A Bibliography of USTS Research Publications 1979 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Travel Service Research and Analysis Division introduction The United States Travel Service has the re- sponsibility to provide tourism data for use by the Government, U.S. regions, States, cities, and the travel industry in developing tourism to and within the United States. The agency pro- vides, on a regular and ongoing basis, data describing the current and future dimensions of the travel market — to, from, and within the United States as well as the U.S. competitive position in the worldwide international market. A goal of the research program is to improve the reliability, comparability, and comprehen- siveness of tourism data to continually meet the increasing needs of those involved in tourism. Research publications of the U.S. Travel Serv- ice deal with two primary areas: Basic Data — USTS basic data research re- ports present and analyze comprehensive statistical information on international travel to and from the United States. Included are data on: Foreign visitor arrivals; U.S. citizen departures; use of U.S. and foreign air car- riers; U.S. ports-of-entry for foreign visitors; international tourism spending accounts; and detailed destination profiles of foreign travel- ers in the United States. Monthly, quarterly, and annual reports and a yearly historical series are issued. Market Research Data — USTS market re- search reports provide descriptive and pre- dictive data on the characteristics of both the current and potential foreign travel markets for the United States. This informa- tion is designed to help States, cities, and the travel industry plan and develop effective marketing strategies for increasing interna- tional travel to and within this country. These reports reflect interpreted findings of primary research studies of the international travel market from a selected number of major tourist-generating countries. v- O *- 8 a o a USTS domestic tourism research reports pro- vide reliable, consistent statistical information on the volume of domestic travel, characteris- tics and motivations of American travelers, and the economic impact of travel in the United States. Additionally, several reports provide the tools necessary for cities, States, regions, or individual tourism organizations to locally plan, implement, and evaluate tourism programs. These tools also include guidelines for standardizing travel/tourism definitions and survey methodologies. The following publications are prepared by the USTS: Basic Data Summary and Analysis of International Travel to the United States (Monthly) This report provides statistics on foreign visitor arrivals to the United States by country and region of residence, mode of transport, and type of visa. The report is based on secondary data sources and an analysis of Government Entry Forms 1-94. Monthly reports are available free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, United States Travel Service, U.S. Department of Com- merce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Summary and Analysis of International Travel to/from the United States (Quarterly) This report provides a quarterly and cumulative- to-date summary review of the international travel market to and from the United States. Detailed statistical information is presented on: 1) Foreign visitor arrivals to the United States; 2) travel abroad by American citizens and 3) U.S. travel dollar accounts. The report is based on secondary data sources including the Immi- gration and Naturalization Service, the U.S. De- partment of Transportation, Statistics Canada, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. De- partment of Commerce. Quarterly reports available free upon request from the Office of Policy and Research, United States Travel Service, U.S. Department of Com- merce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Summary and Analysis of International Travel to/from the United States — Calendar Year 1977 and Historical Series from 1965 (Annual) This publication, updated annually, presents a statistical summary of the international travel market to and from the United States during 1965 through 1977. Included are the following data analyses: 1) U.S. share of international ar- rivals and receipts; 2) foreign arrivals to the United States; 3) U.S. travel abroad; 4) U.S. travel dollar accounts; and 5) the U.S. share of the travel markets from six major USTS market countries. The report is based on secondary data sources including the Immigration and Naturaliation Service, the U.S. Department of Transportation, Statistics Canada, Banco de Mexico, the World Tourism Organization, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce. Available free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, United States Travel Serv- ice, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Foreign Visitor Arrivals: 1967-1977 (Annual) This two-page leaflet contains an 11 -year history of travel to the United States by country of permanent residence. It also provides the per- cent change in the number of visitors for each year during the 11-year period. The most recent edition, published in 1978, covers the period 1967-1977. Available free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, United States Travel Serv- ice, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Foreign Visitor Arrivals by Selected Ports (An- nual) This yearly report documents the volume of for- eign visitor arrivals by country of residence, type of visa, mode of travel, and port of entry for 32 selected U.S. ports. (Data on Canadian travel to the United States are not included in these reports, as Canadians are not required to com- plete 1-94 Forms on entering this country.) The most recent available report covers calendar year 1977. USTS is currently evaluating the pos- sibility of expanding this report to provide com- prehensive analyses of the port-of-entry data, including individual State reports (aggregated totals for ports-of-entry within certain States) and an expanded number of U.S. port reports. Upon reprogramming, this new report will be issued quarterly. Copies of the existing report are available free upon request from the Office of Policy and Research, United States Travel Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. 1976 Patterns of Foreign Travel in the United States (December 1978) This report provides a detailed analysis of for- eign visitor profile data tailored and published for each of the nine U.S. tourist regions, 23 U.S. States and territories, and 14 major tourist cities. These analyses are based on a random sample of over 33,000 Government Entry Forms I-94 and provide profile information concerning port- of-entry, point of contact in the United States, port-of-departure, length of stay, age, mode of transport and flag of carrier. In addition to the summary report, brochures detailing the following are available: • Overseas regions: Total overseas and Europe • Countries: Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zea- land, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela • U.S. regions: New England, Eastern Gateway, the South, George Washington Country, Great Lakes Country, Mountain West, Frontier West, Far West, and the Islands. • States: Alaska, California, Colorado, Connec- ticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. • Cities: Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Honolulu, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Fran- cisco, Seattle, Washington, D.C. • Special: Age, length of stay and U.S. flag air carriers Available free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, United States Travel Serv- ice, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. International Tourism Fact Sheet (Quarterly) Fact sheets contain summaries of most recent statistical information on international tourism to the United States, the world tourism market, U.S. travel dollar balance, or American travel abroad. In addition, information is listed on new or continuing programs of USTS. Some issues include informational summaries related to spe- cialized topics, such as tourism and energy use, tourism and employment or tourism in world trade. Primarily designed for use by the press, especially travel trade publications, these sum- maries are also of interest to the business and financial community and the tourism industry. Copies available free upon request. Contact: Advertising and Media Services Division, United States Travel Service, U.S. Department of Com- merce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Market Research Data USTS International Travel Market Surveys (1978) Eleven individual market research reports, pub- lished during 1978, provide in-depth, compara- ble analyses of the international travel markets from the following countries: Mexico, Japan, the United Kingdom, West Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Australia and Venezuela. These reports reflect the find- ings of major concurrent market surveys con- ducted by USTS in these countries in 1977, utilizing personal, in-house interview survey techniques. The studies investigate the interna- tional travel habits, patterns and preferences for residents of each country, including demo- graphic characteristics, travel and trip patterns, trip expenditure patterns, consumer sources and usages of information, the U.S. travel image and competitive positioning, trip activities, motiva- tional/psychographic characteristics and the ef- fects of the U.S. Bicentennial on travel planning in 1976. These reports are available free upon request from the Office of Policy and Research, U.S. Travel Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. When ordering, please specify the individual report(s) requested as fol- lows: "(country name) — A Study of the Interna- tional Travel Market." A Regional Analysis of International Travel to the United States (February 1979) This report is based on data from 11 compre- hensive market research surveys conducted by USTS (see listing for USTS International Travel Market Surveys, above), and provides in-depth analyses of international travel to each of the eight U.S. Mainland regions as well as a brief overview of international travel to the U.S. Is- lands. Specifically, it provides a demographic analysis and trip profile of travel to these re- gions from the 11 major tourist generating countries. Available free upon request from the Office of Policy and Research, United States Travel Serv- ice, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. 1977 Vacation Travel by Canadians in the United States (February 1979) This report analyzes a survey series entitled "Vacation Travel by Canadians," conducted an- nually by Traveldata International for both the United States and Canada. The study was spon- sored by the United States Travel Service, the Canadian Government Office of Tourism, the Manitoba Department of Tourism, the Trans Canada Telephone System and the Montreal Star, Ltd. The survey is the 12th in the annual series and represents travel by Canadians in 1977. Cana- dian travel habits and traveler characteristics are described. The report incorporates series data, in some cases dating to 1966, to facilitate trend analyses. This report contains three volumes. Volume I — Summary Report — provides information on Ca- nadian travel to the United States as a whole. Volume II — Destinations — highlights Canadian travel to the nine United States tourist regions. Volume III — Origins — analyzes the three key Canadian vacation travel markets for United States travel. In addition to vacation data, the 1977 survey explored "non-vacation" travel to the United States from Canada — rounding out a complete analysis of overnight travel to the United States. Available free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, United States Travel Serv- ice, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Market for International Congresses (August 1975) This study was designed to determine the pres- ent and prospective size and economic impact of the international congress and convention market. The analysis also examines the facilities and services provided and required, as well as the procedures and practices for selecting con- vention sites. An extensive series of analytical interviews was conducted throughout the world in the course of the study. Considerable secon- dary material was also collected and analyzed. More than 200 interviews were conducted in- volving a broad range of organizations, admin- istrations and individual experts in Europe, North America, and the Far East. The con- gresses included were non-government events with recognized serious purposes, and interna- tional in scope by virtue of their attendance, location or both. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Market Analysis: Brazil (January 1976) This study provides the findings of a survey of residents of Brazil during the spring of 1975 to determine 1) the nature and characteristics of international travel from Brazil, and 2) travel attitudes, preferences and patterns of Brazilian international travelers. A three-stage area clus- ter probability sample was used to randomly select adults 18 years of age and older residing in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Available free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, United States Travel Serv- ice, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Identifying Traveler Markets: Research Metho- dologies and Non-Resident Air Travel to Wash- ington State (March 1979) This study is designed to provide guidance to regions, States and cities in developing and conducting travel research studies. Part I of the manual focuses on research techniques in collecting data as a basis for tourism market- ing programs which contribute to the overall economic goal for the area. Among topics dis- cussed are: Definition of travel research terms; deciding if resources are adequate; defining objectives; sampling; enlisting cooperation of government agencies and carriers; preparation of field materials; field administration; quality control; data processing, and analysis and re- porting. Part II of the manual includes a survey of non- resident air travelers who visited the State of Washington during 1977. The survey was con- ducted to test that portion of the manual dealing with air travel surveys. Copies free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, U.S. Travel Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Creating Economic Growth and Jobs Through Travel and Tourism: A Manual for Community and Business Developers (1979 and 1980) The purpose of this study is to provide tested guidelines for communities and regions to de- sign and implement plans for economic develop- ment and growth through the travel and tourism industry. The manual includes a comprehensive model for a 5-year community development plan, and a planner's manual to help local authorities in applying the model to their communities and/or areas. It was primarily written for use by individuals in county level organizations and governments who had little or no formal training in economic planning and development. The study is being conducted in two phases. Phase I includes guidelines on conducting a resource inventory, a community and business survey, a legal survey, an economic impact survey, a segmentation analysis, a forecast, and the development of short- and long-term mar- keting strategies. Phase II involves the evalua- tion and testing of the guidelines used in the demonstration area. It involves economic impact measurement, marketing, community informa- tion and awareness programs, industry aware- ness and identification programs, human re- sources development and community involve- ment. 10 The study is being conducted by West Virginia University and funded by the United States Travel Service (lead agency); the Economic Development Administration (U.S. Department of Commerce); the Small Business Administra- tion; the Employment and Training Administra- tion (U.S. Department of Labor); the West Vir- ginia Governor's Office of Economic Community Development; and West Virginia University. The preliminary report is expected to be avail- able in March 1979, an expanded version in May 1979, and the final report in September 1980. Copies free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, U.S. Travel Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. City Government, Tourism and Economic De- velopment (April 1979) This study describes the major activities which make tourism development an increasingly sig- nificant component of a city's overall economic development program. Conducted for USTS by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the study is based on a mail survey of travel and tourism programs in all cities with populations of over 100,000 and case studies in four selected cities. It was developed as a guide for cities consider- ing planning and promoting tourism, and are seeking general background information and individuals to contact for more data. Based on the mail survey, the following types of informa- tion were obtained for 150 cities and are in- cluded in the report: • Organizations conducting tourism promotion and development programs such as city de- partments, chambers of commerce, conven- tion bureaus and international visitor agen- cies; • Activities of each organization such as adver- tising, promotion, tour guides, plant visits, research and multilingual publications; • Budgets of each of the identified organiza- tions, including sources of income and expen- ditures by activity; and 11 • Relationships of the organizational units in areas such as planning, programming and funding. Copies free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, U.S. Travel Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Planning Handbook for Community Economic Development (April 1979) This report provides methods and techniques for describing and analyzing subregional eco- nomics at the area and neighborhood levels. The handbook can help build the capacity and expertise of local organizations to effectively implement economic development projects (in- cluding tourism development) which will result in reduced unemployment and improved eco- nomic stability. The study was conducted by the Community Development Corporation in Los Angeles, and was funded by the Economic Development Ad- ministration (lead agency), the United States Travel Service and the Office of Minority Busi- ness Enterprise (U.S. Department of Com- merce); the Office of Neighborhood Develop- ment (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development), and the Community Services Administration. Copies free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, U.S. Travel Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Bibliography: Economic Development Research (1971-1977) (August 1978) This study provides States, cities, and regions with information on all types of economic de- velopment activities, including tourism, to help them in planning and development. The publi- cation includes a short description of current research studies pertaining to economic devel- opment and a listing of pertinent contacts. The study provides sections on: research ab- stracts (international trade, investment impact analysis, markets and marketing, methodology, 12 natural resources, planning, socio-economic characteristics, State and local government fi- nance, transportation, travel, and recreation); State development agencies; industrial direc- tories; statistical abstracts; miscellaneous publi- cations; and additional sources of economic development research information. The study was conducted by Mid-States Re- search Services (Iowa) and was funded by the Economic Development Administration, the United States Travel Service, the National Asso- ciation of State Development Agencies, and the National Council for Urban Economic Develop- ment. Copies free upon request. Contact: Office of Policy and Research, U.S. Travel Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. 1977 Census of Transportation — National Travel Survey (February 1979) The 1977 National Travel Survey was conducted as part of the 1977 Census of Transportation to provide a measure of the volume and character- istics of nonlocal travel by Americans. The sur- vey was sponsored jointly by the U.S. Depart- ment of Transportation, the U.S. Travel Service, and the Bureau of the Census. Information re- garding trips of 100 miles or more (one-way) taken by household members was obtained from a national probability sample of households. Destination, means of transportation, purpose of trip, distance traveled, duration of trip, and selected socioeconomic characteristics of the travelers were some of the data items collected. These data are presented for the total United States, individual States, and selected foreign destinations. Available from the Office of Policy and Re- search, United States Travel Service, U.S. De- partment of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. ■Biir 4000071^^37 ^ e t"X £