310.784 321,910 336 1X6 X3.3X2 X6.637 X9.192 91,597 94,543 96,113 98,644 99,978 102,943 105.003 107,591 108.539 111.395 114,417 117,025 120,352 128,864 132,217 135.357 142,128 147,711 155,137 161,099 170.906 179,814 185,251 197,552 207,718 217,311 227.968 1500 14.66 14.47 14.26 14.05 13.89 13.68 13.50 13.27 12.96 12.63 12.39 12.16 11.94 11.80 11.73 11.64 11.48 11.38 11.40 11.44 11.42 11.36 11.28 11.24 11.23 11.29 11.39 11.38 11.36 8.97 8.79 8.77 8.71 8.65 8.63 8.56 8.51 X 10 8.21 8.01 7.91 7.83 7.75 7.74 7.79 7.80 7.73 7.71 7.82 7.93 7.96 7.92 7.86 7.85 7.85 7.95 8.06 MO 7.99 All industries, total — equipment 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 440.955 455,128 464,137 473,285 487,184 493,212 488,156 475,239 460,803 449,455 442,108 442,249 446,267 440.493 437,238 441,939 452,153 451.301 448,189 453,082 473,041 502.976 547,582 593,361 627,889 668,531 712,615 755,351 799,386 835,855 876.695 236,010 243,411 246,438 249,709 257.709 257,634 247,342 229,702 212. X43 201,411 195,937 199,073 206,535 203,666 203,800 211,309 223,966 222,199 218,208 222,987 242,307 267,572 306,512 344,367 36X.053 394,588 421,835 444,690 468,210 483,938 505, 16X 25,615 26,894 27,332 28,108 28,961 29,666 29,536 28,854 27,513 26,654 25,881 25,722 26,106 26,371 26,096 26,500 27,621 28,15.5 27,541 27,383 28,363 30,584 33.27X 36,960 40,378 43,590 47,018 50,396 53,571 56.670 59,442 17,827 18,975 20,473 21,182 21,675 22,412 23,319 23,747 24,419 25,569 26.249 26.576 27,312 27,995 27,687 27,151 27.480 27,317 26,707 27,382 27,902 26,757 27,218 27,779 28,160 28,701 29,367 30,000 31,877 35,508 3X.689 9.91 993 10.00 10.08 10.05 10.16 10.47 10.94 11.41 11.73 11.91 11.88 11.69 11.74 11.70 11.46 11.05 10.98 11.01 10.80 10.27 9.78 9.06 8.47 8.17 7.92 7.70 7 58 7.50 7.52 7.50 6.97 6.91 6 H6 7 00 6.90 7.00 7.35 7.90 8.42 8.70 8.71 8.35 7.87 7.82 7.67 7.27 6.79 6.82 6.91 6.74 6.24 5.81 5.27 4.93 1.90 4.87 4.86 4.91 4.96 5 ox 5.12 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196.5 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 919,304 958,732 981,517 1,010,709 1,039,109 1,063,033 1.093,134 1,127,769 1.172,513 1,233,616 1,308,044 1,378,876 1,455,681 1,540,774 1,620,045 1.693,484 1,779,113 1,892,156 2,004,587 2,084.418 2,166,321 2,273,280 2,400.370 2,536,664 2,651,143 2,759,378 2,834,276 2,912,809 3,024,396 3,145,291 527.631 548,298 553,892 566,412 579,140 588,159 603,667 623,094 651,769 695.047 748,262 794,238 842,913 896,279 939,808 975,725 1,022,077 1.093,043 1,158,718 1,192,710 1,228,583 1,287,717 1,364,029 1,446,824 1,505,517 1,557,131 1,577,060 1,602,703 1,663,289 1,730,128 62,477 64,927 66,619 68.094 69,746 71,253 72,831 74,999 77,771 81.612 86,585 91,942 97.215 103.430 109.663 115.301 122,040 129,824 138.297 145.452 151,621 159,212 168,451 179,233 188,843 196,922 203.795 209,797 217.963 228.722 41,700 45,345 IX. 054 50,204 52,601 54,858 56,354 57.896 60,321 62,245 63,631 64,974 66,831 69,472 71,697 75,163 80,571 85.132 X9.159 95.392 101,105 107,163 113,625 120.X66 127,840 134,402 142,902 I 50,0 is 158,134 165.795 7 51 7.53 7.67 7.76 7 XI 7.94 8.00 8.03 xoo 7.89 7.74 7.67 7.59 7.51 7.50 7.54 7.53 7.44 7.40 7.47 7.53 7.52 7.46 7.39 7.40 7.44 7.55 7.64 7.63 7.61 5 15 5.19 5.36 5.45 5.53 5.63 5.66 5.65 5.59 5.44 5.27 5.20 5.15 5.10 5.12 5 19 5 09 5.05 5.15 5.22 5.19 5.11 5.03 5.05 5.10 5.23 5.31 5.27 5.22 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 164 Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net All industries, total — structures 1,259,278 1,293,336 1,325,394 1,355.072 1,388,769 1,413,445 1,419,202 1,411,757 1,399,177 1,387,758 1,377,199 1,371,128 1,369,989 1,361,542 1,352,662 1,346,416 1,343,980 1,328,436 1.306,403 1.289,278 1,279,132 1,288,140 1,291.621 1,301,524 1,310,524 1,324,248 1,340,318 1,356,847 1,378,300 1,401,121 1.428.7119 r,!l5 182 713,996 731,378 746,149 764,652 775,227 767,389 747,676 724,143 703,288 684,576 671.923 664,937 652, 258 640,134 632,213 628,937 613,255 592,583 577.256 568,994 580,614 588,384 601,146 613,195 628,869 647,233 665,500 688,005 711,940 738,445 33,941 34,891 35,904 36,836 37,815 38,669 39.025 38.908 38,542 38,128 37,773 37,533 37,472 37,405 37,187 37,018 36.972 36,776 36,226 35,677 35,358 35,437 35,740 36,131 36,583 37,115 37,795 38,558 39,454 40,494 41,677 18,513 19,347 21,228 21,929 22,633 24,579 25,429 26,641 27,588 28,692 29,620 30,951 31,564 33,172 33,914 34,455 34,968 35.512 36,470 36,507 37,242 37,947 38,134 38,992 39.635 39,066 40,088 40.297 40,507 41,608 40.598 8 82 8 81 8.81 8.84 8.83 8.90 9.22 9.68 20.19 20.66 21.09 21.41 21.63 21.92 22.19 22.36 22.45 22.74 23.10 23.37 23.52 23.28 23.08 22.81 22.55 22.24 21 88 21.52 21.11 20.67 2022 13.45 13.29 13.16 13.09 12.95 12.96 13.25 13.74 14.27 14.74 15.16 15.41 15.52 15.75 15.94 16.00 15.92 16.14 16.48 16.67 16.67 16.10 15.63 15.12 14.68 14.19 13.70 13.27 12.82 12.40 12.01 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1,462,576 1,496,186 1,523,643 1,554,428 1,588,815 1,625,606 1,664,416 1,704,062 1,749,452 1,807,619 1,868,976 1.928,072 1,988,729 2,054,639 2,117,791 2,177,501 2,236,670 2,305,421 2,373,349 2,428,847 2,482.999 2,540,489 2,609,034 2.686,017 2,768,865 2,865,158 2,951,388 3,019,912 3,105,390 3,199,201 770,944 801,379 825.401 850,598 878,663 907,141 937,763 967,070 1,001,191 1,046,460 1,094,124 1,137,432 1,181,363 1,229,037 1.272,437 1.310,393 1,348,121 1,392,951 1.434,624 1,461,922 1,485,502 1,511,348 1,545,261 1,586,428 1,632,231 1,686,627 1,730,057 1,754,378 1,795,085 1,843,307 43,044 44,475 45,745 46,976 48.263 49,610 51,004 52,421 53,891 55,629 57,567 59,449 61,274 63,164 65,057 66,912 69,708 70.969 72,692 74,936 77,179 79,638 82,108 85,854 89,004 92,746 97,437 100,987 103,947 107,765 41,681 41,292 41.138 41,393 41,942 41,254 42,289 42,082 42,622 42,758 43,960 43,564 44,564 44,945 45,328 45,189 48,293 47,084 46,198 46,736 46,606 47,975 47,475 50,040 51,974 50,849 54,650 56,800 59,177 62,173 19.70 19.23 18.85 18.49 18.12 17.77 17.42 17.12 16.80 16.41 16.05 15.76 15.51 15.27 15.09 14.99 14.90 14.80 14.74 14.78 14.86 14.92 14.95 14.95 14.92 14.88 14.89 15.00 15.04 15.04 Farms — equipment and structures 1925 120,315 120,715 121,271 121,468 121,832 120,994 117,995 113,944 109,834 106,359 104,597 103,749 103,714 102,656 101,609 100,827 1111,961 101,633 100,389 101,586 103,034 107,631 115,493 125,246 134,838 144,370 152,646 159,779 165,771 170.174 174,271 59,803 59,507 59,510 59,338 59,468 58,325 55,170 51,185 47,551 44,834 44,018 44,297 45,241 44,978 44,625 44,461 45,921 45,586 44,431 45,810 47,372 51,872 59,299 67,938 75,699 82,787 87,885 91,426 93,834 94,833 95,985 5,094 5,198 5,241 5,311 5,375 5,416 5,326 5,125 4,855 4,648 4.517 4,512 4,600 4,683 4,691 4,749 4,930 5,085 5,061 5,115 5,296 5,538 5,978 6,728 7,580 8,429 9,200 9,831 10,340 10,740 11,020 4,087 4,358 4,585 4,808 4,973 4,994 5,072 5,146 5,263 5,307 5,320 5,437 5,368 5,351 5,205 5,145 5,006 5,078 5,151 5,297 5,409 5,441 5,439 5,475 5,591 5,860 5,902 6,120 6,569 7,208 7,909 16.45 16.51 16.53 16.57 16.58 16.72 17.16 17.73 18.29 18.74 18.86 18.78 18.53 18.48 18.42 18.30 17.86 17.69 17.68 17.22 16.74 15.86 14.64 13.45 12.52 11.77 11.27 10.94 10.72 10.63 10.56 11.37 11.40 11.36 11.35 11.27 11.43 11.97 12.72 13.42 13.88 13.77 13.32 12.73 12.52 12.34 12.11 11.47 11.33 11.38 10.81 10.27 9.28 8.12 7.19 6.64 6.30 6.19 6.20 6.27 6.42 6.53 1956 176,171 177.029 178,506 180,864 181,057 181,641 183,001 185,542 188,372 193,137 199,277 206,280 212,399 218,962 227,000 235,168 242,833 254,507 266,452 276,573 287,606 300,237 311,319 323,937 330,609 333,642 331.245 327,208 321,421 314,797 95,567 95,011 95,659 97.506 97,430 97,920 99.243 101,654 104,070 108.145 113,017 118,180 121,840 125,510 130,130 134,787 138.628 146,598 154,197 159,789 166,121 173,470 179,081 185,967 187,283 185,307 179,205 172,551 165,428 158,622 11,173 11,146 11,108 11,120 11,066 10,962 10,916 10,973 11,113 11,366 11,768 12,257 12,701 13,120 13,571 14,043 14,579 15,422 15.911 16,527 17,104 17,797 18,451 19,113 19,678 19,612 19,387 18,780 18,154 17,494 8,715 9,581 10,100 10,429 10,615 10,677 10,664 10,619 10,519 10,459 10,259 10,163 9,997 9,989 9,926 10,287 10,562 11,515 11,397 11,801 12,217 12,361 12,851 13,239 14,174 14,439 15,530 16,021 16,628 17,121 10.60 10.66 10.66 10.59 10.65 10.67 10.66 10.57 10.51 10.35 10.18 10.02 9.97 9.93 9.89 9.85 9.89 9.75 9.67 9.68 9.68 9.67 9.71 9.74 9.92 10.21 10.62 11.06 11.51 11.97 671 1926 1957 6.89 1927 1958 6.97 1928 1959 6.96 1929 1960 7.10 1930 1961 7.20 1931 1962.. . 7.24 1932 1963 7.22 1933 1964 7.23 1934 1965 7.14 1935 1966 7.04 1936 1967 6.97 1937 1968 7.00 1938 1969 7.04 1939 1970 7.03 1940 1971 7.03 1941 1972 7.07 1942 1973 6.91 1943 1974 6.82 1944 1975 6.84 1945 1976 6.84 1946 1977 ,. 1978 6.81 1947 6.86 1948 1979 6.85 1949 1980 7.04 1950 1981 7.33 1951 1982 7.75 1952 1983 8.18 1953 1984 8.60 1954 1985 9.00 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 165 Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age < irosh Net Gross Net Farms — equipment 1925. 1926 1927 1928. 1929. 1930.. 1931. 1932 1933 1934 .. 1935. 1936 1937. 1938 1939 .. 1940.. 1941. 1942 1943. 1944 .. 1945. 1946 1947 . 1948 1949. 1950 .. 1951 1952 1953. 1954 1955. 33.236 34,454 35,504 36,401 37,592 38,262 37,173 35.284 33,256 31.782 31,575 32.185 33.575 34,077 34,509 35,479 38.130 39,3.12 39,305 41,706 44,380 46,877 53,278 61,747 70,122 78,377 85.527 91,310 96,264 99,713 102,9X6 17,188 17,791 18.351) 18,890 19,825 20,101 18,707 16,653 14.X06 13,689 13,982 15,170 16.930 17,589 18.048 18,915 21.152 21,559 20,821 22,518 24,435 25,972 31,139 37 soi 43,739 48,992 52,504 54,303 55,366 55,168 55,324 2,784 2,912 2,976 3,064 3,151 3,227 3,186 3,044 2.834 2,686 2,606 2,643 2,772 2,897 2,948 3,051 3,278 3.475 3,488 3,575 3,789 4,017 4.406 5,116 5,930 6,741 7,475 8,068 8,539 -,90s 9,159 1,903 2,153 2,382 2,572 2,729 2,715 2,7.-:; 2,824 2,946 2,944 2.962 3.019 2,931 2,928 2,793 2,726 2,614 2,669 2,788 2.871 3,032 3.058 3.067 3,171 3,336 3,614 3,717 3.963 4,462 5,133 5,876 6 25 6 27 6 27 6.27 6.18 6.21 6.49 Oss 7.25 7.47 7.35 7.02 6.59 6.41 6 28 6.08 5.73 5.71 5.86 5.53 5.52 5.13 4.76 4.59 4.53 4.62 4.82 5.04 5.31 5.54 1 38 1 29 1 22 4.15 4.03 4.07 4.43 4.93 5.36 5.51 5.12 4.55 4.04 3.93 3.91 3.82 :i 55 3.67 3.95 3.80 3.67 3.68 3.31 3.03 2 '.is 3.04 3.21 3.44 3.65 3.S8 4.02 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 107 7 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 103.916 1(13.96(1 104,561 105.133 103,861 102,850 102.223 102,907 103,854 106,551 110,412 114,525 117,944 121,756 126,455 131,481 136.58.-, 144,741 152,109 157,297 163,335 170,666 176,120 183.349 185,944 185,961 182,051 176,899 170,792 164,262 53,841 9,283 52,457 9,226 52,329 9,160 52,576 9,129 51,350 9,025 50,642 8,873 50,520 8,772 51,623 8.771 52,852 8,855 55,614 9,049 59,086 9,388 62,351 9,803 64,507 10.168 66,581 10,510 69,239 10,876 72,076 11,259 74,882 11,693 80.690 12,343 85,231 12,856 87,551 13,343 90,569 13,779 94.485 14,340 96,332 14,847 99,868 15,346 99,037 15,732 96,174 15,640 90,450 15,315 84,716 14,722 79,038 14,082 74,196 13,407 6,729 5.83 4.22 7,648 6.07 4.35 8.252 6.20 4.35 s.624 6.28 4.31 8,888 6.43 4.39 8,985 6.52 4.40 9,061 6.54 4.36 8,967 6.48 4.24 8,956 6.40 4.14 8,897 6.22 3.98 8,760 6.03 3.83 8,700 5.87 3.75 s.660 5.79 3.77 8.533 5.75 3.80 8.608 5.71 3.81 8,825 5.68 3.81 9.203 5.68 3.82 9,796 5.57 3.71 9,862 5.54 3.71 10,279 5.60 3.80 10,574 5.65 3.86 10,770 5.67 3.89 11,111 5.77 3.99 11,510 5.81 4.01 12,162 5.98 4.17 12,595 6.22 4.39 13,351 6.53 4.68 13,997 6.84 4.94 14,322 7.13 5.16 14,903 7.38 5.29 Farms — structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 87,079 86,261 85.767 85.066 84.241 82,732 80,823 78,661 76,579 74,578 73,022 71,564 70,138 68,580 67,100 65,348 63,831 62,291 61,084 59,880 58,654 60,754 62,214 63,500 64,716 65,993 67,120 68. 169 69,507 70,461 71,285 42,615 41,715 41,160 40.448 39,643 38,223 36,463 34,531 32,745 31,145 30,036 29,128 28.311 27,389 26,578 25,546 24,769 24,027 23,610 23,292 22,937 25,900 28,161 30,137 31,959 33,794 35,380 37,123 38,468 39,665 40,661 2,309 2,286 2,266 2,247 2,224 2,189 2,140 2,081 2,021 1,962 1,912 1.869 1,828 1,786 1,743 1,698 1,653 1,610 1.573 1,540 1,507 1 ,520 1,572 1,612 1.650 1,688 1,725 1,763 1,800 1,832 1,861 2,185 2,205 2,203 2.236 2,244 2,278 2,2X9 2,311 2.316 2,363 2,359 2,418 2,437 2,422 2,412 2,419 2,392 2,409 2,362 2,426 2,377 2,383 2,372 2,304 2,256 2,246 2,185 2,157 2,107 2,075 2,033 20 34 20 60 20 78 JO 'I. 21.21 21,59 22 06 22 59 23 09 23.54 23.84 24 06 24.25 24.47 24.66 24.93 25 10 2526 2528 25.23 23 83 22.79 21.90 21.12 20.36 19.73 1909 18.59 18.16 17.81 14.18 14.43 14.55 14.71 14.89 15.30 15.84 16.48 17.06 17.56 17.79 17.89 17.93 18.04 18.07 18.24 18.24 18.21 17.93 17.60 17.30 14.90 13.44 12.41 11.64 11.02 10.60 10.23 10.04 9.95 9.94 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19'-:, 72,254 73,069 73,946 75,730 77,196 78,791 80,777 ,-2,03;, 84,518 86,580 88,865 91,755 94,456 97,206 100,545 103,687 106.248 109.766 114,343 119,276 124,271 129,571 135.199 I 10.588 144,665 147,681 149,194 150.309 150,629 150,535 41.726 42.553 43,330 44,930 46,080 47,278 48,724 50,031 51,219 52 532 ,73 936 55,829 57 333 5X.929 60,891 62,711 63,746 65,908 68,966 72,238 75,551 78,985 82.748 .-1: 099 88,245 89,133 XX.755 87,835 86,389 84,126 1,890 1,920 1,948 1.991 2.041 2.089 2,144 2,202 2,258 2,316 2,380 2,454 2,533 2,610 2,695 2,784 2,886 3,079 3,05-1 3,184 3,325 3,457 3,605 3.768 3,945 3,972 4,071 4.059 4,072 4.0X7 1.9x6 1.933 1,848 1.8(15 1,727 1,691 1,603 1,652 1,562 1,562 1,499 1,463 1,337 1,456 1,318 1.463 1,359 1.719 1,535 1,522 1.643 1,792 1.740 1,729 2,012 1,844 2,1X0 2,024 2,306 2,2 IX 17 16 17.19 16 96 16.57 16.32 16.09 15 86 15.68 15.55 15.44 15.34 15.21 15.19 15.17 15.14 15.14 15.29 15 26 15.16 15.06 14.98 14.93 14.86 14.86 14.98 15.24 15.60 16.03 16.47 16.99 9.94 10.02 10.12 1006 10.13 10.19 1023 1030 10,41 10.49 10.57 10,56 10 63 1069 10.69 10.72 10.88 1082 10.67 10.53 10.41 10.31 10.19 10.15 10.26 1050 1087 11.29 11.76 1227 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 166 Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Manufacturing — equipment and structures 269,564 274,336 279,009 285,162 294,507 298,221 296.279 290,311 286,7X7 284,487 282,828 2*4.779 290,376 2X9.113 1 289,975 294,575 305,466 30X.251 307,596 311.610 322.468 343.151 366.251 3X4,221 393,368 404,011 421.855 440.187 457,391 473,028 1X8,536 144,854 147,170 149,506 153,410 160.506 161,897 157,788 149,944 145,003 141.546 139.163 140,534 145,450 143,707 143,433 147,383 157,153 158,330 156,253 158,391 167,539 185,444 204,447 217,921 222,099 226,670 238,530 250,028 260,262 269,108 277,464 11,467 11,670 11,762 11,964 12,256 12,511 12,494 12,285 11,992 11,884 11,807 11,885 12,160 12,386 12,427 12,647 13,135 13,52!l 13,563 13,702 14,208 15,178 16.408 17,687 18,599 19,264 20,092 21,079 22,011 22,905 23,703 8,679 8,905 9,204 9,426 9,648 9,936 10,115 10,314 10,425 10,515 10,773 10.870 11,026 11,117 11,422 11,517 11,476 11,921 12,141 11,893 12,518 12,504 12,199 12,920 13,326 13,054 13,924 14,081 14,761 15,899 16,273 12.21 12.29 12.36 12.35 12.21 12.31 12.62 13.09 13.42 13.69 13.89 13.89 13.73 13.87 13.92 13.78 13.38 13.36 13.48 13.43 13.06 12.42 11.84 11.48 11.41 11.38 11.13 10.94 10.80 10.70 10.66 8.58 8.58 8.58 8.49 8.26 8.35 8.71 9.26 9.63 9.87 10.02 9.90 9.55 9.66 9.66 9.39 8.83 8.82 8.98 8.90 8.48 7.79 7.24 7.02 7.12 7.20 7.06 6.97 6.93 6.94 696 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 512,164 534,448 545,872 554,971 569,287 582,378 596,476 611,895 633,335 666,472 709,401 749,176 785,226 822,853 856,808 884,225 911,532 944,693 989,253 1,023,850 1,058,477 1,096,226 1,142,027 1,188,897 1,236,400 1,282,022 1,315,905 1,333,415 1,361,398 1,390,911 293,931 308,711 312,037 313,789 321,168 327,072 334,517 343.279 357,146 382,401 416,362 445,406 469,302 493,640 513,284 525,318 537,748 554,165 581,091 597,211 612,466 630,535 655,070 681,393 707,210 729,713 741,327 737,478 745,298 755,548 24,6X1 25,738 26,475 26,892 27,380 27,943 28,513 29,193 30,062 31.406 33,286 35,309 37,119 38,964 40,758 42,281 45,097 45,806 47,634 49,808 51,834 54,139 56,373 59,694 61,951 64,750 67,196 68,705 69,999 71,995 17,327 18,012 18,151 19,275 20,172 20,439 21,487 22,109 22,153 23,224 23.961 24.069 24,448 25,195 25,962 26,339 29,752 28,448 29,427 30,525 31.618 33.676 34,382 38,277 39,343 40,596 43,898 46,310 48,300 51,189 10.44 10.30 10.41 10.53 10.55 10.62 10.64 10.64 10.59 10.36 10.04 9.86 9.77 9.71 9.71 9.82 9.91 9.97 9.93 10.01 10.10 10.16 10.17 10.15 10.15 10.19 10.31 10.53 10.66 10.76 Manufacturing — equipment 136.57X 137.236 137,438 138,076 140,321 141,029 139,441 135,874 133,033 131,444 131,389 133,495 137.195 137,843 139,447 143,233 148,506 152,339 155,063 161,892 172,851 186,846 205,757 222,752 232,689 243,194 257,670 271,948 2X5,839 29X.76X 310.722 67.942 67,938 67.590 67,813 69.769 70,156 68,321 64,631 62.053 60,832 61,293 64.002 68,171 68.8X1 70.648 74,443 79,425 82,162 83,750 89,144 98,171 109,167 124.406 136,702 141.341 146,045 154,235 161,735 16X.703 174,713 179.993 7,137 7,245 7,201 7,242 7,328 7,418 7,363 7,210 6,976 6,901 6,875 6,991 7,247 7,474 7,569 7,808 8,199 8,529 X.652 8.908 9,472 10.338 11,390 12,588 13,503 14,183 14,955 15.818 16,623 17,412 18,101 6,058 6,274 6.429 6.539 6,679 6,844 6,905 6,991 7,091 7,057 7,081 7,161 7,263 7,265 7,344 7,338 7,371 7,432 7,516 7,539 7,560 7,444 7,606 7,617 7,900 8,245 8,484 8,874 9,419 10,279 11,148 10 99 11.10 11.20 11.26 11.15 11.16 11.34 11.66 11.87 11.95 11.87 11.59 11.19 11.07 10.87 10.53 10.13 9.92 9.80 9.48 9.02 8.60 8.07 7.77 7.79 7.84 7.80 7.80 7.85 7.93 8.04 7.79 7.77 7.78 7.72 7.47 7.41 7.58 7.95 8.16 8.17 7.97 7.52 7.02 6.94 6.78 6.48 6.16 6.09 6.13 5.94 5.60 5.33 4.99 4.89 5.09 5.27 5.32 5.39 5.47 5.57 5.68 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 326,703 341,912 349,696 356,591 365,286 372,294 380,907 390,143 403,804 423,942 449,361 472,492 494,946 518,528 540,395 558,483 579,332 604,156 637,738 664,358 690,705 721,542 757,899 794,055 831,962 867,431 892,659 905,993 928,178 951,338 189,101 197,455 198,519 199,175 202,195 203,906 207,544 212,000 220,840 235,830 255,365 271,874 286,600 301,681 314,313 322,586 333,370 347,157 368,572 382,488 395,539 412,314 433,743 454,751 476,594 495,039 503,589 501,162 508.914 517,660 lx.xxx 19,692 20,239 20,549 20,899 21,264 21,638 22,117 22,748 23,734 25,090 26,528 27,822 29,200 30,554 31,722 33,376 34,581 36,263 38,148 39,859 41,828 43,960 46,578 48,891 51,379 53,487 54,794 56,004 57,829 11,822 12,614 13,293 14,040 14,953 15,649 16,288 16,912 17,591 18,285 18,850 19,396 19,578 20,219 20,833 21,305 22,792 22,924 23,523 24,638 25,719 26,986 28,308 30,564 31,906 33,319 35,781 37,998 40,036 41.872 8.06 8.11 8.34 8.56 8.70 8.87 8.98 9.07 9.05 8.90 8.69 8.56 8.49 8.43 8.43 8.50 8.53 8.53 8.44 8.46 8.50 8.50 8.46 8.43 8.40 8.42 8.52 8.72 8.81 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 167 Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Manufacturing — structures 192.") 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 132.985 137.100 141,571 147,086 154,186 157,191 156.837 154.437 153,754 153.043 151,439 151,284 153,181 151,788 150,528 151,342 156,961) 155,912 152,533 149.718 149,617 156.305 160,494 161,469 160,679 160,818 164,185 108,239 171.551 174,260 177,814 76,911 79.232 81,916 85.597 90,737 91,741 89,467 85.314 82.950 80,714 77,870 70,532 77,278 74,826 72,785 72,939 77,727 76,168 72,503 69,247 69,368 76.277 80,041 81,219 80,758 80,626 84.295 88,293 91.559 94,394 97,471 4.330 4,425 4,561 4,722 4,928 5,093 5,130 5,075 5,015 4,983 4,932 4,893 4,913 4,912 4,858 4,839 4.936 5.000 4,912 4,795 4,736 4,839 5,017 5,099 5,096 5,081 5,137 5,262 5,388 5,493 5.602 2,621 2,631 2,774 2.887 2,968 3,092 3,210 3,323 3,335 3,458 3,693 3,710 3,763 3,852 4,078 4,179 4,105 4,490 4,625 4,354 4,958 5,059 4,593 5,302 5,425 4.809 5.440 5.206 5,341 5,620 5,125 13 45 13.48 13.47 13.38 13.18 13.33 13.76 14.35 14.77 15.19 15.64 15 93 16.00 16.40 16.75 16.85 16.45 16.72 17.23 17.70 17.73 1699 16 68 16.59 16.66 16.73 16.37 16.01 15.72 15.45 1523 9.28 9.27 9.23 9 11 8.88 9.07 9.57 10.26 10.73 11.15 11.64 11.88 11.79 12.17 12.46 12.36 11.56 11.76 12.28 12.72 12.54 11.31 10.75 10 60 10.67 10.69 10 26 9,87 9.62 9.47 9.34 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 185.461 192,536 196,176 198,381 204,002 210,084 215,568 221,752 229.531 242,530 26(1,040 276,684 29U.279 304,325 316,412 325,742 332,200 340,536 351,515 359,493 367,772 374,684 384,128 394,841 404,439 414,591 423.246 427.422 433,220 439,573 104,830 111,256 113,517 114,614 118,973 123,167 126,974 131,279 136,306 146,571 160,996 173,532 182,702 mi. o.v.i 198,972 202,732 204,377 207,008 212,519 214,723 216,927 218,221 221,327 226,6.12 230,616 234,675 237.737 236,316 236,384 237,888 5,793 6.046 6.236 6,343 6,481 6,679 6,876 7,076 7,314 7,672 8,197 8,781 9.297 9,764 10,204 10,560 11.721 11,225 11,372 11.660 11,975 12,310 12,413 13,117 13,060 13,371 13.709 13.911 13,994 14.166 5,504 14.64 8.88 5,398 14.18 8.61 4,857 14.11 8.71 5.235 14.09 8.89 5,219 13.86 8.84 4,790 13.71 8.82 5,199 13.56 8.85 5,197 13,41 8.87 4,563 13.30 8.85 4,938 12.90 8.55 5,112 12.38 8.13 4,674 12.07 7.93 4.870 11.95 7.93 4,976 11.88 7.95 5,129 11.91 8.07 5,034 12.09 8.33 6,959 12.31 8.58 5,524 12.53 8.82 5,903 12.63 8.94 5,886 12.86 9.18 5,899 13.10 9.40 6,690 13.34 9.63 6,074 13.54 9.76 7,713 13.62 9.77 7,437 13.76 9.85 7,277 13.91 9.92 8,117 14.07 10.02 8,312 14.37 10.28 8,264 14.62 10.46 9,317 14.79 10.55 Nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment and structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 19.31 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1,310,355 1,353,413 1,389.252 1,421,728 1,459,614 1,487,442 1,493,084 1,482,740 1,463,359 1,446,368 1,431,883 1,424,849 1,422,166 1,409.748 1,398.316 1,392,953 1,388,707 1,369,852 1,3-16.607 1,329,165 1.326,671 1,340,331 1,357,460 1,385,417 1,410,207 1,444,398 1,478,433 1,512,232 1,554,524 1,593,775 1,642,598 726,835 750.730 768.801 783,110 802.387 812,640 801,772 776,249 744,432 718,319 697,332 686.164 680.781 667,239 655,875 651.678 649,830 631,538 610,107 596,042 596,389 610,870 631.149 659,654 683,450 714,000 742,653 768,736 802,119 831,938 870,164 1299.", 44,915 46,234 47,670 49.146 50,408 50,741 50,353 49,208 48,250 47,330 46,859 46,817 46,706 46,165 46,122 46,527 46,316 45,143 44,243 11,218 45,306 46,633 48,677 5(1.782 53,012 55,521 58,043 60,675 63.519 66.396 23,574 25,060 27,912 28,877 29,687 32,062 33.562 34,929 36,320 38,439 39,776 41,220 42,482 44,700 44,975 44,944 45,966 45,830 45,885 46,699 47,216 46,759 47,715 48,377 48,878 48,853 49.630 50,096 51,054 54,009 55,105 17.40 17.36 17.36 17.42 17.42 17.50 17,83 18.32 18.89 19.40 19.84 20.14 20 35 20 04 20.90 21.01 21.07 21.35 21.68 21 89 21.87 21.59 21.18 20.66 20.21 19.69 19.21 18.76 18.25 17.80 17.30 1249 12.30 12.20 12.18 12.07 12.09 12.41 12.94 13.56 14.06 14.46 14.63 14.66 14.86 14.99 14.93 14.80 15.04 15.35 15.47 15.24 14.69 14.02 1330 12.76 12.17 11.70 11.33 10.91 10.59 10 22 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1.693,546 1,743,442 1,780,781 1,829,302 1,877,580 1.924,620 1,978,073 2,034,394 2,100,258 2,181,626 2,268,341 2,351,492 2,446,785 2,553,598 2,654.028 2,751,591 2,861,417 2,998,377 3,122,231 3,212,842 3.303,238 3.417,306 3,556,058 3.709,848 3,852,998 4,008,872 4,138.514 4,272,099 4,446,967 4,638,784 909.(176 945,955 971,597 1,005,716 1,039,205 1,070,308 1,107,670 1.145.232 1,191,744 1,250,961 1,313,008 1,368.084 1,433,134 1,506,166 1,568,830 1,626,012 1,693,823 1,785,230 1,8,18,055 1.897,632 1,9:15.498 1,995,060 2,075,140 2,165,891 2,243,254 2,328,738 2,386.585 2,447,051 2,547,649 2,659,264 69,667 72,518 74.781 77,058 79,563 81,958 84,405 87.253 90,487 94,470 99,098 103.826 10X.669 114,510 120,392 125,889 132,072 Ki9.565 147,444 154,052 159.861 166,915 175,735 186,279 196,218 205.306 214,649 223,298 233,757 246,997 57.340 59.045 60.941 01,89:; 63,756 64,997 66,493 07. 25(1 70,270 71,320 73,371 74.306 76,949 79.233 81,137 83,726 88,551 92.254 94,533 99,802 103,876 109,100 113,866 119,390 126,297 130,217 138,124 145.387 152,382 159.658 16 83 16 II 16 09 15.76 15.44 15.18 14.88 14.63 14.33 13.98 13.65 13.40 13.12 12.83 12.64 12.51 1234 12.10 11.98 12.00 12.03 11.99 11.89 11.77 11.71 11.64 11.66 11.68 11.59 11 -Ml 9.90 9.66 9.54 9.38 9.26 9.18 9.06 8.97 8.84 8.66 8.51 8.43 8.32 8.21 8.17 8.18 8.15 8.03 8.02 8.15 8.28 8.31 8.26 8.18 8.16 8.13 8.19 8.23 8.14 8.04 168 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment 1925 271,141 283,438 291,196 298,808 309,272 313,920 311.542 304,081 294,515 2X6,230 279,144 276,569 275,496 20X.57 1 263,282 263,227 265,518 259,619 253,821 249,485 255,810 269,253 288,547 308,863 325,077 346,961 369,419 392,093 417,283 437,374 462,988 150,880 157.681 160.499 163,006 168.115 167,377 160,313 148 118 135.983 126,890 120,662 119.901 121,434 117.196 115,104 117,951 123,389 118.479 113,637 111,325 119,700 132,432 150,966 169,864 182,972 199,551 215,096 228,653 244,141 254,057 269,851 15,693 16,736 17,156 17,802 18,483 19,021 18.986 18,601 17,702 17,068 16,401 16,087 16,087 16,000 15,579 15,641 16.144 16,152 15,401 14,900 15,102 16,228 17,483 19,257 20,945 22.666 24,589 26,510 28,409 30,350 32,182 9,867 10,549 11,662 12,071 12,267 12,853 13,632 13,922 14,382 15,568 16,207 16,396 17,118 17,802 17,550 17,087 17,495 17,216 16.403 16,972 17,310 16,254 16,545 16.991 16,924 16,842 17,165 17,163 17,995 20,097 21,665 9.82 9.81 9.89 10.00 10.02 10.20 10.56 11.09 11.67 12.11 12.45 12 58 12.56 12.76 12.85 12.68 12.32 12.41 12.54 12.52 11.95 11.35 10.50 9.71 9.22 8.74 8.34 8.06 7.84 7.75 7.58 6.89 6.83 6.92 7.03 7.00 7.18 7.59 8.21 8.87 9.30 9.51 9.27 8.88 8.92 8.80 8.32 7.75 7.90 8.03 7.98 7.28 6.62 5.90 5.39 5.21 5.02 4.93 4.93 4.90 4.99 4.96 1956 488,685 512,860 527,260 548,985 569,962 587,889 610,003 634,719 664.855 703,123 748,271 791,859 842,791 900,490 953,194 1,003,519 1,063,195 1,143,258 1.214,740 1,262,764 1,312,282 1,381,072 1,466,351 1,559,260 1,633,237 1,705,987 1,759,566 1,829,918 1,925,426 2,029,691 284,688 298,386 303,043 314,662 325,595 333,612 345,604 359,471 378,077 403,603 433,811 460,013 491,806 528,016 556,256 581,063 613,825 665,195 704,914 722,670 742,475 780,919 833,954 892,204 929,885 965,919 983,020 1,016,824 1.075,336 1,138,272 34,306 36,009 37,220 38,416 39,822 41,116 42,421 44,110 46,168 48,829 52,108 55,611 59,225 63,720 68,234 72,321 76,971 82,899 89,178 93,960 97,982 103,044 109,645 117,309 124,220 129,903 134,993 140,281 147,877 157,486 23,149 25,083 26,509 27,541 28,759 30,224 31,005 32,017 33,773 35,062 36,021 36.879 38,593 40,720 42,256 45,033 48,575 52,412 55,774 60,475 64,813 69,407 74,206 78,792 83,771 88,488 93,770 98,923 103,775 109,020 7.50 7.45 7.52 7.52 7.54 7.60 7.62 7.65 7.62 7.53 7.42 7.39 7.31 7.22 7.22 7.25 7.23 7.11 7.09 7.18 7.26 7.23 7.14 7.04 7.05 7.07 7.17 7.19 7.11 7.03 4.98 1926 1957 5.02 1927 1958 5.19 1928 1959 .... 5.23 1929 1960 5.29 1930 1961 5.38 1931 .... 1962 5.41 1932 1963 5.42 1933 1964 5.37 1934 1965 5.26 1935 .. . 1966 5.14 1936 . 1967 5.11 1937 1968 5.03 1938 1969 4.95 1939 1970 4.97 1940 . . 1971 5.02 1941 1972 5.00 1942 1973 4.86 1943 1974 4.84 1944 1975 4.96 1945 1976 5.04 1946 1977 4.99 1947 1978 4.88 1948 1979 4.77 1949 1980 4.80 1950 1981 4.83 1951 1982 4.94 1952 1983 4.95 1953 1984 4.85 1954 1985 4.76 1955 Nonfarm nonmanufacturing — structures 1925 1,039,213 1,069,975 1,098,056 ! 122.920 1 1." _' 1.173.522 1,181,542 1,178,659 1,168,844 1,160,138 1,152,739 1,148,280 1,146,670 1,141,174 1,135,034 1,129,726 1,123,189 1,110.233 1,092,786 1,079,680 1,070,861 1,071,081 1,068,913 1,076,555 1,085,129 1,097,437 1,109,1114 1,120,139 1,137,241 1,156,400 1,179,610 575,955 593,049 608,302 620,104 634,272 645.263 641,459 627,831 608,448 591,430 576,670 -,66,263 559,347 550,043 540,771 533.727 526.441 513.059 496,470 484,717 476,689 478,438 480,182 189 79(1 500,477 514,449 527,557 540,083 557,978 577,881 600.313 27,302 28,180 29,078 29,868 30,663 31,387 31,755 31,752 31,51)6 31,183 30,929 30,772 30,731 30,707 30,585 30,480 30.383 30.165 29,742 29,342 29,116 29,078 29,150 29,420 29.837 30,346 30.932 31,533 32,266 33,168 34,214 13,707 14,511 16,250 16,806 17,420 19,209 19,931 21,006 21,937 22,870 23,569 24,823 25,364 26,898 27,425 27,857 28,471 28,614 29,482 29,727 29,906 30,504 31,170 31,386 31,953 32,011 32,464 32,933 33.059 33.912 33,440 19.38 19.35 19.34 19.40 19.41 19.46 19.75 20.18 20.71 21.20 21.63 21.97 22.22 22 50 22.76 22.96 23.14 23.44 23.80 24.05 24.23 24.17 24.06 23 80 23.51 23.15 22.82 22.50 22.08 21.61 21.12 13.96 13.75 13.60 13.53 13.41 1.3.37 13.62 14.06 14.61 15.09 15.49 15.76 15.92 16.12 16.31 16.39 16.45 16.69 17.03 17.19 17.24 16.93 16.57 16.04 15.52 14.95 14.46 14.04 13.53 13.05 12.58 1,204,861 1,230,581 1,253,521 1,280,317 1,307,618 1,336,731 1,368,070 1,399,675 1,435,403 1,478,503 1.520.071 1.559.633 1,603.994 1,653,109 1,700,834 1,748,072 1,798,222 1,855,118 1,907,491 1,950,078 1,990,956 2,036,234 2,089,708 2,150,588 2,219,761 2,302,885 2,378,948 2,442,182 2,521,541 2,609,092 624,387 647,569 668,553 691,054 713,610 736,696 762,066 785,761 813,667 847,357 879,197 908,071 941,328 978,149 1,012,574 1.044,949 1.079,998 1,120.035 1,153.140 1,174,962 1,193,024 1,214,141 1,241,185 1,273,687 1,313,369 1,362,819 1,403,565 1,430,227 1,472.312 1,520,992 35,361 36,509 37,561 38,642 39,741 40,842 41,984 43,143 44,319 45,641 46,990 48,214 49,444 50,790 52,158 53,569 55,101 56,665 58.266 60,092 61,880 63,871 66,090 68,970 71,998 75,403 79,656 83,017 85.880 89,511 34,19! 33,962 34,433 34,352 34,997 34,773 35,487 35,233 36,497 36.258 37,349 37,428 38,356 38,513 38,881 38,692 39,975 39,842 38,759 39,327 39,063 39,693 39,661 40,598 42,525 41,729 44,354 46,464 48,606 50,638 20.62 20.14 19.70 19.29 18.89 18.51 18.12 17.80 17.43 17.05 16.72 16.45 16.17 15.90 15.68 15.52 15.35 15.18 15.10 15.12 15.17 15.21 15.22 15.20 15.13 15.03 14.99 15.05 15.02 14.97 12.15 19 !6 1957 11.80 1927 1958 11.51 1928 1959 11.27 1929 1960 11.07 1930 1961 10.89 1931 1962 10.71 1932 1963 10.59 1933 1964 10.46 1934 1965 10.28 1935 1966 10.17 1936 1967 10.12 1937 1968 10.04 1938 1969 9.96 1939 1970 9.94 1940 1971 9.95 1941 1972 9.94 1942 1973 9.92 1943 1974 9.96 1944 1975 10.12 1945 1976 10.30 1946 1977 .V.... 10.44 1947 1978 10.53 1948 1979 10.57 1949 1980 10.55 1950 1981 10.47 1951 1982 10.47 1952 1983 10.56 1953 1984 10.55 1985 10.49 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 169 Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — alt industries, total — equipment and structures 1,328,560 1,360,342 1,385,667 1,409,905 1,442,116 1,462,545 1,460,851 1,445,003 1,425.613 1,409.576 1,395,747 1,390,839 1,392,691 1,380,789 1.370,261 1,368,332 1,373,016 1,361,890 1,344,183 1,335,307 1,343,236 1,370,061 1,401,926 1,437,470 1,463,068 1,495,127 1,535,583 1,579,276 1,628,112 1,671,743 1,720,555 720,250 735,295 745,569 754,592 771,468 777,696 762,871 735,085 706,182 683,320 664,992 657,334 657,482 644.785 634,784 634,556 641,903 631,315 615,021 608,450 618,150 641.249 676,589 710,202 732,277 757,734 790,375 823.541 860,417 891,437 926,114 44.075 45,540 46,348 47.389 48,527 49.519 49,621 49,094 47,984 47,261 46,570 46,356 46,645 46,844 46,483 46,649 47,392 47,642 46,856 46,368 46,827 48,479 50,450 53,006 55,328 57,517 60,1149 62,879 65,841 68.98.'', 71,990 26,753 27.924 30,608 31,377 32,108 34,373 35,679 36.833 37,914 39,611 40,831 41,844 43,033 44,990 45,485 45,665 46,753 47,100 47,172 47,794 48,730 48,332 48,752 50,023 50,653 50,265 51,564 51,928 52,920 56,026 56,875 17.36 1740 17.47 17.57 17.56 17.66 18.01 18.50 19.02 19.46 19.83 20.(14 20.13 2036 20.56 20.58 2046 20 58 2079 20.84 20.64 2018 19.60 1905 18.65 18.24 17.75 17.27 16 8(1 16 39 1599 12.47 12.38 12.35 12.35 12.22 12.24 1258 13.12 13.67 1409 14.40 14.46 14.34 14.49 14.57 14.39 14.04 14.10 14.27 1 1 21 13.82 13.13 12 38 11.75 11.39 11.03 10.61 10.26 9.91 'i 68 9.45 1956 1957 1958 19. .9 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1,780,893 1,840,390 1,877,077 1,920,493 1,968,893 2,014,442 2,064,518 2,118,598 2,185,556 2,275,306 2,379,572 2,480,026 2.588,(125 2,705,111 2.812,945 2,911.361 3,019,414 3.157,071 3,300,282 3,408,095 3,516,350 3,644.078 3.797,013 3,966,073 4,123,275 4,283,139 4,409,416 4,528,570 4,693.392 4,876,326 970,597 1,012,798 1,032,676 1,057.369 1,087,090 1,112,825 1,143.609 1,176,132 1,220.488 1.285,259 1.361,777 1.430,328 1.503,342 1.581.833 1,647,002 1,699,732 1.761,558 1,848,220 1,935,472 1.986,274 2,035,521 2.102,065 2 189 124 2,289,501 2,374,823 2,458,414 2.508,398 2,551,620 2.640,530 2,742,901 75.473 78,792 81,357 83.602 86.107 88 i;::o 91,172 94,123 97,524 101,944 107,400 113,131 118,827 125.367 131,813 137,602 145,173 151,875 160,270 161 973 174,895 183,012 192,291 203,874 214,110 224,019 233,437 241,790 251,954 265.347 59.099 60,787 62,199 63,846 66.139 67,496 69,761 70,985 73,756 75,693 78,263 79,347 81,946 84,923 87,305 89.774 97.117 98,717 102.075 107.519 112,216 118,338 123,074 131,156 137,914 142,854 152,227 160.879 168.697 177.404 1 5 54 15.13 14.92 14.71 14.47 14.29 14.08 13.89 13.64 13.30 12.93 1264 12.37 12.11 11.94 11.86 11.73 11.56 11.40 11.39 11.39 11.34 1 1 25 11.13 11.06 11.02 11.07 11.13 11.08 1101 Corporate — all industries, total — equipment 346.964 355,656 360.008 364,649 372,583 376,083 372,106 363,290 354,015 346,753 341,654 342.028 345,066 340,824 358,296 341,512 347,561 347,754 346,362 349,392 363,356 385,921 416,422 446,177 467,329 492,219 521,766 552,905 585,849 614,289 644.636 184.516 188,449 188,760 189,380 193.342 192,947 185,730 173,710 162.720 155,301 151,223 153,174 158.238 155,665 155,305 160,527 168.847 168,772 166,966 170,325 184,362 203,773 230,810 256.107 271,087 287,666 307,471 326.681 346,782 361,648 378.713 17,821 18,621 18,726 19,128 19,553 19,917 19,795 19,400 18,591 18,188 17,769 17,742 18.070 18.316 18,137 18,431 19,178 19,533 19,135 19,024 19.654 21,225 22.981 25.223 27,206 29,010 31,016 33,200 35.397 37.686 39,754 12,408 12.985 13.995 14.309 14,485 15,067 15.746 15,902 16,289 17,206 17,549 17,557 18,249 18,925 18,810 18,639 19,309 19,310 18,741 19,443 19,859 18,754 19.237 19.713 19,879 20,047 20.604 20.846 21,593 23,767 25,490 10 97 11.04 11.18 11.32 11.34 11.46 11.77 12.23 12.68 12.97 13.14 13.10 12.91 1296 12.94 12.69 1228 12.16 12.14 11.92 11.34 10.78 10.03 9.41 9.10 8.56 8.34 8 18 8 13 8 00 7.78 7 76 7.87 7.96 7.89 7.96 8 30 9.30 9.55 9.57 9 22 8.72 8.69 8.53 8.09 7.58 7.53 7.55 7.36 6.81 6.32 5.77 5.43 5.39 5.37 5.31 5.30 5.30 5.38 5.42 1956 1957 . 1958. 1959 1960 1961. 1962 1903 1964 1965. 1966 1967. 1968 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983 1984. 1985 680.731 716,440 736.668 762,279 789,805 813,649 842,376 874,039 913,756 967,222 1,031,288 0927901 1.160,196 1,233,802 1,300,646 1,362,130 1,434,259 1,527,793 1,623.783 1.693,441 1.763.908 1,854,268 1,961,820 2.076.966 2,179,108 2,277,366 2,349,237 .' 125.028 2,530,720 2,648.219 399.996 120.903 426,751 437,849 451,260 461,311 170 229 493.425 517,928 554,842 599,774 639.458 682,140 728,440 764,820 794,378 82,3,105 890,820 947,217 977.793 1,009,015 1,058,779 1,123,372 1.193,430 1.248,247 1,297,739 1,321,364 1,349.633 1,408,427 1,474.978 12,116 14.319 15,912 47.271 48.873 50,462 52,076 54,102 56,529 59.770 63,879 68,287 72,695 77,914 83,065 87,660 93,220 99.412 106,417 112,450 117,695 124,032 131,643 140,563 148,692 156,035 162.513 168.489 176.438 186,867 26,812 28.817 30,359 31,722 23,178 35,396 36,679 38,053 40,150 41,934 43,312 44,549 46.238 48,750 50 745 53,562 7,7 97 I 61,409 64,826 69.925 74,781 79.967 85.344 91,447 97,043 102,377 109.341 115.978 122.195 128,540 8 00 7.95 8 (18 8.16 8.22 8.31 > 35 8.39 - 30 8.23 8.08 7.99 7.91 7.82 7.82 7.86 7.86 7.77 7.72 7.78 ; -., 7.83 7.76 7.68 7.68 7.69 7.79 7.87 7.84 7.79 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 170 Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — all industries, total — structures 981,596 1,004.686 1,025,659 1,045,256 1,069,533 1,086,462 1,088,745 1,081,713 1,071,598 1,062,823 1,054,093 1,048,811 1,047,624 1,039,964 1,031,965 1,026,820 1,025,455 1,014,136 997,821 985,915 979,880 984,141 9X5.505 991,293 995,739 1,002,908 1,013,817 1,026,370 1,042,263 1,057,454 1,075,919 535,734 546,845 556,809 565,212 578,126 584,750 577,140 561,345 543,462 528,018 513,769 504,160 499,244 489,120 479,478 474,029 473,1156 462,543 448,056 438,125 433,788 440,476 445,779 454,094 461,190 470,068 482.903 496,860 513,635 529,789 547,401 26,254 26,918 27,622 28,262 28,974 29,602 29,826 29,694 29,393 29,073 28,801 28.615 28.575 28.529 28,346 28,218 28,215 28,109 27,721 27,344 27,173 27,254 27,469 27,783 28,122 28,507 29,033 29.678 30,444 31,297 32,236 14,345 14,939 16,613 17,067 17,623 19,306 19,933 20,931 21,625 22,405 23,282 24,287 24,784 26,065 26,675 27,026 27,444 27,789 28,432 28,351 28,870 29,578 29,515 30,310 30,774 30,218 30,960 31,082 31,327 32,259 31,385 19.61 19.65 19.68 19.75 19.73 19.81 20.14 20.61 21.11 21.58 21.99 22.30 22.50 22.79 23.05 23.20 23.23 23.47 23.79 24.00 24.09 23 87 23.65 23.38 23.13 22.86 22 49 22.09 21.64 21.19 20.74 14.09 13.97 13.88 13.82 13.66 13.66 13.96 14.45 14.98 15.43 15.82 16.06 16.12 16.34 16.53 16.53 16.35 16.50 16.78 16.88 16.79 16.28 15.80 15.32 14.91 14.49 13.99 13.52 13.03 12.62 1223 1956 1957. 1958. 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963 1964. 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982 . 1983 . 1984. 1985. 1,100,163 1,123,950 1,140,410 1,158,213 1,179,088 1,200,793 1,222,142 1,244,558 1,271,800 1,308,084 1,348,284 1,387,067 1,427,829 1,471,310 1,512,299 1,549,231 1,585,155 1,629,279 1,676,499 1,714,654 1,752,442 1,789,811 1,835,193 1,889,107 1,944,167 2,005,774 2,060,179 2,103,541 2,162,672 2,228,107 570,601 591,895 605,925 619,519 635,830 651,514 667,380 682,706 702,560 730,417 762,003 790,870 821,201 853,392 882,182 905,354 928,452 957,400 988,256 1,008,481 1,026,506 1,043,287 1,065,752 1,096,071 1,126,576 1,160,675 1,187,034 1,201,987 1,232,104 1,267,923 33,327 34,473 35,445 36,331 37,234 38,168 39,096 40,021 40,994 42,174 43,521 44,844 46,131 47,454 48,748 49,941 51,953 52,463 53,853 55,523 57,199 58,981 60,648 63,311 65,418 67,985 70,924 73,301 75,516 78,480 32,2X6 31,969 31,840 32,124 32,661 32,100 33,082 32,931 33,606 33,759 34,951 34,798 35,708 36,172 36,560 36,212 39,143 37,308 37,248 37,593 37,435 38,371 37,730 39,709 40,871 40,477 42,886 44,901 46,502 48,864 20 20 19.70 19.34 19.02 18.66 18.34 18.02 17.75 17.43 17.04 16.63 16.31 16.00 15.70 15.48 15.36 15.24 15.10 14.97 14.95 14.96 14.98 14.98 14.92 14.86 14.80 14.81 14.89 14.88 14.84 Corporate— ■farms — equipment and structu r es 1925 2,483 2,496 2,512 2,519 2,528 2,512 2,451 2,370 2,2X0 2,219 2,186 2,170 2,170 2,148 2,125 2,108 2,128 2,121 2,096 2,117 2,144 2,256 2,430 2,637 2,840 3,050 3,224 3,501 3,753 1,078 4,409 1,243 1,240 1,242 1,240 1,245 1,219 1,151 1,064 988 932 919 931 956 949 943 942 974 957 927 947 972 1,075 1,240 1,426 1,597 1,760 1,871 2,068 2,235 2,459 2,681 112 116 116 118 120 121 118 114 107 103 100 100 103 105 105 107 112 115 112 112 114 120 129 145 163 182 199 217 238 263 289 83 90 94 99 102 102 103 105 107 108 109 112 110 110 107 106 103 106 107 110 112 111 111 113 118 126 126 128 138 151 167 16.02 16.05 16.05 16.08 16.07 16.22 16.64 17.19 17.73 18.14 18.23 18.12 17.86 17.81 17.75 17.63 17.21 17.09 17.10 16.71 16.30 15.43 14.21 13.04 12.12 11.34 10.86 10.18 9.71 9.19 8.77 11.00 11.00 10.96 10.94 10.85 11.03 11.58 12.34 13.03 13.47 13.29 12.78 12.16 11.99 11.80 11.54 10.92 10.91 11.05 10.59 10.12 9.09 7.87 6.94 6.38 6.02 5.92 5.63 5.49 5.29 5.16 1956 4,761 5,087 5,448 5,862 6,267 6,679 7,119 7,606 8,085 8,653 9,272 9,910 10,632 11,355 12,152 12,948 13,691 14,713 15,972 17,297 18,703 20,232 21,623 23,144 24,142 24,786 24,946 24,923 24,618 24,204 2,915 3,119 3,352 3,625 3,879 4,135 4,415 4,732 5,026 5,401 5,803 6,206 6,662 7,099 7,585 8,059 8,462 9,144 10,007 10,900 11,826 12,810 13,610 14,495 14,855 14,888 14,526 14,090 13,487 12,907 315 338 362 388 414 439 465 495 527 563 604 648 694 742 790 838 889 958 1,018 1,097 1,181 1,275 1,364 1,452 1,529 1,553 1,557 1,526 1,486 1,434 186 204 218 233 249 268 287 307 328 352 369 392 408 437 459 497 534 602 608 649 686 719 761 806 879 929 1,022 1,102 1,173 1,254 8.43 8.20 7.99 7.78 7.65 7.55 7.48 7.39 7.37 7.29 7.24 7.21 7.18 7.19 7.21 7.25 7.35 7.30 7.22 7.17 7.15 7.14 7.22 7.29 7.53 7.87 8.32 8.79 9.32 9.85 5.06 1926 1957 5.06 1927 1958 5.05 1928 1959 5.01 1929 1960 5.04 1930 1961 5.08 1931 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 :.-.. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 5.11 1932 5.13 1933 5.20 1934 5.20 1935 5.21 1936... . 5.25 1937 5.26 1938 .... 5.31 1939 5.35 1940 5.40 1941 5.51 1942 5.45 1943 5.35 1944 5.30 1945 5.28 1946 5.27 1947 5.37 1948 5.43 1949 5.67 1950 6.01 1951 6.47 1952 6.93 1953 7.44 1954 1985 7.92 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 171 Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — farms — equipment 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 741 771 796 818 843 857 835 797 757 728 725 739 767 771', 783 801 852 875 874 920 971 1,041 1,186 1,367 1,546 1.730 1.881 2,096 2,296 2,542 2,799 :<:n> 406 419 431 452 454 422 374 333 309 319 349 390 40] 411 431 478 477 454 481 513 557 677 823 957 1,084 1.163 1,291 1.401 1.543 1,693 66 71 71 73 75 77 75 72 66 64 62 63 66 711 70 73 79 83 81 81 M 90 97 113 130 148 164 181 201 224 247 40 45 ;,n 54 57 56 58 58 61 61 62 63 62 62 59 58 55 58 6(1 62 65 64 64 67 72 81 82 85 96 iin 127 5.88 5.89 5.88 5.88 5.80 5.85 6.14 6.54 6.89 7.09 6.94 6.61 6 L9 6.04 5.91 5.71 5.39 5.46 5.67 5.60 5.52 5.63 5.20 4.81 4.58 1 46 4.53 4.53 4.58 4.61 4.64 4.07 3.97 3.92 3 XX 3.77 3 X.-, 4.21 4.71 5.11 5.22 4.81 4.24 3.77 3.73 3.71 3 6(1 3.35 3.56 3.89 3.80 3.71 3.68 3.23 2.94 2.87 2.91 3.08 3.12 3.20 3.21 3.22 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 3.043 3,270 3,532 3,803 4,050 4,299 4,556 4,866 5,169 5,550 5,972 6,379 6,845 7,303 7,801 8,305 8,803 9,502 111,305 11,084 11,929 12,876 13.646 14,571 15,078 15.335 15.22X 14,9X2 14.539 14.02X 1 .X23 1,937 2.0X4 2,231 2,352 2,473 2.605 2.7X4 2.949 3,189 3,453 3.11X9 3,964 4,215 4,491 4,768 5,030 5,493 6,(11!- 6,494 7,003 7.564 7.913 8,389 -,i:,n 8,302 7.876 7.429 6.892 6.424 J71 291 312 334 356 376 398 422 149 1X1 1 516 554 592 633 673 713 755 811 867 932 1,000 1,079 1.151 1.221 1,280 1,296 1,2X9 1 ,254 1.209 1,153 146 472 3.27 166 4.82 3.35 181 4.87 3.38 197 4.93 3,41 214 5.03 3.48 234 5.11 3.54 255 5.18 3.58 274 5.20 3.57 296 5.25 3.58 321 5.21 3.53 339 5.18 3,49 363 5.18 3 50 382 5.17 3.50 407 5.19 3.53 433 5.21 3.54 466 5.24 3.57 504 5.29 3.61 558 5.22 3.53 575 5.16 3.48 615 5.15 3.49 649 5.15 3.52 681 5.15 3.54 719 5.25 3.66 760 5.31 3.71 822 5.52 3.91 878 5.79 4.16 958 6.15 1 19 1,042 6.50 4.78 1,100 6.87 5.08 1,181 7.19 5.29 Corporate — farms — structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1,742 1,725 1.715 1,701 1,685 1,655 1,616 1,573 1.532 1,492 1,460 1,431 1,403 1,372 1,342 1,307 1,277 1,246 1,222 1,198 1,173 1,215 1.244 1,270 1,294 1.320 1,342 1,404 1,457 1,536 1,610 852 834 823 809 793 764 729 691 655 623 601 583 566 548 532 511 495 481 472 466 459 5 IX 563 603 639 676 71 IX 777 834 916 988 20 34 20.60 20.78 20.98 21.21 21.59 2206 22 59 23 1)9 23.54 23.84 24.06 24.25 24.47 24.66 24.93 25.10 25 26 2528 25.25 25.23 23X3 22,79 21.90 21.12 20.36 19.73 1X63 1779 16.77 15,97 14,18 14,43 14.55 14.71 14.89 15.30 15.84 16.48 17.06 17.56 17.79 17.89 17.93 18.04 18.07 18.24 18 24 1821 17.93 17.60 17.30 14.90 13,44 12,41 11,64 11.02 10.60 9.80 9.34 8.79 8.48 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 19X1 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 1.718 1,817 1.916 2.059 2,216 2,380 2,563 2,741 2,916 3,103 3,299 3,531 3.787 4.052 4.351 4,643 4, XXX 5,211 5.667 6,214 6.774 7,356 7.978 8,573 9,064 9.451 9,718 9,941 10.07X 10,176 1.092 1.182 1.26X 1.394 1,528 1.662 1.81(1 1,948 2,077 2,212 2,350 2,517 2,698 2,884 3,093 3,291 3,432 3,1152 3.9911 4,406 4,822 5,24(1 5.(19(1 6,106 6,406 6,586 6.651 6,6(11 6,594 6,4X3 94 101 109 117 125 133 147 151 165 18] 196 213 231 249 257 26X 272 277 281 15 01 14.30 13.75 13.04 12.44 11.96 11.55 11.27 11.12 11.02 10.96 10.88 10.83 10.81 10.79 10.84 11,06 11.10 1096 10.77 10.66 10.61 10.58 10.65 10.87 11.24 11.71 1226 12,8(1 13 52 8.05 7.87 7.80 7.58 1 13 7.36 7.32 7.37 7 19 7,61 7.74 7.81 7.86 7.93 7.97 8.06 - 3,0 8.33 8.18 96 7.84 7.78 7.74 7.80 - on 8.35 > XI 9.32 9.91 10,53 172 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — manufacturing — equipment and structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1931 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 19411 1947 1948 1949 19511 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 252.561) 256,928 261,278 267,023 275,771 279,316 277,565 272,037 268,846 266,836 265,435 267,455 272,923 272,391 272,881 277,254 287,526 290,204 289,628 293,375 303,608 323,086 344,800 361,962 370,910 381.187 398,565 416,625 433.586 449,121 164,292 135,531 137,700 139,960 143,685 150,407 151,840 118,1)84 140,801 136,256 133,098 130,944 132,329 137.053 135.469 135,271 138,936 148,085 149,172 147,202 149,153 157,764 174,610 192.488 2I)5,H2 209.726 214,279 225,992 237,539 247,814 256,757 264,970 10,715 10,900 10,977 11,164 11,435 11,674 11,660 11,470 11,199 11,108 11,044 11,127 11,397 11,620 11,666 11,876 12,334 12,702 12,729 12,854 13,321 14,227 15.375 16,577 17,447 18,088 18.887 19.850 20.769 21,657 22,445 8,195 8,394 8,668 8,858 9.054 9,311 9,446 9,620 9,699 9,750 9,985 10,062 10,205 10.300 10,593 10,695 10.679 11,111 11,336 11,124 11,719 11,700 11,430 12,100 12,483 12.230 13.039 13,177 13,805 14.854 15.213 12.29 12.37 12.43 12.41 12.27 12.35 12.66 13.12 13.45 13.71 1390 13.90 13.73 13.87 13.92 13.78 13.39 13.37 13.50 13.45 13.08 12.45 11.86 11.49 11.42 11.38 11.12 10.91 10.76 10.66 10.61 8.61 8.61 8.60 8.51 8.28 8.36 8.72 9.27 9.63 9.87 10.02 9.89 9.55 9.66 9.66 9.39 8.84 8.83 9.00 8.92 8.49 7.80 7.26 7.03 7.12 7.20 7.05 6.94 6.90 6.90 6.93 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 487,401 509,385 520,602 529,579 543,763 556,914 571,051 586,530 608,107 641,326 684,349 724,422 760,787 798,642 832.864 860,566 888,172 921.610 966,235 1,001,035 1,035,871 1,073,811 1,119,709 1,166,694 1,214,328 1.260,174 1,294,485 1,312,532 1,340,906 1,370,766 281,071 295,680 298,943 300,680 308.006 314,047 321,565 330,395 344.414 369,723 403,715 433,014 457,166 481,646 501,472 513,721 526,336 542,943 569,849 586,097 601,513 619,716 644,327 670,720 696,626 719,326 731,299 727,889 735,973 746,410 23,403 24.443 25,172 25,583 26,068 26,635 27,215 27,902 28,783 30,138 32,029 34,069 35,901 37,765 39,575 41,117 43,923 44,657 46,508 48,686 50,718 53,025 55,264 58,574 60,839 63,642 66,103 67,638 68.958 70,969 16,205 16,849 16,995 18,078 18,942 19,212 20,226 20,833 20.894 21,933 22,647 22.792 23,178 23,917 24,700 25.113 28,473 27,220 28,225 29,338 30,464 32,515 33,264 37,121 38,203 39,475 42,749 45,159 47,154 50,026 10.40 10.25 10.36 10.49 10.51 10.57 10.59 10.60 10.54 10.30 9.97 9.78 9.69 9.63 9.63 9.74 9.83 9.90 9.86 9.94 10.03 10.09 10.11 10.09 10.10 10.14 10.25 10.48 10.61 10.71 Corporate — manufacturing — equipment 1925 127,303 127,924 128,144 128,773 130,909 131,660 130,274 127,048 124,527 123,197 123,317 125,477 129,128 129,898 131,553 135,146 140,105 143,725 146,300 152.671 162.939 176,080 193.828 209,991 219,573 229,641 243,662 257,645 271.262 284,011 295,669 63,427 63,454 63,181 63,439 65,318 65,764 64,121 60,728 58,384 57,305 57,805 60,418 64,396 65,102 66,800 70,313 74,939 77,461 78,933 83,940 92,398 102,729 117,063 128,855 133,496 138,124 146,232 153,792 160,807 166,900 172,106 6,641 6,741 6,692 6,730 6,808 6,894 6,846 6,708 6,494 6,433 6,417 6,536 6,786 7,010 7,105 7,333 7,699 8,005 8,114 8,348 \869 9,676 10,655 11,780 12,649 13,301 14,042 14,881 15,673 16,454 17,133 5,641 5,840 5,980 6,073 6,196 6,339 6,379 6,446 6,524 6,474 6,491 6,559 6,665 6,678 6,764 6,780 6,834 6,908 7,011 7,050 7,079 6,972 7,132 7,140 7,407 7,727 7,946 8,297 8,795 9,586 10,405 11.03 11.13 11.24 11.29 11.19 11.20 11.38 11.69 11.90 11.99 11.91 1 1 63 11.22 11.11 10.92 10.59 10.20 9.99 9.88 9.56 9.10 8.68 8.14 7.83 7.84 7.88 7.82 7.81 7.84 7.92 8.03 7.82 7.80 7.81 7.74 7.49 7.43 7.61 7.97 8.18 8.20 8.00 7.55 7.05 6.98 6.82 6.52 6.21 6.15 6.18 5.99 5.65 5.37 5.03 4.91 5.10 5.28 5.32 5.38 5.46 5.55 5.66 1956 311,292 326,268 333,913 340,710 349,369 356,516 365,227 374,615 388,471 408,774 434,396 457,873 480,652 504,493 526,630 544,985 566,057 591,088 624,694 651,418 677,897 708,794 745,164 781,335 819,245 8.5 1,8 15 880.289 893,943 916,333 939,661 181,049 189,333 190,397 191,073 194,147 196,047 199,812 204,424 213,420 228,513 248,161 264.907 279,841 295,046 307,810 316,216 327,079 340,936 362.269 376,193 389,290 406,062 427,458 448,448 470,282 488,815 197,5811 495,422 503,303 512,128 17,904 18.695 19,236 19,543 19,892 20,265 20,650 21,141 21,786 22,786 24,155 25,614 26,932 28,328 29,699 30,885 32,546 33,765 35,457 37,344 39,059 41,029 43,157 45,767 48,078 50,565 52,683 54,009 55,238 57,071 11,035 11,785 12,433 13,157 14,040 14,704 15,337 15,943 16,595 17,280 17,831 18,380 18,577 19,220 19,848 20,342 21,826 21,980 22,619 23,748 24,843 26,134 27,471 29,731 31.093 32,507 34,959 37,178 39,216 41,047 8.05 8.09 8.32 8.54 8.69 8.86 8.97 9.05 9.03 8.87 8.65 8.52 8.44 8.39 8.38 8.45 8.49 8.49 8.40 8.43 8.47 8.48 8.44 8.40 8.38 8.40 8.50 8.70 8.80 8.88 5.65 1926 1957 5.67 1927 1958 5.89 1928 1959 6.10 1929 1960 6.20 1930 1961 6.33 1931 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 .'.: 1978 1979 1980 6.37 1932 6.39 1933 6.28 1934 6.06 1935 5.79 1936. ... 5.67 1937 5.63 1938 5.61 1939 5.66 1940 5.77 1941 5.83 1942 5.84 1943 5.75 1944 5.80 1945 5.85 1946 5.84 1947 5.79 1948 5.76 1949 5.73 1950 1981 5.75 1951 1982 5.88 1952 1983 6.11 19 ,3 1984 6.18 1954 1985 6.23 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 173 Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — manufacturing — structures 125,257 129,004 133,134 138.250 144,862 147,657 147.291 144,989 144,319 143,639 142,118 141,978 143,795 142,493 141,328 142,107 147,421 146,480 143,327 140.704 140.669 147,006 150.972 151,972 151,337 151,547 154,903 158,9811 162.325 165,110 168,623 72,104 74,245 76,779 80,247 85,089 86,076 83,963 80,073 77,872 75,793 73,139 71,911 72,657 70,366 68,471 68.622 73,146 71,711 68,269 65.213 65,366 71.881 75,425 76,587 76,230 76.156 79,760 83,747 87,007 89,856 92,865 4,074 4,160 4,285 4.434 4,626 4,780 4,815 4.762 4,705 4,674 4,627 4,591 4,610 4,610 4,560 4,543 4,635 4,697 4,615 4.506 4,452 4,551 4,719 4,798 4,798 4,787 4,845 4,969 5,1)96 5,203 5,312 2,555 2,554 2,689 2,785 2,857 2,972 3.067 3,174 3.175 3.275 3,494 3,503 3,540 3,622 3,830 3,915 3,845 4,204 1,325 4,074 4,640 4,728 4,298 4,9611 5,076 4,503 5,1192 4.880 5,010 5,268 4,807 13 57 13.59 13,57 1346 13.24 13.38 13.80 14.37 14.79 15.19 15.64 15.92 15.99 16.38 16.72 16.82 16.42 16 69 17.19 17.66 17.70 16 96 16.65 16.56 16.62 16.69 16.31 15.94 15 64 15.37 15.14 9.31 9.30 9.25 9.12 9.07 9.56 10.25 10.71 11.13 11.62 11.86 11.76 12.14 12.43 12.34 11.53 11.74 12.26 12.70 12.51 11.29 10.74 10 58 10.65 10.67 1022 9.81 9.56 9 411 9.27 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 176,108 183,117 186,689 188,869 194,394 200,397 205,825 211,915 219,637 232,552 249,953 266,549 280,135 294,149 306,234 315,582 322,115 330,522 341.541 349,617 357,973 365,017 374,545 385,359 395,1)82 405,359 414,196 418,589 424,574 431,105 100.022 106,347 108,546 109,607 113,859 118,000 121,752 125,971 130,994 141.210 155.554 168,108 177,325 186.6110 193,661 197,505 199.257 202,1)07 207,581 ,904 212,223 213,654 216,869 222,2:2 226,344 230,511 233,719 232,466 232.670 234.281 5,499 5.748 5,935 6,040 6,175 6.370 6.56,4 6,762 6,997 7.352 7,873 8.455 8,969 9.436 9,876 10,232 11,377 10,892 11,051 11,342 11,659 11,996 12,107 12,807 12,762 13,077 13,420 13,6,29 13,720 13.898 5,171 14.55 8.81 5,064 14.08 8.54 4,563 14.01 8.64 4,921 14.00 8.84 4,902 13.77 8.79 4,508 13.62 8.77 4,889 13.47 8.80 4,890 13.32 8.82 4,299 13.21 8.79 4,653 12.80 8.49 4,817 1227 8.06 4,412 11.95 7.85 4,601 11.83 7.85 4,697 11.75 7.87 4,852 11.78 8.00 4,771 11.97 8.25 6,647 12.19 8.51 5,240 12.42 8.76 5.606 12.52 8.87 5,589 12.75 9.12 5,621 12.99 9.34 6,381 13.23 9.57 5,794 13,43 9.71 7,390 13.52 9.71 7,111 13.66 9.80 6.968 13.81 9.87 7,790 13.97 9.96 7.982 14.27 10.23 7,938 14.53 10.40 8.979 14,70 10.50 Corporate — nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment and structures 1,073,517 1,100,917 1,121,877 1,140,363 1,163,817 1,180,717 1,180,835 1,170,595 1,154,479 1,140.521 1,128,126 1,121,213 1,117,597 1,106,250 1,095,254 1,088,971 1,083,361 1,069,565 1,052,460 1,039,815 1,037,484 1,044,720 1,054,696 1,072,871 1,089,317 1,110,890 1,133,794 1,159,151 1,190,773 1,218,544 1,251,854 583,476 596,354 604,367 609.666 619,816 624,638 613,636 593,220 568,937 549,290 533,129 524,074 519,473 508,368 498,570 494.678 192,845 481,185 466,893 458.350 459,414 468.564 1-2,861 503,334 520,955 541,695 562,512 583,933 610,368 632,221 658,463 33,248 34,523 35,255 36,107 36,973 37,724 37,842 37,510 36,677 36,050 35,426 35,129 35,145 35,118 34,713 34,666 34.946 34.825 34,015 33,402 33,392 34,132 34.946 36.284 37,718 39,248 40,964 42,811 44.834 47,063 49,256 18.475 19,440 21.846 22,420 22.953 24,959 26,130 27,109 28,108 29,753 30,737 31,671 32,717 34,581 34,785 34,865 35,971 35,883 35,730 36,560 36,899 36,521 37,211 37,810 38,053 37,909 38,399 38,623 38.977 41,020 41,495 is 55 1 8 58 18 65 18,78 18.82 18.92 19.27 19.75 2032 20.80 21.22 21.51 21 69 21.97 22.21 22.31 22.34 22.55 2280 22.93 22.86 2259 22.14 21.61 21.13 20.61 20.10 19 58 19.02 18.53 18.01 13 37 13.25 13 23 13.26 13.17 13.19 13.52 14.04 1464 15.11 15.48 15.62 15.61 15.79 15.91 15.80 15.61 15.74 15.94 15.94 15.65 15.13 14.43 13.69 13.12 12.56 12.06 11.62 11.15 1082 10.48 19.56 1957 19.58 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 196,9 1970 197 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1981 1985 1,288,731 1,325,918 1,351,027 1,385,052 1,418,863 1,450,850 1,486.348 1,524,461 1.569,363 1.625,328 1,685.951 1,745,694 1,816.606 1,895,114 1,967,928 2,037.847 2,117,552 2,220,748 2,318,075 2,389.763 2,461,776 J. 550. 036 2,655,681 2,776,235 2,884,805 2,998,180 3,089,985 3,191,114 3,527.868 3,481,356 686,611 713,998 730,381 753,064 775.204 794,642 817,629 841.004 871,047 910,135 952,259 991.107 1,039,513 1,093,087 1,137,946 1,177,953 1.226.760 1,296,133 1,355,616 1,389,277 1,422,183 1,469,540 1,531,188 1,604,286 1,663.342 1,724,199 1,762,573 1,809,641 1,891,071 1.983,584 51,755 54.011 55,824 57,631 59,626 61,556 63.492 65,725 68,214 71,244 74,767 7.". II 1 82,232 86.S61 91,448 95.647 100,361 106,259 112,745 118,190 122,995 128,713 135.665 143,849 151,742 158,824 165.777 172,625 181,511 192,943 42.708 43,733 44,986 45,536 46,948 48,016 49,248 49,844 52,535 53,408 55,247 56,163 58,359 60.569 62,145 64,164 68.110 7(1,895 73,242 77,532 81,066 85.104 89,049 93,229 98,832 102.450 [08,45 . 114,618 120,370 126,124 17.51 17.03 16.70 16.35 16.02 15.74 15.45 15.19 14.87 14.51 14.16 13.86 13.52 13.18 12.94 12.78 12.56 12.27 12.07 12.02 11.99 11.90 11.76 11.60 11.50 11.42 11.43 11.41 11.28 11.13 II) 16 9.89 9.78 9.64 9.51 9.44 9.33 9.25 9.12 8 92 8.74 8.62 8.45 8.28 8.21 8.19 8.13 7.96 7.88 7.96 8.03 8.02 7.95 7.84 7.81 7.78 7.85 7.87 7.75 7.61 174 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment 218,919 226,960 231,067 235,058 240,830 243,566 24(1,997 235,445 228,731 222,828 217,612 215,812 215,170 210,150 205.959 205,565 206,604 203,154 199.188 195,801 199,446 208,800 221.408 234,820 246,210 260,849 276,223 293,164 312,291 327.737 346,168 120,698 124,589 125,160 125,510 127,572 126,729 121.188 112,638 104,002 97,687 93,099 92,407 93,452 90,162 89,782 93,429 90,834 87,578 85,904 91,451 100,487 113,070 126,429 136,634 148,458 160,077 171,538 184,574 193,205 204,915 11,115 11,810 11,963 12,324 12,669 12,946 12,874 12,619 12,030 11,691 11,290 11,143 11,217 11,236 10,962 11,026 11,399 11,445 10,940 10,594 10,701 11,459 12,228 13,331 14,427 15,561 16,810 18,138 19,523 21,009 22,373 6,728 7,099 7,965 8,182 8,232 8,671 9,310 9,398 9,704 10,670 10,996 10,934 11,522 12,186 11,988 11,802 12,420 12,345 11,670 12,332 12,716 11,718 12,042 12,506 12,399 12,239 12,576 12,465 12,703 14,071 14,958 10.96 11.01 11.17 11.35 11.44 11.62 12.01 12.54 13.12 13.53 13.86 13.99 13.95 14.14 14.25 14.09 13.72 13.72 13.82 13.78 13.20 12.57 11.71 10.85 10.25 9.72 9.23 8.83 8.50 8.33 8.12 7.76 7.76 7.91 8.08 8.10 8.25 8.67 9.30 9.94 10.36 10.57 10.32 9.90 9.95 9.85 9.34 8.71 8.73 8.81 8.72 8.00 7.30 6.55 5.96 5.69 5.46 5.32 5.25 5.18 5.26 5.24 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 366,395 386,902 399,222 417,767 436,385 452,834 472,593 494,558 520,116 552,898 590,920 628,707 672,699 722,006 766,215 808,840 859,400 927,202 988,783 1,030,940 1,074,082 1,132,598 1,203,010 1,281,060 1,344,785 1,407,215 1,453,720 1,516,103 1,599,848 1,694,530 217,124 229,632 234,270 244,545 254.761 262.791 273,812 286,217 301,559 323,140 348,160 370,862 398,335 429,179 452,518 473,394 500,996 544,391 578,930 595,106 612,722 645,153 688,001 736,593 769,516 800,622 815,909 846,782 898,231 956,426 23,971 25,333 26.364 27,394 28,625 29,820 31,028 32,539 34,294 36,504 39,208 42,119 45,171 48,952 52,693 56,062 59,919 64,835 70,093 74,174 77,636 81,925 87,335 93,575 99,335 104,173 108,541 113,225 119,991 128,642 15,632 16,867 17,745 18,368 19,223 20,458 21,087 21,835 23,259 24,333 25,142 25,806 27,279 29,123 30,465 32,753 35,643 38,871 41,632 45,562 49,289 53,152 57,154 60,956 65,128 68,992 73,424 77,759 81,879 86,312 7.98 7.86 7.90 7.88 7.87 7.90 7.91 7.92 7.89 7.79 7.68 7.64 7.55 7.45 7.46 7.49 7.47 7.34 7.31 7.40 7.48 7.45 7.37 7.27 7.27 7.29 7.38 7.39 7.29 7.19 Corporate — nonfarm nonmanufacturing — structures 1925 854,598 873,957 890,810 905,304 922.986 937,151 939,838 935,151 925,748 917,693 910,514 905,401 902,427 896,100 889.295 883,406 876,757 866,410 853,271 844,014 838,039 835,919 833,288 838,051 843,108 850,042 857,571 865,986 878,481 890.808 905,686 462,778 471,766 479,207 184,156 192,244 497,909 492,448 180,58 1 464,935 451,603 440,030 431.667 426,021 418,206 410,476 404,896 399,415 390,352 379,315 372,446 367,963 368,077 369,791 376,905 384,320 393,237 402,436 112.331; 425,795 439,016 453,548 22,134 22,713 23,292 23,783 24,303 24,778 24,968 24,890 24,647 24,360 24,136 23,987 23,928 23,882 23,751 23,641 23,547 23,380 23,075 22,808 22,691 22,673 22.718 22,953 23,291 23,687 24,154 24,673 25,310 26,054 26,882 11,747 12,341 13,880 14,238 14,721 16,288 16,820 17,711 18,404 19,083 19,741 20,736 21,195 22,395 22,797 23,063 23,551 23,537 24,060 24,229 24,183 24,803 25,170 25,304 25,653 25,670 25,824 26,159 26,274 26,950 26,537 20.49 20.54 20.60 20.71 20.75 20.82 21.13 21.57 22.09 22.57 22.98 23.30 23.54 23.81 24.06 24.22 24.37 24.61 24.90 25.05 25.16 25.09 24.92 24.62 24.31 23.96 23.60 23.22 22.75 22.28 21.80 14.83 14.70 14.61 14.60 14.49 14.45 14.71 15.15 15.69 16.14 16.52 16.75 16.86 17.04 1721 17.23 17.23 17.37 17.59 17.61 17.55 17.26 16.84 16.29 15.77 15.23 14.74 14.27 13.74 13.29 12.85 1956 922,336 939,016 951,804 967,285 982,478 998,016 1,013.754 1,029,903 1,049,247 1,072.430 1,095.032 1.116.986 1,143,907 1,173,108 1,201,714 1,229,006 1,258,152 1,293,546 1,329,292 1,358,823 1,387,695 1,417,437 1.452,671 1,495,175 1,540,020 1,590,964 1,636,265 1,675,012 1,728,020 1,786,826 469,487 484,367 496,111 508,518 520,444 531,852 543,818 554,788 569,489 586,996 604,099 620,245 641,178 663,908 685,427 704,559 725,764 751,742 776,686 794,171 809,460 824,387 843,187 867,693 893,826 923,577 946,665 962,860 992,810 1,027,158 27,783 28,678 29,459 30,237 31,001 31,736 32,464 33,187 33,919 34,740 35,559 36,294 37,061 37,909 38,755 39,585 40,442 41,424 42,651 44,016 45,359 46,788 48,328 50,274 52,408 54,651 57,236 59,400 61,519 64,301 27,076 26,866 27,240 27.167 27,725 27,558 28,161 28.008 29,276 29,075 30,105 30,357 31,081 31,446 31,680 31,411 32,467 32,024 31,610 31,970 31,777 31,952 31,895 32,273 33,703 33,458 35,031 36,859 38,491 39,812 21.29 20.81 20.39 20.01 19.64 19.30 18.96 18.68 18.33 17.98 17.65 17.36 17.03 16.71 16.44 16.25 16.04 15.81 15.62 15.53 15.49 15.45 15.40 15.30 15.19 15.07 15.04 15.06 14.98 14.88 12.43 1926 .. . 1957 12.10 1927 1958 11.84 IT'- 1959 11.64 1929 1960 11.48 1930 1961 11.35 1931 1962... 11.21 193 1963 .... 11.12 1933 1964 10.99 1934 1965 10.82 1935 1966 10.70 1936 1967 10.60 1937 1968 10.46 1938 1969 10.32 1939 1970 10.24 1940 1971 10.21 1941 1972 10.16 1942 1973 10.08 1943 1974 10.02 1944 1975 10.09 1945 1976 10.18 1946 1977 .'.". 10.28 19.17 1978 10.32 1948 1979 10.30 1949 1980 10.27 1950 1981 10.21 1951 1982 10.23 1952 1983 10.32 1953 1984 10.26 1951 1985 10.18 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 175 Table Afi. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual tot.il~ End of year Gross stock j Net stock Deprecia- r, , Discards tion 1 Average age Gross stoi k Net stock Deprecia- tv a Discards tion Average age Gross Net Gross Net Financial corporate — all industries, total — equipment and structures 102.3 1920 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 193*1 1935 193ti 1937 1938 1939 1911) 1941 1911.' 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1941: 1949 1950 1951 19.",.' 1953 1954 1955 20 X59 28,431 29 884 31 379 33,08(i 34,362 35,039 35.331 35,1X5 35.1119 34,91 1 34,905 34,810 34,003 34,302 34,072 33.855 33,189 32,427 31.5911 30,719 30,870 .'111, XXI) 30,833 30.7X7 30,978 31,154 31.1211 31,810 32,048 34,214 17,00(1 18,547 19.29X 20.078 21,084 ,9s 21, 21, 21,043 20,1X1 19,113 IX, 759 IX, 310 17.X49 17,194 16,612 10,121) 15.723 14,752 13,777 12,833 11.942 12,108 12,243 12.392 12,594 13,004 13,474 13, ok; 14.500 15,508 17,258 x'.ll) 970 993 1.1)49 1,101 1,147 1.165 1.170 1,153 1.150 1.144 1,147 1,159 1,174 1,158 1,102 1,1X7 1,177 1.113 1.11(11 1.1)17 1.012 1,005 1,018 1,034 1 .057 1 ,083 1,109 i 1!' 1 .229 1.312 151 101 2(13 218 250 2X4 313 382 370 470 470 .,H) 599 0,23 ?21 709 791 .-'7:: (99 955 119, 1121 III, 094 I 17 107 274 209 216 2X9 292 11 27 11 49 11 74 1 1 98 12 13 12 45 12 97 13 57 1135 15 04 15 10 25 10 7X 17 30 17X9 1X38 1X7X 19 43 2(1 10 21) 78 21 15 21 12 21 37 21 28 21 14 20 85 20 45 20 24 19.55 IX 78 1771 x 87 X 9(1 'l III) 9 ii.- :, hi, 9 68 10 25 10 99 1 1 00 I 2 25 12 07 13 OX 13 00 14 03 14 36 14 50 15 31 10 10 10 XX 17 02 10 90 10 19 15 50 II 79 13 91 13 07 12 00 1 1 54 10 03 9 51 1950 1957 195X 1959 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1900 1907 190X 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1117 1 1975 1970 1977 197X 1979 19X0 19X1 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 35.505 36,774 38,075 39.X53 11,1113 42.99X 15, 500 47,396 50,950 55,0X5 58,891 62,834 0X.9XO 74.966 >o. 159 86,731 93 248 101,910 II 1,453 120,270 13x7X1 149,802 101,911 17 1.051 186,426 19X.571 213.01111 234 000 262 II - is. 021 19,907 21,177 22 .-7", 24,429 25X23 28,111 29.772 32,901 36,488 39.621 42.659 47.682 .Mi.or, 00.27s 04,120 70.319 76.424 81,390 -5.SI,,- iii 721 96,408 102.71,1 108.K45 11 1,759 120.240 128,024 111.251 159,024 1,410 1,474 1 .532 1 ,598 1 ,072 1.740 1 816 1 '11)1 2,015 2, IS,", 2 303 2 795 3,110 3,121 3,731 1,121 1,1,21 5,265 5,930 004 10.017 10,9X2 13. ."II 17.72 1 1,501 16 so 1,361 16 11 1,347 1543 1,303 I 1 66 1,428 1 1 1)0 1 40,5 13 10 1,417 i 2 7 ", 1,170 1 2 ." 1 1,434 1 1 59 1,448 10 93 1 475 10 17 1.400 111 15 1,421 9 01 1,590 ,, L , s 1,42s 'i 12 1.370 9 00 1,427 s 94 1.487 1.463 s 00 1.040 X 07 1,751 s 75 2,059 XXI 3,845 4,004 303 7,2is XX3 X X3 : in I, 92 i, '-:■ 1,1 39 », : : 35 o : 15 23 511 ,, 10 I, 30 I I I, I, ,, ,,, Financial corporate — all industries, total— equipment 1925 1920 1927 192X 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1930 1937 193S 1939 inn, 1941 1942 1913 I'll: 1945 1940 1947 194S 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1 ,252 1.341 1 ,430 1 ,520 1,015 1,725 I.S09 1.X70 1,939 3.022 2,1 IX 2.235 2.301 2,433 2,507 2.593 2.741 2.70X 2,053 2.575 2.49s 2, SOS 5.1113 5,130 3,001 3,904 4,290 4,596 5.039 5,471 0,100 852 97 947 1,015 1,0 is 1.049 975 955 972 1,051 1.200 1.350 1,354 1,418 1,521 1.073 1,453 1,274 1.102 1,230 1,519 1.792 2.005 2,3X4 2.07X 2.X92 3,271 2,540 4,027 11,0 'in 173 'III 199 200 200 I'll.' 182 195 I').' 303 22.3 248 245 20,3 299 ■ 200 239 221 233 ■:;i, 260 280 310 347 3X1 423 ■ 193 554 87 89 136 144 153 130 ! I" 151 187 224 213 is,, 199 221 .'1,0 2 71 ' Oil 3 00 3 43 1.00 4 41 10) 4 57 I in I 19 I 35 ■137 ■I 27 1 17 I 84 5 41 6 in 00 7 01 47 110 5 54 4 79 1 OX 137 ■1 32 4 13 1 78 1 si 2 01 2 11 2 13 2 21 2 00 3 1)7 3 33 3 31, 3 22 :.! 97 2 ss 3 10 3 19 3 00 2 SO 3 00 4 28 4 92 5 43 4 50 31,1 ,; ;i 2X5 2 72 3 7 1 2 s 1 2 75 2.81 : :■■ 1950 1957 1958 1959 I960 1901 1962 1903 1964 1905 1966 1907 190X 191.9 1970 I'll! 1972 1973 I'). I 1975 1970 1977 197X [979 1980 31'- 1982 I 'is:: 1984 1985 0.010 7 105 7.377 7,833 S3 12 s.151 S.SOX 9.100 10.101 11,1,05 13.111 1 5. 1 20 IX, 0X7 21,238 24 109 27,7011 32. OSS 38 5211 15,951 :■:■ .-71 1,0,7 17 0X.9I9 78,633 89.260 100.038 110,709 121 289 131.930 154,100 1X0,223 1,3 ,1 4.581 1,017 I, s;, I 5,0119 ',"11 5,3 I 7 5,415 i, ■ : 7,55(1 X.XI3 10,707 ."i- , 15,479 17.521 20,111, .' ' x 28,087 55,397 38,104 12,045 47 371) 55,123 59 393 65.452 71.0011 70,3115 84,070 90,75 1 114.070 691 719 5,1 825 S09 957 1,1)51, 1. 17s 1.339 1.565 1,7s;, 2.012 2.70.' 3,337 5.9,-, | 0.04S 0,929 7,832 S.750 9,750 10.988 12,769 15,331 l.'s 150 1 911 I9S 5 1)3 535 IS1 .,,., 1 is 59S 1 29 015 1 09 i,v : ; 13 91, , 1,108 1.355 1 ,038 2,023 .',",1 I 3,014 5 727 1,412 3 93 I on .I'M 3 90 I lis I 20 I II I 58 I 70 is I 5 111 5 17 5 11 191 ..' - ! I 3 09 :: X, ; Hi :; ::- 5 46 3 20 3 00 2 si i XX 301 3 mi 3 07 3 I 1 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 176 Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Financial corporate — all industries, total — structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 25,627 27, ) 28,448 29,854 31.471 32,637 33,229 33,46(1 33,246 32,997 32,797 32,670 32,454 32,170 31,795 31,478 31,114 30,481 29,774 29,014 28,221 28,00* 27,717 27,407 27,125 27,014 26,864 26,524 26,777 27,177 28,108 16,885 17,695 18,401 19,131 20,069 20,550 20,459 20,(168 19.221; 18,441 17,708 17,116 16,499 15,840 15,194 14,599 14.050 13,294 12,503 11,732 10,985 10.878 10,724 10,600 10,529 10,620 10,796 10,752 11,295 12,021 13,231 740 780 820 859 902 941 965 974 972 962 952 944 936 926 913 900 887 870 847 823 797 779 769 759 748 741 736 728 727 737 758 127 127 169 183 223 255 282 352 343 427 418 479 534 551 642 622 702 748 763 810 844 885 907 944 959 943 1,062 1,024 1,017 1,064 1,036 11.68 11.92 12.19 12.45 12.61 12.95 13.49 14.11 14.93 15.68 16.42 17.06 17.69 18.34 18.95 19.54 20.07 20.72 21.40 22.08 22.76 22.90 23.07 23.19 23.25 23.16 22.95 22.93 22.40 21.70 21) 66 9.20 9.24 9.34 9.42 9.41 9.61 10.04 10.60 11.37 12.10 12.79 13.35 13.91 14.49 15.05 15.53 15.95 16.60 17.30 18.00 18.68 18.29 17.97 17.59 17.13 16.42 15.64 15.23 14.09 12.93 11.57 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 1984 1985 28.865 29.669 30.698 32,020 33,281 34,567 36,632 38,296 40,849 43,480 45,780 47,708 50,893 53,728 56,349 59,031 61,160 63,390 65,499 67,006 68,378 69,870 71.169 72,651 74.016 75,717 77,282 78,670 80,506 82,192 14,270 15,326 16,560 18,024 19,420 20,779 22,794 24,357 26.663 28,938 30,808 32,153 34,697 36,743 38,494 40,162 41,181 42,232 43,028 43,233 43,223 43,354 43,285 43,368 43,393 43,699 43,935 43,954 44,518 44,954 786 811 841 879 921 963 1,018 1,078 1,146 1,229 1,307 1,375 1,456 1,550 1,636 1,719 1,794 1,862 1,928 1,983 2,025 2,067 2,107 2,146 2,185 2,226 2,269 2,306 2,348 2,393 1,068 19.79 1,063 18.95 1,046 18.06 1,021 17.13 1,055 16.29 1,037 15.55 967 14.65 978 14.02 899 13.26 873 12.65 877 12.24 792 12.07 816 11.66 761 11.45 766 11.37 705 11.37 684 11.53 682 11.70 615 11.96 681 12.32 643 12.74 706 13.12 739 13.53 746 13.92 845 14.30 831 14.64 939 14.98 937 15.36 1,075 15.62 1,143 15.88 Nonfinancial corporate— all industries, total — equipment and structures 1925 1.301,701 1.331,911 1.355,783 1,378,525 1,409,030 1,428,183 1,425,812 1,409,672 1,390,428 1,374,557 1,360,833 1,355.934 1,357,875 1,346.186 1.335.958 1.334.261 1,339.161 1,328.702 1,311.756 1.303,717 1,312,517 1,339.185 1,371,046 1,406,637 1,432,281 1,464,149 1,504,429 1,548.156 1,596.296 1,639.095 1,686,340 702,590 716,747 726,270 734,514 750,384 756,098 741,363 714,041 686,001 663,907 646,234 639,018 639,633 627,591 618,172 618,437 626.18(1 616,563 601,244 595,617 606,208 632,141 664,346 697,810 719,682 744,730 776,901 809,897 845,852 875,869 908,856 43,185 44,570 45,355 46,340 47,427 48,372 48,456 47,917 46,831 46,105 45,426 45,210 45,485 45,670 45,325 45,486 46,206 46,465 45,743 45,306 45,810 47,467 49,445 51,988 54,295 56,460 58.967 61,770 64,692 67,754 70,678 26,602 27,763 30,405 31,159 31,852 34,089 35,367 36,452 37,538 39,140 40,361 41,304 42,434 44,368 44,764 44,956 45,962 46.227 46,273 46,840 47,733 47,311 47,705 48,929 49,507 49,098 50,290 50,720 51,705 54,737 55,583 17.48 17.53 17.60 17.70 17.69 17.79 18.13 18.62 19.13 19.57 19.93 20.14 20.21 20.44 20.62 20.63 20.50 20.61 20.80 20.84 20.62 20.16 19.56 19.00 18.60 18.19 17.70 17.21 16.74 16.34 15.96 12.56 12.47 12.44 12.44 12.30 12.33 12.67 13.21 13.75 14.16 14.46 14.51 14.38 14.52 14.58 14.39 14.03 14.07 14.23 14.16 13.74 13.06 12.31 11.69 11.33 10.98 10.57 10.22 9.89 9.67 9.45 1956 1,745,388 1.803,616 1.839,002 1,880,640 1.927,400 1,971,444 2,019,018 2,071,202 2,134,606 2,220,221 2,320,681 2,417,192 2,519,045 2,630,145 2,732,486 2,824,630 2.926,166 3,055,161 3,188,829 3,287,819 3,387,226 3,505,290 3,647,211 3,804,162 3,949,220 4,096,714 4,210,845 4,314,970 4,458,786 4,613,911 951.976 992,891 1,011,498 1,034,494 1,062,661 1,087,002 1,115,497 1,146,360 1,187,587 1,248,771 1,322,156 1,387,668 1,455,660 1,529,610 1,590,987 1, 639,454 1,697,138 1.777,901 1,859,048 1,904,878 1,949,653 2,011,341 2,092,717 2,186,740 2,265,978 2,343,655 2,388,159 2,423,596 2,499,279 2,583,277 74,063 77,318 79,825 82,004 84,435 86,890 89,356 92,219 95,509 99,759 105,037 110,578 116,032 122,252 128,391 133,871 141,052 147,251 155,005 162,037 168,291 175,687 184,136 194,799 204,093 213,037 221,419 228,496 236,838 247,623 57,738 59,426 60.852 62.483 64,711 66,030 68,344 69,509 72,322 74,245 76,788 77,941 80,525 83,526 85,877 88,397 95,691 97,230 100,612 105,872 110,465 116,279 120,697 128.387 134,555 139,009 147,563 155,529 162,394 170,156 15.51 15.11 14.91 14.71 14.48 14.31 14.11 13.93 13.69 13.36 12.99 12.71 12.45 12.19 12.02 11.94 11.82 11.65 11.50 11.49 11.49 11.44 11.35 11.23 11.16 11.12 11.17 11.24 11.21 11.16 9 17 1926 .. . 1957 8 96 1927 1958 8 95 1928 1959 8 93 1929 1960 8.87 1930 1961 8.85 1931 1962 8.79 1932 1963 8.74 1933 1964 .. . 8.62 1934 1965 8.41 1935 1966 8.17 1936 1967 8.02 1937 1968 7.90 1938 1969 7.78 1939 1970 7.75 1940 1971 7.79 1941 1972 7.78 1942 1973 7.69 1943 1974 7.62 1944 1975 7.71 1945 1976 7.79 1946 7.79 1947 1978 7.73 1948 1979 7.64 1949 1980 7.62 1950 1981 7.61 1951 1982 7.69 1952 1983 7.80 1953 1984 7.76 1954 1985 7.71 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 177 Table A8. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars End of year Net stock Deprecia- D , S cards tion End ol year Average aye Gross I Net Millions of 1982 dollars Yea rs End ol year Annual totals End of year Deprecia- Average age ; Gross Net Nonfinancial corporate — all industries, total — equipment 345,732 354,315 358,572 363,123 370,968 374,358 370,296 361,419 352,077 344,731 339,537 339,793 342.705 338,392 335,789 338,919 34 1,820 345,046 343,709 346,817 360,858 383,053 413,258 442,751 463,667 488,255 .".17/176 548,310 .,-»;• 1(1 608,818 638,530 183,741 1X7, .".1)7 187,863 188,433 192.327 191,898 184,682 172.765 161,765 154,330 1511,172 151,974 156,888 154,311 1 53,888 159,006 167,173 167,313 165,692 169,223 183,404 202,543 229,291 254.315 269,022 285,282 304,793 323,789 343.511 358,102 374,6X7 17,1.71 18,431 18,553 18,937 19,354 19,711 19, 595 19,197 IX, 409 17,993 17.577 17.539 17.X47 18,068 17.892 18,168 18,878 19,226 18,870 18.785 19,433 211,992 22,745 24.963 26,921 28,694 30,669 32,819 34,974 37, 1114 39,21)11 12,384 12.95(1 13.961 14.274 14.451 15,038 15.716 15,873 16, 256 17,162 17,498 17.496 IX. 1X4 1X.X53 1X.732 18,552 19 226 19,186 IX, 6(15 19.299 19.706 18,618 19.(197 19.562 19,692 19,823 20,392 2(1,662 21,394 23,543 25,234 11 no 11 nx 11 21 1 1 35 11 38 11 50 11 81 I 2 27 12.72 13.02 13 20 13 16 12 07 13 03 13.00 12 75 12 35 1 2 22 12 19 I I 96 11 37 10X0 10 06 9.44 9 13 x XT x 59 .- 37 8 16 8 Hi 7 80 7 79 ; 90 ; 98 7 92 7 99 X 33 XX6 34 9 59 62 9.27 - 77 ■ 7 I 8 ! I 7 63 7 56 75X 7 37 i, -2 6 33 5 44 5 II ,", 39 5.34 5 33 5 32 5 II 5 15 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196X 1969 197(1 1071 1972 1973 1974 1975 1076 1977 1978 1970 1980 19X1 1982 19X3 19X4 10X5 i,7 1 99(1 709,335 729,291 754.446 781.594 805,218 833,508 864,939 903 0.44 955,616 1.018.177 1.077.834 1,112,100 1.212.564 1.276,537 1.334 129 1,402,171 1,489,273 1,577.829 1,640.170 1,703,162 1.785.349 1.883.187 1,0X7,7116 .',070070 2.166,657 2,227,0 IX 2,290.098 2,376,620 2.467,996 305.645 416.322 422.13:1 132.999 446.251 456,267 470,912 488,010 511.690 547,292 .",00.061 628.951 669 1 ">6 712.961 747,299 774.262 xoo 866 862,733 913.820 939.629 966,370 011,408 0711.25(1 134.037 182.795 .'.'i i .i-H 245.059 205 563 311 693 360,308 41.522 43 656 45,222 46. ."..",1 48.122 49 685 51.278 .".3.277 55.661 58,813 62,823 67,109 71,356 76,348 81. 2X0 06.650 103,0X0 108.497 113.116 118.773 125.595 133.634 ; 10.86(1 147,278 I. ".2, 763 157,502 163 669 1 71. 5:i5 26.510 28,520 30 059 31.370 33.104 34,968 30/220 37,555 39,616 41.3511 12.714 13.934 15.633 18,114 50,0X3 52.891 57,231 60 (.114 63,979 68.96(1 7:: 673 78.614 83 706 89,424 94.529 99 363 105,616 1 1 1 .566 : 16,968 122.435 - ill 7 99 x 1 2 x 20 x 26 - 34 X 39 X43 8 111 x 28 x 12 X05 7 89 7 89 7 95 7 XT 7 83 7 on 7 97 7 96 - 7 89 7 82 7xl 7X3 TIM 8 02 5 x nn 5 Nonfinancial corporate— all industries, total— structures 955, 060 977,596 997,211 1,015/102 1,038,061 1,053.825 1,055,516 1.048.253 1,038,352 1.1120,826 1.021.206 1.016.111 1,015,170 1.007,794 1,000,160 00.",. 342 994.341 9X3.656 968.047 056.000 051.659 956.132 057. 7 XX 063.XX6 OCX, 614 975,805 986,953 OOO.X46 1,015,4X5 1,030,277 1,047.810 518,849 520.1 all 538,408 546.0X1 558,057 .",64,200 556,681 54 1 ,277 524,236 509,577 406.061 487,044 482,745 473 2X0 164,284 150,130 450,007 440,219 435. .",.",3 426.394 422,803 429, 59X 435,055 443,495 150,660 450.440 472.107 4X6 I OX 502,341 517.767 534,170 25.514 26,130 26,802 27.403 28,072 38,660 28,861 28,720 28,422 28.112 27,849 27.671 27.630 27,603 27,133 27.31X 27,327 27,230 26.87 I 26.522 26.377 26,475 26,700 27,02.". 27.374 27.767 28,297 28,950 20,717 30,560 31.478 14,218 14,813 16,444 16,884 17,401 19.051 19,651 20 570 21.282 21,978 22.X64 23.XOX 24.250 25.514 26.0.33 20,404 26,742 27.041 27.668 27,541 28,027 28,693 2X.60X 20 267 20..X 15 29.275 20.X0X 30,058 30.310 31.195 3(1 340 19X2 19 86 19 90 10 07 19 05 20 02 20 35 20X1 21 31 21 76 22 1 7 22 47 22.66 22 93 2.3 IX 23 32 23 32 23 56 23 86 24 06 24 12 23 00 23 66 23 39 23 13 22 85 22 47 22 07 21 62 21 18 20 75 14 25 14 12 14 03 13 08 13X2 13X0 11 11 14 60 15 11 1 5 55 15.93 16 15 16 20 16 40 16 57 16 56 16 36 16.50 16 76 16.85 16 74 16 23 15 75 15 26 14X6 14 44 13.95 13.48 13.00 1261 12 25 io.-.i. 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 [962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196* 1969 1970 1071 1072 1073 1974 107 7 1976 1977 1978 1070 10X0 1981 10/2 10X3 10X4 10/5 1,071,298 1,094,281 1,100.712 1.126.104 1,145,807 1.166,227 1,185.510 1.206,263 1,230.051 1.21.1,605 1,302,503 1,339.359 : 176.937 1.417.581 1,455.949 1.490.200 1.523,005 1.565,888 1.1,11.000 1.647.649 1.684.064 1.719,941 1.764.024 1 XI 6, 156 1,870,151 1 930,057 1 0X2 X0T 2,024,871 2.0X2,167 2.145,015 550,322 576,569 ,89 16 i 601.405 010,110 630.734 64 1.586 658,350 075X01, 701.479 731,105 75X.T17 786,504 X 16,640 843.681 865.192 XX7.272 015.11,0 945.228 oi,5 248 0X3.2X3 000.033 1.052.703 1.0X3.1X3 1,110.070 1,1 13.000 1,158,033 1.1x7,5X6 : "22,969 32.54 1 33.1162 34 i.o I 35.452 30,3 12, 37,205 38,078 .;- 943 39 xix 10.00, 42,211 43.469 44,676 45.003 47.112 18.223 50.159 511 601 51.025 53 540 55.174 50,013 58.541 61.165 63, 133 65,759 68. 656 70 005 73,100 76,0X7 31.219 30.906 30,701 31.163 31,007 31.062 52,115 11.954 32,707 32,885 31.074 34 ooo 34,892 3.5.112 35.794 55.507 3X.160 3.0, 626 36 653 36.012 30,703 37,665 36,991 38,962 40,026 39,646 41,947 43.963 45,426 47,721 10 72 10 37 1907 1X73 IX 12 IX 15 17x7 10 70 1040 III 16 15X6 15 64 1 5 52 15 50 15 24 15 00 15 05 15 05 15 00 4 05 1 I 96 1 I xx 14 81 14 80 1 1X7 1 1 85 14 80 11 82 11 10 11 32 11 21 11 07 10 06 10X7 10X11 10 60 10 40 10 27 10 11 9 99 xx 9 83 85 9 9(1 10.01 10.12 1(1 17 in 14 in 12 10 00 III 12 10.24 10 23 111 18 178 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — all industries, total — equipment and structures l'J2.-> 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 19311 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1940 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 371,673 388,122 403,865 418,453 433,837 444,111 446,507 441,993 434,367 427,638 423,560 422,538 423,565 421,247 419,639 420,023 423,118 417,847 410,409 407,053 408,938 421.054 437,277 457,414 475,345 497,652 517,351 532,922 549,574 565,234 584,850 211,242 222,112 232,248 241,267 250,893 255,165 251,860 242,293 230,805 221,379 215,521 213.661 213,990 211,138 209,150 208,966 210,999 204,139 195,770 191,794 193,151 203,937 218,306 235,311 248,971 265,723 278,693 286,649 295,798 304,442 317,499 15,481 16,245 16,889 17,555 18,249 18,816 18,940 18,669 18,071 17,521 17,085 16,899 16.933 16,932 16,799 16,869 17,200 17,288 16,911 16,692 16,894 17,542 18,568 20,086 21,633 23,187 24,764 26,075 27,184 28,181 29,129 9,587 10,398 11,093 11,735 12,200 12,618 13,069 13,554 14,093 14,651 15,038 15,682 15,843 16,177 16,116 15,941 15,695 15,730 16,005 16,095 16,414 16,371 16,600 16,748 17,141 17,502 17,891 18,368 19,463 21,090 22,411 13.49 13.36 13.27 13.22 13.17 13.28 13.61 14.13 14.72 15.25 15.67 15.93 16.10 16.37 16.59 16.71 16.73 17.08 17.48 17.69 17.66 17.24 16.67 16.04 15.55 15.00 14.59 14.35 14.10 13.88 1360 9.55 9.33 9.17 9.09 9.00 9.11 9.48 10.06 10.71 11.27 11.63 11.76 11.77 11.94 12.05 12.06 11.93 12.31 12.76 12.92 12.72 11.97 11.16 10.38 9.89 9.38 9.07 8.96 8.83 8.72 8.50 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 600,987 614,529 628,082 644,644 659,030 674,197 693,032 713,233 736,410 765,928 797,448 826,921 856,385 890,302 924,891 959,624 996,368 1,040,505 1,077,654 1,105,170 1,132,970 1,169,690 1,212,391 1,256,608 1,296,733 1,341,396 1,376,247 1,404,152 1,436,393 1,468,166 327,977 336,878 346,617 359,642 370,713 382,476 397,822 414,032 432,472 456,248 480,609 501,342 520,934 543,483 565,242 586,386 608,640 637,773 657,870 668,358 678,564 697,000 720,166 743,751 762,925 785,344 798,719 805,461 817,844 830,534 30.048 30,610 31,008 31,468 31,902 32,234 32,662 33,296 34,138 35,297 36,752 38,261 39,663 41,227 42,907 44,612 46,575 48,918 50,718 52,414 53,905 55,838 58,268 61,213 63,737 65,649 67,795 68,994 69,956 71,140 24,283 25,851 26,993 27,751 28,404 28,617 28,883 28,993 29,187 29,310 29,329 29,192 29,449 29,494 29,720 30,579 31,747 33,500 33,283 34,609 35,494 36,799 38,026 39,750 41,900 42,397 45,325 46,839 48,614 50,564 13.40 13.26 13.12 12.94 12.81 12.69 12.51 12.35 12.18 11.94 11.74 11.62 11.54 11.44 11.38 11.36 11.34 11.25 11.30 11.45 11.61 11.68 11.71 11.75 11.82 11.88 12.02 12.22 12.37 12.52 Noncorporate — all industries, total — equipment 1925 93,992 99,472 104,129 108,636 114,601 117,129 116,051 111,949 106,788 102,702 100,454 100,222 101,200 99,669 98.942 100,427 104,592 103,547 101,826 103,690 109,685 117,055 131,161 147,183 160,560 176,312 190,849 202,446 213,537 221,566 232,059 51,494 54,961 57,679 60,329 64,367 64,687 61,611 55,962 50,123 46,109 44,714 45,899 48.298 48,001 48,494 50,782 55,119 53,428 51,242 52,663 57,945 63,799 75,702 88,260 96,965 106,922 114,363 118,009 121,428 122,290 126,455 7,793 8,272 8,607 8,981 9,408 9,749 9,741 9,455 8,922 8,466 8.112 7,981 8,036 8,056 7,959 8,070 8,443 8.622 8,406 8,359 8,709 9,359 10,298 11,738 13,172 14,580 16,002 17,195 18,174 18,984 19,688 5,419 5,991 6,478 6,873 7,191 7,345 7,572 7,845 8,130 8,364 8,700 9,019 9,063 9,070 8,877 8,512 8,170 8,007 7,967 7,939 8,043 8,002 7,981 8,067 8,281 8,654 8,762 9,153 10,283 11,741 13,199 5.99 5.94 5.93 5.94 5.87 6.00 6.30 6.74 7.20 7.57 7.73 7.68 7.52 7.54 7.48 7.27 6.94 7.03 7.16 7.06 6.74 6.51 6.00 5.61 5.47 5.35 5.36 5.50 5.64 5.85 5.95 4.06 3.98 3.98 3.99 3.94 4.13 4.50 5.02 5.55 5.85 5.80 5.45 5.05 5.01 4.91 4.68 4.36 4.59 4.84 4.74 4.40 4.18 3.74 3.50 3.52 3.53 3.64 3.83 3.98 4.17 4.20 1956 238,574 242,292 244,849 248,429 249,303 249,384 250,758 253,730 258,757 266,394 276,756 285,916 295,485 306,972 319,399 331,354 344,853 364,363 380,804 390,978 402,413 419,012 438,550 459,698 472,035 482,012 485,039 487,781 493,676 497,072 127,634 127,395 127,141 128,563 127,880 126,848 127,438 129,669 133,840 140,206 148,488 154,781 160,772 167,838 174,987 181,347 188,972 202,223 211,501 214,917 219,567 228,939 240,657 253,393 257,270 259,392 255,696 253,070 254,862 255,150 20,331 20,608 20,707 20,824 20,873 20,792 20,755 20,897 21,241 21,842 22,706 23,655 24,520 25,516 26,598 27,641 28,820 30,412 31,879 33,001 33,925 35,181 36,808 38,670 40,151 40,888 41,282 41,308 41,525 41,855 14,888 16,527 17,695 18,483 19,123 19,462 19,675 19,843 20,170 20,311 20,319 20,425 20,593 20,722 20,952 21,601 22,597 23,724 24,333 25,467 26,324 27,196 28,281 29,418 30,797 32,025 33,561 34,940 35,939 37,255 6.12 6.29 6.43 6.52 6.64 6.75 6.80 6.80 6.75 6.64 6.49 6.41 6.34 6.27 6.22 6.20 6.17 6.06 6.04 6.11 6.16 6.14 6.10 6.06 6.13 6.23 6.39 6.52 6.59 6.66 4.30 1926. .. 1957 4.42 1927. .. 1958 4.50 1928. .. 1959 4.52 1929.. .. 1960 4.59 1930 1961 4.66 1931.. . 1962 4.67 1932 .... 1963 4.61 1933 1964 4.52 1934 1965 4.38 1935 1966 4.25 1936 1967 4.20 1937 1968 4.19 1938 1969 4.17 1939 1970 4.15 1940 1971 4.16 1941 1972 4.15 1942 1973 4.05 1943 1974 4.05 1944 1975 4.15 1945 1976 4.22 1946 1977 ,. 4.19 1947 1978 4.14 1948 1979 4.09 1949 1980 4.18 1950 1981 4.28 1951 1982 4.44 1952 1983 4.56 1953 1984 4.56 1954 1985 4.59 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 179 Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annua) totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — all industries, total — structures 277,682 159,747 288,650 167,151 299,735 174,569 309,817 180,938 319,237 186,526 326,983 190,478 330,456 190.248 330,043 186,331 327,579 180,681 324,935 175,270 323,106 170,807 322,317 167,762 322,364 165,693 321,578 163,137 320,698 160,656 319,596 158,184 318,525 155,880 314,300 150,712 308,583 144,527 303,363 139,131 299,252 135,206 303,999 140,139 306,116 142,604 310,231 147,052 314,785 152,005 321,340 158,801 326,501 164,329 330,476 168,640 336,037 174,370 343,667 182,152 352,790 191,045 7,6X7 7.972 8,282 8,575 8,841 9,067 9,199 9,214 9,149 9,054 8,972 8,919 8,897 8.876 8,840 8,800 8,757 8,666 8,506 8,332 8,185 8,183 8,270 8,348 8,461 8,607 8,762 8,880 9,010 9.197 9.441 4,168 4,408 4,615 4,862 5.009 5,273 5,496 5,710 5,963 6,287 6,338 6,664 6,779 7,107 7,239 7,429 7.524 7.723 8.038 8,156 8,371 8,369 8,619 8.681 8,861 8,848 9,129 9.215 9,179 9.349 9.213 1603 15.91 15.81 15.78 15.79 15.89 16.18 1663 17.17 17.68 18.14 18 50 18.79 19.10 19.40 19.68 19.95 20.38 21188 21.33 21.66 21.37 21.25 20.99 20.70 20.30 19.99 19.77 19.47 19.06 1863 11.32 11.09 1089 10.78 10.75 10.81 11.09 11.57 12.15 12.69 13.15 1349 13.72 13.98 14.21 14.42 14.61 15.04 15.57 16.02 16.28 15.52 15.10 14.51 13.95 13.31 12.86 12.55 1220 11.77 11.35 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 197(1 1971 1972 1973 1 97 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 198 1 1982 1983 1984 1985 362.414 372.236 383.233 396,215 409,727 424,813 442,274 459,504 477,652 499,534 520,692 541,005 560,900 583,329 6115.192 628,270 651,515 676,142 696,850 714,193 730.557 750,678 773.841 796,910 824,698 859,384 891,209 916,371 942,718 971,094 200,343 209,483 219,476 231,079 242,833 255,627 270,383 284,363 298,632 316,043 332,120 346,562 360,162 375,645 390,255 105,039 419,669 435,550 446,369 453.441 458.996 468,061 179.508 190,357 5115,655 525,952 543.023 552.391 562.982 575.384 9,718 10,002 10,301 10,645 11,029 11,442 11,908 12,400 12,897 13,455 14,046 14,606 15,143 15,711 16,309 16,971 17,755 18,506 18,839 19,413 19.980 20.658 21.460 22.543 23.586 24,761 26,512 27,686 28,430 29.284 9.395 9.323 9.298 9.269 9,281 9,155 9,207 9,150 9,017 9,000 9,009 8,766 8.856 8.772 8,768 8,978 9,150 9,777 8.950 9,142 9,170 9,6,03 9,744 10,332 11,103 10,372 11,764 11,899 12,675 13,30!) 18.19 17.80 17.40 16 97 16.57 16.17 15.75 15 11 15.12 14.77 14.52 14.37 14.27 14 16 14.11 14.08 14.07 14.05 14.17 14.38 14.62 14.78 14.90 15 03 15(18 15.06 15.08 15.25 1539 15.51 11.00 10.72 1046 10 20 10.00 9.82 9.63 9 52 9.45 9.33 9.30 9 34 9.42 9.47 9.55 9.64 9.74 9.81 lool 10 28 10.57 10.77 10.90 11.02 11.04 10.98 10 99 11.14 11.26 11.33 Noncorporate — farms — equipment and structures 117,832 118,218 118,759 118,949 119,304 118,482 115,544 111,574 107,546 104,140 102,411 101,579 101,544 100,508 99,484 98,719 99,832 99,512 98,293 99,468 100,890 105.375 113,063 122,609 131,998 141,320 149,423 156,278 162,019 166,096 169,862 58,561 4,982 58,266 5,082 58,267 5,125 58,098 5,193 58,224 5,255 57,106 5,296 54.019 5,208 50,120 5,011 46,563 4,748 43,902 4,545 43,099 4,418 43,366 4.412 44,285 4,497 44,029 4,578 43,682 4,586 43,519 4,643 44,947 4,818 44,629 4,970 43,505 4,949 44,863 5,003 46,401 5,181 50,798 5,418 58.060 5,849 66.512 6,583 74,102 7,417 81,027 8,247 86,014 9,001 89,357 9,614 91.600 10.101 92,374 10,477 93,304 10,731 4,004 4,268 4,491 4,710 4,871 4.892 4,968 5,041 5,155 5.199 5,211 5.325 5,257 5,241 5.098 5,039 4.903 4,972 5,044 5,187 5,297 5.330 5.327 5,362 5,474 5,735 5,776 5,991 6.431 7.057 7,742 16 46 16.52 16.54 16.58 16.59 16.74 17.17 17.74 18.31 18.75 18.87 18.79 1855 18.49 18.43 18.31 17.87 17.70 17.69 17.23 16.75 15.86 14.65 13.46 12.53 11.78 11.27 10.95 10.75 10.67 10.60 11.37 11.41 11.37 11.36 11.28 11.44 11.98 12.73 13.42 13.89 13.78 1334 12.75 12.53 12.35 12.12 11.48 11.34 11.39 10.82 10.27 9.29 8.13 7.20 6.64 6.31 6.19 6.21 6.29 6.45 6.57 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 171,410 171,942 173.058 175,002 174,790 174,963 175.882 177,935 180.287 184.484 190,005 196.369 201.767 207.607 214.847 222,220 229,112 239,794 250,480 259,276 268,903 280,005 289,695 300,793 306,467 308,856 306.299 302.285 296.803 290.593 92.652 91,891 92.307 93.881 93,551 93,785 94.829 96.921 99,044 102,745 107,213 111.974 115.178 118,411 122,546 126,729 130,166 137,454 144.190 1 18,889 154,295 160,660 165,471 171,472 172,428 170,418 164,679 158,462 151.941 145,715 10.858 10.808 10,747 10,732 10,653 10,523 10,450 10.478 10,586 10,803 11,163 11,608 12,008 12,379 12,781 13,205 13,690 14.464 14.893 15,429 15,923 16,522 17,088 17,662 18,149 18,059 17,830 17,254 16,668 16.06,0 8.529 9.376 9.882 10,196 10,366 10,409 10,377 10,311 10,191 10,107 9,891 9,770 9.5811 9,552 9,467 9,791 10,028 10.913 10,789 11,152 11,531 11,642 12,090 12,433 13,296 13,510 ! 1,508 14,920 15.456 15.868 10 66 10.73 10.74 1068 10.76 10.79 10.78 10.71 10.65 10.50 10.32 10.16 10.12 10.08 10.04 10.00 10.04 9.90 9.82 9.85 9.86 9.85 9.90 9.92 10.11 10.40 1081 11.25 11.69 12.15 6.77 6.95 7.04 7.04 7.19 7.29 7.34 7.32 7.33 7.24 7.14 7.06 7 Hi 7.14 7.13 7.13 7.17 7.00 6 92 6.96 6.96 6.93 6 98 6.97 7.16 7.44 7 86 8.29 8.71 9.10 180 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — farms — equipment 32,494 33.683 34,707 35,584 36,748 37,405 36,338 34,487 32,499 31,054 30,849 31,446 32,808 33,300 33,726 34,678 37,278 38,467 38,431 40,786 43,409 45.836 52.093 60.379 68,576 76,647 83,645 89.214 93.968 97,171 100,186 16.798 17.38:, 17.931 18,459 19,373 19,647 18,285 16,279 14,473 13,380 13,664 14,821 16,540 17,188 17,636 18,484 20,674 21.082 20.367 22,037 23.923 25.416 30.462 36,977 42,782 47,908 51.341 53,011 53,966 53,625 53,631 2,719 2,842 2,905 2,991 3,076 3,150 3,111 2,971 2,768 2,622 2,544 2,581 2,706 2,828 2,878 2,979 3,199 3,392 3,408 3,494 3,705 3,928 4.309 5,003 5,800 6,593 7,311 7 -81, 8.338 8,684 8,912 1,863 2,107 2,332 2.518 2,672 2,659 2,725 2,776 2,885 2,883 2,900 2,955 2,869 2,867 2,734 2,669 2,559 2,611 2,728 2,810 2,967 2.994 3,003 3,104 3,263 3.533 3.635 3,877 4,367 5,023 5,749 6 26 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.19 6.21 6.50 6.89 7.26 7.48 7.36 7.03 6.60 6.42 6.29 6.09 5.73 5.71 5.86 5 69 5.53 5.52 5.13 4.76 4.59 4.53 4.63 4.83 5.06 5.33 5.56 4.39 4.30 4.22 4.16 4.04 4.07 4.43 4.93 5.37 5.52 5.13 4.56 4.05 3.94 3.91 3.82 3.55 3.67 3.96 3.80 3.67 3.68 3.31 3.04 2.99 3.05 3.21 3.45 3.66 3.90 4.05 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 lii(i,87:i 100.690 101,028 101,331 99,811 98.551 97,667 98,041 98,684 101,001 104,440 108,146 111,099 114,453 118,654 123,177 127,783 135,239 141,804 116, 21.1 151,406 157,790 162,474 168,778 170,866 170,625 166,823 161,917 156,252 150.234 52,018 50,520 50,245 50.345 48,169 47,915 48,839 49,902 52,425 55,633 58,662 60,543 62.366 64,748 67,308 69,851 75,197 79,214 81,057 83,566 86,921 88,419 91,479 90,588 87,872 82,574 77,287 72,146 67,772 9,012 8.935 8,849 8,795 8,670 8,497 8,374 8,349 8,406 8,570 8,872 9,249 9,575 9,877 10,203 10,546 10,938 11,532 11,989 12,411 12,779 13,261 13,696 14,125 14,452 14,344 14,027 13,467 12,873 12,253 6,583 7,482 8,071 8,427 8,674 8,751 8,806 8,692 8.660 8,576 8,421 8,337 8,278 8,126 8,176 8,358 8,699 9,238 9,287 9,664 9,925 10.1189 10,392 10,749 11,340 11,717 12,393 12,956 13,222 13,722 5.86 6.11 6.25 6.33 6.49 6.58 6.61 6.54 6.46 6.28 5.91 5.83 5.79 5.74 5.71 5.71 5.59 5.57 5.64 5.68 5.71 5.81 5.85 6.03 6.26 6.57 6.87 7.16 7.39 Noncorporate — farms — structures s.-,,:«8 .- 1 535 84.052 83.305 82.556 81,077 79.206 77,087 75,047 73,086 71,561 70,133 68,736 67,208 65,758 64,041 62,554 61,045 59 -162 58,682 57,481 59.539 60,970 62 13(1 63,422 64,673 65,777 67,064 68,051 6C 925 6,11,675 41.763 40.881 40,337 39,639 38.8 ,11 37,459 35.734 33.841 32.090 30,522 29,435 28,545 27,745 26 • 1 i 26,046 25,035 24,273 23.547 23,138 22,826 22,478 25,382 27,597 29,535 31,320 33,119 34,673 36,346 37,634 38.749 39,673 2.263 2,240 2,220 2,202 2,179 2,145 2,097 2,040 1,980 1,923 1,873 1,831 1,791 1,750 1,708 1,664 1,620 1,578 1,541 1,509 1,476 1,490 1,540 1,580 1,617 1,654 1,691 1,728 1,763 1,793 1,819 2,141 2,161 2,159 2.191 2.199 2,233 2.243 2.265 2.270 2,316 2,311 2.370 2,388 2.374 2,363 2,370 2,344 2,361 2,315 2,377 2,330 2,336 2,324 2.258 2,211 2,202 2,141 2,114 2.064 2,034 1.993 211.34 20.60 20.78 2111,8 21.21 21.59 22.06 22.59 23 09 23.54 23.84 24.06 24.25 24.47 24.66 24.93 25.10 2526 25.28 25.25 25.23 23.83 22.79 21.90 21.12 20.36 19.73 19.10 18.61 18.20 17.85 14.18 14.43 14.55 14.71 14.89 15.30 15.84 16.48 17.06 17.56 17.79 17.89 17.93 18.04 18.07 18.24 18.24 18.21 17.93 17.60 17.30 14.90 13.44 12.41 11.64 11.02 10.60 10.24 10.06 9.97 9.97 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1 !» 1 1982 1983 1984 19X5 70,536 71,252 72,030 73,671 74,979 76,411 78,214 79,894 81,602 83,183 85,566 88,224 90,668 93,154 96,193 99,044 101,360 104.555 108.676 113,062 117,497 122.215 127,221 132,015 135.6111 138,231 139,476 140,368 140,551 140,360 40,634 41.371 42,062 43.536 44,553 45,616 46.914 48.083 49.142 50.320 51,580 53,312 54,635 56,(145 57,798 59,421 60.314 62,256 64,976 67,832 70,729 7.3,739 77,052 79,993 81,840 82,547 82,104 81,174 79,795 77,943 1,846 1,873 1,898 1,937 1,983 2,026 2,077 2,129 2,180 2,234 2,292 2,360 2,432 2,501 2,578 2,659 2,752 2,932 2,903 3,019 3,144 3,261 3,392 3,537 3,697 3,715 3,803 3,787 3,795 3,806 1,946 17.52 1,894 17.26 1,811 17.05 1,769 16.67 1,692 16.44 1,658 16.22 1,571 16.00 1,619 15.83 1,531 15.71 1,531 15.60 1,469 15.51 1,434 15.38 1,310 15.37 1.426 15.36 1,291 15.34 1,432 15.34 1,329 15.50 1,675 15.47 1,503 15.38 1.488 15.30 1,606 15.23 1,553 15.19 1,699 15.12 1,684 15.13 1,956 15.25 1,793 15.52 2,115 15.87 1,964 16.29 2,233 16.73 2,146 17.24 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 181 Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — manufacturing — equipment and structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 17.004 17,408 17,731 1S.139 18,736 18,904 18,714 18.274 17,942 17,651 17,393 17,324 17,453 17,240 17,093 17,322 17,940 18,047 17,969 18,235 18,860 20.065 21,451 22.25S 22,457 22,824 23.290 23.563 23,8114 23.01)7 24.244 0,322 9,470 9.546 9,725 10,098 10,057 9,704 9,144 8,747 8,448 8,219 8.2(15 S.307 8,238 8,162 8,447 9.068 9,158 9.051 9.238 9,776 10,834 11,959 12,480 12,373 12,391 12.538 12,489 12,448 12,351 12,494 752 770 785 800 821 837 833 815 792 776 763 758 763 766 762 771 '•ill 827 834 848 887 951 1.033 1.110 1,152 1,176 1,206 1.229 1.242 1.248 1,257 484 511 535 568 594 624 669 694 726 765 789 -118 821 817 828 822 797 810 806 769 799 804 770 820 843 824 885 904 955 1,04.5 1,060 10.97 11.13 11.32 11.43 11.42 1 1 65 12.06 12.61 13.04 13.38 13.66 13.75 13.66 13 81! 13.91 13.69 13.22 13.15 13 22 13.09 12.70 12 03 11.44 11.20 11.28' 11.33 11.30 11.38 11.45 11.53 11.53 8.14 8.18 8.27 8.25 8.08 -J". 8.65 9.22 9.61 9.88 1(1.05 9.95 9.63 9.73 9.73 9.33 -1,8 8.62 8.74 8.59 8.17 7.48 6.95 86 7.13 7.29 7.35 7.51 7.63 7.77 7 71 19.56 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1961 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 19TH 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1083 198.1 1985 24.763 25.1)63 25,270 25.393 25,524 25,464 25,424 25,365 25,228 2.5,146 25,052 24,754 24,439 24,211 23,944 23,659 23,360 23,1182 23,018 22,815 22,606 22,414 22,319 22 202 22,073 21,848 21,419 20,883 20,492 20,145 12,860 13,031 13.094 13,109 13,162 13,025 12,953 12,884 12,731 12,678 12,647 12.392 12.135 11.993 11,813 11,598 11.412 11,222 11,242 11,114 10,953 10,819 10,743 10,674 10,585 10,387 10.028 9,589 9,326 9,138 1,278 1.295 1,304 1,309 1,312 1,308 1,299 1,291 1,279 1,268 1,258 1.240 1,218 1,199 1,183 1,165 1,174 1,148 1,126 1,122 1,116 1,114 1,109 1,121 1,112 1,108 1,093 1,067 1,041 1,026 1,121 1,163 1,155 1,197 1,230 1,227 1,261 1,276 1,260 1.291 1.314 1,278 1,270 1 ,278 1,262 1,226 1,279 1.228 1.202 1,187 1,154 1,162 1,118 1.156 1.140 1,120 1,148 1.151 1,146 1.163 1141 11.38 11.42 11.46 11.48 11.60 11.66 11.71 11.84 11.89 11.92 1209 12.24 12.34 12.46 12.61 12.73 12.86 12.86 12.95 13.06 13.13 13.19 13.22 13.25 13.35 13.53 13.77 13.90 13.97 7.58 7.56 7.59 7.65 7.68 7.81 7.89 7.97 8.09 8.13 8 17 8.35 8.51 8.59 8.70 8 82 8.89 8.96 8 89 .- 94 9.00 9.03 9.01 897 8.96 9.03 9.22 9.47 9.53 9 51 Noncorporate — manufacturing — equipment 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 9.275 9,312 9.293 9,303 9,411 9,370 9,168 8,826 8.506 8,247 8,072 8.1118 8.067 7,945 7,893 8.087 8,401 8,614 8,763 9,220 9,912 10.766 11,929 12,761 13,116 13,553 14.008 14,304 14,578 14,757 15,053 4.515 4,484 4,409 4,37.5 4,451 4,393 4,201 3,903 3,669 3,527 3,488 3,584 3,775 3.779 3,848 4,130 4.486 4.700 4,817 5,204 5,773 6,438 7,343 7,847 7,845 7,921 8,003 7,943 7,896 7,813 7,887 496 505 509 512 519 524 518 502 182 467 458 455 461 464 464 475 500 524 537 559 603 662 735 809 854 882 913 936 950 958 967 417 434 450 465 483 505 526 545 ,67 582 590 601 598 587 580 558 536 .,21 505 18 1 472 475 478 493 518 537 578 624 692 743 1056 10.62 10.71 10.74 10.64 10.67 10.85 11.15 11.36 11.43 11.34 11.04 10.60 10.40 10.11 9 57 9.00 8 66 8.46 7.65 7.27 6.86 6.78 7.00 7.18 7.37 7.63 7.87 8.12 8.27 1 m 7.39 7.42 7.36 7.11 7.08 7.24 7.56 7.75 7 73 7.49 7.01 6 18 6.35 6.16 5.74 5.37 5.27 5.31 5.12 1 86 4.66 4.42 4.50 4.85 5.11 5.33 5.59 5.80 6.00 6.04 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 191 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 15,410 15.644 15,783 1.5,881 15,916 15,777 15,681 15,527 15,333 15,168 14,965 14.619 14.294 1 1.035 13,765 13,499 13,276 13,068 13.043 12,940 12,808 12,748 12,736 12.720 12,717 12,615 12,369 12,050 11,846 11.677 8,052 8,121 8,123 8,101 8,047 7,8.58 7,731 7,576 7,420 7,317 7,204 6.967 6.759 6,635 6,502 6,370 6,201 6.221 6,303 6,295 6,249 6,252 6,285 6,303 6,312 6,223 6,0111 5,740 5.611 5,531 984 997 1,003 1,006 1,007 909 987 976 9112 948 934 914 890 871 854 837 829 816 805 805 800 800 803 811 813 814 -ill 78, ;i;t 758 7-8 8.36 6.00 829 8.49 6.03 861 8.65 6.09 883 8.79 6.15 913 8.94 6.22 945 9.14 6.37 951 9.29 6.45 969 9.44 6.54 996 9.58 6.62 1,006 9.66 6.64 1,019 9.74 6.66 1,016 9.88 6.79 1 001 10.00 6.89 1,0110 10.06 6.89 985 10.11 6.91 963 10.16 6.92 966 10.16 6.88 945 10.16 6.83 904 10.05 6.65 890 10.00 6.59 876 9.98 6.57 852 9.92 6.51 838 9.84 6.43 833 9.78 6.37 814 9.73 6.34 812 9.76 6.39 822 9.87 6.56 820 10.03 6.78 820 10.08 6.80 825 10.09 6.77 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 182 Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — manufacturing — structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 193(3 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 7,729 8.096 8,438 8,836 9,325 9,534 9,546 9,448 9,435 9,404 9,320 9.306 9,386 9,296 9,200 9,234 9,539 9,432 9,206 9,015 8,948 9.299 9,522 9,497 9,341 9,271 9,282 9,259 9,226 9.150 9.191 4,807 4,986 5,137 5,350 5,647 5.664 5.503 5,241 5,078 4,921 4,731 4,621 4,621 4,459 4,314 4,317 4,582 4,457 4,234 4.034 4.002 4,396 4,616 4,632 4,528 4,470 4,535 4.546 4.552 4.538 4.606 256 265 276 313 316 313 310 308 305 303 303 302 298 296 301 303 297 289 284 288 298 301 298 294 293 293 292 290 29(1 67 77 86 102 111 120 143 149 160 183 199 207 223 230 248 264 260 286 301 280 318 332 295 342 350 305 347 326 331 352 318 11.47 11.71 11.99 12.15 12.20 12.62 13.22 13.97 14.55 15.09 15.66 16.08 16.29 16.76 17 17 17.29 16.94 17.26 17.75 18.22 18.30 17.53 17.17 17.13 17.28 17.40 17.23 17.18 17.11 17.05 16 88 8.90 9.00 8.98 8.85 9.16 9.72 10.45 10.95 11.42 11.94 12.23 12.21 12.60 12.91 12.76 11.92 12.15 12.65 13.06 12.93 11.61 10.97 10.87 11.07 11.14 10.92 10.85 10.81 10.82 10 65 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 9,353 9,419 9.487 9,512 9,608 9,687 9,744 9,837 9,895 9,978 10,087 10,134 10.144 10,176 10,179 10,161 10,085 10,014 9,975 9,876 9,798 9,666 9,583 9,482 9,356 9,232 9,050 8,833 8,646 8,468 4,808 4,910 4,971 5.007 5,114 5,167 5,222 5,308 5,312 5,361 5,442 5,424 5,376 5,359 5,310 5,228 5,120 5,001 4,938 4,818 4,704 4,567 4,458 4,371 4,272 4,164 4,018 3,850 3,714 3,607 294 298 301 303 306 309 311 314 317 320 323 326 327 328 328 328 344 333 321 318 315 314 306 310 298 294 289 282 274 268 334 16.43 333 16.17 295 16.04 314 15.91 316 15.68 282 15.61 310 15.47 307 15.30 264 15.34 286 15.27 295 15.17 261 15.27 269 15.40 279 15.49 277 15.64 263 15.87 312 16.10 284 16.39 298 16.54 297 16.81 278 17.09 310 17.37 280 17.65 323 17.84 326 18.03 309 18.26 326 18.55 331 18.87 326 19.13 338 19.32 Noncorporate — nonfarm nonmanufactunng — equipment and structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 193(1 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 236.81(7 252,496 267.375 281.365 295,797 3116.725 312,219 312,145 308,880 305,847 303,756 303,636 304,568 303,499 303,062 303,982 305,345 300,288 294,147 289,350 289,187 295,614 302,763 312,547 320,889 333,508 344.639 353.082 363,751 375,231 390.744 113.359 154,375 164,435 173,444 182,571 188,002 188,137 183,030 175,495 169,029 164,203 102.0110 161,309 158.872 157,306 1 ;,7,o(io 156.985 150,353 143,214 137,692 136,975 142.306 118.287 156.320 162,495 172,305 180,141 184.802 191,750 199,717 211,702 9,747 10,393 10.979 11,562 12.173 12,684 12,899 12,843 12,530 12,200 11,904 11,729 11,672 11,588 11,452 11,456 11,581 11,491 11,128 10,840 10,825 11,174 11,687 12.393 13,064 13,764 14,557 15,232 15,841 16,456 17,141 5,099 5,620 6,067 6,457 6,734 7,102 7,432 7,819 8,211 9,038 9.549 9,764 10,120 10,190 10,080 9.994 9,948 10,156 10,139 10,318 10.238 10,503 10,567 10,825 10,944 11,230 11,473 12.076 12.988 13,609 12 2(1 12.03 11.94 11.92 11.91 12.04 12.39 12.93 13.57 14.17 14.70 15 10 15.43 15.81 16.13 16.37 16.56 17.10 17.67 18.14 18.30 18.08 17.80 17.40 17.10 16.62 16.25 16.05 15.76 15.45 15.03 890 8.61 8.44 8.37 8.32 8.45 8.80 9.37 10.05 10.66 11.14 11.43 11.61 11.89 12.09 12.18 12.25 12.82 13.43 13.89 13.87 13.27 12.69 12.02 11.58 10.97 10.57 10.39 10.11 9.82 9.40 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 404,815 417,524 429,754 444,250 458,716 473,770 491,726 509.933 530,895 556,298 582,390 605,798 630,179 658,484 686,100 713,745 743,865 777,629 804,156 823,079 841,461 867,270 900,377 933,613 968,193 1,010,692 1,048,529 1,080,985 1,119,099 1,157,427 222,465 231,956 241,216 252,652 264,000 275,666 290,040 304,227 320,696 340,826 360,749 376.977 393.621 413,079 430,884 448,059 467,063 489.097 502,439 508,355 513,316 525,521 543,951 561,605 579,913 604,539 624,012 637,410 656,578 675.681 17,912 18,507 18,957 19,427 19,937 20,40.3 20,913 21,528 22,273 23,226 24,331 25,412 26,438 27,649 28,944 30,242 31,711 33,305 34.699 35,863 36,866 38,202 40,072 42,431 44,476 46,482 48,872 50,673 52,246 54,054 14,633 15,312 15,956 16,358 16,808 16,981 17,245 17,407 17,736 17,912 18,124 18.143 18,590 18,664 18,992 19,562 20,440 21,359 21,292 22,270 22,810 23,995 24,817 26,160 27,465 27,767 29,668 30,769 32,012 33,533 14.68 14.42 14.18 13.91 13.67 13.44 13.17 12.95 12.71 12.43 12.19 12.07 11.96 11.84 11.77 11.74 11.69 11.62 11.72 11.92 12.13 12.24 12.26 12.30 12.33 12.31 12.34 12.46 12.52 12.58 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 183 Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment 1925 52,222 56,478 60,129 63,750 68,441 70,354 70,545 68,637 65,783 63,402 61,532 60,757 60,326 58,424 57,323 57,661 58,914 56,465 54,632 53,684 56,365 60,453 67,139 74,043 78,868 86,112 93,196 98,929 104,992 109,638 116,820 30,182 33,092 35,339 37,496 40,543 40,647 39,125 35,780 31,982 29,203 27,562 27,494 27,983 27,035 27,010 28,169 29,959 27,645 26,059 25,421 28,249 31,945 37,896 43,435 46,338 51,093 55,019 57,055 59,567 60,852 64,936 4,578 4,926 5,193 5,478 5,814 6,075 6,112 5,981 5,672 5,377 5,111 4,945 4,869 4,764 4,618 4,616 4,745 4,707 4,460 4,306 4,401 4,769 5,254 5,926 6,518 7,105 7,779 8,373 8,886 9,342 9,809 3,139 3,450 3,697 3,889 4,035 4,182 4,321 4,524 4,678 4,899 5,211 5,462 5,596 5,617 5,563 5,285 5,075 4,871 4,733 4,640 4,595 4,536 4,503 4,485 4,525 4,602 4,590 4,698 5,292 6,026 6,707 5.02 4.97 4.99 5.04 5.04 5.27 5.61 6.09 6.64 7.11 7.44 7.58 7.61 7.80 7.82 7.66 7.41 7.68 7.86 7.93 7.52 7.12 6.53 6.11 5.99 5.78 5.71 5.79 5.86 5.99 5.98 3.38 3.35 3.43 3.52 3.55 3.84 4.23 4.78 5.37 5.78 5.93 5.73 5.46 5.50 5.38 5.08 4.77 5.18 5.44 5.48 4.91 4.48 3.96 3.72 3.79 3.75 3.79 3.94 4.03 4.17 4.10 1956 122,290 125,958 128,038 131,217 133,576 135,055 137,410 140,161 144,740 150,225 157,351 163,151 170,092 178,484 186,979 194,679 203,795 216,056 225,957 231,824 238,200 248,473 263,340 278,200 288,452 298,771 305,846 313,815 325.578 335,161 67,565 68,754 68,773 70,117 70,834 70,821 71,792 73,254 76,518 80,464 85,650 89,152 93,470 98,838 103,737 107,669 112,829 120,804 125,984 127,565 129,752 135,766 145,953 155,611 160,370 165,297 167,112 170,043 177,105 181,847 10,335 10,676 10,856 11.022 11,197 11,296 11,394 11,571 11,874 12,324 12,900 13,492 14,054 14,768 15,541 16,258 17,053 18,064 19,085 19,786 20,346 21,120 22,310 23,735 24,885 25,730 26,452 27,056 27,886 28,844 7,518 8,216 8,763 9,173 9,536 9,766 9,918 10,182 10,514 10,729 10,879 11,072 11,314 11,597 11,792 12,280 12,932 13,541 14,142 14,913 15,523 16,255 17,052 17,836 18,643 19,496 20,346 21,164 21,896 22,708 6.05 6.16 6.31 6.38 6.47 6.59 6.66 6.70 6.65 6.57 6.46 6.43 6.36 6.28 6.24 6.24 6.20 6.11 6.11 6.19 6.25 6.22 6.10 6.01 6.04 6.06 6.15 6.21 6.19 6.21 4.14 1926 1957 4.24 1927 1958 4.39 1928 1959 4.44 1929. ... 1960 4.52 1930 ... 1961 4.62 1931 1962 4.65 1932 1963 4.64 1933 1964 4.53 1934 1965 4.43 1935 1966 4.30 1936 1967 4.29 1937 1968 4.26 1938 1969 4.20 1939 1970 4 18 1940 1971 4 21 1941 1972 4.20 1942 1973 4.10 1943 1974 4.13 1944 1975 4.24 1945 . . 1976 4.31 1946 1977 4.26 1947 1978 4.11 1948 1979 4.03 1949 1980 4.08 1950 1981 4.13 1951 1982 4 24 1952 . 1983 4.30 1953 . 1984 4.25 1954. ... 1985 4.26 1955 Noncorporate — nonfarm nonmanufacturing — structures 1025 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 184,615 113,177 196,018 121,283 207,246 129,095 217,615 135,948 227,356 142,028 236,371 147,355 241,704 149,011 243,508 147,250 243,097 143,513 242,445 139,827 242,225 136,640 242,878 134,596 244,243 133,326 245,074 131,837 245,740 130,296 246,320 128,831 246,432 127,025 243,822 122,708 239,515 117,155 235,666 112,271 232,822 108,725 235,161 110,361 235.624 110,391 238,504 112,885 242,022 116,157 247,395 121,213 251,442 125,122 254,153 127,747 258,760 132,184 265,593 138,865 273,924 146,765 5.168 5,467 5,786 6.0X5 6,360 6,609 6,787 6, 861 6,858 6,823 6,793 6,785 6.803 6.824 6,834 6,840 6,837 6,785 6,668 6,534 6,424 6. 405 6,432 6,467 6,546 6,659 6,778 6,860 6,955 7,114 7.33] 1.960 2,170 2.370 2,568 2,699 2,921 3,110 3,295 3,533 3,788 3,828 4,087 4,168 4.503 4,628 4,795 4,920 5,076 5.423 5,499 5,723 5,702 6,000 6,082 6,300 6,341 6,641 6,775 6,784 6.963 6.902 14 23 14.07 13 96 13.93 13.97 14.06 14.36 14.85 15.44 16.02 16.55 1699 17.36 17.72 18.07 18.40 18.75 19 29 19.90 20.47 20.91 20 90 21.01 20 90 20.72 20.39 20.16 20 04 19.78 19.36 18 89 10 38 10.05 9.82 9.71 9.69 9.73 10.00 10.49 11.09 11.67 12 20 12.59 12.90 13 20 13.48 13.74 14.01 14.54 15.21 15.80 16.19 15.82 15.68 15.21 14.69 14.01 13.55 13.27 12.86 12.30 11.75 1956 1957 1058 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 108J 1085 282,525 291,565 301,717 313.032 325,140 338,715 354,316 369,772 386,155 406,073 425,039 442,647 460,087 180,000 499,120 519,066 540,070 561,573 578,199 591,255 603,262 618,797 637,037 655.413 679,741 711,921 742.683 767,170 793.520 822.266 154.900 163,202 172,443 182,536 193,166 204,845 218.248 230.973 244,178 260.362 275,098 287,825 300,150 314,241 327,147 340,391 354,234 368,293 376,454 38O.10O 383,563 389,755 397,998 405,994 419,543 439,242 456,900 467.367 479,472 403,834 7,578 7,831 8.102 8,405 8.740 9,107 9.520 0,050 10,400 10,901 11,431 11,920 12,383 12,882 13,403 13,984 14,659 15,241 15,614 16,077 16,521 17.083 I 7. TIL' 18,606 19,591 20,752 22.420 23.617 24,361 25.210 7,115 7,096 7,192 7,185 7,273 7,215 7,327 7.225 7,221 7,183 7,245 7,071 7,276 7,068 7,200 7,282 7,508 7,817 7,149 7,357 7,286 7,741 7,765 8,325 8,822 8,271 0.323 9,605 10,115 io,v't; 18.42 17.98 17.53 17.07 16.62 16.18 15.70 15 33 14.98 14.59 14.31 14.15 14.03 1390 13.84 13.80 13.77 13.75 13.91 14.16 14.45 14.66 14.81 14.97 15.00 14.93 14 89 15.02 15.12 15.18 11.28 looo 10 54 10.22 9.95 9.71 9.47 9 32 9.22 9.06 9.02 9.07 9.15 9.20 9.30 9.41 9.50 9.59 9.85 10.19 10.55 10 80 10.98 11.14 11.15 11.02 10 96 11.07 11.13 11.15 184 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Sole proprietorships and partnerships — all industries, total — equipment and structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1 :r;.; 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 r.n:, i:Mt; 1947 194.- 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 314,951 326,574 337,330 347,118 358.1)2!) 363,776 362.61):! 356.298 348,425 341,502 336,819 334,493 333.934 329,742 326,297 324.717 325.791 320.3611 313.433 310,560 311,616 321,32!) 334.835 350,535 363,428 379,313 392,905 403,148 413,806 422,366 434.456 174.233 181,161 187,273 192,555 198.869 199,837 194,258 184,231 173,805 165.490 160,337 158,458 158,493 155,096 152,592 151. SI 16 153.262 147,600 141,028 138,741 140,382 149,896 162,696 176,457 186,346 198,068 206,464 210,765 215.676 219,097 226.607 14.010 14,663 15,184 15,728 16,309 16,766 16,792 16,459 15. sin 15,286 14,839 14,622 14,609 14,553 14,360 14,365 14,629 14,687 14,319 14,116 14,298 14,870 15,-112 17,180 18,549 19,891 21,227 22,319 23,214 23.975 24.665 8,919 9.701 10.352 10,971 11,421 11,790 12,216 12,674 13.172 13.719 14,103 14,691 14,809 15,129 14,998 14,798 14,563 14,490 14,699 14,726 14,931 14,830 14,983 1.5,034 15,324 15,598 15,887 16.2S5 17,248 18,760 19.926 13.40 13.32 13.28 13.28 13.24 13.39 13.77 14.32 14.91 15.42 15.81 16.04 16.16 16.42 16.62 16.71 16.66 16.94 17.26 17.34 17.19 16.63 15.90 15.18 14.65 14.08 13.65 13.39 13.13 12.94 1266 9.53 9.36 9.25 9.19 9.09 9.24 9.66 10.29 10.95 11.46 11.75 11.79 11.68 11.82 11.88 11.80 11.56 11.85 12.21 12.18 11.82 10.92 9.97 9.18 8.73 8.28 8.04 7.97 7.87 7.82 7.64 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 196!) 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19S2 19S3 19S4 1985 442.741 448.354 453,324 460,642 465,202 469,892 477,073 485,985 497,217 512,960 530,326 546,274 562,576 582,494 603,734 625,399 648,736 680,155 706,314 724.698 743.490 770,273 802,620 838,193 902,368 926,656 943,941 965,726 987,293 231.311 234,477 237,870 243,994 247,694 251,581 258,042 265,925 275,608 289,049 302,980 314,248 324.986 338,177 351,489 364.677 378.839 400,791 415,689 422,891 430,088 444,594 463,603 484.883 500,269 518,674 527,881 530,501 538,818 547,833 25,305 25,596 25,732 25,908 26.041 26,066 26,170 26,466 26,959 27,727 28,753 29,833 30,823 31,959 33,201 34,487 36,025 37,921 39,296 40,628 41,803 43,393 45,426 48,002 50,173 51.703 53,463 54,276 54,843 55,656 21,620 23,029 23,954 24,533 24,998 25,051 25,159 25,125 25,195 25,180 25,054 24,823 24,917 24,867 24,915 25,568 26,511 28,042 27,650 28.669 29,392 30,359 31,381 32.877 34,678 34,920 37,389 38,620 39,891 41,611 12.48 12.36 12.24 12.06 11.96 11.86 11.70 11.53 11.33 11.08 10.84 10.69 10.56 10.42 10.32 10.23 10.16 9.99 9.97 10.06 10.16 10.17 10.13 10.07 10.08 10.10 10.20 10.39 10.51 10.64 Sole proprietorships and partnershi 3s — all industries, total — equipmen 1925 92,931 98,438 103,118 107,645 113,632 116,150 115,074 110,!I91 11)5,81)8 101,666 99,283 !)S,S08 99,527 97,752 96.68!) 97,797 101,550 100,538 98,564 100,381 105,479 112,209 125,396 140,125 152,417 166,567 179.444 189,537 198.913 205.393 214,054 51,002 54,48.3 57,210 59,864 63,909 64,205 61,120 55,480 49,615 45.549 44,031 45,002 47,193 46,722 46,974 49,003 53,079 51,577 49,282 50,783 55,306 i;il.691 71,881 83,416 91,387 100,182 106,533 109,346 111,775 111,876 115,029 7,696 8,177 8,514 8,890 9,319 9,660 9,651 9,366 8,833 8,373 8,011 7,863 7,898 7.897 7.777 7,857 8,197 8,362 8,139 8,085 8,398 S.9S.1 9,864 11.216 12,550 13,843 15,124 16,184 17,031 17,709 18,279 5,314 5,884 6,372 6,765 7,086 7.242 7,472 7.747 8,036 8,275 8,611 8,931 8,976 8,981 8,789 8,419 8,076 7,902 7,844 7.794 7,869 7 -fin 7,754 7,815 8,009 8,358 8,453 8,813 9,864 11.255 12,610 5.99 5.94 5.93 5.94 5.87 6.00 6.30 6.75 7.22 7.59 7.76 7.73 7.58 7.61 7.57 7.36 7.03 7.10 7.23 7.11 6.82 6.59 6.07 5.69 5.54 5.42 5.43 5.58 5.73 5.94 6.04 4.06 3.98 3.98 3.99 3.94 4.13 4.50 5.03 5.56 5.88 5.85 5.51 5.11 5.07 4.98 4.75 4.42 4.62 4.88 4.76 4.45 1 23 3.78 3.54 3.55 3.57 3.68 3.87 4.03 4.22 4.24 1956 218,741 220,993 222,198 224,231 223,753 222,510 222,560 224,193 227,790 233,866 242,436 249,836 257,724 267,282 277,780 288,031 299,571 316,858 331,041 339,471 349,495 363,697 380,719 399,961 409,734 417,211 417,707 417,604 420,435 421,116 115,243 114,401 113,623 114,296 113,029 111,423 111.414 112,999 116,424 121,937 129,163 134,483 139,607 145,605 151.748 157,337 163,935 175,921 183,920 186.570 190.807 198,766 209,019 220,929 223,318 223,978 218.772 214,329 214,127 212,852 18,772 18,919 18,911 18,916 18,857 18,679 18,549 18,594 18,831 19,309 20,033 20,834 21,558 22,402 23,323 24,215 25,239 26,646 27,917 28,863 29,644 30,732 32,144 33,805 35,096 35.628 35.818 35,633 35.621 35.743 14,191 15,702 16,726 17,374 17,875 18,099 18,194 18,235 18,444 18,486 18,382 18,392 18,445 18,468 18,600 19,109 19,949 20,915 21,349 22,307 23,040 23,732 24,668 25,632 26,818 27,803 29,117 30,293 31,104 32,296 6.22 6.39 6.53 6.61 6.73 6.84 6.89 6.88 6.80 6.67 6.50 6.40 6.31 6.23 6.17 6.14 6.10 5.97 5.95 6.02 6.06 6.04 6.00 5.94 6.03 6.14 6.33 6.49 6.57 6.66 4.35 1926 1957 4.46 1927 1958 4.54 1928 1959 4.54 1929 .. 1960 4.61 1930. .. 1961 4.68 1931 . . 1962... . 4.68 1932 . 1963 4.61 1933 . 1964 4.49 1934 .. 1965 4.34 1935.... 1966 4.19 1936 1967 4.14 1937 1968 4.12 1938 1969 4.09 1939 1970 407 1940 1971 4.08 1941 1972 4.07 1942 1973 3.95 1943 1974 3.96 1944 1975 4.07 194.5 1976 4.13 1946 1977 '.: 4.10 1947 1978 4.05 1948 1979 3.99 1949 1980 4.10 1950 1981 4.21 1951 1982 4.41 1952 1983 4.55 1953 1984 4.56 1954 1985 4.58 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 185 Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Sole proprietorships and partnerships — all industries, total — structures 192.", 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 222,020 123,231 228,136 126,678 234,211 130,063 239,473 132,692 244,396 134,960 247,626 135,632 247,529 133,138 245,308 128,751 242,617 124,190 239,836 119,940 237,537 116,306 235,685 113,456 234,407 111,300 231,989 108,375 229.607 105,619 226,921 102,802 224,244 100.183 219,821 96,023 214,869 91,746 210,179 87,957 206,136 85,076 209,120 89,205 209,439 90,815 210,409 93,040 211,011 94,959 212,746 97,885 213,460 99,931 213,611 101,418 214,892 103,901 216,974 107,221 220,402 111,577 6,315 6,486 6,670 6,839 6,990 7,106 7,141 7,093 7,007 6,913 6,827 6,759 6,711 6,656 6,583 6,508 6,431 6,325 6,179 6,031 5,900 5,886 5,938 5,964 5.999 6.048 6,102 6.136 6,183 6,266 6,386 3,605 3,817 3,981 4.205 4.335 4,548 4.744 4,928 5.137 5.444 5,492 5,761 5,833 6,149 6,209 6,379 6,488 6,588 6,855 6,932 7,062 7,030 7,230 7,219 7,315 7.240 7,433 7,473 7,384 7,504 7,316 16 ,,n 16.51 16.52 16 58 16.67 16.85 17.24 17.75 1826 18.74 19.17 19.52 19.80 20 13 20.44 20.74 21 02 21.44 21.86 22.23 22.50 22.01 21.79 21.50 21.22 20.86 20.57 20.32 19.99 19.57 19 08 1 1 80 11.67 11.57 11.53 11.53 11.66 12.03 12.56 13.10 13.58 13.99 14.28 14.46 14.73 14.95 15.17 15.34 15.74 16.15 16.47 16.61 15.47 14.87 14.24 13.71 13.11 12.69 12.38 12.00 11.58 11.13 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 224,000 227.361 231,126 236,411 241,450 247,383 254,513 261,792 26,9 127 279,095 287,890 296 138 304,853 315,212 325,955 337,367 349,165 363. 296 375,272 385,227 393,994 406,576 421,902 138.232 458.454 485,157 508,949 526,337 545,291 566,177 116,068 120,077 124,247 129,698 134.665 140.158 146.628 152.926 159,184 167,112 173,816 179,765 185,379 192,572 199,741 207,340 214,904 224.870 231.769 236,321 239.282 245,828 254,584 263,954 276,950 294,696 309,109 316,172 324,691 334,981 6.533 6.677 6,821 6,992 7,185 7,387 7,621 7,872 8,128 8,418 8,720 8.999 9.265 9.557 9,879 1H.272 10,786 11,275 11,378 11,765 12,159 12,661 13.282 14,197 15,077 16,075 17,645 18,644 19,222 19.913 7,430 18.59 10.75 7,327 18.15 10.48 7,228 17.73 10.25 7,160 17.2.3 9.97 7.123 16.80 9.80 6,952 16.37 9.63 6,966 15.91 9.45 6,891 15.51 9.33 6,751 15.16 9.26 6,694 1477 9.13 6,672 14.49 9.12 6,431 14.30 9.16 6,472 14.16 9.23 0.399 13.98 9.24 6.316 13.85 9.27 6,459 13.73 9.29 6,562 13.65 9.32 7.126 13.49 9.25 6,301 13.51 9.35 6,362 13.63 9.54 6.353 13.81 9.79 6,627 13.86 9.87 6,713 13.86 9.87 7,245 13.84 9.84 7,860 13.71 9.69 7,117 13.50 9.45 8.272 13.38 9.34 8,326 13.48 9.46 8,787 13.55 9.54 9,316 13.60 9.55 Nonprofit institutions — all industries, total — equipment and structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 55.683 60.158 64,826 69,210 73.265 77,399 m>, To;; 82,411 82.6,28 82,725 82,978 83,801 84,770 85,990 87,109 88,2 0) 89,541 89,282 88,492 87,678 87,687 89,067 90,430 92,914 96,470 101,203 in;,, 7 ,8 109,722 114,151 119,715 125,409 36.1159 39.687 43.437 46,816 49.779 52.774 54.934 55,349 54.357 53,255 52,312 51.981 51,814 51,8811 51,879 51,875 51,988 511625 48,804 47,033 46.183 46,713 47,235 48,898 51,610 55,448 59,012 61,905 65.201 6,9,550 73,949 1,442 1.545 1,658 1,769 1,871 1,968 2.057 2,11.3 2,130 2.130 2,131 2,143 2,167 2,196 2.2311 2.264 2,299 2.308 2.288 2,260 2,252 2,286 2,333 2,399 2,497 2,633 2.790 2.935 3,080 3.243 3.422 741 764 ;:'< 828 8.52, 880 921 931 935 989 1,031 1,042 1,111 1,128 1,112 1,204 1,258 1,302 1,394 1,436 1.491 1,579 1 653 1,738 1,799 1,864 1,947 2,028 2,127 14.21 13.79 13.44 13.24 1.3.16 13.11 13.23 13.62 14.24 14.87 15.46 15 93 16.35 16.71 17.07 17.42 17.75 1836 19 05 19.74 20.21 20 36 20.51 20.39 20.0(1 19.53 19.11 1884 18.54 18.10 17.71 9.83 9 38 9.05 8.89 8.87 8.89 9.06 9.51 10.18 10.86 11.49 11.97 1238 12.72 13.05 13.36 13.62 14.25 15.00 15.73 16.14 16.05 15.96 15.51 14.81 13.93 13 28 12.87 12.45 11.93 11.51 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 121,554 138,106 145,534 153,284 161.694 170,678 1811.776 190,690 201,278 213,288 225,545 237.121 248,090 259,449 270,167 280,541 291.090 300,679 309.126 315,974 323,152 329.939 336.521 3.12.3(19 348,560 354,878 361,684 309.338 376.842 383.113 78.727 83,81)4 89,(179 95,773 102,391 109,451 117,461 125.099 133,183 142,463 151,733 160,032 167,523 175.126 181,932 188,240 194,602 199,831) 203,721 205,949 208.27(1 210,388 212,103 212,938 214,242 215,533 217,367 219.956 222,438 223,542 3,617 3,819 4,036 4.271 4.515 4,769 5,042 5,331 5,632 5,964 6,319 6,666 (1,990 7,309 ,' 622 7,917 8,217 8,525 8,819 9,070 9,287 9.508 9,731 9,935 Id 1 12 10,368 10,610 10.887 11,197 11,467 2,256 2,344 2,483 2.615 2,723 2,845 2,954 3,055 3,128 3,235 3,331 3.389 3.512 3 .553 3,710 3.851 4,021 4,164 4.263 4,450 4.530 4.739 1,863 4.982 5,195 5,342 ',.638 5,822 6,174 6,3(10 17.31 16 93 1650 16.12 15.74 15.38 1.5 00 14.71 14.44 14.15 13.92 13.79 13.75 13.73 13.76 13.84 13.92 14.07 14.29 14.58 14.86 15.15 15.45 15.79 16.10 16.41 16 69 16.93 17.15 17.44 11.12 10.77 10.42 10.14 9.88 9.66 9.44 9.31 9 32 9.10 9.04 9.07 9 1; 9.28 9.44 9.63 9.81 10.05 10 5 1 10.70 11.03 11.37 11.70 12.05 12.36 12.65 12.89 1306 13.23 13.46 186 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonprofit institutions — all industries, total — equipment 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1:155 1,061 1,034 1,011 992 969 979 977 940 931 956 995 1,097 1,201 1,293 1,444 1,624 1,825 1,755 1,905 1,834 2,266 2,556 2,930 3,391 3,879 4,666 5,514 6,333 7,265 8,087 9,042 493 478 469 466 458 483 491 464 406 490 530 624 710 778 890 1,019 1,148 1,003 1,083 950 1,317 1,523 1,796 2,131 2,454 3,030 3,591 4,061 4,606 5,000 5,506 95 104 112 123 138 154 159 162 163 179 214 245 285 331 392 471 550 631 711 7911 105 107 107 11)7 105 103 100 98 94 89 xi; 82 84 92 101 114 130 144 158 167 181 183 201 244 282 341 6.24 6.28 6.29 6.25 6.21 5.96 5.82 5.89 5.80 5.62 5.40 4.99 4.75 4.65 4.49 4.37 4.36 5.05 5.13 5.80 5.10 4.95 4.74 4.53 4.43 4.18 4.10 4 16 4.21 4.38 4 49 4.32 4.29 4.21 4.09 4.03 3.76 3.69 3.90 3.86 3.70 3.51 3.15 3.04 3.08 3.03 3.02 3.07 3.87 3.83 4.53 3.44 3.26 3.09 2.97 2.97 2.81 2.81 2.91 2.98 3.13 320 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965. 1966. 1967 . 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982 1983. 1984. 1985 10,082 11,006 12,013 12,977 13,796 14,647 15,530 16,395 17,364 18,417 19,453 20,496 21,397 22,394 23,262 24,074 25,066 26,222 27,436 28,241 28,932 29,930 30,796 31,671 32,948 34,263 35,789 37,702 39,856 41,043 6,070 6,504 7,025 7,508 7,857 8,247 8,678 9,100 9,623 10,210 10,765 11,302 11,690 12,163 12,506 12,825 13,348 14,033 14,766 15,086 15,271 15,775 16,136 16,513 17,295 18,139 19,170 20,525 22,033 22,443 1,051 1,137 1,214 1,284 1,355 1,431 1,515 1,609 1,708 1,807 1,897 1,983 2,066 2,140 2,222 2,324 2,438 2,539 2,615 2,698 2,791 2,878 2,981 3,103 3,240 3,404 3,602 3,767 406 4.58 477 4.72 566 4.82 656 4.91 745 5.04 821 5.15 903 5.22 988 5.29 1,068 5.32 1,143 5.34 1,227 5.36 1,300 5.38 1,385 5.44 1,459 5.47 1,542 5.53 1,646 5.59 1,753 5.60 1,853 5.57 1,956 5.53 2,055 5.57 2,108 5.63 2,204 5.62 2,287 5.64 2,380 5.65 2,485 5.60 2,633 5.53 2,745 5.45 2,847 5.34 2,955 5.22 2,990 5.27 Nonprofit institutions — all ndustries, total — structures 1925 54,622 59,124 63,815 68,219 72,296 76,421 79,786 81,471 81,695 81,769 81,983 82,704 83,569 84,697 85,666 86,616 87,715 87,527 86,586 85,844 85,421 86,511 87,500 89,522 92,592 96,537 100,244 103,389 106,886 111,628 116,367 35,566 39,209 42,969 46,351 49,321 52,292 54,443 54,885 53,891 52,765 51,783 51,357 51,104 51,102 50.989 50,856 50,839 49,622 47,721 46,083 44,866 45,190 45,438 46,767 49,156 52,418 55,421 57,843 60,595 64,550 68,444 1,344 1,450 1,565 1,678 1,782 1,879 1,967 2,025 2,044 2,043 2,041 2,048 2,063 2,084 2,107 2,126 2,145 2,149 2,126 2,097 2,073 2,072 2,088 2,114 2,166 2,240 2,318 2,385 2,449 2,533 2,632 563 591 634 657 674 725 752 782 827 843 846 901 945 954 1,026 1,042 1,030 1,120 1,166 1,201 1,279 1,306 1,347 1,420 1,486 1,557 1,615 1,663 1,703 1,745 1,786 14.37 13.92 13.55 13.34 13.26 13.21 13.32 13.71 14.34 14.98 15.59 16.08 16.51 16.90 17.28 17.67 18.03 18.62 19.36 20.03 20.61 20.81 21.03 20.99 20.71 20.27 19.93 19.74 19.51 19.10 18.74 9.91 9.45 9.10 8.94 8.92 8.93 9.11 9.56 10.24 10.93 11.57 12.08 12.51 12.87 13.23 13.57 13.86 14.46 15.25 15.96 16.51 16.48 16.47 16.08 15.40 14.58 13.96 13.57 13.17 12.61 12.17 1956 121,472 127,100 133,521 140,307 147,899 156,031 165,246 174,295 183,914 194,871 206,092 216,624 226,693 237,055 246,905 256,467 266,024 274,457 281,690 287,733 294,219 300,009 305,726 310,638 315,612 320,615 325,894 331,636 336,986 342,071 72,657 77,300 82,654 88,265 94,534 101,205 108,783 115,999 123,560 132,253 140,968 148,730 155,833 162,963 169,425 175,415 181,255 185,796 188,955 190,863 193,099 194,614 195,966 196,425 196,947 197,395 198,197 199,431 200,404 201,100 2,736 2,852 2,985 3,134 3,301 3,485 3,687 3,900 4,118 4,356 4,611 4,859 5,093 5,325 5,556 5,778 5,996 6,202 6,381 6,531 6,672 6,810 6,940 7,056 7,161 7,265 7,370 7,483 7,595 7,700 1,844 1,867 1,917 1,960 1,978 2,024 2,050 2,067 2,060 2,092 2,104 2,088 2,127 2,094 2,168 2,206 2,278 2,311 2,307 2,395 2,422 2,535 2,576 2,602 2,710 2,710 2,894 2,975 3,219 3,310 18.37 17.98 17.56 17.15 16.74 16.34 15.91 15.59 15.31 14.99 14.73 14.59 14.53 14.50 14.54 14.61 14.71 14.89 15.14 15.46 15.77 16.10 16.43 16.82 17.19 17.57 17.92 18.24 18.56 18.90 11.77 1926 .. . 1957 11.40 1927 1958 11.02 1928 1959 10.70 1929 1960 10.40 1930 1961 10.15 1931 1962 9.90 1932 1963 9.76 1933 1964 9.65 1934 1965 9.52 1935 1966 9.45 1936 1967 9.48 1937 1968 9.58 1938 1969 9.70 1939 1970 9.86 1940 1971 10.05 1941 1972 10.26 1942 1973 10.53 1943 1974 10.86 1944 1975 11.25 1945 1976 11.61 1946 1977 :.-. 11.98 1947 1978 12.35 1948 1979 12.75 1949 1980 13.12 1950 1981 13.48 l')",l 1982 13.79 1952 1983 14.05 1953 1984 14.31 1954 1985 14.56 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 187 Table A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards . Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Persons — all industries, total — equipment and structures 1,040 1,389 1,709 2,124 2,544 2,936 3,141 3,2X4 3,314 3,410 3,539 3.0X2 3.X32 3,954 4,069 4,272 4.3X4 4,399 4,437 4,414 4.579 4,769 4.X53 5.0X0 5,210 5,591 5,XX5 0.061 0,365 0,720 7,433 951 1,264 1,537 1,895 2,244 2.554 2,668 2,714 2.643 2,635 2,653 2,0X0 2.707 2,701 2,682 2,749 2,718 2,599 2,511 2,371 2,427 2,500 2.4X3 2.594 2,613 2,858 3,010 3,040 3,193 3,394 3,932 29 36 46 57 70 82 91 97 101 105 111 118 126 133 141 150 159 162 163 164 169 181 191 204 220 243 272 294 317 345 381 14 16 29 36 46 60 70 84 88 lin 1(17 136 141 166 184 212 2.86 3.01 3.36 3 00 3.93 4.34 5.02 5.78 6.72 7.52 8.22 XXX 9.50 10.17 10.85 11.27 1192 12.79 13.56 14.49 14.75 14.93 15.38 15.39 15.61 15.19 1495 15.05 1480 14.45 1349 2.76 2.87 3.18 3.38 3.66 4.02 4.67 5 39 6.31 7.06 7.70 8.26 8.78 9 36 9.94 10.16 10.69 11.54 12 22 13.14 12.96 1265 12X4 12.34 12.27 11.25 10.70 1065 10.15 9.56 8.32 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 1 9X1 1985 8,042 X.487 X.70X 9,300 9,751 10,275 10,815 11,140 11,535 12,278 13,047 13,746 14,567 15,779 16,844 18,088 19,543 21.223 22,191 22,632 22,971 23,920 25,269 25.619 25,949 26,306 26,701 27,090 27,791 2X.5X3 4,301 1,020 4,745 5.174 5,431 5,816 6,228 0.430 6,712 7,320 7,943 X.467 9.082 10,056 10,816 11,715 12,766 13,994 14,452 14,389 14,214 14.668 15,419 15,296 15,130 15,042 15,058 15,095 15,501 15,9X2 423 457 479 505 534 558 5X11 598 618 647 6X6 728 771 825 887 947 1,012 1,0X9 1,160 1,205 1,234 1,276 1,348 1,401 1,410 1,410 1,408 1,406 1,415 1 .433 244 12.85 7.63 270 12.57 7.36 324 12.45 7.32 342 11.97 6.88 401 11.70 6.75 418 11.33 6.52 453 10.96 6.33 475 10.86 6.39 505 10.68 6.39 513 10.26 6.15 540 9.88 6.00 553 9.62 5.98 566 9.36 5.95 587 8.92 5.77 581 8.71 5.79 601 8.49 5.78 608 8.30 5.75 638 8.11 5.70 650 8.28 5.99 700 8.63 6.46 720 9.02 6 95 7X0 9.15 7 11 811 9.20 7.12 862 9.56 7.53 920 9.94 7.91 965 10.29 8.23 1,030 10.61 8.46 1,052 10.93 8.65 1,120 11.09 8.63 1,122 11.23 8.58 Persons — all industries, total — equipment 120 179 237 291 361 438 517 508 564 549 687 780 898 1,070 1,241 1,533 1,835 2,022 2.352 2,634 3,024 II 18 42 70 100 145 183 215 257 302 346 304 331 291 405 469 554 683 798 1,018 1,219 1 ,2X9 1,491 1,030 1,867 65 75 89 106 128 157 180 203 231 262 9 13 lx 24 31 37 42 47 50 55 56 62 76 88 109 (i (i 6 ii .50 .91 1.31 1.71 1 98 2.36 2.80 3 1 2 3.40 3.68 4.54 4.77 5.53 4.91 4.82 4.66 4.38 4.28 3.98 3.92 4.18 1 19 4.35 4 3X II .50 .88 1.24 1.57 1.76 2U5 2.38 2.56 2.71 2.87 3.72 3.72 4.45 3.40 3.23 3 OX 2.87 2.87 2.68 2.70 3.00 3.00 3.13 3.10 1950 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196X 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 198.3 1984 19X5 3.3X8 3.657 3.X05 4,139 4,353 4,534 4,645 4,751 4,952 5,132 5,425 5,701 5,9X7 6,386 6,804 7,142 7,529 8,011 8,422 8,707 8,957 9,392 10.107 10.218 10,135 10,012 9.X 1 1 9.725 9.746 9,0,35 2,000 2,160 2,159 2,347 2,423 2,475 2,473 2.4X9 2,611 2,711 2,921 3,101 3.2X11 3.550 3,816 3,976 4,177 4,456 4,649 4,719 4,757 4,990 5,490 5.392 5,144 4,919 4.714 4.612 4,684 4.042 296 324 341 361 384 400 410 418 431 449 171 499 526 559 598 033 668 710 753 7X7 X13 845 901 941 940 927 910 893 131 4.47 3.15 1 55 4.69 3.34 187 5.01 3.63 215 5.04 3.57 246 5.20 3.67 270 5.36 3.78 297 5.56 3.93 328 5.70 401 353 570 3.92 368 5.72 3.88 389 5.61 3.72 403 5.54 3.66 420 5.49 3.62 436 5.36 3.53 440 5.28 3 49 455 5.30 3.56 481 5.30 3.59 .MIS 5.27 3.56 536 5.30 3.61 571 5.41 3.72 601 5.52 3.83 643 5.52 3.77 6X6 5.37 3.56 732 5,54 3.76 775 5.78 4.01 825 5.98 4.19 873 6.14 4.31 910 6.22 4.30 936 6.17 4.15 949 6.19 4.10 188 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A6.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Persons — all industries, total — structures 1925 1920 1927 i:r> 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 um 1939 1940 1941 1942 1913 1944 1945 1946 1917 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1,040 1,3X9 1,709 2,124 2,544 2.936 3,141 3,205 3,268 3.330 3,419 3,503 3,590 3,003 3,708 3,834 3.80S 3,891 3.874 3.865 3.891 3,989 3.955 4,010 3,969 4,058 4,050 4,039 4,013 4,092 4,409 951 1.264 1,537 1,895 2,244 2,554 2.008 2,090 2,001 2,565 2,553 2,535 2,523 2,480 2,425 2,446 2,372 2,295 2.180 2,080 2,022 2.037 1,929 1 911 1,815 1,840 1,797 1,751 1,702 1,764 2,005 29 36 46 57 70 82 91 90 98 99 101 104 106 109 110 113 115 115 115 114 114 115 116 115 115 115 115 114 113 113 119 79 911 96 104 2.86 3.01 3.36 3.60 3.93 4.34 5.02 5.81 6.80 7.67 8.45 9.23 9.97 10.76 11.60 12.17 13.02 13.87 14.84 15.76 16.49 16.90 17.81 18.33 19.16 19.42 19.95 20.49 21.02 20.95 19.74 2.76 2.87 3.18 3.38 3.66 4.02 4.67 5.42 6.40 7.22 7.94 8.63 9.27 9.97 10.72 11.08 11.83 12.57 13.51 14.35 14.87 14.82 15.64 15.72 16.41 15.98 16.14 16.28 16.41 15.51 13.04 1950 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1902 1903 1904 1965 1966 1967 1908 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 4,653 4,831 4,964 5,221 5,398 5.740 6,169 6,389 6,584 7,146 7,622 8,045 8,579 9,392 10,040 10,946 12,014 13.212 13.769 13.925 14,014 14,529 15,102 15,401 15,815 16,294 16,856 17.365 18,040 18,948 2,295 2,454 2,586 2,827 3,008 3,341 3,756 3,942 4,101 4,609 5,022 5,366 5,802 6,500 7,000 7,739 8,589 9,538 9,803 9,671 9,458 9,678 9.929 9,898 9,986 10,122 10,344 10,48.3 10,817 11,340 127 133 138 144 150 158 170 180 187 199 215 229 244 266 289 313 344 379 406 418 421 431 447 460 471 483 498 513 530 552 113 18.95 115 18.53 137 18.15 127 17.47 155 16.94 148 16.04 156 15.03 147 14.69 151 14.43 144 13.52 151 12.92 150 12.51 147 12.06 151 11.35 141 11.04 146 10.58 127 10.18 130 9.84 114 10.10 129 10.64 119 11.25 136 11.51 125 11.76 130 12.23 145 12.60 140 12.95 157 13.21 142 13.57 184 13.74 173 13.80 Tax-exempt cooperatives- -all industries, total — equipment and structures 1925 224 563 1,028 1.561 2.164 2,793 3.39s 3,806 4,047 4,401 5,056 5,889 7,159 K.SS0 10,236 11,545 12,803 13.991 15,253 16,426 17,552 219 543 978 1,462 1,997 2,537 3,031 3,315 3,427 3,650 4,159 4,823 5,892 7,363 8,401 9,349 10,201 10,940 11,728 12,401 13,012 n 4 16 31 48 69 91 114 131 141 152 175 205 242 303 367 421 476 527 574 618 661 2 3 7 12 21 29 36 42 47 55 60 70 78 101 118 146 .50 .90 1.26 1.66 2.06 2.48 2.94 3.56 4.30 4.88 5.14 5.29 5.22 5.06 5.28 5.57 5.93 6.33 6.70 7.12 7.55 .50 .89 1.24 1.61 1.98 2.37 2.80 3.39 4.10 4.64 4.81 4.88 4.71 4.48 4.67 4.93 5.24 5.60 5.91 6.26 6.61 1956 18,651 19.581 20,456 21,358 22,383 23,352 24.308 25.418 26,380 27,402 28,530 29.780 31,152 32,5X0 34,146 35,597 36,998 38,449 40,023 41,866 43,358 45,558 48,041 50,487 54,036 57,844 61,207 63,784 66,035 69.176 13,577 13,978 14,322 14,701 15,196 15,628 16,090 16,578 16,969 17,416 17,953 18,596 19,342 20,123 21,006 21,754 22,433 23,158 24,008 25,128 25,891 27,350 29,041 30,640 33,284 36,095 38,412 39,908 41,088 43,177 704 737 762 784 811 841 870 901 930 958 994 1,033 1,079 1,134 1,197 1,261 1,321 1,382 1,444 1,512 1,581 1,662 1,763 1,876 2,011 2,167 2,314 2,425 2,500 2,584 169 208 232 261 282 303 317 339 359 383 403 426 454 487 514 559 598 657 719 790 852 921 971 1,029 1,107 1,170 1,267 1,346 1,429 1,531 7.99 8.48 8.98 9.44 9.84 10.26 10.65 11.01 11.41 11.76 12.06 12.30 12.50 12.68 12.81 12.98 13.17 13.33 13.45 13.48 13.62 13.54 13.41 13.32 13.00 12.69 12.54 12.58 12.69 12.64 6.96 1920 1957 7.37 1927 1958 7.77 192- 1959 8.12 1929 1960 8.38 1930 1961 8.66 1931 1962 8.9Q 1932 1963 9.11 1933 1964 9.35 1934 1965 9.54 1935 1966 9.67 1936 1967 9.73 1937 1968 9.74 1938 1969 9.74 1939 1970 9.70 1940 1971 9.73 1941 1972 9.79 1942 1973 9.83 1943 1974 9.81 1944 1975 9.70 1945 1976 9.74 1946 1977 9.54 1947 1978 9.32 1948 1979 9.17 1949 1980 8.79 [9 ill 1981 8.48 1951 1982 8.36 1952 1983 8.45 1953 1984 8.59 1954 1985 8.57 1955 . FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 189 fable A6. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Tax-exempt cooperatives — all industries, total — equipment (I (I 56 138 236 332 448 569 Till) 745 793 926 1,253 1,510 1.936 2,597 3,023 3,547 4,056 4,554 5,007 5,453 5,940 53 128 212 287 374 458 545 544 547 639 918 1,116 1,470 2,029 2,325 2,692 3.020 3,313 3,556 3,784 4,053 54 56 62 77 95 114 148 185 217 250 282 309 333 357 ii II II II II 2 3 7 12 21 29 36 42 47 55 60 69 77 99 115 1411 II .50 .90 1.32 1.79 2.20 2.61 3.00 3.73 4.38 ! 52 4.03 4.06 3.87 3.60 3.86 4.06 4.33 4.65 5.00 5.36 5.67 II II II .50 .88 1.26 1.69 2.03 2.37 2.67 3.35 3.92 3.87 3.21 3.23 3.04 2.82 3.12 3.35 3.62 3.91 4.23 4.54 4.77 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 191,1 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 197 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 0,363 6,636 6.833 7,083 7,402 7,693 8,1)23 8,390 8,652 8,979 9,442 9,882 10,377 111,909 11.553 12,107 12,687 13.271 13.904 14,558 15,028 15,993 16,929 17,848 19,218 20,527 21.6,98 22.751 23,639 25.277 4,255 4,325 4,333 4,412 4,570 4,704 4,874 5,081 5,183 5,348 5,639 5,895 6,195 6,515 6,917 7,209 7,513 7,812 8,166 8,542 8,734 9,408 10,012 ln.559 11,513 12,356 13,040 13,603 14,019 15,213 382 398 405 409 418 429 441 454 464 475 494 514 539 572 611 653 692 732 771 812 854 9(16 972 1.046 1.134 1,229 1.315 1,379 1,417 1,464 161 194 216 239 257 272 281 293 305 313 322 330 344 359 370 391 415 447 492 534 575 616 640 671 719 764 827 8911 943 1,021 6 1)2 6.48 6.97 7.36 7.66 7.97 8.23 8.45 8.76 9 mi 9.10 9.23 9.33 9 in 9.41 9.50 9.58 9.66 9.71 9.75 9.91 9.75 9.66 9.61 9.38 9.24 9.19 9 21 9.32 9.15 5 05 5.45 5.88 6 1- 6.35 6.54 6.66 6.74 6.94 7.05 7 (HI Till 6.99 6.97 6 88 6.92 6.95 6.99 6.98 6.96 7.10 6.87 6.75 6.71 6.46 6.34 6.34 6 411 6.53 6.33 Tax-exempt cooperatives — all industries, total — structures n 168 125 792 1,228 1,716 2,225 2,698 3.061 3,254 3,475 3,804 4,379 5,223 6,289 7,213 7,999 8,747 9,438 10,246 10,973 11,612 i) i) ii n 166 415 765 1,175 1.623 2,079 2,486 2,771 2.881) 3,010 3,242 3,707 4,422 5,334 6,076 6,657 7,181 7,627 8,172 8,617 8,959 110 129 155 181 205 225 215 265 286 304 i) II .50 .90 1 25 1.63 2.02 2.45 2.93 3.52 4.28 4 98 5.51 5.72 5.71 5.66 5.87 6.24 6.67 7.14 7.54 8.00 8.52 II .50 .89 1.23 1.60 1.97 2.38 2 83 3.40 4.14 4.80 5.26 5.37 5.26 5.11 5.25 5.57 5.92 6.33 6.63 7.01 7.44 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 198:i 19M 1985 12.289 12,945 13.623 14,275 14,980 15,659 16,345 17,027 17,727 18,423 19,088 19.898 20,775 21,671 22,593 23,490 24,311 25.178 26.119 27.308 28,330 29.565 31,112 32.639 34,818 37,318 39,509 41,033 42.395 43,899 9,322 9,653 9,989 10,289 10,626 10,924 11,216 11,497 11,786 12,068 12,314 12.701 13,147 13.609 14,089 14,545 14,920 15,346 15,842 16,586 17,158 17,942 19,029 20,082 21,771 23,739 25,372 26,305 27,070 27.96,4 322 339 357 375 393 411 429 447 465 483 500 519 54n 563 585 608 630 650 673 699 727 755 791 830 877 938 999 1,047 1,083 1,120 9 9.01 7.83 13 9.51 8.22 16 9.99 8.58 22 10.47 8.95 25 10.92 9.26 31 11.38 9.58 36 11.83 9.87 46 12.28 10.16 54 12.70 10.41 69 13.11 10.65 81 13.53 10.89 97 13.83 10.99 109 14.09 11.04 128 14.33 11.07 144 14.55 11.09 167 14.77 11.13 183 15.04 11.22 210 15.26 11.27 227 15.44 11.27 256 15.46 11.11 276 15.59 11.08 305 15.59 10.94 331 15.45 10.67 355 15.35 10.47 3X8 15.00 10.03 406 14.60 9.60 441 14.38 9.40 455 14.45 9.50 486 14.57 9.66 511) 14.65 9.78 190 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross Net Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross All industries, total — equipment and structures 181,225 186,608 190,490 192,905 182,945 160,168 154,710 1 55,65 1 158,681 160,995 170,356 179,688 178,296 179,550 188.305 204.816 217,711 222.698 227,067 247.493 297,515 351,915 3X4,332 400,223 438,715 480,766 506.199 526.620 546.224 591,181 99,398 1112,379 104,316 105,520 105,544 99,296 88,329 79,635 77,727 77,464 77,443 81,741 86,525 85,007 85,064 89,418 98,119 102,760 103,234 104,459 114,511 140,749 171,237 192.251; 203,761 226,903 251,838 267,074 280.890 293,079 319,968 6,898 7,188 7,343 7,517 7,695 7,524 7,038 6,306 6,012 6,113 6,094 6,128 6,785 6,910 6,812 7,035 7,652 8,449 8,570 8,700 8,895 10,376 12,796 14,971 16,212 17,473 20.252 21,785 23,197 24.435 25.856 4,248 4,481 4,856 4,981 5,075 5,083 4.924 4.636 4,762 5,117 5,373 5,563 6,225 6,491 6,485 6,640 7,113 7,844 8,206 8,536 8,914 9,925 11,823 13,331 13,853 14,244 16,033 16,606 17,529 18.793 19,863 15.91 15.87 15.88 15.90 15.83 15.84 16.02 16.50 17.17 17.67 18.09 18.32 18.31 18.52 18.76 18.87 18 83 19.12 19.38 19.53 19.61 19.32 18.83 18.16 17.63 17.16 16.70 16.34 15.88 15.52 15.18 11.37 11.21 11.13 11.07 10.91 10.91 11.18 11.74 12.42 12.89 13.21 13.24 13.04 13.17 13.27 13.16 12.89 13.14 13.43 13.48 13.31 12.74 12.03 11.28 10.79 10.38 10.02 9.79 9.48 9.29 9 08 1956. 1957 . 1958. 1959 . 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963 1964. 1965 . 1966 1967. 1968. 1969 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977 1978. 1979 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983 1984. 1985 650,319 689,685 710,922 737,978 755,735 775,383 802,255 832,029 872,289 932,310 1,014,374 1,092,991 1,202,546 1,320,895 1,453,378 1,598,943 1,737,733 1,940,289 2,387,091 2,661,692 2,920,848 3,253,482 3,774,588 4,225,212 4,844,389 5,503,689 5,859,237 6,094,708 6,429,737 6,701,381 355,916 380,667 392,660 409,015 420,382 432,260 449,563 468,552 494,943 535,711 590.951 640,677 709,247 784,783 865,131 950,521 1,033,065 1,157,661 1,422,612 1,570,979 1,709,871 1,895,798 2,199,699 2,459,108 2,807,427 3,175,130 3,348,274 3,450,406 3,628,311 3,771,757 28,918 31,558 32.840 34,235 35,487 36,401 37,616 39,179 41.133 43,865 47.686 52,047 57,204 62,512 68,449 75.060 82,449 89,776 104,855 125,396 139,143 155,533 176,803 203.893 233,890 270,606 301,232 311,054 324,509 340,994 22,571 24,704 25.728 26,922 28,123 28,677 29,650 30,509 31,961 33,464 35,490 37,282 40,205 42.591 45,190 48,597 54,172 57,440 65,523 79,233 88,230 99,570 112,339 130,016 150,376 172,558 197,552 208,628 220,212 233,677 14.78 14.42 14.22 13.96 13.75 13.58 13.36 13.16 12.91 12.60 12.22 11.97 11.80 11.67 11.60 11.64 11.62 11.55 11.45 11.47 11.49 11.47 11.48 11.36 11.32 11.25 11.27 11.51 11.60 11.66 All industries, total — equipment 1925 54,539 57.003 58,474 59,461 60,069 58,094 54,522 51,352 50,777 51,349 50,983 52,673 55,683 55,746 56,102 59,245 64,506 66,931 67,485 68,587 75,328 89,926 107,823 125.562 138,904 158,243 178,351 192,796 207,879 221,293 243,238 29,427 30,807 31,419 31,811 32,295 30,767 27,926 24,936 23,542 23,118 22,789 24,049 26,273 26,251 26,665 28,944 32,679 33,376 32,996 33,712 38,375 47,722 60,596 73,380 82,212 94,555 106,775 114,522 122,913 129.191 141,414 3,519 3,758 3,824 3,942 4,048 4,008 3,769 3,485 3,211 3,276 3,180 3,162 3,430 3,590 3,524 3,684 4,100 4,540 4,404 4,458 4,531 5,423 6,600 7,996 9,214 10,320 12,164 13,329 14,438 15,586 16,614 2,410 2,584 2,779 2,856 2,895 2,855 2,801 2,712 2,752 2,997 3,095 3,134 3,416 3,570 3,506 3,531 3,752 4,057 3,997 4,187 4,286 4,536 5,119 5,665 6,085 6,533 7,229 7,501 8,225 9,376 10,520 9.04 9.06 9.12 9.16 9.10 9.19 9.50 10.03 10.52 10.93 11.17 11.12 10.90 10.97 10.96 10.70 10.26 10.25 10.31 10.15 9.77 9.32 8.55 7.93 7.65 7.42 7.21 7.13 7.09 7.14 7.17 6.31 6.26 6.31 6.32 6.21 6.32 6.67 7.27 7.80 8.13 8.16 7.78 7.28 7.28 7.15 6.76 6.28 6.40 6.55 6.42 6.01 5.57 4.96 4.60 4.57 4.56 4.57 4.65 4.71 4.84 4.90 1956 272,902 297,325 311.831 328,847 341,742 350,932 365,105 381,496 402,627 431,133 474,217 519,468 570,032 618,998 679,315 733,239 789,761 875,086 1,083,905 1,252,226 1,389,205 1,557,807 1,770,255 2,031,154 2,353,299 2,680,349 2,894,174 3,007,894 3,162,651 3,297,005 158,186 171,799 177,746 186,194 192,368 195,983 203,430 212,402 225,182 243,839 271,995 299,610 330,069 360,485 394,952 423,592 455,382 507,486 628,127 718,674 790,256 885,005 1,008,518 1,160,247 1,336,802 1,512,613 1,610,434 1,652,182 1,733,215 1,803,744 18,635 20,503 21,636 22,666 23,619 24,316 25,122 26,302 27,751 29,677 32,364 35,711 39,484 42,813 46,723 50,950 55,354 60,057 69,902 84,685 95,038 106,388 120,805 138,880 159,403 183,820 203,795 212,936 223,375 234,662 12,193 13.975 15,169 16,282 17,326 18,194 18,900 19,856 21,143 22,459 23,838 25,533 27,627 29,123 30,798 33,294 36,486 39,081 44.712 55,030 62,582 70,733 80,545 92,746 107.383 125,223 142,902 154,114 164,072 173,860 7.22 7.26 7.40 7.49 7.56 7.65 7.68 7.69 7.66 7.55 7.40 7.33 7.27 7.23 7.24 7.30 7.32 7.24 7.25 7.40 7.46 7.45 7.39 7.33 7.38 7.43 7.56 7.68 7.70 7.74 4.95 1926 1957 5.01 1927 1958 5.17 1928 1959 5.26 1929 1960 5.33 1930 1961 5.41 1931 .... 1962 5.42 1932 1963 5.40 1933 1964 5.34 1934 1965 5.20 1935 1966 5.04 1936 ... 1967 4.99 1937 1968 4.95 1938 1969 4.92 1939 . .. 1970 4.95 1940 1971 5.02 1941 1972 5.04 1942 1973 4.95 1943 1974 4.94 1944 1975 5.10 1945 1976 5.16 1946 1977 :.- 5.13 1947 1978 5.05 1948 1979 4.99 1949 1980 5.03 1950 1981 ■. 5.09 1951 1982 5.23 1952 1983 5.34 1953 1984 5.33 1954 1985 5.33 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 191 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net All industries, total — structures 1925 126,686 129,605 1.32,016 133,675 132,836 124,851 111,646 103,358 104,877 107,332 110,012 117,683 124,005 122,550 123,448 129,060 140,310 150,780 155,213 158,480 172,165 207,589 244,092 258,770 261,319 280,472 302,415 313,403 318,741 324,930 347,943 69,971 71,572 72,898 73,709 73,249 68,529 60,403 54,699 54,186 54,346 54,655 57,692 60,252 58,756 58,400 60,474 65,441 69.384 70,238 70,747 76,135 93.028 110.641 118.875 121,549 132,348 145,063 152,552 157,978 163,888 178,554 3,380 3,430 3,519 3,575 3,647 3,516 3,269 2,821 2,801 2,837 2,915 2,966 3,355 3,320 3,289 3,351 3,553 3,909 4,167 4,242 4,364 4,953 6,196 6,976 6,998 7,154 8,088 8,456 8,760 8,849 9,242 1,838 1,898 2,076 2,124 2,180 2,228 2,123 1,924 2,010 2,120 2,277 2,429 2,809 2,921 2,979 3,109 3,362 3,787 4,209 4,349 4,627 5,389 6,704 7,667 7,769 7,711 8,804 9,105 9,304 9,417 9,343 18.87 18.87 18.87 18.89 18.87 18.93 19.21 19.72 20.39 20.89 21.30 21.54 21.65 21.95 22.31 22.61 22.78 23.05 23.32 23.59 23.92 23.65 23.37 23.13 22.94 22.65 22.30 22.01 21.61 21.22 20.78 13.50 13.33 13.21 13.11 12.98 12.98 13.26 13.78 14.42 14.91 15.31 15.52 15.55 15.80 16.07 16.22 16.19 16.39 16.66 16.85 16.99 16.41 15.90 15.40 15.00 14.53 14.03 13.64 13.19 12.80 12.40 1956 377,416 392.360 399,091 409,131 413.993 424,451 437,150 450,533 469,661 501,177 540,157 573,523 632,514 701,896 774,063 865,704 947,972 1,065,203 1,303,186 1,409,466 1,531,643 1,695,675 2,004.332 2,194,057 2,491.091 2,823,340 2.965,062 3,086,815 3,267,085 3,404,377 197,730 208,868 214,915 222,821 228,014 236,277 246,133 256,150 269,761 291,872 318,956 341,067 379,177 424,298 470,179 526,929 577,683 650,175 794,485 852,305 . 919,615 1,010,793 1,191,180 1,298,861 1,470.626 1,662,518 1,737,840 1,798,225 1.895,096 1,968,013 10,283 11,055 11,204 11,570 11,868 12,086 12,494 12.877 13.382 14,188 15,322 16.335 17,720 19,700 21,726 24,110 27,095 29,719 34,953 40.710 44,106 49,145 55,998 65,013 74,486 86,786 97,437 98,118 101,134 106,332 10,378 10,729 10,558 10,640 10,796 10,482 10,751 10,653 10,817 11,005 11,652 11,749 12,577 13,468 14,391 15,303 17.686 18,358 20,811 24,204 25,648 28,837 31,793 37,270 42,993 47,336 54,650 54,515 56,140 59,816 20.25 19.85 19.54 19.16 18.85 18.48 18.11 17.79 17.41 16.94 16.45 16.18 15.88 15.59 15.42 15.31 15.21 15.10 14.94 15.07 15.15 15.17 15.09 15.09 15.04 14.88 14.90 15.25 15.38 15.46 11.95 1926 1957 11.65 1927 1958 11.47 1928 1959 11.27 1929 1960 11.13 1930 1961 10.96 1931 1962 10.79 1932 1963 10.68 1933 1964 10.54 1934 1965 10.30 1935 1966 10.08 1936 1967 10.00 1937.. . 1968 9.92 1938 1969 9.84 1939 1970 9.84 1940 1971 9.88 1941 1972 9.93 1942 1973 9.95 1943 1974 9.97 1944 1975 10.17 1945 1976 10 34 1946 1977 10.46 1947 1978 10 51 1948 1979 10.53 1949 1980 10.52 1950 1981 10 40 1951 1982 10.43 1952 1983 10.75 1953 1984 10.85 1954 1985 10.87 1955 Farms — equipment and structures 1925 13,485 13,665 13,718 13,677 13,422 12,459 11,024 10,106 9,826 9,557 9,546 10,189 10,944 10,880 10,875 11,228 12,288 13,102 13,414 14,008 15,227 18,803 23,422 26,943 29,336 33,151 37.252 39,766 41,228 42,423 44,965 6,746 6,788 6,788 6,743 6,636 6,102 5,236 4,584 4,267 4,032 4,053 4,440 4,926 4,936 4,955 5,150 5,761 6,045 6,034 6,390 7,037 9,003 11,918 14,536 16,462 19,007 21,440 22,750 23,365 23,670 24,810 635 666 676 688 696 687 633 570 543 520 491 502 556 587 581 602 658 741 741 768 802 925 1,146 1,426 1,666 1,885 2,216 2,455 2,608 2,716 2,813 484 531 569 602 625 606 575 546 574 578 567 589 622 632 601 599 603 668 699 746 783 879 1,045 1,167 1,226 1,309 1,435 1,530 1,658 1,811 2,016 15.36 15.31 15.24 15.22 15.03 14.78 14.71 14.86 15.45 16.16 16.46 16.61 16.44 16.31 16.26 16.17 15.87 16.01 16.30 15.99 15.80 15.67 14.86 13.51 12.33 11.66 11.23 10.88 10.59 10.47 10.49 10.57 10.51 10.40 10.34 10.11 9.97 10.16 10.61 11.33 11.97 11.90 11.55 10.97 10.74 10.59 10.40 9.91 10.09 10.42 10.00 9.69 9.20 8.24 7.21 6.52 6.22 6.15 6.15 6.19 6.31 6.46 1956 47,613 49,020 50,122 51,019 51,354 51,943 53,082 54,577 56.339 59,506 63,639 67,367 72.875 79,456 85,715 93,325 103,091 114,896 142,722 157,196 175,766 198,104 231,953 260,580 295,208 326,077 336,490 349.719 355,880 352,666 25,902 26,371 26,867 27,487 27,590 27,960 28,753 29,886 31,107 33,313 36,105 38.600 11,838 45,609 49,228 53,641 59,034 66,380 82,745 90,914 101,589 114,559 133,912 149,838 167,397 181,202 181,865 184,328 183,232 177,896 2,990 3,105 3,171 3,248 3,254 3,248 3,279 3.331 3,416 3,568 3.799 4,052 4,327 4.675 5,041 5,311 5,960 6,531 7,543 9,008 9,977 11,243 12,616 14,332 16,552 18,287 19,387 19,709 19,777 19,406 2,341 2,669 2,869 3,034 3,104 3.141 3,179 3,196 3,206 3,260 3,293 3.346 3,388 3,539 3,666 3,856 4,283 1.833 5,353 6,391 7,102 7,791 8,754 9.869 11,884 13,441 15,530 16,839 18,109 18,949 10.57 10.52 10.40 10.29 10.28 10.32 10.31 10.25 10.19 1007 9.95 9.79 9.84 9.90 9.96 10.10 10.15 10.10 9.89 9.78 9.73 9.73 9.97 9.84 9.98 10.25 10.56 11.04 11.53 12.01 6.66 1926 1957 6.78 1927 1958 6.79 1928 1959 6.76 1929... 1960 6.86 1930 1961 6.95 1931 1962 7.00 1932 1963 6.98 1933 1964 6.99 1934 1965 6.93 1935 1966 6.87 1936 1967 6.79 1937 1968 6.90 1938. . 1969 7.01 1939 1970 7.08 1940 1971 7.21 1941 1972 7.26 1942 1973 7.17 1943 1974 6.98 1944 1975 6.92 1945.... 1976 6.87 1946 1977 6.85 1947 1978 7.03 1948 1979 6.92 1949 1980 7.08 1950 1981 7.36 1951 1982 7.71 1952 1983 8.16 1953 1984 8.62 1954 1985 9.04 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 192 Table A7.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Farms — equipment 4,690 4,953 5.141 5,256 5,419 5,426 5,124 4,914 4,696 4,337 4,215 4,393 4,772 4,845 4,903 5,151 5,777 6,126 6,145 6,583 7,250 8,353 10,481 13,163 15,551 18,171 20,875 22,7X5 24,198 25,230 26.645 2.442 2,574 2,672 2,739 2,870 2,853 2,574 2.305 2.1)73 1,852 1,860 2,081 2,434 2.526 2,590 2,774 3.235 3.354 3.224 3.502 3,917 4,548 6,061 7,996 9.655 11.336 12,807 13,544 13,940 13,992 14.360 402 435 449 466 479 464 430 414 385 356 362 397 430 427 449 499 569 559 580 614 701 837 1,073 1,313 1,527 1,801 2,020 2.161 2,273 2,355 264 308 349 380 405 399 394 391 426 415 399 407 410 419 389 382 373 411 425 450 486 529 577 663 743 832 909 998 1,135 1,309 1.516 6.01 6.02 5.99 5.95 6.25 6.69 7.10 7.29 7.13 6.78 6.33 6.15 6.03 5.83 5.46 5.48 5.67 5.55 5.43 5.47 5.07 4.72 4.54 4.48 4.57 4.76 4.96 5.23 5.45 4.19 4.09 4.01 3.95 3.84 3.91 4.28 4.81 5.27 5.39 4.95 4.35 3.84 3.77 3.76 3.68 3.41 3.57 3.88 3.74 3.63 3.62 3.22 2.96 2.91 2.98 3.15 3.38 3.58 3.80 3.93 1956. 1957. 1958.. 1959.. I960.. 1961., 1962. 1963 1964 1965. 1966. 1967 1968 1969. 1970. 1971 .. 1972 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983. 1984. 1985 27,960 29,072 30,230 30,799 30,974 30,906 31,191 31,770 32,589 34,309 36,535 38,831 41,232 44,268 46,804 49,465 55,067 61,110 78,233 87,777 98,967 111,291 124,606 144,595 164.141 180,316 187,296 189.941 188,230 182,410 14,553 14,754 15,211 15,491 15,424 15,336 15,549 16.078 16,714 18,026 19,656 21,237 22,632 24,277 25,664 27,114 30,221 34.0X5 43,848 48,872 54,899 61,639 68,210 78,806 87,446 93,227 93,110 90,960 87,081 82,409 2,485 2,573 2,647 2,718 2,711 2,694 2,705 2,730 2,788 2,906 3,090 3,301 3,516 3,762 4,036 4,183 4,702 5,078 5,936 7,177 7,992 9,020 10,067 11,374 13,135 14,518 15,315 15,500 15,342 14,824 1,811 2,134 2,372 2,554 2,645 2,693 2,749 2,745 2,772 2,814 2,846 2,899 2,961 3,029 3,174 3,263 3,690 4,022 4,545 5,515 6,121 6,768 7,524 8,511 10,141 11,691 13,351 14,740 15,598 16.463 5.72 5.95 6.08 6.16 6.31 6.39 6.42 6.35 6.29 6.13 5.95 5.81 5.73 5.70 5.65 5.63 5.66 5.56 5.55 5.61 5.65 5.67 5.77 5.81 5.99 6.22 6.54 6.84 7.13 7.37 Farms — structures 1925 8,795 8,712 8,577 8,422 8,003 7,032 5,900 5,192 5,131 5,220 5,331 5,797 6,172 6,035 5,972 6,077 6,511 6,977 7,269 7,425 7,977 10,450 12,941 13,779 13,784 14,980 16,377 16,980 17,029 17,192 18,320 4,304 4,213 4,116 4,004 3,766 3,249 2,662 2,279 2,194 2,180 2,193 2,359 2,491 2.410 2,365 2,376 2,526 2,691 2,810 2,888 3,119 4.455 5,857 6,540 6,807 7,671 8,633 9.207 9,425 9,678 10,450 233 231 227 222 218 199 169 139 129 135 136 140 159 157 153 153 159 172 182 188 188 223 310 353 353 358 416 436 447 443 458 221 223 220 221 220 207 181 155 148 163 167 181 212 213 212 218 230 258 274 296 297 350 467 505 483 476 526 533 522 502 500 20.34 20.60 20.78 20.98 21.21 21.59 22.06 22.59 23.09 23.54 23.84 24.06 24.25 24.47 24.66 24.93 25.10 25.26 25.28 25.25 25.23 23.83 22.79 21.90 21.12 20.36 19.73 19.09 18.59 18.16 17.81 14.18 14.43 14.55 14.71 14.89 15.30 15.84 16.48 17.06 17.56 17.79 17.89 17.93 18.04 18.07 18.24 18.24 18.21 17.93 17.60 17.30 14.90 13.44 12.41 11.64 11.02 10.60 10.23 10.04 9.95 9.94 1956 19,653 19,948 19,891 20,220 20,380 21,037 21.891 22,807 23,750 25,196 27,104 28,536 31,643 35,188 38,911 43,860 48,024 53,786 64,490 69,419 76,800 86,813 107,348 115,985 131,067 145,762 149,194 159,778 167,650 170,255 11,349 11,617 11,656 11,996 12,165 12,623 13,204 13,808 14,392 15,287 16,449 17,363 19,207 21,332 23,565 26,527 28,813 32.295 38,897 42,042 46,691 52,920 65,702 71,032 79,950 87,975 88,755 93,369 96,151 95,486 505 532 524 529 543 554 575 601 628 663 709 751 811 913 1,005 1,128 1,258 1,453 1.607 1,831 1,985 2.223 2.548 2,958 3,417 3,769 4.071 4,209 4,434 4.582 530 535 497 480 459 448 430 451 434 447 447 448 428 509 492 592 592 811 808 875 981 1,023 1,230 1,358 1,743 1,750 2,180 2,099 2,511 2,486 17.46 17.19 16.96 16.57 16.32 16.09 15.86 15.68 15.55 15.44 15.34 15.21 15.19 15.17 15.14 15.14 15.29 15.26 15.16 15.06 14.98 14.93 14.86 14.86 14.98 15.24 15.60 16.03 16.47 16.99 9.94 1926... . 1957 10.02 1927 1958 10.12 1928 1959 10.06 1929 1960 10.13 1930 1961.... 10.19 1931 1962 .. . 10.23 1932 1963... . 10.30 1933 1964 10.41 1934 1965 10.49 1935 1966 10.57 1936 1967 10.56 1937 1968 10.63 1938 1969 10.69 1939 1970 10.69 1940 1971 10.72 1941 1972 10.88 1942 1973 10.82 1943 1974 10.67 1944 1975 10.53 1945 1976 10.41 1946 1977 :.: 10.31 1947 1978 10.19 1948 1979 10.15 1949 1980 10.26 1950 1981 10.50 1951 1982 10.87 1952 1983 11.29 1953 1984 11.76 1954 1985 12.27 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 193 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Manufacturing — equipment and structures 27,760 28.416 28,870 29,445 29,376 27,312 24,344 22.37.7 23,062 24,206 24,693 26.SH.-, 29,435 29,656 30,303 32,468 36,137 38,715 40,121 41.728 46.287 57.461 69,754 77,518 80,802 88.999 99,162 105,352 1 10,24s 115,498 126,22(1 15,010 15,341 15,570 15.944 16.132 14,929 13,022 11.551 11,636 12,040 12,227 13,415 14,980 14,967 15,269 16,569 18,958 20,255 20.695 21,531 24,324 31,134 38.790 43.83S 45,660 49,981 56,077 59.865 62,817 65,801 71,829 1,219 1,257 1,263 1.289 1,315 1,264 1,148 1.021 970 1,075 1,087 1,127 1,297 1,360 1.372 1.457 1,624 1,809 1,859 1,937 2,020 2,422 3,032 3,58(1 3,882 4,128 4,803 5,126 5,448 5,714 6,053 S92 920 952 974 990 952 884 819 818 923 955 980 1,113 1,138 1,175 1,240 1,325 1,477 1,557 1,581 1,685 1,887 2.169 2.55:! 2.706 2,738 3.279 3.391 3.642 3.969 4,198 11.93 11.99 12.03 12.02 11.86 11.89 12.11 12.54 12.84 13.06 13.21 13.22 13.03 13.10 13.11 12.93 12.58 12.62 1 2 S9. 12.80 12.57 12.28 11.95 11.53 11.32 11.28 11.07 Hi -:- 10.69 10.56 10.53 8.36 8.35 8.33 >21 8.00 8.04 8.33 9.17 9.35 9.43 9.31 8.95 9.02 8 99 -To 8 22 8.27 8.51 8.46 8.16 7.73 7.35 7.07 7.07 7.15 7.03 6.93 6.87 6.86 6 89 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19.-1 1985 141,912 152.505 156.768 162.471 167,472 171,991 178,546 185.916 195,740 211,476 235.853 J57.22i; 284,566 310,653 340,592 370.113 395,231 434,222 532, ,63 coo 97:; 659.447 736,958 859.024 960.356 1,108,082 1,253,360 1,333,374 1,383,708 1,445,099 1,492,457 81.679 88.441 90,003 92,204 94.698 96,731 100.192 104.239 110.2.-9 121,144 138.194 152,482 169.421 186.038 203.837 219.909 2:::;, 020 255,326 313,522 351,280 382,472 424,917 193,6 ,2 550.846 633,887 713,352 751.195 764,653 789.801 808,724 6.S29 7,541 7,836 8,094 8.404 8,616 8,871 9,260 9.717 10,410 11,449 12,694 14.011 15,176 16,492 17,900 19,713 20,722 23,783 28,739 31.898 35.565 40,216 16.565 53.098 60,997 67,196 69,367 71,716 74.499 4.848 5,320 5.388 5,790 6.172 6,297 (1,666 7.027 7,246 7,834 8,418 8,901 9.534 10.028 10.669 11,279 13,077 12,858 14,665 17,523 19,316 21,887 24,240 29,561 33,524 38,154 43.898 46.991 19. -.9 53,787 1030 10.11 10.18 1026 10.25 10.33 10.35 10.35 1029 10.08 9.76 9.56 9.52 9 52 9 56 9.73 9.86 9.97 9.91 9.93 10.02 10.08 10.20 10.13 10.14 10.20 1029 10 62 10.82 10.97 6.73 6 63 6.79 6.96 7.01 7.10 1 15 7.16 7.09 6 85 6 54 6.39 6.39 6.43 6.52 6.72 6.86 6.97 6.91 6.96 7.05 7.10 7.16 7.08 7.07 7.10 7.20 J 51 7.66 7.76 Manufacturing — equipment 14,327 14,568 14,711 14.882 14,726 13,948 12.892 12,180 12,756 13,487 13,632 14,605 15,949 16,293 16,900 18,387 20,121 21.248 21,965 23,157 25,933 30,573 36,370 42.477 46,577 52,495 59,101 63,629 68,219 72,981 80,525 7,241 7,337 7,377 7,469 7,510 7,129 6.489 5.918 6,074 6,385 6,537 7,211 8,176 8,379 8,787 9,781 11,025 11,720 12,064 12,941 14,886 18,012 22,141 26,212 28,458 31,680 35.509 37,969 40.386 42,770 46,781 782 810 806 822 832 801 742 681 649 731 736 760 870 928 945 1,021 1,150 1,274 1,289 1,352 1,428 1,711 2,044 2,464 2.791 3,051 3.565 3.826 4,112 4,384 4,675 627 655 675 688 699 671 630 596 605 684 693 702 786 799 816 864 931 997 1.020 1,050 1,065 1,143 1,264 1,392 1,545 1,718 1,969 2,105 2,317 2,609 2.937 10.50 10.58 10 63 1069 10.55 10 50 1065 11.03 11.28 11.38 11.25 10.96 10.52 10.40 10.23 9.93 9.51 9 25 9.17 8 88 8.51 8.13 7.62 7.35 7.39 7.49 7.49 7.52 7.60 7.71 7.86 7.37 7.34 7.32 7.26 6.98 6.90 7.07 7.50 7.74 7.76 7.52 7.09 6.60 6.55 6.42 6.15 5 82 5.74 5 8| 5.64 5.38 5.12 4.79 4.69 4.89 5.11 5.17 5.24 5.34 5.46 5 58 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 91.169 99,944 103,996 109, 500 113,617 115,900 120,127 124,712 131,242 140,901 156.543 171.176 187,125 200,492 218,141 232,331 245,090 267.363 334.261 391,697 132,139 485,899 554.018 634,472 741,528 844,133 910,134 929 107 963.029 995,316 53,166 58.069 59.466 61.603 63.290 63,846 65,782 68.006 71,988 78,493 89,091 98.513 108,217 116,552 126,835 134,158 141,258 153,896 193.626 226,273 248,391 278.09:: 317,912 363.763 424,854 481,710 513.461 513.480 526,773 539.682 .',..'8:; 5,866 6,159 6 107 6,680 6,846 7,029 7,329 7,684 8,216 9,007 10,007 11.037 11,758 12,686 13.623 14.603 15,425 17.801 22,033 24,748 27,648 31,439 36.266 41,784 48,306 55.187 54,942 56,478 58,620 3.379 3.825 4,081 4,398 4,784 5,028 5.273 5,608 5,977 6.421 6,895 7,471 7,976 8.287 8,756 9.240 10.043 10.25! 11.560 14,137 15,794 17.585 19,945 23,506 27,083 31,248 35.781 38,372 40,890 13,343 7.91 7.97 - 19 8.41 8.55 8.70 8.79 8 85 8.82 8.66 8.44 8.30 8.25 8.23 8.24 8.32 8.36 8.37 8.29 8.36 8.40 - 10 8.36 8.34 8.35 8.40 - 54 8 78 8.91 9.06 5.58 5.59 5.80 6.00 6.10 6.22 6.26 6 25 6 15 5.93 5.67 5 55 5.53 5.53 5.57 5 09 5.74 5.75 5 66 5.73 5.78 5.77 5.72 5.70 5.70 5.75 5.90 6.16 6.27 6.37 194 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Manufacturing — structures 1925 1926 1927 192S 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 19311 19 In 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 13,433 13,848 14,158 14,563 14,650 13,364 11,452 10,195 10,307 10,719 11,062 12,260 13,485 13,363 13,403 14,081 16,016 17,468 18,156 18,570 20,354 26,888 33,384 35,041 34,225 36,504 40,061 41,723 42,029 42,517 45,695 7,769 8,003 8,193 8,475 8,622 7,800 6,533 5,633 5.562 5,655 5,690 6,204 6,805 6,589 6,482 6,788 7,932 8,535 8,631 8,590 9,438 13,122 16,649 17.626 17,202 18,301 20,568 21,896 22,431 23,031 25,048 437 447 456 467 483 464 405 340 321 344 350 367 428 432 428 436 474 535 570 585 592 712 988 1,117 1,091 1,077 1,238 1.300 1,336 1.329 1,378 265 266 277 286 291 281 254 223 213 239 262 278 327 339 359 376 391 480 537 531 62(1 744 905 1,161 1,161 1,019 1,311 1,286 1,325 1,360 1,261 13.45 13.48 13.47 13.38 13.17 13.33 13.76 14.35 14.77 15.18 15.63 15.92 16.00 16.40 16.74 16.85 16.45 16.72 17.23 17.70 17.73 16.99 16 68 1659 16.66 16.73 16.37 16.01 15.72 15.45 15 23 928 9.27 9.23 9.11 8.88 9.07 9.57 10.26 10.72 11.14 11.63 11 88 11.79 12.17 12.46 12.36 11.56 11.76 12.28 12.72 12.54 11.31 10.75 10.60 10.67 10.69 10.26 9.87 9.62 9.47 9.34 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 50,443 52,561 52,772 52,966 53.855 56,091 58,419 61,204 64.497 70,575 79,310 86,050 97,241 110,162 122,452 137,782 150,141 166,858 198,301 209.276 227,308 251,058 305,006 325,884 366,553 409,228 423,240 454,302 482,070 497,141 28,513 30,372 30,537 30,601 31,408 32,885 34,410 36,233 38,301 42,651 49,103 53,969 61,203 69,487 77,002 85,751 92,369 101,431 119,896 125.007 134,081 146,224 175,740 187,083 209,033 231,642 237,733 251,172 263,029 269,042 1,547 1,675 1.678 1,687 1,724 1.770 1,843 1,932 2,033 2,194 2,443 2.687 2,975 3,417 3,806 4,277 5,110 5,298 5,982 6,706 7,150 7,916 8,777 10,299 11,314 12,691 13,709 14,424 15,237 15,879 1,470 1,495 1,307 1,393 1,388 1,269 1,393 1,419 1.268 1,412 1,523 1,430 1,559 1,742 1,913 2,039 3,034 2,607 3,105 3,385 3,522 4,302 4,294 6.055 6,441 6,906 8,117 8,620 8,999 10,444 14.64 14.18 14.11 14.09 13.86 13.71 13.56 13.41 13.30 12.90 12.38 12.07 11.95 11.88 11.91 12.09 12.31 12.53 12.63 12.86 13.10 13.34 13.54 13.62 13.76 13.91 14.07 14.37 14.62 14.79 Nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment and structures 1925 139,980 144,527 147,902 150,013 150,108 143,175 130,800 122,228 122,765 124,918 126,756 133,302 139,310 137,760 138,372 144,609 156,391 165,893 169,163 171,331 185,979 221,251 258,739 279,871 290,085 316,564 344,352 361,082 375,145 388,304 419,996 77,643 80,250 81,959 82,833 82,776 78,265 70,071 63,500 61,824 61,393 61,163 63,886 66,619 65,104 64,840 67,698 73,401 76,460 76,506 76,538 83,150 100,612 120,528 133,882 141,639 157,916 174,322 184,458 194,708 203,608 223,328 5,044 5,264 5,405 5,540 5,683 5,574 5,257 4,716 4,499 4,518 4,516 4.498 4,931 4,962 4,859 4,976 5,370 5,899 5,970 5,995 6,073 7,029 8,617 9,965 10,664 11.461 13,233 14,203 15,141 16,005 16,990 2,871 3,031 3.334 3,405 3,460 3,525 3,465 3,272 3,369 3,616 3,851 3,991 4,490 4,720 4,709 4,801 5,185 5,698 5,950 6,210 6,446 7,159 8,610 9,611 9,922 10,198 11,318 11,685 12,229 13,013 13,649 16.75 16.69 16.69 16.72 16.68 16.68 16.86 17.36 18.12 18.68 19.17 19.48 19.58 19.86 20.20 20.41 20.51 20.88 21.18 21.45 21.68 21.46 21.04 20.45 19.93 19.38 18.92 18.54 17.99 17.54 17.08 12.03 11.81 11.72 11.67 11.54 11.54 11.78 12.35 13.10 13.64 14.05 14.19 14.12 14.31 14.49 14.46 14.33 14.68 15.00 15.19 15.13 14.60 13.91 13.10 12.49 11.89 11.46 11.16 10.72 10.42 10.08 1956 460,793 488,160 504,032 524,488 536,909 551,449 570,627 591,536 620,210 661,328 714,882 768,398 845,305 930,785 1.027,071 1,135,505 1,239,411 1,391,172 1,711,807 1,903,524 2,085,634 2,318,421 2,683,610 3,004,276 3,441,100 3,924,251 4,189,373 4,361,280 4,628,758 4,856,259 248,335 265,855 275,791 289,323 298,094 307,569 320,618 334,427 353,547 381,254 416,652 449,594 497,987 553,135 612,065 676,971 740,404 835,955 1,026,345 1,128,785 1,225,810 1,356,322 1,572,134 1,758,424 2,006,143 2,280,576 2,415,213 2,501,425 2,655,277 2,785,138 19,099 20,912 21,832 22,894 23,830 24,538 25,465 26,588 28,000 29,887 32.438 35,301 38,866 42,662 46,916 51,849 56,777 62,523 73,529 87,649 97,268 108,725 123,971 142,997 164,240 191,322 214,649 221,978 233,017 247,090 15,382 16,714 17,470 18,097 18,847 19,238 19.805 20,286 21,509 22,370 23,779 25,034 27,282 29,025 30,854 33,462 36,813 39,748 45,505 55,320 61,811 69,892 79,345 90,586 104,968 120,963 138,124 144,798 152,214 160,940 16.60 16.16 15.85 15.46 15.17 14.89 14.59 14.31 13.99 13.63 13.23 12.97 12.74 12.54 12.42 12.38 12.31 12.17 12.06 12.09 12.11 12.07 12.02 11.89 11.82 11.67 11.64 11.84 11.86 11.85 9.76 1926 1957 9.51 1927 1958 9.39 1928 1959 9.21 1929 1960 9.09 1930 1961 9.00 1931 1962 8.86 1932 1963 8.75 1933 1964 8.61 1934 1965 8.43 1935 1966 8.24 1936 1967 8.16 1937 1968 8.08 1938 1969 8.01 1939 1970 8.01 1940 1971 8.08 1941 1972 8.10 1942 1973 8.04 1943 1974 8.06 1944 1975 8.20 1945 1976 8.31 1916 1977 8.34 191" 1978 8.36 1948 1979 8.26 1949 1980 8.24 1950 1981 8.15 1951 1982 8.17 1952 1983 8.36 1953 1984 8.35 1954 1985 8.30 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 195 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonfarm non manufacturing — equipment 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 35,522 37,482 38,1122 39,323 39,924 38,720 36,506 34,257 33,326 33,525 33,136 33,675 34.962 34,608 34,298 35,707 38,607 39,558 39,376 38,846 42,146 51,000 60,971 69.921 76.776 87,577 98,375 106.382 115,462 123,082 136.069 19,745 20,895 21,369 21,604 21,915 20,785 18,863 16,713 15,394 14,881 14,391 14.757 15.663 15,347 15,287 16,388 18,419 18,31)2 17,709 17,270 19,572 25,161 32,394 39.172 44.099 51,540 58.459 63.010 68.586 72.429 80,273 2,335 2,512 2,568 2.654 2,737 2,720 2,563 2,374 2,148 2,160 2,088 2,039 2,163 2,231 2,152 2,214 2.451 2.698 2,556 2.526 2,490 3,011 3,719 4,459 5,110 5,742 6,799 7,483 8,164 8,929 9,584 1.519 1,621 1.756 1,788 1,791 1,786 1,777 1,725 1,721 1,898 2.003 2,024 2,220 2,351 2,301 2.286 2.447 2.649 2,552 2.736 2.864 3.277 3,610 3,797 3,983 4.352 4.399 4,773 5,458 6,067 8.85 8.87 8 95 9 0] 8.99 9.18 9.55 10.15 10.72 11.22 11.66 11.75 11.69 11.91 12.02 11.80 11.37 11.53 11.67 11.69 11.30 10.67 9.70 8.88 8.43 7.98 7.61 7.42 7.24 7.20 7.10 6.18 6.15 6 21 6.30 6.26 6 45 6.86 7.53 8.16 8.63 8.87 8.60 8.17 8.26 8.14 7.65 7.06 7 34 7 54 7.55 6.97 6.24 5.41 4.88 4.73 4.58 4.52 4.57 4.57 i 68 4.67 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1971 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 153.473 168,309 177,604 188,543 197,151 204,126 213,786 225,014 238,796 255,922 281,139 309,461 341,675 374,239 414,371 451,442 489.604 546,613 671,412 772,753 858,100 960,617 1,091,632 1,252,087 1,447,629 1,655,900 1,796,745 1,888,546 2,011,392 2,119,279 90,167 98,976 103,069 109,100 113,654 116,800 122,099 128,318 136.480 147,320 163,248 179,860 199,220 219,656 242,453 262,320 283,903 319.505 390.653 443,529 486,967 544,673 622.396 717,678 824,501 937.675 1,003,862 1,047,742 1,119,362 1,181,653 10.868 12.064 12,830 13,541 14,229 14,776 15.388 16,244 17,279 18,555 211.21m 22,404 24,931 27,293 30,001 33,143 36,050 39.555 46,165 55,475 62,297 69.719 79,298 91.241 104,484 120:191; 134.993 142.494 151,555 161,219 7.004 8.016 8,716 9,330 9.898 10,473 10,878 11,503 12.394 13,224 14,098 15,163 16,691 17,807 18,868 20,790 22,753 24,808 28,61)7 35,377 40.667 46.380 53,076 60,729 70.159 82,283 93,770 101.002 107,584 114.055 7.08 7.07 7.16 7.17 7.19 7.24 7.24 7 24 7.21 7 12 7.01 6.98 6.92 6.88 6.90 6.96 6.98 6 88 6.93 7.12 7.20 7.18 7.09 7.00 7.04 7.07 7.17 7 22 7.18 7.15 4.72 4.78 4.95 4.99 5.03 5.11 5.12 5.11 5.07 4.96 4.85 4.83 4.78 4.73 4.75 4.81 4.82 4.69 4.73 4.91 4.99 4.94 4.83 4.73 4.78 4.82 4.94 I 98 4.91 4.86 Nonfarm non manufacturing — structures 1925 104,458 107,045 109,281 110,691 110,184 104,455 94,294 87,971 89,439 91,393 93,619 99,626 104,348 103,152 104,074 108,902 117,784 126.335 129,787 132,485 143,834 170,251 197,768 209,950 213,309 228,987 245,977 254.700 259,683 265,221 283,928 57,898 59,355 60.589 61,229 60,861 57,480 51,208 46,787 46,430 46,511 46,772 49,129 50,955 49,757 49,552 51,310 54,982 58,158 58,797 59,269 63,578 75,451 88,134 94,710 97,540 106,375 115,862 121,448 126,122 131,179 143,056 2,709 2,752 2,836 2,885 2,946 2,854 2,694 2,342 2,351 2,358 2,429 2,459 2,768 2,730 2,708 2,762 2,920 3,202 3,415 3,469 3,583 4,018 4,898 5,506 5,554 5,719 6,434 6,721 6,977 7,076 7,406 1,353 1.409 1,579 1,617 1,669 1,739 1,688 1,547 1,649 1,718 1,848 1,969 2,270 2,369 2,408 2,516 2,738 3,049 3,398 3,522 3.710 4,295 5,332 6,001 6,125 6,215 6,966 7,286 7,457 7,555 7,582 19.44 19.42 19.42 19.46 19.46 19.46 19.69 20.17 20.88 21.41 21.83 22.09 22.22 22.52 22.89 23.23 23.51 23 811 24.07 24.32 24.72 24.69 24.54 24.30 24.07 23.74 23.44 23.19 22.76 22.34 21.86 14.02 13.81 13.65 13.56 13.44 13.38 13.60 14.07 14.74 15.25 15.65 15.87 15.94 16.17 16.44 16.63 16.77 16.98 17.24 17.41 17.64 17.39 17.03 16.50 16.00 15.44 14.96 14.58 14.06 13.59 13.11 1956 307,320 319,851 326,428 335,945 339,758 347,322 356,840 366,521 381,414 405,405 433,743 458,937 503,630 556,546 612,700 684,063 749,807 844,559 1,040,395 1,130,771 1,227.534 1,357,804 1,591,978 1,752,188 1.993,470 2,268,351 2,392,629 2,472,735 2,617,365 2,736,980 157,868 166.879 172.722 180,224 184.441 190,769 198,519 206,109 217,067 233,934 253,405 269,735 298,767 333,479 369,612 414,651 456,501 516.450 635,693 685,256 738,843 811,649 949,738 1,040,745 1,181,642 1,342,901 1,411,351 1,453,684 1,535,916 1,603,485 8,231 8.849 9,002 9,353 9,601 9,762 10,077 10,344 10,721 11,332 12,170 12,897 13,935 15.369 16,915 18,706 20.727 22,968 27,365 32,174 34,970 39,005 44,673 51,756 59,756 70,326 79,656 79,485 81,462 85,871 8,378 8.698 8,755 8.767 8,949 8,765 8,928 8,783 9,115 9,146 9,681 9,871 10,591 11,217 11,986 12,672 14,059 14,940 16,898 19,943 21,144 23,512 26.269 29,857 34,809 38,680 44,354 43,796 44,630 46,886 21.35 20.95 20.58 20.12 19.79 19.39 18.99 18.65 18.23 17.74 17.26 17.01 16.69 16.35 1614 15.97 15.79 15.59 15.37 15.49 15.54 15.53 15.40 15.38 15.28 15.03 15.00 15.36 15.45 15.49 12 65 1926 1957 12.32 1927 1958 12.04 1928 1959 11.76 1929 1960 11.58 1930 1961 11 37 1931 1962 11 16 1932 1963 11 02 1933 1964 10.84 1934 1965 10.61 1935 1966 10.42 1936 1967 .... 10.38 1937 1968 10.29 1938 1969 10 18 1939 1970. ... 10 15 1940 1971 10.15 1941 1972 10.14 1942 1973 10.11 1943 1974 10.12 1944 1975 10.32 1945 1976. ... 10.51 1946 1977 10.62 1947 :.... 1978 10.67 1948 1979 10.69 1949 1980 10.66 1950 1981 10.48 1951 1982 10.47 1952 1983 10.80 1953.... 1984 10.87 1954 1985 10.84 1955 196 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — all industries, total — equipment and structures 139,485 143,040 145,481 1 16,920 146,305 138,707 126,342 118.120 119,328 122,014 123,930 130,541 136,972 135,789 136,810 143,631 155,897 165.841) 169.58*. 172,630 188,381 224,120 262,488 2X5.688 297,281 323,978 353,415 372.613 388.717 103.715 436,864 75,857 77,620 78,600 79,028 78,725 74,104 66,150 59,979 58.S9 1 58,928 58,927 61,809 65,010 63.730 63,736 67,083 73.509 77.294 77,843 78,772 86,564 105,242 126,656 141,457 1 19,575 165,274 182.908 194.952 206.343 216.046 235,934 4,939 5,122 5,209 5,310 5,414 5,260 4,922 4,410 4,231 4,336 4,376 4,402 4,881 4,959 4,897 5,061 5,506 6,078 6,200 6,286 6,411 7,485 9,115 10,586 11,377 12.204 14,047 15,080 16,116 17,063 18,107 2,966 3,093 3,384 3,441 3,492 3,520 3,415 3,198 3,287 3,553 3,781 3,895 4,398 4,604 4,642 4,791 5,203 5,753 6,023 6,260 6,530 7,263 8.558 9,704 10,080 10,348 11.638 11,998 12,574 13.425 14,026 1686 16.87 16.93 17.00 16.96 16.99 17.19 17.67 18.33 18.76 19.16 19.36 19.32 19.52 19.78 19.88 19.84 20.06 20.25 20.37 20.44 20.10 19.59 1895 18.48 18.04 17.56 17.16 16.64 16 23 15 85 12.10 11.97 11.94 11.91 11.76 11.76 12.02 12.58 13.22 13.64 13.94 13.96 13.73 13.86 13.96 13.82 13.52 13.68 13.86 13.87 13.68 13.07 12.35 11.65 11.22 10.85 10.46 10.16 9.80 9.59 9.36 1956. 1957 1958. 1959 1960 1961. 1962. 1963 1964 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983 1984. 1985 . 482,660 514,619 531,345 552,804 566,857 580,860 600,023 620,824 650,514 694,931 756,520 818,632 901,616 989,132 1,089,416 1,195,841 1,295,638 1,445,860 1,789.695 2,016,460 2,216,710 2,469,641 2,847,298 3,203,378 3,681,596 4,187,644 4,471,106 4,631,592 4,885,593 5,105,603 264,162 284,520 293,616 305,889 314,504 322,410 334,092 346,664 365,490 395,114 436,332 475,353 527,062 582.667 642,751 703,667 762,021 853,187 1,056,854 1,180,549 1,288,141 1,428,692 1,647,594 1,853,609 2,122,985 2,404,307 2,543,185 2,612,682 2,749,868 2,868,242 20,426 22,496 23,533 24,642 25,681 26,460 27,440 28,679 30,189 32,306 35,248 38,682 42,780 46,841 51,433 56,552 62,111 67,512 79,232 95,530 106,618 119,431 136,026 157.042 180,026 209,229 233,437 241,173 252,330 266,537 15,802 17,164 17,750 18,568 19,497 19,940 20,725 21,397 22,596 23,803 25,460 26,905 29.277 31,223 33,318 35,932 40,402 42,417 48,957 59,649 66,862 75,788 85,755 99,685 115,028 132,960 152,227 160,647 169,268 179,996 15.36 14.95 14.74 14.47 14.24 14.05 13.82 13.60 13.32 12.96 12.51 12.23 12.00 11.83 11.73 11.74 11.72 11.62 11.47 11.47 11.46 11.40 11.34 11.21 11.14 11.04 11.06 11.25 11.29 11.31 Corporate — all industries, total — equipment 1925 40,868 42,542 43,370 43,803 43,774 41,994 39,319 37,116 37,073 38,137 38,207 39,529 41,762 41,934 42,276 44,653 48,328 50,390 51,094 51,697 56,687 67,787 80,341 92,520 101,531 114,786 128,775 139,274 150.607 160,973 177,750 22.017 22,890 23,112 23,167 23,183 21,917 19,897 17,871 17,149 17,195 17,073 17.91,4 19,527 19.497 19,785 21,458 24.050 24.815 24,779 25,223 28,671 35,794 44,818 53,600 59,611 68,084 76.919 83,178 90,120 95.641 105,406 2,332 2,491 2,512 2.576 2,625 2,566 2.393 2,218 2,036 2,138 2,116 2,118 2,310 2,426 2,390 2,506 2,796 3,094 3,017 3,054 3,066 3,713 4,485 5,366 6,125 6,811 7,991 8,732 9,506 10,359 11,098 1,546 1,637 1,764 1,792 1,797 1,769 1,733 1,663 1,671 1,875 1,966 1,974 2,185 2,313 2,303 2,353 2,567 2,790 2,745 2,900 2,947 3,089 3,495 3,877 4,159 4.465 4,972 5,103 5,488 6,215 6,890 10.11 10.18 10.29 10.39 10.38 10.51 10.84 11.39 11.84 12.18 12.41 12.36 12.13 12.21 12.20 11.93 11.48 11.41 11.41 11.24 10.83 10.29 9.47 8.81 8.51 8.26 7.99 7.83 7.72 7.70 7.69 7 11 7 10 7.19 7.25 7.17 7.27 7.63 8.25 8.72 8.99 9.04 8.65 8.14 8.15 8.01 7.57 7.04 7.08 7.16 7.03 6.59 6.06 5.44 5.06 5.03 5.02 4.98 5.01 5.03 5.13 5.19 1956 201,916 222,137 233,843 248,112 259,567 268,108 280,772 294,865 312,725 336,576 372,393 410,689 453,660 494,654 545,603 591.054 636,694 706,458 876,137 1,020.411 1,133,845 1,273,858 1,450,172 1.663,586 1,934,310 2.211,942 2,398,262 2,496,413 2,634,967 2,764,358 119,790 131,778 136,809 143,940 149,719 153,383 160,121 167,757 178.370 193,848 217,207 240,687 266,820 292,442 321,556 345,634 371,272 413,692 512,633 591,168 650,831 729,758 832,713 957,472 1,108,422 1,260,523 1,349,027 1,387,277 1,461,627 1,531,372 12,636 14,103 14,998 15.812 16,647 17,298 18,021 19,053 20,248 21,810 23,949 26,651 29,729 32,427 35,566 39,054 42,469 46,202 53,898 65,733 74,183 83,286 94,881 109,383 125,559 145,704 162,513 170,423 179,803 190,316 7,870 8,959 9,642 10,349 11,122 11,828 12,379 13,161 14,192 15,267 16,373 17,711 19,388 20,639 21,992 24,018 26,424 28,355 32,562 40,461 46,469 52,921 60,662 70,347 81,464 95,381 109,341 118,034 126,090 133,948 7.67 7.65 7.78 7.86 7.92 7.99 8.01 8.02 7.98 7.86 7.70 7.62 7.55 7.51 7.53 7.59 7.61 7.54 7.55 7.70 7.76 7.74 7.68 7.62 7.65 7.69 7.80 7.91 7.92 7.94 5.21 r.'-t; 1957 5.23 1927 1958 5.42 1928 1959 5.52 1929 1960 5.58 1930 1961 5.66 1931 .... 1962 5.67 1932 ... 1963 5.65 1933 .. 1964 5.59 1934. ... 1965 5.44 1935 1966 5.27 1936 1967 . .. 5.20 1937 1968 5.15 1938 1969 5.12 1939 1970 5.15 1940 1971 5.23 1941 1972 5.25 1942 1973 5.16 1943 1974 5.15 1944 1975 5.30 1945 1976 '.: 5.36 1946 1977 5.33 1947 1978 5.25 1948 1979 5.18 1949 1980 5.21 1950 1981 5.25 1951 1982 5.38 1952 1983 5.49 1953 1984 5.47 1954 1985 5.45 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 197 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — all industries, total — structures 98,618 100,498 102,111 103,117 102,531 96,773 87,023 81,00.1 82,255 83,877 85,723 91,011 95,210 93.855 94.534 98,978 107.570 115,456 118,494 120,934 131,693 156,334 182,147 193,168 195,750 209,192 224.641 233.338 238,110 242,742 259,114 53.840 54,730 55.488 55.862 55,541 52,187 46,253 42,109 41,745 41,734 41,854 43,845 45,483 44,233 43,951 45,625 49,458 52,479 53,064 53,550 57,893 69,448 81,838 87,857 89,964 97,190 105.989 111,774 116,223 120,405 13(1,528 2,607 2,631 2.698 2.734 2,789 2,694 2.529 2.192 2.195 2,198 2,260 2,284 2,572 2,532 2,506 2,556 2,710 2,985 3,183 3,232 3,345 3,772 4,630 5,219 5,252 5,392 6,056 6,348 6,610 6,705 7,009 1,420 1.457 1,620 1.648 1,695 1,751 1,682 1,535 1,615 1,678 1,815 1.921 2.213 2,291 2,338 2,438 2.636 2.962 3,278 3.360 3,583 4.174 5,063 5,827 5,920 5,884 6,666 6.805 7.086 7,210 7,136 19 66 19.70 19.75 19.80 19.77 19.80 20115 20.56 21.25 21.76 22.16 22 40 22 18 2279 23.17 23.46 23 60 2384 24 06 24.27 24.58 24.36 24.05 23.81 23.64 23.40 23 05 22 7:; 2228 21.89 21 16 14.13 14.01 13.92 13.84 13.68 13.64 13.91 1442 1508 15.55 15,94 16.14 16.12 16.37 16 65 16.76 16.67 16 80 1699 17.10 17.19 1668 16.14 15 67 15.33 14.93 14.43 14.00 1350 13.13 12.74 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 196,7 196,8 1969 L970 1971 1972 1973 L974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 198.: 108 1 1985 280.744 292,482 297,502 304,692 307.289 312,753 319,250 325,959 337,789 358,355 384,127 407.943 447,955 494,478 543,812 604,787 658.1114 739,402 913,558 996,050 1,082,865 1,195.783 1.397,126 1,539.792 1,747.287 1.975,702 2,072,844 2,135,179 2,250,627 2,341,244 144.373 152,741 156.807 161,949 164,785 169,027 173,971 178,907 187,120 201,265 219,125 234,66,6 260,242 290,225 321,194 358,033 390.749 439.494 544.221 580,382 637,310 6,08,935 81 1,881 896.137 1,014.563 1,143,783 1,194,158 1.225,405 1.288,242 1,336,870 7,791 8.393 8.535 8,830 9,034 9,162 9,419 9.627 9,941 10,496 11.299 12.030 13.051 14,414 15,867 17,499 19,643 21,310 25,334 29,797 32,435 36,145 41,144 47,659 54,467 63,525 70,924 70,749 72.526 76,221 i.932 8,205 8,108 8,218 8,375 8,112 8,346 \ 235 8,404 8,537 9,087 9,194 9.889 10.584 11,326 11,915 13,977 14,063 16,395 19.188 20.393 22,867 25.093 29.338 33.56.1 37,580 42,886 42,612 43,178 46,049 20 90 20.49 20 21 1 9 86 19.58 19.25 18.92 18.64 18,26 17.76 17.18 16.87 16.51 16.15 15.94 15.81 15.68 15,53 1 5 2 I 15.33 15.34 15 20 15.13 15.09 15.00 14.80 14.82 15.15 15.24 15.30 12 26 11.95 11.80 11.64 11.52 11.38 11.24 11.15 1099 10.72 10.41 10.28 10.13 99 9.95 9.97 10.00 09 9.93 ; 10.21 10.30 10 29 1028 10 2h 10.14 10.18 1049 10 56 10 56 Corporate — farms — equipment and structures 294 206 296 291 271 241 221 215 211 211 224 240 239 238 245 269 288 296 306 328 410 512 593 647 732 825 912 975 1,057 1,176 146 148 149 148 147 135 116 100 93 lio 110 110 115 130 134 133 137 148 102 258 318 364 425 482 541 584 640 718 14.53 14.44 14.31 14.26 14.05 13.80 13.73 13,90 14.47 15.09 15.32 15 16 15 20 15.17 15.14 15,03 14.72 14.88 15.13 15.05 15.05 1 1 02 14.09 12.75 11.60 10.92 10.49 9.84 32 8 -1 8.54 9 88 9.77 9.65 9.57 9.33 9.24 9.44 O05 10.65 11.21 11.04 10.62 10.05 9.90 9.76 9.52 ooi 9.34 9.76 9.59 9.44 8.85 7.79 6.74 6.06 5.74 5.68 5.42 5.27 5.09 5.01 1956 19.57 1958 1050 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1060 1970 1971 1072 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1081 1982 1983 1984 1985 1 ,329 1,454 1,581 1,708 1,834 1,966 2,121 2,292 2,471 2,714 3,003 3,280 3.679 4,136 4,587 5,101 5.766 6.571 8,100 9,803 11,415 13,325 15,987 18,562 21,520 24,199 25.382 26,655 27,244 27,088 817 80 1 972 1,053 1,131 1,212 1,310 1,421 1,531 1,680 1,876 2.050 2,303 2,580 2,869 3,192 3,586 4,113 5,347 6,189 7,225 8,449 10,125 11,656 13,263 14,549 14,757 15,058 14,934 14,468 89 99 108 118 126 135 144 155 166 180 198 217 239 266 295 317 363 404 180 500 088 805 931 1,086 1,284 1,447 1,557 1,603 1,619 1,590 52 8.25 4.94 59 7.97 4.91 64 7.69 4.87 70 7.47 4.82 75 7.32 4.83 82 7.26 4.88 89 7.20 4.92 96 7.14 4.95 103 7.13 5.02 113 7.09 5.04 121 7.07 5.08 132 7.05 5.12 141 7.08 5.18 157 7.15 5.28 171 7.22 5.37 187 7.37 5.51 216 7.49 5.63 250 7.50 5.62 283 7.35 5.46 350 7.23 5.35 398 7.17 5.30 453 7.17 5.30 516 7.37 5.48 598 7.35 5.47 734 7.56 5.70 864 7.89 6.03 1 ,022 8.28 6.44 1,159 8.78 6.91 1,277 9.33 7.45 1,386 9.88 7.94 198 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — farms — equipment 113 119 125 128 131 131 123 118 113 [06 104 108 116 118 118 124 139 148 151 157 169 201 253 318 372 433 497 618 682 762 70 62 55 19 45 45 51 60 61 63 68 79 80 77 79 85 103 141 188 228 271 3II!I 349 380 417 464 5.46 5.45 5.40 5.40 5.32 5.43 5.76 6.24 6.63 6.78 6.59 6.23 5.79 5.66 5.55 5.32 4.97 5.10 5.35 5.42 5.44 5.67 5.20 4.80 4.54 4.37 4.41 4.42 4.44 4.48 4.51 3.73 3.62 3.58 3.54 3.45 3.59 3.96 4.52 4.93 4.99 4.52 3.93 3.49 3.51 3.50 3.38 3.11 3.40 3.77 3.75 3.69 3.62 3.10 2.79 2.72 2.76 2.92 3.00 3.08 3.10 3.11 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 862 958 1,066 1,158 1,248 1,331 1,426 1,536 1,652 1,811 1,997 2,182 2,410 2,669 2,903 3,137 3,557 4,018 5,303 6,186 7,229 8,397 9,653 11,489 13,308 14,871 15,664 16,089 16,027 15,579 520 571 631 681 727 768 819 884 947 1,046 1,160 1,267 1,400 1,545 1,672 1,800 2,034 2,324 3,097 3,625 4,245 4,934 5,602 6,618 7,460 8,048 8,107 7,977 7,594 7,135 77 86 95 104 111 118 126 135 144 157 207 228 251 266 305 334 401 502 580 678 780 905 1,068 1,203 1,289 1,321 1,317 1,275 41 4.59 48 4.69 54 4.76 61 4.82 66 4.92 73 5.01 80 5.08 87 5.10 94 5.15 104 5.14 112 5.11 123 5.12 132 5.11 146 5.14 161 5.16 174 5.19 203 5.27 230 5.22 265 5.17 330 5.16 376 5.16 428 5.15 487 5.26 562 5.32 685 5.52 815 5.79 958 6.15 1,097 6.49 1,198 6.86 1,305 7.19 Corporate — farms — structures 1925 176 174 172 168 160 141 118 104 103 104 107 116 123 121 119 122 130 140 145 149 160 209 259 276 276 300 328 348 357 375 414 86 84 82 80 75 65 53 46 44 44 44 47 50 48 47 48 51 54 56 58 62 89 117 131 136 153 173 193 204 223 254 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 9 10 10 10 11 11 10 10 11) 20.34 20.60 20.78 20.98 21.21 21.59 22.06 22.59 23.09 23.54 23.84 24.06 24.25 24.47 24.66 24.93 25.10 25 26 25.28 25.25 25.23 23.83 22.79 21.90 21.12 20.36 19.73 18.63 17.79 16.77 15.97 14.18 14.43 14.55 14.71 14.89 15.30 15.84 16.48 17.06 17.56 17.79 17.89 17.93 18.04 18.07 18.24 18.24 18.21 17.93 17.60 17.30 14.90 13.44 12.41 11.64 11.02 10.60 9.80 9.34 8.79 8.48 1956 467 496 515 550 585 635 695 756 819 903 1,006 1,098 1,269 1,467 1,684 1,964 2,209 2,553 3,196 3,617 4,186 4,928 6,334 7,072 8,212 9,328 9,718 10,567 11,217 11,509 297 323 341 372 403 444 491 538 584 644 717 783 904 1,044 1,197 1,392 1,551 1,789 2,250 2,564 2,980 3,515 4,523 5,038 5,804 6,501 6,651 7,081 7,339 7,333 12 13 13 14 15 17 18 20 22 24 26 29 32 38 43 51 58 69 79 95 108 126 151 181 215 244 268 282 301 315 li 11 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 12 13 21 17 20 22 25 29 36 49 48 65 62 79 81 15.01 14.30 13.75 13.04 12.44 11.96 11.55 11.27 11.12 11.02 10.96 10.88 10.83 10.81 10.79 10.84 11.06 11.10 10.96 10.77 10.66 10.61 10.58 10.65 10.87 11.24 11.71 12.26 12.86 13.52 8.05 1926 1957 7.87 1927 1958 7.80 1928 1959 7.58 1929 1960 7.43 1930 1961 7.36 1931 1962 7.32 1932 1963 7.37 1933 1964 7.49 1934 1965 .... 7.61 1935 1966 7.74 1936 1967 7.81 1937 1968 7.86 1938 1969 7.93 1939 1970 7.97 1940 1971 8.06 1941 1972 8.30 1942 1973 8.33 1943 1974 8.18 1944 1975 7.96 1945 1976 :.• 7.84 1946 1977 7.78 19.17 1978 7.74 1948 1979 7.80 1949 1980 8.00 1950 1981 8.35 1951 1982 8.81 1952 1983 9.32 1953 1984 9.91 1954 1985 10.53 1955 .... FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 199 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — manufacturing — equipment and structures 26,002 20,666 27.086 27,627 27,567 25,636 22,855 21,01)8 21,660 22,752 23,226 25.2X3 27,716 27,1142 28,567 30,607 34.063 36,495 37,824 39,323 43,606 54.120 65.676 73.051 76.236 84,043 93,787 99,837 104.650 109.809 120.131 14,074 14,385 14,607 14,966 15,153 14,034 12,250 10,870 10,957 11,347 11,532 12,659 14,144 14,137 14,427 15,645 17,890 19,105 19,517 20,291 22,916 29.326 36.531 41.349 43,156 47,308 53,206 56,965 59,910 62,878 68,704 1,144 1,180 1,184 1,209 1,233 1,185 1,076 958 909 1,008 1,020 1,059 1,220 1,280 1,292 1,371 1,528 1,702 1,748 1,820 1,895 2,272 2,841 3,356 3.643 3,880 4,521 4,836 5,151 5,415 5,744 844 870 899 917 93] 895 826 764 762 856 909 1,031 1,056 1,091 1,152 1.235 1,380 1,456 1,481 1,578 1,766 2.030 2,389 2,533 2,565 3,070 3,173 3,407 3,710 3,927 11.99 12 06 12 08 12.06 11.90 11.91 12.13 12 56 12.85 13.07 13.21 13 22 1303 13.10 13.11 12.93 12 59 12 63 12 83 12.82 12.59 12 29 11.97 11.54 11.32 11.27 11.05 10.84 10.65 10.51 1048 8.38 8.36 8.34 8.24 8.00 8.03 8.32 8.84 9.16 9.34 9.43 9.30 8.94 9.01 8.98 8.70 8.23 8.29 8.52 8.48 8.18 7.75 7.36 7 07 7.06 7.14 7.01 6.90 6.83 6.82 6 85 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 198., 135,266 145,587 149,758 155,302 160,213 164.697 171,152 178,396 188,126 203,662 227,687 248,904 275,685 301,656 331,219 360,312 385,168 423,614 52(1.165 587,683 645,449 721,970 842,151 942,382 1,088,272 1,231,961 1,311.722 1,361,923 1,423,132 1,470,621 78.231 84.838 86.359 88,490 90,944 92,993 96,421 100,422 106,451 117,212 134,079 148,329 165,120 181.582 199,207 215,091 228,687 250,145 307,443 344,783 375,663 417,657 485,521 542.199 624,387 703,180 741,056 754,674 779.859 798.901 6,492 7,178 7,467 7,717 8.018 8.229 8.483 8,865 9,317 10,002 11.029 12.261 13.565 14.722 16,027 17,420 19,211 20,212 23,227 28,100 31,220 34,842 39,432 45,695 52,148 59,953 66,103 68,283 70,638 73.425 4,541 4,986 5,055 5,443 5.812 5,936 6,292 6.639 6,851 7,415 7,973 8,445 9,055 9,537 10,169 10.773 12,534 12,320 14,080 16,855 18,624 21,144 23.461 28,673 32,555 37,101 42,749 45,816 48,687 52,538 10 25 10.05 10.13 10 22 10.21 10.29 10.31 10.30 10.24 10.02 9.70 9.49 9.44 9.44 9.48 9.65 9.79 9.89 9.83 9.86 9.95 1002 10.14 10.07 10.08 10.14 10 24 10 56 10.77 10 92 Corporate — manufacturing — equipment 13,410 13,636 13,771 13,939 13,804 13,082 12.100 11,436 11,985 12,691 12,845 13,776 15,057 15,397 15.983 17,385 19,020 20,083 20,763 21,870 24,469 28,832 34,272 40,071 44,001 49,643 55,991 60,411 64,882 69,525 76.799 6,791 6,886 6,928 7,021 7,068 6,716 6.118 5.583 5,736 6,036 6,188 6,830 7,746 7,941 8,329 9,259 10,425 11,070 1 1 ,389 12,202 14.022 16.960 20,841 24.729 26,918 30,021 33,745 36,195 38,594 40,955 44,839 732 760 755 770 780 750 695 638 608 686 691 714 818 874 890 962 1,083 1,200 1,213 1,270 1.339 1,603 1,911 2.305 2,616 2,865 3,353 3,609 3.887 4,156 4,437 586 612 630 641 651 624 584 552 558 630 638 646 723 737 754 81 III 866 930 954 984 998 1,071 1,184 1.303 1,447 1,610 1,843 1,967 2,164 2,435 2,744 10 50 1059 1061 10.70 10.56 10.50 10.65 11.04 11.29 11.39 11.26 10 97 10.54 10.42 10.26 9.97 9.56 9.31 9.24 8 96 8.59 8.20 7.69 7.40 7.43 7.52 7.50 7.52 7.59 7.70 7.84 7.38 7.35 7.32 7.26 6.99 6.90 7.08 751 7.76 7.78 7.54 7 11 6.62 6.57 6.45 6.19 5.86 5.78 5.85 5 68 5.43 5.16 4.83 4.71 4.90 5.11 5.16 5.23 5.32 5.43 5.56 1956 1957 1958 1959 19611 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 197ii 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 87.367 95,597 99,538 104,875 108,894 111,192 115,374 119,908 126,409 135,990 151,453 166,006 181,843 195,178 212,707 226,828 239.585 261,663 327,489 384,155 424.196 477,388 544,753 624,321 730,196 831,845 897,532 917,011 950,686 983,058 51,026 55.806 57.160 59.226 60,887 61,487 63,426 65.654 69.643 76.120 86,636 96,046 105,718 114,035 124,260 131,552 138,633 151,165 190,333 222,581 244,489 274,494 313,320 358.721 419,225 475,648 507.340 507.594 520.964 533.939 5,024 5,586 5,871 6,111 6,376 6,541 6,723 7.019 7.371 7,899 8,683 9,674 10,695 11,419 12,343 13,276 14,251 15,ii71 17,414 21,577 24,259 27,127 30,872 35,640 41.092 47.541 52,68:; 54.152 55.700 57.846 3,160 3.5.83 3,828 4,134 4,508 4,742 4.982 5.304 5.656 6.084 6.537 7,095 7,58,3 7.893 8,359 8,841 9,636 9,847 11,131 13,640 15,268 17.041 19.365 22,871 26,396 30,488 34,959 37,540 40,043 42,473 7.90 7.95 8.17 8.40 8 .Ml ,- 611 8.78 8.83 8.79 8 64 8.40 8.26 8.21 8.18 8.20 8.28 8.32 8.33 8.26 8.33 8.37 8.37 8.33 8.32 8.33 8.38 8.52 8.76 8.90 9.04 200 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — manufacturing — structures 12,652 13,030 13,315 13.6XS 13,764 12,553 10,755 9,572 9,675 10,061 10,381 11,507 12.660 12,545 12,584 13,222 15.043 16,411 17,061 17,453 19,137 25,2X9 31,403 32.9X0 32,235 34,400 37,796 39.427 39.769 40,284 43.332 7,283 7,500 7,679 7,946 8,085 7,319 6,132 5,287 5,222 5,311 5,344 5,830 6,398 6,196 6,098 6,386 7,465 8,035 8,127 8,090 12,366 15,689 16,620 16,237 17,287 19,461 20,769 21,316 21,924 23,864 412 420 429 439 453 435 380 319 301 323 329 344 401 406 401 409 445 503 535 550 557 669 930 1,051 1,027 1,015 1,168 1,227 1,264 1,259 1,307 258 258 269 276 280 270 242 213 203 226 248 263 308 319 337 352 369 450 502 497 580 695 847 1,086 1,086 955 1,227 1,205 1,243 1,275 1,183 13.57 13.59 13.57 13.46 13.24 13.38 13.80 14.37 14.78 15.19 15.63 15.91 15.98 16.38 16.72 16.82 16.42 16.69 17.19 17.66 17.70 16.96 16.65 16.56 16.62 16.69 16.31 15.94 15.64 15.37 15.14 9.31 9.30 9.25 9.12 9.07 9.56 10.25 10.71 11.13 11.61 11.85 11.76 12.14 12.43 12.34 11.53 11.74 12.25 12.70 12.51 11.29 10.74 10.58 10.65 10.67 10.22 9.81 9.56 9.40 9.27 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 47,899 49,990 50,220 50,426 51,319 53,505 55,778 58,489 61,717 67,671 76,234 82,898 93,843 106,478 118,512 133,484 145,583 161,951 192,676 203,529 221,253 244,582 297,397 318,061 358,077 400,115 414,190 444,912 472,447 487,563 27,205 29,032 29,199 29,264 30,058 31,505 32,995 34,768 36,809 41,091 47,443 52,282 59,402 67,547 74,947 83,539 90,054 98,980 117,111 122,203 131,174 143,164 172,200 183,477 205,162 227,533 233.715 247,080 258,895 264,962 1,468 1,592 1,597 1,607 1,643 1,688 1,759 1,846 1,945 2,103 2,346 2,587 2,870 3,303 3,684 4,144 4,960 5,141 5,813 6,523 6,962 7,714 8,560 10,056 11,056 12,412 13,420 14,131 14,939 15,579 1,381 1,403 1,227 1,309 1,304 1,195 1,310 1,335 1,195 1,331 1,435 1,350 1,472 1,644 1,810 1,932 2,898 2,473 2,949 3,214 3,356 4,103 4,096 5,802 6,158 6,613 7,790 8,277 8,644 1(1,065 14.55 14.08 14.01 14.00 13.77 13.62 13.47 13.32 13.21 12.80 12.27 11.95 11.83 11.75 11.78 11.97 12.19 12.42 12.52 12.75 12.99 13.23 13.43 13.52 13.66 13.81 13.97 14.27 14.53 14.70 Corporate— -nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment and structures 1925 113,135 116,080 118,099 118,997 118,446 112,859 103,246 96,890 97,453 99,052 100,493 1(15,034 109,015 107,608 108,005 112,779 121,565 129,064 131,468 133,001 144,446 1(19,59(1 196,300 212,044 220,398 239,203 258,804 271.863 283,092 292,849 315,557 61,636 63,087 63,845 63,913 63,425 59,935 53,784 19,009 47,843 47,493 47,306 49,052 50,757 49,484 49,198 51,323 55,489 .-,8,(155 58,193 58,344 63,501 75,724 89,868 99,789 106,055 117,542 129,220 137,447 145,849 152,527 166,512 3,780 3,926 4,009 4,085 4,164 4,058 3,831 3,438 3,309 3,315 3,344 3,331 3,648 3,664 3,591 3,676 3,962 4,357 4,434 4,448 4,497 5,192 6,248 7,197 7,696 8,281 9,476 10,187 10,901 11,577 12,286 2,112 2,212 2,473 2,511 2,548 2,613 2,576 2,423 2,513 2,685 2,883 2,974 3,354 3,535 3,538 3,626 3,956 4 .358 4,552 4,762 4,935 5,479 6,506 7,290 7,520 7,754 8,535 8,792 9,131 9,675 10,055 17.99 17.98 18.05 18.15 18.15 18.15 18.31 18.79 19.55 20.08 20.54 20.84 20.93 21.20 21.55 21.77 21.89 22.17 22.39 22.61 22.83 22.61 22.15 21.52 20.97 20.44 19.95 19.50 18.88 18.40 17.93 12.95 12.80 12.77 12.77 12.67 12.64 12.87 13.41 14.16 14.67 15.05 15.17 15.07 15.25 15.44 15.39 15.24 15.46 15.67 15.76 15.67 15.14 14.40 13.56 12.93 12.36 11.89 11.53 11.04 10.75 10.42 1956 346,065 367,578 380,005 395,794 404,810 414,197 426,750 440,136 459,917 488,555 525,830 566,448 622,252 683,340 753,610 830,428 904,703 1,015.674 1,261,031 1,418,974 1,559,845 1,734,347 1,989,160 2,242,434 2,571,804 2,931,484 3,134,001 3,243,014 3,435,217 3,607.894 185,115 198,788 206,285 216,346 222,429 228,205 236,361 244,821 257,508 276,213 300,377 324,975 359,638 398.497 440,675 485,384 529,748 598,929 744,063 829,576 905,253 1,002,586 1,151,948 1,299,754 1,485,334 1,686,578 1,787,372 1,842,950 1,955,076 2,054,873 13,846 15,220 15,958 16,807 17,536 18,097 18,813 19,660 20,707 22,124 24,021 26,203 28,976 31,853 35,111 38,816 42,538 46,897 55,525 66,834 74,709 83,785 95,662 110,261 126,594 147,829 165,777 171,286 180,073 191,522 11,210 12,119 12,630 13,054 13,610 13,922 14,345 14,662 15,642 16,275 17,366 18,329 20,081 21,530 22,977 24,972 27,652 29,847 34,594 42,444 47,840 54,192 61,778 70,414 81,739 94,996 108,455 113,671 119,303 126,072 17.39 16.91 16.59 16.17 15.87 15.58 15.25 14.96 14.61 14.22 13.77 13.46 13.17 12.91 12.74 12.68 12.57 12.37 12.18 12.17 12.12 12.01 11.88 11.72 11.62 11.45 11.42 11.56 11.52 11.49 10.08 1!) 'i, 1957 9.82 1927 ... 1958 9.71 1928 1959 9.53 1929 1960 9.41 1930 1961 9.32 193] 1962 9.18 1932 .... 1963 9.06 1933. ... 1964 8.91 1934 1965 8.71 1935 1966 8.47 1936 1967 8.35 1937 1968 8.21 1938 1969 8.09 1939 1970 8.06 1940 1971 8.09 1941 1972 8.07 1942 1973 7.97 1943 1974 7.93 1944 1975 8.03 1945 1976 8.09 1946 .. . 1977 1978 8.08 1947 8.02 l'MJ- 1979 7.91 1949 1980 7.89 1950 1981 7.80 1951 1982 7.84 1952 1983 7.99 1953 1984 7.94 1954 1985 7.87 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 201 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — nonfarm non manufacturing — equipment 1925 27,345 28,787 29,474 29,736 29,839 28,780 27,096 25,562 24,975 25,340 25,259 25,645 26,588 26,419 26,174 27,145 29,169 30,158 30,180 29,669 32,049 38,754 45,815 52,132 57,159 64,710 72,286 78,300 85,107 90,766 100,189 15,166 15,941 16,118 16,077 16,044 15,132 13,716 12,233 11,364 11,114 10,840 11,083 11,722 11,495 11,393 12,131 13,546 13,665 13,313 12,942 14,564 18,731 23,836 28,683 32,465 37,792 42,865 46,634 51,147 54,269 60,103 1,589 1,720 1,745 1,794 1,833 1,803 1,686 1,569 1,418 1,443 1,416 1,394 1,481 1,541 1,489 1,532 1,700 1,879 1,790 1,769 1.713 2,093 2,554 3,036 3,477 3,910 4,595 5,075 5,564 6,141 6,594 954 1,018 1,126 1,143 1,137 1,136 1,140 1,103 1,104 1,236 1,319 1,320 1,453 1,567 1,541 1,545 1,693 1,851 1,781 1,905 1,938 2,007 2,299 2,560 2,696 2,834 3,107 3,113 3,298 3,750 4,111 9.94 10.01 10.15 10.27 10.33 10.54 10.95 11.57 12.12 12.60 13.02 13.12 13.05 13.28 13.41 13,21 12.77 12.84 12.94 12.96 12.57 11.87 10.83 9.92 9.37 8.86 8.40 8.10 7.84 7.72 7.59 7.00 7.00 7.15 7.26 7.26 7.46 7.90 8.60 9.22 9.66 9.91 9.63 9.17 9.27 9.17 8.64 7.98 8.15 8.30 8.31 7.72 6.89 5.99 5.38 5.15 496 4.86 4.86 4.82 4.91 4.92 1956 1957 113,687 125,582 133.23* 1 12.079 149,425 155,584 163.973 173,422 184.664 198,774 218,942 242,501 269.40S 296,807 329,994 361,089 393,552 440,777 543,345 6: 7" 702,420 788,073 895.766 1,027,776 1.190,806 1,365,225 1,485,065 1,563,313 1,66S,254 1,765,721 68,244 75,401 79,019 84,033 88,105 91,127 95,875 101,220 107,780 116,682 129,411 143,374 159,702 176,863 195,624 212,282 230,60:1 260,203 319,203 364,961 402,098 450,330 513,791 592,133 681,737 776,828 833,580 871,706 933,068 990.297 7,535 8,431 9,033 9,597 10,160 10,639 11,172 11.899 12,732 13,754 15,094 16,789 18,828 20,780 22,972 25,511 27,913 30,797 36.084 43,654 49,344 55,480 63.229 72,838 83,398 96,960 108.541 114,951 122,787 131,195 4,669 5,327 5,760 6,154 6,548 7.013 7,317 7,770 8,442 9,078 9,723 10.494 11,672 12,600 13,471 15,002 16,585 18,278 21,165 26,491 30,826 35,452 40,811 46,913 54,382 64,077 73,424 79,398 84,849 90.170 7.51 7.45 7.51 7.49 7.49 7.51 7.50 7.48 7.45 7.35 7.23 7.20 7.13 7.08 7.12 7.18 7.20 7.09 7.15 7,34 7,41 7.39 7.31 7.22 7.26 7.29 7.38 7 43 7.38 7.33 4.95 1926 4.99 1927 1958 5.16 1928 1959 5.20 1929 1960 5.23 1930 1961 5.30 1931 1962 5.30 1932 1963 5.28 1933 .. . 1964 5.26 1934 1965 5.15 1935 . . . 1966 5.04 1936 1967 5.01 1937 1968 4.94 1938 1969 4.88 1939 1970 4.92 1940 1971 4,98 1941 1972 4.98 1942 1973 4.85 1943 1974 4.87 1944 1975 5 06 1945 1976 5.14 1946 1977 5.09 1947 1978 4.99 1948 1979 4.88 1949 1980 4 93 1950 1981 4 97 1951 . 1982 5.08 1952 1983 5.12 1953 1984 5.04 1954 1985 4.96 1955. ... Corporate — nonfarm non manufacturing — structures 1925 85,790 87.293 88,625 89,261 88,607 84,079 76,150 71,328 72,478 73,712 75,235 79,389 82,427 81,190 81,831 85,634 92,397 98,906 101,288 103,332 112,397 130,836 150,485 159,913 163,239 174,493 186,517 193,563 197,985 202,083 215,368 46,470 47,146 47,727 47,836 47,381 44,803 40,068 36,776 36,479 36,379 36,466 37.968 39,035 37.9XX 37,805 39,191 41,943 44,390 44,880 45,402 48,937 56,993 66,032 71,106 73,591 79,751 86,355 90,813 94,702 98,258 106.409 2,191 2,206 2,265 2,290 2,331 2,255 2,145 1,870 1.891 1,872 1,929 1.937 2,167 2,123 2,102 2,144 2,262 2,479 2,644 2,679 2,785 3,099 3,694 4,161 4,218 4,370 4,880 5,112 5,337 5,436 5,692 1,158 1,194 1,346 1,368 1,411 1,477 1,436 1,320 1,409 1,448 1.564 1.654 1,900 1,968 1,997 2,081 2.263 2,507 2,771 2,857 2,997 3,472 4,207 4,731 4,824 4,919 5,428 5,679 :, 832 5,925 5,944 20.56 20.61 20.68 20.77 20.78 20.75 20.94 21.38 22.11 22.65 23.06 23.34 23.47 23.77 24.15 24.49 24.77 25.02 25.21 25.38 25.75 25.79 25.60 25.31 25.03 24.73 24.42 24.12 23.62 23.20 22.74 14.89 14.76 14.67 14.63 14.50 14.39 14.57 15.01 15.70 16.20 16.58 16.79 16.84 17.06 17.32 17,48 17.58 17.71 17.85 17.88 18.04 17.86 17.43 16.86 16.37 15.86 15.39 14.96 14.40 13.97 13.53 1956 232,378 241,996 246.767 253,716 255,386 258,612 262,777 266,714 275,253 289,781 306,887 323,947 352,844 386,533 123,616 469,339 511.151 574,897 717,686 788,904 857,425 946,273 1.093,394 1,214,658 1,380,998 1,566,259 1,648,936 1,679,700 1,766,963 1,842,172 116,871 123.387 127,267 132.313 134,324 137,078 i io.im; 1 13.601 149,728 159,530 170,966 1X1,601 199,936 221,634 245,050 273,102 299,143 338,725 424,860 464.615 503,156 552,256 638,158 707,622 803,597 909,750 953,792 971.244 1,022,008 1.064.576 6,311 6,788 6,925 7,210 7,376 7,458 7,641 7,761 7.974 8,369 8,927 9.414 10.148 11.073 12,139 13,304 14,624 16.100 19,441 23,179 25,366 28,305 32,434 37,422 43,196 50,869 57,236 56,336 57,286 60,327 6,541 6,792 6,871 6,900 7,062 6,908 7,027 6,891 7.200 7.197 7.643 7,835 8,408 8,930 9,506 9,970 11,067 11,569 13,429 15,954 17,015 IX, 739 20.967 23,501 27,357 30.918 35.031 34,273 34,455 35,902 22.22 21.83 21.49 21.04 20.77 20.43 20.09 19.83 19.41 18.93 18.43 18.15 17.78 17.39 17.13 16.92 16.70 16.42 15.99 16.02 15.98 15.87 15.62 15.53 15.38 15.07 15(16 15.40 15.44 15.47 13.08 1926 ., 1957 12.77 1927.. . 1958 12.53 1928... 1959 12.27 1929 ... 1960 12.15 1930 1961 11.99 1931 1962 11.83 1932 1963 11.73 1933 1964 11.54 1934 1965 11.31 1935 1966 11.08 1936 . 1967.. .. 10.99 1937 1968 10.82 1938 1969.. . 10.65 1939 1970 10.56 1940 1971 10.51 1941 1972 10.46 1942 1973 10.36 1943 1974 10 23 1944 1975 10.36 1945 1976 10.46 1946 1977 10.51 1947 1978 10.47 1948 1979 10.45 1949 1980 10.40 1950 1981 10.22 1951 . .. 1982 10.24 1952 1983 10.56 1953 1984 10.60 1954 1985 10.57 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 202 Table A7.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Financial corporate— all industries, total— equipment and structures 2,879 3,055 3.190 3,322 3,369 3,159 2,801 2,565 2,595 2,703 2,808 3,097 3.352 3.351 3.365 3,504 3,847 4,125 4,269 4,273 4,482 5.662 6,801 7,182 7,140 7,670 8,348 8,553 8,731 8,957 9,830 1,886 1.988 2.053 2,118 2,142 1,976 1,704 1,503 1,464 1,477 1,497 1,631 1,739 1.685 1,656 1,695 1,844 1,866 1,825 1,730 1,727 2,222 2,724 2.947 3,020 3,351 3,770 3.919 4,184 4,441 5.113 111) 125 124 132 137 135 121 107 96 L06 106 113 130 138 136 142 160 180 176 174 158 184 231 260 271 283 325 351 374 499 434 19 21 25 27 30 30 29 30 28 38 40 47 59 63 73 75 89 115 128 141 149 172 228 262 278 287 343 330 338 358 36,8 1078 10.96 11.16 11.39 11.50 11.74 12.14 12.70 13.43 14.05 14.64 15.18 15.64 16.12 16.57 16.96 17.20 17.90 18.60 19.48 20.38 20.48 2048 20.16 19.78 19.44 1895 18 62 1782 17.09 1620 8.49 8.49 8.58 8.64 8.60 8.75 9.12 9.70 10.39 10.97 11.44 11.75 12.04 12.48 12.82 12.99 12.96 13.90 14.82 15.86 16.85 16.05 15.30 14.32 13.34 12.48 11.66 11.18 10.17 9.43 8.55 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 10,865 11,401 11,792 12,405 12,915 13,516 14,585 15,603 17,170 19,266 21,662 24,200 28,017 31,400 35,363 40,357 45,010 52,354 65,977 74,282 84,915 98,116 119,309 136,043 158,734 183,112 200,683 215,551 236,048 255,917 5.841 6.294 6,645 7,172 7,607 8,065 8,898 9,615 10,843 12,460 14,188 15,935 18,753 21,340 24,097 27,538 30,677 35,778 44,950 50,140 56,408 64,100 76,641 86,374 99,350 112,741 121,513 128,580 140,616 153,009 503 552 576 609 652 685 725 793 866 979 1,108 1,273 1,497 1,644 1,798 2,030 2,267 2,570 3,219 3,907 4,547 5,323 6,391 7,623 8,871 10,485 12,018 12,932 14,384 15,991 423 15.38 445 14.62 437 13.90 456 13.13 492 12.48 525 12.05 534 11.42 602 10.98 636 10.35 700 9.76 770 9.35 825 8.93 927 8.59 901 8.52 910 8.46 919 8.49 956 8.57 971 8.47 1,048' 8.37 1,192 8.35 1,292 8.41 1,569 8.51 1,928 8.75 2,381 8.71 2,999 8.82 3,670 8.93 4,664 8.96 5,245 9.26 6,144 9.28 6,877 9.18 Financial corporate — all industries, total — equipment 1925 291 319 345 366 380 385 375 356 367 394 414 451 496 520 535 576 673 711 726 676 644 845 1,036 1,235 1,362 1,538 1,794 1,975 2,170 2,326 2,606 181 201 213 224 236 229 211 178 176 186 205 244 287 291 304 338 411 377 337 275 233 351 493 646 777 941 1,136 1,253 1,417 1,508 1,713 36 46 42 47 49 49 45 42 34 39 39 42 49 57 56 61 74 87 78 74 58 69 79 94 111 126 148 172 194 230 247 6 8 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 8 10 12 13 15 16 19 22 35 40 45 44 42 49 55 72 87 87 78 86 100 113 2.67 2.70 2.66 2.81 2.76 3.02 3.41 3.98 4.33 4.49 4.33 4.09 3.83 3.97 3.97 3.85 3.70 4.34 4.91 5.60 6.22 6.66 6.10 5.58 5.06 4.60 4.31 4.24 3.96 3.95 3.83 1.76 1.77 1.96 2.05 2.04 2.26 2.57 3.04 3.20 3.15 2.92 2.67 2.59 2.86 2.90 2.76 2.54 3.24 3.88 4.54 5.04 4.13 3.18 2.67 2.43 2.36 2.41 2.55 2.52 2.60 2.54 1956 3,014 3,302 3,534 3,855 4,129 4,287 4,657 5,033 5,691 6,613 7,699 9,363 10,968 11,950 13,556 15,387 17,366 21,292 29,035 35,284 42,658 51,303 62,801 76.106 91,676 108,379 123,400 131,925 146,445 162,957 1,959 2,110 2,191 2,360 2,480 2,517 2,720 2,893 3,350 4,038 4,792 5,936 7,129 8,039 9,199 10,550 12,063 15,084 20,683 24,979 29,696 35,053 42,273 50,596 60,036 69,610 77,578 81,857 91,068 102,166 293 328 350 376 407 430 452 498 547 627 718 852 1,031 1,101 1,188 1,334 1,485 1,691 2,205 2,767 3,338 3,994 4,901 5,938 6,979 8,373 9,750 10,540 11,828 13,308 138 150 156 184 212 250 275 335 386 450 509 583 665 634 624 633 658 649 725 800 909 1,115 1,405 1,795 2,267 2,881 3,725 4,273 4,972 5,596 3.88 3.98 4.17 4.25 4.35 4.50 4.52 4.60 4.46 4.22 4.10 3.95 3.83 3.75 3.79 3.82 3.85 3.77 3.80 3.96 4.13 4.31 4.45 4.60 4.81 4.99 5.19 5.38 5.40 5.36 2.61 1926 1957 2.71 1927 1958 2.88 1928 1959 2.91 1929 1960 2.98 1930 1961 3.11 1931 1962 3.07 1932 1963 3.13 1933 1964 2.94 1934.. .. 1965 2.72 1935 1966 2.67 1936 1967 2.62 1937 1968 2.58 1938 .... 1969 2.59 1939 1970 2.71 1940 1971 2.78 1941 1972 2.86 1942 1973 2.80 1943 1974 2.87 1944 1975 3.04 1945 1976 3.19 1946 1977 3.34 1947 1978 3.41 1948 1979 3.50 1949 1980 3.63 1950 1981 3.74 1951 1982 3.87 1952 1983 3.97 1953 1984 3.89 1954 1985 3.78 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 203 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Financial corporate — all industries, total — structures 2,588 2,736 2,845 2,956 2,990 2,774 2,426 2,21)8 2,228 2,310 2,394 2,646 2,856 2,831 2,830 2,927 3,174 3,414 3,543 3,598 3,838 4,817 5,765 5,947 5,778 6,132 6,555 6,578 6,560 6.631 7.224 1.705 1,787 1.840 1,894 1,907 1,747 1,494 1.325 1,288 1,291 1,293 1,386 1,452 1.394 1,352 1,358 1,433 1,489 1,488 1,455 1,494 1,871 2,231 2,300 2,243 2,411 2,634 2,666 2,767 2.933 3,40(1 86 76 65 62 66 68 71 81 81 80 81 85 93 98 100 100 115 152 166 160 157 177 180 1811 178 187 13 13 17 18 22 23 22 24 22 29 30 36 46 48 57 56 67 811 8!) 99 105 130 179 21)7 205 200 256 253 252 258 255 1 1 68 11.92 12.19 12.45 12.61 12.95 13.49 14.11 14.93 15.68 16.42 17.06 17.69 18 34 18.95 19.54 20.07 20.72 21.40 22.08 22.76 22 90 23117 23 19 23.25 23.16 2295 22 93 22 40 21.70 20 66 9.20 9.24 9.34 9.42 '.) 1 1 9.61 10.04 10.60 11.37 12.10 12.79 1335 13.91 14.49 15.05 15.53 15.95 16 61) 17.30 18.00 18.68 18.29 17.97 17.59 17.13 16.42 15.64 1523 14.09 12.93 11.57 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 7.851 8,11)0 8.258 8,549 8,786 9,229 9,927 10.570 11,479 12,653 13,963 14.837 17,049 19,450 21,807 24,970 27.644 31.061 36.942 38.997 42,258 46,813 56, 508 59,937 67,058 74.733 77.282 83.627 89.61)3 92.959 3.881 4,184 4,455 1,812 5,127 5,548 6,177 6,723 7.492 8,421 9,397 10.000 11.624 13.301 14,897 16,989 18.614 20.693 24.268 25,161 26,712 29.047 34,369 35,778 39.314 43,131 43,935 46,723 49,548 50,843 210 225 226 234 245 255 273 294 319 351 390 421 466 543 610 696 782 879 1.014 1,140 1,209 1,329 1,490 1.685 1,892 2,112 2.269 2.392 2.556 2.682 285 295 281 272 281 275 259 267 250 250 261 242 261 266 286 285 298 322 323 392 384 454 523 586 732 789 939 972 1,171 1,281 19 79 18.95 18.06 17 13 16.29 15.55 14.65 14.02 1326 12.65 1221 12.07 11.66 11.45 11.37 11.37 11.53 11.70 11.96 12.32 12.74 13.12 13 53 1392 14.30 14.64 14.98 15.36 15.62 15 XX 10.66 9.95 9.31 8.73 8.35 8.11 7.74 7.64 7.41 7.30 7.34 7.54 7.50 7.60 7.78 7.98 8.30 8.59 8.92 9.34 977 10.15 10.54 10.86 11.16 11.36 11.55 11.77 11.83 1189 Nonfinancial corporate — all industries, total — equipment and structures 136.607 73,971 139,985 75,632 142,291 76,547 143,598 76,910 142,936 76,582 135,608 72,129 123,541 64,445 115,555 58,477 116,733 57,429 119,311 57,451 121,122 57,430 127,444 60,179 133,619 63,271 132,439 62,045 133,445 62,080 140,127 65,387 152,050 71,664 161,722 75,428 165,318 76,018 168,357 77,042 183,899 84,837 218,458 103,020 255,687 123,933 278,506 138,510 290.141 146,555 316,308 161,923 345,067 179,137 364,060 191,033 379,987 202,159 394,758 211,604 427,034 230,821 4,828 4,998 5.08.-, 5,178 5,277 5,125 4,801 4.302 4,135 4,230 4,270 4,289 4,751 4,820 4,760 4,920 5,347 5,898 6,024 6,112 6,253 7,302 8,884 10,325 11,106 11,921 13,722 14,729 15,742 16,655 17,674 2,948 3,072 3,358 3,414 3,462 3,490 3.380 3,169 3,259 3,515 3,741 3,848 4,339 4,541 4.569 4,716 5,114 5,637 5,894 6,116 6,381 7,091 8,330 9,442 9,802 10,062 11,295 11,668 12.236 13,067 13,658 1699 17.00 17.06 17.12 17.09 17.11 17.30 17.78 1844 18.87 19.26 19.46 19.42 19.61 19.86 19.95 19.91 20.12 20 29 20.39 20.44 20.09 19.57 1892 18.44 18.01 17.53 17.13 16.61 16.21 15 85 12.19 12 00 12 03 12 00 11.85 11.84 12.10 12 65 13.30 13.71 14.01 14.02 13.77 1389 13.99 13.84 13.54 13.67 13.84 13.83 13.61 13.01 1229 11.59 11.18 10.81 10.43 10.14 9.79 9.59 9 38 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1904 1965 1966 1967 1968 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 471.796 503,217 519,553 540,400 553,941 567,345 585.438 605,222 633.344 675.665 734,858 794.432 873.599 957.732 1,054.053 1,155,485 1,250.628 1,393.506 1,723,718 1.942.179 2,131,794 2,371,526 2,727,989 3,067,335 3,522,862 4,004,532 4,270,423 4,416,040 4,649,545 4,849,686 258,322 278,226 286,971 298,717 306,897 314,346 325,194 337,049 354,647 382,654 422,144 459.418 508.310 561.327 618,654 676,129 731,344 817,409 1,011,903 1,130,409 1,231,733 1,364,592 1,570,952 1,767,235 2,023,635 2,291,565 2,421,672 2,484,102 2,609,252 2,715,233 19.923 21.944 22.956 24.033 25,029 25,775 26,715 27.887 29.324 31.327 34,140 37,409 41.284 45,198 49,635 54,523 59.845 64.943 76,013 91,623 102,071 114,108 129,635 149.419 171,155 198,744 221,419 228,241 237.945 250.546 15.379 16.720 17,312 18,112 19,005 19,415 20,192 20,795 21,959 23,104 24,689 26,080 28,350 30,323 32.408 35,014 39,446 41,447 47.900 58,457 65,570 74,219 83.828 97,304 112,029 129,291 147,563 155.401 163,124 173,119 15 36 1496 14.76 14.50 14.28 14.10 13.88 1366 13.40 13.05 12.61 12 33 12.11 11.94 11.84 11.86 11.83 11.74 11.59 11.59 11.58 11.52 11.45 11.32 11.25 11.14 11.15 11.34 1 1 39 11.43 9 09 8.87 8.86 8.81 8.74 8.71 8.63 8.55 8.43 8.20 7.92 7.78 7.69 7.61 7.62 7.71 7 75 7.72 7.68 7.76 7.83 7.83 7.80 7.70 7.68 7.62 7.68 7.89 7 92 7.91 204 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonfinancial corporate — all industries, total — equipment 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 40,577 42,223 43.025 43,437 43,394 41,609 38,944 36.760 36,706 37,743 37,793 39.078 41,265 41,414 41,740 44,077 47,654 49,679 50,368 51,021 56,044 66.941 79,305 91.286 100,169 113.248 126,981 137.300 148.437 158.647 175.144 21.836 22.690 22,899 22,942 22,948 21,688 19,686 17,692 16,973 17,009 16.868 17,720 19.240 19,206 19,481 21,120 23.639 24.438 24.442 24.947 28.438 35,443 44,325 52.953 58,834 67,143 75,783 81,925 88,7114 94,132 103,694 2.296 2,446 2.469 2.530 2,577 2,517 2,349 2,176 2,002 2,099 2,077 2,076 2,261 2,370 2,334 2,445 2,722 3,006 2,939 2,980 3,008 3,644 4,406 5,272 6.013 6.685 784) 8,561 9,313 10.128 10,851 1.540 1.628 1,756 1,784 1.789 1,762 1,726 1,657 1,665 1,867 1,956 1,963 2,173 2,299 2,287 2,334 2,545 2,755 2,705 2,855 2,904 3,047 3,446 3,822 4,087 4,378 4,885 5,026 5.402 6.115 6.777 10.17 10.24 10.35 10.46 10.45 10.58 10.91 11.46 11.91 12.26 12.50 12.45 12.23 12.31 12.31 12.04 11.59 11.51 11.51 11,32 10.88 10.34 9.52 8.86 8.56 8.31 8.04 7.88 7 77 7.75 7.74 7.15 7.14 7.24 7.30 7.22 7.33 7.69 8.30 8.77 9.05 9.11 8.74 8.23 8.23 8.09 7.64 7.12 7.14 7.21 7.05 6.60 6.08 5.47 5.09 5.06 5.06 5.02 5.05 5.07 5.17 5.23 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 198,903 218,835 230,309 244,257 255.438 263,821 276,115 289,832 307,033 329,963 364,694 401,326 442.692 482,704 532,048 575,667 619.328 685,166 847,101 985,126 1.091,187 1,222,555 1,387,372 1,587,480 1,842,634 2,103,563 2,274,861 2,364,488 2,488,522 2,601,401 117,830 129,669 134,619 141,580 147,239 150,866 157,400 164,864 175.020 189,810 212,415 234,751 259,691 284,403 312,357 335,084 359,209 398,608 491,950 566,189 621,135 694,704 790,440 906,877 1,048,386 1,190,913 1,271,449 1,305,420 1,370,559 1,429,206 12,342 13,776 14,648 15,436 16,240 16,868 17.569 18,555 19,701 21,183 23,230 25,799 28,699 31,327 34,378 37,720 40,984 44,511 51,693 62,966 70.844 79,292 89,980 103,444 118,580 137,331 152,763 159,883 167,975 177,008 7,732 8,809 9,486 10.lt;;, 10,910 11,578 12,105 12,827 13,805 14,816 15,864 17,128 18,722 20,006 21.368 23,385 25,766 27,706 31,837 39,661 45,561 51,807 59,257 68,552 79,197 92,500 105,616 113,761 121,117 128,352 7.72 7.71 7.84 7.92 7.97 8.04 8.07 8.08 8.05 7.93 7.77 7.70 7.64 7.60 7.62 7.69 7.72 7.66 7.68 7.83 7.90 7.89 7.83 7.77 7.79 7.83 7.94 8.05 8.07 8.10 Nonfinancial cor >orate — all industries, total — structures 1925 96,030 97,762 99,266 100,162 99,541 93,999 84.597 78.795 80.028 81,568 83.328 88,365 92.354 91.024 91,705 96,050 104 196 112,043 114,951 117,336 127,855 151,516 176.382 187,221 189,973 203.060 218.086 226,760 231,550 236,111 251,890 52,134 52,943 53,648 53.968 53.635 50,440 44,760 40,784 40,457 40,443 40,562 42,459 44,031 42,839 42,598 44,267 48.025 50,990 51,576 52,095 56,399 67,577 79,607 85,557 87,721 94,780 103,355 109,108 113,455 117.472 127,127 2,532 2,552 2,616 2,649 2,700 2,608 2,452 2,126 2.133 2,131 2,192 2,214 2,490 2,451 2,426 2,475 2.625 2,892 3,085 3,132 3,245 3,658 4.478 5,053 5,092 5,235 5,879 6,168 6.430 6,526 6,822 1,407 1,444 1,603 1.630 1,673 1,728 1,660 1,512 1,594 1,648 1,786 1,885 2,166 2,242 2,282 2,382 2,569 2,882 3,190 3,261 3,478 4,044 4.884 5.620 5,715 5,684 6,410 6,642 6,833 6,952 6.881 19.87 19.92 19.97 20.02 19.99 20.00 20.24 20.74 21.43 21.93 22.33 22.56 22.63 22.92 23.30 23.58 23.71 23.93 24.14 24.34 24.63 24.40 24.08 23.83 23.66 23.41 23.05 22.72 22.28 21.90 21.48 14.30 14.17 14.07 14.00 13.83 13.78 14.03 14.54 15.20 15.66 16.04 16.23 16.20 16.43 16.70 16.80 16 69 16.80 16.98 17.08 17.15 16.64 16.09 15.62 15.28 14.89 14.40 13.97 13.49 13.13 12.77 1956 272,893 284,382 289,244 296,143 298,503 303,524 309.323 315,390 326,311 345.703 370,164 393,106 430,906 475,028 522,005 579,817 631,300 708,341 876,617 957,052 1,040,607 1.148,971 1.340,617 1,479,855 1,680,228 1,900.970 1.995,562 2,051,553 2.161,023 2,248,285 140.491 148,558 152,352 157,137 159,658 163,479 167,794 172.184 179,628 192,844 209,729 224,667 248,619 276,924 306,297 341,045 372,135 418,801 519,953 564.220 610,598 669,888 780,512 860.359 975.249 1,100,1,52 1,150,223 1,178,682 1,238,693 1,286,027 7,581 8,169 8,308 8,597 8,789 8,907 9,146 9,332 9,623 10,144 10,910 11,610 12,585 13,871 15,256 16,802 18,860 20,432 24,320 28,657 31,226 34,816 39,655 45,975 52,575 61,413 68,656 68,358 69,970 73,539 7,647 7,911 7,826 7,947 8,095 7,837 8.087 7,969 8,154 8.287 8,826 8,952 9,628 10.318 11,040 11,629 13,679 13.741 16,071 18,796 20,009 22,413 24,570 28,752 32,832 36,791 41,947 41,640 42,007 44,767 20.93 20.53 20.27 19.94 19.68 19.36 19.06 18.80 18.43 17.94 17.37 17.05 16.70 16.35 16.14 16.00 15.86 15.69 15.38 15.46 15.45 15.39 15.20 15.14 15.03 14.80 14.82 15.14 15.22 15.28 12.31 1926 1957 12.01 1927 . . 1958 11.87 1928 .. . 1959 11.73 1929 1960 11.63 1930 1961 11.49 1931 1962 11.37 1932 1963 11.29 1933 1964 11.14 1934 .... 1965 10.87 1935 1966 10.55 1936 1967 10.40 1937 1968 10.26 1938 1969 10.11 1939 1970 10.06 1940 1971 10.07 1941 1972 10.09 1942 1973 10.06 1943 1974 9.98 1944 1975 10.13 1945 1976 10.23 1946 1977 10.31 1947 1978 10.28 1948 1979 10.26 1949 1980 10.23 1950 1981 10.09 1951 1982 10.13 195 ' 1983 10.44 1953 1984 10.50 1954 1985 10.50 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 205 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — all industries, total — equipment and structures 41.739 43,508 45,1)0!) 46.216 46,600 44,178 39,827 36,590 36,326 36,667 37,065 39,816 42,716 42,507 42,740 44,673 48,919 51,865 53,110 54,437 59,113 73,395 89,427 98,644 102,942 114,737 127,351 133.587 137,903 142,509 154,317 23.542 24.758 25,716 26,492 26,819 25,192 22,179 19,656 18,834 18,536 18,516 19,931 21,515 21.277 21,328 22,335 24,611 25.466 25,391 25,687 27,947 35,507 44.580 50,799 54,185 61,629 68,930 72,121 74,547 77,033 84,034 1,960 2,065 2,134 2,207 2,281 2,264 2,116 1,897 1,781 1,778 1,718 1,726 1,903 1,951 1,916 1,973 2,146 2,371 2,370 2,414 2,484 2,891 3,6,M 4,385 4,835 5,270 6,205 6,704 7,081 7,372 7,748 1,281 1,388 1,472 1,540 1,583 1,563 1,509 1,438 1,475 1,564 1,592 1,667 1.827 1,887 1,843 1,849 1,910 2.092 2,183 2,277 2,383 2.662 3.266 3,627 3,774 3.896 4,395 4,608 4,955 5,369 5,838 12.73 1259 12,47 12 40 12.27 12.22 12.34 1271 13,37 1402 14.54 14.91 15 08 15.31 15.52 15.61 15.62 16.09 16.61 16.86 16.97 1693 1660 15.88 15.20 14.66 14.31 14.07 1374 13.49 13.27 9.05 8.81 8.64 8.41 8.43 8.67 9.18 9.89 10.51 10.88 11.02 10.98 11.11 11.20 11.15 11.01 11.53 12.09 12.29 12.18 11.75 11.10 10.24 9.61 9.11 8.86 8 77 8.59 8.46 8 29 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 197 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1 98 1 1982 1983 1984 19,-5 167,658 175,066 179,577 185,174 188.879 194,522 202,232 211,204 221,774 237.379 257,854 274,359 300,930 331,763 363,962 403,102 442.095 494.430 597.396 645,232 704,138 783,841 927,290 1,021,834 1,162,793 1,316,045 1,388,131 1,463,116 1,544,143 1,595,779 91,754 96,147 99,044 103,126 105,877 109,850 115,471 121,888 129.453 140.597 154,619 165.324 182.184 202.116 222,380 246.854 271.045 304,475 365,758 390.430 421,730 467,105 552.105 605.498 684,442 770,824 805.089 837,725 878,443 903.515 8,491 9,061 9,307 9.593 9,807 9,941 10,176 10,500 10,944 11,559 12,437 13,365 14,423 15,671 17,016 18,508 20,338 22,26,4 25,623 29,866 32,525 36,102 40,777 46,851 53,864 61,377 67.795 69.881 72.180 74,457 6,769 7.539 7,978 8,354 8,626 8,737 8.925 9.112 9.365 9,660 10.030 10,377 10.92,8 11,368 11,872 12,665 13,770 15,022 16,566 19,585 21,367 23,782 26,584 30.331 35,348 39,598 45,325 47,982 50,944 53,680 13 11 12.88 1267 12.42 12.26 12.16 12 02 11.88 1172 11.53 11.34 11.21 11.20 11.21 11.22 11.31 11.35 11.35 11.37 11.45 11.59 11.69 11.92 1184 11.89 11.92 11.98 12 36 12 59 12.78 8.20 ^ 10 8 00 7.87 7.82 7.81 7.75 7 71 7.65 7.56 7.49 7.50 7.60 7 o> 7.77 7.92 8.01 8.05 8.14 8.31 8.50 8.61 8.79 8.73 8.79 8.79 8.86 9.19 9.35 9.45 Noncorporate — all industries, total — equipment 13,672 14.461 15,105 15.6.58 16,295 16,101 15,203 14,235 13,704 13.212 12,776 13,144 13,921 13,812 13,826 14,592 16,178 16,542 16,391 16,890 18,641 22,139 27.482 33.041 37,373 43,457 49,577 53,522 57,272 60,320 65,489 7,410 7,917 8,306 8,645 9,112 8,850 8,029 7,065 6,393 5,923 5,716 6,084 6,746 6,754 6,879 7,486 8.629 8.561 8,217 8,489 9,704 11.927 15,778 19.781 22,601 26,472 29,857 31,344 32,792 33,550 36,008 1,187 1,266 1,312 1,365 1,423 1.442 1,376 1,267 1,175 1,138 1,063 1,044 1,120 1.163 1,133 1,178 1,304 1,447 1,387 1,404 1,465 1,710 2,115 2,629 3,089 3,508 4,173 4,597 4,932 5.228 5,516 863 947 1,015 1,064 1,098 1,087 1,068 1,049 1,080 1,122 1,130 1,159 1,230 1,256 1,203 1,178 1,185 1,266 1,252 1,287 1,339 1,446 1,624 1,788 1,925 2,068 2,257 2,398 2,736 3.161 3.631 5.81 5.76 5.73 5.73 5.64 5.75 6.03 6.48 6.97 7.33 7.46 7.40 7.21 7.21 7 15 6.94 6.60 6.72 6.88 6.82 6.57 6.37 5.84 5.44 5.30 5.18 5 is 5.32 5.46 5.66 5.78 3 93 3 85 3 84 3.84 3.78 3.95 4.29 4.81 5.34 5.64 5.56 5 20 4.79 4.76 4.68 4.46 4.16 4.43 4.70 4.63 4.32 4.09 3.61 3.36 3.38 3.40 3.50 3.70 3.84 4.02 4.06 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 196,9 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1985 1984 1985 70,980 75.188 77.988 80,734 82,175 82,824 84,332 86,631 89,903 94,557 101,825 108,779 116,371 124,345 133,712 142,185 153.06,7 168.628 207,769 231,815 255,360 283,949 320,083 367.568 418.989 468.407 495,912 511,481 527.684 532.647 38,396 40.020 40,936 42,254 42,649 42,600 43,309 44,644 46,812 49,991 54,788 58.923 63.249 68,042 73,396 77,959 84,110 93,794 115,494 127,506 139,425 155.247 175,805 202,775 228,380 252,089 261.407 264,905 271,589 272,372 6.000 6.400 6,638 6,854 6,973 7.018 7,100 7,250 7,503 7,866 8,415 9,060 9,754 10.385 11.1.57 11,896 12,885 15,855 16,004 18.953 20,855 23,102 25,924 29,498 33,845 38,115 41,282 42,513 43,572 44.346 4.323, 5.016 5.527 5.932 6,204 6,367 6,521 6,694 6,951 7,192 7,465 7,822 8,240 - 484 8,807 9,276 10,062 10.727 12.150 14,569 16,113 17,812 19,883 22,400 25,91',! 29,842 33,561 36,080 37.9S2 39,913 5.95 6.11 6.26 6.33 6.44 6.54 6 59 6 59 6.54 6.43 6.30 6.24 6.19 6.14 6.09 6.09 08 5.99 5 99 6.10 6.15 6.13 6.09 6114 6.13 6.22 6 39 6.54 6.62 6.71 4.16 4.27 4.36 4.38 4.45 4.51 4.51 4.46 4.37 4.25 4.12 4.10 4.10 4.08 4.06 4.08 4.09 3.99 4.01 4.15 4.21 4.18 4.13 4.07 4.17 4.27 4.44 4.57 4.59 4.63 206 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — all industries, total — structures 1926 1927 1928 1929 i:i:ki 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 lH4h 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 28,068 29,107 29.905 30.558 30,306 28,078 24,623 22,355 22,621 23.455 24,289 26,672 28,795 28,695 28,914 30,082 32,741 35,323 36,719 37,547 40.472 51,256 61,945 65,602 65,568 71,280 77,774 8(1,065 80,631 82,189 88.828 16.131 16,842 17.410 17,847 17,707 16,342 14,150 12,590 12,441 12,613 12.800 13.847 14.769 14.523 14.449 14,849 15.982 16,905 17,174 17,197 18,242 23,5811 28,803 31,018 31,585 35,158 39,074 40,777 41,755 43,483 48,(126 773 79!) 821 841 858 822 740 63(1 606 639 655 682 783 788 782 795 842 924 984 1,010 1,019 1,181 1,566 1,756 1,746 1,761 2,032 2,108 2,150 2,144 2,233 418 441 457 476 185 476 441 389 395 442 462 508 597 630 641 671 725 825 931 989 1,044 1,216 1.641 1,840 1,849 1,828 2,138 2,210 2,218 2,207 2.207 16.10 15.98 15.87 15.82 15.84 15.93 16.23 16.68 17.25 17.79 18.25 18.61 18.89 19.21 19.52 19.81 20 08 20.48 20.95 21.38 21.76 21.49 21.37 21.13 20.84 20.44 20 13 19.92 19.63 19.23 18 80 11.40 11.15 10.94 10.82 10.79 10.86 11.15 11.64 12.23 12.79 13.26 13.58 13.80 14.07 14.31 14.53 14.71 15.12 15.63 16.07 16.36 15.62 15.21 14.63 14.07 13.42 12.96 12.66 12.31 11.88 11.46 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 96,672 99,878 101,589 104,439 106,704 111,698 117,900 124,573 131,872 142,821 156,030 165,580 184,559 207,418 230,250 260,917 289,029 325,801 389,628 413,417 448,778 499,892 607,206 654,265 743,804 847,638 892,218 951,635 1,016,459 1,063,132 53,357 56,127 58,108 60,872 63,229 67,250 72,162 77,244 82,641 90,606 99,831 106,401 118,935 134,073 148,984 168,896 186,935 210,681 250,264 262,924 282,305 311,858 376.300 402.724 456,063 518,735 543,682 572,820 606,854 631,142 2,492 2,662 2,669 2,739 2,834 2,923 3,075 3,250 3,441 3,693 4,022 4,305 4,669 5,286 5,859 6,612 7,453 8,409 9,619 10,913 11,670 13,000 14,853 17,354 20,019 23,262 26,512 27,368 28,607 30,111 2,446 2,524 2,451 2,422 2,421 2,370 2,404 2,417 2,413 2,468 2,565 2,555 2,688 2,884 3,065 3,389 3,709 4,296 4,416 5,016 5,255 5,970 6,701 7,932 9,429 9,756 11,764 11,902 12,962 13,768 18.37 17.98 17.59 17.13 16.74 16.33 15.90 15.56 15.25 14.90 14.63 14.47 14.36 14.25 14.19 14.15 14.14 14.12 14.24 14.45 14.69 14.85 14.99 15.10 15.14 15.07 15.08 15.49 15.70 15.82 Noncorporate — farms — equipment and structures 1925. ... 13,197 13,371 13,422 13,381 13,130 12,187 10,783 9,884 9,611 9,347 9,335 9,965 10.704 10.642 10,637 10,983 12,019 12,815 13,118 13,703 14,899 18,393 22,909 26,349 28,689 32,419 36.428 38,854 40,253 41,366 43,789 6,600 6,639 6,639 6,595 6,490 5,968 5,120 4,484 4,174 3,944 3,964 4,342 4,816 4,827 4,845 5,035 5,632 5,911 5,901 6,253 6,889 8,811 11.660 14,217 16,098 18,582 20,958 22,209 22,781 23,030 24,092 620 650 660 671 679 670 617 556 530 507 480 490 543 573 567 587 642 722 723 749 784 903 1,120 1,394 1,628 1,841 2,166 2,398 2,544 2,645 2,735 474 519 557 589 612 593 563 534 563 566 555 576 609 619 589 587 590 654 684 729 766 861 1,023 1,142 1,199 1,279 1,403 1,497 1,621 1,771 1,972 15.37 15.33 15.26 15.24 15.05 14.80 14.74 14.88 15.47 16.19 16.49 16.64 16.46 16.34 16.29 16.19 15.89 16.04 16.32 16.01 15.82 15.69 14.88 13.52 12.35 11.67 11.25 10.90 10.62 10.51 10.54 10.58 10.53 10.42 10.36 10.13 9.99 10.18 10.63 11.35 11.99 11.91 11.57 10.99 10.76 10.61 10.42 9.93 10.10 10.44 10.01 9.70 9.21 8.25 7.22 6.53 6.24 6.16 6.17 6.21 6.35 6.50 1956 46,285 47,566 48,540 49,310 49,521 49,977 50,961 52,285 53,868 56,792 60,636 64,087 69,196 75,320 81,128 88,224 97,325 108,324 134,223 147,393 164,351 184,779 215,966 242,018 273,688 301,878 311,107 323,064 328,636 325,578 25,085 25,477 25,895 26,434 26,459 26,747 27,443 28,465 29,576 31,623 34,228 36,550 39,535 43,021 46,359 50,449 55,449 62,267 77.398 84,725 94,364 106,110 123,787 138,181 154,133 166,653 167,108 169,271 168,299 163,427 2,901 3,007 3,063 3,129 3,128 3,113 3,135 3,176 3,250 3,388 3,600 3,835 4,088 4,409 4,746 4,994 5,597 6,127 7,063 8,411 9,289 10,438 11,685 13,246 15,268 16,840 17,830 18,106 18,158 17,815 2,289 2,610 2,805 2,964 3,029 3,060 3,090 3,101 3,103 3,147 3,171 3,215 3,248 3,382 3,495 3,669 4,067 4,583 5,070 6,041 6,704 7,339 8,237 9,271 11,149 12,577 14,508 15,680 16,831 17,563 10.63 10.60 10.48 10.38 10.39 10.44 10.44 10.39 10.33 10.21 10.09 9.93 9.99 10.05 10.11 10.26 10.31 10.26 10.05 9.95 9.90 9.91 10.17 10.03 10.17 10.44 10.74 11.22 11.71 12.19 6.72 1926. ... 1957 6.85 1927 ... 1958 6.87 1928. ... 1959 6.84 1929 1960 6.94 1930 1961 7.05 19.31 1962 ... 7.09 1932 1963 7.09 1933 1964 7.10 1934 1965 7.03 1935 1966 6.97 1936 1967 6.88 1937 1968 7.00 1938 1969 7.11 1939 1970 7.19 1940 1971 7.32 1941 1972 7.36 1942 1973 7.27 1943 1974 7.09 1944 1975 7.03 1945 1976 6.99 1946 1977 6.98 1947 1978 7.16 1948 1979 7.04 1949 1980 7.20 1950 1981 7.47 1951 1982 7.82 19.-," 1983 8.27 1953 1984 8.72 1954 1985 9.13 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 207 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — farms — equipment 4,;778 4.833 5,017 5,128 5,287 5,296 5,001 4,797 4,583 4,231 4,111 4.285 4,655 4,727 4,785 5,027 5,639 5,978 5,994 6,426 7,(181 8,152 10.228 12,846 15,180 17,738 20,378 22,222 23,580 24,548 35. 883 2,382 2,5111 2.605 2,671 2,799 2.784 2.512 2.250 2,024 1,807 1,815 2.030 2,374 2,465 2,527 2,707 3,156 3,274 3,148 3,423 3,832 4,445 5,920 7,808 9,427 11,065 12,498 13,195 13.560 13,575 13,896 392 424 438 453 166 475 452 419 404 375 347 353 387 419 416 438 486 553 545 565 599 684 817 1.048 1,282 1,491 1,758 1,971 2.107 2,21 1 2,288 258 301 341 372 396 390 386 383 417 406 391 398 tin 110 3X1 373 365 101 415 439 475 518 565 648 726 812 887 975 1.109 1,279 1.481 6 02 6.03 6 01 6.00 5.90 5.96 6.27 6.71 7.11 7.30 7.15 6X0 6 34 6.16 6.05 5 47 5.49 5.67 5.55 5.43 5.46 5.07 4.72 4.54 4.48 4.57 4.77 4.98 5.25 5.48 4.21 4.10 4.02 3.96 3.84 3.92 4.29 4.82 5.28 5.40 4.96 4.36 3.85 3.77 3.77 3.68 3.41 3.58 3.88 3.74 3.63 3.62 3.22 2.96 2.92 2.99 3.15 3.39 3.59 3.82 3.96 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 27,099 28,114 29,164 29.640 29,726 29,575 29,765 30.234 311.938 32,498 34,538 36.649 38,822 41,598 43,901 46,329 51,510 57.092 72.930 81,591 91,738 102.894 114,953 133,106 150,833 165,444 171,632 173.X53 172,203 166,831 14.033 14,183 14,580 14,810 14,697 1 1.568 14,730 15,194 15,767 16.980 18,497 19,970 21,232 22,733 23,991 25.314 28.187 31,762 40,751 45,247 50,654 56,704 62.60X 72,187 79,987 85,179 X5.004 82.983 79.487 75,274 2,408 2,488 2,553 2.614 2,600 2,576 2,579 2,595 2.6,44 2,749 2,918 3.112 3,309 3,534 3.785 3.917 4,397 4,743 5,536 6,675 7,412 8,342 9,287 10.469 12,067 13,315 14.027 14,179 14,025 13,548 1,769 5.76 4.15 2,085 5.99 4.28 2,318 6.13 4.28 2,493 6.21 4.25 2,578 6.37 4.32 2,620 6.45 4.33 2,669 6.48 4.30 2.659 6.42 4 17 2.677 6.35 4.09 2,710 6.19 3.93 2,734 6.00 3.79 2.776 5.85 3.72 2.828 5.77 3.75 2,883 5.74 3.79 3,013 5.68 3.78 3,089 5.66 3.79 3,487 5.69 3.82 3,792 5.59 3.72 4,280 5.57 3.72 5,185 5.64 3.83 5,745 5.69 3.89 6,340 5.71 3.92 7,036 5.81 4.02 7,949 5.86 4.03 9,456 6.03 4.20 10,876 6.25 4.41 12,393 6.57 4.70 13.643 6.87 4.96 14,399 7,15 5.16 15,158 7.39 5.29 Noncorporate — farms — structures 1925 8,619 8,538 8,405 8,253 7,843 6,892 5,782 5,088 5,028 5,116 5,224 5,681 6,049 5,914 5,852 5,956 6,381 6.837 7,124 7,277 7,817 10,241 12,682 13,504 13,509 14,681 16,050 16,632 16,672 16,818 17,907 4,218 4,129 4.034 3,924 3,691 3,184 2,609 2,233 2,150 2,137 2,149 2,312 2,442 2,362 2,318 2,328 2,476 2,637 2,753 2,830 3,057 4,366 5,740 6,409 6,671 7,518 8,460 9,014 9,220 9,455 10,196 229 226, 222 218 214 195 166 137 127 133 133 137 156 154 150 150 155 169 179 184 185 219 303 346 346 351 407 427 437 434 448 216 218 216 217 216 203 177 152 145 160 164 178 208 209 208 213 225 253 269 290 291 343 458 494 473 467 516 522 512 492 490 20.34 20.60 20.78 20.98 21.21 21.59 22.06 22.59 23.09 23.54 23.84 24.06 24.25 24.47 24.66 24.93 25.10 25.26 25.28 25.25 25.23 23.83 22.79 21.90 21.12 20.36 19.73 19.10 18.61 18.20 17.85 14.18 14.43 14.55 14.71 14.89 15.30 15.84 16.48 17.06 17.56 17.79 17.89 17.93 18.04 18.07 18.24 18.24 18.21 17.93 17.60 17.30 14.90 13.44 12.41 11.64 11.02 10.60 10.24 10.06 9.97 9 97 1956 19,186 19,452 19,376 19,670 19,795 20.402 21,196 22,051 22,930 24,294 26,098 27,438 30,374 33,722 37,227 41,896 45,815 51,232 61,293 65,802 72,613 81,884 101,014 108,912 122,855 136.434 139,476 149,211 156,433 158,747 11,052 11,294 11,315 11,624 11,762 12,179 12.714 13.271 13,809 14,643 15,732 16,580 18,303 20,288 22,368 25,135 27,262 30,506 36,647 39,478 43,711 49,405 61,179 65,994 74,147 81,474 82,104 86,288 88,812 88,153 493 519 511 515 528 537 557 581 606 639 683 722 778 875 962 1.077 1,200 1,384 1,527 1,736 1,877 2.097 2.398 2,777 3,201 3,526 3,803 3,927 4,133 4,267 520 525 487 471 450 439 421 442 426 438 438 439 419 499 482 580 580 791 790 856 959 999 1,201 1,322 1,694 1,701 2,115 2,036 2,432 2,405 17.52 17.26 17.05 16.67 16.44 16.22 16.00 15.83 15.71 15.60 15.51 15.38 15.37 15.36 15.34 15.34 15.50 15.47 15.38 15.30 15.23 15.19 15.12 15.13 15.25 15.52 15.87 16.29 16.73 17.24 9.99 1926 1957 1958 10.08 1927 10.19 1928 1959 10.14 1929 1960 10.22 1930 1961 10.30 1931 1962 10.34 1932 . .. 1963 10.42 1933 . . 1964 10.53 1934.. 1965 10.62 1935 1966.... 10.70 1936 1967 10.69 1937 1968 10.77 1938 1969 10.83 1939 1970 10.84 1940 1971 10.87 1941. 1972 11.03 1942 1973 10.97 1943 1974 10.83 1944 1975 10.70 1945 1976 10.59 1946 1977 10.49 1947 1978 10.38 1948 1979 10.33 1949 1980 10.43 1950 1981 10.68 1951 1982 11.04 1952 1983 11.46 1953 1984 11.91 1954 1985 12.41 1955 208 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year - Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — manufacturing — equipment and structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929. 1930. 1931 1932 1933 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937 1938. 1939. 1940 1941. 1942. 1943 1944. 1945 . 1946. 1947. 1948. 1949. 1950 . 1951 . 1952. 1953 . 1954 . 1955 . 1,698 1,750 1,784 1,818 1,808 1,676 1,489 1,367 1,403 1,454 1,467 1.582 1.718 1,713 1,736 1,861 2,074 2,221 2,297 2,404 2,680 3,340 4,079 4,467 4,566 4,956 5,375 5,514 5,597 5,688 6,089 935 955 963 977 979 895 772 681 679 693 695 756 837 830 842 924 1,068 1,150 1,178 1,239 1,408 1,808 2,260 2,489 2,504 2,673 2,871 2.901 2.908 2,922 3.126 95 HIT 111 117 125 150 191 224 238 282 290 297 299 309 87 91 98 101 100 106 121 139 164 173 173 209 218 235 259 271 10.92 11.07 11.25 11.35 11.31 11.50 11.83 12.31 12.67 12.93 13.16 13.25 13.12 13.21 13.22 12.93 12.49 12.49 12.65 12.54 12.25 11.97 11.67 11.37 11.32 11.39 11.41 11.50 11.51 11.55 11.55 8.10 8.13 8.21 8.18 7.99 8.10 8.42 8.93 9.25 9.44 9.55 9.46 9.12 9.16 9.11 8.67 8.10 8.09 8.30 8.17 7.84 7.44 7.09 6.97 7.16 7.34 7.44 7.59 7.68 7.79 7.76 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963 1964. 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983. 1984. 1985. 6.645 6.918 7.010 7,170 7,259 7,294 7,394 7,519 7,614 7,814 8,166 8,322 8,680 8,997 9,373 9,801 10,063 10,608 12,398 13,290 13.998 14,988 16,873 17,974 19,809 21,400 21,651 21,786 21,966 21,836 3,448 3,603 3,644 3,714 3,754 3,739 3,771 3,817 3,838 3,933 4,115 4,154 4,300 4,456 4,631 4,818 4,939 5,181 6,078 6,497 6,809 7,260 8,132 8,648 9,500 10,172 10.139 9,978 9,942 9,823 338 362 369 377 385 387 389 395 401 408 420 433 446 454 465 480 502 511 556 639 678 723 784 870 950 1,043 1,093 1,083 1,077 1,074 308 11.40 334 11.29 333 11.27 347 11.25 361 11.21 361 11.34 374 11.39 388 11.43 395 11.55 419 11.60 446 11.63 457 11.75 479 11.96 491 12.16 500 12.33 506 12.57 543 12.77 538 12.95 585 12.91 668 12.89 692 12.99 743 13.08 779 13.31 888 13.24 969 13.26 1,053 13.37 1,148 13.51 1,175 13.87 1,202 14.11 1,249 14.25 Noncorporate — manufacturing — equipment 1925 918 932 940 943 922 866 792 743 770 796 787 829 892 895 917 1,002 1,101 1,164 1,202 1,287 1,463 1,741 2,098 2,406 2,576 2,852 3,110 3,218 3,337 3,456 3,727 449 452 450 448 442 413 371 335 339 349 350 381 430 438 458 522 600 650 674 739 864 1,052 1,300 1,484 1,540 1,659 1,764 1,774 1,792 1,815 1,942 49 50 51 52 53 50 47 42 41 45 45 46 51 54 54 59 67 74 76 81 90 108 133 158 175 186 212 218 224 229 238 41 43 45 47 48 47 46 44 46 54 55 56 62 62 62 64 66 67 66 66 67 72 81 89 98 108 125 138 153 174 193 10.46 10.51 10.59 10.61 10.46 10.44 10.60 10.91 11.12 11.15 11.00 10.68 10.20 9.97 9.70 9.18 8.56 8.16 7.99 7.61 7.22 6.86 6.47 6.44 6.71 6.96 7.17 7.45 7.72 8.00 8.18 7.30 7.28 7.31 7.23 6.94 6.86 7.01 7.36 7.54 7.47 7.19 6.74 6.20 6.08 5.92 5.53 5.12 4.98 5.05 4.86 4.64 4.44 4.22 4.33 4.71 5.02 5.25 5.51 5.74 5.94 6.00 1956 4,101 4,346 4,458 4,630 4,722 4,707 4,754 4.804 4.834 4,911 5,090 5,170 5,282 5,314 5,434 5,503 5,505 5,701 6,772 7,542 7,942 8,511 9,264 10,151 11,333 12,287 12,601 12,396 12,343 12,258 2,140 2,263 2,306 2,377 2,403 2,359 2,356 2,352 2,345 2,372 2,455 2,467 2,499 2,517 2,575 2,607 2,625 2,730 3.293 3,692 3,902 4,200 4,592 5,042 5,629 6,062 6,121 5,886 5,808 5,743 259 280 288 296 304 305 305 310 312 316 324 333 341 339 343 348 352 354 387 456 490 521 567 626 692 765 804 790 779 774 218 242 253 263 276 286 291 304 322 337 358 377 393 394 397 399 407 404 429 497 526 544 581 635 687 760 822 832 847 870 8.28 8.40 8.54 8.68 8.81 9.00 9.13 9.25 9.36 9.43 9.49 9.61 9.75 9.86 9.93 9.99 10.00 10.00 9.89 9.90 9.86 9.82 9.74 9.70 9.69 9.73 9.89 10.09 10.19 10.29 5.96 1926 1957 5.96 1927 1958 6.01 1928 1959 6.08 1929 1960 6.14 1930 1961 6.29 1931 1962 6.36 1932 1963 6.43 1933 1964 6.50 1934 1965 6.50 1935 1966 6.50 1936 1967 6.63 1937 1968 6.74 1938 1969 6.77 1939 1970 6.79 1940 1971 6.81 1941 1972 6.76 1942 1973 6.70 1943 1974 6.52 1944 1975 6.50 1945 1976 :.- 6.47 1946 1977 6.43 1947 1978 6.35 1948 1979 6.31 1949 1980 6.30 1950 1981 6.38 1951 1982 6.58 1952 1983 6.83 1953 1984 6.91 1954 1985 6.95 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 209 Table A7.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — manufacturing — structures 781 818 844 875 HID 697 624 632 658 680 754 826 818 HI!) 859 973 1,056 1,095 1,118 1,217 1,590 1,081 2,061 1.900 2,105 2.265 2.206 2,260 2,233 2,362 486 504 51 1 530 537 481 402 346 340 344 345 374 407 392 384 401 467 ■ 190 504 500 544 756 960 1,005 965 1,015 1 106 1,127 1,115 1,107 1,184 1147 11,71 11,99 12.15 12.20 12.62 1322 13.97 14.55 15.09 15.66 1608 1629 1676 17.17 17.29 16.94 17.26 17.75 18.22 1X3(1 17.53 17.17 17.13 17.28 17.40 17.23 17.18 17.11 17.05 16.88 xx4 8.90 9.00 8.98 8.85 9.16 9.72 10.45 10.95 11.42 11.94 12.23 12.21 12.60 12.91 12.76 11.92 12.15 12.65 13.06 12.03 11.61 10.97 10.87 11.07 11.14 10 02 10.85 10.81 10.82 10 65 1056 1957 1058 1050 1060 1961 1062 1063 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 10S3 1084 19X5 2.54 1 2,571 2,552 2,540 2,536 2,586 2,641 2,715 2,780 2,904 3,077 3,152 3,308 3,684 3,939 4,298 4,558 4,007 5,626 5.748 6.055 6.477 7.600 7,823 8,477 9,112 0,0 ill 0.300 0,623 9,578 1,308 1,340 1,337 1,337 1,350 1,380 1,415 1.465 1,403 1.560 1,660 1,687 1,801 1,040 2,055 2,211 2,314 2,451 2,785 2,804 2,907 3,060 3.540 3,606 3,871 4,109 4,018 4.002 4.134 4,0X0 7x 83 81 xi 81 82 X3 86 88 91 96 100 105 115 122 133 150 157 169 183 ixx 202 216 243 258 279 2X0 293 299 300 75 83 84 73 82 88 XII 86 98 103 107 136 134 157 171 166 199 10X 254 282 293 326 343 355 379 1643 16.17 16.04 15.91 15.68 15.61 15.47 15 30 15.34 15.27 15.17 15.27 15.40 15.49 15.64 15.87 16.10 16.39 16 54 16.81 17.09 1737 17.65 17.84 18.03 18.26 1X55 18.87 19.13 1032 10 24 1009 10.05 10.08 9.98 10.00 10.02 10.00 10.13 10 ix 10.17 10.34 10.56 10 70 10X9 11.13 11.36 11.61 11.75 12.01 12.23 12 48 12.65 12.72 12.83 12.96 13.19 13.48 13.66 13.72 Noncorporate — nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment and structures 26.X44 28,447 29,803 31,017 31,662 30,315 27,555 25,338 25,313 25,866 26,262 28,268 30,204 30,152 30,367 31,830 34,826 36.X30 37,605 38,330 41,533 51,662 62,430 67,827 69,687 77,362 85,548 80,210 02,053 95,455 104.430 16.007 17,163 18,114 18,020 19,351 18,329 16,287 14,491 13,981 13,899 13,857 14,834 15.862 15,620 15,641 16,376 17,911 18,406 1.8,313 18,194 19,650 24,888 30,660 34.002 35,584 40,373 45,101 47,011 48.850 51,081 56.816 1,264 1,338 1.395 1,455 1,519 1,516 1,427 1,278 1,190 1,203 1,172 1,167 1,283 1,298 1,268 1,300 1,409 1,542 1,536 1,548 1,575 1,837 2,369 2.76X 2,968 3.181 3.757 4,016 4,240 4,428 4,704 750 818 862 sol 912 912 889 849 856 931 968 1,020 1,136 1,186 1,171 1,175 1,220 1.3 10 1,308 1,448 1,511 1,680 2,104 2,321 2,402 2,444 2,783 2,803 3,008 3,338 3,505 11.55 11.39 11.29 11.24 11.18 11.22 11 12 11.89 12.62 13.30 13.92 14.39 14.71 15.07 15.38 15.56 15.71 16 33 16.95 17.44 17.69 17.69 17.55 17.09 16.63 16.12 15.80 15.61 15.24 14.89 14.52 8.47 8.19 8.02 7.93 7.85 7.94 x 21 8.75 9.49 10.14 10.65 10.94 11.07 11.33 11.50 11.52 11.52 12 20 12.87 13.35 13.37 12.06 12.48 11.74 11.17 10.55 10.21 10 07 9.75 9.44 07 1056 1957 1058 1059 1960 1961 1962 1063 1064 1965 1966 1967 106X 1060 1970 1971 1072 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1078 1979 1980 1981 1982 10X3 108-1 10X5 1 1 1.72X 120.582 124,027 128,604 132,099 137.252 143.877 151,400 160,202 172,772 189,052 201,950 223,053 247,445 273,461 305,077 334,707 375,497 450,776 484.550 525.789 5X4,074 604,450 761.841 869,296 992,767 1,055,372 1,118,267 1,193,541 1,248.365 63,220 67,067 60,506 72.978 75,665 79,364 84,257 89,607 06,030 105,041 116,276 121.010 138,340 154.638 171,390 191,587 210,656 237,026 2X2,2X2 299,209 320.557 353,73i; 420,1X6 458.669 520,809 593,999 627,842 658,475 700,202 730,265 5253 .■603 5,875 6,087 6,20 1 6,441 6,652 6,028 7,203 7,764 8,416 0,007 0,800 10,808 11,805 13,034 14,239 15,626 1X.004 20,816 22,558 24,040 28.300 32.736 37,646 43,493 48,872 50,602 52,044 55,568 4,173 4,505 4,840 5.043 5,237 5,316 5,461 5,624 5,867 6,094 6.413 6,706 7,201 7,405 7,877 8,490 9,161 9,901 10.911 12.876 13,971 15,701 17,567 20,172 23,230 25,967 20.66X 31,127 32,911 34,868 14.21 13.88 13.60 13.27 13.01 12.83 12.61 1242 12.19 11.95 11.73 11.59 11.55 11.53 11.51 11.57 11.61 11.62 11.72 11.87 12.08 12.22 1242 1238 12.40 12.34 12.31 12.66 1 2 8 1 12.01 XXI 8.60 8.45 8.26 8.14 8.07 7.97 7.90 7.81 7.70 7.63 7.66 7.75 7.82 7.91 8.05 8.16 8.23 8.41 8.66 8.94 9.10 9.27 9.23 9.25 9.16 9.13 9.42 9.50 9.52 210 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 11)31; 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 8,176 8,696 9,148 9,587 10,085 9.939 9,410 8,695 8,351 8,185 7,878 8,030 8.374 8.1X9 8.124 8,563 9,439 9,400 9,195 9,177 10,096 12,246 15,156 17,790 19.617 22.867 26,089 28,0X2 30,354 32,316 35,879 4,579 4,954 5,251 5,526 5,871 5,653 5,147 4,480 4,030 3,767 3,551 3,674 3,942 3,851 3,894 4,257 4,872 4.637 4,396 4,328 5,009 6,430 8,558 10,489 11,635 13,749 15,594 16,376 17,440 18,160 20,170 746 792 824 86(1 904 917 877 806 730 718 672 645 682 691 662 682 751 819 766 757 777 918 1,165 1,423 1,632 1,832 2,203 2,408 2.600 2.788 2,99(1 564 603 629 645 654 650 637 622 617 662 684 704 767 784 760 741 754 798 771 782 797 857 979 1,051 1,101 1,148 1,245 1,285 1,474 1,708 1.956 5.17 5.10 5.08 5.10 5.06 5.23 5.53 5.98 6.51 6.97 7.28 7.38 7.37 7.51 7.52 7.33 7.04 7.33 7.52 7.59 7.27 6.91 6.28 5.83 5.70 5.49 5.42 5.52 5.58 5.72 5.74 3.46 3.41 3.45 3.51 3.52 3.75 4.10 4.61 5.19 5.58 5.71 5.50 5.20 5.24 5.12 4.83 4.52 4.96 5.23 5.29 4.80 4.35 3.78 3.51 3.57 3.53 3.59 3.76 3.84 3.97 3.93 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19X3 1984 1985 39,786 42,728 44,366 46,464 47,727 48,542 49,813 51,593 54,131 57,148 62,197 66,959 72,267 77,432 84,377 90,353 96,052 105,835 128,067 142,683 155,680 172,543 195,866 224,311 256,824 290,675 311,679 325,232 343,138 353,557 22,223 23,575 24,050 25,067 25,548 25,673 26,223 27,099 28,700 30,638 33,837 36,486 39,518 42,793 46,829 50,037 53,298 59,302 71,449 78,567 84,869 94,343 108,606 125,546 142,764 160,847 170,283 176,036 186,294 191,355 3,332 3,632 3,797 3,943 4,068 4,137 4,217 4,345 4,547 4,801 5,173 5,615 6,104 6,513 7,029 7,632 8,136 8,758 10,081 11,821 12,953 14,240 16,070 18,402 21,086 24,036 26,452 27,543 28,768 30,024 2,336 2,689 2,956 3,175 3,350 3,460 3,561 3,732 3,953 4,146 4,374 4,669 5,019 5,207 5.397 6,168 6,531 7,442 8,887 9,841 10,928 12,266 13,816 15,777 18,206 20,346 21,604 22,736 23.885 5.83 5.96 6.11 6.18 6.26 6.36 6.41 6.44 6.40 6.31 6.21 6.19 6.16 6.10 6.06 6.08 6.07 5.99 6.03 6.16 6.23 6.20 6.08 5.99 6.03 6.06 6.15 6.23 6.22 6.27 Noncorporate — nonfarm nonmanufacturing — structures 1925 18,668 19,752 20,656 21,430 21,577 20,376 18,144 16,643 16.961 17,681 18,385 20,237 21,920 21,962 22,243 23,267 25,387 27,430 28,500 29,152 31,437 39,415 47,283 50,037 50,070 54,495 59.459 61,137 61,699 63,138 68,560 11,428 12,209 12,862 13,393 13,480 12,677 11,140 10,011 9,950 10,132 10,306 11,160 11,921 11,769 11,747 12.119 13,039 13,769 13,917 13,867 14,641 18,458 22,102 23,604 23,949 26,625 29,507 30,636 31,419 32,921 36,646 518 546 572 595 615 599 549 472 460 486 500 522 601 607 606 619 658 723 770 791 799 919 1,204 1,344 1,336 1,348 1,554 1,609 1,640 1,640 1,714 195 215 232 249 258 262 252 227 240 270 284 315 369 401 411 434 475 542 627 665 713 824 1,125 1,270 1,301 1,296 1,538 1,608 1,624 1,630 1,639 14.34 14.16 14.03 13.99 14.03 14.15 14.48 14.98 15.62 16.23 1676 17.17 17.51 17.89 18.25 18.59 18.93 19.42 19.99 20.54 21.03 21.04 21.17 21.09 20.91 20.58 20.35 20.24 20.00 19.58 19.11 10.48 10.13 9.88 9.76 9.74 9.81 10.11 10.60 11.24 11.84 12.35 12.73 13.01 13.32 13.61 13.87 14.14 14.64 15.28 15.86 16.30 15.96 15.85 15.40 14.87 14.18 13.71 13.44 13.03 12.46 11.90 1956 74,942 77,855 79,661 82,230 84,373 88,710 94,063 99,807 106,161 115,624 126,855 134,990 150,786 170,013 189,084 214,723 238,656 269,662 322,709 341,867 370,109 411,531 498,584 537,530 612,472 702,091 743,693 793,034 850,402 894,808 40,997 43,492 45,456 47,911 50,117 53,691 58,033 62,508 67,339 74,403 82.439 88,134 98,831 111,845 124,562 141,549 157,358 177,724 210,833 220,641 235,687 259,392 311,580 333,124 378,045 433,151 457,559 482,439 513,908 538,909 1,920 2,061 2,078 2,144 2,225 2,304 2,435 2,583 2,746 2,963 3,243 3,483 3,786 4,296 4,775 5,402 6,103 6,868 7,923 8,994 9,605 10,701 12,239 14,334 16,559 19,457 22,420 23,149 24,176 25,543 1,837 1,906 1,884 1,867 1,887 1,856 1,900 1,892 1,914 1,949 2,039 2,036 2,183 2,288 2,480 2,702 2,993 3,371 3,469 3,989 4,130 4,773 5,302 6,356 7,453 7,761 9,323 9,523 10,175 10,984 18.65 18.22 17.77 17.28 16.84 16.38 15.89 15.51 15.15 14.74 14.44 14.27 14.14 14.00 13.94 13.89 13.85 13.83 13.98 14.25 14.55 14.75 14.92 15.05 15.08 14.94 14.89 15.30 15.47 15.53 11.43 1926 1957 11.04 1927 1958 10.68 1928 1959 10.33 1929 1960 10.06 1930 1961 9.80 1931 1962 9.55 1932 1963 9.40 1933 1964 9.29 1934 1965 9.13 1935 . . 1966 9.07 1936 1967 9.12 1937 1968 9.20 1938 1969 9.25 1939 1970 9.35 1940 1971 9.45 1941 1972 9.54 1942 1973 9.64 1943 1974 9.89 1944 1975 10.24 1945 1976 :.: 10.61 1946 1977 10.86 1947 1978 11.07 1948 1979 11.20 1949 1980 11.21 1950 1981 11.03 1951 1982 10.95 1952 1983 11.29 1953 1984 11.40 1954 1985 11.38 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 211 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Sole proprietorships and partnerships — all ndustries, total — equipment and structures 1925 35,904 37,250 38.256 39,056 39,297 37,243 33,588 30,818 30,445 30,504 30.585 32,511) 34,622 34,221 34,160 35,479 38,602 40,586 41,213 42,138 45,506 55,920 67,901 75,192 78,640 87,269 96,353 100,687 103,584 106,306 114,199 19,754 20,575 21,172 21,623 21,825 20,431 17,912 15,760 14,947 14,548 14,400 15,349 16,494 16,189 16,109 16,793 18.459 18,914 18,667 18,930 20,564 26,056 32,945 37,930 40,604 45,929 50,955 52,904 54,290 55.408 59,806 1,801 1,896 1.954 2,017 2,081 2,068 1,936 1,738 1,627 1,611 1,546 1,541 1,685 1,723 1.680 1,723 1,869 2,060 2,040 2,070 2,127 2,462 3,102 3,713 4,124 4,502 5,273 5,694 5,997 6,225 6,505 1,203 1.307 1,387 1,454 1,496 1.478 1,432 1.369 1,407 1,490 1,516 1,584 1,727 1,784 1,734 1,735 1.789 1,945 2,017 2,094 2,179 2,414 2,925 3,230 3,359 3,461 3,880 4,061 4,365 4,752 5,162 12.55 12.44 12.36 12.32 12.18 12.14 12.25 12.63 13.30 13.95 14.46 14.83 14.97 15.19 15.38 15.44 15.39 15.81 16.26 16.40 16.43 16.30 15.82 14.99 14.27 13.72 13.37 13.12 12.79 12.56 12.36 8.94 8.75 8.61 8.53 8.37 8.39 8.65 9.17 9.90 10.50 10.82 10.89 10.74 10.84 10.89 10.77 10.52 10.96 11.45 11.47 11.25 10.68 9.89 9.01 8.44 8.02 7.83 7.78 7.65 7.58 7.44 1956 122,928 127,517 129,928 132,985 134,356 136,626 140,336 145,021 150,939 160,195 172,661 182, 803 198,625 216,914 236,402 259,440 283,743 317,498 386.809 419,912 459,467 513,520 605.779 677.904 775,615 884,036 936,580 976,238 1,026,065 1,060,104 64,463 66,894 68,234 70,455 71,464 73,004 75,704 79,088 83,362 89,962 98,379 104,766 114,429 125,937 137,891 151,883 166,591 188,229 228,564 245,423 265,985 296,490 350.595 392,623 447,065 508.353 533,104 546,794 571,260 588,484 7,077 7,498 7,672 7,868 7,980 8,025 8,144 8,338 8,637 9,078 9,728 10,420 11,213 12,095 13,080 14,136 15,540 16.975 19,557 22,915 25,029 27,889 31,613 36 ,41 42,229 48,259 53,463 54,749 56,133 57,679 5,986 6,668 7,041 7,352 7,552 7,605 7,724 7,838 8,024 8,241 8,508 8,764 9.184 9,491 9,838 10,420 11,320 12,352 13,546 16,033 17,520 19,478 21,816 24,980 29,177 32,590 37,389 39,559 41,760 44,093 12.22 12.02 11.82 11.58 11.43 11.35 11.22 11.07 10.88 10.66 10.44 10.28 10.23 10.20 10.16 10.20 10.20 10.10 10.05 10.07 10.15 10.19 10.33 10.16 10.16 10.13 10.16 10.54 10.74 10.90 7.39 1926 .... 1957 7.33 1927 1958 7.27 1928 1959 7.14 1929 1960 7.12 1930 1961 7.14 1931 . . 1962 7.10 1932 . 1963 7.05 1933 1964 6.97 1934 1965 6.85 1935 1966 6.77 1936 1967 6.75 1937 1968 6.83 1938 1969 6.88 1939 1970 6.92 1940 1971 7.02 1941 1972 7.07 1942 1973 7 00 1943 1974 7.02 1944 1975 7 14 1945 1976 7 27 1946 1977 7.31 1947 1978 7 40 1948 1979 7.25 1949 1980 7.25 1950 1981 7.21 1951 1982 7.27 1952 1983 7.60 1953 1984 7 74 1954 1985 7.81 1955 Sole proprietorships and partnerships — all industries, total — equipment 13,458 14,254 14,904 15,462 16,101 15,911 15,018 14,056 13,516 13,006 12,545 12,860 13,574 13,420 13,367 14,034 15,495 15,849 15,636 16,121 17,643 20,82:, 25,780 30.917 34,884 40,320 45,774 49,214 52,326 54,775 59.136 7,311 7.821 8,213 8,552 9,017 8,751 7,930 6,970 6,292 5,809 5,580 5,906 6,518 6,495 6,572 7,112 8,173 8,13.8 7,764 8,057 9,092 11,102 14,673 18,350 20,926 24,334 27,279 28.485 29,556 30,010 32,007 1,167 1,247 1,294 1,347 1,405 1,424 1,359 1,250 1,158 1,120 1,043 1,021 1,092 1,131 1,097 1,135 1,251 1,3.87 1,326 1,341 1,394 1,616 1.988 2.470 2,897 3,276 3,873 4,253 4,539 4.784 5.017 842 926 994 1.043 1.077 1,067 1,051 1,032 1,065 1,106 1,114 1,143 1,213 1,238 1,185 1,158 1,163 1,242 1,223 1,254 1,298 1,395 1.558 1.710 1,841 1,974 2.151 2,281 2,592 2.991 3.421 5 81 5.75 5.73 5.72 5.63 5.75 6 04 6.49 6 99 7.36 7.52 7.47 7.29 7.31 7.26 7.06 6 71 6.81 6.97 6.88 6.66 6.47 5.92 5.52 5.37 5.26 5.26 5.41 5.76 5.88 3.93 3.84 3.83 3.84 3.78 3.96 4.31 4.83 5.37 5.68 5.62 5.27 4.87 4.84 4.77 4.55 4.23 4.47 4.75 4.65 4.38 4.14 3.64 3.39 3.40 3.43 3.54 3.75 .'! 89 108 4.10 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19X4 1985 63, 662 67,037 69,227 71,237 72,120 72,265 73,251 74,946 77,532 81.445 87,497 93,209 99.573 106,289 114,066 121,132 130,733 144,483 178,941 199,079 219,902 245,116 277.094 319,938 364,033 405,724 427,239 438,620 450.341 452.881 33,846 35.063 35.722 36.669 36,822 36,560 37,034 38,076 39,877 42,646 46,743 50,193 .-,3,8811 57,971 62,472 66,342 71,818 80,473 99,571 109,552 120,208 134,106 152,314 176,927 198,467 217,844 223,742 224.682 228.566 227.892 5.429 5.751 5.937 6,102 6,170 6,176 6,217 6,321 6,521 6,823 7,289 7,830 8,421 8,955 9,613 10,228 11,113 11.961 13.858 16.419 18.059 20.060 22,557 25.750 29,588 33,247 35,818 36,755 37,522 38,024 4.065 4,697 5,147 5,492 5,705 5,818 5.920 6.037 6,240 6,432 6,639 6,923 7,258 7,435 7,686 8,049 8,735 9.301 10,522 12.624 13,960 15,434 17,265 19,476 22,561 25,926 29,117 31,361 33,01:1 34,781 6.06 6.22 6.36 6.43 6.54 6.64 6.67 6.66 6.60 6.47 631 6.23 6.17 6.10 6.04 6.02 6.00 5.89 5.91 6.00 604 6.03 5.99 5.93 6.03 6.14 6.33 6 50 6,60 6.71 1 20 4.31 4.39 4.40 1 16 4.52 4.51 4.45 4.35 4.20 I 06 4.03 4.02 in" 3.98 3.99 I no 3!Hl 3.93 4.06 4.11 4.09 4.04 3.98 4.10 4.21 1 11 4.56 4.59 4.63 212 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross Net Year Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Years End of year Average age Sole proprietorships anc partnershi ds — all industries, total — structures 1925 22,446 22,995 23,352 23,594 23,196 21,332 18,570 16,762 16,929 17,498 18,040 19,650 21,049 20,801 20,793 21,445 23,107 24,737 25,577 26,016 27,863 35,096 42,121 44,275 43,756 46,949 50,578 51,473 51,259 51,531 55,063 12,443 12,754 12,959 13,071 12,809 11,680 9,981 8,790 8,656 8,740 8,819 9,444 9,976 9,695 9,538 9,682 10,285 10,776 10,902 10,873 11,472 14,954 18,272 19.5X1) 19,679 21,595 23,676 24,419 24,733 25,398 27,799 634 649 660 670 677 644 577 488 469 492 503 520 593 592 584 588 619 673 714 730 734 845 1,113 1,243 1,227 1,226 1,401 1,441 1,458 1,441 1,488 361 381 393 411 419 410 381 337 342 384 402 441 514 546 550 577 626 704 794 840 881 1,019 1.368 1.520 1,518 1,487 1,729 1,780 1,773 1,761 1,741 16.59 16.59 16.59 16.64 16.73 16.90 17.28 17.77 18.33 18.85 19.29 19.65 19.92 20.27 20.60 20.93 21.20 21.58 21.95 22.30 22.61 22.13 21.88 21.61 21.36 20.99 20.70 20.48 20.19 19.79 19.32 11.89 11.76 11.64 11.59 11.59 11.72 12.10 12.62 13.18 13.70 14.11 14.40 14.57 14.86 15.10 15.34 15.51 15.87 16.23 16.53 16.70 15.54 14.91 14.29 13.79 13.18 12.76 12.48 12.13 11.73 11.29 1956 59,266 60,480 60,701 61,747 62,236 64,360 67,085 70,075 73,406 78,749 85,164 89,594 99,051 110,626 122,336 138,308 153,010 173,015 207,868 220,833 239,564 268,404 328,684 357,966 411,582 478,312 509,341 537,617 575,724 607,223 30,616 31,831 32,512 33,785 34,642 36,444 38,670 41,012 43,485 47,316 51,635 54,573 60,549 67,965 75,419 85,541 94,773 107,755 128,993 135,872 145,777 162,384 198,280 215,696 248,598 290,509 309,362 322,111 342,694 360,591 1,649 1,747 1,735 1,767 1,811 1,849 1,928 2,016 2,116 2,254 2,439 2,590 2,792 3,140 3,467 3,907 4,428 5,014 5,699 6,495 6,970 7,829 9,056 10,791 12,641 15,012 17,645 17,995 18,611 19,655 1,921 1,971 1,894 1,861 1,847 1,787 1,803 1,801 1,784 1,809 1,869 1,841 1,926 2,056 2,152 2,371 2,585 3,051 3,025 3,410 3,560 4,045 4,550 5,504 6,616 6,664 8,272 8,198 8,741 9,312 18.85 18.45 18.05 17.52 17.10 16.65 16.18 15.77 15.41 14.99 14.68 14.48 14.32 14.14 14.00 13.87 13.78 13.61 13.61 13.75 13.93 13.99 14.00 13.94 13.81 13.51 13.38 13.83 13.98 14.02 10.91 1926 1957 10.65 1927 1958 10.43 1928 1959 10.13 1929 1960 9.95 1930 1961 9.77 1931 1962 9.58 1932 1963 9.46 1933 1964 9.38 1934 1965 9.24 1935 1966 9.21 1936 1967 9.25 1937 1968 9.32 1938 1969 9.33 1939 1970 9.35 1940 1971 9.37 1941 1972 9.40 1942 1973 9.32 1943 1974 9.41 1944 1975 9.62 1945 1976 9.87 1946 1977 9.96 1947 1978 9.99 1948 1979 9.92 1949 1980 9.77 1950 1981 9.46 1951 1982 9.34 1952 1983 9.72 1953 1984 9.84 1954 1985 9.82 1955 Nonprofit institutions — ail industries, total — equipment and structures 1925 5,731 6,178 6,582 6,950 7,062 6,686 6,009 5,553 5,652 5,914 6,184 6,927 7,615 7,734 7,940 8,427 9,391 10,243 10,784 11,114 12,214 15,650 19,162 20,560 21,032 23,557 26,445 27,905 28,805 30,191 33,271 3,692 4,056 4,390 4,682 4,781 4,544 4,073 3,714 3,704 3,794 3,888 4,291 4,654 4,668 4,735 4,965 5,468 5,813 5,956 5,962 6,449 8,230 10,036 10,855 11,291 12,957 14,806 15,790 16,502 17,577 19,639 156 166 175 184 193 189 172 152 147 158 163 173 202 207 211 221 241 269 286 296 304 363 488 557 573 607 729 784 832 870 937 78 81 85 86 87 85 77 69 69 74 76 83 100 102 108 112 118 140 157 171 187 226 310 362 372 391 456 483 511 525 565 14.06 13.67 13.33 13.14 13.06 12.99 13.08 13.45 14.06 14.67 15.25 15.71 16.11 16.45 16.77 17.08 17.39 18.04 18.72 19.43 19.86 20.04 20.23 20.09 19.71 19.16 18.75 18.48 18.12 17.66 17,30 9.76 9.32 9.00 8.84 8.82 8.81 8.97 9.41 10.07 10.74 11.35 11.80 12.19 12.51 12.80 13.07 13.31 14.00 14.72 15.48 15.81 15.76 15.70 15.24 14.50 13.62 13.00 12.60 12.15 11.63 11.24 1956 36,910 39,050 40,694 42,693 44,644 47,627 51,124 54,858 58,890 64,428 71,309 76,538 85,812 96,425 106,985 120,685 133,129 148,379 175,457 185,858 201,582 222,301 265,901 281,911 315,310 349,701 362,439 391,854 417,419 430,085 22,090 23,677 25,029 26,594 28,148 30,386 33,032 35,774 38,729 42,782 47,686 51,320 57,599 64,763 71,722 80,703 88,782 98,473 115,495 120,886 129,743 141,601 167,725 175,421 193,848 212,434 217,772 233,395 246,434 251,042 1,061 1,169 1,220 1,289 1,368 1,443 1,541 1,652 1,772 1,919 2,105 2,287 2,496 2,793 3,070 3,410 3,746 4,132 4,720 5,353 5,724 6,250 6,944 7,781 8,738 9,792 10,610 11,223 11,981 12,557 645 705 740 784 827 869 919 970 1,014 1,075 1,149 1,211 1,309 1,411 1,546 1,709 1,881 2,047 2,304 2,670 2,852 3,164 3,494 3,897 4,459 5,027 5,638 5,984 6,561 6,847 16.93 16.51 16.06 15.66 15.27 14.94 14.59 14.32 14.08 13.83 13.61 13.49 13.49 13.51 13.58 13.70 13.83 14.02 14.24 14.49 14.78 15.10 15.50 15.80 16.11 16.43 16.67 16.95 17.21 17.53 10.88 1926 1957 10.52 1927 1958 10.17 19"- 1959 9.88 1929 1960 9.63 1930 1961 9.43 1931 1962 9.22 1932 1963 9.12 1933 1964 9.03 1934 1965 8.93 1935 1966 8.87 1936 1967 8.91 1937 1968 9.03 1938 1969 9.17 19 ;■> 1970 9.34 1940 1971 9.55 1941 1972 9.76 1942 1973 10.02 1943 1974 10.31 1944 1975 10.65 IT", 1976 10.98 I'll'. 1977 :.- 11.33 ri ;" 1978 11.73 194* 1979 12.06 19 ri 1980 12.37 IT. il 1981 12.66 1982 12.87 19 V 1983 13.08 1953 1984 13.28 rf.; 1985 13.53 19. ",5 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 213 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock [ Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonprofit institutions — all industries, total — equipment 1925 214 207 201 196 194 190 185 176 179 190 199 228 261 280 316 371 444 440 481 470 597 771 962 1,134 1,310 1,643 1,986 2,264 2.618 2,953 3,364 99 96 94 93 95 99 99 92 93 10] 108 131 156 171 197 236 282 255 277 248 347 457 585 707 821 1,058 1,283 1,445 1.656 1.826 2,049 20 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 16 17 18 19 22 24 26 30 35 39 40 40 45 58 77 91 109 132 170 195 225 257 289 21 21 21 21 20 19 17 17 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 22 24 28 34 44 51 54 61 67 72 88 103 125 6.21 6.25 6.24 6.17 5.96 5.61 5.43 5.54 5.49 5.37 5.21 4.91 4.68 4.62 4.48 4.37 4.37 5.08 5.15 5.81 5.21 5.12 4.93 4.70 4.60 4.33 4.22 4.24 4.26 4.40 4.51 4.30 4.26 4.16 4.02 3.75 3.43 3.36 3.63 3.72 3.66 3.51 3.19 3.03 3.09 3.05 3.04 3.09 3.90 3.85 4.54 3.58 3.44 3.26 3.09 3.08 2.89 2.87 2.94 2.99 3.13 3.20 1956 3,869 4.351 4,777 5,231 5,598 5,967 6,343 6,753 7,210 7,721 8,451 9,168 9.87(1 10,611 11,433 12,199 12,886 13.896 16,584 18,397 19,755 21,295 23,155 25,634 29,365 33,254 36,545 39,325 42,354 43,203 2,327 2,574 2,795 3,027 3,191 3,365 3,552 3.758 4.008 1.296 4,691 5,065 5.394 5,770 6,154 6,503 6,855 7,433 8,924 9,804 10,408 11,210 12,128 13,370 15,414 17,605 19,575 21,400 23,384 23,599 331 379 417 455 490 520 553 587 627 673 731 800 866 929 998 1.070 1,132 1,205 1.364 1,597 1.741 1,871 2.037 2.242 2,537 2,897 3,240 3,463 3,710 3,926 153 188 225 263 301 333 369 406 442 476 522 572 628 678 737 816 888 957 1,090 1,292 1,406 1,534 1,673 1,854 2,113 2,456 2,745 2.899 3,056 3,136 4.60 4.73 4.82 4.92 5.05 5.14 5.21 5.28 5.30 5.31 5.33 5.36 5.44 5.47 5.54 5.63 5.66 5.62 5.56 5.63 5.68 5.66 5.65 5.64 5.59 5.53 5.46 5.36 5.26 5.32 3.25 1926 1957 3.34 1927 1958 3.39 1928 1959 3.45 1929 . .. 1960 3.54 1930 .. 1961 3.60 1931 1962 3.63 1932 1963 3.66 1933 1964 3.65 1934 1965 3.63 1935 1966 3.63 1936 1967 3 65 1937 1968 3.73 1938 1969 3.74 1939 1970 3.79 1940.. . 1971 3.84 1941 . . 1972 3.83 1942 . 1973 3.76 1943 1974 . 3.70 1944 1975 3.78 1945 1976 3.84 1946 1977 3.81 1947 1978 3.81 1948 1979 3.80 1949 1980 3 71 1950 1981 3.65 1951 .. . 1982 3 58 1952. 1983 3.50 1953 1984 3.45 1954 1985 3.57 1955 Nonprofit institutions— all industries, total — structures 1925 5,517 5,972 6,382 6,754 6,868 6,496 5,824 5,377 5.474 5,724 5,985 6,699 7,354 7,453 7,624 8,055 8,947 9,803 10,304 10,645 11.617 14,880 18,200 19,426 19,722 21,914 24,459 25,640 26,187 27,237 29,906 3,592 3,960 4,297 4,589 4,686 4,445 3.974 3,622 3,611 3,694 3,780 4,160 4,497 4,497 4,538 4,730 5,186 5,558 5,679 5,714 6,102 7,773 9,451 10,148 10,470 11,899 13,523 14,345 14,846 15,750 17,590 136 146 157 166 175 171 155 136 131 141 145 154 179 183 185 191 206 230 247 256 259 305 411 463 464 475 559 589 607 613 647 57 60 63 65 66 66 59 52 53 58 60 68 82 84 90 94 99 120 135 147 160 192 265 311 318 330 389 411 422 422 439 14.37 13.92 13.55 13.34 13.26 13.21 13.32 13.71 14.34 14.98 15.59 16.08 16.51 16.90 17.28 17.67 18.03 18.62 19.36 20.03 20.61 20.81 21.03 20.99 20.71 20.27 19.93 19.74 19.51 19.10 18.74 9.91 9.45 9.10 8.94 8.92 8.93 9.11 9.56 10.24 10.93 11.57 12.08 12.51 12.87 13.23 13.57 13.86 14.46 15.25 15.96 16.51 16.48 16.47 16.08 15.40 14.58 13.96 13.57 13.17 12.61 12.17 1956 33,041 34,698 35.917 37,462 39,045 41,660 44,782 48,105 ',1.6811 56,707 62,858 67,370 75,942 85,814 95,552 108,485 120,243 134,484 158,873 167,461 181,828 201.006 242,746 256,277 285.945 316,447 325,894 352,529 375,065 386,882 19,763 21.103 22,234 23,567 24,957 27,022 29,480 32,016 34.720 38,486 42,995 46,255 52,204 58,993 65,567 74,200 81,927 91,040 ini;. -,7i 111,082 119,335 130,391 155,597 162,050 178,434 194,828 198,197 211.995 223.050 227,444 730 790 803 834 878 924 988 1,065 1,145 1,246 1,374 1,487 1,630 1,864 2,073 2,340 2,614 2,927 3,356 3,755 3,983 4,379 4,907 5,539 6,201 6,895 7,370 7,760 8,271 8,631 492 517 516 521 526 536 549 564 573 598 627 639 681 733 809 893 993 1,091 1,213 1,377 1,446 1,630 1,821 2,043 2,346 2,571 2,894 3,085 3,505 3,711 18.37 17.98 17.56 17.15 16.74 16.34 15.91 15.59 15.31 14.99 14.73 14.59 14.53 14.50 14.54 14.61 14.71 14.89 15.14 15.46 15.77 16.10 16.43 16.82 17.19 17.57 17.92 18.24 18.56 18.90 11.77 1926 1957 11.40 1927 1958 11 02 1928 1959 10.70 1929 1960 10.40 1930 1961 10.15 1931 1962 9.90 1932 1963 976 1933 1964 9.65 1934 1965.. .. 9.52 1935 1966 9.45 1936 1967 9.48 1937 1968 9.58 1938 1969 9.70 1939 1970 9.86 1940 1971 10.05 1941 1972 10.26 1942 1973 10.53 1943 1974 10.86 1944 1975 11.25 1945 1976 11.61 1946 1977 11.98 1947 1978 12.35 1948 1979 12.75 1949 .... 1980 13.12 1950 .. .. 1981 13.48 1951 1982 13.79 1952 1983 14.05 1953 1984 14.31 1954 1985 14.56 1955 214 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Persons — all industries, total — equipment and structures Hi.", 140 171 210 242 250 229 219 228 249 273 320 368 385 408 456 519 562 603 619 Tin 921 1,117 1,227 1,264 1,460 1,648 1,724 1,830 1,960 2,258 96 128 154 217 195 182 182 193 206 235 262 265 272 297 327 334 344 334 382 491 582 1,41 654 773 874 892 953 1,026 1,22.') 9 11 13 15 16 18 21 24 25 26 28 35 46 54 59 67 84 92 101 111 125 2.86 3.01 3.36 3.60 3.93 4.34 5.02 5.71 6.57 7.26 7.87 8.40 8.91 9.46 9.97 10.25 10.77 11.77 12.47 13.44 13.57 1386 14.39 14.32 14.28 13.77 13.58 13.69 13.26 12.82 12.09 2.76 2.87 3.18 3.38 3.66 4.02 4.67 5.32 6.15 6.80 7.32 7.76 8.16 8.63 9.03 9.12 9.51 10.53 11.11 12.10 11.70 11.55 11.80 11.22 10.92 9.91 9.47 9.48 8.88 832 7 in 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2,566 2,764 2,848 3,062 3,191 3,380 3,568 3,719 3,905 4,229 4,680 5,052 5,636 6,428 7,232 8,251 9,300 10,718 12,855 13,773 14,773 16,414 19,590 20,976 23,361 25,799 26,910 28,612 30,462 31,597 1,416 1,527 1,555 1,701 1,778 1,902 2,029 2,115 2,240 2,481 2,804 3,059 3,457 4,041 4,588 5,290 6,026 7,033 8,338 8,694 9,086 10,030 12,011 12,531 13.632 14,765 15,159 15,957 17,020 17,715 145 164 172 183 195 204 213 221 230 244 266 291 319 355 397 444 490 547 635 735 792 863 974 1,094 1,207 1,324 1,408 1,440 1,490 1,539 79 11.63 93 11.30 111 11 17 120 10.70 140 10.44 149 10.20 163 9.99 175 9.96 188 9.83 195 9.54 210 9.22 223 8.98 237 8.84 255 8.53 263 8.38 285 8.28 299 8.18 324 8.04 359 8.21 434 8.51 472 8.90 535 9.08 590 9.28 672 9.59 785 9.96 903 10.32 1,030 10.57 1,074 10.97 1,168 11.18 1,189 11.37 Persons— all industries, total — equipment 1925 n n 4 9 16 24 37 51 63 78 99 125 127 142 140 180 235 295 357 418 539 660 722 847 962 1,125 4 8 14 20 30 40 47 56 70 85 77 85 76 107 141 180 226 267 355 436 458 536 595 695 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 12 14 18 24 29 35 43 56 64 73 84 96 (1 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 13 15 16 18 20 22 27 32 40 .50 .95 1.35 172 1.98 2.33 2.77 3.08 3.37 3.65 4.53 4.75 5.51 5.00 4.96 4.83 4.53 4.43 4.12 4.03 4.26 4.24 4.38 4.39 .50 .92 1.27 1.58 1.76 2.01 2.35 2.54 2.70 2.86 3.72 3.73 4.45 3.53 3.41 3.24 2.99 2.97 2.76 2.75 3.04 3.01 3.13 3.10 1956 1,300 1,445 1,513 1,668 1,766 1,847 1,896 1,956 2,055 2,150 2,356 2,550 2,762 3,028 3,347 3,621 3,870 4,244 5,090 5,669 6,113 6,680 7,598 8,271 9.033 9.717 10,053 10,152 10,377 10,167 792 857 859 947 984 1,010 1,012 1,027 1,087 1,140 1,273 1,390 1,514 1,688 1,879 2,016 2,144 2,359 2,809 3,066 3.241 3,545 4,127 4,366 4,584 4,774 4,815 4,814 4,980 4,889 111 127 135 144 155 162 167 171 179 188 202 221 240 262 289 317 340 368 421 495 541 586 658 733 800 865 910 908 913 920 49 61 74 86 99 110 121 135 146 153 165 177 190 203 211 226 244 263 299 360 401 448 502 570 659 770 873 926 968 996 4.49 4.70 5.02 5.05 5.20 5.36 5.55 5.69 5.68 5.69 5.58 5.52 5.49 5.36 5.29 5.34 5.36 5.31 5.32 5.46 5.57 5.55 5.38 5.53 5.77 5.97 6.15 6.24 6.21 6.23 3.17 1926 1957 3.34 1927 1958 3.63 1928 1959 3.58 1929 1960 3.68 1930 1961 3.78 1931 1962 3.92 1932 1963 4.00 1933 1964 3.91 1934 1965 3.86 1935 1966 3.70 1936 1967 3.65 1937 1968 3.63 193s 1969 3.53 1939 1970 3.50 1940. .. 1971 3.58 1941 1972 3.62 1942 . 1973 3.58 1943 1974 3.62 1944 1975 3.76 1945 1976 3.86 1946 1977 3.79 1947 1978 3.57 1948 1979 3.75 1949 1980 4.00 1950 1981 4.19 1951 1982 4.31 1952 1983 4.32 1953 1984 4.18 1954 1985 4.14 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 215 Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Persons — all industries, tola] — structures 105 140 171 210 242 250 229 215 219 233 250 2S4 316 322 330 357 395 436 461 479 823 870 845 921 988 1,002 983 999 1,133 96 128 154 217 195 178 174 180 ISC, 205 222 219 216 228 242 257 259 258 275 350 401 415 387 418 438 434 417 ■i:in 531 2.86 3.01 3.36 3 1111 3.93 4.34 5.02 5.81 (1 80 7.67 8.45 9.23 9.97 10.76 11.60 12.17 13 02 13.87 14.84 15.76 16.49 16.90 1781 18.33 19.16 19.42 19 95 20 49 21.02 20 95 19.74 2 70 2.87 3.18 3.38 3.66 1 02 4.67 5.42 40 7.22 7.94 8.63 9.27 9.97 10.72 11.08 11.83 12.57 13.51 14.35 14.87 14.82 15 04 15.72 16.41 15.98 16.14 10 28 16.41 15.51 13.04 1950 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1902 1963 1964 1905 1900 1907 1968 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19S5 1,200 1,319 1 ,335 1 ,394 1,425 1,533 1,672 1,763 1.850 2,079 2,325 2.502 2,874 3,400 3.885 4,630 5,430 6.474 7,765 8,104 8,661 9,734 11.991 12.700 14,328 16,082 10,856 IS, 400 20, 0S5 21,430 024 670 696 755 794 892 1,018 1,088 1,152 1,341 1,532 1,069 1,944 2.353 2,709 3,274 3.882 4,674 5,529 5,628 5,845 0.484 7.884 s.100 9,048 9,991 10,344 11,143 12,039 12.S25 34 37 37 38 40 42 46 49 52 57 64 70 78 93 108 127 150 179 214 240 252 277 310 361 407 459 49S 532 577 619 30 18.95 11.66 32 18.53 10.91 37 18.15 10.40 34 17.47 9.63 41 16.94 9.23 39 16.04 8.54 42 15.03 7.90 40 14.69 7.89 42 14.43 7.96 41 13.52 7.49 45 12.92 7.32 46 12.51 7.33 47 12.06 7.27 53 11.35 7.00 53 11.04 7.04 59 10.58 6.92 55 10.18 6.80 61 9.84 6.70 60 10.10 7.12 74 10.64 7.80 71 11.25 8.52 88 11.51 8.83 88 11.76 9.09 102 12.23 9.58 126 12.60 9.92 133 12.95 10.19 157 13.21 10.35 148 13.57 10.57 200 13.74 10.57 194 13.80 10.41 Tax-exempt cooperatives — all industries, total — equipment and structures o II 22 59 111 167 232 312 407 474 510 566 0S3 903 1,247 1,605 2,006 2,450 2,904 3,271 3,684 4,052 4,590 n n ii 22 56 105 155 212 279 357 406 424 461 553 731 1,017 1,372 1,636 1,970 2,295 2,534 2.803 3,023 3,303 II II II II 1 2 4 6 8 11 15 18 19 21 25 32 45 61 79 94 119 134 151 166 181 o II II .50 .90 1.27 1.68 2.08 2.49 2.95 3.57 4 30 4.83 5.04 5.12 5.01 4.80 5.03 5.32 5.65 6.05 6.45 6.88 7.31 ii n .50 .89 1.24 1.62 1.99 2.37 2.78 3.37 4.07 4.55 4.68 4.67 4.48 4.21 4.43 4.69 4.99 5.35 5.68 115 6.40 1950 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1902 1963 1964 1965 1966 1907 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19S2 1983 1984 1985 5,255 5,736 6,107 6.434 6.688 6.890 7,203 7,607 8,041 8,527 9.204 9.966 10,856 11.990 13.343 14,726 1.5,923 17,834 22.274 25.689 28,316 31,000 30.020 41.043 48,506 56,508 02.202 00,413 70,198 73.993 3.7S5 4.050 4,220 4,370 4,487 4,558 4,705 4,911 5,122 5,372 5,750 6,179 0.099 7,375 8,179 8,979 9,645 10,740 13.361 15,426 16,915 18,985 21,775 24.923 29,897 35,272 39,054 41,579 43,729 40,274 21 IS 231 243 253 263 269 278 290 304 318 339 367 396 428 469 518 561 610 711 S03 980 1,100 1,247 1.435 1,690 2,003 2,314 2,409 2,576 2,081 114 119 129 138 150 162 17s 198 211 225 251 270 299 357 448 523 1105 084 783 927 1,078 1.207 1,305 1,455 1,551 7.74 8.23 8.74 9.20 9.58 9.97 10.34 10 08 11.08 11.43 11.70 11.93 12.15 12.43 12.62 12.85 13 09 13.35 1359 13.56 13.68 1359 13 50 13.43 13.08 12.74 12.54 12 03 12.77 12.72 6.75 7.15 7.58 7.92 8.17 8.42 8.65 8.84 91)9 9.28 9.38 9.45 9.48 9.57 9.58 9.66 9.75 9.85 9.92 9.75 9.78 9.57 9.38 9.24 8.51 8 30 8 47 8.64 8.60 216 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A7. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Tax-exempt cooperatives — all industries, total — equipment 1925 8 20 35 49 66 87 115 126 134 159 221 309 445 634 761 955 1,156 1,321 1,481 1,630 1,864 7 18 31 42 54 69 88 91 91 108 159 228 339 497 587 724 858 956 1,044 1,118 1,257 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 10 11 14 18 26 37 48 58 74 85 95 104 113 1 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 19 22 28 35 44 .50 .91 1.32 1.81 2.22 2.62 2.99 3.70 4.34 4.46 4.07 3.99 3.76 3.44 3.70 3.92 4.19 4.51 4.89 5.27 5.59 .50 .89 1.26 1.70 2.04 2.35 2.63 3.27 3.84 3.76 3.22 3.13 2.92 2.67 2.99 3.24 3.51 3.81 4.15 4.47 4.71 1956... 2,155 2,355 2,471 2,598 2,691 2,745 2,842 2,977 3,105 3,242 3,522 3,853 4,165 4,417 4,867 5,233 5,577 6,005 7,154 8,670 9,591 10,858 12,236 13,725 16,557 19.712 22,076 23,383 24,613 26,396 1,431 1,527 1,559 1,610 1,651 1,665 1,711 1,783 1.840 1,908 2,081 2,275 2,461 2,613 2,890 3,098 3,292 3,528 4,189 5,085 5,568 6,386 7,237 8,111 9,914 11,865 13,275 14,008 14,658 15,992 129 143 149 153 157 160 164 170 176 182 193 209 227 240 257 281 300 321 361 441 514 585 672 772 920 1,106 1,315 1,387 1,427 1,476 56 71 81 92 100 106 110 117 123 131 138 149 164 169 173 186 195 207 239 293 346 397 443 500 587 690 827 894 939 1,000 5.97 6.44 6.93 7.32 7.58 7.85 8.07 8.23 8.52 8.71 8.78 8.95 9.07 9.22 9.29 9.40 9.51 9.60 9.69 9.83 9.97 9.77 9.67 9.60 9.38 9.27 9.22 9.27 9.39 9.18 5 02 1926 1957 5.43 1927 1958 5.87 1928 1959 6.16 1929 1960 6.29 1930 1961 6.44 1931 1962 6.52 1932 1963 6.56 1933 1964 6.75 1934 . 1965 6 82 1935. .. 1966 6 75 1936 1967 6 80 1937 1968 6 82 1938 1969 6.85 1939 1970 6.83 1940 .. 1971 6.87 1941 1972 6.91 1942 . 1973 6.94 1943 1974 6 97 1944 1975 7.03 1945 1976 7.15 1946 1977 6.88 1947 1978 6.76 1948. .. 1979 6.70 1949 1980 6.46 1950 1981 6.36 1951 1982 6.36 1952 1983 6.43 1953 1984 6.56 1954 1985 6.32 1955 Tax-exempt cooperatives — al' industries, total — structures 1925 II II 15 39 76 118 167 225 292 348 377 407 462 594 801 1,031 1,245 1,496 1,748 1,950 2,203 2,422 2,726 1) 14 38 73 113 158 210 269 315 333 352 393 503 678 875 1,049 1,246 1,437 1,578 1,759 1,904 2,106 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 10 12 14 19 25 30 36 45 49 56 62 68 n (I I) 1) I) II 1 1 .50 .90 1.25 1.63 2.02 2.45 2.93 3.52 4.28 4.98 5.51 5.71 5.71 5.64 5.85 6.21 6.62 7.10 7.50 7.96 8.48 .50 .89 1.23 1.60 1.97 2.38 2.83 3.40 4.14 4.80 5.26 5.37 5.26 5.09 5.23 5.53 5.87 6.28 6.59 6.97 7.40 1956 3,100 3,381 3,635 3,836 3.997 4,144 4,361 4,630 4,936 5,285 5,683 6,114 6,691 7,579 8,476 9,493 10,346 11,829 15,121 17,019 18,725 20,747 23,785 27,318 31,949 36,796 40,126 43,029 45,585 47,597 2,354 2,523 2,666 2,765 2,836 2,893 2,994 3,128 3,283 3,464 3,669 3.904 4,238 4.762 5,288 5,881 6,352 7,211 9,172 10,342 11,348 12,599 14,538 16,812 19,983 23,407 25,779 27,570 29,071 30,282 79 88 94 101 106 109 114 120 128 136 146 158 169 189 212 238 261 289 350 422 466 515 575 663 769 897 999 1,082 1,149 1,205 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 12 15 20 24 29 34 43 52 65 75 93 118 155 177 208 241 283 340 388 441 471 516 551 8.97 9.48 9.98 10.47 10.92 11.37 11.82 12.26 12.69 13.09 13.50 13.82 14.06 14.30 14.53 14.75 15.02 15.25 15.44 15.46 15.58 15.58 15.46 15.35 14.99 14.60 14.37 14.46 14.60 14.68 7.80 1926 1957 8.20 1927 1958 8.58 1928 1959 8.95 1929 1960 9.26 1930 1961 9.57 1931 1962 9.86 1932 1963 10.15 1933 1964 10.40 1934 1965 10.64 1935 . 1966 10.87 1936 1967 10.99 1937 1968 11.03 1938 1969 11.06 1939 1970 11.08 1940 1971 11.12 1941 1972 11.22 194" 1973 11.27 1943 1974 11.26 1944 1975 11.09 1945 1976 1977 11.07 1946 10.93 1947 1978 10.68 1 >) 1 - 1979 10.46 1949 1980 10.02 19511 1981 9.60 1951 1982 9.39 1952 1983 9.51 1953 1984 9.69 1954 1985 9.80 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 217 Table A8. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net All industries, total — equipment and structures 120,600 74,165 127,762 78,740 134,204 82,580 140,420 86,140 147,580 90,573 152,409 92,495 153,729 91,000 152,641 87,218 150,914 83,248 149,637 80,247 148,899 78,260 149,272 77,781 151,135 78.871 151,248 78,061 151,644 77,690 153,478 78,843 156,850 81,518 157,832 81,155 157,919 79,914 159,857 80,618 164,894 84,324 175.686 93,353 192,181 107,594 211,954 124,139 229.878 137,844 250,475 153,129 274,542 170,813 29X.602 187,266 325.109 205,439 349.913 221,368 377,277 239,524 5,229 5,552 5,854 6,118 6,426 6,664 6,722 6,637 6.445 6,278 6,165 6,114 6,214 6,280 6,282 6,353 6,539 6.682 6,696 6,702 6,939 7,572 8,275 9.499 10,775 12.071 13,510 14.996 16,500 18,093 19,618 2,425 2,651 2,907 3,110 3,260 3,445 3,641 3,831 4,026 4.277 4,471 4,654 4,815 5,010 5,080 5,073 5,142 5,2X6 5,313 5,423 5,635 5,937 5,721 5,953 6,194 6,420 6,765 7,074 7,6X5 X.X23 9,793 12 05 11.95 11.92 11.95 11.91 12.07 12.49 13.09 13 72 14.27 14.74 15.05 15.19 15 48 15.72 15.78 15.67 1 5 83 16,06 16.09 15.83 15.15 14.08 13 06 12.37 11.73 11.11 10.65 1024 9.97 9.72 8.47 8.35 8.34 8.36 8.32 8.50 8.98 9.66 10.35 10.91 11.31 11.47 11.40 1160 11.71 11.58 1124 11.35 11.56 11.47 11.01 10.06 8.88 7.94 7.45 7.04 6.67 6.46 6.27 6.22 6.14 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19X3 1984 19X5 409,150 442,954 470.317 500,993 533,033 563,665 597,341 632,513 673,029 723.503 781,800 840,057 904,485 978,180 1,052,785 1,216.586 1,324,717 1,446,518 1,565,708 1,697,976 1,862,120 2,066,519 2,309,724 2,567,911 2,867,834 3,155,011 3,126 196 3.749,078 4,090,235 261,6X4 2X5.116 3111,790 321,195 341,494 359,870 3X0,839 102,503 428,512 463,345 504,348 543,144 5X5,903 635.554 683.519 731,372 787,744 861.926 945,187 1,022.653 1,108,733 1,220,600 1.364,136 1.536.X53 1,713,854 1,920,340 2,102,978 2,260,572 2,461.941 2,672,200 21.337 23.024 24,542 26,00(1 27,590 29,158 3(1.739 32,536 34,562 37,065 40,102 43.406 46,793 50,807 55.039 59,248 64,460 70,059 76,736 83,988 91,852 101,676 114,036 129,477 145,932 163,910 183,177 201,355 220,713 212,332 11,021 12.086 13.1107 14,013 15,090 16,064 17,002 18,029 19.2.36 20,475 21,677 33,727 23 9H7 25.526 27,154 29,055 32.342 34.614 36.716 39,921 43,084 46 X62 50,6,29 55.X10 61.096 66,183 74.0X3 82.469 91,765 103,357 9.43 9 19 9.14 9.07 9.01 9.02 9.01 9.01 8.72 8.65 s 5X 8.49 8.46 8.46 8.42 8.30 8.19 8.15 8.10 7.98 7 ."'I 7.57 7 12 7.27 7.24 7.30 7.29 7.30 6.02 5.93 6.02 6.07 6.12 6.22 6.28 6.35 6.37 6.30 6.21 6.19 6.16 6.11 6.12 6.15 6.13 6.03 5.93 5.92 5.90 5.80 5 63 5.45 5.35 5.24 5.25 5.35 5 36 5.37 Farms — equipment and structures 9,057 9,319 9,590 9,815 10,072 10,178 9,985 9,654 9,309 9,043 8,965 9,006 9,194 9,250 9,296 9,406 9,795 10,006 10,064 10,505 1(1.9X3 12,011 14,004 16,622 19,328 22,091 24,784 27,297 29,620 31,540 33,3X7 5,011 5,139 5.292 5,418 5,587 5,570 5.263 4.X36 4,451 4.190 4,155 4,270 4.507 4,571 4,608 4,695 5.020 5,0X9 5,009 5,318 5,655 6.529 X.278 10.496 12,625 14,640 16,391 17,816 18,999 19,771 2(1,543 517 537 556 572 591 604 599 575 543 516 502 503 523 541 550 563 594 626 638 653 691 750 840 1,020 1,238 1,465 1,684 1.882 2.05X 2.217 2,344 331 369 104 435 457 450 459 468 485 I'M 504 520 515 517 499 487 171 1X1 500 521 549 597 573 589 623 678 702 754 862 1,017 1,200 11.16 11.15 11.11 11.11 11.06 11.20 1 1 66 12.2X 12.90 13.38 13.56 13 51 1325 13.21 13 3(1 13.10 12.67 12.56 12.64 12.26 11.88 11.09 9.75 8.54 7.74 7.21 6.92 6.81 6.81 6.92 7.04 7.75 7.74 7 69 7.69 7.63 7.84 8.44 9.24 10.01 10.51 10.45 10.04 9.45 9.30 9.20 9.01 8.44 8.37 8.53 8.05 7.62 6.74 5.54 4.70 4.32 4.17 1 lx 4.30 4.46 I 6X 1x7 195(1 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196x 1969 1970 197: 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19X11 1981 1982 1983 19X4 19X5 34,773 36.055 37,474 39,2113 40,316 41,476 42.864 44,569 46,330 48,717 51,541 54.689 57.628 60,956 64,970 69,161 73.6X9 10.269 88,139 96,751 :, 13 118,833 131,303 146,542 159.434 170,729 178.207 1X4,522 1X9,512 193,545 20,9X1 21.464 32,205 23,311 23X43 24,463 25,323 26,470 27,604 29,302 31,305 33,461 35,239 37,242 39,763 42,362 45,154 49.895 55.555 61,671 68,775 77.369 85.783 96,349 104,110 109,948 112,097 113,394 113,776 113,823 2,444 2,503 2.564 2,642 2,704 2,749 2.805 2.XX9 2.994 3,133 3,317 3,531 3.733 3.939 4,169 4,415 4,706 5,131 5,520 6.028 6,618 7,360 1,160 9,065 10,001 10,665 11,173 11,452 11,677 11,8.35 1,420 7 22 5.10 1,642 7.39 5.29 1,806 7.50 5.40 1,937 7.54 5.43 2,038 7.69 5.60 2,116 7.82 5.74 2,171 7 90 5.83 2,223 7.93 5.86 2,274 7.97 5.91 2,332 7.92 5.87 2,364 7.84 5.81 2,410 7.78 5.76 2,448 7.80 5.81 2,493 7X1 5.83 2,561 7 79 5.80 2,697 7.78 5.78 2.X69 7.79 5.77 3,184 7.62 5.55 3,219 7.44 5.36 3,424 7.30 5.22 3,624 7.14 5.10 3,774 6.97 4.96 4,025 6 XX 4.91 4,303 6.75 4.82 4,772 6.80 4.91 5,095 6.95 5.09 5,736 7.25 5.41 6,321 7.57 5.73 6,914 7.91 6.06 7,697 8.25 6.37 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 218 Table A8.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Manufacturing — equipment and structures 19,605 20.5X9 21.583 22.739 24,234 25,()(i(l 25,214 24,950 24,862 24,955 25,139 25,640 26,654 27,015 27,484 28,454 30,207 31,291 31,885 33,187 35,341 39.348 44,646 49,575 53,010 56,617 62,560 68,782 74,782 80,463 86,213 12,057 12,613 13,160 13,867 14,900 15,214 14,871 14,126 13,625 13,362 13.249 13,491 14,237 14.260 14,438 15,133 16,572 17,217 17,368 18,161 19,790 23,130 27,497 31,302 33,431 35,538 39,851 44,1X6 48,164 51,751 55,306 921 963 1,007 1,049 1,107 1,155 1,167 1,155 1,134 1,130 1,138 1,160 1.216 1.264 1,293 1,337 1,415 1,497 1,548 1,599 1,708 1,914 2,157 2,478 2,752 2,980 3,258 3,594 3.921 4,248 4,551 439 462 486 518 546 577 614 649 682 718 752 7X1) 826 855 912 948 974 1,057 1.106 1,100 1,185 1,265 1,192 1,291) 1,372 1,419 1,553 1,639 1,797 2,057 2,226 9.25 9.33 9.41 9.45 9.37 9.58 10.03 10.63 11.12 11.49 11.78 11.90 11.77 11.95 12.05 11.92 11.53 11.45 11.54 11.42 11.03 10.28 9.46 8.93 8.79 8.72 8.36 8.11 7.97 7 91 7.91 6.60 6.67 6.74 6.74 6.62 6.84 7.33 7.99 8.50 8.83 9.03 8.98 8.62 8.73 8.72 8.42 7.83 7.71 7.83 7.66 7.22 6.45 5.75 5.43 5.49 5.56 5.35 5.24 5.23 5.28 5.36 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 19X4 19X5 94,843 104,029 109,990 115,470 122,613 129,332 136,559 144,303 154,032 167,604 185,146 202,134 218,785 237.048 254,907 271,193 288,819 309,098 338,425 368,192 400,475 438,187 485,442 540,301 602,337 669,934 732,123 778,681 836,326 895,955 61,605 68,195 71,307 73,887 78,056 81,659 85,685 90,082 96,184 105,860 119.002 130,911 141,841 153,808 164,831 173,822 184,019 196,114 216,434 236,212 257,420 282,688 315,568 354,353 397,856 444,055 482,729 504,392 536,552 569,663 4.929 5,368 5,742 6,023 6,336 6,677 7,020 7,408 7,868 8,492 9,328 10,258 11,141 12,093 13,068 13,977 15,313 16,123 17,442 19,157 21,005 23,188 25,746 29,062 32,478 36,471 40,436 43,625 46,5X5 50.042 2,469 2,647 2,747 2,970 3,207 3,384 3,613 3,841 4,051 4,395 4,685 4,906 5,143 5,523 5,953 6,352 7,596 7,584 8,096 8,720 9,444 10,277 10,917 12,422 13,304 14,324 16,133 17.868 19,761 22,130 7.70 7.55 7.70 7.88 7.96 8.09 8.20 8.29 8.31 8.18 7.94 7.84 7.82 7.80 7.84 7.97 8.04 8.10 7.97 7.91 7.86 7.77 7.61 7.43 7.27 7.15 7.16 7.35 7.45 7.55 Nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment and structures 1925 91,937 97,854 1113,031 107.X66 113.274 117,171 118,530 118,038 116,743 115.(139 114,795 114,626 115,287 114.983 114,863 115,618 116,848 116,534 115,971 116,166 118,570 124,327 133,530 145,757 157,540 171,767 187.198 202.524 220,708 237,909 257,677 57,097 60.989 64.127 66.X55 70,086 71,712 70,866 68,256 65,172 62,694 60,855 60,021 60,127 59,230 58,644 59.014 59.925 58.850 57.53X 57,139 58,879 63,694 71,819 82,340 91,788 102,951 114,572 125.265 138.276 149,845 163,676 3,791 4,052 4,292 4,497 4,728 4,905 4,956 4,907 4,768 4,633 4,525 4,451 4,474 4,474 4,439 4,453 4,530 4,558 4,510 4,450 4,541 4,907 5,278 i;,iiiio 6,785 7,626 8,567 9,519 10,522 11,628 12,722 1,655 1.820 2,017 2,156 2,257 2,418 2,567 2,714 2,858 3,065 3,215 3,354 3,474 3.63X 3,668 3,637 3,697 3,744 3,707 3,802 3,900 4,075 3,956 4,074 4,199 4,323 4,509 4,681 5,025 5,749 6,366 12.74 12.58 12.52 12.55 12.53 12.67 13.08 13.68 14.34 14.94 15.47 15.88 16.13 16.49 16.80 16.94 16.99 17.28 17.60 17.78 17.62 17.08 16.08 14.98 14 14 13.31 12.58 12.03 11.46 11.07 10.67 8.93 8.76 8.72 8.75 8.74 8.91 9.37 10.03 10.76 11.38 11.87 12.14 12.21 12.47 12.65 12.59 12.42 12.67 12.95 13.00 12.60 11.71 10.47 9.31 8.60 7.96 7.48 7.20 6.89 6.74 6.56 1956 279,528 302,869 322,854 346,321 370,104 392,856 417,917 443,642 472,667 507,183 545,113 583,233 628,073 680,176 732,908 788,988 854,078 935,350 1,019,955 1,100,765 1,190,758 1,305,100 1,449,774 1,622,881 1,806,140 2,027,171 2.244.6X1 2,463.294 2,723.240 3.000,735 179,098 195,457 208,278 223,996 239,595 253,747 269,832 285,952 304,724 328,184 354,041 378,772 408,824 444,504 478,926 515,187 558,571 615.916 673,198 724,769 782,538 860,544 962,785 1,086,151 1.211,887 1,366,337 1,508,153 1,642,786 1,811,613 1,988,714 13,964 15,153 16,236 17,335 18,550 19,732 20,914 22,238 23,700 25,440 27,457 29,617 31,919 34.776 37,802 40,857 44,441 48,806 53,775 58,803 64,229 71,128 80,130 91.350 103.453 116,774 131,568 146,278 162,451 180,445 7,133 7,798 8,454 9,106 9,845 10,565 11,218 11,964 12,911 13,749 14,628 15,412 16,316 17,511 18,640 20,006 21,877 23,846 25,401 27,777 30,016 32,812 35,686 39,086 43,019 46,764 52,214 58,280 65,090 73,531 10.30 9.97 9.82 9.64 9.51 9.45 9.38 9.35 9.29 9.18 9.07 9.02 8.92 8.79 8.73 8.68 8.60 8.43 8.32 8.31 8.27 8.14 7.93 7.70 7.53 7.34 7.26 7.26 7.19 7.16 6.39 1926 1957 6.27 1927 1958 6.30 1928 1959 6.28 1929. .. 1960 6.30 1930 1961 6.38 1931 1962 6.42 1932 1963 6.49 1933 1964 6.51 1934 1965 6.47 1935. 1966 6.43 1936 1967 6.45 1937 1968 6.41 1938 1969 6.33 1939 1970 6.32 1940 1971 6.31 1941 1972 6.26 1942 1973 6.12 1943 1974 6.05 1944 1975 6.07 1945 1976 6.07 1946 1977 5.97 1947 1978 .'.: 5.79 1948 1979 5.59 1949 1980 5.47 1950 1981 5.33 1951 19X2 5.30 1952 1983 5.34 1953 1984 5.30 1954 1985 5.28 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 219 lable A8. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — all industries, total — equipment and structures 91.676 96,587 100,867 105,063 110.071 113,486 114,429 113,781 112.809 112,154 111,760 112,137 113,615 113,714 113.988 115,361 117,789 118,823 119,171 120,738 124,590 132,365 143.883 157.197 168,934 182,197 198,798 216,303 235,705 253,741 273,206 56,204 3,665 59,193 3,878 61,551 4,071 63,779 4,237 66,786 4,437 68,101 4,589 67,011 4,627 64,381 4,581 61,718 4,469 59.720 4,383 58,307 4,330 57,934 4,310 58,729 4,400 58,033 4,459 57,673 4.468 58,541 4,519 60,538 4,645 60,649 4,749 60,058 4,776 60,762 4,783 63,682 4,950 70,203 5,410 80,193 5,864 91,375 6,655 100.374 7,458 110.203 8,259 122,734 9,170 135,298 10,174 149.169 11,231 161.184 12,385 174,263 13,485 1,587 1,706 1,871 1,989 2,081 2,232 2,375 2,505 2,632 2,813 2,945 3,060 3,201 3,380 3.472 3,510 3,625 3,770 3,7X0 3,871 4,038 4,257 4,067 4,259 4,420 4,545 4,801 4,975 5,304 6,039 6,586 12 93 12 86 1286 1292 12.88 13.03 13.45 14.04 14.64 15.16 15.61 15.91 16.03 16.31 16.54 16.58 16.44 16.53 16.71 16.70 16.39 15.70 14.65 13.67 13.02 12.43 11.76 II 22 10.73 10.41 III 12 9 07 X 9!) 9(1(1 9 1)5 8.99 9 16 9.62 10 29 10.95 11.47 11.86 12.02 11.92 12.13 12.24 12.06 11.67 11.69 11.82 11.69 11.19 10.27 9 14 8.25 7.80 7.42 7.00 6.72 6.48 6.39 6.31 i '.).-,( ; 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1971 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19X1 1985 297.491 323.875 344.066 366.542 391,083 414,267 439.392 465,619 496,0X9 534,374 579,313 624,640 675,417 732,719 789,709 847,291 913,229 995,268 1,091,169 1,185.667 1,290,743 1,419,288 1,579,795 1,771,967 1,975,689 2,209,894 2,433,831 2,648,709 2,907,766 3,184,274 191. 56X 210,210 222,243 235,984 251,358 264,906 2X0,020 295,567 314,576 340,558 371,963 402,092 435.919 474,446 510,679 545,914 5X7,904 6-13,4X0 709,426 771.301 840.209 927,777 1,040,540 1,177,398 1.317,203 1,477,800 1.619,208 1.743.833 1,906,206 2.077,154 14,766 16.08X 17,275 18,383 19,624 20,886 22.14X 23,567 25.149 27,095 29.463 32,061 34,757 37,964 41.294 44.547 48,640 52.X96 58,238 64,067 70,392 78,219 87,987 100,232 113,322 127,729 143.056 157.857 174,016 192,332 7,289 7,872 8,393 9,052 9,816 10,545 11,269 12,053 13,001 13,996 14,980 15,832 16,776 18,154 19,493 20,963 23.636 25,170 27,015 29,534 32,113 35,156 38,143 42,2X5 46,379 50,560 56,736 63.441 70,887 80,044 9.77 9.45 9.38 9.31 9.23 9.23 9.21 9.21 9.16 9.03 8.85 8.75 8.65 8.53 8.43 8.31 8.16 8.09 8.01 7.87 7.67 7.43 7.28 7.12 7.09 7.14 7.12 7.12 6.15 6.02 6.11 6.18 6.22 6.31 (', 38 6.44 i, n, 6.36 6.23 6.18 6.12 6.05 6.04 6.08 6.06 5 95 5 82 5.78 5.74 5.63 5.46 5.27 5.17 5()7 5.09 5.19 5.19 5.19 Corporate — farms — equipment and structures 204 210 216 221 227 229 225 218 211 205 203 204 207 208 208 210 217 222 223 232 241 265 312 371 434 500 560 648 733 835 937 114 117 120 123 127 126 118 108 99 93 92 96 102 103 103 106 113 113 110 115 120 I 11 1X2 233 284 335 375 436 493 562 629 1024 10.22 10.18 10.18 10.12 10 28 10.73 11.33 11.90 12.35 12.50 12.42 12.16 12.15 12.12 12.01 11.65 11.63 11.75 11.51 11.26 1063 9.26 8.09 7.28 6.72 6.45 6.10 5.90 5.72 5.63 7.05 7.02 7 00 7.00 6.94 7.18 7 78 8.60 9.34 9 80 9.66 9.17 8.61 8.53 8.45 8.21 7.66 7.75 8.01 7.71 7.36 6.49 5.21 4.39 4.00 3.83 3.87 3.77 3.78 3.76 3.79 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196X 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 19X0 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 1,048 1.161 1 ,282 1,423 1,564 1,704 1,856 2,02:: 2,189 2,387 2,605 2.835 3,103 3,391 3,722 4.06.3 4.427 4,933 5,638 6.522 7,532 8,726 9.957 11,439 12,715 13,842 1 1,626 15,297 15,722 16,053 702 77:; 850 943 1.031 1.117 1.212 1,319 1,419 1,549 1,692 1,840 2,015 2,200 2,417 2,637 2.866 3,229 3,758 4,434 5,188 6,065 6,917 7,954 8,730 9,324 9,577 9,745 9,709 9.649 77 84 92 102 111 120 130 141 152 165 180 196 21:: 232 252 273 297 330 365 417 479 556 637 728 821 890 944 978 1,000 1,011 33 5.57 3.82 37 5.57 3.90 12 5.58 3.97 47 5.57 4.01 52 5.62 4.10 59 5.69 4.21 65 5.76 4.29 72 5.82 4.36 79 5.91 4.47 88 5.94 4.51 95 5.96 4.53 1"! 6.00 4.58 110 6.03 4.60 120 6.05 4.63 129 6 07 4.63 141 6.12 4.66 155 6.18 4.71 177 6.08 4.59 183 5.90 4.39 199 5.68 4 19 215 5.53 4.08 231 5.40 4.00 252 5.39 4.03 276 5.35 4.03 313 5.49 4.19 348 5.73 4.43 104 6.09 4.80 466 6.47 5.16 527 6.92 5.58 607 7.35 5.97 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 220 Table A8. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Corporate — manufacturing- —equipment and structures 1925 18,394 19,310 20,244 21,331 22,736 23,518 23,670 23.428 23,355 23,455 23,642 24,129 25,102 25.457 25,915 26,830 28,477 29,498 30,058 31,278 33,301 37,068 42,051 46,740 50,052 53,510 59,248 65,302 71,143 76,694 82,254 11,309 11,830 12,351 13,022 13,999 14,305 13,990 13,296 12,830 12,591 12,493 12,730 13,444 13,470 13,644 14,293 15,641 16,240 16,379 17,117 18,645 21,787 25,897 29,535 31,620 33,667 37,860 42,119 ,46,026 49,560 53,000 865 904 945 984 1,039 1,083 1,095 1,084 1,064 1,060 1,069 1,090 1,144 1,190 1,218 1,260 1,332 1,408 1,456 1,502 1,602 1,796 2,021 2,323 2,584 2,803 3,069 3,394 3,712 4,033 4,328 415 436 458 488 513 541 574 606 634 665 696 720 764 791 846 880 907 987 1,034 1,030 1,110 1,188 1,117 1,207 1,285 1,328 1,453 1,531 1,678 1,919 2,080 9.27 9.35 9.43 9.46 9.37 9.58 10.02 10.62 11.11 11.48 11.77 11.88 11.75 11.93 12.03 11.91 11.53 11.45 11.55 11.44 11.05 10.30 9.49 8.95 8.80 8.71 8.34 8.08 7.93 7.86 7.86 6.61 6.67 6.74 6.73 6.61 6.83 7.32 7.98 8.49 8.82 9.02 8.96 8.61 8.72 8.71 8.42 7.83 7.73 7.84 7.68 7.24 6.47 5.77 5.44 5.48 5.55 5.33 5.21 5.19 5.25 5.33 1956 90,611 99,549 105,291 110,573 117,510 124,080 131,150 138,737 148,337 161,759 179,140 196,041 212,605 230,737 248,475 264,643 282,137 302,286 331,334 360,824 392,820 430,200 477,034 531,409 592,912 660,009 721,849 768,188 825,497 884,763 59,100 65,520 68,502 70,974 75,029 78,579 82,540 86,874 92,937 102,546 115,605 127,506 138,425 150,333 161,304 170,248 180,375 192,406 212,523 232,110 253,131 278,183 310,781 349,236 392,385 438,284 476,812 498,457 530,465 563,390 4,694 5,119 5,480 5,750 6,052 6,385 6,721 7,101 7,555 8,172 9,001 9,927 10,807 11,754 12,724 13,627 14,949 15,755 17,065 18,763 20,592 22,752 25,284 28,565 31,948 35,906 39,844 43,017 45,962 49,399 2,309 2,478 2,575 2,790 3,018 3,188 3,410 3,629 3,831 4,161 4,440 4,656 4,887 5,258 5,682 6,077 7,298 7,286 7,800 8,418 9,137 9,963 10,601 12,086 12,962 13,971 15,755 17,471 19,342 21,681 7.66 7.50 7.66 7.85 7.93 8.06 8.17 8.26 8.28 8.13 7.89 7.78 7.76 7.74 7.78 7.91 7.99 8.04 7.92 7.86 7.82 7.73 7.57 7.39 7.23 7.12 7.13 7.32 7.42 7.53 5.20 1926 1957 5.13 1927 1958 5.36 1928 1959 5.60 1929 1960 5.72 1930 1961 5.86 1931 . 1962 5.98 1932. 1963 6.06 1933 . 1964 6.05 1934... . 1965 5.87 1935 1966 5.61 i!i:ii; 1967 5.51 1937 1968 5.51 1938 . .. 1969 5.51 1939 1970 5.58 1940 1971 5.71 1941 . 1972 5.79 1942 1973 5.83 1943 1974 5.68 1944 1975 5.62 1945 1976 5.57 1946 1977 5.49 1947 1978 5.34 1948 1979 5.18 1949 1980 5.06 1950 1981 4.99 1951 1982 5.05 1952 1983 5.28 1953 1984 5.39 1954 1985 5.49 1955 Corporate— -nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment and structures 1925 73,079 77,067 80,407 83,512 87,108 89,738 90,534 90,135 89242 88,494 87,915 87,804 88,306 88,049 87,865 88,322 KH.095 89,103 88,889 89,228 91,047 95,032 101.520 110,086 118,448 128,186 138,990 150,354 163,828 176,212 190,015 44,782 47,246 49,080 50,635 52,660 53,671 52,902 50,978 48,789 47,037 45,722 45,108 45,183 44.461 43,925 44,142 44,783 44,295 43,569 43,530 44,916 48,276 54,114 61,607 68,469 76,202 84,499 92,743 102,650 111,063 120,635 2,786 2,959 3,112 3,238 3,383 3,491 3,517 3,483 3,392 3,310 3,248 3,208 3,242 3,255 3,236 3,246 3,298 3,325 3,305 3,266 3,331 3,597 3,823 4,309 4,846 5,422 6,061 6,734 7,467 8,292 9,089 1,164 1,262 1,404 1,492 1,558 1,681 1,791 1,890 1,988 2,137 2,239 2,329 2,426 2,577 2,615 2,619 2,707 2,772 2,735 2,830 2,915 3,054 2,939 3,040 3,121 3,201 3,332 3,427 3,608 4,097 4,479 13.85 13.74 13.74 13.81 13.80 13.94 14.35 14.94 15.57 16.15 16.65 17.03 17.25 17.59 17.88 18.01 18.02 18.23 18.46 18.55 18.35 17.82 16.80 15.70 14.83 14.01 13.24 12.60 11.97 11.54 11.12 9.70 9.57 9.58 9.65 9.63 9.78 10.24 10.90 11.60 12.19 12.64 12.89 12.92 13.17 13.34 13.25 13.03 13.15 13.33 13.28 12.84 12.00 10.76 9.62 8.89 8.26 7.77 7.42 7.07 6.92 6.75 1956 205,832 223,165 237,493 254,545 272,009 288,483 306,386 324,859 345,563 370,228 397,568 425,764 459,709 498,591 537,512 578,584 626,666 688,049 754,197 818,321 890,391 980,362 1,092,804 1,229,119 1,370,062 1,536,044 1,697,356 1,865,224 2,066,547 2,283,457 131,766 143,916 152,891 164,067 175,297 185,210 196,268 207,374 220,220 236,463 254,666 272,746 295,480 321,913 346,957 373,029 404,663 447,845 493,144 534,757 581,891 643,530 722,842 820,208 916,088 1,030,193 1,132,819 1,235,631 1,366,031 1,504,116 9,996 10,884 11,702 12,531 13,460 14,380 15,297 16,325 17,442 18,758 20,282 21,938 23,737 25,979 28,318 30,647 33,394 36,812 40,808 44,888 49,320 54,911 62,065 70,939 80,554 90,933 102,268 113,863 127,054 141,922 4,947 5,357 5,776 6,216 6,746 7,298 7,794 8,352 9,090 9,747 10,446 11,072 11,778 12,775 13,682 14,744 16,183 17,707 19,032 20,916 22,761 24,961 27,290 29,922 33,104 36,242 40,576 45,504 51,017 57,755 10.72 10.35 10.17 9.97 9.82 9.75 9.67 9.63 9.56 9.44 9.31 9.22 9.07 8.90 8.82 8.75 8.64 8.44 8.27 8.20 8.12 7.96 7.73 7.47 7.31 7.14 7.09 7.08 7.00 6.95 6.58 1926 1957 6.43 1927 1958 6.46 1928 1959 6.44 1929 1960 6.44 1930 1961 6.52 1931 1962 6.56 1932 1963 6.62 1933 1964 6.64 1934 1965 6.59 1935 1966 6.53 1936 1967 6.50 1937 1968 6.41 1938 1969 6.30 1939 1970 6.27 1940 1971 6.25 1941 1972 6.18 1942 1973 6.01 1943 1974 5.89 1944 1975 5.87 1945 1976 5.83 1946 1977 !.: 5.71 1947 1978 5.52 1948 1979 5.32 1949 1980 5.22 1950 1981 5.11 1951 1982 5.11 1952 1983 5.15 1953 1984 5.10 1954 1985 5.08 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 221 Table A8. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Financial corporate — all industries, total — equipment and structures 2,1)35 2,209 2,372 2,539 2,727 2,864 2.930 2,957 2.960 2,966 2,975 2,997 3,022 3,036 3,048 3,066 3,102 3,068 3,022 2,964 2,903 3,013 3,202 3,416 3,654 3,948 4,279 4,557 5.065 5,581 6,277 1,443 1,563 1,665 1,772 1,902 1.962 1,948 1.887 1,810 1,751 1,708 1,694 1,681 1,634 1,599 1,582 1,590 1,491 1,387 1.286 1,193 1,291 1,467 1,666 1,887 2,152 2,441 2,646 3,072 3,482 4,063 92 99 km; 112 119 124 124 121 120 119 120 12(1 128 132 134 136 140 142 139 130 125 134 130 144 162 183 206 229 258 301 343 15 15 16 19 21 20 22 26 25 32 32 36 411 43 51 54 62 76 81 87 93 122 96 102 112 121 129 121 128 150 168 8.13 8.27 8.46 8.68 8.81 9.18 9.77 10.48 11.25 11.95 12.58 13 08 13.53 14.07 14.54 14,95 15,22 15.91 16.62 17.36 18.08 17.85 17.02 1614 15.27 14.32 13.38 12.81 11.77 1096 10.03 6 38 6.43 6.58 6.71 6.76 7.09 7.66 8.39 9.18 9.85 10.40 10.75 11.07 11.58 11.96 12.14 12.08 12.91 13.78 14.65 15.41 14.02 12.12 10.56 9.32 s 25 7.42 7.04 6 28 5.82 5.30 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 6.930 7,630 8,28.-, 9.100 9,874 10,561 11,555 12,381 13,798 15.501 17,133 18,968 21,674 24,533 27,271 30,602 34,166 39,007 44,870 50,923 57,540 65,143 74,685 86.1)05 98,099 111,666 125,897 141,840 162.526 187.319 4,580 5,114 5,586 6,207 6,771 7,248 8,014 8.602 9,729 11,095 12,332 13,673 15,761 17.860 19,712 22,031 24.413 27,892 32,050 36,110 40,380 45,250 51.560 59.138 66,977 75,684 84,458 94,178 107.975 124,530 390 426 461 498 539 576 614 658 716 805 902 1,013 1,155 1,338 1,520 1,713 1,954 2,261 2.672 3,138 3,643 4.220 1.936 5.801 6,740 7,770 8.932 10,269 11,950 14,096 193 9.41 5.05 202 8.90 491 209 8.58 491 232 8.22 4.85 257 7.99 4.90 286 7.89 5.04 296 7,67 5.03 326 7.62 5.17 346 7.34 5.06 370 7.05 4.95 389 6.92 4.98 397 6.84 5.02 409 6.59 4.89 439 6.46 4.85 484 6.47 4.94 522 6.44 4.95 604 6.46 5.00 697 6.34 4.90 768 6.21 4.78 901 6.18 4.77 1,020 6.18 4.77 1,212 6.16 4.76 1,420 6.08 4.66 1.696 5.98 4.54 2,065 5.93 4.48 2,412 5.89 4.42 2.941 5.90 4.42 3,459 5.90 4.41 4.149 5.78 4.26 4,906 5.64 4.12 Nonfinancial corporate — all industries, total — equipment and structures 89,641 54,762 94,377 57,630 98,494 59,886 102,524 62,007 107,344 64,884 110,622 66,140 111,499 65,063 110,824 62, 194 109,849 59,908 109,189 57,970 108,785 56,599 109,140 56.240 110,592 57,047 110.678 56,399 110.940 56,073 112,295 56,959 114,688 58,948 115,755 59,158 116,148 58,671 117,774 59,476 121,687 62,489 129,352 68,912 1 10,680 78,726 153,781 89,709 165,280 98,487 178,249 108,051 194,519 120,293 211,746 132,652 23(1.640 146,096 248,160 157,702 266,929 170,200 3,573 3,778 3,965 4,126 4,318 4,466 4,503 4,457 4,349 4,264 4,210 4,190 4,272 4,328 4,334 4,384 4.504 4,607 4,638 4,653 4,825 5,276 5,734 6,511 7,297 8,076 8,964 9,945 10,973 12,084 13,142 1,571 1,691 1,855 1,970 2,060 2,211 2,353 2,480 2,607 2,781 2.913 3,025 3,161 3,337 3,421 3,457 3,563 3,694 3,699 3,784 3,944 4,135 3,971 4,157 4,307 4,424 4,672 4.853 5,177 5,888 6,418 1304 12.96 12.97 13.02 12.98 13.13 13 55 14.13 14.73 15.25 15.69 15.99 16.09 16.37 16.60 16.62 16.47 16.55 16.71 16.68 16.35 15.65 14.60 13.62 12.97 12.39 11.73 11.18 10.71 1040 10.13 9.14 9.06 9.07 9.12 9.06 9.22 9.68 10.35 11 oo 1 1 52 11.91 12 1)6 11.95 12.14 12.24 12.06 11.66 11.66 11.78 11.63 11.11 10.20 9.08 8.21 7.77 7.40 7.00 6.72 6.48 6.41 6.34 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 290,561 316,246 335,781 357,442 381,209 403,706 427,837 453,238 482.292 518,873 562,180 605.672 653.713 708.186 762,438 816,689 879.064 956,260 1,046,299 1,134,744 1,233,202 1,354,145 1,505,110 1,685,961 1,877,590 2,098,228 2,307,934 2,506,868 2,745,240 2,996,955 186,989 205,096 216,657 229,778 244,586 257,658 272,006 286,965 304,847 329,463 359,631 388.419 420,159 156,586 490,967 523,883 563,491 615,588 677,376 735,191 799.829 882,527 988,980 1.118,260 1,250,226 1,402,116 1,534,750 1,649,655 1,798,231 1,952.624 14,377 15,661 16,814 17,885 19,085 20,310 21,534 22.909 24,433 26,290 28,562 31,047 33,602 36,627 39,773 42.834 46,686 50.635 55,566 60,930 66,749 73,999 83,051 94,431 106,582 119,959 134,124 147,588 162,066 178,237 7.096 7,670 8,185 8,8211 9.559 10.259 10,973 11,727 12,655 13,626 14,591 15,435 16,367 17,715 19,008 20,441 23,032 24,472 26,248 28,633 31,093 33,943 36,724 10.589 44,315 48,148 53,795 59.982 66.737 75,138 9.78 9.47 9.40 9.34 9.27 9.26 9.25 9.25 9.21 9.09 8.91 - 81 8.71 8.60 8.55 8.55 8.51 8 39 - 2 I 8.17 8.10 7.95 7 75 7 51 7.35 7.19 7.16 7 21 7.20 7 2J 6.17 6.05 6 11 6.21 6.25 6.35 6.42 6.48 6.50 6.41 6.28 6.22 6.17 6.09 6.09 6.12 6.10 6.00 5.87 5 83 5.79 5.67 5.50 5.31 5.20 5.10 5.13 5.23 5.24 5.26 222 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A8.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock De t P , r o e n' a - D >-rds Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — all industries, total — equipment and structures 1925 1926 1927 192* 1929 193(1 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 28,924 31,176 33.337 35,357 37,509 38,923 39,301 38,861 38,105 37,483 37,140 37,135 37,521 37.534 37.656 38,116 39,061 39,008 38,749 39,120 40,304 43,321 18,298 54,757 60,945 68,279 75,744 82,299 89,404 96,172 104,071 17,961 19,547 21,(129 22,361 23,787 24,394 23,989 22,837 21,530 20,526 19,952 19,847 20,143 20,028 20,018 20,302 20,980 20,506 19,856 19,857 20.642 23,151 27.401 32,764 37,470 42,926 48,079 51,968 56,270 00,184 05,261 1.565 1,675 1,783 1,881 1,989 2,075 2,095 2,057 1,976 1,895 1,836 1,803 1,814 1,820 1,814 1,834 1,895 1,933 1.920 1.919 1.990 2,161 2,412 2,844 3,316 3,812 4,340 4,822 5,270 5,708 0,133 838 944 1,036 1,121 1,179 1,213 1,266 1,326 1,393 1,465 1,526 1,593 1,614 1,630 1,608 1,562 1,517 1,516 1,533 1,552 1,597 1,680 1.654 1.693 1,774 1,875 1,965 2,099 2,380 2,784 3,207 9.28 9.14 9.06 9.06 9.05 9.25 9.69 10.31 10.99 11.61 12.11 12.45 12.65 12.96 13.22 13.35 13.33 13.68 14.07 14.23 14.10 13.45 12.39 11.30 10.56 9.88 9 38 9.15 8.94 8.82 8.65 6.60 6.44 6.38 6.40 6.42 6.67 7.17 7.88 8.63 9.27 9.70 9.89 9.88 10.07 10.21 10.18 9.98 10.33 10.75 10.80 10.43 9.41 8.14 7.07 6.52 6.06 5.80 5.77 5.72 5.74 5.67 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 111.660 119.078 126,251 134,452 141,951 149,397 157,949 166,894 176,940 189,129 202,487 215,417 229,069 245,461 263,075 282,051 303.357 329,449 355,349 380,041 407,233 442,831 486,724 537,757 592,222 657,940 721,181 777,787 841,312 905,961 70,116 74.906 79.547 85,210 90,136 94.964 100,819 106,937 113,936 122,787 132,385 141,052 149,984 161,108 172,840 185,457 199,839 218,446 235,762 251,351 268,523 292,823 323,596 359,455 396,650 442,539 483,770 516,739 555,735 595,046 6,571 6,937 7,267 7,617 7,966 8,272 8,591 8,968 9,413 9,969 10,638 11,346 12.036 12,843 13,745 14,701 15,820 17,163 18,498 19,921 21,461 23,457 26.1)5(1 29,245 32,609 36,180 40,121 43,498 46,697 49.990 3,733 4,214 4,613 4,961 5,275 5,519 5,733 5,975 6,236 6,479 6,697 6,895 7,131 7,373 7,662 8,092 8,706 9,444 9,701 10,387 10,971 11,706 12,485 13,525 14,716 15,622 17,347 19,028 20,878 23,313 8.46 8.40 8.41 8.45 8.45 8.46 8.46 8.40 8.35 8.37 8.40 8.39 8.39 8.39 8.38 8.29 8.29 8.35 8.40 8.33 8.19 8.03 7.92 7.77 7.73 7.81 7.86 7.94 Noncorporate — farms — equipment and structures 1925 8,854 9,109 9,374 9,593 9,845 9,949 9,760 9,436 9,098 8,838 8,762 8,803 8,988 9,043 9,(188 9,196 9,578 9.784 9,841 10,273 10,742 11,746 13.693 16.251 18,894 21,591 24,224 26,649 28,887 30.706 32,450 4,897 5,022 5,172 5,295 5,460 5,444 5,145 4,729 4,352 4,098 4,063 4,174 4,405 4,469 4,505 4,589 4,907 4,975 4,898 5,203 5,534 6,389 8,096 10,263 12,341 14,305 16,016 17,379 18,506 19,210 19,914 504 523 542 557 575 589 583 561 529 503 490 491 510 527 536 549 580 611 622 637 675 732 821 997 1,209 1,431 1,645 1,837 2,006 2,157 2,276 324 361 395 426 447 441 449 458 475 484 493 509 504 506 489 476 460 473 489 510 537 582 561 577 609 663 687 737 844 994 1,173 11.18 11.17 11.13 11.13 11.08 11.22 11.68 12.30 12.92 13.41 13.59 13.54 13.28 13.24 13.22 13.12 12.69 12.58 12.66 12.27 11.89 11.10 9.76 8.55 7.75 7.22 6.93 6.83 6.83 6.95 7.08 7.77 7.75 7.71 7.70 7.65 7.85 8.45 9.26 10.02 10.53 10.47 10.06 9.47 9.31 9.22 9.03 8.45 8.39 8.54 8.06 7.62 6.74 5.55 471 4.33 4.18 4.19 4.31 4.48 4.71 4.90 1956 33,731 34,894 36,191 37,779 38,752 39,772 41,008 42,546 44,141 46,330 48,937 51,855 54,525 57,565 61,248 65,098 69,262 75,335 82,501 90,228 99,212 110,107 121,346 135,103 146,719 156,888 163,581 169,225 173,790 177,492 20,279 20,691 21,355 22,368 22,812 23,346 24,110 25,151 26,186 27,753 29,613 31,621 33,224 35,041 37,345 39,725 42,288 46,666 51,797 57,237 63,588 71,304 78,866 88,396 95,380 100,624 102.520 103,649 104,066 104,174 2,368 2,418 2,472 2,541 2,593 2,628 2,675 2,749 2,842 2,968 3,137 3,335 3,519 3,707 3,917 4,142 4,408 4,801 5,154 5,611 6,139 6,804 7,523 8,337 9,181 9,774 10,229 10,474 10,677 10,824 1,387 1,604 1,764 1,890 1,986 2,058 2,106 2,151 2,195 2,244 2,269 2,306 2,338 2.373 2,432 2,556 2,714 3,006 3,036 3,225 3,409 3,542 3,773 4,027 4,459 4,747 5,331 5,856 6,386 7,089 7.27 7.45 7.57 7.61 7.77 7.91 7.99 8.03 8.07 8.02 7.95 7.88 7.90 7.91 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.72 7.55 7.41 7.27 7.10 7.01 6.87 6.91 7.06 7.35 7.67 8.00 8.34 5.14 1926.. .. 1957 5.34 1927 .... 1958. ... 5.46 1928 1959 5.49 1929 1960 5.67 1930 1961 5.81 1931 1962 5.90 1932 .. . 1963 5.94 1933 .. . 1964 5.99 1934... . 1965 5.94 1935 1966 5.88 19 :•■ 1967.. .. 5.83 1937 1968 5.88 1938... . 1969 5.91 19 ■'• 1970 5.87 1940 1971 5.86 1941 1972 5.84 19.; ' 1973 5.62 1943 1974 5.43 19 ; ; 1975 5.30 1945 1976 5.18 1946 1977 •..- 5.04 1947 1978 4.99 1948 1979 4.89 1949 1980 4.97 1950 1981 5.15 1951 1982 5.47 1952 1983 5.79 195:! 1984 6.11 1954 1985 6.41 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 223 Table A8. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annua] totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate — manufacturing — equipment and structures 1,212 1,279 1,339 1,408 1,499 1,541 1,544 1,522 1,507 1,500 1,498 1,511 1.552 1.55* 1,569 1,625 1,730 1,793 1,826 1,909 2,040 2,2*0 2,596 2,835 2,959 3,106 3,313 3,4*0 3,63* 3,769 3.959 749 783 809 845 901 909 880 831 794 771 757 761 794 790 794 841 931 976 989 1,045 1,145 1,344 1.600 1,767 1,810 1,872 1,991 2,067 2.138 2.192 2.306 71 72 71 70 69 69 Til 72 74 75 78 83 89 93 97 in;, II* 136 155 168 178 189 200 20* 215 223 90 100 108 120 137 146 8.99 9.18 9.29 9.30 9.59 10.10 1073 11.27 11.68 12.01 12.17 12.07 12.25 12.34 12.08 1 I 56 11.36 11.37 11.15 10.69 9.87 9.05 8.69 8.76 8.81 8.69 8.73 8.78 8.87 *.X4 6.57 6.65 6.78 6.83 6.73 6.99 7.49 8.16 8.67 9.01 9.23 9.20 8.84 8.92 8.90 8.45 7.73 7.53 7.59 7.34 6.89 6.13 5 46 5.32 5.57 5.73 5.72 5.83 5.93 6.07 6.04 1956 1957 195* 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197* 1979 1980 1981 19*2 19*3 19X4 1985 4.232 4.4*0 4.699 4,897 5,103 5,252 5,410 5,566 5,695 5,845 6,006 6,093 6,1*1) 6,311 6,432 6,550 6,6*2 6,* 12 7,090 7,367 7,654 7.9*7 8,408 8,891 9,425 9,925 10.275 10.493 10,830 11,191 2.5H5 2.675 2,805 2,913 3,027 3,080 3,145 3,20* 3,247 3,314 3,397 3,405 3,416 3.475 3,527 3,574 3,644 3.70* 3,911 4,102 4,289 4,505 4,7*7 5,116 5,472 5,771 5.917 5.935 6,0*7 6.274 236 249 262 273 284 292 299 307 313 319 326 332 334 339 345 350 364 368 376 394 413 436 462 497 530 565 592 iln'i 623 643 160 8.65 5.84 169 8.55 5.78 172 8.56 5.82 180 8.60 5.92 189 8.64 6.00 195 8.80 6.20 203 8.92 6.35 212 9.05 6.49 220 9.23 6.67 233 9.34 6.77 245 9.43 6.83 249 9.65 7.03 255 9.85 7.20 265 9.96 7.26 272 10.09 7.32 275 10.23 7.39 298 10.30 7.38 298 10.39 7.40 296 10.28 7.18 302 10.19 7.03 307 10 12 6.91 313 10.01 6 79 316 9.86 6.61 335 9.65 6.41 343 946 6.25 354 9.35 6 19 378 9.39 6.29 397 9.55 6.51 419 9.59 6.55 449 9.60 6.55 Noncorporate — nonfarm nonmanufacturing — equipment and structures 18,858 20,7*7 22,625 24,355 26,165 27,433 27,996 27,903 27,500 27,144 26,880 26.822 26,981 26,934 26,998 27,296 27,753 27,431 27,082 26,938 27,523 29,295 32,010 35.671 39,092 43,581 48,208 52,170 56,879 61,697 67,1162 12,315 13,742 15.047 16,220 17,426 18,041 17,964 17,278 16.384 15,657 15,133 14,913 14,944 14.769 14,719 14,872 15,142 14,555 13,969 13,609 13,962 15,41* 17,705 20,733 23,319 26,749 30,073 32,522 35,626 3X.7X2 43.(141 1.005 1.093 1,1X0 1,259 1,346 1,414 1,439 1,424 1,376 1,323 1,277 1,243 1,232 1,219 1,204 1,207 1,232 1,233 1,205 1,184 1,210 1,311 1,455 1.692 1.939 2,204 2,506 2,786 3,055 3,335 3,633 491 558 613 665 699 737 776 824 870 928 977 1,025 1,047 1,061 1,053 1,018 990 972 973 972 985 1.020 1,017 1.034 1,078 1,122 1,178 1,254 1,417 1,652 1,888 8.42 8.25 8.20 8.23 8.28 8.52 8.97 9.61 10.34 11.02 11.63 12.11 12.47 12.91 13.26 13.50 13 66 14.22 14.77 15.20 15.21 14.67 13.78 12.75 12.06 11.27 1066 10.36 10.01 9.74 9.39 6.14 5.95 5 90 5.96 6.03 6.30 6.79 7.49 8.26 8.95 9.52 9.87 10 06 10.37 10.58 10.64 10.61 11.19 11.75 12.11 11.83 10.81 9.56 8.39 7 75 7.09 6.67 6.55 6.36 6.23 6.01 1956. 1957. 1958.. 1959.. 1960. 1961 . 1962. 1963 . 1964. 1965. 1966 . 1967 . 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978 1979 1980. 1981. 1982 1983. 1984. 19X5, 73.697 79,704 X5.361 91.775 98,095 104.374 111,532 118,783 127,104 136.954 147,544 157,469 168,363 1*1.5*5 195,395 210,404 227,412 247,302 265,757 282.445 300,367 324.73* 356.970 393.762 436,078 491,127 547,325 598,070 656,693 717.278 47,332 51,541 55.3*7 59.929 64,29* 68,538 73,563 78,578 84,504 91.720 99,375 106,026 113.344 122.591 131,969 142,158 153.907 168.072 1X0,054 190,012 200,647 217,014 239,943 265,943 295,799 336,145 375.334 407,155 445. 582 4X4,598 3,968 4.269 4,534 4.X04 5,089 5,351 5,617 5,913 6,258 6,682 7,175 7,679 8,1X3 8,797 9,484 10.210 11,047 11,994 12.967 13,915 14,909 16,217 18,065 20,411 22,899 25,841 29.300 32,415 35,397 38,522 2,186 2,441 2,677 2,891 3,100 3,267 3,423 3,612 3,820 4.002 4,182 4,340 4,53* 4,735 4,959 5,262 5,694 6.139 6.369 6,860 7,255 7,851 8,396 9,163 9,915 10,522 11.638 12,776 14.073 15,775 9.12 8.93 8.83 8.71 8.65 8 64 8.60 * 59 8.56 8.49 8.44 8.48 8.51 - 1* 8.49 8.49 X 17 8 11 8.47 8.60 8.73 8.71 8.56 - l(i * 22 7.96 7.81 7.82 7.80 7.81 5.87 5.82 5.85 5.85 5 91 11(1(1 6.14 6.18 6.17 6.19 6.30 6.39 6.40 6.44 6.47 6.47 6.42 6.50 6.65 6.78 6.75 6.58 6.41 6 25 5.99 5.87 5.91 5.90 5.91 224 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A8.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Sole proprietorships and partnerships — all industries, total — equipment and structures 1926 1927 11128 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 25,155 211,879 28,501 3(1,004 31,671 32,628 32,691 32,112 31,321 30,657 30,230 30,073 30,247 30,028 29,907 30,102 30,753 30,623 30,314 30,661 31,580 34,068 38,277 43,477 48,273 53,854 59,391 64,180 69.304 73,848 79,349 15.181 16,319 17,350 18,266 19.321 19,592 19,004 17,847 16.640 15,729 15,209 15,087 15,313 15,112 15,012 15,189 15.741 15,356 14,816 14,947 15,615 17,754 21,410 25,721 29,287 33,292 36,887 39.442 42,245 44,476 47.748 1.460 1.557 1.652 1,736 1,831 1.904 1.914 1.871 1,788 1,706 1,644 1,608 1,612 1,609 1,594 1,604 1,653 1,686 1,670 1,668 1,730 1,882 2,104 2,491 2,907 3,336 3,784 4,187 4,554 4,907 5,239 803 906 994 1.077 1,133 1,165 1,216 1,274 1,340 1,411 1,471 1,535 1,553 1.566 1,540 1,491 1.443 1.434 1,444 1,453 1,486 1,559 1,520 1,548 1,616 1,702 1,778 1,897 2,147 2,523 2,906 9.20 9.10 9.06 9.08 9.07 9.28 9.73 10.36 11.02 11.61 12.08 12.38 12.53 12.82 13.05 13.14 13.04 13.31 13.63 13.66 13.44 12.70 11.54 10.46 9.78 9.16 8.73 8.54 8.37 8.31 8.17 6.58 6.45 6.41 6.43 6.43 6.68 7.20 7.92 8.67 9.27 9.62 9.72 9.60 9.75 9.83 9.73 9.41 9.68 10.02 9.89 9.44 8.37 7.09 6.15 5.72 5.38 5.22 5.25 5.25 5.31 5.27 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 a 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 84,259 88,852 93,085 98,153 102,365 106,358 111,100 116,276 122,277 129,764 138,091 146,036 154,604 165,147 176,780 189,382 203,6X6 222,538 241.252 258,908 278,560 305,253 339.059 380,240 422,342 473,920 521.560 561,916 608,519 656,107 50.569 53.234 55,677 59,001 61,487 63,769 66,789 70,180 74,253 79,619 85,511 90,641 96,046 103.012 110,587 118,781 128,248 141,851 154,397 165,517 177,911 196,272 220,208 249,755 278,418 314,363 344,580 366,313 393,790 421,840 5,575 5,836 6,063 6,304 6,539 6,729 6,928 7,181 7,493 7,901 8,402 8,937 9,453 10,070 10,766 11,511 12,400 13,489 14,553 15,702 16,959 18,620 20,804 23.568 26,455 29.455 32,747 35,434 37,919 40,512 3,382 3.813 4,152 4,441 4,693 4,885 5,046 5,229 5.435 5,626 5,787 5,935 6,105 6,290 6,507 6,852 7,371 8,007 8,170 8,736 9,232 9,836 10,491 11,386 12,394 13,094 14,559 15,980 17,502 19,635 8.11 8.09 8.09 8.04 8.07 8.12 8.13 8.13 8.10 8.01 7.93 7.91 7.91 7.85 7.81 7.77 7.72 7.56 7.50 7.52 7.52 7.41 7.22 7.00 6.88 6.72 6.71 6.84 6.91 7.00 Nonprofit institutions — all industries, total — equipment and structures 1925 . 3,671 4,163 4,671 5,146 5,590 6,012 6,310 6,437 6,467 6,498 6,545 6.646 6,787 6,946 7,105 7,275 7,476 7,502 7,508 7,484 7,622 7,980 •MX3 9.314 10,369 11,710 13,203 14,588 16,115 17,890 19,741 2,690 3,107 3,530 3,909 4,247 4,555 4,731 4,733 4,638 4,544 4,466 4,444 4,460 4,492 4.523 4,561 4,625 4,516 4,392 4.246 4,266 4,502 4,877 5,563 6,447 7,585 X.X28 9,921 11,119 12,521 13,958 102 114 127 140 151 162 172 177 178 178 179 182 186 190 196 202 208 211 212 211 215 227 244 270 305 350 404 459 515 577 642 36 38 42 44 45 18 50 51 53 54 55 58 61 64 67 70 71 77 82 89 97 105 115 125 134 147 155 166 187 203 228 10.00 9.55 9.26 9.17 9.22 9.35 9.70 10.30 11.05 11.79 12.49 13.07 13.56 14.01 14.44 14.84 15.18 15.85 16.54 17.29 17.63 17.48 17.06 16.15 15.12 14.01 13.06 12.48 11.96 11.44 11.05 6.85 6.54 6.38 6.41 6.56 6.78 7.18 7.83 8.62 9.40 10.12 10.69 11.14 11.53 11.89 12.20 12.43 13.09 13.78 14.53 14.68 14.13 13.28 11.92 10.62 9.43 8.55 8.10 7.74 7.40 7,19 1956 21,870 24,216 26,753 29,357 32.133 35,067 38,345 41,624 45,167 49,235 53,541 57,764 61,982 66,748 71,586 76,705 82.296 87.899 93,602 99,047 105,004 111,266 118,044 125.012 133,276 142,555 153.119 164,952 177,284 188,611 15,631 17,472 19,459 21,464 23,589 25,817 28,327 30,774 33,411 36,488 39,709 42,746 45,692 49,083 52,455 56,019 59,960 63,801 67,612 71,046 74,847 78,813 83,131 87,467 92.910 99,136 106,384 114,577 122,945 129,987 714 793 877 966 1,056 1,149 1,248 1,353 1,464 1,588 1,724 1,861 1,996 2,139 2,290 2,443 2,610 2,792 2,986 3,183 3,384 3,605 3,851 4,112 4,414 4,776 5,196 5,675 6,200 6,691 259 288 327 367 406 443 480 521 558 597 638 675 724 764 823 888 960 1,030 1,093 1.173 1,227 1,310 1,391 1,480 1,593 1,723 1,880 2,034 2,236 2,406 10.66 10.32 10.03 9.84 9.69 9.59 9.49 9.46 9.45 9.40 9.39 9.45 9.56 9.64 9.75 9.86 9.96 10.09 10.25 10.46 10.64 10.81 10.96 11.12 11.21 11.25 11.24 11.19 11.18 11.27 6.98 1926 1957 6.83 1927 1958 6.72 1928 1959 6.69 1929 1960 6.70 1930 1961 6.73 1931 1962 6.75 1932 1963... . 6.84 1933 1964 6.92 1934. 1965 6.96 1935 . 1966 7.02 1936 1967 7.15 1937 1968 7.31 1938 1969 7.43 1939 1970 7.57 1940 1971 7.70 1941 1972 7.80 1942 1973 7.94 1943 1974 8.10 1944 1975 8.30 1945 1976 8.47 1046 1977 '.: 8.62 1947 1978 8.74 1948 1979 8.87 1949 1980 8.90 1950 1981 8.89 1951 1982 8.83 1952 1983 8.74 1953 1984 8.68 1954 1985 8.75 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 225 Table A8. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- rv a Discards tion Average age Gross Net Gross | Net Persons — all industries, total — equipment and structures 131 165 207 248 283 300 312 317 328 342 360 382 ,inii 419 470 471 485 483 521 564 602 681 742 870 994 1,078 1,212 1,3«() l.BOf. 90 122 149 185 219 247 254 257 253 253 256 262 270 273 277 290 295 279 277 260 284 312 333 391 127 523 607 644 728 817 999 9 9 10 10 11 12 11 15 16 18 20 211 21 21 23 26 29 34 41 49 60 69 78 90 1 1 2 82 2.94 3.28 3.52 3.86 4.31 5.05 5.83 6.73 7.49 8.15 8.71 9.18 9.73 10.24 10.50 10.93 11.80 12.31 13.21 12.99 12.72 12 60 11.81 11.47 10.43 9.73 9.61 9.14 8.74 7.98 2 72 2.80 3.10 3.31 3.60 4.00 4.71 5.46 6.33 7.05 7.64 8.11 8.47 8.92 9.31 9.37 9.64 10.54 10.89 11.81 10.97 10.17 9.72 8.49 8.02 6.83 6.21 6.19 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 19,1 1975 1976 1977 197S 1979 1981! 1981 1982 1983 1984 198.5 1,834 2,026 2.159 2,398 2,577 2,786 2,994 3,144 3,331 3,619 3,940 4,250 4,614 5,165 5.689 6,316 7,064 7.976 8,617 9,043 9,452 10.306 11.490 12,121 12,794 13,601 14,544 15,502 16.8.52 18.317 1,156 1,271 1,331 1,496 1,601 1,736 1,870 1,950 2.069 2,281 2,520 2,735 2.992 3,419 3,793 4,247 1.798 5,487 5,875 6,037 6,165 6,725 7,567 7.82-1 8,122 8,555 9,128 9,710 10,680 11.736 120 135 145 156 170 181 191 199 210 223 241 261 281 308 340 373 409 152 496 531 563 607 6,',' 739 775 811 851 895 952 1,017 19 7.55 4.55 58 7.40 4.53 72 7.47 4.71 81 7.23 4.56 96 7.20 4,64 106 7.12 1 66 118 7.08 4,71 129 7.19 4.90 141 7.21 5.00 148 7,07 4.92 158 6.93 486 166 6.88 4,91 175 6.81 4.92 185 6.56 4.75 189 6.48 4.76 200 6.38 4.73 212 6.28 4.68 229 6.15 4.60 243 6.32 4.82 267 6.65 5.20 282 6.99 5.57 311 7 112 5.56 335 6.91 5.39 366 7.17 5.67 400 7.41 5.90 436 7.57 6.01 481 7,67 6.03 520 7,79 6.06 571 7,74 5.90 608 7,70 5.79 Tax-exempt cooperatives — all industries, total — equipment and structures I) o I) 22 56 106 161 225 292 363 412 442 492 582 709 936 1,285 1,560 1,845 2,156 2,454 2,774 3,074 3,375 o 22 54 Km 150 205 263 320 355 370 404 177 582 781 1,089 1,309 1,526 1,757 1.961 2.178 2,369 2,557 4 6 8 11 13 16 17 19 22 27 34 48 64 77 92 107 1 22 135 148 o n ii II .50 .90 1.24 1.64 2.03 2.44 2.86 3.45 4.15 4.63 4.78 4.77 4.44 4.05 I 20 4.42 4.67 4.99 5.30 5.66 6.03 1.21 1.58 1.95 2.32 2.70 3.25 3.92 4.36 4.42 4.33 3.92 3.51 3.67 3.89 4.12 4.41 4.67 4.98 5 28 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 3,696 3.985 4.25.5 4,544 4,876 5,186 5.510 5.850 6,165 6,511 6,914 7,367 7,869 8,401 9,020 9,649 10,311 11,036 11,877 13,043 14,218 16,006 18,131 20.384 23,810 27,864 31.957 35.417 38,6.57 42,926 2,759 2,929 3.080 3.249 3,459 3,642 3.833 4.033 4.203 4,400 4,645 4,9311 5,253 5,594 6,005 6,411 6,833 7,306 7,878 8.751 9,600 11,014 12,690 14,410 17,201 20,485 23,678 26,139 28,321 31,482 161 173 183 191 202 213 224 236 246 257 271 287 305 326 350 375 402 431 463 504 555 62.5 718 826 965 1,139 1,327 1,494 1,627 1,770 43 6.36 5.54 54 6.74 5.85 63 7.14 6.18 72 7.50 6.45 79 7.79 664 86 8.12 6.87 90 8.43 7.09 96 8.73 7.28 102 9.07 7.52 in* 9.36 7.69 11.3 9.58 7.79 119 9.75 7.84 127 9.88 7.84 135 10.00 7.85 142 10.06 7.79 152 10.14 7.78 163 10.23 7.78 178 10.28 7.75 193 10.28 7.66 212 10.07 7.38 230 9.95 7.22 250 9.54 6.79 269 9.13 6.42 293 8.84 6.20 330 8.28 5.75 369 7.80 5.41 426 7.54 5.28 19 1 7.55 5.40 569 7.68 5.60 663 7.66 5.65 226 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A9. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 193(1 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 i:mt; 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 194(1 1947 1948 1949 195(1 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1,214.378 1,261,697 1,305,577 1,345,754 1,373,115 1,386,379 1,395,718 1,396,434 1,395,379 1,395,679 1.400,419 1,410,592 1.422,041 1,433,347 1,451,125 1,471,085 1,493,360 1,498,413 1,495,495 1,491,200 1.488,613 1,520,329 1.564,933 I. i,22,2:i.l 1.672,327 1.744,393 1.802,894 1,858,516 1,916,357 1,979,606 2,055.314 777,539 812,735 844,262 871,692 88.5,99(1 886,103 882,685 87(1.868 857.491 845,761 838,947 837,692 837,699 837,643 844,347 853.203 864.210 858.079 844,518 829,994 817.486 839.235 873,680 920,017 958.494 1,018.351 1,063.900 1,105,810 1,149,333 1,197.514 1,257.384 17,435 18,165 18,870 19,516 20,031 20,335 20,479 20.506 20,455 20,418 20,440 20,553 20,724 20.897 21,114 21,401 21,726 21,922 21,896 21.789 21,700 21.984 22,732 23,726 24,729 25,829 27.002 28,036 29,094 30,210 31.469 6,043 6,518 6,769 6,968 7,183 7.723 7,973 8.133 8.387 8,887 9.125 9,283 9,535 10,041 10,296 10,459 10,738 11,254 11,559 11,780 12,081 12,683 12.899 13.226 13.639 14.157 14,325 14.776 15,141 15.631 2662 26.36 26.20 26.14 26.35 26.82 27.35 28.04 28.75 29.43 29.99 30.42 30 82 31.21 31.44 31.62 31.75 32.25 32 89 33.54 34.15 33.98 33.54 32.88 32.43 31.62 31.12 30.72 30.32 29.89 29 32 19.81 19.39 19.10 18.95 19.10 19.54 20.04 20.72 21.43 22.09 22.61 22.97 23 28 23 58 23.68 23.71 23 68 24.11 24.74 25.39 25.97 2549 24.68 2.3.67 22.97 21.88 21.24 20.74 20.28 19.79 19.20 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2,123,491 2,186,792 2,259,662 2,339,537 2,412,154 2,484,262 2,563,766 2.653,007 2,743,916 2,833,164 2,911,994 2,988,310 3,079.244 3,168.480 3,251,160 3,364,457 3,500,006 3,628,008 3,722,598 3,799,875 3,899,862 4,023,153 4.154,275 4,291,026 4,393,146 4,481,075 4,548,336 4,646,046 4,774,942 4,904,874 1,30,8,581 1.354,337 1,408,684 1,469,134 1,521.209 1,572,163 1,629,262 1,695.199 1,761.397 1,825,169 1,877,303 1,926,295 1,988,570 2,048,381 2.100,462 2,182,130 2.284,753 2.377,912 2,435,895 2,475,626 2,537,358 2,622,029 2,712,736 2,807,980 2,867.446 2,912.697 2,936,955 2,991,999 3,077,193 3,163,372 32,801 34,070 35,376 36,829 38,324 39,776 41.276 42.909 44.651 46.410 48,085 49,661 51,358 53,215 55,039 57,272 61,617 62,857 65.070 66,603 68,536 70,752 73,111 76.194 78,257 80,025 81,931 83,658 85,233 89,155 15,821 16,525 16,852 17,405 17,782 18,621 18,870 19,606 19,940 20,935 21,389 22.337 22,698 23,791 24,440 25,640 28,655 28,006 28.458 29.058 30,278 32,130 32,696 34,679 35,599 37,347 38,921 40,981 41,531 45,376 28 92 28.62 28.24 27.82 27.53 27.28 26.98 26.62 26.30 26.03 25.88 25.78 25.58 25.42 25.34 25.05 24.63 24.32 24.28 24.37 24.32 24.14 23.95 23.77 23.80 23.90 24.13 24.19 24.11 24.03 Corporate 1925 .... 20,955 22,874 24,873 26,643 27,799 28,204 28,512 28,529 28,523 28,507 28,570 28.818 29,116 29,375 29,810 30,168 30,511 30,592 30.577 30.483 30,391 30,660 31,067 31,714 32,402 33,134 33,519 33,876 34,280 34,677 35,118 14,807 16,437 18,122 19.549 20,346 20,381 20,325 19,982 19,621 19,261 18,986 18,898 18,867 18,798 18,906 18,9.39 18.953 18,706 18,366 17,968 17,578 17,552 17,674 18,025 18,403 18,830 18,901 18.931 19.007 19.078 19,181 325 356 390 422 446 459 464 465 463 462 461 463 467 472 477 483 490 494 494 491 188 491 501 516 533 551 567 579 592 605 619 64 68 75 79 87 88 100 105 108 118 123 126 138 144 150 158 161 167 168 187 190 196 215 220 224 247 252 251 264 279 282 19.88 19.05 18.35 17.98 18.09 18.70 19.35 20.18 21.03 21.87 22.64 23.25 23.79 24.36 24.77 25.23 25.70 26.37 27.12 27.92 28.70 29.13 29.40 29.45 29.48 29.45 29.72 30.03 30.27 30.51 30.71 14.71 13.81 13.12 12.77 12.90 13.50 14.14 14.98 15.82 16.65 17.40 17.97 18.47 18.98 19.30 19.68 20.07 20.71 21.45 22.25 23.03 23.33 23 41 23.20 22.96 22.67 22.82 23.01 23.12 23.22 23.27 1956 35,548 36,099 37,157 38,553 39,796 41,543 44,010 47,134 50,320 53,346 55,944 58,164 61,856 66,406 70,332 74,518 74,052 73,515 72,765 72,106 71,465 70,730 70,103 70,388 70,623 70,666 71,656 71,407 72.942 74.499 19,263 19.483 20,199 21.238 22,126 23,506 25,559 28,250 30,975 33,485 35,529 37,192 40,278 44,142 47.419 51,012 50,079 49,124 47,909 46,652 45,465 44,290 43.225 42,781 42,323 41,735 41,890 41,276 42,150 43,078 634 650 672 701 733 767 812 868 932 995 1,053 1,103 1,165 1,249 1,334 1,416 1,459 1,471 1,487 1,504 1,516 1,529 1,548 1,564 1,560 1,545 1,540 1,511 1.509 1,510 286 318 331 344 377 400 398 436 470 479 499 546 559 563 606 637 641 682 718 720 780 856 878 909 986 1.046 1,04.3 1,113 1,171 1,186 30.93 31.00 30.66 30.09 29.67 28.94 27.87 26.54 25.39 24.50 23.92 23.56 22.71 21.74 21.03 20.28 20.73 21.16 21.69 22.30 22.87 23.38 23.86 24.35 24.86 25.43 25.88 26.35 26.51 26.67 23.33 1926.. .. 1957 23.22 1927. 1958 22.55 1928 . 1959 21.61 1929. . 1960 20.94 1930 . ... 1961 19.92 1931 . . 1962 18.57 1932 1963 17.09 1933 1964 15.92 1934 1965 15.11 1935.. .. 1966 14.64 1936 1967 14.41 1937 1968 13.74 1938 1969 13.00 1939 1970 12.50 1940 1971 11.94 1941 1972 12.33 1942 1973 12.70 1943 1974 13.18 1944 1975 13.80 1945 1976 - 1977 14.39 1946 14.92 1947 1978 15.41 1948 1979 16.05 1949 1980 16.74 1950 1981 17.50 1951 1982 18.19 1952 1983 18.70 1953 1984 19.01 1954 1985 19.26 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 227 Table A9. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1!)^ dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End oi year Annual totals End of year End oi year Annua totals End of year < iross stock Net stock Deprecia- Discards Average age Gross stock ' Net stock Deprecia- J Dis« ards Average age tion Gross Net tion i Iross Net Noncorporate 1,193,423 1,238,823 1,280,704 1,319,112 1,345,317 1,358,175 1,367,206 1 ,367,905 l,3(iH,855 1.367,172 1,371,849 1,381,774 1,392,925 1,403.117:! 1,421,315 1,440,917 1,4(52,849 1,467,821 1,464,918 1,48(1,711 1,458,222 1 ,489,070 1,533,885 1,590,580 1,839,925 1.711.259 1,789,376 1.824,639 1,882,077 1,944,929 2.020.190 762.732 796.297 820. 140 852,143 865,644 865,722 862,360 850,886 837,870 826,499 819.901 818,794 818,832 818,845 825.441 834,264 845,257 839,372 826,152 XI 2.020 799,908 821,083 850.000 901,992 940,091 999.520 1,044,999 086 SSI) 130.327 178,436 238.203 17.109 17,809 18.480 19,094 19.585 19,876 20.010 20.041 19.992 19.956 19.980 20.090 20,257 20,425 20.037 20,917 21,236 21.128 21,402 21,298 21.212 21,493 22.230 23,210 24,195 25,278 26,436 27.157 28.502 29,004 30,85(1 5,784 5.974 6.443 6,689 6,8X1 7 095 7,623 7,808 8,025 8,269 870.1 8 998 9,145 9,391 9,890 10.138 10,298 10.571 11.085 11.372 11.590 1 1 .885 12,408 12,079 13,002 13,392 13,905 14,074 14,512 14,862 1 5,349 20 74 26 49 26 35 26.30 26 52 20 99 27 52 28 20 28 92 29 59 30 14 30 57 30 97 31 36 31 58 31 75 31 88 32 37 33 01 33 66 34 27 34 08 33 62 32 95 32 49 31 86 31 14 30 73 30 32 29 88 29 29 19 91 19 50 19 24 19 09 19 24 19 08 20 18 20 80 21 56 22 22 22 74 23 09 23 39 23 68 23 78 23.80 23 70 24 19 24 81 25 46 20 04 25 53 24 71 23 08 22 97 21 87 21 21 20 70 20 23 19 7 1 19 14 1950 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1900 1967 1908 1969 1970 1971 1972 1073 1971 1975 1970 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2,087,942 2,150.692 2. 222. 590 2.300.985 2.312.358 2.442.719 2.519.750 2,605.873 2,693,596 2,779,818 2,856,050 2,930,140 3,017,388 3.102.074 3.180,829 3 289,939 3,425,955 3,554.492 3,649,833 3, 727.76'.! 3 828 397 3.952,424 4.084.172 4,220,638 4,322.524 4,410.409 1 176 680 1,574,639 1,702.000 1,830 375 1,289.317 1,334.855 1,388.485 1.447,896 1,199 083 1,548,658 1.003,703 1.668,949 1,730,422 1,791,684 1.841,774 1,889 103 1,948, .'92 2,004,239 1 1)53.043 2.131.118 2,234.674 2.328.788 2,387 986 2,428.974 2,491,893 2.577.739 2,669.511 2 765,200 2,825,123 2.870.962 2,895,065 2.950.723 3 1135 1)13 3.120 295 32.167 33.420 3,1,704 3,0,128 37.591 39.008 10,464 42,040 43,719 45.416 47.033 48 558 50.193 51 966 53 706 00,158 01,386 63,583 65,099 07,020 09,223 71.564 74,630 76,697 78, 180 80,391 82,147 83,724 87,045 15,535 10,207 10,521 17,000 17.19', 18.222 18.473 19 169 19.470 20.456 29 198 31,274 31,818 33.771 31 613 36 301 39.808 40.361 44,190 IB 63 r, 32 i, 06 '.; -• 1 10 I 16 '4 07 :; 99 18 75 18 18 18 16 17 81 17 61 17 II 1 17 0.' 16 8.' 16 ;„ •v 20.891 25 92 1 6 7 1 21.791 25 8.' 10 73 22.139 25 64 16.67 23 228 25 50 16.65 23.835 25 43 10 70 25,004 2.5 15 16 54 28,014 2171 16 21 27,324 24 39 16 02 27 739 2133 16 09 28.338 24 4. 10 29 10 24 16 26 16 Hi 10 00 16 19 16 39 16 70 16 83 16 811 16 77 Sole proprietorships ,ind partnerships 11,2,318 1115.002 108,053 170,778 172,027 173,191 173,130 172,386 171.096 171.031 170.720 170.861 171.240 171.271 171.792 172,059 173.795 173,921 173,012 173,044 172,375 173.131 175.209 177.969 180.079 183,291 184,1100 185.794 180.914 187.830 188.388 94.710 90,330 98.355 99 81)8 100.471 99,855 98,684 96,840 95.083 93.389 92,145 91.331 90.770 89.901 89,577 89,507 89,818 89,083 87.907 80.590 85.157 85,748 87,030 89,184 91,179 93,030 93,589 93 838 94.071 94.078 93,759 2.157 2,198 2,244 3.289 2,345 3.350 2,343 2,330 3.2,20 2,315 2.320 2.331 2.342 2.353 2,374 2.404 2.427 2,432 2.130 2.124 2, 1 10 2,499 2.578 2,005 2,7 17 2.812 2.870 2 925 2.979 3.028 1.020 1,042 1.112 1,117 1.141 1.102 1,241 I ,212 1 ,302 1.3.1)3 1.373 1 .305 1,397 1,430 1 ,508 1,497 1,520 1,564 1,627 1,627 1,051 1.703 1.784 1.764 1.792 1.872 1,937 1 909 1 ,953 2.028 3.088 33 22 33 24 33 19 33 21 33 41 3.3 8.', 34 39 35 05 35 70 311 33 30 85 37 28 37.64 38 00 38 35 38 50 38 70 39 9i, 39 18 39 90 10 40 10 41 40 19 39 79 39 43 39 11 39 1)0 ; 8 39 118 39 12 39 21 33 98 23 80 23 08 33 1,1) 23 73 24 15 24 09 25 40 26 08 20 73 37 25 27 04 27 93 28 30 28 19 28 57 38 50 28 81, 28 39 27 08 27 09 20, 90 20 81 26 70 20 00 20 09 1950 1957 1958 1959 1900 1901 1902 1963 1964 1965 I960 1907 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19- 1 1985 189.17 1 190 020 191,387 193,332 194.891 198.831 203.373 208.932 211. 771 239.197 225.234 229 99 1 244.942 30,3.433 281,135 303,085 334 1)48 301.051 380,171 391,037 401.575 11 1.485 139,115 450.028 481.907 190,863 509,523 514.404 537,301, 500,459 93,01)5 93,533 93,978 95,002 95,592 98 530 102,031 100,484 111,130 II ",.273 118,979 133,313 135.8115 152.443 108,142 188.539 210.155 240.567 255,083 303,394 208.070 277.151 387,511 390 980 335,170 333,085 338,487 338,8,',;, 351,070 309,304 3 1179 3.134 3.194 3.305 3,339 3.432 3,751 3.683 3.828 3 97), 4.119 1,358 1.495 4 80.3 5,351 5.679 0.340 6.866 8.025 8,321 8.003 9.214 9.838 10,258 10,610 10,8(14 11.501 11,803 2,908 3,159 2,213 2,284 2,313 2.383 2,446 2 938 2,993 3, 1 17 3,289 3.340 3.472 3.048 3 789 3 953 4,126 1,353 1.537 4.757 1.957 5.175 5.468 5,099 5.8.34 39 30 3.9 38 39 18 38 95 38 83 38 22 3., 31 01 34 1" 30 ^^ 28 58 21,72 3 I 63 35 1 1 SI 10 21 89 21 01 21 21 20 95 21 09 21 51, 21 50 21 15 21 32 ji, 66 30 Oil 30 39 20 03 34 95 24 05 23 1)4 22 10 21 30 30 77 20 31 18 43 10 03 I 5 3,3 13 95 1 2 53 11 07 II 40 I 1 05 I 1 92 12 10 12 20 13 37 12 04 13 13 13 73 14 07 II 27 14 4.5 228 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A9. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonprofit institutions 1925 1926 1927 192* 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 194(1 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 28,121 30,354 32,282 33,885 35,119 35,910 36,258 36,362 36.397 36,461 36.609 36,866 37,190 37,470 37.914 38,338 38.724 38,693 38.458 38,181 37,940 38,(140 38,133 3X,29> 38,504 38,736 H8.858 38,911 39,097 39,296 39,604 19.189 20.969 22.416 23,509 24,217 24,471 24,290 23,876 23,406 22,983 22,657 22,458 22,329 22,175 22,189 22,204 22,175 21,759 21,146 20,538 19,969 19,7*4 19,591 19,512 19,465 19,489 19,398 19,281 19,290 19,355 19,518 515 562 60S 646 675 697 707 709 708 707 708 710 714 718 724 730 736 737 732 723 715 713 714 717 720 724 727 728 730 735 740 105 110 127 135 150 160 178 192 203 221 233 254 261 285 293 322 321 352 353 393 387 427 429 472 467 516 513 557 554 601 595 19.77 19.14 18.82 18.75 18.91 19.31 19.93 20.67 21.43 22.16 22.82 23.38 23.89 24.40 24.79 25.17 25.57 26.21 26.98 27.74 28.49 28.93 29.37 29.71 30.03 30.27 30.60 30.93 31.16 31.33 31.42 14.65 13.92 13.56 13.48 13.63 14.03 14.66 15.41 16.18 16.91 17.56 18.09 18.54 18.99 19.28 19.55 19.84 20.46 21.26 22.05 22.80 23.10 23.39 23.54 23.62 23.61 23.73 23 86 23.82 2372 2349 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 39,965 40,406 41,117 41,981 42,730 43,926 45,977 47.947 50.279 52,782 55,003 56,734 58,435 59.983 61,026 61,996 64,314 66,688 67,957 69,586 71,075 72,697 74,524 77,494 80,318 82,404 84,528 85,151 88.415 91,699 19,769 20,089 20,708 21,453 22,107 23,180 25,095 26,876 28,998 31,224 33,129 34.489 35,796 36,900 37,506 38.026 39,883 41,749 42,488 43,474 44,306 45,245 46,365 48,135 49,703 50,585 51,403 51,224 53,168 55,108 749 760 774 794 815 841 883 935 989 1,052 1,113 1,165 1,208 1.247 1,276 1,298 1,331 1,378 1,415 1,450 1,483 1,514 1,548 1,607 1,665 1,707 1,749 1,766 1,826 1,892 638 31.42 640 31.37 681 31.08 676 30.70 720 30.40 718 29.81 747 28.72 745 27.80 780 26.77 774 25.80 798 25.05 794 24.61 814 24.22 802 23.95 821 23.87 808 23.81 819 23.27 813 22.78 823 22.70 807 22.59 826 22.55 831 22.47 841 22.37 835 22.39 860 22.50 871 22.78 880 23.12 899 23.43 933 23.44 951 23.47 Persons 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1.003,084 1,043,467 1,080,368 1,114,449 1,137,571 1,149,073 1.157,818 1,159,158 1.158.76:! 1,159,690 1,164,520 1,174,048 1,184,495 1,195,232 1,211,609 1,229,920 1,250,330 1,255,205 1,252,847 1,249,493 1,247,906 1.278,198 1.32(1.523 1,374,313 1,420,741 1,489,232 1,545,858 1,599,934 1,656.036 1,717,796 1,792,205 648,833 678,992 705,469 728,826 740,954 741,396 739,380 730,170 719,382 710,128 705,159 705,005 705,727 706,769 713,675 ?22 193 733,264 728,530 717,039 704,892 694,781 716,150 749,378 793,297 829,447 887.001 932,012 973,771 1,016,966 1,065,003 1,124,926 14,438 15,048 15,628 16,160 16,585 16,834 16,959 16,989 16.953 16,929 16,957 17,061 17.211 17,365 17,560 17,813 18,096 18,264 18,238 18,145 18,073 18.341 19,017 19,915 20,811 21,807 22.896 23. Mill 24,846 25,891 27,082 4,659 4,823 5,20 I 5,437 5,590 5,773 6,204 6,434 6,561 6,747 7,158 7,379 7,487 7,669 8,090 8,319 8,457 8,655 9,105 9,352 9,549 9,755 10,256 10,443 10,743 11,004 11,454 11,608 12,005 12.233 12.666 25.88 25.64 25.51 25.48 25.71 26.20 26.73 27.42 28.15 28.83 29.39 29.82 30.23 30.61 30.84 31.01 31.13 31.63 32.29 32.97 33.59 33.37 32.87 32.15 31.67 30.78 30.21 29.76 29.32 28.83 28.21 19.47 19.05 18.80 18.66 18.82 19.26 19.76 20.43 21.14 21.80 22.31 22.66 22.96 23.24 23.32 23.34 23.29 23.73 24.37 25.04 25.62 25.09 24.22 23.16 22.43 21.28 20.59 20.05 19.56 19.06 18.43 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1,858,803 1,920,261 1,990,001 2,065,673 2,134,738 2,199,964 2,270,407 2,349,005 2,428,547 2,506,840 2,575,815 2,643,512 2,714,015 2,778,661 2,838,679 2,924,261 3,027,593 3,126,154 3,201,705 3,267,147 3,355,748 3,465,242 3,580,234 3,687,117 3,760,238 3,831,142 3,882,628 3,975,083 4,076,319 4,178,216 1.175,944 1,221,234 1,273,799 1,331,442 1,381.386 1,426,943 1,476,588 1,533,590 1,590,294 1,645,188 1,689,668 1,732,306 1,776,694 1,814,899 1,847,397 1,904,555 1,978,636 2,046,471 2,089,815 2,123,106 2,178,917 2,255,343 2.335,606 2,410,079 2,450,250 2,487,292 2,505.174 2,560,644 2,627,799 2,695,882 28,339 29,526 30,736 32,069 33,436 34,736 36,030 37,423 38.902 40.388 41,801 43,135 44,490 45,856 47,179 48,879 52,580 53,142 54,793 55,892 57,512 59,388 61,353 63,809 65,204 66.515 68,032 69.577 70,597 73,890 12,829 13,428 13,627 14,100 14,372 15,120 15,280 15,871 16,104 17,024 17,337 18,102 18,397 19,433 19,866 20,907 23,855 23,040 23.268 23,742 24,719 26,317 26,624 28,399 28,997 30,473 31,824 33,501 33,729 37,405 27.77 27.46 27.09 26.68 26.40 26.21 25.99 25.71 25.46 25.26 25.18 25.13 25.08 25.09 25.16 25.02 24.76 24.57 24.60 24.71 24.65 24.46 24.27 24.10 24.17 24.26 24.48 24.51 24.44 24.36 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 229 Table A9. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Farms 134,578 L34.938 135,476 135,972 136,365 136,412 135,956 135,187 134,505 133,849 133,462 133,2X1) 133,275 132.968 132,924 133,315 133,931 133,913 133,6(13 133,132 132,543 133,(184 134,120 135.800 137,431 138,882 139,528 139,943 140,306 140,411 140,070 75,2X5 74,861 74,673 74,438 74,110 73,449 72,351 70,943 69.648 68.414 67,519 66,813 66.296 65.504 65.033 64,964 65,117 64.659 63.965 63,085 62,112 62,576 63.5(16 64,978 66,325 67,447 67,736 67,734 67.678 67,393 66,702 1,732 1,734 1,738 1,743 1,748 1,753 1.751 1,742 1,732 1,724 1,720 1,721 1,728 1,732 1,737 1,750 1,770 1,785 1,790 1,790 1.788 1,795 1,834 1.885 1,940 1,992 2,029 2,061 2,091 2,117 2,136 934 950 1.012 1,011 1,026 1,046 1.109 1,103 1,119 1,146 1,210 1,198 1,216 1,247 1,310 1,289 1,308 1,345 1,406 1,381 1,405 1,446 1,502 1,475 1,498 1,550 1,606 1.579 1.606 1,661 1,715 35 86 36 29 36 63 36.97 37.34 37.80 38 36 39.00 39.62 40.21 40.68 41.10 41.45 41.88 42.18 12 36 12 16 42.74 43.08 43.48 43.91 43.78 43 49 43 04 42.64 42.32 4224 42 25 42 26 42.33 42.50 26 2X 26.64 26 89 27.16 27.45 27.85 28.40 29 07 29.70 30.29 30.72 31.06 31.30 31.66 31.85 31.84 31.71 3 1 87 32.14 32.48 32.87 32 26 31.47 30 49 29.66 29.01 28.75 28 62 28.50 28.47 28 60 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19X4 19X5 139,934 139,706 139,374 139,160 138,737 138,846 138.666 138,526 1 38, 552 138,324 138,336 138, 391 138,364 138,152 137,741 137,441 137,454 136.968 137.811 137,812 137,655 13X.222 138,411 137.544 137.325 136,439 135.464 133,853 133.121 132,011 66,171 65.55X 64.875 64.339 63,556 63,319 62.824 62,402 62,106 61,581 61,337 61,175 60,904 60.471 59,901 59,493 59,409 5S.X5X 59.69X 59,740 59,649 60,2X8 60,614 59,947 59,975 59,339 58,719 57,547 57.331 56,723 2,154 2,173 2,191 2,209 2,225 2,246 2,269 2,287 2,307 2,325 2,345 2.369 2,393 2,411 2.424 2,437 2,450 2.462 2.487 2,521 2,539 2,566 2.597 2.606 2,615 2,626 2,624 2.610 J (',03 2,608 1,690 1,718 1,775 1,825 1.809 1,847 1,905 1,960 1,946 1,993 2.0.79 2,126 2,127 2,172 2,252 2,329 2.353 2.397 2.484 2,562 2,605 2,638 2,7.33 2.8(16 2, 802 2,877 2,980 3,048 3.119 3,110 4262 42.76 4289 42 97 43.13 43.10 43.14 43.15 43.11 43.15 43.07 42.96 42.89 42X6 42.86 42.81 42.65 42 64 12 '8 41.96 41.79 41.39 41.07 41.04 40.81 40.77 40.71 40.81 40 63 4056 2X64 28.71 2X79 2X .- 1 28 92 28.78 28.75 28 68 28 54 28.50 28.33 28.11 27.94 27.84 27.80 27.68 27.41 27.35 26 65 26.32 26.05 25 48 25.05 25 04 24.74 24.71 24 66 24 62 2 1 55 Real estate 1925 1,079,801 1,126,759 1,170,101 1,209,782 1,236,750 1,249,968 1,259,763 1,261,247 1,260,873 1,261.830 1,266,957 1,277,312 1,288,766 1,300,379 1,318,201 1,337,770 1,359,429 1,364,500 1,361,891 1,358,068 1,356,071 1,387,245 1,430,813 1,486,494 1,534.895 1,605,511 1.663,367 1,718,573 1,776,051 1,839,195 1,915,244 702,254 737,874 769,589 797,254 811,881 812,654 810,334 799,926 787,843 777,346 771,428 770.878 771,403 772,139 779,314 788,239 799,093 793,420 780,553 766,909 755,374 776,659 810,174 855,039 892,169 950,903 996,164 1,038,076 1,081,656 1,130,120 1,190,682 15,703 16,431 17,132 17,773 18,283 18,582 18,728 18,763 18,723 18.694 18,721 18,832 18,996 19,165 19,377 19,651 19,956 20,137 20,106 19,999 19,913 20,189 20,897 21,841 22,788 23,837 24,974 25,975 27,003 28,093 29,333 4,914 5,092 5,506 5,757 5,942 6,137 6,613 6,870 7,014 7,241 7,676 7,927 8,067 8,288 8,730 9,007 9,151 9,393 9,848 10,177 10,375 10,636 11,181 11,424 11,727 12,089 12,551 12.747 13,170 13,479 13,916 25.46 25.17 24.99 24.92 25.14 25.63 26.17 26.86 27.60 28.29 28.86 29.31 29.72 30.12 30.36 30.55 30.70 31.22 31.89 32.57 33.20 33.04 32.60 31.95 31.51 30.69 30.19 29.78 29.38 28.94 28.35 19.12 18.65 18.35 18.18 18.33 18.78 19.29 19 98 20.70 21.37 21.90 22.27 22.59 22.89 22.99 23.04 23.02 23.48 24.13 24.81 25.41 24.94 24.15 23.15 22.47 21.38 20.73 20.23 19.76 19.28 18.67 1956 1,983,556 2,047,085 2,120,288 2,200,378 2,273,417 2,345,417 2,425,101 2,514,480 2,605,364 2,694,840 2,773,657 2.849,919 2,940,880 3,030,328 3,113.419 3,227.016 3,362,552 3,491,040 3,584,787 3,662,063 3,762,207 3.88 1,93 1 4.015,864 4,153,482 4,255,821 4,344,636 4,412,872 4,512,193 4,641,821 4,772,863 1,242,409 1,288,780 1,343,808 1,404,796 1,457,653 1,508,845 1,566,438 1,632,798 1,699,291 1.763,589 1,815,966 1,865,120 1,927,665 1,987,910 2,040,562 2,122,638 2.225,344 2,319,053 2,376,197 2,415,886 2,477,709 2,561,741 2,652.122 2,748,034 2,807 171 2,853,358 2,878,236 2,934,452 3,019,862 3,106,649 30,647 31,897 33,185 34,621 36,098 37,530 39.008 40.622 42,345 44,085 45,741 47,292 18 965 50,804 52,615 54,836 59,166 60,395 62,583 64,082 65,997 68,187 70,515 73,587 75,641 77,399 79.307 81.048 82,630 86.547 14,131 14.807 1,7 077 15.579 15,973 16.774 16.965 17.645 17,994 18,942 19,330 20,211 20,571 21,619 22,189 23,311 26,302 25,609 25,974 26,496 27.673 20,192 29,963 31,874 32,737 34,471 35,942 37,933 38.412 42,267 27.95 27.66 27.28 26.86 26.58 26.34 26.06 25.71 25.41 25.15 25.03 24.95 24.77 24.63 24.56 24.29 23.89 23.61 23.59 23.71 23.68 23.53 23.36 23.19 23.25 23.37 23.62 23.70 23.64 23.57 18.29 1926 . .. 1957 18.04 1927 .... 1958 17.71 1928 1959 17.36 1929 1960 17.17 1930 1961 17.02 1931 1962 16.84 1932 1963 ... 16.60 1933 1964 . . 16.41 1934 1965 16.27 1935 1966 16.27 1936 1967 16.31 1937 1968 16.25 1938 1969 16.22 1939 1970 16.28 1940 1971 16.11 1941 1972 15.82 1942 1973 15.66 1943 1974 15.77 1944 .... 1975 16.00 1945 1976 16.07 1946 1977 16.02 1947 1978 15.95 1948 1979 15.87 1949 1980 16.01 1950.. .. 1981 16,23 1951 . 1982 16.56 1952 1983 16.70 1953 1984 16.68 1954 1985 16.66 1955 230 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A10. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Current-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross Net Year Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Annual totals Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross Total 129,600 83,031 134,664 86,794 138,148 89,369 146,343 94,830 150,680 97,260 143,802 91,941 125,192 79,205 111,463 69,523 116,865 71,829 122,460 74,219 124,267 74,452 135,034 80,197 145,980 86,004 149,977 87,656 154,738 90,044 167,156 96,956 183,085 105,963 197,091 112,873 213,162 120,365 230,190 128,094 247,693 135,966 290,554 160,323 341,370 190,528 371,585 210,672 389,680 223,263 427,135 249,242 162,920 273,009 484,643 288,153 501,620 300,579 525,987 317,852 560,314 342,427 1.868 1,965 2,020 2,092 2,244 2,238 2,045 1,058 1,634 1,813 1,793 1,886 2,107 2,191 2,231 2,346 2,599 2,804 3,017 3,259 3,486 3,844 4,794 5,443 5,749 6,162 6,913 7,375 7,720 8,049 8,568 631 660 703 733 789 800 778 653 660 755 789 848 954 1,012 1,070 1,136 1,256 1,378 1,555 1,735 1,903 2,128 2,688 2,972 3,085 3,259 3,621 3,754 3,901 4,016 4,241 26.59 26.33 26.17 26.12 26.33 26.81 27.34 28.02 28.74 29.42 29.99 30.42 30.83 31.23 31.46 31.64 31.77 32.26 32.90 33.58 34.18 34.03 33.57 32.92 32.47 31.66 31.17 30.77 30.37 29.94 29 37 19.80 19.37 19.09 18.94 19.09 19.53 20.04 20.72 21.44 22.10 22.62 22.98 23.30 23.60 23.70 23.73 23.69 24.13 24.77 25.43 26.02 25.54 24.72 23.71 23.01 21.93 21.29 20.79 20.32 19.84 19.25 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 587,464 606,882 627,729 652,990 676,035 698,419 723,120 738,413 782,509 817,074 880,537 925,385 1,034,266 1,132,139 1,195,457 1,327,005 1,478,007 1,693,579 1,929,988 2,094,258 2,356,277 2,738,907 3,206,871 3,676,834 4,098,401 4,503,045 4.483,970 4,833,911 5,132,762 5.325,771 361,660 375,455 390,946 409,688 425,962 441,560 459,106 471,540 502,050 526,165 567,478 596,380 667,831 731,905 772.214 860,459 964,656 1,109,890 1,262,175 1,363,500 1,532,333 1,785,154 2,095,090 2,407,398 2,676,405 2,928,454 2,893,937 3,112,749 3,307,652 3,435.123 9,184 9,584 9,956 10.407 10,917 11,350 11,785 12,196 12,784 13,493 14,441 15,353 16,699 18,929 20,371 22,473 25,491 28,292 32,605 36,409 40,083 45,978 53,097 61,856 69,958 77,234 81,931 85,548 90,582 96.205 4,423 4,648 4,757 4,942 5,106 5,360 5,450 5,633 5,768 6,139 6,480 6,950 7,424 8,496 9,057 10,060 11,841 12,596 14,242 15,870 17,706 20,866 23,714 28,097 31,747 35,983 38,921 41,922 44.049 48.839 28.97 28.67 28.28 27.83 27.53 27.29 27.00 26.57 26.25 25.97 25.83 25.67 25.51 25.30 25.13 24.87 24.51 24.23 24 11 24.21 24.22 24.12 24.00 23.82 23.85 23.96 24.08 24.18 24.10 24.03 Corporate 1925 2,297 2,505 2,697 2,966 3,122 2,995 2,621 2,334 2,448 2,560 2,595 2,822 3,057 3,140 3,247 3,500 3,826 4,116 4,450 4,802 5,160 5,984 6,923 7,425 7,718 8,306 8,821 9,062 9,214 9,461 9,815 1,615 1,791 1,954 2,165 2,273 2,153 1,858 1,625 1,674 1,720 1,716 1,843 1,974 2,004 2,054 2,193 2,372 2,512 2,666 2,821 2,973 3,415 3.933 4,219 4,385 4,725 4,981 5,070 5,113 5,206 5,359 40 43 47 51 55 56 51 42 41 46 45 47 53 55 56 58 65 70 75 80 86 94 116 130 136 145 161 170 176 181 189 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 12 13 15 15 16 19 20 21 22 24 27 29 34 38 43 55 61 63 69 76 76 80 85 88 19.52 18.72 18.05 17.71 17.82 18.41 19.05 19.86 20.70 21.54 22.29 22.89 23.44 24.02 24.42 24.87 25.30 25.96 26.74 27.56 28.33 28.75 28.99 29.02 29.04 28.97 29.22 29.49 29.71 29.94 30.19 14.49 13.63 12.95 12.63 12.75 13.34 13.98 14.80 15.63 16.46 17.19 17.74 18.23 18.75 19.06 19.43 19.77 20.41 21.18 22.02 22.80 23.07 23.09 22.84 22.59 22.28 22.40 22.57 22.66 22.78 22.87 1956 10,084 10,279 10,589 11,041 11,432 11,966 12,704 13,401 14,634 15,660 17,193 18,267 21,057 23,965 26,039 29,572 31,488 34,517 37,889 39,984 43,444 48,406 54,334 60,367 65,918 71,031 70,612 74,256 78,243 80,701 5,462 5,543 5,750 6,076 6,348 6,758 7,361 8,014 8,984 9,804 10,891 11,651 13,681 15,897 17,516 20,200 21,261 23,042 24,914 25,838 27,615 30,309 33,513 36,711 39,527 41,980 41,249 42,921 45,234 46,702 197 204 210 221 232 242 256 271 291 313 340 365 403 468 517 579 628 685 768 850 918 1,019 1,141 1,275 1,390 1,486 1,540 1,546 1,599 1,618 91 102 107 114 126 133 133 144 154 159 169 188 202 219 242 267 282 322 373 409 472 569 646 740 877 1,005 1,043 1,139 1,236 1,261 30.39 30.46 30.11 29.52 29.12 28.43 27.41 26.06 24.97 24.13 23.59 23.20 22.42 21.47 20.74 20.03 20.51 20.97 21.43 22.02 22.64 23.27 23.85 24.42 24.93 25.50 25.81 26.34 26.53 26.71 22.93 1926 1957 22.82 1927 1958 22.15 1928 1959 21.21 1929 1960 20.56 1930 1961 19.59 1931 1962 18.29 1932 1963 16.81 1933 1964 15.70 1934 1965 14.91 1935 1966 14.47 1936 1967 14.23 1937 1968 13.59 1938 1969 12.86 1939 1970 12.35 1940 1971 11.82 1941 1972 . 12.22 1942 1973 12.60 1943 1974 .. 13.05 1944 1975 13.65 1945 1976 1977 14.27 1946 14.85 1947 1978 15.39 1948 1979 16.08 1949 1980 16.78 1950 1981. 17.54 1951 1982 18.15 1952 1983.... 18.69 1953 1984.. . 19.01 1954 1985 19.28 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 231 Table A10. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 194(1 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 127,303 132,159 135,451 143,377 147,559 140,807 122.571 109.129 114,417 119,900 121,672 132,212 142,923 146,837 151,491 163,656 179,259 192,975 208,712 225,388 242,533 284,570 334,448 364,161 381,962 418,829 154,099 475,581 492,400 510,520 550,499 81,417 85,004 87,414 92,000 94,987 89,788 77,347 67,898 70,155 72,498 72,736 78,355 84,030 85,652 87.990 94.763 103,591 110,361 117,698 125,273 132,993 156.907 186,590 206.453 218,878 244,517 208,028 283.084 295.406 312,646 337,068 1.828 1,921 1.973 2.042 2,189 2,182 1,994 1,616 1.593 1.767 1,748 1,838 2,055 2,136 2,175 2,287 2,535 2,734 2,942 3,179 3.400 3,750 4,678 5,313 5,612 6,017 6,752 7,205 7,544 7,868 8,380 021 6,19 691 721 774 786 764 641 647 740 774 832 935 992 1,050 1,114 1,232 1,351 1,526 1,701 1,865 2,08.-, 2,633 2,910 3,022 3,189 3,545 3,678 3,821 3.931 4,153 2672 2648 2633 2029 26.51 26.99 27.52 28 19 28.91 29.59 30.15 30 58 30 99 31.38 31.61 31.78 31.91 32.40 33.04 33.71 34.31 34.14 3367 33 00 32.54 31.72 31.21 30.79 30.38 29 94 2936 19.90 19.50 19 23 19.09 19.24 19.68 20.19 20.86 21.57 22.23 22.75 23.11 23.42 23.71 23.81 23.83 23.78 2 I 22 2i >.-, 25.51 26.09 25,60 24.76 23.73 23.02 21.92 21.27 20.76 20 28 19.80 19 19 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 197 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1982 I9M 1985 577.380 596,603 617,140 641,949 664,603 686,454 710,417 725,011 767,875 801 111 863,344 907,117 1,013,209 1,108.174 1,169,417 1,297,433 1,446,520 1,659,063 1,892,099 2,054,274 2.312,833 2.690,501 3.152,537 3,616.467 4,032.483 4.432,014 4,413,358 4,759,655 5,054,518 5,245.071 356,198 369,913 385.196 403,612 419.614 434,802 451.745 463.526 493,066 516,361 556.587 584.730 654,150 716.007 754 098 840.259 943,395 1,086,848 1.237.261 1,337,663 1.504,717 1,754,845 2,061,577 2,370,087 2,636,878 2,886,475 2,852,688 3,069 -."I 3,262,418 3,388.421 8,987 9,381 9,746 10,186 10,685 11,108 11,530 11,925 12,492 13,180 14,101 14,988 10.29.. 18.460 19.854 21,894 24.863 27.607 31.837 35,559 39.164 44.959 51,955 60,581 68,568 75,748 HI. 391 84,002 ... 9S.J 94,587 4,331 4.546 4.649 4.828 4.981 5,227 5,317 5,489 5,613 5,981 6,311 6,762 7,223 8,277 8,814 9,793 11,558 12.275 13,870 15.401 17.234 20.297 23.068 27,357 30,870 34,978 37.878 40,782 42,813 47.578 28.94 28.64 28.24 27 80 27.51 27.27 27.00 26.58 26 28 26.01 25.87 25.72 25 58 25,38 25.23 24 98 24.59 24 30 24.16 24.25 24.25 24.14 24.00 23.81 23.83 23.93 24.05 24.15 24.07 23 99 Sole proprietorships and partnerships 1925 17,424 17,725 17,888 18,690 19,065 18,083 15,643 13,849 14,479 15,104 15,246 10,454 17,684 18,022 18.417 19.714 21.407 22,979 24,842 26,814 28,781 33,268 38,337 40.881 42,207 44,982 47,509 48,541 49,024 49,992 51.437 10,171 10,347 10,456 10,920 11,093 10,421 8,912 7.774 8,012 8.241 8,222 8,787 9,365 9,450 9,592 10.214 11.047 11.749 12.561 13,383 14.179 16,399 18,994 20,432 21,240 22,758 23,994 24.425 24,574 24,934 25.494 235 242 245 250 265 263 239 19.3 190 210 207 217 241 250 253 204 292 315 340 368 394 432 534 599 628 604 730 766 789 807 838 112 116 123 123 132 132 128 104 105 120 125 130 147 156 164 169 187 205 230 250 273 307 386 415 427 457 505 510 526 548 577 33 11 33.13 33.07 33.10 33.30 33.74 34.27 34.93 35.58 36.22 36,75 37.18 37.56 37.99 38 28 38.50 38.65 39.02 39.46 39.97 4046 40.44 40.21 39.82 39.47 39.17 39.13 39.14 39.14 39.19 39.28 22 91 23 78 24.08 24.62 25 32 20.01 26.67 27.19 27.58 27.89 2827 28.47 28,56 28.56 28.87 29 29 29.80 30.30 29.91 29.29 28.46 27.76 27.19 27.01 26.91 26.81 26.77 26.80 1956 52,428 52,830 53,295 54,124 54,810 56.065 57.493 58,410 61,515 63,785 68,374 71,636 82,654 94.726 104.206 120.534 141,706 169,402 198.019 216 103 243,489 282,703 331,659 390.827 449.545 498,943 502.660 534.965 ,-,76.661 607,246 25,844 25,901 26,088 26,538 26,838 27,723 28,773 29,772 31,831 33,407 36,134 38,181 45,875 54,909 62.422 74,874 91,697 112,659 133,029 145,067 162,759 189,035 222,238 263,321 303,533 334,738 333,677 352,359 380,016 400.214 877 898 917 944 974 1.004 1,036 1,070 1,122 1,183 1,263 1.346 1,495 1,706 1,989 2,275 2,630 3,131 3.738 4,294 4.750 5.454 6,324 7,498 8,791 9.889 10,610 11,045 11.961 12.716 589 613 636 660 676 698 718 744 757 790 844 909 966 1,078 1,174 1,297 1,390 1,569 1,832 2,077 2,322 2,693 3,172 3,688 4,250 4,776 5,175 5.590 6.026 6,246 39 31 39.34 39.18 38 89 38.72 38.15 37.50 36.49 35.70 34.99 34.42 33.76 32.00 29 90 28.16 26,40 24.42 22.97 22.14 22.01 21.96 21.84 21.63 21.24 20 99 21.14 21.31 21.56 21.45 21.36 26.74 1926 1957 26.68 1927 1958 26.41 1928 1959 25.98 1929 1960 25.71 1920 1961 24.90 1931 1962 24.03 1932 1963 22.88 1933 1964 21.96 1934 1965 21.20 1935 1966 20 113 1936 1967 20 08 1937 1968 18.28 1938 1969 16.45 1939 1970 15.13 1940 1971 13.81 1941 1972 12.44 1942 1973 11 111 1943 1974 11.33 1944 1975 11.58 1945 1976 1 1 86 1946 1977 12.07 1947 1978 12.19 1948 1979 12.37 1949 1980 1265 1950 1981 13 15 1951 1982 1.3.70 1952 1983 14 08 1953 1984 1428 1954 1985 14.47 1955 232 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A10. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- t-* , tion : D ' scards Average age Gross stock Net stock De rr a - 1 Di — ds Average age Gross Net 1 Gross | Net Nonprofit institutions 11125 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 193.3 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1940 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 3,022 3,262 3,437 3,708 3,878 3,749 3,276 2,921 3.070 3,221 3,270 3,552 3.844 3,947 4,070 4,384 1,780 5,125 5.517 5.935 0,355 7,323 8,377 8,837 9,04(1 9,563 10,064 10,237 10,328 111.538 10.893 2.001 2.251 2,384 2,570 2,672 2,553 2,193 1,910 1,972 2,028 2,022 2,162 2,307 2,335 2,381 2,539 2,737 2,882 3,033 3,191 3.343 3,807 4,304 4,504 4,573 4,816 5,029 5,077 5.099 5,193 5,369 96 102 110 117 126 153 167 170 176 189 195 198 200 206 12 13 15 15 18 19 19 16 17 21 22 25 28 31 32 36 40 46 50 60 64 77 93 111 111 125 133 148 lis 162 164 19.70 19.07 18.75 18.68 18.84 19.25 19.86 20 60 21.36 22.09 22.74 23.31 23.81 24.33 24.72 25.09 25.48 20 12 26.90 27.67 28.41 28.80 29,29 29 02 29.93 30.16 30.48 30.81 31.0.3 31.20 31.30 14.60 13.88 13.52 13.44 13.60 13.99 14.62 15.36 16.14 16.87 17.51 18.04 18.49 18.94 19.23 19.49 19.77 20.39 21.20 22.00 22.75 23.05 23.32 23.45 23.53 23.51 2:; 02 23.75 23.71 23.61 23.40 1950 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1908 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 11.154 11,317 11.521 11,812 12.066 12,445 13,069 13,409 14,405 15,280 16,691 17,580 19,668 21,412 22,329 24,354 27,098 31.072 35.029 38,170 42,826 49,527 57,704 66,580 75,123 83,010 83,139 88,540 94,911 99,450 5,517 5,626 5,801 6,035 6,241 6,564 7,129 7,513 8,303 9,034 10,047 10,681 12,042 13,167 13,720 14,936 16.802 19,450 21,899 23,842 26,691 30.820 35,898 41,359 46,487 50,956 50,559 53,263 57,079 59,770 214 218 222 229 236 244 256 270 286 308 337 361 393 444 469 505 548 618 704 785 860 981 1,127 1,311 1,494 1,653 1,749 1,804 1,941 2,038 181 182 194 194 208 207 217 215 226 227 242 247 265 286 302 314 337 364 409 436 479 539 613 681 771 843 880 919 992 1,024 31.30 31.25 30.96 30.57 30.26 29.69 28.61 27.66 26.65 25.68 24.95 24.50 24.13 23.84 23.73 23.69 23.18 22.71 22.60 22.49 22.48 22.46 22.39 22.43 22.54 22.81 23.09 23.42 23.45 23.48 Persons 1925 1110,857 111,172 114.127 120,978 124,615 118.974 103,051 92,359 90.808 101,575 103,156 112.207 121,395 124,808 129,004 139,557 153,073 164,871 178,353 192.040 207.397 243,979 287,734 314,443 330,715 301,281 390.520 110,803 433,054 455,990 488,169 69,185 72,405 74,574 79,175 81,222 76.814 66,243 58 201 60,171 62,229 1)2,492 67,405 72,359 73,807 70.010 82,010 89,807 95,731 102.104 108.099 115,471 130.701 163.297 181,517 193,005 210,943 239,006 253.582 265,793 282,519 300,204 1,537 1,618 1,662 1,722 1,847 1,842 1,683 1,365 1,346 1.494 1,478 1,556 1,740 1,810 1,845 1,942 2,153 2,323 2,500 2,701 2,889 3.192 3,992 4,547 4,815 5,177 5,832 6,244 6.558 6.861 7.335 497 520 554 582 625 635 617 520 525 599 627 677 760 805 853 909 1,000 1,100 1,246 1,392 1,528 1,702 2.154 2,385 2,484 2,607 2,906 3,019 3,147 3,222 3,413 25 88 25.63 25.50 25.47 25.71 26.20 2074 27.42 28.16 28.84 2941 29.84 30.26 30.65 30.87 31.04 31.16 31.67 32.33 33.02 33.64 33.45 32.92 32.21 31.73 30.84 30.28 29.82 29,38 28 90 28.27 19.47 19.06 18.80 18.66 18.82 19.27 19.78 20.44 21.16 21.82 22.34 :: 08 23.00 23.28 23.36 23.37 23.32 23.76 24.41 25.09 25.67 25.15 24.27 23.20 22.48 21.33 20.64 20.11 19.62 19.11 18.48 1956 513,798 532,456 552.32 1 576,013 597,727 617,944 639,855 653,193 691,955 722,349 778,280 817,903 910,888 992,037 1,042,884 1,152,545 1,277.716 1,458.589 1,659,051 1.799,641 2,026,518 2,358.273 2,763,176 3.159,054 3,507,815 3,850,060 3.827,559 4,130,149 1,382,940 4.538,374 324,837 338,386 353,307 371.039 386,535 400,515 415,844 426.242 452,932 473,920 510,407 535,868 596,234 647,933 678,558 750,450 834,897 954,739 1,082,333 1,168,753 1,315,268 1,534,990 1.803.442 2,000,007 2.286,857 2,500,781 2,468,452 2.664,206 2,825,323 2,928,436 7,896 8.264 8.606 9.014 9.474 9,861 10,237 10.586 11.084 11,689 12,501 13,281 14,407 16,251 17,397 19.115 21,685 23,859 27,395 30,481 33,554 38,524 44,504 51,772 58,283 64,205 f,8,032 71.153 75,081 79.833 3,562 3,750 3,819 3,975 4,097 4,322 4,383 4,531 4,630 4,964 5,225 5,606 5,991 6,912 7,339 8,182 9,831 10,341 11,629 12,948 14,433 17,065 19.283 22.988 25,849 29,360 31,824 34,274 35.796 40,309 27.83 27.53 27.13 26.70 26.42 26.23 26.02 25.67 25.43 25.22 25.14 25.04 25.03 24.98 24.97 24.86 24.64 24.48 24.44 24.56 24.56 24.45 24.32 24.16 24.23 24.32 24.43 24.50 24.42 24.36 18.09 1926 1957 17.84 1927 1958 17.52 1928 [959 17.19 1929 1960 17 01 1930 1961 16.92 1931 1962 16 81 1932 16.61 1933 1964 16.48 1934 1965 1966 10 39 1043 1936 1967 16.46 1937 1968 16.54 1938 1969 16.62 1970 10.75 1940 1971 10.73 1941 1972 10.58 1942 1973 16.52 1943 1974 16.61 1944 1975 16.82 194". 1976 10.87 1940 1977 16.80 1947 1978 16.72 1948 1979 16.59 1949 1980 1071 1950 1981 10.87 1951 198'' 17 118 1952 19,83 17.19 198 1 17.13 1954 1985 17.08 1955 , FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 233 Table A10. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry. Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 14,400 14,438 14,360 14,821 14,998 14,183 12,230 10,810 11,291 11,770 11,866 12,778 13,703 13.932 14,188 15,155 16,415 17,604 19,027 20,535 22,029 25,399 29,178 30.993 31,884 33,823 3 ,1,11! 36,235 36,439 36,997 37,860 .- 056 8,010 7,915 8,114 8,150 7,635 6,506 5,671 5,844 6,012 5,99x 6,399 6,806 6,852 6,928 7,368 7,959 8,473 9,0X1 9,696 10,287 11.892 13,750 14,749 15,296 16,315 17,157 17,405 17,438 17,614 17,882 184 186 184 185 r.n 191 173 139 L37 151 149 156 174 179 181 190 209 225 243 264 283 309 380 124 441 464 506 527 538 546 563 99 102 107 107 114 114 110 ss 88 101 105 109 123 130 138 140 156 171 192 206 225 251 315 336 346 367 407 411 121 437 462 3586 36.29 36.63 36.97 37.35 37 -I 38.37 39.02 39 64 40.24 40.72 41.15 41.52 41.96 42.28 42.47 42.60 4290 43.24 13 66 44.09 44.01 43.74 4333 42.95 42.67 42.63 4266 42.70 42.78 4296 26 28 2664 2689 27.16 27.45 27.86 28 42 29.10 2973 30.33 30.78 31.13 31.39 31.77 31.98 31.98 31 80 32.07 3233 32.71 33.09 3253 31.77 30 82 3001 29.40 29.17 29 115 28 95 28 93 2906 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 38,35.8 38.378 38.322 38,446 38,489 38.628 38,719 38,274 39.206, 39.600 41,537 12,686 46,224 49,227 50,760 54,327 58, Oil.'! 63,986 71,851 76,325 83,321 93,811 100.178 117,119 127,439 136,499 134,134 139.518 143.548 1 13,669 17,990 17,851 17,695 17,648 17,514 17,494 17,425 17,191 17,517 17.585 18.375 is.ss:; 20.330 21.585 22,201 23,631 25,188 27.565 31,303 33,246 36,212 40,920 46,413 50,9 ,1 55,559 59 26,5 58 2:::: 60,002 61,856 61.754 584 591 603 613 620 627 631 642 658 6X6 717 763 841 885 947 1.007 1,100 1,245 1,378 1,483 1,659 1,872 2.097 2,323 2,522 2.624 2.673 2.768 2.823 468 478 493 508 507 518 536 548 546 567 607 643 676 ', 57 812 891 954 1,061 1,225 1,375 1,499 1,6,96 1,973 2,272 2,555 2,777 2,980 3,119 3,325 3,369 43.09 4.3 27 43.37 4340 43.53 43.53 43.56 43.33 4332 43.31 43.23 42.91 42.96 42.74 42.43 12 12 42.41 42.45 4170 li 53 41.54 41 44 41.33 41.31 41.04 40.98 40.50 4075 in 51 40 52 29.10 29.21 29.25 29.21 29 30 29.17 2913 28X4 28.72 28.64 28 16 28 06 27.99 27 73 27.44 27.38 27.21 27.19 26 28 ' 25.86 2549 2 , 20 !5.20 24.88 24.84 24 54 2482 24 57 2453 Real estate 115.200 74,976 120.221; 78,784 123.787 81,453 131,522 86,717 135,682 89,110 129,620 84,306 112,961 72,699 100.653 63,852 105,574 65,985 110,690 68,206 112,402 68,454 122.256 73,798 132,277 79,198 136,044 80,803 140,550 83,116 152,001 89,588 166,670 98,005 179,487 104,400 194,135 111,284 209,654 118,398 225,664 125,678 265,155 148,431 312.193 176,778 340,592 195,923 357,796 207,966 393,312 232,927 427,319 255,852 448,408 270,748 465,181 283.141 4X8.990 300.238 522.454 324.545 1.6,84 1,779 1,836 1,907 ' 2,048 1,872 1,519 1.498 1,661 1.643 1.729 1.933 2.011 2,049 2,1.56 2.390 2.579 2,774 2,995 3,203 3.535 4,414 5,020 5.308 5,698 6,407 6,848 7.182 7,503 8,005 532 55X 596 626 675 6X6 668 565 572 654 684 739 832 8X2 933 995 1.101 1,207 1,362 1,530 1,678 1,876 2,372 2,636 2,739 2,892 3,213 3,343 3,479 3,579 3,7X0 25.44 25.14 24.95 24.89 25 1 1 25.60 26.15 26X3 27.58 28.27 28.85 29.30 29.72 30.13 30.37 : i 30.70 31.22 31.89 32.59 33.22 3308 32.62 31.97 31.54 30.72 30.21 29.X1 29.41 28.97 19.10 18.64 1- :::: 18.17 18.32 18.78 19.29 19.97 20 70 21.38 21.91 •2 28 2260 22.91 23.01 23.05 23.03 2349 24.15 24.84 25.44 24.98 24.18 23.18 22.49 21.40 20.76 20 26 19.79 19.31 18 71 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1961 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 197.; 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 549,106 568,504 ',89 106 614,543 637. 546 659,791 684,401 700,139 743,303 777,474 839,000 882.699 988.042 1,082,912 1,144,696 1,272.677 1.419,914 1,629,593 1.858,137 2,017,933 2,272,955 2,645,096 3,100,693 3,559,715 3,970,962 4,366,546 4.349.837 1,694,393 4.989,213 5,182,102 343.670 357,605 373,252 592.0.10 408,418 424,066 441.681 151,3 19 484,532 508,5X0 549,103 577,497 647,502 710,320 750,012 836,828 939 16,9 1 0X2 326 1,230,872 1,330,254 1,496,121 1,744.234 2,048,677 2,356.448 2,620,846 2 869 190 2.835,704 3,052,747 3,245,796 3,373,369 8,600 8,993 9,361 9,804 10,304 10,731 11,158 11.565 12,141 12,835 13,755 14.636 15,936 18,0X1 19.4X6 21,526 24,485 27,192 31,360 55,032 38,599 44.319 51.225 59,759 67,635 74,711 79,307 82.874 87,814 93,382 3,9 ,1 4,170 4,263 4.434 4,600 4,842 4,915 5,0X5 5,222 5,572 5,874 6,307 6.749 7,740 8,245 9,169 10,8X7 11,535 13.017 14,495 16.207 19.170 21,741 25,825 29,192 33,206 35,942 38,803 40,724 45,470 27 98 27,69 27,29 26 86 26 57 26.34 26,07 .' ,6,6 2535 25.09 24.97 24.83 24.70 24 50 24.36 24.12 23.77 23,51 2343 2356 23.58 25 51 23.41 23.25 23.30 23.43 23,57 23 69 2363 23 5,8 18,32 18.07 17.73 17.37 17 16 17.03 16.85 1657 16.38 1624 16.24 16,24 16 20 16 15 16.15 16.01 15.75 15.61 15.67 15.91 16.01 16,01 1597 15 90 16.04 16.26 16 53 16,69 16.68 1666 234 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table All. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 1925 1920 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 72,133 51,557 77,589 56,131 82,648 60,247 87,324 63,916 90,817 66,355 92,708 67,161 94,037 67,408 94,348 66,646 94,505 65,749 94,852 65,056 95,589 64,773 96,884 65,048 98,508 65,641 100,192 66,285 102,594 67,640 105,365 69,333 108,727 71,581 110,182 71,897 110,721 71,313 111.166 70,652 111.970 70,363 118,885 76,121 1311.136 86,056 145,212 99,552 158.960 111.487 178,450 128,886 195.948 143.964 213,344 158,639 231,531 173,795 251,255 190,177 274,942 210,174 1.070 1,159 1,245 1,325 1,392 1,437 1,462 1,471 1,469 1,470 1,477 1,494 1,518 1,545 1,578 1,620 1,671 1,712 1,725 1,728 1,736 1,815 2.006 2.280 2,569 2,887 3,240 3,578 3,930 4,298 4,712 265 277 302 318 337 352 380 399 415 430 457 473 488 505 531 543 557 573 602 621 643 666 704 728 763 800 838 857 897 957 1,022 20.73 20.07 19.65 19.41 19.47 19.90 20.43 21.17 21.94 22.66 23.26 23.72 24.10 24.45 24.63 24.72 24.70 25.12 25.73 26.35 26.88 26 02 24.47 22.65 21.42 19.81 18.79 18.03 17.39 16.80 16.14 14.63 14.02 13.66 13.49 13.62 14.08 14.64 15.40 16.19 16.92 17.53 17.97 18.31 18.62 18.73 18.75 18.63 19.03 19.64 20.26 20.76 19.61 17.79 15.88 14.71 13.28 12.50 11.96 11.55 11.20 10.79 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 297,321 318.509 342,345 368,276 392,309 416,344 442,549 471,499 501,201 531,127 559,002 587,078 621,467 659,093 695,856 746,963 810,624 876,946 934,429 987,938 1,058,876 1,154,432 1,268,025 1,401,442 1,518,213 1.632.261 1,730,543 1,863,618 2,035,980 2,215,047 228,473 245,225 264,276 285,031 303,484 321,564 341,426 363,605 386,057 408,277 428,015 447,557 472,908 500,904 527,428 567,578 619,427 672,632 715,910 754,260 809,013 887,002 981.265 1,093.327 1,186,574 1,275,151 1,346,367 1,450,672 1,591,650 1,736,580 5.161 5.601 6,049 6,538 7,039 7,527 8,028 8,567 9,143 9,738 10,324 10,900 11,549 12,317 13,137 14,141 15,799 16,854 18,182 19,346 20,737 22,497 24.642 27.339 29,907 32.397 34.855 37,414 40,488 44,603 1,081 15.73 1,166 15.49 1,264 15.22 1,362 14.96 1,459 14.87 1,573 14.83 1,685 14.78 1,796 14.70 1,893 14.66 2,032 14.67 2,188 14.77 2,366 14.90 2,512 14.91 2,686 14.89 2,898 14.94 3,182 14.75 3,979 14.40 3,735 14.14 3,977 14.11 4,186 14.19 4,552 14.07 4,929 13.74 5,311 13.34 5,981 12.90 6,383 12.76 6,926 12.71 7,787 12.84 8,640 12.77 9,105 12.53 0,458 12.36 Corporate 1925 1,445 1,659 1,880 2,075 2,212 2,264 2,300 2,302 2,303 2,304 2,313 2,341 2,378 2,412 2,465 2,514 2,568 2,592 2.600 2,600 2,602 2,6811 2.816 3,020 3,232 3,469 3,635 3,797 3,975 4,153 4,346 1.121 1,310 1.504 1,668 1,773 1,790 1,793 1,762 1,730 1,701 1,680 1,677 1,685 1,689 1,712 1,730 1,752 1,742 1,717 1.684 1,654 1,700 1.800 1,963 2,129 2,314 2,422 2,519 2,627 2,732 2,847 26 30 34 38 41 43 44 44 44 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 48 49 49 49 48 5(1 54 60 67 74 81 88 95 101 108 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 27 31 14.20 13.21 12.52 12.21 12.33 12.95 13.64 14.51 15.39 16.26 17 06 17.71 18.27 18.86 19.28 19.73 20.13 20.77 21.53 22 35 23.13 23.25 22.89 22.12 21.44 20.74 20.57 20.48 20.35 20.26 20.14 10.14 9.35 8.84 8.68 8.90 9.56 10.27 11.16 12.05 12.92 13.72 14.36 14.89 15.44 15.79 16.18 16.51 17.13 17 88 18.71 19.48 19 38 18.72 17.60 16.68 15.82 15.61 15.49 15.33 15.22 15.07 1956 4,538 4.768 5,137 5,605 6,031 6,599 7,367 8,325 9,309 10,263 11,126 11,905 13,204 14,933 16,546 18,438 18,719 19,090 19,394 19,639 19,959 20,412 21,010 21,801 22,539 23,180 24,040 24,745 26,292 27,919 2,959 3,107 3,392 3,771 4,104 4,573 5,232 6,067 6,915 7,717 8,412 9,013 10,117 11,623 13,004 14,663 14,736 14,892 14,950 14,900 14,917 15,069 15,348 15.730 16,054 16,305 16,718 17,117 18,265 19,507 115 123 131 142 153 165 180 198 218 239 258 276 299 332 369 408 436 455 479 503 529 560 597 628 644 654 666 669 686 707 35 41 47 53 61 66 70 76 82 86 91 98 105 109 115 123 129 137 147 155 169 188 205 224 249 282 305 338 374 407 20.07 19.86 19.18 18.32 17.77 16.97 15.94 14.84 14.02 13.49 13.22 13.14 12.62 11.94 11.48 10.93 11.27 11.54 11.91 12.41 12.84 13.12 13.31 13.66 14.08 14.54 15.05 15.29 15.36 15.41 14.96 1926 1957 14.71 1927 1958 13.93 1928 1959 13.01 1929 .. 1960 12.45 1930 1961..; 11.69 1931 1962 . 10.76 1932 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 '.: 1979 1980 9.85 1933 9.24 1934 8.91 1935 8.82 1936 8.89 1937 8.57 1938 8.12 1939 7.85 1940 7.47 1941 7.82 1942 8.09 1943 8.47 1944 9.01 1945 9.47 1946 9.78 1947 9.99 1948 10.40 1949 10.88 1950 1981 11.36 1951 1982 11.94 1952 1983 12.14 1954 1984 12.19 1985 12.20 1955 .... FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 235 Table All. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net ( iros.s Net Noncorporate 70,687 50.437 75,930 54,821 80,768 58,744 85,249 62,248 88,605 64,582 90,445 65,370 91,738 65,615 92,046 64,884 92,203 64.018 92,547 63,355 93,276 63,093 94,543 63,370 96,130 63,956 97.781 64,596 100,130 65,928 102,851 67,604 106,159 69,829 107,590 70,155 108,120 69,596 108,567 68,968 109,368 68,708 116,205 74,421 127,320 84,256 142,192 97,589 155,729 109,358 174,981 126,571 192,313 141,542 209,546 156,120 227,556 171,167 247,101 187,446 270,596 207,327 1.043 1,129 1,211 1,287 1,351 1,394 1,418 1,427 1,426 1,427 1,434 1,450 1,474 1.501 1,533 1,574 1,624 1.663 1,676 1,679 1,688 1,765 1,952 2,220 2,502 2,813 3,158 3,490 3,835 4,197 4,604 259 271 295 311 328 343 370 388 403 418 444 459 474 190 516 527 541 558 587 605 627 648 686 708 743 777 815 834 873 930 991 20 86 20 22 19.81 19 58 19.65 20.07 20 60 21.34 22.10 22.82 23.42 23 87 24 24 24 59 24.76 24.85 24.81 25 22 25 83 26.45 26.97 26, 09 24.51 2266 21.42 19.79 18.76 17.98 17,33 16.75 16.08 14.73 14.13 13.79 13.62 13.75 14.20 14.76 15.52 16 30 17.03 17.63 18.06 18.40 18.71 is 81 18 81 18.69 19.07 1968 20.30 20.80 19,61 17.77 15.84 14.67 13.24 12.44 11.90 11.49 11.14 10.73 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 292,783 313,741 337,208 362,671 386,278 409,745 435,181 463,174 491,892 520,864 547,876 575,173 608,263 644,160 679,310 728,525 791,905 857,856 915,034 968,299 1,038,916 1,134,020 1,247,015 1.379,641 1,495,674 1,609,080 1,706,503 1.838.873 2,009,688 2,187,129 225,513 242,118 26,0,884 281,260 299,380 316,991 336.194 357,538 379,142 400,560 419,603 438,545 462,791 489.281 514,424 552,914 604,691 657,740 700,960 739,360 794,097 871,934 965,917 1,077,596 1,170,521 1,258,845 1,329,649 1.433,554 1,573,385 1,717,073 5,046 5,478 5,918 6,396 6.886 7,361 7,848 8,369 8.925 9,499 10,066 10,624 11,250 11,985 12.768 13,733 15.363 16.399 17.704 18.842 20.209 21.937 24.044 26,712 29,263 31.743 34,189 36,745 39,802 4 3, 8! 15 1.045 1,125 1,217 1,309 1,398 1,506 1,615 1,720 1,811 1,946 2,097 2,268 2,407 2,577 2.784 3.060 3,850 3,598 3,830 4,031 4,383 4,741 5,106 5,757 6,133 6.644 7.482 8.302 8,732 10,051 15 66 15.42 15.16 14.91 14.82 14.80 14.76 14.70 14.67 14.69 14.80 14.94 14.96 14.96 15.03 14.84 14.47 14.20 14.15 14.22 14.10 13.75 1334 12 80 12.74 12.69 12.81 12.74 1249 12 32 10 53 1049 10.42 in:;;, 10.41 10.52 10.61 1066 1073 10.84 11.03 11 23 11.31 11.37 11.48 11.34 11.02 10.80 10.81 10.93 10.85 1(1 55 10 20 9.81 9.73 9.74 9 92 9.89 9.69 9.57 Sole proprietorships and partnerships 9.255 9.658 10,025 10,313 10.454 10,520 10,506 10,495 10,492 10,523 10,598 10,712 10,798 10,940 11,126 11,368 11,507 11,605 11,678 11,751 12,218 12,975 14,018 15,034 16.059 16.887 17,647 18,410 19,121 19,785 5.839 6,126 6.439 6.711 6,901 6,941 6,908 6,796 6.691 6,596 6,538 6.524 6.549 6,545 6,599 6,692 6,838 6.877 6,876 6,849 6,822 7,213 7,876 8,796 9,659 10,504 11,130 11,665 12,184 12.632 13,020 1 25 131 137 144 149 153 155 155 1 55 154 155 156 158 160 163 166 172 176 179 181 182 190 208 235 264 291 317 342 367 392 416 43 II 47 19 51 53 56 58 6(1 62 66 66 69 71 7 1 74 75 77 79 81 83 85 89 91 94 99 103 104 107 115 123 26 71 26 33 25.93 25.69 25.67 26.03 26 56 27.29 27 99 28.67 29.23 29117 29 98 3036 30.57 30.67 30 62 30.85 31.18 31.57 31.95 31.12 2972 27.97 26.59 25.45 24.77 24.28 23 86 2355 23 34 18 15 18.06 17.67 17.44 17.46 17.86 18.43 19 20 19.95 20.66 21.25 21 68 21.96 22 33 22.50 22.52 22 38 22 58 22.90 23 30 23.68 22 46 20.72 18.78 17.41 16.38 15.85 15.51 15.24 15.09 15 1)2 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 197(1 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 198 1 1982 1983 1984 1985 20,526 21,289 22,197 23,288 24,262 25,889 27,701 29,810 32,031 34,186 36,309 38,414 43.979 51.332 58.720 68,525 82,039 95.692 106.664 113,844 121,404 131,333 144,032 162,994 182,409 196,821 209,400 221,984 244,898 268,770 13,468 13.920 14,501 15,245 15,853 17,090 18,482 20,136 21,864 23,485 25,039 26,540 31,431 37,982 44,460 53.230 65.461 77,576 86.811 91,927 97,280 104,811 114.906 130,258 145,552 155,900 164,138 172.986 190,734 208,03-1 442 469 498 530 562 599 643 600 743 797 852 907 '.10' I 1.145 1,310 1,500 1.758 2.057 2.338 2,570 2,765 2.996 3.286 3,715 4,229 4,689 5,109 5,494 6,076 6,742 130 140 154 167 l.-l 194 209 223 238 255 274 297 319 338 368 401 431 462 510 560 614 coo 755 835 927 1,030 1.156 1,297 1,433 1.566 23 00 22,85 22,50 22 04 21.76 21.00 20 25 19.44 18.74 18.22 17.83 17.52 1598 14.38 13.26 12.04 10.77 9.97 9.70 9.94 10.17 10.25 10.19 10.15 10.21 10.47 10.84 10.94 10.91 1092 14 90 14.78 14.56 14 23 14.08 13.46 12.86 12.25 11.76 11.43 11.23 11.11 9.90 8.76 8.06 7.31 6.57 6.21 6.22 6.65 7.05 7.30 7.41 7.55 7.78 8.13 8.57 8.70 8.73 8.79 236 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table All. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonprofit institutions 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 193.", 19311 1937 1938 1939 1941) 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 r.nii 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1.904 2,151 2.304 2,542 2,689 2,785 2,829 2,842 2,850 2,863 2,884 2,917 2,962 3,005 3,066 3,130 3,198 3,219 3,214 3.207 3,206 3,274 3,301 3,480 3,609 3,756 3,887 4,011 4,170 4,340 4, ,12 1,442 1,652 1,824 1,958 2,059 2,106 2,100 2,065 2,025 1,991 1,966 1,954 1,954 1,952 1,969 1,988 2,010 1,9X7 1.938 1.890 1,849 1,879 1,926 2,007 2,094 2.201 2,288 2.369 2,481 2.000 2.758 14.39 13.60 13.24 13.18 13.33 13.75 14.42 15.23 16.05 16.83 17.55 18.18 18.72 19.25 19.66 20.04 20.39 21.02 21.81 22.58 23.31 23.51 23.58 23.41 23 24 22.95 22.81 22 71) 22.45 22.15 21.75 10.26 9.60 9.36 9.40 9.62 111.1)8 10.78 11.61 12.45 13.24 13.96 14.57 15.07 15.55 15.87 16.15 16.39 16.98 17.77 18.55 19.24 1920 18.98 18.47 17.97 17.38 17.01 16.73 10.28 15.82 15.28 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1908 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 4,772 5,024 5,357 5,732 6,083 6,556 7,275 7,967 8,769 9,631 10,444 11,129 11.847 12,586 13,182 13,802 15,021 16.395 17.408 18,610 19,831 21,295 23,101 25,153 27,171 28,997 30,727 32,384 35,379 38,504 2,939 3,136 3,413 3,725 4,008 4,406 5,039 5,628 6,313 7,038 7,697 8.210 8.744 9,280 9,668 10,073 11,064 12,186 12,926 13,815 14,701 15,805 17,225 18,729 20,147 21,376 22,459 23,592 25,857 28,194 105 111 119 128 137 148 163 181 200 221 242 262 279 297 312 326 346 374 400 426 454 484 519 567 617 664 711 755 823 900 55 21.27 57 20.78 63 20.04 64 19.31 70 18.76 72 17.99 77 16.79 78 15.95 83 15.11 84 14.41 88 13.95 90 13.78 94 13.64 95 13.55 99 13.63 100 13.69 104 13.25 105 12.82 110 12.77 113 12.71 119 12.70 124 12.61 133 12.41 139 12.56 150 12.79 160 13.06 174 13.43 188 13.48 206 13.40 222 13.34 1925 59,903 64,524 68,746 72,681 75,602 77,205 78,389 78,698 78,858 79,193 79,869 81,029 82,456 83.978 86,123 88,595 91,594 92,865 93,302 93,681 94,411 100,713 110,984 124,694 137,086 155,166 171,539 187,889 204,976 223,641 246,270 43,156 47.043 50,480 53,579 55,622 56,323 56,607 56,023 55,303 54,767 54,589 54.893 55.454 56,099 57,361 58,924 00.982 61,292 60,783 60,229 60,037 115,329 74.453 86,786 97,605 113.866 128.124 1 12,080 156,502 172,208 191,548 882 955 1,026 1,091 1,146 1,182 1,203 1,211 1,211 1,213 1,219 1,234 1,255 1,278 1,307 1,343 1,387 1,421 1,431 1,433 1,440 1,510 1,675 1.914 2,164 2,444 2,759 3,063 3,379 3,711 4,090 211 221 241 255 268 281 303 318 331 343 365 378 389 401 424 434 447 459 485 500 519 535 567 585 615 641 674 688 723 767 818 20.20 19.57 19.18 18.96 19.06 19.49 20.02 20.77 21.54 22.26 22.86 23 32 23.69 24.04 24.20 24.28 24.24 24.67 25.31 25.95 26.48 25.56 23.93 22.04 20.80 19.13 18.08 17.29 16.65 16.06 15.39 14.37 13.78 13.45 13.30 13.44 13.90 14.46 15.21 16.00 16.72 17.33 17.76 18.09 18.39 18.48 18.48 18.35 18.75 19.38 20.02 20.52 19.31 17.43 15.49 14.33 12.87 12.07 11.52 11.12 10.78 10.37 1956 267,485 287,429 309,653 333,651 355,934 377,301 400,205 425,397 451,092 477,048 501,123 525,632 552,437 580,243 607,408 646,198 694,846 745,769 790,962 835,845 897,681 981,392 1,079,882 1,191,493 1,286,093 1,383,261 1 100,375 1,584.505 1,729,410 1,879,853 209,107 225,063 242,970 262,291 279,518 295,496 312,673 331,774 350,965 370,038 386,868 403,795 422.617 442.019 460,297 489,612 528,166 567,978 601,222 633,618 682,115 751,317 833,786 928,610 1,004,820 1,081,568 1,143,052 1.236,976 1,356,794 1,479.945 4,500 4,898 5,301 5.739 6,187 6,615 7,042 7,498 7,983 8,481 8,971 9,455 9,972 10,543 11,146 11,907 13,259 13,967 14,966 15.845 16,990 18,458 20,240 22,430 24,417 26,389 28,368 30.496 32,903 36,253 860 928 1,001 1,078 1,147 1,240 1,329 1,419 1,490 1,607 1,735 1,881 1,994 2,145 2,317 2,558 3,315 3,0.31 3,209 3,358 3,651 3,949 4,218 4,783 5,057 5,454 6,152 6,817 7,093 8,264 14.99 14.78 14.55 14.34 14.28 14.32 14.35 14.34 14.37 14.44 14.60 14.77 14.91 15.04 15.23 15.17 14.94 14.77 14.79 14.84 14.66 14.24 13.78 13.27 13.09 12.99 13.08 12.97 12.70 12.50 10.19 1926 1957 10.17 1927 1958 10.13 1928 1959 10.09 1929 1900 10.17 1930 1961 10.33 1931. 1962.. .. 10.47 1932 1963 10.57 1933 1964 10.69 1934 1965 10.84 1935 . 1966 11.06 1936 . . 1967 11.28 1937 . . 1968 11.46 1938 1969 11.64 1939 1970 11.85 1940 1971 11.81 1941 1972 11.61 1942 1973 11.47 1943 1974 11.51 191 1 1975 11.59 1945 1976 11.42 1946 1977 11.03 1947 1978 :.- 10.60 1948 1979 10.14 1949 1980 10.01 1950 1981 9.97 1951 1982 10.10 1952 1983 10.04 1953 1984 9.82 1951 1985 9.67 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 237 Table All. — Private Residential Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 0.993 7.097 7,223 7,343 7,459 7,534 7,553 7,535 7,523 7,518 7,537 7,576 7,642 7,684 7,757 7,878 8,041 8,144 8,22!) 8,299 8.362 8,692 9,216 9,925 10,618 11,277 11,825 12,292 12,740 13,132 13,433 4,381 4,429 4,500 4,564 4,623 4,641 4,605 4.531 4,466 4,408 4,377 4,364 4,379 4,370 4,392 4.460 4.569 4.616 4,644 4,656 4.661 4,958 5,437 6,082 6.691 7,249 7,683 8,026 8,340 8..-.9II 8,743 91 92 94 95 97 99 99 99 99 99 99 100 102 103 105 107 111 114 116 118 120 124 136 151 168 184 198 212 224 236 247 29.97 30.19 30.31 30.46 30.62 30.95 31.49 32.18 3283 33.43 33.91 34.30 34.54 34 89 35.08 35.06 34 86 34 93 35.06 35.26 35.48 34.36 32.68 30.68 29.09 27.84 27.03 26.49 26.04 25.75 2566 21.12 21.29 21.35 21.44 21.56 21.85 2239 23.11 2378 24.40 24.86 2520 25.37 2567 25.78 25.62 2525 25.22 2530 25.46 25.65 24.01 21.92 19.72 18.16 17.08 16.45 16.07 15.80 15.67 15.72 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19.85 13,784 14,108 14,414 14.765 15,051 15,480 15,845 16,233 16,669 17,053 17,538 18,071 18,617 19,178 19,716 20,340 21,135 21,805 23.269 24.451 25.640 27,463 29.289 30,543 32.550 34,111 35,740 36,80!) 3,8,912 40,627 8,937 9,095 9,228 9,398 9.494 9,724 9.883 10,057 10,271 10,424 10,672 10,962 11,254 11,550 11,818 12,166 12,677 13.052 14.206 15.056 15,896 17,335 18,748 19,568 21,115 22,170 23,275 23.806 25.353 26.461 258 269 2.80 291 301 313 326 337 349 362 375 390 106 422 438 456 475 496 527 566 601 645 697 740 791 849 899 941 994 1.061 83 25.49 15.69 85 25.40 15.72 90 25.35 15.79 93 25.24 15.81 96 25.27 15.95 100 25.08 15.87 lot; 25.02 15.91 112 24.94 15.94 116 24.82 15.90 121 24.80 15.97 129 24.64 15.89 139 21 !.". 15.77 146 24.28 15.67 1 52 24.12 15.57 165 24.01 15.53 179 23.82 15.41 192 23.47 15.11 200 23.31 15.01 217 2238 14.12 234 21.84 13.68 252 21.37 13.33 26.1 20.51 12.61 284 19.79 12.07 306 19.54 12.00 330 18.89 11.55 343 18.60 11.45 375 18.32 11.36 403 18.34 11.56 438 17.90 11.30 454 17.71 11.28 65,139 47,176 70,492 51,702 75.425 55,747 79.980 59. 352 83,358 61,732 85,175 62,520 86,484 62,803 86,812 62,115 86,982 61,283 87,334 60,648 88,052 60,397 89.308 60,683 90,866 61,262 92.508 61,915 9 1,838 63,248 97,487 64,873 100,686 67,012 102,037 67,281 102,492 66,669 102,868 65,996 103,608 65,702 110,194 71,162 120,920 80,619 135,287 93,470 148,343 104,796 167,173 121.637 184,123 136,281 201,051 150,613 218.791 165,455 238,123 181,588 261,509 201,432 979 1,066 1,152 1.229 1.295 1,338 1.362 1 .3,7 1 1,370 1,371 1,378 1,393 1,416 1,442 1,473 1,513 1,561 1 .".98 1,609 1,610 1,616 1,691 1,870 2.129 2,401 2,703 3,041 3,366 3,705 4,062 4,465 229 240 263 279 296 310 336 355 369 384 408 424 438 453 477 488 501 516 543 562 582 602 638 662 696 729 765 78 1 822 879 9)0 19.73 19.05 18.63 18.39 18.48 18.92 19.46 2022 21 00 21.73 22.35 22 83 23 22 23 58 23.77 23.89 23 89 24.34 24.98 25.64 26.19 25.36 23.85 22116 20.87 19.27 18.27 17.51 16.88 16.31 15.65 14.02 13.40 13.04 12 88 13.02 13.50 14.07 14.84 15.64 16.37 16.99 17.45 17.80 18.12 18.24 18.28 18.18 18.60 19.25 19.90 20.42 1930 17.51 15 63 14.49 13.06 12.27 11.74 11.33 10.99 10.57 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 196!) 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 283.537 304.401 327,931 353,511 377,259 400,864 426.703 455,266 484.532 514,074 541,463 569.007 602 -I!) 639,915 676.140 726.623 789.489 855,141 911,159 963,487 1,033,235 1,126,969 1,238.736 1.370.900 1,485,663 1,598,149 1.694.802 1,826,809 1,997.068 2,174,420 219,536 236,130 255.048 275.633 293,990 311,840 331,543 353,548 375,786 397.853 417,343 436,595 461,654 18!), 354 515,610 555,412 606,750 659.580 701,705 739,205 793,117 869,667 962,517 1,073,758 1,165,460 1,252,981 1,323,092 1,426,866 1,566.297 1,710,119 4,904 5,332 5,769 6,248 6,738 7,214 7,702 8,230 8,794 9,376 9.949 10.510 11.143 11,895 12.698 13.685 15,324 16,358 17,655 18,779 20,137 21,852 23 9 15 26,599 29,116 31,548 33,955 36,474 39 I!!/. 43,541 997 1.081 1.174 1,269 1,362 1,473 1,579 1,684 1,777 1,911 2.059 2,227 2,365 2.523 2,733 3,004 3.788 3.535 3.760 3,953 4,300 4,667 5,027 -.67., 6,053 6,583 7.412 8,237 8,667 10.004 15.25 15.03 14.78 14.53 14.45 14.44 14.40 14.34 14.31 14.33 14.45 14.60 14.62 14.62 14.68 14.49 14.16 13.91 13 90 13.99 13.89 13.57 13.19 12.76 12.62 12.59 12 73 1266 12.43 12 26 10.38 10.34 10.27 10.20 10.26 10.37 10.45 10.49 10.56 10.67 10.86 11.07 11.15 11.19 11.29 11.15 10.86 10.66 10.70 10.84 10.77 10.49 10.16 9.78 371 9.73 9.92 9.89 9.70 9.57 238 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A12.— Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Total 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 194.5 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 2.914.612 3,010,161 3.1195.1(1). 3,174,112 3,249.068 3.293,036 3,303.076 3,283,429 3,255,359 3,232,893 3,219,726 3,223.970 :, 138,296 3,235.383 3,241.025 3,259,440 3,289,493 3,278,150 3,250,087 3,233,560 3,240,787 3.311.445 3,404,136 3,517,179 3,610,739 3,737,172 3,855,828 3,970,714 4,094,043 4,216,583 4,360,719 1,709,(131 1,770,141 1.822,079 1,867,551 1,908,351 1,918,964 1,897,415 1,848,246 1.794,477 1.750,460 1.719,461 1.708,687 1,709,171 1,693,567 1,688,281 1,696,725 1,717,113 1,693,533 1,1155,309 1,630,237 1,628,787 1,687,421 1.70s. 575 1,865,530 1,939.742 2,041,808 2,132,967 2,216,000 2,305,549 2,393,392 2,500,998 76,991 79.949 82,107 84,461 86,808 88,670 89,040 88,268 86,510 85,200 84,095 83.809 84,301 84,673 84,397 84,919 86,318 86,853 85,663 84,848 85,422 88,006 91,750 96,818 101,690 106,534 111,816 116,990 122,119 127,373 132,588 42,189 44,365 48.219 49,880 51,276 54,174 56.471 58,361 60,141 62,648 64,756 66,651 68.158 70.702 71,642 71,902 72.906 73.508 74,431 75,448 76,924 76.785 78,036 79,670 81,020 81,406 83,612 84,621 87,159 92,256 94,918 2072 20.63 20.60 20.63 20.6? 20.93 21.36 21.97 22.62 23.21 23.70 24.04 24.30 24.65 24.92 25.06 25.11 25.47 25.94 26.30 26.47 26.14 25.63 25.04 24.62 24.05 23 58 23.17 22.77 22.39 21.95 15.45 15.21 15.08 15.01 14.99 15.19 15.64 16.30 17.00 17.60 18.06 18.30 18.40 18.67 18.81 18.79 18.63 18.96 19.43 19.75 19.79 19.14 18.31 17.46 16.92 16.22 15.71 15.32 14.94 14.62 14 23 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19X5 4,505,371 4,641.710 4,764.822 4,904.676 5,040.080 5,172,903 5,321,317 5,484,839 5,665,883 5,874,399 6,089,016 6,295,261 6,523.658 6,763,896 6,988,999 7,235,444 7,515,789 7,825,585 8,100,533 8,313,140 8,549,184 8,836,922 9,163,681 9,513,708 9,813,153 10,105.611 10,333,999 10,578,768 10,904,727 11,249,365 2.607,155 2.704,014 2,787,976 2,886,146 2,979,014 3,067,466 3,170,693 3,285,364 3,414,358 3,566,678 3,719,691 3,857,968 4,012,849 4,173,699 4,312,709 4,468,250 4,654,951 4,863,905 5,029,236 5,130,258 5,251,443 5,421,095 5.622.027 5,841,232 6,005,193 6,156,455 6,244,072 6,349,080 6,535,568 6,736,807 138.322 143.472 147,741 151,900 156,333 160,639 165,111 170,328 176,313 183,652 192,237 201,052 209,847 219,810 229,760 239,486 253,365 263,649 276,059 286,991 297,336 309,603 323,670 341,281 356,104 369.693 383,163 394,442 407,143 425,641 99,203 103,162 106,044 109,002 112,325 114,734 117,514 119,584 122,882 125,938 128,980 130,876 134,093 138,208 141,466 145,993 157,520 160,223 163,815 171,186 177,989 187,268 193,795 205,585 215,413 222.598 236,473 248,699 258,842 273,345 21.56 21.24 21.00 20.73 20.50 20.32 20.09 19.85 19.58 19.26 18.97 18.74 18.50 18.26 18.10 17.92 17.69 17.44 17.31 17.33 17.32 17.21 17.07 16.91 16.86 16.85 16.94 17.01 16.96 16.88 Corporate 1925 1,349,515 1,383,215 1,410,539 1,436,547 1,469,914 1,490,749 1.489,363 1,473,532 1,454,137 138,(183 1,424.317 1,419.657 1,421,807 1,410,164 1,400.071 1,398,500 1,403,527 1,392,482 1,374,760 1.365,790 1,373,628 1,400,721 1,432,994 1,469,184 1,495,470 1,528,261 1,569,102 1,613,152 1,662,392 1,706,420 1,755,672 735,057 751,732 763,690 774,141 791,814 798,077 783,196 755,067 725.803 702,581 683,978 676.232 676.348 663.583 653,690 653,495 660,8 ,C, 650,021 633,387 626,418 635,728 661,801 694,263 728,227 750,680 776,564 809,276 842,471 879,424 910,514 945,295 44,401 45,896 46,738 47,811 48,973 49,977 50.084 49,558 48,447 47,723 47,031 46.819 47,112 47,316 46,960 47,132 47,882 48,136 47,350 46,859 47,315 48,970 50,951 53,522 55,862 58,068 60,616 63,458 66,433 69,588 72,609 26,818 27,992 30,683 31,456 32,195 34,460 35,779 36,939 38,022 39,728 40,954 41,971 43,171 45,135 45,635 45,824 46,914 47,266 47,340 47,981 48,920 48,529 48.968 50,243 50,877 50,512 51,816 52,179 53,184 56,304 57.158 17.39 17.43 17.49 17.58 17.57 17.68 18.03 18.53 19.06 19.51 19.88 20.11 20.20 20.45 20.65 20.68 20.57 20.71 20.93 21.00 20.82 20.38 19.81 19.27 18.89 18.48 18.01 17.54 17.07 16.68 16.29 12.52 12.41 12.37 12.36 12.23 12.28 12.63 13.17 13.73 14.16 14.48 14.56 14.46 14.62 14.71 14.54 14.22 14.29 14.48 14.44 14.07 13.40 12.66 12.03 11.67 11.31 10.90 10.54 10.20 9.97 9.73 1956 1,816,442 1,876,489 1,914,234 1,959,045 2,008,690 2,055,985 2,108,528 2,165,731 2,235,876 2,328,652 2,435,516 2,538,190 2,649,881 2,771,517 2,883,277 2,985,879 3,093,466 3,230,587 3,373,048 3,480,201 3,587,816 3,714,808 3.867,117 4,036,461 4.193,897 4,353,806 4,481,072 4,599,977 4,766,334 4,950,825 989,861 1,032,280 1,052,875 1,078,607 1,109,216 1,136,331 1,169,167 1,204,382 1,251,463 1,318,744 1,397.306 1,467,519 1,543,620 1,625,975 1,694,421 1,750,744 1,811,637 1,897,344 1,983,381 2,032,926 2,080,986 2,146,356 2,232,349 2,332,281 2,417,145 2,500,149 2,550,289 2,592,896 2,682,680 2,785,978 76,107 79.442 82,029 84,303 86,840 89,397 91,984 94,991 98,455 102,939 108,453 114,234 119,991 126,617 133,147 139,018 146,632 153,345 161,757 169,478 176,411 184,542 193,839 205,438 215,670 225,564 234,977 243,301 253,463 266,856 59,385 61,105 62,530 64,190 66,516 67,895 70,159 71,421 74,226 76,172 78,761 79,893 82.505 85,486 87,911 90,410 97,758 99,399 102,793 108,239 112,996 119,194 123,951 132,065 138,900 143,900 153,270 161,992 169,868 178.590 15.84 15.43 15.22 15.01 14.77 14.58 14.37 14.17 13.90 13.55 13.18 12.89 12.61 12.34 12.16 12.07 11.95 11.77 11.62 11.61 11.62 11.57 11.48 11.36 11.29 11.26 11.31 11.37 11.32 11.24 9 44 1926 1957 9 22 1927 1958 9.19 1928 1959 9.15 1929 1960 9.07 1930 1961 9 04 1931 1962 .... 8.96 1932 1963 8.89 1933 1964 8.75 1934 1965 8.52 1935 1966 8.28 1936.. .. 1967 . 8.13 1937 1968 7.99 1938 1969 7.87 1939 . .. 1970 7.83 1940 1971 7.86 1941 1972 7.86 1942 1973 7.77 1943 .... 1974 7.71 1944 1975 7.80 1945 1976 7.88 1946 1977 v 7.89 1947 ., 1978 7.84 1948 1979 7.75 1949 1980 7.73 1950 1981 7.73 1951 1982 7.82 1952 1983 7.91 1953 1984 7.86 1954 1985 7.78 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 239 Table A12. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Financial corporate 20,859 28,431 29.8X4 a 1,379 33.086 34,362 :i.-,.i>:i!) 35,331 35,1X5 35,019 34,914 34,905 34,816 34,603 34,302 34,072 33,855 33,189 32,427 31,590 30,719 30.876 30.880 30,833 30.787 30,978 31,154 31,120 31.816 32,648 34,214 17,660 18,547 19,298 20,078 21,084 21,598 21,508 21.0 13 20.18 1 19,413 18.759 18.316 17,849 17,194 16,612 16,120 15,723 14,752 13,777 12,833 11.942 12,108 12,243 12,392 12,594 13,004 13,474 13.643 1 1 ,66 15,568 17,258 890 970 993 1,049 1,101 1,147 1 165 1,176 1,153 1,156 1,144 1,147 1,159 1,174 1,158 1,162 1,187 1.177 1,113 1,061 1,017 1,012 1,005 1,018 1,034 1,057 1,083 1,109 1,149 1.229 1,312 151 161 203 218 256 284 313 382 376 470 470 540 599 623 721 709 791 873 899 955 997 1,021 1,047 1,094 1,147 1,167 1,274 1.209 1.216 1.289 1 ,292 11.27 11.49 11.74 11.98 12.13 12.45 12.97 1.3.57 14.35 15.04 15.70 1625 16.78 17.36 17.89 18.38 18.78 19.43 20.10 20.78 21.45 21.42 21.37 21.28 21.14 20.85 20.45 20 24 19.55 18.78 17.71 8.87 890 9.00 9.08 9.06 9.25 9.68 10.25 10 99 11.66 12.25 12.67 13.08 1360 14.03 14.36 14.56 15.31 16.10 16.88 17.62 16 90 16.19 15.50 14.79 13.91 13.07 12.60 11.54 10,63 9.51 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1905 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 35,505 36,774 38,(175 39,853 41,493 42,998 45.500 47.396 50.950 55,085 58,891 62,834 68,980 74,966 80,459 86,731 93,248 101,910 111.453 120.276 129,125 138.7X9 19.802 161,911 174,054 186.426 198.571 213.600 234,6,06, 262,415 18,621 19.907 21,177 22.X75 24.429 25,823 28,111 29.772 32,901 36,488 39.621 12.659 47,682 52.222 56,015 60,278 64.420 70.319 76,424 XI, 396 85,868 90,724 96,408 102,761 108,845 114,759 120,240 128.024 141.251 159,624 1,410 1,474 1,532 1.598 1.672 1,740 1,816 1.904 2,015 2,185 2,363 2,553 2.795 3.116 3,421 3,731 4,121 4.624 5,265 5,936 6,604 7.326 8.155 9,075 10,017 10.982 12,018 13,294 15.116 17.724 1,361 1,361 1,347 1,363 1,428 1,465 1,417 1,476 1.434 1,448 1,475 1,406 1,421 1,396 1,428 1,376 1,427 1.4X7 1 16,3 1.646 1,751 2,059 2.377 2.770 3,359 3,845 4,664 ,,350 6,303 7.24X 16 86 16.11 15.43 14.66 14.00 1346 12.75 12 29 11.59 10 93 10.47 10 15 9.61 '.l 28 9.12 9.00 8.94 8.77 8 66 867 8.75 8.81 8.83 8 S3 8.87 8.99 • 96 8 72 8 34 8.82 8.32 7.95 1 55 7.31 ; i!) 6.92 6 - 6.61 6.39 6.33 6 35 6,17 6.13 6 23 6.30 6.40 6.36 6.34 6.44 6.57 i; i; 6.67 of,', 6.65 6.65 6.67 6.57 6.24 5.82 Nonfinanclal corporate 1925 1,322,656 1,354.784 1,380,656 1,405,168 1,436,828 1,456,387 1,454,325 1,438,201 1,418,952 1,403,064 1,389,402 1.384,753 1,386,991 1,375,560 1,365,769 1,364,429 1,369,672 1,359,293 1,342,333 1,334,200 1,342,909 1.369,845 1,402,114 1,438,351 1,464,683 1,497,283 1,537,947 1,582,032 1,630,576 1,673,773 1,721,458 717,397 733,185 744,392 754,063 770,730 776,479 761,688 734,023 705,622 683,168 665,220 657,916 658,499 646,389 637,078 637,375 645,133 635.269 619.610 613,584 623,786 649,693 682,020 715,835 738,085 763,561 795,801 828,828 864,858 894.947 928.037 43,510 44,926 45,744 46,762 47,873 48,830 48,920 48,382 47,294 46,567 45,887 45,673 15,953 46,142 45,802 45,970 46,696 46,959 46,237 45,797 46,298 47,958 49,946 52,504 54,828 57.012 59,533 62,349 65,284 68,359 71,297 26.666 27,831 30,480 31,238 31,939 34,176 35,466 36,557 37,646 39,258 40,484 41,431 42,572 44,512 44,914 45,114 46,123 46,394 46.441 47,027 47,923 47,507 47,920 49,149 49,730 49,345 50,542 50,971 51,969 55,016 55,865 17.52 17.55 17.61 17.70 17.70 17.80 18.16 18.65 19.17 19.62 19.99 20.20 20.29 20.53 20.71 20.73 20.61 20.74 20.95 21.00 20.80 20 36 19.78 19.23 18.84 18.44 17.96 17.49 17.03 16.64 16.26 12.61 12.50 12.46 12.45 12.32 12.36 12.71 13.26 13.81 14.23 14.55 14.61 14.49 14.65 14.72 14.55 14.21 14.27 14.44 14.39 14.00 13.34 12.60 11.97 11.62 11.26 10.86 10.51 10.18 9.96 9.73 1956 1.780.937 1,839,715 1,876,159 1,919,193 1,967,196 2.012,988 2,063,028 2.118.336 2,184,926 2,273,567 2,376,625 2,475,356 2,580,901 2,696,551 2,802,818 2,899,148 3,000,218 3,128,677 3,261,594 3,359.924 3,458.691 3,576,019 3,717,314 3,874,550 4,019,843 4,167,380 1.382,501 4,386,377 4,531.728 4.688.410 971,240 1.012,374 1,031,697 1.055,732 1.084,787 1.110,507 1.141.056 1,174.610 1.218.562 1.282.256 1,357,685 1,424 860 1.495.937 1,573,753 1 638,106 1.690,466 1.747,217 1,827,025 1.906,957 1.951.530 1,995,118 2,055,632 2.135,941 2,229,521 2,308,301 2,385,390 2,430,049 2,464,871 2,541,429 2,626,354 74,697 77.968 80.497 82,705 85.168 87,657 90,168 '33,088 96,441 100,754 106,090 111,681 117,196 123,501 129,725 135,288 142,511 148,722 156,492 163,541 169,807 177,216 185,684 196,363 205,653 214,582 222,959 230,007 238,347 249,132 58,023 59,744 61,183 62,827 65,088 66,430 68,742 69,945 72,792 74,724 77,287 78,487 81 084 84,089 86,482 89,034 96,3.32 97,912 101,330 106,592 111,245 117.135 121.574 129.295 135,541 140,055 148,606 156,642 163,565 171,342 15.82 15.42 15.22 15.02 14.79 14.61 14.40 14.21 13.96 13.62 13.24 12.96 12.69 12.42 12.25 12.16 12.04 11.87 11.72 11.72 11.73 11.68 11.58 11.47 11.40 11.36 11.41 11.48 11.45 11.41 9.45 1926 1957 1958 9.23 1927 9.22 1928 1959 9.18 1929 1960 9.11 1930 1961 9.08 1931 1962 9.01 1932 1963 8.94 1933 1961 8.81 1934 1965 8.58 1935 1966 8.33 1936 1967 8.19 1937 1968 8.05 1938 1969 7.92 1939 1970 7.89 1940 1971 7.92 1941 1972 7.91 1942 1973 7.83 1943 . . 19 1 7.76 1944. ... 1975 7.85 1945 1976 7.94 1946 1977 7.95 1947 1978 7.89 1948 1979 7.80 1949 19811 7.78 1950 1981 7.78 1951 1982 7.88 1952 1983 7.98 1953 1984 7.95 1954 1985 7.90 240 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A12. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of vear Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age ! Gross stock 1 Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate 1925 1926 1927 1923 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 v.m 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 194fi 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1,565,097 1.626,945 1,684,569 1,737,565 1,779,154 1,802,286 1,813,713 1.X09.898 1.801.223 1,794.810 1.795,410 1,804.312 1,816.489 1,825.220 1,840,954 1 X6II.94II 1.XX5.906 1.885.668 1 .875.327 1,867,771 1,867,159 1,910,72-1 1,971,142 2,1147 99 i 2,115,270 2.208,911 2,286,726 2.357,562 2,431,651 2,510,162 2,605,046 973,974 1,018,409 1,058,388 1,093,410 1,116,537 1,120,887 1,114,220 1,093,179 1,068,674 1,047,879 1,035,482 1,032,455 1,032,822 1,029,984 1,034.591 1,043,230 1,056. 256 1,043,512 1,021,922 1,003,820 993,059 1,025,620 1,074,312 1,137,304 1.189,062 1,265.244 1,323,692 1,373,528 1,426,125 1,482,878 1,555,702 32,590 34,054 35,369 36.649 37,834 38,692 38,956 38,710 38,063 37,477 37,064 36,990 37,189 37,357 37,436 37,787 38,436 38,717 38,313 37,989 38,106 39.(136 40,799 43,296 15,-29 48,465 51,199 53,532 55.6X6 57.7X6 59,979 15,371 16,373 17,536 18,424 19,081 19,714 20,692 21,422 22,119 22.920 23,802 24,681 24,987 25,568 26,007 26,079 25.992 26,301 27,090 27.467 28,004 28.257 29.068 29,427 30,143 30,894 31.796 32.442 33,975 35.952 37,760 2.3.59 23.36 23.21 23.15 23.26 23.61 24.10 24.76 25.49 26.17 26.73 27.14 27.50 27.90 28.16 28.36 28 IX 28 9X 29.61 30.18 30.63 30.37 29.86 29.17 28.68 27.91 27.40 27.03 2666 26.28 25.77 17.66 17.28 17.03 16.89 16.94 17.27 17.76 18.46 19.22 19.91 20.42 20.74 20.98 21.28 21.41 21.45 21.40 21.86 22.51 23.07 23.45 22 84 21.96 20.93 20.23 19.24 18.66 18.25 17.86 17.48 16.97 1956. 1957 ., 1958 .. 1959.. I960.. 1961.. 1962.. 1963.. 1964 , 1965.. 1966.. 1967.. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971.. 1972 . 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979 19X0 1981. 1982 1983. 1984 1985 2,688.930 2,765.221 2,850,588 2,945,630 3,031,390 3,116,918 3,212,789 3,319,107 3,430,007 3,545,748 3,653,500 3,757,070 3,873,778 3,992,378 4,105,722 4,249.566 4,422.323 4,594.998 4,727.486 4,832,939 4,961,368 5.122,114 5.296,564 5,477,247 5.619,256 5.751,805 5,852,926 5,978,791 6,138,393 6,298,540 1,617,294 1,671,733 1,735,101 1,807,539 1,869,798 1,931,135 2,001,526 2,080,982 2,162,895 2,247,934 2,322,385 2,390,449 2,469.229 2.547,724 2,618,288 2,717,506 2,843,315 2,966,560 3,045,854 3,097,331 3,170,457 3,274.739 3,389,678 3,508,951 3,588,047 3,656,306 3,693,783 3,756,184 3,852,887 3,950,828 62,215 64,030 65,712 67,597 69,493 71,242 73.127 75,337 77,858 80,712 83,784 86,818 89,856 93,193 96,613 100,468 106,733 110.39.1 114,301 117,513 120,925 125,061 129,832 135,843 140,434 144,129 148,186 151,141 153,679 158.785 39. xl 9 42.057 43,514 44,812 45,809 46,838 47,356 48,163 48,656 49,766 50,219 50,983 51,587 52,722 53,555 55,582 59,761 60,824 61,022 62,947 64,993 68,073 69,844 73,520 76,513 78,698 83,203 86,707 88,974 94,754 25.42 25.18 24.88 24.53 24.30 24.10 23.85 23.56 23.28 23.01 22.83 22.70 22.52 22.37 22.27 22.04 21.70 21.42 21.36 21.44 21.44 21.31 21.15 21.00 21.02 21.08 21.26 21.35 21.33 21.31 Sole proprietorships and partnerships 1925 477,169 491.576 505,383 517,896 530,656 536.967 535.733 528,684 520.121 512,523 507,539 505,353 505,174 501,013 498,089 497,376 499,589 194 283 487,045 483,604 483,991 494,761 510,044 528,504 544,108 -,62,604 577,564 5XX.942 600,749 610,203 622,843 268,942 277,497 285.529 292,364 299.342 299.691 292,942 3X1.071 268,887 258,878 252,482 249,789 249,268 244,998 242,169 241,372 243,080 236.6X3 228,995 225,337 225,539 235,644 249.733 265.6-10 277,526 291,097 300.953, 304,593 309,747 313,175 320,366 16,167 16,862 17,428 18,017 18,634 19,112 19,142 lx.xol 18,170 17,606 17,154 16,942 16,940 16,895 16,713 16,740 17,033 17,114 16.751 16,546 16,722 17,310 18,302 19.758 21,214 22,638 24,039 25,189 26,139 26,954 27,693 9,939 10,742 11,464 12,088 12,562 12,953 13,457 13,916 14,434 15,021 15,476 16.056 16,206 16,566 16,506 16,294 16,083 16.054 16.327 16,352 16. 5X5 16.533 16,767 16,798 17,116 17,470 17,824 IX 131 19,202 20,787 22,014 20.14 20.01 19.90 19.85 19.80 19.99 20.43 31 OX 21.77 22.40 22.89 23.22 23.44 23.82 24.12 24.30 24.33 24.72 25.18 25.44 25.48 24.96 24.25 23.46 22.88 22.23 21.78 21.49 21.21 21.00 20.69 14.62 14.39 14.22 14.11 14.01 14.21 14.73 15.50 16.30 16.97 17.41 17.58 17.60 17.87 18.03 18.03 17.84 18.25 18.76 18.93 18.77 17 xo 16.68 15.63 14.96 14.29 13.92 13.77 13.59 13.48 13.21 1956 631,915 638,380 644,712 653,974 660,094 668,723 680,446 694,907 711,988 733,157 755,560 776,178 807,519 845,926 884.859 929,084 982,785 1,041,806 1,086,484 1,115,735 1,145,064 1,184,757 1,232,036 1,294,221 1,350,155 1,399,231 1,436,179 1,458,345 1.502.992 1.547,752 324,916 328,009 331,848 338,995 343,287 350,117 360.063 372,409 386,739 404,323 421,959 436,560 160,791 490,620 519,631 553,216 594,995 641,358 671,370 685,285 698,759 721,744 751,144 791,869 825,439 851,758 866,368 869,357 892,894 917,137 28,384 28,731 28,926 29,174 29,381 29,498 29,721 30.149 30,787 31,703 32,872 34,091 35,318 36,822 38,452 40,166 42,271 44,787 46,671 48,384 49,828 51,714 54,089 57,215 60,001 61,961 64,073 65.080 66.145 67,519 23.688 25,169 26,167 26,818 27,312 27,434 27,605 27.678 27,781 27,838 27,810 27.719 27,845 27,861 28,063 28,857 29,851 31,514 31,298 32,458 33,345 34,485 35,734 37,414 39,435 39.877 42,564 44,087 45,589 47,446 20.49 20.37 20.24 20.01 19.89 19.70 19.42 19.10 18.74 18.32 17.93 17.62 17.13 16.59 16.12 15.62 15.08 14.55 14.30 14.32 14.35 14.27 14.13 14.00 13.96 14.00 14.16 14.33 14.42 14.51 13.06 19 '6 1957 12.98 1927 1958 12.86 1928 . 1959 12.64 1929 1960 12.54 1930 1961 12.37 1931 1962 12.11 1932 1963 11.82 1933 1964 11.51 1934 1965 11 17 1935 1966 10.90 1936 1967 10.74 1937 1968 10.39 1938 1969 10.01 1939 1970 9.71 1940 1971 9.40 1941 1972 9.04 1942 1973 8.70 1943 1974 8.66 1944 1975 8.86 1945 1976 9.06 1946 1977 :.: 9.14 1947 1978 9.14 1948 1979 9.19 1949 1980 9.34 1950 1981 9.51 1951 1982 9.81 1952 1983 10.05 1953 1984 10.22 1954 1985 10.37 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 241 Table A12. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonprofit institutions 83.K04 90,512 97,109 103,096 108,384 113,310 117,021 118,773 119,025 119,186 119.588 120,007 121,900 123,-100 125,023 126,578 128,205 127,975 120,951) 125,858 125,627 127,107 128,503 131.212 134,975 139,939 144,010 148,033 153.248 159,011 1 05.013 55.248 09.050 05,853 70,325 73.997 77,240 79,224 79,225 77,763 76.238 74,969 74,439 74,143 74,055 74.068 74,079 74,163 72,384 69,951 67,571 66,152 66.497 66.821; 08.409 71,075 74,938 78,410 81,185 84,491 88,9(15 93,408 1,950 2,107 2,260 2,415 2,546 2,664 2,764 2,823 2,839 2,837 2,838 2.853 2.881 2,915 2,954 2,994 3,035 3,045 3,02(1 2,983 2,968 2.998 3.047 3,116 3,217 3,350 3.516 3,663 3,810 3,978 4,162 772 807 868 899 929 988 1.031 1,972 1,124 1,152 1,168 1.243 1.292 1,327 1,404 1,450 1,433 1,556 1,611 1,695 1.781 1,863 1.92(1 2.050 2.120 2,254 2,312 2,422 2.501 2,029 2,722 16.08 15.59 15.23 15.05 15.02 15.08 15.31 15.78 16.44 17.10 17.71 18.21 18.65 19.05 19.41 19.77 20.11 20 73 21.45 22.17 22.71 22.92 23.14 23 11 22.90 22.50 22.19 22.00 21.76 21.37 21 mi 11.51 10.95 10.59 10.43 10.43 10.52 10.78 11.29 11.99 12 09 13 33 13 81 14.24 14.60 14.92 15.22 15.48 16.12 16.89 17.65 18.15 18.15 18.14 17.80 17.22 16.45 15.86 15.48 15.05 14.50 14.01 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1902 1903 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1971 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 171.519 178,512 186,651 195,265 204.425 214.604 226,753 238,637 251.556 266,070 280.548 293,854 306.526 319,432 331,193 342,537 355.404 367.367 377,083 385 500 394,226 41)2.636 411,045 419,803 428,878 437,281 146,212 154,489 465,256 474,813 98,496 103,893 110,387 117,227 124,499 132,631 142,556 151,975 162,181 173,687 184.862 194.520 203,320 212,026 219,437 226.266 234,185 241,579 .'16 ,2"9 249,423 252.676 255,034 258 168 261,073 263,945 266,118 268 r70 271 180 275,0(10 278,650 4,365 4,579 4,810 5,000 5,331 5.609 ,,925 0,260 l. ,022 7,016 7,432 7,-31 8.198 8.555 9.215 9 48 9.903 10.234 III. ,,20 10,770 11,022 11,279 11,542 11.807 12,076 12.360 12,652 13.022 13.358 2.888 2,9-3 3,164 3,291 3.443 3.563 3.701 3,800 3,908 4,009 4.129 4.183 4.326 4.355 4,531 4,659 4,850 4.976 5.086 5,257 5,356 5,570 5 70 1 5,817 0,055 6,213 6,518 6.721 7.107 7.251 20.00 20 21) 19.71 19.25 18.80 18.33 17,78 17.34 16.91 16.46 16.10 15 88 15.75 15.64 15.62 15.64 15.62 15.65 15.81 16.03 16.24 1647 16.70 17.01 17 30 17.61 1791 18.14 18 35 18 00 13,53 13.10 12 01 12.19 11.81 11.45 11.04 10 76 10.51 10.26 10.10 10.07 10.12 10.18 10.32 10.48 10.58 10.73 10.99 11 30 11.60 11.90 12 18 12.55 12 89 13.23 13.54 13.74 13.92 14.15 Persons 1925 1,004,123 1,044,857 1,082,077 1,116,573 1,140,114 1,152,009 1,160,959 1,162,441 1,162,077 1,163,101 1,168,059 1,177,729 1,188,327 1,199,187 1,215,678 1,234,192 1,254,714 1,259,604 1,257,285 1,253,907 1,252,485 1,282,967 1,325,376 1,379,393 1,425,951 1,494,823 1,551.743 1,605,996 1,662,401 1,724,523 1,799,637 649,784 680,256 707,006 730,721 743,198 743,950 742,054 732,884 722,025 712,762 707,812 707,685 708,434 709,469 716,357 725,242 735,983 731,129 719,550 707.262 697.208 718.657 751,862 79., .8911 832,060 889,859 935,029 976,811 1,020,159 1,068,397 1,128,857 14,467 15,085 15,675 16,218 16,655 16,916 17,050 17,086 17,055 17,034 17,068 17,179 17,337 17,499 17,700 17,962 18,254 18,426 18,402 18,308 18,241 18,522 19,208 20,120 21,031 22,050 23,168 24.154 25,163 26,235 27,462 4,659 4,823 5,204 5,437 5,590 5,773 6,204 6,434 6.561 6,747 7,158 7,382 7,489 7,675 8,097 8,333 8,473 8,684 9,140 9,399 9,609 9,825 10,340 10,532 10,852 11.110 11,591 11,749 12,171 12,417 12,878 25.86 25.61 25.48 25.43 25.66 26.14 26.67 27.36 28.08 28.77 29.33 29.76 30.16 30.55 30.77 30.94 31.06 31.57 32.23 32.90 33.52 33.31 32.81 32.09 31.61 30.72 30.15 29.70 29.26 28.78 28.14 19.45 19.02 18.76 18.62 18.77 19.21 19.70 20.38 21.09 21.74 22.26 22.60 22.91 23.19 23.27 23.29 23.24 23.68 24.33 25.00 25.57 25.04 24.18 23.12 22.40 21.25 20 76 20O2 19.53 19.03 1840 1956 1,866,845 1,928,748 1,998.769 2,075.033 2,144.489 2,210,239 2,281,222 2,360.145 2.440.082 2.519.119 2.588.862 2,657.258 2,728,582 2,794,439 2,855,523 2,942.349 3,047,137 3,147,377 3,223,895 3,289,779 3,378,719 3,489,163 3,605,442 3,712,735 3,786,187 3.857,448 3,909,328 4.002,174 4,104,110 4,206,799 1.180.3(15 1,225,853 1,278,545 1.336,616 1,386,817 1,432,759 1,482,816 1,540,020 1,597,007 1,652,509 1,697,611 1.740.773 1.785,777 1.824,955 1,858.213 1,916,270 1,991.402 2,060,465 2,104,267 2,137,496 2,193,132 2,270,011 2.37,1, OJ7, 2.425.368 2,465.380 .'.,02,33.1 2.7,20,27:3 2.575,739 2,643,299 2,711,864 28,762 29,983 31,214 32,573 33,971 35,294 36,611 38,021 39,520 41,036 42,487 43,863 45,261 46,681 48,065 49,825 53,592 54,231 55,952 57,097 58,746 60.663 62.701 65,210 66,614 67,925 69,440 70.982 72,012 75,323 13,073 13,698 13,950 14.441 14.773 15,539 15.733 16.345 16,609 17,536 17.877 18.655 18,963 20,019 20,448 21,508 24,462 23,677 23,918 24,442 25,439 27,097 27,435 29,261 29,917 31,438 32.854 34,554 34.849 38,526 27.71 27.40 27.02 26.61 26.34 26.14 25.91 25.64 25.39 25.18 25.10 25.05 25.00 25.00 25.06 24.92 24.65 24.46 24.49 24.60 24.55 24.35 24.16 24.00 24.07 24.17 24.39 2442 24.35 24.27 18.00 1926 1957 17.75 1927 1958 1745 1928 1959 17.13 1929 1960 .. . 10 97, 1930 1961 16.86 1931 1962 16.75 1932 1963 16.58 1933 1964 16.45 1934 1965 16.37 1935 1966 1640 1936 1967 16.47 1937 1968 16.52 1938 1969 16.63 1939 1970 16.80 1940 1971 16.76 1941 1972 16.58 1942 1973 16.50 1943 1974 16.64 1944 1975 16.84 1945 1976 16.86 1946 1977 16.75 1947 . 1978 16.63 1948 1979 16.50 1949 1980 16.62 1950... . 1981 16.79 1951 1982 17 06 1952 1983 17 15 1953 1984 17.09 1954 1985 17.03 1955 242 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A12.— Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Farms 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 [952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196.1 1966 249,613 122,8115 261,047 132,917 272,270 142,024 283,251 150,234 292,174 155,621 299,722 159,160 306,077 161,512 31(1. 585 162,226 314,341 162.687 316,105 161,739 316,735 160,568 317,881 160,534 320.024 161,844 319.794 160,987 320.487 161,239 321.667 162,067 324.068 164,055 326,924 166,177 331.461 169,726 337,613 174,354 7,812 8,612 9,521 10,421 11,229 11,892 12,430 12,857 13,156 13,327 13,319 13.299 13,328 13,292 13,208 13,184 13,260 13,420 13,691 14,112 6,941 6,950 7,090 7,410 7,508 7,698 8,175 8,869 9,624 10,405 11,298 11,875 12,254 12,424 12,524 12,569 12,579 12,465 12,452 12.318 30.14 28.85 27.72 26.75 26.06 25.56 25.18 24.96 24.79 24.77 24.81 24,79 24,67 24.74 24.72 24.66 24.50 24.33 24.04 23 66 21)20 18.58 17.39 16.49 16.01 15.74 15.59 15.58 15.58 15.68 15.80 15.79 15.65 15.72 15 67 15.58 15.38 15.19 14.89 14.53 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 198.3 1984 1985 344,670 350,763 357,114 364,741 372,609 380,287 391,475 404,263 414,385 425,261 438,459 449,730 461,481 467,935 470,082 466,708 461,061 454,541 446,808 179,355 182,744 185,981 190,031 194.280 198,037 205,456 213,895 219,529 225,769 233,758 239,695 245,914 247,258 244,646 237,924 230,098 222,759 215,345 14.626 15,094 15,531 15,995 16,480 17,029 17,884 18,398 19,048 19,643 20,363 21,048 21,720 22,293 22,238 22,011 21,390 20,757 20,102 12,289 12,124 12,160 12,178 12.616 12,915 13,912 13,881 14,363 14,822 15,000 15,584 16,045 17,036 17,316 18,510 19,069 19,748 20,231 23.25 22.96 22.67 22.34 22.01 21.73 21.26 20.75 20.42 20.07 19.67 19.36 19.07 18.98 19.08 19.35 19.70 20.04 20.42 Real estate 1947. 1948. 1949 19511 1951. 1952 1953 1954, 1955. 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959 1960, 1961. 1962 1963, 1964, 1965 1966. 1,583,997 884.3119 1,642,966 931,548 1,695,195 971,574 1,772.798 1,036,102 1,837.129 1,086,554 1,897,089 1,131,685 1,961,084 1,180,191 2,032,565 1,235,136 2,119,246 1,304,242 2,197,805 1,363,881 2,270,794 1,417,277 2,352,990 1,478,907 2,445,140 1,549,518 2,529,560 1,611,289 2,61 1,367 1,672,641 2,707,847 1,741,304 2,809,773 1,817,362 2.914.777 1,894,914 3,022,122 1.973,538 3,119,562 2,040,504 25,328 26,415 27.564 28.904 30,403 31,696 33,018 34,484 36,182 38,010 39.700 11,328 43.163 45.097 01,939 48,822 50,820 52,975 55,261 57,572 14,915 15466 15.658 16.054 16,743 16,980 17,631 18,073 18.829 19,319 20,317 20.947 21,786 22,602 23,623 24,133 25,057 25,637 26.706 27,330 31.45 30.86 30.45 29 65 29.14 28.75 28 35 27.89 27.28 26.86 26 54 26.16 25.72 25.41 25.14 24.83 24.48 24.17 23 87 25 70 23.45 22.50 21.83 20.74 20 08 19.60 19.12 18.61 17.99 17.58 17.31 16.99 16.62 16.41 16.23 16.03 15.80 15.60 15.44 15.40 1967 196.8 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 198.3 1984 1985 3,212,909 3,321,270 3,431,862 3,534,765 3,669,195 3,827,677 3,980,066 4,090,401 4,178,135 4,287,952 4,425,232 4,573,913 4,734,756 4,859,140 4.971,214 5,064,412 5,190,122 5,352,787 5,518,629 2,102,157 2,177.085 2,252,865 2,318,943 2,414,908 2,532,866 2,642,200 2,706,933 2,748,282 2,810,841 2,900,573 2,999,387 3,108,604 3,179,689 3,237,907 3,276,570 3,347,285 3,453,730 3.562,172 59.805 62,145 64,760 67,420 70,457 75,675 77,894 80,975 83,081 85,449 88,211 91,408 95,660 98,885 101.640 104,581 107,436 110,394 115,838 28,303 28,850 30,028 30,652 31,982 35,158 34,813 35,322 36,413 37,869 40,350 41,239 43,658 45,187 47,337 49,589 51,978 53,471 57,709 23.58 23.39 23.21 23.12 22.85 22.48 22.21 22.21 22.34 22.37 22.27 22.14 21.99 22.03 22.13 22.33 22.38 22.29 22.21 Agriculture, forestry, and Fisheries 1947 . 255,203 267,045 278,659 289,969 299,270 307,278 313,845 318,629 323,062 325,157 326,169 328,044 330,363 330,463 331,451 333,050 335,653 339,209 344,266 350,737 125,839 136,290 1 15.692 154,120 159,755 163.596 166,001 166,827 167,783 166,973 165,992 166,469 167,717 166,111,;, 167,284 168,313 170,289 172,910 176,778 181,502 8,049 8,878 9,817 10,741 11,572 12,262 12,817 13,255 13,581 13,784 13,797 13,812 13,871 13,850 13,785 13,784 13,879 14,072 14,393 14,850 7,129 7,145 7,288 7,619 7,721 7,908 8,401 9,102 9,866 10,667 11,583 12,167 12,559 12,755 12,872 12,948 12,982 12,915 12,950 12,831 29.82 28.52 27.40 26.43 25.74 25.23 24.86 24.64 24.44 24.41 24.43 24.36 24.25 24.30 24.28 24.20 24.05 23.84 23.55 23.18 19.94 18.34 17.16 16.28 15.80 15.52 15.38 15.37 15.33 15.43 15.52 15.48 15.36 15.42 15.38 15.28 15.10 14.88 14.58 14.24 1967 358,182 364,845 371,661 380,140 389.058 397,412 409,383 422,706 433,420 445,519 459,987 473,050 486,638 494,678 498,245 495,522 490,480 484,586 477,622 186,684 190,424 193,904 198,834 203,543 207,686 215,589 224,235 230,159 237,281 246,114 253,305 260,724 262,898 260,896, 251.002 246,041 238,761 231,684 15,396 15,905 16.386 16,916 17,478 18.089 19,015 19,589 20,294 20,977 21,818 22.668 23,538 24,295 24,398 24,276 23,708 23,113 22,497 12,850 12,712 12.789 12,822 13,317 13,676 14,729 14,727 15,284 15,789 16,003 16,643 17,201 18,257 18,637 19,927 20,620 21,492 22,147 22.78 22.48 22.20 21.83 21.49 21.21 20.74 20.26 19.93 19.57 19.16 18.82 18.50 18.39 18.45 18.70 19.01 19.31 19.64 13.90 1948. . 1968 13.70 1949... 1969 13.52 19 -0 1970 13.26 1951 1971 13.03 1952 1972 12.85 1953 1973 12.45 1954 1974 12.08 1955 1975 11.87 1956 1976 11.63 1957 1977 11.34 1958 1978 11.14 1959 1979 10.95 1960 1980 10.98 1961 1981 11.16 1962 1982 11.53 1963 1983 :•: 11.93 1964 1984 12.28 1965 1985 12.60 1966 Finance, insurance, and real estate 1947 1,618,399 1,677,381 1, 729, 007 1,807,575 1,872,182 1,932,204 1,996,930 2,069,262 2,157,559 2,237,516 2,311,890 2,395,507 2,1.-9,-07 2.576,182 2.662.756 2,759,018 2,862,975 2,971,715 3,083,530 3,184,917 898,168 9 15,027 985,956 1,050,986 1,101,979 1,147,333 1.196,762 1,252.702 1,323,533 1.384,640 1,439,432 1 502.115 1,575,099 1,638,693 1.701,637 1,772.792 1,850,571 1,931,369 2,013,860 2,084,058 26,484 27,591 28,765 30,141 31,678 33,007 34,376 35,923 37,706 39,636 41,398 43,091 45,011 IT 043 48,972 50,946 53,040 55,309 57,774 60,267 16,127 16,421 16,961 17,373 18,173 18,342 19,010 19,539 20,310 20,886 21,887 22,508 23,363 24,246 25,306 25,770 26,762 27,315 28,415 29,081 31.23 3(1 66 30.25 29.47 28.97 28 59 28.18 27.72 27.11 26.67 26.35 25.96 25.52 25.20 24.92 24.60 24.25 23.92 23.61 23.43 23.33 22 39 21.72 20.64 19.98 19 50 19.01 18.50 17.86 17.45 17.17 16.84 16.47 16.25 16.08 15.87 15.64 15.43 15.26 15.21 1967 3,282,379 3,397,133 3,513,905 3,622,673 3,763,790 3,929,103 4,090,523 4,210,773 4,307,687 4,426,696 4,574,114 4.734,345 4,907,783 5.044,989 5.170,216 5,276,400 5,418,072 5,602.803 5,797,606 2,148,892 2,229,056 2,309,536 2,379,721 2,480,281 2.602,589 2,718,060 2,789,110 2,835,613 2,902,789 2,997,636 3.102,431 3,218,227 3,295,787 3,360,373 3,404,985 3,483,988 3.604,247 3,731,680 62,688 65,268 68,206 71,180 74,541 80.165 82,905 86,649 89,449 92,508 96,022 100,084 105,296 109,513 113,296 117,349 121,566 126,445 134,612 29,995 30,551 31,703 32,343 33,611 36,831 36,539 37,020 38,299 39,861 42,665 43,886 46,713 48,851 51,511 54,611 57,715 60,212 65,447 23.30 23.09 22.89 22.78 22.50 22.13 21.85 21.82 21.94 21.95 21.83 21.70 21.53 21.55 21.63 21.79 21.82 21.69 21.54 15.22 1948 1968 15.14 1949 1969 15.08 1950 1970 15.11 1951 1971 14.96 [9,Y> 1972 14.72 1953 1973 14.57 1974 14.68 1975 14.92 1956 1976 15.05 1957 1977 15.03 1958 1978 14.99 1959 1979 14.91 1980 15.03 1961 1981 15.20 1'I6'' 1982 15.45 1963 1983 15.53 1964 1984 15.45 1965 1985 15.35 1966 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 243 Table A13. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Current-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 310,825 321,272 328,638 339,479 343,586 326,748 291.360 266,173 272,519 281,141 285,262 3115,390 325,668 328,273 334,288 355,461 387,901 414,802 435,860 457,257 495,186 588,069 693,285 755,917 789.903 865,850 943,686 990,842 1,028,241 1,072,211 1,151,495 L82.430 189,173 193,6X5 200,351 202.804 191,237 167,534 149,158 149,556 151,683 151,895 161,938 172,529 172,663 175,108 186,374 204,083 215,634 223,599 232,553 250,476 301,072 361.765 402.927 427.023 476.146 524,847 555,227 581,469 610,931 662,395 8,766 9,152 9,363 9,609 9,939 9,763 9,0X3 7,964 7,647 7,926 7,887 8,013 X.X92 9,101 9,043 9,380 10,252 11,253 11,587 11,959 12,381 14,220 17,590 20,414 21.961 23,635 27,165 29,160 30,918 32,484 34,424 4.X79 5,141 5,559 5,714 5,864 5.702 5,290 5,422 5,872 6,162 6,411 7,179 7,503 7,556 7,776 8,370 9,222 9,761 10,272 10,816 12,053 14,511 16,303 16,938 17,503 19,653 20.360 21,429 22,809 24,105 20 37 2026 20 20 20.30 20.43 20.66 20.89 21 32 22.13 22.79 23.27 23.67 2392 24.32 24.64 24.87 24.94 2536 25 99 26.60 26.90 2659 26 09 25.42 24.95 24.31 23 80 2340 22.95 2259 22 09 15.21 14.95 14.80 14.79 14.83 15.06 15.37 15 92 16.75 17.40 17.82 18.07 18.16 18.46 18.63 18.66 18.50 18.90 19.53 20.07 20.21 19.56 18.71 17.78 17.18 16.42 15.88 15.50 15.09 14.78 1434 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 198 1 1985 1,237,782 1,296,567 1,338,650 1,390,968 1,431,771 1,473,803 1,525,376 1.570,442 1.654,798 1,749,384 1,894,912 2,018,377 2,236,813 2,453,034 2,648,835 2,925,948 3,215,741 3,633.869 4,317,079 4,755.950 5,277,125 5,992,390 6.981,460 7,902.046 8.942.790 10,006,733 10,343,207 10,928.619 11,562,498 12.ii27.l5:: 717,576 756,122 783,606 X1X.703 846.345 873,821 908,669 940,092 996,993 1,061,876 1,158,430 1.237,058 1,377,079 1,516,688 1,637,345 1,810,981 1,997,722 2,267,552 2,684,786 2.934,479 3,242,204 3,680,952 4,294,790 4,866,506 5,483.832 6,103,584 6,242,211 6.563,156 6.935,963 7,206,880 38.102 41,142 42.796 44.642 46,404 47,752 49,401 51,375 53.916 57,358 62,126 67,399 73,903 81,441 88,820 97,533 107,940 118,069 137.460 161,805 179.226 201.511 229,899 265,749 303,848 347,839 383,163 396.602 415,092 437.199 26,994 29,351 30,484 31,864 33,229 34,036 35,101 36,142 37.728 39,603 41,970 44,232 47,629 51,088 54,246 58,657 66.013 70.036 79.765 95,104 105.936 120.437 136,052 158,113 182,123 208,541 236,473 250,550 264,261 282.516 21.51 21.09 20 81 20.47 20.26 20.07 1983 19.47 19 22 18.84 18.54 18.25 1814 17.96 17.71 17.64 17.54 17.46 17.11 17.08 17.17 17.26 17.23 17.16 17,06 16.97 16.82 17.12 17.15 17 14 13 89 13.59 13.42 13.21 13.10 13.02 12.88 12.67 12.52 12.28 12.11 11.98 11.95 11 -x 11.79 11.80 1177 11.74 11.60 11.71 11.87 11.97 11.99 11.96 11.97 11.98 11.99 12.28 12.32 12.31 Corporate 1925 141,782 145,545 148,178 149,886 149,427 141,762 128,963 120.454 121,776 124,574 126,525 133,362 140,029 138,929 140,057 147,131 159,723 169,962 174,038 177,432 193,540 230,104 269,411 293,113 305,000 332,284 362,237 381,674 397,931 413,176 446,679 77,472 79,411 80,555 81,193 80,998 76,257 68,008 61,604 Oil, 567 60,649 60,643 63,652 66,984 65,734 65,790 69,276 75,881 79,806 80,509 81,594 89,537 108,657 130,589 145,676 153,960 169,999 187.888 200.022 211,456 221.252 241.293 4,978 5,166 5,256 5,361 5,470 5,316 4,973 4,452 4,272 4,381 4,421 4,449 4,934 5.013 4,952 5,120 5,571 6,149 6,275 6,366 6,497 7,580 9,231 10,716 11,514 12,349 14,209 15,250 16,292 17,244 18,296 2,977 3,104 3,396 3,453 3,506 3,534 3,429 3,211 3,300 3,568 3,796 3,911 4,417 4,624 4,663 4,813 5,227 5,779 6,051 6,293 6,568 7,306 8,613 9,765 10,142 10,418 11,713 12,074 12,654 13,509 14.114 16.91 16.90 16.95 17.01 16.98 17.02 17.22 17.72 18.38 18.82 19.22 19.43 19.41 19.62 19.88 20.00 19.97 20.20 20.41 20.56 20.65 20.33 19.83 19.21 18.74 18.31 17.85 17.45 16.94 16.55 16.17 12.15 12.01 11.97 11.93 11.79 11.80 12.07 12.64 13.29 13.72 14.03 14.07 13.86 14.00 14.12 14.00 13.72 13.89 14.11 14.16 13.98 13.38 12.68 11.97 11.55 11.16 10.77 10.48 10.11 9.90 9.66 1956 492,744 524,898 541,934 563.845 578.289 592,826 612.726 634,226 665,148 710,591 773,713 836,899 922,673 1,013,096 1,115,455 1,225,413 1,327,125 1,480,377 1.827.58.4 2,056,444 2,260,154 2,518,047 2,901,632 3.263,745 3,747,514 4,258,675 4,541,718 4,705,848 4,963,837 5,186,303 269,624 290.063 299,366 311,965 320,853 329,168 341,453 354,678 374,474 404,918 447,223 187,004 540,744 598,56 1 660,267 723,867 783,282 876,229 1,081,768 1,206,387 1,315,756 1,459,001 1,681,107 1.X90.32H 2,162,512 2,446,286 2,584,434 2,655.603 2.795.103 2,914,945 20,624 22.700 23.743 24.863 25,912 26,702 27.696 28,950 30,481 32,619 35,588 39,046 13,1X4 47,309 51,950 57,131 62,740 68,198 80,000 96,380 107,536 120,450 137,167 158,317 181,416 210,715 234,977 242,718 253,928 268,155 15,894 17,266 17,857 18.682 19,623 20,072 20,858 21,541 22,750 23,962 25,629 27,093 29,478 31,442 33,560 36,200 40,684 42,739 49,329 60,058 67,335 76,357 86,401 mil. ij.i 115,905 133,965 153,270 161,786 170,503 181,257 15.67 15.25 15.04 14.77 14.54 14.34 14.10 13.86 13.58 13.21 12.76 12.47 12.24 12.06 1194 11.94 11.93 11.84 11.68 11.68 11.68 11.63 11.57 11.46 11.38 11.28 11.28 11.49 11.53 11.55 9.34 1926 1957 911 1927 1958 9.08 1928 1959 9.00 1929 1960 8.93 1930 1961 8.88 1931 1962.. .. 8.78 1932 . .. 1963... . 8.68 1933 1964 8.53 1934 1965 8.29 1935 1966 8.01 1936 1967 7.87 1937 1968 7.76 1938 1969 7.69 1939 1970 7.68 1940 1971 7.76 1941 . 1972 7.81 1942 1973 7.78 1943 1974 7.74 1944 1975 7.82 1945 1976 7.90 1946. ... 1977 7.91 1947 1978 7.90 1948 1979 7.81 1949 1980 7.79 1950 1981 7.75 1951 1982 7.80 1952 1983 8.01 1953 1984 8.03 1954 1985 8.02 1955 244 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A13. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Year Millions of dollars End of year Annual totals Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- Discards tion Years End of year Average age Net Year Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross Financial corporate 1925 192K 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 I93i; 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 2,879 3.055 3.190 3.322 3,369 3,159 2,801 2.565 2,595 2,703 2,808 3,097 3.352 3,351 3,365 3,504 3,847 4,125 4,269 4,273 4,482 5,662 6,801 7,182 7,140 7,670 8,348 8,553 8.731 8,957 9,830 1 ,886 1,988 2,053 2.118 2,142 1,976 1,704 1,503 1,464 1,477 1,497 1,631 1,739 1,685 1,656 1,695 1,844 1.866 1,825 1,730 1,727 2.222 2,724 2,947 3.020 3,351 3,770 3,919 4,184 4,441 5,113 llll 125 124 132 137 135 121 107 96 106 106 113 130 138 136 142 160 180 176 174 158 184 231 260 271 283 325 351 374 409 434 115 128 144 149 172 228 262 278 287 343 330 338 358 368 10.78 10.96 11.16 11.39 11.50 11.74 12.14 12.70 13.43 14.05 14.64 15.18 15.64 16.12 16.57 16.96 17.20 17.90 18.60 19.48 20.38 20.48 20.48 20.16 19.78 19.44 18.95 18.62 17.82 17.09 1620 8.49 8.49 8.58 8.64 8.60 8.75 9.12 9.70 10.39 10.97 11.44 11.75 12.04 12.48 12.82 12.99 12.96 13.90 14.82 15.86 16.85 16.05 15.30 14.32 13.34 12.48 11.66 11.18 10.17 9.43 8.55 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 10,865 11.401 11,792 12,405 12,915 13,516 14,585 15,603 17,170 19,266 21,662 24,200 28,017 31.400 35,363 40,357 45,010 52,354 65,977 74,282 84,915 98,116 119,309 136,043 158,734 183,112 200,683 215,551 236,048 255,917 5,841 6,294 6,645 7,172 7,607 8,065 8,898 9,615 10,843 12,460 14,188 15,935 18,753 21,340 24,097 27,538 30,677 35,778 44,950 50,140 56,408 64,100 76,641 86,374 99,350 112,741 121,513 128,580 140,616 153,009 503 552 576 609 652 685 725 793 866 979 1,108 1,273 1,497 1,644 1,798 2,030 2,267 2,570 3,219 3,907 4,547 5,323 6,391 7,623 8,871 10,485 12,018 12.932 14,384 15,991 423 15.38 445 14.62 437 13.90 456 13.13 492 12.48 525 12.05 534 11.42 602 10.98 636 10.35 700 9.76 770 9.35 825 8.93 927 8.59 901 8.52 910 8.46 919 8.49 956 8.57 971 8.47 1,048 8.37 1,192 8.35 1,292 8.41 1,569 8.51 1,928 8.75 2,381 8.71 2,999 8.82 3,670 8.93 4,664 8.96 5,245 9.26 6,144 9.28 6,877 9.18 Nonfinancial corporate 1925. .. 138,903 142,489 144,988 146,564 146,057 138,603 126,162 117,889 119,182 121,871 123,717 130,266 136,676 135,579 136,692 143,628 155.876 165,837 169,769 173,159 189,059 224,442 262,610 285,931 297,859 324,614 353,888 373,121 389,201 404,219 436,849 75,586 77,423 78,502 79,074 78,855 74,281 66,303 60,101 59,103 59,172 59,146 62,022 65,245 64.049 64,134 67,580 74,037 77,940 78,684 79,864 87,810 106,435 127,866 142,729 150,940 1 611,1148 184,118 196,103 207,272 216,810 236,180 4,868 5,041 5,132 5.229 5,333 5,182 4,852 4,344 4,176 4,276 4,314 4,3.36 4,804 4,875 4,816 4,978 5,411 5.968 6,099 6,192 6,339 7,396 9,000 10,456 11,242 12,066 13.884 1 1,899 15,918 16,836 17,862 2,958 3,083 3,370 3,426 3,476 3,504 3,400 3,181 3,271 3,530 3,756 3,864 4,358 4,561 4,590 4,738 5,138 5,(1111 5,923 6,150 6,419 7,133 8,385 9,503 9,865 10,131 11,371 11,744 12,316 13,152 13,746 17.03 17.03 17.08 17.14 17.11 17.14 17.34 17.83 18.48 18.93 19.33 19.53 19.51 19.71 19.97 20.07 20.04 20.26 20.46 20.59 20.66 20.32 19.81 19.18 18.72 18.29 17.82 17.43 16.92 16.53 16.17 12.24 12.10 12.05 12.02 11.88 11.88 12.15 12.71 13.36 13.79 14.10 14.13 13.91 14.04 14.16 14.02 13.74 13.89 14.09 14.12 13.92 13.33 12.62 11.93 11.51 11.14 10.76 10.46 10.11 9.91 9.69 1956 481,880 513,496 530,142 551,440 565,374 579,310 598,142 618,623 647,978 691,326 752,051 812,699 894,656 981,697 1,080,093 1,185,057 1,282,116 1,428,023 1,761,607 1,982,163 2,175,239 2,419,931 2,782,323 3,127,702 3,588,780 4,075,564 4,341,036 4,490,296 4,727.788 4,930,387 263,784 283,769 292,721 304,793 313,246 321,104 332,556 345,062 363,632 392,458 433,035 471,068 521,991 577,225 636,170 696,329 752,605 840,451 1,036,817 1,156,247 1,259,348 1,394,901 1,604,466 1,803,946 2,063,162 2,333,545 2,462,921 2,527,022 2,654,487 2,761,935 20,121 22,148 23.167 24,253 25,260 26,018 26,971 28,158 29,615 31,640 34,480 37,774 41,687 45,666 50,152 55,101 60,473 65,628 76,781 92,473 102,989 115,127 130,776 150,694 172,545 200,230 222,959 229,786 239,544 252,164 15,470 16,822 17,420 18,226 19,131 19,548 20,325 20,939 22,114 23,262 24,858 26,268 28,552 30,542 32,650 35,281 39,728 41,768 48,281 58,866 66,043 74,788 84,473 98,044 112,906 130,296 148,606 156,541 164,360 174,380 15.68 15.27 15.07 14.80 14.58 14.39 14.16 13.93 13.66 13.30 12.86 12.57 12.35 12.17 12.05 12.06 12.04 11.96 11.80 11.80 11.81 11.76 11.69 11.58 11.50 11.39 11.39 11.59 11.64 11.68 9.37 1926 1957 9.14 1927 . 1958 9.12 1928.. . 1959 9.06 1929 1960 8.98 1930 .. 1961 8.94 1931 1962 8.84 1932 .... 1963 8.74 1933 1964 8.61 1934 1965 8.37 1935 1966 8.09 1936 1967 7.94 1937 1968 7.84 1938 1969 7.76 1939 1970 7.75 1940 1971 7.83 1941 1972 7.88 1942 1973 7.85 1043 1974 7.81 1944 1975 7.89 1945 1976 7.97 1946 1977 1978 7.98 1947 7.96 1948 1979 7.87 1949 1980 7.85 1950 1981 7.80 1951 1982 7.86 1952 1983 8.07 1953 1984 8.11 1954 1985 8.10 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 245 Table A13. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate 169,043 175,728 180,460 189.593 194,159 184,986 162,397 145,719 150,743 156,566 158,737 172,028 185,639 189,344 194,231 208,329 228,178 244,840 261,822 279,825 301,646 357,964 423,875 462,804 484,904 533,566 581,449 609,168 630.309 659,035 704,816 104,958 109,762 113,131 119,158 121,807 114,980 99,526 87,554 88,988 91,034 91,252 98,286 105,545 106,929 109,318 117,098 128,202 135.828 143.090 150,960 160,940 192.414 231,176 257,252 273,063 306,146 336,959 355,205 370.014 389.679 421,102 3,788 3,987 4,107 4,248 4,470 4,447 4,109 3,513 3,374 3,545 3,466 3,564 3,958 1,087 4.091 4,261 4,681 5,105 5,312 5,593 6,641 8,359 9,698 10,447 11,286 12,957 13.909 14.626 15,240 16,128 1.902 2,037 2,163 2,261 2,357 2,349 2.273 2.079 2 123 2,304 2.366 2.499 2,762 2,878 2,893 2,963 3.143 3.443 3,709 3,978 4,249 4,747 5,898 6,538 6,796 7,085 7,940 8,286 8,776 9.300 9,991 23 27 23 03 22.87 22.91 23.09 23.46 23 80 24.30 25.17 25.95 26.50 26 95 27.33 27.77 28.07 28.31 2841 28 95 29 70 30.43 30.91 3061 30.07 29 35 28.86 28.05 27.51 27.12 26 74 2638 25 8 1 17.47 17.09 16.82 16.75 16.86 17.22 1762 18.24 19.10 19.85 20.34 20 65 20 88 21.21 21.35 21.41 21.33 21.84 22.58 23.26 23.67 23 04 22.12 21.07 20.36 19.34 18.73 18.32 17.93 17.55 17.02 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981) 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 745.038 771.670 796.717 827.123 853,482 880,977 912,649 936,216 989,650 1,038,793 1,121 199 1,181,477 1,314.140 1,439,938 1,533,380 1,700,535 1.888,616 2,153,492 2.489.49 , 2,699,506 3,016,971 3.474,343 4,079,828 1,638,301 5,195.276 5,748.058 5,801,488 6,222,771 6,598,661 6.840,849 447,952 466,060 484,240 506.738 525,492 544,652 567,216 585.414 622,518 656,958 711,207 750,054 vtO, 135 918.124 977.079 1,087,114 1,214,440 1.391.323 1.003,018 1.728,093 1,926,447 2.221,951 2,613,683 2,976,186 3,321,320 3,657,298 3,657,777 3,907.553 4,140,860 4,291.935 17,478 18,442 19,053 19,779 20,492 21,049 21,705 22,425 23,436 24,739 26,538 28,353 30.719 34.132 36,870 40,402 45,200 49.871 57.460 65,425 71,690 81,061 92,732 107,432 122,432 137,125 148.186 153,883 161,163 169,044 11,100 12,085 12,627 13,182 13,607 13,964 14,242 14,601 14,978 15,641 16,341 17,138 18,150 19,645 20,686 22,458 25,328 27,297 311.430 35,046 38,601 44,080 49,652 57,689 66,218 74,576 83,203 88,764 93,757 101,259 25.38 25.07 24.73 24 36 24.13 23.93 23 68 23 26 23 (12 22.70 22.53 22.35 22.29 22.11 21.90 21.74 21.49 21.32 21.09 21.19 21.29 21 33 21 25 21.17 21.16 21.18 21.16 21.38 21 38 21.38 16 62 16.38 16.11 15.80 15.64 15.53 15.36 15 08 14.92 14.73 1 1 68 14 64 14.66 14.61 14.57 14.50 14.32 14.23 14.20 14.42 14.58 14.64 14.63 14.60 14.69 14.81 14.95 15.19 15.21 15.23 Sole proprietorships and partnerships 53.328 54.975 56,1 13 57,746 58,362 55,327 49,231 44,6,67 14,925 45,608 45,831 48,964 52,306 52,244 52,577 55,194 00,009 63,505 66,055 68,951 74,287 89,188 106,237 116,072 120,848 132,251 I 15,802 149,228 152,609 156,298 165.636 29.925 30.922 31.628 32.543 32,918 30,853 26,823 23,534 22,959 22,789 22,621 24,137 25.860 25,640 25,702 27,007 29.506 30.063 31,228 32,313 34,743 42,455 51,939 58,363 61,844 68,687 74,949 77,329 78,864 80,342 85,300 2,036 2,138 2,199 2.267 2,347 2,331 2,176 1,931 1,817 1,821 1,753 1,758 1.926 1,973 1,933 1,987 2,161 2,376 2,379 2,438 2,522 2,894 3,635 4,312 4,752 5,166 6,004 6,460 6,785 7,032 7,344 1,315 1,423 1,510 1,577 1,628 1,610 1,560 1,473 1,512 1,610 1,641 1,714 1,874 1.939 1,899 1.904 1,976 2,151 2.247 2,343 2,452 2,720 3,312 3,645 3.786 3,917 4.386 4,572 4,891 5,300 5,738 19 27 19.11 1896 19.05 19.08 19.20 19 25 19.54 20.48 21.33 21.87 2234 2260 23.06 23.40 23.68 23 09 2420 24.99 25.56 25.74 2530 2462 23.74 23.07 22 38 21.87 21.58 21 26 21.08 2072 14.0.3 13.78 13.57 13.56 13.52 13.69 13 95 14.51 1 5 52 16.35 16.77 16.97 16 95 17.27 17.45 17.50 17.27 17.82 1863 19.06 19.03 18.11 16 99 15 82 15.07 14.37 13.97 13.82 13.62 13.54 13.23 1950 1957 1958 1959 19611 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 175.356 180,347 183,223 187,109 189,166 192,690 197,829 203,430 212,454 223,980 241,035 2 ,4.438 2.-1 278 311,640 340.608 379,974 125, 1 19 486.900 584,828 636,375 702,955 796,223 937,437 1,068,731 1,225,161 1.382.979 1,439,240 1,511,203 1,602 ?20 1,067.350 90,306 92,795 94,322 96.992 98.302 100,727 104,477 108,859 115,193 123,369 134,512 142,946 160,304 180,846 200,313 226,757 258,288 300 888 361,593 390,491 128.7 It 485,525 572,833 655,945 750.598 843.091 866,780 899,1 ,2 951.275 988,698 7,954 8,396 8.590 8.812 8,955 9029 9.181 9.408 9,759 10,261 10.991 11,767 12.708 13.861 15,069 16,411 18,170 20.106 23,295 27,208 29.780 33.343 37,937 44,038 51,020 58,148 64,073 65.794 68,095 10,396 6,575 7,231 7,677 8,012 8,228 8,303 8,442 8,582 8,782 9,0.30 9.353 9,673 10,150 10.569 11,011 11,717 12,710 13,921 15,378 18,110 19,842 22,171 24,987 28,067 33,427 37,366 42,564 45,149 47,786 50,339 20.32 20.02 19.78 19.48 19.34 19.15 18 86 18.37 18.07 17.59 17.24 16 39 16 63 16 19 15.66 15.34 14.93 1 I 58 14.14 14.13 14.24 14.32 14.33 14.21 14.13 14.10 14.06 14.44 14.60 14.71 12 93 12.73 12.56 12.30 12.20 12.03 11.77 11.38 11.11 10.74 10.49 10.31 10.10 9.78 9 18 9.26 8 98 8.73 8.61 8.79 9.01 9.16 9.26 9.30 9.44 9.57 9.75 10.14 10.35 10.50 246 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A13.— Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonprofit institutions 8,753 9,440 10,019 10,658 10,940 10,435 9,285 8,474 8,722 9,135 9,454 10,479 11,459 11,680 12,010 12,811 14,170 15,368 16,302 17,049 18,569 22,973 27,540 29,397 30,072 33,121 36,509 38,1 II 39,133 40,729 44,164 5,752 6,307 6,775 7,252 7,453 7,096 6.266 5,630 5,676 5,822 5,911 6,453 6,960 7,002 7,116 7,504 8,205 8,695 8,989 9,153 9,792 12.037 14,341 15,359 15,864 17,773 19,835 20,867 21,601 22,769 25,009 212 227 241 254 269 266 244 210 204 222 226 239 275 284 289 302 330 364 420 489 641 723 743 782 918 979 1,030 1,070 1,143 90 94 99 102 104 95 97 108 127 133 140 149 157 186 207 231 251 303 402 473 483 516 589 631 659 687 729 16.01 15.53 15.19 15.07 15.11 15.24 15.47 15.92 16.63 17.29 17.84 18.28 18.69 19.11 19.47 19.82 20.12 20.74 21.49 22.30 22.78 22.85 22.98 22.96 22.78 22.34 21.99 21.79 21.53 21.16 20.75 11.49 10.95 10.59 10.47 10.53 10.68 10.95 11.44 12.18 12.87 13.46 13.89 14.28 14.65 14.95 15.24 15.46 16.12 16.91 17.75 18.18 18.06 17.99 17.65 17.11 16.30 15.69 15.31 14.88 14.36 13.85 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 48,063 50,367 52,215 54,505 56,710 60,072 64,193 68,267 73,295 79,708 88,000 94,118 105,480 117,836 129,314 145,039 160,227 179,451 210,486 224,028 244,408 271,828 323,604 348,496 390,433 432,711 445,578 480,394 512,330 529,535 27,607 29,303 30,830 32,629 34,389 36,951 40,161 43,287 47,032 51,815 57,733 62,002 69,640 77,930 85,441 95,639 105,584 117,924 137,394 144,729 156,434 172,421 203,622 216,780 240,335 263,389 268,331 286,658 303,513 310,812 1,275 1,387 1,442 1,517 1,605 1,687 1,797 1,921 2,059 2,227 2,442 2,648 2,889 3,236 3,539 3,915 4,294 4,749 5,423 6,137 6,584 7,232 8,070 9,093 10,232 11,445 12,360 13,027 13,922 14,595 826 20.26 887 19.82 935 19.35 978 18.89 1,035 18.46 1,077 17.99 1,135 17.44 1,185 16.94 1,240 16.55 1,302 16.10 1,391 15.76 1,458 15.54 1,574 15.47 1,697 15.39 1,848 15.33 2,023 15.38 2,218 15.41 2,412 15.52 2,712 15.63 3,106 15.85 3,331 16.13 3,703 16.44 4,107 16.73 4,578 17.07 5,230 17.35 5,870 17.65 6,518 17.86 6,903 18.14 7,553 18.37 7,870 18.65 Persons 1925 106,962 111,313 114,298 121,189 124,857 119,224 103,881 92,578 97,096 101,824 103,430 112,527 121,763 125,253 129,412 140,013 153,592 165,433 178,955 193,259 208,107 244,900 288,851 315,670 331,978 365,744 398,174 418,527 434,884 457,956 490,426 69,281 72,533 74,728 79,363 81,436 77,031 66,437 58,389 60,353 62,422 62,698 67,640 72,621 74,132 76,288 82,308 90,134 96.065 102,448 109,033 115,853 137,192 163,879 182,158 193,718 217,716 239,880 254,475 266,746 283,545 307,429 1,540 1,622 1,667 1,728 1,854 1,849 1,690 1,371 1,353 1,502 1,487 1,566 1,753 1,825 1,861 1,960 2,174 2,346 2,525 2,727 2,917 3,226 4,038 4,601 4,874 5,244 5,916 6,336 6,659 6,972 7,460 497 520 554 582 625 635 617 520 525 599 627 677 761 805 854 910 1,009 1,104 1,253 1,400 1,539 1,716 2,175 2,409 2,513 2,637 2,946 3,061 3,196 3,277 3,478 25.86 25.61 25.47 25.43 25.67 26.16 26.69 27.37 28.11 28.79 29.35 29.78 30.19 30.58 30.81 30.97 31.09 31.60 32.26 32.96 33.57 33.37 32.85 32.14 31.66 30.77 30.21 29.75 29.31 28.83 28.20 19.45 19.03 18.76 18.63 18.78 19.23 19.73 20.40 21.12 21.77 22.29 22.63 22.94 23.23 23.31 23.32 23.27 23.72 24.36 25.05 25.62 25.10 24.23 23.16 22.44 21.29 20.60 20.07 19.58 19.07 18.44 1956 516,364 535,220 555,173 579,075 600,919 621,324 643,423 656,912 695,860 726,578 782,960 822,954 916,525 998,465 1,050,116 1,160,796 1,287,017 1,469,307 1,671,906 1,813,414 2,041,292 2,374,686 2,782,766 3,180,031 3,531,176 3,875,859 3,854,469 4,164,761 4,413,407 4,569,971 326,253 339,913 354,863 372,741 388,314 402,417 417,873 428,357 455,172 476,402 513,211 538,927 599,691 651,974 683,145 755,739 840,923 961,772 1,090,671 1,177,447 1,324,354 1,545,020 1,815,453 2,078,539 2,300,489 2,515,546 2,483,611 2,680,164 2,842,343 2,946,151 8,041 8,428 8,779 9,196 9,670 10,064 10,450 10,806 11,315 11,933 12,766 13,572 14,726 16,606 17,793 19,558 22,176 24,406 28,030 31,216 34,346 39,387 45,478 52,866 59,490 65,529 69,440 72,593 76,572 81,372 3,641 3,843 3,930 4,095 4,238 4,471 4,546 4,706 4,818 5,159 5,435 5,829 6,228 7,168 7,602 8,467 10,131 10,665 11,988 13,382 14,905 17,601 19,874 23,660 26,634 30,262 32,854 35,348 36,964 41,498 27.75 27.44 27.05 26.62 26.34 26.14 25.93 25.58 25.35 25.13 25.05 24.94 24.93 24.87 24.85 24.74 24.52 24.36 24.31 24.44 24.44 24.34 24.21 24.06 24.13 24.23 24.33 24.40 24.33 24.27 18 04 1926 1957... . 17.79 1927 1958 17 47 1928 1959 .. .. 17 14 1929 1960 . 16 96 1930 1961 .. . 16 87 1931 1962 16.76 1932 1963 . .. 16.55 1933 1964 16.43 1934 1965 16 33 1935 1966 16 37 1936 1967 16 40 1937 1968. 16 48 1938 1969 16 55 1939 1970 16.67 1940 1971 16.65 1941 1972 16.50 1942 1973 16.44 1943 1974 16.53 1944 1975 16.74 1945 1976 16.80 1946 1977 16.74 1947 1978 16.65 1948 1979 16.54 1949 1980 16.66 1950 1981 16.82 1951 1982 17.02 1952 1983 17.14 1953 1984 17.08 1954 1985 17.03 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 247 Table A13. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards End of year Average age Gross Net Year Millions of dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age ( 1 ross Farms 1947 52,599 57,936 61,220 66,974 72,853 76,001 77,667 79,420 82,824 85,971 87.398 88,444 89,465 89,843 90,571 91,801 92,852 95,545 99,106 105,176 25,668 29.285 31,758 35,322 38,597 40,156 40,803 41,284 42,692 43,892 44,222 44,561 45,135 45.104 45,453 46,178 47,077 48,624 50,898 54,479 1,526 1,850 2,107 2,348 2,722 2,982 3,146 3,262 3.376 3,574 3,696 3,767 3,850 3,866 3,868 3,906 3,962 4,058 4.226 4,485 1,360 1,503 1,571 1,675 1,842 1,941 2,079 2,248 2.478 2,809 3,147 3,363 3,542 3,611 3,659 3,715 3,744 3.752 3.828 3,899 30.88 29.46 28.28 27.32 26.57 26.03 25.66 25.52 25.33 25.08 24.90 24.68 24.52 24.53 24 18 24.33 23.88 23.79 23.35 23.09 20.84 19.10 17.83 16.93 16.38 16.08 15.92 15.96 15.93 15.86 15.83 15.71 15.54 15.57 15.50 15.35 14.96 14.82 14.43 14.15 1967 110,053 119.099 128,683 136,475 147,652 161,184 178,882 214,573 233,521 259.(188 291,915 338,132 377,699 422,647 462,576 470,623 489,237 499,429 496,335 57,483 62,168 67,194 71,430 77,272 84,222 93,945 114,048 124,161 137,801 155,479 180.325 200,788 222.955 240,467 240,099 244,331 245,089 239,650 4,769 5,090 5,517 5,926 0,258 0.966 7,631 8.788 10,385 11,461 12,903 14,487 16,428 18,875 20,810 22,011 22,382 22,545 22,228 3,989 4.064 4,295 4,478 4,747 5,237 5,894 6,578 7.766 8,001 9,488 10,727 12,140 14,439 16,218 18,510 19,958 21,433 22,318 22.63 22.69 22.46 22.03 21.99 21.77 21.67 20.54 20.16 19.96 19.92 19.82 19.60 19.35 19.32 19,09 19.51 19.87 20.26 13.78 1948 1968 13.79 1949 .... 1969 13.66 1950 1970 13.41 1951 .... 1971 13.38 1952 1972 13.23 1953 1973 13.04 1954 1974 12.28 1955 1975 12.03 1956 1976 11.86 1957 1977 11 76 1958 1978.... 11 71 1959 1979 11.56 1960 .... 1980 11.52 1961 ... . 1981 11.67 1962 .... 1982 11 79 1963 1983 12.25 196J 1984 12 65 1965 1985 13 03 1966 Real estate 345.274 192,897 375,981 213,374 393,640 225,917 133,309 253,572 171,998 279,372 495,054 295,438 513,393 309.082 539,510 327,927 578,491 355,964 611,367 379,119 634,314 395,468 657,243 412,530 685,857 434,027 711,705 452,606 738,349 471,447 767.829 492,656 7S8.588 508.884 837,475 543,262 879,998 573,465 952.467 621.770 5.383 6,127 6,463 6,941 7,914 8,469 8,910 9,345 10,021 10,905 11,548 12,013 12,590 13.257 13810 1 1,390 14.960 15,728 16,079 17.961 3,163 3,512 3,648 3.811 4.302 4,468 4,683 4,811 5,132 5,496 5,894 6,105 6.403 6.731 7,070 7,292 7,605 7,878 8,340 8.835 31.43 30 84 30.44 2962 29 09 28.71 2830 27.85 27.23 26.75 26.42 2604 2558 25.01 24.71 2428 23 98 23 06 23 49 23 13 2248 21.82 20 72 20 05 19.57 19 09 18.60 17.96 17.52 17.25 1693 16.55 16.34 16.18 1 T 98 15.69 15.51 15.33 15 28 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 KIT I 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 198.1 1985 1.004.729 1.124.609 1.236.848 1.316.390 1,466,957 1,635,817 1,873,352 2,148,185 2,325,743 2.604,685 3,011,911 3,539.778 4,039.326 4.517.400 4.983,264 5,004,101 5.411.573 5,771,550 6,013,223 655,997 735,795 810,802 802,397 964,280 1,081,410 1,242,802 1,420,042 1,527,748 1.705,604 1.973,835 2,322,217 2,654,231 2.958.215 3,247,833 3.235,541 3,489.579 3.723.409 3.881,630 19,241 20,997 23,757 25,788 28.577 32,280 3 ,,860 41.377 40,467 50,857 57.695 60,274 77,102 -i 083 97,577 104,581 109,970 117,216 125,077 9,441 10.113 11,344 12,021 13,253 15,238 10.220 18,238 20,617 22,811 26.569 29,950 35,080 39.885 45.295 19.589 53.185 50.500 62.031 23 32 23 19 22 97 22.77 2253 22 23 22 03 2192 22 10 22.22 22.24 22.17 22 08 22.11 22 20 22 26 22 36 2227 22 20 Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries 1947 53,699 59,174 62,523 68,406 74,472 77,755 79.477 81,303 84,962 88,351 89,962 91,232 92,311 02.8 15 93,646 95,061 96,221 99,165 102,968 109,293 26,257 29,970 32,498 36,144 39,528 41,172 41,839 42,356 43,936 45,262 45.691 46,183 46,751 46,771 47,151 47,971 48,893 50,613 53,031 56.727 1,570 1,903 2,168 2,413 2,799 3.067 3,236 3,355 3,477 3,691 3,826 3,908 4,002 4,024 4,031 4.079 4,143 4,251 4,438 4,714 1,394 1,542 1,612 1.717 1.890 1,991 2,132 2,304 2,536 2,879 3,227 3,447 3.630 3.707 3,760 3,824 3,863 3,886 3,978 4,058 30.57 29.16 27.98 27.03 26.29 25.73 25.36 25.22 24.99 24.72 24.52 24.27 24.10 24.10 24.04 23.88 23.44 23.32 22.88 22.63 20.60 18.87 17.62 16.73 16.19 15.88 15.72 15.76 15.69 15.61 15.56 15.41 15.25 15.28 15.22 15.05 14.69 14.52 14.13 1387 1967 114,443 123.906 133.940 142.503 154,282 108,330 186,896 224,533 244,460 271.524 306.130 355.091 398.196 446.671 490.206 199 -To 520.341 531,946 530.006 59,871 64.798 70.072 74,835 81,036 88.285 98,512 119,677 130,299 144,888 163,660 190.239 212,880 237,034 256,425 256,406 261,173 262,368 257,496 5,017 5,362 5.818 6,269 0.050 7,399 - 108 9,355 11,060 12,240 13,821 15,589 17,783 20,534 22,824 24,276 24,815 25,087 24,841 4,169 4,260 4,514 4,714 5,016 5,539 6,231 6,973 8,262 9,164 10,117 11,446 13,004 15,439 17.446 19,927 21,579 23,312 24,412 22.18 22.22 21.99 21.52 21.47 21.26 21.16 20.06 19.69 19.46 19.41 19.29 19.02 18.74 18.68 18.44 18.83 19.16 19.51 13.51 1948 100,8 13.52 1949 1969 13.39 1950 1970 13.09 1951 1971 13.05 1952 1972 12 91 1973 12.73 1954 1974 12.01 1975 11 76 1956 1976 11 58 1957 1977 11.47 1958 1978 11.40 1959 1979 11.22 1960 1980 11.16 1961 , 1981 11.28 1962 1982 11 40 1963 ... 1983 11.84 1964 1984 1985 12.21 190,5 12 55 1966 Finance, insurance, and real estate 1947 352,920 384,078 401,741 442,055 181,540 504,863 523,394 549,746 589,660 0,L'3 08| 647,240 670,608 700,021 726,563 753,959 784,723 806,695 857,351 902,269 977,384 196,019 216,771 229,430 257,488 283,769 300,011 313,912 333,004 361,738 385,699 402.561 420,023 442,207 461,356 480,745 502,902 519.907 587,585 637,738 5,655 6,435 6,789 7,285 8,312 8,900 9,368 9.839 10,540 11,500 12,200 12,693 13,314 14,045 14,653 15,288 15,942 16,798 17,883 19.314 3,437 3,821 3,971 4,141 4,693 4,848 5,077 5,234 5,573 6,007 6,433 0,0,39 6,954 7,324 7,696 7,933 8.333 8,671 9,237 9,847 31.18 30 61) 30.22 29.41 28 88 28.49 28.08 27.64 27.01 26.52 26.18 25.79 25.32 25.01 24.73 24.41 23.97 23.66 23.31 23.13 23.29 22.34 21 08 20.58 19.91 19.43 18.95 18 15 17.81 17.36 17.08 16.75 16.37 16.16 15.99 15.78 15.49 15.30 15.10 15.04 1967 1,032 135 1,156,315 1,271,878 1,355,646 1,511,600 1,685,320 1,930,676 2,220,043 2,406,177 2,696,343 3,117,569 3,608.124 4,185,055 4.687,050 5.178,839 5,218,214 5,641,320 6,022,774 6,284,856 673,825 756,585 834,241 888,851 994.501 1.114,934 1,281,754 1,468,738 1,581,787 1,766,237 2,042,640 2,404,483 2,746,572 3,064,277 3.30- .'15 3,365,234 3,0,20,725 3,873,117 4,043,965 20,776 22,775 25,659 27,837 30,872 34,821 38,714 44,922 50,720 55,776 63.427 73.134 85,248 97,128 108 7j:; 117,349 123,677 132,430 141,928 10,564 11,381 12,551 13,194 9 16,409 17,384 19,484 22,005 24,304 28,358 32,125 37,733 43,173 49,287 54,611 58,789 63,104 69,314 22.93 22.79 22.57 22.35 22.11 21.83 21.63 21.49 21.64 21.75 21.78 21.70 21.61 21.63 21.70 21.71 21.83 21.74 21.04 15.01 1948 1968 14 97 1949 1969 14 89 1950 1970 14 85 1951 1971 14.73 1952 1972 14.54 1953 1973 14 44 1954 1974 14.48 1955 1975 14 74 1956 1976 14 93 1957 1977 15 00 1958 1978 14 99 1959 1979 14 96 1960 1980 15 07 1961 1981 15 24 1962 1982 15 40 1963 1983 15 54 1964 1984 15 49 1985 15 42 1966 , ... 248 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A14. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 193(1 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 192,733 125,722 6,299 205,351 134,872 6,711 216,852 142,827 7,100 227,744 150,056 7,443 238,397 156,928 7,818 245,117 159,656 8,101 247,767 158,407 8,184 246,989 153,865 8,108 245,419 148,997 7,914 244,489 145,302 7.749 244,489 143,033 7,643 246,157 142,828 7,607 249,644 144,513 7,732 251,441 144,346 7,825 254,238 145,330 7,860 258,842 148,176 7,973 265,578 153,099 8,211 268,013 153,052 8,394 268,640 151,227 8,421 271,024 151,270 8,430 276,864 154.686 8,675 294,571 169,474 9,387 322,317 193,650 10,281 357,166 223,691 11,779 388,839 249,331 13,344 128 925 282,015 14,959 170,490 314,777 16,750 511,946 345,905 18,574 556,641 379,233 20,430 601 10- 411,545 22,391 652,219 449,698 24,330 2,690 2,927 3,209 3.428 3,596 3,797 4,021 4,230 4,440 4,708 4,929 5,127 5.303 5,515 5,611 5,615 5,699 5.859 5,915 6,045 6,278 0,0,02 6,425 6.681 6,957 7,219 7,603 7,931 8,582 9,780 10,815 15.30 15.02 14.87 14.81 14.79 15.03 15.50 16.18 10.89 17.53 18.07 18.46 18.70 19.05 19.31 19.42 19.37 19.65 20.05 20.30 20.30 19.54 18.28 16.96 16.07 15.09 14.31 13.72 13.21 12.83 12.43 11.00 10.71 10.58 10.55 10.56 10.85 11.39 12.15 12.93 13.60 14.13 14.43 14.54 14.82 14.98 14.93 14.70 14.95 15.37 15.58 15.44 14.35 12.84 11.47 10.70 9.89 9.33 8 98 8.69 8.52 8.31 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 706,472 761,462 812,662 869,269 925,343 980,009 1,039,890 1,104,012 1,174,231 1,254,631 1,340,803 1,427,136 1,525,953 1,637,274 1,748,641 1,876,305 2,027,210 2,201,662 2,380,946 2,553,646 2,756,852 3,016,552 3,334,545 3,711,166 4,086,123 4,500,094 4,885,553 5,290,114 5,785,057 6,305,282 490.156 530,341 566,066 606,226 644,978 681,435 722,265 766,109 814,569 871,623 932,364 990,702 1,058,813 1,136,459 1,210,948 1,298,950 1,407,171 1,534,557 1,661,097 1,776,913 1,917,746 2,107,603 2,345,401 2,630,180 2,900,427 3,195,490 3,449,345 3,711,242 4,053,591 4,408,780 26,499 28,625 30,591 32,538 34,629 36,684 38,767 41,103 43,705 46,802 50,426 54,306 58,342 63,124 68,176 73,389 80,259 86,913 94,919 103,334 112,590 124,173 138,678 156,816 175,838 196,307 218,031 238,769 261,201 280.925 12,102 13,253 14,270 15,376 16,549 17,637 18,687 19,824 21,129 22,507 23,865 25,093 26,418 28,212 30,053 32,237 36,321 38,348 40.693 44,107 47,636 51,791 55,940 61,792 67,479 73,109 81,869 91,110 100,870 113,815 12.08 11.83 11.70 11.57 11.50 11.49 11.46 11.44 11.40 11.32 11.25 11.22 11.16 11.07 11.04 10.96 10.81 10.63 10.51 10.49 10.40 10.19 9.90 9.59 9.40 9.25 9.22 9.22 9.13 9.07 Corporate 1925 93,121 98.246 102,740 107,139 112,283 115,749 116,729 116,083 115,111 114,459 114,073 114,478 115,993 116,125 116,453 117,875 120,358 121.415 121,771 123,337 127,192 135,045 146,699 160,217 172,165 185,666 202,433 220,100 239,680 257,894 277,552 57,325 60,503 63,055 65,448 68,559 69,892 68,803 66,143 63,448 61,422 59,987 59,611 60,414 59,722 59,384 60,271 62,290 62.3911 61,775 62,445 65,336 71,903 81,994 93,3.38 102,503 112,517 125,156 137,818 151,796 163,916 177,110 3,691 3,908 4,105 4,275 4,478 4,632 4,671 4,625 4,513 4,427 4,373 4,354 4,444 4,504 4,513 4,566 4,692 4,797 4,825 4,832 4,998 5,460 5,918 6,715 7,525 8,333 9,251 10,261 11,325 12.487 13,593 1,592 1,712 1,878 1,997 2,089 2,241 2,385 2,516 2,644 2,825 2,959 3,074 3,215 3,395 3,487 3,526 3,640 3,785 3,795 3,888 4,054 4,274 4,086 4,279 4,440 4,567 4,824 4,998 5,329 6,066 6,617 12.95 12.86 12.86 12.90 12.87 13.03 13.45 14.05 14.66 15.19 15.64 15.95 16.07 16.36 16.60 16.65 16.52 16.62 16.81 16.82 16.52 15.85 14.81 13.83 13.18 12.59 11.92 11.38 10.89 10.57 10.28 9.09 8.99 9.00 9.04 8.99 9.17 9.64 10.31 10.98 11.51 11.91 12.08 12.01 12.22 12.34 12.18 11.81 11.84 11.99 11.88 11.40 10.49 9.35 8.45 7.98 7.59 7.17 6.88 6.63 6.54 6.45 1956 302,029 328,643 349,203 372.146 397,114 420,866 446,759 473,944 505,399 544,637 590,439 636,544 688,621 747,653 806,256 865,729 931,948 1,014,357 1,110,564 1,205,306 1,310,702 1,439,701 1,600,806 1,793,768 1,998,228 2,233.074 2,457.870 2,673,454 2,934,058 3,212,192 194,527 213,316 225,635 239,755 255,462 269,479 285,253 301,634 321,491 348,275 380,375 411,105 446,037 486,069 523,683 560,578 602,641 658,372 724,376 786,202 855,126 942,846 1,055,888 1,193,128 1,333,257 1,494,106 1,635,926 1,760,950 1,924,470 2,096,661 14,882 16,210 17,406 18,525 19,777 21,051 22,328 23,765 25,367 27,334 29,722 32,337 35,056 38,297 41,663 44,955 49,076 53,351 58,717 64,571 70,920 78,779 88,584 100,859 113,966 128,384 143,722 158,526 174,702 193,040 7,324 7,913 8,440 9,105 9,876 10,611 11.339 12,129 13,082 14,083 15,071 15,930 16,880 18,262 19,607 21,086 23,765 25,306 27,163 29,689 32,282 35,344 38,349 42,509 46,629 50,842 57.041 63,779 71,260 80,450 9.92 9.61 9.53 9.45 9.36 9.35 9.32 9.30 9.25 9.11 8.94 8.84 8.72 8.59 8.54 8.53 8.49 8.37 8.22 8.16 8.09 7.95 7.74 7.51 7.35 7.20 7.17 7.22 7.20 7.19 6.28 l'l 'I 1957 6.15 ! i '7 1958 6.23 l'l '- 1959 6.29 ].. ■ ., 1960 6.32 HWO 1961 6.41 1931 1962 6.46 1932 1963 6.51 1933 1964 6.52 1934 1965 6.42 1935 1966 6.29 1936 1967 6.24 1937 1968 6.17 1938 1969 6.10 1939 1970 6.09 1940 1971 6.11 1941 1972 6.10 I'll ■ 1973 6.00 l'l-i ■ 1974 5.87 1944 1975 5.84 1945 1976 5.80 1946 1977 :.■ 5.70 1947 1978 5.52 1948 1979 5.34 1949 1980 5.24 1950 1981 5.14 1951 1982 5.16 1952 1983 5.26 1953 1984 5.25 1954 1985 5.26 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 249 Table A14. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Financial corporate 2,035 2,209 2,372 2,530 2,727 2,864 2,930 2.957 2,960 2,966 2,975 2.997 3,022 3,036 3,048 3.066 3,102 3,06* 3,022 2,964 2,903 3,013 3,2112 3,416 3,654 3,948 4,279 4,557 .-,,065 5,581 6,277 1,443 1,563 1,665 1,772 1,902 1,962 1,948 1,887 1,810 1,751 1,708 1,694 1,681 1,634 1,599 1,582 1.590 1.491 1,387 1,286 1.193 1.291 1,467 1,666 1,887 2,152 2,441 2.646 3.072 3.482 4,063 92 99 106 112 119 124 124 124 120 119 120 120 128 132 134 136 140 142 139 130 125 134 130 144 162 183 206 229 258 301 343 15 15 16 19 21 20 22 26 25 32 32 36 40 43 51 54 62 76 si 87 93 L22 96 102 112 121 129 121 128 150 168 8 13 8.27 8.46 8 68 8.81 9.18 9.77 10.48 11.25 11.95 12.58 1308 13 53 14.07 14.54 14.95 1 5 22 15.91 16 62 17.36 18.08 17.85 17.02 16.14 15.27 14.32 13.38 12.81 11.77 10.96 10.03 6.38 6.43 6.58 6.71 6.76 7.09 7.66 8.39 9.18 9.85 10.40 10.75 11.07 11.58 11.96 12.14 1208 12.91 13.78 14.65 15.41 14.02 12.12 10.56 9.32 8 25 7.42 7.04 6.28 5 m: 5.30 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1970 1980 108 1 1982 1983 1984 1085 6,930 7,630 8.285 9,100 9.874 10,561 11,555 12.381 13.798 15,501 17,133 18,968 21,674 24,533 27,271 30,602 34.166 39,007 44.870 50,923 57,540 65,143 74. 685 86.005 98 1 111,666 125,897 141,840 162,526 187.319 4.580 5,114 5,586 6,207 6.771 7,248 8,014 8,602 9.729 11,095 12,332 13,673 15,761 17.860 19,712 22,031 24 113 27,892 32,050 36,110 40,380 45,250 51.56,11 59,138 66,977 75,684 84,458 94.178 107,975 124.530 390 426 461 498 539 576 614 658 716 805 902 1.013 1,155 1,338 1.520 1,713 1.954 2,261 2,672 3,138 3,643 4,220 4.936, 5,801 6,740 7,770 8,932 10,269 11,950 14,096 193 9.41 5.05 202 8.90 4.91 209 8.58 4.91 232 8.22 4.85 257 7.99 4.90 286 7.89 5.04 296 7.67 5.03 326 7.62 5.17 346 7.34 5.06 370 7.05 4.95 389 6.92 4.98 397 6.84 5.02 409 6.59 4.89 439 6.46 4.85 484 6.47 4.94 522 6.44 4.95 604 6.46 5.00 697 6.34 4.90 768 6.21 4.78 901 6.18 4.77 1,020 6.18 4.77 1,212 6.16 4.76 1.420 6.08 4.66 1.696 5.98 4.54 2.065 5.93 4.48 2,412 5.89 4.42 2,941 5.90 4.42 3,459 5.90 4.41 4,149 5.78 4.26 4,906 5.64 4 12 Nonfinancial corporate 91,086 55,882 96,037 58,941 100,374 61,389 104,599 63,675 109,556 66,657 112,886 67,930 113,799 66.855 113,126 64,256 112,152 61,638 111,493 59,671 111,098 58,279 111,481 57,918 112,970 58,732 113,089 58,088 113,405 57,785 114,809 58,689 117,256 6[i,700 118,347 60,900 118,749 60,388 120,373 61,159 124,289 64,143 132,033 70,611 143,496 80,527 156,801 91,672 168,511 100,615 181,718 110,365 198,154 122,715 215,543 135,172 234,616 148,724 252,314 160,434 271,275 173,047 3,601} 3,80.8 3,999 4,164 4,359 4,509 4,546 4,501 4,392 4,307 4,254 4,233 4,316 4,372 4.380 1 130 4,552 4,656 4,687 4.701 4,873 5.326 5,788 6,571 7.364 8,150 9,046 10,033 11,068 12,186 13.250 1,577 1,697 1,862 1,978 2,068 2,220 2,363 2,491 2,618 2,793 2,927 3,038 3,175 3,352 3,436 3,472 3,578 3,709 3,714 3.800 3,961 1.152 3.990 4,177 4,328 4,446 1.6,95 4,876 5,201 5.916 6,449 13.05 12.97 12 96 13.01 12.97 13.13 13.55 14.14 14.75 15.27 15.72 1602 16.14 16.43 16.66 16.69 16.55 16.64 16.82 16.80 16.49 15.81 14.76 1378 13.14 12.55 1 1 89 11.35 10.87 10.56 10 29 9 16 9.06 9 117 9.11 9.05 9.23 9.70 10.37 11.0.3 11.56 11.96 12.12 12.03 12.24 12.35 12.18 11.80 11.82 11.95 11.82 11.33 10.42 9.30 8.41 7.96 7.58 7.17 6.88 6.64 6.56 6.48 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196 , 1966 1967 196,8 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19M-: 1984 1985 •9 7 1199 321,013 3411.918 363.047 387,240 410,305 135,204 461,563 491,601 529,136 573.306 617.576 666,947 723,119 778,984 835,127 897,783 975,350 1.065,693 1,154,383 1,253,162 1,374,558 1,526,120 1,707,763 1,900,129 2,121,408 2.331.974 2.531.613 2.771,532 3,024 873 189.948 208,203 220 049 233.549 248,691 262,231 277.239 293.02,2 311.762 337.180 368 013 397,431 120 2,0 468.209 702.971 538.547 578.227 630.480 692,326 750,092 814,746 897.595 1.004,328 1,133,990 1,266,280 1,418.422 1.551.468 1,666,772 1,816,496 1,972,131 14,492 15,784 16,945 18.027 19 238 20.475 21,714 23.107 24.651 26,529 28,820 31,32.3 33,901 36,959 40.142 43,242 47,123 51,090 56,045 61,433 67,278 74.558 83,648 95,059 107,226 120,613 134.790 148,257 162,753 178.944 7,1,31 7,711 8,231 8.873 9,620 10,326 11,044 11,803 12,736 13,713 14,682 1.7,522 16,471 17.823 19,123 20,564 23,161 24,609 26.395 28,788 31,261 34.131 36.929 40,813 44,564 48,430 54,100 0,2320 67,111 75,544 9.93 9.62 9.55 9.48 9 10 9 30 9.36 9.35 9.30 9.17 9.00 8 91) 8.79 8.67 8.61 8.60 8.56 8.45 8.31 8.24 8.17 8 03 7.82 7.59 7 13 7 27 7.24 7.29 7.28 7.28 6.31 6.18 6.26 6.32 6.36 6.44 6.50 6.55 6.56 6.47 6.33 6.28 6.22 6.14 6.13 6.16 6.15 61)7 5.93 .7 90 5.74 5.57 5.38 5.28 5.18 5.20 5.30 5.31 5.33 250 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A14. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Noncorporate 1925 1926 1927 192X 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 193* 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 194X 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 99,611 68,397 107,105 74,368 114,106 79,773 120,605 84,609 126,114 88,369 129,368 89,764 131,038 89,604 130,907 87,722 130,308 85,548 130.030 83,881 130,416 83,046 131,679 83,217 133,651 84,099 135,315 84,624 137,785 85,946 140,967 87,906 145,220 90,809 146.599 90,661 146.869 89,453 147.686 88,825 149,672 89,350 159,526 97,572 175.618 111,656 196,949 130,352 216.673 146,828 243,259 169,497 268,057 189,621 291,846 208,087 316,960 227,437 343,273 247,629 374,667 272,588 2.608 2,804 2.995 3,168 3,340 3,469 3,513 3,483 3.401 3.322 3.270 3,254 3,288 3.321 3,347 3,407 3,518 3,596 3.596 3,598 3,677 3,927 4,364 5,064 5,819 6,625 7,498 8,312 9,104 9,905 10,737 1,098 1,215 1,331 1.432 1,507 1,556 1,636 1,713 1,796 1,883 1,970 2.053 2.088 2,120 2,123 2,090 2,059 2,074 2,120 2,157 2,223 2,328 2,339 2,402 2,517 2,652 2,780 2,934 3,253 3,714 4,198 17.50 17.00 16.67 16.50 16.50 16.82 17.33 18.07 18.86 19.59 20.20 20.65 20.99 21.36 21.60 21.74 21.72 22.15 22.73 23.21 23.51 22.65 21.17 19.50 18.36 17.01 16.11 15.49 14.97 14.52 14.01 12.59 12.11 11.84 11.71 11.78 12.16 12.73 13.53 14.37 15.13 15.72 16.11 16.36 16.66 16.80 16.82 16.67 17.10 17.70 18.18 18.40 17.19 15.41 13.64 12.59 11.42 1076 10.37 10.06 9.83 9.52 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 404,443 432,820 463,459 497,123 528,229 559,143 593,130 630,069 668,832 709,994 750,364 790,591 837,332 889,621 942,386 1,010,576 1,095,262 1,187.305 1,270,382 1,348,340 1,446,150 1,576,851 1,733.739 1,917.398 2,087.895 2,267.020 2,427,683 2,616,660 2,850,999 3,093,089 295,629 317,025 340,431 366,471 389,516 411,956 437,013 464,475 493,078 523,348 551,989 579,597 612,776 650,390 687,265 738,372 804,530 876,185 936,721 990,711 1,062,620 1,164,757 1,289,513 1,437,051 1.567,170 1,701,384 1.813,419 1,950,292 2,129,120 2,312,119 11,617 12,415 13,185 14,014 14,852 15,633 16,439 17,338 18,338 19,468 20,704 21.970 23.2X6 24.828 26,513 28,435 31,183 33,562 36,202 38,763 41,669 45,394 50,094 55.957 61,872 67,923 74,309 80,243 86,499 93,885 4,778 5,339 5,830 6,271 6,673 7,026 7,348 7,695 8,046 8,424 8,794 9,163 9,538 9,950 10,446 11,152 12,556 13,042 13.530 14,418 15,354 16,447 17,591 19,283 20,850 22,267 24,828 27,331 29,610 33,364 13.70 13.51 13.34 13.15 13.10 13.10 13.08 13.05 13.03 13.02 13.06 13.15 13.17 13.15 13.17 13.04 12.79 12.56 12.51 12.57 12.49 12.23 11.90 11.53 11.37 11.26 11.30 11.27 11.13 11.04 Sole proprietorships and partnerships 1925 34.036 36,134 38,159 40,029 41,984 43,082 43,212 42,618 41,816 41,149 40,754 40,671 40,959 10.S26 40,847 41,227 42,120 42,130 41,919 42,340 43,331 16.2X6 51,252 57,495 63.307 69,912 76,278 81,827 87,714 92,969 99,134 21,019 22,445 23,789 24.977 26,221 26,534 25,912 24,644 23,330 22,325 21,747 21,611 21,862 21,658 21,610 21,880 22,578 22,233 21,692 21,795 22,437 24,967 29,286 34,516 38,947 43,796 48,017 51,107 54,429 57,108 60,768 1,584 1,688 1,789 1,880 1,981 2,058 2,070 2,026 1,942 1,860 1,799 1,763 1,770 1,770 1.757 1,770 1 ,825 1,862 1,849 1,848 1,912 2,071 2,313 2,726 3,171 3,628 4,101 4,529 4,921 5,298 5,655 845 950 1,042 1,125 1,184 1,218 1,272 1,333 1,400 1,473 1,537 1,601 1,622 1,637 1,613 1,564 1.519 1,511 1,523 1,534 1,569 1,644 1,609 1,639 1,710 1,801 1,881 2,001 2,254 2,638 3,029 13.77 13.52 13.33 13.24 13.15 13.34 13.83 14.53 15.28 15.96 16.51 16.89 17.09 17.46 17.75 17.87 17.79 18.10 18.49 18.60 18.46 17.56 16.14 14.73 13.77 12.90 12.28 11.94 11.62 11.45 11.20 9.88 9.62 9.46 9.39 9.33 9.61 10.20 11 ni 11.91 12.64 13.12 13.33 13.30 13.55 13.70 13.64 13.34 13.67 14.10 14.11 13.77 12.44 10.76 9.37 8.62 8.02 7.69 7.59 7.48 7.48 7.36 1956 104,785 110,140 115,282 121,441 126,627 132,247 138,801 146,087 154,308 163,950 174,400 184,449 198.583 216,479 235,500 257,907 285,725 318,230 347,916 372,751 399,964 436,5X6 483,091 543,234 604,751 670,741 730,961 783,900 853,417 924,878 64,037 67,153 70,178 74,247 77,340 80.859 85,272 90,316 96,117 103,104 110,550 117,182 127,478 140,994 155,047 172,010 193,709 219,427 241,207 257,444 275,191 301,083 335,114 380,012 423,970 470,263 508,718 539,299 584,524 630,774 6,017 6,305 6,561 6,834 7,101 7,328 7,571 7,871 8,236 8,698 9,254 9,844 10,453 11,215 12,076 13,011 14,157 15,546 16,891 18,273 19,724 21,616 24,090 27,283 30,685 34,144 37,856 40,928 43,994 47,254 3,512 3,954 4,305 4,608 4,874 5,079 5,255 5,452 5,673 5,880 6,061 6,232 6,424 6,628 6,875 7,253 7,802 8,469 8,681 9,296 9,845 10,504 11,246 12,222 13,320 14,123 15,715 17,277 18,935 21,201 11.05 10.94 10.87 10.72 10.69 10.64 10.55 10.44 10.31 10.14 9.99 9.92 9.69 9.40 9.17 8.91 8.60 8.29 8.18 8.26 8.33 8.26 8.11 7.95 7.88 7.82 7.89 8.00 8.06 8.14 7.31 1926 1957 7.29 1927 1958 7.30 1928 1959 7.23 1929 1960 7.27 1930 1961 7.29 1931 1962 7.25 1932 1963 7.19 1933 1964 7.12 1934 1965 7.01 1935 1966 6.93 1936 1967 6.94 1937 ... 1968 6.79 1938 1969 6.56 1939 1970 6.40 1940 1971 6.21 1941 1972 5.97 1942 1973 5.75 1943 1974 5.74 1944 1975 5.91 1945 1976 6.06 1946 1977 6.07 1947 1978 .V. 5.99 l'U- 1979 5.91 1949 1980 5.93 1950 1981 5.93 1951 1982 6.07 1952 198.3 6.21 1953 1984 6.29 1954 1985 6.38 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 251 Table A14. — Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonprofit institutions 5,575 6,314 7,035 7,689 8,280 8,797 9,139 9,279 9,317 9,361 9,428 9,563 9,749 9.951 10.172 10,405 10,673 10,721 10,722 10,690 10,828 11,253 11.844 12,794 13,978 15,466 17.090 IX. 599 20,285 22.230 24,2X3 4.132 4,759 5,354 5,868 6,306 6,661 6,831 6.797 6.662 6,535 6,432 6,398 6.413 6,444 6,492 6,549 6.634 6.503 6.330 6,136 6,115 6.381 6,803 7,570 8,541 9,786 11,116 12,290 13,600 15.127 16.716 139 157 175 191 207 221 231 237 238 238 240 242 247 252 259 266 274 277 278 277 280 293 312 341 380 428 486 545 605 0711 741 11 44 49 52 54 58 60 63 65 67 69 74 77 81 85 89 91 98 104 113 122 133 111 158 167 184 193 209 230 252 277 11.50 10.93 10.60 10.50 10.55 10.74 11.16 11.81 12.58 13.33 14.04 14.63 15.13 15 59 16.01 16.40 1674 17 40 18.12 18.87 19.31 1923 18.91 18.12 17.21 16.18 15 28 1468 14.11 13.53 1305 x 04 7.60 7.40 7.41 7.56 7.82 8.29 8.98 9.79 10.57 11.29 11.87 1234 12.75 13.10 13.40 13 63 14.28 15.00 15.77 16.06 15 62 14.89 13.66 12.42 11.21 10 29 9.76 9.30 xx.-, X 53 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196X I960 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 1984 19X5 26,642 29,240 32.111 35.0X9 38,216 41.623 45.620 49,591 53.936 58,866 63,985 68.893 73.830 79,334 84,768 90.507 97.316 104,294 111,010 117,657 124.835 132,561 141.146 150,166 160,447 171,552 183,846 197,336 212,663 227,115 18,570 20.608 22,872 25,188 27.598 30,223 33,366 36.402 39.724 43,526 47,406 50,956 54,436 58,363 62,123 66,092 71,024 75,987 80,539 84,861 89,548 94,618 100,356 106,195 113,057 120,512 12X.X43 138.169 148,801 158,1X1 819 904 996 1,094 1,194 1,297 1,411 1,534 1,664 1,809 1.966 2,123 2,275 2,435 2,602 2,769 2,956 3,165 3,386 3,610 3,838 4,089 4.370 4.679 5,031 5,439 5,907 6,429 7,022 7,591 314 345 380 431 476 515 557 599 641 681 727 765 819 858 922 988 1,064 1,135 1,204 1,286 1,346 1.433 1,524 1,619 1,743 1 ,8.- I 2,053 2.222 2,442 2.628 12 56 12.11 11.70 11.39 11.14 10.92 1065 1050 10.37 10.22 10.13 10.15 10.22 10.26 10.35 10.45 10.17 10.52 1064 10.81 10.96 11.10 1120 11.36 11.47 11.55 11.60 11.57 11.55 1 1 6,2 8 20 7.94 7.71 7.58 7.50 7.45 7.34 7.34 7.34 7.32 7.34 7.46 7.61 7.72 7.86 8.00 8 04 8.11 8.25 8.43 8.59 8.71 8.79 8.95 9.04 'Ml- 9.10 9.03 8.98 9.03 60.001 64,657 68,912 72,8X8 75,850 77,488 78,688 79,010 79,175 79,521 80,211 81,339 82,838 84,377 86,542 89,043 92,063 93.336 93,7X7 94,164 94,932 101,278 111,586 125,375 137,828 156,036 172,533 188,967 206,188 225,001 247,875 13,246 47,165 50,630 53,764 55,841 56,570 56,861 56,281 5,020 54,845 55.154 55.724 56,372 57,638 59,214 61,277 61,571 61,060 60.490 60,322 65,641 74,786 87,177 98,0.31 114,389 128,731 142,730 157,230 173.025 192,547 884 959 1,030 1,096 1,153 1,190 1,212 1.221 1,221 1,223 1,231 1.246 1.269 1.293 1,323 1,361 1,407 1,441 1,452 1,455 1,463 1.536 1,704 1,948 2,205 2,492 2,819 3,131 3,457 3,801 4,194 211 221 241 255 268 281 303 31X 331 343 365 378 3X9 402 425 436 449 463 491 507 528 545 580 598 631 658 694 710 750 799 858 20.17 19.53 1914 1X.92 19.01 19.44 19.97 20 71 21.48 22.20 22.80 2325 23 63 2397 24.13 24.21 24.18 24 61 25,24 25.88 26.40 25 49 23 86 21.98 20.75 19.08 1X03 17.25 1660 16.01 15.34 14.35 13.75 13.42 1326 13.40 13.86 14.41 15.17 15 96 16.68 17.28 17.71 18.05 1X35 18.44 18.44 18.31 18.71 19.34 19 98 20.47 1927 17.40 15.45 14.31 12.84 12 04 11.50 11.10 1076 1034 1956 1957 195x 1959 r. 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 1984 198", 269.319 289,455 311.812 336.049 358,511 380,088 403,199 428,541 454.423 480.667 505,064 529.8X1 557.051 585.408 613,097 652,513 701.910 753,745 799,579 844,888 907,133 991.698 1,091,372 1,203,61 1 1.298.887 1,396,862 1,480,919 1,600,007 1,746,262 1. 89-. 170 210,263 226,334 244,301 263.7X7 281,119 297.232 314,543 333,724 353,033 372,318 389,388 406.530 125.009 445.439 464,090 493,858 532,964 573.465 607.097 639,655 688,280 758.042 X41.353 936,434 1,012,942 1,090,123 1,152,180 1,246,686 1,367,474 1,491,681 4,620 5.032 5,446 5 -9.-, 6.356 6.796 7,233 7,697 8,192 -,7ol 9,212 9,716 10,253 10,851 11,486 12,279 13,668 14,420 15,462 16,377 17,552 19.064 20,916 23,169 25,192 27,200 29,220 31,392 33,85,-, 37,270 1109 987 1,073 1,160 1.243 1.346 1,446 1,548 1,631 1,755 1.893 2,047 2,169 2,329 2,507 2,758 3,527 3.260 3,452 3,625 3,933 4,260 4,553 5,149 5.457 5,890 6.634 7,337 7.66,4 8.872 14 94 14.73 14.50 1429 14 23 14.27 14.29 14.29 14.32 14.39 14.54 14.71 1484 14.97 15.15 15.08 14.85 1468 14.69 14,75 14.58 14.17 13.71 13.21 13.04 12.94 13 03 1292 12.65 12.45 10.16 10.14 10.10 10.06 10.14 10.30 10,44 1054 10 66 10.80 11.02 11.24 11.42 11.58 11.79 11.75 11.54 11 III 11.45 11.53 11,37 1098 10.56 10.10 9.98 9.94 10.07 10 01 9.79 9,64 252 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A14.— Fixed Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 1947 191- i:u:i 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 i960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 j:;, 221' 26.547 29,946 33,368 36,61)9 39,589 42,360 44,673 46,821 48,563 50,163 .1,887 53,967 55,367 56.956 58.709 60,801 62,999 65,770 69, DSD 13,715 16,579 19,316 21.889 24,074 25,842 27,339 28,361 29,285 29,917 30,559 31,433 32,710 33,337 34,188 35,206 36,527 37,875 39,727 41,977 975 1,171 1.406 1,649 1,883 2,094 2.283 2,454 2,591 2,702 2,771 2,844 2,933 3,006 3,062 3,130 3,227 3,343 3,495 3,691 638 655 690 748 776 827 938 1.096 1,282 1,503 1,727 1,895 2.030 2,134 2.216 2,277 2,335 2.390 2,453 2,494 1885 16.82 15.31 14,18 13.42 1292 12.59 12.46 12.38 12.41 12.45 12.46 12.38 12.47 12.51 12.52 12.47 12.42 1229 12.11 12.03 10.21 9.11 8.45 8.10 7.95 7.92 8.01 8.11 8.26 8.39 8.45 8.41 8.55 8.62 8.66 8.63 8.62 8.52 8.37 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 72,761 76,245 80,134 84,686 89,501 94,824 102,074 111,408 121,202 132,384 146,296 160,591 177,085 191,984 204,841 213,947 221,331 228,423 234,173 44,423 46,493 48,792 51,581 54,528 57,831 62,947 69,761 76.727 84,671 94,704 104,531 115,918 125,225 132,118 135,372 137,200 139,129 140,284 3,921 4,138 4,361 4,608 4,871 5,181 5,626 6,047 6,594 7,219 8,005 8,857 9,805 10,792 11,513 12,072 12,392 12,670 12.896 2,549 11.92 2,594 11.82 2,645 11.71 2,726 11.56 2,875 11.43 3,060 11.29 3,384 10.97 3,436 10.56 3,658 10.23 3,876 9.90 4,035 9.52 4.310 9.24 4,609 8.96 5,102 8.85 5.438 8.89 6,111 9.10 6,724 9.36 7,351 9.61 8,151 9.89 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 i::> 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196 ■ 1966 136.011 88,767 151,831 102,797 166,463 115,364 187,676 134,164 207,214 150.871 226,220 166,658 246,671 183,522 269.092 201,944 296,276 224,679 322,213 245,674 346.926 265,020 373.938 286,305 404,062 310,270 132.1)67 331,671 460.260 352.827 490,917 376,027 .24 015 401,224 '58,; 427,270 594,464 454,188 628,904 178.974 2,::>7 2,711 3,066 3,478 3,956 4,404 4,870 5.382 5.963 6,601 7,212 7,799 8,446 9,128 9,774 10,426 11,110 11,855 12,664 13,512 942 980 1,041 1,097 1,164 1,206 1,303 1,411 1,556 1,710 1,894 2,116 2,328 2,566 2,782 3,012 3,248 3,461 3.680 3.938 23.07 21.38 20.23 18.66 17.65 16.93 16.29 15.70 15.04 14.62 14.38 14.13 13.88 13.78 13.74 13.69 13.64 13.60 13.59 13.67 1707 15.23 14.10 12.67 11.86 11.35 10.94 10.58 10.15 9.95 9.89 9.83 9.75 9.80 9.89 9.96 10.01 10.07 10.15 10.30 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 663,227 704,334 750,756 796,376 857,366 932,309 1,011,429 1,078,665 1,140,037 1,219,028 1,326,143 1,455,023 1,610,621 1,750,701 1,892,532 2,022,534 2,190,282 2,405.195 2,630,301 503,047 533,216 567,881 600,796 648,076 708,099 770,660 819,870 862,21); 921,003 1,006,265 1,110,990 1,239,601 1,349,631 1,458,543 1,553,013 1,682,353 1,855,169 2,033,953 14,371 15,311 16,438 17,670 19,094 21,224 22,823 24,687 26,290 28,101 30,404 33,358 37,211 41,057 44,848 48,794 53,012 58,042 64,293 4,195 4,437 4,718 4,995 5,387 6,332 6,281 6,674 7,136 7,682 8,362 9,011 9,977 10,727 11,600 12,909 14,216 15,330 17,322 13.78 13.79 13.75 13.78 13.61 13.32 13.09 13.10 13.23 13.19 12.94 12.62 12.21 12.06 11.99 12.06 11.96 11.72 11.54 Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries 1947 23,866 27.288 30,780 34,284 37.629 40,735 43,577 45,976 48,303 50,156 51,892 "■3,845 56.009 57,538 59,251 61,169 63,367 65,823 68,810 72,280 14,099 17,041 19.849 22,477 24.736 26,592 28.122 29,190 30,248 30,942 31,669 32,712 34.007 34,697 35,601 36,711 38,062 39,593 41,577 43,897 1,006 1,208 1,449 1 698 1,938 2,156 2.35n 2,524 2,670 2,789 2,866 2,950 3,049 3,128 3,192 3,269 3,373 3,504 3,673 3,884 657 675 711 771 800 852 965 1,126 1,316 1.541 1,770 1.941 2,079 2,188 2,274 2,342 2,406 2,472 2,547 2,594 18.67 16.66 15.17 14.07 13.31 12.81 12.49 12.36 12.26 12.28 12.32 12.30 12.23 12.31 12.35 12.35 12.31 12.25 12.12 11.95 11.92 10.12 9.04 8.39 8.04 7.89 7.86 7.95 8.03 8.18 8.30 8.33 8.31 8.44 8.52 8.55 8.53 8.50 8.40 8.26 1967 76,156 79,916 84.069 89,158 94.402 100,133 107,851 117,627 127,992 140,184 155,237 171,131 189,473 206,282 221,217 231,830 240,787 249,581 257,226 46,445 48,689 51,144 54,340 57,569 61,122 66,534 73,601 80.935 89,645 100,501 111,505 124,189 134.714 142,864 146.708 149,167 151,901 154,095 4,128 4,364 4,607 4,885 5,186 5,530 6,014 6,472 7,063 7,757 8,641 9,632 10,756 11,931 12,851 13,585 14.045 14,461 14,830 2,662 2,716 2,780 2.872 3,039 3.246 3,591 3,661 3.912 4,155 4,338 4,647 4,992 5,531 5,933 6,686 7,412 8,206 9,186 11.76 11.66 11.55 11.37 11.22 11.08 10.77 10.38 10.06 9.72 9.33 9.03 8.73 8.61 8.62 8.81 9.05 9.28 9.52 8.13 1948 1968 8.09 1949 1969 8.03 1950 1970 7.88 1951 1971 7.78 1952 1972 7.67 1953 1973 7.38 1954 ... . 1974 7.03 1955 1975 6.78 1956 1976 6.53 1957 1977 6.24 1958 1978 6.06 1959 1979 5.88 1960 1980 5.87 1961 1981 5.98 1962 1982 6.25 1963 1983 , 6.54 1964 1984 6.78 1965 1985 7,02 1966 Finance, insurance, and real estate 1947 139,694 155.778 170.714 192, 298 212,242 231,597 252,596 275,563 303,478 330,139 355,636 383,387 414,516 443,467 472,495 504.290 538.289 574,308 612,155 648,329 90,486 104.763 117.607 136,728 153,770 169,798 187.097 205,933 229,264 250,834 270,784 292.607 317,352 339,445 361,167 385.212 411,007 138,240 466,656 492,738 2,546 2.889 3.268 3,709 4,218 1.696 5,195 5,752 6,376 7,065 7,719 8,347 9,043 9,782 10,480 11,181 11,915 12,724 13,631 14,583 1,070 1,112 1,181 1,243 1,317 1,354 1,462 1,601 1,772 1,960 2,158 2,390 2,624 2,888 3,133 3.377 3,651 3,898 4,156 4,447 22.89 21.23 20.08 18.54 17.53 16.81 16.17 15.58 14.92 14.49 14.24 13.99 13.73 13.63 13.59 13 53 13.47 13.43 13.40 13.46 16.96 15.13 14.00 12.58 11.77 11.27 10.84 10.48 10.06 9.85 9.79 9.72 9.63 9.68 9.77 9.84 9.89 9.95 10.01 10.15 1967 684,574 728.539 777.983 826,621 891,268 970,022 1,054,290 1,127,718 1,195,471 1.2.-1.3:i5 1,396,533 1,535.470 1,702,876 1,855,728 2,011,936 2,157,064 2,341,622 2,578,141 2,828,904 518,205 550,580 587,467 622,458 672,304 734,860 801,093 854,664 901,291 964,492 1,054,895 1,166,284 1,302,784 1,421,129 1,539,314 1,643.157 1,782,741 1,969,901 2,165,707 15,558 16.643 17,963 19,394 21,033 23,426 25,354 27,652 29,745 32,085 34,994 38,698 43,455 48,288 53,170 58,351 63,979 70.764 79,232 4,725 4.982 5.296 5,617 6,046 7,079 7,126 7,601 8,208 8,893 9,787 10,667 11,931 13.066 14,306 16,164 18,016 19,857 22,650 13.56 13.55 13.50 13.52 13.34 13.05 12.82 12.80 12.90 12.85 12.60 12.28 11.88 11.72 11.63 11.67 11.57 11.32 11.13 10.32 1948 1968 10.37 1949 1969 10.37 1950 1970 10.44 1951 1971 10.32 1952 1972 10.07 1953 1973 9.89 1954 1974 9.93 1955 1956 1975 10.07 1976 10.06 1957 1977 9.84 1958 1978 9.54 1960 1979 9.19 1980 9.09 1961 1981 9.05 1962 1982 1983 1984 9.15 1963 9.09 1964 8.88 1965 1966 1985 8.73 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 253 Table A15. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 1,214,833 1,262,152 1.306,032 1,346.209 1,373,569 1,386.833 1,396,172 1,396,887 1.395,832 1,396,142 1,401,032 1,412,077 1,424,696 1,436,592 1,455,078 1,476.918 1,502,847 1,512,199 1,514,681 1,511,805 1,509,720 1,542,743 1.586,846 1,642,277 1,693,141 1,766,485 1,826,012 1,884,187 1 .'.144,09(1 2,008,554 2,085,196 777,938 813,126 844,646 872,069 886,359 886,464 883,039 871,214 857,829 846,103 839,430 839,029 840,172 840,657 848,011 858,663 873,193 871,157 862,708 849,258 836,894 859,652 893.343 937,613 976,633 1,037,422 1,083,729 1,127,775 1,172.904 1.221.814 1,282,114 17,442 18.173 18.878 19.524 20.039 20,342 20.4X7 20,513 20,463 20,425 20,449 20,571 20,759 2(1,946 21,174 21.485 21.861 22,129 22.1X8 22,140 22,067 22,357 23,106 24,070 25.11X11 26,203 27,3X9 28,468 29,568 30,713 31,991 5,849 6,043 6,518 6,769 6,968 7,183 7.723 7,973 8,133 8,388 8,887 9,125 9.2X3 9,536 10,042 10,297 10,461 10,741 11,258 11,565 11,787 12,093 12.695 12,908 13,237 13.648 14,169 14,340 14,793 15,159 15,649 26 61 2635 26.19 26.13 26.34 26.82 27.35 2X 03 28.75 29.43 29.98 30 40 30.77 31.15 31.37 31.51 31.57 31.98 32 51 33.14 33.74 3356 33.16 3256 32.12 31.32 30.83 3041 30(12 29 59 29 04 1980 1938 19.10 18.95 19.09 19.53 20.04 20.72 21.43 22 09 22.61 22 94 23 22 23.51 23.59 23.58 23.46 23.79 24.28 24 90 25.47 25.00 24.27 23.35 22.67 21.62 20 99 2049 20.03 19.57 19.01 1956 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197X 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 1984 1985 2,154,459 2,219,548 2,295,536 2,378,969 2,454,287 2.529,706 2.613,063 2,704,652 2,797,487 2.888,786 2,969,876 3,048,259 3,141,237 3,233,339 3,319,193 3,436,144 3,575,414 3,706,976 3,804.673 3,8X3,11X9 3,983.923 4,108,574 4,241,553 4,379,810 4.484,084 4,574,092 4,643,089 4,743,006 4,874,228 5,006,370 1,333.8X1 1.380,891 1,437,773 1,501,142 1,555,234 1,608,758 1,668,911 1,736,367 1,803,617 1,868,538 1,921,999 1,972,099 2,035,420 2,097,066 2,151,258 2,235.451 2,340.620 2,436,128 2,495.951 2.535.540 2,596,869 2,681,615 2,772,896 2,868,376 2,928,709 2.974,740 2,999,463 3,055,391 3,141,563 3,228,667 33.340 34,634 35,983 37,495 39,044 40.548 42,110 43,795 45,574 47,367 49,078 50,692 52,425 54,326 56,203 58,494 62.899 64,198 66,466 68,033 69,9X2 72,215 74,599 77. 706 79,798 81,601 X3.537 X5.294 8(',. 005 00.861 15.843 16.555 16.876 17,431 17,817 18.653 18.907 19.662 19,990 20.987 21,449 22.409 22,769 23,869 24,542 25.732 2X.764 28.136 2-. 587 29,206 30,474 32,308 32.001 34,921 35,855 37,624 39.254 41,296 41,856 45,797 28 66 28 36 27.97 27.54 27.25 26.99 26 69 2634 26(13 25.77 25.64 25 54 25 36 25.21 25.13 24.84 24.43 24.14 24.10 24.20 24.17 2401 23 84 23 67 23.71 23.82 24.06 24.12 24 05 23 98 18(14 18.39 1X05 1769 17.49 17.32 17 12 16.89 16.70 16.56 16.55 16.58 16.51 1647 16.51 16.34 16.05 15.X8 15.97 16 19 16.27 16.21 16.14 16.06 16.20 16.41 16.72 16 86 16 84 16 82 Federal 455 1 55 455 454 454 454 153 453 453 463 612 1,485 2,656 3,215 3,343 3,425 5,273 8,139 13,213 14,580 15,085 15,672 14,266 11,800 11.223 11,113 9,842 9,958 9,994 9,964 9,931 399 392 384 376 369 361 354 346 338 342 483 1,338 2,474 2,986 3,061 3,088 4,866 7.621 12,514 13,648 13,903 14,307 12,777 10,316 9,613 9,343 8,023 7,083 7.864 7,680 7,491 9 17 35 49 54 56 72 113 182 238 254 255 213 198 187 184 162 163 164 163 163 7.20 8.20 9.20 10 20 11.20 12.20 13 20 14.20 15 20 15.81 12.84 6.00 4.13 4.32 5.13 6.00 4.71 3.88 3 19 3.84 4.70 5 23 6 29 7.63 8.74 9.72 11.32 12.17 13.12 14.13 15,17 7.19 8.19 9.19 10.19 11.19 12.19 13.19 14.19 1.5.19 15.68 11.71 4.81 3.30 3.58 4.40 5.26 4.08 3.36 2.81 3.47 4.32 4.83 5.85 7.09 8.16 9.11 10.68 11.50 12.42 13.44 14.48 1056 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196X 1969 10 70 1971 1972 1973 107 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1081 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 10.043 1(1.588 11.967 13.841 1.5,038 16,403 17,668 18,639 18,952 19,443 19,797 19,661 19.590 19,905 20,305 21,352 23,326 25,103 26,595 26,951 27,128 27,597 28,396 28,724 29.388 30,083 30.463 31.411 32.678 34.029 7,449 7.840 9,045 10,718 11.694 12,813 13,81 IX 14.510 14,534 14,730 14,786 14,360 13,992 14,011 14.128 14,870 16,520 17,959 19,076 19,045 18,863 18,944 19,355 19,308 19,593 19,809 19,924 20.477 21.322 22,281 163 168 184 212 238 259 380 297 306 312 319 330 318 319 325 335 358 386 411 427 433 439 449 457 464 494 512 -,33 15 11 11 17 12 11 27 19 17 21 29 21 23 42 30 34 47 37 40 74 52 61 82 85 95 118 99 90 141 15.98 16.10 15.16 14.03 13.84 13.62 1360 13.82 1 I 56 15.16 15.86 16 02 17.95 1X.63 19.18 19.17 IX. 46 18.05 17.96 18.67 19.44 2003 2038 21.04 21.43 21.87 22 38 22.54 22 ', 1 2246 15.23 1.5.10 13.71 12.21 11.87 11.52 11.39 1 1 54 12.22 12.74 13.36 14 42 15,42 15,99 16.42 16 15 15.09 1445 14 19 14.81 15.53 1602 16.21 16.77 17.03 17.33 17.71 17.70 17.45 17.16 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 254 Table A15. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net ' State and local 1925 29 610 2,408 4,215 5,647 5,973 6,025 6,022 6,742 7,647 8,183 9,591 10,978 13,276 15,713 17,739 18,984 19,950 29 604 2,373 4,117 5,457 5,675 5,616 5,504 6,110 6,886 7,279 8,526 9,728 11,807 13,982 15,706 16,620 17,239 6 29 63 93 110 113 112 118 133 146 164 190 225 269 310 340 359 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 8 9 9 11 .50 .55 .77 1.22 1.79 2.66 3.63 4.63 5.08 5.42 6.03 6.07 6.23 6.06 6.04 6.29 6.84 7.48 .50 .55 .76 1.21 1.77 2.64 3.61 4.61 5.01 5.29 5.86 5.81 5.92 5.67 5.60 5.81 6.33 6.94 1956 20,925 22,168 23,907 25,590 27,096 29,041 31,628 33,006 34,619 36,180 38,086 40,289 42,403 44,954 47,727 50,336 52,082 53,865 55,479 56,262 56,933 57,824 58,882 60,060 61,550 63,034 64,291 65,549 66,607 67,467 17,851 18,714 20,044 21,290 22,331 23,782 25,841 26,658 27,686 28,639 29,910 31,444 32,859 34,674 36,668 38,451 39,347 40,257 40,981 40,869 40,648 40,641 40,805 41,087 41,671 42,234 42,583 42,914 43,048 43,015 376 396 422 453 482 513 554 590 616 644 674 711 749 791 839 887 925 955 984 1,003 1,013 1,024 1,039 1,056 1,077 1,102 1,123 1,142 1,159 1,173 14 15 14 15 18 20 26 29 32 36 39 42 50 55 60 61 75 83 93 108 122 126 144 160 171 181 215 215 234 280 8.10 8.61 8.94 9.31 9.76 10.06 10.19 10.73 11.19 11.67 12.04 12.34 12.67 12.90 13.09 13.36 13.87 14.35 14.88 15.62 16.37 17.05 17.67 18.23 18.69 19.15 19.66 20.17 20.72 21.31 7.52 1926 1957 7.98 1927 1958 8.23 1928 1959 8.53 1929 1960 8.91 1930 1961 9.12 1931.... 1962 9.14 1932 1963 9.62 1933 . .. 1964 10.00 1934 1965 10.40 1935 1966 10.68 1936 1967 10.86 1937 1968 11.09 1938 1969 11.20 1939 1970 11.27 1940 1971 11.43 1941 1972 11.84 1942 1973 12.24 1943 1974 12.67 1944 1975 13.34 1945 1976 14.03 1946 1977 14.62 1947 1978 15.13 1948 1979 15.57 1949 1980 15.88 1950 1981 16.18 1951 1982 16.54 1952 1983 16.89 1953 1984 17.30 1954 1985 17.76 1955 Owner-occupied nonfarm 1925 612,189 634,477 654,424 673,091 686,017 692,959 698,009 698.777 698,633 699,5115 702,874 708,929 715,413 722,058 732,070 743,480 757,584 761,669 760,778 '/ 59,572 760,131 789,308 829,247 879,167 922,094 985, 062 1,038,409 1,089,465 1,142,341 1,200,456 1,270,145 391,216 407,501 421,380 433,839 440,421 440,990 439,857 434,564 428,471 123,198 421,258 421,762 122.654 423,705 428,264 434,189 442,709 441,189 434,987 428,627 424,180 447,843 481,926 525,207 561,072 616,272 661,113 702,986 746,020 793,459 851,660 9,017 9,352 9,664 9,950 10,184 10,329 10,404 10,420 10,400 10,390 10,417 10,491 10,590 10,689 10,812 10,970 11,160 11,285 11,282 11,238 11,217 11,496 12,125 12,947 13,758 14,658 15,651 16,537 17,444 18,404 19,496 3,247 3,349 3,596 3,743 3,840 3,956 4,222 4,358 4,451 4,546 4,808 4,941 4,997 5,096 5,358 5,485 5,576 5,681 5,971 6,084 6,212 6,318 6,605 6,708 6,907 7,023 7,316 7,421 7,668 7,793 8,078 25.92 25.75 25.69 25.70 25.94 26.40 26.92 27.58 28.28 28.92 29.44 29.83 30.20 30.56 30.75 30.88 30.91 31.35 31.97 32.59 33.12 32.47 31.48 30.27 29.44 28.14 27.28 26.60 25.97 25.33 24.55 19.57 19.22 19.02 18.92 19.08 19.49 19.96 20.61 21.29 21.90 22.35 22.65 22 92 23.16 23.21 23.18 23.02 23.38 23.98 24.57 25.05 23.99 22.58 21.05 20.06 18.64 17.79 17.17 16.63 16.11 15.49 1956 1,332,760 1,390,473 1,454,334 1,522,562 1,585,048 1,642,554 1,702,653 1,768,322 1,834,567 1,900,086 1,958,067 2,015,926 2,081,255 2,141,341 2,198,818 2,281,462 2,378,300 2,474,486 2,550,697 2,614,471 2,699,012 2,801,290 2,906,485 2,973,132 3,011,425 3,046,090 3,062,077 3,149,791 3,215,070 3,282,208 901,740 946,177 995.801 1,048,912 1,095,207 1,135,881 1,178,230 1,225,368 1,271,988 1,317,321 1,354,221 1,390,382 1,433,069 1,470,011 1,503,024 1,559,817 1,629,929 1,697,545 1,743,704 1,778,318 1,832,980 1,904,719 1,977,986 2,022,710 2,038,905 2,051,159 2,047,162 2,102,492 2,145,954 2,191.257 20,647 21,731 22,822 24,001 25,202 26,326 27,407 28,542 29,738 30,942 32,090 33,187 34,362 35,594 36,807 38,411 41,968 42,377 43,926 44,886 46,383 48,091 49,834 51,671 52,503 53,282 54,264 55,773 56.315 59,109 8,182 8,524 8,651 8,945 9,067 9,547 9,706 10,055 10,153 10,791 11,040 11,515 11,742 12,466 12,798 13,591 16,482 15,233 15,433 15,726 16,501 17,550 17,907 19,404 19,767 20,769 22,260 23,458 23,574 26,868 24.03 23.66 23.27 22.87 22.62 22.48 22.35 22.18 22.05 21.95 21.98 22.02 22.00 22.05 22.16 22.05 21.84 21.69 21.76 21.91 21.90 21.77 21.67 21.60 21.74 21.91 22.15 22.19 22.14 22.08 15.14 1926 1957 14.95 1927 1958 14.73 1928 1959 14.52 1929 1960 14.45 1930 1961 14.48 1931 1962 14.51 1932 1963 14.50 1933 1964 14.51 1934 1965 14.57 1935 1966 14.72 1936 1967 14.88 1937 1968 14.98 1938 1969 15.14 1939 1970 15.36 1940 1971 15.36 1941 1972 15.25 194 9 1973 15.21 1943 1974 15.38 1944 1975 15.61 1945 1976 15.66 1946 1977 15.59 1947 1978 15.53 1948 1979 15.42 1949 1980 15.53 1950 1981 15.68 1982 15.89 1952 1983 15.96 1953 1984 15.85 1985 15.74 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 255 Table A15. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Private tenant-occupied nonfarm 441,006 294,612 404,333 312,951 486,627 330,047 506,785 344,778 520,102 352,485 525.845 352,550 530,504 351,659 531,252 346,949 531,083 341,379 531,216 336,246 532,998 332,918 537,305 332,180 542,229 332,071 547,218 332,057 554,983 334,902 563,109 338,121 570,634 340,677 571,786 336.909 570,355 330,742 568,039 323,933 565,758 317,293 567,751 315.040 571,439 314,662 577,240 316,376 582,712 317,735 590,445 321,402 595,033 321,950 599,333 322,143 603,969 322,734 609,054 323,779 615,435 326,129 6,212 6,571 6,929 7,259 7,515 7,653 7,717 7,737 7,719 7,702 7,703 7,742 7.807 7.876 7.965 8,080 8,195 8,253 8,232 8,177 8,119 8.120 8,201 8,326 8,463 8,615 8,762 8,881 9,005 9,136 9,285 1,511 1,583 1,731 1.831 1,905 1,975 2,167 2,279 2,319 2.434 2,594 2,697 2.774 2,873 3,044 3,173 3.227 3.333 3,496 3,684 3,760 3,875 4,135 4,239 4,350 4,549 4,722 4,775 4.959 5,096 5.254 2478 24,34 2403 • 23.87 24.07 24.61 25.19 25 93 26.72 27.48 28.13 28 64 29.11 29 56 29.84 30.10 3039 31 01 31.75 32.51 33 28 33.78 34.14 34 38 34.63 34.72 34 99 35 27 35.51 3572 35.84 18 56 17.97 17.55 17.31 17.46 17.97 18.52 19.25 20(13 21177 21.39 21 83 22.21 22 57 22.72 22.84 23 00 2.3.57 2430 25.08 25.84 2623 26,45 26.49 26.55 26.41 26 52 26.65 26 74 26.77 26 70 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 197:: 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 198] 1982 1983 19- I 1985 621,058 626,727 635,798 647,326 657.616 671.597 689,984 712,743 736,075 758,516 778,005 795,463 820,442 849 1,7 875,092 906,248 945.319 977,928 995,822 1,009,522 1.025,505 1,046,419 1,072,588 1.144,047 1.208,575 1,263,095 1,315,674 1,327,545 1,392,129 1,456,300 327,634 329,367 334,411 341,882 348,089 358,026 371,996 390,234 408,782 426,270 140,455 152,61 I 471,940 195,059 514.870 540,532 573,665 Clin 253 611,766 617,232 624,958 637,920 655,650 707,522 751,427 785,621 814,998 816.323 858,659 900,561 9,447 9,609 9,801 10.049 10,315 10.610 10,981 11,428 11,921 12,416 12,881 13.301 13,775 14.367 14.959 15,576 16.355 17.182 17,830 18,373 18,798 19,289 19.884 21 130 22,364 23,352 24,284 24,524 25,568 26,697 5,330 5,674 5.774 5.991 6,232 6,567 6,564 6,907 7,136 7,463 7.577 8,002 8,122 8,471 8,693 9,048 9,144 9,728 9,885 10,139 10,540 11,337 11,445 11,879 12,377 13,128 13,096 13,899 14.244 14,813 36.00 36.13 36 01 35 88 35.75 35.42 34.91 34.21 33.54 32.96 32.56 32 25 31.69 31 02 30.50 29.80 28 92 28 29 28.12 28.19 28.18 28 02 27.76 27.13 26.79 26.70 26 ■« 27.07 26 90 26 74 26.. 68 26 64 26.34 2586 25.51 J4.92 24 12 23.14 22.28 21.57 21.10 20.77 20.16 19.49 18 98 18.29 17.44 16 90 1682 17.03 17.18 17.19 17.08 17.01 17.18 17.54 18 12 18.47 1864 1880 Owner-occupied farm 121,165 121,489 121,974 122,421 122,794 122,865 122,471 121,791 121,193 120,626 120,324 120,218 120.280 120.056 120,087 120,533 121,194 121,251 121,032 120,657 120,172 120,728 121,769 123,427 125,047 126,503 127,166 127,607 127,999 128,1 19 127.871 67,782 67,400 67,231 67,020 66,743 66,176 65.202 63,944 62,792 61,702 60,938 60,354 59,948 59,278 58,915 58,933 59,162 58,804 58,219 57,455 56,603 57.092 58.032 59,192 60.833 61,964 62,266 62,290 62.259 62,010 61,368 1,559 1,562 1,565 1,569 1,574 1.579 1,579 1,571 1,562 1,555 1 ,552 1,556 1,563 1,569 1,575 1,589 1,610 1,626 1,632 1,634 1,633 1,641 1,681 1,731 1,787 1,838 1,875 1,908 1.938 1.965 1,985 841 856 911 911 924 942 999 993 1,008 1,032 1,090 1,078 1,095 1.123 1,180 1,161 1,178 1,211 1,266 1,245 1,266 1,303 1,354 1,330 1,351 1,398 1,449 1,425 1,450 1,501 1,550 35 86 3629 36.63 36 97 37.34 37.78 3834 3898 39 59 40.17 40.63 41.03 41.36 4177 42.05 42.20 42.27 42 53 42.85 43.24 43.65 43.49 43.16 4266 42.22 41.85 41.76 4176 41.76 41.82 41 98 26 28 2664 26 89 27.16 27.44 27.83 28 38 2904 29 66 30.24 30.66 30.97 31.18 31,52 31.68 31.63 31.46 31.60 31.84 32.18 32.55 31.89 31 05 30 02 29.15 28.47 28.21 28 08 27 96 27 93 28 07 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 127.787 127.617 127.352 127.203 126.859 127,083 127.023 127,006 127,149 127,047 127,188 127.37 1 127,471 127,397 127,133 126,973 127,113 126,754 127.692 127,832 127,813 128,508 128,827 128.107 128.047 127,319 126,494 125.035 124.457 123.509 6,0,879 60,309 59.674 59.179 58,454 18,307 57.901 57,566 57,353 56,917 56,760 56,683 56,491 56,148 55,672 55,349 55.337 54.858 55,733 55.854 55,840 56.547 56,939 56.352 56,473 .15,939 55.389 54.294 54.159 53,638 2,003 2,023 2,042 2,061 2,078 2,100 2,125 2,144 2,16,6 2,186 2,207 2.233 2.258 2,278 2,293 2,306 2,321 2,333 2,358 2,393 2,412 2,440 2.472 2.483 2,493 2,106 2,506 2,492 2,487 2,493 1,528 1,554 1,606 1,654 1,641 1,677 1,730 1,783 1,771 1,817 1,879 1,943 1,947 1,991 2,067 2,142 2,169 2.213 2.296 2,373 2,418 2,451 2,54.5 2,616 2,674 2,690 2,791 2,85' 2,929 2,921 42 10 42.23 42.36 42.43 42.58 42.53 42,54 42,52 42.46 42.47 42.37 42.23 42.13 42.08 42.06 41.98 41.81 41.78 41.30 41.05 40.86 40.43 10.(1(1 40.05 39.79 39.73 39 66 39.76 39 56 39,18 28.12 28 19 2- 30 28 12 28.25 28 20 28.10 27.95 27.89 27.69 27.45 27.26 2714 27.08 26.95 26 66 26 59 25.87 25,52 25.24 2465 24.21 24.19 23.87 23 83 23.78 23 97 23 72 23 65 256 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A15.— Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Tenant-occupied farm 1U2;J 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 29,538 29,617 29,735 29,844 29,887 29,834 29,697 29.502 29,316 29,120 28,933 28.768 28.618 28.435 28,269 28,149 28,049 27,885 27,685 27,472 27,243 27,211 27,201 27,248 27,274 27,260 27,224 27,167 27,101 27,004 26,865 16,524 16,431 16,390 16,338 16,224 16,017 15,744 15,413 15,098 14,782 14,493 14,225 13,979 13,710 13,474 13,281 13,115 12,894 12,654 12,397 12,132 12,076 12,054 12,083 12,095 12,076 12,047 11,991 11,933 11,855 11,745 380 381 381 382 383 382 381 378 374 371 368 365 362 360 357 355 353 350 348 344 341 339 338 338 339 339 338 337 336 335 333 205 209 222 222 225 230 243 242 246 251 265 263 266 273 287 282 286 294 307 301 306 314 326 320 324 334 345 338 343 354 363 35.86 36.29 36.63 36.97 37.40 37.93 38.53 39.21 39.87 40.54 41.15 41.74 42.29 42.88 43.41 43.87 44.29 44.79 45.31 45.87 46.44 46.65 46.78 4683 46.91 47.03 47.14 47.32 47.49 47.68 47.91 26 28 26.64 26.89 27.16 27.52 28.02 28.63 29.35 30.03 30.72 31.35 31.93 32.46 33.04 33.53 33.90 34.20 34.64 35.12 35.64 36.19 36.10 35.91 35.57 35.28 35.08 34.91 34.81 34.71 34.66 34.70 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 26,748 26,618 26,470 26,322 26,147 25,879 25,602 25,320 25,047 24,755 24,457 24,153 23,861 23,540 23,201 22,868 22,559 22,245 21,989 21.660 21,338 21,032 20,722 20,383 20,020 19,658 19,307 18,955 18,598 18,229 11,653 11,555 11,449 11,355 11,228 11,016 10,808 10,605 10,408 10,199 9,998 9,798 9,609 9,397 9,178 8,975 8,792 8,609 8,492 8,309 8,129 7,970 7,812 7,633 7,427 7,225 7,040 6,861 6,676 6,481 331 329 327 325 323 320 316 312 308 305 301 297 293 289 285 281 277 274 272 269 265 262 258 255 250 246 242 238 234 230 356 48.12 361 48.34 371 48.55 378 48.73 371 48.98 376 49.39 385 49.78 391 50.15 384 50.53 388 50.93 397 51.30 402 51.66 395 52.01 398 52.41 406 52.82 410 53.19 404 53.52 405 53.85 411 54.00 414 54.31 408 54.62 408 54.88 411 55.12 414 55.41 408 55.80 406 56.17 408 56.50 411 56.81 407 57.15 403 57.53 Equipment 1925 1,140 1,219 1,297 1,355 1,428 1,471 1,504 1,491 1.484 1,498 1,539 1,602 1,674 1,715 1,778 1,878 2,029 2,079 2,014 1,917 1,847 1,991 2,288 2,590 2,846 3,218 3,551 3,894 4,262 4,631 5,055 638 680 720 742 781 792 794 757 734 737 769 825 887 918 966 1,040 1,152 1,152 1,044 917 832 966 1,243 1,507 1,713 2,007 2,224 2,404 2,578 2,734 2,933 103 110 117 123 129 134 137 138 136 136 139 143 150 155 161 169 181 191 189 180 171 174 196 226 253 284 319 352 386 421 458 66 73 80 87 95 102 106 115 120 124 130 136 140 144 146 143 142 141 146 150 156 164 175 189 203 207 202 189 192 208 232 5.01 5.04 5.09 5.20 5.22 5.33 5.46 5.70 5.87 5.93 5.86 5.71 5.54 5.48 5.37 5.22 5.02 5.15 5.55 6.02 6.38 6.02 5.36 4.91 4.66 4.38 4.30 4.34 4.43 4.57 4.69 3.47 3.46 3.47 3.55 3.55 3.65 3.77 4.03 4.16 4.12 3.93 3.70 3.52 3.53 3.49 3.42 3.30 3.51 4.02 4.57 4.87 4.08 3.23 2.88 2.83 2.76 2.88 3.04 3.19 3.33 3.39 1956 5,517 5,944 6,368 6,887 7,292 7,667 8,059 8,525 9,037 9,645 10,240 10,824 11,609 12,578 13,670 14,955 16,618 18,546 20,466 22,101 23,795 25,656 27,561 29,513 31,189 32,599 33,623 34,828 36,266 37,848 3,163 3,354 3,553 3,863 4,075 4,252 4,446 4,705 4,993 5,360 5,696 6,007 6,505 7,147 7,852 8,690 9,822 11,106 12,263 13,048 13,830 14,735 15,652 16,589 17,270 17,760 17,968 18,441 19,200 20,134 498 538 575 618 660 696 731 770 816 868 925 979 1,043 1,127 1,225 1,339 1,481 1,653 1,837 2,004 2,157 2,321 2,494 2,670 2,833 2,967 3,069 3,163 3,280 3,418 266 302 350 410 466 498 533 563 592 627 665 707 756 800 837 892 949 1,010 1,074 1,154 1,245 1,365 1,505 1,655 1,838 2,048 2,252 2,431 2,601 2.770 4.79 4.93 5.04 5.03 5.07 5.12 5.16 5.15 5.15 5.11 5.11 5.13 5.07 4.97 4.89 4.80 4.68 4.57 4.55 4.64 4.74 4.82 4.90 4.98 5.09 5.21 5.35 5.43 5.45 5.43 3.40 1926 1957 3.44 1927 1958 3.46 1928 1959 3,39 1929 1960 3.43 1930 1961 3.48 1931 1962 3.52 1932 1963 3.51 1933 1964 3.50 1934 1965 3.45 1935 1966 3.44 1936 1967 3.46 1937 . . 1968 3.40 1938 1969 3.31 1939 . 1970 3.26 1940 . . 1971 3.20 1941 . 1972 3.12 1942 1973 3.06 1943 1974 3.09 1944 1975 3.22 1945 1976 3.32 1946 1977 3.38 1947 1978 : 3.43 1948 1979 3.46 1949 1980 3.53 1950 1981 3.61 1951 1982 3.71 1952 1983 3.74 1953 1984 3.70 1954 1985 3.65 1955... . FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 257 Table A15.— Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock 1 Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonfarm l-to-4-unit structures 977.008 1,013,526 1,046,036 1,076,301 1,096,962 1,107,815 1,116,172 1,117,683 1,117.386 1,118.505 1,123,475 1,132,801 1,142,941 1,153.570 1,169.579 1,187,865 1,208,086 1,212,868 1.210,41 I 1.207,188 1,205,739 1,234,337 1,273,942 1,323,111 1,366,644 1,432,838 1,487,107 1,540,232 1,595,228 1,655,990 1,729,325 629,92(1 656,634 679,207 699,309 709,570 709,991 708,205 699,766 689,670 681.170 676,898 677,104 678,051 679.508 686,574 695,895 707,01 1 702,717 691,677 680,158 670,674 690,917 722,057 762,175 796,175 852,150 895,691 937,340 980 »6 1,028,2119 1,087,988 13,941 14,486 14,988 15,444 15.81] 16,032 16.148 16.179 16,149 16,129 16,161 16,263 16,407 h; 55.) 16,743 16,988 17,261 17,421 17,395 17,307 17,242 17,485 18,095 18.890 19,710 20,639 21.649 22.566 23.501 24.494 2. ,,627 4.525 4,681 5,051 5,281 5,412 5.599 6,006 6.230 6,349 6,511 6,919 7,144 7,213 7.383 7.801 8,023 8,156 8.345 8,809 9.014 9,207 9,401 9,856 10,040 10,335 [0,534 10.985 11,156 11,527 11,710 12,140 26 16 25 98 25 92 25 93 26,19 26.68 27.21 27.89 28.61 29.28 29.83 30 25 30,65 3102 31.23 31.37 31.47 31.97 32.64 33.31 33.92 33.71 3322 32.54 32.07 31.15 3057 30 07 29 60 29.08 28.41 19.76 19.40 19 21 19.11 19.29 19.72 20 20 20.86 21.56 22.20 22.69 2302 23.31 23.57 23.62 23.60 23.52 23.94 2 1 59 25.25 25 82 25.29 2 Ml 23 li 22.69 21.50 20.78 2020 19.68 19.14 18.48 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1.794.572 1,854,077 1,920,128 1.990,883 2.055,564 2,116.504 2,179,849 2,248,890 2.318,232 2,386,564 2,446,711 2,506,719 2,573,989 2,634.204 2.689,325 2,767,151 2,856,138 2,936,461 2,999,592 3.063,927 3,151,404 3.258,0(13 3.370.861 :: 187.269 3,571,922 3,643,858 3.698 s.a 3,777,332 3,882,362 3,988,156 1,138,638 1,182,951 1,232,842 1.286,662 1,333,343 1,375,793 1,419,633 1.468,462 1,516,475 1.563.170 1.600,736 1,637,714 1,681,062 1,717,249 1.747,560 1,800,178 1,863,681 1.917,630 1.953,303 1,989,716 2,048,524 2,126,130 2,208,175 2,292.884 2,344,567 2,383,380 2,403,982 2,449,204 2,519,217 2,590,050 26.813 27.915 29,022 30,222 31.450 32,624 33,767 34,951 3(1.177 37.386 38,522 39,592 40.705 41,812 42,829 44,159 47,334 47,230 48,300 49,129 50,574 52,226 53,941 56.360 -.7 816 59,069 60.561 61.863 62.855 66,124 12,286 12,793 12,928 13,348 13,508 14.186 14,311 14,783 14,887 15,785 15,971 16.5.-0 16.804 17.802 18.033 18.949 21,815 20,849 20,836 21,207 21,902 23.171 23.187 24.653 24,844 25,946 26,777 27,980 27,837 31,137 27 96 27.64 27.27 26.88 26.62 26.44 26.27 2605 25.87 25.71 25.68 25.66 25 58 25.59 25.66 25.52 2530 25.19 2525 25.31 25.21 2496 24.72 24 19 24.52 24.63 24.87 24.94 24.87 24 79 1807 17.82 17.53 17.24 17.09 17.02 16.95 16 85 16.78 16.75 16.82 16.91 16 94 17.04 17.21 17.16 17.01 16.99 17.13 17.28 17.24 17.06 16.89 16.73 16.83 17.03 17.34 17.47 17.44 17 10 Nonfarm 5-or-more-unit structures 1925 75,047 84,065 93.718 102,219 107,729 109,517 110,836 110,856 110.846 110,717 110,859 111,831 113,027 113,990 115,696 116,846 118,103 118,509 118,705 118.507 118,302 120,632 124,155 130,168 134,659 138,653 141,835 143,477 145,376 147,173 149,039 55.270 63,139 71,500 78,566 82,555 82,758 82,518 80,990 79,447 77,836 76,509 76,013 75,787 75.336 75,625 75,374 75,222 74,229 73,008 71,485 69.967 7O.0O1 73,004 77,408 80,348 82,853 84,392 84,454 84,784 85,028 85,280 1,185 1,328 1,487 1,642 1,759 1,816 1,836 1.841 1.834 1,827 1,821 1,826 1,840 1,854 1,873 1,893 1,913 1,927 1,930 1,927 1,923 1,954 2.021 2,128 2,217 2,300 2,385 2.427 2,472 2,518 2,566 167 178 196 206 238 230 277 293 301 345 353 357 418 441 456 492 504 528 512 603 609 626 708 718 717 830 849 847 903 965 951 16.43 15.53 14.80 14.45 14.60 15.27 15.99 16.88 17.77 18.66 19.50 20.18 20.80 21.44 21.94 22.52 25 08 23.79 24.54 25.34 26.13 26.39 26.40 25.98 25.85 25.79 25.95 26.34 26.67 26.99 27.32 12.23 11.32 10.64 10.34 10.52 11.18 11.88 12.76 13.63 14.51 15.33 15.97 16.54 17.14 17.55 18.07 18.55 19.21 19.93 20.71 21.49 21.56 21.33 20.57 20.17 19.89 19.92 20.22 20.43 20.65 20.85 1956 150,908 153,653 159,450 167.193 174,178 183,667 197,555 215,347 233,521 250,664 265,320 277,684 296,522 320,100 342,964 372,047 410,129 449,194 473,599 482,335 490,244 500,782 513,281 529.082 542,968 556,404 567,928 584.56' 005. 1-5 627,580 85,478 86,628 90,769 96,742 101,934 109,545 121,305 136,855 152,619 167,025 178,748 188,141 203,766 223.723 242,765 267,681 300,998 334,749 353,471 356,216 358,253 363,038 369,652 379,370 387.135 394,274 399,214 409,175 423,222 438,020 2,615 2.673 2.766 2,903 3.053 3,219 3,442 3,734 4,063 4,385 4,674 4,920 5,199 5,571 5,979 6,436 7,026 7,702 8,248 8,530 8,668 8,817 9,010 9,252 9,508 9,753 9,974 10,216 10,551 10,947 944 1,078 1,110 1,133 1,261 1,341 1,313 1,492 1,654 1,648 1,741 1,949 1,986 1.950 2.157 2.270 2,260 2.389 2,565 2,539 2,795 3,066 3.124 3,169 3,388 3,456 3,391 3,538 3,681 3,650 27.65 27.78 27.39 26.74 26.27 25.51 24.35 22.94 21.76 20.92 20.41 20.13 19.50 18.74 18.15 17.40 16.47 15.74 15.65 16.11 16.57 16.92 17.21 17.40 17.64 17.91 18.26 18.44 18 10 18.55 21.05 1926 1957 21.00 1927 1958 20.27 1928 1959.. 19.27 1929 1960 .. . 18.56 1930 1961 17.57 1931 1962 16.20 1932.... 196.3 14.74 1933 1964 .. . 13.64 1934 1965 12.93 1935 1966 12.57 1936 1967... 12.45 1937 1968. . 12.01 1938 1969 . 11.47 1939 1970 11.13 1940 1971 10.67 1941 1972 10.08 1942 1973 9.68 1943 1974 9.81 1944 1975 10.38 1945 1976 10.96 1946 .... 1977 11.44 1947 1978 11.84 1948 1979 12.14 1949 1980 12.49 1950 1981 12.85 1951 1982 13.27 1952 1983 13.52 1953 1984 13.63 1954. 1985 13.73 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 258 Table A15.— Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonfarm mobile homes 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 193(5 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 (I I) 100 301 539 658 798 949 1,194 1,444 1,715 2,161 96 284 492 571 663 756 932 1,096 1,266 1,589 14 29 42 50 60 73 90 107 131 .50 .83 1.24 1.92 2.49 3.01 3.28 3.61 3.94 4.00 .50 .81 1.20 1.85 2.36 2.80 2.94 3.15 3.35 3.25 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2.821 3,526 4,185 4,925 5,631 6,313 7,174 8,301 9,852 11,729 13,800 16,162 19,577 23,916 27,951 33,558 40,733 48,213 52,861 55,629 59,074 63,210 67,369 71,316 73,922 76,324 77,963 80,609 83,087 84,924 2,096 2,612 3,048 3,527 3,945 4,318 4,843 5,580 6,683 8,036 9,497 11,134 13,677 16,950 19,718 23,800 29,094 34,313 36,432 36,569 37,331 38,736 40,158 41,390 41,360 41,365 40,995 41,995 42,974 43,617 169 215 260 306 353 398 448 514 603 718 850 997 1,190 1,451 1,731 2,053 2,483 2,974 3,371 3,597 3,781 4,015 4,273 4,520 4,710 4,844 4,945 5,055 5,198 5,317 15 3.91 26 3.97 37 4.18 45 4.39 65 4.66 89 4.94 112 5.10 124 5.16 155 5.08 194 4.97 240 4.93 271 4.93 319 4.77 385 4.61 464 4.66 528 4.60 602 4.51 713 4.54 842 4.89 966 5.40 1,099 5.82 1,284 6.14 1,535 6.44 1,806 6.72 2,074 7.10 2,448 7.44 2,936 7.76 3,408 7.91 3,699 8.04 4,122 8.16 Other nonfarm structures' 1925 10,481 11,781 12,817 13.614 14,315 14,877 15,038 15,112 15,154 15,212 15,289 15,374 15,501 15,581 15,715 15,813 15,899 15,821 15,644 15,459 15,310 15,331 15,277 15,211 15,199 15,123 15,062 14,945 14,947 14,943 14,999 7,404 8,451 9,214 9,717 10,118 10,369 10,223 9,998 9,751 9,533 9,340 9,171 9,046 8,893 8,793 8,679 8,548 8,283 7,917 7,581 7,278 7,183 7,006 6,859 6,759 6,637 6,524 6,400 6,387 6,411 6,482 266 299 331 355 375 390 399 400 400 399 400 400 402 403 405 407 408 407 402 396 390 388 386 384 382 379 377 373 371 370 370 44 46 58 62 74 81 91 101 110 123 130 147 150 170 171 195 192 219 214 246 237 272 263 302 293 334 325 366 355 397 385 11.34 10.94 10.90 11.12 11.41 11.82 12.52 13.27 14.02 14.74 15.40 16.03 16.59 17.16 17.66 18.14 18.64 19.27 20.03 20.73 21.41 21.76 22.23 22.63 22.97 23.31 23.65 23.96 24.11 24.16 24.14 8.41 7.93 7.86 8.04 8.30 8.67 9.34 10.07 10.80 11.47 12.10 12.67 13.15 13.65 14.04 14.42 14.80 15.39 16.16 16.87 17.50 17.61 17.89 18.08 18.11 18.18 18.19 18.22 17.92 17.52 17.01 1956 15,138 15,356 15,709 16,125 16,483 17,149 18,504 19,616 21,078 22,760 24,277 25,395 26,216 26,745 26,916 26,905 26,715 26,594 26,399 26,390 26,194 25,903 25,652 25,356 25,079 24,913 24,784 24,721 24.688 24,628 6,675 6,929 7,348 7,807 8,231 8,933 10,326 11,427 12,866 14,462 15,868 16,818 17,460 17,767 17,718 17,458 17,029 16,647 16,200 15,914 15,451 14,873 14,348 13,764 13,214 12,763 12,367 12,029 11,745 11,431 372 376 384 394 405 419 447 482 518 562 607 643 670 688 697 698 695 690 685 681 678 671 663 655 646 639 634 631 629 626 425 413 450 437 471 455 486 470 495 476 496 475 491 465 476 449 457 428 433 406 410 384 389 367 374 355 367 356 377 372 23.89 23.56 22.95 22.34 21.76 20.89 19.32 18.27 17.04 15.92 15.08 14.64 14.41 14.40 14.58 14.90 15.29 15.69 16.12 16.48 16.95 17.53 18.08 18.70 19.31 19.87 20.39 20.89 21.35 21.85 16.23 1926 1957 15.40 1927 1958 14.35 1928 1959 13.41 1929 1960 12.68 1930 1961 11.73 1931 1962 10.29 1932 1963 9.53 1933 1964 8.77 1934 1965 8.18 1935 1966 7.88 1936 1967 7.91 1937 . 1968 8.10 1938 1969 8.45 1939 1970 8.97 1940 ... 1971 9.57 1941 1972 10.26 1942.. . 1973 10.92 1943 1974 11.61 I'M 1 1975 12.18 1945 1976 12.88 1946 1977 '.: 13.66 1947 1978 14.40 1948 1979 15.20 1949 1980 15.97 1950 1981 16.61 1951 1982 17.17 1952 1983 17.62 1953 1984 17.97 1954 1985 18.33 1955 1 Consists of dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, nurses' homes, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 259 Table A15. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Farm l-to-4-unit structures 150,703 151,106 151,708 152,264 152,681 152,098 152,168 151,293 150,509 149,746 149,257 148.985 148,898 148,491 148,357 148,683 149,243 149,136 148,717 148,130 147,415 147,934 148,957 150,653 152,293 153,730 154,351 154,727 155,044 155,087 154,654 84,306 83,831 83,620 83,358 82,966 82,193 80.945 79,357 77,890 76,484 75,431 74,579 73,927 72,988 72,389 72,214 72,277 71,698 70,873 69,853 68.736 69,164 70,074 71,554 72,904 74,012 74,282 74,245 74,149 73,817 73,054 1,939 1,942 1,946 1,951 1,957 1,962 1,959 1,949 1,936 1,926 1,920 1.921 1.925 1.929 1,932 1,943 1,962 1,976 1.980 1,978 1,974 1.980 2,11 is 2,068 2,124 2,175 2,211 2,242 2,271 2.296 2,313 1,046 1,064 1,133 1,133 1,149 1,171 1,242 1,235 1,253 1,284 1,355 1.341 1,361 1,396 1,467 1,443 1,464 1,505 1,573 1,546 1,572 1.617 1,680 1,650 1.675 1,732 1,794 1.763 1,793 1,854 1,913 3586 3629 36 63 3697 37.35 37.81 38 38 3902 39 64 40.24 40.73 41.17 41.54 41.98 42.31 42.52 4265 42 95 13 31 43.72 44.16 44.07 43 83 4342 43.07 42.78 42.72 42.75 42.78 4286 43 03 26 28 26 64 26 89 27 16 27.45 27.86 28.43 29.10 29.73 30.33 30.79 31.15 31.42 31.80 32.02 32.05 31.96 32.14 32 43 32.79 33.19 3263 31.89 30 97 30.18 29.56 29.31 29.18 29 06 29 03 29 1 5 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 154,431 154,112 153,676 153,354 152,812 152,754 152,393 152.066 151,890 151,447 151.237 151.064 150.780 150.282 149.570 148.924 148,520 147,545 147,834 147,390 146,798 146,882 146,671 145,417 144,755 143,471 142,128 140,176 139,115 137,687 72,456, 71,775 71,020 70,414 69,548 69,185 68,557 68,003 67,561 66,881 66,487 66,174 65.727 65.096 64,324 63,683 63,303 62,405 62,856 62,640 62,313 62,6,84 62.836 62,019 61,844 61,055 60.308 59,029 58,705 57,989 2,328 2.345 2,360 2.375 2,389 2,407 2,426 2,440 2,455 2.469 2,482 2.501 2,517 2.527 2,530 2.531 2,529 2,520 2,519 2,530 2,528 2,535 2.546 2.541 2,534 2.528 2,513 2.188 2,471 2,467 1,884 43.17 29.20 1,914 43.31 29.26 1,975 43.46 29.35 2,030 43.55 29.37 2,009 43.72 29.48 2,049 43.74 29.38 2,111 43.81 29.38 2,169 43.85 29.34 2,150 43.87 29.25 2,198 43.94 29.25 2,267 43.91 29.12 2,336 43.85 28.95 2,331 43.83 28.83 2.376 43.86 28.79 2,458 43.92 28.80 2,535 43.93 28.75 2,554 43.88 28.58 2,596 43.97 28.64 2,682 43.65 28.07 2.759 43.52 27.82 2,793 43.44 27.61 2,821 43.14 27.10 2,910 42.90 26.69 2,977 42.93 26.70 3,021 42.78 26.44 3,023 42.80 26.43 3,109 42.80 26.40 3,161 42.96 26.60 3,209 42.82 26.38 3,179 42.80 26.33 Farm mobile homes (I II II II II II .50 90 1.28 1.96 2.52 3 118 3.46 3.72 1 10 4.23 n n n ii ii ii II II II .50 8S 1 23, 1.88 2.39 2.86 3.12 3.24 3.48 3.44 1956 1957 1958. 1959 1960 1961. 1962 1963. 1964. 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975 . 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982 1983 1984. 1985 101 123 145 171 194 2119 233 261 306 355 408 463 552 655 764 917 1,152 1,455 1,846 2.103 2,353 2,658 2.878 3.073 3.312 3.506 3,672 3.814 3,940 4,051 103 121 1 133 138 152 168 201 235 271 307 373 449 526 640 826 1,063 1,369 1,522 1,657 1,833 1,915 1.966 2.056 2.099 2,121 2.127 2.131 2,130 6 8 9 11 12 13 15 16 19 22 25 29 34 40 47 56 69 87 111 133 149 167 184 197 210 224 234 243 250 256 1 4.16 3.23 1 4.36 3.34 1 4.53 3.42 2 4.67 3.48 3 4.91 3.66 3 5.33 4.03 4 5.50 4.12 5 5.64 4.17 6 5.48 3.92 7 5.39 3.80 9 5.35 3.76 9 5.39 3.79 11 5.17 3.58 13 5.02 3.46 15 4.97 3.47 17 4.81 3.36 19 4.51 3.14 22 4.26 2.99 26 4.07 2.90 29 4.34 3.21 34 4.64 3.53 38 4.87 3.73 46 5.25 4.08 53 5.67 4.44 62 5.99 4.65 72 6.37 4.91 90 6.75 5.16 107 7.12 5.38 127 7.45 5.55 145 7.76 5.68 260 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A16. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars Years Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year Year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net 1925 129,648 134,713 138,196 146,393 150,730 143,850 125,232 111,499 116.903 122,500 124,322 135,177 146.253 150,317 155,161 167,821 184,252 198,911 215,905 233,384 251,218 294,857 346,170 376,181 394,550 432,570 468,884 491,369 508,914 533,716 568,501 83,074 86,836 89,409 94,871 97,301 91,978 79,237 69,550 71,857 74,249 74,495 80,326 86,259 87,972 90,436 97,579 107,068 114,600 122,966 131,080 139,207 164,243 194.835 214,719 227,507 253,934 278,125 293,908 306,778 324,340 349,203 1,869 1,966 2,021 2.093 2,245 2,239 2,046 1,659 1,635 1,813 1,793 1,887 2,111 2,196 2,237 2,355 2,616 2,830 3,057 3,312 3,544 3,909 4,873 5,522 5,830 6,250 7,011 7,488 7,845 8,182 8,709 631 660 703 733 789 800 778 653 660 755 789 848 954 1,012 1,071 1,136 1,257 1,378 1,555 1,736 1,904 2,129 2,090 2,974 3,088 3,261 3,623 3,758 3,905 1,021 4,246 26.59 26.33 26.16 26.11 26.32 26.80 27.34 28.01 28.74 29.42 29.98 30.39 30.78 31.17 31.38 31.53 31.59 32.01) 32.52 33.17 33.77 33.61 33.19 32.60 32.16 31.37 30.88 30.46 30.06 29.64 29.10 19.79 19.37 19.09 18.94 19.09 19.53 20.04 20.71 21.43 22.10 22.62 22.95 23.24 23.53 23.61 23.60 23.48 23.81 24.30 24.94 25.51 25.05 24.30 23.39 22.71 21.66 21.04 20.53 20.08 19.62 19.05 1956 596,073 616,021 637,738 664,031 687,875 711,234 737,071 752,770 797,776 833,093 898,017 943,849 1,055,034 1,155,164 1,220,152 1,354,963 1,509,603 1,730,221 1,972,010 2,139,610 2,406,713 2,797,079 3,274,599 3,753,365 4,183,701 4,596,992 4,576,923 4,934,652 5,239,295 5,435,894 368,694 382,864 399,062 418,650 435,523 451,880 470,327 482,984 514,083 538,655 580,976 610,488 683,526 749,188 790,653 881,254 988,065 1,136,903 1,292,923 1,396,153 1,568,039 1,825,732 2,141,775 2,459,459 2,733,870 2,991,118 2,955,257 3,178,613 3,376.721 3,505,968 9,334 9,742 10,126 10,592 11,119 11,567 12,020 12,445 13,043 13,766 14,734 15,664 17,037 19,315 20,788 22,936 26,007 28,882 33,286 37,167 40,905 46,917 54,178 63,096 71,350 78,768 83,537 87,217 92,364 98,049 4,429 4,656 4,764 4,949 5,116 5,369 5,461 5,649 5,782 6,154 6,498 6,971 7,447 8,523 9,093 10,095 11,884 12,653 14,305 15,949 17,818 20,980 23,863 28,295 31,979 36,252 39,254 42,243 44,395 49,294 28.70 28.41 28.00 27.55 27.25 27.00 26.71 26.29 25.99 25.72 25.59 25.44 25.29 25.08 24.92 24.67 24.31 24.04 23.93 24.05 24.07 24.00 23.89 23.73 23.76 23.88 24.00 24.11 24.05 23.99 18.68 1926 1957 18.43 1927 1958 18.08 1928 1959 17.70 1929 .... 1960 17.49 1930 1961 17.34 1931.. 1962 17.14 1932 . 1963 16.86 1933 1964 16.67 1934 1965 16.53 1935 1966 16.51 1936 1967 16.51 1937 1968 16.46 1938 1969 16.40 1939 1970 16.39 1940 1971 16.24 1941 1972 15.97 1942 1973 15.82 1943 1974 15.87 1944 1975 16.10 1945 1976 16.20 1946 1977 16.20 1947 1978 16.16 1948 1979 16.09 1949 1980 16.23 1950 1981 16.44 1951 1982 16.69 1952 1983 16.85 1953 1984 16.83 1954 1985 16.82 1955 1925 49 49 48 50 50 47 41 36 38 41 55 143 274 338 358 390 649 1,074 1,889 2,260 2,519 3,009 3,124 2,714 2,626 2,734 2,539 2,609 2,628 2,660 2,721 43 42 41 41 41 38 32 28 28 30 43 128 255 314 327 352 599 1,006 1,790 2,115 2,322 2,747 2,798 2,373 2,249 2,298 2,070 2,092 2,068 2,051 2,053 1 2 3 5 6 6 9 14 25 36 41 44 51 45 43 44 41 43 43 43 44 I) 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 7.20 8.20 9.20 10.20 11.20 12.20 13.20 14.20 15.20 15.81 12.84 6.00 4.13 4.32 5.13 6.00 4.71 3.88 3.19 3.84 4.70 5.23 6.29 7.63 8.74 9.72 11.32 12.17 13.12 14.13 15.17 7.19 8.19 9.19 10.19 11.19 12.19 13.19 14.19 15.19 15.68 11.71 4.81 3.30 3.58 4.40 5.26 4.08 3.36 2.81 3.47 4.32 4.83 5.85 7.09 8.16 9.11 10.68 11.50 12.42 13.44 14.48 1956 2,792 2,954 3,339 3,876 4,226 4,626 5,000 5,182 5,401 5,600 5,979 6,056 6,563 7,066 7,371 8,327 9,774 11,648 13,617 14,689 16,277 18,793 22,035 24,760 27,566 30,282 29,884 32,636 35,064 36,921 2,071 2,187 2,524 3,001 3,286 3,613 3,908 4,034 4,142 4,242 4,465 4,423 4,687 4,974 5,129 5,799 6,922 8,333 9,767 10,380 11,318 12,901 15,020 16,644 18,378 20,007 19,546 21,276 22,879 24,174 45 47 51 59 67 73 79 83 86 89 94 97 101 111 116 127 144 170 201 226 246 282 326 375 419 462 482 504 546 576 2 4 3 3 5 3 3 8 5 6 9 7 8 15 11 14 21 18 21 42 33 44 67 77 93 118 101 96 152 15.98 16.10 15.16 14.03 13.84 13.62 13.60 13.82 14.56 15.16 15.86 16.92 17.95 18.63 19.18 19.17 18.46 18.05 17.96 18.67 19.44 20.03 20.38 21.04 21.43 21.87 22.38 22.54 22.54 22.46 15.23 1926 1957 15.10 1927 1958 13.71 1928 1959 12.21 1929 1960 11.87 1930 1961 11.52 1931 1962 11.39 1932 1963 11.54 1933 1964 12.22 1934 1965 12.74 1935 1966 13.36 1936 1967 14.42 1937 1968 15.42 1938 1969 15.99 1939 1970 16.42 1940 1971 16.15 1941 1972 15.09 1942 1973 14.45 1943 1974 14.19 1944 1975 14.81 1945 1976 15.53 1946 1977 .V. 16.02 1947 1978 16.21 1948 1979 16.77 I'i I 1 ' 1980 17.03 1981 17.33 1951 1982 17.71 1952 1983 17.70 1953 1984 17.45 1985 17.16 1955 1 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 261 Table A16. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- ,-. , Discards tion Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- Discards Average age Gross Net tion Gross Net State and local 1925 192H 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 3 65 275 518 745 854 934 1,006 1,294 1,675 1,882 2,244 2,701 3,425 4,117 4.665 5,069 5,466 II 3 65 271 506 720 812 871 919 1,173 1,508 1,674 1,995 2,393 3,046 3,663 4,131 4,438 4,723 ,50 .55 .77 1.22 I 79 2.66 3.63 4.63 :, 08 5.42 on:: 6.07 6.23 6.06 6.04 6 29 6.84 7.48 .76 1.21 1.77 2.64 3.61 4.61 5.01 5.29 5.86 5.81 5.92 5.67 5.60 5.81 6.33 6.94 1950 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 1984 1985 5.817 6,185 6.670 7,165 7,614 8,189 8.951 9,176 9,866 10,420 11,502 12.409 14,205 15,959 17,325 19,631 21.822 24.993 28.405 30,663 34,160 39,378 15,092 51,772 57.734 63,664 03.069 68,105 71,470 73,202 4.903 5,221 5,592 5.961 6,275 6,707 7,313 7,411 7,891 8.248 9,033 9,685 11.008 12.3D9 13,310 14.996 16,486 18.679 29,982 22,273 24,389 27.677 31,005 35,417 39.087 42,657 41,774 44,588 46.19(1 46,671 105 no 118 126 135 144 156 165 173 184 199 215 238 275 300 336 372 420 480 53 1 576 657 755 866 973 1,073 1,123 1,165 1,236 1,268 7n 81 105 131 155 177 215 220 25li 303 8.10 8.61 8.94 9.31 9.76 10.06 10.19 10.73 11.19 11.67 12.04 12 34 12.67 12.90 13.09 13.36 13.87 14.35 14.88 15.62 16.37 17.05 17.67 18.23 18.69 19.15 19.66 20.17 20 ;j 21.31 1 ■"-..' 7.98 823 8.53 8.91 9 12 9 14 9.62 10.00 10 40 10.68 10 86 11.09 11.20 11.27 11.43 11.84 12.24 12.67 13.34 14.03 14.62 15.13 15.57 15.88 16.18 16.54 10 89 17.30 17.76 1 wner-occupied nonfarm 1925 64,837 67,207 68,752 72,651 74,721 71,323 62,084 55,343 58,037 60,903 61,892 67,370 72,894 75,012 77,514 83,914 92,227 99,474 107,734 116,474 125,672 149.868 179,766 200,1 16 213,595 239,753 265,031 282,131 297,270 317,172 344,501 41,512 43,243 44,338 46,905 48,046 45,460 39,192 34,469 35.650 36,924 37,140 40,121 43,106 44,054 45,380 49,038 53,929 57,658 61,638 65,773 70,169 85,075 104,520 119,611 129,997 150,019 168,748 182,250 194,135 209,032 231,005 940 984 1,005 1,037 1,110 1,105 1,009 818 806 896 888 936 1,048 1,092 1,113 1,173 1,301 1,404 1,516 1,642 1,759 1,962 2,499 2,902 3,128 3,419 3,914 4,249 4,521 4,789 5,191 332 346 366 383 410 415 401 336 338 385 403 434 486 514 544 579 642 698 793 880 964 1,066 1,346 1,486 1.551 1,618 1,807 1,884 1,963 2.005 2,127 25,99 25.82 25.75 25.77 26.02 26.49 27.02 27.67 28.38 29.03 29.55 29.94 30.33 30.69 30.88 31.01 31.05 31.49 32.10 32.74 33.27 32.64 31.62 30.41 29.57 28.27 27.42 26.73 26.10 25.45 24.66 19.63 1927 19.07 18.98 19.14 19.56 20.04 20.68 21.37 21.98 22.45 22.75 23.03 23.27 23.32 23.29 23.13 23.49 24.08 24.69 25.17 24.12 22.69 21.16 20.16 18.74 17.89 17.25 16.71 16.18 15.56 1956 366,903 383,987 402,132 423,050 442,339 459,843 478,275 190 166 521,451 546,311 590,404 622,845 697,438 763,907 807,748 899,013 1,003,323 1,154,265 1,322,095 1,440,200 1,629,779 1.905.910 2,242,358 2,546,836 2.808.561 3,060,172 3,019,703 3,277,624 3,457,621 3,565,734 218,279 261 335 275,396 291,490 305,663 318,004 330,988 339,884 361,593 378,819 408,411 129.58(1 480,332 524,443 551,874 614,337 687,415 791,680 902,948 978,640 1,106,144 1,296,125 1.527,137 1,734,013 1 902,860 2,062,051 2,017,467 2,187,547 2,307,488 2,380,511 5,665 5.992 6,297 6,650 7,042 7,375 7.683 7,968 8,369 8,855 9,495 111 !jn 11,029 12,523 13,492 14,943 17,222 18,9 ,2 21,900 24.409 26,983 31,140 36,117 41,922 46,952 51,438 54,264 57,031 ',9 --1 63,880 2,220 2 320 2,365 2,457 2,516 2,661 2,714 2.800 2.851 3,080 3,261 3,502 3,759 4,372 4,677 5,272 6.737 6.796 7.688 8,553 9,609 11.351 12,933 15,673 17.603 19,991 22,260 24,001 25,007 28,971 24.12 23,76 23.35 22.93 22.67 22,54 22,41 22.19 22,06 21.95 21.97 21.96 21.97 21.97 22.02 21.93 21.76 21.63 21.63 21.80 21.83 21.76 21.70 21.64 21.78 21.95 22.11 22 18 22.13 22.08 15.20 1926 1957 15.01 1921 1958 14.77 192- 1959... . 14.55 1929 1960 14.48 1930 1961 14 51 1931 1962 14 54 1932 1963.. .. 14.50 1933 1964 .... 14 52 1934 1965.... 14 56 1935 1966. ... 14.71 1936 1967 . ... 14.85 1937 1968 14.96 1938 1969 .. . 15.09 1939 1970 15.27 1940 1971 15.29 1941 1972.. . 15.19 1942 1973 15.17 1943 1974 15.30 1944 1975 15.54 1945 1976 15.62 1946 1977 15.59 1947 1978 15.56 1948.. . 1979 15.45 1949 1980 15.56 1950.. .. 1981 15.71 1951 1982 15.86 1952 1983 15.95 1953 1984 15.84 1954.. . 1985 15.73 1955 262 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A16. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Private tenant-occupied nonfarm 1925 47,516 50,029 51,956 55,611 57,591 55,056 48,065 42,813 44.919 47,049 47,743 51,903 56,177 57,767 59,704 64,532 70,604 75,915 82,003 88,459 94,951 1(111,492 125,828 133,527 137,160 146,178 154.56X 158,176 160,089 163,891 169,825 31,707 33,677 35,190 37,781 38,977 36,859 31,813 27,911 28,823 29,733 29,778 32,051 34,375 35,030 36,008 38,734 42,144 44,720 47,526 50,401 53,188 60,711 69,283 73,217 74,843 79,653 83,724 85,106 85,613 87,167 90,008 694 741 773 810 876 877 802 652 644 712 703 739 825 857 874 918 1,018 1,100 1,177 1,266 1,351 1,474 1,795 1,988 2,049 2,145 2,351 2,453 2,516 2,569 2,666 183 195 210 223 242 248 245 211 214 246 257 279 316 335 355 378 417 461 517 589 650 733 934 1,041 1,080 1,152 1,276 1,315 1,373 1,418 1,495 24.63 24.19 23.88 23.73 23.92 24.46 25.03 25.77 26.56 27.32 27.97 28.48 28.95 29.41 29.69 29.95 30.22 30.83 31.58 32.37 33.12 33.63 33.97 34.18 34.43 34.51 34.76 35.02 35.25 35.45 35.59 18.46 17.88 17.46 17.23 17.38 17.89 18.43 19.16 19.93 20.68 21.29 21.72 22.10 22.47 22.62 22.74 22.87 23.45 24.19 24.99 25.75 26.13 26.31 26.33 26.38 26.22 26.32 26.44 26.52 26.56 26.51 1956 173,935 176,179 178,861 182,957 186,566 191,131 196,939 200.382 211,956 220,726 237,245 247,986 277,477 304,972 322,606 358,335 400,278 457,406 516,448 556,985 620,563 713,838 829,785 981,586 1,128,802 1,270,569 1,295,680 1,380,551 1,494,442 1,579,093 91,767 92,577 94,062 96,629 98,750 101,850 106,105 109,684 117,661 124,001 134,263 141,104 159,580 177,769 189,911 213,798 242,941 280,784 317,312 340,531 378,114 435,101 507,196 607,090 701,910 790,395 802,466 848,953 921,945 976,770 2,781 2,846 2,907 2,995 3,099 3,189 3,300 3,415 3,579 3,773 4,033 4,274 4,644 5,270 5,690 6,262 6,924 7,873 9,056 10,187 11,152 12,661 14,529 17,193 19,984 22,527 24,284 25,077 27,135 28,701 1,562 1,674 1,716 1,798 1,894 1,995 2,005 2,095 2,173 2,295 2,403 2,595 2,766 3,130 3,318 3,642 3,878 4,454 5,009 5,608 6,239 7,430 8,363 9.668 11,053 12,656 13,096 14,214 15,084 15,865 35.74 35.87 35.79 35.57 35.43 35.13 34.64 33.87 33.24 32.67 32.28 31.93 31.43 30.73 30.13 29.48 28.68 28.11 27.86 27.93 28.00 27.97 27.80 27.21 26.86 26.77 26.76 27.06 26.90 26.76 26.49 1926 1957 26.45 1927 1958 26.13 1928 1959 25.63 1929.. .. 1960 25.28 1930 1961 24.71 1931. . 1962 23.94 1932.. . 1963 22.92 1933 . 1964 22.08 1934 1965 21.38 1935 1966 20.93 1936 1967 20.56 1937.. .. 1968 20.00 1938.. .. 1969 19.31 1939. . 1970 18.75 1940 1971 18.09 1941 1972 17.30 1942 1973 16.80 1943 1974 16.67 1944 1975 16.89 1945 1976 17.08 1946 1977 17.16 1947 1978 17.10 1948 1979 17.05 1949 1980 17.22 1950 1981 17.58 1951 1982 18.08 1952 1983 18.47 1953 1984 18.64 1954 1985 18.81 1955 Owner-occupied farm 1925 12,965 12,999 12,929 13,344 13,506 12,774 11,017 9,738 10,173 10,606 10,696 11,524 12,364 12,577 12,814 13,698 14,849 15,933 17,229 18,602 19,963 23,027 26,473 28,147 28,986 30,778 32,411 33,003 33,203 33,723 34,516 7,253 7,212 7,126 7,305 7,340 6,878 5,863 5,111 5,268 5,422 5,412 5,779 6,153 6,198 6,273 6,681 7,226 7,700 8,260 8,823 9,367 10,839 12,551 13,487 14,011 14,966 15,746 15,979 16,013 16,177 16,420 165 167 166 166 175 172 156 126 123 137 135 141 157 162 164 172 190 204 221 241 258 282 348 388 406 427 467 487 498 506 522 89 92 97 97 103 103 99 79 80 91 95 98 111 117 124 127 140 154 173 185 202 226 284 303 312 331 367 371 380 395 417 35.86 36.29 36.63 36.97 37.34 37.80 38.36 39.00 39.61 40.20 40.68 41.08 41.43 41.86 42.16 42.32 42.42 42.70 43.02 43.44 43.84 43.74 43.43 42.97 42.56 42.24 42.18 42.20 42.23 42.31 42.48 26.28 26.64 26.89 27.16 27.45 27.84 28.40 29.07 29.69 30.28 30.71 31.04 31.28 31.63 31.82 31.79 31.65 31.81 32.06 32.42 32.79 32.18 31.37 30.37 29.53 28.89 28.66 28.54 28.44 28.42 28.56 1956 34,980 35,004 34,966 35,095 35,148 35,308 35,421 35,069 35,952 36,348 38,166 39,288 42,570 45,402 46,901 50,238 53,753 59,240 66,655 70,871 77,401 87,183 98,735 108,976 118,734 127,292 125,330 130,363 134,267 134,462 16,518 16,385 16,241 16,200 16,077 16,077 16,030 15,844 16,160 16,239 16,989 17,496 18,848 20,046 20,661 22,010 23,476 25,703 29,261 31,117 33,916 38,365 43,557 47,847 52,273 55,823 54,964 56,627 58,461 58,417 542 549 554 561 571 579 586 591 602 618 645 675 720 795 837 897 954 1,043 1,181 1,309 1,410 1,578 1,780 1,995 2,212 2,406 2,506 2,554 2,645 2,700 423 432 446 460 459 470 486 498 497 517 553 587 619 694 746 820 880 980 1,133 1,275 1,392 1,576 1,836 2,116 2,386 2,595 2,791 2,924 3,123 3,166 42.61 42.78 42.88 42.90 43.02 42.98 42.99 42.72 42.69 42.65 42.54 42.17 42.21 41.96 41.61 41.58 41.55 41.59 40.80 40.61 40.61 40.49 40.36 40.32 40.03 39.96 39.45 39.70 39.47 39.43 28.61 1926.. .. 1957 28.72 1927 . 1958 28.77 1928 1959 28.73 1929 . . 1960 28.82 1930 1961 28.66 1931 1962 28.60 1932 1963 28.28 1933 1964 28.13 1934 1965 28.04 1935 1966 27.82 1936 1967 27.40 1937 1968 27.31 1938 1969 27.03 1939 1970 26.72 1940 1971 26.63 1941 1972 26.46 1942 1973 26.43 1943 1974 25.51 1944 1975 25.21 1945 1976 25.05 1946 1977 24.66 1947 1978 24.36 1948 1979 24.35 1949 1980 24.01 1950 1981 23.96 1951 1982 23.66 1952 1983 23.94 1953 1984 23.68 1954 1985 23.63 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 263 Table A16.— Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Tenant-occupied farm 3,161 3,169 3,152 3,253 3,288 3,103 2.673 2,3611 2,463 2,563 2,575 2,762 2,948 2,986 3,025 3.209 3,450 3,681 3,959 4,258 4,550 5,22:, 5,957 6,267 6,3X2 6,706 7,024 7,118 7,128 7,210 7,362 1,768 1.758 1,737 1,781 1,785 1.666 1.417 1.233 1,26s 1,301 1,290 1,366 1,440 1,440 1,442 1,514 1,613 1,702 1,809 1,922 2,026 2,319 2,640 2,779 2,830 2,971 3,108 3,142 3,138 3,165 3,219 35 86 3629 36 63 36.97 37.40 37.93 38 53 39.21 3987 4054 41.15 41.74 42 29 42.88 43.41 43.87 44.29 44.79 45.31 45.87 46.44 46.65 46.78 4683 46.91 47.03 47 14 47,32 47.49 47.68 47.91 26 28 26 64 26 89 27.16 27.52 28.02 28 63 29 35 31MI3 30.72 31.35 31 93 3246 33 1)4 33.53 33 91) 34.20 34.64 35.12 35.64 36.19 36.10 35.91 35.57 35.28 35.08 34.91 34.81 34.71 34 66 34 69 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 7.437 7.428 7.387 7,373 7,351 7.302 7.249 7,042 7,142 7.134 7,390 7,444 7.998 8.364 8,430 8,926 9,459 10,329 11,273 11,820 12,818 14,335 16.087 17.578 18,781 19,850 18,944 19,687 19,941 19.762 3.241 3.225 3.196 3,182 3,158 3,109 3,061 2,951 2,969 2,940 3,022 3,021 3.222 3.341 3,337 3,505 3.689 4.1)011 4,359 4,539 4,888 5,436 6,067 6.584 6,968 7,295 6.908 7,125 7.156 7.023 87 87 89 90 93 101 102 107 112 121 133 1 11 152 169 188 209 226 240 242 243 248 217 99 48.11 34.67 101 48.33 34.66 103 48.54 34.67 106 48.71 34.63 104 48.96 34.70 106 49.37 35.02 109 49.76 35.34 110 50.13 35.63 HIS 50.50 35.90 110 50.90 36.22 117 51.27 36.51 121 51.63 36.79 125 51.98 37.03 139 52.37 37.35 145 52.77 37.71 156 53.15 38.03 162 53.48 38.26 178 53.81 38.50 201 53.93 38.39 220 54.24 38.65 233 54.56 38.89 262 54.83 39.05 299 55.10 39.22 339 55.39 39.47 369 55.79 39.89 395 56.19 40.31 408 56,49 40.60 419 56.82 40.93 433 57.19 41.29 435 57.57 41.74 Equipment 1925 548 579 609 633 660 640 569 523 536 538 549 591 631 623 647 699 828 896 910 922 992 1,206 1,499 1,714 1,850 2,159 2,461 2,691 2,915 3,094 3,205 307 323 339 347 361 345 300 266 265 265 275 304 335 333 352 387 470 497 472 441 447 586 814 998 1,113 1,347 1,541 1,661 1,763 1,826 1,859 50 53 55 58 60 62 56 48 48 50 49 52 56 59 59 61 70 82 82 81 87 100 125 152 165 184 221 243 266 285 301 32 35 38 41 44 47 44 40 43 46 46 49 53 54 54 51 55 61 63 68 80 94 112 127 132 134 140 131 132 141 153 5.01 5.04 5.09 5.20 5.22 5.33 5.46 5.70 5.87 5.93 5.86 5.71 5.54 5.48 5.37 5.22 5.02 5.15 5.55 6.02 6.38 6.02 5.36 4.91 4.66 4.38 4.30 4.34 4.43 4.57 4.69 3.47 3.46 3.47 3.55 3.55 3.65 3.77 4.03 4.16 4.12 3.93 3.70 3.52 3.53 3.49 3.42 3.30 3.51 4.02 4.57 4.87 4.08 3.23 2.88 2.83 2.76 2.88 3.04 3.19 3.33 3.39 1956 3,459 3,686 3,917 4,235 4,383 4,539 4,650 4,894 5,115 5,305 5,622 6,018 6,582 7,245 7,983 8,808 9,788 11.091 13.692 15,603 17.418 19.396 22,159 24,938 28,413 31,719 34,161 36,047 37,426 38,568 1,983 2,079 2,185 2,376 2,449 2,517 2,767, 2,701 2,826 2,948 3,127 3.340 3,688 4,117 4,585 5,119 5,785 6,641 8.204 9,212 10,124 11,140 12,584 14,017 15,733 17,281 18,256 19,086 19,814 20,517 313 336 354 379 401 415 427 443 464 483 508 539 586 643 712 786 871 979 1,154 1,379 1,557 1,724 1,940 2,195 2,487 2,798 3,069 3,242 3,388 3,507 168 188 215 252 283 297 311 324 337 349 365 389 425 457 486 524 558 598 675 794 899 1,014 1,171 1,361 1,613 1,931 2,252 2,492 2,686 2,842 4.79 4.93 5.04 5.03 5.07 5.12 5,16 5.15 5.15 5.11 5.11 5.13 5.07 4.97 4.89 4.80 4.68 4.57 4.55 4.64 4.74 4.82 4.90 4.98 5.09 5.21 5.35 5.43 5.45 5.43 3.40 1926 1957 3.44 1927 1958 3.46 1928 1959 3.39 1929 1960 3.43 1930 1961 3.48 1931 1962 3.52 1932 1963 .. 3.51 1933 1964 . 3.50 1934 1965 3.45 1935 1966 3.44 1936 1967 3.46 1937 1968 3.40 1938 1969 3.31 1939 1970 3.26 1940 1971 3.20 1941 1972 3.12 1942 1973 3.06 1943 1974 3.09 1944 1975 3.22 1945 .... 1976 3.32 1946 1977 3.38 1947 1978 3.43 1948 1979.. .. 3.46 1949 1980 3.53 1950 1981 3 61 1951 1982 3.71 1952. . 1983 3.74 1953 1984 3.70 1954 1985 3.65 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 264 Table A16. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards End of year Average age ( I r< iss Net Millions of dollars End of year Annual totals Deprecia- tion Years End of year Average age Nonfarm l-to-4-unit structures 103,775 66,998 107,661 69,841 110,165 71,611 116,488 75,775 119,803 77,581 114,349 73,367 99,605 63,278 88,764 55,634 93,110 57,535 97,671 59,543 99,219 59,835 107,946 64,571 116,799 69.340 120,187 70.840 124,191 72,945 134,428 78,793 147,479 86,353 158,854 92,087 171,857 98,257 185.651 104,660 199,886 111,235 234.938 131,534 276.705 156,810 301.644 173,682 316.925 184,517 349,073 207,456 379,840 228,602 399,441 242,885 415,165 254,901 437,484 271,401 468.809 294.710 1.459 1,530 1,566 1,616 1,730 1,723 1,574 1,275 1,257 1,398 1,384 1,457 1,630 1.698 1,730 1,824 2,022 2,177 2.347 2,540 2,716 2.994 3,735 4,231 4,469 4,796 5,390 5,768 6,050 6,327 6,768 466 487 518 544 582 591 575 483 583 631 707 748 797 852 945 1,031 1,177 1,311 1,437 1,596 2,019 2,236 2,332 2,438 2,726 2,844 2,963 3,023 3,206 2622 26.03 25.97 2599 26.25 26.75 27.29 27.96 28.69 29.37 29.92 30.34 30.75 31.12 31.33 31.48 31.58 32.09 32.74 33.42 34.04 33 86 3336 32.70 32.23 31.32 30.74 ' 30.25 29.78 2!) 26 28.59 19.80 19.44 19.25 19.15 19.33 19.78 20.27 20 92 21.63 22.27 22.77 23.10 2339 23.65 23.71 23.68 23.60 24.03 24.67 25.34 25.91 25.41 24.56 23.54 22.83 21.64 20 92 20 34 19.82 19.27 18.61 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19811 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 493.519 511,300 529,887 551,908 572,119 591,072 611,206 622,209 657,100 684.226 735.849 771.972 860.203 936,064 983,430 1.086,408 1.201,432 1,366,354 1,548,956 1, 682,331 1,897,373 2,212,252 2,597,902 2,984,274 3,330.577 3,662.554 3,645,240 3,933,011 4,179,837 1.338.069 312,888 325,954 339,982 356.475 370.902 384,010 397,874 406,215 429,782 448,123 481,395 504,356 561,809 610.219 638,924 706,587 783,815 892,161 1,008,132 1,091,965 1,233,042 1,443,995 1,702.809 1,963.397 2,187.258 2,396,590 2,368,559 2,549,675 2,711,448 2,816,662 7,285 7,607 7.904 8,255 8,659 8,998 9,346 9,648 10,057 10,556 11,260 11,924 12,904 14,515 15,454 16,939 19,219 20,916 23,854 26,402 29,101 33,517 38,843 45,527 51.540 57,013 60,561 63,330 67,130 71,811 3.341 3.493 3,531 3,657 3,731 3,927 3,976 4,093 4,148 4,466 4.677 4,998 5.327 6,182 6,501 7,260 8,847 9,229 10,286 11,399 12,612 14,872 16,671 19,873 22,090 25,004 26,777 28.666 29,743 33.841 28.13 27.83 27.44 27.04 26.77 26.59 26.41 26.12 25.95 25.78 25.74 25.66 25.62 25.57 25.56 25.44 25.25 25:15 25.15 25.23 25.17 25.00 24.80 24.57 24.58 24.68 24.82 24.92 24.84 24.76 Nonfarm 5-or-more-unit structures 1925 8,030 8,995 9,934 11,142 11,850 11.390 9,975 8.868 9,311 9,743 9.866 10.736 11.642 1 969 12.379 13,320 14,524 15,639 16,969 18.361 19,746 23,135 27,151 29,879 31.436 34,009 36,470 37,448 38,071 39,111 40,627 5.914 6,756 7,579 8.564 9,081 8,607 7,427 6,479 6,674 6,850 6,809 7,297 7.806 7.910 8,092 8,593 9,250 9,794 10,435 11,073 11,675 13.590 15,952 17.751 18,736 20,296 21,669 22,009 22,166 22,556 23,204 126 142 158 174 195 198 182 147 145 161 158 166 186 193 197 206 228 245 264 287 307 339 423 483 509 541 601 628 644 657 684 18 19 21 22 26 25 27 23 21 30 31 33 42 46 48 54 60 67 70 90 97 109 149 164 166 197 216 221 237 254 256 16.43 15.53 14.80 14.45 14.60 15.27 15.99 16.88 17.77 18.66 19.50 20.18 20.80 21.44 21.94 22.52 23.08 23.79 24.55 25.35 26,14 26.42 26.43 26.02 25.91 25.86 26.02 26.43 26.76 27.10 27.43 12.23 11.32 10.64 10.34 10.52 11.18 11.88 12.76 13.63 14.51 15.33 15.97 16.54 17.14 17.55 18.07 18.55 19.22 19.94 20.72 21.51 21.60 21.37 20.62 20.23 19.96 20.00 20.31 20.53 20.76 20.96 1956 41,719 42,599 44,214 46,548 48.675 51,506 55,621 59,712 66,365 72,029 79,968 85,520 99.223 113,683 124,882 145,486 172,097 208,626 243,175 263,536 294,494 340,694 397,378 454,955 508,295 561,061 558,019 607,784 650.385 681,482 23.584 23,966 25,124 26,895 28,451 30,689 34,130 37,941 43,372 47,997 53,879 57.944 68,192 79.451 88,357 104,625 126,267 155,441 181,373 194,517 215,148 247,039 286,331 326,396 362,570 397,706 392.12:: 425,366 454,509 475,569 717 735 760 799 846 893 959 1,036 1,134 1,243 1,372 1,483 1,648 1,936 2,149 2,453 2,838 3,398 4,044 4,545 4.954 5,660 6,526 7,541 8,542 9,466 9,974 10,435 11,256 11,856 262 300 308 315 353 375 368 416 463 468 512 588 629 678 776 867 915 1,056 1,261 1,359 1,604 1,968 2,255 2,569 3,030 3,343 3,391 3,619 3,929 3,961 27.77 27.91 27.51 26.86 26.38 25.61 24.44 22.98 21.80 20.94 20.43 20.13 19.51 18.73 18.12 17.38 16.46 15.74 15.63 16.10 16.57 16.93 17.22 17.42 17.65 17.92 18.25 18.43 18.48 18.55 21.17 1926 1957 21.13 1927 1958 20.39 1928 1959 19.36 1929 1960 18.65 1930 .... 1961 17.64 1931 .... 1962 16.26 1932 1963.. .. 1476, 1933 1964 13.66 1934 1965 12.94 1935 1966 12.58 1936 1967 12.45 1937 1968 12.02 1938 1969 11.47 1939 1970 11.12 1940 1971 10.66 1941 1972 10.07 1942 1973 9.68 1943 1974 9.80 1944 1975 10.38 1945 1976 10.96 1946 1977 1978 11.44 1947 11.85 1948 1979 12 15 1949 1980 12.50 1950 1981 12.86 1951 1982 13.27 1952 1953 1954 1983 13.52 1984 . 13.63 1985 13.73 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 265 Table A16. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Nonfarm mobile homes 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 241 435 545 690 827 1,027 1,209 1,375 1.11X5 II II II II 77 227 397 473 573 660 801 918 1.015 1.241) II II II 3 1 1 24 34 42 52 63 76 88 103 i) .50 .83 1.24 1.92 2.49 3.01 3.28 3.61 3.94 1 mi o .50 .81 1.20 1.85 2.36 2WI 2.94 3.15 3.35 3.25 1956 L957 1958 1959 1 '.1(1(1 1961 19(12 1963 1964 1965 19(1(1 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 1984 19X5 2.141 2.581 2.97(1 3,315 3,728 3.857 3,738 4,034 4,828 5.478 6,210 7.322 8.907 11.886 14,060 16,645 20.2X5 25.601 32,721 35.714 41.056 47,407 54,704 64,255 70,078 75,408 77,963 81,335 84,416 86.707 1.591 1,912 2.167 2, .17 1 2,612 2.638 2.523 2,712 3,275 3.753 4,274 5,044 6.223 ■ 424 9,918 11,805 14.4X9 18,220 22,551 23,477 25,945 29.052 32,608 37 292 39,209 40,869 40.995 42,373 43,661 44,533 131 160 1x7 211 235 257 252 255 294 346 388 447 536 Too 867 1,027 1,219 1.532 1,905 2,270 2,522 2,899 3,337 3,851 4,366 4,689 4,945 5.100 5,244 5,407 12 391 3.04 19 3.97 3.03 27 4.18 3.19 31 4.39 3.33 43 4.66 3.54 57 4.94 377 6:( 5.10 3.86 62 5.16 3.84 76 5.08 3.68 93 4.97 3.56 no 4.93 3.51 122 4.93 3.51 143 4.77 3.37 186 4.61 3.25 233 4.66 3.34 264 460 3.31 296 4.51 3.25 367 4.54 3.31 476 4.89 3.67 609 5.40 4.18 733 5.82 4.53 927 6.14 4.76 1,199 6.44 4.93 1,538 6.72 5.08 1,923 7.10 5.33 2,369 7.44 5.51 2,936 7.76 5.69 3,438 7.91 5.64 3,733 8.04 5.59 4.192 8.16 5.57 Other nonfarm structures' 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1,121 1,261 1.359 1.484 1,575 1,547 1,353 1,209 1,273 1,339 1,361 1.476 1,597 1,636 1,681 1,803 1,956 2,0X8 2,237 2,396 2,557 2,944 3,34(1 3,499 3,557 3,720 3,88(1 3,915 3,931 3,990 4,110 792 904 977 1,059 1,113 1.078 920 800 819 839 831 880 932 934 941 989 1,051 1,093 1,132 1,175 1.215 1.379 1,534 1.578 1,582 1,633 1.(183 1,677 1.6X0 1.712 1.776 62 67 81 87 88 90 96 97 97 98 100 79 82 96 93 105 104 11.34 10.94 10.90 11.12 11.41 11.82 1252 13.27 14.02 14.74 15.40 16 03 16.59 17.16 17.66 18.14 18.64 19.27 20.03 20.73 21.41 21.76 2223 22.(13 22.97 23.31 23.65 23.96 24 1 1 24 16 24 14 8.41 7.93 7.86 8.04 8.30 8.67 9.34 10.07 10.80 11.47 12.10 12.67 13.15 13.65 14.04 14.42 14.80 15.39 16.16 16.87 17.50 17.61 17.89 18.08 18.11 18.18 I Mli 18.22 17.92 17.52 17.01 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 19(12 ['.m:; 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 191 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 4,208 4,284 1, 3811 4,515 4,632 4.836 5.237 5,453 6,007 6,555 7,332 7.822 8.782 9 I'M 9,771 10,493 11.194 12.340 13,516 14,382 15,717 17,640 19.90(1 21,857 23 521 25,162 24,313 25,685 26,490 26,721 1.85(1 1 '13,3 2,050 2.18(1 2,313 2,519 2.922 3,177 3,(167 1 165 4,792 5.180 5,849 6.307 6,432 6,809 7.135 7,724 8 29 1 8,673 9,270 10,129 11,134 11.864 13 395 12 891 12,132 12,498 12,602 12,403 103 105 HIT 110 114 118 126 135 146 160 179 194 212 239 3 19 265 279 303 334 361 386 431 482 537 58 1 623 634 644 670 677 118 115 12(1 122 132 128 137 131 139 136 146 144 156 162 171 170 184 188 211 215 233 2 1 1 283 301 337 346 367 303 402 403 23 89 23 5(1 33 95 2234 21.76 20.89 19 3,3 18.27 17.04 15.92 15.08 1464 14.41 14.40 14.58 14.90 15 29 15.69 16.12 16.48 16.95 17.53 18.08 18.70 19.31 19.87 20 39 20 89 21.35 21 85 16 23 15.40 14.35 13.41 12.68 11.73 10 29 9.53 8.77 8.18 7.88 7.91 8.10 8.45 8.97 9.57 10.26 10 92 11 61 12.18 12.88 13 60 14 40 1.5 20 15.97 16.61 17.17 17.62 17.97 18 33 1. Consists of dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, nurses' homes, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 266 Table A16.— Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Tenure Group, and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Farm l-to-4-unit structures 1925 1926 1927 1928 1921) 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1912 1943 1944 1945 194(1 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1951 rr, . 16,125 16,168 16,081 16,597 16,793 15,876 13,689 12,098 12,636 13,169 13,272 14,286 15,312 15,562 15,839 16,907 18,299 19,614 21,188 22,860 24.512 28,247 32,420 34,396 35,345 37,455 39,401 40,081 40.2X2 40,8X0 41,814 9,021 8,970 8,864 9,086 9,125 8,544 7,280 6,344 6,536 6,723 6,702 7,144 7,592 7,638 7,715 8,195 8,839 9,402 10,069 10,745 11,394 13,154 15,182 16,249 16,822 17,913 18,827 19,090 19,115 19,303 19,593 206 208 206 207 217 214 194 156 153 169 167 174 194 200 202 211 232 249 269 292 313 341 418 465 483 506 551) 572 583 591 608 111 114 120 120 128 128 123 99 99 113 118 122 137 145 154 157 174 191 215 230 251 2X1 353 376 387 410 455 459 471 35.86 36.29 36.63 36.97 37.35 37.82 38.39 39.04 39 66 40.27 40.77 41.21 41.60 42.05 42.40 42.62 42.77 43.09 43.45 43.89 44.33 44.28 44.06 43.70 43.37 43.13 43.10 43.15 43.21 43.30 43.49 26.28 26.64 26.89 27.16 27.46 27.88 28.45 29.12 29.76 30.37 30.84 31.21 31.50 31.90 32.14 32.18 32.12 32.32 32.61 33.00 33.39 32.88 32.18 31.29 30.53 29.95 29.73 29.61 29.52 29.50 29 63 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 42,338 42,342 42,250 42,353 42,370 42,481 42,548 41,984 42,944 43,316 45,373 46,522 50,317 53,440 54,947 58,709 62,639 68,797 76,785 81,341 88,584 99,525 112,484 123,785 134,375 143,678 140,602 146,202 150,205 150,087 19,701 19,546 19,365 19,302 19,147 19,102 19,012 18,713 19,031 19,070 19,890 20,378 21,900 23,163 23,733 25,197 26,754 29,139 32,773 34,679 37,653 42,425 48,069 52,660 57,291 61,044 59,751 61,606 63,452 63,264 630 636 639 645 654 660 667 670 680 695 723 752 798 876 916 976 1.032 1,119 1,252 1,369 1,463 1,626 1,825 2,037 2,244 2,429 2,513 2,551 2,642 2,687 522 43.65 532 43.84 549 43.96 564 44.01 562 44.17 573 44.19 593 44.25 605 44.07 602 44.12 624 44.15 666 44.11 705 43.85 739 43.95 826 43.81 883 43.58 967 43.63 1,033 43.69 1,147 43.84 1,319 43.27 1,476 43.20 1,603 43.29 1,811 43.27 2,099 43.19 2,410 43.24 2,697 43.03 2,920 43.01 3,109 42.60 3,235 42.87 3,427 42.68 3,453 42.69 Farm mobile homes 1925 .. . I) 1) I) 4 10 18 23 29 34 40 48 53 64 (I I) II II 4 9 17 20 24 27 31 36 39 46 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 .50 .90 1.28 1.96 2.52 3.08 3.46 3.72 4.10 4.23 ii .50 .88 1.23 1.88 2.39 2.86 3.12 3.24 3.48 3.44 1956 79 90 103 115 128 128 122 127 150 166 183 210 251 326 384 455 574 772 1,143 1,350 1,635 1,994 ' 2,337 2,769 3,140 3,464 3.672 3,848 4,003 4,136 57 65 73 81 88 85 79 82 98 110 122 139 170 223 265 318 411 564 848 977 1.151 1,375 1,555 1,771 1,949 2,074 2,121 2,146 2,165 2,175 5 6 6 7 8 9 8 8 9 11 12 13 15 19 24 28 34 45 63 84 99 121 144 168 195 216 234 245 252 260 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 8 8 9 11 15 18 22 28 36 45 57 70 90 108 128 148 4.16 4.36 4.53 4.67 4.91 5.33 5.50 5.64 5.48 5.39 5.35 5.39 5.17 5.02 4.97 4.81 4.51 4.26 4.07 4.34 4.64 4.87 5.25 5.67 5.99 6.37 6.75 7.12 7.45 7.76 3.23 1926 . 1957 3.34 1927 1958 3.42 1928 . . 1959 3.48 1929 . 1960 3.66 1930. ... 1961 4.03 1931 .. 1962 4.12 1932 .. 1963 4.17 1933 .... 1964 3.92 1934 1965 3.80 1935 1966 3.76 1936... . 1967 3.79 1937 1968 3.58 1938 1969 3.46 1939 1970 3.47 1940 1971 3.36 1941 1972 3.14 1942 1973 2.99 1943 1974 2.90 1944 1975 3.21 1945 1976 3.53 1946 1977 3.73 1947 1978 '.: 4.08 194X 1979 4.44 1949 1980 4.65 1950 1981 4.91 1951 1982 5.16 1952 1983 5.38 1953 1984 5.55 1954 1985 5.68 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 267 Table A17. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Constant-Cost Valuation Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- Discards tion Average age Gross Net Gross Net Total, all types 231.190 243,757 255.534 267,577 281,087 287,933 290,510 2815,988 282.053 277,062 274,339 275,504 278.509 277,130 280,575 288,392 3(11.158 305,440 306,921 306,614 308,232 328,049 356,006 385,976 417,424 453,239 483,976 512,782 541,098 572.731 610,553 124.575 133,418 140,352 147,038 154,850 155.611 152.660 145,457 138.681 133,270 131,335 133,914 138,083 137,336 141,196 148,527 150,601) 147,980 143,381 138,445 136,379 150,443 1(59,807 190,354 212,596 242,567 264,138 279,661 298,801 313,224 336,930 20.8113 22,037 23,323 24.551 25.911 26,984 27,3(52 27,080 26.361 25,608 25,042 24,896 25,151 25,292 25.472 26,191 27,452 25,997 25,515 24,748 24,021 26.746 29.741 32.421 35.395 38,831 42,029 45,376 48,891 54,213 58,848 17,808 18,311 18,480 19,194 20,214 20,898 21,834 23.399 24,522 25,188 25,830 26,309 26,314 25,926 25,886 25,705 25.498 19,095 19,435 20,119 20,336 21,135 22,705 24.728 29,059 34,492 34,868 33,596 3(5,874 39,198 44,834 6.12 5.96 5.89 5.84 5.77 5.87 6.04 6.29 6.52 6.73 6.85 6.80 6.73 6.72 6 64 (5 4H 6.27 6.33 6.48 6.65 6.78 6.70 6.45 6.21 5.97 5.63 5.48 5.45 5.32 5.34 5.25 4.01 3 90 3.88 3.87 3.86 4.02 4.21 4.49 4.71 4.83 4.82 4.67 i 48 4 44 4.36 4 is I (is 4.14 4.31 4.48 4.56 4 17 3.77 3.52 3.38 3.24 3.31 3.46 3.54 3.62 3 57 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 19(58 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19X3 19X4 19X5 (546.219 677,084 702,210 730.107 755,878 776,553 803,596 834,617 869,233 914.484 965,454 1,016,246 1,082,275 1,147,390 1,206.069 1,276,870 1,359.146 1,457,283 1,539,853 1,619,743 1,713,209 1,816.430 1,928,050 2,033,962 2,111,346 2,190.419 2,270,086 2,374,663 2,505,870 2.649.X64 352.700 364,876 369,111 379.422 389,267 394,200 406,204 423,753 446,822 479,670 517,360 551.098 593,257 632.468 659,378 694,117 739.9X9 796.593 831,031 859,959 904,59(5 959.996 1,019.288 1,068,784 1,089,695 1,110,948 1,129,339 1,170,301 1,237,327 1.317,400 63.834 66,251 68,245 70,410 72,398 74,686 76,603 79,577 82,881 86,771 91,420 97,715 103,644 112,125 119.642 126,581 133,(585 143.914 151.829 159.341 167,990 178,380 188,390 198,171 206,834 210,420 215.403 221,668 230,216 243,940 48,738 50.261 50.152 54,612 58,029 61,709 (53,969 1,9,039 73,471 77,669 80,322 83.673 83,034 88,1X0 91.242 95,298 99.078 107,207 108,453 113,607 125,345 13(5.758 142,675 149,047 156,745 156,130 161,646 169,252 174,328 187,476 5,31 5.39 5.54 5.62 5.69 5.79 5.82 5.80 5.74 5.63 5.49 5.40 5.31 5.24 5.27 5.28 5.25 5.21 5.27 5.36 5.39 5.39 5.38 5.41 5.52 5.62 5.75 5.81 5.81 5.77 3.60 3.64 3.76 3.78 3.81 3.87 3,84 3.77 3.68 3.58 3.50 3.49 3.45 3.46 3.52 3.54 3.50 3.44 3.50 3.57 3.57 3.53 3.50 3.52 3.62 3.70 3.78 3.77 3.70 3.62 42.(522 50,670 57.284 (53,8X0 71,319 75,798 77,301 76,586 76,341 75,127 74,739 75.010 75,816 73,666 74,409 77,590 81,947 81,0X2 80,207 79,132 78,108 X3.227 94,716 107,188 123.291 139,773 153,005 165,061 176.730 193,193 212,550 27.612 32,722 ,'(.-,,990 39,077 42,897 43,798 12.273 39,474 38,014 36,309 35,943 3(5,501 37,584 35,747 36,791 39,966 34,96(5 29,341 24.650 20,978 18,208 20,222 26,9(56 35,248 18,343 66,421 78,810 86,638 98.172 106.003 119,522 4,378 5,203 5,999 6,(588 7,445 8,082 8.325 8,215 7.988 7,766 7,585 7,538 7,600 7,531 7,468 7,742 8,253 6,030 5,114 4,158 3,249 4,990 6,254 7,055 8,256 9,871 11,191 12.849 14.807 18,729 21,8X3 1,884 2,264 2,653 3,178 3,825 4,505 5.297 6.132 (5,775 7,274 7,607 7,826 7,876 7,845 7,769 7,737 7,6.36 1,270 1.298 1,561 1,503 1,886 3,044 4,574 8,074 12,814 12.224 9,860 11,551 12.114 15,919 3.60 3 60 3.80 4 00 4 08 4 38 4 77 5.17 5.47 5.77 5.96 5.96 5.96 5 9(5 5.95 5.75 5.55 5.95 6.45 6,95 7.44 7.96 7.62 7.20 6.53 5.64 5.23 5.09 4.64 4.64 4.43 2.60 2.60 2.80 2.90 2.99 3.28 3.58 3.98 4.18 4.27 4.27 4.17 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.67 3.75 3 9(5 4.45 4.94 5.39 4.54 3.10 2.42 2.05 1.95 2.26 2.67 2.86 3.04 2.95 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 19(57 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197> 1979 198(1 1981 1982 1983 19X1 1985 229,240 243, 52X 254,25!! 265,854 277,216 284,682 29(5,815 310,779 322.8(58 341,209 357,028 370.998 395,350 416,898 133,208 459.849 48X.472 522.484 545,69(5 569.514 598,113 627.171 658,193 (587,529 707.556 733,861 765.616 811,389 869.555 930,844 124.(536 128.870 127.083 129.185 132,772 132,511 137.140 144,995 153,565 1(58,514 182,153 192.527 208,(558 222,2X5 226 -II, 238.774 253.560 271,058 273.235 274.475 283,1,58 29(5.285 309,22(5 318,472 318.122 320,598 322,790 335,244 359,413 387.970 25,181 2(5,02(5 2(5,(597 27,550 28,202 29,331 30,040 31,554 32,942 34.333 35,731 38.218 40.013 43,997 47,032 49.542 51.640 55.73(5 57,282 58,947 61,450 (14,68(5 (5(5.633 (58,328 70,517 69,199 69,848 71,296 73,394 79,079 18.109 18,480 16,811 19,712 21,783 24,152 24,744 28,211 31,378 34.061 35,542 37,365 34,808 37,778 38.312 39.204 39.234 43,554 40,477 40.931 47,473 53.758 54.328 54,757 55,857 48,010 4(5,(569 47,762 4(5,308 52,763 4.61 4.77 5.07 5.23 5.32 5.48 5.52 5 18 5.39 5.21 5.05 4.95 4.84 4.76 4.84 4.88 4.87 4.88 5.07 5.28 5.38 5.41 5.45 5.54 5.69 5.82 Con 6.12 6.13 6.09 3.04 3 09 3.31 3.33 3.32 3.39 3 30 3.15 3.03 2.90 2.88 2.95 2.96 2.99 3.12 3.13 3.08 3.02 3.16 3.28 3.26 3.20 3.16 3.19 3.29 3.38 3.45 3.42 3.32 3 21 1 Includes tires, tubes, accessories, and other parts 268 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A17. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Other motor vehicles 1 1925 611 777 889 994 1,400 1,658 1,803 1,817 1,826 1,915 2,068 2,321 2.545 2.615 2,801 2,999 3,308 2,993 2,652 2,301 1,952 2,902 3,778 4,748 5,419 6,513 7,517 8,337 8,980 9,181 9,767 456 543 573 598 906 1,044 1,069 981 935 989 1,102 1,291 1,454 1.444 1,542 1,639 1,850 1,461 1,131 861 655 1,502 2,293 3,043 3,397 3,918 4,361 4,496 4,549 4,423 4,742 73 97 114 125 163 215 244 251 245 24fi 260 288 322 342 358 384 419 415 359 302 251 316 447 589 712 841 968 1,083 1,154 1,168 1,201 5 17 31 46 65 95 123 150 190 21(1 220 225 261 262 270 283 322 341 369 382 395 355 383 390 439 426 535 662 843 1,019 1,163 1.82 2.25 2.76 3.20 2.89 3.04 3.36 3.86 4.23 4.32 4.26 4.06 3.92 4.07 4.07 4.10 3.97 4.62 5.30 5.98 6.63 4.79 3.80 3.31 3.29 3.43 3.60 4.00 4.35 4.70 4.79 1.60 1.92 2.32 2.61 2.08 2.22 2.53 3.00 3.24 3.12 2.90 2.63 2.56 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.68 3.49 4.30 5.07 5.71 2.74 2.05 1.94 2.20 2.43 2.60 2.99 3.30 3.54 3.44 1956 10,426 10,743 10,739 10,775 10,997 11,083 11,511 12,084 12.968 14,409 16,427 18,636 21,956 26,050 29,582 34,874 42,743 52,773 60,808 69,610 83,126 99,862 118,593 132,231 136,459 139,189 143,116 150,715 160.759 172,147 5,071 5,165 5.047 5,087 5,198 5,146 5,468 5,999 6,709 7,797 9,221 10,589 12,848 15,507 17,289 20,509 25,904 32,622 36,688 41,004 49,553 60,525 71,975 77,700 74,993 72,260 71,816 75,745 82,614 91,067 1,275 1,319 1,333 1,332 1,359 1,382 1,417 1,492 1,605 1,775 2,023 2,324 2,699 3,207 3,724 4,308 5,183 6,401 7,597 8,676 10,103 12,059 14,386 16,435 17,388 17,543 17,655 18,156 19,168 20,530 1,241 1,287 1,387 1,469 1,448 1,461 1,509 1,617 1,614 1,601 1,620 1,753 1,881 2,030 2,314 2,642 3,074 3,582 4,155 4,855 5,881 6,992 7,943 9,295 11,121) 12,970 14,419 15,898 17,376 18,636 4.87 4.99 5.14 5.18 5.19 5.28 5.16 4.92 4.67 4.37 4.11 3.97 3.75 3.61 3.68 3.63 3.46 ■3.33 3.45 3.57 3.53 3.45 3.45 3.62 3.98 4.32 4.57 4.65 4.61 4.49 3.42 1926 1957 3.44 1927 1958 3.56 1928... 1959 3.52 1929 1960 3.50 1930 1961 3.58 1931 1962 3.40 1932 1963 3.16 1933 1964 2.98 1934 1965 2.77 1935 1966 2.61 1936 1967 2.60 1937 1968 2.48 1938 1969 2.41 1939 1970 2.54 1940. . . 1971 2.51 1941 1972 2.35 1942 1973 2.27 1943 1974 2.43 1944 1975 1945 1976 2.47 1946 1977 2.39 1947 1978 2.39 1948 1979 2.57 1949 1980 2.95 1950 1981 3.24 1951 1982 3.37 1952 1983 3.29 1953 1984 3.12 1954 1985 2.96 1955. .. Furniture, including mattresses and bedsprings 1925 70.227 72,091 74,470 76,455 78,012 78,428 78,732 77,624 75.893 74,337 73.732 73,951 74,175 74,098 74,706 75,965 78,167 79,211 79,088 78,321 77.818 79,266 81,333 83,546 85,663 88,647 91,037 94,050 97,656 101,405 106,444 37,097 38,455 39,989 41,109 41,947 41,500 IO.H63 39,220 37,267 35,553 35,056 35,644 36,203 36,276 37,181 38,613 40,736 41,425 10.921 39.865 39,097 40,318 42,001 43,715 45,270 47,560 49,153 51.150 53,492 55,784 59,165 4,825 4,964 5,131 5,301 5,433 5,495 5,503 5,448 5,308 5,147 5,035 5,004 5,013 5,014 5,038 5,123 5,274 5,416 5,464 5,435 5,379 5,409 5,545 5,715 5,887 6,088 6,298 6,507 6,765 7,050 7,388 4,382 4,458 4,286 4,436 4.714 4,632 4,561 4,914 5,086 4,990 5,142 5,373 5,348 5.163 5,336 5,296 5,195 5,060 5,084 5.146 5,113 5,182 5,162 5,215 5,325 5,395 5,502 5,491 5,500 5,594 5,729 7.94 7.83 7.74 7.69 7.67 7.80 7.95 8.18 8.44 8.70 8.80 8.75 8.71 8.74 8.63 8.47 8.24 8.18 8.23 8.35 8.45 8.33 8.17 8.04 7.93 7.77 7.68 7.58 7.48 7.40 7.27 5.20 5.14 5.07 5.07 5.11 5.29 5.46 5.74 6.03 6.26 6.25 6.06 5.90 5.84 5.68 5.48 5.25 5.25 5.39 5.59 5.72 5.57 5.39 5.26 5.17 5.05 5.02 4.98 4.93 4.90 4.81 1956 111,582 116,136 120,372 125,091 129,543 133,618 138,045 142,935 149,090 155,522 162,582 169.307 176,167 182,883 188,878 195,116 202.769 211,846 219,991 226,624 233,859 242,953 252,819 263,393 272,286 280.296 286,205 293,269 302,083 310,426 62,544 65,004 67,100 69,590 71,656 73,318 75,415 78,038 81,765 85,792 90,140 93,924 97,783 101,351 104,064 106,994 111,365 116,851 121,279 124.173 127,684 132.961 138,867 145,202 149,551 153,147 154,824 157,707 162,257 166,450 7,776 8,140 8,461 8,782 9,104 9,394 9,681 10,001 10,390 10,839 11,329 11,831 12.321 12,807 13,254 13,678 14,167 14,766 15,381 15,895 16,371 16,942 17,617 18,354 19,054 19,645 20,103 20,513 21,042 21,625 6,017 6,046 6,321 6,553 6,719 6,980 7,351 7,734 7,962 8,434 8,617 8,891 9,319 9,658 9,972 10,371 10,884 11,175 11,665 12,155 12,647 13,125 13,658 14,114 14,510 15,232 15,871 16,332 16,778 17,475 7.16 7.14 7.15 7.15 7.20 7.26 7.31 7.32 7.29 7.25 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.21 7.25 7.30 7.28 7.25 7.26 7.32 7.35 7.34 7.31 7.28 7.31 7.35 7.45 7.51 7.53 7.56 4.75 1926 1957 4.79 1927 1958 4.84 1928 1959 4.87 1929 1960 4.93 1930 1961 5.00 1931 1962 5.03 1932 1963 5.03 1933 1964 4.97 1934. . 1965 4.92 1935 1966 4.87 1936 1967 4.87 1937 1968 4.87 1938 1969 4.89 1939 1970 4.95 1940 197i 5.00 1941 1972 4.98 194'' 1973 4.92 1943 1974 4.93 1'iM 1975 4.99 1945 1976 5.03 1946 1978 4.99 1947 4.96 1948 1979 4.92 1949 1980 4.96 1950 1981 5.01 1954 1982 5.12 1983 5.17 1984 5.17 1985 5.17 Includes tires, tubes, accessories, and other parts FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 269 Table A17. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Kitchen and other household appliances 2 9,678 10,237 10.80!) 11,259 11,728 12,055 12.271 12,084 12,043 12,216 12,603 13,222 14,023 14,522 15,160 16,096 17,494 17,845 17.062 15,996 15,166 16,477 19,387 22,443 25,147 29,039 32,508 35,872 39.205 12.328 45,872 5,272 5,645 6.002 6,211 6,440 6,528 6,490 6,146 6,016 6,127 6,460 6,993 7,641 7,925 8,309 8,927 9.932 9 858 8,782 7,594 6,793 8.161 10,942 13.568 15,578 18.421 20,455 22.089 23.669 25,114 27.016 1,039 1,073 1,093 1,085 1,064 1,063 1,086 1,134 1,205 1,271 1,328 1,407 1,523 1.607 1,574 1,464 1,349 1.362 1.575 1,886 2,188 2,531 2,907 3.245 3.563 3.855 4,150 679 713 737 756 799 833 840 927 975 1,001 1,032 1,048 1,052 1.056 1,074 1,089 1,130 1,182 1,280 1,342 1,380 1,418 1,447 1,455 1,494 1,483 1.472 1,515 1.810 2,176 2,508 5.83 5.75 5.70 5.75 5.78 5.87 6.04 6.33 6 5(1 6.53 6.44 6.25 6.04 6.00 5.94 5.80 5 58 .",7 1 6.21 6.76 7.20 6.67 5.80 5.23 4.95 4.65 4.60 4.66 1 75 4.86 I 92 3.97 3.88 3.84 3.90 3.94 1 06 4.21 4.52 4.64 4.55 4.35 4.10 3.88 3 91 3.90 3.81 3.64 3.88 4.49 5.17 5.59 4.56 3.51 3.10 3.05 2.96 3.07 3.22 3.36 3.49 3.54 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 [1180 1981 19X2 1983 198 1 1985 49.787 53.619 57,141 60,771 63,924 66,989 69.892 72,922 76,341 79,685 83,784 87.997 92.986 98,444 104.081 110,245 117,753 126.363 134.411 140,706 146,88- 153,554 160,347 167,444 173,924 179,916 184,504 189,947 196.81;;, 204.957 29,270 31.254 32,822 34.535 35856 37,064 38,255 39,688 41,571 43,412 45,901 48,348 51,408 54,751 58,056 61,714 66,425 71.877 76,427 79,032 81,553 84,574 87,792 91,363 94,420 97,126 98,582 100,974 104.801 109,748 4,479 4,819 5,134 5,438 5,723 5.978 6,221 6,463 6,736 7.030 7,363 7,742 8,168 8,658 9.179 9,734 10,379 11,145 11,930 12,582 13,122 13,669 14,240 14.831 15.405 15.923 16,346 16,743 17,266 17,935 2,818 4.97 3.56 2,971 5.06 3.62 3,181 5.20 3.71 3,520 5.31 377 3,891 5.44 3.86 4,121 5.57 3.94 4,509 5.69 4.00 4,866 5.77 4.02 5,200 5.80 4 00 5,526 5.82 3.99 5,752 5.80 394 5,976 5.79 3.92 6,239 5.75 3.87 6,542 5.70 3.82 6,848 5.67 3.81 7,227 5.62 3.79 7,582 5.55 3.73 7,987 5.47 3.68 8,432 5.46 3.70 8,893 5.53 3.80 9,467 5.61 3.89 10,018 5.67 3.94 10,665 5.73 3.98 11,305 5.77 3.99 11.982 5.83 4.02 12.636 5.89 4.06 13,214 5.98 4.14 13,693 6.04 4.17 14,175 6.05 4 13 14,791 6.03 4.07 China, gl assware. tableware, and utensils 1925 35,513 35,880 35,916 36,639 37,543 37,246 37,176 37,112 36,748 36,342 35,645 35,530 35,863 35,907 36,020 36,419 37,604 38 144 38,603 38,392 38,825 41,586 44,594 47,921 50,642 53,494 55.988 57,919 59,622 60,973 62,324 16,922 17,652 17.908 18,710 19,511 19,022 18,793 18,624 18,206 17,847 17,291 17,363 17,852 17,976 18,107 18,475 19,514 20.116 19,899 19,449 19,683 22,119 24,513 26,895 28,439 29,922 30,939 31,428 31,833 32,074 32,492 3,466 3,489 3,534 3,602 3.717 3,764 3,745 3,731 3,697 3,644 3,571 3,519 3,534 3,563 3,580 3,616 3,716 3,845 3.903 3,889 3,889 4,071 4,414 4,792 5,144 5,452 5,733 5,945 6,102 6,220 6,321 3,886 3,852 3,755 3,681 3,614 3,571 3,587 3,625 3,643 3,691 3,712 3,705 3,690 3,644 3,598 3,585 3,571 3,556 3,578 3.649 3,690 3,748 3,799 3,847 3,967 4,083 4,256 4,502 4,806 5,109 5,389 6.32 6.16 6.07 5.89 5.74 5.80 5.82 5.85 5.91 5.97 6.07 6.05 5.96 5.93 5.91 5.85 5.68 5.61 5.67 5.76 5.75 544 5.20 5.02 4.97 4.94 4.99 5.09 5.20 5.31 5.40 4.23 3.99 3.91 3.76 3.67 3.82 3.90 3.95 4.04 4.09 4.17 4.10 3.96 3.93 3.91 3.85 3.70 3.67 3.78 3.91 3.89 3.54 3.34 3.24 3.28 3.33 3.42 3.54 3.64 3.72 3.77 1956 63,129 63,182 62,794 62,454 61,838 61.147 60,603 r,o oh; 60,045 60,853 62,638 64,810 67,203 69,633 71,847 74,070 76,491 79,521 82,094 83,849 85,944 88.572 91,408 94,131 96,2X8 98,049 99,492 101,285 III3.K5C 165 32,537 32,030 31,314 30 -1" 30,256 29,747 29,497 29,244 29,574 30,561 32,289 34,123 35,865 37,387 38,504 39,543 40,739 42.489 43,743 44,221 45,128 46,578 48,183 49,638 50,539 51,101 51,453 52,253 53.852 55.628 6,394 6,397 (1,336 6.258 6,176 6,083 6,005 5,942 5,920 5,987 6.162 6,421 6,710 7,002 7,267 7,505 7,744 8,025 8,311 8,517 8,692 8,918 9,193 9,477 9,720 1 10.043 10,185 10,399 10,680 5,633 5,838 6,007 6,124 6,208 6,266 6,299 6,275 6,222 6,165 6.105 6,083 6,059 6,093 6,170 6,321 6,519 6,744 6,992 7,240 7.504 7,741 7,962 8,210 8,464 8.706 8,951 9.192 9,426 9,647 5.51 5.65 5.79 5.90 6.00 6.07 6.11 6.13 6.08 5.97 5.79 5.61 5.47 5.38 5.34 5.33 5.32 5 29 5.31 5.37 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.45 5.50 5.56 5.58 5.57 5.54 3.83 1926. . 1957 . .. 3.94 1927 1958 4(14 1928 1959 4.08 1929 1960 4.13 1930 1961 4 15 1931 1962 4.13 1932 1963 4.11 1933 1964 4.02 1934 1965 3.88 1935 1966.. ,. 3.71 1936 1967 3.59 1937 1968 3.53 1938 1969 3.52 1939 1970 3.55 1940 1971 3.59 1941 1972 3.61 1942 1973 3.58 1943 1974 3.61 1944 1975 3.68 1945 1976 3.71 1946. 1977 . 3.69 1947 1978 3 67 1948 . 1979 3.66 1949 1980 3.70 1950 1981 3.74 1951 .... 1982 3.79 1952 . . 1983 3.80 1953 1984 3.75 1954 1985 3.71 2. Consists of refrigerators and freezers, cooking ranges, dishwashers, laundry equipment, stoves, air conditioners, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, and other appliances. 270 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A17.— Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Other durable house furnishings 3 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931 . 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946 1947 1948. 1949. 1950. 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955. 33,954 34.804 35.844 37.089 38,575 39,307 39,705 39,344 38,297 37,364 36,564 36,719 36.X03 36,670 37,034 37,641 38,829 39,711 40,415 40,656 40,899 42,849 45,032 47,820 50.475 53,801 56,947 59,403 61,413 62,696 64,513 17,742 18,286 18,937 19,715 20,641 20,791 20,664 19,914 18,691 17,825 17,273 17,736 18,093 18,159 18,637 19,225 20.240 20.805 21,125 21,001 20,918 22,495 24,151 26,180 27,875 30,006 31,744 32,694 33,249 33,235 33,933 3,375 3,487 3,597 3,726 3,878 3,995 4,042 4,018 3.905 3,760 3,637 3,591 3,611 3,621 3,649 3,721 3,841 3,973 4.068 4,118 4,133 4,250 4,485 4,774 5,088 5,426 5,784 6,079 6,293 6,427 6,548 3,151 3,181 3,207 3,259 3,318 3,414 3,517 3.628 3,729 3,827 3,885 3.899 3.885 3,819 3,763 3,702 3,669 3,655 3,684 3,753 3,808 3,885 3,950 4,016 4,127 4,231 4,377 4,573 4,838 5,130 5,429 5.62 5.55 5.48 5.41 5.35 5.39 5.48 5.66 5.90 6.08 6.21 6.15 6.09 6.06 5.97 5.86 5.69 5.61 5.58 5.62 5.66 5.49 5.35 5.19 5.10 5.00 4.97 5.03 5.12 526 5.33 3.66 3.64 3.62 3.59 3.55 3.65 3.77 3.96 4.20 4.33 4.36 4.16 4.02 3.98 3.88 3.79 3.66 3.65 368 3.78 3.85 3.65 3.51 3.39 3.37 3.32 3.34 3.44 3.55 3 69 3.72 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 66,374 68,133 69.603 71,501 73,129 74,743 76,829 79,635 83,614 88,360 93,931 99,629 105,955 112,023 117,221 122,251 128,098 135,573 142,968 149,336 156,260 164,269 173,113 182,362 190,032 196,479 201,238 207,413 214,912 222,266 34,805 35,658 36,293 37,371 38.168 38,944 40,180 42,034 44,852 48,127 51,850 55,343 59,104 62,328 64,554 66,658 69,623 74,111 78,331 81,402 84,982 89,494 94,580 99,813 103,341 105,724 106,727 109,463 113,663 117,706 6,707 6,872 7,020 7,181 7,356 7,516 7,706 7,968 8,346 8,841 9,428 10,063 10,730 11,401 11,985 12,489 13,021 13,698 14.472 15,180 15,853 16,618 17,497 18,449 19,322 20,013 20,514 20,995 21,649 22,391 5,718 5,966 6,185 6,360 6,525 6,678 6,856 7,015 7,185 7,370 7,581 7,858 8,164 8,558 9,013 9,563 10,139 10,712 11,297 11,882 12,509 13,120 13,740 14,432 15,180 15,949 16,758 17,556 18,351 19,079 5.38 5.42 5.47 5.48 5.50 5.52 5.51 5.45 5.34 5.23 5.11 5.04 4.97 4.96 5.01 5.06 5.09 5.07 5.06 5.10 5.12 5.12 5.10 5.09 5.13 5.20 5.30 5.35 5.35 5.36 Radio and television receivers, records, and musical instruments 1925 3,114 3,277 3,400 3,576 3,813 4,156 4,306 4,317 4,230 4,152 4,086 4,137 4,241 4.287 4,479 4,802 5,643 5,685 5,557 5,431 6,148 6,866 7,513 8,256 9,598 10,790 12,218 13,874 15,704 17,633 1,666 1,766 1,820 1,931 2,097 2,335 2,369 2,279 2,122 2,010 1.943 2,007 2,127 2,188 2,380 2,645 3.0118 3,204 3,083 2,831 2,639 3,291 3,874 4,341 4,843 5,844 6,563 7,404 8,370 9,422 10,558 332 347 362 379 402 436 464 470 460 445 433 430 439 449 465 499 549 601 622 610 588 620 709 792 876 1,001 1,153 1,305 1,481 1,680 1,892 267 284 293 314 330 332 348 369 391 410 432 443 456 463 465 441 432 436 459 486 523 554 574 612 635 660 681 718 791 901 1,100 4.88 4.86 491 4.88 477 4.63 4.74 4.97 5.27 5.51 5.66 5.62 5.49 5.42 5.18 4.93 4.66 4.61 4.83 5.16 5.44 4.94 4.63 4.46 4.32 4.04 3.99 3.98 3.97 3.99 3.99 3.36 3.31 3.35 3.29 3.19 3.06 3.22 3.50 3.81 3.99 4.04 3.84 3.60 3.52 3.32 3.13 2.96 3.02 3.34 3.74 4.00 3.26 2.94 2.87 2.84 2.66 2.71 2.74 2.76 2.78 2.80 1956 19,500 21,001 22,268 23,676 24,913 26,180 27,572 29,200 31,400 34,507 39,147 44,611 50,519 56,644 63,055 69,404 76.520 84.440 92,197 100,247 108,868 117,691 126,785 136,573 146,188 156,513 168,308 183.507 202,075 225,576 11,551 12,140 12,526 13,142 13,611 14,174 14,904 15,875 17,367 19,593 22,996 26,772 30,565 34,142 37,656 40,859 44,647 49,058 53,159 57,481 62,201 66,919 71,707 76,992 81,900 87,414 94,192 103,820 115,940 131,701 2,103 2,283 2,420 2,551 2,681 2,802 2,936 3,096 3,310 3,620 4,083 4,690 5,365 6,065 6,778 7,487 8,224 9,049 9,905 10,761 11,664 12,610 13,577 14,597 15,643 16,715 17,922 19,434 21,370 23,816 1,230 1.370 1,540 1,760 1,912 2,098 2,274 2,439 2,603 2,738 2,847 3,001 3,250 3,519 3,880 4,342 4,896 5,539 6.250 7,033 7,763 8,504 9,272 10,093 10,936 11,905 12,906 13,863 14,922 16,077 4.06 4.22 4.40 4.51 4.64 4.73 4.79 4.79 4.70 4.54 4.31 4.14 4.04 4.02 4.05 4.12 4.17 4.21 4.26 4.32 4.36 4.40 4.45 4.48 4.53 4.56 4.56 4.50 4.41 4.29 2.87 1926 1957 3.01 1927 1958 3.17 1928 1959 3.22 1929 1960 3.30 1930 1961 3.33 1931 1962 3.31 1932 1963 3.26 1933 1964 3.16 1934 1965 3.01 1935... . 1966 2.82 1936 1967 2.72 1937 1968 2.71 1938 1969 2.76 1939 1970 2.82 1940 1971 2.91 1941 .... 1972 2.94 1942 ... 1973 2.95 1943 1974 2.99 1944 1975 3.02 1945 1976 3.04 1946 1977 3.06 1947 . . 1978 :. 3.09 1948 1979 3.10 1949 1980 3.13 1950 1981 3.15 1951 1982 3.13 1952 1983 3.05 1953 1984 2.97 1954 1985 2.88 1955 3. Includes such house furnishings as floor coverings, comforters, quilts, blankets, pillows, pic- ture frames, mirrors, art products, portable lamps, and clocks. Also includes writing equipment and hand, power, and garden tools. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 271 Table A17. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Jewelry and watches 14,457 14,788 15,210 15,57 1 15.969 16,293 16,(05 15,540 14,753 14,055 13,488 12,985 12,764 12,636 12,626 12.7-7 13,253 13,837 14,868 15,767 16,991 18,778 20,281 21,781 23,048 24,328 25,5115 26,806 28,019 29,386 30,940 7,218 7,573 7,930 8,21 1 8,507 8,631 8,199 7,628 6,873 6,308 5,963 5,731 5,789 5,904 6,088 6,364 6.842 7,380 8,272 8,934 9,800 11,094 11,981 12,769 13,293 13,827 14,275 14,868 15,415 16,116 17,024 1.233 1,265 1.308 1,352 1,394 1,431 1,432 1,388 1,314 1,230 1,159 1,101 1,06,6 1,053 1,055 1,074 1,117 1,181 1,274 1,380 1,492 1,645 1,809 1,954 2,080 2,191 2,294 2.395 2.498 2.605 2,730 1,293 1,288 1,243 1,272 1.291 1,231 1,258 1,312 1,346 1.363 1,380 1,372 1,346 1,296 1,248 1,189 1.129 1,135 1,135 1,143 1,134 1,152 1,194 1,241 1,337 1,445 1,565 1.687 1,832 1,938 2.085 6 85 6,66 6.50 6.38 6.26 6.24 6.44 6.71 7 117 7.37 7.56 7 6s 7.62 7.51 7.33 7 (IX 6 70 6.44 6.01 5.76 5.52 5.24 5.16 5.15 5.24 5.33 5 15 5.53 5.62 5 68 5.70 4.45 4.27 4.14 4.09 4.06 4.12 4.42 4.75 5.18 5.44 5.50 5.46 5.17 4.89 4.64 1 10 1 12 3.92 3.66 3.60 3.52 3.39 3.44 3.52 3.66 3.77 3.87 3.92 3 07 3.97 3.94 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1062 1063 1964 1065 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 L971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 L980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 32,519 34,099 35,647 37,211 38,604 39,804 41,150 42,506 44,161 46,311 49,677 53,3X7 57,492 61,385 65,113 69,047 73,171 78,831 85,194 92,108 100,869 110,805 121,465 131.277 139,188 147,103 151.532 162.253 171,026 180, 46X 17,915 18,736 19,534 20.333 20.971 21,437 22,082 22.831 23, 70.7 25.110 27.577 30.165 32,800 35,175 37,120 39.152 41,300 44.844 18,885 53,225 59,020 65,408 71,970 77,231 80,436 83.600 86.623 00.050 04,620 09.801 2.86,8 3,000 3,148 3,2X6 3,416 3,527 3,634 3.753 3.8X4 4,053 4,317 4,662 5,045 5,434 5,796 6,152 6,510 6,970 7,532 8,155 8.899 9,794 10.780 11.746 12.551 13.237 13,882 14.507 15.197 15.070 2,181 5.72 3.92 2,249 5.76 3,93 2,399 5.79 3.95 2,520 5.81 3.96 2.663 5.86 4,01 2,792 5.93 4.07 2,934 5.97 4.09 3,056 5.99 4.09 3,193 5.99 4.07 3,308 5.93 3,99 3,417 5.75 3,81 3,541 5.61 3.69 3,665 5.49 3.62 3,826 5.44 3.63 4,012 5.44 3.69 4,250 5.46 3.73 4,543 5,47 3.77 4,854 5.41 3.70 5,210 5.34 3.64 5,581 5.29 3.59 5,934 5 19 3.51 6,246 5.10 3.46 6,682 5.06 3.44 7,194 5.09 3.50 7,845 5.21 3.65 8,586 5.32 3.76 9,376 5.44 3.86 10,222 5.54 3.91 10.985 5.59 3.92 11.808 5.62 3.90 Ophthalmic products and orthopedic appliances 1925 2,909 2,845 2,820 2,783 2,788 2,805 2,775 2,681 2,591 2,635 2.719 2,843 3,065 3,245 3,456 3,682 4,026 4,457 4,991 5,544 6,072 6,656 7,113 7,530 7,885 8,244 8,651 9,069 0.7,2,7 9,916 10,202 1,394 1,362 1,387 1,372 1,391 1,417 1,387 1,299 1,240 1,311 1,396 1,496 1,657 1,750 1,857 1,977 2.202 2,470 2,805 3,113 3,370 3,673 3,856 4,022 4,155 4,326 4,544 4,774 5,027 5,205 5,295 466 453 448 445 445 449 449 438 419 415 429 451 486 523 557 593 641 709 794 889 981 1,072 1,155 1,220 1,277 1,329 1,388 1,456 1,529 1,598 1,651 500 485 498 467 460 459 449 443 451 442 430 426 426 435 453 487 522 546 595 645 710 791 882 968 1,055 1,140 1,199 1,268 1,326 1,385 1,455 3.84 3.88 3.79 3.76 3,70 3.62 3.64 3.75 3.81 3.70 3.57 3.44 3.28 3.25 3.24 3.23 3.15 3.09 3.02 3.00 3.04 3.06 3.14 3.22 3.29 3.34 3.35 3.35 3.34 3.36 3.41 2.63 2.60 2.49 2.48 2.43 2.40 2.46 2.59 2.63 2.44 2.32 2.25 2.15 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.14 2.09 2.04 2.06 2.11 2.13 2.20 2.25 2.29 2.30 2.29 2.28 2.27 2.29 2.34 1956 10,578 10,870 11,062 11,494 11,769 11,966 12,505 13,096 13,829 14,653 15,615 16,170 16,913 17,852 18,972 19,818 20,828 21,965 22,997 23,991 24,803 25,486 26.438 27,644 28,753 29,733 30.X38 31.968 33.508 35,141 5,493 5,617 5,661 ,,950 6,075 6,120 6,499 6,805 7,337 7,817 8,391 8.509 8,870 9,436 10,117 10,466 11,012 11,636 12,128 12,598 12,929 13,166 13,703 14,477 15,063 15,492 16.070 16,652 17,583 18,536 1,701 1,753 1,788 1,837 1,896 1,932 1,994 2,093 2,211 2,349 2,504 2,628 2,726 2,861 3,034 3,199 3,351 3,527 3,704 3,867 4,008 4,117 4,242 4,422 4,620 4,794 4,962 5,143 5,365 5,636 1,522 1,586 1,640 1,693 1,747 1,779 1,835 1,899 1,920 2,005 2,117 2,191 2,345 2,489 2,594 2.702 2,887 3,015 3,164 3,342 3,528 3.671 3,826 3.991 4,097 4,242 4,436 4.595 4,757 4,956 3.41 3.44 3.48 3.45 3.46 3.50 3.44 3.38 3.34 3.30 3.25 3.33 3.34 3.32 3.29 3.32 3.32 332 3.33 3.35 3.38 3.43 3.43 3.39 3.39 3.40 3.40 3.41 3.38 3.35 2.33 1926 .. 1957 2.35 1927 1958 2.38 1928 1959 2.33 1929 1960 2.35 1930 1961 2.38 1931 1062 2.31 1932 1963 2.26 1933 1964 2.24 1934 1965 2.22 1935 1966 2.20 1936 1967 2.29 1937 1968 2.30 1938 1969 2.26 1939 1970 2.23 1940 1971 2.27 1941... 1972 2.27 1942. . 1973 2.26 1943 1974 2.27 1944 1975 2.29 1945 1976 2.32 1946 1977 2.35 1947 1978 2.33 1948... . 1979 2.29 1949 1980 2.29 1950 . . 1981 2.31 1951 1982 2.31 1952 1983 2.31 1953 1984 2.28 1954 1985 2.26 272 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A17. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Books and maps 1926 1927 11)28 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 12.561 12.846 13,357 13,806 14.378 14,711 15,025 14,698 14,379 14,114 13,959 13,954 14,163 14.218 14,319 1 1.487 14,780 15,308 16,160 17,427 18,972 20,741 21,907 22,994 23,984 25,1103 26,251 27,210 28,078 28,6,98 29,391 6,499 6,677 7,056 7,336 7,706 7,819 7,913 7.420 7,026 6,777 6,687 6,776 7,060 7,153 7,256 7,393 7,618 8,031 8,699 9,676 10,797 11.990 12.483 12.875 13.193 13,575 14,222 14.615 14,953 15,101 15,368 1,257 1,287 1,332 1,386 1,443 1,492 1,524 1,513 1.464 1,418 1.385 1,373 1,387 1,407 1,421 1,440 1,470 1,521 1,604 1,730 1,897 2,090 2,255 2,371 2,470 2,561 2,668 2.771 2.X53 2,917 2.971 1.164 1,180 1.199 1.218 1,240 1.274 1.304 1.347 1.388 1,434 1,451 1,466 1.462 1.444 1.423 1.410 1,402 1,406 1.419 1,440 1,472 1,515 1.582 1.676 1.798 1.925 2,066 2,205 2,324 2,445 2,544 5.63 5.59 5.47 5.42 5.34 5.37 5.41 5.67 5.89 6.04 6.12 6.10 5.98 5.94 5.89 5.83 5.73 5.59 5.38 5.13 4.91 4.74 4.77 4.85 4.95 5.04 5.07 5.16 5.24 5.35 5.42 3.75 3.72 3.61 3.59 3.54 3.62 3.68 3.99 4.20 4.29 4.26 4.13 3.93 3.88 3.85 3.81 3.75 3.64 3.47 3.29 3.16 3.10 3.23 3.36 3.48 3.55 3.54 3.59 3.64 3.71 3.74 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196.", 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 30,260 30,908 31,387 31,941 32,511 33,152 33,873 34,849 36,245 37,635 39,418 41.009 42.706 44.790 47.965 50,765 53,112 55,306 57,177 59,048 60,371 61,719 63,238 64,554 65,590 66.425 66,778 67,079 67,683 67,814 15,8.37 16.102 16,237 16,482 16.761 17,116 17,546 18,199 19,199 20,097 21,277 22,169 23,081 24,312 26,488 28,125 29,223 30,158 30,796 31,500 31,779 32,222 32,942 33,518 33,883 34,125 33,979 33,893 34,197 34,099 3,043 3,114 3,165 3,210 3,263 3.322 3,393 3,484 3.617 3,775 3,954 4,142 4,319 4,522 4,810 5,139 5,413 5,644 5,837 6,008 6,145 6,252 6,375 6,502 6,606 6,684 6,724 6,736 6,766 6,791 2,642 5.44 2,732 5.49 2,820 5.56 2,902 5.59 2,972 5.61 3,036 5.61 3,101 5.60 3,161 0.00 3.221 5.45 3,282 5.38 3.352 5.29 3,442 5.25 3,534 5.23 3,669 5.19 3,812 5.06 3.976 5.02 4,163 5.04 4,384 '5.09 4,605 5.17 4,842 5.24 5,100 5.34 5,347 5.42 5,575 5.46 5,762 5.51 5,935 5.56 6,091 5.62 6,225 5.69 6,349 576 6,466 5.78 6,561 5.82 Wheel goods, durable toys, sports equipment, boats, and pleasure aircra ft 1925 5,545 5,542 5,535 5,521 5,561 5,477 5.381 5,185 4.951 4,804 4.736 4.832 5,052 5,265 5,564 5,925 6,468 6,858 7,191 7,519 7,997 9,429 11,001 12,491 13,614 14,799 15,777 16,837 17,996 19.251 20,918 2,696 2,738 2,759 2,763 2,808 2,725 2.639 2,471 2,288 2,214 2,222 2,377 2,621 2,813 3,048 3,302 3,691 3,887 4.014 4,144 4,418 5,579 6,747 7,698 8,211 8,747 9.072 11.504 10,072 10,749 11,814 546 546 548 549 553 551 540 523 496 473 462 466 488 518 552 593 647 701 740 772 813 920 1,094 1,271 1.417 1,538 1.645 1.740 1,846 1,963 2,114 597 590 577 567 558 552 550 551 547 546 537 525 513 497 488 486 493 508 534 574 609 649 690 733 807 889 992 1,113 1,254 1,386 1,512 6.21 6.10 6.02 5.97 5.89 5.95 6.03 6.20 6.41 6.47 6.42 6.17 5.83 5.59 5.34 5.14 4.90 4.87 4.91 4.97 4.95 4.50 4.22 4.13 4.23 4.34 4.51 4.65 4.74 4.80 4.76 4.08 3.97 3.93 3.92 3.87 3.99 4.10 4.30 4.51 4.49 4.32 3.96 3.62 3.47 3.35 3.28 3.16 3.23 3.35 3.44 3.42 2.94 2.75 2.77 2.95 3.08 3.26 3.35 3.38 3.37 3.28 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 22,824 24,864 26,940 29,338 31,435 33,190 34,802 36,507 38,673 41.339 45,207 49,693 55,027 60,787 66,148 71,431 79,189 88,179 96,320 104,709 114,115 124,346 135,652 146,824 155,082 162,855 169.459 175,837 183,548 193,560 13,043 14,299 15,494 16,908 17,943 18,625 19,218 19,957 21,177 22,850 25,563 28,629 32,185 35,793 38,686 41,321 46,192 51,889 56,360 60,849 66,109 71,862 78.343 84,379 87,448 90,262 92,282 94,491 98,386 104,603 2,305 2,520 2,744 2,985 3,223 3,417 3,578 3.732 3,920 4,170 4,525 4,993 5,548 6,171 6,783 7,348 8,043 8,952 9,877 10,753 11,685 12,715 13,850 15,029 16,007 16.763 17,404 17.962 18,600 19,477 1,627 1.738 1,862 2,000 2,162 2,345 2,558 2.766 2.974 3.177 3,370 3.573 3,770 4,019 4,315 4,700 5,156 5,660 6,207 6,853 7,539 8,237 9,024 9,893 10,819 11,803 12,821 13,792 14,784 15,682 4.71 4.67 4.66 4.64 4.69 4.80 4.91 5.00 5.01 4.97 4.84 4.71 4.58 4.50 4.52 4.57 4.51 4.44 4.47 4.51 4.53 4.55 4.57 4.60 4.74 4.86 5.00 5.12 5.18 5.16 3.21 1926 3.17 1927 3.18 1928 3.17 1929 3.24 1930 3.35 1931 3.45 1932 3.50 1933 3.47 1934 3.40 1935 3.24 1936 3.13 1937 3.05 1938 .. 3.03 1939 3.09 1940 3.17 1941 3.11 1942 3.05 1943 3.09 1944 3.14 1945 1976 3.16 1946 1977 ;.- 3.17 1947 1978 3.17 1948 1979 3.20 1949 1980 3.33 1950 1981 3.44 1951 1982 3.54 1952 1983 3.61 1984 3.60 1985 3.53 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 273 Table A18. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Current-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Total, all types 60,469 63,332 66.085 68.769 70,139 67,243 60,897 55,375 54,918 55,461 55,(191 56,922 58,944 58.576 59,438 64,058 75,192 85,784 95,996 100,937 102,755 113,740 135.178 154.036 169.097 200,420 226,626 244,318 257,523 261 ,587 283,496 32,735 5,581 34.821 5,855 36,443 6,173 37,925 6,483 38,816 6,768 36,593 6,720 32,163 6,217 28,101 5,465 26,982 5,090 26,671 5,228 26,405 5.100 27,743 5,126 29,372 5,399 29,197 5,463 30,119 5,471 33,242 5,707 37,853 6,435 41.726 7,044 44,871 7,537 46,075 8,169 46,210 8.057 53,171 9,087 65,129 10,982 76.254 12,624 86.566 14.152 108,189 15,822 124,415 18,496 133,989 20,549 142.973 22.424 147,080 25,104 157,315 26,225 4,6X8 4,772 i *m 5,000 5,204 5,104 1 «62 4.652 4,711 5,135 5,256 1,396 5,613 5 5: .6 5,497 5,509 5,859 4,997 5,632 6.581) 6,942 7.304 8,424 9,584 11,507 13,882 14,949 14.711 16,372 17,533 19,476 5.92 5,76 5.69 5.65 5.58 5.67 1.84 6 111 6.37 6 58 6.69 6.66 6.58 6 14 6.46 6.30 6.10 6.20 6.42 6.64 6.80 6.67 6.42 6.18 5.92 5.40 5.26 5.23 , 10 5.15 5.07 3 911 3.79 3.77 3.76 3.75 3.89 1 08 4.38 4.62 4.72 4.71 4.55 4.35 4.31 4.22 10.1 3 96 I 0.1 4.28 4.51 4.62 4.19 3,75 3,46 3.30 3.09 :; 17 3.31 .; hi 3.51 3.46 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 191 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 198(1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 313,127 324.900 345,051 363,055 375,476 387,435 400,158 418,954 434,781 449,036 480,854 520,497 571,202 621.591 679.671 722.383 778,013 8.18, 450 1,005.577 1.119,133 1,233,808 1,371,778 1,551,657 1,760,337 1,974,164 2,161,581 2,295,453 2,452,288 2.62 ., ,61 2,817,929 171,877 176,175 181,962 189.009 193,656 19,, 79 , 202,317 212.801 223,713 236,061 258,487 283,210 314,217 343,730 372,434 393,731 424,684 470,500 544.179 595,699 652,753 725,497 820,462 925,294 1,019,969 1,096,474 1,141,689 1,206.882 1,292,416 1 393,296 29,416 31,773 33,463 35,139 36,181 37.446 38,396 39.902 41,748 43,268 45.361 49,366 54,094 60.009 65,757 71,848 T6,:,n 83,483 9.3,872 106,982 118,563 131,192 146,800 164,963 187,363 202,510 215,403 226, 199 238,518 256,326 21,930 23,519 23.93.1 26.679 28,523 30.532 31 693 34.335 36,793 38,496 39,543 41.872 12 -.-•, 46.685 49,659 53.620 56,169 61,729 66,72.3 76,021 88,129 100,263 110,952 123.880 141.646 150,057 161.646 172.958 180.673 197.294 5.12 5.30 5.45 ,1 .1,3 5.61 5.72 5.76 5 74 5 6.8 5.57 5.44 5,3.1 5.26 5 2 1 5.23 5.23 5.20 5.26 5.35 5.38 5.37 5.38 5.41 5.51 5.62 5 75 5 83 5.81 3.47 3.58 3 79 3.72 3.75 3,82 3 79 3 72 3.63 3.53 346 3.45 3.43 3.44 3.50 3.53 3.49 3.44 3.10 3.57 3.56 3.52 3.49 3.51 3 62 3.70 3.78 3.78 3.71 3.63 10,400 12.566 1 1.436 16,225 17,934 18,386 17,741 16,205 15,776 15,824 15,668 15,954 16,658 16,407 16,348 17,734 21,256 23,519 25,513 23,695 22,394 25,0,13 3 1,5(13 44,003 51,943 67,153 79,378 88,132 93,440 97,120 103,295 6,737 8,115 9,070 9,926 10,794 10.627 9,792 8.352 7.854 7,648 7,536 7,765 8.259 7.962 9.135 9,074 8,511 7,842 6,289 5,236 6,118 9,831 14,46(1 20.358 32,195 40,770 46,232 51,406 52,797 57.640 1,059 1,280 1,500 1,692 1,898 2,012 1,978 1,827 1,614 1,653 1,593 1 198 1 641 1,703 1,653 1,711 1,961 1.694 1,532 1,399 872 1,559 2.202 2.702 3.445 4,148 4,923 6,159 7,159 9,206 9,739 456 557 66.3 804 972 1,115 1,256 1,365 1,372 1,551 1,598 1 657 1,702 1,772 1,718 1,708 1,813 357 392 526 415 595 1,073 1,752 3,370 5,391 5,378 4,722 5,579 5,943 7,08.1 3.60 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.08 4.37 4.76 5.16 5.46 5.75 5.95 5.95 5.94 5.74 5.54 5.95 6 15 6.94 7.42 7.94 7.62 7.20 6.54 5.21 4.89 4.80 4.41 4.44 4.24 2.60 2 60 2 80 2.90 2.98 3.27 3.57 3.97 1 17 4.26 4.26 1 16 3.96 3.96 3.96 3.66 3.75 3.96 4.45 1 93 5.37 4.51 3.10 2.43 2.05 1.86 2.17 2.74 2.93 2.84 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1961 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 197 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19-., 1 19.979 121,186 134,352 1 12 260 145,558 150,026 155,214 162,836 167,586 170,761 179,075 191.650 207,806 222.925 247,213 2.16,142 272,086 295,734 342.521 381,373 422,204 172,660 130,885 598.232 (I ,8 21 k; 725,119 774,592 846.070 931,367 1,('29U97 6.1,026 64,129 67,148 69,118 69,702 69,817 71,696 75,954 79,696 84,330 91,362 99,457 109,678 118,862 129,451 133,001 141,236 153.423 171,500 183,795 299 239 223,283 249,404 277,112 39.1.9 1,1 316,784 326,557 349,472 384,783 1 18.09] 11,799 12,881 1.3.681 14,730 14,870 15,422 15,730 16,4,34 17,121 17,500 17,883 19,327 20,798 23.233 25,561 28.06] 29.015 31,372 31.99,, 38,084 42,226 46,744 51,827 57,292 63,948 66.544 69,848 72,972 76,989 85.511 8.482 9,142 8,605 ill. .1311 11,479 12,694 12.9.11 14.694 16.315 17,369 17,793 18,898 18.090 19.947 20,820 22,203 22.044 24,515 24,025 26,433 32,613 38 84,1 42.246 45.908 50,663 46,180 46,669 48,835 48,448 56,915 4.43 4.77 5.08 5.2.3 5.33 5.49 ,1 18 5.39 5.22 5.05 4.95 1 -1 4.76 1 84 4.88 4.87 4.88 5.07 5.28 5.38 5.41 5.45 5.54 5 68 5.82 6.00 6.12 6.14 6.10 2.92 3.09 3.31 3 33 3.32 3.39 3.30 3.15 3.03 2.91 2.88 2.95 2 96 2.99 3.12 3.13 3.08 3.02 3.16 3.28 3.26 3.20 3.16 3.19 3.29 3.38 3 45 3.43 3.33 3.21 1 Includes tires, tubes, accessories, and other parts 274 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A18. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Other motor vehicles 1 1925 . . 149 193 224 252 356 407 418 389 383 409 439 499 565 588 621 690 861 869 844 693 566 882 1,379 1,944 2,275 3,800 4,591 5,143 5,424 5,263 5,419 111 135 144 152 231 256 248 210 196 211 234 277 322 324 341 377 481 424 360 260 191 457 837 1,247 1,428 2,196 2,577 2,733 2,732 2,535 2,648 18 24 28 32 42 55 59 57 51 54 56 63 71 79 81 86 101 116 108 102 69 100 158 226 296 352 426 518 556 572 535 1 4 8 12 16 24 30 35 40 47 48 49 58 61 61 64 77 96 111 129 106 111 135 150 182 178 235 315 406 498 518 1.82 2.25 2.76 3.20 2.86 3.01 3.34 3.82 4.19 4.28 4.22 4.03 3.89 4.04 4.05 4.08 3.96 4.62 5.29 5.96 6.57 4.75 3.80 3.31 3.29 2.99 3.19 3.54 3.86 4.17 4.24 1.60 1.92 2.32 2.61 2.05 2.20 2.51 2.97 3.21 3.10 2.87 2.62 2.54 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.67 349 429 5.04 5.62 2.71 2.04 1.94 2.20 2.14 2.33 2.65 2.91 3.13 3.02 1956 6,173 5,337 5,660 5,743 5,749 5,813 5,988 6,300 6,702 7,194 8,226 9,614 11,529 13,921 16,871 19,426 23,809 29,871 38,163 46,611 58,678 75,265 95,667 115,052 126,931 137,527 144,805 157,207 172,268 190,428 3,036 2,565 2,659 2,709 2,716 2,697 2,842 3,127 3,467 3,893 4,618 5,463 6.748 8,288 9,861 11,424 14,429 18,464 23,027 27,458 34,980 45,620 58,064 67,604 69,756 71,397 72,664 79,007 88,527 100,742 597 650 680 706 709 718 733 768 825 898 1,008 1,172 1,399 1,691 2,022 2,439 2,912 3,603 4,510 5,606 6,944 8,715 11,196 13,784 15,762 16,864 17,655 18,604 20,162 22,274 581 635 708 781 758 762 783 835 831 810 807 882 974 1.069 1,256 1,494 1,727 2,016 2,465 3,134 4,040 5,052 6,177 7,794 10,083 12,470 14,419 16,288 18,276 20,221 4.33 5.00 5.16 5.20 5.21 5.30 5.19 4.94 4.69 4.38 4.12 3.97 3.76 3.61 3.68 3.63 3.45 3.33 3.45 3.58 3.53 3.45 3.45 3.62 3.98 4.32 4.57 4.65 4.61 4.50 3.01 1926 1957 3.45 1927 1958 3.57 1928 1959 3.54 1929 . 1960 3.51 1930 1961 3.59 1931 1962 3.42 1932 1963 3.18 1933 1964 2.99 1934 1965 2.77 1935 .. . 1966 2.61 1936 1967 2.61 1937 1968 2.48 1938 1969 2.42 1939 1970 2.55 1940 1971 2.51 1941 1972 2.35 1942 1973 2.27 1943 1974 2.43 1944 1975 2.55 1945 1976 2.47 1946 1977 2.39 1947 1978 2.39 1948 1979 2.57 1949 1980 2.95 1950 1981 3.24 1951 1982 3.37 1952 1983 3.29 1953 1984 3.12 1954 1985 2.97 1955 Furniture, including mattresses and bedsprings 1925 14.397 14,418 14,596 14,832 14,744 13,725 11,731 10,557 10,929 11,076 11,060 11,758 12.239 12,004 12,028 12,990 15,243 18,298 21.828 25,063 26,458 27,505 29,687 30,912 31,438 34,750 37,689 38,937 40,430 41,982 44,174 7,605 7,691 7,838 7,975 7,928 7,263 6,089 5,334 5,367 5,297 5.258 5,667 5,974 5,877 5,986 6,603 7,944 9,569 11,294 12,757 13,293 13,990 15,330 16,174 16,614 18,643 20,349 21,176 22,146 23,095 24,554 1,004 1,003 1,011 1,034 1,043 1,022 903 730 732 772 740 761 832 817 806 830 944 1,143 1,371 1,636 1,823 1,839 1,963 2,149 2,143 2,253 2,601 2,694 2,794 2,926 3,044 911 900 844 865 905 862 748 658 702 748 756 817 888 842 854 858 930 1,068 1,276 1,549 1,733 1,762 1,827 1,961 1,938 1,996 2,272 2,273 2,272 2,322 2,360 7.94 7.83 774 7.69 7.67 7.80 7.95 8.18 8.44 8.70 8.80 8.75 8.71 8.74 8.63 8.47 8.24 8.18 8.23 8.35 8.45 8.33 8.17 8.04 7.93 777 7.68 7.58 7.48 7.40 7.27 5.20 5.14 5.07 5.07 5.11 5.29 5.46 5.74 6(13 6.26 6.25 6.06 5.90 5.84 5.68 5.48 5.25 5.25 5.39 5.59 5.72 5.57 5.39 5.26 5.17 5.05 5.02 4.98 4.93 4.90 4.81 1956 47,199 49,706 51,278 53,539 55,962 58,124 60,326 62,748 65,451 69,052 75,113 81,267 88,964 97,660 104,072 110.045 116,390 128.591 147,174 159,997 169,782 183,187 204,783 228,098 253,226 276,372 289,640 302,654 321,719 341,468 26,456 27,822 28,585 29,785 30,955 31,893 32,956 34,258 35,895 38,092 41,645 45,084 49.381 54.121 57.339 60,345 63,923 70,929 81,136 87,666 92,699 100,252 112,483 125,745 139,082 151,003 156,682 162,754 172,804 183,095 3,250 3,484 3,621 3,759 3,906 4,077 4,221 4,380 4,551 4,780 5,121 5,549 6,074 6,672 7,184 7,646 8,047 8,683 9,813 10,951 11,689 12,554 13,724 15,252 17,168 18,839 20,103 21,046 22,030 23,246 2,515 2,588 2,706 2,804 2,882 3,029 3,205 3,388 3,487 3,719 3,895 4,170 4,594 5,032 5,405 5,797 6,182 6,571 7,442 8,375 9,030 9,725 10,640 11,729 13,074 14,607 15,871 16,757 17,566 18,785 7.16 7.14 7.15 7.15 7.20 7.26 7.31 7.32 7.29 7.25 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.21 7.25 7.30 7.28 7.25 7.26 7.32 7.35 7.34 7.31 7.28 7.31 7.35 7.45 7.51 7.53 7.56 4.75 1926 1957 4.79 1927 1958 4.84 1928 1959 4.87 1929 1960 4.93 1930 1961 5.00 1931 1962 5.03 1932 1963 5.03 1933 1964 4.97 1934 1965 4.92 1935 1966 4.87 1936 1967 4.87 1937 1968 4.87 1938 1969 4.89 1939 1970 4.95 1940 1971 5.00 1941 1972 4.98 1942 1973 4.92 1943 1974 4.93 1944 1975 4.99 1945 1976 , 5.03 1946 1977 4.99 1947 1978 4.96 1948 1979 4.92 1949 1980 4.96 1950 1981 5.01 1982 5.12 1952 1983 5.17 1953 1984 5.17 1954 1955 1985 5.17 1 Includes tires, tubes, accessories, and other parte. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 275 Table A18. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Kitchen and other household appliances 2 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 .",,633 5.855 6,096 6,283 6,357 6,136 5.608 4,979 4,829 4,887 5,029 5,421 5,862 6,041 6,155 6,583 7,890 9,065 9,418 9,374 9,130 10,397 13,183 15,441 16,949 20,124 23,309 25,648 27,718 29,207 36,643 3,(169 3,229 3,385 3.466 3.490 3,323 2,966 2.532 2,413 2,451 2,578 2,867 3,194 3.297 3,373 3,651 4,479 5,068 4,848 4,450 4,090 5,149 7,441 9,335 10.499 12,766 1 1,667 15,79 1 16,734 17.328 18,046 500 518 539 560 575 567 534 460 125 428 430 456 503 531 549 560 638 775 841 833 814 818 1,041 1,316 1,484 1,694 2,085 2,327 2.537 2,703 2,814 398 411 418 424 442 441 111 393 389 403 409 121 439 441 444 434 473 570 6X4 764 832 852 956 1,016 1,013 992 1,056 1,087 1 ,289 1,526 1,700 5.83 5.75 5.70 5.75 5.78 5.87 6.04 6.33 6.50 6.53 6.44 6.25 6.04 6 011 5.94 5.80 5.58 5.74 6 21 6.76 7.20 6.67 5.80 5.23 4.95 4.65 1 60 4.66 4.75 4.86 4.92 3.97 3.88 3.84 3.90 3.94 4.06 4.21 4.52 4.64 4.55 4.35 4.10 3.88 3.91 3.90 3.81 3.64 3.88 4.49 5.17 5.59 4.56 3.51 :i hi 3.05 2.96 3.07 3 22 3 36 :( 19 3.54 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 32.013 33,7X0 35,370 37.617 38,6111 39,791 40,397 41.711 43,056 43,588 45.662 48.486 52,444 56.704 61,408 65,927 70.534 76.197 90.728 101.308 110,602 119,772 133,088 145,174 159,140 174,879 188,194 197,355 200.999 204,547 18,821 2,898 19.690 3,074 20,317 3,194 21,377 3,377 21,657 3,502 22,016 3,581 22,111 3,645 22,701 3,710 23,446 3,826 23,746 3,902 25,016 4,013 26.639 4,227 28.994 4,549 31.536 4,935 34,253 5,360 36,905 5,801 39,789 6,217 43.342 6,676 51.589 7,516 56.903 8,808 61,409 9,697 65,968 Ki.lTd 72,868 11,463 79,212 12,592 86,394 13,726 94,406 15,016 00,554 16,346 04,912 17,245 07,002 17,819 09,529 18,097 1,823 4.97 3.56 1,895 5.06 3.62 1,978 5.20 3.71 2,186 5.31 3.77 2,382 5.44 3.86 2,468 5.57 3.94 2,642 5.69 4.00 2,793 5.77 4.02 2,954 5.80 4.00 3,067 5.82 3.99 3,135 5.80 3.94 3,263 5.79 3.92 3,475 5.75 3.87 3,729 5.70 3.82 3 999 5.67 3.81 4,307 5.62 3.79 4,542 5.55 3.73 4.784 5.47 3.68 5,312 5.46 3.70 6,225 5.53 3.80 6,996 5.61 3.89 7,674 5.67 3.94 8,585 5.73 3.98 9,598 5.77 3.99 10,676 5.83 4.02 11.916 5 89 406 13.214 5.98 4.14 14,103 6.04 4.17 14,629 6.05 4.13 14,924 6.03 4 07 China, glassware, tableware, and utensils 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 5,256 5,203 5,100 5,129 5,143 4,805 4,387 4,194 4.299 4,688 4,669 4,548 4,590 4,596 4,611 4,734 5,265 5,928 6.833 7,333 7,532 8.109 8,874 9,824 10,736 12,090 13,381 14,190 14,905 15,548 16,703 2,504 2,559 2,543 2,619 2.673 2,454 2,218 2,105 2,131) 2,302 2,265 2,222 2,285 2,301 2,318 2,402 2.732 3.098 3.522 3,715 3,818 4.313 4,878 5,513 6,029 6,762 7.394 7,700 7,958 8,179 8,708 523 509 505 508 517 508 457 425 IK) 448 182 447 452 456 458 463 487 569 648 727 755 786 870 963 1,070 1,178 1,353 1,439 1.513 1,568 1,624 587 562 537 519 502 482 438 413 104 454 501 471 472 166 461 459 468 526 594 682 716 723 748 773 825 882 1,004 1,090 1,192 1.287 1.385 6.32 6.16 6.07 5.89 5.74 5.80 5.82 5.85 5.91 5.97 6.07 6.05 5.96 5.93 5.91 5.85 5.68 5.61 5.67 5.76 5.75 5.44 5.20 5.02 4.97 4.94 4.99 5.09 5.20 5.31 5.40 4.23 3.99 3.91 3.76 3.67 3.82 3.90 3.95 KH 4.09 4.17 4.10 3.96 3.93 3.91 3.85 3.70 3.67 3.78 3.91 3.89 3.54 3.34 3.24 3.28 3.33 3.42 3.54 3.64 3.72 3.77 1956 1957. 1958 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964 1965. 1966. 1967 1968 1969. 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 198 1 1985 17.929 18.828 18,901 19,049 19,417 19,322 19,999 20,406 20,355 20,751 22,174 23,785 26,612 28,341 30,104 32.072 35.339 38,647 48.107 54.250 57.668 61,912 69.744 77,846 88,180 96,774 100,586 103,919 105,622 110,398 9.240 9,545 9,425 9,406 9,500 9,400 9,734 9.943 10,025 10,421 11,430 12,523 14,202 15,216 16,133 17,122 18,821 20,649 25,633 28,611 30,281 32,558 36,763 41,051 46,446 50,437 52,019 53,612 54,767 57,574 1,778 1.874 1.913 1,884 1,921 1,916 1,940 1 .985 2.013 2.035 2,138 2.292 2.583 2,808 3,009 3,197 3,446 3,772 4.413 5,28!) 5,745 6,136 6,711 7,478 8,476 9,498 111. (1. 13 10,368 10.607 10.937 1.566 5.51 3.83 1,711 5.65 3.94 1.814 5.79 41)4 1,843 5.90 4.08 1,931 6.00 4.13 1,974 6.07 4.15 2,035 6.11 4.13 2,096 6.13 4.11 2,115 6.08 4.02 2,096 5.97 3.88 2,119 5.79 3.71 2,172 5.61 3.59 2,333 5.47 3.53 2,443 5.38 3.52 2,555 5.34 3.55 2,693 5.33 3.59 2,901 5.32 3.61 3,170 5.29 3.58 3,713 5.31 3.61 4,496 5.37 3.68 4,960 5.41 3.71 5,326 5.41 3.69 5,812 5.41 3.67 6,478 5.41 3.66 7,380 5.45 3.70 8,349 5.50 3.74 8,951 5.56 3.79 9,357 5.58 3.80 9,615 5.57 3.75 9,879 5.54 3.71 2. Consists of refrigerators and freezers, cooking ranges, dishwashers, laundry equipment, stoves, air conditioners, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, and other appliances. 276 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A18.— Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Other durable house furnishings 11 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1931; 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 8.828 8,945 8.961 9,013 8.372 7,385 (i,84fi 7,162 7,435 7,386 7,858 8,097 8,031 8,333 9,034 10,290 1 1 ,755 13,377 14,758 15,337 16,579 18,058 19,080 20,392 23.511 25,911 26,850 27,881 28,589 30,127 4,613 4,700 4,734 4,791 4,809 4,429 3,844 3,465 3,495 3,547 3,489 3,795 3,981 3,977 4,193 4,614 5,364 6,158 6,992 7,623 7,844 8,706 9,684 10,446 11,261 13,112 14,444 14,778 15,095 15,155 15,847 877 903 914 917 927 903 808 691 687 744 727 733 805 786 803 856 960 1,108 1,269 1,441 1,550 1,594 1,785 1,924 2,010 2,241 2,1167 2,729 2,857 2,912 3,1 105 815 802 793 771 703 624 656 758 777 795 866 829 828 851 917 1,020 1,150 1,313 1,428 1,457 1,572 1,618 1,630 1,747 2,018 2,053 2,196 2,324 2,192 5.62 5.55 5.48 5.41 5.35 5.39 5.48 5.66 5.90 6.08 6.21 6.15 6.09 6.06 5.97 5.86 5.69 5.61 5.58 5.62 5.66 5.49 5.35 5.19 5.10 5.00 4.97 5.03 5.12 5.26 5 33 3 66 3.64 3.62 3.59 3.55 3.65 3.77 3.96 4.20 4.33 4.36 4.16 4.02 3.98 3 88 3.79 3.66 3.65 3.68 3.78 3.85 3.65 3.51 3.39 3.37 3.32 3.34 3.44 3.55 3.69 3.72 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 31,992 33,385 34,036 35,751 37,515 38,567 39,413 41,331 43,061 45,859 49,595 53,800 57,640 62,733 65,175 67,849 72,247 78,361 92,786 100,951 110,320 120,409 133,470 149,720 172,169 191.960 204,256 214,465 229,311 242,048 16,776 17,473 17,747 is. 6X5 19,580 20,095 20,612 21,816 23,099 24,978 27,377 29,885 32,152 34,904 35,892 36,995 39,267 42,836 50,837 55,028 59,998 65,599 72,921 81,946 93,626 103,292 108,328 113,185 121,279 128,182 3,186 3,353 3,454 3,555 3,744 3,863 3,961 4,103 4,323 4,562 4,922 5,374 5,859 6,271 6,664 6,944 7,292 7,781 8,886 10,003 10,986 11,965 13,123 14,612 16,713 18,832 20,514 21,562 22,732 24,093 2,716 2,912 3,043 3,148 3,321 3,432 3,524 3.613 3,722 3,803 3,957 4,196 4,458 4,707 5,011 5,317 5,678 6,084 6,936 7,830 8,669 9,446 10,305 11,430 13,131 15,008 16,758 18,030 19,269 20,529 5.38 5.42 5.47 5.48 5.50 5.52 5.51 5.45 5.34 5.23 5.11 5.04 4.97 4.96 5.01 5.09 5.07 5.06 5.10 5.12 5.12 5.10 5.09 5.13 5.20 5.30 5.35 5.35 5.36 Radio and television receivers, records, and musical instruments 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 5.760 6,190 6,501 6,645 6.052 4,871 3,617 2,931 2,834 2,861 2,782 2,834 2,896 2,821 2,902 3,179 3,893 4,554 4,793 4,863 4,779 6,068 7,725 8,964 10,089 11,633 12,484 13,329 14,484 15,547 17,015 3.083 3,336 3,479 3,589 3,327 2,737 1,990 1,547 1.422 1,385 1,323 1,375 1,453 1,440 1,542 1,751 2,217 2,586 2,599 2,477 2,323 3,248 4,358 5,179 5,919 7,083 7,594 8.(178 8,738 9,327 10,189 606 650 691 726 723 (li id 449 334 297 309 296 291 305 301 300 325 369 482 504 533 514 548 772 919 1,073 1,220 1,391 1,446 1,590 1,705 1,824 531 559 602 594 456 337 262 252 285 295 300 316 311 299 287 290 350 372 425 457 490 625 710 778 804 821 796 849 915 1,061 4.88 4.86 4.91 4.88 4.77 4.63 4.74 4.97 5.27 5.51 5.66 5.62 5.49 5.42 5.18 4.93 4.66 4.61 4.83 5.16 5.44 4.94 4.63 4.46 4.32 4.04 3.99 3 98 3.97 3.99 3 99 3.36 3.31 3.35 3.29 3.19 3.06 3.22 3.50 3.81 3.99 4.04 3.84 3.60 3.52 3.32 3.13 2.96 3.02 3.34 3.74 4.00 3.26 2.94 2.87 2.84 2.66 2.71 2.74 2.76 2.78 280 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 19,188 21,253 22,201 23,013 24,090 24,740 25,477 26,659 28,197 29,400 33,040 37,340 42,234 47,297 52,840 58,507 64,506 71,774 82,240 91,225 99,614 107,805 119,811 131,657 144,434 156,826 166,624 177,084 185,505 194,898 11,366 12,286 12,488 12,774 13,161 13,394 13,772 14,494 15,596 16,693 19,409 22.408 25,552 28,509 31,555 34,444 37,638 41,699 47,418 52,308 56,914 61,298 67,763 74,220 80,917 87,589 93,250 100,186 106,433 113,790 2,032 2,287 2,471 2,480 2,606 2,682 2,733 2,842 2,992 3,182 3,450 3,925 4,491 5,065 5,667 6,289 6,933 7,637 8,618 9,696 10,649 11,538 12,626 13,926 15,252 16,682 17,922 18.987 20,109 21,292 1,188 1,373 1,572 1,711 1,859 2,008 2,117 2,239 2,353 2,407 2,405 2,512 2,720 2,938 3,244 3,647 4,127 4,675 5,438 6,337 7,088 7,781 8,623 9,629 10,663 11,881 12,906 13,544 14,042 14,373 4.06 4.22 4.40 4.51 4.64 4.73 4.79 4.79 4.70 4.54 4.31 4.14 4.04 4.02 4.05 4.12 4.17 4.21 4.26 4.32 4.36 4.40 4.45 4.48 4.53 4.56 4.56 4.50 4.41 4.29 3. Includes such house furnishings as floor coverings, comforters, quilts, blankets, pillows, pic- ture frames, mirrors, art products, portable lamps, and clocks. Also includes writing equipment and hand, power, and garden tools. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A18. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued 277 Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Jewelry and watches 5,103 5.028 5,110 5,217 5,334 5,409 5,147 4,833 4,514 4,188 4,019 3,935 3, 1589 3,5X9 3.763 4,181 5,116 5,9511 0,928 7,899 8.461 9.501 10,424 10,999 11.4.32 12,286 13.288 13,993 14,458 14,693 15,2X4 2.548 2.575 2.664 2.752 2,841 2,865 2,632 2.372 2,103 1,880 1,777 1.736 1,673 1,677 1,814 2,081 2,641 3,173 3,855 4,476 5,613 6,158 6,448 6,593 6,983 7,437 7,761 7.954 8,058 8,410 449 433 441 453 467 477 474 432 409 370 335 338 319 294 305 329 389 501 555 684 755 X06 944 989 1,046 1,069 1.197 1.243 1 : 1,321 1.343 471 441 419 426 433 4ln 416 408 419 410 399 121 102 362 361 364 393 481 495 567 574 565 623 02* 673 705 817 875 960 9X3 1,026 6.85 6.66 6.50 6.38 6.26 6.24 6.44 6.71 7.07 7.37 7.56 7.68 7.62 7.51 7.33 7.08 i; ;., 6.44 6.01 5.76 5.52 5.24 5.16 5.15 5.24 5.33 5.45 5 53 5 62 ,68 5.70 4.45 4.27 4.14 4,09 4.06 4.12 4.42 4.75 5.18 5.44 5 5(1 5.46 5.17 1 *9 4.64 4.40 4.12 3.92 3.66 3.60 3.52 3.39 3.44 3.52 3.66 3.77 3.87 3.92 3.97 3.97 3.94 1956 . 1957 . 1958 , 1959, 1960, 1961. 1962 1963 . 1964 1965. 1966, 1967, 196X 1969 1970. 1971 1972 1973. 1974. 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19X4 1985 15,967 16,504 17.111 17.936 1X.56X 19.146 19.834 21,468 22,699 22,137 23,795 26,053 29,609 32,596 35,031 37,838 41,415 H. 132 54,013 61,436 6X.692 77,2.31 91.099 114.867 143.225 149.898 154.532 165,985 173,079 179.3X6 8,796 !),0I1X 9,376 9 Hlli 10.087 10.311 10.644 11.507 12,184 12.003 13.210 14,721 16,938 18,678 19.970 21,455 23,376 26,413 30,993 35,501 40,193 45,5X9 53,97.x 67,577 82,769 ■(5.29(1 86,623 92.130 95,755 99,291 1 ,420 1,465 1,514 1.584 1.643 1.696 1.752 1.817 1.997 2,022 2,055 2,247 2,508 2,853 3,095 3.347 3.631 4,022 4,595 5,334 6,016 6.709 7,783 9,256 12.362 13.555 13,882 14.695 15,501 16.139 1.079 1.095 1,154 1,215 1,281 1,343 1.414 1,479 1,641 1,651 1,627 1,707 1,821 2,009 2,142 2,312 2,531 2.801 3,178 3,650 4,011 4.279 1.S25 5.669 7,727 x.792 9,376 10,355 11.205 1 1 .926 5.93 5.97 5.99 5.99 5.93 5.75 5.61 5.49 5.44 544 5.46 5.47 5 11 5.34 5.29 5 19 5.10 5.06 5.09 5.21 5.32 5.44 5.54 5.59 5.62 3.92 3.93 3.95 3.96 4.01 1 07 4.09 1 09 4.07 3.99 3.81 3.69 3.62 3.63 3.69 3.73 3.77 3.70 3.64 3.59 3.51 3 16 3.44 3.50 3.65 3.76 3.86 3.91 3.92 3.90 Ophthalmic products and orthopedic appliances 1925 809 782 781 779 783 785 758 700 661 672 693 725 782 834 899 965 1,059 1,195 1,373 1.552 1,725 1,957 2. 169 2,387 2,547 2,7.37 2,959 3,102 3,210 3,352 3,499 387 375 384 384 391 397 379 339 316 334 ■ 356 381 423 450 483 518 579 662 771 872 957 1,080 1,176 1,275 1,342 1,436 1,554 1,633 1,694 1,759 1,816 131 125 123 124 126 126 125 116 107 106 109 115 124 133 144 155 168 187 216 247 277 309 345 380 411 431 472 501 518 535 561 141 133 137 130 130 128 125 118 115 113 111) 108 109 111 117 127 137 144 162 179 200 228 264 301 340 370 408 436 450 464 495 3.84 3.88 3.79 3.76 3.70 3.62 3.64 3.75 3.81 3.70 3.57 3.44 3.28 3.25 3.24 3.23 3.15 3.09 3.02 3 00 3.04 3.06 3.14 3.22 3.29 3.34 3.35 3.35 3.34 3.36 3.41 2.63 2.60 2.49 2.48 2.43 2.40 2.46 2.59 2.63 2.44 2.32 2.25 2.15 2.19 2.20 2.21 2,14 2.09 2.04 2.06 2.11 2.13 2.20 2.25 2.29 2.30 2.29 2.28 2.27 2.29 2.34 1956 3,724 3,924 4,015 4,253 4,508 4,703 1 939 5.225 5,587 6,067 6,730 7,260 7,848 8,712 9,789 10.781 11,643 12.872 14,672 16.386 17,883 19,472 21.071 23,581 26,798 29,169 31,455 33,631 36,523 39,534 1,933 2.02X 2,055 2,201 2,327 2,405 2,567 2,751 2.964 3,236 3,617 3,820 4,116 4,605 5,220 5,693 6.155 6,819 7.738 8,604 9,322 10,059 10,921 12.349 14,038 15.197 16,392 17,518 19.166 20,853 587 629 647 672 711 750 785 829 887 961 1,054 1,159 1,243 1,359 1.520 1,699 1,850 2,018 2,267 2,552 2,810 3,055 3.309 3,635 4,144 4,587 4.962 5,343 5,746 6,262 525 569 594 620 655 690 723 752 770 820 891 966 1,069 1,182 1,300 1,435 1,594 1,724 1,937 2,206 2,473 2,724 2,985 3,280 3,675 4,060 4,436 4,774 5,095 5,506 3.41 3.44 3.48 3.45 3.46 3.50 3.44 3.38 3.34 3.30 3.25 3.33 3.34 3.32 3.29 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.33 3.35 3.38 3.43 3.43 3.39 3.39 3.40 3.40 3.41 3.38 3.35 2 33 1926 1957 . . . 2.35 1927 195X 2.38 1928 1959 1960 2.33 1929 2.35 1930 1961 2.38 1931 1962 2.31 1932 1963 2.26 1933 1964 2.24 1934 1965 2.22 1935 1966 2 20 1936 1967 2.29 1937 1968 2.30 1938 1969 2.26 1939 1970 2.23 1940 1971 2.27 1941 1972 2.27 1942 1973 2.26 1943 1974 2.27 1944 1975 2.29 1945 1976 2.32 1946 1977 2.35 1947 1978 2.33 1948 1979 2.29 1949 1980 2.29 1950 1981 2.31 1951 . . 1982 2.31 1952 . 1983 2.31 1953 1984 2.28 1954 1985 2.26 1955 278 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A18. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Current-Cost Valuation— Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Books and maps 2,161 2.184 2,271 2,361 2,416 2,368 2,314 2,161 2,056 2,004 1,996 2,023 2,082 2,119 2,134 2,173 2.232 2,403 2,666 2,963 3,358 3,879 4,447 5,036 5.46s 5,826 6,379 6.966 7,385 7,662 7,965 1,118 1,135 1,199 1,254 1,295 1,259 1,219 1,091 1,005 962 956 982 1,038 1,066 1,081 1,109 1,150 1,261 1,435 1,645 1,911 2,242 2,534 2,820 3.008 3,163 3,456 3,741 3,933 4.1)32 4,165 218 219 225 237 247 246 239 229 209 201 197 196 202 208 212 215 222 230 260 289 328 376 437 503 558 589 627 693 745 770 799 201 201 203 208 212 210 205 203 198 204 206 210 214 214 212 210 212 212 230 241 255 273 307 355 406 443 486 ;,;,i 606 645 684 5.63 5.59 5.47 5.42 5.34 5.37 5.41 5.67 6.12 6.10 5 83 5.73 5.59 5.38 5.13 4.91 4.74 4.77 i 85 4.95 5.04 5.07 5.16 5.24 5.35 5.42 3.75 3.72 3.61 3.59 3.54 3.62 3.68 3.99 4 21) 4.29 4.26 4.13 3.93 3.88 3.85 3.81 3.75 3.64 3.47 3.29 3.16 3.10 3.23 3.36 3.48 3.55 3.54 3.59 3.64 3.71 3.74 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 8,533 9,334 9,761 10,253 10,599 11,106 11,517 12,162 12,867 13,436 14,387 15,501 16,912 18,364 20,721 22,793 24,432 26,271 29,675 32,299 34,834 39.562 44,330 49,255 56,079 62,971 69,783 72,982 77,361 81,920 4,466 4,863 5.050 5,291 5,464 5,734 5,966 6,351 6,816 7,175 7,766 8,380 9.140 9,968 11,443 12,628 13,443 14,325 15,983 17,231 18,336 20,654 23,092 25,574 28,970 32,351 35,508 36,875 39,087 41,192 828 909 984 1,014 1,054 1,100 1,147 1,195 1,270 1,340 1,427 1,533 1.672 1,822 2,020 2,266 2,458 2,630 2,889 3,208 3,435 3,820 4,290 4,753 5,324 5,982 6,724 7,308 7,517 8,122 719 5.44 798 5.49 877 5.56 917 5.59 960 5.61 1,005 5.61 1,048 5.60 1,084 5.55 1,131 5.45 1,165 5.38 1,210 5.29 1,274 5.25 1,368 5.23 1,478 5.19 1,601 5.06 1,753 5.02 1,890 5,04 2,043 5.09 2,279 5.17 2,585 5.24 2,851 5.34 3,267 5.42 3,752 5.46 4,212 5.51 4,784 5.56 5,451 5.62 6,225 5.69 6,888 5.76 7,184 5.78 7,847 5.82 Wheel goods, lurable toys, sports equipment, boats, and pleasure aircra ft 1925 1,974 1,968 2,009 2,032 2,052 1,977 1,792 1,582 1,475 1,417 1,350 1.368 1,485 1,548 1,647 1,795 2,089 2,250 2,423 2,744 3,015 3,809 4,730 5,446 5.827 6,512 7,257 7,728 8,188 8,624 9,371 960 972 1,002 1,017 1,036 984 879 754 682 653 633 673 771 827 902 1,000 1,192 1,275 1,353 1,513 1,666 2,254 2,901 3,356 3,514 3,849 4,173 4,363 4,583 4,815 5,293 196 192 196 202 203 204 190 164 147 141 135 129 141 154 161 179 197 240 232 277 301 352 464 554 617 648 755 801 845 887 936 214 208 207 208 205 204 194 172 163 163 157 145 148 148 142 146 150 174 168 206 225 249 292 319 351 374 455 512 574 626 670 6.21 6.10 6.02 5.97 5.89 5.95 6.03 6.20 6.41 6.47 6.42 6.17 5.83 5.59 5.34 5.14 4.90 4.87 4.91 4.97 4.95 4.50 4.22 4.13 4.23 4.34 4.51 4.65 4.74 4.80 4.76 4.08 3.97 3.93 3.92 3.87 3.99 4.10 4.30 4.51 4.49 4.32 3.96 3.62 3.47 3.35 3.28 3.16 3.23 3.35 3.44 3.42 2.94 2.75 2.77 2.95 3.08 3.26 3.35 3.38 3.37 3.28 1956 10,431 11,661 12,365 13,642 14,900 16,097 17,053 18,107 19,220 20,793 23,055 25,741 29.605 32,339 36,447 41,001 45,613 53,701 65,498 73,296 83,532 94,503 107,708 126,856 145,467 160,087 170,984 180,936 191,808 204,206 5,960 6,706 7,112 7,862 8,505 9,033 9,417 9,899 10,525 11,494 13,037 14,830 17,316 19.042 21,316 23,718 26,607 31.600 38,325 42,594 48,392 54,615 62,204 72,904 82,026 88,727 93,113 97,231 102,814 110,356 1,042 1,164 1,303 1,379 1,515 1,640 1,750 1,840 1,944 2,085 2,290 2,561 2,918 3,302 3,656 4,159 4,609 5,291 6,361 7,452 8,366 9,485 10,747 12,384 14,487 16,109 17,404 18,267 19,306 20,354 736 803 885 924 1,016 1,126 1,251 1,364 1,475 1,589 1,705 1,833 1,983 2,150 2,326 2,660 2,954 3,345 3,997 4,749 5,398 6,145 7,003 8,152 9,791 11,343 12,821 14,026 15,346 16,388 4.71 4.67 4.66 4.64 4.69 4.80 4.91 5.00 5.01 4.97 4.84 4.71 4.58 4.50 4.52 4.57 4.51 4.44 4.47 4.51 4.53 4.55 4.57 4.60 4.74 4.86 5.00 5.12 5.18 5.16 3 21 1926 1957 3.17 1927 1958 3.18 1928 1959 3.17 1929 1960 3.24 1930 1961. . 3.35 1931 1962 3.45 1932 1963 3.50 1933 1964. ... 3.47 1934 1965 3.40 1935 1966 3.24 1936 1967 3.13 1937 1968 ... 3.05 1938 1969. . 3.03 1939 1970 3.09 1940 1971 3.17 1941 1972 3.11 1942 1973 3.05 1943 1974 3.09 1944 1975 3.14 1945 1976 3.16 1946.. .. 1977 :. 3.17 1947 1978 3.17 1948 1979 3.20 1949 1980 3.33 1950 1981 3.44 1951 1982 3.54 1952 1983 3.61 1953 1984 3.60 1954 1985 3.53 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 279 Table A19. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal equipment and structures 102,446 103,264 103,986 104,562 105,600 107,359 110,134 113.786 119,340 127,085 136,661 144,837 152,254 160,670 170,584 183,745 255,115 470.647 798,243 1,101,584 1,258,656 1,095,589 948,488 795, 197 688,701 614,823 628,095 659, 690,579 71)3,492 723,312 72,185 70,445 68,743 67,207 66,203 66,003 66,885 69,004 72,650 78,068 85,122 90,449 94.642 99,572 105,862 115,310 174,928 357,471 588.228 753,538 803,493 637,301 513,861 429,710 383,108 359,383 361,411 392,864 420,924 437,340 443,407 2,814 2,831 2,835 2,818 2,798 2,799 2,827 2.871 2.954 3,151 3,453 3,756 4,022 4,313 4,712 5,520 13,238 44,686 107,957 166.325 198,886 183,023 134,464 96,837 64,736 43,472 36.325 37.609 38.711 38,685 39,(138 204 275 410 707 841 933 1,339 1,047 822 933 906 798 827 1,088 1,807 1,486 11,695 11,119 28,296 91,768 79,898 58,125 65,977 24,630 93,626 25.080 38.154 35.196 42,187 25,285 12 18 12.99 13.79 14.58 15.28 15 SO 16.27 16.46 16.43 16.18 15.79 15.66 15.69 1566 15.51 15.09 11.58 6.48 4.39 3.90 4.09 5.17 6.33 7.65 9.07 10.29 10.71 10 68 10.74 10 85 11.07 10 H) 10 92 11.70 12.44 13.06 13.49 13.67 1360 13 26 12.70 12.01 11.69 11.56 11.37 11.07 10.55 7.38 4.12 3.06 2.93 3.22 4.45 5.75 7.03 8.05 8.82 9 1)5 8.61 8.36 8.42 8.68 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197s 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 729,678 737,599 744.261 758.566 773,412 784,326 799,6,98 817.487 839,911 858,120 875.236 888,027 894,879 899,978 901,429 905,724 906,781 904,043 899.1)75 907,529 916,870 924,110 937,052 951,200 969,678 987,685 1,015,166 1,043,250 1.071,166 1.110.433 445.632 446.933 439,346 441,145 446,101 455,468 463.395 473,007 480,915 486,766 493,579 494,782 494.435 491,711 487,736 483,648 483,921) 481,654 477,203 477,773 480,175 183,401 493.972 504,283 514.264 524.699 545,270 562,81)1 583,251 611,574 38.681 37.292 36,027 35.154 34,681 34,303 33.973 33,932 34,264 34,879 35,533 36,156 36.548 36.718 36,775 36,784 36,727 36,467 36.073 35,862 36,018 36,238 36,502 37,060 37,885 38,837 40.248 42,130 44,138 46.651 34.5411 24.672 27,778 22,647 24.791 32,756 26,529 25,755 19,749 22,520 25.231 24.568 29.349 28,895 31,349 28,401 35,942 36.939 36.589 27,978 29,080 32,224 34,132 33.223 29,388 31,264 33,338 31,578 36,671 34.942 11 38 11.88 12.29 12 69 12.99 13.21 13.48 13.69 13.94 14.17 14.36 14.60 14.84 15.11 15.38 15.70 15 93 16.13 16 33 10 56, 16.79 16 94 16.97 16.95 16.99 17.01 1682 16.66 1644 1609 9.01 9.44 9.79 10.04 10.20 10.26 10.36 10.42 10.51 10.63 10.71 10.90 11.11 11.35 11.60 11.84 11.96 12.14 12.38 12.47 12.50 12.51 12.33 12.19 12.07 11.94 11.62 11.40 11.15 10.79 Federal equipment 1925 27,882 28,009 28,044 27,850 27,756 27,834 28,089 27,789 28,110 30,508 33,300 35,455 37,704 10,834 44,845 47,877 86,319 227,208 517,781 80 1,088 950,421 792,849 650,323 499,930 392,659 316,009 318,762 334,074 350,595 351,175 366,004 17,151 16,042 14,977 13,997 13,191 12,643 12,357 11,940 11,839 13,468 15,392 16,447 17,314 18,892 21,204 22,600 53.086 168,585 372,809 532,362 582,235 423,800 306,273 225.833 180,798 157,214 154,249 176,528 196,031 206,721 209,740 1,295 1,300 1.292 1,262 1,224 1,200 1,187 1,168 1,163 1,259 1,448 1,631 1,790 1,979 2,265 2,768 8,836 36,484 96.736 154,199 186,400 171,280 124,230 87,835 56,548 35,699 28,613 29,614 30,320 29,947 30,226 2 64 192 475 513 574 647 1,051 740 490 581 531 408 427 566 1,132 881 11,093 10,387 27,446 89,940 70,418 49,229 57,788 18,783 88,766 22,895 36.581 33,302 40,060 18,413 8.97 9.91 10.85 11.78 12.64 13.39 13.99 14.49 14.77 14.15 13.46 13.21 13.10 12.78 12.26 11.95 7.23 2.38 1.46 1.61 1.98 2.74 3.52 4.31 5.36 6.22 6.65 6.46 6.48 6.30 6.49 8.24 9.14 9.99 10.76 11.37 11 71 11.74 11.84 11.59 9.89 8.46 7.77 7.22 6.46 5.63 5.17 2.42 1.21 1.05 1.21 1.53 2.38 3.30 4.24 5.04 5.67 5.74 5.04 4.69 4.70 4.91 1956 364,936 364,932 362,642 368,200 374,572 377,907 384.641 394,749 408,763 418,904 428,276 434,635 437,544 440,252 439,580 440,357 437,593 431,384 423,973 428,450 433,589 437,608 445,961 456,421 470,004 483,191 508,202 532,676 558,425 59., .294 209,441 203.687 199,670 198,387 199,882 204,965 208,876 214,435 218,933 221,411 225,474 225,974 225,583 224,129 221,906 218,456 219.608 217,203 213,210 213,476 215,922 217,826 226,868 236,519 245,648 255,576 276,.: 19 293,403 314,058 341,698 29,926 28,436 27,001 25,981 25,399 24,950 24,561 24,452 24.690 25,189 25,752 26,295 26,631 26,786 26,854 26,843 26.766 26,521 26,143 25.978 26,159 26.392 26.663 27,189 27,960 28,841 30,209 32,056 34 028 36,530 30,696 22685 25,274 19,139 20,522 26,698 21,737 19,903 15,174 17,526 20,442 20,436 23.330 22,625 25,303 22,616 30.082 30,326 29,560 21,768 23,465 24,278 27,352 26,381 23,506 25,583 25,971 24,636 28,934 27,281 6.58 7.04 7.36 7.82 8.11 8.24 8.46 8.69 9.01 9.23 9.33 9.39 9.50 9.63 9.70 9.90 9.83 9.75 9.67 9.78 9.87 9.90 9.78 9.57 9.52 9.39 9.06 8.83 8.51 8.16 5.17 1926.. .. 1957 1927 1958 5.86 1928 1959 6.06 1929 1960 6.15 1930 1961 6.14 1931 1962 6.18 1932 1963 6.18 1933 1964 6.19 1934 1965 6.24 1935 1966 6.24 1936 1967 6.31 1937 1968 6.39 1938 1969 6.48 1939. .. 1970 6 57 1940 1971 6.68 1941 1972 6.64 1942 1973 6.72 1943 1974 6.86 1944 1975 6.86 1945 1976 6.77 1946 1977 6.70 1947 . .. 1978 6.45 1948 .. 1979 6.24 1949 1980 6.08 1950 1981 5.95 1951 1982 5.63 1952 ... 1983 5.47 1953 1984 5.31 1954 1985 5.11 280 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A19.— Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation- Continued Year Millions of 1982 dollars End of year Annual totals Deprecia- tion Years End of year Average age Net Year Millions of 1982 dollars End of year Annual totals Deprecia- tion Years End of year Average age Federal equipment excluding military 1925 1926 1927 192V 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 19511 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 5,216 5,235 5,149 1803 4,513 4,279 4,074 3.635 3,825 6,082 8,906 11,156 13,359 15,833 18,325 19,841 27,254 56,27V 1(14,2113 133,164 144,049 100,499 «o,:ii)5 63,279 59,854 58,660 56,439 55,053 53,069 53.276 55.V97 2.746 2.406 2.102 1.855 1.745 1,787 1,959 2,046 2.422 4.472 6,917 8,646 10,105 11,675 13,122 13,767 18,662 41,048 74,813 83.410 7(1,359 46.498 35,4.31 2!), 686 26,430 24.442 24.476 28.482 32,431 34,616 36 <6> 424 423 411 376 332 298 270 238 224 310 491 671 825 987 1.201 1,601 2,988 8,371 18,735 28.536 35,046 27,161 13,220 7,94V 5,558 5.017 4,6,(10 4,101 3,586 3,216 3,12V 2 64 192 175 513 574 647 764 410 104 141 120 81 84 155 730 469 1,734 4,575 8,172 11,110 46,85(1 22,347 19,251) 5.727 4,222 6,855 9,494 9,518 5,194 2.75V 5.66 6.53 7.37 8.09 8.54 8.61 8 23 7.63 6.78 4.84 3.91 3.86 4.06 4.27 4.49 4.49 4.05 2.62 2.10 2.42 3.01 1 2(1 5.21 6.14 6.81 7.30 7.47 6.97 6.40 6.22 6.25 5.26 5.97 6.51 6.82 6.64 6.00 5.25 5.09 4.61 2.94 2.46 2.63 2.89 3.12 3.37 3.79 3.30 1.99 1.61 1.94 2.53 3.60 4.44 5.05 5.45 5.55 5.19 4.35 4.03 4.18 4.38 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 56,940 57,997 59,148 60.606 63,851 66,610 67,932 70.811 74.898 78,242 81,381 83,465 83.920 84,688 83,381 83,020 83,8.85 83.639 82,861 82,364 81,185 80,325 82,649 78,394 77,510 77,945 77,302 77.763 77.548 78,411 37,306 36.580 35.716 35.247 36,340 37,146 36,417 36,882 38,473 40,767 43,327 44,814 45,229 45,113 44,380 43,556 42,463 40,832 38,995 37,106 35,801 36,053 37,759 37,719 37.972 38,143 38,248 39,151 39,704 12,29(1 3,141 3,157 3,206 3.262 3,369 3,502 3,584 3,683 3,879 4,103 4,304 4,481 4,589 4,660 4,684 4,651 4,670 4,687 4,662 4,604 4,478 4,299 4,229 4,156 4,033 4,019 3,990 3,957 3,940 3,930 2,536 6.52 1,374 7.01 1,190 7.52 1.336 7.98 1,217 8.26 1,549 8.54 1,533 9.03 1,270 9.36 1,383 9.54 3,053 9.45 3,724 922 3,885 9.11 4,548 9.09 3,776 9.17 5,258 9.02 4,188 9.18 2,712 9.53 3,302 9.87 3,602 10.23 3,212 10.64 4,352 10.98 5,411 10.93 3,611 10.83 8,370 10.25 5,170 10.06 3,754 10.07 4,739 10.05 4,397 9.96 4,709 9.85 5,634 9.37 Federal military equipment 1925 22,666 22,774 22.894 23,047 23,243 23,555 24,015 24,153 24,285 24,427 24,394 24,299 24.345 25,002 26,520 28,036 59,064 170,930 413.578 670.924 806,372 692,350 570.017 436,651 332,806 257.349 262,322 279,021 297,526 297 <99 310,106 14,405 13.635 12,875 12.142 11,446 10,856 1(1.399 9,894 9,417 8,996 8,446 7,801 '. 20! i 7.217 8.082 8,833 34,424 127,537 297,996 448,952 511,875 377,302 270,842 196,147 154,368 132,772 129,773 148,046 163,600 172,108 172,872 871 877 881 886 892 902 917 930 939 949 957 960 966 992 1.064 1,167 5,848 28,112 78,002 125,664 151,354 144,119 111,010 79,886 50,990 30,683 24,013 25,513 26,734 26,731 27,098 287 330 386 440 410 327 344 411 402 412 9,359 5,812 19,274 78,830 23,567 20.882 38,558 13,057 84,544 16,040 27,087 23,783 34.865 15,655 9.74 10.69 11.63 12.55 13.44 14.25 14.97 15 53 16.03 16,46 16.94 17.51 18.07 18.17 17 63 17.22 8.70 2.30 1.30 1.45 1.80 2.52 3.28 4.04 5.10 5.98 6.47 6.36 6.49 6.31 6.53 8.81 9.70 10.55 11.36 12.09 12.64 12.96 13.24 13.39 13.35 13.40 13.47 13.28 11.85 9,29 7.33 1.94 .96 .91 1.08 1.39 2.23 3.15 4.12 4.97 5.69 5.84 5.17 4.83 4.81 5.02 1956 307,995 306,934 303,493 307.595 310,721 311,296 316,709 323,938 333,865 340,662 346,895 351,170 353,624 3,55.5(1 1 356,199 357,337 353,708 347,745 341,112 346.0X6 352,404 357,283 363,312 378,027 392,494 405,245 430,900 454,912 480,877 516,883 172,135 167,107 163,954 163,140 163,543 167,819 172.459 177.553 180,460 180,644 182,147 181,160 180,354 179,016 177,526 174,900 177,144 176,371 174,215 176,370 180,121 181,773 189,109 198,800 207,676 217,434 238,101 254,253 274.355 299.408 26,785 25,279 23,795 22,718 22,029 21,448 20,976 20,768 20,811 21,085 21,448 21,814 22.041 22.126 22,171 22,191 22,096 21,834 21,482 21,374 21,681 22,093 22,434 23,033 23,928 24,823 26,220 28,099 30.088 32.599 28,160 21,311 24.084 17.803 19,305 25,149 20,204 18,633 13,791 14,473 16,718 16,551 18,782 18,848 20,045 18,428 27,970 27,024 25,958 18,556 19,113 18,866 23,740 18,010 18,335 21,829 21,233 20,238 24,225 21,647 6.59 7.04 7.33 7.78 8.09 8.17 8.34 8.54 8.89 9.18 9.35 9.46 9.60 9.74 9.86 10.07 9.90 9.72 9.53 9.58 9.62 9.66 9.55 9.43 9.42 9.26 8.88 8.64 8.30 7.97 5.25 1926 1957 5.60 1927 1958 5.86 1928 1959 6.02 1929 1960 6.11 1930 1961 6.08 1931 1962 6.07 1932 1963 6.06 1933 1964 6.12 1934 1965 6.25 1935 1966 6.30 1936 1967 6.42 1937 1968 6.50 193V 1969 6.57 1939 1970 6.63 1940 1971 6.70 1941 1972 6.60 1942 1973 6.64 1943 1974 6.76 1944 1975 6.72 1945 1976 .v. 6.62 1946 1977 6.60 1947 1978 6.40 1948 1979 6.18 1944 1980 6.01 1950 1981 5.87 1951 1982 5.52 1952 1983 5.36 1 453 1984 5.19 1954 .... 1985 5.01 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 281 Table A19. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal structures 74,564 55,034 1,519 75,255 54.404 1,531 75,942 53,766 1,544 76,711 53,211 1,557 77,844 53,012 1,574 79,525 53,360 1,600 vj.ll.lli 54,527 1,639 85,997 57,064 1,703 91,230 60,812 1,792 96,577 64,600 1,892 103.361 69,730 2.1105 109,383 74,002 2,125 114,550 77,329 2,232 119,835 80,680 2,334 125,738 84,658 2,447 135,868 92,710 2,752 168,796 121,842 4,401 243,440 188,886 8,202 280,462 215.419 11,221 297.496 221,176 12,126 308,236 221,258 12,486 302,741 213,501 11,743 298,165 207,588 10,234 295,267 203,877 9,002 296,042 202,309 8,188 298,814 202,169 7,772 309,333 207,162 7,712 324.930 216,336 7,995 339,984 224.893 8,392 352,317 230.616 8,738 357,308 233,667 8,812 202 210 218 232 242 267 286 288 307 333 352 375 391 399 522 675 605 602 731 85(1 1,828 9,481 8,896 8,189 5,846 4,861 2,185 1,573 1,895 2,128 6,871 13.38 14.13 14.88 15.59 16.22 16.72 17.05 17.09 16.94 16.82 16.54 16.45 16.54 16.64 16.67 16.20 1380 10.31 9.78 10.09 10.59 11.54 12.46 13.30 13.99 14.59 14.90 15.00 15.13 15.38 15.76 10.68 11.44 12 18 12.89 13.48 13.91 14.11 13.97 13.59 13.28 12.80 12.56 1253 1252 12.43 11.86 9.54 6.71 6.55 7.05 7.67 8.56 9.38 10.11 10.74 11.27 11.51 11.51 11.56 11.75 1206 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 197!' 198(1 1981 1982 1983 1984 198 , 364,142 372.667 381,619 390.366 398,840 406,420 415,057 422,738 431,148 439,217 446.960 453.392 457.335 459,726 461.849 165.366 169,188 172.659 175 102 479.079 483,281 486,502 491,091 494,780 499,673 504,494 506,964 510,574 512,742 515. 140 235.591 237,246 239,676 242,758 246,219 250,503 254.520 258.572 261.983 265.355 268,105 268.808 268,852 267,582 265,830 265,192 264,312 264,451 263.993 264 JOT 264,254 265,574 267,105 267,764 268,616 269,122 268,921 269,398 269,193 269,875 8,754 8.X56 9,026 9,174 9,283 9,353 9,413 9,481 9,575 9,691 9,781 9,861 9,917 9,932 9.920 9,941 9,961 9,945 9.929 9.884 9,859 9,846 9,839 9.871 9.925 9,996 10,039 10.074 10.110 10,121 3,844 1.987 2.504 3,508 4,269 6,058 4,793 '..852 4,575 4,994 4,132 6,018 6,270 6,046 5,786 5,260 6,613 7,028 6,210 5,615 7,946 6.780 6 842 5.883 5,681 7.367 6.942 7,737 7,661 16 20 16 62 16 97 17.28 17.57 17.84 18.13 18.36 18.62 18.88 19.19 19.59 19.95 20.36 20.79 Jl 19 21.62 21.94 22 27 22.62 22.99 23 27 23.51 23.75 24,02 24.31 24 60 24 83 25 07 25.25 12 42 12.78 13 06 13.30 13.49 13.64 13,79 13.94 14.12 14.28 14.48 14.76 15.06 15.43 15.80 16.09 16 38 16 59 1683 17.00 17.18 17.27 17.33 17.45 17.54 17.64 17.77 17.85 17.96 17.97 Federal industrial buildings 1925 1) ii 31 191 219 272 295 432 693 2,515 15,848 47,970 64,091 74,173 79,335 71,457 63.876 57,638 53,782 51,257 54,171 60,529 67,230 72,899 70,679 o (1 o 31 186 208 253 266 391 633 2,272 14,068 41,523 50,647 53,118 51,299 45,015 39.999 36,674 34,168 32,403 33,808 37,867 42,025 45,065 44,876 1 4 7 8 9 12 19 183 1,538 1 666 6,997 7,611 7,859 7,053 5,503 4,220 3,333 2,822 2,636 2,758 2,983 3,183 3,120 (I 878 8,647 8,068 7,133 4,683 3,582 1,127 460 441 554 5,151 .50 66 1.51 2.12 2.92 2.84 2.58 1.35 .79 .93 1.57 2.29 3.05 3.83 4.63 5.44 6.26 7.03 7.46 7.55 7.68 7.96 8 29 (1 .50 .66 1.50 2.09 2.87 2.71 2.40 1.28 .76 .85 1.41 2.00 2.61 3.43 4.29 5.10 5.92 6.67 6,79 6.44 6.19 6.15 6.58 1956 69.996 71,188 72,243 72,262 71,807 69,356 67,552 65,355 64,701 63,686 62,329 62,081 60,761 59,292 57,589 55,876 54,871 53,585 52,364 51,191 50,187 48,074 47,380 47,199 47,328 47.329 47.123 47,648 47,483 47,172 43,656 42,493 41,118 39,625 38,343 37,429 36,004 34,542 32,995 31,476 29,927 28,541 27,474 26,378 25,165 24,141 22,744 21,874 21.088 20,350 19.767 19.469 19.270 19,207 19,381 19,641 19,795 20.391 20,172 20,926 2,916 2,871 2,892 2,877 2,812 2,695 2,556 2,433 2,357 2,316 2,250 2,202 2,171 2,122 2,058 2,011 1,960 1,880 1.814 1.712 1,613 1,528 1,451 1,424 1,418 1.417 1,412 1,416 1,422 1,415 2,379 516 462 1,365 1,985 4,232 2.933 3,169 1,462 1,813 2,059 1,064 2,423 2,495 2,547 2,701 1,567 2,297 2,249 2.147 2,034 3,343 1,946 1,543 1,463 1,676 1,772 1,490 1,365 2,480 8,91 9.66 10.42 11.13 11.74 12.11 12.65 13.13 13.80 14.44 15.08 15.80 16.21 16.61 1701 17.33 18.09 18.45 18.76 19.38 19.78 19.97 20.14 JO 25 20.25 20.14 20.03 19.80 19.93 19.33 7.18 1926 1957 7 74 1927 1958. .. 8 29 1928 1959 8.82 1929 1960 9.26 1930 1961 . . 9.63 1931 1962 10.15 1932 1963 10.69 1933 1964 11.27 1934 1965.. .. 11 82 1935 1966 12 38 1936 1967.. . 12 85 1937 1968 13.15 1938 1969 13.47 1939 1970 13.84 1940 1971 14.12 1941 1972 14.61 1942 1973 14.75 1943 1974 14.83 1944 1975 14.86 1945 1976 ,. 14 76 1946 1977.... 14 47 1947 1978.. . 14 16 1948 1979 13.74 1949 1980 13.17 1950 1981 12 58 1951 ... 1982 12.08 1952 1983 11.38 1953 1984 11 15 1954 1985 10 45 1955 282 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A19.— Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation- Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal educational buildings KI2r, 1926 1927 192x 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 193G 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1940 1947 194X 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 5 10 22 47 67 78 90 101 112 124 135 147 158 168 179 201 228 251 481 492 492 492 498 557 5X5 t'i ] 2 r,:in 93 102 111 120 128 136 143 150 168 190 208 430 431 420 410 405 452 468 483 .50 .97 1.18 1.28 1.76 2.42 3.05 3.65 4.24 4.80 5.35 5.89 6.44 7.00 7.55 7.69 7.72 7.94 4.92 5.79 6.79 7.79 8.68 8.72 9.27 9.82 10.51 .50 .97 1.16 1.26 1.73 2.38 3.00 3.57 4.13 4.65 5.16 5.65 6.15 6.65 7.14 7.15 7.07 7.20 4.13 4.99 5.97 6.95 7.81 7.73 8.21 8.69 9.32 195(1 1957 195X 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 19X4 19X5 652 672 700 726 776 847 921 989 1,052 1,088 1,121 1,174 1,205 1,226 1,258 1,298 1,351 1,474 1,565 1,587 1,591 1,594 1,619 1,658 1,699 1,724 1,728 1,736 1,723 1,722 497 503 516 529 563 617 674 723 766 780 791 822 831 831 840 986 1,053 1,047 1,023 1,005 1,002 1,021 1,034 1,032 1,018 999 973 946 11.13 1 11.76 1 12.26 1 12.76 1 12.89 1 12.74 1 12.63 1 12.69 2 12.85 2 13.37 2 13.91 3 14.19 3 14.74 6 15.35 3 15.86 3 16.26 7 16.46 4 15.94 9 15.80 5 16.45 5 17.28 12 17.99 6 18.55 15 18.79 7 19.16 8 19.69 19 20.24 10 20.93 22 21.58 11 22.36 Federal hospital buildings 1925 5 15 39 83 116 133 150 173 195 218 236 259 281 302 324 351 404 452 570 943 1,576 2,101 2,525 2,892 3,099 3,206 3,273 5 15 38 81 112 126 140 160 178 196 209 226 243 258 273 292 338 376 484 840 1,446 1,932 2,306 2.615 2,757 2,797 2,795 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 11 16 27 40 50 58 64 68 70 1 1 .50 .81 1.01 1.22 1.73 2.44 3.11 3.63 4.16 4.67 5.29 5.78 6.28 6.80 7.32 7.71 7.63 7.77 7.05 5.07 3.83 3.75 4.03 4.46 5.13 5.93 6.80 .50 .80 1.00 1.20 1.70 2.40 3.05 3.55 4.04 4.52 5.10 5.54 5.99 6.45 6.90 7.21 6.99 7.04 6.20 4.25 3.18 3.18 3.50 3.93 4.59 5.38 6.23 1956 3,375 3,490 3,578 3,722 3,861 4,001 4,143 4,378 4,648 4,970 5,311 5,481 5,643 5,865 6,161 6,493 6,683 6,833 6,999 7,265 7,565 7,927 8,318 8,662 9,045 9,487 9,849 10,177 10,542 10,919 2,826 2,869 2,881 2,948 3,007 3,064 3,121 3,266 3,443 3,664 3,899 3,957 4,005 4,110 4,287 4,497 4,561 4,584 4,624 4,761 4,930 5,155 5,404 5,606 5,842 6,136 6,341 6,509 6,718 6,937 71 74 76 78 81 84 87 91 97 103 110 116 119 123 129 135 141 144 147 152 157 164 172 180 187 195 204 211 218 225 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 2 3 3 3 5 5 6 10 13 15 17 21 23 25 27 30 38 41 46 47 51 62 67 7.57 8.30 9.08 9.70 10.32 10.93 11.53 11.86 12.13 12.29 12.45 13.02 13.61 14.04 14.30 14.48 14.99 15.58 16.11 16.41 16.63 16.74 16.82 16.99 17.10 17.11 17.30 17.55 17.72 17.87 6.97 1926 1957 7.66 1927 1958 8.40 1928 1959 8.94 1929 1960 9.49 1930 1961 10.01 1931 1962 10.51 1932 1963 10.69 1933 1964 10.78 1934 1965 10.76 1935 1966 10.73 1936 1967 11.20 1937 1968 11.66 1938 1969 11.94 1939 1970 12.00 1940 1971 11.99 1941 1972 12.36 1942 1973 12.82 1943 1974 13.21 1944 1975 13.30 1945 1976 ■>.-. 13.30 1946 1977 13.18 1947 1978 13.02 1948 1979 13.00 1949 1980 12.92 1950 1981 12.75 1951 1982 12.78 1952 1983 12.88 1953 1984 12.91 1954 1985 12.92 1955. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 283 fable A19. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal other buildings 1 8,707 8,795 8,855 8,82] 8,968 9,303 9,941 11,85] 12,85(1 13,426 14,033 14,783 15,502 18,129 18, 57!) 17,132 17,711) 18,070 18,180 18,223 18,200 18,253 18,007 17,988 18,345 18,781 18,877 18,875 19,01] 10,178 10,184 5,021 5,013 4,075 4,847 4,002 5,148 5 888 7,278 8,327 8,730 9,174 0,740 10,255 10,884 10,885 11.107 11,518 1 1 ,502 11,300 11.100 11,053 10,810 10,421 10,078 10,198 10,364 10,222 9,994 0,868 0,780 9 526 185 186 188 1X0 100 105 205 231 263 284 29 1 314 335 353 370 388 110 138 46(1 462 440 434 424 410 42.'. 442 ill 454 456 464 170 81, 90 '); 1 08 105 109 111 ; : i no 125 130 1 32 134 141 I 17 151 1 71 156 210 238 192 184 188 193 195 220 105 209 209 21 13 21 47 21 87 22 48 22 63 22 20 21 35 IX 72 17 53 17 37 17 10 16 00 16 72 16 68 16 83 16 89 16 03 17 20 17 70 18.24 1X73 10 33 20 05 20 72 20X4 20 90 21 29 21 70 22 14 22 44 22 02 15 73 16 01 16.36 17 oo 16 08 16 35 15 01 12 03 10 02 10 85 10 70 10 63 10 57 10 64 1001 11 07 1 1 22 11 60 12 22 12 83 13 36 14 00 14.81 15 56 15 58 15 53 1 5 92 1641 16 72 16 02 17 30 1956 1957 1958 1050 I960 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1 068 1060 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1070 10X0 10X1 1982 1983 1984 10X5 10 205 10,154 19,41] 10,03(1 20.561 21.196 22.27X 23 871 26,111 28.377 20,071 30.569 30,861) 30.823 30,750 30.708 30.586 30,56;, 30.425 30.606 30.525 31.401 31.005 32,392 32.847 33,344 33.500 33,865 34.417 35.13,1 0,371 0.162 0.250 507 10.041 10.466 11.333 12,736 14.700 16.065 18.586 10.301 19.596 19,436 10.180 19.026 18,065 10,102 10,075 19.151 18.031 19.748 19,982 20.138 20.215 211.3,3 1 20.100 20.208 20.414 20,771 47.3 476 i> : io: 526 5-0, 573 612 701 701 607 602 686 678 668 657 649 642 643 652 68 1 680 608 711 207 310 312 319 320 316 351 363 426 :,7; 518 73.0 8 27 760 545 503 194 ;7: 327 320 364 343 352 356 23 38 23 37 2.3 24 22 83 22 47 21 67 20 54 10 10 17 81 17 0.3 16 70 16 83 17 13 17 51 17 8| IX 03 IX II) 18 28 [8 54 10 04 1 8 8 I 10 03 10 25 10 51 10 80 20 17 20 16 20 63 20 72 1771 16 99 16 18 15 48 14 28 12 81 11 20 1(1 03 9 50 10 32 10 86 1 1 35 11 77 12 08 1230 1 2 85 13 40 13 23 13 48 13 77 14 08 14 38 1 1 83 15 17 15 33 15.38 Federal highways and streets 3 33 376 42,0 514 501 7,'o 008 1,144 1 .534 1,000 2.507 2.880 3,214 3,512 3,802 4.058 4,254 4.351 1.387 4.426 4,400 4.604 4.767 4,033 5.760 6,014 307 354 410 176 ,11 661 834 1,052 1,417 1 ,832 2,310 2.652 2,024 3.162 3,386 3,573 3,604 3.715 3.673 3.633 3.618 3.652 3,731 3,811 3.073 4 1)00 4,166 4.260 4.410 4,580 4,773 III] 105 I 10 115 2.90 3 3.3 3 78 i :., 4 55 I 64 I 58 4 53 I 25 I 15 6 13 6 71 ,' 38 8 20 9 13 10 115 10 00 11 61 12 20 12 77 1.3 12 1 3 56 14 14 1 I 64 2 82 3 24 3 66 4 01 4.37 4 43 4 32 4 25 3 84 3 80 4 26 4 73 5 74 6 20 6 03 7 72 8 63 53 10 34 111 00 11 48 11 04 12 14 12 45 12 01 13 28 13 46 13 58 13 64 1036 1057 105X 1030 1061) 1061 1062 1063 1064 1063 1066 1067 106X 1969 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1070 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 6.803 7,262 7,680 8,044 8.377 0,008 703 10.375 10 000 11.388 12,413 13.101 1.3.380 14,475 15,110 15,781 16,442 16,078 17.353 17.763 18,234 18,774 10.253 10,744 20.081 20 702 21.260 31.636 22,036 22,430 4,054 5.301 5,501 5,723 6,120 6.407 6 048 7.461 7,015 8,333 3 06.3 0.542 10,031 10,400 10,811 li 2 18 11.670 11,061 12 086 13,317 13,16.3 13.7! , 12,003 13.100 13.262 13,615 1.3,003 14,005 14.130 14.251 130 126 133 : in 148 157 167 178 180 311" 313 336 33,0 3 7" 360 283, 201 301 311- 313 33 1 3 IH 34 I 148 356 366 374 381 3> , 111] 106 115 15 8,-, 16 00 16 1)6 1630 16 33 16 13 1600 I 16 11 1 7 03 16 21 16 II loo: 16 83 17 17 1 7 67 18 13 18 40 18 70 10 13 10 10 10 07 3" 16 20 41 30 83, 21 21 21 50 1371 13 68 13 53 13 70 13 2X 13 00 12-3 12 30 12 1(1 I I 06 II 08 12 13 13 13 24 13 62 13 03 14 14 14 42 14.68 15 00 15 18 15 3,3 15 68 1 Consists "I general office building, p., In rages, passenger terminals, etc i", I fire stations, courthouses, auditoriums, g.i- 284 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A19.— Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation- Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1932 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal conservation and development structures 1925 18,173 18,658 19,147 19,710 20,390 21,297 22,502 23,988 27,135 30,760 35,998 40,535 44.260 47,816 51,472 55,115 58,589 61,062 62,906 63,838 64,506 65,715 67,535 70,186 73,501 77,415 80,934 84,203 87,284 89,878 92,074 12,172 12.393 12.619 12.916 13,320 13,946 14.861 16,034 18.837 22,070 26,838 30,831 33,951 36,837 39,770 42,636 45.271 46,861 47.796 47,795 47,528 47,799 48,656 50,317 52,612 55,445 57,827 59,919 61,772 63,099 64,004 314 323 331 340 351 365 383 406 447 507 585 671 744 809 875 942 1,007 1,062 1,100 1,125 1.140 1,157 1,184 1,224 1.277 1,343 1,408 1,467 1,521 1,569 1.611 59 60 68 74 75 84 93 93 104 114 115 127 138 139 151 165 167 179 192 193 204 219 222 234 257 261 273 289 293 304 320 19.18 19.53 19.87 20.12 20.27 20.21 19.91 19.47 17.98 16.63 14.99 14.11 13.73 13.54 13.40 13.34 13.38 13.67 14.11 14.75 15.43 15.97 16.36 16.55 16.61 16.58 16.67 16.82 17.04 17.36 17.76 14.95 15.18 15.39 15.51 15.51 15.27 14.80 14.19 12.57 11.28 9.85 9.21 9.02 8.99 9.00 9.08 9.24 9.61 10.11 10.78 11.50 12.07 12.47 12.65 12.69 12.63 12.70 12.85 13.04 13.34 13.72 1956 94,334 96,925 99.830 103.049 106,411 110,414 114,686 119,005 123,410 128,066 133,069 137,309 140.911 143,741 146,807 150,212 153,630 157,202 160,848 164,409 168,011 171,608 175,953 179,957 183,825 187,389 190,355 193,073 195,640 197,771 64,966 66,222 67,765 69,582 71,512 74,048 76,820 79,595 82,398 85,408 88,712 91,196 93,003 94,014 95,254 96,873 98,417 100,083 101,779 103,429 105,093 106,810 109,287 111,251 113,087 114,586 115,481 116,167 116,683 116,783 1,649 1,690 1,737 1,789 1,845 1,908 1,978 2,051 2,124 2,201 2,283 2,361 2,426 2,478 2,526 2,577 2,632 2,689 2,747 2,806 2,863 2,920 2,982 3,049 3,112 3,171 3,224 3,269 3,310 3,347 350 355 374 386 414 440 479 506 523 555 584 605 631 660 700 791 758 782 797 896 926 1,040 1,114 1,009 1,080 1,106 1,153 1,236 1,260 1,316 18.14 18.45 18.71 18.92 19.11 19.20 19.27 19.35 19.43 19.50 19.54 19.71 19.98 20.35 20.69 20.97 21.25 21.52 21.77 22.03 22.28 22.52 22.66 22.86 23.08 23.34 23.66 24.00 24.35 24.75 14 07 1926 1957 14.34 1927 1958 14.54 1928 1959 14.67 1929 1960 14.79 1930 1961 14.78 1931 1962 14.75 1932 1963 .... 14.73 1933 1964 14.73 1934 1965 14.70 1935. .. 1966 14.64 1936 1967 14.73 1937 1968 14.93 1938 1969 15.25 1939 1970 15.51 1940 1971 15.70 1941 1972 15.90 1942 1973 16.06 1943 1974 16.22 1944 1975 16.37 1945 1976 16.51 1946 1977 16.64 1947 1978 16.65 1948 1979 16.74 1949 1980 16.84 1950 1981 16.99 1951 1982 17.22 1952 1983 17.46 1953 1984 17.71 1954 1985 18.01 1955 Federal other structures- 1925 459 477 504 592 702 781 865 926 963 1,013 1,074 1,136 1,212 1,319 1,450 1.704 2,021 2,354 3,270 3,397 3,492 3,706 3,882 4,022 4,149 4,280 4,402 4,517 4,613 4,721 4,827 389 397 413 490 585 649 714 757 772 SOI 839 877 928 1,008 1,109 1,330 1,607 1,892 2,747 2,802 2,823 2,958 3,053 3,109 3,148 3,190 3,222 3,244 3,246 3,259 3,267 10 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 27 30 34 41 48 61 73 76 79 83 86 89 91 94 96 98 100 102 II II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 6 6.89 7.62 8.18 7.88 7.58 7.75 7.96 8.39 9.06 9.58 10.01 10.44 10.75 10.83 10.81 10.11 9.44 9.03 7.36 8.06 s «■! 9.28 9.82 10.45 11 11 1174 12.38 13.03 13.72 14.37 15.01 6.71 7.39 7.87 7.37 6.90 6.98 7.10 7.46 8.07 8.50 8.83 9.14 9.33 9.25 9.07 8.21 7.47 7.04 5.51 6.20 6.92 7.35 7.84 8.41 9.00 9.55 10.10 10.64 11.23 11.75 12.26 1956 4,942 4,988 5,047 5,183 5,498 5,743 6,062 6,298 6,441 6,565 6,668 6,712 6,740 6,786 6,864 6.990 7,338 7,790 8,119 8,422 8,750 9,076 9,401 9,622 9,798 9,916 10,048 10,137 10,269 9,304 3,284 3,231 3,210 3,271 3,510 3,686 3,932 4,080 4,126 4,161 4,167 4,114 4,056 4,002 3,993 4,028 4,272 4,645 4,880 5,108 5,362 5,585 5,802 5,884 5,954 5,933 5,930 5,924 5,920 5,631 105 106 107 109 114 120 126 131 135 138 140 141 142 142 143 145 150 158 166 172 178 185 191 197 201 204 206 209 211 191 6 7 27 35 37 50 53 44 38 49 42 44 56 42 57 55 46 79 72 97 106 81 85 57 95 64 72 114 74 123 15.61 16.41 17.00 17.27 16.97 16.87 16.59 16.67 17.06 17.46 17.93 18.54 19.15 19.77 20.23 20.54 20.29 19.73 19.59 19.45 19.26 19.22 19.18 19.48 19.72 20.20 20.62 20.96 21.37 20.01 12.70 1926 1957 13.39 1927 1958 13.92 1928 1959 14.08 1929 1960 13.53 1930 1961 13.32 1931 1962 12.92 1932 1963 12.90 1933 1964 13.20 1934 1965 13.52 1935 1966 13.91 1936 1967 14.48 1937 1968 15.04 1938 1969 15.57 1939 1970 15.89 1940 1971 16.03 1941 1972 15.38 1942 1973 14.44 1943 1974 14.06 1944 1975 13.77 1945 1976 13.47 1946 1977 13.30 1947 1978 13.17 1948 1979 13.36 1949 1980 13.56 195(1 1981 13.95 1951 1953 1982 14.27 1983 14.58 1984 14.87 1954 1985 13.95 2. Consists of electric and gas facilities, transit systems, airfields, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 285 Table A19. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal military facilities 46,912 37,155 46,949 36,247 46,997 35,349 47,074 34,482 47,183 33,652 47,398 32,933 47,769 32,370 48,157 31,817 48,535 31,252 48,976 30,751 49,290 30,127 49,494 29,396 49,759 28,724 50,286 28,311 51,372 28,545 54,938 31,347 69.935 45.308 109,162 82.902 127,125 98,734 132,888 102,170 137,492 104,410 138,302 102,683 138,958 100,815 139,067 98,619 139,012 96,345 139,103 94,327 142,358 95,206 147,595 97,984 152,149 100,346 155,533 [1)1,553 160,046 103,937 1,005 1.006 1,006 1,007 1,009 1,012 1,018 1,025 1,033 1,041 1,049 1,053 1,058 1.066 1,081 1,127 1,322 1,902 2,514 2,764 2,871 2,924 2,937 2,941 2,936 2,930 2,961 3,(150 3,151 3,231 3,311 90 100 111 118 120 126 230 363 286 269 383 437 507 387 412 637 716 821 586 590 959 1.053 1.182 9.83 10.77 11.70 12.63 13.54 14.41 15.22 16.03 16 83 17.59 18.39 1922 20.02 20 70 21.11 20.51 16.87 11.55 10.75 11.15 11.64 12.47 13.30 14.13 14.96 15.74 1621 16.46 16.71 17.08 1729 8.71 'J 66 1060 11.53 12.43 13.29 14.07 14.82 15.56 16.25 16.97 17.74 18.45 is 97 19.03 17.54 12.45 7.27 6.75 7.22 7.75 8.55 9.35 1017 11.00 11.78 12.18 12.33 12.52 12.85 13.01 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 164,744 168,987 173,121 177,450 181,349 185,764 189,712 192,467 193,786 194,897 196,078 196,876 197,325 197,519 197,310 198,008 198.287 198.232 197.429 197.834 198,419 197,958 197,262 195,546 195,051 194,603 193,100 192,302 1911,631 190,691 106.037 107,565 109,434 111,483 113,123 114,695 115,667 116,168 115,551 114,576 113,060 111,335 109,856 108,411 106.292 101,521 102,796 101.218 99.409 98.205 96.685 95,059 93.395 91.466 89,810 87,827 86.264 85,193 84,183 X3.629 3.406 3.499 3.586 3.674 3,759 3,846 3,935 4,003 4,039 4,056 4,075 4,089 4.094 4,093 4,086 4,087 4.090 4.083 4,064 4,051 4,057 4,048 4.024 3.988 3.955 3,938 3.907 3,871 3,835 3,809 81)8 784 1,322 1,393 1,500 1,004 959 1,749 2.102 1.970 1.379 1,566 2,165 2,454 2,176 1,618 2.0S6 2.559 3,059 2,441 1,953 2.883 3.056 3,775 2,794 2,403 3,845 3.598 4,496 3,195 17 59 17.94 18.18 18.39 18.62 18.93 1930 19 62 20 04 20.48 21.05 21.64 22 10 22 51 23.05 23.61 24.15 24 58 25 0! 25.39 25.87 2635 2675 27.15 27.56 28 09 28.48 28 76 28 97 29 21 13 20 13.45 13,64 13.80 14.00 14.19 14.44 14.73 15.14 15.58 16.08 16.58 17.02 17.44 17.95 1828 18.78 19.13 19 50 19.74 20.02 20 29 20 56 20.86 21.09 21.37 21.53 21.55 21.55 21 42 State and local equipment and structures 289,336 207,548 5,564 305,839 219,531 5,908 324,736 233,549 6,287 344,616 248,159 6,705 364,467 262,419 7,140 387,952 279,956 7,610 411,583 297,193 8,109 429.774 308,610 8,556 440.363 312,201 8,862 153,903 318,660 9,106 466,251 323,878 9,364 489,544 339,816 9,720 508,162 350,841 10,144 530,753 365,616 10,566 557,163 383,918 11,071 575 193 394,001 11,519 587,524 397,673 11,798 592.6,13 394.473 11,936 593,526 387,274 11,959 593,747 379,582 11,926 594,418 372,663 11,888 599,9711 370,610 11,912 613,756 376,386 12,127 630,747 385,336 12,455 649.725 396,409 12.825 671,533 410,135 13,283 693,375 423,621 13,781 715.666 437,215 14,298 740,536 453,014 14,853 772,375 475,352 15,511 807,318 500,312 16,283 1,335 1.388 1,409 1,434 1,550 1.662 1,715 1,783 1.862 2,026 2,233 2,366 2,551 2,749 2,962 3,273 3,438 3.648 3,846 4.013 4,298 4.394 1.559 4.834 4.962 5,211 5.432 5,622 5,801 6,023 6,323 14 89 14.89 1 1 83 14.79 14.79 14.70 1 I 66 14.85 15.32 15.67 16.06 1609 16.29 16.39 16.39 16.65 17.08 17.71 18 15 19.19 19.90 2045 20.74 20.91 21.00 21.00 21.02 21 ol 21.01 20.81 20 58 11 08 11.07 10.99 10.94 10.94 10.85 10.81 11.01 11.48 11.83 12.20 12.18 12.34 12.38 12.33 12.55 12.96 13.58 14.32 15.06 15.77 16.26 16.44 16.47 16.37 16.18 16.02 I 5 .- - 15.69 15.31 1 I 92 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 IT, 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 r.i,; 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 843,288 881.201 921.137 962,514 1,004,083 1,048,724 1.094,273 1.144,641 1 198,252 1,255,624 1.316,659 1,383,100 1,453,329 1.518,043 1.578,083 1,635.551 1,690.775 1.743,361 1,797,521 1,848,314 1,894,008 1,933,737 1,976,657 2,016,099 2,056,915 2.090.177 2.120,312 2,151,055 2,183,669 2,222,383 525 ,91 552,418 580.795 609,795 638.814 670,515 702,397 739,101 778,417 ■120,666 -6i; 292 916,306 968,697 1,015,244 1,055,556 1,092,515 1,126,598 1,157,114 1,188,408 1,215,385 1,237,456 1,252,856 1,271,368 1,286,868 1.302,013 1,311,142 1.317,381 1,323,247 1,332,654 1,345,847 IT.lo, 17,971 18,828 19,674 20,540 21,439 22.368 23,354 24,427 25,578 26,834 2- 228 29,764 31,296 32,751 34 148 35.533 36.838 38 093 39,330 40,450 41,424 42,359 43,292 11, ..-o,, 45.044 45,754 46,457 47,233 48,142 6.445 6.922 7,312 7,374 8,088 8,675 8,877 9,868 10,381 10.536 11,765 12,191 12,351 13,318 13.285 13.820 14.712 1 I HI ill 15.310 15.575 16,826 17,096 17,951 19,348 18,536 20,911 21.858 21.580 2 1 026 23.235 20.27 20.15 19 94 19.75 19.59 19.42 19.27 19.07 18 87 18.66 18.44 18.20 1798 17.86 17.83 17.86 17 92 18.03 18 13 18.28 18.47 18.72 18,94 19.18 19.44 19.73 20.04 20.30 20 62 20 87 14.59 14.27 1398 1.3.73 13.52 13.31 13.15 12.93 12.73 12 51 12.35 12.16 ! 1 99 II 94 11.98 12.07 12.21 12.38 12.54 12.74 12.98 13.28 13.54 13 81 14.07 14.39 14.72 15.03 15 29 15.51 286 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A19. -Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Discards Years End of year Average age Gross Net Year Millions of 1982 dollars End of year Gross stock Net stock Annual totals Deprecia- tion Years End of year Average age Net State and local equipment 192.7 1926. 1927 . 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932 1933 1934 . 1935. 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945. 1946. 1947 1948 . 1949. 1950. 1951. 1952 . 1953 . 1954 . 1955 4,902 5,504 6,511 7,449 8,757 9,767 10,884 11,911 12,000 13.1120 l:i,.-,58 1 1,124 14.985 15,912 10.918 17,362 17,339 17.164 16,682 16,130 15,511 14,952 15,724 17,019 18,511 20,181 22,055 24,233 20,506 29,190 32.095 3,(150 3,630 4,418 5,119 6.107 6.700 7,329 7.799 7.883 7,711 7,666 7,691 8,065 8,549 9,152 9,257 8,970 8,642 8,081 7,531 7,011 6.584 7,489 8,861 10,308 11,817 13.406 15,140 16,771 18,634 20,508 307 358 416 485 567 651 728 804 863 900 929 962 1,006 1,062 1,124 1,168 1,177 1,166 1,139 1,100 1,058 1,015 1.022 1.090 1,196 1,310 1,438 1,586 1,748 1,929 2,132 270 275 258 248 246 234 239 247 259 302 353 421 519 620 720 829 919 1,007 1,059 1.104 1,156 1,147 1,154 1,174 1,152 1,148 1,153 1,143 1,105 1,102 1,108 6.03 5.50 5.02 4.81 4.58 4.69 4.83 5.07 5.48 5.98 6.40 6.76 6.92 Too 7.02 7.20 7.49 7.76 8.10 8.40 8.65 8.86 8.30 7 60 7.03 6.56 6 18 5.87 5.69 5.55 5.48 3.22 3.10 3.01 3.10 311 3.37 3.59 3.85 4.25 4.70 5.01 5.19 5.10 4.95 4.76 4.85 5.10 5.34 5.68 5.99 6.25 6.40 5.46 4.62 4.11 3.82 3.68 3.61 3.66 3.70 3.78 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1902 1903 1964 1965 1960 1907 1908 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 35.389 38,839 40,643 42,568 44,660 46,680 48,731 50,899 53,305 55,906 58,905 63,302 67,922 72,870 78,028 83,532 89,967 94,335 99,246 103.639 107.589 111.131 114,718 118,499 122,256 125,337 128,305 132,027 136,767 142,206 22,519 24,493 24,711 24,979 25,477 25,965 20,543 27,413 28,650 30,154 32,143 35,526 38,950 42,539 46,153 49,734 53,930 55,821 57,966 59,462 60,498 61,140 61,952 63,180 64,616 65,613 60,829 69,034 72,359 76,390 2,355 2,594 2,777 2,901 3,032 3,163 3,290 3.422 3.566 3,726 3,911 4,164 4.477 4,815 5,173 5,552 5,978 6,361 6.685 7.005 7,286 7,531 7,756 7,987 8,221 8,431 8,614 8,824 9,105 9,455 1,071 1,118 1,190 1,244 1,438 1,631 1,817 2,124 2.403 2,623 2,901 3,150 3,281 3,455 3,629 3,629 3,739 3,884 3,920 4,109 4,371 4,032 4,982 5,433 5,900 6,347 6,862 7,307 7,689 8,081 5.47 5.52 5.84 6.15 6.42 6.66 6.88 7.02 7.08 7.10 3.85 3.95 4.30 4.58 4.76 4.89 4.97 4.96 4.89 4.79 7.03 4.64 6.82 4.39 6.63 4.23 6.46 4.14 6.33 4.10 6.24 4 11 6.15 4.11 6.24 4.29 6.33 4.42 6.48 4.58 6.64 4.74 6.84 4.89 7.01 4.99 7.14 5.03 7.24 5.04 7.36 5.06 7.43 5.05 7.43 4.97 7.35 4.84 7.24 4.71 State and local structures 1925 284,434 300,275 318,225 337,107 355,709 378,184 1 199 in -o:; 427,764 440,877 452.693 475,420 493.177 514.842 540,240 558,131 570,185 575,449 570,844 577,618 578,907 585,018 598,031 613,728 631,214 651,351 671.320 691.433 714,030 743,179 775,223 204,497 215,901 229,131 243,039 256,312 273.256 289 804 .812 304,317 310,950 316,212 332,125 342,776 357,067 374,766 384,744 388,097 385,831 379,193 372,050 305,052 364,026 368,898 376,475 386,101 398,318 410,215 422,074 430,243 450,719 479,804 5,257 5,551 5,871 0,220 6,574 6,959 7,382 7,752 7,998 8,206 8,434 8,758 9,138 9,503 9,947 10,351 10.020 10,771 10,820 10,826 10,830 10,898 11,104 11,359 11,629 11,973 12,343 12,713 13,104 13,581 14,151 1,065 1,113 1.151 1,186 1,304 1,428 1,476 1,536 1,603 1,725 1,881 1,945 2,032 2,129 2,242 2,444 2.519 2,641 2,787 2,909 3,142 3.247 3,405 3,001) 3,811 4,063 4,279 4,479 4,696 4,922 5,215 15.04 15.06 15.03 15.01 15.04 14.96 14.93 15.13 15.61 15.96 16.35 16.36 16.58 16.68 16.68 16.94 17.37 18.01 18.75 19.49 20.20 20.75 21.00 21.28 21.41 21.45 21.51 21.58 21.58 21.41 21.20 11.20 11.20 11.15 11.10 11.12 11.03 11.00 11.20 11.67 12.00 12.37 12.34 12.51 12.56 12.51 12.73 13.14 13.76 14.50 15.25 15.95 16.44 16.66 16.75 1070 16.54 16.42 16.32 16.15 15.79 15.40 1956 807,899 842,303 880,493 919,940 959,424 1,002,044 1,045,542 1,093,742 1.144.947 1.199.718 1.257,754 1,319,798 1.385,406 1,445,172 1,500,056 1.552,019 1,600,808 1,649,026 1,698,275 1,744,675 1,786,419 1,822,605 1,861,939 1,897,600 1,934,659 1,964,840 1,992,007 2,019,028 2,046,901 2,080,178 503,072 527,920 556,084 584,816 613,337 644,550 075.854 711.088 749,760 790,511 834,148 880,78 1 929,747 972,705 1.009,403 1.042.781 1,072,068 1.101,293 1,130,442 1,155,923 1,176,959 1,191,715 1,209,416 1,223,687 1,237,398 1,245,529 1,250,552 1,254,213 1.260,295 1,269.457 14,754 15,377 16,051 16,773 17,509 18,270 19,078 19,932 20,861 21.852 22.922 24.065 25,287 26,481 27,578 28,596 29,555 30,477 31,408 32,325 33,163 33,894 34,602 35,305 35,985 30,013 37,140 37,033 38,128 38,080 5,373 5,804 6,122 6,129 6,650 7,043 7,060 7,744 7,977 7,913 8,864 9,041 9,072 9,862 9,656 10,190 10,974 11,024 11,390 11,466 12,455 12,464 12,969 13,915 12,636 14,564 14,996 14,273 16,337 15,154 21.02 20.83 20.59 20.38 20.20 20.01 19.85 19.63 19.42 19.20 18.97 18.75 18.54 18.43 18.43 18.49 18.59 18.70 18.82 18.98 19.18 19.45 19.68 19.93 20.21 20.52 20.85 21.21 21.51 21.80 15.07 i'l '6 1957 14.75 1927 1958 14.41 19 '.- 1959 14.12 1929 1960 13.89 1930 1961 13.05 1931 1962 13.47 193 ' 1963 13.24 1933 1964 13.03 1934 1965 12.83 1935 1966 12.64 1936 1967 12.47 1937 1968 12.32 1938 1969 12.28 1939 1970 12.34 1940 1971 12.45 1941 1972 12.62 19 1" 1973 12.79 1943 1974 12.95 1944 1975 13.16 1945 1976 :.-. 13.41 1940 1977 13.71 1947 1978 13.97 1948 1979 14.26 1949 1980 14.55 1950 1981 14.88 1951 1982 15.23 1952 1983 15.59 1953 1984 15.89 1954 1985 16.15 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 287 Table A19. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of li>82 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net State and local educational buildings 71,332 74,695 77,765 80,991 84,304 87,587 90,467 91,623 91,666 93,006 94,284 38,394 10(1,307 102,944 107.321 108,025 108.654 108,805 108,269 107,467 106,695 106,437 1116.656 109.030 112,237 116,205 121,050 126,026 131,345 138,605 1 16.861 15.998 48,421 50,496 52,654 54,884 57,074 58.793 58,770 57.620 57,808 57.981 60.826, 61,640 .;3.o:;:! 66,138 65,606 64.977 63.894 62,166 60,234 58,150 57.166 56,406 57,749 59,978 63,025 66,875 70,813 75,052 81,087 88,065 1,456 1,527 1,595 1,661 1,729 1,799 1.863 1.904 1,915 1,928 1,954 2,008 2,071 2,118 2,191 2,243 2,255 2,260 2,253 2,236 2,216 2,205 2.201 2,231 2,280 2,352 2,443 2,544 2,650 2,782 2.945 584 587 599 592 646 706 703 724 723 776 849 843 872 875 918 1,008 995 1.027 1,062 1,105 1,204 1,201 1,252 1.303 1,326 1,442 1,453 1,506 1,575 1,568 1,674 1772 17.55 17.50 17.45 17.40 17.37 17.46 17.88 18 52 18.88 19.21 19.03 19.25 19.37 19.18 19.63 20.11 20 66 21.33 22.04 22.69 23.26 23.70 23.70 23.49 23.12 22 65 2220 21.75 21.09 20 36 12.35 12.17 12.12 12 08 12.04 12.03 12.14 12.60 13.28 13.63 13.97 13.69 13.89 13.94 13.65 14.13 14.61 15.17 15.88 16.63 17.33 17.90 18 29 18.05 17.52 16 82 16.02 15.33 14.70 13.87 13.07 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19.V, 154.729 163,171 171,977 180,115 188,723 198,168 207,317 217,857 229,408 242,281 257,988 275,393 292,075 306,539 319,341 330.595 341,211 352,764 363. 118., 375,071 382,761 388,464 394,471 400,186, 406,717 410,524 113.313 415.338 417,008 419,858 94,520 101,423 108,616 114,932 121,647 129,103 136,008 144,255 153.229 163,294 176,026 190,042 203,078 213,595 222,101 229,052 235.091 211.838 248.154 253,896 256,551 256.926 257.534 257,933 258,715 257,207 254,473 250,970 247,395 244,623 3,114 3,286 3,467 3,645 3.821 4,012 4.208 4,415 4,650 4,908 5,214 5,567 5,931 6.263 6,555 6,812 7.044 7 282 7.523 7,760 7,959 8,090 8,221 8,343 8,469 8,575 -.639 8.68 1 8,716 8,755 1,712 1,756 1,860 1,833 1,939 2,059 2,027 2,139 2,135 2,142 2.333 3.269 2,364 2,374 2,306 2,614 2.500 2,537 2.671 2,477 2,923 2.771 2,832 3,027 2.720 3,261 3,116 3,155 3,471 3,133 1981 19.28 18.78 18.45 18.12 17.78 17.54 17.22 1692 16.59 16 15 15.73 15.43 15.33 15.35 15.46 15 62 15.76 15.92 16.12 16.43 16.84 17.23 17 63 18.02 18.48 19 oo 19 55 20.09 20.61 12.52 12.04 11.63 11.41 11.21 11.02 10.93 10.78 10.64 10.48 10.24 10.02 9.93 9.99 10.17 10.42 10.70 10 95 11.20 11.48 11.87 12.35 12.80 13.24 13.64 14.13 14.68 15.25 15.80 16.28 State and local hospitals 11,224 11,824 12,550 13,564 14,497 15,680 16.924 17,960 18,544 19,125 19,499 20,306 20,627 21,551 22,817 23,223 23,462 23,396 23,774 24,032 24,447 24,849 24,975 25,545 26,744 28,178 29,577 30,873 31.828 32,786 33,675 7,378 7,809 8,353 9,170 9,895 10,852 11,851 12,618 12,921 13,220 13,306 13,821 13,839 14,453 15,395 15.467 15,373 15,169 15,017 14,950 15,043 15,114 14,907 15,124 15,984 17,075 18,111 19,026 19,593 20,150 20,62(1 230 242 256 275 295 318 343 367 384 397 406 419 130 443 466 484 490 494 497 501 508 517 522 530 547 574 603 632 655 674 694 68 73 74 77 88 92 98 98 103 114 119 126 127 133 142 150 157 156 166 176 185 193 196 207 217 232 240 251 267 273 288 16 84 16.71 16.48 15 98 15.66 15.20 14.80 14.69 14.98 15.25 15.69 15.78 16.27 16.28 16.08 16.51 17.05 17.66 18.22 18.69 19.04 1939 19.96 20.21 19.94 19.54 19.24 19.06 19.11 19.18 1931 12.15 11.94 11.64 11.09 10.79 10.36 10.03 9.98 10.31 10.63 11.10 11.21 11.71 11.72 11.50 11.95 12 51 13.14 13.71 14.17 14.47 14.79 15.36 15.54 15.04 14.41 13.93 13.63 1360 13.60 13 67 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 196 1 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1983 1984 1985 34.363 35,167 36,203 37.297 38,256 39,071 40,021 40,864 41,790 42,758 43,635 44,998 46,478 48,1)06 49,399 50,912 52.304 53,547 54.992 56,977 58,844 60.253 61.505 62.315 63,104 63.858 64,488 65.163 65,571 65,903 20,896 21,288 21,895 22.546 23.069 23,456 23,944 24,350 24,838 25,348 25,760 26,1139 27,663 2-, 7!., 29,606 30,628 31,510 32.221 33.142 34,563 35,893 36,718 37.377 37.622 37,787 37.987 38,028 38.105 37,974 37.699 709 724 743 765 785 803 821 839 857 875 895 917 946 977 1,008 1,038 1,068 1,095 1,122 1,158 1,198 1,232 1,260 1.281 1,297 1,312 1.326 1.339 1.349 1,356 298 311 331 334 357 379 383 410 422 127 458 467 194 507 506 558 558 586 616 593 662 648 666 716 672 758 736 740 812 749 19.54 19.70 19.75 19 78 19 88 20.04 20.16 20 31 20 43 20.52 20.67 20 60 20.47 20.34 20.29 20.20 20.17 20.21 20.18 19.99 19.83 19.86 19 95 20.16 20.40 20.61 20 -7 21.12 21.41 21.77 13 85 13.95 13.92 13.88 13.92 14.03 14.10 14.19 14.25 14.27 14.37 14.23 14.02 13 8:) 13.74 13.61 13.57 13.62 13.58 13.36 13.22 13.28 13.40 13 66 13.93 14.18 14.48 14.75 15.08 15.45 288 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A19.— Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation- Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net State and local other buildings 1 1925 1926 1927 192* 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 13,152 14.339 15,648 16,955 18,343 19,755 21.648 22,732 23,2X7 24,687 25,720 28,127 29,685 31,636 34,890 36,697 37,512 37,595 37 1115 37,211 36,999 36,965 37,367 38,255 39,705 41,328 42,735 43,667 45,013 46,949 49,370 8,809 9,787 10.861 11,911 13,018 14,133 15,696 16,421 16.607 17.622 18.259 21.328 22.782 25,488 26,709 26,913 26,381 25,589 24,801 24,019 23.423 23.270 23.607 24.484 25.528 26,334 26,657 27.396 28,684 30,438 267 289 316 344 372 402 437 469 486 506 532 569 611 648 703 757 785 794 792 788 783 779 782 795 820 852 883 907 930 964 1.010 76 Ml 81 87 92 104 107 110 117 122 136 1 in 143 152 155 171 174 178 191 193 213 217 228 244 247 273 282 299 323 316 343 16.20 15.60 15.04 14.63 14.28 14.01 13.53 13.66 14.11 14.08 14.27 13.79 13,84 13.75 13.23 13.35 13.85 14.61 15.47 16.33 17.17 17 93 18.47 18.75 18.78 18.74 18.82 19.12 19.23 19.13 18.87 11.60 10.94 10.38 10.01 9.72 9.52 9.16 9.36 9.86 9.87 10.11 9,69 9.79 9.76 9.31 9.50 10.04 10.84 11.74 12.64 13.54 14.33 14.84 15.01 14.85 14.61 14.54 14.73 14.69 14.38 13.91 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 51,552 53,987 56,634 59,370 62,365 65,700 68,794 72,359 76,145 80,160 84,054 89,327 95,316 102.479 108,298 114,655 120,970 127,348 134,720 140,630 145,073 148,954 154,000 158,098 162,785 166,624 170,816 175,007 179,191 184,012 31,935 33.649 35,564 37,504 39,674 42,199 44,401 47,050 49,840 52,784 55,645 59,738 64,498 70,296 74,600 79,503 84,129 88,767 94,263 98,118 100,651 102,369 105,257 107,132 109,446 111,116 112,840 114,586 116,284 118.474 1,058 1,106 1,158 1,214 1,274 1,340 1,406 1,475 1.552 1.633 1,716 1,812 1,931 2,070 2,208 2,337 2,470 2,605 2,751 2,892 3,001 3,088 3,183 3,279 3,371 3,461 3,545 3,633 3,721 3,815 373 18.75 385 18.58 427 18.38 418 18.21 449 18.01 529 17.75 514 17.62 560 17.40 556 17.21 562 17.02 683 16.88 633 16.55 702 16.16 706 15.70 693 15.55 883 15.34 781 15.23 866 15.14 875 15.00 836 15.08 1.091 15.27 926 15.58 1,025 15.75 1.056 16.03 998 16.27 1,292 16.53 1,077 16.83 1,188 17.10 1,236 17.37 1,184 17.62 State and local highways and streets 1925 119,299 125,836 133,385 141,952 150,631 161,812 173,016 183,323 190,191 197,098 2(12,997 212,091 220,917 231,677 242,372 252,777 260,071 263.612 265.234 266,544 268,073 272,042 277,456 283,428 291.056 300,204 308,272 317,215 327,845 341,987 357,049 94,556 99,028 104,399 110,650 116,893 125,478 133,903 141,273 145,070 148,807 151,464 157,208 162,556 169,715 176,649 183,146 186,436 185,935 183,511 180,809 178,353 178,352 179,791 181,798 185,423 190,481 194,446 199,196 205,533 215,343 225,901 2,063 2,176 2,300 2,443 2,595 2,771 2,968 3,158 3,310 3,430 3,542 3,673 3,830 4,002 4,190 4,375 4.529 1,622 4,664 4,685 4,706 4,750 4,829 4,924 5,039 5,182 5,328 5,472 5,639 5,851 6,102 91 111 121 128 159 176 189 22(1 238 261 299 324 353 401 429 467 526 579 618 673 721 780 853 960 1,035 1.092 1,225 1,279 1,346 1,519 1,599 11.78 12.11 12.36 12.55 12.76 12.80 12.90 13.10 13.56 14.01 14.53 14.82 15.15 15.35 15.57 15.83 16.29 16.97 17.76 18.56 19.34 19.92 20.39 20.80 21.09 21.26 21.52 21.72 21.81 21.69 21.55 9.56 9.84 10.04 10.18 10.33 10.31 10.35 10.49 10.91 11.31 11.77 11.98 12.22 12.33 12.47 12.64 13.02 13.65 14.41 15.17 15.89 16.37 16.71 16.97 17.07 1704 17.11 17.10 16.98 16.60 16.23 1956 372,329 388,456 407,279 427,033 445,936 466,347 487,893 511,161 534,190 557,946 582,571 606,744 631.784 654,487 676,462 698,207 717,793 735,752 751,064 763,910 776,890 788,113 798,581 808,627 818,738 827,927 837,521 848,498 8611,881 875,061 236,483 247,887 261,765 276.294 289.898 304,748 320,404 337,756 354,542 371,695 389,719 406,936 424,580 439,919 454,169 467,779 479,383 489,076 495,796 500,367 504,889 507,387 509,511 511,066 512,442 513,340 514,518 516,828 520.949 526,712 6,364 6,634 6,934 7,267 7,600 7,939 8,301 8,689 9.088 9,493 9,910 10,331 10,756 11,169 11,554 11,931 12,287 12,610 12,895 13.134 13,353 13,557 13,739 13,911 14,080 14,241 14,398 14,569 14,766 14,991 1,665 1,910 1,990 2,043 2,300 2,378 2,411 2,773 2,844 2,890 3,311 3,374 3,360 3,804 3,829 3,796 4.306 4,344 4,302 4,860 4,894 4,833 5,395 5,420 5,345 5,951 5,981 5,902 6,504 6,574 21.44 21.30 21.07 20.85 20.71 20.54 20.38 20.17 20.03 19.90 19.77 19.69 19.63 19.65 19.71 19.81 19.95 20.15 20.43 20.75 21.07 21.44 21.79 22.16 22.53 22.89 23.24 23.56 23.80 24.00 15.92 1926 1957 15.61 1927 1958 15.21 1928 1959 14.85 1929.. .. 1960 14.60 1930 1961 14.34 1931 1962 14.10 1932 1963 13.85 1933 1964 13.67 1934 1965 13.52 1935 1966 13.39 1936 1967 13.32 1937 1968 13.27 1938 1969 13.31 1939 1970 13.39 1940 1971 13.51 1941 1972 13.68 I'M ! 1973 13.90 1943 1974 14.20 1944 1975 14.55 1945 1976 14.88 1946 1977 15.26 1947 1978 15.64 1948 1979 16.01 1949 1980 16.38 1950 1981 16.75 1951 1982 17.09 1952 1983 17.38 1953 1984 17.59 1954 1985 17.74 1955 1. Consists of general office buildings, police and fire stations, courthouses, auditoriums, ga- rages, passenger terminals, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 289 Table A19. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net State and local conservation and development structures 1925 9 53 142 319 573 806 1,007 1,132 1,334 1,948 2,477 3,207 3.926 4,438 5,015 5,269 5,358 5,358 5,358 5,358 5,358 5,477 5,633 5,821 6,087 6,376 6,638 6,829 7,081 7,364 7,796 9 53 140 312 559 779 965 1,070 1,250 1,835 2,325 3,003 3,660 4.096 4,589 4,751 4,746 4,651 4,555 4,460 4,364 4,387 4,443 4,529 4,689 4,867 5,013 5,085 5,213 5,368 5,667 1 2 4 8 12 16 19 22 29 39 51 64 75 84 92 95 96 96 96 96 97 99 102 106 111 116 120 124 129 135 I) 1 1 2 50 67 .94 1 14 1.41 1.86 2.39 3.07 3.53 3.26 3.46 3.56 3.81 4.32 4.76 5.51 6.41 7.41 8.41 9.41 10.41 11.17 11.85 12.45 12.88 13.2* 13.73 14.33 14.80 15.21 15.33 0.50 .66 .93 1 13 1.39 1.83 2.35 3.02 3.45 3.14 3.32 3.40 3.64 4.12 4.54 5.27 6.16 7.15 8.15 9 14 10 14 10.84 11.44 11.94 12.23 12.47 12.78 13.26 13.58 13.81 13.69 1956 8,382 8,937 9 132 9,981 10,613 11,282 12,096 13,368 14,620 16,373 18,121 20,117 21,983 23,686 25,133 26,242 27,166 27,903 28,830 29,812 31,172 32,265 33,028 33,791 34.656 35,503 36.287 36,989 37,570 38,320 6,113 6,517 6,854 7,235 7,691 8,178 8,798 9,861 10,890 12,390 13,860 15.551 17,073 18,408 19,467 20,161 20.661 20,973 21,452 21,981 22,884 23,488 23,759 24,033 24,382 24,716 24.994 25,161 25,216 25,450 144 154 163 173 183 195 208 226 248 275 305 338 372 404 431 454 472 486 500 517 537 559 575 588 602 617 631 643 654 665 4 4 5 5 7 13 13 17 24 22 28 33 29 35 44 39 47 60 53 64 79 69 83 99 86 103 124 109 128 149 15.21 15.23 15.39 15.50 15.53 15.54 15.43 14.88 14.51 13.86 13.43 12.99 12.80 12.79 12.96 13.34 13.80 14.34 14.79 15.20 15.41 15.78 16.30 16.79 17.25 17.70 18.15 18.66 19.20 19.63 13.29 1926 1957 13.08 1927 1958 13.05 1928 1959 12.97 1929 1960 12.80 1930 1961 12.64 1931 1962 12.35 1932... . 1963 11.62 1933 . 1964 11.14 193-1 1965 10.42 1935 1966 9.97 1936 1967 9.55 1937 1968 9.37 1938 1969 9.38 1939 1970 9 56 1940 1971 9.93 1941 1972 10.37 1942 1973 10.89 1943 1974 11 30 1944 1975 11.67 1945 1976 11.84 1946 1977 12 16 1947 1978 12 63 1948 1979 13.09 1949 1980 13 48 1950 1981 13.87 1951 .. 1982 14.27 1952 1983 14.71 1953 1984 15.20 1954 1985 15.56 1955 State and local sewer systems structures 24,338 25,969 27,933 29,995 31,378 32,964 34,313 35,242 35,767 36,859 37,979 40,352 42,342 44,497 46,817 48,498 49,429 49,919 50,041 50,043 50,122 50,628 51,654 53,159 54,924 56,741 58,621 60,464 62.589 64.867 67,237 16,914 18,178 19,751 21,395 22,333 23,459 24,329 24,765 24,794 25,387 25,994 27.835 29,266 30,833 32,538 33,582 33.861) 33,702 33,182 32,547 32,004 31,897 32,304 33.189 34,319 35,476 36,687 37,850 39.269 40,829 42,465 415 442 474 509 539 56,5 591 610 623 636 724 760 799 834 857 868 873 873 873 877 891) 912 940 971 1,003 1,035 1.069 1.107 1,147 71 76 83 91 94 104 112 116 L27 137 1 12 154 165 172 185 197 204 220 231 236 251 264 271 291 305 311 333 354 362 389 413 17.72 17.45 17.06 16.72 16.83 16.85 17.02 17.41 17.98 18.26 18.53 18.23 18.16 18.08 17.97 18.13 18.58 19 18 19 90 20.67 21.39 .'1 91 2220 22 28 22.27 22.26 2224 2225 22.18 2208 21 98 13.45 13.07 12 58 12.18 12.26 12.25 12.39 12.75 13.31 13.54 13.76 13 38 13.26 13.13 12.99 13.13 13.57 14.17 14.90 15.67 16.39 16.87 17.06 17.00 16.83 16.68 16.52 16.41 16.21 16,00 15.79 1956 1957 . 1958 1959 1960 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965. 1966 1967 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982 1983. 1984. 1985. 69,941 72,893 75,998 79,343 82,465 85,638 89,339 92.425 96,858 100,742 104,803 107,833 112,403 115,929 119,667 123,733 127.660 132,134 138,778 146,011 153,569 160,731 168,982 176,822 183,906 189,088 193,516 197.625 202.386, 207.517 44,390 16.546 48.827 51.286 53.496 55,738 58,440 60,520 63,915 66,676 69,603 71,471 74,783 77,043 79,488 82,153 S4.685 87.735 92.811 98,448 104.325 109,614 115,963 121.800 126,682 129,676 131.874 133,606 136,051 138,820 1.190 1,239 1.292 1.348 1 104 1,459 1,518 1,577 1,642 1,714 1.783 1.844 1,910 1.980 2.043 2,111 2.180 2.253 2,351 2,473 2,602 2,732 2. 867 3,009 3,140 3,247 3,331 3,405 3,482 3,567 412 443 467 462 493 528 il9 570 605 591 649 683 652 71 1 750 709 786 829 782 877 921 860 965 1,007 937 1,058 1.101 1,028 1,166 1,205 21.81 21.59 21.38 21.16 21.03 20.91 2072 2070 20.41 20.30 20.17 20.27 20.12 20.17 20.20 20.21 2025 20 22 1992 19.59 19.29 19.12 18 •C, 18 69 18.67 18.85 19.10 19.41 19 63 19.81 15.51 15.21 14.93 14.65 14.50 14.36 14.16 14.13 13.85 13.75 13.66 13.79 1366 13.75 13.81 13.85 : !92 1392 13 65 13.36 13.12 13.00 12.82 12.73 12.78 13.03 13 34 13 69 13 96, 14.18 290 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A19. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year Millions of 1982 dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net State a id local water supply facilities 1925 28,516 30,076 31,604 32,874 34,230 36,503 38,371 39,556 40,134 40,829 41,590 12,622 43,460 44,431 45,539 46,882 47,936 48,396 48,520 48,644 48,829 49,278 50,091 51,164 52,360 53,536 54,973 56,357 57,683 59,184 60,848 19,963 21.095 22,176 22,987 23,863 25,635 26,978 27,613 27,639 27,786 27,990 28,462 28,741 29,142 29,676 30,441 30,904 30,775 30,322 29,873 29,500 29,403 29,667 30,197 30,851 31,469 32,354 33,186 33,939 34.874 35,966 487 515 542 566 589 621 657 683 698 709 721 736 752 767 785 806 826 839 843 844 846 851 861 877 896 916 938 961 984 1,008 1,035 84 87 96 106 109 120 131 134 146 160 164 177 193 197 212 229 234 251 266 270 288 306 310 334 354 357 386 409 411 443 462 17.43 17.38 17.38 17.55 17.69 17.41 17.38 17.69 18.26 18.75 19.22 19.54 19.95 20.29 20.56 20.72 21.01 21.56 22.23 22.90 23.52 23.99 24.28 24.43 24.52 24.63 24.62 24.63 24.69 24.67 24.59 13.14 12.99 12.92 13.03 13.10 12.75 12.68 12.95 13.50 13.96 14.38 14.65 15.00 15.27 15.46 15.53 15.75 16.26 16.91 17.56 18.14 18.54 18.69 18.66 18.57 18.50 18.29 18.13 18.03 17.84 17.60 1956 62,754 64,415 65,889 67,301 68,797 70,471 72,219 74,602 77,269 80,890 83,685 87,055 91,037 94,235 96,531 98,352 100,097 101,636 103,478 105,447 107,045 108.842 111,408 113,444 116,141 118,200 120,058 121,104 122,516 123,971 37,273 38,351 39,234 40,023 40.918 41,982 43,084 44,844 46,860 49,764 51,857 54,487 57,644 60,027 61,468 62,372 63,253 63,908 64,808 65,896 66,587 67,410 69,065 70,151 71,810 72,899 73,753 73,724 74,148 74,586 1,065 1,095 1,121 1,146 1,170 1,196 1,225 1,261 1,304 1,358 1,414 1,467 1,531 1,593 1,641 1.676 1,706 1,734 1,763 1,796 1,826 1,855 1,893 1,932 1,973 2,015 2.048 2,073 2,094 2,118 466 513 529 523 568 587 580 638 652 642 711 726 706 778 786 759 842 850 821 915 919 881 982 982 936 1,044 1,044 999 1,106 1,101 24.45 24.40 24.43 24.51 24.54 24.51 24.48 24.24 23.94 23.43 23.18 22.83 22.39 22.18 22.20 22.36 22.51 22.70 22.85 22.94 23.12 23.28 23.25 23.34 23.34 23.43 23.57 23.90 24.11 24.31 17.29 1926 1957 17.12 1927 1958 17.05 1928 . 1959 17.03 1929 . 1960 16.97 1930 1961 16.86 1931 1962 16.75 !'>:(■' 1963 16.41 1933 1964 16.05 1934 1965 15.46 1935 1966 15.21 1936 1967 14.86 1937 1968 14.45 1938 1969 14.29 1939 1970 14.38 1940 1971 14.60 1941 1972 14.81 1942 1973 15.07 1943 1974 15.27 1944 1975 15.41 1945 1976 15.65 1946 1977 15.84 1947 1978 15.84 1948 1979 15.98 1949 1980 15.99 1950 1981 16.13 1951 1982 16.32 1952 1983 16.69 1953 1984 16.94 1954 1985 17.19 State and local other structures 2 1925 16,564 17,483 19,197 20,516 21,753 23,078 24,953 26,294 26,840 27,324 28,146 30,421 31,913 33,670 35,474 36,761 37,763 38,168 38,243 38,317 38,384 39,343 44,200 47,325 48,101 48,783 49,453 50,002 50,646 51,438 52,387 10,870 11,529 12,954 13,960 14,867 15,846 17,349 18,283 18,416 18,485 18,894 20,733 21,747 23,013 24.292 25,042 25,489 25,325 24,851 24,377 23,919 24,285 28,111 30,283 30,374 30,396 30,395 30,262 30,249 30,385 30,681 339 359 387 419 446 473 506 540 560 570 584 616 656 690 728 760 784 798 802 803 804 822 921 987 1,002 1,016 1,029 1,042 1,053 1,066 1,084 90 99 97 106 115 126 135 133 148 155 170 180 179 199 202 223 229 229 254 254 279 287 294 321 327 356 360 382 411 411 434 16.79 16.66 15.92 15.66 15.52 15.38 14.96 14.97 15.43 15.91 16.18 15.68 15.69 15.60 15.54 15.73 16.04 16.61 17.29 17.97 18.62 18.92 17.97 17.76 18.19 18.61 19.03 19.51 19.92 20.27 20.53 12.55 12.30 11.42 11.11 10.95 10.79 10.39 10.41 10.88 11.37 11.64 11.10 11 .11 11.02 10.96 11.16 11.49 12.07 12.78 13.48 14.15 14.44 13.51 13.38 13.78 14.18 14.56 15.02 15.38 15.63 15.78 1956 53,849 55,337 57,081 59,506 62,268 65,366 67,862 71,107 74,666 78,568 82,897 88,331 94,331 99,811 105,225 109,322 113,607 117,942 122,427 126,816 131,063 134,983 139,964 144,317 148,613 153,117 156,009 159.304 161,780 165,536 31,462 32,264 33,329 34,996 36,943 39,146 40,774 43,051 45,656 48,558 51,676 55,915 60,429 64,703 68,505 71,132 73,957 76,774 80,015 82,653 85,180 87.803 90,951 93,949 96,133 98,588 100,073 101,234 102.278 103,092 1,109 1,139 1,172 1,216 1,271 1,333 1,390 1,451 1,521 1,595 1,685 1,788 1,909 2,024 2,139 2,237 2,327 2,412 2,503 2,595 2,687 2,772 2,865 2,962 3,052 3,146 3,223 3,287 3,347 3,419 444 482 513 511 537 571 612 636 739 636 692 856 765 945 743 832 1,153 902 1,271 844 966 1,476 1,031 1,607 941 1,097 1,816 1,152 1,915 1,058 20.61 20.69 20.67 20.48 20.24 19.97 19.90 19.68 19.43 19.11 18.84 18.40 18.02 17.67 17.52 17.53 17.56 17.55 17.47 17.54 17.61 17.62 17.63 17.61 17.79 17.91 18.05 18.33 18.51 18.96 15.69 1926 1957 15.61 1927 1958 15.41 1928 1959 15.01 1929 1960 14.59 1930 1961 14.18 1931 1962 14.00 1932 1963 13.68 1933 1964 13.35 1934 1965 12.93 1935 1966 12.63 1936 1967 12.17 1937 1968 11.80 ri is 1969 11.50 l'13'l 1970 11.38 1940 1971 11.43 1941 1972 11.52 1942 1973 11.56 1943 1974 11.55 1944 1975 11.64 1945 1976 11.75 1946 1977 11.86 1947 1978 11.90 1948 1979 11.98 1949 1980 12.16 1950 1981 12.30 1982 12.56 1952 1953 1954 1983 12.85 1984 13.14 1985 13.53 2. Consists of electric and gas facilities, transit systems, airfields, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 291 Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock De P recla - Discards tion Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal equipment and structures 11,4«7 11,442 11,284 11,173 10,941 10,360 9,373 9,246 10,626 12,159 13,569 16,2X9 16,775 17,598 18,867 21,665 32,074 62,349 108,848 152,518 188,614 192,788 182.9X8 163,2X5 142,907 136,153 148,922 160,392 171.795 176,426 190. 95X 8,100 7,837 7,491 7,222 6,908 6,417 5.720 5,643 t, 5X5 7,643 8,663 10,622 10,725 11,213 12,037 13,936 22,176 47.2X3 79.860 103,673 120,075 111,789 98,946 XX.260 79,023 78,459 84,745 95.184 104,409 109.817 117.209 307 310 307 299 295 281 261 231 248 303 339 378 442 I7X 507 638 1,651 5,8X1 14,5X6 23,293 28,206 30,045 25,110 19,504 13,367 9,364 8,964 9.522 10.148 10,318 10,803 112 88 77 XX 87 84 87 112 193 179 1,347 1,329 4,138 14,131 29.261 29.20X 33.627 25,861 19,549 6,306 9.768 9,175 11,522 6,819 12.06 12.89 13.73 1454 15.25 15.80 1614 16,34 1626 1 5 85 15.34 14.38 15.12 15.10 14.93 14.31 11.19 6.46 4.42 3.90 4.07 5.16 6.45 7.80 9 OX 10.17 10.63 10.51 10.41 10.33 10.44 10 02 10.84 11.64 12.39 12.99 13.38 13.48 13.40 12.98 12.25 11.47 10.42 1095 10.80 10.55 9.97 7.24 4.17 3.11 2.94 3.22 4.46 5.87 7.15 8.06 8.75 8.97 8.44 8.05 7.97 8.16 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 1983 19X1 1985 206,676 214.373 217,210 221.563 226,347 232.621 241,096 249.771 260.227 272,303 287,294 302,256 319,526 339,640 363,650 385,402 405,961 439,193 503,313 534,356 575,540 615,766 687,784 777,584 882,345 967,085 1,029,043 1,089,977 1,153,312 1,225.400 126.035 127,729 127,563 127.922 129,554 134,232 138.982 113,933 148,559 154,002 161,602 167,811 175,839 184,843 195,901 205,042 216,263 233.560 267.362 281,925 301,784 322,334 362.x 13 412,091 467,130 513,427 552, 56X 587,674 626,663 674,503 11,627 11,777 11,448 11,308 11,211 11,099 11.170 11.3X0 11.471 11,883 12,405 1.3,062 13,734 14,439 15,338 16,177 16.677 17,423 18,855 20.422 21.601 23.075 24.747 27,853 31,844 36,107 40.248 43.675 47.587 51.076 10,226 7,924 X.905 7,374 8.248 10,783 9.071 9.082 7,076 7,845 9,009 8,798 10,983 11,336 13,022 12,557 16,537 17,5X2 18,977 15,885 17,455 20,423 23,060 24.930 24,487 28,921 33.33X 32.750 39.926 38.627 1074 11 21 11.57 11.91 12 18 12.40 12 63 1 2 85 13.14 13.39 13.59 13X2 14.12 14.48 14 80 15.22 15.62 16 ox 16.60 16.65 16 96 17.09 17.19 17.30 17.36 17.14 1673 16.54 16 36 15 91 8 50 8.92 9.23 9.45 9.58 9.63 9.70 9.77 9.88 10.03 10.12 10.32 10.57 10X9 11.18 11.49 11.74 12.12 : i jo 12.55 12 6.1 12.63 12.50 12.47 12.36 12.04 11.55 11.30 11.09 10 66 Federal equipment 1925 3,176 3,074 2,989 2.873 2,762 2,636 2,479 2,342 2,415 2.X65 3,286 4,736 4,139 4,433 4,951 6,153 11,653 30,900 71,284 112,381 143,528 139,668 122,547 99,879 81,202 71,014 75,597 81,979 90,885 93,750 103,113 1.963 1,770 1,606 1,455 1,328 1,221 1,125 1,044 1,064 1,347 1,608 2.653 2,018 2,152 2,473 3,175 7,379 22,90.) 50,973 73,762 87,599 74,287 56,907 44,484 36,859 34,421 35,675 42,991 50,891 55,721 59,989 139 140 136 131 126 119 112 102 100 124 148 167 200 227 243 339 1,172 4,931 13,192 21,746 26,582 28,260 23,115 17,553 11,623 7,772 7.158 7,584 8,114 8,255 8,720 7 21 52 55 59 63 91 63 46 56 51 43 45 58 122 111 1,273 1,230 4,024 13,893 27,859 27,459 31,838 24,613 18,534 5,790 9,387 8,720 11,023 5,155 8.88 9.78 10.67 11.55 12.36 13.02 13 50 13.94 14.13 13.28 12.66 10.39 12.26 12.08 11.42 10.50 6.57 2.30 1.48 1 61 1.97 2.72 3.51 4.31 5.36 6.17 6.52 6.25 6.24 5.93 61)1 8.13 8.98 9.78 10.48 11.00 11.20 11.05 11.10 10.75 8.87 7.66 5.63 6.59 6.04 5.28 4.84 2.52 1.26 1.07 1.22 1.52 2.36 3.27 4.22 4.99 5.57 5.52 4.74 4.39 4.35 4.49 1956 111,713 115.630 116,813 119,735 122,761 125,648 130,213 135,014 1 10,924 146,830 154,475 162,552 169,776 177,229 188,336 196.047 199,754 207,876 226,557 247,612 266,492 287,035 316.663 357.004 409.492 466,835 520,347 563,235 606,460 668,901 64,619 64,882 64,528 64,628 65,608 68,277 70,955 73,703 76,016 78,146 81,887 84,899 87,774 90,334 95,016 97,077 100,220 104,591 113,848 123,243 132,687 142,660 160,803 184,633 213,653 246,785 282.830 310.236 340,297 383,043 9,379 9.405 9.066 8,900 8,794 8,660 8,679 8,829 8,851 9,164 9,549 10,088 10.600 11.062 11,695 12.250 12,478 12,781 13,540 14,577 15,537 16,605 17,810 19,958 22,904 26,377 30,209 33,438 36,934 40,157 9,219 7,391 8,248 6,453 7,133 9,188 7,794 7,502 5,827 6.443 7,602 7,551 9.079 9,192 10,791 10.250 14,308 14,470 15.199 12,241 14,034 15,241 18,294 19,457 19,186 23,393 25,971 25.682 31,709 30,288 6.16 6.63 6.95 7.36 7.65 7.77 7.95 8.19 8.51 8.73 8.82 8.89 9.01 9.12 9.25 9.51 9.45 9.50 9.62 9.77 9.94 10,02 9.89 9.66 9.59 9.44 9.03 8.78 8.51 8.20 4.80 1926 ... 1957 5.20 1927 1958 5 5l l 1928... 1959 5.69 1929... . 1960 5.78 1930 1961 1931 1962 5.78 1932 1963 5.81 1933 1964 5.85 1934 1965 .. .. 5.92 1966 5.92 1936 1967.. .. 6 01 1937 196X 6 10 1938 1969. .. 6,17 1939 1970 6.30 1940 1971 6.44 1941 1972 6.39 1942 1973 1943 1974 6.82 1944 1975 6.84 1945 1976 6.82 1946 1977 6.80 1947 1978 6.53 1948 1979 6.31 1949 1980 6.13 1950 1981 5.98 1951 1982 5.61 1952 1983 5.44 1953 1984 5.31 1954 1985 .... 5 14 1955 292 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A20.— Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation- Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal equipment excluding military 637 637 631 591 553 516 486 434 472 764 1,066 2,404 1,705 1,933 2,326 3,265 4,581 8,427 14,854 18,595 21,523 16,471 14,026 12,173 12,198 13,050 13,337 13,399 13.353 13.770 15,489 349 311 279 253 241 244 262 262 310 574 1,905 1,297 1,431 1,673 2,266 3,113 6,081 10,570 11,620 10,592 7,642 6,176 5,685 5,372 5,483 5,816 6,854 8,000 8,804 10,122 50 50 48 45 40 35 32 28 27 40 61 78 105 127 138 225 453 1,163 2,492 3,825 4,532 4,316 2,163 1,428 1,050 1,015 1,046 955 883 815 820 59 63 68 37 12 15 13 10 11 17 83 67 224 574 1,059 1,398 7,397 3,667 3,474 1,078 900 1,578 2,113 2,201 1,253 739 5.48 6.31 7.08 7.71 8.06 7.97 7.46 6.97 6.31 4.54 3.75 3.49 3.95 4.20 4.41 4.55 4.32 2.91 2.34 2.61 3.11 4.31 5.51 6.58 7.22 7.64 7.79 7.32 6.75 6.46 6.39 5.01 5.64 6.09 6.31 6.07 5.44 4.78 4.73 4.36 2.83 2.42 2.54 2.87 3.11 3.37 3.84 3.54 2.21 1.78 2.08 2.61 3.68 4.67 5.33 5.71 5.75 5.41 4.59 4.21 4.25 4.37 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 17.138 18.252 18,938 19,899 21,011 21,797 22,353 23,272 25,024 26,627 28,726 30,636 32.230 33,451 34,539 35,277 36,295 37,909 43,844 48,505 50,405 53,910 59,780 62,038 68,950 75,577 79,032 80,045 81,848 84,449 11,145 11,450 11,414 11,594 11,976 12,207 12,035 12,178 12,965 14,014 15,438 16,616 17,512 17,937 18,451 18,525 18,418 18,549 20,656 21,861 22,242 24,212 27,296 29,756 33.654 36,938 39,123 40,365 41,945 45,566 916 981 1,023 1,061 1,113 1,151 1,179 1,210 1,288 1,390 1,498 1,622 1,742 1,824 1,917 1,984 2,022 2,086 2,272 2,635 2,724 2,783 2,940 3,150 3,405 3,753 3,990 4,036 4,099 4,197 750 6.63 479 7.09 447 7.56 486 7.98 450 8.26 560 8.53 548 9.02 443 9.33 481 9.46 1,019 9.35 1,278 9.12 1,369 8.99 1,661 8.97 1,433 9.05 2,069 8.93 1,739 9.11 1,173 9.44 1,449 9.76 1,729 10.16 1,819 10.61 2,664 10.95 3,505 10.92 2,522 10.82 6,324 10.24 4,320 10.06 3,515 10.07 4,739 10.05 4,493 9.96 4,895 9.86 5,999 9.37 Federal military equipment 2,539 2,437 2,358 2,282 2,208 2,120 1,993 1,908 1,943 2,101 2,220 2.333 2.435 2,500 2,625 2,888 7,072 22,473 56,4311 93,786 122,005 123,196 108,521 87,706 69,004 57,964 62,260 68,581) 77,532 79,981 87,924 1,613 1,459 1,326 1,202 1,087 977 863 782 753 774 769 749 721 722 800 910 4,266 16,823 40,403 62,142 77,007 66,645 50,731 38,799 31,487 28,938 29,860 36,137 42,892 46,917 49,868 74 73 84 87 88 96 99 105 114 719 3,769 10,699 17,921 22,050 23,944 20,952 16,124 10,573 6,757 6,113 6,629 7,231 7,440 7,900 o o 23 26 34 40 38 32 34 41 39 44 1,048 657 2,966 12,494 20,462 23,793 28,364 23,535 17,634 4,212 7,274 6,519 9,770 4,417 9.74 10.69 11.63 12.55 13.44 14.25 14.97 15.53 16.03 16.46 16.94 17.51 18.07 18.17 17.63 17.22 8 04 2.08 1.25 1.41 1.76 2.51 3.25 4.00 5.03 6.25 6.04 6.15 5.84 5.94 8 81 9.70 10.55 11.36 12.09 12.64 12.96 13.24 13.39 13.35 13.40 13.47 13.28 11.85 9.29 7.33 1.78 .91 8!) 1.06 1.37 2.21 3.10 4.06 4.86 5.54 5.54 4.77 4.43 4.37 4.52 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 94,575 97,379 97,876 99,836 101,751 103,851 107,860 111,742 115,900 120,203 125,749 131,915 137,546 143,778 153,797 160,770 163,459 169,967 182,713 199,107 216,087 233,126 256,883 294,966 340,542 391,258 441,315 483,190 524,612 584,452 53,474 53,432 53.115 53,034 53,632 56,070 58,920 61,525 63,051 64,132 66,449 68,283 70,262 72,397 76,566 78,552 81.802 86.042 93,192 101,383 110,445 118,448 133,507 154.877 180.000 209,847 243,707 269,872 298,351 337,477 8,463 8,424 8,043 7,839 7,680 7,509 7,500 7,620 7,563 7,774 8,051 8.465 8,858 9,238 9,777 10,267 10,456 10,696 11,268 11,943 12,813 13,822 14,870 16,808 19,499 22,624 26,220 29,401 32,836 35,960 8,469 6,912 7,801 5,968 6,683 8,628 7,246 7,059 5,346 5,424 6,324 6,182 7,418 7,759 8,722 8,511 13,135 13,022 13,470 10,422 11,371 11,736 15,772 13,134 14,865 19,879 21,233 21,189 26,814 21.289 6.08 6.54 6.83 7.23 7.53 7.62 7.73 7.95 8.31 8.59 8.75 8.86 9.02 9.13 9.32 9.60 9.46 9.45 9.49 9.57 9.70 9.82 9.67 9.54 9.49 9.32 8.84 8.58 8.30 8.03 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 293 Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions o r dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- D|scards tion Average age Gross Net Gross | Net Federal structures 1925 1926 1027 1928 11)2!) 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 194(1 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 8,291 8,368 8,295 8,31)0 8,179 7,724 11,894 (1,904 8.211 9.294 10,283 11,552 12,636 13.105 13,9k; 15,512 20,421 31,449 37,564 40,138 45,080 53,120 00,441 63,406 01,700 05,139 73,325 78,413 80,910 82,070 87,545 0,137 0.007 5,885 5.708 5,580 5,195 4,595 4.599 5.521 0.290 7,055 7.908 8,708 9.000 9. 504 10,701 14,790 24,379 28.887 29,911 32,470 37,502 42,040 43,776 42,104 14,038 49,069 52.193 53,518 54,090 57.220 108 171 170 168 109 162 149 129 I 18 178 191 211 241 252 264 298 479 950 1,394 1,547 1,623 1,785 1,995 1,952 1,744 1,592 1,800 1,938 2,034 2,003 2,083 22 23 23 25 25 27 20 22 25 30 32 36 11 42 54 70 67 1 98 1 I I 238 1,402 1,749 1,789 1,248 1,015 516 381 456 498 1,664 13.28 14.04 14.83 I ", 58 10.23 10.75 17.09 17.16 16.89 16.64 10.20 10.02 16.12 10.18 15.82 13.83 10.53 10.01 10.29 10.78 11.59 12.43 13.29 13.98 14.54 II .so 1 I 90 15.08 15.31 1509 10.63 11.39 12.15 12X7 13.47 13.89 14.07 13.93 13.41 12.97 12.34 12.02 11.96 11.93 11.91 11.49 9.00 0.90 6.72 7.20 7.82 8.60 9.38 10.12 10.74 11.24 11.48 11.49 11.53 11.70 12.01 1950 I!) ,1 1958 1959 1900 1961 1962 1963 1904 1905 1966 1907 1908 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981) 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 94.908 98,742 100,397 101.828 103.580 100,974 110,883 114.757 119.304 125,473 132,818 139,705 149.750 102.411 175.314 189,355 200,208 231,317 270,756 280,744 309.048 328 730 371,121 420.580 472,854 500.250 508,696 520.743 540,853 550,501) 01,410 62,847 03.035 03.294 03.940 65,955 08.027 70 230 72.543 75,850 79,715 82,912 88.005 94,508 100,884 107,904 110,043 128,909 153.514 1 ,8 082 109,097 179.074 202,011 227,458 253,477 2l,0,04:-l 209,738 277,438 280.300 291.400 2,249 2,372 2,382 2,408 2,417 2,439 2,491 2.551 2.020 2,719 2,850 2,975 3,134 3,377 3,043 3,927 4,199 4,042 5.315 5.845 0,004 0,470 0,937 7.895 8,940 9,730 10,039 10.237 10.053 10.919 1.0110 533 057 920 1.110 1,595 1.277 1.580 1,249 1,402 1,407 1,247 1,903 2,144 2.231 2,307 2.229 3.112 3.778 3.044 3,421 5,181 4,700 5,473 5,301 5,528 7,307 7.008 8,217 8.339 16.13 10.58 10.94 1720 17 55 17.83 18.12 18.34 18.00 18.85 19 15 19.57 19.92 20.33 20.70 21 13 21.00 21.98 22 22 22 60 23 02 23 20 23.42 23 78 24.10 24.33 24.01 24.34 2507 25.19 1238 12.70 13.05 1328 13.49 13.04 13.79 1393 14.10 1420 14.44 14,74 1503 1540 15.78 10114 10.37 10.03 10.87 1098 17 21 17.20 17.20 17.47 17.01 17 05 17.78 1785 17.90 17.91 Federal industrial buildings 1925 2 13 16 22 26 38 62 234 1,017 5,373 7,627 9,197 10,790 12,291 13,286 12,507 11,456 11,635 13,218 15,011 10,471 17,787 18,104 2 13 15 20 23 34 56 211 1,435 4,651 6,027 6,587 0,977 7,743 8,320 7,958 7,278 7,355 8,249 9,391 10,290 10,990 11,533 I) 1 1 1 2 10 148 499 812 929 982 1,037 1,084 924 713 598 635 081 740 770 708 I) 111) 1,271 1.589 1,562 1,002 759 272 114 109 134 1,207 () .50 00 1.51 2.12 2.92 2.84 1.35 .79 .93 1.57 2.29 3.05 3.83 4.63 5.44 0.20 7,03 7.46 7.55 7.68 7.90 8.29 1) I) I) .50 .60 1.50 2.09 2.87 2.71 2.40 1.28 .70 .85 1.41 200 2.01 3.43 4.29 5.10 5.92 0.07 0.79 044 6.19 6.15 0.58 1956 19,039 19,434 19,433 19,294 18,957 18,518 18,307 18.038 18,181 18,533 19,010 19,307 20,355 21,464 22,287 23,030 24,802 20,256 29,533 29.793 31,016 32,209 37,020 38,939 42,879 40,714 47,123 50.174 52.184 53,305 11.874 11,601 11,061 10,580 10,123 9,994 9,757 9,534 9,272 9,159 9,128 8,870 9,204 9,549 9,739 10,212 10,281) 10,718 11,894 11,844 12,210 13,044 15.300 15,846 17,559 19,386 19.795 21,475 22,169 23,646 779 795 778 705 748 714 685 064 055 662 071 074 095 743 767 814 854 887 954 985 903 983 1.026 1,118 1,228 1.345 1,412 1,464 1,534 1,580 035 143 124 303 528 1 121 786 865 407 518 014 326 775 873 950 1.094 683 1,084 1,183 1,235 1,214 2,150 1,376 1.211 1,267 1.591 1,772 1,540 1,472 2,770 891 9.00 10.42 11.13 11 74 12.11 12.65 13 13 13.80 14 44 15.08 15.80 16.21 16.61 17 01 1733 18 09 18.45 18.76 19.38 19.78 19.97 20.14 20.25 20.25 20.14 20 03 19.80 19.93 19.33 7.18 1926 1957 7.74 1927 1958 8 29 1928 1959 8,82 1929 1960 920 1930 1901 9.63 1931 1962 10 15 1932 1963 10.69 1933 1964 11.27 1934 1965 11.82 1935 1966 12.38 1936 1967 12.85 1937 1968 13 15 1938 1969 1347 1939 1970 1384 1940 1971 14 12 1941 1972 14.01 1942 1973 14.75 1943 1974 14.83 1944 1975 14.80 1945 1976 14.70 1946 1977 1447 1947 1978 14.10 1948 1979 13.74 1949 1980 13 17 1950 1981 12.58 1951 198 9 12.08 1952 1983 11 38 1953 1984 11.15 1954 1985 10.45 1955 294 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures. Current-Cost Valuation- Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year- Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross 1 Net Federal educational buildings 1925 1) I) 1) (1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 14 16 19 21 25 31 43 100 KI- IOS 112 122 138 143 149 162 (1 «l 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11) 11 12 14 16 18 21 26 36 89 93 89 93 99 112 115 118 125 1) 1) (I 1) 1) 1) (1 (1 (I (1 1) 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 (1 I) (1 1) I) 1) I) I) 1) i) 1) (1 (1 (I II (1 (I (1 .50 .97 1.18 1.28 1.76 2.42 3.05 3.65 4.24 4.80 5.35 5.89 644 7.00 7.55 7.09 7,72 7.94 4.92 5.79 6.79 7.79 8.68 8.72 9 27 9.82 10.51 11 (1 (1 (1 .50 .97 1.16 1.26 1.73 2.38 3.00 3.57 4.13 4.65 5.16 5.65 6.15 6.65 7 14 7.15 707 7.20 4.13 4.99 5.97 6.95 7.81 7.73 8.21 8.69 9.32 1956 177 184 188 194 205 226 250 273 296 317 342 365 404 444 487 549 611 722 882 924 983 1,068 1.286 1,367 1,539 1,702 1,728 1,828 1,894 1,946 135 137 139 141 149 165 183 200 215 227 241 256 278 301 325 363 401 483 594 610 632 673 796 842 937 1,018 1,018 1,052 1,069 1,069 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 i; 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 17 19 211 22 24 27 30 34 36 37 39 40 (1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 5 3 3 8 12 6 7 19 10 24 12 11.13 1176 12.26 12.76 12.89 12.74 12.63 12.69 12.85 13.37 13,91 14.19 14,74 15.35 15.86 16.26 16.46 15.94 15.80 16.45 17.28 17.99 18.55 18.79 19.16 19.69 20.24 20.93 21.58 22.36 9 85 1926 1957 10.39 1927 1958 1078 1928 1960 11 15 1929 1 1 08 1930 1961 10 70 1931 1962 1(1.40 1032 1963 1031 19114 10.35 1934 1965.. .. 1(1 76 1966 11 "1 1936 1967 11.35 1937 1968 11.79 1938 1969 12.32 1970 1270 194H 1971 12.94 1941 1972... . 12.96 1942 1973 12.15 1943 : 1974. 11 87 1944 1975 12.43 194") 1976 13.20 1946 1977 13.87 1947 1978 1431 1948 1979 14 42 1949 198(1 1-1 60 1900 1981 .. 14.98 1951 1982 15.51 1952 1983 16.08 1953 1984 16.76 1954 1985 17.44 1955 Federal hospital buildings 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 194 : 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 l 1 ' ■■ 11 14 17 19 21 24 29 34 39 43 55 78 119 205 336 477 616 717 759 782 841 1 3 5 7 9 10 13 16 17 19 21 25 29 32 36 46 65 101 182 308 438 563 648 676 682 718 I) II .50 .81 1 111 1.22 1.73 2.44 3.11 3.63 4.16 4.67 5.29 5.78 6.28 6.80 7.32 7.71 7.63 7.77 7.05 5.07 3.83 3.75 4.03 4.46 5.13 5.93 6.80 (I (I II II .50 .80 1.00 1.20 1.70 2.40 3.05 3.55 4.04 4.52 5.10 5.54 5.99 6.45 6.90 7.21 6.99 7.04 6.20 4.25 3.18 3.18 3.50 3.93 I 59 5.38 623 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 918 953 962 994 1,019 1,068 1,123 1,208 1,306 1,446 1,620 1,705 1,891 2,123 2,384 2,747 3,021 3.348 3,947 4,228 4,675 5,311 6,604 7,146 8,194 9,364 9,849 10,716 11,585 12,339 769 783 775 787 794 818 846 902 967 1,066 1,189 1,231 1,342 1.488 1,659 1,902 2.061 2,246 2,608 2,771 3,047 3,454 4,291 4,625 5,293 6,056 6,341 6,853 7,383 7,839 77 87 94 106 122 141 162 185 204 218 235 252 7.57 8.30 9.08 9.70 10.32 10.93 1 11.53 1 11.86 1 12.13 1 12.29 1 12.45 1 13.02 2 13.61 2 14.04 4 14.30 5 1-148 7 14.99 8 15.58 11 16.11 13 16.41 15 16.63 17 16.74 21 16.82 29 16.99 35 17.10 44 17.11 47 17.30 53 17.55 67 17.72 74 17.87 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 295 Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal other buildings' 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 873 852 791 726 769 861 940 1,024 1,197 1,364 1,419 1,476 1,593 1,806 2,024 2,163 2,260 2,487 3,140 3,764 3,903 3,908 4,259 4,606 4,681 1,658 4,679 4.930 507 506 497 480 166 437 415 480 558 612 670 789 902 938 969 1,041 1,175 1,298 1,356 1,389 1,503 1,859 2,168 2,186 2,172 2,353 2,494 2,479 2,418 2,386 2,448 19 19 19 19 19 18 16 15 17 20 21 24 29 31 33 35 39 47 53 56 56 61 84 92 91 94 109 112 113 112 116 21.13 21.47 21.87 22 48 22.63 22.29 21.35 18.72 17.53 17.37 17.19 16.90 16.72 16 68 16.83 16.89 16 93 17.20 17.70 18.24 18.73 19 33 2005 20 72 20.84 20.90 21.29 21.79 22.14 22.44 22 92 15.73 16.01 16.36 17.00 16.98 16.35 15.01 12 03 10.92 10.85 10.79 10 63 10.57 10.64 10.91 11.07 11.22 11.60 1222 12.83 13.36 14.00 14.81 15.56 15.58 15.53 15.92 1641 16.72 16.92 17 39 11)56 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 5.224 5,229 5,222 5,321 5,428 5,659 6,037 6,588 7,337 8,252 9,141 9,507 10,338 11,158 11.900 12,990 13.825 14,977 17,160 17,813 18,864 21,099 25,333 26,723 29,759 32,910 33,500 35,660 37,825 39,698 2.549 2,501 2,488 2,562 2,651 2,795 3,077 3.515 4.156 4.937 5,669 6,002 6,565 7,036 7,426 8,048 8.572 9,360 10,758 11,146 11,699 13,231 15,866 16,614 18,342 20,089 20.1911 21,279 22,435 23,472 126 132 129 131 135 139 146 156 170 187 205 215 224 244 258 278 296 315 345 37:; 383 111 461 517 578 643 684 713 754 794 79 88 84 85 85 84 94 99 118 167 207 250 226 201 L93 229 322 390 405 313 300 318 333 257 277 275 364 355 379 397 23 23 23 58 2357 2324 22.83 22.47 21.67 20 54 19.10 17.81 17.03 16 79 16 83 17.13 17.51 17 84 1803 18.10 18.28 18.54 19.04 18.84 19 03 19.25 19.51 19.80 20.17 20.46 20 63 20 72 17.64 17.98 17.71 16 99 16.18 15.48 14.28 12.81 11.20 10.03 9.50 9.55 9.82 10.32 10.86 11.35 11.77 12 08 12.50 12.85 13.40 13.23 1348 13.77 14.08 14.38 14.85 15.17 15 33 15 38 Federal highways and streets 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 51 60 67 75 81 90 94 116 187 258 333 387 408 132 452 507 655 805 825 779 799 902 1,058 1,135 1,115 1,227 1,409 1,452 1,383 1,447 1,596 19 56 63 69 74 83 86 106 173 239 308 355 371 389 403 447 569 687 690 639 644 716 828 877 854 931 1,054 1,073 1,014 1,053 1,155 2.90 3.33 3.78 4.16 4.55 4.64 4.58 4.53 4.25 4.15 4.21 4.58 5.07 5 60 6.13 6.71 7.38 8.20 9.13 10.05 10.90 11.61 12.20 12.77 13.12 13.56 14.14 14.64 15.00 15,30 15 56 2.82 3.24 3.66 1.01 4.37 4.43 1 32 4.25 :-; 95 3.84 3.89 4.26 4.73 5.23 5.74 6.29 6.93 7 72 8 63 9.53 10.34 10 99 1 1 48 11.94 12.14 12.45 12.91 13,28 1346 13.58 13.64 1956, 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 196,9 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1.806 1,924 2,007 2,027 2.153 2,293 2,552 2,791 2,970 3,268 3,711 4,142 4.556 5,139 6,014 6,549 7,218 8,591 11,557 11,530 11,451 12,823 16,558 20,218 21,848 21,343 20,899 21,463 23,601 26,063 1,298 1,378 1,436 1,442 1,536 1,637 1,827 2,007 2,137 2,348 2,680 2,996 3.290 3,692 4,303 4,668 5,123 6,052 8.049 7,948 7,827 8,705 11 148 13,506 14,429 14,037 13,666 13.893 15.134 16.560 76 85 98 110 120 135 181 202 201 212 255 317 378 377 366 367 388 441 7 8 9 11 14 16 18 22 31 37 40 43 54 72 90 93 95 99 108 131 15.85 16.00 16 06 1630 16.22 16.22 16,13 16 00 i 16.11 15.93 1589 15 99 16.24 16.44 16.63 1683 17.17 17.67 18.12 18.49 18.79 19 15 19.49 19.97 20.16 20 11 20 83 21.21 21.59 13.74 13.68 l :■; 52 1359 13.28 13.09 12.83 12.53 1240 12.39 12.10 11.96 11.98 12.15 12.29 12.40 12 53 12.81 13.24 13.62 13.93 14.14 14.42 14.68 15.09 15.18 15.33 15.68 15.99 16 29 1. Consists of general office buildings, police and fire stations, courthouses, auditoriums, ga- rages, passenger terminals, etc. 296 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal conservation and development structures 1925 2,054 2,108 2,164 2,247 2,304 2,300 2,160 2,303 3,039 3,660 4,356 5,148 5,842 6,264 6,691 7,275 7,792 8,304 8,996 9,384 10,256 11,894 13,912 15,441 15,950 16.877 18,858 20,461 21,385 21,571 22,742 1,375 1,400 1,426 1,472 1,505 1,506 1,427 1,539 2,110 2.626 3,247 3,916 4,482 4,826 5,170 5,628 6,021 6.373 6.835 7,026 7,557 8,652 10,023 11,070 11,417 12,087 13,474 14,560 15,134 15,144 15,809 35 36 37 38 40 41 40 36 46 60 70 82 98 106 114 122 135 140 154 163 170 11)4 229 267 284 283 317 352 374 381 382 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 8 11 14 14 15 18 18 20 21 22 24 27 28 30 37 43 51 57 55 61 69 72 74 76 19.18 19.53 19.87 20.12 20.27 20.21 19.91 19.47 17.98 16.63 14.99 14.11 13.73 13.54 13.40 13.34 13.38 13.67 14.11 14.75 15.43 15.97 16.36 16.55 16.61 16.58 16.67 16.82 17.04 17.36 17.76 14.95 15.18 15.39 15.51 15.51 15.27 14.80 14.19 12.57 11.28 9.85 9.21 9.02 8.99 9.00 9.08 9.24 9.61 10.11 10.78 11.50 12.07 12.47 12.65 12.69 12.63 12.70 12.85 13.04 13.34 13.72 1956 24,999 26,267 26,754 27,411 28,518 30,143 31.653 33,322 35,295 37,651 40,320 43,115 46,641 50,740 55.199 61,587 66,675 72,942 89,271 100,618 108,703 117,380 130,029 147.385 166.545 183,454 191,116 196,549 202,487 207,858 17,216 17,946 18,161 18,509 19,165 20.215 21.202 22,287 23,566 25,110 26,880 28,635 30,784 33,187 35,815 39,718 42,713 46,438 56,487 63.298 67,995 73,058 80,763 91,115 102,457 112,179 115,943 118,258 120,767 122,739 422 463 465 481 491 515 540 568 599 636 680 729 781 845 917 1.010 1.111 1,207 1,387 1,661 1,795 1,945 2,109 2,381 2,686 2,991 3,224 3,305 3,396 3,494 90 97 100 104 110 119 131 140 147 160 174 187 203 225 254 310 320 351 403 530 581 692 788 788 932 1,043 1,153 1,249 1,293 1,374 18.14 18.45 18.71 18.92 19.11 19.20 19.27 19.35 19.43 19.50 19.54 19.71 19.98 20.35 20.69 20.97 21.25 21.52 21.77 22.03 22.28 22.52 22.66 22.86 23.08 23.34 23.66 24.00 24.35 24.75 14.07 1926 1957 14.34 1927 1958 14.54 1928 1959 14.67 1929 1960 14.79 1930 1961 14.78 1931 1962 14.75 1932 1963 14.73 1933 1964 14.73 1934 1965 14.70 1935 1966 14.64 nino 1967 14.73 1937 1968 14.93 1938 1969 15.25 1939 1970 15.51 1940 1971 15.70 1941 1972 15.90 1942 1973 16.06 1943 1974 16.22 1944 1975 16.37 1945 1976 16.51 1946 1977 16.64 1947 1978 16.65 1948 1979 16.74 11-I4H 1980 16.84 1950 1981 16.99 1951 1982 17.22 1952 1983 17.46 1953 1984 17.71 1954 1985 18.01 1955 Federal other structures 11 1925 53 53 56 6,11 81 86 89 96 130 147 149 173 1111 204 219 261 323 372 477 510 594 708 827 ■ 905 896 924 1,043 1,120 1,116 1,109 1,178 45 11 16 57 68 71 74 79 Mil 116 117 133 147 156 167 204 257 299 401 420 480 565 650 700 680 689 763 805 786 766 797 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 17 19 20 19 21 24 24 24 24 11 1) I) 11 I) II 6.89 7.62 8.18 7.88 7.58 7.75 7.96 8.39 9.06 9.58 10.01 10.44 10.75 10.83 10.81 10.11 944 9.03 7.36 8.06 8.82 9.28 9.82 10.45 11.11 1174 12.38 13.03 13.72 14.37 15.01 6.71 7.39 7.87 7.37 6.90 6.98 7.10 7.46 8.07 8.50 8.83 9.14 9.33 9.25 9.07 8.21 7.47 7.04 5.51 6.20 6.92 7.35 7.84 8.41 9.00 9.55 10.10 10.64 11.23 11.75 12.26 1956 1,285 1,322 1,338 1,337 1,424 1.510 1,637 1,726 1,791 1,825 2,007 2,108 2,224 2,409 2,656 2,887 3,207 3,778 4,961 5,314 5,573 6.208 7,520 8,872 9,573 9,966 10,028 10,167 10,823 10,300 854 856 851 844 909 969 1,062 1,118 1,147 1,157 1,254 1,292 1,338 1,421 1,545 1,664 1,867 2,253 2,981 3,223 3,416 3,820 4,642 5,425 5,817 : 5,962 5,918 5,942 6,239 6,234 27 28 28 29 29 31 33 36 37 39 41 43 46 49 53 58 64 72 92 107 113 122 141 168 196 204 206 208 216 209 2 2 7 9 10 13 14 12 11 14 12 14 18 14 21 22 19 36 40 60 67 53 62 49 93 65 72 114 76 134 15.61 16.41 17.00 17.27 16.97 16.87 16.59 16.67 17.06 17.46 17.93 18.54 19.15 19.77 20.23 20.54 20.29 19.73 19.59 19.45 19.26 19.22 19.18 19.48 19.72 20.20 21162 20.96 21.37 20.01 12.70 1926 1957 13.39 1927 1958 13.92 1928 1959 14.08 1929 1960 13.53 1930 1961 13.32 1931 1962 12.92 1932 1963 12.90 1933 1964 13.20 1934 1965 13.52 1935 1966 13.91 1936 1967 14.48 1937 1968 15.04 1938 1969 15.57 1939 1970 15.89 1940 1971 16.03 1941 1972 15.38 I'M" 1973 14.44 1943 1974 14.06 1944 1975 13.77 1945 1976 '..' 1347 1946 1977 13.30 1947 1978 13.17 1948 1979 13.36 1949 1980 13.56 1950 1981 13.95 1951 1982 14.27 1952 1983 14.58 1953 1984 14.87 l'l M 1985 13.95 1955 2. Consists of electric and gas facilities, transit systems, airfields, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 297 Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net Federal militarv facilities 5,254 5,258 5,123 5,037 1,860 4,455 3,821 3,612 3,980 4,261 4,387 4,603 4,777 4.777 4,983 5,604 8,182 14,519 17,416 17,940 20,074 24,065 27,375 29,204 27,941 29,629 33,454 34,832 34,994 35,150 37,931 4.161 4,060 3,853 3,691) 3,466 3,096 2,590 2,386 2.563 2,675 2,681 2,734 2,757 2,690 2,769 3,197 5,301 11,026 13,527 13,793 15,244 17,867 19,860 20,710 19,365 20.092 22.373 23,124 23,079 22,951 24,633 112 114 112 108 107 100 90 74 80 91 91 95 102 101 103 110 1 Hi 242 349 373 388 459 561 623 608 568 684 726 737 730 748 36 30 34 53 59 68 61 79 135 148 159 135 140 224 238 267 9.83 10.77 11.70 12 63 13.54 14.41 15.22 1603 16.83 17.59 18.39 19.22 2002 2070 21.11 20.51 16.87 11.55 111 75 11.15 11.64 12.47 13.30 14.13 14.96 15.74 16.21 16.46 16.71 17.08 17.29 8.71 9.66 10.60 11.53 12.43 13.29 14.07 14.82 15.56 16.25 16.97 17.74 18.45 18.97 19.03 17.54 12.45 7.27 6.75 7.22 7.75 9.35 10.17 11.00 11.78 12.18 1233 1 2 52 12 85 13.01 1956 1957 1058 1959 1960 1961 1962 196,3 196-1 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 41.516 43.430 .14.-192 45,250 15,881 47,556 49,325 50,811 52.128 54,181 56,667 59,457 63,341 6,8.934 74,386 78,411 86,850 loo 702 119,444 116.524 127.782 132.632 146,171 169,929 192,515 194,797 194,452 200,186 206,453 204.993 26,721 27,644 28,125 28.428 28,620 29,362 30,074 30.668 31,083 31,852 32,674 33.623 35.26-1 37.835 10,072 41,390 15,025 51,419 60,142 57.842 62.265 6,3,6X9 69,206 79,484 88,642 87,915 80.86! 88,686 91,170 89,901 841 896 922 941 951 973 1,015 1.049 1.074 1,103 1,157 1,202 1,265 1,359 1,491 1,590 1,681 1,943 2.260 2,411 2,495 2.667 2.801 3.226 3,682 3,950 3,907 3,925 4.092 4,110 2110 201 340 357 380 254 247 458 559 536 392 1611 669 815 794 629 857 1,218 1,701 1,453 1,201 1.900 2,127 3,054 2,601 2.411 3.845 3.649 4,797 3.447 17.59 17.94 18.18 18 39 18.62 18.93 19.30 19 62 20 04 20.48 21.05 21.64 22.10 22 54 23.05 23.61 24.15 24 58 25.01 25.39 25.87 26 35 26.75 27.15 27.56 28.09 28.48 28.76 2897 29 21 13 20 13.45 1364 1380 14.00 14.19 14.44 14.73 15.14 15.58 16.08 16.58 17.02 17 11 17.95 18.38 1878 19 13 19 50 19.74 20.02 2U29 20 56 21186 21.09 21.37 21.53 21.55 21.55 21.42 State and local equipment and structure 1925 36,488 37,902 39,384 40,757 41,454 40,557 36,871 37,036 43,351 47,612 50,352 55,438 57,928 59,529 61,465 66.260 77,723 88,353 90,177 88,515 92,932 107,567 126,905 136,643 136,228 148,554 167,252 175,082 174,207 182,020 199,8711 26,707 27,688 28,757 29,717 30,182 29,576 26,834 26,846 31,169 33,871 35,428 38,830 40,204 41,184 42,464 45,490 52,932 59,370 59.380 56.952 58,532 66.603 77,924 83,558 83,092 90,699 102,240 107,014 106,550 112,030 123,870 713 738 783 810 854 861 826 730 841 992 989 1,109 1,192 1,232 1,267 1,312 1,467 1,740 1,861 1,798 1,795 1,980 2,382 2,750 2,798 2,793 3,334 3,579 3,716 3,782 3,974 159 166 166 166 178 179 166 150 162 201 218 250 297 326 349 392 447 533 582 608 661 745 905 1,081 1,107 1,146 1,346 1,429 1,483 1,502 1,578 14 11 14.20 14.21 14.25 14.28 14.19 14.16 14.27 14.65 15.08 15.51 15.64 15.90 16.02 16.05 16.30 16.72 17.33 18.10 18.88 19.63 20.25 20.58 20.74 20.82 20.82 211 -1 2n 85 2H 76 20.56 20.33 10.63 10.69 10.68 10.67 10.68 10 60 10.56 10.71 11.15 11.55 11.95 11.98 12.15 12.19 12.15 12.37 12.80 13.44 14.20 14.94 15.65 16.16 16.35 16.37 1624 16.05 15.91 15.75 15.48 15.11 14.72 1956 223,178 237,120 246,611 253,698 263,886 277,842 297,442 316,780 334,712 362.914 400,284 435,896 483,895 543,720 618,045 685,173 751,258 860,970 1.101,657 1,149,945 1,197,526 1,321,196 1.616,316 1.849,873 2,029,374 2,100,988 2,111,935 2.195,972 2.348,568 2,508.606 139,114 148,622 155,310 160,390 167,432 177,079 190.346 203.944 216.771 236,582 262,76,7 288.212 322,018 363.226 413.042 457,446 500.480 571,415 727,933 755.437 781,844 855,480 1,039,325 1,180,099 1,283,642 1,317,713 1,312,253 1.350,977 1.433,240 1,518,736 4,577 5,030 5,257 5,450 5,621 -,,-89 6.247 6,619 7,030 7,536 8.226, 8,933 9,884 11,100 12,537 14,072 15,467 17,189 21,163 24,220 25,461 27,373 31,289 36,552 41,913 44,552 45,754 47,007 49.391 53,224 1,746 1,952 2,061 2,065 2,251 2,433 2,540 2,869 3,082 3,212 3,715 3,980 4,231 4,839 5,194 5,779 6,458 6,988 8,468 9,619 10,645 11,370 13,297 16,272 17,428 20,598 21,858 21,878 25,093 25,545 20.12 19 911 19.70 19.53 19.38 19.20 19.09 18.89 18.68 18.49 18.28 18.05 17.82 17.70 17.73 17.77 17.85 18.02 18.27 18.35 18.44 18.71 19.05 19.43 19.66 19.79 20.01 20.30 20.62 20.94 14.40 1926 1957 14.08 1927 1958 13.81 1928 1959 13.58 1929 1960 13.39 1930 1961 1318 1931 1962 13.04 1932..; 1963 12.83 1933 1964 12.62 1934 1965 12.43 1935 1966 12.25 1936 1967 . 12.07 1937 1968 . .. 11.89 1938. . 1969 11.84 1939 1970 11.92 1940 1971 12.(12 1941 1972 12.16 1942 1973 12.38 1943 1974 12.64 1944 1975 12.79 1945 1976 12 96 1946 .. 1977 13.27 1947 1978 13.62 1948 1979 13.98 1949 1980 14.23 1950 .. .. 1981 14.43 1951 1982 14.69 1952 1983 15.00 1953 1984 15.30 1954 1985 15.56 1955 298 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation- Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net State and local equipment 1925 858 979 1.152 1,311 1,524 1,621 1,731 1.858 1.966 2,045 2,115 2.3U2 2,562 2,689 2,876 3,090 3.294 3,364 3,253 3,194 3.195 3,215 3,711 4,391 4,998 5,812 6.661 7,512 8,429 9,314 10,559 534 639 782 901 1,063 1.112 1,165 1,217 1,230 1,211 1,196 1,254 1,379 1,445 1,556 1,648 1,705 1,694 1,576 1,491 1,444 1,416 1,767 2,286 2,783 3,403 4,049 4,694 5,333 5.944 6,747 53 63 73 86 99 112 116 126 133 142 145 149 172 181 189 201 215 230 221 216 213 214 224 276 316 362 431 480 554 614 680 47 48 45 44 43 40 38 39 41) 48 55 65 89 105 121 143 168 198 205 216 232 242 253 296 304 317 346 346 350 350 353 6.03 5.50 5.02 4.81 4.58 4.69 4.83 5.07 5.48 5.98 6.40 6.76 6.92 7.00 7.02 7.20 7.49 7.76 8.10 8.40 8.65 8.86 8.30 7.60 7.03 6.56 6.18 5.87 5.69 5.55 5.48 3.22 3.10 3.01 3.10 3.11 3.37 3.59 3.85 4.25 4.70 5.01 5.19 5.10 4.95 4.76 4.85 5.10 5.34 5.68 5.99 6.25 6.40 5.46 4.62 4.11 3.82 3.68 3.61 3.66 3.70 3.78 1956 12,315 14,098 14,916 15,325 16,167 17,038 17,690 18,731 19,883 21,077 22,796 25,384 28,256 31,699 35,737 39,093 42,824 47,451 58,754 66,536 72,946 80,014 88,906 98,710 111,620 122.956 130,229 136,780 144,563 154,151 7,837 8,891 9,069 8,993 9,223 9,477 9,635 10,088 10,689 11,368 12,439 14,246 16,203 18,504 21,138 23,275 25,671 28,078 34,316 38,175 41,017 44,021 48,013 52,629 58,994 64,366 67,832 71,520 76,483 82,806 798 923 1,038 1,044 1,094 1,151 1,201 1,246 1,326 1,394 1,490 1,632 1,827 2,041 2,302 2,576 2,822 3,098 3,617 4,343 4,824 5,249 5,786 6,437 7,185 8,018 8,614 9,054 9,515 10,098 363 398 445 448 519 594 663 773 894 981 1,105 1,235 1,339 1,465 1,615 1,684 1,765 1,892 2,120 2,548 2,894 3,228 3,716 4,379 5,156 6,036 6,862 7,497 8,035 8,630 5.47 5.52 5.84 6.15 6.42 6.66 6.88 7.02 7.08 7.10 7.03 6.82 6.63 6.46 6.33 6.24 6.15 6.24 6.33 6.48 6.64 6.84 7.01 7.14 7.24 7.36 7.43 7.43 7.35 7.24 3.85 1926 1957 3.95 1927 1958 4.30 1928 1959 4.58 1929 1960 4.76 1930... . 1961 4.89 1931 1962 4.97 1932 1963 4.96 1933 1964 4.89 1934.. 1965 4.79 1935 1966 4.64 19311 1967 4.39 1937 1968 4.23 193:- 1969 4.14 1939 1970 4.1(1 1940 1971 4.11 1941 1972 4.11 1942 1973 4.29 1943 1974 4.42 1944 1975 4.58 1945 1976 4.74 1946 1977 4.89 1947 1978 4.99 1948 1979 5.03 1949 1980 5.04 1950 1981 5.06 1951 1982 5.05 1952 1983 4.97 1953 1984 4.84 1954 1985 4.71 19 ■ i State and local structures 1925 35.630 36.922 38,231 39,446 39,930 38,936 35,141 35,178 41,385 45,567 48,237 53,136 -,5.366 56,840 58.589 63,169 74,428 84,988 86,924 85,321 89.737 104,352 123,194 132,252 131,230 142,741 160,591 167,570 165,779 172,706 189,310 26,174 27.044 27,975 28,816 29,119 28,464 25,669 25,630 29,939 32,660 34,232 37,576 38,825 39,740 40,908 43,842 51,226 57,676 57,805 55,461 57,087 65,187 76,157 81,272 80,309 87,295 98.191 102.320 101.217 106,086 117,123 660 676 710 724 754 749 710 604 708 850 844 960 1,020 1,052 1.079 1.111 1,251 1,510 1,640 1,582 1,582 1,766 2,158 2,474 2,482 2,431 2,403 3.098 3,162 3,169 3,294 112 117 121 122 135 138 127 111 123 153 163 184 208 221 228 249 279 334 376 391 429 503 652 785 803 829 1,000 1,083 1,132 1,152 1,225 14.30 14.43 14.49 14.56 1465 14.58 14.62 14.76 15.09 15.49 15.91 16.03 16.32 16.45 16.50 16.75 17.13 17.71 18.48 19.28 20.02 20.60 20.95 21.18 21.34 21.40 21.45 21.52 21 53 21.37 21.16 10.78 10.87 10.89 10.91 10.96 10.88 10.87 11.04 11.43 11.80 12.19 12.21 12.40 12.45 12.43 12.65 13.06 13.68 14.43 15.18 15.88 16.38 16 61 16.70 16.66 16.52 16.41 16.30 16.10 15.74 15.35 1956 210,862 223,022 231,695 238,373 247,719 260.804 279,752 298,049 314,829 341,837 377,487 410,512 455,639 512,021 582,308 646,080 708,434 813,519 1,042,903 1.O83.409 1,124,580 1,241,182 1,527,409 1,751.163 1,917,754 1,978,032 1,981,706 2,059,192 2,204,005 2,354,455 131,277 139.731 146,242 151,398 158,209 167.602 180.711 193.856 206. 0X2 225,214 250,328 273,966 305.815 344,721 391.904 434,170 474,810 543,336 693,617 717,263 740,827 811,459 991,312 1.127,470 1,224,648 1,253,347 1,244,421 1.279,458 1.356,757 1,435,929 3,779 4,107 4,219 4,406 4,526 4,737 5,046 5,373 5,704 6,143 6,736 7,301 8,057 9,058 10,236 11,496 12,646 14,092 17,546 19,877 20,638 22,124 25,503 30,114 34,727 36,535 37,140 37,953 39,876 43,126 1,382 1,554 1,616 1,617 1,732 1,839 1,876 2,095 2,188 2,231 2,610 2,745 2,892 3,374 3,579 4,095 4,693 5,097 6,347 7.071 7,751 8,142 9,580 11.892 12,272 14,561 14,996 14,381 17,057 16,915 20.98 20.80 20.59 20.39 20.22 20.02 19.86 19.64 19.41 19.19 18.96 18.74 18.51 18.40 18.43 18.47 18.56 18.71 18.94 19.07 19.20 19.47 19.75 20.12 20.38 20.56 20.83 21.16 21.49 21.83 15.03 1926 1957 14.73 1927 1958 14.40 1928 1959 14.11 1929 1960 13.89 1930 1961 13.65 1931 1962 13.47 1932 1963 13.24 1933 1964 13.02 1934 1965 12.82 1935 1966 12.63 1936 1967 12.47 1937 1968 12.30 1438 1969 12.25 1939 1970 12.34 1940 1971 12.44 1941 1972 12.60 1942 1973 12.80 1943 1974 13.04 1944 1975 13.22 1445 1976 .'.: 13.42 1446 1977 13.73 1947 1978 14.03 1948 1979 14.40 1949 1980 14.67 1950 1981 14.91 1951 1952 1982 15.22 1983 15.56 1953 1454 1984 15.89 1985 16.18 1955 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 299 Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net State and local educational buildings 7,204 7,544 7.777 8,018 8,009 7,445 0.0114 0,047 0,142 0,510 6,883 7,002 8,827 0.050 9,552 10,040 11,088 12,180 12.884 13.326 14,510 18.307 22,184 23,060 23,907 20,379 29.530 31,254 32.180 33.820 37,743 4,646 4,891 5.050 5.213 5,214 4,851 4,292 3,879 3,861 4,047 4,233 4,927 5,424 5.547 5.886 6,101 0,028 7,156 7.398 7,469 7,949 9,833 11,732 12.532 12,775 14,307 16,318 17,562 18,388 19.785 22.033 147 154 159 164 169 164 147 128 123 133 139 151 180 186 193 202 216 242 261 273 277 324 434 489 488 499 589 628 657 673 724 59 59 60 59 63 64 56 49 46 54 60 63 76 77 81 91 96 no 123 135 15(1 177 247 285 284 306 350 372 391 379 412 17.72 17.55 17.50 17.45 17.40 17.37 17.46 17.88 1852 18.88 19.21 19 03 19.25 19.37 19.18 19.63 20.11 20 00 21.33 22.04 22.09 23 20 2370 2370 23.49 23.12 2205 22.20 21.75 21.09 2(1 30 12 35 12.17 12.12 12.08 12.04 12.03 12.14 12.60 13.28 13.63 13.97 13.69 13.89 13.94 13.65 14.13 14.61 15.17 15.88 16.63 17.33 17 90 18 29 18.05 17.52 16.82 1602 15.33 14.70 13.87 13 07 1950 1957 1958 1959 I960 196] 1902 1963 1904 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1082 1083 1084 1985 42.080 44,546 40.202 48.091 49.823 52,911 50,183 00,128 04,404 70,504 78,686 85,047 97,845 110.907 123.585 139.842 154,228 172,854 205,287 218.291 236,547 200,271 313.210 330.154 308,486 405,187 413,313 437,351 458.292 474,439 25.709 27.089 29.218 30.687 32,115 34,471 30.858 39.815 43.057 47,519 53,688 59,103 08,0.31 77.321 85,953 96,889 100,201 118,501 139,950 147.768 158.548 172,140 204,482 212.795 234,390 253.803 254,473 204,271 271,887 270,424 832 910 933 970 1,016 1,063 1,128 1.205 1.203 1,404 1,554 1,704 1.898 2.192 2,445 2,759 3,071 3,437 3.057 4.402 4,751 5.208 5,812 0,549 7,334 8,138 8,0.39 8.979 9,404 9,779 157 486 500 488 516 546 543 584 594 613 695 094 757 831 860 1,059 1,090 1.221 1,405 1,424 1,745 1.782 1 ,995 2,370 2.355 3.095 3.116 3.203 3.745 3,500 19.81 19 28 18.78 18.45 18.12 17.78 17.54 17.22 16.92 16.59 16.15 15.73 15.43 15 33 15.35 15.46 15.62 15.76 15.92 16.12 16.43 16.84 17.23 17 03 18.02 18.48 19.00 19.55 20 09 20 01 12.52 12.04 11.03 11.41 11.21 11.02 1093 10.78 10.64 10.48 10.24 10.02 9.93 9 99 10.17 10.42 10.70 10 05 11.20 11.48 11.87 1235 12 80 13 24 13.64 14.13 14.68 15.25 15 80 1028 State and local hospitals 1,134 1.194 1.255 1.343 1,377 1,333 1.235 1,185 1,242 1,339 1,423 1,045 1,815 1,800 2,031 2,160 2.393 2.043 2,820 2,980 3,325 4,274 5.195 5,543 5,697 0,396 7,217 7.057 7,798 8,000 8,055 7 15 789 835 908 940 833 800 925 971 1,120 1,218 1,272 1.370 1,438 1,508 1,099 1,787 1,854 2,046 2.000 3,101 3,282 3,405 3,876 4,419 4,718 4,800 4,917 5.299 23 24 26 27 29 29 27 25 25 27 29 31 37 39 41 44 47 53 58 61 63 76 103 116 117 122 145 156 102 163 171 10 84 16.71 16.48 15.98 15.66 15.20 14.80 14.69 1498 15.25 15.69 15.78 16.27 10.28 16.08 16.51 17.05 17 66 18.22 18.09 19.04 19 39 19.96 20.21 19.94 19.54 19.24 19.00 19.11 19.18 10.31 12.15 1194 11.64 11.09 10.79 10.36 10.03 9.98 10.31 10.03 11.10 11.21 11.71 11.72 11.50 11.95 12.51 13.14 13.71 14.17 14.47 14.79 15.36 15.54 15.04 14.41 13.93 13.03 13.00 13.60 13.67 1956 1057 1058 1950 1960 1961 1902 1963 1964 1965 1966 1007 1968 1000 107o 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1082 1983 1984 1985 9.347 9.001 9.739 9,958 10.100 10.432 10.840 11.279 11,743 12,443 13,309 13,994 15.570 17,378 19,117 21,536 23,041 20,238 31.015 33,161 36,365 40,370 18,835 51,410 57,173 03,028 04.488 08.017 72,062 74.470 5,812 5,890 0.020 6,090 6,263 0.489 0,721 0,977 7,376 7,857 8,285 9,207 10,395 11,458 12.956 14,243 15,780 18.092 20.116 22,182 24,601 20,077 31,038 34,235 37,494 38.028 40,125 41,734 42.000 189 201 203 200 213 220 229 238 250 267 281 303 342 376 420 465 517 590 666 715 792 890 1.005 1,123 1,245 1.320 1,384 1,450 1,515 89 95 100 103 112 117 122 136 143 158 177 189 226 243 277 324 341 395 117 471 562 582 720 736 765 876 836 1054 1970 19.75 19.78 19.88 20 04 20.16 20 3 1 2043 20.52 20.67 20.60 20.47 20.34 20.29 20.20 20.17 20.21 20.18 19.99 19.83 1980 19.95 20.10 20.40 20.61 20.87 21.12 21.41 21.77 13.85 13.95 13.92 13.88 13.92 14.03 14.10 14.19 14.25 14.27 14.37 14.23 14.02 13.83 13.74 13.61 13.57 1302 13.58 13.36 13.22 13 28 13.40 13.00 13.93 14.18 1448 14.75 15.08 15.45 300 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net State and local )ther buildings 1 1925 1,328 1,448 1,565 1.679 1,743 1,679 1,580 1.500 1,560 1,728 1.878 2.278 2,612 2,784 3,105 3,413 3.826 4,211 4,451 4,614 5,032 .■,.:;:,- 7,772 8,301 8,457 9,382 10,427 10,829 11,028 11,455 12,688 890 988 1,086 1,179 1,237 1,201 1,146 1,084 1,113 1,234 1,333 1,639 1,877 2,005 2,268 2,484 2,745 2,955 3,045 3,075 3,267 4.029 4,840 5,123 5,215 5,795 6,425 6,611 6,712 6,999 7,823 27 29 32 34 36 37 35 31 31 35 38 43 53 57 62 68 75 85 92 96 98 115 154 174 175 181 213 224 231 233 248 8 8 8 9 9 9 8 7 7 8 10 10 12 13 14 15 17 19 22 24 27 32 45 53 53 58 68 74 80 77 84 16.20 15.60 15.04 14.63 14.28 14.01 13.53 13.66 14.11 14.08 14.27 13.79 13.84 13.75 13.23 13.35 13.85 14.61 15.47 16.33 17 17 17.93 18.47 18.75 18.78 18.74 18.82 19.12 19.23 19.13 18.87 11.60 10.94 10.38 in hi 9.72 9.52 9.16 9.36 9.86 9.87 10.11 9.69 9.79 9.76 9.31 9.50 10.04 10.84 11.74 12.64 13.54 14.33 14.84 15.01 14.85 14.61 14.54 14.73 14.69 14.38 13.91 1956 14,022 14,738 15,235 15,852 16,464 17,542 18.643 19,971 21,397 23,327 25,637 27,781 31,931 37,097 41,911 48,499 54,678 62,400 75,982 81,847 89,655 99,799 122,276 130,431 147,483 164,458 170,816 184,283 196,930 207,933 8,686 9.186 9,567 10,014 10,474 11,267 12,033 12,986 14,005 15,360 16,972 18,579 21,607 25,447 28,870 33,630 38.026 43,496 53,165 57,104 62,202 68,588 83,574 88,384 99,158 109,671 112,840 120,659 127,797 133.876 282 306 312 323 339 355 377 403 431 467 511 555 618 725 824 946 1,077 1,230 1,447 1,663 1,792 1,986 2,250 2,574 2,920 3,284 3,545 3,756 4,014 4,261 99 107 115 111 119 140 138 153 154 161 203 194 225 247 258 358 340 409 460 481 651 595 725 829 864 1,226 1.077 1,228 1.333 1,322 18.75 18.58 18.38 18.21 18.01 17.75 17.62 17.40 17.21 17.02 16.88 16.55 16.16 15.70 15.55 15.34 15.23 15.14 15.00 15.08 15.27 15.58 15.75 16.03 16.27 16.53 16.83 17.10 17.37 17.62 13.63 1926.... 1957 13.32 1927.... 1958 12.99 1928 1959 12.72 1929 1960 12.44 1930 1961 12.12 r.i::i 1962 11.95 1932 1963 11.72 1933 1964 11.52 1934 1965 11.34 1935 1966 11.23 1936 1967 10.94 1937 1968 10.63 I'.t:;'- 1969 10.27 1939 1970 10.20 1940 1971 10.11 1941 1972 10.10 1942 1973 10.12 1943 1974 10.08 1944 1975 10.25 1945 1976 10.54 1946 1977 10.91 1947 1978 11.15 1948 1979 11.48 1949 1980 11.75 1 1981 12.08 1951 1982 12.38 1952 1983 12.67 1953 1984 12.95 1954 1985 13.16 1955 State and local highways and streets 1925 19,565 20.008 20.408 20.583 20,636 20,226 17,821 18,516 23,203 25,426 26,999 28,420 28,056 28,496 28.842 31,597 40,051 48,768 49,864 46,912 47,717 53,320 01,595 65,188 62,577 68,146 77,993 79,938 75,404 78,657 86,406 15.507 15,745 15,973 16,044 16,014 15.685 13,792 14,269 17,698 19,196 20,145 21.066 20,645 20,875 21,021 22,893 28,711 34,398 34,500 31,822 31,747 34,957 39,914 11 *1 1 39,866 43,239 49,195 50,197 47,273 49,529 54,668 347 346 363 359 369 366 347 281 374 449 446 511 494 496 507 512 602 804 914 839 809 869 1,009 1,152 1,139 1,057 1,327 1,406 1,393 1,363 1.385 15 18 19 19 23 23 22 20 27 34 38 45 45 Ml 52 55 70 101 121 121 124 143 178 225 234 223 305 329 332 354 363 11.78 12.11 12.36 12.55 12.76 12.80 12.90 13.10 13.56 14.01 14.53 14.82 15.15 15.35 15.57 15.83 16.29 16.97 17.76 18.56 19 34 19.92 20.39 20.80 21.09 21.26 21.52 21.72 21.81 21.69 21.55 9.56 9.84 10.04 10.18 10.33 10.31 10.35 10.49 10.91 11 31 11.77 11.98 12.22 12.33 12.47 12.64 13.02 13.65 14.41 15.17 15.89 16.37 16.71 16.97 17.07 17.04 17.11 17.10 16.98 16.60 16.23 1956 97,550 102,941 106,300 107,612 111,930 117,519 128,316 137,502 144,231 157,341 174,189 190,518 207,225 232,343 269,232 289,756 315,111 372,290 500,209 495.778 487,887 538,281 686,779 828,035 890,787 853,592 823,283 841,710 922,1 1,016,821 61,959 65,690 68.321 69,626 72,764 76,796 84,266 90.856 95,726 104,818 116,526 127,778 139,262 156,171 180,759 194,128 210,449 247,473 330,200 324,738 317,070 346,545 438.179 523,332 557,536 529,254 505,772 512,693 557,936 612,040 1.629 1,778 1,810 1,889 1,900 1,993 2,150 2,303 2,445 2,629 2,894 3,130 3,442 3.808 4,356 4,844 5,210 5,788 7,763 8,603 8,519 8.853 10,511 12,924 15,277 15,096 14,398 14,307 15,062 17,060 426 512 519 531 575 597 625 735 765 801 967 1,022 1,075 1,297 1,444 1,541 1,826 1,994 2,590 3,183 3,123 3,156 4,127 5,035 5,799 6,308 5.981 5.796 6,635 7,482 21.44 21.30 21.07 20.85 20.71 20.54 20.38 20.17 20.03 19.90 19.77 19.69 19.63 19.65 1971 19.81 19.95 20.15 20.43 20.75 21.07 21.44 21.79 22.16 22.53 22.89 23.24 23 56 23.80 24.00 15.92 1926 1957 15.61 1927 1958 15.21 1928 1959 14.85 1929 1960 14.60 1431) 1961 14.34 1931 1962 14.10 1932 1963 13.85 1933 1964 13.67 1934 1965 13.52 1935 1966 13.39 1936 1967 13.32 1937 1968 13.27 1938 1969 13.31 1939 1970 13.39 1940 1971 13.51 1941 1972 13.68 1942 1973 13.90 1943 1974 14.20 1944 1975 14.55 1945 1976 '.'.. 14.88 1946 1977 15.26 1947 1978 15.64 1948 1979 16.01 1949 1980 16.38 1950 1981 16.75 1951 1952 1953 1954 1982 17.09 1983. . 17.38 1984 17.59 1985 17.74 1955 1 Consists of general office buildings, police and fire stations, courthouses, auditoriums, ga- rages, passenger terminals, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 301 Table A20. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation — Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- ,-. j Discards tion Average age Gross Net Gross Net State and local conservation and development structures I o 16 36 65 87 97 109 149 232 300 407 51 s 581 652 695 713 729 766 s.52 991 1,160 1 3-1 1,321 1,390 1.547 1,6611 1,735 1,767 1,926 93 103 140 218 281 381 483 537 597 627 631 632 651 6,56 694 794 915 996 1,017 1,061 1,168 1,236 1,277 1,288 1,41)0 0.50 .67 .94 1.14 1.41 1.86 2.39 3.07 3.53 3.26 3.46 3.56 3.81 1 32 4.76 5.51 6.41 7.41 8.41 9.41 10.41 11.17 11.85 12 15 12.88 13.28 13.73 14.33 14.80 15.21 15.33 0.50 .66 .93 1.13 1.39 1.83 2.35 3.02 3.45 3.14 3.32 3.40 3.64 4.12 4.54 5.27 6.16 7,15 8.15 9.14 10.14 10.84 11.44 11.94 12.23 12.47 12.78 13.26 13.58 13.81 13.69 19.56 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 I'.IMI r.i-i 1982 19X3 19X4 19X5 2 22 1 2.422 2.52X 2,655 2,844 3,080 3,339 3,743 4,181 4.814 5,491 6,317 7,276 8,361 9,450 10,759 11.790 12,947 16, 18.245 20,169 22,069 24.408 27,675 31,398 34.758 36,432 37,655 3X.XX5 ■10,274 1,620 1,766 1,837 1,925 2,061 2.233 2,428 2,761 3,114 3,643 4,200 4,883 5,651 6,498 7,320 8,266 X.967 9,731 11.906 13,453 14.806 16,066 17.558 19,6X3 22,090 24,197 25,094 15,61 1 26,099 26.74.X 63 70 79 91 105 120 138 157 178 199 218 253 306 337 372 406 459 519 5X1 631 6 .0 671 695 15.21 13.29 15.23 13.08 15.39 13.05 15.50 12.97 2 15.53 12.80 4 15.54 12.64 4 15.43 12.35 5 14.88 11.62 7 14.51 11 .14 6 13.86 10.42 8 13.43 9.97 10 12.99 9.55 9 12.80 9.37 12 12.79 9.38 16 12.96 9.56 15 13.34 9.93 20 13.80 10.37 27 14.34 10X9 27 14.79 11.30 38 15.20 11.67 50 15.41 11.84 16 15.78 12.16 58 16.30 12.63 78 16.79 13.09 74 17.25 13.48 97 17.70 13.87 124 18.15 14.27 110 18.66 14.71 131 19.20 15.20 156 19.63 15.56 State and local sewer systems structures 2,069 2,207 2,374 2.5.-0 2.667 2,670 2,471 2,396 2.575 3,022 3,266 3,793 4,192 4,405 4.588 4,898 5,239 5.291 5,354 5,555 5,965 6.XX.5 8.05X X.9X-I 9,667 10,554 11,431 12.335 13.206 14,076 14,994 1,438 1,545 1,679 1,840 1,898 1.900 1,752 1,684 1,785 2,082 2,235 2,617 2,897 3,052 3,189 3,392 3,5X9 3,572 3,550 3,613 3,809 .1 :«x 5.039 5,609 6,040 6,599 7,154 7.721 8.2X6 X.X60 9,470 35 38 10 43 16 47 46 40 43 53 52 62 70 77 78 82 89 93 92 9.5 98 111 129 1.52 161 175 192 205 223 236 253 17.72 17.45 17.06 16.72 16.83 16.85 17.02 17.41 17.98 18.26 18.53 1X23 18.16 18.08 17.97 18.13 IS.. 58 19.18 19.90 20.67 21.39 21.91 2220 22 2X 22.27 22.26 22.24 22.25 22.18 22.08 21.98 13.4.5 13.07 12.58 12.18 12.26 12.25 12.39 12.75 13.31 13.54 13.76 13 38 13.26 13.13 12.99 13.13 1357 14.17 14.90 15.67 16.39 16.87 17.06 17.00 16.83 16.68 16.52 16.41 16.21 16.00 15.79 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 L972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 198.5 15.946 16.911 17.860 19.201 20.204 21,409 22,871 24 308 25,571 27,301 29,450 31,271 34,620 38,025 42,961 ,0,607 .56, 298 62,632 79,3X1 89,213 99,820 111,547 1 :i -or, 152.951 168.641 185,874 196.419 204 937 216.553 22 i,363 10,121 10,799 11,474 12,411 13,107 13,935 14,961 15,917 16,874 18,069 19,559 20.727 23,033 25,270 28,536 33.600 37.346 11,580 .53,088 60,152 67,811 76,072 90,451 105,357 116,167 127,471 133.852 138.549 145,575 150.759 208 285 302 321 3 13 360 3.-6 408 432 458 492 526 567 628 703 xox 927 1.032 1.229 1,464 1,640 1,830 2,105 2,482 2.807 3,088 3,331 3,486 3,666 3,849 93 102 109 110 120 130 132 148 159 158 179 195 194 226 258 27 1 334 380 409 519 580 576 708 831 838 1,006 1,101 1,053 1.227 1.301 21M 21.59 21.38 21.16 21.03 20.91 2072 207(1 20.41 20.30 20.17 20 27 20 12 20.17 20.20 20.21 20.2.5 20.22 19.92 19.59 19.29 19.12 18.8.5 1 - 69 18.67 18.85 19.10 19.41 19.63 1981 15.51 15.21 14.93 14.65 ! 1 50 14.36 14.16 14.13 13.8.5 13.75 13 66 13.79 13.66 13.75 13.81 13.85 13.92 13.92 13.65 13.36 13.12 13.00 12.82 12.73 12.78 13.03 13.34 13.69 13.96 14.18 302 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table A20.— Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Current-Cost Valuation- Continued Millions of dollars Years Year Millions of dollars Years Year End of year Annual totals End of year End of year Annual totals End of year Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross stock Net stock Deprecia- tion Discards Average age Gross Net Gross Net State and local water supply facilities 1925 1920 1927 192* 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 2,124 2,556 2.6K6 2,827 2,910 2,957 2.703 2,090 2,890 3,348 3,577 4.000 4.303 4,399 4,463 4,735 5,081 5,130 5,192 5,400 5,811 0,702 7,814 8,047 9,215 9,958 10,720 11,497 12,171 12.843 14,117 1.097 1,793 1,885 1,977 2.028 2,076 1,942 1,878 1,990 2,278 2,407 2,675 2,845 2,885 2,908 3,075 3,276 3,202 3,244 3,316 3,510 3,999 4,028 5,103 5,430 5,853 0,309 6,770 7,161 7,568 8,344 41 44 46 48 51 52 51 45 48 59 58 67 73 78 76 79 86 90 89 92 95 107 125 146 153 165 180 190 206 215 229 in in 9 10 13 13 16 19 20 21 22 24 27 28 29 32 39 45 56 61 64 74 81 86 94 102 17.43 17.38 17.38 17.55 17.69 17.41 17.38 17.69 18.26 18.75 19.22 19.54 19 95 20.29 20.56 20.72 21.01 21.56 22.23 22.90 23.52 23.99 24.28 24.43 24.52 24.63 24.62 24.63 24.69 24.67 24 59 13.14 12.99 12.92 13.03 13.10 12.75 12.68 12.95 13.50 13.96 14.38 14.65 15.00 15.27 15.46 15.53 15.75 16.26 16.91 17.56 18.14 18.54 18.69 18.66 18.57 18.50 18.29 18.13 18.03 17.84 17.60 1950 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1903 1964 1965 1966 1907 1908 1909 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 15,688 17,199 18,647 19,652 20,226 20,719 21,233 21,635 22,485 24,267 25,775 27,248 30,042 32,417 35,330 39,931 43,042 46,956 00,224 66,854 70,650 76,516 88,124 97,449 108,591 117,255 121,259 124,858 128,764 131,905 9,318 10,240 11,103 11,687 12,030 12,343 12,667 13,005 13,636 14.929 15,972 17,054 19,022 20,649 22,497 25,323 27,199 29,526 37,718 41,778 43,948 47,389 54,631 60.260 67,143 72,316 74,490 76,009 77,929 79,300 258 284 308 332 343 353 359 368 375 403 430 455 494 535 647 710 775 915 1,099 1,183 1,254 1.419 1.594 1,774 1,950 2,048 2,112 2,180 2,241 113 24.45 133 24.40 146 24.43 152 24.51 167 24.54 173 24.51 170 24.48 186 24.24 188 23.94 191 23.43 216 23.18 225 22.83 228 22.39 261 22.18 279 22.20 293 22.36 350 22.51 380 22.70 426 22.85 560 22.94 595 23.12 595 23.28 737 23.25 810 23.34 842 23.34 1,010 23.43 1,044 23.57 1,018 23.90 1,151 24.11 1.165 24.31 State and local other structures 2 1925 1,905 1,958 2,150 2,380 2,523 2,539 2,570 2,735 3,623 3,962 3,912 4,624 5.042 5,219 5,357 5,624 6,042 6.031 5,584 5,748 6,525 7.514 9,415 10.648 10.390 10,537 11,720 12.400 12.256 12,088 12,782 1,250 1,291 1.451 1.619 1.725 1.743 1,787 1,901 2,486 2,680 2,626 3,151 3,436 3,567 3,668 3,831 4,078 4,001 3,628 3,656 4,066 4,638 5,988 6,814 6,561 6,566 7,204 7,505 7,320 7,140 7.486 39 11 43 47 53 53 55 52 62 90 77 89 104 109 111 113 122 131 122 112 128 148 185 222 225 210 231 260 259 254 251 10 11 11 12 14 14 15 13 10 25 22 20 28 31 31 33 36 37 39 30 44 52 59 72 74 74 81 95 101 98 101 16.79 16.66 15.92 15.66 15.52 15.38 14.90 14.97 15.43 15.91 16.18 15.68 15.69 15.60 15.54 15.73 16.04 16.61 17.29 17.97 18.62 18.92 17.97 17.76 18.19 18.61 19.03 19.51 19.92 20.27 20.53 12.55 12.30 11.42 11.11 10.95 10.79 10.39 10.41 10.88 11.37 11.64 11.10 11 11 11.02 10.96 11.16 11.49 12.07 12.78 13.48 14.15 14.44 13.51 13.38 13.78 14.18 14.56 15.02 15.38 15.63 15.78 1956 14,001 14,664 15,126 15,353 16,128 17,191 18,323 19,483 20,757 21,842 24,952 27,736 31,129 35.433 40,722 45,150 49.646 57.202 74.803 80,021 83,487 92,328 111,971 133,060 145,195 153,882 155,697 159,782 170,516 183,249 8,180 8,550 8,832 9,029 9,568 10,295 11,009 11,796 12,692 13,499 15,555 17,557 19,941 22,969 26,511 29,378 32,319 37,236 18.889 52,154 54,259 60,057 72,761 86,621 93,922 99,081 99,873 101.537 107,801 114,123 284 301 311 321 328 348 370 395 420 451 497 547 615 690 794 893 987 1,095 1,392 1,014 1,701 1,829 2,108 2,527 2,973 3,152 3.223 3,277 3,424 3,727 114 127 136 135 138 149 163 173 204 180 204 262 246 322 276 332 489 410 706 525 012 974 759 1,371 417 1,099 1,816 1,149 1,959 1.154 20.61 20.69 20.67 20.48 20.24 19.97 19.90 19.68 19.43 19.11 18.84 18.40 18.02 17.67 17.52 17.53 17.56 17.55 17.47 17.54 17.61 17.62 17.63 17.61 17.79 17.91 18.05 18.33 18.51 18.96 15.69 1920 1957 .... 15.61 1927 1958 ... 15.41 1928 1959 15.01 1929 1960 14.59 1930 1961 14.18 1931 1962 14.00 1932 1963 13.68 1964 13.35 1934 1965 12.93 1935 1966 12.63 1936 1967 12.17 1 937 1968 11.80 1938 1969 11.50 1939 1970 11.38 1940 1971 11.43 1941 1972 11.52 194'' 1973 11.56 19.(3 1974 11.55 1944 1975 11.64 1945 1976 '..'. 11.75 1940 1977 11.86 1917 1978 11.90 1448 1979 11.98 1949 1980 12.10 1950 1981 1230 1951 1982 12.56 1952.... 1983 1984 12.85 1954 13.14 1985 13.53 1955 Consists of electric and gas facilities, transit systems, airfields, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 303 Table Bl. — fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Agriculture, forestry, and Fisheries Agricultural services, forestry, and fisherii 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2,649 1,8X2 3,321 2,517 3,443 2,683 3,545 2,782 3,524 2,707 3,416 2,527 3,284 2,489 3,054 2,303 3,259 2,524 2,961 2,149 3,097 2,309 3,498 2,723 3,799 2,824 3,335 2,458 3,458 2,560 3,789 2,792 4,104 3,112 4,376 3,366 5,029 3,944 5,450 4,284 5,866 4,472 5.784 4,431 6,220 4,687 7,258 5,417 7,480 5,524 7,990 6,181 10,439 7,875 11,756 8,446 12,860 9,041 1 1,906 10,767 17.307 12,743 18,432 13,079 21,773 16,015 20,003 14,560 18,964 14,171 15,295 11,113 14,898 11,437 14,459 11.263 14,661 11,817 767 804 760 763 817 889 795 751 735 812 788 775 975 877 898 997 992 1,010 1,085 1,166 1,394 1,353 1,533 1,841 1.951. 1,809 2.564 3,310 3.819 4,139 4,564 5,353 5,758 5,443 4.793 3,8X2 3,461 3,196 2.X44 13,783 15.X33 15,773 15.929 14.770 13.921 13,000 12,119 12.925 11,208 11,105 12,599 13,267 11,470 11,904 12.821 13.764 14.500 16,242 17.231 18,115 17,276 17,645 19,760 19.907 19.662 24.788 24.724 23,435 25,440 27.266 26,7X4 28.850 23,654 20,213 15.200 14.142 13,211 13.182 9,890 12.163 12.223 12,328 11,380 10,322 9,794 9,015 9,930 8,165 8,258 9,717 9,601 8,170 8,514 9,101 10,131 111,866 12,447 13,317 13,559 13,048 13,261 14,824 15,074 15,507 19,349 18,439 16.8(16 18,521 20,173 19.219 21.531 17.388 15,172 11,318 10,797 10.259 10.635 3,893 3,670 3,550 3,601 3,390 3,599 3.206 3.104 2.995 3,043 2,847 2,8X2 3,666 3,300 3,390 3,720 3,633 3,634 3,795 3,914 4,556 4.22X 4,3X4 4.936 4.X33 4,155 5.439 6.2X5 6 629 6,919 7,093 7,565 7,319 6,266 5.(141 3.8X2 3.345 2.952 2.547 83 11 1 114 104 129 150 99 116 149 179 275 133 185 181 230 176 341 311 261 308 398 ion 682 192 V.t3 676 668 824 1,289 1,444 1.936 2,231 2,339 2,57 1 2,0X2 2,262 2,555 2,9.31 71 96 97 88 110 127 84 98 180 126 152 233 113 157 154 195 1 12 289 264 221 246 337 339 578 501 493 58 I 573 717 1,113 1,311 1,792 2.061 2,170 2,393 1.X92 2,056 2.219 2,468 12 18 17 16 19 23 15 18 32 23 27 42 20 28 27 35 34 52 47 40 62 61 61 lii-l 91 100 92 95 107 176 133 144 170 169 181 190 206 336 463 482 605 590 536 591 670 i:;> 508 919 593 667 1,022 479 662 642 798 604 1,151 1.018 832 949 1.159 1,093 1,796 1,451 1,436 1,600 1,381 1.513 2,190 2,274 2,851 2,903 2.XII7 2,742 2,067 2,157 2,370 2.6X5 422 524 512 459 512 577 377 433 7X2 505 404 554 539 (1117 18(1 963 853 696 746 969 915 1,517 1,223 1 200 1,398 1,209 1,340 1,909 2,072 2,61, 2,793 2.631 2.560 1.877 1.951 2,044 2 262 81 78 77 79 93 61 75 137 88 100 157 75 108 103 131 124 188 165 136 203 190 178 279 228 236 202 172 173 281 202 191 200 176 182 190 206 326 423 M ining Metal mining 1947 1,349 1,759 1,704 1,998 2,361 2,814 3,121 3,224 3,586 3,926 4,004 3,582 3,777 3,715 3,876 4,020 3,827 4,476 4,767 4,995 4.670 4,841 5,377 5,093 5,250 1.828 6,964 9,064 12,234 14,132 18,511 22,995 28,367 31.983 11,.1H) 52,551 35,307 35,484 32,261 298 358 405 437 4.37 591 662 692 706 769 935 868 907 812 956 991 1,138 1,382 1.521 1,659 1,716 1,687 1,781 1,723 2,081 2,254 2,959 3.311 4,258 4,911 6,327 7,361 9,012 8,917 10,191 9,020 5,121 4,614 4,360 1,051 1,401 1,299 1,561 1,924 2,223 2,459 2,532 2,88(1 3,157 3.069 2,714 2,870 2,903 2,920 3,029 2,689 3,094 3.246 3,336 2,954 3,154 3,596 3,370 3,169 3,574 l.i ii i.l 5,753 7,976 9,221 12,184 15,634 19.355 26,066 41,319 43,531 30,186 30870 27.901 10.842 12,987 12,666 14,793 15,605 18.1)23 19,501 20,737 22,741 22,798 21.901 19,767 20,348 19,710 20,514 21,084 2(1,3511 23,067 23,770 23,535 21,352 21,168 22,214 20,464 19.865 20,715 23,147 26.11 l.i 29,291 31,006 36,009 39,065 42,128 46,971 57,738 52,453 41,802 16,835 43,467 2,269 2,594 2,521 2,603 2,527 3,382 3,444 3,371 3,572 3,791 4,011 3,440 3,615 3,170 3,596 3,655 4,325 5,154 5.641 6,094 5,814 5.4X8 5,559 5,487 6,296 6,294 7,919 8,344 8.821) 9,164 10,792 11,407 12.620 11.236 11,189 8,922 5,016 4,506 4,212 8,573 10,393 10,145 12,190 13.078 14,641 16,057 17,366 19,169 19,007 17,890 16,327 16,733 16,540 16,918 17,429 16,025 17,913 18,129 17,441 15,538 15,680 16,655 14,977 13,569 14.421 15,228 17.699 20.461 21,842 25,217 27,658 29,508 35,735 46,549 43,531 36,786 42,329 39,255 107 107 77 98 155 188 214 189 202 233 209 184 208 255 268 284 250 299 409 367 385 396 423 431 503 507 658 876 1,071 1,228 1,284 1.478 1,780 1,685 1,663 1,790 1,654 1,935 1,719 33 37 39 47 64 72 72 69 71 79 77 67 71 73 82 93 74 97 164 138 160 145 157 150 214 204 287 378 502 647 632 749 781 709 762 817 695 778 667 74 70 38 51 91 116 142 120 131 154 132 117 137 182 186 191 176 202 245 229 225 251 266 281 289 303 371 498 569 581 652 729 999 976 901 973 959 1,157 1,052 637 601 421 536 770 872 932 807 890 961 780 664 773 938 969 1,020 893 1,053 1,430 1,246 1,238 1,239 1,248 1,242 1,394 1,307 1,605 1,952 2,074 2,224 2,123 2,223 2,396 2,041 1,793 1,786 1,615 1,839 1,598 263 280 244 294 392 402 359 309 356 385 305 227 257 254 267 307 248 326 572 477 .1(13 1.1.1 488 487 680 612 819 1,005 1,085 1,251 1,109 1,192 1,123 914 844 813 690 777 Clio 374 1948 321 1949 177 1950 242 1951 378 1952... 470 1953 573 1954 . .. 498 1955 534 1956 576 1957 475 1958 437 1959 .... 516 I960 684 1961 702 1962 713 1963 645 1964 727 1965 858 1966 769 1967 735 1968 784 1969 .. 760 1970.. . 755 1971 714 1972 695 1973 786 1974 947 1975 ,,.,, 1976 973 1977 1,014 1978 1,031 1979... . 1.273 1980 1,127 1981 949 1982 973 1983 925 1984 1,062 1985 938 304 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Coa mining Oil and gas extraction 1947 11(1 141 95 101 115 115 116 105 120 172 177 175 173 220 287 260 290 232 227 291 358 380 433 476 662 719 796 957 1.384 2,043 2,943 3,075 3,4 HI 3,615 4,743 3,871 2,729 2,511 2,508 87 116 81 82 85 82 75 72 79 121 140 112 116 142 199 166 214 160 141 186 247 242 246 293 457 493 558 626 971 1,404 2,092 2,161 2,259 2,385 2,920 2,163 1,545 1,329 1,435 23 25 14 19 30 33 41 33 41 51 37 63 57 78 88 94 76 86 105 111 138 187 183 205 226 238 331 413 639 851 914 1,151 1,230 1,823 1,708 1,184 1,182 1,073 862 1,038 645 645 651 625 590 522 581 786 773 704 701 876 1,129 1,008 1,141 888 853 1,076 1,265 1,273 1,351 1,463 1,953 1,964 2,068 2,247 2,767 3,732 4,937 4,685 4,665 4,459 5,157 3,863 2,674 2,407 2,373 748 930 582 558 530 504 436 396 430 624 652 486 503 602 816 677 873 638 560 728 908 849 819 975 1,448 1,443 1,563 1,623 2,053 2,672 3,619 3,396 3,204 3,041 3,236 2,155 1,531 1,320 1,414 114 108 63 87 121 121 154 126 151 162 121 218 198 274 313 331 268 250 293 348 357 424 532 488 505 521 505 624 714 1,060 1,318 1,289 1,461 1,418 1,921 1,708 1,143 1,087 959 1,037 1,399 1,435 1,694 1,969 2,391 2.662 2.804 3,146 3.355 3,438 3,102 3,271 3,139 3,159 3,243 3,045 3.670 3,784 3,939 3,559 3,703 4,144 3,868 3,702 4,147 5,026 6,635 9.023 10,015 13,406 17,434 21,860 28,341 43,506 45,151 30,027 30,067 27,122 113 125 206 231 206 358 429 463 478 449 577 601 638 558 585 577 693 941 984 1,049 1.054 1,062 1,137 1,097 1,164 1,245 1,764 1,881 2,253 2,260 2,998 3,766 5,117 4,928 5,608 5,293 2,491 2,126 1,890 924 1,274 1,229 1,463 1,763 2,033 2,233 2,341 2,668 2,906 2,861 2,501 2,633 2,581 2,574 2,666 2,352 2,729 2,800 2,890 2,505 2,641 3,007 2,771 2,538 2,902 3,262 4,754 6,7711 7,755 10.408 13,668 16,743 23,413 37,898 39,858 27,536 27,941 25,232 8,668 10,585 11,026 13,004 13,528 15,920 17,377 18,856 20,726 20,298 19,635 17,965 18,412 17,528 17,838 18,235 17,444 20,146 20,258 19,824 17,653 17,514 18,483 16,817 15,435 16,228 18,244 20,448 22,961 23,527 27,511 30,657 33,300 38,839 49,067 45,073 36,644 41,676 38,657 736 772 1,210 1,275 1,113 2,036 2,220 2,266 2,402 2,202 2,486 2,417 2,557 2,179 2,207 2,141 2,643 3,537 3,681 3,876 3,576 3,431 3,509 3,443 3,423 3,351 4,591 4,643 4,593 4,130 5,051 5,776 7,114 6,166 6,122 5,215 2,415 2,039 1,785 7,932 1948 9 813 1949 9 816 1950 11,729 1951 12,415 1952 13.884 1953 15.157 1954 16,590 1955 18,324 1956 18.096 1957 17,149 1958 15,548 1959 15,855 1960 15,349 1961 15,631 1962 16,094 1963 14,801 1964 16,609 1965 16,577 1966 15.948 1967 14,077 1968 14,083 1969 14,974 1970 13,374 1971 12,012 1972 12,877 1973 13,653 1974 .... 15,805 1975 .... 18,368 1976 19,397 1977 22,460 1978 24,881 1979 26,186 1980 32.673 1981 42.945 1982 39.858 1983 34,229 1984 39,637 1985 36,872 Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels Construction 1947 95 113 97 105 122 120 129 125 117 166 181 120 124 100 162 232 242 276 347 397 368 362 377 319 383 455 483 597 756 845 879 1,009 1,317 1.342 1.597 1,737 896 971 913 65 80 78 77 82 79 86 88 78 120 141 87 81 38 90 154 157 185 232 285 255 238 241 184 246 312 349 427 532 599 606 686 855 895 901 746 389 381 369 30 33 19 28 40 41 43 37 39 46 40 33 43 62 72 78 85 91 115 112 113 124 136 135 137 143 134 170 224 246 273 323 462 447 696 991 507 590 544 675 763 576 609 656 607 601 551 544 752 713 435 462 367 579 821 872 980 1,227 1,388 1,196 1.141 1,131 944 1.083 1.216 1 230 1,395 1,490 1,523 1,438 1,500 1,767 1,631 1,721 1.729 <68 911 839 521 612 486 477 492 440 428 399 384 580 568 311 299 134 307 530 561 653 827 1,012 827 753 742 583 745 888 946 1,072 1,100 1,111 1,013 1.043 1,179 1,115 987 738 379 369 354 154 151 90 132 164 167 173 152 160 172 145 124 163 233 272 291 311 327 400 376 369 " 388 389 361 338 328 284 323 390 412 425 457 588 516 734 991 489 542 485 844 993 813 992 1,076 1.046 996 1,012 1.284 1,071 1,362 1,357 1,511 1,542 1.427 1,621 1,958 2,216 2,362 2,457 2,325 2,594 3,038 3,176 3,272 3..V.3 5,038 5,754 5,153 5,290 6,251 8,804 9,257 8,433 9,720 4,118 4,280 5,398 6,681 818 963 791 964 1,043 1,012 967 983 1,242 1,020 1,301 1,304 1,446 1,476 1,313 1,479 1,745 2.063 2,200 2,223 2,013 2,298 2,632 2,686 2,758 2.988 4.269 4.642 4.024 4.070 5,193 7,686 8,073 7,341 8,712 3,216 3 100 4,483 5,793 26 30 22 28 33 34 29 29 42 51 61 53 65 66 114 142 213 153 162 234 312 296 406 490 514 565 769 1,112 1,129 1,220 1,058 1,118 1,184 1,092 1,008 902 880 915 888 5,424 5,797 4,109 5,055 5,554 5,385 4,865 4,805 5,915 5,069 5,320 5,076 5,572 5,439 5,001 5,490 6,705 7,605 8,014 8,189 7,360 7,832 8,803 8,837 8,547 9,015 12,291 12,593 9,457 9,006 9,890 12,802 12,188 9,964 10,418 4,052 4,129 5,100 6,245 5,336 5,703 4,035 4,972 5,463 5,282 4,787 4.730 5,796 4,894 5,168 4,944 5,409 5,238 4,617 5,022 6,012 7,119 7,517 7,463 6,395 6,942 7,666 7,549 7,291 7,724 10,667 10,487 7,503 6,976 8,252 11,230 10,688 8.708 9.358 3,150 3,279 4,257 5.449 88 1948 . 94 1949 . 74 1950 83 1951 ... 91 1952. ... 103 1953 78 1954. 75 1956. . 119 175 1957 152 1958... 132 1959 163 1960 201 1961 384 1962 468 1963 693 1964 486 1965 497 1966 726 1967 965 1968 890 1969 1,137 1970 1,288 1971 1,256 1972 1,291 1973 1,624 1974 2,106 1975 1,954 1976.... 2,030 1977 1,638 1978. .. 1,572 1979 . 1,500 1980. 1,256 1981 1.060 1982 902 1983 850 1984 843 1985 796 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 305 Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars) Y« Millions of dollars Equipment Structures Millions of 19X2 dollars Equipment Structures Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Equipment Structures Equipment Structures Durable good s manufactur ng climber and wood products 1947 2,865 2,766 1,973 2.327 3.999 4,418 4.194 4.064 4,473 6,543 6,783 4,623 4,575 5,701 5,187 5,586 6,086 7,498 9,835 12,374 12,427 12,103 13,202 12,680 11,626 13,166 15,274 20,250 19,296 20,524 24,615 32,032 37,715 43,065 47,373 10,890 33,435 43,770 45,523 2,175 2,226 1,612 1,879 2,801 3.073 3,089 3,112 3,366 4,498 4,821 3,466 3,549 4,159 3,727 4,114 4,424 5,728 7,105 8,660 8,880 8.999 9,782 9,506 8,970 10,349 11,817 15,5:18 15,437 16,503 20,172 26.084 29,907 34,888 38,651 32,109 26,768 35,312 35,885 690 540 361 448 1,198 1,345 1,105 952 1,107 2,045 1,962 1,157 1,026 1,542 1,460 1,472 1,662 1,770 2,730 3,714 3,547 3,104 3,420 3,174 2,656 2,817 3,457 1.652 3,859 4,021 4,443 5,948 7,808 8,177 8,722 8,781 6,667 8,458 9,638 15,707 13,813 9.012 10,741 16,754 18,027 17,049 16,587 17,663 23,858 22,861 15,377 15,020 18,600 16,846 17,957 19,445 23,352 30,423 36,708 35,636 33,055 34.303 31,450 27,322 29.580 33.595 40.026 32.709 32,683 30,505 43,949 47,510 49,506 49,859 40,624 33,445 13,833 46.087 12,202 11,347 7,325 8,627 11.784 12,583 12,594 12,652 13,163 16,199 15,779 11.076 11.161 12,803 11,336 12,465 13,357 16,985 20,878 24,246 24,044 23.355 24,531 22,941 20,735 23,073 26,204 31,182 25,997 25,948 29,655 35.536 37,564 40,064 40,669 31,843 27,016 36,066 37,489 3,505 2.466 1,687 2,114 4,970 5,444 4,455 3,935 4,500 7,659 7,082 4,301 3.859 5,797 5,510 5,492 6,088 6,367 9,545 12,462 11,592 9,700 9,772 8,509 6,587 6,507 7,331 8,844 6,712 6,735 6,910 8,413 9,946 9.442 9,190 8,781 6,429 7,767 8,598 171 209 140 186 238 187 184 232 309 320 216 268 310 339 260 310 344 380 527 536 458 520 646 595 780 957 965 1.381 1.266 1.214 1.733 1,916 2,153 2,068 1,757 1,339 1,188 1,640 2,034 128 172 115 149 179 145 139 175 228 233 17(1 201 239 247 187 227 208 283 391 406 353 416 194 457 612 719 755 1,069 1,053 984 1,450 1,587 1,780 1.720 1.373 1,101 914 1,273 1,598 43 37 25 37 59 42 45 57 81 87 46 67 71 92 73 83 136 97 136 130 105 104 152 138 168 238 210 312 213 230 283 329 373 348 384 238 274 367 436 1,024 1,145 737 979 1,100 860 842 1,038 1,342 1,279 810 995 1,137 1,231 934 1,101 1,204 1,283 1,731 1,666 1.373 1.492 1,776 1,567 1,947 2,295 2,255 2,897 2,283 2,036 2,717 2,756 2,805 2,426 1,849 1,323 1,150 1,541 1,872 804 975 621 806 857 690 660 804 1,014 953 643 746 869 885 659 791 706 934 1,257 1,230 1,030 1.166 1,343 1,198 1,532 1,749 1,810 2,304 1,912 1,651 2,277 2,290 2,330 2,024 1,444 1,085 886 1.204 1,483 220 1948 170 1949 116 1950 173 1951 243 1952 170 1953 182 1954 234 1955 328 1956 326 1957 167 1958 249 1959 268 1960 346 1961 275 1962 310 1963 498 1964 349 1965 474 1966 436 1967 343 1968 326 1969 433 1970 369 1971 415 1972 546 1973 445 1974 593 1975 371 1976 385 1977 440 1978 466 1979 475 1980 402 1981 405 1982 238 1983 264 1984 337 1985 389 Furniture and fixtures Stone, clay, and glass products 1947 63 46 32 47 47 43 50 53 73 85 84 68 70 76 73 92 105 102 152 188 213 170 182 220 184 308 341 345 235 275 431 505 544 569 541 556 591 694 658 47 37 26 34 34 35 32 36 46 46 55 48 47 48 46 49 67 67 87 106 128 103 103 149 114 189 189 210 153 174 284 328 326 360 342 372 380 464 475 16 9 6 13 13 8 18 17 27 39 29 20 23 28 27 43 38 35 65 82 85 67 79 71 70 119 152 135 82 101 147 177 218 209 199 184 211 230 183 374 244 157 229 209 186 212 224 302 324 299 240 245 262 254 318 351 335 495 587 644 487 491 566 441 711 756 683 401 440 644 694 679 644 559 547 581 674 644 290 201 128 166 153 155 140 155 190 178 195 166 158 157 152 158 212 209 266 311 366 277 266 376 268 438 434 426 258 271 415 443 401 403 350 363 378 463 481 84 43 29 63 56 31 72 69 112 146 104 74 87 105 102 160 139 126 229 276 278 210 225 190 173 273 322 257 143 169 229 251 278 241 209 184 203 211 163 281 233 182 221 329 264 270 300 496 774 714 450 527 550 575 573 502 655 839 1,030 640 774 956 948 949 1,213 1,428 1,646 1,629 1,548 1.784 2,678 2,802 3,259 2,649 2,296 1,697 2,268 2.394 200 187 150 180 247 203 204 227 369 509 512 352 407 396 431 435 337 520 616 760 424 596 724 719 727 976 1,148 1,330 1,371 1,252 1,466 2,242 2,343 2.;:;:; 2,174 1,925 1,381 1,924 2,038 81 46 32 41 82 61 66 73 127 265 202 98 120 154 144 138 165 135 223 270 216 178 232 229 222 237 280 316 258 296 318 436 459 526 475 371 316 344 356 1,559 1,172 879 1,074 1,410 1,116 1,156 1,279 2,038 2,905 2,532 1,575 1,812 1,887 1,950 1.912 1.667 2.123 2,698 3,182 1,943 2,217 2,608 2,459 2,325 2,855 3,244 3,298 2,763 2,422 2,570 3,576 3,442 3,673 2,744 2.2711 1,715 2,321 1,150 963 729 882 1,072 869 889 976 1,522 1,913 1,802 1,209 1,360 1,308 1,407 1,397 1,063 1,637 1,918 2,277 1,237 1,661 1,944 1,845 1,777 2,311 2,651 2,697 2,314 1,926 2,075 .' 959 2,857 3,066 2,243 1,899 1,410 2,005 2,234 409 1948 209 1949 150 1950 192 1951 338 1952 247 1953 267 1954 3113 1955 516 1956 992 1957 730 1958 366 1959 452 1960 579 1961 ... . 543 1962 515 1963 604 1964 486 1965 780 1966 905 1967 706 1968 1969 .... 664 1970 614 1971 548 1972 544 1973 593 1974 601 1975 449 1976. ... 496 1977 495 1978 617 1979 585 1980 607 1981 501 1982 371 1983 305 1984 316 1985 318 306 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Bl.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products r.MT 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19X2 19X3 1984 19X5 561 788 500 496 1,205 1,515 1,092 799 891 1,644 2,114 1,287 949 1,543 1,141 1,071 1,351 1,779 2,245 2,774 2,878 3,016 2,751 2,670 2,142 2,170 2,374 3.XX2 4,328 4.359 4,559 5,0X9 5,745 6,082 6,844 5,320 4,304 4,126 4,257 400 625 401 395 823 1,045 768 588 634 1,121 1,434 886 696 1,064 782 800 963 1.361 1,620 2.047 2,143 2,303 2,075 2,037 1.634 1,711 1,933 3.095 3,561 3,670 3,879 4,408 4,912 5,271 5,878 4,580 3,766 3,608 3,744 161 163 99 101 382 470 324 211 257 523 680 401 253 479 359 271 388 418 625 727 735 713 676 633 508 459 441 787 767 689 680 681 833 811 966 740 53X 518 513 3.007 3,934 2,299 2,250 5,043 6,220 4,401 3,181 3,466 5,954 7,131 4,313 3,112 5,075 3,745 3,453 4,382 5,650 7,090 8,444 8,536 8,502 7,390 6,813 5,203 5.044 5.349 7,914 7,501 7,050 6,911 7,147 7,429 7,143 7,288 5,283 4,227 3.9X9 4,074 2,189 3,188 1,838 1,772 3,460 4,317 3,095 2.308 2.420 3.996 4,675 2,823 2.161 3,274 2,390 2,442 2,961 4,146 4,904 6,005 6,134 6,273 5,460 5,117 3,920 3,946 4,409 6,418 6,167 5,896 5,853 6,184 6,368 6,206 6,270 4,543 3,708 3,513 3,616 818 746 461 478 1,583 1,903 1,306 873 1,046 1,958 2,456 1,490 951 1,801 1,355 1,011 1,421 1,504 2,186 2,439 2,402 2,229 1,930 1,696 1,283 1,098 940 1,496 1,334 1,154 1,058 963 1,061 937 1,018 740 519 476 458 308 204 213 293 357 367 436 455 512 597 584 437 479 509 445 562 600 802 994 1,215 1,328 1,252 1,532 1,290 1,166 1,355 1,799 2,069 2,147 2,300 2,745 3,359 3,657 4,166 4,798 2.990 2,761 3,708 3,595 240 166 175 226 260 273 308 352 364 400 442 324 368 372 326 404 446 600 738 885 968 942 1,101 982 892 1,049 1,392 1,535 1,674 1,772 2,235 2,626 2,925 3,453 3,940 2,472 2,280 3,128 2,852 68 38 38 67 97 94 128 103 148 197 142 113 111 137 119 158 154 202 256 330 360 310 431 308 274 306 407 534 473 528 510 733 732 713 858 518 481 580 743 1,661 979 933 1,315 1,456 1,451 1,737 1,830 1,976 2,131 1,906 1,407 1,528 1,603 1,396 1,771 1,853 2,456 3,120 3,683 3,934 3,521 4,139 3,324 2,838 3,164 4,119 4,292 3,805 3,845 4,253 4,772 4,726 4,834 5,064 2,963 2,721 3,613 3,437 1,318 805 756 997 1,055 1,072 1,219 1,405 1,373 1,394 1,393 986 1,111 1,088 947 1,181 1,289 1,729 2,225 2,577 2,758 2,553 2,907 2,498 2,161 2,462 3,257 3,277 2,983 2,961 3,460 3,736 3,793 4,011 4,160 2,445 2,257 3,080 2,774 Machinery, except electrica Electric and elect onic equipment 1947 519 405 290 310 549 582 648 610 590 812 915 637 603 723 696 760 830 1,004 1,362 1,885 2,216 1,843 1,980 1,906 1,725 1,952 2,400 3,458 3,417 3,458 4,359 5,939 7,347 8.547 9,057 11,063 6,731 8,359 8,266 385 313 227 251 384 394 473 471 489 593 629 487 478 533 511 559 638 751 1,014 1,213 1,606 1,326 1,479 1,365 1.282 1,484 1,820 2,523 2,584 2,590 3,418 4,552 5,497 6,674 7,094 7,132 5,640 6,762 6,468 134 92 63 59 165 188 175 139 101 219 286 150 125 190 185 201 192 253 348 672 610 517 501 541 443 468 580 935 833 868 941 1,387 1,850 1,873 1.963 1,931 1,091 1,597 1,798 2,733 1,906 1,225 1.385 2.218 2,256 2,561 2.405 2,222 2,823 2,939 1,972 1,863 2,224 2,116 2,316 2,446 2,829 3.729 4,939 5,539 4,342 4,344 4,023 3,408 3,566 4,564 5,894 5,195 5,042 5,979 7,595 8,766 9,497 9,386 9,014 7,021 8,997 9,416 2,051 1,485 932 1.108 1.531 1,494 1,854 1,832 1,810 2,003 1,908 1,416 1,393 1,510 1,418 1.566 1,743 1,919 2,511 2,685 3,546 2,725 2,913 2.572 2.314 2.493 3,335 4,116 3,746 3,588 4,516 5,633 6,409 7,334 7,317 7,083 5,969 7,531 7,812 682 421 293 277 687 762 707 573 412 820 1,031 556 470 714 698 750 703 910 1,218 2,254 1,993 1,617 1,431 1,451 1.094 1,073 1,229 1,778 1,449 1,454 1,463 1,962 2,357 2,163 2,069 1,931 1,052 1,466 1,604 319 261 194 213 335 344 417 380 370 513 528 363 441 567 578 601 623 745 1,064 1,444 1,515 1,453 1,644 1,595 1,470 1,678 2,196 2,702 2,033 2,432 2,944 4,122 5,419 7,047 7.546 8.722 8,352 11,451 11,722 251 204 152 166 218 224 292 276 277 344 344 259 328 406 382 435 435 537 778 977 1,1140 1,011 1,193 1,137 1,093 1,323 1,681 2.069 1,619 1,942 2,351 3,279 4,159 5,449 5,694 6,400 6,557 9,141 8,887 68 57 42 47 117 120 125 104 93 169 184 104 113 161 196 166 188 208 286 467 475 442 451 458 377 355 515 633 114 490 593 843 1,260 1,598 1,852 2,322 1,795 2,310 2,835 1,590 1,186 788 866 1,294 1,284 1,566 1,433 1,358 1,789 1,688 1,141 1,372 1,762 1,815 1,834 1,945 2,254 3,189 4,236 4,329 3,956 4,247 3,955 3,435 3,779 4,817 5,308 3,369 3,739 4,220 5,557 6,790 8,225 8,036 8,689 8,278 11.311 11,691 1,247 927 590 646 808 797 1,061 1,001 981 1,156 1,024 755 946 1,157 1,075 1,215 1,256 1.506 2,188 2,669 2,777 2,575 2,959 2,727 2,504 2,965 3,726 4,105 2,648 2,918 3,298 4,365 5,185 6,380 6,085 6,367 6,547 9,190 9,162 343 1948 259 1949 198 1950 220 1951 486 1952 487 1953 505 1954 432 1955 377 1956 633 1957 664 1958 386 1959 426 1960 605 1961 740 1962 619 11163 689 1964 748 1965 1,001 1966.. .. 1,567 1967 1,552 196X 1,381 1969 .... 1,288 1970 . 1,228 1971 . . 931 1972 814 1973 1,091 1974 1,203 1975 721 1976 821 1977 922 1978 1,192 1979 . .. 1,605 111X11 1,845 1981 1,951 1982 2,322 1983 1,731 1984 2,121 1985 2,529 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 307 Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 11*82 dollars) Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 19*2 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Motor vehicles and equipment Other transportation equipment 1947 1948 1949 19"i() 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 393 341 237 337 502 567 595 783 740 966 835 590 643 793 737 837 995 1,222 1,658 1,669 1,451 1,465 1,762 1,883 1,937 2,026 1,929 2,502 1,965 2,236 3,338 4,830 5.378 5,969 8,506 4,490 2,298 1.386 5,259 342 307 221 302 409 437 546 671 635 783 750 541 596 690 633 699 862 1,031 1,236 1,322 1,211 1.269 1,474 1,683 1,775 1,854 1,657 2,192 1,788 2,089 3,079 4,393 4,744 5,274 7,910 3,667 1,971 3,815 4,769 51 34 16 35 93 130 49 112 105 183 85 49 47 103 104 138 133 191 122 347 240 196 288 200 162 1 72 272 310 177 147 259 437 634 695 596 823 327 571 19(1 2,483 1,952 1,227 1,698 2,287 2,501 2.626 3.435 3,092 3.701 2.966 2,068 '2.192 2,662 2,462 2.784 3,296 3,983 5,342 5,146 4,322 4,143 4,795 4,864 4,787 4,847 4,490 5,316 3,525 3,771 5,198 6,903 6,980 6,924 8,987 4.462 2.268 4.305 5,121 2.22! 1,797 1,151 1,531 1.899 1.976 2,427 2,974 2,666 3,016 2,658 1,885 2,014 2.275 2.070 2.269 2.809 3.296 3,867 3.982 3,538 3,531 3,972 4,327 4.387 4,453 3,914 4,727 3,217 3,525 4,795 6,284 6,172 6,121 8.2,59 3,639 1,953 3,781 4,684 259 155 76 167 388 525 199 461 426 685 308 183 178 387 392 515 487 687 1,475 1,164 784 612 823 537 400 394 576 589 308 246 in:; 619 MI8 803 628 823 315 524 437 108 138 82 88 250 293 241 271 291 557 539 293 292 302 337 109 415 433 522 1,049 1,021 914 1,040 785 548 720 817 1.023 1,173 1,362 1,352 1,9511 2,526 2.867 3.010 3,178 3,012 4,021 3,801 72 97 59 60 130 131 142 182 191 307 319 198 193 195 208 254 248 295 303 586 581 597 661 470 351 495 551 730 869 1,043 1,010 1.492 1.730 2,149 2,319 2.208 1.974 2,717 2,373 36 41 23 28 120 162 99 89 100 250 220 95 99 107 129 155 167 138 219 463 440 317 379 315 197 225 266 293 304 319 342 458 796 718 691 970 1,038 1,304 1,428 528 624 323 344 986 1,137 912 1,041 1,094 1,979 1,773 941 932 956 1 1182 1.307 1.326 1.330 1.615 3,131 2,976 2,501 2,714 1,970 1.301 1,637 1,809 2.030 2,012 2.198 2,029 2,695 3,199 3.299 3.169 3,163 2,992 3.966 3,728 343 435 215 212 490 483 515 675 686 1,043 ''77 588 559 5 ,1 59 729 714 834 851 1,576 1,538 1,510 1.632 1.125 815 1,121 1,245 1,473 1.483 1,664 1,497 2.047 2.185 2,470 2,440 2,193 1,991 2,769 2,454 185 189 108 132 196 654 397 366 408 936 796 353 373 102 1-7 578 612 196 764 1.555 1.438 991 1.082 845 486 ,16 564 557 529 534 532 648 1,014 -."i 729 970 1,001 1 197 1,274 Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 1947 .. 1948 .. 1949.. 1950.. 1951 .. 1952.. 1953.. 1954.. 1955.. 1956.. 1957 .. 1958.. 1959.. I960.. 1961 .. 1962.. 1963 1964. 1965.. 1966. 1967 . 1968. 1969. 1970 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975 . 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979 . 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983. 1984 . 1985. 68 75 57 67 90 83 95 113 124 169 170 134 168 205 234 231 176 22.7 28* 487 483 461 532 462 466 674 864 782 746 810 1,055 1,464 1,708 2,015 2,321 1,975 2,481 2,815 56 62 47 56 63 59 68 83 85 108 110 99 128 138 138 156 114 168 196 232 287' 292 311 327 305 326 452 583 536 555 570 751 994 1,266 1,452 1,790 1,521 1,985 2,145 12 13 10 11 27 24 27 30 39 61 60 35 in 67 96 75 62 57 92 156 200 191 150 205 157 140 222 281 246 191 240 304 470 142 7,63 531 454 496 670 362 360 248 297 363 324 374 453 478 598 557 424 536 650 758 730 546 67li 869 1,130 1.409 1.317 1,160 1.287 1,031 979 1,427 1,654 1,310 1,178 1,199 1,438 1,832 1,942 2.102 2.305 1,981 2,496 2,856 300 302 203 244 251 227 267 328 7! IS 370 340 295 384 398 396 450 319 107, 546 608 755 722 733 736 643 658 957 1,120 882 858 826 1.008 1.233 1,432 1,509 1,774 1,543 2,041 2,258 62 58 45 53 112 97 107 125 160 228 217 129 1 52 252 362 280 227 207, 323 522 654 595 427 551 388 321 470 534 428 320 373 13(1 599 510 593 531 438 455 7,98 75 65 46 69 96 175 11,6 69 77 105 81 96 92 93 108 139 143 151 184 197 220 211 249 255 264 320 37, 1 377 320 594 559 587 6MI 782 647 612 52 I 636 723 56 39 60 52 129 118 51 7,0 52 54 71 70 1,9 Ml 95 lo| 115 127 126 139 145 166 180 186 222 239 261 229 432 429 425 197 539 473 461 383 495 536 27 53 27 25 22 24 28 44 39 36 7,7 71 81 69 83 75 78 98 112 116 91 162 130 162 183 243 174 151 141 141 187 3.VI 311 196 304 387 692 661 267 29 , 375 261 302 291 285 332 433 428 438 545 563 631 580 639 622 608 702 763 740 546 961 844 sir, S63 898 675 603 712 616 696 2-- 268 162 263 206 ,nl 466 194 183 177 164 208 206 195 226 269 285 309 345 324 366 364 402 421 415 477 721, 519 388 690 642 587 630 617 492 152 376 487 7,29 101 43 34 41 181 188 195 73 112 198 97 94 85 90 106 164 143 129 200 239 265 216 237 201 193 225 237 221 1 58 271 202 229 233 281 183 151 136 129 167 308 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Nondurable goods manufacturing Food and kindred products 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 r.i.;> 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 198(1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 3,626 2,586 3,453 2,618 2,834 2,203 2,698 2,097 3,499 2,574 3,443 2.500 3,604 2,563 3,673 2,610 3,503 2,475 4,556 3,090 5,050 3,557 4,085 2,956 3,874 2,921 4,650 3,309 4,915 3,494 5,255 3,864 5,499 4,054 6,283 4,622 8,131 5,731 9,853 6,826 9,466 6,490 9,690 6,885 10,585 7,348 11,132 7,884 11,013 7,864 12,056 9,045 12,588 9,507 17,174 12,943 19,191 15,076 21,203 16,749 23.374 19,069 26,141 21,117 29,565 22,907 32,275 25,699 34,549 26,730 37,433 29,443 30,991 24,707 33,637 26,782 36,234 28,307 1,040 835 631 601 925 943 1,041 1,063 1,028 1,466 1,493 1,129 953 1,341 1.421 1,391 1,445 1.661 2.400 3,027 2,976 2,805 3,237 3,248 3,149 3,011 3,081 4,231 4,115 4,454 4,305 5,024 6,658 6,576 7,819 7,990 6,284 6,855 7,927 19,593 17,076 13.460 12,957 15,014 1 1.3X6 14,914 14,948 14,118 17,097 17,434 14,199 13,354 15,888 16,684 17,627 18.084 20.243 25.938 30,182 28,209 27,443 28,519 28,467 26,434 27,479 28,014 33,961 32,412 33,561 34,860 36,235 37.636 37.341 36.358 37,156 30,375 32,451 34,615 14,316 13,265 10.513 10,123 11,177 10,570 10,716 10,555 9,939 11,604 12,044 10,002 9,773 10,846 11,321 12,437 12,791 14,268 17,545 20,023 18,484 18,677 19,270 19,759 18,657 20,569 21,485 25,923 25,260 26,118 28,168 29,130 29,156 29,749 28,119 29,166 24,315 26,155 27,543 5,277 3,811 2,947 2,834 3,837 3,816 4,198 4,393 4.179 5.493 5,390 4,197 3,581 5,042 5,363 5,190 5,293 5,975 8,393 10,159 9,725 8,766 9,249 8,708 7,777 6,910 6,529 8,038 7,152 7,443 6,692 7,105 8,480 7,592 8,239 7,990 6,060 6,296 7,072 1,161 1,034 858 798 843 685 727 801 820 885 959 924 994 1,054 1,034 1,257 1,335 1,412 1,549 1,799 1,785 1,771 1,963 2,153 2,253 2,669 2,369 2,996 3,462 3,801 4,295 4,881 5,328 5,971 5,989 6,863 5,860 6,335 7,065 877 767 661 613 605 509 544 598 620 669 707 703 757 772 770 877 986 1,006 1,068 1,247 1,235 1,219 1,303 1,438 1,599 2.025 1,708 2,129 2,583 2,772 3,248 3,747 3,950 4,562 4,492 5,411 4,534 4,989 5,559 284 267 197 185 238 176 183 203 200 216 252 221 237 282 264 380 349 406 481 552 550 552 660 715 654 644 661 867 879 1,029 1,047 1,134 1,378 1,409 1,497 1,452 1,326 1,346 1,506 6,090 4,774 3,921 3,806 3,600 2,829 3,026 3,275 3,307 3,300 3,297 3,186 3,417 3,592 3,494 4,217 4.379 4,519 4,850 5,315 5,096 4,857 5,160 5,417 5,314 6,013 5,231 5,887 5,868 6,064 6,461 6,787 6,757 6,861 6,259 6,799 5,719 6,061 6,674 4,648 3,556 3.001 2,932 2,611 2,116 2,290 2,435 2,494 2,491 2,388 2,366 2,525 2,532 2,498 2,799 3,101 3,059 3,167 3,464 3,299 3,130 3,274 3,500 3,699 4,536 3,830 4,239 4,339 4,340 4,833 5,183 5,002 5,234 4,682 5,347 4,440 4,825 5.331 Tobacco manufactures Textile mil products 1947 35 23 18 14 15 21 26 25 24 45 39 40 47 45 55 58 62 69 78 87 76 73 91 58 100 142 193 197 182 163 240 328 316 482 929 746 694 696 818 25 18 14 9 9 1.5 20 21 19 27 34 28 35 29 42 46 46 54 57 61 56 56 63 45 47 85 121 129 147 134 169 227 243 341 506 506 546 505 597 10 5 4 5 6 6 6 4 18 12 12 16 13 12 16 15 21 26 20 17 28 13 53 57 72 68 35 29 71 101 73 141 423 240 148 191 221 181 103 73 56 54 79 1(11 93 91 161 124 130 152 144 173 179 188 208 244 264 231 204 237 138 228 289 398 368 300 254 359 455 400 558 980 740 682 672 786 128 80 55 34 31 55 75 77 70 94 105 84 105 84 124 134 129 154 170 178 166 151 156 102 97 158 245 239 239 205 249 312 307 395 534 500 539 497 589 53 23 18 22 23 24 26 16 21 67 19 46 47 60 49 45 59 54 74 86 65 53 81 36 131 131 153 129 61 49 110 143 93 163 446 240 143 175 197 344 539 385 335 380 308 242 217 255 301 277 204 276 331 330 387 393 519 658 964 758 716 887 833 893 1,156 1,119 1,160 978 1,052 1,286 1,387 1.430 1,623 1,612 1,489 1,602 2,040 1,787 269 475 342 287 306 239 197 180 209 242 231 177 236 268 264 313 322 401 499 660 578 547 644 643 713 929 883 873 747 882 1,060 1,154 1,173 1,337 1,305 1,250 1.384 1,718 1,431 75 64 43 48 74 69 45 37 46 59 46 27 40 63 66 74 71 118 159 304 180 169 243 190 180 227 236 287 231 170 226 233 257 286 307 239 218 322 356 2,106 3,094 2,103 1,815 1,819 1,449 1,138 990 1,130 1,227 1,043 752 1,018 1,198 1,177 1,372 1,343 1,758 2,214 3,122 2,370 2,129 2,485 2,208 2,245 2,748 2,624 2,391 1,732 1,747 2,031 2,013 1,864 1,910 1,708 1,482 1,567 1,944 1,656 1,723 2,800 1,900 1,589 1,510 1,171 956 838 942 1,006 876 653 866 961 928 1,096 1,083 1,334 1,658 2,102 1,782 1,600 1,790 1,699 1,801 2,227 2,124 1,845 1.330 1,462 1,680 1,683 1,537 1,580 1,384 1,243 1,357 1,648 1,338 383 1948 294 1949.. . 203 1950 226 1951 309 1952.... 278 1953 .... 182 1954 152 1955. .. 188 1956. ... 221 1957 167 195x 99 1959 152 1960 .... 237 1961 .. 249 [962 276 1963 .. . 260 1964... 424 1905 556 1966 . 1,020 1967 588 1968 529 1969 695 1970 509 1971 444 1972 521 1973 500 1974 546 1975 402 1976 285 1977 351 1978 ! 330 1979 327 1980 .. 330 1981 . 324 1982 239 1983 210 1984 296 1985 318 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 309 Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued (Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Apparel and other textile products Paper and allied products 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 19110 1961 1902 1963 1961 1965 1966 1967 1908 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 83 70 50 59 67 51 55 68 79 81 99 75 81 79 75 143 223 169 171 213 253 266 312 295 333 465 394 442 IM2 461 625 621 640 713 677 550 504 562 67 58 42 49 51 12 44 50 61 62 87 57 61 54 114 190 131 123 138 190 174 206 215 245 359 270 334 2811 340 495 464 494 559 504 384 3 15 357 362 16 12 8 10 16 9 11 18 18 19 12 18 20 25 20 29 33 38 48 75 63 92 106 106 124 108 122 121 130 157 146 151 173 166 159 205 218 370 271 183 221 242 186 196 251 295 291 337 258 275 267 252 484 750 546 537 631 687 719 810 735 796 ! 1166 874 S6.i 676 726 921 840 783 799 686 524 177 521 536 286 217 143 174 176 148 150 175 222 220 293 192 199 173 177 376 629 409 269 380 481 433 508 520 579 823 611 600 464 523 719 618 500 621 504 258 324 333 342 84 54 40 47 66 38 46 76 73 71 44 66 76 94 75 108 121 127 168 251 206 286 202 215 21 1 243 262 20 i 212 203 202 222 187 178 182 166 1 53 188 191 112 345 295 282 396 351 103 486 530 791 852 566 587 622 652 717 722 884 1,197 1,445 1 20,2 1.206 1,391 1,368 1.157 1,302 1,475 2,206 2,670 2,924 2192 3,797 1.5 15 5.185 4.577 5,091 4,665 5.151 5,820 318 295 254 226 314 291 331 378 438 611 667 1 55 l-o 497 516 575 627 726 052 1,125 1,037 940 1,096 1.124 959 1,089 1,260 1.853 2.307 2,608 2.847 3,387 3.944 4,671 4,021 4,503 4.187 1,618 5,188 94 50 II 47 82 60 108 92 180 185 111 107 125 136 142 125 158 245 320 325 266 295 244 198 213 215 353 363 316 348 410 599 514 220 588 478 533 02,2 2.307 1,783 1,440 1,355 1,725 1,513 1,699 1,995 2,153 2,996 2,974 1,964 2,014 2 120 2,220 2,130 2,513 2.915 3.925 4,595 4,187 3,502 3.821 3.567 2-20 3.012 3.357 4,541 4,641 4.710 4,848 5.356 6,117 4,8.54 5,045 4,551 4,947 5,537 1 ,832 1,555 1,250 1,135 1,387 1.269 1,409 1,547 1,780 2,322 2,307 1,553 1,612 1,650 1,707 1,900 2,055 2.347 3.067 3,521 3,125 2,670 2,979 2,912 2,331 2,523 2,901 3,870 1 ooo 4.181 4,307 4,776 5.122 5,523 4.268 4.457 4,090 4,458 4,973 475 228 190 220 338 244 290 448 373 674 667 411 402 470 513 530 458 568 858 1.074 1,062 832 842 025 489 489 456 671 6,32 529 541 580 763 20 4 586 588 461 489 564 Printing and publishing Chemicals and allied products 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 100,2 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1083 108 | 1985 206 219 224 222 221 169 178 215 229 301 319 358 340 388 397 419 444 449 552 737 783 752 822 880 950 1.060 1,070 1,124 1,111 1,185 1,686 2,101 2,506 2,797 2,911 3.157 3,184 3,839 4,340 148 178 189 185 158 106 1 12 167 184 211 235 260 256 287 280 303 332 327 402 521 557 548 600 611 653 788 804 829 860 954 1,346 1,685 1,858 2,172 2,286 2,598 2,605 3,068 3,200 58 41 32 37 63 63 36 48 55 90 81 98 84 101 117 116 112 122 150 216 226 20 1 253 269 297 272 266 205 25 1 231 340 416 648 622 625 559 579 771 1,140 1,186 1,180 1,148 1,127 996 736 782 931 1,01.3 1,192 1,168 1,318 1,227 1,383 1,409 1,467 1,510 1,491 1,801 2,298 2.2.',;, 2.137 2.288 2,250 2,285 2,404 2,389 2,188 1,855 1,840 2,470 2,860 3,098 3,162 3,010 3,108 3,160 2,780 4.287 801 00 1 985 954 736 482 635 733 790 85:, 863 952 912 1,003 967 1.034 1.100 1.052 1.278 1,574 1,616 1.498 1.565 1,529 1,222 1,780 1,825 1,627 1,418 1,453 1,941 2,271 2,273 2,440 2,351 2,549 2.602 3.081 3.270 20., 186 163 173 260 254 147 198 222 337 305 366 315 380 442 433 410 4.39 523 724 739 6.20 722 721 733 624 564 561 437 387 529 589 825 722 659 559 558 708 1,017 55 1 530 562 967 1.063 985 002 750 1,119 1,332 1,124 880 1,242 1,467 1,307 1,466 1.840 2,570 3.040 2,732 2220 2,902 3,269 2,oi,l 2,905 3.362 5,469 6,504 7,210 8,060 8,169 8,468 9,098 9.708 10,073 7,774 8,327 8,450 623 122 425 452 736 792 753 697 547 826 1,039 890 692 944 1,118 1,052 1,094 1,417 1,914 2,207 1,927 2,013 2.086 2,467 2,350 2,329 2,650 1,408 5,468 6,120 6,943 6,828 6,601 7,282 8,151 8.322 6.299 6,803 0,0|2 242 4,511 122 2,559 105 2.347 111 2,544 231 3,948 268 4,281 232 3,920 206 3,495 203 2,858 293 4,024 293 4,410 234 3,775 188 2,901 298 4,039 349 4,762 255 4.154 372 4,608 423 5,671 656 7,895 833 9,035 805 8,021 816 7.943 816 7,755 802 8,268 714 7,253 576 6,499 712 7,283 1,061 10,530 1,036 10.638 1,090 11,069 1,117 11,711 1,341 11,099 1,867 10,724 1,816 10.494 1,557 10,259 1,751 10,043 1,475 7,626 1,524 8,073 1,805 8 096 5.284 2,002 1.857 2.019 2,989 3,196 2,985 2.0 i 2.035 2,927 3,353 2,907 2,195 2,919 3,445 3.203 3,245 4,149 5.603 6,238 5,390 5,391 7122 6.117 5,490 5,178 5,774 8,513 8.836 9,243 9,974 9,202 8,346 8,397 '- 2 22 8,292 6,203 6.674 6,486 1,227 557 490 525 959 1,085 935 850 823 1,097 1,057 868 706 1,120 1,317 951 1,363 1,522 2 292 2J97 2,631 2,252 2,332 2,151 1,763 1,321 1,509 2017 1.802 1.826 1,737 1,897 2,378 2,097 1 640 1,751 1,423 1,399 1.610 310 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Bl.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Petroleum and coal products Rubber and miscellaneous plastic procucts 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1911(1 1961 19(12 i9i;;i 19(14 19(15 19(1(1 1967 19(18 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 197- 1979 19X0 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 551 524 365 286 434 609 800 747 588 758 913 561 407 524 54(1 537 458 461 729 806 905 1,162 1,181 1,313 1,385 1,174 1,182 1,987 2,579 2,892 2,292 2,478 3,652 3,88(1 5,574 7,141 4,856 3,836 4,(139 127 271 186 153 252 351 373 341 218 216 335 192 181 161 158 .".'7 163 184 217 284 28(1 702 565 599 606 526 695 1,16(1 1,645 1,698 1,634 1,692 2,546 2.729 3,345 4,555 3,297 2,352 2,57(1 227 253 179 133 182 258 427 406 370 542 578 369 226 363 382 311) 295 277 512 522 625 460 616 714 779 648 187 827 934 1,194 658 786 1,106 1,157 2,229 2,586 1,559 1,484 1,469 1,801 2.465 1,649 1,306 1,779 2,434 3,182 2,953 2.312 2,788 3,100 1,939 1,393 1,832 1,892 1,809 1,531 1,512 2,410 2,545 2,824 3,315 3,202 3,367 3,315 2,637 2,550 3,890 4,397 4,630 3,427 3,431 4,656 4,510 5,888 7,107 4,770 3,671 3,847 649 1,309 814 680 1,023 1,390 1,459 1,275 808 758 1,015 565 544 466 450 652 451 516 620 793 782 1,878 1,442 1,453 1,39(1 1,146 1,517 2,324 2,778 2,647 2,406 2,321 3,248 3,176 3,540 4,521 3.266 2.307 2.536 1,152 1,156 835 626 756 1,044 1,723 1,678 1,504 2,030 2,085 1,374 849 1,366 1,442 1,157 1.080 996 1.790 1,752 2,042 1,437 1,760 1,914 1.925 1,491 1.033 1,566 1,619 1,983 1,021 1,110 1,408 1,334 2,348 2,586 1,504 1,364 1,311 135 113 84 112 156 166 164 184 181 240 230 206 230 332 327 393 329 440 577 689 743 825 932 896 803 1,103 1,338 1,512 1,223 1,426 1,593 2,236 2,529 2.348 2,361 2,159 1,716 2,727 3,224 107 99 71 91 127 137 141 158 149 199 198 171 197 270 264 329 264 347 460 535 583 627 736 696 635 856 1,058 1,175 981 1,182 1,254 1,840 2,011 1,910 1,975 1.804 1,405 2,278 2,680 28 14 13 21 29 29 23 26 32 41 32 35 33 62 63 64 65 93 117 154 16(1 198 196 200 168 247 280 337 242 244 339 396 518 438 386 355 311 449 544 860 668 462 597 752 789 769 848 796 971 867 769 842 1,194 1,166 1,382 1,135 1,485 1,893 2,156 2,244 2,396 2,582 2,365 2,023 2,661 3,140 3,157 2,181 2,386 2,478 3,200 3,277 2,731 2,492 2.145 1,689 2,649 3,084 719 606 401 496 630 671 675 739 667 751 640 720 961 928 1,143 897 1,150 1,484 1,638 1,721 1,777 2,021 1,828 1.608 2,094 2,547 2,516 1,760 1,977 1,951 2,639 2,617 2,225 2,085 1,790 1,389 2,237 2,599 Leather and leather products Transportation ar d public utilities 1947 30 33 26 25 21 19 23 26 38 36 30 29 31 33 38 38 37 41 52 73 68 89 72 67 74 80 86 79 78 89 103 141 154 173 210 163 134 124 114 25 25 20 21 17 15 18 20 30 27 24 24 26 27 27 29 30 30 40 47 46 59 49 47 56 59 58 51 57 59 74 92 87 137 144 110 104 94 5 8 6 4 4 4 5 6 8 9 6 5 5 6 11 9 7 11 12 26 22 30 23 20 18 21 28 28 21 30 29 49 67 36 66 53 30 30 37 182 182 134 129 99 90 103 116 163 148 114 109 115 120 137 134 126 137 168 221 195 241 178 151 154 153 170 142 125 138 154 194 193 199 221 163 134 123 111 156 147 108 110 83 73 83 90 132 114 92 91 95 97 95 100 100 97 127 135 123 148 113 99 110 105 111 89 88 88 109 125 108 157 151 110 105 95 78 26 35 26 19 16 17 20 26 31 34 22 18 20 23 42 34 26 4(1 41 86 72 93 65 52 44 48 59 53 37 50 45 69 85 42 70 53 29 28 33 6,249 7,551 7,516 7,839 8,702 9,045 9,914 8,801 9,141 11,657 12,760 10,931 12,227 12,865 12,229 13,110 13,609 14,204 16,540 18,640 19,887 22,947 25,556 27,015 27,996 31,630 38,142 41,627 40,843 43,963 53,842 63,895 72,365 76.737 81.879 79.343 81,112 92,197 107,372 3,687 4,013 3,769 4,096 4,483 4,766 5,101 4,383 4,796 6,252 7,045 5,702 6.955 7,545 7,316 8.220 8,454 8,704 10,342 11,754 12,215 13,821 15,838 16,297 16,843 18,996 23,692 25,902 24,570 26.156 35,084 43,032 49,559 50,737 54,003 52,368 56,852 64.350 74,849 2,562 3.538 3,747 3,743 4,219 4,279 4,813 4,418 4,345 5,405 5,715 5,229 5,272 5,320 4,913 4,890 5,155 5,500 6.198 6,886 7,672 9,126 9,718 10,718 11.153 12,634 14,450 15,725 16,273 17,807 18,758 20,863 22,806 26,000 27,876 26,975 24,260 27,847 32,523 30,185 35,813 35,293 34,734 36,035 36,829 38,922 34,086 34,114 40,526 41,974 33,679 37,900 39,004 37,013 38,943 40,861 43,129 49,437 54,432 56,864 63,603 68,235 68,225 66,485 71,931 83,252 82,488 69,953 68,099 78,631 87,815 93,209 92,181 88,602 79,487 78,446 86,731 99,508 16,432 16,959 15,658 16,116 16,844 17,574 18,167 15,347 16,294 20,090 21,344 16,218 19,561 20,558 19,999 22,499 22,886 24,054 28.490 31,972 32,665 35,549 39,448 38,679 37,657 41,399 50,307 50,910 41,341 40,160 50,606 58,722 63,710 61,516 58.432 51,974 54,547 60,020 69,104 13,753 1948 18,854 1949 19.635 1950 18,618 1951 19,191 1952 19.255 1953 20.755 1954 18.739 1955 .... 17,820 1956 20,436 1957 20,630 1958 17,461 1959 18,339 1960 18,446 1961 17,014 1962 16,444 1963 17,975 1964 19,075 1965 20.947 1966 22,460 1967 24,199 1968 28,054 1969 28,787 1970 1971 29,546 28,828 1972 30,532 1973 .... 32,945 1974 .... 31,578 1975 28,612 1976 .... 27,939 1977 28,025 1978 29,093 1979 29,499 1980 30,665 1981 30,170 1982 ... 27.513 1983 23,899 1984 .... 26,711 1985 30,404 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 311 Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Transportation Railroad transportation 1947 1948 1940 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1! 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 197(1 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 2,747 1,933 3,453 2,254 3,308 2,154 3,171 2,071 3,799 2,497 3,705 2,361 3,798 2,355 2,987 1,794 3,175 2,090 4,023 2,794 4.642 3,417 3,114 2,301 3,943 3,004 4.111 3,149 3,786 2,968 4,294 3,447 4,397 3,311 4,875 3,904 5,590 4,587 6,136 4,952 6,393 5,177 7,559 5,952 8,333 6,722 7,329 5,703 7,666 5,859 8,541 6,725 11,434 9,290 11,731 8,913 12,301 8.441 14,548 9,285 15,825 11,833 20,947 17,120 23,578 19,394 23,990 19,555 23,844 19,273 20,183 16,130 21,367 17,274 24,733 20,095 24,563 19,517 814 1,199 1,154 1,100 1,302 1,344 1,443 1,193 1.085 1,229 1,225 813 939 962 818 SIT 1,086 971 1.003 1,184 1,216 1.607 1,611 1,626 1.807 1.816 2,144 2,818 2,800 5.263 3,992 3,827 4,184 1.435 4,571 4,053 4,093 4,638 5.046 13.378 17,083 16.060 14,343 16,417 15.787 1 5.5o4 11,945 12.130 14,797 15,962 8,749 12.604 12,844 11,857 12.666 13.630 15.342 17,485 18,907 19,327 21,718 23.008 19,162 18,778 20.088 25,983 23,908 21.350 23.315 23,910 29,140 30,373 28,607 25,026 19,967 20,781 23.349 22.783 9,992 10,854 10,162 9,022 10,556 9,933 9.546 7,029 7,767 10,159 11,597 7,121 9,337 9,509 9,003 10,443 9,900 11,985 14.068 14,955 15,528 16.884 18.420 14,787 14,274 1 5,88.1 21,303 18,561 15,116 15,364 18,162 24,111 25,108 23,608 20,275 15,914 16,787 18,937 18.194 3,386 6,229 5,898 5.321 5,861 5.854 6.008 4,916 4,363 4,638 4,365 1,628 3,267 3,335 2,854 2,223 3,730 3,357 3,417 3,952 3,799 4,834 4,588 4,375 4,504 4.204 4.680 5,347 6.234 7,951 5.748 5.029 5,265 4,999 4,751 4,053 3,994 4,412 1,589 1,336 1,977 1,948 1,688 1,983 2,047 2,019 1,422 1,410 1,805 2.189 1,169 1,173 1,367 1,103 1,356 1,510 1.769 1.893 1,638 1,553 1,597 2.051 1,592 2,006 1,961 2,658 3.085 3,013 3.316 3,860 6,551 6,117 5,968 5,120 3,881 3,970 4,530 4,970 572 1,116 1,131 919 1,091 1,053 1,022 580 606 883 1,297 513 559 733 567 M9 908 1,125 1,203 845 820 703 1,091 735 1,051 917 1.491 1,637 1,595 1,450 1,659 :;,8>j 3,214 3,032 2,047 947 1 019 1,017 1,218 764 7,789 861 10,560 817 10,086 769 8,084 892 9,095 994 9,199 997 8,675 842 5,912 804 5,691 922 7,001 892 7,985 656 4,128 614 3,968 634 4,572 536 3,668 537 4,449 6112 4,971 644 5,912 690 6,274 793 5,349 733 4,995 894 4,796 960 5,888 857 4,338 955 5,085 1,044 4,757 1,167 6,135 1,448 6,281 1,418 5,041 1,866 5,026 2.201 5,476 2,669 8,690 2,903 7,665 2,936 6,700 3,073 5,254 2,934 3,802 2,951 3,821 3,513 4,271 3,752 4,509 3.065 5.890 5,713 4,221 4,907 4,719 4,353 2,343 2,414 3,460 4.738 1,780 1,822 2,370 1,793 2,571) 2,861) 3,669 3,904 2,666 2,560 2,103 3,155 2,037 2,734 2,328 3.585 3.575 2,755 2,256 2,411 5.242 3.990 3,385 2.046 868 940 908 1.1)95 Local and interurban passenger transit Trucking and warehousing 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 18 225 143 106 155 102 121 128 146 114 138 ■89 88 73 120 47 256 158 140 168 121 108 151 106 220 154 194 193 278 310 337 390 379 414 469 217 366 359 381 191 145 96 si I 105 60 83 94 117 89 119 59 73 63 109 140 2 is 1 10 130 154 172 95 141 96 211 164 184 178 260 291 317 377 366 395 445 L84 338 328 357 •173 80 47 26 50 42 38 34 29 25 19 I 18 15 10 11 -93 8 12 10 14 -51 13 10 10 9 ■10 10 15 18 19 20 13 13 19 24 33 28 Ml 24 -1,556 1.051 629 439 608 390 450 477 543 392 439 -1,643 266 8 348 -618 721 443 37 1 436 125 126 328 190 440 187 361 327 444 467 481 513 453 451 463 187 335 313 331 964 682 419 326 406 225 306 347 433 304 375 108 210 -30 306 400 692 400 339 389 426 85 299 163 lis 254 340 299 413 435 150 495 437 430 438 154 308 284 309 2,520 369 210 113 202 165 144 130 110 88 64 -1,751 56 38 42 -1,018 29 43 35 47 -301 11 29 27 22 -67 21 28 31 32 31 is H. 21 25 33 27 29 568 478 603 547 601 477 756 654 762 584 505 477 538 471 531 450 806 696 923 785 935 805 887 756 1,067 923 1,101 948 1,172 1.041 1,340 1.168 1,200 1,017 1,312 1,197 1,205 1,076 1,421 1,258 1,131 975 1,559 1,309 1,945 1.643 1,884 1.571 2,243 1,871 2,731 2,305 3,714 3,219 3,516 3,005 2,751 2,340 3,943 3,533 4,646 4,172 6,379 5,858 6,803 6,282 6,305 5,819 6,468 5,951 6,484 5,972 8,026 7,586 2,059 11,439 9,631 8,862 90 2,605 2,148 56 2.498 2,242 124 2,426 1,847 102 3,053 2,572 178 2,861 2,123 28 1,781 1,668 67 1,905 1,635 81 1,906 1,571 110 2,819 2,372 138 3,002 2,485 130 2,868 2,399 131 2,658 2,171 144 3,110 2.569 153 3,253 2,678 131 3,446 2,952 172 3,941 3,299 183 3,551 2,881 115 3,809 3,395 129 3,477 3,026 163 3,998 3,451 156 3,202 2.692 250 4,272 3.491 302 5,154 4.291 313 4,818 3,979 372 5,400 4,481 426 6,389 5.412 495 8,511 7,462 511 7.358 6,387 411 5.032 4,318 410 6,751 6,064 474 7,291 6,554 521 9,175 8,439 521 8,965 8,302 486 7,505 6,944 517 6,853 6,309 512 6,455 5,943 440 7,760 7,336 620 11,243 10,674 769 8,762 8,076 312 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Water transportation Transportation by air 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1901) 1961 19D2 1903 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 r.i>:; 1984 1985 359 306 166 158 319 374 429 263 246 452 566 499 461 422 356 387 350 407 477 534 533 731 842 875 856 1,152 1,652 1,448 2,1)16 1.985 2.456 2.780 3,026 3.369 4,489 3.564 2.161 1,774 1,669 355 305 165 157 318 373 428 262 244 448 560 494 457 418 353 385 348 404 474 530 530 727 839 873 854 1,150 1,649 1,445 2,005 1,975 2,446 2,769 3,013 3,351 4,468 3.543 2,153 1,765 I ,659 1,943 1,354 802 754 1,383 1,634 1,826 1,097 874 1,726 1,922 1,478 1,416 1,237 1,014 1,193 1,090 1,257 1,493 1,717 1,720 2,167 2.270 2.227 2.076 2,671 3,646 2,825 3,491 3,255 3,761 3.898 3.850 3.830 4.643 3.552 2.129 1,697 1.583 1,923 1,349 797 749 1,379 1,630 1,822 1,093 866 1,711 1,900 1,459 1,401 1,222 1,003 1,186 1,083 1,246 1,482 1,703 1,710 2,155 2,261 2,222 2,071 2,666 3,640 2,819 3,473 3,239 3,746 3,883 3,834 3,810 4,621 3,531 2.121 1.689 1,574 172 66 127 85 92 216 205 259 180 404 518 362 793 694 714 685 432 626 1,134 1,448 1,895 2,511 2,156 1,790 1,188 1,564 2,220 1,617 1,458 1,386 2,536 2,925 4,958 5,465 5,504 5.009 5,087 4,394 6,036 167 64 122 82 89 208 198 251 174 391 501 350 766 670 690 662 420 601 1,093 1,390 1,840 2,429 2,061 1,640 1,153 1,499 2,069 1,576 1,407 1,323 2,457 2,856 4,833 5,323 5,336 4,859 4,912 4.246 5,873 6 13 17 12 27 24 24 23 12 25 41 58 82 95 150 35 65 151 41 51 63 79 69 125 142 168 150 175 148 163 966 310 597 355 355 894 810 1,071 688 1,509 1,777 1,212 2,679 2,323 2,369 2,196 1,280 1,964 3,465 4,396 5,560 7,162 5,858 4,599 2.809 3,677 5,092 3,354 2,797 2,342 3,949 4,254 6,547 7,327 5,971 4,948 4,985 4,236 5,737 941 301 574 341 343 862 782 1,038 662 1,459 1,714 1,167 2,577 2,231 2,277 2,110 1,236 1,874 3,321 4,200 5,380 6,906 5,584 4,196 2,722 3,527 4.768 3,277 2,711 2,238 3,827 4,158 6,393 7,168 5,797 4,798 4,814 4,098 5,590 Pipelines, except natural gas Transportation services 1947 129 210 172 230 211 295 356 268 184 174 190 185 158 170 139 254 340 240 210 241 409 467 365 411 565 417 462 926 2,075 3,021 1,389 815 887 1.076 968 561) 1,040 864 1,010 8 13 15 33 38 28 26 44 54 51 31 29 27 38 30 51 68 74 88 99 97 110 134 126 137 133 153 141 131 134 192 281 296 267 226 183 583 593 738 121 197 157 197 173 267 330 224 130 123 159 156 131 132 109 203 272 166 122 142 312 357 231 285 428 284 309 785 1,944 2,887 1,197 534 591 809 742 377 457 271 272 692 960 750 957 828 1,135 1,310 975 652 564 580 550 461 492 404 749 1.023 730 611 682 1,179 1.296 967 1,054 1.394 967 1,023 1,797 3,308 4,544 2,050 1,091 1,094 1,202 986 558 1,027 834 979 31 48 55 122 133 92 83 142 174 153 86 76 70 99 79 136 181 195 232 250 242 267 314 277 288 271 313 267 222 216 290 390 377 308 235 181 576 571 717 661 912 695 835 695 1,043 1,227 833 478 411 494 474 391 393 325 613 842 535 379 432 937 " 1,029 653 777 1,106 696 710 1,530 3,086 4,328 1,760 701 717 894 751 377 451 263 262 165 67 149 147 278 164 131 116 202 150 106 103 202 282 182 225 310 365 531 685 751 584 824 670 589 563 534 947 710 586 602 1,107 1,409 1,394 825 468 717 754 867 161 65 146 145 273 160 128 113 198 146 104 101 198 277 178 221 303 359 523 675 742 577 814 661 583 557 525 932 703 578 591 1,097 1,391 1,369 799 442 683 708 811 4 2 3 2 5 4 3 3 4 4 2 2 4 5 4 4 7 6 8 10 9 7 10 9 6 6 9 15 7 8 11 10 18 25 26 26 34 46 56 940 350 771 701 1.287 753 577 506 862 602 392 367 703 959 608 758 992 1,228 1,792 2,329 2,546 1,898 2,546 1,937 1.576 1,440 1,215 1,967 1,235 928 902 1,517 1,798 1,593 855 465 724 755 883 920 341 757 692 1.266 737 565 494 846 587 385 360 688 940 593 743 966 1,206 1,764 2,295 2,517 1,876 2,517 1,913 1,561 1.426 1,196 1,938 1,223 915 885 1.503 1,775 1,564 828 439 691 713 833 20 1948 9 1949 14 1950 9 1951 21 1952 .... 16 1953 12 1954 12 1955 16 1956 15 1957 7 1958 7 1959 15 I960 19 1961 . 15 1962 15 1963 26 1964 22 1965 28 1966 34 1967 29 1968 . 22 1969. . 29 1970 24 1971 15 1972 14 ;ht:; 19 1974 29 1975 12 1976 13 1977 17 197s 14 1979 23 1980 29 1981 27 1982 26 1983 33 1984 42 1985 50 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 313 Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Communication Telephone and telegraph 11147 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 19(12 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19X4 1985 1,444 1,718 1,444 1,457 1,435 1,745 1,933 1,855 2,105 2,843 2,848 2,381 2,743 3,481 3,550 3,913 4,338 4,336 5,110 5,574 5,750 6,458 7,817 9.262 9.497 9.962 12.444 13.689 13.335 14,783 18,571 22.949 28,033 27.3911 30,781 31,774 33,693 38,148 41,05.', 954 872 986 914 1,135 1,274 1,154 1,293 1,651 1,704 1,413 1,710 2,281 2,480 2,823 3,139 2.958 3,551 3,867 4,014 4,659 5,506 6,199 6,416 6,573 8,367 9,292 9,554 10,888 14,084 17,351 21,450 2(1,407 23,417 24,383 20,9X3 3(1,696 33,275 546 764 572 471 521 610 659 701 812 1,192 1,144 968 1,033 1,200 1.070 1.090 1.199 1,378 1,559 1,707 1,736 1,799 2,311 3,063 3.081 3,389 4,077 4,397 3,781 3,895 4,487 5,-,9X 6,583 6.983 7.364 7,391 6,710 7.452 7.78(1 5.(1X7 6.1(15 4.X46 4,729 4,418 5,211 5,780 5,625 6.43X 8,403 8,022 6,6X5 7,493 9.2X9 9,277 10,274 11,315 11,403 13,297 14,160 14,071 14,961 17,263 19,405 18,699 1X.552 22,403 23,073 19,893 20,447 24,770 29,951 34,933 33.692 33.525 31,664 31.X57 34 999 36,9X3 2.429 2,571 2,253 2,592 2,250 2,741 3,152 2,866 3,325 4,089 3,906 3,1X4 3 X35 5,128 5,636 6,450 7,229 6,760 8,146 8,800 8,813 9,790 10,964 11,900 11,514 11,181 13,986 15,144 13,648 14,491 18,236 22,241 26,727 24,785 2.. ,7.-9 24,273 25.375 27,940 29,826 2,658 3,534 2,593 2,137 2,162 2,470 2,628 2,759 3.113 4,314 4,116 3.5(11 3,658 4,161 3,641 3,824 4.086 4,643 5,151 5.360 5,258 5,171 6,299 7.505 7.185 7,371 8,417 7,929 6,245 5,956 6,534 7,710 -.200 7,907 7,736 7,391 6, 182 T.ii ,9 7,157 1,361 851 1,618 905 1,379 846 1.411 971 1.374 887 1,672 1,102 1,853 1,238 1,774 1,119 2,013 1,255 2,692 1,579 2,678 1,610 2,236 1,332 2.583 1,633 3.265 2,180 3,356 2,381 3,686 2,696 4,051 2,932 4,099 2,796 4,812 3,361 5,251 3,657 5,348 3.727 6,097 4,414 7,408 5,233 8,835 5,914 9,063 6,124 9 180 6,245 11,913 8,021 13,109 8,911 12,683 9,074 14,073 10,360 17,747 13,469 21,949 16,612 26,800 20,524 26,081 19,429 29,217 22,230 30,155 23,149 31,960 25,614 36,221 29,162 38,993 31,644 510 713 533 440 487 770 615 655 758 1,113 1,068 904 97,0 1,085 975 990 1,119 1,303 1,451 1,594 1.621 1,683 2,175 2,921 2,939 3,237 3,-92 4.198 3.009 3,713 4,278 5,337 6.276 6.652 6,987 7,006 6,346 7,059 7,349 4.747 5.715 4.590 4,543 4.204 4.959 .7,700 5,341 6,114 7,922 7,524 6,260 7,004 8.627 - 6X8 9,599 10,542 10.754 12,477 13,303 13.063 14,073 16,306 18,443 17,772 17,561 21.338 22,010 18,862 19,393 23,611 28,610 33,378 31.137 31.839 30.059 30,210 33,222 35,111 2,271 2,414 2,178 2.552 2,183 2,651 3,059 2,772 2,221 3,904 3,682 2,996 3,659 1,-98 5,405 6.150 6,749 6,3X2 7,704 8.322 8.180 9.2(71 10.396 11.319 10.937 10.544 13.313 14,460 12,916 13,742 17,402 21,269 25.562 23,612 24,500 23,053 24.079 26,525 2X.328 2.476 3,301 2,412 1,991 2,021 2,308 2,450 2 569 2,893 4,018 3,842 3,264 3,345 3,729 3,283 3,449 3,793 4,372 4,773 4,981 4,883 4,809 7.910 7,124 6.X35 7,017 8.025 7.550 5,946 5,651 6.209 7,341 7,816 7,525 7,339 7,006 6.131 6.697 6,773 Radio and television broadcasting Electric, gas, and sanitary services 1947.. 1948.. 1949.. 1950.. 1951 .. 1952 .. 1953.. 1954 .. 1955 .. 1956.. 1957 .. 1958.. 1959.. I960.. 1961 .. 1962.. 1963.. 1964.. 1965. 1966.. 1967 1968.. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981 . 1982. 1983 . 1984. 1985 . 83 100 65 46 61 73 80 82 92 151 170 145 160 216 194 227 287 237 ■>\» 323 402 361 409 128 435 182 531 580 652 711 824 1.000 1.233 1,309 1,563 1,619 1,733 1,927 2,062 •17 49 26 15 27 33 36 36 38 72 94 81 77 101 99 127 207 162 190 210 287 245 273 286 293 328 346 381 480 529 615 739 926 978 1,186 1,234 1,369 1,534 1.631 36 51 39 31 34 10 44 46 54 79 76 64 X3 115 95 ioo 80 75 108 113 115 116 136 142 142 154 185 199 172 182 209 261 307 331 377 385 364 393 431 341 390 256 186 213 25 1 270 284 324 482 498 426 489 663 589 675 773 648 820 856 1,009 887 957 963 928 990 1,065 1 062 1,031 1,055 1,159 1,341 1,555 1,555 1,6X6 1 605 1,647 1,776 1,872 158 157 75 40 72 89 93 94 104 186 224 1-8 176 231 231 300 180 378 442 477 633 525 568 582 577 637 673 68 1 732 750 834 972 1,164 1,173 1,289 1,220 1,296 1,415 1,488 183 303 181 146 141 162 177 190 220 296 274 238 313 432 358 375 293 270 378 379 376 362 389 381 351 353 392 378 299 305 325 300 391 382 397 385 351 361 384 2,0.78 2,380 2,764 3,211 3,468 3.595 4,183 3,959 3,861 4,791 5,270 7 136 7.7 11 5.273 4.893 4,903 4.874 1 993 5,840 6,930 7,744 s.93(i '. 10,424 10,833 13,127 14.264 16,207 15,207 14,632 19,446 19,999 20,754 25,357 27.254 27,386 26,052 29,316 41,754 856 805 743 1,039 1,072 1.270 1.472 1 ,435 1,413 1,807 1,924 1.9X8 2,241 2,115 1.868 1,950 2.004 1,842 2.204 2,935 3,024 3,210 3,610 4,395 4,568 5.69X (7035 7,097 6.575 5,983 9,167 8,561 8,715 10,775 11,313 11,855 12,595 13,559 22,057 1,202 1,575 2,021 2,172 2.396 2.335 2,711 2,524 2.448 2,984 3,346 3,448 3.300 3 158 3,025 2,953 2,870 3,151 3.636 3,995 4,720 5,720 5,796 6.029 6,265 7.429 8.229 .-510 8.632 8,649 10,279 11,438 12,039 14,582 15.941 15.531 13,457 15,757 19,697 11,720 12.625 14,387 13. .,03 15,200 15,831 17,588 16.516 15,546 17,326 17.990 18.345 17,803 16,871 1.7,-79 16.003 15,916 16,384 1.8.(775 21,365 23,466 26,924 27.964 39,0.7.- 29, (MIX 33,291 34X6(1 35,507 28,710 24,337 29,951 2X,724 27,903 30.-3 30,051 27,856 2,7,808 28,383 39,742 4,011 3,534 3 313 4.502 4,032 4,900 5,469 5,452 5,202 5,842 5 8 1 1 5,913 6,389 5,921 5,360 5,606 .7.7.77 5.309 6.276 8,217 8,324 8,875 10,064 11.992 11.869 14,334 15,018 17.205 12,577 10,305 14,208 12,370 11,875 13.123 12.368 11,787 12,385 13,143 21,084 7,709 9,1191 11.144 11.160 11,168 10.931 12.119 1 1 .064 10,344 11,484 12,149 12.333 11,414 10,950 10,519 10,397 10,159 11.075 12.379 13,148 15,142 18,049 17,900 1 , 000 17,139 18,957 19.848 18,302 10,133 1 1,033 15.743 16,354 10,028 17,759 17.683 16.069 13,423 15,240 18,658 314 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Electric services Gas services 1947 1,464 1,626 1,849 2,004 2,119 2,505 2,816 2,871 2,565 3,130 3,525 3,692 3,619 3,627 3,167 3,330 3,477 3,416 4,009 4,628 5,652 6,146 6,655 7,911 8,596 10,385 11,184 13,211 12,535 12,069 16.362 16,125 15,978 20,176 20,486 20,993 21,331 24,846 35,899 703 610 536 764 804 968 1,011 1,154 1,077 1,326 1,357 1,401 1,629 1,637 1,370 1,498 1,649 1,430 1,746 2,372 2,528 2,595 2,897 3,704 3,848 4,844 4,873 6,615 5,471 4,925 7,873 6,889 6,852 8,750 8,294 9,016 10,360 11,996 20,027 761 1,016 1,313 1,240 1,315 1,537 1,805 1,717 1,488 1,804 2,168 2,291 1,990 1,990 1,797 1,832 1,828 1,986 2,263 2,256 3,124 3,551 3,758 4,207 4,748 5,541 6,311 6.596 7,064 7,144 8,489 9,236 9,126 11,426 12,192 11,977 10.971 12.850 15,872 8,550 9,151 10.315 10,437 9,790 11,575 12,400 12,387 10,707 11.703 12,505 12,825 11.945 11,911 10,636 11,185 11,568 11,372 13,050 14,500 17,351 19,032 20,356 22,991 23,431 26,723 27,853 29,618 24,269 20,326 25,377 23,465 21,960 25,025 23,042 21,467 21,128 23,996 34,004 3,228 2,638 2,309 3,269 2,977 3.733 3,680 4,364 3,943 4,218 4,036 4,081 4.520 4,486 3,857 4,246 4,696 4,097 4,968 6.694 7,007 7,274 8,233 10,281 10,168 12,368 12,385 14,972 10,632 8,576 12,236 10,021 9,459 10,742 9,156 8,952 10,157 11,569 19,002 5,322 6,513 8,006 7,168 6,813 7,842 8.720 8,023 6,764 7,485 8,469 8,744 7,425 7,425 6,779 6,939 6,872 7,275 8,082 7,806 10,344 11,758 12,123 12,710 13,263 14,355 15,468 14.646 13,637 11,750 13,141 13,444 12,501 14,283 13,886 12,515 10,971 12,427 15,002 537 679 828 1,116 1,260 993 1,257 982 1,186 1,535 1,657 1,616 1,796 1,552 1,613 1,448 1,260 1,438 1,710 2,111 1,981 2,586 2,501 2,260 1,959 2.410 2,738 2,675 2,323 2,208 2,664 3,319 4,076 4,478 5,920 5,553 3,870 3,413 4,493 143 180 191 257 250 283 439 259 313 455 541 560 586 452 474 427 327 383 429 529 466 587 678 657 672 795 1,098 1,017 1,047 997 1,182 1,474 1,574 1,629 2,516 2,360 1,708 900 1,188 394 499 637 859 1,010 710 818 723 873 1,080 1.116 1,056 1,210 1,100 1,139 1,021 933 1,055 1,281 1,582 1,515 1,999 1,823 1.603 1,287 1,615 1,640 1,658 1,276 1,211 1,482 1,845 2,502 2,849 3,404 3,193 2,162 2,513 3,305 2,892 3,150 3,682 4,791 5.042 3,863 4,740 3,686 4,377 5,148 5,188 4,959 5,404 4,638 4,835 4,372 3,872 4,535 5,208 6,242 5,785 7,293 6,896 6,005 4,932 5,815 6,283 5,356 3,884 3,458 3,996 4,515 5,102 5,085 6,132 5,550 3,808 3,299 4,309 739 840 863 1,151 986 1,090 1,699 998 1,167 1,536 1,722 1,749 1,792 1,364 1,435 1,287 983 1,132 1,230 1,433 1,235 . 1,532 1,746 1,637 1,606 1,857 2,513 2.124 1,859 1,642 1,817 2,094 2,066 1,937 2,687 2,357 1,676 862 1,125 2 153 1948 2,310 1949 2,819 1950 3,640 1951 4,056 1952 2,773 1953 3,041 1954 2,688 1955 3,210 1956 3,612 1957 3,466 1958 3.210 1959 3,612 1960 3,274 1961 3,400 1962.. .. 3,085 1963 2,889 1964 3,403 1965 3,978 1966.. .. 4,809 1967 4,550 1968 5,761 1969 5,150 1970 4,368 1971 3,326 1972 3,958 1973 3,770 1974 3.232 1975 2,025 1976 1,816 1977 2,179 1978 2,421 1979 3,036 1980 3,148 1981 3,445 1982 3,193 1983 2.132 1984 2,437 1985 3,184 Samtarj services Wholesale trade 1947 58 75 88 91 89 98 111 106 110 127 89 129 127 94 113 126 138 139 121 192 112 197 250 253 277 332 342 321 349 355 421 555 700 702 848 841 851 1,057 1.362 11 15 17 18 18 20 23 22 23 27 27 28 27 26 24 26 29 29 29 35 31 27 35 34 47 59 64 65 57 61 113 198 289 395 503 480 527 663 842 47 60 71 73 71 78 88 84 87 100 62 101 100 68 89 100 109 110 92 157 81 170 215 219 230 273 278 256 292 294 308 357 411 307 345 361 324 394 520 278 324 390 435 368 393 448 443 462 475 297 461 454 323 408 446 475 477 397 623 330 600 712 662 645 753 730 533 557 554 577 744 839 773 877 840 871 1.089 1,430 43 56 71 82 70 77 90 90 91 88 83 83 77 72 68 73 77 80 78 90 82 71) 84 73 95 109 120 109 86 88 154 255 349 445 525 479 551 713 958 235 268 319 353 298 316 358 353 371 387 214 378 377 251 340 373 398 397 319 533 248 530 628 589 550 644 610 424 471 466 423 489 490 328 352 361 320 376 472 744 836 710 813 799 687 866 927 1,158 1,146 1,243 1,035 1,219 1,461 1,372 1,804 2,126 2,481 2,827 2,968 2,971 3,669 4,025 4,175 4,522 5,371 7,650 7,480 6,691 7,957 9,645 11,934 13,334 13,090 15,935 16,812 22,307 29,224 30,441 660 713 604 688 667 633 711 731 946 886 883 630 822 1,026 991 1,370 1,686 1,840 2,137 2,246 2,273 3,047 3,376 3,168 3,251 3,969 5,767 5,239 4,636 6,296 7,588 9,695 10,229 9,523 11,963 12,924 18,244 23,090 21.566 84 123 106 125 132 54 155 196 212 260 36(1 405 397 435 381 434 440 641 690 722 698 622 649 1,007 1,271 1,402 1,883 2,241 2,055 1,661 2,057 2,239 3,105 3,567 3,972 3.888 4,063 6,134 8,875 2,826 2,844 2,287 2,711 2,560 2,091 2,617 2,908 3,701 3,537 3,603 3,147 3,543 4,212 3,967 5,117 5,890 6,880 7,706 7,793 7,599 8,808 9,260 9,338 9.694 11,069 15,132 13,455 10.502 11.644 13.443 15,367 15,897 14,431 16,264 16,499 22,671 29,992 31,788 2,400 2,282 1,792 2,121 2,012 1,872 1,992 2,098 2,839 2,562 2,303 1,642 2,051 2,577 2,529 3,498 4,278 4,574 5,292 5,372 5,318 6,864 7,406 6,639 6,556 7,853 11,143 9,195 6,928 8,862 10,244 12.201 11,941 10,312 12,079 12,611 18,753 24,359 23.871 426 1948 562 1949 495 1950 590 1951 548 1952 219 1953 625 1954 810 1955 862 1956 975 1957 1958 1959 1,300 1,505 1,492 1960 1,635 1961 1,438 1962 1,619 1963 1,612 1964 2,306 1965 2,414 1966 2,421 1967 2,281 1968 1,944 1969 1,854 1971) 2,699 1971 3,138 1972 3,216 1973 3,989 1974 4.260 1975 .... 3.574 1976 2,782 1977 3,199 1978 . 3,166 1979 . 3,956 19X11 4,119 1981 4,185 19X2 3,888 1983 3,918 1984 5,633 1985 7.917 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 315 Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate 1947 1948 19411 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1.351 1,772 1,566 1,944 1,666 1,375 2,1139 2,(156 2,476 2,294 2,365 2,452 2,899 2,S92 2.865 3,06,8 3.273 3.722 4.508 4,944 4,803 5,459 5.9 12 6,012 6,409 7,517 9,073 9,592 10,190 10,730 10,971 15,915 19,040 17,785 21,816 22,970 26,737 30,231 33,596 1.077 1,219 1,096 1.390 1.342 1,148 1.469 1,378 1,681 1,498 1,431 1,401 1,735 1,827 1,675 1,877 1,965 2,210 2,584 2,989 2,749 3,199 3,431 3,273 3,473 4,436 5,205 4.936 5.750 6,793 7.655 9,197 11,075 9,446 11,907 13,098 16,922 18,222 18,112 274 553 470 554 324 227 570 678 795 796 934 1,051 1,164 1.065 1.190 1,191 1,308 1,512 1,924 1,955 2,054 2,260 2,511 2,739 2,936 3,081 3,868 1656 4,440 3,937 3,316 6,718 7,965 8,339 9.909 9,872 9.815 12,009 15,484 4.962 6.091 5.408 6.970 5,352 4,207 6,503 6,7X5 8,166 7,146 7,105 7,607 8,903 8,746 8,875 9,318 9,928 11,105 13,351 14,116 13,498 14,638 15,102 14.671 14.642 16,448 18,966 18,111 17,026 16,944 16,197 21,801 23,856 20,186 22,665 22,631 25,714 28,176 30,637 3.571 3.566 3.212 4,357 4.008 3.288 4.205 3,984 4,935 4,166 3,733 3,700 4,528 4,742 4,384 4,874 5,137 5.666 6,625 7,557 6,786 7,576 7,928 7,328 7,393 9,381 10.772 9,259 9.305 10,349 11,040 12,300 13,710 10,557 12,223 12,759 16,249 17,149 16,824 1,391 2,525 2,196 2.613 1,344 919 2.298 2,801 3,231 2,980 3,372 3,907 4,375 4.004 4,491 4,444 4.791 5.439 6,726 6,559 6,712 7,062 7.174 7.343 7.249 7,067 8,194 8,852 7,721 6,595 5,157 9,501 10,146 9,629 10,442 9,872 9,465 11,027 13,813 1,407 2,168 2,364 3,267 3,545 2,997 3,900 4,358 5,361 5,596 5,710 5,438 6,903 6.729 7,1183 7,753 7.403 8,874 10,550 11,173 11,199 12,740 15,141 15,297 17,207 19,179 22,208 21,252 19,680 20,768 26,524 32,809 41.499 45.103 51,445 57.227 62.329 77.450 86.058 758 1,012 1,07.3 1,55.3 1.640 1.242 1,885 1,798 2.357 2,384 2.290 1.826 2,889 2,553 2.462 2,412 2,416 3,432 3,846 4,465 4.853 5,650 6,650 6,768 7,285 8,202 10,252 11,428 11,661 12,952 16,037 21,168 25,699 25,205 28.134 30,277 35,0 19 43,157 15,751 649 1,156 1.291 1,714 1,905 1,755 2.015 2,561. 3,004 3,212 3,420 3,612 4,014 4,176 4,621 5,341 4.987 5.442 6,704 6,708 6,346 7,090 8,491 - 529 9.922 10,977 11,9.56 9,824 8,019 7,816 10,487 11,641 15,800 19.898 23,311 26.950 27 3>ll 34.293 40,307 5.663 8.298 9,118 12,576 12,373 10,411 13,088 15,248 18,643 18,399 17,924 17,845 21,992 21,608 23,106 25,385 23,694 27,177 31,813 32,319 30,983 33,772 37.410 35,832 37.819 40.308 43.863 37.550 31.442 31,052 37,866 43.222 50.660 50.983 53.453 56,617 62.133 76,902 86,942 2,368 3,021 3,087 4,486 4,467 3,304 4,964 1,668 6.418 6,356 5,564 4,412 6,892 5,878 5,657 5,450 5,129 7,602 8,3,31 9,712 10,197 11,608 13,121 12.944 13.303 15.081 18,478 18.910 17.555 17,976 21 580 26,790 30,612 28.095 38,929 29,667 3.5.791 45,344 50,943 3 3''-, 5.277 6,031 8,090 7,906 7,107 8,124 10.580 13,225 12,043 12,360 13,433 15,100 15,730 17,449 10,935 18.265 19,575 23.482 22,607 20,786 22,164 24,289 24.516 25.227 25,385 18.640 13,887 13,076 16.286 16,432 20,048 22,888 24.524 26.950. 26,342 31,558 5 1,003 Banking Federal Reserve banks 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 19.53 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1063 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 110 38 140 48 147 48 182 48 199 64 125 53 274 87 293 68 406 94 395 111 467 1.39 464 119 514 137 507 146 532 137 691 175 594 190 782 238 920 368 979 423 959 594 1,367 785 1,495 898 1,469 853 1,718 1,071 2,047 1,340 2,484 1,757 2,949 2,172 2,944 2,287 3,008 2,333 3,591 2,778 5,550 4,742 6,799 5,840 7,482 6,404 8,138 6,752 8,402 6,911 3,300 8,015 11,618 9,862 13,392 11,650 72 478 113 92 553 1.33 99 581 119 134 749 117 135 715 155 72 416 125 187 956 202 225 1,094 164 312 1,502 234 284 1.316 252 328 1,474 290 345 1.528 245 377 1,699 282 361 1,639 282 395 1,753 263 516 2,260 335 404 1,807 327 544 2,416 459 552 2,661 733 556 2,701 8,37 365 2,371 1,178 582 3,449 1,630 597 3,394 1,688 616 3,203 1,552 647 3,433 1,835 707 3,879 2,257 727 4,639 3,099 777 4,864 5,387 657 4,500 3,356 675 4,252 3,121 813 4,760 3,496 808 6,813 5.671 959 7,832 6,611 1,078 8,469 7,224 1,386 8,399 6,938 1,491 8,319 6,828 1,291 9,851 8,606 1,756 12,911 11,299 1,742 15,970 14.416 365 420 462 632 560 291 754 930 1,268 1.064 1,184 1,283, 1,417 1,357 1.490 1,925 1 l>o 1,957 1.928 1,864 1,193 1.819 1,706 1,651 1,598 1,622 1,540 1,477 1,144 1,1.31 1,264 1,142 1,221 1,245 1.461 1,491 1,245 1,612 1,554 3 2 3 9 8 9 10 7 8 16 25 1 1 13 15 11 6 6 6 8 9 13 10 14 21 38 30 42 55 71 65 57 37 50 90 96 126 91 139 88 11 10 10 8 13 15 21 29 26 47 18 72 71 78 49 16 27 20 32 47 58 50 36 8 24 43 48 54 20 61 39 13 7 11 37 30 32 34 23 30 84 46 II 53 53 13 15 15 21 38 37 30 50 82 60 82 99 116 102 80 42 57 99 00 120 98 149 98 9 33 25 28 28 17 28 52 79 i: i: 49 26 11 11 i: 23 33 32 20 43 67 46 68 89 101 84 11 31 50 51 54 19 56 35 316 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Bl. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation and Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued (Investment data, millions of dollars and millions of 1982 dollars] Year Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Millions of dollars Millions of 1982 dollars Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Commercial an d mutual banks Credit agencies other than ba iks 1947 107 138 144 173 191 116 264 286 398 379 442 450 501 492 521 685 588 776 912 970 946 1,357 1,481 1,448 1,680 2,017 2,442 2,894 2,873 2,943 3,534 5,513 6,749 7,392 8,042 8,276 9,215 11,479 13,304 37 47 47 46 62 51 84 65 93 109 136 116 135 144 133 171 187 235 365 421 591 782 891 848 1,060 1.330 1,747 2,164 2,274 2,318 2,757 4,713 5,814 6,357 6,704 6,839 7,944 9,784 11,601 70 91 97 127 129 65 180 221 305 270 306 334 366 348 388 514 401 541 547 549 355 575 590 600 620 687 695 730 599 625 777 800 935 1,035 1,338 1,437 1,271 1,695 1,703 465 546 570 712 686 384 922 1,071 1,472 1,261 1,390 1,482 1,655 1,587 1,721 2,247 1,792 2,401 2,640 2,674 2,333 3,422 3,364 3,153 3,351 3,819 4,557 4,765 4,384 4,150 4,680 6,771 7,775 8,370 8,300 8,193 9.753 12,762 15,872 110 131 117 113 151 121 196 158 232 249 285 240 279 279 257 329 323 455 729 833 1,173 1,625 1,678 1,545 1,820 2,243 3,085 3,377 3,341 3,103 3,472 5,640 6,585 7,175 6,890 6,756 8,527 11.206 14,353 355 415 453 599 535 263 726 913 1,240 1,012 1,105 1,242 1,376 1,308 1,464 1,918 1,469 1,946 1,911 1,841 1.160 1,797 1,686 1,608 1,531 1,576 1,472 1,388 1,043 1,047 1,208 1,131 1,190 1,195 1,410 1,437 1,226 1,556 1,519 88 90 112 127 161 182 235 220 272 242 261 243 335 348 232 383 316 594 680 626 733 1,161 1,182 1,106 1,426 1,380 2,165 2,786 3,103 3,810 4,254 4,274 4,886 5,003 6,092 6,940 8,021 10,700 13,335 76 76 94 120 111 111 153 145 175 137 158 119 191 195 134 216 139 335 417 423 528 752 836 774 998 1,144 1,845 2,462 2,853 3,600 3,980 3,992 4,496 4,603 5,584 6,395 7,485 10,037 12,669 12 14 18 7 50 71 82 75 97 105 103 124 144 153 98 167 177 259 263 203 205 409 346 332 428 236 320 324 250 210 274 282 390 400 508 545 536 663 666 253 222 254 287 457 520 625 601 810 744 682 673 892 923 605 1,026 887 1,691 1,902 1,695 1,873 2,948 2,807 2,590 3,111 2,956 4,255 5,019 4,883 5,379 5,864 5,376 5,719 5,368 6.104 6,710 8,274 11,484 15,140 192 158 170 254 250 233 294 291 416 350 310 212 351 348 235 403 239 759 983 1,014 1,203 1,670 1,818 1,700 2,054 2,415 3,577 4,403 4,449 5,027 5,438 4,977 5,222 4,906 5,569 6,165 7,757 10,875 14,546 61 1948 64 1949 84 1950 33 1951 207 1952 287 1953 331 1954 310 1955 394 1956 394 1957 372 1958 461 1959 541 1960 575 1961 .... 370 1962.... 623 1963 ... 648 1964. ... 932 1965 919 1966 681 1967 670 r.!) 2,500 2,071 1.857 1,172 722 533 943 940 1,725 3,100 3,102 5,167 8,205 8,086 9,932 7,851 .-,,369 3,578 3,997 4,447 6,197 5,147 7,422 15,458 15,318 11,775 10,007 7,719 7,657 15,187 14,638 11,204 12,706 9,153 8,526 8,456 5,559 3,008 3,860 5,925 7.000 8,948 ii (i ii n (i II II II (I II II 96 95 83 118 135 236 274 323 286 320 418 n 189 265 345 192 407 583 583 576 776 571 1,000 1,310 1,326 II II II II 11 II II II II 69 115 112 68 48 49 49 123 122 98 74 178 359 363 214 54 54 101 291 219 o o ii o 561 689 853 1.083 1,354 1,472 1,872 2.203 2,590 3,031 3,319 3,447 3,442 3,462 II II II II II 1,202 1,139 1,198 1,438 1,462 1,353 1,815 1,877 1,215 1,153 937 1,057 1,063 1,182 1.261) 1.559 1,678 1,781 1,980 2,180 2,654 2,611 2,664 2,592 2,546 2,005 1.644 1,399 1,227 1,306 1,276 1,242 1,416 1,556 2,007 3,038 3,161 2,970 2,941 2,726 2,686 2,576 2,799 2,914 2,608 II II II II I) I) II II II II II II II II II II I) II 92 1,256 1,392 998 928 1,691 II o II II II II 165 206 311 249 237 299 255 133 143 152 159 165 152 359 403 403 458 373 344 127 444 731 1,144 1,145 1,102 1,113 980 981 1,406 1,444 1,046 1,021 See footnotes on page 326. 326 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B2.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of 1 982 dollars] Buildings, excluding farm Religious Hospital and insti- tutional Other 1 Railroads Telephone and telegraph Electric light and power Gas Other public utilities 12 Farm Mining exploration, shafts, and wells 11)01) 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 262 304 471 452 326 305 374 395 384 449 457 499 597 542 384 318 431 347 194 281 590 787 1,121 1,250 1,363 1,634 1,752 1,790 1,697 1,500 1,484 1,101 672 344 304 394 453 .-,06 580 545 656 646 290 52 90 208 517 640 1,146 1,682 1,929 1,876 1,615 1,903 2,450 2.829 3,019 3,134 3,208 3,560 3,808 3,785 3,854 3,667 3,568 4,503 4,054 3,680 3,372 2,823 2,496 2,007 1,936 1,725 1,745 1,508 1,601 1,627 1,765 1,972 1,890 1,754 1,543 1,716 1,958 2,149 157 203 298 285 186 174 229 249 235 278 291 312 378 341 243 199 266 222 121 177 236 355 664 886 954 1,069 1,069 1,060 1,081 1,224 1,297 1,266 791 234 203 239 533 483 455 443 556 61)4 224 52 90 248 837 883 1,155 1,257 1,387 1,432 1,421 1,718 2,186 1,894 2,105 1,895 2,134 1,974 2,128 2,298 2,537 2,484 2,507 2,566 3,534 3,912 3,441 2,940 2,319 2,328 2,220 1,773 1,245 986 1,106 1,026 1,120 1,027 1,357 1,234 1,356 1,362 1,296 1,495 157 152 248 238 163 152 187 208 214 214 229 270 298 281 202 179 232 181 109 135 322 488 577 609 661 782 822 1,060 1,010 1,061 1,198 899 507 156 130 141 227 356 398 352 367 479 271 95 213 296 578 558 575 944 1,623 1,739 1,595 1,278 1,393 1,358 1,292 1,895 2,231 2,143 2,275 2,910 3,676 3,773 4,644 5,040 4,996 4,388 4,934 6,197 6,780 7,072 7,275 6,678 6,(186 5,581 .-,,688 5,117 4,734 4,497 4,672 5,171 5,875 6,32.-, 5,782 4,981 916 1,406 1,976 1,705 1,337 1,294 1,547 1,572 1,576 1,667 1,637 2.013 2,285 2,005 1,565 1,277 1,797 1,496 862 1,212 2,016 2,360 3,004 3,128 3,426 4,812 5,713 5,160 4,485 4,061 3,802 2,671 1,478 1,188 1,116 1,127 1,400 1,621 1,932 2,045 1,678 1.750 766 267 451 856 2.245 1,294 2.050 2,421 2.330 2,369 2.158 2,492 3,062 2,508 2,933 3,040 4,000 4,917 5,895 6,196 6,108 7,084 6,910 6,308 5,497 4,899 4,516 5,189 5,164 5,049 6,413 7,025 4,922 3,250 3,290 3,336 3,645 4,698 5,436 5,785 5,716 6,674 8,278 8,842 10,704 9,751 11,664 13,744 13,513 11,949 11,525 12,768 10,872 12,076 17,171 13,124 9,731 11,103 9,226 6,606 6,752 6,593 6,824 5,766 5.040 4,929 4,878 6,755 6,831 7,271 8,727 8,232 7,821 8,401 8,424 5,848 3,428 2,715 3.344 3,322 3,948 4,326 3,162 3,612 3,854 4,293 4,504 5,286 6,556 6,297 5,125 4,724 4,670 4,373 3,863 4.188 4.480 4,322 3,569 3,277 3,541 3,247 2,348 2,146 2,202 1,875 1,879 2,111 2.243 2.370 2,683 2,435 2,693 2,733 2,301 2,351 2,429 2,550 2,706 2,286 2,770 3,065 3,448 3,675 3,315 3,208 2,934 2,881 3,363 3,414 481 470 521 637 619 762 971 779 495 492 660 655 808 659 607 470 560 649 523 519 836 692 802 1,087 1,359 1,355 1,503 1,432 1,685 2,476 2,562 1,383 829 437 435 468 588 872 829 830 1,043 1,444 1,148 427 576 775 1,826 2,476 3,301 2,412 1,991 2,021 2,308 2,450 2.569 2,893 4,018 3,842 3,264 3,345 3,729 3,283 3,449 3,793 4,372 4,773 4,981 4,883 4,809 5,910 7,124 6,835 7,017 8,025 7,550 5,946 5,651 6,209 7,341 7,816 7,525 7,339 7,006 6,131 6,697 6,773 1,312 1,792 2,186 2,246 2,411 2,569 2,767 2,952 3,872 4,214 4,599 5,044 5,470 3,190 3,246 2,577 2,635 2,265 1,627 2,385 3,970 2,447 3,502 6,417 7,080 4,678 1,022 4,022 3,714 3,846 4,284 2,679 1,453 787 795 1,024 1,580 1,618 2,781 2,724 3,206 2,120 2,297 1,252 1,417 2,094 2,783 5,322 6,513 8,006 7,168 6,813 7,842 8,720 8,023 6,764 7,485 8,469 8,744 7,425 7,425 6,779 6,939 6,872 7,275 8,082 7,806 10,344 11,758 12,123 12,710 13,263 14,355 15,468 14,646 13,637 11,750 13,141 13,444 12,501 14,283 1.3,886 12,515 10,971 12,427 15,002 211 305 342 288 355 514 521 635 873 996 1,267 1,433 1,528 932 833 737 1,091 568 269 520 756 669 1,563 1,469 2,235 1,613 2,431 2,596 2,232 2,033 2,057 1,393 880 467 524 571 875 833 677 642 938 1,067 784 553 1,270 1,205 1,279 2,153 2,310 2,819 3,640 4,056 2,773 3,041 2,688 3,210 3,612 3,466 3,210 3,612 3,274 3,400 3,085 2,889 3,403 3,978 4,809 4,550 5,761 5,150 4,368 3,326 3,958 3,770 3,232 2,025 1,816 2,179 2,421 3,036 3,148 3,445 3,193 2,132 2,437 3,184 3,471 3,565 3,716 4,015 4,370 4,497 4,605 4,752 3,374 3,985 2,825 2,426 1,833 2,410 2,209 2,373 2,010 2,260 1,324 827 1,192 902 1,417 1,402 1,367 1,009 853 1,586 1,505 1,857 1,307 1.738 880 373 512 714 977 1,104 646 937 -612 -1,181 -981 -998 -810 513 636 -1,961 1,190 872 919 855 1,180 1,338 926 551 462 525 -1,336 391 393 325 -427 842 535 379 432 609 1,029 653 777 1,106 608 710 1,530 3,086 4,328 1,760 701 717 894 751 377 451 263 262 2,648 2,586 2,604 2,426 2,353 2,111 2,120 2,099 2,093 2,200 2,265 2,182 2,247 2,267 2,287 2,068 2,440 3,071 2,975 3,533 2,800 1,231 1,447 1,645 1,520 1,475 1,386 1,710 1,535 1,418 769 380 149 234 362 803 960 1,011 864 932 667 875 869 1,155 1,221 1,152 4,483 3,832 3,589 3,472 3,524 3,311 3,506 3,145 3,029 2,858 2,955 2,747 2,725 3,590 3,192 3,287 3,590 3,509 3,446 3,629 3,779 4,353 4,038 4,206 4,657 4,605 3,920 5,237 6,112 6,456 6,638 6,891 7,368 7,118 6,090 4,860 3,692 3,139 2,626 2,124 1,814 1,654 1,749 2,080 2,110 1,815 2,195 2,472 1,938 2,119 1,811 1,666 2,197 3,415 3,124 2,198 3,884 3,880 4,427 4,948 6,928 3,907 4,424 4,800 4,423 5,459 6,054 5,190 5,434 6,222 4,796 2,726 3,286 2,799 3,924 4,776 5,724 7,322 6,276 6,049 6,795 7,064 4,973 4,542 6,010 6,557 7,004 7,835 9,637 9,763 11,608 12,204 13,577 14,822 16,464 17,765 17,219 16,260 15,089 15,467 14,483 14,724 15,448 14,452 15,515 15,323 14,497 13,844 13,846 14,377 13,419 12,317 13,256 14,118 16,595 19,411 20,853 24,109 26,330 27,253 34,154 44,143 40,588 34,792 40,339 37,551 n.e.c. Not elsewhere classified- 1, Consists of hotels and motels, buildings used primarily for and buildings not elsewhere classified, such as passenger termin FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 327 Table B3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of dollars] Equipment Furniture and fixtures Fabricated metal products Engines and turbines Agricultural Construction machinery. machinery. except except tractors tractors 1) n [) Mining and oilfield machinery Metalworking machinery Special industry machinery. n.e.c. General industrial, including materials handling, equipment Office, computing, and accounting machinery Service industry machinery 1832 1833 1834 1835 is::,, 1837 1838 183!) 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 ] 8 '>8 1859 1800 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 18X1 1882 1883 1884 188,-, 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 49 47 10 41 33 43 66 74 See footnotes on page 332. 328 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Year Equipment Furniture and fixtures Fabricated metal products Engines and turbines Tractors Agricultural machinery, except tractors Construction machinery. except tractors Mining and oilfield machinery Metalworking machinery Special industry machinery, n.e.c. General industrial, including materials handling, equipment Office, computing, and accounting machinery 1900 42 1901 47 1902... 52 I'm:; 58 19114 59 1905 66 1906 78 19UT 76 nine 62 1909 75 1910 77 1911 75 1912 84 1913 84 1914 78 191.". 67 1916 79 1917 94 1918 101 1919 133 1920 79 1921 143 1922 185 l'.ij:; 270 1 92 ; 302 1925 310 I!l2r, 321 1927 330 1928 .... 326 1929 376 1930 305 1931 199 1932 120 1933 106 1934 ... 149 193.", 162 193li 188 1937 243 193* 205 1939 226 1940..: 277 1941 348 1942 253 1943 208 1944 221 1945 306 1941', 522 1947 696 1948 697 1949 670 1950 730 1951 948 1952 904 1953.. .. 890 1954 998 1955 1,226 1956 .. 1,379 1957 1,349 1958 1,371 1959 1,392 I960 1,430 i9i;i 1,377 1962.. . 1,454 1963.. 1,618 1964 1,780 1965 1,972 1966 2,256 1967 2,332 1968 2,371 1969 2,731 1970 2,755 197; 2,665 1972. ... 3,419 1973 . .. 3,898 1974 3,999 197.", 3,660 1976 4,180 1977 5,618 197- 6,736 1979 7.743 1980 8,521 19X1 9,338 19X2 10,329 1984 1985 11,424 13,426 15,323 29 28 30 33 26 33 41 42 27 36 39 37 43 46 39 37 51 63 65 81 50 84 91 123 122 121 123 109 107 132 49 40 57 64 74 94 70 si I 96 121 117 147 174 215 336 538 541 442 483 659 762 825 877 818 940 1,126 1,042 949 925 863 793 877 1,019 1,207 1,411 1,405 1,715 2,141 2,611 2.713 2.902 3,678 4.470 5,336 6,097 6,264 7,057 -.777 9,194 9.X9X 9,566 8,518 8.261 10,098 36 33 36 38 29 35 43 41 25 33 37 31 33 33 26 29 46 66 71 59 54 38 38 38 44 46 46 37 43 54 45 26 12 10 17 25 43 64 44 54 62 56 26 47 91 193 58 167 232 224 299 249 337 335 479 437 469 656 675 605 577 491 439 437 441 464 553 760 940 1,104 1,265 1,453 1,685 1,711 1,856 1,793 1.840 1,823 1 90X 1,872 1,860 2,175 1.724 1,664 1,912 2.033 23 32 36 61 147 165 182 52 68 93 89 114 129 162 150 186 174 114 56 30 69 131 208 270 204 189 240 34 1 189 84 303 327 277 507 685 750 825 833 6X3 x;,7 756 690 813 8X6 1,085 1,358 1,466 1,914 1,705 1,804 1,716 1,880 1,807 2,515 3,426 3.77!) 4.526 4,758 5,857 6,824 7,699 6,600 7,455 5,390 5.663 6,612 6,629 72 79 110 86 90 94 116 117 100 121 125 124 140 152 142 154 177 185 222 252 232 162 106 188 158 187 228 231 243 265 252 114 62 49 71 136 176 229 229 183 209 309 280 180 319 11 t 344 663 967 1,003 1,042 1,094 1,102 998 944 995 1.223 1,223 1,106 1,089 1,141 1.365 1,416 1,662 1,862 2,048 2,063 2,369 2,838 2,839 3,270 4,272 4,709 5,728 5,642 6,152 7,282 8,713 8,300 9,091 7,548 6,501 6,748 7,041 87 91 72 43 10 7 17 31 54 72 62 57 74 66 39 276 423 499 697 481 544 651 698 666 556 731 901 807 848 1,023 920 846 897 1,231 1,507 1,722 1,905 1,891 2,069 2,2X6 2,344 2,424 2,982 3,640 4,285 4,199 4,464 6,324 8,674 9,198 8,452 8,504 6,359 6,703 8,882 11,812 99 60 94 116 86 94 125 109 118 143 87 41 30 33 51 77 117 119 79 90 119 215 117 112 164 293 207 243 332 268 332 449 452 436 409 558 617 629 425 502 468 427 423 541 615 693 735 557 596 659 921 1,071 890 1,120 1,665 2,606 2,941 3,472 3,776 4,219 5,049 ■ 8,398 6,517 3,933 3,791 3,701 30 29 34 35 29 35 44 44 31 39 45 43 47 49 42 53 94 139 166 170 119 135 95 206 97 144 176 169 221 231 148 X7 33 35 69 128 192 267 154 211 474 666 631 590 502 612 762 772 644 418 686 1,007 1,111 1,436 1,610 1,388 1,907 1,924 1,314 1,443 1,725 1,559 1,761 2,123 2,348 3.089 3.841 4,746 4,466 4,637 4,715 3,913 4,383 5,772 7,031 6,948 7,499 9,121 11.039 13,389 15,123 15,792 13,536 11,209 13,913 14,995 121 114 127 138 111 136 168 169 109 146 167 153 165 173 145 168 281 396 418 380 316 344 360 499 418 427 429 397 396 407 210 133 151 186 227 309 368 276 297 335 356 297 232 361 531 778 1.245 1.29X 1,054 1,253 1,460 1,295 1,389 1,251 1,533 1,803 1,820 1,657 1,800 2,092 2,004 2,205 2,209 2,586 3,315 3,692 3,512 3,648 3,957 4,145 3,999 4,430 5,115 5,690 5,556 5,910 6,331 8,270 9,015 9,754 10,281 10,475 10,748 12,374 13,362 82 77 84 94 73 92 112 113 70 96 108 100 105 111 91 106 178 259 227 101 62 180 209 317 289 335 370 343 356 440 314 225 134 130 173 240 335 400 292 322 344 367 249 290 520 745 739 1,000 1,059 820 1,056 999 1,213 1,244 1,500 1,761 1,895 1,640 1,768 1,963 1,878 2,019 2,305 2,670 3,015 3,524 3,308 3,301 3,827 4,023 3,951 4,239 5,219 6,279 6,408 7.109 9,249 11,324 13,342 13,845 14,670 13,980 12,875 16,062 16,256 47 57 51 59 65 60 74 117 167 189 151 159 104 123 170 170 187 196 200 212 201 144 104 73 73 90 117 143 176 146 152 177 220 171 122 178 235 451 586 633 570 622 723 745 824 815 922 1,103 1,384 1,364 1,339 1,508 1,412 1,373 1,847 2,041 2,332 3,199 3,351 3,335 4,071 4,179 4,104 5,086 5,806 6,837 6,056 7,302 8,718 11,536 14,466 16,583 20,696 20,642 26,252 33,542 34,076 See footnotes on page 332 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 329 Table B3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Year Equipment Electrical trans- mission, distribution, and industrial apparatus Communi- cation equipment Electrical equipment, Trucks, buses, and truck trailers Sbips and boats Railroad equipment Instru- ments, and photocopy and related equipment Structures Buildings, excluding farm Commer- cial 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 18411 1851] 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 185!) 18fili 1861 1 862 1863 1861 1865 1866 1867 186* 18611 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1X86 1x87 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 u n n ii n n II II II o ii 'I II II II II II II II II II II II II II 45 47 63 121 1 25 inn 87 68 70 121 118 114 107 115 119 136 62 70 98 89 106 149 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 16 16 16 16 12 12 35 43 43 43 36 36 43 43 71 96 1113 104 103 96 114 144 118 97 110 n II II II II II II II (I II II II 28 28 43 66 72 71 71 66 76 121 127 109 114 See footnotes on page 332. 330 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B3.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Equipment Structures Year Electrical trans- mission, distribution, and industrial apparatus Communi- cation equipment Electrical equipment, n.e.c Trucks, buses, and truck trailers Autos Aircraft Ships and boats Railroad equipment Instru- ments Other Buildings, excluding farm Industrial Commer- cial 1900 42 43 50 57 47 26 37 34 22 30 39 36 43 47 39 43 68 87 89 9(1 63 64 98 111 125 130 151 145 169 190 146 99 46 34 57 83 106 170 113 141 212 236 154 140 289 352 527 911 761 692 860 1.174 1,387 1,498 1,584 1,556 1,954 2,191 1,862 1.907 2,053 1,967 1,998 2,000 2.301 2,576 3,092 3,114 3,140 3,321 3,498 3,321 3,593 4.376 5,169 5,009 5,338 6,590 7,162 8.323 8,955 10,097 10,044 10,48* 12.554 13,178 27 38 35 23 30 40 37 44 48 40 44 70 89 91 92 116 66 100 114 128 133 154 125 153 185 139 93 41 35 58 85 108 174 116 144 217 242 158 143 296 342 444 737 725 647 735 853 1,076 1,192 1,048 1,161 1,438 1,703 1,484 1,765 2,252 2,684 3,036 2,869 2,996 3,452 3,975 4,214 4,657 5,789 6,695 6,827 6,833 8,421 9,367 9,716 11.136 14,454 17,002 20,015 23,559 26,099 27.497 30,394 34,830 37,777 10 7 9 11 10 14 15 12 13 20 26 27 27 34 9 13 16 17 18 21 20 24 58 44 30 14 11 17 25 32 52 34 43 64 71 47 42 87 100 126 231 235 221 291 278 245 242 226 278 309 304 244 263 297 313 345 457 502 554 607 518 522 582 658 715 941 1,074 1,331 1,524 1.762 2.644 2,926 3,496 3,695 4,394 5,554 5,437 7,323 7,815 o 26 56 52 41 77 125 233 510 422 409 226 314 427 428 520 501 399 422 680 501 363 221 187 281 348 450 466 336 465 559 662 158 164 363 . 993 1,312 1,701 1,997 1,709 2,047 2,319 1,921 1.928 1,825 2,424 2,548 2,437 2,181 2,749 2,764 2,873 3,630 3,810 3,965 4,878 5,670 5,159 6,258 7,513 6,601 7,773 9,952 11,786 12,250 9,304 12,276 16,356 20,484 22,270 16,176 16,460 16,524 20,327 31,018 26,893 54 65 70 94 111 162 320 557 700 480 447 573 265 576 306 266 279 243 125 55 64 55 60 62 40 49 64 80 61 47 251 253 167 172 1,022 1,455 1,432 1,811 2,372 1,581 1,230 1,923 1,920 2,169 1,208 1,732 498 1,690 1,721 1 ,325 1,899 1,612 1,998 2,564 1,896 1,608 2,994 3,115 1,499 3,238 3,897 4,229 3,753 3,865 5,920 9,158 10,960 8,932 6,287 8,327 7,818 14,480 12,029 11.561 1 2 2 2 2 6 12 31 39 14 14 1 7 14 7 6 19 15 23 39 35 6 1 7 63 228 153 59 113 76 85 204 197 241 149 397 507 362 896 821 850 813 512 867 1,317 1,844 2,566 3,754 2,922 2,566 1,583 2,284 3,418 2,788 2,727 2.620 3,735 4,937 7,802 9,197 9,205 8.601 8,714 7,929 10,759 46 64 60 61 53 55 54 66 34 38 40 42 44 47 43 66 68 70 72 132 379 324 328 298 141 276 305 166 229 204 109 83 18 10 18 8 55 63 120 55 133 185 197 232 130 195 128 268 98 144 161 266 432 491 297 247 378 548 524 470 437 376 407 360 421 490 542 595 780 890 932 919 1,177 1,764 1,643 2,329 2,322 2,539 2,723 3,060 3,468 4,617 3,677 2,264 1,909 1,817 170 167 206 255 213 280 392 459 179 166 266 212 397 553 266 186 475 799 973 626 638 336 286 684 517 379 428 341 262 372 373 82 45 22 101 97 194 348 138 162 307 400 384 258 340 328 357 635 1,059 1,135 880 1,218 1,097 1,009 578 673 924 1,254 534 648 811 606 906 969 1.390 1,597 1,406 1,524 1,210 1,797 1,469 1,580 1,532 1,820 2,372 2,800 2,372 2,909 3,805 5,556 5,319 3.209 1,790 1,041 1,457 1.670 5 6 4 6 6 7 7 9 16 19 21 37 78 49 57 36 41 47 42 52 54 57 58 75 65 49 34 30 34 43 53 78 58 75 63 61 33 67 69 180 274 405 452 425 485 585 630 681 586 738 830 911 807 909 1,006 1,029 1,092 1,398 1,792 2,101 2,529 2,580 2,714 3,089 3,549 4,016 4,726 5,640 6,759 7,509 8,545 9,779 11,719 13,057 15,021 17,322 18,232 19,010 22,125 23,966 169 156 161 164 157 159 163 167 142 184 261 333 300 301 181 188 246 178 195 214 211 215 163 135 99 76 76 89 96 114 113 96 111 141 185 146 128 149 183 317 408 493 479 489 485 494 526 547 623 669 708 790 936 1,014 1,091 1,208 1,335 1,460 1,584 1,790 1 ,554 1,742 2,026 2,133 2,399 2,709 3,247 3,818 3,750 4,410 5,464 5,879 7,184 7,338 8,135 9,099 8,460 8,947 8,898 109 136 209 209 155 163 209 221 214 241 251 279 344 311 224 197 262 322 342 546 1,099 574 489 605 511 513 727 696 802 949 532 221 74 176 191 158 266 492 232 254 442 801 346 156 208 642 1,689 1,702 1,397 972 1,062 2,117 2,320 2,229 2,030 2,259 3,224 3,557 2.382 2,106 2,851 2,780 2,842 2,906 3,565 5,667 7,299 6,628 6,021 6,783 6,538 5,440 4,702 6,246 7,902 8,018 7,183 7,717 10,999 14,955 13,842 17,035 17,348 12.866 13,750 15,774 124 1901 .... 149 1902 233 1903 233 1904 166 1905 166 1906 216 1907 233 1908 213 1909 238 1910 267 1911 299 1912 369 1913 336 1914 236 1915 202 1916 356 1917 314 1918 253 1919 300 1920 675 1921 508 1922 611 1923 714 1924 758 1925 840 1926 1,110 1927 1,148 1928 1,124 1929 1,138 1930 894 1931 454 1932 221 1933 130 1934 173 1935 212 1936 289 1937 387 1938 285 1939 292 1940 348 1941 409 1942 155 1943 1944 1945 42 62 203 1946 1,160 1947 972 1948 1,407 1949 1,192 1950 1,533 1951 1,519 1952 1,163 1953 1,817 1956 2,238 3,082 3,856 1957 3,620 1958 3.638 1959 3,998 1960 4,239 1961 4,726 5,207 5,076 1964 1965 5,465 6,545 1966 6,587 1967 . .. 6,678 1968 7,831 1969 9,464 1970 9,813 1971 11,663 1974 13,517 15,809 16,319 1975 12,887 1976 12.865 1977 14,872 1978 1979 1980 18,674 25,103 30,138 1981 1982 1984 34,501 37,468 36,161 48,661 1985 60,178 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 331 Table B3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Structures Buildings, excluding farm Religious Education- al Hospital and insti- tutional Other' Railroads Telephone and telegraph Electric light and power Gas Other public utilities 2 Farm Mining exploration, shafts, and Other 1 1832 1833 1834 1835 183(1 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1800 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 I 887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 6 9 8 s 9 8 4 4 4 I I 4 10 11 11 11 9 10 11 11 18 27 36 34 34 32 36 46 49 35 33 4 8 13 17 14 17 22 17 9 6 9 11 8 34 32 40 41 77 77 129 93 57 80 Til 58 52 34 26 24 5(1 47 88 155 152 248 361 364 486 395 257 167 177 182 232 194 307 646 658 509 425 324 330 625 604 468 529 377 346 344 220 127 163 232 281 381 " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 23 28 35 44 73 8 5 97 112 124 126 130 142 n II 37 39 in 43 45 44 48 48 19 50 52 55 59 61 65 73 80 'IT 103 hit 103 97 91 85 73 62 57 50 47 47 49 54 58 67 108 111 103 102 91 92 86 91 96 96 See footnotes on page 332, 332 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B3. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Type of Equipment anand Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued (Investment data, millions of dollars! Structures Buildings, excluding farm Railroads Telephone and telegraph Electric light and power Gas Other public utilities 2 Farm Mining exploration, shafts, and wells Year Religious Education- al Hospital and insti- tutional Other' Other 3 1900 10 12 19 19 14 14 18 19 18 21 22 24 30 27 19 16 26 25 16 27 55 71 103 117 130 165 177 179 168 147 135 87 45 22 21 28 34 44 51 48 59 62 31 6 11 26 76 126 251 360 409 452 399 472 593 696 806 868 863 947 1,013 1,003 1,033 1,001 992 1,288 1.208 1,126 1,079 988 931 813 844 814 918 867 956 1,046 1.248 1,548 1,637 1,665 1,543 1,780 2,132 2,409 6 8 12 12 8 8 11 12 11 13 14 15 19 17 12 10 16 16 10 17 22 32 61 83 91 108 108 106 107 120 118 100 53 15 14 17 40 42 40 39 50 58 24 6 11 31 123 174 253 269 294 345 351 426 529 466 562 525 574 525 566 609 680 678 697 734 1.053 1,197 1,101 1,029 865 .943 968 837 655 567 660 660 792 806 1.175 1,171 1,356 1,412 1.411 1.676 6 6 10 10 7 9 10 10 10 11 13 15 14 10 9 14 13 9 13 30 44 53 57 63 79 83 106 100 104 109 71 34 1(1 9 10 17 31 35 31 33 46 29 11 26 37 85 110 126 202 344 419 394 317 337 334 345 525 600 570 605 771 985 1,030 1,291 1,442 1,489 1,343 1,579 2,169 2,529 2,864 3,172 3.152 3,201 3,209 3,396 3,290 3,347 3,530 4,046 4,907 5,875 6,. -,59 6 297 5.584 37 60 86 76 61 63 . 80 82 80 85 85 106 124 106 84 70 113 112 75 123 217 230 293 324 357 486 577 516 444 398 346 211 99 76 77 80 105 141 170 ISO 151 168 82 31 55 107 330 255 449 518 494 571 533 618 741 617 783 842 1,076 1,308 1,568 1,642 1,637 1.934 1,921 1.804 1.638 1.499 1,445 1,816 1.926 2.045 2.796 3,316 2,589 1,869 1,964 2,145 2.577 3.688 4,708 5,490 5,716 6,921 9.015 9,912 477 438 535 653 631 587 618 711 607 682 994 770 592 695 570 417 468 535 641 620 645 566 514 730 734 768 892 861 817 883 824 523 286 231 283 283 343 411 297 343 379 447 520 629 759 771 690 764 861 817 769 892 994 997 842 804 922 892 656 614 634 536 537 602 644 690 793 733 894 960 857 955 1,044 1,167 1,448 1,418 1,866 2,201 2,669 2,903 2,936 3.073 2,934 2,951 3,513 3,752 33 32 36 44 44 55 73 61 38 40 55 57 69 59 54 43 61 85 73 76 124 102 117 158 196 210 227 212 246 354 333 166 87 45 47 52 67 102 92 93 122 179 155 61 83 117 305 510 713 533 440 487 570 615 655 758 1,113 1.068 904 950 1,085 975 990 1,119 1,303 1,451 1,594 1,621 1,683 2,175 2,921 2.939 3.235 3,892 4,198 3,609 3,713 4,278 5,337 6.276 6,652 6,987 7,006 6,346 7,059 7,349 37 50 61 62 68 74 83 93 115 134 149 171 192 111 111 92 117 123 102 156 262 163 229 412 463 421 362 362 338 350 377 225 109 59 66 87 139 169 267 265 311 227 255 144 163 245 357 761 1,016 1,313 1,240 1,315 1.537 1,805 1,717 1,488 1,804 2,168 2,291 1,990 1,990 1.797 1,832 1.828 1,986 2,263 2,256 3,124 3,551 3,758 4,207 4,748 5,541 6,311 6,596 7.064 7,144 8.489 9.236 9,126 11,426 12,192 11,977 10,971 12,850 15,872 9 13 15 13 16 24 26 33 45 53 70 78 85 53 46 41 70 45 26 56 78 66 139 133 206 171 248 257 212 185 181 117 66 35 43 48 77 80 65 61 91 111 87 63 146 141 197 394 499 637 859 1,010 710 818 723 873 1,080 1,116 1,056 1,210 1,100 1,139 1,021 933 1,055 1,281 1,582 1.515 1,999 1,823 1,603 1,287 1,615 1,640 1,658 1,276 1,211 1,482 1,845 2,502 2,849 3.404 3,193 2.162 2,513 3,305 148 152 163 181 197 210 230 247 174 212 156 132 102 137 122 132 129 179 128 89 123 89 126 127 126 107 87 157 143 169 115 146 66 28 42 60 86 106 62 89 -39 -7 -8 -13 60 98 -72 257 197 217 213 302 360 249 150 138 169 -8 131 132 109 103 272 166 122 142 252 357 231 285 428 264 309 785 1,944 2,887 1,197 534 591 809 742 377 457 271 272 101 102 105 102 101 97 102 101 98 103 109 105 113 113 113 104 147 221 245 340 261 111 133 154 145 149 140 171 152 139 70 30 10 15 25 57 72 88 76 82 60 84 93 134 149 144 659 755 786 743 747 798 866 780 733 703 789 761 733 955 849 871 962 958 958 1,038 1,126 1,332 1,292 1,472 1,737 1,865 1,709 2,472 3,215 3,712 3,963 4,431 5,209 5,588 5,274 4,612 3,692 3,255 2,860 2,381 61 58 63 78 81 75 95 107 82 90 80 74 100 151 136 101 211 259 305 349 493 282 309 349 324 391 433 376 394 450 336 223 217 219 222 330 337 553 443 417 457 492 391 440 637 726 753 903 1,233 1,216 1,435 1,709 1,950 2,144 2,306 2,522 2,653 2,603 2,369 2,521 ■ 2,339 2.324 2,485 2,251 2,415 2,435 2,453 2,430 2,560 2,795 2,786 2,661 3,069 3,483 5,163 7,362 8,615 11,462 14,686 17,569 24,679 39,028 .111,588 28.126 28.720 26,005 1901... 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 61 98 98 64 56 76 86 82 1909 118 1910 75 1911 111 1912 195 1913 185 1914 88 1915 66 1916 67 1917 62 1918 58 1919 61 1920 81 1921 74 1922 90 1923 105 1924 117 1925 113 1926 .. . 113 1927 .... 126 1928 110 1929 103 1930 ... 85 1931 61 1932 40 1933 45 1934 36 1935 28 1936 24 1937 31 1938 30 1939 28 1940 33 1941 32 1942 19 1943 7 1944 12 1945 1946 21 52 1947 69 1948 65 1949 78 1950 112 1951 64 1952 85 1953 .. . 120 1954 .... 121 1955 .... 154 : 127 1957 .. 162 1958 .... 189 1959 207 I960 252 1961 250 1962 277 1963 310 1964 338 1965 381 1966 484 1967 ... 405 1968 .. 573 1969 . 741 1970 946 1971 968 1972 941 1973 . 913 1974 975 1975 ... 1,068 1976 . . 1,077 1977 ... 1,276 1978 1,283 1979 1,452 1980 1.250 19S1 1982 1,268 1,269 1983 1,464 1984 1985 1,912 2,661 n.e.c. Not elsewhere classified. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 333 Table B4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Total All industries, total Total Equipment Structures Farms Equipment Structures Manufacturing Equipment Structures Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 227 136 250 160 348 419 609 502 617 799 627 352 253 358 425 309 1.209 1,178 1,516 1,611 2,883 2,782 4,332 4,474 3,134 3.987 4,004 3.566 3,241 3,025 2,638 1,774 2,120 1,895 2,821 4.235 4,604 6,807 10,417 10,306 12,233 10,457 8,100 0.930 7.334 8,176 10.640 9,589 11,553 21,398 21,240 17,051 15,484 12,407 12,835 22,92' 22,810 23,452 28.0114 26,538 26,625 27,556 24,123 25,299 31,619 32,114 32,738 37,114 227 136 250 160 348 419 609 502 617 799 627 352 253 358 425 309 1,209 1,178 1,516 1,611 2,883 2,782 4,332 4,474 3,134 3,987 4,004 3,560 3,241 3,025 2,638 1,774 2,120 1,895 2,821 4,235 4,604 6,807 10,417 10,306 12,233 10,457 8,100 6,936 7,334 281 7,894 1,037 9,603 1,161 8,428 1,384 10,169 2,447 18,951 2,465 18,774 2,035 15,016 1,919 13,565 1,583 10,823 1,643 11,191 2,515 20,412 2,495 20,315 3,492 19,960 3,833 24,771 4.367 22,171 4,484 22,141 5.179 22,377 4,776 19,347 6,001 19,299 7,928 23,691 6,207 25.907 7,634 25,104 9,711 27,404 II II II II II II II II II 1.202 1.139 1.198 1,438 1,462 1,353 1,815 1,877 1,215 1,153 937 1,057 1.063 1,182 1,260 1,559 1,678 1,781 1,980 2,180 2,654 2,611 2.664 2,592 2.546 2,005 1,644 1,399 1,227 1.306 1.276 1,242 1,416 1,556 2,392 3,434 3,525 3,342 3.309 3,047 3,026 2.860 3,181 3,521 3.325 n II II II 3X5 395 364 372 367 321 339 283 382 607 657 n ii n II II II II II II II II II 1.202 1,1.39 1,198 1.438 1,462 1.353 1.815 1,877 1.215 1.153 937 1,057 1,063 1,182 1,260 1,559 1,678 1,781 1,9X0 2,180 2.654 2,611 2,664 2,592 2,546 2,005 1,644 1,399 1,227 1.306 1.276 1,242 1,416 1,550 2.007 3,038 3,161 2,970 2,941 2,726 2,6x6 2,576 2,799 2,914 2.66X ii 'I II II II II II II II II (I II II 397 406 439 456 360 330 928 1,055 1,055 1,195 977 913 1,127 1,153 2,515 3,550 4,099 4,211 4,405 5.592 0.X03 8,572 6,150 6,227 7,178 n n n II II 388 855 1,166 1,212 1.435 2,716 3,565 4.25X 2,675 3.5X7 4,537 n n II II II II II II II II 'I II II II II II II II 397 4IH. 439 456 360 330 928 1,055 1,055 1,195 977 913 1,127 1,153 2 127 2,701 2,933 2,999 2.970 2.X76 3,329 4.314 3.476 2.641 2.640 227 136 250 160 348 419 609 5(12 617 799 627 352 253 358 425 309 1.209 1,178 1,516 1,611 2,8X3 2,7X2 4,332 3,272 1,995 2.7X9 2,567 2.104 1 .XXX 1,210 761 558 966 958 1.764 3,172 3,422 5,547 8.858 8,629 10,453 8,476 5,920 3,885 4,318 5.073 7,593 6,083 9,219 18,826 18,785 14,769 12,9X3 10,154 10,080 20,384 20,101 18,545 21.614 18.914 19.072 19,842 15,484 15,380 20,187 22,7x:j 22,990 26,611 227 136 250 160 348 419 609 502 617 799 627 352 253 358 425 309 1,209 1,178 1,516 1.611 2,883 2,782 4,332 3,272 1,995 2,789 2,567 2,104 1,888 1,210 761 558 966 958 1,764 3,172 3,422 5,547 8,858 8,629 10,453 8,476 5,920 3,885 4,318 281 4,791 1,037 6,556 1.161 5,522 1,384 7,835 2.447 16,379 2.465 16.320 2,035 12,734 1,919 11.064 1,583 8,571 1,643 9,037 2,515 17,869 2,495 17,606 2,719 15,825 2,582 19,032 2,838 16,076 2.900 16,172 3,376 16,466 1,740 13,744 2,097 13,284 3,387 16,801 3,150 19,6.33 3,440 19,550 4,516 22,095 334 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organiization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Total Year All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1900 41,069 42,3.54 51,878 55,582 48,992 49,526 57,328 62,532 49,949 56,354 63,443 59,437 65,354 66,568 51,869 44,382 56,998 60,876 57,738 55.359 69,706 52,697 60,699 78,462 74,168 76,946 86,553 82,769 82,885 91,835 76,815 49,450 30,025 24,993 31,494 37,963 51,597 61,754 46,948 49,992 60,051 69,7111 46,433 38,033 51,657 74,957 103,646 113,440 122,730 111,134 122,045 129,609 129,561 137,871 136,406 147,714 159,858 159,675 139,433 151,575 157.329 1 ,6 828 167,555 174,259 193,077 224,272 243,376 238,467 248,857 265,420 259.449 253.501 273.662 314,011 315,717 277,457 283,766 319,585 356,736 384,183 377,140 389,779 358,679 354,777 414,374 442,674 11.700 11,772 13,403 15,257 12,699 15,338 20.318 22,867 13,657 15,465 18,231 16,011 20,845 23,779 17,396 16,539 23,819 29,861 30,735 25,759 25,338 21,358 24,567 34,005 28,682 31,531 33,148 29,483 30,330 35,574 28,440 18,263 1(1,830 9,984 14,221 18,902 26,717 31,329 22,222 24,432 31,853 37.694 26,465 23.595 32,276 47,861 56,691 71,824 73,558 62,688 69,344 73,451 72,736 75,912 71.977 79,529 84,309 84,773 70,838 79,396 si 1100 7- 7X2 86,456 92,531 105,065 123,347 138,059 135.806 143,636 154,565 150,968 1 18,602 166,200 198,176 201.591 175.224 183,008 214,121 2411,715 257,159 242,3 IX 242,637 217,799 269/720 286,690 29,369 30,582 38,475 40.325 36,293 34,187 37,010 39,665 36,292 40,889 45,212 43,426 44,509 42,789 34,473 27,844 33,179 31,015 27,003 29,600 44,368 31,338 36,132 44,457 45,486 45,416 53,405 53,287 52.555 56,261 48,375 31,186 19,196 15,009 17,273 19,061 24,880 30,424 24,726 25,561 28,198 32,017 19,968 14,437 19,381 27,096 46,954 41,616 49,172 48,446 52.702 56,159 56,825 61,960 64,429 68,186 75,549 74,902 68,595 72,179 76,329 78,045 81 099 81,728 88,013 100,924 105,317 102,660 105,221 110,855 108,480 104,899 107,462 115,836 114,126 102,233 100.758 105,464 116.020 127,023 134.822 147,142 140,880 125,325 144,654 155.984 3,315 3,323 3,631 3,222 3,177 2,975 3,214 3,333 3,114 3,415 3,552 3,473 3,761 3,877 3,998 4,016 4,663 5,511 6,251 7,347 6,877 3,591 3,366 4,545 4,214 4,502 4,758 5,141 5.005 5,338 4,155 2,073 1,095 1,153 1,832 3,558 4,589 5,332 4,293 4,158 4,363 6,140 4,751 3,906 6,494 6,858 10,038 13,301 15,228 15,183 15,392 14.179 13,252 12,562 11,611 12,006 10,615 10,439 11,577 12,787 10.808 11,261 12,024 13,160 13,349 15.224 16,400 17,166 16,116 16,551 17,964 18,456 18,227 23,189 23,342 21,922 23,250 24,992 23,933 25.X57 20.847 17.472 13.133 11,984 10,841 10,498 668 737 1,027 797 823 864 1.095 1,234 1,021 1,215 1 ,287 1,291 1,514 1,610 1.711 1,948 2,224 2,440 3,276 3,814 4,077 2,360 1,919 2,900 2,693 3,026 3,371 3.431 3.470 3.919 3,386 1,693 945 918 1,470 2,755 3,629 4,321 3,430 3,226 3,696 5,265 3,882 2,751 5,272 5,706 5,555 9,468 11,639 11.711 11.868 10.867 9.746 9,417 8.582 9,148 7,660 7,692 8,852 9,197 7,616 7,974 8,434 9,650 9,903 11,594 12,621 12,813 12,079 12,345 13.307 13.851 14,307 17,951 17,230 15,466 16,612 18,101 16,565 18.738 14,757 12,612 9,441 8,845 8,215 8,374 2,648 2,586 2,604 2,426 2,353 2,111 2,120 2,099 2,093 2,200 2,265 2,182 2,247 2,267 2,287 2,068 2,440 3,071 2,975 3,533 2,800 1,231 1,447 1,645 1,520 1,475 1.386 1,710 1,535 1,418 769 380 149 234 362 803 960 1,011 864 932 667 875 869 1,155 1,221 1,152 4,483 3,832 3,589 3,472 3,524 3,311 3,506 3,145 3,029 2,858 2,955 2,747 2,725 3,590 3,192 3,287 3,590 3,509 3,446 3,629 3,779 4,353 4,038 4,206 4,657 4,605 3.920 5.237 6,112 6,456 6,638 6,891 7,368 7.118 6,090 4,860 3,692 3,139 2,626 2,124 7,999 8,017 10,384 11,194 7,960 9,362 11,864 11.644 9,177 10,883 11,818 11.125 13.075 12.993 9,536 9,539 12,460 14,483 12,689 12,366 17,247 11,543 11,461 15,134 11,333 11,556 13,677 13.876 15,580 18,993 13,649 8,173 4,345 6,902 8,214 9,115 12,821 16,623 10.372 11,765 16,118 22,367 14,707 11,486 15,906 23,376 33,187 35,299 30,889 22.473 23.698 31.767 32,413 31,964 31,536 31,781 40,955 40,295 29,575 28,374 34,488 33,53(1 35,585 37,528 43,594 56,360 66,89(1 63.844 60,498 62.823 59,917 53,757 57,059 61.60!! 73.987 65,122 66,244 71,425 80,184 85,146 86.847 86,217 77,780 63,820 76,284 80.702 5,874 5,567 6,234 7,261 5,339 6,641 8,327 7,933 5,410 6,548 7,436 6,098 7,040 7,677 5,947 6,124 8,742 10,206 8,535 6,790 5,007 4,955 5,901 8,378 6,335 6,917 6,932 6,631 7,177 8,924 7,553 5,317 3,423 4,250 5,468 7,026 9,266 10,963 7,912 8,948 11,125 12,643 11,265 10,240 14,367 18,519 21,440 26.517 24.612 17,838 18.750 22.960 23.153 23,310 23.207 23,102 27,803 27,823 21.078 20.934 23.648 22.657 24.902 26,148 31,252 38,423 44,269 42,527 42,032 43,801 42,700 39,393 43,642 47,749 57,105 51,258 52,066 57,823 64,666 66,720 69,813 68,7X8 61.009 51,332 62.221 65.032 2,124 2.451 4,150 3,933 2,621 2,720 3,537 3,711 3,767 4,335 4,382 5,027 6,035 5,317 3,589 3,415 3,718 4,277 4,154 5,576 12,240 6,588 5,560 6,756 4,998 4,639 6,745 7,245 8,403 10,068 6,097 2,856 922 2,652 2,746 2,089 3,555 5.660 2.460 2,818 4,993 9,724 3,441 1,246 1,539 4,857 11,748 8,782 6,277 4,635 4,948 8,807 9,260 8,654 8,329 8,679 13,152 12,472 8,497 7,440 10,839 10,872 10,683 11,381 12.341 17,937 22,622 21,317 18,466 19.022 17,217 14.364 13,417 13,860 16.882 13,864 14,178 13,602 15,518 18.426 17.034 17,429 16,771 12,489 14,062 15,670 29,755 31,013 37,863 41,167 37,855 37,189 42,250 47,556 37,657 42,056 48,073 44.839 48,517 49,698 38.336 30,827 39,875 40,882 38,798 35,646 45,582 37,563 45,872 58,784 58,621 60,889 68,118 63,751 62.300 67.505 59,010 39,204 24,585 16,938 21,447 25,291 34,186 39,798 32,283 34,069 39,570 41,204 26,976 22,640 29,257 44,723 60,421 64,840 76,612 73,478 82,956 83,664 83,895 93,346 93,259 103,928 108,288 108.941 98.281 110,414 112,034 112,037 119,947 123,571 136,135 152,688 160,086 157,457 172,243 186,046 181,567 1-1 28!) 198,376 229,214 218,387 190,413 194,272 223,167 252.619 273,180 269,446 286,090 267,766 278,972 327,249 351,475 5,158 5,468 6,142 7,200 6,536 7,833 10,897 13,701 7,226 7,702 9,509 8,622 12,291 14,492 9,738 8,466 12.854 17.215 18,924 15,155 16,254 • 14,043 16,747 22,727 19,654 21,587 22,845 19,420 19,683 22,730 17,501 11,254 6,461 4,816 7,283 9,121 13,822 16,045 10,880 12,258 17,032 19,7m; 11,318 111.604 12,637 23,636 29,697 35,839 37,307 33,139 38,726 39,623 39,837 43,185 40,188 47,279 48.846 49.258 40.908 49,265 49.736 48,151 53,120 56,733 63,910 73,330 81,169 80,466 89,526 98,419 94,961 95,358 108,251 132,475 127,256 108,500 114,330 138,197 159,485 171,701 157,749 161,237 147,349 169,275 199.284 213,285 24,597 1901 25 545 1902 31,721 1903 33,966 1904 31,319 1905 29,356 1906 31,353 1907 33,855 1908 30,431 1909 1910 34,354 38,564 1911 36,217 1912.. .. 36,226 1913 35,206 1914 28,597 1915 22,361 1916 27,021 1917 23,667 1918 19,875 1919 20,491 1920 . 29,328 1921 23,520 1922 29,125 1923 36,057 1924 38,967 1925 39.302 1926 45.273 1927 44.331 1928 42.617 1929 1930 44,775 41,509 1931 27,951 1932 18,124 1933 12,123 1934 14,164 1935 '. 16,170 1936 20,365 1937 23,753 1938. 21,403 1939 21,811 1940 22,538 1941 21,418 1942 . 15,658 1943 .. 12,036 1944 16,620 1945. .. 21,087 1946 30,724 1947 29,002 1948 39,306 1949 1950 40,339 44,230 1951 44,041 1952 44,059 195:', 1954 50,161 53,072 1955 56,649 1956 59,442 1957 .... 59,68:; 195S 57,372 1959 61,148 1960 62,298 1961 63,886 1962 66,827 1963 66,838 1964 72,225 79,358 78,917 1967 76,990 1908 82,718 1969 87,627 1970 86,606 1'iTl 85.930 197'' 90.125 1974 96.738 91.132 1975 1976 81.913 79,942 1977 84,971 1978 93,134 1979 1980 101,479 111,698 1981 1982 1983 1984 124,853 120,117 109,697 127.965 1985 138,190 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 335 Table B4.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Corporate All industries, total Equipment Structures Farms Equipment Structures Manufacturing Total Equipment Structures Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1811) 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 ix:,:, 1856 1857 1858 1859 1N6II 1861 1862 1S63 1864 1865 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 :- ■: 1-1 1 -85 1>m; 1887 K-- 1889 :-■'" 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 136 250 160 348 419 548 467 ,86 759 586 321 214 321 393 276 1,172 1.1 13 1 l-l 1,577 2,852 2,750 4,3110 3,231 1,988 2,783 2,529 2,101 1,884 1,209 760 558 966 959 1,747 3.143 3,340 5,457 8.647 8,457 111.290 8,285 5.756 1.211 1,652 5,431 ; 962 6,946 9.454 19,479 19.521 15,501 13.810 10,853 11,236 211.757 20.441 19,519 23.072 20.634 20,829 21,714 18,376 19,066 23,924 24,075 25,078 29,827 227 136 250 16(1 348 419 548 467 586 759 586 321 214 321 393 276 1,172 1,143 1,481 1,577 2,852 2,750 4,300 3,231 1,988 2,783 2,529 2,101 1,884 1,209 760 558 966 959 1,747 3.143 3,340 5,457 8.647 8,457 10,290 8,285 5,756 4,214 4,652 281 5,150 1,037 6,925 1,161 5,786 1,384 8,070 2,447 17,033 2,465 17,0.56 2,035 13,466 1,919 11.891 1,583 9,269 1,643 9,592 2,515 18,241 2,495 17,946 3.107 16,412 3.436 19,636 3,997 16,636 4,106 16,722 4,793 16,920 4,251 14,125 5,362 13,703 6,822 17,102 5,145 18,930 6,399 18,678 8,309 21,518 (I II II 24 23 24 29 29 27 36 38 24 23 19 21 21 24 25 31 34 36 40 44 53 52 53 52 51 40 33 28 25 26 26 25 28 31 48 69 71 67 66 61 61 57 64 ii ii n ii n II II 24 23 24 29 29 27 36 38 24 23 19 21 21 24 25 31 34 36 40 44 53 52 53 52 51 10 33 26 26 25 28 31 40 61 63 59 59 55 54 52 56 58 53 397 HH, 439 456 359 329 926 1,053 1,053 1,193 975 111] 1,125 1,151 2,502 3,541 4,080 4,191 4.385 5.386 6.594 8,202 5.8114 5.951 6.821 () II I II II II 380 845 1,153 1,199 1,422 2,516 3,272 3,899 2,449 3,362 4.250 227 II 136 II 250 11 160 11 348 11 419 548 467 586 759 586 321 214 II 321 393 II 276 II 1,172 1.143 1,481 1,577 1) 2.852 I) 2,750 4,300 3,207 I) 1,966 2,759 2,500 2,071 1,857 1.172 722 533 943 940 1,725 3,122 3,316 5,432 8,616 8,423 10,255 8,245 5,713 397 3,764 406 4,194 439 4,939 456 7,454 359 6,536 329 9,085 926 18,520 1,053 18.440 1,053 14,424 1,193 12.592 975 9.852 911 111,100 1,125 19.603 1,151 19,259 2,122 16.969 2,695 19,463 2,927 16,483 2,992 16,571 2,964 17,262 2,870 12,929 3,321 12,411 4,304 15.664 3,444 18,118 2,589 19,056 2,571 22,939 227 136 250 1611 348 419 548 467 586 759 586 321 214 321 393 276 1,172 1,143 1.481 1,577 2,852 2,750 4,300 3,207 1,966 2,759 2,500 2,071 1,857 1,172 722 533 943 940 1,725 3,122 3,316 5,432 8,616 8,423 10,255 8,245 5,713 3,764 4,194 281 4,657 1,037 6,417 1,161 5,376 1,384 7,701 2,447 16,073 2,465 15,975 2,035 12,389 1,919 10,673 1,583 8,269 1,643 8,657 2,515 17,088 2,495 16,764 2,719 14,250 2.582 16,881 2,838 13,646 2,900 13,671 3.364 13,898 1,728 11,200 2,083 10,328 2,917 12,747 2,687 15,430 3,025 16,031 4,046 18,894 336 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B4.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organiization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Corporate All industries, total Total Equipment Structures Farms Total Equipment Structures Manufacturing Total Equipment Structures Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 33.25!) 33,406 40,344 44,546 39,469 40,502 46,329 50,450 38,888 43,431 50,622 45,798 49,391 51,943 39,774 33,413 42,463 45,521 42,200 39,198 50,774 38,147 43,316 56,857 52,840 53,015 59.706 55,933 56,562 64,251 53,923 33.9X5 20,985 18,525 23,573 27,002 36,936 44,885 33,088 35,483 43,726 50,921 35,974 29,465 38,918 56,659 75,158 80,617 85,845 76,062 82,236 92,020 95,621 101,756 99,657 105,687 119,437 120,283 98,887 107,261 114,540 113,044 119,837 125,064 140,714 165,443 182,528 179,802 189,945 202,009 195,139 188,1X9 205,171 236,374 245,286 215,331 220,472 246,066 276,009 300,216 295,115 302,719 278,504 280,033 333,519 360,338 10,189 10,142 11,404 13,366 10,643 13,088 17,045 18,890 10,528 11,711 14,246 12,270 16,570 19,349 13,232 12.183 17,910 22,350 21,510 16,845 16,570 14,737 17,170 23,901 19,395 21,053 21,676 18,347 18,950 22,419 18.566 11,769 7,086 7,015 9,943 12,450 17,930 21,287 14,683 16,282 21,856 25,358 19,503 17,349 22,473 33,823 41,319 49,738 49,468 41,031 44,937 50,151 51,986 54,537 52,207 55,837 62,907 64,527 50,587 57,333 61,004 59,240 65,406 69,716 79,867 95,400 107,378 106,221 113,474 122,356 117,590 115,045 130,103 154,942 160,816 139.583 145,248 170,327 192,895 206,594 199,185 200,635 181,212 191,769 227,886 246,040 23,070 23,263 28,940 31,181 28,827 27,414 29,284 31,559 28,360 31,720 36,376 33,528 32.821 32,594 26,542 21,230 24,553 23,171 20,690 22,353 34,204 23,410 26.146 32.957 33,444 31,962 38,029 37,586 37,612 41,832 35,356 22,216 13,899 11,510 13,630 14,552 19,006 23,598 18,405 19,202 21,871 25,563 16,470 12,116 16,445 22,836 33,838 30,879 36,376 35,031 37,299 41,868 43,635 47,219 47,450 49,850 56,530 55.756 48,300 49,928 53,536 53,805 54,431 55,348 60,847 70,043 75,150 73,581 76,471 79,653 77,549 73,144 75,068 81,431 84,469 75,748 75,223 75,740 83,113 93,622 95,930 102,084 97,291 88,263 105,633 114,298 71 69 76 78 81 82 95 113 130 155 147 79 76 103 93 104 103 110 106 111 85 43 24 25 39 75 96 110 123 99 XI 132 139 223 285 320 321 335 300 405 390 477 498 53X 530 580 646 728 795 1,031 1,130 1,160 1,257 1,292 1,277 1,624 1,867 1,974 2,092 2,247 2,153 2,326 1,877 1,573 1,182 1,078 867 840 13 15 21 16 16 17 22 25 20 24 26 26 31 33 35 41 47 52 70 91 54 47 71 63 74 75 75 75 83 70 35 21 21 32 59 77 90 71 66 75 106 81 58 107 116 133 209 248 251 265 234 300 295 356 384 390 393 444 467 462 482 512 584 600 702 761 770 847 866 931 970 1,002 1,257 1,378 1,393 1,494 1,627 1,489 1,685 1,329 1,136 850 796 657 670 53 52 52 49 47 42 42 42 42 44 45 44 45 45 46 41 49 61 59 71 56 25 29 33 30 30 28 34 31 28 3 5 7 16 19 20 17 19 13 18 17 23 24 23 90 77 72 69 70 66 105 94 121 114 148 137 136 180 192 197 215 211 207 218 227 261 283 294 326 322 274 367 489 581 597 620 663 641 548 437 332 282 210 170 7,478 7,491 9,705 10,460 7,423 8,735 11,068 10,859 8,547 10,140 11,006 10,367 12,173 12,099 8,879 8,880 11,597 13,491 11,827 11,542 16,150 10,790 10,757 14,248 10,655 10,787 12,762 13,018 14,604 17,802 12,857 7,694 4,092 6,508 7,740 8,584 12,082 15,673 9,767 11,084 15,067 20,951 13,790 10,759 14,871 21,952 31,178 33,144 29,262 21,431 22,507 30,417 31,236 30,767 30,388 30,384 39,314 38,833 28,212 27,054 33,127 32,362 34,363 36,312 42,471 55,151 65,670 62,865 59,543 61,772 58,922 52,815 56,079 60,658 72,849 64,138 65,300 70,456 79,161 84,106 85,836 85,322 77.060 63,206 75,528 79,8X6 5,501 5,209 5,830 6,788 4,986 6,208 7,779 7,411 5,046 6,111 6,933 5,687 6,563 7,155 5,540 5,705 8,108 9,479 7,931 6,301 4,677 4,617 5,531 7,877 5,954 6,458 6,461 6,200 6,702 8,333 7,090 4,993 3,220 4,003 5,145 6,611 8,720 10,316 7,447 8,419 10,373 11,793 10,527 9,587 13,421 17,347 20,113 24,880 23,303 16,990 17,795 21,968 22,280 22,412 22,335 22,064 26,658 26,760 20,077 19,954 22,700 21,851 24,047 25,332 30,451 37,583 43,453 41,857 41,356 43,060 41,985 38,696 42,898 47,012 56,225 50,472 51,322 57,031 63,840 65,903 69,003 68,077 60,433 50,832 61,605 64,376 1,978 2,282 3,875 3,672 2,437 2,527 3,289 3,448 3,501 4,029 4,073 4,680 5,610 4,944 3,339 3,175 3,489 4.012 3,896 5,241 11,473 6,173 5,226 6,371 4,701 4,329 6,301 6,818 7,901 9,469 5,767 2,702 872 2,505 2,595 1,973 3,363 5,357 2,320 2,665 4,694 9,158 3,262 1,172 1,450 4,605 11,065 8,264 5,960 4,441 4,713 8,449 8,956 8,356 8,053 8,320 12,656 12.073 8,135 7,101 10,427 10,511 10,316 10,980 12,020 17,568 22,217 21,009 18,187 18,711 16,937 14,119 13,181 13,647 16,624 13,666 13,978 13,424 15,321 18,204 16,834 17,244 16,627 12,375 13,923 15,510 25,714 25,848 30,566 34,022 31,982 31,707 35,197 39,524 30,278 33,222 39,545 35,361 37,142 39,766 30,813 24,451 30,771 31,916 30,243 27,501 34,477 27,278 32,483 42,506 42,092 42,125 46,840 42,806 41,853 46,338 40,981 26,248 16,870 11,992 15,794 18,343 24,758 29,101 23,233 24,315 28,571 29,846 22,086 18,625 23,916 34,568 43,757 47,188 56,262 54,310 59,394 61,303 63,980 70,599 68,792 74,805 79,585 80,920 70,094 79,561 80,759 80,002 84,746 87,957 97,437 109,372 115,870 115,905 129,272 139,077 134,959 134,082 147,815 174,091 170,569 149,219 153,080 173,364 194,694 213,783 207,402 215,824 200,261 215,748 257,124 279,612 4,675 4,918 5,554 6,562 5,640 6,863 9,245 11.455 5,461 5,575 7,287 6,557 9,976 12,161 7,656 6,437 9,756 12,819 13,509 10,460 11,803 10,066 11,592 15,953 13,379 14,521 15,140 12,072 12,173 14,004 11,407 6,741 3,846 2,991 4,766 5,780 9,134 10,881 7,165 7,797 11,408 13,459 8,895 7,704 8,945 16,360 21,073 24,649 25,917 23,790 26,878 27,950 29,406 31,830 29,516 33,389 35,859 37,374 30,066 36,913 37,842 36,906 40,847 43,800 48,817 57,115 63,164 63,594 71,271 78,430 74,674 75,379 86,203 106,673 103,213 87,718 92,432 111,669 127,566 139,006 128,853 131,422 119,929 140,142 165,624 180,994 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 337 Table B4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organiization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued (Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Corporate Financial All industries, total Total Equipment Structures Nonfinancial All industries, total Equipment Structures Farms Total Equipment Structures Manufacturing Equipment Structures 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1X54 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1X09 (I 31 152 278 227 136 250 160 348 419 548 467 586 759 586 321 214 321 393 276 1,172 1,143 1.481 1,577 2,852 2,750 I) 4,300 3,231 II 1,988 2,783 2,529 2,101 ' 1,884 1,209 760 558 noo 959 1,747 3,143 3,340 5,457 8,647 8,457 10,290 8,285 5,756 4,214 4,652 5,431 7,962 6,946 9,454 19,479 19,521 15,501 13,810 10,853 11,236 20,757 20,441 19,519 23,072 20,634 20,829 21,714 18,376 19,066 23,924 31 24,044 152 24.926 278 29,549 II 227 136 II 250 160 348 (I 419 548 467 586 759 586 321 214 321 393 276 1,172 1,143 1,481 1,577 2.852 2,750 4,300 3,231 1,988 2,783 2,529 2,101 1,884 1,209 760 558 966 959 1.747 3,143 3,340 5,457 8,647 8,457 10,290 8,285 5,756 4,214 4,652 . 281 5,150 1,037 6,925 1,161 5,786 1,384 8,070 2,447 17,033 2,465 17,056 2,035 13,466 1,919 11,891 1,583 9,269 1,643 9,592 2,515 18,241 2,495 17,946 3,107 16,412 3,436 19,636 3,997 16,636 4,106 16,722 4,793 16,920 4,251 14,125 5,362 13,703 6,822 17,102 5,145 18.900 6,399 18,526 8,309 21,240 II II II II ,'4 23 24 29 29 27 36 38 24 23 19 21 21 24 25 31 34 36 in 44 53 52 53 52 51 in 33 28 25 26 26 25 28 31 48 69 71 67 66 61 61 57 64 VII 24 23 19 21 21 24 25 31 31 36 in 44 53 52 53 52 51 III 33 28 25 26 26 25 28 3 1 111 111 63 59 59 55 54 52 56 58 53 ii II 397 406 439 456 359 329 926 1,053 1,053 1,193 975 911 1,125 1,151 2.502 3.541 4,080 4,191 4,385 5,3X6 6.504 X.202 5.X04 5.951 6.X21 II II II II II II II II II II 380 845 1,153 1,199 1,422 2,516 3.272 3,899 2,449 3.362 4.250 o II II 307 II 16 439 156 359 329 926 1.053 1,053 1.193 975 911 1,125 1,151 2,122 2,695 2,927 2,992 2,964 2,870 3.321 1.304 3.444 2.5X0 2.571 338 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Corporate Financial Nonfinancial All industries, total All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1900 702 678 712 752 438 1,010 1,111 1,213 952 907 1,081 978 757 1,137 837 810 949 1,033 633 1,257 1,619 1,190 1,300 1,719 1,571 1,652 1,733 1,656 1,713 1,963 1,560 989 674 231 304 365 530 510 410 420 479 574 206 138 118 126 1,178 1,051 1,047 1,100 ■ 1,358 1,451 1,174 1,911 2,120 2,859 2.652 2,630 2,648 3,141 3,068 2,970 3,919 3,371 4,988 5,583 5,280 5,349 7,567 7,383 6,921 7,649 7,943 10,149 11,006 10,469 10,599 11,724 13,391 14,878 15,502 16,216 16.810 20,378 27,309 35,057 11 13 17 24 31 44 69 116 130 125 144 204 156 225 143 129 124 123 139 115 90 102 126 147 178 191 143 153 174 237 92 81 66 76 506 436 413 423 527 538 491 642 657 891 828 762 573 798 752 648 887 730 1,536 2,079 2,103 2,630 3,566 3,787 3,533 4,262 5,131 7,236 8,282 8.282 8,584 9,525 1 1 ,352 12.650 13,292 13,684 14,306 18,053 24,398 32,228 702 678 712 752 438 1,010 1,111 1,213 952 907 1,081 978 746 1,124 820 786 918 989 564 1,141 1,490 1,065 1,156 1,515 1,415 1,427 1,590 1,526 1,589 1,840 1,421 874 583 129 177 218 352 319 267 267 305 338 115 56 51 50 673 616 634 677 831 912 684 1,270 1,464 1,968 1,824 1,868 2,075 2,343 2,316 2,323 3,032 2,641 3,452 3,504 3,177 2,719 4,000 3,596 3,387 3,386 2,813 2,912 2,724 2,187 2,015 2,198 2,039 2,228 2,210 2,532 2,504 2,326 2,911 2,829 32,557 32,728 39,632 43,794 39,031 39,491 45,219 49,237 37,936 42,523 49,541 44,820 48,635 50,807 38,937 32,603 41,514 44,488 41,567 37,941 49,155 36,957 42,016 55,138 51,269 51,363 57,973 54,277 54,849 62,288 52,363 32,996 20,312 18,295 23,269 26,637 36,406 44,374 32,678 35,063 43,248 50,347 35,768 29,328 38,800 56,533 73,979 79,566 84,797 74,961 80,878 90,569 94,447 99,845 97,537 102,828 116,785 117,653 96,239 104,120 111,471 110,074 115,918 121,693 135,726 159,860 177,248 174,452 182,378 194,626 188.218 180,541 197,227 226,225 234,279 204,862 • 209,873 234,343 262,618 285,338 279,613 286,503 261,694 259,654 306,211 325,281 10,189 10,142 11,404 13.366 10,643 13,088 17,045 18,890 10,528 11,711 14,246 12,270 16,560 19,336 13,215 12,158 17,879 22,306 21,441 16,729 16,441 14,612 17,026 23,696 19,239 20,829 21,533 18,218 '18,826 22,296 18,428 11,654 6,996 6,913 9,817 12,303 17,753 21,096 14.540 16.129 21,682 25,121 19,412 17,268 22,406 33,747 40,813 49.302 49,055 40,608 44,411 49,613 51,495 53,895 51,550 54,946 62,079 63,765 50,014 56,535 60,252 58,592 64,520 68,986 78,331 93,321 105,275 103,591 109,908 118,569 114,056 110,783 124,973 147,706 152,534 131,302 136,665 160,802 181,543 193,944 185,893 186,951 166,907 173,716 203,489 213,812 22,368 22,586 28,228 30.428 28,388 26,403 28.173 30,346 27,408 30,813 35,295 32,551 32,075 31,471 25,722 20,444 23,635 22,182 20,125 21,212 32,714 22,345 24,990 31,442 32,029 30,535 36,440 36,059 36,023 39,992 33,935 21,342 13,315 11,381 13,452 14,334 18,653 23,279 18,138 18,935 21,566 25,225 16,356 12,060 16,394 22,786 33,166 30,264 35,742 34,354 36,467 40,956 42,952 45,950 45,986 47,882 54,706 53,889 46,225 47,585 51,220 51,482 51,398 52,707 57,395 66,539 71,973 70,862 72,470 76,057 74,162 69,758 72,255 78,519 81,745 73,561 73,208 73,541 81,074 91,394 93,721 99,552 94,787 85,938 102,722 111,469 66 66 73 64 64 59 64 67 62 68 71- 69 76 78 81 82 95 113 130 155 147 79 76 103 93 104 103 110 106 111 85 43 24 25 39 75 96 110 88 84 88 123 99 81 132 139 223 285 320 321 335 300 405 390 477 498 538 530 580 646 653 680 728 795 806 920 988 1,031 1,130 1,160 1,257 1,292 1,277 1,624 1,867 1,974 2,092 2,247 2,153 2,326 1,877 1,573 1,182 1,078 867 840 13 15 21 16 16 17 22 25 20 24 26 26 31 33 35 41 47 52 70 84 91 54 47 71 63 74 75 75 75 83 70 35 21 21 32 59 77 90 71 66 75 106 81 58 107 116 133 209 248 251 265 234 300 295 356 384 390 393 444 467 462 482 512 584 600 702 761 770 847 866 931 970 1,002 1,257 1,378 1,393 1,494 1,627 1,489 1,685 1,329 1,136 850 796 657 670 53 52 52 49 47 42 42 42 42 44 45 44 45 45 46 41 49 61 59 71 56 25 29 33 30 30 28 34 31 28 15 8 3 5 7 16 19 20 17 19 13 18 17 23 24 23 90 77 72 69 70 66 105 94 121 114 148 137 136 180 192 197 215 211 207 218 227 261 283 294 326 322 274 367 489 581 597 620 663 641 548 437 332 282 210 170 7,478 7,491 9,705 10,460 7,423 8,735 11,068 10,859 8,547 10,140 11,006 10,367 12,173 12,099 8,879 8,880 11,597 13,491 11,827 11,542 16,150 10,790 10,757 14,248 10,655 10,787 12,762 13,018 14,604 17,802 12,857 7,694 4,092 6,508 7,740 8,584 12,082 15,673 9,767 11,084 15,067 20,951 13,790 10,759 14,871 21,952 31,178 33,144 29,262 21,431 22,507 30,417 31,236 30,767 30,388 30,384 39,314 38,833 28,212 27,054 33,127 32,362 34,363 36,312 42,471 55,151 65,670 62,865 59,543 61,772 58,922 52,815 56,079 60,658 72,849 64,138 65,300 70,456 79,161 84,106 85,836 85,322 77,060 63,206 75,528 79,886 5,501 5,209 5,830 6,788 4,986 6,208 7,779 7,411 5,046 6,111 6,933 5,687 6,563 7,155 5,540 5,705 8,108 9.479 7,931 6,301 4,677 4,617 5,531 7,877 5,954 6,458 6,461 6,200 6,702 8,333 7,090 4,993 3,220 4,003 5,145 6,611 8,720 10,316 7,447 8,419 10,373 11,793 10,527 9,587 13,421 17,347 20,113 24,880 23,303 16,990 17,795 21,968 22,280 22,412 22,335 22,064 26,658 26,760 20,077 19,954 22,700 21,851 24,047 25,332 30,451 37,583 43,453 41,857 41,356 43,060 41,985 38,696 42,898 47,012 56,225 50,472 51,322 57,031 63,840 65,903 69,003 68,077 60,433 50,832 61,605 64,376 1,978 1901 2,282 19(12 3,875 1903 3,672 1904 2,437 1905 2,527 1906 3,289 19(17 3,448 1908 3,501 1909 4,029 1910 4,073 1911 4,680 1912 5,610 1913 4,944 1914 3,339 1915 . 3,175 1916 3,489 1917 4,012 1918 3,896 1919 5,241 1920... . 11,473 1921 . . 6,173 1922 . 5,226 1923.. . 6,371 1924 .. . 4,701 1925 4,329 1926 6,301 1927 6,818 1928 7,901 1929 9,469 1930 5,767 1931 .... 2,702 1932 872 1933 . ... 2,505 1934 2,595 1935 1,973 1936 3,363 1937 5,357 1938 2,320 1939 2,665 1940 4,694 1941 9,158 1942 3,262 1943 1,172 1944 1,450 1945 4,605 1946 11,065 1947 . . 8,264 r.i;- 5,960 19; 1 ' 4,441 1950. . 4,713 1951 8,449 1952 8,956 1953 8,356 1954 8,053 1955 .... 8,320 1956 12,656 19."i7 12,073 19.> 8,135 1959 7,101 1960 10,427 1961 .. 10,511 1962 . 10,316 1963 .. 10.980 1964 12,020 1965 17,568 1966 22,217 1967 21,009 1968 18,187 19(j9 18,711 1970 16,937 1971 .... 14,119 1972 ... 13,181 1973. . 13,647 1974 16,624 1975. . 13,666 1976 13,978 1977 13,424 1978 15,321 1979 .... 18,204 1980 16,834 1981 17,244 1982 16,627 1983 12,375 1984 13,923 1985 15,510 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 339 Table B4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of 19X2 dollars] Noncorporate All industries, total Total Equipment Structures Farms Equipment Structures Manufacturing Equipment Structures Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures 1X32 1X3.3 1834 1835 1X36 1837 1838 18311 1840 1841 1842 1X43 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849' 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1850 1X57 1858 1850 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1860 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1870 1880 1881 1882 1883 1X84 1885 1X86 1887 1XXX 1X80 18IX) 1891 1892 1893 1894 1805 1806 1897 1898 1X00 61 35 31 40 40 31 39 37 32 33 37 35 35 34 31 32 32 1.243 1.145 1,204 1,476 1,465 1,357 1,817 1,878 1,216 1,153 936 1,075 1,092 1,264 1,350 1,770 1,850 1,943 2,172 2,344 2,722 2,6X3 2,744 2.670 2.642 2,099 1,918 1,718 1,550 1,674 1,554 1,599 2,171 2,360 3,033 5,532 5,905 5,796 5,842 5,747 6,234 7,695 8,030 7,661 7.287 n ii n n ii n II II II II II II II II 385 397 370 378 385 525 638 1,106 1,1)62 1,235 1,402 61 35 31' 40 40 31 30 37 32 33 37 35 35 34 31 32 32 1,243 1,145 1,204 1,476 1,465 1,357 1,817 1,878 1,216 1,153 936 1,075 1,092 1,264 1,350 1,770 1.850 1,943 2,172 2,344 2,722 2,6X3 2,744 2,679 2,642 2,099 1,918 1,718 1.550 1,674 1,554 1,599 2,171 2,3(19 3,548 5,135 5,535 5,418 5,457 5.222 5,506 6,589 6,977 6,426 ii II 1.178 1.116 1.174 1.409 1,433 1,326 1,779 1,839 1.191 1,130 918 1,036 1,042 1.159 1,235 1,528 1,644 1,745 1,941 2,136 2.601 2.559 2.611 2,540 2,496 1,965 1,611 1,371 1.202 1,280 1.250 1,217 1,3X7 1 ,525 2,345 3.365 3,455 3,275 3,242 2,9X6 2,065 2,802 3,117 3,451 3,259 II II (I II II II II II II II 378 3X8 357 364 360 314 332 277 37 1 595 64 1 ii ii II II II 1.178 1,116 1,174 1.409 1,433 1.326 1,779 1,839 1,191 1,130 918 1,036 1.042 1,159 1.235 1.528 1,644 1,745 1.941 2,136 2.601 2,55!l 2,611 2,540 2.496 1.965 1.611 1,371 1.202 1.280 1,25(1 1,217 1,3X7 1,525 1,967 2,977 3,098 2,911 2.8X2 2,672 2,633 2,525 2.743 2,856 2,615 n n n n n n n n n n n ii ii n II (I II II II II II II II II II II 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 13 16 19 20 20 206 300 369 257 276 356 II II I) II II II II II (I II II II 8 111 13 14 14 200 292 359 225 225 287 II I) II II II II II II II II II 'I II II II II II 1 1 2 2 -' 3 2 2 2 2 5 6 6 6 6 6 10 31 52 69 61 35 31 40 40 31 39 37 32 3.3 37 35 35 34 31 32 32 65 211 30 67 32 31 38 39 25 23 18 38 50 105 115 242 205 198 231 207 121 124 134 139 146 134 305 345 345 191 302 3X0 781 842 1,575 2,152 2,431 2,501 2.5X0 2.556 2.069 4,523 4,665 3,934 3,672 n ii o ii 1" II 13 470 462 415 471 23 18 38 50 105 115 242 205 198 231 207 121 124 134 139 146 134 305 345 345 391 302 380 7-1 842 1,575 2,152 2,431 2,501 2,568 2,544 2,956 4,054 4.203 3,519 3,201 340 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Noncorporate Year All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1900 7,810 8,948 11,534 11,036 9,523 9,024 10,999 12,082 11,061 12,923 12,821 13,638 15,962 14.624 12,096 10.969 14,534 15,355 1 :,..-,: !x 16,161 18,932 14.549 17,383 21.605 _,, :i oj. 23.931 26,847 26,836 26,323 27.584 22.892 15.464 9,040 6,468 7,921 10,961 14,661 16,869 13.859 14,509 16,324 18,789 10,459 8,567 12,739 18.298 28.488 32,823 36,885 35,072 39,809 37,590 33,940 36,115 36,749 42,027 40,421 39,:i92 40,546 44,313 42,790 43,783 47,718 49,195 52,363 58,829 60,848 58,665 58,913 63,411 64,310 65,312 68,491 77,638 70,431 62,126 63,295 73,519 80,727 83.966 82,025 87,061 80,175 74,744 -M-V, 82,337 1,511 1,630 1,999 1,892 2,1156 2,250 3,273 3,977 3,129 3,754 3,986 3.741 4,274 4,429 4,165 4,356 5,909 7,511 9,224 8,913 8,768 6,621 7,397 1 1 9 287 10,477 11,472 11,135 11,3X1) 13,155 9,873 6,494 3,743 2 969 4,278 6,451 X.7X7 10,042 7,539 8,150 9,997 12.336 6,961 6,246 9,803 14,038 15,372 22,087 24,089 21,657 24,406 23,300 20,750 21,375 19,770 23,692 21,402 20,246 20,252 22,063 19.997 19,543 21,050 22,815 25,198 27.947 30,681 29,586 30,162 32,209 33.378 33.557 36.097 43,233 40,774 35.640 37.760 13.794 47,820 50,566 43,134 42.002 36,587 37,683 41,834 40,651 6,300 7,318 9,536 9,144 7,467 6,774 7,725 8,106 7,932 9,169 8,835 9,897 11,688 10.195 7,931 6,613 8,626 7,845 6,313 7,247 10,165 7,928 9.986 11,501 12,041 13,454 15,375 15,701 14,943 14,429 13,019 8,970 5,297 3,499 3,643 4,509 5,874 6,827 6,321 6,359 6,327 6,454 3,498 2,321 2,936 4,260 13,116 10,736 12,796 13,415 15,403 14,290 13,190 14,740 16,979 18,336 19.019 19,146 20,294 22,250 22,793 24,241 26.668 26,380 27.165 30,882 30,167 29,079 28,751 31,202 30,931 31,755 32,394 34,405 29,657 26,485 25,535 29.724 32,907 33,401 38,891 15.058 43.589 37.061 39,021 41,686 3,249 3,257 3,558 3,158 3,113 2,915 3,150 3,266 3,052 3,346 3,481 3,403 3,685 3,799 3.916 3,934 4,568 5,398 6,121 7,192 6,731 3,512 3,290 4,441 4,121 4,398 4,655 5.032 4,900 5.227 4.070 2,030 1,071 1,127 1,793 3,482 4,493 5.222 4,205 4,073 4,274 6.016 4,652 3.824 6,362 6,719 9,814 13,015 14,908 14,862 15,057 13.879 12,847 12,172 11,134 11,508 10.077 9,909 10,997 12,141 10,154 10,582 11,296 12,365 12,542 14,304 15,412 16,134 1 1.9MI 15,391 16,707 17,164 16,950 21,565 21,475 19.947 21.158 22.745 21,780 23,531 18,970 15,899 11,950 10,906 9.974 9,658 655 723 1,006 781 807 846 1,073 1,209 1,000 1.190 1,261 1.265 1,483 1,577 1.676 1,907 2,177 2,388 3,206 3,730 3,986 2,306 1,872 2,829 2,631 2,952 3 296 3,356 3,395 3,837 3.316 1,658 924 898 1,438 2.695 3.552 4,231 3,359 3,160 3,621 5,159 3,800 2,692 5,165 5,590 5,421 9,259 11,391 11,460 11,604 10,634 9,446 9,121 8,226 8,764 7,270 7,299 8,409 8,730 7,154 7,492 7,922 9,066 9,303 10,892 11,860 12,043 11,232 11,480 12,376 12,881 13,305 16,694 15,852 14.073 15.118 16.474 15,076 17,053 13,428 11,476 8.5911 8,049 7.558 7,704 2,595 2,534 2,552 2,377 2,306 2,069 2,077 2,057 2,051 2,156 2,220 2,138 2,202 2,221 2,241 2,027 2,391 3,010 2,915 3,462 2,744 1,206 1,418 1.612 1.490 1,446 1,358 1,676 1,505 1,390 754 372 146 230 355 787 941 991 846 913 653 858 852 1.132 1,197 1,129 4,393 3,756 3,517 3,403 3.453 3,245 3,401 3,051 2,908 2,743 2,807 2,610 2,589 3,411 3,000 3,090 3,374 3,299 ■ 3,239 3,412 3,552 4,092 3,755 3,911 4,331 4,283 3,645 4,871 5,623 5,875 6,041 6.271 6,705 6,478 5,542 4,422 3,360 2.856 2,416 1,954 520 526 679 734 537 627 796 785 630 743 812 757 902 894 657 659 863 992 861 824 1,098 752 704 886 678 769 914 858 976 1,191 793 478 254 394 474 531 739 950 604 681 1,051 1,415 917 727 1,036 1,424 2,009 2,155 1,627 1,042 1,191 1,350 1,177 1,197 1,148 1,397 1,641 1,462 1.362 1,320 1.361 1,167 1,221 1,216 1,123 1,209 1,220 979 955 1.051 995 942 980 950 1,137 984 944 970 1,023 1,040 1,010 895 720 614 755 816 374 358 404 473 353 433 548 522 364 437 503 411 476 522 407 420 634 727 604 488 331 338 370 500 381 459 470 431 475 592 463 324 203 247 323 415 547 647 465 529 752 850 738 654 947 1,172 1,327 1,638 1,309 848 955 993 873 899 872 1,038 1,145 1,063 1,000 981 948 806 855 816 802 840 816 671 676 741 715 696 743 737 880 786 744 792 826 817 810 710 576 500 616 656 146 169 275 261 184 194 248 263 266 306 309 346 426 372 250 240 229 265 258 335 767 414 333 385 297 310 444 427 501 599 330 155 51 148 151 116 192 303 140 153 299 565 179 74 89 252 682 518 318 194 236 357 304 298 276 359 496 399 362 339 413 361 366 401 321 369 404 308 279 310 280 245 237 214 258 198 201 178 197 222 200 185 144 114 139 160 4,041 5,165 7,296 7,145 5,873 5,482 7,053 8,031 7,380 8,834 8,528 9,478 11,375 9,931 7,523 6,376 9,104 8,966 8,556 8,144 11,104 10,285 13,389 16.278 16,530 18,764 21,278 20,946 20.447 21,166 18,0311 12,956 7,716 4,946 5,653 6,948 9,428 10,697 9,050 9,754 10,999 11,358 4,890 4.016 5.341 10,155 16.665 17,653 20,350 19,168 23,562 22,361 19,916 22,746 24,467 29,123 28,703 28,021 28,186 30,853 31,275 32,035 35,201 35,614 38,698 43,315 44,216 41,551 42,971 46.969 46,608 47,207 50,561 55.123 47,819 41.194 41.192 49.804 57.924 59,396 62,044 70,266 67.506 63,224 70,125 71,862 482 550 588 638 896 971 1,653 2,246 1,765 2,127 2,222 2,065 2,315 2,330 2,083 2.029 3.098 4,396 5,415 4,695 4,450 3.978 5.155 6.774 6,275 7,066 7,705 7,348 7,510 8,727 6,094 4,512 2,616 1,825 2,517 3,341 4,688 5,164 3,715 4,461 5,624 6,327 2,423 2,900 3,692 7,276 8,624 11,190 11.389 9,349 11,847 11,673 10,431 11,355 10.672 13,889 12,987 11.885 10,843 12,352 11.895 11,245 12,273 12,933 15,093 16,215 18,005 16,872 18,255 19,989 20,287 19,979 22,048 25,802 24,043 20,781 21,898 26,528 31,919 32,695 28,895 29,816 27.420 29.133 33,659 32,291 3,559 1901 4,615 1902 6,708 1903 6,507 1904 4,977 1905 4,512 1906 5,400 1907 5,785 1908 5,614 1909 6,707 1910 6,306 1911 7,413 1912 9.060 1913 7,601 1914 5,440 1915 4,347 1916 6,006 1917 4,570 1918 3,141 1919 3,450 1920 ,6,654 1921 6,307 1922 8,234 1923 9,504 1924 ; 10,254 1925 11,698 1926 . 13,573 1927 . . 13,598 1928 12,937 1929 .. 12,440 1930. 11,936 1931 8,443 1932. 5,100 1933 . . 3,122 1934 . . 3,136 1935 3,607 1936. 4,741 1937 5,533 1938 5,335 1939 5,293 1940 5,375 1941 5,031 1942 2,467 1943 . 1,115 1944 . 1,650 1945 . 2,879 1946 . 8,040 1947 6,463 1948 8.961 1949 9,818 1950 11,715 1951 10,688 1952 9,485 1953 11,391 1956 13,795 15.234 15,716 1957 16,137 1958 17,343 1959 18,500 I960 19,380 1961 20,790 1962 22,928 1963 22,681 1964 23,605 1965 27,101 1966 26,211 1967 24,679 1968 24,716 1969 26,980 1970 26,321 1971 27,227 1972. 28,512 1973 29,320 1974 23,776 1975 20,413 1976 19,293 1977 23,276 1978 26,006 1979 26,701 1980 33,149 19X1 40,451 1982 40,085 1983 34,091 19x4 36,466 19X5 39,572 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 341 Table B4. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Year Noncorporate Sole proprietorships and partnerships Total Equipment Structures Nonprofit institutions Equipment Structures Persons Equipment Structures Tax-exempt cooperatives Equipment Structures 1832 1833 1834 1835 18311 1837 1838 183!) 1840 1841 1842 1843 184-1 1845 1846 1847 1848 1X411 1850 1851 1852 1X53 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1X68 1X69 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 18X0 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1SX9 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1X96 1897 1898 1899 II 1,178 1.116 1,174 1,409 1,433 1,326 1,779 1,839 1,191 1,130 918 1,036 1,056 1,206 1,292 1,621 1,724 1,822 2,029 2,217 2,647 2,606 2,662 2,593 2,552 2,017 1,737 1,501 1,333 1.428 1.368 1.425 1 ,939 2,132 3,253 4,615 4,893 4,772 4,818 4,771 5,136 6,184 6,610 6,520 6,409 II II 385 397 370 378 385 525 638 1,106 1.062 1,235 1,402 1,178 1,116 1,174 1,409 1,433 1,326 1,779 1,839 1,191 1,130 918 1,036 1,056 l.JIH, 1,292 1,621 1,724 1,822 2,029 2,217 2,647 2,606 2,662 2,593 2,552 2,017 1,737 1,501 1,333 1,428 1,368 1,425 1,939 2,132 2,868 4,218 4,523 4,394 4,432 4,215 4,498 5,078 5,548 5,285 5,007 n ii 61 35 31 40 40 31 39 37 32 33 37 35 35 34 31 32 32 65 29 30 67 32 31 :« 39 25 23 18 38 36 58 58 150 126 121 143 127 74 76 82 85 90 82 181 217 217 246 186 173 ,_,.,_, 237 679 917 1,012 1,024 1,1121 977 1,098 1.511 1,428 1,141 878 61 35 31 40 40 31 39 37 32 33 37 35 35 34 31 32 32 65 29 30 67 32 31 38 39 25 23 18 38 36 58 58 150 126 121 143 127 74 76 82 85 90 82 181 217 217 246 186 173 232 237 679 917 1,012 1,024 1,024 977 1,098 1,511 1,428 1,141 878 342 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B4.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organiization and Major Industry Group, Constant-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Year Noncorporate Sole proprietorships and partnerships Total Equipment Structures Nonprofit institutions Total Equipment Structures Persons Total Equipment Tax-exempt cooperatives Total Equipment Structures 1:11111 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 6,958 7,870 9,942 9,510 8,534 8,035 9,784 10,617 9.665 11,378 ,193 .933 ,575 ,024 ,667 ,783 ,952 ,062 ,734 113 16,839 12,005 13,942 17,821 17,239 10,(199 21,324 21,108 211759 22,331 17,538 11,043 0.369 ."..299 6,797 9,420 12,365 14,251 10,937 11,553 13,218 15,641 9,1)56 7,773 11,853 15,986 24,544 28,489 30,734 28,218 31,482 29,479 26.528 27,906 27,321 32,015 29,91)5 28,643 28,924 31,852 29,558 29,740 32,340 34,037 36,427 40,923 42,420 40,771 41,220 44,785 156 ,232 ,848 ,460 ,591 ,866 ,993 ,142 ,729 ,450 6,4.673 69,100 61,677 55.905 61,676 63,179 1,511 1,630 1,999 1,892 2,056 2,250 3.270 3.846 3,019 3,644 3,878 3,635 4,170 4,332 4,055 4,270 5,802 7,398 9,092 8,801 8,650 6,554 7.319 10,007 9,215 10,401 11,391 11,052 11,292 13,073 9,760 6,396 3,663 2,853 4.133 6,227 8,456 9.696 7.206 7,726 9,526 11,829 6,891 5.870 9,610 12.967 14,529 20,940 22,544 20,301 22,508 21,331 18,905 19,241 17,734 21,271 18,878 17,954 17,932 19.406 17,397 16,856 18,244 19,867 22,040 24,562 26,952 25,792 26,332 28,026 29,097 29,361 31,488 38.203 35,389 30,609 32,929 37.934 41,690 44,874 36,591 35,280 29.612 30,191 33.935 32,977 5,447 6,240 7,943 7,618 6,478 5,785 6,514 6,771 6,646 7,733 7,316 8,298 9,405 8,693 6,612 5,514 7,151 6.664 5,642 6,313 8,189 5,451 6,624 7,814 8,024 8,698 9,933 10.056 9,467 9.258 7,778 4,647 2,706 2,446 2,664 3,193 3,909 4.555 3,731 3,827 3,692 3,811 2,165 1,903 2,242 3,019 10,014 7,548 8,190 7,917 8,974 8,148 7,622 8,665 9,586 10,744 11,027 10,689 10,993 12,446 12,161 12.885 14.096 14,170 14,386 16,561 15,468 1 1,979 14,887 16,758 17,059 17,871 18,360 21,257 18,202 16,257 15,064 19,209 22,038 23,575 28.082 33.820 32,064 25.714 27,741 30,202 852 1.078 1,592 1.527 989 989 1,214 1,465 1,396 1,545 1,627 1,706 2,388 1,600 1,429 1,186 1,582 1,294 804 1,047 1,905 2.446 3.264 3,615 3,836 4,677 5,173 5,409 5,148 4,834 4,963 4,216 2,528 1,138 1,028 1,188 1,812 2,000 2,263 2,230 2,259 2,412 946 467 488 1,403 2,815 2,854 4,062 5.209 6,471 6,353 5,828 6,376 7,592 7,821 8,394 8,896 9,911 10,366 11,133 11,829 13,052 12,969 13,716 15,245 15,588 14,965 14,481 14,911 14,428 14.226 14,580 13,752 12,710 11,298 11,708 11,527 11,445 10,770 11,446 11,660 12,444 13,476 13,678 12,572 852 1,078 1,592 1,527 989 989 3 1,211 131 1,334 111 1,286 110 1,435 108 1,520 106 1,599 105 2,283 98 1,502 110 1,319 87 1,099 107 1,475 113 1,181 133 671 112 935 118 1,788 68 2,379 78 3,186 97 3,518 72 3,764 76 4,601 81 5,093 84 5,325 88 5,061 82 4,752 113 4,849 98 4,118 61 2,467 88 1,050 111 917 129 1,059 190 1,622 190 1,811 181 2,082 235 1,995 266 1,993 284 2,128 14 932 242 225 30 458 547 856 420 2,396 518 2,336 620 3,443 654 4,555 968 5,502 1,032 5,321 1,021 4,808 1,176 5,200 1,104 6,488 1,296 6,526 1,445 6,949 1,401 7,495 1,572 8,338 1,620 8,746 1,564 9,570 1,673 10,156 1,786 11,266 1,853 11,116 2,037 11,679 2,196 13,049 2,263 13,326 2,344 12,621 2.286 12,196 2,456 12,456 2,410 12,018 2,458 11,768 2,745 11,835 3,009 10,743 3,170 9,540 2,859 8,439 2,799 8,908 3,202 8,325 3,152 8,293 3,255 7,515 3,762 7,684 3,947 7,712 4,271 8,173 4,759 8,716 5,110 8,568 4,176 8,395 177 169 254 155 350 320 415 419 392 205 143 30 96 129 145 153 127 122 216 128 43 75 23 225 260 168 315 240 488 430 317 470 545 918 853 716 604 933 791 . 942 993 800 900 1,255 1,309 1,252 1,386 1,799 1,647 1,845 2,063 2.318 1,617 1,142 1,059 1,729 2,100 1,272 1,251 1,322 1,424 1,442 1,821 1,914 19 27 34 41) 59 59 56 73 82 88 4 75 9 169 129 160 218 221 347 358 249 406 370 498 495 423 335 549 460 452 408 434 554 549 682 679 705 835 793 869 9911 946 856 851 1,078 1,401 843 692 702 705 791 957 839 188 98 177 169 254 155 350 320 415 419 392 205 124 3 62 89 86 94 72 49 134 41 39 14 56 131 8 97 19 141 72 68 64 175 420 358 292 270 384 331 490 585 366 346 706 627 573 681 964 789 1,052 1,194 1,328 671 286 208 651 699 428 559 619 720 651 864 1,075 224 339 466 533 604 631 608 415 253 375 685 869 1,312 1,774 1,404 1,369 1,327 1,266 1,363 1,291 1,272 1,269 1,138 1,107 1,163 1,307 1,272 1,333 1.388 1,321 1,405 1,531 1,677 1,825 1,916 2,079 2.009 2,000 2,108 2,513 2,819 2,535 3,121 3,454 3,475 4,655 4,979 4,630 3.922 3,680 4,673 56 82 98 96 116 122 135 52 60 154 356 294 468 707 481 583 579 575 552 561 626 584 468 413 488 576 563 611 660 567 640 785 770 839 891 1,014 945 995 1,031 1,269 1,315 1,180 1,581 1,576 1,593 2,089 2,073 1,999 1,942 1,832 2,659 168 257 367 436 488 509 473 363 193 221 329 575 844 1.066 923 786 749 691 811 730 646 685 670 694 675 730 710 722 728 754 765 746 906 986 1,024 1,066 1,064 1,005 1,076 1.244 1,504 1,355 1,540 1,877 1,883 2,567 2,906 2,632 1,979 1,848 2,014 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 343 Table B5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of dollars] Total Year All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Nonfarm nonmanufacturinK Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1832 5 3 5 4 8 13 18 15 18 23 18 10 7 10 12 9 35 33 41 42 78 78 130 132 97 121 115 104 97 83 75 74 101 100 145 218 231 334 466 471 601 524 387 303 309 325 415 370 495 946 970 777 670 528 561 978 964 991 1,203 1,093 1,085 1,130 963 979 1,196 1,238 ■ 1,331 1,632 I) (1 I) 17 63 66 87 165 168 133 114 88 89 151 145 215 233 241 247 282 253 277 338 322 423 563 5 3 5 4 8 13 18 15 18 23 18 10 7 10 12 9 35 33 41 42 78 78 130 132 97 121 115 104 97 83 75 74 101 100 145 218 231 334 466 471 601 524 387 303 309 308 352 304 408 781 802 644 556 440 472 827 819 776 970 852 838 848 710 702 858 916 908 1,069 37 39 40 43 45 44 48 48 49 50 52 55 59 61 65 73 80 88 97 103 107 103 97 91 85 73 62 57 50 47 47 49 54 58 119 162 159 152 149 131 133 119 134 162 170 1) (1 (1 II (1 (I (I (1 52 54 48 49 47 40 41 33 43 66 74 (1 (1 37 39 40 43 45 44 48 48 49 50 52 55 59 61 65 73 80 88 97 103 107 103 97 91 85 73 62 57 50 47 47 49 54 58 67 ion 111 103 102 91 92 86 91 96 96 1) I) 16 16 16 16 12 12 35 43 43 43 36 36 43 43 96 144 155 159 169 220 246 283 234 260 328 11 II (1 (1 II 25 48 52 55 66 124 132 139 121 173 233 11 I) 1) 1) II fl (1 16 16 16 16 12 12 35 43 43 43 36 36 43 43 71 96 103 104 103 96 114 144 113 87 95 5 3 5 4 8 13 18 15 18 23 18 10 7 10 12 9 35 33 41 42 78 78 130 95 58 81 72 59 53 35 27 25 51 48 90 159 170 269 393 391 513 427 284 180 190 212 308 273 410 849 870 684 580 445 476 881 863 776 897 779 774 812 612 600 794 870 909 1,134 ' (I II II 17 63 66 87 165 168 133 114 88 89 151 145 138 131 141 143 169 89 104 166 158 184 256 1833 3 1834 1835 4 1836 8 1837 13 1838 18 1840 15 18 1841 23 1842 18 1843 10 1844 7 1845 10 1846 12 1847 9 1848 35 1849 33 1850 41 1851 .... 42 1852 78 1853 78 1854 130 1855 95 1856 58 1857 81 1858 72 1859 59 1860 53 1861 35 1862 27 1863 25 1864 51 1865 48 1866 90 1867 159 1868 170 1869 269 1870 393 1871 391 1872 513 1873 427 1874 284 1875 180 1876 190 1877 195 1878 245 1879 207 1880 323 1881 684 1882. ... 702 1883 .. 551 1884 .. . 466 1885 357 1886 387 1887 .. .. 730 1--- 718 1-v 638 1890 766 1*9! 638 1892 631 1X93.. .. 643 1894 523 1895 1896 .... 496 628 1897 .. . 712 1898 725 1899 . 878 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 344 Table B5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Total Year All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1900 1,883 1,958 2.434 2,645 2,383 2,528 3,063 3,488 2,695 3,153 3,651 3,460 3,935 4,125 3,247 2,995 4,410 5,764 6.679 6,823 8,405 6,070 6,591 8,799 8.039 8,989 9.M3 9,349 9,416 10,410 8,193 4,961 2,743 2,298 3,001 3,734 5,027 6,678 5,123 5,525 6,907 8,465 6,267 5,4111 7,361 10,671 16,728 22.215 25.787 24,078 26,997 30,832 31,134 34,191 33,626 37,157 42,895 45,890 40.371 44,689 47,131 46,695 50,678 53.201 59.752 70.949 79.974 80.983 88.335 99,222 101,759 105,612 119,586 142,744 158,517 159,111 175,353 211.006 255,029 299,01-1 319,283 366,106 361,260 353,954 414,347 444,514 670 681 789 855 770 929 1,217 1,472 908 1,113 1,313 1,226 1,586 1,810 1,422 1,495 2,353 3.453 4.396 4,050 4,240 3,158 3,324 4,731 3,818 4,468 4,529 4,076 4,259 4,921 3,738 2,326 1,336 1,192 1,752 2,284 3,131 4,001 2,978 3,303 4,371 5,389 1,088 3,680 5,053 7,400 10,154 14,793 16,474 15,031 17,042 18,921 18,960 20,673 19,812 22,251 24,693 27,014 23,048 26,657 27,908 27,163 30,087 32.303 36,956 43,809 50,271 51,101 56,370 63.018 63.815 65.993 76,169 92,383 102,895 104,241 117. s:,:! 146,460 176.593 203.377 207,862 230,031 220,918 232,523 273,383 287,384 1,213 1,277 1,645 1,790 1,613 1,599 1,846 2,016 1,787 2,040 2,338 2,234 2,349 2,315 1.825 1,500 2,057 2,311 2,283 2,773 4,165 2,912 3,267 4,068 4,221 4,521 5,284 5,273 5,157 5,489 4,455 2,635 1,407 1,106 1,249 1,450 1,896 2,677 2,145 2,222 2,536 3,076 2,179 1,721 2,308 3,271 6,574 7,422 9,313 9,047 9,955 11,911 12,174 13,518 13,814 14,906 18,202 18 87(1 17,322 18,032 19,223 19,532 20,591 20.898 22,796 27,141 29,704 29,883 31,965 36,204 37.944 39,619 43,417 50,361 55,622 54,870 57,500 64,546 78.436 95,637 111,421 136,075 140,342 121,431 140,964 157,130 176 185 221 192 195 195 223 236 213 242 253 249 287 300 317 341 420 540 717 900 866 447 407 556 503 593 631 675 660 714 556 266 137 140 229 426 562 703 573 545 596 860 695 558 962 1,027 1,625 2.566 3.207 3.329 3.441 3,395 3,267 3,185 2,938 3,047 2,812 2,918 3,224 3,666 3,151 3,276 3,559 3,928 4,035 4,719 5.189 5,558 5,386 5,821 6,575 .; 888 7,396 9,764 11,088 12.036 13,617 15 863 16,495 19,542 17,664 16,390 13,213 12,636 11,904 11,730 75 83 116 90 94 98 121 135 115 139 144 144 174 187 204 237 273 319 472 560 605 336 274 402 358 444 491 504 508 575 486 236 127 125 204 369 490 615 497 463 536 776 602 424 813 883 966 1,811 2,421 2,586 2,694 2,597 2,401 2,405 2,205 2.344 2,023 2,157 2,491 2,711 2,302 2,405 2,597 2,970 3,077 3,681 4,063 4,226 4,094 4,349 4,838 5,023 5,687 7,292 7,873 8,324 9,654 11,432 11,286 13,954 12,390 11,778 9,521 9.381 9,044 9,349 101 102 105 102 101 97 102 101 98 103 109 105 113 113 113 104 147 221 245 340 261 111 133 154 145 149 140 171 152 139 70 30 10 15 25 57 72 88 76 82 60 84 93 134 149 144 659 755 786 743 747 798 866 780 733 703 789 761 733 955 849 871 962 958 958 1,038 1,126 1,332 1,292 1,472 1,737 1,865 1,709 2,472 3,215 3,712 3,963 4,431 5,209 5,588 5,274 4,612 3,692 3,255 2,860 2,381 376 374 472 499 376 452 573 583 433 548 601 600 700 683 527 575 859 1.214 1.294 1,383 1,828 1,222 1,161 1,615 1,191 1,255 1,445 1,480 1,675 2,041 1,403 768 385 595 810 937 1,280 1,839 1,216 1,382 1.918 2,727 2,142 1,700 2,402 3,339 5,271 6,491 6,219 4,807 5,025 7,497 7,860 7,798 7,738 7,976 11.099 11.832 8.708 8,450 10,351 .. 10,102 10,841 11,584 13,781 17,967 22,227 21.893 21.794 23.786 23,812 22,638 25,222 27,862 37,424 38,487 41,727 47,989 58,172 67,280 75,341 81,921 78,323 64,425 77,407 81.758 295 277 305 334 264 327 403 ' 404 257 345 390 358 396 418 350 403 635 906 952 847 687 628 656 990 714 787 764 755 843 1,054 848 542 323 423 620 788 1,014 1.347 l.ooo 1,134 1,468 1,793 1,773 1,555 2,214 2,732 3,544 4,761 4,844 3,815 3,976 5,375 5,573 5,652 5,723 5,841 7,588 8,378 6,422 6.471 7,468 7,221 7,978 8,477 10,350 12,837 15,486 15,370 15,884 17,129 17,390 16,833 19.394 21,323 28.541 30.512 33.253 39,241 47,200 52,815 60 588 65,380 61,551 51,475 62,094 64,192 81 97 167 165 112 125 170 179 176 203 211 242 304 265 177 172 224 308 342 537 1,141 594 505 625 477 469 681 725 832 987 555 226 62 172 190 148 267 492 216 248 449 934 368 145 188 607 1,727 1.730 1.375 992 1,049 2,122 2,287 2,146 2,015 2,135 3,511 3,455 2,286 1,979 2,883 2,881 2,863 3,107 3,431 5,130 6,741 6.523 5.909 6,657 6,422 5,805 5,828 6,539 8,883 7,975 8,475 8,748 10,972 14,465 14,753 16,541 16,771 12,950 15,313 17,566 1,331 1,399 1,741 1,954 1,812 1,881 2,267 2,669 2,049 2,363 2,797 2,611 2,948 3,142 2,403 2,079 3,131 4,010 4,668 4,540 5.711 4,401 ;,.n2:'. 6,628 6,345 7,141 7,737 7,194 7,081 7,655 6,234 3,927 2,221 1,563 1,961 2,372 3,185 4,135 3,334 3.598 4,392 4,878 3,431 3,144 3,997 6,305 9,832 13,158 16,361 15,942 18,530 19,940 20,007 23,209 22,950 26,134 28,984 31.139 28,438 32,573 33,628 33,317 36,279 37,689 41,936 48.264 52.558 53,532 61,156 69.615 71,371 76,086 86,967 105,118 110,005 198, :,8 7 120,008 147,154 180,361 212,192 226,279 267,795 269,724 276,892 325,037 351,026 300 321 368 431 412 504 693 933 536 629 779 724 1,016 1,206 868 854 1,445 2,228 2,972 2,643 2,947 2,194 2,394 3,339 2,746 3,237 3,275 2.817 2,908 3,292 2,405 1,548 886 644 927 1,127 1,627 2,039 1,482 1,706 2,366 2,819 1,713 1,702 2,026 3,785 5,644 8,221 9,209 8,630 10,371 10.949 10,987 12,617 11,885 14,066 15,083 16,479 14,135 17,475 18,137 17,537 19,513 20,856 23,529 27,291 30,721 31,505 36,392 41,540 41.586 44,137 51,087 63,768 66,482 65,404 74,946 95,787 118,106 136,609 134,885 152,872 149,845 171,667 202,245 213.843 1 031 1901 .... 1 078 1902 1 373 1903 1 523 1904 1,400 1905 1,377 1906 1,574 1907 1,736 1908 1,513 1909 1,734 1910 2,018 1911 1,887 1912 1,932 1913 1,937 1914 1,535 1915 1,224 1916 1,686 1917 1,782 1918 1,696 1919 1,896 1920 • 2,763 1921 2,207 1922 2,629 1923 3,289 1924 "3,599 1925 3,903 1926 4,463 1927 4,377 1928 4,173 1929 4,363 1930 3,830 1931 2,379 1932 1,335 1933 919 1934 1,034 1935 1936 1,245 1,557 1937 2.097 1938 1,853 1939 1,892 1940 2,027 1941 2,058 1942. ... 1,718 1943 . . 1,442 1944. ... 1,971 1945 ... 2,520 1946. 4,188 1947 4,937 1948. .. 7,152 1949 7,312 1950 8,159 1951 8,991 1952 9,021 1954 10,592 11,066 1956 12.068 13.902 1957 . . 14.660 1958 . .. 14.303 1959 15,098 19611 15,491 1961 .... 15,780 1962 .. 16,766 1963 . 16,833 1964 1965 18,407 20,973 1966 21,837 1967 22,028 19'.- 24,764 1969 197(1 28,075 29,785 1971 31,949 1972 35,880 1973 41,350 1974 43,524 1975 1976 43,183 45,062 1977 51.367 1978 62.255 1979 75,584 1980 91,394 19X1 114,922 19X2 1984 1985 119,879 105,226 122,791 137,183 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 345 Table B5.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Corporate Year All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1832 5 3 5 4 8 13 17 14 17 22 17 9 6 9 11 8 34 32 40 41 77 77 129 94 58 81 71 59 53 35 27 25 51 48 89 157 166 264 383 383 505 418 276 193 203 225 321 282 419 873 900 714 609 471 498 895 875 820 966 849 846 890 736 734 905 932 1,016 1,302 17 63 66 87 165 168 133 114 88 89 151 145 164 179 193 198 234 203 224 269 246 323 447 5 3 5 4 8 13 17 14 17 22 17 9 6 9 11 8 34 32 40 -11 77 77 129 94 58 81 71 59 53 35 27 25 51 48 89 157 166 264 383 383 505 418 276 193 203 208 258 216 332 708 732 581 495 383 409 744 730 656 786 655 648 657 533 509 636 687 693 855 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3' 3 •o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 II I) (i I) I) I) 16 16 16 16 12 12 35 43 43 43 36 36 43 43 95 143 154 158 168 211 235 271 223 248 311 (] (1 I) I) 25 47 51 54 65 115 122 128 111 162 219 16 16 16 16 12 12 35 43 43 43 36 36 43 43 71 96 103 104 103 96 114 144 112 85 93 5 3 5 4 8 13 17 14 17 22 17 9 6 9 11 8 34 32 40 41 77 77 129 93 57 80 70 58 52 34 26 24 50 47 88 156 165 263 382 381 503 416 274 175 185 207 303 268 405 837 856 670 566 434 461 851 831 722 819 691 685 719 523 496 632 706 765 987 17 63 66 87 165 168 133 114 88 89 151 145 138 131 141 143 167 87 102 141 134 159 226 5 1833 3 1834 5 1835 4 1836 8 1837 13 1838 17 1839 14 1MI> 17 1841 22 1842 17 1843 9 1844 6 1845 9 1846 11 1847 8 1848 34 1849 32 1850 40 1851 41 1852 77 1 853 77 1854 129 1855 93 1856 57 1857 80 1858 70 1859 58 1860 52 1861 34 1862 26 1863 24 1864 50 1865 47 1866 88 1867 156 1868 . .. 165 1869.. .. 263 1870 .... 382 1871 .. 381 1872 503 1873 416 1874 274 1875 175 1876 185 1877 190 1878 240 1879 202 1880 318 1881 672 1882 688 1883 537 1884 452 1885 346 ism; 372 1887 700 1 888 686 1889 . 584 1890 688 1891 550 1892 542 1893 552 1894 435 1895 394 1896 491 1897 ... 573 1898 .. 61)6 1899 761 346 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B5.— Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars) Corporate Year All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1900 1,512 1,528 1,866 2,098 1,879 2,022 2,431 2,755 2,049 2,360 2,841 2,598 2,891 3,131 2,388 2,142 3,184 4,224 4,799 4,781 6,095 4,374 4,655 6,306 . 5,605 6,093 6,617 6,151 6,276 7,079 5,566 3,318 1,857 1,660 2,158 2,551 3,437 4,679 3,479 3,796 4,884 6,003 4,803 4,127 5,439 7,890 12,032 15,585 17,634 16,116 17,787 21,402 22,479 24,706 24,075 26,051 31,574 34,257 28 58 1 31,527 34,357 33,729 36,393 38,280 43,471 52,281 59,920 61,158 67,553 75,457 76,482 78,544 89,574 107,208 122.917 124,031 137,189 163,702 198,651 234.456 250.101 284,766 280,673 278,319 329,944 356,552 544 545 614 699 589 734 959 1,133 635 755 928 843 1,137 1,336 958 979 1,647 2,478 3,034 2,692 2,872 2,179 2,299 3,300 2,513 2,917 2,871 2,436 2,589 2,993 2,292 1,401 810 787 1,163 1,428 1,983 2,596 1,888 2,131 2,912 3,537 2,990 2,669 3,480 5,143 7,355 in, lso 10,996 9,830 10,993 12,809 13,421 14,695 14,223 15,496 18,281 20,526 16,589 19.295 21,063 20,4811 22,805 24,436 28,060 33,795 39,023 40,008 44,607 49,927 49,833 51,525 59,973 72,712 82,488 83,729 94,435 117,446 142,511 164,329 171,053 190,358 183,803 193,682 229,587 244,584 968 983 1,252 1,399 1,290 1,288 1,472 1,622 1,414 1,605 1,914 1,755 1,754 1,795 1,430 1,164 1,537 1,747 1,765 2,088 3,223 2,196 2,356 3,006 3,092 3,176 3,746 3,715 3,687 4,085 3,274 1,917 1,047 874 995 1,124 1,455 2,083 1,591 1,665 1,972 2,466 1,813 1,459 1,959 2,747 4,677 5,399 6,638 6,286 6,794 8,593 9,058 10,011 9,852 10,554 13,292 13,731 11,995 12,233 13,294 13,247 13,589 13,844 15,411 18,486 20,897 21,151 22,946 25,530 26,649 27,020 29,601 34,496 40,430 40,302 42,753 46,256 56,139 70,127 79,048 94,408 96,870 84,637 100.356 111,968 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 12 16 21 21 12 11 14 11 15 14 15 15 16 12 6 3 3 5 9 11 14 12 11 12 17 15 13 20 21 38 59 72 76 82 76 104 104 124 130 144 151 163 188 192 199 217 239 245 286 313 334 378 408 460 483 518 684 887 1,084 1,225 1.426 1,483 1,757 1,589 1,475 1,189 1,137 952 938 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 11 14 16 9 8 11 9 12 11 12 12 13 10 5 3 3 4 8 10 13 10 10 11 16 13 10 17 19 25 44 56 61 67 60 78 81 95 102 104 113 126 140 141 147 159 181 188 224 245 254 288 305 339 352 399 oil 630 750 868 1,027 1,014 1,254 1,115 1,060 857 844 723 748 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 7 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 13 15 16 15 15 16 26 23 29 28 39 38 37 48 51 52 58 57 57 62 68 80 90 103 122 131 120 173 257 334 357 399 469 503 475 415 332 293 229 190 352 350 442 467 352 422 536 544 404 511 561 560 653 638 492 537 803 1,135 1,211 1,299 1,719 1,148 1,094 1,524 1,122 1,177 1,353 1,392 1,575 1,918 1,324 725 364 561 765 883 1,208 1,736 1,147 1,304 1,795 2,555 2,008 1,594 2,249 3,134 4,955 6,099 5,897 4,596 4,787 7,190 7,585 7,520 7,470 7,640 10,666 11,415 8,318 8,071 9,956 ,. 9,759 10,479 11,217 13,431 17,583 21,821 21,557 21,451 23,391 23.420 22.246 24,792 27,434 36,849 37,908 41,133 47,343 57,435 66,462 74,464 81,067 77,595 63,811 76,650 80,948 277 260 286 313 247 306 377 378 240 323 365 335 371 391 327 377 593 846 890 794 649 591 619 935 673 740 716 710 793 990 799 511 ■ 305 399 585 743 956 1,270 943 1,069 1,372 1,675 1,659 1,458 2,072 2,558 3,328 4,471 4,592 3,645 • 3,788 5,154 5,373 5,447 5,521 5,593 7,287 8,071 6,130 6,182 7,183 6,973 7,714 8,219 10,089 12,559 15,200 15,128 15,631 16,842 17,102 16,540 19,067 20,996 28.102 30.047 32,778 38,710 46,603 52,171 59,885 64,702 60,968 50,978 61,489 63,562 75 90 156 154 105 116 158 166 164 189 196 225 282 247 165 160 210 289 321 504 1,069 557 474 589 449 437 636 682 782 928 525 214 58 162 180 140 252 466 204 235 423 880 349 136 177 576 1,627 1,628 1,305 950 999 2,036 2,212 2,072 1,949 2.047 3,379 3,344 2,188 1,889 2,773 2,785 2,765 2,998 3,342 5,024 6,621 6,429 5,820 6,549 6,317 5,706 5,725 6,438 8,747 7,861 8,355 8,634 10,833 14,291 14,580 16.365 16.627 12,832 15,161 17,386 1,157 1,175 1,420 1,627 1,523 1,596 1,891 2,206 1,640 1,844 2,276 2,033 2,232 2,487 1,889 1.598 2,372 3,078 3,571 3,461 4,356 3,215 3,550 4,767 4,472 4,901 5,250 4,743 4,686 5,145 4,231 2,587 1,490 1,096 1,389 1,659 2,218 2,929 2,320 2,481 3,077 3,431 2,780 2,521 3,169 4,735 7,039 9,426 11,665 11,444 12,918 14,135 14,791 17,082 16,480 18,281 20,764 22,691 20,104 23,268 24,209 23,772 25,698 26,825 29,795 34,412 37,786 39,267 45.724 51,657 52,603 55,816 64,264 79,090 85,181 85,040 94,831 114,933 139,732 166,237 174,048 202,224 201,888 213,372 252,341 274,666 266 284 326 384 340 426 580 752 392 430 560 506 762 941 626 596 1,048 1,624 2,133 1,884 2,207 1,578 1,671 2,353 1,831 2,165 2,144 1,714 1,785 1,991 1,483 884 502 384 574 677 1,017 1,314 935 1,052 1,528 1,846 1,318 1,201 1,391 2,566 4,002 5,670 6,348 6,123 7,138 7,595 7,971 9,167 8,606 9,802 10,890 12,342 10,334 12,972 13,739 13,363 14,931 16,036 17,783 21,012 23,578 24,626 28,688 32,779 32,393 34,633 40,508 51,204 53,756 52,933 60,789 77,709 94.895 110,904 110,054 124,596 121,978 141,860 167,375 180,275 891 1901 891 1902 1,094 1903 1,242 1904 1,183 1905 1,170 1906 1,312 1907 1,454 1908 1,248 1909 1,414 1910 1,716 1911 1,527 1912 1,470 1913 1,546 1914 1,263 1915 1,002 id it; 1,324 1917 1,454 1918 1,439 1919 1,577 1920 > 2,149 1921.... 1,637 1922 1,879 1923 2,414 1924 2,640 1925 2,736 1926 3,107 1927 3,029 1928 2,902 1929 3,154 1930 2,748 1931 1,703 1932 988 1933 711 1934 815 1935 982 1936 1,201 1937 1,615 1938 1,385 1939 1,429 1940 1,548 1941 .... 1,585 1942 1,462 1943 1,320 1944 1,779 1945 2,169 1946 3,037 1947 3,756 1948 5,317 1949 5,321 1950 . .. 5,780 1951 6,540 1952 . 6,820 1953 .. . 7,915 1954 . . 7,874 1955 . 8,480 1956 . . 9,874 1957 10,348 1958 . 9,770 1959 10,296 I960. 10,470 1961 10,409 1962 10.766 1963 .. 10,789 1964 .... 12.012 1965 13,400 1966 .. 14,208 1967 14,642 1968 .. 17,036 1969 18,879 1970 20,210 1971 21,183 1972 23,756 1973 27,885 1974 31,425 1975 32,107 1976 34,042 1977 37,223 1978 44,838 1979 55,333 1980 63,994 1981 77,627 1982 79,910 1983 1984 71,512 84,966 1985 94,391 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 347 l'able B5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued (Investment data, millions of dollars] Corporate Financial All industries, total Equipment Structures All industries, total Equipment Structures Farms Equipment Structures Manufacturing Equipment Structures 1832. 1833 . 1834 ., 1835 .. 1836 ., 1837 .. i S38 1839 .. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843.. 1844.. 184.". 1846.. 1847.. 1848.. 1849.. 18511 1851 .. 1852 .. 1853 .. 1854 .. 1855 .. 1856.. 1857.. 1858.. 1859.. I860.. 1861 .. 1862.. 1863.. 1864 .. 1865.. 1866.. 1867 .. 1868 1869 .. 1870.. 1871 . 1872., 1873 . 1874.. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882 1883. 1884. 1885 . 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893 . 1894. 1895. 1896 , 1897. 1898. 1899 . 129 94 58 81 71 59 53 35 51 48 89 157 166 .'64 383 383 505 418 276 193 203 225 321 282 419 873 90(1 714 609 471 498 895 875 82(1 966 849 846 890 736 734 905 931 1,011 1,292 n n II II II 17 63 66 87 165 168 133 11 1 151 145 164 179 193 198 23 I 203 224 269 246 323 117 13 17 14 17 22 17 9 6 9 11 8 34 32 40 41 77 77 129 94 58 81 71 59 53 35 27 25 51 48 89 157 166 264 383 383 505 418 276 193 203 208 258 216 332 708 732 581 495 383 109 744 730 656 786 655 648 657 533 509 636 08(1 688 845 n ii ii II II 16 16 16 16 12 12 35 43 43 43 36 36 43 43 95 143 154 158 168 211 2:',;, 271 223 248 311 n ii 25 47 51 54 65 115 122 128 111 162 219 n n (I 16 16 16 16 12 12 35 43 43 43 36 36 43 43 71 96 103 104 103 96 114 144 112 348 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued (Investment data, millions of dollars] Corpt rate Financial Nonfinancial All industries, total All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1900 27 29 32 19 46 53 58 45 42 52 47 42 61 46 47 64 84 71 153 193 138 144 191 161 194 190 179 186 209 157 88 53 28 37 41 58 66 56 63 72 97 43 35 29 32 232 286 316 350 415 460 400 635 666 864 846 902 864 1,047 1,031 973 1,290 1,152 1,763 2,074 2,021 2,232 3.115 3.298 3,222 3.852 4,168 5,539 6.631 6.954 7.638 8,815 10.962 13,016 14,158 15,979 17,172 19,402 24,835 29.699 II 4 5 5 9 13 25 43 54 42 38 49 26 50 29 26 29 29 27 19 14 20 25 26 31 38 33 39 45 65 30 28 23 26 133 164 177 205 239 240 231 320 312 380 359 384 305 424 415 357 477 431 803 1,072 1,074 1,400 1 ,835 2,040 1,959 2,4X1 2,942 4.164 5.198 5,696 6.435 7,401 9.521 11,267 12,244 13,576 14.668 16.991 21.665 26,528 27 27 29 32 19 46 53 58 45 42 52 47 38 56 41 40 55 71 46 110 139 96 106 142 135 144 161 153 157 180 129 69 39 8 12 15 26 28 24 24 27 32 12 6 6 99 121 139 145 176 220 169 315 354 484 487 517 558 623 616 616 813 721 960 1.002 947 832 1,280 1,259 1.263 1,371 1,226 1,375 1,433 1.258 1.203 1,414 1,441 1,749 1,914 2.403 2,504 2,412 3,170 3.171 1,485 1,502 1,837 2,066 1,860 1,976 2,378 2.696 2,004 2,317 2,789 2,551 2,850 3,070 2.342 2.096 3,120 4,141 4,727 4,628 5,902 4,236 4,510 6,115 5,444 5,900 6,428 5,972 6,090 6,870 5,410 3,230 1,804 1,632 2,121 2,510 3,380 4,613 3.422 3,733 4,811 5,905 4.761 4,093 5,409 7,858 11,800 15,299 17,318 15,766 17,373 20,942 22,080 24,071 23,409 25,186 30.728 33,355 27,721 30,480 33,326 32,757 35,104 37,128 41,708 50,208 57,898 58,926 64,438 72,158 73,260 74,692 85,406 101,669 116,286 117,078 129,551 154,887 187,688 221,440 235,944 26X.786 263,500 258,917 3(15,1(18 326.853 544 545 614 699 589 734 959 1,133 635 755 928 843 1,133 1,331 953 972 1,638 2,465 3,009 2,649 2,818 2,137 2,260 3,251 2,487 2,867 2,842 2,410 2,560 2,965 2,264 1,382 796 767 1,138 1,402 1,952 2,558 1,855 2,092 2,867 3,472 2,960 2,641 3,457 5,117 7,222 10,021 10,819 9,625 10,755 12,570 13,19(1 14,375 13,911 15,116 17,922 20,142 16,284 18,871 20,649 20,125 22,328 24,005 27,257 32,724 37,949 38,608 42,772 47.887 47,874 49,044 57,032 68,547 77,290 78,033 K8.001 110,045 132.99(1 153,062 158,809 176.782 169,135 176.691 207,922 218,056 941 957 1,223 1,367 1,271 1,241 1,419 1,563 1,369 1,562 1,862 1,708 1,717 1,739 1,389 1,124 1,482 1,676 1,718 1,979 3,084 2,100 2,250 2,864 2,957 3,032 3.585 3.562 3.530 3.905 3,145 1,848 1,008 865 983 1,108 1,428 2,055 1,567 1.641 1,944 2.434 1,801 1,452 1,952 2,741 4,578 5,278 6,500 6,141 6,618 8,373 8,890 9,696 9,498 10.070 12,805 13,213 11,437 11,610 12,678 12,631 12,776 13,123 14,451 17,484 19,950 20,318 21,666 24,272 25,386 25,648 28.375 33,122 38,997 39,044 41,550 44,842 54.698 68,378 77,135 92,005 94,365 82,226 97,186 108,796 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 12 16 21 21 12 11 14 11 15 14 15 15 16 12 6 3 3 5 9 11 14 12 11 12 17 15 13 20 21 38 59 72 76 82 76 104 104 124 130 144 151 163 188 192 199 217 239 245 286 313 334 378 408 46(1 483 518 684 887 1.084 1.225 1,426 1,483 1,757 1.589 1,475 1.189 1.137 952 938 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 11 14 16 9 8 11 9 12 11 12 12 13 10 5 3 3 4 8 10 13 10 10 11 16 13 10 17 19 25 44 56 61 67 60 78 81 95 102 104 113 126 140 141 147 159 181 188 224 245 254 288 305 339 352 399 511 630 750 868 1,027 1,014 1,254 1,115 1.060 857 844 723 748 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 7 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 13 15 16 15 15 16 26 23 29 28 39 38 37 48 51 52 58 57 57 62 68 80 90 103 122 131 120 173 257 334 357 399 469 503 475 415 332 293 229 190 352 350 442 467 352 422 536 544 404 511 561 560 653 638 492 537 803 1.135 1,211 1,299 1,719 1,148 1,094 1,524 1,122 1,177 1,353 1,392 1,575 1,918 1,324 725 364 561 765 883 1,208 1,736 1,147 1,304 1,795 2,555 2,008 1,594 2,249 3,134 4,955 6,099 5,897 4,596 4,787 7,190 7,585 7,520 7,470 7,640 10,666 11,415 8,318 8,071 9,956 9,759 10,479 11.217 13,431 17,583 21,821 21,557 21,451 23,391 23,420 22,246 24,792 27.434 36.849 37.908 41.133 47,343 57,435 66,462 74,464 81.067 77,595 63,811 76.650 80,948 277 260 286 313 247 306 377 378 240 323 365 335 371 391 327 377 593 846 890 794 649 591 619 935 673 740 716 710 793 990 799 511 305 399 585 743 956 1,270 943 1,069 . 1,372 1,675 1,659 1,458 2,072 2,558 3,328 4,471 4,592 3,645 3,788 5,154 5,373 5,447 5,521 5,593 7,287 8,071 6,130 6,182 7,183 6,973 7,714 8,219 10,089 12,559 15.200 15,128 15,631 16,842 17,102 16,540 19,067 20,996 28,102 30,047 32,778 38,710 46,603 52,171 59,885 64,702 60.968 50.978 61,489 63,562 75 1901 .... 90 1902 156 1903 154 1904 105 1905 116 1906 158 1907 166 1 •. ii i-- 164 1909 189 1910 196 1911 225 1912 282 1913 247 1914 165 1915 160 1916 210 1917 289 1918 321 1919 504 1920 1,069 1921 557 1922 474 1923 589 1924 449 1925 437 1926 636 1927 682 1928 782 1929 928 1930 525 1931 214 1932 58 1933 162 1934 180 1935 140 1936 252 1937 466 1938 204 1939 1940 1941 235 423 880 1942 349 1943 . . 136 1944 177 1945 576 1946 1.627 1947 1,628 1948 1,305 1949 950 1950 : 999 1951 2,036 1952 . 2,212 1953 2,072 1954 1,949 1955 2,047 1956 .. 3,379 1957 3.344 1958 2.188 I960 1,889 2,773 1961 2,785 1963 2,765 2,998 1966 3,342 5,024 6,621 1967 6,429 1968 5,820 1969 6,549 1970 6,317 1971 5,706 1972 1974 5,725 6.438 8.747 1975 7,861 1976 1977 8,355 8,634 1978 10,833 1979 14.291 1980 14.580 1981 16,365 1982 16,627 1983 12,832 1984 1985 15,161 17,386 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 349 Table B5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued (Investment data, millions of dollars] Noncorporate Year All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Nonfarm nonmanufacturmu Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1832 I) 1) II II I) „ 1883 I) II II II II II II n 1834 I) [] 1 1 1) I) 1) <> o II II II 1 1 (1 (I I) (I (I II II II II (1 11 II II II (I II I) II II 1) II 1 1 II II II II II u 1 835 1836 II 1 837 II 1 838 1 1 18.(11 1 I) 1 (I II o II II 1 II 1 1841 1 II 1 II 11 II 1 I) 1 1842 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 (1 II (1 II II II II II II II I) II 1 1 1 11 (1 (1 1 1843 1 1X44 1 184:. 1 I) 1 II II I) II 1 II 1 18411 1 1 II II 1 1 (1 (1 1) II I) 11 1 1 II (I ! 1X47 1 1848 1 II 1 II II II 1 (1 1 1849 1 II 1 I) II 1) II 1 (1 1 1850 1 1 1 1 I) II II 1 1 1 1 (I (1 1) II II II II II II II II II II 1 1 1 1 II II 1 1851 1 1852 !! ;i 1 1853 1 1854 1 1 II 1) II II I) 1 n 1 1855 38 38 3(1 II 3(1 (1 II II 2 ii 2 39 I) 39 38 38 II II II 1 1 1857 41) 411 39 II 39 II II (I 1 ii I 1858 44 II 14 42 (1 12 II II (1 2 2 45 45 44 II 14 II II 1 1 l«fi(l 44 48 IX 49 511 II (1 II I) II 44 48 4X 19 511 43 47 47 48 49 II II II II 43 47 47 I) 11 II II (I II II II II II 1 1 1 1 1 1) 1) II II 1 18fil 1 18112 1 1803 48 II 49 II 1 18(14 ; 18115 52 II 51 II 51 11 II II 1 II l 180(1 5H II 511 54 (I 54 II II 2 II 2 LSI 17 (11 111 58 II 5x ii II 3 II 3 18H8 (15 II 115 110 II till n II 11 (I 11 1KB!) 7(1 1) 70 114 111 n II II II c, 187(1 83 1) 83 72 II n II 11 II n 1X71 88 9(1 10(1 111 1) II II (1 8X 911 Kill 111 78 811 95 1(11 II II II II 8(1 n ii ii II I) 11 10 10 11 10 II II II II in 1872 HI 1X73 95 II llll 11 1874 111 1875 111) 11)11 II I) 111) 10(1 1115 mi (I 105 II (I 11 - II II 18711 mi ;, 1877 . 100 II 100 95 II 95 ii II -i II .i 1878 . 94 II 91 89 89 II ., (I ,i 18711 88 7(1 II 88 711 83 II II 83 n n II II 2 II (I "i 1880 ;, 1881 72 II 72 (11 II (11 ii II 12 II 12 1882 70 70 511 II 5(1 ii II 1 1 II 14 1X83 111) 113 II (1 (13 (ill 113 49 411 4(1 48 II II II 49 Id 4(1 ii ii li li II II II II I 1 1 1 11 15 II II II II 14 1 884 14 1SX5 11 188(1 . . .. 48 II 15 1X87 83 88 171 I) II 51 83 88 120 53 117 II 51 53 ii 1 II II (I 3(1 32 54 II II II 311 1XXX llll 32 18811 54 181)11 237 54 183 159 53 10(1 1 II i , II 77 181)1 244 238 48 49 1911 189 15(1 119 47 48 109 llll 1 1 (I 87 XX 11 II 87 1X112 88 239 48 191 1411 4(1 Hill 1 II 92 2 111 18114 22(1 50 177 128 39 89 9 11 8!) 2 87 245 53 192 1311 40 9(1 10 II 104 2 102 18!)(i 291 3011 3 1 4 119 7(1 10(1 230 21 1 117 131 159 32 12 115 81 89 91 11 10 11 I) 1 1113 1 111 143 24 13X 18117 llll 18118 118 1X1 III 330 11(1 1 213 1(17 73 94 1 1 - 14(1 30 117 350 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Noncor aorate Year All industries, total Farms Manufacturing Nonfarm nonmanufacturing Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1900 371 430 568 547 504 506 632 733 646 793 810 862 1,044 994 859 853 1,226 1,540 1,880 2,043 2,309 1.696 1,937 2,493 2,434 2,896 3,196 3,198 ' 3,140 3,331 2,627 1,643 886 637 842 1,183 1,589 1,999 1,644 1,729 2,023 2,462 1,463 1.274 1,923 2,781 4,697 6.630 8,152 7,962 9.209 9,430 8,655 9,485 9,551 11,107 11,321 11,633 11.7X6 13,161 12,774 12.966 1 1 2X , 14.921 16.281 18,668 20.055 19,825 20.783 23,765 25,276 27,068 30,011 35,536 35,600 35,079 3X.164 47,304 56,378 64,558 69,182 81,340 80,5X7 75,635 84,40.3 87,962 126 136 175 156 181 195 258 339 273 358 385 383 449 474 464 516 706 975 1,362 1,358 1,368 979 1,026 1.431 1,305 1,551 1,658 1,640 1,670 1.927 1,447 926 526 405 588 856 1,148 1,405 1,090 1,172 1,459 1,852 1,097 1.011 1.573 2,258 2,800 4,607 5,478 5,201 6,048 6,111 5,539 5,978 5,590 6,755 6,412 6,487 6,459 7,362 6,845 6,681 7,283 7,867 - -or, 10,014 11.247 11,093 11,764 13,091 13,982 14,469 16,195 19,672 20,408 20,511 23,417 29,014 34,082 ' 39,048 36,809 39,673 37,115 38,841 43.795 42.799 245 294 393 391 323 311 374 394 373 435 425 479 595 520 395 336 520 564 518 685 942 Tit; 911 1,062 1,129 1,345 1,538 1,558 1,470 1,404 1,181 718 360 232 254 326 441 594 554 557 564 610 366 262 349 524 1,897 2,023 2,675 2,761 3,161 3,318 3,116 3,507 3,962 4,352 4,910 5,146 5,327 5,799 5,929 6,285 7,002 7,054 7,385 8,654 8,807 8,732 9,019 10.674 11.295 12,599 13,816 15,865 15,192 14,568 14,747 18,290 22,296 25,510 32,373 41,667 43,472 36,794 40,608 45,162 172 181 217 188 191 191 219 231 209 237 248 244 281 294 311 334 411 528 701 879 845 436 397 541 491 578 616 660 645 698 544 260 134 137 224 417 550 689 561 534 5X4 843 679 545 942 1 ,006 1,587 2,507 3,135 3,253 3,360 3.319 3,163 3,081 2,813 2,918 2.66X 2,767 3,061 3,478 2,959 3,077 3,342 3,6X9 3,790 4,433 4,876 5,224 5,008 5.412 6,115 6,405 0.X7X 9,080 10,201 10,953 12,392 14,437 15,012 17,785 16,074 14,916 12,024 11,500 10,951 10,792 73 81 114 88 92 96 119 132 113 136 141 141 170 183 200 232 267 311 461 546 589 327 266 390 349 432 479 492 496 562 476 231 124 122 200 361 480 603 486 454 760 588 414 796 865 941 1,767 2,365 2,524 2,628 2,537 2,323 2,324 2,110 2,243 1,918 2,044 2,365 2,571 2,161 2,259 2,438 2,789 2,890 3.457 3.818 3.972 3.807 4,043 4,500 4,671 5,288 6.7X1 7,243 7,575 8,786 10,405 10,272 12,699 11,275 10.719 8,665 8,538 8.320 8,601 99 100 103 100 99 95 100 99 96 101 107 103 111 111 111 102 144 217 240 333 256 109 130 151 142 146 137 168 149 136 69 29 10 15 25 56 71 86 74 80 59 82 91 131 146 141 646 740 770 728 732 782 840 757 704 675 750 723 696 907 798 819 904 901 901 976 1,058 1,252 1,202 1,369 1,615 1,734 1,589 2,299 2,958 3,378 3,606 4,032 4,740 5,085 4,799 4,197 3,360 2,962 2,631 2,191 24 24 30 32 25 30 38 38 29 37 40 40 47 45 35 38 56 79 83 85 109 74 68 91 69 78 92 87 100 123 79 43 21 33 46 53 73 103 69 78 123 172 134 106 153 206 317 392 322 211 238 307 275 278 268 336 433 417 390 378 395 344 362 367 350 383 406 336 342 395 393 393 430. 428 574 579 594 646 737 X19 X76 854 727 615 756 X10 IX 17 19 21 17 21 26 26 17 22 25 23 25 27 22 26 43 60 62 53 38 37 37 41 47 48 45 50 64 49 31 18 24 35 45 58 77 57 65 96 lis 115 97 142 174 217 290 252 170 188 221 200 204 201 248 HOI 307 293 288 2X6 248 264 258 261 278 286 242 253 287 288 294 327 327 439 465 474 531 598 644 703 678 584 497 605 631 6 11 11 8 9 12 13 12 14 15 17 21 19 12 12 14 19 21 32 71 37 31 36 28 31 45 43 50 59 30 12 3 9 10 8 14 26 12 13 27 54 19 9 11 32 100 102 70 41 50 86 75 74 67 88 132 111 97 90 110 96 98 109 89 106 121 94 89 109 104 99 103 101 136 114 120 111 139 174 173 175 144 118 151 180 174 224 321 327 288 285 376 464 408 519 522 578 716 655 514 481 759 933 1,097 1,078 1,355 1,186 1,472 1,861 1,873 2,240 2,487 2,451 2,395 2,510 2,004 1,340 731 468 572 713 967 1,207 1,014 1,117 1,316 1,447 650 623 828 1,570 2,793 3,732 4,696 4.498 5,612 5,804 5,216 6,126 6,470 7,853 8,220 8,449 8,335 9,305 9,420 9,545 10,581 10,864 12,141 13,852 14,772 14,265 15,432 17,957 18,769 20,270 22,703 26,029 24,824 23,548 25,177 32,221 40,628 45,955 52,231 65,571 67,836 63,521 72,696 76,360 34 37 42 47 72 78 113 181 144 199 219 218 254 264 242 258 397 604 839 759 740 615 723 986 915 1,073 1,131 1,103 1,124 1,301 922 664 384 259 353 450 610 725 546 654 837 974 395 500 636 1,219 1,642 2,551 2,861 2,507 3,233 3,354 3,016 3,450 3,279 4,264 4,193 4,137 3,801 4,503 4,398 4,174 4,582 4,820 5,746 6,279 7,144 6,879 7,704 8,761 9,194 9,504 10,579 12,564 12,726 12,472 14,157 18,077 23.212 25.704 24,831 28,276 27,867 29,807 34,871 33,568 140 1901 187 1902 279 1903 280 1904 216 1905 207 1906 262 1907 283 190* 265 1909 320 1910 303 1911 ... 360 1912 462 1913 391 1914 272 1915 223 1916 .... 362 1917 . .. 329 1918 257 1919 .... 319 1920 615 1921 570 1922 750 1923... 875 1924. . 958 1925 1,167 1926.... 1,356 1927 1,348 1928 . .. 1,271 1929 1,209 1930 1,082 1931 .... 676 1932 ... 347 1933 208 1934 . . . 219 1935 262 1936 . 356 1937 .. 482 1938 .. 468 1939 . 463 1940 478 1941 .. 473 1942 256 1943 122 1944 193 1945 351 1946. ... 1.151 1947. ... 1.181 1948. .. 1,835 1949.. .. 1,991 1950 2,379 1954 2,450 2,200 2,677 3,191 i95ii ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. 1957 3,589 4,028 4,312 1958 4,533 1959 1960 1963 4,802 5,021 5,371 6,000 6,044 1964 6,395 1965 7,573 1966 7,628 1967 7,386 1968 . 7,728 1969 9,196 1970 imZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'. 19X0 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 9,575 10,765 12,124 13,465 12.09!) 11,076 11,021 14,144 17,417 20,251 27,400 37,295 39.969 33,714 37.825 42,792 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 351 Table B5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Noncorporate Year Sole proprietorships and partnerships Non Drofit institut ons Persons Tax-exempt cooperatives Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1832 I) (1 (I 36 38 39 42 44 43 47 47 48 49 51 54 59 62 67 76 82 90 99 105 107 103 97 91 85 73 66 61 54 52 50 56 74 80 148 204 208 203 204 194 207 241 260 277 298 (1 I) I) I) (1 51 54 48 49 48 50 53 69 7fi 100 116 I) (1 36 38 39 42 44 43 47 47 48 49 51 54 59 62 67 76 82 90 99 105 107 103 97 91 85 73 66 61 54 52 50 56 74 80 97 151 161 154 155 144 155 172 183 177 182 (1 I) I) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 T i i i i i i 2 2 3 3 7 6 6 7 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 9 9 9 7 7 9 9 23 33 36 36 36 33 38 50 46 38 32 I) I) I) I) I) (I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 7 6 6 7 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 9 9 9 7 9 9 23 33 36 36 36 33 38 50 46 38 32 I) I) (1 (1 I) 11 (1 I) (1 I) I) I) 1) (1 (} n I) 1) II 1) (1 (1 1) I) (1 1) II I) (1 I) I) (1 (1 II 1) I) 1) II II (1 II II 1) I) 1) II I) II II (1 II (1 1) I) (1 (1 II (1 I) II 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1X41 1842 (1 1843 (1 1844 .. . 1845 1846 1847 (1 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 .. .. 1856 1857 II 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 II 1863 1864 1865 .. .. 1866.. . 1867 1868. ... 1S69 1870 1871 1872 1873 I) 1874 (1 1875 1876 1877. ... 1878 1-7'.' 1SMI 1881 1882 1--:; 1884 .... 1885 ... . 1886 1--.' 1-" 1889 1890 II 1891 .... 1892 1893 .. . II 1894 .. 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899.... 352 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B5. — Fixed Nonresidential Private Capital, by Legal Form of Organization and Major Industry Group, Historical-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Noncor borate Year Sole proprietorships and partnerships Non profit institut ons Persons Tax-exempt cooperatives Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures Total Equipment Structures 1900 338 387 504 483 462 460 573 657 574 714 725 774 917 907 781 786 1,123 1,433 1,796 1,929 2,100 1,459 1,613 2,129 2,037 2,400 2,630 2,616 2,580 2,801 2,122 1,279 695 549 747 1,045 1,378 1,727 1,347 1,419 1,685 2,094 1.305 1,134 1,801 2,405 4,048 5,728 6,748 6,413 7,283 7,315 6,686 7,270 7,067 8,407 8.292 8,406 8,385 9,509 8,905 8,877 9,788 10,405 11,436 13.113 14,114 13,879 14,673 16,833 18,140 19,453 21,676 26,859 26,755 26,266 28,746 36,529 44,296 52,568 54,496 64,671 62,199 56,336 64,105 67,224 126 136 175 156 181 195 257 327 261 346 373 371 437 462 451 505 692 954 1,333 1,334 1,343 966 1,011 1,412 1,291 1,535 1,641 1,622 1,652 1,904 1,418 903 509 384 560 814 1,087 1,333 1,024 1,089 1,362 1,742 1,083 921 1,535 2,034 2,594 4.290 5,023 4,788 5,460 5,448 4,915 5,243 4,879 5,911 5,503 5,593 5,557 6,319 5,806 5,601 6,154 6,681 7,601 8,609 9,683 9,459 10,076 11,179 11,983 12,435 13,937 17,142 - 17,493 17,503 20,268 25,007 29,650 34.673 31,321 33,468 30,140 31,238 35,681 34 809 212 251 329 327 281 266 316 330 313 368 352 402 480 445 330 281 431 479 463 595 758 493 602 717 746 864 988 994 928 897 704 376 186 165 187 231 291 393 323 330 323 352 222 214 266 371 . 1,454 1,438 1,725 1,624 1,822 1,867 1,771 2,028 2,188 2,496 2,789 2,812 2,828 3,190 3,100 3,276 3,635 3,724 3,835 4,504 4,431 4,420 4,597 5,655 6,157 7,018 7,738 9,717 9,261 8,763 8,478 11,522 14,647 17,895 23,175 31,204 32,059 25,098 28,424 32,414 33 43 64 64 42 45 59 77 72 79 85 89 127 87 78 66 103 106 84 114 192 228 308 348 373 480 531 550 519 489 470 348 178 83 85 101 160 201 223 227 239 272 103 88 65 235 463 618 956 1,189 1,488 1,648 1,552 1,714 1,979 2,078 2,388 2,634 2,864 2,971 3,182 3,377 3,757 3,800 4,101 4,665 4,944 4,898 4,943 5,529 5,661 6,007 6,551 6,633 6,797 6,618 7,184 7,572 8,169 8,448 9,857 11.002 12.444 13,867 14,568 13,733 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 11 14 21 29 24 25 13 15 19 14 16 16 17 18 24 28 23 13 16 21 26 38 43 40 51 60 67 3 62 9 128 111 158 202 214 321 365 364 424 409 473 532 558 621 645 636 686 738 766 854 933 973 1,036 1,040 1,170 1.179 1,241 1,390 1,562 1,779 1,765 1,866 2,219 2,306 2,549 3,203 3,683 4,271 4,828 5,237 4,322 33 43 64 64 42 45 58 64 60 67 73 77 115 75 65 55 89 85 55 90 167 214 293 329 359 465 514 533 501 466 441 325 165 67 63 75 122 158 183 176 179 204 100 26 56 107 352 460 754 975 1.166 1,282 1,187 1,290 1,570 1,605 1,855 2,076 2,243 2,326 2,546 2,691 3,019 3,035 3,247 3,732 3,971 3,862 3,903 4,359 4,483 4,766 5,160 5,071 5,018 4,852 5,318 5,353 5,863 5,899 6,654 7,319 8,173 9,039 9,331 9,411 18 9 16 16 24 16 35 32 41 41 36 16 12 11 14 18 22 19 20 31 25 5 19 4 47 53 50 92 76 145 144 106 162 180 285 278 250 205 321 275 315 325 279 328 435 480 476 539 735 714 826 961 1,141 884 693 691 1,166 1.519 997 1,073 1,243 1,424 1,478 1,922 2,073 4 5 7 8 12 13 12 16 19 21 1 19 3 40 34 49 71 72 115 127 89 146 137 182 182 169 132 219 187 185 168 179 232 233 293 300 321 398 419 400 440 514 531 529 567 747 1,025 660 589 655 705 802 981 868 18 9 16 16 24 16 35 32 41 41 36 16 8 4 6 6 8 6 4 12 4 4 2 7 19 2 21 4 30 17 17 16 42 103 96 81 73 102 88 130 157 100 96 202 187 175 218 337 294 426 521 627 353 164 124 419 494 336 484 588 720 676 941 1,205 22 34 50 56 63 68 71 50 32 53 95 133 233 356 284 294 323 311 339 325 335 364 343 333 360 411 396 414 436 416 454 517 572 628 667 761 781 824 903 1,165 1,503 1,543 2,038 2,394 2,546 3,756 4,424 4,520 3,955 3,809 4,932 8 11 14 14 16 18 22 10 10 27 56 61 110 182 126 152 171 171 165 164 188 194 167 150 180 216 209 223 241 209 238 298 297 327 345 401 392 427 454 605 715 717 1,041 1,102 1,166 1,696 1,867 1,999 1,973 1,897 2,800 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 '. 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 ■. 1932 1933 1934 1935 14 1936 23 1937 35 1938 42 1939 47 1940 49 1941 49 1942... 41 1943 22 1944 . 26 1945 ... 39 1946 72 1947 . 123 1948 . 174 1949 158 1950 142 1951 152 1952 140 1953 174 1954 161 1955 147 1956 170 1957 176 r.i> 184 1959 181 I960 196 1961 188 1962 192 1963.... 195 1964.. .. 207 1965 216 1966 218 1967.. .. 275 1968 . 301 1969 322 1970 361 1971 389 1972 397 1973 450 1974 560 1975 788 1976 ... 826 1977 997 1978 .. 1,293 1979 1,380 1980 2,060 1981 2,557 1982 2,521 1983 1,981 1984 1,912 1985 2,132 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 353 Table B6. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of l!t82 dollars Type of owner ind legal forrr of organization Industry Total Government Private Farms Year Federal State and local Total Corporate Noncorporate Real estate Total Sole proprie- torships and partnerships Nonprofit institutions Persons 1X20 1821 9X0 1,057 1,057 1,073 1,091 1,213 1,196 1,252 1.290 1.391 1.478 1.471 1,511 1,480 1,473 1,731 1,779 1,404 1,459 1,514 1,699 1,718 1,910 2,237 2,274 2,260 2,413 2,853 2,917 3,339 3,297 3,519 3,512 3,582 3,523 3,688 3,943 4,449 5,504 6,445 7,421 6,078 4,655 4,190 3,909 4,360 5,976 7,308 10.346 12,749 12,601 15,105 12,769 9.203 8,783 8,907 9,939 9,172 9,872 12,205 13,896 15,722 17,115 16,133 18,059 20,028 23,418 24,875 20.855 22,879 23,359 20,310 24,093 19,767 20,293 22,721 20,444 22.042 19,545 18,854 (I II 1) (I 1) II II 1) II II II (1 II II II II I) II II II I) 1) 1) 1) 11 (1 1) II n II I) II II (1 II II II II II II II II II (1 II 1) II II II II n II II II II II II II 11 980 1,057 1,057 1,073 1,091 1,213 1,196 1,252 1,290 1,391 1,478 1,471 1,511 1,480 1,473 1,731 1,779 1,404 1,459 1,514 1,699 1,718 1,910 2,237 2,274 2,260 2,413 2,853 2,917 3,339 3,297 3,519 3,512 3,582 3,523 3.6XX 3,943 4,449 5,504 6,445 7,421 6,078 4,655 4,190 3.909 4,360 5,976 7,308 10,346 12,749 12,601 15,105 12,769 9.203 x,7x:j 8,907 9,939 9,172 9,872 12,205 13,896 15,722 17,115 16,133 18,059 20,028 23,418 24,875 20,855 22.87!! 23.359 20,310 24,093 19,767 20,293 22,721 20,444 22,042 19,545 18,854 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 18 19 18 20 22 25 32 37 45 33 23 21 21 27 38 48 77 98 96 136 127 106 87 82 76 82 74 101 177 189 308 288 323 280 296 348 346 377 307 246 281 218 257 ■ 358 339 309 264 254 976 1.053 1,053 1.069 1,086 1,209 1,192 1,248 1,285 1,386 1,472 1.465 1,504 1,474 1.467 1.724 1.771 1.398 1.452 1,507 1,692 1,710 1,901 2,227 2,263 2,250 2.401 2.840 2,902 3,323 3,280 3,501 3.494 3.563 3,504 3,668 3.922 4,424 5,472 6,407 7,376 6,045 4,633 4,169 3,889 4,333 5,938 7,260 10,269 12,652 12,504 14.969 12,642 9,097 8,697 8,825 9,863 9.090 9,798 12,104 13,719 15,533 16,806 15,846 17,736 19,748 23,121 24,527 20.508 22.502 23,051 20,064 23,812 19,549 20,036 22.363 20.106 21,734 19,281 18,600 459 495 495 503 511 635 607 617 617 647 669 648 649 620 602 800 789 599 599 600 651 662 712 880 869 888 863 1,068 1,040 1,187 1,101 1,159 1,118 1,146 1,109 1,135 1,127 1,180 1,426 1,665 1,696 1.768 1,665 1,408 1,213 965 1,167 1,251 1,364 1,519 1,631 1,803 1,946 2,111 2,251 2,540 2,520 2,678 2.518 2,472 2,113 1,743 1,657 1,498 1,619 1,572 1,564 1,751 1,860 2,157 3,001 3,150 3,037 2,933 2,790 2,965 2,729 2,906 2,839 2,641 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 12 13 14 16 16 18 20 21 21 23 27 28 33 33 36 37 37 37 39 43 51 63 74 90 66 45 42 41 53 76 96 132 166 162 200 165 110 99 96 109 94 108 145 185 218 257 243 273 294 342 367 311 339 321 381 399 327 320 370 387 457 361 347 509 549 549 558 567 566 576 622 658 728 792 805 843 841 852 911 968 787 840 893 1.025 1,032 1.170 1.327 1.373 1.341 1.515 1,745 1,834 2,103 2,146 2.306 2,339 2.380 2.358 2,494 2,751 3,193 3,983 4,668 5,590 4,210 2,922 2,719 2,634 3,315 1 695 5,913 8,772 10,966 10,711 12,966 10,532 6,876 6,346 6,1X9 7,235 6,318 7,172 9,488 11,421 13,572 14,892 14,105 15,844 17.883 21.215 22,409 18.337 20.006 19.730 16.532 20.375 16.289 16,926 19,028 16,989 18,370 16,11X2 15,612 454 489 4X9 497 505 629 601 610 610 639 660 639 639 610 592 789 778 590 V.HI 590 639 650 699 865 X53 873 846 1.047 1,019 1,163 1,076 1,132 1,091 1,118 1,0X1 1,106 1.094 1,142 1,378 1,609 1,629 1,718 1,631 1,376 1,1X2 925 1,111 1,1X0 1,251 1,378 1,491 1.61H 1,769 1,967 2,132 2,428 2,413 2,565 2,414 2,329 1,874 1,484 1,251 1,118 1,193 1,193 1,158 1,281 1,400 1,657 2,585 2,817 2,653 2,635 2,442 2,490 2,282 2,493 2,485 2,299 526 567 1822 567 1823 576 1824 586 1825 58 1 1826 595 1827 642 1828 6X0 1829 752 1830 XIX 1831 832 1832 872 1834 870 881 1835 942 1836 1 001 1837 814 1838 869 1839 924 1840 1,060 1841 1,068 1842 1,211 1843 1.373 1844 1 .420 1845 1.387 1846 1 567 1847 1.806 1848 1,897 1849 2,176 1850 2,221 1851 2,387 1852 2,421 1853 2,464 1854 2,441 1855 2,582 1856 2.849 1857 3,307 1858 4,126 1859 4.835 1860 5,792 1861 4,360 1862 3,024 1863 2,814 1864 2,728 1865 3,435 1866.. 4,866 1867 . . 6,128 1868. .. 9,095 1869 11,372 1870 11,110 1871 13,496 1872 11,000 1873 7,236 1874 .... 6,651 1875. . .. 6,479 1876 7,526 1877 6,607 1878 7,458 1879 9,877 1880 12,021 1881 14,237 1882 15,864 1883 15,015 1884 16.866 1885 1- ■:;:, 1886 22,259 18S7 23,594 1888. . .. 19.454 1889 . 21,222 1890 20,773 1891 17,493 1892 21,439 1893 ... 17,131 1894 17,851 1895 20,231 1896 . . 18,162 1897 19,549 1898 17,060 1899 16,555 354 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B6. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Industry, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Type of owner and legal form of organization Industry Total Government Private Farms Year Federal State and local Total Corporate Noncorporate Real estate Total Sole proprie- torships and partnerships Nonprofit institutions Persons 1900 14,157 19,017 17,749 17,904 20,463 29,232 27,085 23,379 24,223 27,879 22,542 22,326 24,045 24,617 23,980 25.109 25.863 15,954 9,012 17,938 12,452 21,347 36,055 42,073 48.807 53.404 53,361 50,398 46,946 34,329 20,447 17,062 8,689 7.078 8,699 13.776 20,170 21,902 21,431 28,528 32,137 36.391 20.092 13,739 8,690 9,702 45,115 56,798 68.339 64,100 86,992 73,696 72,514 74,696 79,624 92,291 85,107 81,644 92,865 100.864 93,136 94,072 102,263 111,252 112,824 112,287 102,539 100,791 115,746 115,971 110,395 1 12.0X3 168,034 159,698 126,284 107,621 131,308 156,958 165,880 173,178 140.129 127.632 108,252 141.212 173.077 177.939 1) 319 138 I) 11 149 872 1,171 561 129 83 1,851 2,868 5,075 1,372 509 593 -1,398 -2,461 -569 -105 -1,265 123 45 -20 -26 120 559 1,390 1,885 1,214 1,377 1,275 998 331 509 374 -107 -50 338 442 1,076 2,008 1,824 1,529 396 251 520 860 410 749 690 598 1,047 1,358 1,491 I) 29 581 1,798 1,807 1,433 328 54 724 910 539 1,411 1,392 2,303 2,444 2,034 1,254 978 989 1,258 1,753 1.699 1,523 1,964 2,613 1.407 1.644 1,596 1,946 2,245 2,164 2,606 2,832 2,670 1,821 1,866 1,707 891 793 1.017 1,202 1,338 1.661 1,665 1,472 1,474 1,293 1,140 14,157 19,017 17,749 17,904 20,463 29,232 27,085 23,379 24,223 27,879 22,542 22,326 24,045 24,617 23,980 25,109 25,863 15.954 8.693 17.801 12,452 21,347 36,055 42,073 48,807 53,404 53,361 50,398 46,946 34,329 20,447 17,062 8,689 7,078 8,688 13.627 19,298 20,731 20,841 27,818 30,256 32,733 15,791 8,336 7,264 9,193 43,798 57,287 70,261 63,258 85,705 72,658 69,947 72,617 78,390 91,339 83,998 79,826 89,723 97,280 90,399 90,730 98,374 108,846 110,849 110.182 100.219 98,653 113,632 113,027 107,121 138.937 164,205 156,008 123,048 106,335 130,265 155,421 163,818 171,430 137,719 125,277 106,182 138,692 170,427 175,308 181 307 278 307 354 562 479 406 426 540 452 447 487 502 548 624 587 300 105 330 227 449 897 1,196 1,398 1,761 1,987 2,074 1,849 1,243 494 407 122 102 102 186 375 436 403 586 516 504 248 153 93 99 464 623 867 911 979 637 609 668 676 723 716 869 1,388 1,740 1,620 2,147 2,865 3,560 3,657 3,504 3,097 2,766 4,251 5,114 4,531 4,823 175 146 -32 60 139 120 252 1,193 1,220 1.089 2,033 864 2,706 2,743 13,976 18,710 17,471 17,596 20,109 28,670 26,606 22,973 23,797 27,339 22,090 21,879 23,557 24,116 23,432 24,486 25,276 15,654 8,589 17,470 12,225 20,898 . 35,158 40,877 47,409 51,643 51.374 48,324 45,097 33,086 19,954 16,654 8,567 6,976 8,586 13,441 18,923 20,295 20,439 27,233 29,740 32,229 15,543 8,182 7,171 9,094 43,333 56,664 69,394 62,347 84,727 72,021 69.338 71,949 77,714 90,617 83,281 78,957 88,334 95,539 88,777 88,585 95,511 105,286 1(17,19:! 106,678 97,121 95,886 109,380 107,913 102,591 134.113 164,040 155,862 123,080 106,273 130,127 155.301 163.566 170,237 136,497 124,186 104,149 137,828 167,722 172,565 2,558 2,782 2,720 2,602 2,682 2,755 2,556 2.332 2,390 2,550 2,524 2,467 2,632 2,720 2,759 2.68(1 3,264 3,169 2,507 3,219 2,369 1,712 2,429 2,878 3,075 3,615 3,825 4,163 3,841 2,990 1,727 1,180 498 572 627 1,072 1,505 1,776 1,467 2,029 2,364 2.655 1.692 1.316 1.059 985 2,759 3,562 4,523 4,502 4,484 3,306 3,043 3,103 2,921 2,639 2,855 2,991 3,575 4,229 3,873 6,323 6,988 8,102 8,435 8,084 7,794 7,565 17,966 21,484 20.840 25,849 33,704 31,075 22,168 14,655 14.491 17,036 19,283 31,150 30,696 19,853 17.835 10,349 28,561 29,028 266 553 627 518 668 650 791 626 631 709 574 676 733 651 664 637 728 520 271 498 514 749 1,344 1,477 1,688 2,139 2,342 2,055 1,738 1,384 951 526 296 238 285 382 511 585 564 737 746 707 321 119 115 147 527 521 637 674 748 635 611 740 800 904 999 1,080 1,393 1,540 1,469 1,913 2,798 2.716 3.111 3,277 3,019 2,524 2,516 2,350 1,865 1,777 3,137 3,187 2.092 2,436 2,315 2,454 2,668 3,805 3,684 2,956 3,004 1,522 4,196 4.236 11,153 15,375 14,124 14,476 16,760 25,265 23,259 20,016 20,775 24,080 18,992 18,736 20,193 20,745 20.009 21,169 21,283 11,965 5,812 13,753 9,342 18,437 31,385 36.522 42,646 45,889 45,207 42,105 39,518 28,712 17,276 14,949 7,773 6,166 7,675 11,988 16,907 17.934 18.407 24,466 26,631 28,866 13,530 6,747 5,998 7,962 40,047 52,581 64,233 57,171 79,495 68,080 65,684 68,106 73,994 87,074 79,427 74,885 83,367 89,772 83,437 80,346 85,723 94,468 95,646 95,317 86,311 85,799 88,900 84,078 79,885 106,489 127,187 121,600 98,819 89,184 113,321 135,811 141,615 135,282 102,118 101,378 83,310 125,957 134,965 139,301 2,316 2,378 2,353 2,199 2,217 2,018 1,924 1,796 1,828 1,843 1,934 1,884 1,996 2,066 2,051 1,876 2,505 2,781 2,369 2,789 2,073 1,127 1,270 1,344 1,280 1,373 1,310 1,550 1,508 1,419 1,092 653 334 437 490 824 1,016 1,210 940 1,266 1,681 1,923 1,327 1,096 910 815 1,987 2,538 3,155 3,129 3,000 2,252 1,994 1.968 1,767 1,375 1,554 1,489 1,443 1,611 1,386 1,956 1,725 1,820 1,971 1,764 2,071 2,180 2,100 1,959 1,841 2,028 2,366 1,911 3,327 2,563 2,447 3,205 2,922 1,939 2,643 1,990 2,003 1,437 2,386 1.999 11,841 1901 16,639 1902 15,396 1903 15,705 1904 18,245 1905 27,214 1906 25,161 1907 21,584 1908 22,395 1909 ... . 26,036 1910. . 20,608 1911 20,442 1912 22,048 1913 22,552 1914 21,928 1915 23.233 1916 23.357 1917 13,173 1918 6,325 1919 15,011 1920 10,378 1921 20,220 1922 34,785 1923 40,730 1924 47,526 1925 52,031 1926 52,051 1927 48,847 1928 45,438 1929 32,909 1930 19,355 1931 16,408 1932 8,354 1933 6,641 1934 . 8,197 1935 12,803 1936 18,282 1937 19,521 1938 19,901 1939 26,552 1940 28,576 1941 30,810 1942 14.464 1943 7,239 1944 6,354 1945 8,378 1946 41,811 1947 . 54,749 1948 . 67,106 1949 60,128 1950 82,705 1951 70,407 1952 67,953 1953 70,648 76,623 1955 89,965 1956 82,444 1957 78,337 1958 88,280 1959 95,669 1960 89,012 1963 88,773 96,648 107,025 1964 108,877 1965 108,417 1966 98,148 1967 96,472 1968 111,532 1969 111,066 1970 105,279 1971 136,908 1972 161,837 1973 154,096 1974 119,721 1975 103,771 1976 127,817 1977 152,215 1978 160,895 1979 169,491 1980 135,076 123,285 104,178 137,254 1984 168,040 1985 173,308 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 355 Table B7. — Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of dollars] Year Type of owner and legal form of organization Total Federal State and local Private Corporate Noncorporate Sole proprie- torships and partnerships Nonprofit institutions Industry Real estate 1820.. 1821 1822.. 1823.. 1824... 1825... 182i; 1827 1828... 1829... 1830... 1831 1832 1833 1834... 1835, , 1836.. 1837... 1838... 1839... 1840... 1841... 1842... 1843... 1844... 1845... 1846... 1847... 1848... 1849... 1850... 1851... 1852... 1853... 1854... 1855... 1856... 1857... 1858... 1859... I860... 1861... 1862... 1863... 1864... 1865... 1866... 1867... 1868... 1869... 1870... 1871... 1872... 1873... 1874... 1875... 1876.. 1877... 1878... 1879... 1880.. 1881 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 18X5 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1891.. 1892.. 1893.. 1894.. 1895.. 1896.. 1897.. 1898.. 18!)!) 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 49 51 53 57 59 61 67 69 74 79 90 92 LOO 101 111 115 123 128 134 148 167 189 211 240 199 158 174 192 282 346 126 587 698 660 791 679 486 450 414 450 371 396 470 579 686 801 755 752 834 1.041) 1.08.-, 885 980 1,010 837 975 791 788 874 794 839 767 son 57 .V.I 111 67 69 74 79 90 92 100 104 111 115 123 128 134 148 167 189 211 240 I'M) 158 174 192 282 346 426 587 660 791 670 486 450 111 450 371 396 470 579 686 snl 755 752 834 1,040 1,085 885 980 1,010 837 975 791 788 874 794 839 767 800 57 59 61 67 69 74 70 90 92 100 103 110 111 122 127 133 117 166 188 210 239 198 157 173 191 280 344 423 583 693 655 784 672 480 446 410 447 368 393 466 572 678 786 711 738 822 1.027 1,070 870 064 997 827 964 782 778 si;o 781 827 757 789 95 104 112 116 119 115 109 102 96 89 77 78 71 68 66 70 77 79 93 131 L31 124 118 loo 115 107 111 112 113 1 I 14 1 I 1 I 14 14 15 li. 17 18 19 2M 21 22 23 25 27 29 31 32 34 35 37 40 42 44 50 55 58 63 68 73 77 82 86 91 103 120 137 153 181 138 99 113 129 214 272 345 497 600 560 678 559 362 321 287 327 255 287 365 475 592 696 659 659 744 942 977 777 856 852 680 824 651 656 731 6511 698 630 13 13 13 13 13 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 26 26 29 28 33 32 35 34 36 36 38 39 40 11 43 47 53 53 56 55 57 58 60 64 69 71 76 79 85 95 104 110 113 110 104 97 90 79 65 59 53 50 50 52 56 60 71 113 117 108 106 96 96 14 14 14 1 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 37 39 41 13 45 51 57 60 65 70 75 79 85 so 94 107 124 142 158 187 143 103 117 134 222 282 357 516 622 581 706 584 3S2 340 301 340 267 200 380 500 621 742 7 02 702 784 988 1,020 825 909 897 720 867 685 602 778 705 743 66,0 702 356 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B7.— Residential Capital, by Type of Owner, Legal Form of Organization, and Industry, Historical-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Type of owner and legal form of organization Industry Total Government Private Farms Year Federal State and local Total Corporate Noncorporate Real estate Total Sole proprie- torships and partnerships Nonprofit institutions Persons 1900 633 836 808 843 947 1,425 1,460 1,315 1,323 1,580 1.333 1,303 1,435 1,420 1,391 1,498 1,638 1,193 811 1,844 1,667 2,263 3,510 4,605 5,262 5,681 5,733 5,361 4,994 3,830 2,243 1,709 709 572 778 1,209 1,849 2,225 2,244 3,006 3,517 4,353 2,574 1,881 1,279 1,528 7,856 11,972 15,603 14,765 20,607 18,705 18,920 19,633 21,008 24,967 23,767 22,861 25,974 28,291 26,259 26,545 28,985 31,419 32,150 32,558 30,745 31,092 37,579 41,341 40,820 :j5, 646 69,075 71,556 62,962 58,511 76,223 101.528 120,355 140,877 125,318 123.286 108,252 144.331 184,224 192,347 (1 1) o I) 28 14 1 14 81 113 52 12 8 219 364 695 204 81 149 -174 -324 -73 -12 -217 29 13 -4 -6 32 156 386 524 339 386 358 279 93 145 109 -28 -7 122 145 345 702 679 670 343 282 390 577 381 665 690 711 1,112 1,379 1,590 1) 1) 3 61 196 215 182 45 8 126 191 123 326 330 585 638 535 331 264 275 351 489 474 428 552 737 394 462 455 574 678 686 907 1,014 1,012 732 821 833 472 451 653 874 1,097 1,500 1,622 1,472 1.503 1,378 1,232 633 836 808 843 947 1,425 1,460 1,315 1,323 1,580 1,333 1,303 1,435 1,420 1,391 1,498 1,638 1,193 783 1,830 1,667 2,263 3,510 4,605 5,262 5,681 5,733 5,361 4,994 3,830 2,243 1,709 709 572 777 1,195 1,768 2,112 2,189 2,933 3,313 3,919 2,028 1,141 1,067 1,447 7,581 11,955 15,804 14,512 20,289 18,337 18,253 19,085 20,681 24,709 23,460 22,354 25,099 27,293 25,492 25,607 27,890 30,746 31,595 31,958 30,062 30,442 36,900 40,312 39,661 .14.289 67,641 70,056 61,459 57,696 75,490 100,485 118,904 139,399 123,153 120,974 106,069 141,716 181.467 189.525 8 14 13 15 17 28 26 23 24 32 28 28 31 31 33 39 39 25 13 38 36 51 91 136 156 193 220 227 203 146 60 46 13 12 14 22 41 52 48 69 64 70 39 24 16 19 95 155 223 233 260 189 185 203 206 224 227 270 416 521 487 634 839 1.033 1,066 1,040 953 877 1,404 1,838 1,728 2,015 410 507 452 400 489 641 803 1,015 987 923 1,165 1,043 1,921 2,033 625 822 795 828 930 1,397 1,434 1,292 1,299 1,548 1,305 1,275 1,404 1,389 1,358 1,459 1,599 1,168 770 1,792 1,631 2,212 3,419 4,469 5,106 5,488 5,513 5,134 4,791 3,684 2,183 1,663 696 560 763 1,173 1,727 2,060 2,141 2,864 3,249 3,849 1,989 1,117 1,051 1,428 7,485 11,800 15,581 14,279 20,029 18,148 18,068 18,882 20,475 24,485 23,232 22,084 ' 24,683 26,772 25,005 24,974 27.051 29,713 30,529 30,918 29,108 29,565 35,496 38,474 37,934 52,274 67,234 69,549 61,008 57,295 75,001 99,844 118,101 138,383 122,165 120,050 104,904 140,673 179,546 187,492 115 123 125 124 125 135 139 132 132 146 151 146 159 159 162 162 209 238 225 333 318 185 241 321 338 392 418 450 416 340 194 122 43 49 60 97 141 183 157 216 260 317 216 177 154 155 552 847 1,133 1,110 1,124 932 863 871 825 787 871 903 1,062 1,258 1,155 1,821 2,021 2,332 2,459 2,409 2,397 2,402 5,884 7,691 7,757 10,206 13,945 14,115 11,482 7,740 8,174 10,597 13,454 19,798 20,341 15.442 13,735 13,880 24,347 25,439 12 24 29 25 31 32 43 35 35 41 34 40 44 38 39 38 47 39 25 52 69 80 132 163 183 229 253 220 186 156 105 54 25 20 26 35 48 61 61 79 83 87 43 17 18 24 96 116 152 162 185 169 166 202 218 251 285 308 396 439 421 545 797 770 885 946 902 775 813 833 695 720 1,323 1,480 1,123 1,315 1,341 1,587 1,939 2,191 2,168 1.987 1.903 1.845 3,202 3,347 498 675 642 680 774 1,230 1.252 1,124 1,132 1,361 1,119 1,090 1,201 1,192 1,157 1,259 1,343 890 521 1,408 1,244 1,946 3,046 3,986 4,585 4,868 4,842 4,463 4,190 3,189 1,883 1,487 628 491 677 1,041 1.537 1,816 1,923 2,569 2,906 3,445 1,730 922 880 1,248 6,838 10,837 14,295 13,007 18,721 17,047 17,038 17,810 19,432 23,447 22,076 20,872 23,226 25.076 23,429 22,607 24,233 26,611 27,184 27,563 25,810 26,389 28,800 29,950 29,482 41,348 51.963 53,954 48,402 48,241 65,486 87,659 102,708 116,394 99,657 102,622 89,266 124,948 151,998 158,707 104 105 108 104 104 99 104 102 100 104 114 110 119 119 119 112 158 205 208 284 272 119 123 146 138 146 140 164 160 156 117 63 26 33 41 68 88 117 94 127 175 219 161 144 130 124 393 590 775 760 730 621 541 523 471 383 434 409 395 444 382 529 470 499 552 505 614 672 692 713 703 803 987 870 1,681 1,416 1,441 2,084 2,110 1,560 2,337 1,904 2,003 1,471 2,540 2,169 529 1901 731 1902 700 1903 739 1904 843 1905 1,326 1,356 1,213 1,223 1,476 1 219 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1,193 1,316 1,301 1 272 1912 1913 1914 1915 1,386 , 1,480 988 1916 1917 1918 1919 1,546 1920 1,395 1921 2,144 1922 3,387 1923 4,459 1924 5,124 1925 1926 5,593 1927 5,197 1928 4,834 1929 3,674 1930 2,126 1931 1,646 1932 683 1933 539 1934 736 1935 1,127 1936 1,680 1937 1,995 1938 2,095 1939 2,806 1940 3,138 1941 3.700 1942 1,867 1943 997 1944 937 1945 1,323 1946 7,188 1947 11,365 1948 15,028 1949 13,752 1950 . .. 19,559 1951 17,716 1952 . 17,712 1953 18,562 1954 20,210 1955 . . 24,326 1956 23,026 1957 21,945 1958 24.704 1959 26,849 1960 25,110 1961 25,078 1962 27,419 1963 30,247 1964 31,043 1965 31,453 1966 29,448 1967 -. 29,770 1968 .... 36,207 1969 39,599 1970 . 38,958 1971 53.486 1972 66,653 1973 69,186 1974 ..: 59,778 1975 56,279 1976 74,048 1977 .. . 98,401 1978 116,794 1979 137,838 1980 120,816 1981 119,069 1982 104,065 l'i>:; 140,244 1984 178,926 1985 187,355 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 357 Table B8.— Private Residential Capital, by Tenure Group and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation (Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Year Tenure group Owner-occupied Nonfarm Farm Tenant-occupied Type of equipment and structures Equipment Nonfarm structures o-or- more-umt Mobile homes Farm structures 1820. 1821 .. 1822.. 1823. 1824.. 1825.. 1826.. 1827 .. 1828.. 1829.. 1830.. 1831.. 1832.. 1833 .. 1834.. is:-,-, 1836.. 1837 .. 1838.. 1839 .. 1840 .. 1841 .. 1842.. 1843 .. 1844.. 1845.. 1846.. 1847 .. 1848 .. 1849.. 1850 .. 1851 .. 1852.. 1853 .. 1854.. 1855.. 1856 .. 1857 .. 1858.. 1859 .. 1860 .. 1861 .. 1862.. 1863 . 1864 .. 1865. 1866. 1867 .. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. I STL' 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883 . 1884. 1885. 1890.. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899 283 305 305 310 315 305 314 342 36 1 405 443 453 477 478 486 508 544 446 479 512 590 594 676 761 791 770 880 1,008 1,065 1,222 1,255 1,351 1,374 1,398 1,387 1,470 1,631 1,902 2,376 2,785 3,358 2,492 1,697 1,589 1,552 1,994 2,840 3,592 5,633 7,055 6,870 8,304 6,674 4,249 3,918 3,796 4,513 3,944 4,472 5,981 7,165 8,619 9,290 8,818 9,910 11,353 13,565 14,259 11,516 12,557 12,442 10,511 12,907 10,420 10,775 11,913 10,657 11,588 10,163 9,843 409 440 440 447 455 566 541 549 549 575 594 575 575 549 533 711 700 531 531 531 575 585 629 779 768 786 761 943 918 1,047 969 1,020 982 1,007 974 996 985 1,028 1,241 1,449 1,467 1,547 1,469 1,239 1,064 833 1,000 1,062 1,126 1,240 1,342 1,449 1,593 1,771 1,920 2,186 2,173 2,310 2,173 2,097 1,688 1,336 1,126 1,007 1,074 1,074 1,043 1,153 1,261 1,492 2,328 2,536 2,389 2,372 2,199 2,242 2,055 2,244 2.237 2,071) 189 203 203 207 210 203 209 228 243 270 296 302 318 319 324 339 363 297 319 341 394 396 451 508 527 513 586 672 nn 815 837 900 916 932 925 980 1.087 1.268 1,584 1,857 2,239 1.662 1,131 1,060 1,034 1,330 1,893 2,395 3,312 4,151 4,061 4,999 4,114 2,750 2,477 2,392 2,724 2.356 2,697 3.616 4,632 5,440 6,424 6.(163 6,814 7,340 8.556 9,182 7,770 8,467 8,021 6,524 8,141 6,321 6,733 7,967 7,130 7,506 6.498 6,343 100 107 107 109 111 138 132 134 134 140 145 140 140 134 130 173 171 129 129 129 140 143 153 190 187 192 186 230 224 255 236 249 239 245 237 243 240 251 303 353 358 377 358 302 259 203 244 259 275 302 327 353 3X8 432 168 533 530 563 530 511 411 326 275 245 262 262 254 281 307 364 567 618 582 578 536 547 501 547 545 505 472 509 509 517 525 509 523 569 607 676 739 755 795 797 810 847 'JOT 743 798 853 990 1,127 1,269 1,318 1,283 1,466 1,6X0 1,775 2,037 2,092 2,251 2,291 2,330 2 312 2,449 2,718 3,171 3,961 4,642 5,596 4,154 2,829 2,649 2,586 3,324 4,733 5,987 8,875 11,116 10,836 13,075 10,508 6,6X0 6.162 5.974 7,105 6,079 7,045 9,417 11,272 13,559 14,589 13,841 lo, b55 17,858 21,338 22.416 18.093 19,725 19,544 16,312 20,311 16,171 16,741 18,641 16,560 18,103 15,826 15.390 228 280 320 233 214 132 221 124 181 525 501 1,125 1,040 1,169 835 783 1,025 1,194 1,299 ' 919 722 737 570 767 1,239 1,227 991 835 796 o o o o o 120 74 74 51 52 102 157 101 94 508 548 548 557 566 704 673 6X3 683 716 739 716 716 683 663 884 871 661 661 661 716 72X 783 968 956 977 947 1,173 1,141 1,302 1.205 1,268 1 222 1,252 1,211 1,238 1,226 1,279 1,543 1,802 1,824 1,924 1,827 1,541 1,324 1,036 1,244 1.321 1,401 1,543 1,670 1,802 1,981 2.203 2.3XX 2,719 2,702 2,873 2,703 2,608 2,099 1,662 1,401 1,252 1,336 1,33,6 1,297 1,434 1,56,8 1,855 2,895 3,155 2,971 2,951 2,735 2,789 2.556 2,791 2,783 2,575 See footnote on page 358. 358 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B8. — Private Residential Capital, by Tenure Group and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation — Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Tenure group Type of equipment and structures Year Owner-occupied Tenant-occupied Equipment Nonfarm structures Farm structures Nonfarm Farm Nonfarm Farm l-to-4-unit ■5-or- more-unit Mobile homes Other' l-to-4-unit Mobile homes 1900 7,051 9,577 s,s:i>- 9,054 10,529 15,611 14,437 12,491 12,969 14,853 11,707 11,547 12,369 12,700 12,135 12.733 12,845 7,313 3,647 8,355 5,689 11,366 18,836 21,471 25,057 26,467 25,637 23,543 22,410 16,766 10,898 9,271 5,127 4.307 5,417 8,177 10,995 11,482 11,740 15,371 16,895 19,680 9,766 5,079 4,878 6,770 35,495 46,544 56,628 49,833 69,991 60,664 58,476 60,544 65,908 77,767 70,796 66,238 72,512 77,173 71,554 67,052 69,804 75,724 76,398 76,310 69,021 69,374 77,071 72,552 70,275 96,235 113,320 111,419 91,643 79,500 101,042 119,828 123,102 86,051 58,059 55, 134 38.247 111.172 88,853 94,006 2,085 2,141 2,119 1,980 1,996 1,817 1,732 1,617 1,646 1,659 1,742 1,696 1,797 1,860 1,847 1,689 2.256 2,503 2,133 2,511 1,867 1,014 1,144 1,210 1,153 1,236 1,180 1,396 1,358 1,298 1,012 605 313 410 465 788 972 1,157 899 1,211 1,607 1,839 1,268 1,047 870 781 1,859 2,394 2,989 2,970 2,855 2,111 1,867 1,842 1,650 1,273 1,445 1,384 1,341 1,504 1,296 1,901 1,671 1,765 1,914 1,715 2,019 2,129 2,044 1,917 1,803 1,983 2,309 1,854 3.234 2,513 2,399 3,146 2,864 1,895 2,615 1,962 1,965 1,398 2,352 1,973 4,425 6,484 5,883 6,114 7,065 11,157 10,107 8,596 8,932 10,680 8,432 8,326 9,071 9,326 9,253 10,040 9,879 5,216 2,212 6,067 4,090 8,302 15,054 18,355 21,488 24,230 24,910 24,025 21,990 15,222 7,719 6,826 3,027 2,149 2,568 4,376- 7,003 7,698 7,862 10,810 11,299 10,751 4,485 2,065 1,367 1,479 5,868 7,822 10,040 9,822 12,282 9,310 9,074 9.595 10.181 11,635 10,953 11,343 14,845 17,519 16,523 211,517 24,951 29.666 30,469 29,904 27,066 25,460 33,101 37,486 34,328 40,204 48,215 42,337 27,779 23,839 26,524 32,251 37,614 83,338 76.905 67,647 65,675 25,769 78,828 78,983 508 522 516 483 487 443 422 394 401 404 425 414 438 453 450 412 550 610 520 612 455 247 279 295 281 301 288 340 331 268 176 107 47 60 56 79 97 • 116 90 121 162 186 130 107 88 76 283 316 367 350 320 309 281 278 257 223 239 231 222 231 196 108 108 109 111 95 99 97 104 77 66 77 95 91 155 86 86 102 101 75 45 44 57 59 49 34 I) 41 39 42 54 67 55 53 55 81 99 99 99 134 99 107 126 133 139 152 157 145 167 146 139 101 113 139 170 199 213 186 209 242 294 191 81 53 86 308 473 490 459 579 535 532 560 577 657 728 729 774 928 871 873 925 1,030 1.104 1,236 1,260 1,290 1,541 1,769 1,929 2,177 2,612 2,937 2,994 2,789 2,939 3,226 3,411 3,607 3,514 3,458 3,277 3,635 4,039 4,353 10,899 14,956 13,720 14,010 16,267 24,651 22,813 19,623 20,343 23.484 18,355 18,103 19,506 20,040 19,108 20,113 20,266 11,278 5,452 13,086 8,831 17,871 30,135 34.608 40,453 42.680 41.199 37,561 35,546 26,073 16,452 14,362 7,740 6,052 7,630 11,888 16,470 17,353 18,012 23,810 26,309 28,377 13,127 6,355 5,788 7,758 37,999 49,461 59,210 53,868 76,728 65,255 64,280 66,523 72,473 85,475 77,533 72,298 78,979 84,102 78,189 75,126 77,656 83,824 84,229 84,116 76,119 76.596 84,075 78,016 73,154 96,774 110,803 101,172 83,968 85,541 109,379 129,830 135,986 141,061 109,497 97.882 81,156 107,075 132,867 136.931 576 1,106 1,002 1,158 1,327 2,118 1,731 1,464 1,517 2,011 1,743 1,715 1,866 1.931 2,228 2,605 2,378 1,151 307 1,238 815 1,698 3,649 5,092 5,959 7,877 9,196 9,849 8,708 5,748 2,018 1,596 313 291 216 494 1,330 1,614 1,404 2,162 1,642 1.760 934 708 405 405 2.956 4,232 6,730 5,209 4,824 4,031 2,490 2,802 2.762 2,817 2,813 3,823 6,907 8,876 8,246 10,830 15,202 19,284 19,828 18,791 16,397 14.313 20.823 25,529 25,020 31,352 40,342 41,453 26,970 11,275 10,705 13,603 15,624 18,970 17,273 16,892 14,914 20,177 24,599 25.745 1) I) I) 100 202 238 120 143 153 248 254 277 454 675 731 696 786 771 771 973 1.252 1,706 2.071 2,311 2,634 3,733 4,724 4,500 6,135 7,777 8,193 5,490 3,734 4,544 5,420 5,695 5,752 4,680 4,850 4,575 6,055 6,176 5,960 89 293 392 274 385 204 387 282 274 282 237 343 370 278 294 235 333 311 182 255 350 417 742 743 829 1,170 1,346 1,094 858 775 642 253 175 152 182 207 231 277 250 305 294 277 142 36 60 88 293 210 237 281 257 264 249 357 394 441 565 631 803 853 829 1,121 1,840 1,582 1,957 2,158 2,014 1,593 1,312 994 648 438 266 307 238 396 214 93 138 71 96 189 238 293 344 313 2,593 2.662 2.635 2,462 2,483 2,260 2,155 2,011 2,047 2,064 2,166 2,110 2.236 2,313 2,297 2,101 2,806 3,114 2,652 3,123 2,322 1,262 1,422 1,505 1,434 1,538 1,467 1.736 1,689 1,566 1,188 712 360 470 521 867 1,069 1,274 990 1,333 1,769 2,025 1,398 1,155 958 857 2,136 2,703 3,346 3,316 3,169 2,415 2,139 2,110 1,897 1,481 1,660 1,595 1,540 1,707 1,467 1,991 1,750 1,842 1,974 1,754 2.057 2.162 2.047 1,878 1,745 1,890 2,149 1,621 2,971 2.314 2,201 2,905 2,698 1,723 2,358 1,740 1,766 1,208 2,147 1,751 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 I) 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916. ... 1917 1918 1919 1920. .. 1921 1922. ... 1923 . .. 1924 1925 1926 1927 . .. 1929 1930 I) 1931 1932 ... 1933... 1934 1935 1936 .. 11 1937 1938 . .. (I 1939 (I 1940 I) 1941 ... 194 ' 1943 194 1 1945 1946 ! 1947 ... . 8 1948 10 1949 . ... 1950 6 1951 6 1952 . .. 8 1953. .. 11 1954 10 1955 1956 15 23 1957 . . 20 1958 . 24 1959 . . 28 I960 26 1961 19 1962 28 1963 32 1964 51 1965 56 1966 61 1967 65 1968 100 1969 116 1970 124 1971 . 170 1972 255 1973 324 1974 418 1975 285 1976 283 1977 343 1978 266 1979 247 1980 301 19S1 266 1982 256 1983 249 19X4 254 1985 256 1. Consists of dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, nurses' homes, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 359 Table B9. — Private Residential Capital, by Tenure Group and Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of dollars] Tenure group Type of equipment and structures Year Owner-occupied Tenant-occupied Equipment Nonfarm structures Farm structures Nonfarm Farm Nonfarm Farm l-to-4-unit 5-or- more-unit Mobile homes Other' l-to-4-unit Mobile homes 1820 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 20 22 23 24 25 29 32 34 37 40 43 45 48 50 53 61 71 82 91 109 82 58 66 76 129 164 209 318 385 358 433 353 223 200 175 203 158 178 229 297 374 433 411 411 471 600 619 486 535 535 430 520 414 416 456 411 439 396 415 11 11 11 11 11 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 23 23 26 25 30 29 31 31 32 32 35 35 36 37 39 43 47 47 51 50 51 52 54 58 62 64 68 71 76 85 94 99 102 99 94 88 81 71 59 53 47 45 45 47 51 54 64 101 105 97 96 86 87 80 86 88 88 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 19 21 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 41 48 54 61 72 54 38 44 51 86 111) 141) 189 228 214 263 220 146 127 112 124 96 109 140 194 239 302 285 285 307 382 403 332 365 349 271 331 255 263 308 279 287 257 271 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6. 6 6 7 7 8 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 21 23 24 25 24 23 21 20 17 14 13 12 11 11 11 12 13 16 25 26 24 23 21 21 20 21 22 22 I) 1) 1) 1) [) 1) I) I) I) 1) 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 29 31 33 34 36 38 40 42 48 53 56 61 66 71 75 80 84 89 102 119 136 152 181 136 96 110 127 215 274 349 503 608 567 684 558 352 315 277 321 245 282 362 469 591 682 647 647 743 947 977 767 844 844 671 821 646 649 716 642 688 620 652 I) I) I) I) (1 1) 1) 1) 4 5 5 12 15 17 12 10 6 9 5 7 22 22 53 49 49 35 35 45 51 56 40 30 30 23 30 48 48 38 33 34 I) 5 3 3 2 2 4 6 4 4 14 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 29 29 32 31 37 36 39 38 40 40 43 44 45 46 48 53 59 59 63 62 64 65 67 72 77 80 85 88 95 106 117 123 127 123 117 109 101 88 73 66 59 56 56 58 63 67 80 126 131 121 119 107 108 1110 107 110 110 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 ... 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 . .. 1800 1867 . . 1868 1809 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 ., 1881 1882 lxx:i lxx-l 18X5 ISM. IxxT lSKf 1889 1890 1891 1892 . 1893 . I) 1*9-1 189 . 1896 1- i" 1898 1899 See footnote on page 360. 360 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B9.— Private Residential Capital, by Tenure Group and Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation— Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Tenure group Owner-occupied Nonfarm Tenant-occupied Type of equipment and structures Equipment Nonfarm structures o-or- more-unit Mobile homes Other Farm structures Mobile homes 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 191s 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 19711 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 313 418 400 423 484 757 775 699 700 832 682 664 727 721 694 748 800 531 313 839 736 1,182 1,810 2,321 2,670 2,78(1 2,717 2,464 2,347 1,829 1,159 900 400 326 456 684 969 1,132 1,201 1,583 1,810 2,305 1,217 680 705 1,044 5,982 9.463 12,449 11,214 16.344 15,042 15,044 15,704 17,181 20,812 19,559 18,348 20,079 21,407 19,957 18,755 19,620 21,207 21,599 21,953 20,526 21,225 24,837 25,726 25,648 36,801 45,534 48.392 43.472 42.791 58,183 77 226 89,247 91,492 77.776 78,919 69.922 112.018 127.297 133,304 94 199 95 287 97 269 94 290 93 329 89 547 94 547 92 486 90 496 94 615 103 509 99 496 107 553 107 550 107 547 100 611 142 640 185 409 187 221 256 647 245 580 107 904 111 1.490 132 2,039 124 2,349 131 2,614 126 2,715 148 2,597 144 2,377 142 1,743 108 887 58 716 24 267 31 198 39 261 65 421 84 685 111 829 90 863 121 1,184 167 1,286 209 1,351 154 623 137 304 124 216 119 258 371 1,128 560 1,822 737 2,480 723 2,429 695 3,113 585 2,564 508 2,563 490 2,725 440 2,888 355 3,362 403 3,274 379 3,386 366 4,368 413 5,169 356 4,891 513 5,993 455 7,265 483 8.582 535 8,879 490 8,872 598 8,314 656 8,050 673 . 10,940 697 13,515 688 13,069 784 16,508 962 20,998 843 20,645 1,633 16,160 1,388 13,260 1.412 15,723 2,045 21,087 2,067 27,416 1.524 46,263 2,311 42,939 1,876 39,952 1.965 33.887 1,432 27.907 2.505 51,247 2.142 53,706 24 26 26 26 24 35 45 46 62 60 26 27 32 30 32 31 36 35 30 19 11 4 7 9 12 9 13 18 22 16 15 13 12 49 66 84 81 76 79 73 73 68 61 67 65 63 66 56 31 31 31 32 28 30 30 34 28 25 31 40 42 78 47 50 67 74 62 41 43 57 60 51 35 35 40 51 60 72 80 70 77 87 113 82 35 24 44 177 301 330 299 375 371 368 386 391 432 458 455 476 570 529 521 540 592 628 687 692 711 866 1,010 1.121 1.278 1,536 1,739 1,881 1,919 2,122 2,397 2,654 2,965 3,085 3,261 3.277 3.726 4,172 4,466 486 656 623 658 751 1,200 1,228 1,102 1,102 1,320 1,074 1,045 1,150 1,142 1,096 1,186 1,267 823 471 1,319 1,147 1,866 2,903 3,749 4,319 4,492 4,375 3,943 3,733 2,856 1,759 1,400 607 461 647 1,002 1,461 1,718 1,848 2,463 2,830 3,335 1,641 853 838 1,196 6,394 10.067 13.122 12,114 17,854 16,205 16,394 17,109 18,743 22,649 21,095 19,695 21,570 23.014 21,516 20,7 Vd 21,532 23,191 23,460 23,796 22,266 23,065 26,630 27,073 26,372 37,063 44,939 44,828 41,469 45,761 62,634 83,271 98.238 114.396 97,755 94,521 81,043 109,490 141,904 148,614 26 49 46 55 62 104 94 83 - 83 114 103 100 111 111 129 155 150 85 27 126 107 179 354 555 640 835 984 1,044 923 638 220 158 25 23 19 43 121 163 146 227 179 207 117 96 59 62 459 757 1,285 1.133 1,107 896 630 716 708 737 756 1.039 1,900 2,450 2,290 3,019 4,265 5,384 5,559 5,344 4,826 4,319 6.601 8,881 8,969 11,900 16,238 18,250 13,181 6,015 6,119 8,732 11,324 15,493 15,536 16,395 14,914 20,600 26.236 27,869 (I 80 160 192 97 121 134 215 217 227 356 524 545 500 542 512 498 548 622 831 998 1,056 1,180 1,680 2,277 2,254 3,067 3,819 4,219 3,102 2,356 3,031 3,913 4,447 4,901 4,338 4,694 4,575 6,109 6,232 6,061 4 13 18 13 18 10 21 16 15 16 14 20 22 16 17 14 21 23 16 26 46 44 72 81 89 124 144 116 91 86 14 12 16 18 21 28 26 32 32 33 18 5 9 14 51 44 54 65 61 67 65 94 104 119 157 176 224 238 233 315 519 443 550 615 594 481 416 346 232 166 107 135 116 210 122 60 100 58 184 238 299 367 338 117 118 121 117 116 111 117 114 112 117 128 123 133 133 133 125 177 230 233 318 305 133 138 164 154 163 157 184 179 172 127 69 28 36 44 72 93 123 99 134 185 231 170 152 137 131 416 620 813 800 766 659 574 554 500 404 452 429 412 460 395 532 470 498 542 491 600 657 662 669 651 730 877 718 1,475 1.255 1,273 1,864 1,933 1,375 2,073 1,661 1,766 1,241 2,300 1,917 9 8 12 18 15 17 19 17 12 16 16 25 27 28 29 45 56 62 85 125 167 236 180 189 248 208 211 279 258 256 251 256 260 1 Consists of dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, nurses' homes, etc. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 361 Table BIO. — Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Constant-Cost Valuation (Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Year Total Motor vehicles 1 Furniture and household equipment Furniture, including mattresses and bedsprings Kitchen and other household appliances- China, glassware, tableware, and utensils Other durable house furnish- ings 3 Radio and television receivers, records, and musical instruments Jewelry and watches Ophthalmic products and orthopedic appliances Books and maps Wheel goods, durable toys, sports equip- ment, boats, and pleasure aircraft 1900. 1901. 1902 1904 .. 1905.. 1906 1907.. 1908.. 1909.. 1910.. !■'.! 1912 . 1913.. 191 i 1915.. 1916 1917.. 1918.. 1919.. 1920.. 1921.. 1922.. 1923.. 1924 .. 1925.. 1926 1927. 1928 1929.. 1930.. 1931 .. 1932.. 1933.. 1934.. 1935.. 1936.. 1937.. 1938.. 1939.. 194(1 „ 1941.. 1942.. 1943.. 1944.. 1945.. 194(i.. 1947.. 1948.. 1949.. 1950.. 1951.. 1952.. 1953. 1954 .. 1955.. 1956.. 1957.. 1958.. 1959.. I960.. 1961.. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968 1969. 1970.. 1971., 1972.. 1973.. 1974., 1975.. 1976.. 1977.. 1978. 1979. 19811 1981. 1982. 1983. 1984. 1985. 3,417 4,987 5.316 12,862 12,706 14,670 16,246 15,175 12,893 15,806 16,321 15.828 16,405 16.480 15,028 14,860 16,995 16,691 16,558 2,139 19,813 3,894 23,226 3,424 20,692 5,391 19,647 5,049 25,065 7,798 25,915 8,153 28,138 8,656 30,879 10,312 30,256 9,267 31,236 9,774 33,724 11,265 27.744 8,983 24,411 6,800 19,877 5,417 19,587 6,530 20.197 6,060 23,106 7,219 27,475 8,096 29,319 8,682 24.547 5,695 29,332 8,512 33,522 10,917 38,264 11,993 23,377 405 20,916 423 19,812 486 21,954 479 III, 9 i3 7,005 50,662 14,532 54,697 17,046 60,508 24,176 70,307 29,296 65,605 25,456 62,401 21.916 65,190 23,220 70,831 28,577 82,656 35,276 84.403 34,798 81,126 32,768 75,278 27,542 82,509 31.307 83,800 33,146 82,384 31,618 91,012 36,877 100,060 42,175 108,087 43,466 122,919 52,403 131.292 51,361 134.466 51,335 149,063 59,160 153,295 59,326 149,921 54,621 166,099 65.845 181,354 67,857 205,343 77,567 191.024 63,689 193,496 64,750 218,811 76,072 239,980 82,816 254,295 85,349 254,959 84,094 234,129 75,884 235,203 74,315 241,313 78.424 273,828 93,536 305.536 104,473 331,470 114.052 123 157 143 194 183 1 11 150 471 352 268 164 200 300 373 178 185 332 156 480 631 26 . 28 32 45 1,305 1,260 1,360 1,111 1,520 1,539 1,481 1,486 1,220 1,749 1,900 1,604 1,383 1,505 1.670 1,548 1.936 2,190 2,497 3,043 3,638 3,962 5,201 6,124 5,846 7,934 10,942 13,613 12,189 13,657 19,397 23,728 26,674 22,933 15,349 15,700 18,347 23,496 27,421 30,1)24 3,417 3,822 4,021 4,192 4,246 4,746 5,339 4.642 3,892 5,010 1.869 4.295 4.225 3.998 3,774 3,596 4.478 4,864 4,228 4,681 5,999 5,052 4.603 5.012 6,086 6,077 6,322 6,665 6,421 6,271 5,048 4,866 3,8116 3,355 3,433 4,537 5,592 5,572 5,086 5,944 6,556 7,397 6,104 4,960 4,379 4,611 6,629 7,229 7,428 7,442 8,378 7,892 8.504 9,107 9,343 10,768 11,155 10,599 10,557 11,272 11,170 11.056 11,778 12,624 14,117 14,866 15,677 15,615 16,180 16,374 15,967 16,609 18,537 20,252 19.809 18.789 19,881 22,219 23,524 24.688 23,404 23,241 21,780 23,396 25,592 25.817 421 457 442 409 484 569 529 461 538 549 563 665 609 534 593 720 877 811 847 1,212 776 771 960 l.ooo 1.140 1.271 1,309 1.207 1,267 1,161 1,055 741 935 1,174 1,419 1,667 1,854 1,555 1,712 2,025 2,527 1,533 198 276 549 2.729 4,357 4,511 4,198 5,375 4,941 4,879 5,143 5,301) 6,052 6,733 6,803 6,702 7,151 7,044 7,186 7,412 7,896 8,620 8,870 9,852 10,189 11,228 12,000 12,485 13,392 15,091 16,597 16,480 15,187 15.643 16.691) 17,458 18,402 18,462 18,629 17,802 19,135 21,093 22,883 2,492 2,638 3,314 3,739 3,658 2,897 3,289 3,743 1.07 J 1.249 4,443 4,126 4,126 4,607 4,580 :: 242 3 199 4,253 2.949 2,504 3,41)8 2.752 3,656 4,219 3.790 4.404 4.518 3,274 3,516 3,561 3,279 3,28 5 3,015 3,591 4,023 3,688 3,711 3,984 4,756 4,446 3,687 3,439 4,124 6,5118 6,807 7,174 6,688 6,935 6,750 6,434 6,51)8 6,460 6,739 6,439 5,891 5,619 5,784 5,592 5,575 5,755 5,689 6,250 6,974 7,890 8,452 8.524 8.384 8,545 8,939 9,774 9,565 8,995 9,599 10,369 10,797 10,933 10,622 10,466 10,394 10,985 11.997 12.456 o 2,985 2,736 2,969 3,272 3,043 2,713 3,356 3,487 3.277 3.428 3.462 3,223 3,179 3,361 2,903 2.609 2,812 3,947 2,894 3,157 3,895 3,770 4,154 4,031 1,248 4,504 4,803 4,146 3,915 3,267 2,682 2,894 3.085 4.054 3.969 3.687 4,127 4,309 4,856 4,538 4.388 3.994 4.051 5,827 6,141 6,804 6,782 7,557 7,523 7,029 6,848 6,413 7,246 7,579 7,725 7,654 8,259 8,153 8,292 8,942 9,821 11.164 12.116 13,151 13,556 14.491 I 1 625 14.210 14.594 15.986 18,187 18.692 18,250 19,433 21 I.." i 22,584 23,682 22,850 22,396 21,517 23,731 25,850 26,434 153 175 187 132 162 165 185 215 231 215 211 274 306 273 366 430 307 316 340 388 400 117 416 190 567 675 498 380 303 333 366 494 559 510 657 764 912 797 501 358 397 1,271 1 .292 1.259 1.378 2.002 1.872 2.146 2.447 2.732 3,029 3,097 2,872 2,806 3,168 3,149 3 366 3 666 4,066 4,802 5,846 7,487 8,466 9,158 9,643 10,292 10.691) 12,012 1.3,459 14.007 15,083 16,384 17,328 18,365 19,882 20,551 22.230 24,700 29,062 33,491 39,578 744 837 863 848 1.010 1.292 1.297 1,055 1,527 1.614 1,614 1.603 1,547 1,204 1,139 1,490 1,048 771 1,506 1,330 1,005 1,064 1.209 1,281 1,489 1,620 1 .665 1 .636 1,687 1,556 1, ) 817 559 664 813 870 1,124 1,168 1,239 1,350 1.595 1,719 : 165 2.042 2,358 2,9.39 2.697 2,741 2,604 2,725 2.741 2.988 3.045 3,306 3.639 3,759 3,829 3,916 I 08 , 4,055 3,992 4,279 4,501 4,759 5,458 6,784 7,250 7,770 7,719 7,740 8,184 8,667 10,514 11,573 12,495 14,695 16,182 17,342 17,006 15,756 16,5011 16,806 17,943 19,759 21,250 o o .'111, 223 276 350 381 503 842 192 579 454 407 476 423 416 122 473 430 465 475 119 350 361 186 511 551 647 616 664 713 866 977 1.129 1.198 1.238 1.375 1,338 1,386 1,410 1,500 1606 1,686 1 7^_' 1,776 1,741 1,899 1.877 1,831 2,126 2.021 1.977 2.373 2,490 2,652, 2,829 3,078 2,746 3.088 3,427 3,715 3,548 3,897 4,152 4,196 1,236 4,340 4,354 4.778 5.197 5,205 5,223 5,541 5,725 6,296 6,590 o 1,084 1.077 1,150 1,060 1,011 1,071 1.231 1.154 1.U99 1,161 1,282 1,121 1,172 1,128 1,132 1,082 1,143 1,359 1,372 1,240 1,245 1,409 1,405 1.46 , 1,710 1,667 1,813 1,606 1,618 1,020 1,070 1,169 1,296 1,462 1,671 1,500 1,523 1,577 1,695 1,934 2,272 2,707 3,017 3.283 2,747 2,764 2,788 2,943 3,315 3,164 3,192 3.064 3.238 3,511 3,380 3,299 3,456 3,542 3,677 3,822 4,137 4,617 4,673 5,135 5,0,34 5,231 5,753 6,986 6,776 6,51 1 6,578 6,475 6,713 6,423 I, 69;", 7,094 7,078 6,970 6,927 6,578 6.649 7,070 6,693, Mi] 751 844 800 807 672 692 740 723 ..on 684 554 494 .,56 478 559 573 692 492 413 566 509 7, ,3 588 570 553 598 168 455 37,7, 313 399 469 621 733 710 787 847 1,036 898 866 903 1,086 2,081 2,262 2,222 1,931 2,074 1,970 2.173 2,413 2,640 3,179 3,534 . 3,777 3,938 4,399 4.258 4.100 4,170 4,471 5,140 5,843 7,239 8.058 9.104 9.779 9.675 9,984 12,914 14,649 14,348 15,242 16,945 18,468 20.330 21,065 19,076 19,577 19,425 20,170 22,495 25,694 1 Includes tires, tubes, accessories, and other parts. 2. Consists of refrigerators and freezers, cooking ranges, dishwashers, laundry equipment, stoves, air conditioners, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, and other appliances. 3,. Includes such house furnishings as floor coverings, comforters, quilts, blankets, pillows, pic- ture frames, mirrors, art products, portable lamps, and clocks. Also includes writing equipment and hand, power, and garden tools. 362 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table Bll.— Durable Goods Owned by Consumers, by Type of Goods, Historical-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of dollars] Year Total Motor vehicles 1 Other Furniture and household equipment Furniture, including mattresses and bedsprings Kitchen and other household appliances* China, glassware, tableware, and utensils Other durable house furnish- ings 3 Radio and television receivers, records, and musical instruments Other Jewelry and watches Ophthalmic products and orthopedic appliances Books and maps Wheel goods, durable toys, sports equip- ment, boats, and pleasure aircraft 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 mow 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 ] 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 196 462 513 1,224 1,214 1,512 1,736 1,752 1,376 1,662 1,762 1,834 2,015 2.140 1,925 1,904 2,481 2.963 3,930 5,534 6,628 6,009 5,587 7,148 7,282 7,938 8,451 8,214 8,525 9,293 7,465 5,738 4,139 4,082 4,388 5,011 5,951 6,610 5,465 6,597 7,760 9.550 6,328 5.962 6.074 7,189 14,267 19,239 21,704 24,701 29,601 20, is,'! 29,275 32,694 33,7X7 38.342 38,597 39,421 37,289 41,576 42,473 41,417 46,253 51,478 55,029 62,288 64,939 69,554 79,195 82,9X4 83.072 93,9X6 104,034 119,305 118,124 129,119 152,542 174,073 195.626 209,595 209,044 224.994 23X.935 273,378 312,462 347,785 I) 676 1,422 1,436 1,984 1,5X3 2,300 2,259 2.495 2,774 2,525 2.733 3.240 2,425 1,803 1,427 1,660 1,518 1,741 1,922 2,062 1,379 2,044 2,696 3,214 145 164 112 147 2,197 4,867 0,227 9,698 11,891 10,757 10,601 13,123 14,043 16,395 15,256 16,115 14,121 16,745 17,727 16,425 19.5X5 22.X09 22,725 27,034 21,6x5 26,682 31,346 31,638 29,853 36.56!) 37,965 43,384 37,118 40,466 50.157 57,506 64,137 68,038 65,796 70,317 76,662 90,467 106,630 124,491 ii o o o o II II I) 28 39 39 47 45 36 38 125 91 65 38 42 65 XII 103 106 77 103 108 151 9 11 16 387 440 518 456 589 644 642 662 573 768 873 785 605 786 840 779 993 1,129 1,295 1.553 1,828 2,012 2,704 3,230 3,155 4,442 6,109 7,623 7,170 8,694 13,161 16,932 20,413 18,864 13,576 14,618 17,731 23,398 28,274 32.232 196 228 240 269 275 310 367 356 294 370 390 410 444 477 448 427 547 605 663 936 1,227 1,062 991 1,113 1,248 1,264 1,277 1,313 1,252 1,204 939 798 510 403 515 607 850 925 820 951 1,062 1,324 1,288 1,245 1,318 1,503 2,254 2,559 2,793 2,709 3,100 3,259 3,521 3,761 3,877 4,437 4,663 4,537 4,518 4,824 4,792 4,798 5,135 5,529 6,183 6,556 7.0X0 7.323 7,977 8,531 8,654 9,284 10,529 11,908 12,638 12,945 14,195 16,464 18,325 20,516 21,087 22,288 21,780 24,005 26,794 27,754 87 97 98 91 108 132 132 109 125 135 151 190 184 162 170 230 316 357 410 617 414 429 558 601 600 732 742 677 702 614 516 314 373 173 562 670 773 650 707 1,059 739 266 157 331 1,640 2,880 3,149 2,846 3,596 3,543 3,498 3,062 3,715 4,103 4,356 4,340 4,169 4,441 4,311 4,304 4,343 4,532 4,896 4,923 5,309 5,563 6,254 6,840 7,291 7,981 9,039 9,942 10,383 10,631 11,560 12,785 14,054 15,623 16,450 17,567 17,802 19,709 21,768 23.089 196 198 234 264 260 202 222 240 253 262 280 271 271 348 477 426 406 595 431 375 521 417 552 616 542 621 628 442 429 406 364 404 407 456 515 472 475 510 623 658 612 643 800 1,256 1,341 1,442 1,391 1,498 1,593 1,557 1,614 1,628 1,732 1,790 1,726 1,697 1,741 1,739 1,756 1,859 1,900 2,125 2,371 2,738 2,947 3,254 3,418 3,471 3,640 3,978 4,594 5,079 5.580 6,345 7,134 7,882 8,626 9,262 10,037 10,394 11,183 12,237 12,755 260 249 267 316 311 250 313 333 333 356 375 342 332 443 551 650 719 1,014 748 820 1,018 983 1,080 1,044 1,079 1,108 1,148 937 783 562 472 573 617 827 885 800 008 991 1,214 1,266 1,369 1,398 1,519 2,185 2,444 2,742 2,679 3,121 3,468 3,156 3,109 2,905 3,326 3,600 3,770 3,766 4,088 "4,150 4,262 4,596 5.058 5,783 6,252 6.865 7,239 7,912 8,044 7,901 8,114 8,952 10,330 11,477 12,027 1.3.467 15,213 16,938 18,756 19,765 21,075 21,517 24,372 27,142 28,443 138 158 171 123 149 151 170 199 219 192 189 244 282 302 490 587 429 448 539 682 731 8:i7 793 940 1,020 928 482 270 196 231 250 335 388 342 423 612 639 406 313 347 1,124 1,408 1,461 1,688 2,439 2.258 2,378 2,626 2,773 2,920 2,991 2,877 2,865 3,079 3,061 3,221 3,413 3,733 4,341 5,138 6,326 7,086 7,665 8.1152 8,980 10,126 11,360 12,186 13,590 14,958 15.855 17,079 18,967 20,037 22,185 24,700 28,393 31,515 35.382 147 167 171 171 204 246 257 183 249 264 264 272 279 219 204 315 311 278 570 527 417 450 519 513 542 554 561 548 565 518 331 254 174 200 235 267 336 326 358 413 555 729 944 1,013 1,193 1,440 1,408 1,387 1,310 1,330 1,431 1,551 1,595 1,676 1,790 1,861 1,865 1,898 1,969 1,951 1,920 2,063 2,179 2,446 2,724 3,229 3,495 3,862 4,053 4,133 4,452 4,828 6,067 7,060 8,172 9,934 11,085 12,521 13,401 15,520 16,896 16,806 18,176 20,154 21,463 35 41 51 66 78 120 234 139 166 132 120 140 123 117 116 130 120 131 133 117 93 92 124 131 140 165 157 172 186 227 258 307 333 349 396 400 431 454 486 546 580 604 595 592 655 674 663 778 758 767 935 986 1,064 1,157 1,296 1,211 1,408 1,628 1,861 1,884 2,151 2,375 2,568 2,862 3,042 3,231 3,727 4,272 4,669 4,998 5,541 5,948 6,743 7,321 73 76 80 79 80 76 89 85 92 103 120 106 114 119 140 154 186 220 221 198 201 236 243 249 289 285 310 265 254 154 153 166 184 209 244 222 227 235 256 292 368 452 522 591 533 586 630 677 779 791 833 809 871 955 987 1,026 1,092 1,144 1,217 1,292 1,419 1,621 1,659 1,854 1,863 2,024 2,318 2,934 2,988 2,956 3,066 3,205 3,585 3,591 4,091 4,774 5,174 5,618 6,199 6,578 7,214 7,855 8,005 157 154 171 174 185 139 145 158 161 154 165 134 122 157 161 190 196 239 171 145 200 181 198 207 204 203 220 173 160 111 93 119 137 172 211 211 229 255 315 307 272 324 402 797 959 969 840 873 904 1.000 1,105 1,193 1,408 1,597 1,745 1,871 2,032 2,001 1,968 2,039 2.204 2,550 2,921 3,663 4,134 4,789 5,232 5,215 5,651 7,400 8,658 9,240 10,562 12,133 13,777 15,776 17,357 17,264 18.813 19.425 20,513 23,350 26,850 1. Includes tires, tubes, accessories, and other parts. 2. Consists of refrigerators and freezers, cooking ranges, dishwashers, laundry equipment, stoves, air conditioners, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, and other appliances. 3. Includes such house furnishings as floor coverings, comforters, quilts, blankets, pillows, pic- ture frames, mirrors, art products, portable lamps, and clocks. Also includes writing equipment and hand, power, and garden tools. FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 363 Table B12. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Federal Total Equipment Excluding military Military Structures Buildings Industrial Education- Hospital Other' Highways and streets Conser- vation and development Other 2 Military facilities 1850 1851 1852 1853 185-1 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 i.m;j 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869. 1870. 1871 1872 1873. 1874 1875 1876 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888. 1889. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895. 1896. 1897 1898 1899 34 65 27 29 61 90 81 139 155 121 56 70 61 73 81 103 94 66 109 124 116 156 185 243 291 342 297 248 180 220 218 247 345 382 356 278 212 294 411 446 502 586 672 697 663 655 769 814 34 65 27 29 61 90 81 139 155 121 56 70 61 73 81 103 94 66 [09 124 116 156 185 243 291 342 297 248 180 220 225 218 247 345 382 356 278 212 294 411 468 446 502 586 672 697 663 655 769 814 56 71 109 131 176 156 121) 100 74 71 65 87 12:! 123 89 89 lis 158 149 149 178 178 158 129 134 136 134 125 I) II II II 16 35 54 58 58 75 75 'is 117 117 100 79 140 152 147 182 234 206 INI I 1 in 98 150 194 236 211 241 269 348 402 390 341 367 364 34 34 n 32 32 29 59 66 63 29 37 61 73 81 88 76 34 56 37 20 42 39 59 61 49 24 27 n II II 24 54 54 49 24 27 59 83 56 83 139 166 166 139 178 269 325 See footnotes on page 366. 364 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B12. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation- Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] Federal Total Equipment Structures Year Total Excluding military Military Total Buildings Highways and streets Conser- vation and development Other 2 Military facilities Industrial Education- al Hospital Other' 1900 798 892 1,155 1,196 1,457 1,581 1,536 1,430 1,582 1,826 1,812 1,713 1,669 1,447 1,509 1,595 1,077 17,597 38,829 15,271 3,880 1,832 1.356 1,768 1,016 1,106 1,092 1,132 1,283 1.794 2,600 3,708 1 990 6,6111 x,;,i;x 10.50X 9,082 8,215 9,242 11,002 1 1,969 72,856 227,228 338,714 331.631) 248,841 Hi- '1 11,024 12.686 IX. 134 19,747 38,352 69,063 66,772 55,101 45,104 40,3116 33.193 34.440 36,952 39.637 43.670 41.91)1 43,544 42.173 40,730 42,346 37.359 36,201 33,994 32,800 32.696 36,999 34,2(11 31,621 36.432 3X.421 39,164 47,074 47.371 47,866 49,272 60,819 59,662 64.587 74,209 II 287 330 386 440 4111 327 344 411 402 412 383 253 248 265 9.033 20.558 4.186 2,089 552 271 4114 144 250 191 227 282 419 652 902 ' 751 1,061 2,xxx 3,372 2,685 2,657 3,557 4,577 4.161 39.322 151,982 300,961 313,752 236,273 12,845 6,703 7,395 11,513 12.115 25.64X 51,893 49,823 40,641) 33,241 29,628 22.6X1 22,984 24,697 26,894 30.033 28.471 30,011 29,188 27,667 29,815 26.795 26,240 25,332 24,631 23,393 27.917 24,117 22,150 26,244 28,604 28,297 35.71)5 36,840 37.0X9 38,769 50,982 49,110 54,683 64,150 (1 I) (1 11 56 500 2,081 1,553 443 77 280 144 84 83 11)7 129 223 340 442 326 600 2,360 2,966 2,370 2,283 2,557 2,648 2,246 7 XX3 30.757 52.500 37,133 21,995 3,300 2,153 2,203 2,302 3,028 4,634 8,107 7,535 5,401 5,379 3,579 2,431 2,341 2,793 4,462 4,308 2,855 4.148 5.470 6.39X 6,863 5,968 5,004 4,544 3,951 3,827 3,577 3,055 2,825 2,715 3,173 4,552 5,934 4.116 4,286 4,189 4.095 4.859 4.493 6,497 287 330 386 440 410 327 344 411 402 412 383 253 248 265 8,976 20,057 2,105 536 109 194 124 167 108 120 153 196 312 460 425 462 528 407 315 374 1,000 1.929 1,918 31,439 121,225 248,460 276,619 214,278 9,545 4,550 5,191 9,211 9,087 21,014 43,786 42,288 35,239 27,862 26,048 20,251 20,642 21,904 22,432 25,724 25,616 25,862 23,718 21,270 22,951 20,827 21,236 20,788 20,6X0 19,566 24,340 21,062 19,325 23,529 25,432 23,745 29,770 32,725 32,803 34,580 46,887 44,251 50,190 57.653 798 892 868 865 1,071 1,141 1,126 1,103 1.238 1,415 1.410 1,302 1,286 1,194 1,261 1,329 1,077 8,565 18,271 11.085 1,791 1,280 1,085 1,365 872 856 901 906 l.ooi 1,375 1.94X 2.807 4.239 5,539 5.680 7,136 6,397 5,558 5,685 6,425 11) Ml.', 33,533 75,246 37,754 17,884 12,568 3,986 4,321 5,291 6,620 7,632 12,704 17,169 16,949 14,461 11,863 10.678 10,511 11,456 12,255 12,743 13.637 13,430 13,533 12,985 13,063 12,532 10,564 9.961 8.662 8,169 9,303 9,082 10,084 9,471 10,188 9,816 11,167 11.369 10,531 10,776 10.502 9,837 10.552 9,904 10.059 1) I) 31 159 28 53 23 136 261 1.822 13,333 32,121 10 121 10,082 6,040 769 487 895 827 1,057 1,011 6.818 7,141 6,223 2,931 1.697 1.708 1.517 1,383 1,530 1,781 1,131 971 809 797 701 817 1,103 1,026 845 988 562 1,011 1,029 974 1,030 1,230 1,252 1,362 1 ,592 1,678 1,566 2,015 1,200 2.169 1) I) 1) I) I) 5 12 25 20 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 22 27 24 229 11 6 58 28 28 19 22 21 28 28 50 72 76 69 64 38 34 56 34 26 35 44 59 128 100 27 9 15 31 53 49 33 22 17 10 9 I) 5 11 24 44 33 17 17 23 22 23 17 23 22 21 22 27 53 48 119 373 633 525 424 367 207 107 68 102 116 ,, 89 145 140 142 144 237 273 324 345 174 167 228 305 346 205 168 187 289 326 389 421 382 423 4X9 409 378 427 444 140 223 223 209 267 290 276 258 285 321 368 258 265 250 216 301 236 221 216 147 49 156 207 495 94 69 178 150 61 245 440 747 1,821 1,313 696 732 880 851 761 591 700 729 514 267 262 304 190 36 73 547 608 311 227 331 376 215 318 267 569 838 951 951 1.433 1.956 2,665 2,829 2,309 1,415 997 537 445 523 617 805 629 725 422 1,460 885 814 775 786 520 708 904 1,069 9 24 26 28 38 57 71 60 63 63 75 77 129 188 236 389 466 508 381 326 298 289 256 195 98 36 39 64 115 163 167 252 221 165 195 255 279 308 301 373 433 362 544 534 618 691 643 610 849 ■ 805 728 619 671 709 705 584 427 469 531 606 550 568 420 708 654 477 506 508 315 327 304 287 367 385 425 502 579 640 598 579 593 654 748 668 432 348 327 376 411 535 519 628 614 646 545 558 637 754 991 1.298 1.580 3.250 3,739 5,353 4,664 3,864 3,695 3,808 3,808 3,642 2,652 2,036 1,124 872 1,429 2,041 2,885 3,572 4,175 3.791 3,558 3.374 2,897 2.516 2,611 2,946 3,279 3,605 3,776 4,443 4,750 4,826 4,927 5,211 5,587 4,845 4,233 3,490 3,766 4,196 4,175 4,354 4,443 4,456 4,528 4,637 5,460 5,013 4,948 4,670 4,119 3,955 3,827 3,447 7 31 69 91 38 67 45 33 38 24 7 9 18 27 88 109 80 83 62 36 51 61 62 76 10X 131 255 317 333 917 128 96 214 178 142 127 134 125 119 100 112 111 121 53 87 170 353 295 372 279 181 173 146 88 84 88 135 180 394 531 401 400 433 408 409 279 271 183 204 203 206 -841 342 1901 342 1902 342 1903 369 1904 437 1905 466 1906 425 1907 342 1908 374 1909 454 1910 444 1911 464 1912 427 1913 291 1914 291 1915 330 1916 339 1917 7,905 1918 17,681 1919 10,471 1920 1,260 1921 527 1922 283 1923 161 1924 85 1925 72 1926 97 1927 108 1928 140 1929 179 1930 293 1931 455 1932 472 1933 468 1934 540 1936 1937 425 322 385 1938 653 1939 1,316 1940 3,929 1941 15.283 1942 39.496 1943 18,345 1944 6,200 1945 5,111 1946 1,197 1947 1,068 1948 745 1949 662 1950 1951 1952 912 3,840 5,828 1954 1955 1956 5,513 4,438 5,695 5,506 1957 5.027 1958 5,455 1959 5,723 1960 5,399 1961 5.419 4,907 1963 4.504 1964 3,421 1965 3,081 1966 2,560 1968 1969 2,364 2,615 2,648 1970 1,967 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 2,316 2,365 2,504 2,255 2,847 2,537 2,422 1978 2,361 1979 2,059 19X11 2,299 1981 1982 19X3 1984 1,955 2,343 2,800 2,825 1985 3.2.W See footnotes on page 366, FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 365 Table B12. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation- Continued [Investment data, millions of 19X2 dollarsl State and local Total Equipment Structures Total Year Buildings Highways and streets Conserva- tion and development Sewer systems Water supply facilities Education- al Hospital Other' Other 2 1X70 .'11 II 214 214 II Ii II II II (1 II 1 X.", 1 214 ixii 214 IS!) 214 IX!) II ii II II II II 1X72 1x73 221 22 1 221 II II II I xr, 1 203 :'.7i; 332 203 37 B 332 530 202. 370 332 .7.(11 II (I II II II II II II II II II 1) II 1) (l (1 II II 1 X.T. "i 1S7B is:,? II lX.'.s 79.", 7.1,", .71.", II II II II II 1x79 : ixr> 3X."j ;ix;, 11 II (1 II II 1) 1XBII 1X!I lX'.l IX! 1 II II II II II ixiu 230 (i 1) 230 (1 II (1 II II (1 11 n II II 1XB2 II isi;:i ii II II (1 II 1) II II II 1XB4 II II II II (1 (1 ll o 1X07 II 1 111 111 II 1) II (1 (1 II lxoo 12" 120 12(1 (1 II II II II o ISI',7 21 Kl 209 II! 1(1 10 II 1" 34 10 1 xox 349 34!) 223 is IX II 30 30 19 ixi;:i .->7 :> ;,7.", 343 33 33 .,., 71 3.", 1x7(1 1127 7i;ii !l|l. I.21!l l.lilil II (127 10, Kit,", !).->(; 3X .",.'( 71 94 3X 3S .",3 71 91 (1 11 o 1) II Oil 79 11.", 79 MM 117 1 .71 40 1x71 7B0 940 1,21!) 1,0(11 ,",9 1X7 J 70 1X7:1 134 II ISO 94 1X74 117 1X7 ri 1 ..72 1 1.304 1.2 III 1.1 !>f. 1 ,.724 1,3(14 1,24(1 l,l!)a son X02 720 S9 07 74 74 S!l X'.l 71 7 1 II II II II IBS II 192 IBS 101 101 117 ix7i; 9 1 i --T 7 13-1 134 1x7s 77 1ST'.) 1.430 l..)i;x 1,430 I.IBX S22 X71 XII 71 Ml '.10 II II 1711 171 170 17s 113 1XXII 9X 1XX] 1 li,ii 1 7lil 1,400 1.701 47(1 .",24 71 S9 9 1 X!l 3!)S 171 171 192 17X 210 9X 1SS2 117 1 xx3 2 1 fill 2.1:7.1 077 0X0 111 134 BOB II 2111 240 21,1 293, 141 IXX4 2.11-lx 2.0 IX 002 !IX 127 211 200 131 ixxr, l..",.",(i I. :,;,i i 1 312 40S 394 S9 71 VI 71 121, ::i> I0S 171 192 17x 117 !X«7 '.IX Ixxx l.7!IX 2.390 1,7!)S 2.3!)0 742 94 134 91 131 "iiin 19 202 22s 31 1 121 1XX9 IBB lx:iii 2 .7X(I 2..7X!) SO 2 12.", 1 19 7 IX 293 319 1X3 1X91 2.012 2 7X!I 2.012 2.7S!) XII 911 127 171 l.il 171 727 773 293 293 319 3 11, 1X3 1x92 1X3 1*93 2 977 3.4x1 3.071 2,97a 3,4X1 3,071 930 1.0X7 1.2 IX I'.l IX,", IS." ITS SOS 979 92, 1 3, I'.l 307 39B 37 1 122 Ifil 21 I'.l 1X94 249 2 I'.l IXllli 3,", 14 3,514 3, Ball 1,047 1 . 1 .71 1ST 1S7 21 1 21 1 1.02S 1 nun 307 39B 122 171 219 |X!I7 249 Is! PS 3,92.x :!.x7x 3.92X 3.X7X 1.207 1,212 1S7 ins 211 l.l 12 1.072 39B 427 1.,! ISO 32,1 IX! ill 2X0 utnutes on page 366 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B12. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Constant-Cost Valuation- Continued [Investment data, millions of 1982 dollars] State and local Total Equipment Structures Total Year Buildings Highways and streets Conserva- tion and development Sewer systems Water supply facilities Education- al Hospital Other' Other 2 1900 4,156 4,205 4,450 5,639 5,979 5,640 5,530 6,806 7,891 7,580 8,190 9,006 8,234 8,895 9,778 12,529 10,277 8,300 6,979 7,849 8,396 14,840 17,442 15,103 17,296 17,315 17,891 20,305 21,315 21,401 25,147 25,346 19,974 12,452 15,566 14,581 25,659 21,169 25,341 29,372 21,602 15,470 8,737 4,760 4,234 4,969 9,945 18,345 21,825 23,941 27,019 27,274 27,914 30,671 37,862 41,266 42,415 44,836 47,247 48,751 49,657 53,315 54,426 60,235 63,992 67,908 72,800 78,632 82,582 78.032 73,326 71,288 69,936 67,495 69,469 66,368 62,521 56,824 60,871 58,791 59,352 54.173 51,993 52,323 56,640 61,950 182 263 244 288 286 308 292 366 422 236 23 166 279 455 356 234 176 6 348 530 906 1,000 937 1,205 1,186 1,554 1,244 1,356 1,274 948 728 885 987 1,380 1,547 1,726 1,273 896 832 577 551 537 588 1,927 2,468 2,644 2,819 3,027 3,320 3,379 3,792 4,006 4,366 4,567 2,995 3,169 3,529 3,651 3,868 4,291 4,809 5,225 5,900 7,546 7,902 8,403 8,787 9,134 10,174 8,253 8,830 8,502 8,322 8,174 8,568 9,215 9,657 9,428 9,830 11.029 12,430 13,519 4,156 4,205 4,268 5,376 5,735 5,352 5,244 6,498 7,599 7,214 7,768 8,771 8,212 8,730 9,499 12,073 9,921 8,066 6,803 7,843 8,396 14,840 17,094 14,574 16,389 16,315 16,954 19,101 20,128 19,846 23,903 23,990 18,700 11,504 14,838 13,696 24,672 19,789 23,794 27,646 20,329 14,573 7,904 4,182 3,683 4,431 9,358 16,418 19,357 21,297 24,200 24,247 24,593 27,292 34,070 37,259 38,049 40,268 44,252 45,582 46,128 49,664 :,(l,',58 55,944 59,183 62,683 66,900 71,086 74,680 69,628 64,540 62,154 59,762 59,243 60,639 57,866 54,199 48,650 52,303 49,576 49,695 44,745 42,163 41,294 44,210 48,430 1,337 1,359 1,158 1,479 1,437 1,395 1,399 1,693 2,114 1,905 2,025 2,266 2,103 2,281 2,370 2,638 2,081 1,588 1,432 1,564 1,357 2,689 3,526 3,186 3,083 3,960 3,950 3,670 3,818 3,959 3,989 3,582 1,881 766 2,116 2,127 4,853 2,885 3,511 5,295 1,711 1,625 1,178 526 303 432 943 1,471 3,677 4,533 5,410 6,298 6,482 6,894 8.828 9,930 9,580 10,198 10,666 9,972 10,547 11,505 11,176 12,678 13,687 15,014 18,039 19,674 19,046 16,837 15,108 13,869 13,116 14,139 13,892 13,563 10,613 8,474 8,829 8,743 9,251 7,067 5,905 5,181 5,141 5,983 223 223 178 229 229 214 221 276 343 305 332 368 339 356 374 428 339 258 225 258 236 392 619 506 524 604 673 800 1,091 1,020 1,275 1,342 1,134 688 696 493 933 448 1,057 1,409 556 396 290 345 434 600 594 323 ' 777 1,416 1,665 1,639 1,547 1,222 1,231 1,177 985 1,116 1,366 1,428 1,316 1,194 1,332 1,253 1,348 1,395 1,335 1,830 1,975 2,035 1,898 2,071 1,950 1,830 2,060 2,579 2,528 2,058 1,918 1,526 1,462 1,512 1,366 1,416 1,219 1,081 247 245 223 270 250 252 258 312 381 343 368 405 392 410 428 499 399 296 270 294 350 550 599 570 595 1,030 1,267 1,390 1,394 1,480 1,516 2,000 1,194 672 1,522 1,169 2,547 1,701 2,102 3,409 1,978 990 262 184 629 1,132 1,696 1,896 1,689 1,231 1,669 2,252 2,764 2,554 2,819 3,074 " 3,154 3,444 3,864 3,608 4,125 4,342 4,577 4,577 5,905 6,691 7,869 6,512 7,240 7,096 7,244 8,247 6,746 5,534 4,807 6,071 5,154 5,685 5,131 5,269 5,379 5,419 6,004 1,132 1,042 1,540 1,926 2,390 2,101 1,957 2,525 2,694 2,793 3,016 3,466 3,279 3,411 3,961 5,724 4,925 4.188 3,376 4,169 4,951 8,870 9,564 7,813 9,085 6,381 6,648 7,671 8,694 8,838 11,356 11,393 10,528 7,106 7,168 6,198 9,417 9,178 11,161 11,124 10,872 7,820 4,121 2,240 1,983 2,250 4,749 6,268 6,932 8,664 10,240 9,293 10,222 11,976 15,661 16,661 16,945 18,037 20,812 21,796 21,204 22,789 23,958 26,042 25,874 26,646 27,935 27,548 28,400 26,507 25,804 25,542 23,892 22,303 19,615 17,705 17,875 16,055 15,863 15,467 15,455 15,140 15,576 16,879 18.887 20,755 9 45 88 177 254 232 202 125 202 613 529 730 720 511 577 254 90 119 155 188 266 289 262 192 252 284 435 590 558 500 554 639 681 828 1,289 1,277 1,775 1,775 2,029 1,894 1,739 1,490 1,148 972 797 980 1.046 1,440 1,162 846 862 951 950 908 811 709 899 425 456 408 516 494 480 480 581 701 641 701 780 730 787 806 998 737 600 442 526 516 826 977 893 1,018 1,565 1,706 2,047 2,153 1,477 1,690 1,462 1,045 652 1,229 1,263 2,527 2,155 2,327 2,505 1,878 1,135 710 352 239 330 770 1,297 1,796 2,070 2,128 2,214 2,197 2,488 2,667 2,783 3,116 - 3,396 3,573 3,807 3,615 3,700 4,220 3,656 5,038 4,476 4,710 3,712 5,222 4,240 4,488 4,775 4,713 5,303 7,426 8,110 8,479 8,021 9,217 8,846 8,021 6,241 5,529 5,137 5,927 6,336 499 528 456 583 562 542 559 660 799 739 799 900 826 883 922 1,037 785 614 650 703 662 1,058 1,255 1,121 1,459 1,706 1,647 1,624 1,376 1,465 2,393 2,000 1,318 725 855 925 1,209 1,031 1,168 1,320 1,571 1,288 710 390 394 473 754 1,124 1,407 1,550 1,533 1,823 1,793 1,737 1,944 2,127 2,372 2,174 2,004 1,934 2,065 2,261 2,328 3.021 3,319 4,263 3,507 4,097 4,687 3,976 3,082 2,580 2,587 2,389 2,663 2,884 2,517 2,678 3,548 3,018 3,633 3,103 2,902 2,044 2,518 2,557 293 1901 352 1902 305 1903 373 1904 373 1905 368 1906 370 1907 450 1908 567 1909 488 1910 528 1911 586 1912 544 1913 600 1914 638 1915 750 1916 657 1917 521 1918 408 191!) 328 1920 324 1921 455 1922 553 1923 485 1924 626 1925 1,060 1926 1,018 1927 1,811 1928 1,425 1929 1,353 1930 1,451 1931. ... 2,009 1932 . ... 1,474 1933 .... 694 1934 639 1935 . . 992 1936 . ... 2,455 1937 .. .. 1,671 1938 .. 1,956 1939 2,007 1940 1,510 1941 1,231 1942 634 1943 329 1944 329 1945 346 1946 1,246 1947 5,151 i'';- 3,446 1949 1,103 1950 1,039 1951 1,030 1952 931 1953 1,055 1954 . ... 1,204 1955 1,383 1956 .. .. 1,906 1957 1,970 1958 . ... 2,257 1959 . ., 2,937 I960 3,299 1961 3,669 106 ' 3,108 1963 3.881 1964 4,298 1965 .... 4,538 I'n... 5,022 I'",- 6,290 1968 6,764 1969 .... 6,425 I'lTn 6,157 1971 4,929 1972 5,438 1973 5,237 1974 . , 5,756 1975 5,233 1976 5,213 1977 5,395 1978 6,012 1'iT'i 5,960 1980 5,237 l'IKl 5,601 1982 4,708 !'!-', 4,447 1984 4,391 1985 4,815 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 367 Table B13. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation [Investment data, millions of dollars] Federal Total Equipment Structures Year Total Excluding military Military Total Buildings Highways and streets Conser- vation and development Other- Militarv facilities Industrial Education- al Hospital Other' 1X5IJ 1 1 1) II I) 1) I) 1 ix:, 1 1! I) 2 n II 1 1) 1 1X52 1 1 1) II 1 II II 1X53 1 I) 1 1) (1 1 11 II 1854 2 11 2 1) 1 1) 1 1855 3 3 (I 2 n 1 1X5K 3 (1 3 ii 2 1) 1 1857 :, n ,", I) 3 II 2 1X58 5 n 5 II 3 (I 2 1X5!) 4 4 n 2 (1 -' 1X1111 2 2 II II 1 lxoi 2 2 II II II 1 1X02 2 1) 2 II II 1) 2 lxc,:i 3 1) 3 (1 (1 11 II (1 :i 1804 4 II 4 II (1 II II 11 1 18(15 i; II i; II II II II ;, 18K(i r, II 5 II 11 II II 1 18117 4 II 4 II II II 1 2 1X0X II II 11 1) 2 3 1X09 7 o (1 II 7 II 1) 3 3 i 1X70 1 1X71 X II X II 3 3 2 1X72 HI II 111 II 4 4 2 1x7:; 13 II 13 (1 II 1 :i 1X71 15 II 15 (1 7 ;, 3 1X75 15 II 15 (1 X ;, 2 1X70 13 II 13 II 7 ;, 1 1X77 11) II 1(1 ii .", l 1 1878.. . 7 II 7 n 4 3 II 1X7!) X II X ii 3 ■"' II 1XX0 9 1) !l 1) 3 II 1XX1 9 11 15 II II 11 9 11 15 ii 1) II 3 II 3 II HI II 1XX2 11 1883 4 1 1XX.1 15 I) 15 II .", X 2 18X5 . . .. 14 I) 14 1) .", 7 2 1880. . 12 II 12 11 4 2 18X7 !l II 9 II 4 4 1 1XXX 12 II 12 II 5 1 1XX!I 15 (1 15 II ' 2 1891) IX II 18 II !) 3 1801 17 II 17 II !l 2 18(12 1!) II 19 II 7 !l 3 22 1) 22 (1 7 HI .", IX!) 1 25 II 25 (1 l.'l 1895 20 II 20 (I 5 15 i; 1X90 , 24 23 II II II 24 23 27 (I ii II 2 14 12 13 ;" 1X97 o 1X9X 9 1X99 31 II 31 1) 5 II 1 12 See footnotes on page 970 368 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B13. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation- Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Federal Total Equipment Structures Year Total Excluding military Military Total Build ngs Highways and streets Conser- vation and development Other 2 Military facilities Industrial Education- al Hospital Other 1 1900 33 38 51 55 68 78 79 74 80 93 95 90 91 79 83 90 74 1,529 4,394 1,685 524 202 139 206 132 130 127 133 151 211 291 376 412 630 984 1,213 1,045 1,012 1,117 1,250 1,666 8,559 29,164 45,214 45,693 34,686 2,934 2,185 2,748 4,019 4,469 9,682 17,974 18,160 15,253 13,002 12,073 10.331 10,846 11,733 12,683 14,083 13,739 14,456 14,148 13,820 14,805 13,504 13,628 13,438 13,740 1 1,352 17,079 16,422 16,508 20,688 23,010 24,984 31.649 35,345 39,898 45,501 60 -:'.i 61.866 69,189 81,828 14 16 19 22 21 17 18 22 22 23 22 15 15 17 885 2,840 579 290 77 37 62 24 31 25 30 37 56 82 105 79 114 359 408 309 329 432 495 486 5,021 20,230 40,327 43,398 33,033 2,299 1,334 1,584 2,546 2,842 6,693 13,787 14,027 11,815 10,220 9.349 7,512 7,816 8,497 9,349 10,494 10,146 10,766 10,533 10.086 11,082 10,267 10,442 10,475 10,727 10,665 13.249 11,777 11,520 14,638 16,919 17,636 23,595 26,963 30.339 35,392 50,982 51,181 58,844 70,104 I) 8 73 282 215 62 12 46 24 14 14 18 22 37 53 65 45 78 312 371 280 292 332 304 298 1,101 4,219 6,913 4,938 2,811 532 343 406 446 665 1,026 1,828 1,878 1,468 1,485 1,042 776 794 923 1.417 1,445 909 1,369 1,919 2,263 2,417 2,225 1,907 1,783 1,590 1,565 1,622 1,374 1,399 1,565 1,938 2,961 4,101 3,113 3,617 3,888 4,095 1.909 4,608 6,855 14 16 19 22 21 17 18 22 22 23 22 15 15 17 877 2,767 297 75 15 25 16 17 11 12 15 19 29 40 34 36 47 37 29 37 100 191 188 3,920 16,011 33,414 38,460 30,222 1,767 991 1,178 2,100 2,177 5,667 11,959 12,149 10,347 8,735 8,307 6.736 7,022 7,574 7,932 9,049 9,237 9,397 8,614 7,823 8,665 8,042 8,535 8,692 9.137 9,100 11,627 10,403 10,121 13,073 14,981 14,675 19,494 23,850 26,722 31,504 46,887 46,272 54,236 63,249 33 38 37 39 49 56 58 57 62 71 73 67 69 64 68 73 74 644 1,554 1,106 234 125 102 144 108 99 102 103 114 155 209 271 333 516 625 805 736 683 685 755 1,180 3,538 8,934 4,887 2,295 1,653 635 851 1,164 1,473 1,627 2,989 4,187 4,133 3,438 2,782 2,724 2,819 3,030 3,236 3,334 3,589 3,593 3,690 3,615 3,734 3,723 3,237 3,186 2,963 3,013 3,687 3,830 4,645 4,988 6,050 6,091 7,348 8,054 8,382 9,559 10,109 9,837 10,685 10,345 11,724 2 11 2 4 2 12 23 164 1,280 3,437 1,870 1,230 755 113 96 196 177 224 974 1,684 1,771 1,506 721 453 473 408 368 407 472 303 265 225 228 209 250 353 359 315 400 245 477 541 560 615 791 885 1,069 1,379 1.592 1,566 2,037 1.231 2,264 I) 1 1 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 58 3 2 18 9 9 6 8 8 11 11 20 '28 29 26 24 14 13 22 14 11 15 19 26 57 48 16 6 10 22 40 39 30 22 18 11 10 . 1 2 4 7 5 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 10 10 30 98 169 146 132 113 66 35 22 37 45 35 58 56 55 55 89 102 121 130 69 69 95 129 150 90 75 90 169 206 259 296 287 340 442 409 391 461 496 6 10 10 10 13 15 15 14 15 17 20 14 15 14 12 17 16 18 20 16 7 16 20 53 10 18 15 6 24 40 59 122 84 48 52 66 74 67 52 63 70 55 31 32 38 28 16 117 129 75 56 82 91 53 85 74 153 223 253 252 384 534 741 809 688 433 319 188 166 212 269 380 331 417 252 939 626 639 671 746 520 732 975 1,194 1 3 4 3 4 7 9 10 10 10 11 11 17 22 21 44 61 64 53 42 37 35 30 26 17 7 7 11 21 34 39 57 45 41 50 63 65 70 77 100 113 94 136 134 160 183 173 169 248 244 233 211 253 288 299 268 257 307 339 396 421 528 456 751 654 468 516 578 13 14 13 13 17 19 22 26 29 32 31 30 32 35 40 36 28 27 29 39 55 52 48 65 79 73 61 63 72 86 111 135 139 338 445 637 569 510 484 495 495 488 350 285 163 130 240 394 629 793 881 853 854 830 704 598 675 818 885 972 1,005 1,200 1,297 1,337 1,390 1,506 1,665 1,497 1,363 1,190 1,367 1,645 1.762 1,955 2,244 2,638 2,839 3,088 3,860 3,915 4,270 4,404 4,119 3,998 3.926 3.599 1 3 9 13 5 10 7 5 5 3 1 1 2 3 10 13 9 9 6 4 8 8 9 12 17 20 37 48 ' 53 138 17 14 30 28 25 23 25 25 25 22 25 25 29 14 23 45 91 77 99 76 50 49 43 27 27 30 50 72 167 241 223 249 274 269 301 238 264 183 204 202 211 71 14 1901 14 1902 14 1903 16 1904 19 1905 22 1906 21 1907 17 1908 18 1909 22 1910 22 1911 23 1912 22 1913 15 1914 15 1915 17 1916 21 1917 586 1918 1.499 1919 1,038 1920 161 1921 49 1922 25 1923 16 1924 9 1925 8 1926 11 1927 12 1928 15 1929 19 1930 29 1931 40 1932 34 1933 36 1934 47 1935 37 1936 29 1937 37 1938 62 1939 125 1940 385 1941 1,620 1942 5,016 1943 2,550 1944 837 1945 690 1946 188 1947 204 1948 158 1949 137 1950 177 1951 887 1952 1,387 1953 1,290 1954 1,003 1955 1,287 1956 1,360 1957 1,287 1958 1,402 1959 1,465 1960 1.366 1961 1,371 1962 1,266 1963 1,180 1964 910 1965. . . 838 1966. . . 727 1967 ... 695 196* 808 1969 : 879 1970 718 1971 901 1972 972 1973 1,192 1974 1,254 1975. . .. 1,694 1976 1,560 1977 . 1,596 1978 1,643 1979 1980 1,666 2,140 1981 1,961 1982 2,343 1983 2,839 1984 3,014 1985 3,512 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH 369 Table B13. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation- Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars) State and local Total Equipment Structures Total Year Buildings Highways and streets Conserva- tion and development Sewer systems Water supply facilities Education- al Hospital Other 1 Other 2 1850 7 7 7 7 7 13 13 20 20 13 1) 1) 7 13 20 33 33 40 53 67 87 67 60 50 47 53 60 60 74 94 87 80 67 54 74 87 100 100 107 114 127 134 127 132 142 151 (1 I) (1 (1 1) 1) 1) 7 7 7 7 7 13 13 20 20 13 7 (1 (1 7 13 20 33 33 40 53 67 87 67 60 50 47 53 60 60 74 94 87 80 67 54 74 87 100 101) 107 114 127 134 127 132 142 151 7 7 7 13 13 20 20 13 7 7 () 7 7 13 20 20 24 31 39 51 39 36 30 27 31 36 20 24 31 28 27 21 17 24 28 32 32 36 37 41 47 39 43 45 49 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 I) 1) I) 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 5 5 4 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 1) II I) 1) 16 20 25 23 21 18 14 20 23 27 27 28 30 34 33 36 35 40 40 (J ■0 I) 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 9 7 6 5 5 6 6 6 8 10 9 8 7 6 8 9 11 11 11 12 13 14 13 14 14 16 2 2 4 4 5 6 8 11 8 7 6 6 6 7 7 9 11 11 10 8 7 9 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 16 18 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1 1M',:- 1 1869 . ,. 2 1870 9 1871 . 3 1872 4 1873 1874 6 1875 1876 4 1877 3 1878 3 1879 4 1880 4 1881 4 1882 5 1883 6 1884 6 1885 1886 5 1887 4 1888 1889 6 1890 7 1891. ... 7 1892 7 1893 8 1894 9 1895 9 1896 9 1897 9 1898 12 1899 11 See footnotes on page 370 370 FIXED REPRODUCIBLE TANGIBLE WEALTH Table B13. — Fixed Nonresidential Government Capital, by Type of Government and Type of Equipment and Structures, Historical-Cost Valuation- Continued [Investment data, millions of dollars] Year State and local Equipment Structures Total Buildings Education- al Hospital Other 1 Highways and streets Conserva- tion and development Sewer systems Water supply facilities Other 2 1900... 1901... 1902... 1903... 1904... 1905... 1906... 1907... 1908... 1909... 1910... 1911... 1912... 1913... 1914... 1915... 1916... 1917... 1918... 1919... 1920... 1921... 1922... 1923... 1924... 1925 1926... 1927... 1928... 1929... 1930... 1931... 1932... 1933... 1934... 1935... 1936... 1937... 1938... 1939... 1940... 1941... 1942. 1943... 1944. . 1945... 1946. 1947... 1948.. 1949.. 1950... 1951.. 1952.. 1953.. 1954. 1955.. 1956.. 1957.. 1958.. 1959.. I960.. 1961.. 1962.. 1963. 1964.. 1965.. 1966. 1967.. 19«t- 1969. 1970.. 1971.. 1972.. 1973.. 1974.. 1975.. 1976. 1977.. 1978.. 1979.. 1980.. 1981.. 1982 1983. 1984.. 1985.. 165 182 199 268 284 287 296 364 409 398 441 479 444 ■is;, 537 696 683 658 635 815 1,120 1.442 1,639 1,602 1.943 2.213 2,221 2,533 2,593 2,603 2,863 2,605 1,729 1,278 1,700 1,557 2,872 2.526 2.963 3,279 2.469 1,949 1,322 780 668 769 1,655 3,436 4.545 5,189 5,697 6,602 6,979 7,652 9,165 9,970 11,224 12,378 12,718 13,045 13,127 14,112 14,688 16,587 17,892 19.570 21,815 24,451 26,898 27,3.57 27,773 29,153 30,247 31,363 38,221 40,425 39.238 37.563 44,866 49,448 55,768 53.472 51.993 52,871 59,044 67.609 15 20 20 22 23 26 23 32 37 23 2 15 26 48 41 33 31 1 55 88 153 171 164 212 210 272 214 217 200 146 115 138 153 236 263 291) 219 164 164 112 108 108 124 422 622 778 908 1.006 1,071 1,206 1,278 1,480 1,626 1,120 1.141 1,274 1,329 1,412 1,562 1,789 1,954 2,248 2,958 3,224 3,563 3,910 4,238 4.802 4.019 4,777 5,271 5,509 5.697 6,392 7,427 8,440 8,966 9.830 11,316 12,989 14.416 165 182 184 248 264 265 273 338 386 366 404 456 442 470 511 648 642 625 604 814 1.120 1,442 1,584 1.514 1,790 2.039 2,057 2,321 2,383 2,331 2,649 2,388 1,529 1,132 1,585 1,419 2,719 2,290 2,700 2,989 2,250 1,785 1,158 668 560 661 1,531 3,014 3,923 4,491 4,919 5,694 5.973 6,581 7,959 8,692 9,744 10,752 11,598 11,904 11,853 12,783 13.276 15,025 16.103 17,616 19,567 21,493 23,674 23,794 23,863 24,915 25,445 27,344 33,444 35,154 33.729 31,866 38,474 42,021 47,328 44,506 42.163 41.555 46,055 53,193 54 61 52 71 69 72 76 92 111 100 110 123 118 128 133 148 141 129 133 170 190 274 342 346 353 400 399 367 378 388 363 283 126 49 146 151 364 251 30!) 466 154 156 126 61 37 54 127 262 708 952 1,140 1.514 1,601 1,707 2,130 2,439 2,552 2,820 2,866 2,648 2,801 3,034 2,971 3,455 3,781 4,279 5,340 5,985 6,063 5,868 5,613 5,564 5,700 6,609 7,272 7,755 6,336 5,449 6.242 6,863 8,011 6,707 5,905 5,357 5,547 6,683 9 10 8 11 11 11 12 15 18 16 18 20 19 20 21 24 23 21 21 28 33 40 60 55 60 61 108 100 116 106 76 41 48 35 70 39 93 124 50 38 31 40 53 75 84 56 142 296 353 395 382 303 298 283 263 309 360 374 347 315 348 339 370 399 387 547 630 710 708 833 850 850 1,072 1,483 1,509 1,323 1,356 1,198 1,266 1,435 1,366 1,464 1,315 1,207 10 11 10 13 12 13 14 17 20 18 20 22 22 23 24 28 27 24 25 32 49 56 58 62 68 104 128 139 138 145 138 158 80 43 105 83 191 148 185 300 178 95 28 27 124 248 363 402 407 304 414 545 680 682 781 827 839 916 1,024 967 1,126 1.207 1,309 1,364 1,807 2,141 2,754 2,429 2,932 3,094 3,419 4,338 3,879 3,304 3,091 4,292 4,046 4,923 4,869 5,269 5,562 5,847 6,707 43 44 65 87 108 102 100 129 133 138 154 177 173 180 209 302 314 320 295 426 652 850 872 798 978 1,072 1,057 1,212 1,278 1,255 1,499 1,333 937 803 939 781 1,309 1,184 1,384 1,346 1,272 1,040 717 439 355 387 869 1,310 1,622 1,958 2,089 2,314 2,627 2,958 3,649 3,782 4,338 4,834 5,432 5,667 5,301 5,720 6,205 6,901 6,960 7,381 8,157 8,347 9,088 9,039 9,728 10,370 10,130 10,237 11,808 11,597 11,404 10,484 12,135 14,369 16.769 16,048 15,576 16,575 19,265 23,619 II 1 5 10 20 29 26 21 11 21 73 63 89 95 67 75 33 12 20 30 41 59 61 59 46 62 69 103 151 153 134 149 170 184 226 357 360 513 529 627 610 593 541 450 410 358 495 619 903 774 598 673 821 896 908 820 727 939 17 19 17 23 22 23 24 29 35 32 35 39 38 41 42 52 46 45 38 53 67 78 88 90 108 133 145 174 183 127 142 114 69 45 102 101 230 209 235 243 184 118 76 37 26 37 97 188 300 354 383 425 435 520 568 615 701 781 836 906 882 914 1,072 947 1,325 1,195 1,300 1,058 1,551 1,344 1,544 1,829 2,003 2,429 3,884 4,801 5.342 5,374 6,765 7,298 7,171 5,935 5,529 5,260 6,241 6,837 20 22 19 26 25 26 28 33 40 37 40 45 43 46 48 54 49 46 56 71 86 100 113 113 155 145 140 138 117 126 201 156 87 50 71 74 110 100 118 128 154 134 76 41 43 53 95 163 235 265 276 350 355 363 414 470 574 563 551 561 605 667 682 882 956 1,266 1,066 1,270 1,514 1,336 1,094 996 1,076 1,068 1,382 1,765 1,631 1,810 2,661 2,490 3,266 3,004 2.902 2,083 2,621 2,705 12 15 13 17 17 18 19 23 29 25 27 30 29 32 34 40 42 40 36 34 43 44 51 50 68 123 115 201 161 161 164 217 143 77 101 131 356 264 309 307 225 192 104 50 46 55 212 881 627 244 215 230 223 254 286 320 483 511 592 760 831 925 805 1,018 1,144 1.274 1.424 1,852 2,077 2,150 2,206 1,941 2,182 2,374 3,193 3,255 3.300 3,561 4,425 5,084 5,101 5.612 4,708 4,434 4,492 4,496 1. Consists of general office buildings, police and fire stations, courthouses, auditoriums, ga- rages, passenger terminals, etc. 2. Consists of electric and gas facilities, transit systems, airfields, etc. TORFPiVi DATE DUE <^ y 4^S? Demco, Inc. 38-293